Dementia among nursing home patients: defining the condition, characteristics of the demented, and dementia on the RUG-II classification system

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Dementia among nursing home patients: defining the condition, characteristics of the demented, and dementia on the RUG-II classification system
Foley, William J.
U.S. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment
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252 pages.


Subjects / Keywords:
Dementia -- Diagnosis -- United States ( LCSH )
Nursing home patients --mental health -- United States ( LCSH )
Nursing home patients -- United States -- Classification ( LCSH )
Mentally ill older people -- United States ( LCSH )
federal government publication ( marcgt )


General Note:
This report discusses how dementia affects the quality of life, the increasing number of demented persons, the onset of dementia conditions.

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University of North Texas
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University of North Texas
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DEMENTIA MONG NURSING HOME PATIENTS: DEFINING THE CONDITION, CHARACTERISTICS or THE DEMENTED, ANO DEMENTIA ON THE RUG-II CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM WILLIAM J. FOLEY, PH.D. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR INDUSTRIAL AND MANAGEMENT ENGINEERING DEPT. RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE TROY, NEW YORK 12180 APRIL 1986 Al th population a9e1, the condition of dementia i1 receiving renewed attention. Thia attention i1 motivated by 1everal factor1: Dementia ii a di1abling condition which affects the quality of life of the affected. The nuaber of deaented per1ona i1 increa1in9 aa the aged population increa1e1 and the re1ource1 needed t~ care for the demented will con1equently increaae. Several dementia condition have onset before "old age". In thi1 parer, three topics are preaented with the aim of increasing underatandin9 of the demented patient. These topics are: Defining the condition dementia Characteri1tica of the deaented patient. Dementia within the RUG-II Classification Each of th topics are developed with application to a data base of nursing home patients in 52 New York nursing homes. TH! DATA BASE The data baa u1ed in the analysis i1 the N.Y.S. Ca Mix Reimbur-


1ement Project Patient Assessment Instrument (P.A.I.). This data base waa constructed for purposes of developing a classification system for long term care patients. The data was collected in 1984. The data base contains detailed information regarding patient characteristics and resource conaumption data one7 long term care reaident1 in 52 Ne~ York State facilities. The goal was to establish a ca mix classification system which accurately groups patients with similar characteris tics and similar coat of care. Facility Selection. Facilities were selected to be repr11entative in terms of location, size, type of ownership, type of 1pon1or1hip, levels of care, and ataffing patterna. Proprietary and voluntary, large and small, rural and urban: the mix covered the entire spectrum. In addition, all the facilitiea that were chosen met New York State quality aaaurance atandarda. Becauae of the need to carefully review patients with higher disability levels, however, the patients selected within these facilities was purposefully skewed to a higher than average disability level. The patient sample constructed because of this "purposeful" sampling waa not random. The sample is complete in that the many varieties of patient types in long term care facilities are represented in iL. What ia lost is the statistical property of proportionality of sub populations that a random sample promotes. A11e11ment Instrument. A 10 page Patient Assessment Instrument (PAI), designed for optimal reliability with detailed definitions on the face of the instrument, was used to collect patient-characteristic specific data on a variety of patients. Questions were carefully chosen to


e1tablish a comprehensive data base encompassing all features important in di1tingui1hing residents' resource use. Input from over 200 clinician,, providers and national health care researchers was solicited and incorporated into the final assessment lnstrument. Staff Time Mea1urement. U1ing a modified time and motion 1tudy technique, facility staff recorded the amount of time spent during a 24 hour period with each patient. Information on direct and indirect nur1ing care time, a1 well as other profes1ional services such as occupational and phy1ical therapy and social services, wa1 also collected. Data Collection Reliability. High reliability of the data wa1 in1ured through a comprehen1ive program with training 1e11ion1, a 1tep-by-1tep training manual, pretest of all aspects of the data collection process, in-facility reliability checks, telephone monitoring by Case Mix Staff, data were audited on site for reliability by independent Case Mix Nurse Reviewers. How Representative is the Data Base? As stated, the need for a "purpo1eful" sample for development of a classification system placed emphasis on assuring that higher than average disability level patients were included in the data collection. The impact of this design on the reliance placed on results from other analysis of the data is uncertain. The strongest statement that can be made is that the sample is not random and the statistical attribute of "proportionality" that a random sample affords cannot be inferred given the design. Comparison of this


data baae to others collected in long term care by Case Mix Project Staff revealed that there was high relative agreement between "proportion" in this data baae and the others and that there the PAI data was not heavily skewed in any dimension. DEFINING THI CONDITION DEMENTIA Any illneaa, including dementia, is both a medical condition and a severity. In this section of the paper, definitions of both the medical condition and its severity are presented. The Dementia Medical Condition. Medical condition are characterized by the diagno1ia aaaigned to the patient by health care professionals and more centrally, the physician. A diagnosis represents a conclusion to a study of a patient including their symptoms and values of tests performed on the patient. The medical condition dementia spans many different diagnosis under the ICD-9 CM coding system. ror many diagnosis codes, the judgement that the disease represented by the code meets the conditions of dementia is straightforward while for others, the decision is more difficult. The judgement requires knowledge of the clinical manifestations of the disease and comparison of these to the definition of dementia. In Table l, a list of diagnoses identified as meeting the medical condition of dementia are listed. This list was developed on review of the ICD-9 CM coding system and consultation with clinicians. Patients who have one or more of the diagnosis listed, whether as primary, secondary, or tertiary are considered to meet the medical condition of.


ICD-9-Cl'l 290.0 290.1 290.10 290.11 290.12 290.13 290.2 290.21 290.4 290.40 290.41 290.42 290.43 294.0 294.8 294.9 310.1 310.8 Table l. Dementia Diagno1i1 Dia9no1is (not 290) Senile dementia, uncomplicated 1enil1 dementia, NOS, 1impl type excludes mild memory disturbance Preaenil deaentia Brain 1yndro with preaenil brain di Deaentia in: Alaheiaer'1 di Jakob-Croutzfeldt di Pic:k'a di of the brain Pre1enil dementia, uncomplicated pr,aenil deaentia, NOS, 1impl type Pre1enil dementia with dtliriua Pre1enil deaentia with acute c:onfuaional 1tat1 Pre1enil deaentia with delusional feature Preaenil dementia with depreaaive f1ature1 Senile dem,ntia with delu1ional or depr11aive f1ature1 Senile dementia with depr11aive features Multi-infarct dementia Arterio1c:l1rotic dementia II II II " II II Wernick1-Koraakoff syndrome (non-alcoholic) Other specified OBS Unspecified 08S Organic personality 1yn?rome Other specified non-psychotic mental disorders, following organic brain damage


Code -310.9 331.0 331.1 331.2 331.3 331.7 331.8 331.9 331.89 333.4 437.0 Diagno1i1 Un1pecified non-p1ychotic mental di1order1 following organic brain damage Alzheimer' di1e11e Pick'I Di11a11 Senile degeneration of brain Coaunicatin9 hydrocephalua Cerebral degeneration in di cla11ified 1l1evhere Other cerebral degeneration Cerebral degeneration, unapecified Cerebral degeneration, NEC Huntin9ton'1 Chorea Cerebral atheroacler01i1


dementia. In the PAI data base, 41.1 percent of the patients were found to meet the medical condition of dementia. -----------Missing from this medical condition definition of dementia is a measure of the sevurity of the condition. This missing element is common to most diagnosis recording systems. In the area of mental incapacity or impairment (such as dementia), severity is an important element in measuring the disability caused by impairment. In the next section, a symptom severity measure is presented and combined with the medical condition definition. Symptom Severity of Dementia The need for a severity measure of dementia became apparent when the medical condition definition was applied to the PAI data base. Patients with the medical condition dementia were found to be highly diverse with respect to measures of AOL status, mental status and social interaction. Patients with dementia were found to havd no impairments in ADLs, mental status or social interaction despite the diagnosis of dementia. As a consequence of this diversity, it is difficult to characterize the dementia patient since the "typical demented patient" is an average across a wide range. Establishing a severity measure for ddmentia requires return to the basic elements used in reaching the diagnosis. The PAI data base contains five dimensions which are symptoms of dementia; expressive communication, receptive communication, learning ability, motivation, and cooperation with others. For each dimension, descriptors of the interference or impairment level of the condition are used. These five


dimensions, when taken together, measure the severity of dementia in a patient. A patient with a low level of impairment in any one of the dimensions and no impairment in all others has a lower severity level than one who has a high level of impair.ment in all. To combine the descriptions from five dimensions to a single score requires the assignment of numerical values to descriptors. These number values must be assigned so that equal impairment levels across all dimensions are given the same number so that the contributions to the composite score are equivalent. In Table 2, the five mental dimension questions from the PAI with the descriptors available and the number level assigned t~ the descriptors are presented. The composite scale, given the number assignment, can range from Oto 15 with the high score representing a high level of impairment and a O score indicating no impairment related to dementia. While the focus of the severity score is the demented patient, patients without a medical condition of dementia (that is, diagnosis), can also be rated using the scale. A comparison of the distribution of scores between patients with the medical condition dementia and those without (Table 3) shows that the score for the demented group is significantly higher than for the non-demented; only 6.0 percent of demented patients have a zero severity score compared to 33.5 percent for the non-demented. The contrast between populations also shows that in the demented population, the patient distribution across symptom score is relatively uniform while for the non-demented, the distribution is very skewed towards lower score. This clearly illustrates the need to characterize


Table 2 Symptom Score Assignment Question EXPRESSIVE COMMUNieA TION General Method of Conveying Informa tion to others in own language (e.g. Inglish, Spanish) RECEPTIVE COMMUNICATION/ COMPREHENSION General Method of Understanding Information Conveyed by others in own Language (e.g. English, Spanish) LEARNING ABILITY -Pro cess of Understanding and Retaining Concepts or Instuctions De1cripto!_! Score Value l. Speaks and is generally O understood. 2. Speaks, but is understood 0 with difficulty. 3. U1e1 only structured sign O language, writing, or yea or no re1pon1e1. 4. U1e1 only gestures, grunts, l or primitive symbols to com municate. This includes a special cueing system devel-oped with the patient. (e.g. aphasiac). 5. Cannot convey needs, (e.g. 2 comatose). 6. Cannot Determine. 0 1. Generally understands oral communication. 2. Has limited comprehension or oral communication; needs repetition or simplified explanations. 3. Depends on lip reading, written material, or structured sign language. 4. Understands only primitive gestures, facial expressions, simple pictograms, and/or recognizes environmential cues. 5. Unable to understand or no indication by patient (e.g. com atose). 6. Cannot Determine 1. Listens, retains, and comprehends directions or teaching instruction. Knows what to do and when. 2. Difficulties retaining or comprehending instructions. Needs clues or continuous reminding. 3. Cannot comprehend and retain instructions. Must be shown every time. 4. Cannot comprehend and retain 0 l 0 2 3 0 0 l 2 3


MOTIVATION Proces1 of Stimulating On' Self to Perform Activitie1 Without External Influence RlrtJSAL TO CARI FOR ONE'S SILF -Phy1ically Capable but Mentally unwilling to Perfora Routine Activitie1 (This i1 not due to Physical Limitations) in1truction1. No in1truction1 given. 5. Cannot determine. O 1. High initiate, activity, O keep appointments, willing to tolerate discomfort/pain to achieve goal,. 2. Moderate Will work toward O goals but need to external support and urging. 3. Niniul Pa11ive, participate, 1 in activitie1 when told to when it i1 required. Activit uy be performed in a 1lov, mediocre or inaccurate fa1hion. 4. Poor Re1i1t1 activity, feel1 2 someone else should do everything. 5. None Due to organic cause,. 3 6. Cannot determine. 0 1. Perfora1 routine activit (e.g. AOL's) to the extent physically capable. 0 2. Perforas routine activitie1 0 (e.g. ADL's) but not to th extent phy1ically capable. Activities are perforaed in completely or of mediocre quality. 3. Re1i1t1 11si1tance by others 0 in performing routine activitie1 (e.g. ADL'1), though needs 11sistance from others. 4. Refu1e1 to perform routine ac0 tivities (e.g. ADL's), of which physically capable. Staff must perfora th activities. 5. Unable mentally to perform rou-4 tine activities (e.g. AOL's) regardless of willingness.


TABlE 3 SEVmITi 9:XJRE DISTRIBtJrIOO IEN1E> At1> l&fNlm PATllNIS IN TABlE ARE PERCfflI' OF PATIFNl'S Severity Score Populatim 0 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 llem!nted 6.0 7.0 9.0 7.8 5.8 4.0 J.5 4.4 5.7 6.2 12.1 8.8 4.6 3.6 2.1 9.6 NonDaralted 33.6 14.6 13.9 8.6 4.5 1.9 1.7 3.5 J.O 3.1 4.4 2.6 1.8 .4 .4 1.9


both the dia9no1i1 and 11verity of d1a1ntia before undertaking analy1i1 of the deaentia population. Tht dia9no1i1 defined demented population i1 far fro hoao91n1ous and analysis n11d1 to accomodate this non hoao91n1ity. U1in9 the criteria of equal score intervals in each deaentia 11v1rity cat19ory, and a catory of zero score, the following 11verity cat19ori11 are propo11d a1 a baseline for analysis. Severity Cat19ory None LOV Kiddle High Severity Score 0 1-5 6-10 11-15 Th percent of Mdical condition dea,ntia patient, by 11v1rity cate9oty in the P.A.I. data base i1 as follow,: Severity Cat19ory None Lov Kiddle Bi9h Percent of D1a1nt1d Patient, 6.0 33.S 31.8 28.7 In the next 11ction, table, contrasting the characteri1tic1 of the d1a1nt1d and non-dtatnted nursin9 ho patient are presented. The d1a1nt1d population of pati1nt1 pr111nt1d as I whole using only the aedical condition definition of d1a1ntia and sub groups of the patient with dtatntia u1in9 the above 11v1rity c1t19orie1.


CHARACT!RISTICS or THE DEMENTED PATIENT In this section of the report, characteristics of the patient with dementia are presented using the medical condition definition of dementia and the combined medical cond~tion-severity score definition. ror contrast, the same characteristics for the non-demented patient are presented in the same table. Th format of the tables is simple. Each table is on a separate page. At the top of the page is the P.A.I. question as it appears on the a1sessaent instrument. In the middle of the page is a table showing the re1pons1 distribution for the demented and non demented population. Entries in the table are the percent of patients within the population sub group. At the bottoa of each page is a brief comment on the find ings revealed froa the data presented. Th tables show that the demented population has greater problems in aost diaensions than does the non-demented. As the severity of the dementia aa measured by the severity score increases, the disability or impairment level of the patient in ADLs, communication, and behavior also increases. A po1itive correlation between the severity of dementia and measurement of ADL ability is most notably observed. In the next section, dementia within the RUG-II system is explored. DEMENTIA WITHIN TH! RUG-II CLASSIFICATION The RUG-II Classification is a patient classification system for long term car, patients. Groups of patients within the RUG-II classification are siMilar with respect to both patient characteristics and resource cons~mption. (For details on RUG-II, see An Overview of the New York State Long Term Care ~UG-II Case Mix Reimbursement System, Long


I. SEX OF PATIENT Population Demented Severity: None Low Middle High Non-demented Coaent1: Higher Male 17.6 17.1 22.9 15.8 13.5 24.5 percentage TABLE 4 SEX or PATIENT Re1ponse Female 82.4 82.9 77.l 84.2 86.5 75.5 of demented patients are Female.


L PRIMARY TYPE OF PAYMENT FOR CARE Medica:ld Danented 69.3 Severity: Nelle 78.l I.Qi 66.9 Middle 67.3 H:l&h 72.7 Ncn-damented 67.2 TABLE 5 PRIMARY PAYOR Etar ounent eourc:e of coverage for nursing home cara: L 1. MedlcMt 4. V..,.,,. Admtnlltrallon (VA) 2. Medlca6d and Medicare 5. Private Pay (by patient, 3. Medlcale and Other Payment family, friend) (Other doN not inctude e. Blue crou Medlca6d} 7. OltwPrtvatelneurance 8. Oltw Medicaid/ Med:I care/ Blue Private Other VA Priva~ Cross Insurance 8.4 .4 .4 20.3 2.4 1.2 15.9 10.2 .7 .7 19. 7 8.0 .2 23.1 7.9 .3 .3 13.7 10.l 3.7 .6 15.5 .4 .4 <01IJR'\ts : Essentially no differmce in payers between the tw populaticllS. Other Demnstration .4 .9 2.4 .4 1.5 1.4 .3 .7 1.4


I. MARITAL STATUS AT INmAL ADMISSION TO FACILITY Popul.atial Married Demmted 15.6 Severity: Nale 13.4 La, 11.5 Middle 17.4 High 18.7 Ncn-dmmted 14.7 TABLE 6 MARITAL STAnJS Enta, whether patient WU at lnttlal ldmillk>n to thil facility: 1. Manted (IPOUN WU alive) 2. Widowed 3. Single (never married) 4. Separaf8d 5. OIYon:ed e. Cannot DNnn1ne ~R,E Widowed Single Separated Divorced 66.6 12.4 1.7 3.3 61.0 17.1 1.2 7.3 68.4 13.4 1.7 4.1 65.0 12.4 2.5 2.3 67.3 10.4 .8 2.8 59.8 18.5 1.7 5.1 <:annot Detel:Dline .4 .9 .2 .2 C'rnneits: Essentially no difference in marital status between the two populations.


Hane Hall! w/ Hane Population Alone Others Amther Demented 5.5 10.6 5.5 Severity:None 6.1 9.8 6.1 1nw 7.8 10.0 7.1 Middle 5.3 9.8 4.6 High 3.0 12.4 4.6 Non-demented 8.1 9.0 7.5 Cameits: TABIE 7 AOOSSION IDCATION ..... For 11A, 119, and 11E ....... : 01. Own Home/ Apartment Alone 02. Own Home/Apartmenl With Spouse, Family, Friends or Home Heallh Aide. 03. Home/Apartment of Anolher per90n 04. Adult Home (aleo called Domlcllary care Fadllty (DCF) 05. Heallh Related Factlly (HRF) 08. Skllled Nurelng Fadlly (SNF) 07. Rehabllllallve Fac:lllly 08. Psychiatric Faclllly 09. Holpltal (Acute Cent) 10.Hoeplce 11. Oller 12. Nol lo be Dlecharged 13. Cannot Determine Adult Rehab Psych Hale ICF SNF Facility Facility 3.6 14.3 8.1 .2 2.4 3.7 9.8 9.8 -3.7 9.5 9.5 .4 1. 7 3.0 18.8 6.9 -2.8 4.3 16.0 7.3 -3.3 2.9 8.7 8.9 1.4 2.1 Hospital 49.2 54.9 49.6 48.3 48.6 50.3 Camot Hospice Other Detemdne .1 .4 .2 .2 .2 .2 -.5 .2 -.5 -.7 .4


17. VISION -ABILITY TO SEE WITH CORRECTIVE LENSES.IF QINIRALL Y WORN.AND IN GOOD LIGHT Sees Population Well Demented 14.6 Severity: Nooe 52.4 Lew 22.5 Middle 9.6 High 3.0 Nai-Dsmnted 31.9 TABLE S VISION 1. Sees Well (can see newsprint). 2. Sees Adequately In Most Sltuatlona (e.g., can SN headlines, can SN television). 3. Moderate Lou Can" see obltactea in path and surrounding environment (e.g., cannot SN newsprint. can SN fingers at arm's lqth). 4. Severe or Total Losa Virtually or legally blind. Can, at best, tell light from dartc. 5. Cannot Determine. Sees ?-bderate Adequate Loss 46.2 25.2 32.9 9.8 54.8 16.9 50.6 29.1 33.9 33.7 46.6 13.1 RESPOmE Severe Loss 6.6 4.9 4.3 5.0 11.4 5.7 Catmot Determine 7.5 1.5 5.7 18.0 2.7 17. Croments : Dem:!nted patients have greater probls!ls with vision. Problens increase as severity of dsllentia goes up.


18. HEARING ABILITY TO HEAR. WITH HEJ\RING AID IF REGULARLY WORN Hears 1. Hears Adequately in most situations, including groups. Does 18. not require speaker to raise voice in groups or one-to-one. 2. Hears Adequately In one-to-one SitUatlons but has trouble hearing In groups 3. Moderate Losa Hears adequately only in special situations, such u face to face with firm, clNr volume. 4. Severe or Total Lou Hears with dlfflculty even In special situations (may fall to respond) or Is totally deaf. 5. Cannot Determine. RESPO?m: Hears Moderate Severe <:armot Population Adequately One to Che WSS Loss Detennine Deuelted 35.3 34.0 19.0 5.5 6.2 Severity: Nale 67.1 19.5 11.0 2.4 Low 41.8 35.7 16.7 5.0 .9 Middle 34.1 37.8 20.l 4.4 3.7 High 22.5 30.9 22.0 8.1 16.5 Non-Dem:!nted 53.4 29.3 11.6 3.6 2.1 Crornent: Demented patients have greater problem; with hearlllg. Problem increase as severity of dementia goes up.


19. EXPRESSIVE COMMUNICA TION -GENERAL METHOD OF CONVEYING INFORMATION TO OTHERS IN OWN LANGUAGE (e.g. English, Spanish) Speaks Population Understood Demented 55.5 Severity: Nae 97.6 l.DN 84.6 Middle 56.3 Severe 11.9 Non-Dem:nted 73.2 TABLE 10 EXPRF.SSIVE CXM1UNICATION 1. Speaks and is generally understood. 19. LJ 2. Speaks, but is understood with difficulty. 3. USN only structured sign language, writing, or yes or no responaea. 4. USN only gestures, grunts, or primitive symbols to communi cate. Thia includes a special cueing system developed with the padent. (e.g. aphulac). s. Cannot convey neec:ta, (e.g. comatose). 6. Cannot Determine. RFSPO~E Speaks Sign Difficult Lan..oage 18.5 1.3 2.4 12.3 .7 28.6 1.4 18.0 2.0 14.4 1.9 Gestures Grunts 6-.0 1.7 4.6 13.9 5.3 Cannot Convey 17.5 6.0 54.2 4.3 Cannot Detemine 1.2 .7 3.2 .9 Qxment: Demented patients have greater problems with expressive ccmm,ication. Problems increase as severity of danentia goes up.


20. AICEPTIVI COMMUNICA TION/COMPAIHINSION -GENERAL METHOD OF UNDERSTANDING INFOR MATION CONVEYED BY OTHERS IN OWN LANQUAOI (e.g. Englllh, Spanish) TABLE 11 RECEPTIVE CCM1UNIC.A110N 1. Generally understands oral communication. 20. LJ 2. Hu limited comprehension of oral communication: needs repelltlon or simplified explanatlona. 3. Oependl on lip reading, written material, or structured sign language. 4. Underltandl only prtmHIYe geeturea, facial expreaiona, sim ple pic1Dgrama, and/or recognlzN environmental CUN. 5. Unable to underltand or no indication by pdent (e.g. c:omalON). e. Cannot Determine. RF.SPO~ Generally Ll.p Pr:imitive Population tmderstands Umited Reading Gestures Demented 33.1 42.2 .9 3.4 Severity: Nale 100.00 lD.t7 58.4 37.9 1.3 .2 Middle 23.3 61. 3 .ii 1.6 1.4 .5 34. 7 10.1 ~m-Demented 70.4 21.7 .7 1.0 O:mnent : Demented patients have greater prob lam with receptive cmm mication. Pattern follows one observed in expressive carmnii.cation. Cannot Unable Detem:ine 14.0 6.4 2.2 1.6 10.8 46.8 7.9 3.7 2.6


TABLE 12 M)BILIT'{ 'D. MOIi.iTV -HOW THE PA Entr. '17. lJ TtENT MOVES ABOUT 1. Wllca llldlpllldenlly DoN not requite aupeMlion o, l'lumln Will Walks Populatial Indep. Demented 17.9 Severity: None 51.2 Low 31.6 Middle 10.1 High 3.5 Non-Dem:!nted 24.5 ance. May require an llllltanCe ctevtce (e.g., cane, crutd'I, wdcer), but dole nat require whNlchalr. 2. Wllca will Mlfimal SuptMlion llwJ/or Human AlliltallCI --llannlllllll ...... cueing and cbNfvatlon ..., walking. May ,... hunW" ... 'Cl far dffllcul par1I of walwlg, u:h .... l'lfflP8, long dlllailCII 3. Wa, wil'I Conllruaul 9upll Yllian ,..... OOl ... lt ON-ID-One gu6dlrlCllndotleMwllaf1wltlffliimalpnyll:al 1111111-oe. 4. Wlla wtll Conllruaul Human Al IIIIIIU OOl ... lt phyelcll 11111Pwalll,ppart flam IOINGI ID fflOw9 abaut. 5. WIIIIII ....... ., Cannat walk. bul Clf'I prapel and manaw .....,. i......,...,,...,,...,.... .. ,.,. ... tor 0#1 dlf. tlcul ....,... (e.g., lllvalar1, rampe). I. II W111111 May nae~ o, nw,ar.w whNlctllir 111 II o, 0#1 .. ,., 7. CtlalltlllMoved bf olln from bed ID eta. I. ........ DoN nae git OUI al bed al al. RF.SPCmE Walks Walks Walks vlleels Is Min:lmal Ccxi~ Assistance Indep. Wheeled 9.6 4.9 10.0 11.2 25.2 18.3 3.7 2.4 18.3 3.7 17.8 5.6 8.4 15.4 13.4 6.0 6.2 13.5 12.8 29.8 2.3 3.0 9.6 3.1 38.2 11.6 5.7 7 .4 20.1 19.3 Cllairfast. 20.0 2.4 7.4 20.6 37.7 10. 7 Com:elts: Demented patients have greater problems with mbility. As severity of demaltia increases, DXJbility problems increase. Bedf3St 1.2 .4 1.1 2.5 .9


21. TMNll'IJI PROCESS OF MOVING BETWEEN P081TION8, TO AND FROM BED, CHA.IA, STANDING Population Indepmdmt Deal!!nted 23.l Severity: Ncae 68.3 lcM 43.l Middle 12.l High 2.5 Non-Demented 34.0 TABLE 13 ,. ,,_.-Comp1--rtra1...,....,.t1uman1UpeM-21. LJ lion OI I I iW"OI. May UN tQUipnWI$. IUCfl U ralllngl, trapeU. 2. MINmll 9upeiv111o1, IIWJ/Ot Phylaf:nv'<9-NNdl cueing. ptlyllclll can:act guidlncl end/Of phyllCII ...... ro, dll'llcul ma1111..,. "'I (e.g., blllwwn). 3. Conlnul lupin ... To a """" ,..,_ I PlfW PfNllll_. ..... ,,.,,...,OIID~MINlclllllr. 4. Conlnul HuffWI A I i le lta..,,iid .... ptwrllall _.. .... im olGMalls..,_., MIJl'INd ... ....... a. Conlnul HuffWI .t 111 er le 1ta..,,iid ..., ptwr11a11 _.....,.im rtam o, men...,., Mar flliid lllng ...,.._ e. ..._ 11 nae-- ClfflOI and II nae 9C*fl Oli al bed. RF.SPmE Minimal Cmtil1ucus Continucus Assistance Supervisial Assistance 8.9 7.3 24.9 14.6 3.7 9.8 13.2 8.9 17.5 7.3 8.0 32.0 4.6 5.3 28.6 11.7 7.l 21.l ('.crn:nent: As severity of d&Entia goes up, problems with transfer increase. 1w Bedfast Assist 34.7 l.l 3.7 16.9 .4 39.6 .9 56.7 2.3 25.5 .6


21. U'IIHG PAOCIS8 0, QITI1NO ,000 IV ANY MIMI fA0M THI AI CEPTACll (e.g., Pl.Ale. CUP, TUii) INTO THI 800Y TABU: 14 FA'l'Iro .,...., .. Gennly fNdl..,, wt1tlout human eupeM-u llan Ol pttylal IIIIDa. May UN adapltve equipmlnt. 2. MIi*'.... vtllol, lltd/01 Phyacal ... ..,,. 11-.nm1 1 *1IIJ or guidlnce ettd/or pt,yelCII 1111:am wt11 rnnor pa,11 of fwdng, IUdl u eu111ng food. bullrtng tnad and oPlllilQ mlk cn,n, Nlllr,g up ....... 1 ca,,... Supeivll6an AIQulrN OOl ... 11 one-on-one p dlnoe. INdliig lltd tneauragllNnt. May OCJCIIIClllllly need ........ 4. Hind 'Tallly fad by twld. Tll6I lndudN aynnge INdlng. 5. Tube GI parailnl fNdlng. Ccmtinucua Hand Tube Tmapendmt Assist. Supervise Fed Fed -13.4 37.l 19. 7 26.7 3.1 61.0 35.4 2.4 1.2 25.8 56.3 11.9 5.6 ,4 3.2 38.2 33.4 22.4 2.8 .5 13.9 17.2 61.3 7.1 28.5 44.9 11.0 13.2 2.5 emm,.,t: IJalmted pad.ants have greater prcblam with eating '1bich increases as sevu'iey goes~-


30. DfllllltQ PERFORMING THE NECESSARY AND ROUTINE FUNCTION8 OF DAUSINO INCLUOINQ. Ge'TTINCJ. PUTT1NO ON, l'AIT!NING AHO TAKINQ o,,r AU. IT!MS o, CLOTHINB. BRACES. I AATll'ICIAL. UM88 (c:a.cmtNI NOT JUIT A 11D QOWN) TABLE 15 DRF.SSING 1. Independent Uaa no human supervision or phySieal assist30. LJ ance. Thia lncludel obtaining clothes and managing buttons, IOdclandlhoN. 2. Mlninal SupeMe6on and/or Physical Aaliltance A pnon t. .. N not have 10 be con9tantly present to Insure the patient dr11111 NI. May need verbal directing and motivating for the proper anangement and rwtr1eval of dothtng or speed In drNang, IIWJ/Ot pumng on antfldal llmb. 3. Cont!nuoul Supr.116on RequlrN a peraon to be P'9Nffl to guide. INdl, and moav... pa11en1 durtng the entire talk. (e.g., nNdl phyelcal 8Ni8tance wtth dlfflcult parta of drN ang, IUCh a futlll..,.). 4. Conllnuoue Phylal Alli8tanCe Patient par11cipalN In tuk. bul nNdl 00111t1nt help wtth major pana of drnatng (e.g., pulling blouN/ltir1 aw,, lhoulderl). 5. Total Alltata,,ce -Hu to be completely dreaed by another peraon; rN6dlnt doN not pa,Udpate. e. Patient generally WNl'I a bed gown (80% or more of the time). RESPClE Hln:lmal. Caltinuaus Continuous Total Populatial Indepmdent Assist. Supervise Assist. Assist. iJmalted 5.9 10.5 6.4 11.6 61.3 Sewrlty: Ncl1e 37.8 35.4 11.0 9.8 6.1 Low 10.2 23.6 13.6 21. 7 30.3 Middle .7 1.1 3.7 10. l 80.8 Hi8h .3 1.8 87.3 :tn-Dem!nted 18.4 21.0 7.0 14.8 35.2 Not Dressed 4.4 .7 3.7 10.6 3.7 emu-,,:: Delmnted patients have greater problam with dressing which increases as severity goes up.


31. UTHING PROCESS OF WASHING THE 800Y PARTS, INCLUDING GET TING TO THE BATHING WATER. THIS MAY INCLUDE THI SHOWER, BAntTUB OR Be0 BATH TABLE 16 BA.'llml:; 1. lndlpelldlnt RequjrN no human supervt8'on or support. May UN apeciaJ equipment and water may bl drawn ror the patllnL a. Mlr*nll Super-.-taon anc11or PhY*al Aailtanc:e Requt,IMiln.-11 c:tlecklng and obNMng. May raquira pt,ylical u.....,_far"*'' pa,11 al 1t11 talk. trmllfentl19 In and out a, balt'landbll*lgblclc. 3. Con11nuDu1 91,p111-.,,, -AequtrN canetant one-on-one ot,. NMllan, fflOIMdlan and guidm. 4. ConllnuDul ""'9lcll All6llance Patient partlcipalel but ,.. --__ .. hllp wNh fflOlt ... ol bd*lg. 5. Taal )11lltatea Palllnl doN not Plflldplla. Pllllnt 11 blilllCt in blll, _,_ OI bed by anoltler peraan, RESP(JE 31. LJ M1mmal Cmdmcua Ccndmnls Indepel,dmt Assist. Supervise, Assist. Demented .7 9.2 5.7 14.1 Severity: l'G'le 7.3 45.1 15.9 19.5 Im .7 18.4 11. 7 28.8 :"11.ddle .9 2.8 9.2 High -l.3 ~'al-Demented 3.4 23.1 8.7 21.0 Ccm:oent: Danented patients have greater problam with bathing which increases as severity goes up. Total Assist. 70.4 12.2 40.5 87.2 98.7 44.0


Populatim Denl!nted Severity: None lDw 32. TOILE11NO PROCESS OF GETTING TO ANO FROM TOILET (INCLUDING BEDPAN OR URINAL), TRANSFERRING ON ANO OFF TOILET, CLEANSING SELF AFTER ELIMINATION AND ADJUSTING CLOTHES Independent 17.8 73.2 35.5 Middle 4.8 High tbl-Demented 34.2 TABIB 17 'IDII..EI100 1. lndepelldellt Can toilet self without human supervision or I 32. LJ phyllcal Ulletara. May require special equipment, such as a ralNd toilet or grab bars. 2. Mlr*nal euper-..tslon and/or Phyalcal Assistance Requires lnlennlltenl ob98Mng and guidance for safety or encouragement reuons. May require physlcal assistance for minor parts ol task, such as clolhel adlustment and washing hands. 3. Continuous Supervision Requires constant one-to-one guidance and teaching. 4. Conltnuoul Physlcal Aalstance Patient participates but requires constant help with ma,or parts of the task or task wffl not be completed (e.g., malntal'*1g balance, transferring, wiping and clerilg). 5. Total Aalslance Patient does not participate al all; another person u9lsla with al aspects ol lolletlng procedures. 8. lnco11ll11entTaken lo lollet on a regular scheduled basis. 7. lnco11ll11enl Does not we the toilet. RESRmE Cmt:1.noous Ccnt:inuous Total Incontinent Mf.nina1 Assist. Sq,ervise Assist. Assist. Toileted 8.0 1.8 9.8 11.5 26.4 14.6 1.2 6.1 2.4 2.4 16.0 3.0 14.9 6.9 16.0 5.0 2.3 13.0 17.9 33.9 .5 -1.0 11. 7 35.2 12.6 2.1 13.1 10.0 15.5 Incontinent No Toilet 24.7 7.6 23.1 51.7 12.6 Q:mment: Demented patients have greater prob lam with toileting. As severity goes up, the nmber of denented patients "'1o are incontinent goes greatly.


TABLE 18 BUDDER CONl'ROL 33. BLADDER CONTROL -ABILITY TO CONTROL BLADDER ELIMINATION UNDER NORMAL CIR CUMSTANCES 1. Continent -Full controt or rarely incontinent (I.e. less than 33. LJ once per week). Popul.aticn Demented Severity: b'1S ID-.r Middle High Non-Demanted 2. Occaalonally Incontinent Lacks bladder control at night and/or 1-3 times per week during the daytime. 3. Frequently or Totally Incontinent -4 or more times per week during the daytime. 4. Indwelling Cdletar Self care, no Ulistance needed. 5. Indwelling catheter Not self care, needs aaalstance. e. Extamal (or lntermtttent) catheter. RESPOmE Occassional Totally Catheter Ccndnent Inccntinent Incontinent Self Care 24.1 10.1 57.9 .2 82.9 12.2 4.9 46.8 16.7 32.3 10.1 9.6 73.9 .2 1.0 2.5 81.3 .5 50.2 10.6 29.4 .3 O:Jment: ~ladder :incontinence is a greater problem in the dsnented. Catheter Assist. 6.6 2.8 5.5 13. 7 7.2 External Cat..,eter 1.0 1.5 .7 1.0 2.3


34. BOWl!L CONTROL ABIL ITY TO CONTROL BOWEL ELIMINATION UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES TABLE 19 BGJEL CDNI'ROL 1. Continent Full control or rarely Incontinent (I.e. less than 34. LJ once per week). 2. Occlllionally Incontinent -One time or less per Wffk loses control. la generally aware of the urge to move bowels and maJntaln control. 3. FrequMtly or Totally Incontinent Two or more times per WNk loNe control. la generally unaware of urge to move boweta. 4. Ostomy Self care, r,o uaiatance needed. 5. 0stl0my Not NH cant, ueiatance needed. RESPONSE Occassicnal. Totally OstcmJ Populatiai C.ait:inent Inccntinent Incontinent Self-Care :De!elted 29.9 ll.9 57.3 .2 Severity: None 90.2 3.7 2.4 1.2 LcM 58.0 13.4 27.7 .2 :Middle 14.0 18.3 67.1 High 2.0 4.6 92.4 Non-De:llented 58.5 11.0 28.7 .2 Cmment: Bcwel incaitinence is greater in the danented patient and :increases as severity goes up. Ostany Assist. .9 2.4 .7 .7 1.0 .9


31. PERSONAL HYGIIN! -PROCESS OF GROOMING, INCLUDING COMBING HAIR, WASHING FACE, SHAVING AND BRUSHING TEETH TABLE 20 PERSONAL HYGilNE 1. Independent Generally responsible for and receives no human supervision or assistance with personal grooming. 2. Minimal Supervision and/or Physical Assistance -Requires Intermittent verbal cueing or observation; and/or requires human assistance with difficult parts of grooming. 3. Requires constant one-on-one observation, guidance and en-couragement with all or most of personal grooming. 4. Contlnous t-'uman Asaistance Panlclpates In personal groomtng but needs constant physical assistance to complete grooming adequately or at all. 5. Total Aaliatance Does not participate: another per3011 performs all or most aapectl of persona! hygiene. nESPOmE Minimal One on Caltinoous Population Independent Assist. One ,iSsist. Dem!nted 3.7 12.4 6.8 12.3 Severity: None 28.1 53.7 6.1 8.5 ta.7 5.8 26.0 15.6 23.6 Middle .2 1.4 3.7 11.7 High .5 Non-i.Jeaelted 18.3 24.2 6.6 15. 7 35. u Total Assist. 64.8 3.7 29.0 82.8 99.5 35.2 Ca:rme:it: High levels of persautl hygiene assistance are required by the demented.


38. WANDERING -UNSAFE OR DISRUPTIVE ROAMING OR STRAYING WITHIN UNIT, FROM UNIT, OR INAPPAOPAIATEL Y OUT SIDF. OF FACILITY Population Demented Severity: None ta,, Middle High Non-Denalted Caunent: TABLE 21 WANDERn~ 1. Don not wander. 38. LJ 2. Wanders with no clear direction in usual environment May wander Into another resident's room. 3. Unlea supervtNd or restrained, wanders throughout the fa cility. can find way back. 4. Takel every opportuntty to wander away from unit. Cannot find way back. 5. Unteea supeMNd or restrained, wanders outa6de the facilaity wtth no clear dlredlon. RESPONSE Ncne On Floor In Facility Disappears 83.8 10.8 1.5 2.6 95.1 3.7 33.3 11.3 2.4 1.7 77.2 14.8 1.8 4.8 39.1 7.6 .5 1.8 95.2 3.3 .8 .s Outside Facility 1.2 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.0 .3


31. VERBAL ABUSE OR INAP. PROPRIATE OUTBURSTS CAUSING DISRUPTION MUTTERS, SWEARS, THREATS, BAITS, YEWNG Populatiai Nale Demented 37.3 Severity: Nooe 75.6 I.a-1 52.9 Middle 50.4 Hfgh 66.0 l-lon-Demmted 73.4 TABLE 22 VERBAL ABUSE 1. No verbal abuse or disruption. 39. LJ 2. =~ verbal abuse or disruption (I.e. three times or less pt,r montt,). 3. Predlctable verbal disruption during specific care routines only (e.g. balhlng). Four or more times per month. 4. Short-lived verbal disruption during the day and/or night for no appropriate reaaon (e.g. not just during care routines). Four or more times per month. 5. Recurring verbal disruption during the day and/or night tor no appropriate reuon. At least tour limel per month, but not dally. 8. Datly recurring vet1)al dlaruptlon during the day and/or night tor no appropriate reuon. Occassional Predictable Short Lived Recurring 10.8 12. 7 4.5 5.8 12.2 6.1 3.7 14.6 14.2 5.7 5.2 11.4 14.2 5.6 7.0 5.6 10. 7 3.1 5.6 10. 7 6.8 3.1 2.9 Daily 8. 9 2.4 7 .4 11.6 9.1 3.1 Camlent: Verbal abuse is a g!.'eater problem aaa,g the demented than the non-dSiented.


40. PHYSICAL AGGRESSION -ASSERTIVE OR COMBATIVE BEHAVIOR TO SELF OR OTHERS (e.g. HITS SELF, THROWS OBJECTS, PUNCHES, DANGEROUS MANEUVERS WITH WHEEL CHAIR) Population Nale Demnted 67.6 Severity: None 96.3 Low 71.6 Middle 60.6 High 64.6 Non-De:!Ented 86.7 TABLE 23 PHYSICAL AGGRESSION 1. No physical aggression. 40. LJ 2. Occuional minor physical aggression (I.e. three times or leu per month). Minor aggression refers to physical acts which cannot cauae potential phyllcal injury to self or others, but are disruptive. 3. Predictable physical aggression during specific care routines only (e.g. ba1hing) or as a reaction to normal stimuli (e.g. bumped into). May strike or flghl 4. Occ:uional uXb.,... physical aggreuion (I.e. three times or leea per month) to the point of potential physical injury to self or others (e.g. throws or pokes with sharp objects). 5. Recurring aggreuion for no rational reason (e.g. not just during specitlc care routines). At least four times per month, but not daily. 8. Dally recurring aggression for no rational reason (e.g. not just during specific cant routines or reaction to normal stimuli). RESPONSE Mi.nor Predictable Occassional Recurring 9.2 15.1 1.5 4.1 2.4 1.2 9.6 10.9 2.6 3.5 10.4 18.8 1.6 5.3 8.6 18.7 .5 4.3 3.2 5.4 .8 1.4 Daily 2.6 1.8 3.3 3.3 .5 Ccmnent: Physical Agressicn is a greater problem c1IDng the daIEnted t..l-ian the non-demented.


42. AIGRIISIVI OR INAPPAOPAIATI BIHAVIOA -REPETITIVE BEHAVIOR OUT OF CONTEXT OR ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOR Populatiai None Deoe1ted 50.6 Severity: None 91.5 I.ow 60.1 Middle 41.8 High 40.8 im-Demented 75.9 TABLE 24 REGRESSIVE OR INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR 1. 0oel not exhibit regressive or inappropriate behavior. 42. LJ 2. Exhibits nondisrupttve regressive behavior, such as rocking. 3. Occasionally (I.e., thrH times or 1111 per month) exhibits inappropriate behavior -e.g., smears feces, throws food, makes sexual advances. 4. Frequently (I.e., four times or more per month, not daily) exhibits disruptive and inappropriate behavior, such u frequently dress ing and undreuing self, smearing feces, throwing food, stealing, sexually displaying oneself to others. 5. Cally exhibits disruptive and inappropriate behavior. P~E Non-disruptive Occassional Frequent 23.0 7.1 9.0 4.9 2.4 17.8 6.5 9.1 27.5 8.6 9.9 27.9 7.6 9.1 13.5 4.7 3.2 Ccmnent:: Regressive behavior is a greater problem aIJJ[lg the daI<ed than the nm-demmted. D.?ily 10.4 1.2 6.5 U.2 14. 7 2.7


Term Care Case Mix Reimbursement Project Staff, New York State Department of Health, December 1985). The RUG-II Classification consists of 16 distinct patient groups. The 16 groups are distinguished by a selected set of medical conditions, several diagnoses are among them, and a composite score measuring the ADL ability of patients. Not all characteristics of a patient are used in the classification system. Rather, the classification relies on Key indicators which were important in explaining the cost of care of patients. Indicators imply other conditions relating to the patient which is not explicity considered in the classi~ication. ADLs provide a good example to clarify how indicators implicitly account for other patient characteristics. During analysis, all ADLs were found to be related to the cost of caring for patients. Additionally, ADLs were found to be very much related to each other. Patients with low functioning in several ADLs almost always had low functioning in the remaining ADLs and further, once three ADLs are used to describe a patient and predict cost, addition of a fourth did not increase the accuracy of estimating the cost of caring for the patient. Using three ADLs implicitly accounts for the other ADLs. In addition, the three ADLs can be measured collectively through use of an AOL Index. In the RUG-II system, the AOL Index is composed of three AOL variables; eating, toileting and transfer. The Index is the sum of numerical values assigned to patient descriptor categories for the three ADLs and has values from 3 to 10 with 3 representing none or minimal impairment in all three ADLs. Dementia is not an explicit indicator variable in RUG-II. Despite


Dementia Score 3 4 0 81.7 4.9 1 66.7 13.5 2 55.7 6.5 J 34.6 9.4 4 38.8 8.8 5 25.5 s.s 6 20.8 6.3 7 13.3 3.3 8 6.4 12.8 9 9.4 7.l 10 3.6 l.8 ll 1. 7 2.5 12 l.6 l3 2.0 14 3.5 15 TABLE 25 CX>RREIATICti BE'IWEEN DEMENl'IA S

A. :::) t., z DISTRIBUTIOt~ OF PATIE:1,,J-r~:; lf\-J 1::(L_),:; (:;;RC)lJFJ~ NON-DEMENTIA VS DEMENTIA PlS o -------------------------------35 30 25 20 15 10 5 ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,, ,. ' .. _, .. .,' ./ .' -.1., / ._, ... I/ / ~.I/ / .... ., .. . ~-.; / ,1..1 "-1./' ::1 NI.:. 0 I I hI V! C} I M1 I a, I ILi I 1:0 : 'jl-s 1 ..,., J k'I J?ll -KL 1 ... ,__, c1 v ..1-~ I I I I I I -----,.I I F I r-SA SB RA RB CA CB CC CD HA BB BC PA PB PC PD PE ISSJ NON-DEMENTIA 00 DEMENTIA


DI STR I B LJTI Ol'J OF-D E=~v E-= (\Jl-1.J\ F),~ 1-1 E1-,..r1-s It PER GROUP 60 -.----------------------------------50 40 30 -1---------20 10 r-1 I \ f --(3.,__ I --. // ,l / -I-/ l / f!J/ 0 I I I I I I I I r--,--r ,---rSA SB RA RB CA CB cc CD BA BB ec F'A PB PC PD PE


this, when patients in New York nursing homes are partitioned into Demented-Non-Demented groups using the medical condition (diagnosis) definition of dementia and then classified into RUG-II groups, the average case mix intensity of demented patients using the RUG-II case mix weights was found to be 5.6 percent higher than non-demented patients. Dementia patients are more frequently found in higher -----disability groups as measured by the AOL Index. In the tables in part 2 of this paper, this general tendering was observed. AOL Index appears to be functioning as an indicator for the severity of the dementia. In Table 25, the relationship between the dementia severity score and the AOL Index is presented. As the dementia severity score increases, so does the AOL Index. When the severity score is low, AOL Index is very skewed to low levels. When the severity score is high, the skew for AOL Index is also high. In the middle values of severity score, AOL Index is not skewed but rather is spread out over all levels of the Index. The distribution of dementia patients among RUG-II categories for all patients in New York State nursing homes in March-June 1985 is presented in Figures 1 and 2. SUMMARY A combined medical condition -dementia severity score classification for nursing home patients with dementia was developed and. presented. This classification was needed because diagnosis alone was not adequate to segregate and describe the demented nursing home reside~t.


A high correlation between severity of dementia and ADLs was found. The RUG-II classification was found to group demented patients into higher resource use groups than non-demented patients and analysis between the RUG-II AOL Index and the dementia severity score showed strong correlation between the two measures.


* AN OVERVIEW OF THE NEW YORK STATE LONG TERM CARE RUG-II CASE MIX REIMBURSEMENT SYSTEM PREPARED BY THE LONG TERM CARE CASE MIX REIMBURSEMENT PROJECT STAFF Don Schneider, Ph.D.; Project Director Marilyn Desmond, M.S.1 Project Manager Diana Domkowski, M.B.A.; Research Scientist Dina El-Ani, M.H.A.: Research Scientist William Foley, Ph.D.; Senior Research Scientist Brant Fries, Ph.D.; Consultant Marie Gavazzi, M.B.A.; Research Scientist Kevin Ray, B.A.: Research Scientist DECEMBER 1985 ** This overview has been prepared by the case mix reimbursement staff to provide a concise explanation of the reimbursement system and the RUG-II case mix measurement system. It should not be viewed as a detailed, definitive coverage of the regulations relating to this system. For such coverage the reader is referred to section 86-2 of Part 86, Title 10 N.Y.C.R.R. In addition, the project staff has published a series of technical reports which provide more extensive discussion of the development and rationale of the design of the system. ** This project has been supported under a grant from the Health Care Financing Administration, DHHS (Grant 11-C-98325/2-03, Project Officer: Elizabeth Cornelius) with additional support provided by the NYS Department of Health. The project has been carried out by the NYS Department of Health (executive direction provided by Steven Anderman, Principal Investigator and Deputy Director, Division of Health Care Financing, and William Gormley, Assistant Director, Division of Health Care Financing) and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute School of Management.


3 Efficiency Incentives The new system provides means by which not only individual facilities are encouraged to operate efficiently, but also offers the potential of more efficient use of the available long term care resources. As facilities are encouraged to accept heavier care patients, those lighter care patients who could more appropriately be served in community-based care will be more frequently aerved in those settings. Address Arbitrary Levels Of Care A case mix reimbursement system provides a powerful tool to address the problems associated with appropriate placement, level of care and utilization review issues. Incentives to place patients in more restrictive environments than necessary are eliminated because the reimbursement system provides the same payment level for direct nursing care regardless of level of care setting. Through the use of patient-specific payment rates, a more precise means to direct appropriate resources to individual patients is available, reversing the previous limitations of a dual rate (SNF and HRF /ICF) s~rsterr.. Incentives for Rehabilitation and Discharge: Through recognizing the appropriate resources required to provide more intense rehabilitation to patients with a potential for discharge, the reimbursement methodology offers a strong incentive to encourage the provision of such care. This can result in a more active intervention for patients requiring such care and an increased turnover rate. Potential Quality of Care Implications: Under a case mix payment system, there is also the potential for a negative incentive to allow patients to become more debilitated in order to maximize revenue. The danger is that a patient in poor condition will generally lead to a higher reimbursement rate than a patient in good condition. Further, providing inadequate care for a patient is less ~xpensive than providing necessary care and could lead to deterioration of the patient. Recognizing this potential, the features of the RUG-II payment system were carefully designed to minimize the negative quality incentives. However, it also is essential to assure that the quality assurance function is operating in a most effective manner. The RUG-II system provides an extensive new data base and thus provides the opportunity to develop effective means to link the quality assurance and reimbursement systems. Through such integration, the effectiveness of the quality assurance system can be significantly strengthened, while providing a more efficient approach to patient review.


5 Analytical Process The derivation process incorporated both clinical and statistical criteria in order to yield a system that was both statistically sound and clinically meaningful. The patient characteristics and corresponding staff time data were analyzed primarily through the use of AUTOGRP, the interactive statistical clustering analysis software used in the development of Diagnostic Related Groupings (DRGs). A Technical Review Panel, composed of clinicians, statisticians, long term care administrators and consultants, was established to review results and offer guidance with a clinical perspective at key decision points. Issues involved in the derivation of the RUG-II groups, in addition to clinical and statistical validity, included the following: The system should provide the framework for a data base which is useful in a variety of contexts and purposes for regulation, management, and analysis of the long term care system. Residents grouped together should be similar in resource utilization. There should be an administratively feasible number of groups. The system should be understandable and easy to use. The system should be difficult for facilities to manipulate for higher reimbursement rates. The system should be flexible and easily refined. III.2 Description of the RUG-II Classification System The RUG-II classification system is composed of 16 distinct patient groups which are each different in terms of clinical characteristics a-nd statistically different in terms of resource utilization. The system which was developed integrates two basic approaches: the use of a hierarchy of patient types and secondary subgroups formed based on AOL function levels. The five hierarchical groups are as follows: Special Care Rehabilitation Clinically Complex Severe Behavioral Problems Reduced Physical Functions Each of the above clinical groups is further divided by the AOL Index score into subgroups, distinguished by level of physical functioning. The AOL Index is composed of three ADL variables: eating, toileting and transfer. These three ADLs were chosen for the following reasons: They were found, through the use of cluster analysis and regression analysis to be as statistically accurate in estimating resource consumption as any


7 SEVERE BEHAVIORAL PROBLEM. This group is characterized by high frequency and severe level of one or more of the following behi11vioral problems: physical aggression, regression, verbal abuse, or hallucinations. SUBGROUP: Behavioral A Behavioral B Behavioral C ADL INDEX: 3 4-7 8-9 REDUCED Pffl'SICAL FUNCTIONING. This group includes all residents that do not qualify in the above four hierarchy groups. This group is characterized by reduced levels of Ac_tivity of _Daily Living functioning. SUBGROUP: Physical A Physical B Physical C Physical D Physical E ADL INDEX: 3 4 5-7 8 9 IV. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE CASE MIX REIMBURSEMENT METHODOLOOY ----The New York State Prospective Case Mix Methodology to be implemented January 1, 1986 introduces several innovative elements into the Medicaid reimbursement approach for nursing homes. The following provides an overview of the primary elements: IV.l overview of the Reimbursement Methodology The case-mix reimbursement system has the following primary system features: RUG-II Patient Classification System: In order to establish relative reimbursement rates for different types of long term care patients, a classification system which discriminates the relative costs to provide care for long term care patients was developed and integrated into a reimbursement system design. Patient-Specific Payment Rates: The direct component of the rate paid to facilities is based on the relative care needs of the patients in that facility. Statewide average prices for each of 16 RUG-II categories were


9 Budget Neutrality The implementation of the case mix reimbursement system is designed to be budget neutral. Budget neutral means that the total amount of Medicaid funds paid as of January 1, 1986 is equal to what would have been anticipated to be paid under the previous methodology plus an inflation factor. Because the rates are based on relative care needs of patients, and it is assumed that a larger number o~ heavier care need patients will be admitted to nursing homes (largely from the hospital backlog for nursing home placement), the total payments to nursing homes may increase somewhat more rapidly over the next several years than would have been expected under the previous methodology. IV.2 Description of~ Method for Setting Rates Base Year: The calculation of the 1986 facility-specific rates is based on the reported costs from the 1983 RHCF-4 and RHCF-2 Cost Reports. These payment rates are trended to equivalent 1986 figures based on an appropriate trend factor which reflects increases in costs for this period. Components of the Rate: The per diem payment rate for Medicaid patients includes four major components: direct care, indirect cost, non-comparable costs, and capital reimbursement. The specific elements of each cost center are as follows: 1. DIRECT -Nursing Administration, Activities, Social Services, Transportation, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Pharmacy, Central Service Supply, and Direct Nursing (SNF or HRF). 2. INDIRECT -Fiscal, Administration, Plant Operation and Maintenance (except utilities, real estate and occupancy taxes), Grounds, Security, Laundry & Linen, Housekeeping, Patient Food Service, Cafeteria, Non-Physician Education, Medical Education, Housing, and Medical Records. 3. NONCOMPARABLES Laboratory Services, ECG, EEG, Radiology, Inhalation Therapy, Podiatry, Dental, Psychiatric, Hearing Therapy, Medical Director's Office, Medical Staff Services, Utilization Review, Other Ancillaries, and Plant Operation & Maintenance costs incurred for utilities and real estate and occupancy taxes. 4. CAPI-TAL -This is reimbursable property depreciation, interest and equity. There is no change to this component from the previous methodology.


11 Total Rate The component partr. of thP rote ~,'llculated above ore summPd tC'I computP. a single av~rage reimbursement pP.r diem. ThP r~irnbursable dirPct, indirP.ct, noncompar.Rhle co~ponents, and the transfer fund amount are summed and then trended by a three year inflation factor. This inflated per diPm is then added to thP. calculated reimbursable capital component and miscellanP.ous pP.r diP.rn adjustmPnts to coMpute the RHCFs Medicaid Reimbursement Rate for 1986. IV. 3 Add;_tionaJ_ Elements of the Methodolo~ Discrete Ceilings -Discrete ceilings are used to limit the maximum allowablP. salaries paid for the facility Administrator, Owner, Operator and Relatives of the Owner/Operator. Transfer Fund To ease the financial impact for facilities with costs that exceed the ceiling, and thus would have had a rate reduction, a temporary fund was established. The fund will transfer 10 million dollars in 1986 and 5 million dollars i~ 1987 from facilities which experienced higher gains under the system to the facilities incurring financial losses. In 1986, profits in excess of 13.57% are used to generate the 10 million dollars to be shared by the facilities incurring losses. To be eligiblP for receipt of a portion of the transfP.r fund, facilities must incur both a loss on the indirect sid~, and a net loss on both direct and indirect components of the rate. The extent of funds received is based on the ratio of the RHCFs' losses to the total ~tatewidP. dollar losRes. Pric_i..!!3_ of Reduced Physical Functioning A Patients -One of the goals of this methodology is to discourage the utilization of SNF beds by patients who do not require this type of more intensive nursing car~. Patients in the Physical A category are the most independent of all the patients. They are either independent in functioning or r~quire only minimal supervision in ADL's, and thus have the lowest reimbursement ratP. To provide a financial incentive to place these patients in lower care facilites, the pricP established for these patients is based only on the costs of care requir~d in an HRF (which are lower than SNF costs). This pric~ will be paid for Physical A patients in HRFs and any such patients admitted to SNFs after January 1, 1986. ~nput Price Adjustme_~ts The input price adjustment process is usP.d in order to neutralize the influence of differences in lab~r costs when facilities costs are compared to each other. A changP included in this methodology is that the Input Price Adjustment Factor is calculated on a regional basis rather than a facility specific basis. Because some facilities were impacted by this change, a temporary provision of the methodology allows, in certain circumstances, the use of a facility-specific adjustment factor during 1986. For thosP. facilities affected, the facility-specific factor is phased to a regional factor over four year~.


13 determines that an inaccuracy exist in their previoualy reported data, correction are to be made and submitted on the Data Modification Form. 2. An Error Report: This report lists any technical errors which were identified in the data, such as missing number or incorrect numbers. These error are to be corrected by the facility and reaubmitted within five day of receipt. Following aubmiasion of data correction, the facility audit proce begin. The Audit Proceaas The purpose of the on-site audit i to assure that faciliti are aubmitting accurate data which reflect actual patient condition. Becaue the data ia utilized to eatablish the reimbursement rate, the accuracy of the data become of particular importance. In nee, each facility i granted delegated status to complete their own aaaeaamenta. If, however, the facility ia found out of compliance with accuracy 1tandard, the facility i1 deed ineligible for thi function, and the aaaeaament proce is to be completed by an outide party at the expenae of the facility. Such expene are not reimburaed under the Medicaid program. The auditors have been trained in completion of the PRI aa well as the completion of audit function. While on-ite, their aaaeaament process includes the same activitie uaed by the facility ors' in order to accurately judge the patient' condition. In addition to the use of patient records for all a1ses1ments, the auditors also utilize discuasions with staff and patient interview/observations. The audit procesa is completed in several stages in order to assure data accuracy and maximize efficiency. A screening process is utilized whereby a focused sample of patients is selected, and particular characteristics of each of these patients reviewed. The specific nature of the audit is as follows: Stage I. The initial stage of the audit represents an independent a1se1sment of the patient characteristics. The purpose is to determine whether there is a significant level of discrepancie between the tacility and the auditor. Forty patients are specifically selected for review utilizing a computerized selection proceaa. The auditor is responsibl~ for evaluating specific characteristics of the patients which were reported by the facility. For example, an individual patient may be reviewed to determine if the documentation supports the reported occurrence of daily oxygen therapy. In addition, a subset of patients are reviewed to determine their AOL capacity. It i important to note that during thi review, the auditor i not aware of how the facility aaaesaed the patient' AOL ability. Following completion of the audit, the aaaeaament of the


15 nursing homes) to work with the Case Mix Staff in analyzing the data. The goal of the analysis was to find those patient characteristics that best estimated the cost of caring for patients. We chose not to use a task/service list approach to the analysis for many reasons, not the least important being that the list would havP. to be very long which would lead to a very lengthy, and difficult to complete and audit PRI. The purpose of the indicators is to develop classes of patients with similar care needs. The indicators that turned out to be very important in explaining the cost of care included ADLs, and condi tiona such as comatose, stage IV decubi tus ulcer, etc. These indicators imply other conditions relating to the patient. ADLa provide a good example to clarify how the indicators implicitly account f~r other patient characteristics not included on the PRI. We found that all AD La (eating, transferring, toileting, mobility, dressing, bathing, and personal hygiene) related to the coat of caring for patients. However, we also found that the AOL were very much relatr.d to each other. Patients who had low functioning in several ADLs almost always had low functioning in the remaining ADLs. Thus, in the analysis, we found that once we used three ADLs in describing the patient, adding a fourth ADL did not increase the accuracy of etimating the coat of caring for the patient. In other words, using the three AOL implicitly accounts for the other ADLs. Thu, while bathing a patient is not listed on the PRI, the heavier care involved in bathing a debilitated patient is accounted for by the three ADLa used in the RUG-II system. The RUG-II analysis was concluded when neither the Case Mix staff or the clinical panel could find additional patient characteristics (or combinations of characteristics) that would improve the accuracy of estimating the cost of caring for patients. O: Why does the PRI and the RUG-II system only relate to nursing, PT and OT? A: The RUG-II system uses a "key indicator" concept (discussed in an earlier question). This concept means that the RUG-II criteria were based on measuring a .g__atient's care needs. The system was not derived as a task/service oriented system (a task/service oriented system would list th~ tasks/services done by staff and measure coat on the basis of checking off which tasks or services were given to a patient). Thus, in effect, no profession is represented on the PRI: instead it is the patient's care needs that are being measured. The care needs of the patient extends to all areas (nursing, PT, OT, Speech, Activities, etc.) and are implicitly measured by the factors listed on the PRI.


17 \ Q: How will the RUG-II system classify AIDS patients? A: When the data collection was performed in 1984, no AIDS patients were included in the sample. However, the RUG-II system basically is not a diagnostically based system (with few exceptions) Basically functional measures and other patient conditions are used to indicate the care needs of patients. There is no a priori reason to assume that the diagnosis of AIDS, rather that the factors already included on the PRI, would be more accurate in indicating the of the cost of care of AIDS patients. In general, the ROG-II system uses only a few diagnoses because the thousands of other diagnoses were not found to be indicators of the cost of caring for patients in nursing hanes. If an AIDS patient is classifiable as terminal care (see the PRI Instructions for details) the patient would be classified in the Clinically Complex groups. VI. 2 Reimbursement Q: Is there really an incentive to rehabilitate patients since a patient with better functic:-,ing leads to a RUG-II group with lower payment? A: The RUG-II system was designed to assist nursing homes in carrying out one of their primary objectives: to ensure that patients are rehabilitated or maintained at their best level of functioning. Specifically, the following four features of the RUG-II system relate to this question: Rehabilitation categories. The two rehabilitation groups, Rehab A and Rehab B both recognize the high cost of providing intensive rehabilitation therapy. If you compare patients with the same AOL level, these two groups have the highest case mix indices in the RUG-II system. These two groups were constructed for patients that are receiving rehabilitation services at least five times per week with a goal of restoration of functioning. Direct-care-inclusive rate. The direct care component of the payment rate Includes costs for all direct care services (nursing, PT, OT, Speech, Activities, Pharmacy, etc., with the exception of non-comparable costs such as laboratory and x-ray which are part of the non-comparable component of the rate) In other words, the cost of maintenance rehabilitation services are built into each RUG-II cate1ory. Cost neutra. Each RUG-II category is, on the average, cost neutral (see also question regarding Physical A group) In other words, if a patient improves in functional status, after six months when the patient is reassessed, the payment rate decreases because the cost of caring for the patient decreases. Thus, if a patient's functional status improves, the RUG-II payment


19 Q: Should the staff hours shown on the rate sheet calculations be used to determine a nursing home's staffing needs? Is the rate calculated based on those staffing "standards"? A: No. The staff hours figures shown on the rate sheet were used only in the calculation of the input price adjustment (regional salary and fringe benefit adjustment). These figures were used to calculate the appropriate ratio of RNs, LPNs and Aide/Orderlies, not the volume of staff. The levels of staffing shown on the rate sheet do not enter into any other aspects of the rate calculation. What the staffing levels actually represP.nt and what they were used for is more complex to explain. The staffing levels shown represent the mean hours of RN, LPN, and aide time for each RUG-II category as collected in the 52 nursing homes that took part in the first phase of the study in 1984. The 52 facility's involved in that study had, on the average, higher nurse staffing than the average NYS nursing home. The figures shown represent all time (direct care and nursing unit time, e.g., charting, meetings, supervision) spent by nursing staff at nursing units. It includes day, evening and night shift!. It does not include absenteeism, vacations, holidays, or nursing su~ervisors that are not based at nursing units (or nurses that do not provide direct patient care) These staffing figures should not be taken as ~taffing standards for a nursing homEI!. This is not to say they are completely irrelevant for staffing analysis, but if they are used, they should only be used as a relative measure of staffing. As an example, assume that when you compare your nurse staffing levels to the published figures (by applying the number of patients in each RUG-II category to the staffing levels and adding across all RUG-II categories) your staffing level is 90% of the published figures. This doesn't necessarily mean the facility is understaffad or overstaffed. What it does mean is that in com9arison to the data collected in the 52 selected facilities (recognizing which types of nurses were included in the data collection), your facility has a 10% lower staffing level when case mix is accounted for. Whether the staffing should be increased is a decision for the administrative and clinical staff to make on the basis of quality of care considerations. Continuing with the example, assume the facility increases its case mix by 10% by admitting higher care patients. In general, management might find that recalculating the staffing levels based on the new numbers of patients by RUG-II category, could give some indication of the relative a~ounts of additional staff needed to care for the highe~ care patients. The actual decision regarding staffing decisions also should account for whether the original staffing levels in the facility were "lean" or "generous". Q: What will be the impact of the phase in of the payment system over the years 1986 -1988?


21 details that may affect your facilities particular outcome as comparPd to the general rule of proportionality: (1) the tranRfP-r of some funds in 1986 and 1987 from facilities with high gains to facilities with projected decreases (whP.n comparPd to the 1983 cost base plus trend factors) may mean the decrease or increase isn't precisely proportional: and (2) the multiyear phase-in of the input price adjuster and the corridors, may affect the facility's rate. Q: Will the case mix indicP.s be changP.d or will pr.icP-s be recalibrated? A: As noted in another question, we do not currently anticipate revising the case mix indices during the next three years. Recalibration refers to resetting the prices that correspond to the case mix indices. Any recalibration would have to be approved by the State Hospital RP.ViP.w and Planning Council. In general, rP.calibration should be pursued if the case mix index in the State increases due to paper compliance reasons (e.g. additional documentation allowing patiPnts to be classifiPd in higher groups, improved facility understarirling of the mix classification rules). Recalibration should not be purs~~d if case mix rises due to admittance of new, high care patients. In general, ,-,e expect both phenomena to occur. If so, recalibration would havP to carefully differentiate between the former (whi~h would affect the recalibration) and the latter (which would be e~cluded from the recalibration). Q: Why does thP case mix index for a facility include private pay and Medicare patients? ~= Many private pay patients eventually become Medicaid patients. Thus it was the opinion of the Statewide Advisory Committee (representatives from the Associations who advi~e the case mix pr.eject staff) that the fairest representation of ca~P mix in a facility would be one which includes privatP pay patiP.nts (in addition the statewide average casP mix index for private pay and Medicaid patients is roughly equal). This also provides an inc~ntive to take higher care private pay patients and Medicar~ since doing so increases the facility's case mix index. In genera!, Medicare patients were found to have a highP-r case mix index than Medicaid or private pay. Thus including Medicare patients tends to increase a facility's case mix index and thus their rates. This feature was included as a sp~cific incentive to encourage facilities to accept more MPdicare patients. Q: Can you summarize the incentives in the RUG-II payment system in comparison to the 1985 payment system? A: The discussion of incentives listed below uses as its framework a comparison of the 1985 paYl!\ent system as compared to


23 Eighty percent of the patients in HRFs fall into this category. Because they are so independent, their appropriate setting should probably be an HRF. To encourage their placement in HRFs, the price established for patients in this group is based on the average cost of providing care in an HRF. (For all other groups, the price is based on the average costs in both and HRF and SNF) Physical A patients admitted to SNFs after January 1, 1986 will be paid at this somewhat lower, HRF based, rate. However, all patients residing in the SNF prior to January 1, 1986 will receive a rate based on the average cost using both SNF and HRF costs (i.e., "grandfather clause" for current patients). If the patient is in a category other than Physical A, and is a resident prior to January 1, 1986, and has functioning restored such that they then become a Physical A, the "grandfather" rate will apply. VI.3 PRI, Data Collection, and Audit Q: How much are the procedures for the PRI and audit likely to change in the next year? Will the case mix index be revised? A: There are several planned changes to the PRI and .audit process which are discussed below. Of course, it is always possible that unforeseen problems may occur which require other changes in the process, but currently we are only planning the changes noted below. We do not currently plan to revise the case mix indices during the next three years (again with the caveat that unforeseen problems could occur). Changes in the case mix indices would require approval by the State Hospital Review and Planning Council since they are currently written into regulations. Also refer to the question regarding recalibration of the system. The following five changes are anticipated in the PRI: (1) the PRI results will be linked to the quality assurance system and several quality assurance questions will be added to the PRI; (2) hospitals will be required to complete the PRis in place of the DMS-1 and hospital personnel may be required to attend a PRI training program, (3) a revised PRI will take the place of the DMS-1 for all functions within nursing homes; ( 4) a screening instrument will be added to the PRI and will be completed prior to placement of patients in nursing homes and will serve as a utilization review document within nursing homes for the first six months of a patient's stay1 and (5) the format of the PRI may be revised to test the use of optical scanning to read the PRis (rather than being keypunched). In addition, the DOH is developing an option to allow for electronic transfer of data from nursing homes to the DOH (i.e., transfer data from microcomputers via a modem or disk). It is 4ifficult to state when the above changes will be implemented: the goal is to implement the first four changes during the first six months of 1986 with limited experiments with optical scanning at the same time. The electronic data transfer option is under study to determine if it is feasible.


25 Q: How reliable are the case mix auditors? What is done to assure that they are accurately assessing patients? Who should be contacted if questions or problems arise during the audit? A: Reliability controls for the on-site review process include the fol lowing: Objective Independent Reviewers: An outside independent agency, contracting to provide audit services, increases objectivity and validity. Highly Qualified Reviewers: Nurses selected as reviewers must have an RN license, experience in long term care, and experience in patient assessment. Their high qualifications lead to a higher quality audit process. Complete Reviewer Training: training for audit process, training in audit procedures practice on case studies, and home patients with the actual Reviewers have specific including PRI training, by DOH staff, class room on-site practice on nursing audit forms. Reliable Audit Criteria: An objective audit process based on precise criteria has been established. Audit questions are generated by computer and tailored to specific facility residents. Written Back-up Resources: The PRI assessment instructions and procedures have been carefully documented in manuals. Step-by-Step procedures have been detailed for the audit process (both Stage I and later stages), in written instructions. Telephone HOTLINE: A HOTLINE telephone contact is available to reviewers for clarification of PRI interpretation and audit process questions. Communication Feedback: Frequent communication, both oral and written, between the contractor and DOH provides a feedback mechanism to detect and address problem areas quickly and thus increases reliability. Reviewer Monitoring: Monitoring of case mix reviewer performance takes place during daily call-ins to the contacting agent and during on-site visits by experienced senor staff. Management reports are reviewed for exceptions and appropriate action taken. Statistical Monitoring: The PRI data base is statistically analyzed for proper functioning of the reviewers and the system. Specific questions regarding scheduling or in reference to problems which occur while the auditor is on-site should be


27 Q: What are the implications under the new system for temporary conversion of HRF beds to SNF beds? A: Under the new system, the line between SNF and HRF patients has been blurred. While there are a subset of more disabled patients who are considered appropriate only for SNF care, there is in essence a broader definition of appropriate HRF patients. Under these conditions, it would seem to be less likely that facilities would want to pursue conversions of beds based on increased patient disability. While temporary conversions are still available, it is assumed that fewer requests will be received.


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I IIP,na.:tn.--- 11...UI N .,.,.. .... TaaDI lfM.CIII.M II M.CN.M w 1'111 ,. 1 ma .irilill 1111 ...., jri i'i .. "" ma .~ n ,a ITATIITICI NI a-., ... 11---1:, .. '...a .... E.I i liil I = H:GI TUIDY, .... U, -11 jr===::::::;:;:;;~===================================~ t:GI ,,,._,, .... U, 13 I ~,-.:.,.n.---........ -.,.,.. ... Taa IP DI If .. .. DI .. .. WI .. ,. ,m .. I I I l~ I ff:d I 01~ I 11 td I i~ I ~:: ma o.J .r.l ,a


I lfpJ.,-,:.,.11.--- D1--11 .. SYll'TIII .... Taa. DI 1 fflM. M,. -~ '' II.GI IOI ,. ,o .~. ITAfftra::I NII 1 .. TaD &:1--~:11 .. Pllll-0.0001 ~ca,,tCIM 0. LIi& MTII CNI-zal: '1 .. """" 0001 1':0l 1UIIDIY, --U, 1 1' -,ell lr===========================:d I i i k,-,:ra- D1--11 MD S'flPTa 111111'1 T*I.D1 ...... ,. D1 =-~1 n ., ,, '' ,'d,;,f, ,1m1L Mlllff I I ,J~ I id I .,.~ I Iii I I -31.1 1 I fl z. I 1.20 11. Z.,07 I ... 11 '8.11 J. 11. 71 I ~I"" I 1:~11 ml 13, I r.3 I ,., i.11 B:H i:6 L\ J-10 . .... 11. .21 fflM. .. ,. at~ 1.~n .~= a~ff STATifflCI NII 1--Y TaD an--1,.0., .. Plllaa.0001 .IE 1:.1..'96' Clll'l'ICIINf LlllLiHND IIATIO CNIIIIIMI 0. I I 0.1 121.... DI' ""'90.0001 1117 17 1'CII ,z. 11 3MI 100.00 1,:0I 1UIIDIY, --M, 1 ti I I ,' -"'


I l,i.,-,=r.n.-- Dl--11 MD SYIPflll .... ... Dl., .... 11 W. -, o. ,.. 1.11 . 0. 0 : mMffd -M~ ., I _,,; .,.i -z ,, I 1117 .. 0.1 H 1.11 I. z. o.H .,_. 100. M. II. 97.ZT IO. 21. 1 IO . -------~-----___.,_...., ___________ ...,_ ____ _.,_~ rd I rd I Id I !i Ji tit I J'.il I ~::: I.I .~ ,.I ,~I ,,a ,.I ,cl.I ITATIITICI ,_ ..,_, Taa i=--ara.::.. "1:ffl' o. o ... a,. ........ _..I ....... 1:az TUIIDAY, --H, 1 11 I====================~ I fflAL .. sranmca ,. ..,., ,aa RH--l'li:1.T c:a,1'1CIINT LIULI IIATIO CNIIIIIMI .\~ .,, . o. 0. I 0. .. ,. tt:az TUIIDAY, --H, 1 17 o.ft ,,a .~, ,cl: a,. I ....... 1 Ill' I lllllla0.


I I -I J 1r,.,.v=.r1a--- Dl--11 MG IYll'T'III .... T&I.DI IYllll:laD DI --" 1 i. '3. II II ,, m-. -:~ .. ,I II I I .. i I 1111 i~,1 i J:1 .. .ti J: IT.ID " .... -1 tlil ,!. iii A ... ,. 7.1 ,a I I: J:D 0. a.10 '" ... .. ... m-. n a~I .~ff a~I ,.I ., 100.00 ITATIITICI ,_ z .. TaD 1:1--1:11 .. Nlla0.A11 11.i:tf ClalPICIIIIT o. I LIi& Mffl CHI 1 .. ,-.0 .... hv=A-- 1&._11 IYll'T'III ..., T&a Dt IY MUltB Dt MUltB RI ... ,,.., m-. -1-111 ff)! I .. 17.ID -1 '"'I 11 1.CII ri' -,,~. 11 17. ,. 11.1 m-. ,r.g .,: ., 100.00 ITAfflTICI ,_ 1--Y TaD an--"'' .. 1 ""'90. 0001 -0.171 =,,r CNIPICIIIIT 0. 'fl 0. 1 1 ~I IIATIICNI-,oo.m Ill' 1 .....0.000, 1.dll"~-r1JTAIL) Ill' 1 fllllGleO. II001 .....0.0000 lTAIL) flllGl-o.0000 1':GI 1UIIDAY, --U, 1 11 ()e.ctJA,fu,s 7rob J,.ftd~ rd h'


I 1 I J T&I DI IT AIIITl8 DI AIIIT18 ...,,,....., -,, ~,ll --,-air i i, .ma&. .r.ll ~11 ITAflfflCI NI a-,ay T&II 11---11a,!'~ ,BJ A Ll TA L -...... TAILI DI IT Gal18 DI ==1 n..., ,.....,,, I I 'ii I !:ii J:' -, ~a1 ": Y: ft. D.31 fflAL .P.I 71 2.2' STATifflCI NI 2_..Y TAILII 11---CIPl'ICIINf I IIATID CMISGUMI 1111 TY 1 SGUMI ... ,1-J ( 1-TAIL) (lTAIU ma&. ,. 17.ID .. ft.lO ,ar.'o& 0.000 .. -0.000 0.000 0.000 o. 1 = fflAL ,. 17.ID .. ,2.10 ,er.a& -1:tif .. 1:m ... 1. .. Ill' 11att,,,,t,,s : .$'"04"&-/AA-'7 J'A I PlllllaO. -iiill I P!llllaO. 1200


11,i.,a,m.a.--- OlaNIII .. l'fll'TW .... 1: TUIIDAY, ..... M, ,. Z2 Ta& OI IT GMIB 01 .. ,. WI_,_, fflM. /1,:JJ,~: -ii ii ,_ '" 17.IO ~;,fWl-lJIL -1 iii t~ .. ,. ,.11.. .a.lO fflM. .. ~. ,!t.\ ,.,... ITAT11TICI 1111 I-IIIY Tall =.. 1 .......... IIJ.iiiffl l = liJli 1: ' A "I -TA L I I I .!l-~1',11&-- OlaNIII .. l'ftl'TW aus u: TUIIDAY, .._ M, la n J T&l.01 IY--la tl/-,er.JJ 01 ... ,. Int,' WI .... ,,.., fflM. I wil J:11 ,. '-, 17.IO r~ UJ/1. ,..... I tJ I '.d I J,N z.10 z.ft M. fflM. .l~I: .~ ,.,... ITATifflCI 1111 Z--Y T&II au-.. ......... -0. =t.V CIIWICIINI' o. Mil= ltATIICNIR i: == ,-ea.RH NIJI ~-t1J TA LJ llllllaO. ll'llllla0.01 TA L ,-.0 .... GY


----I I J k,-.=ra-- Dl--11 -l'fll'TIII Tai Dt IY _,,,. DI ...,,. WI_,_, fflM. -,., ., 1111 a-' Id 17.IO .. .ff I ... -ri .. id ,1.10 JI: fflM. n ,a~ ,cl.'' ITATlfflCI NI 14T T-.a 5=1---... I ... ....-0.0DOt lli5CIN 1: o. IIITII QII i: s: 11-' !Pl tBJfflfflu .ODOt :1111 ll'Jfl'v=ra-mr DI .... II MIi IYll'TIII aus Taa D1 IY MIUl1B D1 ~,. WI ...,,....,, fflM. I T. I I ,. H:n J!M 17.IO -1 '''I 'I ,.. "~ft i~D '2.10 n., . fflAL tl.l1 o.l ,cl'' ITATIITICI NI 1--Y T&II ~--... """"" -0. = Clllll'IClllff o. a IIATIOQIII: 0, ,a.a. 'ffl Jl Li:tltlJllTAILl I. ti O, .... 0.1 ZTAIL =:= 1':111 TUIDY, --2', A 11t, ., lt,if,i SfP'i"t. U"-4 Jo'/-( .., / L1 lJ. I


,, I I I j ln.,-.:rA---. o, ....... 1111'1'111 .... .. o, .,._,. 01 .. ,. --fflM. -11 Jli -" -1 ~i1 ~a1 -.... ,o l:11 J fflM. .. ~, ,,. ,er.a& ITATllnCI NI a .. TaD a---LI ... .......... Ei"IClllff 1: I ~QI!. I: I = -~-,IJ TA Ll lTA L k,-,=r.m.-- o, ....... i-,. .... .... 01 IY ... ,. DI MIUIIB fflM. J~U I07 1.11 ITATIITICI NI a .. T-.a an---=\V eafflCIINf f.'l! IIIITIO CMI. NIJI ~-tlf, TAILl lTAIL fflM. ,. " z.10 1cl'' It.IMO -0.101 0.100 i:ffl ... I ...... 0001 == ......-0.0001 ~.0001 Plla-o.0000 ~-0000 /la'f,(11'/c /rt{llt\ '7 ,$/MMl.~'8. J,/( 1'.:GI 1UIIDAY, l'IC 9P U, 1-17


I I I J T&I DI IY c.mc1a Dt CMIIC18 ---Ii lti fflM. 1 IT.ID ar.~ I I .;~ ll:I! i:~ fflM. au lri~v=r&-- DlANlll .. SYIPT'III .... T&I DI I\' DIUIIT'18 DI DIIMTIB Mlllff 1......,. I fflAL 1 11.IO ,1.10 fflM. 3147 M.11 100:0D ITAfffflCI NI I_..Y T-.a a:1---1 CIIIPl'ICIINI' l I IIATII CHI & ~-a~~iit lTAIL) !l:1D .. 0.101 i:ffl == .... -0.0DOI .... -0.0DOI .... -0.00DO ~.ODDO 1':GII TUIIDAY. DICaaa 14, 1 11 ~,",i.,J;~; ctr~ U'4.. fT h. ,IV\. "'/ I I


I I I j Tai D1 IY ILICTta Dt ILICTta _,,,...., fflAL --Ii' il - 17.N I -1 Ii ti .. I! U.10 fflM. .rl ,.~ ,cl.'a& ITATIITICI 1111 a .. TA&II c:ai,1c1111r l =---10.,, 1111 a"l"!,mL) II: I: TA L) Tai DI n MYILY1B DI MYILY1B -, n_,,,...., ...... I .1,a I ,1~ I H:D J:1 -----~;,,; ll'IIISllff I 1r.:1 II,-, . ,o . ti.CM Z., ,z. fflAL ,,.., 'I .... .. ITATIITICI 1111 I .. Y.TA&II an--CIIIIJIIClllff ~= IIATID CHIii .r..:.'l ~-rWJ lTA L) ZTAIL) fflAL 1111 17.IO 1'GI '2.10 ~., 100.00 I .....0.0011 Ii.ODIi :!!!! .oiii 1':GI 11111DAY, Dll:llallt M, 1 II


-------. lfirv::ra--a, DIAINIISS -fflPTIII .... T .. Ill DI IY ..,,.,. Dt ..... ,. ,..;, ..... ffllL -ffkt ,_ d .. ..... II ril .. n.,o mM. ,m z,, ,. ,. '""'' ITAfflTICI NI z ... T.a RH ..... ~:1 ... 1 NlllaO.ODDI 11\l:~ICIN I: YMTIIQfln ft It m!J Ll#TIJ TA LJ .ooa, .oooa TA L .oooa I l .--=:_.:::. -. :: .=:= I ~'l',=r&---:, DIAINIIII -..,.,. .... J Taa Dt IY INalL 18 DI 1 .... 18 WI_,_, fflAL -I ,~11 iii .. 17.N -1 Ell iii t.10 fflAL .:~ .~g ,n ITATIITICI ,_ 1--Y Tall a:1--, ......... -0.01 = CIIIPPICIINT 0.01 IIITIIQIB 0.0 a. a,. 5=:iffl '~-a 1-1'. L~ o. lTA L ,-.o.i.c, 1':0I TUIIDAY, DICIIIIIII Z4, 1 U 1':0I tUIIIAY, DICD8III M, ,. 33 -) ) I


I I I J I .... ., ---Ii iii ma ,. 17 . I Ii Iii.:: 1 ,....,., l,i.,-.=r.n.--- ..... -..,,. .... Ta&I 11 If PIY'IW1a ., ,.,,.,. 111_ ,_, ma I 1i I lii I ,. 17.IO U. u .. ; I ...... ,...,. I ti, I ZR I ... 1 l:D d:i tl.lO ma a ,.~ ,or'~ ITAfllTICI ,a ___, Taa 51:1--1:ffl .. ....... '\i~Cl8ff ~' MTIIOIIR :I: iff = m:m: .,:, ~-a--,A Li .0000 TA L .0000 1':GI tUIDY, --U. ,. :W u1a TUIIDIY, fllC 5F 'U,


-1,i.,., .m.---....... -l'fll'TIII .... = TUIIDAY, --I. Tai. Dt IT _.,,18 DI _..,I. -w /J.,spt ~"-, 0Jaft1t, ...,, ,....,, I mAL ----= l i) ij I ... !~ IJ'-C-I. I -ldilJ:~I .. I. ID mAL .r.1 'I' a. ,er.a: ITAfflnCI 1111 I_..Y T----~:-.. I ,--0.0011 II{;~-I: '!;ljft = liil TA tl IO. Ta I -I -= -. .. . -I ~ft'v:ffA--- Dl--11 N SYIPTIII .... t: TUIIDAY, --M, ,. 17 J TAILI Dt IT 1NWIIUB 7)rro,il l'r'f""Jr-4 DI ,,.,.,. WI_,_, s~ wee -fflAL I N11 tal "i I a., 17.IO .a II II.I -1 "I H:. J:n .. u.,o fflAL n .~11 ,er.a: ITATIITICI 1111 a .. T&D an--Ill' ....-o.oa =,,r CIIIIPJCIBff 1: o. f.'.u UTII CNIH Ill' NGla0.03'7 1111nJ#M Ill' TA Ll lllllllaO. OI I 2TAIL ....-0.CM / 7i._ I )


j I I lrJ.,-.m&--., ...... ffll'Tm .... .. ., D1 !Mlllta D1 TM1111a ft!_,_, fflAL -I ti 1111 I II iii .. ,a. IO fflAL I.II ,a1' ,.r.. fflTIITICI ,_ 14Y ,-.a ----1:1 .. ...... ,111 Iii{; ca,m-~q I: li!I -,. tl ~,. .ms---., ..... ffll'Tm .... TMLI a, DI IY YAIIDla DI YAIIDla 111_ ,_, I ="1 lt11 l:i l:U ITATIITICI ,a 1--Y TU fflAL ,. 17.IO "' u.,o an---"I .. .,,,. CIIPl'IClllff 1: IJ!P,lmff IIATII CNI. 18: DI' Jr .. ,, ~-tifi TA L) IO. I DI' ZTAIL) I ....,,-0,0011 ":a TUIIDAY, .... U, II 1':a TUIIDAY, -a., ,_


-I i J .. -------k,-.m.n.-- DI .... I -!'l'IPTIII .... T&I DI IT -18 DI _,_ ._,_, TITAL .... /ii fill 1911 -111dlril .. u. ,o fflAL "I aa. .r." 1.f'O: ITITlfflCI NI 1-aY Taa a--~-, a,. I Pllll-0.0019 -0. llcamlM Q, IIITII I I: a,. I l.*:ilfflLt Eg a,. I .001 lT L ...-0:00, ~-._..,_ ---k,-v:r&---.. DIANIII MD S\'IPTal 111111'1 T-.a "-DI -IYII .. I mAL I I IO I i" I IIM IO .0 : J:I H:ft .,_. IIIIISINT I 0 I I -1.0 : J::.I fflAL o.ft ITATIITICI NI a-.AY Ta.a a:1-.. ..,., CIIWIC18ff li!Y\,iNW IIATH CNlfiff r...r,l"~-,m-I-TAIL) ZTAIL) 1'GI I ''' 0 "U '2.11 ff: 1 -1.11 100. !:ffl a,. o. . 1 0,. I 3.1 ... 1 Sdlt,. 1nc.1~e


I I I j lrJ.1'.:Ln.--- Dl--11 -S'ftPTIII WI T&I DI Ir Dmnl DI DIIZ'III -..... I I -el I ri' I d" .. ~-fflAL .. .. a.11 =~-----;...;;~--~=. fflM. 117 1M1 .. .. .. ... lfATIITICI ,_ ~y Taa 111-o. 1 ....... =--J1illii' 1.:8#,IJ TA(L) '':I ... i: I: 1 .. .oao, .CIIIIIO .CIIIIIO lTA L) ~ff',:TA-- Dl--11 S'fll'Ta .... Taal D1 IT DC&all DI IICIL-fflAL ,,: .. 17 1'CII ,z. 11 :uq SMa .... 100.00 1': TUIIDIY, --U, 1-tZ


I I I l J .. k,-,=r.n.---IP Dl--11 N SYll'TIII .... ... DIIT .... DI--.... -1 r I r tll ''' '2.11 ffla&. ,.n a ,.~ ITATIITICI ... Z--Y T-.a au---1:1."'ff CIIIIPIClllff IJY'r=tff MTII CN. Jr..:"I ~-rlJ TA L) TAIL) ... o. o. J: ... I Ii. ... ii.ODDI .oao, .ODDO .ODDO !i-J:,a,=r.n.---IP Dl--11 N ITW'TIII .... ... DIIY-DI -ma&. ITATifflCI ... 1--Y T&D au--=.""' Clllll'ICIBff !JYl:/:ffl IIATII CNI= Jr..::'l ~-r&;J(lTAIL) (ZTAIL) .. u.a M.M IOD.00 1':Gll TUIIDAY, DICllallt U, ,. q ~-.... --.. -


I I -1,:.,-.-.m.-- Dl ... 11 SYll'TIII .... T ... DI N1N111 DI NI ... w l'fll ,. I fflM. I 1 '"' ,. Iii IT.A -, : -,~ ii : a1: i: .. U.17 fflM. lrATIITICI NI 1--Y Tall a:1---caPICIN MTII QII l.l#TIJlll!IL) 11:J:IL) 11.M aMI II ID 100.0D I 1,:.,-v:TA-- Dl ... 11 .. IYIPf'III .... j Ta& DI WIUDII DI WTLma -, n l'fll 1 I fflAL ....., I I .,r.11 I lM I ffII 11. . u. . .. ll'WIIINT I ,~ I ,,, I -ll' I ,. ,.a, R" "'' ,., ,. ._z ~-...,__...;...,_.;:: .. ~ 7~1 ~==~ fflAL IS~ .r.r, ,of.I lrATIITICI 11111 1--Y Ta.a a:1--8:I.N9ff CIBll'IClllff !JSA.,"ffl MTII ''R ,r..:,, ~-,WJ TAIL) ZTAIL) -1:, ... 0. 0. . ... I.,, ... }/,Y' txJ. I'",e. /,,fl-' I "c ,"-""e I /tM d,.,.o.'1./


. ~,.v=r.rli-mr D1--11 MG SYll'T1II MU'S 1':0Z TUIIDAY, U, ,_ 41 T .. DI IY ,&118 DI .... IYII ,. I fflAL. s~, .. 'l,, fa,"n - .1, "'' .. J/,-Ar I 11C:I ~ei .... ~-' H:H :II '" .-~ 1111118 I !t-.r1 ir. I 1 'I"~ di d ,, ft: za .a fflM. ,,. n ,ell sransm:a 1111 1 .. T&a 11--..... ... ........ 0.111 -ca,ncsarr o.m .. llf.' Ot!. o."' "IJI = =. a -T, L1 .oao, .OIIDD lTAIL ...a-o.oaoo I I I I .. ..... .. i .. I P.tA-~:T'v=~-- D1--11 M11 S'flPTIII 11US 1:0Z TUIIDAY, DICDMII U, 1 I T&I mr DI 1Y Dllffllll2I D1 damlal tJ..t"-ril~ WI IYII 11 I fflAL .s-~ ,..,.. 60~ I ; 1 .3, I ,~: I 1911 0.,. 5 ,, .. I. I :ll II. 11 . .....,. I I 3 I !~, 14GI 0.1 n.,a z.11 1. ft" .GI fflAL ,.I n ,of4J STATIITICI P11 1--Y T&II 11--o.m a,. I ""'90.--0. I =.:'ll' CGIPl'ICIINT 0.01 0.01 al IIATIO Otl= 0 ... 0, 1 , 1JITY~rffli1-TAILI 0.113 0, 1 l'IIOl. U 1 l'IIOl. 1 ZTAIL l'IIOlaO. 'I I I (~


I I I ) 11,r,=ra-- Dl--11 N l'fll'TIII .... Tl&I D1 IY ClfflllCII DI CIIIIIICII .. a.11 -':I .. ...... caa. i:' = t ...... 'E:uu ~fl',=:.rJi- Dl--11 N l'ftl'flll .... T&I .DI IYDYW'Nla Dt .,,.... Ill 1,a 100 I ffllL I 11 iii i11 118 IIIIISINT I I! I .,.~, 1 :r.i I 1 -: J:ft ft:ff ,a. II STATIITICI Nit 1--Y Taall a:1---=-~ CIIPl'ICIINT Ji!!l\,l:ffl IIATII CHI= r...:.'l ~-r1JTAIL) lTAIL) 10.11 .. 0. o. o. 10. DP .. .. 1 1111111-o.ODII 1 ....a.=, I 1111111-0. 001 1111111-0. ,...C,.001' 1,:GI 1\IIIDAY, --U, 1II


-: ... ---I I 1 J . o. fflAL .. .a. 11 111119-o.m, 1:1 .. :: I! 1 ~:, o ........ S\'ll'Ta .... TMLI D1 IY Ill.Call D1 ULC11121 ca~ IYII .. I fflAL MaCT I :I ff I S 7 u, -, ''. I .. I S.7 a .a I.CIO a..11 ma "' 1.27 sransrlCI ,.. a .. ,.,.. 2:1---~ C.,ICIINT ld!I\,= ltATIO CNIH ,a..:,l tJ!ltlJ lTAIL) ZTAIL) !,~, I ,. l:fi i11 ,. "'" .i~ft ,of.I ,., 1111 o. o. 0. I I. 1111 I I. 1111 I t:CII 'IUIIDlY, IIICllalll z. ,. 1Z fj/eldJ, .f .,...a I; f ~"'fs 1":0l 'IUIIDlY, --U, 1 IS [ l'dfl f l.),Jee,,,-s .. Jo~ 8 ..


I I I J !frmsv=r&--- DIANIII lftPTa .... T&aDt 8'1NLUII DI NU.Ill ,.,.. 11 I fflM. -:1 Ji i1 1 .. ,_.y :1 iii if.ii .a.11 fflM. o.l .r.r. ,of.I ITAnmca .. I .. ., T.a a:1---0.1 ... I~-- C.,,IClllfl' MTII CNI 1.1# IIJ~L) 11:mL) -0 o. o. 3: I: I 181.n-IND CNl--WITM ll'AI VMIMLD- DIAllalll IND ........ T&I DI l'I J'ILII DI _,.. 0 lz fflM. ITATIITICI ,_ 1--'f T.a a:i--mmv CIIPl'IClllff LIIILI IIATID CNI.,_ I la ,: .... o. ZI. DI' fflAL ,. 17.IO 1'CII ,z.10 3M7 100.00 NN-o.0001 1':GI 1'11DY, IIICllallt 2'. 1 .. H:CII TUISDAY, .... 2', 1 R


I I j !ifr..'1".:r&.. ..-.... ::--. DI-=. ~-( T. ; rl -~ ~;! ~:i!?,!~~ .,J'" ti., m ... ,, ":ii I li I -zli d!j' ~'-' -7',r. . ~, .. t. I. J . It. a& I. 0.,1 17.IO u. 1. zo., ,o.71 o.n . It. IO. t f0. I.OI u. ti --1 tdl iii i~I J.dl ti 10. 70 .r: I ,,.a, fflM. ITAfffflCI NI 1-!MY T-.U an---1':.1.IIINS' C.,IClllff LlllL~ Mnl CIII--"l:1, a,. o., o. ,a,. a,. 7 ........ 7 ........ !l.r. Mlt CNI-.. Dl--11 Mlt S'fll'Ta .... WITM ~Al YMl&II :,-a DI IY= ~-1,t ~-, 'IIIIIIIIC'tl ~~ (f~ o DIYIATIIIN / ~t I fr /, J n .I ti\ II\, 31 I\: II II fflAL --------------------AIIINt' I : I ,r; I ,,rd I .!; I ;r I ;~ti I rd I .;~ it,, a. ,tli U:i ft.ii 37.CM -------I I id I ti I .i!i I ut I If 1 I J:i I .:'.:: fflAL 11,I ,o,J 1~ 1111 .~ 100~ ITAfflTICI NI 1--Y T-.a 51u--m"'ff' Clllll'IClllff LlllLIHDal IIATIO CNISCIIAIII 'l:lli'H DI' 0. t I 0. I 3 71. DI' I llllll80. 0001 ,1. ,o :13,17 ,oo.oo t:Cll TUIIDAY, DICDalJI 2', ,. 17 /yw,t..1 i' r / / ) (.__


I -1-r11 iii iii ifd iii~~ TITM. D~ ,I~ tt1: 11~ z. ff 1of'' lrATlfflCI 11111 1--Y T&II a11----'W!' ca,,1c1 LIi&~ Mnl CNIIIIUMII lr===================d i j STATIITICI ,_ a .. T&D a11-.,. 8:LtN9K' CIIPl'ICIINT LlllLi...X IIATIO CNISIIIAIII 21:11 .. o.m zai:CMo DI' I ""'80. 0001 I ""'80. 0001 1':0I lUIIDAY, --M, 1 II


. --. -----" I if I I 1 z 1 ri 1 ra -1 I i -11~: -p : 11: J:. fflAL. z.D 17~. ITAflfflCI 1111 z--y T&II an--81:1 r:.1.:1.t cai,tCIM o. LIIILI y IIATII CNI--rd: 1 I 3 I I" 11 I I I '.i .rlO '' D'il .01 .GI _li., :I I~I iii nil ,,. 11~ JTi ... ,-.0.0001 ... ,-.0.0001 1131 17.11 '2.11 1n -I ------"')~ I J ~1 I I TOTAL -1d1a1J1a1i1a1a1~ -----------IIIIIIINT 1 1t!l I r'.~t I a!, I -i~:, I ,~1!0 I ir.~, 1 ,r:t I .:~: 11.11 .oa ,.~ .,o._o, n. a.." Z7.IZ 31.M 37.11 U . M. 11.IO --------------TOTAL z,~lt ,o,& z.Z: 11,t ,oT. 1,,a ,,,t ,cl'~ STATllflCI Ila z--y T&II au---CONTINm CIIPl'ICIINT at.- V LIIILI UTIO CHIIGUAIII zzg:1,, a,. I 111111-o.0001 0 zd: DI' I ~-0001 1,:oz lUIIDAY. DICllalR z,, ,. 10


I I J : J mAL .,i 10~ ITATIITICI 11111 a .. T&II ti--..1r lal'ICl8ff Lll&I MTII QHIIIUAIII STATIITICI ,_ 1--Y T&D t1=,..,-,caa,ic111ff Ll&ILiMW IIATII CMIIGUMI lffl ,,. di ,,~ '1.1' i:m DPI .....,.0001 11': DPI .....,.0001 i:1 DP0. :11. 1111 IIIIOla0.0001


I I 'i j 71 fflAL 0 -0.I O.OD O.OD O.OD TITAL t-. ""'1 -Ml m 1111 I o. 11.a 11.30 1'.a, " o. ITATIITICI NI a .. T*8 ---: 1 zm 1MI CILLS MAWI P'ICTID COUNTS LIii 1MIN I. T&I II N .... TMIT OllIIIIMI IMY NIT N A VALID TIIT. CNI-~,--,m II' IINI ._., 1:.1.'95' c.,JCI --: I 1.1111.i.:.. MTII CHI--.r: II' I 11111111-o.ODOI -Miu,,. N CNI ..... DI' Dl .... 11 N SYIPTa 1'111 ,1.10 U.7 100.0D ~~': ;7=~~ '/ltf~-, ~1 sf~ ;~ n I I I I I 3 I I I I I TOTAL. -li~I tihfiljl-til rili~I ;-:: -------------.------------,..,,. I o~i 1-~:rr, I n~ I n'~~11 ~j I ;;~J I .;~: o.oo 10.oe 11.ff .,, ba o.oo O.OD 13.11 .'9 IO.OI .II 11.12 0.00 fflA&. STATlfflCI 11111 2--Y TAILII .. = r.1.2\'I 1 ~r!a1~~ kf! ~D'tm. CHl1IGUAIII ffl.111 DP I PIIGl-0.00DI 11N 0.,10 CllfTINm CDIPl'ICIINT 0.'1 I CIIMD' V 0.'80 1.lllll.l UTI0 CHISQUMI 730.371 01 I ,,._-0.00DI 1':0Z TUIIDAY, DICllalR U, 1 M f If!~ 11,-,,"eAte .~ !J~tolJ. assJ~ 1,:oz TUIIIIAY, .... U, ,.


I It:. NIID&T, --M. t111 = TUIIDIT, .... M. tlll P t))o,,.Jlf ,-"'} r r""'f' hJ slt,'(Jiy 1,:~ t;'~;~~ "'-wr', ~-


~---------__.---.. ...................... -------......,. I 9':. TWll&Y, .... M, tlll m.. ,r.u .~ .~ ,.I a.I ,.n a.It o.11 ,of'-' ITAnrnc:I NI ... T-.a r ,m. a---:J:I .. ....... "' ,c:a,,tClaff L... .. tii'Ei..; 11TH OIi--: .. 7 ...... ODOI ~'f "'4-, ,..CW" -~ slar-''"'~> r-7' -,,_,,,., .,.;Ir ~-'-f I


I I I J m-. .i J~ n~U .~I ,,t -~ ,cl.'' ITATIITICI NI ... , ... ----,:... ... I ....... li-ll' ...,.Cl., lHf Mffl at._ .,:101 ... I ........ fflM. : .. ~. .,~ -~ -~ .~I& o.l ,a 1,a NIDY, .... Zt. ,. 10 1:a TUlll&Y, .... M, 1111 71


I I I 1,i.,-,11.m.-- Dl--11 l\'IPTIII .... ..... ., ...... ...... '"' .,_. "' : .. ,1_ .l~I ,I.I ITATIITa ....... ,.. ----1m ... ......... Eii&1 [E I: 1 IUII l,i.,-,=r.m.---........ -IN'TIII .... .. ., ., ., .. LIICtl. DI MIIUUC6a 111 IYII .. I mAL .... I ii xii II~~ ...arr I II .til till~~ fflM. .l~ft uft ITATIITICI NI ... Taa 11---J:1-' ....... lliCIIW1Claff .., .. 011 I! ~-,IJHtt : = l aEJi 9':.1UIIIIAY, .... M, ,_ TS I (_) )


I I -1 ... ., ., ....... .. ,_.. ITlldllCI .. ..., .. c~ilr-11l:I ; ; ...... 111:1 .. .. ti & I : h.m.n.---., lltallld -l'M'TII ... ... ., ., -DI .....a WI ,,. ,. I fflaL I I ti I Ii I .,":; -1 ~llllldl .. "'... -~, a ,n ITATIITICI ,____,Ta.a 16: TUIIIAY, --U, ,. 71 {)J,t/rd~~ (:Ja....JJ ?Y~ ""'~~


-r--._-~--------------~ I 1,i.,.,:lf.lji ... DIANIII .. l'ftl'Tal .... ,aaD1r,.....a DI ...a 1 1t I ftTAL 14:GI TUIIDAY, DICllalll U, 1 11 Ir==========================================~ I 1,i.,.,:lf.rli~ Dl ... 11 .. l'flPTal Taa DI r, ....... DI .....a WI,., .. I I I 1 ~ I If I I J~at H:d ITATifflCI 11111 a .. TA&D 1 a:1---c:a.,1c1 i:n: .. 14 IIATII CNI ~-r1Jffifflt1 8: i=: 14:GI 'TUIIDAY, .... 14, 1 n


I I t J 11':=t'w::TA---lfl Dl ... 11 N l'ftl'TIII .... T*I. DI IY ...a DI IIIMI IYII .. I fflAL I ii Iii IMZ -1 II 1 I Ii I 1 IK :t ta.II fflll. iz,t n1a ITAnfflCI ,_ I .. Y T-.a 5=1---ca,,1c1arr IIATII QII Ll#a-fflfflu ... ,. ci,. 1.11, '" !! M:Zil I: T*I lfl DI IY -. '* DI .... ... WI .... ,,..., fflA&. I I.I iii 1111 17.10 .....,. I r.a1 ml 14GI i:ff i~ ,1.10 I ,.... __ 1 ""'90. OODI .....a.0001 =.0001 .0000 -0.0000 1:m 'IUIIDAY, DICMIII 24, ,. 71 t:m 'IUIIDAY, .... 14, 1-71 IJ~ "4r>Jr~ fferiJ:a,r (,'~ d-f. 17taar

PAGE 100

., .. .. ---... ~ft' =ralllUMI Dl ... 11 N SVT'a .... 14:0! TUIIDAY, IIICDallt Z4, ,. IO I A YM Tai. DI IY 1111:UltlA DI 1111:111 ....,.,llllllllff1 fflM. {)er.JJus u,tc. -t11 ,_ --IT.ID ....... I H11 J~ .. 41.10 fflM. .fl .~ ,of.4' ITATifflCI NI 1--Y T-.a a:1--1:1 ... I ,-.0.1111 ~1~Cl8ff I: y I MTII QH = ""90 . ~-~-Lt ,. I E:' I a L I I -. --.. .... -I ~--a-D---IN'Ta .... 1':0I 1'11DY, --24, ,. ,, Al YMI J Tai DI IY IIIINltlA _h'/'J;~ DI .... ,. 111 __ I~ I fflAL ..s-~ ...., I I~ I .,1., I ,. H:i1 4. ,, IT.ID 7. I II.GI -"'81NJ I -Ir.I ,!'l I 14CII H:U J:5 42.10 41. fflM. n 7,. ,of.4' STATifflCI NI 1--Y T-.a au--1:1 I Pllllact.CIIT1 e:m.1.: CIIIJIPICIINT o. MiU' IIATIO Qtlf!ffl i:., Ill' I .....-0.0III ....... ~-TIJ lTIILJ Ill' I ..... 0.1117 NOM,ffll lTalL ....a., (! /} I

PAGE 101

1-i.,-,:.,a-- DIANIII N IYIPTIII .... i.: TUIDY, --H, 1 IZ T .. DI IYLMI* Td-J. DI UIMIA u ft_,_, mAL s~--1. -1Jii 1 1 H:J u: 17.IO I ifil ii 1 ... 10 TITAL .r.11 II,, ,er.' ITAntrlCI NI a .. T .... a:1--ii ... ,_.._, .. r:;,l{;~Mm= '!''!R = I ili~I !! ,IJ :J: tl I I I k,-,::1.11.-- DIANIII N fflPTIII .... 1': 1"1DY. Dll:lllalll U, ,_ II 1 J T .. DI IY IMltlA ~~J;?a-r~ DI IMI* WI -~ mAL s~ I !fl I a, I ,. I 7 R:I J:R 17.IO -1 "1 "I ti:i jg 1'CII tl.10 fflAL tr.I di uif.'' ITATIITICI NI 1--Y .... a:1-1111 ,..._ .. -o. 1:\1 C.WICIM o. o ., MT!ICN!n I: iii~R TIJ TA LI a. I TA L I

PAGE 102

I I J 1-J.,-,:ralli- Dl--11 S\'IPTal .... Taa. DI IT ,AINI* DI ,.,.,. w ~,,_,,I mAL .., tl ~, ,_ 17.ID ,. 74. ...... 111 Iii .. 41.10 fflflL I ....0.0001 lri~,=a- Dl--11 -..,_ .... T .. DI IT _MIA DI _,_ 111_,_, mAL I tll 111 ,_ 17.ID P'IIIIINT I jl idl .. 41.10 fflM. ITATiffla NII 1--Y TMLD an--"I .. I ....0.0001 .,.,, CIIIIPICIM 8: Wi',l:ffl' 't ll!'C::!lfl :t == I JT'Nii WCT TDT TA L) 1 TA L) li:1n .0000 .0000 ~,trt.. t.1,4-t o/. ,,~ ~;J I. alf/'je. C -f /fl( ,'f"..:.,. tf ,e,:ikt' ll.A4 4 V t/ I I

PAGE 103

I t .. I l,i.,-.:r.n.--- Dl .. 11 N ffll'TIII .... ......... I. DI M.1-w ,_,..,.. -ittr,:-: iii llll .. l,i.,-,=r.n.--- D ... 11 ffll'TIII .... Tai DI 9Y smn DI ITIII* 111_ ,_, ..... I iii ~11 IT~ I iii I Ji I .:::: fflM. ITAnfflCI NI ..._., Taa a---MJ.11 ... I ....... 1 :i ]1 = : =::811 u:mti = = TUIDY ..... U, ,. IT J -;p, ,.,JJ,.,.;. /ftp,A,--UA o J_.,

PAGE 104

, ..... ".,.,. DI alNMIA ff_,_, I ii fi 11. 1 d ta I ~'.:: ITAnlffll NI 14T ... I I ........ =:: '== ": TWIDAY, --U, ,_ 11 ,.1.,..., .......... I ,_ I

PAGE 105

I II h.11.11.--" ....... -IWlfflll .... ..... .,.,., . .... WI_..... I al Ji .. ": I iii Ji .. ITlll ...... ...,halll -=--1 .. I ...... -ati.i'a1 :m S: 1 h.-.n.--" ....... ....... .. .,,,., __ ---,_, "'"' I II iii .. ": -1n11n1 .. lflfllflCI .. ..., hall I:,. 1 .. ...... ,.., at.;-:.iffll, : s: : Iii ..:.,..., ....... 1111 st~le O ("$51~! s-~ .. ,.,..., ............ A~';,l'--. Tr~ s-~ (. -;!-

PAGE 106

-r-----------=~~~~..;...;,,,,;;,;~ ----------. -. --I lfifl',11.rJi--" 0-- l'flPTIII .... ... DI" ..... DI ... .. ...,, ..... fflM. --Hi iii ... ,_, nll J'.il .. ..... m-. .IW .~1 ,I.I lflflfflCI .. ...., .. Ii;:-ti .. ......... "11ft It : llil I ti tr==============================-============~ I l,i.,-.:r.n.--........ ....,. .... .. "' ., --DI _._ WI..., 11 a11r1 fflM. -I ii Iii ... ,_, I il'il J:il .. ..... lfAntnCI fla ... , .. tt: T\alDIY, --M, ,. 11 {Jr,IS'"'/ tf"v.-_~ 7r~ : ,2 '-') tL \J:' -~~J --~ (, .,, I

PAGE 107

I l,i.,-,116---. ... 11 ftll'TIII _.. .. "" .... II &MM WI_,_, I Ji i 1d ffl& 1111 ..... ffl& .r.l ,.I ,.P.'-' fflidiM NI l'"4M T&II ...... ,.:.,.., ........ .. r=========================================d lrr,r.:1&-- ....... -....... Taa IP II" IIIULWM It: ,...,, .... ... .. I DI. IULWM ......... =:n '== fiw.' -r~~ 1/M'f (DIAi' l)..U.-~;,

PAGE 108

-F=:-~--~---~.=.=.:.:.=.=..=-:-------------==~-~~-~-~------I I T&aDI ..,,_. .. ,.. .. ----_II til .,~ -1,g :ril .. fflll. -h,:t&---...... -hll'TIII ... .... ",.. .. D1 ,_.,. WI_::::. fflM. -i,iliil ... .,_. 111111N I a~I t~I .. U.10 .. :. ,,,..., --u, ,. 14: TUIDY, --It, ,. 17 /

PAGE 109

I I I h.lLII.--- ...... ..,. .... ..... .,_ .. II -Mil ftl __ fflM. -nl ~,. "" J:d ,-r I nl ii ... ..... fflM. .r.u .~ ,ell l'TATllnCI .. l4t .. ..... ti .. I ......... ...,--~:r111H It : llil k,-.:r.m.--- ...... -.... ..... ---DI ---WI ... I~ I fflM. -111/il"~ ...... I "'I ..,.'I ... H:1 i:~ U.ID fflM. ....... I I '11 It: ,...,, ....... ,. ,, ,t:.,,. t111atJN.J .Ar~~ s~ M: 1WIIIY, .... U, 1111 N

PAGE 110

I I 1,J.,-,=r.11.---. ...... -ffll'TIII .... -:-aaD11Yaana DI CHill1ia w_,_, il J:i I ii i'.d fflAL ... "" fflM .r.l o.H ,n lfATllnCI ,_ ... Tall --._'II I lliif'Y.ML!lllf.r., :T,'tm. ~I iii; ;;;i 1,J.,-,11.m.-- DlaNIJI N ffll'TIII .... Taa DI IY -MIi DI _,_ RI-,_,_ I -;l'J I ~-1 ... H:1 JH ". -1 ~11 :rdl .. fflAL H:. TUIIDAY. IIICDa M, 1 100 .. 1. TUIIDAY, --M, ,. 101 O,u, 1};1e. o:'aM.JP.r st~t~ It~ "~ 4 .. d 'l .IC,

PAGE 111

, .... ,., ...... II ...... --fflAL -H~i ti ... 17.N ...... a .. ..... I I I 1 11,r,na,=ra-- ...... .,.. .... .... ., ... .. DI ... .. WI_,_, fflAL I 111 .irdl ... 17.N ,..., I t'.ll rdl .. ... ,o fflAL n ,er.a& fi,a;c,; ,'.J;t.'! f,(l(' /f dt ,~or,~, s,.._ J,rR.. W.:a TUIDY, --M, 1111 IN

PAGE 112

----.. hw11.m.--- ........ ..,. .... 1': TUIIDAY, --U, ,. ICM T&I DI M.IIIMII DI ..... H,,.,, I,~,;, WI_,_, fflM. ve
PAGE 113

I I l,i.,-v11.n.--- DIANIII N l'lll'nll .... .. ...,1 11 ...,MIi --= fil ii ma 1111 17.IO -li11Jil .. ma .r.r, a~I 1.r.a& ITATIITICI NI I__,. TU 1 ...... 1111 !ftrir,=ra- DIANIII l'lll'nll .... Taa D1 IY IM. 1 D1 IM.1-ma WI_,_, -i1 I ii I .:-.: -1 fil Ill ~:: ma ITATIITICI .. 1-aY T-.a 1---ca,,scsm o. 1 ...... Ota II CHI .,.~ffifflti I:, .. I: = I 1':a TUIIDAY, llll:llalll M, 1 1CII ma 1UIIDAY, --M, 1-107 //t.)

PAGE 114

--I I I lr,.,-,:.,a-- 1, ....... IYll'TIII .... r-.aDt ITl9D1-D1 !RI-111_ ,_, fflM. -11 iii . .. -1 HJ .. J:M U.IO fflM. a a.I ,er.-' ITATifflCI Ml ..,_, Taa 11---CIIIIPICl8ff n,ou ,IJ!fflt1 l.l ; ; __ ,.ft li!I -.... --lr,.,-,:ra- 1, ....... IYll'TIII .... T&I DI IT 11111\1-DI 11111\1111_,_, fflM. -r111 ,. I ,. fd 17.IO ., ....... Bl I Jii I .. tl.10 fflM. .r.u o.lT ,er.-' ITATIITICI Mt I-IMY T&D 111---O.ffl .. I PllllaO.IDI 0.0 111\1 C.,,ICIM 1" 11 Ill IIATII CHI n 0, I liil . ~-rlJBLt 0.1 0, I lTA L lt:GI 1\IIIDAY, ---U, ,. !GI lt:GI TUIIIMY, --U, ,. ,. /'/ I

PAGE 115

I I TMLI D1 Ir -MIi Dt ... wa I ...... ffllL -,,1 ,_ 17.N ..... ,11 .. ... 11 I !tfirvma--.-o, ................ J TIILI D1 IY 1111'\'1-Dt ""'' .. WI .... ,,.., ffllL I ~1 "I ,. l:ff J~d 17.N I r.: ,. I .. H:I Ia '2.10 ffllL .r.u ,.I ,cr.o& ffATIITICI NI a-.Y T&a &111-.. I ...... ,. C191'1Clarr 1: lllfll CNI o. Lil#n~i = I li~I ,. I f1D t1 -..,;

PAGE 116

--.--lffia,-.=ra-- ...... ffll'TW .... 1': 'nlllDAY, DICIIIIIII M, ,. 11Z Tai.DI IYllll;l'Ma DI .,. ru~71'11,~ I ...., ,.....,, TITM. -11i jril 1111 .5~ n. ....., 111 J:i -4.11 fflM. n ,.11 ,afta& ITATIITICI llllt ... T-.. 11---Iii .. IIIIIIIIIIO ..... Iii CIWmM '!:fl!ffl I: I ll!I :UH I I .......... -. I k,-.=ra-- ..... SYll'TIIII .... 1': ,,...,, --M, Ill J Tai DI IY a:111 DI DIDII .. f,rr "'-,~ fflM. t / I 1~ I I ,. 6~r If n .... ...., .. o. I I ... VV'f _a,.,u--~ ,a1 -,a., ff ''I ... ,o II. I 'I. fflM. .a; di ,afta& ITATIITICI 1111t a .. T-.a an--im .. I ...... 0001 .CWl'IClllff IIAT!I CN!. a:: I 11:1111 ~a TALJ I .oaoo lTA L .0000 ; L-~

PAGE 117

I I I Tai a, 11 Ir lllllCMII 11 ffllCMII ....,,....,, fflM. -,, 1111 ~ 1f: ,..., I 11 iii .. tl.lO fflM. n ,.r.. lfin',=t&---., ,, ... n ffll'TIII..,. .. "" ",..,. DI 1MII-lfl_,_, fflM. I {di idl ,_ 17.IO I Hll J~ .. .10 fflM. .r.u o. ,I ,er.. = ,..,, --u. ltll '" = ,..,, --u. ltll '" /IY

PAGE 118

, .. r --=DI ...,,,..,,, -,, r.l u ,. ,,. ,..,, 'Ii J1il I: I I fflM. ,_ .. aa.,o 1illl .. ,,,.m .. ........ ........ 1': TUIIDAY, --U, ,. 111 /)'If,,, 1/~' t,l -r,. ,JS s~-,, JI,

PAGE 119

, .... "" _, _, II I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 I I I fflAL I II h,=r&---.. ...... -......... .... '' .... ., .... -1 n I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 I fflAL -1 ~IJIJIJIJIJIII~ I I ld I ii I id I .i'il J:i I Ji 111 ~-: TITAL o.ll ,.ff a.ft a~ft 1.U ,,, .r.M ,oft\ ITATIITICI NI a .. Tall ---]:I ... I ....... 'CIIWICIM a!tf MTII Cltl-: a,. I ....... ..,. ,...,, .... ... ... '"

PAGE 120

, .. .,,, "_, _, I I I I I I I I I I I I 7 I fflM. ,. ,i~ iii J:i id sd j d1 fflM. .1 ,.II a~I .~ a~lT 11!1 -~ ,aR ITITIIID NII .__, .. 1--........ .:;g.:.::. ... ....... I I fflM. : ,. ,t 11.I ... 1 ,.I ". ,.ft IOI~ 1':0I 'UIIDAY, --U, ,. IIO .. / .I /

PAGE 121

9':a 1UIIIIAY, .... M, Ila ID .. 11~1 11~1 ,.I ,.~ ITATIITICI ,a ... TaD RH--., ffl .. a ........ l!litllfPS' CIWICl8ff I:,,, L.IIIL'iNW MTII OIi--f::l. .. I .......... ( ,I

PAGE 122

l,i.,-w1r.11.--- ,, .. 1, ..,.. .... T .. DI IY ,UNll~:-01 ..... - 1 I .,. o~d o!il . o.a. ..... 100.00 TfflL 'ij' a.!I .. ~u . u . 1 . ff . a: .I .a I . II. I 0.11 ITAT1111C1 ,_ ...., T-.a 11---lll ... ........ as I !iCl8ff LMfllDII-... ........ I j===================--=--== ::::::::==-== .. JI 1,i.,.,ITA~. D1--11 -........ 1': TUIIMY, --U, Ila IB T ... DI If_ (l~ duf,,J,J,~ II WI_.,..::,~.,-.,-,,_,,_.,_, I ffllL m11. I (caffbla) I. T .. DI If M DI M ,I a.I a~I 111 I. I ,.I ,of'' affAL AI .... M. llall'M. Cllllffl A IMI I IPMWI C IPNYI D IMI I I -;i -r'l 11', I ti I ti /di xii .di .:I d:I : ,,: 17.IO -IJ:i ii ,ri -til L~ j Jll ,:t I I: JI J:& II.I .. U.10 fflM. // ,' t.,-" /

PAGE 123

t:a nllllAY, --U, 1-1a Ja ... II ....... U!JCIM : nae._ : ..,. ....... I lr==================================:::::::;::===========::::::1 I M:a TUIIIAY ..... U, ta 117 Cl9PICIM Iii ] ... ......... Mnl OIi-: a,. 7 ...... al

PAGE 124

~----~~~:~-. __ ____________ r1--r..e,,v l_tllAJ _ ______ IO'"Y't .. --------~---~ctt' ... ---........ y~ __________________ o o,.~~~ ---------.. .cy~---. ------------IAJ.u_-..-,1__-,P-.rr~"' __ _ _ 111cl~.

PAGE 126

r !flrl.,-.m.n.--. Dl--11 ... IYll'TIII .... ... ..._,.,.,_ .....,. ~II I -I ldlft ...., I 11 HI Iii ma lbflfflCI Ila ... , ... fflM. 1171 '1.11 ,_ .... ....... -!flrl.,-v:ff&-- Dl--11 -IYll'TIII .... ...... -"'"" ... ... -"' ,.,.. RI I I I I I I I I I I I 7 I I I I I fflAL I M111i fi J: -, nrd J]I Iii "It" I !I ,. .. I . '-' -,. ld J:I :d ,f:U J: I o. I. . ,o ... I .ff I .,., HI ii "I ... ... 0.1 "' 0.1 o. 0.1 o.u o. 1:1 d: ,I: zl: J: 11. lffl '1.17 ,_ 11.a ma .fl ,!I 1.D o.ll n!ft 0.1T o.J o.D 3M7 I.ZZ 100.00 ---~-

PAGE 127

I I I 1 J llr,.,-,:ra- DIANIII AID l'fll"TIII .... T .... .. _,. nu ....,. ITAi.i 01 11 II a1 41 II II I -o.: I 170 ii 1fd 111 Ji 11 0., -1J o.oo o. g.oo 1. 0.1 00 11 47. a. 111111811' Jj~I iii II ti Iii Iii 1~ o. 1: o. J: ... ,I: ma I II~ .f.l o. .~ '" 147 o.zf 4 . ITATifflCI 1111 a .. , ... --1 ._ 1 TNI CILLS MVI IJIIICTID Clllffl LIii 11WI I .. II -1111T au--., 19T .-, VALID tm 11--- ,.II .. 0.1 ......... C.,1Clllff 0. I o. tiiii:'i'Nlli MTII Qfl11. .. ......... IY...-MID QflIIIIMII Dl ... 1I AIII ITll'T'III .... r.lrNIYMIMI.II T&I IN-"" IT MII.IICIIA IIIIIJIT MIi.ii:! IA RI I I II II ., II AIIINI' I ,a, I 11, I 1141 iii iii !.4 r11: J:H .41 10:i 1 . 1 r1 .1 1. 7 -I ., I r-1 a I a I ta I .. :fl D:i J 11 ,U, a:o, TITAL ii ,,a .~ a~ft ,o,& ITATIITICI 1111 1--T T ... II Jll 4.1 10.01 .... -i~i I ,,.ll ,TT ~u--''ii .. '' ........ ==m c.PICIIIIT LIIILI MTII QfllllUMI 0.1 0.1 0.1 It.II DP 11 ....... 0001 ,, Jil -10~ I o. 1 o. 24.14 o.B .. .. ,_.._~ 1:SO p.,J.J. TOTAi. 1m 41. 17 ,_ 11.u ,.,..~ II II IOI 111 131 fflAL 41 I 1tra I 0 I 11 I 4 1 1371 J1 -0.4 11 Oil 0.00 o. 0.1 41.17 0.00 o. 0 II.IT 0.00 11. 11 ..... --.. ---" I i~' I o.l I 71 jfd I 1111 -1.1 1.1 nJI 8:1 JJ1 11.13 1. 41. -~ 100.00 -" 4~,: 1 11 o.z, 3147 z.:u O.OI O.M 100.00 /J ,/ (, y

PAGE 128

I I J lfr,ff'v:lf.rli- DIANIII MG l'IIPTIII .... T-.a IN-"" IT IIUIINII ... .JIY IIUNIII 11 II II ., II II ,, II II IOI Ill -i .r.,1 .:~, .1, 1 r', zo, I o.i II~ .~, oJ I o: JI:~ J., .I ft 'if o.l i.x, o.9 el. :i a: 11:a ,b, J:oo el:!. ~:D ,8:oo _____________ ,.__..., ___________________ __ dlrlld A j i ~l~lildl~I fflAL 1311 '1.17 :.,._, a!U o.B J~I ,!I! ,.!ll .~II ,.G o. 1I 1.U 17 0.11 o.ol 1of.'~ ..... ..,..,IY-11 ... -"' -11 -n 131 fflAL I Ill 1 Ill 111 171 Ill 111 IOI Ill ------------------------------I J: I i~ .t:i 11 I id I .ri I id I il I rd I id I J' I .:":: I ii I JI I rj I J:I I J:I I ii I rd I J:! I id I J:d I id I ,. II.II 0.11 o.l o. 1I 0.11 1 o. o.zl I o. o.ol 0.11 ,er.~ / /)S

PAGE 129

I I I J .. .._,.., ca,, _.,.., caM ,.,.. ,. I mAL -I I 'f." 1171 .fd I .I ff:i "" ....., a I ,. ,. 11.a ti: TITM. ,.I n ,n ITATlll'ICI NI a-,ay T-.a Iii M.I .. I fllllllal.0001 CIIIIPICI_, II OIi ftu 1: o. II: I: I li:111 .OIIIIO OIIIIO ... II' ... J'IY IY TIMM INJIY T8111' WI IYII ,. I mM. I : I ii I I~ I lffl "~., .,.11 .. a ., ....., : I ii I 111 ,_ 11.a TITAL -1:1 I: 1. Ill' 1 '9111-o.1111 flROlaOE.I' I 1 : 1 4

PAGE 130

I '~ I lr,rvm.m.-- ..... -l'fll'TIII .... ....... _,." MJ:111.1' _..,. MJ:111." IYII 11 I ffll&. ...., 1 -11~ 1171 Iii 1. !:it '1.11 ,. 11 ....., I 11~ I 1m -11] ,' u' .... :ff :II m-. a~ff a 1a ITATJITICI ,a 1--Y T-.a 11--ti ... I ....... 0111 .CIIWICIN o. MTII CNI I: I! I -~I ~-~l lfifl'ym.m.-- ...... l'ftPTW .... T&I SINI_NY ... 1, ... ..,. ... ,. RI IYII ,. I fflAL I r I .. I !"' I ll70 o. 11 =' 41.CII 0 ... .,:! 71.00 -1 -'I '-'I .. J:D 1:1 .... TOTAL o.J n ,a

PAGE 131

I I I J 1r,.,. arli- Dl .. 11 N IYIPTIII 111US ...... -"' " --"' ..... ,, .1 11 ZI II 41 11 fflAL .za, -II ,--,m '& o., ,. o. 21. I.I ITAfffflCI NII z--y ... au--=.-.,, CGIPl'ICIIIIT uaia.""NID 111n1 an .... ~fl'v:ff.rJi-- Dl--11 N ffll'TIII 111U1 T&l 111' INJ'IY IY HUIIII SNJl'f HUIIII WI I 1 I Z I I I I I I AIIINf I :1 iii alll ra1 Al ff 1 -,!11 I J:D .I .H Z.14 0.1 1. l'IIISINT I "'I .,., I .,, I ... I I u:a a~d 10.ii J' ''F, ff J 1 U:i .. .40 1 fflAL J!lt sl~ "~n .. ~-s~ft ITATIITICI 11111 Z--Y ... au---111:1 DI'-4 ....-0.0001 8':l.L;'lf caa,,1c1a,r o. o. LIIILI ltATID CHI.,_ Ml. Ill' 4 ....-0. 0001 "" fflAL ,m 41.11 .. .... ,a 14:Gl 'IUIIDAY, 1111:Daa 14, I-131 V~"" f rel&,,+-14:Gl 1UIIDAY, --14, 1-131

PAGE 132

I I l,i.,-.=ra- ........... ffll'TIII .... T&I -,.NY 11'1 .... ,, --"' .... .. WI I 21 31 0 llfd -ra 1~j -o., --i 'I o. I: z :I ' a. -, 0 rdl J:il ii 'a ,J: II r' .,, t:J IO .. IIJI o. I: II fflAL ,m ...,, J:il .... : .r.l 11!ff .. a ,~I ,,a ,.I ,or.I ITATIITICI Ml 14T T&II Cl9P!Clarr : 11--1 .......... !i-'Jl' 11n1 an... ..: a,. ....... TMLI _,.., IT IIICa'TIO ... _,.., IE8'T20 ITATIITI~ ,_ z_.., T&D an---'JII 1111 ....... IC.II CIIPPICIIIIT : LllllLm' IIATII CNIIIUMI : 1111 I 111111-o.ODOI ":OI TUIIIMT, --M, ,. "' I ') Ci" / ,~ /

PAGE 133

I l,i.,-.-.n.--- Dl--11 N flWJTa .... ... ....,.., .... ....,.., ---ti":, II II II ., ""' I J'.i Xi Ji .rf .:~ I ti! .ril ii J:il iii-~ TIT& I I I I .r.11 .~ .!I ,!I ,.I ,cl'' Iii lm ............ c:anaa,r :11 am1or : .,. ,...._.., 1: 1'111DH, .... M, 1 IU lr==========================::d ._,.,ITA-- Dl--11 N ..,_ .... .... ..._,., ... ,. I INJIY _.,. -,_, mli -1-11 I a11,:-:: I ii I al I ~'.: ITAT1IT1CI NI .... Taa a--1ll ... I ...... a1 fJra!rl'~;.-:ul = I m Dl\j TIit At> I I A ) '. / ~('

PAGE 134

. ,,__ ._...,_ I I h.m.n.--., ...... -l'fll'TII .... ... ...,.., " ...,.., .,,._ --~--a,_;_ I_ -111t11~ -1 II Iii-~ ffl& .r.u .. .n '"'"" .. ..., ft&II liii;i1 IE; ........ 1 llil .... h.1L11.--., ...... -l'fll'TII ... ... ...,.., ~-..._,., M:111111 . WI_,_, ..... -liJ'.i~ -Iii Iii-~ fflM. I.I a.D -,I.I mrma ..... ,, .. /j/

PAGE 135

h.-.n.---......... """" ... M:~ ,_..,, --M. 1111 .. ,.. ....,., ..... ,qJ,c. -i'' .,J, ...,. .... WI_..... -t'i ri 1,:'.:: ,_ Iii iii-~ ma .l.'I ,~ .n lftiiiiiU .. ...., ,-.. 9ii;-d1 ll .. ...... -It 111~1 I I I h.-.n.-- IUNIII llll'TIII WI M:a ,_..,, --M, 1111 M7 ... ....,.," ... ,. ....,., --Ill AJr,Jy"~ WI_,_, ..... I I I ii I .:'.:: -1ldliil-~ ma .. ,er.' ITITllnCI .. ...., ,_. Iii ... .. I ....... I ~ It -,: tl I I I~):~

PAGE 136

I I h.11.m.41111111 ........ -'"""' .... T-.. ....,..,...,. ..... ... . a,_,_, -ffllL ti Ii 1171 .,.1, l.ilii ... ffllL n d~ ..n lllntfflaNIZ...,.Tl&II .41111111 l.l .. I ...... OID1 E.i'm I: ~ hvlLIL--- IIYIIII ..,... ... ,aa INJIY #Ulm INJIY #Ulta ,ri_,_, ffllL I H11.fil ,.,. .,.17 I 11 I o!d I ... .a : J:M fflaL .r.r. o.l 1'-a& lr&Tllm:I ..... , ... ---11 .. I ...... 0117 llcaPICIM MTII OIi = li~I Ll#TIJBL1 lTA L ----1: TUIIDAY, --M, ,_ .. t: TUIIDAY, --M, tal Mt /_2.3

PAGE 137

hw11&-- .... d -IWl'TIII .... tt:.,.., ...... u. 1 IIO ?-.. ............ p,.t, t"'~~ ..._.. ..... --ffl& -1r.: .. I 1171 R:! 11 .17 ,_. 111 ... ffl& .. ,. ,!II ..,... ffATIITICI .. a... n&II a--ti ... I ...... 1'11 ~-:lrtl1 r: 1 m!I I I .. I l,i.,-.=.n.---. llaNIII -IWl'TIII .... 1: ,..,, -u. 1111 Ill T&I.IN-"'IYa.111 /t,JirA.u-JiC ... ..,., .... RI-,_, ffl& I ii 111 1171 "" ll'llllalT 111 Iii 1 11.a ffl& .. 1.11 I.,... ITATllnCl .. ....,T .. a--ll ... I ....... 1 E~.I = I . I I :Ii lTA L. /~$/

PAGE 138

I I J .. INJIY IY CMa:la -.,.y cac111 ft_,_, did -1;, ti lfATIITICI ,_ 14Y T-.a fflAL 1ffl ,1.17 1tll II.A 1 ...... oaf 1,i.,.,=a--i, D._.... ..,_ .... .. IIIIIJIY D111fflB INJIY DIIIIT1B WI_,_, fflAL I iii 111 tffl t. 17 llllll8ff 111 jl ,. II.A fflAL ... a:i, ,.r.a& lfATIITICI ,_ 14Y T-.a an--lil .. t ....... .ca,,ac1llff MTII CHI Pllll-o.0001 ~-tM~fltl Pllll-o. 0001 Pllll-o. 0000 Pllll-o.0000 1,:a TUIIDIY. --M, 1 IA

PAGE 139

hv1L11a--- ...... -lftl'TW .... 1': TUIDY, .... M, 1 1M ,.,. DIIJIY &ar:Tta ..._,. &ICl'ta --fflAL -11.i 1171 41.17 Iii tdl .. ma 1 ...... GIIT I .. I lr,.,-,11.11.--- DIANIII N IYIPTIII ... 'I J T&I INJIY Ir lll&Y1a INJIY lfflLY1a 1': TUIDV, --M, 1 -IIY!'o/rc.,.;CJ ,11_ ,_, fflAL I 11 I ii I 1171 41.17 ll'llll8IT I 11 I iii I 1 II.II fflAL .I~ -~ 1ar.'o& ITATIITICI Nit a .. TaD a--.. 1 ....... DID -0 Cll'l'IClllff o. "'"' Qfl o 1.1#MftL1 1. 1 = 1 ==. 1. 1 Pllll-o:1 lTA L ....... 1 /5 ?,

PAGE 140

---,--p -.. --. ""--k --r------------=;::;;=:=:~~~;;.;:;:.;:;.;.;.:~ I i I lr,11.:ffA---. ....... ffll'Tal .... .... ....,. ...... .....,.., ..... ,. --n 1~, ., ., ffllL 1171 .,. ,. u.a m& ,m 117_ 1117 ,oo; ITAntra:I ..... TaD lii.:11!=lit ... : ........ a = li-:.i' TA L) 1 TA L) T-.a INJIY IY 1-.1a .. .,.., ..... ,. Ill ... ,,_, I 111 iii 1111118ft' I ,.ii I I J: ffl& J~ .~1 ITAntrlCI .. z .. TaD ~---.. ....,., CIIPPICIINI' IJY\,AL'ffl MTII CNllf Jr..,,, 1,.1#,IJ TAfL> Z-TA LI ffllL 1171 ." -u.a ,.r.. 1:1 .. I: 1. Ill' 1 ....... 1 ... 111 1 1 : 1 1: TUIIDAY, .... U, 117 11,ti"''~

PAGE 141

I I k,-vl!A--- ................. ... ....,. .... 1. _,. ... 1. w_,_, I ii ilii ITATIITICI NI ... TMLII .. --"' Pl'fflt18 ... .,.., ,..,,.1. Bl-,_, I til tdl lllll8ff I ti I Lr:i I fflM. ,m .11 1 A.II fflM. ,m ''" ,. A.A fflM. n ,.~ 1cl."o& ITATlfflCI 1111 a--, T&II 11---''I o CIIWIClllff o. MTII I f: L*:dif:ffltl 1. ........ 1 .. 1 .....a.oaz = ii!I I t:a 1UlaAT, IIICMa U, ,. IA /{Mt,f,u t:Cll 1UlaAT, --U, ,_ 111

PAGE 142

I la Jl',:IA--.. ...... -IYIPTIII .... Taa l8IIJI\' IT..,,. _.,. ..,,. w_,_, ti'li' -i,i Ii fflM. 1171 "" 1 II.II fflM. .r.1 111 ., I. 1 100:00 ITATIITICI NI l4Y TaD :, ---j I lri.,-,=rg--.. ...... ..,,. .... :1 J raa ... -"' 11M1D1a INJIY 'MIIDIB Ill ... ,,_, fflM. I !l~l I ., I 1171 B" JI "" ,. -1 "1 I~I 1 1:1 II.II ,. fflM. .n .~11 1.1.'al ITATIITICI NI l4Y TaD RH---1:1 .. 1 .....a.1oa m:;r cai,1c1llff I'll IATII CHIR L == 1 PROM.JI ..,, ~-tffl TlfLl 1 llllltllaO. 1 1 lTA L =:11 1:CII TUIDY, DICDIII U, ,. 1IO 1e,,,a1or, IJi/,t,,, -

PAGE 143

111,J.,-.-.a.~. ........ ffll'TIII .... It: 'l'UIIIIIY, 1111:11a111 M, 1 112 .... ....,..,... /r*"','t.,.,s ..._,., ,-1a --fflAL -Iii 11 1171 <11.17 -, Ii a -11.a TIT& .r.11 11,T ,I."~ ITAT1ITICI NI I-IIIY Tall ----pn .. 1 ...... ,111 taPIClllff Mffl :Ii I: 1 11:'ff IJl#lffllLJ 1 :!1 TAIL I I I lri.1',=r&--. ..:... -..,. .... tt: 'l'UIIIIIY, IIICIIMII M, 1-IA J Tai ... JIY Ir YAIID1B l/aJotft'1111s IN.NY YMm18 WI .. ,,_ I fflAL I "i I 111 IDI f.. ~: "1.17 -1 -1 i~1 Id .... fflAL .r.u 11~ 11."~ ITATIITICI NI I--Y TaD au---lffl .. 1 ...... 0001 .CNPl'IClllff :ffi MTIO CIII = 1 E.0001 ~-~~fflfflL1 .11 1 .0001 lTA L IIIIIM:= / y(

PAGE 144

I I I T&aDIIJIYIY-18 ._.,. .... ,.-. II _,,,....., fflM. -ili d11 ,m ti.,, ......, ji iii ,_ 11.U fflM. .~1 .r.~ ,cl.'9' ITAnsncl NI a-.Y Tall a--11 .. .-":1-11 = . :,: tr o.ft .ra ul.l ITAnma NI ... Tall an--11:.111{ica,,1c11NT lil!f,, U'!I CN!n JT"NiiI 3M TA L! TA L -1:1 .. I:. i=: t: TUIIDAY, --It, 1 1 .. 1 ....... ,.,. li~I 1: 1'111DAY, --U, ,. 1a /_9'1

PAGE 145

I I 17~ -19:i J:n l:1 ti.II fflM. .~r. a ,n ITATllnCI NI a .. T&II 11---II; I ,_..,ODIi 11u-n, an 1 li~I ,IJ!fflt1 T-.& INJIY IY ..... INJI\' IICll-'~~'~-1.1....;..._.1'111;;__..1;;_~1 m~ I f I Ii I tll .:-: -, '.iili~,-~ mM. ,,a J~I ,cl.I ti .. : ...... ., . I: I= =:sm i.: ,...,, .... 2', ,. ,. 1: TUIIDlY, ...... 2', I-117

PAGE 146

I .. I ... _.,..,..,_ ..._,.., fflAL ___ .:_ IYII ,. I fflAL I "i I 1i lffl J: !: .,.11 : 1 Ji ,.I 11MI n ,. 11.17 ,n ,_ ... ., .. 3Ma .... 100.00 -0. o. o. ""'90. ... ,.1 .. ,. .. 1 1. .. I Nv,J, ,,,1, t: 'IUIIDIY, --M, ,_ ,. /y_5

PAGE 147

I I h.11.m.- ...... -..,..,. ... ... ..._,., --.._.., ..... II ,,. ,. I m& - ii I ,,, ,. ,a 11 Ii Ii ., .. ., ffl& lflillif ... 14'T-.. ..... ,., .. I ...... 1111 llli.i-il1 ~: s: 1 11:1 ri.~ .m.--......... ... INJIY "wn.,aa DIIJIY wn.all fflM. .. n ,a .1:TWIIIY ...... M, -170 U: 1UIIIAY, ..... M, -171

PAGE 148

I f I 1,i.,..ILII. ............ -l'MTIII .... ... ....,..,.,. .... ..._,.., NDIII -,. ,. -I ~r1 ti ma ITITIITICI NI ...., .. m11. ,.,. ... ,a ,_ .. ., I lil ; ... INJIY ...... _..,.., ..... '~~'~--I~_,_-=-~'=--!' mM. -1 lrjldll:~ I f I J'.i I ii ~'.: ,.I .r.11 ,I.I . ....... It: 1111DY, --M, ,. 171 It: TUIDY, --M, ,. 171

PAGE 149

h.J1A41111111 ........ IM'l'III .... u: nlllllY, --M, 1111 17' I ...... 1111 I )F"!'.=======~===================I I h.:tA--......... IM'l'III .... T&I _,.., -..._,. ....... WI .. ,. ..... I I 11, I !ffl ,. : J:U 1:1 .... ......, 1 A I ., I ,,, I ... i j!i 1:1 . fflM. ./_c>y ..

PAGE 150

Tai.__,.. p -~al DIIJIY -w ~-------.l'fll__,_.1;;... ..... I TIT& ffllL 1: o. .. ... I ...... &Ml ,., .. t = I I I~. .. --. I h,=ra--- ....... ..,,. .... T&I IN,sT Ir UI.Calll INJIT IIL&:all ____ ,m~_.,;;;.......,.t ma I 11 j:i I Hli I .:-: -1 :1.rUI iii-~ ma ., ti~ ,cl.I ,.a, ITITIITICI ,_ ... T-.a a--1:1 .. I ...... 7111 -C9'fflo. MTII OIi o. 0.1 = I ...... Hi Ll#rBJ~f!aL1 o.ow IE I-TAIL : ,' J

PAGE 151

I I I .. -N ii -1 .. Jri . ffllL ... ....,. .,.. .....,. ....,.. 0 I I la 1m ,.t ., .. 17 .10 .,1-~ na la 11 -, fflM. I ,r: I .,n I -~ I .,.:.1 -,a, I ,.,. I:! ii::! li J:it J:fl .,.n I 11 l l I ,. I 111 ~, I ,a I .. I ... H:B D:1 J::d J:it JH . fflM. J~ .~ .!II ,. .~, ~. ITATIITICI NI a-., flail =--M.ffl ... ....... 0.101 t&m==... g.100 m M ... ....... 1: ""91Y, .... M, 1 171 w: ,_.,, --M, 1111 171 "u,.,J.r oj~J "(Jilt, If\

PAGE 152

I 1!1...-N OIi-- 01--11 N _.,.,. .... m;r,.,, ..... Tai _,.., IY -11.117 .. _,.., LDT w 11 II fflM. 1,,. . .~ ITAfffflCI ,_ ... T ... ~--- .,, caiPIClllff L11&iNW n an ... 41 ,,a II II 71 1 '.I 7 311 I 1.. .. it 4.30 1. 1 l.. 11:I 1t:ti ..... ......... t ......... Qt 1.' 11., U: t --I J WI .1 I I .II II II I 1 -1.4 I 1 . I ltil I I I "1 I "' I : o:U ~:i J:I J:n f u fllllllNT I l~I 1dl "I ,. II. 41. ... I J:i! ifdl fal ,..,. .. 11!11 ,o,t DI 7.14 II~ -~ ITATIITICI ,_ ... T&D RH._. .,..m .. I ....... Ollt o. =-,1.r ca,,1c11Nr 0.41 o ... LIULI y MTIO CNI701.111 1111 I ..a-cl.0001 II -,o. l I o,u l:,o 10, I o.i I. o.lT 14:Cll tUIIDAY, Z4, 11IO II fflM. ~o/JtAf 1371 ""d 0. 41.17 o II I 1 .f~ 11.11 ,.I ,of'' 14:CII 1UIIDAY, DICIIIIII 14, ,_ 111 fflM. lffl 41.11 1111 11.11 1n

PAGE 153

I I I J f!L...-N CNI~ DIMlalll N SYIPTal .... mrm...... ... .....,.., .. .... IINIJl'I IATI-" 11 II II 11 ma _____ ...., ________ ts :ra ri 11 I .:~ ........ 1-~11 1-~1 I 1 ~1 r:31-~ ,l. u I U:B il:I ... 11 -ma a!I .:. u1' 11. 1.H 1.r.~ ITATllrlCI ,_ 1-'aY .... ~--'"ffl ... ....... o. 1 ca,,1c1M o.,,. 0.11 1.1111. Mffl OIi--, .. ... ,.... __ ------Clll--ll'DI ... IINIYll'Ta .... a-,, ....... .. IN_NT IT -... .,.. -WI 11 II II ., II 11 ma I 1:1 I ti I 1!i I ti I 1~ I ri I 1ffl .1, .,. ... .1 ,.... 11. I "I ,nl Z11d II0.7 1. 'I I ,. u. .0 11, I ln 11:I lfi I 'Ii I 117 I a I: !d ,_ II.IS ma "' ,a.u .. "' a~lt 3M7 11.'7 100.0D ITAfffflCI ,_ 14T .... a:1-P.'itll' =~::.. '111:1 o. 1 0. 1137. a,. I Pllll-0.0001 1': TUIIMY, --U, 1-11S

PAGE 154

I Tai ar -.NY IY IA11m1 ....,. IA1Mll1 I 1 I II I I I I I fflAL 1 71 ,I.:' 1IO 71 ai 1m ,1.1 '7.1 J:i 1.i a d: ,1.11 I: 10. IO ....., I --d 1--ri I --!'.'l IIN I 1--11 id 1 J.I 11: .... . 11. ... ma .. a.D 11!1 ,,t ., 11.u JT. 1n ITATIITICINI ... YT-.a a--. ..?>-1 .... a,. ....a.a, ~c:a,itlCIN o:. 1 Lll&MTII CNI-nJ: a,. ....a.a, -T*I ar SN.NY IY TIILITU SN-"' TIILITII RI II It SI 11 11 m I ii I Ii I Ji I Ari I ri I "Ii 1 ri I .:-:: -1111 rdl Jil a11111 tal rli .. ma n!ll 10,& a.I 11~ 10~ 1,. ",t 1af'~ STATIITICI ,_ a .. T-.a a--=-~ CIUll'ICIN LIIILINIID IIATII CNIIQUMII 1111:m 0. o. n 11Dt. 1 DI' a,. I ......0. OODI 1':CII lUUDAY, ._ Zt, 1 1M 1,:CII TUIDY, --Zt, 1 1 / "') ,/

PAGE 155

I II 1 J ...... ..,.., ..... ... .,. --., n II II II ti 11 ITATifflCI ,_ 1--Y T ... 11111--~ca,tClllfl' 11111:ffl o . ,, II .z, o., 1 tiiE'iNW MTII CNI--11.a:,,, a,. I Pllll-0. 111111 !l,r, 01 ... 1, .,..,. .... T&I IM,JIIY IY IMLM IN,JIIY -...a. RI 1 I I I I I I I I TITAL I ~ I 'i I .. I I ,1 I lffl rn r, 11 Jla J1! 11 ...... I 1 ,.. I .D, I I I ,, I ,_ -.1 I -1. o. fu ~:tt a:ro J:d J:U II.a .. fflAL J,t 11,B J,t o.~ o.l ,r.' 1aag . DP o:! t ""'90.111111 11.I: DP 111111-o.lllllt TITAL lffl tl.17 lt:GI lUIIIMY, 111C11a11 U, 1 1 lt:GI lUIIIMY, --U, 1 117 {Jn,J t:vJ,.lt t:l~ t(f""'!f &>oJ;/' -; (~ -----------------------~--..J

PAGE 156

I J I .... MD CNI- Dl--11 MD IYll'Ta .... fflii'N1 vaaa fflAL '" ... ITATlfflCI Ml I ... Y TMLII ,!I 0 -o., 0.00 0.00 o.oo 1 O.CIII --= ftlll 1 M CILLI Nlft IIIICTID CIIIIII LIii TNIIN I. T&l 11 --TMIT CNI..,_ aYNIT M-i YALID TUT. an---.. "'1:1 .. ......... CNl'PICIIIIT O. tiiiri ... MTII CNI-.I: 1 .. I ...... Gall k,-.=r.ri.-- Dl--11 ...,_ .... T,a,t .... ,.Pl\' IT IN..'IY WIiia 1171 '1.17 ,. 11.a ~I n 11 fflAL 0 1 I 21 I I I I I --------------------I .l~ I 11 I S I 1:i I tft I Ti I rd I .:-:: ....., I rd 1 .. ra I 1,~a I "~ I 1 ~ I J. ;a I g~d I 1.11 au, l.11 it:iJ .I 100.00 fflAL 1 ITATlfflCI Ml z .. y TMLII ... 11.2' ..,: O. GI --= ftlll za M CILLI 111ft UICT'ID CIIIIII LIii TMIN I. TMLI II U -MT CNI.,._ aY NIT M i YALID TUT. li:fIIIIMI Zlll:I' Ill' ,_.._aao, e::.L.N9PSY COllll'ICIINf O. 1.1mi;.. MTII CNI.... .,,a: Ill' I ....... aao, ,. 11.11 1': CII 1UIIDAY, IIICllalll 2', ,. 1':CII 'IUIIDAY, .... z,, ,. ,.

PAGE 157

I I .. I 1 J Ta& mr IN.J'IY IT 19TIVUT IN-"" IIIT1U7 .1 11 ffllL. : 111' lfATlfflCI NII 2--Y T-.a an---=my CIIPPICIINT Lll&I MTII CHI21 711 2UI "' 11.11 1111.111 DI' o.,.o 0.1ft 21d:iii DI' a, I II II fflAL 1171 "' 12.IO 1ffl .... I ....0.0001 I ....0.0001 "" 1 .... 2.I ,a ~:f'v:T.rliSIIUMI mr DUNIII N SYll'Ta .... Ta& SZNI.J'IY IY ..... SN,.m ..... II~ 11 21 31 ., II II fflAL AIIINT I 'a, I 1 ... 11 ... I o~J I 13'1 ,~-~-1 -~!JI .. :~ JI 0.2, JI .11 0,11 0.1 0.00 zz. ... 0.00 l'IIISINT I iilil iii I l!d I 1, I o~,1 I 1 1.1 hi .I: I J:i o.zo 11.a "' 100.00 TITIL. .. I0.'1 21' 1.I .. o.l 3M7 1.M 0.11 100.00 ITATIITICI NI 2--Y T-.a au-111. 'ti DI' I ...-0.0001 0.1 =,"l'l' CIIPPIClaff 0.1 7 I' LIIILI IIATII CHI-1 .CMI DI' I ~.0001 1':111 TUIIDAY, DICaaa z,. ,. 190 1':111 TUIIDAY, DICaaa H, 1 111 /S I /

PAGE 158

..... I I I J ----.. .. . l,i.,-.:.,a- DIANIII MG SYIPTOII IIIU'S ...... .,.., .... _,. II II II II II 41 II II 71 _____________ ..., _____ ..., ________ ,._ ___ -ii '" Ji I ., I u .. ~H ~i Zl.2 IOJ ,. Y:fi 0. H:" ll: ... 1.14 ,,. Z0.1 11.21 llllllaff l"fttil iii ldl iii NT I "i Id I. ... n. m& J~I: ., 10.41 .,i 'G I. .. ~= 't' . 1 ITATIITICI ,_ 1 .. T-.a 11111--"'I .... I ...... OID1 o. =-,,r Clllll'IClllff o. V 11': Lll&I IIATII CMI--.... ""9a0.0ID1 !frJ:f'v:Taili--W Dl--11 MG S'fll'Ta .... ....... .,..,.~ ... ......, .-...a iii j , ,.I 0 -o., -0.4 o.,, 0.00 J:U 8:88 ou'l I o.l I o. 0.1 o. o. 11.11 IOD. ,. 0.14 I O.GI WI ,, ., ., II II ,, II ""' I i1 I ri I ti I Jj I 1 j I :1:, I ii I J'~ I .:a: ------------------.. -----1t1i1n111i1i1J1~1= ,l.'J .~ ,~ 1.I a.I ,.I z.ff o.18 ,or'' ITAnfflCI ,_ 1 .. TMLII au--.. .,., CIIPl'ICIINT Lll&iHW IIATII CHI-ZIT.. ci,. o o. o. 211. DI' 1 .....a.ODDI 14:0Z TUIIDAY, DICDall 24, ,. IIZ fflAL 1371 41.11 ,. II.A 14:0Z TUIIDAY, DICllallt U, ,. Ill

PAGE 159

I I-I 1,:.,-,=r.n.-- Dl--11 N fflPTIII .... T&I _,..,IT ~I _,.., ~, ft DI 11 ZI 31 ., II D II ,!~ Iii .. .... ri .... 7 O.DD ., i:li 1 ll ,DD u. ...., l,jjltilJd iii iii "" I r 17 a TITAL 1~ n .~. ,,t 1ZZ1 ... 11.17 .... ITAnfflCI NI Z--Y T&D au--, ..... DPI ...... DODI =-.,, ca,,1c11NT Llmua MTII CHI-TMLI SN-"" IT lllalMZ .. _,.., ....,.a o. o. ,,d: ... fflAL 1371 .,.11 ,. II.II ,er.' m ~.I 11 ZI 31 I II II fflAL ---------------------I rl ti I ttt I Ji I 1i I Ti I ti I .:n.: -------------------1 ltil till .111111 .tdl J:~I ~a:: -------------------fflAL 21.1 111 ,, .. -~ STATIITICI llat z--y T&D 211-CllfflNm CIIPl'ICIINT awa v LIIILI IIATIO CNI.,_ .... a,. o. o ,a: .~. 10 3MI 0.30 100.00 I f'llllaO.OODI I llllaaO. 0001 t:Gl TUIIDAY, DICllallt fa ,. .. ~~OY JeP1"'1 11\ ~,,-r, -I / '? J:_-

PAGE 160

I I I !frJ~1'v=r.r1.--- D1--11 MD S'flPTIII .... Tai fl ... .J'IY IY IIIPMMI _,_ ...a IYII ,. I fflAL .. I Ii 1r.1 lffl ,. ,. 1 H:d '1.11 u:lil ~I 0 ti1 ull .... 11 fflM. ,!I .. ~. ,cl.I 1Tanmca ,. a .. ,_. --l:in .. 1 1111111-o.a:11 .Cl9PICl81T 11 MTII CNI :m I: 1 IUI! I.If ftt1 o. 1 Tai ... .J'IY NILLIICU .. ..,. RI ----1'111 ,. I fflAL ...... I :I ril II lffl '1.11 IIIIIIINT ~1 T.11 ,. : r --tt .... : ,1:I U:., ma&. .~ J~ft 1.r.l ITATlfflCI ,_ a .. T&D au--"ffl 0,. 1 PINaat.0001 -0. 31 =\1 Cl9PICl81T 0.1 1 11' 101 I I UTII CNI :It s:: I .....-0.0001 ~-r1J!fflt1 1 ,....C,.0001 ,....C,.0000 .....-0.0000 14:0I TUIIDAY, --14, 1 117 /') ) /

PAGE 161

I ... .....,.., ........ ....,. ,..... ITATllflCI NI a-., Taa 1141111111 -1 .. ........ I filf I: l 11:1 1':.,..., ........ ,_ ,. ~ J.r======================::::::! M: 11111AY, .... M, 1111 111 I ..... .,. -... -"' ..... WI., .. ,. -I ltil fil .:a: : :ii IA: 11. llllllaff I I ti 1ai I ,. .u n.

PAGE 162

----hw11.n.---....... -..,,. .... 1': TUIIDAY, ..... U, t zoo ... --"'., ..... _.,. ..... l)r,lusi-OlU Ill ITII ,. I ffllL I i 11 ,m ... : J: .,. ,, rt Ji 111 - ffllL .~ .. ,n ITITIITICI NI l41Y .. 11---11: I ...... Ila --~-'!:,'.I : li~i I I l,i.,-,11.n.---....... -..,,. .... t: 1UIIDAY, .... U. ,. ZOI T&I -JIY IT ........ !/tJdli7 --"' ........ WI ITII ,. I ffllL -, '.I .ril till 1171 .,. -1 f I Ii I ii I .. .... ffllL .,i J~ ,cl.I ITITtlTICI NI 141Y .. --1:1 ; ........ El c:aPICI TII CNIR : li~I .,,. A LI A L ;-:f

PAGE 163

I ,.....DIIJ!lr ....... -Jll'f --'~~' __ I ___ __ ;;_...;l.,;;;;:.....~I ffl1L I ii ti I .~: I 11 Iii tll -~ : 11.81 n .r.1 U: TIIIIIAY, --U, Ila -1-r============:::;========~ 1': ,...,, --u .... -I J h.mA--- UNIII -......... ... ....,.., .... .. ....,.., ... .. WI .. ,,_ 1 mM. I Iii iii.:~ ,.. I Iii di-~ ma a---,.I .. ~ =n ,z: = D"U,11 L) IL) I ....... 1 I li.CIIOI I .IODI .OIOO .OIOO \ / ./' .' / r-'-

PAGE 164

I f ) r-.a--"'" .... DIIJI' .... WI_,_, TIT& I I '"' Tj .,.n II. I iii SI 1111 11.11 lfATllnCINI ... YT-.. ----Cl8ll'ICIN 1:1 .. ....... nq o. y ... ... .. Ii:!!!!, IIIIICl'0 TA L) M. .. 1 iiiii I-TA L) ... lr~,=.n.--- DUNIIS N SftllTal .... T*I l8IIJ'IY IY DIINI ... _,.., ....... I Iii ril TIT& ,m .,. n ,. II.II ....... I flllll-o.CIOOI I =-CIOOI .OIIOD ...... OIIOD 14: TUIIDIY, --Z4, -ZCM 14:. TUIIDIY,-=-U, -a / / I \.f

PAGE 165

h.lLII.-- ....... ....... 14: 1UIIDAT, IIICIIIIIII M, 1 -Tai .._,..,tr Ult tJ"Jafs ....,.., UI.Wll ft!_,_, fflM. I Ill 'J 1171 i:11 17 -1t11f.dl ,_ u.11 ffllL .n ... ,.r.. ITITIITICI ,_ ... Taa ---.. I ....... o ~o. tfflLt 0. ,. = I liil ,. I I-TA L I .... I l,i.,-.=.m.--....... -.......... 14: 1UIIDAT, --M, 1111 l07 J Tai DIIJ'l'I 1Y ll'f'IWll ~,-1lr>r1J ... ..,.., ..,.,. WI ... ,,..., fflM. I !" I 1'1 lffl = O.IO .,. ,, ":I .ta -1 T.'I "I B:i jfj ,_ 11.a fflM. n di ,of'" ITATIIMCI ,_ ... Taa =---LI .. ,.... __ -o.o llc:a,tCI 0.0 MTII QII o. 1-1#,llnLl 0. I = ....... o. =:am lTA L ..... .all I {cl

PAGE 166

I I ] lfrr,rJ1a- ....... S'flPTIII .... Tai _,.., If PIIN1* ..._,.., ....... --ti iii I Iii Iii fflaL lfATISTICI NI .,_, Taa fflaL "" 1111 .a !lsr,:,a,m.11.--- DUNIJi N S'flPTIII .... T&I IN.AT If _,._ ... .,.., .. WI .. ,,.., fflaL ,a. .,. I Ir.: 1-l1~ I 1171 11.71 iO 11. 71 lfATIITICI NI .,_, Taa ~---a,., ... o. y _...Clllff 0. IJ!l'r! ., :l!'cr.!R Ii:,.. I!! J'iia IIICT TUT (tTA Ll aB -(lTA L) I ...... at M: TUIDY, .... U, 1 -/{_. 3

PAGE 167

I I I J .. . 11"..rJILII.-- .... -fflPTII .... ~~Ot~'" Tai ....,." ..... .....,. ..... RI_,_, ffllL -ti 1171 j '1.17 ,. ...., -11 ti 1111 II.A ffllL ?fl 11,S ,.,.~ lf&TIITICI NI 141T T&D J:I .. ....... .,. : = i 11=, Lil# tl ' .ODDO .ODDO .. 11-Ja,-,ILII.---........ -l'fll'TIII .... ~;7?1,~~-T&I INJl'f IY ITtll14IA ... .,. ITUl'I-WI_,_, ffllL I ti I :rd I ,m t." -1-til Ill ,_ 11.a ffllL a ... "~ ,.,.' ITATimCI NI 14T T&D 1111-,-a .. '....-0 . Cl9PICIN : 11-,~11 :d:" .. I 11:=~ .. I Lil# ,IJ TA LJ .ODDO TAIL .ODDO /'t:/

PAGE 168

I I J h.lLII.-- Dl--11 N IYIPTIII .... ... ....,.., ... ,. .._,. alNHIA .... ,,...,, -1111 ,..., Iii 11 ma ITITIITICI ,_ 141T ... ma lffl "" 1111 li.rI l1 ; ; m; l,i.,-,=r.n.- Dl--11 N SYIPTIII .... ...... JIY .... ... ... .,.., au, WI_,_, ma I ~, I ., I lffl R:i -11.0 1. 70 .,.,1 .... a&.17 -l{dlidl ma J~ff ,~D ,er.a& ITATlfflCI NI a .. T-.. i=1--l:lft .. 1 ...... 0171 -ca,,1c111ff 0.CMI Ml= MTIIQl!R ,.CMI :ffl i=: E:s:ff !:!YI ~-,IJ TA LJ .0191 lTA L lllllla0.01

PAGE 169

I I I J 1,i.,-.-a11a-- ........... ... ....,.., .. ....,., .. ,. __ I Ii I Iii Iii ffl& ITATIITa NII 14' ... ma 1171 "" 1111 11.11 111---'lI .. IJ..i:iii., I: I: TA L) k'1',=.m.-- .. ffll'TIII .... Tai DIIJIT IY _,,._ ... .,.., _,, .. WI_,_, I ldl ~11 ..... I .irJ I fZJ I il:ft 1f:u fflM. 1171 ... ,. II.II fflM. .. '!It 111 u., ,,.a ,ao.oo ITATllnCI 1111 a-.v TA&II 211-=1CIIPl'ICI..,. td!l'r! IIATII '!R ,r.:, IJ!#,ffl TA LI lTA L ,.1 .. o. o. o. ' I!! ,. l I ...... ,. Plllll-0.1117 =.,,., ,.,, .11:11 1': TUIDY, --M, ,_ Ii.JI I / t /:.:

PAGE 170

I L I J ~,.,.,=ra-- D1--11 IYIPTIII .... T ... _..,. ... ,. _..,. .. ,. ft_,_, --j~ t!i ft:D a&:11 -111 Jlil fflM. fflAL 1171 .,. ,, ,_ 11.a I,_.. __ =-.ODIi =::= ~,.v:T&--- D1--11 IYIPTIII .... T&I "' ... _,. IY -I~ ... ..,. .. ,. -.::... HI_,_, I ii Iii -1 II ril fflAL 1171 .,. ,, ,_ II.A fflM. a ,,, u., I.IO IDO.DD aranmca ,. a .. T&D an--!1 .. II CIIPl'ICIINT o: IIAT!D CM!ffffl fl: I == l l.:tl TilJ TAIL! lTAIL =.OODI .OODI .....-0. ODOD lllllllaO.ODOD 1:GI TUIIDAY, IIICllalll U, ,_ l11 1:CII TUIIDAY, --U, ,_ 217 .. I ) ...

PAGE 171

I I I ... _.. ., ....,. ..... -,_, 1fflL I I Iii.~ -II -~ I.I ,.I ,af' T-.a IN..'IY IT iaM. '* ... ..,. ... 14 .. WI...., I,._, I fflM. ...., I !MI ,, I lffl '! 1.1' ,1.11 ll:.a J:D .....,. _____ 1~11;,.;..ra;;..1 ... l _.;;.;r~~;..1 ~'.: fflM. 31ft 71 3M7 "" z.u 100.00 ITAnsnca ,. Z..Y T&D GI~~ CIIIIPICIIIIT 1:1 .. IJ!II,' ""!' CN!R : = JT"INiii lxl# TIJ TA L) lTA L) 14: TUIIDAY, DICIIIIIII U, ,. ZII }ftOL jr~ : 11:1n ... ... 14: TUIIDAY, IIICllalll U, 1 111 //~

PAGE 172

I I 1,i.,..:Lrli- DUNIII N .,.,_ .... Taa. _ft_ p. ,.., ....,., ,..,..r-'"--I Ii 11 ... I II Ill mAL in a .... ITATIITICI Nit 1--Y T*8 a--.cail'ICJM MTII CHI L.11,IJRLJ TA L fflAL 1171 .,_,, 1 II.A ,er.a& ti I: fflAL 1171 .,, 17 1 11.a fflAL ZGa 1111 3M7 to.a a.17 100~00 ITATIITICI Nit a .. T*8 .... = an---a,,.I .... 1:.111 c:m,,1c1an IJ!I\,! y IIAT!l~!n ~! == ,r..:, IJ!\' T6t ( TA L! (lTA L I Pllll-o.OD11 -~ I ~.0001 E.0001 .0001 .ODOO .ODOO 1:CII TUIIDAY, --U, 1 ZII c: /, (.

PAGE 173

I I I J hdff&-- ..... -lftPYIII .... ... ..._,.._ .. ....,. .. I Iii -1 Ii iii TITM. tlll 11.11 lri~.=.n.--- Dl~II N lftPYIII .... ...... .,.. .... ... -"" .... ,. WI. .. ,,..., -Itil:t:il -1tila1l fflM. ITATifflCI NII 1--Y T-.a fflM. lffl ,. II.II an--'"' ... ~1 ll == Jr' lxl# TilJ TA L) lTA L) / 7 -,

PAGE 174

I I I lt,i.,-,=ra- Ol ... 11 N l'fll'TIIII .... ,_. _,. aa _,. ~,..; .. .... -11 _fj ....., al o. ,I: I fflM. .r.l o.U Tal ... JIYIY_I_ .. .,. -. WI .. ,,.., fflM. 1171 .,.17 1111 11.11 ,er.-' I nl I Ji I .:~ -1111 Jil ,. II.II fflM. .l~I .,1 ,er.-' ITATIITICI NI a .. TaD RH--1:1 ~1~Claff IIATII CNI L ~-aM~ffiffltl .. 1 ...... -i=: I li~I I I//

PAGE 175

I I I J l,J.,-.-.m.--- 1, ...... hlPTa .... .... _.,.," ... .. DII..N' ... ,. _,,...,, fflAL -R~SI Iii I ,m .,.11 -111 i1I ,_ 11.a fflM. n ,~Y ,.,.. ITAfffflCI ,_ a .. TaD 11--0,111 .. ........ ...U:lllff l~til Mffl OIi = ilili LI# tlJ~l k,-,:na-- o, ...... hlPTa .... T*1 .. .,., IY ... .. .. -"' ... .. WI_,_, Mlllff I .~ I 0~11 ft: ff ,0:: 00 -1,111 rdi fflAL fflAL ,m .,.11 ,. 11.a , 7 I ,-.1_ I I 1

PAGE 176

I I 1,i.,. . A---.. Dl .. 11 .. .,..,. .... .... _.,.., ___ I_ --"" M.1111-,_,""' -ff1 J~ 1171 .17 I !f' I JI l:d J:u 1 .... fflAL n o.ll cl:' I 00 ITATIITICI NI a-,ay Taa .... I m'11 I ~'111!1.11'.r.:D :.rlo'tm. ti;;;; lfir.:ra-.. o ....... ffll'TIII .... T-.& .. _,.., IY SIIUI-SN-"' IINill-WI_ ,_, ,.. .. ...., I 'I ,~ii .:~ J:ii ..... -----llllllllff I 'r.' I I~ I l:ff J1u ,. II.II fflAL 11.a 2M IM7 It 1. 100.00 ITATIITICI NI z.,., Taa an--- 1, CIIPPICIINI' IJY\! IIATIO CNIH Ji..:, ~-,ffi I-TA Ll Z.TA L 'm -0 o. o. 1. DI' I. 00 DP 9':Cll 'IUIIDAY, --U, 1-UI

PAGE 177

""""~-- ouaam ffll'T'III .... M:a 1UlalY, --U. ta DO 1'l&I ....,., "..., .. f'Jti! i,.rtto--...,.., .., ... _,.......,, ffl'IL I Ri I lil 1171 ,, -1.11til 1111 m-. .r.R .~. ~" fflTIITICI NI 1-aY T&II a---m .. .CIZIIICIM I: l nq o. t ,. = El LI# t 1.1 ,. 1-t I. I I !:-J..,.w:r.n.--- DuaaaJI ftlll'TIII .... "= ,..,, .... u. n, J T&aDIIJIYIYJRwa ... -"" IRt >,Joh I~ FluiJs WI .. ,...,, TffM. I R~i I .,.~ I ,m Ji "" ~I '~'I ~1 id :tfi ... 11.a m-. .r1 .~ ,er.~ ITATIITICI NI a--, T&D RH--'1:1 .. ........ -ClalnCIM o. -MTIICMI. ff: I = I ==!!YI lalltlJt' 1.1 .ODDI ...... ODDO lTA L ...... ODDO -) -~

PAGE 178

.. -----11-r..r,=r.n.--- DUNIII Sftl'TIII .... 1': 'l'UIDY, DEE R U, 1-m Tal.iNJ'ITIY ... MII fl,1J., .....,.., ...... WI_,_, I fflM. Iii "fdl 1ffl '1.17 -Ia11i1 ,.. .. A.II I fflM. n LI """ ITATIITICI .. ..,_, T-.a ----,: .. I ...... -1 Ein1 JJI = I . OGM I .IOII ... ... I I -.. -. 1---.. I l,J.,-,:TA--- D .... 11 .. S'lll'TIII .... u:a ,...,, -=-u. 1 m J ... IIIIIJIY "lllffl. ,_ p,~,.Q f.J.i1 SNJ'SY 1111\.t--1 n..., ,...,.., TIT& I 'MI I I lffl -t.1 M:I 0. 11 IT d .. n -1 )I 11 ,. 1 O.IJ II.II I. "" fflM. n o.ft IMT 100.00 STATIITICI .. Z..Y T-.a =--a,. I ,-.0.0MI o cawRI o. IIATII Otlm 0. a,. I Nll-0.ffll ~-~TAILI 3. a,. I 1111111-o. 11'1111-o. I lTAILI ,--0.0. // ,: 1

PAGE 179

I I -I J ... ....,.,.,_ .. ..._,. _._ ._, mAL -, .~ 1171 "" . ff .,., ....., I ,111 1111 mAL ,.,... ,er' .... Da_NY .,.,,. INJIY ..,,.. WI_,,_, I RII -0, I tt . ,s .....,. I 1Td I J~il I mAL .r.u ,.ff t:a TUIIDIY, .... M, 1111 at ,.:a TUIIDIY, .... M, 1 DI ma&. ,m U.17 ,_ 11.a 1.r.~ ..... o. o. o. l:01~ = l I ,_.._n,o

PAGE 180

I J lfasr..l',mA---_, Dl--11 .. S'fll'TIII .... .. .,....,. ..... _.,.., sr1 lM 1--' "D 0 ft: I: fflAL 1171 "" ,. II.A ........ ii ... ... .0000 .0000 k,-,:r.n.--- Dl .... l .. S'fll'TIII .... .. ., ... _,.., ... ,. ... .,.., IIKNI-fflM. ITAnsm:I NI a--Y T-.U fflAL 1171 '1.17 ... II.A 11---!1 ... =.-.r Cllllm:lllff o: IJY\,iNND IIATIO Oil= i =="1lr,u:!#~-(1-TAIL) : (ZTAIL) 1 ...... 0001 .. (j),,~r-7-.-.A~ ..., I

PAGE 181

I I l 1 ll'i.,-.:L&L---., ..... -l'flPTa .... .. ...,.., TIICMII ...._,.., TIICMII ff _,_,ma -1~~ ~j n.l al.ff ,m tt.n 1111 M.11 TITAL n ,.,... ITATllnCI ,_ 14Y Taa --= fll.'111 ~rla!llir.ff'ml r. rao'tm. T-.a INJIY IY TWIii-... _..., ,..., .. WI .. ,,..., I '" I J1dl ., .. ., ....... I all o~ii I o.u TIT& .r.-.1 o. ,I TITAL ,m .,.,1 ,_ 11.a ,r.. 0.11.! DPe 0.001 0.007 0.007 ...... ..,, O.IM I 0.001 _.I H: nDIY, IIIC8aat U, ,. DI

PAGE 182

I I I J lr,.,a,::r.rii-- Dl--11 MIi IYll'TIII aul ,.,. aa..m .cwa 1:C111UIDY, --Z, 1-MO _,., aic1 ,_, '"'" 1ffl '1.17 -li!iliil ... .... fflAL .. ~. 7 ~ 1~' ITATIITICI NI a-.lY T&D 11-- C191'1Clllff Mfll CHI Llhilf .L> 11:1:1 .. 1111111-o ... lr,.,-,:r.rli- Dl--11 MIi l'M'TIII ...S Tai SNJSY IT AlllllkT INJIY AtlllSM7 WI ., 11 ZI 31 I II II 71 II ma&. --------------------.... I .11 I I tM 21. I 1' 1-,..111_ I ff' ~: I _, I Z '' I _,, I ll?fl ,z_iJI .fr, ,&:H ~}1 Y:ll 11 ta. 31.IZ 11.3 3'.il :11.U .. I '1' I. ,. U.11 -------------~-------. IIIIISIN1' I ; 1 ,!JI .ri I :111 ti I -ti I I~ I J'i I ii I ~':: .. ma ,.I .~U ,z?t ,l!D ,.~I ,~I ,.I zJI ITATIITICI NI z--y T-.a 11--r~ CIIPl'lClllff i'.iiiuMND IIATII CHISGUAIII Ml:I DI' 0. :sJ: 0 DI' 7 11111111-o.OOOI 7 lllla-o.0001 / -' (,

PAGE 183

I I I I II: T&I ~,IIY IT ... ... ..,.., ... 1':0I TUlaMY, DICDIIII 2, ,_ HZ l~ftfs .. I I 2 I 31 I I I I I 7 I I I fflAL --------------------------I ~a ,~:. ~a 1-c~ I :,~ I r~ g~d r~ J .a J.I J. H.,, It.Ii 11. ll I0.00 31.1 NIIM I r I =~ii I ril I t~ I 11, 1-,~; I -r~ I rJ I I 11.ll ... 1 .... J::I d:11 ,,.B to.I ai . fflAL o.ft ITATtfflCI 11111 z .. T&II a:1--CllmNm' cai,JCIINT ~ y Lll&I IIATII CNllaMIII ~. di 31: ... 0. 0. 311. .. 7 1111111-o.0001 !Im:,MIi.iii..,. DIANIII MIi IYll'Tml .... Wl1N ltA YMI TAILI aNl,IIY IT,_.., SZNOftY 11110C$17 ., I I I MUNT I 11 i~I -,mar I 11 Od I g:, ., ... 2 I 3 I ., I o~i I I. 11 I. J" .,.so .31 I ., 1.10 .. u.n I I I I 7 I ''i I -,a~ I 11~ 1 I I. I I. 3'.H z. . 13 10. o. TITAL ,m '1.10 ---------------21 I -2.a 0. I. 10 12.IO .. I o.U I. ... II I 2. 10 J:ll _,,'.11 l, I a, I 1903 J:H J:! ltl II.IO -----------------------fflAL o.ll ITATIITICI Ila z.,., TAIL.IS au--CONTIN,lf caPl'ICIINT CIIMa' y LIIILI IIATIO CHI_,.. .a 1.2' Z.01 Ill' 0. 0. d:011 Ill' 3~ft ,.t ,. m, m, I. 11 71 100.00 I ...-0.0001 I ~.0001 ,m ti. II 1117 11.ll 3M' 100.00 / (_

PAGE 184

.... ----------.. k,-.::ra- DIANIII AID SYll'TW alU'S Tai IN.PIT IY MMN7 .. _,. _.r ... t I Z I 31 I II II 71 Ji!:~ I _,., l4il I ,~ -13 n 11:U J: ll:ll H:i fflM. o.B ,,. a.a sranmcs ,.. a .. ,aa a--CIIPl'IClllff ,:,a .. o. ,., "' Z0.71 ito a . ti'ia"ua MTII CNIo. '" ..... I ""'90.0001 11.T. MIi CMMIIUMII DI .... IS AID l'ftl'T'III .... WITN ltll YMlall.D Tai DII.PIY IY Cll'la'T .. DIIJ'IY Clffll'T .. ''' .... ==1 n .I 11 ZI 31 I II II 71 TITAL -----------------------I : I .J:d I lj I lil I ti I .i:d I [rt I ,. I J~& ------------------------......,. I 1 0 I -0 I z.o 0.00 0.00 0.00 ma o.u STATIITICI NI z--y T&II Jd I J~ I Iii I Ji I !ii I J~ii I so~: ., '" 11.I 1.D ,.ff .,,i -~ 100~ -: JZZfl I: M'lL~g1SfJI"~ r. ~o1taT. tfSIIUAIII ,:.a11J Ill' I l'lllle0.0001 =..~ CllmlCIINT g: ff LIIILIIIIII) IIATI0 CMIDIMI 17.011 Ill' I flllGle0.0001

PAGE 185

I I I : J .... --"' ...,,. .. ....,. ...,, .. n 31 I II fflM. 11 II -1 ti n:ilJ:i ird iii -1 71 Iii Iii til l~I tdl TITIL 11.I ITATIITICI NI 1-aY T-.a 11---11:.1.: -Ptelllff y MTII OIi-r-.. saa..m 1Nll'TIO SN.II\' I"""' 10.ft 11 II~ M 7.'7 '" .. ....... 0001 .. ....... 0001 !r~ I 1 I Z I 3 I I mAL I 171 a'.i I uii I a~i I J~i I ~: I 1 I 1z, I 11 1 :11 311 111 HiH I til j~g ..... mM. .a~ u'.ff u'.I ,.ft 100~ ITATIITICI NI 1--Y T&D 11-- ..,., Clllll'ICIIIIT Ll&ILiHND RATIO OIIIIIIMI 7.ffll .. 3 111111-o.o. 107 0.107 0.107 7.311 DI' 3 IIWll-0.0IM 311 .,.eo 117 I0.,0 1 It: TUIIDAY, DEBIIII" U, 1111 ZO _.,.___ / I

PAGE 186

I 1 I i T&I .. .,..,IT PIIIIIIIII ... .,. ,111111111 -;,,..e...-. ,., ., 11 ZI a, ., II II 71 ,. .... J:U -1 -di aiil di Iii JII JI Ml i:ii 117 Ill II.II M.11 '" 11.11 ITATifflCI Nit a .. T-.. "I a,. o. o. af: CII a,. . u . ft . ft = I ""'90. 0001 I ""'90. 0001 .... !lar. MIi CNI-IIIIMI DIAalllll MIi hW'TIII .... '111N ,.,-,., .... T&a ... _,..,ITU --.. .,.., 1111 WI..,. ,..,. I All8ff I i3 I ., I . I -~!JI ... ii I rd 1~il I Ii I -Sil I o. J J:ff J it z.a o.ll ,,. ..71 ,,. 71.1 I. ......, I iii I ,,1 I 7 I Jil Iii I 131 I ,i, I ,a, I ti -u 0 'i '31 8:H J I 4. 0., 7. : al: I 1 a. 10. ... fflAL di .~I a.I s~i (CINTllla) 'I' I. I .,, .~-M I.GI T&I .. _,..,IT 1111 INJIY 1111 Bl COL 18TAL A I IDTAL II imn'AL CIMI A IMS I IPN'tl C IMS D ll'HYS I I All8ff I iill Tjl u~I .. , .. I .. I -~~JI 1'' ,zti "'JI -11~ ... I. I . o. .03 s. ff.,, I "~ I. r-07 10.17 I. U. . 7 .17 I .ril ,i:i I ... I .. I .. I "~ I ,~ I "1 I j~n -J~s t. 1'. I Jff 'Ii 3.CM ... z ,a J.oa fl. fflAL s~I 7,. s~ft a,& IOI ,.,, ZDI ,.ff I.DI 1.11 It II 101 fflAL o'.dl l~ 30I j I. ... 71 l. 1. o. 100. .. .. o~J I o~J I -o.: I SIi 11.ZI 0.00 0.00 d:I o.a 0.00 o. ,.J ,.J I IZl 0.11 100.00 1':0I TUIIDAY, OICllaa z,, 1 UI ~U6 Gass,fruJ~ fflAL lffl 41. 17 ,. 11.a ,of'' TOTAL lffl "" 1111 11.a IM7 100.00

PAGE 187

I I I J l!I...AIII N CNI-- D1 ... 11 N SYll'TIII aus r.r;., .... ... TMU ... _NY IY MILU ANl,ISY ... ___ ,__1 __ 1_1 __ _1 __ ,_, __ ,_, __ ,_1 __ ,_, __ ,_1 __ ,0_1 m~ --I id I J~i I id 1 iii 1 :ri 1-:r~ I -ril I rl I .:~ -------------------------I ta I J:i I l~ I ti I lf g I ai I sd I .J:d I lff o.J ,~' TIT~ 111 .~g 11~ u, 11~ ... M. . 0, .... ITATIITICI NI 1--Y T-.a a:1---,oaz:m .. 7 Mlll-0.00DI =-,,z Clllll'ICIINI' 0.41 y ,.J:m LlllLI IIATII CNIIGUMI .. 7 .....a.OODI 1:GI 1UIIDAY, DIC8IIII M, 1 211 ,,.. / l' ,/ -/

PAGE 190

I I llri.,-.:r.n.---........ -l'fll'TIII .... ... _-"' "-....,. WI 1,111--1 d:1 i:1 lllllalT I I -tt:1 I .,.. .... : i:I d:t ... ., m-. a,11 ,r.11 ,n : ,_..,. --U. ,. IA .. ---I========================== I ... --"' MIii M: ,_.,, --U, ,. al RI,, II II., II I I 7 I I I I I fflAL fflM. a ,!I LI ,.ll .,,a . t . J o.a ,.H ,.r.. aranana .. 141, ,-.. _, ftla'II I 11.111Lnl.!lml'.r..l WI.-.. . rl!?iMtf' caPIClllff I.' a--.. :m ........... t1iltiNW n oe,.... .t: ... a ........ / (' ) /,,,. .. /

PAGE 191

] .... I ........ ., Cl9l'ICIM .I n or,. : a,. 1 ........ I I -I 1,i.,.v=.11.-- Dl--11 .. l'fll'TIII .... ,_. IN.NY fflAL ,. ,,a ,,a .~1 ID,. .~ o.B 1.l't .. ,__ o.a o.d ,of'~

PAGE 192

I l,i.,-.:rA--"o, ..... ......... .. ., ..._,., ... ,. _,.., -11 m-. 'II I r.l ,caw ... a. o. .a. .~ 11!ll .1: ,.G .I ,.I ,.it ,.ol ,er-' .. ., _,.., -_..,., -11 WI 111 111 ,., "' 111 ,., a, a, ma ,.ol ,.at o.l o. ,I ,.al .I ,. ,.J ,.al ,.ol ,. ,I ,er-' 1========================~ I l,i.,-.:r.n.--. o, ..... '""'9 .... ITAfllTICI Nit a .. T&a -1 .. : IWIII a 1MI CILLI NAWI IJNCTID CUITI LID nM I. T&I II U -TMAT OII-IIIIMI _.., NIT --A YAL.10 TUT. a:i---a":I .. II ........ 1:.1.N9Pe' C9P1CIN J LIIIL.i..a. MTII CNIIIIMIII : DI' 11 ....... 0001 = ,..., ..... u. -.,

PAGE 193

I I I Taa ..._,.,, caaw l8IIJlr caaw II ,. I fflM. .. 11 Iii ti .. .... m-. ,.I .r.11 ,.fl ITAnsncl NI ... , .. k,-Yll.n.---., ........ l'fW'T'III .... T&I INJff IYTan .. .,.., TallU RI, .. ,.,_ I '. I Ji I im I -I 11J:ili1il ,., ... .... ,.U .r.ff ,cl.I ITATJlrlCI NI ... Taa 11--Ecai,ac1N nt CNI .,..-Rtr 1': TUIIMY, .... M, Ila -(~ ~I) / (: '\ I / I ...

PAGE 194

-. -h,=r.n.---., ..... 11 -fflllT'III .... ..,. ......... u. -, .. ., -.,n ., ........ A/a,I,,,{ .....,. ........ 111 1111 ,. I fflAL I q J'.i .n, 1117 1:11 ...., I I ... a n1NI .. J ..... . TlhL .~ a ,a lfATllrtCI ..... , .. ----1:1 ; ,,.... __ .. ~-~qLl : llii a L I I l,i.,-,=r.n.---a, .... 11 N l'flflTIII .... 1: TWIDIY, .... U, Ila ., ....... .,., .... lfJ,er .. ..,.., .. fJr"I Bl IYII ,. I fflAL I ; I tti I 111 I ,..,, I 'I ""I ... i .i:d H~ff .... fflAL o.J I.I ,a ITATIITICI NI a .. T&D __ ftlalft I n.&N.111!1.Tif.fflt lil'f ~D1taf. Iii 111 I CIM'ICIN Mfll I ~-:if:ffltl : I: 111~1 // r; I ( /1

PAGE 195

.,..ILll.411a ......... -l'flllTIII .... t. TUIIOAY, --M, 1111 m ... _.,., ..... ., ....,. ,... ., w I II II II 11 mo. I uldl i1 I "ii :ri I -ri I ~':: I lJ!i I 11 r1 I ii 1 f d I ~-:: NT-. .. ,. .t.11 11,a I~ .11 1.r.l ffllTIITICI NI ... , .. --. '"m ... ........ ram=:. J~m ............ I lr======================d .. ,..ILII.--.. ....,. -......... ... _.,., ... ,, I ... .,., .... .. .,I n I II II It I llfflM. I I I :M I -'' I I I ,. : n:d a:tt :1:d IH Tu -1 lr11 ltil iii Iii iii~~; m-. ,.-,. alI "1! .~I a~ff ul.:I ITATIITICI NI ... T-.a a--Jm a,. ......... lim"' =:::_ :TIT a,. ,...._., u: ,...,, .... u. ,. !fe,t,i,.., /[) J ___ I ._

PAGE 196

I I I J ..... ,.," .... '' INJIY liJlllalll ., n ,I 01 II ZI II I II II fflAL _____ ...., _____ ._._.,._ _., __ ,.__ _____ __ ri 1 rl -~!J ,b, l:U J:U I tdl tu "iii Iii r I 0~J 1 ~J I 11f J I ,~: 1 ia I 'fa I ,ol.l I.I .e ... ; I.ft M.r. ri.H ,.al a 11!fl ,.a .~1 ,,a ,.a ,.n 1Tan1T1C1 ,.. a .. ,_. an--m' C1911'1Claff LIi& y MTII CNI--------.. -"1:1 ... .Hi ... I ...... 0001 ........ la-Jft',=r.ri.-- ,1 .... 11 MIi ffll'TIIII .... -"= 1UIIDAY, --2', ,_ ..... ..,., "..-no f4cet.t,,,;~ "" .. ..,., .a,TIO Bl ~c ,~ .1 II ll II ., II II fflAL I I fi I i!tt I .. I I I -r~1 ... -o., -11., ., ... 0.,1 o. ,z o. ,I .:IT 11.IZ J'' lM 0' 1. l ''" ....,, I nsl "I ''I "I ,f;f I "' I "'' -117. I. o SI : :l:li H:I J:I J:I r,, 31 "ft a.ft fflAL .... a.\~ o.l ,,a .~u ,n ITATlfflCI ,a z.,., TMLII RH---,,:ill .,. I Plllla0. 0001 ~CIIPFIClllff y IIATI0 CNI ..... ml: Ill' I Plllla0.0001 I (., -; / / _'-> --

PAGE 197

I I I lfiff',:TA ..... ..... l'fll'TIII .... T&I.INJIYIYDll:lma IN.IIY DIClaD 11 II II ,, -tt1 IO 1' -~ii -,~, -nl ... 1. 1.i o.u J:I J: J:I J" -1111:ilJi ,., .,I ,i:ft fflM. I.I 1~lf "' ,.z a!I 1.1 ITAT11T1CI ,_ 1 ... T&D TITAL 1 1.-1 11.'' a--'l:ffl .. ....... cm, ~ca,tClalll J' LIIIL.I y Mnl CNI. 1'1 a,. ...... cm, !l,J.,-,=talli-- ,, ... 11 -l'flPTIII .... T&I ... _,.., IT MUIIIB .. ..,.., --1 ~1 n Mllllff IPllll8ff I fflAL ...., 1-11 l~dl .... "" ,..,, I ir1 1-,,&, I 1'11 ff 7.11 u . : 7 1::1 fflAL ,r.g ,er.oh 1,:aa TUIIDAY, OICllaa U, ,_ -/)twJ,lJ 1,:aa TUIIDAY. --M, 1 217 /c';/ / 1 /

PAGE 198

I T&I IN.NT IY &ITIB DIIJtY m 111~--:::, -na fflaL .r.u 1111 ITATIITICI .. Mm ... ---Mffl OIi -~-l.lf~!ffltl fflM. ,_ MIi .a.a ,.P.'ai 1:1 o. ti: .. 1 ....... ,1 = :-~ lria,-.:r.m.--.. 01...;.., N..,.. .... T&I INJIY IY M:11118 SNJIT acua,a WI_,_, I 11 I J:i I -1~1 ffl 1~i iH fflAL .P.JI i.D ITATlfflCI NI t-aY T&II -a--MTII OIi II CIUIPIClllff Lil#-riJ'll1L1 U:J:ILI fflM. ,., .a.a ,.,..' . 1: o. I. 1 a,. 1 ...... 1111 1. -----------. H: TUIIDAY, --M, 1 -

PAGE 199

.lllill!JILll.4111111 ........ l'flPTIII .... 14: .... ,. M, ... ffl .. ..... naa--"'"...,.,a _.,.., ..... WI_,_, ma&. I Iii ti - .... I ti I .ti I MIi .... TITM. .. ,~ .n mnsra ,. ...., ,.,. 11411111 ti .. ....... -Eii11 I: l ilil I I -. I l,i.,-.=.n.---........ -.....,. .... M:.,_,, .......... ffl ..... .,..," .... ... .,., .... WI_,_, fflM. I L'I iii 1111191T 111 Iii .... .... m-. .. .~ .r.-. ITATffllCI ,_ 141T T-.a a--1:1 .. ,... __ ll{;cam:1 '!{llt~ I: I I '} / -~1 f

PAGE 200

ll,ma,1t,n,41a ...... ..,... ... = ,...,, ......... m ... ....,., .... ...,., ... ----ti ii'.:: I I.ii -~ ___ .. ...,Tl&II I ...... 1111 I I ha.m. ................... ... .. ....,.., #Ulla M:.,...., .......... ffl ....,., #Ul1a ------1,,liil-~ I t:1 I Ii I ~:: ffllL 11 ... I ...... -~ii-II-... I 11 AL) ... I .I AL) : I c, _, I /

PAGE 201

h,11&..- 11 1 11 ...,. ... ..,.,_.,, ......... ff Tl&I ...,. ... ...,. .. WI __ ,_ a iii-: I ii .t11-~ ,.,.. ..... L'II .I.I ..., ,.....,naa &;..I 11 ; ; mi I li=================================================::::d hJI.IL411a It I 1111 ..,_ WI fl&I ...,. ..... Mia-,, W II, ,a Ill' I ..._,.. -WI __ ,_ I ti I .ri I .-: -1 s11 :rll .. m-. .L'I e.'I ..r.l ITlfllnCII .. ..., .. &:,ca 1 .. I ....... 1 iiBl't.f.~!!11 t' It I Iii

PAGE 202

I I h..,.,, ..... II 9s I Ill..,._ ... Tl&I.,...,.. Cllll1a ...,. --ffl-~, ti iii.-: I II iiJ::: ... .n a ..n ____ ...,,.. h ....................... TIIU a, ...,. --....,. ------I Ii I ii I .-: I II iii .. TIii&. .. .:,t ..n ........... ,... Es-al iW .. ......... It 111~1 ... M:a ---... tlll 111 .. ,. ___ .. -lff /t ,~ ti

PAGE 203

I IP&,,ll,l'L._ ra .. ..,. ... ..... ....,. .... ....,. ..... ft! __ ,_ I II di:: I II tdl.::: --.n .... .n ...... ...,_,. M:. laalT, --k .... nl fr/f,,,/y~s ir========================================d I 11,ma..,.,,.-r N I I I ........ ,.. ....,.. ... na ...,. llll&Y-WI __ -I ti r 1.i I -~ I ii til .. ...... ...,,.. &;... 11--I ......... : s: : Iii w: ,_., -II. -DI

PAGE 204

t: nllllAY, .... U, ,. 110 Tai _.,., ...... ...,. ...... WI_,_, fflM. -ti j 1111 ._, I 1:111 ril I MIi .... ffllL ,m 17. ,. .., It ,.: ......... ~,-I ......... I j ----I h,=r&--........ ......... ... _.,. .... t: nllllAY, .... U, 1111 a1 ... .,. .... ,. Bl_,_,_ -111iliil ~ -IH1 tir .. fflM. ITATIITICI ,_a .. ,, ..

PAGE 205

I I I h.m&--- ....... ..,. .... ... -_,. .... ....,. ... ,. w_,_, --I ti Ii Iii m& lbTIIIICI ,_a..., .. ffllL MIi .... I l:I; ;;i Taa _,. IT l'lffll18 _.,. l'lffll1B WI ... ,,.., ffllL -111 :~I lllllaff 111 u11 .. ,a.a ffllL n 11~ ,of'~ ITATIITICI 11111 ... Tall 11---1:1 .. I ....... Otll caiPIClllff MTit CNI 1: 1 ll!H ~-.. -Bti I It: TUIIIIAY, --U, ,. m

PAGE 206

I I I T&a IN..NY Ir...,,. IN..NY _..,,. "'--t1 I ,ri fflM. ,_ .. .... fflM. I.I a~II ,.P.'' lrATIITICI ,a a-., T-.a T&I IN..NY Ir TlffllDIB IN..NY TN'IIIDIB "'-I I a!~ I H:ti J:ff -"'8INT I ., I ~i I H:ti J: fflM. .r.11 .~11 ITATIITICI ,a a .. T-.a lial----1 CIU'l'ICIINI' IJ!I\! IIATIO QII. Jraitll ~-a TA L) lTA L) fflM. ,_ "" .a.a ,er.a& -1:m, .. 0. 0. 1111: I O. Ill' I I Plllll-o.1111 i,:QI 1UIIDAY, --U, ,. m

PAGE 207

I I I l,i.,-,m.n.---e, OUNIII N .,._ .... .. .,....,.",_, ....,. ,..,. -~1-1 fflM. -{ti 11 ,_, 11 A1i .. .a.a 11TM. I.I ''" ,.P9' ITITIITICI NI I-IIIY Tall ---ti .. I ,.... 17 11u~-~:l-f!fflt1 I: li~I ltria,-,:r.m.--., 11 ... ... l'flPTIII .... .. ., ....,. ..... ... ..,., ... ,. ft_1_, I Iii d11 I Iii Iii ma&. fflM. .... .. 1':al ,,,._,, DICllallt U, ,_ Z11 M:al ,,,._,, --U, ,. ZIT J/11 It, tJ la/ dt.J

PAGE 208

I I I ... --___ .._,._, l,J.,-,IIA--- Dl .... 11 Me hll'TIII .... Tal .... ,.NYIY-ta _.,., -fll If ....,,......,, fflAL -11 111 ......, ., jl .. .a.a fflAL .~1 I.~ ,.,... ITATlfflCI ,a 1--Y T ... a--ti ci,. I ...-0.Dtt ll'fu cam:lllff ~ill.Li = ii~II I TA L ----l,J:,a,:.,.11.--- Dl .... 11 N hll'TIII .... T&l .... ,.NYIY a1Z11121 ... .,., .... RI IYII ,. I fflAL I ; 1 7 Iii _ 7 o.ti 11.IO al: 7 -1 ; I ., I !l'f I .. o~u H:" .a.,o n. fflAL o.ft .r.1 ,n sranmca ,. a .. T&D 11--1[1 ; I ...-0.0DII 111\1 CIIPPIClllff UTIO CNI 1 ... -0.00II Mi' ~-yfflRL1 I ~.OIMZ ZTAIL =:3::M "= TUIIDIY, --M, ,_ Ill

PAGE 209

I I I h,mA--- Dl--11 N..,.,. .... .. ..._,." OUl'III ..._,., DIIITII w 1,a 1 I 11r,, -1 ;1Jill1-~ -1 fllillil .. T-.a ... _,.., IY IICIUIII ... .,.., '~~'~--1~_,_YD;;_~l;:...~I ma I '. I 1i I Ii I ~'.: -1 :I iii l~l ~'.: ITAfffflCI ,a 14Y Tall au---11...,.c-IIATII OIi Lil#a1!t u:mL) 11., .. l 11. a,. I 11. DI' I ........ t: 1UIIDAY, --z,, 1--t= ,_.,, _... u. a, -~ / ,-:.;;.-C t::"'

PAGE 210

I I I .. .a .o fflM. ,.1 n ,n T-.a .... JIYIYIMJIY -.,I n IYII I 1mM. -~1 ~,.-:......~1~!" ,_ : d:D il:B . IO PIIISINT I O I 'l I 'T, I :ti B~fl .. .a .o ITA"1TICI NII 1-aT T-.ia 11---=1 cai,1c111ff IIATII CNI ~--ll!PL) 11:mL) 1:1 .. """'"-o ::o I == : E: 111111-o.d

PAGE 211

I I I fflM. .~ .. ., ,., ..... a,_.. .., = w.l .... o. o. ii: I: lllllllllaO.-1,i.,-.m.11.--- .... ..,.. .... Tai IN.NT IY wruml IN.NY wn.lDII ,..l..__..,IYll;.;.,_.;;l;_,~I fflAL I '!1-fi1 adl ,ao : ,1:. fl: .,., 0 ITATIITICI NII z .. T&II 5a1--.. .,,., Clll'PIClaff !JY',/.Lffl' IIAT!I Dt!flt Ji'Hi IJ!# TA L) lTA L) ,.,, ta.ft ul.l "I .. 1: ,,: ... 11. ... 1:a 1UIIDAY, --z. ,. 2M 1':a 1'111DAY, --U, ,. m ) / ./-/1 \/ ~;-.. (_ /

PAGE 212

~------I I I J Tai INJl'I ,aua INJl'I ,. IYII -fflM. fflAL .. .a ... i:11 ... I ....... 1 i:' I: I liii ... .a .o fflM. ~- a ,n lfATltnCI 1111 z--y T&D a---Clall'!CIINT hlf\AL'ffl IATIO CNI. JT'...IYl ~-,IM lTA L) lTA L) ... I .. -0. o. o. 1. DI' I II. I DI' I ........ .. .= TUIIDlT, --M, ,. 117

PAGE 213

I I I Tai INJIY II' CIIIIIIICII .....,., OIIIICII IV IYII ,. - "ii I q tilt fflM. 11.'I ITATIITICI,____,, ... -ar _-==--11111'1.i'!)ltfflu T&I 1NJ1Y II' DWlflllll .. _,.., DYa-ua 7'-11 I fflM. ... MIi a. ,cl.I -1 n IYII 1 I fflM. I 11 .ri I l'.i I ...... I 1 ,. I 'r.' I id ti:ri fflM. .,.. n-,a ITATIITICI ,a a-a, Taa i=---' ...... 1171 IICIIWICIM MTII CHI Ll#tWJfflfflB ti .. ,. .. ,. .. wt: TIIIIDAY, .... U, 1111 C e,,Jr,x t,..,11.1 wt: 1UIIDAY, M -M, 1111 1 ,_--;,<_/ t)

PAGE 214

I l I J ... ....,..," ...... ....,.., .,I I ~n~_..,~_..,i'fll~,_..1;.;;_,.:I mAL -71 a.It .t~ ,I.I ffATIITICI .. .,._, T ... --1:1 ... a,r~-ts: D1'Li 111T u:1:1t1 ... --"' ULc:11111 INJIY ULc:11111 __ ,_1_..,I_ ...... IYll~_..,1;;;_,_..1 mAL I :I Iii Bil~'.: ...-r I '11 !'-ti ... J!I il:ff a.,. ,.ii .. ,cl.I ----u:a ,_,, --u. t111 ...... ..,. 14:. ,...,. --u. tlll .,

PAGE 215

I -... .... 4111111 ...... ....... naa ....,.,., ....... ,....,., NI.LIii WI ,. ,. I ""' -1,.J~: !fl ;:I l:H a.a =~~~::..;~ -111.ri ,11:: ffllL ... .n ..l'I M:TaaaT .... M. ,a -,.~=====~=================================:::::! -.. .............. .... ... Mi.,_,, ....... ,a I T ... ....,.,.,...,.. ....,.., __,.. w I, I, I, II ...., I ti I ,1 I ti I :ti Ji I .:: I ti afdl iii iii .ti ::: ffla&. ITITllnCI NI ..., T-----1 ........... m.r=:. ~!' .......... tJ"*""-of~ f),,JfJ,-1 'I J //--. (

PAGE 216

I I ~----------~--------WI It II II t II It t It ..... ---------------------I iii t ii :ti lilti -xi Jj .-: -1111 Jilli iii Iii iii iii Iii .. ffllL 1,~ ... .~ ,,a .,i .,~ .. ,.I ..fl ........ 14'1Tl&II .... JII ... .......... _.m:www 8iflf IIT1I CK I I a ... ....._1111 h.:JA4111a ..... -, .. ---... ... ..._,., ,.... ....,., .... WI ., It It It t It It -I 1 d I td I .r1 I ti 1 ta I Ji I ~'.: -1 liil lil Iii ill di Jil .. ffllL : ... ,. -~ ... ..It in ....... 14'1 Tl&II &!ICi: Iii J ... .......... n cnaa : .. 1 ....... M:.Tlllll'f ..... lt, .. w: 111111'1. -M. ,_ ) I } -, )

PAGE 217

I h ...... a, a I -1 ........ .... .,..,. ..... ..,. -WI,, a a 11 .,_ I di dli.i lil Iii.:: -1ilt.a1 di di .fil.::: 11.'I .~ .. ... LR ..n ____ .,..,... Im ...... JI ............ U! p .,., II .,_ ....._ ... .. :.,-Y ........ - fJ,,., I============================================ I ----M: ...... p II. -aia-JIA~ ,11 ........ =:..,. OresJ;':? WI II a 11 a .,_ I iii di iii Bl iii Iii.:: -ltil1il xii Iii fll iii.:: ____ .,..,... Im ...... ............ mw lffllKII .. .,. I ...... 1111

PAGE 218

----I 1111 -------' I 1,i.,. .n.---......... -.,.,. .... .. _.,., Ir 1111911 ....,.., .. ,.., W1 ., 1 I I I I I I I I fflM. Ji rilti WU ii ~'.:: rd Ti Ii ti ti I a-: a.D n!I ,,t ,,~ _:,i ul.l ....... ....... l,i.,-.::r.n.---........ -IWl'TIII .... T&I -JI\' 9' 111LITII INJl'I 111&.a'TII WI II ., II II I 111 Iii iii iii til"i:ijl.-J!MI I r:) I Ii I ii I ii I ii I ti I ui l a,1_111 .. ..~,. sranmca ,. 141, ,.,.. & c:al'ICllff 'J:IY MTII OIi1 :Iii DP-........... fflM. "'' .... 1': 1UIIDIY, DIClllllt z,, ,_ -1': 1UIIDlY, --M, ,_ a

PAGE 219

I I I 11 ll al 'I II II fflAL -----------------fflAL ' I "' .. ,r.; -,J 1:ff ~:I ll:u J]I .,1 ,.~ ,m o.J .,. ,. ITATllflCI ... a .. Taa IO -ff ,,a -,; o. ,. ,.I 111---IIU ... I ...... al I: I ~ca,1c1arr LIi& y MTII CNI-,a,. ... I ...... al lriff',:ff.rJi- ouan N IYll'Ta .... TMLI IN_,.., IY IIIIILM ... .,.., -.a,e ~, n 11 fflM. I Z I I I I --------------, fdl liltiil.J'.I J:il ---I ti I ii I fi I ill I iii fflAL J!I ,,,a J,t o. ,I o.l ITATIITICI ,a l_..Y T ... .. .a . ,of'' 111---lj~fti a,. ......... ..,'ll' CNPl'ICIINI' L.1111.1 y IIATII CNII l ..... o ... , ,. ,., ,of'-' 1,:0I TUIIDAY, DBI*" :U, ,_ 110 1':CII TUIIDAY, llll:D8llt M, ,_ 111

PAGE 220

I f. J 1!1...--CIII-IIIUMII DIANIII -..,..,.. .... ;mr,.,-...... T-.a IN-'8T IY NIii-....,.., 11111 .. 01 ZI 31 -rd di iii 117 1fi 7 a 1f: ,-r ... i I ~, I ii I J 1 ,.j I o. I I: J:" o., 100.00 1. 30. mAL 11~U It~ ,!I "~" 1!1...-N CHI-- DIMIIIIII N SYll'TIII MUI ;mr;.,-...... T-.. SNft\' IY LUIGI ... .,.., ...... WI 01 I I Z I I I I IIIIIIINT I o!J I ~;I I I u;"i I [~i I 0.00 O.:M 1 .t7 M. 0.00 0.... .ZI 71. II 71 m -IZ1ff -oJ H o. 0.00 0.00 1ZOI 1 l~a 01 o. o. 100.00 I o. I I I I tJI 0.00 0.00 1,,a ,~ft ITATlfflCI ,_ z .. y T-.a --= fll.Zfl I ~,,.w~ r. m'lo'tm. 11--1111:11 DI' CIIPl'IClllff O. E' UTII QII..,_ ml: DI' I ..--0.0001 I ..--0.0001 TITAL 1 1'11 .a . 1of.'o& mAL 1 .... 1':0I TUIDY, IIICllaa H, 1-31Z ) /) .-...--/

PAGE 221

I I I J IPJ~ N.IJs ...... D1--I1 N IYIPTIII .... A VMI T-.a INJIY IY _,.Jva, _.,.., laTIWUT R ,I II -z m fd I 00 ,..I D -,,. I: fflM. II~ ITAfflTICI Mt 1--Y T-.a 11---llfPE' CIIPl'IClllff Ll&&i..l IIAffl CHI.,_ ZI II II [i ,., "' .... lf:d z.a i:11 ril 'ii P.~I -ra -u. ,. D: u.' 'll ZI. ., 11 a 11. lffl ... i:m ml:lfl ... 1!1...-N OIi-- Dl .... 11 A11t S'flPTDII .... ~,ar VMIAILII TMLI IN,.NY IY -.. .,.., ..... WI II ZI II I e1 I. J:i I .ri I --IIIIISINT 11 Z . I 81 "'I 'I E:f! J:I J:& fflAL '-'ft Z1" 1.I ITAT,fflCI I'll z--y T-.a . : I D.ti 0. .. .. I 1. ,. Z.IZ ..... .. 1.M an---CGNTINm Clll'l'ICIINT CIIAlalt' V LIIILI IIATII CHI.,_ 'l:ff~ ... o.!ft J:lol DI' II II I I d I J:U J: -~d I -~d I J o. 1 71.00 -o.l .. 0.1Z I Pllll-o.0001 I .....0. 0001 H:OZ TUIIDAY, D1C1a11 z. 11 II TDTAL -,!i .. '! ,J:, 11.IZ _,, .. I.,. 41.31 J:I z.l ,a TDTM. .... 1 ., .. 1cf"'

PAGE 222

I -~1',:T.lli-- Dl .. 11 N mPTllt Nl'I Tai. Da-"" IT ,_ 1ij 1 II. II. :SI ,, II II -11'dl I d: ...a,r 1-u~ -I~; I i3 I j~a r:1 1;:11 II.I J.11 i.H . ... I 71.1 fflAL 117' ., .... 10.'9 ITATIITICI NI l .. Y T.a 11--mC191'1CIN' LIIIL MTII an-111 I.II 111:1 ... I ...-0.0001 J: ... I ...-0.0001 ,J. J. !ifrir,=.m.--. DINII -S'lll'TIII .... J T-.a ..._,.., IT -INJIT ---..0 WI 11 ZI :SI ....,. I t'' 1 -r.i I -~3 :I ,1: zt::t -1-fdl ti .r~I :H :ti Ji: TOTAL n .~ ITATlfflCI NI z .. T.a 111:1---m . o. =,,r CIIPl'IClllff o. 1 al: LlllLI RATIO QIIIGUMI ,, II II 11 I til ... i' I -,., .... 0. O.M 0. "" :scu zo.oo zo I "d I "i I JI& 1. 7 1. al: J: ,.I z.ft 1.ft ... 7 ...-0.0001 ... 7 ....... 0001 ,, II o!il Ill 1., ,l:I J: -11j o!J o. I. I o. u.u "" 1.I o.U 71 II :, I I Ti" o. 1 ,o. -11!! I . I o.u 0.11 1. 0.'1 u. I0.00 10 0.30 II 1 o., o . o. 100.00 0 -o., 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 O.OI TOTAL 1 .... 1'11 ,:s.31 .. ... --... .. --1':CIZ TIIUDAY, DIClall 24, 1 311 f,JJ_, TOTAL 1-.... l'il '3 . ,cl'-'

PAGE 223

I I I 1ri.,-y:ra- DIANIII MD IYIPTa aus T-.a INJl'I IY lfiCMll'I ... ..,.., RaM,tl 01 II II SI ., II fflAL Mlllff I --JI til t" ,. I iii .,., j~I! .... ff o. ... .. z. 100 I U a: .00 ... ......, Jdl 11 Ii Ii .... I 1!i ura fflAL I~ ... n, "" .~. ,,, 1111 .... STAflmcl ,_ z--y Taa =--1101 . a,. I ...-.0.0001 =-.1r Clall'ICIN I: o. LIIILI y Mfll OIi--MIi. a,. I ...-.0.0001 l!L..-MG OIi- DIANIII MD NPTa .... 1ffr,a1. YMIAILII T-.a mr IN-"' IY ..... I .__,.., .... I 1 .. 1 .a.a 1cl.'ol ~,-., _n _______ 11 ___ .~z1 __ z~1--~1 __ 1.1 __ 11 fflAL I :1 rn1-a11 ril xii ril Jnl -,. .... llfil til idl it'll Edi i~I ~:: ------------------TIT AL .i~I "~ -~ -~ .~a o.13 IOD~ ITATIITICI ,_ z .. TMUI Rn--11:.1:my CDll'l'ICIINI' LIHLI IIATH QtllmlMI o. 3: DI' ":Cll 1UIIDAY, --U, ta SIi io {p.rt f,r 1':Cll 1UIIDAY, __.. U, 1 Stl

PAGE 224

I I 0 fflAL "" .ff J:~, ITAfffflCI ,_ a .. T*II 1a1---. =1 c:a,,JCJllff MTII I Ll#:illl!IL) 11:ml.) 17.0 -11., U:I .. I: .. .. ., .. 1 ~,.v=r&-- D1 ... 11 MG SYIPTal .... T&I _, IN.NY IY HALLUC,a .. ..,.., MALLUC,g Ill,.,., Allllff I I ii I 1il-: r. I!; : .i: 1 It fflAL ITATIITICI ,_ a .. T*II fflAL 1 II.A 1 a.:a, an---"'"' CDllll'IClllff Ji1!11,= IIATII QIIH Jl"Niil L:Hrffi TA LI l u.l a,. 1 ....-0.0001 u: DI' 1 .... 0.0001 u. DI' 1 = 0001 .0000 TAIL ...... 0000 1':Gl 'IUIIDAY, --2', 1-310 1':GI TUIIDAY, DIC8lllt z. 1 311 .:1r)__ I

PAGE 225

I I I lr,.,-,r,a-- DI...UI IYll'TIIII .... T&I .. _,.., ff ....a ANl-'I\' .....a Ill IID 1oa I ffllL I lrll 11 -1 rlhil-t~I o., ....... '!1:1 ... .J' la: I: I =:Ill =:= 1': 1UIIIMY, --M, tal ID

PAGE 226

I 1J Tai IN-"' IIIIJaMI .. .,., ..... -IYII ,. I Ji I s~d -1 0 .. I r.: J-rd H:I fflM. .~ tl!I ITAnffla .. 1--Y T-.a 111--1:11 .... Cl. o. Mffl CIII o. o. I.I# LJ o. TA L ITAnfflCI .. 1--Y TMLII mAL ,_ .. .a.a, ,n .. = IIM .a 11--11:11 CIIPl'ICIINI' IJY\,l IIATII OIi Jraitll LJ!#a tTAfL> 21:1 .. o. 0. 30. Ill' ZI. Ill' lTA L) ""'""'"' iliii .....a . .....a . ..... 0.0001 IIIIOla0.0000 1111111-o.OOOO

PAGE 227

I 1--. ... ....,..," ........ _.,. .....a ~~------~-.,;;..._.I ma _, ,m ,a ti ii Ia ma 11~ ITATIITICI ,_ 141'1 T-.. 11--.r ~-DV:ir-flL) TA L) .,. ft: n 1 4.70 ,of.I "'I ... I:, 1i: I: 1 ,...._., I 1r~.=r.m.-- ....... tnPTa .... J T&I _,., IY ... ... SM,.m ... ... WI .. ,,_, -lt11r11 1-a1111 ma ITAffll'1CI NI l4Y Ta&II m& ,_ 1 .a . 11--,., ... Clm'PIClllff o: 1 !J!II,! IL\T!O CN!. 1!:' == Jr.I' Lil# ,ffl TA L) TA L) 1 ...-0.0001 li.oaa1 .oaa1 .oaao .oaao 1': TUIDY, --U, 1 311 M: 1UIIMY, DICllat U, ,. 117

PAGE 228

I I J h.:r.m.--- -.... ffll'TIII .... ............ .. .._,. .. .. WI_,_, ilii I iii ffl& m& 1 Wl1 .... Ir=-,=&---................... ...... .,. tr IWll141l ....,. IIIIN141l WI_,_, m& -Ill Iii 1 Nllaff I Iii &ii 1411 .a.a ffllL n ,,. 1.r.a& lfAntrn:I ,_ 14Y T*II 11---11 ... 1 ..... 1 -ca,itlCIM "!''!B d: = 1 I 1.:8# ,ilJ TA LI 1 .ODOO ZTAIL .ODOO 14: TUIIDIY, --U, ,. 311 M: TUIIDIY, --14, 1ta Ill

PAGE 229

M: TUIIMT, --IA, Ila 111 t"' ~tr 1 l-i==7=-:-====================================:::! hJ1A--- DUNIJI N ........ .... ....,..,...,., .. I ..._,. ......... WI_,_,_ I all Iii-~ -1 iii Jrdl .. m-. .r.l ,.I ,.r.'a& ITATIITICI .. 14\' .. &1 ;-_.,1119-I.ii ... Dl"~ 111T s: i =s_:lfl :Jf ~l == ...........

PAGE 230

I I I h-llA--- ll I -111 ....... T-.. ....,., ......... ...,. ....... -----='J :: II ,!:I ii Iii.::: ffllL .t,t .~ ..fl ........ ...,,.. ......... h.-..-------------, ... ........, ...... ....,. ..... ----I filtil:: -1ii di.::: .... .. ... ..., Tall .. ......... ==i 'a:1 M:allllllT, .... M, .. m I M:--.-M, tta m

PAGE 231

I hJ1A4111a 11 ~, .. ....... ................... ....,. ..... ---ll"l'i .:: -1-i.'il Iii.::: --,r1 ... ..n ____ ...,Tlall 1:r-,m .. ......... alli It I Ill .. . ,...., ....... -1M Ir====-===================================::d h-llA4111m -,-,, .. ....... M:a,-Y, .... 11, Ila a I h&I ....,., .... ....,. .,... a, __ ,_ I ifil:ril -~ -1-11 til .. ,..., .P.I ..n ...... ...,,.. liiii11 ll ; ; Iii

PAGE 232

--I j 1 h,m.m.--......... fflPTIII .... .... .....,.., ... .. ....,., ... .. ffllL ITATIIT'ICI ,a I-IIIY ,_. ffllL .l~ff .~D sranlTICI ,a a .. ,,_. an--E"ICl8ff !ilj!IJ J LI A L ,., .... fflAL 1'11 .... ,cl."a& t:I ....... .. 1 ...... IIU i=: li~I 1: TUIIDIY, Dlrl!RF U, 1 U1

PAGE 233

I i i l,i.,-.11.11.--- D1--11 -IWl'TIII .... Ta& ..._,. Ir ITIIIUM ....,.., ITIIIUM --I ti -II iii fflM. ITAIIIID Mt 14T Taa fflM. 1 Cl II.ii a,. I ....... I --1h1 = l ==::Ill TIIT fj:J:l~J =. !1-r..:t',IT&-- D1--11 flll'TIII .... ...... ..,.., "-1-... ..,.., -1- --ull ,11 -1 ira1.11 fflAL ITATIITICI Mt a-., Taa fflAL 1 .... au---CIUll'ICIM 1:1, a,. I ,...._,_ :.n I 0 1: 11::I TA L) I I TA L) "= 1UIIDAY, .... u, 1 m

PAGE 234

---.---------lffl'v=r.n.--- Dl--11 MG S'tllfflll .... 14:GI TUIIDAY, D1C11a11t 24, 1 340 T*'DIIJIYIT ... 141,\ 1!,.i/lf ,Jl,rrr~ IN.NT -.1.u w_,_, mAL -II Ji 1 .... Pllll8ff i:11 Ji 1411 Q fflM. J~I .~D 1af'O: ITAfffflCI .. a .. Taa 11--Iii .. 1....a ... ..,.CJ., MT!ICN. = I liil ~dM TALJ I TA L I .. -. --~---.. ... I ll'J:T'vllA..,. a,_.11 IYll'TIII .... 1':ca TUIIDAY, Dll:llalll 14, 1 341 J T&I INJIY IT INII.U Q1eJSI~ INJIY .. I .... WI_ Ir~ I fllllllN1' I fflM. I Iii Jil 1 .... -lafilftl 1411 .a . ... 1,.n fflM. a 117 11.40: 3.IO ITATlfflCI .. a .. Taa RH .... !1:1: DI' I fl'IIDlaO.DOOI =i.v Clll'l'ICIIN1' D. ICM o. ICM ~ IIATIO CNIR ,0.111 DI' I ....O.DOOI 1.d'l ~--rl,J TA LI Ill DI' I .....O.D001 =-ODDO TA L .ODDO ) '7 / ~-:':>

PAGE 235

I I I J T&I IN-"' IT Al* ....,. ., ... --,_, ma -Ir.I ., ,. i:ff Ju i 1:~I ~::: TITM. .r.l ,.I ,er.a& ....... lfifl',:ff-ili D1--11 N .,.,. .... TMLI IN.JIIY IT MU&. 141A IN-"' MULl41A WI ..... ,,.., -1.~jl J:il -11111il fflM. .P.Ji z.D ITATmlCI 11111 z-way T-.a an--18\i CNPPICIINT IIATIOCNI. !! ~-a iTA Ll TAIL fflM. .... 1'11 . ,er.a& -1:1 o. 1:m DI' I PlllllaO.IUT DP E:1 DI' ll'llta-o.1 1':m TUIDY, .... H,0 1 :UZ t: TUIIDAY, DICllallt U, ,. kl

PAGE 236

----------------I t I hvm.n.---DI' D1--11 MD S'lll'TIII .... T .. -~---~,iett IN.PIT 111111'6 fflAL .... -II iii .. fflAL I.I ,!Jt ,er.a: sranmca 11111 a-., T-.. 1 ........ k,-v=r&--- D1--11 MD l'ftPTIII .... T-- ... .PIT IY Nlt1* ... ..,.., ,..,. RI_,_, I 'rt I r.t I -Wti r--lfil di fflAL fflAL .... 1'11 ,a. 1 Plll-o.GGOI =.GGOI .GGOI =.ODDO .0000 1':CII TUIIDlY, --U, 1 JU 1':CII TUIIDlY, DICllall 2', 1 Ml

PAGE 237

1,i.,-,m.11.-- DIANIII N ffll'TIII .... .... _,_" .. ....,.., .... --fflM. -Iii 13 ,. II tg ,, ....... 111 ii MIi .a.a TffAL ,f.11 ,,a ,cl.'o& ITATIITICI Nit 1-'AY T-.a ----i:I .. ....... -.Cl9PIC1M MTII Oil lxlhM~fflffl~J l: I: -~I I I -I ll'ir,=r.11.--- DIANIII N IN'Tal .... T&I _,_ _, _ .,. _,_ 111_ ,_, fflM. -Ill I~ I 1 I :U .... ,, .. .....,. I .ri,I if'I 1411 .. :ft I :ft .a.a fflAL I.ff 1111 1cl.'o& ITATlfflCI Nit a .. T&II au--ti .. 1 ....... o,a avCIUPICIM IIATII CNI 1: I lllllla0.0111 JI ~-~--LJ I ==-01 .. -O.CI07J lTA L lllltllaO. 01 -It: TUIIDAY, --U, ta MY

PAGE 238

-I I 1ri.,-.m.m.---.. Dl .. 11 N IYIPTIII .... ,-.. --"' c1a11 .....,.. aan. ff_,_, ,., lit D. o ,..... iftll iril m& .n o.U T&I IN-"Y IY 111111 IN-"Y DDIII .. "'-MIINI' I iii ,'.JI :., ,1:G -1y11 i'il .. mAL .l~I 'I' 1 sranlnCI ,. a-.v ,-.a 211--lll.l.llfff CIUl'IClllff ld!l',A.,"ffl RATIO anlf Jr..,,, ~-TIJ TA L) lTA L) mAL Hl1 .a . ,.,... mAL .... .. .a . ,r. I.I ... -0. o. 0. I. DI' 1 1, DI' I ... --t:OI TUIIDAY, IIIC8aa U, ,. Ml 1:0I TUIIDAY, --U, 1 Ml

PAGE 239

I I I Taa W _,.., IT llffltMII .....,.., -MIi "'-,_, fflAL -m'. --~ I: 1T: I ..... -,1 iii ,., .a.a TIT& I.I ,a~H ,.r.' I ...... 801 lria,-v=r&---W D ... 11 N fflPTIII .... ...... .,.., .... ,. _,.., ... ,. "'-,_, 1 !&,I o.11 1:1 ,J:I fflAL .... .....,. I '"1 I -o.: I .. H:I l:B ,a.a ti.I ,af''

PAGE 240

I t I J 1,i.,.vlff.llilllMII DIANIII.Allt IYIPTa .... ... _.. ..... ....,.. AUllt-II _, ..... fflM. I 11 ,. j~U ...... ill J~d I ,., .... ----~l-l'Lif:1;t U:J:IL> ~fl'v:TA--- DIANIII IN'Tal .... ...... .,.., .. ...,,. IM.JIIY SINJI-.,_ ,_, I ii iii -1 l~I J-ril fflM. J~ft .,a ITAnlTICI .. a .. , .. a:1-- CNPPICIN IATID CIII ~-aHL1 TA L fflM. .. ,cl.'. . -0 I: I. '"' .. I ...... ZCIII DP I PMM.I DP I Pllll-o. Pllll-o. 11, PMM.ZCII 9':0I TUIDY, DICllalll 2'. ,_ aa

PAGE 241

I I I 1,:.,..ILII. ... Dl--11 N """"' .... T&1D11J1Y1ton ..._,., ....... 'I ., I. IDD:DD ITATIITICI ,_ ... T&D ---11.HI a,. I ...... Illa Iii.iii! iffl I: I 11!1 ....... ~ T&I W ... ,.Pl\' IY IM., .. IN,.PIY la.L 1 "'-,_, -,n -r~ I maa. ITATmlCI ,_ ... T&D maa. 1 .... 1 1,---,._1 .. =-='"' Clllll'ICIIIII' I: I Yffil:.W!9 ,::_ 1 JT'_.,s IUCT TUT TA L) n IN' TAIL) I PllllaO.ODDI I PllllaO. ODDI 1 =--1 .aooa IIIICllaO. aooa 1: 1UIIDAY, --U, 1-.. 1': 1UIIDAY, NCI W U, 1 -)J (. 0

PAGE 242

I I 11-i.,-,m.n.- ...... hll'TIII .... ,.,. ..._,.., ... ..._.. ... ,. _,,,...., -,. ri ...... II rd ,,. fflM. ,_ .. .... k,-,:.,.ri.- ...... -l1ll'TIII .... T-.. ... _,.... Ir IIIITL1-... _,.., IIIITL 1 WI_,_, -1.i11dl fflM. -Iii I .iil I .. m1&. .fl ,.l.'1o& ITATIITICI NII a-., T-.a an--1':1'1'1" CIIPl'ICIIIIT Y.ffi::ffl """' CHIR ,...,,, Li:!#riJ lTA LI lTA L .. o. o. o. ,. OI' 3., .. ....... -t: 1UIIDAY, --M, ,. t: 1UIIDAY, --M, 1111 a7

PAGE 243

lrJll'.=r.n.-- n .. 11 IWl'III .... 1: TUIIIAY, --M, 1111 -naa ..._,.., _,_ f}uoj/ ...... _,_ RJi.t,,; 111_, 11TIL -11 1111 .....r t.11 1 .... 11T& 1.r.l ,.r.: I -I I .. h.:r&--- OUNIII .. IWl'III .... 1 111111Y, --M, 1111 J T&I ..._,.., IT ..,1_ ... .,. ...,,. Ill ... ,,_, ffllL ~e~,,,Jrny {,oi'e.,, I all "I 1 n 0. J:11 ,_ I -1 ul 1 I I I I H:I JI .... ffllL n 1.ff 11.'o& ITATIITICI ,_ a-.Y T-.a ----i:ffl ... I ....... 1171 ~I ca,pfflaff n 11 1.1#,IJ!ffltl I: 1 = I il!I c)J/'c)

PAGE 244

I l h.11A--- ....... ..,. ... Taal ...,. "., ... ....,. ., ... ---,~,--I.I 1, :: I J1i .::: n ,.11 ..n ........ ....,Tall &:..I ll ; ......... h ..................... ... ... ..._,._., .... ... INJIY .... ,. WI_,_,_ -lfillil"= I ril .. m.. .r.91 ,.I I.-' lfATlfflCI flli ___, T--li..a;. ii; ,.. u:mu ....... ':Slll '== --M:a,_..,..._M,,_ M:.,-aY, ..... M, ,_ a1

PAGE 245

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PAGE 246

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PAGE 247

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PAGE 248

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PAGE 249

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PAGE 250

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PAGE 251

I I I lrATlll'ICI NI I .. Y Tall lm-L MfllDII--1111:g o. ,.I: DPe 11 ...... 0001 DPe 11 ...... 0001 lfi.,-,:.,.m.--- DHNIII N IWl'Ta .... T_.. _,.., ___ .. ..,.., ... WI" II II" II II'"""' --------------------I "!31 J~il I I -~ -,1~il 1-r:111~, I .. .t I ,. 1i]1 : ~:u :1:n d:, ,,:r. ,tH Jn -1,li J:il til n a, iii J11 i~I ,.,, fflAL 111 M. ~I ITATlfflCI NII a .. T-.a RH_.,.. =m Cllfll'IClllff LIIILI V IIATII CHI-.. "' ,,.en ,,.,."' .. 111 ~tr, Ill' o.d ,cl'o& 7 lllllll-o.0001 1 111111-o.oao, I 1':GI TUIIDAY, IIICllaa z. ,. ,.;,

PAGE 252

Congress of the United States Office of Technology Assessment LOSING A MILLION MINDS: CONFRONTING THE TRAGEDY OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND OTHER DEMENTIAS Contractor Documents Part~ Economics, Social Science and Health Services Research March 1987 THE OTHER TITLES APPEAR ON THEIR OWN INDIVIDUAL MICROFICHE UNDER APPROPRIATE CLASS NUMB The Economics of Dementia, George J. Neilson and Gerald L. Robinson, Battelle / Columbus Laboratories, Columbus, Ohio 43201 :!).J (I.~/~:;_ M t,1,/.:1/Pf. 2 CD Financing Care for Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Karen Davis and Patricia Neuman, School of Hygiene and Public Health,/ohns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 '?).T '), l./ )_: 2 M '-" :Z. / PT, ;J. / HN Dementia Among Nursing Home Patients: Defining the Condition, Characteristics of the Demented, and Dementia on the RUG-U Classification System, William J. Foley, Industrial and Management EngineerinJ Department, R,en~elaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York 12180 "3-1 a. ;2. /a.: M (.,, / :J.//J J, ~/Nu"<"~ Analysis of Data Bases for Health Services Resefrch on DemeAfi~ Korbin yiu, The Urban Institute, Washington, D.C. 20037 3 i Jo ~t:.; M ~vr.1.. / PT, ;J. / d af6 Impact of Dementia Within Minority Groups, Shirley A. Lockery, University Center on / l'fT / Aging, San Diego State University, San Diego, California 92182 Y 3,,a?-/.~: M '" ~/' ,. 1Y'"f'P~~ Caregivers of Patients with Dementia, Yankelovich, Skelly and White/Cl,ncy, Shulman, Inc., New York, New York 10022 ~-1" ;.'). / f}.: J. M f, '6 /~/-PT, .::L / ca-re.. These are contractor documents that were used in preparing OTA's final Assessment Report. OTA makes these contractor documents available for the use of readers desiring a more detailed or technical discussion of an issue than can normally be accommodated in our final Report. As an OTA contractor documents, they have not been reviewed or approved by the Technology Assessment Board. The findings and conclusions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of OT A, the Advisory Panel or the Technology Assessment Board.

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