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- Title:
- A Computerized Database of Information on OTA Publications QuOTAtion
- Creator:
- United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment.
Office of Technology Assessment Information Center
- Publisher:
- Office of Technology Assessment Information Center
- Publication Date:
- 1989
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- English
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- index ( KWD )
computerized databases ( KWD ) databases ( KWD )
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- Spatial Coverage:
- Washington, D.C.
- General Note:
- This document describes a computerized database for OTA collection called index QuOTAtion.
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- University of North Texas
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- University of North Texas
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- OTA:
- Office of Technology Assessment
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QuOTAtion A Computerized Data 13ase of Information on OTA Publication, Developed by The Office of Technology Assessment Information Center Martha Dexter, Manager Debra Mccurry, Information Specialist (Data .ease Production) OTA Information Center April 1990 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, S.E. Room304 228-6150
QuQTAtion A Computerized'Oaftl: Bese of Information on OTA Publications Developed by The Office of Technology Assessment Information Center Martha Dexter, Manager Jennifer Stowe (DoctmintRetr!ey~al Service)
Foreword to the Text Editio.nof'QuDTAtion .. 'fh~'Qtfice of Technology Assessment Information Center maintain.$:an archive collection of two copies _ofevery :OTA publication. Since the collection grew so large, the Information Center developed a compuf~ed data base index, QuOTAtion, which contains information Oh eacli pul,)lication. For each document, the fo]!owing' infQrmational fields are available: Title Program Project Director Date Abstract Desai.pt.ms (from the CRS SCORPIO data base) House ComnJ.ttee(s) (requesting) Senate Committet:.(s) (requt?sting) Library of Congress call number NTIS order number GPO stock numbe,: Document type (e.g., report, technical'mem.orandum, etc.) Reproduced in this binder is the full text of all t1 ie records in the data base as of April 1990. The list is given in three formats: by subject terms, by programs, and by docu111ennype. The data base is searchable online in the Information Center: It tall be searched in any combination, for example: all Energy Program reports issued in 1982, or all OTA puolications requested by a specific committee on a particular subject. Custom searches can be performed at any time by request, and the data base will be searched automatically as part of any substantive literature search requested in the Information Center by OTA .. staff. We anticipate increased awareve:ss of and USJ8C d OTA documents. The complete. data base reproduced b,ere ~~ed quartei-ly,'..Newi.publications will be added on.line to the computer on a regular basis, so the online :version will always be the,most up-to-date. To perform a literature search, contact Debra Mccurry in the Information: Center. For document retrieval from the archives, contact Jennifer Stowe. I believe this to be an exciting developmerifin-infannation management in OTA. I hope you find it useful. If you have any comments or suggestions, ple~ all me at 228~61.SO. Martha J;)e][ter APJi}-1990
OTA Publications by Subject Terms ACID PRECIPITATION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Acid rain and transported air pollutants: implications ill .PY!2li nolicY (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222967. ACID RAIN Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Acid rain and transported m pollutants: implications ill public po!ic: (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environ.ment and Public Works; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222967. ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medkill testing mg health insurance (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; August 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-1169S8/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. How effective .i3. AIDS education? (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Appropri~tions; June 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-243530. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Aldi mg .helUh insurance an QIA survey (J. Eden) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88l 70204. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. I& insects transmit aids ? (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; September 1987. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-143177/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of~ Public Health Service's respons,e to AIDS (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Government Operations; February 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-246668/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll!,oQg l22!iy and technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/AS. ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME COSTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of AIDS Q!l Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program
2 ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice, new technologies. and constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/AS. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE-MANAGEMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific and technical information in an electronic age: opportunities and challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/ AS. ADMINISTRATIVE RADIO CONFERENCE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Radiofrequencv use and management: impacts from tM .World Administrative Radio Conference Qf .!212. (R. B. Crowell) Requested by: Senate Committtie on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January I 982. Report. NTIS #PB82-l 77536. ADVANCED WEAPONS International Security and Commerce Progr.im, Office of Technology Assessment. Ballistic missile defense technologies (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182961/AS. Int~rnational Security and Commerce Program, Office of TechnologJicAssessment. Anti-satellite weapons. countermeasures, and arms control (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182953/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Directed energy missile defense in m (T. H. Karas) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-21011 I. AERONAUTICS Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of the FAA .l.2ll National Airspace System Plan (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-102772.
3 Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport filli! air traffic control system (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-207606. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Proceedings of the OT A seminar Q!l the Discrete Address Beacon System (~ (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; July 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-208168. AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots development: the African Development Foundation (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Select Committee on Hunger; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236252/ AS. AGED Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hearing impairment and elderly l2eoJ2!e. (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-218559/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and aging in America (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-ll6514/AS. AGED--U.S.--MEDICAL CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Costs and effectiveness of cholesterol screening in !he. elderly (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committ~e on Labor and Human Resources; April 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB89-224638. AGED-MEDICAL CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. of preventive services !2y the elderly (M. E. Gluck) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Hl,lman Resources; January 1989. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Screening for -~ glaucoma in the elderly (J. L. Wagner, and E. J. Power) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1988. Staff paper.
4 AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public policy, and tM changing structure Q.( American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637 / AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public policy, and changing structure of American agriculture: a special report for the 1985 farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics research (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; April 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-232835. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORK Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies {Qr~~ (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. AGRICULTURAL INNOVATION Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of ,ll.S. competitiveness in agricultural trade (H. Kelly) Requested by: Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; October 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-140760/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues in technology, agriculture, and U.S. foreign aig (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. AGRICULTURAL INNOVATIONS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies {Qr~~ (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report.
s Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a~ fo!: .ll.S. development assistance (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Committee on Agriculture; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-137087/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing .tru, commitment: agricultural development int.he. Sihel (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger /House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117644/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology.~ policy. and~ changing structure Qf American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies (or les.w' developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. w.l12.li P2liy, ang changing structure Qf American agriculture: a special for t.he. l.ru farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: m international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84173608. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: t.he. potentials for extracting protein, medicines, and O!hu Yfilllitl chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid J.angs: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf technology on U.S. cropland llrul rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013.
6 AGRICULTURAL POLICIES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies (Qr th&~ (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing th& quality of U.S.. grain for international (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. arain. quality in international~= 3 comparison of ma.i2!: :u.s. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. l2YJili.c. PQ!iy, arul. changing structure of American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/ Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public .P2.liy, arul. the changing structure of American agriculture: a special reW2Jl .t:w: th& 12.U WJP bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issU in technology. agriculture, and l,!.S. foreign aid (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology on U.S.. cropland ang rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of l,!.S. competitiveness in agricultural ,twk (H. Kelly) Requested by: Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; October 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-140760/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing th& commitment: agricultural development in the Sahel (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117644/AS.
7 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology A6sessment. Technologies to benefit agriculture and wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747 / AS. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Organizing Q!1d. financing basic research 1Q. increase f2ru1 production (W. Wilcox) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273182. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies f.Qr developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for. sustainable agriculture in u.s. arid/semiarid lwlds. (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-172667. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology on U.S,. cropland :mg rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Perspectives on Federal retail food grading (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273163. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public policy. and the changing structure of American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/ Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86l 84637 / AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public policy. aili1 the changing structure o.( American agriculture: a special report for .tM .!.2ll farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics research (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; April 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-232835.
8 Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q( ~United~ food ang agricultural research system (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-170572. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Organizing arul financing~ research lQ increase foQg production (W. Wilcox) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273182. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH-FUTURE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies fQr l22Q1 (M. J. Philli9s) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. AGRICULTURE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots development:~ African Development Foundation (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Select Committee on Hunger; Senate Committee 0'1 Foreign Relations; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236252/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. Plllili ~. arul .tM changing structure Q( American agriculture: ii-special W22.rt. fQr .tM 12.ll farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science t.nd Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow:~ in technology. agriculture. ang U.S. foreign aid (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. AGRICULTURE AFRICA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a rok fQr !l.S,. development assistance (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Committee on Agriculture; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-137087 / AS.
9 AGRICULTURE IN FOREIGN TRADE Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of ,ll.S,. competitiveness in agricultural tr.ruk (H. Kelly) Requested by: Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; October 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-140760/AS. AIR POLLUTION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Acid rain and transported air pollutants: implications ill J2U!2lic. l22licY (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222967. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of~ 2mM nonattainment provisions Qf "Qemi Air Standards Attainment Qf 12.81" (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; September 1987. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Acid rain afil! transported rur pollutants: implications (Qr. l22licY (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222967. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf advanced air transport technology. can 1--advanced high-~ aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL EQUIPMENT Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. rain afil! transported rur pollutants: implications ill l22licY (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222967. AIR POLLUTION CONTROL--U.S.--LAW AND LEGISLATION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Catching breath: next for reducing urban ozone (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90130451 / AS.
10 AIR POLLUTION--U.S.--STATISTICS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Catching QYI breath: next for reducing urban ozone (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July I 989. Report. NTIS #PB90I 30451 / AS. AIR QUALITY Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the ozone nonattainment provisions of ili&. "~ Air Standards Attainment A.c1 of 1211" (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; September 1987. Staff paper. AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safer skies with IC.AS (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System) (E. B. Page, and K. Dopart) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on CommP-rce, Science, and Transportation; February 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-169221. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~:e skies for tomorrow: aviation mfett in a competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Report. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of the FAA 1982 National Airspace System Plan (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-102772. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport and air traffic control system (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-207606. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Proceedings of .tM OT A seminar Q!1 the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; July 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-208168.
11 AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. skies fQr tomorrow: aviation~ in a competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Report. AIR TRAVEL Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport ang air traffic control system (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-207606. AIRCRAFT Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of advanced air transport technology: Mtt !--advanced high-~ aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504. AIRCRAFT TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. skies for tomorrow: aviation~ in a competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Report. AIRCRAFT CONSTRUCTION Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of advanced air transport technology: part !--advanced high-mefil! aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504. AIRCRAFT ENGINES Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of advanced air transport technology: part !--advanced high-~ aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504.
12 AIRCRAFT NOISE Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf advanced Bir transport technology: tmn I--advanced high-meed. aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504. AIRLINE LAW AND LEGISLATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sm 1Q! tomorrow: aviation~ .in 3 competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Report. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. AIRLINE PASSENGER TRAFFIC Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. AIRLINES Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. AIRLINES ECONOMIC ASPECTS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sm 1Q! tomorrow: aviation~ in 1l competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Report.
13 AIRPORTS Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport and air traffic control system (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-207606. ALASKA NATIVE CLAIMS SETTLEMENT ACT Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf governing across Federal lfillm.: options fQr in Alaska (F. J. Wobber) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-293982. ALCOHOL AS FUEL Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy from biological processes (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-211477. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gasohol (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PBS0105885. ALCOHOLISM Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness and costs of alcoholism treatment: health technology study Il.Q. 22. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB83-192492. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management for !.[.S. insular areas (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Conservation filli! s.olBr energy programs of the Department Qf Energy: a critique (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PBS0-197759.
14 ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing a million minds: confronting the tragedy of alzheimer's disease and Q1b.er dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752. AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL ASSISTANCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing agriculture in AfI.ig: a !2le. fQ!: U.S. development assistance (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Committee on Agriculture; September 1988. Report. NTIS 1FPB89-137087/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues in technology. agriculture, and !,l.S,. foreign ak! (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. AMERICAN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues in technology. agriculture, rulil U.S. foreign ak! (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. ANIMAL GENETICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology ~: patenting life (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. ANT ARCTIC TREATY Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Polar prospects: a minerals treaty for Antarctica (W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-125403.
15 ANTIMISSILE MISSILES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ballistic missile defense technologies (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182961/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Anti-satellite weapons. countermeasures. ang arms control (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182953/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Directed energy missile defense m (T. H. Karas) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-21011 I. ANTISATELLITE SATELLITES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ballistic missile defense technologies (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182961/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Anti-satellite weapons. countermeasures. illi1 I.Tim control (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182953/AS. ANTITRUST LAW Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: m international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84173608. APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Superfund problems cm .!:2e. ~-.. (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS. ARCHAEOLOGY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for prehistoric ang historic preservation (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140166/AS.
16 ARCTIC NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil production in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-169239. ARID REGIONS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies fQr developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies fQr sustainable agriculture i.n arid/semiarid ~= selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-1029l2. ARMS CONTROL International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Seismic verification Q( nuclear testing treaties (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214853. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Anti-satellite weapons. countermeasures. IJlil 3DDi control (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182953/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MX missile basing (P. Sharfman, and J. Kaplan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-108077. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation ang safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Artificial insemination practice in 1M. United~: summary Q( i !ill survey (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; August 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138903/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical ang SQia,l choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464.
17 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology & D: critical~ arul .illDa (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PBSS-245660/ AS. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Boston ruml!b. technology s.tllill IlQ. 29 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PBSS-145936/AS. ARTIFICIAL ORGANS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications o.t: CQ.81-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: 1M artificial ~--CQSt., ~. and benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239971. ASIA International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer !Q Qiinl (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-223418/AS. ASIAN AMERICAN ETHNIC GROUPS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends and .tM scientific and engineering work force (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206 l 82/ AS. ASTRONAUTICAL RESEARCH International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Round trip w. orbit: human spaceflight alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-224661.
18 ASTRONAUTICS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial newsgathering fIQm (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1987. Technical memorandum. ASTRONAUTICS AND MILITARY SCIENCE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Anti-satellite weapons. countermeasures. arul ar.Jm. control (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 198S. Report. NTIS #PB86-182953/AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S.-Soviet cooperation in~ (N. Lubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 198S. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86l l 4758/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. UNISPACE ~: a context {Qr international cooperation and competition (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-201848. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian rn l2Q!ic.y and applications (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-234444. ASTRONAUTICS AND MILITARY SCIENCES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Directed energy missile defense in space (T. H. Karas) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-210111. ATOMIC ENERGY Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing~ nation's commercial hi&h-lem radioactive~ (T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/AS. ATOMIC ENERGY INDUSTRIES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear in m Q.( uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 83953.
19 ATOMIC ENERGY POLICY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear I: in fill age of uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 83953. ATOMIC POWER International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to .the Middle~ (M. C. Harris) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127744. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear I: in fill age Qf uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 83953. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Soviet energy availability (R. Goldberg) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; November 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-133455. ATOMIC POWER PLANTS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear power in fill Qf uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors (E. C. Abbott) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-213589. ATOMIC WARFARE National Security Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of nuclear~ (P. Sharfman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; May 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-296946. ATOMIC WEAPONS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation and safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843.
20 AUDIOVISUAL EDUCATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Power Q!l! New tools fQr teaching ang learning (L. G. Roberts) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; September 1988. Report. AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology Q!l financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking. Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce~ Senate committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. AUTOMATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Security Administration ang information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special repc,rt. NTIS #PB87l 36834/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Progr&m, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Q.( J29na1 automation strategy. il technical aml decisicn analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment. education, amt .the. workplace
21 AUTOMOBILE FUEL CONSUMPTION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic ~: alternatives for reducing 2il imoorts--environmental iuuel of synthetic transportation from Qal-background Im2QI1 (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternative f..QI. reducing
22 AUTOMOBILE SAFETY APPLIANCES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology a.rut handicapped ~: Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles: .iw!ll ma evidence (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83159822. AUTOMOBILES Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment Q( changes in the YK and characteristics Q( th.e automobile transportation system (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB293645. AVIATION ACCIDENTS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safe skies for tomorrow: aviation smtv. in a competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Report. AVIATION FUELS Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf' advanced llir transport technology: l2JI1 !--advanced lli&h-~ aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504. AVIATION SAFETY Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. skies for tomorrow: aviation~ in .11 competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Report. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of the. FAA 12!2. National Airspace System flan (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-102772. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport and lllI. traffic control system (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-207606.
23 BALANCE OF PAYMENTS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. in services: exports lrui foreign revenues (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-118204/ AS. BALANCE OF POWER International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ballistic missile defense technologies (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182961/AS. BALANCE OF TRADE Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing in manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February 1990. Report. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Paying tM bill: manufacturing mg America's~ deficit (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-229539. BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SID: technology. survivability. arui software (T. H. Karas)May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236245/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Anti-satellite weapons. countermeasures. il!lii ifmS. control (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-l82953/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Directed energy missile defense in rn (T. H. Karas) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-210111. BANKS AND BANKING Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competition in services: banking. building. software know-how (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-212403/ AS.
24 BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives to animal in research, testing. ang education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183134/ AS. BEVERAGE CONTAINERS Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Materials and energy from municipal waste (C. T. Hill) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-300849. BIOENGINEERING Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Q.( applied genetics: micro organisms, ~. ang animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-206609. BICETHICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineered organisms: genetic rulil ecological~ (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214101/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: ownership Qf human and cells (G. B. Ellis, and G. B. White) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-207536/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/AS. BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects of f reguency electric and magnetic fields (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in United ~: da.t3, considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS.
25 BIOLOGY Communication and Information Technologies Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Biology, medicine. iJlil the, Wll .o( B.i&h11 (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS. BIOMASS ENERGY R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment .o( technology fQ.r. local development (W. Mills. and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. Energy Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Energy from biological processes (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce. Science. and Transportation; July 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-211477. BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer at the National Institutes of Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies iDSl the, medical devices industry (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85I 99552. BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology @.Q. aging in America (R. A. Harootyan. and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116514/AS. BIOPHYSICS Energy and Materials Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects .o( frequency electric mw magnetic~ (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985.
26 BIOTECHNOLOGY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology ~: patenting life (G. B. Elli::) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: ll,.S,. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineered organisms: genetic lmt ecological (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214101/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: public perceptions of biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS. Biological Applications Prograu, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: ownership of human~ an.d. (G. B. Ellis, and G. B. White) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1987. Specia report. NTIS #PB87-207536/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology. m international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 73608. BIRTH CONTROL Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. World population and fertility planning technologies: the. next 2Q Yfill.ll (L. A. Williams, and L. Corsa) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House C0mmittee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200338. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: elective hysterectomy--~. risks. and. benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326.
27 BIRTH DEFECTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies fQ.r detecting heritable mutations in human wn.u (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September I 986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140158/ AS. BLACK SCIENTISTS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends mg 1he. scientific mg engineering (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206182/AS. BLOOD Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sl!e.tt. efficacy, fillil effectiveness Qf therapeutic apheresis: health technology ltYslY D.Q. 2l (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-114842. BLOOD BANKS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Jl1QQg po!ic,y mg technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/ AS. BLOOD DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ,WoQg po!ic,y ans! technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( Qil-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: 1he. cost effectiveness Qf l22M marrow transplant therapy img m po!ic,y implications (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221798. BLOOD DONORS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Blood po!ic,y mg technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/ AS.
28 BLOOD TESTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Aids health insurance -an OT A survey (J. Eden) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88l 70204. BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Blood~ ang technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/AS. BOOKS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Book preservation ~.Qlogies (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212410/ AS. BOTANY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. flams.: potentia.~ for extracting protein, medicines. ang yseiyl chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743. BRAIN RESEARCH Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of. neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-l 96716. BREAST CANCER Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf: ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: surgery for~ cancer (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-12418l. BROADCAST JOURNALISM International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial news gathering from rn (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1987. Technical memorandum.
29 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. ~. and tM U.S.. residential construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; September I 986. Special report. NTIS #PB87l l 7594/ AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology ruli! !M future of~ U.S.. construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; August 1984. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-209442/AS. BUSINESS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical needs for s1, changing U.S. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/AS. CAD CAM SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, education, and the. workplace (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 96500. CANCER Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: elective hysterectomy--CQ.ili., risks. ruli! benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q.( CQS.1-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: allocating and benefits in disease prevention programs--an application to cervical cancer screening (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221806. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf cos.1-eff ectiveness anlaysis of medical technology: screening (or co!Qn ~--a technology assessment (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Oase study. NTIS #PB81-209785. ..
30 CANCER RESEARCH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer at the National Institutes of Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cancer testing technology ang saccharin (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; October 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273499. CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and steel industrv competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. CARCINOGENS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Identifying and regulating carcinogens (K. Kronebusch) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-136999. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q( technologies for determining gnCfil_ risks from the environment (M. Gough)June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235400. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cancer testing technology and saccharin (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; October 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273499. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cofil; effectiveness of di&itu subtraction angiography in the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease: health technology study no. 34 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; May 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB85-241 l 15/ AS. CARGO PREFERENCES Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative approaches t.Q cargo P.Q.Jky: a supplement tQ. an assessment of maritime t!ruk and technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1985. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-239887 / AS.
31 CARL D. PERKINS VOCATIONAL EDUCATION ACT Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Performance standards .t:or secondary sch29! vocational education (M. J. Feuer) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; April 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-195176. CERAMICS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials hY (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June I 988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243548. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New structural materials technologies: opportunities fQr tM 21: advanced ceramics mg composites (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-118253/AS. CERVICAL CANCER Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. and effectiveness 21: cervical canm screening (J. L. Wagner, E. J. Power, and B. M. Duffy) requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; February 1990. Background paper. CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy use (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Q( applied genetics: micro organisms. Plann. mg animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-206609. CHEMICALS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Identifying :md regulating carcinogens (K. Kronebusch) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-136999. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: the potentials for extracting protein, medicines. Bml otMr me!Y,l chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743.
32 Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental contaminants in fQQQ. (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80l 53265. CHILD ABUSE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Healthy children: investing in the~ (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Finance; February 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88l 78454/ AS. CHILD HEAL TH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Healthy children: investing in tM future (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Finance; February 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-178454/AS. CHILD HEAL TH SERVICES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Healthy children: investing in tM (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Finance; February 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88l 78454/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of k9SJ:-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: tM com allil effective.JWi of neonatal intensive~ (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; August 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-10141 l. CHILD MENTAL HEAL TH SERVICES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Children's mental health: problems and services (D. Dougherty) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207486/ AS. CHOICE OF TECHNOLOGY Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology allil tM American economic transition: choices w: (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; House Committee on the Judiciary; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Education and Labor; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on the Budget; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214127 / AS.
33 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to 1M Middle East (M. C. Harris) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127744. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology ;mg handicapped people (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83159814. R & D Pwgram, Office of TechnoJogy Assessment. A11e11ment fll technology for }gg1 develooment (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. CHOLESTEROL Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qwl ang effectiveness of cholesterol screening in elderly (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources~ April 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB&9-22463&. CHROMIUM Industry. Technology. and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategic materials: technologies~ reduce U.S.. import vulnerability (L. N. Antrim) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-l 1S367 / AS. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coastal effects Q{ offshore energy systems: m assessment Qf. 2i! ang w systems. deeowater J22!1S. and nuclear powerolants 2iI the of New Ime.Y and Delaware (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; November 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-274033. CIVIL DEFENSE National Security Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of nuclear war (P. Sharf man) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; May 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-296946. CIVIL LIBERTIES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology. medicine. ang Bill of Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS.
34 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management, security. iru1 congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. CIVIL RIGHTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice. new technologies. aru1 constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/AS. CLASSIFIED DEFENSE INFORMATION Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !.[.S,.-Soviet cooperation in~ (N. Lubin) Requested by: House Committee on Sc:ience and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1985. Tec~mical memorandum. NTIS #PB86l 14758/ AS. CLEAN AIR ACT Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Catching our breath: next steps for reducing fil12rul m (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-130451/AS. CLOTHING INDUSTRY Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S,. textile and apparel industry: revolution in progress (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1987. Special Report. NTIS '#PB87-196762/XAB. COAL Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coal exports and port development (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-203358. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct~ Qf coru (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797.
35 COAL GASIFICATION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic t:Yfils: alternatives fQr reducing Qi! imoorts--selected technical aru! economic comoarisions Qf synfuel options (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-147363. COAL LEASES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects of section l of the Federal Q2.ru Leasing Amendments Act Qi: 1976 (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86l 82029 / AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in the Federal coal leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of development and production potential o.( Federal OD! ye,s, (Buyrn A., and K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-149378. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patterns aru! .trends. in Federal CQfil ownership .!22Q.-&2. (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural u_.,..,_.,,,_,_,..c ... .,_~ A..,,.,..;.1. 1~
36 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Soviet energy availability (R. Goldberg) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; November 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-133455. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~~ Q.( (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. COAL PIPELINES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment of~ slurry pipelines (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-278675. COAL RESERVES Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of development and production potential Q.( Federal coal (Buyrn A., and K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-149378. COASTAL AREAS OCEANOGRAPHY Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wastes in marine environments (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-194585. COASTWISE SHIPPING Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Competition in coastal seas: an evaluation Qf foreign maritime activities in the 2.QQ-mile EEZ (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; July 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89224653. COBALT Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategic materials: technologies tQ reduce l[.S. import vulnerability (L. N. Antrim) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-115367/AS.
37 COGENERA TION OF ELECTRIC POWER AND HEAT Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial and commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83l 80547. COMMERCIAL AVIATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safer skies with TCAS (Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System) (E. B. Page, and K. Dopart) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-169221. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to the. Middle as.t (M. C. Harris) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127744. COMMERCIALIZATION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: U.S.. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercializing high temperature superconductivity (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-246442/ AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New structural materials technologies: opportunities for the. file. Qf advanced ceramics and composites (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Ser,tember 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87l l 8253 / AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation and competition in civilian rn activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-136842/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Remote sensing and the private~ !m!es, fQr discussion (R. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l 80777.
38 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January I 984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 73608. Energy Program, Offica of Technology Assessment. Industrial ang commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-I 80547. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency ang synthetic ~= alternatives fQr reducing oil imports--selected technical ang economic comparisions of synfuel options (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-147363. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MEDLARS ang bal!h information .P9lly (B. R. Luce; Requested by: He use Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-168658. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of oil shi,le. technologies (T. A. Sladek) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-210115. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statm. of biomedical research ang related technology for tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS. COMMUNICATION IN MEDICINE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MEDLARS and health information .POliy (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; September I 982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-168658. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology in medical education and assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-102528. COMMUNICATION IN SCIENCE Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Regulatory environment fs2r science (M. C. LaFollette) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-182003/AS.
39 COMMUNICATION IN SCIENCE-MANAGEMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~fil1ll scientific wig technical information in m electronic : opportunities amt challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/ AS. COMMUNICATION SATELLITES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation U!Ul competition .in civilian rn activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-136842/AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian Bfill applications (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-234444. COMMUNICATIONS-TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical connections communication (QI f.yty,m (L. Garcia) requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1990. Report. COMMUNITY AND SCHOOL Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Elementary and secondary education w science mg engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89l 39 I 82/ AS. COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Communications and rural America (W. Mills) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry /Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1978. Committee print. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Feasibility rulil value of broadband communications in ru.ml arw: i preliminary evaluation (W. Mills) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; April 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258095.
40 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf. technology for local development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct .use. of coal (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. COMMUNITY HEAL TH SERVICES R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment o.t: technology for local development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. COMPETITION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric power wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Asses,;ment. Review of .U.S. competitiveness in agricultural~ (H. Kelly) Requested by: Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; October 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-140760/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New structural materhls technologies: opportunities for~ .use. o.t: advanced ceramics aru1 composites (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-l 18253/ AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, trade, and the ll..S.. residential construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117594/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation and competition in civilian activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-136842/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology Q!l financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: fill international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 73608.
41 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competitiveness in electronics (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; November 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-170695. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology .Ynder proposals 1Q increase competition in health (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-164046. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment .U:.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparison of steel, electronics, and automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235749. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of advanced transport technology: oru:11--advanced high-~ aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504. COMPOSITE MATERIALS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials hY design (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243548. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New structural materials technologies: opportunities for.~ of advanced ceramics ruig composites (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-1 l 8253 / AS. COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENT AL RESPONSE, COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY ACT Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Superfund problems gm. be meg_ ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce;. October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209 / AS. COMPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology and. its impact Qll American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-l 74664.
42 COMPUTER INDUSTRY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic mail llliJ message systems fQ.r. ,ll.S. fosial Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology rulil (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. COMPUTER NETWORKS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. High performance computing and networking fQr science (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-131228/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Supercomputers: government J21ins. llliJ policies (P. S. Adler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205218/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MEDLARS 3Jli1 hal!h information~ (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-168658. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology rulil J2Yl2li (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R D: critical t,reruh lJlil (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PBSS-245660/ AS. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Global models. futures, rulil .l2J!b.li ~: D: critique (W. Mills) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-251299.
43 COMPUTER SECURITY MEASURES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Def ending secrets. sharing data: l2c.u arul !2!: electronic information (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-l43185/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology and l2l!l:ili .POlly (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-12668l. COMPUTER SOFTWARE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SDI: technology, survivability, mg software (T. H. Karas)May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236245/ AS. COMPUTER SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competition in services: banking. building. software ~-how (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-212403/AS. COMPUTER SOFTWARE-LAW AND LEGISLATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer software mg intellectual property (J. D. Winston) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; March 1990. Background paper. COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology in medical education and assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-102528. COMPUTERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property rights in m ue. ot: electronics ang information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87100301/AS.
44 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Supercomputers: government plans ruig policies (P. S. Adler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205218/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research and development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices, 1.2.82-2.QQ.Q (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055; AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerbased national information systems: technology wli1 Pll.lilic. QQJic.y (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Policy implications of the computed tomography (CT) scanner: an update (K. Kohlhof, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; January 1981. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-163917. COMPUTERS AND GOVERNMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in ru! electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defending secrets, sharing data: IlfilY. locks and keys for electronic information (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-143185/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration and information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic~ systems rul.d individual privacy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100335/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Supercomputers: government plans and policies (P. S. Adler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205218/AS.
45 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management, security. a,ng. congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices. 1985-2.QQQ. (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance and civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. COMPUTERS AND GOVERNMENT-MANAGEMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific filld. technical information in m electronic : opportunities and challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/AS. COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Power on! New tools for teaching filld. learning (L. G. Roberts) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; September 1988. Report. COMPUTERS SOFTWARE Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Power on! New tools for teaching and learning (L. G. Roberts) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; September 1988. Report. CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies .tQ maintain biological diversity (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-207494/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wetlands: their use and regulation (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-I 75918.
46 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S. and international institutions (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104058. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technical options for conservation of metals: studies of selected ang products (M. Peterson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-I02619. CONSERVATIONISTS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in United S1a1e1 (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; February 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181997/AS. CONSTITUTION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology, medicine. arul tru:. Bill Q( Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice,~ technologies. amt th. constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/ AS. CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRIES Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competition in services: banking. building. software know-~ (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-212403/AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology,~. ang u.s.. residential construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117594/AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and .tM future of U.S.. construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; August 1984. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-209442/AS.
47 CONSUMER CREDIT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf information technology 2n financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. CONSUMER EDUCATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology lUlikr proposals lQ. increase competition in~ (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-164046. CONSUMER PROTECTION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qo.e.n shelf-Hf e gating Qf fQQg (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-101629. CONSUMERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf information technology Q.D. financial services systems (Z. A. Shaven) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. CONTINENTAL SHELF Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coastal effects o~ offshore energy systems: fill assessment Q( 2il arul w systems. deepwater J20!1S., and nuclear powerolants Qff the QM! of New and Delaware (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; November 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-274033. CONTRACEPTIVES Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. World population arul fertility planning technologies: ll!!. 22 Em (L. A. Williams, and L. Corsa) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200338.
48 COORDINATING COMMITTEE FOR MULTILATERAL EXPORT CONTROLS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and EastWest (P. Sharfman, and H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-119381. COPPER Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Copper: technology and competitiveness (J. Robison) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; Technology Assessment Board; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-138887/AS. COPYRIGHT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property r.i.8.lm in im w 2i. electronics~ information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87100301/ AS. CORPORATE DIVESTITURE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Inf onnation technology .R J2: critical~ and.~ (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PBSS-245660/ AS. CORPORATE FINANCE Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and steel industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. COST CONTROL Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment for physician services: strategies for medicare (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-l82011 / AS.
49 COST EFFECTIVENESS Energy and Materials Program. Office of Technology Assessment. New electric technologies: problems and prospects fQ!: l2.8Qs. (P.H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. Energy and Materials Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear in an of uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll,.S,. passenger rail technologies (L. Turnbull)December 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-182609. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Variations in hospital length of nu--their relationship tS2 halth outcomes:~ technology c.,1Se, OQ. 24 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; August 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-111483. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of randomized clinical Q!l health QQlic.y arul medical practice (H. Gelband)August 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-114560. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~. efficacy, ang CQSl effectiveness of therapeutic apheresis: health technology CJK S1Y.dY 92. 23. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-l 14842. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology ang handicapped people: Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles: is,sua arul evidence (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83159822. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategies f.or medical technology assessment (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83113274. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of con-effectiveness analysis .of medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging and CQS1 effectiveness (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239989. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications ot: CQS1-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: artificial heart--CQfil, risks. and benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239971.
50 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of .il-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: four common !.-ID procedures--problems amt prospects for economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Synthetic fuels for transportation: the future potential of electric and hybrid vehicles (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-126086. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Q2.S! effectiveness of influenza vaccination (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82l 78492. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of QS.l-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: surgery f..QI. breast.~ (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82124181. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: elective hysterectomy--~. risks, and benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of .il-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: the~ and effectiveness oi neonatal intensive~ (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; August 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-10141 l. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQfil-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the ~~effectiveness Q.( nurse practitioners (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101064. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: assessing selected respiratory therapy modalites--trends and relative costs in the Washington, D.Q. (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101122. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQfil-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: the .il effectiveness of~ gastronintestinal endoscopy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PBSI-221814. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQfil-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: allocating ~~benefits in disease prevention programs--an. application tQ cervical ancfil' screening (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PBSI-221806.
51 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications ot: CQS1-effectiveness analysis Q( medical technology:~ c.o.s1 effectiveness Qf marrow transplant therapy and us. P9liy implications (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221798. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications ot: c.o.s1-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: c.2S1 effectiveness ot: automated multichannel chemistry analyzers (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209793. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications ot: CQS.t-eff ectiveness analysis Q.( medical technology: the efficacy aru1 con effectiveness Qf psychotherapy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144610. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf c.o.s1-effectiveness analysis ot: medical technology: methodological ang literature review (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144602. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf c.o.s1-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review 2f selected Federal vaccine ang immunization policies: l2aw1 Qll studies Q! pneumococcal vaccine (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-116106. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. QJ2e!1 shelf-life gating of fo,og (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-101629. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Drugs in livestock feed (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298450. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct .Y& of CQBl (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application Q.( solar technology to today's energy n,eeds,-yol. I~ II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770. COST OF WAR National Security Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Q.( nuclear war (P. Sharfman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; May 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-296946.
52 CREDIT CARDS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology on financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected electronic (1mm transfer .is.sY,es,: privacy. security. arul emiliY (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-202532. CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternatives f.21: a national computerized criminal history system (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-166678. CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Asst:ssment. Assessment Qf alternatives f.21: a national computerized criminal history system (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-166678. CRIMINAL LAW International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Space stations and the law: selected \e&al .is.sY.es. (R. Dalbello) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-118220/AS. DATA BANKS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in tM United SWn: QB!3 considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternatives f.21: a national computerized criminal history system (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83l 66678.
53 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology in medical education and assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-102528. Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preliminary analysis Qf the IRS Tax Administration System (M. J. MacNaughton) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; March 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273143. DAT A TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology. new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. DECISION MAKING Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Research funding as !!D. investment: gin~ measure~ returns (E. Frankel, and B. J. Holt) Requested by: Task Force on Science Policy; April 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-218278/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf randomized clinical .trials. Q!! health l20licY ang medical practice (H. Gelband)August 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84l 14560. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf ~-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: methodological~ ang literature review (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September I 980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144602. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PBS0-216864. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Engineering implications Qf chronic materials scarcity (J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences; April 1977. Conference proceedings. NTIS #PB-273193. DECISION MAKING IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of information systems capabilities required .to. support l[.S,. materials .PO.liy decisions (S. A. Rossmassler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273462.
54 DEEP WATER PORTS Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coastal effects Q.( off shore energy systems: an assessment Qf 2il rulil w systems. deepwater ports, and nuclear powerplants Qff the CQaS1 Q.( New Jersey and Delaware (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; November 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-274033. DEFENSE TECHNOLOGY International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Holding the ~: maintaining the. defense technology~ (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; April 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-I96604. DENTISTRY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q.( ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: periodontal diseases--assessing effectiveness and costs of the Keyes technique (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PBSI-221780. DETERRENCE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ballistic missile defense technologies (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September I 985. Report. NTIS #PB8618296 I/ AS. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies for lesser developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to Middle &aS,1 (M. C. Harris) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127744. DIOXINS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for reducing dioxin in the manufacture Qf bleached~ fil!m (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-223291.
55 DIRECT BROADCAST SATELLITES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. UNISPACE '82: a context for international cooperation mg competition (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-201848. DISASTER RELIEF Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. 1[.S. disaster assistance tQ developing countries: lessons applicable to !J..S.. domestic disaster programs (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-153760. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Criteria fQr evaluating !h.e. implementation plan required bx !h.e. Earthquake Hazards Reduction A.ct of 1977 (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-241663. DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. RQ!e. of genetic testing in the prevention Qf occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. DISLOCATED WORKERS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Trade adjustment assistance: ideas fQr m .Q,lg program (K. Gillman) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Finance; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-20374l. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plant closing: advance notice and rapid response (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-118212/AS. DISPLACED HOMEMAKERS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Displaced homemakers: programs and .P.Qlicy (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1985. Interim report. NTIS #PB86-120276/ AS.
56 DISTANCE LEARNING Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Linking fQr learning:a fQr ed,::ation (Roberts LG) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156969/ AS. DREDGING Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. QmJ. exports and J20r1 development (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-203358. DRUG ABUSE Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Border war Q!l gmgs, (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-184172. DRUG INDUSTRIES Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of applied genetics: m.im organisms. 12!arus., arut animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-206609. DRUG INDUSTRY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84173608. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Postmarketing surveillance of prescription drugs (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-l 73625. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patent-term extension arul pharmaceutical industry (N. L. Balmer) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-100918.
57 DRUG LAW AND LEGISLATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information content of. premanufacture notices (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-241059. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Postmarketing surveillance of. prescription drugs (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-l 73625. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Drugs in livestock feed. (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298450. DRUG SEIZURES Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Border war Qll (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-184172. DRUGS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Postmarketing surveillance of. prescription drugs (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-l 73625. DRY FARMING Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies fQr sustainable agriculture in ,ll.S. arid/semiarid lands (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-172667. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lilm!s,: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. DUE PROCESS OF LAW Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preliminary analysis of. !he. IRS Tax Administration System (M. J. MacNaughton) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; March 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273143.
58 EARTH RESOURCES SATELLITES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial newsgathering from rn (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1987. Technical memorandum. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Remote sensing and the private sector: .is.yes_ for discussion (R. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l 80777. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian space mg applications (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-234444. EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS REDUCTION ACT Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Criteria .(Qr evaluating the implementation plan required h the. Earthquake Hazards Reduction~ ot: 1977 (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-241663. EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Criteria for evaluating the. implementation plan required 12Y the. Earthquake Hazards Reduction~ ot: 1977 (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-241663. EARTHQUAKES Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Criteria for evaluating the. implementation plan required '2.Y the. Earthquake Hazards Reduction ot: 1977 (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Se-nate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-241663. EAST-WEST TRADE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and East trade: m update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955.
59 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and EastWest trade (P. Sharfman, and H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80l l 938 l. ECONOMIC ASPECTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: four common ~-raY orocedures--problems and prospects (Qr economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural w imports-background (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-203847. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing ilie, commitment: agricultural development in the~ (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-ll 7644/ AS. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AFRICA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots development: the African Development Foundation (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Select Committee on Hunger; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236252/ AS. ECONOMIC FORECASTING Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologv and .the. American economic transition: choices (Qr the future (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; House Committee on the Judiciary; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Education and Labor; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on the Budget; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214127 / AS. ECONOMIC GROWTH Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical needs for a changing U.S.. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/ AS.
60 ECONOMIC STATISTICS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Trade in services: exports mg foreign revenues (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-ll 8204/ AS. ECONOMICS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf W proposed national energy plan (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. ECONOMICS ST A TISTICS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical fQr 3 changing U.S. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/ AS. EDUCATIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Performance standards fQr secondary sc.hQol vocational education (M. J. Feuer) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; April 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-195176. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Educating scientists engineers: &r.a1k school tQ. mg sc.hQol (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-235973/ AS. EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to China (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-223418/AS. EDUCATIONAL INNOVATIONS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Linking fQr learning:a new CQ.Um for education (Roberts LG) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156969/ AS.
61 Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Power Q!l! New tools f2r teaching and learning (L. G. Roberts) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; September 1988. Report. EDUCATIONAL POLICY Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Linking [Qr learning:~ new rn fQr education (Roberts LG) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156969/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology~ .iU impact Ql1 American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-174664. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Linking for learning:il new rn f2r education (Roberts LG) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156969/ AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Power on! New tools [Qr teaching img learning (L. G. Roberts) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; September 1988. Report. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology and .iU impact Q!l American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-l74664. ELASTICITY Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Q( proposed national energy plan (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. ELECTRIC ENGINEERING Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Renewable energy sources: ocean thermal energy conversions (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; May 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283104.
62 ELECTRIC POWER International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Soviet energy availability (R. Goldberg) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; November 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-133455. ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION--U.S.--EVALUATION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric power wheeling and dealing: technological considerations t:oI increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. ELEC":"'IUC POWER PRODUCTION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. electric power technologies: problems mg prospects for~~ (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial amt commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83180547. ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects of power frequency electric and magnetic fields (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION--U.S.--EVALUATION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric power wheeling and dealing: technological considerations fQ.r increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. ELECTRIC UTILITIES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric power wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748.
63 Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric power technologies: problems and prospects fQr. .tM (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. ELECTRIC VEHICLES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Synthetic iYels. .(Qr transportation: the future potential Q.( electric hybrid vehicles (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-126086. ELECTRICITY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects of f reguency electric mg magnetic (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. ELECTRONIC DAT A PROCESSING Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: rum'.. technology. new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. So.m! Security Administration llrul information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/ AS. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected electronic funds transfer~: privacy. security. and equity (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-202532. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic delivery Qf public assistance benefits: technology options and 129.liu (P. M. Regan, and J. D. Winston) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138911/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology on financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS.
64 ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competitiveness in electronics (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/ Joint Economic Committee; November 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-170695. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. U.~. industrial competitiveness: a. comparison of~. electronics, and automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235749. ELECTRONIC MAIL SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic mail and message systems for the !l-~Postal Service (F. B. /ood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technolo~:y Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in an electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-11424~. ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security. and congrersional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance and civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS.
65 ELECTROOPTICS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of 122!1! automation strategy: 3-technical and decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843. ELEMENT ARY EDUCATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Elementary and secondary education for science arut engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89l 39 l 82/ AS. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation Qf hazardous materials (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87l 00319 / AS. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PERSONNEL Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment .Ruw emergency medical services (M. Hewitt, and E. Power) Requested by: Senate Rural Health Caucus; November 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB90159047/AS. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment .Ruw emergency medical services (M. Hewitt, and E. Power) Requested by: Senate Rural Health Caucus; November 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB90159047 /AS. EMPLOYEE MORALE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043.
66 EMPLOYEE RIGHTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology. new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88l 44043. EMPLOYMENT FORECASTING International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competitiveness in electronics (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; November 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-170695. ENERGY CONSERVATION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuel.: alternatives fQ.r reducing
67 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis Qf the 1976 ERDA plan and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794. ENERGY CONSERVATION IN BUILDINGS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy efficiency of buildings in cities (M. E. Procter) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200346. ENERGY CONSUMPTION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Residential energy conservation (N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298410. ENERGY DEMAND Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric technologies: problems filld prospects (or the.~ (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternatives fQr. reducing oil imports--environmental of synthetic transportation fuels from coal-background reQO!! (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fu.e!s: alternative for reducing Qil imoorts--environmental issues for synthetic transportation fuels from c.oal (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-16185I. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternative (or reducing Qil imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83126094. ENERGY DEVELOPMENT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !.[.~. vulnerability tQ a.!! oil import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127785.
68 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Soviet energy availability (R. Goldberg) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; November 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-133455. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of oil shale technologies (T. A. Sladek) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June I 980. Report. NTIS #PB80-210115. ENERGY EFFICIENCY Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile f.wtl efficiency mm synthetic alternatives !Qr reducing oil imports--environmental imteS. 2t: synthetic transportation fuels from COBl-background r~ (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic ~: alternative for reducing Qi! imports--environmental imteS. !Qr synthetic transportation fuels from CQ!\l (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Nover~ber 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161851. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic ~: alternative (or reducing o.il imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy efficiency Qf buildings in ci1ies. (M. E. Procter) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200346. ENERGY FACILITIES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy technology transfer 1Q China (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86l l 3008/ AS. ENERGY FACILITY SITES Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation Q( liquefied natural w (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; September 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273486.
69 ENERGY INDUSTRIES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll-S.vulnerability !12 m oil import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127785. ENERGY LAW AND LEGISLATION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric wheeling dealing: technological considerations f.21: increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. ENERGY POLICY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment .1.[.S. vulnerability tQ moil import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127785. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial mg commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested. by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-l 80547. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency mg synthetic f:l!el1: alternatives for reducing Qil imoorts--environmental Qf synthetic transportation f:l!el1 from co.al-background reJ2QI1 (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile ~l efficiency and synthetic fue!..: alternative for reducing oil imports--environmental issues for synthetic transportation fuels from coal (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161851. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels.: alternative for reducing oil imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Soviet energy availability (R. Goldberg) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; November 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-133455. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gasohol (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PBS0105885.
70 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Residential energy conservation (N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298410. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Q( proposed national energy .Plan (R. E. Row berg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation and safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Engineering implications of chronic materials scarcity (J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences; April 1977. Conference proceedings. NTIS #PB-273193. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis Qf 1976 ERDA .Plan and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Mfy 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794. ENERGY PRICES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis o( tM proposed national energy .Plan (R. E. Row berg) Requested by: House Committee or: Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. ENERGY PRODUCTION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. l,l.S,. natural gas availability: gas supply through the. ZQQil (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-109162/AS. ENERGY RESEARCH Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Marine applications for fuel cell technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1986. Technical meml)randum. NTIS #PB86I 83597 / AS. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Renewable energy sources: thermal energy conversions (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; May 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283104. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis o( tM J.2,ZQ ERDA .Plan and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794.
71 ENERGY SHORTAGES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.S,. vulnerability to. m 2il import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127785. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf the. impacts of the. projected natural w curtailments for the. winter 12ll-16. (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250623. ENERGY SUPPLIES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Soviet energy availability (R. Goldberg) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; November 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-133455. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. World petroleum availability 128.2-2.QQQ. (C. J. Holland) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-145252. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the. proposed national energy Plan (R. E. Row berg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. ENERGY TRANSPORTATION Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of development and production potential of Federal (Buyrn A., and K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-149378. ENGINEERING Science, Educat~on, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Educating scientists mg engineers: S&h.oQl to. mg schQQl (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-235973/ AS. ENGINEERING--U.S.--STUDY AND TEACHING Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Higher education m: science ID4 engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-191290.
72 Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Elementary and secondary education for science and engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December I 988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89l 39 l 82/ AS. ENGINEERS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends and scientific and engineering work fQfil (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206182/ AS. ENGINEERS--U.S.--FUTURE Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Higher education for science ang engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-191290. ENVIRONMENT Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineered organisms: genetic anp ecological (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214101/AS. ENVIRONMENT AL ASPECTS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in Federal coal leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental contaminants in food (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80l 53265. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental issues affecting the Panama (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; December 1978. Committee hearing. ENVIRONMENT AL ASSESSMENT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in the Federal c.o! leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413.
73 Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coastal effects of offshore energy systems: an assessment Qf 2il mg w systems. deeowater 12Q!tt, rulil nuclear powerplants ofi the. .or New Jersey and Delaware (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; November I 976. Report. NTIS #PB-274033. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis 2f the. .1212 ERDA plan and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794. ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.sin.& desalination technologies for water treatment (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senator Paul Simon; March 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-l 93354. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Superfund problems~~~ ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Catching our breath: next for reducing Yf12an m (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-130451/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Identifying mg regulating carcinogens (K. Kronebusch) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-l36999. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Stringfellow superfund ilie.: engineering smgy (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1984. Contractor Report. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental contaminants .in fQQg (C. E. Woteki) Requested hy: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80l 53265. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct~ 2f fil (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. ENVIRONMENT AL LAW AND LEGISLATION Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200.
74 Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Management Qf. and nonfuel minerals in Federal lWli1 (R. W. Wright) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295788. ENVIRONMENT AL MONITORING Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Habitability of .the. Love an analysis Qf .the. technical 12.am w .the. decision 2!l .the. habitability 2i emergency declaration anm (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; June 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-114917. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming (jean: Superfund problems gn M 8.21,yeg ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS. Oci~ans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Facing America's trash: what next fs2!: municipal ~? (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-157769/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fIQ.m. pollution to prevention: J progress~ QR~ reduction (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-208062. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to maintain biological diversity (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-207494/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Serious reduction of hazardous waste: fQI: pollution prevention fillii industrial efficiency (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-139622/AS. ENVIRONMENT AL PROTECTION Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Superfund strategy (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-120425.
75 Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of advanced ii!: transport technology: J2U! !--advanced bi&h-~ aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental affecting the Panama Cm.al (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; December 1978. Committee hearing. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf !J:.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY 121 through l2.8Q. (R. Daly) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258191. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION GROUPS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S. aru1 international institutions (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104058. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION--ANT ARCTIC REGIONS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Polar prospects: a minerals treaty (Qr Antarctica (W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-125403. ENVIRONMENTALLY INDUCED DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies (Qr detecting heritable mutations in human (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140158/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf technologies for determining cancer risks from~ environment (M. Gough)June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235400. EPIDEMIOLOGY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Q{ biomedical research and related technology (Qr tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS.
76 ESTUARIES--ENVIRONMENT AL ASPECTS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wastes in marine environments (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87l 94585. ETHICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation and competition in civilian activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-136842/AS. EVALUATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of 9.0.-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: four common ~-ray procedures--problems ann. prospects for economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. EVALUATION RESEARCH R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. of demonstrations in federal R & D policy (J. H. Young)July 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-284387. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Border war Q.!l drugs (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87l 84 l 72. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration and information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected topics in Federal health statistics (P. M. Ehrenhaft) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298449.
77 R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf Department Qf Education on Federal science and technology activities (C. McBee)August 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286525. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis o.f 1976 ERDA plan and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794. EXECUTIVE REORGANIZATION R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of Department of Education on Federal science and technology activities (C. McBee)August 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286525. EXPLOSIVES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Taggants in explosives (P. Sharfman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-192719. EXPORT ADMINISTRATION ACT International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and East !!:filk.: an update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. EXPORT CONTROLS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and East !!:filk.: fill update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and EastWest trade (P. Sharfman, and H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1979. Report. NTIS #PBS0-119381. EXPORTS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wood: !.I.S. competitiveness and. technology-vol. I~ II (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; August 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84l 09925.
78 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S,. industrial competitiveness: a comparison Qf steel, electronics, arui automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235749. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coal exports and O.Qr! development (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-203358. EYE CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact lens industry--structure, competition, and o.u.!ili 12Q!jcy: health technology ili!dY, no.. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/ AS. EYE DISEASE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Screening for open-angle glaucoma in the elderly (J. L. Wagner, and E. J. Power) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1988. Staff paper. FAMILIES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Children's mental health: problems and services (D. Dougherty) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Backgrounj paper. NTIS #PB87-207486/ AS. FARM LANDS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to benefit agriculture ang wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Q.( technology Qil. U.S.. cropland aru! rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. FARM MANAGEMENT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies tQ. benefit agriculture and wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747/AS.
79 FARM PRODUCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: 1fil' potentials for extracting protein, medicines, and other useful chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-l 14743. FARMS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public policy, and tM changing structure of American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public policy. and changing structure o_( American agriculture: a special report for tM 1985 farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. FEDERAL AID TO HANDICAPPED SERVICES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology handicapped ~: Health technology illli1Y. no,. 2,2: assistive devices fQr. severe speech impairments (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-175371. FEDERAL AID TO INDIANS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Indian health care (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-20609 l / AS. FEDERAL AID TO MEDICAL RESEARCH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hemodialysis equipment and disposables industry: health technology gygy !!Q. (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-154953/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-196716.
80 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality and relevance of research and related activities a1 the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory (C. J. Behney, and H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Education; August 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-142238/ AS. FEDERAL AID TO RESEARCH Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies f.m: the 1990s (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing in manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February 1990. Report. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: !LS.. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Ho:.ise Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping our genes. Genome projects: Hruy mg? How fast.? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212402/ AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Research funding as fill investment can measure the returns (E. Frankel, and B. J. Holt) Requested by: Task Force on Science Policy; April 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-218278/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R &. D: critical trends and issues (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. innovation, filli! regional economic development: encouraging high-technology development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-180181. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf selected Federal vaccine and immunization policies: based on studies Qf oneumococcal vaccine (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-l 16106.
81 Government Policies for Innovation, Office of Technology Assessment. Government involvement in the innovation process: !l contractor's r.e.oru:t. tQ the. Office of Technology Assessment (L. F. Barrington)August 1978. Contractor report. NTIS #PB-286545. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf 1. Department Qf Education 9!l Federal science ang technology activities (C. McBee)August 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286525. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Applications of R D in 1h.e. civil sector: the opportunity provided hY 1h.e. Federal Gran1 Cooperative Agreement AC1 of 1977 (J. H. Young) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283035. FEDERAL BUDGETS Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Soac..e science research in the, United~ (P. P. Chandler) Requested by: Representative Cooper Evans; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB&3-166512. FEDERAL COAL LEASING AMENDMENTS ACT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects of section l of the Federal CoB,l Leasing Amendments AC1 Qf (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-182029/AS. FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Scientific validity Qf polygraph testing: a research review and evaluation (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l 814 l 1. FEDERAL GRANT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT ACT R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Applications Qf R D in the civil sector: the opportunity provided hY the Federal Qll!l1 and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 (J. H. Young) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283035. FEDERAL POWER ACT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric wheeling and dealing: technological considerations fQr increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748.
82 FEDERAL ST A TE RELATIONS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation of hazardous materials: B.rut logl activities (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-181971/AS. FEDERAL-STA TE RELATIONS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Protecting nation's groundwater from contamination-YQl. l ll (P. J. Stone) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1984. Report. NTIS #PB8S-154201/AS. FETUS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. FIBER OPTICS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R 4', 12: critical~ and~ (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB8S-245660/ AS. FINANCE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies fQr evaluating ~. quality and medical technology (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-184926/ AS. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Asse-ssment. Renewable energy sources: ocean thermal energy conversions (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; May 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283104. FINANCIAL DEREGULATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology Q!l financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/ AS.
83 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology QD financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. FINANCIAL SERVICES Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competition in services: banking. building. software know-how (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-212403/AS. FISHERY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT ACT Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Establishing a 2Q.Q.-~ fisheries zone (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; National Ocean Policy Study; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273S78. FISHERY LAW AND LEGISLATION Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Establishing a 2Q.Q.-mile fisheries (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; National Ocean Policy Study; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273578. FISHERY MANAGEMENT Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology ang oceanography: fill assessment Qf Federal technologies for oceanographic research ang monitoring (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-101718. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Establishing a 2Q.Q.-mile fisheries (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; National Ocean Policy Study; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273578. FLAGS OF CONVENIENCE Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Q{ 2il tanker casualties, ~-!ill (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/National Ocean Policy Study; February 1978. Committee print.
84 FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION Exploratory Group. Office of Technology Assessment. illJlitS and options in flOQ9. hazards management (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-151087. FLOOD INSURANCE Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Issues and options in flood hazards management (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PBS0-151087. FLUIDIZA TION Energy Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial and commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-l 80547. FOOD Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf the United States &od, and agricultural research system (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition. and Forestry; December I 98 I. Report. NTIS #PB82-l 70572. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Organizing and financing basic research to increase .(o.QQ production (W. Wilcox) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273182. FOOD ADULTERATION AND INSPECTION Food and Renewable Resources Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Pesticide residues in food: technologies and methodologies for detection (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Agriculture; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-l 36444/ AS. FOOD CONTAMINATION Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental contaminants in food (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-I 53265.
85 FOOD INDUSTRY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural postharvest technology qrut marketing economics research (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; April 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-232835. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of applied genetics: micro organisms. plants, fillil animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-206609. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Emerging f.oQ9. marketing technologies: a preliminary analysis (W. W. Gallimore)October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-291039. FOOD LAW AND LEGISLATION Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental contaminants in food (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80l 53265. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cancer testing technology and saccharin (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; October 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273499. FOOD PRESERVATION Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Emerging foog marketing technologies: a preliminary analysis (W. W. Gallimore)October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-291039. FOOD SPOILAGE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. QQM shelf-life dating of food (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-101629. FOOD SUPPLY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues in technology. agriculture, and ll..S.. foreign aig (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: the potentials for extracting protein, medicines, and useful chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-l 14743.
86 Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Global models. world futures, mg public ~: a critique (W. Mills) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-251299. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ,EQQg information systems: summary and analysis (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258172. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment .f22g. information systems (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; February 1976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB258171. FOOD, DRUG, AND COSMETIC ACT Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental contaminants in food (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1979. Report. NTIS #PBS0-153265. FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to ChinJ. (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-223418/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation mg competition in civilian~ activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-136842/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: future Qf liquefied natural SM imports-background oao.er (J.B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-203847. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: the future Qf liquefied natural SM imports (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March I 980. Report. NTIS #PBS0-173552. FOREIGN RELATIONS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial newsgathering from rn (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1987. Technical memorandum.
87 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy technology transfer 1Q Chirul. (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86l l 3008/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and East m update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. FOREIGN TRADE Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Paying the bill: manufacturing a.rut America's tr.age_ d.wci1 (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-229539. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to China (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-223418/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. :U.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparison .Qf s,tw, electronics. a.rut automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235749. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and EastWest tr.age_ (P. Sharfman, and H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80l l 938 I. FOREIGN TRADE POLICY Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment .c,oru exports and QQI! development (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-203358. FOREST CONSERVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies 1Q sustain tropical forest resources (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175637.
88 FOREST MANAGEMENT Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wood use: U.S.. competitiveness technology-.Y.Ql. I&. II (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; August 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-109925. FOREST POLICY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to sustain tropical resources (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175637. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~: l[.S.. competitiveness technology-.Y.Ql. I&. II (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; August 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-109925. FOREST PRODUCTS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wood use: U.S.. competitiveness technology-.Y.Ql. l ll (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; August 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-I0992.3. FOSSIL FUELS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll,.S.. oil production: the effect of low oil prices (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-142484. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the proposed national energy plan (R. E. Row berg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. FUEL ALLOCATION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the impacts of the projected natural gg_s curtailments (Qr~ winter 1975-76 (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250623. FUEL CELLS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Marine applications fur fuel cell technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86l 83597 / AS.
89 FUEL CONSUMPTION Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment Qf changes in flm!m YR ill!9 characteristics Qi tM automobile transportation system (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB293645. FUTURES RESEARCH Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Global models, futures. ang public a. critiaue (W. Mills) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-251299. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Forecasts Qf physician supply ang requirements (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-181670. GAS PIPELINES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology mg Ea~t~: a.n update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. GENERAL AVIATION AIRCRAFT Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. GENETIC ENGINEERING Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology i: patenting life (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineered orga.nisms: genetic ang ecological (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214101/AS.
90 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: public perceptions of biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS. Biological Applications PrQgram, Office of Technology Assessment. Human gene therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf applied genetics: micro organisms, plants, and animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-206609. GENETIC RESEARCH Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping our gene~. Genome projects: How hlg? How fast? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-212402/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies (or detecting heritable mutations in human wngs_ (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140158/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. GENETICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: U.S. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939/ AS. GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANTS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric power technologies: problems and prospects for~~ (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS.
91 GERIATRICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment .Lil.-sustaining technologies and elderly (C. W. Maklan, K. Maslow, and R. A. Harootyan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-222527/AS. GERMPLASM RESOURCES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to maintain biological diversity (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-207494/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in tM United ~: dita considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots conservation of biological diversity i.n tm, United (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; February 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181997/AS. GORGAS MEMORIAL LABORATORY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality arul relevance of research~ related activities at tM Gorgas Memorial Laboratory (C. J. Behney, and H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Education; August 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-142238/AS. GOVERNMENT Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safer skies with TCAS (Traffic Alert mg Collision Avoidance System) (E. B. Page, and K. Dopart) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-169221.
92 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competitiveness in electronics (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/ Joint Economic Committee; November 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84l 70695. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S,. industrial competitiveness: a comparison of nw. electronics, and automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235749. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in~ electronic BG (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Def ending secrets. sharing data: new locks and for electronic information (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-143185/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration mg information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic~ systems g.ng individual privacy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100335/AS. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of information systems capabilities required to support Q.S. materials Qojjcy decisions (S. A. Rossmassler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273462. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fQog information systems: summary and analvsis (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258172. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fQog information systems (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; February 1976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB258171.
93 GOVERNMENT LIABILITY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Compensation fQr vaccine-related injuries (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-163909. GOVERNMENT PAPERWORK Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology wli1 l2Y12li PQjiy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. GOVERNMENT PAPERWORK-MANAGEMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific technical information in ruJ. electronic iG,: opportunities and challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/ AS. GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration and information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested -by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October I 986. Special report. NTIS #PB87I 36834/ AS. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Applications of R !l D in tM civil sector: the opportunity provided h tM Federal Qrant wli1 Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 (J. H. Young) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283035. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in fill electronic age (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. GOVERNMENT REGULATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Regulatory environment fQr science (M. C. LaFollette) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-182003/AS.
94 Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Contact industry--structure. competition, and Pl!lili .12Qliy: health technology study !lQ. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear in m u.e, of uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology lllil industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. Energy Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment o( O& s!Yn:Y pipelines (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-278675. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventing~ and injury in the workplace (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Huma Resources; April 1985. Report. NTI~, #PB86-115334/AS. GOVERNMENT SERVICE CONTRACTS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing contractor UR in Superfund
95 GRAIN EMBARGO International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and East bl ~: m update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. GRAIN INSPECTION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qmin quality in international 1!:!lik: a, comparison Qf ma..i2!: Jl.S,. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. GRAIN TRADE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing the quality of U.S. grain fQ.r. international 1rfilk (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. GRAIN TRADE--ARGENTINA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international trade.: a comparison of ma.iOJ: ll.S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. GRAIN TRADE--AUSTRALIA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international trade: a comparison Qf m.a.im: U.S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. GRAIN TRADE--BRAZIL Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international trade: a comparison Qf maim: Jl.S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. GRAIN TRADE--CANADA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international trade: a comparison of major U.S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89l87249.
96 GRAIN TRADE--FRANCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international tt.ru1e,: a comparison Qf major !J..S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. GRAIN--U.S.--ST ANDARDS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing the quality of U.~. grain fQr. international tr&k (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. GROCERY TRADE Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Emerging food marketing technologies: a preliminary analysis (W. W. Gallimore)October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-291039. GROUNDWATER Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Protecting nation's groundwater fr2m. contamination-.YO!. I 8', II (P. J. Stone) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-154201/AS. HANDICAPPED Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology and its impact on American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83l 74664. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and handicapped people: Mandatorv passive restraint systems in automobiles: issues and evidence (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB8J159822. HANDICRAFT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, renewable resources, and American crafts (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-222421.
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97 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION ACT Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation Qf hazardous materials (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100319 / AS. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives to animal in research, testing. and education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183134/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. HAZARDOUS WASTE Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Superfund strategy (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-120425. HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. From pollution !Q. prevention: a progress r.e.PQ!! Q!l reduction (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-208062. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Serious reduction of hazardous~= fQr pollution prevention mw. industrial efficiency (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-139622/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. incineration: its role in managing hazardous (H. Levenson, and R. Denison) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100327/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Suoerfund strategy (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-120425.
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98 Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Stringfellow superfund site: engineering study (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1984. Contractor Report. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Habitability Q{ area: an analysis Q{ w technical 12.am. fQr decision on w habitability Q{ ru emergency declaration areas (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; June 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-ll4917. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies and management strategies for hazardous~ control (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-189241. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: classifying (Qr hazard management (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-l34305. HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL--U.S.--MANAGEMENT Industry, Technology. and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Superfund problems Ccm .bt ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing contractor .YK in Superfund (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; January 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-l54116/AS. HAZARDOUS WASTES Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. in medical waste management (H. Levenson, and K. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-136410/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Serious reduction of hazardous~= t:m: pollution prevention and industrial efficiency (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87l 39622/ AS. HEALTH EDUCATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. How effective !! AIDS education? (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; June 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-243530.
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99 HEAL TH INSURANCE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. l.lK Qf preventive services elderly (M. E. Gluck) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; January 1989. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical testing and health insurance (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; August 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-ll6958/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Q{ AIDS Q!l Kaiser Permanente Medical Program (Northern California Region) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Staff Paper. NTIS #PB89-116941/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Aids :mg~ insurance an OTA survey (J. Eden) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88l 70204. HEAL TH INSURANCE-U.S.-ST A TISTICS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses Q{ .ttmlih. in coverage !m4 preliminary estimates 2f effects Qf m employer mandate =md medicaid expansion (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; July 1989. Background paper. HEAL TH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of AIDS Qil Kaiser Permanente Medical Program (Northern California Region) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Staff Paper. NTIS #PB89l l 694 l / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q{ ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864.
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100 HEAL TH SURVEYS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses 2t: in coverage Dn9 preliminary estimates Qf effects Qf m employer mandate ind medicaid expansion (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; July 1989. Background paper. HEARING DISORDERS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hearing impairment and elderly (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-218559/AS. HEART DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Imc lications Qf C.QS1-eff ectiveness analysis Q( medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging w C.QS1 effectiveness (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239989. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf ~-effectiveness analysis Q( medical technology. artificial )lear1--C.QS1, risks. mg benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239971. HEPA TITUS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Blood l29liy ang technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/ AS. HEREDITARY DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies (Qr detecting heritable mutations in human beings_ (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140158/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human~ therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS.
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101 HIGH TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIES Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Paying the bill: manufacturing~ America's ttw deficit (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-229539. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, fillil regional economic development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85l 50894/ AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, ang regional economic development C!mm or state. government initiatives fQ!: high technology industrial development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104033. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, fillil regional economic development encouraging high-technology development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-180181. HIGHER EDUCATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment .. Higher education for science mg engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-191290. HIGHSPEED TRAINS Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !,!.S. passenger rail technologies (L. Turnbull)December I 983. Report. NTIS #PB84I 82609. HISTORIC SITES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for preservation of prehistoric and historic landscapes (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; July 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-222519/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies fQr prehistoric and historic preservation (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140166/AS.
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102 HOME LABOR Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices. ill.S.-2QQQ. (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee en Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intensive l!llitt --clinical outcomes. CQSlS., arul decisionmaking: .beB1.th technology~ 02. 28. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145928/ AS. HOSPITAL CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies for evaluating @.S!, quality medical technology (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-184926/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intensive llllm r 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-I 45928/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: assessing selected respiratory therapy modalites--trends and relative costs in~ Washington, D.C. area (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101122. HOSPITAL UTILIZATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intensive gn, units (rn)-clinical outcomes. ~. and decisionmaking: health technology cm llild.Y. !lQ.. 2.8. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-l 45928/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Variations in hospital length Q.( nn--their relationship 1Q ha!tb, outcomes: lllm!th, technology~ !lQ.. 24 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; August 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-111483.
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103 HOSPITALS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies fQI evaluating~. quality :mg medical technology (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-184926/ AS. HOSPITALS-U.S.-ENVIRONMENT AL ASPECTS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Issues in medical waste management (H. Levenson, and K. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-136410/AS. HOUSING Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, trade, and .tM ,ll.S. residential construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-l l 7594/ AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application Q.( SQ!ar technology to. today's energy ~-YQ!. I 8', II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770. HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. HUMAN ENGINEERING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventing illness and injury in the workplace (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Huma Resources; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86l l 5334/ AS. HUMAN FERTILITY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Artificial insemination practice in .tM United~: summary Q.( a 1987 syryev, (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; August 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138903/AS.
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104 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~ population illi! fertility planning technologies: next (L. A. Williams, and L. Corsa) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200338. HUMAN GENETICS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology. medicine. mg~ Bill Qf Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS. B;ological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping our ~Genome projects: How hi&? How fas!? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; .Home Committee 6ft Seienee, Sr,aee, Md Teehttology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212402/ AS. Biol>gical Applications Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Human~ therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. HUMAN GENETICS POLICY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human~ therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. &ok of genetic testing in the prevention Qf occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. HYDROELECTRIC POWER R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf technology for !Qcal development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. IDENTIFICATION DEVICES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Taggants in explosives (P. Sharfman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-192719.
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105 IMAGING SYSTEMS IN MEDICINE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Q2ll effectiveness Qf gigjtw. subtraction angiography in~ diagnosis o.f cerebrovascular disease:~ technology CIR S!Y.dY DQ .li (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; May 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB85-241115/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies and tM medical devices industry (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-l 99552. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology--a clinical. industrial. ang 12filiY analysis: health technology S!Y9Y DQ. 27 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-146207 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of. ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging arul c.ott effectiveness (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239989. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of. ~-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: !om: common ~-ray procedures--problems ans1 prospects for economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of. ~-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: tM feasibility Qf economic evaluation o! diagnostic procedure--~~ Qf CI scanning (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209777. IMPORTS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency a..ru;l synthetic ~: alternatives for reducing
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106 Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and tte.fil industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: future Q( liquefied natural w imports-background~ (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-203847. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: flU.ure. Q( liquefied natural w imports (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-1735S2. IN VITRO FERTILIZATION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. INCINERATION Oceans and Environment Prognm, Office of Technology Assessment. Facing America's trash: what next fQr municipal mfui ~? (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-157769/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. incineration: its. role in managing hazardous (H. Levenson, and R. Denison) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100327/AS. INCOME STATISTICS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical MeQS. for a changing U.S. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/AS. INDEPENDENT REGULA TORY COMMISSIONS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Q( ll.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY~ through 12.8.Q (R. Daly) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258191.
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107 INDIAN LANDS Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf laws governing Federal lBruls.: options fm: in Alaska (F. J. Wobber) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-293982. INDIANS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Indian health~ (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206091/AS. INDOOR AIR POLLUTION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Passive smoking in 1M workplace: selected issues (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; May 1986. Staff paper. NTIS #PB86-217627 / AS. INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSERVATION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy~ (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. INDUSTRIAL FUEL CONSUMPTION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy~ (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patterns awl trends in Federal coal lease ownership. 1950-80 (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-188484. INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact km, industry--structure. competition, and .l2W2lic. .heiltb. technology~ .D2-ll (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/AS.
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108 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll,.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparison of~. electronics. arul automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PBSl-235749. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology mg industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. INDUSTRIAL POLICY Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing in manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February 1990. Report. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. :iI-S. w apparel industry: J revolution ill progress (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1987. Special Report. NTIS #PB87-196762/XAB. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact industry--structure. competition, and lml2!i 122liy: h,eiltli technology CE~ DQ.. ll (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/AS. INDUSTRIAL POLLUTION Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies mg management strategies for hazardous~ control (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-189241. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTIVITY Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing in manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February 1990. Report. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Paying !he. bill: manufacturing and America's gefii! (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-229539. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Serious reduction of hazardous ~= fQr pollution prevention arul industrial efficiency (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-139622/AS.
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109 Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, and regional economic development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-150894/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, education, aru! the workplace (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-l 96500. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, md, regional economic development: encouraging high-technology development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-180181. INDUSTRIAL PROMOTION Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, aru! regional economic development~ of~ government initiatives for high technology industrial development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104033. INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment. education. and thfJ workoJace (M. s. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/ Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-196500. INDUSTRY International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. l[.S,. industrial competitiveness: a comparison o.[ ~electronics, aru! automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PBSl-235749. INDUSTRY UNIVERSITY RELATIONS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: l[.S,. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939/ AS.
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110 Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials h mign (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243548. INDUSTRY-UNIVERSITY RELATIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R .&. D: critical~ arul iww, (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. innovation, arul regional economic development: encouraging ll.i&h.-technology development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-180181. INFLUENZA Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~ effectiveness Q{ influenza vaccination (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82l 78492. INFORMATION LEAKING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Scientific validity of polygraph testing: a research review arul evaluation (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-181411. INFORMATION NETWORKS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property in an age_ Q{ electronics arul information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-l 0030 l / AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology on. financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS.
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111 INFORMATION POLICY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific mg technical information in an electronic : opportunities il!19 challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in 8!l electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~I Security Administration il!19 information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87l 36834/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management, security. and congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance mg civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerbased national information systems: technology an!! 12Y.lili issues. (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. INFORMATION SERVICES Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competition in services: banking. building. software know-how (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-212403/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf information technology on financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS.
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112 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology~ .itl impact on American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-174664. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. foog information systems: summary and analysis (J.B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258172. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. E.oog information systems (J.B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; February 1976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB258171. INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessmtnt. Impact Q( AIDS on the. Kaiser Permanente Medical Program (Northern California Region) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Staff Paper. NTIS #PB89-ll6941/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology. new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee oi: the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in the. United ~= di!I. considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-l81989/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternatives f.2r a national computerized criminal history system (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-166678. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fQ!iy implications Qf medical information systems (P. M. Ehrenhaft) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; December 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-274857. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical connections communication i2r the. f.utllm (L. Garcia) requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1990. Report.
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113 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. High performance computing and networking fQr science (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-I31228/ AS. INFORMED CONSENT Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Compensation for vaccine-related injuries (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-163909. INFORMED CONSENT (MEDICAL LAW) Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: ownership Q.( human~ and~ (G. B. Ellis, and G. B. White) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-207536/ AS. INFRASTRUCTURE (ECONOMICS) Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical connections communication fQr. the. future (L. Garcia) requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1990. Report. INSECTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Do insects transmit aids ? (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; September 1987. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-143177/AS. INSPECTION International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Seismic verification of nuclear testing treaties (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214853. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research a.ru.l development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/ AS.
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114 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer software ang intellectual property (J. D. Winston) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; March 1990. Background paper. INTERCONTINENTAL BALLISTIC MISSILES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Directed energy missile defense m. (T. H. Karas) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-21011 l. INTEREST RA TES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology Q!l financial services systems (Z. A. Shaven) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing tM nation's commercial high-le.Ym radioactive~ (T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/AS. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Criteria (Qr evaluating implementation plan required 12.Y. Earthquake Hazards Reduction At 2i 1977 (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PBSl-241663. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL COOPERATION Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fo.o.d. information system: summary and analysis (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258172. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fo.o.d. information systems (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; February 1976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB258171.
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115 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing i.n manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February I 990. Report. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing~ quality of U.S. grain for international trade (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Copper: technology and competitiveness (J. Robison) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; Technology Assessment Board; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-138887/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Paying bill: manufacturing awl America's~ deficit (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-229539. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials 12Y design (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243548. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competition in services: banking. building. software know-how (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-212403/AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S,. textile mg apparel industry: s1. revolution in progress (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1987. Special Report. NTIS #PB87-196762/XAB. INTERNATIONAL CONTROL OF ATOMIC POWER Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation and safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN ASTRONAUTICS Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S.-~ cooperation in~ (N. Lubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86114758/AS.
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116 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation and competition in civilian activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/ Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-136842/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. UNISPACE 'll: a context fur international cooperation ruw competition (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-201848. Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agreement governing .tM activities of iUeS. Q.D. .tM moon mg 2.tbll celestial Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1980. Committee print. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN TELECOMMUNICATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Radiofreguency m md. management impacts from~ !'.:2rki Administrative Radio Conference of .1212 (R. B. Crowell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-177536. INTERNATIONAL COOPERA TION--ANTARCTIC REGIONS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fomr prospects: 1. minerals~ fw: Antarctica (W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-125403. INTERNATIONAL LAW International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. stations and the law: selected .lem iw!es. (R. Dalbello) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-118220/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and East.t!:&k: an update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. INTERNATIONAL TRADE Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical needs fQr a changing U.S.. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/AS.
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117 Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competition in services: banking. building. software know-how (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-212403/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competitiveness in electronics (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; November 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-170695. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. :U.S.. industrial competitiveness: a comparison o( s.tttl, electronics. and automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235749. INTEROCEANIC CANALS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental affecting the Panama Canal (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; December 1978. Committee hearing. INTERSTATE COMPACTS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Partnerships pressure: managing commercial lm!-le:te.I radioactive~ (GH McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-159534/AS. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy~ (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. l,l.S,. industrial competitiveness: a comparison ot: s.tttl, electronics. ng automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235749. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology mg siw industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PBS0-208200. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Benefits Qt: increased YR o( continuous casting by~ l,l.S,. industry (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Congressional Steel Caucus; October 1979. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PBS0-104907.
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118 IRON AND STEEL WORKERS Materials Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Technology :mg ilW industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PBS0-208200. IRRIGATION Food and Renewable Resources Program. Office of Technology Assessment. ~-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in u.s. arid/semiarid~ (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-l 72667. ISLAND ECOLOGY Food and Renewable Resources Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management for U.S. insular areM (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. JOB STRESS Communication and Information Technologies Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology.~ tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PBSS144043. JOINT VENTURES Communication and Information Technologies Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R & D: critical~ arul (F. W. Weingarten. and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PBSS-245660/ AS. Biological Applications Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce. Science. and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 73608.
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119 KIDNEY DISEASE Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Payment {Qr physician services: strategies (Qr medicare: Health technology c.,BR study 112. 32: effects Qf federal policies on extracorooreal shock wave lithotripsy (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB86-217999/AS. Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness arul CQll Qf continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPO): heal1h technology study 112. ll (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; September 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB87-148938/AS. Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Hemodialysis equipment arul disposables industry: heal1h technology cas.e. study 112. ll (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-154953/ AS. KIDNEY DISEASES Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQil-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: formal analysis,~ formulation. aru1 erul-s.taG renaJ. disease (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209769. LABELING LAWS Food and Renewable Resources Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Qrum. shelf-life dating Qf fQog (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce. Science, and Transportation; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-101629. LABOR Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming~: Superfund problems can M ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS. LABORATORY ANIMALS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives tt> animal .YR in research. testing, ang education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183 l 34/ AS.
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120 LAND USE Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wetlands: their use mid. regulation (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175918. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf governing rn Federal .lirul3,: options f..or. in Alaska (F. J. Wobber) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-293982. LANDFILLS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Facing America's trash: what next for municipal ~? (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-157769/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Superfund strategy (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-120425. LANDING AIDS Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ai!J2Qu system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf the FAA 1982 National Airspace System Plan (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-102772. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport and air traffic control system (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-207606. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Proceedings of the OT A seminar Qil Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; July 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-208168. LANDSCAPE PROTECTION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies (or 1M preservation Qf prehistoric and historic landscapes (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; July 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-222519/AS.
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121 LASERS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Directed energy missile defense in. l2S (T. H. Karas) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-210111. LATIN AMERICA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management fQr U.S. insular mM (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. LAUNCH VEHICLES COST International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Launch options for the funu:e.: a. buyer's guide. (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1988. Special report. LAUNCH VEHICLES -COSTS TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reducing launch operations~= n.elY technologies :mg practices (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89l 36402/ AS. LAUNCH VEHICLES--U.S.--COSTS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Big dumb boosters: a low-Qil space transportation 9.llliQ.Il? (R. A., Dalbello, R. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February I 989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89l 55 l 96/ AS. LAUNCH VEHICLES-COSTS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Affordable spacecraft wign ang launch alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1990. Background Paper.
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122 LAUNCH VEHICLES-U.S.-FUTURE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Round trio to orbit: human spaceflight alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-224661. LAW AND LEGISLATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality Qf medical ~= information f.o..r consumers (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-102180. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects of section 1 of the Federal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976 (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-182029/ AS. LAYOFFS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plant closing: advance and, .mo.id. response (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-118212/AS. LEARNING DISABILITIES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and handicapped~: Health technology study IlQ. 22: technology and. learning disabilities (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-184043. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE SER VICES Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Food information systems: summary and analysis (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258172. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Food information systems (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; February 1976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB-258171.
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123 LIABILITY FOR TOXIC SUBSTANCE POLLUTION DAMAGES Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Superfund strategy (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-120425. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Book preservation technologies (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212410/AS. LIGHTERAGE Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technotogy Assessment. Competition in coastal ~= an evaluation of foreign maritime activities in 1M 2.QQ.-mile. EEL (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; July 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89224653. LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: tM of liquefied natural SM imports-background Q: (J.B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PBS0-203847. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: future of liquefied natural gn imports (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-173552. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation of liquefied natural m (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; September 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273486. LONGTERM CARE Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing I million minds: confronting the. tragedy of alzheimer's disease aru1 otMr dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752.
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124 LOW-INCOME HOUSING Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy efficiency Qf buildings in cities (M. E. Procter) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200346. LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE POLICY ACT Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Partnerships under pressure: managing commercial low-~ radioactive waste (GH McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-159534/AS. LOW-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE POLICY AMENDMENTS ACT Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Partnerships under pressure: managing commercial low-level radioactive waste (GH McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-159534/AS. MAGNETISM Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects of power frequency electric fillii magnetic (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. MALARIA Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Status of biomedical research and related technology (Qr tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment. education, fillii .tM workplace (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84I 96500. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q.( information systems capabilities required .to. support l[.S. materials l20!icy decisions (S. A. Rossmassler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273462.
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125 MANGANESE Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategic materials: technologies to. reduce l,l.S. import vulnerability (L. N. Antrim) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86l l 5367 / AS. MANNED SPACE FLIGHT Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SALYUT: Soviet toward permanent human presence in~ (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-181437. MANPOWER TRAINING PROGRAMS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and structural unemployment reemploying displaced~ (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206174/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Displaced homemakers: programs llru1 (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1985. Interim report. NTIS #PB86-120276/AS. MANPOWER UTILIZATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Forecasts Qf physician supply ang requirements (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-181670. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Paying t.he. bill: manufacturing and America's t,rruk deficit (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-229539. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment. education, ang the. workplace (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-l 96500.
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126 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and tM workplace: selected labor, education, and training (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83l 9 l 320. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES-EV ALUTION Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing in manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February I 990. Report. MARINE ACCIDENTS Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf oil tanker casualties, 1969-1974 (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/National Ocean Policy Study; February 1978. Committee print. MARINE BIOLOGY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: tM potentials for extracting protein, medicines. and Q1her chemicals
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127 MARINE POLLUTION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wastes in marine environments (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-194585. MARINE TERMINALS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ,CQll exports smg PQJ1 development (P.A. Johnson) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-203358. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation of liquefied natural w (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; September 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273486. MARINE TRANSPORTATION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf maritime tt&k and technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Ways and Means; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-177781. MARKETING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Market fot wheelchairs--innovations and Federal P.Oliy: heal.tb technology we.~ no.. 32 (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145944/ AS. MARKETING OF FARM PRODUCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics research (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; April 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-232835. MASS MEDIA International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial newsgathering from~ (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1987. Technical memorandum.
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128 MASS RAPID TRANSIT Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of advanced m rapid transit technology (J. Miller, and R. Willow) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-153323. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automatic tmin control in rail rapid transi1 (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254738. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass tm,nili-bibliography (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253642. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass .tmnsit-technical rei2Q!1 (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253641. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transi1 (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-253679. MASS RAPID TRANSIT-ATLANTA METROPOLITAN AREA Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning f.or. mass .tmnlU-Atlanta (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253680. MASS RAPID TRANSIT-BOSTON METROPOLITAN AREA Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning f.or transil-Boston c.att ,s,tygy_ (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-252681. MASS RAPID TRANSIT-CHICAGO METROPOLITAN AREA Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning (or mass transit-Chicago ,s,tygy_ (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253682.
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129 MASS RAPID TRANSIT -DENVER METROPOLITAN AREA Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning fQr mass transit-Denver llY.d,y (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253683. MASS RAPID TRANSIT-LOS ANGELES METROPOLITAN AREA Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning fQr mass transit-Los Angeles study (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253684. MASS RAPID TRANSIT-MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL METROPOLITAN AREA Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning fQr mass transit-Minneapolis/St. S!Y.d.Y (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253685. MASS RAPID TRANSIT-SAN FRANCISCO METROPOLITAN AREA Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning for mass transit-San Francisco S!Y.d.Y (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253686. MASS RAPID TRANSIT-SEA TILE METROPOLITAN AREA Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning fQr mass transit-Seallk UUQY (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253687. MASS RAPID TRANSIT-WASHING TON, D.C. METRO POLIT AN AREA Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning for mass transit-Washington, D.~. S!Y.d,y (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253688. MATERIALS Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternative economic stockpiling policies (H. H. Herman, and J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273191.
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130 MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. From pollution to prevention: a progress report Q!l waste reduction (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-208062. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technical options (Qr conservation of metals: studies of selected and products (M. Peterson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-102619. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Engineering implications Qf chronic materials scarcity (J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences; April 1977. Conference proceedings. NTIS #PB-273193. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf information systems capabilities required tQ support U.S. materials decisions (S. A. Rossmassler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273462. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternative economic stockpiling policies (H. H. Herman, and J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273191. MATERIALS POLICY Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Engineering implications of chronic materials scarcity (J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences; April 1977. Conference proceedings. NTIS #PB-273193. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of information systems capabilities required tQ. support ll,.S. materials decisions (S. A. Rossmassler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273462. MATERIALS RESEARCH Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Engineering implications of chronic materials scarcity (J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences; April 1977. Conference proceedings. NTIS #PB-273193. MATERNAL HEALTH SERVICES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf QS1-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: !he. costs and. effectiveness of neonatal intensive care (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; August 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-10141 l.
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131 MEDICAID Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies and the. medical devices industry (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-199552. MEDICAL CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality Qf medical care: information for consumers (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-102180. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf co.s.t-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: Health technology ili!9Y OQ. ,ll: nurse practitioners. physician assistants illl9 certified Il,U!Se.-midwives--a l22!icY. analysis (G. Ruby) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB87-177465/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Indian health~ (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-20609l/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Smtm, of biomedical research and related technology for tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-l39614/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to tM Middle (M. C. Harris) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127744. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of randomized clinical trials Q!l health l2QllCY. and medical practice (H. Gelband)August 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-l 14560. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safety, efficacy, and C.Q.S1 effectiveness of therapeutic apheresis: health technology s,tydy D.Q. U (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-114842. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology under proposals to increase competition in (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-164046. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQ.51-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: management Qf care technology in ten countries (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144628.
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132 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf. cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: methodological issues mg literature review (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144602. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of n-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Development Q.( medical technology: opportunities (Qr assessment (C. A. Taylor) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258117. MEDICAL CENTERS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer National Institutes of Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. MEDICAL ECONOMICS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. CosD, IJli1 effectiveness Qf cervical~ screening (J. L. Wagner, E. J. Power, and B. M. Duffy) requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; February 1990. Background paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Q.( 211 1W' Kaiser Permanente Medical CJre. Program (Northern California Region) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Staff Paper. NTIS #PB89-ll6941/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing !l million minds: confronting tM tragedy of alzheimer's disease and other dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment C2r physician services: strategies for medicare: Health technology ilildY 92. -3.2: effects Qf federal policies Q!1 extracorporeal wave lithotripsy (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB86-217999/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness mg cost gf continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPO): h,e,a!th technology ilildY 92. ll (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; September 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB87-148938/AS.
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133 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies f.or managing urinary incontinence: heiUh technology !lQ. .ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 198S. Case study. NTIS #PB85-240208/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hemodialysis equipment ll!li\ disposables industry: hell!b. technology nygy !lQ.. JZ (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-154953/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies !lll.d. the. medical devices industry (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-199552. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology--a clinical, industrial, amt J22lic:y analysis: heiUh technology !lQ.. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-146207 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology amt tM Qs.t 2t: tM medicare program (A. K. Bums) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-146215/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology~ c,o,st,s, 2t: medicare program: Diagnosis related groups (DRGs) amt tM Medicare program: implications f..Qr medical technology (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-111 S2S. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. implications 2t: !M computed tomography (CI) scanner: m update (K. Kohlhof, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; January 1981. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-163917. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications 2t: .QS!-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: methodological~ amt literature review (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144602. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of m!-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. implications 2t: the. computed tomography {CI) scanner (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; November 1978. Report. NTIS #PB284872. MEDICAL EDUCATION Hculth Pcognim, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology in medical education and assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PBS0-102528.
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134 MEDICAL ETHICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Life-sustaining technologies and elderly (C. W. Maklan, K. Maslow, and R. A. Harootyan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-222527/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-196716. MEDICAL FEES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications o.( Qlt-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: Health technology ~: llQ.. ll: practitioners. physician assistants a.ns1 certified Ql!m-midwives--a. analysis (G. Ruby) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB87-177465/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. favme.n1 .(Qr physician services: strategies f.Q.t medicare (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Finance/Se 1ate Special Committee on Aging; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-l82011 / AS. MEDICAL GENETICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. o.( genetic testing in tM prevention Qf occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. MEDICAL INNOVATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology and the. On o.( the medicare program (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-146215.'AS. MEDICAL INNOVATIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology, medicine. a.nsl tM Bill o.( Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS.
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135 R .. a.lt.b. PT09,T""-'ln, Oicc .. 0 T .. ch""olosy A."""""ft\.Qnt.. Teckno\oa,ie, o!:_ detect.ins heTit.ab\e mutations in human (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140158/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hearing impairment and elderly (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 19g6 .Background paper. NTIS #PB86-218559/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness and C.Q!! 2t: continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPO): health technology c~ stYQ.Y !lQ. Ji (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; September 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB87-148938/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology mg~ 2t: medicare program: Diagnosis related groups (DRGs} Uli1 w Medicare program: implications fQr medical technology (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-l l l 525. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology under proposals tQ. increase competition .in h,ea1th (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-164046. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategies w medical technology assessment (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83113274. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications 2t: CQS1-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging and. con effectiveness (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239989. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications 2t: C.Q!!-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: artificial ha!:1--c.osl, ris.kl, mg benefits (C .. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239971. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer at National Institutes 2t: Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. folicy implications 2t: lJli, computed tomography (CT) scanner: ill update (K. Kohlhof, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; January 1981. Background paper. NTIS #PBSl-163917. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications 2t: con-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology:~ management 2t: h,ea1th gre technology in .tell countries (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PBSl-144628.
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136 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology in medical education and assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-102528. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fQw implications of~ computed tomography (CT) scanner (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; November 1978. Report. NTIS #PB284872. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing efficacy mg s.afen of medical technologies (C. J. Behney, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; September 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286929. MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment fQr physician services: strategies for medicare: Health technology~~ ng,. ~= effects of federal policies 2..n extracorporeal sh,ock wave lithotripsy (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB86-217999/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hearing impairment and elderly (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-218559/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies (2J: managing urinary incontinence: health technology~ no.. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB85-240208/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical devices~ the. Veterans Administration (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87l l 7677 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hemodialysis equipment ang disposables industry: health technology Sillill no.. 32 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-154953/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Market fQr wbeelchairs--innovations and Federal Q2licy: halth technology~ lli!dY no. .lQ (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145944/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intensive units. (KJ.W--clinical outcomes, com, arul decisionmaking: health technology stll4Y QQ.. 21 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145928/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies and the. medical devices industry (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-199552.
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137 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology and the cost of the medicare program (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-l46215/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessm~nt. Implications Q( CQS!-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: the. COS1 effectiveness Qf l!l2W gastronintestinal endoscopy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221814. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: cost effectiveness Q( automated multichannel chemistry analyzers (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209793. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. implications Q.( computed tomography (CT) scanner: m update (K. Kohlhof, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; January 1981. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-163917. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( con-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: .the management Qf health cam technology in countries (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144628. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. implications Q.( computed tomography (CT) scanner (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; November 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-284872. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing tM efficacy mett Q( medical technologies (C. J. Behney, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; September 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286929. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Development Q( medical technology: opportunities !Qr assessment (C. A. Taylor) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258117. MEDICAL LABORATORIES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality Wli1 relevance of research Wli1 related activities !he Gorgas Memorial Laboratory (C. J. Behney, and H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Education; August 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-142238/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( con-effectiveness analysis Q( medical technology: !he management Qf health gn, technology m .tell countries (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144628.
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138 MEDICAL LAW Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Compensation fQ!: vaccine-related injuries (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-163909. MEDICAL PERSONNEL Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: Health technology study !lQ .ll: practitioners. physician assistants and certified ~-midwives--a policy analysis (G. Ruby) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB87-177465/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact lens industry--structure, competition, and I2l!blic.12Qlicy: health technology !lQ. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/ AS. ME)ICAL POLICY Heath Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical testing and health insurance (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operationf August 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-116958/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing a million minds: confronting~ tragedy Qf alzheimer's disease ruig dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment for physician services: strategies for medicare: Health technology !lQ. lQ: effects .Qf federal policies 2!l extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB86-217999/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Market fQ!: wheelchairs--innovations and Federal J20.liy: rumlth technology S!Y4Y !lQ. lQ (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145944/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of randomized clinical trials Q!l health ruiliy and medical practice (H. Gelband)August 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-114560. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategies fQr medical technology assessment (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83l 13274.
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139 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications ot: c.Qil-effectiveness analysis ot: medical technology: formal analysis, formulation, lllil end-nue_ .ama! disease (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209769. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. foliy implications ot: 1he computed tomography (CI) scanner: an update (K. Kohlhof, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; January 1981. Background paper. NTIS #PBSl-163917. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. implications ot: 1he computed tomography (CI) scanner (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; November 1978. Report. NTIS #PB284872. MEDICAL RECORDS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. foliy implications ot: medical information systems (P. M. Ehrenhaft) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; December 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-2748S7. MEDICAL RESEARCH Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives .to. animal m research, testing. and. education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183134/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies f2r evaluating 'i.011, auality :wl medical technology (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 198S. Report. NTIS #PB86-184926/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. of biomedical research and related technology (or tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 198S. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality and relevance of research and related activities :U 1he Gorgas Memorial Laboratory (C. J. Behney, and H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Education; August 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-142238/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer the. National Institutes of Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications ot: c.Qil-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864.
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140 MEDICAL SCREENING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. and effectiveness of cervical cancer screening (J. L. Wagner, E. J. Power, and B. M. Duffy) requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; February 1990. Background paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. aruJ effectiveness of cholesterol screening in .till' elderly (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB89-224638. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Screening (or Ql2ell-angk glaucoma in the elderly (J. L. Wagner, and E. J. Power) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1988. Staff paper. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Artificial inseminati.on practice in. the United~: summary Q,( a 12ll (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; August 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138903/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Aids and health insurance fill OT A survey (J. Eden) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1988. Staff paper. NTI~ #PB88l 70204. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Rok of genetic testing in the prevention Q,( occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQn-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: allocating a.pg benefits iD disease prevention programs--an application 19. cervical~ screening (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221806. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness anlaysis of medical technology: screening for colon cancer--a technology assessment (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209785. MEDICAL ST A TISTICS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected .tQpjg in Federal health statistics (P. M. Ehrenhaft) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298449.
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141 MEDICAL STATISTICS-U.S. GRAPHS AND CHARTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses Qf in coverage and preliminary estimates of th.e effects of m employer mandate a.ru1 medicaid expansion (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Senate Committee on Finance: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; July 1989. Background paper. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology, medicine. a.ru;l the. Bill Qf Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September I 988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-l 36428/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical testing mg health insurance (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; August 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89l I 6958/ AS. MEDICAL TESTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical testing mg ha!th insurance (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; August 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-l 16958/ AS. MEDICAL WASTES Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Issues in medical waste management (H. Levenson, and K. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-136410/AS. MEDICALLY UNINSURED-U.S.-TRANDS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses Qf in coverage and preliminary estimates Qf the. effects Qf fill employer mandate a.ru1 medicaid expansion (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; July 1989. Background paper.
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142 MEDICARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ruig effectiveness Qf cervical cancer screening (J. L. Wagner, E. J. Power, and B. M. Duffy) requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; February 1990. Background paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qf preventive services 12Y elderly (M. E. Gluck) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; January 1989. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Screening fQr Ql2fill-rul&le. glaucoma in the elderly (J. L. Wagner, and E. J. Power) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1988. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: ilra!egies f2r evaluating con, quality and medical technology (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-184926/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness !lfill con Qf continuous ambulat0ey peritoneal dialysis (CAPD): ~technology mlilY. n2. ll (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; September 1985. :::ase study. NTIS #PB87-l 48938/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hemodialysis equipment ruig disposables industry: ~technology SlYID'., llQ .l2. (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-154953/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Boston ~: technology ili!dY no. 29 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145936/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies and the medical devices industry (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85l 99552. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology and the cost of the mecicare program (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-146215/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology @.g Qf medicare program: Diagnosis related groups (.QRQs.) and Medicare program: implications for medical technology (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l l l 525.
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143 MEDICARE EVALUATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment for physician services: strategies fQr medicare (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-l82011 / AS. MEDICATED FEEDS Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Drugs in livestock feed (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298450. MEDICINE Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping our genes. Genome projects: HolY hi&? How fMt.? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212402/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~-sustaining technologies and elderly (C. W. Maklan, K. Maslow, and R. A. Harootyan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-222527 / AS. MENTAL HEAL TH POLICY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Children's mental health: problems and services (D. Dougherty) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207486/AS. MENTAL ILLNESS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-l 967 l 6. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf ~-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: tw efficacy an4 CQ.S.t effectiveness Qf psychotherapy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144610.
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144 MERCHANT MARINE Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative approaches tQ. cargo P.Oliy: a supplement tQ. an assessment of maritime ttru!e. ang technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1985. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-239887 / AS. MERCHANT MARINE LEGISLATION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of maritime trade and technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Ways and Means; Oct0ber 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-177781. MERCHANT SHIPS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of maritime trade.and technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Ways and Means; Octo:>er 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84l 7778 l. METALS Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technical options f..or conservation of metals: studies of selected ang 12!~ (M. Peterson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-102619. METEOROLOGY Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. dk! rain ang transported air pollutants: implications f.or. .l2Y.lili P.9liy (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222967. METEROLOGICAL RESEARCH Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology oceanography: an assessment Qf Federal technologies !ID: oceanographic research and monitoring (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-101718.
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145 MICROCOMPUTERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology mg m impact on American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor /House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83l 7 4664. MICROELECTRONICS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research aru1 development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/ AS. MIDWIVES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: Health technology c~ study !lQ.. 37: nurse practitioners, physician assistants aru1 certified ~-midwives--a .t29.!.iy analysis (G. Ruby) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB87l 77 465 / AS. MILITARY POLICY International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New technology for NA TO: implementing follow-o.n attack (A. Shaw) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-200267. MILITARY RESEARCH International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Holding the ~: maintaining the. defense technology (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; April 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-196604. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defense technology ~: introduction and overview (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; March 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-192562. MILITARY SCIENCE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defense technology .b.ae,: introduction and overview (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; March 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-192562.
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146 MILITARY STRATEGY International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defense technology 12Me,: introduction ruli! overview (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; March 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-l 92562. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New technology for NATO: implementing follow-Q.!1 attack (A. Shaw) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-200267. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies fQ!: NATO's f ollow-Q!l f2rc concept (A. Shaw) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Armed Services; July 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-100343/ AS. International Security and Commerce Prograr,1, Office of Technology Assessment. Ballistic missile defense technologies (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182961/AS. MILITARY TECHNOLOGY International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Holding the ~: maintaining defense technology 1ms.e, (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; April 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-196604. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defense technology haR: introduction llfil1 overview (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; March 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-192562. MINERAL INDUSTRIES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Copper: technology and competitiveness (J. Robison) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; Technology Assessment Board; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-138887 / AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategic materials: technologies tQ. reduce 1[.S. import vulnerability (L. N. Antrim) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86l l 5367 / AS. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Management of fuel and nonfuel minerals in Federal land (R. W. Wright) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295788.
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147 Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf laws governing across Federal ~: options (Qr iCm in Alaska (F. J. Wobber) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-293982. MINERALS RESERVES Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Marine minerals: exploring Q.Yr filllY frontier (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/ House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-217725/AS. MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: 1M futum Qf liquefied natural m imports-background oaom: (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-203847. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Management Qf (]:tel ug nonf uel minerals in Federal lBng (R. W. Wright) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295788. MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES--ANT ARCTIC REGIONS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. prospects: 1. minerals treaty !Qr Antuctica (W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-125403. MINING ENGINEERING Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf development and production potential Qf Federal gn (Buyrn A., and K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-149378. MINING LAW Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Western surface mine permitting and reclamation (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100350/AS.
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148 MINING LEASES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects Qf section .l Qf the Federal CQB.I Leasing Amendments Ac1 Qf ,lfil (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86l 82029 / AS. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Management of uw ang nonfuel minerals in Federal lilllil. (R. W. Wright) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295788. MISSILE BASES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MX missile .basing (P. Sharfman, and J. Kaplan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-108077. MOBILE HOMES Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. twk, Drul t.M ll.S. residential construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117594/AS. MONITERED RETRIEVABLE STORAGE Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing Ule, nation's commercial high-~ radioactive~ (T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/AS. MOON TREATIES Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agreement governing activities of s,taru on t.M moon ang a.the!: celestial QOdm Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1980. Committee print. MOTOR VEHICLE POLLUTION CONTROL Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment Qf changes in tM future ang characteristics Qf th!' automobile transportation system (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB293645.
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149 MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gearing .YI!. for ~: !llQlQ!: carrier~ in ;i competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-124796. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology mg handicapped~: Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles: issues and evidence (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83159822. MX MISSILE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MX missile~ (P. Sharfman, and J. Kaplan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82l 08077. NARCOTIC TRAFFIC Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Border .!'.'..ar. on d!J!gs_ (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; March I 987. Report. NTIS #PB87l 84 l 72. NATIONAL AIRSPACE SYSTEM PLAN Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf the FAA ill2, National Airspace System Plan (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-102772. NATIONAL DEFENSE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Holding the. edge: maintaining the. defense technology 12.as.e. (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; April 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-196604. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies f.or NATO's ~-on ll2. attack concept (A. Shaw) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Armed Services; July 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87l 00343/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MX missile basing (P. Sharfman, and J. Kaplan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-108077.
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150 NATIONAL DEFENSE--NA TO COUNTRIES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New technology for NATO: implementing follow-2n. forw ~(A.Shaw) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-200267. NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventing .illnen and injury in the workplace (M. uOHlh) HDQU~ttd by: Houis Committes on Energy iln.d Commerce: Sen1te Committee on Labor and Huma Resources; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-115334/AS. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MEDLARS img information J20liy (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-168658. NATIONAL SECURITY International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defense technology ~: introduction~ overview (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; March 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-192562. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial newsgathering from (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1987. Technical memorandum. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Regulatory environment w science (M. C. LaFollette) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-182003/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology East an update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. NATURAL GAS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment .U.S.. natural w availability: m through yeru:. 2000 (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-109162/AS.
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151 Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.S.. natural w availability: conventional m supply through tM year (S. E. Plotkin} Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; September 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84I 14909. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ml2QI1 on the. w potential from devonian shain o( the. Appalachian Bwn. (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; November 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-274856. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the. impacts o( the. projected natural .us. curtailments fQ.r. the. winter 1.2.ll76 (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250623. NATURAL GAS RESERVES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.S. natural W. availability: .us. moPh: through the. year (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-109162/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. S1atus. mOQ!1 on the. w. potential ftQm devonian o( the. Appalachian Basin (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; November 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-274856. NATURAL RESOURCES--ANTARCTIC REGIONS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. foll,r prospects: a minerals treaty uu: Antarctica (W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-125403. NATURE CONSERVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies !2 maintain biological diversity (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-207494/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in th_e United Slates.: dalil considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in the. United (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; February 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181997/AS.
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152 NAVIGATIONAL AIDS Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf FAA 12.82. National Airspace System flan (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-102772. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport rulil air tJ:lffi control system lW. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-207606. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Proceedings Qf 1fil' OT A seminar QD. the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS) (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; July 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-208168. NAVIGATIONAL AIDS (AERONAUTICS) Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safer skies with EM
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153 NITROGENOXIDES Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Catching our breath: next for reducing Yrl2an QZQM (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90I 30451 / AS. NUCLEAR ENERGY POLICY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Starpower: The !.[.S. and the international Q.Y.! for fusion energy (G. Epstein) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-128731. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors (E. C. Abbott) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PBSI-213589. NUCLEAR EXPORTS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy technology transfer tQ. China (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-l I 3008/ AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation and safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843. NUCLEAR FUEL REPROCESSING Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing the nation's commercial high-level radioactive waste (T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86l I 6852/ AS. NUCLEAR FUSION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Staroower: The .ll.S. and the international Q.Y.! for fusion energy (G. Epstein) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-128731.
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154 NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION International Security and Commerce Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Energy technology transfer to Qinm (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking. Housing. and Urban Affairs; September 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86l 13008/ AS. NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS--U.S. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation Q.f options (Qr managing greater-than-Qm-C. low-level radioactive~ (G. H. McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1988. Background paper. NUCLEAR REACTORS Energy and Materials Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear in m of uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg} Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. Energy Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear oowerolant standardization: limt water reactors (E. C. Abbott) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affai~; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-213589. NUCLEAR SECURITY MEASURES Energy Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation and safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843. NUCLEAR WASTE POLICY ACT Science. Education, and Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation of hazardous materials (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce. Science. and Transportation; July 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87I 00319 / AS. Oceans and Environment Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Managing nation's commercial hish-~ radioactive~ (T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/AS.
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155 NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Seismic verification Qf nuclear testing treaties (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214853. NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTS-SAFETY MEASURES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Containment of underground nuclear explosions (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senator Orrin G. Hatch; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156183/AS. NURSE PRACTITIONERS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQS!-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: Health technology S1YS1Y DQ. ll: mim, practitioners. physician assistants awl certified n.w:se.-midwives--a. analysis (G. Ruby) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB87-177465/AS. NURSES AND NURSING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf cost-effectiveness analysis Qf. medical technology: 1M costs. ansJ effectiveness Qf num practitioners (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July I 981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101064. NUTRITION Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nutrition research alternatives (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; September 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-289825. NUTRITION POLICY Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nutrition research alternatives (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; September 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-289825. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. f2Qg information systems (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; February 1976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB-258171.
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156 OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. R2k Q.f genetic testing in the. prevention of occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventing illness and injury in the workplace (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Huma Resources; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-115334/AS. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and steel industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct~ of~ (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. OCCUPATIONAL RETRAINING Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Trade adjustment assistance: new h1w f2.r. an oM program (K. Gillman) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Finance; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-203741. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plant closing: advance~ arul ml2kt response (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-ll8212/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Empl'>yment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and structural unemployment reemploying displaced a4l!ltt (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206174/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Displaced homemakers: programs arul (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1985. Interim report. NTIS #PB86-120276/AS.
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157 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and !M workplace: selected mb2!:, education. ang training (M. s. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum .. NTIS #PB83-191320. OCEAN ENGINEERING Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~ margin drilling (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80l 98302. OceansProgram, Office of Technology Assessment. Renewable QC.eall energy sources: ocean thermal energy conversions (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; May 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283104. OCEAN MINING Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Marine minerals: exploring our QCll!l frontier (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/ House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-217725/AS. OCEAN POLICY Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Marine minerals: exploring our new frontier (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/ House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-217725/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and oceanography: an assessment of Federal technologies (Qr oceanographic research lmd. monitoring
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158 OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and oceanography: an assessment Qf Federal technologies {Qr oceanographic research rul4 monitoring (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-101718. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. margin drilling (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; May I 980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80l 98302. OFFICE AUTOMATION TRENDS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices. 12B.i-2QQQ. (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-l85055/ AS. OFFICE AUTOMATION-SOCIAL ASPECTS Communication and Information Techno:ogies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices. 12B.i-2QQQ. (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055 AS. OFFICE OF INFORMATION AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific and technical information in fill electronic m: opportunities and challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/ AS. OFFSHORE ATOMIC POWER PLANTS Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coastal effects of offshore energy systems: an assessment of Qil and m systems. deepwater 129!:tt, and nuclear powerolants Qff .the. CQMt of New Jfil:sey fillg Delaware (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; November 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-274033. OIL POLLUTION CONTROL Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coping with fill oiled (P. A. Johnson, and W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: Rep. Billy Tauzin; Senator Ted Stevens; March 1990. Background Paper.
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159 OIL POLLUTION CONTROL-TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cooing with fill oiled~ (P. A. Johnson, and W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: Rep. Billy Tauzin; Senator Ted Stevens; March 1990. Background Paper. OIL POLLUTION CONTROL-WESTERN EUROPE Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coping with an oiled~ (P. A. Johnson, and W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: Rep. Billy Tauzin; Senator Ted Stevens; March 1990. Background Paper. OIL POLLUTION OF RIVERS, HARBORS, ETC. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Q( 2il tanker casualties, 1969-1974 (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/National Ocean Policy Study; February 1978. Committee print. OIL POLLUTION OF THE SEA Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coping with an oiled sea (P. A. Johnson, and W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: Rep. Billy Tauzin; Senator Ted Stevens; March 1990. Background Paper. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of oil tanker casualties, 1969-197 4 (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/National Ocean Policy Study; February 1978. Committee print. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coastal effects of off shore energy systems: an assessment of 2il and systems, deeowater DQ!.ll, and nuclear powerolants off the coast of New Jersey and Delaware (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; November 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-274033. OIL SHALES Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of oil shale technologies (T. A. Sladek) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-210115.
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160 OLD AGE Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing a million minds: confronting~ tragedy o1 alzheimer's disease aru1 o.the.r. dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752. OLDER WOMEN Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. arul effectiveness of cervical cancer screening (J. L. Wagner, E. J. Power, and B. M. Duffy) requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; February 1990. Background paper. OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND OPTICAL TRADE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact lens. industry--structure. competition, and .129.liy: health technology stydy !lQ. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PBSS-204451/AS. OZONE Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the ozone nonattainment provisions of tM "~ Air Standards Attainment .A of .l.2ll" (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; September 1987. Staff paper. OZONE--U.S.--ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Catching our breath: next steps for reducing urban ozone (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-130451/AS. OZONE--U.S.--STANDARDS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Catching om: breath: next steps for reducing urban ozone (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-l30451/AS.
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161 PACIFIC AREA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management fQr. !.[.S. insular ar.w (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. PACKAGING Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Emerging food marketing technologies: preliminary analysis (W. W. Gallimore)October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-291039. PANAMA CANAL Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental ~s affecting the Panama (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; December 1978. Committee hearing. PANAMA CANAL COMMISSION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental affecting the Panama Cina! (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; December 1978. Committee hearing. PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Book preservation technologies (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212410/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wood use: !J..S. competitiveness and technology-.Y.9!. I~ II (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; August 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84l09925. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy u~ (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS--U.S.--ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies fQr. reducing dioxin in .tM manufacture Qf bleached wood I2YlP. (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-22329l.
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162 PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific technical information in an electronic w: opportunities and challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/ AS. PARASITIC DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Q.( biomedical research and related technology (Qr tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-l39614/ AS. PARKS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies fo.r preservation of prehistoric and historic landscapes (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; July 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-222519/AS. PASSENGER SHIPS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Competition in coastal seas: fill evaluation Q.( foreign maritime activities in. .tM 2.QQ.-mile. EEZ (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; July 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89224653. PA TENT LAW AND LEGISLATION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology ~: patenting life (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. stations and the law: selected legal issues (R. Dalbello) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-118220/ AS. PATENTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patent-term extension and pharmaceutical industry (N. L. Balmer) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-100918.
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163 Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of applied genetics: micro organisms. omntt, m9 animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-206609. PEACEFUL USES OF NUCLEAR ENERGY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Starpower: The Q.S,. mg international gyen for~ energy (G. Epstein) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-128731. PEDIATRICS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Healthy children: investing in 1M (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Finance; February 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-178454/AS. PERFORMANCE BASED EDUCATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Performance standards !Qr secondary~ vocational education (M. J. Feuer) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; April 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-195176. PERSONAL RAPID TRANSIT Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact oi advanced m rapid transit technology (J. Miller, and R. Willow) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-153323. PEST CONTROL Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pest management strategies in croJ2 protection (W. E. Parham) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; October 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-120017. PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN FOOD Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pesticide residues in food: technologies ms! methodologies t:or. detection (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Agriculture; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-136444/AS.
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164 PESTICIDES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. management strategies in protection (W. E. Parham) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; October 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-120017. PETROCHEMICALS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer 1Q Middle Jas1 (M. C. Harris) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127744. PETROLEUM Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. QiJ. and m technologies (Qr the Arc!i mg deeowater (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs/House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-I 19948/ AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. :U.S. vuln,~rability t.Q an Qil import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PBSS-127785. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fl!ea: alternatives '2r reducing Qil imoorts--environmental of synthetic transportation fJ.!ea t:m.m -background (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile (yeJ. efficiency and synthetic ~: alternative (Q!: reducing Qil imports--environmental for synthetic transportation fuels from C.Qfil (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-16185l. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile (ueJ. efficiency and synthetic fl!ea: alternative (Qr reducing Qil imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Se;1ate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. lY2r!d, petroleum availability 12a.Q-2QQQ. (C. J. Holland) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-145252.
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165 PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Jl.S. natural w availability: rn fil!lmlY through ,tM var 2QQ.Q (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-109162/ AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhanced oil recovery potential in United (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-276594. PETROLEUM ENGINEERING--ALASKA--TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-!69239. PETROLEUM INDUSTRY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Jl.S. oil production: effect of low oil~ (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-142484. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Soviet energy availability (R. Goldberg) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; November 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82l 33455. PETROLEUM PIPELINES--ALASKA--FUTURE Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-169239. PETROLEUM PRICES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Jl.S. oil production: effect of low oil ru:m (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-142484. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhanced oil recovery potential in~ United (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-276594.
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L66 PETROLEUM REFINERIES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy~ (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. PETROLEUM RESERVES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. World petroleum availability 1980-2.QQQ. (C. J. Holland) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-145252. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhanced Qil recovery potential in 1he. United (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1978. Report. NTIS #PB276S94. PETROLEUM RESERVES--ALASKA--ECONOMIC ASPECTS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil production .in 1he. A!:ti National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTiS #PB89-169239. PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: t,he, potentials for extracting protein, medicines, mg o.ther. chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-l 14743. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patent-term extension and 1he. pharmaceutical industry (N. L. Balmer) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-l00918. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Q( selected Federal vaccine and immunization policies: 2!l studies 2.f pneumococcal vaccine (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PBS0-116106.
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167 PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEMS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric power technologies: problems ru19. prospects fQr. the,~ (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application Qf solar technology to today's energy needs-YQl. I & II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770. PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology ru19. handicapped (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83l 59814. PHYSICIANS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q.( ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: .the. colt. aru:l effectiveness Qf practitioners (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101064. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Forecasts Qf physician supply and requirements (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-l81670. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology in medical education and assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-102528. PHYSICIANS' ASSIST ANTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: Health technology study no. 37: practitioners. physician assistants and certified ~-midwives--a .l20!iy analysis (G. Ruby) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB87-l77465/AS. PL96-573 Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Partnerships under pressure: managing commercial low-~ radioactive~ (GH McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-159534/AS.
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168 PL99-240 Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Partnerships under pressure: managing commercial low-~ radioactive~ (GH McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-159534/AS. PLANNING Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in Federal CQil leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413. PLANT ECOLOGY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: the potentials f9.!: extracting protein. medicines. and. Q,ther ysefy1 chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-l 14743. PLANT GENETICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology l: patenting~ (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing~ quality Qf. U.S,. grain !m: international~ (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf applied genetics: micro organisms, J2lants., and. animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PBSI-206609. PLANT SHUTDOWNS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plant closing: advance~ and. raiilit response (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-118212/AS.
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169 PLATINUM Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategic materials: technologies t2 reduce ll.S. import vulnerability (L. N. Antrim) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-l15367 / AS. POLLUTION CONTROL Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Suoerfund problems cm be.~--(J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental ~s affecting the Panama Cina! (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; December 1978. Committee hearing. POLLUTION CONTROL--U.S.-TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies t:or. reducing dioxin in .the manufacture Qf bleached lYQQg PlW2 (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-223291. POLLUTION MEASUREMENT Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Habitability of Cailfil. rn m analysis of technical basis fQr .the decision on habitability Q.( emergency declaration (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; June 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l l 49 l 7. POLYGRAPHS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Scientific validity of polygraph testing: a research review and evaluation (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l 8 l 4 l l. POPULATION FORECASTING Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. population ilP.d. fertility planning technologies: van (L. A. Williams, and L. Corsa) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200338.
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170 POPULATION GROWTH Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Global models. world futures. lll!l l2Yhlk ~:a.critique (W. Mills) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-251299. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. World population lll!l fertility planning technologies: tM 2Q vsmn (L. A. Williams, and L. Corsa) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200338. POSTAL RATES AND REVENUES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic ma.i! lll!l message systems for tM l[.S. Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. POSTAL SERVICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of QOSlal automation strategy: il technical and decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic ma.i! md. message systems f.Q.I the. l[.S. f.2ll3l Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. POWER RESOURCES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy technology transfer 19. Chi!m (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-l l 3008/ AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application of technology 19. today's energy needs.-Y.Q!. I~ II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770. POWERLINE SITING Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects of omyer f reguency electric ang magnetic~ (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985.
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171 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. mlil effectiveness Qf cholesterol screening in tM elderly (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB89-224638. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. of biomedical research mg related technology w tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Compensation for vaccine-related injuries (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-163909. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of selected Federal vaccine llru1 immunization policies:~ Q!! cm. studies of pneumococcal vaccine (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-116106. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE-COSTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Screening (Qr Qmtll-~ glaucoma in .the. elderly (J. L. Wagner, and E. J. Power) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1988. Staff paper. PREVENTIVE MEDICINE-EVALUATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. of preventive services bY the elderly (M. E. Gluck) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; January 1989. Staff paper. PRIVACY ACT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic~ systems slrul individual privacy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100335/AS. PRIVATIZATION International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation slrul competition in civilian activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-136842/AS.
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172 PRODUCTION ENGINEERING Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Benefits Qf increased Qf continuous casting ]2.y !he. ,U.S,. industry (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Congressional Steel Caucus; October 1979. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80-104907. PRODUCTS LIABILITY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of selected Federal vaccine and immunization policies: w.eg Qll studies Qf pneumococcal vaccine (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-l 16106. PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS REVIEW ORGANIZATION (MEDICINE) Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality of medical ca: information for consumers (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-102180. PROSPECTING Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ,U.S,. 2il production: !he. effect Qf low 2il oric. (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-142484. PROSPECTING--ALASKA--ENVIRONMENT AL ASPECTS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-169239. PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT SYSTEM Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies for evaluating ~. quality mg medical technology (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-184926/ AS.
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173 PROSTHESIS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies and !he medical devices industry (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85l 99552. PROTECTION OF ANIMALS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives to animal in research, testing. and education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86l 83 l 34/ AS. PROTEINS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: !h.e potentials for extracting protein. medicines. an.a Qlhu ~1 chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743. PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications o.( CQ.S!-eff ectiveness analysis o.( medical technology: efficacy aili1 co.st effectiveness o.( psychotherapy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144610. PSYCHOTHERAPY ASPECTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of c.Qil-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: !he efficacy and cost effectiveness of psychotherapy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144610. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic delivery o.( public assistance benefits: technology options and policy issues (P. M. Regan, and J. D. Winston) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138911/ AS.
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174 PUBLIC HEAL TH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. How effective AIDS education? (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; June 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-243530. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications 2f. ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: Health technology lllllb: 02 .ll: DJ.llE practitioners. physician assistants anp certified IlY!ll-midwives--a 129W analysis (G. Ruby) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB87-177465/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Passive smoking in lh.e. workplace: selected issues (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; May 1986. Staff paper. NTIS #PB86-217627 / AS. PUBLIC LANDS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in Federal co.i! leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment 2f. development~ production potential 2f. Federal cgD! !wa (Buyrn A., and K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-149378. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patterns mg trend1 in Federal cgD! ownership. lli2-m (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PBS l -188484. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment 2f. 2il technologies (T. A. Sladek) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-210115. Materials Program, Off.ice of Technology Assessment. Management of fyel nonf uel minerals in Federal !mg (R. W. Wright) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295788. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf. governing Federal ~: options for~ in Alaska (F. J. Wobber) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-293982. PUBLIC OPINION Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Superfund problems can M mlY,eg ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS.
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175 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: perceptions of biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear in an age of uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. PUBLIC UTILITIES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy efficiency of buildings in cities (M. E. Procter) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200346. PUBLIC UTILITIES HOLDING COMPANY ACT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATORY POLICIES ACT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. QUALITY OF LIFE Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology lllil 1M American economic transition: choices for 1M (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; House Committee on the Judiciary; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Education and Labor; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on the Budget; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214127 / AS.
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176 Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Global models, world futures, ru:19 public J20.liy: a critique (W. Mills) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-251299. QUALITY OF PRODUCTS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing t.he. quality Qf U.S. min for international~ (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. QUALITY OF WORK LIFE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation Qf. America's offices, 12.U-2QQQ. (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. RADAR Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Proceedings_ .Qf. the. OT A seminar on the Discrete Address Beacon System (DABS} (R. L. Maxwell} Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; July 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-208168. RADIO BROADCASTING Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Feasibility mg value Qf broadband communications i.n TYra.l mu: !l preliminary evaluation (W. Mills} Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; April 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258095. RADIO FREQUENCY ALLOCATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Radiofreguencv ys_e and management impacts from the. World Administrative Radio Conference of 1979 (R. B. Crowell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January I 982. Report. NTIS #PB82l 77536. RADIOACTIVE CONTAMINATION OF FOOD Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental contaminants in fogg (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-l 53265.
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177 RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT National Security Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of nuclear war (P. Sharfman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; May 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-296946. RADIOACTIVE FALLOUT-SAFETY MEASURES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Containment of underground nuclear explosions (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senator Orrin G. Hatch; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156183/AS. RADIOACTIVE POLLUTION OF THE ATMOSPHERE-SAFETY MEASURES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Containment of underground nuclear explosions (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senator Orrin G. Hatch; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156183/AS. RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation Qf hazardous materials (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100319/AS. RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL IN THE GROUND Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing nation's commercial high-~ radioactive~ {T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/AS. RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL--U.S.--COSTS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation of options for managing greater-than-Clm-C. low-level radioactive~ (G. H. McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1988. Background paper. RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL-COSTS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Partnerships Y!!,der pressure: managing commercial low-leR! radioactive~ (GH McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-159534/AS.
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178 RADIOACTIVE WASTE DISPOSAL-LAW AND LEGISLATION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Partnerships under pressure: managing commercial low-~ radioactive~ (GH McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90I 59534/ AS. RADIOACTIVE WASTES Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. .in medical waste management (H. Levenson, and K. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-136410/AS. RADIOACTIVE W ASTES--U.S.--MANAGEMENT Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation of options for managing greater-than-Om-~~-~ radioactive~ (G. H. McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1988. Background paper. RADIOISOTOPES IN MEDICINE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging ang_ CQll effectiveness (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239989. RAILROAD ACCIDENTS Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Railroad safety--U.S./Canadian comparison (L. Turnbull) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-301397. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation of railroad safety (L. V. Dickinson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-281169. RAILROAD EQUIPMENT Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automatic train control in rail rapid tramit. (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254738.
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179 RAILROAD FREIGHT OPERATIONS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment of .Ofil slurry pipelines (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-278675. RAILROAD PASSENGER TRAFFIC Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Jl.S. passenger rail technologies (L. Turnbull)December 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-182609. RAILROAD ROLLING STOCK Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Jl.S. passenger rail technologies (L. Turnbull)December 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-182609. RAILROAD SAFETY Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Railroad s.afe.tv.--l[.S./Canadian comparison (L. Turnbull) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-301397. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation of railroad safety (L. V. Dickinson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-281169. RANGE MANAGEMENT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to benefit agriculture and wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747 / AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lands: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology on U.S. cropland and. rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013.
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180 RA TING OF EMPLOYEES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. RAW MATERIALS Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology mg S!tt! industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. REACTOR FUEL REPROCESSING Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing~ nation's commercial high-hrlel radioactive~ (T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/ AS. RECLAMATION OF LAND Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Western surface mine permitting and reclamation (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100350/AS. RECYCLING OF WASTE PRODUCTS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Facing America's trash: what next .(Qr municipal solid~? (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-157769/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fro!p. pollution 1Q. prevention: a progress report 2n reduction (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-208062. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Serious reduction of hazardous waste: !Qr pollution prevention i!li1 industrial efficiency (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-139622/AS. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of technology .(Qr local development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979.
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181 Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Materials mg energy from municipal waste (C. T. Hill) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-300849. REFORESTATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: !l,S. and international institutions (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104058. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation Q.( degraded !mds. (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104041. REFUSE AND REFUSE DISPOSAL Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Facing America's trash: what next {Qr municipal S2lid. ~? (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-157769/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~ in medical~ management (H. Levenson, and K. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-136410/AS. REFUSE AS FUEL Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy from biological processes (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-211477. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Materials and energy from municipal waste (C. T. Hill) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-300849. REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. innovation, ansl regional economic development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-I 50894/ AS.
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182 Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation. and regional economic development: Q( state government initiatives for high technology industrial development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104033. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. innovation, and regional economic development: encouraging high-technology development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84l 80 I 81. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of technology .(Qr local development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. REGULATORY REFORM Materials Program, Offke of Technology Assessment. Technologies and management strategies for hazardous~ control (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-18924l. REHABILITATION OF THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Boston technology study IlQ. 29 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145936/ AS. REMOTE SENSING Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for the preservation of prehistoric and historic landscapes (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; July 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-222519/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial newsgathering from s,oace, (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1987. Technical memorandum. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation filli1 competition in civilian s,oace, activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 198S. Report. NTIS #PB87-I36842/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Remote sensing and the private sector: issues .(Qr discussion (R. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l 80777.
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183 RENEW ABLE NATURAL RESOURCES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management fQr. U.S,. insular arw (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, renewable resources, ru19. American c.mfu (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-222421. REPRODUCTION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/ AS. REPRODUCTION--U.S.--TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Artificial insemination practice in~ United SUUes,: summary Qf a 1987 survey (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; August 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138903/AS. RESEARCH Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Research funding as fill investment: Cfill ~measure~ returns (E. Frankel, and B. J. Holt) Requested by: Task Force on Science Policy; April 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-218278/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qf biomedical research and related technology f,m: tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing in manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February 1990. Report.
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184 Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Paying the bill: manufacturing and America's trade deficit (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-229539. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercializing high temperature superconductivity (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-246442/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research and development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: fill international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 73608. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. RQk Qf demonstrations in federal R & D policv (J. H. Young)July 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-284387. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf .tM United fQ.Qg fil!d agricultural research system (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82l 70572. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT MANPOWER Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R D: critical and issues (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. RESEARCH AND ENVIRONMENT AL ASPECTS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Regulatory environment for science (M. C. LaFollette) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-182003/ AS.
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185 RESEARCH GRANTS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research mg technology transfer policies fQr .the.~ (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. RESEARCH LAW AND LEGISLATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Regulatory environment for science (M. C. LaFollette) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-182003/AS. RESEARCH MANAGEMENT Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Research funding as m investment:~~ measure .the. returns (E. Frankel, and B. J. Holt) Requested by: Task Force on Science Policy; April 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-218278/ AS. RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CONSERVATION R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment ot: technology fQr log! development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Residential energy conservation (N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298410. RESOURCE ALLOCATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and handicapped people (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83159814. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Management of fuel and nonfuel minerals in Federal !ang (R. W. Wright) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295788. RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Facing America's trash: what next (or municipal ~? (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-157769/AS.
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186 Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: classifying fQr hazard management (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-134305. RESPIRATORY DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: assessing selected respiratory therapy modalites--!!Jmds. and relative c..QS.!S. in 1M Washington, D.!:. rn (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101122. RIGHT OF PRIVACY Communlcatlon and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic delivery of public assistance benefits: technology options aru;l policy issues (P. M. Regan, and J. D. Winston) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138911/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic systems amt individual privacy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100335/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security, aru;l congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance and civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October I 985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239 / AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic mail and message systems for tM !.[.~. Postal Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected electronic furul1 transfer ~: privacy. security. aru;l ilY (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-202532. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology and~ policy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681.
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187 RIGHT-OF-WAY Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis 2( governing rn Federal lmlgs: options {Qr~ in Alaska
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188 Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. in livestock feed (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298450. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct~ Qf coal (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. RISK ASSESSMENT Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Identifying fillil regulating carcinogens (K. Kronebusch) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-136999. ROADS AND HIGHWAYS Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment Qf changes in the ang characteristics Q.( automobile transportation system (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-293645. RUBBER Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies .(Qr sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lings_: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983 Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Communications and rural America (W. Mills) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry /Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1978. Committee print. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Feasibility and value of broadband communications i.n rural ~= a preliminary evaluation (W. Mills) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; April 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258095. RURAL PUBLIC HEALTH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Rural emergency medical services (M. Hewitt, and E. Power) Requested by: Senate Rural Health Caucus; November 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB90159047 / AS.
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189 RURAL SCHOOLS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Linking for learning:1, Ym f2!: education (Roberts LG) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156969/ AS. SALINE WATER CONVERSION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. llili),& desalination technologies for water treatment (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senator Paul Simon; March 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-l 93354. SANCTIONS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and East trade: an update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. SATELLITE SOLAR POWER STATIONS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sola! I satellites (R. A. Williamson, and D. Claridge) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-108846. SCIENCE AND ETHICS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Regulatory environment for science (M. C. LaFollette) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-182003/AS. SCIENCE AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: perceptions o.f biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS.
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190 SCIENCE EDUCATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends mlil the, scientific~ engineering work force (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206182/AS. SCIENCE POLICY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping o..m: genes. Genome projects: How ]llg? How li!il? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212402/ AS. Government Policies for Innovation, Office of Technology Assessment. Government involvement in the innovation process: a contractor's rel2Qr! !Q. the. Qffic.e. of Technology Assessment (L. F. Barrington)August 1978. Contractor report. NTIS #PB-286545. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technolo~y Assessment. Elementary and secondary education fQr. science and engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89139182/ AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Educating scientists and engineers: grade school 1Q. grag school (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-235973/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives 1Q. animal in research, testing, and education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183134/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R D: critical trends and issues (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PBSS-245660/ AS. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf a Department of Education o.n Federal science and technology activities (C. McBee)August 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286525. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION--U.S.--FUTURE Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Higher education for science and engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-191290.
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191 SCIENTISTS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends mig scientific mig engineering work (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206182/AS. SCIENTISTS--U .S.--FUTURE Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Higher education for science and engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-191290. SEASHORE ECOLOGY Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wastes in marine environments (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-194585. SECONDARY EDUCATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Performance standards (Qr secondary~ vocational education (M. J. Feuer) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; April 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89l 95 l 76. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Elementary and secondary education for science and. engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89-139 l 82/ AS. SEISMOLOGY International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Seismic verification of nuclear testing treaties (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214853. SEMICONDUCTORS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competitiveness in electronics (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; November 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84l 70695.
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192 SER VICE INDUSTRIES Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competition ht services: banking. building. software know-how (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-212403/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. I!:ruk. in services: exports ang foreign revenues (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-ll8204/AS. SEX DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in .tM workplac;.e, (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. SHALE OIL!> Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency ang synthetic fuels: alternatives for reducing oil imports--selected technical ang economic comparisions Q( synfuel options (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-147363. SHIPBUILDING Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf maritime trade and technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Ways and Means; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84l 7778 l. SHIPPING BOUNTIES Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative approaches to. caI&Q policy: a supplement m. m assessment Qf maritime .tmd.e. ang technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1985. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-239887/AS. SMALL BUSINESS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices. l.2ll-2QQQ. (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS.
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193 SMALL FARMS R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment o,( technology for !Qil development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PBSl-189979. SMOKING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Passive smoking in the workplace: selected issues (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; May 1986. Staff paper. NTIS #PB86-217627 / AS. SOCIAL ACTION PROGRAMS R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. of demonstrations ui federal R 8'. D (J. H. Young)July 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-284387. SOCIAL COSTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice, new technologies. arul tM constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical ang social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-1967 I 6. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology i9!1 handicapped J2eQl2k, (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83159814. SOCIAL INDICATORS Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologv illi1 1M American economic transition: choices !or (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; House Committee on the Judiciary; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Education and Labor; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on the Budget; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214127 / AS.
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194 SOIL CONSERVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology Q!l U.S.. cropland and rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. SOIL EROSION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology Q11 U.S.. cropland filli! rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. SOILS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf technology on U.S.. cropland filli! rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. SOLAR ENERGY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric power technologies: problems aili! prospects for tM (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Conservation filli! energy programs of Department of Energy: a critique (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-197759. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application of solar technology to today's energy needs-.Y.Q.!. I & II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770. SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of technology for local development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application of solar technology to. today's energy ~-.Y.Q.!. I j. II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770.
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195 SOLAR THERMAL POWER GENERATION Energy Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Application Q.( solar technology t2 today's energy ~-Y.Q!. I~ II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770. SOLID WASTES Industry, Technology, and Employment Program. Office of Technology Assessment. From pollution to prevention: il progress W2Q!1 Qll reduction (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-208062. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing nation's commercial hi&h-.leRl radioactive~ (T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/AS. SPACE EXPLORATION International Security and Commerce Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Ill& wunh boosters: a rn transportation 912!km? (R. A Dalbello. R. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science. Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce. Science. and Transportation; February 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-155196/AS. SPACE INDUSTRIALIZATION Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian rn poliy applications (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-234444. SPACE LAW International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. stations and the law: selected le,gfil ll,YeS. (R. Dalbello) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-118220/AS. Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agreement governing .the activities Q.( Q!l rn arul other celestial Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce. Science, and Transportation; August 1980. Committee print.
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196 SPACE POLICY International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reducing launch operations ~= .neiY technologies lmi practices (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89-136402/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Launch options for the future: 3 buyer's guide (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1988. Special report. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian rn stations w lb& l,l.S. f1Uum in rn (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-205391/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. UNISPACE '.82: a context (Qr international cooperation ang competition (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-201848. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SQBC,e science research in~ United S,tata (P. P. Chandler) Requested by: Representative Cooper Evans; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-166512. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian rn ang applications (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-234444. Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agreement governing the activities of Q!l the moon and Ql!w: celestial bodies Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1980. Committee print. SPACE PROGRAM International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation arul competition in civilian mBC.e activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-136842/AS.
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197 SPACE PROGRAMS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Affordable spacecraft mg launch alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce. Science, and Transportation; January 1990. Background Paper. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Big ru!mh boosters: a rn transportation QQtion? (R. A., Dalbello, R. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-155196/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reducing launch operations W1S.: technologies ang practices (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89l 36402/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Launch options for the future: a buyer's (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1988. Special report. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian rn stations an{!~ l,l.S. !utYtt in rn (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-205391/AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SALYUT: toward permanent human presence in rn (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-181437. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. science research in~ United SWn (P. P. Chandler) Requested by: Representative Cooper Evans; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-166512. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian space .oolic.y and applications (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-234444. SPACE SCIENCES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. UNISPACE ~: a context for international cooperation amt competition (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-201848.
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198 Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. science research in tM United~ (P. P. Chandler) Requested by: Representative Cooper Evans; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-166512. SPACE SHUTTLES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Launch options for the fmu!e.: 3 buyer's guide (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1988. Special report. SPACE SHUTTLES-U.S.-SAFETY MEASURES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Round .triJ2 .t2 orbit: human spaceflight alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-224661. SPACE STATIONS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Round trip lQ. orbit: human spaceflight alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-224661. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SJ:2Bc_e stations and the law: selected !e&fil iw!a (R. Dalbello) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-118220/AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian space stations arul !M !l.S. future in rn (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-20539 l / AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SALYUT: toward permanent human presence in~ (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-181437. SPACE WARFARE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Directed energy missile defense in space (T. H. Karas) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-21011 l.
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199 SPACE WEAPONS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SDI: technology, survivability. a.ng software (T. H. Karas)May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236245/ AS. SPACECRAFT-COSTS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Affordable spacecraft design and launch alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1990. Background Paper. SPANISH AMERICANS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends arul 1fill scientific and engineering work (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206182/ AS. SPEECH DISORDERS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology arul handicapped people: Health technology~ no.. 2.: assistive devices for se,ym speech impairments (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-17537 l. STATE TAXATION Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Management Qf fuel and nonfuel minerals in Federal lalli! (R. W. Wright) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295788. STATISTICAL SERVICES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical needs for a changing U.S. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/AS.
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200 STATISTICS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public policy, and 1b& changing structure 2f American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends rulil 1b& scientific and engineering work (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206182/ AS. STEEL Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology qng industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. STERILIZATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications qt: k9S1-eff ectiveness analysis 2f medical technology: elective hysterectomy--k9S,t5., tis.M, ind. benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326. STOCK EXCHANGES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology o..n financial services systems (Z. A. Shaven) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PBSS-152619/AS. STOMACH DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf ~-effectiveness analysis 2f medical technology:~ : effectiveness 2f Yl2W gastronintestinal endoscopy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221814. STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SDI: technology. survivability. and software (T. H. Karas)May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236245/AS.
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201 STRATEGIC DEFENSE INITIATIVES International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ballistic missile defense technologies (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182961/AS. STRATEGIC MATERIALS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategic materials: technologies tQ reduce ll,.S,. import vulnerability (L. N. Antrim) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-115367 / AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: the potentials fQr extracting protein, medicines. and chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-l 14743. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technical options (or conservation Qf metals: studies Qf selected and products (M. Peterson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-102619. STRINGFELLOW ACID PITS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Stringfellow superfund we,: engineering~ (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1984. Contractor Report. STRIP MINING Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Western surface mine permitting and reclamation (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100350/AS. SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues in technology. agriculture. ,ang ll,.S. foreign a,ig (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS.
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202 SUBMARINE OIL WELL DRILLING Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Competition in coastal : an evaluation of foreign maritime activities in~ 2@-mile m (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; July 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89224653. SUGAR SUBSTITUTES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cancer testing technology and saccharin (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; October 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273499. SULPHUR OXIDES Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Acid rain and transported air pollutants: implications for l2Wilic. (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222967. SUPERCOMPUTERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. High performance computing an!1 networking w science (F. w. \\'eingarten) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-131228/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Supercomputers: government~ filli1 policies (P. S. Adler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205218/ AS. SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Te=hnology Assessment. Commercializing high temperature superconductivity (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-246442/ AS.
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203 SUPERFUND Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing contractor in Suoerfund (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; January 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-154116/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Stringfellow superfund s.i!e.: engineering (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1984. Contractor Report. SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming ~: Suoerfund problems~ M so.lYe,g ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS. SUPERFUND--EV ALUATION Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Superfund problems can M ~--(J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS. SUPERSONIC AIRCRAFT Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of advanced air transport technology: part !--advanced high-~ aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504. SUPERTANKERS Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation Qf liquefied natural m (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; September 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273486. SURGERY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the management Qf health technology in ten countries (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144628.
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204 SURROGATE MOTHERS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. SYNTHETIC FUEL Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels.: alternatives (or reducing oil imports--environmental of synthetic transportation fuels. from ~-background !ID2.Q!1 (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic f~: alternative for. reducing oil imports--environmental for. synthetic transportation fuels. UQm CQ.al (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161851. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency an.g synthetic fuels,: alternatives for reducing oil imports--~ availability fQr synthetic f..Yds.-an m~ssment o1 current studies (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-152645. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fUfil efficiency a.rut synthetic fuels.: alternatives for. reducing oil imports--selected technical and economic comparisions Qf synfuel options (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-147363. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternative for reducing
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205 TAX RETURNS Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preliminary analysis Qf the IRS Tax Administration System (M. J. MacNaughton) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; March 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273143. TEACHING TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Power on! New tools for teaching and learning (L. G. Roberts) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; September 1988. Report. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing~ commitment: agricultural development in tM Sahel (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117644/AS. TECHNICAL EDUCATION International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competitiveness in electronics (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; November 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-l 70695. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and tM Qf tM !J..S. construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; August 1984. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-209442/ AS. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Marine applications fQ!: fuel cell technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86l 83597 / AS.
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206 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing in manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February 1990. Report. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials hY design (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243548. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. DQQk preservation technologies (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212410/AS. Communict tion and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice. technologies. ang constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project. Office of Technology Assessment. Technology illli11M e.merican economic transition: choices for .tM fiUm:e. (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; House Committee on the Judiciary; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Education and Labor; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on the Budget; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214127 / AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research ang development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public policy, ang the changing structure of American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, DU]ilic, policy, ang the changing structure of American agriculture: a special W22!:1 for .tM .12.82 fa.rm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wood l29licy ang technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/ AS.
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207 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology on financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, and regional economic development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-150894/ AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, and regional economic development: o.( government initiatives for high technology industrial development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104033. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, and regional economic development: encouraging bi&h-technology development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-180181. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology ang its. impact on American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-174664. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology illlil handicapped~ (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83159814. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts oi applied genetics: micro organisms. P.la!ln. and animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB8I-206609. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and s,tetl industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Emerging food marketing technologies: a preliminary analysis (W. W. Gallimore)October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-291039. Government Policies for Innovation, Office of Technology Assessment. Government involvement in the innovation process: a contractor's moQit. t.o. o.( Technology Assessment (L. F. Barrington)August 1978. Contractor report. NTIS #PB-286545. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Applications Q( R D in tM civil sector: the opportunity provided~~ Federal Qnnt and Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 (J. H. Young) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283035.
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208 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Development of medical technology: opportunities fo.t assessment (C. A. Taylor) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258117. TECHNOLOGY International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Holding the edge: maintaining the defense technology base (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; April 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-196604. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing tw quality of U.S.. grain for international 1rruk (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercializing high temperature superconductivity (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June I 988. Report. NTIS #PB88-246442/ AS. TECHNOLOGY AND CIVILIZATION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application of SQlar. technology to today's energy ~-yol. l II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770. TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical connections communication for future (L. Garcia) requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1990. Report. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology. medicine. rulil Bill of Ri&htt (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/ AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and~ American economic transition: choices for~~ (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; House Committee on the Judiciary; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Edue1tio11 and Labor; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on the Budget; May 1988. Report. NTJS #PB88-214127 / AS.
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209 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: Pl!lili perceptions Qf biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: ownership Qf human~ mg~ (G. B. Ellis, and G. B. White) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-207536/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security. arul congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance arul civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and wn,g in America (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116514/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and workplace: selected 1112sll:, education, amt training iss,ues, (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/ Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-191320. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology i!li1 handicapped people (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83159814. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Exploratorv workshop on~ soiBl impacts Q( robotics: summary and issues (S. Hale)February 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB82-184862. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of applied genetics: micro organisms, .Q.Wlts., and animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-206609. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application Q( technology to today's energy ~-!Ql. I & 11 (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770.
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210 TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defense technology JliK: introduction ;mg overview (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; March 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-192562. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing .tM nation's commercial high-~ radioactive~ (T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology arul !Ynlle, o.t: 11..s. construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; August 1984. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-209442/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology mg handicapped ~= Mandatory passive restraint systems iD automobiles: arul evidence (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83159822. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. RQ!e. 2.f demonstrations in federal R & D policy (J. H. Young)July 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-284387. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment in business and government (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1977. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB-273164. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment activities in industrial. academic, aruJ governmental communities (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; December 1976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB-273435. TECHNOLOGY POLICY Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing in manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February 1990. Report. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercializing high temperature superconductivity (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-246442/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to China (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-223418/AS.
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211 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R D: critical trenm, and (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to ,tru, Middle Jall (M. C. Harris) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127744. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, ang regional economic development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-150894/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, renewable resources, mg American crafi1 (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-222421. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competitiveness in electronics (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/ Joint Economic Committee; November 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-170695. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and fas! i1l update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. innovation. mg regional economic development ot: government initiatives ill hi,gh, technology industrial development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104033. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of technology for !Qgl development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies ill tM (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to China (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-223418/AS.
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212 Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of .u.s. competitiveness in agricultural~ (H. Kelly) Requested by: Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; October 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-140760/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy technology transfer 19 China (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-113008/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R 12: critical~ l!lil (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues in technology. agriculture. mg .U.S,. foreign Ilia. (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PBSS-238624/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to Middle EMt, (M. C. Harris) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127744. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies .tQ. sustain tropical resources (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175637. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Remote sensing and the private UClQt: .mue1 for discussion (R. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-180777. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and East m update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. UNISPACE :sl: a context fm: international cooperation mg competition (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-201848. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer 11 National Institutes Qf Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904.
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213 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Soviet energy availability (R. Goldberg) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; November 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82l 334SS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and EastWest trade (P. Sharfman, and H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-l 19381. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pest management strategies in protection (W. E. Parham) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; October 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-l20017. TELECOMMUNICATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic iuil md. message systems (Qr~ l,l.S. Service
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214 TELEPHONES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security, and congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. TELEVISION BROADCASTING Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assess.nent. Feasibility and value of broadband communications in rural mas,: a preliminary evaluation (W. Mills) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; April 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258095. TERMINAL CARE Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~-sustaining technologies mg lll, elderly (C. W. Maklan, K. Maslow, and R. A. Harootyan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-222527/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intensive mw.s. (rn)--clinical outcomes. ~. and decisionmaking: heil1h technology SlY9I. 92. 2.8. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145928/ AS. TERRITORIAL WATERS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Marine minerals: exploring our QCe.a!l frontier (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/ House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-217725/AS. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Establishing a ~-mile fisheries mne. (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; National Ocean Policy Study; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273578. TEXTILE INDUSTRY AND FABRICS Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. :U.S. te!!ile. and apparel industry: a revolution in progress (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1987. Special Report. NTIS #PB87-196762/XAB.
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215 TISSUES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: .tM con effectiveness 2f marrow transplant therapy arul .us. implications (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221798. TORTS International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. stations and the law: selected le8al myes_ (R. Dalbello) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-118220/AS. TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information content Qf oremanufacture notices (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-241059. TOXIC SUBSTANCES LEGISLATION Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Superfund problems gn he.~ ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. in medical waste management (H. Levenson, and K. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-136410/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation of hazardous materials (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100319 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information content of oremanufacture notices (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-241059. TRADE ADJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. I!ad!' adjustment assistance: new iQeM fQ.[ m 2h1 program (K. Gillman) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Finance; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-203741.
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216 TRADE REGULATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected electronic t:YruJ1 transfer iw!es: privacy. security. mg~ (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-202532. TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS AND SAFETY Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gearing \!Q. fQr rn carrier smtt in a competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-124796. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment Qf changes in .us.e and characteristics Qf automobile transportation system (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB29364S. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment of changes in the YR ang characteristics o.( !rut automobile transportation system (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB29364S. TRANSPLANTATION OF ORGANS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of con-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the COS! effectiveness oi marrow transplant therapy and m Qolicy implications (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221798. TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation of hazardous materials (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100319/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation of hazardous materials:~ mg lo.cal activities (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86l 81971 / AS. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation of liquefied natural m (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; September 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273486.
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217 TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for transit-bibliography (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253642. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning .(Qr mass transit-Minneapolis/St. Paul ili!d.Y (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253685. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning for mass tramittechnical Wl!lI1 (0. S. Kol1rud) Reaue1ted by: Senate Committee on A()()ro()riations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253641. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning .(Qr mass transit-Washington. D.C. S!Y9Y (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253688. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass n:ansit-~ S1YQY (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253687. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning fQr. n:ansit-San. Francisco ili!d.Y (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253686. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning .(Qr mass ttfillill-~ Angeles S,tugy (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253684. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Denver S1YQY (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253683. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Chicago case study (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253682. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for transit-Boston s_tugy (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-252681. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning f.or mass n:ansit-Atlanta smgy (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253680.
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218 Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for transit (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-253679. TREA TIES--ANT ARCTIC REGIONS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Polar prospects: a minerals treaty for Antarctica (W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-125403. TREATMENT AND REHABILITATION OF ALCOHOLICS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness and costs of alcoholism treatment: halth technology~ .QQ. 22 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB83-192492. TROPICAL AGRICULTURE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management for ll.S. insular~ (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-20S829/XAB. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation Qi degraded lands. (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104041. TROPICAL FORESTS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to sustain tropical forest resources (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175637. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: ll.S. !llli! international institutions (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104058. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of degraded lands (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104041.
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219 TROPICAL MEDICINE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. 21: biomedical research wlil related technology fQr tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS. TRUCKING Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gearing Y.Q for ~: MQ19I carrier mett in D. competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-124796. TRUCKS -SAFETY MEASURES Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gearing Y.Q for ~: MO!Q.r carrier~ in a competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-124796. U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing th commitment: agricultural development in .tM Sahd (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117644/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies !Qr les.er developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS. U.S. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in the Federal c,QJJ leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Affordable spacecraft design and launch alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1990. Background Paper.
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220 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Q( & Department of Education on Federal science aJlil technology activities (C. McBee)August 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286525. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing the nation's commercial high-~ radioactive~ {T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Conservation Bild soll!: energy programs of Department Qf Energy: 1 critique (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-197759. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Recent developments in Qein thermal energy (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80-201825. U.S. ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION Enetg'Y Program, ffice of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis of tM ill ERDA I2liD. and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Cou:iu:iinc;c; on 'lntcirior and 'ln:suliu Affalr:s; May 1970. Report. NTI5 #PB-2~4794. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Industry, Technology~ and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Suoerfund problems go_ M ml,yeg ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October I 989. Report. NTIS #PB90 I 42209 / AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Facing America's tw,h: what next (Qr municipal sollil ~? (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Energy a1id Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-157769/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing contractor yse, in Suoerfund (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; January 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-154116/AS.
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221 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Superfund strategy (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-120425. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information content of premanufacture notices (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-241059. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf the !.[.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY 1976 through 1980 (R. Daly) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258191. U.S. FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safer skies with IC.AS (Traffic Akrt and Collision Avoidance System) (E. B. Page, and K. Dopart) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-169221. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of the FAA 1982 National Airspace System Plan (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; August I 982. Report. NTIS #PB83102772. U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pesticide residues in food: technologies aru! methodologies for detection (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Agriculture; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-I36444/AS. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental contaminants in food (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-153265.
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222 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nillQ!!: federal information dissemination in an electronic w (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. U.S. INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Indian health care (L. H. Miike) Requested hy: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206091/ AS. U.S. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preliminary analysis of the IRS Tax Administration System (M. J. MacNaughton) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Me1.ns; March 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273143. U.S. NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Affordable spacecraft design and launch alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1990. Background Paper. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Big dumb boosters: ll low-cost transportation option? (R. A., Dalbello, R. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-155196/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation a.rul competition in civilian SJ;mC..e activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-136842/AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian stations and .tM !.[.S,. future in 5 (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-205391/AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SQ.a.e science research in the United (P. P. Chandler) Requested by: Representative Cooper Evans; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-166512.
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223 U.S. NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer 11 National Institutes of Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. U.S. NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in an electronic ue. (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. U.S. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 198S. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventing illnm a,ng injury in tM workplace (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Huma Resources; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-115334/AS. U.S. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific irul technical information in an electronic m: opportunities ww challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/ AS. U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of automation strategy: a technical arui decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843. U.S. PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of tM lu12li Health Service's response tQ. AII2S. (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Government Operations; February 198S. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-246668/ AS.
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224 U.S. SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration mg information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/ AS. U.S. SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the !l.WQ!l: federal information dissemination in. an electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. U.S. VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical devices and the Veterans Administration (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-117677 / AS. UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR TESTING International Security and Commerce Profram, Office of Technology Assessment. Containment Qf underground nuclear explosions (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senator Orrin G. Hatch; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156183/ AS. UNITED ST A TES POST AL SER VICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic mail mg message systems (or the !,l.S,. Postal Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. UNNECESSARY SURGERY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. CQs1 effectiveness of digital subtraction angiography in 1he. diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease: hMl.th technology study no. 34 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; May 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB85-241115/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: elective hysterectomy--costs, risks, and benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326.
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225 URBAN AREAS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf the nonattainment provisions Qf ~"~Air Standards Attainment At of 12.U" (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; September 1987. Staff paper. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy efficiency of buildings in cities (M. E. Procter) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200346. URBAN TRANSPORTATION Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of advanced &rQ!!.12 !1lllli! transit technology (J. Miller, and R. Willow) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-153323. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of communitv planning for mass transit-bibliography (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253642. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass tmns.i!-Minneaoolis/St. fay! snlilY, (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253685. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for !JillSS. .transit-technical reJ:20!1 (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-2S3641. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Washington, D.C. (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-2S3688. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for transit-Seattle case study (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253687. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for !!illSS. transit-San. Francisco case study (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253686. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Los Angeles case study (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-2S3684. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Denver case study (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253683.
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226 Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning for mass transit-Chicago ili!gy, (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253682. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning fQr. 1mnS.it.-Boston cm~ (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-252681. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q( community planning for mass lmmit-Atlanta (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253680. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment o..f community planning f.or tmnsi1 (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-253679. UROLOGY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies (Qr managing urinary incontinence: balth technology~ st,w;Jy ,ng_. ll (J. E. Sisk:, Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB85--240208/AS. USER CHARGES Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development
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227 VETERANS' MEDICAL CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Boston ~: technology JlQ. 29 (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85145936/ AS. VIDEO TAPE RECORDINGS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property rights in mi of electronics information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87I 0030 l / AS. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and structural unemployment: reemploying displaced ll4Jl1.tt (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February I 986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206174/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Displaced homemakers: programs~~ (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1985. Interim report. NTIS #PB86-120276/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and .tM workplace: selected mb2r., education, l!!d. training~ (M. s. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-191320. VOCATIONAL EDUCA TION--U.S.--ST ANDARDS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Performance standards for secondary s~ vocational education (M. J. Feuer) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; April 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-195176. VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Catching our J2tta,th: for reducing url2in. rn (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-130451/AS.
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228 WAR CASUAL TIES National Security Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Q( nuclear war (P. Sharfman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; May 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-296946. WASTE DISPOSAL IN THE OCEAN Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wastes in marine environments (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-194585. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qan. incineration: its role in managing hazardous (H. Levenson, and R. Denison) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100327/AS. WASTE DISPOSAL SITES Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Habitability Qf Love Qma! area: an analysis Q( technical l2Mis. w: .tM decision Q!l habitability Qf emergency declaration area (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; June 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-I 149 l 7. WASTE DISPOSAL SITES--U.S.--MANAGEMENT Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Superfund problems Cfill M ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209 / AS. WASTE PRODUCTS Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: classifying w: hazard management (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-134305. WASTE REDUCTION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Facing America's trash: what next .(Qr municipal SQ!kl ~? (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-157769/AS.
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229 Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. From pollution to prevention: a progress rel2.Q!1 on reduction (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-208062. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Serious reduction of hazardous~= fQI pollution prevention~ industrial efficiency U.S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-139622/AS. WASTE WATER TREATMENT R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of technology f.or local development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. WASTES IN GOVERNMENT SPENDING Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Superfund problems gn M ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/ AS. WATER Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile efficiency im.sl synthetic ~= alternatives f.or reducing Qil imports--~ availability (Qr. synthetic t:ueh-m assessment of current studies (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-152645. WATER ALLOCATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies fur sustainable agriculture in ll.S. arid/semiarid lands (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84l 72667. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~-related technologies {Qr sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid !Bn.4.: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. WATER CONSERVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~-related technologies fQ.r sustainable agriculture iD arid/semiarid !Bn.4.: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-1029l2.
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230 WATER POLLUTION Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. lllin& desalination technologies fQr treatment (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senator Paul Simon; March 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-193354. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Protecting nation's groundwater from contamination-~. I&. II (P. J. Stone) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-154201/AS. WATER QUALITY Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Protecting~ nation's groundwater from contamination-~. I&. ll (P. J. Stone) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-154201/AS. WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. of models for water resources management. planning, amt~ (R. M. Friedman)August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-103655. WATER SUPPLY Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of oil~ technologies (T. A. Sladek) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-210115. WATER USE Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !.W.n.l! desalination technologies for water treatment (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senator Paul Simon; March 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-193354. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies f2.r sustainable agriculture in l[.S. arid/semiarid .l.lrul1 (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-172667. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of oil technologies (T. A. Sladek) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-210115.
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231 WESTERN EUROPE International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New technology for NA TO: implementing follow-Q.!!. (A. Shaw) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-200267. WETLANDS Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wetlands: their yg_ and regulation (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-I 75918. WHITE COLLAR WORKERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices, 1985-2QQQ, (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots conservation Qf biological diversity in .tM United States. (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; February 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-l 8 I 997 / AS. WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies 1Q benefit agriculture and wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747 / AS. WILDLIFE REFUGES--ALASKA--SCENARIOS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil production in fM Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-169239.
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232 WIND POWER Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric power technologies: problems and prospects fQ!: (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July I 985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/ AS. WOMEN Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: elective hysterectomy--costs, risks, ruig benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectivenes~ analysis of medical technology: allocating QQ.S.ts. filld. benefits in disease prevention program~--m application tQ. cervical~ screening (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221806. WOMEN ENGINEERS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends ruig scientific md engineering fofil (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206182/ AS. WOMEN IN BUSINESS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices .l.2.8i-2QQ.Q (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. WOMEN SCIENTISTS Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends and scientific filld. engineering work fofil (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206182/ AS. WOOD Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies (or reducing dioxin in manufacture of bleached wood P.Yll2 (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-223291.
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233 Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wood: !LS. competitiveness and technology-vol. I & ll (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; August 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-109925. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy from biological processes (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-211477. WORKERS' COMPENSATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Boston elbow: health technology case s.tJillY, !lQ.. 29 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145936/AS. X-RAYS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf cm-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: fQ.wcommon .!-Ill procedures--problems and prospects for economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf ~-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: 1M feasibility Qf economic evaluation Qf diagnostic orocedure--tM case of CT scanning (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209777. YOUTH-U.S.-MEDICAL CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses Qf in coverage and preliminary estimates Qf 1M effects Qf ru:i employer mandate rul4 medicaid expansion (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; July 1989. Background paper. ZIP CODE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of automation strategy: a technical rul4 decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843.
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OT A Publications by Program AD HOC COMMITTEE Ad Hoc committee, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses of effects of limited nuclear warfare Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1975. Committee print. BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS PROGRAM Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology ~: patenting life (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Artificial insemination practice in tM United~: summary Qf a 12.81 survey (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; August 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89l 38903 / AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: !.l,.S,. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Institutional protocols for decisions abQU! life-sustaining treatments (C. W. Maklan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-138895 / AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: fullil-testing engineered organisms: genetic and ecological issues (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214101/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping OJ!!. ~Genome projects: How hi&? How fm? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212402/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transgenic animals (K. O'Connor) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; February 1988. Staff paper.
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2 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal regulation and animal patents (K. O'Connor) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; February 1988. Staff paper. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Life-sustaining technologies and the elderly (C. W. Maklan, K. Maslow, and R. A. Harootyan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July l 987. Report. NTIS #PB87-222527 / AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: public perceptions of biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing a million minds: confronting tM tragedy of alzheimer's disease and other dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: ownership Qf human~ and~ (G. B. Ellis, and G. B. White) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-207536/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qf biomedical tests in paternity determination (T. Condon) Requested by: Senator Daniel P. Moynihan; July 1986. Staff paper. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hearing impairment and elderly people (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-218559/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives to animal in research, testing. and education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86l 83134/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazard~ in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace: selected aspects Qf reproductive health hazards regulation (L. J. Raines) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; October 1985. Staff paper. NTIS #PB86-173085/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and aging in America (R. A. Harootyan, and D. Mccallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116514/AS.
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3 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human&. therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qt: neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-196716. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: m international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84173608. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qt: genetic testing in .tM prevention Qf occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES PROGRAM Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer software IIld. intellectual property (J. D. Winston) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; March 1990. Background paper. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical connections communication foJ: .tM (mure. (L. Garcia) requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1990. Report. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific ang technical information in m electronic : opportunities and challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Copyright and home copying: technology challenges .tM law (J. D. Winston) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90151309/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. High performance computing and networking fQ.r science (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-131228/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the llWQn.: federal information dissemination in. iUl electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243.
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4 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology, medicine, and the Bill of Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89I 36428/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice. new technologies. and the constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic delivery of public assistance benefits: technology options and .POlic.Y issues (P. M. Regan, and J. D. Winston) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138911/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Science. technology. and First Amendment (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; January 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-166426. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Issues relevant 1Q (National Crime Information Center) 2000 proposals (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; November 1987. Staff paper. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Def ending secrets. sharing~: new~~~ fQ.r electronic information (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-143185/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology. new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hospital information systems at the Veterans Administration (K. G. Bandy) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations/House Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-133087. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Science, technology. and the constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-142534/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal funding for artificial intelligence research and development (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1987. Staff paper. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration and information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/ AS.
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5 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic systems and individual privacy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100335/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property ri&lm. lll an aG Q{ electronics and. information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87100301/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Supercomputers: government l2!Bns, ang policies (P. S. Adler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205218/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research ll!lil development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background pape.~. NTIS #PB86-205200/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management, security, and. congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499 / AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices. 12.U-2QQQ (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance and civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Telecommunications in 1he. ll-SPacific Islands (F. w. Weingarten) Requested by: House Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Consumer Protection and Finance; April 1985. Staff paper. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Of~ice of Technology Assessment. Information technology R )2: critical~ and.~ (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology Q.D financial services systems (Z. A. Shaven) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS.
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6 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of postal automation strategy: a technical and decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment. education, smg the. workplace (M. s. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 96500. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and the. workplace: selected l,ahQr, education, and training (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-191320. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology and its impact 9!l American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-174664. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternatives for a national computerized crhninal history system (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-l 66678. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf electronic mail and message systems (or the. :U.S. Postal Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected electronic funds transfer issues: privacy. security. and equity (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-202532. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Exploratory workshop 9!l the. social impacts Qf robotics: summary and issues (S. Hale)February 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB82-184862. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Radiof reguency smg management: impacts from the. World Administrative Radio Conference Qf 1979 (R. B. Crowell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82l 77536. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerbased national information systems: technology and public policy issues (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681.
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7 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patent-term extension~~ pharmaceutical industry (N. L. Balmer) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-100918. ENERGY AND MATERIALS PROGRAM Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical needs for a changing !J..S. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects of f reguency electric a.fill magnetic (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric power wheeling ang dealing: technological considerations for increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qi! production in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-169239. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cooper: technology ang_ competitiveness (J. Robison) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; Technology Assessment Board; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89l 38887 / AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials wi&n (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243548. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Staroower: The l,l.S. and international gym ill tJwon energy (G. Epstein) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-128731. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies ill underwater archaeology im.g maritime preservation (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: September 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-142559/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies ill~ preservation of prehistoric ang historic landscapes lR. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; July 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-222519/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ,U.S. oil production: tM effec1 of low oil 12!:iw (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-142484.
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8 Energy and Materials Program/ Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Construction and materials research and development for nation's public works (J. Robison, and E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; June 1987. Staff paper. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New structural materials technologies: opportunities for. the of advanced ceramics and composites (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87l l 8253/ AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for prehistoric and historic preservation (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140166/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Western surface mine permitting and reclamation (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100350/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects of section l of the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976 (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86l 82029 / AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of replacing lead with aromatic alcohol enhancers in gasoline (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Representative Richard J. Durbin/Representative Fuqua/Representative Jim Sensenbrenner/Representative Morris K. Udall; January 1986. Staff memorandum. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reclaiming prime farmlands and other high-quality croplands~ surface~ mining (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: Senator Dale Bumpers; December 1985. Staff memorandum. NTIS #PB87-117123/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric power technologies: problems and prospects for the 1980s (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment .U.S. natural availability: s.uoruy through ve.ar. 2000 (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-'09162/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ,ll.S. vulnerability tQ fill oil import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127785. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in the Federal CQfil leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413.
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9 Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Q{ decontrol 2n okl m recovery (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by; RepreseJltative John D, Djnge11/Representative Phi}i{) R. Sharp; February 1984. Staff memorandum. Enere.v and Materials Proe.ra.m.. 0ice 0 Tech.aolo~y A.11.11.e11.1!.m..en.t.. Nuc\snI m uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.S.. natural m availability: conventional m supply through 1M. .YW 1QQQ (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; September 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-114909. ENERGY PROGRAM Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy Y (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial 3Ili1 commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-180547. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile (wtl efficiency arul synthetic fum: alternatives for reducing oil imports--environmental iw!e1 Q{ synthetic transportation (ym fr.om CQBI-background r..eootl (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile (ye_l efficiency and synthetic fum: alternative (or reducing oil imports--environmental iw!e1 for synthetic transportation fuels .u:om. coru (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161851. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic ~= alternatives for reducing oil imports--water availability for synthetic fuels-an assessment Q.f current studies (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-152645. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency ifill synthetic t:l!m,: alternatives for reducing Qil imports--selected technical i!li1 economic comparisions Qf synfuel options (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-147363. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile efficiency llfil! synthetic t:l!m,: alternative for reducing oil imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094.
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10 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy efficiency Qf buildings in cities (M. E. Procter) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200346. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Synthetic fuels fQr transportation: the future potential Qf electric and hybrid vehicles (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-126086. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Solar power satellites (R. A. Williamson, and D. Claridge) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82l 08846. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors (E. C. Abbott) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-213589. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. World petroleum availability 1980-2000 (C. J. Holland) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-145252. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy from biological processes (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1980. Report. NTIS #PBS0-211477. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Conservation arul SQ!ar energy programs of the Department Qf Energy: a critique (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PBS0-197759. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural &M imports-background QaPfil: (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PBS0-203847. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural &M imports (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Report. NTIS #PBS0-173552. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gasohol (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80105885. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Residential energy conservation (N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298410. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct of coal (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797.
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11 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf the ERDA plan and program (J. M. Veigel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-250636. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application Qf solar technology to today's energy ~-yo!. I~ II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment of coal slurry pipelines (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-278675. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhanced 2il. recovery potential in the. United (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-276594. Energy Program. Office of Tech.n.olO?,'J h'3'3C'3'3Tnent. on potential from devonian shW Qf the. Appalachian Basin (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; November 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-274856. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf the proposed national energy plan (R. E. Row berg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation ang safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf the !.[.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY 1976 through 1980 (R. Daly) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Tecll~Q!QYi A\lgust 19?6. R.@port. NTIS PB-258191. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis Qf the 1976 ERDA plan and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the. impacts Qf the projected natural SM curtailments for the winter 1975-76 (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250623. EXPLORATORY GROUP Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Issues and options in flood hazards management (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PBS0-151087.
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12 Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. ,ll.S,. disaster assistance to developing countries: lessons applicable 1Q ,ll.S,. domestic disaster programs (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-l53760. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Criteria f.or. evaluating implementation plan required 12.Y the. Earthquake Hazards Reduction A Qf 1977 (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-241663. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Anticipating the. impacts Qf legislation: implementing~~ 22-~ requiring regulatory impact statements (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; June 1979. Staff paper. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment candidates md priorities (J. F. Coates)July 1978. Survey. EYploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Preliminary analysis of .tM demographic trends influencing elementary and secondary~ system (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; May 1977. Staff paper. ExpJoratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment in business and government (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1977. Committee hearing. NTIS :#!PB-273164. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment activities in the. industrial, academic, aru1 governmental communities (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; December 1976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB-273435. FOOD AND RENEWABLE RESOURCES PROGRAM Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies for the.~ (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf the~ of institutional options available m house a proposed National Center for. Biological Diversity and Conservation Research (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1989. Staff paper. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing quality of .U.S.. srlin for. international~ (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international trade: a comparison of D!i.ku: .U.S.. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249.
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13 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Science mg technology for development (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; February 1989. Staff paper. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pesticide residues in food: technologies lU!d. methodologies fo.r detection (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Agriculture; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-136444/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing agriculture in A.u:ici: a~ for U.S. development assistance (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Committee on Agriculture; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-137087 / AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots development the African Development Foundation (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Select Committee on Hunger; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236252/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management for U.S. insular~ (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to. maintain biological diversity (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-207494/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing the. commitment: agricultural development in tM (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-ll 7644 / AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. RQk of l[.S. development assistance in maintaining biological diversity in developing countries (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1986. Staff paper. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology .PYJilis: policy. aru1 tM changing structure of American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in tM United States,: datl, considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS.
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14 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in tb& United (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; February 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181997/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies f.or developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to benefit agriculture aru1 wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747 / AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, l2YJili J22.lig_y, arul tb& changing structure 2f: American agriculture: 1 special r.eo2tt f.or tb& 128.i farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senat, Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues in technology. agriculture. ruli1 ,ll.S. foreign rug (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Co1rmittee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, renewable resources, an,d American mt. (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Ap;,ropriations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-222421. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to sustain tropical resources (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175637. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies f.or sustainable agriculture in ,ll.S. arid/semiarid lands (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-172667. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: tru, uotentials f.or extracting protein. medicines. w other ysefyl chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies f2r sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lands: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912.
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15 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: !.[.S. international institutions (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-l 04058. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of degraded !aruls. (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104041. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics research (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; April 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-232835. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology on U.~. cropland rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of methodologies for nutrition research April 1980. Staff paper. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pest management strategies in protection (W. E. Parham) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; October 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-l20017. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qwm shelf-life dating of fQQd. (M. J, Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-101629. FOOD PROGRAM Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of the United States food and agricultural research system (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-l 70572. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental contaminants in food (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-153265. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. in livestock (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298450. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Emerging fQQg marketing technologies: l.\ preliminary analysis (W. W. Gallimore)October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-291039. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nutrition research alternatives (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; September 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-289825.
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16 Food Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Perspectives Qll. Federal retail fru2S! grading (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273163. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Organizing and financing basic research tQ. increase fQ.Qg production (W. Wilcox) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273182. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fQQg information systems: summary mg analysis (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258172. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fQog information systems (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; February 1976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB-258171. GOVERNMENT POLICIES FOR INNOVATION Government Policies for Innovation, Office of Technology Assessment. Government involvement in the innovation process: a contractor's report !Q. the Office Qf Technology Assessment (L. F. Barrington)August 1978. Contractor report. NTIS #PB-286545. HEAL TH PROGRAM Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventive halt.b services for medicare beneficiaries:o.oliy arul research~ (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1990. Special report. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. and effectiveness of cervical screening (J. L. Wagner, E. J. Power, and B. M. Duffy) requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; February 1990. Background paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Rua! emergency medical services (M. Hewitt. and E. Power) Requested by: Senate Rural Health Caucus; November 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB90159047/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defining .mm! a,reu: impact Q.!l health .PQlic.y arul research (M. Hewitt) Requested by: Senate Rural Health Caucus; July 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB89-224646.
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17 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses Q( in coverage and preliminary estimates Q( the. effects 2i m employer mandate arul medicaid expansion (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; July 1989. Background paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of the Veterans Administration's method of analyzing m hospital mortality (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; April 1989. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. and effectiveness Qf cholesterol screening in elderly (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB89-224638. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.K of preventive services hY 1M elderly (M. E. Gluck) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; January 1989. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Drug labeling in developing and newly industrialized countries. (H. Gelband) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1988. Interim Report. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Fourth reJ2Q!1 on the. Prospective Payment Assessment Commission
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18 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality Qf medical : information for consumers (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-102180. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~ effective is. AmS education? (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; June 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-243530. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial development Qf tem for human genetic disorders (M. Hewitt, and N. A. Holtzman) Requested by: February 1988. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Healthy children: investing in future (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Finance; February 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-178454/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ai.di .allil health insurance mi OT A survey (J. Eden) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-170204. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial development Qf tests fQr. human genetic disorders (M. Hewitt)February 1988. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology A.3sessment. Neonatal intensive cam fQr. low birthweight infants:~ .allil effectiveness (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Lab<,r and Human Resources; December 1987. Case study. NTIS #PBSS-158902. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Identifying tmg regulating carcinogens (K. Kronebusch) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-136999. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. First QJ! Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC) (G. Ruby) Requested by: November 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-158613/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Third .rm!Q.r1 Q!l Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (ProPAC) (E. J. Power) Requested by: November 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-l57789/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ca,nc.er. screening fQr. Medicare beneficiaries: Effectiveness.~ tQ. Medicare Wld. medical resources required (D. Dougherty) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Hurn.an Resources; November 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Prescription Q!.U.81 and elderly Americans: ambulatory use. ang approaches 1R coverage (Q!: Medicare (G. Solan) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; October 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. marrow transplantation using unrelated donors: current clinical ind. policy (M. A. McLaughlin Hughes) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Do insects transmit aids ? (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; September 1987. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-143177/AS.
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19 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Costs of AIDS and other HIV infections: review of .till' estimates (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology dependant children: hospital ~home (E. J. Power) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1987. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-194551. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Current health status and population projections of native Hawaiians living in Hawaii (L. H. Miike)April 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf tM Defense Department's polygraph test ang research programs (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senator Jeff Bingamen; March 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Research o.n geographic variations in physician practice patterns (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Clinical staffing in tM Indian health service (E. M. Smith) Requested by; House Commjttee on .Energy and Commerce; February 1987. Special Report. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Children's mental health: problems arul services (D. Dougherty) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207486/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf c.o.st.-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: Health technology S1l!9.Y nQ .ll: practitioners. physician assistants certified mu:se.-midwives--a J20!icy analysis (G. Ruby) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB87l 77 465 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for detecting heritable mutations in human~ (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-1401~8/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical analysis Qf delayed effects of the military draft mortality (T. Holtzman) Requested by: House Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment for physician services: strategies for medicare: Health technology S1l!9.Y DQ. JQ: effects Qf federal policies o.n extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB86-217999/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Passive smoking in tM workplace: selected issues (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; May 1986. Staff paper. NTIS #PB86-217627 / AS.
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20 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Indian health gre. (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206091/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Second reQQtl on !he. Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (ProPAC) (A. K. Burns)March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206794/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment for physician services: strategies fQr medicare (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; February I 986. Report. NTIS #PB86-I82011 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies for evaluating CQS1. quality arul medical technology (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-184926/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Asses,ment. Smoking-related~ and financial costs (K. Kronebusch)September 1985. Staff memorandum. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness and CQS1 of continuous ambulatorv peritoneal dialysis (CAPO): health technology~ nQ.. ll (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; September 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB87-l48938/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Status Qf biomedical research and related technology for tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Replacing !he. Rosebud Sioux Hospital: number of beds arul whether a surgical suite needed (L. H. Miike)August 1985. Staff memorandum. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies fQr managing urinary incontinence: health technology case study no.. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB85-240208/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qlli effectiveness .of digital subtraction angiography i.n the diagnosis Qf cerebrova:;cular disease: health technology~ nQ.. 34 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; May 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB85-241115/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventing and injury in the workplace (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Huma Resources; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-l15334/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. First report on the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (ProPAC) (A. K. Burns)March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-184380/AS.
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21 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical devices and tM Veterans Administration (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-117677 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of .the. fl.!lilic. Health Service's response tQ A.Im (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Government Operations; February 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-246668/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Blood l22liy_ rulii technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact lw_ industry--structure, competition, and l2U1ilic. J22ll&y: health technology c~ s,tugy !lQ .ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hemodialysis equipment 3!liJ disposables industry: healtb technology s_tugy !lQ .ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-154953/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Boston ~: ha!tb, technology !lQ. 29 (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145936/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Market f.m: wheelchairs--innovations and Federal hsmlth technology c.aK s,tugy !lQ. 32 (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145944/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intensive lmitl (rn)--clinical outcomes. COJtt, rulii decisionmaking: Mil1b technology ttwll !lQ. 28. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145928/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies and. medical devices industry (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-199552. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology--~ clinical, industrial, and. QQjjcy analysis: M3!tb, technology case study !lQ. 27 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85I 46207 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology ug .the. CQS1 of .the. medicare program (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-146215/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Update Qf Federal activities regarding tM use of pneumococcal vaccine (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; May 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-128155.
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22 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and handicapped people: Health technology~ llQ. 26,: assistive devices (QI speech impairments (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-175371. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology mct. handicapped people: Health technology sms1Y. llQ. ll: technology !Ylli learning disabilities (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-184043. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Scientific validity of polygraph testing: a research review and evaluation (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-l 8 l 411. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Variations in hospital length of nn--their relationship 12 health outcomes: health technology gse_ S1.llill Jl2. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; August 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-111483. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality and relevance of research and related activities U Gorgas Memorial Laboratory (C. J. Behney, and H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Education; August 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-142238/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Q{ randomized clinical trials Q!! health anp medical practice (H. Gelband)August 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-114560. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safm, efficacy. md, effectiveness Qf therapeutic apheresis: heBltli technology smslY, nQ. 23. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Commjttee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-1 l 4842. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology and costs of the medicare program: Diagnosis related groups (DRGs) and tM Medicare program: implications for medical technology (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l 11525. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information content Qf premanufacture notices (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-241059. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness cgm_ Qf alcoholism treatment health technology gse_ ili!4Y, ng_. (A. K. Bums) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB83-192492. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology a.ng handicapped people: Selected telecommunications devices (QI hearing-impaired persons (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-169292.
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23 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Postmarketing surveillance Qf prescription drugs (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-l 73625. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology under proposals tQ. increase competition in health care (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-164046. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and handicapped people: Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles: issues and evidence (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83159822. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategies f.or. medical technology assessment (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83113274. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MEDLARS mg health information ruiliv (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-168658. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf ~-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging ruict. ~t effectiveness (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239989. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf ~-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: tM. artificial he.a!:1--~. risks, ruid. benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-23997 I. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and handicapped (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83l 59814. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: four common x-r.ay orocedures--oroblems and prospects for economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer at tM. National Institutes of H.e.w1h (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. effectiveness Qf influenza vaccination (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-178492.
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24 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications o{ t-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: surgery .(Qr hTeM! CfilleI. (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82124181. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications o{ ~-effectiveness analysis or medical technology: elective hysterectomy--cow_, risks. ang benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications o{ con-effectiveness analysis or medical technology: cost benefit/cost effectiveness o{ medical technologies--a S!lli1Y of orthopedic joint implants (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-120833. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications or ~-effectiveness analysis or medical technology: benefit-and-~ analysis o{ medical interventions--the, of cimetidine ang l2m2.tic, disease (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1981. Case Study. NTIS #PB82-118910. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications o{ ~-effectiveness analysis o{ medical technology: the. cow. ang effectiveness 2f neonatal intensive (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; August 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101411. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications o{ ~-effectiveness analysis o{ medical technology: the. COW. ang effectiveness o{ ,nym practitioners (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-10 I 064. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: assessing selected respiratory therapy modalites--trends ang relative costs in the. Washington, D.C. (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101122. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment o{ technologies fQr determining cancer risks fr2m. W environment (M. Gough)June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235400. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( CO!-eff ectiveness analysis or medical technology: the. t effectiveness or .l.!l2lW' gastronintestinal endoscopy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221814. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: allocating ang benefits in disease prevention programs--sm application 1Q cervical~ screening (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221806.
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25 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQS!-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: CQS1 effectiveness of marrow transplant therapy i!lil .m J20lic.Y implications (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221798. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of Oil-effectiveness analysis Q.( medical technology: periodontal diseases--assessing !ht effectiveness ang co.stt of 1M technique (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221780. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of Qll-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology. CQ1t effectiveness of automated multichannel chemistry analyzers (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209793. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQS!-effectiveness anlaysis of medical technology: screening fQr. .lo.n cancm:--st technology assessment (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209785. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQS!-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: feasibility o.f economic evaluation Qf diagnostic orocedure--the of CI scanning (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209777. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQS!-effectiveness analysis of medical technology. formal analysis. J20lic.Y formulation, ang renal disease (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209769. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fow implications Q( the computed tomography (CT) scanner. a.n update (K. Kohlhof, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; January 1981. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-163917. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Compensation fQr. vaccine-related injuries (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-163909. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQS!-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: the management Q( health care technology in ~n countries (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144628. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQS!-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology:~ efficacy awl OU effectiveness Qf psychotherapy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PBSl-144610.
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26 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( c,os,t-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: methodological~ awl literature review (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PBSI-144602. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( c,os,t-eff ectiven~ analysis Q( medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Forecasts Qf physician supply and requirements (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-181670. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology in medical education and assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-102528. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review o{ selected Federal ,accine aru,. immunization policies: on studies Q( pneumococcal vaccine (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-116106. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected in Federal .heaHh statistics (P. M. Ehrenhaft) Requested bsy: House Committee on lnte1:state and Fo1:eign Comme1 ce~ Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298449. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~ implications Q( .tM computed tomography (CT) scanner (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; November 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-284872. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing efficacy and safety of medical technologies (C. J. Behney, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; September 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286929. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. f.Q!ic,y implications Q( medical information systems (P. M. Ehrenhaft) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; December 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-274857. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cancer testing technology and saccharin (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; October 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273499. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Development Q( medical technology: opportunities fQ.r assessment (C. A. Taylor) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258117. Health ProBram? Office of Technoiosy Assessm~nl, Prg bioeguivalence Reque3ted by; House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare; July 1974. Report. NTIS #PB-244862.
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27 HUMAN RESOURCES PROGRAM Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. population and fertility planning technologies: .tM. 2Q. v.em (L. A. Williams, and L. Corsa) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200338. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of applied genetics: micro organisms. plants. and animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-206609. INDUSTRY, TECHNOLOGY, AND EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing in manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance ani Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February 1990. Report. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Summary of the situation at the Brio refining superfund site (J. S. Hirschorn)January 1990. Staff Paper. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Suoerfund problems~ be.~ ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer tQ. United ~: MIT Japan Science and Technology Program (J. F. Gorte, and K. Gillman)April 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-224711. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing contractor in Superfund (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; January 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-154116/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Paying the bill: manufacturing and America's !r.ruk deficit (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-229539. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercializing high temperature superconductivity (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-246442/ AS.
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28 Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Are~ cleaning :im.: 10 Superfund studies (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-l39018/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competition in services: banking. building. software know-.hQ.!! (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-212403/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Trade adjustment assistance: new for an Q!g program (K. Gillman) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Finance; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-203741. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Froq pollution to prevention: 3 progress report Q!l waste reduction (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-208062. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~ in services: exports and. foreign revenues (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governm,mtal Affairs; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-118204/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plant closing: advance~ mg mJ2ig response (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PBS7-118212/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Serious reduction of hazardous ~: for pollution prevention and industrial efficiency (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-139622/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review 2!: the consent for cleanup 2!: in Indiana (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: Representative Frank McCloskey/Representative Lee H. Hamilton; September 1986. Staff paper. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and structural unemployment reemploying displaced adults (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206174/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Displaced homemakers: programs and, J20!icy (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1985. Interim report. NTIS #PB86-120276/AS.
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29 Industry. Technology. and Employment Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Strategic materials: technologies tQ reduce .U.S. import vulnerability (L. N. Antrim) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce. Science. and Transportation; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86l l 5367 / AS. Industry. Technology. and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Superfund strategy (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-120425. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Stringfellow superfund !tt: engineering s.tfilll (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1984. Contractor Report. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Groundwater protection standards (or hazardous wid disposal facilities: will oo prevent !l!2m superfund s.ue.s. (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1984. Staff memorandum. Industry. Technology, and Employment Program. Office of Technology Assessment. QIA review of tM Missouri
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30 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Holding the ~: maintaining~ defense technology~ (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; April 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-196604. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Big dumb boosters: m transportation 9.J2ti2n? (R. A., Dalbello, R. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-155196/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential biological mid electronic effects Qf Empress II (A. Fainberg) Requested by: Representative Walter H. Jones; November 1988. Staff paper. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reducing launch operations ~: technologies arut practices (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89-I 36402/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Launch options for ~: a buyer's guisk (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1988. Special report. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SDI: technology. survivability. aili! software (T. H. Karas)May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236245/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Seismic verification 2i: nuclear testing treaties (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214853. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Treaty-compliant accidental launch protection system (A. Fainberg) Requested by: Representative Charles Bennett; April 1988. Staff paper. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defense technology ~: introduction jllg overview (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; March 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-192562. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to China (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-223418/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New technology for NA TO: implementing follow-Q!l .f2!:eS .allack (A. Shaw) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-200267.
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31 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial news gathering from space (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1987. Technical memorandum. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. stations and the law: selected (R. Dalbello) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-118220/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for NATO's follow-on forces attack concept (A. Shaw) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Armed Services; July 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-100343/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Permanently orbiting cyclers between Earth fillil Mars (A. Fainberg) Requested by: Andrews;Senator Jake Garn; March 1986. Staff paper. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ballistic missile defense technologies (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86l 8296 l / AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasures. and arms control (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-182953/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy technology transfer l9 China (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86l l 3008/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation and competition in civilian mil.ce. activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June I 985. Report. NTIS #PB87I 36842/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to the Middle East (M. C. Harris) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127744. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Arms control in space (G. Epstein) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; May 1984. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-198209. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Directed energy missile defense in mil.ce. (T. H. Karas) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-2101 l 1.
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32 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Remote sensing and the private fQr. discussion (R. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l 80777. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competitiveness in electronics (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; November 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-170695. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and EastWest !rru;k: rui update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. UNISPACE '82: a context (or international cooperation. an.!1 competition (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/ Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-201848. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Soviet energy availability (R. Goldberg) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; November 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82l 33455. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MX missile basing (P. Sharfman, and J. Kaplan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-108077. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !.[.S,. industrial competitiveness: a comparison of steel, electronics, and automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235749. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Taggants in explosives (P. Sharfman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-192719. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and EastWest !rru;k (P. Sharfman, and H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-119381. MATERIALS PROGRAM Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Habitability of llie, Love Canal area: an analysis of technical b.Mis. fQr. the decision Q!l !M habitability Qf emergency declaration area (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; June 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l l 4917.
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33 Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies and management strategies for hazardous~ control (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-189241. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf. development and production potential of Federal coal (Buyrn A., and K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-149378. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nonnuclear industrial hazardous waste: classifying for hazard management (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-134305. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patterns mg trends in Federal coal lease ownership. 1229.-.8.Q (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB8 l l 88484. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and s.tefil industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of oil shale technologies (T. A. Sladek) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-210115. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Benefits of increased of continuous casting tM J.I:.S. industry (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Congressional Steel Caucus; October 1979. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80-104907. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technical options for conservation of metals: studies Qf selected and products (M. Peterson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80l 02619. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Materials mg energy from municipal waste (C. T. Hill) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-300849. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Management of fuel and nonfuel minerals in Federal land (R. W. Wright) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295788. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of laws governing access across Federal lands: options for~ in Alaska (F. J. Wobber) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-293982. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Engineering implications of chronic materials scarcity (J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences; April 1977. Conference proceedings. NTIS #PB-273193.
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34 Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf information systems capabilities required tQ. support l[.S. materials QQlkY, decisions (S. A. Rossmassler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273462. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternative economic stockpiling policies (H. H. Herman, and J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273191. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Proceedings of a workshop on wear control tQ. achieve product liability (M. J. Devine) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce; February 1976. Workshop proceedings. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Requirements for fulfilling a. national materials policy Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1974. Conference proceedings. NTIS #PB-250631. NATIONAL SECURITY PROGRAM. National Security Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of nuclear (P. Sharfman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; May 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-296946. OCEANS AND ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cooing with an oiled sea (P. A. Johnson, and W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: Rep. Billy Tauzin; Senator Ted Stevens; March 1990. Background Paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Partnerships under pressure: managing commercial low-level radioactive waste (GH McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; November I 989. Report. NTIS #PB90l 59534/ AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Facing America's trash: what next for municipal solid waste? (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-157769/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of selected mobile source provisions in H.R. and H.R. 2Jll (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: Waxman; September 1989. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Polar prospects: a. minerals treaty for Antarctica (W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-125403.
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35 Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Catching QY!. ~: next steps for reducing Y!lmn m (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-l30451/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Competition in coastal seas: an evaluation 2( foreign maritime activities in~ 2QQ.-~ &EL (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; July 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89224653. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for reducing dioxin in the manufacture 2..( bleached '!YQQg l2Yh2 (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-223291. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qi: Department of Energy weapons complex modernization Plan: environmental~ (P. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; April 1989. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. in medical management (H. Levenson, and K. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-I36410/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation Q.f options (or managing greater-!lwl-Oall-C lm!-1 radioactive~ (G. H. McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1988. Background paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Q( "Bl!.Y America" proposals for offshore drilling r.iu aim production facilities (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; June 1988. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. preservation technologies (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; May I 988. Report. NTIS #PB882124 I 0/ AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. llr!2an ozone ang Chmn, Air Act: problems llOsi proposals for change (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; April 1988. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Using desalination technologies for treatment (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senator Paul Simon; March 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-I93354. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Q( Montreal Protocol Q!l substances tha1 deplete m liver (R. Bierbaum) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; December 1987. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf m nonattainment provisions 2( "Qem Air Standards Attainment Act of 1987" (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; September 1987. Staff paper.
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36 Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Marine minerals: exploring our rum'.. m frontier (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/ House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-217725/ AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wastes in marine environments (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-194585. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Border war on Q!Y.il (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-184172. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. incineration: its role in managing hazardous (H. Levenson, and R. Denison) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100327/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Subseabed disposal Qf high-level radioactive (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/ House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; May 1986. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technical questions regarding firearms (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Representative Robert J. Mrazek/Representative James H. Scheuer/Representative Ted Weiss; April 1986. Staff memorandum. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technolog~ Assessment. Marine applications for fuel cell technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86I 83597 / AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative approaches .t!2 cargo 129.U&Y: st supplement .n2 a..n assessment Qf maritime arul technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1985. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-239887/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil arul w technologies for the Arctic arul deepwater (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs/House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-119948/ AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. R st.12 in th. maritime industry: a supplement to an assessment Qf maritime ,t!:&k arul technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1985. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-246932/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing the nation's commercial high-level radioactive waste (T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/AS.
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37 Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Protecting tM nation's groundwater from contamination-.YQ!. l 4'. ll (P. J. Stone) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-154201/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Acid rain aJlil transported m pollutants: implications fQr l2Yl2li (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222967. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wetlands: their~ and regulation (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175918. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review o.( oc,ean thermal energy systems (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; January 1984. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf maritime 3!lil technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Ways and Means; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84I 7778 I. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. UR o.( models fQr resources management. planning. arut (R. M. Friedman)August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-I03655. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Regional implications o.( transported air. pollutants: m assessment o.( deposition ll!lil m-YQl. l ll (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1982. Interim draft. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and oceanography: m assessment o.( Federal technologies (or oceanographic research and monitoring (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-101718. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Q2a1 exports and J20.!1 development (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PBSl-203358. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy from open kelp farms (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/National Ocean Policy Study; September 1980. Technical memorandum. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental issues affecting the Panama Canal (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; December 1978. Committee hearing. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. An Analysis of the Department of the Interior's proposed acceleration o.( development o.( oil and gas_ on. the omer continental shelf (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; March 1975. Committee print.
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38 OCEANS PROGRAM Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. margin drilling (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80l 98302. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Recent developments in ocean thermal energy (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80-201825. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Renewable ocean energy sources: thermal energy conversions (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; May 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283104. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Q( 2il tanker casualties. 1262.-1974 (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/National Ocean Policy Study; February 1978. Committee print. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation Qf liquefied natural us. (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; September 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273486. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Establishing a ZQQ-mile. fisheries (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; National Ocean Policy Study; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273578. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coastal effects Q( off shore energy systems: an assessment Qf 2il ansl w systems. deepwater PQits., l!lg. nuclear powerplants Qff. the. CQas1 Qf New J.e!:sll aru1 Delaware (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; November 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-274033. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil transportation .b.Y. tankers: m analysis of marine pollution ang mfe,tt measures (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce; July 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-244457. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qi: the. feasibility Qf separating exploration from production Qf oil and m on the. outer continental shelf (R. w. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce/Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-248381. R & D PROGRAM R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Illiec1 interest participation in the. regulatory decision process: lessons learned from nYQ LNG safety standards (J. H. Young)May 1983. Staff paper. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf technology for. local development (W. Mins, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979.
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39 R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of inflation on the federal r & d investment (R. Daly) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; May 1980. Staff paper. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected federal programs in appropriate technology (J. Sullivan) Requested by: Senator Edward M. Kennedy; October 1978. Survey. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Health Qf scientific and technical enterprise: fill advisory 12.Brutl ttl22!112 tru:. Qtiic.e. of Technology Assessment (C. McBee)October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-291770. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of a Department of Education on Federal science ang technology activities (C. McBee)August 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286525. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qf demonstrations in federal R & D policy (J. H. Young)July 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-284387. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Applications Qf R D in the civil the opportunity provided 12Y tru:. Federal Qmn1 ang. Cooperative Agreement Act of 1977 (J. H. Young) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283035. SCIENCE, EDUCATION, AND TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Linking for learning:a new~ for education (Roberts LG) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156969/ AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced vehicle/ highway systems and urban traffic problems (E. B. Page, and J. Atkin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1989. Staff paper. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Performance standards for secondary school vocational education (M. J. Feuer) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; April 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-195176. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Higher education for science rul9 engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-191290. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safer skies with (Traffic Alert ru19 Collision Avoidance System) (E. B. Page, and K. Dopart) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89l 6922 l. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Elementary and secondary education for science and engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89-139 l 82/ AS.
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40 Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Power Q!l! New tools !Qr teaching and learning (L. G. Roberts) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; September 1988. Report. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gearing .Yl2. {Qr mfe.ty: DlQ1Q!. carrier in a competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-124796. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safe skies {Qr tomorrow: aviation~ in a competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Report. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Educating scientists and engineers: uru1e. .ui mg (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB8,i-235973/ AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. S!,am educational testing practices (N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-155056. Energy and Materials Program/ Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Construction ang materials research and development uu: nation's l2Yhli works (J. Robison, and E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; June 1987. Staff paper. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Trends and 2f. computers w schools: m in chaoter 1 programs and with limited English proficient students (L. G. Roberts) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; March 1987. Staff paper. NTIS #PB87-176723/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preparing for science ang engineering careers: field !eyel profiles
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41 Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation Qf hazardous materials:~ ang }Qgl activities (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-181971/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Regulatory environment (Qr science (M. C. LaFollette) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-182003/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends and the scientific ang engineering work force (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206182/ AS. SCIENCE, TRANSPORTATION, AND INNOVATION PROGRAM Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation filli! robotics (m: .tM m station:~ .11 considerations (P. P. Chandler) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1985. Staff paper. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automobile update: ang figures (L. L. Jenney)September 1985. Staff paper. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S.-~ cooperation in m (N. Lubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86l l 4758/ AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian msic.e. stations arul. 1M U.S. {tum in m (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-205391/ AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport svstem development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. innovation, arut. regional economic development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85l 50894/ AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SALYUT: Soviet ileJ2S. toward permanent human presence in m (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-181437. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment .U.S. passenger rail technologies (L. Turnbull)December 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-182609.
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42 Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, a.ru1 regional economic development of nate. government initiatives for high technology industrial development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104033. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. innovation, and regional economic development encouraging Jtigh-technology development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-180181. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. science research in the. United~ (P. P. Chandler) Requested by: Representative Cooper Evans; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-166S12. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of the. FAA filZ National Airspace System flm (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; August 1982. Repor-i. NTIS #PB83-102772. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian space P9!ic,y mg applications (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-234444. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport and air control system (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-207606. SPECIAL PROJECTS Special Projects, Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation of the. feasibility Q( studying long term health effects in atomic veterans (M. Gough)July 198S. Staff memorandum. TECHNOLOGY AND THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC TRANSITION PROJECT Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and the American economic transition: choices for the future (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; House Committee on the Judiciary; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Education and Labor; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on the Budget; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214127 / AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S.. teyile_ arui apparel industry: i revolution in progress (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1987. Special Report. NTIS #PB87-196762/XAB.
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43 Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of .u:.s. competitiveness in agricultural trade (H. Kelly) Requested by: Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; October 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-140760/AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, ~. ang the .U.S. residential construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87l l 7594/ AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology ang !he. future of !he. ,ll.S. construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; August 1984. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-209442/ AS. TELECOMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Telecommunication technology and public (R. B. Crowell)June 1981. Draft. Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agreement governing !he. activities of states QD. !he. IDQQD. and other celestial bodies Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1980. Committee print. Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preliminary assessment of the National Crime Information Center and~ computerized criminal history systems (I. J. Weinstein) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; December 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-291845. Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preliminary analysis of !he. IRS Tax Administration System (M. J. MacNaughton) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; March 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273143. TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of advanced air transport technology: l2fil:! IY--financing and program alternatives for advanced high-speed aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-110585. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Global models, world futures, and public ~:a.critique (W. Mills) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-251299. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf advanced air transport technology: III--a.ir service !9 small communities (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB82-l 86800.
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44 Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf advanced ill!. transport technology: l2ar111--.the. air, grgo_ system (L. V. Dickinson. and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; January 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB82-186818. Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Proceedings of .the. OT A seminar on !he. Discrete Address Beacon System (12l\BS) (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; July 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-208168. Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf advanced m transport technology: part 1--advanced high-~ aircraft (L. V. Dickinson. and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504. Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf advanced grol!)2 raJ:ilil transit technology (J. Miller. and R. Willow) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-153323. Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Railroad ~--!.l..S./Canadian comparison (L. Turnbull) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-301397. Transportation Program. Office O'. Technology Assessment. Technology assessment Qf changes in !he. t:mm YR and. characteristics of .the. automobile transportation system (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Com:uerce. Science. and Transportation; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-293645. Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation Qf railroad~ (L. V. Dickinson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce. Science. and Transportation; May 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-281169. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Communications and rural America (W. Mills) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry /Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1978. Committee print. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automatic train control in rail rapid transit (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254738. Transportation Program, Office l)f Technology Assessment. Feasibility and. value Qf broadband communications in rural areas,: a preliminary evaluation (W. Mills) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; April 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258095. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning for transit-bibliography (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253642. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transi!.-Minneapolis/St. Paul~ ililill (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253685.
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45 Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning .(Qr t,mnili-technical reJ2QI1 (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253641. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass tmnsiJ:-Washington, D,.C. case. s!Jlib'., (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253688. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q( community planning for mass tmnsi.1-~ case. s!Jlib'., (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253687. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q( community planning fm: trans.i!-San Francisco stllih (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-2S3686. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for tmnili-L91 Angeles case. nw;ly (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253684. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment qt: community planning for mass .ttansi!-Denver case.~ (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-2S3683. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment QC community planning (or mass tmnili,-Chicago case.~ (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-2S3682. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass tmnili-Boston case.~ (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-2S2681. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning for mass transit-Atlanta case. !ygy (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-2S3680. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning (Qr. mass transit (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-253679. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of national railroad issues (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Commerce; December 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250622. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy, .tM economy. ang mass transit (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; October 197S. Report. NTIS #PB250624.
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46 Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Financial viability Qf Conrail: review and analysis (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce; September 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250630. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal funding Qf rail rehabilitation: a review Qf alternative approaches (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce; September 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250632. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automated guideway transit: fill assessment Qf PRT and, Q.thu new systems (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; June 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-244854. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automobile collision dita: assessment of and, methods Qf acquisition (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-244867.
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OTA Publications by Document Type ANNUAL REPORT Annual r.!m!2!11Q. Congress Annual report. BACKGROUND PAPER Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer software ang intellectual property (J. D. Winston) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; March 1990. Background paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coping with an oiled s,a (P. A. Johnson, and W. E. Westermeyer) Request~d by: Rep. Billy Tauzin; Senator Ted Stevens; March 1990. Background Paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ang effectiveness Qf cervical cancer screening (J. L. Wagner, E. J. Power, and J3. M. Duffy) requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; February 1990. Background paper. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Affordable spacecraft design ang launch alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1990. Background Paper. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. High performance computing lruJ networking for science (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-131228/ AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical~ for~ changing U.S. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/ AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Competition in coastal : an evaluation Qf foreign maritime activities in 2QQ.-mile EEZ (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; July 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89224653. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses Qf tre,ruk in coverage and preliminary estimates Qf tM effects Qf an employer mandate ang medicaid expansion (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; July 1989. Background paper.
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2 Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects of power frequency electric and magnetic fields (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies fQ!: reducing dioxin in the manufacture of bleached~ 12YlJ2 (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-223291. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer m ~United~=~ MII Science and Technology Program (J. F. Gorte, and K. Gillman)April 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-2247 l l. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Performance standards (or secondary school vocational education (M. J. Feuer) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; April 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-195176. Science, Education, and Trans1Jortation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Higher education for science ang engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-191290. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Big dl!mh boosters: a low-~ rn transportation Ql2tion? (R. A., Dalbello, R. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-155196/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing contractor in Superfund (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; January 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-154116/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. in medical waste management (H. Levenson, and K. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-136410/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation of options fQ!: managing greater-than-~-C ~-level radioactive waste (G. H. McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1988. Background paper. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Artificial insemination practice in~ United~= summary of a l2ll survey (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; August 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138903/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic delivery of l2Yl2li assistance benefits: technology options and issues (P. M. Regan, and J. D. Winston) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138911/AS.
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3 Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Using desalination technologies for water treatment (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senator Paul Simon; March 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB88193354. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. educational testing practices (N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-155056. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Identifying and regulating carcinogens (K. Kronebusch) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-136999. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies fQr underwater archaeology and maritime preservation (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: September 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-142559/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Science, technology. and th.~ constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-142534/ AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for the preservation of prehistoric historic landscapes (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; July 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-222519/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: perceptions 2.f biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Children's mental health: problems and services (D. Dougherty) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207486/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Space stations and the law: selected legal issues (R. Dalbello) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87I 18220/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hearing impairment and elderly people (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-218559/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Supercomputers: government J2lam. policies (P. S. Adler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205218/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research~ development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/ AS.
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4 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in the United ~: considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in .tM United Smw. (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; February 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181997/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative approaches to cargo 129lly: a supplement tQ. .m. assessment Qf maritime~ mg technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1985. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-239887/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. R D in the maritime industry: a supplement tQ. an assessment Q{ maritime~ and technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1985. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-246932/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Offic-e of Technology Assessment. Human therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. renewable resources. mg American~ (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; April 1984. Background paper. NTTS #PB84-22242l. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Directed energy missile defense .in~ (T. H. Karas) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-21011 l. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-l 96716. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact qt: randomized clinical trials o.n. heal!h .ooJ.ic,y and medical practice (H. Gelband)August 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-114560. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture m arid/semiarid lan!a: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, mg regional economic development~ of state government initiatives fQr high technology industrial development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104033.
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5 Food and Renewable Resources Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S. aru1 international institutions (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104058. Food and Renewable Resources Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of degraded landi (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104041. Science, Transportation. and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. innovation, aru1 regional economic development: encouraging high-technology development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-180181. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information content Qf premanufacture notices
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6 Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf advanced Ilk transport technology: l2ar1 IY--financing :mg program alternatives for advanced high-~ aircraft (L. V. Dickinson. and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-110585. Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of S!-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: umr common ~-m procedures--problems ansl prospects (Qr economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Synthetic f~ for transportation: tM future potential Q.[ electric :m.d. hybrid vehicles (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science. and Transportation; March 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-126086. Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf advanced !li!: transport technology: l2ar! III--air service l2 small communities (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB82-186800. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Exploratorv workshop Qll SQCiBl impacts of robotics: summary ansl (S. Hale)February 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB82-184862. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf advanced air transport technology: l2ar! ll--~ ii!~ system (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; January 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB82-186818. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. implications of th computed tomography (CTI scanner: Ill update (K. Kohlhof. and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; January 1981. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-163917. Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: tM management of~ care technology in .t.e.n countries
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7 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: the future Qf liquefied natural w imports-background (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-203847. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. mg options in flrulil hazards management (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-151087. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.S,. disaster assistance tQ. developing countries: lessons applicable to ll.S.. domestic disaster programs (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-153760. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Criteria w evaluating t.M implementation 121m required~ .tM. Earthquake Hazards Reduction~ Qf 1211 (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-241663. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology in medical education and assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-102528. CASE STUDY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Neonatal intensive for low birthweight infants:~ mg effectiveness (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1987. Case study. NTIS #PBSS158902. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: Health technology stygy no,. J.1: nurse practitioners. physician assistants certified ~-midwives--a analysis (G. Ruby) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB87-177465/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment fQr physician services: strategies for medicare: Health technology lliUll no,. JQ: effects of federal policies on extracorporeal s,hQck wave lithotripsy (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB86-217999/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness mg~ of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis {CAPO): health technology stllilY no,. ll (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; September 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB87-148938/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for managing urinary incontinence: health technology stllilY 92. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB85-240208/AS.
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8 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. effectiveness Qf di&i1fil subtraction angiography in the. diagnosis Qf cerebrovascular disease: technology c.ase. s,tudy !l.Q. 11 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; May 1985. Case study. NTIS #PBSS-241115/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact lens industry--structure, competition, and ID!!2.U& ~: health technology c.ase. s,tudy no .ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hemodialysis equipment ruli! disposables industry: health technology c.ase. study !l.Q. 32 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PBSS-154953/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Boston elbow: health technology c.ase. s.tud.Y !l.Q. 29 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November I 984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145936/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Market for wheelchairs--innovations and Federal ~: health technology c.ase. s,tudy llQ.. lQ. (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-I45944/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intensive c,am units (rn)--clinical outcomes, costs. ruli! decisionmaking: health technology c.ase. study !l.Q. 28 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PBSS-145928/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology--si. clinical. industrial, and policy analysis: health technology c.ase. s,tud,Y !l.Q. 27 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-l46207 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and handicapped people: Health technology case study no. 2.: assistive devices for speech impairments (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-175371. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and handicapped ~: Health technology c.ase. study no. 2.2,: technology and learning disabilities (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-184043. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Variations in hospital length Qf siav--their relationship tQ hefilt!t outcomes: ha!th technology c~ stu!lY no.. 2.i (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; August 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-111483. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safety. efficacy, and CQil effectiveness of therapeutic aoheresis: health technology case study no.. ll (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-114842.
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9 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness and costs of alcoholism treatment hefil!b. technology case.~ lli2-22, (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB83-192492. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQS!-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging mg con effectiveness (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239989. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( QS!-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: tM artificial heart--CQS!, risks. ang benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-23997 l. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: surgery f.or breas1 (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82124181. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of con-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: elective hysterectomv--cos.ts., r.is.k1, ang benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance: October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cos_t-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: CQSl benefit/cost effectiveness Qf medical technologies--.1 case. stygy_ of orthopedic .ioin1 implants (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-120833. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQS!-eff ectiveness analysis Q( medical technology: benefit-iru!-CQS! analysis of medical interventions--the case. of cimetidine ang .IW21ic. disease (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1981. Case Study. NTIS #PB82-118910. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: .tru:. c.om and effectiveness Q( neonatal intensive (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; August 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-10141 l. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQll-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: ang effectiveness Q( n,um practitioners (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101064. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQS!-eff ectiveness analysis Q( medical technology: assessing selected respiratory therapy modalites--~ ang relative com in tM Washington, D.C. area (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101122.
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10 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q.( CQt-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: t.M ~t effectiveness Qf l!l2l2m: gastronintestinal endoscopy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221814. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: allocating awl benefits in disease prevention orograms--ap application tQ cervical~ screening (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PBSl-221806. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of c,osj:-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: .tM CQ!t effectiveness of~ marrow transplant therapy ang itl implications (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221798. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf con-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: periodontal diseases--assessing .tM effectiveness \Ulil of the Keve. technique (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221780. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of co.s.t-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: c.osl: effectiveness o.( automated multichannel ~mv analyzers
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11 Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transit-technical !fil2Ql1 (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253641. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q.( community planning f..or mass !rfil1S.i1-Washington, D.C:. (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253688. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q.( community planning for mass transit-~ study (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253687. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q.( community planning f_or mass transit-San Francisco smgy (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253686. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q.( community planning for mass .tnms.i1-.l&s. Angeles smgy (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253684. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Denver ilililY, (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253683. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Chicago c~ lli!QY (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253682. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for mass transit-Boston study (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-252681. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of community planning for transit-Atlanta ililru'.. (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Case study. NTIS #PB-253680. COMMITTEE HEARING Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental affecting the Panama Cfillfil (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; December 1978. Committee hearing. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment in business and government (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1977. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB-273164.
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12 Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment activities in the industriaL academic, and governmental communities (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; December 1976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB-273435. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. QQg information systems (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; February I 976. Committee hearing. NTIS #PB-258171. COMMITTEE PRINT Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agreement governing the activities of Q!l !M m celestial Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1980. Committee print. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of oil tanker casualties, I 969I 97 4 (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Tran8portation/National Ocean Policy Study; February 1978. Committee print. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Communications and rural America (W. Mills) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry /Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1978. Committee print. Ad Hoc committee, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses of effects Qf limited nuclear warfare Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1975. Committee print. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. An Analysis of the Department of .tM Interior's proposed acceleration of development Qf oil m Q!l .tM outer continental shelf (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; March 1975. Committee print. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Engineering implications of chronic materials scarcity (J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences; April 1977. Conference proceedings. NTIS #PB-273193. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Requirements for fulfilling a national materials J2.0.liy Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1974. Conference proceedings. NTIS #PB-250631. CONTRACTOR REPORT Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Stringfellow suoerfund site: engineering s,!Udy (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1984. Contractor Report.
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13 Government Policies for Innovation, Office of Technology Assessment. Government involvement in the innovation process: ;i. contractor's W20rt 1M Q( Technology Assessment (L. F. Barrington)August 1978. Contractor report. NTIS #PB-286545. DRAFT Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Telecommunication technology and public l20licY (R. B. Crowell)June 1981. Draft. INTERIM DRAFT Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Regional implications 21: transported air pollutants: Ln assessment Qf deposition ang m-vol. l st. ll (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1982. Interim draft. INTERIM REPORT Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Jl!Y& labeling in developing ang newly industrialized countries, I (H. Gelband) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1988. Interim Report. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Displaced homemakers: programs ang pQliy (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 198S. Interim report. NTIS #PB86-120276/AS. REPORT Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Making things better: competing in manufacturing (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; February 1990. Report. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical connections communication for (L. Garcia) requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1990. Report. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Partnerships under pressure: managing commercial low-!e.Yel radioactive~ (GH McCabe) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-159534/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Linking for. learning:a OYtK fQr education (Roberts LG) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156969/ AS.
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14 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Containment Q( underground nuclear explosions (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senator Orrin G. Hatch; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-156183/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coming clean: Superfund problems can~~ ... (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90142209 / AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Copyright and home copying: technology challenges tM law (J. D. Winston) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90151309/ AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Facing America's trash: what next for municipal~~? (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-157769/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Polar prospects: il minerals treR!Y for Antarctica (W. E. Westermeyer) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-125403. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Catching om: .breath: next steJ2. for reducing Y,rbm rn (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; July 1989. Report. NTIS #PB90-130451/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric .PmYU wheeling img dealing: technological considerations (or increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Holding edge: maintaining tM defense technology b.ase. (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; April 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-196604. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil production in 1M Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-169239. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing tM quality of U.S.. grain for international tllS1e. (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qrain_ quality in international !Wk: a comparison of m.l.li2[ ll,.S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Fourth~ on tM Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (ProPAC) (E. J. Power)November 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-137079/AS.
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15 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Second~ .Qll Physician Payment Review Commission (PPRC) (G. Ruby)November 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-137061/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in m electronic ue. (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pesticide residues in food: technologies and methodologies for detection (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Agriculture; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89l 36444/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing agriculture in Africa: !l for !,I.S. development assistance (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Committee on Agriculture; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89l37087 / AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Copper: technology and competitiveness (J. Robison) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; Technology Assessment Board; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-138887 / AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Power .Qll! New tools {Qr teaching arul learning (L. G. Roberts) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; September 1988. Report. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gearing lJ.12 for s.!lfell: motor carrier metv. in a competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-124796. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical testing and health insurance (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; August 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89l 16958/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: :U.S. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July I 988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939 / AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safe skies for tomorrow: aviation~ in a competitive environment (E. B. Page) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Report.
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16 Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercializing high temperature superconductivity (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-246442/ AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Educating scientists ruig engineers: grade to grad school (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-235973/ AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials l1Y. design (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243548. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality Qf medical m: information for consumers (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 19RIL Report_ NTIS ,.~PRR9-102lRO. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots development the African Development Foundation (P. N. Windle) Requested by; House Commjttee on Foreign Affairs; House Select Committee on Hunger; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236252/ AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. BQQk preservation technologies (P. A. Johnson) Requested by; House Committee on Appropriations; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212410/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SDI: technology. survivability. ;m_d software (T. H. Karas)May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236245/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Seismic verification Qf nuclear testing treaties (G. E. van der Vink) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214853. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88l 96464. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology ruli! .the. American economic transition: choices fQr .the.~ (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; House Committee on the Judiciary; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Education and Labor; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on the Budget; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214127 / AS.
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17 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineered organisms: genetic ang ecological~ (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214101/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping genes_. Genome projects:~ hi&? How wt? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212402/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Healthy children: investing in~~ (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Finance; February 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-178454/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fillt rel2Qtl .Q!l Physician Payment Review Commission (ffB&) (G. Ruby) Requested by: November 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-158613/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ihim W22I1 .Q!l Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (ProPAC) (E. J. Power) Requested by: November 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-157789/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Def ending secrets. sharing c1atl: new ang ken f2.r electronic information (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-143185/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Starpower: ll,.S. ang international ll fQr fJ!.Si2n energy (G. Epstein) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-128731. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology. new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competition in services: banking. building. software know-how (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-212403/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to China (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-223418/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ill-sustaining technologies and .tM elderly (C. W. Maklan, K. Maslow, and R. A. Harootyan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-222527/AS.
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18 Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Marine minerals: exploring our new wm frontier (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/ House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-217725/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New technology for NA TO: implementing follow-on anBk (A. Shaw) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Armed Services; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-200267. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management (or Jl.S.. insular mM (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wastes in marine environments (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-194585. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing million minds: confronting~ tragedy Qf alzheimer's disease~ o.ther. dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 198 7. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies tQ maintain biological diversity (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-207494/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Border war on~ (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-184172. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for detecting heritable mutations in human beings (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140158/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Serious reduction of hazardous ~= for pollution prevention ang industrial efficiency (J. s. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-139622/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies (2!: prehistoric and historic preservation (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140166/AS.
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19 Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. incineration: m !2k in managing hazardous (H. Levenson, and R. Denison) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100327/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation Qf hazardous materials (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87l 003 I 9 / AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic reQnl systems mg individual privacy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100335/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Western surface mine permitting and reclamation (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100350/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property rishU iD. an at: electronics mg information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87100301/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Indian heilth CDG (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206091/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects at: section of the. Federal Q2Bl Leasing Amendments A.c.t of (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-182029/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public ooliy, and~ changing structure at: American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation Qf hazardous materials:~ an,g !QcaJ activities (E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-181971/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Second reJ2Q!:t. on the. Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (ProPAC) (A. K. Burns)March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206794/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment for physician services: strategies for medicare (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-l82011 / AS.
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20 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives to animal use in research, testing. and education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February I 986. Report. NTIS #PB86I 83134/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security. and congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and structural unemployment: reemploying displaced (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206174/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices. !ID-2000 (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies for evaluating ~. quality and medical technology (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-184926/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance :mg civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ballistic missile defense technologies (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86I 82961 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. of biomedical research and related technology (or tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Anti-satellite weapons, countermeasures, arul arms control (T. H. Karas) Requested by: House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86l 82953/ AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric power technologies: problems and prospects for the. 12.8.Qs. (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS.
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21 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and aging in America (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116514/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International cooperation ang competition in civilian activities (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-136842/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Oil ang &M technologies for the Arctic and deepwater (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs/House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86l l 9948/ AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategic materials: technologies !Q reduce !J..S. import vulnerability (L. N. Antrim) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86l l 5367 / AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Superfund strategy (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-120425. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventing illness and injury in workplace (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Huma Resources; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-115334/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public ruili,cy, arui changing structure Q( American agriculture: a special report fQr 12.ll farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/ Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. First r:eJ:22!1 Q!l Prospective Payment Assessment Commission (ProPAC) (A. K. Burns)March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-184380/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Managing the nation's commercial high-level radioactive waste (T. Cotton) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116852/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !,l.S. natural &M availability: &M supply through mr 2000 (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-109162/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R D: critical trends and (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS.
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22 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Blood and technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies and tM medical devices industry (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85l 99552. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian space stations mg tM !.l,.S. il!!Y.[e. in (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-205391/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Protecting tM nation's groundwater from contamination-YQJ.. I~ II (P. J. Stone) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; October I 984. Report. NTIS #PB85I 5420 I/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer to tM Middle &aS1 (M. C. Harris) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127744. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology Q1l financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !.l,.S. vulnerability t.Q an oil import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127785. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport system development (L. L. Jenney) Requested by: House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; August 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127793. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology and the cost of the medicare program (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-146215/AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, innovation, filli! regional economic development (P. B. Phelps) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July I 984. Report. NTIS #PB85I 50894/ AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in the Federal O!U leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Acid rain and transported air pollutants: implications for public policy (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222967.
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23 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, education. ailil tM workplace (M. s. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/ Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-196500. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Wetlands: .thm ang regulation (W. Barnard) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175918. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies tt, sustain tropical fo!en resources (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175637. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear in m ue. o.( uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: m international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84173608. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll,.S. passenger mil technologies (L. Turnbull)December 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-182609. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. International competitiveness in electronics (J. A. Alic) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; November 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-l 70695. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in ll,.S,. arid/semiarid (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-172667. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment o.( maritime trade and technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/House Committee on Ways and Means; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84l 7778 l. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~~= !.[.S,. competitiveness arul technology-yo!. 14'. II (J. W. Curlin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; August 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-109925. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy 1,!S,e, (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606.
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24 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and East m update (P. Sharfman) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; May 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-234955. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment .Rok o[ genetic testing in 1M prevention of occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies and. management strategies for hazardous control (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-189241. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial ang commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83180547. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Postmarketing surveillance of prescription drugs (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-l 73625. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technol,>gy Assessment. Informational technology and. .m impact QJl American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-I 74664. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf alternatives tgi: 1. national computerized criminal history system (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83I 66678. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology under proposals lQ increase competition in health care (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-164046. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile .t:ue1 efficiency and synthetic fue.ls.: alternative for reducing ml imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategies (or medical technology assessment (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83113274. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology Q!l U.S,. cropland and. rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013.
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25 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic mail and message systems for !he. !l.S.. fQs1a! Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. of models fQr water resources management, planning. mg J2Qliy (R. M. Friedman)August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-103655. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of the FAA 1m National Airspace System Plan (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-102772. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Civilian space o.QJ.icy and applications (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-234444. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and handicapped (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83l 59814. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Global models, world futures. and public policy: .a critique (W. Mills) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-251299. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected electronic funds transfer issues: privacy. security, and egyjty (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-202532. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy efficiency Qf buildings in (M. E. Procter) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200346. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. World population and fertility planning technologies: !he. next 2.Q. llAll (L. A. Williams, and L. Corsa) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200338. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Radiofreguencv ys_e_ fill9 management: impt\C1. from the World Administrative Radio Conference Qf 1979 (R. B. Crowell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January I 982. Report. NTIS #PB82l 77536. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Airport and air traffic control system (W. Mills) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-207606. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q( development and production potential Qf Federal coal (Buyrn A., and K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-149378.
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26 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. effectiveness Qf influenza vaccination (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-178492. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf 1he. United States food and agricultural research system (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82l 70572. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Soviet energy availability (R. Goldberg) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; November 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-133455. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MX missile basing (P. Sharfman, and J. Kaplan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-108077. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology aru! 12Qlicy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SQla,r I satellites (R. A. Williamson, and D. Claridge) Reqaested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82l 08846. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patent-term extension aru! 1he. pharmaceutical industry (N. L. Balmer) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-100918. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S. industrial competitiveness: a comparison Qf ilW, electronics, and automobiles (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235749. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf technologies fQr determining cancer risks from the environment (M. Gough)June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235400. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and oceanography: an assessment of Federal technologies for oceanographic research aru! monitoring (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-101718. Human Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf applied genetics: micro organisms, 121.an.tt, and animals (Z. Harsanyi) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Human Resources; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-206609. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear powerolant standardization: light water reactors (E. C. Abbott) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-213589.
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27 R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of technology for local development (W. Mills, and M. Walsh)January 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-189979. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf -eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy from biological processes (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-211477. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and steel industry competitiveness (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-208200. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Conservation and SQlllI energy programs Qf the Department Qf Energy: a critique (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-197759. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf Qi!~ technologies (T. A. Sladek) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-210115. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf advanced air transport technology: oar.t !--advanced high-~ aircraft (L. V. Dickinson, and J. D. Ward) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-200504. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Taggants in explosives (P. Sharfman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-192719. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Forecasts Qf physician supply and requirements (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-181670. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural gas_ imports (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80l 73552. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of advanced &!9.Yl2 ra,pjg transit technology (J. Miller, and R. Willow) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; January 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-153323. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental contaminants in foog (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-153265.
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28 International Security and Commerce Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Technology fill9. ~lYm (P. Sharfman. and H. Kelly} Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Commerce. Science, and Transportation; November 1979. Report. NTIS #PBS0-119381. Food and Renewable Resources Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Pest management strategies in protection (W. E. Parham) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; October 1979. Report. NTIS #PBS0-120017. Materials Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Technical options fQr conservation .ot: metals,: ciw, studies .ot: selected ang products (M. Peterson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science. and Transportation; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PBS0-102619. Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Review .ot: selected Federal vaccine fill9. immunization policies: 2!l studies Qf oneumococcal vaccine (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PBS0-116106. Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Railroad smtt--.U.S,./Canadian comparison (L. Turnbull} Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-301397. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qa.en ~-life Qating of !oog (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce. Science, and Transportation; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PBS0-101629. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Residential energy conservation (N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298410. Materials Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Materials I04 energy from municipal~ (C. T. Hill) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-300849. Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Selected t.Qlljg in Federal health statistics (P. M. Ehrenhaft) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298449. Food Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Drugs in livestock~ (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture. Nutrition. and Forestry; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298450. National Security Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Q( nuclear war (P. Sharfman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; May 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-296946. Energy Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Direct UK of co.al (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. Materials Prosram1 Offi9~ Qf T~~hnology A33essment, Management Qf fuel lfill. nonfuel minerals in Federal lrulil (R. W. Wright) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295788.
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29 Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment of changes in the umu:e. and characteristics Qf the automobile transportation system (R. L. Maxwell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB29364S. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Q.( !aln governing rn Federal ~: options f.or in Alaska (F. J. Wobber) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; February 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-293982. OTA priorities 1979 January 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-291997. Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preliminary assessment Qf the National Information Center ang the computerized criminal history systems (I. J. Weinstein) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; December 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-29184S. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. f2lic.Y. implications Qf the. computed tomography (C:0 scanner (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; November 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-284872. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Health Qf w scientific ang technical enterprise: rut advisory ome1 reoon 10. the.~ Qf Technology Assessment (C. McBee)October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-291770. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessmea.t. Analysis Qf the. ERDA l2la!l ang program (J. M. Veigel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-250636. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Emerging fruli1 marketing technologies: a preliminary analysis (W. W. Gallimore)October 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-291039. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nutrition research alternatives (C. E. Woteki) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; September 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-28982S. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing efficacy and safety Qf medical technologies (C. J. Behney, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; September 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286929. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf a Department Q.( Education Q!l Federal science ang technology activities (C. McBee)August 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-286S2S. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Rak Qf demonstrations in federal R D (J. H. Young)July 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-284387. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application Qf so!ru: technology .to. today's energy needs-.Y.01. I&. II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770.
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30 R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Applications Qf R 8'. Q in .tM civil sector: opportunity provided l2Y Federal Qmn1 BJlil Cooperative Agreement Ag ot: 1977 (J. H. Young) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283035. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Renewable~ energy sources: ocean thermal energy conversions (B. L. Silverstein) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; May 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283104. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation ot: railroad sat:ett (L. V. Dickinson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; May 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-281169. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment ot: CQa!, pipelines (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-278675. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhanced oil recovery potential in United Statn (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-276594. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. foliy implications Q( medical information systems (P. M. Ehrenhaft) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; December 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-274857. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. on w potential from devonian miles. ot: .tru, Appalachian lmsin. (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; November 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-274856. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cancer testing technology and saccharin (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; October 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273499. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transportation of liquefied natural w (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; September 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273486. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf the proposed national energy plan (R. E. Row berg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Perspectives Q!l Federal re!iil LQQ!J. grading (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273163. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Organizing ilili! financing .b!si research tQ increase food production (W. Wilcox) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273182. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation and safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843.
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31 Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Establishing 200-mile fisheries zone (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; National Ocean Policy Study; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273578. Telecommunications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preliminary analysis Qf th.e. IRS Tax Administration System (M. J. MacNaughton) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; March 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273143. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q.( information systems capabilities required tQ support !.[.S. materials .l29fil.Y decisions (S. A. Rossmassler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273462. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Coastal effects of offshore energy systems: fill assessment Qf oil arui w systems. deepwater 12Q!tt, and nuclear powerplants off the coast Q.( New ,Ie,rsey and Delaware (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: National Ocean Policy Study; November 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-274033. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf the. !.[.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY .J..21Q through 12.aQ. (R. Daly) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258191. Food Program, Office of Technology Assessment .EQrul information systems: summary and analysis (J. B. Cordaro) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258172. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Development Qf medical technology: opportunities for. assessment (C. A. Taylor) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258117. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternative economic stockpiling policies (H. H. Herman, and J. L. Holt) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-273191. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis Q.( the. 1976 ERDA plan and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automatic train control in rail rapid transit (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254738. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Feasibility Qf broadband communications in !Ylll ru:fill.: a preliminary evaluation (W. Mills) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry; April 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258095. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf community planning for. mass transit (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; February 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-253679.
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32 Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of national railroad issues (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Commerce; December 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250622. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the impacts of the projected natural &,aS. curtailments for winter 1975-12 (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250623. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy, economy. and transit (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; October 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250624. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Financial viability of Conrail: review and analysis (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce; September 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250630. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal funding of rail rehabilitation: a review of alternative approaches (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce; September 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250632. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil transportation hY tankers: fill analysis Qf marine pollution and measures (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce; July 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-244457. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automated guideway transit: an assessment of PRT aru! new systems (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; June 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-244854. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf feasibility of separating exploration from production of oil aru! &.aS. Q!l the continental shelf (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce/Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-248381. Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automobile collision data: fill assessment of needs and methods of acquisition (G. S. Kolsrud) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-244867. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Im!& bioeguivalence Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare; July 1974. Report. NTIS #PB-244862. SPECIAL REPORT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies for~ .l.22Q.s. (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report.
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33 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventive health services fQr medicare beneficiaries:12QJ.k:y illlii research~ (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1990. Special report. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Rural emergency medical services (M. Hewitt, and E. Power) Requested by: Senate Rural Health Caucus; November 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB90159047 / AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Round trip to orbit: human spaceflight alternatives (R. A. Williamson, and R. DalBello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-224661. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology ~: patenting life (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Safer skies with TCAS (Traffic 3rui Collision Avoidance System) (E. B. Page, and K. Dopart) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; February 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-I69221. Communication and Information Technologies Prqgr~m, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology. medicine. illlii tM Bill of Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89l 36428/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Launch options for the future: a buyer's &lllik (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1988. Special report. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Institutional protocols for decisions about life-sustaining treatments (C. W. Maklan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-138895/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Paying the bill: manufacturing and America's trade deficit (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-229539. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Are we cleaning .Y..12.: lQ Superfund studies (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; June 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-139018/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice, new technologies. and constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/AS.
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34 International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defense technology ~: introduction and overview (A. Shaw) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; March 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-l 92562. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Science, technology. and~ First Amendment (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; January 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88I 66426. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hospital information systems~~ Veterans Administration (K. G. Bandy) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations/House Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-l 33087. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. l,l.S. oil production: effect of low oil 12.!m (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-142484. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Trade adjustment assistance: new !geas, for ill. ok! program (K. Gillman) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs/Senate Committee on Finance; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-203741. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. From pollution to prevention: a progress r.fil22!1 Q!l e, reduction (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; June 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-208062. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. !.[.S. textile mg. apparel industry: a revolution in progress (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1987. Special Report. NTIS #PB87l 96762/XAB. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: ownership of human tissues and c.e!ls. (G. B. Ellis, and G. B. White) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-207536/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Clinical staffing in the Indian health service (E. M. Smith) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1987. Special Report. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration and information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/AS. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Trade in services: exports llllil foreign revenues (J. A. Alic) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-ll 8204/ AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, lrfil!e., and the l,l.S. residential construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117594/ AS.
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35 Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plant closing: advance nQW ilru1 raJili1 response (J. F. Gorte) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-118212/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing tM commitment: agricultural development in tM Sibel (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117644/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for NATO's follow-Q!l fo!a att,ack concept (A. Shaw) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Committee on Armed Services; July 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-100343/AS. STAFF MEMORANDUM Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technical questions regarding PlM1i firearms (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Representative Robert J. Mrazek/Representative James H. Scheuer/Representative Ted Weiss; April 1986. Staff memorandum. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf replacing !eilg with aromatic alcohol~ enhancers i.n gasoline (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Representative Richard J. Durbin/Representative Fuqua/Representative Jim Sensenbrenner/Representative Morris K. Udall; January 1986. Staff memorandum. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reclaiming farmlands and other high-quality croplands ~r surface @al mining (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: Senator Dale Bumpers; December 198S. Staff memorandum. NTIS #PB87-117123/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Smoking-related~ ilru1 financial costs (K. Kronebusch)September 1985. Staff memorandum. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Replacing Rosebud Sioux Hospital: number Qf and whether 3 surgical~ is. needed (L. H. Miike)August 1985. Staff memorandum. Special Projects, Office of Technology Assessment. Evaluation Qf t.M feasibility Qf studying long term health effects in atomic veterans (M. Gough)July 1985. Staff memorandum. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Groundwater protection standards for hazardous !and. disposal facilities: will !MY prevent suoerfund sit (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1984. Staff memorandum. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf decontrol Q!l o1g m recovery (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: Representative John D. Dingell/Representative Philip R. Sharp; February 1984. Staff memorandum.
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36 Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. OT A review of the Missouri dioxin task force recommendations concerning the management of contaminated soil (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: Representative Young; December 1983. Staff memorandum. STAFF PAPER Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Summary of the situation at the Brio refining superfund site (J. S. Hirschorn)January 1990. Staff Paper. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific and technical information in m electronic age_: opportunities and challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced vehicle/ highway systems and urban traffic problems (E. B. Page, and J. Atkin) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1989. Staff paper. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of the Department of Energy modernization plan: issues surrounding the proposed termination, relocation ang consolidation Qf activities M certain facilities in the Department of Energy nuclear weapons complex (A. Fainberg, and P. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; September 1989. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of selected mobile source provisions in H.R. lQ.lQ. and H.R. nll (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: Waxman; September I 989. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Defining rural areas: impact Q!l health policy ang research (M. Hewitt) Requested by: Senate Rural Health Caucus; July 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB89-224646. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the range of institutional options available to ;i proposed National Center .(Qr Biological Diversity and Conservation Research (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1989. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of the Veterans Administration's method of analyzing its hospital mortality (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; April 1989. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. and effectiveness of cholesterol screening in elderly (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB89-224638. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of the Department of Energy weapons complex modernization plan: environmental issues (P. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Armed Services; April 1989. Staff paper.
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37 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Science and technology for development (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; February 1989. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ug of preventive services ID'.. !he. elderly (M. E. Gluck) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; January 1989. Staff paper. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential biological and electronic effects of Empress II (A. Fainberg) Requested by: Representative Walter H. Jones; November 1988. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Screening fQr. O.Qfill-~ glaucoma in the elderly (J. L. Wagner, and E. J. Power) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1988. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Appropriate fQr cataract surgery patients mlil surgery: of medical mlil appropriateness (K. B. Kemp, and B. Boardman) Requested by: Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1988. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of Qil. Kaiser Permanente Medical Program (Northern California Region) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Staff Paper. NTIS #PB89-116941/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf "l!yy America" proposals fQr offshore drilling r.w. mlil production facilities (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; June 1988. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. How effective h AIDS education? (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; June 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-243530. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.r.bm fillil the Clean Air Act: problems and proposals (or change (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; April 1988. Staff paper. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Treaty-compliant accidental launch protection system (A. Fainberg) Requested by: Representative Charles Bennett; April 1988. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial development of tests fQr. human genetic disorders (M. Hewitt, and N. A. Holtzman) Requested by: February 1988. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Aids and health insurance ru.i OT A (J. Eden) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-170204. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial development of fQr. human genetic disorders (M. Hewitt)February 1988. Staff paper.
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38 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Transgenic animals (K. O'Connor) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; February 1988. Staff paper. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal regulation and animal patents (K. O'Connor) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; February 1988. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone lID'.er (R. Bierbaum) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; December 1987. Staff paper. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Issues relevant 19. (National Crime Information Center)~ proposals (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; November 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. screening for. Medicare beneficiaries: Effectiveness. CQill. 19. Medicare amt medical resources required (D. Dougherty) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Prescription drugs and elderly Americans: ambulatory and approaches 19. coverage for Medicare (G. Solan) Requested by: Senate Committee on Fina11ce; October 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Bone marrow transplantation using unrelated donors: current clinical status amt I22liY. (M. A. McLaughlin Hughes) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; October 1987. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf nonattainment provisions Qf "Chmn. Air Standards Attainment Act Qf 1987" (R. M. Friedman) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; September 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Do insects transmit aids ? (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; September 1987. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-143177/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal funding for artificial intelligence research and development (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1987. Staff paper. Energy and Materials Program/ Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Construction and materials research mg development for~ nation's tU!l2li works (J. Robison, and E. B. Page) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; June 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qf AIDS amt other HIV infections: review of estimates (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Current health status and population projections of native Hawaiians living in Hawaii (L. H. Miike)April 1987. Staff paper.
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39 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf .the. Defense Department's polygraph test and research programs (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senator Jeff Bingamen; March 1987. Staff paper. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Trends and status Qf computers in schools: in chapter l programs and with limited English proficient students (L. G. Roberts) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; March 1987. Staff paper. NTIS #PB87-176723/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Research on geographic variations in physician practice patterns (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1987. Staff paper. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preparing fQr science ang engineering careers: fk!d. level profiles (L. Heinz) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; January 1987. Staff paper. NTIS #PB87-177473/AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Scientific equipment for undergraduates: it adequate (N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1986. Staff paper. NTIS #PB87-138350/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical analysis Qf delayed effects o.( .the. military~ mortality (T. Holtzman) Requested by: House Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Staff paper. Industry, Technology, and Employment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review o.( the consent fQr cleanup Qf :ec.Bs. in Indiana (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: Representative Frank McCloskey/Representative Lee H. Hamilton; September 1986. Staff paper. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. RQk of !,!.S. development assistance in maintaining biological diversity in developing countries (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; July 1986. Staff paper. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. of biomedical tests in paternity determination (T. Condon) Requested by: Senator Daniel P. Moynihan; July 1986. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Passive smoking in .the. workplace: selected issues (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; May 1986. Staff paper. NTIS #PB86-217627 / AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Subseabed disposal of high-level radioactive waste (H. Levenson) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries/ House Committee on Public Works and Transportation; May 1986. Staff paper. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Permanently orbiting cyclers between Earth and Mars (A. Fainberg) Requested by: Andrews;Senator Jake Garn; March 1986. Staff paper.
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40 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace: selected aspects of reproductive health hazards regulation (L. J. Raines) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; October 1985. Staff paper. NTIS #PB86l 73085 / AS. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and robotics fQ.r. th~ station: phase~ considerations (P. P. Chandler) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1985. Staff paper. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automobile update: and figures (L. L. Jenney)September 1985. Staff paper. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Telecommunications in !J..S,. Pacific Islands (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Consumer Protection and Finance; April 1985. Staff paper. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of thermal energy systems (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; January 1984. Staff paper. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct interest participation in the regulatorv decision proce~;s: lessons learned frQm. ~LNG~ standards (J. H. Young)May 1983. Staff paper. R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Q.( inflation on federal r d. investment (R. Daly) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; May 1980. Staff paper. Technological i.51-qes_ Q.( 80's (ot!w" than energy or military} Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; May 1980. Staff paper. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Q.( methodologies for nutrition research April 1980. Staff paper. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Anticipating impacts of legislation: implementing Rule 29 .2, requiring regulatory impact statements (J. F. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; June 1979. Staff paper. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Preliminary analysis Q.( demographic trends influencing t'1e. elementary and secondary s.h.Qol system (J. F. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; May 1977. Staff paper. SURVEY R & D Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected federal programs in appropriate technology (J. Sullivan) Requested by: Senator Edward M. Kennedy; October 1978. Survey. Exploratory Group, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment candidates and priorities (J. F. Coates)July 1978. Survey.
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41 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Science. Education. and Transportation Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Elementary mg secondary education fQr science qmt engineering (D. E. Chubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89-139182/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Reducing launch operations costs,: new technologies iUli1 practices (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science. Space. and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce. Science. and Transportation; September 1988. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB89-136402/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial newsgathering (rQm ma&e. (R. Dalbello) Requested by: House Committee on Science. Space, and Technology; May 1987. Technical memorandum. Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Technology dependant children: hospital Ilhome (E. J. Power) Requested by; House Commjttee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1987. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-194551. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project. Office of Technology Assessment. Review of l.[.S. competitiveness in agricultural (H. KeUy) Requested by: Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; October 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-140760/ AS. Energy and Materials Program. Office of Technology Assessment. New structural materials technologies: opportunities fQr t.be. of advanced ceramics md. composites (G. Eyring. and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science. and Transportation; September 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-118253/AS. Science. Education. and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Research funding as an investment: an. we measure t.be. returns (E. Frankel, and B. J. Holt) Requested by: Task Force on Science Policy; April 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-218278/AS. Science, Education. and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Regulatory environment (Qr science (M. C. LaFollette) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-182003/AS. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Marine applications for fuel cell technology (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science. and Transportation; February 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86l 83597 / AS. Science, Education, and Transportation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Demographic trends and .tru, scientific and engineering work (E. Frankel) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-206182/AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy technology transfer .t2 Qti.nl (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86-113008/ AS.
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42 Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S,.-~ cooperation in m (N. Lubin) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB86114758/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical devices img the. Veterans Administration (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-ll7677/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review 2i: the. fw2lic. Health Service's response to AIDS (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Government Operations; February 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-246668/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues in technology. agriculture, irul U.S,. foreign aid. (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of automation strategy: a technical and decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Update 2i: Federal activities regarding the 2i: pneumococcal vaccine (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; May 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-128155. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Remote sensing and t!le private m.ue1 12.r discussion (R. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l 80777. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SALYUT: Soviet toward permanent human presence in m (T. F. Rogers) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-181437. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Scientific validity Qf polygraph testing: a research review irul evaluation (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-18141 l. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. U.S. natural m availability: conventional w supply through tM yen (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; September 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-ll4909. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality and relevance 2i: research and related activities at. the. Gorgas Memorial Laboratory (C. J. Behney, and H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Education; August 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-142238/AS.
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43 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology 2f 1he. medicare program: Diagnosis related groups (DRGs) m 1he. Medicare program: implications fQr medical technology (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84l l 1525. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Habitability Qf 1he. ara: m analysis 2f the technical Imm. fQr the. decision !2ll 1he. habitability 2f 1he. emergency declaration (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; June 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-114917. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural postharvest technology lIDQ marketing economics research (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; April 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-232835. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. UNISPACE :,: a context fQr international cooperation ang competition (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/Joint Economic Committee; Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-201848. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and 1he. workplace: selected libo!, education. training (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-191320. Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program, Office of Technology Assessment. science research in 1he. United Stams. (P. P. Chandler) Requested by: Representative Cooper Evans; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-166512. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MEDLARS awl with information l22liy (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-168658. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer at the. National Institutes Qf Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nonnuclear industrial hazardous~= classifying f..QI hazard management (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-134305. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patterns .in Federal c.oa! ownership, ~-.8!2 (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-188484. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qw. exports ang QQtl development (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; April 1981. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-203358.
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44 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. World petroleum availability 1980-2000 (C. J. Holland) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-145252. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Compensation for vaccine-related injuries (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-163909. Oceans and Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy from open ocean kelp farms (R. W. Niblock) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/National Ocean Policy Study; September 1980. Technical memorandum. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Ocean margin drilling (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80l 98302. Oceans Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Recent developments in ocean thermal energy (P. A. Johnson) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80-201825. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Benefits of increased use of continuous casting J2y tM ,U.S. steel industry (J. S. Hirschhorn) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/ Congressional Steel Caucus; October 1979. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80-104907. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gasohol (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80105885. WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS OT A workshop Qil cargo policy, December .l and i, 1984: panelist's presentations and summary of discussion August 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239895/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies for lesser developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies tQ benefit agriculture fillii wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747 / AS. Technology and the American Economic Transition Project, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and tM Qf tM ,U.S. construction industry (H. Kelly) Requested by: House Committee on Banking; August 1984. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-209442/ AS. International Security and Commerce Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Arms control in space (G. Epstein) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; May 1984. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84l 98209.
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45 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: the potentials for extracting protein, medicines, and other useful chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-I 14743. Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Proceedings of workshop o..n. wear control to achieve product liability (M. J. Devine) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce; February 1976. Workshop proceedings.
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Biological Applications Program Publications by Subject Terms AGED Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hearing impairment and elderly people (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-218559/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and Wn& in America (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116514/AS. AGRICULTURAL INNOVATIONS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: fill international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84173608. ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing million minds: confronting the tragedy of alzheimer's disease and other dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752. ANIMAL GENETICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology ~: patenting life (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. ANTITRUST LAW Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 73608.
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2 ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Artificial insemination practice in the United States: summary Qf a .!2.81 survey (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; August 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138903/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives to animal use in research, testing. and education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183134/AS. BIOETHICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: fie.lg-testing engineered organisms: genetic 1\Qg ecological~ (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214101/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: ownership Qf human tissues and~ (G. B. Ellis, and G. B. White) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-207536/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human gene therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and wn& in America (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116514/AS. BIOTECHNOLOGY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology ~: patenting life (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612.
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3 Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: U.S.. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939 / AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineered organisms: genetic wlil ecological~ (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214101/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: Pl!l2lk perceptions of biotechnology
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4 COMPETITION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: m international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 73608. DISCRIMINATION IN EMPLOYMENT Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Rak of genetic testing in the. prevention of occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. DRUG INDUSTRY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 73608. ENVIRONMENT Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineered organisms: genetic iOd. ecological~ (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214101/AS. ETHICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Inf ertilitv: medical iOd. SOifil choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. FEDERAL AID TO MEDICAL RESEARCH Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. Mccallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-196716.
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5 FEDERAL AID TO RESEARCH Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: U.S. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping our ~Genome proiects: How big? How fut? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212402/AS. FETUS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. GENETIC ENGINEERING Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology l: patenting life (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: field-testing engineered organisms: genetic a!lil ecological i~ (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-214101/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: perceptions of biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human~ therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS.
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6 GENETIC RESEARCH Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping our ~Genome projects: How hi&? How wt? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212402/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human gene therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. GENETICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: !.[.S. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939/AS. GERIATRICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Life-sustaining technologies fill9. elderly (C. W. Maklan, K. Maslow, and R. A. Harootyan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-222527/AS. GOVERNMENT Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in ,tM workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives to animal in research, testing. D.rui education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183134/AS.
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7 HEARING DISORDERS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hearing impairment arul elderly people (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-218559/AS. HEREDITARY DISEASES Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human gene therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human~ therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. HUMAN FERTILITY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Artificial insemination practice in the United States: summary Qf. a !.2[Z survey (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; August 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-l 38903/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. HUMAN GENETICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping QUI. &e!J&S.. Genome projects: How hig? How fast? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB882 l 2402/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human gene therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS.
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8 HUMAN GENETICS POLICY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Human gene therapy (R. M. Cook Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB85-206076/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. RQk Q( genetic testing in .the. prevention of occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. IN VITRO FERTILIZATION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical arul choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. INDUSTRY UNIVERSITY RELATIONS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: U.S. investment in biotechnology (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; July 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88246939/ AS. INFORMED CONSENT (MEDICAL LAW) Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: ownership Q( human~ and~ (G. B. Ellis, and G. B. White) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-207536/ AS. JOINT VENTURES Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: fill international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84173608. LABORATORY ANIMALS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives to. animal ys_e_ in research, testing. and education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183134/AS.
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9 LONG-TERM CARE Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing a million minds: confronting~ tragedy Qf alzheimer's disease lrul Q1rull: dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752. MEDICAL ECONOMICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing a million minds: confronting th!' tragedy of alzheimer's disease lrul olli&r dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752. MEDICAL ETHICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Life-sustaining technologies the. elderly (C. W. Maklan, K. Maslow, and R. A. Harootyan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-222527/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. Mccallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-196716. MEDICAL GENETICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Role of genetic testing in the. prevention Qf occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. MEDICAL INNOVATIONS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hearing impairment llfill elderly people (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-218559/AS.
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10 MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hearing impairment ang elderly people (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-218559/AS. MEDICAL POLICY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing a million minds: confronting 1h.e tragedy of alzheimer's disease ill19 other dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752. MEDICAL RESEARCH Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives t.Q animal in research, testing, mid education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183134/AS. MEDICAL SCREENING Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Artificial insemination practice in tM United~: summary of a 1987 survey (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; August 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138903/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Role of genetic testing in tM prevention of occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. MEDICINE Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping QUI. genes_. Genome projects: How lli.g? How fas.t? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-212402/ AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Life-sustaining technologies and the elderly (C. W. Maklan, K. Maslow, and R. A. Harootyan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-222527 / AS.
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11 MENTAL ILLNESS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-l 96716. NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Q.( neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-196716. NEUROLOGY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-196716. OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. RQk of genetic testing .in prevention of occupational diseases (G. M. Karny) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-233734. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive hazards in ilie. workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. OLD AGE Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Losing a million ~: confronting t~ tragedy Qf alzheimer's disease a.rut Qther dementias (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; Senate Special Committee on Aging; April 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-183752.
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12 PA TENT LAW AND LEGISLATION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology 2: patenting life (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. PLANT GENETICS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology i: patenting life (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; April 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB89-196612. PROTECTION OF ANIMALS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives tQ. animal YR in research, testing. and education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183134/AS. PUBLIC OPINION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: public perceptions Qf biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS. REPRODUCTION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical and social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. REPRODUCTION--U.S.--TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Artificial insemination practice in the. United~: summary Qf a 1987 survey (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; August 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138903/ AS.
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13 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Commercial biotechnology: Ill international analysis (N. Newell) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84173608. RISK Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS. SCIENCE AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: public perceptions Qf biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS. SCIENCE POLICY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Mapping QUI genes_. Genome proiects: How hi&? How fas!? (R. M. Cook-Deegan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; April 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88212402/AS. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternatives m animal use. in research, testing. arut. education (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-183134/AS. SEX DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive health hazards in workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS.
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14 SOCIAL COSTS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical ang social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts 2f: neuroscience (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging/House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Special Committee on Aging; March 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-196716. SURROGATE MOTHERS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Infertility: medical ang social choices (G. B. Ellis) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; May 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-196464. TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: perceptions 2f: biotechnology (G. B. Ellis, L. V. Giddings, and R. Y. Nishimi) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207544/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New developments in biotechnology: ownership of human~ i!li1 cells. (G. B. Ellis, and G. B. White) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB87-207536/AS. Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and aging in America (R. A. Harootyan, and D. McCallum) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; June 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-116514/AS. TERMINAL CARE Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. L,jfi-sustaining technologies ang elderly (C. W. Maklan, K. Maslow, and R. A. Harootyan) Requested by: House Select Committee on Aging; Senate Special Committee on Aging; July 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-222527/AS. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive hea!th hazards in the workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS.
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15 U.S. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION Biological Applications Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Reproductive l.leal1h hazards in workplace (L. A. Williams) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185030/AS.
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1 CIT Program Publications by Subject Terms ADMINISTRATION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice, new technologies. and .the. constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/ AS. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE-MANAGEMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific and technical information in an electronic 3G: opportunities Ifill challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/AS. ADMINISTRATIVE RADIO CONFERENCE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Radiofreguency use and management: impacts from .the. World Administrative B.ruli2 Conference Qf l.212. (R. B. Crowell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-177536. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R &, D: critical trends arul (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. AUTOMATED TELLER MACHINES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf information technology cm financial services systems (Z. A. Shaven) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. AUTOMATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Security Administration arul information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/AS.
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2 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Exploratory workshop Q!! 1M. impacts Qf robotics: summary wlil (S. Hale)February 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB82-184862. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and the workplace: selected ll!.QOI, education, arul training (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-191320. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf postal automation strategy: a technical arul decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment. education, arul tM workplace (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-196500. BIOLOGY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology. medicine. and tM Bill Qf Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS. CAD CAM SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment. education, arul tM workplace (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-196500. CIVIL LIB ER TIES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology. medicine, arul Bill of Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security, and congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/AS.
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3 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance iDd. civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. CIVIL RIGHTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice, new technologies. BDd. lh!' constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/ AS. COMMUNICATION IN SCIENCE-MANAGEMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific ilnd. technical information in. an electronic age_: opportunities Qfil1 challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/ AS. COMMUNICATIONS-TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical connections communication (or the. !ut.ure. (L. Garcia) requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1990. Report. COMPETITION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology 2n financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. COMPUTER ASSISTED INSTRUCTION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology and m impact Q!l American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-174664. COMPUTER INDUSTRY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic mail iDd. message systems fQr the. ll.S. fQs.tal Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017.
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4 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology lrul Jlll12li J20.licy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. COMPUTER NETWORKS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. High performance computing arut networking w science (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-131228/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Supercomputers: government Qlam illlil policies (P. S. Adler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205218/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-hMeg national information systems: technology lrul Jlll12li lli21icy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R D: critical .trendi afil1 (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. COMPUTER SECURITY MEASURES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Def ending secrets. sharing data: run. 1.ock.s. afil1 for electronic information (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-143185/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology afil1 Jlll12li issues (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. COMPUTER SOFTWARE-LAW AND LEGISLATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer software and intellectual property (J. D. Winston) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; March 1990. Background paper.
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5 COMPUTERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property rights in an Qf electronics arul information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87100301/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research arul development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Supercomputers: government plans and policies (P. S. Adler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205218/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation Qf America's offices. !.2.8.2-2QQQ (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-~ national information systems: technology arul 12ub.li 122liy is.s.lls. (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. COMPUTERS AND GOVERNMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in m electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Def ending secrets, sharing ctm: new loks. arul fQ.r electronic information (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-143185/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration arul information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic record systems and individual privacy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100335/AS.
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6 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Supercomputers: government plans and policies (P. S. Adler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205218/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices .l.2ll-2.000 (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management, security. iUlil congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance iUlil civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. COMPUTERS AND GOVERNMENT-MANAGEMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific ilWJ. technical information in an electronic : opportunities imd. challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/AS. CONSTITUTION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology, medicine. imd. t.he. Bill 2t: Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice, new technologies, iUlil .the constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/ AS. CONSUMER CREDIT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qt: information technology Qll financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS.
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7 CONSUMERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf information technology on financial services systems (Z. A. Shaven) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. COPYRIGHT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property in fill ue. Qf electronics information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87100301/AS. CORPORA TE DIVESTITURE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R &. D: critical~ and. myes_ (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. CREDIT CARDS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected electronic~ transfer~: privacy. security. and.~ (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-202532. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology Qll financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternatives for a national computerized criminal history system (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-166678.
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8 CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternatives f.Q!. ii national computerized criminal history system (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-166678. DATA BANKS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment of alternatives (or ii national computerized criminal history system (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-166678. DAT A TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology. new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-144043. DRUG INDUSTRY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ffile!lt-term extension Dfili till' pharmaceutical industry (N. L. Balmer) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-100918. EDUCATIONAL POLICY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology and it. impact Qn. American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-174664. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology and m. impact on American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-174664.
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9 ELECTRONIC DAT A PROCESSING Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology. new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. So.cifil Security Administration and information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-l36834/AS. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology 1'~ssessment. Selected electronic flm.ds. transfer i~: privacy. security. imd. tY (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-202532. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic delivery of m!lilic assistance benefits: technology options imd. (P. M. Regan, and J. D. Winston) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-l38911/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology on. financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. ELECTRONIC MAIL SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic mail and message systems for~ !l.S.. fos.tal Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing nation: federal information dissemination in m electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243.
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10 ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology. new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security. aru! congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance an..d civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. ELECTROOPTICS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of 12QS.ta.l automation strategy: a technical an9 decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843. EMPLOYEE MORALE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology. new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. EMPLOYEE RIGHTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration arul information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/AS.
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11 FEDERAL AID TO RESEARCH Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R D: critical~ Bfill (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. FIBER OPTICS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R D: critical~ Bfill (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. FINANCIAL DEREGULATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf information technology on. financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology on. financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in an electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Def ending secrets. sharing dam: new~ Bfill for electronic information (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-143185/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration and information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/ AS.
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12 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic r.ecQ!1i systems and individual privacy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100335/AS. GOVERNMENT PAPERWORK Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology img P.lll2!k issues (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. GOVERNMENT PAPERWORK-MANAGEMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific aruJ technical information in an electronic aG: opportunities ruld. challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/ AS. GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Security Administration arul information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/ AS. GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in a_n electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. HANDICAPPED Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology ruld. ill. impact O.Jl American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-17 4664.
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13 HOME LABOR Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices. 12.U-2.QQQ. (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. HUMAN GENETICS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology. medicine, and the. Bill Qf Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS. INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTIVITY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, education, and workplace (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-196500. INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment. education, arul .tM workplace (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-196500. INDUSTRYUNIVERSITY RELATIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R &. D: critical~ and~ (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. INFORMATION NETWORKS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property r.i.g!m in an o{ electronics information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87100301/ AS.
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14 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf information technology on financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. INFORMATION POLICY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific lU}g technical information in an electronic au: opportunities and challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing th& nation: federal information dissemination in an electronic au (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Security Administration and information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security. 3llil congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance 3!lil civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology lU}g J2Uh1.i&. .is.su (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. INFORMATION SERVICES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology lllil in impact on American education (F. w. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-174664.
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15 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf information technology QD financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology. tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf alternatives {Qr a national computerized criminal history system (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83166678. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical connections communication f2!: futYtt (L. Garcia) requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1990. Report. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. High performance computing and. networking f.Qr science (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-131228/ AS. INFRASTRUCTURE (ECONOMICS) Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical connections communication f..O!: futYtt (L. Garcia) requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1990. Report. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research and. development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/AS.
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16 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer software lUld. intellectual property (J. D. Winston) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; March 1990. Background paper. INTEREST RA TES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology on financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN TELECOMMUNICATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Radiof reauency YR arul management: impacts from the. Administrative B.agiQ Conference Qf .1212 (R. B. Crowell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-177536. JOB STRESS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor:~ technology, new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. JOINT VENTURES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R Q: critical tte.ruli arul ism.es. (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment. education, arul the, workplace (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-196500.
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17 MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and workplace: selected lahm:, education, ind. training i~ (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-191320. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computerized manufacturing automation: employment. education. ind. workplace (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; April 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-196500. MEDICAL INNOVATIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology, medicine. ind.~ Billo{ Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS. MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology, medicine. ind.~ Billo{ Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS. MICROCOMPUTERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology ind. it! impact 2n American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-174664. MICROELECTRONICS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research ind. development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/ AS.
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18 OCCUPATIONAL RETRAINING Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and th& workplace: selected !ahor,, education, and. training iHue! (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-191320. OFFICE AUTOMATION TRENDS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation Qf America's offices, .12.ll-2Wlil (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. OFFICE AUTOMATION-SOCIAL ASPECTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation Qf America's offices .12.ll-2Wm (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. OFFICE OF INFORMATION AND REGULATORY AFFAIRS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific mg technical information in m electronic w: opportunities !msJ challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/AS. PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific mg technical information in ap. electronic w: opportunities mg challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/AS. PATENTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~-term extension and th,e pharmaceutical industry (N. L. Balmer) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-100918.
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19 PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Patent-term extension mg~ pharmaceutical industry (N. L. Balmer) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; August 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-100918. POSTAL RA TES AND REVENUES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf. electronic mail mg message systems fQr ll.S,. fo.s1Bl Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. POSTAL SERVICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic mail aiw message systems fQr ll.S,. fo.s1Bl Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of l2QS1al automation strategy: B technical mg decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843. PRIVACY ACT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic~ systems llnd individual privacy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100335/AS. PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic delivery 21: .PYlilic. assistance benefits: technology options ang J20licy inuel (P. M. Regan, and J. D. Winston) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138911/AS. QUALITY OF WORK LIFE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices. l.2ll-2QQQ (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS.
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20 RADIO FREQUENCY ALLOCATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Radiofreguency and management: impacts from tM World Administrative Radio Conference of 1979 (R. B. Crowell) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; January 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82l 77536. RA TING OF EMPLOYEES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic supervisor: new technology, new tensions (C. K. Wilk) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations/House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88144043. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research a.ru;l development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/AS. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT MANPOWER Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R &. D: critical treruls. a.ru;l (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. RIGHT OF PRIVACY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electronic delivery Qf P.Y1ili assistance benefits: technology options aml P2liCY issues (P. M. Regan, and J. D. Winston) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1988. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-138911/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic systems aml individual privacy (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100335/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security. and congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/ AS.
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21 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic mail~ message systems fQr. the.1!.S.. Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance 11:Wl civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected electronic tlmd$ transfer .iss.uei: privacy. security,~ emutt (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-202532. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer-based national information systems: technology~ l2U1:2li .iss.uei (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; September 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-126681. RIGHTS OF INSTITUTIONALIZED PERSONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice, new technologies,~ the. constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/AS. SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R D: critical~~ issues (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. SMALL BUSINESS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation Qf America's offices .!2.U-~ (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. SOCIAL COSTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice. new technologies,~ the. constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/ AS.
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22 STOCK EXCHANGES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects of information technology o.n. financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. SUPERCOMPUTERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. High performance computing aru1 networking f_or science (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-131228/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Supercomputers: government omns. aru1 policies (P. S. Adler) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205218/AS. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Criminal justice. Dfil:Y technologies, aru1 .the. constitution (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; May 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB88-213921/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Microelectronics research aru1 development (A. Prabhakar) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-205200/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informational technology and its impact o.n. American education (F. W. Weingarten) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/House Committee on Science and Technology; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-174664. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effects Qf information technology o.n. financial services systems (Z. A. Shavell) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-152619/AS. TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Critical connections communication for .the. (L. Garcia) requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1990. Report.
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23 Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biology. medicine. l!ld. 1he. Jlill Q{ Rights (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; September 1988. Special report. NTIS #PB89-136428/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security. l!ld. congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance l!ld. civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Exploratory workshop on 1he. 1Qcial impacts Q{ robotics: summary~ ,iss.uei (S. Hale)February 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB82-184862. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation im9. the. workplace: selected labor, education, an,d. training inue1 (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/ Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-191320. TECHNOLOGY POLICY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R 6' D: critical .twlils. l!ld. ,iss.uei (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/AS. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R &. D: critical~ l!ld. mues. (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. TELECOMMUNICATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf electronic mail l!ld. message systems for lhe. l,l.S,. fos.ta! Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017.
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24 TELECOMMUNICATION POLICY Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information technology R & D: critical~ arut (F. W. Weingarten, and D. L. Valtri) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-245660/ AS. TELECOMMUNICATIONS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property rights in an Q( electronics arut information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87100301/AS. TELEPHONES Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: management. security. and congressional oversight (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-205499/ AS. Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal government information technology: electronic surveillance civil liberties (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-123239/AS. TRADE REGULATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected electronic~ transfer~: privacy, security, arut (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Senate Committee on the Judiciary; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-202532. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing nation: federal information dissemination in an electronic m (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-114243.
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25 U.S. NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing the nation: federal information dissemination in 1n electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-ll4243. U.S. OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal scientific technical information in 1n electronic : opportunities a.rut challenges (F. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB90150780/AS. U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of l2QgaJ automation strategy: 11technical ind decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-l27843. U.S. SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Social Security Administration a.rut information technology (V. T. Coates) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; October 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-136834/AS. U.S. SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Informing nation: federal information dissemination in an electronic (F. B. Wood) Requested by: Joint Committee on Printing; House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; House Committee on Administration; House Committee on Appropriations; Joint Committee on Printing; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-ll4243. UNITED STA TES POST AL SERVICE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of electronic mail and message systems (or tM ll,.S,. ~I Service (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-265017.
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26 VIDEO TAPE RECORDINGS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intellectual property rights in an ue. Qf electronics ind information (D. L. Garcia) Requested by: House Committee on the Judiciary; Senate Committee on the Judiciary; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87100301/ AS. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation and the workplace: selected W2.Qr. education, ;mg training (M. S. Blumenthal) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation/Joint Economic Committee; March 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-191320. WHITE COLLAR WORKERS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices, 1985-2000 (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. WOMEN IN BUSINESS Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Automation of America's offices, !2.U-2QQQ (V. T. Coates) Requested by: House Committee on Education and Labor; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-185055/ AS. ZIP CODE Communication and Information Technologies Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Q.( l20!al automation strategy: a. technical a.rut decision analysis (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; June 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-127843.
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I OT A Publications by Subject Terms ALCOHOL AS FUEL Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy from biological processes (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-211477. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gasohol (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80105885. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Conservation and solar energy programs of the Department of Energy: 3 critique (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-197759. ARCHAEOLOGY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for prehistoric and historic preservation (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140166/AS. ARCTIC NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Oil production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-169239. ARMS CONTROL Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation illli! safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843. ATOMIC ENERGY INDUSTRIES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear power in an age of uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953.
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2 ATOMIC ENERGY POLICY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear power in an age Qf uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. ATOMIC POWER Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear power in fill age of uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-l 83953. ATOMIC POWER PLANTS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear power in fill of uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84l 83953. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors (E. C. Abbott) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-213589. ATOMIC WEAPONS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation and safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843. AUTOMOBILE ENGINES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Synthetic fuels for transportation: the future potential of electric and hybrid vehicles (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-126086. AUTOMOBILE FUEL CONSUMPTION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternatives fQr reducing oil imports--environmental issues Qf synthetic transportation fuels from coal-background report (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919.
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3 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic .(ueh: alternative for reducing Qi! imports--environmental fQr synthetic transportation fuels from coal (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-16185l. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternative for reducing Qi! imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094. BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects of .PIDYer. frequency electric and magnetic fields (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. BIOMASS ENERGY Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy from biological processes (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; July 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-211477. BIOPHYSICS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects of power frequency electric and magnetic fields (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. BUSINESS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical needs fQr a changing U.S.. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/AS. CERAMICS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials ID'.. design (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243548. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New structural materials technologies: opportunities for the us.e. of advanced ceramics and composites (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-ll 8253/ AS.
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4 CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy use (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. COAL Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct YR of CQ,a! (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. COAL GASIFICATION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency arul synthetic fu,ds: alternatives for reducing Qi! imports--selected technical arul economic comparisions of synfuel options (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-147363. COAL LEASES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects of section .l of the Federal Q2fil Leasing Amendments Act Q( .!2Th (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-182029 / AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in the. Federal CQ,a! leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413. COAL LIQUEFACTION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fyfils_: alternatives for reducing oil imports--selected technical arul economic comparisions of synfuel options (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-147363. COAL MINES AND MINING Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Western surface mine permitting and reclamation (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100350/ AS.
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5 Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects Qf section l Qf !he. Federal Leasing Amendments Act Q( (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-182029/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct~ of coal (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. COAL PIPELINES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment Qf CQfil slurry pipelines (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-278675. COGENERA TION OF ELECTRIC POWER AND HEAT Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial and commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83180547. COMMERCIALIZATION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New structural materials technologies: opportunities for !he.~ Q( advanced ceramics 3!lil composites (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-118253/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial 3!lil commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83180547. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile Cud efficiency 3!lil synthetic t:ueb.: alternatives (or reducing oil imports--selected technical 3!lil economic comparisions Q( synfuel options (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; October 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-147363. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct U..R Qf coal (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797.
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6 COMPETITION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric power wheeling and dealing: technological considerations fQr. increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New structural materials technologies: opportunities fQr. tM. of advanced ceramics aw1 composites (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-118253/AS. COMPOSITE MATERIALS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials ]2y Qefil8Il (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243548. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New structural materials technologies: opportunities f..m: tM. of advanced ceramics ifilf composites (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1986. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-118253/AS. COPPER Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Copper: technology and competitiveness (J. Robison) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; Technology Assessment Board; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-138887/AS. COST EFFECTIVENESS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric technologies: problems img prospects (or~~ (P.H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear in an age_ o{ uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Synthetic f~ for transportation: future potential of electric awl hybrid vehicles (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-126086. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct use of Qa! (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797.
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7 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application of technology 12 today's energy needs-vol. I~ II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770. ECONOMIC ASPECTS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: !he. future of liquefied natural &M imports-background (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-203847. ECONOMIC GROWTH Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical needs for. a changing .U..S.. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/ AS. ECONOMICS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the proposed national energy plan (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. ECONOMICS ST A TISTICS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical needs for. a changing .u_.s_. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/ AS. ELASTICITY Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of !he. proposed national energy Qlan (R. E. Row berg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. ELECTRIC POWER DISTRIBUTION--U.S.--EVALUA TION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for. increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748.
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8 ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric power technologies: problems and prospects for~ .!2!Qs. (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial and commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83180547. ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects of P.Ofilll:. frequency electric and magnetic fields (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION--U.S.--EVALUA TION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric power wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. ELECTRIC UTILITIES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric P.Ofilll:. wheeling and dealing: technological considerations for increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric power technologies: problems and prospects for the 1980s (P. H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-l21746/AS. ELECTRIC VEHICLES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Synthetic fuels for transportation: tM future potential of electric and hybrid vehicles
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9 ELECTRICITY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects Q{ f reguency electric arul magnetic fieku (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. ENERGY CONSERVATION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fllfil efficiency and synthetic t:Y,eh: alternatives {Qr reducing oil imports--environmental of synthetic transportation fuels from CQa}-background reJ20!1 (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fllfil efficiency md synthetic t:ufil: alternative (Qr. reducing cill imports--environmental hsues. w synthetic transportation fuels. fmm CQal, (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161851. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fllfil efficiency and synthetic fuels.: alternative for reducing cill imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Conservation and energy programs of .tlJ&, Department of Energy: 11 critique (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; June 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-197759. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis of 1976 ERDA l2m:!l and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794. ENERGY CONSERVATION IN BUILDINGS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy efficiency of buildings in citja (M. E. Procter) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200346. ENERGY CONSUMPTION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Residential energy conservation (N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298410.
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10 ENERGY DEMAND Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. New electric technologies: problems and prospects for.~ .!.2.8.01 (P.H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy YR (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile (ue_l efficiency synthetic fuels.: alternatives for reducing oil imports--environmental of synthetic transportation fuels. from CQa!-background reoQr1 (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile file.I efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternative for reducing oil imports--environmental iss.un for. synthetic transportation fuels. from CQ,a1 (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161851. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency imd. synthetic fuels.: alternative for reducing o..il imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094. ENERGY DEVELOPMENT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. :U.S.. vulnerability tQ. an oil import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127785. ENERGY EFFICIENCY Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternatives for. reducing oil imports--environmental of synthetic transportation fuels. from coal-background r.eoort. (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile efficiency aruJ synthetic fuels: alternative for reducing oil imports--environmental for synthetic transportation fuels. from CQ,a1 (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161851. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile efficiency iUl4. synthetic fuels: alternative for reducing Qil imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094.
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11 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy efficiency Qf buildings in c.i.tifi (M. E. Procter) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200346. ENERGY INDUSTRIES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. l!.S.. vulnerability !Q. fill 2il import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127785. ENERGY LAW AND LEGISLATION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric wheeling and dealing: technological considerations (Q!: increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. ENERGY POLICY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. l!.S.. vulnerability !Q. fill oil import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127785. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial illlil commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83180547. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fi!el efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternatives for. reducing oil imports--environmental issues of synthetic transportation fuels from coal-background~ (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile f.filtl efficiency rulil synthetic ~= alternative for. reducing 2il imports--environmental issues. for. synthetic transportation fuels from co.al (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161851. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternative for reducing oil imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Gasohol (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1979. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB80105885.
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12 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Residential energy conservation (N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; July 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298410. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf the proposed national energy plan (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. Energy Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation and safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis Qf the. 1976 ERDA plan and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794. ENERGY PRICES Energy Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of .tm, proposed national energy QllUl (R. E. Row berg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. ENERGY PRODUCTION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !.[.S,. natural w availability: &a. supply through the. vear. 2QQQ. (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-109162/AS. ENERGY RESEARCH Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis of the. 1976 ERDA plan R!ld. program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794. ENERGY SHORTAGES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !.[.S.. vulnerability to. an oil import curtailment (T. E. Bull, and N. C. Naismith) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; September 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-127785. Energy Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the. impacts of~ projected natural m curtailments for. the. winter 1975-16. (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250623.
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13 ENERGY SUPPLIES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. lYQihJ petroleum availability 1980-2000 (C. J. Holland) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-145252. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the proposed national energy plan (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in lb& Federal coil leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413. ENVIRONMENT AL ASSESSMENT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Environmental protection in lb& Federal coal leasing program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Appropriations; May 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-222413. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis of lb& 1976 ERDA plan ans! program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~~ of coil (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. ENVIRONMENT AL PROTECTION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of lb& !l.S.. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY 121 through 1282 (R. Daly) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258191. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Comparative anlaysis of 1976 ERDA plan and program (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-254794.
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14 FEDERAL COAL LEASING AMENDMENTS ACT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects of section J. of the. Federal Qm.I Leasing Amendments 2( (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-182029/AS. FEDERAL POWER ACT Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Electric wheeling aJlli dealing: technological considerations f2!: increasing competition (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; May 1989. Report. NTIS #PB 89-232748. FLUIDIZATION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial ang commercial cogeneration (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs/House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83180547. FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: the. of liquefied natural m imports-background QBPtt (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-203847. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: the. future Qf liquefied natural m imports (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-173552. FOSSIL FUELS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll,.S. oil production: the effe! of low Qil Price. (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-142484. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis .ot: proposed national energy l2lan (R. E. Row berg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; August 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273148.
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15 FUEL ALLOCATION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis Qf impacts Qf projected natural gas curtailments f..or winter 1975-1.6. (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250623. GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANTS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. electric technologies: problems aru1 prospects (Qr~~ (P.H. Blair) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; July 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-121746/AS. GOVERNMENT REGULATION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear in m ue. Qf uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology assessment of co.al s!uu.v pipelines (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources/Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; March 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-278675. HISTORIC SITES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies fo.t ,tru, preservation of prehistoric imd historic landscapes (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; July 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-222519/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies fo.t prehistoric aru1 historic preservation (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140166/AS. HOUSING Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Application Qf solar technology to today's energy needs-YQI. I~ II (H. Kelly) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; June 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-283770.
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16 IMPORTS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency ruw synthetic fufil: alternatives fQr. reducing 2il imports--environmental .iss.ues. Q.[ synthetic transportation fufil from Qa!-background r:e.P.Q!.t (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; December 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161919. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternative for reducing Qi! imports--environmental .iss.ues. fQr synthetic transportation fuels from Oa! (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; November 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-161851. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Increased automobile fuel efficiency and synthetic fuels: alternative for reducing Qi! imports (T. E. Bull) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-126094. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: .the. ffilure. Q.[ liauefied natural w imports-background oaruu: (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-203847. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: .the. future of liquefied natural m imports (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-l 73552. INCOME ST A TISTICS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical needs fQr. a changing !J..S. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-126954/ AS. INDEPENDENT REGULA TORY COMMISSIONS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Q.[ the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: environmental research outlook FY llli through 12.8.Q (R. Daly) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258191. INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSERVATION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy~ (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606.
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17 INDUSTRIAL FUEL CONSUMPTION Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy m (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. INDUSTRY UNIVERSITY RELATIONS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials~ desi&n (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243S48. INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Copper: technology B!lif. competitiveness (J. Robison) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; Technology Assessment Board; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-138887/AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Advanced materials~ desi&n (G. Eyring, and T. E. Bull) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-243S48. INTERNATIONAL CONTROL OF ATOMIC POWER Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation illil safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-27S843. INTERNATIONAL TRADE Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Statistical {Qr i changing ll,.S,. economy (H. Kelly) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; September 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB90-1269S4/AS. IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy YR (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606.
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18 LANDSCAPE PROTECTION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for preservation of prehistoric and historic landscapes (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; July 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-222519/AS. LAW AND LEGISLATION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects of section .J. Qf. Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act Qf. 1.212 (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-182029 / AS. LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: Qf. liquefied natural gas_ imports-background QW2e! (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-203847. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: the future of liquefied natural gas_ imports (J. B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-173552. LOW-INCOME HOUSING Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Energy efficiency Qf buildings in cities (M. E. Procter) Requested by: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; March 1982. Report. NTIS #PB82-200346. MAGNETISM Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Biological effects Qf. power frequency electric and magnetic fields (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; May 1989. Background paper. NTIS #PB89-209985. MINERAL INDUSTRIES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Copper: technology and competitiveness (J. Robison) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; Technology Assessment Board; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-138887 / AS.
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19 MINES AND MINERAL RESOURCES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Alternative energy futures: the. future. Qf. liquefied natural w imports-background l2iQll (J.B. Hollomon) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; March 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-203847. MINING LAW Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Western surface mine permitting and reclamation (J. Robison) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; June 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-100350/AS. MINING LEASES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Potential effects Qf. section l Qf. the. Federal Qml Leasing Amendments Act of 1216. (K. L. Larsen) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-182029 / AS. NATURAL GAS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.S.. natural m availability: w supply through the. .2QQQ (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-l 09162/ AS. Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.S.. natural w availability: conventional gas supply through the. .2QQ2 (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; September 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-114909. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Status. Qil the. w potential from devonian shale. of the. Appalachian Basin (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; November 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-274856. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analysis of the. impacts Q( the. projected natural w curtailments for the. winter 121.S.(R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1975. Report. NTIS #PB-250623. NATURAL GAS RESERVES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ll.S.. natural m availability: w supply through the. .2QQ2 (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-109162/AS.
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20 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. SlatYi rm2Q!1 QD. w potential from devonian 1hal Qf. Appalachian Basin (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; November 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-274856. NUCLEAR ENERGY POLICY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Staroower: The ll.S.. and the international gyen for flwQD, energy (G. Epstein) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-128731. NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear powerolant standardization: light water reactors (E. C. Abbott) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-213589. NUCLEAR EXPORTS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation and. safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843. NUCLEAR FUSION Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Starpower: The U:.S.. and international gyesi for fusion energy (G. Epstein) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; October 1987. Report. NTIS #PB88-128731. NUCLEAR REACTORS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear QOEll: in an Qf. uncertainty (R. E. Rowberg) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; February 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-183953. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear powerplant standardization: light water reactors (E. C. Abbott) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; April 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-213589. NUCLEAR SECURITY MEASURES Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear proliferation and safeguards (A. T. Crane) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; June 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-275843.
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21 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Direct~ Qf coal (A. T. Crane) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; April 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-295797. PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Industrial energy YR (J. F. Ryan) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1983. Report. NTIS #PB83-240606. PARKS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for. tM. preservation Qf prehistoric illli,l historic landscapes (R. A. Williamson) Requested by: House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; July 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-222519/AS. PEACEFUL USES OF NUCLEAR ENERGY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Starpower: The U.S. i!lil till,. international guen for. fusion energy
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22 Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. }Y,Qrlg, petroleum availability 1_2&!-2QQQ, (C. J. Holland) Requested by: Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-145252. PETROLEUM ENGINEERING Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !.[.S. natural w availability: m supply through the. yen 2QQQ, (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; February 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-I 09162/ AS. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhanced oil recovery potential in the. United (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-276594. PETROLEUM ENGINEERING--ALASKA--TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil production in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-169239. PETROLEUM INDUSTRY Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !.[.S. oil production: the. e.ffe.c1 of. low oil PtieS. (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-142484. PETROLEUM PIPELINES--ALASKA--FUTURE Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qil production in the. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-169239. PETROLEUM PRICES Energy and Materials Program, Office of Technology Assessment. !.[.S. oil production: the. e.ffe.c1 of. low oil 12.tices. (S. E. Plotkin) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; July 1987. Special report. NTIS #PB88-142484. Energy Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhanced oil recovery potential in the. United (R. J. Robel) Requested by: Technology Assessment Board; January 1978. Report. NTIS #PB-276594.
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1 Food & Renewable Resources Program Publications by Subject Terms AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT FOUNDATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots development the African Development Foundation (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Select Committee on Hunger; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236252/ AS. AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. J2Ub.li ruiliQv,, and the. changing structure of American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public ruiliQv,, and the. changing structure Q{ American agriculture: !l special fQ.r the. 1.2.8.S. farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics research (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; April 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-232835. AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION WORK Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies f..Qr tbe. J.2201 (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. AGRICULTURAL INNOVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues in technology. agriculture. and l,l.S,. foreign aid (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS.
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2 AGRICULTURAL INNOVATIONS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies for !he. 1990s (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a role fQr !l..S.. development assistance (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Committee on Agriculture; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-137087/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing the commitment: agricultural development in !he. Sahfil (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-ll 7644/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, mll2J.k policy, and .the changing structure Qf American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies fQr J&w developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public oo.liy, and changing structure Qf American agriculture: 11 special ,W2Qtl fQr !he. 12.U farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: tfu, potentials fQr extracting protein, medicines, aru! Q!h.er useful chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lanfil: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of. technology on U.S.. cropland and rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013.
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3 AGRICULTURAL POLICIES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies f2r. the. !22Q1 (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March I 990. Special report. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing 1h.e quality Qf 1[.S,. grain for international y,age_ (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international trade: a comparison Qf major ll,.S,. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. o.uhli DQ.liy, arul the. changing structure of American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. o.uhli DQ.liy, arul the. changing structure of American agriculture: a. special reom:t. !2r. the. 12.8.i farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: in technology. agriculture. arul ll,.S,. foreign aig (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf technology Qll U.S. cropland aru.t rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing the. commitment: agricultural development in the.~ (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117644/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies 19 benefit agriculture arul wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747 / AS.
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4 AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies for. developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for. sustainable agriculture in .U.S. arid/semiarid ta!lili (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-172667. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf technology Qll. U.S. cropland and rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, l2Ulili& l20li,cy, and changing structure Q{ American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. J2Ulili& l20li,cy, and changing structure Qf American agriculture: 1 special reJ22tl for. !.2U farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House C9mmittee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural oostharvest technology~ marketing economics research (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; April 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-232835. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH-FUTURE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies for.~ 1990s (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report.
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5 AGRICULTURE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots development: the African Development Foundation (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Select Committee on Hunger; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236252/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, l2Ylili 120li&Y., and !he changing structure Qf American agriculture: a special reoort. for th& .12.U farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues. in technology. agriculture, ang .U.S. foreign aid. (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. AGRICULTURE -AFRICA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a~ for .U.S. development assistance (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Committee on Agriculture; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-137087 / AS. ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management (Qr .U.S. insular arm (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL ASSISTANCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing agriculture in Africa: a~ fQr .U.S. development assistance (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger; House Committee on Science and Technology; House Committee on Agriculture; September 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-137087/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: in technology. agriculture, ang .U.S. foreign aid. (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS.
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6 AMERICAN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issues in technology. agriculture, aili! !.[.S. foreign rug (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. ARID REGIONS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies for lesser developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid la!lih: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in .th& United ~: data considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS. BOTANY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants:~ potentials for extracting protein, medicines, aili! Qthe.r chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743. CHEMICALS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: potentials for extracting protein, medicines, aili! Qthe.r chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-l 14743.
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7 CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to. maintain biological diversity (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-207494/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: U.S.. ang international institutions (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104058. CONSERVATIONISTS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in United (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; February 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181997 / AS. CONSUMER PROTECTION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Open shelf-life dating of food (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-101629. COST EFFECTIVENESS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qoen shelf-life dating of food (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-101629. DATA BANKS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in tru, United S.!ite.: gam. considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS. DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies (or developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS.
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8 DRY FARMING Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in l[.S. arid/semiarid Iarua (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84l 72667. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies fQr sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lands.: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing commitment: agricultural development in~~ (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117644/AS. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -AFRICA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots development: the African Development Foundation (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; House Select Committee on Hunger; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-236252/ AS. ENVIRONMENT AL POLICY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies 1Q. maintain biological diversity (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-207494/AS. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION GROUPS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: l[.S. fillii international institutions (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84l 04058. FARM LANDS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies 1Q. benefit agriculture and wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747/AS.
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9 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts Qf technology Q!l U.S.. cropland mg_ rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. FARM MANAGEMENT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to. benefit agriculture wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747/AS. FARM PRODUCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: .th_e potentials for extracting protein, medicines, mg_ other meM chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743. FARMS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public o~. and .tM changing structure Qf American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. public policy. mg_ the changing structure Qf American agriculture: 1. special !eJ20!1 for .tM 1985 farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS. FEDERAL AID TO RESEARCH Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies for .tM l29Qs. (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. FOOD ADULTERATION AND INSPECTION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pesticide residues in food: technologies mg_ methodologies for detection (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Agriculture; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-136444/AS.
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10 FOOD INDUSTRY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural postharvest technology and marketing economics research (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; April 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-232835. FOOD SPOILAGE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. 0mm shelf-life dating of food. (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-101629. FOOD SUPPLY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: issY in technology. agriculture, 3llil l.l,.S,. foreign akl (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~: .th.e potentials !QI extracting protein, medicines, aru1 Q.tber chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-l 14743. FOREST CONSERVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies t.o. sustain tropical forest resources (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175637. FOREST POLICY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies to sustain tropical~ resources (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175637. GERMPLASM RESOURCES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies t..o. maintain biological diversity (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-207494/AS.
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11 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in United States: data considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in the United States (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; February 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181997/AS. GRAIN INSPECTION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international tr&k: a comparison of ma,iQ!: l[.S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. GRAIN TRADE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing quality of U.S.. grain fQr. international tr&k (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. GRAIN TRADE--ARGENTINA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international tr&k: a comparison of ma.i2!: l[.S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. GRAIN TRADE--AUSTRALIA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qmip. quality in international tr&k: a comparison of major l[.S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. GRAIN TRADE--BRAZIL Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international tr&k: a comparison of ma.i2!: !l..S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249.
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12 GRAIN TRADE--CANADA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international trade: a comparison of major ll..S. competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. GRAIN TRADE--FRANCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grain quality in international trade: 3 comparison of major ll.-S.competitors (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187249. GRAIN--U.S.--STANDARDS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing the. quality of U.S.. grain for international trruk (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. HANDICRAFT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology, renewable resources, aru! American craftt (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-222421. INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in lb& United ~: considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS. INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing quality of U.S.. grain for international trruk (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. IRRIGATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in ll..S.. arid/semiarid lands (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-172667.
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13 ISLAND ECOLOGY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management for ll.S.. insular areM (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. LABELING LAWS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qnen shelf-life dBtin& of fQm1 (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; August 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-101629. LATIN AMERICA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management f2r. ll.S.. insular areM (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. MARINE BIOLOGY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: the. potentials f2r. extracting protein, medicines. and 21htt usefllJ chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743. MARKETING OF FARM PRODUCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural postharvest technology and. marketing economics research (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; April 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-232835. NATURE CONSERVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies tQ maintain biological diversity (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-207494/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessing biological diversity in the. United State!: data considerations (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181989/AS.
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14 Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in the. United Smte.s. (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; February 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181997/AS. PACIFIC AREA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management for !.[.S. insular ar.w (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. PEST CONTROL Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pest management strategies in CIQQ protection (W. E. Parham) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; October 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-120017. PESTICIDE RESIDUES IN FOOD Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pesticide residues in food: technologies 3!lQ. methodologies for detection (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Agriculture; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-136444/AS. PESTICIDES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. fe.1 management strategies in crop protection (W. E. Parham) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; October 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-120017. PHARMACEUTICAL RESEARCH Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: the. potentials for extracting protein, medicines. 3!lQ. other meiY,l chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743. PLANT ECOLOGY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: the. potentials for extracting protein, medicines. 3!lQ. other meful chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743.
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IS PLANT GENETICS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing~ quality of U.S. grain fQr international ttw. (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. PROTEINS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Plants: 1hl' potentials fQr extracting protein, medicines. and. 9lh.er mfu1 chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-l 14743. QUALITY OF PRODUCTS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing 1M quality of ll..S. grain fQr international ttw. (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. RANGE MANAGEMENT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies tQ benefit agriculture and. wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB8S-239747/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Water-related technologies fQr sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid .hlnsh,: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology on ll..S. cropland and. rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. REFORESTATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: ll.S. and. international institutions (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104058. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of degraded l.andl (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104041.
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16 RENEWABLE NATURAL RESOURCES Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management fQ!: :U.S. insular areas. (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. renewable resources, arul American crafts (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-222421. RESEARCH GRANTS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research aru! technology transfer policies !Qr tM l22Qs. (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. RUBBER Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. .water-related technologies fQ!: sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid ~= selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. SOIL CONSERVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology 0.11 U.S.. cropland and rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. SOIL EROSION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology 0.11 U.S.. cropland and rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013. SOILS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impacts of technology on U.S.. cropland and rangeland productivity (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; August 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-125013.
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17 STATISTICS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. J2.Yhlic policy. and tM changing structure Qf American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. STRATEGIC MATERIALS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. flalm: tM potentials for extracting protein. medicines. and. o.the!: yse(uJ. chemicals (S. Braatz) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; September 1983. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB84-114743. SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: in technology. agriculture. and. ,ll.S. foreign aig (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing the. commitment: agricultural development in. tM. Salw, (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117644/AS. TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. ~. and. tM changing structure Qf American agriculture (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-184637/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. l2l!.1ili ~. and. tM changing structure Qf American agriculture: a special rmor1 for tM .1.2ll farm bill (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture/House Committee on Foreign Affairs/Joint Economic Committee; Senate Committee on Agriculture/Senate Committee on Small Business/Joint Economic Committee; March 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-210374/ AS.
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18 TECHNOLOGY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Enhancing the quality of U.S.. grain for international trade (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Joint Economic Committee; February 1989. Report. NTIS #PB89-187199. TECHNOLOGY POLICY Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology. renewable resources, and American crafts (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; April 1984. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-222421. TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Agricultural research and technology transfer policies f.m: the.~ (M. J. Phillips) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; March 1990. Special report. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Africa tomorrow: in technology. agriculture. mlil l[.S,. foreign lid. (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs/House Select Committee on Hunger; December 1984. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-238624/ AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies tQ sustain tropical form resources (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175637. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. management strategies in croQ protection (W. E. Parham) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; October 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-120017. TROPICAL AGRICULTURE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Integrated renewable resource management fQr l.[.S. insular ru:w (A. L. Hess) Requested by: Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; June 1987. Report. NTIS #PB87-205829/XAB. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical form resources: reforestation of degraded mnd. (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104041.
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19 TROPICAL FORESTS Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies 1Q sustain tropical resources (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; March 1984. Report. NTIS #PB84-175637. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: ![.S. arul international institutions (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104058. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sustaining tropical forest resources: reforestation of degraded~ (W. E. Parham) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-104041. U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Continuing ilie. commitment: agricultural development in the Sahel (P. N. Windle) Requested by: House Select Committee on Hunger/House Committee on Science and Technology/House Committee on Agriculture; Technology Assessment Board; August 1986. Special report. NTIS #PB87-117644/AS. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Innovative biological technologies for developed countries (B. A. Ross-Sheriff) Requested by: House Committee on Foreign Affairs; July 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB86-121738/AS. U.S. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Pesticide residues in food: technologies arul methodologies for detection (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Agriculture; October 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-136444/AS. WATER ALLOCATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in l!.S. arid/semiarid J.aruh (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-172667. Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid J.aruh: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912.
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20 WATER CONSERVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~-related technologies w sustainable agriculture in arid/semiarid lands: selected foreign experience (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; May 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-102912. WATER USE Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in ll,.S. arid/semiarid !and.s. (B. Lausche) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; October 1983. Report. NTIS #PB84-172667. WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Grassroots conservation of biological diversity in United Sta!n (S. Shen) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations/Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; February 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB86-181997/AS. WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT Food and Renewable Resources Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies 1Q. benefit agriculture ang wildlife (S. Shen) Requested by: Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; May 1985. Workshop proceedings. NTIS #PB85-239747 / AS.
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1 Health Program Publications by Subject Terms ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical testing and health insurance (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; August 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-116958/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. How effective~ AIDS education? (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; June 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-243530. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Aids aru! health insurance an OTA survey (J. Eden) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-170204. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. llQ. insects transmit aids ? (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; September 1987. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-143177/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Qf the Public Health Service's response to AIDS (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Government Operations; February 1985. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB85-246668/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Blood policy aru! technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/AS. ACQUIRED IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME COSTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of AIDS on the Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (Northern California Region) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Staff Paper. NTIS #PB89-116941/AS. AGED--U.S.--MEDICAL CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. CQm aru! effectiveness Qf cholesterol screening in the elderly (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB89-224638. AGED-MEDICAL CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Use of preventive services by the elderly (M. E. Gluck) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; January 1989. Staff paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Screening (Qr Qfillll-~ glaucoma in the elderly (J. L. Wagner, and E. J. Power) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1988. Staff paper.
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2 ALCOHOLISM Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness Bru! Qf alcoholism treatment: health technology study DQ. 22 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB83-192492. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Boston ~: ~h technology .no,. 22. (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145936/AS. ARTIFICIAL ORGANS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQS!-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: the. artificial ~--con, risk., and benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239971. AUTOMOBILE SAFETY APPLIANCES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology arul handicapped people: Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles: iw!.ll and evidence (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83159822. BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer 31 the. National Institutes Qf Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies and the. medical devices industry (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-199552.
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3 BIRTH CONTROL Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qt: cost-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: elective hysterectomy--CQStt, risks. ind. benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326. BIRTH DEFECTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for detecting heritable mutations in human beings (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140158/AS. BLOOD Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~. efficacy. and cost effectiveness of therapeutic aoheresis: hCillth technology stmtv. n2,. 23. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-114842. BLOOD BANKS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. lllo,Qg illlQ. technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/AS. BLOOD DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf QS.t-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology:~~ effectiveness Qf marrow transplant therapy arul itt implications (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PBSI-221798. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. lllo,Qg BDd. technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/AS. BLOOD DONORS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. llloog policy and technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/ AS.
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4 BLOOD TESTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Aids lilllil bal1h insurance an OTA survey (J. Eden) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-170204. BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Bl22d. ang technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/ AS. BREAST CANCER Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( cw-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: surgery for. h!eW cancer (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82124181. CANCER Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q{ CQS!-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: elective hysterectomy--com. risks. ang benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q{ CQ.81-eff ectiveness analysis Qt: medical technology: allocating com. iUliJ benefits in disease prevention programs--an application to. cervical cancer screening (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221806. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q{ CQS!-eff ectiveness anlaysis Qt: medical technology: screening for. colon cancer--a technology assessment (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209785. CANCER RESEARCH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer 11 National Institutes Qf Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cancer testing technology ang saccharin (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; October 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273499.
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s CARCINOGENS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Identifying illil regulating carcinogens (K. Kronebusch) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-136999. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Q{ technologies f.or determining~ risks from 1M environment (M. Gough)June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235400. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cancer testing technology Ifill saccharin (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; October 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273499. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cost effectiveness 21: digital subtraction angiography in tM diagnosis 21: cerebrovascular disease: heBltb. technology st,udv, no,. M (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; May 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB85-241115/ AS. CERVICAL CANCER Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. mg effectiveness Qt: cervical cancer screening (J. L. Wagner, E. J. Power, and B. M. Duffy) requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; February 1990. Background paper. CHEMICALS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Identifying ans! regulating carcinogens (K. Kronebusch) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-136999. CHILD ABUSE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Healthy children: investing in tM future (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Finance; February 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-178454/AS. CHILD HEAL TH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Healthy children: investing in tM future (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Finance; February 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-178454/ AS.
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6 CHILD HEAL TH SERVICES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Healthy children: investing in the.~ (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Finance; February 1988. Report. NTIS #PB88-178454/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications 21: -effectiveness analysis 21: medical technology: the.~ ang effectiveness Q.( neonatal intensive cm (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; August 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101411. CHILD MENTAL HEAL TH SERVICES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Children's mental b&filth,: problems and services (D. Dougherty) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207486/AS. CHOICE OF TECHNOLOGY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology and handicapped people (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; May 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83159814. CHOLESTEROL Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cos.ts. ang effectiveness Qf cholesterol screening in elderly (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1989. Staff paper. NTIS #PB89-224638. COMMERCIALIZATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MEDLARS ang health information 129.licy (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-168658. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Still!. of biomedical research ang related technology for tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS.
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7 COMMUNICATION IN MEDICINE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology in medical education ang assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-102528. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MEDLARS health information~ (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-168658. COMPETITION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology 1,!Ilder proposals .to. increase competition in health care. (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-164046. COMPUTER NETWORKS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. MEDLARS l!li1 heal1b information J20licy (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; September 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB83-168658. COMPUTER-ASSISTED INSTRUCTION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology in medical education ang assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-102528. COMPUTERS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. foliY. implications Q( 1hS' computed tomography (CT) scanner: m update (K. Kohlhof, and H. D. Banta) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance; January 1981. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-163917. CONSUMER EDUCATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology Y!lilll proposals .to. increase competition in health care. (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-164046.
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8 COST CONTROL Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment (Qr physician services: strategies for medicare (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce/House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; February 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-l82011 / AS. COST EFFECTIVENESS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQSt.-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: four common !.-DlY procedures--problems and prospects f.or. economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQSt.-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: .th.e efficacy ilfil! CQSt. effectiveness Q( psychotherapy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144610. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQSt.-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: surgery f_or cancer (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82124181. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQSt.-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: the. costs ilfil! effectiveness Qf num practitioners (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101064. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQSt.-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: elective hysterectomy--CQSt.s, risks. wlif benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-122326. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQSt.-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging ilfil! CQSt. effectiveness (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239989. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQSt.-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: assessing selected respiratory therapy modalites--trends ilfil! relative costs in the Washington, D.C.. rn (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101122.
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9 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQfil-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: .the.~ illlil effectiveness Qf neonatal intensive (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; August 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-10141 l. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQg-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: .the. artificial heart--CQfil, risks, and benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239971. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf c.ost.-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: the Q_t effectiveness Qf gastronintestinal endoscopy (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221814. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: allocating costs and benefits in disease prevention programs--an application to cervical cancer screening (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221806. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf Q.S!-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: .the. QS.t effectiveness Qf marrow transplant therapy and its. pQ!ky implications (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-221798. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf c,ost,-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: CQS1 effectiveness Qf automated multichannel chemistry analyzers (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209793. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Variations in hospital len81h of s.tav--their relationship 1Q health outcomes: health technology muty llQ. 24 (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; August 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-111483. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of c,ost,-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: methodological~ iUlil literature review (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144602. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf randomized clinical trials on and medical practice (H. Gelband)August 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-114560. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology iUlil handicapped people: Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles: iUlil evidence (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83159822.
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10 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Strategies (Qr medical technology assessment (B. R. Luce) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; September 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83l 13274. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sa!fily, efficacy. and CQ.U effectiveness Qf therapeutic apheresis: health technology s_tugy no. 23. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84l l 4842. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review of selected Federal vaccine and immunization policies: hasfill o.n cm studies Qf pneumococcal vaccine (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-116106. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qm effectiveness Qf influenza vaccination (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-178492. DATA BANKS Health Program. Office of Technology Assessment. Computer technology i.n medical education and assessment (R. E. Pengov, and L. H. Miike)September 1979. Background paper. NTIS #PB80-102528. DECISION MAKING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: methodological and literature review (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144602. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf randomized clinical o.n h.e.alth policy and medical practice (H. Gelband)August 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-114560. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf ~-effectiveness analysis Qf medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864.
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11 DENTISTRY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: periodontal diseases--assessing tM effectiveness ug co.m of 1M Kem technique (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1981. Case study. NTIS #PBSl-221780. DRUG INDUSTRY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Postmarketing surveillance of prescription (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83l 73625. DKUG LAW AND LE.GISLA"TION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Postmarketing surveillance of prescription drugs (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-173625. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Information content of oremanuf acture notices (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-241059. DRUGS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Postmarketing surveillance of prescription (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; November 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-173625. ECONOMIC ASPECTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost.-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: fmU' common ~-m orocedures--oroblems llDd prospects (or economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PERSONNEL Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. B.mal emergency medical services (M. Hewitt, and E. Power) Requested by: Senate Rural Health Caucus; November 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB90159047/AS.
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12 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. R.w:al emergency medical services (M. Hewitt, and E. Power) Requested by: Senate Rural Health Caucus; November 1989. Special report. NTIS #PB90159047/AS. ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Identifying IIDd. regulating carcinogens (K. Kronebusch) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1987. Background paper. NTIS #PB88-136999. ENVIRONMENTALLY INDUCED DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies (or detecting heritable mutations in human J2e.inu (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140158/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Assessment Qf technologies for determining cancer risks from the. environment (M. Gough)June 1981. Report. NTIS #PB81-235400. EPIDEMIOLOGY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. S1atl!S. of biomedical research ang related technology for. tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS. EVALUATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQil-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: four common 3.-ray procedures--problems imd prospects (QI economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Selected tQpjg in Federal halth statistics (P. M. Ehrenhaft) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; June 1979. Report. NTIS #PB-298449.
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13 EYE CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact km. industry--structure. competition, and public .12.2.liy: health technology ilYdY. no,. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/AS. EYE DISEASE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Screening (or omm,-~ glaucoma in~ elderly (J. L. Wagner, and E. J. Power) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1988. Staff paper. FAMILIES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Children's mental ha!th: problems and services (D. Dougherty) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Background paper. NTIS #PB87-207486/AS. FEDERAL AID TO HANDICAPPED SERVICES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology allil handicapped people: Health technology ilYdY. no,. 26,: assistive devices for speech impairments (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-175371. FEDERAL AID TO INDIANS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Indian health (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206091/AS. FEDERAL AID TO MEDICAL RESEARCH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hemodialysis equipment and disposables industry: health technology s_tydy no,. Jl (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-154953/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality and relevance of research allil related activities at the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory (C. J. Behney, and H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Education; August 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-142238/AS.
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14 FEDERAL AID TO RESEARCH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Review Q.f selected Federal vaccine mlil immunization policies: Q.Il. studies of pneumococcal vaccine (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1979. Report. NTIS #PB80-l 16106. FEDERAL EMPLOYEES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Scientific validity qt: polygraph testing: 1 research review ana evaluation (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-18141 l. FINANCE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies !or evaluating~. quality aruJ medical technology (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-184926/ AS. FOOD LAW AND LEGISLATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Cancer testing technology Ind saccharin (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; October 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-273499. FUTURES RESEARCH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Forecasts .ot: physician supply mlil requirements (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-l 8 l 670. GENETIC RESEARCH Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies f2r detecting heritable mutations in human beings (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140158/ AS.
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15 GORGAS MEMORIAL LABORATORY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Qyality arul relevance Qf research arul related activities ill the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory (C. J. Behney, and H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations/Senate Committee on Education; August 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB87-142238/AS. GOVERNMENT LIABILITY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Compensation for. vaccine-related injuries (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-163909. GOVERNMENT REGULATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact I.ens. indystry--stryctyre. competition. and P.Y!ilic. DQ}icy: ~technology s,tygy llQ .ll (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/AS. GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventing illness and injury in workplace (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Huma Resources; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-115334/AS. HANDICAPPED Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology arul handicapped people: Mandatory passive restraint systems in automobiles:~ arul evidence (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83159822. HEAL TH EDUCATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. How effective is AIDS education? (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; June 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-243530. HEAL TH INSURANCE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Use Qf preventive services ln'., elderly (M. E. Gluck) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; January 1989. Staff paper.
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16 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical testing and health insurance (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; August 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-116958/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of AIDS Q!l the. Kaiser Permanente Medical Qru:e. Program (Northern California Region) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Staff Paper. NTIS #PB89-116941/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Aids fill!1 health insurance an OTA survey (J. Eden) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; February 1988. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-170204. HEAL TH INSURANCE-U.S.-ST A TISTICS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses o_f trends in coverage and preliminary estimates of the. effects of an employer mandate~ medicaid expansion (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; July 1989. Background paper. HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Qf AIDS Q!l the. Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (Northern California Region) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Staff Paper. NTIS #PB89-116941/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of c.o.st-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864. HEALTH SURVEYS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Analyses of trends. in coverage ruw preliminary estimates of t.h.e effects of fill employer mandate fill!1 medicaid expansion (D. Dougherty) Requested by: House Committee on Agriculture; House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations; Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Foreign Relations; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; Senate Committee on Rules and Administration; Senate Committee on Small Business; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; July 1989. Background paper.
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17 HEART DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications ot: con-effectiveness analysis ot: medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging and. CQn effectiveness (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239989. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications ot: con-effectiveness analysis ot: medical technology: the. artificial h.w:1--eoil, mk,s., and. benefits (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-23997 l. HEPATITUS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Jlloog l2Qlicy and technology (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; January 1985. Report. NTIS #PB85-234870/ AS. HEREDITARY DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies {or detecting heritable mutations in human (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Science and Technology /House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs; September 1986. Report. NTIS #PB87-140158/AS. HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intensive cm .unm (m)--clinical outcomes. com, mid decisionmaking: health technology CRK Wlill DQ. 28. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145928/ AS. HOSPITAL CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies {or evaluating CQSt., quality and. medical technology U. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-184926/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications ot: con-effectiveness analysis ot: medical technology: assessing selected respiratory therapy modalites--treruu. and. relative com in the. Washington, D.,C. area (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; July 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101122.
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18 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Intensive~ lU!i1l (rn)--clinical outcomes, eolli, aruJ decisionmaking: llimJ.th technology fff.ce of Technology Assessment. Intensive lU!i1l (rn)--clinical outcomes, ~. 309 decisionmaking: heB11b technology~ illldY no,. 2.8. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #-PBSS-14S92S/ AS. HOSPITALS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medicare's prospective payment system: strategies w evaluating~. quality lllil medical technology (J. L. Wagner) Requested by: Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; October 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86l 84926/ AS. HUMAN ENGINEERING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Preventing illness ang injury in~ workplace (M. Gough) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Huma Resources; April 1985. Report. NTIS #PB86-115334/AS. IMAGING SYSTEMS IN MEDICINE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of con-effectiveness analysis Q( medical technology: t:o.ur common 1.-w procedures--problems and. prospects fQ.r economic evaluation (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1982. Background paper. NTIS #PB83-165506. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQM-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: cardiac radionuclide imaging iW1 cog effectiveness (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; May 1982. Case study. NTIS #PB82-239989.
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19 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of ~-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: the. feasibility Qf economic evaluation Qf diagnostic procedure--the. of cr scanning (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209777. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. CQS1 effectiveness of djgim! subtraction angiography in the. diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease: health technology study .no.. (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; May 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB85-241115/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging technology--il clinical, industrial, and~ analysis: h,ealt_h technology s,tudv, .no.. 27 (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; September 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-146207 / AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies medical devices industry (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-199552. INDIANS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Indian health (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206091/ AS. INDOOR AIR POLLUTION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Passive smoking in the. workplace: selected (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; May 1986. Staff paper. NTIS #PB86-217627 / AS. INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact I.en. industry--structure. competition, and l2Y1:ili&. policy: health technology study .no.. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/AS. INDUSTRIAL POLICY Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Contact !em industry--structure. competition, and l2Ylili .QQ!icy: hea1th technology s,tudv, .no.. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-204451/AS.
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20 INFLUENZA Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment.~ effectiveness Q.( influenza vaccination (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; December 1981. Report. NTIS #PB82-178492. INFORMATION LEAKING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Scientific validity Qf polygraph testing: a research review and evaluation (F. B. Wood) Requested by: House Committee on Government Operations; November 1983. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB84-18141 l. INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL SYSTEMS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact Q.( AIDS Qil tM Kaiser Permanente Medical Program (Northern California Region) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Staff Paper. NTIS #PB89-ll6941/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. folic.y implications Q.( medical information systems (P. M. Ehrenhaft) Requested by: Senate Committee on Human Resources; December 1977. Report. NTIS #PB-274857. INFORMED CONSENT Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Compensation for vaccine-related injuries (M. A. Riddiough) Requested by: Senate Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce; November 1980. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB81-163909. INSECTS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. 122 insects transmit filds.? (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Appropriations; September 1987. Staff paper. NTIS #PB88-143177/AS. KIDNEY DISEASE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hemodialysis equipment filld. disposables industry: health technology ili!dY OQ.. ll (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-154953/AS.
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21 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment f2r physician services: strategies fQr. medicare: Health technology stygy IlQ.. J,6: effects of federal policies 21! extracorporeal sho,ck wave lithotripsy (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB86-217999/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness 3!lil cQSt. of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis lCAPD): technology c.m DQ. li (A. K. Bums) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; September 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB87-148938/AS. KIDNEY DISEASES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf co,s,t-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: formal analysis.~ formulation, awl mlil-st.lU .wmt disease (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; April 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB81-209769. LAW AND LEGISLATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality Q{ medical care.: information for consumers (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-102180. LEARNING DISABILITIES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology 3!lil handicapped people: Health technology~ !!Q. 2-2: technology 3!lil learning disabilities (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-184043. MALARIA Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Sta1Y1 2f biomedical research 3!lil related technology f_or tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS. MANPOWER UTILIZATION Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Forecasts of physician supply il!lil requirements (L. H. Miike) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; April 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-181670.
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22 MARKETING Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Market fQ!: wheelchairs--innovations ang Federal ~: heBltb. technology llllilY 112. lQ (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-145944/AS. MATERNAL HEALTH SERVICES Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q{ cost.-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: the. CQm ang effectiveness elf neonatal intensive CBm (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; August 1981. Case study. NTIS #PB82-101411. MEDICAID Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Federal policies Ind the. medical devices industry (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; November 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-199552. MEDICAL CARE Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Quality Q{ medical 91tt: information for consumers (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; June 1988. Report. NTIS #PB89-102180. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Q( CQ.ll-eff ectiveness analysis Qf medical technology: Health technology mldy 112. ll: .llYm practitioners. physician assistants m..d certified JJ.J,!!R-midwives--a analysis (G. Ruby) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; December 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB87-177465/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. StBw 2' biomedical research ang related technology fQr tropical diseases (H. Gelband) Requested by: Senate Committee on Appropriations; September 1985. Report. NTIS #PB87-139614/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Indian. heaUh tt (L. H. Miike) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; April 1986. Report. NTIS #PB86-206091/ AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications Qf CQ.ll-effectiveness analysis Q{ medical technology: the. management Q( heDlth technology in .ten countries (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; October 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144628.
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23 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQS1-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology: methodological~ aru1 literature review (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144602. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of randomized clinical t~ on. health Ifill medical practice (H. Gelband)August 1983. Background paper. NTIS #PB84-114560. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. ~. efficacy. Ifill CQ!t effectiveness of therapeutic apheresis: health technology case. stw !!Q. ll (A. K. Bums) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1983. Case study. NTIS #PB84-l 14842. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology under proposals 12 increase competition in health (J. E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; October 1982. Report. NTIS #PB83-164046. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of CQS1-eff ectiveness analysis of medical technology (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/ Senate Committee on Finance; August 1980. Report. NTIS #PB80-216864. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Development o{ medical technology: opportunities for assessment (C. A. Taylor) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare; August 1976. Report. NTIS #PB-258117. MEDICAL CENTERS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technology transfer 1\1 National Institutes o.f Health (C. J. Behney) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; March 1982. Technical memorandum. NTIS #PB82-202904. MEDICAL ECONOMICS Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Q2sts. and. effectiveness of cervical cancer screening (J. L. Wagner, E. J. Power, and B. M. Duffy) requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means; February 1990. Background paper. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Impact of AIDS on. .the Kaiser Permanente Medical Program (Northern California Region) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; House Committee on Government Operations; July 1988. Staff Paper. NTIS #PB89-116941/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Hemodialysis equipment Ifill disposables industry: health technology c_m stw !!Q. l2. (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources; December 1984. Case study. NTIS #PB85-154953/AS.
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24 Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Payment for physician services: strategies ill medicare: Health technology no. .l6,: effects o.( federal policies on extracorooreal wave lithotripsy (J.E. Sisk) Requested by: House Committee on Ways and Means/House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance/Senate Special Committee on Aging; May 1986. Case study. NTIS #PB86-217999/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Effectiveness fillil CQll o.( continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPO): health technology c~ no.. ll (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; September 1985. Case study. NTIS #PB87-148938/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Medical technology fill!! .tM CQll of medicare program (A. K. Burns) Requested by: House Committee on Energy and Commerce; Senate Committee on Finance; July 1984. Report. NTIS #PB85-146215/AS. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Implications of cost-effectiveness analysis of medical technology: methodological~ arul literature review (C. J. Behney) Requested by: Senate Committee on Labor and Human Resources/Senate Committee on Finance; September 1980. Background paper. NTIS #PB81-144602. Health Program, Office of Technology Assessment. Technologies for managing urinary | |