Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology

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Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology
United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment.
U.S. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment
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88 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
National Institute of Standards and Technology (US) -- Research ( LCSH )
United States Dept of Energy -- Research ( LCSH )
Semicondutors -- Research ( LCSH )
Microelectronics -- Research ( LCSH )
Military research -- United States ( LCSH )
federal government publication ( marcgt )


General Note:
This report examines how NIST and DOE weapons laboratories could contribute to advances in semiconductor technology aimed specifically at civilian applications. Semiconductor technology was chosen as an example of a technology focus for a civilian technology initiative, primarily because the industry had already developed a set of comprehensive technology roadmaps and the federal labs had substantial expertise in the area.

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Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology September 1993 OTA-ITE-585 NTIS order #PB94-134632 GPO stock #052-003-01349-5


Recommended Citation: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology, OTA-ITE-585 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, September 1993). [(N \.llc h) It),. ( s ( ;()}L. IIII1lLVII Illll(lllg OIIILC S(l[lcl llllcll,lcll( ()! [)(kllllkllt,, \i

F oreword T he federal laboratories of the United States are a diverse lot. For those whose primary function was advancing military technologies, the end of the Cold War has meant reexamination of missions, abilities, and resources on a scale grander than anything that has occurred in decades. In particular, the Department of Energys nuclear weapons laboratories (Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia National Laboratories) are under close examination. Throughout their existence, the weapons labs primary missions have involved nuclear weapons. One of the most important is nuclear weapons development, and that function has diminished considerably as a result of the end of the Cold War. While other weapons-related missions remain important, a consensus has emerged that the labs are, in a sense, larger than their remaining missions warrant. But the issue is much larger than simply how much to cut and how to manage the reduction. National security is still the issue, but defined more broadly than in the past, when it was confined to military security. The concept of national security is now expanding to include industrial competitiveness, and there is lively interest in examining how all the labs in the federal system could contribute to advancing science and precommercial technology. The debate over whether and how to expand the missions of the DOE labs has also raised questions of how to coordinate these new activities with those of labs and agencies that already have responsibility for civilian technology policy principally the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the Department of Commerce. NIST has emerged in the last few years as one of the federal governments major players in civilian technology advancement through, for example, management of the new and well-regarded Advanced Technology Program. This Report examines how NIST and DOE weapons laboratories could contribute to advances in semiconductor technology aimed specifically at civilian applications. Semiconductor technology was chosen as an example of a technology focus for a civilian technology initiative, primarily because the industry had already developed a set of comprehensive technology roadmaps and the federal labs had substantial expertise in the area. The Report was requested as a follow-on assessment to OTAs work on the implications for the U.S. civilian economy of the end of the Cold War. That work consists of two Reports: After the Cold War: Living With Lower Defense Spending, and Defense Conversion: Redirecting R&D. The former considered the effects on defense workers, defense-dependent communities, and defense companies, and suggested policy options to ease transitions for those affected by cutbacks. The latter examined how the R&D institutions whose primary missions were defense-related could contribute to national well-being under a broader concept of national security. Roger C. Herdman, Director ,.. ill


L aboratory Review Panel A.S. Oberai Chairman Consultant Graham Alcott Intel Corporation Charles Fowler U.S. Department of Energy Sam Harrell SEMATECH William C. Holton Semiconductor Research Corporation John F. Holtzrichter Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Paul M. Horn IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Ross A. Lemons Los Alamos National Laboratory Zachary Lemnios Advanced Research Projects Agency Paul S. Peercy Sandia National Laboratories Robert 1. Scace National Institute of Standards& Technology David Watkins Los Alamos National Laboratory Owen P. Williams Motorola, Incorporated Edward D. Wolf Cornell University NOTE: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance and thoughtful critiques provided by the laboratory review panel, The panel does not, however, necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse this report. OTA assumes full responsibility for the report and the accuracy of its contents. iv


P roject Staff Peter D. Blair, Assistant Director, OTA Industry, Commerce, and International Security Division Audrey B. Buyrn, Program Manager Industry, Technology, and Employment Program Julie Fox Gorte, Project Director Jerry Sheehan Sean Headrick* CONTRIBUTOR S Avtar S. Oberai, Contractor Elizabeth Sheley, Editor ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Carol A. Bock, Office Administrator Diane D. White, Administrative Secretary PUBLISHING STAFF Mary Lou Higgs, Manager, Publishing Services Dorinda Edmondson, Typographer Susan Hoffmeyer, Graphic Design *On detail from the U.S. Department of Energy.


w orkshop Participants Graham Alcott Intel Corporation Richard Burke Institute for Defense Analyses Glen T. Cheney SEMI/SEMATECH Charles Fowler U.S. Department of Energy Thomas F. Gannon Digital Equipment Corporation Sam Harrell SEMATECH Mark Hartney Office of Science& Technology Policy William C. Holton Semiconductor Research Corporation John F. Holtzrichter Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Paul M. Horn IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Dragan Ilic Hewlett-Packard Company Ashok Kapoor LSI Logic Corp. C. Mark Melliar-Smith AT&T Bell Laboratories A.S. Oberai Consultant Paul S. Peercy Sandia National Laboratories Daniel J. Radak Science Applications International Corporation Robert 1. Scace National Institute of Standards & Technology David Watkins Los Alamos National Laboratory Robert M. White Carnegie Mellon University Owen P. Williams Motorola, Incorporated Edward D. Wolf Cornell University NOTE: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance and thoughtful critiques provided by the workshop participants. The workshop participants do not, however, necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse this report. OTA assumes full responsibility for the report and the accuracy of its contents. vi


1 2 3 c ontents Summary and Policy Discussion 1 Background of this Report 7 Policy Issues 8 Laboratory Capabilities 24 Laboratory/Industry Collaboration 25 Semiconductor Programs at the Four Labs 30 Coordination of Lab Activities 48 The Semiconductor Industry 52 A Strategic Industry 53 Competitive History of the U.S. Semiconductor Industry 56 Future Challenges to the U.S. Semiconductor Industry 68 Alternatives for Future R&D 77 INDEX 80 vii


Summary and Policy Discussion 1 T he federal laboratories possess resources, technologies, and talents that could contribute to the development of semiconductor product and production technologies. Whether they will be able to is uncertain. In particular, the three Department of Energy (DOE) weapons laboratories and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are well positioned to contribute to advancing technologies; all four currently participate in R&D partnerships with industry. While the extent of that participation varies greatly among the laboratories, it is clear from OTAs evaluation that there is room for all four labs to expand these partnerships without treading on the toes of other laboratories (private or public), but only if the effort is managed properly. However, there are several issues that must be resolved if those contributions are to be made in effective, efficient, and synergistic ways. It is quite unlikely that the labs most effective contributions will happen automatically, notwithstanding the interest among both lab and industry representatives regarding current R&D partnerships. The thorniest issues are: ~ developing an effective means of managing the disparate efforts of labs and industry so as to make the greatest possible contribution to commercial technology development, while the labs continue to work on microelectronics in connection with public missions; 1 For the purposes of this report, these are Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia National Laboratories. The Y-12 plant at Oak Ridge National Laboratory is included as a weapons laboratory in DOE accounts, but it is not comparable to the other weapons laboratories in size or scope of work. Readers not familiar with the semiconductor industry should start this report by reading chapter 3. 1


2 n n I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology focusing the labs efforts on the areas in which their contributions are most needed and their talents most suited; and assuring a private-sector presence and commitment sufficient to take the hand-off of publicly funded technologies. In addition, there is some concern over how to minimize competition or redundancy among laboratories and agencies if lab-based microelectronics R&D is expanded. Other policy issues include funding and development of performance criteria for labs efforts devoted to civilian semiconductor technology. If these issues are not resolved, much of the promise of ongoing R&D agreements between industry and the labsparticularly the DOE labsmay never be realized, and the enthusiasm of both lab and industry representatives for cooperative work could die. Ten years ago, this loss would have mattered less; private funding for R&D was more abundant, and labs technologies were perhaps less relevant to commercial needs. Today, however, cooperative technology development between government and industry is more important than at any other time in the postwar period, especially in industries like microelectronics, where R&D costs are escalating more rapidly than revenues (figure l-l). Many feel that industrys capacity to support escalating costs of technology development is strained; one member of an OTA workshop convened for this assessment asserted that it is becoming difficult for companies to fund the development of the next generation of technology from revenues made on the current generation. The pressure is compounded by rapidly rising plant and equipment costs. Generational changes in semiconductor technology are swiftthe Semiconductor Industry Association (S IA) technology roadmaps assume that generational changes will occur every three years, on average, and each new generation entails rapidly escalating expenditures on plant and equipment. Estimates of the cost of wafer fabrication facilities (fabs) stretch to a billion dollars even for the next generation of semiconductors (equivalent to a 64-Megabit DRAM? fab), expected to come on line around 1995. 3 If the costs of new wafer fabs are any predictor of future costs, SIA expects semiconductor revenues to be inadequate to support construction of new fabs beyond 2001. 4 In short, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the industry to find the funds to support both ballooning capital expenditures and rapidly rising R&D costs; cooperative arrangements have been burgeoning as a result. In the United States, most of the existing cooperative R&D enterprises are private. Semiconductor companies are linked to other companies via an expanding web of technology development and production agreements, many of which span national borders. A few have government support, most notably the industry consortium SEMATECH, which receives half its funding from the Department of Defense (DoD). The impetus for SEMATECHs formation, however, came from the industry itself, as did the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), which was created by the SIA members in 1981. This is a contrast with other semiconductor-producing nations, where government support for commercial semiconductor technology and industrial development has been far more extensive and, in some cases, stretches back more than two decades. 5 Government support of SEMATECH, originally planned for five years starting in 1987, has 2 DRAM s~nds for dynamic random access memory. 3 Semiconductor Industry Association Semiconductor Technology: Workshop Conclusions (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association 1993), pp. 6 and 18; and Electronic Engineenng Times, IEDM Eyes Economics, sept. 21, 1$)92. 4 Ibid. s U.S. support for semiconductor technology development goes back even farther, to the immediate post-World War II years, when the Department of Defense played a key role in the industrys development and growth. However, support for commercial semiconductor technologies has rarely been considered in the United States, and did not become a reality until the mid1980s.


$ 3 2 1 Chapter lSummary and Policy Figure l-lSales Revenues and R&D Expenditures in the U.S. Semiconductor Industry, 1978-1991 billion 0/0 sales revenue Discussion 3 20 15 I 10 0 5 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 SOURCE: Semiconductor Industry Association, Annual Databook: Global and U.S. Semiconductor Competitive Trends-1978-1991 (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1992), p. 41. been extended at $100 million in FY 1993 (the same as in earlier years), in addition to ARPAs (the Advanced Research Projects Agency of DoD) funding of approximately $300 million worth of R&D on microelectronics. 6 Government has also supported a few projects in other consortia, including SRC and the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, although most of the resources of these consortia are private. The major purpose of government support and funding for semiconductor technology development has been for the military, and most of that came from the Department of Defense. While a few DoD labs have pursued microelectronics technology R&D, the largest share of military spending on microelectronics has been in the form of research funding in private companies. Both DOE and the Department of Commerce (DOC) have laboratories, and DOEs in particular are large and well-equipped. Until the end of the Cold War, DOEs work in semiconductor and microelectronics technologies was mostly related to nuclear weapons, and not very much of it was aimed at or available to commercial integrated circuit manufacturers. Now, however, the DOE labs are being encouraged to work with industry in cooperative R&D programs, and as industry and lab researchers become more familiar with each others resources and abilities, enthusiasm for joint projects has permeated the working levels as well. A new form of cooperative arrangement is now emerging. In this new arrangement, which often takes the form of a cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA), researchers at government labs and in private industry work together to solve problems of mutual interest, usually without any money changing hands. DOE labs gained authority to execute CRADAs in late 1989, and since then the CRADA has become the primary vehicle for cooperative R&D with industry. 7 NIST, with longer-standing ties to industrial technologies, has had CRADA authority since 6 Not ~1 ~~ ~one. goes t. projw~ tit benefit Commercial semiconductor production as ARPA must look titer DoDs sPeci~ ne~s for semiconductor technology. However, ARPAs mission is also strongly dual-use, and many of ARPAs projects help advance commercial technologies as well. 7 For a more complete discussion of DOE CRADA activities, opportunities, and problems, see U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Defense Conversion: Redirecting R&D, OTA-ITE-552 (Washington DC: U.S. Goverment Printing Office, May 1993).


4 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology 1986, in addition to nine decades experience in working on problems of a commercial nature. 8 NISTs labs are a national repository of metrology 9 technologies, and they have had productive interactions (using many mechanisms, not just CRADAs) with the semiconductor industry stretching back more than three decades. All four labs have CRADAs with industry in microelectronics. The DOE labs report that the value of DOE finds committed to CRADAs with the U.S. semiconductor industry, as of summer 1993, is over $110 million. The underpinning g of these efforts is approximately $100 million worth of existing program efforts in microelectronics at the three DOE laboratories, 10 and $9.5 million in internal funds and $7.8 million in Advanced Technology Program funds at NIST 1l In the course of pursuing its mission, each laboratory has developed some competencies that semiconductor industry representatives believe could contribute to technological advance, in direct support of the SIA technology roadmaps, if properly managed (see ch. 2 for a discussion of core competencies, and box 1-A for a discussion of the SIA roadmaps). In addition, several interagency and consortia/ agency efforts have begun. Sandia and NIST have a memorandum of agreement (MOA) governing the two labs collaborative efforts in a number of technology areas. 12 SRC, which manages research for a consortium of semiconductor companies, is trying to initiate CRADAs with all three DOE weapons laboratories; Los Alamos is an SRC member. 13 Defense Programs, at DOE headquarters, recently began to explore the feasibility of SRC coordinating the various cooperative research projects at all the DOE weapons labs on soft x-ray projection lithography, a technology that, if it proves viable and cost-effective, could be ready for commercial use by 2007. 14 SEMATECH has had a cooperative research agreement with Sandia for several years, and initiated anew, $100-million, five-year agreement in early 1993. At the end of August 1993, the agreement included over 20 projects, such as tool benchmarking and characterization, materials and manufacturing process modeling and development, metrology, and contamin ation-free manufacturing. Unfortunately, CRADAs have proven timeconsuming and troublesome to initiate at DOE (NESTS CRADA process is much swifter and more predictable, in part because the legislation governing CRADA authority at NIST makes the process simpler than DOEs CRADA authority). Most DOE CRADAs, particularly those with weapons labs, still take over eight months to start after submission of a work proposal, which itself may take many months for industry researchers to prepare. Some of the reasons for this are the fault of the agency or the labs, though some are not 8 Most of NISTS work is and has been commercial, but the NIST labs have had substantially greater military funding in the past. In both World Wars, NISTS work was heavily oriented to military work. See Nelson Robert Kellogg, Gauging the Nation: Samuel Wesley Srrarton and the Invention ofrhe Nafiond Bureau of Standards, Ph.D. Dissertation The Johns Hopkins University, 1992. P Me@oloW is the SClenCe of m~~ement. 10 AVW S obe~, The OTA Report on Federal Labs and the Semiconductor ~dustry, Contractor report for the Offkx of Technology Assessmen4 June 1993, p. 60. I I me Advanced Technology ROW (ATP) is a program of mostly private resea.rc~ of which about Mf is funded by ~S~ MST holds competitions for ATP funding, and selects from among proposals made by private, university, and occasionally government researchers in a variety of fields. ATP projects do not involve NIST research or onsite research at NIST. 12 These arMS include development of advanced packaging technology, procedures and standards for C-cttikg M.hgmphy took techniques for model verificatio~ and methods to improve integrated circuit performan I% yield, and reliability. Source: Memorandu of Agreement between the National Institute for Standards and Technology and Sandia National Laboratories, March 16, 1993, rnirneo. 13 Sandia ~s been a member in the pas~ but is no IOnger. 14 person~ co-u~cation ~i~ willim c. HOltO~ vice ~esiden~ ReS~h op~ations, semiconductor Research Corporation, Jdy 14, 1993.


. Chapter 1-Summary and Policy Discussion 5 Box 1-AThe SIA Roadmaps Over the past decade and a half, the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) has played an increasingly important role in supporting the industrys competitiveness. The very formation of the association was at least partly a response to the rise of Japanese competition; so was SIAs initiation of SRC in t he early 1980s and SEMATECH a few years later. Some of the competitive problems of the 1980s have been solved, and SRC and SEMATECH played important roles in many of the solutions. A new set of technical challenges confronts the industry in the 1990s. SIAs response was to convene a group of experts-mostly from the semiconductor industry and its customers, with several academ ics, government experts, and representatives from national laboratories--in late 1992 to create a common vision of the course of semiconductor technology over the next 15 years. 1 The group, through the course of several meetings and much off-line work, was able to create such a vision, specifying the characteristics of cutting-edge semiconductor technology in 2007, shown in table 3-5. Working groups assembled roadmaps of what efforts would be needed in 11 areas to assure that these technological advances could be made. The 11 areas are chip design and test, process integration, lithography, interconnects, materials and bulk processes, environmental safety and health, manufacturing systems, manufacturing facilities, process/device/structure computer-aided design (CAD), packaging, and equipment design and modeling. The roadmap lays out what performance must be achieved in each area, and what inquiries should be conducted, in order to meet broader semiconductor performance specifications. The efforts that culminated in the roadmap date back several years. In the late 1980s, the National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors (NACS) examined future technological challenges to the semiconductor industry. This effort was followed by the MicroTech 2000 workshop, which focused on the requirements needed to accelerate technology development by one generation, producing a 1-gigabit static random access memory (SRAM) by the year 2000. 2 Construction of the roadmap was an outgrowth of MicroTech 2000. SIA plans periodic updates of the roadmap as work underway in industry, academia, and government begins to narrow choices between technology options. Technology forecasts are notoriously unreliable past the short term, and updates and revisions will be needed to keep on track with both planned and unexpected developments in the industry. ~ semiconductor Industry Association, Sernkxmobctor 7iino/ogy: M&kshop Conclusions (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1993) pp. iii-iv. 2 MiCrO 7iich 2000 IMXkShOp Report: A Report to the National AcMsory Co/??/Mtee on Sen?iconducfom August 1991. (box l-B). While industrys appetite for joint of the SIA roadmaps, creation of a special means research with the DOE labs has been unexpectof managing cooperative R&D might be necesedly vigorous in the four years that the labs have sary. For instance, the Superconductivity Pilot had authority to enter CRADAs, the difficulty and Center Agreement (SPCA) is a means of arrangtrouble it takes to establish one is frustrating to ing for cooperative R&D between companies or many industry participants. 15 If Congress or DOE universities and the DOE labs that maintain initiates a formal program of R&D aimed at areas Superconductivity Pilot Centers, and they appear IS scc LJ. S Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, op. cit., chapters 1, 2, and 4, for a discussion of the CRADA process at DOE.


6 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Box 1-BThe DOE CRADA 1 The cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) became an accepted way for government, industry, and academic researchers to engage in shared research in the 1980s. Most government laboratories got the authority to initiate CRADAs in 1986, with the passage of the Federal Technology Transfer Act (FTTA). FTTA authorized government-owned, government-operated (GOGO) labs to sign CRADAs with any outside organization, including businesses, nonprofits, and state and local government organizations. Federal Order 12591 of April 1987 authorized the directors of GOGO labs to negotiate the division of funds, services, property, and people with outside organizations in CRADAs, subject to the requirement that labs could contribute in-kind services, but not funds. Under FTTA, NIST labs could initiate CRADAs, and the Federal Order gave lab directors at NIST broad authority to approve agreements. NIST already had many ways of dealing with industry, and maintains many mechanisms still, but the CRADA became an important instrument over the next few years. DOEs labs are nearly all government-owned, contractor-operated (GOCO) labs, and FTTA did not give them CRADA authority. That authority was granted in 1989, with the passage of the National Competitiveness Technology Transfer Act (NCTTA), and the powers of laboratory directors to enter into CRADAs were substantially different under NCTTA than under FTTA. NCTTA requires GOCO laboratories to gain approval from their departments of both the CRADA (which is a legal document) and a statement of work before initiating a CRADA; GOGOs do not face this requirement. Partly as a result of this requirement, and partly due to unfam iliarity with the process, DOEs CRADA process has proved frustratingly slow to many in industry. Most of the attention has focused on CRADAs with the weapons laboratories, partly because of their large size and resultant visibility, and partly because the lions share of CRADA money comes through Defense Programs (DP) in DOE, which manages the weapons labs. As of mid-1 993, it still took eight months or more to initiate a CRADA with a DOE weapons laboratory, beginning with the submission of a proposal. About half the time typically has been taken for review and ranking of proposals, a process that involves teams from the labs ranking proposals and forwarding prioritized lists to DP for headquarters selection. The other half has been used to negotiate the CRADA 1 The information in this box is drawn from U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Defense Conversion: Redirecting R&D, op. oit., pp. 98-120. to be working more smoothly than the CRADA volume of CRADA activity. But that is not a good process. l6 Gov ernment/private cooperative work to strengthen semiconductor product and process technologies has been helpful in the past and is even more promising today, but several measures could help assure that the program results are timely, useful, and efficient. Industry and lab researchers are interested in cooperative work, and both see that they have much to gain through working together. This enthusiasm is most readily measured by the measure of the overall success of cooperative R&D, which will depend on finding the right management structure, selecting and using appropriate evaluation criteria, taking steps to improve business plans and industrial strength as well as R&D in weak parts of the industry, selecting appropriate roles and projects for government labs, and providing for adequate funding of the federal part of the effort. 16 For a more complete discussion of SPCAS, see U.S. Congress, Office of Technolo~ Assessment, op. cit., pp. 101-102


Chapter l--Summary and Policy Discussion 7 itself. The labs take the lead in the negotiations, subject to guidance and review by DOE field offices and, in some cases, headquarters. It has become common for critics of the DOE CRADA process to compare it with NIST's swifter, simpler one. This comparison is bot h misleading and unfair, partly due to the differences in authorit y of GOGO and GOCO labs. There are several other reasons for the difference. One is simply that DOE labs authority to enter into CRADAs coincided with the National Technology Initiative (NTI), a special federal program of the Bush administration to stimulate cooperative technology development between government labs and industry, which generated an unexpectedly large industry interest in CRADAs at a time when DOE and its labs were trying to learn how to manage their new authority. Another factor is magnitude: t he three weapons laboratories are the largest federal laboratories in the country, with a combined budget of $3.4 billion in 1993. NIST's lab budget, in contrast, was $599 million in FY 1993 (including the Advanced Technology Program). As of mid-1993, the average DOE CRADA involved more than $800,000 in funding; the average NIST CRADA, $200,000. By the end of FY 1993, the value of DOEs CRADAs probably will come to around $400 m ill ion, and t he agency has asked for $198 m iIlion in operating funds for DP technology transfer (most of which is expected to go toward CRADAs), a sizable program by any accounting. Considering t hat the DOE CRADA program is barely four years old, it is not surprising t hat the agency and labs have had t heir hands full trying to devise adequate oversight and management mechanisms, and that those mechanisms are not yet streamlined. However, understanding the reasons for the time involved in initiating an agreement with a DOE lab and being willing to put up with them are hardly the same. Industry CRADA partners quickly grew frustrated with what they perceived as a slow, unpredictable process that required a great deal of effort up front and little confidence that any request for joint work would be funded. Bills in both houses of Congress in mid-1993 aim at streamlining and shortening CRADA approval and negotiation, and the agency and labs continue to try to do so on their own. However, it may still be some time before the process can be brought down to DPs target of four months (if indeed it is done at all), from proposal submission tot he beginning of work, even if this Congress does pass a national laboratories bill. As long as t he process remains as lengthy and, from the standpoint of bidders, unpredictable as it is, companies may become increasingly disenchanted with working with the DOE labs at all, even with tighter R&D budgets. BACKGROUND OF THIS REPORT OTA was asked by Senator Hollings, in his capacity as chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee and subcommittee chairman of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, to examine how national laboratories could contribute to commercial competitiveness. The primary focus of the request was on two sets of institutions: laboratories that would be closed or downsized as a result of declining defense budgets, and laboratories that already are responsible for supporting commercial competitiveness. At the time, OTA was working on its assessment Defense Conversion: Redirecting R&D, 17 which focused mainly on potential cutbacks and new roles for the Department of Energys nuclear weapons laboratories. Both houses of Congress were considering new roles for the DOE labs, and there was some concern that expanding their missions could create redundancies with other laboratories, particularly those of NIST.


8 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology OTA agreed to examine these issues in a selected technology area following the release of Defense Conversion. OTA selected semiconductor technology and hired a contractor, Dr. A.S. Oberai, to assemble a team of industry, laboratory, and academic experts to assess the work and potential contributions of the three weapons labs (Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia National Laboratories) and NIST. This panel toured and talked with researchers in all four labs 18 an d prepared draft sections of a report summarizing their findings. 19 OTA used that report, along with its own evaluations and investigations, to prepare this document. POLICY ISSUES Congress had two main concerns in requesting this work. One was that all federal laboratories position themselves to make more effective contributions to civilian technology development and competitiveness. Another was that unnecessary overlaps between the work of the DOE weapons labs, which are pursuing civilian technology development more enthusiastically than in the past, and NIST, which also is managing rapidly expanding missions, be identified and eliminated. In evaluating these questions, OTA identified several other policy issues that underlie the original two. I Management Structure In a CRADA that involves both a company and a lab doing research and no money changing hands, 20 the private company manages its portion of the research, and the public lab manages its share. This is the case with most CRADAs underway at the DOE weapons laboratories and NIST. In the case of DOE, the agency shares with the lab managers (who are not civil servants) responsibility for overseeing the work of the weapons laboratories. This kind of management is appropriate for individual projects, but, for a larger, multi-institutional program aimed at a set of objectives as broad and challenging as the SIA roadmap, probably is not adequate to assure the most effective contributions on the part of any participant. Even within the private sector, broadscale R&D efforts involving many companies such as the work of SEMATECH or SRChave management structures that supersede those of individual companies. R&D programs that include both government and private researchers in joint projects are rare (more typical is federal funding of R&D performed by private sector or university researchers), and there are few examples of an effective management structure for such an effort. If Congress wishes to allocate additional resources at the labs 21 specifically to pursue civilian semiconductor technology development, it could be well worth the effort to devise a new management structure. 18 Ropaly sp~g, MST is not one laboratory, but eight. Most of the work relevant to microelectronics and semiconductor tec~ology is carried on in NISTS labs in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and the panel convened in Gaithersburg to hear about and discuss all NESTS microelectronics work. For the purposes of this report, NIST is refereed to as one lab. 19 o~r~, Op. cit. me draft and fti reports of the panel were assembled and written by Dr. Oberai, using sections tit Were, in some c~es, written by panel members. Neither Dr. Oberai nor OTA represents this contractor report as a complete consensus; there were many disagreements among panel members, and while most were worked OU6 a few remain. m Nei~erDOEnor NIST can pay for outside research through aCRADA, Some CRADAS involve industry, or another outside entity, Wrifig a check for R&D done in a lab, but most DOE CRADAS and many of NISTS involve no exchange of money, The outside partner contributes in-kind R&D, and so does the lab. 21 ~S wo~d include not only the DOE weapons labs and NfST, but possibly other government labs as well. This study could not include evaluations of all the public or government-owntxi, contractor-operated (GOCO) labs that might contribute to the SIA roadmap, but there are other promising candidates. In 1992, the Army Research Labs Electronics and Power Sources Directorate signed 21 CRADAS with totat funding of nearly $4.4 millio~ some of this work maybe pertinent or adaptable to a government-wide effort to support civitian microelectronics technology development. So, too, is some of the work of MITs Lincoln Laboratories, which has projects underway in advanced semiconductor technologies, mostly funded by the Air Force.


Chapter 1--Summary and Policy Discussion 9 There is a range of opinion and options on what such a management structure should look like. At one end of the spectrum is the industry advisory panel approach, a model with which many in government are comfortable if not wholly satisfied. Advisory panels are common throughout the federal government, and they have the advantage of being a relatively quick way of getting feedback and advice on the conduct of federal programs from affected groups. However, few in the private sector care for this model, and some in government are growing more disenchanted with it. According to critics, advisory panel membership is unduly constrained by conflict of interest and financial disclosure regulations that often prevent those most interested from serving as advisors over a reasonable span of time. Another source of dissatisfaction, particularly as it applies in this case, is that advisory panels are just that: advisory. Agencies are free to disregard advice they dont agree with or would have a hard time carrying out, and while that may be appropriate in many instances, it is an unpromising approach for managing an extensive, governmentand industrywide effort to advance civilian technologies in the national laboratories. Nonetheless, advisory panels have some attractions. More federal programs now aim at furthering private-sector goals, at least implicitly; without input and feedback from company representatives, it is hard for agencies to execute such responsibilities effectively. Where advisory bodies work well, agencies take seriously the counsel of the panels and yet are not unduly constrained by the wishes of the members, many of whom understand the public missions of the agencies imperfectly, just as federal managers often have a poor understanding of the exigencies of life in the private sector. A somewhat different approach is being developed in the fall of 1993. Many in both the legislative and executive branches are interested in supporting semiconductor technology development that are broader than SEMATECH or other past programs, and better coordinated than previous federal-private technology development. The defense authorization bill under consideration in the Senate in summ er of 1993 contains provisions for the expansion of the Semiconductor Technology Council, intended to foster precompetitive cooperation in technology development among government, industry, and academia, redirect existing federal semiconductor R&D, and evaluate opportunities for new R&D efforts. The Councils functions include: advising SEMATECH and the Secretary of Defense on appropriate technology goals for SEMATECH; exploring opportunities for improved coordination among industry, government, and academia; opening a dialogue on new technology challenges; identifying gaps or redundancies in existing public and private R&D programs; assessing the progress of existing R&D in terms of the goals of the technology roadmap, and helping to update and implement the roadmap; and making recommendations regarding the content and scope of federal semiconductor technology development. Public officials 22 and representatives of industry and academia 23 would serve on the Council. 22 l%ese would include the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition (co-chairman), the Under Secretary of Energy responsible for Sciena and technology matters (a posii[~n that could be created in a couple of different ways in separate legislation), the Under Secretary of Commerce for Technology, the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, and the Director of the National Science Foundation. 23 There would be four members prominent in the semiconductor device industry, one of whom would serve, With the Under Swreof Defense for Acquisition as co-chairman; two members prominent in semiconductor equipment and materials industries; one member from the semiconductor user sector, and one member representing an acaduuic institution.


10 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology While its role is nominally advisory, the seriousness with which both Congress and the administration are taking the effort to create it would likely give the group more power than a government advisory panel ordinarily has. That power could evaporate, however, in an administration with a different outlook and goals. While there have been few precedents, the experience of the National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors (NACS) is instructive. Congress established NACS in 1988 24 to devise and promulgate a national semiconductor strategy. Its powers were confined to evaluation and recommendation of actions on the part of Congress and the President, and like the proposed Semiconductor Technology Council, it had no other control over expenditures or policies. Like the Council, NACS drew membership from industry and government. NACS policy recommendations were considerably broader than those envisioned for the Council. NACS addressed financial, educational, and trade policies as well as technology development, and it made recommendations regarding intellectual property protection and antitrust law and enforcement. NACS, in the succeeding four years, published several reports, many with strong recommendations for action, which were mostly ignored. In some cases, not acting on the recommendations turned out to have been prudent, or at least fortuitous; 26 i n others, it might be that the industry would now be better off had NACS options been enacted. The lesson is that advisory bodies with no other managerial power rely on goodwill and policy compatibility for their effectiveness, and these change. Another management option would therefore be to construct some kind of public/private managerial body with greater power to affect the plans, programs, and fiscal commitments of any cooperative efforts to advance semiconductor technology aimed specifically at following the SIA roadmaps. SEMATECH was set up largely at the urging of the semiconductor industry, and while its funding was half public (through ARPA), the managerial control of the program has been largely in the hands of private-sector managers, though ARPAs influence has always been strong. ARPA has an order in place, in the form of a grant, that references and authorizes SEMATECHS annual plan of work. ARPA has some input to the annual plan, both through SEMATECHS six Focus Technical Advisory Boards (FTABs), which oversee various technology areas, and through a heavy schedule of meetings between SEMATECH and ARPA managers. At the working level, there is little tension between ARPA managers and SEMATECH representatives, but, according to one ARPA representative, there can be tension at the FTAB level, where ARPA sometimes views industry managers as having an excessively short-term outlook, while industry FTAB representatives have the converse view of ARPA managers. Nevertheless, the process works, though not perfectly; compromises are forged and generally adhered to; moreover, SEMATECH itself has proven effective in helping the U.S. semiconductor industry regain some lost market share and improve the quality and competitiveness in several equipment sectors. Over its frost five years, SEMATECH grew to have closer relationships with ARPA managers, and ARPA representatives frequently attended meetings of SEMATECHs various technical advisory boards (figure 1-2). ARPA is not represented on these boards, but SEMATECH and ARPA planners meet extensively to develop technical plans for SEMAU Its Orgafic act was tie Natio@ Advisory Committee on Semiconductor Research and Development Act of 1988 (Public Law 100-410. 25 National AdviSo~ commi~ee on semiconductors, A Strategic fndust~ At Risk: A Report to the President and Congress From the National Advisory Cowttee on Semiconductors (Washington DC: November 1989), p, vii. 26 For exmple, NACS r~ommend~ aggr~sively pursuing synchrotrons x-ray lithography technology in 1989. In the succeeding few IWW other forms of advanced lithography have shown as much or more promise.


Chapter 1--Summary and Policy Discussion I 11 Figure 1-2Management and Coordination Structure for SEMATECH F SEMATECH s Mission Board of Directors ~ Policy n Funding ( 1 Y Executwe D Technical strategy Technical Advisory B Priorities Board I I n Program management Focus Technical Advisory Boards SOURCE: Avtar S. Oberai, The OTA Report on Federal Labs and the Semiconductor Industry: Partners in Technology, contractor report prepared for OTA, June 1993, p. 67. TECHs operation. ARPAs opinions are respected at SEMATECH, though its wishes are not always implemented. A prime concern of ARPA, for instance, has been what the agency views as SEMATECHs myopic concentration on nearterm technologies; through years of interaction, ARPA and SEMATECH were able to agree that, beginning in 1994, SEMATECH would devote 20 percent of its funding 27 to longer-term strategic projects with new thrusts (design, test, packaging, and materials). Using SEMATECHs management structure as a blueprint for management of a public/private research effort aimed at the SIA roadmap probably is both infeasible and impractical. The point of such a research effort is, after all, to develop techniques and technologies that, if they prove feasible, cost-effective, and robust, could be inserted in 5 to 10 years. SEMATECHs concerns are more immediate, and while nearly everyone agrees that SEMATECH is the best vehicle for disseminating technologies that are ready for commercialization, it may not be the best manager for longer-term projects. Moreover, it is very rare for private-sector managers to have as much control over as much public money as SEMATECHS management has had, though the exception has been accepted in SEMATECHs case. For example, one factor that sets SEMATECH apart from a lab-based public/private program is that unlike DOE and NIST, ARPA funds but does not conduct research internally. Whatever the management structure of a civilian semiconductor technology development program, it is unlikely that a wholly or mostly private structure like SEMATECHs would prove acceptable to managers of federal laboratories, or to their agencies. Finally, R&D in the four labs is designed to fulfill both public and private missions. NIST is chartered to do projects aimed frankly at civilian industrial concerns, but even so, there are public missions that NIST must satisfy as well. The DOE weapons labs, in contrast, have until recently aimed almost all their microelectronics work at satisfying defense needs, and while some of it is clearly adaptable to 27 ~cor~g t. a ~pre5en~tive of SEMATECH, this m~~ 20 percent of the consortiums toti b@w4 Or W rnil~on.


12 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology civilian concerns, some is not. The end of the Cold War does not mean the end of the DOE labs responsibilities for defense, and the agency and labs must continue to work on defense electronics. It is unrealistic to expect that DOE, or any other agency whose work could be used in both military and civilian applications, would be willing to turn over significant management of dual-use work to a private-sector team. The same is true of MST. While NIST has a much longer history of serving civilian needs, some of NISTs work is fundamental science, intended to support the U.S. metrology infrastructure on a time scale beyond industrys immediate needs. NIST managers, along with others in the scientific community, feel strongly the need to protect the agencys freedom to engage in work deemed technically valuable, even if it has no near-term commercial application. Nevertheless, some private-sector involvement consisting of more than just advice for efforts that are primarily aimed at meeting commercial needs is desirable in this case. Many options are possible, but would mostly be a departure from current practice. If Congress does allocate part of the effort of federal laboratories to cooperative work on the roadmaps as a public mission, some attention to devising such a management structure would be worthwhile. One option is, of course, to channel some responsibility for labs work pertaining only to the roadmaps through SEMATECH. For example, it might be possible to invest SEMATECH with handling the handoffs of technology from labs (or lab/industry cooperative R&D) to industry when proofs of concept have been established, and the primary need is commercialization. If SEMATECH is to have broader managerial responsibilities, strengthening the influence and power of the federal agencies 28 in the program with SEMATECH might be desirable (though many in SEMATECH would oppose this). Another would be to put the management of such an effort under the guidance of the STC, or make one of the Councils duties the construction of an appropriate management structure. An intermediate option would be to devise new mechanisms whereby public or company managers could have stronger influence over program planning and funding for the cooperative efforts. Perhaps a public/private/lab management council could be created with a set of duties much like those of the Council, but greater power to influence funding or direction of research programs by voting, after carefully evaluating projects. That, in turn, depends on having a reasonable set of evaluation criteria established in advance, along with appropriate monitoring. I Focusing the Efforts of the Laboratories OTAs panel of experts concurred that there is knowledge and technology in all four labs that could be (and often is) exploited or adapted by the civilian semiconductor industry. What is harder to agree on is how large an effort this should be, or how much of the potential trove of technology to attempt to develop specifically for the needs of the industry. To some extent, the question will answer itself, considering that any company has access to the labs technologies through several avenues, including contract research, CRADAs, interactions among researchers, site visits, and publications. But that kind of access will not have the same results as a program targeting a few problems that the labs have the best shot at solving. Moreover, the possibilities of redundant projects arising at several labs are greater without an overall strategic focus. Already, SIA has identified NIST as the primary developer of metrology technologies, and although many other labs can play supporting 28 ~S would include M agencies with labs involved in an initiative spedfkally designed to advance civilian semiconductor technology. For the purpose of this repo~ those agencies include the Department of Commerce (or at least NISI) and DOE.


Chapter 1--Summary and Policy Discussion I 13 roles, 29 the choice of NIST as lead metrology lab is undisputed. However, there is little consensus now on which of the other laboratories should assume lead roles in other technologies, or even what those technologies should be. There is broad agreement that federal laboratories have a niche in research that is longer-term than industrial R&D and probably not as future-oriented as most academic R&D (figure 1-3), but within this broad framework we have yet to select the handful of initiatives that show the most promise of yielding commercializable results. There is a developing consensus that advanced lithography is an appropriate technology for DOE and other labs to pursue, though no lead lab has been named; a critical mass of opinion is also forming around equipment and manufacturing process modeling, environmentally conscious manufacturing, and cleanup. Again, however, while all the DOE weapons labs are pursuing programs in these areas, no lead responsibilities have been assigned. If Congress is interested in authorizing a program of shared R&D aimed at furthering civilian semiconductor technology, one option is to select only a few key starting technologies from the plethora of possibilities and devote serious effort to designing appropriate responsibilities and management for them. A modest start might be frustrating to some, but it will be easier to build on a smaller, successful approach and the lessons learned than to make a grand entrance into a new business and risk many failures, always a possibility in a new program and a development almost sure to kill promising approaches as well as false starts. Another important step is designating lead and supporting responsibilities among laboratories. Many of the talents and resources, particularly in the DOE labs, are complementary, and could be Figure 1-3-Federal Laboratories Role in the Technology Development Cycle I Industry and m a) > & Q al 5 y u Federal c laboratories Universities E x o and SRC a a / K 0 0 0 0 --0 . / . .. .... 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Years to implementation SOURCE: Avtar S. Oberai, The OTA Report on Federal Lahs and the Semiconductor Industry: Partners in Technology, contractor report prepared for OTA, June 1993, p. 63. made to work in a synergistic way if managed properly. DOE headquarters is aware of this, and is trying to formulate appropriate managerial strategies. For example, in August 1993, DP officials were negotiating with SRC to coordinate the labs work in advanced lithography. DOE is also interested in designating lead labs in technology areas that have garnered a great deal of outside interest. Such efforts are a good beginning, and encouraging them probably is wise. In the absence of higher authorities making some tough decisions about how the labs should coordinate and divide work on civilian technologies, there is a substantial risk that opportunities to capture synergies, or to focus the attention of the labs on the problems they are best able to solve, could be missed. There is competition among the labs, mostly among DOE weapons labs (and sometimes other multiprogram DOE ~s Sandia and NIST are already working together on semiconductor issues under a 1993 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Under tie MOA, NIST has agreed to develop supporting metrology and associated technology for advanced semiconductor manufacturing tools, assure purity and assess the composition of materials, and assure manufacturing process reliability, Sandia will develop technologies to eliminate contamination, work on developing lithography tools, assist with modeling the next generation of semiconductor products, and provide access to the Center for Microelec@onics Technologies (CMT) to serve as a testbed.


14 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology labs), but labs affiliated with other agencies are in some cases vying for their share of precious budget dollars. Some competition is healthy, but, especially in todays tight fiscal environment, the dangers of unchecked competition probably outweigh the merits. I Evaluation Criteria Increasing competition for R&D funding, federal and private, has bolstered the case for development of good performance criteria. R&D is notoriously difficult to evaluate properly. Input measures--e.g. dollars or FTEs 30 --are often the most readily available measures, but they fail to capture the quality or usefulness of the R&D. Output measures, often including data or estimates of the commercial impact of technologies, or return-on-investment calculations, are unalterably judgmental, and are therefore subject to manipulation or bias. Frankly judgmental approaches, such as Delphi techniques, compensate partly by relying on many evaluators, and presumably some of these cancel out; however, research and development communities are still subject to penchants and fashions, despite the reverence of scientists for objectivity. None of this means that thorough, rigorous evaluation of R&D can be avoided; it means that evaluation criteria must be developed carefully, applied rationally, and amended as necessary. The OTA review panel devised two sets of criteria-one for DOE labs, one for NIST--to use in evaluating whatever R&D programs were undertaken (box l-C). The panel envisioned a phased approach to the DOE labs studies aimed at the roadmap. Phase 1 projects include concept or exploratory work, usually averaging $1 million to $3 million in size, and aimed at producing technologies whose commercialization could begin 6 or more years in the future. The panel envisioned these as designed to be synergistic with university-based research efforts managed by SRC, to the extent feasible. Examples might include laser doping, nanometer stage investigation, and low-damage etch processes. Phase 2 projects would examine technical and commercial feasibility. These projects would average $3 million to $10 million, and aim at producing technologies for commercialization three to six years out. Phase 2 projects would be expected to have industry participation (both in conducting and funding the studies), perhaps through SEMATECH. The result of a typical Phase 2 project would be a preproduction prototype technology, such as a lithography tool, a contamination-free manufacturing system, or TCAD (technology computer-aided design) software. The third phase, insertion and implementation, would involve industry much more than labs, both in terms of time and expenditure (see figure 1-4). Phase 3 projects would develop applications of generic skills or capacities to solve identified problems on an as-needed basis. Some of the key evaluation criteria, which the panel called return on investment, address how many projects progress from Phase 1 through 3. These two sets of criteria were apparently acceptable to OTAs panel, and might serve as interim measures. In OTAs view, however, the two sets of evaluation criteria are mismatched enough that further effort to develop a more consistent set might be warranted. As the lists stand now, DOEs criteria are mainly outputor process-oriented, while NISTs resemble goal or mission statements more than evaluation criteria, with little obvious avenue for feedback other than that provided by MSTs ongoing advisory committees. The lack of more explicit measures of performance could be a concern, especially under an expanded, interagency program of cooperative R&D. Conversely, the criteria as written for NIST give it a very tough assignment, one that might not be manageable within the agencys budget in a time of tight fiscal discipline. 30 Full.~e equivalents, a measure of Staff time.


.. Chapter 1--Summary and Policy Discussion 15 Box l-CEvaluation Criteria for National Laboratories Criteria for DOE Laboratories l Industry is involved with the labs and vice-versa. Measures could include: Number of companies providing resources to the lab programs. -Companies contribute dues (>$10,000) to acknowledge access to the labs consulting capability. Reasonable attendance (>70%) at quarterly update meetings. More than three companies provide significant resources per program. -Co-principal investigators from the industry. Significant fraction (>30%) of the work done at industry sites. Positive return on investment. Measures could include: >20% of Phase 1 programs move to Phase 2. >25% of Phase 2 programs are commercialized. Principal investigators are measured on executing and transfer of technology. Mechanisms are established to ensure that programs can be killed if industry doesnt want the technology. -Multi-year programs are projected in one-year stages for easy reset. Industrial partners are signed up within three years. Criteria for NIST l Measurement techniques are provided for all key steps of future semiconductor processing (examples: gate oxide thickness, photolithography critical dimensions and overlay, contamination levels, device profiles). l Standards and services are provided so that industry can calibrate their measurements with NIST. Data are supplied for characterization and validation of the various process, device, and package technology needed to implement the national roadmaps. Where appropriate, NIST provides services to allow the laboratories and industry to do measurements that would allow participants to compare their performance to that of other participants. l Program plans reflect the needs and timing of the national roadmap and are kept up to date. While many of the specific measures suggested ily measured financially), and mechanisms to for the DOE labs may not be appropriate for insure program termin ation if the technology NIST, the generalized criteria-significant conturns out to be useless to industry--are appropritact among lab and industry researchers in projate as a starting point in developing a more ects, positive return on investment (not necessarconsistent list. 31 It would also be useful to SI ~~Y lab ~eprescnfatil,cs me, however, concerned about the last criterion (measures to teITnlIWe programs when indust~ is ot interested in the technology). Most argue that this provision must be strongly tempered by the labs having flexibility to pursue public missions (including advancement of basic sciences, national defense, energy conservation, and the like) even when industry does not foresee commercial applications. Also, NIST reviewers point out that many of the criteria suggested for DOE labs are already used at NIST, de facto if not formally, There is, according to NIST, already extensive contact between lab and industry scientists and engineers; many NIST projects have been evaluated in terms of return on investment; and mechanisms are in place to assure termination of unuseful programs.


16 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST Figure 1-4Roles of Universities, Federal Laboratories, and Industry in Development of New Technologies Distribution of effort SOURCE: Avtar S. Oberai, The OTA Report on Federal Labs and the Semiconductor Industry: Partners in Technology, contractor report prepared for OTA, June 1993, p. 59. consider adding standards for project selection, as well as process and output measures. The task of developing appropriate criteria for anew program of public/private R&D, unusual as such undertakings are, could be daunting, and could require special effort. Several organizations could be directed to look into the matter broadly (e.g., developing criteria for all publicly funded R&D aimed at commercial applications) or narrowly (developing criteria for any special program dedicated to advancing commercial semiconductor technologies). Possibilities include the National Academy of Sciences, creation of a special commission or blue-ribbon panel for the purpose, or (narrowly construed) the Council. I Assuring Effective Hand-offs The success of the whole public-private cooperative R&D effort depends on there being to Semiconductor Technology strength on both sides of the relationship. Researchers from labs, industry, and universities must have frequent and close contact, and all parties must work to accommodate everyones concerns and objectives in program planning and execution. This is less likely to happen if one of the partners is weak. The American semiconductor industry and the materials and equipment industries that support it have had a turbulent decade. Still considered globally dominant in the late 1970s, the industry lost share rapidly in the 1980s in most market segments, mostly to Japanese manufacturers. Since the late 1980s, the industry has revived to some extent, mostly due to private-sector efforts but also due to a couple of government programs, including ARPAs funding half of SEMATECH and (though some would dispute this) the Semiconductor Trade Agreement with Japan (see ch. 3). The improvement can be measured in such terms as the U.S. global share of merchant semiconductor production, 32 which turned up in 1990. Similar upturns occurred in several equipment sectors as well. All analysts caution that some of the upturn in market shares of U.S .-based producers is attributable to the fact that the Japanese market, which Japan-based producers heavily dominate, has undergone a deeper and more protracted recession than the United States in the 1990s. However, there is also a broad consensus that the industrys revival is also due to more sustainable bases, like better technology and greater control and understanding of manufacturing processes. Several areas remain weak, however. One of the key weaknesses is in lithography equipment. 33 Lithography, according to SIA, is both the dominant cost factor in wafer processing and the driving technology for increasing chip functionality and, hence, is the primary pacing techJZ Semiconductor s~es we COmrnOnIy measured in terms of merchant and captive sales. Merchant producers are those who sell semiconductors or devices to users, often systems makers; captive production is intrafirm production in vertically integrated companies. 33 Li~ography is the process by which a pattern is formed in a photosensitive coating that covers a substrate. (SW 1993, Op. cit.) In semiconductor production it is used to pattern the lines comecdng various devices on a chip.


Chapter 1--Summary and Policy Discussion I 17 nology for industry progress." 34 Yet the U.S. lithography equipment industry has grown weaker over the past decade, going from a 90 percent global market share in 1981 to 10 percent in 1991.35 Concern for maintaining a domestic industry mounted recently as one of the three U.S. companies in the business, GCA, was offered for sale by its parent firm (General Signal) and, when no buyer made an acceptable offer, dissolved. SEMATECH had, for several years, invested millions of dollars in GCA, and SEMATECH experts worked with the company to improve its equipment. Many agree that these efforts met with technical success; GCAs machine, by 1992, was technically comparable to or slightly better than its competition. However, the company still failed. 36 While many in the industry attribute at least some of the failure to management problems at GCA or its parent company, General Signal, it is also true that lithography equipment is a very hard business to stay in, even for a well-managed company. It demands millions of dollars worth of R&D every year, has a limited market, and is subject to exceptionally fast technological obsolescence. The two Japanese companies that dominate the business, Nikon and Canon, are large, 37 horizontally diversified, and vertically integrated, which means that they can cross-subsidize investmenthungry segments like lithography with the profits from less-demanding segments. Added to that is the fact that, for several decades, capital costs have been lower and investors more patient in Japan than in the United States. Considering too the technical excellence of the Japanese companies, it is easy to see why the lithography equipment business has been so tough for American companies. There are two left: SVGL (Silicon Valley Group Lithography) and Ultratech Stepper. 38 Ultratech has carved out a market niche in the l-micron range, which is not state-of-the-art in line width resolution but satisfies the requirements for most of the 25-30 lithography steps currently required in most semiconductor production. The only American company that still is a player on the cutting edge of line-width technology in lithography is SVGL. SVGL resulted from the Silicon Valley Groups purchase of the lithography business of Perkin Elmer, once a prominent manufacturer of lithography equipment. SVGLs new technology, Micrascan, is reportedly very good, and may hold promise for the next generation of semiconductor technology. 39 But SVGL is a small company competing against larger, better-established businesses with deserved reputations for technical excellence and outstanding service. If Micrascan technology does not sell adequately in the next couple of years, SVGL could go the way of Perkin-Elmer and GCA, leaving the world with three stepper companies (Nikon, Canon, and the European company ASM), barring new entrants. SVGL has also received funding and assistance from SEMATECH and its members, and the effort, along with SVGLs own expertise, has apparently yielded good interim technical results. But SVGL is in the midst of licensing MicraScan technology to Canon, reportedly in return for licensing fees and some 34 SIA, op. cit., p. 8. ~~ Scmlconductor ~dustry Association, Semiconductor Technology: Workshop Worhing Group Reports (Sm Jose, CA: 1993) P. ~~. 36 In 1993, here was som e interest in Congress and the Executive branchin mounting a rescue effort for GCA. BY this wfi~g, in fall 1993, the company re mains defunc~ and the passage of time will only increase the diftlcuhy of revival. IT one company official compued Canon and Nikon to their American competition by sawg, The R&D budget of Nikon is bigger than the annual sales of [the American companies]. N fierc ,Ve also several companies explofig advanc~ fi~omphy, but SVGL and ~~at~h Me tie o~y producers of optical lithography equipment in the United States. 39 fie ~unent ~encration of ]eading.~ge li~o~aphy tec~olo~ m~es l~e-~dths as sm~l as ().35 Mcrons; the next generation, expected to come on Iinc in the late 1990s, is expected to be 0.25 microns.


18 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology help from Canon with manufacturing technology 40 With the disparity in the size, market power, and experience of the two fins, many knowledgeable observers are concerned that SVGL may not survive more than a few years. In many equipment industries-for example, many segments of the textile equipment industry loss of domestic suppliers has not proven much of a competitive handicap for American firms. In others, the loss of competence and market share in equipment has cost downstream manufacturers dearly. Semiconductor equipment is probably one of the latter. Semiconductor technologies change rapidly, and close relationships with equipment manufacturers are important considering that a few months lead in installing, debugging, and producing using new equipment can mean a significant edge in market share. Many American equipment suppliers once maintained close relationship with semiconductor and systems producers, relying on customer feedback to help design new equipment and develop new technologies, but as competitive pressures took a toll, many of these ties were frayed. SEMATECH, and its close partnership with the equipment suppliers association (SEMI), helped to restore the productive ties of equipment and chip manufacturers, even in lithography equipment. But unlike in other segments, the efforts in lithography missed the mark. Many reasons for that miss have been advanced; some say that GCAs machines were too late, becoming available later than promised and after major semiconductor manufacturers had made purchasing commitments for the current generation of technology. Some regard GCAs business plans as weak and the fact that CGAs new machines failed to find enough buyers is attributable to a lack of confidence in the companys longevity (if true, of course, this amounted to a self-fulfilling prophecy). Canon and Nikon, in contrast, are regarded as reliable, competent companies. Whatever the reason, GCAs failure and SVGLs modest position in the market mean that the American stepper industry is still weak, even after a great deal of public and private effort has been devoted to strengthen it. There is, as usual, a wide range of opinion on what to do. Some would do nothing, assuming that foreign suppliers will go on being as competent and reliable as they have been. But to others, the issue of relying heavily (perhaps exclusively, depending on ASMs performance in the next few years) on two suppliers, and Japanese suppliers in particular, is worrisome. While European semiconductor manufacture has struggled for years to gain a larger toehold on global markets, Japanese competition in semiconductors has improved at an impressive pace. Japanese merchant semiconductor manufacturers held a larger share of the global market than American merchant producers until 1992, and the gap has been narrow in the last couple of years. Canon and Nikon are often reported to have closer relationships with their Japanese customers than with most of their American customers, for obvious historic, geographic, and cultural reasons. Some openly doubt that American firms get equipment as early, or can command the responsiveness to technical adjustments, that their Japanese customers get from Nikon and Canon. Mostly because of the uniquely interconnected networks of businesses that characterize much of Japans economy, some worry that dependence on Japanese suppliers in particular, and especially in so important a sector as lithography equipment, could be a significant competitive disadvantage. Public policy has seldom dealt with such issues particularly well. No government department can wield the kind of influence over ongoing business plans and decisions that Japans Ministry of @ me llcem~g a~=ment be~een Canon and SVGL is under review at SEMATECH, and not publicly available as ~s report is betig written. The terms of the agreement as written above arc what many knowledgeable observers believe to be contained in the agreement. According to one source, not only Micrascan technology but the 193-mnometer process, which has even freer resolution and was origimlly developed at Lincoln Laboratories, is also part of the agreement.


Chapter 1--Summary and Policy Discussion 19 International Trade and Industry (MITI) could when the Japanese semiconductor industry and its attendant equipment sectors were weak. Even if it were possible, differences in situation and environment between the United States now and Japan in the 1960s and 1970s probably make the actual public policy decisions of Japan a poor guide. If, as much of the industrys own analysis indicates, lithography equipment is a key sector in which to maintain strength, it would be prudent to consider all the steps necessary to build that strength. Technology policy is almost never enough, by itself. Though it is not the purpose of this report to examine all the policy choices with respect to key, but weak, sectors, this consideration should be prominent in decisions regarding how the labs can contribute to lithography, and other sectors like it. In short, Congress might wish to consider creating a commission of experts drawn from academia, industry, and government, to analyze key factors that account for the decline of the stepper manufacturing sector in the United States, and to list attendant policy recommendations. This option becomes even more important if the United States continues to support development of advanced lithography technologies, as it has done for many years, Several agencies have lithography R&D efforts underway. ARPA has supported advanced lithography to the tune of $75 million in earmarked funds in FY 1993, plus SEMATECHs expenditures on lithography; DOE weapons labs have R&D efforts underway to support their own missions, and NIST has programs designed to permit the domestic semiconductor industry to use lithographic equipment effectively. While most of the work done in the past was in optical lithography, SIA expects some radical shifts in lithography over the next decade or so; examining new approaches to lithography will certainly require tens of millions of dollars (and maybe more) annually for several years, Some of the needed R&D in advanced lithography will be carried on by industry, 41 but exploration of new concepts in lithography (advanced optical, projection and proximity x-ray, e-beam, ion projection, and massively parallel direct write) will not be supported by the private sector at a level sufficient to have any assurance of strength in lithography by the turn of the century. There is keen interest, both in the labs and in the private sector, in continuing government funding of advanced lithography research. Many approaches are being explored; most are far from even being in the development phase. Research is needed to bring one or more to the proof-ofconcept stage, or to the point where industry is willing or able to invest more heavily in technology development and commercialization (under the assumption that we are unwilling to risk dependence on foreign stepper suppliers). To support exploratory work in lithography alone, at a level sufficient to give a reasonable chance of having alternatives available as semiconductor line-widths narrow below 0.2 microns, will require tens of millions of dollars of public funding over the next several years, in addition to what is already being spent on lithography. An examination of the scope, purpose, and performance of lithography research being done by government agencies would also be in order; the investment of new money might be smaller if some existing work could be adapted (without compromising public missions) to better meet the needs of commercial stepper technology development. Explicit coordination mechanisms for a multiagency program might also be in order, including DOE, DoD, and NIST at a minimum. Finally, it is worth remembering that even if adequate funding and coordination are established to advance lithography technology, these may not be enough to assure that American companies are represented in the stepper business, or that American consumers of steppers can reap the benefits of public ~1 For example, four companiesJamar, Ul@atech Stepper, Intel, and AT& T/Sandia-have CRADAS with Livermore wortig on soft =raY Il[hography,


20 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology funding of advanced lithography research. Exploration of additional policy approaches to rebuilding a domestic industry might be warranted, especially if public resources devoted to lithogral phy research are significantly expanded. I Funding 42 None of the four labs being considered in this report has adequate funding, under current circumstances, to handle the new responsibilities possible in a public/private program to advance commercial semiconductor technology. In order to devote resources sufficient to make much of a difference, all of the four would have to either have new money or redirect ongoing research. Some redirection may be possible, especially at the DOE labs, where missions are changing as a result of the end of the Cold War and cuts in military programs. Even there, however, the dividend available from cutbacks in nuclear weapons programs is commonly overestimated (barring a revision and reorganization of the labs defense responsibilities more extensive than anything yet done or underway). A close examination of whether redirecting existing research in the four labs, or even government-wide, could serve commercial needs adequately without compromising public missions could be valuable, but there is a strong possibility that the answer will be no. All four labs have many interests and projects competing for available resources. NIST has had some appropriated funding for semiconductor metrology R&D, but the combination of increasing demand for metrology support across a range of emerging technologies and federal budgetary constraints have made it impossible to fully fund the labs requested budget during the last two administrations. DOEs CRADA program, while it is not the only or the best answer to cooperative R&D, serves as a useful example of funding bottlenecks. DOEs CRADA program has grown very rapidly for a new program, from $1 million in 1990 to probably more than $200 million in FY 1993. 43 The rapid expansion, along with the programs high visibility, 44 made the new activities difficult to manage. DOEs DP, which controls the largest share of CRADA funds, has also devised a proposal screening and selection process that, though aimed at worthy objectives like minimizing redundancy and reinforcement of the core competencies of various labs, has proved cumbersome and opaque. Equally frustrating to many companies interested in CRADAs is the amount of time it takes to negotiate an agreement after the approval is granted. Throughout 1992 and 1993, it has taken about four months for DP to approve proposals, and another four months to negotiate a CRADA (a process in which the lab takes lead responsibility, guided by DOE field offices). One reason for the lengthy selection process is that DOE has been peppered with proposals, so that even with the relatively generous funds available, the agency probably funds many fewer than one in ten proposals. At the beginning of 1993, about half the money available for CRADAs in DP ($71 million) was already committed to ongoing projects, and proposals approved in early November (which had been submitted in the previous fiscal year, in the June 1992 call for proposals) accounted for approximately $40 million more. That left only 42 For ~ expmded discussion of funding issues associated with cooperative R&D at the DOE labs, see U.S. Congress, Offke of TWhnology Assessment, Defense Conversion: Redirecting R&D, op. cit., pp. 110111. 43 Defe~e pro-s at DOE, which hM more money for CRADAS than any other divisioq has a $141 milhOn appropriation set aside for cooperative R&D at the weapons laboratories. One other division+ Energy Research also has a setaside for CRADAS; other divisions fund cooperative R&D from program funds. u me proWm~s isibfli~ w= the ~sult of man y things. One was the National Technology Initiative, a I@ Wency ProW 1a~ched ~ 1992 to acquaint potential cooperators (universities and industry) with the opportunities for technology transfer and joint R&D at federal laboratories. Another was the fact that DOEs weapons laboratories are, by substantial margins, the nations larges$ and up until recently, least known. Their nuclear weapons missions makes anything they do controversial.


Chapter 1--Summary and Policy Discussion ] 21 about $30 million for proposals submitted in late 1993 and approved in spring of 1994. There was very little or no set-aside money for CRADAs left in DP after spring. In fact, there has been very little flexibility for DP to fund CRADAs with set-aside money throughout FY 1993, considering that the last call for proposals (which used up all but the dregs of the $141 million) was in late 1992. Several semiconductor manufacturers and semiconductor equipment manufacturers were already working with the weapons labs, or had negotiations underway, but interest in shared research was also burgeoning in spring of 1993, just when funding was drying up. Even at NIST, where CRADA executions are straightforward and swift, trying to initiate significant amounts of new work in one industry area might prove problematic, given the amount of cooperative work NIST researchers already maintain (NIST reports that it has one CRADA for every four full-time researchers). The above illustration is not meant to imply that CRADAs are the only, or even the best, avenue for the labs to contribute to technology development. The time and trouble that it has taken to begin a DOE CRADA has soured many industry representatives on the whole process, and many would prefer to use other mechanisms if a new semiconductor technology initiative were begun. However, unless additional money is made available (through appropriation or internally, with agency program funds) for cooperative R&D and earmarked for semiconductor work, funding will remain an obstacle. # Overlap Currently, there is little concern about redundancy among the four laboratories work in microelectronics. In some cases, the labs core competencies are described in similar terms, but on closer evaluation the specifics of the work are sufficiently different that overlap problems have not arisen. Some of this is due to differences in lab missions--NISTs primary function is to provide metrology, and its major target audience is civilian industry, while the DOE weapons labs missions have concentrated on a variety of other sciences and engineering, primarily for military applications and secondarily to meet the nations energy goals. Livermore and Los Alamos were originally designed to compete and to complement each others work in physics and nuclear science, but even there, the differences in what they have done and can do best to advance semiconductor roadmaps are more striking than the similarities. If the labs semiconductor work were significantly expanded, redundancy could become more of a problem, however. The most expeditious way to avoid redundancy would be to create, along with expanded authority to pursue civilian microelectronics R&D, the kind of management structure described above. Frequent communication among labs, companies, and universities cooperating in such an effort can be an effective way of assuring that needless overlap (some overlap is good) is avoided.


Laboratory T Capabilities; 2 he Department of Energys weapons labs (Sandia National Laboratories, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory) and the Department of Commerces National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) offer potential for improving the competitiveness of U.S. semiconductor manufacturers and their suppliers. All four labs have developed strong competencies in areas the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) has identified as critical to the future success of the U.S. semiconductor industry, such as lithography, modeling and simulation, environmental safety and health, and equipment design. In 1993, the four labs devoted resources million to cooperative research (CRADAs) with the commercial At present, the labs work consisting of numerous small valued at approximately $115 and development agreements semiconductor industry. with industry is fragmented, projects that build upon the capabilities of individual researchers or research groups. However, each of the labs appears to have strong capabilities in particular subjects that could become focal points of their efforts to support the commercial semiconductor industry. NIST is clearly the leader in most areas of metrology; Sandia has particular capabilities in equipment modeling and design, as well as in contamination-free manufacturing; Los Alamos is strong in both the modeling of semiconductor devices, manufacturing processes, and complete factories, and in environmental safety and health; Lawrence Livermore has particular expertise in soft x-ray lithography and materials processing. Already, the labs are beginning to pursue leadership roles in some areas and coordinate their research with the other labs, industry, and universities. Integrating the labs more closely with industry will not be easy, though. DOE labs are new to commercial missions and do 24


25 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology not operate with the same cost considerations or time horizons as commercial companies. Such cultural differences are likely to cause frustration in joint R&D programs between industry and the labs. Industry has already found negotiating CRADAs with DOE labs slow and laborious. In addition, the labs have only limited experience with the most advanced commercial practices for manufacturing integrated circuits (ICs). While Sandia has manufactured ICs for defense applications and NIST has provided support in metrology (the science of measurement) to the commercial IC industry for several decades, the labs as a whole have not been operating on the leading edge of commercial IC production. Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore boast strong capabilities in simulation and modeling, but do not have extensive experience applying these strengths to commercial semiconductor processes and factories. It may therefore take some time before their contributions to commercial industry become evident in the marketplace. LABORATORY/lNDUSTRY COLLABORATION Both the DOE weapons labs and NIST offer significant, and complementary, capabilities to aid the U.S. commercial semiconductor industry, While these are not the only federal laboratories with capabilities of interest to the semiconductor industry, they are, for several reasons, the labs most likely to contribute to commercial missions in the near term. First, with the decline in nuclear weapons work, the DOE labs may be given new missions to assist commercial industry through technology transfer and cooperative research and development, l They are already being encouraged to work more closely with industry through CRADAs. Second, NIST has a long history of working with industry to develop and disseminate new standards and measurement methods. In the last decade, NIST has been given new responsibilities to support manufacturing extension programs and commercial technology development. U DOE Labs The Department of Energy Defense Program Laboratories (or weapons labs) were created to develop nuclear weapons technology. In fulfilling this mission, the weapons labs developed diverse science and engineering capabilities for producing, testing, and ensuring the safety of the nations nuclear deterrent. These capabilities, which include specific competencies in physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering, and computer science (box 2-A), now form the basis of the DOE labs ability to help improve U.S. industrial competitiveness in the semiconductor industry. The weapons labs have experience in nearly all stages of technology development, with the notable exception of full-scale commercial production. The labs invented a complete design and manufacturing process, beginning with detailed nuclear and atomic physics and extending through systems integration, for both the nuclear and non-nuclear components of the weapons systems. Each of the labs played a specific role in the process. Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore were chartered to understand the physics of nuclear devices and to develop materials technology in support of the weapons program. Sandia National Labs was directed to develop the science and engineering skills required for the nonnuclear portion of nuclear weapons systems, including custom and radiation-hardened ICs and other electronics. The weapons labs may be best-suited to address research problems that are in the middle of the development cycle-between basic research and product developmentand that com1 Two bills currently under consideration in Congress, H.R. 1432 and S.473, direct the DOE labs to work more closely with industry. The House bill restricts DOE to missions in nuclear weapons, defense, energy, and environmental remediatio~ but encourages greater technology transfer and cooperative R&D. Tbe Senate bill includes a broader mission statement that explicitly charters the labs to conduct programs of industrial R&D.


-, ._. Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 26 Box 2-ACore Competencies of DOE Weapons Laboratories Lawrence Livermore Applied physics, chemistry, and materials science Plasma, solid-state, and atomic physics and chemistry Synthesis and processing of metal and alloys, ceramics, and organics Surface science and processing, adhesion and bonding, microstructural science Chemical kinetics and synthesis Superconductivity, materials and mechanisms Nuclear chemistry Materials characterization via synchrotrons radiation, accelerator mass spectrometry, electron and scanning microscopy, positron spectroscopy, etc. Measurements and diagnostics Plasma and high-temperature diagnostics Surface diagnostics Sensors and detectors Data capture, analysis, fusion, and control Process monitoring and control X-ray microand macro-tomography Computational science and engineering Modeling of solids, fluids, atomic structure at micro and macro scales, under normal and extreme conditions Constitutive models for complex materials processing Quantum chemistry, lubrication and bio-molecules on surfaces EM circuit and electro-optic device design Electricity and magnetism in 3-dimensional Maxwells equations solvers with complex boundary conditions Scientific visualization Imaging and signal processing Microelectronics and photonlcs High-density, high-performance chip packaging (multichip modules) High-speed electrical and optical data transmission Materials and systems reliability Band-gap engineering and verification Gas immersion laser doping (GILD) Display technologies High-speed electromagnetic and optical circuit modeling, test, and diagnostics Lasers, optics, electro-optics Soft x-ray lithography systems: x-ray sources, optics, and materials High-power/high-radiance solid-state lasers High-power semiconductor laser arrays Optoelectronics design and development High-power optical fiber transport Laser processing of materials Manufacturing Precision engineering Metrology Advanced design and process engineering Computed tomography and ultrasound Non-destructive evacuation Engineered materials and processes Modellng, production, and metrology of multi-layer and epitaxial materials Advanced lowand high-dielectric materials Atomic, ionic, particle, and photon beam materials processing and modeling Plasma processing-modeling and validation of processing methods Aerogels, zerogels, and solgels Microstructure: microchannel coolers, actuators, sensors, and micro instruments Molecular dynamic modeling of machined and deposited microstructure Atmospheric and geosciences Seismology and imaging Geochemistry Global climate and transport modeling Transport measurements, atmospheric chemistry Defense sciences Nuclear system design Scientific computing of massive problems with disparate time and distance scales Energetic materials and conventional munitions Nuclear measurements and design validation under extreme conditions Blosclence/Biotechnology Genomics Physical biology Analytical cytology Synthetic and natural biomaterials sciences Micro-instruments and sensors Environmental science and technology U.S. and California compliance and remediation expertise Measurements and sensors Remediation technologies Process developments Bio, chemical, and radiation dosimetry (continued on next page)


27 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Box 2-ACore Competencies of DOE Weapons Laboratories-Continued Sandia Microelectronics and photonlcs Physical simulation and engineering sciences IC design, fabrication, and test Combustion sciences Advanced lithography Geological sciences Reliability physics and engineering Experimental mechanics Advanced packaging Solid and structural mechanics Compound semiconductor and strained-layer Radiation transport and above-ground radiation semiconductor technology testing Optoelectronics and photonics Diagnostics and instrumentation Lasers, laser arrays, and associated technology Fluid and thermal sciences Compound Semiconductor Research Laboratory Nondestructive evaluation Engineered materials and processes Environmental testing and engineering Synthesis and processing of metals, ceramics, and Research reactor engineering and experimentation organics Computational simulation and high-performance Characterization and analytical technique computing development Massively parallel computing Theory, simulation and modeling of materials and High-performance scientific computing processes Quantum chemistry and electronic structure Melting, casting, and joining Computational hydrodynamics, mechanics, and Chemical vapor deposition and plasma deposition dynamics ion beam processing and analysis Digital communications and networking Pulsed power information surety intense particle beam physics Development and application of intelligent machines High-speed switching Signal processing Intense x-ray physics Radiation effects simulation Plasma and electromagnetic theory and application plement the R&D capabilities of industry and ployed almost 25,000 people in 1993. Their universities. The labs have the capabilities and the technical staffs employ more than 11,500 workfacilities necessary to conduct applied research ers, over one-third of whom hold Ph.D. in fields programs and to develop prototypes of new such as physics, chemistry, engineering, mathesystems for demonstration/validation purposes. matics, and computer science (figure 2-l). This is a mission that industry has slowly Furthermore, the weapons labs are gaining retreated nom, universities have not yet ventured experience in working with industry. Since 1989, into, and government rarely supports, all DOE labs have begun programs of cooperative Each of the labs has managed and executed R&D with industry. Though implementation of large-scale programs requiring large facilities, CRADAs has been slow and frustrating, the three high levels of funding, and multidisciplinary weapons labs had signed 179 CRADAs as of May scientific expertise. Together, the labs managed 1993, totaling over $235 million of in-kind an operational budget of $3.4 billion and emlaboratory contributions 2 Many of these agree2 U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Defense Conversion: Redirecting R&D, OTA-ITE-552 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1993), pp. 104-105.


Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 28 Box 2-ACore Competencies of DOE Weapons Laboratories-Continued Los Alamos Nuclear technologies Advanced materials and processing Nuclear weapons design Plutonium processing Reactor design and safety analysis Manufacturing process analysis Nuclear medicine Materials modeling (material by design) Nuclear measurements Polymers High-performance computing and modeling Ceramics Global environment (climate change, etc.) Metallics Computational test bed for industry Composites Massively parallel processing Beam technologies High data rate communication Accelerator transmission of waste Traffic modeling Laser diagnostics Visualization Materials characterization Dynamic experimentation and diagnostics Photonics Arms control/verification Photolithography (x-ray sources) Global environment Neutron beam chemistry and physics Neutron scattering Systems engineering and rapid prototyping Measurement of explosive phenomena Transportation systems Light detection and ranging for atmospheric Environmental and energy systems analysis measurements Lasers manufacturing Theory and complex systems Accelerator systems Human genome Traffic simulation Neural networks Non-linear phenomena SOURCE: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Uvermore, CA; Los Aiamos Nationai Laboratory, ims Aiamos, NM; Sandia Nationai Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM. ments cover R&D in fields related to semiconduclabs combined operating budgets remained contor technology. With declining defense budgets, the labs may be able to dedicate more of their resources to nondefense problems. Already, the portion of their budgets directed to defense has fallen. In 1993, defense activities at Los Alamos comprised 71 percent of its total operating budget, compared with 78 percent in 1987; at Lawrence Livermore, defense activities dropped to 67 percent, down from 76 percent in 1988; and at Sandia, defense activities have declined from 87 percent to 78 percent since 1989. Despite these changes, the stant (in real dollars) during this period, 3 9 NIST Originally founded in 1901 as the National Bureau of Standards, NIST is the national custodian of the fundamental units of measurement. Measurements developed at NIST rest on the most secure metrological foundation possible in the United States and, in many cases, anywhere in the world. NIST is legally designated to function as the lead national laboratory for providing the measurements, calibration, and quality assurance 3 Ibid, p. 83.


29 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Figure 2-lProfessional Staff of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST by Degree Masters 6i!iiD 868 Bachelors 709 None 71 Los Alamos PhD 1473 1106 /<---. 1066 w 1400 512 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory National Laboratory 2035 /--.. 332 411 @ 742 95 w 589 1365 404 National Institute Sandia of Standards and Technology National Laboratories SOURCE: Avtar S. Oberai, The OTA Report on Federal Labs and the Semiconductor Industry: Partners in Technology, contractor report prepared for OTA, June 1993, p. 27. techniques that underpin U.S. commerce. Among other activities, NIST represents the United States in international affairs having to do with weights and measures, provides technical advice and consultation to other parts of the government, and cooperates with the private sector in the development of voluntary standards. NIST has developed or improved a large fraction of the measurement methods used daily by the semiconductor indusV NISTs mission was expanded in the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 to give it a greater role in stimulating U.S. industrial competitiveness. NIST now operates a growing number of manufacturing extension centers (nine as of 1993) that bring best-practice manufacturing methods to small and medium-sized business. MST also manages the Advanced Technology Program, which provides cost-shared R&D grants to companies and other institutions developing critical commercial technologies. These extramural programs have grown from $6 million in 1988 to $86 million in 1993. NIST is smaller than the DOE weapons labs, with a total staff of about 3,200, approximately 1,600 of whom are on the technical staff and 800 of whom hold Ph.D. degrees. NIST had a total budget of $599 million in 1993 (figure 2-2). Congress appropriated two-thirds of this total: $295 million to support MSTs intramural research program and construction of new facilities, and $86 million to support ATP and the manufacturing extension centers. The remainder of NISTs budget came from outside sources: other federal agencies that support research at MST; in-kind contributions of staff and equipment from companies conducting joint research with NIST; and fees from companies using agency facilities or purchasing standard reference materials. NISTs operating budget is likely to grow significantly in the next four years. The Clinton administration plans to shift federal R&D priori-


. Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 130 Figure 2-2NIST Funding By Source, 1993 Illtles ATP $68 $68 ManufacFees turing $39 extension S18 SOURCE: National Institute of Standards and Technology, General Information About NIST, briefing to OTA, March 15, 1993. ties away from defense and toward commercial problems. NIST has been targeted as a key player in a larger civilian effort; its budget may grow by a factor of four, to $1.7 billion, by 1997, ATP would receive the largest proportional increase, growing from $68 million in 1993 to $730 million by 1997. Unlike the DOE weapons labs, which have only recently been chartered to collaborate with and support commercial industry, NIST has long had an industrial mission. In its work with the semiconductor industry, NIST not only supports performance specifications and operation of advanced manufacturing tools, but also provides the standards and metrology required to assure the purity and composition of materials used in manufacturing. NISTs intramural research occupies a unique niche in the nations infrastructure. Most companies do only enough measurement work to solve specific problems. Academic attention to measurement problems is limited. Many measurement problems cannot be broken down into small enough pieces for a student to solve in the course of a graduate program. Furthermore, in the United States, there is little perceived professional glamour in most metrological issues, so professors usually pursue other topics. NIST has earned a worldwide reputation for impartiality and technical excellence. Its competencies in metrology span a number of disciplines (table 2-l). The efficiency of solving a measurement problem once at NIST and then disseminating the results throughout the whole industry, rather than each company performing the job independently for itself, provides outstanding leverage for NISTs metrological development. Examples studied in the semiconductor field have been estimated to have benefit-to-cost ratios ranging from 5:1 to over 100: 1. 4 NIST produces measurement systems and prototype instruments as a byproduct of its work and initiates few projects to develop measurement hardware. Metrological programs are not like system development projects in which the end products are often the only useful results. Most NIST projects are conducted in cooperation with outside companies or laboratories, and the continuing interaction between the staffs of NIST and its collaborators transfers useful technology steadily as the work progresses. Information--not hardware-is the usual product. Project objective, organization, and size, staff operating techniques, and the types of deliverables are qualitatively different from those at DOE labs. SEMICONDUCTOR PROGRAMS AT THE FOUR LABS The DOE weapons labs and NIST currently support several programs that address the needs 4 U.S. Department of Commeree, National Bureau of Standards, Natiomd Engineering Laboratory, Benefits and Costs of Improved Measurements: The Case of Integrated-Circuit Photomask Linewidths, NBSIR 82-2458, March 1982; U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Planning Office, Productivity Impacts of NBS R&D: A Case Study of the NBS Semiconductor Tezhnolog Program, June 1981; Judson C. French, National Bureau of Standards, Electron Devices Sectio~ Improvement in the Precision of Measurement of Elecrncal Resistivity of Single Crystal Silicon: A Benefit-Cost Analysis, report no. 807, Sept. 20, 1967,


31 Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Table 2-1NISTsS Core Competencies Measurement services Calibrations Reference data and materials Electronics and electrical engineering Electronic instrumentation Superconducting materials Electric power systems Magnetics Microwave components and systems Optical communication Semiconductor devices Semiconductor materials Semiconductor packaging Semiconductor processes Superconducting electronics Manufacturing engineering Factory automation Mechanical sensors Microelectronics dimensions Precision engineering Robotics Chemical science and technology Analytical methods Biotechnology Chemical kinetics and transport Fluid flow Nuclear chemistry Process sensing Thermodynamics Physics Atomic and molecular physics Chemical physics Molecular dynamics and theory Photon, far UV, and electron physics Radiation metrology and dosimetry Radiometric physics Time and frequency standards X-ray spectroscopy Computer science Computer security Image recognition Networking architecture and protocols Software standards and validation Speech recognition Computing and applied mathematics Mathematical software Numerical optimization Statistical engineering Building and fire research Building fire physics Building systems Earthquake engineering Fire safety engineering Fire hazard analysis Structural evaluation Thermal machinery SOURCE: Avtar S. Oberai, The OTA Report on Federal Labs and the Semiconductor Industry, contractor report prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, June 1993, p. 45. of the U.S. semiconductor industry. 5 All three DOE labs have strengths in high-performance computing-originally developed to design and predict the effects of nuclear weaponsthat can also be applied to device modeling, process chamber modeling, and factory modeling in the semiconductor industry. Lawrence Livermores work in lasers and x-ray optics can help develop next-generation lithography equipment. Sandia, responsible for technologies such as microelectronicsdriven guidance and control systems, operates a state-of-the-art research line that can produce submicron linewidths on 6-inch wafers. These labs can undertake large projects to develop semiconductor technologies and manufacturing equipment, and have expressed a desire to do so. NIST offers strong capabilities in metrology, including measurements needed to produce more advanced semiconductors. NIST has maintained a program of work in semiconductor manufacturing since the late 1950s. The lab has several efforts underway to support the semiconductor s This section of the report discusses major semiconductor programs at the labs. For a more complete discussion of lab projects applicable to semiconductor technology, see Avtar S. Oberai, The OIX Report on Federal Labs and the Semiconductor Industry, contractor report prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, June 1993.


-. .. Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 32 industry-for example, new techniques for measuring surface characteristics of silicon wafers and the thickness of thin films deposited on them, and development of standard reference materials for industry to use in calibrating its systems. While NIST has been named as the lead lab in metrology issues applicable to the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) technology roadmaps, it does not havenor is it likely to be appropriated-the resources to address all requirements. NIST will therefore need to coordinate with industry and other government agencies capable of conducting complementary research, as it has recently done with Sandia. If properly coordinated, research efforts at NIST and the DOE labs could complement both industry and university R&D efforts. In recent years, industry has displayed an increasing reluctance to invest in new enabling technologies because the R&D is too expensive, too risky, has lengthy payback periods, and requires strengths in many separate disciplines. This is the area in which the labs offer the strongest capabilities. These labs may be most effective as part of long-term, industry-led efforts that require large, multidisciplinary resources and facilities. 9 Sandia National Laboratories Sandia National Laboratories operates the largest semiconductor program of the three DOE weapons labs. In 1993, Sandias expenditures for microelectronics-related programs totaled $106 million, much of which supported collaborative work with commercial industry. Sandias mission has required the lab to design and manufacture microelectronics and photonics components that withstand harsh operating environments, such as high temperatures and high levels of radiation, and to incorporate them into operational systems. Sandia has also conducted extensive test and evaluation exercises to qualify these components for use in nuclear weapons and to ensure their reliability in an adverse environment over the life of the systems. As a result, Sandia has considerable experience in the fabrication of semiconductors and ICs. Sandia was one of the early leaders in CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor) technology, the current standard for commercial devices, and helped develop the laminar -flo w clean room, which is now used in most commercial manufacturing facilities. In the process, Sandia developed partnerships with defense semiconductor manufacturers, who often produced ICs designed by Sandia and returned them to the lab for final testing and acceptance. Most of Sandias work, however, has been directed toward the design and manufacture of ICs for defense purposes--ICs not commercially available. Most of Sandias products are therefore either radiation-hardened circuits, high-temperature circuits, or custom ICs that industry could not efficiently produce in small volumes. These ICs are often about two generations behind commercial chips in critical parameters such as minimum linewidth, level of integration, and maximum operating speed; Sandias most sophisticated ICs are typically those it takes from industry and radiation hardens. In addition, because it supplies primarily defense needs, Sandias manufacturing processes have not been required to achieve the high levels of production routine among competitive commercial semiconductor manufacturers. Nevertheless, Sandia is unique among the DOE weapons labs in that it supports several facilities for R&D and production of semiconductor devices. The largest of these is the Microelectronics Development Laboratory (MDL). The 74,000-squarefoot lab includes 37,500 square feet of clean-room space with 12,500 square feet of state-of-the-art, Class 1 clean space in 22 separate clean rooms that can support individual projects. This design provides maximum flexibility for new processing equipment and device technologies. The capabilities of the MDL were expanded in 1993 by a major donation of equipment and technology from IBM. MDL now houses a state-of-the-art submicron silicon R&D line. MDLs complete


33 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Box 2-B--Sandias Facilities for Microelectronics In performing its defense mission, Sandia has established several facilities for microelectronics R&D and production that may be of interest to commercial industry. These facilities address a broad spectrum of issues, from near-term to long-term, and provide, at a single facilit y, the capacit y to design, build, and test ICs and other components. This capability is unique within U.S. government facilities. These facilities are described briefly below. Microelectronics Design Laboratory To produce custom designs for its customers, Sandia has developed an integrated approach to the design of microelectronic components and systems. As part of these activities, Sandia writes custom support software, which has become the basis for multiple commercial design packages. Sandias capabilities reside in a network of over 60 design stations and servers that can support either classified or unclassified projects. The software environment supports the complete design cycle, from photomask layout to systems simulation. Sandias software environment combines circuit-level simulators, logic-level simulations, as well as both analog and digital system-level simulators, with complete verification from chip to multi-chip module to printed circuit board. The software package also combines layout of photomask with schematic vs. layout checking as well as design-rule checking. Microelectronics Quality and Reliability Center Sandia has the facilities and equipment to evaluate and verify the electrical and mechanical properties of microelectronic materials. This capability is applied at the parts Ievel through Sandias Microelectronics Quality and Reliability Center (MQRC). Sandias reliability physics and engineering efforts draw upon materials science programs that develop a basic understanding of such failure mechanisms as electromigration or stress voiding, defects in insulators and metalizations, and defects in semiconductors. Compound Semiconductor Research Laboratory (CSRL) The CSRL encompasses the full range of activities--theoretlcal and experimental solid-state physics, materials science, crystal growth, device and circuit design and fabrication-to develop the next generation of compound semiconductor electronic and optoelectronic devices. Facilities include MolecularBeam Epitaxy (MBE) and Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) crystal growth capabilities, ion implantation, and electron-beam lithography in a 6,000-square-foot, class-100 clean room with state-of-the-art processing equipment. Process Design Laboratory (PDL) This facility for advanced prototype manufacturing is housed in a 100,000-sq.ft. facility and handles hybrid microcircuits, thin film, printed circuits, ceramics, plastics, and rapid prototyping facilities. The PDL coordinates its activities with an integrated manufacturing technology laboratory at Sandias Livermore, California facility. The charter of the manufacturing center is to examine reliability and quality of manufacturing processes. Particular emphasis is given to automation and robotic hardware. This facility also acts as a proving ground and design center for custom sensors. Additional emphasis is placed on novel approaches to joining and sealing dissimilar materials that have particular relevance to advanced packaging. Collaborations with the Iaccoca Institute at Lehigh University on American competitiveness allow the PDL to support empirical investigations of manufacturing issues such as control and optimization of material flow and workspace organization.


Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 34 Figure 2-3Sandias Ongoing Programs in Semiconductor Technology Basic Required competencies Roadmap CFM Modeling Sensors Quality Material Software Metrology for OTA, June 1993, p. 30. equipment set supports the total semiconductor development cycle. Other Sandia facilities support work in materials quality and reliability, compound semiconductor materials and and process design (see box 2-B), Commercial Semiconductor Programs Many of Sandias ongoing programs vant to the commercial semiconductor devices, are releindustry (figure 2-3). Over the past few years, Sandia has initiated a number of new programs specifically targeted at commercial manufacturing. CRADAs are an important part of this process. As of August 1993, Sandia had signed 19 CRADAs related to semiconductor manufacturing (table 2-2), a figure that represents about one-third of all CRADAs underway at Sandia. DOEs total contribution to these projects over their lifetime is estimated at $220 million; the annual contribution is approximately $63 million. The largest of Sandias CRADAs is a five-year agreement with SEMATECH. Sandia has been working with SEMATECH for about four years in equipment design and modeling and in technology development. Initially, Sandias cooperation with SEMATECH operated under a work-forothers contract in which all the work was conducted by Sandia personnel at the lab and was


35 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Table 2-2Major Sandia CRADAs in Microelectronics Project title DOE funding ($K) Soft X-ray Lithography Tools Microelectronics Packaging Benchmark Advanced Diffusion Barrier Technology Reduced Lead Loss in Electronics Manufacturing Materials Processing at High Temperature/Voltage Microelectronics Quality/Reliability Copper-chemical Vapor Deposition for ICs Printed Wiring Board Interconnects Application of IRIS to Semiconductor Plasma Processing Synthetic Diamond for Multichip Modules Fabrication of Microreactors in Silicon Gold-sulfite Electroplating SEMATECH Program (integrated) Stable Housing for X-ray Lithography Advanced Materials for High-performance Digital Advanced Intermetal Dielectric Technology Ferroelectric Read/Write Optical Disk High-throughput Rotating Disk Reactors Advanced Manufacturing Techniques for Monolithic Multichip Modules Total 9,286 250 1,950 570 2,308 3,130 1,110 5,230 420 1,250 295 447 22,500 1,150 5,100 2,100 1,600 1,950 2,300 $62,946 SOURCE: Charles Fowler, Manager, Technology Transfer, U.S. Department of Energy, personal communication, Aug. 10, 1993. paid for by SEMATECH. Sandia then signed a one-year CRADA with SEMATECH, which was followed in mid-1993 by the larger, multi-year CRADA. This five-year, $113-million CRADA contains some 19 individual projects. Sandias annual contribution to the CRADA will average $22.5 million. The bulk of Sandias microelectronics work with industry can be divided into three primary areas: semiconductor equipment design/improvement, cont amination-free manufacturing, and pilot line services, most of which are coordinated through the Center for Microelectronics Technology (CMT). Many of these programs are geared toward design and development of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, a task that is suited to the labs technical workforce, over 60 percent of whom are engineers. Sandia has long had the responsibility for integrating new manufacturing technologies into DOEs weapons production facilities and may be able to apply such skills to commercial manufacturing processes as well. Pilot Line Services-The focus of Sandias industry-related work is the CMT, which DOE established to serve as a facility for industryrelevant research and development, including maturation of research concepts into manufacturable technologies. This facility is also designed to develop and test next-generation equipment and associated processes. CMT is supported by a large range of semiconductor and microelectronics capabilities and projects, and is associated with Sandias MDL. Through CMT, university and industry researchers can gain access to the pilot line housed in MDL. This pilot line duplicates the equipment and processing capabilities found on an actual IC manufacturing line. Engineers can use the line to test and optimize new processes before launching into full-scale production on their own lines Sandia hopes that the CMT pilot line will reduce the time and money semiconductor manufacturers must invest in R&D for new generations of process technology. These burdens have forced


Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 36 even large semiconductor manufacturers to form strategic alliances with competitors in order to share R&D costs. 6 The pilot line donated by IBM includes equipment worth over $20 million and an estimated $60 million of process technology. The line offers state-of-the art processing capabilities, such as a GCA I-line stepper capable of 0.35-micron minimum feature sizes. Sandia plans to integrate its electron-beam and soft x-ray lithography modules into the line and upgrade all of the equipment to 8-inch wafers, giving them a research line capable of O. l-micron linewidths on select features. This equipment coupled with Sandias current 6-inch wafer, 0.5-micron fabrication facility (or fab) will provide a research line service not found anywhere else within the government research community. Equipment Design and Modelingin August 1989 Sandia established the Semiconductor Equipment Technology Center (SETEC) to help design and improve semiconductor manufacturing equipment. SEMATECH was originally the sole sponsor of the program, providing $12 million over 30 months for direct support to U.S. companies engaged in the design and manufacture of IC manufacturing equipment and materials. Since 1991, SEMATECH and DOE have jointly sponsored SETEC through a CRADA, each contributing an average of $6 million per year. SETEC projects are directed toward development of equipment models to enhance the performance of future-generation equipment, developing design-for-reliability methodologies, and equipment benchmarking. Semiconductor equipment costs are increasing at an extremely fast rate. Todays new semiconductor factory will cost over a billion dollars-three-quarters of which is due to the cost of machinery and equipment. 8 According to current projections, future factories will not yield an adequate financial return unless significant advances are made in equipment reliability and design 9 One SETEC project, the Reliability Analysis and Modeling Program (RAMP), which is jointly conducted with seven equipment manufacturers, developed software for modeling the reliability of their equipment, including mean time before failure, life cycle cost, and reliability improvement. Such analysis allows manufacturers to redesign equipment so as to improve its performance. Since the project was completed in early 1992, over 150 copies of the RAMP software have been distributed to a wide range of equipment suppliers. Sandia trained 200 people to use the software. In another SETEC project, Sandia is modeling plasma etch and deposition equipment lO Although plasma processing is the method of choice for most etching and deposition steps, the physical characteristics of plasmas are not well known, making them difficult to predict and control. Understanding the mechanism for transferring ions to the silicon wafer requires knowledge of b For example, in the last few years, IEM, Toshiba, and Siemens have agreed to jointly develop technologies to produce 256M DRAMs, and Intel has teamed up with Sharp to develop flash memontxi using 0.6and 0.4-rnicron processes. 7 { Sandia Natio~ ~boratories Complete Intitial SETEC Program/Sign New Work Agreement With SEMA~m, SE~ECH Communique, MaylJune 1992, p. 6 8 Semiconductor Industry Association Annual DateBook: Global and US. Semiconductor Competitive Trends, 1978-1991 (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association 1992), p. 38 9 Semiconductor Industry Associatio& Semiconductor TechnologpWorkshop Working Group Reports (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1993), p. 14. 10 A pla5ma 15 an io~zed ga5eous disc~ge in which there is no resultant charge, the number Of Positive and negative io~ ~i~ ~ti. Plasma processing occurs in a reactor, sometimes called a cell, where a high level of control is exerted over the gas temperature and electrical inputs. Plasmas can be used to etch or remove material from, the patterned surface of a wafer, opening up windows that allow the electrica3 properties of the silicon in the patterned areas to be changed in subsequent steps. Plasmas can also be used to deposit layers of material on a wafer.


37 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology gas chemistry, cell structure and design, and the effects of temperature. Through SETEC, Sandia is attempting to use a supercomputer to develop and verify a basic model of plasma etching, after which it will modify and reduce the code to run on industry-standard mini computers. If successful, the model will reduce from years to months the time it takes equipment makers to bring new designs to market, while improving the uniformity of the etch (or deposition) and machine throughput. A third SETEC project aims at developing a magnetically levitated stage for a wafer stepper. This technology would allow manufacturers to improve the alignment capability of their lithography equipment. To make complex ICs, patterns must be aligned to within about one-third of the minimum feature size. As linewidths narrow, overlay requirements tighten accordingly. For current ICs with 0.5-micron linewidths, patterns must be aligned to within 150 nanometers (rim); by 2001, the overlay requirement will be 50 to 70 nm. ll Current technologies may not be able to meet such strict requirements, but proof-ofconcept versions of the magnetically levitated stage have demonstrated alignment within 20 nm. Coupled with a new interferometer under development at Sandia, the stage could achieve 0.5-nm stability. Contamination-Free Manufacturing--Sandia established a Center for Contamination-Free Manufacturing (CFM) through a CRADA with SEMATECH in 1992. The center conducts and coordinates research in cost-effective contamination-free manufacturing technologies involving feature sizes as small as 0.2 microns and removal of defects as small as 0.01 microns (the size of bacteria). The CFM uses Sandias MDL to conduct experiments that verify advanced semiconductor manufacturing concepts and to develop equipment that reduces the levels of cont amination in integratedcircuit manufacturing. Research focuses on the effects of electrostatic fields, chemical particulate, thermal radiation, and electromagnetic radiation (including light) on circuit yield and performance. Contamination is a primary cause of reduced yields in semiconductor manufacturing. Impurities can arise out of processing chemicals, wafer handling systems, process chambers, and air in the factory. As IC feature sizes become smaller, manufacturers must try to simultaneously reduce the density of defects on a wafer and their size. In 1993, manufacturers could typically tolerate approximately 30 defects on a 6-inch wafer; by 1998, the defect density must be reduced to 20 defects per 8-inch wafer; and by 2004, it must be reduced to Just 5 defects per 16-inch wafer. 12 Whereas in the early 1990s 1-micron contaminants were of little concern, current manufacturing practices cannot tolerate defects larger than 0.1 micron, and defects down to 0.01 micron are quickly becoming a problem. Particles of this size cannot be seen optically and are otherwise difficult to locate on a wafer. New techniques must be invented to detect them. CMT currently consists of seven projects, which fall into four categories and are included in a 1993 CRADA between Sandia and SEMATECH. In one project, Sandia is developing sensors for detecting cont aminants generated during wafer processing. These sensors will enable manufacturers to detect contaminants in real time, allowing for immediate corrective action before fabrication is complete. The sensors will have to be rugged enough to operate in harsh processing environments and be able to monitor gas and chemical purity for unwanted moisture and other particulate at the few parts-per-billion level. 11 rhjs is roughl y tie diameter of 150 to 200 atoms. Semiconductor Industry Association, Semiconductor Technology-Workshop working Group Reports (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association 1993), p. 37. lz Semiconductor Indus~ Association, Semiconductor TechnologyWork.rhop working Group Reports oP. cit.> P. 3.


Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 38 Table 2-3Los Alamos CRADAs in Microelectronics Project title DOE funding ($K) Supercritical C0 2 Cleaning of Particulate $1,766 Electromagnetic Simulation: High-frequency Computer Circuit Calculations 454 Conductive Oxide Electrodes for Ferroelectric Memory Development 559 Modeling and Simulation of Electronic Devices 2,770 High-temperature Superconductor Devices 3,875 Diamond Technology for Particle and X-ray Detectors 520 Total $9,944 SOURCE: Charles Fowler, Manager, Technology Transfer, U.S. Department of Energy, personal communication, Aug. 10, 1993. Another type of sensor is being developed for microenvironments. Microenvironment are small plastic containers used to protect and transport wafers between processing steps. Usually the same container is used to transport the same set of 25 wafers from the time they are shipped to the factory until wafer processing is completed. Microenvironment can be a major source of contamination, especially if a film is introduced into the container or if the plastic walls of the container begin to out-gas. The film and/or gas has the potential of ruining all 25 wafers. For wafers containing 100 microprocessors valued at $300 each, the loss of just one container costs $750,000. Sandia engineers are investigating two ways of monitoring the microenvironment. The first uses the wafers themselves as sensors. Silicon wafers demonstrate a property called total internal reflection. Light directed into a clean crystal will reflect off the inside walls without any loss of intensity. Thus, the microenvironment can be tested by shining light through a window in the wall. The other method of testing the environment uses an electrical vibrating crystal to generate a surface wave across the wafer. Contaminants will retard the wave progress along the wafer. Other CFM projects include an evaluation of a high-frequency ultrasonic (or megasonic) cleaning mechanism for wafers and several modeling projects that attempt to predict the generation of contaminants during wafer processing and find ways to remove those particles before they reach the wafer. 1 Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos does not have a history of IC fabrication, and its R&D programs in semiconductor technologies are more limited than Sandias. As a result, Los Alamos has had less interaction with industry in developing semiconductor technologies. In August 1993, Los Alamos had six active CRADAs related to microelectronics, totaling almost $10 million of in-kind laboratory contribution (table 2-3). The number of ongoing programs at Los Alamos that are relevant to the SIA roadmaps is small compared with Sandia (figure 2-4). Nevertheless, the labs people and facilities constitute several strong core competencies important to semiconductor manufacturing. Those in which Los Alamos could play a lead role include computer-aided design (CAD) for semiconductor devices and circuits, the materials from which they are made, and the processes used to manufacture them; modeling of semiconductor fabrication facilities; and environmental safety and health (ES&H). Los Alamos experience with beam technologies could also give it a supporting role in lithography and materials processing. Modeling and Simulation Modeling and simulation based on high performance computing is a particular strength of Los Alamos, The lab may be able to play a lead


39! Contributions of Figure DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology 2-4-Los Alamos Ongoing Programs in Semiconductor Technology Basic Required competencies Roadmap CFM Modeling Sensors Quality Material Software Metrology Chip Design & test Process integration Lithography m al g Interconnect ~ E Materials & & bulk processes & ~ Environmenta l ~ safety & health o # Manufacturing n systems = Process/device structure CAD Packaging Equipment design & modeling A. technology [ I I I j.:.~f] App[ied wronrnental ;:::;:;;;: Global Environmental modellng _lsensor . . )chnologies development Jjj!$; I I ,::,. j,,:::,:,.::,:.:, SOURCE: Avtar S. Oberai, The OTA Report on Federal Labs and the Semiconductor Industry: Partners in Technology, contractor report prepared for OTA, June 1993, p.37. role in the development of tools for modeling IC wafer fabrication processes, an area called Technology CAD, or TCAD. Los Alamos is already working with the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) to define its role in the development of TCAD technologies. Los Alamos performs extensive modeling of materials to atomic detail. This work can contribute to both the device and process modeling needs of the semiconductor industry. The lab is developing detailed three-dimensional simulations for devices and circuits to account for the interaction of materials, geometry, and packaging. These computer codes are designed to predict the performance of advanced devices for which conventional simulations are inadequate. The goal of this work is to provide validated design tools for future generations of devices and circuits. Los Alamos has specialized modeling and simulation capabilities that, when used in conjunction with the capabilities of the other laboratories, can address the needs for process modeling and can contribute to the design of improved process chambers. For example, chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technology is used widely to deposit materials such as oxides and nitrides of silicon on wafers in the production of ICs. The


Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 40 design of CVD chambers can be improved substantially by modeling and simulation, thereby improving chip yield and cost. Los Alamoss modeling capabilities can also be applied to the analysis of complete factories. Such models would allow a full semiconductor manufacturing process to be simulated, including product flows, waste generation, and cost. Such codes may be important in analyzing the cost of future semiconductor fabrication facilities. The cost of building and equipping a new integrated circuit factory today is projected to be over a billion dollars. Even after production starts, it usually takes six months before yields are high enough to make a profit. In order to gain and maintain leadership in semiconductor sales, the industry is striving to offset these costs by improving productivity, increasing quality, and reducing cycle times 13 Factory modeling has only recently been applied to semiconductor facilities 14 One reason for this delay is the sheer complexity of the manufacturing process. Random yields, diverse equipment characteristics, unpredictable equipment downtime, material flows, and the problems inherent in using a single facility for both production and research have made modeling difficult. Moreover, most of the more than 300 steps required to produce a single IC require high levels of precision and process control. Between 80 and 100 different machines may be used on a typical production line. Collecting process data at each of these stations requires large computing resources: approximately 240,000 transactions occur each day in a wafer fab. In support of DOEs efforts to consolidate weapons production facilities, Los Alamos created custom simulations for each DOE manufacturing plant. In addition to performance parameters such as throughput and cycle time, the simulation tracked all material flows, waste streams, and worker exposures. Though not yet tested in the semiconductor industry, these capabilities could help semiconductor manufacturers better plan their production facilities (box 2-C). Los Alamos modeling capabilities are made possible by extensive computing facilities. In December 1991, DOE named Los Alamos one of two national High-Performance Computing Research Centers (HPCRC). The HPCRC will attempt to promote technology transfer in advanced computing to industry, academia, and other laboratories through the operation of a computational laboratory, the Advanced Computing Laboratory (ACL). These facilities can make important contributions to the semiconductor industry in TCAD. Environmental Safety & Health Los Alamos currently plays a lead role in DOEs program of environmental remediation. In 1993, the lab budgeted almost $200 million for environmental cleanup. While much of this program is tailored to clean-up of nuclear wastes, a number of projects address issues of interest to the semiconductor industry. For example, Los Alamos is working with the Joint Association for the Advancement of Supercritical Fluids to find alternatives to solvents used for precision cleaning in the electronics industry. Through the DOE Industrial Waste Reduction program, Los Alamos is researching ways to recycle metals from waste streams. Los Alamos Life Cycle Activities project supports work with the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC) on recyclable workstations and with Motorola on materials return and reuse. The lab is also working with the EPA, the American Electronics Association, and other DOE labs to develop an information retrieval system to access environmental information of relevance to industry. Finally, the lab is working with the American Electronics I ~ R L~zsoy, C, be, L, Martin-Vega, A Review of Production Planning and Scheduling Models in the Semiconductor Industry, Part I: Systcm Characteristics, Performance Evaluation and Production P1 arming, IIE Transacnons, vol. 24, no. 4, Sept. 1992, p, 47. IJ Ibid.


41 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Box 2-C-Commercial Application of Los Alamos Process Modeling Capabilities Though Los Alamos has not yet applied its factory modeling capabilities to a semiconductor plant, its experience in other portions of the electronics industry demonstrates the efficacy with which codes developed for defense applications can be used to solve commercial problems. One example is Los Alamoss work with Quatro, a small New Mexico business that manufactures printed wiring boards. In the United States alone, the market for printed wiring boards was estimated at $5.5 billion in 1993. Sales by U.S. companies were estimated at $2 billion. Quatro wanted to build a printed wiring plant that was economically competitive internationality and environmentally benign. The company approached both Sandia and Los Alamos in early 1992 to request help finding a commercially available software package for the factory design. Upon further investigation it was found that any commercially available package would require an extensive effort to modify to include environmental considerations and worker exposure. Thus the company turned to Los Alamos for the simulation. Applying previously developed code, two engineers--one from Los Alamos and one from Quatro--worked only eight hours to develop a baseline system that accurately portrayed Quatros existing production facility. With the baseline completed, the engineers used the simulation to optim ize the factorys 120 machine processes. Because of federal and state environmental regulations, pollution prevention was a primary concern. Employing the tool, the engineers were able to completely eliminate many hazardous materials from Quatros waste stream, including 1,560 pounds of chelated copper, 312 pounds of formaldehyde, and 1,200 pounds of tin and lead per year. Through recycling, the new factory will save on the transportation costs of 63,600 gallons per year of spent etchant, and water use will be reduced to one-third its original level. The project was completed only 18 months after Quatro decided to undertake the plant study. Without Los Alamos assistance and code, the baseline system itself could have taken a full man-year of effort to design. As it is, the plant simulation, plant design, detailed costing, and blueprints are finished. The company is currently seeking a combination of private and public funding (about $5 million) to build and initiate operations. Quatro estimates its plant modernization program will substantially increase the number of jobs in the company. Association to develop alternative manufacturing etching systems that may be of value in the technologies for manufacturing printed wiring boards. Applications of Beam Technologies Another area in which Los Alamos can make a special contribution is in the application of beam technologies (laser beams, electron beams, and ion beams) to semiconductor manufacturing. For example, Los Alamos is developing intense soft x-ray sources based on linear accelerators. These sources can generate light with a wavelength of 13 nm for use in projection lithography systems capable of drawing O. l-micron linewidths. Los Alamos is also working on large-scale ion-beam low-cost manufacture of high-density microelectronics packaging (such as multichip modules). These systems potentially offer high levels of throughput at low cost. Other applications of ion beam technology could allow thin films to be deposited onto silicon or gallium arsenide wafers with greater efficiency than is possible using commercial laser technology. Still other work is pursuing an ion implantation technique based on plasma immersion processes that allows shallow doping of large areas of silicon. Such processes may become important in the development of multiple-layer ICs. Though still in the laboratory stage, Los Alamos hopes to


Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 42 form an industry partnership to build a prototype system. Los Alamos has been working with energetic beams of neutral (uncharged) particles for etching and thermal processing. Neutral beams are superior to ion beams for etching feature sizes less than 0.5 micron because they cause less structural damage to the substrate material. 15 Neutral beams can also grow insulating layers while avoiding many of the problems associated with thermal etching processes. 16 Los Alamos would like to team with an industrial partner active in chip processing to create prototype production equipment using hot neutral sources. 9 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Like Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore has not manufactured ICs as part of its mission. The lab does, however, run several R&D programs in semiconductor technology that contribute to portions of the SIA roadmap (figure 2-5), Of LLNLs $1 billion operating budget in 1993, approximately $80 million supported R&D in areas related to semiconductor technology. In addition, LLNL, like the other DOE laboratories, has expanded the scope of its cooperative R&D with industry, By the end of 1992, LLNL was contributing $72 million to 84 cooperative agreements with industry; over $30 million was for CRADAs in microelectronics (table 2-4) The areas in which LLNL is most capable of contributing to the SIA roadmaps are in x-ray lithography, IC packaging, and other applications of laser technology. Lawrence Livermore has developed world-class scientific and technical expertise in high-power lasers and electro-optics. The lab has extensive experience in the technology of laser-generated soft x-rays, soft x-ray optics and diagnostics, and precision metrology. LLNL has also worked on applications of laser technology to doping semiconductors. Most of this work is conducted at the Center for Applications of Laser and Electro-Optic Technologies (CALEOT), which maintains 20,000 square feet of laboratory space for R&D on advanced lithography and on laser material processing Soft X-ray Projection Lithography LLNL has a number of programs in soft x-ray projection lithography that could enable it to take a lead role in a larger, national x-ray lithography program, The appeal of soft x-ray projection lithography as a lithographic strategy for U.S. industry derives largely from its potential to project features of 0.1 micron or smaller. This reduction in size could provide a 25-fold improvement in integrated circuit density by the end of this decade. LLNL, Sandia, Lawrence-Berkeley Lab (LBL, another of DOEs multi-program labs), and industrial organizations are building the prototype systems. AT&T and LLNL devoted about $8 million between 1989 and 1992 to develop and characterize high-performance coatings for the multilayer mirrors that direct the x-rays from their source to the mask. LBL and LLNL have spent $4 million on x-ray interferometry systems to measure the characteristics of x-ray optics. GCATropel has submitted a CRADA proposal to the labs to further pursue this work. LLNL and Micrion Inc. have devoted about $2 million to mask patterning, damage, and repair studies. AMD, DuPont, KLA, and Micrion have submitted a CRADA proposal to LLNL to develop defect-free coating technology and inspection and repair capabilities. Ultratech Stepper and Jamar also have CRADAs with LLNL in soft x-ray projection lithography. 15 Ion km Can bre~ down tiin insulatin g layers of material and build up charge in localind areas, causing deformation of the side walls etched into the substrate, 16 IR g~hm arsenide devices, for example, thermal processes used to grow a layer of oxide can result in the fOrInatiOn of metallic arseniC and can induce disorder in the lattice structure of the substrate.


43 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST Figure 2-5Lawrence Livermores Ongoing to Semiconductor Technology Programs in Semiconductor Technology Basic Required competencies Roadmap CFM Modeling Sensors Quality Material Software Metrology % a Interconnect I I syslems N ll I I I I IY I I I SOURCE: Avtar S. Oberai, The OTA Report on Federal Labs and the Semiconductor Industry: Partners in Technology, contractor report prepared for OTA, June 1993, p. 44. Additional lithography research is being conducted by LLNLs Center for Applications of Laser and Electro-Optic Technologies (CALEOT). Lasers developed by the lab were to be used by Hampshire Instruments to support work in proximity x-ray lithography and could supplant excimer lasers used for UV lithography systems. The company folded before the project could be completed. The solid state glass laser developed by CALEOT is being inserted into a state-of-theart commercial lithography system. Laser Applications: Gas Immersion Laser Doping (GILD) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Stanford University are working together on an innovative doping process which significantly reduces the number of steps required to make integrated circuits. The process, called Gas Immersion Laser Doping (GILD), replaces currently ion implantation processes and, in practice, can reduce lithographic processing steps (among the most expensive in a fabrication facility) by 46


. Chapter 2Laboratory Table 2-4Lawrence Livermore CRADAs in Microelectronics Capabilities 44 Project title DOE funding ($K) Cost-Effective Machining of Ceramics 1,646 Interconnects for Multichip Modules 2,817 Computer-Aided Design of Plasma Etch Reactors 4,800 Compact Soft X-ray Exposure System 10,458 Fabrication of Non-Planar Devices 1,065 Soft X-ray Projection Lithography 9,800 Total $30,586 SOURCE: Charles Fowler, Manager, Technology Transfer, U.S. Department of Energy, personal communication, Aug. 10, 1993. percent--cutting costs while improving yield and device performance. GILD uses a relatively simple process to diffuse dopant atoms into a silicon wafer. A silicon wafer is immersed in an atmosphere of dopant gas. An excimer laser beam is then directed through a patterned mask, melting the wafer surface at specific locations and causing the dopant molecules to diffuse into the silicon. The ion implant (conventional) technique directs a high-energy stream of dopant ions into the silicon wafer. But before the ion implantation can be done, the wafer surface must be prepared by applying a special coating, called a resist, to areas that must be shielded from the ion stream. The resist preparation includes a lithographic exposure, etching, and a cleaning operation. After the ion implantation, the resist must be stripped off, requiring plasma processing and several cleaning operations. All told, ion implantation takes 13 steps compared with GILDs one (figure 2-6). GILD not only reduces the number of steps for doping, it also provides better control over the process. Two critical processing factors for any doping technique are the dopant density at the junction and the junction depth. GILD controls the amount of dopant absorbed by the number of laser pulses at the junction while the junction depth is controlled by adjusting the laser intensity. At this time GILD is the only demonstrated technology that can produce junction depths shallow enough to meet the SIA roadmap junction depth requirements for the year 2001 and beyond. SIA specifies a maximum junction depth of 25 nm for the year 2001. GILD currently produces junction depths as shallow as 10 nm whereas ion implantation is at 40 nm. Other benefits over conventional processing include more uniform dopant distribution, the ability to fabricate narrower base regions, and the elimination of hightemperature anneals (which complicate multilayer processing by allowing dopants to migrate into adjacent layers), and compatibility with 0.2 micron and smaller feature sizes, LLNL is already one year into a three-year project that is focused on process development and advanced equipment design to demonstrate suitability for manufacturing applications. The projection version of the GILD tool is compatible with the flexible fab or cluster tool concept being pursued by DoDs Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) to help reduce the economies of scale inherent in semiconductor manufacturing. ARPA had provided some early funding to GILD to supplement laboratory funding, but future support is uncertain. ~ National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) NIST supports semiconductor research through both its intramural and extramural programs. Intramural programs make use of NISTs own staff and facilities and are oriented almost exclusively toward metrology. Extramural programs are conducted by industry partners and can therefore explore technical problems outside


45 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Figure 2-6--Processing Steps Required for GILD Versus Traditional Ion Implantation Techniques Wafer singe I HMDS surface treatment r Resist spin Resist prebake Align and expose Resist develop Resist J postbake Megasonlc clean Sulfuric clean Resist ash Resist harden Ion implant SOURCE: Kurt Weiner, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, personal communication, Aug. 27, 1993. NISTs specific areas of expertise. Together, these programs give NIST the capability to contribute to many areas of semiconductor technology. Intramural Programs NISTs intramural programs in semiconductor technology are conducted largely by its Semiconductor Electronics Division, which has an operating budget of about $7 million and a staff of 43, about 35 of whom are full-time researchers. An additional $2.5 million of work is performed by other NIST divisions responsible for chemistry, physics, computer science, and materials science. The programs conducted by these divisions match many of the requirements of the SIA roadmap (figure 2-7). Primary thrusts of the current research program are on semiconductor materials measurements; selected device properties, theory, and models; process control measurements based on test structures and supported by machine learning analytical techniques; and optical and non-optical critical dimension metrology (see box 2-D). One example of NISTs work is the ellipsometer developed by the Materials Technology group. This device uses polarized light reflected obliquely off a silicon wafer to measure the thickness of deposited films. NIST used this ellipsometer to develop standard reference materials, available in


Chip design & test Process Integration Lithography $ g Interconnect : c Materials & ~ bulk processes : ~ Environmenta l ~ safety & health o ; Manufacturlng 2 systems 5 ..; Manufacturin g v facilities Process/device/ structure CAD Packaging Equipment design & modeIing SOURCE: Avtar S. Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 46 Figure 2-7NISTs Ongoing Programs in Semiconductor Technology Basic Required competencies Roadmap CFM Modeling Sensors Quality Material Software Metrology I I 1 I Test methods, x-ray mask calibrations std ref matls Test methods & structures w I 1 1 f] I Properties Measurement std ref matls rclvl l--r Environmental std ref matls I 1 t data analysis I methods r 1 I > I 1 1 rT1eLnan15rT15 nucleation process & data 1 diagnostics sensors 1 Oberai, The OTA Report on Federal Labs and the Semimnductor Industry: Partners in Technology, contractor report prepared for OTA, June 1993, p.46. 50-, 100-, and 200-nm thicknesses and certified to an accuracy of half a nanometer, so that industry can verify its own measurement systems. NISTs initial offering of sets of the standard reference materials sold out quickly at $1,300 apiece, and the sets are still in demand. NISTs semiconductor technology program is being expanded by the Office of Microelectronics Programs as new funding can be obtained to draw on the many other technical resources present at NIST. New work has begun on plasma etching processes to develop the data necessary for the creation of physically based process models. Additional research is underway to measure the properties of materials used in semiconductor device packaging, and on extensions to the existing work described above. Both the structure of existing work and plans for new work are being adjusted to address the measurement needs of the national semiconductor roadmap, which specifically identifies NIST roles in the area of metrology and reference data. NIST has also participated in projects sponsored by SEMATECH. NIST found and corrected a number of sources of errors in the light-intensity measurements in a developmental lithography system. It had appeared that the lithography system was not meeting its light output specifica-


47 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Box 2-DNISI% Role in Resistivity Measurement NIST has a long history of helping semiconductor manufacturers and their suppliers measure the resistivity 1 of silicon wafers used to manufacture ICs. Before NIST initiated its program in resistivity measurement in the early 1970s, difficulties in correlating measurements of resistivity between silicon suppliers and IC manufacturers resulted in some 7 percent 2 of all silicon shipments being rejected by manufacturers. Comparable losses in terms of todays silicon market would cost the U.S. semiconductor industry well over $1803 million a year. Suppliers custom-make silicon to the buyers specifications, the most important of which is the acceptable resistivity range. Resistivity indicates the silicons purity, uniformity, and suitability for device purposes. Often, inaccurate measurements either caused buyers to accept orders that were out-of-specification, resulting in low production yields, or caused them to reject orders that could have been acceptable. The lack of measurement agreement was so commonplace that silicon vendors began to keep a log of adjustment factors that helped to compensate for the difference between their measurements and the measurements of their customers. in 1960, the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) asked NIST (then the National Bureau of Standards) to take the lead in improving measurement techniques of the resistivity of silicon. Most companies, at the time, used the four-probe method for measuring resistivity. The process used one pair of probes to send a known amount of current through the wafer; another pair of probes measured the voltage drop across a section of the wafer. Resistivity was calculated using a simple formula relating the current, the voltage, and the spacing of the probes. The process gained much popularity because it was non-destructive and efficient. NISTspent several years studying the problem with the help of over 22 companies. The effort resulted in the development of correction factors and a standardized procedure for making the measurement. The overall accuracy was improved by an order of magnitude. The most obvious savings realized from the improvement was a reduction in material rejection or waste caused by a lack of measurement agreement between the buyer and the seller. In addition, buyers were able to reduce the previous levels of testing necessary to achieve measurement agreement with the seller. The most significant benefit, but hardest to quantify, is the gain in manufacturing yields resulting from improved production control. Upon release in 1967, the NIST correction factors and measurement procedure became a world standard. Shortly thereafter, NIST began selling a silicon wafer standard reference material (SRM) so that suppliers and buyers can check and calibrate their measurement instruments. The SRM, too, has become a de facto standard, used throughout the world. Today NIST is working on improving the resistivity measurement required to take the industry to 0.2-micron linewidths. Two atomistic methods are being developed. One essentially sandblasts a hole into the material using argon ions, The ratio of silicon atoms to dopant atoms coming out of the hole is subsequently measured, Resistivity is based on the ratio. The other method measures resistivity by mapping atoms on an atomic scale. The goal is to reduce t he measurement uncertain y from the current 1.6 percent to 0.8 percent. 4 The procedures for the new method will be released by 1995. 1 Resjstivity is the resistance that a centhneter cube of a material Offers to the paSSage of electridty. z improvement in the precision of Measurement of Electrical %S~St/tity Of Shgle C%yStal WICm: A Benefit-Cost Ana/ysh, J. French, National Bureau of Standards, Report Number S07, Sept. 1967. g Seven per~nt of the $s.4 billion market for semiconductor grade silicon in 1993. 4 Personal communication, R. S=~, NIST, ~fil 1993.


Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 148 tions, but the problem measurement error. In was entirely a matter of another project, NIST is conducting a round-robin calibration experiment on mass flow controllers, used universally for controlling gas flows in semiconductor manufacturing equipment, but often found to be inaccurate. Errors in these controllers arise from calibration uncertainties, incorrect installation practices, and variations in the composition of gas mixtures. The experiment is aimed at the frost of these effects; subsequent work will address the other issues. These projects have resulted in the establishment of new calibration services at NIST for ultraviolet light meters and for mass flow controllers. NIST supports a wide range of working relationships, from a single phone call or visit to extended residence of industrial, academic, and government researchers at NIST under several forms of agreements that include CRADAs. As of spring 1993, the Semiconductor Electronics Division had signed about 10 CRADAs with industry, each averaging $200,000 of NIST contribution. These figures correlate to one CRADA active or pending for every four full-time technical employees. In addition, the Semiconductor Electronics Division had many guest researchers working in its facilities. NISTs CRADAs tend to be smaller than those of the DOE labs, reflecting the smaller scale of many metrology projects and the agencys smaller budget. The DOE labs larger budgets enable them to mobilize many researchers to attack large problems requiring extensive facilities; a typical NIST project may involve only two to three full-time research personnel. Extramural Programs In addition to its intramural research program, NIST also manages extramural semiconductor research conducted under the Advanced Technology Program. Through ATP, NIST provides funding to individual companies and consortia to develop precompetitive, generic technologies. ATP is a cost-shared program in which industry typically provides more than half the total project funding and sets research goals and objectives. All projects must pass a technical evaluation and a business plan evaluation to help ensure that the programs are technically feasible and that the participating companies have a viable plan for commercializing the resulting technology. The goal of the program is to help companies apply research results to the rapid commercialization of new scientific discoveries and to the refinement of manufacturing technologies. The program can assist joint R&D ventures with technical advice or it can provide start-up funding or a minority share of the cost, or lend equipment, facilities, and people to the venture. ATP has supported a number of semiconductor projects. Out of the 60 grants awarded during ATPs first three competitions, 18 are related to semiconductor technology. Participating companies plan to contribute $45 million to these 18 projects and requested just under $50 million in funding from ATP, to be spread out over periods of one to five years. In 1993, ATP provided $7.8 million in matching funds for microelectronics technology projects. These projects span a broad spectrum from manufacturing equipment to semiconductor devices to systems. Under one program, Spire Corp. will develop advanced sensors for a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition chamber used to produce diode (semiconductor) lasers. In another program, Nonvolatile Electronics, Inc. will develop anew type of random access memory (RAM) device that will not lose data when turned off. COORDINATION OF LAB ACTIVITIES Together, the semiconductor programs the DOE and NIST labs address many issues associated with the SIA roadmap, run by of the OTAs industry panel, after reviewing the labs capabilities, identified several areas in which these labs could work effectively (table 2-5). However, each individual cell on the SIA roadmap will require many complementary projects to address near-,


49 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Table 2-5Possible Semiconductor Focus Areas for Federal Labs Perfect process chambers Modeling/verification Science knowledge base Environmental safety and health (sensors) Environmentally conscious manufacturing Metrology Calibration services Standards/reference materials Reference data Measurement methods Diagnostic techniques Wafer handling Contamination Mechanism design for high reliability Algorithms Software assurance Material systems Chemistries Contamination-free manufacturing Point-of-use generation/disposal Lithography invention/commercialization gap Soft x-ray Sources/stages/alignment Electron beam/ion beam technology and prototypes Metrology for mask and water analysis Technology computer aided design (TCAD) Algorithms for design simulation Algorithms for process synthesis New computing tools TCAD framework Manufacturing systems Factory design and modeling Flexible scalable factories Sensors Large wafer equipment design/technology Packaging Cooling Thermal analysis budgets Energy efficiency Array bonding Stress/thermal/electro-magnetic modeling Low stress, encapsulants Multichip packaging technology New materials Advanced metallization (i.e., copper) dielectric/ package materials Thin dielectrics Characterization of materials Device physics Use of advanced computing techniques from process and device to system analysis and synthesis Nanotechnology Contamlnatlon-free manufacturlng research Defect and contamination modeling Detection, measurement, and analysis Wafer cleaning and transport Clean gases, liquids, equipment, and processes New chemistries Neutron beam for low-damage, high-throughput etching and deposition Environmentally sensitive materials Chemical recycling/re-use SOURCE: Avtar S. Ober~, The OTA Report on Federal Labs and the Semiconductor Industry, contractor report prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, June 1993, pp. 51-52. mid-, and long-term issues. Industry, universities, and the labs will each have roles in any program to address these needs. Proper coordination of these organizations will be required to ensure effective use of the labs capabilities. Coordination with industry will be required to make sure that laboratory programs meet commercial requirements. To date, the DOE weapons labs have concentrated their technology development programs on issues of importance to the defense community; these labs have only limited experience working on commercial technologies or in a commercial environment in which cost is a primary concern and product generations change rapidly. Making the transition will require time and considerable industry guidance. The SIA roadmaps represent a first step in this direction, in that they express, in a form that is easy to communicate, industrys consensus on its technology needs for the next fifteen years. Continued industry participation will be needed, however, to ensure that laboratory programs to meet these needs are properly implemented and


Chapter 2Laboratory Capabilities 50 properly coordinated with industry and university R&D efforts. Additional coordination will be needed to eliminate or prevent unnecessary redundancy between laboratory programs. At this point, however, the potential for such overlap appears limited. One reason is that the capabilities of the DOE weapons labs and NIST are, in many ways, complementary. DOE labs have the skill set, expertise, and funding to work on large-scale R&D programs, especially those that require multi-disciplinary teams and large, expensive facilities. The DOE labs are set up to work on the higher-risk, longer-duration projects and to deliver operating prototypes, as well as an underlying precommercial knowledge base. NIST is best suited to solving measurement problems and delivering results in a form suitable for use by the industry. Measurement may be a demanding problem requiring significant fundamental research prior to developing a technique suited for practical use, or it may require off-the-shelf NIST technology. Furthermore, while several labs may claim a competency in a particular technology area, these areas are so broad that planned programs are unlikely to overlap. For example, all three DOE laboratories are strong in numeric simulation and modeling; however, they use this competency to accomplish separate mission responsibilities. Sandias modeling capabilities are targeted toward plasma modeling and chemical vapor deposition chambers; Los Alamos uses its modeling capabilities to simulate factories and develop active control systems for use with real-time sensors; Lawrence Livermores modeling capabilities support work in areas such as packaging, structures, and lithography. In addition, both LLNL and NIST have ongoing programs in metrology to support x-ray lithography, but LLNLs capabilities in formin g aspheric mirrors are complemented and supported by NISTs capabilities in measuring the precise curvature of the mirrors surface. Similarly, all three DOE laboratories have established major efforts in environmental safety and health for weapons work that may be relevant to semiconductor processing and environmentally conscious manufacturing. Sandia has capabilities in sensors and monitoring for quality; Los Alamos supports work in solvent substitution and clean manufacturing technologies; Lawrence Livermore has research programs in dosimetry and waste management. In addition, the labs have expressed a commitment to achieve the required coordination and have made several attempts to coordinate their research efforts. Sandia recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with NIST on their activities in metrology. The first industry to be addressed under the Sandia/NIST MOA is the U.S. semiconductor industry. The intent of this program is to maximize cooperation and minimize duplication so that the resources of the two institutions are used most effectively. In addition, the new National Center for Advanced Information Component Manufacturing (NCAICM) established by Congress at Sandia will coordinate research by the three DOE weapons labs and ARPA in the areas of flat panel displays and microelectronics, Projects under this program will be funded through ARPA and performed jointly by industry and the DOE labs. NIST and Sandia have also coordinated their efforts in x-ray lithography through lab visits and transfers of personnel. Such efforts may prove highly effective in enhancing the ability of the laboratories to contribute to commercial semiconductor technology.


The Semiconductor Industry 3 0 ver the past three decades, semiconductor manufacturing has become increasingly vital to the U.S. economy. Not only does the U.S. semiconductor industry generate over $25 billion in annual sales and employ over 200,000 workers, but, as an enabling technology for most electronic products, it is essential to the generation of millions of high-wage, high-skill jobs and sales of over $300 billion in such industries as computers, telecommunications, and industrial equipment. Products based on semiconductor technology contribute in turn to productivity gains in many sectors of the U.S. economy. Nevertheless, the U.S. semiconductor industry faces several challenges that threaten its future competitiveness. International competition has eaten away at U.S. market share, in both the world and domestic markets. Many competitors receive direct support from national governments that have targeted semiconductor technology as a central part of their industrial development plans and have initiated programs to boost the commercialization of semiconductor technology. In addition, the costs of research and development (R&D) and new production facilities are growing exponentially, while sources of patient capital are rapidly eroding. With short product cycles, semiconductor firms are having difficulty supporting the rapid pace of investment and are looking for new sources of financing, often through joint ventures with foreign competitors. Materials and equipment suppliers are also facing financial difficulties. To date, most U.S. policy in support of semiconductor technology has been limited to ensuring fair trade and protecting 52


53 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Figure 3-1 Share of World Semiconductor Production by Nation, 1992 $ billion Japan Other ,,,-$8.0 / / \ ,United States $25.6 SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1993; based on data from Semiconductor Industry Association, Annual Databook G/oba/ and U.S. semiconductor Competitive Trends-1978-1991 (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1992), p. 12. national security. 1 Through the Semiconductor Trade Agreement (STA), the U.S. government attempted to open the Japanese market to U.S. producers. Federal funding has concentrated on R&D, the bulk of which has been funded by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). Recently, DoD has supported the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology consortium, SEMATECH. Concern over flagging competitiveness of semiconductor manufacturers in a time of declining defense budgets has, however, induced considerable discussion of means for ensuring the continued success of the U.S. semiconductor industry. It has become increasingly evident that government policy can enhance many areas of technological competitiveness in the industry, and may be necessary in order to preserve its strength. Federal laboratories may have a role to play in working with industry to develop next-generation semiconductor technologies. A STRATEGIC INDUSTRY The semiconductor industry holds a strategic position within the U.S. and global economies. In 1992, sales of semiconductor devices topped $60 billion worldwide; U.S. shipments totaled $26 billion (figure 3-1). 2 These figures include sales of all electronic components based on semiconductor technology: 3 integrated circuits (ICs) such as microprocessors and memories; discrete components such as transistors and diodes; and other semiconducting devices such as solar cells and photo diodes. Within the U.S. economy, the most significant of these categories is ICs, which comprised 73 percent of total U.S. semiconductor shipments in 1991, a fraction that has remained fairly constant over the past decade (figure 3-2). 4 Beyond their purely financial effects, integrated circuits, which pack thousands of interconnected circuits onto a single chip, also allow the creation of innovative new electronic products unimaginable with individual, discrete devices. ICs also necessitate the development of sophisticated production machinery and processes, and have large effects on other parts of the U.S. economy. fl Contributions to the U.S. Economy The semiconductor industry contributes disproportionately to job and revenue growth throughout the U.S. economy. Semiconductor manufacturers employed 220,000 workers in the United 1 Through NEST, the government has supported the basic metrology that industry needs to manufacture competitive products, but this support has not been as large or as extensive as that for national security. 2 SEMATECH, 1993 Annual Report, p. 6; and Electronic Industries Association 1993 Edition Electronic Market Data Book (Wash@tow DC: Electronic Industries Association% 1993), p. 98. 3 Semiconductor technology refers to an entire class of materials-and the devices made from them-that have conductivity in between that of an insulator and a true conductor such as metal. Semiconductors derive their conducting characteristics from carefully controlled amounts of impurities (or dopants), such as phosphorus, boron, or aluminum, which are inserted into crystals of an otherwise nonconducting material such as silicon or gallium arsenide. 4 Electronic Industries Association op. cit., footnote 1, p. 98.


Chapter 3The Semiconductor Industry 54 Figure 3-2U.S. Semiconductor Sales Device Type, 1992 (Estimated) S million Integrated c[rcu[ts ... by S1 9,087 ,//= -.. Transistors / / / / \ \, l\ \ \\ \ \:.\ -/@ \\------ Diodes & rectifiers $703 SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1993; based on data from Electronic Industries Association, 1993 Edition Electronic Market Data Book( Washington, DC: Electronic Industries Association, 1993), p. 98. States at the beginning of 1993. 5 Many of these jobs are highly knowledge-intensive, reflecting the large amounts of R&D required to stay competitive in the industry. 6 Only 42 percent of all semiconductor workers were production workers at the beginnin g of 1993, a figure considerably lower than the 68 percent average for all U.S. manufacturing industries. Moreover, many of the production jobs in semiconductors require high levels of skill, involving the operation and maintenance of highly sophisticated production equipment; simple assembly jobs have been either automated or moved off-shore. As a result, hourly wages for production workers in the semiconductor industry averaged $14.23, considerably higher than manufacturing in general and most other electronics sectors (table 3-l). Table 3-l-Comparison of Employment and Earnings in Semiconductors With Other Manufacturing Industries, January 1993 Employees (thousands) Hourly Industry Total Production wages Semiconductors 220 93 (42%) $14.23 All manufacturing 17,939 12,185 (68%) $11.61 Autos 827 635 (78%) 15.52 Aircraft 581 273 (470A) 17.03 Chemicals 1,063 557 (52%) 14.69 Industrial equipment 1,934 1,167 (60/0) 12.61 Electronic and electrical equipment 1,538 979 (64%) 11.14 SOURCE: U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment and Earnings, April 1993. The semiconductor industry supports a wideranging base of suppliers who provide semiconductor manufacturing equipment (SME), control software, gases, chemicals, and silicon substrates. The world market for equipment and materials totaled about $20 million in 1992, with the U.S. market comprising about half of that. 7 On the equipment side, U.S. SME vendors earned $5.5 billion in sales in 1992, 58 percent of which was from U.S. semiconductor manufacturers. SME manufacturers employed over 28,000 workers in 1991.8 U.S.-based materials suppliers earned over $1 billion in revenues in 1992, mostly from sales to U.S. companies. Even larger effects occur in downstream markets. Semiconductor technology is the key to most modern electronic products: computers, consumer electronics, communications equipment, and industrial equipment. Manufacturers are incorporating semiconductors into products such as automobiles and aircraft as well 9 but s U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Employment and Earnings, April 1993, p. 83. b Despite the globaliimtion of the industry and the fact that some 50 percent of U.S. semiconductor chips are shipped overseas, American corporations perform about threequarters of their high value-added wafer fabrication in the United States. 7 National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors, Attaining Preeminence in Semiconductors (Washingto& DC: National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors, February 1992), p. 9. s Persoml comm~cation from peggy Hagg@y, Vice President, SEIWSEMATECH; data from VLSI Research. 9 Appro~imateIy 3 t. 5 per~nt of the v~ue of new automobiles is electronics; for COmmerCid and ~litary airc~t, 15 to 30 Percent f e value may be electronics.


55 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Figure 3-3-Worldwide Sales of Semiconductor Devices by Customer, 1992 Table 3-2U.S. Factory Sales and Employment in Electronics by Industry Group, 1992 $ billion Computer Automotive $28.7 Communications $2,8 $8.5 Consumer $13.2 SOURCE: Dataquest, Inc. approximately 45 percent of the worldwide semiconductor sales in 1992 went for use in computers (figure 3-3). Consumer electronics and communications together purchased another 35 percent of output, while automotive and industrial applications totaled 15 percent of the market. U.S. industries that depend upon semiconductor technology together produced almost $300 billion in manufactured goods and employed over 1.8 million workers in 1992 (table 3-2), making electronics the second largest basic industry in the United States (behind chemicals) and the largest industrial employer. 10 By 1995, electronics-related industries are expected to comprise 25 percent of all manufacturing.11 U.S. employment in semiconductors and the electronics industry overall is likely to decline marginally through 2005, as is employment in manufacturing generally, 12 due to rising worker productivity, slowing rate of growth of the labor supply as the population ages, and a decline in Sales Employees Sector (millions) (thousands) Communications equipment $68,097 477 Computers and peripherals 56,360 395 Consumer electronics 9,183 61 Industrial and medical electronics a 33,969 279 Semiconductors 27,388 221 Other related products/services b 55,875 NA Electronic components 36,756 374 Total $287,628 1,807 a l~ludes control and processing equipment, test and measurement equipment, nuclear electronic equipment, medical electronic equipment, robots, accessories and components, and other electronic systems and equipment. b l~ludes estimates of electronic content of the annual *leS of industries, such as autos and airmaft, considered partially electronic, as well as computer and software services (but not prepackaged software). NA Not applicable. SOURCE: Electronic Industries Association, 1993 Edition E/ectrunic MarketData Book (Washington, DC: Electronic Industries Association, 1993). defense spending. Nevertheless, increases in productive output should continue, especially in the areas of computers and semiconductors, which are projected to grow fastest of all manufacturing areas. Estimates of growth are for 7.6 percent annually in computers and for 5.6 percent annually in semiconductors, both well above the 2.3 percent growth anticipated for all manufacturing industries. 13 1 Contributions to National Security Semiconductor technology is vitally important to national security. Throughout the Cold War, U.S. defense policy was based on the availability of superior technology to overcome the numerical superiority of Warsaw Pact forces. Integrated circuits became integral components of nuclear missiles, precision-guided munitions, early warnlo SEMXIECH, 1992 Annual Report, p. 7. ] 1 Ibid., p. 7. 12 ~ L. CMeY ~d JmM c. Frati 1~dus~ output and Job Grow~ Contiues Slow ~to Nat Cenw, Monthly Labor Review, November 1991, pp. 45-94. 13 Ibid., pp. 58-59.


ing and surveillance systems, aircraft, and communications systems. Concern over the continued development of advanced microelectronics technologies and over foreign dependence on such technologies 14 led the military to invest heavily in semiconductor R&D and to develop procurement regulations governing U.S. content. While procurement budgets may fall in concert with the declining defense budget, military support of semiconductor R&D is likely to continue at steady or increasing levels. The Advanced Research Projects Agencys (ARPA) funding for electronics manufacturing technology jumped from $98 million in 1991 to over $330 million in 1993. With declining personnel rosters and fewer new starts for major weapons programs, the military will probably rely more on improved semiconductor technology to maintain national security and upgrade existing weapons platforms. The commercial semiconductor industry is the probable source of many of these components. Commercial semiconductors are in many ways technically superior to their defense counterparts and, due to their larger scales of production, are considerably lower in price. COMPETITIVE HISTORY OF THE U.S. SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY Because semiconductor manufacturing has such a strong influence on national economies, many countries--including European nations and Japan have launched vigorous campaigns to develop indigenous semiconductor industries and gain global market share. 15 Government polices at home and abroad have altered the competitive dynamics of the industry. Though dominating Chapter 3The Semiconductor Industry 56 early markets, U.S. semiconductor manufacturers are now increasingly challenged by international competitors. From the mid-1950s through the early 1980s, the United States was the undisputed leader in virtually all segments of the semiconductor industry. U.S. manufacturers dominated world markets for ICs, manufacturing equipment, and supplies. They invested more than all other nations in new plant and equipment as well as R&D and pioneered new technologies. Throughout the 1980s, however, foreign rivals increasingly challenged U.S. semiconductor manufacturers and, by 1987, had secured approximately 63 percent of the global market for semiconductors. Japanese manufacturers are the primary competitors; at their zenith in 1988, they controlled some 52 percent of the market. Since 1989, U.S. manufacturers have staged a modest resurgence, regaining market share from the Japanese and re-establishing market leadership in 1992 with an estimated 43.8 percent share of the world market (versus 43.1 percent for Japan). l6 These changes reflect a combination of industry initiative and government policy. 1 Early U.S. Dominance Early American dominance in stemmed from the nations lead semiconductors in entering the field. Both the transistor and the IC were invented in the United States. Work on solid-state amplifiers began during the 1930s at Bell Laboratories after researchers realized that future switching would need to occur through electronic means, and that future markets would be large enough to justify investment in new technology. These 14 see Institute for Defense ~~yses, Dependence of U,s, Defense system on Foreign Tec~~o~ogies (Washington, ~: Defense Technical Information Service, December 1990). 15 Japan ~s launch~ a Sefies Oflfitiatives coor~ted by the Ministry of International Trade and~dus~ (~~) to s~~ate development of semiconductor technology and electronic products. In the 1980S, the European Community initiated the JESSI program to develop semiconductors and the ESPRIT program to promote information technology generally. See Thomas R. Howell, et al., The Microelectronics Race: The Impact of Government Policy on International Competition (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1988), chapters 3 and 4. lb Statistics from VLSI Research, Inc., as cited in T. R. Reid, U.S. Again Leads in Computer Chips, Washington Post, Nov. 20, 1992, p. Al.


57 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology efforts resulted in the discovery of the transistor by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter H. Brattain in 1947. Jack Kilby at Texas Instruments, Inc. patented the first integrated circuit in 1959 at about the same time that Robert Noyce at Fairchild Camera developed planar processing techniques, upon which current manufacturing is based. Though commercial interests stimulated work in semiconductor technology, government interest was largely responsible for large-scale production of ICs that led to early domination of the industry by U.S. firms. U.S. industry initially expressed skepticism about ICs. IBM, then the largest single private-sector customer for semiconductor devices, used discrete transistors rather than ICs in its 360-series computer. In 1962, NASA announced plans to use ICs in the Apollo programs guidance computer, and soon thereafter the Air Force stated its intent to use them in the Minuteman II guidance system. These programs allowed U.S. manufacturers to get the economies of scale required to make semiconductors affordable for commercial use and to demonstrate and improve their reliability .17 1 The Japanese Challenge Japanese companies did not begin producing semiconductors until the 1960s. For many years their products suffered from low yields and high prices. By the mid-1960s, Japanese manufacturers were achieving yields of just 10 percent, compared with 25 percent for their U.S. competitors. Prices were often three times those in the United States. In 1971 Japanese manufacturers sold at more than 20 percent below cost in order to compete with U.S. manufacturers, and as late as 1972, the semiconductor divisions of the major Japanese producers had failed to turn a profit. 18 In the late 1970s, however, several Japanese companies rose to worldwide prominence in semiconductor manufacturing, due in part to assistance from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITT). Through MITI, the Japanese government provided financial assistance, low-interest loans, accelerated depreciation schedules, and other measures that lowered capital costs and enabled semiconductor manufacturers to continue investing in plant and equipment despite large losses. In addition, MITI organized and helped fund several industry-wide R&D programs, including the successful VLSI Project (1976 to 1979) that targeted dynamic random access memory (DRAM) chips. Over the next several years, Japanese companies achieved higher yields and productivity and lower costs than American firms, particularly in memories, driving many U.S. manufacturers out of the market by the mid-1980s. The U.S. share of the world market for all ICs declined from about 57 percent in 1982 to 39 percent in 1991, reaching its low point of about 37 percent in 1988. Japanese market share rose from 33 percent to 47 percent during the same time (figure 3-4). 19 Japanese competition has been most noticeable in markets for commodity chips, such as DRAMs, that are the least dependent on design capabilities and the most dependent on manufacturing capabilities and quality. Between 1978 and 1992, the U.S. share of the global DRAM market declined from about 75 percent to less than 20 percent; Japanese market share grew from 25 percent to 54 percent during the same period (figure 3-5). In more design-intensive, higher value-added market segments, U.S. companies maintained a 17 ~urJ. Ale=nder, The Problem of Declining Defense R&D E~enditures, JEI-14A (Washi.ngtoq DC: Jw~ ~no~c ~timte, AP~ 16, 1993), p. 11. 18 US, Congess, Offlce of TeclmoIogy Assemmen~ Competing Economies: America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim, OEA-H98 (Washi.ngto% DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, October 1991), p. 249, 19 Semiconductor Industry Assxiation and Dewey Ballantine, Creanng Advantage: Semiconductors and Governmentlndwtrial Policy in the 1990s (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association 1992), p. 9,


. ... Chapter 3The Semiconductor Industry 58 Figure 3-4-Semiconductor World 0 / 0 market share :~-% Market Shares, 1982-1991 Japan 40 I United States 304 20 I I Other l l 10 ; -- --*- ...-~ ~4 -- l -- + 0 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 SOURCE: Semiconductor Industry Association, Creating Advantage: Semiconductors and Government Industrial Policy in the 7990s (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1992), p. 9. Figure 3-5Worldwide DRAM Market Share, 1978-1992 0 / 0 market share 100 r go-l 80 ; 1 70 60 5040 3oUnited States Other 10 l-~<-. I Europe n o I 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 SOURCE: Dataquest, Inc. dominant position, but the lead was trimmed clined, from 60 percent in 1984 to about 53 significantly. U.S. share of the market for micropercent in 1992, but the United States remained components and other types of microcontrollers the market leader (figure 3-7). declined from 75 percent in 1980 to just under 69 percent in 1992 (figure 3-6), while Japanese 1 Reasons for Japanese Success market share rose from 21 percent to 25 percent. Japans success in semiconductors resulted not In the market for application-specific integrated just from increased funding of R&D. Japan also circuits (ASICs), which include custom and used a successful mix of financial, technological, semi-custom chips, U.S. market share also deand industrial resources to ensure that programs


59 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Figure 3-6-Share of World Market for Microcomponents, 1980-1992 0 / 0 market share 80 r m 70+ \ 1 United States / 60 50< L~-~--y- 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 SOURCE: Dataquest, Inc. Figure 3-7-Share of World Market for ASICs, 1984-1992 0 / 0 market share 70 r 6 0 l United States 50 H-=-=-*--4 40 30 Japan I 20 1 0 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 SOURCE: Dataquest, Inc. were developed rapidly and efficiently, and were pursued over the long term. At the same time, Japanese firms pursued a strategy of expanding market share rather than increasing profitability, often accepting substantial short-term losses in order to establish their market presence and achieve long-term growth. Other differences between Japanese and U.S. trade practices and industry structure (outlined below) also contributed to the Japanese success. Availability y of Capital Since 1982, Japanese semiconductor manufacturers outspent their U.S. competitors on R&D and capital goods. In 1988, Japanese capital spending was nearly $2 billion higher than that of the United States; by 1990, Japanese semiconductor manufacturers were spending $6 billion on capital goods versus $3 billion in the United States. R&D spending by the top five Japanese producers also rose from near parity with the United States in 1985 to nearly $1 billion more by


Chapter 3-The Semiconductor Industry 60 Figure 3-8-Semiconductor R&D Spending S billion 3 2 4 ,~ Total of top five Japanese / / merchant firms / / Total of top five U.S. merchant I firms I 01 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 SOURCE: Dataquest, Inc. 1990. These differences in expenditures occurred despite the fact that U.S. producers had higher sales that the Japanese until 1986 (figures 3-8 and 3-9). 20 These spending differences reflect significant differences in government policy and industrial structure in the two nations. By designating microelectronics as a priority industry, the Japanese government increased its attractiveness to prospective lenders and investors; further, the lending policies of the Japan Development Bank, which makes loans to designated priority sectors at MITIs recommendation, have signaled to commercial banks that the government favors microelectronics companies and has thereby mobilized capital for the semiconductor industry .21 Japanese companies also benefited from a lower cost of capital during the 1980s. Although capital costs in Japan have approached those in the United States in recent years, and direct 6 K 4 3 2 1 0 Figure 3-9-Semiconductor Capital Spending $ billion firms / *-. All U S merchant firm s I 985 1986 1987 1988 1989 199 0 SOURCE: Dataquest, Inc. comparisons are difficult to make, Japanese costs appear to have been much lower. 22 Keiretsu banks are a primary source of capital for their affiliated semiconductor producers. During the 1970s, the Japanese semiconductor producers relationships with the keiretsu banks enabled them to finance aggressive capital expansion through heavy borrowing. While in the 1980s the leading Japanese producers reduced their reliance on debt as a source of capital, their special relationship with the banks remained a critically important asset. 23 Combined with lower interest rates, these relationships helped mitigate the risk associated with large financial outlays. The structure of the Japanese semiconductor industry also supports greater capital expenditures. Most semiconductor manufacturers in Japan are part of large, vertically and horizontally integrated conglomerates with large assets. Giants like Nippon Electric Corp. (NEC), Hitachi, Qo Nation~ Adviso~ committee on Semiconductors, Attaining Preeminence in Semiconductors (Wd3hgtOn, m: Natiod Advisov Committee on Semiconductors, February 1992), p. 23. 21 ~omm R. Howell, op. cit., footnote 1S, p. 65. 22 Nation~ Adviso~ Committee on Semiconductors, A Strategic Industry at Risk (Mhshingtoq DC: National Advisory committee on Semiconductors, November 1989), p. 17. See also Richard P. Matteone, 4 A Capital Cost Disadvantage for Japan? Morgan Guarantee Trust, Tokyo, Aprd 1992. 23 nom R Howell, op. cit., footnote 15, p. 65.


61 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology and Toshiba are fully integrated; they put their chips into their own products. Integration allows closer cooperation between IC suppliers and systems integrators. More importantly, integration (vertical or horizontal) can make capital available from internal funds outside the IC division, provided other divisions are earning healthy profits. Deep pockets are a particular advantage during market slowdowns, when prices decline. They allow companies to fund long-term R&D and forego immediate returns for long-term growth in market share. This capability allowed Japanese firms to continue investing in R&D and expand capacity during recessions that curtailed U.S. investment. The Japanese then entered the market first for 64-kilobit (64K) and 256K DRAMs, gaining noteworthy competitive advantage. 24 The U.S. semiconductor industry is dominated by merchant manufacturers who are independently owned and sell their output on the open market. Captive suppliers such as IBM sell the vast majority of their output to their parent company and do not compete on a global basis .25 The merchant portion of the industry has been the source of considerable innovation within the United States. It has achieved low cost production by standardizing designs for many customers needs. Companies such as Intel, AMD, and TI are not constrained by the capacity of their own systems divisions, but can expand supply to meet market demand. Owners of captive companies often rely on merchant producers to satisfy peaks in their demand. 26 However, merchant companies have often lacked the financial resources to maintain high levels of investment during general recessions. Trade Practices Differences in U.S. and Japanese trade practices have allowed Japanese semiconductor manufacturers to gain a strong foothold in the U.S. market while limiting U.S. participation in the Japanese market. Throughout the early 1980s, in particular, the United States did little to regulate or control the import of semiconductor products from Japan. U.S. electronics companies purchased semiconductors from either U.S. or Japanese suppliers, depending on differences in quality or price. But U.S. semiconductor manufacturers alleged that Japanese semiconductor manufacturers used unfair trading practices to gain market share in the United States. The U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) found that Japanese manufacturers dumping of 64K DRAMs in the U.S. and other global markets in 1985 inflicted serious damages to U.S. firms. 27 A similar conclusion was reached in the ITCs investigations of the impact of Japanese dumping on U.S. producers of 256K DRAMs and Erasable Programm able Read-Only Memories (EPROMs). Between 1981 and 1982, and again in 1984 to 1985, Japanese dumping of 64K and 256K memories crippled U.S. competitors. The result was a virtually complete withdrawal by U.S. firms from the DRAM market by the end of 1985. Of 11 U.S. merchant firms that produced 16K DRAMs in 1980, only two remained in the market at the 256K level, and these companies accounted for less than 10 percent of world sales. 28 In contrast, U.S. firms have encountered two types of barriers preventing the sale of their products in Japan: restrictions on investment, and trade barriers. During the 1960s, foreign semiconductor companies were prohibited from establishW Ibid, p. 62. 25 ~Mrecen~y ~ounced that it will sell ICS on the merchant market. This strategy reflects a co~orate restructuring that will disaggregate the company into a larger number of profit centers. 26 Natio~ResemchC oUc~, Competitive Status of the US. Electronics lndusoy (Washington DC: National Academy PRM, 1984), P. 45. 27 U S htemtioml Trade Commissio n 64KDynamic Random Access Memory Componenrsfiom Japan, PP 19-20. 28 Semiconductor Industry Association, Creating Advantage, Op. Cit., p. 105.


Chapter 3-The Semiconductor Industry 62 Figure 3-10--U.S. Trade in Solid State Devices S million 20 ~ = Imports ~D;? Exports 15 1 j Balanc e 10 5 0 b ir n 11 -5 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 SOURCE: Electronic Industries Association, 1993 Edition Electronic Market Data Book (Washington, DC: Electronic Industries Association, 1993), p. 114. Table 3-3-Market Sizes and Market Shares by Geographic Base of Headquarters, 1991 Market share by nationality Size of firm (percent) Market ($B) U.S. Japan Other United States $15.4 70 20 10 Japan 20.9 12 86 1 Europe 10.1 45 15 40 Rest of world 8.2 43 34 23 Total $54.6 39A 47/. 14% SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1993; based on Semiconductor Industry Association, Annual Databook: Global and U.S. Semiconductor Competitive Trends, 1978-1991 (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1992), p. 12. ing subsidiaries in Japan without prior approval of the Japanese government; consent was usually withheld unless companies agreed to form joint ventures with Japanese fins. U.S. companies had difficulty forming ventures with Japans major electronics companies because MITI favored alliances between Japanese firms over international joint ventures. In addition, MITI required U.S. firms to transfer technology to their partners as part of the deal. 29 Even with market liberalization between 1974 and 1975, U.S. companies could secure only limited shares of the Japanese market. Japanese semiconductor companies are often divisions of larger conglomerates or of keiretsu that also include producers of electronic goods. These producers tend to purchase components from within their own group, to the detriment of foreign manufacturers. Japanese companies further maintain that U.S. semiconductor firms lack the support and testing facilities of Japanese manufacturers and that U.S. chips have a higher defect rate. 30 Though dominant in other regional markets, U.S. firms have been unable to penetrate the Japanese semiconductor market and have therefore lost a large share of the total world market (table 3-3). The trade balance has also shifted. Between 1983 and 1987, the U.S. trade deficit in semiconductors increased from $620 million to almost $1.4 billion, due mostly to increasing imports from Japan and stagnant export growth (figure 3-10). Though the United States had run a trade deficit in semiconductors prior to this date, 29 US. Congess, Office of Tec~olo~ Asscssmen4 Competing Economies: America, Europe, and the pacific Rim, OP cit., P. 249. 30 Sheridan Tatsuno, Japanese Companies Give U.S. Chipmakers A Blunt Opinion of Their Products, New Technology Week, Sept. 23, 1991, p. 6.


63 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Figure 3-11U.S. World Market Share in Electronics Production -0 / 0 market share 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 U.S.-owned production 1985 1990 SOURCE: Ameriean Electronics Association as cited in National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors, Attaining Preeminence in Semiwnductors, E5ird Annual Report to the President and the Congress, (Washington, DC: National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors, February 1992), p. 21. it was based mostly on imports from U.S.-owned assembly facilities overseas. Almost 80 percent of all U.S. semiconductor imports were from offshore facilities in 1976. 31 But starting in 1978, the United States began running a growing deficit with Japan. In 1992, the United States imported $4.4 billion in solid-state components from Japan, but exported only $1.5 billion to Japan. 32 Shifting Location of Downstream Markets U.S. inability to penetrate the Japanese semiconductor market has been compounded by the tremendous growth of the Japanese market. U.S. semiconductor manufacturers have witnessed a gradual migration of their customer base to Asia. Between 1985 and 1990, the percentage of the worlds electronic systems produced in the United States declined from 52 percent to 35 percent (figure 3-1 1). This trend is the result of both the movement of U.S. electronics production out of the United States in search of lower-wage labor and the development of Asias domestic electronics industry. Growth in electronics manufacturing in Asia has stimulated local demand for semiconductors. As a result, the Japanese market for semiconductors has grown faster than the U.S. market and is now the largest in the world, totaling $21 billion, or 38 percent of the world market, in 1991 (figure 3-12). Supplier Industries The success of the semiconductor industry depends on the success of its suppliers: the semiconductor manufacturing equipment and the materials industries. Throughout the 1980s, U.S. materials and equipment suppliers lost market share to foreign competitors. Between 1985 and 1989, the global market share of U.S. equipment suppliers dropped from about 60 percent to almost 40 percent; Japanese suppliers increased their market share from 35 percent to almost 50 percent. In 1980, nine of the top 10 equipment suppliers in the world were U.S.-owned. By 1990, Japanese companies held five of the 10 top slots, including the top two (table 3-4). U.S.-based materials suppliers proved no more successful, maintaining only 23 percent of the $9.2 billion world market in 1990. Suppliers in Japan captured 64 percent of the market and held the top four slots in terms of total sales. Moreover, much U.S.-based production is foreign-owned. U.S.-owned firms supplied only 13 percent of the total market for materials, and Japanese-owed firms held a 73 percent share. 33 Of the five largest 31 U.S. Dep~ent Of Commerce, International Trade Mti tratiou U.S. Industrial Outlook, 2978 (Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing OffIce, 1978), p. 308, 32 Ekztronic Industries Association op. cit., foomote 2 p. 114. 33 U.S. ~t~mtio~ Tr~e co~ssio~ Global Competitiveness of U.S. Advanced Technology Manufactunng Industnes: Semiconductor Manufacturing and Test Equipment, USITC publication 2434 (Washington DC: U.S. Intermtional Trade Cornmissiou September 1991), p. 4-15. ~ ~ese suppliers were Kyocera, Shin-Etsu Handotai, NTK, and Sumitomo (all Japanese), ~d Huels from Ge~ny.


. Chapter 3The Semiconductor Industry 164 Figure 3-12-Growth of Regional Semiconductor Markets ~~ ~ billion -cd I 2015 10 1 5 4 Japan m world OL 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 SOURCE: Semiconductor Industry Association, Annual Databook: Global and U.S. Semiwntictor Competitive Trends-1978-1991 (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1992), p. 13. Table 3-4-Top 10 Semiconductor Equipment Suppliers in Worldwide Sales 1980 Sales 1990 Sales Company (nationality) ($M) Company (nationality) ($M) Perkin-Elmer (US) 151 Tokyo Electron (J) 706 GCA (US) 116 Nikon (J) 696 Applied Materials (US) 115 Applied Materials (US) 572 Fairchild (US) 105 Advantest (J) 423 Varian (US) 90 Canon (J) 421 Teradyne (US) 83 Hitachi (J) 304 Eaton (US) 79 General Signal (US) 286 General Signal (US) 57 Varian (US) 285 Kulicke and Soffa (US) 47 Teradyne (US) 215 Takeda Riken (J) 46 SVG (US) 204 Total $888 Total $4,108 NOTES: US United States; J Japan. SOURCE: SEMATECH, Strategic Overview, December 1991, p 1-7; data from VLSI Research. suppliers in 1990, four were Japanese and the fifth was German. 34 Moreover, the fragmented structure of the U.S. semiconductor industry permeates the supplier industry as well. Throughout the 1980s, U.S. semiconductor manufacturers maintained armslength relationships with their primary suppliers. In contrast, Japanese manufacturers maintained closer linkages to their suppliers. This enabled Japanese manufacturers to gain early access to new production equipment and to influence its design. ~ The U.S. Response The loss of U.S. share in the memory market to Japan triggered alarms throughout industry and government in the United States. Though a commodity good with low profit margins, DRAMs were considered the primary technology driver for the entire semiconductor industry throughout


65 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology the 1980s. 35 The design of DRAMs is fairly straightforward compared with microprocessors and other logic devices, but in order to achieve greater capacity, transistors must be packed more closely together. The design of next-generation DRAMs therefore precipitates advances in lithography and manufacturing capability for achieving higher device densities and smaller linewidths. Logic devices typically lagged behind DRAMs in these areas. In addition, the large volumes characteristic of DRAM production allow for greater evaluation and refinement of production techniques. With large production runs, the effects of process changes upon yield can be more easily determined and the learning that manufacturers gain can be applied to other types of devices manufactured with a similar process. Highvolume production also provides manufacturers a way of amortizing the cost of new fabrication facilities (or fabs), which can then be converted for use in manufacturing other devices, such as logic, and for gaining experience with new processes. Faced with the prospect of continuing its downward slide in market share, the U.S. semiconductor industry took serious measures in the 1980s to regain its international competitiveness. Central to these efforts have been industry collaboration and government cooperation. Government and industry have become partners in reinvigorating an industry that is often considered a strategic national asset. Industry participation has been coordinated primarily by the Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), an organization that, since its inception in 1977, has gained considerable political influence and has come to represent its member companies effectively. SIA has worked with the federal government to stimulate U.S. research in semiconductor technology, ameliorate trade frictions, and strengthen linkages between semiconductor manufacturers and their suppliers. These efforts have resulted in the formation of the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), SEMATECH, and a series of Semiconductor Trade Agreements (STAs) with Japan. Semiconductor Research Corporation SRC was founded in 1982 as an industry-led consortium to coordinate and fund basic university research in technologies of interest to the semiconductor industry. Membership in SRC has grown rapidly to some 70 organizations in 1992. Most members are individual corporations who contribute a freed portion of their total revenues, but other members are government agencies and government/industry consortia, such as SEMATECH and the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC). 36 With a small staff in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, SRC manages an external research budget of about $30 million per year. These resources are dedicated to three complementary missions: to support research in universities bearing on longrange industry needs; to increase the flow of graduate students with direct experience related to mainstream interests of the semiconductor industry; and to stimulate interest among university faculty in silicon-related activities and thereby increase the demand for government research support in this area. 35 my r=afly b this notion kn ~leng~. LSI Logic, kc. has developed a 0.6-micron process for manufacturing ASICS bt fivds stat&of-th&artDRAM factories, convincing many analysts that DRAM production is not the only way to drive improvements in manufacturing F== 36 AS of Igg2, SRC hd 26 Ml and 33 affiliate members from industry three associate members from b Ahunos National MbOratory, the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation and SEMATECH; and seven members from government, including the National Science Foundatio~ NISZ the National Security Agency, and other Department of Defense research organizations, who collectively sllpport one full membership for the U.S. government. lb apply for full membership in SRC, companies must manufacture, use, or sell semiconductors. Affiliate and associate members must conduct R&D in support of semiconductor devices within the United States or Canada. AftIliate and associates members do not have representation on the board of directors.


Chapter 3-The Semiconductor Industry 66 SRCs contribution to university research is evident. Between 1982 and 1992, SRC funded $200 million in university research contracts, supporting hundreds of faculty members and thousands of graduate students. This research generated over 8,000 published reports and 41 patents, with another 38 patents filed. 37 Member firms have access to all these research findings and results. More importantly, SRC finding has helped create interdisciplinary university research programs on silicon-based devices. Though comprising over 90 percent of industry sales, silicon devices received little attention by university researchers a decade ago; the limited semiconductor research at universities was aimed at compound materials (such as gallium arsenide), which have unique electrical properties and are of particular interest to DoD, but have fewer commercial applications. 38 SRC funding now represents about half of all U.S. support for silicon semiconductor research at universities and research institutes. Transferring research results to industry has not always been easy. Most research projects need further work before they can be commercialized. In addition, finding the appropriate end-user for a specific technology can be difficult. Nevertheless, in 1992, SRC created a new Technology Insertion Program to help move SRC research results into participating companies. These programs are aimed at improving SRCs transfer of technology to industry. Despite the difficulty with technology transfer, SRC has been highly effective in training personnel for careers in the semiconductor industry and in stimulating personnel exchanges between industry and universities. Member companies are encouraged to send technical personnel to university research centers for extended periods of time to gain exposure to advances in academic research. In addition, members often use their access to students as a means of selecting future employees. Over 1,000 of SRCs graduate students have been hired by industry, bringing with them intimate knowledge of new semiconductor processing techniques. As a consortium, SRC has also played a key role in helping industry reach consensus on a number of issues. Through its advisory boards, sponsored workshops, and planning documents (like SRC 2001), SRC has developed early industry roadmaps and research agenda for key technologies. These tools have helped SRC raise national interest in issues of importance to the semiconductor industry and attract government attention to industry problems. Furthermore, by maintaining management control of industrys university research funding, SRC has not only advanced a close match between university efforts and industry needs, but has also reduced duplication of research efforts. Though overlap can lead to different and useful results, the high cost of research in the semiconductor industry makes elimination of redundancy a necessity. SRCs success in these areas is widely credited with strengthening the global competitiveness of the U.S. semiconductor industry and improving relations between government, industry, and academia. SEMATECH The federal government has also supported SEMATECH, a consortium founded by 14 member companies in 1987 to help U.S. manufacturers recapture world leadership in the semiconductor industry. The group, with facilities and staff at its headquarters in Austin, Texas, proposed to meet this goal by developing within five years a process for manufacturing chips with 0.35micron feature size on 8-inch wafers. In DecemB1 Semiconductor Research Corporatio~A Decade of Service to the Semiconductor Industry: 1992 Annual Report @~~h Tri@e p~~ NC: Semiconductor Research Corporation 1992), p. 2. 38 ~ke~ for cornpo~d s~couductors are growing, however. Gallium arsenide Ics uc MW Widely Used k wkkss COmm~~tioM systems; compound semiconductors are used as laser sources in telecommunications systems and compact disc (CD) pIayers.


67 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology ber 1987, Congress authorized DoD to provide SEMATECH with five years of funding at a level equal to industrys contribution, expected to be $100 million per year. DoD assigned ARPA responsibility for working with SEMATECH in April 1988. SEMATECH originally planned to create new production processes in-house for manufacturing next-generation semiconductors, but later decided that its primary goal should be to develop a strong base of semiconductor manufacturing equip ment suppliers. Without strong suppliers, U.S. semiconductor manufacturers could not keep up with their Asian competitors, who have closer contacts with Japanese equipment makers and thus have earlier access to the most advanced Japanese semiconductor manufacturing equipment. At SEMATECHs inception, U.S. semiconductor equipment suppliers were losing market share at the rate of 3.1 percent per year. 39 Semiconductor manufacturers expected to purchase less than 40 percent of their submicron equipment from U.S. suppliers. 40 SEMATECH established a number of partnerships with U.S. equipment manufacturers to help them develop next-generation production tools. It also brought the semiconductor industry toward consensus as to its future requirements, especially for new semiconductor manufacturing equipment. As a result, equipment manufacturers have been able to produce equipment to one set of industry specifications rather than to diverse company specifications. In addition, SEMATECH has standardized methodologies for evaluating candidate manufacturing technologies, both analytically and experimentally. Perhaps most important, SEMATECHs Partnership for Total Quality program has improved communications between semiconductor manufacturers and their suppliers. While some suppliers had previously maintained close relationships with preferred customers, SEMATECH replaced and repaired those that had been severed and created a much broader set of ties. In this way, information that is not easily quantified can be exchanged directly between users and suppliers of manufacturing equipment. While critics claim that SEMATECH has benefited only its member companies, others credit the consortium with contributing to the recent improvement in the health of the entire semiconductor equipment industry. Since 1990, equipment manufacturers have reversed their declining market share and currently command 53 percent of the world market, versus 38 percent for Japan. 41 U.S. semiconductor manufacturers now purchase over 70 percent of their equipment domestically. Motorolas new wafer fabrication facility in Austin, Texas, which was originally planned to include 75 percent foreign tools, now has an 80 percent U.S. tool set. 42 Production yields of U.S. semiconductor manufacturers, which were 60 percent versus Japans 79 percent in 1987, have improved to 84 percent versus 93 percent in Japan. 43 U.S. equipment manufacturers have also increased their market share in Japan, commanding almost 20 percent of the Japanese equipment market in 1992, up from 15 percent in 1990. 44 39 peter BUXTOWS, Bill s~ncm Struggles to Reform SEMATE~ Electronic Business, Ikby 18, 1992, p. 58. @ SEMATECH, 1991 Annual Report, p. z. 41 Da~ from WI R~sem~h ~c, ~ cit~ b y pew figge~, vice presid~~ public policy ad Adrninistratioq SEh41/SEMATECH, personal comrnunicatio~ July 20, 1993. 42 SEMATECH, 1991 Annual Report, p. 18 43 Us. &nm~ Accounting OMce, Federal Research: SEMATECHS Technological progress and Proposed R&D PrograQ GAO/RCED-92-223BFq July 1992, p. 10. 44 Dam from WI Re=ch kc, ~ cit~ by pew Haggerty, vice presid~~ public policy ~d Administratio~ SEMI/SEMATECH, personal communication% July 20, 1993.


Chapter 3-The Semiconductor Industry 68 Bilateral Trade Agreements Other than its participation in SRC and SEMATECH, much of which was justified on the basis of national security, federal attempts to boost the competitiveness of the civilian semiconductor industry have been limited almost exclusively to trade considerations. Government polices have been designed to level the playing field by reducing foreign trade barriers and curbing unfair trade practices-specially dumpingthat have injured U.S. semiconductor manufacturers. Trade frictions have been characteristic of the semiconductor industry since the early 1980s, when U.S. manufacturers began complaining of difficulties entering the Japanese market and accusing Japanese firms of dumping products in the United States. The federal government frost attempted to redress these grievances through the negotiation of a bilateral agreement with Japan in 1983, after imports of low-cost 16K and 64K DRAMs from Japan inflicted heavy losses on U.S. manufacturers. While the agreement contained several recommendations to promote U.S. access to the Japanese market and halt dumping, it lacked proper enforcement and by 1985 was defunct, as U.S. market share in Japan plummeted and Japanese companies began dumping 256K DRAMs and EPROMs in the United States. 45 A second attempt was made after U.S. manufacturers and the U.S. Department of Commerce filed antidumping suits against Japanese firms in 1985, and the SIA filed a petition for retribution against manufacturers who were eventually found guilty of dumping. Through the Semiconductor Trade Agreement of 1986, the United States attempted to sway Japanese producers to sell at cost-based prices and to ensure U.S. manufacturers enhanced access to Japanese markets. A separate side letter to the STA sought commitments by Japan to encourage its semiconductor manufacturers to increase purchases of U. S.produced semiconductors, with the goal of increasing the foreign share of the Japanese market to at least 20 percent by the end of 1991. 46 Nevertheless, few steps were taken to implement this requirement, and in April 1987 President Reagan announced formal sanctions against Japanese electronics producers. This action, coupled with prospects that Japan might be labeled a priority country under the Super 301 provisions of the Omnibus Competitiveness Act of 1988 and be subject to retaliatory actions by the United States, induced significant changes in Japans attitude toward the STA. Efforts were soon undertaken to boost foreign sales, including the formulation of market access plans and specific company promises of increased purchases. The 20 percent target was not reached by 1991, but given signs of improvement, the SIA and the Computer Systems Policy Project lobbied the U.S. government to negotiate anew semiconductor agreement with Japan. Under this accord, Japan agreed to reach the 20 percent mark by the fourth quarter of 1992. By the fourth quarter of 1992, U.S. companies had achieved 20.2 percent, though market share declined the following quarter. Despite efforts by the Clinton administration to get further firm, numerical commitments of market share, many U.S. companies thought such measures unnecessary because they had already become an integral part of Japanese supply networks. FUTURE CHALLENGES TO THE U.S. SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY While the efforts of the U.S. government and industry have been somewhat successful in enhancing the competitiveness of U.S. semiconductor industry, additional efforts will undoubtedly 45 ~om~~ Howell, op. cit., foOtnote 15, p. 102. 46 ~cording to tie SL4, the Japanese govemmcnt originally denied the existence of the side letter and later argued tit w~e cornmit~g them to encouraging Japanese companies to increase foreign purchases, it did not commit them to impose numerical procurement quotas on companies.


69 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology be necessary. U.S. manufacturers may have regained market leadership in semiconductors and equipment, but Japanese competitors will likely reassert themselves in the near future. Much of the recent slowdown in Japanese semiconductor production is the result of a serious recession that has reduced local demand for semiconductor products. A resurgence of demand could boost production and Japanese market share once again. U.S. and Japanese semiconductor manufacturers will be faced with a number of additional challenges over the next decade. Industry will need to surmount many technological obstacles in both semiconductor design and manufacture in order to meet future requirements for more complex, sophisticated integrated circuits. At the same time, the industry will have to face increasing costs for R&D and production that could threaten the ability of individual manufacturers to meet their goals. 9 Technology Future integrated circuits will offer considerable advantages over existing ICs. Although the specific path of technological development cannot be accurately predicted more than a few years into the future, realistic predictions can be made on the basis of historical trends in IC capability. Since 1959, the number of components per circuit in the most advanced integrated circuits has doubled every year, following a trend line referred to as Moores Law. 47 This trend reflects two underlying processes: continued reductions in the size of individual devices (e.g., transistors) on each chip-which thereby allow more devices to be packed into each square centimeter of chip-and the simultaneous increases in the size of each die (or chip) .48 As of 1992, state-of-the-art manufacturers could produce 4M DRAMs containing over 300,000 gates per chip on 132-mm 2 chips using 0.5micron feature sizes. In order to stay on the Moores Law curves, by the year 2007 they will have to produce 16-gigabit (G) DRAMs containing over 20 million gates on 1,000 mm 2 chips with O.10-micron feature sizes. 49 Future ICs will have greater power demands and will be able to operate on just 1.5 volts of electricity versus the 3.3 to 5 volts required of current portable and desktop systems. Maximum operating speeds will rise from 120 megahertz (MHz) to 1,000 MHz, allowing faster computation. Other criteria will also improve (table 3-5). Achieving these specifications in the timeframe indicated will require industry to overcome numerous technical hurdles. A recent workshop sponsored by the SIA and attended by representatives of the semiconductor industry, its suppliers, government, and the national labs, analyzed the technological advances necessary to achieve these goals, in keeping with the Moores Laws projections. The results of this workshop represent a consensus view on industry needs and requirements for the next 15 years. The group identified 11 major areas in which technical progress will be critical (table 3-6). While each area presents a number of difficulties, lithography may prove the most critical (box 3-A). Workshop participants also identified eight cross-cutting competencies that pervade these 11 technology areas. Advances in these specific competencies, outlined below, will allow further progress in the technology areas. 47 Moores hw is n~ed titer Gordon E. Moore who first noted the trend in 1964 and predicted it would continue. Robert N. Noyce, Microelectronics, Scienr.ifk American, September 1977. da U S ConWess, Office of Technolo~ Assessmen~ Miniaturization Technologies, OTA-TCT-514 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing OflIce, November 1991), p. 13. 49 Semiconductor Indus~ Associatio~ Semiconductor Technology: Workshop Working Group Reports, (San Jose, CA: semiconductor Industry AssOciatiOQ 1993), p. 3.


Chapter 3The Semiconductor Industry 70 Table 3-5Overall Roadmap Technology Characteristics Characteristic 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 Feature size (microns) Gates per chip (millions) Bits per chip DRAM SRAM Wafer processing cost ($/cm 2 ) Chip size (mm 2 ) logic memory Wafer diameter (mm) Defect density (defects/cm 2 ) Levels of interconnect (for logic) Maximum power (watts/die) high performance portable Power supply voltage desktop portable Number of 1/0s Processing speed (MHz) off chip on chip 0.50 0.3 16M 4M $4.00 250 132 200 0.10 3 10 3 5 3.3 500 60 120 0.35 0.8 64M 16M 3.90 400 200 200 0.05 4-5 15 4 3.3 2.2 750 100 200 0.25 2.0 256M 64M 3.80 600 320 200-400 0.03 5 30 4 2.2 2.2 1,500 175 350 0,18 5.0 1G 256M 3.70 800 500 200-400 0.01 5-6 40 4 2.2 1.5 2,000 250 500 0,12 10.0 4G 1G 3.60 1,000 700 200-400 0.004 6 40-120 4 1.5 1.5 3,500 350 700 0.10 20.0 16G 4G 3.50 1,250 1,000 200-400 0.002 6-7 40-200 4 1.5 1.5 5,000 500 1,000 NOTES: DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory; SRAM Static Random Access Memory; VO inpu~output. SOURCE: Semiconductor Industry Association, Semiconductor TAno/ogy Workshop Reports (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1993), p. 3. Materials There is a critical need for a wide range of high-quality materials for the IC industry, but, to date, industry has undertaken little coordinated materials research. Materials needs include improvements in all feedstock materials, including silicon wafers; wet and dry chemicals used for etching and cleaning; construction materials for equipment and plant; consumables such as resists, masks, ceramics, glasses, metal sputtering targets; packaging materials; and advanced substrate materials (insulators such as glass) on which groups of ICs can be produced and interconnected. Specific needs for substrate materials include dielectrics that are effective insulators at thicknesses of just 50 angstroms; materials for storage cells and capacitors; materials that can be integrated with highly conductive metals for interconnects; and materials for encapsulating and protecting bare chips. New materials can Provide a competitive advantage for fabrication equipment. Of particular importance may be surface-treated materials for use in construction of etch chambers and other corrosive environments and special materials such as those used in construction of electrostatic chucks. Metrology Advances in the ability to measure the results of processing operations are essential to maintain the close production tolerance needed by future


71 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Table 3-6-Technical Areas Identified in SIA Roadmaps Technical area Required advances Chip design and test Lithography Materials and bulk processes Manufacturing systems Process/device/structure CAD Equipment modeling and design Device/process integration Interconnect Environmental safety and health Packaging Manufacturing facilities Enhanced computer-aided design tools to help engineers design ICs with more devices and complicated interconnections. Reductions in the Iinewidth and overlay capabilities to allow smaller devices to be drawn on a semiconductor (processes other than photolithography such as x-rays, electron beams, or ion beams may be needed); compatible mask and resist technologies. Improvement in processes used for creating oxides and depositing films on the semiconductor wafer; advances in temperature control, mass flow control, materials purity, and modeling of bulk processes. More robust systems to handle increased volume of data used in lot scheduling and planning, wafer tracking, work-in-process control, failure analysis support, cost accounting, purchasing, and capacity planning; new software tools for managing flexibility in the factory configuration, including process equipment, product mix, and manufacturing technology, New computer-aided design tools to model new processes, circuits, factory equipment, and manufacturing systems; 3-D models to characterize processes such as ion implantation and diffusion. Use of such models will help limit the amount of experimentation needed to bring new processes on-line, Advances in models of manufacturing tools for lithography, plasma etching, thermal processing, and epitaxy to allow design of new tools that can reduce base equipment costs, reduce time-to-market through integrated design tools, and improve predictability of performance. Progress along the Moores Law curves will require continued attention to troth front-end (design) and back-end (assembly and test) issues. Advances in process integration will ensure the compatibility of progress in these two areas. Advances in dielectric and metal film formation and etch processes to allow multiple layers and more complex patterns of interconnection, and therefore higher operating speeds and chip densities. Means to limit the use of chemicals and processes that are harmful to human health and the environment, or to reduce the risk associated with their use. Advances in the packages that house ICs to ensure the integrity of the electrical signals and the power provided to the chip. Advances in wafer handling systems and raw materials systems (for wafers and gases); development of smaller micro-fabs that can efficiently produce small batches of wafers, yet be scaled up for mass production, and the manufacturing tools required to support them. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1993; based on Semiconductor Industry Association, Swnbonductor %chnology Workshop Reports (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1993).


Chapter 3The Semiconductor Industry 72 Box 3-AAdvances in Lithography Central to future advances in semiTable 3-7Requirements for Lithography Systems conductor manufacturing will be advances in lithography. Lithography is the primary 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 2007 technology driver for boosting the performLeading Edge ance of integrated circuits. Lithography \~~)M ize 16M 64M 256M 1 G 4G 16 G includes exposure, resist processing, coating and developing, masks, and their assoResolution (rim) 500 350 250 180 120 NA ciated processing. It is also the dominant Overlay (nm) 150 100-200 75-9550-7035-50 NA cost factor in semiconductor fabrication, NOTES: M = megabits; G = glgabits; nm = nanometers; NA = not accounting for 35 percent of the processed available. wafer cost, SOURCE: %mioonduotor Industry Association, Semkwr)ductor T6chIn order to further reduce the size of nobgy Wkshop Reports (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry the individual devices on an integrated S-aibn 1993) 37 circuit, continued improvement will be needed in both the resolution and overlay capabilities of lithography systems (table 3-7). Resolution determines the width of the smallest line that can be etched into the silicon wafer. Overlay capability refers to the ability of the system to properly align subsequent layers of integrated circuit on top of those below it. Both depend strongly on the wavelength of light used in the exposure (shorter wavelengths allow higher resolution for narrower linewidths) and on the method used to project the light onto the wafer. In projection lithography systems, a mask about five times the size of the desired pattern is placed between the light source and the wafer and is focused by a series of lenses onto the wafer below. In direct overlay or proximity systems, a mask the same size as the desired integrated circuit is placed directly over the silicon wafer and exposed to the light. Projection systems allow greater resolution and overlay capability and are used inmost current systems, but may require sophisticated optics for future, higher-resolution systems. (continued on next page) IC technology. Lithography process control, for chambers is a major impediment to understanding instance, requires that lines and spaces be measurable to within one-third of the minimum dimension. The present realistic capability for wafer measurements is O.15 micron. Therefore, new measurement methods must be developed to control processes with critical dimensions less than 0.5 micron to ensure adequate process control. Measurement capability also limits process characterization. For example, surface measurements required to evaluate materials growth and etch processes limit modeling and characterization of these important processes. The inability to accurately analyze residual gases in process chemical plasma processes. Similarly, metrology limits the device structure evaluation; todays methods for measuring vertical device structures cannot accurately resolve the sharp impurity gradients of the shallow junctions used in 0.25micron processes. Advances in metrology are necessary for improvements in contamination control. Present measurement techniques are capable of detecting 109 (one billion) heavy metal contaminant atoms per cm 2 Process controls required to achieve competitive process yields 15 years from now will require detection of 10 7 (ten million) atoms per cm 2 Advanced IC fabrication requires meas-


73 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology Box 3-A--Advances in Lithography--Continued Current production-level lithography systems operate at optical wavelengths of light, typically either 436 nanometers (G-line) or 365 nanometers (l-line), generated by mercury vapor lamps. They yield a resolution of about 0.5 micron. Smaller Iinewidths will require shorter wavelength light, in the deep ultraviolet portion of the spectrum (248 or 193 nanometers), generated by excimer lasers. These wavelengths could generate Iinewidths as narrow as 0.18 microns, but difficulties in narrowing the depth of focus and diffraction could limit their applicability y past 0.25 microns. Alternative technologies may need to be sought. One possibility is x-ray lithography, which uses significantly shorter wavelengths of light (about 5 nanometers), but otherwise operates much like an ultraviolet system. Proximity x-ray systems have been studied for several years, but require a bright source of x-rays such as a synchrotrons and cannot offer the resolution of projection systems. The latter constraint could limit proximity x-rays from being used past 0.18 microns. More recently, research has begun to focus on projection x-ray systems, which could offer Iinewidths of 0.12 micron or less and rely on less expensive sources of x-rays. Development of such systems would require significant advances in the manufacture of the necessary optics, a process that requires the creation of multiple-layered films with precisely controlled thickness. Alternatively, smaller Iinewidths could be achieved with electron beam or ion beam techniques in which beams of high-energy electrons or charged particles (ions) are fired at the surface of the wafer. E-beams have demonstrated resolution as small as 2 nanometers in certain materials in a laboratory setting, 1 but are limited in their applicability to full-scale production lines because they can draw lines only one at a time. Ion beams can generate Iinewidths as small as 100 nm, but, as with e-beams, must be scanned across the entire wafer surface one step at a time. Research is being conducted on methods for increasing the throughput of such direct-write systems, but is still in the early stages. 1 l.J.S. congress, Office of T~nology Assessment hfh?hdtudzatlon %C/?d0@8S, OTA-TCT-514 -mgton, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, November 1991), p. 37. urement capabilities consistent with tight process immediately. Sensors are also required to imcontrols. Advances in the science of measurement (i.e., metrology) are important to both semiconductor producers and equipment suppliers. Sensors For Process Control New low-cost, reliable, and sensitive sensors are necessary to increase the rate of learning in tool development, reduce the time to market for process equipment, improve tool and process controls, increase process yield, and reduce defects. Greater use of real-time, in situ sensors is driven by economics. Sensors are the critical elements in closed-loop process control and are necessary for detecting process problems when they occur, so that corrective actions can be taken prove frost-pass success when introducing process variations. Accurate control of even such commonly used processes as rapid thermal processing (RTP) and plasma deposition and etch requires new sensor approaches. The technique used to control todays RTP equipment (called back surface emission), for instance, leads to 50 to 200 degree Celsius temperature errors. Reliable RTP control requires new temperature sensors that are more accurate and more responsive to real-time front surface conditions. Sensors that monitor gas and chemical purity and cleanliness are also of major concern. Gas analyzers, mass controller calibrators, chemically


Chapter 3The Semiconductor Industry 74 selective sensors, and particle detectors are all essential to maintain process cleanliness. Environmentally conscious manufacturing will require recycling and reuse of chemicals not only to minimize waste, but also to reduce cost. Chemical generation and reuse will require sensors that can detect impurities at a parts per billion level for on-line monitors of chemical purity. Modeling and Simulation IC technology has developed faster that the capability for modeling and simulating its various elements. Cost and complexity of IC fabrication make the acquisition and application of advanced modeling and simulation tools an imperative. Computer-based modeling and simulation have become essential in all areas of semiconductor technology. Models are now used for materials, devices, and processes, as well as for circuits and systems. In addition, entire fabrication equipment systemsfrom process chambers and wafer handling systems to the design and operation of complete factories-require modeling and simulation. The physics base for models is still incomplete. Todays modeling and simulation tools are unreliable, incompatible with one another, and unable to cover the entire range of requirements. But, modeling and simulation are critical to the IC industry because of the need for faster implementation of error-free designs for chips, systems, and factories. Modeling and simulation have pervasive applicability and provide the tools necessary in the design, test, and production of materials, equipment, processes, factories, devices, systems, packages, circuits, and ICs. The highly complex task of developing suitable models requires a vast range of skills, from physics and chemistry to electrical/mechanical engineering and computer science. These skills are developed in environments such as national laboratories, universities, computer systems producers, and the semiconductor industry. Reliability and Quality Existing manufacturing methods do not ensure reliability and quality of complex semiconductor products, particularly where the physical limits of the materials, processes, and structures are challenged. In submicrometer structures, processes and structures are being pushed to the physical limits of breakdown voltage, interconnect currentcarrying capacity, stress, defect and contamination levels, alignment errors, and noise margins. Shallow junctions, trenches, stacks, capacitors, new device architectures, and ultra-thin interconnect lines each introduce new failure possibilities. Commercial success of semiconductor technology in all applications depends on reliable, long-term performance to specification. With current technologies, however, the reliability of submicrometer devices cannot be determined in advance. A systematic approach to reliability engineering must be therefore be developed. Standard test environments, based on design rules and fabrication conditions, must be available to the entire IC community. Standard tests applied to standard test structures will simplify the interpretation and comparison of the resulting data. As they affect reliability, the roles of microstructure, topography, and stress must be dete rmined. Both empirical and fundamental models must be developed and experimentally confined. Techniques such as design-for-reliability and an understanding of the relationships between process contamination and reliability are essential to a systems approach to reliability and quality. Contamination-Free Manufacturing (CFM) Impurities and particles are unintended contaminants in all IC manufacturing steps. Sources of contamination, which include processing materials (including chemicals and gases), process chambers, wafer handling systems, and facilities, contribute to reduced IC process yields. As products and process complexity increase, the size and density of defects or impurities must be substantially decreased.


75 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology IC producers expect to achieve yields close to 100 percent to meet cost and reliability goals. This requires processes, materials, equipment, and new fabrication facilities to be defect-free. A clear understanding of the generation, detection, and elimination technologies for unwanted impurities and particulate is critical. Manufacturing-Critical Software Engineering IC manufacturing process equipment is increasingly regulated by software-programmed controllers. Software failures are a major problem for todays fabrication equipment. This problem will worsen with greater equipment and factory automation. Provisions for the creation, upgrade, and maintenance of equipment and factory software are essential. Improved software design for reliability and testing is key to efficient maintenance and reduced equipment failure rate. Developers of equipment control architectures must look beyond immediate applications to include expandability for future applications. Self-testing codes, modular structures to provide flexibility, use of efficient high-level languages, noise immunity, and interrupt timing standards are all important to improve software performance and reliability in the semiconductor factory. Other manufacturingcritical software-related issues include manufacturing databases, logistics planning, and factory and equipment control. These factory system applications must interact closely with equipment. B costs The technical challenges outlined above will not only stretch the scientific and engineering talents of U.S. semiconductor manufacturers, they will also stretch their financial resources. R&D and production facilities are becoming more costly to the semiconductor industry, and without a radical change in manufacturing technology will continue to rise on their current trend lines. With product life cycles as short as three or four years for most semiconductor products, large investments in R&D and capital must be continually maintained. Although costs of capital seem to be converging in the United States and Japan, U.S. manufacturers may still beat a disadvantage compared with international rivals who often receive direct government support of commercial technology development and whose industry structure is more tolerant of large investments with longer payback periods. In the absence of other mechanisms, U.S. companies may be forced to enter into more strategic alliances to pool resources with other companies, both at home and abroad. R&D In order to remain competitive, U.S. manufacturers will have to maintain high levels of spending on R&D. The rapid pace of innovation in the semiconductor industry requires such investments to support new product and process development. As competition has grown, U.S. companies have been forced to increase their R&D spending. Between 1980 and 1991, annual R&D expenditures by U.S. merchant producers increased by a factor of five, from $600 million to $2.9 billion. This growth in R&D has far outpaced gains in sales revenues, reflecting the increasing R&D intensity of semiconductor manufacturing. As a result, R&D expenditures as a percent of sales increased from 7.4 to 13.3 percent since 1982 (figure 3-13). The semiconductor industry is now the most R&D-intensive of all major industrial sectors except computer software and services (figure 3-14). Production Facilities Cost for new production facilities are likely to continue growing over the next decade. Due to rising equipment costs and the increasing number of processes required for each new generation of semiconductor chip, the cost of a state-of-the-art wafer fab has risen from $25 million in 1989 to over $500 million in 1992, and is expected to


. Chapter 3-The Semiconductor Industry 76 S billion 3 j 1 2 1 k Figure 3-13Sales Revenues and Expenditures U.S. Semiconductor Industry on R&D in the 0/0 sales revenue ~ 20 I 15 I 10 0 5 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 SOURCE: Semiconductor Industry Association, Annual Databaok: G/oba/ and U.S. Semiconductor Competitive Trerrds-1978-1991 (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1992), p. 41. Figure 3-14R&D Expenditures in Key Sectors of U.S. Industry Electrical products Business machines General manufacturing Telecommunications Aerospace Automotive Chemicals Instruments Electronics Computers Pharmaceuticals Computer communications Semiconductors Software & services 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12 % 14%0 R&D expenditures as a percent of sales revenue SOURCE: Semiconductor Industry Association, Annual Databook: Globa/ and U.S. Semiconductor Competitive Trends-1978-199f (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Industry Association, 1992), p. 42. exceed $1 billion by 1995 50 (figure 3-15). About of semiconductor manufacturing equipment, each 75 percent of this cost is associated with fabricaof which can cost between $200,000 and $3 tion equipment as opposed to land and buildmillion, and each of which must be maintained in ings. 51 Processing a typical wafer now requires a clean environment that allows fewer than one over 300 steps, conducted on hundreds of pieces O. 15-micron particle per cubic foot. ~ w~em tie dish of silicon on which hundreds of semiconductor chips are simultaneously produced. 51 Semiconductor lndus~ Association, Annua[Databook: Global and U.S. Semiconductor Compefitive Trends, 1978-1991 (San Jose, CA: Semiconductor Indushy Association, 1992), p. 38.


77 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Figure 3-15-Growing Cost of a Wafer Fabrication Facility S million 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 SOURCE: Arati Prabhakar, Advanced Research Projects Agency, Flexible Intelligent Microelectronics Manufacturing, &iefing to OTA on June 15, 1993. Moreover, the rapid pace of technological innovation in the semiconductor industry requires companies to make these large investments in plant and equipment on a regular basis. New facilities may become outdated after only three years of operation. While they may then be used to produce other types of devices that do not rely on state-of-the-art processes, much of the equipment cannot be modified for next-generation chips. The advantages gained by being first to market (cost reduction through learning curves, market expansion) pressures companies to bring new facilities on-line rapidly. Some alleviation of cost and economy of scale considerations could be achieved with more flexible manufacturing equipment. ARPA recently completed a program entitled Microelectronic Manufacturing Science and Technology (MMST) that investigated the economic benefits of flexible manufacturing systems to semiconductor manufacturers and developed rudimentary systems for flexibly processing small batches of wafers. Such technologies appear capable of reducing the economies of scale necessary for an efficient plant, but are applicable primarily to small batch manufacturing and will thus remain outside the purview of mainstream semiconductor manufacturers for some time. ALTERNATIVES FOR FUTURE R&D The high costs associated with continued success in the semiconductor industry are rapidly exceeding the financial capabilities of individual companies. Moreover, the long-term nature of the required investments exceeds the planning horizons of most U.S. corporations. In recent years, many companies have redirected their research dollars to short-term projects focused on nearterm product development. The two U.S. companies that had formerly filled the gap between university research and corporate product development by focusing on initial prototype development, IBM and AT&Ts Bell Laboratories, have redirected their R&D dollars to link research programs more closely to product development activities. In order to make up for this growing deficiency, semiconductor companies have entered into strategic alliances with domestic, or more typically international, partners to pool their resources with other companies and share the risks associated with large R&D programs. An alternative source of R&D funding would be the federal government. The end of the Cold War provides an opportunity for the government to redirect its investment in defense technologies to programs more closely tied to commercial competitiveness. In this realm, federal laboratories may provide a key link in the R&D cycle. 1 Strategic Alliances Many companies are financing R&D projects and production facilities in part through strategic alliances with domestic or international partners. While strategic alliances are not new to the semiconductor industry, their number has increased and their character has changed over the past decade. Throughout the 1970s and into the early 1980s, alliances between U.S. and Japanese companies were few and involved the licensing of


Chapter 3The Semiconductor Industry 78 technology from small U.S. companies that lacked capital and manufacturing facilities to larger Japanese fins. By the late 1980s, the number of publicly announced strategic alliances announced each year had risen to about 100, about half of which, in 1990, were joint development agreements, joint fabrication agreements, or other types of joint ventures (figure 3-16). 52 Strategic alliances are also becoming more prevalent among large U.S. semiconductor manufacturers such as IBM, Motorola, and Intel as development and production costs continue to rise, straining the financial resources of these companies. For example, IBM, Toshiba, and Siemens A.G. have teamed to develop technology for 256-M DRAMs, the cost of which no company could individually afford, given the low profit margins associated with memory devices. Similarly, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. and Fujitsu Ltd. agreed to establish a $700-million state-of-the-art joint fab for producing a new type of memory device called flash memories. These alliances allow companies to pursue technologies that might otherwise be too expensive to develop alone, and they provide ways of tapping into additional pools of funding. This is of interest not just to U.S. firms, but to Japanese companies as well. Overcapacity and a weak economy in Japan have pushed Japanese semiconductor manufacturers capital spending levels down 29 percent in 1992; spending is expected to fall another 13 percent in 1993. Capital expenditures are likely to rise in North America by 13 percent in 1993, due in large part to a 25-percent increase by Intel Corp. However, alliances raise concern about the possible transfer of U.S. technology abroad. Alliances are typically structured to team up U.S. technology and strengths in design and innovation with Japanese manufacturing capability. While the transfer of the product technology to Figure 3-1 6-U.S.-Japan Semiconductor Alliances, 1984-1990 Number of new alliances 40 ~ 1 1201 100 8 0 6 0 40 20 1 0 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 SOURCE: Bruce Kogut and Dong4ae Kim, Strategie Alliances in Semiconductor Firms, report to Dataquest, January 1991. Japan can be fairly easily accomplished, the transfer of manufacturing know-how back to the U.S. is more difficult. With manufacturing taking place in Japan, U.S. partners have difficulty learning from their Japanese partners. Therefore, such alliances may be more beneficial to Japanese companies than to U.S. companies. A recent report by the National Research Council warns that a continuation of strategic alliances of the kind found today in the semiconductor industry may prevent both the United States and Japan from developing the complementary capabilities they seek in their alliances. 53 9 Greater Industry/Government Collaboration An alternative to strategic alliances would be a greater government role in supporting semiconductor R&D and/or production. The government has many facilities capable of conducting research relevant to the semiconductor industry. With the end of the Cold War, resources that were sz me ~Uber of ~cm~ alllances may be considerably larger than the number announced, perhaps by a factor of o r ore atioti Research Council, U, S.-Japan Strategic Alliances in the Semiconductor Industry (Washingto& DC: National Academy Press, 1992), p. 32. 53 Ibid, pp. 2-3.


79 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology formerly devoted to defense missions maybe able ready has a mission to support industry, has to serve commercial purposes. The Department of developed a series of plans targeted to foster and Defense and the Department of Energy laboratosupport technological advances in the semiconries could serve as collaborators with industry on ductor industry. new technology development. NIST, which al-


Index Advanced Computing Laboratory, 40 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 42,61, 78 Advanced Research Projects Agency electronics manufacturing technology funding, 56 flexible manufacturing systems, 77 funding sources, 3 GILD process, 44 lithography funding, 19 NCAICM project funding, 50 SEMATECH relationship, 10-11, 16,67 Advanced Technology Program, 4,29,48 Advisory panels, 9 Air Force, use of ICs in Minuteman 11 guidance system, 57 AMD. See Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. American Electronics Association, 40-41 Application-specific integrated circuits, 58 ARPA, See Advanced Research Projects Agency AT&T, 42 Bardeen, John, 57 Beam technologies, Los Alamos National Laboratories and, 41-42 Bell Laboratories, 56, 77 Bilateral trade agreements, between U.S. and Japan, 68 Brattain, Walter H., 57 Bush administration, National Technology Initiative, 7 CALEOT. See Center for Applications of Laser and Electro-Optic Technologies Canon, 17-18 Capital availability, U.S. and Japan comparison, 59-61 Captive suppliers, 61 Center for Applications of Laser and E1ectro-Optic Technologies, 43 Center for Contamination-Free Manufacturing, 37-38 Center for Microelectronics Technology, 35, 37-38 CFM. See Center for Contamination-Free Manufacturing Chemical vapor deposition technology, 39-40,50 Clinton administration NIST budget, 29-30 trade commitments from Japan, 68 Closed-loop process control, 73 CMOS. See Complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology CMT See Center for Microelectronics Technology Cold War end, 12,20,55-56,77,78-79 Competitive history of semiconductor industry early U.S. dominance, 56-57 Japanese industry, 57-64 U.S. response to Japanese challenge, 64-68 Complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology, 32 Compound Semiconductor Research Laboratory, 33 Computer-aided design, Los Alamos National Laboratories and, 38 Computer Systems Policy Project, 68 Contamination-free manufacturing, 37-38,74-75 Cooperative research and development agreements description, 3-4 laboratory resources devoted to, 24 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 42 Los Alamos National Laboratories, 38 management structure and, 8 81


82 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology, 21, 48 negotiating with DOE labs, 4-7, 20-21, 25 Sandia National Laboratories, 34-35 CRADAs. See Cooperative research and development agreements CVD. See Chemical vapor deposition technology Defense Conversion: Redirecting R&D, 7, 8 Department of Commerce, 3,68 Department of Defense funding for semiconductor projects, 3,53 SEMATECH funding, 2 Department of Energy Defense Program laboratories. See DOE Defense Program laboratories DoD. See Department of Defense DOE Defense Program laboratories areas of expertise, 21, 25-28 authority to execute CRADAs, 3-4 collaboration with industry, 25-28, 79 competition among labs for research funding, 13-14 coordination of activities, 48-50 core competencies, 26-28 CRADAs signed, 27-28 evaluation criteria for, 14-16 functions, 25 funding sources, 20 funds committed to CRADAs, 4 lithography expenditures, 19 negotiating CRADAs with, 4-7, 20-21, 25 nondefense resource allocation, 28 operational budgets, 27, 28 semiconductor program description, 30-32 Downstream markets shifting location of, 63 U.S. economy and, 55-56 DRAM chips. See Dynamic random access memory chips DuPont, 42 Dynamic random access memory chips design of, 65 dumping by Japanese manufacturers, 61,68 Japanese market share, 57 strategic alliances, 78 Ellipsometers, 45-46 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 Environmental safety and health Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory programs, 50 Los Alamos National Laboratory programs, 40-41, 50 Sandia National Laboratories programs, 50 EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency EPROMs. See Erasable prog rammable read-only memories Erasable prog rammable read-only memories, Japanese dumping of, 61,68 ES&H. See Environmental Safety & Health Evaluation criteria for national laboratories, 14-16 Fairchild Camera, 57 Federal Technology Transfer Act, 6 Flash memories, 78 Flexible manufacturing systems, 77 FTTA. See Federal Technology Transfer Act Fujitsu Ltd., 78 Gas immersion laser doping, 43-44 GCA, 17-18 GCA-Tropel, 42 General Signal, 17 GILD. See Gas immersion laser doping GOGOs. See Government-owned, governmentoperated labs Government-owned, government-operated labs, CRADAs and, 6-7 Hampshire Instruments, 43 Hitachi, 60 Hollings, Sen. Ernest, 7 IBM captive supplier role, 61 pilot line donation, 32,36 R&D expenditures, 77 strategic alliances, 78 use of transistors rather than ICs, 57 ICs. See Integrated circuits Industrial Waste Reduction Program, 40 Industry/government collaboration, 3,78-79 Integrated circuits costs, 75-77 DOE labs and, 25 early dominance of industry by U. S., 57 invention of, 56-57 Japanese market share, 57,58


Index 83 technology challenges, 69-75 U.S. market share, 57-58 Intel Corp., 61 strategic alliances, 78 ITC. See U.S. International Trade Commission Jamar, 42 Japan availability of capital, 59-61 bilateral trade agreements with U. S., 68 challenge to U.S. industry, 57-64 dumping of DRAMs, 61,68 keiretsu banks, 60 market share, 18, 57, 58 production yields compared to U. S., 67 strategic alliances with U. S., 77-78 structure of semiconductor industry, 17, 60-61 suppliers market share, 63-64 trade practices, 61-63 U.S. response to challenge, 64-68 Japan Development Bank, 60 Joint Association for the Advancement of Supercritical Fluids, 40 Keiretsu banks, 60 Kilby, Jack, 57 KLA, 42 Laboratory/industry collaboration Department of Energy laboratories, 25-28 focus areas for Federal labs, 48-50 National Institute of Standards and Technology, 28-30 success factors, 6 Laser technology, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and, 43-44 Lawrence-Berkeley Laboratory, 42 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory areas of expertise, 21, 24, 25, 31 CRADAs in microelectronics, 42,44 defense activity budget, 28 environmental safety and health programs, 50 IC experience, 25 laser applications, 4344 modeling capabilities, 50 operating budget, 42 semiconductor programs, 42-44 soft x-ray projection lithography, 42-43 Life Cycle Activities project, 40 Lithography, 13, 16-20,72-73 LLNL. See Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory areas of expertise, 21, 24, 25 beam technologies, 41-42 defense activity budget, 28 environmental safety and health programs, 40-41,50 High-Performance Computing Research Center designation, 40 IC experience, 25 microelectronics CRADAs, 38 modeling and simulation programs, 38-40, 41, 50 semiconductor programs, 38-42 Management structure of laboratories, 8-12 Materials needs for ICs, 70 MDL. See Microelectronics Development Lab Memorandum of agreement between NIST and Sandia, 4,50 Merchant manufacturers, 61 Metrology, 70, 72-73. See also National Institute of Standards and Technology Micrascan, 17-18 Micrion Inc., 42 Microelectronic Manufacturing Science and Technology, 77 Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, 3,40,65 Microelectronics Design Laboratory, 33 Microelectronics Development Laboratory, 32,35 Microelectronics Quality and Reliability Center, 33 MicroTech 2000 workshop, 5,66 Ministry of International Trade and Industry alliances between Japanese firms versus international joint ventures, 62 funding of semiconductor industry, 57 influence over businesses, 18-19 loan recommendations, 60 MITI. See Ministry of International Trade and Industry Modeling and simulation, 3840,41,50,74 Moores law, 69 Motorola, 40,67 NACS, See National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors NASA. See National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors, 5, 10


84 I Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology National Aeronautics and Space Administration, use of ICs in Apollo Program, 57 National Bureau of Standards. See National Institute of Standards and Technology National Center for Advanced Information Component Manufacturing, 50 National Competitiveness Technology Transfer Act, 6 National Institute of Standards and Technology areas of expertise, 24, 31-32 collaboration with industry, 25, 28-30, 79 coordination of activities, 48-50 core competencies, 31 CRADA process, 4,7,21 CRADAs signed, 48 ellipsometer development, 45-46 evaluation criteria for, 14-16 extramural programs, 44-45,48 functions, 28-29 funding sources, 20 IC experience, 25 intramural programs, 30, 44,4546,48 lithography expenditures, 19 Materials Technology group, 45 memorandum of agreement with Sandia, 4, 50 metrology and SIA technology roadmaps, 32 metrology technologies, 12-13,21,24,28-30,31-32 Office of Microelectronics Programs, 46 operating budget, 7, 29-30 resistivity measurement, 47 SEMATECH-sponsored projects, 46,48 Semiconductor Electronics Division, 45,48 semiconductor programs, 30-32, 44-48 National Research Council, 78 National security issues, 55-56 National Technology Initiative, 7 NCAICM. See National Center for Advanced Information Component Manufacturing NCTTA. See National Competitiveness Technology Transfer Act Nikon, 17, 18 Nippon Electric Corp., 60 NIST. See National Institute of Standards and Technology Nonvolatile Electronics, Inc., 48 Noyce, Robert, 57 Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 NIST mission, 29 Super 301 provisions, 68 Overlap among the four laboratories, 2,21,50 Partnership for Total Quality, 67 Perkin-Elmer, 17 Policy issues assuring effective hand-offs, 2, 16-20 establishing evaluation criteria, 2, 14-16 focusing the efforts of the laboratories, 2, 12-14 funding, 2,20-21 management structure, 1, 8-12 overlap among the four laboratories, 2, 21, 50 semiconductor industry support, 52-53 Process Design Laboratory, 33 Rapid thermal processing, 73 Reagan, Ronald, sanctions against Japanese electronics producers, 68 Reliability Analysis and Modeling Program, 36 RTP. See Rapid thermal processing Sandia National Laboratories areas of expertise, 24, 25, 31 commercial semiconductor programs, 34-35 complement metal oxide semiconductor technology, 32 contamination-free manufacturing, 37-38 CRADAs for semiconductor manufacturing, 34-35 CRADAs with SEMATECH, 4,34-35, 37 defense activity budget, 28 environmental safety and health programs, 50 equipment design and modeling, 36-37 IC experience, 25, 32 magnetically levitated stage for wafer steppers project, 37 memorandum of agreement with NIST, 4, 50 microelectronics facilities, 32-34 mission, 32 modeling capabilities, 50 pilot line services, 35-36 plasma processing project, 36-37 reliability modeling project, 36 semiconductor programs, 32-38 soft x-ray projection lithography, 42 SEMATECH ARPA relationships, 10-11, 16,67 CRADAs with Sandia, 4,34-35,37 description, 66-67 Focus Technical Advisory Boards, 10


Index 85 formation of, 65 funding sources, 2-3, 10, 16 investments in GCA, 17 lithography expenditures, 19 management structure, 8, 11-12 NIST projects sponsor, 46,48 partnership with SEMI, 18 partnerships with U.S. equipment manufacturers, 67 SETEC sponsorship, 36 SEMI, 18 Semiconductor Equipment Technology Center, 36-37 Semiconductor industry competitive history of U.S. industry, 56-68 future challenges to U.S. industry, 68-77 industry/government collaboration, 78-79 national security considerations, 55-56 production facility costs, 2 strategic alliances, 77-78 strategic position, 53-56 U.S. economy considerations, 53-55 U.S. market share, 18 U.S. policy support, 52-53 Semiconductor Industry Association areas critical to success of U.S. industry, 24 dumping petition, 68 formation of, 65 generational change assumption, 2 lithography expectations, 19 roadmaps, 5, 71 Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology consortium. See SEMATECH Semiconductor Research Corporation CRADAs with DOE labs, 4,39 description, 65 formation of, 2, 65 management structure, 8 university research and, 66 Semiconductor Technology Council, 9-10 Semiconductor Trade Agreement, 16,53,65,68 Senate Commerce Committee, 7 Senate Committee on Appropriations, 7 Sensors for process control, 73-74 SETEC. See Semiconductor Equipment Technology Center Shockley, William, 57 SIA. See Semiconductor Industry Association Siemens A. G., 78 Silicon Valley Group Lithography, 17-18 Soft x-ray projection lithography Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and, 42-43 Sandia National Laboratories and, 42 Software design for ICs, 75 Spire Corp., 48 SRC. See Semiconductor Research Corporation STA. See Semiconductor Trade Agreement Steppers, 17-20 Strategic alliances, 77-78 Superconductivity Pilot Center Agreement, 5-6 Suppliers captive suppliers, 61 U.S. and Japan comparison, 63-64 SVGL. See Silicon Valley Group Lithography TCAD. See Technology CAD Technology CAD, 39 Technology challenges to U.S. semiconductor industry contamination-free manufacturing, 74-75 manufacturing-critical software engineering, 75 materials, 70 metrology, 70, 72-73 modeling and simulation, 74 reliability y and quality, 74 roadmap technology characteristics, 70 sensors for process control, 73-74 Technology Insertion Program, 66 Texas Instruments, Inc., 57, 61 Toshiba, 61,78 Trade practices, U.S. and Japan comparison, 61-63 Transistor invention, 56-57 Ultratech Stepper, 17,42 University research, 66 U.S. economy downstream markets, 54-55 industry employment of U.S. workers, 53-54, 55 suppliers and, 54 U.S. International Trade Commission, 61 Wafer fabrication costs, 2,75-76 Weapons labs. See DOE Defense Program Laboratories

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