Annual Report to the Congress: January 1 to September 30, 1983

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Annual Report to the Congress: January 1 to September 30, 1983
Series Title:
Annual Report to the Congress
United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment.
U.S. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment
Publication Date:
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75 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
United States Congress Office of Technology Assessment -- Periodicals ( LCSH )
Technology assessment -- United States ( LCSH )
Technology assessment -- United States -- Periodicals ( LCSH )
federal government publication ( marcgt )


General Note:
This report offers statements by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board, TAAC Chairman, and the Director of OTA. It also discusses OTAs work in progress, organization and operations.

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University of North Texas
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University of North Texas
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This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not subject to copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.
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Annual Report to the Congress: January 1 to September 30, 1983 March 1984


Contents Section Page I Statements by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board, TAAC Chairman, and the Director of OTA. . 1 II. Year in Review . . . . . . . . . 5 III, Work in Progress . . . . . . . . . 21 IV. Organization and Operations . . . . . . 23 Appendixes A. List of Advisors and Panel Members . . . . . 33 B. OTA ActPublic Law 92-484 . . . . . . 68


Section I.-Statements by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board, TAAC Chairman, and the Director of OTA CHAIRMANS STATEMENTCONGRESSMAN MORRIS K. UDALL The year 1983 was very productive for the Office of Technology Assessment. OTA made substantive contributions to about 60 different committees and subcommittees. They ranged from major, comprehensive reports to testimony and special analyses, Considering the complex and controversial nature of the issues OTA must deal with, it is commendable that its work continues to be given uniformly high marks for quality, fairness, and usefulness. During 1983, OTA was active in such diverse areas as hazardous and nuclear waste management, acid rain analyses, cost containment of health care, technology and trade policy, Love Canal, wood use, and polygraphs. The evidence of testimony, briefings, other requests for assistance, as well as reception of OTAs products by committees emphasizes the contribution made by OTA to the legislative process.


2 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 VICE CHAIRMANS STATEMENTSENATOR TED STEVENS The lives of our citizens and the issues of government have increasingly been influenced by science and technology. Congressional committees and Members are drawn into the complexity of science and the controversies involving technology as they face the necessary decisions of government. OTA serves as a shared resource of technical and analytical expertise for all committees. OTAs organization and procedures enable it to draw on diverse outside sources of information and advice. This enables OTA to bring to committees a synthesis of national wisdom about key issues, and alternative options for Congress to consider. The problems faced by Congress are getting increasingly complicated and technical. Over its first decade of existence, OTA has developed and tested a way of providing information that now makes it an essential tool of Congress.


Section lStatements l 3 TAAC CHAIRMAN r S STATEMENTCHARLES N. KIMBALL During 1983, the Technology Assessment Advisory Council (TAAC) examined several current and recently completed assessments, reconfirming that OTA effectively uses information and advice from across the Nation in carrying out its analyses and critically reviewing its work before publication. TAAC also reviewed the various activities associate with delivery of OTAs work, mainly to Congress. In this regard it is important to note that, from the outset, effective communication with interested committees needs to be maintained. Delivery is far more than transmittal of a document; it is a process that begins with scoping of the work plan, continues in the form of briefings, testimony, and some interim documents, is formalized in publication of the formal report, and then is further employed (sometimes for years) in the form of selected deliveries and follow-on analyses. Thus OTAs relatively small staff plays several key roles: formulation of studies, organization of work, analysis and synthesis of results, and delivery to Congress. We believe that no other Federal organization is comparably organized in this way, and that the agency is thus uniquely able to serve Congress in wrestling with complex sociotechnical issues. TAAC has given some thought to the kinds of issues that continue to merit OTAs attention. These include: 1. 2. 3. 4. long-term implications of advances in life sciences and their application to health care and biotechnology; the general condition of science and technology in the United States, e.g., as it affects long-term economic competitiveness; physical infrastructure issues, including transportation and utilities; and national security questions, especially the impacts of technology. During 1984, in response to TABs invitation, TAAC will examine in more detail the kinds of issues we from outside Congress believe merit OTAs attention, At this point it is our impression that the present agenda of work is extraordinarily broad, clearly relevant to public policy questions, and of unusually high quality.


4 Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 DIRECTORS STATEMENT-JOHN H. GIBBONS A sense of the future is behind all good politics. Unless we have it, we can give nothingeither wise or decentto the world. C. P. Snow By the time this report is printed well be well within Orwells year. Of course Orwell picked 1984 rather arbitrarilyhis famous novel was written in 1948 so he simply reversed the last two digits. But it serves to remind us of an enigmathe importance of thinking ahead, yet the impossibility to predict the long-term future of the human enterprise with any precision. OTA was not created to predict the future, but rather to provide a perspective of implications for the future of alternative present actions, and to maintain for Congress a sense of the future and implications of emerging developments in science and technology. The rapidly unfolding saga of science and technology was never more apparent than in 1983, and no abatement appears on the horizon. As usual, there is bad news along with the good. The microscopic world of cells, molecules, and solids of various kinds, combined with human scholarship and inventiveness, is yielding improved ways to communicate, save energy and other resources, diagnose and treat disease, better our crops, and entertain ourselves. But is also makes warfare all that more terrifying, undermines privacy, and revolutionizes our workplace in troublesome ways. Since Orwell wrote the molecules of heredity have been discovered, The understanding of the splendid and spectacular mysteries of living things is growing at a blistering pace. We now know the complete chemical structure of some viruses, and are within striking distance of determining the total genetic specification of bacteria. The implications of the extraordinary advance in knowledge are a continuing activity at OTA. While new knowledge merits a lot of investment and attention, existing resources and institutions are also keys to our survival, growth, and quality of life. Therefore OTA devotes considerable effort to analyzing the state and health of such resources as air and water quality, land productivity, materials, energy, international competitiveness of U.S. industry, the quality and cost effectiveness of health care, and critical areas of national defense. It is neither possible nor desired that OTA be the fount of wisdom on such a broad array of topics. Therefore, by design, OTA is organized to catalyze and synthesize information on controversial technical issues and to present the facts and alternative options to Congress. Since these issues are of interest to many different congressional committees, OTA acts as a shared, nonpartisan resource for Congress and, through Congress, for the American people.


Section Il.-Year in Review The assessments carried out by OTA cover a wide spectrum of major issues that Congress and the country are facing. A brief summary of each report, published by the Office during the year* is presented in this section. The reader is cautioned that these are synopses of reports. They do not cover the full range of options considered or all of the findings presented in any individual report. Wood Use: U.S. Competitiveness and Technology The United States could greatly expand its role in world forest products trade over the next decade and become a net exporter of solid wood Wood Use U.S. Competitiveness and Technology & sand paper products before 1990. For the past 30 years, the United States typically has imported more forest products than it has exported. However, because exports have grown faster than imports, the trade deficit has narrowed. This trend is likely to continue. Global demand for a wide range of forest products is growing rapidly, and the best trade opportunities for U.S. producers appear to be in the paper markets of other industrialized nations, particularly Western Europe and Japan, In contrast to many basic U.S. industries, the forest products industry has distinct advantages over its foreign competitors. It is the most productive and among the most efficient in the world, benefiting from a vast and highly productive domestic forest resource. To capitalize on international trade opportunities, the forest products industry and the Federal Government probably will have to make concerted efforts to promote exports. Although responsibility for developing foreign markets rests primarily with the private sector, Government action could assist in overcoming trade barriers which currently inhibit the competitiveness of U.S. wood products in foreign markets. Past Government and private sector concerns regarding a possible domestic timber shortfall no longer seem justified. Future timber needs, especially for housing but also for other products, probably have been overestimated. The effects of intensive timber management and the ability of wood utilization technology to stretch the wood resource, have probably been underestimated. If current trends toward more intensive forest management continue, domestic needs for wood probably can be met without dramatic price *This OTA Annual Report represents a transition from calendar year reporting to fiscal year reporting. It therefore covers the period January 1 through September 30, 1983. 25-360 0 84 2 5


6 Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 increases. To achieve the full economic potential of U.S. forestlands, however, some changes in policy would be needed, as would an estimated investment of $10 billion to $15 billion in intensive timber management over the next 35 to 50 years, Although both the Government and private sectors are now investing in intensive timber management, it is unlikely that current trends will lead to full utilization of U.S. forests. Although the Federal Government does provide financial and technical assistance to nonindustrial private landowners, who own nearly 60 percent of the Nations commercial timberland, this assistance is often limited by budget constraints and is not necessarily targeted to lands most capable of providing increased timber supplies. Greater emphasis on small-scale forestry research, technical assistance, education, and information programs, combined with more accurate channeling of such assistance to the most suitable recipients, could stimulate private forest productivity. Under the guidance of the National Forest Management Act of 1976, the U.S. Forest Service periodically prepares programs for and assessments of the Nations renewable resources. These programs, however, provide little analysis of policies and programs not administered specifically by the U.S. Forest Service, although there are many Federal, State, and local agencies which influence timber supply from public and private lands. The need for increased investments in forest productivity and research and development will be easier to establish with national timber production goals to serve as a guide. Formulation of forest policy requires up-to-date information about forest acreage, inventories, and growth trends, and realistic assumptions about future demands for forest products. Improvements in the current system for estimating prospective timber supplies and demands are needed if decisionmakers are to have adequate information for design and funding of timber management programs, private landowner assistance, and research needs. Existing and emerging technologies enable a broad range of wood products to be manufactured from currently underutilized hardwood species and from waste wood material. Expanded research in basic wood chemistry and engineering properties, and research on utilization of hardwoods and waste wood, could increase woods long-term competitive position relative to other materials, as well as the competitiveness of the U.S. forest products industry. Increased research on hardwood and waste wood utilization could also extend U.S. wood supplies, Commercial timber production is only one of the many uses for U.S. forestland. Broad-scale intensive forest management may result in increased soil loss, altered wildlife habitat, reduced water quality, and lower soil productivity. The environmental impacts of intensive forestry are not well understood, and further research on its effects will be needed if the practice becomes more widespread.


Section /lYear in Review l 7 Significant changes in Federal programs and policies probably are not required to ensure that future domestic forest products needs are met. However, OTA has identified four general policy options which Congress could consider to increase the domestic and international competitiveness of the forest products industry: 1. 2. 3. 4. Encourage research and development of forestry-related and wood utilization technologies, particularly small-scale forestry research suited to the needs of nonindustrial private landowners, basic wood chemistry and physical properties research, hardwood and waste wood utilization, and research on the environmental effects of intensive timber management. Assist exporters through negotiated reduction in barriers to trade, including tariffs, quotas, and nontariff barriers. Promote the use of U.S. wood products and building techniques overseas, using the Foreign Agriculture Services experience in agricultural export promotion as a model. Improve the quality of information needed for forest policy formulation, The greatest information needs are for up-to-date timber growth and inventory trends and improved forecasting methods which provide decisionmakers with realistic ranges of possible future timber supply and demand. Industrial Energy Use For many years to come, energy need not constrain economic growth in the United States. OTA projects that over the next two decades, investments in new manufacturing processes, a shift to less energy-intensive products, and technical innovation will lead to substantially increased energy efficiency. At the same time, these improvements will increase industrial profitability and competitiveness. As a result, OTA projects that the rate of industrial production can grow considerably faster than the rate of energy use needed for that production. Corporate investment decisionmaking appears to recognize this link between productivity and energy efficiency, All corporate projects are evaluated in terms of product demand, competition, cost of capital, cost of labor, energy and materials, and Government policy. Energy-related projects are only part of an overall strategy to improve profitability and enhance a corporations competitive position, OTA has found that corporate capital projects directed solely at improving energy efficiency are not given special status, although energy cost is an important consideration in investment decisions.


8 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 OTA examined the four most energy-intensive industries in the U.S. manufacturing sector: paper, petroleum refining, chemicals, and steel. Historical energy use was analyzed, new technologies identified that could improve energy efficiency, and future energy demand projected. In the paper industry, energy use has risen slightly since 1972, but the industry is now more energy self-sufficient. In 1981, the pulp and paper industry generated half of its energy needs from wood residues. From now through 2000, projections for the petroleum refining industry show a decline in product output, but continued, if only slight, improvement in energy efficiency. Efficiency gains will be offset by a shift to high-sulfur, heavier crude oil feedstock, and a need for additional processing of raw materials to meet market demand for highoctane, unleaded gasoline. Projections for the chemicals industry indicate an increase in energy efficiency through a combination of technological improvements to existing process equipment, technical innovation in developing new processes, and a shift from commodity chemicals, such as chlorine, to less energy-intensive specialty chemicals, such as pharmaceuticals. As the steel industry rebuilds to meet foreign competition, production will grow slowly, and will show a large reduction in energy intensity due to greater use of two new processes: the replacement of ingot casting by continuous casting, and the substitution of electric arc furnaces for the blast furnace/basic oxygen furnace combination of traditional steelmaking. OTA examined four policy options for their effects on industrial energy use. Two options were directed specifically at energy conservation investments, while the remaining two were aimed at stimulating all investment. OTAs findings suggest that the most effective Government policies to promote the efficient use of energy are not those specifically targeted to energy use, but those that improve the economic outlook and investment climate by lowering interest rates and expanding demand for goods and services. Specifically, OTA concludes that: l l l Reduction in capital costs would be the most effective means of stimulating investments that increase energy efficiency. It would also enhance the effect of the recently enacted accelerated cost recovery system (ACRS). ACRS depreciation is a positive stimulus to investment, and thus to energy conservation. But, this effect is only significant when industry is profitable and growing. Energy investment tax credits at a lo-percent level have little direct influence on capital allocation decisions in large American firms, and thus have little or no effect on energy conservation. However, energy investment tax credits aimed at third-party financing of energy production, such as cogeneration of steam and electricity, would be effective,


Section I/Year in Review l 9 l A tax on premium fuels would stimulate investment in energyefficient processes and products but would also have negative effects, For example, a premium fuels tax would increase the chemicals industrys vulnerability to foreign competition and adversely affect product sales of the petroleum refining industry. Technology and East-West Trade: An Update The recent controversies over trade sanctions and export controls have focused attention Technology and East-West Trade An 1 pdw w. on the Export Administration Act, whose renewal is now before Congress. Technology and East-West Trade: An Update, discusses a range of legislative proposals in terms of four key policy perspectives: l national security: making Soviet acquisition of militarily relevant Western technology as difficult and costly as possible; l foreign policy: safeguarding the Presidents flexibility in using export controls to advance U.S. foreign policy interests; l efficiency: making the licensing system more predictable, consistent, and efficient to enable U.S. exporters to plan ahead and to increase compliance; and l trade promotion: reducing trade restrictions, especially foreign policy controls. Some of these views are mutually compatible. For example, it is perfectly possible to strengthen national security controls while promoting flexibility in foreign policy controls. Some combinations, however, are inherently in conflict. The conflict between national security and export promotion is obvious, but there are others. For example, the very existence of foreign policy controls over exports introduces an element of unpredictability into export licensing, which works against both efficiency and trade promotion. The perceived importance of national security controls has risen, as evidence has accumulated that the Soviets have a coordinated and effective program to obtain and exploit Western technology for military purposes. Soviet efforts include both legal and illegal transfers, More effective administration and enforcement of existing controls may be more productive than controlling additional items or categories, While U.S. trade with the U.S.S.R. is small and likely to remain so, it is important for particular sectors (e. g., grain) and firms (e. g., Caterpillar). Retroactive and extraterritorial controls may have an adverse impact on West-West trade, which far exceeds East-West trade in importance to the United States. The embargoes on grain and oil and gas technology dramatically illustrate the difficulties of a policy of trade leverage against the Soviet


10 Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Union. The sanctions did hurt vulnerable sectors of the Soviet economy, but probably not enough to make a real economic difference. In fact, although such calculations are highly uncertain, the sanctions may have done more damage to the U.S. economy than the Soviet economy. Nor did they change Soviet behavior. The Soviet Union may even have benefited from the public display of Western disunity following the imposition of the pipeline sanctions, which were applied to preexisting contracts of U.S. subsidiaries and licensees based overseas. Moreover, tight U.S. export controls require the cooperation of our Allies to have a real effect on the U.S.S.R. Allied cooperation works reasonably well only where there is agreement on what should be controlled. Despite their agreement to conduct policy studies on East-West trade, there is little evidence that the West European countries and Japan will endorse the Reagan administrations position. Their future trade relations with the U.S.S.R. will be shaped more by their own domestic imperatives and worldwide economic forces than by U.S. concerns. Although the principal issues remain much the same, the stakes in East-West trade have escalated since 1979, when Congress passed the Export Administration Act. Congress was unwilling then to make consistent choices between the goals of national security and export promotion. The result was ambiguous legislation, which has allowed Presidents Carter and Reagan to pursue their own policies, in each case giving foreign policy considerations priority over U.S. export trade. This report is an update of a more comprehensive OTA report published in 1979.


Section I/Year in Review l 11 Role of Genetic Testing in the Prevention of Occupational Disease Genetic testing in the workplace is an emerging technology that could help reduce occupational disease, but there is concern about its potential misuse. Although none of the genetic tests evaluated by OTA meets established scientific criteria for routine use, existing evidence suggests the value of further research. Routine use of genetic testing, however, would raise significant legal, ethical, and policy questions. Occupational disease has a serious and far-reaching impact both on society as a whole and on individuals. Genetic testing may be helpful in reducing the incidence of disease resulting from exposure to chemicals and ionizing radiation (e.g., X-rays). The testing encompasses two types of techniques. Genetic screening involves examining an individual for certain inherited genetic traits on the assumption that the traits may predispose the person to disease when he or she is exposed to potentially hazardous chemicals. Genetic monitoring involves examining a group of workers for environmentally induced changes in the genetic material of certain cells in their bodies. The underlying assumption is that the changes indicate exposure to hazardous agents (chemicals or radiation) and that the group may be at an increased risk for disease. The information that might be provided by genetic testing would allow employers or employees to take preventive actions, but some people fear that it could result in employees being unfairly excluded from jobs. Because of conflicting accounts about the extent of testing in the workplace and the use of the results, OTA surveyed the Fortune 500 industrial companies, the 50 largest private utilities, and 11 major unions representing the largest number of employees in these companies. Of the 366 organizations responding, 6 currently were using one or more tests. 17 used some of the tests in the past 12 years, 4 anticipated testing in the next 5 years, and 55 stated they possibly would test in the next 5 years, Actions taken as a result of testing ranged from informing an employee of potential problems to changing or discontinuing a product. In view of the small number of organizations testing and inherent methodological limitations in the survey, generalization of the results to the entire survey population or US. industry as a whole is not warranted, Although the law has generally not dealt with genetic testing, many existing legal principles are directly applicable to the issues raised by this technology. An employer is responsible for workplace safety, but would not be required to use genetic testing. Under the Occupational


12 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Safety and Health Act of 1970, the Secretary of Labor could require genetic testing, if the techniques were shown to be reliable and reasonably predictive of future illness, or could regulate testing, but only in relation to employee health. The act grants no direct authority to protect employees or job applicants from employment discrimination. Job applicants or employees who were victims of adverse job actions because of their genetic makeup may have some rights under Federal and State antidiscrimination statutes, and, if genetic makeup were considered a handicap, under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Ethical principles provide some guidance for the appropriate uses of genetic testing. Because of the low correlation between genetic traits or genetic damage from exposure and disease, it would be unethical, for instance, for an employer to deny an applicant a job because of test results. Congress could take a number of specific actions to promote or control genetic testing. The options include funding additional research for the development of more reliable and predictive tests and constraining employment actions that may be taken on the basis of genetic testing. Technologies and Management Strategies for Hazardous Waste Control The Environmental Protection Agencys (EPA) regulations do not assure consistent nationwide levels of protection for human health from the potential effects of massive annual accumulations of hazardous waste. These regulations for hazardous waste management do not effectively detect, prevent, or control the release of toxic substances into the environment, particularly over the longer term. Yet every year 1 metric ton (tonne) of hazardous waste is added to the environment for every individual in the Nation. Moreover, financial restraints and lack of technical resources will make it difficult for States to fulfill their increased responsibility for waste management policy. Industry and government are spending $4 billion to $5 billion annually to manage the approximately 250 million tonnes of regulated hazardous waste generated each year, The annual costs are expected to rise to more than $12 billion (in 1981 dollars) in 1990. Some States have stricter definitions for hazardous waste than the Federal program, which regulates about 40 million tonnes annually. As their responsibilities mount, States fear reductions in Federal support and seek a stronger policy role. States sometimes cannot raise even the required minimum 10 percent of initial Superfund cleanup costs and they must assume all future operation and maintenance costs.


Section n-Year in Review l 1 3 Because there are no specific Federal technical standards for determining the extent of Superfund cleanup, and because there is an incentive under EPA rules to minimize initial costs, remedial actions may be taken that will prove ineffective in the long term. Much of the $10 billion to $40 billion which will be needed for cleaning up the 15,000 uncontrolled sites of previous disposals so far identified maybe wasted. When Superfund expires in 1985, many uncontrolled sites still will require attention. It is estimated that only $1,6 billion will be collected under Superfund by 1985 for cleanup of these sites. Inappropriate disposal of hazardous waste on land creates the risk of contaminating the environment, including ground water, which could cause adverse health effects and for which cleanup actions are costly and difficult. As much as 80 percent of regulated hazardous wastesome of which may remain hazardous for years or centuries is disposed of in or on the land. In addition, millions of tonnes of federally unregulated or exempted hazardous wastes are disposed of in sanitary landfills (meant for ordinary solid wastes) and pose substantial risks. Such exemptions cover all types of hazardous wastes from generators producing less than 1 tonne a month, and other types of waste, such as infectious waste. Current policies are likely to lead to the creation of still more uncontrolled sites which will require Superfund attention. The unregulated burning of wastes as fuel supplements in home and industrial boilers may result in toxic air pollutants. Greater use of alternatives to land disposal could increase industrys near-term costs significantly. However, years or decades from now, cleaning up a site and compensating victims might cost 10 to 100 times todays costs of preventing releases of hazardous wastes. Federal policies may reduce industrys costs of land disposal by shifting some long-term cleanup and monitoring costs to government or to society as a whole. The effect may be to retard the adoption by industry of alternatives such as waste reduction and waste treatment. A key policy issue is: Can unnecessary risks and future cleanup costs be eliminated by limiting the use of land disposal, and by making alternatives to it more attractive? The Federal regulatory program for hazardous waste management was established by the 1976 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), primarily concerned with the proper management and permitting of present and future wastes; and the Comprehensive Environmental, Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), or Superfund, enacted to deal with the many substantiated and potential hazards posed by old and often abandoned uncontrolled hazardous waste sites. The OTA study supports the need for greater integration by EPA of these two programs. 25-360 0 84 3


74 Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 PoIicy Options OTA has identified four policy optionsbeyond maintaining the current Federal programwhich could form the basis for an immediate and comprehensive approach to protecting human health and the environment from the dangers posed by mismanagement of hazardous waste: 1. Extend Federal controls to more hazardous wastes, and establish national regulatory standards based on specific technical criteria. Also restrict disposal of high-hazard wastes on land and improve procedures for permitting facilities and deregulating wastes. 2. Establish Federal fees on waste generators to support Superfund and to provide an economic incentive to reduce the generation of waste and discourage land disposal of wastes; impose higher fees on generators of high-hazard wastes that are land-disposed; provide assistance for capital investments and research and development for new waste reduction and treatment efforts. 3. Study the costs and advantages of classifying wastes and waste management facilities by degree of hazard to match hazards and risks with levels of regulatory control. 4. Examine the need for greater integration of Federal environmental programs to remove gaps, overlaps, and inconsistencies in the regulation of hazardous waste, and to make better use of technical data and personnel. Key Issues and Findings Current monitoring practices and EPA requirements under RCRA especially for land disposal sites do not lead to a high level of confidence that hazardous releases will be detected and responsive action quickly taken. There are numerous technically feasible management options for hazardous wastes, but they are not being used to their full potential. On the whole, Federal programs indirectly provide more incentive for land disposal than for treatment alternatives that permanently remove risks, or for waste reductionalthough technologies are available to reduce waste, States are being given increasing responsibilities by EPA without matching technical and financial resources. A lack of State funds often prevents Superfund cleanups. A Federal fee system on waste generators could also be used to support State programs. EPA should make better use of State data and expertise. Actions that enhance public confidence in the equity, effectiveness, and vigorous enforcement of government programs may reduce public opposition to siting hazardous waste facilities. Opposition may also be reduced by improvement in the dissemination of accurate technical information on issues such as waste treatment alternatives to land disposal,


Section I/Year in Review l 15 Q EPAs risk assessment procedures for selecting Superfund sites and for developing RCRA regulations have serious technical inadequacies that weaken protection of the public. l Data inadequacies conceal the scope and complexity of the Nations hazardous waste problems and impede effective control. There is a need for a long-term, systematic EPA plan for obtaining more complete, reliable data on hazardous waste, facilities, sites, and exposure to and effects from releases of harmful substances. l Wastes can be classified into at least three categories of hazard and, combined with facility classes, might form a technical base for Federal regulatory policies. Industrial and Commercial Cogeneration Cogenerationthe combined production of electricity and useful thermal energycould contribute significantly to reduced costs and greater *. -di&A planning flexibility for electric utilities, and to increased energy efficiency in industrial facilities, commercial buildings, and rural/agricultural areas. But cogenerations potentially large market will be limited by technical, economic, and institutional constraints. These include the difficulties in using lower cost solid fuels; competition with conservation measures; mismatches between the ratio of need for electric and thermal energy and the ratios typically produced by a cogenerating unit. The high cost of investment capital will limit opportunities further. To achieve potential long-term benefits for electric utilities, cogeneration systems must use abundant solid fuels and produce high ratios of electricity to steam (E/S). But the available high E/S systems can use only oil or natural gas. Therefore, research and development efforts should concentrate on developing high E/S cogenerators that can burn solid fuels cleanly, and on advanced combustion and conversion systems such as fluidized beds and gasifiers. Utility ownership could increase the amount of production as well as the reliability of cogenerated electricity. However, such ownership is at a competitive disadvantage because the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) limits qualifying projects to those in which a utility owns less than 50 percent equity. If the PURPA limitation were removed, concerns about the possible anticompetitive effects of utility ownership could be alleviated through careful State review of utility ownership schemes. For the near term, natural gas will be the preferred cogeneration fuel where the marginal or avoided cost rates for utility purchases of cogenerated electricity are based on the price of oil, and where natural


16 Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 gas is available. In the long term, however, natural gas is likely to be too costly for natural-gas-fired cogeneration to compete economically with electricity generated at central station coal, nuclear, or hydroelectric powerplants. Cogeneration also must compete for investment capital with conservation, which reduces steam loadsand therefore cogenerations technical potentialand which often has lower unit capital costs and shorter payback periods than cogeneration. Costs.The mean capital costs for commercially available cogenerators tend to be 20 to 40 percent lower per kilowatt than central station generating capacity. Also, the relatively small unit size and the shorter construction leadtimes of cogeneration systems mean substantial interest cost savings during construction, and greater flexibility for utilities in adjusting to unexpected changes in electricity demand than the overbuilding of central station capacity. Electricity Prices. Cogenerators have potentially lower unit costs for generating electricity than central station powerplants. However, these savings will not necessarily mean lower electricity rates if the price paid to the cogeneratorbased on avoided costsis higher than the utilitys retail rates. A price that is less than the utilitys full avoided cost, with the difference going toward rate reduction, would share any cost savings from cogeneration with the utilitys other ratepayers, but would not provide the maximum possible economic incentive to potential cogenerators. Interconnection.The primary issues are the utilities legal obligation to connect generators with the grid, the cost of the equipment, the lack of uniform guidelines, and the uncertain potential for utility system stability problems. Most of the technical aspects of interconnection are well understood, but additional research is needed to determine whether many cogenerators not centrally dispatched will cause utility system stability problems. If PURPA is not amended to require interconnection, and if utilities do not interconnect voluntarily, then the cost of obtaining an interconnection order from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission could be prohibitive for many potential cogenerators. Air Quality Impacts. Cogeneration will not automatically offer air quality improvement or degradation compared to the separate conversion technologies it will replace. Rather, its impact will vary considerably from case to case. Adverse local air quality impacts from cogeneration are most likely to occur in urban areas,


Section I/Year in Review l 17 U.S. Natural Gas Availability: Conventional Gas Supply Through the Year 2000 Describes and evaluates alternative estimates of the conventional natural gas resource base of the lower 48 States; describes and interprets past and current trends in discovery and production of this gas resource; and projects a credible range of potential (conventional) gas production for the next 15 to 20 years. Quality and Relevance of Research and Related Activities at the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory Examines the Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Inc., and its research arm, the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory (GML). It focused on: the quality of research and related activities at GML, and the relevance of GMLs work to Panama, tropical America, the United States, and the advancement of tropical medicine knowledge. Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) and the Medicare Program: Implications for Medical Technology Examines diagnosis related groups, their use in the Medicare payment system, and the potential impact on medical technology use and adoption and on technological change. Also examines the construction of DRGs, and discusses issues in implementation of the system. Habitability Issues Related to Love Canal Based on a report published by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in May 1982, which was reviewed by a multidisciplinary team of consultants for several Federal agencies, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services judged the Love Canal, N. Y., to be as habitable as the control areas with which it was compared. OTA critically reviewed EPAs habitability decision. Agricultural Postharvest* Technology and Marketing Economics Research Examines the role of the public sector in postharvest technology and marketing economics research. It describes the development of the public sector research effort; measures the cost, benefits, burdens, and quality of the research; presents guidelines for the public and private research participants; and evaluates the public sector management and policy programs.


18 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Unispace : A Context for Intonational Cooperation and Competition Discusses the issues that arose at this international conference, the positions taken by the United States, and the lessons that can be applied to future international cooperation and future civilian activities in space. Automation and the Workplace: Selected Labor, Education, and Training Issues Discusses concepts for evaluating the impacts of manufacturing automation, and describes the conduct of education, training, and retraining for persons seeking or holding jobs in manufacturing industries. The BACKGROUND PAPERS Impact of Randomized Clinical Trials on Health Policy and Medical Practice Provides materials about the history and conduct of randomized clinical trials (RCTS), a family of experiments designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of medical technologies. It examines the levels of funding over time and the actual and potential use of RCTS in forming health policy. The paper also reviews the ways in which RCTS have affected different areas of medical practice. Finally, it draws together suggestions from the literature and from people knowledgeable in the field for more effective use of RCTS in policymaking and in improving the practice of medicine. Water-Related Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture in U.S. Arid/Semiarid Lands: Selected Foreign Experience Highlights examples of water-related technologies that have been successfully applied in arid and semiarid foreign countries in a manner not being applied in the United Statesintegrated irrigation management in Pakistan, intensive water use planning in Israel, cooperative plant breeding in Senegal, native game ranching in Kenya, and guayule production in Australia. Sustaining Tropical Forest Resources: U.S. and International Institutions Describes Government, academic, and private sector institutions in the United States that are developing or implementing technologies to sustain tropical forest resources.


. Section IIYear in Review 19 Sustaining Tropical Forest Resou rces Reforestation of Degraded Lands Describes the state of the art in use of forestry technologies to restore the productivity of tropical lands that have been degraded because of human activity. Technology, lnnovation, and RegionaI Economic Development: Cencus of State Government Initiatives for High-Technology Industrial Development Identifies dedicated State government programs for high-technology firms. The Information Content of Premanufacture Notices The study assesses the extent to which current premanufacturing notice submissions either fulfill or compromise efforts to perform the preventive health and environmental protection mandate of the Toxic Substances Control Act. Technology and Handicapped People, Background Paper #2: Selected Telecommunication Devices for Hearing-impaired Persons Examines specific factors that affect the research and development, evaluation, diffusion and marketing, delivery, use, and financing of technologies directly related to disabled persons. MedicaI Technology and Costs of the Medicare Program: Variation in Hospital Length of Stay: Their Relationship to Health Outcomes Examines evidence on how variations in length of hospital stay affect patient outcomes and the implications of changes in length of stay for quality of care, access, and Medicare program costs. Medical Technology and Costs of the Medicare Program Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of Therapeutic Apheresis Examines the scientific literature on the safety, efficacy, and costs of the therapeutic apheresis (a costly procedure used to treat an increasing number of medical conditions) with particular emphasis on implications for the Medicare program.


20 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Medical Technology and Costs of the Medcare Program: THe Effectiveness and Costs of Alcoholism Treatment Examines the evidence of alcoholism treatment in a variety of settings: inpatient care, outpatient hospital care, community-based treatment centers, etc., as well as the effectiveness of various methods of treatment (chemical aversion therapy, group therapy, and Alcoholics Anonymous]. Plants: The Potentials for Extracting Protein, Medicines, and Other Usefu; Chemicals OTA conducted a workshop designed to identify technological opportunities and constraints for commercially developing protein, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and other associated extracts from plants generally and tobacco specifically. OTA examined the potential impacts that such technologies might have on improving nutrition and food quality by increasing the availability of high-quality protein. Issues addressed include: quality of current data bases on chemistry of plant extracts; status of bioassay technologies; and social, economic, environmental, and political impacts that such new technologies might generate.


Section Ill. -Work in Progress More than 25 projects were in progress during the period January ISeptember 30, 1983, including 11 new studies. This section lists the titles of projects, as of September 30, 1983, by OTAs three divisions. For a fuller description of these projects, please refer to the current Assessment Activities, OTA-PC-105, This booklet may be obtained from OTA by calling OTAs Publishing Office (202) 224-8996. Energy, Materials, and International Security Division Effects of technology on the American economic transition Energy and Materials Program Strategic responses to an extended oil disruption Potential U.S. natural gas availability Nuclear power in an age of uncertainty Industry, Technology, and Employment Program Wood in the U.S. economy, Vol. IITechnical Report Technologies to reduce U.S. materials import vulnerability Technology and structural unemployment: retraining adult displaced workers Cleanup of uncontrolled hazardous waste sites under Superfund International Security and Commerce Program International competitiveness in electronics Strategic command, control, communications, and intelligence systems International cooperation and competitiveness in civilian space activities Commercialization of land remote sensing (tech. memo) Technology transfer to the Middle East Health and Life Sciences Division Food and Renewable Resources Program Water-related technologies for sustainable agriculture in U.S. arid/semiarid lands Technologies to sustain tropical forest resources Technology, public policy, and the changing structure of American agriculture Health Program Evaluation of Agent Orange protocol (mandated study) Health and safety control technologies in the workplace Medical technology and costs of the Medicare program Federal policies and the medical devices industry Status of biomedical research and related technology for tropical diseases Blood policy and technology Biological Applications Program Commercial biotechnology: an international analysis Technology and aging in America Alternatives to animal use in testing and experimentation 25-360 0 84 4 21


22 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Science, Information, and Natural Resources Division Communication and Information Technologies Program Patents and the commercialization of new technology Computerized manufacturing automation: employment, education, and the workplace Effects of information technology on financial services systems Information technology research and development Information and communication technologies and the office Oceans and Environment Program Managing commercial high-level radioactive waste Acid rain and transported air pollutants: implications for public policy Wetlands: their use and regulation Technologies to measure, monitor, and mitigate ground water contamination Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program Airport system development Civilian space stations Technology, innovation, and regional economic development U.S. passenger rail technologies


Section IV.-Organization and Operations Created by the Technology Assessment Act of 1972 (86 Stat. 797), OTA is a part of and is responsible to the legislative branch of the Federal Government. OTA received funding in November 1973 and began operations as the second session of the 93d Congress convened in January 1974. The act provides for a bipartisan Congressional Board, a Director, and such other employees and consultants as may be necessary to conduct the Offices work. The Congressional Board is made up of six Senators, appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, and six Representatives, appointed by the Speaker of the House, evenly divided by party. In 1983, Cong. Morris Udall (D-Arizona) and Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) served as the Chairman and Vice Chairman, respectively, of the Board. The two posts alternate between the Senate and House with each Congress. The Board members from each House select their respective officer. The Congressional Board sets the policies of the Office and is the sole and exclusive body governing OTA. The Board appoints the Director, who is OTAs chief executive officer and a nonvoting member of the Board. The act also calls for a Technology Assessment Advisory Council comprised of 10 public members eminent in scientific, technological, and educational fields, the Comptroller General of the United States, and the Director of the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress. The Advisory Council advises the Board and the Director on such matters as the balance, comprehensiveness, and quality of OTAs work, and OTAs nongovernmental resources. In providing assistance to Congress, OTA is to: identify existing or probable impacts of technology or technological programs; where possible, ascertain cause-and-effect relationships of the applications of technology; identify alternative technological methods of implementing specific actions; identify alternative programs for achieving requisite goals; estimate and compare the impacts of alternative methods and programs; present findings of completed analyses to the appropriate legislative authorities; identify areas where additional research or data collection is required to provide support for assessments; and undertake such additional associated activities as may be necessary. 23


24 Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 INITIATION, PROCESSING, AND FLOW OF ASSESSMENTS OTAs primary function is to provide congressional committees with assessments or studies that identify the range of probable consequences, social as well as physical, of policy alternatives affecting the uses of technology. Requests for OTA assessments may be initiated by: the chairman of any standing, special, select, or joint committee of Congress, acting alone, at the request of the ranking minority member, or at the request of a majority of the committee members; l the OTA Board; or c the OTA Director, in consultation with the Board. The authorization of specific assessment projects and the allocation of funds for their performance is the responsibility of the OTA Board. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE The Office is organized into three operating divisions, each headed by an assistant director. The three divisions are Energy, Materials, and International Security; Health and Life Sciences; and Science, Information, and Natural Resources. They encompass assessments grouped in the areas of energy and materials; international security and commerce; industry, technology, and employment; biological applications; food and renewable resources; health; communication and information technologies; oceans and environment; and science, transportation, and innovation. See chart detailing OTAs organizational structure. Staff professionals represent a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds, including the physical, biological, and environmental sciences, engineering, social sciences, law, and public administration. Professionals from executive branch agencies, detailed to OTA on a temporary basis, and participants in several congressional fellowship programs also contribute to the work of the Office. The private sector is heavily involved in OTA studies as a source of expertise and perspectives while an assessment is in progress. Contractors and consultants are drawn from industry, universities, private research organizations, and public interest groups. OTA works to ensure that the views of the public are fairly reflected in its assessments. OTA involves the public in many waysthrough advisory panels, workshops, surveys, and formal and informal public meetings. These interactions provide citizens with access to information and help OTA identify contrasts between the perspectives of technically trained and lay citizens.


Section IVOrganization and Operations l 25 Energy & Materials Program International Security & Commerce Program Industry, Technology, Employment Program & x A@emtk -@lli9hdh Snion8u$tdaiwi Food & Renewable Resources Program Health Program Biological Applications Program F :$dame? me ? mn@Mmo8 tmf$lan L Communication & Information Technologies Program Oceans & Environment Program Science, Transportation, & Innovation Program OPERATIONS Publishing Activities During the period January 1 through September 30, 1983, OTA delivered 36 published documents to Congress. These included: 11 assessment reports, 7 technical memoranda, 7 background papers, 3 health technology case studies, 1 workshop proceeding, and 7 administrative reports. Requests for OTA Publications During the period January 1 through September 30, 1983, OTAs Publishing Office received an average of 120 telephone and mail requests


26 l Annual Report to the Congress for 198.3 per day. Additional requests were processed by OTA program offices and the OTA Congressional Relations and Public Affairs Office and are not included in the above statistics. Private Sector Reprinting of OTA Publications To date, 41 OTA publications have been reprinted (in whole or in part) by commercial publishers or private organizations. Among the reports reprinted during the 9-month period were the following: The International Council for Computers in Education, a nonprofit organization based in Eugene, Oreg., requested permission to reprint the Summary: Information Technology and Its Impact on American Education to be used in their international magazine THE COMPUTING TEACHER. Springer Publishing Co. (New York) reprinted the publication Technology and Handicapped People. The University of Phoenix requested permission to reprint the Summary: The Implications of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Medical Technology. The document was used as learning material for a course on professional communications at the university. Harwood Academic Publishers (New York) requested permission to reprint the Summary: Managing Commercial High-Level Radioactive Waste. Pergamon International Information Corp. (Virginia) requested permission to reprint MX Missile Basing and The Role of Genetic Testing in the Prevention of Occupational Disease. Educational Research Service, Inc. (Virginia) reprinted the Summary: Information Technology and Its Impact on American Education in their periodical SCHOOL RESEARCH FORUM. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information Resources (funded by the National Institute of Education) requested permission to reprint the Summary: Information Technology and Its Impact on American Education. Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun-sha, a Japanese-based publishing company, requested permission to reprint in a Japanese version extractions of OTAs publication Computer-Based National Information Systems.


Section IVOrganization and Operations l 27 Private Sector Sales The following is a partial listing of copies sold of reprinted OTA publications during calendar year 1983, Number of Westview Press copies sold l Genetic Technologies: A New Frontier . . . 3,905 l Technology and Soviet Energy Availability. . . 395 c Cancer Risks: Assessing and Reducing the Dangers in Our Society . . . . . . . . . 887 l Energy From Biological Processes: Technical and Policy Options . . . . . ... . . . . 304 McGraw Hill Publishing Co. c World Petroleum Availability: 1980-2000. . . . 163 l Enhanced Oil Recovery Potential in the U.S. . . 75 l Energy From Biological Processes: Technical and Environmental Analyses. . . . . . 50 l An Assessment of Oil Shale Technologies . . 191 Allanheld, Osmun & Co. l Technology and East-West Trade . . . . 159 l Residential Energy Conservation . . . . 115 Q The Effects of Nuclear War. . . . . 7,126 Cheshire Books c The Day After Midnight: The Effects of Nuclear War 12,000 25,270 Sales of Publications Government Printing Office. Sales of OTA publications by the Superintendent of Documents continue to increase, In fiscal year 1983 the number of titles put on sale was 132 and GPO sold 33,125 copies. National Technical Information Service. -NTIS sells scientific reports and papers that are, generally, not in great demand but are useful for scientific researchers. NTIS is the outlet for OTAs assessment working papers and contractor reports, plus those reports that are out of print by GPO. NTIS has sold 30,218 copies of OTA reports through September 1983.


28 Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Organizational Roster of OTA Staff as of September 198 3 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR John H. Gibbons, Director Sue Bachtel, Executive Assistant Holly Gwin, Secretary Barbara OBryan, Secretary Congressional Relations and Public Affairs Office Edwin K. Hall, Director of CRPA Linda Long, Secretary Jean McDonald, Press Officer Annette Taylor, Assistant to the Press Officer Eugenia Ufholz, TAB/TAAC Relations Medical Services Rose McNair, Resident Nurse ENERGY, MATERIALS, AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION Lionel S. Johns, Assistant Director Beth Alexiou, Division Assistant Technology and Economic Transition Henry Kelly, Project Director Debra Harris, Administrative Assistant Energy and Materials Program Richard Rowberg, Program Manager Thomas Bull, Senior Analyst Alan Crane, Project Director Nancy Naismith, Project Director Steve Plotkin, Project Director Mary Procter, Senior Analyst Pidge Quigg, Administrative Assistant Jenifer Robison, Project Director James Ryan, Senior Analyst Edna Saunders, Secretary Joanne Seder, Analyst Richard Thoreson, Senior Analyst International Security and Commerce Program Peter Sharfman, Program Manager Douglas Adkins, Senior Analyst John Alic, Project Director Eric Bazques, Analyst Bruce Blair, Project Director Richard Dalbello, Analyst Martha Harris, Project Director Gordon Law, Senior Analyst Nancy Lubin, Analyst Dorothy Richroath, Editorial Assistant Jacqueline Robinson, Administrative Assistant Ray Williamson, Project Director Industry, Technology, and Employment Program Audrey Buyrn, Program Manager Lance Antrim, Project Director Patricia Canavan, Secretary Carol Drohan, Administrative Assistant Wendell Fletcher, Senior Analyst Julie Gorte, Project Director Joel Hirschhorn, Senior Associate Karen Larsen, Senior Analyst Suellen Pirages, Senior Analyst HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES DIVISION H. David Banta, Assistant Director Ogechee Koffler, Division Assistant Biological Applications Program Gretchen Kolsrud, Program Manager Susan Clymer, Research Analyst Robert Cook-Deegan, Analyst David McCallum, Senior Analyst Nanette Newell, Project Director Elma Rubright, Administrative Assistan t Louise Williams, Senior Analyst


. Section IVOrganization and Operations l 29 Food and Renewable Resources Program Walter E. Parham, Program Manager Phyllis Balan, Administrative Assistant Nellie Hammond, Secretary Alison Hess, Research Analyst Barbara Lausche, Project Director Michael Phillips, Project Director Bruce Ross, Project Director Carolyn Swarm, Secretary Phyllis Windle, Analyst Health Program Clyde Behney, Program Manager Anne Kesselman Burns, Project Director Virginia Cwalina, Administrative Assistant Hellen Gelband, Project Director Michael Gough, Senior Associate Jack Langenbrunner, Analyst Brenda Miller, Word Processor/ P.C. Specialist Jennifer Nelson, Secretary Gloria Ruby, Analyst Jane Sisk, Project Director SCIENCE, INFORMATION, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION John Andelin, Assistant Director Doris Smith, Division Assistant Communication and Information Technologies Program Rick Weingarten, Program Manager Lauren Ackerman, Research Assistant Prudence Adler, Analyst Marjory Blumenthal, Project Director Beth Brown, Project Director Elizabeth Emanuel, Administrative Assistant Linda Garcia, Analyst Shirley Gayheart, Secretary Zalman Shaven, Project Director Jean Smith, Analyst Donna Valtri, Project Director Marsha Williams, Secretary Fred Wood, Project Director Oceans and Environment Program Robert Niblock, Program Manager Chris Ansell, Research Analyst William Barnard, Project Director Kathleen Beil, Administrative Assistant Thomas Cotton, Project Director James Curlin, Senior Associate Robert Friedman, Project Director Joan Ham, Analyst Peter Johnson, Project Director Daniel Kevin, Analyst Jacqueline Mulder, Secretary Kay Senn, Secretary Paula Stone, Senior Analyst Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program William Mills, Program Manager Phil Chandler, Analyst Marsha Fenn, Administrative Assistant Karen Gamble, Analyst Bryan Harrison, Word Processor Specialist Larry L. Jenney, Project Director Paul Phelps, Project Director Paula Walden, Research Analyst OPERATIONS DIVISION Bart McGarry, Operations Manager Ann Woodbridge, Management Analyst Administrative Services Thomas P. McGurn, Administrative Officer Susan Carhart, Director of Contracts and General Counsel Alexandra Ferguson, Contract Specialist Edith Franzen, Conference Center Coordinator Lisa Raines, Contract Specialist/ Attorney 25-360 0 84 5


30 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Budget and Financial Operations Jane Easton, Budget and Finance Officer Joan Camino, Budget and Finance Assistant Carolyn Harris, Budget Specialist and Clerical Assistant Loretta OBrien, Data Base Administrator Information Center Martha Dexter, Manager, Information Services Suzanne Boisclair, Information Technician Vermille Davis, Information Technician Diane Rafferty, Asst. Manager, Information Services Personnel Office William Norris, Personnel Officer Lola Craw, Personnel Specialist Denise DeSanctis, Personnel Assistant Publishing Office John C. Holmes, Publishing Officer John Bergling, Graphic Designer/ Illustrator Kathie S. Boss, Technical Specialist Debra Datcher, Administrative Assistant Joe Henson, Deputy Publishing Officer




Appendix A List of Advisors and Panel Members ENERGY, MATERIALS, AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY DIVISION Energy and Materials Program Industrial and Commercial Cogeneration Advisory Panel James J. Stukel, Chairman Director Public Policy Program College of Engineering University of Illinois Roger Blobaum Roger Blobaum & Associates William H. Corkran General Manager The Easton Utilities Commission Claire T. Dedrick* Air Resources Board State of California Steven Ferrey Energy Counsel National Consumer Law Center, Inc. Todd La Porte Institute of Government Studies University of California Evelyn Murphy c/o Evelyn Murphy Committee Theodore J. Nagel Senior Executive Vice President American Electric Power Service Corp. Thomas W. Reddoch Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering University of Tennessee Bertram Schwartz Senior Vice President Consolidated Edison Co. of New York Harry M. Trebing Director, Institute of Public Utilities Michigan State University Thomas F. Widmer Vice President, Engineering Thermo Electron Corp. Robert H. Williams Center for Environmental Studies Princeton University Industrial Energy Use Advisory Panel Herbert Fusfeld, Chairman Director Center for Science and Technology Policy New York University E. Milton Bevington President Servidyne, Inc. Harold Bogart Consultant Carlton Burtt Equitable Life Assurance Society William U. Chandler Senior Associate Worldwatch Institute William Cunningham Research Department AFL-CIO Gordon Geiger Director of Technology North Star Steel J. M. Leathers Vice President Dow Chemical Co. Harvey N. Morris President Harvey Morris Associates John Myers Professor Department of Economics Southern Illinois University Henry Page Manager Federal Government Relations Sun Refining & Marketing Co. Rudolph G. Penner Resident Scholar American Enterprise Institute Richard Pool Associate Director of Energy Kaiser Aluminum & Chemicals Corp. *Ex-officio member from the OTA Technology Assessment Advisory Council 33


34 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Rosalie Wolf Treasurer International Paper Co. Nuclear Power in an Age of Uncertainty Advisory Panel George Rathjens, Chairman Professor Center for International Studies Harvard University James K. Asseltine Commissioner U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Jan Beyea Senior Scientist National Audubon Society Richard Dean Vice President General Atomic Corp. Thomas Dillon Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy George Dilworth Assistant General Manager Tennessee Valley Authority Linn Draper Vice President Gulf States Utilities Victor Gilinsky Commissioner U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fritz Heimann, Esq. Counsel General Electric Co. Leonard Hyman Vice President Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Robert Koger Chairman North Carolina Utilities Commission Myron Kratzer Vice President International Energy Associates, Ltd. Byron Lee Senior Vice President Commonwealth Edison Jessica Tuchman Mathews Vice President World Resources Institute Arthur Porter David Rose Professor of Nuclear Physics Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lee Schipper Staff Scientist Lawrence Berkeley Labs James Sweeney Director Energy Modeling Forum Stanford University Eric Van Loon Executive Director Union of Concerned Scientists Potential U.S. Natural Gas Availability Advisory Panel William Vogely, Chairman Department of Mineral Economics Pennsylvania State University Marc Cooper Research Consultant Consumer Energy Council of America Lloyd Elkins Petroleum Consultant Ed Erickson Professor of Economics and Business Department of Economics and Business North Carolina State University Daniel Grubb Vice President, Gas Supply Natural Gas Pipeline Co. John Haun Professor of Geology Colorado School of Mines Donald Kash Director Science and Public Policy Program University of Oklahoma Harry C. Kent Director Potential Gas Agency Colorado School of Mines Lawrence Moss Independent Consultant Roy E. Roadifer Chief Geologist Mobil Oil Corp. Benjamin Schlesinger Principal Energy and Environment Division Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Inc.


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 35 John C. Sharer Assistant Director Unconventional Natural Gas Gas Research Institute John Weyant Deputy Director Energy Modeling Forum Stanford University Ex. Officio: John Schanz Senior Specialist in Energy Research Policy Congressional Research Service Library of Congress Strategic Responses to an Extended Oil Disruption Advisory Panel Rodney W. Nichols, Chairman Executive Vice President The Rockefeller University Al Alm Deputy Director U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Richard E. Archer Assistant Professor Design Program Southern Illinois University Jan Brinch Independent Consultant Energy Analysis and Planning Mueller Associates Nazli Choucri Professor Department of Political Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ernest L. Daman Senior Vice President Foster Wheeler Corp. Michael Del Grande Manager, Energy and Environment American Telephone & Telegraph Co. Bob Hemphill, Jr. Associate Director Applied Energy Services, Inc. Brad Holloman New York State Energy Research Development Authority Robert L. Judd Director Governors Office of Appropriate Technology State of California Terry Lash Deputy Director Department of Nuclear Safety State of Illinois Ray Maliszewski Assistant Vice President Bulk Transmission Planning American Electric Power Service Corp. Hal Miller, Jr. Vice President for Planning and Rates Transco Energy Co. Roberta Nichols Vice President Ford Motor Co. Christopher Palmer Director, Energy and Environment National Audubon Society Richard A. Rettig Professor Department of Social Sciences Illinois Institute of Technology Walter S. Salant Senior Economist (retired) The Brookings Institution Joanna Underwood Executive Director INFORM Fred Wilson, P.E. Assistant to the Senior Vice President Texaco, Inc. Herb H. Woodson Director, Center for University of Texas Energy Studies


36 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 International Security and Common. Program International Competitiveness in Electronics Advisory Panel Katherine D. Seelman, Chairperson Consultant New York, N.Y. Jack C. Acton Executive Vice President Kennemetal Inc. Steve Beckman Research Analyst Industrial Union Department AFL-CIO A. Terry Brix President Temar Ltd. Seattle, Wash. Richard P. Case Lab Director IBM Corp. Ruth Schwartz Cowan Associate Professor of History SUNY-Stony Brook William Kay Dairies Executive Vice President American Retail Federation Leonard Dietch Vice President, Product Development Zenith Radio Corp. Isaiah Frank William Clayton Professor of International Economics The Johns Hopkins University F. Willard Griffith, II President and Chief Executive Officer GC International Robert R. Johnson Senior Vice President Engineering and Information Systems Energy Conversion Devices, Inc. Richard A. Kraft President Matsushita Industrial Co. E. Floyd Kvamme Vice President and General Manager National Advanced Systems Geraldine McArdle McArdle Associates Reston, Va. Charles Phipps Vice President Corporate Development Texas Instruments, Inc. K. M. Poole Head, Integrated Circuit Planning Department Bell Telephone Laboratories Benjamin M. Rosen Partner Sevin Rosen Management Co. Kate Wilhelm Author Robert B. Wood Director of Research International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Michael Y. Yoshino Professor of Business Administration Harvard Business School Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence Systems (C 3 I) Advisory Panel John S. Toll, Chairman President University of Maryland Lew Allen, Jr. General, USAF (Retired) Director Jet Propulsion Laboratory Al Babbitt Vice President and General Manager Command Systems IBM Corp. Neil Birch President Birch Associates, Inc. Gerald Dinneen Vice President Science and Technology Honeywell Robert R. Everett President The Mitre Corp. Edward Goldstein Assistant Vice President Financial Management AT&T Co. Arnold Horelick The Rand Corp. William Kaufman Professor of Political Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 37 Glenn Kent Lt. General, USAF (Retired) The Rand Corp. Isaac C. Kidd, Jr. Admiral, USN (Retired) Falls Church, Va. Kostas J. Liopiros Consultant Annandale, Va. William Perry Managing Partner Hambrecht & Quist Jack Ruina Professor of Electrical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Brent Scrowcroft Lt. General, USAF (Retired) Bethesda, Md. Walter Slocombe, Esq. Kaplan & Drysdale Leon Sloss President Leon Sloss Associates John D. Steinbruner Director Foreign Policy Studies Program The Brookings Institution John Stenbit Vice President Requirements & Group Development TRW Defense Systems Group Jerome B. Wiesner President Emeritus Massachusetts Institute of Technology International Cooperation and Competition in Space Advisory Panel Paul Doty, Chairman Center for Science and International Affairs Harvard University Benjamin Bova President National Space Institute Robert Evans Vice President IBM Corp. Robert A. Frosch Vice President, Research General Motors Research Laboratories Eilene Galloway Consultant Washington, D.C. Ivan Getting Consultant Los Angeles, Calif. Mireille Gerard Administrator, Corporate and Public Programs American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Benjamin Huberman Vice President Consultants International Group Inc. Walter McDougall Associate Professor of History Woodrow Wilson Space and Science Division National Air and Space Museum Smithsonian Institution John Mayo Vice President Bell Laboratories John L. McLucas President COMSAT World Systems Division Martin Menter, Esq. Brigadier General (Retired) Arthur Morrissey Director, Future Systems Martin Marietta Aerospace Fred Raynes Vice President Grumman International Inc. Gary Saxonhouse Professor of Economics University of Michigan Jerome Simonoff Vice President CitiCorp Industrial Credit, Inc. Leonard Sussman Executive Director Freedom House John Townsend President Fairchild Space & Electronics Co. Laurel Wilkening Director Lunar and Planetary Laboratory University of Arizona Elizabeth Young President Public Service Satellite Consortium


38 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Workshop: International Trading Regime for Space-Related Equipment and Services Edwin Barber International Affairs Officer Office of Trade Finance U.S. Department of the Treasury Willard Demory Assistant Bureau Chief International Common Carrier Bureau U.S. Federal Communications Commission Ava Feiner Director of Trade Policy International Division Chamber of Commerce of the USA Sanford Rederer Consultant Kurth & Co. Richard Self Deputy Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Services John Suomela Director, Office of Economics U.S. International Trade Commission Technology Transfer to the Middle East Advisory Panel George Bugliarello, Chairman President Polytechnic Institute of New York Fouad Ajami Professor School of Advanced International Studies The Johns Hopkins University J. S. Dana Consultant and Former President South Hampton Refining Co. Farouk El-Baz Vice President International Development ITEK Optical Systems Ragaei El-Mallakh Professor International Research Center for Energy and Development University of Colorado James A. Finneran Vice President Worldwide Process Operations M. W. Kellogg Co. Eric Glasscott Director of Marketing Continental Page Consultants Carl N. Hodges* Director Environmental Research Laboratory University of Arizona Gary Hufbauer Consultant Institute for International Economics J. C. Hurewitz Professor Director of Middle East Institute Columbia University Charles Issawi Professor Near East Studies Princeton University T. R. McLinden Manager, Special Projects Transworld Airlines Joseph Nye Professor Kennedy School of Government Harvard University Anthony Pascal Consultant The Rand Corp. William H. Pickering President Pickering Associates Corp. William B. Quandt Senior Feller The Brookings Institution Joseph J. Sisco Consultant Sisco Associates Joseph S. Szyliowicz Professor Graduate School of International Studies University of Denver Ted Taylor Consultant Appropriate Solar Technology Institute William L. Weirich Medical Advisor Hospital Corp. of America Sam Wells Director International Security Studies Program The Wilson Center Smithsonian Institution Ex-officio member from the OTA Technology Assessment Advisory Council.


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 39 industry, Technology, and Employment Program Technologies and Management Strategies for Hazardous Waste Control Advisory Panel Sam Gusman, Chairman Senior Associate Conservation Foundation David Boltz Director, Solid Waste Control Environmental Control Division Bethlehem Steel Corp. Frank Collins* Physical Chemist and Consultant Oil, Chemical & Atomic Workers International Union Stacy Daniels Research Specialist Environmental Sciences Research Laboratory Dow Chemical, U.S.A. Jeffrey Diver Senior Environmental Counsel Waste Management, Inc. Philippa Foot Professor Department of Philosophy University of California, Los Angeles Thomas H. Goodgame Director of Corporate Environmental Control Research and Engineering Center Whirlpool Corp. Diane Graves Conservation Chairman N.J. Chapter of the Sierra Rolf Hartung Professor of Toxicology School of Public Health University of Michigan Robert L. Judd Director Club Office of Appropriate Technology State of California Kenneth S. Kamlet Director, Pollution and Toxic Substances Division National Wildlife Federation Terry Lash Deputy Director Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety David Lennett Attorney Environmental Defense Fund Resigned Sept. 30, 1982 Joe J. Mayhew Manager of Solid Waste Programs Chemical Manufacturers Association Randy Mott Attorney Hazardous Waste Treatment Council John M. Mulvey Director of Engineering Management Systems Princeton University School of Engineering/Applied Science Delbert Rector Chief, Environmental Services Division Michigan Department of Natural Resources Gerard Addison Rohlich LBJ School of Public Affairs University of Texas at Austin Reva Rubenstein Manager of the Institute of Chemical Waste Management National Solid Wastes Management Association Bernard Simonsen Vice President IT Corp. George M. Woodwell Director of the Ecosystems Center Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Mass. Wood Use: U.S. Competitiveness and Technology Advisory Panel Larry Tombaugh, Chairman Dean Department of Forestry Michigan State University Darius Adams Department of Forest Management Oregon State University Clark Binkley Assistant Professor School of Forestry and Environmental Studies Yale University Carroll Brock Vice President M. J. Brock & Sons Sacramento, Calif. M. Rupert Cutler Senior Vice President The Audubon Society


40 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Judge Ormond S. Danford Private Forest Land Owner Robert D. Day Executive Director Renewable Natural Resources Foundation Brock Evans Vice President for National Issues The Audubon Society Kirk Ewart Director Governmental and Environmental Affairs Department Boise Cascade Corp. R. Rodney Foil Director Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station Carter Kiethley Executive Director Wood Heating Alliance Peter Kirby, Esq. Counsel The Wilderness Society Dudley Kircher Vice President, Corporate Communications Mead Corp. Bruce Lippke Manager of Marketing and Economic Research Weyerhaeuser Corp. Norma Pace Senior Vice President American Paper Institute Carl Reidel Director The Environmental Program University of Vermont John Ward Director, International Trade National Forest Products Association Henry Webster Director Forest Management Division Michigan Department of Natural Resources John Zivnuska Department of Forestry and Resource Management University of California Technologies to Reduce U.S. Materials Import Vulnerability Advisory Panel Arden Bement Vice President, Technical Resources TRW, Inc. Edwin Clark Senior Associate Conservation Foundation Tom Clough Director of Technology Atlantic Richfield Co. Robert G. Dunn Senior Vice President AMAX Metals Group Robert Ellsworth President Robert Ellsworth & Co. Michael E. Fisher Professor of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics Cornell University Herbert H. Kellogg Professor of Extractive Metallurgy Columbia University Hans Landsberg Senior Fellow Resources for the Future Jessica Mathews Vice President World Resources Institute William A. Owczarski Manager, Technical Planning Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Group Walter S. Owen Professor of Materials Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology R. Byron Pipes Director, Center for Composite Materials University of Delaware R. K. Pitler Senior Vice President and Technical Director Allegheny-Ludlum Research Center W. Readey Head, Department of Ceramic Engineering The Ohio State University


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 41 James K. Sebenius Assistant Professor John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University Albert Sobey Director, Energy Economics General Motors Corp. Alex Zucker Associate Director Oak Ridge National Laboratory Cleanup of Uncontrolled Hazardous Waste Sites Under Superfund Advisory Panel Martin Alexander Department of Agronomy Cornell University K. W. Brown Professor of Soil and Crop Sciences Texas A&M University Morton Corn Professor and Division Director Department of Environmental Health Sciences School of Hygiene and Public Health The Johns Hopkins University Bonnie L. Exner Consultant Governors Lowry Landfill Monitoring Committee State of Colorado Ted Greenwood Research Associate Center for International Studies Massachusetts Institute of Technology Linda E. Greer Science Associate Environmental Defense Fund Robert G. Kissell Senior Consultant in Engineering Service Division E. I. du Pent de Nemours & Co., Inc. Gary E. Kovall Manager, Environmental Legislative and Regulatory Affairs ARCO Petroleum Products Co. Stephen U. Lester Consultant Citizens Clearinghouse for Hazardous Waste Arlington, Va. Adeline G. Levine Professor of Sociology State University of New York at Albany Randy M. Mott, Esq. Breed, Abbott & Morgan Norman H. Nosenchuck Director Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste New York State Department of Environmental Conservation James T. ORourke Senior Vice President, Industrial Group Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. James W. Patterson Professor and Chairman Pritzker Department of Environmental Engineering Illinois Institute of Technology Robert Repetto Senior Associate World Resources Institute Bernard L. Simonsen Vice President, Administration and Corporate Planning IT Corp. William A. Wallace Director Solid and Hazardous Waste Management CH2M HILL


42 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES DIVISION Biological Applications Program Genetic Testing in the Prevention of Occupational Disease Advisory Panel Arthur D. Bloom, Chairman Professor of Pediatrics College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University J. Grant Brewen Director Molecular and Applied Genetics Lab Allied Chemical Corp. Eula Bingham Dean, Graduate School Department of Environmental Health University of Cincinnati Patricia Buffler Associate Dean University of Texas School of Public Health Ira H. Cisin Director, Social Research Group The George Washington University Burford W. Culpepper Medical Director E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. James D. English Associate General Counsel United Steelworkers of America Neil Holtzman Associate Professor Johns Hopkins Hospital Paul Kotin Johns Manville Corp. (retired) Thomas O. McGarity Professor, School of Law University of Texas at Austin Rafael Moure Industrial Hygienist Health and Safety Department Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers Union Robert F. Murray, Jr. Chief, Division of Medical Genetics College of Medicine Howard University Elena Nightingale Scholar and Resident Institute of Medicine National Academy of Sciences Gilbert Omenn Dean, School of Public Health University of Washington William N. Rom Associate Professor Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental Health University of Utah Medical Center Stuart Schweitzer Director Program in Health Planning and Policy Analysis School of Public Health University of California Robert Veatch Professor of Medical Ethics The Kennedy Institute of Ethics Georgetown University Commercial Biotechnology: An International Analysis Advisory Panel Michael Hooker, Chairman President Bennington College Howard Bremer Patent Counsel Wisconsin Alumni Research Federation Robert Fildes President Cetus Corp. Julian Gresser Professor, Program in Science, Technology, and Society Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ralph Hardy Director, Life Sciences E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Zsolt Harsanyi Vice President, Biotech Group E. F. Hutton Peter Hutt, Esq. Covington & Burling David Jackson Scientific Director Genex Corp.


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 43 William Maxon Group Manager, Fermentation Products Production Upjohn Co. Laura Meagher Acting Administrator North Carolina Biotechnology Center Robert R. Miller Director, International Business Courses University of Houston Dorothy Nelkin Professor, Program on Science, Technology and Society Cornell University Norman Oblon Oblon, Fisher, Spivak, McClelland & Maier David Padwa Chairman of the Board Agrigenetics David Parkinson Director of Occupational Medicine Program Falk Clinic University of Pittsburgh Phillip A. Sharp Professor of Biology Center for Cancer Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology William J. Whelan Chairman, Biochemistry School of Medicine University of Miami John Zysman Director, Roundtable for International Economics University of California, Berkeley Technology and Aging in America Advisory Panel Robert Binstock, Chairman Director, Policy Center on Aging Brandeis University Ray Bartus Group Leader of Geriatrics Medical Research Division Lederle Laboratories Robert Berliner Dean School of Medicine Yale University Robert Butler Chairman, Department of Geriatrics and Adult Education Mt. Sinai Medical Center Robert Clark Associate Professor Department of Economics and Business North Carolina State University Lee Davenport Senior Vice President and Chief Scientist GTE Corp. Ken Dychtwald President Dychtwald & Associates Caleb Finch Professor of Biological Sciences and Gerontology University of Southern California Velma Murphy Hill Director Civil and Human Rights Division Service Employees International Union Robert L. Kane Senior Researcher The Rand Corp. Paul A. Kerschner Associate Director for Programs, Legislation and Development National Retired Teachers Association American Association of Retired Persons Maggie Kuhn Founder and National Convener Gray Panthers Matt Lind Vice President Corporate Planning and Research The Travelers Insurance Co. Robert G. Lynch Vice President, Marketing Planning GTE Corp. Mathy D. Mezey Director Teaching Nursing Home Program University of Pennsylvania Hamish Munro Professor of Medicine and Nutrition Tufts University


44 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Bernice Neugarten Professor of Education and Sociology Northwestern University Sara Rix Director of Research The Womens Research and Education Institute Pauline Robinson Research Professor of Gerontology University of Southern California John Rowe Chief of Geriatrics Beth Israel Hospital Bert Seidman Department of Occupational Safety, Health and Social Security AFL-CIO Jacob Siegel Senior Researcher Center for Population Research Georgetown University Workshop: Impacts of Neuroscience Barbara Mishkin, Chair Hogan & Hartson W. Kent Anger Chief, Neurobehavioral Research Section Applied Psychology and Ergonomics Branch National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Raymond Bartus Group Leader Department of Central Nervous System Research Medical Research Division Lederle Laboratories American Cyanamid Co. David L. Bazelon Senior Circuit Judge U.S. Court of Appeals District of Columbia Circuit Floyd E. Bloom Director, Davis Center for Behavioral Neurobiology Salk Institute Greg R. Christoph Principal Scientist Neurobiology Group Central Research and Development Department E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. David Cohen Leading Professor and Chairman Department of Neurobiology and Behavior State University of New York, Stony Brook Joe Dan Coulter Associate Professor Marine Biomedical Institute University of Texas Medical Branch Miriam Davis Science Policy Research Division Congressional Research Service Library of Congress John Dowling Professor, Department of Biology Harvard University John Hildebrand Professor Department of Biological Sciences Columbia University Jack Houck President, Endorphin, Inc., and Virginia Mason Research Center Seattle, Wash. Zaven S. Khachaturian Chief, Physiology of Aging Branch Biomedical Research and Clinical Medicine Division National Institute on Aging Dennis Landis Assistant Professor Department of Neurology Massachusetts General Hospital Candace Pert Chief, Section on Brain Biochemistry Neuroscience Branch National Institute of Mental Health Dominick P. Purpura Dean, School of Medicine Stanford University Michael Riddiough Consultant Syntex Corp. Joshua Sanes Assistant Professor of Physiology Department of Physiology and Biophysics Washington University Medical Center


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 45 Alternatives to Animal Use in Testing and Experimentation Advisory Panel Arthur L. Caplan, Chair Associate for the Humanities Hastings Center Perrie M. Adams Professor of Psychiatry Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Research University of Texas Melvin Balk Vice President and Scientific Director Charles River Breeding Laboratories, Inc. Earle W. Brauer Vice President, Medical Affairs Revlon Research Center David J. Brusick Molecular Sciences Directorate Litton Bionetics G. Gilbert Cloyd Human and Environmental Safety Division Miami Valley Laboratories W. Jean Dodds Division of Laboratories and Research New York State Department of Health Kurt Enslein President Health Designs, Inc. Alan M. Goldberg Director, The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing Richard M. Hoar Associate Director Division of Toxicology and Pathology Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc. Peter Hutt, Esq. Covington & Burling Connie Kagan Animal Political Action Committee Ronald Lament-Havers Director, Research Administration Massachusetts General Hospital John McArdle Associate Director Institute for Study of Animal Problems Humane Society of the United States Robert A. Neal President Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology J. Wesley Robb Professor of Religion School of Religion Professor of Bioethics School of Medicine University of Southern California Andrew N. Rowan Assistant Dean for New Programs School of Veterinary Medicine Tufts University Jeri Sechzer Associate Professor Department of Psychiatry The New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center Henry Spira Director Coalitions to Abolish the LD50 and Draize Tests Food and Renewable Resources Program Water-Related Technologies for William T. Dishman Sustainable Agriculture in U.S. Rancher Arid/Semiarid Lands Advisory Panel Idaho James B. Kendrick, Jr., Chairman Harold E. Dregne Vice President Professor Agriculture and University Services University of California, Berkeley Alton A. Adams, Jr. President Adams & Associates Wilbert H. Blackburn Professor Department of Range Science Texas A&M University Department of Plant and Soil Science Texas Tech University Chester E. Evans USDA Research Director (retired) Colorado Larry J. Gordon Director Albuquerque Environmental Health Department


46 Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Robert M. Hagan Professor Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources University of California, Davis David E. Herrick U.S. Forest Service (retired) Western Agricultural Research Committee Colorado Helen Ingram Professor Department of Government University of Arizona, Tucson Cyrus McKell Director of Research Plant Resources Institute Utah Michael F. McNulty Director Tucson Active Management Area Arizona Department of Water Resources Milton E. Mekelburg President National Association of Soil Conservation Districts Colorado Clifford J. Murino President Desert Research Institute Nevada Alice Parker Farmer/Rancher Washington Cynthia Reed Rancher South Dakota Luis Torres Program Director American Friends Service Committee Northern New Mexico Casey E. Westell, Jr. Director of Industrial Ecology Tenneco, Inc. Texas Norman K. Whittlesey Professor Department of Agricultural Economics Washington State University, Pullman Technologies To Sustain Tropical Forest Resources Advisory Panel Leonard Berry, Chairman Research Professor Center for Technology, Environment, and Development Clark University Eddie Albert Conservationist Hugh Bollinger Director Plant Resources Institute Robert Cassagnol Member, Technical Committee CONAELE Robert Cramer Former President Virgin Islands Corp. Gary Eilerts Operations Representative Appropriate Technology International John Ewel Associate Professor Department of Botany University of Florida, Gainesville Robert Hart Agronomist Winrock International Susanna Hecht Assistant Professor Department of Geography University of California, Los Angeles Marilyn Hoskins Lecturer Department of Sociology Virginia Polytechnic Institute Norman Johnson Vice President, North Carolina Region Weyerhaeuser Co. Jan Laarman Assistant Professor Department of Forestry North Carolina State University Chuck Lankester Forester U.N. Development Programme Robert Owen Chief Conservationist (retired) Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands


Appendix A List of Advisors and Panel Members l 47 Christine Padoch Assistant Professor Institute of Environmental Studies University of Wisconsin, Madison Allen Putney Principal Investigator Eastern Caribbean Natural Area Management Program West Indies Lab Jeff Romm Assistant Professor Department of Forestry University of California, Berkeley John Terborgh Professor Department of Biology Princeton University Henry Tschinkel Forestry Advisor Regional Office for Central American Programs Agency for International Development U.S. Department of State Plants: The Potentials for Extracting Protein, Medicines, and Other Useful Chemicals Workshop Robert P. Adams Manager, Phytochemical Products Native Plants, Inc. John Becker General Manager Leaf Protein International, Inc. Frederick H. Buttel Department of Rural Sociology Cornell University James Duke Chief, Economic Botany Lab U.S. Department of Agriculture Norman R. Farnsworth Director, Programme for Collaborative Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences College of Pharmacy University of Illinois William Fewical Professor of Oceanography Institute of Marine Resources Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, San Diego Cornelia B. Flora Professor Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work Kansas State University Richard Harwood Director of Research Rodale Research Center Martin Jacobson Laboratory Chief Biologically Active Natural Products Laboratory U.S. Department of Agriculture Prachuab Kwanyuen Leaf Protein International, Inc. Aklilu Lemma Senior Scientific Affairs Officer United Nations Center for Science and Technology for Development Frederick L. Mann Assistant Director International Programs in Agriculture University of Missouri, Columbia Ara der Marderosian Professor of Pharmacognosy Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science Gordon H. Svoboda Visiting Research Professor in Pharmacognosy School of Pharmacy University of Pittsburgh Howard Tankersley Director, Land Use Division Soil Conservation Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Lehel Telek Chemist Mayaguez Institute of Tropical Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture E. Richard Wheaton Manager, Natural Rubber Program U.S. Department of Agriculture Samuel Wildman Leaf Protein International, Inc. (retired)


48 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Technology, Public Policy, and the Changing Structure of American Agriculture Advisory Panel Frank Baker Director International Stockmens School Winrock International Livestock Research and Training Center James Bonnen Professor Department of Agricultural Economics Michigan State University William Brown Chairman of the Board Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. Frederick Buttel Associate Professor Department of Rural Sociology Cornell University Willard Cochrane Consultant Jack Doyle Director Agricultural Resources Project Environmental Policy Center Marsha Dudden Dudden Farms, Inc. Reinbeck, Iowa Water Ehrhardt Blue Ridge Farms Knoxville, Md. Dean Gillette Executive Director Bell Telephone Laboratory Systems Research Rogert Granados Executive Director La Cooperative Richard Harwood Director of Research Rodale Research Center Ralph Hofstad President Land-O Lakes Cooperative Charles Kidd Dean, College of Engineering Science, Technology, and Agriculture Florida A&M University Robert Lanphier 111 Chairman of the Board Dickey-John Corp. Edward Legates Dean, College of the Agriculture and Life Sciences North Carolina State University John Marvel President and General Manager Research Division Monsanto Agriculture Products Co. Donella Meadows Adjunct Professor Resources Policy Center Dartmouth College Don Paarlberg Consultant Don Reeves Consultant Interreligious Taskforce on U.S. Food Policy Milo Schanzenbach Schanzenbach Farms Workshop: Technology, Public Policy, and the Changing Structure of American Agriculture Peter Barry Professor Department of Agricultural Economics University of Illinois, Urbana Hoy Carman Professor Department of Agricultural Economics University of California, Davis William Cochrane Consultant B. R. Eddleman Director, National Agricultural Research Planning and Analysis State Agricultural Experiment Stations Mississippi Robert Emerson Associate Professor Food and Resource Economics Department University of Florida, Gainesville Ronald Knutson Professor Department of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members 49 Dean MacCannell Associate Professor Department of Applied and Behavioral Sciences University of California, Davis Philip Raup Professor Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics University of Minnesota Barry Richmond Assistant Professor of Engineering Resource Policy Center Thayer School of Engineering Dartmouth College Vernon Sorenson Professor Department of Agricultural Economics Michigan State University Lauren Seth Consultant Tom Sporleder Professor Department of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University Fred White Professor Department of Agricultural Economics University of Georgia, Athens Health Program Advisory Committee Sidney S. Lee, Chair President Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center Stuart H. Altman Dean, Florence Heller School Brandeis University Kurt Deuschle Professor and Chairman Department of Community Medicine Mount Sinai School of Medicine New York Carroll L. Estes Chair Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences School of Nursing University of California, San Francisco Workshop: Technology, Natural Resources, and American Crafts Jan Halkett Agricultural Marketing Specialist Agricultural Cooperative Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Robert Hart Executive Director Indian Arts and Crafts Board U.S. Department of the Interior Mary Hufford Folklife Specialist American Folklife Center Library of Congress Linda McMahan Director, TRAFFIC-U.S. World Wildlife Fund Robert Teske Arts Specialist Folkarts Program National Endowment for the Arts John Thomas Special Agent Training Officer Division of Law Enforcement U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Program Rashi Fein Professor Department of Social Medicine and Health Policy Harvard Medical School Melvin A. Glasser Director Health Security Action Council Committee for National Health Insurance Patricia King Professor Georgetown Law Center Joyce C. Lashof Dean, School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley


50 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Margaret Mahoney President The Commonwealth Fund New York Frederick Mosteller Professor and Chair Department of Health Policy and Management School of Public Health Harvard University Mitchell T. Rabkin President Beth Israel Hospital Boston Dorothy P. Rice Regents Lecturer Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences School of Nursing University of California, San Francisco Richard K. Riegelman Associate Professor George Washington University School of Medicine Walter L. Robb Vice President and General Manager Medical Systems Operations General Electric Washington, D.C. Frederick C. Robbins President Institute of Medicine Rosemary Stevens Professor and Chair Department of History and Sociology of Science University of Pennsylvania Kerr L. White Deputy Director for Health Services Rockefeller Foundation Medical Technology and Costs of the Medical Care Program Advisory Panel Stuart Altman, Chair Dean, Florence Heller School Brandeis University Frank Baker Vice President Washington State Hospital Association Robert Blendon Senior Vice President The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Jerry Cromwell President Health Economics Research Karen Davis Professor and Chair Department of Health Policy and Management School of Hygiene and Public Health The Johns Hopkins University Robert Derzon Vice President Lewin & Associates Howard Frazier Director Center for the Analysis of Health Practice School of Public Health Harvard University Cliff Gaus Director Center for Health Policy Studies Georgetown University Jack Hadley Senior Research Associate Urban Institute Kate Ireland Chair, Board of Governors Frontier Nursing Service Judith Lave Professor Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh Mary Marshall Member Virginia House of Delegates Walter McNerney Professor Kellogg Graduate School of Management Northwestern University Morton Miller President National Health Council New York James Mongan Executive Director Truman Medical Center Seymour Perry Senior Fellow and Deputy Director Institute for Health Policy Analysis Georgetown University Medical Center


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 51 Robert Sigmond Community Programs for Affordable Health Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Philadelphia Anne Somers Professor Department of Environment and Community and Family Medicine Rutgers University Paul Torrens Professor School of Public Health University of California, Los Angeles Keith Weikel Group Vice President American Medical International Federal Policies and the Medical Devices Industry Richard R. Nelson, Chair Director and Professor Institute for Social and Political Studies Yale University William F. Ballhaus President Beckman Instruments, Inc. SmithKline Beckman Corp. Ruth Farrisey Associate Director Department of Nursing Massachusetts General Hospital Peter Barton Hutt, Esq. Partner Covington & Burling Alan R. Kahn Consultant Applied Electronic Consultants, Inc. Grace Kraft Board of Directors Kidney Foundation of the Upper Midwest Joyce C. Lashof Dean, School of Public Health University of California, Berkeley Penn Lupovich Director of Laboratories Group Health Association Victor McCoy National Service Director Paralyzed Veterans of America Robert M. Moliter Manager Government and Industry Affairs Medical Systems Division General Electric Louise B. Russell Senior Fellow The Brookings Institution Earl J. Saltzgiver President Foremost Contact Lens Service, Inc. Salt Lake City, Utah Charles Sanders Vice President E. R. Squibb & Sons Rosemary Stevens Professor and Chair Department of History and Sociology of Science University of Pennsylvania Allan R. Thieme President Amigo Sales Inc. Albuquerque, N. Mex. Eric von Hippel Associate Professor of Management Sloan School Massachusetts Institute of Technology Edwin C. Whitehead Chairman Technicon Corp. Workshop: Medical Device Regulation Robert Britain Associate Director for Device Evaluation Office of Medical Devices Food and Drug Administration Allen Greenberg Staff Attorney Public Citizens Health Research Group Linda Horton Deputy Chief Counsel for Regulation and Hearings Office of General Counsel Food and Drug Administration Peter Barton Hutt, Esq. Partner Covington & Burling Robert Leflar Assistant Professor of Law and Medicine School of Law University of Arkansas David Meade Assistant Counsel Office of Legislative Counsel of the House of Representatives U.S. Congress


52 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Richard Merrill Dean, School of Law University of Virginia Rodney Muncie Partner Dickstein, Shapiro & Morin Geoffrey Smith Assistant General Counsel Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association Health and Safety Control Technologies in the Workplace Advisory Panel Morton Corn, Chair Professor Department of Environmental Health Sciences School of Hygiene and Public Health The Johns Hopkins University Duane L. Block Medical Director Ford Motor Co. Richard F, Boggs Vice President Organization Resources Counselors, Inc. Mark R. Cullen Professor of Statistics Occupational Medicine Program School of Medicine Yale University Philip E. Enterline Professor of Biostatistics School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh Melvin W. First Professor Department of Environmental Health Sciences School of Public Health Harvard University Matt Gillen Industrial Hygienist Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union Melvin Glasser Consultant Committee for National Health Insurance William J. McCarville Director, Environmental Affairs Monsanto Co. Wilbur L. Meier, Jr. Dean, School of Engineering Pennsylvania State University John Mendeloff Associate Professor Program in Science, Technology, and Public Affairs University of California Samuel Milham, Jr. Section Head, Epidemiology Section Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Kenneth B. Miller Consultant Occupational Medicine Ted E. Potter Environmental Manager Shepherd Chemical Co. Milan Racic Director, Safety and Health Allied Industrial Workers Union Mark A. Rothstein Associate Professor West Virginia University College of Law Marilyn Schule Principal Centaur Associates Washington, D.C. Michael O. Varner Corporate Manager Department of Environmental Sciences American Smelding & Refining Co. James L. Weeks Industrial Hygienist United Mineworkers of America Roger H. Wingate Executive Vice President (retired) Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. New Hampshire Agent Orange Study Protocol Review Advisory Panel Richard Remington, Chair Vice President for Academic Affairs University of Iowa Margit Bleecker Assistant Professor Division of Occupational Medicine School of Hygiene and Public Health The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes George L. Carlo Epidemiologist Epidemiology, Health and Environmental Sciences Dow Chemical U.S.A.


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 53 Neal Castagnoli, Jr. Professor Department of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of California, San Francisco Theodore Colton Professor School of Public Health Boston University Frederic Halbert Delton, Mich. George B. Hutchison Professor School of Public Health Harvard University Patricia King Professor Georgetown Law Center Lewis Kuller Professor Department of Epidemiology Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh Claire O. Leonard, M.D. Salt Lake City, Utah John F. Sommer, Jr. Assistant Director National Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Commission The American Legion Theodore Sypko Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States John F. Terzano National Membership Director Vietnam Veterans of America Monte C. Throdahl Senior Vice President Environmental Policy Staff Monsanto Co. H. Michael D. Utidjian Corporate Medical Director American Cyanamid Co. Blood Policy and Technology Louanne Kennedy, Chair Associate Professor Department of Health Care Administration Mt. Sinai School of Medicine Alvin W. Drake Professor of Systems Science and Electrical Engineering Operations Research Center Massachusetts Institute of Technology Thomas C. Drees President Alpha Therapeutic Corp. Tibor J. Greenwalt Director Paul I. Hoxworth Blood Center University of Cincinnati Medical Center Sylvia Drew Ivie Director National Health Law Program Aaron Kellner President New York Blood Center Sidney S. Lee President Michael Reese Hospital and Medical Center James W. Mosley Acute Communicable Disease Control Section Department of Health Services Los Angeles County Sharon Perkins Coordinator, Donor Program Fairfax Hospital, Va. Michael B. Rodell Vice President Regulatory and Technical Affairs Ethical Products Division Revlon Health Care Group Rosemary Stevens Professor and Chair Department of History and Sociology of Science University of Pennsylvania Scott N. Swisher Presidents Council American Red Cross National Headquarters Martin J. Valaske Medical Director Medical Faculty Associates George Washington University Medical Center William D. White Associate Professor Center for Policy Alternatives Massachusetts Institute of Technology Theodore Zimmerman Professor Department of Immunology Department of Basic and Clinical Research Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation


54 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Wolf Zuelzer Executive Director National Hemophilia Foundation Scientific Validity and Reliability of Polygraph Testing Joseph P. Buckley President John E. Reid & Associates Robert Edelberg Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology Rutgers Medical School Frank Horvath Associate Professor School of Criminal Justice Michigan State University David T. Lykken Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology Department of Psychiatry University of Minnesota Medical School Martin T. Orne Professor of Psychiatry Director, Unit for Experimental Psychiatry University of Pennsylvania Medical School Gail J. Povar Assistant Professor of Medicine and Health Care Sciences The George Washington University Medical Center Steve Pruitt Director of Congressional Affairs Public Employees Department AFL-CIO Christopher H. Pyle Associate Professor of Politics Mt. Holyoke College David C. Raskin Professor of psychology University of Utah Harold Sigall Professor of Psychology University of Maryland George B. Trubow The John Marshall Law School Althea M. I. Wagman Research Associate of Psychiatry Neuroscience Program University of Maryland School of Medicine Paul M. Wortman Associate Professor of Public Health Program Director, Institute for Social Research University of Michigan Status of Biomedical Research and Related Technology for Tropical Diseases Advisory Panel Pedro Acha Director of Programming and Operations Coordination Pan American Health Organization George Alleyne Chief Research Promotion and Coordination Pan American Health Organization Karen Bell Professional Associate Board on Science and Technology for International Development National Academy of Sciences William Campbell Senior Director Basic Parasitology Merck, Sharpe, & Dohme Richard Cash Director Office of International Health Harvard School of Public Health Barnett Cline Professor and Chairman Department of Tropical Medicine Tulane Medical Center Joseph Cook Program Director Tropical Disease Research The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation Robert Goodland Ecologist Office of Environmental Affairs World Bank Abraham Horowitz Director Emeritus and Special Consultant Pan American Health Organization Dieter Koch-Weser Chairman Department of Preventive and Social Medicine Harvard Medical School Francisco Lopez-Antunano Coordinator Tropical Disease Programme Pan American Health Organization Arnold Monto Professor Department of Epidemiology School of Public Health University of Michigan


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 55 Ruth Nussenzweig Head Division of Parasitology New York University School of Medicine Richard Riegelman Associate Professor Department of Health Care Sciences The George Washington University Medical Center Gabriel Schmunis Medical Officer Tropical Diseases Programme Thomas Simpson Director Eastern Shore Health District Accomack County Health Department Ronald Vogel Associate Professor Department of Management and Policy College of Business and Public Administration University of Arizona Kenneth Warren Director of Health Sciences The Rockefeller Foundation Pan American Health-Organization SCIENCE, INFORMATION ,AN D NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION Communcation and lnformationn Technologies Information Technology Research and Development Advisory Panel Roger G. Nell, Chairman Division of Humanities and Social Science California Institute of Technology Geneva Belford Professor, Computer Science Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Steven Bisset President Megatest, Inc. John E. Bryson President California Public Utilities Commission Nand Kishore Chitre Director Systems Planning Division INTELSAT Ralph E. Gomory Vice President and Director of Research Thomas J. Watson Research Center IBM Corp. John V. Barrington Director COMSAT Laboratories William C. Hittinger Executive Vice President David Sarnoff Research Center RCA Corp. Bruce Lusignan Director Communication Satellite Planning Center Stanford University Donald McCoy Vice President and General Manager CBS Technology Center Ithiel de Sola Pool Professor of Political Science Massachusetts Institute of Technology Paul E. Ritt, Jr. Vice President and Director of Research GTE Laboratories, Inc. Larry W. Sumney Executive Director Semiconductor Research Cooperative Victor Vyssotsky Executive Director Research, Information Sciences Bell Telephone Laboratories Robert E. Wesslund Vice President for Technology Exchange Control Data Corp. George R. White Senior Research Fellow The Harvard Business School Workshop: Fiber Optics Michael Barnoski Consultant


56 l Annual Report to the Congress for 198.3 Melvin Cohen Director Interconnection Technology Laboratory Anthony J. DeMaria Assistant Director of Research for Electrical and Electrooptics Technology United Technology Research Center Charles W. Deneka Director, Optical Wave Guide Development Corning Glass Works Thomas Giallorenzi Superintendent, Optical Sciences Division Naval Research Laboratory Paul Golunski Manager, Economic Assessment Office International Department Direction Generale Des Telecommunications (France) Charles Kao ITT Executive Scientist ITTAdvanced Technology Center Herwig Kogelnick Director Electronics Research Laboratory Bell Laboratories Henry Kressel Senior Vice President E. M. Warburg, Pincus & Co. William Streifer Senior Research Fellow Palo Alto Research Center Xerox Corp. John Whinnery Professor Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science University of California, Berkeley Ammon Yariv Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics California Institute of Technology Workshop: Advanced Computer Architecture Duane Adams Consultant Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Eugene Amdahl Chairman of the Board Trilogy Systems Corp. Donald M. Austin Head, Applied Mathematical Programs Office of Basic Energy Research U.S. Department of Energy James C. Browne Professor Department of Computer Sciences University of Texas, Austin Alan Charlesworth Senior Staff Engineer Floating Point Systems, Inc. Steve Chen Vice President of Development Cray Research, Inc. Peter J. Denning Director Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science Sidney Fernbach Consultant Control Data Corp. Dennis Gannon Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science Purdue University Robert G. Gillespie Vice Provost for Computing University of Washington David Kuck Professor Department of Computer Sciences University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Neil Lincoln Executive Consultant Control Data Corp. Roger G. Nell Chairman, Division of Humanities and Social Sciences California Institute of Technology Fred Ris Manager Computation-Intensive Systems T. J. Watson Research Center Paul E. Ritt, Jr. Vice President and Director of Research GTE Laboratories, Inc. Paul Schneck Assistant Director for Computer and Information Sciences Goddard Space Flight Center


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 57 Jacob Schwartz Director, Division of Computer Sciences Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences New York University Burton J. Smith Vice President Research and Development Department Denelcor, Inc. Harold S. Stone Professor Computer Engineering Department University of Massachusetts, Amherst Jim Thornton Chief Executive Officer Network System Corp. Kenneth G. Wilson James A. Weeks Professor of Physical Science Cornell University The Effects of Information Technology on Financial Services Systems Advisory Panel Almarin Phillips, Chairman Professor of Economics Law and Public Policy University of Pennsylvania Donald I. Baker Partner Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue Paul Baran Vice PresidentEngineering PacketCable Lynne Barr, Esq. Gaston-Snow & Ely Bartlett Robert Capone Vice President and Director Systems & Data Processing J. C. Penney Co. Kent Colton Executive Vice-President for Policy, Planning and Economic Research Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. Richard J. Darwin Manager Financial Industry Systems Group Battelle Memorial Institute Gerald Ely Director of Technology Divisional Vice President Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, Inc. John Farnsworth Senior Vice President Chemical Bank Paul Hefner Vice President First Interstate Bancorp Edward J. Kane The Everett D. Reese Professor of Banking in Monetary Economics Department of Economics Ohio State University Jerome Svigals Manager, Growth, Planning and Electronics Banking Consultants IBM Corp. Willis H. Ware Senior Computer Specialist The Rand Corp. Steven Weinstein Vice PresidentCorporate Strategy American Express Milton Wessel Legal Counsel Association of Data Processing Service Organizations Frederick G. Withington Vice President Arthur D. Little, Inc. Workshop: Financial Consumers Stanley Bess Industry Systems Program Manager J. C. Penney Co. Ellen Broadman Counsel for Government Affairs Consumers Union James L. Brown Associate Professor of Law Director of Center for Consumer Affairs University of Wisconsin-Extension Meredith M. Fernstrom Senior Vice PresidentPublic Responsibility American Express Co. Edward J. Kane Everett D. Reese Professor of Banking in Monetary Economics Department of Economics The Ohio State University


58 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Mark Leymaster Staff Attorney National Consumer Law Center Barbara Quint Money Management Editor Family Circle Thelma V. Rutherford Public Citizen for Senior Citizen Consumers Michael Van Buskirk Community Development Officer Bane One Corp. Computerized Manufacturing Automation Advisory Panel Roy Amara, Chairman President Institute for the Future William D. Beeby Former Director Engineering Computing Systems Boeing Commercial Airplane Co. Erich Bloch Vice President Technical Personnel Development IBM Corp. Barbara A. Burns Manufacturing Technical Group Engineer Lockheed-Georgia Jack Cahall Manager, Training and Development Cincinnati Milacron, Inc. Dennis Chamot Assistant Director Department for Professional Employees AFL-CIO Robert Cole Director Center for Japanese Studies University of Michigan Alan E. Drane Manager of Automated Systems Emhart Corp. Audrey Freedman Senior Research Associate The Conference Board, Inc. Sheldon Friedman Director, Research Department United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, UAW Theodore W. Kheel, Battle, Fowler, Jaffin & Kheel James F. Lardner Vice President Manufacturing Development Deere & Co. Eli Lustgarten Vice President Paine Webber Mitchell Hutchins, Inc. M. Granger Morgan Professor Engineering and Public Policy Carnegie-Mellon University George J. Poulin General Vice President International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Bernard M. Sallot Director, Professional and Governmental Activities Society of Manufacturing Engineers Executive Director Robot Institute of America Harley Shaiken Research Fellow Massachusetts Institute of Technology Kevin G. Snell Director Forward Planning Program and Development Career Works, Inc. Alfred P. Taylor Manager Factory Automation Plant Services Operation General Electric Co. Philippe Villers President Automatix, Inc. Victor C. Walling, Jr. Coordinator Business Futures Program SRI International Dennis Wisnosky Vice President Industrial Systems Group GCA Corp. Michael J. Wozny Director Interactive Computer Graphics Center Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Robert Zager Vice President, Policy Studies and Technical Assistance Work in America Institute


. Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 59 Workshop: Producer Industries Kenneth Anderson Publisher Anderson Reports Laura Congiliaro Vice President Prudential-Bache Securities, Inc. Joseph Franklin Statistical Director National Machine Tool Builders Association Eli Lustgarten Vice President Paine Webber Mitchell Hutchins Carl Machover President Machover Associates Corp. James Meadlock President Intergraph Corp. Bernard M. Sallot Director of Professional and Governmental Activities Society of Manufacturing Engineers Philippe Villers President Automatix, Inc. Dennis Wisnosky Vice President Industrial Systems Group GCA Corp. Workshop: Automation Technology David Grossman Manager of Automation Research IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Robert Hocken Chief, Automated Production Technology Division National Bureau of Standards Stuart G. Miller Manager Automation and Control Laboratory Corporate Research and Development General Electric & Co. Brian Moriarty Charles Stark-Draper Laboratories Richard Mueller Senior Consultant for Advanced CADCAM Research Control Data Corp. Michael Radeke Vice President, Robotics Cincinnati Milacron Bernard Roth Design Division, Mechanical Engineering Stanford University Ali Seireg Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Wisconsin-Madison Richard Simon Director, Product Management CAM Systems Computervision Corp. Theodore J. Williams Director, Laboratory for Applied Industrial Control Purdue University Workshop: Information Policy William O. Baker Chairman of the Board Bell Telephone Laboratory, Inc. Anne W. Branscomb Chairman, Science and Technology Section Common Law Division American Bar Association David Burnham Reporter on Information Policy Issues The New York Times Michael Pertschuk Commissioner Federal Trade Commission John Shattuck Director of the Washington Office American Civil Liberties Union Christopher Sterling Director Center for Telecommunication Studies The George Washington University George Trubow Director, Center on Policy and Information Technology John Marshall Law School Willis Ware Corporate Research Staff Rand Corp.


60 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Milton Wessel Mary Alice White General Counsel Professor of Psychology Association of Data Processing Service Director, Electronic Learning Organizations Laboratory Alan Westin Teachers College Professor Columbia University Department of Public Law and Government Columbia University Oceans and Environment Program Managing High-Level Commercial Radioactive Waste Advisory Panel Hans Frauenfelder, Chairman Professor Department of Physics University of Illinois Seymour Abrahamson Professor Department of Zoology University of Wisconsin Frank Collins Consultant Livermore, Calif. Floyd Culler President Electric Power Research Institute J. William Futrell President Environmental Law Institute Edward Goldberg Professor of Geology Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California Harriet Keyserling Member House of Representatives State of South Carolina Terry Lash Deputy Director Department of Nuclear Safety State of Illinois Kai Lee University of Washington Institute for Environmental Studies Jeanne Malchon President Candorcom Corp. Peter Montague Center for Environmental Studies Princeton University Glenn Paulson Vice President for Science National Audubon Society Howard Raiffa Frank P. Ramsey Professor of Managerial Economics Harvard Business School William A. Thomas Consultant American Bar Foundation Mason Willrich Vice PresidentCorporate Planning Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Donald Wodrich Rockwell International-Hanford Operations John Yasinsky General Manager Advanced Power Systems Divisions Westinghouse Electric Corp. Acid Rain and Transported Air Pollutants Advisory Panel Norton Nelson, Chairman Professor Department of Environmental Medicine New York University Medical Center Thomas H. Brand Director, Environmental Activities Edison Electric Institute Robert Wilbur Brocksen ManagerEcological Effects Program Electric Power Research Institute Jack George Calvert Senior Scientist National Center for Atmospheric Research


Appendix AList of Advisors and Pane/ Members l 61 David Hawkins Senior Attorney National Resources Defense Council, Inc. Edward A. Helme Staff Director Committee on Energy and Environment National Governors Association Richard L. Kerch Manager, Air Quality Consolidation Coal Anne LaBastille Commissioner Adirondack Park Agency Gene E. Likens Professor of Ecology Section of Ecology and Systematic Cornell University Donald H. Pack Consultant Carl Shy Professor of Epidemiology School of Public Health Professor of Epidemiology University of North Carolina Lester Thurow Professor of Management and Economics Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology George H. Tomlinson, II Vice President Domtar Inc. Wetlands: Their Use and Regulation Advisory Panel William H. Patrick, Jr., Chairman Director, Laboratory for Wetland Soils and Sediment Louisiana State University Hope M. Babcock Director Public Lands and Public Water National Audubon Society Earl H. Beistline Fairbanks, Alaska (Ex Officio Panel Member) Charles E. Fraser President Sea Pines Co. Hilton Head Island, N.C. Donald E. Gilman Alaska State Senator Laurence R. Jahn Vice President Wildlife Management Institute Joseph S. Larson Chairman, Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management University of Massachusetts Stanley L. Lattin Director of Planning and Economic Development Port of Grays Harbor Jay A. Leitch Department of Agricultural Economics North Dakota State University Ralph Manna, Jr. Division of Regulatory Affairs Department of Environmental Conservation William Manning Manager Safety and Environmental Affairs Louisiana Land & Exploration Co. Eric Metz Wetland Program Manager California Coastal Commission Mark Rey Director, Water Quality Programs National Forest Products Association Laurence Sirens President Maryland Watermans Association Hobart G. Truesdell, II President, First Colony Farms Daniel E. Willard Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs Indiana University Assessment of Maritime Trade and Technology Advisory Panel Leslie Kanuk, Chairman Professor of Marketing Baruch College Vera Alexander Director, Division of Marine Science University of Alaska Richard F. Brunner Senior Operating Officer Avondale Shipyards, Inc. Paul J. Burnsky President Metal Trades Department AFL/CIO


62 Annual Report to the Congress for 1963 H. Clayton Cook, Jr. Partner Cadwalader, Wickersham, & Taft J. P. Elverdin President Navies Corp. Peter J. Finnerty Vice President for Public Affairs Sea-Land Industries Jack Goldstein Vice President and Economist Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. R. J. Lowen President Masters, Mates & Pilots of America C. M. Lynch President ARCO Marine Inc. David L. Pearson Chief of Engineering Electric Boat Division General Dynamics Corp. Eugene K. Pentimonti Vice President, Engineering American President Lines, Ltd. Paul F. Richardson Paul F. Richardson Associates, Inc. John P. Scally Manager of Export Transportation General Electric Co. Lawrence A. Smith President Lockheed Shipbuilding Co. Technologies to Measure, Monitor, and Mitigate Groundwater Contamination Advisory Panel Thomas Maddock III, Chairman Department of Hydrology and Water Resources University of Arizona Harvey Banks Belmont, Calif. Robert Harris Professor Center for Energy and Environmental Studies Princeton University Allen V. Kneese Senior Fellow Resources for the Future Jay H. Lehr Executive Director National Well Water Association Perry McCarty Chairman Department of Civil Engineering Stanford University James Mercer President GeoTrans, Inc. David W. Miller President Geraghty & Miller, Inc. Michale A. Pierle Director Regulatory ManagementWater Monsanto Co. Lawrence Swanson Director Great Plains Office of Policy Studies University of Nebraska James T. B. Tripp Counsel Environmental Defense Fund Science, Transportation, and Innovation Program Civil Space Stations Advisory Panel Peter O. Crisp Robert A. Charpie, Chairman President President Venrock, Inc. Cabot Corp. Freeman Dyson Daniel J. Boorstin Professor Librarian of Congress Institute for Advanced Study Harvey Brooks Princeton, N.J. Benjamin Peirce Professor of James B. Farley Technology and Public Policy Chairman of the Board Harvard University Booz Allen & Hamilton


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 63 Charles E. Fraser Chairman Sea Pines Co. Hilton Head, S.C. Andrew J. Goodpaster President Institute of Defense Analyses Charles Hitch The Lawrence-Berkeley Laboratory University of California, Berkeley Bernard M. W. Knox Director Center for Hellenic Studies Moya Lear Chairman of the Board Lear Avia Corp. George E. Mueller, Jr. President and Chief Executive Officer System Development Corp. Carl Sagan Director of the Laboratories for Planetary Studies Cornell University Eugene Skolnikoff Director Center for International Studies Massachusetts Institute of Technology James Spilker President Stanford Telecommunications Inc. Frank Stanton President Emeritus CBS Inc. James A. Van Allen Head Physics and Astronomy Department University of Iowa Workshop #1: Lower Cost Alternatives to One or More Space Stations Wilbur Eskite Deputy Chief Systems Planning and Development National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Edmund J. Habib Vice President for Engineering Satellite Systems Engineering Tadahico Inada National Space Development Agency of Japan Scientific Section Embassy of Japan Akihiko Iwahashi Representative Science and Technology Agency Government of Japan Norbert Kiehne Deutsche Forschungs-und Versuchsanstalt fur Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V. Federal Republic of Germany Kazuo Matsumoto National Space Development Agency of Japan Scientific Section Embassy of Japan Wilfred Mellors Head European Space Agency Washington Office Robert Noblitt Senior Systems Analyst Teledyne Brown Engineering Alain Perard Long-Term Study Manager CNES Paris Udo Pollvogt President ERNO-USA, Inc. Hans Traumann Attache Scientific and Technological Affairs Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany H. J. Weigand Consultant Space Division Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm Workshop #2: Lower Cost Alternatives to One or More Space Stations Ivan Bekey Director of Advanced Programs National Aeronautics and Space Administration Hubert Bortzmeyer Special Assistant to the Director of Programming Center National dEtudes Spatiales Joseph Carroll Research Associate Department of Chemistry California Space Institute University of California, San Diego


64 Annual Report to the Congress for 1963 Jacques Collet Head of Long-Term Preparatory Program European Space Agency Headquarters David Criswell Consultant Department of Chemistry California Space institute University of California, San Diego Troy A. Crites Member of the Technical Staff Test Analysis Section Systems Evaluation Department The Aerospace Corp. Hubert P. Davis Vice President Eagle Engineering, Inc. Russell Drew president Science & Technology Consultants Jean-Pierre Fouquet Scientific Attache for Space Affairs Embassy of France George F. Fraser Chief Engineer, Advanced Shuttle Orbiter Division Rockwell International Al Hill MESA Program Manager Space Systems Division Boeing Aerospace Corp. Tadahico Inada Representative Engineering National Space Development Agency of Japan Scientific Section Embassy of Japan William A. Johnston Vice President for Engineering Fairchild Space Co. Charles Mathews Consultant Vienna, Va. Wilfred Mellors Head European Space Agency Washington Office Udo Pollovogt president ERNO-USA, inc. Wilbur L. Pritchard president Satellite Systems Engineering Thomas C. Taylor president Taylor & Associates, inc. Hans Traumann Attache Scientific and Technological Affairs Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany H. J. Weigand Consultant Space Division Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm Paul Wunsch Manager, Instrument Requirement Branch Teledyne Brown Workshop: Skylab Leland Belew Consultant Huntsville, Ala. David Compton Contractor History Office NASA/Johnson Space Center John Disher Consultant Bethesda, Md. Herbert Friedman Chairman, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Resources National Academy of Sciences Owen Garriott Astronaut NASA/Johnson Space Center Roger Hoffer Professor, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Purdue University Kenneth Kleinknecht Manager, Procurement, Manufacturing and Tests for Spacecraft System Martin Marietta Charles Mathews Consultant Vienna, Va. Jesco H. Von Puttkamer Technical Engineer Operations Management NASA Headquarters


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 65 Edmond Reeves Chief, Astrophysics Payload Branch Spacelab Flight Division NASA Headquarters William Schneider Vice President Control Systems Activity Computer Sciences Corp. Robert Snyder Chief, Separation Processes Branch Marshall Space Flight Center Airport System Development Advisory Panel Don E. Kash, Chairman Director Science and Public Policy Program University of Oklahoma James H. Anderson Director, Office Buildings Division General Services Department E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Joseph Blatt Consultant Washington, D.C. Clifford W. Carpenter Manager, Airport Development Boeing Commercial Aircraft Co. Pierre Champagne Director of Airport Planning Transport Canada H. McKinley Conway President Conway Publications Charilyn Cowan Staff Director, Committee on Transportation, Commerce and Technology National Governors Association Thomas J. Deane Vice President, Operating Facilities Avis Rent-A-Car, Inc. John Drake Professor of Air Transportation School of Aeronautics and Astronautics Purdue University William Garrison Professor Institute of Transportation Studies University of California, Berkeley Aaron Gellman President Gellman Research John Glover Supervisor, Transportation Planning Port of Oakland, Calif. Leonard Griggs Airport Director Lambert St. Louis International Airport Richard L. Harris Vice President, Public Finance First Boston Corp. John Hoyt Principal Project Manager Ralph M. Parsons Co. Jack R. Hunt President Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Richard Judy Director of Aviation Dade County, Fla. Alfred Kahn Robert Julius Thorne Professor of Political Economy Department of Economics Cornell University Leonard Martin Vice President, Passenger Services Piedmont Airlines Dorn McGrath Department of Urban and Regional Planning George Washington University Sonny Najera Director Division of Aeronautics State of Arizona Edmund Nelle, Jr. President Butler Aviation International Jan Roskam Ackers Distinguished Professor of Aerospace Engineering University of Kansas William Supak Aviation Director Port of Portland, Oreg. William Wilson Vice President, Properties and Facilities Federal Express Corp.


66 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 Technology, Innovation, and Regional Economic Development Advisory Panel William C. Norris, Chairman Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Control Data Corp. William J. Abernathy* Professor Graduate School of Business Harvard University William F. Aikman President Massachusetts Technology Development Corp. Henry Cisneros Mayor, City of San Antonio, Texas Ella Francis President Parkside Association of Philadelphia Aaron Gellman President Gellman Research Associates, Inc. Don Lee Gevirtz Chairman The Foothill Group, Inc. George W. Haigh President and Chief Executive Officer The Toledo Trust Co. Quentin Lindsey Science and Public Policy Advisor Office of the Governor State of North Carolina Neal R. Pierce Contributing Editor National Journal David V. Ragone President Case Western Reserve University John Stewart Assistant General Manager Tennessee Valley Authority Ellen Sulzberger Straus President WMCA Radio Alexander B. Trowbridge President National Association of Manufacturers Thomas L. Yount, Jr. Commissioner of Employment Security State of Tennessee Assessment of U.S. Passenger Rail Technology Workshop: Railcar Manufacturing Frank Cihac Director of Technical and Research Services American Public Transit Association Ross Higginbotham Director of Car Engineering Mechanical Department Amtrak George Krambles Consultant Oak Park, Ill. Richard Sklar President Entertainment Express Corp. Jeffrey Stayer Manager, Marketing, Planning, and Administration Westinghouse Electric Workshop: Magnetic Levitation Robert Borcherts Research Scientist Ford Motor Co. Mike Daly Economic Development Director City of Las Vegas, Nev. John A. Darling Director of Cost Analysis and Research Santa Fe Railway Ross Higginbotham Director of Car Engineering Mechanical Department Amtrak Roger Katz Research Section Head Sperry Corp. George Krambles Consultant Oak Park, Ill. Myles Mitchell Director, Office of Freight and Passenger Research and Development Federal Railroad Administration Herbert Richardson Associate Dean of Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Deceased.


Appendix AList of Advisors and Panel Members l 67 Richard Sklar President Entertainment Express Corp. William Wieters General Manager, Passengers Transport Conrail Workshop: Demand, Economic, and Institutional Considerations Ross Capon Executive Director National Association of Railway Passengers Steve Ditmeyer Director of Research and Development Burlington Northern Railroad John Fischer Transportation Analyst Economics Division Congressional Research Service Anthony Gomez-Ibanez Professor John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University Ross Higginbotham Director of Car Engineering Mechanical Department Amtrak Mike Mates Consultant Washington, D.C. Arrego Mongini Deputy Associate Administrator Northeast Corridor Improvement Project Federal Railroad Administration Gordon Peters Senior Rail Transportation Specialist Rail Division New York State Department of Transportation Lenore Sek Transportation Analyst Economics Division Congressional Research Service Library of Congress Richard Sklar President Entertainment Express Corp. Saul Sokolsky Senior Engineer Aerospace Corp. Lou Thompson Acting Associate Administrator Passenger and Freight Services Northeast Corridor Federal Railroad Administration


Appendix B OTA Act Public Law 92-484 92nd Congress, H. R. 10243 October 13, 1972 -86 STAT. 797 To establish an Office of Technology Assessment for the Congress us an aid in the identification and consideration of existing and probable impacts of technological application; to amend the National Science Foundation Act of 1950; and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and Rowe of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited a S the "Technology Assessment Act of 1972. FINDINGS AND DECLARATION OF PURPOSE S EC 2. The Congress hereby finds and declares that: (a) As technology continues to change and expand rapidly, its applications are(1) large and growing in scale; and (2) increasingly extensive pervasive, and critical in their impact, beneficial and adverse, on the natural and social environment, (b) Therefore, it is essential that, to the fullest extent possible, the consequences of technological Replications be anticipated, understood, and considered in determination of public policy on existing and emerging national problems. (c) The Congress further finds that : (1) the Federal agencies presently responsible directly to the Congress are not designed to provide the legislative branch with adequate and timely information, independently developed, relating to the potential impact of technological applications, and (2) the present mechanisms of the Congress do not and are not designed to provide the legislative branch with such information. (d) According]y, it is necessary for the Congress to( 1 ) equip itself with new and effective means for securing competent, unbiased information concerning the physical, biological, economic, social, and political effects of such applications; and (2) utilize this information whenever appropriate, as one factor in the legislative assessment of matters pending before the Congress, particularly in those instances where the Federal Government may be called upon to consider support for. or management or regulation of technological applications. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Sec. 3. (a) In accordance with the findings and declaration of purf pose in section 2, there is hereby created the Office of Technogy Assessment (hereinafter referred to as the Office) which shall be within and responsible to the legislative branch of the Government. (b) The Office shall consist of a Technology Assessment Board (hereinafter referred to as the Board) which shall formulate and promulgate the policies of the (Office, and a Director who shall carry out such pol;icies and administer the operations of the Office. (c) The basic function of the Office shall be to provide early indications of the probable beneficial and adverse impacts of the applications of technology and to develop other coordinate information which may assist the Congress. In carrying out such function, the Office shall : (1) identify existing or probable impacts of technology or technological programs; Technology Assessment Ac t of 1972. Technology Assessment Board. Duties. 68


Appendix BOTA Act l 69 Pub. Law 92-484 86 STAT. 798 -2 October 13, 1972 Infomation, availability. 81 Stat. 54. Membership. Vaoumibs Ch. 1 man and Vloc ski InlM. (2) where possible, ascertain cause-and-effect relationships: (3) identify alternative technological methods of implementing specific programs; (4) identify alternative programs for achieving requisite goals; (5) make estimates and comparisons of the impacts of alternative methods and programs; (6) present findings of completed analyses to the appropriate legislative authorities; (7) identify areas where additional research or data collection is required to provide adequate support for the assessments and estimates described in paragraph (1) through (5) of this subsection; and (8) undertake such additional associated activities as the appropriate authorities specified under subsection (d) may direct. (d) Assessment activities undertaken by the Office may be initiated upon the request of: (1) the chairman of any standing, special, or select committee of either House of the Congress, or of any joint committee of the Congress, acting for himself or at the request of the ranking minority member or a majority of the committee members; (2) the Board; or (3) the Director, in consultation with the Board. (e) Assessments made by the Office, including information, surveys, studies, reports, and findings related thereto, shall be made available to the initiating committee or other appropriate committees of the Congress. In addition, an such information, surveys, studies, reports, and findings produced by the Office may be made available to the public except whereY (1) to do so would violatete security statutes: or (2) the Board considers it necessary or advisable to withhold such information in accordance with one or more of the numbered paragraphs in section 552(b) of title 5, United States Code. TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT BOARD S EC 4. (a) The Board shall consist of thirteen members as follows: (1) six Members of the Senate, appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, three from the majority party and three from the minority party; (2 six Members of the House of Representatives appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, three from the ma majority party and three from the minority party; and ( 3) the Director, who shall not be a voting member. (b) Vacancies in the membership of the Board shall not affect the power of the remaining members to execute the functions of the Board and shall be filled in the same mannner as in the case of the original Appointment. (c) The Board shall select a chairman and a vice chairman from among its members at the beginning of each Congress. The vice chairman shall act in the place and stead of the chairman in the absence of the chairman. The chairmanship and the vice chairmanship shall l ltarnate between the Senate and the House of Representatives with each Congress. The chairman during each even-numbered Congress shall be selected by the Members of the House of Representatives on the Board from among their number. The vice chairman during each


70 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 October 13, 1972 -3 Pub. Law 92-484 86 STAT. 799 Congress shall be chosen in the same manner from that House of Congress other than the House of Congress of which the chairman is a Member. (d) The Board is authorized to sit and act at such plain and times during the sessions, recesses, and adjourned periods of Congress and upon a vote of a majority of its members, to require by subpena or otherwise the attendance of such witnesses and the production of such books, papers, and documents, to administer such oaths and affirmations, to take such testimony, to procure such printing and binding, and to make such expenditures, as it deems avisable. The Board may make such rules respecting its organization and procedures as it deems necessary. except that no recommendation shall be reported from the Board unless a majority of the Board assent. Subpenas may he issued over the signature of the chairman of the Board or of any voting memher designated by him or by the Board, and ma be served by such T h person or persons as may be designated by such c airman or member. he chairman of the Board or any voting member thereof may administer oaths or affirmations to witnesses. DIRECTOR AND DEPUTY DIRECTOR S EC 3. (a) The Director of theOffice of Technnlogy Assessment shall be appointed by the Board and shall serve for a term of six years unless sooner removed by the Board. He shall receive basic pay at the rate provided for level III of the Executive Schedule under section 5314 of title 5, United States Code. (b) In addition to the powers and duties vested in him by this Act. the Director shall exercise such powers and duties as may be delegated to him by the Board. (c) The Director may appoint with the approval of the Board, a l Deputy Director who shal perform such functions as the Director may prescribe and who shall be Acting Director during the l lmence or incapacity of the Director or in the event of a vacancy in the office of Director. The Deputy Director shall receive basic pay at the rate V provided for level I of the Executive Schedule under section 5315 of title 5, United States Code. (d) Neither the Director nor the Deputy Director shall engage in any other business, vocation, or employment than that of serving l s such Director or Deputy Director, as the case may be; nor shall the Director or Deputy Director, except with the approval of the Board, hold any office in, or act in any capacity for, any organization, agency, or institution with which the Office makes any contract or other arrangement under this Act. AUTHORITY OF THE OFFICE S EC 6. (a) The Office shall have the authority, within the limits of available appropriations, to do all things necessary to carry out the f provisions o this Act, including. hut without being limited to the authority to-(1) make full use of competent personnel and organisations outside the Office, public or private, and form special ad hoc task forces or make other l rmngements when appropriate; (2) enter into contracts or other arrangements as may be necessary for the conduct of the work of the Office with any agency or instrumentality of the United States, with any State, territory, Meetings. Subpena. Appointment. Compensation. 83 Stat. 863. Employment restriction. Contracts.


Appendix BOTA Act 71 Pub. Law 92-48 4 -4 October 13, 1972 86 STAT. 800 or possession or any political subdivision thereof, or with any person, firm, association, corporation or educational institution, -l with or without reimbursement, witrhout performance or other bonds, and without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes (41 U.S.C. 5) ; (8) make advance, progress, and other payments which relate to technology assessment without regard f to the provisions of section 3648 of the Revised Statutes (31 U.S.C. 529); ted 4 accept and utilize the services o voluntary and uncompensa personnel necessa ry for the conduct of the work of the Office and provide transportation and subsistence as authorized by 80 Stat. 499; 93 std. 190. section 5703 of title 5, United States Code, for persons serving without compensation; (5) acquire by purchase, lease, loan, or gift, and hold and disof by sale, lease, or loan, real and personal property of all kinds n ecessary for or resulting from the exercise of authority granted by this Act; and (6) prescribe such rules and regulations as it deems necessary governing the operation and organization of the Office. Recordkeeping. (b) Contractors and other parties entering into contracts and other Agency cooperation Personnel detail. Membership. arrangements under this section which involve costs to the Government shall maintain such books and related records as will facilitate an effective audit in such detail and in such manner as shall be prescribed b the Office, and such books and records (and related documents and papers shall be available to the Office and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized represen tatives, for the purpose of audit and examination. (c) The Office in carrying out the revisions of this Act shall not, itself, operate any laboratories, pilot plants or test facilities. (d) The Office is authorized to secure directly from any executive department or agency information, suggestions, estimates, statistics, and technical assistance for the purpose of carrying out its functions under this Act. Each such executive department or agency shall furnish the information, suggestions, estimates, statistics, and technical assistance directly to the Office upon its request. (e) On request of the Office, the head of any executive department or agency may detail, with or without reimbursement, any of its personnel to assist the Office in carrying out its functions under this Act. (f) The Director shall. in accordance with such policies as the Board shall prescribe, appoint and fix the compensation of such personnel as may be n ecessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. ESTABLISHMENT 0F THE TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT ADVISORY COUNCIL S E c. 7. (a) The Office shall establish a TechnologyAssessment Advisory Council (hereinafter referred to as the "Council). The Council shall be composed of the following twelve members: (1) ten members from the public, to be appointed by the Board. who shall be persons eminent in one or more fields of the physical. biological, or social sciences or engineering or experienced in the administration of technological activities, or who may be judged qualified on the basis of contributions made to educational or public activities; (2) the Comptroller General; and (3) the Director of the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress.


72 l Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 October 13, 1972 -5 (b) The Council, upon request by the Board, shall t (1) review and make recommendation to the Board on activities undertaken by the Office or on the initiation thereof in accordance with section 3(d); (2) review and make recommendations to the Board on the findings of any assessment made by or for the Office; and (3) undertake such additional related tasks as the Board may direct. (c). The Council by majority vote, shall elect from its members appointed under subsection (a) (1) of this section a Chairman and a Vice Chairman, who shall nerve for ouch time and under such conditions as the Council may prescribe. In the absence of the Chairman in the event of his incapacity, the Vice Chairman shall act as Chairman. (d) The term of office of each member of the Council appointed fill under subsection (a) (1) shall be four years except that any such member appointed to a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecesso r was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. No person shall be appointed a member of the Council under subjection (a) (1) more than twice. Terms of the members appointed under subsection (a)(1) shall be staggered so as to establish a rotating membership according to such method as the Board may devise. (e) (1) The members of the Council other than those appointed under subjection (a) ( 1 ) shall receive no pay for their services as members of the Council. but shall be allow necessary travel expenses (or, in the alternative, mileage for use of privately owned vehicles h and a per diem in lieu of subsistance at not to exceed t e rate prescribed in sections 5702 and 5704 of title 5, United States Code), and other necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of duties vested in the Council, without regard to the provisions of subchapter 1 of chapter 57 and section 5731 of title 5. United States Code, and regulations promulgated thereunder. (2) The members of the Council appointed under subsection (a) (1) d shall receive compensation for each ay engaged in the actual performance of duties vested in the Council at rates of pay not in excess of the daily equivalent of the highest rate of basic pay set forth in the General Schedule of section 5332(a) of title 5, United States Code, and in addition shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessarv expenses in the manner provided for other members of the Council under paragraph (1) of this subsection. UTILIZATION OF THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS S EC 8. (a) To carry out the objective of this Act, the Librarian of Congress is authorized to make available to the Office such services and assistance of the Congressional Research Service as may be appropriate and feasible. (b) Such services and assistance made available to the Office shall include, but not be limited to, all of the services and assistance which the Congressional Research Service is otherwise authorized to prof vide to the Congress. (c) Nothing in this section shall alter or modify any services or responsibilities other than those performed for the Office, which the Congressional Research Service under law performs for or on behalf Duties. Chairman and Vice Chairman. Term of office. 80 Stat. 498; 83 Stat. 190. 5 USC 5701. Compensation.


Appendix BOTA Act 73 86 STAT. 802 Pub. Law 92-484 -6 October 13, 1972 of the Congre SS The Librarian is, however, authorized to establish within the Congressional Research Service such additional divisions, groups, or other organizational entities as may be necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act. (d) Services and assistance made available to the Office by the Congressional Research Service in accordance with this section may be provided with or without reimbursement from funds of the Office, as agreed upon by the Board and the Librarian of Congress. UTILIZATION OF TIIE GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Sec. 9. (a) Financia1 and administrative services (including those related to budgeting, accounting, financial b e reporting, personnel, and procurement) and such other services as may appropriate shall be provided the Office by the General Accounting Office. (b) Such services and assistance to the Office shall include, but not be limited to, all of the services and assistance which the General Accounting Office is otherwise authorized to provide to the Congress. (c) Nothing in this section shall alter or modify any services or responsibilities, other than those performed for the Office, which the General Accounting Office under law performs for or on behalf of the Congress. (d) Services and asistance made available to the Office by the General Accounting Office in accordance with this section may be provided with or without reimbursement from funds of the Office, as agreed upon by the Board and the Comptroller General. Scientific programs, financing. 92 Stat. 360. 64 Stat. 156; 32 Stat. 365, 42 USC 1873. COOPERATION WITH THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION S EC 10. (a) The Office shall maintan a continuing liaison with the National Science Foundation with respect to(1) grants and contracts formulated or activated by the Foundation which are for purposes of technology assessment; and (2) the promotion of coordination in areas of technology assess\ ment, and t e avoidance of unnecesa ry duplication or overlapping of research activities in the development of technology assessment techniques and pro programs. (b) Section 3(b) of the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1862(b) ), is amended to read as follows: (b) The Foundation is authorized to initiate and support specific scientific activities in connection with mutters relating to International cooperation, national security, and the effects of scientific applications upon society by making contracts or other arrangements (including grants, loans, and other forms of assistance) for th e conduct of such nativities. When initiated or supported pursuant to requests made by any other Federal department or agency, including the office of Technology Assessment, such activities shall be financed whenever feasible from funds transferred to the Foundation by the requesting official as provided in section 14(g), and any such activities shall be unclassified and shall be identified by the Foundation as being undertaken at the request of the appropriate official, ANNUAL REPORT SEC. 11. The Office shall submit to the Congress an annual report which shall include, but not be limited to, an evaluation of technology. assessment techniques and identification, insofar as may be feasible. of tecnological areas and programs requiring future analysis. Such report shall be submitted not later than March 15 of each year.


74 Annual Report to the Congress for 1983 October 13, 1972 APPROPRIATION Sac. 12. (a) To enable the Office to carry out its powers and duties, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated to the Office out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, not to exceed $5,000,000 in the aggregate for the two fiscal years ending June 30, 1973, and June 30,194, and thereafter such sums as may be necessary. (b) Appropriations made pursuant to the authority provided in subsection (a) shall remain available for obligation for expenditure, or for obligation and expenditure for such period or periods as may be specified in the Act making such appropriations. Approved October 13, 1972. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 92-469 (Comm. on Science and Astronautics) and No. 92.1436 (Comm. of Conferance). SENATE REPORT No. 92-1123 (Comm. on Rules and Administration). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 118 ( 1972): Feb. 6, considered and passed House. Sept. 14, considered and passed Senate, unended. Sept. 22, Senate agreed to conference report. Oct. 4, House agreed to conference report. U S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1984 0 25-360

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