QuOTAtion A Computerized Data Base of Information on OTA Publications

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QuOTAtion A Computerized Data Base of Information on OTA Publications
United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment.
Dexter, Martha
Office of Technology Assessment Inforamtion Center
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Subjects / Keywords:
index ( KWD )
computerized databases ( KWD )
databases ( KWD )
federal government publication ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Washington, D.C.


General Note:
This binder contains full text information of all the OTA records in the database as of April 1990, listed by terms, subject, and document type.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of North Texas
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University of North Texas
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This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not subject to copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.

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Office of Technology Assessment


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Foreword to the Text Edition of QuOT Ation The Office of Technology Assessment Information Center maintains an archive collection of two copies of every OT A publication. Since the collection Brew so large, the Information Center developed a computerized data base index, QuOT At1on, which contains information on each publication. For each document, the following informational fields are available: Title Program Project Director Date Abstract Descriptors (from the CRS SCORPIO data base) House Committee(s) (requesting) Senate Committee(s) (requesting) Library of Congress call number NTIS order number GPO stock number Document type (e.g., report, technical memorandum, etc.) Reproduced in this binder is the full text of all the records in the data base as of JanuarY' 1989. They are listed by accession number in the order in which they were entered. Indexes are available in the back of this volume: by title, by program, by project director, by date, by committee, and by document type. The indexes ref er to the unique accession number assigned to each publication. The data base is searchable online on a microcomputer in the Information Center. It can be searched in any combination, for example: all Energy Program reports issued in 1982, or all OTA publications requested by a specific committee on a particular subject. Custom searches can be performed at any time by request, and the data base will be searched automatically as part of any substantive literature search requested in the Information Center by OTA staff. We anticipate increased awareness of and usage of OT A documents. The complete data base reproduced here will be updated semiannually with new pages. New publications will be added online to the computer on a regular basis, so the online version will always be the most up-to-date. To perform a literature search, contact Gail Kouril in the Information Center. For document retrieval from the archives, contact Kathleen Flynn. I believe this to be an exciting development in information management in OT A. I hope you find it useful. If you have any comments or suggestions, please call me at 228-6150. Martha Dexter January 1989


USER File Accession Number 1 Title Acid rain and transported air pollutants: implications for public policy Oceans and Environment Friedman RM 84 OS Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Acid precipitation; Meteorology; Acid rain; Air pollution; Air pollution control; Sulphur oxides; Nitrogen oxides; Air pollution control equipment H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Energy and Commerce Environment and Public Works TD196.A25A282 1984 PB84-222967 052-003-00956-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 2 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Airport system development Science, Transportation, and Jenney LL 84 08 Innovation Descript Air traffic control; Airports; Airlines; Airline passenger Airline law and legislation; Aircraft noise; Landing aids; Aeronautics; General aviation aircraft; User charges; U.S. Aviation Administration H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl Public Works and Transportation TL726.2.A592 1984 PB85-127793 052-003-00960-9 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 3 Title Civilian space stations and the U.S. future in space Program Science, Transportation, and Innovation Pro Dir Rogers TF Date 84 11 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl Space stations; Space policy; Space programs; Aeronautics and Space Administration Science and Technology Commerce, Science, and Transportation TL797.C58 1984 PB85-205391/AS 052-003-00969-2 Doc Type Report Notes U.S. National traffic; Federal


USER File Accession Number 4 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis Biological Applications Newell N 84 01 Biotechnology; Commercialization; Drug industry; Agricultural innovations; Joint ventures; Research and development; Antitrust law; Competition Science and Technology Commerce, Science, and Transportation HD9999.B443U618 1984 PB84-173608 052-003-00939-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 5 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, education, and the workplace Communication and Information Technologies Blumenthal MS 84 04 Descript CAD/CAM systems; Automation; Manufacturing industries; Industrial productivity; Industrial robots; Management information systems H Comm Education and Labor; Joint Economic S Comm Labor and Human Resources; Commerce, Science, and Transportation; LC Call NTIS II GPO II Joint Economic HD6331.2.U5C66 1984 PB84-196500 052-003-00949-8 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 6 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Preliminary analysis of the demographic trends influencing the elementary and secondary school system Exploratory Group Coates JF 77 05 H Comm Education and Labor S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes


USER File Accession Number 7 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Environmental protection in the Federal coal leasing program Energy and Materials Rowberg RE 84 05 Coal leases; Environmental aspects; Planning; Environmental assessment; Public lands; U.S. Bureau of Land Management Appropriations Appropriations HD243.Al7E58 1984 PB84-222413 052-003-00954-4 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 8 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Federal policies and the medical devices industry Health Sisk JE 84 11 Medical instruments and apparatus; Biomedical materials; Prosthesis; Imaging systems in medicine; Medical economics; Medicare; Medicaid Labor and Human Resources HD9994.U52F43 1984 PB85-199552 052-003-00965-0 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 9 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Federal policies and the medical devices industry: Health technology case study no. 30: the market for wheelchairs--innovations and Federal policy Health Sisk JE 84 11 Medical instruments and apparatus; Medical policy; Marketing Labor and Human Resources HD9995.W543U67 1984 PB85-145944/AS 052-003-00973-1 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal policies and the medical devices industry"


USER File Accession Number 10 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Intensive care units (ICUs)--clinical outcomes, costs, and decisionmaking: health technology case study no. 28 Health Burns AK 84 11 Descript Hospital utilization; Hospital care; Hospital administration; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Terminal care; Medical instruments and apparatus Energy and Commerce Finance RA975.5.I56B47 1984 PB85-145928/AS 052-003-00971-4 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Medical technology and costs of the Medicare program" USER File Accession Number 11 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Boston elbow: Health Sisk JE 84 11 health technology case study no. 29 Descript Artificial limbs; Rehabilitation of the physically handicapped; Workers' compensation; Veterans' medical care; Medicare H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Labor and Human Resources RD756.2.T36 1984 PB85-145936/AS 052-003-00972-2 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal policies and the medical devices industry" USER File Accession Number 12 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Stringfellow superfund site: engineering case study Industry, Technology, and Employment Hirschhorn JS 84 08 Descript Hazardous waste disposal; Environmental health; Stringfellow acid pits; Superfund H Comm Energy and Commerce, Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Contractor Report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Changes on uncontrolled hazardous waste sites under superfund" which was later re-named "Superfund strategy". Prepared by G. J. Trezck, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkley


USER File Accession Number 13 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Nuclear power in an age Energy and Materials Rowberg RE 84 02 of uncertainty Descript Atomic power plants; Atomic energy industries; Atomic energy policy; effectiveness; Nuclear reactors; Atomic II H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Government regulation; Cost power; Public opinion Science and Technology HD9698.U52N835 1984 PB84-183953 052-003-00941-2 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 14 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Telecommunication technology and public policy Telecommunications Crowell RB 81 06 Doc Type Draft Notes USER File Accession Number 15 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Remote sensing and the private sector: issues for discussion International Security and Commerce Williams R 84 03 Remote sensing; Earth resources satellites; Commercialization; Technology transfer Science and Technology Commerce, Science, and Transportation G70.5.U6R454 1984 PB84-180777 052-003-00945-5 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Civilian space activities"


USER File Accession Number 16 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Review of postal automation strategy: a technical and decision analysis Communication and Information Technologies Wood FB 84 06 Descript Postal service; Automation; Zip code; Electrooptics; U.S. Postal Service H Comm Post Office and Civil Service S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes HE6497.A8R48 1984 PB85-127843 Technical memorandum USER File Accession Number 17 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm SALYUT: Soviet steps toward permanent human presence in space Science, Transportation, and Innovation Rogers TF 83 12 Space stations; Manned space flight; Space programs Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Commerce, Science, and Transportation TL789.8.R92S27 1983 PB84-181437 052-003-00937-4 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Civilian space stations" USER File Accession Number 18 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technologies to sustain tropical Food and Renewable Resources Ross-Sheriff BA 84 03 forest resources Descript Tropical forests; Forest conservation; Forest policy; Technology trans fer H Comm Foreign Affairs S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II SD247.T43 1984 PB84-175637 052-003-00943-9 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 19 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology transfer to the Middle East International Security and Commerce Harris MC 84 09 Descript Technology transfer; Developing countries; Technology policy; Petrochemicals; Medical aviation; Atomic power H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Tl74.3.T415 1984 PB85-127744 052-003-00962-5 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 20 Choice of technology; care; Commercial Title Program. Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology, innovation, and regional economic development Science, Transportation, and Innovation Phelps PB 84 07 Descript Regional economic development; Technological innovations; High technology industries; Technology policy; Industrial productivity H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes HC110.T4T42 1984 PB85-150894/AS 052-003-00959-5 Report USER File Accession Number 21 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract U.S. vulnerability to an oil import curtailment Energy and Materials Bull TE; Naismith N 84 09 Descript Energy shortages; Petroleum; Energy industries; Energy policy; Energy development H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO II Doc Type Notes Foreign Relations HD9566.U518 1984 PB85-127785 052-003-00963-3 Report


USER File Accession Number 22 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO IF Wetlands: their use and regulation Oceans and Environment Barnard W 84 03 Wetlands; Conservation of natural resources; Land use Environment and Public Works QH76.W483 1984 PB84-175918 052-003-00944-7 Doc Type Report Notes Case studies 1-7 available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 23 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO IF Requirements for fulfilling a national materials policy Materials 74 08 Science and Technology TA401.3.E39 1974 PB-250631 Doc Type Conference proceedings Notes Proceedings of an Engineering Foundation Conference held at New England College, Henniker, NY USER File Accession Number 24 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics research Food and Renewable Resources Phillips MJ 83 04 Descript Agricultural research; Agricultural economics; Marketing of farm produce; Food industry H Comm Agriculture S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO fl HD1410.6.U5A38 1983 PB83-232835 052-003-00907-2 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "U.S. food and agricultural research"


USER File Accession Number 25 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Airport and air traffic control system Science, Transportation, and Innovation Mills w 82 01 Descript Air traffic control; Aviation safety; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO fl aids; Aeronautics; Navigational aids Appropriations TL725.3.T7A4 1982 PB82-207606 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 26 Airports; Air travel; Landing Title Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural gas imports Program Energy Pro Dir Hollomon JB Date 80 03 Abstract Descript Liquefied natural gas; Imports; Foreign economic relations H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO fl Finance TJ163.25.U6U49 1980 PB80-173552 Doc Type Report Notes This report complements and expands upon an earlier OTA report "Transportation of liquefied natural gas" USER File Accession Number 27 Title Analysis of the impacts of the projected natural gas curtailments for the winter 1975-76 Program Energy Pro Dir Rowberg RE Date 75 11 Abs tract Descript Natural gas; Energy shortages; Fuel allocation H Comm Government Operations S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO fl HD9581.U5U517 1975 PB-250623 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 28 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Analysis of laws governing access across Federal lands: options for access in Alaska Materials Wobber FJ 79 02 Descript Public lands; Land use; Indian lands; Right-of-way; Mineral industries; Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Technology Assessment Board KFA1651.A25 1979 PB-293982 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 29 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Analysis of the proposed national energy plan Energy Rowberg RE 77 08 Descript Energy policy-; Energy supplies; Energy prices; Elasticity; Economics; Fossil fuels H Comm Science and Technology; Interior and Insular Affairs S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II HD9502.U52A5 1977 PB-273148 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 30 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Assessing the efficacy and safety of medical technologies Health Behney CJ; Banta HD 78 09 Descript Medical instruments and apparatus; Medical innovations H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Human Resources R856.6.U54 1978 PB-286929 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 31 Title Assessment of alternative economic stockpiling policies Program Materials Pro Dir Herman HH; Holt JL Date 76 08 Abstract Descript Materials; Materials management H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call HC110.S8U49 1976 NTIS # PB-273191 GPO II Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 32 Title Assessment of alternatives for a national computerized criminal history system Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Communication and Information Technologies Wood FB 82 10 Descript Criminal justice information; Criminal justice information Information storage and retrieval systems; Data banks H Comm Judiciary S Comm LC Call NTIS Ii GPO II Judiciary HV6786.A77 1982 PB83-166678 Doc Type Report systems; Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Computer-based national information systems" USER File Accession Number 33 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Assessment of information systems capabilities required to support U.S. materials policy decisions Materials Rossmassler SA 76 12 Materials policy; Materials management; Management information systems; Government information; Decision making in public administration Science and Technology Z699.5.R38U53 1976 PB-273462 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 34 Title Assessment of maritime trade and technology Program Oceans and Environment Pro Dir Johnson PA Date 83 10 Abstract Descript Marine transportation; Shipbuilding; Merchant ships; Merchant marine H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO II legislation Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Ways and Means HE7 45.A87 1983 PB84-l 77781 052-003-00931-5 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 35 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Assessment of oil shale technologies Materials Sladek TA 80 06 Descript 011 shales; Public lands; Ris~; Water use; Water supply; Energy development; Commercialization H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Energy and Natural Resources TN858.U54 1980 PB80-210115 Doc Type Report Notes Volume II: PB80-210123 USER File Accession Number 36 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO# Assessment of Food Phillips M.J 81 12 the United States food and agricultural research system Agricultural research; Food; Research and development contracts Appropriations; Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry S541.A87 1981 PB82-170572 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS


USER File Accession Number 37 Title Automatic train control in rail rapid transit Program Transportation Pro Dir Kolsrud GS Date 76 05 Abstract Descript Mass rapid transit; Railroad equipment H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Appropriations TF845.U53 1976 PB-254738 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 38 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes Automation and the workplace: selected labor, education, and training issues Communication and Infonnation Technologies Blumenthal MS 83 03 Automation; Occupational retraining; Vocational education; Technology and social problems; Manufacturing industries Education and Labor; Joint Economic Labor and Human Resources; Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Joint Economic HD6331.2.USA92 1983 PB83-191320 Technical memorandum Part of OTA""s assessment "Computerized manufacturing automation" USER File Accession Number 39 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Benefits of increased use of continuous casting by the U.S. steel industry Materials Hirschhorn JS 79 10 Iron and steel industry; Production engineering Ways and Means; Congressional Steel Caucas TS233.U63 1979 PB80-l 04907 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes


USER File Accession Number 40 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Cancer testing Health Miike LH 77 10 technology and saccharin Descript Cancer research; Carcinogens; Sugar substitutes; Food law and H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II legislation Human Resources RC268.7.S23U54 1977 PB-273499 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 41 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology assessment of changes in the future use and characteristics of the automobile transportation system Transportation Maxwell RL 79 02 Descript Automobiles; Roads and highways; Fuel consumption; Automobile repair; Automobile insurance; Traffic accidents and safety; Traffic engineering; Automobile industry; Motor vehicle pollution control H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes Commerce, Science, and Transportation HE5623.U53 1979 PB-293645 Report Vol. I summary and findings Vol. II -technical report PB-293646 (79 02) Vol. III -public participation PBBl-115545 (79 USER File Accession Number 42 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Civilian space policy and applications Science, Transportation, and Innovation Williamson RA 82 06 10) Descript Space policy; Space industrialization; Space programs; Communication H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO fl satellites; Earth resources satellites; Astronautics and military science Commerce, Science, and Transportation TL789.8.U5C57 1982 PB82-234444 052-003-00878-5 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 43 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Coal exports and port development Oceans and Environment Johnson PA 81 04 Coal; Exports; Marine terminals; Foreign trade policy; Dredging Technology Assessment Board HE595.C6C6 PB81-203358 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 44 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Comparative anlaysis of the 1976 ERDA plan and program Energy Rowberg RE 76 05 Energy policy; Energy research; Executive departments; Energy conservation; Environmental assessment; U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration Science and Technology Interior and Insular Affairs TJ163.25.U6U5 1976 PB-254794 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 45 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Compensation for vaccine-related injuries Health Riddiough MA 80 11 Descript Preventive medicine; Government liability; Informed consent; Medical law H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Interstate and Foreign Commerce RA638 .C65 PB81-l 63909 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal vaccine and immunization policies"


USER File Accession Number 46 Title Program Pro Dir Date Computer-based national information systems: technology and public policy issues Communication and Information Technologies Wood FB Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II 81 09 Computer networks; Information policy; Computers; Computer industry; Right of Post Office and Civil Service Judiciary TlC5105.5 .C636 PB82-126681 052-003-00852-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 47 Computer security measures; privacy; Government paperwork Title Conservation and solar energy programs of the Department of Energy: a critique Program Energy Pro Dir Crane AT Date 80 06 Abstract Descript Energy conservation; Solar H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO ti Department of Energy Science and Technology TJ163.4.U6U5445 1980 PB80-197759 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 48 energy; Alternative energy sources; U.S. Title Cost effectiveness of influenza vaccination Program Health Pro Dir Riddiough MA Date 81 12 Abstract Descript Vaccination; Influenza; Cost effectiveness H Comm Interstate and Foreign Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO ti RA644.I6C67 1981 PB82-178492 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 49 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Criteria for evaluating the implementation plan required by the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 Exploratory Group Coates JF 80 01 Earthquakes; Earthquake prediction; Disaster relief; Intergovernmental relations; Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act Housing and Community Development Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Appropriations TA654.6.C76 1978 PB81-241663 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Natural hazards" USER File Accession Number 50 Title Development of medical technology: opportunities for assessment Program Health Pro Dir Taylor CA Date 76 08 Abstract Descript Medical instruments and apparatus; Medical care; Technological H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II innovations Labor and Public Welfare R854.U5U535 1976 PB-258117 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 51 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Medical technology and costs of the medicare program: Diagnosis related groups (DRGs) and the Medicare program: implications for medical technology Health Burns AK 83 07 Descript Medical economics; Medical innovations; Medicare H Comm Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II RA971.3 .D5 1983 PB84-l 11525 052-003-00916-6 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Medical technology and the cost of the medicare program" Working papers available from NTIS


USER File Accession Number 52 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Drugs in livestock feed Food Cordaro JB 79 06 Descript Medicated feeds; Risk; Cost effectiveness; Drug law and legislation H Comm Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# SF98.M4U56 1979 PB-298450 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 53 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Effectiveness and costs of alcoholism treatment: health technology case study no. 22 Health Burns AK 83 03 Descript Treatment and rehabilitation of alcoholics; Alcoholism H Comm Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# RC565.E4 1983 PB83-192492 052-003-00902-1 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Medical technology and costs of the medicare program" USER File Accession Number 54 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Effects of nuclear war National Security Sharfman P 79 05 Descript Atomic warfare; War casualties; Civil defense; Radioactive fallout; Cost of war H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Foreign Relations UF767.U52 1979 PB-296946 052-003-00668-5 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 55 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Enhanced oil recovery potential in the United States Energy Robel RJ 78 01 Descript Petroleum engineering; Petroleum reserves; Petroleum prices H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Technology Assessment Board TN871. U614 1978 PB-276594 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 56 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Establishing a 200-mile fisheries zone Oceans Johnson PA 77 06 Territorial waters; Fishery law and legislation; Fishery Conservation and Management Act Merchant Marine and Fisheries National Ocean Policy Study SH329.AlUS2 1977a PB-273578 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 57 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Evaluation of railroad safety Transportation Dickinson LV 78 05 Descript Railroad accidents; Railroad safety H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Commerce, Science, and Transportation TF610.U6 1978 PB-281169 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS Fishery management;


USER File Accession Number 58 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Effects of information technology on financial services systems Communication and Information Technologies Shavell ZA 84 09 Information services; Technological innovations; Financial institutions; Electronic funds transfers; Information networks; Automated teller machines; Financial institutions; Consumers; Stock exchanges; Consumer credit; Credit cards; Competition; Financial deregulation; Interest rates Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs; Energy and Commerce Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs PB85-152619/AS 052-003-00961-7 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 59 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Issues and options in flood hazards management Exploratory Group Coates JF 80 02 Flood damage prevention; flood insurance Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Appropriations TC423.I77 1980 PB80-151087 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Natural hazards" USER File Accession Number 60 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract International competitiveness in electronics International Security and Commerce Alic JA 83 11 Descript Electronic industries; Competition; Employment forecasting; International trade; Technical education; Government and business; Semiconductors; Technology policy H Comm Ways and Means; Joint Economic S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Joint Economic HD9696.A2I59 1983 PB84-170695 052-003-00933-1 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 61 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Food information systems Food Cordaro JB 76 02 Descript Nutrition policy; Food supply; Information services; Legislative reference services; Government information; International agricultural cooperation H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes Agriculture and Forestry S494.5.D6U55 1976 PB-258171 Committee hearing U.S. Congress. Technology Assessment Board. and 2nd Session, Hearing held September 24, 1976 USER File Accession Number 62 94th Congress, 1st 1975 and February 4, Title Feasibility and value of broadband communications in rural areas: a preliminary evaluation Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Transportation Mills w 76 04 Descript Rural economic development; Community antenna television; Radio broadcasting; Telephone; Television broadcasting H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes Agriculture and Forestry HE7785.U54 1976 PB-258095 Report USER File Accession Number 63 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Food information systems: summary and analysis Food Cordaro JB 76 08 Descript Food supply; Information services; Legislative reference services; Goverment information; International agricultural cooperation H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Agriculture and Forestry S494.S.D6USS 1976a PB-258172 Doc -Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 64 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO II Forecasts Health Miike LH 80 04 of physician supply and requirements Physicians; Futures research; Manpower utilization; Physicians Labor and Human Resources RA410.7.U542 1980 PBS0-181670 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 65 Title Gasohol Program Energy Pro Dir Bull TE Date 79 09 Abstract Descript Alcohol as fuel; Energy policy H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl Commerce, Science, and Transportation TP358.U6 1979 PBB0-105885 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Stems from OTA's assessment "Energy from biological processes" USER File Accession Number 66 Title Global models, world futures, and public policy: a critique Program Transportation Pro Dir Mills W Date 82 04 Abstract Descript Futures research; Population growth; Food supply; Quality of life; Computer programming H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Technology Assessment Board HD75.5.G57 1982 PB82-251299 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 67 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Habitability of the Love Canal area: an analysis of the technical basis for the decision on the habitability of the emergency declaration area Materials Hirschhorn JS 83 06 Descript Hazardous waste disposal; Waste disposal sites; Pollution measurement; Enviromnental monitoring H Comm Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II TD181.N7H33 1983 PB84-114917 052-003-00917-0 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technological and management strategies for hazardous waste control" USER File Accession Number 68 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Analyses of effects of limited nuclear warfare Ad Hoc committee 75 09 Foreign Relations UF767.U52 1975 Doc Type Committee print Notes In U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Foreign Relations, 94th Congress, 1st Session, September 1975 USER File Accession Number 69 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Impact of advanced group rapid transit technology Transportation Miller J; Willow R 80 01 Descript Urban transportation; Mass rapid transit; Urban transportation; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Energy conservation; Personal rapid transit Appropriations HE305.U555 1980 PB80-153323 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 70 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications Health Behney CJ 80 08 of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology Descript Medical economics; Cost effectiveness; Medical research; Medical care; Health maintenance organizations; Pharmaceutical research; Decision making H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.U54 1980 PBS0-216864 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 71 Title Agreement governing the activities of states on the moon and other celestial bodies Program Telecommunications Pro Dir Date 80 08 Abstract Descript Moon treaties; Space policy; Space law; International cooperation in astronautics H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Commerce, Science, and Transportation JX5810.A37 Doc Type Committee print Notes In U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 96th Congress, 2nd Session USER File Accession Number 72 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Industrial and commercial cogeneration Energy Robison J 83 02 Cogeneration of electric power and heat; Commercialization; Electric power production; Energy policy; Fluidization Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs; Energy and Commerce; Science and Technology TK1041.I53 1983 PB83-180547 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 73 Title Industrial energy use Program Energy Pro Dir Ryan JF Date 83 06 Abstract Descript Industrial fuel consumption; Energy demand; Industrial energy H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II conservation; Paper and paper products; Petroleum refineries; Chemical industries; Iron and steel industry Energy and Commerce Finance TJ163.4.U6I49 1983 PB83-240606 052-003-00915-3 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 74 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Informational technology and its impact on American education Communication and Information Technologies Weingarten FW 82 11 Educational technology; Microcomputers; Computer assisted instruction; Educational policy; Handicapped; Technological innovations; Information services Education and Labor; Science and Technology LB1028.3.I5195 1982 PB83-174664 052-003-00888-2 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 75 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Information content of premanufacture notices Health Gough M 83 04 Descript Drug law and legislation; Toxic substances legislation; U.S. H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Environmental Protection Agency; Toxic Substances Control Act Energy and Commerce TP201.I48 1983 PB83-241059 Doc Type Background paper Notes


USER File Accession Number 76 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternative for reducing oil imports Energy Bull TE 82 09 Descript Automobile fuel consumption; Petroleum; Imports; Energy efficiency; Energy conservation; Synthetic fuel; Energy demand; Energy policy H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS Ii GPO Ii Commerce, Science, and Transportation TL! 51 6 15 19 82 PB83-126094 Doc Type Report Notes Also see background papers USER File Accession Number 77 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Synthetic fuels for transportation: the future potential of electric and hybrid vehicles Energy Bull TE 82 03 Descript Electric vehicles; Automobile engines; Cost effectiveness H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO Ii Commerce, Science, and Transportation TL220.C37 1982 PB83-126086 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels" USER File Accession Number 78 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternatives for reducing oil imports--selected technical and economic comparisions of synfuel options Energy Bull TE 82 10 Descript Synthetic fuel; Coal Liquefaction; Coal gasification; Shale oils; Commercialization H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Commerce, Science, and Transportation TL151.6.I53 1982 PB83-147363 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels;" Only available from NTIS


USER File Accession Number 79 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternative for reducing oil imports--environmental issues for synthetic transportation fuels from coal Energy Bull TE 82 11 Descript Automobile fuel consumption; Petroleum; Imports; Energy efficiency; Energy conservation; Synthetic fuel; Energy demand; Energy policy H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Commerce, Science, and Transportation TL151.6.I53 1982 PB83-161851 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels;" Only available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 80 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternatives for reducing oil imports--environmental issues of synthetic transportation fuels from coal-background report Energy Bull TE 82 12 Descript Automobile fuel consumption; Petroleum; Imports; Energy efficiency; Energy conservation; Synthetic fuel; Energy demand; Energy policy H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Commerce, Science, and Transportation TL151.6.I53 1982 PB83-161919 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels" USER File Accession Number 81 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternatives for reducing oil imports--water availability synthetic fuels-an assessment of current studies Energy Bull TE 82 10 Descript Synthetic fuel; Water H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Commerce, Science, and Transportation TL151.6.I53 1982 PB83-152645 Doc Type Background paper for Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Increased automobile fuel efficiency and svnthetic fuels"


USER File Accession Number 82 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Management Materials Wright RW 79 94 of fuel and nonfuel minerals in Federal land Descript Public lands; Mines and mineral resources; Mineral industries; State taxation; Environmental law and legislation; Mining leases; Resource allocation H Comm Interior and Insular Affairs S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO fl Energy and Natural Resources TN23.U7 5 1979 PB-295788 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 83 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Materials and energy from municipal waste Materials Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO fl Hill CT 79 07 Recycling of waste products; Refuse as Science and Technology Commerce, Science, and Transportation TD794.S.US 1979 PB-300849 Doc Type Report Notes Work~ng papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 84 fuel; Beverage containers Title Medical technology under proposals to increase competition in health care Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl Health Sisk JE 82 10 Medical innovations; Medical Energy and Commerce Labor and Human Resources RA410.53.M43 1982 PB83-164046 Doc Type Report Notes care; Competition; Consumer education


USER File Accession Number 85 Title MEDI.A.RS and health information policy Program Health Pro Dir Luce BR Date 82 09 Abstract Descript Communication in medicine; Computer networks; Commercialization; National Library of Medicine H Comm Interstate and Foreign Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Z699.S.M39M43 1982 PB83-168658 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA'"s assessment "Strategies for medical technology assessment" USER File Accession Number 86 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS IF GPO II MX missile basing International Security and Commerce Sharf man P; Kaplan J 81 09 MX missile; Missile bases; National defense; Arms control Science and Technology UG1312.I2M88 PB82-108077 052-003-00849-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 87 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO fl Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: classifying for hazard management Materials Hirschhorn JS 81 11 Hazardous waste disposal; Waste products; Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Energy and Commerce TD811.S.N66 1981 PB82-134305 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA'"s assessment "Technologies and management strategies for hazardous waste control


USER File Accession Number 88 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors Energy Abbott EC 81 04 Atomic power plants; Nuclear reactors; Nuclear engineering Interior and Insular Affairs TK9153.N85 PB81-213589 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 89 Title Nuclear proliferation and safeguards Program Energy Pro Dir Crane AT Date 77 06 Abstract Descript Nuclear security measures; Arms control; Atomic weapons; Energy policy; International control of atomic power; ~uclear exports H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO ti Governmental Affairs UF767 .U52 1977 PB-275843 Doc Type Report Notes Volume 2 Appendix part l:PB275-844/9 Volume 2 Appendix part 2:PB275-845/6 USER File Accession Number 90 Title Nutrition research alternatives Program Food Pro Dir Woteki CE Date 78 09 Abstract Descript Nutrition; Nutrition policy H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Technology Assessment Board QP141.U54 1978 PB-289825 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 91 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Ocean margin drilling Oceans Johnson PA 80 05 Oceanographic research; Marine geology; Ocean engineering Appropriations QE39.U54 1980 PB80-198302 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 92 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ii GPO ti Open shelf-life dating of food Food and Renewable Resources Phillips MJ 79 08 Food spoilage; Labeling laws; Cost effectiveness; Consumer protection Commerce, Science, and Transportation TX551.U495 1979 PB80-101629 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 93 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Organizing and financing basic research to increase food production Food Wilcox W 77 06 Descript Agricultural production; Food; Agricultural research H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS ii GPO II S541.U652 1977 PB-273182 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 94 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Patent-term extension and the pharmaceutical industry Communication and Information Technologies Balmer NL 81 08 Descript Pharmaceutical research; Patents; Drug industry H Comm Judiciary; Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II HD9666.5.P37 PB82-100918 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 95 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Patterns and trends in Federal coal lease ownership, 1950-80 Materials Larsen KL 81 04 Descript Coal leases; Public lands; Industrial organization H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Energy and Natural Resources HD9545.P37 PB81-188484 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes See companion reports "Assessment of development and production potential of federal coal leases" and "Potential effects of section 3 of the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976" USER File Accession Number 96 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Perspectives on Federal retail food grading Food Phillips MJ 77 06 Descript Grading; Agricultural products H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Select on Nutrition and Human Needs TX537 .U544 1977 PB-273163 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 97 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Pest management strategies in crop protection Food and Renewable Resources Parham WE 79 10 Pest control; Technology transf~r; Pesticides Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry SB950.2.AlU54 1979 PBS0-120017 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 98 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Plants: the potentials for extracting protein, medicines, and other useful chemicals Food and Renewable Resources Braatz S 83 09 Descript Botany; Fann produce; Agricultural innovations; Proteins; Food supply; Plant ecology; Pharmaceutical research; Marine biology; Chemicals; Strategic materials H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry TP453.P7P557 1983 PB84-114743 052-003-00929-3 Workshop proceedings USER File Accession Number 99 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner Health Sisk JE 78 11 Descript Medical instruments and apparatus; Medical innovations; Medical policy; Medical economics H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Finance RC78.7.T6US4 1978 PB-284872 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 100 Title Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner: an update Program Health Pro Dir Kohlhof K; Banta HD Date 81 01 Abs tract Descript Medical instruments and apparatus; Computers; Medical innovations; Medical policy; Medical economics H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Finance RC78.7.T6P64 1981 PB81-163917 Doc Type Background paper Notes USER File Accession Number 101 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Policy implications of medical information systems Health Ehrenhaf t PM 77 12 Descript Information storage and retrieval systems; Medical records H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO II Human Resources R864.U56 1977 PB-274857 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 102 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Postmarketing surveillance of prescription drugs Health Miike LH 82 11 Descript Drug law and legislation; Drug industry; Drugs H Comm Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II RS67.U6P67 1982 PB83-173625 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 103 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Preliminary analysis Telecommunications MacNaughton MJ 77 03 of the IRS Tax Administration System Descript Tax returns; Tax administration; Data banks; Due process of law; H Comm S Comm LC Ca11NTIS IF GPO II Rights of privacy; U.S. Internal Revenue Service Ways and Means HJ3252.USS 1977 PB-273143 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 104 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Proceedings of the OTA seminar on the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) Transportation Maxwell RL 80 07 Descript Radar; Navigational aids; Aeronautics; Air traffic control; Landing aids H Comm Appropriations S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II TL696.R25018 1980 PB80-208168 Doc Type Background paper Notes Associated with OTA's assessment "Airport and air traffic control systems" USER File Accession Number 105 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Radiofrequency use and management: impacts from the World Administrative Radio Conference of 1979 Communication and Information Technologies Crowell RB 82 01 Descript Radio frequency allocation; International cooperation in telecommunication; Administrative Radio Conference H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Commerce, Science, and Transportation HE8662.P32 1982 PB82-l 77536 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 106 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Railroad safety--U.S./Canadian comparison Trans port at ion Turnbull L 79 08 Railroad safety; Railroad accidents Interstate and Foreign Commerce TF610.U64 1979 PB-301397 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 107 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Recent developments in ocean thermal energy Oceans Johnson PA 80 04 Ocean thermal energy conversion; U.S. Department of Energy Science and Technology TK1056.U52 1980 PB80-201825 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Ocean thermal energy sources" USER File Accession Number 108 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Renewable ocean energy sources: ocean thermal energy conversions Oceans Silverstein BL 78 05 Descript Ocean thermal energy conversion; Ocean engineering; Electric engineering; Energy research; Finance H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II National Ocean Policy Study TJ163.2.U48 1978 PB-283104 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS


USE~ File Accession Number 109 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Residential Energy Naismith NC 79 07 energy conservation Residential energy conservation; Energy consumption; Energy policy Technology Assessment Board HD9502.U52U5 1979 PB-298410 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 110 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Review of the FAA 1982 National Airspace System Plan Science, Transportation, and Innovation Mills w 82 08 Descript Air traffic control; Aviation safety; Navigational aids; Aeronautics; Landing aids; U.S. Federal Aviation Administration; National Airspace System Plan H Comm Appropriations S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II TL725.3.T7R48 1982 PB83-102772 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 111 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Review of selected Federal vaccine and immunization policies: based on case studies of pneumococcal vaccine Health Riddiough MA 79 09 Descript Preventive medicine; Federal aid to research; Pharmaceutical research; Products liability; Cost effectiveness H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA638.U48 1979 PB80-116106 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 112 Title Review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY 1976 through 1980 Program Energy Pro Dir Daly R Date 76 08 Abstract Descript Environmental protection; Independent regulatory commissions; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Science and Technology TD178.6.US4a Suppl PB-258191 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 113 Title Role of demonstrations in federal R & D policy Program R & D Pro Dir Young JH Date 78 07 Abstract Descript Research and development: Evaluation research; Social action programs; Technology assessment H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS IF GPO II Ql80.USR65 PB-284387 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 114 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Role of genetic testing Biological Applications Karny GM 83 04 in the prevention of occupational diseases Descript Medical screening; Medical genetics; Occupational diseases; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO ti Discrimination in employment; Human genetics policy Science and Technology RC964.R64 1983 PB83-233734 052-003-00906-4 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 115 Title Medical tedtnology and costs of the Medicare program: Health technology case study no. 23: the safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness of therapeutic apheresis Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS .# GPO # Health Burns AK 83 07 Medical care; Cost effectiveness; Energy and Commerce Finance RM173.S24 1983 PB84-114842 Doc Type Case study Blood Notes Part of OTA's assessment ''Medical technology and costs of the Medicare program" USER File Accession Number 116 Title Selected electronic funds transfer issues: privacy, security, and equity Program Communication and Information Technologies Pro Dir Wood FB Date 82 03 Abstract Descript Electronic funds transfer; Trade regulation; Right of privacy; Credit cards H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO I Judiciary HG1710.S44 1982 PB82-202532 Doc Type Report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Computer-based national informatton systems. Working papers available from NTIS. USER File Accession Number 117 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm <; Comm ,C Call NTIS # GPO # Selected topics Health Ehrenhaft PM 79 06 in Federal health statistics Medical statistics; Executive departments Interstate and Foreign Commerce Labor and Human Resources RA407.3.U52 1979 PB-298449 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 118 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Solar power satellites Energy Williamson RA; Claridge D 81 08 Descript Satellite solar power stations H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II TK1056.S634 PB82-108846 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 119 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Space science research in the United States Science, Transportation, and Innovation Chandler PP 82 09 Descript Space sciences; Space programs; Federal budgets; Space policy; U.S. H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO II National Aeronautics and Space Administration Rep Cooper Evans/Iowa QB500.266.U6S63 1982 PB83-166512 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 120 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Status report on the gas potential from devonian shales of the Appalachian Basin Energy Robel RJ 77 11 Descript Natural gas reserves; Natural gas H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO II Technology Assessment Board TN881.AlUS 1977 PB-274856 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 121 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO # Strategies Health Luce JJI[ 82 09 for medical technology assessment Medical policy; Medical innovations; Cost effectiveness Energy and Commerce R854.U5S75 PB83-11327 4 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 122 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of degraded lands Food and Renewable Resources Parham WE 83 05 Tropical forests; Reforestation; Tropical agriculture Foreign Affairs Energy and Natural Resources SD247.S46 1983 PB84-104041 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA"'s assessment "Technologies to sustain tropical forest resources" USER File Accession Number 123 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S. and international institutions Food and Renewable Resources Parham WE 83 05 Tropical forests; Reforestation; Environmental Conservation of natural resources Foreign Affairs Energy and Natural 'Resources SD247.E44 1983 PB84-104058 052-003-00910-2 protection groups; Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA"'s assessment "Technologies to sustain tropical forest resources"


USER File Accession Number 124 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Taggants in explosives International Security Sharfman P 80 04 and Commerce Explosives; Identification devices Governmental Affairs TP270.U65 1980 PBS0-192719 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 125 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Technical options for conservation of metals: case studies of selected metals and products Materials Peterson M 79 09 Descript Strategic materials; Metals; Conservation of natural resources; Materials management H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Commerce, Science, and Transportation TA459.U615 1979 PBS0-102619 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 126 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Technology assessment activities in the industrial, academic, and governmental communities Exploratory Group Coates JF 76 12 Descript Technology Assessment H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Technology Assessment Board T174.S.U56 1976a PB-273435 Doc Type Committee hearing Notes See "Technology assessment in business and government: summary and analysis"


USER File Accession Number 127 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology'assessment Exploratory Group Coates JF 77 01 in business and government Descript Technology assessment H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Technology Assessment Board T174.5.U56 1976b PB-273164 Doc Type Committee hearing Notes See "Technology assessment activities in the industrial, academic, and govermnental communities" USER File Accession Number 128 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO II Technology assessment of coal slurry pipelines Energy Hollomon JB 78 03 Coal pipelines; Railroad freight operations; Government regulation Interstate and Foreign Commerce Energy and Natural Resources; Commerce, Science, and Transportation TJ1405.U54 1978 PB-27-8675 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 129 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Technology and East-West trade International Security and Commerce Sharf man P; Kelly H 79 11 Technology transfer; East-West trade: Foreign trade; Export controls; Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls Foreign Affairs Commerce, Science, and Transportation HF1411.U615 1979 PB80-119381 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 130 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology and East-West trade: an update International Security and Commerce Sharfman P 83 05 nescript East-West trade; Technology transfer; Export controls; National security; Technology policy; Foreign relations; Gas pipelines; Sanctions; International law; Grain embargo; Export Administration Act H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Foreign Affairs Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs HF1411.U615 1979 PB83-234955 052-003-00908-1 Doc Type Report Notes See also companion report "Technology and east-west trade" USER File Accession Number 131 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology and handicapped people Health Behney CJ 82 OS Descript Physically handicapped; Technological innovations; Technology and social problems; Choice of technology; Social costs; Resource allocation H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl Labor and Human Resources HV1553.T42 1982 PB83-159814 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 132 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology and handicapped people: Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles: issues and evidence Health Behney CJ 82 09 Descript Automobile safety appliances; Motor vehicle safety; handicapped; Cost effectiveness; Technology assessment H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO fl Labor and Human Resources HV302.2.W37 1982 PB83-159822 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology and handicapped people"


USER File Accession Number 133 Title Technology and handicapped people: Selected telecommunications devices for hearing-impaired persons Program Health Pro Dir Behney CJ Date 82 12 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources HV2500.S83 1982 PB83-169292 052-003-00898-0 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology and handicapped people" USER File Accession Number 134 Title Technology and oceanography: an assessment of Federal technologies for oceanographic research and monitoring Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Oceans and Environment Johnson PA 81 06 Descript Ocean policy; Oceanographic research; Fishery management; Meterological research; Marine geology H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Commerce, Science, and Transportation GCS8.T43 PB82-101718 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 135 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Technology and Soviet energy availability International Security and Commerce Goldberg R 81 11 Petroleum industry; Coal mines and mining; Atomic power; Energy supplies; Energy policy; Technology development; Energy conservation Foreign Affairs; Science and Technology Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs HD9502.S65T42 PB82-133455 Doc Type Report Notes power; Electric transfer; Energy


USER File Accession Number 136 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Technology and steel industry competitiveness Materials Hirschhorn JS 80 06 Iron and steel industry; Competition; Steel; Imports; Technological innovations; Industrial organizations; Capital investments; Corporate finance; Raw materials; Iron and steel workers; Government regulation; Enviromnental law and legislation; Occupational health and safety Ways and Means TS303.U54 1980 PB80-208200 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 137 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO II Technology transfer at the National Institutes of Health Health Behney CJ 82 03 Technology transfer; Medical innovations; Risk; Medical research; Cancer research; Biomedical engineering; Medical centers; U.S. National Institutes of Health Energy and Commerce R854.UST43 1982 PB82-202904 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 138 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Transportation of liquefied natural gas Oceans Johnson PA 77 09 Descript Liquefied natural gas; Energy facility sites; Supertankers; Marine terminals; Transportation of hazardous substances H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II National Ocean Policy Study TP761.L5U54 1977 PB-273486 Doc Type Report Notes


USER Fi1e Accession Number 139 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Federal policies and the medical devices industry: Health technology case study no. 27: nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology--a clinical, industrial, and policy analysis Health Sisk JE 84 09 Imaging systems in medicine; Medical economics Labor and Human Resources HD9994.U52F43 1984 PB85-146207/AS 052-003-00964-1 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal policies and the medical devices industry" USER File Accession Number 140 Title Technology and handicapped people: Health technology case study no. 25: technology and learning disabilities Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Health Behney CJ 83 12 Learning disabilities Labor and Human Resources HV 1553. T42 1982 PB84-184043 052-003-00936-6 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology and handicapped people" USER File Accession Number 141 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Human gene therapy Biological Applications Cook-Deegan RM 84 12 Descript Genetic engineering; Human H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Hereditary diseases; Human Science and Technology RB155.H845 1984 PB85-206076/AS 052-003-00983-8 Doc Type Background paper Notes genetics; Genetic research; Bioethics; genetics policy; Human embryology


USER File Accession Number 142 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Federal policies and the medical devices industry: Health technology case study no. 31: the contact lens industry--structure, competition, and public policy Health Sisk JE 84 12 Descript Optical instruments and optical trade; Industrial organizations; Industrial policy; Government regulation; Eye care; Medical personnel H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources HV9994.U52F43 1984 PB85-204451/AS 052-003-00981-1 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal policies and the medical devices industry" USER File Accession Number 143 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology and handicapped people: Health technology case study no. 26: assistive devices for severe speech impairments Health Behney CJ 83 12 Descript Speech disorders; Federal aid to handicapped services H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources HV1553.T42 1982 PB84-175371 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology and handicapped people" USER File Accession Number 144 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Blood policy and technology Health Miike LH 85 01 Descript Blood banks; Blood diseases; Blood donors; Blood transfusions; Hepatitus; Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; Technological innovations H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Energy and Commerce RMl 71. B589 1985 PB85-234870/ AS 052-003-00977-3 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 145 Title Groundwater protection standards for hazardous waste facilities: will they prevent more superfund sites Industry, Technology, and Employment land disposal Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO ti Hirschhorn JS 84 04 Energy and Commerce, Science and Technology Doc Type Staff memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Cleanup of uncontrolled hazardous waste sites under superfund" which was later re-named "Superfund strategy" USER File Accession Number 146 Title Africa tomorrow: issues in technology, agriculture, and U.S. foreign aid Food and Renewable Resources Windle PN 84 12 Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Agriculture; Agricultural innovation; American agricultural assistance; American technical assistance; Technology transfer; supply; Agricultural policies; Sub-Saharan Africa H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Foreign Affairs; Select on Hunger HD2117.A144 1985 PB85-238624/AS 052-003-00985-4 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 147 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology, renewable resources, Food and Renewable Resources Windle PN 84 04 and American crafts Descript Handicraft; Renewable natural resources; Technology policy H Comm Appropriations S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II TT23.WS6 1984 PB84-222421 052-003-00951-0 Doc Type Background paper Notes Food


USER File Accession Number 148 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract U.S. passenger rail technologies Science, Transportation, and Innovation Turnbull L 83 12 Descript Highspeed trains; Railroad passenger traffic; Cost effectiveness; Railroad rolling stock H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II TF1323.U2 1984 PB84-182609 052-003-00938-2 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 149 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Directed energy missile defense in space International Security and Commerce Karas TH 84 04 Descript Antimissile missiles; Space warfare; Astronautics and military sciences; Lasers; Advanced weapons; Intercontinental ballistic missiles; Ballistic missile defense H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Foreign Relations UG743.C37 1984 PB84-2101 l l 052-003-00948-0 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "New ballistic missile defense technologies" USER File Accession Number 150 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Information technology R & D: critical trends and issues Communication and Information Technologies Weingarten FW; Valtri DL 85 02 Technology policy; Computer programming; Artificial intelligence; Fiber optics; Telecommunication policy; Federal aid to research; Corporate divestiture; Scientific education; Research and development manpower; Industry-university relations; Joint ventures; Technology transfer Science and Technology; Energy and Commerce QA76.I4718 1985 PB85-245660/AS 052-003-00976-5 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 151 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Replacing the Rosebud Sioux surgical suite is needed Health Hospital: number of beds and whether a Miike LH 85 08 Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 152 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Automobile update: facts Science, Transportation, Jenney LL 85 09 Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 153 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Regional implications of of acidic deposition and Oceans and Environment Friedman RM 82 07 and figures and Innovation transported air pollutants: an assessment ozone-vol. I & II Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call Energy and Commerce Environment and Public Works NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Interim draft Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Acid rain and transported air pollutants: implications for public policy"


USER File Accession Number 154 Title U.S. natural gas availability: gas supply through the year 2000 Program Energy and Materials Pro Dir Plotkin SE Date 85 02 Abstract Descript Natural gas; Energy production; Natural gas reserves; Petroleum H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II engineering Energy and Commerce HD9581.U5Ul9 1985 PB86-109162/AS 052-003-00986-2 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 155 Title Impact of randomized clinical trials on health policy and medical practice Program Health Pro Dir Gelband H Date 83 08 Abstract Descript Medical care; Cost effectiveness; Medical policy; Decision making H Comm S Comm LC Call R853.C55G45 1983 NTIS # PB84-114560 GPO II Doc Type Background paper Notes USER File Accession Number 156 Title Impact of a Department of Education on Federal science and technology activities Program R & D Pro Dir McBee C Date 78 08 Abstract Descript Scientific education; Executive reorganization; Executive departments; Federal aid to research; U.S. Department of Edu~ation H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Q183.3.AlU49 1978 PB-286525 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 157 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract U.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparison of steel, electronics, and automobiles International Security and Commerce Alic JA 81 07 Descript Government and business; Exports; Industry; Competition; International trade; Foreign trade; Iron and steel industry; Automobile industry; Electronic industries; Industrial organizations H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Commerce, Science, and Transportation HD3616.U47U425 1981 PB81-235749 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 158 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II U.S. disaster assistance to developing to U.S. domestic disaster programs Exploratory Group Coates JF 80 01 Disaster relief Technology Assessment Board HV553.Ul2 1980 PBS0-153760 Doc Type Background paper Notes USER File Accession Number 159 countries: lessons applicable Title Program Pro Dir Date Use of models for water resources management, planning, and policy Oceans and Environment Friedman RM 82 08 Abstract Descript Water resources development H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II HD1691.U82 1982 PB83-103655 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 160 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract World petroleum Energy Holland CJ 80 11 availability 1980-2000 Descript Energy supplies; Petroleum; Petroleum reserves H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO II Foreign Relations HD9560.5.U62 1980 PB81-145252 052-003-00781-9 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 161 Title World population and fertility planning technologies: the next 20 years Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO ti Human Resources Williams LA; Corsa L 82 02 Population growth; population forecasting; control; Contraceptives Foreign Affairs; Science and Technology Labor and Human Resources HQ766.7.W67 1982 PB82-200338 052-003-00867-0 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 162 Human fertility; Birth Title Program Pro Dir Date Assessment of technology for local development R & D Abstract Mills W; Walsh M 81 01 Descript Choice of technology; Technology policy; Residential energy conservation; Solar heating and cooling; Biomass energy; Small farms; Recycling of waste products; Hydroelectric power; Waste water treatment; Community health services; Community development; Regional economic development H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II T49.5.A77 1981 PBSl-189979 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 163 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Assessment of technologies for determining cancer risks from the envi ro:oment Health Gough M 81 06 Carcinogens; Risk; Environmentally induced diseases RC268.A84 PBBl-235400 052-003-00832-7 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 164 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Evaluation of the feasibility of studying long-term health effects in atomic veterans Special Projects Gough M 85 07 Doc Type Staff memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 165 Title Smoking-related deaths and financial costs Program Health Pro Dir Kronebusch K Date 85 09 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS Ii GPO II Doc Type Staff memorandum Notes


USER File Accession Number 166 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Computer technology in medical education and assessment Health Pengov RE; Miike LH 79 09 Descript Medical education; Computer-assisted instruction; Medical innovations; Communication in medicine; Data banks; Physicians H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ff GPO ff R837.C6US4 1978 PB80-102528 Doc Type Background paper Notes USER File Accession Number 167 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Direct use of coal Energy Crane AT 79 04 Descript Risk; Cost effectiveness; Coal; Coal mines and mining; Environmental health; Occupational health and safety; Community development H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS If GPO ff TN800.U54 1979 PB-295797 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 168 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Emerging food marketing technologies: a preliminary analysis Food Gallimore WW 78 10 Descript Food industry; Technological innovations; Food industry; Packaging; Food preservation; Grocery trade H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ff GPO ff HD9005.6.US2 1978 PB-291039 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 169 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Energy from biological processes Energy Bull TE 80 07 Descript Biomass energy; Alcohol as fuel; Wood; Refuse as fuel H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Commerce, Science, and Transportation TP360.E5 1981 PB80-211477 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 170 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Energy efficiency of buildings in cities Energy Procter ME 82 03 Descript Energy conservation in buildings; Energy efficiency; Urban areas; Low-income housing; Public utilities H Comm Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II TJ163.5.B84E543 1982 PB82-200346 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 171 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Environmental contaminants in food Food Woteki CE 79 12 Descript Food contamination; Environmental aspects; Environmental health; Food law and legislation; Chemicals; Radioactive contamination of food; U.S. Food and Drug Administration; Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act H Comm Interstate and Foreign Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl TX531.U53 1979 PBS0-153265 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS


USER File Accession Number 172 Title Exploratory workshop on the social impacts of robotics: summary and issues Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Communication and Information Technologies Hale S 82 02 Automation; Technology and social problems HD9696.R623U63 1981 PB82-184862 Doc Type Back.ground paper Notes USER File Accession Number 173 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Engineering Materials Holt JL implications of chronic materials scarcity H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS IJ GPO {J 77 04 Materials policy; Materials management; Materials conservation; Energy policy; Decision making Science and Technology Aeronautical and Space Sciences TA401.3.E39 1976 PB-273193 Doc Type Conference proceedings Notes USER File Accession Number 174 research; Energy Title Applications of R & Din the civil sector: the opportunity provided by the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 Program R & D Pro Dir Young JH Date 78 06 Abstract Descript Federal aid to research; Technological innovations; Government procurement; Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Technology Assessment Board T2 l .US 1978 PB-283035 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 175 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Analysis of Oceans Niblock RW 78 02 oil tanker casualties, 1969-1974 Descript Oil pollution of rivers, harbors, etc.; Oil pollution of the sea; Marine accidents; Flags of convenience; Tankers H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II" GPO II Commerce, Science, and Transportation; National Ocean Policy Study VM455.A58 Doc Type Committee print Notes In U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 95th Congress, 2nd Session USER File Accession Number 176 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Assessment of community planning for mass transit Transportation Kolsrud GS 76 02 Descript Urban transportation; Transportation planning; Mass rapid transit H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO fl Appropriations HE308.U54 1976 PB-253679 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 177 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Assessment of community Transportation Kolsrud GS 76 02 planning for mass transit-Atlanta case study Descript Urban transportation; Transportation planning; Mass rapid transit-Atlanta metropolitan area H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Appropriations HE308.U54 1976 PB-253680 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA"'s assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass transit"


USER File Accession Number 178 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Assessment of community Transportation Kolsrud GS 76 02 planning for mass transit-Boston case study Descript Urban transportation; Transportation planning; Mass rapid transit-Boston metropolitan area H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Appropriations HE308.U54 1976 PB-252681 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA"'s assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass trans it" USER File Accession Number 179 Title Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Chicago case study Program Transportation Pro Dir Kolsrud GS Date 76 02 Abstract Descript Urban transportation; Transportation planning; Mass rapid transit-Chicago metropolitan area H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Ap pr op r i at ions HE308.U54 1976 PB-253682 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA"'s assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass transit" USER File Accession Number 180 Title Assessment of community Transportation planning for mass transit-Denver case study Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Kolsrud GS 76 02 Descript Urban transportation; Transportation transit-Denver metropolitan area H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Appropriations HE308.U54 1976 PB-253683 Doc Type Case study planning; Mass rapid Notes Part of OTA"'s assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass trans it"


USER File Accession Number 181 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Assessment of community study Transportation Kolsrud GS 76 02 planning for mass transit-Los Angeles case Descript Urban transportation; Transportation planning; transit-Los Angeles metropolitan area Mass rapid H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS If GPO# Appropriations HE308.U54 1976 PB-253684 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass trans it" USER File Accession Number 182 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Assessment of community Paul case study Transportation Kolsrud GS 76 02 planning for mass transit-Minneapolis/St. Descript Urban transportation; Transportation planning; Mass rapid transit-Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS If GPO If Ap pr op r i at ions HE308.U54 1976 PB-253685 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass trans it" USER File Accession Number 183 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Assessment of community study Transportation Kolsrud GS 76 02 planning for mass transit-San Francisco case Descript Urban transportation; Transportation planning; Mass rapid H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS If GPO If transit-San Francisco metropolitan area Appropriations HE308.U54 1976 PB-253686 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass


USER File Accession Number 184 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Assessment of community Transportation Kolsrud GS 76 02 planning for mass transit-Seattle case study Descript Urban transportation; Transportation planning; Mass rapid trans it-Seattle metropolitan area H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Appropriations HE308.U54 1976 PB-253687 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass trans it" USER File Accession Number 185 Title Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Washington, D.C. case study Program Transportation Pro Dir Kolsrud GS Date 76 02 Abstract Descript Urban transportation; Transportation planning; Mass rapid transit-Washington, D.C. metropolitan area H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Appropriations HE308.U54 1976 PB-253688 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass trans it" USER File Accession Number 186 Assessment of community Transportation Kolsrud GS 76 02 76 02 planning for mass transit-technical report Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descrfpt H Comm Urban Transportation; Transportation planning; Mass rapid transit S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Appropriations HE308.U54 1976 PB-253641 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass transit"


USER File Accession Number 187 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Assessment of community planning for mass transit-bibliography Transportation Kolsrud GS 76 02 Urban transportation; Transportation Planning; Mass rapid transit Appropriations HE308.U54 1976 PB-253642 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA""s assessment "Assessment of community planning for mass trans it" USER File Accession Number 188 Title Quality and relevance of research and related activities at the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Health Behney CJ; Gelband H 83 08 Descript Medical research; Federal aid to medical research; Medical laboratories; Gorgas Memorial Laboratory H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl Appropriations; Education APIF 83-600577 (8/87) PB87-142238/AS Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA""s assessment "Biomedical research for typical diseases" USER File Accession Number 189 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Coastal effects of offshore energy systems: an assessment gas systems, deepwater ports, and nuclear powerplants off of New Jersey and Delaware Oceans Niblock RW 76 11 of oil and the coast Descript Environmental assessment; Continental shelf; Deep water ports; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Offshore atomic power plants; Citizen participation; 011 pollution of the sea National Ocean Policy Study TD195.P4US44 1976 PB-274033 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS


USER File Accession Number 190 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Medical Health Sisk JE 85 02 devices and the Veterans Administration Descript Medical instruments and apparatus; Veterans' hospitals; U.S. H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Veterans Administration Labor and Human Resources UB369.M43 1985 PB87-117677 / AS 052-003-00988-9 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal policies and the medical devices industry" and HTCS #s 27 ,29-33 USER File Accession Number 191 Title Federal policies and the medical devices industry: case study no. 33: technologies for managing urinary incontinence Health Sisk JE 85 07 Health technology Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Urology; Medical economics; Energy and Commerce; Aging Finance; Aging HD9994.U52F43 1984 PB85-240208/AS 052-003-00999-4 Medical instruments and apparatus S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal policies and the medical devices industry" USER File Accession Number 192 Title International cooperation and competition in civilian space activities Program International Security and Commerce Pro Dir Williamson RA Date 85 06 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II International cooperation in astronautics; Privatization; Space program; Competition; Commercialization; Communication satellites; Foreign economic relations; Remote sensing; U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration; European Space Agency Science and Technology; Joint Economic Joint Economic TL788.4.I58 1985 PB87-136842/AS 052-003-00958-7 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 193 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture: a special report for the 1985 farm bill Food and Renewable Resources Phillips M.J 85 03 Agriculture; Agricultural policies; Agricultural innovations; Agricultural research; Technological innovations; Farms; Agricultural economics Science and Technology; Agriculture; Foreign Affairs; Joint Economic Agriculture; Small Business; Joint Economic TD1761.T38 1985 PB86-210374/AS 052-003-00990-1 Doc Type Report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture" USER File Accession Number 194 Title Govermnent involvement in the innovation process: a contractor's report to the Office of Technology Assessment Government Policies for Innovation Barrington LF 78 08 Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Technological innovations; Science policy; Federal aid to research S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Tl73.8.M37 1978 PB-286545 Doc Type Contractor report Notes USER File Accession Number 195 Title Alternative energy imports-background Energy futures: the future of liquefied natural gas paper Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Hollomon JB 80 03 Descript Liquefied natural gas; Economic aspects; relations; Mines and mineral resources H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Finance TJ163.25.U6U49 1980 PB80-203847 Doc Type Background paper Notes Imports; Foreign economic


USER File Accession Number 196 Title Application of solar technology to today's energy needs-vol. I & II Program Energy Pro Dir Kelly H Date 78 06 Abstract Descript Technology and civilization; Housing; Photovoltaic power systems; Solar heating and cooling; Solar thermal power generation; Power resources; Solar energy; Cost effectiveness; Technology and social problems H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Technology Assessment Board TJ810.U57 1978 PB-283770 Doc Type Report Notes Vol. II PB-289762 USER File Accession Number 197 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Anticipating the impacts of legislation: implementing 29.5 requiring regulatory impact statements Exploratory Group Coates JF 79 06 S Comm Labor and Human Resources LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 198 Title Impacts of neuroscience Program Biological Applications Pro Dir Harootyan RA; McCallum D Date 84 03 Abs tract Senate Rule Descript Social Costs; Neurology; Federal aid to illness; Medical ethics; Nervous system Select on Aging; Education and Labor Aging medical research; Mental diseases; Brain research H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II QP356.I45 1984 PB84-196716 052-003-00946-3 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology and aging in America;" Working papers available from NTIS.


USER File Accession Number 199 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS I! GPO II Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: methodological issues and literature review Health Behney CJ 80 09 Medical economics; Cost effectiveness; Decision making; Medical care Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB81-144602 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 200 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Medical technology and the cost of the medicare program Health Burns AK 84 07 Medicare; Medical instruments and apparatus; Medical innovation; Medical economics Energy and Commerce Finance RA410.53.M4 1984 PB85-146215/AS 052-003-00957-9 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 201 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Managing the nation's commercial high-level radioactive waste Oceans and Environment Cotton T 85 03 Descript Solid wastes; Atomic energy; U.S. Department of Energy; Radioactive waste disposal in the ground; Intergovernmental relations; Reactor fuel reprocessing; Technology assessment; Nuclear Waste Policy Act; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Monitered retrievable storage; Nuclear fuel reprocessing Merchant Marine and Fisheries TD898.M372 1985 PB86-116852/AS 052-003-00980-3 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 202 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Oil and gas technologies for the Arctic and deepwater Oceans and Environment Curlin JW' 85 05 Descript Petroleum H Comm Interior and Insular Affairs; Merchant Marine and Fisheries S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# TN871.3.04 1985 PB86-119948/AS 052-003-00995-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 203 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Protecting the nation's groundwater from contamination-vol. I & II Oceans and Environment Stone PJ 84 10 Descript Groundwater; W'ater pollutiop control; W'ater quality; Federal-state relations H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Environment and Public Works TD423.P76 1984 PB85-154201/AS 052-003-00966-8 Doc Type Report Notes Vol. II PB85-154219/AS / 052-003-00974-9 USER File Accession Number 204 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Preventing illness and injury in the workplace Health Gough M 85 04 Descript Occupational health and safety; Government regulations; Human engineering; U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health H Comm Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Labor and Human Resources RC967.P7 1985 PB86-115334/AS 052-003-00978-1 Doc Type Report Notes W'orking papers available from NTIS


USER File Accession Number 205 Title Review of the Public Health Service's response to AIDS Program Health Pro Dir Miike LH Date 85 02 Abstract Descript H Comm Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; U.S. Public Health Service Energy and Commerce; Government Operations S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl RA644.A25R48 1985 PB85-246668/AS 052-003-00984-6 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 206 Title Review of methodologies for nutrition research Program Food and Renewable Resources Pro Dir Date 80 04 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 207 Title Assessment of development and production potential of Federal coal leases Program Materials Pro Dir Buyrn A; Larson KL Date 81 12 Abstract Descript Coal reserves; Coal leases; Public lands; Energy transportation; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Doc Type Notes Mining engineering Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976 HD242.3.A83 1981 PB82-149378 Report Working papers available from NTIS. This report is submitted in fulfillment of OTA's mandate under the Leasing Amendments Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-377) Federal Coal


USER File Accession Number 208 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Scientific validity of polygraph testing: a research review and evaluation Health Wood FB 83 11 Polygraphs; Federal Employees; Information leaking Government Operations HV8078.S33 1983 PB84-181411 052-003-00934-0 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 209 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Strategic materials: technologies to reduce U.S. import vulnerability Industry, Technology, and Employment Antrim LN 85 05 Strategic materials; Chromium; Cobalt; Manganese; Platinum; Mineral industries Science and Technology Commerce, Science, and Transportation HC110.S8S767 1985 PB86-115367/AS 052-003-00979-0 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 210 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Superfund strategy Industry, Technology, Hirschhorn JS 85 04 and Employment Descript Environmental protection; Hazardous waste disposal; Hazardous waste; Liability for toxic substance pollution damages; Landfills; U.S. H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Environmental Protection Agency Energy and Commerce; Science and Technology HC110.W3587 1985 PB86-120425 052-003-00994-3 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 211 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# New electric power technologies: problems and prospects for the 1980s Energy and Materials Blair PH 85 07 Wind power; Electric power demand; Photovoltaic power power plants; Solar energy Science and Technology TK23.N48 1985 PB86-121746/AS 052-003-01005-4 production; Electric utilities; Energy systems; Cost effectiveness; Geothermal Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 212 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Energy technology transfer to China International Security and Commerce Crane AT 85 09 Technology transfer; Foreign relations; Nuclear exports; Energy facilities; Power resources; Nuclear nonproliferation Energy and Commerce Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs TK9023.E53 1985 PB86-113008/AS 052-003-01007-1 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 213 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Effectiveness and cost of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD): health technology case study no. 35 Health Burns AK 85 09 Kidney disease; Medical innovations; Medical economics; Medicare Energy and Commerce Finance RC901.7.P48573 1985 PB87-148938/AS 052-003-01002-0 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Medical technology and costs of the medicare program"


USER File Accession Number 214 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Medical technology and costs of the medicare program: Health technology case study no. 34: cost effectiveness of digital subtraction angiography in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease Health Burns AK 85 05 Descript Imaging systems in medicine; Cardiovascular diseases; Unnecessary H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II surgery Energy and Commerce Finance RC388.5.C67 1985 PB85-241115/ AS 052-003-00998-6 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Medical technology and cos ts of the medicare program" USER File Accession Number 215 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technologies to benefit agriculture and wildlife Food and Renewable Resources Shen S 85 05 Descript Agricultural production; Farm management; Farm lands; Wildlife management; Range management H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry CIP 85-600529 (8/87) PB85-239747 / AS 052-003-00996-0 Doc Type Workshop proceedings Notes USER File Accession Number 216 Title Technologies and management strategies for hazardous waste control Program Materials Pro Dir Hirschhorn JS Date 83 03 Abstract Descript Industrial pollution; Hazardous waste disposal; Regulatory reform H Comm Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II TD811.5.T44 1983 PB83-189241 052-003-00901-3 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS


USER File Accession Number 217 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Federal government information technology: electronic surveiilance and civil liberties Connunication and Information Technologies Wood FB 85 10 Telephones; Electronic surveillance; Information policy; Technology and social problems; Computers and government; Civil liberties; Right of privacy Judiciary Governmental Affairs KF9670.F43 1985 PB86-123239/AS 052-003-01015-1 Doc Type Report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal government information technology: congressional oversight and civil liberties" USER File Accession Number 218 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Technology and aging in America Biological Applications Harootyan RA; Mccallum D 85 06 Aged; Technology Select on Aging Aging RA564.8.T43 1985 PB86-116514/AS 052-003-00970-6 and social problems; Biomedical research Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 219 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology, innovation, and regional economic development: census of state government initiatives for high-technology industrial development Science, Transportation, and Innovation Phelps PB 83 05 Descript High technology industries; Industrial promotion; Regional economic development; Technology policy; Technological innovations H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# HC110.T4T42 1983 PB84-104033 052-003-00912-9 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology, innovation, and regiona1 economic development"


USER File Accession Number 220 UNISPACE '82: a context for international International Security and Commerce Williamson RA 83 03 cooperation and competition Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript International cooperation in astronautics; Space policy; Astronautics and military science; Space sciences; Direct broadcast satellites; Technology transfer H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Science and Technology; Joint Economic Joint Economic TL788.4.U49 1983 PB83-201848 052-003-00903-3 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OT.A's assessment "Civilian space activities" USER File Accession Number 221 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II U.S. natural gas availability: conventional gas supply through the year 2000 Energy and Materials Plotkin SE 83 09 Natural gas Energy and Commerce HD9581.USU18 1983 PB84-114909 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "U.S. natural gas availability" USER File Accession Number 222 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Environmental issues affecting the Panama Canal Oceans and Environment Silverstein BL 78 12 Descript Interoceanic canals; Environmental aspects; Environmental protection; Pollution control; Panama Canal; Panama Canal Commission H Comm Merchant Marine and Fisheries S Comm LC Call KF27.M475 1979 NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Committee hearing Notes in U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, 96th Congress, 1st Session, Canal operation under 1977 treaty--part 2


USER File Accession Number 223 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO Ii u.s.-Soviet cooperation in space Science, Transportation, and Innovation Lubin N 85 07 International cooperation in astronautics; science; Classified defense information Science and Technology Commerce, Science, and Transportation TL788.4.Ul8 1985 PB86-114758/AS 052-003-01004-6 Doc Type Technical memorandum Astronautics and military Notes Companion to OTA's assessment "Civilian space stations" USER File Accession Number 224 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS Ii GPO Ii Medical technology and costs of the Medicare program: Health technology case study no. 24: variations in hospital length of stay--their relationship to health outcomes Health Burns AK 83 08 Hospital utilization; Energy and Commerce Finance RA407.3.C47 1983 PB84-l 11483 052-003-00922-6 Cost effectiveness Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Medical technology and costs of the medi ca re program" USER File Accession Number 225 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lands: selected foreign experience Food and Renewable Resources Lausche B 83 05 Descript Agricultural innovations; Arid regions; Dry farming; Range management; Water conservation; Rubber; Water allocation H Comm Agriculture S Comm LC Call NTIS Ii GPO II S615.W38 1983 PB84-l 02912 052-003-00911-1 Doc Type Back.ground paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lands"


USER File Accession Number 226 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in U.S. arid/semiarid lands Food and Renewable Resources Lausche B 83 10 Descript Agricultural productivity; Water use; Irrigation; Water allocation; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO II Dry farming Agriculture S616.U6W38 1983 PB84-172667 052-003-00930-7 Doc Type Report Notes See companion report" Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in the U .s .... : selected foreign experiences" USER File Accession Number 227 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Wood use: U.S. competitiveness and technology-vol. I & II Industry, Technology, and Employment Curlin JW 83 08 Descript Wood; Forest products; Paper and paper products; Forest policy; Forest management; Exports H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Appropriations HD9755. W66 1983 PB84-109925 052-003-00921-8 Doc Type Report Notes Vol. II technical report PB85-156081/AS / 052-003-00975-7 (84 11) USER File Accession Number 228 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Automobile collision data: an assessment of needs and methods of acquisition Transportation Kolsrud GS 75 02 H Comm Appropriations S Comm LC Call NTIS # PB-244867 GPO ti Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 229 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Analysis of Energy Veigel JM 78 10 the ERDA plan and program S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Science and Technology; Joint Interior and Insular Affairs; TJ163.25.U6U5 1975a PB-250636 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 230 Economic Joint Economic Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Analysis of the feasibility of separating exploration from production of oil and gas on the outer continental shelf Oceans Niblock RW 75 05 H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Commerce; Interior and Insular Affairs TN872.A5U63 1975 PB-248381 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 231 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Automated guideway systems Transportation Kolsrud GS 75 06 Appropriations TA1207 .U64 1975 PB-244854 Doc Type Report Notes transit: an assessment of PRT and other new


USER File Accession Number 232 Title Drug bioequivalence Program Health Pro Dir Date Abstract 74 07 Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Interstate and Foreign Commerce Labor and Public Welfare RM301.U54 1974 PB-244862 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 233 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Energy, the economy, Transportation Kolsrud GS 75 10 Appropriations HE206.2.U54 1975 PB-250624 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 234 and mass transit Title Federal funding of rail rehabilitation: a review of alternative approaches Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Transportation Kolsrud GS 75 09 Commerce HE27051975.D14 1975 PB-250632 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 235 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Financial viability Tr ans po rt at ion Kolsrud GS of Conrail: review and analysis H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II 75 09 Commerce HE27051975.D14 1975a PB-250630 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 236 Title Health of the scientific and technical enterprise: an advisory panel report to the Office of Technology Assessment Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II R & D McBee C 78 10 T21.U5 1978a PB-291770 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 237 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Displaced Industry, Gorte JF 85 10 homemakers: programs and policy Technology, and Employment Descript Displaced homemakers; Vocational Manpower training programs H Comm S Coml]l LC Call NTIS # GPO II Labor and Human Resources HD6056.2.U6D57 1986 PB86-120276/AS 052-003-01011-9 Doc Type Interium report education; Occupational retraining; Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology and structural unemployment: re-employing dispalced adults"


USER File Accession Number 238 Title Oil transportation by tankers: an analysis of marine pollution and safety measures Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Oceans Niblock RW 75 07 Commerce TD427.P4U52 1975 PB-244457 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 239 Title Preliminary assessment of the National Crime Information Center and the computerized criminal history systems Program Telecommunications Pro Dir Weinstein IJ Date 78 12 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Judiciary Judiciary HV6791.U52 PB-291845 1978 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 240 Title R & Din the maritime industry: maritime trade and technology Oceans and Environment Johnson PA 85 05 a supplement to an assessment of Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commerce, Science, and Transportation HE745.A87 PB85-246932/AS 052-003-00997-8 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Assessment of maritime trade and technology"


USER File Accession Number 241 Title Program Pro Dir Technological issues of the 80's (other than energy or military) Date 80 05 Abstract Descript H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO I! Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 242 Title Review of national railroad issues Program Transportation Pro Dir Kolsrud GS Date 75 12 Abs tract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO I! Interstate and Foreign Commerce Commerce HE2757.R48 PB-250622 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 243 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Alternative approaches to cargo policy: a supplement to an assessment of maritime trade and technology Oceans and Environment Johnson PA 85 08 Cargo preferences; Shipping bounties; Merchant marine Merchant Marine and Fisheries Commerce, Science, and Transportation RE743.U6A67 1985 PB85-239887/AS 052-003-01006-2 Doc Type Back.ground paper Notes Part of OTA's "Assessment of maritime trade and technology"


USER File Accession Number 244 Title Impact of inflation on the federal r & d investment Program R & D Pro Dir Daly R Date 80 05 Abstract Descript H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 245 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Energy from open ocean Oceans and Environment Niblock RW 80 09 kelp farms S Comm Comme~ce, Science and Transportation; National Ocean Policy Study LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 246 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Innovative biological technologies for lesser developed countries Food and Renewable Resources Ross-Sheriff BA 85 07 Descript Agricultural innovations; Agricultural productivity; Arid regions; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO II U.S. Agency for International Development; Developing countries Foreign Affairs S494.5.I5I56 1985 PB86-121738/AS 052-003-01003-8 Doc Type Workshop proceedings Notes


USER File Accession Number 247 Title Direct interest participation in the regulatory decision process: lessons learned from two LNG safety standards Program R & D Pro Dir Young JH Date 83 05 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 248 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO ti Arms control in space International Security Epstein G 84 05 Foreign Relations JX1974.A76924 1984 PB84-l 98209 052-003-00952-8 Doc Type Workshop proceedings Notes USER File Accession Number 249 and Commerce Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Telecommunications in the U.S. Pacific Islands Communication and Information Technologies Weingarten FW S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO I! Doc Type Notes 85 04 Telecommunications, Consumer Protection and Finance Staff paper


USER File Accession Number 250 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: formal analysis, policy formulation, and end-stage renal disease Health Behney CJ 81 04 Descript Kidney diseases; Medical policy H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB81-209769 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 251 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the feasibility of economic evaluation of diagnostic procedure--the case of CT scanning Health Behney CJ 81 04 Descript Imaging systems in medicine; X-rays H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB81-209777 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 252 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Implications of cost-effectiveness anlaysis of medical technology: screening for colon cancer--a technology assessment Health Behney CJ 81 04 Cancer; Medical screening Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB81-209785 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology"


USER File Accession Number 253 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical cost effectiveness of automated multichannel chemistry Health Behney CJ 81 05 Medical instruments and apparatus; Cost effectiveness Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB81-209793 Doc Type Case study technology: analyzers Notes Part of OTA""s assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 254 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: periodontal diseases--assessing the effectiveness and costs of the Keyes technique Health Behney CJ 81 OS. Dentistry Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5. 148 PB81-2217 80 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA""s assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 255 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the cost effectiveness of bone marrow transplant therapy and its policy implications Health Behney CJ 81 05 Descript Blood diseases; effectiveness Transplantation of organs; Tissues; Cost H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB81-221798 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA""s assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology"


USER File Accession Number 256 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: allocating costs and benefits in disease prevention programs--an application to cervical cancer screening Health Behney CJ 81 05 Descript Cancer; Women; Medical screening; Coat effectiveness H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO # Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB81-221806 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 257 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the cost effectiveness of upper gastronintestinal endoscopy Health Behney CJ 81 05 Descript Stomach diseases; Medical instruments and apparatus; Cost H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II effectiveness Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB81-221814 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 258 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the artificial heart--cost, risks, and benefits Health Behney CJ 82 05 Descript Heart diseases; innovations Artificial organs; Cost effectiveness; Medical H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO II Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB82-239971 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology"


USER File Accession Number 259 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the costs and effectiveness of neonatal intensive care Health Behney CJ 81 08 Maternal health services; Child health services; Cost effectiveness Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB82-101411 052-003-00845-9 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 260 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: benefit-and-cost analysis of medical interventions--the case of cimetidine and peptic ulcer disease Health Behney CJ 81 09 Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB82-118910 Doc Type Case Study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 261 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: assessing selected respiratory therapy modalites--trends and relative costs in the Washington, D.C. area Health Behney CJ 81 07 Descript Respiratory diseases; Hospital care; Cost effectiveness H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5. 148 PB82-101122 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology"


USER File Accession Number 262 Title Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging and cost effectiveness Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Health Behney CJ 82 05 Descript Imaging systems in medicine; Radioisotopes in medicine; Heart diseases; Cost effectiveness; Medical innovations H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB82-2 39 989 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 263 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Implications of cost-effectiveness cost benefit/cost effectiveness of study of orthopedic joint implants Health Behney CJ 81 09 Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5. I48 PB82-120833 Doc Type Case study analysis of medical technology: medical technologies--a case Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 264 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: elective hysterectomy--costs, risks, and benefits Health Behney CJ 81 10 Descript Unnecessary surgery; Women; Cancer; Sterilization; Birth control; Risk; Cost effectiveness H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB82-122326 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology"


USER File Accession Number 265 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the costs and effectiveness of nurse practitioners Health Behney CJ 81 07 Descript Nurses and nursing; Physicians; Cost effectiveness H Comm S _Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB82-101064 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 266 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: surgery for breast cancer Health Behney CJ 81 10 Descript Breast cancer; Cost effectiveness H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO fl Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB82-124181 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 267 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the efficacy and cost effectiveness of psychotherapy Health Behney CJ 80 10 Descript Mental illness; Psychiatric research; Psychotherapy aspects; Cost H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II effectiveness Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB81-144610 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment on "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology"


USER File Accession Number 268 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the management of health care technology in ten countries Health Behney CJ 80 10 Descript Medical innovations; Medical care; Medical instruments and apparatus; Surgery; Medical laboratories H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PBSl-144628 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 269 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: four common x-ray procedures--problems and prospects for economic evaluation Health Behney CJ 82 04 Descript X-rays; Evaluation; Imaging systems in medicine; Economic aspects; Cost effectiveness H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Labor and Human Resources; Finance RA410.5.I48 PB83-165506 052-003-00872-6 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology" USER File Accession Number 270 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Implications of electronic mail and message systems for the U.S. Postal Service Communication and Information Technologies Wood FB 82 08 Descript Electronic mail systems; Postal rates and revenues; Postal service; Telecommunication; Computer industry; Right of privacy; United States Postal Service H Comm Post Office and Civil Service S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# HE6239.ESI46 1982 PB83-265017 Doc Type Report Notes Companion to OTA's assessment "Computer-based national information systems"


USER File Accession Number 271 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Impacts of applied genetics: micro-organisms, plants, and animals Human Resources Harsanyi Z 81 04 Genetic engineering; Bioengineering; Plant genetics; Food industry; Technological innovations; Chemical industries; Patents; Technology and social problems; Risk; Drug industries Interstate and Foreign Commerce Human Resources QH442.I55 PBSl-206609 052-003-00805-0 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 272 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Impacts of technology on U.S. cropland and rangeland productivity Food and Renewable Resources Ross-Sheriff BA 82 08 Descript Agricultural productivity; Farm lands; Range management; Agricultural innovations; Soil erosion; Soils; Agricultural policies; Soil conservation H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Environment and Public Works S441.I48 1982 PB83-125013 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS USER File Accession Number 273 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Impact of advanced air transport technology: part I--advanced high-speed aircraft Transportation Dickinson LV; Ward JD 80 04 Descript Aircraft; Supersonic aircraft; Aircraft construction; Aircraft engines; Competition; Aviation fuels; Aircraft noise; Environmental protection; Air pollution control H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II TL552.U64 1980 PB80-2 00504 Doc Type Report Notes


USER File Accession Number 274 Title Impact of advanced air transport technology: part II--the air cargo system Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Transportation Dickinson LV; Ward JD 82 01 Science and Technology TL552. U64 1980 PB82-186818 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA'"s assessment "Impact of advanced air transport tech no logy" USER File Accession Number 275 Title Impact of advanced air transport technology: part III--air service to small communities Program Transportation Pro Dir Dickinson LV; Ward JD Date 82 02 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Science and Technology TL552.U64 1980 PB82-186800 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA'"s assessment "Impact of advanced air transport technology" USER File Accession Number 276 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO II Impact of advanced air transport technology: program alternatives for advanced high-speed Transportation Dickinson LV; Ward JD 82 08 Science and Technology TL552.U64 1980 PB83-110585 Doc Type Background paper part IV--financing and aircraft Notes Part of OTA'"s assessment "Impact of advanced air transport tech no logy"


USER File Accession Number 277 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Update of vaccine Health Sisk JE 84 05 Federal activities regarding the use of pneumococcal Select on Aging RA644.P8U63 1984 PBSS-128155 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal vaccine and immunication policies" USER File Accession Number 278 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS Ii GPO Ii Technology, innovation, and regional economic development: encouraging high-technology development Science, Transportation, and Innovation Phelps PB 83 04 Technological innovations; Regional economic development; High technology industries; Industry-university relations; Federal aid to research; Industrial productivity Science and Technology HC110.T4T22 1984 PB84-180181 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology, innovation, and regional economic development" USER File Accession Number 279 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Automation and robotics for the space station: phase B considerations Science, Transportation, and Innovation Chandler PP 85 10 S Comm Commerce, Science, and Transportation LC Call NTIS Ii GPO Ii Doc Type Staff paper Notes


USER File Accession Number 280 Title Reclaiming prime farmlands surface coal mining Energy and Materials Plotkin SE and other high-quality croplands after Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm 85 12 S Comm Bumpers LC Call NTIS # PB87-117123/AS GPO II Doc Type Staff memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 281 Title Reproductive health hazards in the workplace: selected aspects of reproductive health hazards regulation Program Biological Applications Pro Dir Raines LJ Date 85 10 Abstract Descript H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS II PB86-17085/AS GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Reproductive health hazards in the workplace" USER File Accession Number 282 Title Payment for physician services: strategies for medicare Program Health Pro Dir Sisk JE Date 86 02 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Medicare evaluation; Medical fees; Cost Energy and Commerce; Ways and Means Finance; Special on Aging R728.S.P38 1986 PB86-l 8201 l/ AS 052-003-01020-8 Doc Type Report control Notes This report is submitted in fulfillment of OTA's mandate under the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-369)


USER File Accession Number 283 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Marine applications for fuel cell technol?gy Oceans and Environment Johnson PA 86 02 Descript Fuel cells; Marine engineering; Technological innovation; Energy research H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Commerce, Science, and Transportation VM773.M37 1986 PB86-183597/AS 052-003-01021-6 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 284 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Federal government information technology: management, security, and congressional oversight Communication and Information Technologies Wood FB 86 02 Telephones; Electronic surveillance; Inforination policy; Technology and social problems; Computers and government; Civil liberties; Right of privacy Judiciary Governmental Affairs JK468.A8F43 1986 PB86-205499/AS 052-003-01026-7 Doc Type Report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal government information technology: congressional oversight and civil liberties" USER File Accession Number 285 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in the United States Food and Renewable Resources Shen S 86 02 Descript Nature conservation; Wildlife conservation; Conservationists; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Gemplasm resources Science and Technology Foreign Relations; Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry QH76.G73 1986 PB86-181997/AS 052-003-01019-4 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technologies to maintain biological diversity"


USER File Accession Number 286 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Regulatory enviromnent for science Science, Education, and Transportation LaFollette MC 86 02 Descript Government regulation; environmental aspects; Science and ethics H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Science and Technology Ql27 .U6R39 1986 PB86-182003/AS 052-003-01024-1 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 287 Research law and legislation; Research and National security; Communication in science; Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasures, and arms control International Security and Commerce Karas TH 85 09 Descript Advanced weapons; Antimissile missiles; Antisatellite satellites; Arms control; Ballistic missile defense; Astronautics and military H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II science Armed Services Foreign Relations UG1530.A582 1985 PB86-1829 53/ AS 052-003-01009-7 Doc Type Report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Ballistic missile defense technologies" USER File Accession Number 288 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Ballistic missile defense technologies International Security and.Commerce Karas TH 85 09 Descript Strategic defense initiatives; Advanced weapons; Antimissile missiles; Antisatellite satellites; Balance of power; Deterrence; Military strategy H Comm Armed Services S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Foreign Relations UG740.B36 1985 PB86-182961/ AS 052-003-01008-9 Doc Type Report Notes See companion report "Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasures, and arms control"

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USER File Accession Number 289 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Review of the consent Industry, Technology, Hirschhorn JS 86 09 decree for cleanup of PCBs in Indiana and Employment H Comm McCloskey; Hamilton S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO ti Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 290 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO ti Doc Type Notes Technology and structural Industry, Technology, and Gorte JF 86 02 unemployment: reemploying displaced adults employment Finance; Labor and Human Resources HD5708.47.U6T43 1986 PB86-206174/AS 052-003-01017-8 Report See also interim report "Displaced homemakers: programs and policy" USER File Accession Number 291 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Alternatives to animal use Biological Applications Ellis GB 86 02 in research, testing, and education Descript Laboratory Behavioral animals; Protection of animals; Medical research; sciences; Hazardous substances; Scientific education H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO ti Labor and Human Resources QL51.2.U6A48 1986 PB86-183134/AS 052-003-01012-7 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS

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USER File Accession Number 292 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Effects of replacing lead with aromatic versus alcohol octane enhancers in gasoline Energy and Materials Bull TE 86 01 H Comm Durbin; Fuqua; Sensenbrenner; Udall S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 293 Title Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies for evaluating cost, quality and medical technology Program Health Pro Dir Wagner JL Date 85 10 Abstract Descript Prospective payment system; Medicare; Hospitals; Finance; Hospital care; Medical research H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Finance; Special on Aging RA971.32.M43 1985 PB86-184926/AS 052-003-01010-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 294 Title Reproductive health hazards in the workplace Program Biological Applications Pro Dir Williams LA Date 85 12 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Reproduction; Hazardous substances; Risk; Government; Occupational health and safety; Sex discrimination against women; U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency; U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration Science and Technology RC877 .R45 1985 PB86-185030/AS 052-003-01001-1 Doc Type Report Notes Working papers available from NTIS

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USER File Accession Number 295 Title Demographic trends and the scientific and engineering work force Program Science, Education, and Transportation Pro Dir Frank.el E Date 85 12 Abstract Descript Science education; Women engineers; Engineers; Scientists; Statistics; Women scientists; Black scientists; Asian American ethnic groups; Spanish Americans H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Ql49.U5D46 1985 PB86-206182/AS 052-003-01014-3 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 296 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Automation of America's offices, 1985-2000 Communication and Information Technologies Coates VT 85 12 Computers; Women in business; Office automation-social aspects; Office automation trends; White collar workers; Quality of work life; Home labor; Computers and government; Small business Education and Labor Labor and Human Resources HF5547.5.A98 1985 PB86-185055/AS 052-003-01013-5 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 297 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Transportation of hazardous materials: state and local activities Science, Education, and Transportation Page EB 86 03 Transportation of hazardous substances; Federal/state relations Commerce, Science, and Transportation HE199.5.D3T718 1986 PB86-181971/ AS 052-003-01016-0 Doc Type Report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Transportation of hazardous materials"

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USER File Accession Number 298 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology, public agriculture Food and Renewable Phillips MJ 86 03 policy, and the changing structure of American Resources Descript Agricultural economics; Agricultural policies; Agricultural innovations; Agricultural research; Technological innovations; Farms; Statistics H Comm Science and Technology; Agriculture; Joint Economic S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Agriculture; Small Business; Joint Economic HDl 761. T3 7 1986 PB86-184637/AS 052-003-01018-6 Doc Type Report Notes See also interim report "Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture: a special report for the 1985 farm bill" USER File Accession Number 299 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Potential effects of section 3 of the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976 Energy and Materials Larsen KL 86 03 Descript Coal leases; Law and legislation; Coal mines and mining; Mining H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes leases; Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act Interior and Insular Affairs HD242.3.P68 1986 PB86-182029/AS 052-003-01029-1 Report See companion reports "Assessment of development and production potential of Federal coal leases" and "Patterns and trends in Federal coal lease ownership 1950-80" USER File Accession Number 300 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Supercomputers: government plans and policies Communication and Information Technologies Adler PS 86 03 Descript Computers; Computers and government; Computer networks; Su pe rcomput ers H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes QA76.5.S8975 1986 PB86-205218/ AS 052-003-01032-1 Background paper Part of 0TA's assessment "Information technology r & d: critical trends and issues." See also companion report ''Microelectronics research and development."

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USER File Accession Number 301 Title Microelectronics research and development Program Communication and Information Technologies Pro Dir Prabhakar A Date 86 03 Abstract Descript Microelectronics; Research and development; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II innovations; Integrated circuits Science and Technology TK7874.M487 1986 PB86-205200/AS 052-003-01027-S Doc Type Background paper Computers; Technological Notes See companion report "Information technology R&D: critical trends and issues" USER File Accession Number 302 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Hearing impairment and elderly people Biological Applications H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Harootyan RA; Mccallum D 86 OS Aged; Hearing disorders; and apparatus Select on Aging Special on Aging PB86-218559/AS 052-003-01040-2 Doc Type Background paper Medical innovations; Medical instruments Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology and aging in America" USER File Accession Number 303 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Research funding as an investment: can we measure the returns Science, Education, and Transportation Frankel E; Holt BJ 86 04 Descript Federal aid to research; Research; Research management; Decision making H Comm Task Force on Science Policy S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO ti HC110.R4R47 1986 PB86-218278/ AS 052-003-01039-9 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes

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USER File Accession Number 304 Title Technical questions regarding plastic firearms Program Oceans and Environment Pro Dir Johnson PA Date 86 04 Abstract Descript H Comm Mrazek; Scheuer; Weiss S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff memorandum Notes Copy missing from archives USER File Accession Number 305 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Subseabed disposal of high-level radioactive waste Oceans and Environment Levenson H 86 OS Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Public Works and Transportation NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 306 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call Second report (ProPAC) Health Burns AK 86 03 NTIS II PB86-206794/AS GPO II Doc Type Report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission Notes This report is submitted in fulfillment of OTA's mandate under the Social Security Amendments Act of 1983 (Public Law 98-21)

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USER File Accession Number 307 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II Passive smoking in the workplace: selected issues Health Gelband H 86 05 Smoking; Public health; Indoor air pollution Governmental Affairs PB86-217627 / AS Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 308 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Payment for physician services: strategies for medicare: Health technology case study no. 36: effects of federal policies on extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy Health Sisk JE 86 05 Descript Medical instruments and .apparatus; Medical policy; Medical economics; Kidney disease H Comm Ways and Means; Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO II Doc Type Notes Finance; Special on Aging RD574.E33 1986 PB86-217999/AS 052-003-01041-1 Case study Part of OTA's assessment "Payment for physician services: strategies for Medicare." This report was submitted in fulfillment of OTA's mandate under the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-369) USER File Accession Number 309 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Indian health Health Miike LH 86 04 care Descript Indians; Federal aid to Indians; U.S. Indian Health Service; Medical H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS fl GPO II care Energy and Commerce RA448.SI5I525 1986 PB86-206091/AS 052-003-01033-0 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 310 Title Proceedings of a workshop on wear control to achieve product liability Program Materials Pro Dir Devine MJ Date 76 02 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm Commerce LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Workshop proceedings Notes USER File Accession Number 311 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Effects of decontrol on old gas recovery Energy and Materials Plotkin SE 84 02 S Comm Dingell; Sharp LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 312 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II OTA review of the Missouri dioxin task force recommendations concerning the management of contaminated soil Industry, Technology, and Employment Hirschhorn JS 83 12 Young Doc Type Staff memorandum Notes

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USER File Accession Number 313 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Clinical staffing in the Indian health service Health Smith EM 87 02 Energy and Commerce Doc Type Special Report Notes USER File Accession Number 314 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Federal policies and the medical devices industry: Health technology case study no. 32: hemodialysis equipment Health Sisk JE 84 12 Descript Kidney disease; Medical instruments and apparatus; Federal aid to medical research; Medical economics; Medicare H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Labor and Human Resources HD9995.H423U67 1984 PB85-154953/AS 052-003-00982-0 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal policies and the medical devices industry" USER File Accession Number 315 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Intellectual property rights in an age of electronics and information Communication and Information Technologies Garcia DL 86 04 Copyright; Computers; Information networks; Telecommunications; Video tape recordings Judiciary Judiciary KF3030.1.I58 1986 PB87-100301/ AS 052-003-01036-4 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 316 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS IJ GPO II Assessing biological diversity in the United States: data cons ide rat ions Food and Renewable Resources Shen S 86 03 Nature conservation; Germplasm resources; Data banks; Biological research; Information storage and retrieval systems Science and Technology Foreign Relations; Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry PB86-181989/AS 052-003-01031-3 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technologies to maintain biological diversity" USER File Accession Number 317 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Western surface mine permitting and reclamation Energy and Materials Robison J 86 06 Descript Coal mines and mining; Strip mining; Reclamation of land; Mining law H Comm Interior and Insular Affairs S Comm LC Call NTIS IJ GPO II TN291.W47 1986 PB87-100350/AS 052-003-01025-9 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 318 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS IJ GPO IJ Federal goverrnnent information technology: electronic record systems and individual privacy Communication and Information Technologies Wood FB 86 06 Right of privacy; Computers and government; Government information; Privacy Act Judiciary Governmental Affairs KFS7S3.A2S 1986 PB87-100335/AS 052-003-01038-1 Doc Type Report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal goverrnnent information technology: congressional oversight and civil liberties"

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USER File Accession Number 319 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology and the future of the U.S. construction industry Technology and the American Economic Transition Kelly H 84 08 Descript Construction industries; Building construction; Technological H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ii GPO ii forecasting; Technology assessment Banking PB86-209442/AS Doc Type Workshop proceedings Notes USER File Accession Number 320 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Transportation of hazardous materials Science, Education, and Transportation Page EB 86 07 Descript Transportation of hazardous substances; Radioactive waste disposal; Toxic substance~ legislation; Emergency management; Hazardous Materials Transportation Act; Nuclear Waste Policy Act H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO ii Science, Commerce, and Transportation TSS.3.H3T73 1986 PB87-100319/AS 052-003-01042-9 Doc Type Report Notes See companion report "Transportation of hazardous materials: state and local activities" USER File Accession Number 321 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO II Doc Type Notes Technologies for NATO's follow-on forces International Security and Commerce Shaw A 86 07 Military strategy; National defense Foreign Affairs; Armed Services UA646.3.T43 1986 PB87-100343/AS 052-003-01045-3 Special report attack concept

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USER File Accession Number 322 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call Fi rs t report (ProPAC) Health Burns AK 85 03 on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission NTIS # PB85-184380/AS GPO II Doc Type Report Notes This report is submitted in fulfillment of OTA's mandate under the Social Security Amendments Act of 1983 (Public Law 98-21) USER File Accession Number 323 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Use of biomedical tests in paternity determination Biological Applications Condon T 86 07 S Comm Moynihan LC Call NTIS ti GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 324 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Review of ocean thermal energy systems Oceans and Environment Johnson PA 84 01 H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Renewable ocean energy sources"

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USER File Accession Number 325 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Critical analysis of delayed effects of the military draft mortality Health Ho-ltzman T 86 09 Veterans Affairs Veterans Affairs Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 326 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Review of U.S. competitiveness in agricultural trade Technology and the American Economic Transition Kelly H 86 10 Descript Agriculture in foreign trade; Agricultural production; Agricultural innovation; Technology transfer; Competition H Comm Joint Economic S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO ti Joint Economic HD1761.R48 1986 PB87-140760/AS 052-003-01054-2 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 327 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Serious reduction of hazardous waste: for pollution prevention and industrial efficiency Industry, Technology, and Employment Hirschhorn JS 86 09 Descript Hazardous wastes; Hazardous waste disposal; Recycling of waste products; Environmental policy; Industrial productivity; Waste reduction H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO ti Energy and Commerce; Science and Technology; Small Business Labor and Human Resources TD811.5.S46 1986 PB87-139622/AS 052-003-01048-8 Doc Type Report Notes See companion report "Technologies and management strategies for hazardous waste control''

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USER File Accession Number 328 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Technologies for prehistoric Energy and Materials Williamson RA and historic preservation S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II 86 09 Historic sites; Archaeology Interior and Insular Affairs El59.T24 1986 PB87-140166/AS 052-003-01051-8 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 329 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technologies Health for detecting heritable mutations in human beings Gough M 86 09 Descript Medical innovations; Genetic research; Hereditary H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO IF defects; Environmentally induced diseases Science and Technology; Energy and Commerce Veterans Affairs RB155.T43 1986 PB87-140158/AS 052-003-01037-2 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 330 diseases; Birth Title Program Pro Dir Date Social Security Administration and information technology Communication and Information Technologies Coates VT 86 10 Abstract Descript Computers and government; Executive departments; Automation; Electronic data processing; U.S. Social Security Administration; Government information; Government procurement; Information policy H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Governmental Affairs HD7125.S5953 1986 PB87-136834/AS 052-003-01053-4 Doc Type Special report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 331 Title Ocean incineration: its role in managing hazardous waste Program Oceans and Environment Pro Dir Levenson H; Denison R Date 86 08 Abstract Descript Hazardous waste disposal; Waste disposal in the ocean; Incineration H Comm Science and Technology; Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Public Works S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II and Transportation TD811.5.025 1986 PB87-100327/AS 052-003-01046-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 332 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II New structural materials technologies: opportunities for the use of advanced ceramics and composites Energy and Materials Eyring G; Bull TE 86 09 Ceramics; Composite materials; Commercialization; Science and Technology Commerce, Science, and Transportation TA418.9.C6N485 1986 PB87-118253/AS 052-003-01044-5 Competition Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Part of OTA's assessment "High-technology ceramics and polymer composites" USER File Accession Number 333 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes Plant closing: advance notice and rapid Industry, Technology, and Employment Gorte JF 86 09 response Plant shutdowns; Layoffs; Occupational retraining; Dislocated workers Finance; Labor and Human Resources HD5708.55.U6P519 1986 PB87-118212/AS 052-003-01052-6 Special report See companion reports reemploying displaced and policy" "Technology and structural unemployment: adults" and "Displaced homemakers: programs

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USER File Accession Number 334 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Technology, trade, and the U.S. residential construction industry Technology and the American Economic Transition Kelly H 86 09 Descript Construction industries; Building construction; Mobile homes; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Housing; Competition Banking HD9715.U52T43 1986 PB87-l 17 594/ AS 052-003-01050-0 Doc Type Special report Notes USER File Accession Number 335 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Continuing the commitment: agricultural development in the Sahel Food and Renewable Resources Windle PN 86 08 Economic development; Agricultural production; Agricultural innovations; Technical assistance; U.S. Agency for International Development Select on Hunger; Science and Technology; Agriculture Technology Assessment Board HD2120.Sl5C66 1986 PB87-117644/AS 052-003-01043-7 Doc Type Special report Notes USER File Accession Number 336 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO I! Trade in services: exports and foreign revenues Industry, Technology, and Employment Alic JA 86 09 Service industries; Balance of payments; Economic statistics Governmental Affairs HD9981.5.T7 1986 PB87-118204/AS 052-003-01049-6 Doc Type Special report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "International competition in the service industries." Working papers exist see publications list

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USER File Accession Number 337 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Space stations and the International Security Dalbello R law: selected legal issues and Commerce 86 08 Descript Space stations; Space law; International H Comm legislation; Torts; Criminal law Commerce, Science, and Transportation KF2473.5.S63 1986 PB87-118220/AS 052-003-0104 7-0 Background paper law; Patent law and S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes See companion reports "Civilian space stations and the U.S. future in space" and "International cooperation and competition in civilian space activities" USER File Accession Number 338 Title Status of biomedical research and related technology for tropical Program Pro Dir Date Abs tract diseases Health Gelband H 85 09 Descript Epidemiology; Preventive medicine; Tropical medicine; Research; Medical research; Medical care; Communicable diseases; Parasitic diseases; Malaria H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Appropriations RC961.5.S73 1985 PB87-139614/AS 052-003-00987-1 Doc Type Report Notes See companion report "Quality and relevance of research related activities at the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory" USER File Accession Number 339 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Role of U.S. development assistance diversity in developing countries Food and Renewable Resources Shen S 86 07 S Comm Foreign Relations LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff paper in maintaining biological Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technologies to maintain -biological diversity"

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USER File Accession Number 340 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Scientific equipment for undergraduates: Science, Education, and Transportation Naismith NC 86 09 S Comm Labor and Human Resources LC Call NTIS # PB87-138350/AS GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 341 is it adequate Title Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Health technology case study no. 37: nurse practitioners, physician assistants and certified nurse-midwives--a policy analysis Health Ruby G 86 12 Descript Nurse practitioners; physicians' assistants; midwives; medical care; medical fees; medical personnel; public health H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Notes Appropriations PB87-177465/ AS 052-003-01056-9 Case study Updates and expands OTA's 1981 case "Implications of cost-effectiveness the cost and effectiveness of nurse study (record #265) analysis of medical technology: pr act it ioners" USER File Accession Number 342 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Technology assessment Exploratory Group Coates JF 78 07 candidates and priorities Doc Type Survey Notes Vol. 1 Program generated candidates Vol. 2 -Major problems, issues, and opportunities recommended as candidates for technology assessment Vol. 3 --Published lists

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USER File Accession Number 343 Title Program Pro Dir OTA workshop on cargo policy, December 3 and 4, 1984: panelist's presentations and summary of discussion Date 85 08 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Notes PB85-239895/AS Workshop proceedings Produced in conjunction with OTA background paper (record #243) "Alternative approaches to cargo policy: a supplement to an assessment of maritime trade and technology" Copy missing from archives. USER File Accession Number 344 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Communications and rural America Transportation Mills W 78 01 Descript Rural economic development; Telecommunications policy; Community antenna television H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Notes Agriculture and Forestry; Commerce, Science, and Transportation HE7781.M53 Committee print U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, 95th Congress, 1st Session, January 1978. This report summarizes the results of a conference on November 15-17, 1976 convened by OTA. Companion to earlier OTA report (record #62) "Feasibility and value of broadband communications in rural areas" USER File Accession Number 345 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Children's mental health: problems and services Health Dougherty D 86 12 Descript Child mental health services; _mental health policy; families H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Notes Appropriations RJ102.C49 1986 PB87-207486/AS 052-003-01040-2 Background paper Special request completed in full

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USER File Accession Number 346 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Annual report to the Congress Doc Type Annual report Notes Fiscal Year 1973 PB-246191 1974 PB-244833 1975 PB-253989 1976 PB-273189 1977 PB-284942 USER File Accession Number 347 1978 PB-293088 1979 PB80-162258 1980 PB81-189748 1981 PB82-202862 1982 PB83-187203 1983 PB84-173814 1984 PB87-177864 1985 PB87-177804 1986 PB87~177812 1987 PB88-186085 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Technology dependant children: hospital vs. home care Health S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Power E 87 05 Energy and Commerce Labor and Human Resources RJ242.T43 1988 PB87-194551 052-003-01065-8 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 348 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract U.S. textile and apparel industry: a revolution in progress Technology and the American Economic Transition Kelly H 87 04 Descript Textile industry and fabrics; clothing industry; international competitiveness; industrial policy H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Energy and Natural Resources PB87-196762/XAB 052-003-01064-0 Doc Type Special Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 349 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Integrated renewable resource management for U.S. insular areas Food and Renewable Resources Hess AL 87 06 Descript Renewable natural resources; tropical agriculture; alternative energy sources; island ecology; Latin America; Pacific area H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Energy and Natural Resources HC154.5.I58 1987 PB87-205829/XAB 052-003-01055-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 350 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract New developments in biotechnology: cells Biological Applications Ellis GB; White GB 87 03 ownership of human tissues and Descript Biotechnology; bioethics; technology and social problems; informed consent (medical law) H Comm Science and Technology; Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# TP248.185.N482 1987 PB87-207536/AS 052-003-01060-7 Doc Type Special report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "New developments in biotechnology" USER File Accession Number 351 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Losing a million minds: confronting the tragedy of alzheimer's disease and other dementias Biological Applications Cook-Deegan RM 87 04 Alzheimer's disease; long-term care; medical economics; medical policy; old age Energy and Commerce; Science and Technology; Select on Aging Finance; Labor and Human Resources; Veterans' Affairs; Special on Aging RC523.L67 1988 PB87-183752 052-003-01061-5 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 352 Title Wastes in marine environments Program Oceans and Environment Pro Dir Levenson H Date 87 04 Abstract Descript Waste disposal in the ocean; estuaries--environmental aspects; seashore ecology; marine pollution; coastal areas oceanography H Comm Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Public Works and Transportation S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO ti TD897.7.W38 1987 PB87-194585 052-003-01062-3 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 353 Title Program Pro Dir Date Border war on drugs Oceans and Environment Johnson PA 87 03 Abs tract Descript H Comm Narcotic traffic; drug seizures; executive departments; drug abuse S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Appropriations HV5825.B67 1987 PB87-184172 052-003-01057-7 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 354 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS ti GPO II Doc Type Notes Preparing for science and engineering careers: Science, Education, and Transportation Heinz L 87 01 Science and Technology PB87-177473/ AS Staff paper field level profiles This staff paper is an addendum to OTA's technical memorandum "Demographic trends and the scientific and engineering work force" record 295

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USER File Accession Number 355 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Trends and status of computers in schools: use in and use with limited English proficient students Science, Education, and Transportation Roberts LG 87 03 H Comm Education and Labor S Comm LC Call NTIS I PB87-176723/AS GPO # Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 356 Technologies to maintain biological diversity Food and Renewable Resources Shen S 87 03 chapter 1 programs Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Germplasm resources; conservation of natural resources; nature conservation; environmental policy H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Science, Space, and Technology Foreign Relations; Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry QH75.T366 1987 PB87-207494/AS 052-003-01057-7 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 357 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Costs of AIDS and other HIV infections: review of the estimates Health Sisk JE 87 05 H Comm Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS II GPO II Doc Type Staff paper Notes

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USER File Accession Number 358 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract New developments in biotechnology: biotechnology Biological Applications Ellis GB; Giddings LV; Nishimi RY 87 05 public perceptions of Descript Technology and social problems; science and social problems; biotechnology; genetic engineering; public opinion H Comm Science, Space and Technology; Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# TP248.185.N482 1987 PB87-207544/AS 052-003-01068-2 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "New developments in biotechnology" USER File Accession Number 359 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Commercial newsgathering from space International Security and Commerce Dalbello R 87 05 Descript Earth resources satellites; remote sensing; broadcast journalism; national security; mass media; foreign relations; astronautics H Comm Science, Space and Technology S Comm LC Call HE9721.U5C65 1987 NTIS # GPO# 052-003-01066-6 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes USER File Accession Number 360 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract From pollution to prevention: a progress report on waste reduction Industry, Technology, and Employment Hirschhorn JS 87 06 Descript Recycling of waste products; hazardous waste disposal; environmental H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# policy; materials management; wase reduction; solid wastes Government Operations TD811.5.F76 1987 PB87-208062 052-003-01071-2 Doc Type Special report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 361 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Construction and materials research and development for the nation's public wo~ks Energy and Materials; Science, Education, and Transportation Robison J; Page E 87 06 Environment and Public Works Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 3b2 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Federal funding for artificial intelligence research and development Communication and Information Technologies Weingarten FW 87 06 H Comm Science and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 363 Title Program Pro Dir Date Trade adjustment assistance: new ideas for an old program Industry, Technology, and Employment Gilman K 87 06 Abstract Descript Trade adjustment H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# workers Banking, Finance Banking, Finance HF1421. T73 1987 PB87-203741 052-003-01073-9 Doc Type Special report assistance; occupational retraining; dislocated and Urban Affairs and Urban Affairs; Finance Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology, innovations, and U.S. trade"

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USER File Accession Number 364 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# New technology for NATO: implementing follow-on forces attack International Security and Commerce Shaw A 87 06 National defense--NATO countries; military strategy; military policy; Western Europe Foreign Affairs; Armed Services Armed Services UA646.3.N4748 1987 PB87-200267 052-003-01063-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 365 Title Technologies for the preservation of prehistoric and historic landscapes Program Energy and Materials Pro Dir Williamson RA Date 87 07 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Historic sites; landscape protection; remote sensing; parks Interior and Insular Affairs (87-619847) PB87-222519/AS 052-003-01076-3 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technologies for prehistoric and historic preservation" record 328 USER File Accession Number 366 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Technology transfer to China International Security and Commerce Crane AT 87 07 Technology transfer; technology policy; educational exchanges; foreign trade; Asia; foreign economic relations Energy and Commerce Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Tl74.3.T414 1987 PB87-223418/AS 052-003-01069-1 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 367 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract International competition in services: banking, building, software know-how Industry, Technology, and Employment Alic JA 87 07 Descript Service industries; international competitiveness; financial services; banks and banking; construction industries; information services; computer software engineering; international trade H Comm Small Business S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Governmental Affairs; Foreign Relations HD9981.5.I58 1987 PB87-212403/AS 051-003-01067-4 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 368 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Marine minerals: exploring our new ocean frontier Oceans and Environment Curlin JW 87 07 Ocean mining; territorial waters; minerals reserves; ocean policy Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Science, Space, and Technology TN264.M39 1987 PB87-217725/AS 052-003-01072-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 369 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Life-sustaining technologies and the elderly Biological Applications Maklan CW; Maslow K; Harootyan RA 87 07 Medical ethics; geriatrics; terminal care; medicine Select on Aging Select on Aging RC953.5.L54 1988 PB87-222527/AS 052-003-01074-7 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 370 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract U.S. oil production: Energy and Materials Plotkin SE 87 07 the effect of low oil prices Descript Petroleum prices; petroleum industry; prospecting; fossil fuels H Comm Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# HD9565.Ul6 1987b PB88-142484 052-003-01075-5 Doc Type Special report Notes USER File Accession Number 371 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Science, technology, and the constitution Communication and Information Technologies Coates VT 87 09 Judiciary Ql27.U6S3277 1987 PB88-142534/AS 052-003-01086-1 Doc Type Background paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Science, technology, and the constitution in the information age." USER File Accession Number 372 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions Communication and Information Technology 'Wilk CK 87 09 Descript Information storage and retrieval systems; electronic data processing; data transmission systems; job stress; electronic H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# surveillance; employee rights; employee morale; rating of employees Government Operations; Judiciary HF5549.12.E44 PB88-144043 052-003-01082-8 1987 Doc Type Report Notes Contractor documents available from NTIS

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USER File Accession Number 373 Title Do insects transmit aids? Program Health Pro Dir Miike IJI Date 87 09 Abstract Descript Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; insects H Comm Appropriations S Comm LC Call NTIS # PB88-143177/AS GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 374 Title Technologies for underwater archaeology and maritime preservation Program Energy and Materials Pro Dir Williamson RA Date 87 09 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# El59.5.T43 1987 PB88-142559/AS 052-003-01077-1 Doc Type Background pa~er Notes USER File Accession Number 375 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Hospital information systems at the Veterans Administration Communication and Information Technologies Bandy KG 87 09 H Comm Appropriations; Veterans' Affairs S Comm LC Call NTIS # PB88-133087 GPO# Doc Type Special report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 376 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Defending secrets, sharing data: new locks and keys for electronic information Communication and Information Technologies Wilk CK 87 10 Descript Computer security measures; computers and government; government information H Comm Government Operations; Judiciary S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# QA76.9.A25D44 1987 PBSS-143185/AS 052-003-01083-6 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 377 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Analysis of the ozone nonattainment provisions of the "Clean Air Standards Attainment Act of 1987" Oceans and Environment Friedman RM 87 09 Descript Air pollution control; ozone; air quality; urban areas H Comm S Comm Environment and Public Works LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 378 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Starpower: The U.S. and the international quest for fusion energy Energy and Materials Epstein G 87 10 Descript Nuclear fusion; nuclear energy policy; peaceful uses of nuclear H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# energy Science, Space and Technology (87-619854) PB88-128731 052-003-01079-8 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 379 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Bone marrow transplantation using unrelated donors: current clinical status and policy issues Health McLaughlin Hughes MA 87 10 H Comm Energy and Commerce S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 380 Title Breast cancer screening for Medicare beneficiaries: Effectiveness, costs to Medicare and medical resources required Program Health Pro Dir Dougherty D Date 87 11 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm Labor and Human Resources LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 381 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call Third report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commis.sion (ProPAC) Health Power E 87 11 NTIS # PB88-157789/AS GPO# Doc Type Report Notes Pursuant to Section (e)(6)(G)(i) of the Social Security Act

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USER File Accession Number 382 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# First report on the Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC) Health Ruby G 87 11 PB88-158613/AS Doc Type Report Notes Pursuant to Section 1845 (c)(l)(D) of the Social Security Act USER File Accession Number 383 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Identifying and regulating carcinogens Health Kronebusch K 87 11 Descript Carcinogens; chemicals; risk assessment; environmental health H Comm Government Operations S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# (87-619859) PB88-136999 Doc Type Background paper Notes USER File Accession Number 384 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Analysis of the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer Oceans and Environment Bierbaum R 87 12 S Comm Environment and Public Works LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes

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USER File Accession Number 385 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Neonatal intensive care for low birthweight infants: costs and effectiveness Health Wagner JL 87 12 Energy and Commerce Labor and Human Resources (87-619883) PB88-158902 052-003-01089-5 Doc Type Case study Notes Part of OTA's assessment, "Healthy children: Investing in the future" USER File Accession Number 386 Title Issues relevant to NCIC (National Crime Information Center) 2000 Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript proposals Communication Wood FB 87 11 H Comm Judiciary S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes and Information Technologies USER File Accession Number 387 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm State educational testing practices Science, Education, and Transportation Naismith NC 87 12 S Comm Labor and Human Resources LC Call NTIS # PB88-155056 GPO# Doc Type Background paper Notes

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USER File Accession Number 388 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Science, technology, and the First Amendment Communication and Information Technologies Coates VT 88 01 Judiciary KF4774.A25 1987 PB88-166426 052-003-01090-9 Doc Type Special report Notes USER File Accession Number 389 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Federal regulation and animal patents Biological Applications O'Connor K 88 02 H Comm Judiciary S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "New Developments in Biotechnology: Patenting Life" USER File Accession Number 390 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Transgenic animals Biological Applications O'Connor K 88 02 H Comm Judiciary S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "New Developments in Biotechnology: Patenting Life"

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USER File Accession Number 391 Title Program Pro Dir Date Aids and health insurance an OTA survey Health Eden J 88 02 Abstract Descript Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; health insurance; medical screening; blood tests H Comm Appropriations S Comm LC Call NTIS # PB88-170204 GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Federal response to AIDS: congressional issues" USER File Accession Number 392 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Healthy children: investing in the future Health S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Wagner JL 88 02 Child health; child health Energy and Commerce Labor and Human Resources; RJ102.H45 1988 PB88-178454/AS 052-003-01081-0 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 393 services; pediatrics; child abuse Finance Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Commercial development of tests for human genetic disorders Health Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Hewitt M 88 02 Doc Type Staff paper Notes

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USER File Accession Number 394 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Defense technology base: introduction and overview International Security and Commerce Shaw A 88 03 Descript Technology assessment; national security; military strategy; military research; military science; military technology H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Armed Services UC263.D47 1988 PB88-192562 052-003-01099-2 Doc Type Special report Notes USER File Accession Number 395 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract How effective Health Sisk JE 88 06 is AIDS education? Descript Acquired immune deficiency syndrome; public health; health education H Comm Appropriations S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# PB88-243530 052-003-01120-4 Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 396 Title Program Pro Dir OTA priorities 1979 Date 79 01 Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # PB-291997 GPO# Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 397 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Using desalination technologies for water treatment Oceans and Environment Barnard W 88 03 Descript Saline water conversion; water use; environmental economics; water pollution H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Sen Paul Simon TD478.3.U85 1988 PB88-193354 052-003-01097-6 Doc Type Background paper Notes USER File Accession Number 398 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Treaty-compliant accidental launch protection system International Security and Commerce Fainberg T 88 04 Descript H Comm Cong Charles Bennett S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 399 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Mapping our genes. Genome Biological Applications Cook-Deegan RM 88 04 projects: How big? How fast? Descript Genetic research; human genetics; federal aid to research; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# science policy Energy and Commerce; Science, Space and Technology Labor and Human Resources; Energy and Natural Resources QH445.2.M36 1988 PB88-212402/AS 052-003-01106-9 Doc Type Report Notes medicine;

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USER File Accession Number 400 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Technology future Technology Kelly HC 88 05 and the American economic transition: choices for the and the American Economic Transition Technology and social problems; technological innovations; choice of technology; economic forecasting; quality of life; social indicators Energy and Commerce; Post Office and Civil Service; Judiciary; Public Works and Transportation; Education and Labor; Science, Space and Technology Commerce, Scie.nce and Transportation; Budget (87-619892) PB88-214127/AS 052-003-01096-8 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 401 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Book preservation technologies Oceans and Environment Johnson PA 88 05 Descript Books; paper and paper products; technological innovations; Library of Congress H Comm Appropriations S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# (88-600521) PB88-212410/AS 052-003-01103-4 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 402 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineered organisms: genetic and ecological issues Biological Applications Ellis GB 88 05 Descript Biotechnology; bioethics; genetic engineering; environment H Comm Energy and Commerce; Science, Space and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# (88-600522) PB88-214101/AS 052-003-01104-2 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 403 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Infertility: medical and social choices Biological Applications Ellis GB 88 05 Descript Human fertility; in vitro fertilization; surrogate mothers; reproduction; social costs; fetus; ethics; artificial insemination H Comm Government Operations S Comm Veterans' Affairs LC Call RC889.I5636 1988 NTIS # PB88-196464 GPO# 052-003-01091-7 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 404 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Criminal justice, new technologies, and the constitution Communication and Information Technologies Coates VT 88 05 Descript Administration of criminal justice; rights of institutionalized persons; technological innovations; social costs; constitutional law; civil rights H Comm Judiciary S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# (88-600524) PB88-213921/AS 052-003-01105-1 Doc Type Special report Notes Part of the OTA study on Science, Technology and the Constitution USER File Accession Number 405 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Urban ozone and the Clean Air Act: problems and proposals for change Oceans and Environment Friedman RM 88 04 S Comm Environment and Public Works LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes Part of OTA's assessment "New Clean Air Act Issues"

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USER File Accession Number 406 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract SDI: technology, survivability, and software International Security and Commerce Karas TH 88 05 Descript Space weapons; computer software; ballistic missile defense; Strategic Defense Initiative H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# (87-619857) PB88-236245/AS 052-003-01084-4 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 407 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Seismic verification of nuclear testing treaties International Security and Commerce van der Vink GE 88 05 Descript Nuclear weapons tests; inspection; arms control; seismology H Comm Foreign Affairs; Intelligence S Comm .Intelligence LC Call UA12.5.S45 1988 NTIS # PB88-214853 GPO# 052-003-01108-5 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 408 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Grassroots development: the African Development Foundation Food and Renewable Resources Windle PN 88 06 Descript Agriculture; economic development -Africa; African Development Foundation H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Foreign Affairs; Hunger Foreign Relations HC800.G7 1988 PB88-236252/AS 052-003-01109-3 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 409 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Quality of medical care: information for consumers Health Sisk JE 88 06 Descript Medical care; professional standards review organization (Medicine); law and legislation H Comm Energy and Commerce S Comm Finance LC Call (88-600537) NTIS # GPO# 052-003-01111-4 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 410 Advanced materials by Energy and Materials Eyring G; Bull TE 88 06 design Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Composite materials; international competitiveness; technological innovations; ceramics; industry university relations H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Science, Space, and Technology Commerce, Science, and Transportation TA455.C43A38 1988 PB88-243548 052-003-01095-0 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 411 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Educating scientists and engineers: grade school to grad school Science, Education, and Transportation Chubin DE 88 06 Descript Scientific education; engineering; educational accountability H Comm Science, Space, and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Ql83.3.A1E38 1988 PB88-235973/AS 052-003-01110-7 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 412 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Paying the bill: manufacturing and America's trade deficit Industry, Technology, and Employment Gorte JF 88 06 Descript Balance of trade; international competitiveness; manufacturing productivity; high H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# industries; research and development; industrial technology industries; foreign trade Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Finance; Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs HF3031. P34 1988 PB88-229539 052-003-01124-7 Doc Type Special report Notes Part of OTA's assessment "Technology, innovation, and U.S. trade" USER File Accession Number 413 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Are we cleaning up: 10 Superfund case studies Industry, Technology, and Employment Hirschhorn JS 88 06 Government Operations; Public Works and Transportation; Energy and Commerce Environment and Public Works (88-600545) 052-003-01122-1 Doc Type Special report Notes Part of OTA's assessment on Superfund implementation USER File Accession Number 414 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Commercializing high-temperature superconductivity Industry, Technology, and Employment Alic JA 88 06 Superconductivity; commercialization; technology policy; technology; research and development Science, Space, and Technology Governmental Affairs; Energy and Natural Resources; Commerce, Science and Transportation (88-600535) PB88-246442/AS 052-003-01112-3 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 415 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Analysis of "Buy America" production facilities Oceans and Environment Johnson PA 88 06 Appropriations Appropriations proposals for offshore drilling rigs and Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 416 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Launch options for the International Security DalBello R 88 07 future: a buyer's guide and Commerce Descript Launch vehicles cost; space programs; space policy; space shuttles H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Science, Space, and Technology Commerce, Science, and Transportation (88-600540) 052-003-01117-4 Doc Type Special report Notes USER File Accession Number 417 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Safe skies for tomorrow: aviation safety in a competitive environment Science, Education, and Transportation Page EB 88 07 Aviation safety; aviation accidents; airlines economic aspects; airline law and legislation; air traffic control; aircraft technological innovations; air traffic controllers Public Works and Transportation; Operations TL553.5.S28 1988 052-003-01126-3 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 418 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract New developments in biotechnology: U.S. investment in biotechnology Biological Applications Ellis GB 88 07 Descript Biotechnology; federal aid to research; industry -university relations; commercialization; genetics H Comm Energy and Commerce; Science, Sp~ce, and Technology S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO.# (88-600538) PB88-246939/AS 052-003-01115-8 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 419 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (Northern California Region) Health 88 07 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome -costs; health maintenance organizations; health insurance; information storage and retrieval systems; medical economics Energy and Commerce; Government Operations PB89-116941/AS 052-003-01128-0 Doc Type Paper Notes USER File Accession Number 420 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Institutional protocols for decisions about life-sustaining treatments Biological Applications Maklan CY 88 07 Aging Aging (88-600547) 052-003-01123-9 Doc Type Special report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 421 Title Medical testing and health insurance Program Health Pro Dir Miike Lli Date 88 08 Abstract Descript Medical tests; health insurance; medical technology; medical policy; acquired immune deficiency syndrome H Comm Energy and Commerce; Government Operations S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# (88-600536) PB89-116958/AS 052-003-01113-1 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 422 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Artificial insemination practice in the United States: summary of a 1987 survey Biological Applications Ellis GB 88 08 Government Operations Veterans' Affairs (88-600558) 052-003-01129-8 Doc Type Background paper Notes USER File Accession Number 423 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Selected federal programs in appropriate technology R & D Program Sullivan J 78 10 S Comm Sen Edward M. Kennedy LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Survey Notes

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USER File Accession Number 424 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Power on! New tools for teaching and learning Science, Education, and Transportation Roberts LG 88 09 Educational technology; computers in education; audiovisual education; teaching -technological innovations; educational innovations; computers software Education and Labor (88-600551) 052-003-01125-5 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 425 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Reducing launch operations International Security and DalBello R 88 09 costs: new technologies and practices Commerce Descript Launch vehicles -costs -technological innovations; space policy; H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# space programs Science, Space, and Technology Commerce, Science, and Transportation (88-600539) 052-003-01118-2 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes Companion to "Launch options for the future: a buyer's guide" USER File Accession Number 426 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Gearing up for safety: motor carrier safety in a competitive environment Science, Education, and Transportation Page EB 88 09 Descript Trucks -safety measures; trucking; motor vehicle safety; traffic accidents and safety H Comm Public Works and Transportation; Government Operations S Comm LC Call (88-600549) NTIS # GPO# 052-003-01127-1 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 427 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Pesticide residues in food: technologies and methodologies for detection Food and Renewable Resources Shen S 88 10 Descript Pesticide residues in food; food adulteration and inspection; U.S. H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Food and Drug Administration Energy and Commerce; Agriculture (88-600566) 052-003-01132-8 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 428 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Biology, medicine, and the Bill of Rights Communication and Information Technologies Coates VT 88 09 Descript Constitution; biology; civil liberties; human genetics; medical H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# technology; medical innovations; technology and social problems Judiciary (88-600568) 052-003-01133-6 Doc Type Special report Notes USER File Accession Number 429 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Copper: technology and Energy and Materials Robison J competitiveness S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# 88 09 Copper; international Technology Assessment Technology Assessment HD9539.C6C66 1988 052-003-01107-7 Doc Type Report Notes competitiveness; mineral industries Board Board

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USER File Accession Number 430 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in an electronic age Communication and Information Technologies Wood FB 88 10 Government information; government publications; electronic publishing; information policy; computers and government; U.S. Government Printing Office; U.S. National Technical Information Service; U.S. Superintendent of Documents Joint Committee on Printing; Government Operations; Science, Space, and Technology; Administration Joint Committee on Printing (88-600567) 052-003-01130-l Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 431 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a role for U.S. development assistance Food and Renewable Resources Windle PN 88 09 Descript Agriculture Africa; agricultural innovations; American H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# agricultural assistance Select on Hunger; Science and Technology; Agriculture HD2117.E54 1988 052-003-01092-5 Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 432 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Second report on the Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC) Health Ruby G 88 11 Doc Type Report Notes

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USER File Accession Number 433 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Fourth report (ProPAC) Health Power EJ 88 11 on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission Doc Type Report Notes USER File Accession Number 434 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm Appropriate care for cataract surgery patients before and after surgery: issues of medical safety and appropriateness Health Kemp KB; Boardman B 88 10 S Comm Special Committee on Aging LC Call NTIS # GPO# Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 435 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly Health Wagner JL; Power EJ 88 10 Ways and Means Labor and Human Resources Doc Type Staff paper Notes

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USER File Accession Number 436 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LG Call NTIS # GPO# Evaluation of options for managing greater-than-Class-Clow-level radioactive waste Oceans and Environment McCabe GH 88 10 Environment and Public Works (88-600589) Doc Type Background paper Notes USER File Accession Number 437 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Electronic delivery of public assistance benefits: technology options and policy issues Communication and Information Technologies Regan PM; Winston JD 88 04 Descript Public assistance programs; electronic funds transfers; right of privacy H Comm S Gomm LG Call NTIS # GPO# Labor and Human Resources (88-600544) 052-003-01121-2 Doc Type Background paper Notes USER File Accession Number 438 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript Issues in medical waste management Oceans and Environment Levenson H; Wagner K 88 10 H Gomm Science, Space, and Technology S Gomm LG Call (88-600595) NTIS # GPO# 052-003-01138-7 Doc Type Background paper Notes

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USER File Accession Number 439 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Potential biological and electronic effects of Empress II International Security and Commerce Fainberg T 88 11 Cong. Walter H. Jones Doc Type Staff paper Notes USER File Accession Number 440 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Drug labeling in developing and newly industrialized countries, phase I Health Gelband H 88 12 Energy and Commerce Labor and Human Resources Doc Type Interim Report Notes USER File Accession Number 441 Title Program Pro Dir Date Abstract Descript H Comm S Comm LC Call NTIS # GPO# Elementary and secondary education for science and engineering Science, Education, and Transportation Chubin DE 88 12 Science and Technology (88-600594) 052-003-01141-7 Doc Type Technical memorandum Notes

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ACC. NO. OTA REPORTS INDEX BY TITLE 1/9/89 TITLE 1 Acid rain and transported ~ir pollutants: implications for public policy 410 Advanced materials by design 146 Africa tomorrow: issues in technology, agriculture, and U.S. forei gn aid 71 Agreement governing the activities of states on the moon and other celestial bodies 24 Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics resear ch 391 Aids and health insurance an OTA survey 25 Airport and air traffic control system 2 Airport system development 243 Alternative approaches to cargo policy: a supplement to an assessm ent of maritime trade and technology 195 Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural gas im ports-background paper 26 Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural gas im ports 291 Alternatives to animal use in research, testing, and education 68 Analyses of effects of limited nuclear warfare 415 Analysis of "Buy America" proposals for offshore drilling rigs and production facilities 28 Analysis of laws governing access across Federal lands: options fo r access in Alaska 175 Analysis of oil tanker casualties, 1969-1974 229 Analysis of the ERDA plan and program 230 Analysis of the feasibility of separating exploration from product ion of oil and gas on the outer continental shelf 27 Analysis of the impacts of the projected natural gas curtailments for the winter 1975-76 384 Analysis of the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the o zone layer

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377 Analysis of the ozone nonattainment provisions of the "Clean Air S tandards Attainment Act of 1987" 29 Analysis of the proposed national energy plan 346 Annual report to the Congress 287 Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasures, and arms control 197 Anticipating the impacts of legislation: implementing Senate Rule 29.5 requiring regulatory impact statements 196 Application of solar technology to today's energy needs-vol. I & II 174 Applications of R & Din the civil sector: the opportunity provide d by the Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 434 Appropriate care for cataract surgery patients before and after su rgery: issues of medical safety and appropriateness 413 Are we cleaning up: 10 Superfund case studies 248 Arms control in space 422 Artificial insemination practice in the United States: summary of a 1987 survey 316 Assessing biological diversity in the United States: data consider ations 30 Assessing the efficacy and safety of medical technologies 31 Assessment of alternative economic stockpiling policies 32 Assessment of alternatives for a national computerized criminal hi story system 176 Assessment of community planning for mass transit 177 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Atlanta case stu dy 187 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-bibliography 178 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Boston case stud y 179 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Chicago case stu dy 180 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Denver case stud y 181 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Los Angeles case study 182 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Minneapolis/St. Paul case study

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183 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-San Francisco ca se study 184 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Seattle case stu dy 186 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-technical report 185 Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Washington, D.C. case study 207 Assessment of development and production potential of Federal coal leases 33 Assessment of information systems capabilities required to support U.S. materials policy decisions 34 Assessment of maritime trade and technology 35 Assessment of oil shale technologies 163 Assessment of technologies for determining cancer risks from thee nvironm.ent 162 Assessment of technology for local development 36 Assessment of the United States food and agricultural research sys tem 231 Automated guideway transit: an assessment of PRT and other new sys tems 37 Automatic train control in rail rapid transit 279 Automation and robotics for the space station: phase B considerati ons 38 Automation and the workplace: selected labor, education, and train ing issues 296 Automation of America's offices, 1985-2000 228 Automobile collision data: an assessment of needs and methods of a cquisition 152 Automobile update: facts and figures 288 Ballistic missile defense technologies 39 Benefits of increased use of continuous casting by the U.S. steel industry 428 Biology, medicine, and the Bill of Rights 144 Blood policy and technology 379 Bone marrow transplantation using unrelated donors: current clinic al status and policy issues

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I 401 I I 353 I I 11 I I 380 I I I 40 I I 345 I I 42 I I 3 I I 313 I I 43 I I 189 I I I I 4 I I 393 I I 359 I I 414 I I 344 I I 44 I I 45 166 46 5 47 361 142 335 429 Book preservation technologies Border war on drugs Boston elbow: health technology case study no. 29 Breast cancer screening for Medicare beneficiaries: Effectiveness, costs to Medicare and medical resources required Cancer testing technology and saccharin Children's mental health: problems and services Civilian space policy and applications Civilian space stations and the U.S. future in space Clinical staffing in the Indian health service Coal exports and port development Coastal effects of offshore energy systems: an assessment of oil and gas systems, deepwater ports, and nuclear powerplants off the coast of New Jersey and Delaware Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis Commercial development of tests for human genetic disorders Commercial newsgathering from space Commercializing high-temperature superconductivity Communications and rural America Comparative anlaysis of the 1976 ERDA plan and program Compensation for vaccine-related injuries Computer technology in medical education and assessment I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Computer-based national information systems: technology and public I policy issues I Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, education, and the workplace Conservation and solar energy programs of the Department of Energy : a critique Construction and materials research and development for the nation 's public works Contact lens industry--structure, competition, and public policy: health technology case study no. 31 Continuing the commitment: agricultural development in the Sahel Copper: technology and competitiveness I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

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214 Cost effectiveness of digital subtraction angiography in the diagn osis of cerebrovascular disease: health technology case study no. 34 48 Cost effectiveness of influenza vaccination 357 Costs of AIDS and other HIV infections: review of the estimates 404 Criminal justice, new technologies, and the constitution 49 Criteria for evaluating the implementation plan required by the Ea rthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 325 Critical analysis of delayed effects of the military draft mortali ty 376 Defending secrets, sharing data: new locks and keys for electronic information 394 Defense technology base: introduction and overview 295 Demographic trends and the scientific and engineering work force 50 Development of medical technology: opportunities for assessment 247 Direct interest participation in the regulatory decision process: lessons learned from two LNG safety standards 167 Direct use of coal 149 Directed energy missile defense in space 237 Displaced homemakers: programs and policy 373 Do insects transmit aids? 232 Drug bioequivalence 440 Drug labeling in developing and newly -industrialized countries, phase I 52 Drugs in livestock feed 411 Educating scientists and engineers: grade school to grad school 213 Effectiveness and cost of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysi s (CAPD): health technology case study no. 35 53 Effectiveness a~d costs of alcoholism treatment: health technology case study no. 22 311 Effects of decontrol on old gas recovery 58 Effects of information technology on financial services systems 54 Effects of nuclear war 292 Effects of replacing lead with aromatic versus alcohol octane enha ncers in gasoline

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437 Electronic delivery of public assistance benefits: technology opti ons and policy issues 372 Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions 441 Elementary and secondary education for science and engineering 168 Emerging food marketing technologies: a preliminary analysis 170 Energy efficiency of buildings in cities 169 Energy from biological processes 245 Energy from open ocean kelp farms 212 Energy technology transfer to China 233 Energy, the economy, and mass transit 173 Engineering implications of chronic materials scarcity 55 Enhanced oil recovery potential in the U~ited States 431 Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a role for U.S. development assis tance 171 Environmental contaminants in food 222 Environmental issues affecting the Panama Canal 7 Environmental protection in the Federal coal leasing program 56 Establishing a 200-mile fisheries zone 436 Evaluation of options for managing greater-than-Class-Clow-level radioactive waste 57 Evaluation of railroad safety 164 Evaluation of the feasibility of studying long-term health effects in atomic veterans 172 Exploratory workshop on the social impacts of robotics: summary an d issues 62 Feasibility and value of broadband communications in rural areas: a preliminary evaluation 362 Federal funding for artificial intelligence research and developme nt 234 Federal funding of rail rehabilitation: a review of alternative ap proaches 318 Federal government information technology: electronic record syste ms and individual privacy 217 Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance and civil liberties

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284 Federal government information technology: management, security, and congressional oversight 8 Federal policies and the medical devices industry 389 Federal regulation and animal patents 235 Financial viability of Conrail: review and analysis 382 First report on the Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC) 322 First report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (Pro PAC) 61 Food information systems 63 Food information systems: summary and analysis 64 Forecasts of physician supply and requirements 433 Fourth report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (Pr oPAC) 360 From pollution to prevention: a progress report on waste reduction 65 Gasohol 426 Gearing up for safety: motor carrier safety in a competitive envir onment 66 Global models, world futures, and public policy: a critique 194 Government involvement in the innovation process: a contractor's r eport to the Office of Technology Assessment 285 Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in the United Stat es 408 Grassroots development: the African Development Foundation 145 Groundwater protection standards for hazardous waste land disposal facilities: will they prevent more superfund sites 67 Habitability of the Love Canal area: an analysis of the technical basis for the decision on the habitability of the emergency declar ation area 236 Health of the scientific and technical enterprise: an advisory pan el report to the Office of Technology Assessment 392 Healthy children: investing in the future 302 Hearing impairment and elderly people 314 Hemodialysis equipment and disposables industry: health technology case study no. 32 375 Hospital information systems at the Veterans Administration 395 How effective is AIDS education?

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141 Human gene therapy 383 Identifying and regulating carcinogens 156 Impact of a Department of Education on Federal science and technol ogy activities 273 Impact of advanced air transport technology: part !--advanced high -speed aircraft 274 Impact of advanced air transport technology: part 11--the air carg o system 275 Impact of advanced air transport technology: part 111--air service to small communities 276 Impact of advanced air transport technology: part IV--financing an d program alternatives for advanced high-speed aircraft 69 Impact of advanced group rapid transit technology 419 Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (Nort hem California Region) 244 Impact of inflation on the federal r & d investment 155 Impact of randomized clinical trials on health policy and medical practice 271 Impacts of applied genetics: micro-organisms, plants, and animals 198 Impacts of neuroscience 272 Impacts of technology on U.S. cropland and rangeland productivity 264 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: elective hysterectomy--costs, risks, and benefits 265 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the costs and effectiveness of nurse practitioners 263 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: cost benefit/cost effectiveness of medical technologies--a case st udy of orthopedic joint implants 261 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: assessing selected respiratory therapy modalites--trends and relat ive costs in the Washington, D.C. area 262 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging and cost.effectiveness 253 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: cost effectiveness of automated multichannel chemistry analyzers 254 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: periodontal diseases--assessing the effectiveness and costs of the Keyes technique

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251 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the feasibility of economic evaluation of diagnostic procedure--th e case of CT scanning 199 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: methodological issues arid literature review 250 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: formal analysis, policy formulation, and end-stage renal disease 255 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the cost effectiveness of bone marrow transplant therapy and its p olicy implications 259 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the costs and effectiveness of neonatal intensive care 260 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: benefit-and-cost analysis of medical interventions--the case of c imetidine and peptic ulcer disease 258 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the artificial heart--cost; risks, and benefits 256 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: allocating costs and benefits in disease prevention programs--an a pplication to cervical cancer screening 257 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the cost effectiveness of upper gastronintestinal endoscopy 269 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: four common x-ray procedures--problems and prospects for economic evaluation 341 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: Health technology case study no. 37: nurse practitioners, physicia n assistants and certified nurse-midwives--a policy analysis 70 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology 266 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: surgery for breast cancer 267 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the efficacy and cost effectiveness of psychotherapy 268 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the management of health care technology in ten countries 252 Implications of cost-effectiveness anlaysis of medical technology: screening for colon cancer--a technology assessment 270 Implications of electronic mail and message systems for the U.S. P ostal Service 80 Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternat ives for reducing oil imports--environmental issues of synthetic transportation fuels from coal-background report

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79 Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternat ive for reducing oil imports--environmental issues for synthetic transportation fuels from coal 81 Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternat ives for reducing oil imports--water availability for synthetic fu els-an assessment of current studies 78 Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternat ives for reducing oil imports--selected technical and economic com parisions of synfuel options 76 Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternat ive for reducing oil imports 309 Indian health care 72 Industrial and commercial cogeneration 73 Industrial energy use 403 Infertility: medical and social choices 75 Information content of premanufacture notices 150 Information technology R & D: critical trends and issues 74 Informational technology and its impact on American education 430 Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in an elec tronic age 246 Innovative biological technologies for lesser developed countries 420 Institutional protocols for decisions about life-sustaining treatm ents 349 Integrated renewable resource management for U.S. insular areas 315 Intellectual property rights in an age of electronics and informat ion 10 Intensive care units (ICUs)--clinical outcomes, costs, and decisio nmaking: health technology case study no. 28 367 International competition in services: banking, building, software know-how 60 International competitiveness in electronics 192 International cooperation and competition in civilian space activi ties 59 Issues and options in flood hazards management 438 Issues in medical waste management 386 Issues relevant to NCIC (National Crime Information Center) 2000 p roposals

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416 Launch options for the future: a buyer's guide 369 Life-sustaining technologies and the elderly 351 Losing a million minds: confronting the tragedy of alzheimer's dis ease and other dementias 82 Management of fuel and nonfuel minerals in Federal land 201 Managing the nation's commercial high-level radioactive waste 399 Mapping our genes. Genome projects: How big? How fast? 283 Marine applications for fuel cell technology 368 Marine minerals: exploring our new ocean frontier 9 Market for wheelchairs--innovations and Federal policy: health tee hnology case study no. 30 83 Materials and energy from municipal waste 190 Medical devices and the Veterans Administration 51 Medical technology and costs of the medicare program: Diagnosis re lated groups (DRGs) and the Medicare program: implications for med ical technology 200 Medical technology and the cost of the medicare program 84 Medical technology under proposals to increase competition in heal th care 421 Medical testing and health insurance 293 Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies for evaluating c ost, quality and medical technology 85 MEDLARS and health information policy 301 Microelectronics research and development 86 MX missile basing 385 Neonatal intensive care for low birthweight infants: costs and eff activeness 402 New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineered organi sms: genetic and ecological issues 350 New developments in biotechnology: ownership of human tissues and cells 358 New developments in biotechnology: public perceptions of biotechno logy 418 New developments in biotechnology: U.S. investment in biotechnolog y 211 New electric power technologies: problems and prospects for the 19 80s

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332 New structural materials technologies: opportunities for the use of advanced ceramics and composites 364 New technology for NATO: implementing follow-on forces attack 87 Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: classifying for hazard mana gement 139 Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology--a clinical, industr ial, and policy analysis: health technology case study no. 27 13 Nuclear power in an age of uncertainty 88 Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors 89 Nuclear proliferation and safeguards 90 Nutrition research alternatives 331 Ocean incineration: its role in managing hazardous waste 91 Ocean margin drilling 202 Oil and gas technologies for the Arctic and deepwater 238 Oil transportation by tankers: an analysis of marine pollution and safety measures 92 Open shelf-life dating of food 93 Organizing and financing basic research to increase food productio n 396 OTA priorities 1979 312 OTA review of the Missouri dioxin task force recommendations conce rning the management of contaminated soil 343 OTA workshop on cargo policy, December 3 and 4, 1984: panelist's p resentations and summary of discussion 307 Passive smoking in the workplace: selected issues 94 Patent-term extension and the pharmaceutical industry 95 Patterns and trends in Federal coal lease ownership, 1950-80 412 Paying the bill: manufacturing and America's trade deficit 282 Payment for physician services: strategies for medicare 308 Payment for physician services: strategies for medicare: Health te chnology case study no. 36: effects of federal policies on extraco rporeal shock wave lithotripsy 96 Perspectives on Federal retail food grading 97 Pest management strategies in crop protection

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427 Pesticide residues in food: technologies and methodologies for det ection 333 Plant closing: advance notice and rapid response 98 Plants: the potentials for extracting protein, medicines, and othe r useful chemicals 101 Policy implications of medical information systems 99 Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner 100 Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner: an up date 102 Postmarketing surveillance of prescription drugs 439 Potential biological and electronic effects of Empress II 299 Potential effects of section 3 of the Federal Coal Leasing Amendme nts Act of 1976 424 Power on! New tools for teaching and learning 6 Preliminary analysis of the demographic trends influencing the ele mentary and secondary school system 103 Preliminary analysis of the IRS Tax Administration System 239 Preliminary assessment of the National Crime Information Center an d the computerized criminal history systems 354 Preparing for science and engineering careers: field level profile s 204 Preventing illness and injury in the workplace 310 Proceedings of a workshop on wear control to achieve product liabi lity 104 Proceedings of the OTA seminar on the Discrete Address Beacon Syst em (DABS) 203 Protecting the nation's groundwater from contamination-vol. I & II 188 Quality and relevance of research and related activities at the Go rgas Memorial Laboratory 409 Quality of medical care: information for consumers 240 R & Din the maritime industry: a supplement to an assessment of m aritime trade and technology 105 Radiofrequency use and management: impacts from the World Administ rative Radio Conference of 1979 106 Railroad safety--U.S./Canadian comparison 107 Recent developments in ocean thermal energy

PAGE 165

280 Reclaiming prime farmland~ and other high-quality croplands after surface coal mining 425 Reducing launch operations costs: new technologies and practices 153 Regional implications of transported air pollutants: an assessment of acidic deposition and ozone-vol. I & II 286 Regulatory environment for science 15 Remote sensing and the private sector: issues for discussion 108 Renewable ocean energy sources: ocean thermal energy conversions 151 Replacing the Rosebud Sioux Hospital: number of beds and whether a surgical suite is needed 294 Reproductive health hazards in the workplace 281 Reproductive health hazards in the workplace: selected aspects of reproductive health hazards regulation 23 Requirements for fulfilling a national materials policy 303 Research funding as an investment: can we measure the returns 109 Residential energy conservation 206 Review of methodologies for nutrition research 242 Review of national railroad issues 324 Review of ocean thermal energy systems 16 Review of postal automation strategy: a technical and decision ana lysis 111 Review of selected Federal vaccine and immunization policies: base don case studies of pneumococcal vaccine 289 Review of the consent decree for cleanup of PCBs in Indiana 110 Review of the FAA 1982 National Airspace System Plan 205 Review of the Public Health Service's response to AIDS 112 Review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY 1976 through 1980 326 Review of U.S. competitiveness in agricultural trade 113 Role of demonstrations in federal R & D policy 114 Role of genetic testing in the prevention of occupational diseases 339 Role of U.S. development assistance in maintaining biological dive rsity in developing countries 417 Safe skies for tomorrow: aviation safety in~ competitive environm ent

PAGE 166

115 Safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness of therapeutic apheresis: health technology case study no. 23 17 SALYUT: Soviet steps toward permanent human presence in space 371 Science, technology, and the constitution 388 Science, technology, and the First Amendment 340 Scientific equipment for undergraduates: is it adequate 208 Scientific validity of polygraph testing: a research review and ev aluation 435 Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly 406 SDI: technology, survivability, and software 432 Second report on the Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC) 306 Second report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (Pr oPAC) 407 Seismic verification of nuclear testing treaties 116 Selected electronic funds transfer issues: privacy, security, and equity 423 Selected federal programs in appropriate technology 117 Selected topics in Federal health statistics 327 Serious reduction of hazardous waste: for pollution prevention and industrial efficiency 165 Smoking-related deaths and financial costs 330 Social Security Administration and information technology 118 Solar power satellites 119 Space science research in the United States 337 Space stations and the law: selected legal issues 378 Starpower: The U.S. and the international quest for fusion energy 387 State educational testing practices 338 Status of biomedical research and related technology for tropical diseases 120 Status report on the gas potential from devonian shales of the App alachian Basin 209 Strategic materials: technologies to reduce U.S. import vulnerabil ity

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121 Strategies for medical technology assessment 12 Stringfellow superfund site: engineering case study 305 Subseabed disposal 0 high-level radioactive waste 300 Supercomputers: government plans and policies 210 Superfund strategy 122 Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of degraded la nds 123 Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S. and international insti tutions 77 Synthetic fuels for transportation: the future potential of electr ic and hybrid vehicles 124 Taggants in explosives 125 Technical options for conservation of metals: case studies of sele cted metals and products 304 Technical questions regarding plastic firearms 241 Technological issues of the 80's (other than energy or military) 216 Technologies and management strategies for hazardous waste control 329 Technologies for detecting heritable mutations in human beings 191 Technologies for managing urinary incontinence: health technology case study no. 33 321 Technologies for NATO's follow-on forces attack concept 328 Technologies for prehistoric and historic preservation 365 Technologies for the preservation of prehistoric and historic land scapes 374 Technologies for underwater archaeology and maritime preservation 215 Technologies to benefit agriculture and wildlife 356 Technologies to maintain biological diversity 18 Technologies to sustain tropical forest resources 218 Technology and aging in America 129 Technology and East-West trade 130 Technology and East-West trade: an update 131 Technology and handicapped people 143 Technology and handicapped people: Health technology case study no 26: assistive devices for severe speech impairments

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140 Technology and handicapped people: Health technology case study no 25: technology and learning disabilities 132 Technology and handicapped people: Mandatory passive restraint sys terns in automobiles: issues and evidence 133 Technology and handicapped people: Selected telecommunications dev ices for hearing-impaired persons 134 Technology and oceanography: an assessment of Federal technologies for oceanographic research and monitoring 135 Technology and Soviet energy availability 136 Technology and steel industry competitiveness 290 Technology and structural unemployment: reemploying displaced adul ts 400 Technology and the American economic transition: choices for the f uture 319 Technology and the future of the U.S. construction industry 126 Technology assessment activities in the industrial, academic, and governmental communities. 342 Technology assessment candidates and priorities 127 Technology assessment in business and government 41 Technology assessment of changes in the future use and characteris tics of the automobile transportation system 128 Technology assessment of coal slurry pipelines 347 Technology dependant children: hospital vs. home care 137 Technology transfer at the National Institutes of Health 366 Technology transfer to China 19 Technology transfer to the Middle East 20 Technology, innovation, and regional economic development 219 Technology, innovation, and regional economic development: census of state government initiatives for high-technology industrial dev elopment 278 Technology, innovation, and regional economic development: encoura ging high-technology development 298 Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture 193 Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture: a special report for the 1985 farm bill

PAGE 169

147 Technology, renewable resources, and American crafts 334 Technology, trade, and the U.S. residential construction industry 14 Telecommunication technology and public policy 249 Telecommunications in the U.S. Pacific Islands 381 Third report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (Pro PAC) 363 Trade adjustment assistance: new ideas for an old program 336 Trade in services: exports and foreign revenues 390 Transgenic animals 320 Transportation of hazardous materials 297 Transportation of hazardous materials: state and local activities 138 Transportation of liquefied natural gas 398 Treaty-compliant accidental launch protection system 355 Trends and status of computers in schools: use in chapter 1 progra ms and use with limited English proficient students 158 U.S. disaster assistance to developing countries: lessons applicab le to U.S. domestic disaster programs 157 U.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparison of steel, electronic s, and automobiles 221 U.S. natural gas availability: conventional gas supply through the year 2000 154 U.S. natural gas availability: gas supply through the year 2000 370 U.S. oil production: the effect of low oil prices 148 U.S. passenger rail technologies 348 U.S. textile and apparel industry: a revolution in progress 21 U.S. vulnerability to an oil import curtailment 223 U.S.-Soviet cooperation in space 220 UNISPACE '82: a context for international cooperation and competit ion 277 Update of Federal activities regarding the use of pneumococcal vac cine 405 Urban ozone and the Clean Air Act: problems and proposals for chan ge 323 Use of biomedical tests in paternity determination

PAGE 170

159 Use of models for water resources management, planning, and policy 397 Using desalination technologies for water treatment 224 Variations in hospital length of stay--their relationship to healt h outcomes: health technology case study no. 24 352 Wastes in marine environments 225 Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/sem iarid lands: selected foreign experience 226 Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in U.S. ari d/semiarid lands 317 Western surface mine permitting and reclamation 22 Wetlands: their use and regulation 227 Wood use: U.S. competitiveness and technology-vol. I & II 160 World petroleum availability 1980-2000 161 World population and fertility planning technologies: the next 20 years

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OTA REPORTS INDEX BY PROGRAM 1/9/89 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------ACC. NO. 346 396 343 241 68 291 422 4 389 302 141 198 403 420 369 351 399 402 350 418 358 294 281 114 218 390 323 32 38 296 428 46 5 404 376 58 437 372 172 362 284 318 217 375 270 150 74 430 315 386 301 PROGRAM Ad Hoc committee Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Biological Applications Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te TITLE Annual report to the Congress OTA priorities 1979 OTA workshop on cargo policy, Technologica1 issues of the 80 Analyses of effects of limited Alternatives to animal use in Artificial insemination practi Commercial biotechnology: an i Federal regulation and animal Hearing impairment and elderly Human gene therapy Impacts of neuroscience Infertility: medical and socia Institutional protocols for de Life-sustaining technologies a Losing a million minds: confro Mapping our genes. Genome proj New developments in biotechnol New developments in biotechnol New developments in biotechnol New developments in biotechnol Reproductive health hazards in Reproductive health hazards in Role of genetic testing in the Technology and aging in Americ Transgenic animals Use of biomedical tests in pat Assessment of alternatives for Automation and the workplace: Automation of America's office Biology, medicine, and the Bil Computer-based national inform Computerized manufacturing aut Criminal justice, new technolo Defending secrets, sharing dat Effects of information technol Electronic delivery of public Electronic supervisor: new tee Exploratory workshop on the so Federal funding for artificial Federal government information Federal government information Federal government information Hospital information systems a Implications of electronic mai Information technology R & D: Informational technology and i Informing the nation: federal Intellectual property rights i Issues relevant to NCIC (Natio Microelectronics research and

PAGE 172

94 105 16 371 388 116 330 300 249 195 26 229 27 29 196 44 47 167 170 169 55 65 81 78 79 76 80 72 73 88 89 109 112 118 120 77 128 160 410 429 311 292 7 211 332 13 299 280 378 328 365 374 221 154 370 21 317 361 197 49 Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Communication and Information Te Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials Energy and Materials; Science, E Exploratory Group Exploratory Group Patent-term extension and the Radiofrequency use and managem Review of postal automation st Science, technology, and the c Science, technology, and the F Selected electronic funds tran Social Security Administration Supercomputers: government pla Telecommunications in the U.S. Alternative energy futures: th Alternative energy futures: th Analysis of the ERDA plan and Analysis of the impacts of the Analysis of the proposed natio Application of solar technolog Comparative anlaysis of the 19 Conservation and solar energy Direct use of coal Energy efficiency of buildings Energy from biological process Enhanced oil recovery potentia Gasohol Increased automobile fuel effi Increased automobile fuel effi Increased automobile fuel effi Increased automobile fuel effi Increased automobile fuel effi Industrial and commercial coge Industrial energy use Nuclear powerplant standardiza Nuclear proliferation and safe Residential energy conservatio Review of the U.S. Environment Solar power satellites Status report on the gas poten Synthetic fuels for transporta Technology assessment of coal World petroleum availability 1 Advanced materials by design Copper: technology and competi Effects of decontrol on old ga Effects of replacing lead with Environmental protection in th New electric power technologie New structural materials techn Nuclear power in an age of unc Potential effects of section 3 Reclaiming prime farmlands and Starpower: The U.S. and the in Technologies for prehistoric a Technologies for the preservat Technologies for underwater ar U.S. natural gas availability: U.S. natural gas availability: U.S. oil production: the effec U.S. vulnerability to an oil i Western surface mine permittin Construction and materials res Anticipating the impacts of le Criteria for evaluating the im

PAGE 173

59 6 126 342 127 158 36 52 168 171 61 63 90 93 96 146 24 316 335 431 285 408 272 246 349 92 97 427 98 206 339 122 123 215 356 18 298 193 147 226 225 19~ 391 434 30 163 144 379 11 380 40 345 313 393 45 166 142 214 48 357 Exploratory Group Exploratory Group Exploratory Group Exploratory Group Exploratory Group Exploratory Group Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Food and Renewable Resources Government Policies for Innovati Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Issues and options in flood ha Preliminary analysis of the de Technology assessment activiti Technology assessment candidat Technology assessment in busin U.S. disaster assistance to de Assessment of the United State Drugs in livestock feed Emerging food marketing techno Environmental contaminants in Food information systems Food information systems: summ Nutrition research alternative Organizing and financing basic Perspectives on Federal retail Africa tomorrow: issues in tee Agricultural postharvest techn Assessing biological diversity Continuing the commitment: agr Enhancing agriculture in Afric Grassroots conservation of bio Grassroots development: the Af Impacts of technology on U.S. Innovative biological technolo Integrated renewable resource Open shelf-life dating of food Pest management strategies in Pesticide residues in food: te Plants: the potentials for ext Review of methodologies for nu Role of U.S. development assis Sustaining tropical forest res Sustaining tropical forest res Technologies to benefit agricu Technologies to maintain biolo Technologies to sustain tropic Technology, public policy, and Technology, public policy, and Technology, renewable resource Water-related technologies for Water-related technologies for Government involvement in the Aids and health insurance -an Appropriate care for cataract Assessing the efficacy and saf Assessment of technologies for Blood policy and technology Bone marrow transplantation us Boston elbow: health technolog Breast cancer screening for Me Cancer testing technology and Children's mental health: prob Clinical staffing in the India Commercial development of test Compensation for vaccine-relat Computer technology in medical Contact lens industry--structu Cost effectiveness of digital Cost effectiveness of influenz Costs of AIDS and other HIV in

PAGE 174

I 325 I Health Critical analysis of delayed e I so I Health Development of medical technol I 373 I Health Do insects transmit aids? I 232 I Health Drug bioequivalence I 440 I Health I Drug labeling in developing an I 213 I Health I "Effectiveness and cost of cont I 53 I Health I Effectiveness and costs of ale I 8 I Health I Federal policies and the medic I 382 I Health I First report on the Physician I 322 I Health I First report on the Prospectiv I 64 I Health Forecasts of physician supply I 433 I Health Fourth report on the Prospecti I 392 I Health Healthy children: investing in I 314 I Health Hemodialysis equipment and dis I 395 I Health How effective is AIDS educatio I 383 I Health Identifying and regulating car I 419 I Health Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser P I 155 I Health Impact of randomized clinical I 264 I Health Implications of cost-effective 262 I Health Implications of cost-effective 261 I Health Implications of cost-effective 263 I Health Implications of cost-effective 253 I Health Implications of cost-effective 254 I Health Implications of cost-effective 265 I Health Implications of cost-effective 341 I Health Implications of cost-effective 70 I Health Implications of cost-effective 257 I Health Implications of cost-effective 269 I Health Implications of cost-effective 268 I Health Implications of cost-effective 252 I Health Implications of cost-effective 266 I Health Implications of cost-effective 267 I Health Implications of cost-effective 250 I Health Implications of cost-effective 255 I Health Implications of cost-effective 251 I Health Implications of cost-effective 199 I Health Implications of cost-effective 258 I Health Implications of cost-effective 256 I Health Implications of cost-effective 259 I Health Implications of cost-effective 260 I Health Implications of cost-effective 309 I Health Indian health care 75 I Health Information content of premanu 10 I Health Intensive care units (ICUs)--c 9 I Health Market for wheelchairs--innova 190 I Health Medical devices and the Vetera 51 I Health Medical technology and costs o 200 I Health Medical technology and the cos 84 I Health Medical technology under propo 421 I Health Medical testing and health ins 293 I Health Medicare's prospective payment 85 I Health MEDLARS and health information 385 I Health Neonatal intensive care for lo 139 I Health Nuclear magnetic resonance ima 307 I Health Passive smoking in the workpla 308 I Health Payment for physician services 282 I Health Payment for physician services 101 I Health Policy implications of medical 99 I Health Policy implications of the com 100 I Health Policy implications of the com

PAGE 175

102 204 188 409 151 111 205 115 208 435 432 306 117 165 338 121 329 191 131 143 140 132 133 347 137 381 277 224 271 161 413 414 237 360 145 367 312 412 333 289 327 209 12 210 290 363 336 227 287 248 288 359 394 149 212 60 192 416 86 364 Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Human Resources Human Resources Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ Industry, Technology, and Employ International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme Postmarketing surveillance of Preventing illness and injury Quality and relevance of resea Quality of medical care: infor Replacing the Rosebud Sioux Ho Review of selected Federal vac Review of the Public Health Se Safety, efficacy, and cost eff Scientific validity of polygra Screening for open-angle glauc Second report on the Physician Second report on the Prospecti Selected topics in Federal hea Smoking-related deaths and fin Status of biomedical research Strategies for medical technol Technologies for detecting her Technologies for managing urin Technology and handicapped peo Technology and handicapped peo Technology and handicapped peo Technology and handicapped peo Technology and handicapped peo Technology dependant children: Technology transfer at the Nat Third report on the Prospectiv Update of Federal activities r Variations in hospital length Impacts of applied genetics: m Yorld population and fertility Are we cleaning up: 10 Superfu Commercializing high-temperatu Displaced homemakers: programs From pollution to prevention: Groundwater protection standar International competition ins OTA review of the Missouri dio Paying the bill: manufacturing Plant closing: advance notice Review of the consent decree f Serious reduction of hazardous Strategic materials: technolog Stringfellow superfund site: e Superfund strategy Technology and structural unem Trade adjustment assistance: n Trade in services: exports and Yood use: U.S. competitiveness Anti-satellite weapons, counte Arms control in space Ballistic missile defense tech Commercial newsgathering from Defense technology base: intro Directed energy missile defens Energy technology transfer to International competitiveness International cooperation and Launch options for the future: MX missile basing New technology for NATO: imple

PAGE 176

439 425 15 406 407 337 124 321 130 129 135 366 19 398 157 220 28 31 207 33 35 39 173 67 82 83 87 95 310 23 125 216 136 54 175 230 189 56 91 238 107 108 138 1 243 415 384 377 34 401 353 43 245 222 436 438 201 283 368 331 International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme International Security and Comme Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials Materials National Security Oceans Oceans Oceans Oceans Oceans Oceans Oceans Oceans Oceans Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Potential biological and elect Reducing launch operations cos Remote sensing and the private SDI: technology, survivability Seismic verification of nuclea Space stations and the law: se Taggants in explosives Technologies for NATO's follow Technology and East-West trade Technology and East-West trade Technology and Soviet energy a Technology transfer to China Technology transfer to the Mid Treaty-compliant accidental la U.S. industrial competitivenesUNISPACE '82: a context for in Analysis of laws governing ace Assessment of alternative econ Assessment of development and Assessment of information syst Assessment of oil shale techno Benefits of increased use of c Engineering implications of ch Habitability of the Love Canal Management of fuel and nonfuel Materials and energy from muni Nonnuclear industrial hazardou Patterns and trends in Federal Proceedings of a workshop on w Requirements for fulfilling a Technical options for conserva Technologies and management st Technology and steel industry Effects of nuclear war Analysis of oil tanker casualt Analysis of the feasibility of Coastal effects of offshore en Establishing a 200-mile fisher Ocean margin drilling Oil transportation by tankers: Recent developments in ocean t Renewable ocean energy sources Transportation of liquefied na Acid rain and transported air Alternative approaches to carg Analysis of "Buy America" prop Analysis of the Montreal Proto Analysis of the ozone nonattai Assessment of maritime trade a Book preservation technologies Border war on drugs Coal exports and port developm Energy from open ocean kelp fa Environmental issues affecting Evaluation of options for mana Issues in medical waste manage Managing the nation's commerci Marine applications for fuel c Marine minerals: exploring our Ocean incineration: its role i

PAGE 177

202 203 240 153 324 305 304 134 405 159 397 352 22 174 162 247 236 156 244 113 423 295 411 441 426 424 354 286 303 417 340 387 320 297 355 25 2 279 152 42 3 110 17 119 20 219 278 148 223 164 326 400 319 334 348 71 103 239 14 180 Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment Oceans and Environment R & D R & D R & D R&D R & D R & D R & D R & D Program Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Ed~cation, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Education, and Transpor Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Science, Transportation, and Inn Special Projects Technology and the American Econ Technology and the American Econ Technology and the American Econ Technology and the American Econ Technology and the American Econ Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Telecommunications Transportation Oil and gas technologies fort Protecting the nation's ground R & Din the maritime industry Regional implications of trans Review of ocean thermal energy Subseabed disposal of high-lev Technical questions regarding Technology and oceanography: a Urban ozone and the Clean Air Use of models for water resour Using desalination technologie Wastes in marine environments Wetlands: their use and regula Applications of R & Din the c Assessment of technology for 1 Direct interest participation Health of the scientific and t Impact of a Department of Educ Impact of inflation on the fed Role of demonstrations in fede Selected federal programs in a Demographic trends and the sci Educating scientists and engin Elementary and secondary educa Gearing up for safety: motor c Power on! New tools for teachi Preparing for science and engi Regulatory environment for sci Research funding as an investm Safe skies for tomorrow: aviat Scientific equipment for under State educational testing prac Transportation of hazardous ma Transportation of hazardous ma Trends and status of computers Airport and air traffic contro Airport system development Automation and robotics for th Automobile update: facts and f Civilian space policy and appl Civilian space stations and th Review of the FAA 1982 Nationa SALYUT: Soviet steps toward pe Space science research in the Technology, innovation, and re Technology, innovation, and re Technology, innovation, and re U.S. passenger rail technologi U.S.-Soviet cooperation in spa Evaluation of the feasibility Review of U.S. competitiveness Technology and the American ec Technology and the future oft Technology, trade, and the U.S U.S. textile and apparel indus Agreement governing the activi Preliminary analysis of the IR Preliminary assessment of the Telecommunication technology a Assessment of community planni

PAGE 178

182 181 177 176 187 179 178 184 186 185 183 231 37 228 344 233 57 62 234 235 66 275 276 273 274 69 104 106 242 41 Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation Assessment of community planni Assessment of community planni Assessment of community planni Assessment of community planni Assessment of community planni Assessment of community planni Assessment of community planni Assessment of community planni Assessment of community planni Assessment of community planni Assessment of community planni Automated guideway transit: an Automatic train control in rai Automobile collision data: an Communications and rural Ameri Energy, the economy, and mass Evaluation of railroad safety Feasibility and value of broad Federal funding of rail rehabi Financial viability of Conrail Global models, world futures, Impact of advanced air transpo Impact of advanced air transpo Impact of advanced air transpo Impact of advanced air transpo Impact of advanced group rapid Proceedings of the OTA seminar Railroad safety--U.S./Canadian Review of national railroad is Technology assessment of chang

PAGE 179

ACC. NO. 71 68 346 232 419 396 343 23 206 241 88 300 414 367 60 336 157 209 94 375 397 22 194 255 256 258 265 250 254 253 266 263 264 70 252 267 269 257 268 251 260 259 199 262 261 131 133 143 140 132 137 OTA REPORTS INDEX BY PROJECT DIRECTOR 1/9/89 PROJECT DIRECTOR Abbott EC Adler PS Alic JA Alic JA Alic JA Alic JA Alic JA Antrim LN Balmer NL Bandy KG Barnard W Barnard W Barrington LF Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ Behney CJ TITLE Agreement governing the activities of Analyses of effects of limited nuclear Annual report to the Congress Drug bioequivalence Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser Permanent OTA priorities 1979 OTA workshop on cargo policy, December Requirements for fulfilling a national Review of methodologies for nutrition Technological issues of the 80's (othe Nuclear powerplant standardization: li Supercomputers: government plans and p Commercializing high-temperature super International competition in services: International competitiveness in elect Trade in services: exports and foreign U.S. industrial competitiveness: a com Strategic materials: technologies tor Patent-term extension and the pharmace Hospital information systems at the Ve Using desalination technologies for wa Wetlands: their use and regulation Government involvement in the innovati Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness anl Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Technology and handicapped people Technology and handicapped people: Sel Technology and handicapped people: Hea Technology and handicapped people: Hea Technology and handicapped people: Man Technology transfer at the National In

PAGE 180

30 188 384 211 38 5 98 292 169 65 78 76 79 81 80 77 21 214 213 53 322 10 51 200 115 306 224 207 279 119 411 441 197 49 59 6 126 342 127 158 296 428 404 371 388 330 323 141 351 399 52 61 63 201 47 167 212 89 366 105 Behney CJ; Banta HD Behney CJ; Gelband H Bierbaum R Blair PH Blumenthal MS Blumenthal MS Braatz S Bull TE Bull TE Bull TE Bull TE Bull TE Bull TE Bull TE Bull TE Bull TE Bull TE; Naismith N Burns AK Burns AK Burns AK Burns AK Burns AK Burns AK Burns AK Burns AK Burns AK Burns AK Buyrn A; Larson KL Chandler PP Chandler PP Chubin DE Chubin DE Coates JF Coates JF Coates JF Coates JF Coates JF Coates JF Coates JF Coates JF Coates VT Coates VT Coates VT Coates VT Coates VT Coates VT Condon T Cook-Deegan RM Cook-Deegan RM Cook-Deegan RM Cordaro JB Cordaro JB Cordaro JB Cotton T Crane AT Crane AT Crane AT Crane AT Crane AT Crowell RB I Assessing the efficacy and safety of m I Quality and relevance of research and I Analysis of the Montreal Protocol on s I New electric power technologies: probl I Automation and the workplace: selected I Computerized manufacturing automation: I Plants: the potentials for extracting I Effects of replacing lead with aromati I Energy from biological processes I Gasohol I Increased automobile fuel efficiency a I Increased automobile fuel efficiency a I Increased automobile fuel efficiency a I Increased automobile fuel efficiency a I Increased automobile fuel efficiency a I Synthetic fuels for transportation: th I U.S. vulnerability to an oil import cu I Cost effectiveness of digital subtract I Effectiveness and cost of continuous a I Effectiveness and costs of alcoholism I First report on the Prospective Paymen I Intensive care units (ICUs)--clinical Medical technology and costs of the me Medical technology and the cost of the Safety, efficacy, and cost effectivene Second report on the Prospective Payme Variations in hospital length of stayAssessment of development and producti Automation and robotics for the space Space science research in the United S Educating scientists and engineers: gr Elementary and secondary education for Anticipating the impacts of legislatio Criteria for evaluating the implementa Issues and options in flood hazards ma Preliminary analysis of the demographi Technology assessment activities in th Technology assessment candidates and p Technology assessment in business and U.S. disaster assistance to developing Automation of America's offices, 1985-Biology, medicine, and the Bill of Rig Criminal justice, new technologies, an Science, technology, and the constitut Science, technology, and the First Ame Social Security Administration and inf Use of biomedical tests in paternity d Human gene therapy Losing a million minds: confronting th Mapping our genes. Genome projects: Ho Drugs in livestock feed Food information systems Food information systems: summary and Managing the nation's commercial highConservation and solar energy programs Direct use of coal Energy technology transfer to China Nuclear proliferation and safeguards Technology transfer to China Radiofrequency use and management: imp

PAGE 181

14 368 202 227 359 416 425 337 244 112 310 57 275 273 274 276 380 345 391 101 117 291 422 403 418 402 358 350 248 378 410 332 439 398 295 303 1 377 153 405 159 168 315 440 155 307 338 363 135 237 412 333 290 163 164 75 204 329 172 302 Crowell RB Curlin JW Curlin JW Curlin JW Dalbello R DalBello R DalBello R Dalbello R Daly R Daly R Devine MJ Dickinson LV Dickinson LV; Ward JD Dickinson LV; Ward JD Dickinson LV; Ward JD Dickinson LV; Ward JD Dougherty D Dougherty D Eden J Ehrenhaft PM Ehrenhaft PM Ellis GB Ellis GB Ellis GB Ellis GB Ellis GB Ellis GB; Giddings LV; Ni Ellis GB; White GB Epstein G Epstein G Eyring G; Bull TE Eyring G; Bull TE Fainberg T Fainberg T Frankel E Frankel E; Holt BJ Friedman RM Friedman RM Friedman RM Friedman RM Friedman RM Gallimore WW Garcia DL Gelband H Gelband H Gelband H Gelband H Gilman K Goldberg R Gorte JF Gorte JF Gorte JF Gorte JF Gough M Gough M Gough M Gough M Gough M Hale S Harootyan RA; Mccallum D Telecommunication technology and publi Marine minerals: exploring our new oce Oil and gas technologies for the Arcti Wood use: U.S. competitiveness and tee Commercial newsgathering from space Launch options for the future: a buyer Reducing launch operations costs: new Space stations and the law: selected 1 Impact of inflation on the federal r & Review of the U.S. Environmental Prote Proceedings of a workshop on wear cont Evaluation of railroad safety Impact of advanced air transport techn Impact of advanced air transport techn Impact of advanced air transport techn Impact of advanced air transport techn Breast cancer screening for Medicare b Children's mental health: problems and Aids and health insurance an OTA sur Policy implications of medical informa Selected topics in Federal health stat Alternatives to animal use in research Artificial insemination practice in th Infertility: medical and social choice New developments in biotechnology: U.S New developments in biotechnology: fie New developments in biotechnology: pub New developments in biotechnology: own Arms control in space Starpower: The U.S. and the internatio Advanced materials by design New structural materials technologies: Potential biological and electronic ef Treaty-compliant accidental launch pro Demographic trends and the scientific Research funding as an investment: can Acid rain and transported air pollutan Analysis of the ozone nonattainment pr Regional implications of transported a Urban ozone and the Clean Air Act: pro Use of models for water resources mana Emerging food marketing technologies: Intellectual property rights in an age Drug labeling in developing and newly Impact of randomized clinical trials o Passive smoking in the workplace: sele Status of biomedical research and rela Trade adjustment assistance: new ideas Technology and Soviet energy availabil Displaced homemakers: programs and pol Paying the bill: manufacturing and Ame Plant closing: advance notice and rapi Technology and structural unemployment Assessment of technologies for determi Evaluation of the feasibility of study Information content of premanufacture Preventing illness and injury in thew Technologies for detecting heritable m Exploratory workshop on the social imp Hearing impairment and elderly people

PAGE 182

198 218 19 271 354 31 349 393 83 413 39 360 145 67 87 312 289 327 12 210 216 136 160 195 26 128 173 325 2 152 243 415 34 401 353 43 56 283 91 240 107 324 304 134 138 287 288 149 406 114 196 326 319 334 348 400 434 100 176 184 Harootyan RA; McCallum D Harootyan RA; Mccallum D Harris MC Harsanyi Z Heinz L Herman HH; Holt JL Hess AL Hewitt M Hill CT Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Hirschhorn JS Holland CJ Hollomon JB Hollomon JB Hollomon JB Holt JL Holtzman T Jenney LL Jenney LL Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Johnson PA Karas TH Karas TH Karas TH Karas TH Karny GM Kelly H Kelly H Kelly H Kelly H Kelly H Kelly HC Kemp KB; Boardman B Kohlhof K; Banta HD Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Impacts of neuroscience Technology and aging in America Technology transfer to the Middle East Impacts of applied genetics: micro-org Preparing for science and engineering Assessment of alternative economic sto Integrated renewable resource manageme Commercial development of tests for hu Materials and energy from municipal wa Are we cleaning up: 10 Superfund case Benefits of increased use of continuou From pollution to prevention: a progre Groundwater protection standards for h Habitability of the Love Canal area: a Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: OTA review of the Missouri dioxin task Review of the consent decree for clean Serious reduction of hazardous waste: Stringfellow superfund site: engineeri Superfund strategy Technologies and management strategies Technology and steel industry competit World petroleum availability 1980-2000 Alternative energy futures: the future Alternative energy futures: the future Technology assessment of coal slurry p Engineering implications of chronic ma Critical analysis of delayed effects o Airport system development Automobile update: facts and figures Alternative approaches to cargo policy Analysis of "Buy America" proposals fo Assessment of maritime trade and techn Book preservation technologies Border war on drugs Coal exports and port development Establishing a 200-mile fisheries zone Marine applications for fuel cell tech Ocean margin drilling R & Din the maritime industry: a supp Recent developments in ocean thermal e Review of ocean thermal energy systems Technical questions regarding plastic Technology and oceanography: an assess Transportation of liquefied natural ga Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasure Ballistic missile defense technologies Directed energy missile defense in spa SDI: technology, survivability, and so Role of genetic testing in the prevent Application of solar technology to tod Review of U.S. competitiveness in agri Technology and the future of the U.S. Technology, trade, and the U.S. reside U.S. textile and apparel industry: a r Technology and the American economic t Appropriate care for cataract surgery Policy implications of the computed to Assessment of community planning form Assessment of community planning form

PAGE 183

183 187 179 177 182 180 181 185 178 186 231 37 228 233 234 235 242 383 165 286 95 299 226 225 305 352 331 438 223 85 121 103 420 369 104 41 236 156 436 379 144 40 373 64 309 421 102 151 205 69 25 344 62 66 110 162 109 340 387 4 Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Kolsrud GS Krone bus ch K Krone bus ch K LaFollette MC Larsen KL Larsen KL Lausche B Lausche B Levenson H Levenson H Levenson H; Denison R Levenson H; Wagner K Lubin N Luce BR Luce BR MacNaughton MJ Maklan CW Maklancw; Maslow K; Haro Max.well RL Maxwell RL McBee C McBee C McCabe GH McLaughlin Hughes MA Miike LH Miike LH Miike LH Miike LH Miike LH Miike LH Miike LH Miike LH Miike LH Miller J; Willow R Mills W Mills W Mills W Mills W Mills W Mills W; Walsh M Naismith NC Naismith NC Naismith NC Newell N Assessment of community planning for m Assessment of community planning for m Assessment of community planning for m Assessment of community planning for m Assessment of community planning for m Assessment of community planning for m Assessment of community planning for m Assessment of community planning for m Assessment of community planning for m Assessment of community planning form Automated guideway transit: an assessm Automatic train control in rail rapid Automobile collision data: an assessme Energy, the economy, and mass transit Federal funding of rail rehabilitation Financial viability of Conrail: review Review of national railroad issues Identifying and regulating carcinogens Smoking-related deaths and financial c Regulatory environment for science Patterns and trends in Federal coal le Potential effects of section 3 of the Water-related technologies for sustain Water-related technologies for sustain Subseabed disposal of high-level radio Wastes in marine environments Ocean incineration: its role in managi Issues in medical waste management U.S.-Soviet cooperation in space MEDIARS and health information policy Strategies for medical technology asse Preliminary analysis of the IRS Tax Ad Institutional protocols for decisions Life-sustaining technologies and thee Proceedings of the OTA seminar on the Technology assessment of changes in th Health of the scientific and technical Impact of a Department of Education on Evaluation of options for managing gre Bone marrow transplantation using unre Blood policy and technology Cancer testing technology and sacchari Do insects transmit aids? Forecasts of physician supply and requ Indian health care Medical testing and health insurance Postmarketing surveillance of prescrip Replacing the Rosebud Sioux Hospital: Review of the Public Health Service's Impact of advanced group rapid transit Airport and air traffic control system Communications and rural America Feasibility and value of broadband com Global models, world futures, and publ Review of the FAA 1982 National Airspa Assessment of technology for local dev Residential energy conservation Scientific equipment for undergraduate State educational testing practices Commercial biotechnology: an internati

PAGE 184

175 230 189 245 238 389 390 426 417 320 297 97 122 123 166 125 278 20 219 24 36 92 96 298 193 311 280 221 154 370 347 381 433 301 170 281 437 45 48 111 55 120 424 355 429 72 317 361 3 17 272 246 18 33 27 29 44 7 13 382 I Niblock RW I Niblock RW I Niblock RW I Niblock RW I Niblock RW I O'Connor K I O'Connor K I Page EB I Page EB I Page EB I Page EB I Parham WE I Parham WE I Parham WE Pengov RE; Miike Ill Peterson M Phelps PB Phelps PB Phelps PB Phillips MJ Phillips MJ Phillips MJ Phillips MJ Phillips MJ Phillips MJ Plotkin SE Plotkin SE Plotkin SE Plotkin SE Plotkin SE Power E Power E Power EJ Prabhakar A Procter ME Raines LJ Regan PM; Winston JD Riddiough MA Riddiough MA Riddiough MA Robel RJ Robel RJ Roberts LG Roberts LG Robison J Robison J Robison J Robison J; Page E Rogers TF Rogers TF Ross-Sheriff BA Ross-Sheriff BA Ross-Sheriff BA Rossmassler SA Rowberg RE Rowberg RE Rowberg RE Rowberg RE Rowberg RE Ruby G I Analysis of oil tanker casualties, 196 I Analysis of the feasibility of separat I Coastal effects of offshore energy sys .I Energy from open ocean kelp farms I Oil transportation by tankers: an anal I Federal regulation and animal patents I Transgenic animals I Gearing up for safety: motor carriers I Safe skies for tomorrow: aviation safe I Transportation of hazardous materials I Transportation of hazardous materials: I Pest management strategies in crop pro I Sustaining tropical forest resources: I Sustaining tropical forest resources: I Computer technology in medical educati I Technical options for conservation of I Technology, innovation, and regional e I Technology, innovation, and regional e I Technology, innovation, and regional e I Agricultural postharvest technology an I Assessment of the United States food a I Open shelf-life dating-of food I Perspectives on Federal retail food gr I Technology, public policy, and the cha I Technology, public policy, and the cha I Effects of decontrol on old gas recove I Reclaiming prime farmlands and other h I U.S. natural gas availability: convent U.S. natural gas availability: gas sup U.S. oil production: the effect of low Technology dependant children: hospita Third report on the Prospective Paymen Fourth report on the Prospective Payme Microelectronics research and developm Energy efficiency of buildings in citi Reproductive health hazards in the wor Electronic delivery of public assistan Compensation for vaccine-related injur Cost effectiveness of influenza vaccin Review of selected Federal vaccine and Enhanced oil recovery potential in the Status report on the gas potential fro Power on! New tools for teaching and 1 Trends and status of computers in scho Copper: technology and competitiveness Industrial and commercial cogeneration Western surface mine permitting and re Construction and materials research an Civilian space stations and the U.S. f SALYUT: Soviet steps toward permanent Impacts of technology on U.S. cropland Innovative biological technologies for Technologies to sustain tropical fores Assessment of information systems capa Analysis of the impacts of the project Analysis of the proposed national ener Comparative anlaysis of the 1976 ERDA Environmental protection in the Federa Nuclear power in an age of uncertainty First report on the Physician Payment

PAGE 185

I 341 I 432 I 73 I 54 I 124 I 130 I 86 I 129 I 58 I 394 I 364 I 321 I 316 I 285 I 427 I 339 I 215 I 356 I 222 I 108 I 11 I 142 I 357 I 8 I 314 I 395 I 9 I 190 84 139 282 308 99 409 191 277 35 313 203 423 so 106 148 407 229 392 293 385 435 362 74 249 150 239 93 376 372 294 161 15 Ruby G Ruby G Ryan JF Sharfman P Sharfman P Sharfman P Sharfman P; Kaplan J Sharfman P; Kelly H Shavell ZA Shaw A Shaw A Shaw A Shen S Shen S Shen S Shen S Shen S Shen S Silverstein BL Silverstein BL Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sisk JE Sladek TA Smith EM Stone PJ Sullivan J Taylor CA Turnbull L Turnbull L van der Vink GE Veigel JM Wagner JL Wagner JL Wagner JL Wagner JL; Power EJ Weingarten FW Weingarten FW Weingarten FW Weingarten FW; Valtri DL Weinstein IJ Wilcox W Wilk CK Wilk CK Williams IA Williams IA; Corsa L Williams R Implications of cost-effectiveness ana Second report on the Physician Payment Industrial energy use Effects of nuclear war Taggants in explosives Technology and East-West trade: an upd MX missile basing Technology and East-West trade Effects of information technology on f Defense technology base: introduction New technology for NATO: implementing Technologies for NATO's follow-on fore Assessing biological diversity in the Grassroots conservation of biological Pesticide residues in food: technologi Role of U.S. development assistance in Technologies to benefit agriculture an Technologies to maintain biological di Environmental issues affecting the Pan Renewable ocean energy sources: ocean Boston elbow: health technology cases Contact lens industry--structure, comp Costs of AIDS and other HIV infections Federal policies and the medical devic Hemodialysis equipment and disposables How effective is AIDS education? Market for wheelchairs--innovations an Medical devices and the Veterans Admin Medical technology under proposals to Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging tee Payment for physician services: strate Payment for physician services: strate Policy implications of the computed to Quality of medical care: information f Technologies for managing urinary inco Update of Federal activities regarding Assessment of oil shale technologies Clinical staffing in the Indian health Protecting the nation's groundwater fr Selected federal programs in appropria Development of medical technology: opp Railroad safety--U.S./Canadian compari U.S. passenger rail technologies Seismic verification of nuclear testin Analysis of the ERDA plan and program Healthy children: investing in the fut Medicare's prospective payment system: Neonatal intensive care for low birthw Screening for open-angle glaucoma int Federal funding for artificial intelli Informational technology and its impac Telecommunications in the U.S. Pacific Information technology R & D: critical Preliminary assessment of the National Organizing and financing basic researc Defending secrets, sharing data: new 1 Electronic supervisor: new technology, Reproductive health hazards in the wor World population and fertility plannin Remote sensing and the private sector:

PAGE 186

42 192 328 365 374 220 118 146 335 431 408 147 28 32 46 318 217 284 270 430 386 16 208 116 171 90 82 174 247 113 Williamson RA Williamson RA Williamson RA Williamson RA Williamson RA Williamson RA Williamson RA Windle PN Windle PN Windle PN Windle PN Windle PN Wobber FJ Wood FB Wood FB Wood FB Wood FB Wood FB Wood FB Wood FB Wood FB Wood FB Wood FB Wood FB Woteki CE Woteki CE Wright RW Young JH Young JH Young JH I Civilian space policy and applications I International cooperation and competit I Technologies for prehistoric and histo I Technologies for the preservation of p I Technologies for underwater archaeolog I UNISPACE '82: a context for internatio Claridge D I Solar power satellites I Africa tomorrow: issues in technology, I Continuing the commitment: agricultura I Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a rol Grassroots development: the African De Technology, renewable resources, and A Analysis of laws governing access aero Assessment of alternatives for a natio Computer-based national information sy Federal government information technol Federal government information technol Federal government information technol Implications of electronic mail and me Informing the nation: federal informat Issues relevant to NCIC (National Crim Review of postal automation strategy: Scientific validity of polygraph testi Selected electronic funds transfer iss Environmental contaminants in food Nutrition research alternatives Management of fuel and nonfuel mineral Applications of R & Din the civil sec Direct interest participation in the r Role of demonstrations in federal R &

PAGE 187

OTA REPORTS INDEX BY HOUSE COMMITTEE 1/9/89 ACC. I HOUSE COMMITTEE TITLE NO. I I ------------------------------------71 I 26 I 195 I 291 I 68 I 28 I 175 I 230 I 384 I 377 I 346 I 197 I 196 I 174 I 434 I 248 I 30 I 183 I 179 I 184 I 187 I 176 I 182 I I 177 I I 180 I I' 186 I I 185 I I 181 I I 178 I I 35 I I 163 I I 162 I I 36 I I 231 I I 37 I I 279 I I 152 I I 353 I I 11 I 380 I 40 I 345 I 42 I 43 I 189 I 393 I 344 I 45 I 166 I 361 I 142 Agreement governing the ac Alternative energy futures Alternative energy futures Alternatives to animal use Analyses of effects of lim Analysis of laws governing Analysis of oil tanker cas Analysis of the feasibilit Analysis of the Montreal P Analysis of the ozone nona Annual report to the Congr Anticipating the impacts o Application of solar techn Applications of R & Dint Appropriate care for catar Arms control in space Assessing the efficacy and Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of oil shale te Assessment of technologies Assessment of technology f Assessment of the United S Automated guideway transit Automatic train control in Automation and robotics fo Automobile update: facts a Border war on drugs Boston elbow: health techn Breast cancer screening fo Cancer testing technology Children's mental health: Civilian space policy and Coal exports and port deve Coastal effects of offshor Commercial development of Communications and rural A Compensation for vaccine-r Computer technology in med Construction and materials Contact lens industry--str

PAGE 188

394 so 247 149 237 311 54 437 168 169 245 233 55 436 57 164 172 62 234 8 235 382 322 61 63 64 433 65 66 194 236 314 156 155 272 263 265 266 341 253 199 259 258 260 261 255 251 262 256 264 257 250 254 267 252 268 2_69 70 79 80 Defense technology base: i Development of medical tee Direct interest participat Directed energy missile de Displaced homemakers: prog Effects of decontrol on ol Effects of nuclear war Electronic delivery of pub Emerging food marketing te Energy from biological pro Energy from open ocean kel Energy, the economy, and m Enhanced oil recovery pote Evaluation of options for Evaluation of railroad saf Evaluation of the feasibil Exploratory workshop on th Feasibility and value of b Federal funding of rail re Federal policies and them Financial viability of Con First report on the Physic First report on the Prospe Food information systems Food information systems: Forecasts of physician sup Fourth report on the Prosp Gasohol Global models, world futur Government involvement in Health of the scientific a Hemodialysis equipment and Impact of a Department of Impact of randomized clini Impacts of technology on U Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Implications of cost-effec Increased automobile fuel Increased automobile fuel

PAGE 189

78 76 81 349 283 9 190 293 139 89 90 91 238 92 396 343 307 95 96 97 333 98 101 99 100 310 203 188 105 280 108 151 109 206 111 113 339 340 406 432 306 116 423 165 330 337 387 338 120 77 124 125 374 215 133 131 143 140 132 134 Increased automobile fuel Increased automobile fuel Increased automobile fuel Integrated renewable resou Marine applications for fu Market for wheelchairs--in Medical devices and the Ve Medicare's prospective pay Nuclear magnetic resonance Nuclear proliferation and Nutrition research alterna Ocean margin drilling Oil transportation by tank Open shelf-life dating of OTA priorities 1979 OTA workshop on cargo poli Passive smoking in the wor Patterns and trends in Fed Perspectives on Federal re Pest management strategies Plant closing: advance not Plants: the potentials for Policy implications of med implications of the Policy implications of the Proceedings of a workshop Protecting the nation's gr Quality and relevance of r Radiofrequency use and man Reclaiming prime farmlands Renewable ocean energy sou Replacing the Rosebud Siou Residential energy conserv Review of methodologies fo Review of selected Federal Role of demonstrations in Role of U.S. development a Scientific equipment for u SDI: technology, survivabi Second report on the Physi Second report on the Prosp Selected electronic funds Selected federal programs Smoking-related deaths and Social Security Administra Space stations and the law State educational testing Status of biomedical resea Status report on the gasp Synthetic fuels for transp Taggants in explosives Technical options for cons Technologies for underwate Technologies to benefit ag Technology and handicapped Technology and handicapped Technology and handicapped Technology and handicapped Technology and handicapped Technology and oceanograph

PAGE 190

290 126 342 127 41 14 381 336 297 320 138 158 157 148 348 21 405 323 159 397 22 227 160 420 24 225 226 52 391 25 415 228 401 373 7 395 69 104 110 147 375 287 288 319 334 412 363 58 170 72 59 398 439 292 296 424 6 355 38 5 Aging Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations; Veterans' Affairs Armed Services Armed Services Banking Banking Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs; Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Banki~g, Finance, and Urban Affairs; Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs Cong Charles Bennett Cong. Walter H. Jones Durbin; Fuqua; Sensenbrenner; Udall Education and Labor Education and Labor Education and Labor Education and Labor Education and Labor; Joint Economic Education and Labor; Joint Economic Technology and structural Technology assessment acti Technology assessment cand Technology assessment in b Technology assessment of c Telecommunication technolo Third report on the Prospe Trade in services: exports Transportation of hazardou Transportation of hazardou Transportation of liquefie U.S. disaster assistance t U.S. industrial competitiv U.S. passenger rail techno U.S. textile and apparel i U.S. vulnerability to an o Urban ozone and the Clean Use of biomedical tests in Use of models for water re Using desalination technol Wetlands: their use and re Wood use: U.S. competitive World petroleum availabili Institutional protocols fo Agricultural postharvest t Water-related technologies Water-related technologies Drugs in livestock feed Aids and health insurance Airport and air traffic co Analysis of "Buy America" Automobile collision data: Book preservation technolo Do insects transmit aids? Environmental protection i How effective is AIDS educ Impact of advanced group r Proceedings of the OTA sem Review of the FAA 1982 Nat Technology, renewable reso Hospital information syste Anti-satellite weapons, co Ballistic missile defense Technology and the future Technology, trade, and the Paying the bill: manufactu Trade adjustment assistanc Effects of information tee Energy efficiency of build Industrial and commercial Issues and options in floo Treaty-compliant accidenta Potential biological and e Effects of replacing lead Automation of America's of Power on! New tools forte Preliminary analysis of th Trends and status of compu Automation and the workpla Computerized manufacturing

PAGE 191

74 1 144 379 313 214 357 440 213 53 212 67 392 309 73 75 10 51 200 84 385 87 102 204 409 153 115 121 216 347 137 366 154 221 370 224 145 12 191 427 419 421 205 400 351 327 210 399 402 418 282 207 246 123 122 18 129 130 364 321 Education and Labor; Science and Tee Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce Energy and Commerce, Science and Tee Energy and Commerce, Science and Tee Energy and Commerce; Aging Energy and Commerce; Agriculture Energy and Commerce; Government Oper Energy and Commerce; Government Oper Energy and Commerce; Government Oper Energy and Commerce; Post Office and Energy and Commerce; Science and Tee Energy and Commerce; Science and Tee Energy and Commerce; Science and Tee Energy and Commerce; Science, Space Energy and Commerce; Science, Space Energy and Commerce; Science, Space, Energy and Commerce; Ways and Means Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs; Armed Services Foreign Affairs; Armed Services Informational technology a Acid rain and transported Blood policy and technolog Bone marrow transplantatio Clinical staffing in the I Cost effectiveness of digi Costs of AIDS and other HI Drug labeling in developin Effectiveness and cost of Effectiveness and costs of Energy technology transfer Habitability of the Love C Healthy children: investin Indian health care Industrial energy use Information content of pre Intensive care units (ICUs Medical technology and cos Medical technology and the Medical technology under p Neonatal intensive care fo Nonnuclear industrial haza Postmarketing surveillance Preventing illness and inj Quality of medical care: i Regional implications oft Safety, efficacy, and cost Strategies for medical tee Technologies and managemen Technology dependant child Technology transfer at the Technology transfer to Chi U.S. natural gas availabil U.S. natural gas availabil U.S. oil production: thee Variations in hospital len Groundwater protection sta Stringfellow superfund sit Technologies for managing Pesticide residues in food Impact of AIDS on the Kais Medical testing and health Review of the Public Healt Technology and the America Losing a million minds: co Serious reduction of hazar Superfund strategy, Mapping our genes. Genome New developments in biotec New developments in biotec Payment for physician serv Assessment of development Innovative biological tech Sustaining tropical forest Sustaining tropical forest Technologies to sustain tr Technology and East-West t Technology and East-West t New technology for NATO: i Technologies for NATO's fo

PAGE 192

408 407 135 161 146 27 422 360 383 403 208 376 372 413 49 82 88 299 328 365 317 202 48 232 171 271 85 106 242 117 128 430 326 32 428 404 217 318 284 389 315 386 239 371 388 390 94 289 243 222 56 201 240 34 368 .305 352 304 46 270 I Foreign Affairs; Hunger I Foreign Affairs; Intelligence I Foreign Affairs; Science and Technol I Foreign Affairs; Science and Technol I Foreign Affairs; Select on Hunger r Government Operations I Government Operations Government Operations Government Operations Government Operations Government Operations Government Operations; Judiciary Government Operations; Judiciary Government Operations; Public Works Housing and Community Development Interior and Insular Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs; Mercha Interstate and Foreign Commerce Interstate and Foreign Commerce Interstate and Foreign Commerce Interstate and Foreign Commerce Interstate and Foreign Commerce Interstate and Foreign Commerce Interstate and Foreign Commerce Interstate and Foreign Commerce Interstate and Foreign Commerce Joint Committee on Printing; Governm Joint Economic Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary; Energy and Commerce Mccloskey; Hamilton Merchant Marine and Fisheries Merchant Marine and Fisheries Merchant Marine and Fisheries Merchant Marine and Fisheries Merchant Marine and Fisheries Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Ways Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Scien Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Publi Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Publi Mrazek; Scheu~r; Weiss Post Office and Civil Service Post Office and Civil Service Grassroots development: th Seismic verification of nu Technology and Soviet ener World population and ferti Africa tomorrow: issues in Analysis of the impacts of Artificial insemination pr From pollution to preventi Identifying and regulating Infertility: medical ands Scientific validity of pol Defending secrets, sharing Electronic supervisor: new Are we cleaning up: 10 Sup Criteria for evaluating th Management of fuel and non Nuclear powerplant standar Potential effects of secti Technologies for prehistor Technologies for the prese Western surface mine permi 011 and gas technologies f Cost effectiveness of infl Drug bioequivalence Environmental contaminants Impacts of applied genetic MEDLARS and health informa Railroad safety--U.S./Cana Review of national railroa Selected topics in Federal Technology assessment of c Informing the nation: fede Review of U.S. competitive Assessment of alternatives Biology, medicine, and the Criminal justice, new tech Federal government informa Federal government informa Fe4eral government informa Federal regulation and ani Intellectual property righ Issues relevant to NCIC (N Preliminary assessment of Science, technology, and t Science, technology, and t Transgenic animals Patent-term extension and Review of the consent deer Alternative approaches to Environmental issues affec Establishing a 200-mile fi Managing the nation's comm R & Din the maritime indu Assessment of maritime tra Marine minerals: exploring Subseabed disposal of high Wastes in marine environme Technical questions regard Computer-based national in Implications of electronic

PAGE 193

16 2 426 417 119 316 31 33 3 4 44 47 295 167 441 173 362 285 141 273 275 274 276 244 83 301 86 211 332 13 93 354 107 286 15 281 294 23 324 112 114 17 118 209 300 241 19 20 278 219 223 298 193 150 350 329 29 229 192 220 Post Office and Civil Service Public Works and Transportation Public Works and Transportation; Gov Public Works and Transportation; Ope Rep Cooper Evans/Iowa Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology Science and Technology; Agriculture; Science and Technology; Agriculture; Science and Technology; Energy and C Science and Technology; Energy and C Science and Technology; Energy and C Science and Technology; Interior and Science and Technology; Joint Econom Science and Technology; Joint Econom Science and Technology; Joint Econom Review of postal automatio Airport system development Gearing up for safety: mot Safe skies for tomorrow: a Space science research in Assessing biological diver Assessment of alternative Assessment of information Civilian space stations an Commercial biotechnology: Comparative anlaysis of th Conservation and solar ene Demographic trends and the Direct use of coal Elementary and secondary e Engineering implications o Federal funding for artifi Grassroots conservation of Human gene therapy Impact of advanced air tra Impact of advanced air tra Impact of advanced air tra Impact of advanced air tra Impact of inflation on the Materials and energy from Microelectronics research MX missile basing New electric power technol New structural materials t Nuclear power in an age of Organizing and financing b Preparing for science and Recent developments in oce Regulatory environment for Remote sensing and the pri Reproductive health hazard Reproductive health hazard Requirements for fulfillin Review of ocean thermal en Review of the U.S. Environ Role of genetic testing in SALYUT: Soviet steps towar Solar power satellites Strategic materials: techn Supercomputers: government Technological issues of th Technology transfer to the Technology, innovation, an Technology, innovation, an Technology, innovation, an U.S.-Soviet cooperation in Technology, public policy, Technology, public policy, Information technology R & New developments in biotec Technologies for detecting Analysis of the proposed n Analysis of the ERDA plan International cooperation UNISPACE '82: a context fo

PAGE 194

I 331 I 359 I 378 I 356 I 358 I 410 I 414 I 411 I 438 I 416 I 425 I 302 I 369 I 218 I 277 I 198 I 335 I 431 I 367 I 303 I 429 I 249 I 325 I 103 I 435 I 136 I 39 I 308 I 60 I 312 Science and Technology; Merchant Mar Science, Space and Technology Science, Space and Technology Science, Space and Technology Science, Space and Technology; Energ Science, Space, and Technology Science, Space, and Technology Science, Space, and Technology Science, Space, and Technology Science, Space, and Technology Science, Space, and Technology Select on Aging Select on Aging Select on Aging Select on Aging Select on Aging; Education and Labor Select on Hunger; Science and Techno Select on Hunger; Science and Techno Small Business Task Force on Science Policy Technology Assessment Board Telecommunications, Consumer Protect Veterans Affairs Ways and Means Ways and Means Ways and Means Ways and Means; Congressional Steel Ways and Means; Energy and Commerce Ways and Means; Joint Economic Young Ocean incineration: its ro Commercial newsgathering f Starpower: The U.S. and th Technologies to maintain b New developments in biotec Advanced materials by desi Commercializing high-tempe Educating scientists and e Issues in medical waste ma Launch options for the fut Reducing launch operations Hearing impairment and eld Life-sustaining technologi Technology and aging in Am Update of Federal activiti Impacts of neuroscience Continuing the commitment: Enhancing agriculture in A International competition Research funding as an inv Copper: technology and com Telecommunications in the Critical analysis of delay Preliminary analysis of th Screening for open-angle g Technology and steel indus Benefits of increased use Payment for physician serv International competitiven OTA review of the Missouri

PAGE 195

ACC. NO. 146 24 391 25 2 27 29 346 31 207 33 34 163 162 228 152 39 428 144 379 401 313 393 359 166 47 48 357 404 376 295 247 167 373 52 411 53 292 372 441 168 170 431 171 222 164 172 362 389 382 322 OTA REPORTS INDEX BY SENATE COMMITTEE 1/9/89 SENATE COMMITTEE TITLE Africa tomorrow: issues in Agricultural postharvest t Aids and health insurance Airport and air traffic co Airport system development Analysis of the impacts of Analysis of the proposed n Annual report to the Congr Assessment of alternative Assessment of development Assessment of information Assessment of maritime tra Assessment of technologies Assessment of technology f Automobile collision data: Automobile update: facts a Benefits of increased use Biology, medicine, and the Blood policy and technolog Bone marrow transplantatio Book preservation technolo Clinical staffing in the I Commercial development of Commercial newsgathering f Computer technology in med Conservation and solar ene Cost effectiveness of infl Costs of AIDS and other HI Criminal justice, new tech Defending secrets, sharing Demographic trends and the Direct interest participat Direct use of coal Do insects transmit aids? Drugs in livestock feed Educating scientists and e Effectiveness and costs of Effects of replacing lead Electronic supervisor: new Elementary and secondary e Emerging food marketing te Energy efficiency of build Enhancing agriculture in A Environmental contaminants Environmental issues affec Evaluation of the feasibil Exploratory workshop on th Federal funding for artifi Federal regulation and ani First report on the Physic First report on the Prospe

PAGE 196

I 433 I 360 I 426 I 194 I 145 1 67 I 236 I 375 I 395 I 141 I 383 I 156 I 276 I 275 I 273 I 274 I 69 I 419 I 244 I 155 I 270 I 309 I 72 I 75 I 150 I 74 I 246 I 438 I 386 I 201 I 368 I 51 I 421 I 85 I 301 I 86 I 358 I 350 I 402 I 418 I 211 I 87 I 13 I 88 I 331 202 93 396 312 343 94 427 102 439 299 424 6 103 354 104 Fourth report on the Prosp From pollution to preventi Gearing up for safety: mot Government involvement in Groundwater protection sta Habitability of the Love C Health of the scientific a Hospital information syste How effective is AIDS educ Human gene therapy Identifying and regulating Impact of a Department of Impact of advanced air tra Impact of advanced air tra Impact of advanced air tra Impact of advanced air tra Impact of advanced group r Impact of AIDS on the Kais Impact of inflation on the Impact of randomized.clini Implications of electronic Indian health care Industrial and commercial Information content of pre Information technology R & Informational technology a Innovative biological tech Issues in medical waste ma Issues relevant to NCIC (N Managing the nation's comm Marine minerals: exploring Medical technology and cos Medical testing and health MEDLARS and health informa Microelectronics research MX missile basing New developments in biotec New developments in biotec New developments in biotec New developments in biotec New electric power technol Nonnuclear industrial haza Nuclear power in an age of Nuclear powerplant standar Ocean incineration: its ro Oil and gas technologies f Organizing and financing b OTA priorities 1979 OTA review of the Missouri OTA workshop on cargo poli Patent-term extension and Pesticide residues in food Postmarketing surveillance Potential biological and e Potential effects of secti Power on! New tools forte Preliminary analysis of th Preliminary analysis of th Preparing for science and Proceedings of the OTA sem

PAGE 197

106 107 286 151 294 281 23 303 206 324 16 289 110 205 112 113 114 417 371 388 208 406 432 306 165 118 119 378 121 12 305 300 210 304 241 216 321 328 365 374 18 136 319 342 137 219 278 20 147 334 14 249 381 390 398 355 221 154 370 148 Railroad safety--U.S./Cana Recent developments in oce Regulatory environment for Replacing the Rosebud Siou Reproductive health hazard Reproductive health hazard Requirements for fulfillin Research funding as an inv Review of methodologies fo Review of ocean thermal en Review of postal automatio Review of the consent deer Review of the FAA 1982 Nat Review of the Public Healt Review of the U.S. Environ Role of demonstrations in Role of genetic testing in Safe skies for tomorrow: a Science, technology, and t Science, technology, and t Scientific validity of pol SDI: technology, survivabi Second report on the Physi Second report on the Prosp Smoking-related deaths and Solar power satellites Space science research in Starpower: The U.S. and th Strategies for medical tee Stringfellow superfund sit Subseabed disposal of high Supercomputers: government Superfund strategy Technical questions regard Technological issues of th Technologies and managemen Technologies for NATO's fo Technologies for prehistor Technologies for the prese Technologies for underwate Technologies to sustain tr Technology and steel indus Technology and the future Technology assessment cand Technology transfer at the Technology, innovation, an Technology, innovation, an Technology, innovation, an Technology, renewable reso Technology, trade, and the Telecommunication technolo Telecommunications in the Third report on the Prospe Transgenic animals Treaty-compliant accidenta Trends and status of compu U.S. natural gas availabil -U.S. natural gas availabil U.S. oil production: thee U.S. passenger rail techno

PAGE 198

277 159 352 225 226 317 173 198 420 218 62 61 63 344 97 98 215 298 193 415 178 180 177 181 182 184 183 187 179 176 186 185 231 37 353 345 233 7 341 91 338 227 36 188 394 364 363 366 49 58 212 59 135 19 280 234 235 238 310 242 Aeronautical and Space Sciences Aging Aging Aging Agriculture and Forestry Agriculture and Forestry Agriculture and Forestry Agriculture and Forestry; Commerce, S Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Agriculture; Small Business; Joint Ee Agriculture; Small Business; Joint Ee Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations Appropriations; Agriculture, Nutritio Appropriations; Education Armed Services Armed Services Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; F Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Bumpers Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Commerce Update of Federal activiti Use of models for water re Wastes in marine environme Water-related technologies Water-related technologies Western surface mine permi Engineering implications o Impacts of neuroscience Institutional protocols fo Technology and aging in Am Feasibility and value of b Food information systems rood information systems: Communications and rural A Pest management strategies Plants: the potentials for Technologies to benefit ag Technology, public policy, Technology, public policy, Analysis of "Buy America" Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Assessment of community pl Automated guideway transit Automatic train control in Border war on drugs Children's mental health: Energy, the economy, and m Environmental protection i Implications of cost-effec Ocean margin drilling Status of biomedical resea Wood use: U.S. competitive Assessment of the United S Quality and relevance of r Defense technology base: i New technology for NATO: i Trade adjustment assistanc Technology transfer to Chi Criteria for evaluating th Effects of information tee Energy technology transfer Issues and options in floo Technology and Soviet ener Technology transfer to the Reclaiming prime farmlands Federal funding of rail re Financial viability of Con Oil transportation by tank Proceedings of a workshop Review of national railroa

PAGE 199

I 245 I 400 I 410 I 71 I 243 I 175 I 279 I 42 I 3 I 4 I 169 I 57 I 65 I 78 I 80 I 76 I 79 I 81 I 60 I 416 I 283 I 83 I 332 I 92 I 240 I 105 I 425 15 17 337 209 77 125 129 130 134 41 297 157 223 230 311 35 349 82 95 122 123 348 128 1 384 377 413 361 436 272 203 153 405 Commerce, Science and Transportation; Commerce, Science and Transportation; Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Scien~e, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce; Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce, Science, and Transportation Commerce; Interior and Insular Affair Dingell; Sharp Energy and Natural Resources Energy and Natural Resources Energy and Natural Resources Energy and Natural Resources Energy and Natural Resources Energy and Natural Resources Energy and Natural Resources Energy and Natural Resources; Commerc Environment and Public Works Environment and Public Works Environment and Public Works Environment and Public Works Environment and Public Works Environment and Public Works Environment and Public Works Environment and Public Works Environment and Public Works Environment and Public Works Energy from open ocean kel Technology and the America Advanced materials by desi Agreement governing the ac Alternative approaches to Analysis of oil tanker cas Automation and robotics fo Civilian space policy and Civilian space stations an Commercial biotechnology: Energy from biological pro Evaluation of railroad saf Gasohol Increased automobile fuel Increased automobile fuel Increased automobile fuel Increased automobile fuel Increased automobile fuel International competitiven Launch options for the fut Marine applications for fu Materials and energy from New structural materials t Open shelf-life dating of R & Din the maritime indu Radiofrequency use and man Reducing launch operations Remote sensing and the pri SALYUT: Soviet steps towar Space stations and the law Strategic materials: techn Synthetic fuels for transp Technical options for cons Technology and East-West t Technology and East-West t Technology and oceanograph Technology assessment of c Transportation of hazardou U.S. industrial competitiv U.S.-Soviet cooperation in Analysis of the feasibilit Effects of decontrol on ol Assessment of oil shale te Integrated renewable resou Management of fuel and non Patterns and trends in Fed Sustaining tropical forest Sustaining tropical forest U.S. textile and apparel i Technology assessment of c Acid rain and transported Analysis of the Montreal P Analysis of the ozone nona Are we cleaning up: 10 Sup Construction and materials Evaluation of options for Impacts of technology on U Protecting the nation's gr Regional implications oft Urban ozone and the Clean

PAGE 200

22 195 26 214 213 73 10 200 99 100 409 115 224 191 412 351 333 290 293 282 308 68 287 248 288 149 54 408 339 21 160 316 285 356 318 217 284 89 307 330 124 336 414 367 30 40 271 101 407 44 229 45 430 192 326 220 32 46 315 239 Environment and Public Works Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance Finance; Aging Finance; Banking, Housing and Urban A Finance; Labor and Human Resources; V Finance; Labor and Human Resources Finance; Labor and Human Resources Finance; Special on Aging Finance; Special on Aging Finance; Special on Aging Foreign Relations Foreign Relations Foreign Relations Foreign Relations Foreign Relations Foreign Relations Foreign Relations Foreign Relations Foreign Relations Foreign Relations Foreign Relations; Agriculture, Nutri Foreign Relations; Agriculture, Nutri Foreign Relations; Agriculture, Nutri Governmental Affairs Governmental Affairs Governmental Affairs Governmental Affairs Governmental Affairs Governmental Affairs Governmental Affairs Governmental Affairs Governmental Affairs; Energy and Natu Governmental Affairs; Foreign Relatio Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Human Resources Intelligence Interior and Insular Affairs Interior and Insular Affairs; Joint E Interstate and Foreign Commerce Joint Committee on Printing Joint Economic Joint Economic Joint Economic Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Judiciary Wetlands: their use and re Alternative energy futures Alternative energy futures Cost effectiveness of digi Effectiveness and cost of Industrial energy use Intensive care units (ICUs Medical technology and the Policy implications of the Policy implications of the Quality of medical care: i Safety, efficacy, and cost Variations in hospital len Technologies for managing Paying the bill: manufactu Losing a million minds: co Plant closing: advance not Technology and structural Medicare's prospective pay Payment for physician serv Payment for physician serv Analyses of effects of lim Anti-satellite weapons, co Arms control in space Ballistic missile defense Directed energy missile de Effects of nuclear war Grassroots development: th Role of U.S. development a U.S. vulnerability to an o World petroleum availabili Assessing biological diver Grassroots conservation of Technologies to maintain b Federal government informa Federal government informa Federal government informa Nuclear proliferation and Passive smoking in the wor Social Security Administra Taggants in explosives Trade in services: exports Commercializing high-tempe International competition Assessing the efficacy and Cancer testing technology Impacts of applied genetic Policy implications of med Seismic verification of nu Comparative anlaysis of th Analysis of the ERDA plan Compensation for vaccine-r Informing the nation: fede International cooperation Review of U.S. competitive UNISPACE '82: a context fo Assessment of alternatives Computer-based national in Intellectual property righ Preliminary assessment of

PAGE 201

I 116 Judiciary Selected electronic funds I 291 Labor and Human Resources Alternatives to animal use I 197 Labor and Human Resources Anticipating the impacts o I 296 Labor and Human Resources Automation of America'p of I 11 Labor and Human Resources Boston elbow: health techn I 380 Labor and Human Resources Breast cancer screening fo I 142 Labor and Human Resources Contact lens industry--str I 237 Labor and Human Resources Displaced homemakers: prog I 440 Labor and Human Resources Drug labeling in developin I 437 Labor and Human Resources Electronic delivery of pub I 8 Labor and Human Resources Federal policies and them I 64 Labor and Human Resources Forecasts of physician sup I 314 Labor and Human Resources Hemodialysis equipment and I 9 Labor and Human Resources Market for wheelchairs--in I 190 Labor and Human Resources Medical devices and the Ve I 84 Labor and Human Resources Medical technology under p I 385 Labor and Human Resources Neonatal intensive care fo I 139 Labor and Human Resources Nuclear magnetic resonance .204 Labor and Human Resources Preventing illness and inj 340 Labor and Human Resources Scientific equipment for u 435 Labor and Human Resources Screening for open-angle g 117 Labor and Human Resources Selected topics in Federal 327 Labor and Human Resources Serious reduction of hazar 387 Labor and Human Resources State educational testing 143 Labor and Human Resources Technology and handicapped 133 Labor and Human Resources Technology and handicapped 131 Labor and Human Resources Technology and handicapped 140 Labor and Human Resources Technology and handicapped 132 Labor and Human Resources Technology and handicapped 347 Labor and Human Resources Technology dependant child 161 Labor and Human Resources World population and ferti 38 Labor and Human Resources; Commerce, Automation and the workpla 5 Labor and Human Resources; Commerce, Computerized manufacturing 399 Labor and Human Resources; Energy and Mapping our genes. Genome 392 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Healthy children: investin 258 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 260 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 257 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 264 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 70 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 250 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 256 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 255 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 261 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 262 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 251 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 252 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 254 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 263 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 267 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 253 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 266 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 259 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 269 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 268 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 199 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 265 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Implications of cost-effec 111 Labor and Human Resources; Finance Review of selected Federal so Labor and Public Welfare Development of medical tee 232 Labor and Public Welfare Drug bioequivalence

PAGE 202

323 189 56 108 138 320 369 96 423 397 434 302 28 196 174 43 335 429 55 66 90 109 120 126 127 158 325 329 422 403 Moynihan National Ocean Policy Study National Ocean Policy Study National Ocean Policy Study National Ocean Policy Study Science, Commerce, and Transportation Select on Aging Select on Nutrition and Human Needs Sen Edward M. Kennedy Sen Paul Simon Special Committee on Aging Special on Aging Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Technology Assessment Board Veterans Affairs Veterans Affairs Veterans' Affairs Veterans' Affairs Use of biomedical tests in Coastal effects of offshor Establishing a 200-mile fi Renewable ocean energy sou Transportation of liquefie Transportation of hazardou Life-sustaining technologi Perspectives on Federal re Selected federal programs Using desalination technol Appropriate care for catar Hearing impairment and eld Analysis of laws governing Application of solar techn Applications of R & Dint Coal exports and port deve Continuing the commitment: Copper: technology and com Enhanced oil recovery pote Global models, world futur Nutrition research alterna Residential energy conserv Status report on the gasp Technology assessment acti Technology assessment in b U.S. disaster assistance t Critical analysis of delay Technologies for detecting Artificial insemination pr Infertility: medical ands

PAGE 203

ACC. NO. 346 243 195 422 316 345 166 49 149 437 436 172 285 302 141 383 275 276 274 155 198 199 269 267 268 79 I 80 I 81 I 78 I 75 I 59 I 438 I 301 I 358 I 100 I 104 I 240 I 371 I 337 I 387 I 300 I 123 I 122 I 77 I 365 I 374 I 132 I 133 I 278 I 219 I 147 OTA REPORTS INDEX BY DOCUMENT TYPE 1/9/89 DOC TYPE Annual report Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper Background paper TITLE Annual report to the Congress Alternative approaches to cargo policy: as Alternative energy futures: the future of 1 Artificial insemination practice in the Uni Assessing biological diversity in the Unite Children's mental health: problems and serv Computer technology in medical education an Criteria for evaluating the implementation Directed energy missile defense in space Electronic delivery of public assistance be Evaluation of options for managing greaterExploratory workshop on the social impacts Grassroots conservation of biological diver Hearing impairment and elderly people Human gene therapy Identifying and regulating carcinogens Impact of advanced air transport technology Impact of advanced air transport technology Impact of advanced air transport technology Impact of randomized clinical trials on hea Impacts of neuroscience Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Increased automobile fuel efficiency and sy Increased automobile fuel efficiency and sy Increased automobile fuel efficiency and sy Increased automobile fuel efficiency and sy Information content of premanufacture notic Issues and options in flood hazards managem Issues in medical waste management Microelectronics research and development New developments in biotechnology: public p Policy implications of the computed tomogra Proceedings of the OTA seminar on the Discr R & Din the maritime industry: a supplemen Science, technology, and the constitution Space stations and the law: selected legal State educational testing practices Supercomputers: government plans and polici Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S. Sustaining tropical forest resources: refor Synthetic fuels for transportation: the fut Technologies for the preservation of prehis Technologies for underwater archaeology and Technology and handicapped people: Mandator Technology and handicapped people: Selected Technology, innovation, and regional econom Technology, innovation, and regional econom Technology, renewable resources, and Americ

PAGE 204

158 397 225 185 179 182 186 187 184 183 180 177 181 178 11 142 214 213 53 314 252 254 263 253 256 265 258 260 259 257 250 341 266 264 255 261 262 251 10 9 385 139 308 115 191 143 140 224 222 61 126 127 71 68 175 344 173 23 194 12 Background paper Background paper Background paper Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case Study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Case study Committee hearing Committee hearing Committee hearing Committee hearing Committee print Committee print Committee print Committee print Conference proceedin Conference proceedin Contractor report Contractor Report U.S. disaster assistance to developing coun Using desalination technologies for water t Water-related technologies for sustainable Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of community planning for mass t Boston elbow: health technology case study Contact lens industry--structure, competiti Cost effectiveness of digital subtraction a Effectiveness and cost of continuous ambula Effectiveness and costs of alcoholism treat Hemodialysis equipment and disposables indu Implications of cost-effectiveness anlaysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Intensive care units (ICUs)--clinical outco Market for wheelchairs--innovations and Fed Neonatal intensive care for low birthweight Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technolo Payment for physician services: strategies Safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness of Technologies for managing urinary incontine Technology and handicapped people: Health t Technology and handicapped people: Health t Variations in hospital length of stay--thei Environmental issues affecting the Panama C Food information systems Technology assessment activities in the ind Technology assessment in business and gover Agreement governing the activities of state Analyses of effects of limited nuclear warf Analysis of oil tanker casualties, 1969-197 Communications and rural America Engineering implications of chronic materia Requirements for fulfilling a national mate Government involvement in the innovation pr Stringfellow superfund site: engineering ca

PAGE 205

14 153 440 237 419 1 410 25 2 26 291 28 229 230 27 29 287 196 174 30 31 32 176 207 33 34 35 163 162 36 231 37 296 228 288 144 401 353 40 42 3 189 4 414 44 46 5 47 429 48 376 so 167 232 52 411 58 54 372 168 Draft Interim draft Interim Report Interium report Paper Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Telecommunication technology and public pol I Regional implications of transported air po I Drug labeling in developing and newly ind I Displaced homemakers: programs and policy I Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser Permanente Med I Acid rain and transported air pollutants: i I Advanced materials by design I Airport and air traffic control system I Airport system development I Alternative energy futures: the future of 1 I Alternatives to animal use in research, tes I Analysis of laws governing access across Fe I Analysis of the ERDA plan and program 1 Analysis of the feasibility of separating e I Analysis of the impacts of the projected na I Analysis of the proposed national energy pl I Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasures, an I Application of solar technology to today's I Applications of R & Din the civil sector: I Assessing the efficacy and safety of medica I Assessment of alternative economic stockpil I Assessment of alternatives for a national c I Assessment of community planning for mass t Assessment of development and production po Assessment of information systems capabilit Assessment of maritime trade and technology Assessment of oil shale technologies Assessment of technologies for determining Assessment of technology for local developm Assessment of the United States food and ag Automated guideway transit: an assessment o Automatic train control in rail rapid trans Automation of America's offices, 1985-2000 Automobile collision data: an assessment of Ballistic missile defense technologies Blood policy and technology Book preservation technologies Border war on drugs Cancer testing technology and saccharin Civilian space policy and applications Civilian space stations and the U.S. future Coastal effects of offshore energy systems: Commercial biotechnology: an international Commercializing high-temperature supercondu Comparative anlaysis of the 1976 ERDA plan Computer-based national information systems Computerized manufacturing automation: empl Conservation and solar energy programs oft Copper: technology and competitiveness Cost effectiveness of influenza vaccination Defending secrets, sharing data: new locks Development of medical technology: opportun Direct use of coal Drug bioequivalence Drugs in livestock feed Educating scientists and engineers: grades Effects of information technology on financ Effects of nuclear war Electronic supervisor: new technology, new Emerging food marketing technologies: a pre I I I I I I I I I I

PAGE 206

170 169 233 55 431 171 7 56 57 62 234 217 318 284 8 235 382 322 63 64 433 426 66 408 236 392 156 273 69 271 272 70 270 76 309 72 73 403 150 74 430 349 315 367 60 192 369 351 82 201 399 368 83 200 84 421 293 86 418 402 Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Energy efficiency of buildings in cities Energy from biological processes Energy, the economy, and mass transit Enhanced oil recovery potential in the Unit Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a role for Environmental contaminants in food Environmental protection in the Federal coa Establishing a 200-mile fisheries zone Evaluation of railroad safety Feasibility and value of broadband communic Federal funding of rail rehabilitation: a r Federal government information technology: Federal government information technology: Federal government information technology: Federal policies and the medical devices in Financial viability of Conrail: review and First report on the Physician Payment Revie First report on the Prospective Payment Ass Food information systems: summary and analy Forecasts of physician supply and requireme Fourth report on the Prospective Payment As Gearing up for safety: motor carrier safety Global models, world futures, and public po Grassroots development: the African Develop Health of the scientific and technical ente Healthy children: investing in the future Impact of a Department of Education on Fede Impact of advanced air transport technology Impact of advanced group rapid transit tech Impacts of applied genetics: micro-organism Impacts of technology on U.S. cropland and Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Implications of electronic mail and message Increased automobile fuel efficiency and sy Indian health care Industrial and commercial cogeneration Industrial energy use Infertility: medical and social choices Information technology R & D: critical tren Informational technology and its impact on Informing the nation: federal information d Integrated renewable resource management fo Intellectual property rights in an age of e International competition in services: bank International competitiveness in electronic International cooperation and competition i Life-sustaining technologies and the elderl Losing a million minds: confronting the tra Management of fuel and nonfuel minerals in Managing the nation's commercial high-level Mapping our genes. Genome projects: How big Marine minerals: exploring our new ocean fr Materials and energy from municipal waste Medical technology and the cost of the medi Medical technology under proposals to incre Medical testing and health insurance Medicare's prospective payment system: stra MX missile basing New developments in biotechnology: U.S. inv New developments in biotechnology: field-te

PAGE 207

211 364 13 88 89 90 331 202 238 92 93 396 94 282 96 97 427 101 99 102 299 424 103 239 204 203 409 105 106 108 294 109 242 111 110 112 113 114 417 406 432 306 407 116 117 327 118 378 338 120 209 121 210 124 125 216 329 328 356 18 I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report I Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report. Report Report Report Report Report New electric power technologies: problems a New technology for NATO: implementing follo Nuclear power in an age of uncertainty Nuclear powerplant standardization: light w Nuclear proliferation and safeguards Nutrition research alternatives Ocean incineration: its role in managing ha Oil and gas technologies for the Arctic and Oil transportation by tankers: an analysis Open shelf-life dating of food Organizing and financing basic research to OTA priorities 1979 Patent-term extension and the pharmaceutica Payment for physician services: strategies Perspectives on Federal retail food grading Pest management strategies in crop protecti Pesticide residues in food: technologies an Policy implications of medical information Policy implications of the computed tomogra Postmarketing surveillance of prescription Potential effects of section 3 of the Feder Power on! New tools for teaching and learni Preliminary analysis of the IRS Tax Adminis Preliminary assessment of the National Crim Preventing illness and injury in the workpl Protecting the nation's groundwater from co Quality of medical care: information for co Radiofrequency use and management: impacts Railroad safety--U.S./Canadian comparison Renewable ocean energy sources: ocean therm Reproductive health hazards in the workplac Residential energy conservation Review of national railroad issues Review of selected Federal vaccine and immu Review of the FAA 1982 National Airspace Sy Review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Role of demonstrations in federal R & D pol Role of genetic testing in the prevention o Safe skies for tomorrow: aviation safety in SDI: technology, survivability, and softwar Second report on the Physician Payment Revi Second report on the Prospective Payment As Seismic verification of nuclear testing tre Selected electronic funds transfer issues: Selected topics in Federal health statistic Serious reduction of hazardous waste: for p Solar power satellites Starpower: The U.S. and the international q Status of biomedical research and related t Status report on the gas_potential from dev Strategic materials: technologies to reduce Strategies for medical technology assessmen Superfund strategy Taggants in explosives Technical options for conservation of metal Technologies and management strategies for Technologies for detecting heritable mutati Technologies for prehistoric and historic p Technologies to maintain biological diversi Technologies to sustain tropical forest res

PAGE 208

I 218 I 129 I 130 I 131 I 134 I 135 I 136 I 290 I 400 I 41 I 128 I 366 I 19 I 20 I 298 I 193 I 381 I 297 I 320 I 138 I 157 I 154 I 148 I 21 I 159 I 352 I 226 I 317 I 22 227 161 413 428 313 335 404 394 360 375 420 416 350 412 333 388 330 321 334 363 336 370 348 311 292 164 145 312 280 151 165 Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Report Special report Special report Special Report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special report Special Report Staff memorandum Staff memorandum Staff memorandum Staff memorandum Staff memorandum Staff memorandum Staff memorandum Staff memorandum Technology and aging in America I Technology and East-West trade I Technology and East-West trade: an update I Technology and handicapped people I Technology and oceanography: an assessment I Technology and Soviet energy availability I Technology and steel industry competitivene I Technology and structural unemployment: ree I Technology and the American economic transi I Technology assessment of changes in the fut I Technology assessment of coal slurry pipeli I Technology transfer to China I Technology transfer to the Middle East I Technology, innovation, and regional econom I Technology, public policy, and the changing I Technology, public policy, and the changing I Third report on the Prospective Payment Ass I Transportation of hazardous materials: stat I Transportation of hazardous materials I Transportation of liquefied natural gas I U.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparis I U.S. natural gas availability: gas supply t I U.S. passenger rail technologies I U.S. vulnerability to an oil import curtail I Use of models for water resources managemen I Wastes in marine environments I Water-related technologies for sustainable I Western surface mine permitting and reclama I Wetlands: their use and regulation I Wood use: U.S. competitiveness and technolo I World population and fertility planning tee I Are we cleaning up: 10 Superfund case studi I Biology, medicine, and the Bill of Rights I Clinical staffing in the Indian health serv I Continuing the commitment: agricultural dev I Criminal justice, new technologies, and the I Defense technology base: introduction and o I From pollution to prevention: a progress re I Hospital information systems at the Veteran I Institutional protocols for decisions about I Launch options for the future: a buyer's gu I New developments in biotechnology: ownershi I Paying the bill: manufacturing and America' I Plant closing: advance notice and rapid res I Science, technology, and the First Amendmen I Social Security Administration and informat I Technologies for NATO's follow-on forces at Technology, trade, and the U.S. residential Trade adjustment assistance: new ideas for Trade in services: exports and foreign reve U.S. oil production: the effect of low oil U.S. textile and apparel industry: a revolu Effects of decontrol on old gas recovery Effects of replacing lead with aromatic ver Evaluation of the feasibility of studying 1 Groundwater protection standards for hazard OTA review of the Missouri dioxin task fore Reclaiming prime farmlands and other high-q Replacing the Rosebud Sioux Hospital: numbe Smoking-related deaths and financial costs

PAGE 209

304 391 415 384 377 197 434 279 152 379 380 393 361 357 325 247 373 362 389 395 244 386 307 439 6 354 281 206 324 289 339 340 435 305 241 249 390 398 355 405 323 423 342 146 24 38 39 43 359 45 295 441 245 212 65 67 283 190 51 85 Staff memorandum Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Staff paper Survey Survey Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical questions regarding plastic firea Aids and health insurance -an OTA survey Analysis of "Buy America" proposals for off Analysis of the Montreal Protocol on substa Analysis of the ozone nonattainment provisi Anticipating the impacts of legislation: im Appropriate care for cataract surgery patie Automation and robotics for the space stati Automobile update: facts and figures Bone marrow transplantation using unrelated Breast cancer screening for Medicare benefi Commercial development of tests for human g Construction and materials research and dev Costs of AIDS and other HIV infections: rev Critical analysis of delayed effects of the Direct interest participation in the regula Do insects transmit aids? Federal funding for artificial intelligence Federal regulation and animal patents How effective is AIDS education? Impact of inflation on the federal r & din Issues relevant to NCIC (National Crime Inf Passive smoking in the workplace: selected Potential biological and electronic effects Preliminary analysis of the demographic tre Preparing for science and engineering caree Reproductive health hazards in the workplac Review of methodologies for nutrition resea Review of ocean thermal energy systems Review of the consent decree for cleanup of Role of U.S. development assistance in main Scientific equipment for undergraduates: is Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the el Subseabed disposal of high-level radioactiv Technological issues of the 80's (other tha Telecommunications in the U.S. Pacific Isla Transgenic animals Treaty-compliant accidental launch protecti Trends and status of computers in schools: Urban ozone and the Clean Air Act: problems Use of biomedical tests in paternity determ Selected federal programs in appropriate te Technology assessment candidates and priori Africa tomorrow: issues in technology, agri Agricultural postharvest technology and mar Automation and the workplace: selected labo Benefits of increased use of continuous cas Coal exports and port development Commercial newsgathering from space Compensation for vaccine-related injuries Demographic trends and the scientific and e Elementary and secondary education for scie Energy from open ocean kelp farms Energy technology transfer to China Gasohol Habitability of the Love Canal area: an ana Marine applications for fuel cell technolog Medical devices and the Veterans Administra Medical technology and costs of the medicar MEDLARS and health information policy

PAGE 210

332 87 91 95 188 107 425 286 15 303 16 205 326 17 208 119 347 137 221 223 220 277 160 248 246 343 98 310 215 319 I Technical memorandum I I I Technical memorandum Technical memorandum Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I Technical memorandum I I I Technical Workshop Workshop I Workshop I Workshop I Workshop I Workshop I Workshop memorandum proceedings proceedings proceedings proceedings proceedings proceedings proceedings New structural materials technologies: oppo Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: clas Ocean margin drilling Patterns and trends in Federal coal lease o Quality and relevance of research and relat Recent developments in ocean thermal energy Reducing launch operations costs: new techn Regulatory environment for science Remote sensing and the private sector: issu Research funding as an investment: can we m Review of postal automation strategy: a tee Review of the Public Health Service's respo Review of U.S. competitiveness in agricultu SALYUT: Soviet steps toward permanent human Scientific validity of polygraph testing: a Space science research in the United States Technology dependant children: hospital vs. Technology transfer at the National Institu U.S. natural gas availability: conventional U.S.-Soviet cooperation in space UNISPACE '82: a context for international c Update of Federal activities regarding the World petroleum availability 1980-2000 Arms control in space Innovative biological technologies for less OTA workshop on cargo policy, December 3 an Plants: the potentials for extracting prate Proceedings of a workshop on wear control t Technologies to benefit agriculture and wil Technology and the future of the U.S. const

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----------------ACC. DATE NO. ------346 232 74 07 23 74 08 228 75 02 230 75 05 231 75 06 238 75 07 68 75 09 234 75 09 235 75 09 233 75 10 27 75 11 242 75 12 176 76 02 179 76 02 182 76 02 184 76 02 186 76 02 187 76 02 185 76 02 183 76 02 180 76 02 178 76 02 181 76 02 177 76 02 61 76 02 310 76 02 62 76 04 37 76 05 44 76 05 31 76 08 50 76 08 63 76 08 112 76 08 189 76 11 33 76 12 126 76 12 127 77 01 103 77 03 173 77 04 6 77 05 56 77 06 89 77 06 93 77 06 96 77 06 29 77 08 138 77 09 40 77 10 120 77 11 101 77 12 344 78 01 OTA REPORTS BY DATE 1/9/89 TITLE Annual report to the Congress Drug bioequivalence Requirements for fulfilling a national materials policy Automobile collision data: an assessment of needs and met Analysis of the feasibility of separating exploration fro Automated guideway transit: an assessment of PRT and othe Oil transportation by tankers: an analysis of marine poll Analyses of effects of limited nuclear warfare Federal funding of rail rehabilitation: a review of alter Financial viability of Conrail: review and analysis Energy, the economy, and mass transit Analysis of the impacts of the projected natural gas curt Review of national railroad issues Assessment of community planning for mass transit Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Chicago Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Minneap Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Seattle Assessment of community planning for mass transit-technic Assessment of community planning for mass transit-bibliog Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Yashing Assessment of community planning for mass transit-San Fra Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Denver Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Boston Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Los Ang Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Atlanta Food information systems Proceedings of a workshop on wear control to achieve prod Feasibility and value of broadband communications in rura Automatic train control in rail rapid transit Comparative anlaysis of the 1976 ERDA plan and program Assessment of alternative economic stockpiling policies Development of medical technology: opportunities for asse Food information systems: summary and analysis Review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: envir Coastal effects of offshore energy systems: an assessment Assessment of information systems capabilities required t Technology assessment activities in the industrial, acade Technology assessment in business and government Preliminary analysis of the IRS Tax Administration System Engineering implications of chronic materials scarcity Preliminary analysis of the demographic trends influencin Establishing a 200-mile fisheries zone Nuclear proliferation and safeguards Organizing and financing basic research to increase food Perspectives on Federal retail food grading Analysis of the proposed national energy plan Transportation of liquefied natural gas Cancer testing technology and saccharin Status report on the gas potential from devonian shales o Policy implications of medical information systems Communications and rural America

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55 175 128 57 108 196 174 113 342 194 156 30 90 229 168 236 423 99 222 239 396 28 41 167 54 197 52 117 83 109 92 106 166 65 111 125 39 97 129 171 82 49 69 158 59 26 195 64 273 107 206 124 244 91 241 35 47 136 169 104 78 01 78 02 78 03 78 OS 78 OS 78 06 78 06 78 07 78 07 78 08 78 08 78 09 78 09 78 10 78 10 78 10 78 10 78 11 78 12 78 12 79 01 79 02 79 02 79 04 79 05 79 06 79 06 79 06 79 07 79 07 79 08 79 08 79 09 79 09 79 09 79 09 79 10 79 10 79 11 79 12 79 94 80 01 80 01 80 01 80 02 80 03 80 03 80 04 80 04 80 04 80 04 80 04 80 05 80 05 80 05 80 06 80 06 80 06 80 07 80 07 Enhanced oil recovery potential in the United States Analysis of oil tanker casualties, 1969-1974 Technology assessment of coal slurry pipelines Evaluation of railroad safety Renewable ocean energy sources: ocean thermal energy conv Application of solar technology to today's energy needs-v Applications of R & Din the civil sector: the opportunit Role of demonstrations in federal R & D policy Technology assessment candidates and priorities Government involvement in the innovation process: a contr Impact of a Department of Education on Federal science an Assessing the efficacy and safety of medical technologies Nutrition research alternatives Analysis of the ERDA plan and program Emerging food marketing technologies: a preliminary analy Health of the scientific and technical enterprise: an adv Selected federal programs in appropriate technology Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scann Environmental issues affecting the Panama Canal Preliminary assessment of the National Crime Information OTA priorities 1979 Analysis of laws governing access across Federal lands: o Technology assessment of changes in the future use and ch Direct use of coal Effects of nuclear war Anticipating the impacts of legislation: implementing Sen Drugs in livestock feed Selected topics in Federal health statistics Materials and energy from municipal waste Residential energy conservation Open shelf-life dating of food Railroad safety--U.S./Canadian comparison Computer technology in medical education and assessment Gasohol Review of selected Federal vaccine and immunization polic Technical options for conservation of metals: case studie Benefits of increased use of continuous casting by the U. Pest management strategies in crop protection Technology and East-West trade Environmental contaminants in food Management of fuel and nonfuel minerals in Federal land Criteria for evaluating the implementation plan required Impact of advanced group rapid transit technology U.S. disaster assistance to developing countries: lessons Issues and options in flood hazards management Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natur Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natur Forecasts of physician supply and requirements Impact of advanced air transport technology: part I--adva Recent developments in ocean thermal energy Review of methodologies for nutrition research Taggants in explosives Impact of inflation on the federal r & d investment Ocean margin drilling Technological issues of the 80's (other than energy or mi Assessment of oil shale technologies Conservation and solar energy programs of the Department Technology and steel industry competitiveness Energy from biological processes Proceedings of the OTA seminar on the Discrete Address Be

PAGE 213

71 70 245 199 267 268 45 160 162 100 43 271 251 250 252 88 95 257 255 256 254 253 163 134 14 261 265 157 259 94 118 46 260 263 86 264 266 87 135 207 36 48 25 274 105 172 275 161 170 116 77 137 66 269 258 262 131 42 153 276 80 08 80 08 80 09 80 09 80 10 80 10 80 11 80 11 81 01 81 01 81 04 81 04 81 04 81 04 81 04 81 04 81 04 81 05 81 05 81 05 81 05 81 05 81 06 81 06 81 06 81 07 81 07 81 07 81 08 81 08 81 08 81 09 81 09 81 09 81 09 81 10 81 10 81 11 81 11 81 12 81 12 81 12 82 01 82 01 82 01 82 02 82 02 82 02 82 03 82 03 82 03 82 03 82 04 82 04 82 05 82 05 82 05 82 06 82 07 82 08 Agreement governing the activities of states on the moon Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Energy from open ocean kelp farms Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Compensation for vaccine-related injuries World petroleum availability 1980-2000 Assessment of technology for local development Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scann Coal exports and port development Impacts of applied genetics: micro-organisms, plants, and Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness anlaysis of medical te Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors Patterns and trends in Federal coal lease ownership, 1950 Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Assessment of technologies for determining cancer risks f Technology and oceanography: an assessment of Federal tee Telecommunication technology and public policy Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te U.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparison of steel, e Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Patent-term extension and the pharmaceutical industry Solar power satellites Computer-based national information systems: technology a Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te MX missile basing Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: classifying for ha Technology and Soviet energy availability Assessment of development and production potential of Fed Assessment of the United States food and agricultural res Cost effectiveness of influenza vaccination Airport and air traffic control system Impact of advanced air transport technology: part II--the Radiofrequency use and management: impacts from the World Exploratory workshop on the social impacts of robotics: s Impact of advanced;air transport technology: part III--ai World population and fertility planning technologies: the Energy efficiency of buildings in cities Selected electronic funds transfer issues: privacy, secur Synthetic fuels for transportation: the future potential Technology transfer at the National Institutes of Health Global models, world futures, and public policy: a critiq Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Technology and handicapped people Civilian space policy and applications Regional implications of transported air pollutants: an a Impact of advanced air transport technology: part IV--fin

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272 270 110 159 76 85 119 121 132 32 81 78 84 79 74 102 80 133 72 38 53 216 220 24 75 114 278 247 122 123 130 219 225 67 73 51 115 155 188 224 227 98 221 34 226 60 208 312 17 143 140 148 4 324 311 13 198 15 18 22 82 08 82 08 82 08 82 08 82 09 82 09 82 09 82 09 82 09 82 10 82 10 82 10 82 10 82 11 82 11 82 11 82 12 82 12 83 02 83 03 83 03 83 03 83 03 83 04 83 04 83 04 83 04 83 05 83 05 83 05 83 05 83 05 83 05 83 06 83 06 83 07 83 07 83 08 83 08 83 08 83 08 83 09 83 09 83 10 83 10 83 11 83 11 83 12 83 12 83 12 83 12 83 12 84 01 84 01 84 02 84 02 84 03 84 03 84 03 84 03 Impacts of technology on U.S. cropland and rangeland prod Implications of electronic mail and message systems fort Review of the FAA 1982 National Airspace System Plan Use of models for water resources management, planning, a Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: MEDLARS and health information policy Space science research in the United States Strategies for medical technology assessment Technology and handicapped people: Mandatory passive rest Assessment of alternatives for a national computerized er Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: Medical technology under proposals to increase competitio Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: Informational technology and its impact on American educa Postmarketing surveillance of prescription drugs Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: Technology and handicapped people: Selected telecommunica Industrial and commercial cogeneration Automation and the workplace: selected labor, education, Effectiveness and costs of alcoholism treatment: health t Technologies and management strategies for hazardous wast UNISPACE '82: a context for international cooperation and Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economi Information content of premanufacture notices Role of genetic testing in the prevention of occupational Technology, innovation, and regional economic development Direct interest participation in the regulatory decision Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of de Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S. and internatio Technology and East-West trade: an update Technology, innovation, and regional economic development Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in Habitability of the Love Canal area: an analysis of the t Industrial energy use Medical technology and costs of the medicare program: Dia Safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness of therapeutic a Impact of randomized clinical trials on health policy and Quality and relevance of research and related activities Variations in hospital length of stay--their relationship Wood use: U.S. competitiveness and technology-vol. I & II Plants: the potentials for extracting protein, medicines, U.S. natural gas availability: conventional gas supply th Assessment of maritime trade and technology Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in International competitiveness in electronics Scientific validity of polygraph testing: a research revi OTA review of the Missouri dioxin task force recommendati SALYUT: Soviet steps toward permanent human presence ins Technology and handicapped people: Health technology case Technology and handicapped people: Health technology case U.S. passenger rail technologies Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis Review of ocean thermal energy systems Effects of decontrol on old gas recovery Nuclear power in an age of uncertainty Impacts of neuroscience Remote sensing and the private sector: issues for discuss Technologies to sustain tropical forest resources Wetlands: their use and regulation

PAGE 215

5 149 145 147 1 248 7 277 16 200 20 2 12 319 58 139 19 21 203 11 3 8 10 9 146 142 314 141 144 150 190 205 154 322 201 193 204 210 249 214 202 240 209 215 192 218 164 246 211 191 223 243 343 151 287 152 288 213 212 165 84 04 84 04 84 04 84 04 84 05 84 05 84 05 84 05 84 06 84 07 84 07 84 08 84 08 84 08 84 09 84 09 84 09 84 09 84 10 84 11 84 11 84 11 84 11 84 11 84 12 84 12 84 12 84 12 85 01 85 02 85 02 85 02 85 02 85 03 85 03 85 03 85 04 85 04 85 04 85 05 85 05 85 05 85 05 85 05 85 06 85 06 85 07 85 07 85 07 85 07 85 07 85 08 85 08 85 08 85 09 85 09 85 09 85 09 85 09 85 09 Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, educat Directed energy missile defense in space Groundwater protection standards for hazardous waste land Technology, renewable resources, and American crafts Acid rain and transported air pollutants: implications fo Arms control in space Environmental protection in the Federal coal leasing prog Update of Federal activities regarding the use of pneumoc Review of postal automation strategy: a technical and dee Medical technology and the cost of the medicare program Technology, innovation, and regional economic development Airport system development Stringfellow superfund site: engineering case study Technology and the future of the U.S. construction indust Effects of information technology on financial services s Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology--a clinical Technology transfer to the Middle East U.S. vulnerability to an oil import curtailment Protecting the nation's groundwater from contamination-vo Boston elbow: health technology case study no. 29 Civilian space stations and the U.S. future in space Federal policies and the medical devices industry Intensive care units (ICUs)--clinical outcomes, costs, an Market for wheelchairs--innovations and Federal policy: h Africa tomorrow: issues in technology, agriculture, and U Contact lens industry--structure, competition, and public Hemodialysis equipment and disposables industry: health t Human gene therapy Blood policy and technology Information technology R & D: critical trends and issues Medical devices and the Veterans Administration Review of the Public Health Service's response to AIDS U.S. natural gas availability: gas supply through the yea First report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commis Managing the nation's commercial high-level radioactive w Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of Preventing illness and injury in the workplace Superfund strategy Telecommunications in the U.S. Pacific Islands Cost effectiveness of digital subtraction angiography in Oil and gas technologies for the Arctic and deepwater R & Din the maritime industry: a supplement to an assess Strategic materials: technologies to reduce U.S. import v Technologies to benefit agriculture and wildlife International cooperation and competition in civilian spa Technology and aging in America Evaluation of the feasibility of studying long-term healt Innovative biological technologies for lesser developed c New electric power technologies: problems and prospects f Technologies for managing urinary incontinence: health te U.S.-Soviet cooperation in space Alternative approaches to cargo policy: a supplement to a OTA workshop on cargo policy, December 3 and 4, 1984: pan Replacing the Rosebud Sioux Hospital: number of beds and Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasures, and arms control Automobile update: facts and figures Ballistic missile defense technologies Effectiveness and cost of continuous ambulatory peritonea Energy technology transfer to China Smoking-related deaths and financial costs

PAGE 216

338 279 237 217 293 281 296 295 280 294 292 291 284 285 283 282 286 290 316 301 299 306 300 298 297 309 315 303 304 302 307 308 305 318 317 339 321 320 323 335 331 337 325 332 333 289 340 327 329 328 334 336 326 330 345 341 354 313 353 350 85 09 85 10 85 10 85 10 85 10 85 10 85 12 85 12 85 12 85 12 86 01 86 02 86 02 86 02 86 02 86 02 86 02 86 02 86 03 86 03 86 03 86 03 86 03 86 03 86 03 86 04 86 04 86 04 86 04 86 05 86 05 86 OS 86 05 86 06 86 06 86 07 86 07 86 07 86 07 86 08 86 08 86 08 86 09 86 09 86 09 86 09 86 09 86 09. 86 09 86 09 86 09 86 09 86 10 86 10 86 12 86 12 87 01 87 02 87 03 87 03 Status of biomedical research and related technology for Automation and robotics for the space station: phase B co Displaced homemakers: programs and policy Federal government information technology: electronic sur Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies for eva Reproductive health hazards in the workplace: selected as Automation of America's offices, 1985-2000 Demographic trends and the scientific and engineering wor Reclaiming prime farmlands and other high-quality croplan Reproductive health hazards in the workplace Effects of replacing lead with aromatic versus alcohol oc Alternatives to animal use in research, testing, and educ Federal government information technology: management, se Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in the Un Marine applications for fuel cell technology Payment for physician services: strategies for medicare Regulatory environment for science Technology and structural unemployment: reemploying displ Assessing biological diversity in the United States: data Microelectronics research and development Potential effects of section 3 of the Federal Coal Leasin Second report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commi Supercomputers: government plans and policies Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of Transportation of hazardous materials: state and local ac Indian health care Intellectual property rights in an age of electronics and Research fundirig as an investment: can we measure the ret Technical questions regarding plastic firearms Hearing impairment and elderly people Passive smoking in the workplace: selected issues Payment for physician services: strategies for medicare: Subseabed disposal of high-level radioactive waste Federal government information technology: electronic rec Western surface mine permitting and reclamation Role of U.S. development assistance in maintaining biolog Technologies for NATO's follow-on forces attack concept Transportation of hazardous materials Use of biomedical tests in paternity determination Continuing the commitment: agricultural development in th Ocean incineration: its role in managing hazardous waste Space stations and the law: selected legal issues Critical analysis of delayed effects of the military draf New structural materials technologies: opportunities for Plant closing: advance notice and rapid response Review of the consent decree for cleanup of PCBs in India Scientific equipment for undergraduates: is it adequate Serious reduction of hazardous waste: for pollution preve Technologies for detecting heritable mutations in human b Technologies for prehistoric and historic preservation Technology, trade, and the U.S. residential construction Trade in services: exports and foreign revenues Review of U.S. competitiveness in agricultural trade Social Security Administration and information technology Children's mental health: problems and services Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical te Preparing for science and engineering careers: field leve Clinical staffing in the Indian health service Border war on drugs New developments in biotechnology: ownership of human tis

PAGE 217

356 355 351 348 352 359 357 358 347 361 362 360 349 364 363 367 369 368 365 366 370 377 373 372 375 371 374 379 376 378 380 382 383 386 381 384 385 387 388 391 393 389 392 390 394 397 437 399 398 405 401 404 403 402 406 407 400 410 415 413 87 03 87 03 87 04 87 04 87 04 87 05 87 05 87 05 87 05 87 06 87 06 87 06 87 06 87 06 87 06 87 07 87 07 87 07 87 07 87 07 87 07 87 09 87 09 87 09 87 09 87 09 87 09 87 10 87 10 87 10 87 11 87 11 87 11 87 11 87 11 87 12 87 12 87 12 88 01 88 02 88 02 88 02 88 02 88 02 88 03 88 03 88 04 88 04 88 04 88 04 88 05 88 05 88 05 88 05 88 05 88 OS 88 05 88 06 88 06 88 06 Technologies to maintain biological diversity Trends and status of computers in schools: use in chapter Losing a million minds: confronting the tragedy of alzhei U.S. textile and apparel industry: a revolution in progre Wastes in marine environments Commercial newsgathering from space Costs of AIDS and other HIV infections: review of the est New developments in biotechnology: public perceptions of Technology dependant children: hospital vs. home care Construction and materials research and development fort Federal funding for artificial intelligence research and From pollution to prevention: a progress report on waste Integrated renewable resource management for U.S. insular New technology for NATO: implementing follow-on forces at Trade adjustment assistance: new ideas for an old program International competition in services: banking, building, Life-sustaining technologies and the elderly Marine minerals: exploring our new ocean frontier Technologies for the preservation of prehistoric and hist Technology transfer to China U.S. oil production: the effect of low oil prices Analysis of the ozone nonattainment provisions of the "Cl Do insects transmit aids? Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions Hospital information systems at the Veterans Administrati Science, technology, and the constitution Technologies for underwater archaeology and maritime pres Bone marrow transplantation using unrelated donors: curre Defending secrets, sharing data: new locks and keys fore Starpower: The U.S. and the international quest for fusio Breast cancer screening for Medicare beneficiaries: Effec First report on the Physician Payment Review Commission ( Identifying and regulating carcinogens Issues relevant to NCIC (National Crime Information Cente Third report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commis Analysis of the Montreal Protocol on substances that depl Neonatal intensive care for low birthweight infants: cost State educational testing practices Science, technology, and the First Amendment Aids and health insurance -an OTA survey Commercial development of tests for human genetic disorde Federal regulation and animal patents Healthy children: investing in the future Transgenic animals Defense technology base: introduction and overview Using desalination technologies for water treatment Electronic delivery of public assistance benefits: techno Mapping our genes. Genome projects: How big? How fast? Treaty-compliant accidental launch protection system Urban ozone and the Clean Air Act: problems and proposals Book preservation technologies Criminal justice, new technologies, and the constitution Infertility: medical and social choices New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineer SDI: technology, survivability, and software Seismic verification of nuclear testing treaties Technology and the American economic transition: choices Advanced materials by design Analysis of "Buy America" proposals for offshore drilling Are we cleaning up: 10 Superfund case studies

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414 88 06 411 88 06 408 88 06 395 88 06 412 88 06 409 88 06 419 88 07 420 88 07 416 88 07 418 88 07 417 88 07 422 88 08 421 88 08 428 88 09 429 88 09 431 88 09 426 88 09 424 88 09 425 88 09 434 88 10 436 88 10 430 88 10 438 88 10 427 88 10 435 88 10 433 88 11 439 88 11 432 88 11 440 88 12 441 88 12 Commercializing high-temperature superconductivity Educating scientists and engineers: grade school to grad Grassroots development: the African Development Foundatio How effective is AIDS education? Paying the bill: manufacturing and America's trade defici Quality of medical care: information for consumers Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Prog Institutional protocols for decisions about life-sustaini Launch options for the future: a buyer's guide New developments in bio,technology: U.S. investment in bio Safe skies for tomorrow: aviation safety in a competitive Artificial insemination practice in the United States: su Medical testing and health insurance Biology, medicine, and the Bill of Rights Copper: technology and competitiveness Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a role for U.S. developm Gearing up for safety: motor carrier safety in a competit Power on! New tools for teaching and learning Reducing launch operations costs: new technologies arid pr Appropriate care for cataract surgery patients before and Evaluation of options for managing greater-than-Class-Cl Informing the nation: federal information dissemination i Issues in medical waste management Pesticide residues in food: technologies .and methodolog:f.e Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly Fourth report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commi Potential biological and electronic effects of Empress II Second report on the Physician Payment Review Commission Drug labeling in developing and newly -industrialized co Elementary and secondary education for science and engine

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