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- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00055735/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- An analysis of the scope and quality of the current supply of educational software, and of the available sources of information on educational software
- Creator:
- Bialo, Ellen R.
Sivin, Jay P.
- Publisher:
- U.S. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment
- Publication Date:
- 1987-09-30
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 111 pages.
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Educational technology -- United States -- Evaluation ( LCSH )
Education -- Software -- Evaluation ( LCSH ) Educational technology industries -- United States -- Evaluation ( LCSH )
- Genre:
- federal government publication ( marcgt )
- General Note:
- This report presents an analysis of the scope and quality of the current supply of educational software, as well as analysis of the information sources available to educational software acquisition.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of North Texas
- Holding Location:
- University of North Texas
- Rights Management:
- This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not subject to copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.
- Classification:
- Y 3.T 22/2:2 P 87/analys. ( sudocs )
Aggregation Information
- IUF:
- University of Florida
- OTA:
- Office of Technology Assessment
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AN ANALYSIS OP THI SCOPE AND QUALn'Y OP TBI CURRENT SUPPLY OP IDUCA11ONAL SOn'WAllE, AND OP THI AVAILABLE 80URCB8 OP INPORIIA11ON ON EDUCA110tiJAL SOn"WARE by Ellen R. Blalo and Jay P. Slvln Interactive Educational Systems Design, Inc. September 30, 1987 This document was prepared under a contract with the Office of Technolon Auessment, Congress of the United States, for the useument, Power On. New Tools for Teaching CD1d Leaming. The conclusions are those of the authors. The document does not necesaarlly reflect the analytical flndlnp of OTA, the Advisory Panel, or the Technology Aueument Board.
111m -DO IOI CITI, QUOTI, 01 IIPRODOCI Alt ANALYSIS OF THE SCOPE MD 8UM.ITY OF THE CIIRT SUPPLY OF EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE, AIID OF THE AVAILAkE SOURCES OF INFIIIIIATION ON EDUCATIONAL SDFTIMRE Septllbar lO, 1987 Elltn R, lialo Jay P, Shin lnt1ractiv1 Educational Sy1t111 Dt1i9n, Inc. Thia ia a draft of an Office of Technology Aaaeaant contractor document. It ia being made available solely for review purposes and should not be quoted, cited, circulated, or reproduced.
AN AIIM.YSIS OF THE SCOPE MD DUM.ITY OF THE CllRHT IIIPLY OF EDUCATIIM. SOFTWARE, AND OF TII AVAILAI.E SUC OF llfDRMTION ON EDUCATIDIIM. SOFTM CIIISULTAITS Robert Hann Educational Product, lnfor1atlon E1chan91 IEPIE) ln1tltut1 "rk Sh1rry NicroE111, Inc. &aor91 Sull han lnforution and L1arntno T1chnolo9in Dlvl1lon, Th1 Ac1d11y for Educational D1v1lop11nt
Ml AIM.YIII OF TII SC1ft MID IIUALJTY If T1I CIIIIENT mu If EDUCATIIM. SOFTMME, All OF TII AYAILAI.E SIIIIICEI OF UFIIMTIII OI EDIDTIIM. IOFTM TAI.E OF CIITENTI lntrDductian I Chapter I. leap, af the Curr1nt Supply af Educ1tlon1l loft1111r1 2 Chapter I I. A1111111nt af Educational Sof t111r1 Dual 1 ty I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 27 Chapter Ill. Educational Saft1ar1 lnfar11tian Sourcn1 MOIi Thty Art Ptrctivld and U11d by Acqut1ittan Dtci1ian1ak1r1 32 Apptndix I. A Caapariton of th1 ThrN Datllla1n Uud for Thi I Study I l Apptndix II. Coaparison af r, dac1tio11l Soft1a,1 Stltct,, (TESSI and Tit #icroco,,,t,, Soft11,1 11d l1rd1a,1 l1id1
IITIIIIUCTIII 11 tltll ,.,.,t, N ,r11111t 111 lyth If tltt IC8'1 1M .. ,llty If tlll cirrllt -ly If NKltlNll llf tw,, II II II ..... "'' If tlll l11f1r11tl ...,, .......... to 1Matll llftw, acl1ltl ,_,,111111,.,,. TIit ,.,.,t I 1 '""" t11to tllrN cu,t1r1, 111 c.a,t1r I, nut till ,t1trlNtl If tllt n1llal1 .,,., If NUCltllllll llftw, 11tll ,..,tct to ICNII MJect, -11tlll11 MJ1ct1, .,. .. r1111, t,,., c_,.ttr fully IN CNt, TMlt Ntl tllll ,..,.,-, ti M ltllllllllt If 'KIIIII IIIN' NIIIII l1far11Umt frN I llfPII If ltat1 ttl If Ulutl, 11UlIMI ,.,.,t, NK1t1, flr t111t clt lltlt tllt N1C1tl1111l llftw1 INNtry, 11, O..,ter 11, 111111 tlll ..-uty If tllt 1111u111 ..,,1, If llftw,, _,. tv1l11U fr tllllt If tllt titer ... loft tvalutl flllCIN, 11 .,., t, 11,1ar1 trlNI l11 uft ... ut,, ,,.,. ... 1lt1t ,re-ttlS canrttltt Ntn ,..,..111 t1 ,, .... ,n1t ttll-1917 canrllllt ut11. Fl11lly, tllt r1111t1 If tltll uftw, 1111Uty UIIIHNt c-, lltll tllt J .... t, If 'ltNlllf Nfl1 tNCMrl, It lt1Y1 Ht 11,lorN tllt ,co,, IN 1111Uty If atll llftw1 ,rlrillN c-,.ter ltltH11 lyttNI, IUClt II IIICAT ., IMIATCN, Tltlll IJfllll t"lcally lfflr ..,..,,ucatlll ....... t 1M rlC .... ..,, .. ca,MIUU11, 11 NII II ,,.,,,tt., c ...,.. TIit Nt Ill 1101. Iott 1ytt1111111 tff1r tltlr,-,.rty llftw11 otlttr1 Nt, ._ 1tllll1 ,~..,, llcrte.,.t1r1 11 tltt _, t1r1l111ll, tway 1lll1t1 KNIii to 111 1t1N-1l t111,,-,.t, llftw11 .., Nt, S. If tltt ,ra,rltty 11ft11r1 If ftrN ,, tlllll Jtt 11 llltllly l1twacth1 IN llhl actllt 111 If t111 ,-,.t1r'1 ca,u1uu111 HM If tlll ..... II Ii" Al t.,.,tat 11111 far N1C1Utul c1111111r1 rtl1tht to tltlll 1y1t111 II ct1 tllt ,rlct tf tltt IJll IIY ,rlll"lt 1111 KNOii fr cllt ,.,,,.., If at uft lllfart111t1ly far ,..,..., tllt ,ra,rllty llft11rt offa,111 YII tltllt 1yttt11 h rtly IICIINII 11 INa,Nllllt ..... .a,1etarl11 ar '"'"" ,, ., .. t IYIIUUN ...... lllCI .,.,.t .arectarlN .. tv1luU tllt ,rl ..,., .. If Nta fer tlllt It.,, tllt ,ra,rltty ....,, c lllt ltt IKI..., In tllt ualysh, II Clta,ttr Ill, N ,r1111t I t,,.llff If IM'CN tlllt lfflr llfarlltl allt *ltlllll llftw,. Tltl1 typollff t1k11 llto c111INr1U tltt 111ft If llftw, ac"ltlU act1l-k1r1 at tltt 1tat1, .. ,trlct,N local lmlt, U II II tllt llftrlltl 1ct111ly ,rDVINII '1 .. ..,, ... Tltt ty,ol11y 11111111 lttl 111f1I tacit lllf'CI t1'1 It IUtly ti 1111 tt MIIIN11ttr1, 11 II II lttl ICCHl"I -, II Uktly to ...... u., ftr I IM'lllllt roll II ,1111111att111 l1far11U llluc1Uon1I 11ft11r1 .,. prOYldlll,
CHAPTER I SCll'E OF TII CURREil UPL Y OF EDIEATIIM. SIIFTM IMRYIEII In tht1 chapter, CDIPlrl th1 Dtrall ,t,trtbutt of t111 current tu,Ply of lduc1tto111l 10ft11r1 11th ., ... of ICIIDOl 111N lNllttflN by a vt1ty of ICIWCM, Tit1 ,ata 1111 th1 ov1r1ll ,,,trt,utt of 11ftw1 cDIII frN r, r,1c1tio11I S1ft11r, s,1,cto, ITESS) d1taba11, 1vatl1bl1 throu;i thl Educ1tll Pract1 J1for11tlon uchan91 IEPIE> ln1titut1, cont1t11in9 data current 11 of ,uly 1917. TIils d1tab111 c0Rtat111tll11a1t currer,: and C0ipl1t1 tnfor11tton availabl1 lllout educati0111I IOft11r1 lfMI ii ,.,,N111t1tiv1 of th1 ov,~111 soft..,, 1ark1t. It contains 71325 IOf t1ar1 protr111 ra,r11111tt111 rouflll y ao-m of all lduutton; l 1oft11r1 u1td dirKtly 11th 1tud1ah, divided IIOllt 21 IUbJKt c1t19arin.' 111 ord1r to identify tehool 1111C11 that 1i9llt b111tl1fi1, by 1duc1tion1I 1oft1ar1, 11 collected d1t1 frN 1t1tn, natlon1ll1v,1re,art1111d firH that con1ult ta th1 tduc1ti0111l 1oft11r1 indu1try. DATA ON THE SCIR OF THE CURRENT SUPPLY OF EIKEATIOIIAL SOFTN Dl1tribution of SoftNrt by Subject Tit1 l1r91r p1rc1nta911 of 1oft11r1 fall within th111Jor 1chool subject, inc1u,i119 Nlth1Mtic1 1211,, klenc1 1161>, En9ll1h/L1n9u191 Art, 1121>, R11dln9 1121>, and Social lcic 1ft), llo1t of th1 non-11jor subject ut19ori11 include ln1 than Sl of th1 1oft111r1. lttthin 01 na11-ujor subj1et1, only thrN tncludld SI ar IOrt of th1 toft11r11 Co1prt111n1tv1 16U, Co1put1r1 ISi), and Fortign L1n9ua91 ISU T1bl1 l prn1nt1 th1 parc111t191 of 1oftw1r1 prD9r1n by 1ubJect, roundld to th1 n1arnt untt. Figur1 l pr111nt1 th111 p1rc111tag11 in graph fart, Dt1trlbution of N1Jor Subject Pr01Jr11s by Ar11 Tablt 2 r1prn1nt1 th, distribution of R11ding pro9ra11 by 1r11, Tht l1rg11t p1rc111tag1 of progr111 i1 in Vocabulary 1381) follOllld by Coapr1h1n1ion Skills 1241), Th1111111st p1rc1nt1g1 of pragran i1 in R1adtn1 in Cont111t Ar11s 161)1 an aria that 11y bt und1r11rv1d by th, 1ark1tplac1. l. For purpa11s of co1parison, tw other databases, ,#E#I TA, I1t1r1atio11l So1tr1 Dat1ba11 l,IINU>, by th1 lnttrn1tion1l Soft11r1 Databa11 Corporation, and th1 #Jcroco,,ut,, Softar, 11d #1rd1ar1 l1id1 INSH8> datab111, by R,R, 801k1r, acc111ibl1 via DIALDB, 11r11110 11arch1d utilizing 1ubJ1ct1 id1ntift1d in th1 TESS dat1ba11. (Appendix I contain, th r11ult1 of th111 co1pari1an1.l
TABLE 1. DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS BY SUBJECT ---------------------------------------------Caaprahaniv CCV> Computr ENG/LARTS For Lang MATHEMATICS READING SCIENCE SOC SCI CSS) Othar COT> Par-cant of Progr 6X ~Y. 12X 5X 27X 12X 16X ex 18X No. of Program 427 331 894 356 1971 869 1149 1329 ------------------=------------==-----------= The sum of tha programs in aach subjact catagary is grater than N du to th fact tht am programs r assigned to mora than on subjact category. Accordingly, the total of tha percantagas i graatar thn 1001.. All percentages Nre roundad to the nearast unit. ** The Othr category combines 13 subjacts , each of which accounts for lass than 47. of th total numbar of programs. Source: Educational Products Information Exchange Insti tuta, Th Educ~tional Softwar:_@.._Sala_f;tpr. {T.g~!i) __ Q_n_! tn~, (Watar Nill, Naw York: Unpublished, in-house version updated through July 1987).
FIGURE l DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS IY SIIBIECT Of-7.Jn) SIBECT Source: Educational Products Information Exchange Institute, The ... Educati.onal. Software .. Sel actor __ On.line, .
TABLE 2. DISTRIBUTION OF READING PROGRAMS BV AREA Insti tut, Th Educational Saf twara !j;al act.or __
Tale l r.,,11111t1 tlll flttrtMtt of Entlttll/Lllflll Art, ,r..,.111 ,, aru. TIit ,11t 11J.-tty If ,,. Ill IHtc IUlll ,. TN t rNallllt ., ... Ltttraturt ... Ell, NCh ,.,,11111U1t ly H If tN Eltlttll/Uftlllll Art1 IOft111r1, a,,w to N 11....-ttly WYN, Tait 4 r.,,1111t1 tlt1 ,11trlMtt If 111t,111ttc1 ,rotr111 Y a,11. AIIOlt thr.....,tar, of tJtl ,,. .... Ill,. tH lute IUllt ..... All otw IINI ,.,, .... t IHI tlllft 61 HCII, 1ith thl nc.,tt If Alf* UOU IN INlltry CHt, 1'H1 flprN 11y INtc1t1 the Hlf f.-1fdlU11111I IOftwt far tlll ar111 of lllth1raUe1, ts,tclllly th111 ..,., c11111ly t111tht C1.9., Trl91111111try, lt1tl1ttc1t. TUii 5 r.,,1111t1 tN fl1trtNU of kt pr.., ... 'Y .,... TIIIII 11th tllt IOlt ,r09r1n .,, Pllyttc1 cm,, a.t,try mu, ltolotY un,, w llllwal kl11e1 un,, c c .. ly tau;it at tu '1111 ac,001 ltw1I. Dlt la,artt 1111 tllat 1t t 11 parttc1l1rly I l1 kt111Uflc 111tllod1 en,. Othtr ar111 ct1tntn1 I ptrctnttH of protr111 c,.,., Zooloeyt ar, not c011011ly t1141tt. TUii 6 ,.,rNtlltl tllt diltrU11tt of Soehl klHCI ,,19,111 by ar11. ., ... IOlt CHIOllly tautllt tn 1ellool1 111,1 tlll 1tt9hllt p1rc11ta911 af IOft111r11 History C34U, Btotraptty C25U, 111d 811lc SUl11 un,, lllltcll lncludH t1t1rpntt111 chart, an, 9ra,111, ud loc1ttn1 and ar1ut1l119 l11for11tt1111. Dt1trtbuttan of Protr111 'Y SubJKt lliUh 8rldl RlntH In ardlr ta nutn1 the diltr1'r,Uan If tofbart by tdJKt 1tthin 9r1d1 ,111911 Ii.,., Undtr9art111, and grad11 l-l, 4-6, 7-1, and 9l2t, p1rc1nt1911 of pr09ran by ldJKt art c1lcul1tld for 11cll 9rad1 rantfi, Thiitl ptrc111t1911 art prHllttld in Tul1 7. TIit grut11t ptrc1nt1111 of Ktndtr9art111 IOft1ar1 fall tthin R11cUn9 lllU, Early L1arnh9/Pnacllaol 125U, 111d llltllNatin 120U, tll1 IOlt ,.,ortant subJKtt addn111d at thil l1v1l, For f'ldll ll, th1 NJartty of th1 pr09r1n fall 1lthln R11dln9 C28U, lllthNltict 1221>, and En9ll1lt/L11911191 Art, 1211,, a1atn th1101t ,.,artant 111JKt11ddrH1III at this ltvtl, Exulnlnt th1 data far 9r1dn 4-6, N1th111tlc1 hat tllt lli9h11t p1rc1nt191 of pr09r111 1241>, fallOltld clo11ly by En1li1II/L111911191 Art, 120U and R1adin9 un,. Natt that only 91 of th1 pra9ru1 an in tll1 Sci111c1 catttarY, 1 1ubJ1et that 11y b1 undtrttrvld by tht wk1tpl1c1 at tlti1 9r1d1 l1vel. For tradn 7-111d 9l2, tit, hi91tnt ptrc1nt19n of pr09ra11 fall 1ithln tht 11jar school 111bj1Ct1, 1lth tht IICtptian af R11din9. Thil ii II tlpKtld, tine, th, tapllatil an R11din9 ii 9rut,r tn 1r1d11 K-6, Th p1rc1nt191 of ki111c1 proeran incr1a1n frOI Ill ln 9radn 7 ta 231 in 9rad11 9l2, L111 than 101 of the pra9ru1 ln gr1d119-121r1 catttorizld 11 Social Scitnc1, llhich 1u91ntl that thl1 subject 11y bl undtr11rvld in hiQII school by tht t0ft111n 1ark1t, At 9r1d1 ran91 inc,11111, thtr1 .,, 10,1 pr09r111in11r11ttr v1rt1ty of 1ubJ1ct1, lncludlnt Fortlgn Lan9u191 and 8u1ln111. Ftgurt 2 1llaw1 hn th1 dittributian of pr09ran for 1ajar 1ubJ1ct1 v1rin fro1 9r1d1 ra1191 ta 9r1d1 ran91.
TABLE 3. DISTRIBUTION OF LANGUAGE ARTS PROGRAl1S BY AREA --------------------------------Basic Skill Lit.,-atura ESL Parcant of Proar-Na. of Pr-OQr- 790 51 55 -------------------------------------------- Th su of th progr-a .. in char catagory i gr-aatarthan N dua to th fact that soaa pr-OQraas war iQnd to aor than on ar cat9Qory. Nonathl, th total of th par-cantag is til~ aqual to 100X, sine par-cantQ war- r-oundad to th nrt unit. Sourc Educational Products lnforaation ExchanQ Intituta, Th Educational Soft...ar S.lactor Qrllin, .
TABLE 4. DISTRIBUTION OF NATHEt1ATICS PROGRANS BY AREA CN-1971> --------mrmu Baic Skill Algebra a.a .. try 0th.- Percant of PrOQr* 72X tOX 6X llX Na. of Provra* 142S 201 123 22S -------------------------------- Th aua of th prDQra .. in ch ara cat-vary is vratar than N du to th fact that a.a prOQr.,.. ..,.. aivnd to .,,.. than on r cat-vary. Nonthl, the total of th p.-cantav is till aqual to lOOX, sine all parcantav ...er rounded to the naret unit. Th Othr catacaory coabin .. 10 ar CAnalyi, Calculus, Con......,. Mathtic, Diff.,.antial Equation, Finite "th ... tic, Banaral "th ... tic, NuM.,. Thory, Probability, Statitic, and TriQonOftlatry>, ch of which account for 1 ... than 4% of th total nWllbar of provram. Sources Educational Products Information Exchange Institute, The _Educational Soft.....-e_Slctor __ (TESS> _Onlin, (Wat.,. "i 11, NMII Vories Unpublished, tn-hou v.-sion updated through July 1987>.
TABLES. DISTRIBUTION OF SCIENCE PROGRA'18 BY AREA (Nll48> -----... n~-----mnnmm~------- Anataay and PhyialQCJV At,-anaay BtalDQV Ch-it,-y Ea,-th Sct-,c EcalaQy/Envt,-on....,t Banaral Scianc Phyical Sci-,ca Phyaics Othar .. P.,.cent af PracJ,-a 4% 4% 18% 21X n 4X 1n 4% 22% lOX Na. af Pr09,- 44 44 209 241 90 so 143 4S 2SO 114 -------------------------- Th u of th p,-DQ,..,. in ch.,. cat99ary i 9,-aatar than N du ta th fact that saaa p,-CMJ,..,. ....,.. iQnad to 111ar than an araa catavary. Nanathl-, th total af th parcantaQ-i atill aqual ta 100%, inc all p.,.c-,taQ ..,.. roundad ta th naa,._t unit. Th Othr catavarv caabin 8 ,. (Baaic Skills, GaalDCJY, '1ataaralaov, Natural Hitary, Ocaanagraphy, Sci-,tific ttathod, TachnolDQy Education, and ZoalDQy>, ch of Nhich account far 1 than 4% af th total nuabar of prDQr .... Saurca1 Educational Product Infar111atian Exchanv lnati tut, Th~ Educational .$aft~ Sal actor J_TE~~-L.9.r,,J.Jn~,
TABLE 6. DISTRIBUTION OF SOCIAL SCIENCE PROGRANS BY AREA CN-S6S) --------------------------------------Batc Skill Civic/Govrn...,t Econoic El....,tary Social Studt .. GaoQr-aphy Hitory Political Scianc PycholOQY** Othar Parcent. of PrOQr 13X 6X n 4-X 2SX 34'% 4X S'X n No. of Pr-ogr-am 73 3S 39 2S 143 192 21 27 21 --------------------------------------== Th au of th pr-ocar-- in char category i gr-aatar than N du ta th fact that aaa pr-OCJr- ...,.. assignad to "'~ thn on area ctgory. Nonthl--, th totl of tha parcantg .. is still equal to 100%, since all percantagas ....,... raundad to th nr-.. t unit. The ctual nWlbar and percentage of Pychology programs Mas unavailable du to ca,aputer err-or. Th values prasanted h.,.. rpresent timats. Th Othr category combin tNo r Claw nd Sociology>, each of which account far-l than 4'X of th total numbar of pr-ogr-a Sourc Educational Products Information Exchang CEPIE> I nt i tut, IhL.EdJ.u;ia..t.i.mlJ Saf tw.ac_tt Sl ct or C T~LJJ!ll.i.n.@, .
TABLE 7. DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS BY SUBJECT WITHIN GRADE RANGES SUBJECT Businass Comprahansiva Computers Early Lrn/Pra ENG/LARTS Fina Arts For Lang Homa Ee Logic/Prob Sal MATHEMATICS READING SCIENCE 01. 1 7X 41 5X 27 251. 146 ex 45 51. 32 11. 4 ox 0 11. e 201. 115 331. 192 11. 4 11. 16 5X 86 31. 61 81. 139 21X 373 41. 81 21. 29 01. 5 31. 58 221. 402 281. 511 41. 70 GRADE RANGE 21. 61 51. 167 41. 131 01. 11 20X 646 41. 143 41. 134 21. 57 4X 122 241. 775 171. 545 91. 275 7-8 9-12* 3X 57. 106 205 6X BX 224 363 61. 77. 209 294 01. 07. 2 0 15X 107. 532 462 41. 37. 144 145 71. 81. 264 343 31. 41. 125 176 31. 27. 115 97 221. 171. 807 767 91. 67. 334 279 131. 231. 451 1031
SUBJECT SOC SCI Other** TABLE 7. DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS BY SUBJECT WITHIN GRADE RANGES 1 Y. 5 < 1Y. 1 4Y. 75 2Y. 40 GRADE RANGE 10 313 4Y. 116 11 Y. 398 6Y. 208 Total Programs 589 1805 3234 3603 9 404 BX 357 4514 ======================================================= In each grade range column, a percent represents the percent of all programs in that grade range. Tha number below each percent represents the actual number of programs for that subject and grade range. All percentages were rounded to the nearest unit. ** The Other category combines 8 subjects , each of which accounts for less than 4 of the total number of programs in each grade range. Source: Educational Products Information Exchange Online, (Water Mi 11, New York: Unpublished, in-house version updated through July 1987).
K C E/LA FIGURE 2 COMPARISON: MAJOR SUBJECT PROGRAMS 1-.3 + Math BY GRADE RANGE 4-6 GRADE RANGE o Rdg 6 Sci 7-8 X Soc Sci 9-12 Source: Educational Products Information Exchange CEPIE> Institute, The Educatiq_[!_~l Sof~ware !?,,~J..~.!;.'!;.Qr.: ...... J.I.l:;.~. .. L .... On.ttr.:.a~,
Dl1trlbutian af Protr1a by Copyright D1t1 Rang1 4 Ca,yright datn ar, 1vai11,11 for 31655 1aft111r1 pragra11 (1ppra1i11t1ly halfl, This infar11tian i1 pravid1d by th1 publi1h1r or t1ktn fraa th11ctU1l pr111r11 p1ck191 lf 1v1ll1bl1, Ha111v1r, for 1ppra1i11t1ly half Df th, pragran, no copyright infor11tion i1 provided, On, pa11ibl1 explanation for this i1 that 1Dft1ar1 publi1h1r1 b1li1v1 th1t can1u11r1 art di1lnt1r11t1d in such copyright infar1atian. An 1lt1rnativ111pl1ft1tion i1 that thtrt i1 Dft1n 1 9r1at 119 b1tn1n th, d1t1 uny pragraa1 art capyright1d and th, d1t1 th1y ar, r1l1a11d1 IDH publilh1r11ay 111k ta hld1 the 191 Df th1ir pra9ra11, Thi 3,655 pr111r1n th1t do h1v1 copyright d1t11 ...,., dividtd b1t111en t1a d1t1 r1n911, pri-1985 and 1985-1987, in ordtr ta 11101 trends in 1aft11r1 production, Th1r1 art 2,445 1aft1ar1 pragr111 th1t h1v11 pri-1985 copyright d1t1 and 1,210 prDIJrlH with 1 198Sl987 copyright d1t1, Th, difference ln 11apl11iz111y bt dut ta th, nulbtr of y11r1 includld ln 11ch d1t1 rang,. Prt-1985 includn pragr111 cav1rtno I p1rtad Df 1ppra1t11t1ly 1i1 y11~1, .t11r111 1985-1987 lnclud11 pro9r111 cov,ring I pariad of tNO ind a h1lf y11r1, lt 1hauld bt natld that progr111 na long,, 1v1il1bl1 on th111rk1t 1r1 not includtd in th, d1t1ba11 u1td for this study, Trtndl in Distribution by SubJKt Far 11ch d1t1 rang,, 11 c1lcul1ttd th, ptrc1nt1g1 of progr111 in 11ch school subj1ct out of th, tat1l nulbtr of pragr111 in th1t d1t1 r1ng1, 10 that 11 could coap1r1 th, distribution,. Figure 3 1ho11 th, distribution of 11jor subjKt pragr1n for 11ch copyright date range, Tht p1rc1nt1g1 in e1ch 11Jor school subject IEnglilh/L1ngu1g1 Arts, R11ding, Nath111tic11 Sci1nc1, 111d Social Scienc,I v1ri11 1111 thin 51 b1t111n th1 two date r1ngn, For th, non-11jor school 1ubj1ct c1tttari11, only the p1rcent1g1 of Caaprlh1n1iv1 pragr111 incr111td wt th111 51 fro, pr1S to 198Sl987, Thi1 catttory includn non-1ubj1ct-1ptcific tool1, such 11 wordproc111ors and d1t1b111 pra9r111, which c111 bt u1td 1cro11 th1 curricul111 and h1v1, thus, btcaa1 quit popul1r. Thi d1ta 1ugg11t th1t th, 11rk1t ha1 b11n 1en1itiv1 to th1 d111nd for this kind of 1aft11r1, 0vtrall, the distribution of 10ft11r11aon9 th, variau1 school 1ubJKt1 dots not ipptar to h1v1 ch1ngtd 1uch over th1 y1ar1, Trends Nithin N1jor School SubJ1ct1: Distribution by Ar11 Nithin 11ch d1t1 r1n91, 11 c1lcul1t1d, for th111Jor school subjKt1, th, p1rcent1g1 of progr1n in 11ch 1r11 out of th, total nu1b1r of progr111 in that subject. 0vtrall, th, changes in p1rc1ntag1111r1 1ll9ht, ranging fra1 01 ta 141 ch1ng1, Far R11ding, 101t diff1r1nc111r1 1111 thin 5%, Th111c1ption i1 Reading in Content Artas, Nhich r1pr11ant1 a tlightly la11r p1rc1nt1g1 of all Reading 1aft11r1 in 1985-1987 ca1pared ta pre-1985, In Engli1h/L1ngu1g1 Arts, Basic Skills r1pr1s1nt1 a slightly higher p1rc1ntag1 of th1 tat1l in 1985-1987 ca1p1r1d ta prt-1985, while Lit1r1tur1 r1pr111nts I slightly la11r p1rc1nt191 of the tat1l in 1985-1987 ca1p1r1d ta prt-1985, Thi p1rc1nt191 of ESL 1oft11r1 ra1in1d 1ppraxi11t1ly th, 1111, In ftath111tic1, Alg1bra repre,,nts a slightly higher p1rc1nt1g1 of the tot1l in 1985-1987 co1par1d to pr,-1985, 1h1r111 Basic Skills repre11nt1 a slightly lower perc1nt191 of the total in 1985-1987 coapared to pre-1985, The p1rc1ntages in the other Nathe11tics areas r11ained appraxi11tely the SIN,
II.I Cl I .., i Ill 8 a: Q. II. 0 ... 0 a: .., Q. FIGURE 3 DISTRIBUTION OF MAJ. SUBJECT PROGRAMS WITHtf TWO COPYRIGHT DATE RANGES 4" J" 2" 1 Eng/LArb Math Reading Sc:ience Social Sc: ience IZZ) PRE-1985 (N-2445) SUB..ECT ISSI 1985-87 (N-1210) Source: Educational Products Information Exchange ...... Dn.l.i ne,
Fraa p,1-1985 ta 1985-1917, th1ar1a11t11111ing aar1 than 1 51 incr1111 in th1 ptrc1nt of 111 Sci1nc1 saft11r1 th1y raprntnt includ1 An1tay/Ptly1iala9y, Altranaay, and lialqy, Fra1 prt-1985 ta 1911-1987, th1ar1111haing 1111"'1 than 1 51 d1cr1a11 in th1 parc111t af all Scitnct 1aftar they rtprn111t includ1 ChNi1try and Ptly1ic1. Tht p1rc111~q11 in all athtr Scitnc1 ar111 rHainld 1ppra1i1at1ly th, 11N, In Social Scianc,, only P1ychalqy 1ha 1 difftr1nc1 of tart than 51 in th1 parc,nt of all Saci1l Sci1nc11aftar1 it r1pr111nt1 fraa prt-1985 ta 1915-1917, Distribution af Pragra11 by Typ1 Tht 1Dftr1 pra1r111 ar, cat19ariz1d by typ1. Th folla.ing typ11 art includld1 Iott lrill Thi cDtputar i1 u11d ta ad1ini1ttr drill ta htlp 1tudtnt1 ltarn 1atari1l ,,quiring fn, if any, n 1kill1 lt,g,, dat11, arilhNtic tabln), Th1 catputar pravid11 iNtdiat, ftldback r1g1rding th, carrtctnn1 of 1tud1nt rnpan1111 it 1ay 1110 r1part avtr1ll p1rfor11nc1, Stills ,,actict Tht catputtr ii u1td to provid111trci111 mabling th, 1tudant ta practic1 nN 1kill1 11,g,, factoring, canv1r1ian b1tn Ntric unit,, 1111ical pitch discri1inatian), Thi coaputar pravidn illldi1t1 flldb1ck r1g1rding 1tudant r11pan1111 it 11y also rteard 1nd raport ptrfonanc,. Tatorial Tht CGlpllttr ii u11td ta iapl111nt 1G1t of tht instructional pracn, Ctraditian1lly kna111111 CAI), A c01pr1h1n1iv1 tutorial 1y1t11 uy cant1in pravi1ion1 for all af th1 fallDNing1 1tudant placNant, introduction af n 11ttrial, drill, practic1, ptrfor11nc1 aanitoring, rllldiatian, and raporting of pragr111, Co1c1,t 011011tr1tio1 Thi c0aputtr ii uttd to illu1trat11 usually dyn11ically, th1 aptratian of a principlt 11,g., daily ca1paundlng af inttr11t, a function approaching a li1itl, Co1c,,t Dtrtlo,111t Thi coaputar ii uttd to pravidt an 1xp1ri1nc1 d11ignld to pro1at1 tht l1arning af hightrardtr conc1pt1 and/ar tkilh, #y,oth11i1 T11ti19 Thi co1put1r i1 u11d ta provid1 a l1rg1 body of data about I givan situation 11,g,, c1n1u1 ar 1l1ctian r11ult1I 11t1bli1hing I l1bor1tary far t11ting alt1rnativ1 hypath1111 to 11pl1in I phana11nan in th11ituatian 11,g., hy ant 11ctian of th, country 1uppart1 a particular i11u1I, duc1tio11J 6111 Thi ca1put1r plays ar pravld11 ca1put1tian1l support far a ga11 in which ant ar 1ar11tud1nt1 participate. Tht learning of ne concepts ar skills is pra1ated,
Si11l1ti11 Thi c1>1put1r ii u11d ta 1ad1l I r11l-lif1 or i119in1ry 1itu1tiG11 in I dynuic f11hiG1110 that 1tud1nt1 can int1r1ct with it 111d thtrllly l1n lllt it, Siaulltion1 usually Nbody 1itu1tion1 MIiich 1tlld1nt1 could not 11p1ri1nc1 oth1rwi11 bacau11 of fin1ncial, 11f1ty, ti, or othtr con1tr1int1 (1,9,, 11p1ri11nting with th1 f1ctar1 iapingint on I body of w1ttr undtrgoing pollution>, Tool ,,,,,a,s Thi1 includ11 Nard prac111or1, ca1put1tion1l tools 11.g., 1pr11d1h11t, 1tati1tic1l p1ckag1>, ind l1n9u191 proc111ar1 11,g., caapil1r1, int1rpr1t1r11 a1111bl1r1>. P1rc1nt1gn af 1aft11r1 by typ1 ar, prn1nt1d in Tabla 8. A1 b1far1, th1 tat1l of th111 p1rc1ntlg11 i1 9r11ttr th111 1001 btclUH IDN protnn 1r1 111ign1d ta aor, than an, type, Thi l1r9nt p1rc1nt1911af1oft11r11r1 c1t19arizld 11 Skills Pr1ctic1 15111, Tutori1l 13311, Educatian1l 6111 119111 Rat1 Drill (1511 and Tool 1111i, IK11p in 1ind th1t IDlt progr111 c1t19oriztd 11 Educ1tian1l 81111r1 c1t19ariz1d 11 Skills Pr1ctic1, Tutorial, or Rot, Drill 11 will.I Thi 111111st p1rc1nt191 of pragr111 i1 cat19arizld 11 Hypathni1 T11ting, Thi1 distribution 1ugg11t1 that th111Jarity af 1aft1t1r1 pra9r111 h1v1 bNft d11ignld ta d1v1lop ar pr1ctic1 what 1r1 usually thought of 11 low ard1r thinking 1kill1. Only 111111 ptrc1nt1g1 of pr09r111 app1ar ta 1ddr111 hi9h1r ordtr 1kill1 (1,g., Hypathni, Toting, Canctpt Dtv1lop11nt, and Siaul1tian prDIJrn>. In ordtr to 1x11in1 th1 distribution af uftw1 Nithin tubJ1ct1 by typ1, th, p1rctnt1g1 of 11ch progr11 typt within 11ch 1ubj1et c1t19ary c1lcul1t1d. oistribution af ft1jor SubJKt Progr111 by Typt Tablt 9 pr111nt1 tht distribution of ujor 1ubj1ct progra11 by typt, Nithln R11ding, the highest p1rc1nt1g11 of 1aftw1r1 fill Nithin th1 Skills Pr1ctic1 1741>, Educ1tian1l 8111 1291>, Rott Drill 12511 ind Tutorial 12411 c1t19ori11, For En9li1h/l1n9u1g1 Arts, th, distribution is 1i1il1r, with th, high11t p1rc1nt1gn of 1oftNr1 falling within th, Skills Pr1ctic1 1721>, Tutari1l 13611, Rat, Drill 126111 and Educational Bua 12411 cat19ari11, Nithin N1th111tic1, th1 high11t p1rc1nta~~ of 1aftw1r111'1 includld in th, Skills Pr1ctic1 1551>, Tutorial 12811, and Educational Ban 11311 cat1gori11, This i11i1ilar to th, av,rall distribution of 1oftw1r1 by type. Far Sci1nc1, th1 hi9h11t p1rc1nt1911 of 1aft1ar1 art in th1 Tutorial 145111 Skills Practict 1371>, Si1ul1tion 13211 ind Educational 6111 11211 c1t1gori11, llhtn co1p1r1d to tht ov1r1ll distribution af 1aftw1 by typ1, Sci1nc1cant1in11 high1r p1rctnt1g1 af Siaulations, 111xp1ct1d. Thi l11t 11jor 1ubj1ct c1tlfjory is Soci1l Sci1nc1. Hirt th, high11t p1rc1ntag11 of 1oftw1r1 fall within tht Tutorial 13711, Skills Practic1 (32X>, Educ1tion1l 6111 13211, Si1ul1tion 1211) and Rot, Drill 11811 c1t1gori11, Although thi1 1ubj1ct c1t1gary 111 Nholt cont1in1 fewtr progr111 IBX>, thnt progra111pp1ar to bt 10r11v1nly di1tribut1d 11ong th1 type c1t19ori11. Ov1r1ll, 111 11jor 1ubj1ct1 cont1in I high proportion of progr111 of th1 Skills Practice and Tutorial typ11. In 1ddition, Sci1nc1 ind Soci1l Sci1nc1 h1v1 higher p1rc1nt1g11 of si1ul,tion1.
TABLE 8. DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS BY TYPE (N=7325> ================================================= Rote Drill Skills Practice Tutorial Concept Demonstration Concept Development Hypothesis Testing Educational Game Simulation Tool Programs Parcant of Programs* 157. 517. 337. 37. 47. 1X 19X 97. 117. No. of Programs* 1107 3708 2447 216 270 91 1425 669 807 ================================================= The sum of the programs in each program type category is greater than N due to the fact that some programs were assigned to more than one program type category. Accordingly, the total of the percentages is greater than 1007.. All percentages were rounded to the nearest unit. Source: Educational Products Information Exchange Institute, The Educational Software Selector Onlin~,
TABLE 9. DISTRIBUTION OF MAJOR SUBJECT PROGRAMS BY TYPE =================================================================================================== SUBJECT English/Language Arts1 Reading, Sciencet Social Science, PROSRAN TYPE Rote Skills Concpt Concpt Drill Pract Tutor 0110 Devi 261 721 361 229 640 318 91 55% 281 186 1089 550 251 74% 241 215 645 207 91 371 451 107 424 514 181 32% 371 100 182 209 0% 1l 1 13 21 31 49 61 01 tl 0 12 81 61 88 70 41 7% 25 37 Hyp Educ Test 6a1e Si1u Ol 241 Ol 1 216 2 01 131 31 0 264 52 01 291 01 0 253 4 1 I 121 321 12 140 365 21 321 211 13 183 119 Tool 61 58 51 94 21 16 81 89 4l 24 SUBJECT TOTAL 894 1971 869 1148 565 =================================================================================================== 1 In each subject category row, a percent represents the percent of all programs of a given type within that_subiect category. All percentages were rounded to the nearest unit. The number below each percent represents the actual number of programs for that subject and program type. For each subject, the sum of the numbers in the program type columns is greater than the number in the subject total column, because some programs were assigned to more than one program type. Source: Educational Products Information Exchange Onlin~, (Water Mill, New York: Unpublished, in-house version updated through July 1987).
7 Distribution af Nan-1aJar SubJact Protran by Typ1 Mithin th, nan-1aJar 1ubJ1et1, th1 hiQhnt ptrc1ntq11 af 1aft11r1 far int aubJtct c1t19arin fill within Skills Pr1ctic1, Tutorial, Rat, Drill and Educational 8111. In addition, th1 Calpr1h1111iv1, Ca1put1r1, Fini Art1, &uid1nc1, Health, Hou Ecanaaic1, lndu1tri1l Art1 and Phy1ic1l Education 1ubJKt c1t1garin include I hiQh p1rc1nt1g1 lgr11t1r than 201> of Toal pr119r111. Th1111r1 1ubJ1et1 far ltllich Taal1 appear ta b1 hiQhly apprapri1t1. Distribution of Najar SubJKt Progr111 by Ar11 and Typ1 In R1adin1, th, hiohnt ptrc1nt191 of saft11r1 in all ar1a1 f1ll1 within tht Skill1 Practict c1t1gary. In th1 Rtading in Cant1nt Ar111 category, thtrt i11 higher ptrc1nt1g1 af Tutari1l1 and a 111ch lower ptrc1nt1g1 of Educational 811n than in th1 athtr 1r111. In Engli1h/L1ngu1g1 Arts, all 1r111 contain I high ptrc1nt1g1 of Skills Pr1ctic1 pragr11s, Far Bl1ic Skills progr111, th, l1rg11t ptrc1nt1111 of 1aftw1r1 fall within th1 Skill1 Practict (73111 Tutorial (3511, Rat, Drill (2411, and Educational 8111 (2411 c1t1gari11, Nithin tht Lit1r1tur1 c1t1gary, b11id11 tht high ptrc1nt1g1 of Skill Pr1ctic1 pragr111, 11ny art cat1gariz1d 11 Rat, Drill (6311, Nithin ESL, in addition taa hiQh p1rc1nt191 of Skills Pr1ctic1 pragr1111 11ny progra11 fall within th1 Tutorial (5611 and Educational 8111 (4211 c1t1gari11, Natt, havtr, that aa1t of th1 pragr111 categariztd 11 Educ1tian1l 81111r1, in fact, 1110 cat,gariztd 111ithtr Skills Pr1ctic1 or Tutorial, Apparently praductr1 of ESL pra9r111 f11l that 911ing ii np1ci1lly 1ativatin9 ta ESL 1tud1nt1, In Nath111tic1, tht hi9h11t p1rc1nt1911 of pra9r111 far all 1r1a1 fall within tht Skills Practic1 and Tutorial c1t1gori1s. In addition, far 1011ofth11ar1 advanctd 11th111tic11r111 Analysi1, C1lculu1, Probability, Stati1tic1, Tri9ana11try -larg1 ptrc1ntagn of software ar1 cat1gariz1d 11 Concept DHon1tratian, Cancapt Dtv1lap11nt, Si1ulation, or Taal, In tht Sci1nc11r111, high ptt:cintagn of praoran fall 1ithin a wider v1ri1ty of 1aftwar1 typ11 than in th1 athtr 11Jar 1ubJKt c1t19ari11. Thi111y b1 dut in part ta th1 way 1ci1nc1 is traditionally taught. Laboratory 1xp1ritnc111r1 a r1gular part of th1 Sci1nc1 curriculu1 and ltnd thH11lv11 ta tht u11 of Si1ulation1 and Taal,. ln addition ta high p1rc1ntag11 of 1aftw1r1 in tht Skill1 Pr1ctic1, Tutorial, and Educational 8111 cat1gari11, ao1t 1ci1nc1 ar111 includt a high p1rc1ntag1 of 1oftw1r1 in tht Si111l1tion c1t1gary, tht 1xc1ptian1 bting 811ic Skills and Octanography, A high p1rc1ntag1 of Tool Pragrau 1r1 found in Basic Skills, An1to1y and Phy1iology, A1trano1y1 and Ttchnalagy Education. In th1 Social Scienct ar1111 high p1rc1nt1ges of progr111 fall within tht Skills Practice, Tutorial, and Educational 61111 cat1gori11, Stveral 1r111 containtd I large ptrctntage of Si1ul1tions (t.,., gr11ttr than 30111 including Civic1/&ov1rn11nt, Econo1ics, Law, Political Sci1nc1, Psychology, and Sociology. Distribution of Pragr111 by Typt Nithin Brade R1ng11 In ordtr to 1x11in1 tht distribution of 1aftwar1 by typt within 1ach grade rang,, p1rc1ntag11 of pragr111 by 1oftw1r1 typt wtrt calcul1t1d far tach gradt rang,. The11 p1rc1ntage1 art pr111nt1d :n Tablt 10. For all gr1d1 rang11, th1 high11t proportion of progra11 i1 of th1 Skills Practict typt,
TABLE 10. DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS BY TYPE WITHIN GRADE RANGES ===========================================================================================:===== PROSRAN TYPE -------------------------------------------------------------Rott Skills Concpt Concpt Hyp Educ GRADE RANGE GRADE RANGE Dri 11 Prut Tutor Deao Devl Test 6111 Situ Tool TOTAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ki nd1rgirt1nt 291 651 141 lX 41 01 311 11 151 169 383 84 3 24 0 182 6 88 589 Sr.des l-3 231 651 231 ox 41 01 3ll 31 91 417 1178 423 9 69 4 563 49 165 1805 Grades 4-6 151 63X 341 11 41 ll 29t 51 q1 500 2022 1104 35 l3l 17 930 177 303 3234 Grades 7-8 14l 551 381 21 41 11 251 87. 131 518 1970 1355 69 142 49 916 301 453 3603 Brides 9-12 131 471 381 4X 41 21 181 131 161 i,03 2126 1736 199 194 89 802 599 737 ~514 =================================================================================================== In each graderange category row, a percent represents the percent of al 1 programs of a gi van type within that grade_ran_g_e categor_y. All percentages ware rounded to the nearest unit. The number below each percent represents tha actual number of programs for that grada range and program type. For each grade range, the sum of the numbers in the program type columns is greater than the number in the gr~da range total column because some programs were assigned to more than one program type. Source: Educational Products Information Exchange CEPJE> Institute, The Educational Software Selector Online,
At tht Ktndlrtt111 ltvtl, tllt 1r11tnt perctlfll of IOftw, fall 1ttbln tht Sklll1 Practice 165lt, Ed11e1tta111l 11111 Clllt, Rott Drill lfflt, Tool Cl5lt an Tutorial Cl4lt c1t11arl11. Far vadn ll, tht perc11t1tH of lklll1 Practice Ind Educ1tl11t1l 111H rN1ln tllt 1111. Th perc111t111 of IOftw, in th1 Tutorial catttary incrNIII lllltl1 th, perc11t1tH of Rot, Drill and Tool p,111ran dtcr1a11. 8 Far gradn 4-6, th, 1v1ilotlity of pr111r111 by typ1i11t1tlar to that for gradn ll, 11th 1 slight dtcr1au in Rot, Drill, and 11ll9ht lncrN11 tn Tutorial. Exuintnt th1 data far 9r111t1 7 and 9, tn addition to protr111 of th1 &ktll1 Practtc, type, 1111y 1r1 c1t11art1td 11 Tutorial, Educational a.., Tool, r, Rot, Drill, ni, toft11r1 progran an td111UftN 1~1114 on infr,utlon colltctld fro, tht productr1t II ta th1tr approprt1t1 u111 Nalnltnt Currtculu, Rllldlatlon ar Special Educattori. Ptrc111ta9H of 1Dft11r1 by Ill art prNtntN in TUii ll, Th lartnt perc111t111 of pran lfflt 11 nttntd fr, Nal1lint Currtculu1 u1t, 11 np1cttd, 11th 5n of th, protrU1 dnifllld far Rllldlatlon and 261 d11tptd fr, Special Education. Di1tributton of Pr111r111 by U.1 Mithin BlbJtct1 In order to 11utn1 th1 dl1trtbutlon of 1aft11r11lthln IUbJtct1 by u11, ptrc111ta911 of protr111 fallint within Nch uu cat11r,y ar, calculattd fr, 1ach mjtct cat11ary. T1bl1 12 pr11111t1 th, dl1tributlon of 11Jor tubJtct progran by u11. Nlthin thl 11Jor tubjtct arta1, tht ptrctnta91 of u11 in Nain-ltn, Currlculu ran1n frDI 711 lltath111tic1) ta 981 IEnglilll/Langua91 Art, and R1adingt. Thi perc1nta1n of progr111 d11ightd for R111dtatian rangn fra1 371 ISctannt tr 671 IEnglilh/l.la9u111 Artlt. Th ptrctntatn of progran dni9ntd for Sptci1l Education ran911 fra1 61 IR1adingt to 451 lkitnctt, For 111 of th, non-ujar 1ubJ1et1 nctpt A9ricultur1, th, va1t 11Jartty of 1oftwar1 it d11t9ntd ta b1 u11d 11 Natnllnt Currlculu1. A uall1r proportion of 1oft1ar1 can b1 uttd in tither R111di1tian or Spacial Education. Dt1tributlan of Major SubJKt Progran by Aria and Un In Rtadlnt, 1lao1t 111 1aft1ar1 in ,ach 1r1a it d11igntd ta bt u11d in Nainlin1 Curriculu1, Only Dtcodlng Sklllt llOlt, Vocabulary 19lt, and C01prthtn1ion 15lt tncludt pro9ra11 d11lgntd for Sptcial Education. In En9li1h/Lan9uagt Art1, 981 of th, 1oftwart in 11ch of th, 1r1a1 i1 d11igntd for Nainlin1 Curriculu1. Nor, than 651 of th11oft11r1 in th, Basic Skills and Llt1ratur11r1a1 it d11ign1d far R1Ndt1tton, hilt only 421 of thl 1oft1art for ESL ll rtcOINndtd for r111dtal UII, Only I 11111 p1rcent191 of 1oft11r1 ln th, 811tc &ktll1 aria it d11tgntd far u11 tn Sp1ctal Education 1711, wh1r1a1 a lart p1rc1ntag1 of Lit1ratur1 pragra11 t1 dntgntd for such u11 1631),
TABLE 11. DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAl"IS BY USE CNS) ----------------------------------------Nain-lin Curriculu Cl"IC> Raftladiatian Spacial Education CSE> Parcant of Progra 89X 53X 26X No. of Programs 6539 3907 1894 s--------------s Th sum of th programs in a~h u cataQory is graatar thn N du to th fact that soma progra war assignad to mor-a than on us catagary. Accordingly, th total of th parcantag is graat.,-than lOOX. All parcantag war roundad to tha naar .. t unit. Sourca: Educational Products Infor-ation Exchang CEPIE> lnstituta, The Educational Software Salac:tor Onlin, (Watar Nill, Naw Vark1 Unpublishad, in-hou varsion updatad through July 1987).
TABLE 12. DISTRIBUTION OF l'IAJOR SUBJECT PROGRAMS BY USE :au .................... _.. ............ a:nun .. nnn==nm:=u: SUBJECT En9li1h/Ln9u Art11 NithHlti CII R11din91 Sc11nc11 Social ScitnCII USE N1inLin1 SpKiil Curriculu1 R111di1tion Education 981 671 111 876 597 94 711 471 91 1398 918 187 981 571 61 854 495 48 931 371 451 1073 422 522 961 541 221 542 306 127 SUBJECT TOTAL 894 1971 869 1148 565 n::a:::::s:::::ss .. nss::::s:=::na:::na:ss:a:::::::::s::::::::::::::::::: In aach subject catagory row, a parcent rapresants tha percent of all programs of a gtvn use within that subject .~!~.9.QQAll parcantagas war roundad to the naarast unit. Th number balow aach parcant raprasants the actual number of programs for that subjact and usa. For each subject, the sum of th numb.rs in th us colwans is graatar than the numbar in th subjact total column, bacausa soma programs war assignad to mar than on usa. Sourca1 Educational Products Information Exchange .
For lllthN1Ue1 pr111rus, in 111 VHI other thlft ll1ic lkill1, aar, than 901 of the 1aft1ar1 i1 dNitnN for 111 in Nlin-ltnt C11rricul111, In the luic IUl11 arH1 621 of tltt 1aft11ar1 fills into tht lllinUnt Curricul111 c1t11ary, 451 l1ta tltt Rtlldiltion clttpy Md only 11 into Ult SpKi1l Edacati c1t11ory. For th1 other 1r111 cant1inint 1t l111t 51 of tlt1 lllthN1Uc1 pr0fru11 perc111t1911 in the R111tU1U111 catttarY 441 far All* 111d 601 far &loHtry. ln the lpKial Educatl citttDrY, ll ar, far ll1ic Bkilh, an far INlltry, ud 191 1n for Al911tr1. In 111 1n11 of Bcienc,, 1ar1 tll111 861 of the pr111r111 art d11i9nld far lllinlint Curriculu1 1111, Far ar111 contliltillf 1t l111t 51 of th, Sci1nc1 pr111r111 (lialatY, CIINiltry, Earth Sci1nc1, &tntral Sci111t1, Phy1lc1I, ptrctntatn ln th1 RNtdlatlan catttory r1n11 fra1 151 ta 621. Far th1 u 1n111 ,1rcent1111 ln tb1 S,teill Ulcatian catttarY ru11 fra1 ll ta 651, 9 At ln th1 atltlr 11Jar MJKt for Bactal Bcienc1, the v11t 11Jarity of pr111r111 in 11ch 1r11 (1t l111t 8111 art d11itntd far llli11-li111 C1rrlcul111 u11. Far ar111 contlintn9 1t l111t 51 af th, Social Sci111c1 protr111 (l11ic Bkill1, Clvtc1/lov1rn111t, Ecana1ic1, 91otraphy, History, P1ychol111yl, p1rc111t1tn in th1 RNNi1tia11 c1t11ary r11111 frDI 221 ta 701. Far t111 11 1,111, p1rc111t1on in th1 Sptcill Edllc1tlan c1t11ary ,11191 fraa 81 ta m. Di1tri~utian of Pr111r111 by 1111 ltithln Brad, Ran111 ln ordtr ta n11in1 the dhtributlan of safbNrl by u11 1ithin tKh grad, ran91, p1rc1nt19n of pr11ran ,y IOft1ar1 u11 ..,, calculatld far NCh 1nd1 ,an,,. Th111 ptrc111t11n 1r1 pn11ntld in Tlblt 13. Far all 9rad1 ra1911, the ltighnt p1rc1nta91 of 111111 far N1inlin1 Curriculu1, ranging fr01 961 ta ffl. Far RNldiltian, ptrctnhg11 rangld fra1 531 far gradn 9 ta 731 for Kindtr91rt1n. Thi 101t variation in th1 p1rc1nta911 far S,tci1l Educ1tian u11. Th, p1rc1nt1g11 art r1l1tiv1ly law far Kinder91rt111 16111 9r1d11 1-3 161>, and gradn 4 11111, and 1aNltll1t hi9h1r far gradn 7-8 12n1 111d 9radn 9-12 1421),2 Dhtrlbutian af Pragr111 by Coeputtr Fully Perc111tlg11 of 1aftw1n -Y c11111ut1r f11ily 11.9,, Appl, 11, Callador1 64 and 128, 18N-PC 1nd Colp1tlblnl an pr11111tld ln Tlbl1 14. Tlt1 lar911t ,1runt1tn of 1oft111t1 .,, 1v1ilabl1 far the Appl, 11 f11lly '7n>, CDHOdart 64 and 128 1241), Ill PC and Caep1tlbl11 1221>, and Radio Shick Nad1l1 11 Ill 1nd IV (1911, L111 thin 101 of tit, 1oft11r1 pragr111 1n 1vaillbl1 far 11ch af tlt1 othtr C111Put1r f11ilin. 2. r.., in 1tnd that tht c1tttariz1tian of protru111 111lt1bl1 far Sptcial Education 111 11d1 by th1 10ftwar1 publllhtr1. An1ly1t1 of th1 Sptci1I Education 11rk1t warn that ld1ntifyin9 a pra9ra1 far 1r1d11K-611 1pprapri1t1 far Sptclal Education 11y lt1v11 ntt1tlv1 i1p1ct an Nllnlln1 Currlculu1 ul111 lhtr111id111tifyin91 protr11 far 9r1d117 1ult1bl1 far Spteial Education 1ay h1v1 na i1p1ct an Nain-lint Currtcul111111H. Thi111y bt due ta tht fact that th, t11chin9 of b11ic 1kill1 da1in1t11 tht 11rly 9r1d111 Md such t11chin1i11ub1t1nti1lly dlfftrtnt far Sp1clal Education 1nd Nainlln1Currlcul1111tud1nt1. Tltt l1t,r gradn facu1 IDrl an l1arnin9 cont1nt1 if 11tud1nt can r11d wflat 11 an th, 1cr11n, th, 1aft11r111y b1 u1abl1 ta 1a111xt1nt.
TABLE 13. DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS BY USE WITHIN GRADE RANGES ======================================================================= USE "ain-Line S;eciil &RADE RAN&E Curriculu1 Re1ed:ition Education Kl1,~c.-;irten1 991 731 61 581 431 38 &rades 1-31 991 691 61 1787 1242 112 6radts 4-61 991 661 111 3187 2119 342 Grades 7-81 981 621 231 3516 2218 826 Grades 9-121 961 531 42% 4322 2395 1889 GRADE RANGE TOTAL 589 1805 3234 3603 4514 ============================================================================== 1 In each grade range category row, a percent represents the percent of all programs of a givan usa within that gra~e range catagory. All percentages were rounded to the nearest unit. The number balow each percent represents the actual number of programs for that grada range and use. For each grade range, the sum of the numbars in the use columns is greater than tha numbar in the the grade range total column, bacause some programs wera assigned to more than one use. Source1 Educational Products Information Exchange Institute, Th~ Educational Sof_j;w~.!'.:..@ Selactor Online., (Water Mill, New York: Unpublished, in-house version updated through July 1987).
TABLE 14. DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS BY COMPUTER FAMILY Institute, The Educational Software Selector CTESS) Online,
Di1tributian af Pr111ra11 by Ca1put1r Fa1ily Mithtn 8rad1 R1ng11 Jn ardtr ta 11uin1 th, distribution af 1aftwar1 by caaput1r fa1ily within ,ach gr1d1 rang,, p1rc111tag11 af pragra11 far 1ach ca1put1r fa1ily ar1 calculat1d far 1ach grad, rang1, Th111 p1rc111tag11 ar, pr11111t1d in Tabl1 15, 10 Far all 1rad1 rangn, th, highnt p1rc111t1g1 af 1aftN1r1 availability i1 far th1 Appl II fa1ily, MIiich tncr1au1 frat Kind1rgart1n through grad11 91 ranging fra, 74% to 8lX. Lik1wi11, th1 p1rc111tag1 of 1aftwar1 availability far th1 IBN PC and Capatibl11 incr1a111 fra1 Kind1rgart,n through grad11 91 ranging fro1 lSX to 27%. Th1 p1rc1nta91 af 1oftNar1 availability far tht Co110dor1 64 and 128 r111in11t11dy fro1 Ktnd1rg1rt1n through gr1d11 4-6 l1pproxi11t1ly 301) and thlfl dtcr1a111 through grad11 9-12 121%), Int1rpr1ting th, Data on Ca1put1r Fa1ily Software publi1h1r1 ar1 constantly tHking w1y1 to 1axi1iz1 th1ir con1u11r ba11. Thi data on co1put1r fa1ily 1ugg11t that ta do thi11 publilh1r11111t product an Appl1 Il f11ily v1r1ion, 111ttll 11 on, ar 1ar1 oth1r v1r1ion1 af 11ch pr111ra1. Thi d1ci1ion 11 ta which othtr v1r1ion to product will vary d1p1nding on th1 grid, rang, of th1 targ1t 1udi1nc1, Distribution af Pragra11 by Cast In ordtr ta 1xa1in1 th, distribution of 1oftw1r1 by cost rang11, th, p1rc1ntag11 of progra1s for flfSO, tsl-$1001 flOlflSO, SlSl-$2001 $201-f~O, S2Sl-S3001 S30lS4SO, S4S1S6001 S601S7SO, and avtr S7SO N1r1 calculat1d,3 Th111 p1rc1ntag11 ar1 pr111ntld in Tabl1 16, Th1 larg11t p1~c1ntag1 of 1oftwar1 falls within th, St-SO rang,. IM1 ar, awar1 of a great 1any progra11 pric1d at $39,95,) Tw1nty-nin1 p1rc1nt of the 1oftwar1 falls within th1 tSlS100 cat1gory. IW1 know of 11ny progra11 pric1d at SS9.95,) L111 than SX of th, 1aftwar1 falls into any of th, cost r1ng11 above $100, Thi ujority of th1 lducatianal 1aftwar1 pragru1 app1ar to b1 pricld at SSO or 1111, with avtr 85% pric1d at $100 ar 1111, Y1ry f111 progra11 cost 1ar1 than S200, This patt1rn ii con1i1t1nt acro11 th, grad, rang11. HoNvtr, th1 p1rc1ntag1 within th1 SlSSO range d1cr1a111 acro11 th1 grade r1ng11 fro1 Ktnd1rg1rt1r1 through grad11 9-12 lfroa 70% to S4Xl, and th1 p1rc1ntag1 within th1 SSlS100 rang, incr1a111 acra11 th, grad, rang11 fro1 Kind1rgart1n through grad11 9 lfro1 lBX to 311), SCHOOL NEED RELATIVE TO SOFTWARE To 1ak1 any 11aningful a1111111nt of th11cop1 of th11ducational softwar, 1ark1t, curr,nt school n11d1 1u1t b1 con1id1r1d, In an att11pt to id1ntify school n11d1 that 1ight b111ti1fi1d by lducational software, wt coll1ctld data about ti111p1nt on various subjects lavail1bl1 only for gr1d11 7> and curriculu1 r1quir111nt1 in a 111pl1 of 1tat11, Other data 10urce1 includt five n1tional-l1v1l r1parts and three fir11 that consult to th1 tducational 1oftwar1 industry. 3, Both Th, Educatiol Softwar, S1l1ctor ITESS) and r,, #icroco1pat,, Softwar, 11d ffrdwr, 6uid1 INSHBl includt infor11tion about the cost af the 1oftw1re pragra11 listed in the databases. However, 1inc1 th1 infar1atian fro th1 TESS d1taba11 i1 b1li1vld to b11or1 r1li1bl1, only th, TESS inforaatton w11 u11d for this analy1t1, IFor d1tatl1 about th1 co1pari1an of th1 di1trtbutian1 of progra11 by cast in TESS ind NSH61 111 App1ndix JI,)
TABLE 15. DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS BY COMPUTER FAMILY WITHIN GRADE RANGES ===================================================================================================================== GRADE RANGE Ki ndergarten111 Grades 1-3111 Grades 4-6111 Srades 7-8111 Grades 9-12111 CONPUTER FANILY Apple Apple Atari Co11 Co11 Rad Sh Rad Sh II Nae 400-1200 PET/VIC 64/128 I/III/IV Color IBnt Other11 741 11 12X 7l 321 131 12% 15X 14% 436 8 70 43 191 76 71 91 83 767. ll 111 101 291 141 77. 161 11% 1374 11 193 176 527 256 125 295 202 771 1% 9% 10% 30X 191 41 19% 9% 2503 18 276 326 955 600 133 625 301 811 lI 6% 8% 25'Z 201 31 22X 91 2921 26 229 297 906 723 107 796 314 80'% ll 5% 91 21% 21% 3% 271. lOl 3632 51 204 387 955 961 115 1199 447 GRADE RANGE TOTAL 589 1805 3234 3603 4514 =================================================================================================================== 1 IBM PC and compatibles. 11 The Other category combines all remaining computer families, each accounting for less than lX of the total number of programs. 111 In each grade range category row, a percent represents the percent of all programs with a given computer family version within that. g_rade range categor~. All ~ercentages were rounded to the nearest unit. The number below each percent represents the actual number of programs for that grade range and computer family. For each grade range, the sum of the numbers in the computer family columns is greater than the number in the grade range total column because some programs are available in more than one computer family version. Source: Educational Products Information Exchange CEPIE) Institute, The Educational Soft~~re Selector (TESS> Onlin.~., (Water Mill, New York: Unpublished, in-house version updated through July 1987).
TABLE 16. DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRAMS BY COST* ================================================== $1-50 $51-100 $101-150 $151-200 $201-250 $251-300 $301-450 $451-600 $601-750 Over :$750 Percent of Programs 577. 297. 47. 47. 17. 17. 17. 17. (17. 17. No. of Programs 3742 1893 288 254 89 98 91 45 9 38 ================================================== Cost data was available for 6,547 of the 7,325 K-12 educational software programs identified for this study. Each program was assigned to only one cost range. If different computer family versions are sold at different prices, the cost of the Apple II family version was used. Source: Educational Products Information Exchange Institute, The Educational Software Selector Online, (Water Mill, New York: Unpublished, in-house version updated through July 1987).
TABLE 17. DISTRIBUTION OF TIME SPENT IN GRADES 7-12 BY SUBJECT ======================================================= GRADE RANGE SUBJECT 7-8 9-12 ======================================================= COMMUNICATION SKILLS* SOCIAL SCIENCE MATHEMATICS SCIENCE Fine Arts Physical Education Health Industrial Arts/Career Ed. Foreign Language** Other 187. 167. 167. 147. 87. 57. 47. 47. 157. 187. 147. 137. 127. 57. 37. 17. 17. 37. 307. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Communication Skills includes English/Language Arts and Reading. ** No percentage data was reported specifically for Foreign Language in grades 7-8. Time spent in this subject is included under the Other category. Source: Data provided by State Departments of Education in Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Connecticut, and California.
TABLE 18. COMPARISON OF TIME SPENT BY SUBJECT IN GRADES 7-8 WITH SOFTWARE AVAILABLE ======================================================== SUBJECT* Communication Skills**** Social Science Mathematics Science Fine Arts TIME SPENT** High High High High Moderate SOFTWARE AVAILABLE*** High Moderate High Moderate Low --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Subjects included are those for which more than 57. of time is 3pent in school. ** The percentage of time spent for any given subject ranges from less than 17. to 187.. Subjects accounting for 137.-187. of the time spent are rated High. Subjects accounting for 77.-127. of the time spent are rated Hoderate. *** The percentage of software available for any given subject ranged from less than 17. to 247.. Subjects accounting for 177.-247. of the software are rated High. Subjects accounting for 97.-167. of the software are rated Hoderate. Subjects accounting for less than 97. of the software were rate LoN. **** Communication Skills includes both English\Language Arts and Reading. Sources: Data concerning Time Spent: State Departments Of Education in Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Connecticut, and California. Data concerning Software Available: Educational Products Information Exchange (EPIE> Institute, The Educational Software S~J-~ctor Online, (Water Mill, New York: Unpublished, in-house version updated through July 1987).
TABLE 19. COMPARISON OF TIME SPENT BV SUBJECT IN GRADES 9-12 WITH SOFTWARE AVAILABLE -----------=--------------------------------------------SUBJECT* TIME SPENT** SOFTWARE AVAILABLE*** ======================================================== Communication Skills**** High Social Science High Mathematics High Science Moderate High Moderate High Moderate =================~====================================== Subjects included are those for which more than 57. of time is spent in school. **. The percentage of time spent for any given subject ranges from less than 17. to 187.. Subjects accounting for 137.-187. of the time spent are rated High. Subjects accounting for 77.-127. of the time spent are rated Hoderate. *** The percentage of software available for any given subject ranged from less than 17. to 237.. Subjects accounting for 167.-237. of the software are rated High. Subjects accounting for 87.-157. of the software are rated Hoderate. **** Communication Skills includes both English\Language Arts and Reading. Sources: Data concerning Time Spent: State Departments Of Education in Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Mississippi, Connecticut, and California. Data concerning Software Available: Educational Products Information Exchange (EPIE) lnsti tute, Th.~. Educational Software -~~J-~~-~-g_r.:_
11 Schaal Nad 11 D1finld by Stat, Curriculu1 Data lnfor11tion frot tight 1tat11 INN York, Ohio, Ninn11ota1 P1nn1ylvania, Virginia, Ni11i11ippi, Conntcticut, and California) concerning curricul111 r1quir111nt1 and lllher1 availabltl tiN spent an various 1ubJtct1 gath1r1d and analyzld. 1S11 Apptndix Ill for 1ar1 infar1atian canc1rning th, 1a1Pling 1trat1gy,> Tht 1tat1111l1ctld art repr111nt1tiv1 of various gtagraphic r1gion1 and such various 1acio-1cona1ic can1id1ration111 raci1l/1thnic 1ix in th1 population, industrial bias, and 1ix of hau11hold inca11 l1v1ls, Th, lnfarutton fro, Nttt Yark, Ohio, Ninn1sat1, P1nn1ylv1ni1, "issis1ippi1 Conn1cticut1 and California particularly u11ful in d1ter1ining th1 rel1tiv1 l1v1l of i1portanc1 placed an th, 11jar curriculut c1t1gorin, Thi infar11tion fro, th111 states pravidtd spteific indication, of tither crtdit hours ta bt t1k1n or a10unt of instructional hours to bt d1vottd to each c1t1gary (far grades 7-12 only). Virginia did not pravidt 1uch infor11tion. Tht data colltcttd fra1 the 1t1tu ptrtaining ta th1 p1rc1ntag1 of ti111p1nt an various subjtets u1 su111rized in Table 17 and sugg11t ha Stat, Dtp1rt1ents of Education view the relative i1partance of the various school subject, in th, curriculu1. As 11ptcttd, in both grade rang1s th, largest perc.nt1g11 of ti11 art sptnt an th111jor subj1ct1: Ca1111nic1tian Skills (Language Arts and Rtadingl, "-thaatic1, Social Sci1nc1, and Sci1nc1, Thi data suggnt an, i1portant diff1renc1 bttNten gr1d1s 7-8 and grad1s 9-12: th, ptrc1ntag1 af ti11 spent an subjtcts othtr than Ca11Unic1tian Skills, Social Scitncts, Nath111tics, Sci1nc1, Fin, Art,, Physical Education, Htalth, Indu1tri1l Art1/C1r1tr Education, and For1ign Languagu 1151 in gr1d11 7-8 c~1p1rtd to 301 in gr1d11 9-12), This r1flect1 th, ider chaict af curriculu1 options available ta 1tud111t1 in 11niar high schaal. Caaparing th, tiN 1p1nt an various 1ubJKt1 Ian, N11ur1 of th1ir r1lativ1 i1partanc1 in th, curriculual ta the supply af available saftw1r1 pravidn 1011 indication of how school nteds are b1in9 nt, To 1ak1 th1 ca1p1ri1an, p1rc111t1g11 of ti111p1nt in th1 diff1r1nt subj1ct1 Ntrt converted ta a thra-point 1cal1 (high, 10d1rat1, low), Si1il1rly, th, p1rc1nt1g11 af 1aftw1r1 available for diff1r1nt 1ubjtct1 within 11ch grad, rang, 17 and 9 Ntr1 canv1rttd to thr11-point 1cal11, Tabln 18 and 19 1haw th, ca1parl1an1 (for grad11 7 and 9-12, r1aptetiv1ly) far 1ubJ1et1 in Nhich th1 p1rc1ntag1 af till 1p1nt it gr1attr than 51, Thi data 1ugg11t that far gr1d11 7-8, Sci1nc1, Social Studi11, and Fin, Art, 1aftNr111y b1 slightly undtrpraduced rel1tiv1 ta school nttd, Tht data far high school 1ugg11t that Social Studi111aftwar111y b1 slightly und1rproduc1d relativ1 ta school nud, Th1s1 co1pari1an1 off1r only on, indicator of tht 11tch b1tn school nud and th1 existing softar, supply, Oth1r factar1 that should b1 can1id1r1d includ1 the 11aunt of ca1put1r ti11 allotted ta various subjects, and the availability of op1n-ended tools that art applicable across the curriculu1, School Nnd II Dtfintd by National Reports and Surv1ys For th, last four and a half y11rs, th, U.S. schaal 1y1t11 h11 b11n the subject of int1ns1 scrutiny by aore than half a doztn groups or ca11i1sians including th1 National Ca11issian an Exc1ll1nc1 in Education, th, C1rn1gi1 Corporation, Faru1 an Education and th1 Econa1y, th, Holies &roup, th, National 6av1rnar1' Association, and the National Task Fare, on Educ1tian1l Ttchnalogy, R1part1 frat 1any of th111 group, hav, iaplic1tian1 r1gardin9 th1 n1td1 of th1 nation's school, for 1duc1tian1l 1aftr1.
Thi fl YI npart, r1vllllld II foll OHi A Nltion at Ri1k1 Thi lrativ1 for Educational R1for1, National CaMittion on Elc11ltnc1 in Education. A Nltion Pr11ar1d1 T11chtr.J....lP.!:...~htJl1t Ctnt!!rJ, Carn1gi1 Foru1 on Education and th, Econo1y. To1arrow'1 T1achtr1, Tht Hol111 &roup. TiNl.UHUlt11 Thi Bovernart.' 1991...ftlurt on Edu.ullm!., National &ovtrnor1' A11aciatton, C1nt1r for Policy R111arch and Analy1i1, Tran1for1ing A11ricmjducatian1 R1ducing the Ritk to tht .h.tion, Nltianal Task Fore, an Educational TKhnalogy, In addition, rapart1 fro1 thr11 fir11 that con111lt with 1ducattonal 1aftwar1 publi1h1r1 1t1r1 rtvi1111dr TAL.111S1 Typ11 of 1Dftwar1 u11d in 1chaal1. EDUCATION TURNICEY SYBTEN&r Ntcroco1put1r U11 in SpKial Education, INTERACTIVE EDUCATIONAL SYSTENB DESl6N1 ESL/Bilingual Education SoftNlrt, 12 Thi 101t r1ctnt round of educational r1for11tudi11 and r1part1 began with A Nation at Risk, In this report, th, National Ca11i11ian an Exc1ll1nc1 tn Education h1rald1d a cry far the United Stat11 ta i1prav1 tt1 tducational 1y1t11 ta r1gain our cotp1titiv1 position in tht world tcana1y and to retain our individual and national fr11da1. Probl11 su;,cts 11d Artas Id11tifi1d, S1v1ral of th, 13 'Indicators of th1 Risk' dacu11nt1d in th, report addr1111p1ctfic dlfici1nci11 in tht schools' curricula and/or t1aching 11thad1, includingr 1 Tht high l1v1l of functional illiteracy 111ng adults, 17-year alds, and particularly 1inartti11 1 Thi nnd far r1Ndial tducatian in r1ading, Mriting, spilling, and co1putation a1ang ntN r1cruit1 in th, 1ilitary and in industry 1 A 1t1ady d1clin1 in 1ci1nc1 achi1v111nt 4, Thi National Ca11i11ion on Exc1ll1nc1 in Education, A. N1tian.at.,Ri.1.k1 .. ..Th1J.Rerat.i.v1,Jar. Educational R1far1 (Nashingtan, DC1 Unit1d Stat11 D1part11nt of Education, April 19831,
Thi lack of 'hlghw ardw' int1llKtu1l 1Ull1 dHan1tr1tld by l1r1111JaritiH of t1111qw11 i1cludin11 draint inftrtncH fraa wittan 11twi1l witint I pw1111iv1 HIIY aolving aulti-1tap 11thH1tic1 problNI 13 Thi 1uthor1 paint out that in ION 1t1t11, 1tudant1 h1v1 th1 frlldDI ta choa11 half or of th1 unlt1 r1quirld far gr1du1tion, 111d that thrCIIMJhaut th1 nation, th1 proportion of 1tudant1 taking th111n1r1l cw11 af 1tudy h11 incr111M lfrDI 121 in 1964 ta 421 tn 1979), 11 oppOlld to voc1tian1l and calltt prap1r1tion pragr1H. Thay cit,, 111111pln of th, 1ff1et1 of thi1 frlldDI of chalet, th, r1l1tiv1ly law pwc1nt1gH of 1tud111t1 cD1pl1tin1 int1rlldi1t1 Alttbr1, Franch I, &1avr1phy, and C1lculu1. If 11lld11ign1d, highly 1ativ1tin9 IOft11r1 ..,, d11i9nld far th1 d11111ding high 1choal tubjtet1 th1u1lv11, th1111ubJ1ct11ight attract 111r11tudant1. Furth1r1ar1, tht 1t1ti1tic1 prnantld in A N1tian at Ri1k 11111nt I lack of prapar1tian in 9nd111-1 far th1 aar, dN111din9 high 1ehaal tubJtet UNI, Thay 1110 11191nt th1 nlld far grabbing 1tud1nt int1r11t in th11ar1 ch1ll1nging di1ciplinH blfart 1tud111t1 ttt ta high 1chDDl. Di1ciplin11 Nnttantd by tht author1 lncludt English 111141111 d1vtlDptlftt 111d wttin9, coaput1tlan1l 111d problN solving 1kill1, Sci1nc1, Social Studi11, Far1ign Langu1g1, and th1 Arts. lluality soft1t1r1 could play 1 rolt In bath iaproving 1tud1nt prtparation and lncr111in9 thtlr tnt1r11t. Siaul1tion1, in1tructton1l tool 1,.,., Nrdprocnw1, d1t1b11n>, and 1aft1t1r1 allowing for tht t11ting of alttrn1t1 hypoth1111 or th1 optntndld 1xplar1tion of I conctpt all can 11p111d tht curriculu1, 1llo1tn9 1tud1nt1 to bt active p1rtlcip1nt1 in th1 l11rnin9 proc111. 1,,,o,1111t of Stady StiJJs. Thi r,port paint, ta th1 haphazard, unpl111n1d t11ching of study 1kill1 rnulting in paor study habits. This su991st1 tht ntld for init11l study skills instruction tn th111rly 9rad11. Soft..ar1 c111 help htr1 (1.9., pro9ru1 facu1ln9 an th, d1v1lop11nt of 1HGry sktll11uch 111110,y C11tJ1 by Sunburst C011Unic1tian1 and l1111b1r by Dt1i9n..ar1>. At th, junior and high 1chaol l1v1l, 1oft11r1 c1n h1lp stud1nt1 hon, th1tr rn11rch 1kill1 (1.9., &roli1r'1 Th1 EJ1ctro1ic E1cycJo,1dia and Sunbur1t'1 #01 Cat l Fitd lt?). Soft1ar1 a, a s,,,J,111t to T1rttoot1, Thi 1uthor1 of A Nation.at Risk 1110 not, th, 1at1rin9-do1n of t1xtbaak1, 1 trtnd which 1uggnt1 th, n11d for other 1at1ri1l1, including 1oft1ar1, to providt dtpth and ch1lltng1 in th, various 1ubjtet1 and ar,11. It furthtr 1uggnts tht n11d far in1truction in R11ding in Conttnt Ar1111 if 1tud1nt 1klll1 l1prov1 over ti11, thit 11y laprovt tht 11rk1t for 1111 11attrtddo1n1 t1xt1.
A 11u Praarlf TIils ,-,art taltN u, 111y Df tllt tlt1111 Df A Nlttan 1t..11U. ull nt1111t1 tltt inquiry llllilt 1tt1111tl111 to point tllt foc11 in 111t111r dlrectl tllt relatimltllp bit-our tlluc1tl111l 1y1tN ... tllt ICIIDly, TIit filllll111 IN r1CD1111Utt111 t rtllYlllt to tllt ''""'t 1tldy .,, prNlfttN btlDI, 14 r, ct1tf Ee,,,,, 11d It Eoc1t1,11l ,,1,,1t11,. TIit r1part dNCrlbN w cll1119lnt ICIIDIY NVlnt frOI lll911ly routlnllN NII P,lhCtlll to t ,,..1,tn1 wlttrl lllto ,,. Nth111UC1l prDlllN 11h1r1 11tlt lift-11111 lw111r1 11d .,_,tar,. TIit ,.,art 1tt11ptl to link tllNt c1t111111 ta ch11t9ln9 tduc1tt1111l priarttiH, TIit ChllltN ii tllt _,,11et llflllll tlll IINtl far ,.., Lllflc/PrNlN Sohhg 1Dfb1rt, far spaclfically llathtlltic1 pralN ulvlnt IOftwt, lltd far IOft..,t that will 111cow191 1tlld111tl ta It 111t lNrn CDDptr1th1ly, in 11111 trlllP 11d l1r91r 9r11111 c,.,., .., 1l111hU1111 1111 taahl. It 1111 qntt tltt iapart11tet Df dn1lopU11 study and ,....,cit 11till1, lncldlftf tllt 1bllity ta ICCHI l1far11U111 frOI datUIIN to llht ,,..... It fll'tlttr HttNtl tht IIN fDr 1Dftwt that lntraducN 1tudtltl to tllt varllty of work oppart111tltlN that art avaUMlt today -flP1Cl1lly k opport111ltin that cal11t flnllllt, cr11tivt tlllnkllf 1ttll tacllnol111tc1l ln11ov1tl111, FtCII tH ,,,,, El1H1t11, lrNH, In tllt vi of tllt 111tllar1, l11tructl11 in tht upptr 1l11111tary 9r1dn f1il1 to llallt 1t1&1111t lnttrNt r,r cllallllfl 1tudNt1, U,at-ttNlld tool and 1ll1tl11 IDftw, cu frN tHdttr1 to bt t dNlftdint of 1tud111t11 llhllt 111111tn1 tllH in hlply int1r1ctht ltar11tn1 np,ri11tCN, K-, in 1lnlt1 II011Ytr, tlt1t tltt op111-t11dtll a 1oftwar1 pr111r11 ii, tht IDrt tralnlnt 111t ttaclttr1 art ltlttly ta llftll, T11c,, aid St1d11t r,,,t1,~ TIit rtpart 1111h11l1N tll1 fact that tllt 1tcrac-,uttr 11t111ld llt 11111111 ttachln9/lurnln1 tool, IDlltlllng tllt ttaclltr Md 1tudlllt NPlCIY t11tttlltr, T Co1,11ti111l Cl111rttl r,, 111 Ltarlilf E1,Jr11111ts, TIit rtpart prDIDtH tltt Ult of tht n..., l1arnin1 tacllnolotlH in nontr1diti111l lHrnlnt 11tvlr11t1, in Illich 1tud111t1 wk individually or in 11111 l'DIIP' Taa Snydtr, cll1lr1111 Df TOI Snyder Productions, ar9un tllat, at lt11t far tt11 11ar fut11n1 only ant ar t11a caaputtr1 1ill find tlltlr 11y into tllt typical clHtrDDI, Ht fNll that this and tht curr11tt IIIDry capacity Df 1icracaapllttr1 place IIYtrl lt1lt1Uon1 DI tht c1111uttr '1 1lli Ii ty ta tr11l y lndivldu1lt11 in1tructian, ln1ttad, hit c1111t1ny l1 focu1tn1it11tt11ttlon an tools and 1l111l1ti111 int111dlcl far I cla11rD01 it, m.m caa,uttr, pra1r111 that lttlp th1 t11cltar in tlt1 traditional cl111r11111k1 ln1tructlan tart 11919ing 11td cltalllftflnt, J.r' 1.lu.wa TIit HallN Broup, can1ortl111 of tllucatton d111t1 and chi1f 1c1dNic af flcer, fraa tll1 11jar rntarcll unh1nltl11 in each of tht fifty 1t1t11, 11111111 tllil rapart 11 taNthint of I CDIPlftian rapart ta A llatlon Prnared, ln April 1986, TIit repart focu111 111 t11chtr prtparatlon, llc1111tn1, and tht rol1 of t1aclltr t111catlon i11tltutlD111, lt1 lapart11c1 to tlll1 1tlldy llH in th, rtpart focus 111 th1 nttll ta brlnt th, tt1chtr1 tllN1thN alant in tllt dtvtlapNnt of tduc1tlan1l rafar1. 5, Carn19it Corporation of 11111 Yark, C1rn19lt Fa,111 an Education and tll1 Ecat111y, Thi Ta1k Fore, an T1acllln9 11 1 Profn1lon, l~llll.eUJltttJ....!JKb.P.'1..W._1111 lltLCJflWl.'..Y (NII Yark, NY1 Nay 19861, 6, TIit Hol111 lr111p, Inc., Itnr.tu'J.Juc.bttt CE11t Lan1in91 Nicltt9111 April 19861,
1ltt ttt ralnd u1 of tllt nNtl ta carlfully c1111ldtr th1 current l1v1l of preparation and 11ptrl1K1 of t111 uJarlty of tHClltrl 11 1tt1111t ta 11p11d, 11t1r1 ud i1prav1 th1 1ducatlan1l loftw1 tltat 11p1et tltMI tHClttr1 ta pra,erly -,lay l11 tlltir cl111raat1, Accardhtt ta tltt rtpart, tNClttr trainint 1111 not ktpt p1e1 with th1 11p1ri111c1 of 11ny 1tlllt11itlt r..,.ct ta CDIPllttrt IN techltaleliY, nor witlt t111kn11llf1111pla1ian in th, phy1tc1l 1M IOCill tciNCN, TIiey ctt, tit, ... f.-lltllNt cIN tlllat flltllt'I ldjKt 11tt1r-focu11d ltU,in of tNClli19 IN lwlnt, b111d acadNic rH1arcll and cllnic1l 1tudin Df the practtc11 of tff Kthl tllCNrl, IS lluclt of llltlt tlll NDl11t lraup ll1Y1 to 11y uaut the tr1tlin1 of t1ach1r1 can be 1ppl ltd to th, dlvtlap1111t of ltttttr toftw1 particularly, tht p1rva1iv11M lnt1lli11nt 111 of 11i1lln9 rNNrcll l1nt11 tlly 1111 practtcn, llar1 tapartut, th1 HDl111 lraap dltail1 tll1 inherited and lipOIN dlf lct11ClN of aur Cllt'rtnt crap of t11ehlr1 -a fact.that fNl 1111t b1 c:on1tdtrld in th1 crNUOII and di1111inatt111 of any n111 tanav1ttv1 typn of Nucattonal toftwan, TAUIIS -,.cul1tlf in 1915 tltat th1 first 11,1 Df lducatianal applicatlon1 Df 1icraco1put1r1 an, uft11r1 pri11rily hval"' tlt1 ld1Ututt111 of a 1111 techlalotY far II oldar an, drill and pr1ctic1 loft f.-kNDhl prac111i111 f.-t111 typ11rtt1r1 a tut.-tal 1111 uy phon1Uc1, for a lKtar1 .-t11tbOH 111ipt,' .. t H uai.., 111, pDHrful applicatt1111 an introduced 11.9,, 1tlatt1111, tht u11 of d1taba11 1111191r1, tpr1ad111Nt1, 9raphint, 111d thrN-diH111ian1l l119tn91, it btcDIII incrN1i19ly difficult f.-t11Chtr1 ta hcarpar1t1 Ont n appraachn into their 1li1tin9 cl111n, TIIN t11elttr1 HN retrainint, Fr aur per11111l 11ptrilftct II tNClttr tr1intr1, 11 kaaw tltat tuch1r1 with thorou9h k11111lld91 of thtir 1ubJ1Ct 11tt1r 111d III und1r1tandt119 of tll1 lurnint prac111 Q11.1-wlt_t1_r.1tnj~in11 wccttJfJl!Jl..lft11tt!LtJf_tw,_l~lo__tbttr..1t.Khl111, In 1111y c1111, 11ptri111Cld t11ch1r1 NIia prtviaully llloNd 1i9n1 of burn-aut lllvt blCDII rt-t1citlf about tht t11dlin9/l11rnin9 proc111. Thty ltavt alto IIIICOII tff1cth1 t1ac~1r1. TIit iaport111c1 of Q.UI.LJngr.vin_miniJ!I cannot b1 flPhllilld 1110U9~. Tlli1 rap.-t i1 actually I c-,Uatian of a nulbtr of ta1k fore, report,. Th1 nport of Th1 T11k Fare, an TKllnolotY ii Df tltt IOlt tnt1r11t for th1 purpolN Df this study, 111 A,,1,c1ti,11 l411titi,,. I tll1 report, of th11Dtt pra1i1in1 n11 application, of 1tcracotpUt1r IOft11r1 are ld111tlfitt1, lncludint tht un of 1l111latian1 ta t11ch lli9h1r order thinking 1kill1, artificial int1lli91t1c1 to coach and tutor 1tud11t1, CDIPlll d1t1b11n, drill and pr1ctic1 pr09ra11 with aopht1tlc1tld flldback caplllllttin, and protrut d11l9nld f.-handicapptd 1tud111t1, r, l11d ftr Ttac,r Tr1i1i1f, TIit r.,a,t 1110 1tr111n th1 nlld for int1n1iv1 t11ch1r tr1lnin9 prior to th1 u11 Df 1oftw1 ln th1 cla11r00t, Thi typn of toftw1r1 that can 111 u1td to h1lp 1tud1nt1 to d1v1lop their probl11-1olving 1klll1 art 1l111l1tion1, tool1, and hypotlt11l1 t11tin and concept d1v1lop11nt 1oftw1r1, Th1111110 t11d to b1 t~, typn requlrlnt th1 IOlt int11111 t11cller trainint, du1 their opentndld nature, 7, Aftn1 lajcik, TALNIS, New York, NY, p1r1onal C011111tlc1tion, Jun11 1987, I, National 8overnon A11aci1Uan, Center for Policy R1narcll and Anal y1t 1, Ut For ~1,ul.t11, Th,1 &qv1~11or1 l"lJtt_or_t O!I Eduut,19n lh1htn9tan, DC1 Au9u1t 19861,
Tran1far1tna Allrtcan EducaUto Th Nltlanal las Fare, an Educattanal TKhnol119y, appotntld by T1rr1ll 1111, than SKr1tary Df Educattan, uatttld thl1 rapart in April 1986, to dltall Nys that t1chnology 1lght addr111 th, ilsun railed in A N1tton at Rill, Ti1 ,,,,1tl1 F1t1r1 t,, d1c1tlo11l SoftNrt. Th1 rapart 111vl1lon1 th1 d1v1lop1111t of n softr on th, cutting ldt of CDIPUtlf' tKhnol119y, tncarpar1ttn1 cqnlttvt rn11rch, and 1dv111c1s in l1arni1g th1ary, co1put1r tcl111c1, aid arttflclal lnt1llt1111c1. TIit authors pr1dict th1 d1v1lopnnt Df 1aphlsticatld, int1racttv11 111ltldla, 111ltl11111ary t1Drk1tatton1, capablt of providing highly lndlvidu1ll11d lnstructlan and coaching, 11th th1 ability far, at l1a1t, ll1ltld t11-way cD11U1tlcatton. TIit rol1 of ttachlf' aid hav, to b1 car1f111ly rldlflnld should such 11ptrt 1ystH1 b1co11 a r19ular part of schooling. 1,,a, 1111 for T1cltY 11 E,1c1ti,1. Thi Ta1k Fore, tdantifild 11vtral broad u111 of tKhnol09y, includlng1 Dtv1laptng baste kn01lldg1111d skills lfflcl111tly than i1 po11lbl1 with canv111tional tnstr11ctl111 (via drill and practlc1 IOftr with sophlsttcatld flldback capabllltln, and t11tarlal1 using nptrt 1y1tH1), t T1achlng of hlghtr-ardtr concapts and rNsoning skills that art 1ar1 difficult to d1v1lop without th, tKhnal09y (via Loglc/Probl11 Solving pr1NJra11, 1il1tians, and c111c1pt dtv1lap1111t 111d hypoth11ls t11ttn9 1Dftwar1l t Dtv1laptng an und1r1tandln9 of lnfor1atton t1chnolqy and its u,n in socitty and tht IIDrk plac, (t,1.1 coaputtr llttracy prlNJrllll, Dlv1lopln91rofici1ncy in applying co1puttr1 and r1lat1d t1chnolo1t1s Ci.1,1 ltarnlng to u11 tool 1Dftwar1l, r, #11d for T11c~,r Tr1i1i1f. Al 11 not1d in 1D1t of tht othtr r1port1, th, authors h1r1 1tr111 tht ntld lor pr1-1trvlc1 ind in-1trvic1 t11ch1r tr1lnlng, 9, Th1 N1tlon1l T11k Fore, on Educational TKhnology, Tr1n1for1inLA11rtun. Educ1tion1 _Rlducin_g _tht RJ1kJR..1h,_~1tion CN11hln9ton, DC1 Unlttd Stlt11 D1part11nt of Education, April l98111,
17 TAUIIS on Typ11 of Softare Utld ln School 1 TAUIIS is a CDIPlftY that pravid11 urktt rHtarch d1t1 ta I vari1ty of indu1tri11, including th, lduc1ti0111l 1aft11r1 industry, lmpubli1hld r1sult1 frat a 1urv1y th1y canducted ith 1choal district r1pr111nt1tiv11 araund the country..,., 11d11vail1bl1 ta IESD far th, purposn af this rtport,i0 81lD1t 1r1 p1rc1ntagn 1q1ntive of th1 u11 of diff1r1nt typ11 af in1tructianal 1oftN1r1 in school,, Tools (NOrd pracn1ing, d1tab111, ,tc,> 951 Drill and Practir1 901 PratraHing Lang, 861 L1arning 81H1 791 8raphic11aft11r1 691 PrablH Salving Pgn. 621 Tutorial uftar sn Co1put1r 11n1gld in1tructian 431 Ca1111nic1tion 1oftur1 lonlin1) 401 Co1put1r A11i1t1d T11ttng 311 It i1 lik1ly that tools 1r1 th, 101t co11anly u1td 1aftor1 typ1 bte1u11 they can 11rve 1or1 thin on, 1ubJ1et, and 11ny 1r111 and topics within 11ubj1ct. Thus th1y 1r1 vi111d by 1chaal par1onn1l 11 highly cost 1fftctiv1, Drill and pr1ctic1 protran 1r1 used fr1qu1ntly btc1u11 th1y aft1n do nat r1quir1111ch t11ch1r pr,paratian ar training. T1ach1r1 tand to h1v11111 difficulty int1gr1ting thN with th1 ongoing curriculua than th1y do oth1r uftur, typ11. N1ny of th1 progr111 that would qualify 11 l1arning gun 1auld 1110 b1 con1id1r1d drill and practic1 progr111. Progr111ing l1ngu1g111r1 u1td fr1qu1ntly 11th, b11i1 of 1 1ubjact within it11lf Ii.,., th1 t11ching of B11ic, Logo, 1tc,), EDUCATION TURNKEY SYSTE"S on Nicrocuputar U11 in Sp1ci1l Education EDUCATION TURNKEY SYSTENS, Inc, ii 1nath1r fir1 providing 11rktt rt111rch d1t1 to th1 tduc1tional 1oftw1r1 industry, In 11987 Sur,,y of #icroco1put1, Ust it Sp1ci1l Educ1tio111, th1y approxi11t1 th, 1ptcial lduc1tion 1tud111t populatian 1t 4,3 1illion, with 4,11tllion b1ing 11rv1d ln public 1chool1. Th, l1rg11t h1ndic1ppld popul1tion11r1 id1ntifi1d 11 the l11rning di11bl1d, 1p1tch iapairld, and Nntally r1t1rd1d, accounting for avar 801 of th, total, ----------10, Ann, Wujcik, TAL~IS1 NIN York, NY, ptr1on1l cauunic1tion, Jun,, 1987, 11, Education Turnkey Sy1te11, 1Nicraco1puter U11 in Sp1ci1l Education, unpubli1h1d 1u111ry, 19B7.
According ta EDUCATION TURNKEY SYSTEIIS, total f1d1r1l, 1t1t11 and local 1p1nding far 1p1ci1l lducatian ha1 grG11n fra1 S4,6 billion in 1976 ta appra1i11t1ly S15 billion in 1985. In a 1u11ary of surv1y findings, th, authar1 not, that tht 1aount 1p1nt an 11ch handic1pp1d 1tud1nt far instructional 11ttrial1 and 1quip11nt is about an, and an, half ti111 that 1p1nt on 1ach nonhandlcapp1d 1tud1nt. 18 Thi 1uthor1 found that 1icracaaputtr11r1 u11d nit fr1quantly far the l11rning dl11bl1d, 11ntally r1tard1d, gift1d-andtal1nt1d, and 11otianally di1turb1d lin that ard1r), and 1uch 1111 fr1qu1ntly Nlth spnch lap1ir1d 1tud1nt1. Prltary 1tud1nt 1ctiviti11 involving cotputtr u11, in ard1r of fr1qu1ncy, 1r1 II fallaw11 1upplnutino cla11ra01 instruction t11ching b11ic 1kill1 1aking 1tud1nt1 co1put1r lit1r1t1 t t1aching 1tud1nt1to u11 th1 ca1puttr 111 tool_ Thi v11t 11jority l1l1nt 9011 of 1pKi1l lduc1tian caardinatar11urvey1d 11pre111d th1 n11d far training or 111i1t1nc1 in inttgrating 1aftN1r1 Nith th1 ongoing cl111raa1 curriculut, Othtr oft1n-cit1d n11d1includ1111i1tanc1 in 1aftw1r1 stlKtion and a gtntral teachtr oritntatian to 1aftw1r1. Appra1i11t1ly 601 of tht 1pKi1l 1duc1tian t11ch1r11urv1y1d indic1t1d that th1y u11 1icraca1put1r1 for instructional purpa111, and BOX af thnt hav1 rac1iv1d 1011 training. Th111 data 1ugg11t the nnd far 1aft11r1 1pKlfic1lly d11igntd for 1p1ci1l 1duc1tian 1tud1nt11 and for 11p1r1t11p1cial education t1achtr'1 guid11 far 11in1tr1111aft1ar1 that can bt u11d profitably with special n11d1 stud1nt1. INTERACTIVE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEftS DESIGN an ESL/Bilingual Education Softwar, In a rteant pr111nt1tian, Int1r1ctiv1 Educational Sy1tn1 D11ign 1u111riz1d what i1 known about th, 1tudtnt population and school prDlJr111 l1b1lld 11 Li1it1d English Profici1ncy ILEP>, English 11 a SKand L1ngu1g1 IESLI, or lilln9u1l Educ1tian.12 Sine, 1975 the Unit1d St1t11h1111ptri1nc1d the l1r911t wav, of i11i9ratian sine, the b1glnnin9 of th1 c1ntury. Eighty p1rc1nt of th111 nlM l11lgr1nt11r11ithtr Hispanic or Asian. This d11ogr1phic fact holds i1portant ltplic1tion1 far lducatian in th1 19901.13 First, b1cau1e tht birthrate a1on9 r1c1nt iaigr1nt1 it relatively high, an increasing nu1ber of first g1n1ration A1tric1n1 will ent1r th, school 1y1t11. As a r11ult, ESL/bilingual education is likely ta takt on a new i 1portanc1, 12, Ellan R. ll1lo, '"arktt Tr1nd1 in ESL/Bilingual Soft11r1.1 Unpublished paper presented at the "lcrotr1nd1 '87 canf1renc11 NtN York, July 1987, 13. Education1l .1n~_Joci1tal.Jutur111 N11tin1Jh1. Ttchno~ical_,D11and1 of Jht....19901. Procttding of 1 Canf1r1nc1, San Di1ga Stat, Univ., California National Origin D111gr19atian A11i1t1nc1 (Laul Canter, 1984.
Currantly, thtr1ar111ti1atld ta b12,41illlan K-12 LEP 1tud1nt1.'4 Df thn11 only 30-401 .,., r1e1lvln9 ESL/blling111l 11rvicn. Th1 total LEP population i1 npectld ta incr1111 301 av1r th1 n11t tan y1ar1. Thi Hispanic iNigrant population ii npectld ta incr1a11 351 av,r th1 n11t 10 y11r1. And currently, th1 high11t p1rc1ntag1 af 1chaal dropout, art Hispanic -over ti11 thtrt uy b1 political pr111ur1 to do 10Hthin9 about this, In addition, th1 Allan iNigrant population i111p1ct1d to tncr1a11 231 over th1 n11t 10 y1ars, 19 In r1vi1wing th1 lit1ratur1 on technology in sp1cial 1ducation, IESD found that t1chnolagy can have a significant pa1itiv1 effect on LEP 1tud1nt1 but that th, ujor i1p1di1111t1 to its u11 art th, lack of instructionally and tKhnalagically sound software, and tht lack of t1ach1r training, IESD 1ade 1ugg11tians for d1v1laping ESL/Bilingual Education 1oftwar1 -1ugg11tians that cov1r1d four ar1as1 Ttaching 11thad1 Technical con1idtratian1 t Instruction in English lan9uag1 skills ln1tructlan in nan-languag1 school 1ubj1et1 Suf911ti111 Co1c1r1i19 T1achi1t l1th1d1, ESD 1ug911t1d d1v1loping 1aftwar1 that pro1ot11 spaktn int1r1ctian aaan9 1tud1nt1 and that 1ncaurag11 collaboration --providing tht opportunity ta pair ln1abl11p11k1r1/wit1rs of En9lilh with 1tudtnt1 who art 1ar1 proficient. It was also 1ugg11tld that ESL/Bilingual Education softwart tak1 into account diff1r1nc11 b1tw11n th, student's n1tiv1 cultur1 and th1 standard Altrican culturt, IESD furthtr rtco11tnd1d d1v1loping softwart that 111i1t1 tht t1ach1r in cla11r0D1 pr111nt1tian1 or d1aon1tration1. T1ch1ical Co11id1ratio1s, IESD su99nt1d that ESL/Bilingual Education 1aftwar1 takt advantag, of tht 1icroco,put1r graphics, vaict, and t11t pr111ntation capabiliti1s, It was also reco11ended that softwar, be 1odifiabl1 by th1 t1ach1r. l1structio1 i1 lish La19u191 Stills, Afttr r1vi1wing th11xisting supply of software available for LEP students and consulting 11p1rt1 in th, fitld, IESD analysts concludtd that th, following 1ight aid stud1nt1 in th1ir d1v1lop11nt of English language skills: t Vocabulary dev1lap1ent softwar, t lnt1ractiv1 fiction and adv1ntur1 ga1e1 --a potentially poNerful instructional sourct btcaust thty pr01ot1 probl11 solving using the target langu191 and art highly 1otiv1ting to students t Software that 1xploit1 artificial lnt1lllg1nc1 ttchnologies in tht d1v1lop1tnt of language and reading skills (1,g., saftwar1 that can rtad to childrtn in 11v1ral languagts or can instantly tr1nslat1 tht t1ach1r's valet inta anathtr l1n9ua91) 14, Charlts Blaschkt, Education Turnkey Syst11s, Falls Church, VA, personal co11unication, July 1987.
Nardproc111ing 1aftw1 and 1upparting 11t1ri1l1 ta praaot, 1 writing work1hap 1taa1ph1r11 in th, ESL cl111raa1, including builtin f11tur11 such 111111ltillngu1l dictionary, 11p1ll ch1ck1r, 1 haaony1 chKktr, and I th111uru1 SupplH1nt1l 11tari1l1 that 11k1th111plar1tion of I pragr111ing l1ngu1g11ppropri1t1 far an ESL/bilingual cl111roa1 SUfftstio11for lo1-l11911r1 School SubJtct,. Far non-l1ngu1g11choal 1ubj1ct1, such 11 Sci1nc1 and Social Sci1nc1, IESD 11d1 th1 following r1co111nd1tion1. t D1v1lop 1Dftwar1 that 11k11 in1tructlan 1v1il1bl1 in English and in th, n1tiv1 l1ngu1g1. Atttnd to th, r11d1bility of th, t11t. t Includ1 tracking and r1porting 1y1t111, providing the t11char with infor11tian about prablu1 r1l1tld to th, 1tud1nt'1 English l1ngu1g1 dlfici1ncy. Adapt 11i1ting taal softw1r1 11.g., wordprac111or1, 1pr11d1he1tsl far u11 in ESL/bilingual cl111roa11 (1,g., n1tiv1 l1nguag1 v1r1ians, Engli1h l1ngu1g1 v1r1ian1 with n1tiv1 l1ngu1g1 h1lp 1y1tu11. Li1it1tion1 on th1 Data Saurc11 U11d in At1111ing Schaal Nlld 20 Thi d1t1 upon which thi1111n111nt of 1choal n1td ii b111d co111 pri11rily fro1 n1tian1l and 1t1t11aurc11. At bnt, it pravidn I g1n1r1l av1rvi11 af curriculu1 priaritin, broad ar111 af th1 curriculu1 in nttd of i1pravu1nt, and i11u11 NDrthy af 1pKi1l 1tt1ntian. This d1t1 da11 not .R.Ct11nt 1 co1pl1t1 pictur, af 1chaal n11d. U11ful data could b1 collacttd at th, district l1v1l for both l1rg1 and 11111 school di1trict1, and at th1 local 1chool l1v1l, Surv1y r1111rch could 11c1rt1in what kind1 of 1oftw1r1 t11ch1r1 at v1riou1 gr1d1l1v1l11r1 curr,ntly u1ing, and what kind1 of 1oftw1r1 th1y would lik1 ta h1v1. Such re111rch could t1k1 into account differ1ncn with r11ptet to 1chool 1ubject1 and stud1nt popul1tion1. Currtnt d1t11r11110 n11dld rag1rding the 1v1il1bility of co1put1r tin for diff1r1nt 1ubJtet1 ind 1t difftr1nt gr1d1 l1v1l1, Our 1xp1ri1nc1 in th11chool1 t1ll1 u1 that 10111ubj1ct1 t1nd to 1onopoliz1 the 1v1ilabl1 co1put1r1 (1,g., pr09r111ingl while in oth1r 1ubj1ct1, the teacher 1ay bt fortun1t1 to have 1cc111 to on, ca1put1r a f1w cla11 periods p1r aonth, Thi national and 1tat1 vi of what gon on in 1chool1 and what i1 ne1d1d in 1choal1 is often different fra1 the vi1w1 11pre111d at th, di1trict and local l1v1l1, No analysis of school n11d with re1ptet ta 1aftw1re would bt ca1pl1t1 without this di1trict and local p1r1p1ctiv1, Further re111rch it strongly 1ugge1t1d prior to any policy d1ci1ion11king ar funding 1ffort1 by the federal gov1rn11nt,
21 A ca1pl1t11n1ly1i1 of 11chaal nNd' should 1110 includ1 th1 identification of ntw, 111rging Ny1 ta i1prav1 th, l11rning prac111 -Ny1 that h1v1 not y1t filt1r1d down ta Hit school 1y1ta1 and that 1r1, th1rlfar1, not y1t ptrc1ivld 11 1nNd1.1 For 1x11pl1, th1 HolN1 &raup and th, Nation1l T11k Fare, an Educational T1chnology bath Nlltian th, n11d to incorpar1t1 th1 l1t11t rn11rch an hu11n cognitiant report, 1u1111ting sp1ciftc in1tructtan1l 1ppra1ch11 that 11k1 u11 of cagnitiv1 r111arch should b1 con1ult1d. T1chnologic1l innovation 1110 hold 111ch pra1i11 far tapraving th1 l11rning prac1111 data an d1v1laptng tKhnalogi11 such CD RD", CD-I, vid1adi1c, and 1p11eh r1cagnitian should b1 gath1r1d 1nd anal ynd. COIIPMINB SCHOOL NEEDS TD THE CURRENT SUPPLY OF EDUCATIONAL SOFTIIARE SubJKtl and Ar111 in Ntld Prn1nt1d b1lDN i11 list of 1ubJ1ct1 and ar111 at 1p1cifi1d gr1d1 l1v1l1 that th1 d1t1 pr111ntld 11rli1r in this chapttr 1uggnt art in n11d af i1provn1nt. lth1r1 th, data 1u9911t that th, 1ubJact or 1r11 uy b1 under11rvld, it i1 natld. lfh1r1 th1r1i11 particular cantrav1r1y concerning 1 subJtet or 1r11, that ii natld. Caaputer Lit1r1cy There i1 currtntl y di11gr1Ntnt avtr Nhat should con1ti tut, Ca1put1r Li t1r1cy, SaN fHl it should si1ply Nin an avtrvitw of th1 u11s of ca1put1r1 tn society. Sate f1el it should includ1 facility Nith tool softw1r1. SoN fnl it should also includ1 pragr111ing 1xp1ri1nce. Nt identified 104 Caaputer Literacy progr111, llhich r1prnents 311 of th 331 progran categorized 11 Ca1puter1, This Nauld IHI to bt Hre than ad1quat1 cover191. Hottv1r, the v11t ujarity af thesere Tutori1l1 177 af the 104), An 1ff1etiv1 Ca1put1r Lit1r1cy pragr111ight 1110 b1 will strvld by Siaulatian prOCJr111 that giv11tud1nt1 the opportunity ta 1xp1ri1nc111ny different co1puter 1pplic1tians. Ne could identify only tlft Coaputtr Liter1cy Siaulation1. nglish/L1ngu191 Arts In th1 rtport1 rtviltlld for this study focusing on 11chool nad,1 Engli1h/L1ngu191 Art1-811ic Skills w1r1 fr1qu1ntly 11ntionld. Topics over which concern w111xpr11s1d included Coapatition/Nriting, Spilling, ind L1nguag1 Dtv1lop11nt (including 6r1111r and U1191, and Punctuation>. Of 794 Basic Skills progru1'5 1 274 art cat19arized 11 6r111ar ind U11g1 1351)1 264 as Spilling (331)1 139 11 Ca1positian Writing 1181)1 and SI 11 Punctuation (71). Considering it1 iaport1nc1 in th1 curriculu1, th1 Co1po1ition/Nriting topic 11y b1 und1r11rv1d by the current 1oftwar1 1ark1t. Further analysis r1v11l1 that thtrt art no Brinar and U11g1 or Punctuation Taal pragr111, Another Engli1h/L1ngu1g1 Arts 1r1a that 11111 to b1 und1r1trv1d i1 ESL, 11p1cially lacking in Tool and Si111l1tian progr111 that would 1ncour1g11tud1nt collabor1tian. This 1r1111111 ripe for software that can tak11dv1nt1g1 of th1 i1proved voice and graphics c1p1bilitie1 of th, latest 1icroco1put1r IOdlls, IS. Tht ar111 included in English/L1ngu1g1 Arts-Basic Skills are 1lph1betizin9, co1positian/writing, gru1ar and usage, handwriting, punctuation, and spelling.
22 Fin, Arts Th1r1 is concarn that, in gradn 11 th1 Fin, Arts h1v1 not bNn 11d11cc111ibl1 to 11ny 1tud111t1. Thi 11t1nt to which &raphic Art and Nu1ic 1Dftwar1 should 1upplN1nt w, traditional approachH to thH1 di1ciplin11 will, no doubt, b1 dlbatld for quit, IDII tiN, Throughout gr1d11 1-8, Fin, Arts r1pr111nt1 41 of the av1ilabl11oft11r1. Thi d1t1 collact1d 1ugg11t1 that this broad subJact 11y b1 slightly und1r11rvld in gr1d11 7-8. Throughout gr1d11 lB, in th, 1r11 of Nu1ic, th1r1 11y bt an av1r1bund1nc1 of Skill PrKtic1 pragrus (54 of 105 pragru11. One way 1aftw1r11ight 11rv1 th, Fint Arts curricula would b1 to 11k1 b11ic graphit art and 1u1ic conc,pts 10r11cc111ible to childr1n. Nt 1nvi1ian op1n-1ndtd Conc1pt Dev1lop11nt pragr111 in which students 1xp1ri11nt with, for 1x11pl11 th1 graphic art concept of p1r1p1etive or th, au1ic canc1pt of pitch. Foreign l1ngu1g1 Dvarall, Fortign langu1g1 r1pr111nt1 St of all of the K-12 1aftw1r1, which would s111 1pprapri1t1 for th, role Foreign langu1g11 play in the curriculu1. Of the 356 Foreign language progr111, 146 art c1t19orizld 11 Fr1nch 14111, 112 1r1 catagorizld 11 Spanish (311>, and 67 are c1t1gorizld 11 6tr11n 1191), rlfl1cting th, popularity of thn1 l1nguag11 in U.S. schools. l1port1nt l1nguag11 that 11y b1 und1r11rv1d ar, Ru11ian 122 progran>, J1pann1 lone pro9ra111 and Chin111 (no pragra1s li1t1dl. Of cour11, this 11y 11r1ly bt I rlfl1ction of haw n1gl1ctld th1s1 l1ngu1gu art in U.S. 1choal1. Mith r11pact to typ1 cl1s1ific1tion, th1 largnt p1rc1ntag1s of the For1ign language pragran 1r1 c1t1gorizld 11 Skills Pr1ctic1 157111 Educational &u11 148111 and Tutorial 12511. Th1r1 i1 a notic11bl1 lack of pragran that would 1ncourag11tud1nt1 to u11 th1 langu1g1 in novtl 1ituation11 only nin1 pragran art c1t1gorizld 11 Tools, and only thr11 are Si1ulatian1. Logic/Prabl11 Solving Thar, is a n11d for progr111 that. d1v1lop 91n1ral thinking strat1gi11 and that link th111 1tr1t1gin ta th, 10r1 traditional curriculu1. ltath111tic1 Thtrt is I larg1 supply of Skills Pr1ctic1 and Tutorials focusing on Co1put1tion1l Skills; h1r1 the i11u11ay bt quality, not quantity. Considering the interest in Nathaatic1 Prabln-Solving progra11, 11 identified two topics within Basic Skills that involve probl11 solving skills: Nard Probl11s and Esti1atian, Of the 1425 Basic Skill1 progr11sl&, only 76 focus an solving Nord Proble1s 151>, and only 20 focus on E1ti11tion 111). Bath topics would SHI to be undtrserved by the current saftwar, 11rk1t, In addition, while tht availability of Nath111tic1 progra11 for grades 7-12 is high, advanced topics other than Algebra (1,g,, 6101,try; Statistics) 1ay be undtrstrved by the 11rk1t. 16, Tht 1r1a1 includtd in N1th11atic1-Ba1ic Skills 1r11rith11tic ba1ic skills, coordinate sy1t11s and graphing, currency, d1ci11l1 and percents, equations, 1sti1atian, factoring, fractions, inequalities, 11a1ur111nt/ntric1, nu1ber 11nt1nc11, nu1b1r syst11s and counting, ratio and proportion, telling ti11 and di1tanc11 and word probl11s.
R11ding Studant d1fici111cin in th1 Reading in Cant111t Ar1a1 aria hav, probably contributed to th, 'writint down' of t11tbook1, Saftw1 focusing tpKific1lly an th1 r1quir11111t1 of CD1Prthtnding ki1nc1 and Social Sciec, ut1ri1l could help, Currently only 61 of all R11ding progra11 id1ntifi1d focus on R1ading in Cant111t Ar1a1, and th1 tr1nd it toward d1v1loping f..,. progran in this ar11. This 1r111pp1ar1 und1r11rvtd, Dvtr1ll, th1r1 i1 a l1rg1 supply of protran in the Coapr1h1n1ion Skills ar1a1. Th1r1 ar1 only 29 progra11 focusing on Dtcoding Skills for gr1d11 9-12. Ntw products in this ar11, taking advantage of th1 digitiz1d voic1 capability of th1 lat11t coaput1r 1ad1ls, could Nill strve th1 adol11c1nt, functionally illit1rat1. Sci1nc1 In g1n1r1l, grad11 4-8 IHI to b1 und1rs1rv1d by th1 curr1nt 1Dftw1r111rk1t. Th111 are the grades in llhich 11ny 1tud1nt can d1v1lap a basic undrstanding about how th1 physical world 11Drks and 1 po1itiv1 attitud1 tONrd scitntific di1cov1ry. Softw1r1 in th1 Scitntific N1thods area is particularly nlld1d, 10 that 1tud1nt1 can btcDN fuiliar with th, proc11111 and 1trat19i11 ustd by sci1nti1t1. Of a Nrt 37 prograH focusing on Sci111tific lflthod1, only 14 are suitable for grades 4-6, with 23 appropriat, for gr1d11 7-8. Social Sci111c1 23 Thtr1 app1ar1.to b1 a r1lativ1 lack of Tool and Hypothni1 Tnting 1oftwar1 for th, Elntntary Social Studi11, History, Basic Skill1'7 and Biography ar1a1. Th1 El1ntary Social Studies aria is also lacking in Situlation software. Th111 software typn 1ight help d1v1lop higher l1v1l thinking 1kill1 in Social Sci1nc1, such 11 di1cov1ring r1lationlhip1 IIOllf historical, gtographical, and cultural facts, In addition, grades 7-12 uy b1 undtr11rvld in g1n1ral. Study Skills Instruction in this topic is ntld1d throughout the grad11. Progra1 Typ11 in NHd Two g1n1ral ar1a1 of nud have bNn 1xpr1111d with r11p1ct to progra1 typ11 progra11 that pro,ote hightr ordtr thinking skillsJ and progra11 that help stud1nts to efficiently 111t1r basic facts and skills. Hightr Order Thinking Skills Th1r1 is 1uch discussion of th1 ntld to help stud1nt1 d1v1lop 'higher order skills' --to be able to galhtr data, to organiz1 it, to analyze it, to u11 it flexibly to 1ynth11iz1 solutions to co1pl11 chall1ng11, and to 1valuat1 solutions proposed for such ch1lleng11. Critics of the existing 1ystH of lducation in th1 Unit1d Stat11 argu1 that i1prova1nt in this aria of education will r1quir1 1ar1 than Just appropriat, 1icrocoaputer 1oftwar1, Thi way cla11roo11 are organized 11y also have to ch1ng11 th1101tly Nhol1 class l1ctur1 and recitation instructional approach1 th1 fix1d ti11 periods; th, focus on a 1ingl11ubj1ct at a ti11, 1sp1cially at th1 high school level, 17, Thi arias included in Social Sci1nc1-Basic Skills are charts and graphs, d1cision 11king and valu1s, locating and organizing infor1ation, and 1ap and glob1,
24 Nat1ith1t1nding the n11d far in1tltutlan1l ch1ng1, 1aft11r1 c1n play role in the d1v1lapunt of high1r ard1r 1kill1. Pragru typn that IIH 1pprapri1t1 1r1 Taall (1,9., wardprac111an with id11 pracnsar1 that help 1tud1nt1 argantz.th1tr thoughts and their witing), Si111l1tian1 that pr111nt CD11Pl11 scenarios not 111tly brought ta th1 cl111rDD1 in athr 11y1, Concept D1v1lop11nt pragru1 that 111011tudent1 ta 1xplar1 ca1pl1x cancapt1 and 1kill1 11.g., graphing algebraic 1xpr111ian1) in an 1xp1ri11nt1l 1t1otph1r1, and Hypath11i1 T11ting pragran that 1111bl11tud1nt1 ta test out 111uaptian1 about th111Drld by rlftrring ta f1ct111l d1t1b1111, Ari sufficient quutiti11 of th111 pragr11 typn curr,ntly 1vail1bl1? Thi an1111r i1 not a 1iapl1 an,. Thi Canc,pt D1v1lapunt and Hypath11i1 T11ting c1t19arin account for only 41 ind lX, r11pKtiv1ly, of all th, K-12 1aft11r1 id1ntifi1d, Hatttvtr, th111 c1t11Jari11 h1v1 two of th, 1D1t r11trictiv1 d1finitian1 of 111 th1 typ1 c1t1gari11. Furthtrear,, tht Conc,pt D1v1lap1,nt c1t1gary is 1 recently addld typt c1t1gary, and th1 a11igning af aldtr pragru1 ta this category 11y b1 incaapl1t1. Nan1th1l111, N b1li1v1 that thrt it tuch raaa far d1v1lap11nt af th111 typ1 of prCMJran. Far 1xa1pl1, thtrt art now I f11 g1a11try progru1 on tht 1ark1t that 1llD1t 1tud1nt1 ta 1xplar1 and di1cov1r th prap1rti11 of triangl11 and athr gta11tric far11. Hypoth11l1 T11ting pragran h1v1 gr11t patantial in bath Sci1nc1 and Social Sci111c1, wll1r1 th1 ga1l1 of th111 di1ctplin11 includt thtary-building and thtary-tnting b111d an ab11rvld fact. An1ly1i1 of th1 data r19arding Taal 1aft11r1 i1 a ca1pl1x t11k. Only lll of 111 af th1 K-12 pragr1n 1r1 c1t19arizld 11 Tools. Hatllv1r, 1any Taal, can b1 uud 1cra11 tht curriculu11 thus, on, pragr1111v 11rv1 uny aart than ant 11t of ntld1, Furthrw,, 1 quick chick of th, Taal pragra11 r1v11l1 that 11ny not d11lgnld 1p1cific1lly far tht lduc1tianal 11rk1t but act~ally in u11 in 1chaal1 (1.g., Mriting A11i1tant1 Db111 II and Ill> are not li1tld in tht d1t1b111 uud far this study. And in c1rtain 1ubj1ct11 th, p1rc1nt1g1 of Taal pragr111 is auch high1r than 11%1 &uid1nc1 IS3X)J Physical Education ISOX)1 Fini Arts (48%); H11lth (43%); Industrial Arts (30%); and Coaputtrs (24%). Tht Taal category is quit, g111tral by d1finitian. One i1part1nt qu11tian not 1n111rld by th1 data callectld i1 --l1 thtrt I sufficitnt supply of th, kinds af taal1 that t1ach1rs want and n1td? Then i1 cl11rly I dnirt far gentric Tools such II wardpracnsar1, 1pr11d1hHts, and d1tab111 h1ndltr1 in th, tchaal1, According to I rKent TAUIIS 1urv1y, 95% af th1 district, surv,yld u11 Toals.11 And thtrt 1pp1ar1 ta bt an a~undant supply of th1s1 kinds of pragr111. llhat 1r1 nted1d art Taol1 that tnhanct tht capabiliti11 of 11i1ting g1ntric Taal,, SoN alr11dy 11i1t1 such as I ft spilling checktrs and autlint gen1r1tar1, but eare could bt dan1 in thi11r11, ta braadtn tht 11l1ctian of Tool c1p1bilitl11 and ta take 1dvant1g1 af th11ff1ct ca1p1titian will h1v1 an product quality, Nt 1nvi1ian prCMJran such 11 syntax chtck1r1, built-in th111uru111, add-on natt-taking arg1niz1r1, and 1ubjKt-specific help 1y1tH1 and t11pl1t11 (1.g., 1 11t af praapt1 far writing up Sci1nc1 lab r1part1). BK1u11 of tht gr11t int1r11t that 1lr11dy 1xi1t1 in schools for Taal 1aftw1r1, the fed1r1l gav1rn11nt 11y want ta 1tiaul1t1 nH product develop11nt of this progr11 type, Th1 curr,nt 1t1t1 af Si1ul1tian1, 1nath1r typ1 of 1aft11r1 usually thought ta pra1ote hightr order thinking 1kill1, it 1110 difficult ta 1n1lyz1, llhilt anly 91 af all of th1 pragr111 fall within this cat,gary, th, p1rc1nt1g1 it hightr far 1ubjtct1 in Nhich Si1ulation11r1 particularly 1pprapri1t1, Far 1x11pl1 in th111jar school 1ubJKt11 32% af th, Sci1nc11aft11r1, and 211 of the Social Scitnct 1oft1ar1 art Si111l1tian1 lha11v1r, thtrt 11111 ta b11 ne1d for 1ore Si1ul1tian1 specifically d11ign1d far ElHtntary Soci1l Studi11), Of th1 nan-11jor subj1ct11 221 af th1 Business 1oftw1r1 ind l9X of th, Ho11 Econo1ics saft11r11r1 Si1ulation1 ---.. "------" 18. Anne Wujcik, TAL"IS, New Yark, NY, p1rsan1l co11unic1tion, Jun,, 1987.
25 TIIO 1ubJKt1 far llhich there are very few Siaul1tian1 are Englith/Language Art, (only two pragran> and Far1ign L1ng111g1 (only thrH pragrwl. In Engli1h/Languag1 Arts, th1 aria of Lit1r1tur1 could b1111fit fra1 Staulatians. I~, were unable ta find any.> Mt 1nvt1ton1 far 1x11pl11 IOftw, that 1nlbl1s 1tud1nt1 to rol1-pl1y various ch1r1ct1r1 in qr11t lit1r1tur1 at th, point, at which thay aust 11ke 1ajar dKi1ion1. Ill 1110 envi1ian 1tud1nt1 holding 1canv1r1ation11 with faaaus characttrs and author,. Th, ESL aria is also rip1 for Si111l1tion1 in which the 1tud111t 1u1t ca11unic1t1 with a nativt English 11peaktr1 in vartau, rtal-warld situation,. Si1il1r 1oftw1r1 could b1 dtvtloptd far 1ajar Fartign Languagn, only th1 nativt Engli1h-1p11king 1tud1nt would havt to ca11unic1t1 in Spanish, Frtnch, &tr1111, 1tc. Ta b1 sure, such toftNare NOuld havt to bt quite sophisticattd in d11ign, p1rhap1 requiring I built-in databa11 handltr, artificial inttlligenc c1pabiliti1s, ind digitiztd voice. A di1cu1sion af Tool, Si111l1tion, Conctpt Dtv1lap1111t1 and Hypothesis T11ting pragrau would not bt co1pl1t1 without Hntioning the nttd for t1ach1r training. Ont thing the11 progra, types have in CDIIDfl i1 th1ir op1n-end1dn111, Both the 1tud111t and the t1acher 1r1 confronted with 1any choices 11111ft using such pr-01ra11. That it th1 kty ta thtir potential far pratoting higher-order thinking skills, Tht op1n-1nd1dnn1 of then progr11s also pr1nnt1 gr11t ch1ll1ng11 to t11ch1r1. Mhat b1ckground knowlldgt should students havt prior to using such pragr1n? Mhat additional data should b1 at the 1tud1nt1' di1p11al, To what 11t1nt should th1 widt array of options provid1d in such pragra11 bt r11trictld by th1 t11ch1r, to 11kt tht learning 11peri1nc111111g1able? How can an op1n tndtd progr11 by u11d 10 11 to fit within tht ti11 constraint, of tht typical school (e.g., 40 1inut11 per dayl? Tllnt i11un strongly 1uggnt th1 nttd far teacher tr1ining1 pre11rvic1; and in11rvic1 lboth offand an-sit,>. Without such training, only a r1lativ1 flN t1ach1r1 will have tht tin and intuition ta d1v1lap appropriat, 1tratagi11 for using such saftwart, Ta b11ur11 tht software publi1her1 aught ta play I rolt in such training -at 111st by prtparing t1achtr docu11nt1tian that explains hDN th, softNar1 d1v1lap1r1 conctivtd that tht pragra1 should bt ustd, Efficitnt Nastery of Baste Skills and Facts Tht 11pr11sion of tht nttd for 1oftN1r1 progra11 that pro1ot1 hightr order thinking skills should not bt con1trutd 11 an argu1ent again1t 1aftwar1 that pro1ate1111tery of basic fact, and 1kill1, On tht contrary, 11ny 1duc1tor1 fetl that co1pl1x probl11 solving bthavior can only bt 111t1rtd with rtspKt to 1111 known conttnt, Thus the type categories Rot, Drill, Skills Practict, and Tutorial hav, 1 role to play in the curriculu1, and art w1llr1pr111nted in the distribution of pragra1 types llS%1 St%, and 33%1 r11pKtivelyl, In fact, Skills Practict and Tutorial progra1111y bt ov1r-r1pr111nt1d, Nhilt th1r1 does not 1111 to bt a gr11t call for I g1n1ral increast in the production of th11e pragra1 typ11, there is an int1rest in Skills Practice pragra1s Nith sophi1tic1t1d, 1ultil1v1l fndback sy1t11s and Tutorials that 11rve 11 an expert syst11 -a coach to students that 1anitar1 student p1rfor1anc1 and provides explanations, d11an1tratians, practice, reudiation, and 1or1 open-end1d, exploratory exp1rienc1111 n11d1d, In other words, there 1111s to be a n11d for i1prov11ent of progr11 quality rather than quantity. Progra1 Uses in Nttd Tht data coll1ct1d thus far sugg1st1 the n11d for i1prov11ent of instruction for R111dial 1tudut1 l11p1ci1lly in gradts 9-121 and Sp1cial Education students throughout gr1d11 1-12, Tht qu11tion of Nhtthtr tht txisting supply of 1oftr1 appropriate for th111 uses it sufficient is difficult to 1n1w1r dut to the fact that tht us, category data ca1piled for this study is based an s1lf-r1port1 fro1 tht software publishers --not fro1 indeptndtnt analysts. In fact, self-reporting fro1 softart publish1r1 it tht way 101t publishers of g1n1ral, 1ll-purpo11 software directories and d1tab1111 colltct their data. Thi kty probl11 with this i1 that 1aftNar1 publishtrs art likely to
26 providt u11 d1t1 that 111i1izn th1ir Dlffl 11rk1ting lffort1. Thus, in th, lowtr gr1d11, lth1r11xp1rt1 in th, fi1ld indtc1t1 that l1b1ltn11prG1Jr11111uit1bl1 for Sp1et1l Education 11y hurt Nainlint Currtculua 11ln, 10ft111r1 publilhlf'I 11y und1rrtport progru1' suitability for Sptcial Education. Hawv,r, in th1 upptr gr1d11, lab1ling I prqr11111uit1bl1 for Rnldi1tion ar SpKial Education i1 p1rc1ivld by soft publiihlf'I 11 having na n1g1tiv1 lffKt an N1lnlln1Curriculu111111, sa th1r1 11y 1v1n b1 ovtrrtportint, thtr'tby cnating nn 11rk1t1 for 1 1Dft .. r1 prDfJrtl, Having 11id thl1, thlf'I ar1 a fn 1choal 1ubJKt1 that IHI 11p1ei1lly low ln th1 reporting of suitability for SpKial Education. In th111jor 1ubj1ct1, Engli1h/Languag1 Arts, lllth111tic11 and Reading 1t1nd out. In tht nan-aajor 1ubJ1ct1, Library Skills i1 worth noting. Thtrt 11111 ta bt an abundant supply Df progru1 that 1oftw1r1 publisbtr1 indlc1t1 art 1uitabl1 for Rnldial u111 h1r1 th, i11u111y bt quality rath1r th1n quantity. Ont final ward an th, cl111ific1tion af progr111 according ta u11. Can1idtring th1 f1d1r1l 1xp1nditur11 far rHtdill and special education Ison of which 1r1 likely k pay far software), p1rh1p1 th1 gav1rn11nt should h1lp fund an 1g1ncy that auld 11tablish 1ini1u1 standards far producing 1oftw1r1 suit1bl1 for u11 ith rNtdial or sptcial 1ducatian stud1nt1. This ag1ncy could thtn 1cr11n th, progran 1v1il1bl1 an th, 11rk1t and pravidt an indtptndtnt Judg11nt about th1ir 1uit1bility for th111 spKial papul1tian1. Thi standards could bt 11d1 availabl1 ta 10ft111r1praduc1r1111king ta 11ti1fy thHt 11rk1ts, and tht Jud911nt111d1 about nl1tint pragr11s c011ld bt 11d11v1il1bl1 to publish1r1 of 1aftNrt dirtctorin and d1tab1s11. CONSIDERINB QUALITY AS lfELL AS IIUANTITY IN SATISFYIN8 SCHOOL NEED D1t1r1ining th1 quantity of softor11v1il1bl1 far I giv1n school 1ubj1et1 1r11, grad, range, and 1tud111t population is Just an, 111n1 of 111111ing wh1th1r school n1td11 ar, being 11t. llnfortun1t1ly, 11ny progr11s 1r1 af in1uffici1nt quality far u11 in th, 1chaols. Accordingly, in Chapter ll, wt rtport the r11ult1 of on, 11thod of 111111ing tht quality of tduc1tion1l saftw1r1.
CHAPTER II ABSEISIIENT OF EDUCATIONAL IDFTIIARE DUM.ITY DVERYIEM In this ch1pt1r, Nt 111111 tht av1r1ll quality af lduc1tian1l 1aftw1r111 Nill 11 trtnd1 in quality, b111d an 1v1lu1tion1 conducttd by tight 19111ci11 found ta bt 11D11g tht t tharau9h, NI fully r1ca9ni11 that any Judg1111t1 about av1r1ll 1aftw1r1 quality 1r1 li1itld by tht 1111ntt1lly 1ubj1ctiv1 n1tur1 af tht 1aflwar11v1lu1tion prac111 Th111 li1it1tian1 art d1t1il1d in th, chapter, Finally, wt c11p1r1 tht pragr111 rtc11Nndld by th11v1lu1tion 191nct11 ta tho11 rKOINndtd by I group af 1l11ding 1dg11 t11chtr1 (i,1,, tha11 ld1nlifi1d 11 tfftctlvtly lnt19r1tlng 1icrocoaput1r1 and 1oftw1r1 with cl111raa1 in1truction), PROCEDURE FOR DETER"ININ& Hllll QUALITY SOFTIIARE Tht 1111ur1 af 1Dftw1r1 quality u11d for tht1 ,,cudy can1i1t1d of tht qu11tion1 or pr01pt1 canctrnin9 sptciflc ch1r1ct1ri1tic1 af 1duc1tion1l 1aflw1r11pp11ring in th, 1v1lu1tian far, and printtd 9uid1linn of an 191ncy and publlc1tian that conduct, 1oftw1r11v1lu1tian, U1in9 thi11111ur1 of quality, 111trl1 of ch1r1cttri1tlc1 af 1duc1tlan1l 1oftw1r1 d1v1lop1d, b111d an tht 1v1lu1tion farn and guid1lin11 lif any) af uny 191nci11 and publication,. This 11trlx 01 thtn rtftnld 1fttr consulting 11p1rt1 in tht fltld, (&11 Apptndix IY far bath th, orl9in1l and rtfintd 11tric11.> Ev1ntu1lly, tight 19tnci11 11ltct1d 11btin9110ng th1101t thorough (l,1., 11Dn9 lho11 that 1a1t cla11ly 11tch th, r1fin1d v1r1tan af th, 11tri1l. Finally, tht 1v1lu1tlon1 fro, tht tight 191ncin Ntrt analyzld and judgtd 11 g1ntr1lly pa1ltiv1 ln t,nar, gtn1r1lly n191tiv1, or b1l1ncld bttNttn pa1ttiv1 and n1g1tiv1. A c11pa1it1 rating 111i9ntd to 11ch progr11 rtvitNd, IFar 11or1 d1t1iltd d11crlptton of tht proc1dur1 u11d1 111 Apptndil IY, I Ll"ITATIONS TO THE PROCEDURE FOR DETER"ININS SOFTWARE QUALITY Thtrt 1r1 four i1portant li1itation1 to tht proctdurt for d1t1r1ining 1oftwar, quality described above. Fir,t, th1r1 it the 1ubj1ctlv1 n1tur1 of 1aftw1r1 evaluation. P1rhap1 tht act1v1ty of the agtncin cho11n in this 1tudy can b11t be dHcribtd as 1of~!ilr., .. re._vi1~t~g_, tort akin to restaurant and 1ov1e r1vi1wing than ta a 1ci1nc1. Thtrt is na agrttdupan 11t of wtlldtfintd criteria that a quality 1oftw1r1pro9r111u1t 11ti1fy. Evtn th, 101t thorough of tht 1v1lu1tion 1gtnci11 do not H11ur1 tht l11rnlng autca111 af 1oftw1r1 pro9r111. IAnd 1tt1aptln9 to do 10 would raise othtr probl111, such 111ptcifylng tht conditlon1 undtr which tht 1oftw1r1 i1 u11d,I Whllt thorough 1valu1tian for11 and guid1lln11 can lncr1111 tht chanc11 of I thorough, c1r1fully-con1ld1r1d r1vi1w, it is, non1th1l111, 11ubj1ctiv1 opinion.
28 Slcond, rel1th1ly f pr09'III (2lU hlYI bNlt IVllUltld by 1 DIii 14111cy, ltt 1lan1 I f .. IIIIICiN, Aid 1lnc1 uny lflltdN rely, in part, DII 1d1 and prNI relHIII ta lHrn 1baut n IOftw,, pr09"111 by larger caap111l11 1lth larger 11rk1Ung and public r1l1Uon1 bwlgttl t111d to bt rtvlHH. Thtr, 1v1luatlon 1ttndN ttnd ta bt bi111d in favor af rtviHillg pratr111 th,y predict il 1 bt Judged pa1ith1ly. F of the 1CJ11tcin chant protr111 far rtvi,. 1t randoa. lla1t rely, 1t l111t in part, on 1ard of ath -that t,, IOIIOftl 1111 Jud91111t that a pr111ru 11y b1 af ION qu1lity. Stati1tic1 dncribing th1 quality af 1aft111'1 ar,, th1r1far1, liktly to bl 1kllld in favor of quality. Fin1lly, th, data an n111tiv1 tv1lutian1 i1 inc111Pl1t1, further 1kHing th11carn in f1var af q1111ity. DATA ON SOFTIIARE DUALITY Overall lluality af Pragr111 R1viMd Of th, pratr111 rtvilllld U 1550), 591 1915) ..,., rK11111dld, but for th, r111an1 ct tN 1bov1, b1li1v1 thl1 to bt an ovtr1tat11111t of tht averall quality af IOftw,. Our btlt 11ti11t1 ii that 301-401 af th1 pr09rm on th1 wktt ,,, af 111ffici1nt qulity to b1 ulld in U.S. 1chool1. Thi111ti11t1 lllould b1 NIii by 1aft11r1 acqui1itian dKi1i01111ker111 both good n ... and 1 r1a1on for caution, The gDOII nM ii that if 10ftw1 i1 b1in1 sought ta 111t I curricular nltd, ther1 ii I good chanc, that 1t lust ant protru of 111ffici111t quality 11i1t1 to 111t that nllcl. ITh1 chanc11 vary, h0Nv1r, fro1 lllbJKt to 1111tJect, and froa 1r1a to aria.> The caution i1 that th1r11r1 still probably lo quality protr111 than hig1t1dtci1ian11ker11111t b1 very cartful in th1 1oft11r1 choic11 th1y 11kt, To 11k1 prudtnt chaicN, dtci1ian11ktr1 should h1v11ccn1 to thorough, accuret, lnfor11Uon about progra11 1111d1r con1ideratlan and lllould include local previing II part of th1 d1ci1ion11king procn,. Perunt of Progru1 R1viHld Out af Prognn by Subject Only 211 of th1 total nulbtr of prDIJrln 11r1 r1villltl by 1t l111t on, of th1 tight qtncin. Thi p1rc11thg11 af progru1 reviMd far the 11Jar 1chool subJKh Vll'Y only 51, 11th I r1n91 frot 1n ta 231, Within th, n011Jar ICIIDDl 1ubJKt1, the ptrc111tagn of prD1Jr111 r1vi111d r1ng1 frOI 01 ta 381, The 1v1lu1tian 1g111ci11 cho11 to r1viH I hightr proportion of progr111 in Early L1arning/Pr11ehool 1381> and Logic/Pralll11 Solving 1371> tll1n in other non-11jor 1ubj1ct1. P1rc1nt1g11 af PrDIJrlll RtcDlllftdld Out of Pr09ru1 RtviHICI by SubJKt Th1 ptrctntlgn af pragru, rKOlllftdlCI out of tll1 total nu1b1r of rtvi111d protr111 far 11ch subject pr111ntld in Table 20. At 111111ggntld for th, ov1r1ll perc111t191 af progru, rtcOlltndld out af tho11 rtvl111d, Un1 perctntltN 1r1 lik1ly ta b1 10Nllh1t infl1tld. ~ithin the 11Jar school 1ubJtct1, th1 p1rc1nt111 rtcNNndlCI r1ng11 frN 491 for "tll111tic1 to 721 far Social Sci1nc1. Figur1 4 pr111nt1 thi1 di1tribution gr1phic1lly.
TABLE 20. PERCENT OF PROGRAMS RECOt1MENDED BY SUBJECT ------------------------------------------=----========== SUBJECT NUNBER RECOMMENDED NUl'IBER REVIEWED PERCENT RECOMMENDED ------------=----=-----------------================== Busin Co,nprahansiva Co,nputars Early Lrning/Praschool ENGLISH/LANG ARTS Fina Arts Foraign Lnguv Logic/ProblNI Solving '1ATt-Et1ATICS READING (RD> SCIENCE SOCIAL SCIENCE Othar 23 S3 40 25 103 41 36 44 223 100 176 73 56 3S 69 SB 61 169 54 56 58 457 194 267 102 90 66'1. 77'1. 69'1. 41'1. 61'1. 76'1. 64'1. 76'1. 49'1. S2'1. 66'1. 72'1. 62'1. -------------------------=-==-=-================= All SubJacts 1550* 59'1. =-----------------------------=------=============== Th su of th program in th Nullbar Rcommandad column and in tha Numbar RaviaNltd column is graatar than N dua to tha fact that some programs wara assignlld to mar than ona subjact catagory. All parcantages Nitre roundad to tha nearst unit. ** Tha Othr catagory conabinas 9 subjects , ach having lass than 35 program raviawad. Sourca1 Evaluations of aducational softwra published through July 1987 from aight gncia Albarta (Canada) Dapartment of Education~ Curriculum Branch Computar Coursawara Claaringhousa; Connecticut Spacial Natwork for Softwara Evaluation ; Educational Products Information EMchanga Institute; Florida Center for Instructional Computing t High Scopa Educational Research Foundations; Microsift, Northwast Ragional Laboratory; North Carolina Dapartmnt of Public Instruction, Madia Evaluation Services; York Univarsity VESSUS Project.
0 a: w Ill 0 J: ... k. 0 0 w 0 z w Id a: 8 w a. FIGURE 4 PERCENT OF PROGRAMS RECOMMENDED OUT OF THOSE REYIDED If MAJOR Sue..ECTS 10i:. 9" ei:. '" 6" 6" 4" 3" 2" 1" Eng/LArta Math Science Social Science SU&ECT Source: Evaluations of educational software published through July 1987 from eight agencies: Alberta (Canada) Department of Education, Curriculum Branch Computer Courseware Clearinghouse; Connecticut Special Network for Software Evaluation (CONNSENSE>; Educational Products Information Exchange Institute; Florida Center for Instructional Computing CFCIC>; High Scope Educational nesearch Foundations; Microsi-ft, Northwest Regional L~boratory; North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, MPdia Evaluation Services; York University (Canada) VESSUS PrL'ject..
lllilt II b1li1v1 thn1 ptrc111ta911 aver1tat1 th1 picture of quality, th1 variation in percent11n frDI 1ubJ1et ta 1ubJtct don 1u1111t I dif'1r111c1 in quality. Thi higher p1rcenta91 of reca11111dtd protran for Science and Social Scienc, 11y b1 r1latld1 in part, ta th1 fact that th111 lllbJtct cat11ariH 1110 contain ht9htr perc111t19n of Si111l1tian1 (which tend ta 101 9aad u11 of th 1icrocaaput1r'1 capabilitin and, thus, 1ay bt rtcaNndld by 1v1luator11ar1 fr1qu1ntly thin, 11y, Skill, Practic1 pr119r1ul, Mithin th1 nan-11Jar school 1ubJtct1 th1 p1rc1nt191 r1co111nd1d rang11 frat 41% far Early L1arntn1/Pr11chaol and Hott Ecanotic1 ta 771 for Co1prthen1h1. In 101t c1111, 601 or 1ar1 of the pr09r1n ...,., r1co111nd1d. Percent of Progru, RtcOlllfldlfi Out of All Pr09r111 by Sl&bJtct 29 Btfort lducational 1oftwar1 acquisition d1ci1ian11ker1 h1v1 a ch1nc1 to 1ctu1lly pr1view uftN1r1, th1 picturt of 1aftN1r1 quality they git i1 b111d, at l111t partially, an r1cou1nd1tian1 frat rtliable ag111cin. This picture of 1oftwar1 quality i1 li1itld by th1 nu1btr af progr11s 1valu1tian 1g1ncie1 r1vlo and then r1cD111nd. Thi d1cision1aktrs l11rn of r1l1tiv1ly few rtta111nded pragnu out of th1 total nulbtr af pragrau for 11ch 1ubj1et, yi1lding a rather negativ, i1prn1ion of 1oftw1re quality, Overall, 12% of all tht pragra11 r1cond1d. Far th1 ujar school subj1ct1, p1rc1ntagn rang, fra1 111 far Nath11atic1 to 17% for Reading. Mithin tht n111-11jor school 1ubj1et1 perc1nta911 rang, fro, 7% for Ha11 Ecana1lc1 ta 28% far Logic/Prabl11 Solving !excluding Agricultur, and Physical Education, subjtcts for which no progra1s Nlrt r1vi1N1dl. Thnt p1rc111tag11 probably und1r1t1t1 th, tru, picturt of quality 1inc1 thtrt are likely to bt 1any 1ar1 qu1lity pragr111 that r not r1vi1N1d. Coap1ri1on of Distribution, of RteDINndld Pragr1u by Subject Mith All Pragr111 by Subj1ct In ordtr ta ca1p1r1 tht distribution of r1caNtnd1d progra11 by subject with the ov1r1ll distribution of pragra11 by 1ubj1ct, 1 ptrc1nt191 of th1 nuab1r of reco,unded progr11s out of tht total nulbtr of r1ca111nd1d pragra11 was calculated far ,ach 1ubj1ct. Mithin all 1chaal 1ubj1et11 tht dlfftr1nc1 bttwttn tht p1rc1nt1g1 of rtco111nd1d progr111 and th, p1rc1nt1g1 of pratJrau in that 1ubj1ct is 1111 than 41. Thus, tht p1rc1ntag1 of quality progra11 by subject is r1fltctiv1 of tht p1rcentag1 of pr09r111 av1ll1bl1 in 1ach 1ubJ1ct. Far 1xa1pl1, tht hi9h1r ptrc1ntagn of r1co11111d1d pragra11 in Nath11atic1 12411 1nd Sci1nc1 11911 r1fl1ct tht fact that th1r11r11or1 pragr111 avail1bl1 far th1111ubJ1ct1. Ca1pari1an by Copyright Datt R1ng11 P1rc111t of Progra11 R1ca11end1d Out of Tho11 R1vi1wtd by Subject Ptrcentages r1ca111nd1d out of thast r1vi1w1d far two copyright date ranges, pre-198~ and 1985-1987, wer1 calculat1d, in ord1r to analyze trends in software quality. Far all subjects, the percent reca111nd1d is 581 far pre-1985 copyrights and 77% for 1985-1987 copyrights. Mhilt both of th111 p1rc1ntag11 probably overstate software qu1lity, they do 1ugg11t 1n overall i1prov11ent in qu11i ty.
30 In all, copyright dat, lnfarutlan w11 provided by th, 1oftwar1 publi1htr for only 822 of tht 1550 r1Yi1IIII pro0ran. Of th111 822, 640 hav, pre-1985 copyri9ht1, and 182 h1v1 1985-1987 copyri9ht1. Within th111Jar 1choal 1ubJKt1, th1 p1rc1nt1g1 af rKOHtndld pragran has incr1a11d fra1 th1 period prlar ta 1985 ta the p1riad 1985-1987. Thi 101t dr111tic incr111n hav, b11n in N1thu1tic1 1351 incr11111, R11ding 1321 incr1111I, and Social Scitnce 1271 incr1a11I. A ca1parisan af th1 ptrc1ntag11 far th1 two ti11 p1rlad1 i1 shown in Figure 5. Thi data suggest an i1prave11nt in quality avtr th, last tNO and one half years. Ciutian should be ex1rci11d in inttrpreting thne data, 11 the pragru1 chnen far review do not can1titut1 a r1nda1 saapllng frat th, two tilt p1riad1, and 10H bi1111 du, ta th, selection process uy exist. Having nattd this, there is na data ta 1ugge1t a gr,ater bias towards reca11ending pragr111 in the p1riad 1985-1987. If anything, 1tandard1 af 1valu1tian hav1 probably gotten tougher aver the years, and th, quality and trrinino af evaluatar1 has probably i1provtd. Nithin th1 nan-11jar 1ubj1ct1, th, chang1 in p1rcentag1 of reca11111dtd 1aftwar1 fluctuates widely, fro1 a 371 dKr1111 for Bu1in1s1 to a 571 incre111 far H11lth, Thne fluctuations 1ay bt due to the 11111 nu1b1r1 af software progrus r1viNld in thn1 subjects, CDlfARIN6 PRO&RAIIS RECDNIIENDED BY SRECTED EVALUATION A&ENCIES TD PRD&RMS RECONNENDED BY 'LEADJN6 EDSE' TEACHERS An alt1rnativ1 approach to identifying quality 1oftwar1 is ta ask the opinions of t1ach1r1 who hav, th1 reputation of eff1etiv1ly using 1oftwar1 and 1icrocuput1r1 in the cl111rao1. To explore this alttrnative approach, a list of pragr111 was d1v1lapld b111d on intervi1w1 with 12 'leading edge teach1r1, An 1tt11pt w1111d1 to includ1 t11chtr1 with a variety of content 11perti11 and grade level 1xp1ri1nc1, and fro various parts of th, country, The11 t11ch1r1 wtrt 11k1d to na11 the 15 pro9ra1s th1y h1v1 u11d and liked the btst, and to nau pragra11 r1couend1d by call1agu11, In all 115 pragra11 Ntre n11td by the t11cher1. Tht 11jority of th111 can be characterized as open-,ndld, 1ith1r allowing th1 studtnt a widt r1ng1 of choices and d1ci1ion1, or allowing tht teacher to adapt th, cont1nt to th1 studtnt population. Of th1 pragr111 n111d, 281 art categorized as Co1pr1h1n1iv1 le.g., wordprac111ing and d1tab111 pro9r1111, 17% 11 Science, 15% 11 Lagic/Proble1 Solving, and 12111 N1th11atic1. Tht prtd0tinanc1 of Co1pr1h1n1lv11oftwar1 1ugg11t1 that open-ended tools l11p1cially wordproc111or1111y bt th1101t v1lu1bl1 progr111 currtntly available that are applicable to tht L1ngu1g1 Arts curriculu1. Tht pr1da1in1nce of Logic/Problu Solving, "ath11atics, and Sci1nc1 software 11y r1pr111nt tht subj1ct bla111 af the 'leading 1dg11 t1ach1r1 inttrviewed, Approxi1at1ly half of th, progra11 na11d by the t11ch1r1 are also on th, list of software reca11tnded by the eight evaluation agencies. "ny of the progra11 na11d by th, teachers but not r1co11end1d by tht 1valuation ag1ncie1 are apentndtd tools, 1011 of which wire not originally intended 1p1cifically far k-12 school u11 11,g., "acpaint, Lotus 1,2,ll, Such pragra11 are 1111 likely ta be reviewed by ag1nci11 d1dicat1d to ,valuating sp1cifically 1ducational software.
FIGURE 5 COMPARISON: RECOMMENDED PROGRAMS IN MAJOR SUBJS. BY COPYRIGHT MTE RAN< Eng/LArt. Math Reading Scienc:e Social Scienc:e IZZ) PRE-1985 (N) SUB..ECT ISSI 1985-87 (N-182) Source: Evaluations of educational software published through July 1987 from eight agencies: Alberta (Canada) Department of Education, Curriculum Branch Computer Courseware Clearinghouse; Connecticut Special Network for Software Evaluation (CONNSENSE>; Educational Products Information Exchange (EPIE> Institute; Florida Center for Instructional Computing CFCIC>; High Scope EducationaJ Research Foundations; Microsift, Northwest Regional Laboratory; North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, Media Evaluation Services; York University (Canada) YESSUS Project.
SOltE FINAL THOU&HTS ON SDFTIIARE QUALITY Thi d1t1 pr1untld in Ch1pttr1 I and 11 prntnt I vi1w of lduc1tion1l saftw1r111 product rather than proc111, Ont k1y ta iaprovlng 1oft111r1 quality i1 ta 1xa1in1 th1 prac111 af d1v1laping hith quality pro1ra11 and ta identify th11t1p1 in th1 prac111 that di1tln1ui1h higher and law1r quality pro1ran. Mt art canfid1nt that th1 prac111 of cr11tin1 high quality pragr111 lnclud11: 1. 1 cr1ativ1 id11 that ca1bin11 knawlldg1 of th, caaput1r'1 array af c1p1biliti11 with knawl1dg1 af Nhat will i1prav1 th, t11chingl1arnln1 prac111 1 1 prac1dur1 far tnting I cr1ativ1 id11 out an t1ach1r1 and other tducatian praf1s1ianals, whllt th1 id11 i1 still at th, planning 1tag1 1 1 prac1dur1 far translating I cr1ativ1 id11 into I working ca1puter pragru 1 1 prac1dur1 for identifying t1l111t1d in1truction1l d11ign1r1, progr1Ntr1, 1nd graphic 1rti1t1 to carry out th1 projact 1 prac1dur1 for rigorously field t11tin1 th1 progra1 in th1 school 11tting for which it i1 int1nd1d whil1 it i1 still in d1v1lop11nt, 10 that nHd1d i1pravH111t1 can b1 id111tifild and 11d1 1 pracldurt far d1t1r1ining whit support 11t1rl1l1 t11ch1r1 and 1tud111t1 will n11d to git th, 1a1t out of th, progr11, and for d1v1loping such ut1ri1l1, NI 1ugg11t that aor, rn11rch b1 und1rt1k1n focusing on th, proc,11 of cr11ting high quality progr111. Thtn, ptrh1ps, th1 gav1rnnnt can d1ter1ln1 Nhlch st1p1 in th, prac111ar11ncaur1g1d by tht 1xi1ting 1oftw1r1 11rk1t, and which 1t1p1 nttcl 11caur1g111nt by other n1n1. Ont fln1l thou1ht -wt 1ug111t that one 1pprapri1t1 gov1rn11nt ralt (f1d1r1l, stat,, and local) would bt ta fund th1 training af t11ch1r1 in th11fftetiv1 u11 of 1duc1tion1l 1oftw1r1. Not only will suitably tr1intd t11ch1r1 bt bitter 1bl1 to u11 existing 1oftwar11ff1ctiv1ly, they will b1 bitter pr1p1r1d ta int1gr1t11or11ophi1tic1tld progr111 y1t to bt d1v1lop1d. 31
CHAPTER Ill EDUCATIONAL SOFTIMRE INFORKATION SDURCESt HOM THEY ARE PERCEIVED AND USED BY ACQUISITION DECISION"AKERS OVERVIEW In thi1 ch1pt1r, w, pr111nt a typala9y of 1aurc11 providing infar1atian about educational !oftw1r1. Thi typolotY d11crib11 charact1ri1tic1 r1l1t1d both ta th1 u11fuln111 of th1 data source to 1aftw1r11cqui1itian d1ci1ian11kar1 and ta th11cc111ibility of th, infar1atian. Fallowing th, typology, Ml di1cu11 how diff1r1nt 1aurc1 typ11 1ight 11rv1 software acquisition d1ci1ianuk1r1. As part of th1 prac111 of d1v1laping th1 typology, int1rvi1N1 w1r1 conducted with a r1pr111ntativ11a1pl1 of dir1ctar1 ar lditar1 of evaluation 191nci11, ta a1c1rtain I picture of their ,valuation prac11111 and their final, publi1h1d 1valuation1. 1S11 Appendix V far a 1u111ry of their r11pan111.> In analyzing th1 data ba11d an th111 intarvi1w1, w1 find 1011 overall 1tr1ngth1 of th111 11rvicn. "at of th11g1nci11111k qualified 1v1lu1tar1 with bath subject 11tt1r 1xp1rti11 and ca1put1r 1xp1ri1nc1, "01t train th11valuatar1 and than a11ign th11 pra9ra11 ba11d an their 1ubj1ct 11tt1r 11perti1e. Mhil1 r1ca9niz1 the fact that 1aftwar11v1luatian it, by its natur,, a 1ubj1ctiv1 prac111, th, u11 of two or 1ar11v1luatar1 p1r pragr11 callllinld with thorough ,valuation far11 and 9uid1lin11 t1nd ta 11k1 the end product 1111 1ubJ1ctiv1, Ka1t af th119enci11h1v11a11an1 athtr than an 1v1lu1tar tclit th, final publi1htcl 1v1lu1tian, 111 far1 of quality control, P1rhap1 th1 gr11t11t li1itatian af th1 evaluation 191nci11 it th1 nu1bar of progra11 r1vi1w1d in given y11r. Appraxi1at1ly 21000 n1w lducatianal 1aftw1r1 pragra11 ca11 ta th11ark1tpl1c111ch y11r. Na ag1ncy 1v1lu1t111ort than 2SX of thas1 titl11, and 1a1t 1valu1t11111 than tOX of th1 total, And 1inc111ny pragra11 are 1valu1t1d by 11v1ral a91nci11, tht total nu1b1r of pro9r111 receiving thorough ,valuation, is even furthtr reduced. Evtn if an, w1r1 to read all evaluations published by 111 11 of th, 191nci111urv1y1d hire, ch1nc11 art th1t will av,r h1lf of th new pro9r111 would not hav1 b1en ev1lu1t1d by any of th11. Far another point of view, r1pr11ent1tiv11 fro, State D1p1rt11nts of Education, l1rg1 and 11111 district,, and loc1l schools were also int1rvintd ta dtt1r1int their role in th, 1oftw1re acquisition d1cisian11king process, and to identify what 1ourc11 of infar11tian about softw1r1 these deci1ian1aker1 find u11ful and the 1ourc11 ta which th1y havt access, (Ste Appendi~ VJ for a 1u11ary of thtir r11pans11,I TYPOL06Y OF EDUCATIONAL SDFTNARE INFOR"ATION SOURCES How do th, v1rious 1ourc11 of infor11tion about educational 1oftw1r1 co1par1 to the n11ds of tht acquisition d1ci1ion11k1r1? In an 1tt11pt ta 1n1w1r thi1 qu11tion, w1 d1v1lop1d a typology of infor11ttan saurc11 and ca1pare their ability to satisfy th1 ne1d1 of dtcision11ker1 at v1riau1 l1v1l1 of th11duc1tian1l 1y1t11,
Th1 typology d11cribn 1duc1tlan1l 1aftw1re d1t11aurc11 in ttr11 of th1ir u11fuln111 and thtir 1cc111ibility ta the public, Tht d1t11aurc11 includtd in th1 typalqy 1r111 fallows: Us1fuln111 t lnd1p1nd1nt 1v1lu1tion 191nci11 (focu1ing on th11ar1 thorough agtncin, u1u1lly gov1rn11nt fund1d1 non-profit, grant-1upport1d1 ar far-profit) t lnd1p1nd1nt dlr1ctorin or guid11 t Praf111ion1l Jaurn1l1 1 Popular ttluc1tian1l coaputing 1agazin11 1 Advtrtl11Hnt1 t Catalogu1s t Nard af Nouth In dncribing tht u11fuln1s1 of a giv1n sourct, four a1pKt1 of tht infor11tion sourc1 are can1idtrtd1 the inclu1ion af b11ic progra1 data1 th1 inclusion af 1v1lu1tiv1 infar1,tion1 the nu1b1r of softwar1 progra1s covered11nd th, tiulines1 of tht infor11tion, Basic Progr11 Data 33 Wt consider tht extent to which basic data about I software pragra1 are supplied, and th, reliability of that data. Based an th1 results of interviews with software acquisition decisionukers, NI judge basic data ta be co1pl1t1 if it includes tht intendtd age or grade range, the subject, a clear 1tat111nt of the progr111's ga1l1, tht typ1 of software, th1 ca1put1r f11ily, and 1 brief dtscriptian of th1 progr11. If ant or tNO ittH of infor1ation art 1i11ing or inca1pl1t11 we judge the basic data 1od1rat1ly ca~,,,t,. If 11.1ch af the data it 1issing, we judge th, basic data iRCOtplttt, Rtliability is judg1d an th1 ind1p1ndenc1 of the source of th1 data and th1 extent to which tht d11cription of the pragra1i11dit1d 10 11 to pra1ate the 1aftw1r1, Basic d1t1 it a11igned one of three ratings: lo, 1od1rat,, or high, Evalu1tiv1 Infar11tian Con1id1r1d htrt 1r1 tht fr1qu1ncy with which ev1luativ1 infor11tion is provided, the lev1l of dttail (lo, 1od1r1t1, or high), the 1xtent ta which fi1ldt1sting is part of tht evaluative process, and the d1gr11 of bias in th1 evaluation (lo, 1od1rat1, or high>, Whilt all software ,valuation is sa11wh1t 1ubj1ctiv1 by n1tur11 1011 org1niz1tian1t1k11tep1 to 1ini1iz1 th, bia111 of any one individual, such 11 using 1ar1 than ant ,valuator, dtYtloplng thorough evaluation for111nd guidelines, and providing training ta evaluators. Such organizations would be considered lo in bias, At tht ath1r end of the scalt 1r1 organization, who,, pri11ry purpa11 in presenting evaluative 1tat111nt1 is ta pro1ate th, 1aftw1r11 the11 infar1ation 1aurc11 would be can1ider1d high in bias,
34 Nulbtr of Pragra11 For 11ch infor1ation 1ourc1 typ11 1 r1n11 of nu1b1r1 of 1oftwar1 pro1r111 i1 givtn, Ti11lin111 Ti11lin111 of th, infor11tion i11111ur1d in th1 nu1b1r of 1onth1 lag b1tw11n th, tiH 1 typical software progr11 i1 r1l1111d for 11le and th, tlH lnfor11tlan about th1 progr11 is 1vailabl1 frat I givtn sourc, typt, Acc111ibi li ty In d11cribing tht 1cc111ibility of I givtn 1ourc1, can1idtr1 acquisition d1cision11k1r fa1ili1rity with th, 1ourc11 circul1tion1 co1t1 and g1n1r1l 1v1ilability. F11ili1rity with Sauret 8i11d on intarvitw1 with 1aftw1r11cqui1ition d1ci1ionuk1r1, wt r1t1 how f11iliar 11ch sourct typ1 ii to it, potential auditnct (lo, 1od1r1t1, or ~i9~). Circulation Nhtrt tht infor11tion is 1v1il1bl1, a rang, in circulation i1 provided. Cost ptr Y11r Thi rang, in cost per y11r i1 provided, Avallabil i ty 8111d on 1urv1y d1t1, r1t1 how 111y acquisition d1ci1ian11k1r1 f11l it is to obtain tht publi1h1d infar11tion frat a givH 1ourc1 typ1,
35 Jl10Jan..af Edumtanal Saft111r1 lnfar11tian Saurc111 Yttfuln111 af Saurc11 Nulb1r af .!i!S.t!J.P~-----~J.C.!!.l!l".~I__D_~t.! J!!!2!!!!!_!~!!~!!!!e~-___ ]!..~!I!.~---Ti11lin111 ----------------l#DE,HOE#T Nad1r1t1ly ca1pl1t1 AlNIYI pravidtd 50-500+ 6-12 1anth 119 DALIATlD# Rtli1bility1 high LIYtl af d1t1il1 high ABE#CIES Fi1ldt11ting1 1autiu1 91111 ION l#OEPE#OE#T Nad1r1t1ly co1pl1t1 Al111y1 pravidtd 200-7,500+ 3-12 1anth lag DlRECTDUES R1li1bility1 1ad1r1t1-high LIVll of d1t1il1 lON OR 6UlDES Fi1ldtntin91 101,tiHI 91111 law-tod1r1t1 PROFESSlO#AL Nad1r1t1ly co1pl1t1 R1r1lyti111 10-125+ B-16 1onth 119 JDUl#ALS R1li1bility1 high providtd LIYtl af dttlill 10d1rat1-high Fi1ldtutin91 IDlltiNI 91111 laad1r1t1 POPULAR Nad1r1t1ly ca1pl1t1 Alw1y1 pravidtd 250-400 2-12 anth l1g EDUCATIONAL R1li1bility1 1oder1t1-high Ltvtl of dthi l 1 co#,UTI#B 1ad1rat1-high lfABAZl#ES Fi1ldtt1ting1 1outi111 Bl111 la-1adtr1t1 ADS R1ng11 fra1 inco1pl1t1 to Sa11ti111 pravidtd 200 and up; No Ilg 1ad1r1t1ly ca1pl1t1 L1v1l af d1hil1 law v1rin 1tid1ly R1li1bility: la11-1ad1r1t1 Filldtt1Ung1 r1r1ly 91111 high CATALOGUES Nad1r1t1ly ca1pl1t1 Sonti111 pravidtd 10-500+ R1nges fro1 R1li1bility: la11-1od1r1t1 L1v1l of d1hil: low no lag to Fi1ldtt1ting: r1r1ly 12 1onth 119 9111: high MORD OF R1ng11 fra1 inca1pl1t1 to Al111y1 provided V1ri11 1tid1l y Lag v1ri1s widtly #OUT# co1pl1tt L1v1l of detail 1 R1li1bility1 law-high low-high Fi1ldt11ting1 1a11ti111 91111 low-high
3. Typology af Educ1tian1l Saft111~1 lnfar11tian Sourc111 Acc111ibillty of Saurc11 !.D!l!E!-1.Y.P!. E!!!!!!t!g_!it~.!~~E!Circulation -~~!!.!!!:J!!t. --~Y-~ij_l_b_ij_i_t,y_ __ ---------------------IHEPE#DE#T La11Ddtr1t1 5,000 or 1111 Rang11 frOI no Low EULUATID# ch1rg1 ta t275 ABE#ClES l#DEPE#DE#T Law 3,000-10,000 $20-$75 Law DllECTORlES DR 6UIDES PROFESS l OHAL Nad1rat1 5,000-160,000 $15-$50 La11-1od1rat1 JOUR#ALS POPULAR High 45,000-82,000 $1 High EDUCATIONAL COIIPUTlllG IIA6All#ES ADS High V1ri11 widely Nat 1pplicabl1 High CATALOGIIES High V1ri11 11id1ly Na ch1rg1 High MORD OF High 5-500+ R1ng11 fro, no High #OUTH ch1rg1 ta $300+
HON DIFFERENT INFORIIATJON SOURCE TYPES NISHT SERVE SDFTNARE ACDUISITION DECISIONNAKERS Tht char1ct1ri1tic1 of th, diff1r1nt 1ourc1typ111ug911t diffar1nt u1n for th11 throughout tht 1oft1t1r11cqui1ition prac111. W1 vl111th11cqui1ition prac11111 can1i1ting of at 111st five 1t1p11 1, D1t1r1ining 10ftw1r1 nnd1 (1.9,1 1ubj1ct1 1r111 and topics1 typ11 grade or 191 ran91I 2, ld1ntifying progr111 that pat1nti1lly ant tho11 nHd1 3, &atharing 1v1lu1tiv1 infor11tion about th1 pragr111 identifitd 1bov1 4, Pr1vi1wing progr111 that h1v1 bttn 1v1luat1d pa1itiv1ly, including fl1ldt11ting with 1tud1nt1, if po11ibl1 5. S1l1cting th, progr11(1I that 11n to 101t cla11ly int th, n11d11ptcifi1d, 1ft1r pr1vi111ing Thi infor11tion 1aurc11 d11crib1d in th1 typology 1bov1h1v11 rolt to play in steps 1-3, Dtt1r1ining Softw1r1 N11d1 37 Th1 ability of an acquili tian d1cilion11ktr to d1t1r1in1 1of tw1rt n-t1d1 ii dtptndent on hil or her g1n1r1l knowltdge of what 1aftw1rt and 1icraca1put1r1 can d1llv1r. Ont 1ight r1a1an1bly exp1ct repr1stnt1tiv11 of Stat, D1part11nt1 of Education, and l1rg1 and 11111 school districts to d1v1lap such a gen1r1l knawledg11 typically found in praf111lon1l Journal, and popular educational ca1putin9 1agazin11. Word of 1outh, in the fora of ltcturts1 is anathtr ustful source. Other sources, not covered in our typology, includt publi1h1d books, and conf1renc1 papers. Identifying Progra1s In large districts lavtr 10,000 student111 tht task of identifying progra11 far further consideration is, perhaps, 101t effectively left to district-level personnel, with advice fro1 local school p1r1onnel, In 11all1r districts, local school p1r1onnel 11y hav, to idtntify the progra11. The b11t source type to begin with here is the independent directories or guides. They allow quick access to data about 1any difftrtnt progran. And b1cau1e they incorporate evaluative infor1ation fro1 othtr 1g1nci11 (1.g,, by including review cit1tion11, th1y aid in th111lection process. (This 1ourc1 typ1 was rated Jo,...10d1rit, in bias b1c1u11 tht 1v1lu1tion ag1nci11 r1li1d upon vary in the st1p1 th1y t1k1 ta 1cre1n out ev1lu1tar bias.I Ont probl11 with ind1p1nd1nt dir1ctori11 and guid11 is that th1y art not always up-to-date. Thi very l1t11t pragr111 av1il1bl1 an tht 11rk1t art ofttn not lncludtd, Ta 1cc111 infor11tian about tht v1ry n1w11t progr111, d1ci1ion11k1r11ight r111an1bly 11kt u11 of popular 1duc1tion1l co1puting 11g1zln11, 1dv1rti1111nt11 c1t1logu11, and in 1011 c1111, ward of 1auth, It l1 1111nti1l that d1cision11k1r1 k11p in 1ind th1 high d1gr11 of bias in ads, c1t1lagu11, and in 1011 c111, th, new 1aftN1r1 li1tin91 11ction1 of popular 11g1zln11, Evin tht lnd1p1nd1nt dir1ctori111nd guidts rely upon data 1uppli1d by th1 1ofb1r1 publi1h1r1 11,g,, gr1d1 rang, 1p1cification, licensing policy1>. 19, S11 Appendix VII for 1ddition1l infor11tion about software publi1h1r1' lic1n1ing policies,
38 Anothtr problu lth lndtpandtnt dirKtori11 ind 9uld11 it th1t th1y 1r1 unav1il1bl1 to lar91 nulb1r1 of 1cqui1ition dKi1ian11ktr1, 81thtrin9 Ev1lu1tlv1 lnforutlon Dtp1ndln9 on th1 philo1ophy of th1 school district, 91th1rin9 1v1lu1tlv1 infor11tion ill liktly bt c1rri1d out by distrlct-l1v1l ptr1onn1l, by local school ptrtanntl, or by 1011 co1bln1tion of th1 tMD, This 1tap it 11p1ci111y i11port1nt if thtrt 1r1 uny dlff1r1nt progr111 that 1i9ht pot1nti1lly 111t an idtntifltd school n11d, or lf a school district do11 not hav1 tr1in1d, highly 1xp1ritnc1d 1oftar11valu1tor1 on staff, Thi 1O1t obj1ctiv11ourc111r1 th1 t0r1 thorough ind1p1ndtnt 1v1lu1tion 191nci11. Prof111lon1l Journ1l11lght b1 con1ulttd for 1 1ubjKt-1p1clfic or popul1tion-1p1cific point of vi Ont li1it1tion of thn1 tltO 1ourc1 typ11 i1 th1r1l1tiv111111 nulbtr of progr111 r1vi1Md p1r y11r (typic1lly SOlSO for indtptnd1nt 191nci11, and 1v1n 1111 for prof1s1ion1l Journ1l1), This probl11 it 11d1 ors, by th1 prac11111 typically u11d to 1cquir1 1oftw1r1 far 1v1lu1tion. Mith th, h11vy r1ll1nc1an11g1zln11d1, pr111 r1l11111, and ardof-10uth wh1n dtcidlng whit 1oftw1r1 to 1cquir1, th, product, of th1 largtr 1ofh1rt publhh1rs, with th1ir larg1r 11rk1ting ind public r1l1tlon1 budg1t1, 1r11or1 llk1ly ta 91t r1vltMtd, This it prab1bly tru1 1vtn though 101t 1g1nci11 do not inttntianally focus on th1 pr~r111 of l1rgtr publi1htr1, In addition, n1ith1r th, lnd1ptnd1nt 1v1luatlon 191nci11 nor th1 prof111ion1l jaurn1l1 ar, liktly to b111up-ta-d1t111 tht popul1r 1duc1tion1l ca11puting 1191zin111th111119azin11 art 1110 1t1ch 1or1 likely to includ1 ca1p1ri1an1 of 11ny difftrtnt pra9r111 tar91t1d far tht 1aN 1ubj1ct1 1r1a, topic, 1nd studtnt population. N1gazin11 1110 i11u11ptci1l 1ord1 to I handful of pr09r111 11ch y11r1d1ci1ion1aktr11t11t c1r1fully 11plor1 tht proc1dur11 used in i11uin9 such 1ord1, No 1att1r how thorough 1n 1v1lu1tion i1, it cannot takt tht plac, of local pr1vitMin9.1nd fi1ldt11tin9. Few of tht 1ourc11 of ,valuation can1i1t1ntly incorpor1t1fi1ldt11tin911 p1rt of th1 rtvitM proc111.20 (Only h1lf of tht 19tncin conduct fitld t11tin9 on I r1gul1r ba1i1, but few h1v11 1t1nd1rd 1y1t11 of d1t1 colltction,) And local nud11r11pt to bt 1O11h1t uniqu1. SUB&ESTIONS FOR A &OVERNIENT ROLE IN THE DISSENINATION OF INFORNATION ON EDUCATIONAL SOFTMARE Thtr1 i1 pottntial rol1 for 9ov1rnunt in th1 di1111in1tion of basic data about 1ducation 1oftw1r1, tht di11uin1tion of 1v1lu1tiv1 infor11tion, ind in training of educ1tion1l prof111ion1l1 in tht us1 of th11v1il1bl1 infor1ation 1ourc11. Di11Hin1tion of Batie Pro9r11 Data Th1r1 it I nttd for I c1ntraliz1d dirtctory of 1duc1tion1l 1oftw1r1. It should be 111y far 1111duc1tion1l 10ftw1r1 publilhtrt, wh1th1r l1r91 or 11111, ta havt progra11 included in the dir1ctory, Nh1th1r in printld or onlin1 fora, such I dir1ctory should bt widtly available to school 1oftw1r11cqui1ition d1ci1ian11k1r1, ind it should b1 in1xpen1iv1. 20. S11 Apptndix VII for 1ddition1l infar11tian about 1aftw1r1 publishers previewing 1nd fi1ldt11ting polici11,
Thin app1ar to b1 tllrN 11Jor c0tt1 canntctlCI 1dth dav1lopillf and 11lntllnln9 1 1ofhar1 d1t1b111 or dlr1ctory. First, th1r1 ii th1 cDtt of con1t1ntly upd1tlnt th11y1tH1 kHpin9 trick of n pr111r1n, r1vllld protnn, and pr1111r1n no lan91r on th, 11rk1t. Slcond, thin it th, cost of d1Ytlopln9 11d 11int1inln9 1 111rch 1y1tN 1uffici1ntly tophi1ticatld 11.g., utilizint Bool1an l09lcl to support ttt, nHC11 of both c11111111r1 and rn1archar1. Third, th1r1 l1 th1 high cost af dl11Nln1tlng infor11tion about th1d1tab11110 that potantial u11r1 Nill tak11dv1nt1g1 of th1 r1sourc11. Th111 problen lndicat1 a pot1ntial nlld for gov1rn11nt a11l1tanc1 ln this 1r1a. 39 ld1ally, 1uch I dirKtory MOUid also includ11 cotpr1h1n1iv1 list of rtvi cit1t1on1, Currently, different 9uid11 and directorl11 u11 difftrtnt calbin1tion1 of 1ourc11 -1ource1 that vary widtly in tht thoroughn111 of th1ir 1valuatian1. Dl11Hln1tion of Evaluativ1 lnfor1atlon Thi 91n1ral availability of th1 ao1t thorough lducational 1oftwar1 1v1lu1t1on1 is a 11jcr probl11. Mh1n looking at the lducational ca11unity 11 a whol1, only 1n ntrNtly 11111 portion it 11rvld by tht 1g1nci11 that product thu11v1lu1tion1. In IDII c11u, pric1 i1 an i11u11 ION 1v1lu1tlon 11rvlc11 ar1 too 111p1n1h1 to 91t ln ttt, hands of loc1l 1chool partonntl, ho 11k1 uny of ttt, final 1cqui1ition dKi1ion1. In oth1r c1111, th111rvic111y 1 b1 frH of chug,, but th1 add1d ca1t of dl11Hin1tion ta th1 local Intl h11 not bttn t1k1n into account. In 1till othtr ln1t1ncn, 1v1lu1tion1 ar, 91n1r1lly av1llabl1 Nlthin a 1in9l11tat1 or r11ton, but not ta athtr 1tltn or r11tan1. If th1 9av1r111111t Judgn that th111 w, tharouott 1ourc11 should b1 avathbl1 ta acqui1lttan dKi1ian11k1r1 lnpKially at th1 di1trtct 1nd lac1l ltv1l1I, it 11y want ta con1id1r tub1idizint th, cost of di11Hin1tian. Th1 d1t1 collKtld for thi11tudy 1lso 1u9g11t1 th1t dKi1ton1ak1r1 MOuld 11p1cially 1pprKi1te 1v1lu1tian1 b111d on 1ubJKt-1pKiftc for11 and 9uld1line1, includln9 c01p1ri1on1 of 1i1,; lar praductl. Thi 9ov1rn11nt 11y 111nt ta fund th1 d1v1lop1111t af th, n1c1111ry f or11 and guid1linn, 11 will 11 proc1dur11 far 11kin9 progra, ca1p1rt1on1. Thtrl l1 1110 a nlld ta coordin1t1 th1 ,valuation of 1oftw1r110 11 to avoid unnK1111ry dupllc1tlon of 1ffort ind to lncr1111 ttt1 nulbtr af pragrau 1baut which 1v1lu1tiv1 lnfor11tion ii 1vail1bl1, Training Thi 1urv1y data lndic1t11 that 11ny d1ci1ion11k1r11r1 not f11ili1r with 11ny of tht data 1aurc111v1tl1bl1, Nott that th1 local school p1r1ann1l wt int1rvi1Wd art lik1ly to bt 1or1 f11iliar with 1oftw1r11nd art lik1ly to h1v1 had 1or1 np1ri1nc1 using c01put1r1 than th11v1r191 t11ch1r, 8ov1rn11nt (f1d1r1l, 1t1t1, and locall ha11 ral1 to play in th1 training of education prof111ion1l1 cancarning th1 cartful 11lKtion af 1aftw1r1. M1111vi1ion training in th1 u11 of 111 1v1il1bl1 d1t1 1ourc11, focusing on th11p1cific ral11 prof111ian1l pl1y1 in the 1oftwar1 1cqui1itian proce11, ind th, carr11panding tnfor11tton n11d1 of that prof111ianal,
APPODII I A CDIIH1t1 rf TIE TtlEE DATMMEI USED FOIi TMII STUDY Tll1 Educauanal laftw1 ltlectar ITEllt d1tab111, by th1 Educ1tlan1I PrDductl Infarutlan Etchant (EPIU ln1Ut1t1, 111 tb1 prlury hfar11tlan 1ourc1 uud ill Cha,t1r I of thl1 report. For purpot11 af CC1111arltm1, .a TIit lnt1rn1tlan1I 8oftw1 Dltlb111 ,.an, by th1 lnternaUanal 8oft11n Datab111 CorporatiH, ud T Ntcroc111P1t1r Soft11n and Hard11n 8uld1 (lllllt d1t1b111, by R.R. lcNtlcer, accH1iltl1 via DIAi.Di, 1110 ...-chld utllhint IUbJectl ldentlfllcl ln th1 TESS d1tu1u. All CC1111arilan1 b1t1111 d1t1b11H ar1 au, 111in9 p1rc11tqN 1lon1, du1 to th1 fact that catqorlH ln b10 of tht d1tllt11N (TEii ind fllHlt ar1 not 111tually 11clu1h1. IKaun both TESS and N 11119111011 protrlH to than on, 111bJtct or grade ,11111, 1t1ti1tlcal 1n1ly1H u1tn1 Ctti2 dl1trlltutlon1 in1pproprlat1. Tht1 decision NI ud1 ln ton11lt1tian 11th a 1t1ti1tician. COIIPARIDI REIIMDIN DlffllllTIII OF SOFTIIARE IY SU11ECT TIit 1818 d1tu111 includN 2,0,0 1oft1ar1 pr1NJr111 that ar1 catqorizld 11th dncriptor1 C01Plrtltl1 to th111bJ1et1 and ar1111111d in TEii. Ill able to 1raup d11erlptor cat19ori11 into 11tl tbat routhly coaparabl1 to tile c1t19orlN for th1 uJor ecbool lllbJectl, plu1 Atricultun, lu1inn1, Coaputer,, Drhtr Education, Flnt Art,, Far1lgn llllf111g1, Mlalth, MOit Ec01101ic1, lndu1trial Art,, Library 1,1111, and Phy1lc1l Encatlan. In thl1d1tlb11111 tilt lar11r p1rcent1111 of uf t11r1 fall 11 thin thl HJor 1chool IUbJtctl, Th111 perctntatN range fr0t 271 for N1thHatic1 to 91 for Social Scl11c1. Mitilin all non-uJor school IUbJect1, all c1t1gorlN rtprnnt Sl or ln1 of th, 10ft11r1 in thl d1tu111. TIit .IIEIU d1tllt1u containa 41216 IOft11r1 protru1 that are cat19orizld with d11criptar1 CC11111tlltl1 to th1 11bJect1 and ar111 ulld ln TEii. In thh d1tab111, ..,., 1bl1 to group descriptor catqoriN ito 11t1 that roughly cotp1rabl1 to th1 c1t19ortn for th1 uJor 1chool 1ubJ1ct1, plus CD1PUt1r1 and Far1i911 Lan9111t1, MoNvtr, 1tnc1 .IEII provld11 no oy to 1pKify th1 grad, r1n91 b1tn1 uqllt, 1011 of th1 pr1t9r1 counted uy not b1 appropriate for 1r1dn Kl2. One, again th1 largtr p1rc111t1tH of uftNn fill 1ithin th1 11Jar school 11bJect1. Thn1 percantag11 r1n91 frDI 251 for NathN1tlc1 to 121 for Engli1h/Lan1uag1 Art,. Coaparilan of D1t1b1111 for NaJor SubJectl Thi ovtrall dt1tribution i1th111 for all thrn d1t1b11n, with t1ct 11c1ption1. Thi TESS d1t1b111 h11 a slightly higher p1rc1ntag1 of N1th1utic1 progru, (361 ca1p1r1d to 311 for th1 other t10 d1t1b1n1t. And .NENII 1pp11r1 to h1v11 high1r p1rc1nt1g1 of Sactal Bci1nc1 progr111 (lX coaparlcl to 101 for the ath1r t d1tu1111t. Thl1 dlff1renc1 ln Social 9cltnc1pra9r11111y bt IONllhat 1puriou1, 1inc1 .IIIIJ u111111tually 11cl111iv1 c1t19ori11, Nh1r111 in TESS and NSHB, a pra9r11 uy b1111tgn1d to tort than on, school 1UbJKt. TIit, lack of 1ut111l 11clu1tvity with r11pact ta c1t11ortN 11kn it l1po11lbl1 to d1t1r1in1 ltltthtr thn1 dtff1renc11 art 1tati1tic1lly 1ignlflc1nt.
App1ndh 1 Coapari1an of Dit1b1111 for NonuJor SubJectl Ill..,., 1bl1 to construct d11criptor 11t1 in NBH8 to fora c1t1gori11 for the following nan Njor school 1ubJ1etl found in TESSt Agricultur1 8u1in111 Ca1puttr1 Driver Education Fini Arts Foreign L1n9u191 11111th Holl Econo1lc1 lndu1trill Arts Library Skilll Phy1ic1l Education TIier ar1 five additional non-11Jor 111bJ1et1 li1t1d in TESS for which descriptor 11t1 in "SH& could not b1 can1tructld. For bath d1t1b11H, nan, of th111 nan-e1Jar school 1ubJ1et c1t19arl11 raprn111tl tori than 51 of th1 lofh1r1 pragran. Mt 111r1 abl1 ta organi11 dncriptar uh in .NENIJ ta far only two catp1r1bl1 nanujar 1chaal subJ1et11 Ca1puter1 and Foreign L1ngu1g1. For ,NEIii, 61 of the pragr1111r1 cl111tft1d 11 Ca1put1r1, and 101 art cl111iftld 11 Far1tgn L11guag1. Th111 perc1nt1gn 11y b1 higher than thn1 far th1 athtr d1t1b1111 th1y art th1 only two co1p1r1bl1 nanJor 1ubJ1ct1, Thi f1ct that ,NENU i11n int1rn1ttan1l d1t1b111 uy account far th1 r1l1tiv1ly high perc1nt1g1 of Fortign L1ngu1g1 progr111, In 1ny 1vtnt, du, to th1 r1l1tiv1ly low p1rc1nt1g11 for nan-1aJor tubJKtl in 111 thr11 datab1111, no furthtr caap1r1tiv11n1ly1i1 und1rt1ktn, Addttian1l c1t11Jori1111i1t in TESS far which no d11criptor 11t1 could b1 can1truct1d in "SH& or ,IIENU ta f1cilitat1 catp1ri1an1, Ca1p1ri1an of D1tab1111 far ltljar Subject, by Br1d1 R1ng1 In order ta 1x11in1 how tht 1aftN1r1 pragr111 c1t11Jariz1d 1111jar school subjects ire di1tribut1d 1cra11 9r1d1 l1v1l1, ptrc1nt19n of 1aftw1r1 far Kind1r91rten, &r1d11 1, &r1d11 41 6r1d11 7-8, and &rad11 9 N1r1 c1lculat1d far bath th1 TESS and "SH& d1t1b1111. (,NEl4l! is not cat1garizld by 9r1d1 l1v1l,I In ca1p1ring th, d1t1b1111, th, distribution of 1aftw1r1 by 9r1d1 l1v1l i1 r1l1tiv1ly 1i1il1r. In bath TESS and NSH&, th1111ll11t p1rctntag1 of pragr1111r1 li1t1d far Kind1r91rt1n, A l1rg1 p1rctnt1g1 of pragr1n 1r1 li1tld far gr1dn 7 through 12, with TESS cant1inin9 1 high1r p1rc1nt191 for gr1d11 9 through 12, "9H6 contains th, l1r911t p1rc1nt1g1 of pragr111 far gr1d11 4 through 6, Diff1r1nc11 b1twNn th1 gr1d1 l1v1l di1tributtan1 uy b1 due ta th1 fact that d1t1 in "SH&, with r11p1ct ta this v1ri1bl1, 1r1 r,part1dly tnca1pl1t1 and tncan1i1t1nt, According ta an R,R, Bawktr rapr111nt1ttv11 gr1d1 l1v1l tnfarutian i1 currtntly b1ing r1vi11d and upd1t1d far th1 lduc1tion1l portion of th1 d1tlb111,
~pp1ndh 1-3 CHOOSINI TESS FOR THE REMINDER OF TIE STUDY 11111, thlf'I .,. 1ll1ht dlfftrlftCH bltNIII th, thrN databalH acrn11ubJKt1, th, ovrall dl1trlbutian of 10ft111r1 app1ar1 ta b1 r1lativ1ly th, 1aN, MIian TESS and NSH8 ar, CDIP&rtd acrn1 1rad1 ran1n, a11tn th, avrall di1tributian 111i1ilar 11th 1li1ht diff1r1nc11 in th1 4-6 grad, ran91 111d th, 9 9rad1 ran91, Thi TESS databa11 ii 1i1ilar ta th1 athar t11 dat1ba111 but EPJE (th, praducr ~f th1 databa11) 1a1 able ta pravid1 IESD analy1t111th accu, ta their 101t up-ta-dat, infar1ation (current 11 of ~uly 19871 about a lar11r body of prDIJrUI, In both ,IIEIIU and IIIH8, th, d11Criptar1 u11d ta cat19ariz11ducatianal 1oft1ar1 by 1ubj1ct and aria art w, 91n1ral and 1111 CD1Pl1t1 than thaN in TESS, Far th, 11Jar 1ubJ1ct1 En1li1h/Lan9u191 Art,, ltathHatic1, R1adint, and ki1nc1, th, TESS d1taba11 had aar, prqran ll1ttd, Thi an, 1xc1ptian 11 in Social Scl1nc1, Nh1r1 ,NENU had 1Dr1 pra1r111 ll1tlcl than TESS, but thl1 diff1r1nc1 i1 slight 1565 pragra11 far TESS ta 572 pragru1 far ,NENU, Illich 1ay includ11D11 progran not appropriat, far grad11 K-12), Thi IDlt llf'iDUI prablH 1ith thl ,tlENU databaN ii that IChODl 1ubjKt1 cannot bl 11arch1d by 9rad1 rang,. No 9rad1 apprapriat1n111 data ar1 includlcl, And in NSH&, th, data concerning 9rad1 rang, ar, r1portlclly inc111ttllt1 and incan1i1t1nt. In personal c11111nicatian 1ith a NSH& r1pr111ntativ1, it 111 r1v1al1d that far 1any lclucatianal prD1Jra11 no grade rang, infar1ation it currently lncludld, Any cartful analy1i1 of th1 scap1 of th1 lclucatianal 1aft1ar111rk1t requir11 accurat,, up-to-dat, grad, rang, infar11tion, Mith rtspKt ta this typ1 of infar1atian, th1 TESS databau i1 cl1arly th, 111t coapl1t1. Ont of th, continuing probl1n in using datab1111 i1 th, ti11lin111 of th1 data. There is typically a dtlay fro, th1 ti11 updat1d infar1atian about 1oft1t1r1 pragr111 is r1e1iv1d fro, th1 11ft111r1 publi1h1r1 ta th, tiN th1 data 11 available ta th, g1n1r1l public onlin1. In th1 ca11 of th1 TESS d1taba11, 1111r1 provided acc111 ta th, 111t up-ta-d1t1 v1r1ian of th, databa11 -a version not y1t av1ilabl1 ta th, genaral public, Sine, th, lducatianal 1oft11r1 portions of bath ,NENU and IISH6 art undergoing uJar r1vi1ian1, up-ta-dat, infor1ation it 1vailabl1 n1ith1r in an in-hou11 version nor in th, c11Nrcially-availabl1 v1r1ion. Thtrlfor1, th, in-depth analytH p1rfar11d far this study u11 only tht TESS d1taba11, ISN Apptndix II far a c11pari1on of TESS and NSH6 1ith r11pKt ta data about th1 cast of lducatianal 1aft11r1,)
APPENDIX II CIIIPARIBON OF THE EDUCATIONAL SOFTNARE SELECTOR ITESS> AND THE NICROCOlfUTER SOFTNARE AND HARDNARE &UIDE 1119116) DATABASES1 DISTRIBUTION OF PRDIRANB BY COST Far tht TESS d1t1b111, only ant cast figurt i11v1illbl1 far 11ch pragr11, 1v1n though far 10 pragr111, th1r1 i1 aar, than an, pric1 far difftrtnt caaputar fuily var1ian1 af th, pragr11, Nhtn this accur1, th, prict li1ttd in TESS it th, price far tht Applt II f11ily version, Tht NSH& d1t1b111, 1ltern1tiv1ly, li1t11ar1 than an, prict far 1011 pragr111, 10MtiN1 includint th, pric1 af suppl1untary print Nttri1l1, Sine, 1upplNlftt1ry print 11ttri1l1 such 111anu1l1 and t11cher1 9uid11 1r1 u1u1lly priced undtr S50, this 1pp11r1 ta h1v1 inflattd tht nulbtr af pragrau 1v1il1bl1 in th, la1t11t cast r1n91 far th1 NSH& d1tlb111, Tht largnt p1rc1nt1g1 of IOftw1r1 far bath TESS and NSH& f1ll1 within tht Sl-50 rang, (57% and 73%, r11pKtiv1lyl, T111nty-nin1 ptrctnt af th, toftNrt in TESS and 261 af th, 1aftw1 in NSH& fall within th, t51-tl00 c1t19ory. Ln1 than 5% af tht 1aftw1 in TESS f1ll1 into any af th1 cost rangn 1bav1 Sl00, Far 119116, 7% of th, uft11r1 f1ll1 into 11ch of the Sl0l-$150 and t15lt200 rangn. Tht d1t1 fra1 bath d1tlb11n 1ugg11t that tht qjority af tht tduc1tian1l 1aftw1r1 pragr111 art prictd at SS0 or 1111, with aver 85% priced at tl00 or ln1, and vary few ca1ting aor, than S200.
APPENDIX III SAlfLIN& STRATEBY FDR COLLECTION OF DATA FRml STATES CfiltCERNINB 1SCHDDL NEED' In an att11pt to identify school nttd1 fra1 th, point of vi111 of Stat, D1partunts of Education, a sa1pl1 of ttn 1t1t11 11l1ct1d in consultation with th1 Education Co11is1ion of th1 Stat11 ta b1 r1pr1s1nt1tiv1 of various g10gr1phic r19ions and such various 1acio-econo1ic can1id1r1tion111 raci1l/1thnic 1i1 in th1 population, industrial bias, and 1i1 af hou11hold inc011 l1v1l1. Th1111tat11 ..,., thin cantact1d and 1sk1d to 11nd infor1ation p1rtaining to th1ir curriculu1 r1quirH1nt11nd (if 1v1ilabl1> spteific curriculu111t1rial1 and 1oftN1r1 n11d1. In addition, within 11ch 1t1t1's D1p1rt11nt of Education, N cont1ct1d th1 Division of Curriculu1 S1rvic11 r1qu1sting1 t any 11i1ting r1port1 on th, n11d1 for curricul1111at1ri1l1 and lducational 1oftwar1 any 11isting reports an th1 p1rc1ntag1 of ti (1ith1r r1quir1d by th, Stat, or by r1prn1ntativ1 districts in th, St1t1> to b1 sptnt on 11ch 1ubJ1et 1r1a by grad, ln1l. a lilt of subJtet utttr to b1 covtrtd by grad, l1v1l. Tht tin 1tatn originally targ1tld 1r1 listed btlDN by r19ion, North-Eastern Stat,s "1111chu11ttl NI York "-ryland "idNllt and Ntsttrn Ohio "inn11ata Colorado California T111s Florida "i11i11ippi NI r1e1iv1d 1at1ri1l fro fiv1 of thnt 1tat1s1 N111 York, Ohio, Ninn11ot1, California, and Nississippi, In ord1r to incr1a11 our cav1rag1 to at l111t two or thr11 st1t1s in 1ach of th1 thre, rtgians, sub1titut1d thr111dditi0n1l stat1s P1nnsylvani1, Conntcticut, and Virginia.
App1ndix 111-2 Tht fallG11ing 111arizn infar1atian callactld through our contact with 1ach 1tat1. NORTH-EASTERN STATES "111achu11tt11 llt contacttd th1 Bur11u Df Educational Rnourc11 and l1arn1d that th1r1 art no 1tat1 guid1linn availabl1. Each school d1part11nt 11t1 up it1 own currtculu1 9utd1ltnu. Th1r1for1, no infar1ation callact1d froa Na11achu11tt1. Nlll_!ork1 M1 rtc1ivld th1 l1911tJ Actioa Pl1~ for EJ1111t1ri~1d S1co1d1ry Ed1c1tio1 RtJ1JtJ outlining 1tat1 guid1lin11 and r1quirH1rtt1 far instruction and graduation. ~arvllt Ill cant1ct1d th1 Division of Instruction and l11rn1d that 11ch of Naryl1nd'1 school di1trict1 i1 indtptnd111t. Thi 1t1t1 h11 no ov1r1ll 11t of curriculu1 guidtlin11. At but, tht Division of ln1tructian hat publi1hld I broad 11t Df 1u9911ttan1 far Social Studi11, Art, Physical Education, and Nathnatic1. Ill 111r11dvi1td that thi1 publication ald not 111t our nnd1. P1nn1ylvania (1ub1titut1d for Naryland)1 Ml rac1iv1d th1 Stat, Curricul111 R19ulation1. Cannacticut l1ub1titutld far Na11achu11tt1)1 Ml r1e1iv1d th1 curriculu1 9uid11 far "athNatic1, Langu1g1 Art,, Fortign L1nguag1, and Physical Education. IOth1r1 art currtntly b1ing rtvi1td and art not 1v1ilabl1,) M11110 rtctiv1d th11t1t1 docu11nt on palicin, practicn, ind proctdurt1 covtring 111 gradt1 and 1ubject1. NIDNEST AND MESTERN STATES Dhl9.1 M1 rtctivtd Nini1111 Standards r1part for tlntntary and 11cand1ry 1ehaal1, Ninn11ota1 Mt rtc1iv1d th, Ltarn1r Dutcoat 8uidtlin11 far 1ln1ntary ind 11candary 1chaal1, ~Jar1dg1 Tht 1t1t1'1 Curriculu1 &uidtlinn 1rt curr,ntly bting r1vi1td and 111 rnult, art not r1adily 1vail1bl1, C1lifarn_lt1 Mt r1c1iv1d tht Curriculu1 8uid1lin11 for K-8 ind Curriculu1 Standards far 9-12, ~UTHERN STATES 111111 Mt cant1ct1d th1 lur1au of Curriculu1 S1rvic11 and l11rnld that th, only fr11nork1 avail1bl1 noN art in Social Studi11 and Nathuatic1. An ard1r far th111 NDuld hav1 t1k1n tao long ta prac111 far u1 ta r1c1iv1 th, data in tin for inclusion in this study.
Flarid11 Ill cant1ctld th, lur11u of Curriculu1111d l11rn1d th1t Curriculu1Fr1Nwork11r1 th1 only 1aurc1 of th1 required infar11tian and 1r11v1illbl1 anly far gr1d11 6-12. A1 in T1111, 111 ard1r far thn1 IOllld h1v1 tlk111 too lang ta pracn1 far u1 ta r1c1iv1 th, d1t1 in ti far inclu1ian in this study. Ni11i11ippi1 Ill rK1ivld th1 Curriculu1 Structur11 Philasophy, &o1l1, Skill 111d Concepts report. Virginia l1ub1tituttd far T1111 and Flarid1>1 h r1c1ivld th1 Stand1rd1 for L1arnin9 ObJKtiv11 far gradn K through 12, App1ndh 111
APPENDIX IY PROCEDURE FOR DETERNININB Hl&H DUALITY SOFTWARE In this App1ndtx, th1 procldur1 u11d to d1t1r1in1 high quality 1oftw1r1 progr111 i1 d11cribtd in d1t1il, Thi procldur1 involvld th1 d1v1lop11nt of two 11tric11 b111d on ch1r1ct1ri1tic1 con1id1r1d by ag1nci11 that 1valu1t1 tduc1tian1l 1oftW1r1. Our gaal was to id1ntify th11or1 tharaugh agtnci11 and thtn u11 th1ir judg11nt1 about 1duc1tion1l 1oftwar1111 b11i1 for id1ntifying high quality progran, Thi twa 11tric1s 1r1 prn1nt1d at th1 conclu1ian of thi1 App1ndix, DEVELOPIN8 AND REVISJN& A "ATRJX OF SOFTNARE CHARACTERISTICS Thirty-six 1v1luatian agtncin w1r111l1ctld for analysis, r1pr11enting a broad 1p1ctru1 of purpa111 and funding sourc11, Thi evaluation 1g1nci1s includ11 gov1rn11nt fund1d proJ1cts11tat1 and local lducation arganiz1tion11 non-profit, priv1t1 in1titution11 univ1r1ity-ba,1d projKt11 prof111ian1l public1tian11 and far-profit publications not 1ffili1t1d with 11oftw1r1 publishing fir1, Each 1g1ncy'11v1lu1tion far1 and guid1linn (if any, u11d by 1v1lu1tor1 wh1n con1id1ring 1 saftwar1 progr11 r1villlld to cD1pil1 an initial 1uuary 11tri1 of softwar1 characteri1tic1. In d1v1loping this initial utrix, th11111 ch1r1cteri1ttc w11 oft1n d11crib1d using diff1r1nt words in diff1r1nt for1s and guid1lin11. Uu11tion1 or pro1pt1 that w1r1 wordlcl 10 g1n1r1lly or vagu1ly 11 to b1 difficult to int1rpr1t wer11li1in1t1d. Ill con1ultlcl with I group of prof111ion1l1 with a wid1 r1ng1 of 1xp1ri1nc1 in cr1ating, 1v1luating, and using lcluc1tion1l 1aftwar1, to add to the li1t of ch1r1ct1ristic1 and to identify i1port1nt char1ct1ri1tic1 already on th1 li1t, Thi group con1l1t1d oft t1ach1r1 r1put1d to b1 1ff1ctiv1 u11r1 af 1oftw1r11 1oftw1r1 publish1r1 with I r1put1tlon for producing quality pragra111 univ1r1ity praf111or1 and privat1 con1ult1nt1 with 1xp1rti11 in th1 d1v1lop11nt ar ,valuation of lclucatianal software, or in th, training of t11ch1r1 to u1110ftw1r1. Mt 1l1a r1f1rr1d ta r1111rch by Bitt1r and Mighton on crit1ri1 typically u11d by ,valuation a91nci1s, Th1 r11ulting utrix af char1ct1ristic1 i1 pr1s1nted in "trix l in this Apptndix, In an att11pt ta part down th11atrix, w, 1li1in1t1d tho11 charact1ri1tic1 that wtr1 included by 1111 than SOl of th1 ,valuation ag1nci1s and nat 11ntion1d by the graup af 1xp1rt1, Th, r11ulting list i1 pr111nt1d in "trix 2 in thi1 App1ndtx, which 1110 identifi11 (with a d11h>, tht charact1ri1tic111ntianed by 1ar1 than half of the ag1nci11, The ch1ract1ri1tic111ntian1d by tht group of 1oftw1r11xp1rt1 d11crib1d abov, ar, 1arkld with an a1t1ri1k It), A tatal of 129 characttri1tic1 wtr1 includ1d in th, r1vi11d list. Of th111 only 131 w1r1 11ntian1d by 1or1 than half of th1 ag1nci11, Th111 ch1r1ct1ri1tic1 con1titut1 a 1ini11l l1v1l af 1cc1pt1bility for 1duc1tianal 1aftwar1 (1,g,, conttnt is accurat11 progra1 i1 1bug-fr111), They tand ta b1 g1ntr1l in n1tur1. +Bary&, Bitt1r and David Mighton, Thi Nost l1portant Evaluation Crit,ria U11d Nithin th1 Educational Softwar, Can1ortiu11 an unpubli1h1d paper pr1par1d for the Educational Softwar, Evaluation Con1artiu1, 1986,
App111dix JV Alternativ1ly, th, additional charact1ri1tic1 untion1d by th, group of 1oftur111p1rt1 t111d to focu1 on th, 1p1cific, 11p1ei1lly in thr11 ar1111 -Sp1cific charact1ri1tic1 of 1ff1etiv1 in1truction that 11kt it 1ar1 lik1ly that l11rning Nill occur (1,1, logical 11qu1ncing of in1tructianl, Sp1cific capabilitin of th, 1icraca1put1r that can bt 11ploit1d for lff1ctiv1 in1truction 11.g., branching, randoa g1111r1tianl Spteific prolll111 of u1ing C01Puter111 part of actual cl111roo1 instruction (1.9., using a pragr11 in a cl111raa1 with an, coaput1r v1. u1ing it in I coaputer lab). Tht li1t of char1ct1ri1tic1 i1 not 111nt to bt u11d 11 a ch1ckli1t for quality 1oft11r1, Not all of th, char1ct1ri1tic1 apply to all typ11 of 1oftw1r1. In addition, th, 1oftwar111p1rt11tr111 that 1ubJ1ct-1p1cific and 1tud111t popul1tian-1p1eific char1ct1ri1tic1 ought to bt can1ider1d 111111, For 1xupl11 typing 1xp1rt1 r1eod that high quality typing 1oftwar1 includt instruction on propar fing1r position, 1plld control, 11vld r1eord1 that track both 1p11d and accuracy, Sp1ci1l lducation np1rt1 not, that th, ability to control th, rat, of pr111nt1tion i111u1t far 1aftw1rt to b1 u11d with l11rning di11blld 1tud1nt1. SELECTINB A&ENCIES FOR FURTHER ANALYSIS Ta 11ltet tht ,valuation 191nci11 that would b1 includld for further an1ly1i11 not only was tht r1vi11d li1t of ch1ract1ri1tic1 considtrtd, but 1110 data conctrnint tht 1v1lu1tian proc111 it11lf, Pr1f1r111c1 wa1 givtn to 1g111cin that havt a 1tandardiztd training proc1dur1 for ,valuator,, that u11 tNO ar 1v1luator1 p1r prajact, and that hav1 an lditor or writer to chtck on tht accuracy and can1i1t111cy of th, infor1ation providld by th, tv1luatar1. A f1w ag1nci11 wart 1li1inattd fro1 con1id1ration b1cau11 th1y do not publish r1vi11t1 of individual 1aftw1r1 progra11. Sou 1g1nct11 wtrt 1li1inattd bte1u11 co1pl1t11 r1lilbl1 data conctrning th1ir ,valuation prac11111 could not gathertd within tht ti11 li1itation1 of this study, El1v1n ag1nci11 stood out 11having11ar1 thorough ,valuation proc1dur1 than tht ath1r1, Th111 includ11 Albtrta D,part11nt of Education, Curriculu1 Branch Co1put1r Cour11war1 Cl1aringhou11 (Canada) California Technology in tht Curriculut (TIC> Praj1ct1 -Conn1cticut Sptcial Education N1t110rk for Softwar, Evaluation ICDNNBENSEI Educational Product, lnfor11tion Exchang, (EPIEI Jn1titut1 -Florida Ctnttr far ln1tructianal Coaputing (FClCI Florida Di1gno1i1 and L11rning R11aur-c11 Sy1t11, Instructional Technology Servic11 PraJtet IFDLRS/TECHI High Scop1 Educational R1111rch Foundations Nicro1lft INorthw11t R19lan1l Laboratory) North Carolina D1p1rt11nt of Public Instruction, Nidia Evaluation Strvic11 Softwar, R1port1 York Univ1r1ity (Canada) YESSUS Praj1ct
App111dh IY-3 Of th111, thr11 could nat b1 includld for further analy1i1, pri1arily du1 to ti11 li1itatian11 tit California TIC PraJ1ct, Fil.RS/TECH, and Saftur1 R,part,. Data calltettd fra1 th, rHaining tight ag111cin art uud throughout tht rut af the 1tudy. CDlfARIN& THE CHARACTERISTICS CONSIDERED BY SELECTED A&EIICIES TD THE REVISED MTRII OF CHARACTERISTICS Ta givt a 11n11 af hDII tltt 1aftwar1 charact1ri1tic1 can1id1rld by thn1 tight 1g1nci11 ca1p1r1 ta tht 1ad1l of 1valuativ1 tharaughnn1 l1ugg11ttd by th, r1villd 11tri1 of characttri1tic1I, tha11 charact1riltic1 that 10n than half af tlt11i9ht tncludN in 1itlt1r th1 1valuatian fan or acca1panying guid1lin11 lif anyl 111r1 tallild. Appra1i11t1ly half of th1 char1cttri1tic1 idtntifilll, an thn1 art 11rklll with a plus 1ig1 in Natrix 2. Ill will can1idtr t~111 char1ct1ri1tic1 th1 an11 1caanly1 includld by th111ltctlll 19111ci11. Natt that th11gr1N111t b1t111111 th1 ca11011ly-can1idtr1d ch1r1ct1ri1tic1 and th1 r1vi11d 1atrix 11 particularly high far ch1racttri1tic1 r1latld ta graphic, and audio, f11dback, and cantant. Nan, of tht charact1ri1tic1 concerning tvaluatar1' fitld tnt ruult1 ..,., cDIIGftly can1id1r1d, A fttt of th, ag1nci11 have d1v1laplll 1ptcific ,valuation forn for wordprac111ing and databa11 pragrau. Only ant af th1 tight ha, dtvtlapld othar 1ubjtct-1p1cific far11 IEPIEI. lit 1hauld bt nottd that tht California TIC ProJtct, nat includtd du1 ta ti11 li1it1tian1, 1110 utilizn 1ubj1ct-1pKific forn.l Two of tltt 11ltctN q111ci11 ICONNSENSE and High Scoptl focus th1ir tffarts an spKific 1tudtnt population, lSpKial Education and childrtn ag11 3-6, rnp1ctiv1lyl and, thus, hav, d1v1lopld populatian-tpteific 11t1rial1. ASSESSIN& SOFTIMRE IIUALITY BASED ON PUBLISIED EVALUATIONS Eval11tian1 fra1 tht tight a9111ci11 11l1etlll lftrl anal yzld and judgld II gan1rall y pa1i tivt in t111ar, g1n1rally n1gativ1, or balancld b1t111111 pa1itiv1 and n1gativ1. Pa1itiv1r1vi1111111r1 giv111 a 1cor1 af +I, n,gativ1 r1vi1tt1 a scar, of -1, and n111tral r1vi1tt1 a 1car1 of O. Exc1ptian1 Th1r1 wtr1 IDII iapartant 11c1ptian1 to this prac1dur1. SOit of th1 ag1nci11 do not publi1h n1gativ1 r1vi1w1 and could not supply a list of tht prograu that would havt b11n 1carld I in this study. Soll hav1 ching1d th1ir policy ov1r tiH, ID that n1gativ1 r1vi1tt1 art 1vailabl1 for 1011 progran but not ath1r1. Jn addition, two of th, a9tncin hav1 1pKific institutional bia111 that 1ight cau11 a softwart pragru ta b1 r1J1et1d wt1111 it 11, in fact, of high quality. Tht Alb1rta D1part11nt of Education proj1et r1quirn that a 1aftwar1 pragra1 bt apprapriatt far u11 in Alb1rta, Canada 1chool1, Thu1, th, cant1nt pr111nt1d and approach taktn in 1ach 1aftwar1pragra111st coincide with th, content pr111nted and approaches taktn in Albtrta, Si1il1rly, CDNNSENSE r1quir11 that I pro9ra1 bt 1uitabl1 for 1ptcial n11d11tud1nt1. B1eau11 th1r1 art quality progru, that do not Nit th1111p1cial crit1ri111tablilhld by Alb1rt1 and CONNSENSE, it was d1cid1 to not includ1 n1g1tiv1 r1vi1w1 by th111 b,o agtnciH,
App1ndtx IV-4 Dtt1r1intng Nttpa1ltlv1 Scorn Far uch Kl2 nft111r1 prqra1 li1tld ln th1 TESS databa11, th1r1vi1111car11 lnat including th, Alberta and COIIBENBE n1g1tiv11) 111r1 tallitd ta yitld a ntt 1car1. Pragra1111th I n1t-pa1itiv1 scar, 11,1 can1id1r1d high quality.
Appandh IY-5 MTRll l CHARACTERISTICS CDISIDERED IN EYM.UATINB EDUCATIONAL SDFTMAREt Content i11ppropri1t1 far int,ndld 1tud1nt papul1tian, Cant111t i11ccur1t1, Cant111t h currant, Content br11dth i1 r111an1bl1 ldan not focu1 an tao ft ar tao 1any difftrant cancapt1 ar cantant tapic1 ithin an, u11ianJ, Thi prac111n ind infar11tion l11rnld 1r1 u11ful in da11in1 ind 1itu1tian1 oth1r thin th, 1ubj1ct 1r11 af the prQ1Jr11, -Cont1nt ii fr11 af 1ru11r, 1p1llint, punctuation 1nd u11111rrar1, Cantant h frN af any bill ar 1t1natypin9, -Cant1nt 1upport1 th, schaal curriculu1, Content i1 r1l1v1nt to th11ubJ1et field, Definition, 1r1 providld llhtn n1tn11ry, -Th1r1 i1 continuity b1tn infarutian pr111ntld 1nd pr1r1qui1it11kill1 r1quir1d, -Cont1nt 1void1t1kin911id1 on pat1nti1lly contrav1r1i1l w1l ar social i11u11, -Th1r1 ii I n11d far b1tt1r thin th, 1tand1rd tr11t11nt af this topic in th1 curriculu1. -Si1ulatian 1ad1l i1 valid and n1ith1r tao ca1pl1x nor tao 1i1pl1 far int1ndld 1tud1nt population, -Yariabl11 u11d in th, 1i1ul1tion ar, th1 IIOtt r1ltvant, Yariabl11 in th, 1i1ul1tian interact and product r11ult1 appraxi1at1iy 11 th1y NGuld in rial lift, -A11u1ptian1 art ad1qu1t1ly idtntifild, Pra9ra11i1ulat11 activiti11 that can b1 too difficult, dan11rou1, or 11p1n1iv1 ta d11an1trat1 in rtality,
Apptndh IVt Jn1tructian1l !haallty/"'thoctolm Protru i1 u11ful in a 1ehool-b111d, instructional uttin1 li,1,, i1 a cl111roo1, coaput1r lab, lldia c1nt1r, or school libraryl, Pro1ru avoids pat1nti1lly contrav1r1i1l, nont1nd1rd t11ching 11thodola1i11. Progru 11111111 co1pl1tion of a l111on in on, cl111 ptriod l1pproxi11t1ly 30 1inut11I, Instruction i1 int19r1t1d Nith pr1viou11tud1nt 11p1ri11c1, Progru i1 lik1ly to 11v1 tiN far th1 student llhtn COip&rld to athtr 111n1 of prnenting this topic, Progru i1 lik1ly to 11v1 tiN far th1 t11ch1r llhen coap1rld ta athtr 11111 of prn1ntin9 this topic, An on-disk tutorial conc1rnin9 th1 pr1NJr11'1 CDlllftd 1tructur1 ii provid1d llhtn 1pprapri1t1 (1,9,, for a NDrdprac111ln9 pragrul, Apprapri1t1nn1 Application i1 Nill 1uit1d to coaput1r u11, Thi pldqogic approach u11d i11up1rior ta Nhat l11v1il1bl11l11Nh1r1, R11d1bility l1v1l i1 approprt1t1 for th1 int1ndld 1tud1nt population. Tant of 1ddr111 i1 appraprlat, for th1 int1ndld 1tud1nt population. Thi NIii of r11pon11 11,9,, 1ingl1 key1trak1, 11nipul1ting 9r1phic1I i11ppropri1t1 ta th, intendld 1tud1nt population, Pr1r,qui1it11kill1 r1quir1d 1r11ppropri1t1 for th1 int1ndld 1tud1nt population, -Ti11 r1quirld for u11 by I typical student do11 not 11c11d th, 1tt1ntion span of that 1tud1nt, -Nultipl1 l1v1l1 of instruction art 1v1il1bl1, -Difficulty l1v1l11r1 b111d on di1c1rnibl1 logic 11,9,, r11ding ability, co1pl1xity of prabl111l, Sufficient 1xpo1ur1 and pr1ctit1 ar, providld to 111t1r 1kill1, Sufficient infar11tian ii pr111ntld for int11d1d l11rnin9 ta occur, Color di1cri1in1tian i1 nK1111ry ta u11progr111ff1ctiv1ly, Handtyt coordination is rtquirld ta u11pra9r111ff1ctiv1ly,
App111dh JV-7 IIHtiantng Technlgun hntla11 1r1 1pprapri1t1 ta th1 cant111t and lfftcth1ly N11ur1 1tud111t 111tlry af th1 cant,nt. htltlan1 lncarrtctly an1111r1d can b1 r1p11tld lattr in th, ln10n/ntrcl11, Thi n11a1r of tri1l1 art r111Dnlbl1 and 1ppropri1t1 1,.,., 1tud111t r1e1ivn th1 carr1ct 1n1Nr 1ft1r no aar, than thrN or faur trials, and 1ft1r at l1a1t tllD trialt), -Calcul1tian1 can b11CCD1Pli1hld 111ily Ollterttn Nll1n appropri1t1. Appraach/llotivatton ApprDKh i1 appropri1t1 far th1 inttndld 1tud111t population. Far11t it varild, Dvtrall t111or af inttractian it 11r1, frltndly and h1lpful. Studtnt lt an actlv1 participant in th, learning procn1. Ev1lu1tor'1 Fi1ld T11t Rnultt Studtnt und1r1t1nd1 th1 anter11n pr111nt1tian, and can proctld ithout canfutian ar fru1tration. -Stud1nt 1njoy1 u1ing th1 progr11. Studtnt rttain11po1itiv11ttitud1 about u1ing th, progru. Studtnt r1t1in1 th1 dnir1 ta u11 th1progr11191in, ar to pur1ut th1 topic in oth1r 11y1. Pragru involv111tud111t1 in ca1p1titian in I pnitiv111y. Progn1 fatttrt coop1r1tian 11ong 1tud1nt1. Crtativitv Pragru ch1ll1ng11 and 1ti1ul1tu cr11tivity. Pldagogy is innov1tiv1. Progru 111011th11tud1nt 11 11ny d1ci1ion111 pn1ibl1, -Progr11 provid11 opportuniti11 to 1n111r op1n-1nd1d qu11tion1 and provid111v1lu1tiv1 crit1ri1 to 111111 rupan111. Progru daon1tr1t111 cr11tiv1 way of u1ing knowl1dg1. Pragr11 ch1ll111g11th11tud1nt to alttr an und1rlying 1od1l, or d11ign an 1lt1rn1tiv11od1l.
Apptndh JV-I tuhic1 and Mio 8rapllic1 111d audio art u11C1 to 11ti vat,. 8r1phic1 and audio an apprapri1tt far the int111dtd 1tud1nt population. lraphic1, audio and color 1nhanc1 the in1truction1l proc111. -8r1phic1 help focu1 attantion to apprapriat1 contant and art not di1tr1cting, Pr09r111void1 u1in9 uncontrollllllt audio rnpon1n to 1tud111t errors. Learner Control L11rn1r can alter protr u 1equ1nc1 and p1c1. L11rntr can r1viH in1truction1 and pr1viou1 frun. L11rn1r can end activity anytiu and return to 11in 1111u, L11rntr can enter pro9r11 at different point,. L11rner can stop in th, 1id1t of an activity, and at a later 1111ton b19in at that stopping point with th1 pr1viou1 r1cord of prOCJr111 intact. Help i1 av1ilabl1 at lik1ly points of nad. L1v:ning Ob;1etiv11, 60111, and Outca11~ L11rner obJtctiv11 ar, 1tatld and purpou i1 ll dlfinld. -Bt1p11r1 taken to 11k1 l11rnin9 91n1ralizabl1 to other situation,. -For pro9ra11 requiring u11 over 11ver1l days, learning outc11111r1 worth th1 ti11 inv11t1d. Fndback i1 po1itiv1. Fndback it appropriate to th, int1ndld student population and do11 not thr1at1n or inadv1rt1ntly r1ward incorr1ct r11pon111. Fndback is r1l1vant to 1tud1nt r11pon111. -F11dback i1 ti11ly. Fndback i1 infor11tiv1. -F11dback i1 corr1ctiv1 wh1n appropriate. Fndback r1,1diat11 and/or 1xplain1 when appropriate. Fndback 11ploy1 a vari1ty of r11pon111 to 1tud1nt input,, and avoids being boring or unn1c111arily d1tail1d.
Apptndh IV-9 FNdback r111in1onth11cr11n for 1n 1ppropri1t111ount of tin. Branchino i1 u11d 1ff1etiv1ly to r1udi1t1. Progru u111 branching to 1uto11tlc1lly 1dJu1t difficulty l1v1l1 or 11qu1nc1 according ta 1tud1nt p1rf ar11nc1. Procldural and in1truction1l 1tat111nt1 art clear. On-scr11n proapt1 clearly indicate lltl1r1 u1er 1hauld facu1 attention. FraH farutting i1 clear, uncluttered, and con1i1t1nt fro11crnn ta 1cr11n 11.g., 1cr11n input i1 r11trictld to a con1i1t1nt location). -Pr111ntation of 1ach di1cr1t1 content topic i1 lagic1l. -S1qu1nc1 of content tapic1 and ln1tructian i1 l09ic1l and ln appropriate 1t1p1. S1qu1nc1 of 11nu it111 i1 logical. -Pro1pt11nd cu11 art clear and con1i1t1ntly and logically 1pplild, -Hints art cl11r and nat 1i1l11ding 11.g., ltngth of 1p1ce1 in fill-in bl1nk111tch11 nu1b1r of letters n11d1d, incorrect r11pan1111r1 Mllchos1nl. -Dnan1tratian1 ind pln 1r1 clear ind 1vail1bl1 when 1pprapriat1. -Int1rfac1 is 1iapl1 enough ta bt ustd with littl1 or no r11ding of the docuHnt1tion, Pragr111akn it clear ta th, u11r whert 1lh1) is in the pragr11 11.9., question nu1b1r, p1g1 h11din91) I U11r-caaputer co11unicatian is can1i1t1nt 1nd logical. -Pra1pt1 ta 1av1 work art givtn whtn appropriat,. Si111lation1 The tiH n11d1d ta ca1pl1t1bath11t1p and th11ntir11i1ul1tian it r1a1anabl1 and 1ff1ctiv1. Encaur1g11 d1ci1lan-1aking or calculation r1th1r than gu111ing, !t~her Na4if hbil,ity T11ch1r can 1a1ily ch1ng1 or add cant1nt, -T1ach1r can 111ily r19ulat1 par111t1r1 11,9., nu1b1r of prabl111, rate of pre11nt1tian, p1rc1nt1g1 correct n11d1d for 111t1ry) far 11ch cl111 using th1 progr11,
App1ndh IVlO T11ch1r can 111ily r1gul1t1 par111ttr1 (1,g., nulb1r of prob1Ht1 r1t1 of pr111nt1tian, p1rc1nt1g1 carrtct nlldld for 111t1ry> far 11ch student, Par111ttr 11t-up1 can b1 by-p1111d (1,g.1 dlfault 11tting1 art 1v1il1bl1), Evaluation and Rtcordk11ping -Progr11 pravld11 an 1d1qu1t1 N1n1of1v1lu1tin91tud1nt 111t1ry of th, content, -If t11t11r1 includtd, crittria for 1ucc11, 1r11pproprt1t1 for th, 1bility/skill1 of th, inttndtd studant papulition, -If t11t11r1 includ1d, conttnt 1ccur1t1ly rlfl1ct1 th, 1at1ri1l pr1s1nt1d, -Scor1k11ping ind p1rfor11nc1 reports art pravidtd far the student when 1pprapri1t1. (1,9,, su11ary of prabl111 corr1et/nu1btr 1tt11pt1d, running point totals), -U11ful infor11tian about 1tud1nt p1rfar11nce it 1tor1d for futur1 r1tri1val, -U11ful di1gna1tic pr1-t11t or pl1c111nt t,st it pravid1d, wll1r11ppropri1t1. -U11ful diagnostic or pr11criptiv11n1ly1i1 of student ptrfar11nc1 i1 1v1il1bl1 ta th1 t11chtr, Nhtn apprapr i 1tt, -Stud1nt ptrfar11nc1 infarutian i1111ily 1cc111ibl1 ta th1 t11chtr, "anagNtnt sy1tN includts 1dequ1t1 stcurity, Pra9ra11llaw1 printout and 1crHn display of 1tudtnt rtcard1. -Pragra1 can hold aultiplt ptrfar1anc1 rtcord1 of a 1in9l1 cl111 (1,9,, 35-50 1tud1nt1), -Pragr11 can hold aultiplt p1rfar11nc1 rtcard1 of 11v1ral cla1111 11.9.1 up to 5 cl11111> 1rrangtd by cla11, Docu11ntatian and..Smart_"ahrial.1 -Qu1lity of tht packaging i1 dur1bl1 and apprapri1t1 far 1tud1nt u1t (e.g., not tao large ta be u11d 1t 11icracaaput1r station>, -Studtnt, partnt or ttachtr guid11 ind 1attrial11r1 cltarly id1ntifi1d 11 1uch. Ttchnical and aptratianal 1xpl1natian1 far i1pl111ntatian art cltar ind ca1pl1t1. -If 1ppfapri1tt, quick 1t1rt-up1 11ction i1 includtd, -U11ful r1producibl11tud1nt wark1h11t1 art providtd. Othtr v1luabl1 support 1at1rial1 art provided (1,9,, wall chart1I, -Cont1nt it ll1t1d whtn i1part1nt or whtn it would bt h1lpful,
Apptndix IV-11 Sa1pl11cre1n-by-1cre1n printout, af th1 pr~ra1 are pravidld. T1ach1r support 1at1ri1l1 can b11eparat1d fraa 1tud1nt 1ateri1l1, -U11ful 1ugge1tian11r1 pravidld for introductory cla11roa1 activiti11. -U11ful 1ugge1tian1 art providld far cl111roa11ctiviti11 during th1 u11 af th1 pragr11, wh1r1 ntc1111ry ar helpful. Uuful 1ugge1tion11r1 provided far fallow-up activiti11, -U11ful 1ugg11tian1 art given for cl111raa1 lagi1tic1 in a vari1ty af hardw1r11ituation1 le.g,, 1ingl1 ar 111ltipl1 1achin11) and 1tud1nt groupings. U1eful 1ugge1tian1 ar1 provided an haw ta integrat1 progra1 with th1 regular curriculua, -If th1 pragra1 i1 ap1n-1nd1d, 1ubJ1ct-1p1cific 1ugg11tian1 art includld, Clear 11planation1 af th, diff1rence1 b1twt1n th, various difficulty lev1l1 art pravid1d, -Prer1qui1it11kill1 ar, cl1arly 1tat1d, Accurat, and clear dtscriptian af in1tructian1l activities 1r1 pravidld. -Accur1t1 and cltar d11criptian1 of conttnt tapic1 1r1 pravid1d, Nh1r11pprcpriat11 1 de1criptian of haw 1at1ri1l carr1l1te1 ta 1t1nd1rd t1xtbaok 11rie1 i1 providld, Ntcn11ry infor1ation can b1 faund quickly and 111tly 11,g,, contains ind1x, tabl1 of cant1nt1, 1tc,>, Quick r1ftrtnc1 card far pragra1 u11 it includ1d, Nlltr1 apprapri1t1, Printld t1xt 11 cl1ar and r11dabl1, Printtd graphics art cl1ar and r11dabl1. Printld text i1 frH af 1rrar1 in 1p1lling, graar, punctuation and u1ag1, Siaul1tian1 -Dncriptian af th1 aod1l u11d in th, 1i1ul1tton i1 cl1ar, accurate and ca1pl1t1, Thi way vari1bl11 ark art d11cribtd Nill,
T1chnlc1I Quality Audia can b11dJu1tld Ii.,., turnld dllllfl or off). Audia i1 cl11r and u11d 1ff1ctiv1ly. Charactar 11t1 u11d in t11t display ar, cl1ar, apprapriat,, and visually lnt1r11ting. -&raphic1 ar, 1cc1ptabl1 an a 1011achra111G11itar. -Sraphic1 ar, cl11r and can b1111ily int1rpr1tld. Pragru ii 'cnlh-praaf'. Progra1 runs con1i1t1ntly under all norul conditions and ii 1bugfr111 App1ndh IV-12 Progra1 run1 without undu1 d1l1y1 11.g., graphics fill in a ti11ly unner, do11 not 1xc111iv1ly acc111 disk driv1). -Th, tr1n1ition1 b1tN11n scr11n di1play11r11ff1tetiv1 (1.9., tut changn>. Pro9ra1 guards 191in1t aultipl1 k1y pr111n advancing th, 1tud1nt past th1 n11t 1crnn (1.9., l11nlng on r1turn k1y and tharlby 1i11ing uvaral scrllft1 11 t~,y f111h by>, Progru 1void1 unn1e111ary or in1ppraprt1t11ovin9 back and forth b1t1t11111crNn1 11.g., frDI pa91 to fndback or data p1g11>. Spacial f11tur11 1,.,., flash, inv1r11, scrolling, split 1cr11n> 1r1 u11d appropriat1ly and lff1cth1l y. Progru r1quir1111iniul 11GUnt of ty}int l1xc1pt typint progran>. R1ndo1 91n1r1tion or 11l1ction is u11d lltltn appropri1t1 (1.g., to 1111111 rep1atld u11 by varying th1 probl1H or data pr111ntld>. Progru Judg11 r11ponu1 accurately and account, for 1inor variation, in th, for1at of th1 input 11.9., accepts 1ith1r th1 carrtct word or litter choic1 in a aultipl1 choice it11l. Progru allows user to carrKt 1n1N1r1 b1for1 b1in9 acc,pt1d by th1 pro9r11. -Pro9ra11cc1pt1 partial 1n1w1r111 corrtct Ntltn1v1r 1pprapri1t1. Nh1r11tud1nt11111t input r11pon111, in1ppropri1t1 k1y1 art di11bl1d, -Control k1y1 1r1 u11d can1i1t1nt1y, -Stud1nt1 r1quir1 a 1iniau1 a1ount of ,ach1r 1up1rvi1ian whil1 u1ing th1 pragra1 Nhtn 1ppropriat1, Ca1put1r land pertph1ral1> optratian do11 not int1rf1r1 with conc1ntr1tian on activity, Progra111k111fftctiv1 u11 of p1riph1r1l d1vicn 11.9,, Joy1tick1> for 1lt1rn1t1 input 1od1s while still allowing k1ybo1rd input.
App1ndh IY-13 Pragr1111,1ar111 pr1viau1ly un11plar1d pat1nti1l af th1 c01put1r ar greatly 11p1nd1 an 11i1tin9 capability (1,9,, n,w 1ni11tion t1chniqu1, digitizld 1p1ach), Pragru u111 other tachnalagin 11,g,, audio c1111tt1, vidtadi1c, vidtat1p1) ta enhance learning 11111111ppropri1t1, Print capoility i1 includld, 1111,n 1ppropri1t1, Printing i1111y and 1iapl1 ta accaaplilh 1ith I v1ri1ty of popular printers, Start-up and INl111nt1tian T1achtr1 Software cad, IOdific1tion1 or unuwl 11nipul1tian af di1k11r1 not r1quir1d ta u11 pr119r11 lffactiv1ly, Start-up ti far t11chtr iapl11111tatian it not 11cn1h1. T11chtr nNd111ini1111 of coaputtr c111p1t111ci11 to operate pragr11 ( 1.9., do11 not requir1 installing add-an boards), Stud111t1 Start-up ti far 1tud1nt iapl111ntatian i1 brilf enough to per1it caapl1tian of 1 lHIDII. Studnts n11d a 1ini1U1 of coaputtr c111p1t111cin to op1r1t1 pragru (1,9,, don not r1quir1 u11 of cantral-k1y cDlbin1tian1), Prab1un 1nd Ptriphl!!l.LIK.btdltl in tltt SofJ_wt.1.K~Ul -Prab11arptriph1r1l11r1 durable, Prab11arptriph1r1l11r111111itiv1. Audia and/or graphic quality art lffactiv1. Prob11 ar p1riph1r1l1ar1111y to in1t1ll, Calibration it accurate and 111y. Data ditpl1y11r1 fl11ibl1 (1,9,, can b11c1lld, rldra11111. Data an1ly1i1 i1 u11ful,
App1ndix IV-14 Hlrdw1 and N&rk1ting l11u11 -Pot111ti1l uufulnn1 of th1 progr11 Ju1tlfln lt1 prlc1 ln co1pari1on to oth1r 1i1ilar products. Ptriphtral1 (not includltl in th1 packa11t that art difficult to acquir, or inappropriately 1xp1n1iv1 ar, not r1quirld. Productr field t11t data art availabl1, Fi1ld tnt data indic1t1 that 1tud111t1 l1arntd IOf'I ar b1tttr, or had a bitter attitud1 toward th, IUbJKt 11ttar, 11 a rnult of usl111 th1 prOQrll, Pr,vi copi11 art av1ila~l1, lack-up copi11 art pravidltl, Ad1qu1t1 rranty i1 providld, T1l1phon1 support i1 av1il1bl1, -If all011bl1, 11ltipl1 loadin1 i1 pn1ibl1, Sitt liCIIIU ii IVlillltll, NltNrk var1ion1 art 1vailabl1, Nultipl1 copin discount av1ilabl1, ------------------........ t llany of tllt lduc:1tion1l 1oftNr1 np,rt1 consultld in th1 catpilin9 of thil li1t f1lt that subJtetspteific ud population-sptcific ch1ractari1tic11111111d h1v1 ta b1 con1idtrld far a tharou1h tvaluatian,
MTRII 2 COIIIOII.YIICLUDED CHARACTERISTICS AND CHARACTERISTICS JUDIED UIPORTANT IN EVM.IIATI EDUCATIIM. SlfTMARE -1+ Cont,nt i1 1pprapri1t1 far inttndld 1tud1nt population. -1+ Cant111t i1 1ccurat1. App1ndh lV-lS 1+ Cant111t br11dth ii r111anlbl1 (don not focus on too ftw or too 11ny difflnnt canctptl or contant topics within on, M11ion), 1+ Cant111t i1 frH of gr1111r, 1p1lltn1, punctuation and u1a111rror1. -1+ Cant111t ii f rH of any btu or 1t1r11typtng. + Cant111t supports tll1 school curricul111, 1 llfintttan1 an pravtdld 1111 nKN1ary. 1 Th1r1 ii continuity lllt111111 i1for11tian pr111ntlll aid pr1r1qui1it11kilh r1quir1d, Stlatton1 1+ Si111lati01 INll ii valid and n1tth1r too COIPlN nor too 1iapl1 far intandld 1tud1nt population. 1 VariulH ulld in th1 1i111lation ar, th1 1D1t r1ltv1nt. I A11uapttan1 art all-.aattly idtntifild, 1+ Progra11i111latn activitin that can b1 too diffic1lt, danttrDlt1 or 11ptn1iv1 to d11Dn1trat1 in r11lity. ln1tructll!ftal lluality/lllthodol~ &tntnl -t+ Progra1 i1 u11ful in an 1chool-ba11d, instructional tlttint (i,t,, a cla11roo1, ca1put1r lab, lldia ctnttr, or school lillnryl. 1+ Progra1 all111t1 coapl1tian of a l111an i an, cla11 ptriod (approxi1at1ly 30 1inut11I, 1 An an-disk tutorial canc1rnint th, pr119ra1'1 cond 1tructur1 it provided wtltn appropriate 11,g., for a 1ardprac111int pragra1),
t+ A,plicatian ii 1111 IUitltl ta caaputtr UII, 1+ R11d1bility ltvtl it apprapriat, far the int111dltl 1tud111t population. 1 Tant af 1ddru1 ii appropriatl for tht int111dltl 1tud111t papulatian. Apptndh lVlh 1 Tht u1n1 of rtspanu (1,g., 1ingl1 k1Y1trok1, 1111ipul1ting graphics) i1 apprapriat, to th1 intandtd 1tud1nt population, 1 Prtrequi1it11kill1 required art apprapri1t1 for tht int111dtd 1tud1nt papulatian. 1+ Ti11 r1quirlcl for uu by I typical 1tud1nt dDII not 11ctld th, 1tt111tian span of that 1tud1nt. 1+ llultt,11 ltv1l1 of instruction art 1vail1bl1. 1 Difficulty l1v1ls art basld on dltctrniblt logic,,.,., reading ability, ca1pl11ity of problHtl. 1+ Sufficitnt npo111r1 and pr1ctic1 art pravidtd ta 111ttr skills. 1+ Sufficltnt inforution ii pruantld fer int111dtd learning ta occur, Du"Uoning T1chnigu11 t Du11tian11r11ppropri1t1 to th, content and lfftctiv1ly a1ur11tud111t u1tary of tht cant1nt. 1 Du11tian1 incorrectly an,..,lcl can b1 rep11ttd lattr in th, luan/narci11. 1+ n, nmtr of trials art r111anabl1 111d 1,Propri1t1 ,,.,., 1tud1nt rtctivH th1 corrtct ans111r after na aar, than thrN or four trials, and afttr at lent t11a trialt). llp1roach/llotiv1tiD11 -t+ Studant i1 an activt participant in th, learning prac111. ml!Ytor's Fl1ld Tnt Rnult1 t Stud111t undar1tand1 th, on-1er1111 pr111nt1tian, and can proc1td without confusion or frustration. t Student 111joys using th1 protr11. Progr11involv111tud1nt1 in caap1tition in I potitivt Nly, t Pragru fo1ttr1 coop1r1tion 1tang stud1nt1, 1+ Pra9r11 ch1llang11 ind 1ti1ul1t11 cr1ativity, Pragr111llow1 tht 1tud1nt 1111ny d1ci1ion111 po11ibl1, 1+ Pragrat provides oppartuniti11 to 1n1w1r op1n-1nd1d qu11tion1 and provid11 1v1lu1tiv1 criteria to 111111 r11pon111,
Braphtc1 and Audia t+ &raphic1 and audio art u11d ta aativat,. t+ 8raphtc1 and audta ar, 1ppraprt1t1 far th1 tnt1ndld 1tud1nt papul1tton, t+ 8r1phic1, 1udta, and calar tnh1nc1 th, tn1tructtanal prac111. t+ 6r1phic1 help focus att111ttan ta appraprt1t1 content and 1r1 not distracting, t+ L1arn1r can alttr progr1111qu1nc1 and pact, t+ L11rntr can rtvillt instructions and previous fr11H, 1+ L11rntr can ind activity anytiu and r1turn ta uin 1111u. L1arntr can tnttr pragr11 at dtfftr111t points. Appendix IV-17 t L1arntr can 1tap in th11id1t of an activity, and at a lattr 1111ion b19tn at that 1tappin9 paint Mith th1 pr1viou1 record of pr09rn1 intact. t+ Help i11vaillbl1 at lik1ly paint, of nlld, L11rning Objecttv11, &oal1, and OutcDIH t+ L11rntr abjtctiv11 art 1t1tld and purpa11 i1 11111 dtfinld. t For protran r~uiring u11 ovtr 1tvtral d1y1, ltarning outcOIII ar1 worth th1 tiN inv11tld, -t+ FNdback i1 appropri1t1 ta tht inttndld 1tud111t pap1latian and don not thr11ten ar inadvertently rewd incorrect rnpan1n. 1+ FNdback i1 r1ltv1nt ta 1tud1nt rnpon1n. t+ FNdb1ck ii ti11ly, -1+ FNdback i1 infar11tiv1. t+ FNdback i1 corr1ctiv1 Nh111 apprapri1t1. 1+ F11db1ck r1Ndi1t111nd/ar 1xpl1in1 Nhlll appropriate, t+ Branching i1 u11d 1fftctiv1ly ta r111di1t1, t Pragra1 u111 branching ta 1uto11tically adjust difficulty l1v1l1 ar 11qu1nc1 according to 1tud1nt p1rf ar11nc1.
App1ndix 1Yl8 Clarity -+ Proc1dur1l and instructional 1t1tH111t1 ar, cl1ar. Oner1111 pro1pt1 cl1arly lndicat, llh1r1 u11r should focus att1ntion, t+ Fr111 for11ttin9 i1 cl11r, unclutt1r1d, and con1i1t111t froa 1crNn to 1crnn 11.9., 1cr11n input it rntrict1d to a can1i1t111t location>. 1+ S1qu1nc1 of cont,nt topics and in1tructian i1 logical and in appropri1t1 1t1p1. 1+ Pro1pt1 and cu11 ar, cl11r and con1i1t1ntly and logically 1ppli1d, 1 Hints 1r1 cl11r and not 1i1l1adin9 11.9., l1n9th of 1p1c11 in fill-in blanks 1atch11 nu1btr of l1tt1r1 n11dld, incarrKt r11panu1 ar, N1ll-cha11nl, 1+ DN0111tr1tian1 and 1111pl11 1r1 cl1ar and 1vail1bl1 Nhtn appropriat1. 1 Int1rfac1 is 1iapl1 anough ta b1 u11d with little or na r1adln9 of th, docu11ntation. 1 Proapt1 to 1av1 Nark ar, 9iv111 lllltn appropriat,. Si111lation1 1 Th, ti11 n11ded to co1pl1t1 both a 1tap and th11ntir11iaul1tion i1 r111on1bl1 and lff1ctiv1, 1 Encoura911 d1ci1ion-1akin9 or calculation r1th1r than 9u111in9. T1ach1r llodifiability -1+ T1ach1r can 1a1ily chan91 or add cont111t. 1+ Teachtr can 111ily r19ul1t1 par1Ntar1 1,.,., nullltr of problN1, rat, of pr111nt1tion, p1rc1nta91 carr1ct nHC11d for 111taryl far 1ach cla11 u1in9 th1 progra1, T11char can 111ily r19ul1t1 p1ra11tar1 1,.,., nulb1r of problN1, rat, of pr111nt1tion, p1rc111t191 corr1ct nnd1d far 1a1t1ry) far 1ach 1tud1nt, Evalua!i_on and RKordkapina 1+ Pro9r11 provid11 an 1d1qu1t1 N1n1 of 1valu1tin9 1tud1nt 1a1t1ry of the content. 1 If te1t1 are includtd, crlttria for 1ucc111 art appropriat, for th, 1bility/1kill1 of th, int1nd1d 1tud1nt population, 1 lf t11t11r1 lncludtd, cont,nt accur1t1ly r1fl1ct1 th, 11t1rial pr1s1nt1d. t+ Scorek11ping and p1rfor11nc1 reports are provided for tht student Nhtn appropriate, (e.g., 1u111ry of probl111 corr1ct/nu1b1r att11pt1d, running point tat1l1),
Appandh IV-19 -t+ Uuful infar11tian about 1tudant p1rfarunc1 ii 1tar1d far futur1 r1tri1val, t U11ful dia1na1tic ar prncriptiv1 analy1i1 Df 1tud1nt p1rforunc1 ii av1ilabl1 to th1 t11ch1r1 1111111 apprapriat1. t+ Stud111t p1rfor1111c1 infor1atian i11a1ily acc111ibl1 ta th, t11ch1r. t+ Pra9ra1 allow, printout and 1crNn di1play of 1tud1nt rtcard1, t+ Pra9ra1 can hold 111ltipl1 p1rfar1anc1 rtcard1 of 1 1ingl1 cl111 (1,9.1 35 1tudant1>. Docu1111tation and Support Nat1rial1 -1+ Ttehnic1l and aptrational 1xpl1nation1 for i1plu111t1tion ar, cl11r ind co1plet1. 1 If apprapriat,, quick 1t1rt-up 11ction i1 includ1d, 1+ Uuful r1producibl11tud1nt wk1h11t1 art providld. 1 Contlftt i1 liltld Nhlft iaportant or 11111ft it IIOUld b1 htlpful. 1+ U11ful 1U99ntian1 art pravidld far lntraductary cl111raa1 activitln. 1 U11ful 111g9ntian1 art pravidld for cl111raD11ctiviti11 during tht u11 of tht pr09r111 her, n1c1111ry ar h1lpful. 1+ U1tful 111ggntian1 art pravidld for follow-up 1ctiviti11. 1 U11ful 1u99ntian1 art givlft far cl111roa1 lagi1tic1 in I vari1ty of h1rd1t1r11ituatian1 11.g.1 1in9l1oraultipl111ehin11> and 1tut grouping,. 1+ U11ful 1U9gntian1 ar1 pravidld an ha ta lnt19r1t1 pragru ith th1 r19ul1r curriculu1. 1 lf th1 pr09ra1 i1 ap1ndld1 1ubj1ct-sp1cific 1uggntian1 ar1 includ1d. 1+ Pr1r1qui1it11kill11r1 cltarly 1t1t1d. 1 Accur1t1 ind cl11r d11criptian of in1truction1l 1ctiviti111r1 providld. 1 Accur1t1 and cl11r d1Kriptian1 of canttnt topics 1r1 pravid1d. 1 Quick r1f1r111c1 card far pro9r11 u11 it includ1d1 htrt 1ppropri1t1. 1+ Printtcl t,xt ii cl1ar 1nd r11d1bl1, 1+ D11cription of tht aod1l u11d in th, 1i111l1tion i1 cl11r, accur1t1 ind co1pl1t1. 1 Tht Y vari1bl11 ark 1r1 d11crib1d tll,
r1ehnic11 DualiU t+ Audia can b11dJu1tld u.,., turnld dOIIII or off), t+ Audia i1 cl11r and u11d 1fftetiv1ly, Apptndh IV t Character 11t1 u11d in t1xt display 1r1 cl1ar, appropriate, and visually int1r11ting. -+ 6r1phic1 ar, cl11r and can b1111ily int1rpr1t1d, t+ Pragr11 run, can1i1t1ntly under all norul condition, and i1 1bug-fr111 t Progru guard1 1g1in1t 111ltipl1 k1y pr111n advancing th1 student p11t th1 next 1crHn 11,g., l11ning on return k1y and thereby 1i11ing 11ver1l 1er1111111 th1y fl11h by), t+ Randa1 gineration or lllKtion i1 uud llllan 1ppropri1t1 C1,g,, ta 1lla11 rep11t1d u11 by varying th, probl1u or data pr111ntld), t+ Progr11 Jud911r11pon1111ccur1t1ly and account, for 1inor v1ri1tion1 in th1 for11t of th1 input (1,9,, 1cc1pt1 1ith1r th1 carrKt 110rd or l1tt1r chaic1 in a 111ltipl1 choic1 it11), 1 Pro1r1111111111 u11r to corrtet 1n1w1r1 blfor1 b1ing accapt1d by th1 pragr11, t Pragr11 accept partial an111r111 carract llhtn1v1r 1pprapri1t1, t Mh1r11tud1nt1 au1t input rnpon111, inappropriate k1y11r1 di11bl1d, t Control k1y1 ar, u11d can1i1tently, Stud1nt1 r1quir1 a 1iniau1 a1aunt of t11ch1r 1up1rvi1ian llhilt using th1 progra1 whtn apprapriah, 1 Op1ration of coaputer and p1riph1ral1 dots not int1rf1r1 with conc,ntratian on activity. t Pragr11 u111 athtr t1chnalagiu (1,9,, audio c1111tt1, vidtodi1c, vidtatap1I ta enhance l11rning llhan appropriat,. 1+ Print capability i1 includ1d, wh1n 1ppropriat1. 1 Printing i1 111y and 1i1pl1 ta acca1pli1h with I v1ri1ty of popular printers. Start-up and l1pl111ntatian t Start-up ti11 for t11ch1r iapltNntation i1 not 11c111iv1. t T1achtr nad1 a 1ini1u1 of ca1put1r ca1p1t1nci11 ta ap1rat1 pragr11 I 1,9,, do11 not r1quir1 installing add-on ba1rd1l,
App1ndix IY-21 1+ Start-up ti11 for 1tud1nt iapl111nt1tian i1 brilf 1naugh ta p1r1it ca1pl1tian of I l111an. 1+ Stud1nt1n11d11ini1111 of coaputar ca1p1t1nci11 to op1r1t1 progr11 (1,g,, da11 not r1quir1 u11 of control-k1y ca1bin1tian1>. Prab1111r1 and P1riph1r1h lncludld in th1 Sofh1r1 .. ~~lU! 1 Prab11orp1riph1r1l11r1 dur1bl1, 1 Prab11orp1riphtr1l11r111111itiva. 1 Audia and/or graphic quality 1r1 lff1ctiv1. 1 Prab11 or p1riph1r1l11r1111y ta install, t C1libr1tlan it 1ccur1t1 and 111y, 1 D1t1 di1pl1y1 1r1 fl11ibl1 11.g., can b1 1c1lld, r1dran>. 1 Data 1naly1i1 i1 u11ful, 1 Pr,vin capi111r1 av1il1bl1, 1 Back-up capi111r1 providld. 1 Ad1qu1t1 rranty it pravidld. 1 T1l1phan1 support i11v1il1bl1, H1rdr1 a~d N1rk1tina I11u11 ...................................................................................................... Char1ct1ri1tlc1 1ark1d th I d11h I> N1r1 includ1d in th1 for11 ar guid1lin11 of 1ar1 thin half of th11g1nci111urv1y1d. 1 Char1ct1ri1tic1 11rk1d ith 1n 11t1ri1k (t) tr can1idtrld i1port1nt by I group of co1put1r 1oftar111p1rt11 including t11ch1r1, to1put1r coordin1tor1, 1aftr1 publi1h1r1, university praf111or1, and 1oftw1r11v1luation con1ult1nt1. Btyond th ch1ract1ri1tic1 1p1cific1lly noted, 11ny of th1111xp1rt1 f1lt that 1ubj1ct-1p1cific and papul1tion-1p1clfic ch1ract1ristic1 ould h1v1 to b1 con1id1r1d for I thorough ,valuation. + Ch1r1ct1ri1tic1 1ark1d with I plus sign (+I w1r1 includtd in th, for11 and guidelines of 1ore thin half of the tight 1v1lu1tion Ag1nci11 cho11n 11th, ba1t1 for d1t1r1inin9 quality 1oftwar1.1
WDDII V A UMRY OF RBPONIEB FROfl INTERVIEWS 111TH IIADS IF EDUCATIOIAL BIFTIIME EVM.UATIII A&ENCIES TO ASCOTAIN A PICTURE OF THEIR PROCESSES Ta offer 1 1ar1 C0111l1t1 pictur1 of 19111cin th1t publish hi9h qu1lity 1v1lu1tiDt11 af tducattan1l soft11r1, th1 dlractar1 ar ldttar1 af ll such 11111ci" int1nt111d 1t 11119th, Eipt af th111 111nci11 art 1u,partld by 9overn1111t fu11d1 ar prhlt1 9r1nt11 0111 i 1 1 far-prafi t ar91ni11tian1 ta publllll Jaurn1l1, Of th1 11 p1rtlcip111t1 in thl11urv1y, ll\llfl h1v11011 kind af affici1l 1ffili1tion ith 1 l1r91r institution, Faur art 1ffili1tld with 1ithtr 1t1t1 ar pravlnci1l 19111Ct111 on, h111 flcltr1l 1ffili1ttan1 0111h111 untv1r1ity 1ffili1tiae1111d 0111 ii tffiliatlcl Ith th1 Nlttan1l Sct111c1 Found1Ue11, &ERAL PHILOSIFHY AllDlt OrN-quart1r1 of th1 19111cy dirtctar1 ar lditar1 indicatld tltat tltey 1v1lu1tl sofh1r1 far 111 lllbJtctl 111d 1tud111t papul1Uon1, TIit rNainint rapolld111t1 indic1ttd th1t th,y only 1v1lu1t1 IOftur1 far a ,,tcif ic lllbJtct ar 1tud111t papulatian, Apprni11t1ly h1lf af th1 rt1pandNt1 id111tifild local schaal l1v1l ptr1ann1l 11 their prlwy audi111c1, A f1111id th1ir tv1lu1tian1 ..,., 1illd 1t p,opl1 tnvalvld 1t 111 ltv1l1 of lduc1ttan1l toftun 1cquilitlan, Only t11C1 r1spand111t1 NnUonld t11chtr1 af 1ptciflc 1IIIIJ1et1 r, 9r1d1 l1v1ll. Surpri1in9ly, rtcD11111din9 IOftar 1ithtr far purch111 ar pr1viN di the prt11ry purpau far tv1lu1Unt safhar1 of only I f,. raspandlfttl, TIit aa1t-aft111-citlcl pri11ry purpa11 NI pravldin9 infor11Uan for r11dtr1 \LU!l_u_t~!.Jl!. ldJtct CDICtrlll NfttiDIIH by I flW r"'Olldlfltl II 1 r111an far ptrfor1in9 111d publi1hin9 1v1lu1tian1. 1111,n 11ktcl if they chtck ith athtr 191nci11 ta'" if their 1v1luatin1 of the product 11r11, 101t r,spandtd that they chtck 1111 than t111 p,rc,nt of th1 U11 ar not at 111, Only tllCI 19111cin chtck tart than h11f th1 tiN, TIit 1D1t-ofttn-1tntionld ar11ni11tian1 th1t they check ith art th1 Educ1ttan1l Product, lnfr,11tian E1chan91 IEPIE> ln1titut1, th1 Albtrta Dlpart1111t of Ed1c1tian, Nicra1ift, th1 C1lifarni1 TtchnolCNJY in the Curriculu1 ITIC> Praj,ct, and the Educ1t1anal Softur1 Evaluation Can1artiu1'1 Pr1vl11 luidt, 1111111 chtckin9 ith 1nath1r a9111cy, Just aver h1lf af th1 r1spand1nt1 f1lt th1t th1ir 1v1luatian1 19r1td vtry fr1t1u111tly, THE EVM.UATIII PROCESS TIit 19111cy h11d1 ..,., 11k1d a 1trlN af quntlan1 canc1rntn9 th1 evaluation prac111 haw softur1 l1 acquirtcl, llhat ii actually 1valuattc1, llha 1valuat11 it, and ha it ii 1v1lu1tlcl.
Apptndh Y-2 Softwt Acqul1ltlan To 1cq1lr1 IOftw,, the v11t 11Jorlty of th1r1111andtnt111ld th1t thay Hliclt it for frN frDI productr1, llld th1t tllly 1110 ICC.,t IIINliCitN ,,11r111. Only I fll indiCltN tlllt they purch111 1t l111t IDII Df th, IDftw, Uay n1l111t1. In order to infor1 pdllMtrl thlt the lllftCY ld ecc-,t unullcttld 1Dft111r1 protnn, 1l1a1t tltrN-q11rt1n 11id Uay ltu 1111~ Dlt u ini U1l 11illnt to poll lhtr1 111nouncint thh, Dnl y 1 f11 ll1d dDftt 111y follCMt-11111ftar thl1 initt1l 11iltn9. Of o, DrtlftilltiDIII tlt1t IDliClt or pvch111 uftNrt, th, VIit 11Jority CDIIIUlt 1111ztn1 ldl ud prn1 r1l11111 lllltft dtcidtnt llh1t IOf tw1 to 1equlr1, 11Drd-of DUth t I ultd by 1bout h1l f of th1 rn,D11d11t11 llti 11 DIii Oird cD111tdtr th1 KltDDl MJtet foc11 Df tll1 IDftNrt. In 1n1nl, no p1rttcul1r lnttrHt NI nprnlN in th1 productl of 1111-kn 1oftNrt publlMtrl, A 11i9"t 11Jortty of tltt r111111d111tl t1die1ttd th1t 300 or lHI different publi1h1n 1111d thN prCMJr1n to 1v1lu1t1, 11th tht othtrl tndlcatint 100 or IHI publiuar1, A f11 rnpond111t1 IIOltly the tdltor1 Df Journ1l1) lndlc1tld that thay r1e1iv1 loft..,, frDI 25 publi1htr1 or IHI, Thnt d1t1 1U9tHt that 1111y tvaluatiDII ttnelH ntvtr IN uf t11r1 frDI I l1r91 utllftt of tht over 600 td11utiD111l 11ftNn p1blluar1. Dtttrainint llllat to Ev1lu1t1 lllo dKidn Illich 11ftw1 prCMJru1 ill 1ctu1lly bt 1v1lu1ttd? Tht dir1etor1 or tditor1 of 1l1a1t half th, 11111ciH tither dtcidt DII th1ir 111111 or 1ith th, rK011tnd1tion of I stiff llllttr. Tht crittri1 1tntiD11td IOlt oft111 in dKidint Illich prCMJrtH to n1luat1 111 that it au1t fit 1p1ei fie curriculua obJactivt, conttnt aru, or tlrpt population, or that tntntd 1v1lu1tor1 ith 11ptrti11 in tht 1111eiflc currtculua u11 of tht IOftNrt 1111t bt 1v1illbl1. AIIOlt h1lf tht 11111ci11 n1lu1t1 1v1rythint th1t thty 1cqutr1. TIit DIily prOfrlH that I 11jority of attnciH IVOid n1l11tint lrt 1Ulti-ttdl1 COUrlH of study that lncludt 1oftw1 11.9., Voy111 Df tllt Nt1t, llritint to Read>. PrOIJr111 r1quirlnt ptriphtr1l1 not included in th1 p1ck111 lftd not 111ily 1cca1ibl1 ll't 1voidtd by 1ppro1i11t1ly ont qu1rttr of tht rapondtntl. Ev1l111tor StltctiOI 111d Tr1tntt llltn rKruitint pot111ti1l tv1lu1tor1, 11ny rnpond111t1 11id thty r1quir1 both t11chint 1nd coaputtr 11p1ri111c11 othtr1 found thn1 qu1lification1 datr1bl1. Al101t h1lf r1quir1 th1t 1v1lu1tor1 bt 1ctiv1 t1ach1r1. SubJKt 11tttr 11p1rti11 i1 r1quirtd by 1111 thin h1lf of tht 11111ct11. Only t11C1 11111cin rtquirt tither prior nptritnct 1v1lu1tint tduc1tion1l 1Dft11r1 or 11t1n1iv111p1rt111c1 usint Hf t11n. Tht 11Jority of th111111cin tr1ln their 1v1lu1tor1, 1nd 1l101t 111 of th111h1v11 1t1nd1rdtztd tr1inint proca,. Stv1r1I of tht 11111ci11 llllo do not tr1in thtlr 1v1lu1tor1 do pravidt 1utd1linH for fillint out tht 1v1lu1tion fora. In 111, 1ppro1i11t1ly thrHqu1rt1r1 h1v1 printtd 1utd1ltna, r1n1tnt in 11111th froa 2-35 p1111. 111111 tr1inint 11 providtd, in ao1t c11n it i1 for fivt or 1or1 hour,. "01t 11111ci11 r1quir1 only 4 houri or 1111 of suptrvi1td pr1cttc11 tht rnt rtquirt 11v1n hour, or 1or1,
PAGE 100
Ev1lu1tor h1l9nllftt1 111111 thDOtlnt indtvtdu1l1 to n1,u1t11 ,articular pr11ru, lht v11t 11Jority Df 111nci11 u11 th1 111bJ1et Nttr 11ptrU11 of tht tv1l111tor 11 crittrion, lr1d1 ltv1l 11p1rienc1 and tnt1r11t in lhl prD9r11'1 CDlttnt Dr fOCUI lrt 111D CDlllidtrld, llo1t of tht 1ttnci11 wvtytd h1v1 t111 or 111r1 1v1lu1ton IIOrk on 11ch pr09r11. Alto1t half uu thrN o, 1111'1 1v1lu1tor1 at l111t IOII af th1 tiN, TiN Sptnt by Ev1lu1tor1 llltn 11ktd hDII 11th UN Ion 1Ytr191I i1 1p11t by 11ch tlu1tor par protr11, r11pon1n r1n9td fr thrN to 11vtn or 111r1 hw1. TlN "'"t by 11ch n1lu1tor 1~tu1ll y vi11tn1 th1 prCNJrll Ii.,., not witlnt up th11v1lu1tiD11 r-,ortl 111 cittd 11 thrN hour, or aort by half th1 r11pond1nt1, with t of lht oth1r1 indic1tin1 t10 houri or 1111. hoidint Evaluator 1111 AcJtncin 111r111kld if th1y t1k111y prK1utlon1 to rltduc1 th1 chanc, of bi11 11,9., 191in1t 111 drill and pr1ctic11oftw1ort111ard111pKific t1achin9 1ppro1chl in thtir 1v1lu1tion1, Tht u11 Df ltipit tv1lu1tor1 111 th1 oily ,rK1ution 1l9nlfic1ntly 1tntlonld. Tht Evaluation ln1tr111tnt Ev1lu1tiDfl for1111td/or 9uid1lin11 wart d1v1lopltl frDI 1cr1tch by tht Njority of tht 19tnci11, with th1 oth1r1 1daptln1 11ttri1ll froa 1noth1r 19tncy or 19enci11. ThD11 1D1t ,fttn 1tntionltl II b1in1 lnvohtd in th1 d1v1lop1tnt of th1 1v1lu1tion fora and/or 9uid1lin11111r1 tduc1tion1l co1putin11111et1li1t1. ln1truction1l d11l9n1r1, content 1r11 tpKi1ll1t1, and t11ch1n ...,, 1D11ti111 1tntlon1d, Only I f ..,., 1blt to citt I th1Drttlc1l b11h for th1ir for1 or pidtlinn. Fitld T11Un1 Al1D1t half of th1 rnpondtnt1 lndic1ttd that thtir 191nci11 usually conduct fitld tntin9 with 1tud1nt1 in lht 9r1d1ran911p1cifitd by th1 IDflMrt publilhtr, Appro1i11t1ly half indic1t1d that fitld tntint i1 r1r1ly or 11v1r conducttd, Nany of thnt qtnci11 cittd lht difficulty Df 11ttin9 up fitld t11ttn11itu1tion111 th, 11tn r111on for not fitld t11tin9, lla1t of tht r11pond1nt1 r1porttd that th1 11ttin1 and circu11tanc11 Df tht fitld t11tin9 v1ritd 9r11tly fro1 on, progr11 to tht n11t, including fitld t11tin9 in th1 cl111roo1, in coaputtr lib, and both ont-on-ont ind in 11111 9roup1 at individual coaput1r1. Of tho11 wtlo fitld t11t, 1O1t hav, 1valu1tor1 conduct th, fitld t11tint, and th1 r11t u11 oth1r cl111roo1 t1ach1r1. Of tho11 Ntlo fitld t11t, 1Dr1 than half t11t on 1v1r191 bttNtn lO and 20 1tud1nt1 with 11th protra11v1lu1t1d, and th1 oth1r1 tnt on av1r191 1111 than lO 1tud1nt1 pr pro1r11. L111 than half of tha11 who fltld tnt colltct any specific d1t1 during th1 field t11t th1t they could have 11d1 1v1il1bl1 far u1 ta 11a1in1,
PAGE 101
Applfldh V R1tin91 r, R1C0111t1d1ttan1 l1ttn91 r, rKD11111datl0111 ar, ghlfl by tll1 v11t 11Jority of 01 111t1ci11 111rv1yld. Alao1t llalf 1h1 ltlpl1 rattn911 and 1l101t llalf 9h1 111 av1rall rating. Softw, ii rKDNlfldld for purcll111 by n a11nctn1 11d I f11 1u91nt IOft1ar1 to pr1vt11. an, 191t1cy rtcNllftdl 1of har1 ~ot to buy. In dacidint an th1 rating r, rKD11111d1tion, IOlt a9tncin llav1tll11v1lu1tor1 involvtd in th1 fin1l dlci1ion. A t111 l11d1r Cu.ti called I d1t,i,t,, or rt,i,,,1 it involvld by al1a1t llalf th, 191t1cin, and tll1 a91t1cy 1111d ii involved by IOII. In 1111191t1cy1tll1191t1cy h11d b1co111 lnvohld DIil y ln tll1 ca11 Df WHOhld dilput11. In arrhin9 It rattn11 or rK1111111d1ttan1, 1 11Jrity of tll1 19111ct11 u11 a 11t of 1p1eif ic 9uid1lin11. A 11tll111tlc1l for111l1 l1 ulld by t11 a9enci111 tllou 1lt0 b1tn9 u11r1 of point 1c1l1 r1tin91 for v1rlou1 c1t11ortn. SpKific local or 1t1t1/provinci1l 9utd1ltnn 1r1 ulld by t10 19anctn. Df tll1 t11 a91t1d11 havtne I IUIIJKt-spKlflc focu11 on, 1111 1ubJKt-1pteiftc 1t111dard1 that MIit b1 11tilftld in order to rKDlllftd a prDfrll, IIJTIN& MD EDITINI THE FIIIAl. EVM.UATIIII llto wttn tll1 final tvaluatior,? llolt 111nct11 111 1D110111 Dtller than tll1 ort1in1l 1v.lu1tor11 1011 u11 t111 l11d1r1 1UII varying d19r111 of wttln1 11perienc1. Of tll1 1lght 191nctn tll1t 111tgn IOIIOIII Dtller tll111 on, of tll1 tvlluatr,1 to wit, tll1 tvaluatlon, tilt 11Jority ll1v1 no r19ul1r 1y1tN of .. ttng1 b1t111n th, wit1r and tv1lu1tor1, TIit copy for tilt publilllld rtvl11 i1 u11111l y lditld by tll1 aglftcy 1111d, Prof111io111l lditor1 art sa11U111 u1td, 111d 91111r11ly ll1v1 11perti11 in lduc1tian1l coaputing and ll1v1 bHn trainld 11 tv1l u1tar1. CONTENT If TII FINAL EVALUATION Data Typically Included Survey particip11t1 ..,, 11kld a 11ri11 of qu11tton1 r19ardtng th1 content of th1tr final 1v1lu1ttan1. Tilt foll01tin9 kind, of data ar, tncludld in all of th1191t1ci11' final 1v1lu1tion1, Coapontnt1 included in th1 pack191 Co1put1r hilly Catt 8r1d1 or 191 r1n91 8ri1f d11cription of th, progru
PAGE 102
TIit fol la1tn1 ktnd1 of dttl .,, tncludtd by IOlt of tht 191nctH, SuUtct Sptciftc cont111t toptc1 A clttr 1tat11111t of tllt 1aftur1'1 1t1ttd Dr appar111t 10111 Typt of 1oftNr1 11,9,1 tutorial, drtlll Til1rou9h dtscrtptlon that 9lv11 clw 111111 af lhtt tht lltr INI an dotl throu9h011t tht pr09r App111dt I V-5 So iaportant data"'' not typically includ1d, 1uch 11prtrequi1it11kill1, or infor11tion about prtvi" policy, backup dt1k11 copy protection, and copyright datt, IIIUH Typically AddrHlld TIit r11pond1nt1 ..,., 11ktd to identify i11u11 that art addr111td in a typical publi1h1d nalu1tlan, tither ln chtekli1t or tn tYaluativt 1tat111nt1, TIit i11uH addr111td by a 1aJortty of th1 qanciH includt tht fall0tin9, Dtscription of th1 pr11ru'1 1tran9th1 and 1111knn111 E111 of u11/cra1h proofnn1 laddr1111d 101t often 111 chtckll1t itNI R1cardk1epin9 Tht fall0tin1 i1 a li1t of othtr 1111111 frequently addr111td, l11u11 addr1111d ao1t ofttn 11 chteklilt ltHI .,. idtntifild with I IC), INSTRUCTIONAL IIUALITY/NETHDDDLD6Y Overall tduc1tion1l u11fuln111 CCI Approprt1t1 u11 nf ca1put1r t1chnalo9y lnttracthtty Natlvatlon DOCUMENTATION Overall quality of th1 docu11ntatian (C) Inclusion of ptda9O9ic/int19r1tian 1u9911tian1
PAGE 103
App1ndh v- TtCHNICAl IIUM.ITY lr1phtc1/char1ct1r 11t1 EVALUATIIII/IIMMEJIOT /TEACHER OPTII T1ach,r CH II t,r cantant fllfty othw i1part1nt i11ut1 rel1tld to 1oft11r1 qu1lity are typic1lly addrHlld in th1 final r,aluatian1 of anly a f11 a91nciH (e.,., th, 1111 of tnt1tratint I protr11 with the ontoint curriculu11 in I cla11rD0111ttin11 u11r control>. Keep in elnd that 1111y l11u11 ar, ~!!liftr_H by th, 1valu1tor111 th1y C01Pl1t1 th1ir ,valuation, but are not addrn11d in th, publilhld ,valuation. ACCESSIBILITY TD THE PUil.iC Ml 11kld th1 rHpand1nt1 a 11riH of que1tion1 conc1rnint th1 acc111ibility of th1 publi1hlCI evaluation,, focu1in9 on public 11ar111n1 and u1e of the 1trvic1 or publication, th1 nuabtr of 1ubscrib1r1, and cost to th1 cantu1tr. Public A11ren111 and U11 R11pond,nh e 11kld who in th1 lducational collUftity i1 lihly to know about or uu th publi1h1d 1v1lu1tian1, All 11 r11pond1nt1 indicatld that local school CDIPUttr coordinator, or Ndia 1pKiali1t1 u11 th1ir 11rvic1. llo1t 1aid that 11111 di1trict1(10,0001tud1nt1 or 11111 u11 th1ir urvic1, a"d that l1r91 district official, u11 it, A ftw indicatlCI that th1ir 11rvic11 ar1 u1td by Stat, Dtpartnt of Education offici1l1, local school offici1l1, or coll191 in1tructar1. A f11 of th1 rHpond1nt1 f1lt that th, 1v1r111 local t1ach1r u11d th1ir 11rvic1, and 1J101t h1lf thought that th1 av,ra91 t1ach1r at l1a1t kntw about th111rvtc1. Dv1r half indicat1d that 1l11din11d11 t11ch1r1 Ith, on11 who r1gul1rly u11 co1put1r1 in th1 cl111r0D1 and kttp up on tht l1t11t dtv1lopNnt1I u1e th1ir 11rvic111 f11 oth1r1 1aid that 1l11ding ld911 t1ach1r1kn111bout thtir llrYiCI, Only two of th119111ci111urv1yld hid 1v1r conductlCI I follow-up study to d1t1r1in1 Nho th1ir r11d1r1 an. 11,n 11klCI hDN th1 public i111d1111r1 of th1ir 1v1lu1tion 11rvic1, 111jority untion1d pr111nt1tion1 at conf1r1nc11 and conv1ntion1, Al101t half 11ntionld dirKtil 1dv1rti1eunt11 th1ir Dltn a11ncy'1 n111l1tt1r, and fr11 li1tin91 or 11ntion in othtr publication, and n111l1tt1r1. A f11 r1ly on 11Drd of Nuth, S0111v1luation1 art 1ut0tatically di1111in1t1d to 1p1cifi1d 1it11 (usually 1tat1ndatlCI),
PAGE 104
Apptndtl Y Dl11Nln1tlon of Ev1lu1tlan1 T111 11Jarlty of th1 lflllCiN dl1trlltut1 ,,t.11111 50 nN 1v1lu1Uan1 ln 111 1v1ra11 11cll y,ar. A f11di1tribut11ar1 thu 150, Profn1lan1l Jaurn1l1 u1u1lly dt1trlbut1 f..., than othtr taurCII, 11111 11kld hCIII 1111y mscrtbtr1 th,y currtntly h1v1, th, 11Jartty tndicatld 5,000 or lN1, Coit of th1 Str'vtc1 Tiltrt l1 no char,, for th1 tY1luaUD11 frH allDlt half of th1 a1111ct11 wv,yld IIOltly 11111ct11 fundld by 1t thtr 1tlt1 or provtnct1l 90v1rn1111t1I. A fN of thnt q111ctn do charg1 out-of 1tlt1 td11cator1. Y1arly 1im1ertpUan rat11 art tn tll1 S20-t25 ptr y11r ran11 far about I third of th1 11111cln, Othtr 1ub1ertption r1t11 r1n11 frat 189 ptr y11r, Ev1lu1tion1 can b1 purch111d frat 10 of th111111ctn on I b11i1 other than y11rly, Til1 right to 11kt 111d dt1tri,ut1 copt11 of th11valu1tton1 ii included with0tt additional fH by 111Jority of th, 111nct11. Of th119tnci11 with thi1 policy, 101t 1ttpul1t1 that th1 copin cannot bt u11d for coe11rci1l 1atn. Two othtr a9111cin will allow copying and di1tributtan rt9ht1 to b1 purch111d for an 1ddittan1l fN,
PAGE 105
APPOIII VI A IIIIIMY OF ltEIIPDIIEI FD IITERVIOI IUTN SIFTM ACGUISITUII DECISIIIIIMDI TD ASaRTAIN THEIR VIEIIS Ill VARIOUS llfDRMTIIII SIUCES To 11c1rtain IIOI ,artou1 uwc11 of infon1tion lllout lduc1tion1l sofl11r1 art u1f41 111d v1lutd by 1c,1i1ition dKi1i01111k1r1, i1ttr,iM ..,, c111ductld 1itll 6 reprN111t1ti,n of Stat, Dtp1rt1111t1 of Educ1ti111, 14 ,.,r11111t1tt,11 of lar91 dt1trtct1 ''" 101000 1tudllt enrolllMtl, 10 repr11111t1ttm of 1Mll di1trict1, and 12 ra,r1111t1tiv11 of local 1Cllool1 (1Nint1tr1tor11 coe,uttr coordtn1tor11 t11elltr1I, T11111 inttniM ..,, pldN by a 1tructurld ,1111tt01111lrt that foculld 111 t111 ,..,11d111tl role in 01 loft11r1 ac.-it1lttD11 decht11111Unt proc111, th fr1t1lllftcy 11th Illich rnpondtlltl u11 s,eclftc 1oftw1 tnfor11U111 sourc11, tht uHfulnn1 of ,ariou1 Und1 of inforution, llld th, dnirnility Df Ctrtlill charadtrhtiCI of 1oftw1 IYllUUDIII, A .. ...,, of tlll '"''"" follDltl, RSPIIIDEITS' RIU IN THE lfTIARE ACIUIIITUI DECIIIDIIIMIN Pltall Stat, Education A9111clN 1111111kld ltllat th11t1t1 rolt 111 in ukint tduc1tion1I 1oft11r1 purchau dKi1ion1, four of tht 1i1 r11pondtnt1 indicated that they 1v1lu1tt softw1, Clltfarnia fllftd1 tht TKhnalotY ln th1 Curricula lTICI praJKt, llllicll di1tribut11 infarutiat ithin tll11t1t1 for frH and 11111 it out1id1 th11t1tt at 1lightly allav1 cost, lllaNvtr, California 1t1t1 bud91t cut1 uy rtduc1th1111v1lu1tion tffart1,I Tht athtr tllrN parttci,1t1 in 1t1t1 con1ortt1, in Illich 1ach 1t1t1 contribut11 t11chtr1' tiN ta wk on th, n1lu1tion1 111d, in so c1111, offer couru crtdit for thl1 IOrk, TIO af thHI thr11 ,ubli1h 1dditi1111l 1v1lu1tion111 part af other 1ffili1tion1, Each af th11i1 1t1t11 h11 at l111t 1111 pr1,i11 ctnt1r, partially ar fully paid far 1ith 1t1t1 ar ftdtral fund1, California 1111 just dl1Nntl1d it111i1tin9 1y1tH of indtptndtnt pr1vi11 ctnt1r1 111d i11avin9 to provide 1k1l1t1l pr1vi11in9 1it11 at th1 county offic11, Thi 1tat11 also pravid1 inforul, wd-of-1D11th soft11rt rtcD11111d1Uans, train t11chtr1 to tfftctiv1ly u11 soft111r,, corr1l1t1 curriculu1 to 1aft111r11 and n19oti1t1 lictn1in9 arr1ngHtnt1 for soft11r1, Non, of tht 1t1t11publi1h111 can-buy list, L1rg1 School Dt1trtct1 Of th1 14 l1r91di1trict11urv1ytd, 1D1t conduct 1v1lu1tion1, but uny da not publish th, r1sult1, Jn1t11d, they k1ep th11v1lu1tion1 on file, lth 1a11 publi1hlng I rtc0111ndld li1t, SoN conduct n1luation1 in r11pon11to11pKific school or conttnt ar11 nNd, lto1t l1r11 di1trict1 operate pnvi11 c1nttr1, Only I f11 publish can-buy 1t1t1,
PAGE 106
Afpt11,A I VI lllll kllool Di1trict1 Df o, t111 r111r1111t1thn of 11111 K~OOI dl1trictl t11tervt11N, IIDH reportN IIIYint Illy fDrNlilN dl1trtct1idl PrDCNI CDIICtrflilll IOftw, ac,ui1itlllft, Md lnficatN tllat dlCiliDIIIIUltf takn place at tllt local tcllDDl IIYtl, 1111 INll di1trict1 Cllftduct infor11I softw1 1Y1h11tt111 l&PDft r-..nt by I ICIIDDl Dr tuclttr, In 111t CIIN, IIO c111tr1l IDCIUDII ii IYlllllllt ...,, tHClltrl CIII CDII tD P,IYill IOftNrt, Local kllool PtrlOMII IIDlt 1f tll1 12 local KIIDDl prDfn1i1111ll 11id tltat tllty 11kt final 10ft11re purcll111 dlciliDIII and aha IUttllt uftw, prDductl tD Dtlltr t11Clt1n Gr ClllHIUN, Soll IUHNt soft..,-, prlflct1 t1 tlltir 111pervi1or1, llfORMTIOI SOIICES COIISII. TtD Stat, Ed11t1U111l AIJtnciN IID1t Stat, Dlparta111t1 1f Elllc1UD11 r,prn111t1thn uld tbey dD nat typically r,-ulrt infor11tian lllout -,ecific 1Dft11r1 pr09r1811 1111111 necnury, tltey rtly pri1arily an c1t1l09u11 and Journah, 1'1 v11t 11Jority did nit Jud11 1Y1lu1th1 infar11tia1 uout taftNrt II i1port111t ta tlltir IOrk, Lart Scllool Di1trtct1 IIDrt tll11 ltalf af tll1 lart diltrtct rnpand111t1 rtportltl relyint on c1t1lot1111, ldvtrti1N111t1, r1CD11111d1tian1 frDI call11t1111 and CDIPUttr sp1ei1li1ll, nM 11ft11r1 li1ttn11 frDI popular coap1tin9 1111zin11, ud pllblication1 Df tll1 EducatiDnal Product, lnfor11ti111 Elcllan91 IEPIE> ln1titut1 la non-profit, private a9tney> t1 alltain infor11ti 11ft llftw,. Lui fr,-u,ntly 111d .,, profn1ia111 palicati1111, prtftrrN lilt, or rni111 f,01 lacal, 1tat1, or r11i1111l a1111ct11, or r1Yi111 fr unhtr1ityballd 19111cin or 9avern1111t-fundld a1111c1n, Rnp111d111tl fr,-11111Uy Nfttianld tltlt tltey ltad na kn111l1t111 of rtvi111 frDI unh1nity-b111d ar local, 1tat1, or r11ianal a1111ct11, SHI found tlt1 infor11Uan provided fra1 local, 1tat1, or r19ian1l q111cin ta b1 outdated by tlt1 ti11 they rec1h1d it, Stall Schaal Di1trtct1 llo1t af tll1 1ull district rtpr111nt1tivn r,parttd r1lyin1 h11vily an rtcotNnd1tian1 fra1 call119u11 and coaput1r speci1ll1t11 and an cat1la9u11, L111 fr,quently u11d 1r1 adverti11Nnt1, popular cotputi111119azinu, pr1f1rr1d li1t1 ar r1viM1 froa local, 1tat1, or rttional a91nci11, ar r1viM1 frat prof111ional public1tian1, univer1ity-b111d a11l'ci11, 1overn1111t-fundld 19111ci111 ar nan-profit, privat, 19tnci11, R1vi1w1 fra1 local, 1tat11 or r11tan1l qtnci11, or fra1 univer1ity-ba1td 19tnci11 ar, r1lativ1ly unknown, Acc111 to r1vi1ws fra1 9av1rn1111tfundlcl a91ncin ar nan-profit, priv1t11valuation1 ts ll1ltld,
PAGE 107
Local kuol P1r11M1l TIit 11Jority r.,wtH 11i1tt catal.H, r1C0111Matt1111 fr CDllllflH .... COIIIUttr tptet1li1t1, and rntNt frN po,ular C01Puti11t 111a1i1tN ,rofH1i11t1l pultllc1tt1111 to ataan tnfar11U011 uout soft..,,. LHI fr~Ulfttly 1uf ar11 v1rtiuant11 n11 IOftw1 l11Un11 frot po,ular C01P11hnt 11111tn11 and profn1ion1l pHcaUon11 pnftrrld l ilt1 or r1vi111 frOI local, 1t1t1, or r191on1l lflltCiHI 111 nvilll fr ut1htr1Uy-bHN lfNClH, 9ovtr111Nt-fundN lflltCiH, or non-profit, ,rh1t1 1t11tci11, R11Pond111t1 found uvtrti1N111t1 unr11iul1, Md oft111 11111 no IIOllldfl of rtvt111 fr local, 1t1t1, or rttt011al lfNClH, frN untvar1Uy1a1N 1111ctn, or fr 9ovar11N11tfultdld ltlltCiH, PREVIEMJ IEFIIII l'UICNASE Th v11t 11Jartty of all dtcilion11ktr1 rtportld that Uty prnl11 1oft1ar1 prior to purc1t111. Rtlp01td11tt1 at tht Stat, -'ucatlonal tfltClH ..,, 11ot i11valvtd in pr1,t11t111, UfDINTIOI FOIIII UIEF1I. 1.,,Ht11t1tivn of lartt district,, 11111 di1trtct1, ud lo 1chool1 ..,, 11ktd ta rat, th1 iaportMct of varlou1 ki1d1 of lnfor11U01t about lducattonal 1oft ,, prior ta pnvl11 ar purch111. lnfor11tt11 con1Uartd iapart111t lly 111t rHpondtllt1 t11eludn the lnt11tdld 111 or vu rant, the lubJtct, th1 typ1 of loft..,,, 1 clnr 1t1t11111t of th1 11ftw1 11111, 1 llrilf dHcription of the pr1NJra1, and infor11ti0111ll11t tb1 COIPUttr f11ily. A,proalNttly half ftlt that n1lut1v1 lnforaatlon 111 iaportant. Cost lnfar11Uon t1 1ott laport111t ta local tchool par1111n1l, praallly lttc11111 thty 11k11ott of th1 actual p1rch111 Ki1ion1 and lt1C1H1 local tchool 1oftw1 bud9tt1 art r1l1tiv1ly INll, If JNIOIIS AIOUT MUSHED EVALUATIONS Th1 r1l1tiv1 ut1iaport111c1 of tv1lu1tiv1 infar11ti01 ta tha1111rv1yld i110lllllat 111rpri1in9. Thi111y b1 du, to the fact that and di1trict1 and local 1ehool1 art pr1vi11in9 1oftNr1 prior to purch1111 rtprn111t1tivH 1ay fNl that th1y no lontar h1v1 to dtp111d upon th, opinions of ot111n. Ont wd of caution htrl our 1urvty 11apl1 111 11tr111ly uall, In ordar to further nplon th, r11p011d111tl conctrn1 about pullli1hld ev1luaUan1, lhtn rnpand1nt1 indicatld that 1v1lu1tiv1 infor11tion 111101111h1t iapartant, thty ..,, 11kld th111t1nt to Illich th1y 19,111ith a 11t of 1t1tN11tt1 conctrnlnt n1lu1tion1, llo1t of th1 r1spond1nt1 f1lt that 1v1lu1tiv1 c011111t1 lhould bt baud on 11t1tld, 1111 dtf in1d 11t of cri ttria, that C01111tt1 1hould bt b111d on I can11111111 of th1 opinions of ho or aon tv1lu1tor1, that t11chtr1 and conttnt 11ptrt1 should b1 IIOIII th, 1v1luatar1, and that fitld t11tin9 in I cla11rooa 11ttint 1hould bt part of th1 r1,iN procH1, Thty 1110 Nntld 1v1lu1ti0111 that d11crib1 th1 pro9r11'1 900d and bad point,, 111111th111riou1n111 of any probltn, and di1cu11 the in1truction1I iaplication1 of th1 pr1NJr11'1 tood and bad point,. Al10 con1id1rld iaportant 111 a dl1cu11ion of th1 quality and i1portanc1 of th1 print docuNntation 1nd supportlnt 11ttri1l1. "ot ..,, willint to 1p1nd 10 1inut11 or 1111 r11dint an 1v1luation about 1 1tn9l1 1oftwar1 pro1r11.
PAGE 108
-,,111,11 VI llllt of tltt ,-,, ... tathtl .,. 11111 ICllI ,t1trlct1 IN local UNOII al11 111tN .. ... t~at c..,., tu IOft .. ,, ... _,., ,,.,. 1Ult oUtr, 1l1Uar ,, ..... Tlllu N11C1ton ....,.11, .... ICCIII to ..., IOfttarl ,, .... tMII rt,r1111t1tht1 of ... ,t1trlct1, llllCI 11111 ,t1trtct 1111'111111 IN local NKt ltm lNt acc111 to ,rift cattr1.
PAGE 109
WOIII VII TIit no IOftw, ,-u..,1 .... ,rM11Ct1 11cllNf 11 tM ,111 of attal IOftw, ,r1111tlf 11 Cla,tw I of Utt 1tlly ..,..,.. 11 t11 IIYI of ac111lrt11 a ,rONCt otlllr tllM ,-,c11111 1,.,., llc111t11 arrllfllllt, INllftt) IIMtW ,rOMtl art fi11' t11tlf ,rnl 11111 ..., f o, ,rnt II of ,r0Mt1 ,If ort pwc11111 It l111U11tlf tJlat Mt1111 600 IN 700 of t11t ,-llllllrt ,rOMt l1t1tr1CUl p, for .... 1-12. ""' 11 'II 11Y to IIIICt t tllt WYty ,..,. ... of tllou ,-uu1r1. LICDII WII Of tllt no ...,u.,, wYfYN, 25 en, ,11, to ..,.u.1 ._t t11t awatlalnlity of IN1t111 llct11 .,, ..... t,. Of tll1 25, ll rapartN offert11 llcl11 arr....-t1. It 11 1lt1lflcMt tllat tlll v11t 11JarUy of llftw1 ,-u1111r1 WYIJN .i llt ,..,. to '811tl IHllt l lctntt INlilf, INlltrplN, tll.-1 nt1t Ntll ff'Nt l1tar11t N cw OWtr tM llc111l119 IN 1, .. .. of IOftw,. .. IIIPICt Uat ... ,-u1111r, IIIYI 110 Ill polici11, .. otw, .,. jllt fa,1111 -' pollct11. Itta ,rlMltN at t rtct ct cftrllCII UICC IN lltcrot,111111, rMal tllat 1011 COIPllli" offer lltl Ile ........ of t!wlr ,rN11Ct1, ht Ht 111. 11111, COIPMl" 1ttJI ,u, liClllillf pollcill IIIYI .... tlltl lffKt for '"I tllll a .... lltt llclnt CM .. "" .. ,.,.t tllllfl to '1fftrt "*"' To IOII lt lllllilltN copyt11 rtt1tt1. 111111 Ult ,-u....,, ,.,., to 1it1 ltCNIII, tlley, ill fact, IHI I tllN of IINyY '1tc1111U1t ,,.,., COIPltlr packs, ,adt, clllVOOI packs), 1ltll II P,0Yi1l for lilt copyllf, Sea c11Pt11 1111 t!w n t11t to -,uc1t1 a cert1t1 ., of t1k1 11d pit 1 CMttr tlll orltllll dlu II Uat lt 1111 lily IIQ tllat IMY CO,iN, For ... tltt 111t1ork Ytrli of I IOftw, ,, .. ,. c111tU1tN I ,u, llc111t11 .., ..... t, lilCI .. ,. tll OIi COIPlttr 1taU111 CII UII tlll IOftw, at tllt lllt u.. Furtww,, Ill la,ort11t '811tllll ,,111 llkN tllrCNtllllt t111 i1h1try lt II to ,lfift1 a 1lt1. It lt a IMllldllf? A c11111uttr r111? A cl11trOD1? TIit l1ter11tl111l C-lc1tt1111 lldu1triH Attoel1tl111 CICIAI 1111 rtc111tly publltltttl a ,oot11t 111tttlN, c,,,,,,t, ,,actical ,,,,, t, L1c1111,. I lt ICIA 1111ral co11111l, st.,11111 ltr11111, .. ,, ..... tllt ,, .. tllat ICIINl 1y1tN1, ill tll1lr ..,u. of NUCIUOIIII 11ft11r1, lllould ,urcll11t111 lttpl, co,111 of pr 111t1u of 1111111 coptH, t Edu1U111l PrNKtl l1for11U111 Eaclllllfl IEPIE> IHU tut,, Tbt f.f1t1U111t1l. SoO~r1 _111.Ktor lllater lltll, NY1 Unplllllld, 11-1111111 dataan v,r1t11, 1917), H lt.,11111 lt,1111, ~O,Y,jP.tl ~.c,til luldt to ~lC"llll IF1irf11, VA, lnter111tiNll CNluntcatiOIII l1du1trlH Altoelatl0111 1917),
PAGE 110
.,,...h Vll It ,ec.iU of tN 11N of .... teftw, ,-u_,, to ..,.,., 1tt1 lic111l11t arrllllfNNt, tllt ICIA llclMN I ..,,. c..,....,, a.,ucaU .., .... I ..,,. c. ... llltUlf -t. 11 Ntll If tNII -,1, ..... t,, tN ,,_ If ca,rill rtt11t1 for ..,,,...tal ,rttt llltrllll Ill r1l1N, l1 tlll -,It -ti, tlll Uc .... II Mtl rlClhN ly ON llt of ,rltt 11ttri1l1 IN II 111,t IIM ti ,.,CNN _,.IU111l lltl fr11 tu llftllrl ,-IIN. T1111 tN t1 of 1tt1 IICNlllf u, t c1111t11 tlll riflt t1 ce,y IN 1t1trtNt1 tlll lift, _, tbt riflt to ca,y IN dhtrlMtt tN ,,.,at 11twl1h. FIE.I TOTI Of Ot 750 ""lltrl ..,..,., 251 n of ftrN l1ftt rttarllll tNlr f111' t11ta ... Df tNII 1 ,..,.,Ill, 1l111t 111 11741 ,.,.,i. tut tNy f111' t11t tNlr ,rt1. TIIIII 174 ,.,,1111t m of II tN ..,u.,, ..,..,_. ..., ...,11.,, csu s,,clftcllly 1t1tN tllat u,a, ttltllt II Nit lt Klllllt or clHtr .... Dtw f1n1 of n1l11U, t1elt11 ,...., t11U11, nalutl 'Y ct11t n,e,t1, ,.,,. ,, tw, llf ... 1.,.,,,.,. ,.,.,tN ,, .,, 14 of tN rtlft1. PIEVIEI PII.ICY Of tllt 750 ..,,u.,, .,.,., l' llllf (4241 ,rowllN uta tNlr ,r1Wt ,ollcy. Of Ult ...... t,, 240 cm, ,tatN tut tNy .. ,a,1it ,otlltlll 01,t..,, to""' tllltr ,rOllctl ,,.c,. ,,rc11111. c.au .. fer ""'"'*" .,,.,, IIDlt c-,., .. ,. Witt ,...,.t, ICNII 1t1ti11try., ... t, Oat .,. acc.,_,., ,, 1 ,wc11111 arw. Of tN 240 tut ,.,,u ,rnlMlf, 5t r.,.rttf II tt Hett tlll ,,.,,,. ,., litll 171 1t1U11 1 U hllt. It lllt CNII 11501, ..,u .. offlr ""''" for I ,e,iN of JO ,a,_, altNltll tN '1111 ii fr11 10 ,_,_ to 3 tN .... of tN JO hY trl1l1 ClOU art offWN H ty ,act fll'altNI, TN ,-u1111r, .... tlllir ,rllllllctl IYIUMII for ,,., tllr .. KNIii li1trict1, ....... It local ..... c, ct, It tllrllfl NIC1U HIOCIIUIH, Of tllt 424 ,..,.111t1, 211 11191 ,.,_t offarllf 10 ,rlWI o,,arttty. !lilly of tNII Cll4t offer l11t I NII, I,, ... ..,,.,, or ,, ... t NCllllllU a, 1111111, ..., CHII, for 111111 KN, It tlllt 1 ,_ ,tu or taa,lw c N NllflN to ,r11111t ly tllt 111t ,OSltl,t u,tetl of I ,, .... At 1111u1111 65 of tt11 1oft11r1 ,_uwr, ww,ytf ,tattf II s,,ciflc ""''"'*" ,ouc,, Nt r1tlltr ,,.., ,ot11U1l cut..,, to loc1l Mier,, rtt1Uer1, or 11111 ,.,,1111t1tht1, -, t1 ott CIII to Coa,dlrvt,
PAGE 111
11a11111APNY 1,110, Elllft ...,,et,, .... ,. Ell/ltllllflll loft .. ,,. 1111,-11 ..... typ11Crtpt, ... Yark, NY, July 1"7. CMn"'' Cor,outa of ... York, Clrlftlt For Ulc1tt11 1M tbl Ecy, Tile Tltt Forn on THClllllf 11 1 Prof Nil, A lltt ,.,.,.,", Jtldt~J~. _21,t_ ~tur, ... Yort, IYr Illy 1t. t.1tt1111l PrNICll llfor11tt he~ IEPIEt lnttll, ,., E41c1t,,,., S,ft11,, s,1,ct,, (TESSI, ... UIIIN NtlNII ,wit, llltar lttll, IY1 ~1ly, ltl7>. TIit 1111 .. Ir-,. IIC., IEllt Ullllf, Ills a,,U 1"6). l1tarlltt111l loft llt..., eo,,.,att, ,lfN ra. l1t1,11ti,11I S.ft11,, l1t1, 11 anlin1 ut, rFart Callin, ca, 1"7t. TM IIUDIII Clllint DI hc11l11CI ii EMU, ~. l!ttill ll JiJ'-1.IB...l.tr..ruwt for llflrt fllallflll, IC1 lllttN IUtN ..,.,tt of Eacati, -,,u lfflt. llttl ....,..,,. Al11Ct1t1, C.tar ,., ,,ucy lllllf'a 1111,-1,, n~ ocJ.n,lt11 TI! IIMMt1.:Jftl "'-L~ IIIHllt .. lDI, ICa Altnt l ... t. TIit IIUDlll Tm Fc 11 EM1UD1al TIOIIIIOIJ, trMt~lf'lj.__.t1_._~JtJ-._1 _R_Nuctnt tltt Rl1k It. \11tJJtt1"' IIIUllftll, IC1 UIUN ltatN ..,arllllt of blcatton, April l986t, I.I. W c.,.,, r., 1,c,.,n,.t,, s,tt11n ,., ,.,..,, h'4t, u 11Un1 atu111, ,.,. Yort, IYt l917t. S. ti lt1t1 Ullhtrttty, l1U111l Orttt '""'"U A11t1t II.at C.tar, ~f_uyttlll!l ~-d llc)~Jl f,t-r111 ~-t_tllLTJCIIMlot!ul INMuf_tbt. l~ 11111 Dt"a, CA1 l984t.
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