Preparing for an Uncertain ClimateVol. I October 1993 OTA-O-567 NTIS order #PB94-134640 GPO stock #052-003-01356-8
Recommended Citation: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume I, OTA-O-567 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, October 1.993). II For Sale by the U.S, Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328 ISBN 0-16 -042986-2
F oreword P reparing for an Uncertain Climate is OTAS second report on climate change. In 1991, we published Changing by Degrees: Steps to Reduce Greenhouse Gases, which focused on ways to reduce the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Slowing the rate of growth in these emissions continues to be very important, but most analyses conclude that despite international efforts, the Earth is likely to warm several degrees over the next century. Climate change poses many potential problems for human and natural systems, and the long-term effects of climate change on these systems are becoming increasingly important in public policy. For example, international agreements were recently signed on both climate change and biodiversity. Recognizing the potential problems, Congress asked OTA to examine how the Nation can best prepare for an uncertain future climate. This assessment tackles the difficult tasks of assessing how natural and human systems maybe affected by climate change and of evaluating the tools at our disposal to ease adaptation to a warmer climate. Volume 1 addresses coastal areas, water resources, and agriculture; volume 2 includes wetlands, preserved lands, and forests. OTA identifies more than 100 options in the full report that could help ease the transition to an uncertain climate. We categorized a subset of these options as first steps. Options that fall into this group are near-term concerns because they will take a long time to complete, address front-line or urgent issues that need attention first in order to make better decisions later, can be approached through efforts already under way, are beneficial for reasons other than helping to prepare for climate change, or represent near-term targets of opportunity. The United States has put in place an ambitious Global Change Research Program to observe, understand, and ultimately predict global and regional climate change. This effort, which has so far been based overwhelmingly in the physical sciences, is not geared to help make natural resource planning and management decisions, to identify ecosystemlevel responses to climate change, or to readily provide policy guidance on mitigation or adaptation. While scientists continue to reduce uncertainty, policy makers will continue to reauthorize environmental legislation, manage natural resources, and develop energy policy. Having mechanisms for integrating research and evaluating reasonable policy routes while we are completing the science would be a valuable addition to the Federal effort. This assessment could help guide these needed improvements. Preparing for an Uncertain Climate was requested by three congressional committees: the Senate Committees on Environment and Public Works and on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. OTA appreciates the support this effort received from hundreds of contributors. Workshop participants, reviewers, contractors, and informal advisors gave us invaluable support as we attempted to sift through the voluminous material on this subject. OTA, however, remains solely responsible for the contents of this report. Roger C. Herdman, Director Iii
Helen M. Ingram, Chairman Director Udall Studies in Public Policy University of Arizona Richard M. Adams Professor of Resource Economics Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Oregon State University Vera Alexander Dean, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences University of Alaska Michael J. Bean Senior Attorney Environmental Defense Fund Margaret Adela Davidson Executive Director south Carolina sea Grant Consortium J. Clarence Davies Director Center for Risk Management Resources for the Future Baruch Fischhoff Professor of Engineering and Public Policy Carnegie Mellon University Michael H. Glantz program Director Environmental Impacts Group National Center for Atmospheric Research George Hoberg Assistant Professor Political Science Department University of British Columbia Henry D. Jacoby Director, Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology Waiter Jarck Corporate Director Forest Resources Georgia-Pacific Corporation David N. Kennedy Director, California State Department of Water Resources Jon Kusier Executive Director Association of State Wetlands Managers Douglas MacLean Associate professor Philosophy Department University of Maryland Jerry Mahlman Director, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA Princeton University Barbara Miller Senior Civil Engineer Tennessee Valley Authority Steve Peck Director, Environmental Sciences Department Electric Power Research Institute Herman Shugart Department of Environmental Sciences University of Virginia Phil Sisson Director, Commodities and Economic Analysis Division Quaker oats Don Wilhite Director International Drought Information Center University of Nebraska Gary Yohe Professor Department of Economics Wesleyan University NOTE: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance and thoughtful critiques provided by the advisory panelmebrs. The panel does not, however, necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse this report. OTA assumes full responsibility : for the report and the accuracy of its contents. iv
Clyde Behney Assistant Director, OTA Health and Environmental Sciences Division John Andelin Assistant Director, to Aug. 31, 1993 Robert Niblock Program Manager Oceans and Environment ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Kathleen Bell Office Administrator Kimberly Holmlund Administrative secretary Sharon Knarvlk CONTRIBUTORS Bob Friedman Beth Robinson Mark Zinniker EDITOR Cynthia Allen Editorial services ROSINA BIERBAUM Project Director Michael Bowes Senior Analyst William Westermeyer Senior Analyst Jacqueline Courteau Analyst CONTRACTORS Timothy Beatley University of Virginia Stanley Changnon Illinois State Water Survey William Cline Institute of International Economics Charles Cooper San Diego University William Easterling University of Nebraska-Lincoln Jae Edmonds Pacific Northwest Laboratory P roject Staff Environmental Defense Fund David Gillilan University of Arizona Patrick Halpin University of Virginia Robert Lilleholm Utah State University Janice Longstreth Pacific Northwest Laboratory Geraldine McCormick-Ray University of Virginia Sherry Showell Analyst Nadine Cutler Research Analyst Elise Holland Research Analyst Julie Phillips Indexer Frank Potter consultant Carleton Ray University of Virginia Theodore Schad consultant Daniel Sheer Water Resources Management Inc. Joel Smith RCG/Hagler, Bailley, Inc. William Smith Yale University Nick Sundt consultant Richard Wahl University of Colorado Scott Warren Co nnecticut College Daniel Willard Indiana University Mary McKenney consultant Walt Oechel San Diego State University
w orkshop WORKSHOP ON WETLANDS Tom Bancroft National Audubon Society Ann Bartuska U.S. Forest Service Michael Bean Environmental Defense Fund Elizabeth Bokman U.S. Department of the Interior Dieter Busch U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Douglas Canning Washington Department of Ecology James Chambers National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Kevin Erwin Kevin L. Erwin Consulting Ecologist, Inc. Lee Foote U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Taber Hand Association of State Wetlands Managers Suzette Kimball University of Virginia James Kundell The University of Georgia Jon Kusler Association of State Wetlands Managers Bruce Moulton Texas Water Commission Walter Oechel San Diego State University Participants Richard Park Indiana University Karen Poiani Cornell University Michael Sauer North Dakota Department of Health Charles Segelquist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service John Simpson Massachusetts Dep artment of Environmental Protection James Titus U.S. Environmental Protection Agency John Toliver U.S. Forest Service Richard Tomczyk Massachusetts Department of Enviro nmental Protection Virginia Van Sickle-Burkett U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Don Voros U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Scott Warren Connecticut College Dennis Whigham Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Daniel Willard Indiana University Tom Winter U.S. Geological Survey Irene Wisheu University of Ottawa Donald Witherill Maine Department of Environmental Protection WORKSHOP ON FORESTS Robert Bailey University of Georgia Richard Birdsey Northeastern Forest Experiment Station Bruce Bongarten University of Georgia J.E. de Steigeur U.S. Forest Service Phil Dougherty Southeastern Forest Experiment Station Lauren Fins University of Idaho Michael Fosberg U.S. Forest Service Kathleen Geyer U.S. Forest Service Robin Graham Oak Ridge National Laboratory Robert Haack Michigan State University Edward Hansen U.S. Forest Service Roy Hedden Clemson University Arnold Holden U.S. Forest Service David Le Blanc Ball State University F. Thomas Ledig U.S. Forest Service Robert Lilleholm Utah State University VI
Rex McCullough Weyerhaeuser Company Stephen Nodvin University of Tennessee David Parsons National Park Service Phillip Riggan U.S. Forest Service Clark Row consultant Con Schallau American Forest Council Hank Shugart, Chair University of Virginia William Smith Yale University Alan Solomon U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Jack Winjum U.S. Environmental Protection Agency John Zerbe Forest Products Laboratory Robert Ziemer U.S. Forest Service WORKSHOP ON WESTERN LANDS Cecil Armstrong U.S. Forest Service Will Blackburn U.S. Department of Agriculture Terence Boyle Colorado State University Michael Cassity University of Wyoming Stan Coloff Bureau of Land Management Charles Cooper San Diego State University Doug FOX U.S. Forest Service Helen Ingram, Chair University of Arizona Linda Joyce U.S. Forest Service John Kelmelis U.S. Geological Survey Gil Lusk Glacier National Park Mitch McClaran University of Arizona Gary McVicker Bureau of Land Management Ron Moody U.S. Department of Agriculture David Mouat Desert Research Institute Walter Oechel San Diego State University Pat Reece Panhandle Research and Extension Center Patrick Reed University of Georgia Tim Seastedt University of Colorado Richard Stroup Political Economy Research Center Eleonora Trotter University of New Mexico Sara Vickerman Defenders of Wildlife Mary Wallace University of Arizona WORKSHOP ON CLIMATE TREATIES AND MODELS Dan Bodansky University of Washington Tony Brenton Harvard University Herman Cesar Tilburg University Joel Darmstadter Res ources for the Future Hadl Dowlatabadl Carnegie Mellon University Jae Edmonds Pacific Northwest Laboratory Howard Gruenspecht Us. Dep artment of Energy James Hammitt Rand Corp. William Hogan Harvard University Ted Parson Harvard University Steve Rayner Pacific Northwest Laboratoratory John Reilly Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joel Scheraga Us. Environmental Protection Agency Dennis Tirpak Us. Environme ntal Protection Agency David Victor Harvard University John Weyant Stanford university Don Wilhite University of Nebraska vii
WORKSHOP ON AGRICULTURE Richard Adams Oregon State University Robert Chen Consortium for the International Eart h S cience Information Network Ralph Chite The Library of Congress John Clark Battelle Institute Roy Darwin Us. Departmcnt of Agriculture William Easterling University of Nebraska Dean Ethridge U.S. Department of Agriculture Gary Evans U.S. Department of Agriculture Steven Hollinger University of Illinois Marvin Jensen Colorado state university C. AlIan Jones Texas A&M University Jan Lewandrowski Us. Department of Agriculture Robert Loomis University of California Robert Mendelsohn Yale university Calvin Quaiset university of California Wayne Rasmussen U.S. Department of Agriculture Steve Rawlins U.S. Department of Agriculture John Reilly Massachusetts Institute of Technology Norman Rosenberg, Chair Battelle Institute Cynthia Rosenzweig Columbia University Vernon Ruttan University of Minnesota Paul Unger U.S. Department of Agriculture John van Es University of Illinois WORKSHOP ON ECOLOGY AND REMOTE SENSING Jim Bunce U.S. Department of Agriculture Leonard David Space Data Resources and Information Ruth Defries University of Maryland Irv Forseth university of Maryland Robert Hudson University of Maryland David Inouye university of Maryland Tony Janetos National Aeronautics and Space Administr ation Michael Kearney University of Maryland Penelope Koines university of Maryland Bill Lawrence University of Maryland Eileen McClellan University of Maryland Aian Miller University of Maryland Raymond Miller University of Maryland Rob Nicholls university of Maryland Karen Prestegaard University of Maryland Steve Prince University of Maryland Alan Robock University of Maryland John Townshend university of Maryland Richard Weismiller University of Maryland Robert Worrest Consortium for the International Eart h S cience Information Network WORKSHOP ON EOS AND USGCRP: ARE WE ASKING AND ANSWERING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS? Dan Albritton National Oceani c Atmospheric Administration James Anderson Harvard University Francis Bretherton University of Wisconsin Ronald Brunner University of Colorado William Clark Harvard University Robert Corell National Science F oundation viii
Jeff Dozier WORKSHOP ON University of California WATER RESOURCES John Eddy Tony Bagwell Consortium for the International Earth Texas Water Development Board science Information Network Stanley Changnon Diane Evans Illinois State Water Survey Jet Propulsion Laboratory Hanna Cortner James Hansen University of Arizona National Aeronautics and Space Stephen Estes-Smargiassi Administration Massachusetts Water Resources Tony Janetos Authority National Aeronautics and Space Myron Fiering Admininstration Harvard University Jerry Mahlman Kenneth Frederick Princeton University Resources for the Future M Patrlnos U.S. Dep Jerome Gilbert artment of Energy Water Transfer Associates Robert Watson National Aeronautics and Space Michael Glantz, Chair National Center for Atmospheric Administration Research Helen Ingram University of Arizona William Kellogg National Center for Atmospheric Research Steve Macaulay California Dep artment of water Resources Barbara Miller Tennessee Valley Authority Peter Rhoads South Florida Water Management District John Schefter U.S. Geological Survey Nell Schild U.S. Department of the Interior Rusty Schuster Bureau of Reclamation Joel Smith Us. Environme ntal Protection Agency Eugene Stakhiv Us. Army Corps of Engineers Dan Tarlock Chicago-Kent College of Law Richard Wahl University of Colorado Don Wilhite University of Nebraska Dennis Lettenmaier University of Washington lx
I c ontents 1 Synthesis, Summary and Policy Options 1 The OTA Assessment 3 The Problem of Climate Change 7 Choosing Adaptation Strategies 15 Overarching Policy Themes 19 Near-Term Congressional Action 35 Summari es and First Steps for Each Resource Chapter 39 Chapter 1 References 57 2 A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources 65 How Do We Know Climate Is Changing? 66 What Causes Climate Change? 71 What Changes in Climate Are Predicted? 71 How Will Climate Change Affect Natural Resources? 79 Which Natural Resources Are Most Vulnerable to Climate Change? 99 Chapter 2 References 101 3 Global Change Research in the Federal Government 109 The U.S. Global Change Research Program 112 Priorities and Balance in USGCRP 119 Adaptation Research in the Federal Government 132 Evaluation Mechanisms 139 Policy Options: Augmenting the Federal Research Effort on Global Change 144 Chapter 3 References 151 II x
4 Coasts 15 3 Overview 154 vulnerability of coastal Areas 154 The Challenge for Policy 166 Obstacles to Better Management 176 En couraging Less-Damaging Coastal-Development Patterns 170 Policy Options for the Federal Government 194 First Steps 202 Chapter 4 References 204 5 Water 20 9 Overview 210 Background 211 Possible Effects of a Warmer Climate on Water Resource Systems 212 Current and Potential Stresses on Water Resource Systems 213 Effects of Climate Stress on Nonconsumptive Uses of Water 227 Adapting Water Resource Systems to Climate and Other Changes 232 First Steps 262 Chapter 5 References 266 Appendix 5. lWater Resource Concerns: Region by Region and State by State 269 Agriculture 275 Overview 276 U.S. Agriculture Today 277 The Problem of Climate Change 266 Technologies for Adaptation to Climate Change 297 The Institutional Setting 310 Policy Options 316 First steps 326 Chapter 6 References 329 APPENDIXES A: List of Tables and Figures 333 B: Acknowledgments 339 INDEX 345 xii I
Synthesis, Summary and Policy Options 1 w idespread public attention to the question of whether or not climate is changing intensified during the hot summers of the late 1980s. Since then, during the time the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) was conducting this assessment, the Nation has experienced major drought in the western and southeastern United States, powerful hurricanes in Florida and Hawaii, a destructive forest fire in Northern California, and substantial flooding in the Midwest. Although none of these events can be clearly linked to climate change, they represent the types of extreme events that may occur with greater frequency if climate warms. Most scientists believe that the Earths climate is likely to warm by several degrees during the next few decades. Although our understanding of climate change has progressed a great deal in the past few years, major knowledge gaps remain, and empirical evidence of humaninduced climate change is not unequivocal. Many factors important to understanding climate, such as the role of clouds, ocean circulation, and solar cycles and the interactions between living organisms and the environment, cannot yet be reliably incorporated into general circulation models (GCMS), science-based computer models used to predict potential changes in average global surface temperature. Some key inf ormation that could guide policy response is likely to remain unknown for another decade or two (69). We cannot predict rates or magnitudes of changes in local or regional temperature and precipitation patterns. Predicting changes in the variability of climate and weather patterns, particularly on small spatial scales, is also beyond current scientific capabilities, Existing ecological, social, and economic models are similarly limited and cannot adequately predict the responses to climate
2 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 changes by natural systems (e.g., forests and wetlands) or managed systems (e.g., water resource systems and agriculture). Therefore, most policy decisions made in the near future about how to respond to the specter of climate change will be made in light of great uncertainty about the nature and magnitude of potential effects. Although climate change has certainly become a public and scientific concern, what to do about it is not clear. Issues now being heatedly debated are the technical feasibility and economic implications of reducing or offsetting emissions of greenhouse gases. Several studies concluded that cutting U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide (C0 2 ), the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, below current levels is plausible. OTAS 1991 report, Changing by Degrees: Steps to Reduce Greenhouse Gases, concluded that by adopting a package of low-cost measures, the United States could significantly slow the growth of its C0 2 emissions over the next 25 years-but could not easily decrease them to below current levels (172). With aggressive-but potentially expensive-initiatives, OTA found that the United States might be able to decrease its C0 2 emissions to 35 percent below todays levels by 2015. Even in this case, U.S. emissions of C0 2 are expected to rise again after 2015 unless there are successful programs for developing alternatives to fossilenergy supplies (such as solar and nuclear power)programs that would lead to substantial increases in market penetration of one or more of these energy alternatives by 2015. Since the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Brazil, many countries have signed the Climate Convention, seeking to freeze greenhouse gas emissions at 1990 levels in the near future. On Earth Day 1993, President Clinton announced that the United States would participate in this effort. The Climate Convention represents a landmark agreement and recognition that global environmental problems must be addressed on a global scale. Nonetheless, the bulk of scientific evidence indicates that simply freezing greenhouse gas emissions at 1990 levels will not stop global warming. Stabilizing emissions is different from stabilizing atmospheric concentrations. Constant annual emissions will still increase the total concentration of greenhouse gases and, thus, the heat-trapping capacity of the atmosphere. The Intergovernm ental Panel on Climate Change (WCC), an international group representing more than 50 countries, concluded that to stabilize the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere at todays levels would require up to an 80 percent reduction in world C0 2 emission levels immediately, along with significant reductions in other greenhouse gases. Even if such reductions could be achieved, the world would warm about 1 to 4 OF (1 to 2 C) because of long-lived greenhouse gases emitted over the last century. Given the virtual certain ty that energy use (and associated C0 2 emissions) in developing countries will rise as they pursue economic growth and given the intense debate in the United States and other industrialized countries about the feasibility of achieving even a freeze in emissions, it seems certain that global atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases will continue to rise. Thus, unless the predictive GCMS are seriously flawed, average global temperatures are expected to increase several degrees over the next century, even under the most optimistic emissions scenarios (see box 2-B). l If climate change is inevitable, then so is adaptation to climate change. Society and nature may have to cope with rising sea levels, more frequent drought and periods of temperature extremes, changes in water supplies, disruption of ecosystems, and changes in many other climatesensitive natural resources (see ch. 2). The term adaptation, as used here, means any adjustment to 1 All chapters, boxes, figures, snd tables ckd here can be found in volumes 1 and 2 of this report Volume 1 addrasm coastal areas, U@@ resources, and agriculture; volume 2 includes wetlands, preserved lands, and forests.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options! 3 altered conditions; it can be a biological, technical, institutional, regulatory, behavioral, or economic response. It encompasses passive adjustments (e.g., biologically driven changes in plant communities or gradual changes in human behavior and tastes), deliberate reactive responses (management responses after climate change effects are observed), and anticipatory actions, (planning, engineering, or regulatory responses taken in preparation for climate change). Throughout this report, we examine the ability of naturalresource-based systems, both unmanaged and managed, to adapt to climate change and consider means by which adaptation can be enhanced by modifying management, advancing research and technology, disseminating information, and taking legislative actions. Given the current inability to predict accurately where, when, and how much change will occur, decisionmakers must plan for natural and managed systems in light of considerable uncertainty. It is understandable, under these circumstances, that postponing responses until more is known about climate change is very appealing. Nonetheless, uncertainty does not mean that the Nation cannot position itself better to cope with the broad range of impacts possible under climate change or protect itself against potentially costly future outcomes. In fact, delay in responding may leave the Nation poorly prepared to deal with the changes that do occur and may increase the possibility of impacts that are irreversible or otherwise very costly. Many options that will increase the Nations ability to cope with the Un certainties of climate change will also help in dealing with existing threats to natural resource systems, such as those related to climate extremes (e.g., droughts, floods, and fire) and the fragmentation of natural habitat. The following sections of this chapter discuss the OTA assessment, general problems posed by climate change, criteria for choosing strategic responses, near-term opportunities for Congressional action, and summ aries and first steps for the six resource systems studied in detail. THE OTA ASSESSMENT Three Committees of Congress asked OTA to help them think about coping with potential climate change. OTA was asked: How can the United States set prudent policy, given that we do not know for certain what the climate will be? This assessment attempts to answer three key questions: What is at risk over what time frames? Which natural ecological systems and managed natural resource systems are at risk from climate change? How do the lead times needed for human interventions in these systems vary? How can we best plan for an uncertain climate? When and how should decisionmakers consider the uncertain effects of a changing climate as they plan the future management of natural and managed systems in the United States? What criteria should be used? Will we have answers when we nee d them? Does the current U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) reflect the shortand long-term needs of decisionmakers? Will it provide information about rates of climate change, the potential for surprise effects on different systems, potential strategies for making systems more resilient in the face of uncertain climate change, and adapting to the changes that may occur? Society depends on natural and managed systems for both basic needs and amenities. These include, for example, food, shelter, clothing, drmking water, energy, and recreation. Many social and economic problems arise when the availability and diversity of goods and services decline. Such disruptions can range from mild to severe, and they include unemployment, famine, migration of workers, and political instability. Climate change heightens the uncertainty about future availability of desired goods and services.
4 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1In the West, center-pivot sprinklers irrigate wheat, alfalfa, potatoes, and other crops. Increasingly efficient irrigation techniques maybe critical if regional climates become drier.Yet, given the potentially long delays until theonset of significant changes, reacting to climatechange as it occurs may seem more practical than undertaking anticipatory measures. Why adopt a policy today to adapt to a climate change that maynot occur, for which there is significant uncertainty about regional impacts, and for which benefits of the anticipatory measure may not be seen for decades? Effort put into adopting the measure could well be wasted. Furthermore,future generations may have more sophisticated technologies and greater wealth that can be used for adaptation (91).The Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (COSEPUP) (27)2 concluded that it is theoretically possible to put technology and practices into place to adjust to the changing climate as it happens if the change is gradual enough. However, the rate of climate change is, admittedly, unknown. IPCC concluded: it is uncertain whether these changes-should they come-would be gradual or sudden (68). Fur-thermore,our imperfect understanding of climate processes .could make us vulnerable tosurprises; just as the human-made ozone hole over Antarctica was entirely unpredicted (69). Waiting to react to climate change may beunsatisfactory if it is possible that climate changeimpacts will be very costly. Of greatest concernmay be those systems where there is the possibil-ity of surprise-of facing the potential for highcosts without time to react--or where the climate change impacts will be irreversible. Such impactsseem more likely if long-lived structures or slow-to-adapt natural systems are affected, if adaptive measures require time to devise orimplement, or if current trends and actions make adaptation less likely to succeed or more costly inthe future. In these cases, anticipating climatechange by taking steps now to smooth the path of adaptation may be appropriate.Ideally, a policy-relevant research program could help identify appropriate actions as thecurrent state of knowledge evolves. In response tothe potential risks of climate change and theuncertainties surrounding the science, the FederalGovernment launched a massive, multiagency research effort in 1989 to monitor, understand, of the National Academy of the National of stated: inventions and their adoption may occur quickly, we must ask whether the broad spectrum of current capital could be changed faat enough to match a change in climate in 50 to 100 years (27). goes on to note that half a should be time enough to allow most major technological systems (and some natural systems) to be transformed most capital stock to over.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 5 and, ultimately, predict global changes and to determine the mechanisms influencing these changes (25, 26). Chapter 3 examines the USGCRP and suggests ways to effectively broaden the program to both incorporate natural resource concerns and assessment activities. Other studies have examined systems at risk from climate change in various ways (see boxes l-A, l-B, and 2-F and refs. 27, 67, and 188). To complement these analyses, OTA focused its examination of adaptation potential on areas where: n Costs of climate change may be very high. For example, flood and wind damages from more-intense storms could lead to death and extensive property damage. = Impacts of climate change may be irreversible. For example, species extinction and loss of valuable ecosystemsin wetlands, forests, and wilderness areas-may be permanent. n The validity of long-term decisions made today will be affected by climate change. For example, trees planted with a life expectancy of many decades may not survive to maturity if climate conditions change. Agricultural and coastal development in climatesensitive areas may add to the likelihood of future losses to natural disasters. n Preparing for catastrophic events is already warranted. Reacting to climate change may mean reacting to climate extremes-such as floods, droughts, storms, and fires. Coordinated contingency planning can help avert high costs and reduce risk of loss. n There is a significant Federal role in the research, planning, or management of these systems. On the basis of these criteria, OTA selected six systems for further analysis: 1. coastal areas, 2. water resources, 3. agriculture, 4. wetlands, 5. preserves (federally protected natural areas), and 6. forests. The first three systems are managed natural-resource-based systems with a high degree of gov ernment involvement and a complex system of incentives and subsidies in place; these are grouped together in volume 1 of the report. The other three systems include less-managed natural systems and are presented together in volume 2. Both volumes contain this summ ary chapter, a primer on climate change, and a chapter on the Federal research effort. Box 1-A highlights our overall methodological approach. Each of the six systems OTA examined is stressed to some degree today, and that may influence how well it can respond to any change in the future. For example, because populations in coastal areas are growing, the exposure to costly natural disasters is increasing. Water scarcity and water-quality concerns are already common in many parts of the United States. Current agricultural support programs often distort and constrain choices about crop and farm management. Wetland loss continues-albeit at a much slower rate than 20 years ago-despite a stated national goal of no net loss (see vol. 2, ch. 4). Preserved natural areas serve aesthetic, recreational, and biodiversity functions, but may not be adequate in size or distribution to maintain wildlife and plant species in the face of growing habitat loss and fragmentation. U.S. forest managers are finding it increasingly difficult to meet the sometimes competing demands for recreation, environmental services, and commercial wood products. Water is an integral element of all of the resource systems discussed in this report. Its abundance, location, and seasonal distribution are closely linked to climate, and this link has had much to do with where cities have flourished, how agriculture has developed, and what flora and fauna inhabit a region. Water quality and quantity will remain key to the economy. Future
6 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box l-AThe OTA Study in Context Within the past 5 years, three major studies of the impacts of climate change have been released. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (166) and the Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy (COSEPUP) (27) issued reports on potential effects of global climate change on the United States; Working Group II of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) focused on potential impacts from climate change worldwide (67). The Sensitivity and Adaptability of Human Activities and Nature Sensitive; adaptation Sensitive; Human activity Low at some adaptation and nature sensitivity cost problematic Industry and energy Health Farming Managed forests and grasslands Water resources Tourism and recreation Settlement and coastal structures Human migration Political tranquility Natural landscapes Marine ecosystems SOURCE: Redrawn from Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute for Medicine, Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: Mitigation, Adaptation, and the Science Base (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1992). COSEPUP divided human activities and natural systems into three classes of sensitivity and adaptability to climate change: 1) low sensitivity, 2) sensitive but can adapt at a cost and 3) sensitive with problematic adjustment or adaptation (see table). The report concluded that industry decisionmaking horizons and building schedules are shorter than the time frame within which most climatic changes would emerge, so most industries could be expected to adapt as climate shifts. COSEPUP listed human migration and water resources as sensitive to climate change, but adaptable at some cost. Finally, it suggested that unmanaged natural ecosystems respond relatively slowly and that their ability to adapt to climate change is more questionable and problematic than that of managed cropland or timberland. The EPA report concluded that natural ecosystems have only limited ability to adapt if the climate changes rapidly and suggested that managed systems may show more resilience. The Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) analysis began with the EPA, COSEPUP, and IPCC reports and related literature, but it goes beyond them in several important ways. COSEPUP addressed natural systems primarily in the general terms of natural landscape and marine ecosystems. However, natural systems are much more numerous and complex than this categorization suggests. We examine some natural systems in the United States at a much finer level of resolution (e.g., wetlands, forests, and preserved areas) and in different regions of the country. We also consider systems under varying degrees of management intensity-from Iess-managed wilderness areas, wetlands, and some coastal systems, to systems managed for multiple uses, such as forests and rangelands, to intensively managed agricultural and commercial forestry systems. We consider each to be a system for which we can characterize outputs and inputs. We focus on the outputs that society cares about whether for economic, recreational, aesthetic, or other reasons-in short, things about which policy is made. While recognizing the value of climate predictions used in previous assessments, we chose to acknowledge the uncertainties of our changing climate by deliberately avoiding predictions linked to any particular climate change scenario. Instead, we examine the vulnerabilities of natural resource systems to climate change, attempt to elucidate how different climate variables drive natural resource systems, and examine the types of planning and management practices that might help vulnerable systems adapt to a changing climate.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options 7 Timing is key to our analyses. In addition to the sensitivity of systems to climate change, the lead time needed for human interventions in these systems also varies, as does the time framefor systems to respond. Continuation of the structure, function, and services of many systems in an uncertain future depends on decisions being made today. In this report, we highlight how todays decisions about long-lived systems (e.g., forests and water resource projects) may determine how those systems respond to tomorrows unknown climate. Finally, and perhaps most importantly for Congress, our assessment examines the institutions and legislative framework that surround natural and built systems in the United States today. Whether or not a system can adapt to a changing climate may depend on how adaptable the institutions themselves are. Many systems transcend agency, geographic, or legislative boundaries; such fragmentation can impede adaptation. OTA identifies these rigidities and offers new legislative, coordination, planning, and management options to facilitate adaptation. water availability is essential for continued serv1) increased unpredictability resulting from changices and functions from coasts, water resources, agriculture, preserves, wetlands, and forests. Competition for water, whether for irrigation, recreation, wildlife, or urban use, is likely to heighten in some regions of the country. Throughout the report, we highlight this and other intersecting issues in cross-cutting boxes, indicated by a bar of icons representing the six systems studied (see table l-l). THE PROBLEM OF CLIMATE CHANGE ing climate averages, and 2) increased risk of surprises or large-scale losses. These, together with the background of increasing population, greater future demand, and growing competition for the use of scarce resources, make the need to improve the Nations ability to deal with an uncertain climate all the more urgent. Stresses on resources are most acute and visible during extreme events such as floods and droughts. Our response to such events has often proven to be expensive and unsatisfactory. DamClimate change alters the baseline against ages from the Mississippi River flooding in 1993 which future actions are gauged. Our lifestyles, are expected to range from $5 billion to $10 water supplies, and food supplies and other things billion, with Federal disaster payments of about society values from natural resources rely on a $3 billion. Almost $4 billion in Federal payments dependable, consistent, and sustainable supply. Our institutions and infrastructure presume that went to farmers suffering crop losses during the the past is a reasonable surrogate for the future. 1988 drought. Hurricane Hugo cost the Federal When designing reservoirs, for example, historic Government about $1.6 billion. Hurricane Andrew topped $2 billion in Federal disaster rainfall patterns are assumed to provide a good indication of the range of future patterns. A payments, and many complained about the Governfarmer plants knowing that at times, weather ments response. 3 Policies that improve the Naconditions will cause a crop to fail, but with the tions ability to prepare for and cope more expectation-based on past climate--that the effectively with climate hazards (e.g., floods, crop will succeed, in most years. fires, and droughts) would be valuable now and Climate change poses two potential problems would help prepare the Nation for a less certain for existing management strategies for resources: future. 3 Hurricane Andrews estimated COSt tO property insurers as of February 1993 is at least $15.5 billion (136). Additional losses involved uninsured property, public utility equipment (e.g., power lines), crop damage, property insured under the National Flood Insurance and the Small Business Administration programs, lost tax revenue, and the costs of emergency services.
8 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Table l-lList of Boxes in Report a Chapter 1 Summary Box 1-A The OTA Study in Context, p.6 Box 1 -B How Climate Change May Affect Various Systems, p 12 Box 1 -C Solutions from General to Specific: Addressing the Overarching Problems, p.20 Box 1 -D Climate Change, South Florida, and the Everglades, p.28 Box 1-E Water Allocation and the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System, p.31 Box 1 -F Changes in Agriculture and the Fate of Prairie Potholes: The Impacts of Drought and Climate Change, p.33 Box 1 -G Climate Change in Alaska: A Special Case, p.50 Chapter 2 Primer Box 2-A What the Models Tell Us. GCMs and Others, p 68 Box 2-B Highlights of the IPCC 1990 Scientific Assessment of Climate Change, p.74 Box 2-C Climate Change and Coastal Fisheries, p.81 Box 2-D Coping with Increased CO 2 Effects on Ecosystem Productivity, p 88 Box 2-E Responses of Natural Systems to Climate Stress. Adaptation, Migration, and Decline, p 92 60X 2-F Major Assessments of Climate Change Impacts, p 102 Chapter 3 Research 60X 3-A Remote Sensing as a Tool for Coping with Climate Change, p.125 Box 3-B Weaknesses in U.S. Environmental Research Identified by the National Research Council, p 137 Box 3-C Lessons from NAPAP, p.141 VOLUME 1 Chapter 4 Coasts Box 4-A Saffir-Simpson Hurricane-lntensity Scale, p 162 Box 4-B Protector Retreat?, p 174 Box 4-C South Carolina, Hurricane Hugo, and Coastal Development, p.189 Box 4-D The Maine Approach, p 192 Chapter 5 Water 60X 5-A Box 5-B Box 5-C Box 5-D Box 5-E 60)$ 5-F 60X 5-G Box 5-H Box 5-1 60X 5-J Chapter 6 Box 6-A Major Federal Programs Related to Agriculture and the Environment, p.278 Box 6-B Primary U.S. Farm Products, p.285 60X 6-C Previous Studies of Agriculture and Climate Change, p.290 Box &D Water Transfers in the West: Winners and Losers, p.292 Box 6-E Irrigated Agriculture and Water Quality: The Kesterson Case, p.294 Box 6-F Historical Examples of Adaptability in Agriculture, p 298 Box 6-G Adaptation to Declining Groundwater Levels in the High Plains Aquifer, p.301 Box 6-H Current Technologies for Adapting to Climate Change, p.303 Box 6-I The Institutional Setting for Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change, p.311 Box 6-J Structure of the Agricultural Research and Extension System, p.315 Climate Change, Water Resources, and Limits to Growth?, p.216 Water Quality, Climate Change, and the Rio Grande, p.217 Reauthorizing the Clean Water Act, p.220 Major Doctrines for Surface Water and Groundwater, p 222 Navigating the Mississippi through Wet and Dry Times, p,228 Important Water-Related Responsibilities of Key Federal Agencies, p.233 Permanent Transfer: Conserving Water in Californias Imperial Valley, P.237 A Drought-Year Option Californias Drought Water Bank, p.238 Seasonal Storage: The Metropolitan Water Districts Interruptible Water Service and Seasonal Storage Programs, p.247 The Use of Reclaimed Water in St Petersburg, p.261 Agriculture n What Is at Risk? creased evaporation, and sea level rise. The As described in chapter 2, climate change combination of these factors could cause signifipredicted by the models includes changes in cant impacts on all systems. For example, sea precipitation patterns, increased temperature, inlevel rise could lead to higher storm surges and
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options 19 VOLUME 2 Chapter 4 Wetlands Box 4-A Wetland Restoration and Mitigation, Maintainmg Wetland Functions and Values, p 154 Box 4-B How Wet Is A Wetland?: The Debate Over Which Wetlands to Regulate, p 157 Box 4-C Wetland Types and Distribution l p,160 Box 4-D Why Care About Wetlands?, p,162 Box 4-E Isa Wetland a Place or a Process?, p,166 Box 4-F Louisiana and Sea Level Rise: A Preview of Whats to Come?, p.173 Box 4-G How Will Climate Change Affect Wetlands?, p 175 Box 4-H Will Climate Change Increase Conflicts Over Riparian Wetlands in the Arid West?, p.178 Box 44 The Wetlands Policy Space, p.189 Chapter 5 Preserves: Federally Protected Natural Areas B OX 5-A Climate Change and Management Philosophies for Natural Area Management, p 221 Box 5-B The Strategic Dilemma for Protecting Natural Areas Under Climate Change, p.223 Box 5-C Federally Protected Natural Areas: The Legislative Framework, p.228 B OX 5-D Implications for Endangered Species Conservation Under a Changing Climate, p 235 Box 5-E Landscape Fragmentation: Islands of Nature in a Sea of Human Activity, p.241 Box 5-F Some Innovative Management Models: Toward Ecosystem Management in Natural Areas, p.244 Box 5-G Competition for Water: The Case of the Stillwater National Wildlife Management Area, p.252 Box 5-H Water and Natural Areas Under Climate Change, p.255 Box 5I The Yellowstone Fires of 1988: Harbinger of Climate Change and Fire Management Conflicts, p.262 Box 5-J Possible Funding Sources for Conservation Programs, p.265 B OX 5-K The Sustainable Biosphere Initiative: Articulating an Ecological Research Agenda for Global Change, p 269 Box 5-L Building Blocks for Integrated Information Systems, p.270 Box 5-M Restoration Ecology Giving Nature a Helping Hand Under Climate Change, p 276 Chapter 6 Forests Box 6-A Major Forest Types of the United States, p.306 Box 6-B Forests and Carbon Sequestration, p.310 B OX 6-C Major Federal Laws Related to Forest Management, p.312 Box 6-D Southern Bottomland Hardwoods: Converting Wetland Forests to Agriculture, p.316 Box 6-E The Blue Mountains: Forest Decline and Climate Change, p.318 Box 6-F Current Weather-Related Stresses on Selected Forests, p.324 Box 6-G Private Property and Fire Risk, p.329 Box 6-H Public Grazing Lands: Management Dilemmas, p.334 a Shading indicates boxes that discuss interactions across resource systems increased erosion of coasts (see vol. 1, ch. 4). Shifts in precipitation patterns could cause more floods, droughts, water-supply disruptions, hydropower reductions, and groundwater overdrafts, especially in the arid West (see vol. 1, ch. 5). The ideal range for agricultural crops might move north as temperatures increase, and drought losses could become more frequent (see vol. 1, ch. 6). Forests could experience more-frequent fire and diebacks driven by drought, insects, and disease (see vol. 2, ch. 6). It could become difficult to retain unique assemblages of plants and animals in preserves as the climate to which they are adapted effectively shifts northward or to higher elevations (see vol. 2, ch. 5). With sea level rise, loss of coastal wetlands maybe accelerated, and regional drying could eliminate some prairie potholes (see vol. 2, ch. 4). The loss of soil moisture that might result from higher evaporation rates at warmer temperatures is likely to present the greatest threat to natural systems. Figure 1-1 shows areas of the United States that may undergo significant changes in soil moisture based on climate changes projected by two GCMS. The Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) scenario suggests that large areas face moderate drying. The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) scenario shows more severe drying across much of the eastern and central United States. Figure 1-2 illustrates the
10 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1The summer floods of 1993 in the Midwest demonstrate the risks of floodplain development combined with intensive control of river flow. The satellite photograph on the top shows theMississippi River as it appeared in July of 1988 duringthe drought; the one on the bottom shows the same area during the floods of July 1993.extent to which changes in soil moisture couldaffect U.S. lands in natural cover (e.g., forests andwetlands) or agricultural use. Much of the Nations natural resource base may face at leastmoderate drying, which is likely to increase stress on vegetation.It is impossible to estimate with any confidencethe cost of climate change to society. Estimates ofthe costs to the United States resulting from an average temperature increase of 4 to 5 OF (2 to 3oC)4 range from 0.3 to 2.0 percent of the gross national product (GNP) (22, 23)-corresponding to tens of billions of dollars per year. Box 1-B highlights a broad range of climate impacts thatcould be caused by climate change.Although it is desirable to anticipate climate change, the uncertainties involved make thedesign of appropriate policies challenging. These uncertainties include: 1) the extent of global andregional climate change, 2) its economic and ecological impacts, and 3) the ability of societyto adapt. Uncertainties About Global andRegional Climate ChangeAtmospheric scientists generally agree about the direction of climate change on a global andlatitudinal scale. Global temperatures will likelyrise, which would cause an increase in global precipitation and sea levels. Temperature in-creases are likely to be greater at higher latitudes. Winter precipitation could increase in middle and high latitudes; decreased summer precipitation in midcontinental, midlatitude regions could resultin reduced summer soil moisture (69). At finer spatial scales, such as at the regional or Statelevel, uncertainty about climate change increases.The rate of change is also uncertain. IPCC estimated that global average temperatures will increase at over 0.5 OF (0.3o C) per decade. Asaverage temperatures increase, the entire range ofexpected temperatures increases as well; thus,both the warmest and coolest temperatures experienced will be warmer than before. This does not preclude late frosts or early freezes if variabilityincreases. Some analyses show that climate variability may increase at the regional level-aseries of warm years in a region could be followedby a series of cool years (195). There is, however,significant uncertainty about whether the frequency and intensity of extreme events willchange. It is likely that, on average, precipitationworldwide will increase with climate change (69),but the models suggest that the interior ofcontinents will get drier. It is not known whetherdroughts or floods will increase or decrease. is equilibrium warming to a doubling of above levels. Although leading to this is 2030, due several decades later.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 11Figure l-lPotential Sol I-Moisture Changes Under Two GCM Climate Change Scenarios Much DrierGISS scenario drier Much wetter Wetter NOTE: GFDL=Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory; GISS--Goddard Institute for Space Studies.SOURCE: P.N. Halpin, Ecosysatems at Risk to Potential Climate Change, contractor report prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment,June 1993.Some analyses predict that hurricane intensitiescould increase (43), and drought in lower latitudes could be more severe (144). Uncertainties About Direct EffectsEven if the regional changes in climate could be predicted, important uncertainties would remain about the physical and biological effects they would have. We do not really know how vegetation, animals, and other natural resourceswill be affected by climate change. Rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2 will change therates at which plants grow, respire, use water, andset seeds. Numerous laboratory experiments onintensively managed agricultural systems suggest that CO2 will boost plant growth and productivity as long as other nutrients are plentiful (6, 39, 81);this is called the CO2 fertilization effect (see ch.2). This effect has not yet been studied in many natural ecosystems (72, 124). Many studies of climate effects have used statistical models that relate natural vegetation or crop productivity todifferences in current regional climates in order toestimate impacts under climate change scenarios. These are summarized in chapter 2 and in volume1, chapter 6. The ability of plants and animals toFigure 1-2-Soil-Moisture Changes for Agricultural Lands and Areas of Natural Cover, by GCM Climate Change Scenario40 Much wetterIUKMO GISS Wetter I Natural coverAgricultural landNOTE: Bars above the zero axis show the percent of land areabecoming wetter; bars below the axis show the percent of land areabecoming drier. GFDL--Geophysical fluid Dynamics Laboratory; GISS-Goddard Institute for Space studies; OSU-Oregon State University;and UKMO-United Kingdom Meteorological Office.SOURCE: P.N. Halpin, Ecosystems at Risk to Potential ClimateChange, contractor report prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, June 1993.
12 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box I-B-How Climate Change May Affect Various Systems 1 Natural ecosystems-These may be the systems most vulnerable to climate change. We are least able to intervene and help with adaptation of natural ecosystems because of limited knowledge about ecological processes (see chs. 2 and 3). The shift in climate zones may far exceed the ability of vegetation, such as forests, to adapt through migration (see fig. 1-7). Climate zones may shift hundreds of miles in a century, whereas natural rates of dispersal and colonization maybe on the order of tens of miles in the same time period (35). In addition, fire and disease could result in rapid dieback of many existing forests and other terrestrial ecosystems (157). Helping plants to migrate through such activities as widespread seed dispersal would be very expensive and have dubious prospects for success (188). These issues are discussed in detail in Forests (vol. 2, ch. 6). Climate change could also lead to a loss of species diversity. Isolated (island) species may find themselves in climate zones that are no longer suitable for their survival (132). The potential for migration of plants and animals to new suitable habitats is not known, but barriers such as water bodies or development could impede migration (see fig. 1-6), Species in mountainous terrain could migrate to higher elevations. This creates reduced habitat areas, which are correlated with reductions in species diversity. For example, a study ofa5F (3 C) warming in the Great Basin National Park in eastern Nevada concluded that it would cause 20 to 50 percent of species in individual mountain ranges to go extinct (108). The ability for human intervention to maintain species diversity in the face of climate change is currently limited. Selected species could be transplanted to new habitats, but this could be very resource intensive and would only be feasible in certain cases; Iittle research has actually been done on transplantation of multiple-species systems. Migration corridors could be created, but their chances of success are limited because migration rates are slow and the direction of species migration is unknown. In addition, the creation of corridors maybe relatively expensive compared with setting aside new protected areas (154). These issues are discussed further in Preserves: Federally Protected Natural Areas (vol. 2, ch. 5). Climate change can result in the loss of coastal wetlands directly through sea level rise, and indirectly, through interaction with societal response to sea level rise. Many coastal wetlands will likely be inundated because the sea will rise faster than wetland sediments accrue (161). Some wetlands will adapt to climate change by migrating upland with the rising tides. The areas with the greatest risk of wetland loss are along the Gulf and East Coasts of the United States (see fig. 1 -4). This will result in a net loss of wetlands because vast areas of tidal flats, such as in the Mississippi Delta, will be inundated, while inland migration will create new wetlands having only a fraction of the area of todays wetlands. 2 This net loss of wetlands will be even larger where coastal structures, such as bulkheads or levees, block the inland migration of wetlands (162). Even if it were feasible to create new coastal wetlands, the costs of this would be so high that large-scale restoration programs would become unattractive. The average cost of creating wetlands has been estimated at roughly $20,000 to $45,000 per acre ($50,000 to $100,000 per hectare), 3 not including land-acquisition costs. 4 This figure, however, can vary from just a few hundred dollars per acre to many hundreds of thousands of dollars per acre. Though technology is improving (see vol. 2, box 4-A), attempts to recreate wetland structure and function fully have been limited. Prohibiting the construction of or removing coastal structures would enable more wetlands to colonize upland areas. It may not be feasible to move some existing coastal structures that impede wetland migration. For example, it is unlikely that areas of dense development would be relocated. 1 This box is a compendium of information drawn from previous studies, recent research, and OTAS assessment. The back chapters of this report discuss a subset of these issues. 2 S. Leatherman, University of Maryland at College Park, personal communication, November 1992. 3 To convert acres to hectares, multiply by 0.405. 4 D. King, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, University of Maryland, personal communication, November 1992.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options 13 Prairie pothole and riparian wetlands in regions that get drier maybe at greater risk than those in regions that get wetter. For example, in the North central States, increases in temperatures and evaporation rates could cause many prairie potholes to shrink or disappear, leading to further declines in already diminished continental waterfowl populations (9). Tundra may shrink as increased temperatures allow the permafrost to thaw and drain (see box l-G). In addition, wetlands of any type that are already degraded by pollution, water diversions, or fragmentation may also be particularly vulnerable (1 98, 199). The status and vulnerability of coastal, riparian, depressional, and tundra wetlands are discussed in Wetlands (vol. 2, ch. 4). Fisheries-The potential effects of climate change on aquatic ecosystems have been studied very Iittle to date, and could vary significantly. in some cases, marine fish maybe able to migrate to new, more suitable habitats, depending on several factors, if food sources are available (80). Some freshwater fish in open waters, such as the Great Lakes, could benefit from a larger thermal niche (98). Fish in small lakes and streams, however, may suffer from increases in temperature that adversely affect survival, reproduction, or their ability to migrate to cooler locations (101). Changes in water quality will also affect the survival of aquatic organisms. Climate change may alter circulation patterns in many lakes, reducing dissolved-oxygen concentrations. Higher temperatures will also act to reduce dissolved-oxygen concentrations (71). Sea level rise will increase saltwater intrusion of estuaries, potentially benefiting marine fish at the expense of freshwater species (80). However, changes in estuaries could have broad impacts on the U.S. fishery. By far, the greatest portion of commercial catches, with the exception of those from Alaskan fisheries, are composed of estuarine-dependent species (139). Ongoing alterations of critical habitat (such as those caused by geographic fragmentation and pollution) may be exacerbated by climate change. Box 2-C (ch. 2) discusses, by region, the condition and value of fisheries today, current problems, and the potential impacts of climate change. Agriculture--This system is very sensitive to climate, but climate change impacts maybe offset by intense management over short time frames. High temperatures and drought could reduce crop yields, although this effect could be counteracted by higher atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and longer growing seasons in higher latitudes (129). The potential for agricultural adaptation, particularly at the farm level, is very high (30). Changes in management practices (e.g., changing planting dates or using irrigation or crop-switching) can reduce or eliminate many of the potentially negative impacts of climate change. Shifts in climate zones would result in changes in relative productivity levels, with some areas increasing output, and other areas reducing output due to increased competition (l). See Agriculture (vol. 1, ch. 6) for further discussion. Coastal resources-Cities, roads, airports, and other coastal resources are vulnerable to flooding from sea level rise and hurricanes. The population near the coast is growing faster than populations in any other region of the country, and the construction of buildings and infrastructure to serve this growing population is proceeding rapidly. As a result, protection against and recovery from hazards peculiar to t he coastal zone, such as hurricanes and sea level rise, are becoming ever more costly (11). The combination of popularity and risk in coastal areas has important near-term consequences for the safety of coastal residents, protection of property, maintenance of local economies, and preservation of remaining natural areas. These points are discussed further in Coasts (vol. 1, ch. 4). Water resources-These resources are vulnerable to several climate change impacts. Changes in precipitation and higher levels of evapotranspiration can combine to affect surface-water and groundwater supplies, flood and drought frequency, and hydropower production. Arid basins could experience the largest relative change in water flow from climate change (67). Numerous studies have been conducted on the relative vulnerability of the major US. river basins to flood and drought, supply disruptions, hydropower reductions, groundwater overdrafts, and extreme events (48, 49,88, 188). They conclude that the water resource regions most vulnerable to some or all of these events are the Great Basin, California, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas Gulf, Rio Grande, and Lower Colorado (see fig. 1-5). See Water (vol. 1, ch. 5) for more information; Appendix 5.1 lists State-by-State problems. (Continued on next page)
14 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box l-B-How Climate Change May Affect Various Systems--(Continued) Human health-Climate change could affect human health, but there is a great deal of uncertainty about whether mortality and morbidity would actually increase and about the potential for adaptive measures (such as the use of air conditioning) to offset any negative impacts. Several studies have concluded that the potential range of infectious diseases could shift with climate change, but the exact nature of these shifts is uncertain (94). Even if the range of disease-carrying vectors, such as mosquitoes, changes, enhanced pest-control measures could nullify the increased threat of disease. Effects of climate change in other countries could displace some populations. If environmental refugees lead to an increase in immigration, there is the potential for increased importation of communicable diseases into the United States (184). Other studies have shown that climate change could lead to increased cases of heat-stress mortality (74). Uncertainties about changes in human physiological and behavioral response make it difficult to draw conclusions about the risks of climate change to human health. Energy-Higher temperatures will no doubt increase energy demand for cooling and decrease energy demand for heating. This would result in an increase in the demand for electricity (primarily for air conditioning) and for electric-generating capacity (93). This new demand would not be completely offset by reductions in the use of oil and gas for heating (98). The largest capital costs would be associated with increased power plant construction, which could cost as much as $170 to $320 billion, about 12 percent more than the increases in capacity needed to meet population and economic growth through the middle of the next century (93). As with sea level rise, adapting to increased energy demand could involve significant costs. Transportation-Some forms of transportation could be positively or negatively affected by climate change. inland shipping may be the most sensitive to climate change. On the one hand, warmer winters would likely result in less ice cover and a longer shipping season. For example, ice cover on the Great Lakes could be reduced by 5 to 13 weeks (4), lowering shipping and related costs (78). On the other hand, lower river flow and lake levels could increase shipping costs by reducing shipping tonnage capacity or blocking shipping (143). Some roads near the coast may have to be moved or protected from sea level rise. In many instances, adaptation is highly probable in transportation at some cost to the economy (see vol. 1, box 5-E, Navigating the Mississippi through Wet and Dry Times). adapt to changes in climate, either through n Uncertainties About Societys physiological adjustment or through migration, is Ability to Adapt uncertain. Historically, trees can disperse and migrate about 60 miles (100 kilometers) 5 per century, but the projected rates of temperature change would require migration rates 5 to 10 times faster for forests to remain in suitable habitats (35, 36). The success with which natural vegetation can migrate will depend on seed dispersal, physical barriers to migration (e.g., mountains and developed land), competition between species, and the availability of fertile soils in areas of suitable climate. Finally, how society will respond to whatever climate change occurs and the resulting impacts are uncertain. Coping with climate change can take the form of technical, institutional, regulatory, behavioral, and economic adjustments. Future technologies and levels of income are unknown, although they will most likely improve and increase and will aid in adaptation (5). Will population growth or environmental consensus limit or expand adaptation options? Will people 5 To convert miles to kilometers, multiply by 1.609.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options 15 Box 1-B-How Climate Change May Affect Various Systems--(Continued) The table below summarizes potential climate change impacts for these various systems. Potential Climate Change Impacts for Various Systems Systems Potential impacts Forests/terrestrial vegetation Migration of vegetation. Reduction in inhabited range. Altered ecosystem composition. Species diversity Loss of diversity. Migration of species. Invasion of new species. Coastal wetlands Inundation of wetlands. Migration of wetlands. Aquatic ecosystems Loss of habitat. Migration to new habitats, Invasion of new species. Coastal resources Inundation of coastal development. Increased risk of flooding. Water resources Changes in supplies. Changes in drought and floods. Changes in water quality and hydropower production. Agriculture Changes in crop yields. Shifts in relative productivity and production, Human health Shifts in range of infectious diseases. Changes in heat-stress and cold-weather afflictions, Energy Increase in cooling demand. Decrease in heating demand. Changes in hydropower output. Transportation Fewer disruptions of winter transportation. Increased risk for summer inland navigation. Risks to coastal roads. SOURCE: J.B. Smith and J. Mueller-Vollmer, Setting Priorities for Adapting to Climate Change, contractor paper prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, March 1992. react quickly and efficiently to trends deemed CHOOSING ADAPTATION STRATEGIES outside the range of normal, or will they assume that conditions will return to-historic no&? Will How should decisionmakers incorporate the people overreact to periodic climate extremes uncertainties posed by a changing climate into that do not actually signal a substantial change in long-term plans for resource systems? What can the underlying climate? Responses to recent be done to minimize vulnerability to climate extreme events, such as the Mississippi River change? Uncertainty makes acting now difficult, flooding in the summ er of 1993, may provide an but it also makes preparing for a wide range and interesting lesson. intensity of climate impacts essential.
16 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate --Volume 1The Grand Teton National Park, along with other national parks and preserves, provides habitat for countless species of birds and wildlife. The parks and preserves also offer extensive recreational opportunities such as hiking, camping, nature study, and photography. These are examples of services at risk from climate change.Possible responses to the threat of climatechange depend on what one wants to save. Do wetry tomaintain systems in their current form (e.g., the extent of forests and the varieties of crops), ordo wemaintain the services they provide (e.g., enough food for the population, scenic views, beach recreation facilities)? Do we wish tominimize the economic costs of facing a changingclimate? Do we attempt to forestall only catastrophic events? However these interests are balanced, two general primary characteristics of adaptation policies stand out: flexibility androbustness. By helping to ensure quick and effective response to changing circumstances(flexibility) and by being prepared for the worst(robustness), the potential costs of an uncertainfuture climate can be reduced.Just how much effort should be expended toavoid future risks will ultimately depend on theperceived costs of the effort compared with thelikelihood and scale of future damages that will beavoided. In some cases, the same strategies that help protect against climate risks might also provide some immediate and certain benefits: enhanced services from natural systems, improved productivity in managed systems, bettermeans for dealing with existing climate variabil-ity and weather extremes, or reduced environmental damages from managed systems. Thecosts of these low-regrets strategies or activities may be relatively easy to defend. Other activities, however, would be most useful only in the eventof severe climate change. The costs of suchactivities may be considered in the same light inwhich we consider the purchase of insurance-it may be better to pay a relatively small pre-mium now than to be uninsured against the threatof severe and more costly ecological and eco-nomic damage. Enhancing FlexibilityAny policies that improve the chances ofadapting more smoothly and painlessly provide abuffer against the negative impacts of climate change. Flexible systems and policies are thosethat allow self-adjustments or midcourse corrections as needed without major economic or social disruption. For example, flexible systems can befine-tuned to cope with hot and dry weather as well as more-intense rainstorms. The system should work now, under current climate condi-tions. Flexibility would not preclude potentiallydesirable actions or lock policy makers intoexpensive, irreversible decisions. For example, insome cases, building a dam is a less flexiblepolicy than is water conservation. If new information becomes available that suggests that the dam is not needed in that location or is the wrong size, fine-tuning is difficult. Efforts to conserve water can (within limits) be used to supply quantities ofwater without building new, expensive infrastruc-ture with 50to 100-year lifetimes; the policy is also reversible in times when water is plentiful (see vol. 1, boxes 5-G, 5-H, 5-I, and 5-J). Advancing the knowledge base will enhanceflexibility. In agriculture, the development of newcrops suited to a wide variety of climates,improved understanding of the performance of crops under a changing climate, and continuing
Chapter 1--Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 17 education and extension programs to provide better-informed decisionmakin g by farmers will all help smooth the path of adaptation (see vol. 1, ch. 6). In general, research that clarifies how systems respond to climate change will help identify and expand the range of possible adaptive actions and will speed their successful implementation. Removing legislative or administrative constraints that now limit our ability to change would also promote flexibility. For example, the complicated programs of price supports in agriculture now penalize farmers who choose to change planting or management practices significantly. Given the importance of agriculture in the United States, large economic costs could be associated with even brief delays in agricultural adjustment to a changing climate. Other subsidies, such as those for irrigation and those implicit in the support for infrastructure in coastal zones, add to our inflexibility by encouraging the development of built systems in areas that maybe increasingly at risk to natural disasters. Resolving conflicts over the use of natural resources, through the creation of organizational structures or market incentives, should also help with our ability to implement change. I Enhancing Robustness Policies can also minimize the risk of adverse effects from climate change by making systems less sensitive to climate. Robust systems are those that can tolerate a wide range of climate conditions and are, therefore, less vulnerable to climate change extremes. Actions that increase robustness in a system are those that help protect against the threat of large-scale losses or climate surprises. The robustness of a system can be increased in several ways. One is to take actions that make the system itself inherently more tolerant of a variety of climate conditions. For example, developing and planting crops that perform reasonably well under a wide range of climates may be wise no matter how the climate changes. Adding capacity to dams or other structures can make them more robust, that is, able to accommodate greater variability in precipitation. Another way to increase robustness is to put a variety of mechanisms in place to protect against possible losses, hoping that some mechanisms will succeed even if others fail. For example, a mix of management strategies for forests and natural areas could be used to protect against climate change. Improving the robustness of a system will often require an insurance strategy something must be initiated now in order to avoid extremely high costs under a much warmer climate. The idea is that paying a small amount now will reduce the risks of a major loss in the future. For example, establishing gene banks or learnin g how to undertake ecosystem restoration may be an investment that would reduce the risks of catastrophic forest or ecosystem loss in the future. Efforts that enhance the general health, productivity, or quality of a system can also enhance robustness by making the system more resilient, or able to tolerate some climate-related stresses. Actions promoting robustness include improving the quality and protection of wetlands, minimizing existing threats to natural areas, and establishing new preserves (see vol. 2, chs. 4 and 5). Plannin g and management measures that avert trends that make adaptation more difficult in the future are also robust strategies. It is not immediately obvious that natural systems, such as forests or wetlands, are less robust (more vulnerable) in the short term than are managed systems such as agriculture and watersupply systems. Natural systems do have some inherent buffering to protect themselves against existing climate variability. However, what may put natural systems at greater risk than systems that are actively managed is continued stress from climate change over a long time period. Once a natural system declines, it may take many years to recover. Of particular concern is the possibility that losses to natural systems may be irreversible, such as the loss of species. In managed
18 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 systems, it is much more likely that there would be intervention to reduce the losses because the economic value at stake is often very high. I Applying the Criteria Federal agencies are currently making many decisions about the management of natural resources that could be significantly affected by climate change. What the Federal Government decides now about the management of water supplies, forests, wetlands, fish, wildlife, and other issues could limit or foreclose the ability of these resources and their managers to adapt to the future effects of climate change, or could help make us better prepared to deal with an uncertain climate future. Given the broad criteria of flexibility and robustness, we identified a large class of policy options that could remove inefficiencies, address existing problems, and help insure against the uncertainties posed by climate change to resource systems. Many studies term such options no regrets or low regrets because they make sense to pursue now, even assuming no climate change. The question that arises is: Why are actions that are supposed to be prudent, anyway, even without the added impetus of climate change, being pursued in such a limited way (5)? Actions that appear reasonable for protecting resources cannot be considered in a vacuum. In reality, there are barriers of many sorts-in information, institutions, and process-even to options that appear to be low regrets. OTAS policy analysis focused on these barriers and tried to identify ways to overcome them. Another large class of policy options calls for us to be prepared for the worst. Whether these options will still be seen as no-regrets once climate does change may depend on the rapidity and magnitude of that climate change, and the future response of decisionmakers. If, in the face of significant climate change, the no-regrets options prove inadequate, there could indeed be regrets that substantially more aggressive measures were not taken earlier. OTA has also looked at some of the more aggressive measures that would be appropriate if the likelihood of climate change is considered high. The policy options presented in this report to enhance the flexibility and robustness of the various resource systems represent a gradation from learn more about the natural resource system to improve the technology or knowhow required for adaptation to relax the institutional constraints that tend to inhibit the ability or incentive to respond. This gradation depends on whether the ability to respond to climate change is limited by information, by available technologies, or by the institutions that govern the system. Coastal systems and water resources (discussed in vol. 1, chs. 4 and 5, respectively) face many institutional factors that may limit adaptation. Theoretically, there is enough water to supply needs throughout the United States, even under climate change. We know how to move water from one place to another and have technologies to save water or even to make fresh water from salt water. However, the complex system of water rights, lack of incentives to conserve water, and limits on the transferability of water result in daunting institutional constraints and inflexibility. In coastal systems, the infrastructure of roads and bridges and subsidized flood insurance encourage a degree of development in high-risk zones that maybe economically unwise even under current climate conditions and sea levels. In agriculture, market incentives and annual planting cycles make the system quite responsive, or flexible, to change. As long as there are continued efforts in research, technology, and innovation that expand the base on which adaptation can proceed, coping with climate change should be relatively easy for agriculture-barring catastrophic changes (vol. 1, ch. 6). Yet, whether adaptation is optimal may depend greatly on our ability to remove certain institutional incentives that may encourage uneconomic farmin g of areas
Chapter 1--Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 19 where climatic risks are high. In this regard, farm subsidies and disaster-assistance programs need review and, likely, adjustment. For less-managed systems, our ability to facilitate natural adaptation is limited by inadequate inf ormation or understanding of natural processes and by the narrow range of available and suitable technologies for adaptation. In wetlands (vol. 2, ch. 4), sea level rise and changes in the timing and amount of precipitation will exacerbate ongoing habitat loss. Efforts to reduce current loss will make the system more robust and improve chances for adaptation to climate change. Actions to minimize the possibility of irreversible damage should receive high priority. For forests and natural preserves (vol. 2, chs. 5 and 6), climate change may make the continued existence of unique assemblages of plants and animals questionable. Natural areas have become the repository of biodiversity in the United States. Yet little is known about maintaining, changing, restoring, or transplanting natural ecosystems. There is no systematic effort to document what is currently preserved and how that can be augmented or protected under climate change. Enhancing these areas through strategic acquisitions of land or land easements and through innovative coordination of management with adjacent landowners offers great promise as an approach for maximizing protection of biodiversity. Filling in gaps in our knowledge through research would allow us to better manage and protect these areas and to reduce the risk of decline under climate change. OVERARCHING POLICY THEMES As we developed and evaluated policy options, using the criteria described above, for the six different resource sectors examined in this report, many sector-specific policy options appeared to coalesce into several broad themes, or problems. Four particular themes were found to be shared by several or all of the sectors: n geographic and institutional fragmentation, w inadequate communication of climate risk, n 9 the need for contingency planning, and an ongoing Federal research effort-the U.S. Global Change Research Progrogram-that will not fill many key research and information gaps. Each chapter addresses these themes within the context of the appropriate resource sector, but the common threads are highlighted here. Below, we describe the overarching themes more fully and illustrate some possible directions Congress could take to begin addressing these broader policy challenges. Box 1-C examines some specific options from the resource chapters, and relates them to these common themes. H is a Fragmentation A key problem in natural resource management that the most sensible management units from resource perspectivewatersheds or ecosystems-rarely correspond to the boundaries within which resources are actually managed. Furthermore, resources are usually owned and managed for multiple purposes. Many different government agencies and private owners may have some responsibility for the management of a given resource, with differing incentives motivating its management and use. As a result, resources may be fragmented geographically and jurisdictionally. One aspect of fragmentation is the geographical division of landscapes and ecosystems that results from uncoordinated development and the encroachment of human activity. Such activity has left few ecosystems intact in the lower 48 States (the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem is often cited as the most important remaining example). Inmost parts of the country, remaining natural areas have become islands of habitat, surrounded by developed or altered landscapes and vulnerable to a variety of human stresses (see vol. 2, box 5-E). This fragmentation of former large ecosystems has led to greater stress on the natural resources within the remaining fragments. Many natural areas, including the federally pro-
20 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box l-C-Solutions from General to Specific: Addressing the Overarching Problems During the course of developing policy options for coping with climate change, OTA heard repeatedly from many experts that climate change alone is not necessarily the most worrisome threat to natural resources. Rather, climate change is likely to exacerbate various trends and problems that already plague natural resource management. Current management policies and practices for coasts, water resources, agriculture, wetlands, natural areas, and forests are perceived in many quarters as being inadequate in ways that not only hinder management today, but could impose greater constraints under a changing climate. Four particular problems were found to be common to several or all of the sectors: 1) institutional and geographical fragmentation; 2) Inadequate communication of information that would improve response to climatic risks; 3) lack of contingency planning and other measures to prepare for extreme events or weather surprises; and 4) information gaps in various key scientific and policy areas. Addressing these overarching problems will pose numerous challenges for Congress and Federal agencies. All four problems have been recognized to varying degrees in the past, but progress toward solving them has been slow. Attempting to solve any of them could require far-reaching policy changes, but small piecemeal actions could be undertaken for individual resource sectors by many different government agencies or by congressional appropriations, legislation, and oversight committees. Big, bold policy changes could accomplish the job more uniformly or effectively, but reaching agreement on solutions and then garnering sufficient support to implement them could prove impossible. Incremental changes do not require such widespread support and may accomplish specific goals, but such policies can also detract from needed larger changes by leaving the impression that no further action is necessary. In the resource and research chapters of this report (vols. 1 and 2, chs. 3 through 6), we suggest numerous policy options that address parts of the four overarching problems in ways that are specific to each resource sector. In many cases these resource-specific options could be formulated in broader terms to attempt across-the-board solutions to the overarching problems identified above. Furthermore, many of the sector-specific options are interconnected, and could be more effective if enacted in a coordinated way. In some cases, any of several different resource-specific policy options could forma first step toward solving an overarching problem. A few of these options are described below. Fragmentation Options to help reduce institutional fragmentation include: Promoting the reestablishment and strengthening of Federal-State river basin commissions to improve coordination among agencies. (Vol. 1, option 5-11Water.) Promoting integrated resource management at the watershed level, (Vol. 2, option 4-22-Wetlands.) Creating a Federal coordinating council for ecosystem management. (Vol. 2, option 5-12Preserves.) Amending the Science Policy Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-282) to strengthen the ability of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the Federal Coordinating Council on Science, Engineering, and Technology (FCCSET) to coordinate research and ecosystem management across agencies. (Vols. 1 and 2, option 3-1-Research.) Although these options seem varied, all four address, in some way, the problem of institutional fragmentation and the need for greater coordination and integrated management. If enacted individually, these policies could focus on specific problems in the management of water resources, wetlands, and preserves. However, any of the four could also serve as part of a larger effort to coordinate the management of all three resources. Reinstated river basin commissions could form a local base for watershed management that could be broadened to include attention to wetlands and other natural areas within the watershed. Similarly, a Federal coordinating council for ecosystem management could use watershed units as one level of coordination and examine the interac-
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options 21 tion of water resources with other natural resources in that unit. The problem in trying to expand any of these individual options to cover the overarching concerns would be in how best to assign authority and enforcement capabilities for any coordinating agency without interfering with the jurisdiction of the agencies to be coordinated. Options to help reduce geographic fragmentation include: Identifying and assigning priorities to the wetlands that are most important to protect and restore. (vol. 2, Option 4-19-"Wetlands.) Directing agencies to modify their criteria for land acquisition to include underrepresented ecosystems and long-term survivability. (Vol. 2, option 5-9- Preserve)) Using current conservation incentive programs administered by the Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior to enhance the Federal effort to protect natural areas. (Vol. 2, option 5-16- Preserve)) Protecting highly valued forest sites. (Vol. 2, option 6-4-Forests.) Providing incentives to reduce fragmentation of private forestland. (Vol. 2, option 6-5-Forests.) Several of the policy options for wetlands, preserves, and forests either explicitly address the problem of geographic fragmentation or could be used to do so. The options listed above would promote priority setting for land acquisition or restoration of valuable natural areas, including wetlands, forests, and other typesof preserves. Reducing landscape fragmentation could be viewed as a high-priority goal. Furthermore, existing conservation incentive programs of various types could be required to focus on the lands most valuable for preventing or ameliorating fragmentation. Communication of climate risk Options to communicate risk through modifying subsidies include: n Raising premium rates for the National flood Insurance Program (NFIP) policyholders who receive subsidized flood insurance. (Vol. 1, option 4-1-Coasts.) n Reducing the Federal share of public disaster assistance. (Vol. 1, option 4-7- Coast)) n Reforming pricing in Federal water projects. (Vol. 1, option 5-5--"Water.) n Defining disasters formally, with assistance provided only for unusual losses. (Vol. 1, option 6-3--Agriculture.) n Improving participation in the crop-insurance program. (Vol. 1, option 6-5--Agriculture.) n Eliminating incentives to destroy wetlands. (Vol. 2, option 4-8-"Wetlands.) n Reducing Federal subsidies, such as Coastal Zone Management funds and flood insurance, in areas that have not established setback or planned retreat policies. (Vol. 2, option 4-16- Wetland)) One of the major ways the Federal Government affects the responsiveness to climate risk is in the distribution of public money for disaster assistance and insurance subsidies. Subsidized and regulated prices distort the perception of changing risks and could slow the response to growing water scarcity and to increases in the frequency of droughts, floods, and storms. The options listed above suggest that policies to reduce or eliminate such subsidies could be beneficial in encouraging greater precautions and faster responses to changing climate risk in nearly every individual resource sector-as well as in reducing Federal spending in an era of constrained budgets. If enacted together, these options could go a long way toward addressing the overarching problem of misperception of risk. Options to communicate risk through tax signals include: n Eliminating or reducing tax benefits for coastal development (such as the casualty-loss deduction). (Vol. 1, option 4-16--"Coasts.) n Reforming tax provisions to promote conservation investments. (Vol. 1, option 5-4--"Water.) n Using current conservation incentive programs administered by the Secretaries of Agriculture and Interior to enhance the Federal effort to protect natural areas. (Vol. 2, option 5-9-- Preserves.) (Continued on next page)
22 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box l-C-Solutions from General to Specific: Addressing the Overarching Problems--(Continued) The U.S. Tax Code can provide both incentives and disincentives for financial risks. Tax incentives can be used to encourage behavior that might reduce risks to humans and the environment, including investments in water conservation and in protecting natural areas. Tax disincentives could be used to help prevent unproductive behavior, such as coastal development in high-risk zones or where development leads to the destruction of wetlands or creates barriers against their movement inland as the sea level rises. Other options to communicate risk include: Improving the research and extension process (develop a database on successful practices; expand farmer involvement; provide support for on-farm experimentation). (Vol. 1, option 6-11Agriculture.) Incorporating climate change scenarios into forest plans and assessments. (Vol. 2, option 6-11Forests.) Eliminating the even-flow-harvest requirement of the National Forest Management Act (P.L. 94-566), which falsely implies that future timber supplies will be stable). (Vol. 2, option 6-12Forests.) Incorporating sea level rise into National Flood insurance Program mapping. (Vol. 2, option 4-5--Coasts.) The Government is the source of considerable information that can serve to improve private sector response to a changing climate. Outreach and extension services will be valuable in communicating changes in the effectiveness of farm management techniques and crop choices, speeding t he process of adaptation. Inventories, monitoring, climate data, and resource-status assessments will indicate trends in natural resource conditions and signal changes in the future supply of products and service from natural resource systems. Better understanding of these trends will help businesses and individuals to anticipate and adjust more effectively to changing future conditions. Inappropriate signals about climate risk that create an unrealistic expectation of stable conditions may encourage unwise financial investments in resource-dependent communities that are at risk of decline. The public generally is not well-informed about the risks associated with living in coastal areas, and this lack of awareness has led and will continue to lead to large public and private expenditures. Educating people now about the risk of a rising sea level could greatly reduce future damages. Contingency planning Options to formalize contingency planning include: n Creating an interagency drought task force to develop a national drought policy and plan. (Vol. 1, option 5-l& Water.) n Creating a national flood-assessment board. (Vol. 1, option 5-17--Water.) n Establishing criteria for intervention in order to protect or restore forest health through a forest health bill. (Vol. 2, option 6-7Forests.) Droughts, forest fires, floods, and hurricanes have all become the focus of public attention in recent years after events such as the nationwide drought in 1968, the 5-year California drought of 1968-1992, the Mississippi floods in the summer of 1993, and Hurricanes Hugo and Andrew in 1968 and 1992. In many cases, contingency plans set up to deal with such disasters were either inadequate or nonexistent. Policy options for water resources and forests suggest different types of contingency planning that may help address future disasters as the climate changes. Because the presence of forests and wetlands moderates how water moves through the landscape, both should be considered in flood planning and development. Options that add a measure of insurance against catastrophic events include: n Increasing support for the development of new commercial crops. (Vol. 1, option 6-14--"Agriculture.) q Conducting research on natural resources to prepare for climate change (restoration ecology, preservation of biodiversity, effective preserve design). (Vol. 2, option 5-2Preserves.) n Directing agencies to modify their criteria for land acquisition to include underrepresented ecosystems and long-term survivability. (Vol. 2, option 5-9Preserve))
Chapter 1-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options 23 n Enhancing forest seed banks and genetics research programs. (Vol. 2, option 6-1Forests.) Preparing for extreme future climate conditions through the development of technologies or institutions will assist in recovery and can help reduce the threat of future damage. The development of crops well-suited to harsher future climate may provide some insurance against a steep decline in our agricultural sector. Contingency preparations for forests and preserves must consider the potential need for active restoration or protection if natural processes become excessively disturbed. Seed banks may provide the material to rebuild a forest in the event of severe decline and loss of species or populations from their natural range. Information gaps Options to help decrease these gaps include: n Supporting long-term research and monitoring on the impacts of climate change on wetlands. (Vol. 2, option 4-24--Wetlands.) n Increasing funding for ecological research in the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). (Vol. 2, option 5-1--Preserves.) n Supporting coordinated research in federally protected natural areas. (Vol. 2, option 5-4--Preserves.) n Creating a national program for inventorying and monitoring. (Vol. 2, option 5-5- Preserve)) n Using the Experimental Forests for research on adaptation to climate change. (Vol. 2, option 6-2Forests.) l Using existing monitoring and inventorying efforts to identify causes and effects of forest decline. (Vol. 2,option 6-6--Forests.) n Creating an Integrated Assessment program within or outside USGCRP positioned above the agency level, (Vols. 1 and 2, option 3-8-Research.) n Creating an adaptation and mitigation research program either within USGCRP or separate but parallel to it. (Vols. 1 and 2, option 3-+ Research.) Many policy options suggest particular research questions or promote the use of specific existing programs to address some of the information gaps regarding climate change. Coordinating these different research efforts and ensuring that each considers some of the related concerns of others might yield synergistic results. For example, while the Experimental Forests should be useful sites for examining how forests may adapt to climate change, research could be focused more broadly to consider issues that affect natural areas (including questions of how to maintain biodiversity and how to restore damaged ecosystems) and forested wetlands. While these research programs in individual areas are forming useful building blocks toward solving the overarching problem of Iack of knowledge, a broader program of coordinated research across-the-board could also be attempted. Some of the research listed could be coordinated under the Ecological Systems and Processes priority group in the USGCRP. However, the USGCRP goals and purview need to be broadened to include ecosystem research, adaptation and mitigation research, and an iterative integrated assessment in order to be more useful to policy-making. tected natural areas, may not be large enough to sheds, for example, for dozens of Federal, State, withstand future stresses such as climate change. Managing smaller areas as individual parcels in an uncoordinated manner and without larger needs in mind has become part of the problem. A second aspect of fragmentation is the inefficiency that results from a lack of coordination in management across government agencies. It is not uncommon in even relatively small waterand local agencies to share jurisdiction overwater and other natural resources. For instance, the Delaware River Basin is divided among four States (fig. 1-3). Responsibility for water resources alone in this basin is divided among at least 10 agencies in each of the four States and among more than 20 Federal agencies. In most basins, responsibility for groundwater manage-
24 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--VoIume 1u Figure 1-3-The Delaware River Basin Albany CONNECTICUTMARYLAND on, DC DELAWARE NOTE: As is typical of many watersheds, the boundaries of the Delaware River Basin do not coincide with legislated boundaries. The multiple jurisdictions make management more difficult.SOURCE: W.E. Harkness, H.F. Uris, and W.M. Alley, Drought in the Delaware River Basin, 1984-85,in: National Water Summary1985-Hydrological Events and Surface Water Resources, U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2300 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Off be, 1986).
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 25ment is separate from that for surface-water management (see also vol. 1, box 5-D). Water quality and water quantity are usually treated separately. And jurisdiction over navigation,recreation, flood control, and wetlands may alsobe split, although all these aspects of waterresource management are related and may affect one another. Problems are encountered in managing a single reservoir as if its operation does not affect how others within a basin are operated, or in managing to control floods without consider-ing the role of wetlands. The result of this jurisdictional fragmentation is often seen in conflicting efforts, high management costs, andforegone opportunities to provide better overall service. These inefficiencies may be of increasingconcern if climate changes threaten the supply and services of natural resources. Box 1-Ddescribes the complexities of trying to manage agrowing urban center, agricultural areas, and the Everglades of South Florida (see also vol. 1, box 5-B). More effective management for coping with current and potential future stresses on natural resources and built systems is possible and needed. Todays agency-by-agency, owner-byowner, and system-by-system management approach leaves much to be desired. Manyimprovements can be made by going beyond ourcustomary fragmented style of management to consider more comprehensively the services ofwatersheds, ecosystems, and landscapes (see vol.2, box 5-F). Within most sectors or systems examined in this report, we have identified options that can begin moving toward moreintegrated management and reduced geographicalfragmentation: breaking down institutional barriers among agencies, acquiring and consolidating natural areas, and providing private owners with incentives to maintain the environmental services of a landscape. Regional priorities could be used to direct activities in regulatory, acquisition, and incentive programs. We also consider some more fundamental changes, such as creating major new programs and reorganizing agency responsibili-ties, which can be pursued if the political will exists. However, neither breaking down institu-tional barriers nor altering private incentives willbe easy. Watershed management, for example, has been discussed for many years, but estab-lished styles of management have changed littleto date. Nevertheless, watershed management seems to be a concept whose time has come: theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA), backed by the current Administration, has strongly advo-cated the approach, and watershed management isbeing considered in current legislation to reauthorize the Clean Water Act (P.L. 92-500) (see vol. 1, box 5-c). More integrated planning and managementalong watershed and ecosystem lines is likely to be one of the best ways for the Nation to promotethe flexibility, robustness, and efficiency that isdesirable in coping with the uncertain impacts of climate change. Communication of Climate RiskIf climate changes as predicted, resource man-agers and individuals will find it necessary toadjust to new circumstances. Certain parts of the country are likely to become much less desirableHurricanes and other tropical storms cause millions ofdollars worth of damage each year as homes, boats, and businesses are destroyed by high winds and water.Some Federal programs and regulations encourageredevelopment in high-risk areas without requiring appropriate safety measures.
26 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 places to live and work. Even where climate changes are less harsh, current management practices and lifestyles may not continue to be appropriate. The speed with which resource managers and individuals can recognize and respond effectively to new climate conditions will largely determine the economic and social costs of climate change. Adaptation to change is likely to be delayed by the inherent difficulties in recognizing climate change against the background of normal climate variability. Responsiveness to changing climate risks maybe further impeded by existing Federal programs designed to protect individuals from the financial risks of climatic extremes. It maybe enhanced by providing information about the nature of climate change risks, the changing resource situation, and the likely success of particular adjustments in resource-management techniques. Effective communication of the nature of climate-related risks can be promoted through formal educational efforts or through appropriate incentives. The Government could better communicate climate risk by reducing the various public subsidies for developments in areas of high risk. The public has come to depend heavily on government disaster assistance and subsidized insurance programs, which helps reduce exposure to the financial risks from climate extremes. Such programs have been valuable in allowing the productive use of resources in areas of highly variable climate. Problems may arise, however, if the financial buffer provided by these Federal programs unintentionally encourages people to move into environments where they may be exposed to greater risk in the future, or reduces incentives to take adequate precautions against climate risk. Because development decisions are not easily reversible, and the consequences of decisions taken now are, in some cases, likely to be with us for many decades, it seems prudent to begin reexamining g policies that may encourage development in climate-sensitive areas. Private citizens should recognize the true costs of extending farms into economically marginal areas, building structures in areas of high forest-fire risk, or locating buildings in coastal erosion zones. We assessed two systems in which a reexamination of current risk protection policies may be especially important in the face of climate change: coastal areas and agriculture (see vol. 1, chs. 4 and 6). Flooding and erosion are of particular concern in coastal areas, and these hazards could increase in a warmer climate. We discuss options in the coastal and agriculture chapters that could help owners respond more effectively to climate change and that would decrease potential future exposure to climate risk. For example, the National Flood Insurance Program has been only partially successful in reducing the need for taxpayer-funded disaster assistance and in encouraging local mitigation efforts. In agriculture, Federal Crop Insurance, various disaster-assistance programs, and irrigation subsidies all tend to distort the manner in which farmers respond to climate risks. (See box 1-Eon water allocation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System and box 1-F on agriculture in the prairie-pothole region.) Improvements can and should be made in these program to ensure that in the future, individuals, communities, and the Federal Government are not exposed to excessive costs. Equally important may be quickly communicating the detection of any change in key climate variables and other information that will assist in the responses to changing climates. Farmers and foresters, for example, may be reluctant to alter practices until they are convinced climate has actually changed. The potential role of the Extension Services in tracking the changing success of f arming and forestry practices and spreading this information to managers may prove important in reducing the costs of adaptation. I Contingency Planning The goal of contingency pl arnning is to minimize losses from natural disasters or accidents by preparing in advance to take appropriate actions.
Chapter 1--Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 27 Contingency pl arming is important where the threat of significant losses is high in the absence of preparation and prompt response--as is the case with floods, forest fires, droughts, and hurricanes (see vol. 1, chs. 4 and 5 and box 4-C; vol. 2, box 5-I). Climate change could affect the intensity or number of extreme climate events, making preparedness perhaps even more important than it is now. However, adequate contingency plans do not exist for all parts of the country that are vulnerable to extreme events. For example, only 23 States have drought-management plans (197). The States that do have them, however, have generally adapted better to droughts than those without plans (197). We identified options that could help mitigate damages, including the ecological harm caused by natural disasters. Improvements in contingency pl anning would be helpful both to minimize near-term damages and to prepare for potentially greater damages caused by climate change. States have a key role in pl anning for most extreme events and must continue to do so. States should be encouraged to develop contingency plans or to refine them with climate change in mind. The Federal Government also has a role in pl anning for natural disasters, with many agencies involved in some way in this activity (see cartoon on page 34). However, the Federal Government could do better at defining the respective roles of the agencies that have responsibilities for extreme events. It could also promote stronger coordination among Federal agencies and among the various levels of government in establishing requirements for assistance and in providing such assistance in a more timely, consistent, and equitable manner. Contingency plannin g is also important when emergency measures are likely to be controversial; it allows potential responses to be considered in advance when there can be rational debate. Such controversies are very likely to be associated with any efforts to restore the health of natural ecosystems that have been severely harmed by climate-related stresses. This is wellillustrated by difficulties now faced in responding to massively destructive forest health problems in the Blue Mountain forests of Eastern Oregon (176; see vol. 2, ch. 6 and box 6-E). Although there is general agreement that major changes in management are needed in those forests, the response has been slow, and agreement about how to proceed has been hard to achieve. Procedures for responding to ecosystem health emergencies should be established. 9 Research and Information Gaps The individual resource chapters outline the important research gaps that need to be addressed for coasts, water resources, agriculture, wetlands, preserves, and forests. Overall, we found that various strategies for coping with climate change can be identified for managed natural-resourcebased systems (including the coastal zone, water resources, and agriculture-see vol. 1, chs. 4-6). Some of these strategies may require continued support for research on new technologies or management practices that will enhance the potential for adaptation. For natural systems, however (e.g., wetlands, unmanaged forests, and nature preserves-see vol. 2, chs. 4-6), the informational gaps in our understanding of these systems are so large that realistic response strategies are difficult or impossible to identify now (see also vol. 2, box 5-K). Although an estimated $900 million is spent annually on what can be considered research in environmental life sciences (54) or environmental biology, 6 there is currently very little research directed specifically at protecting natural areas under climate change and helping land managers modify management strategies to re6 J. GOSZ, Executive Secretary, Subcommittee on Environmental Biology, Committee on Life Scicnccs and Heal@ Fcda COO*Council for Science, Engineering, snd RxImcdogy, personal wmmunication, Sept. 14, 1993, Only 11 percent of these expenditures overlaps with the Federal Global Change Research Program budget.
28 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box l-DClimate Change, South Florida, and the Everglades Lying dose to sea level and in the preferred path of a sizable percentage of Atlantic hurricanes, South Florida is potentially one of the most vulnerable areas of the United States to climate change. It is also one of the most distinctive. South Floridas famed Everglades, a vast subtropical wetland of which about one-seventh is preserved in Everglades National Park, is seen by many as one of the crown jewels of the U.S. National Park System. Miami, Palm Beach, and other coastal communities in South Florida makeup one of the most popular seaside vacation destinations in the world. Despite hurricane and flood hazards, these cities have experienced phenomenal growth in recent years. In addition, varieties of crops can be grown in the warm, subtropical climate that grow nowhere else in the United States. And Miami has become a gateway between North and South America, transforming South Florida into an important international crossroads. Despite, or perhaps because of, its distinctiveness and popularity, South Florida is under stress and, like a few other heavily developed parts of the United States, beginning to bump up against Iimits to growth. The critical factor is water. Although the region receives an annual average of 60 inches (152 centimeters) of rain, annual evaporation can sometimes exceed this amount, and rainfall variability y from year to year is quite high, resulting in periodic droughts and floods. In the past century, moreover, South Florida has been transformed from a virtual wilderness into a complex, interconnected system of developed and undeveloped land. The main elements of this system-the growing urban sector, agricultural areas, and the Everglades and other remaining natural areas-must all compete for the limited supply of water, and the competition is increasing with every new resident. Much of the growth of South Florida has occurred since 1870. Then, fewer than 100 people lived in what are now Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties. Now, about 5.2 million people occupy the same area. The vast unaltered Everglades, which originally extended from Lake Okeechobee to Florida Bay, were seen by early settlers as hostile to human welfare and completely without value. Encouraged by a grant from the U.S. Congress, the State of Florida began draining these useless wetlands for agriculture, and by the early 20th century, the natural character of the Everglades had begun to change. Farmers planted sugar cane and a variety of vegetables in the drained area south of Lake Okeechobee now known as the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA). The initial drainage system worked well enough during normal years but was stressed during occasional abnormal events and failed completely during a major hurricane in 1928. At that time, 2,000 people died in the EAA when the protective dike around Lake Okeechobee burst. This incident prompted the initiation of a massive public works project, as attention shifted from drainage of wetlands to flood control. Eventually, an 85-mile (137-kilometer) 1 earthen dike was built around Lake Okeechobee, and the meandering 98-mile Kissimmee River, which fed the lake from the north, was transformed into a canal 48 miles long and 33 feet (10 meters) deep. Flooding problems diminished, but the former broad, riverlike system north of Everglades National Park has been greatly altered into a series of canals and pools. The former sheet-like flow of water to the park, necessary to its health, has been blocked. Today, the area has more than 1,395 miles of canals and levees and 143 water-control structures. Projects to expand the supply of water to growing urban centers proceeded in tandem with flood-control projects. To accommodate demands for agricultural and urban expansion, diking and draining of wetlands continued, and as the expansion progressed, more water was diverted for these purposes. Today, additional water is diverted for sewage dilution, pest control, and frost protection. Some water is used to recharge aquifers that supply cities east of the Everglades and the populated areas of the Florida Keys. Large quantities of water that could be recycled or used to recharge urban aquifers are dumped into the Atlantic Ocean (see vol. 1, ch. 5, and vol. 2, ch. 4, for complete discussions of water and wetland issues). A major effect of this decades-long restructuring of the natural hydrological system has been to drastically reduce the supply of water from the Kissimmee River watershed that reaches the much-diminished-in-size 1 T O convert miles to kilometers, multiply by 1.609.
Chapter 1-Synthesis Summary, and Policy Options 29 Everglades. The natural system has suffered in several ways as a result: 1) the abundance of species characteristic of Everglades habitats (e.g., wood storks, white ibis, tri-colored herons, and snowy egrets) has declined dramatically in the past 50 years, 2) more than a dozen native species have been listed as endangered or threatened (e.g., the Florida panther, snail kite, Cape Sable seaside sparrow, American alligator, and American crocodile), 3) nonnative and nuisance species have invaded the area (e.g., Melaleuca quinquinervia and the Brazilian pepper tree), 4) sizable land subsidence and water-level declines have occurred throughout the region, 5) water quality has been degraded by agricultural runoff containing excessive nutrients, such as phosphorus, 6) saltwater intrusion of coastal aquifers has occurred, 7) vulnerability to fire has increased, and 8) massive algal blooms have appeared in Florida Bay, accompanied by die-offs of shrimp, lobster, sponge beds, and many fish. The impacts of development have not been limited to natural areas. As water use in the region has grown, susceptibility to periodic droughts has increased. A 1981 drought, for example, Ied to mandatory water restrictions for half the counties of South Florida and water rationing in the EAA. Pollution from cities, as well as from agricultural areas, has added to water-quality problems. Saltwater intrusion threatens aquifers used for urban water supplies. Everglades National Park was created in 1947, the culmination of efforts that began in the 1920s. The transition of the Everglades from being perceived as worthless land to an important preserve worthy of designation as an International Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site took decades, but preservation of this area and restoration of other degraded wetlands are now considered high priority by a broad spectrum of people and organizations. Although there is broad agreement that the hydrology of the Everglades should be restored to a pattern similar to that found in the original system, it will not be easy to balance the needs of the Everglades for water with the similar needs of other users. South Floridas Everglades and coastal areas, dearly already under stress, face an unusually difficult problem in the light of global climate change. Both are already vulnerable to sea level rise and intense tropical storms (see vol. 1, ch. 4). (Damage from Hurricane Andrew, for example, was not confined to urban areas-coastal mangrove forests were heavily damaged, as were trees in many densely forested hammocks.) Climate change could increase the current vulnerability to these events. Climate change may also result in a hotter and drier climate for South Florida, although predictions from general circulation models (GCMs) are not consistent on this point. Whatever occurs, the future is likely to be increasingly stressful for South Florida. Cities are likely to continue to grow and will almost certainly be protected from sea level rise, but the expense of protecting them could be immense. The Everglades, once deemed worthless, is now considered a valuable natural resource. As valuable as it is, however, the Everglades will probably not receive the same attention as cities threatened by rising seas will. Farmers are likely to resist attempts to hinder or reduce long-established patterns of agriculture in favor of other uses for water. In short, South Florida is a system increasingly close to the edge. The flexibility to satisfy competing interests for water and land has been reduced by actions taken since the turn of the century, and climate change may further reduce flexibility. In recent years, some efforts have been made to offset some of the damage to the Everglades and restore some of the lost flexibility to the natural system. In 1970, for example, Congress directed that not less than 315,000 acre-feet (389 million cubic meters) of water be delivered annually to Everglades National Park. In 1989, Congress enacted the Everglades National Park Protection and Expansion Act (P.L. 101-229), one purpose of which was to enable more natural flow of water through a portion of the park. More recently, the Federal Government sued the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for not upholding its own water-quality laws, thereby allowing degradation of the Everglades to continue. As a result, the State has agreed to design and construct treatment areas in the EAA where drainage could be filtered before it is discharged to the park. The State has also directed the South Florida Water Management District to implement an Everglades Surface Water Improvement and Management Plan. Finally, as authorized in the 1992 Water Resources Development Act (P.L. 101-640), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will soon begin a long-term project to restore the Kissimmee River to an approximation (Continued on next page)
30 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 spend to climate change. In 1992, only $8 million or the ecological informa tion that would be was spent on research focused on adaptation to helpful in providing policy guidance and adaptaclimate change. 7 tion options for natural systems. Overall, The U.S. Global Change Research Program USGCRP is more focused on understanding the (USGCRP) is a $1.4 billion research program. causes for and rates of climate change 8 than on However, as currently designed, it will not examining the ecological and human impacts of provide either the practical technologies that change (see ch. 3 for a more complete explanation might make us more prepared for climate change of USGCRP). The agencies primarily responsible 7 I&Working Group on Mitigation and Adaptation Rcscam h Strategies (disbanded in 1992) of the Commi ttee onl?arth and Eawiromncntal SUencca of FCCSET identified FedcraI research that focuses on m contributes to adaptation to global change (24). s usig desto produce a ptictivc ~ of the Earth systan and focuses on three interrelated streams of activity: documenting global change (observations), enhancing understanding of key processes (process march), and pIdiCtiDg @Obd and rcgiond cnvironumtal change (integrated modelnng and prediction). For FY 1994, a fourth activitysassessrnenq was added.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options 31 Box l-EWater Allocation and the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System The complexity and divisiveness of western water problems-a nd the potential for climate change to exacerbate those probleme--is well-illustrated in the continuing battle over allocation of water in California. The Sacrame nto-San Joaquin River System, and especially the Delta area where the two rivers come together in Northern California, is the focal point of this conflict. Before western water development began, about 40 percent of Californias runoff converged into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta on its way to San Francisco Bay and, eventually, the Pacific Ocean. However, about half of this water is now diverted to Southern California, the San Joaquin Valley, and parts of the Bay Area the the massive State Water Project (SWP) and central Valley Project (CVP). The water delivered through these huge plumbing systems has enabled Californias semiarid Central Valley to become one of the Nations prime agricultural areas and has been partly responsible for the phenomenal population growth of Southern Californias mild coastal areas. Agriculture is now firmly established in the Central Valley, and about 16 million people--over 70 percent of the States population-now live in Southern California. Water supply is crucial to California: it has been the basis for most agricultural, industrial, and economic development. However, the transfer of water from Northern to Southern California has not come without a cost to the river system and the State. Water supply and allocation issues directly conflict with water-quality and ecosystem concerns, and they pit interests of Southern Californians against those of Northern Californians. Three issues are of special concern. Delta fisheries-The Delta and extended Sacramento-San Joaquin River System provide important habitat for over 40 species of fish. Coho and chinook salmon, steelhead trout, and striped bass all reside in the river system atone point in their lives and have been especially important to the recreational and commercial fishing industries. Yet these species of fish have declined 50 percent or more since the early 1960s. Fewer than 500 winter run salmon have returned to spawn each year in the Upper Sacramento in recent years, compared with the 60,000 per year that returned 20 years ago. Only 432 steelhead returned in 1966 compared with over 17,000 in 1967 (16). The Delta smelt is dose to extinction. Causes of these dramatic declines include loss of habitat; water pollution; dam, levee, and diversion-facility obstructions; and drought. When conditions are poor in the Delta-when flows are low and water temperatures and exports are high-losses of young, ocean-bound salmon can be very high. Fishermen, as well as fish, have suffered. Fish losses have cost the local economy over $15 million per year in recent years. In effect, the benefits to people who receive water diverted from the Delta have come partially at the expense of both fish and fishing interests. in March 1993, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service invoked the Endangered Species Act (P.L. 100-707) to protect winter run chinook salmon and Delta smelt, setting limits on t he operations of the Central Valley Project and intensifying a dispute between State and Federal officials on how best to protect the Delta. Delta farmland and levees--The Delta, once a natural marshland, was developed for farming around the turn of the century and now contains almost 550,000 acres (223,000 hectares) 1 of rich farmland. The marshland was converted to a mosaic of over 70 islands by building over 1,100 miles (1 ,600 Kilometers) 2 of levees. The levee system is fragile, however. The peat soils of the Delta have been gradually compacting, requiring that levees constantly be raised or repaired. Many of the levee-surrounded Delta islands are now wel below sea Ievel. Maintenance of the levee system is important for protecting life, property, and infrastructure from flooding on Delta islands. Permanently flooded islands would also have major adverse effects on both water quality in the Delta and freshwater supplies. Since 1960,24 levees have failed, and with each year, the fate of these islands becomes more uncertain. 1 T O convert acres to hectares, multiply by 0.405. 2 T O convert miles to kilometers, multiply by 1.609. (Continued on next page)
32 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box l-EWater Allocation and the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System--(Continued) Water quality-Water quality in the Delta is of concern because of possible salinity intrusion into the western Delta from San Francisco Bay, wastewater discharges that contain chemical pollutants, and the inflow of agricultural drainage water that may contain pesticide residues and other toxic agents (18). Maintaining water quality and ecological health in the Delta (by, among other things, ensuring that an adequate amount of fresh water reaches the Delta) is legally required by the State but may conflict with water transfers and local consumptive uses. This is especially true during drought, when there may not be enough water to fulfill all demands. Drought poses another problem as well: during low-flow periods, water temperature in system rivers increases, and this has contributed significantly to the decline of cold-water anadromous fish spades in recent years. In sum, Californians are making heavy demands on the Sacramento-San Joaquin River System. They recognize that the means of transferring water from the Delta must be improved to maintain water quality and to enable more efficient transfer of supplies to the southern part of the State, but the issue has proved to be one of the most controversial water problems in the West. In 1982, for example, California voters defeated a referendum to build the so-called Peripheral Canal around the Delta to improve the systemsufficiency. Northern Californians overwhelmingly rejected the proposal, for fear that the Deltas environment would not be adequately protected and because they perceived that populous Southern California was attempting yet another water grab. Although there was more support in Southern California, many in that part of the State feared the projects high cost. Studies of the potential impact of climate change in California suggest-but have by no means proven-that the regional effects of climate change could be reduced mountain snowpack, a shift in runoff patterns (i.e., in timing, amount, or duration of precipitation), and large decreases in summer soil moisture. Specifically, a possible result of warming temperatures is that more winter precipitation will fall as rain and a reduced mountain snowpack will start melting earlier in the spring. As a result, reservoirs would fill faster. Because a portion of reservoir space must be reserved for flood-control purposes, the additional water would have to be spilled. Although Californias total water budget might remain the same, less would be available during the summer, when water demand is highest. The reduced snowpack in effect represents the loss of one or more storage reservoirs. Maintaining adequate freshwater flow to San Francisco Bay would be more difficult in summer and could increasingly conflict with water needed for consumptive purposes. Summer temperatures would also likely increase in the Sacramento and other rivers and represent a threat to fish. A further complication could be sea level rise. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts a total sea level rise of 26 inches (65 centimeters) 3 by 2100. Such a rise would inundate the entire Delta area and have devastating effects on Delta islands and water quality. A sea level rise of more than 2 feet would transform the current 100-year high-tide peak at Antioch, a western Delta location, into a 1 in 10 event-making such rare occurrences more common. Levees would be even more expensive, or even impossible, to maintain. Because the Delta islands are developed for farming and valued for helping preserve water quality, the initial response to incremental sea level rise is likely be to try to preserve the islands. In the long run, a phased retreat from the Delta may have to be considered (142), Choosing between preservation at any price and abandonment would not be easy. if the above impacts occur (or worse, if Californias water budget actually decreases), maintaining Californias water supplies for consumptive purposes and maintaining the health of the Delta will be a great challenge. This would be especially true during droughts, which, if more common than--and as extreme as-the current drought in California, could have devastating impacts. A suite of demand-and-supply management and supply-augmentation responses to the States water problems is being considered. No one response will be sufficient. Conservation and water marketing could significantly ease Californias water problems, but building new reservoirs and even some desalination plants and other responses may be needed as well. 3 T O convert inches to centimeters, multiply by 2.540. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1993.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options 33 Box l-F-Changes in Agriculture and the Fate of Prairie Potholes: The Impacts of Drought and Climate Change The prairies comprise millionsof acres over a vast geographical area that includes parts of Canada, and the states of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota Minnesota, and lowa.The region is characterized by a glaciated, depressed topography with poorly defined drainage that results In numerous small lakes and wetlands known as prairie potholes. 1 Millions of potholes dot the landscape, providing an impermanent water source for the regions agricuItural operations and diverse wildlife, including migratory waterfowl. Since the early 1960s, a general shift in the structure of the agricultural economy has occurred in the prairie region, involving a move toward more-intensive farming practices (80). The drainage of prairie potholes has been accelerated in order to bring more land into production and to increase yields on existing cropland. However, drought conditions in recent years have evoked concerns about the sustainability of the regional agriculture and wildlife and have raised questions about impacts that may result from climate change. The drying effects of climate change are certain to affect the prairie-pothde region by altering aquatic conditions. Agricultural operations and wildlife rely on prairie potholes for water. An increase In temperature, which would influence aridity in continental interior areas, would reduce available volumes, thereby putting both farming and waterfowl at risk. In addition to changes in the availability of surface water, water storage in the soil is likely to decrease (134). Temperature changes may also mean an extended growing season, which could alter the nesting and feeding habits of wildlife. In total, climate change will affect the region by increasing existing stress on the prairie-pothole ecosystems and agriculture. Agriculture operations in the prairie region have long provided the bulk of the Nations wheat supply. Wheat is well-suited to the regions dryland agriculture, with the majority of precipitation falling during the growing season and with relatively cod temperatures keeping evapotranspiration rates down. Farming in the region has become more and more intensive as agriculture has become increasingly mechanized. These developments have had a considerable effect on the fate of prairie potholes, which have decreased from 20 million to 7 million acres (8 to 3 million hectares) 2 leaving only 35 percent of the original pothole acreage intact (179). A poor farm economy in the 1980s coupled with mechanization caused prairie farmers to push every possible acre into production. North Dakotas potholes were being drained at an estimated rate of 20,000 acres per year to support conversion to agriculture (179). And drainage rates became similarly high in other prairie States, as farmers recognized the potential value of new farmland. Now, although 20 percent of all remaining prairie potholes are protected? prairie potholes are among the most threatened ecosystems in the United States. They provide prime nesting grounds and habitat for a multitude of waterfowl and other wildlife. Since the 1970s, populations of three common duck species (the mallard, the pintail, and the blue-winged teal) have declined dramatically. Populations of some other spades of duck less dependent on potholes in agricultural regions have increased. The mallard, pintail, and blue-winged teal nest in the drought-prone zone of intensive agriculture (1 19). These migratory waterfowl have lost not only extensive areas of breeding habitat, but also adjacent vegetated areas once used for food and cover. Here, the detrimental effects of the loss of wetlands cleared for agricultural use are dramatic; wildlife populations have likely been cut in half (80). 1 Prairie-pothole wetlands are relatively shallow, water-holding depressions that vary in size, water permanence, and water chemistry. They are located in the glaciated portion of the North American Great Plains and are the single most important breeding area for waterfowl on this continent (63). They also support a variety of other Wildlife. 2 To convert acres to hectares, multiply by 0.405. 3 Protection includes, but IS not limited to: ownership by Federal or State governments, short-and long-term government easements, and ownership by private conservation groups. (Continued on next page)
34 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box l-F-Changes in Agriculture and the Fate of Prairie Potholes: The Impacts of Drought and Climate Change-(Continued) Though these changes have been occurring over along period of time, effects were most dramatic during recent drought conditions in the region. Severe drought marked both the 1988 and the 1989 growing seasons in North Dakota the heart of the countrys spring wheat production area (143). This dry spell was the second to occur during the 1980s and the fourth serious drought in the past three decades (143). The lack of precipitation and subsequent loss of soil moisture resulted in dramatic decreases in agricultural yields and in abandonment of some cropland. Despite the grain crop losses (some more than 70 percent), net farm income and farmed acreage did not suffer. This was basically due to government drought assistance, in the form of insurance and direct aid. The combination of insurance, aid, and the higher grain prices resulting from the drought helped farmers avoid losses that might ultimately have led to extensive farm failure and abandonment. Climate change may significantly alter growing conditions in the prairie region. Changes resulting from global warming may decrease both water depth and the number of ponds holding water in t he spring and summer. This aspect is likely to further influence the degradation of waterfowl and wildlife habitat and to upset populations. Waterfowl may respond by migrating to other areas, relying heavily on the semipermanent prairie-pothole wetlands, remaining on permanent wetlands but not breeding, or failing to renest as they currently do during drought (160). On the other hand, drier conditions in these shallow, temporary, seasonal wetlands will make land-use conversion to agriculture much more reasonable in terms of expense and ease. Long-term changes in agricultural activity in the region, caused by economics and climate change, are sure to affect the fate of prairie potholes and the waterfowl and wildlife they support, placing them at further risk. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1993. LOOKS LIKE A DISASTER RELIEF CHECK, CROP LOSS COMPENSATION, AND A FINE FOR DISTURBING A WETLAND
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 35 for research and management of public lands (the Department of the Interior (DOI), the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Science Foundation and EPA) combined receive less than 30 percent of the total funding for Ecological Systems and Dynamics (less than 5 percent of the total USGCRP budget). Given that such research on ecological and human impacts may take years or decades to produce results, the slow process may cost us the ability to respond to global change in areas that are especially at risk to irreversible damage. In addition to understanding climate impacts and effects, it is important to know how to minimize socioeconomic impacts. Ultimately, to be useful in planning for an uncertain climate, USGCRP must include ecosystem research that can feed into management, socioeconomic analysis, and adaptation research. An assessment process that incorporates all these categories and permits inputs from stakeholders and policy makers is necessary to make USGCRP truly policy relevant. This is a much broader definition of assessment than USGCRP can accommodate given its current research program and structure. NEAR-TERM CONGRESSIONAL ACTION In the resource chapters (vol. 1, chs. 4-6, and vol. 2, chs. 4-6) of this report, a series of first steps is outlined to illustrate ways to begin incorporating climate change considerations into statutes, policies, and programs relating to various natural resource--coasts, water, agriculture, wetlands, preserved lands, and forests. The first steps for the resource chapters are summarized briefly in the last section of this chapter. Several of the first steps focus on actions that offer important and immediate benefits, even without climate change as an additional factor justifying them. Several targets of o pportunity in the nearterm congressional agenda, in the announced and potential initiatives of the new Administration, and in the programs of the various agencies can be capitalized upon now. Likewise, the USGRP offers annual opportunities for changes. Chapter 3 discusses several directions the program could take; many of these options are included below as possible near-term congressional actions. The process of policy development in government is not so orderly that one can lay out and follow a detailed plan of logical first steps, followed by logical second steps, and so on. Regular congressional reauthorization cycles for major natural resource programs, the annual budget cycle, election cycles, the fragmentation of responsibilities among congressional committees, and still other policymaking realities provide the context in which decisions about climate change will be made. Seen in this light, the choice of frost steps is significantly influenced by an assessment of where the opportunities lie. 1 Annual Appropriations Even if Congress did nothing else, each year it would enact legislation appropriating money for carrying out governmental programs. Thus, an immediate and recurrent annual opportunity to address many of the issues considered in this report is through the appropriation process. Most simply and directly, to narrow the breadth of uncertainties that exist today, Congress can ensure adequate levels of funding for existing climate-change-related research programs. Through the appropriation process, Congress can also encourage natural resource management agencies to carry out their monitoring and research programs in ways that meet their intended objectives while simultaneously producing data that could be useful to their own or other agencies climate change research efforts. The annual appropriation process is also the means by which Congress makes major long-term investments-for example, in land acquired for National Parks and wildlife refuges and in dams and other water resource projects. Until now, climate change considerations have not been a factor in deciding whether any of these invest-
36 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 ments were prudent. One could justify inclusion of such considerations now because climate change has the potential to lessen the value of such investments. Thus, Congress could require that the land-acquisition, water-resourcedevelopment, and other similar proposals brought before it be accompanied by explicit evaluations of how climate change may affect the long-term viability of the investment. Alternatively, in the case of lands proposed to be acquired for conservation purposes, Congress could direct that the criteria by which agencies rank their acquisition priorities include some consideration of potential climate change impacts on those lands or their resources. Building up the Nations reserve of protected land would help stem some climate change impacts by reducing fragmentation and, possibly, reducing other threats to natural area resources. Increased protection and reduced fragmentation of these areas could help build more resiliency into some natural systems (see vol. 2, chs. 4 and 5). Congress has increasingly linked policy direction to agency funding during the appropriation process. Congress could include requirements in its various appropriation bills that each of the agencies managing natural resources potentially affected by climate change provide Congress with its own evaluation of the agencies } preparedness to cope with a range of climate futures. The appropriation process may also be especially well-suited to encouraging agencies that implement climate-sensitive programs (e.g., agricultural disaster assistance, crop subsidies, and flood insurance) to develop longterm budget projections for those programs based on several future climate scenarios. In this way, a budget-conscious Congress can better inform itself early on about the potential costs of climate change for those programs. # Reauthorization Cycle In addition to the annual appropriation cycle, congressional action is heavily influenced by the reauthorization cycles of major Federal programs. Congressional attention is not focused on all issues at once. Rather, at any given time, its attention is disproportionately focused, through its committees, on the major Federal programs for which current authorization is about to expire. The process of extending that authorization provides an opportunity to evaluate the workings of a program closely and to provide legislative direction for that program for a period of many years. Thus, at least with respect to changes in existing Federal natural resource programs, the best opportunities to implement the first steps recommended here are in the context of laws and programs that are about to be reauthorized. Among these, the Clean Water Act is a highpriority target of opportunity (see vol. 1, box 5-C). Comprehensive revisions of that law have been proposed, and the acts wetland provisions are undergoing particular scrutiny. The reauthorization of the Clean Water Act provides a key opportunity to address one of the more important needs identified in this report-the need to achieve more effective integration of resourcemanagement efforts across political jurisdictions. Comprehensive watershed planning (see vol. 1, ch. 5), which integrates wetland protection and restoration goals (see vol. 2, box 4-A), water-useefficiency goals, strategies for controlling pointsource and non-point-source pollution, and both water-quantity and water-quality concerns generally, could create the institutional capability and flexibility to anticipate and plan for climate change. Such plannin g could be especially valuable for finding creative ways to resolve current conflicts in which landowner and development interests chafe at restrictions on use of wetlands, while environmental interests decry the continued loss of wetlands (see vol. 2, ch. 4 and box 4-B). Another major target of opportunity is the upcoming reauthorization of farm programs in the 1995 Farm Bill. The next reauthorization cycle could provide a forum for considering how to enhance farmers flexibility and effectiveness in responding to a changing climate and how climate
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 37 change may affect Federal expenditures on disaster assistance and farm commodity programs (see vol. 1, ch. 6). I New Targets of Opportunity In addition to the reauthorization of existing laws, Congress regularly considers altogether new legislation creating programs for existing or new agencies of Government. A program of potentially great significance on the horizon is Interior Secretary Babbitts proposal to create a National Biological Survey (see vol. 2, box 5-L). Legislation to establish the Survey has been introduced in both the House and Senate, and a National Research Council committee has been asked to offer advice on the formation and role of the Survey. The nature, mandate, resources, and overall purposes of the National Biological Survey, however, are still very much in the process of development. The bills introduced in Congress thus far to establish the Survey give only a very general description of its functions. Thus, there exists an opportunity to shape the content and direction of this new institution in ways that wouId be useful to the management of natural resource systems in a changing climate. The rationale frequently offered by Secretary Babbitt for creating a National Biological Survey is its potential, by cataloging the biological resources of the Nation and monitoring their status and trends, to avert future train wrecks, that is, the disruptive and wrenching conflicts between conservation and development goals. A train wreck of another sort could take the form of severe adverse impacts on our natural resources from climate change for which we were unprepared. A National Biological Survey could help detect, evaluate, and prepare for that climate change. Thus, an important opportunity exists to structure the mission and capabilities of the Survey so that it can contribute to the early detection of indicators of climate change, a better understanding of the ability of organisms and natural communities to respond to climate changes, and the design and management of a system of preserves best able to achieve the purposes for which they were established. Careful congressional attention now to these details in the design of a National Biological Survey could yield major returns in the future (see vol. 2, ch. 5). I Existing Statutory Language Of the many Federal statutes p retaining to the management of the natural resource systems discussed in this report, only one-the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA; P.L. 92-583)-explicitly addresses climate change and its potential consequences. The 1990 amendments to that law required that possible sea level rise resulting from climate change be anticipated and addressed in State coastal zone management plans (see vol. 1, ch. 4). Congress could extend this legislative precedent to other statutory arenas; here, we attempt to identify which statutes may be most appropriate for this. None of the statutes governing the various natural resource systems discussed throughout the full report precludes the agencies responsible for their management from fully considering climate change. Existing grants of authority are sufficiently general and open-ended to allow an agency, on its own initiative, to examine the implications of climate change for the natural resources under its jurisdiction and to tailor its management of those resources accordingly. The question, therefore, is whether Congress wishes to supplement the existing legislative framework with explicit directives pertaining to climate change. Several categories of legislation maybe especially appropriate for considering possible climatechange-related amendments. First among these are statutes, such as CZMA, that require longrange planning for the management of natural resources. For example, the Rangeland and Renewable Resources Plannin g Act of 1974 (RPA; P.L. 93-378) requires the preparation of a forest resource planning assessment that looks
38 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 50 years into the future. Similarly, the Clean Water Act requires preparation of area-wide waste treatment plans that look two decades into the future, a plannin g horizon also found in the Pacfic Northwest Electric: Power Plannin g and Conservation Act (P.L. 96-501). In general, the longer the time frame over which management is to be planned, the greater the likelihood that climate change may affect the resources being managed. Thus, mechanisms to ensure that climate change is taken into) account when longrange plans are being developed and to ensure that plans can be revised as new information about the direction and magnitude of climate change becomes available are clearly desirable. A second statutory area where it is especially important to ensure that potential climate change is considered is long-term public or private investments affecting natural resources. Examples include public land acquisition for parks, wildlife refuges, and the like (see vol. 2, box 5-C). Historically, such public land acquisitions have been viewed as perman ent investments, with the intention of keeping the areas acquired in public ownership in perpetuity. The expectation implicitly accompanying these investments has been that the areas acquired would, with appropriate management, continue to provide the environmental and recreational benefits for which they were acquired indefinitely into the future. Climate change introduces a new uncertainty about the validity of this expectation. At the very least, it suggests the need for a more careful examination of whether particular acquisitions are, in fact, likely to continue to provide the environmental benefits that they provide today. Somewhat similar are public or private investments in dams and other water-resourcedevelopment projects. Public projects are governed by the Water Resources Planning Act (P.L. 89-80) and private ones are licensed pursuant to the Federal Power Act (P.L. 102486). The implicit assumption underlying both has always been that hydrological models based on past climate will accurately predict future conditions as well. The possibility of climate change casts doubt on the continuing validity of that assumption and may warrant statutory revisions explicitly requiring water resource planning agencies and Federal regulators to factor climate change into their decisionmaking. A third statutory arena relevant here includes those laws that require an evaluation of the expected environmental impacts of planned actions. Foremost among these laws is the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA; P.L. 91-190); similar, though less far-reaching, laws include the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (P.L. 85-624) and the Endangered Species Act (P.L. 100-7O7). Under these and similar laws, expectations of the environmental impacts of planned actions may vary, depending on whether a constant or changing climate is anticipated. Legislative direction could provide useful guidance to agencies with respect to their duties to consider climate change possibilities in implementing their responsibilities (see, for example, vol. 2, box 5-D). A fourth set of laws that warrant discussion consists of those that authorize research programs. The Clean Water Act and the Rangeland and Renewable Resources Planning Act are examples. As this report makes abundantly clear, there are many uncertainties about climate change, including its magnitude, its direction, and its impact on natural resource systems. Natural resource management will require research aimed at resolving many of todays uncertainties. Reflecting that need in the legislative description of the various research missions may serve o underscore the importance of this area of inquiry. Each resource chapter highlights important research options to consider. Finally, the Science Policy Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-282), which established the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the Federal Coordinating Council on Science, Engineering, and Technology (FCCSET), could be amended to strengthen the ability of these offices to coordi-
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 39nate science and ecosystem management across agencies.9 These offices have the authority to develop and implement coherent, governmentwide science policy and have been the mechanismfor coordinating several multi-agency programs. However, OSTP has not always been an active orinfluential player in the executive branch, and FCCSET lacks the authority to set priorities,direct policy, and fully participate in the budgetprocess (17, 51). FCCSET acts largely as afulcrum for coordination. Agency participation inFCCSET projects is voluntary, and FCCSET has no authority over how participating agencies spend their funds.Congress could amend P.L. 94-282 to change this. Similarly, the U.S. Global Change Research Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-606) could be amended to require periodicintegrated assessment reports to be presented toCongress and to specify key participants in theassessment process.SUMMARIES AND FIRST STEPS FOR EACH RESOURCE CHAPTER The Coastal ZoneThe coastal zone is a complicated area thatincludes both human-made and relatively undis-turbed features, ranging from densely settledurban areas to cypress swamps (see vol. 1, ch. 4).Populations in coastal areas are growing fasterthan in any other region in the United States, andthe construction of buildings and infrastructure toserve this growing population is proceeding rapidly. Consequently, protection against and recovery from hazards peculiar to the coastal zone, such as hurricanes and sea level rise, are becoming ever more costly (163). The combination of popularity and risk in coastal areas hasimportant near-term consequences for the safetyof coastal residents, the protection of property, themaintenance of local economies, and the preservation of remaining natural areas (see fig. 1-4). The expected climate change impacts are likelyto exacerbate problems that already plague thecoastal zone (66). Sea level rise will substantiallyincrease flooding and erosion in areas alreadyvulnerable. Coastal storms-whether or not theyincrease in intensity or frequency under a chang-ing climate-will have increasingly greater ef-fects as sea level rises. The coastal areas most vulnerable to the effectsof climate change are those with low relief and easily eroded shorelines-such as those in the Southeast and Gulf Coasts-and those where the coastline is already subsiding, such as in Louisiana (52). Structures close to the ocean inlow-lying areas are also vulnerable.Barrier islands provide protection for coastalecosystems and help stem erosion. In some cases, suchas this barrier island near Tampa, Florida, these islands have been heavily developed, exposing many communities to the risks of serious damage from storms and high seas.9 coherent approaches for applying and technology to critical and in problems and for promoting coordination of the scientific and technological responsibilities and programs of the Federal-rots agencies the resolution of such problems,and was established to provide more effective planning and administration of Federal engineering, and technological programs 94-282, the Policy Act of 1976).
40 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1Figure f-4-An Assessment of Coastal Hazards: Texas and Louisiana Louisiana Population density per square kilometer Mississippi 2000 or more Texas -500-1999 New Orleans `n 100-499 O Less than 100 Relief Corpus Chrissti Less than 3 m 3-9 m 10-19 mBrownsville 20 m or more Overall hazard assessment Overall hazard assessment Relief High risk Population density Moderate to high Moderate risk Moderate to lowNOTE: To convert square kilometers to square miles, multlply by 0.624. To convert meters to feet, multlply by 3.280.SOURCE: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), "Coastal Hazards, In: National Atlas of the United States of America(Reston, VA: USGS, 1985). Although development pressures in coastal areas are driven by many social and economic trends, government policies can influence the appropriateness, rate, quality, and location of development. The current system of allocating the costs of preventing or repairing climaterelated damage in the coastal zone among Federal, State, and local governments and private entities encourages certain types of+ development, or at least does not discourage them (11)..Climate change will likely add to the risks and costs of living in the coastal zone. It is essential that all stakeholders, such as property owners, understand them and that coastal developmentand preservation are guided by this understanding. The sooner policies are in place that encour-age an adequate appreciation of risk, that offersufficient incentives to take adequate precautions,and that attempt to overcome the organizationalfragmentation that makes a unified approach to coastal climate change issues impossible, the easier and less costly adaptation to a changingclimate is likely to be.The Federal Government has an interest inpromoting sound planning and public safety in aneffective and efficient manner. Federal coastal zone policies can be improved in many ways to better guide the decisions of those living in coastal areas, and a suite of options for doing sois presented in volume 1, chapter 4. We focus on five general categories in that chapter: revampingthe National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), improving diaaster-assistance policies, revising the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (P.L. 97-348)and the Coastal Zone Management Act, changing beach-renourishment guidelines, and altering theU.S. Tax Code.To help focus on where to start with responsesto climate change in the coastal zone, some firststeps that could be taken are listed below.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 41 n Revamp the National Flood Insurance Program. The National Flood Insurance Program could be revised to provide stronger incentives to reduce the potential costs associated with high-risk development in coastal areas. Congress has been considering revising the NFIP for several years, and bills to do this have been introduced in both the House and Senate. H.R. 62, the National Flood Insurance Compliance, Mitigation, and Erosion Management Act of 1993, contains provisions that partially address some of the NFIP improvements that maybe desirable. Most pressing is the need to adequately address erosion along the coast. Erosion losses will increase with rising sea levels. The Federal Emergency Management Agency does not now have the authority to map erosion risks or to reflect such risks in insurance premiums, and as a consequence, information and incentives to avoid development in eroding areas are inadequate. Also, it seems especially desirable to increase insurance premiums after multiple claims are made on properties in high-risk areas subject to repeated flooding. n Improve disaster assistance. Several bills have also been introduced in the 103d Congress to revise disaster-assistance policies and regulations. More stringent disaster mitigation by States and localities could be required, which could hold down future costs to the Federal Government. This could be accomplished by more strongly tying disaster assistance to adoption of mitigation measures. H.R. 935, the Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption, and Hurricane Hazards Insurance Act of 1993, for example, would establish minimum criteria for reducing losses, recommends such measures as fiscal incentives to reduce losses, provides for low-interest loans or grants to retrofit facilities vulnerable to hurricanes, and provides guidelines for establishing actuarial premium rates for disaster insurance. S. 995, the Federal Disaster Preparedness and Response Act of 1993, would establish, among other things, a grant program and accompanying performance standards to help States prepare for, respond to, and recover from major disasters. n Strengthen coastal zone management. The Coastal Zone Management Act will be up for reauthorization in 1995, and this provides an opportunity to require stronger State controls on risky development. Such controls could include, for example, an erosion-setback program (already adopted by several States), rerestrictions on construction of immovable buildings, a relocation-assistance program, restrictions on rebuilding damaged or destroyed structures in high-risk locations, and adoption of minimum coastal-construction standards. All of these controls would add some degree of protection against sea level rise and flood or storm damage. Another possibility for reducing risks of living on the coasts would be to encourage States to adopt coastal-hazards-management programs. These could be overseen jointly by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. n Promote public education. The public generally is not well-informed about the risks associated with living in coastal areas, and this lack of awareness has led and will continue to lead to large public and private expenditures. H.R. 935 provides one possibility for expanding public education. The act authorizes education programs and provides funds to States to implement them through a self-sustaining mitigation fund. The private sector, particularly the private insurance industry, could also play an important role in increasing awareness of coastal hazards. n Require increased State and local contributions to beach-nourishment operations.
42 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Most benefits of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers beach norishment and shorelineprotection projects are realized at the local or regional level, yet these projects are often heavily subsidized. In most instances, the Federal share is 65 percent. Greater State and local contributions could be required, both for initial construction and for maintenance, and Federal funding could be made conditional on adoption of stronger mitigation measures. These adjustments would tend to increase the interest of local governments in acting to limit community exposure to coastal hazards. 1 Water Resources Many factors are straining the Nations water resources and leading to increased competition among a wide variety of different uses and users of water (see vol. 1, ch. 5), Human demands for water are increasingly in conflict with the needs of natural ecosystems, and this has led to significant water-quality and water-quantity problems (see vol. 1, box 5-B). In addition, water infrastructure in many urban areas is aging. Although it is unclear exactly how climate change will affect water resources, climate change has emerged as another important factor to consider in water resource plannin g. Changes in water availability as a result of climate change could further affect already overburdened systems, and changes could occur in the frequency, duration, and intensity of floods and droughts (105). The areas that are most vulnerable to climate change are, not surprisingly, places that are already experiencing stressed water resources (see fig. 1-5), such as many parts of the Southwest and South Florida; the central part of the country, which most models predict will become hotter and drier; and areas where competition for water is expected to increase. The country faces a huge challenge in adapting its water resource systems to the many current and potential stresses. The numerous impediments to this adaptation include the fact that traditional engineering solutions for developing additional water supplies-such as dam construction-have become prohibitively expensive and politically less acceptable because the best sites have already been developed. Federal agencies responsibilities for water often overlap or conflict, and coordination among different levels of government on water issues is often inadequate (166) (see vol. 1, box 5-F). Many institutional arrangements for the management and allocation of water resources are rigid and inefficient, making them ill-equipped to cope well with water scarcity. And there are very few incentives to conserve water. Water resource planning is a complex political, economic, sociological, scientific, and technological endeavor, so adaptation to change will not be straightforward. In encouraging adaptation to changes in water resources caused by climate change, the Federal Gov ernrnent, in cooperation with State and local agencies, should focus on encouraging five types of activity: improving demand management (e.g., through pricing reform and conservation); improving supply management (e.g., through improving coordination, jointly managing groundand surface-water supplies, and improving the management of reservoirs and reservoir systems); facilitating water marketing and related types of water transfers; improving pl anning for floods and droughts; and promoting the use of new analytical tools that enable more efficient operations. The following first steps toward improving water resources pl anning and management selected from a longer suite of options presented in volume 1, chapter 5-are intended to both relieve existing stresses and make sense for climate change. n Improve extreme-events management. Despite all efforts to date, both floods and droughts continue to cause significant losses to human and natural systems (143, 200). Greater coordination of the many agencies with floodor drought-related re-
Chapter1-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 43Figure 1-5-Water Withdrawals and Consumption in the Coterminus United States, 1985 NOTE: To convert gallons to liters, multiply by 3.785.SOURCE: Adapted from W. Solley, R. Pierce, and H. Perlman, Estimated Use of Water the United States in 1990, USGS Survey Circular 1081 (Washington, DC: U.S. Geological Survey, 1993),nsponsibilities is needed. Congress could direct the executive branch to create highlevel coordinating bodies, such as an interagency drought task force and a nationalflood-assessment board. Such bodies couldbe given the responsibility to develop a national drought policy and to establish national goals for floodplainmanagement.The National Flood Insurance Compli-ance, Mitigation, and Erosion ManagementAct of 1993 (H.R. 62) CallS for establish. ment of a flood-insurance task force. Thisbill could also be broadened to create a more comprehensive flood-assessment board.Make it easier to manage reservoirs on abasin-wide level. Operating reservoirs withinthe same basin as a single system rather than individually (as is often the case)could greatly improve the efficiency and flexibility of water-quantity management.New legislation, perhaps as part of the nextomnibus water bill, could grant the Army Corps of Engineers and the Department ofthe Interiors Bureau of Reclamation greater flexibility to manage their reservoirs basin-wide and thus encourage development of a more integrated approach to water-quality,wetland, flood, and drought management.Support water marketing. As long as adequate attention is given to protecting all affected parties, water markets could provide an efficient and flexible way to adapt to various stresses, including a changing climate. It would be very useful for Congress to clarify reclamation law on trades and transfers and define the Federal
44 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Governments interest in facilitating the creation of markets (193). Congress could urge the Department of the Interior to provide stronger leadership to assist with water transfers, and water marketing could be thoroughly evaluated as part of the Western Water Policy Review, authorized in late 1992. n Promote the use of new analytical tools. Further development dissemination, and use of new modeling and forecasting tools could greatly enhance water resource management. Some current analytical efforts have not been adequately funded, and the most advanced tools now available are not yet being used by many States or water utilities. Small investments in promoting dissemination and use of these tools today could save substantial sums later. Section 22 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-251) authorizes funding for training and technical assistance to States and could be used to promote the adoption of the new tools. Congress could also consider providing funds to develop or refine tools that incorporate climate uncertainty into traditional hydrologic analyses. n Promote demand management. The upcoming reauthorization of the Clean Water Act is one potential target of opportunity for improving water-use efficiency (see vol. 1, box 5-C). Congress could consider making conservation projects eligible for the State revolving-fund loans created under the act to fund wastewater treatment plants. The Federal Government could set an example by adopting efficient water-use practices in its own facilities. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-486) requires that Federal facilities adopt conservation practices to the extent practicable, but it concentrates primarily on energy conservation. A technicaladjustment bill to the Energy Policy Act could be considered in the 103d Congress and would provide a way to clarify and underline congressional intent toward water conservation in Federal facilities. n Expand the scope of the Western Water Policy Review. With the enactment of Title 30 of the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-575), Congress authorized the Resident to oversee a major water-policy study. Title 30 directs the President to undertake a comprehensive review of Federal activities that affect the allocation and use of water resources in the 19 western States and to report findings to appropriate congressional committees by the end of October 1995 (190). Climate change is not mentioned as a factor motivating the Western Water Policy Review, but the study could provide an opportunity to assess more fully how climate change may affect water resources and to evaluate policy options that might help with adaptation to a warmer climate. Congress could expand the scope of the Review beyond the West, or it could authorize a similar follow-on study of eastern water issues. The Review could also provide an opportunity to explicitly consider land-use practices and water resource issues jointly. The relationship between the two is close, and there appear to be significant opportunities to improve both water-quantity and water-quality management by improving land-use practices. 9 Agriculture Agriculture in the United States is an intensively managed, market-based natural resource. Throughout the world, agriculture has adapted continuously to the risks associated with normal climate variability, just as it has adapted to changes in economic conditions. The American agricultural sector will undoubtedly make further adaptations in response to climate changes, with market forces rewarding and encouraging the rapid spread of successful adaptation (30, 41,
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 45148). Just what these adaptations will be and whatpublic actions could be taken to encourage them are addressed in detail in volume 1, chapter 6, ofthis report.The possible effects of climate change on agriculture are difficult to predict. Agricultural productivity is likely to be affected worldwide, which would lead to alterations in the regionaldistribution and intensity of farming (1, 188). The range over which major U.S. crops are planted could eventually shift hundreds of miles to the north (13, 150) (see vol. 1, box 6-C). For American farmers, already facing increasingly competitive and growing world markets, anyrelative decline in productivity compared with therest of the world would mean lost markets (40). Asignificant warming and drying of the worlds climate might lead to an overall decline in agricultural yields (75, 150). Consumers wouldbear much of the cost through higher food prices or scarcities. Some individual farmers might still benefit through locally improved yields or higherprices; others might suffer because of relativelysevere local climate changes. Rapid geographical shifts in the agricultural land base could disrupt rural communities and their associated infrastruc-tures.If the United States wants to ensure its compet-itive position in the world market and meet thegrowing demands for food without higher prices, public efforts to support the continued growth inagricultural yields remains necessary. Climate change adds to the importance of efforts toimprove the knowledge and skills of farmers, to remove impediments to farmer adaptability andinnovation, and to expand the array of options available to farmers (157). Efforts to expand thediversity of crops and the array of farm technologies insure against a future in which existing crop varieties or farmin g systems fail (137) (see vol. 1,box 6-H). Efforts to enhance the adaptability of farmers--to speed the rate at which appropriate farming systems can be adopted-lower the potentially high costs of adjustment to climatechange. This soybean field shows the devastating effects of droughts. The farmer indicates how tall soybeanplants would normally be. Warmer climates could lead to an increase in both nurnber and severity of droughts.Impediments to adjusting to climate change arenumerous (see vol. 1, box 6-I). Water shortageswill probably limit the potential for compensatingadjustments in certain regions. The uncertainty ofclimate change makes effective response difficult, as do limitations on the availability of suitable crops and agricultural practices. The decline in the Federal Governments interest in agricultural research and extension is also a problem (138, 174); more-vibrant research andextension programs could enhance adaptability. Certain agricultural programs may increase thecosts associated with a changing climate (90). Because the commodity programs link supportpayment to maintaining production of a particularcrop, they could inadvertently discourage adjust-ments in farmin g. Disaster-assistance programs may become increasingly costly under a harsher climate, and, if not well designed, may tend todiscourage farmers from taking appropriate cau-tionary actions to reduce exposure to climate risks. Restriction on the marketing of conservedwater may limit the incentive for efficient use of scarce water resources.
46 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume The most pressing tasks concerning agriculture and climate change that the Federal Government should undertake are: improving technology and information transfer to farmers in order to speed adaptation and innovation in farm practice; removing the impediments to adaptation created unnecessarily by features of commodity support and disaster-assistance programs; and supporting research and technology that will ensure that the agricultural sector can deal successfully with the various challenges of the next century. The Government could organize its approach around the following first steps, which should increase the ability of the farm sector to adjust successfully to a changing climate. n Revise the commodity support programs. Congress addresses farm issues every 5 years in omnibus farm bills, with the next one likely to be debated for passage in 1995. The annual budget-reconciliation process and agricultural appropriations bills offer intermediate opportunities for revisions in commodity support programs. commodity support payments are linked to the continued production of a single crop. If a farmer significantly changes crops, support payments will be reduced. This link discourages the responsiveness of farmers to changing market and climate conditions. The cumulative economic costs of even temporary delays in adjusting to climate change might prove to be large. Congress should consider breaking the link between farm support and the production of a single crop. A further increase in flex acreage (an amount of land that can be shifted to new crops with little penalty) or other more substantial revisions in the commodity support programs that would allow greater flexibility in crop choice (42) could be considered in the 1995 reauth orization of the Farm Bill. These changes would increase the ability of farmers to adapt to climate change. 1 n Encourage research and development in computerized farm-management systems. The competitiveness of the farm sector will increasingly depend on advances that improve the efficiency of U.S. farmers-rather than on further increase sin intensity of input use. Computerized farm-management systems include land-based or remote sensors, robotics and controls, image analysis, geographical information systems, and telecommunications linkages packaged into decision-support systems or embodied in intelligent farm equipment. Such systems will be increasingly important to the farmers ability to increase yields, control costs, and respond to environmental concerns. The U.S. Department of Agricultures Agricultural Research Service already provides leadership in this area and has proposed an Integrated Farm Management Systems Research program that would provide for the development and broader use of technologies that have the potential to greatly enhance the efficiency of farmin g and to increase the flexibility with which farmers can respond to climate conditions. Use the 1995 Farm Bill to modify disasterassistance programs. Since the late 1970s, Congress has been considering how to best structure the crop-in surance and disasterpayment programs (20, 21). After a flurry of proposals and studies before the passage of the 1990 Farm Bill, the programs were left essentially unchanged. Major revisions are likely to be considered in the 1995 Farm Bill. The best option for revising these programs remain unclear. For the purpose of preparing for climate change, any program that provides a greater incentive for farmers or local communities to reduce their exposure to risk should lessen the potential for large-scale future losses and encourage adaptation to changing climate risks. Features of a restructured system might include: defining disasters formallv.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 47 with assistance provided only for statistically unusual losses; eliminating either crop insurance or disaster payments (or merging the two programs) so that one does not undercut the incentives to participate in the other; limiting the number of times a farmer could collect disaster payments; and requiring farmers or farm communities to contribute to a disaster-payment fund, thus providing a greater incentive to reduce exposure to risks. I Wetlands More than half of the Nations wetlands have been destroyed by activities ranging from agriculture to flood-control projects to urban development. Roughly 5 percent of the lower 48 States is currently covered by wetlands (see vol. 2, ch. 4). They provide diverse products of considerable commercial value, playing a key role in the production of goods such as finfish, shellfish, fur, waterfowl, timber, blueberries, cranberries, wild rice, and peat. Wetlands also nurture biological productivity, slow surface-water flows, and transform nutrients and toxic chemicals. Wetlands are key to the harvest of 75 percent of the Nations fish and shellfish and harbor about one-third of the Nations threatened and endangered species (83). As a result, in 1989, the Federal Government embraced the policy goal of no net loss of wetlands-any destruction of wetlands should be offset by an equivalent restoration or creation of wetlands (28, 184). Steps to achieve this goal, however, have not been fully implemented. Part of the problem is that no single Federal statute is directed at protecting, restoring, and acquiring wetlands, and there is no coordinated effort to monitor and evaluate wetlands. Different authorities with different goals are scattered across many Federal and State agencies, and the criteria they use for decisionmak ing are somewhat inconsistent. Federal policies have sometimes failed to discourage--and sometimes have encouraged wetland destruction (179). Few programs for wetland acquisition and restoration address the possibility of climate-induced alteration of wetlands. Climate change is likely to accelerate the loss of wetlands, especially of the following highly vulnerable types: coastal wetlands, depressional wetlands in arid areas (i.e., inland freshwater marshes and prairie potholes), riparian wetlands in the arid West and Southwest, and tundra wetlands. Coastal wetlands may be drowned by a rising sea or altered by changing salinity (123, 194, 198). Depressional wetlands are susceptible to the lowered water tables that will likely result from the higher temperatures, increased evaporation, and decreased s ummertime precipitation predicted for these already dry areas. Riparian wetlands in the arid West, which rely on water flowing through rivers and streams, could also be threatened by drier conditions. Tundra areas in Alaska may shrink as increased temperatures allow the permafrost to thaw and drain. Whether or not a no-net-loss goal can be achieved as the effects of climate change become more pronounced, the goal remains a useful focal point for policy makers (114). Wetlands are a diminishing resource, and the Federal Government could play a lead role in ensuring that wetlands survive climate change by adopting the following objectives: protect existing wetlands, restore degraded or converted wetlands, facilitate migration (e.g., the upslope movement of coastal wetlands as sea level rises), and improve coordinated management and monitoring. Given the available policy levers (regulation and acquisition, incentives and disincentives, and research), limited money to fund programs, and the level of scientific understanding of the impacts of climate change on wetlands, we identified the following strategies as first steps to use in responding to climate change and the threats it poses to wetlands. Additional options are assessed in volume 2, chapter 4.
48 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1Prairie potholes, like these in North Dakota, serve valuable storm-water-retention functions and provide breeding and stopover habitat for migratory waterfowl. Agricultural development, encouraged in part by Federal subsidies, has eliminated many ofthese wetlands. Climate change rnay pose further risksif moisture declines or if farming intensifies with a warming in these northern lands.nRevise the Clean Water Act. The act is upnow for reauthorization, and it could berevised to improve wetland protection (169).This could be done through minor revi-sions or through transforming the act into a broad wetland-protection and watershed-management act. For example, the mitigation requirements could be clarified to ensure that lands set aside for protection or restoration more than compensate for wetlands that are destroyed. Congress could establish uniform standards for mitigation activities and require that restoration proj-ects be monitored and evaluated for successin meeting these standards. At a broader level, Congress could devise a mechanismfor coordinated management of water qual-ity and wetland resources at a regional or watershed level. For example, regulations covering non-point-source water pollution might be linked to wetland protection, al-lowing wetland restoration or protection in exchange for relaxation in pollution-control requirements (127).n n nDevelop and implement a priority plan tocoordinate wetland protection across agencies. Direct Federal agencies to develop and implement uniform regional plans guiding wetland protection, acquisition, mitigation,and restoration and to coordinate the desig-nation of wetlands deemed high priority forprotection or restoration. These priority planscould be built on existing plans under various agencies (e.g., the Army Corps ofEngineers, the Environmental Protection Agency, DOIS Fish and Wildlife Service,and the U.S. Department of Agriculture) thatnow set priorities for wetlandmanagementand acquisition. With better coordinationand guidance and a watershed-managementfocus, existing programs could accomplishwetland protection more efficiently.Ensure that all Federal policies and incentives are consistent with wetland protec-tion. Congress could ensure that all Federalpolicies and incentives are consistent with wetland protection, reviewing Federal pro-grams to find and eliminate those that offerincentives to destroy wetlands and to perhaps bolster programs that encourage wetland protection. For example, the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (P.L. 97-348, as amended) might be extended to include coastal wetlands; funding for the Wetlands Reserve Program might be restored to atleast authorized levels and targeted to wet-lands in high-priority areas. The Fish and Wildlife Service could be required to complete and issue the report on the impact of Federal programs on wetlands that was mandated in the Emergency Wetlands Resources Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-645). Conduct research, development, monitoring, and evaluation in key areas. A new National Biological Survey at the Department of the Interior could incorporate wetland monitoring as part of its mission (see vol. 2, ch. 5). Relevant agencies should be encouraged to include wetland research in
Chapter 1 Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 49their component of the U.S. Global ChangeResearch Program (USGCRP). Federally Protected Natural Areas Over 240 million acres of land have been setaside by the Federal Government to protect somepart of nature for generations to come. These lands represent and protect the best of the Nations natural heritage and have become a source of national pride. Chapter 5 of volume 2focuses on National Parks, Wilderness Areas, andNational Wildlife Refuges, which comprise thebulk of the Federal lands held primarily for natureconservation.Because a variety of human activities hasaltered or degraded the habitat for many species,federally protected natural areas have become repositories for the Nations rarest species and sites for conserving biological diversity (181, 185). Protected natural areas are also subject to increased stress from activities that occur bothwithin and outside their boundaries. Natural areasare being effectively dissected into smaller and smaller parts in some places--especially in the East-leaving them more vulnerable to other stresses that could degrade habitat quality and ecosystem health (103).Under climate change, the climate mapthat has helped to shape natural areas will shiftwhile the boundaries that define the management and degree of protection for natural areas will remain fixed (see fig. 1-6). As a result the biological makeup of the protected natural areas will change. Some may becomeincapable of providing the benefits or serving thefunctions for which they were originally established, such as maintaining their unique ordistinctive character, providing protection for rarespecies and other biological resources, and main-taining the quality or availability of other services, such as nature study or certain kinds of recreation (see vol. 2, box 5-B).Figure l-S-Preserves and Climate ChangeSouthern range limitI New southern range limit q \ / / -. Old southern range limitNOTE: As climate changes, the preferred range of many species may shift, Ieaving preserves dramatically changed.SOURCE: Office of TechnologyAssessment, 1993.Certain general characteristics of protectednatural areas may make them more vulnerable toclimate change, such as being small, isolated,fragmented, or already under considerable stress,and containing sensitive species or ecosystems, such as coastal, alpine, or Arctic ecosystems or midcontinent wetlands (67, 133, 188). If climate change leads to accelerated habitat loss or proceeds so quickly that some species cannot adaptquickly enough, species loss may accelerate, andoverall biodiversity will decline (29, 196).Even if species can move fast enough, adapta-tion by migration may be difficult because inmany places, the landscape has been sectioned off into small pieces. Some natural areas are islandsin the middle of extensively developed areas.Geographic fragmentation may limit the ability of
50 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box l-G-Climate Change in Alaska: A Special Case Nowhere in the United States does there remain such a vast expanse of land so undisturbed by human activity as in Alaska. Because of its distinctive character, pristine conditions, and abundant natural resources, Alaska has become a national treasure. Nearly 66 percent of Alaskas land base is protected in wilderness areas, National Wildlife Refuges, National Forests, or public Iands administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Alaska contains some 170 million acres (69 million hectares) 1 of wetlands (over 60 percent of the Nations total) and 330 million acres of boreal forest. Alaskan plants and animals withstand some of the harshest environmental conditions in the world and many are unique to polar climates. Although human activities are to some extent adversely affecting this remote environment, it remains the most wild place in the United States and is rightly referred to as our last frontier. The unique characteristics of Alaska-the natural resources, the wildlife, and the pristine, harsh environment-affect nearly every aspect of life, including the culture and industry of those who live here. For example, traditions of the indigenous communities are deeply rooted in t he distinctive wildlife and vegetation of Alaska. Many indigenous communities, such as the Inupiat Eskimos of Alaskas North Slope, still rely on wildlife and natural vegetation for subsistence. The bowhead whale is central to their culture. The whales are a major food source and the hunts are a community tradition. Caribou and fish are other staples for Inupiats. Athapaskan Indians, who reside mostly in the boreal forest of interior Alaska, rely heavily on the plant life there for food, housing materials, and heating fuels (120). Fish such as salmon and whitefish are primary elements of Athapaskan subsistence, and caribou and moose are important sources of food anddothing(120). Alaskas economy is also deeply rooted in its abundant natural resources, with oil and gas, fishing, and tourism providing the base for the economy. Nearly 65 percent of the States revenue comes from oil and gas exploration or development. Two of the largest oil fields in North America (Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk fields) are located near Alaskas North Slope and provide the economic base for much of that region. Alaskan waters are also sites of some of the worlds most productive fisheries. The Bering Sea has the biggest fishery in the United States; it is among the biggest in the world. In 1990, Alaskas fish harvest (mostly salmon, king crab, halibut, shrimp, and scallops) surpassed any other States, with more than 5.4 billion pounds (2.4 billion kilograms) 2 of seafood harvested-half of all seafood harvested in the Nation. The seafood industry is also Alaskas largest private-sector employer, employing 23 percent of the States work force. In addition, Alaskas vast expanse of rugged land and abundant wildlife have made tourism a growing and important industry there. Visitors to Alaska spent almost $1 billion in 1989, the third largest source of income in the State. With 13,500 workers in tourist-related industries, tourism is second only to fisheries as a source of employment? Because climate changes resulting from rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) are expected to be especially pronounced in Alaska and other high-latitude regions, Alaska may provide an early warning of initial climate effects. In very general terms, Alaska can expect to see increased average temperatures, increased precipitation, and melting of sea ice. The rate and ultimate severity of the climate changes is at present unknown (67). In addition, little is known about the sensitivities of wildlife, vegetation, ecosystems, indigenous cultures, or the economy to any potential climate changes. Warmer temperatures in polar regions are expected to lead to some melting of sea ice. A recent study of climate change effects on the Canadian Beaufort Sea determined that, based on a doubling of atmospheric CO 2 the open-water season could increase from an average of 2 months to 5 months, the extent of open water could increase from about 100 miles (160 kilometers) 4 to 300-500 miles, and maximum ice thickness could decrease 1 T O convert acres to hectares, multiply by 0.405. 2 TO convert pounds to kilograms, multiply by 0.454. s P. carlson, Alaska Division of Toursim, personal communication, *ptem~ 1993. 4 TO convert miles to Idlonwters, multiply by 1.609.
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options | 51 by 50-75 percent (102). Shoreline erosion could increase significantly with a longer open-water season. Overall biological productivity is also expected to increase in parts of the Bering Sea with an increase in temperature and change in ice cover. Because of the drying effects of warmer temperatures, there could be an increase in the frequency and extent of fires. Over the past three decades, fires in Alaska have increased due to warmer and drier conditions. More fires under climate change could expand the extent of early successional vegetation favored by moose, beavers, Arctic hares, sharptailed grouse, and other wildlife species. However, fire may adversely affect the lichen supply in spruce forests--an important food for caribou in winter. The most profound consequence of warming in Alaska and other polar regions maybe the exacerbation of global climate change through the release of carbon from the permafrost of the Alaskan tundra and boreal forests. Worldwide, tundra and boreal forests contain nearly a third of the worlds soil carbon. Thawing of the permafrost, and the resulting decomposition of organic material, could release huge quantities of methane (CH 4 ) and C0 2 into the atmosphere and contribute to accelerated warming (67). 5 Climate warming may also be exacerbated by melting of the vast expanse of ice and snow that now reflects away considerable incoming heat. Little can be done to stem the thaw and resulting secondary climate impacts, except to slow warming by reducing human-made greenhouse gas emissions. Potential Losers Indigenous cultures--Alaskas indigenous, subsistence communities could be at risk under climate change. Thawing of the permafrost is likely to affect supported structures such as pipelines and bridges, and roads may be threatened if thawing weakens the soil. Many indigenous peoples use the permafrost for food-storage cellars, so warming may threaten their ability to preserve food during summer months. Hunting the bowhead whale, an ancient and sacred tradition for many indigenous communities on the North Slope, is linked to the extent of sea ice. Melting of the sea ice will likely change the whales migration and affect access to the whales by indigenous hunters. Plants and animals--early half of the worlds peatlands (tundra) are in North America, with nearly a third of these in Alaska. Evena2F (1 C) warming could lead to forests replacing alpine tundra on many mountains and islands (122). Some tundra species unable to adapt to climate change might decline. Caribou populations depend on lichens for food. The distribution of lichens is sensitive to the amount and extent of snow cover, which will change under a warming climate. Furthermore, because caribou calving is linked to vegetation produced during early snow melt, changes in the timing of the melt could disrupt calving. Some 25 species of marine mammals regularly use Alaskan waters. The marine mammals most likely to be adversely affected by climate change are pinnipeds (seals and walruses) that winter primarily in t he Bering Sea have regular contact with ice, and are closely associated with the continental shelf or shelf edge. These include spotted and ribbon seals, which may suffer from increased competition with other species and reduced habitat, and Pacific walruses and bearded seals, which are ice-associated bottom feeders and are therefore tied to the seasonally ice-covered continental shelves. Both the beluga and bowhead whales are associated with sea ice, but they may not be significantly affected by melting because they do not depend on ice cover to protect and nurture their newborn. Perhaps the biggest unknown impact of climate change is how it will affect fish populations and the fishing industry. Variations in stock size and species abundance appear to be correlated wit h periodic variability of ocean temperature, but are not completely understood. For example, huge fluctuations in groundfish stocks occur now. 6 Many scientists believe that overfishing will remain the primary concern for Alaskan fisheries (122). However, 5 Recent measurements Indicate that the tundra of the North Slope of Alaska has in fact Changed from a sink to a source of C0 2 with the warming trend seen in Alaska over the past few decades (125). 6 V Alexander, Dean, School of Fisheries and Ocean Science, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, personal communication, May 27, 1993. (Continued on next page)
52 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 1-G--Climate Change in Alaska: A Special Case-(Continued) considering the importance of fishing to the Alaskan economy, the potential for loss under climate change is significant Potential Winners 0il and gas industry-Reduction of the sea ice could allow the use of less expensive offshore structures and would reduce the costs of marine transportation. Some speculate that the opening up of the Northwest Passage would offer a shortcut for shipping from Europe to the Pacific Rim, but Alaskan ports probably would not participate significantly in this traffic. Plants and animals-in general, plant life is likely to benefit from an increase in temperature, though the composition of forests and other vegetated areas will likely change. Some boreal forest species, such as white spruce and birch, are Iikely to expand northward. Others, such as red and yellow cedar, may be less able to migrate because of the rugged terrain, low genetic variability, and slow dispersing ability. Some migration is already happening--white spruce ranges have been expanding over the past 40 years. Expansion of white spruce into boreal forests may eventually be important for timber harvests. Most wildlife species, including polar bears, moose, muskoxen, mountain sheep, most marine mammals, and many birds (e.g., grouse, raptors, owls, and migratory birds), will likely benefit from increased temperatures and increased productivity in vegetation. These benefits might be stemmed by losses of tundra wetlands, increases in disease spread, or changes in species assemblages that would result in changed predation patterns. Most birds will likely benefit from having more forage, more insects, and a longer season during which to rear their young. Omnivores such as bears should respond favorable to a changing climate because of the longer availability of green vegetation in the spring. Other forbearers and carnivores should increase in response to larger prey populations unless they are controlled by hunting, trapping, or other human activities. Tourism-Higher temperatures are likely to benefit the tourism industry, although vigorous advertising by the State has almost certainly had more impact on the industry in recent years than has its climate. Increased wildlife populations will probably attract more hunters, hikers, and campers. However, increased tourism could also mean more impacts on the environment that is so important to indigenous, subsistence communities. species to find new habitat-they may have no factors that make natural areas valuable: characplace to go (34). Natural areas in the West are currently much larger and much less fragmented than they are in the East. However, the institutions that manage these lands are designed to manage only their own parcels-in isolation and are not encouraged to consider the often more extensive natural ecological system. This compartmental approach to management, or institutional fragmentation, may prevent effective solutions to problems that transcend individual management parcels, such as those posed by climate change (64, 92). The main challenge for policy is to maintain the high value of the system of natural areas while realizing that climate change may affect the very ter, species protection, and environmental services. The ideal response to this challenge might be some combination of three general management approaches: 1) maintain species where they are today, 2) help species migrate through more intensive management, and 3) acquire lands that will be valuable under a changed climate. However, the lack of adequate knowledge and information precludes the full implementation of either approach now. It is difficult to predict how climate change will affect natural areas and how they will respond. This lack of knowledge limits the ability to help natural areas adapt. We do not know which species are most sensitive to climate change,
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 53 which could be saved, or how to recreate habitats or entire ecosystems elsewhere. The limited success with restoring populations of endangered species illustrates how little is known about restoring species and their natural habitat. In addition, we do not know what lands will be most valuable as preserves under climate change. We do not even know all of the species and kinds of ecosystems currently under formal protection in preserves today. The most useful approaches that the Federal Government could take to facilitate adaptations to climate change in natural areas fall into two categories: information gathering (including research, inventory, and monitoring options) (115, 171), and managing natural areas now to minimize the impediments to adaptation and to increase their resiliency. The second category includes taking direct Federal action to influence the management of natural areas, establishing incentives to private landowners to encourage conservation under uncertainty, and promoting larger-scale management through more partnerships among agencies, communities, and governments. A variety of options that address these needs are assessed in volume 2, chapter 5. Because money to implement every policy option and the scientific understanding of how climate change will affect natural areas are limited, we have identifed some strategies that represent inexpensive or useful frost steps for facilitating adaptation to climate change in natural areas. These options meet at least one of several criteria: they will take a long time to complete; they address front-line, or urgent, issues that need attention before informed policy decisions can be made; they can be approached through mechanisms that are already in place or through efforts already under way; and/or they have benefits in addition to those that help prepare for climate change. In some cases, a near-term legislative action will provide a target of opportunity to pursue these options. n Use the National Biological Survey (NBS) to assess ecological inventory and monitoring needs. Future strategies to protect natural areas and their resources will require a national picture of current biological resources and the extent of the protection of-or the threat to-these resources. A national inventory and monitoring program would be particularly beneficial in supporting efforts to protect endangered species and biodiversity. DOIS proposed new National Biological Survey presents an opportunity to implement some of these activities (131, 132, 188). Congress could ask NBS to initiate a nationwide inventory and monitoring program, synthesize ecological and biological information for managers and planners, establish a mechanism for facilitating regional-level research and management, and develop a priority plan for expanding protection of natural areas. n Support basic research on key gaps in our understanding of ecosystems. This research would include work on species sensitivity to climate change, restoration and translocation ecology, the design and effectiveness of migratory corridors or protective buffer zones, the development of ecological models, and the effect of elevated CO 2 concentrations on plants and animals. Basic research in these areas is needed now to determin e how species might respond to climate change and how best to provide for their protection in the future. n Conduct a review of ecological research within USGCRP and across Federal agencies. Such a review would evaluate how much ecosystem research relevant to climate change and other long-term ecological problems (e.g., loss of biodiversity) is being done, and would identify important gaps. A review of all research on natural resources has not yet been conducted across the Federal agencies. Existing analyses suggest that a great deal of money is spent on
54 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 research relevant to the environment, but how much is useful to understanding longterm ecological problems is not known. Further, there is currently no mechanism for consolidating results from disparate research efforts into general patterns and principles that advance the science and are useful for environmental decisionmaking. Without such synthesis studies, it will be impossible for ecology to become the predictive science required by current and future environmental problems (97). An effort to characterize and synthesize ongoing research could help bridge the gap between basic research and natural resource plannin g. Such a review could be conducted by the Office of Science and Technology Policy, the National Academy of Sciences, or an independent commission. n Provide funding for the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act of 1980 (P.L. 96-366). This law establishes a Federal cost-share program for nongame species conservation. It has already been enacted, but has never been funded. Many States have prepared initial plans that could qualify for Federal matching funds, making it a target of opportunity to promote natural area conservation at the State level. With some amendments to promote multispecies, or ecosystem, protection at the State level and adequate funding., the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act could be used to encourage natural area protection and conservation on State and private lands. n Use acquisition strategies to enhance protection. Federal land-management agencies should be directed to consider whether all future land acquisitions and exchanges: 1) augment underrepresented ecosystems in the Federal natural area holdings, 2) buffer or connect other preserved land parcels, and 3) provide habitat or services likely to persist over the long term despite anticipated stresses. Setting aside a given amount of land within the modern fragmented landscape does not alone ensure that the ecological features for which it is valued will be preserved. To best conserve species, natural areas should include an array of ecosystems and transition zones between them to allow for the many complex interactions that rely on links between different parts of the landscape. By asking agencies to incorporate such concerns into future acquisitions, Congress could minimize future geographic fragmentation and use limited monies to maximize the range of protected ecosystems. 9 Forests Forests cover roughly one-third of the U.S. land area, shaping much of the natural environment and providing the basis for a substantial forest-products industry. These forests are enormously variable, ranging from the sparse scrub of the arid interior West to the lush forests of the coastal Pacific Northwest and the South. The Nations forests provide essential fish and wildlife habitat, livestock forage, watershed protection, attractive vistas, and an array of recreational opportunities. Timber is one of the Nations most important agricultural crops. Climate change may pose a significant threat to forests, particularly forests that are not actively managed for timber production. Within a century, climate change might shift the ideal range for some North American forest species more than 300 miles to the north (see fig. 1-7). Such a shift would almost certainly exceed the ability of natural forests to migrate (35, 36, 146). Forests stranded outside their ideal climatic range could suffer from declining growth and increased mortality from climate-related stresses such as insects, disease, and fires (2, 58, 100, 157). Some forests may collapse, and species and unique populations may be lost from isolated ranges if climate change is too rapid. The most vulnerable forest resources are those in regions subject to increased moisture stress, as
Chapter l-Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 55Figure 1-7-Current and Projected Range of Beech Under Climate Change m Current range Potential future rangeo500 Overlap NOTE: Based on climate projections from the Goddard Institute forSpace Studies GCM under the assumption of a doubling of atmosphericCO2. To convert miles to kilometers, multiply by 1.609.SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1993, adapted from M.B. Davies and C. Zabinski, Changes in Geographical Range Resultingfrom Greenhouse Warming: Effects on Biodiversity in Forests, in:Global Warming and Biological Diversity, R.L. Peters and T.E. Lovejoy(eds.) (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1992).in the dry continental interiors (14, 15, 159, 191).Forests in coastal regions may be at risk fromrising sea levels, with the threat of flooding andsaltwater intrusion, or from increases in damagingwind storms (61, 106). Forests with small or highly fragmented ranges may be lost, such asthose at the upper elevations of mountains withnowhere to migrate (89). Forests in locationsalready subject to droughts, fire, and wind dam-age will be at high risk if the frequency orintensity of these stressors is increased (157).The extent to which intervention to facilitate adaptation may be practical or desirable is limited. Even timber-industry forests are not intensively managed by the standards of annualagricultural crops. On large areas of public forestlands, even a minimal management responsemight be viewed as incompatible with the goalsfor which the forest is held. The challenge is tofind unobtrusive and cost-effective means to help ensure that the health and primary services of the Nations forest resource will not be lost if climate change proves to be as serious a threat to forests as some believe it will be.The Federal Government can prepare itself to respond to the threats that climate change poses to forests in several ways: 1) by better understanding which forests are at risk (e.g.,by supporting research on species sensitivity toclimate and monitoring changes in forests);2) by acting to avoid the potential loss of forestspecies (e.g., by promoting and improving forest seed banks, mass propagation techniques, and forest-restoration techniques); 3) by being ready to react promptly to the threat of large-scale forest mortality (e.g., by preventing fires, managing pests, or thinning to promote drought tolerancein forests where such activities are determined to be appropriate); 4) by redirecting incentive pro-grams to encourage improvement in the healthof private forests; and 5) by increasing the adaptability of the forest industry and forestdependent communities to climate change through forest-product research and incentives for diversification. Given the existing policy levers, the limited money to fund programs, and the poor level of scientific understanding of impacts of climate change on forests, the following subset of policies, discussed in volume 1, chapter 6, are firststeps that Congress could take. Each would helpthe Nation begin to position itself to respond tothe effects of climate change on both timber andnontimber forests. These options are justifiednow either because of existing problems (such as fire, pests, and drought) that will be exacerbatedby climate change, or because of the time requiredto complete the process. Establish an expanded forest seed-bank program. A rapid climate change could
56 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 threaten the genetic diversity of U.S. forests. A national effort in the conservation of forest seeds would provide an opportunity to respond to the potential for loss of genetic diversity in the forest resource under climate change. An appropriate goal for such a program would be to maintain sufficient seed variety, or other genetic material, so that much of the original diversity of the Nations forests could eventually be restored (86, 87). (Current forest seed-collection activities are uncoordinated and focused on only a small number of species (113).) To accomplish this goal., Congress could authorize and fund a National Forest Genetic Resources Program within the Forest Service, providing funds for the construction and operation of seed-storage facilities, for the establishment of associated plantations to be used for continuing seed production, and for a forest genetics research program that would address climate tolerance of trees and means for large-scale propagation. Such a program could be partially supported through fees for private access to the seed collection. B Develop strategic plans for responding to major forest declines. Increased risk of fires and insect damage may result under a warmer climate. The relative value of prevention activities to reduce risk is likely to be increased. The need for aggressive intervention to protect forest resources may also be increased. Because of the need for prompt action and because of the contentiousness that often accompanies forest management, policy rules for pest-control activities and silvicultural management to reduce forest health risks are best established before they are needed. Congress could enact a foresthealth bill that would establish criteria that would allow prompt action to protect against threats of catastrophic mortality or restore forests after large-scale mortality and decline. Such a bill might allow for the declaration of temporary forest-health emergencies, under which accelerated actions to protect or restore forest health would be authorized-as long as these actions were consistent with established standards for protection of all forest values. A policyreview group made up of academics, representatives of interest groups, and Federal forestry personnel could develop criteria for undertaking actions to stem forest decline. n Prepare for a forest-management response to climate change. A changing climate may eventually require innovations in forestmanagement and planting practices. Experimental efforts will be important in establishing a scientific basis for any necessary changes to future management practices that might later be applied to public multiple-use forests. Congress could support a program of research on the Forest Services Experimental Forests, or other research facilities, to address adaptation to climate change. The Experimental Forests are already designated as outdoor laboratories for evaluating forestry practices. The research could be directed toward finding practical and environmentally appropriate techniques for managing the public forests that will help buffer them or help them adapt to a changing climate. n Improve incentives for private management of forest lands. The Federal Government controls only about one-quarter of the Nations forestland. In the East especially, where Federal holdings are limited, efforts to support the protection of private forestland may take on increased importance. The Federal Gov ernment may use incentives, disincentives, and cooperative approaches to promote the health and productivity of this forestland. Existing subsidy programs under the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978 (P.L. 95-313), as amended by the 1990 Farm Bill, provide cost-sharing assistance to owners of small, private forests. Traditional
Chapter 1--Synthesis, Summary, and Policy Options I 57 forest-support programs (e.g., the Forestry Incentives Program) target funds on the basis of potential gains in timber supply. These programs could be modified so that funds could be targeted to areas at high risk of insect and fire damage and to ecologically valuable forestland, which would encourage activities that maintain the health of the private forestland and discourage the further fragmentation of forestland. Expanding the role of the Forest Stewardship and Forest Legacy Programs might help to accomplish these goals. The funding priorities of the Forest Stewardship Program could be clarified, thus ensuring that most funds are targeted to the areas identified above. CHAPTER 1 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Adams, R.M., et aL, Global climate change and u s Agriculture, Nature, vol. 345,1990, pp. 219-24. ~ R.L., Eff* of Global climate Change on ~ s u.mival and Forest Peats in the Sou@ paper prcacntcd at the Society of Am&an Fomdcrs Convention in Wa&ingtoU DC, July 30, 1990. Armentmo, T. V., RA. Park and L.C. Cloonaq hPWtS on Cm@ Wctlanda l%roughout the United Statca, in: Greenhouse E#ect, Sea Level Rise, and Coastal Wetkmds, EPA 230-05-86-013, J. Titus (cd.) (Waahin@o~ DC: U.S. I?mironmcntal protection Agency, Office of Policy, Harming and EvduatiO@ July 1988). Asscl, RA., Implication of COZ Global Warming on Great Ice coves, Climatic Change, vol. 18, 1991, pp. 377-95. Ausubc~ J.H., A Second Look at the Impacts of Climate -, American Scientist, vol. 79,1991, pp. 21021. B azzaz, F.A., and E.D. Fajcr, Plant Life in a CO#ich Wor14 Scienti!Americun, VOL 266, No. 1, January 1992, pp. 68-74. Beaq M.J., Federal Laws and Politica Pmtain@ to the Maintenance of Biological Divcraity on Federal and private Lands, ccmtractorrcport prepared for the OH&of IbchnoIogy Amaaments report Technologies to Mant&n Bwloghrl Diversity, Oct. 1, 1985. Bcaq MJ., Waterfowl and Climate change: A Glimpac into the Twenty-Firat Century, on-on Nature Quarterfy, apring 1989, pp. 22-27. Bcq M.J., hbn-bd@noua Specica in the United States: The Role of the united Statea Dqmmcnt of the Interior in Non-Indigcnoua Species Issues, contractor paper pmparcd for the Office of lbchnology A&waanm4 Novesnbcz 1991. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Beatley, T, Hmricane Hugo and ShorclineRctrcat: 11b Effcctivmcas of the south Cmolina ~nt -t AcC ~ report to b National scium Foundati~ September 1992. Bcatlcy, T, Riak Allocation Policy in the coa8tal am: me current Framework and Faturc DirectiOlw co-or ~ for Offlcc of IbcllnOlogy A&KumKmt, Fabraluy 1993. Bcrnabo, C.J., Science and Policy A8aoda* Inc., te8timony at ~~ h House committee on Sdcmc, Space, and lbcbnology, May 19, 1993. Biasing, D., and A. SolomoQ Response of the North American Corn Belt to Cfimatic Warmng, Publication 2134, Emironmcntal Scicncea Diviaion (oak Ridge, TN: oak Ri~C National Laboratory, 1982). Botk@ D.B., RA. Niabc& and T33. Rcyna@ Effccta of climate Change on Fomsta of t& Great Lake States, h The Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the United States, Appendix Deforests, J.B. Smith and D.A. Tirpak (c&.) w-m DC: Us. Envimnn ental Protection Agency, Ofilcc of Policy, Manning and Evduatiou 1989). Bowc8, M.D., and RA. Scdjo, %qrxts and Rqon8cs to ~ ~ of b MINK Rcgiq cf~fj~ Change, vol. 24, June 1993, pp. 63-82. Brickaon, B., ~e IUvcr, Western Water, July/August 1990. B(LE., Jr., ~ Committee on Sdcmcc, Sad Ibchndogy, U.S. House of ~=. Report of the l&k Force on the Health of RcacadL ~a Serial L Comnu Met? m 1992. W* ~t of w-~~ Cahrnia Water: Looting w the Future, BuUatin 16087, Novexnbec 1987. Carnegie C Ommission on science, I&hnOlogy and Govanm@ Environmental Research and Development: Strengthening the Fe&ral Inj%astructure (W~ DC: Carnegie co mmiaaion on Scicncq lbchnology and Govamnc@ Dccunbcr 1992). Chitc, RI+L, Library of Congrcaa, cOnglWaioMl Raeamh !$ervke, Fcdcxal tip Inmmmxx current Iasacll and Options for Reforrq 92-318 ~ March 1992. CM@, R.M., Library of Congrcaa, congressional I&caIch Service, Agricultural Disastc? Asaistancc, IB91099, July 1992, Clinc, W.R., The Economics@ Global Wg (w-% DC: Institute for Intemah Onal EcOnornica, 1992). Clinc, W.R., The Imp@ of Global Warming on the United Ma&a: A Survey of Recent Literature, contractor ~ -for the office Oflbcimo logy Aawslma4 March 1993. committee on Earth and Environmental Scicncca (CEEs), Mitigation and Adaptation Research Stratcgics working Group, Direcwry of Fe&rai Research Actinties Related to Mitigation afor A&ptation to Global Change (Washin@q DC: CEES, 1992). committee on Earth and Environmental Sdcncca (cIIES), our Changing Planet: The FY 1993 US. Global Change Reseamh Program (WasMngton, DC: CEES, 1992). CQnnnittcc on Earth and Environmental Sclmces (CEBS), our Changing Planet: The FT 1994 Us. Global Change Reseamh Program (WaaMn@oq DC: CEES, 1993),
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Wrigh4 G.IL, Wildlife Research and Management in the NationaZ Parks (Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1992).
A Primer onClimate Changeand NaturalResources2This chapter summarizes the current state of knowledgeabout climate change and describes the interaction of climate variables with natural systems. Backgroundinformation key to understanding the impacts describedin each of the resource chapters (coasts, water, agriculture,wetlands, preserves, and forests) is included here. This chapter illustrates the range of effects climate change could cause across systems and at different spatial and temporal scales.Humanactivities have increased the rate at which greenhousegases--carbon dioxide (CO)2 methane (CH4, nitrous oxide (N2O), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs--are building up in theatmosphere. This increase is likely to lead to changes in climatethat could have significant effects on natural systems. The first-order effects of a buildup of greenhouse gases-increasingaverage temperature, rising sea level, and changes in precipita-tion and evapotranspiration--can be estimated with someconfidence at the global scale. Global average temperature mayincrease about 2 OF (1 C) by 2030 and sea level is predicted to rise by about 8 inches (20 centimeters)l in the same period;precipitation and evapotranspiration globally will also increase.As scientists consider smaller spatial scales, their certainty about these effects decreases. Some midcontinent regions arelikely to become warmer and drier rather than warmer and wetter,for example, but not enough is known yet about climate changeon a regional scale to be confident about the direction and magnitude of changes. A decade or more of research will be needed before such precision is available. Secondand third-order effects, such as changes in individual plants and animals orwhole ecosystems, are utimately the impacts that human s care To convert inches to centimeters (cm), multiply by 2.540,To165
66 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1about. These changes in the natural and managed systems that societies depend on have socioeconomic consequences and result in costs or bene-fits.Plants and animals are more immediately affected by extreme events, such as droughts,floods, or storms, than they are by changes in thelong-term averages of climate variables. However, individuals may not be able to tolerate sustained changes in average temperature and precipitation. Such conditions might, for example, lead to increased vulnerability to pests,disease, and fires. Repeated stress will adversely affect not only individuals but also populations and species, potentially resulting in altered ecosystem ranges and composition.As the climate changes and average temperature increases, the extremes experienced by ecosystems will change as well. The hottesttemperatures may be hotter than previously expe-rienced; the coldest temperatures may not be as cold as they are now. Ultimately, temperature shifts may alter the geographic range of speciesand ecosystems. Climate change may also benefitsome plants andanimals. Certain plants, for example, may derive benefits from the rising concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, whichcan act like a fertilizer. Higher temperatures couldenable some plants and animals to increase their geographic ranges.Ecosystems are always changing and would continue to do so without climate change. However, projected rates of change in temperature exceed the estimated rates for the past 15,000 years, which averaged about 2oF(1oC) per 1,000 years; under a changing climate, temperatures could rise 3 to 8 OF (1.5 to 4.5 oC) over the nextcentury. These changes may be too rapid to allowforest ecosystems to migrate with the changing climate. Atmospheric concentrations of CO2 are changing 30 to 100 times faster than shown inice-core records, which go back millennia. Natu-ral ecosystems are more vulnerable to climatechange than are managed ones, such as farms andplantation forests, because active measures--Many animals, such as this Rocky Mountain coyote, require large expanses of remote and undisturbed habitat to sustain populations. Human disturbance or fragmentation of habitat leads to declines in prey populations and vegetation cover. Affected species can migrate, decline, or alter their food sources.irrigation, replanting, and fertilizing, for exampleare much more difficult to undertake in naturalareas.Many natural systems are already degraded bypollution and geographic fragmentation. Addi-tional human-caused stress may lead to undesirable changes in the values and functions of naturalsystems from which humans now benefit. Unerstress, natural systems of plants and animals tend to breakup and reformulate in new systems withdifferent species or mixes of species (21). Thetotal change in an ecosystem depends not only onits sensitivity to climate change, but also on the systems absolute sensitivity to a variety of otherchanges that influence soil and water chemistry or habitat fragmentation (21).HOW DO WE KNOW CLIMATE IS CHANGING?The Earths average temperature has increased0.8 OF (0.45 C) over the past 100 years, with anuncertainty range of +/-0.27 oF (+/-0.15 oC). The broad range reflects many inaccuracies introduced in the 100-year land-based temperaturerecord by recording temperatures in cities (which
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 67tend to be warmer than rural areas),2 usingdifferent instruments over time, and inadequate and changing spatial coverage.Because the climate system is so inherently variable, it takes a long time to detect trends. Besides greenhouse gases, urban ozone, de-creases in stratospheric ozone, increases in acidicair pollution, volcanic aerosols, and the solar cycle are all likely to have influenced the observed global temperature record. For example,the sum of all known greenhouse gases emitted tothe atmosphere to date should have increased theheat-trapping capacity of the atmosphere by 2.1watts per square meter (W/m*). However, over thepast few decades, other forces could have counteracted as much as 50 percent of the effect by cooling the earth. Urban air pollution (e.g., sootand acid aerosols) could have offset the warming by up to 24 percent, ozone depletion by CFCS, 10 percent, and increased cloudiness by 20 percent. Although these cooling effects temporarily mutethe greenhouse effect, they do not negate it, so netwarming is expected. Simultaneously, solar irradiance (the output of the sun) may have enhanced the greenhouse effect by 14 percent. Other naturally occurring events can confoundthe temperature record, too, such as the 3to 7-year occurrences of El Nio. Volcanic eruptions (such as El Chichon in 1982 and MountPinatubo in 1991) can more than offset the entiregreenhouse effect temporarily (for 2 to 4 years).3Recent satellite temperature measurements takenover a 12-year period show no warming trend (84). This satellite record cannot be used to refuteglobal Warming for three reasons: 1) the record ofmeasurements is over too short a period; 2) two major volcanic eruptions occurred during that period (Chichon and Pinatubo), followed by a several-year cooling due to the particles theyinjected into the atmosphere; and 3) the satelliteFigure 2-lLong-Term GlobalTemperature Record15.5 -Q 15.014.5As observed --Adjusted I 1 II1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980NOTE: Global average temperature from raw observations (solid line) vs. data adjusted for known biases (dashed line). Lack of data qualityand contlnuity has Ied to an undesirable Ievel of uncertainty about theserecords. To convert oC to oF, multiply by 1.8 and add 32. SOURCE: T.R. Karl, Missing Pieces of the Puzzle, in: Research andExploration, Spring 1993, pp. 235-49.does not measure the near-surface temperature of the earth; rather, it integrates a 6,500-yard (6,000meter) swath of the atmosphere (48).Despite all the confounding factors, the longterm temperature record shows warming that isconsistent with that calculated by the general circulation models (GCMS) (44) (see fig. 2-1 and box 2-A). The observed 0.8 OF rise is within but at the low range of--the 0.7 to 2.0 OF (0.4 to 1.1 oC) that models predict. The warming is not statistically significant -that is, it is not out-side the range of normal variability. The unequiv-ocal detection of a climate change signal fromsuch complicated records requires at least anotherdecade of measurements (44). The nine warmest years since 1891 were all in the 1980s and early 1990s (6). Several ancillary pieces of evidence consistent with warming, such as a decrease inNorthern Hemisphere snow cover, a simultaneous due to the heat island effect is likely to than 0.1 (0.05 C), or less than 10 percent of the (43). For example, injected 25 million tons (23 billion kg) of sulfur dioxide 15 miles (25 km) into stratosphere; the cooling caused by reflectivity of those particles should offset the w arming from greenhouse gases for 2 years until the particles settle out of the
68 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 2-AWhat the Models Tell Us: GCMs and Others To describe how the climate system operates and to predict how changes in the composition of the atmosphere will affect climate, scientists have developed models known as general circulation models (GCMs). GCMs are composed of mathematical equations that describe the physical climate processes and interrelationships, including seasonal changes in sunlight, global air currents, evaporation and condensation of water vapor, and absorption of heat by t he oceans. The models incorporate basic physical principles (such as the conservation of energy and mass) and empirical evidence from observations of how the climate system seems cooperate (such as statistical equations describing t he humidity and temperature at which clouds generally form). The four major GCMs have generated somewhat different predictions about how climate might change largely because they use different empirical evidence and starting assumptions and incorporate different sets of climate variables. Even models that agree on global averages may predict different regional distrbutions because they have different ways of accounting for small-scale climate processes. The differences in climate change predictions from the various major climate models have drawn considerable attention. So, too, has the fact that observed changes in global average temperature have been lower than initial estimates. Many models have predicted that based on the increases of human-generated greenhouse gas emissions (particularity carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emitted during fossil fuel combustion) over the past century, global temperatures should already have increased by 0.5 to 2.0 F (0.3 to 1.0 o C). Measurements of warming to date suggest that global average surface-air temperatures have increased approximately 0.5 to 1.0F (0.3 to 0.6 o C)--on the low end of the predicted range (45). 1 That global warming appears to be proceeding more slowly than predicted maybe due to difficulties in distinguishing short-term climate patterns from long-term trends, as well as to the complex and incompletely characterized interactions, of oceans, clouds, and air pollution with weather and climate (44, 92). Natural variations in weather (e.g., rainfall and temperature) occur over years or decades, which may mask longer-term (century and millennium) climate patterns for many years (63). In addition, oceans have an enormous capacity to absorb heat which may delay atmospheric warming for some time (81, 66). Clouds also play an important but uncertain role in moderating planetary climate. Depending on their composition and location, clouds may either cool the planet by reflecting incoming solar radiation or warm it by contributing to the greenhouse effect so it is not clear whether, in the aggregate, they contribute to or somewhat offset global warming (1, 66). Finally, global warming may be offset somewhat in the Northern Hemisphere because some human-generated pollution (particularly sulfur aerosols) may actually exert a cooling effect: when converted to sulfate particles in the atmosphere, they reflect incoming solar radiation (44, 66). Generalities and uncertainties GCMs paint the following general picture of global climate change. Average global air temperatures will increase. With increased temperatures will come an increase in average global precipitation because warmer air causes faster evaporation, speeding up the rate at which water vapor becomes available for aloud formation and precipitation. Increased temperatures will cause the water in oceans to expand (water expands as it warms above 39 OF (4 o C)), and as ocean volume increases, sea levels will rise. Sea level rise may be moderated if increased Global-average temperature statistics are compiled from historical temperature measurements from weather stations around the world. Accurate interpretation of historical temperature data Is complkated and controversial because changes in measurement technicpes and Iocatlons over the past century make the data dlfflcult to compare. Data analysis is further oomptioated by the urban heat island effect-local warming in areas with many buildlngs and paved surfaces that tend to trap heat-which has ralsedtemperatures at some monitoring stations, reflecting changes in local dhnate apart from any potential global changes. The estimated temperature change reported here wasaconsensusflgure developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on CllmateChange (IPCC) that attempts to amount for both the changes In measurement and the confounding effeots of data from urban areas.
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources | 69 temperature and water-holding capacity of the air lead to more snow at the poles, which may cause arctic ice sheets to grow thicker in the near future; on the other hand, warmer temperatures could cause parts of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets to melt, causing even more sea level rise. Beyond these generalities, significant uncertainties remain about regional impacts, rates of change, and feedbacks. Regional predictions are quite murky, and they are the ones that are most important to individual resources and human societies. A variety of factors, including local or mesoscale effects of hills, and vegetation boundaries, are important in determining regional climate. GCMs cannot at present incorporate features this small (see the figure in this box) because spacing between grid points is between 150 and 800 miles (250 and 1,000 kilometers) 2 (94). Because models differ in how they treat these physical features and because the current generation of models is only beginning to incorporate the modeling of ocean currents and aloud cover, it is not surprising that the major GCMs differ markedly in predicting regional changes in precipitation, soil moisture, and other hydrologic variables. For example, certain models predict that precipitation will increase in some regions white others suggest that it will decrease (83). The range (and therefore uncertainty) in model output for soil moisture and runoff is even greater than it is for precipitation (49). Most climate modelers agree that preNOTE: Models cannot yet incorporate regional features adequately because grid sizes are too large. The smaller the grid size, the more complex and time-consuming each model run becomes. The top figure shows how a 480-km grid can obscure important geologic features. The bottom figure shows what the topography of the United States looks like with a 120-km model grid. The degree of resolution in the bottom figure is typical of present global weather prediction models. SOURCE: National Center for Atmospheric Research. cipitation is most likely to increase at high latitudes and that the water-holding capacity of the atmosphere (cloudiness) will be largest in low to midlatitudes (30). In the midcontinent areas, especially in summer, evapotranspiration may outstrip precipitation, and thus soil moisture and runoff would decrease. The potential for more-intense or longer-lasting droughts would therefore increase. Some scientists (78) suggest that GCMs (because of their lack of realistic land-surface models) understate the potential for the intensification of summertime drought in low to midlatitudes. If current trends in greenhouse gas emissions continue, they predict the frequency of severe drought in the United States would be expected to increase dramatically, with effects becoming apparent sometime on the 1990s (78). A second likely regional consequence of global warming is that it will lead to changes in the type and timing of runoff. Snowmelt is an important, source of runoff in most mountainous areas. Warmer temperatures in such 2 To convert miles to kilometers, multiply by 1.609. (Continued on next page)
70 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 2-AWhat the Models Tell Us: GCMs and Others-(Continued) areas would cause a larger proportion of winter precipitation that now falls as snow to fall as rain. Thus, the proportion of winter precipitation stored in mountain snowpack would decrease. Winter runoff would increase, and spring runoff would correspondingly decrease. During times when flooding could be a problem, seasonal changes of this sort could have a significant impact on water supplies because adequate room in reservoirs would have to be maintained (53), and thus some early runoff would probably have to be released. 3 Uncertainty surrounds predictions of the rate at which climate change may proceed. Most assessments of climate change have assumed that it will proceed gradually and continuously until the climate reaches some new equilibrium (21). These assessments attempt to characterize what the climate might eventually be like when the equivalent of doubled C0 2 has been reached; relatively few studies have examined the intermediate, or transient climate stages. However, a few suggest that the change may not linear and gradual. For example,the capacity of the oceans to absorb heat may delay warming for sometime, but there maybe some threshold after which ocean heat absorption slows and a relatively rapid warming of air temperatures follows (81)-or proceeds in steps in a series of punctuated equilibria (relatively rapid change for a short time followed by a period of relative stability), so transient climate stages might be important (15). Uncertainties also arise from lack of knowledge about potential climate feedbacks--that is, processes that occur in response to global warming that either augment or diminish the effect in complex and interacting ways. For example, at warmer temperatures, the atmosphere can hold more water vapor, which is a powerful greenhouse gas, and this will magnify warming. On the other hand, some portion of the additional water vapor could form into clouds, which can, depending on their size, shape, and distance from the Earths surface, reflect solar radiation and either amplify or offset some of the warming. The role of ice and snow in climate systems has not yet been quantified, and it is not clear whether it will prove to be an additional feedback. Warming in the polar regions will likely melt some portion of the polar ice caps, reducing the extent of land and ocean covered by them. Ice and snow are more reflective than either land or water; reducing the amount of ice and snow will allow both land and sea to absorb more heat= In addition, sea ice tends to insulate the ocean; when the ice is not present the ocean may release heat to the atmosphere more readily. Both processes could add to the warming cycle, so that as the atmosphere becomes warmer, it triggers various additional processes that will make it warmer still (66). Other feedbacks may, however, counteract warming. For example, some scientists point out that vegetation may grow better in an atmosphere with higher concentrations of C0 2 Increased plant growth could allow plants to take up more carbon from the atmosphere, potentially acting as a brake to greenhouse warming (61). Despite the uncertainties attached to climate change predictions, there are many areas of agreement on the global, and even some regional, outlines of change. The effects on ecosystems and natural resources are more uncertain. Even if models could now generate accurate regional and local climate predictions, scientists do not yet have the theoretical knowledge to predict with confidence how ecosystems will react to the predicted climate changesand how ecosystem response will translate into impacts on natural resources and on the people who depend on them. And they are further still from being able to forecast how or whether systems could adapt 3 The California mpartrnent of Water Resources has estimated, for exam~e, that if avera9e temwrature8 warm by5F (3 C), winter snowmelt runoff would increase, but the average April-Juty runoff would be reduced by about 30percent (M. Roos, Chief Hydrologi+ California Department of Water Resources, personal communication, 1992). SOURCES: Intergovernmental Panei on Climate Change (lPCC), Wxld Meteorological Organization, and United Natbne Environment Program, C//mate Change: The /PCC Sc#enfiflc Asseesrnent report prepared for IPCC by Wrking Group 1, J.T Houghton, G.J. Jenkins, and J.J. Ephraums (ads) (Oambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1990); Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Wdcf Meteorological Organization, and United Natbns Environment Program, Umate Change 1992: 7he Sq@ementary %porf to the /PCC Sdentifk Assessment, report prepared for IPCC by Working Group i, J.T. Haughton, B.A. Callander, and S.K. Vamey (eda.) (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Prees, 1992); U.S. Congress, Offbe of Te&nobgy Aaeeesment (OTA), Char@g by Degrees: SYeps to Redme Greenhouse Gases, OTA-O-42 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, February 1991 ).
.. Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 71 decrease in Arctic sea ice, continued melting of alpine glaciers, and a rise of sea level (48), have also been corroborated. WHAT CAUSES CLIMATE CHANGE? 4 The Earths atmosphere is a natural greenhouse. Sunlight passes through the atmosphere and strikes the Earth, and as the planet warms and radiates heat, a large share of the heat is trapped by gases in the atmosphere, primarily C0 2 and water vapor. Although these gases make up only 0.25 percent of the atmosphere by volume, they are responsible for increasing the average temperature of the Earth from O OF (the temperature it would be without these natural greenhouse gases) to 59 oF. The evolution of such an atmosphere offered the appropriate conditions for the development of life on Earth. Humans have added more CO 2 and other greenhouse gases (CH 4 N 2 0, and CFCS) to the atmosphere over the past 100 years. These gases effectively trap the heat that would normally be radiated from the earth into space. Instead, heat is reflected back to the Earth, and both the surface and the lower atmosphere get warmer-causing global warmin g. This greenhouse effect is illustrated in fig. 2-2. An international panel of scientists was established in 1988 to assess potential climate change and its impacts. This Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) includes more than 50 countries, and operates under the aegis of the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program. IPCC issued a report in 1990 and an update in 1992 (44, 45) that represent the best scientific assessment to date about climate change and its causes. IPCC scientists agree on the basic atmospheric mechanisms that make the planet a greenhouse. They also concur that human activities, such as b urning fossil fuel, deforestation, and agriculture, have increased the rate at which greenhouse gases are emitted to the atmosphere, and that the concentrations of those gases in the atmosphere are increasing. WHAT CHANGES IN CLIMATE ARE PREDICTED? 5 S Carbon Dioxide and Other Greenhouse Gases In contrast to measurements of temperature and precipitation, which do not reveal clear trends, measurements of greenhouse gases show significant, steady increases over the past century. 6 For example, the concentration of atmospheric CO 2 the most important greenhouse gas (other than water vapor), has been systematically monitored since 1958 at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. 7 It has been increasing steadily for the past 35 years. Data from air bubbles in ice cores show that preindustrial atmospheric C0 2 concentrations were 280 parts per million (ppm); in 1990, the concentration had increased by more than 25 percent to an annual average of 353 ppm and is increasing at 0.5 percent per year (see fig. 2-3, lower data points). Seventy to 90 percent of the CO 2 added to the atmosphere today (about 8 4 This section briefly summarizes the mechanisms and the greenhouse gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. For a more detailed treatment of climate change, see chapter 2 of OTAS previous report on climate change, Chunging by Degree$ (88). That repxt also examines how the United States and other countries could reduce emissions that contribute to climate change. 5 The predictions given throughout this section are based on an equivalent doubling by 2025 to 2050 of greenhouse gas concentmtions from preindustrial levels. In additio% the predictions refer to a future equilibrium climat~ is, one in which the climate has finished changing and the climate system has arrived at a new balanc=ather than the rransient climate, or intermediate stage, that occurs as climate change is underway. Scientists debate whether the climate will reach anew equilibrium or whether we are instead entering an era of continuous change. Equilibrium may not be reached for centuries. (J. Mahlmaq Director, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton University, July 28, 1993, at a briefing sponsored by the World Resources Institute and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric A&mm stration.) 6 For a more detailed discussion of the emissions and effects of greenhouse gases, see reference 88. 7 C02 is responsible for about 70 percent of the radiative forcing (heat tmpping) caused by greenhouse gases in the 1980s.
72 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1Figure 2-2The Greenhouse EffectGreenhousegases 45 Atmospheric\\processes188 Greenhouse effectEARTH NOTE: Radiation flows are expressed here as a percent of total incoming or outgoing energy. Incomlng solar radiation is partially reflected back into space (30 percent) and partially absorbed by the atmosphere, ice, oceans, land, and biomass of the Earth (70 percent).The Earth then emits radiant energy back into space. The greenhouse effect refers to the trapping of some of the radiant l nqy the Earth emits by atmosphere gains, bothnatural and anthropogenic. As a result of this effect, the Earths surface and lower atmosphere warm.SOURCE: U.S. Congress, Office of TechnologyAssessment, Changing by Degrees: Steps to Reduce Greenhouse Gases, OTA-O-482(Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, February 1991).to 9 billion tons, or 7 or 8 trillion kilograms, of carbon each year) is due to the burning of fossilfuels--coal, oil, and natural gas; the remainder is attributed to deforestation. IPCC notes that undera business-as-usual scenario, the concentration of C02 could rise as high as 800 ppm-nearly triple the preindustrial levelby the end of thenext century (44). If world emissions were frozen at 1990 levels, CO2 concentrations would still riseto 400 ppm by about 2070 (see fig. 2-4),8 andtemperatures would continue to rise about 0.4 OF(0.2 C) per decade for many decades.Increases in the atmospheric concentrations ofthe greenhouse gases CH4, N2O, and CFCS have also been documented and can be linked to anthropogenic emissions. As the upper line infigure 2-3 shows, these gases effectively augment the greenhouse effect caused by CO2. Sources ofCH4 emissions include rice paddies, domesticanimals (cattle and sheep), natural gas productionand delivery, coal production, and landfills (44). CH4 concentrations increased about 1 percent peryear between 1978 and 1987 (from 150 to 168 parts per billion (ppb)). Recently, this increase has slowed to 0.5 percent per year; the cause ofthis slowdown is unknown (45).Atmospheric concentrations of N20 began arapid ascent in the 1940s and increased at 0.2 to0.3 percent per year during the mid-1980s, withcurrent concentrations at about 310 ppb. Ice-core Given that developing countries use the energy of the developed world and their usage 6 to per year, this later scenario is unrealistic (88).
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 73Figure 2-3-Measured and Equivalent CO2Concentrations in the AtmosphereFigure 2-4-Expected CO2 Concentrationsin the Atmosphere According to Various Emissions Scenarios300 -~l +*275 1I1890 00 10 20 30 40 50 80 70 80 1990NOTE: The lower points represent atmospheric concentrations of C02from Antarctic ice-core data (1890 to 1950, shown as diamonds) andfrom recent Mauna Loa observations (1 958 to 1990, shown as stackedsquares). Equivalent C02 levels are shown by the connected circles;this is the additional effect caused by various trace gases (methane,nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons) expressed In CO2 equivalents.SOURCE: R.C, Balling, The Global Temperature Data, In: Research& Exploration, vol. 9, No. 2, Spring 1993, p. show preindustrial concentrations of 285ppb, which had been relatively stable for 2,000 years. Anthropogenic sources appear to be responsible for about 30 percent of N20 emissions9prirnarily from nylon production, nitric acid production, and the use of nitrogenous fertilizers.10CFCS are humanmade chemicals used primarily for refrigeration and insulation. A worldwidetreaty (the Montreal Protocol signed in 1987 and augmented by several subsequent amendments) will eliminate use of these chemicals by the end of the century. The concentration of CFCS in the atmosphere had been increasing at 4 percent peryear in the 1980s. These chemicals cause ozone depletion worldwide and the Antarctic ozonehole. Given world action to phase out CFCS, the A = IPCC business as usual B = frozen emissions after 1990550C = no emissions after 1990 / 400350---------------1i I r1850 19001950 2000 20502100SOURCE: M. Heimann, "Modeling the Global Carbon Cycle, paper presented at the First Demetra Meeting on Climate Variability and Global Change, Chiandiano Therme, Italy, Oct. 28-NOV. 3, 1991.ozone hole is expected to close in 70 years. CFCSare greenhouse gases and trap heat, but becausethey also destroy ozone (another greenhouse gas),the net warmingzero (45). TemperatureIPCC predictedfrom CFCS is approximatelythat global average tempera-ture would increase at a rate of 0.5 F (0.3 C) per decade, amounting to a 5.4 OF (3.0 C) increase by2100. BOX 2-B summarizes the IPCC findings. Although the global average temperature has increased about 0.80 OF (0.45 C) over the past100 years, a warming of 1.4 to 4.0 OF (0.8 to 2.2oC) is expected as an eventual result of the greenhouse gas concentration increases of the past century (this estimate does not include anywarming from future emissions).9 J. Director, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton University, personal communication Aug. 27, 1993. of Of (45).
74 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 2-BHighlights of the IPCC Scientific Assessment of Climate Change IPCC is certain that: n There is a natural greenhouse effect that already keeps the Earth warmer than it would otherwise be. Emissions resulting from human activities are substantially increasing the atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gases. IPCC calculates with confidence that: Atmospheric concentrations of the long-lived gases (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and the chlorofluorocarbons) adjust slowly to changes in emissions. Continued emissions of these gases at present rates, would cause increased concentrations for centuries ahead. The long-lived gases would require immediate reductions in emissions from human activities of over 60 percent to stabilize their concentrations at todays levels; methane would require a 15 to 20 percent reduction. The longer emissions continue to increase at present day rates, the greater reductions would have to be for concentrations of greenhouse gases to stabilize at a given level. Based on current model results, IPCC predicts that: Under the IPCC business-as-usual scenario, 1 the global mean temperature will increase about 0.5F(0.3C) per decade (with an uncertainty range of 0.4 to 0.9 F per decade), reaching about 2F (1 C) above the present value by 2025 and 5 OF (3 C) before the end of the 21st century. Land surfaces will warm more rapidly than the ocean, and high northern Iatitudes will warm more than the global mean in winter. n Global mean sea level will rise about 2 inches (6 cm) per decade over the next century, rising about 8 inches (20 cm) by 2030 and 25 inches (65 cm) by the end of the 21st century. All predictions are subject to many uncertainties with regard to the timing, magnitude, and regional patterns of climate change, due to incomplete understanding of: n sources and sinks of greenhouse gases, n clouds, n oceans, and n polar ice sheets. The IPCC judgment is that: n Global sea level has increased 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 cm) over the past 100 years. n Global mean surface air temperature has increased by about 0.80 OF (0.45C) (with an uncertainty range of 0.5 to 1.0 F (0.3 to 0.6 C) over the past 100 years), with the five globally averaged warmest years occurring in the 1980s. n The size of this warming is broadly consistent with predictions of climate models, but it is also of the same magnitude as natural climate variability. Thus, the observed temperature increase could be largely due to natural variability y; alternatively, this variability and other human factors (such as aerosol air pollution) could have offset a still larger human-induced greenhouse warming. The unequivocal detection of the enhanced greenhouse effect from observations is not Iikely for a decade or more. 1 ~is ~nario aSSJmeS that few steps are taken to reciuce greenhouse gas emissions. The atmospheric concentration of C02would double (over preindustrial levels) by about 2060, but the effective C02concentratlon (the cumulative effect of all trace gases) would double by about 2030. SOURCES: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (lPCC), Climate Change: 77re tkientif~ Assessment M&id Meteorological Organization and U.N. Environmental Program (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Preaa, 1990); Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (lPCC), 1992 /PCC Supp/ernent W Meteorological Organization and United Nationa Environment Program (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Preee, 1992).
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 75 Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere will have effectively doubled ll relative to their preindustrial values by 2030 (44, 45). Changes in global temperature will affect global patterns of air circulation and wind, possibly changing the frequency or pattern of convective storms. Some research suggests that a warmer sea surface may lead to a longer cyclone season with more-intense storms. To date, however, evidence on whether storm frequencies will change is inconclusive (81). On the regional level, average temperatures are expected to increase more in the higher latitudes (in the Arctic and Antarctic), particularly in late fall and winter. In the northeastern part of North America under a doubled CO 2 climate, for example, w arming could reach 14OF(8C) during the winter (44), and average annual temperatures could increase as much as 18 OF (10 C) in some high-latitude areas (81). In addition, summer warming in the middle latitudes, including much of the United States, could be greater than the global average, potentially reaching 7 to 9 o F (4 to 5 C) in the Great Lakes area (45). In the tropics, however, temperature increases are likely to be less than the global average, and will vary less from season to season. Figure 2-5 (top) shows changes in the average annual, winter, and summer temperature ranges predicted for different regions of the United States used for studies performed for the Environrnental Protection Agency (EPA) (94). Regional temperature predictions such as these are accompanied by only a medium level of confidence, but the predictions are likely to improve within the next decade (8 1). 1 Precipitation Worldwide, average precipitation is expected to increase by 7 to 15 percent under a doubled C0 2 atmosphere. Regional changes will be much more variable, with estimated increases of 20 to 40 percent in some locations (e.g., coasts), and decreases of up to 20 percent in other areas (78, 94). The seasonal distribution and form of precipitation are likely to change. In regions where precipitation increases, a significant share of the increase may come during the winter; in some locations, more winter precipitation will come in the form of rain than snow (81). Although researchers are fairly confident about the predicted rise in average global precipitation, they are much less confident about regional precipitation because of the many uncertainties surrounding small-scale climatic processes. Figure 2-5 (bottom) shows EPAs predicted average annual, winter, and s ummer precipitation patterns for different regions of the United States (94). Natural climate variability is great relative to the expected changes in climate variables. Hence, separating the signal of climate change from the noise of natural variability is difficult. One statistical analysis of climate data from the southeastern United States indicates that if average rainfall increased 10 percent, there would be only a 7 percent chance of detecting that trend after 25 years; even a 20 percent increase in rainfall could only be detected with a 65 percent probability after 50 years (63). More concretely, it is difficult to know whether the recent 6-year drought in the western United States is a rare but possible outcome of natural climate variability, an early indication of climate change, or a return to the average climate after a long particularly wet spell. Longer climate records are needed to distinguish among these various possibilities. It is unlikely that researchers will be able to resolve the uncertainties to develop better predictions for another decade or two (81). 11 TIM quiv~mt doubling of C02 refers to the point at which the combined total of COZ and other -OUSC @.Us, such U m,, b~t up in the atmosphcrchavc aradhtive cffcctequivalcnt to doubling the preindustrial value of carbon dioxide from about 2SOppm to 560ppm (81). Thcfull warming associated with that amount of greenhouse &3scs XIlliY be delayed by ocean wurnin& ~ large heat cupacity of the oceans will delay lwlizul on of IMl equilibrium by perbaps many decades. his implies that any spechlc time when wc reach an equivalent C02 doubling the actual global temperature increase may be considerably less [than 2 to 5 T]. However, thia umdized warming will eventually occur when the climate systems thermal response catches up to the greenhouse-gas forcing.
76 I Preparing for an Uncertain CIimate--Volume 1 1 I 0
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 77Figure 2-6-Potential Soil-Moisture Changes Under the GISS Climate Change ScenarioMuch wetter (> 0.05) Wetter (0.025 to 0.05) No change (-0.025 to 0.0 Drier (-0.025 to -0.05) Much drier (< -0.05)NOTE: Numbers represent the degree of drying or wetting, calculated as the change in the ratio of actualevapotranspiration (AET) to potential evapotranspiration (PET). This ratio is an index of plant-moisture stress, indicating moisture availability relative to moisture demand. GISS-Goddard Institute for Space Studies. SOURCE: P.N. Halpin, Ecosystems at Risk to Potential Climate Change, contractor report prepared for the officeof Technology Assessment, June 1993. MoistureDespite overall increases in precipitation, soilmoisture is predicted to decrease in many midcontinental regions.Soil moisture, which is generally more important for vegetation than istotal precipitation, may decrease for two reasons. First, the rate at which moisture evaporates from the soil surface and from plants (evapotranspira-tion) would increase as temperatures rise. Theincreased evaporation rates may cause soil to losemoisture at a faster rate than is supplied by the increased precipitation, particularly during the summer. Second, themanner in which added precipitation arrives can affect soil moisture bychanging runoff patterns. There are limits to howmuch soils can absorb at once.12 For example,sandy soils allow for relatively quick percolationof water through the soil column and into surface-and groundwater systems. However, the percola-tion rates of clay soils are slow. If increased precipitation comes in a few large storms ratherthan being evenly distributed over the year, moreof it may run off rather than remain in the soil. Thus, increases in average annual precipitation will not necessarily lead to increases in soil moisture and could be accompanied by drierconditions.Figures 2-6 and 2-7 identify areas of the UnitedStates that may face significant changes in soilmoisture based on the climate changes projected of to water considerably according to soil composition (the Of and organic-matter content. In sandy soils with little organic such those in central have a low for storage. Soils with more clay and a higher organic characteristic of the Midwest, can generally retain more water (13).
78 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1Figure 2-7Potential Soil-Moisture Changes Under the GFDL Climate Change Scenario Much wetter (> .05)m Wetter (0.025 to 0.05) No change (-0.025 to 0.025) Drier (-0.025 to -O.O5) Much drier (< -0.05) . NOTE: Numbers represent the degree of drying or wetting, calculatad as the change in the ratio of actualevapotranspiration (AET) to potential evapotranspiration (PET). GFDL-Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.SOURCE: P.N. Halpin, "Ecosystams at Risk to Potential Climate Change, contractor report prepared for the Officeof TechnologyAssessment, June two GCMS. An index. of soil moisture was calculated as the ratio of available moisture topotential moisture demand (calculated as the ratioof actual evapotranspiration to potential evapo-transpiration) .13 White areas in the maps indicateregions of no significant change in the moistureindex, dark shading indicates areas of drying, andlighter shading shows areas that become relatively wetter. The Goddard Institute of Space Studies (GISS) scenario (fig. 2-6) produces amixed result, with large areas of moderate drying intermixed with patches of wetting in the South-east and northern Rocky Mountain States. TheGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL)scenario (fig. 2-7) provides the most extreme outcome for North America, with significant drying across the eastern and central UnitedStates and along the Pacific Coast. Sea LevelIPCC predicts that global average sea levelswill rise by around 2 inches (6 cm) per decade for the next century, in contrast to the historic rate of0.4 inches (1 cm) per decade that occurred since the end of the 19th century. By 2030, IPCCpredicts that sea levels will have risen by around 8 inches (20 cm), with a total rise of 26 inches (65cm) expected by the end of the century (44). Sea level rise will result from the expansion that occurs as water warms. Oceans will also be for of by P. N. (34). is the 10SS of from resulting from both evaporation and plant transpiration. Potential is the of water that would be lost if there were never a shortage of soil moisture. is the actual amount of released to the atmosphere (reflecting precipitation and limited availability of soil moisture).
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 79 affected by the melting of ice in polar regions. The area of sea ice and seasonal snow cover will also dimini sh (42). It is likely that ice on the margins will melt more quickly in warmer waters. This result could change the mix of fresh and saline waters in high-latitude seas, and could further change ocean circulation patterns. Sea level may increase more along some coasts and less along others because sea level rise depends not only on whether the oceans are rising but also on whether adjacent land masses are rising or sinking. Some coasts are sinking as soils are compressed; others are rising due to tectonic forces or as they gradually rebound from the weight of glacial ice that burdened them during the last ice age. 14 Mississippi River Delta in the Gulf of Mexico is subsiding, leading to relatively rapid rates of land loss, while much of the West and the Alaskan coasts are experiencing tectonic uplift and glacial rebound. Thus, the relative sea level rise and the associated land loss is predicted to be greater along the Gulf Coast (as well as in parts of Floridas Atlantic Coast and the South Atlantic States) than along the Pacific Coast. The interaction of sea level rise, altered waves and currents, and storms could lead to greatly increased erosion on sandy coasts and barrier islands (77; see vol. 1, ch. 4). HOW WILL CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECT NATURAL RESOURCES? Climate interacts with ecosystems at every level, from the individual to the landscape, throughout the energy and nutrient cycles, and on time scales ranging from seconds to centuries. The effect of climate can be direct, through the action of temperature, evapotranspiration, and sunlight, and indirect, through variables such as wind, cloud cover, ocean currents, and the chemical composition of the atmosphere. For example, photosynthesis rates are affected by the amount of sunlight striking a plants leaves, which is determined by cloud cover, which in turn is determined by such climatic factors as temperature, evaporation, and wind. Similarly, global temperature affects the amount of precipitation and runoff, which in turn affects the transport of nutrients on land and through wetlands; ocean currents, which are also strongly affected by global temperatures, carry nutrients through marine systems. Indeed, over the long term, climate both shapes the physical landscape and determines where various ecosystems can exist (see fig. 2-8). Climate change of the predicted magnitude is not unprecedented, but scientists who warn of the potential harms of human-induced climate change point out that past global warmin g and cooling occurred over centuries and millennia rather than decades (see fig. 2-9). 15 I Direct Climate Impacts Climate is often defined as the long-term average weather. Likewise, predictions for climate change characterize changes in the Earths average annual temperature. However, individual plants and animals respond to events on small temporal and spatial scales. Variability is usually more important than annual totals or averages. The seasonal distribution of precipitation and temperature, the form precipitation takes (whether rain or snow), extreme events such as droughts or floods, climate-generated fire cycles, late spring frosts, and early fall freezes are all significant factors in determining g the survival and productiv14 hd h de]~ a,rw often subsides. Sediment from upland areas loosely packs layers at the river delta where the river mtits the oas sediment accumulates over time, it gradually grows heavier and compresses the underlying layers, so the delta land mass sinks relative to the ocean. Coastal land may also subside in areas where offshore oil and gas extraction or pumping of water from coastal aquifers, has hollowed out underground spaces that are gradually compacted by the masses of land and water above. Much of the northern part of the North American continent is still slowly rising as it rebounds from the weight of glaciers that covered it during the last ice age and is situated on a tectonic plate that is being lifted as the adjacent plate slides beneath iq both processes may cause sea levels on the western and Alaskan coasts to appear lower relative to the coastal land mass, 15 Athou@ ~nt ice-cover a.ndysis suggests that climate may have shifted sevem.1 degrees in a decade or less over regions of GH*d.
80 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1Figure 2-8--Approximate Distribution of the Major Biotic Regions30-lo Deciduous forest forest 1 100200 300400 Mean annual precipitation (cm)NOTE: Based on mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation. To convert oC to oF, multiply by 1.8 and add 32; to convertlcentimeters to inches, multiply by 0.394.SOURCE: Adapted from A.L. Hammond, Ecosystem Analysis: BiomeApproach to Environmental Science, Science, vol. 175, 1972, pp. 46-48.ity of individual organisms. One or severalextreme events (such as a hurricane or drought)may shape ecosystem boundaries more than manyyears of averageweather. Eventually, however, when the average has shifted well beyond normal,ecosystems may have troublepersisting.l6The Role of TemperatureTemperature and its distribution are importantdeterminants of plant productivity and survival.Temperature range exerts three classes of effects on plants: 1) low temperatures can damage plant tissues, causing die-offs during unusual extreme events and controlling the northward or altitudinal migration of plants; 2) in intermediate ranges, temperature governs the rates of photosynthesis,Figure 2-9-Long-Term Temperature and C02Records from Antarctic Ice Cores and Recent Atmospheric Measurements,1990 date (AD): : 1956 I I160120 400Thousands of years agoNOTE: Data show that C02 is increasing in the atmosphere much faster than it has at any time over the past 160,000 years. The observed increase in temperature is not yet outside the range of natural variability.To convert oC to oF, multiply by 1.8 and add 32.SOURCE: C. Lorius, J. Jouzel, D, Raynaud, J. Hansen, and H. LeTrout, The ice-Core Record: Climate Sensitivity and Future Greenhouse Warming, Nature vol. 347, 1990, pp. 139-145.respiration, the growth and development of seeds,and other processes; and 3) high temperatures may stress plants to the limits of their ability towithstand heat and moisture loss, thus controllingplant distribution and migration (19). Seasonal distribution, diurnal cycles (i.e., the variation from night to day),17 and the occurrence and timing of extremes (e.g., late spring frosts, earlywinter storms, and peaks ummer high and winter low temperatures) are all aspects of the effects of (with standard deviation) will make waves of future. on prove because day is a major factor productivity.
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources | 81 Box 2-CClimate Change and Coastal Fisheries Background The U.S. commercial, recreational, and sport fishing industries, worth an estimated $14 billion in 1988 (73), rely on the health of nearshore and coastal areas (such as tidal marshes, coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove forests, estuaries, and banks). Two-thirds of the worlds fish catch, and many other marine spades, depend on coastal wetlands and estuaries for their survival (42). By far the greatest portion of U.S. commercial fisheries catches, with the exceptlon of those from Alaskan fisheries, are composed of estuarine-dependent spades. Ongoing alterations of critical habitat (such as geographic fragmentation and pollution) maybe exacerbated by climate change. Much is yet to be learned about the marine environment and the long-term effects that humans have on it Understanding the breadth of environmental stresses that affect fish and coastal systems will be essential to forecasting how climate change may affect these valuable areas. During the 1970s and 1980s, populations of many commercially important estuarine-dependent fish plummeted. Human activities In the coastal zone are thought to have been responsible for many of the dramatic declines in fish populations. Overfishing has been implicated as a primary cause of the declines of some fish stocks, with some 42 percent of species in American waters considered to be overfished (52). The Atlantic cod fishery of the Grand Banks area has all but collapsed, triggering industry-related layoffs (primarily in Canada) of more than 30,000 people (75). Migratory species such as salmon, shad, herring, and striped bass have decreased due to a combination of habitat degradation and overfishing. The Chesapeake Bays oyster harvest has declined 98 percent from the levels of 100 years ago due to disease, over-exploitation, predators, and habitat degradation (18). Neatly half of the Chesapeakes wetlands and seagrass meadows, which serve as primary nursery habitat for many migratory species, have been destroyed. Such destruction will adversely affect future fish populations. The fishing industry from Southern California to Alaska is experiencing similar troubles as a result of overfishing, the damming of spawning rivers, water-quality degradation from logging, and other anthropogenic (COntfnued m mWtj?@e) temperature on plants. Length of the growing and indirect influences on animals. Higher-thanseason is also very important, particularly for agricultural crops. Seed production generally requires a certain number of days with a temperature above freezing, often expressed in terms of degree-days. At northern latitudes, the growing season may not be long enough for some species to set seeds. Longer growing seasons in a warmer climate could boost productivity of trees and other plants, especially those that could tolerate erratic spring and fall weather (e.g., early or late hosts). Seeds of many tree species, including conifers, need to be chilled for particular periods before they will germinate (17,21), so a shortened Cool season could be detrimental to such species. In addition to the numerous effects of temperature on vegetation, temperature exerts other direct usual temperatures can adversely affect the reproductive success of many birds, mammals, and insects (26). Increased water temperature limits the availability of oxygen in the water and, in turn, reduces the amount of oxygen available to fish and other aquatic organisms (87). For many fish species, ambient water temperature is critical for survival (see box 2-C). In addition, temperature increases can actually reduce the number of species in a given ecological community (87), though total biomass may increase. Warmer temperatures could allow some insects, including various agricultural pests, to survive winters farther north than they now do. For example, the potato leafhopper, which is a pest on soybeans and other crops, now overwin-
82 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 2-C-Climate Change and Coastal Fisheries-(Continued) Arctic activities. In Alaska, where the seafood industry employs 23 percent of the States work force, this could prove to be a major problem. More than half of the Nations seafood harvest comes from Alaskan waters. scientists have hypothesized that climate warming is likely to alter the distribution and reproductive success of coastal species (77). Many marine species are sensitive to narrow temperature variations. Water temperature controls the respiration and reproduction rates of fish. Changes in temperature can also affect the geographical distribution of species range because some species will thrive in warm waters, while others function effectively only in cooler waters. Changes in stream flows will also be important because they can alter the salinity of coastal bays and estuaries. The interactions of temperature and salinity determine the tolerance zone for most fish species. Anadromous fishes-which swim upstream to spawn, such as salmona lso depend heavily on stream flow and water quality (33). If these are altered by climate change, there maybe serious effects on reproductive success. In ail these cases, climate change would be expected to alter the dose associations between species distributions and reproductive success, and the success of the fishery as a whole. Although it is difficult to estimate the magnitude of these changes, impacts could upset the stability of the commercial fishing industry on which many coastal residents rely. Coastal areas have also been affected by human activities that contribute toxic pollutants and polluted runoff to marine waters. Runoff from developed and agricultural areas and overflow from storm-water systems adversely impact these areas. Nutrients cause algal blooms, which deplete oxygen available for fish and other organisms. Stressed species may become more susceptible to disease and predators. Shoreline construction and dams have also contributed to fishery population declines. Destruction of estuarine and coastal zones limits nursery and breeding areas, and dams prohibit fish from reaching upriver spawning grounds {see vol. 1, ch. 4, and vol. 2, ch. 4). Regulatory attention has generally not addressed coastal zone management in light of the potential impacts of climate change. Harvest regulations, which are either inadequate or insuffiaently enforced, seem unable to keep pace with the decline in fish populations (52). In short too many fishermen are taking too many fish from overburdened ecosystems. Traditional fishery management is concerned primarily with a few major resources and tends topayfarless attention to the other ecosystem elements that fish depend on (77). Increasing concerns about ecosystem management (see vol. 2, ch. 5) and the upcoming reauthorizatkm of the Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act (P.L 94-265, as amended) and the Clean Water Act (P.L 92-500, as amended) offer opportunities to work toward improving fisheries and their habitat. Below, we highlight the regional importance of marine fisheries and identify particular problems (77).
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources 183 Regional Characteristics of the U.S. Coastal Marine Fisheries Acadian-Boreal (Newfoundland and southern Greenland to Cape Cod, MA) n Cultural: Indigenous coastal people-New England clam diggers. n Flshh?g: percent of the Nations commercial fisheries +wtimated value, $250 million in 1990 -multispedes trawf fishery -32 percent of species estuarinedependent -important species include hard dam, soft dam, American bbster, sea scallops, northern shrimp, Atlantic cod, butterfish, cusk, flounder, haddock red and white hake (silver hake) Atlantic cod most commercially important fish in 1989 (valued at $45 million) m Common problems: -only remaining self-supporting U.S. salmon runs are in Maine -lobsters are overharvested -northern shrimp are at maximum harvest and subject to environmental variability y, especially when waters are warmer Virginian-Mid Atlantic (Cape Cod, MA, to Cape Hatteras, NC) n Cdturd: Indigenous coastal people--Chesapeake Bay watermen. n Flshhlg: -estimated value, $500 million in 1990 percent of the Nations commercial fisheries -most important species are blue crab and surf and ocean quahog -Chesapeake Bay fish: 87 percent are estuarinedependent E Common problems: -region is the most urbanized and densely populated in the United States -disease, overharvesting, predation, and pollution are rampant-responsible for reductions in harvestable shellfish, forcing many watermen out of business -second to the Gulf of Mexico in the number of point sources of pollution -striped bass began a precipitous decline in 1973 Carolinian-South Atlantic (Cape Hatteras, NC, to Cape Canaveral, FL) n FMhg: 43 percent of the Nations commercial fisheries -estimated valued, $189 million in 1990 percent of species estuarinedependent -over half of this harvest from estuarinedependent species -most important species indude Atlantic menhaden, bfue crabs, and penaeid shrimp l Common problems: -application of pesticides and fertilizers to extensive commercially harvested forested wedands -degradation of shellfish habitat due to agricultural runoff and septic system overfbw FloridIan-West Indian (Cape Canaveral to Key West, FL, and VWt Indies) m Fhhhg: -values for individual species are not observed -important species include the Queen conch, spiny lobster, Nassau grouper, and more than 100 reef fishes (ConthOd on next page)
84 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 2-C-Climate Change and Coastal Fisheries-(Continued) n Common problems: -growing human populations, greater demands, and technological improvements in catch virtually all assessed reef-fish stocks are overharvested -major tropical storms, including hurricanes, generally affect the area Louisiana-Gulf of Mexico (Northern Gulf of Mexico from Central West Florida to South Texas) n Fishing: percent of the Nations commercial fishery (with Vera Cruzian) estimated value, $648 million in 1989 -leading seafood producer among regions n Common problems: -subject to devastating floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and tropical storms, erosion, land subsidence, saltwater encroachment, and sedimentation -second-fastest growing population rate of all regions -more point sources of pollution than any other region application of pesticides to agricultural lands is the highest among all regions Vera Cruzian-West Indian (South Texas to Yucatan Peninsula) n Fishing: fourth leading U.S. port in fisheries value -major commercial species are similar to those of the Gulf region n Common problems: -hurricanes and intense thunderstorms California-Subtropical Eastern Pacific (Southern California (Los Angeles basin) southward to Mexico and Central America) n Fishing: --major commercial species include Pacific sardine, northern anchovies, and Jack mackerel n Common problems: -most wetlands already lost; restoration doubtful -low-lying coastal areas subject to sea level rise Oregonian-Temperate Eastern Pacific (California north of Los Angeles to British Columbia) n Fishing: -estimated value, $337 million in 1989 -one-fifth of catch estuarine-dependent species, especially Pacific salmon (Chinook, coho, sockeye, pink and chum) -commercial landings of salmon valued at $140 million --other important species include northern anchovies, Pacific sardine, Jack mackerel, and groundfish (flatfishes, rockfish, including Pacific whiting, sable fish, Dover sole, widow rockfish, and others) n Common problems: --conflicts among fishermen, the Fisheries Council, various States, Canada, and foreign fisheries regarding the allocation of resources -worsening freshwater (spawning) habitat has been the main cause of the salmon decline, and wild coho stocks of the lower Columbia River were recently declared extinct Sitkan-North Pacific (British Columbia to base of Alaska Peninsula) n Fishing: percent of the Nations commercial landings of fish (with other Alaskan fisheries)
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources | 85 estimated value, $1.5 billion in 1990 .4 billion pounds (2.5 billion kg) landed in 1990 (with other Alaskan fisheries) percent of species estuarine-dependent -most important species include Pacific salmon, Pacific herring, Pacific halibut Gulf groundfish (Pacific cod, stablefish), king crab, and tanner crabs n Common problems: -some rookeries threatened by fishery operations Exxon Valdez oil spill severely contaminated coastal areas Arctic-Boreal/Arctic (Southeast Bering Sea to Chukchl and Beaufort Seas and Canadian archipelago) Cultural: Coastal indigenous people-Eskimo, Aleute Fishing: -most important species include Pacific salmon, Alaska pollock, Pacific herring Pacific salmon fisheries rank as the States largest nongovernmental employer -provides an integral part of Alaskas native culture and heritage Common problems: -some stocks (chinook and coho) maybe harmed by foreign high-seas catches, and some salmon maybe regionally overfished -destruction of spawning and rearing habitat -human population in this area is expected to increase by 380 percent between 1960 and 2010 Aleutian-North Pacific (Alaska Peninsula base to Aleutian and Pribilof Islands and including southwest Bering Sea) n Fishing: -estimated value of groundfish, $352 million in 1990 --dominant groundfish groups are walleye pollock, flatfishes (Yellow sole, rock sole, other), Pacific cod, Atka mackerel, and shrimp Alaska king crab value, $88 million in 1990 n Common problems: The U.S. fishery for shrimp in Alaska is at a low level, and potential yields are not well-understood (91) insular-lndo Pacific (Tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans; not shown in figure) n Cultural: Coastal indigenous people-Papuan, Micronesia, and Hawaiian n Fishing: percent of the Nations commercial fisheries taken in the Pacific United States and Hawaii -major species include invertebrates species (spiny and slipper lobsters; gold, bamboo and pink corals), bottom fish (snappers, jacks, groupers, Pacific armorhead), tropical tunas (yellowfin and skipjack), and albacore n Common problems: -coastal pollution destructive fishery technologies (explosives, poison, etc.) -overfishing by foreign fleets -ambiguous application of Federal environmental laws SOURCES: M.R. Chambers, U.S. Coastal Habitat Degradation and Fishery Declines, In: Tmnsactbnsoftheh rth Amedcan WkWatni Naturaf l?esourws Conference (Washington, DC: The Wildlife Management Institute, in press); U.S. Department of Commeme, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), OurLMng Oceans, The f?rstAnnualReporf on the Status of the U.S. Living Marine Resourcss, NOAA Technid Memo, NMFS-FWW-1, 1991; C.G. Ray, G. McCormick-Ray, and F.M. Pottw, G&&l Climate Change and the Coastal Zone: Evaluation oflmpacts on Marfne Eishedas and Bbdhferslty of the U.S., contractor report prepared for the Office of TAndogy Aseesement, 1993.
86 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1ters in only a small area of the southern United States along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Warmer winter temperatures could greatly ex-pand the overwintering range, allowing for muchlarger populations to develop in the spring, and potentially leading to increased plant damage (94). The Role of Precipitation and Soil MoisturePrecipitation-or more precisely, soil moisture (the result of a combination of precipitation, infiltration, runoff, and evaporation--directlyaffects plant growth through its role in photosynthesis. Although average annual precipitation isoften used to characterize climate zones, theseasonal distribution is more significant than the annual total. Adequate moisture during the grow-ing season is critical. Seeds need moisture to germinate, and young plants-both annuals andperennials-are often quite sensitive to drought. Vegetation may respond by defoliating, which reduces water and nutrient demand, helping plants survive dry periods. Precipitation duringthe growing season controls wood growth as well as the size and maturation time of seeds (21, 42).Decreases in soil moisture can slow growth, interfere with reproduction, and cause plants todie early. Increases in soil moisture are less likelyto cause harm unless the soil in normally dry areasbecomes saturated with water for extended periods. Standing water can drown the roots of plantsnot adapted to wetlands by interfering with normal respiration; extended saturation of rootsmay kill the entire plant.Direct effects of moisture on many land ani-mals may often be less important than the indirecteffects-that is, moisture affects plant growth, which then affects the availability of food and habitat (86). However, moisture does play a critical, direct role in the natural history ofinvertebrate species (e.g., snails) and is essentialto the survival and reproduction of amphibians (105). Fish and other aquatic organisms that inhabit rivers and streams can be threatened by either too little water during drought periods or too much runoff flowing into streams.Duringperiods of high precipitation, water may becometurbid, interfering with the health and functioningof the aquatic ecosystem. Moisture is also impor-tant to many microorganisms and fungi, includingmany that contribute to human disease or areconsidered forest or agricultural pests (described in more detail below and in vol. 1, ch. 6, and vol.2, ch. 6).
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 87 sunlight The amount of available sunlight, or solar irradiance, that strikes vegetation is an important variable in photosynthesis and productivity. Individual plants or species that make up the canopy, those near the edges, or those growing in clearings receive more light, whereas those in the understory are better adapted to lower light levels. Solar irradiance varies regularly from season to season and from latitude to latitude. Cloud cover also affects the quality and quantity of solar irradiance and its distribution over time, allowing less sunlight to reach the surface on cloudy days. If climate change is accompanied by increased cloudiness, as some models predict, overall plant productivity could decline. Water stress and high temperatures may also affect plant response; however, plant response to changes in solar irradiance is complex and difficult to predict (19). In addition to the total amount of solar irradiance, the number of hours of sunlight per day (day length, or photoperiod) plays a role in plant fictions such as flowering and the setting of fruit, and influences the rising of sap in deciduous trees, such as sugar maple, in spring. Light quality may also affect productivity. For example, cotton depends on very regular day lengths, which only occur in southern latitudes. Plant species that might migrate northward as the climate warms may not be able to reproduce as effectively because day length is longer at northern latitudes during the s ummer and drastically reduced during the winter (41). On the other hand, adaptation to a shorter photoperiod may limit northward movement. Increased C 0 2 Rising concentrations of atmospheric CO 2 may affect the rates at which plants grow, respire, use water, and set seeds. This is known as the CO 2 fertilization effect (see box 2-D). Numerous laboratory experiments and intensively managed agricultural systems that have been studied suggest that CO 2 has the potential to boost plant growth and productivity by speeding the rate of photosynthesis, relieving nutrient stress (by improving efficiency of nutrient uptake and use), increasing water-use efficiency, decreasing respiration (which is a major source of water loss), slowing the rate at which leaves die, and speeding the development of seeds (27,42, 66,68,69, 93). Theoretically, the fertilization effect could compensate for the water stress faced by plants in areas that become warmer and drier due to climate change, and might actually increase the total global biomass (41). On the other hand, various studies have suggested that in some settings, there may be limits to and even detrimental effects from increased CO 2 For example, changes in the amount of carbon in plant leaves affect nutritional quality (65), which could mean that foraging animals would have to eat more leaves to gain the same amount of nutrition. Increased CO 2 may also cause starch to accumulate in plant leaves to such high concentrations that it could actually harm the plant by interfering with photosynthesis (50), though there is no field data to support this. Numerous complex factors interact to determine the extent to which fertilization actually occurs in natural ecosystems, and many uncertainties about the overall impacts remain. Plant responses to CO 2 vary according to species and stage of development, as well as to water and nutrient availability (42). Some plant species already use CO 2 efficiently and will not receive much of a boost, whereas other species are now limited by their inefficient use of CO 2 and could profit from higher atmospheric concentrations. Plants may experience the greatest productivity boosts from increased CO 2 when other nutrients are plentiful (7). Thus, for example, field studies have demonstrated that higher CO 2 concentrations boost productivity in Chesapeake Bay salt marshes, where water entering the bay is rich in nutrients (2, 27, 28, 107), but CO 2 fertilization does not appear to be significant or pe rmanent in nutrient-limited tundra and other arctic ecosystems (32, 68). Few other ecosystem types have yet been tested in the field. Intensively managed agricultural systems, in which nutrient deficien-
88 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 2-D-Coping with Increased CO 2 : Effects on Ecosystem Productivity Climate, particularly the combination of temperature and moisture, Iargely determines where plants grow (14), and vegetation, in turn, is key to the distribution of animal species. Generally, climate belts vary within the United States from humid and damp in the Southeast and Northeast to moderately dry in the central regions, to arid in much of the West except for a humid belt along the Pacific Coast from northern California to Washington. Temperature and precipitation maps of the United States reveal bands across the Nation from north to south for temperature, and east to west for precipitation. Vegetation growth, in type and lushness, varies with temperature and altitude, but in all cases, solar irradiance is critical to the productivity of living things. The sun provides the energy that fuels ecosystems; this energy is transformed through the processes of photosynthesis and photorespiration. During photosynthesis, plants use water and the energy from sunlight to convert carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and other nutrients into organic matter and oxygen. This process is dependent on the concentration of C0 2 In the air (i.e., ambient CO 2 and, therefore, changes in normal CO z levels may affect photosynthesis and, likewise, plant growth. External environmental factors, such as temperature and the availability of nutrients, may modify photosynthesis as well. The output of organic matter by an ecosystem is characterized as its biological or primary, productivity. Linked to primary productivity is nutrient cycling-the absorption by plants of vital nutrients (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous) and their subsequent conversion into usable forms. 1 The combination of energy and nutrient cycling in vegetative systems determines the nature of the assemblage of plants and animals in a given area. Certain types of plants, growing in certain conditions, have higher primary productivities than others. Ecosystems that are highly productive often support both large numbers of other organisms and many diverse speciesthat is, they are characterized by high secondary productivity and high biodiversity. 2 Productivity is also key to carrying capacitythe number of organisms that a particular area can support. Carrying capacity can vary from year to year based on many factors, including climate, 1 Carbon isdertvedfrom C02through photorespkation; nitrogen andphosphorousare taken upfromthesoil and oonverted to usable forms during the same process. 2 Although deflrtitlons vary, biodiversity generally refers to the variety and tility m(j II* omtim and the eodogkal complexes in whloh they oocar (89). cies can be remedied by adding fertilizers, maybe fires, which play an important and visible role in more likely to receive a productivity boost from additional CO 2 than are natural ecosystems. Many complex interactions determine to what extent, if any, the CO 2 fertilization effect documented in laboratory studies will occur in natural ecosystems. The responses will likely vary so much fromn ecosystem to ecosystem and location to location that there cannot be a simple answer to the question of whether it will present a net benefit or a net harm. n Indirect Climate Impacts Through Stressors Climate will also have numerous secondary impacts. Increases in herbivores, disease, and mediating the near-term effects of climate change on communities and ecosystems, could result. For example, although few trees in a forest may die outright due to heat or drought, it is likely that many trees will sicken and become more susceptible to insects and disease. At the same time, trees in decline will provide more fuel for fires (83). The extent to which an area is stressed by anthropogenic activities, such as land clearing and pollution, will also influence the effects of climate change. Insects anti Disease Climate may affect the proliferation of insects and disease in numerous ways. Higher tempera-
Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources | 89 and refers to the indivdual species or mix of species in a particular ecosystem. overall, however, ecosystem health and productivity is dependent on the availability of sunlight water, nutrients, and C0 2 Considerable experimental evidence has shown that an increase in the atmospheric concentration of CO z has the potential to increase plant growth and ecosystem productivity (28). This expected effect of Increased plant productivity in the presence of elevated CO 2 concentrations is known as the CO 2 fertilization effect, and it is expected to be particularly pronounced in the presence of plentiful supplies of light, water, and nutrients. Over the long run, this effect may help alleviate the rate of global warming by drawing excess C0 2 from the atmosphere (8), although researchers are uncertain about the extent to which this will occur (vol. 2, see box 8-B). Plants vary in their response to CO 2 in part because of differing photosynthetic mechanismsmost species follow the C 3 pathway and some, the C 4 pathway. C 3 species (e.g., wheat, rice, soybeans, and all woody plants) are not yet fully saturated with CO 2 and may greatly increase their productivity, whereas C 4 species (e.g., corn, sorghum, sugar cane, and tropical grasses) are almost saturated with C0 2 and their productivity may not be much affected. Added productivity of C 4 species from doubled C0 2 may be in the O to 20 percent range, and in the 20 to 80 percent range for C 3 species. The differential effects of C0 2 could alter the dynamics of competition among species, with C 3 plants potentially prospering at the expense of C 4 species. In agriculture, this competition among plants may prove important. Because 14 of the worlds most troublesome weed species are C, plants that occur amidst C 3 crops, enhanced C0 2 concentrations may make such weeds less competitive (73). However, many of the major weeds of corn (a C, crop) in the United States are C 3 plants; climate change may favor the growth of these weeds. Similarly, natural grassland ecosystems where C 4 grasses now dominate maybe invaded by weedy plants. Competitive success, however, does not depend solely on response to CO 2 Competition among species in natural ecosystems will continue to depend on the ability of species to tolerate soil, light, temperature, and moisture conditions. Because of the complex effects of competition among species it is by no means clear how the overall productivity of natural ecosystems will increase under elevated C0 2 (8). SOURCES: B.G. Drake, The Impact of Rising C02 on Eoosystem Production, Water, A/r, andSo//Po#ut&n, VOI. S4, 1992, pp.2544; P.M. Karalv% J.(3. Kingdver, and R.B. Huey (ecis.), Slot/c /rrteractlons and G/06a/Change (Sundedand, MA: Slnauer Armoo&tsa, Inc., 1993). tures could accelerate the growth rate of insects. Once stressed by heat or drought, vegetation If the number of warm days per year increases, the number of insect generations per year may increase. Also, the range of many insects is determin ed by cold winter temperatures. As described in the section above on temperature impacts, milder winters could allow insects such as leafhoppers (agricultural pests) to spread north of their present range. Hot, dry conditions encourage the growth of numerous fungi in forests (such as Armillaria mellea, a fungus that causes root disease), which can cause widespread damage in many types of forests. Warm, humid conditions, which favor soil and leaf-litter organisms as well as decomposition, may encourage the growth of other fungi and insect pests, such as aphids, which can also be quite damaging. may become more susceptible to pests (58). Changes in CO 2 concentration may affect the composition of leaves, potentially making them less nutritious, so insects might have to consume more to obtain the same amount of nutrients (8). Thus, damage from insects and disease might increase, and in some cases, the effects of climate change may become noticeable over the short term. Over the long term, damage from insects and disease may cause less-adaptable species to decline, potentially opening the way for exotic species to migrate into communities (21, 83). Exfreme Events Periodic but unpredictable events such as extended drought, storms, and fire are among the primary natural factors that shape ecosystems.
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90 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Severe storms accompanied by high winds and rain, hail, or ice may cause significant wind damage in forests, toppling older trees and leaving a trail of debris, but also clearing space for new vegetation to take root (see vol. 2, ch. 6). Storm damage may reduce habitat for birds and wildlife that prefer a dense forest canopy and little undergrowth, but could increase food and habitat for animals that thrive in mixed forests with cleared areas, such as deer. In coastal areas, tropical storms and their accompanying high winds and waves play an enormous role in coastal processes (see vol. 1, ch. 4). The occurrence of fire is critical in dete rmining vegetation types, successional history, and wildlife species in forests in more arid areas, such as prairie and chaparral, and in wetlands. Fire is important in maintaining prairie, but the control of fire has virtually eliminated most naturally occurring prairie areas. In some wetlands, including the Okefenokee Swamp and others along the Atlantic coastal plain, fire has played an important role in clearing shrubby growth and maintaining wetland vegetation. Under normal conditions, fire clears out forest undergrowth, damaging some trees but allowing new ones to take root, thus creating a more open stand of trees (see vol. 2, box 5-I). Fire has been recognized for playing an important role in vegetation succession. In areas where fires have been suppressed and fuels have accumulated, however, fires may become so hot that they cause severe damage, and forests may regenerate slowly or not at all. For example, chaparral ecosystems in the foothills of California rely on fire to spur the growth of the shrubby plants that dominate the area; however, in areas where fire has been suppressed, a fire that does occur will be more damaging, and the regeneration of chaparral species maybe affected. Natural fire regimes are influenced by the frequency of lightning (which may or may not increase as the climate changes), the presence of hot, dry winds to carry a fire once ignited, and an abundance of dry fuel provided by the buildup of undergrowth or vegetation that has died from drought or disease, as well as by dry, living vegetation (22). Fires may increase under changed conditions, but the ability of species to regenerate in areas with less moisture, because of climate change, maybe reduced. Thus, recovery may not occur. Anthropogenlc Forces Climate change may serve to make species or ecosystems more susceptible to stresses from human disturbance. Human activities have become so widespread that they are now a pervasive influence on much of the environment. Agriculture, timber harvesting, road building, and urban development have fragmented the landscape, carving natural areas into ever smaller and less-connected patches (see vol. 2, box 5-E). This fragmented landscape may offer few opportunities for organisms to adapt to a changing climate. Fragmentation often isolates small populations of plants and animals, which may limit genetic diversity and make them less able to adapt to change over time. These small, isolated populations may also be prevented from moving to new and more favorable areas by barriers such as roads, buildings, or large cultivated fields. In addition, human s may respond to changes in climate by adopting land uses (such as more extensive cultivation) that further fragment the landscape, exacerbating the stresses on flora and fauna. Human activities may also result in the introduction of weedy and nonindigenous species that flourish in the disturbed areas and that may eventually outcompete other species, leading to local extinctions and reducing the diversity of ecosystems. In areas where weedy or nonindigenous species already pose a threat to a particular species or ecosystem, the added stress of climate change may further tip the balance in favor of weedy species that thrive in disturbed conditions. Similarly, air pollution in urban areas, and in much of the Northeast, already threatens the health of many plant species. Climate change could further weaken individuals that are already
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Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 91stressed by pollution, and could make them more susceptible to insects or diseases.Although climate change might not be the proximate cause of ecosystem harm, it couldincrease the potential for damage. In sum, climate change may exacerbate many other stresses, both natural and anthropogenic. Direct Climate Impacts on EcosystemsAs temperature and moisture regimes change, climatic zones could shift several hundred milestoward the poles, requiring plants and animalseither to migrate or adapt to a new climate regime.The rate of change will determin e the degree of impacts: some species might be able to keep upwith change, others could become extinct--eitherlocally or globally (see box 2-E). The ability of aspecies to adapt will be critical to its survival. By the same token, the decline and disappearance of species that are unable to adapt will decrease thebiodiversity of ecological communities. Such areduction may leave the remaining species morevulnerable to catastrophic events. Ecosystems, the assemblages of plants and animals, areunlikely to move as units, but will instead develop new structures as species abundance and distribu-tion are altered (42). The general distribution of ecosystems isrelated to climatic conditions. The Holdridge lifezones shown in figure 2-10 characterize regions of North America according to the general vegetative ecosystem suited to current climateconditions. Under climate change scenarios projected by four GCMS, this distribution of vegeta-tion zones will shift significantly (34). There is general agreement among scenarios about the direction of change: the extent of tundra and cold-desert climate zones will decrease, and the area of potential forest and grasslands will increase. Despite this general agreement, thereare qualitative differences, with dry forest typesincreasing under some climate scenarios, andmoister forests increasing under others. Overall,as much 80 percent of the land in the United StatesAlpine areas are awash in color when spring andsurmmer flowers bloom.may shift to a new vegetation zone (see fig. 2-11).Associated with such shifts in climatic zones could be large-scale disturbances to existingecosystems.Adjustment of SpeciesNatural adjustments to climate change could begin with the failure of some species to reproduce because flowering, fruiting, and seed germination-and in someanimals, reproductivephysiology or mating behavior-could be affected. All of those processes are particularly sensitive to climate. Reproductive failure mightallow new species to invade, or give a competitiveadvantage to other species already present. Thus,a gradual adjustment could occur, although in
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92 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 2-EResponses of Natural Systems to Climate Stress: Adaptation, Migration, and Decline Responses of individuals and communities to climate stress fall into three basic categories: adaptation, migration, and decline and die-back. The extent to which individuals and communities respond may depend on the rate and magnitude of climate change. Adaptation It is difficult to predict which species, populations, communities, ecosystems, and landscapes will prove most able to cope with climate change because of the many variables and uncertainties that exist. However, biological diversity affords populations the ability to adapt to changes in the environment by serving as a natural protection against shocks and stress. The rule that there is security in diversity is an axiom of ecology as well as finance. Biological diversity is a natural protection against surprises and shocks, climatic and otherwise. Among diverse species will be some adapted to prosper in a new landscape in new circumstances (21). In species with diverse gene pools, the chances will be greater that some individuals will possess a combination of genes that is useful in new environments, such as genes that determine drought resistance and tolerance to extreme temperatures or salinity. These individuals will be the most likely to survive and pass along adaptive characteristics to their offspring. At the community level, diversity may also increase the chances for survival. For example, a forest stand composed of a single species or of trees that are all the same age may be less able to withstand climate change than a forest composed of several species within a range of ages. Biodiversity is generally considered an important trait at the ecosystem level, too, because it increases the charms that the overall structure and function of an ecosystem will persist or adapt to changing conditions, even if some species that were formerly part of the ecosystem no longer remain (21). Some species may prosper under climate change conditions, others maybe able to adapt relatively quickly, and still others may prove unable to adapt at all and may face extinction. As a result, ecosystems may change as different plant species become dominant and different animal species become associated with altered habitats (21). Species in varied landscapes may be able to find microclimates within their current ranges that are suitable, and some species may even thrive and expand their ranges. Species already adapted to disturbed environments (e.g., weedy species) may be particularly resilient to changes in climate. On the other hand, species with extremely specific and/or narrow habitats may be more at risk to changes in climate. In addition, species on the fringe of habitats, in transitional zones, may also experience greater stress from the impacts of climate change because these species may not be well-established. On the whole, some species maybe restricted by a variety of biological and physical limitations, but others will be able to adapt to the conditions brought on by climate change. Certain wildlife species may be able to alter their diet in favor of other, exotic but newly available plant species. White-tailed deer, mule deer, moose, elk and other species benefit from human activities that disturb ecosystems and alter habitat (22). if, for example, climate change contributes to the conversion of a dense, forested habitat to a more open area, species such as these would likely benefit. Similarly, some birds, such as robins, starlings, and gulls, may adapt easily to alterations in habitat caused by climate change (22). These species tend to feed on a variety of different organisms and are territorial and aggressive in nature. They are very good at vying for resources with less competitive and smaller birds. Migration Some communities and ecosystems might have to migrate to survive the environmental conditions that could result from climate change. Most species of vegetation and wildlife have the ability to migrate to some extent. However, adverse conditions, such as landscape fragmentation, may limit this ability (see vol. 2, ch. 5). In addition, the ability of a species to migrate depends not only on environmental conditions but on dispersal rate. Animals can generally disperse much more quickly than plants (22). However, because wildlife is dependent on vegetation
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Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources! 93 for survival, many species are forced to migrate only as fast as vegetation does (94). Therefore, the health and survival of many species will be dependent on the response of vegetation to climate change. Dispersal rates for vegetation are considerably slower than the projected rate of climate change, and, therefore, some species will not be able to migrate as fast as their corresponding climatic regimes. For example, most North American tree species can migrate at 12 to 25 miles (20 to 40 kilometers) per century, but climate regimes are expected to migrate at much faster rates, in some cases by at least an order of magnitude (106). In particular parts of the United States, climatic regimes may shift hundreds of miles by as early as the middle to the end of the next century (43, 74). Because some species will be unable to keep up with the pace of climate change, their range may be reduced, or they may become extinct. Coastal and estuarine wetland vegetation will likely attempt to migrate inland as the sea level rises. Their success in migrating will depend on the steepness of the coast and obstructions to migration that might exist, such as rocky areas and human-built structures. Wetlands fringing the playa lakes of the Southwest may retreat along with the water levels if increased evaporation, in a hotter and drier climate, causes water levels to drop. Alpine tundra will likely migrate toward higher altitudes as lower areas become warmer and drier. In all of these cases, wildlife and other organisms that are dependent on these ecosystems for survival may attempt to migrate as well. The least Bells vireo, an endangered species completely dependent on riparian vegetation for survival, may lose a great deal of habitat if inland drying occurs (22). The jack-pine forest in northern Michigan, which provides critical habitat for the endangered Kirtlands warbler, could die off and be replaced by a sugar maple forest in as few as 30 years under climate change conditions (11). In each case, the ability to migrate will be limited by adjacent land-use patterns and the availability of areas to which organisms can migrate. Barriers, such as roads, cities, and agriculture, degrade habitat quality and limit the ability of vegetation and wildlife to move or spread. Roads may pose a formidable physical barrier to animal migration, and even plants may have difficulty moving across roads if their seeds are too heavy to be dispersed easily and over large distances by wind. Vast expanses of suburban developments now occupy sites that formerly could have offered either suitable destinations or pathways for migration of plants and animals from one locale to another. Many animals will not cross seemingly small obstructions, such as railroad clearings or roads, to get to nearby suitable habitat (22). Agricultural land and other highly managed areas prevent species from naturally establishing themselves. In general, the ability of plants and animals to migrate in response to climate change is largely affected by anthropocentric influences and factors. Nevertheless, many species will be sufficiently resourceful to migrate successfully, and some may even thrive and expand their ranges. Decline and die-back If climate change is rapid or severe, some species, ecosystems, and landscapes may not be able to adapt Changes in climate may cause severe loss of function or value in certain species, ecosystems, and landscapes, or may result in the disappearance of certain species or entire ecosystems. Just as human land-use patterns may limit migration, they may also ultimately limit the chances for some species or ecosystems to survive. Some species are well-suited to a very narrow set of environmental conditions, but lack characteristics that would allow them to move or adapt easily to new environments. When human activities reduce or eliminate their normal habitats, these species are likely to show signs of stress leading to decline or die-back. In forest systems, decline and die-back occur when a large proportion of a tree population exhibits visible symptoms of stress, unusual and consistent growth decreases, or death over a large area. Such distinguishing characteristics can be irregular in distribution, and discontinuous but recurrent in time. In all cases, however, decline and die-back are the result of complex interactions of multiple stress factors (83). Some common abiotic factors include drought and lowand high-temperature stress. Biotic agents include defoliating insects, root-infecting fungi, and borers and bark beetles. Typicalty, declines are initiated by an abiotic stress, with mortality ultimately caused by a biotic stress agent. (Continued on next page)
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94 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 2-EResponses of Natural Systems to Climate Stress: Adaptation, Migration, and Decline-(Continued) More often than not, the decline and die-back scenario is a direct or indirect response to a change in some climatic variable. Changes in precipitation and temperature patterns have been shown to have an interactive and sequential influence on the health of forest systems. Drought conditions tend to enhance the possibility of insect attack. For example, sugar maple in northern forests is extremely sensitive to extreme changes in temperature. Moist, warm weather is particularly conducive to the spread of Eutypella canker, a serious stem disease, whereas drought periods favor the spread of Armillaria root decay; wind damage and sudden temperature drops significantly favor certain cankerous fungi, and the Iack of snow cover can result in deep root freezing (83). Nevertheless, these phenomena have sufficient common characteristics in various forest tree species to allow for some generalization; changes in climate will almost certainly exacerbate existing stresses, further influencing forest decline and die-back. Some ecosystems will be influenced by changes in sea level rise. For example, coastal wetlands have been able to keep pace with a sea level rise of approximately 0.04 inches (1 mm) per year for the past 3,000 years, which is the rate at which many marshes are able to accumulate material. However, climate change is sure to increase the rate at which sea level rises, which may ultimately drown these wetlands (98). Likewise, alpine and arctic ecosystems may shrink and, in some sites, disappear if the amount and speed of climate change exceed the rate at which these systems can migrate upslope. On the whole, the rate at which climate change occurs will have a direct effect on the rate at which ecosystems experience declines in population and die-back responses. SOURCES: P.M. Kareiv% J.G. Kingsolver, and R,B. Huey (cds.), Biot/c /rrteract&s and G/o&d Change (Sunderland, MA: Sinauer Associates, Inc., 1993), 559 pages; R.L. Peters and J.D.S. Darling, The Greenhouse Effect and Nature Reserves, i%bscfence, December 19S5, pp. 707-17; C. Zabinsti and M.B. Davis, HardTimes Ahead for Great Lake Forests: A Climate Threshold Model Predkts Responses to C0 2 -induced Climate Change, in: The Pot6ntial Effects of Global Climate Changa on The United States, Appendix O: Fwasfs EPA-230-95-S9-054, J.B. Smith and D. Tirpak (eds.) (Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, June 19S9). some areas, or for some species, slow processes of widely dispersing species (e.g., weeds) increase seed dispersal, soil development, and achievement of sexual maturity may curtail adaptation. Pollen records suggest that temperate forests can migrate at approximately 62 miles per century, but the correlated growing-season conditions may shift by 200 miles for every 4 OF (2 C) of warming, so even in the lower range of climate change predictions, some tree species might not be able to keep up. Modeling results suggest that if a forest includes some species that are better adapted to a new climate, those species may become dominant, but if none of the species are better adapted, the whole forest might decline. However, climate change is unlikely to decimate vegetation and make land barren, except in limited areas that are now arid and that may become even drier. Rather, ecological communities are likely to change as rapidly moving and in number, while slower-moving species decline and disappear (21). The adjustment process will not occur uniformly across species, communities, and ecosystems. Plants or animals attempting to migrate to new areas may face competition from those that still remain. Some migrators may be able to compete effectively, and others may not. For example, wetland vegetation may attempt to take root further inland as sea level rise inundates coastal marshes, but existing inland plants that survive may temporarily block the path. Migration may also be blocked by areas rendered unsuitable as a result of human use. Some wetland species may be more capable than others of establishing themselves among the inland vegetation. Thus, many species, as well as ecosystem processes and interactions, may be reshuffled,
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Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 95Figure 2-10-The Distribution of Holdridge Life Zones Under Current Climate Conditions Dry forest Cool desert Warm temperate forest Semiarid Hot desert Cool temperate forest Subtropfcal rnoist forest Tundra Boreal forest Steppe + shrublands Polar desert/ice + cold parklands SOURCE: Office of Technogy Assessment, 1993, adapted from L.R. Holdridge, Life Zone Ecology(San Jose, Costa Rica: Tropical Science Center,1987), and W.R. Emanuel, H.H. Shugart, and M.P. Stevenson, Climatic Change and the Broad Scale Distribution of Terrestrial Ecosystem Complexes,r Climatic Change, vol. 15,1985, pp. 75-82.especially at the boundaries of current ecological zones, where ecosystems are the least mature andthe most stressed (21). However, plants that arecapable of migrating or adapting may not neces-sarily be the most desirable. Climate change could lead to an increase in less-valued speciesand a change in ecosystem composition.Development of AsynchronyThe migration of vegetative species could putmany organisms out of sync with their environments and disrupt many symbiotic relationships. As plants migrate inland and upland, pollinators and other vectors that assist in the reproductive process may not move at the samerate. If insects and birds are left behind, plants willface significant losses in populations, and somemay become extinct. This may be especially true for organisms with very specific ranges, whetherthey be limited by topography, precipitation, or temperature. In addition, insects and birds mayarrive at their migratory destinations prematurely,before feeding and nesting conditions are optimal, or too late, after resources have beenexhausted. Organisms will be exposed to different and varying conditions, such as photoperiod,intensity of sunlight, and temperature, unlikewhat they are currently acclimated to, which mayaffect reproductive capabilities as well. In addi-tion, some plant species may alter nutrient cycles and other processes in order to adapt to new soiland moisture conditions. This could not only adversely affect the health of plants, but could reduce their nutritional value, thereby affectingthe health of the wildlife that depends on them forsustenance. Marine species will face similar
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96 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 2Figure 2-n-Percent of U.S. Land Area ShiftingHoldridge Life Zones After CO2 DoublingUKMO OSUGFDL GISSNOTE: UKMO-United Kingdom Meteorological Office, OSU-OregonState University, GFDL=Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, andGISS=Goddard Institute for Space Studies.SOURCE: P.N. Halpin, Ecosystemsa at Risk to Potential ClimateChange, contractor report prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, June 1993.Many species of birds, like this Clarks nutcracker, are dependent on specific habitats that provide sustenance and cover. Fragmentation of these areas could have a dramatic impact on populations unableto locate mating, nesting, feeding, and over-winteringhabitat.difficulties because most fish require specific conditions for reproductive activities to occur atoptimum rates. Anadromous fish (those that swiminto freshwater streams from the sea to spawn) may be most affected as salinity in intertidalwaterways is altered due to sea level rise. On the whole, the migration of vegetation in response toaltered climate and the subsequent response of insects, birds, and other organisms could havesignificant impacts on ecosystem structure, function, and value. Interactions Among Climate, Ecosystems, and the Physical EnvironmentClimate change will affect living organismsboth directly and indirectly, as described above, but it will also affect the processes of the physicalenvironment in which they exist-soils and nutrient cycling, the hydrologic cycle, and photorespiration. Effects on the physical environ-ment and living organisms will interact and cause further modifications to the environment and theorganisms. Because the various biological andphysical processes are intricately interconnected, with many feedbacks among them, it is difficultto predict what the overall effect of climate change will be. The following sections suggestthe range of interactions between climate and the biological and physical processes it affects. Interaction of Water Resources and Ecosystems Water influences ecosystem function, but eco-systems, in turn, influence the flow of water through the hydrologic cycle (see fig. 2-12 and vol. 1, ch. 5). Water falls to the Earths surface inthe form of precipitation. Some water stays on thesurface and evaporates relatively quickly. Some percolates into the soil and is taken up byvegetation, from which it is eventually transpiredthrough the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. The re maining precipitation movesfrom upland to low-lying areas-on the surface, as shallow groundwater flow toward rivers or streams, or by infiltrating more deeply into andthrough aquifers, eventually emptying into rivers,
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Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 97Figure 2-12The Hydrologic Cycle Shows How Water Moves Through the EnvironmentEvaporation and transpiration from surface water bodies,land surface and vegetation Evaporation fromConsumptive useoceans -Streamflow NOTE: BGD billions of gallons per day, To convert gallons to liters, multiply by 3.785.SOURCE: Office of TechnoIogy Assessment, 1992.lakes, and oceans, from which it eventually evaporates-and the cycle begins again. The extent to which water evaporates, dis-charges to surface water, seeps into the ground, orremains on the surface depends on the amount andform of precipitation, the temperature, the topog-raphy, the nature of soils (whether sandy orclayey, and the content of organic matter), and thetypes of vegetation. Vegetation moderates the cycle in several important ways: it adds to the organic matter of soils, increasing their waterretention; roots and stems may physically anchor soils and slow the passage of water and channel water below ground, further reducing runoff; andcanopies of leaves reduce droplet impact on the soil and affect the rate of evapotranspiration.Because of these interactions, changes in vegeta-tion may cause changes in the hydrologic cycle.For example, a semiarid grassland that is stripped of vegetation through overgrazing (by either wildor domestic herbivores) may lose some of its ability to retain water as plants no longer slowrunoff or take up water to release it slowly later.The interaction of changes in the ecosystem and the hydrological system may eventually lead todesertification.Climate interacts with the hydrologic cycle ondifferent scales. Global average temperatures affect how much moisture can be carried in theair, how quickly clouds form, how readily cloudsyield precipitation, and how much precipitation occurs and in what form (e.g., rain or snow), as well as the large-scale wind patterns that carryclouds from one region to the next. On a regionalor local scale, temperature affects the rate at which water evaporates from the surface or
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98 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 transpires from plants. Temperature further affects the rate of evapotranspiration by influencing the form in which precipitation falls. Rain typically runs off soon tier it falls. Snow may remain on the surface for a considerable amount of time, with the delayed runoff supplying downstream and adjacent areas with water during the spring. Thus, global and regional changes in temperature and precipitation can affect the hydrologic cycle and the related ecosystem interactions in numerous ways. The predicted changes in global climate will essentially increase the rate at which the hydrologic cycle occurs, although different hydrologic models yield rather different scenarios of what the regional results will be (79). As outlined above and in volume 1, chapter 5, total global precipitation is expected to increase 7 to 15 percent, but warmer temperatures will allow for greater and more rapid evapotranspiration, which could lead to drier conditions in some areas (particularly in midcontinent, midlatitude regions). Hydrologic studies suggest that river watersheds can be quite sensitive to even small climatic changes, particularly in arid and semiarid areas, where annual runoff tends to be highly variable. In river basins where snowmelt is important, both the annual total runoff and its seasonal distribution can be affected by changes in temperature and precipitation. Overall, climate change is expected to lead to significant changes in both high-flow and low-flow runoff extremes (42). Soils, Nutrients, and Vegetation Soil development and nutrient cycling rely on a dynamic interaction among rock, plants, fungi and microorganisms, and atmosphere. The development of soils depends in part on the rock that contributes sediments as it erodes and weathers, on the kinds of plants that grow on the soil, generating detritus of varying composition, and on the microorganisms associated with the plants that decompose the detritus into nutrients and organic matter. Nutrients, including carbon and nitrogen, are cycled in various forms through plants, soil, and the atmosphere. The type of soil that has developed may limit the kinds of plants that can easily take root and survive (which then provide habitat for particular animal species that affect nutrient turnover from plants). The presence of vegetation further affects the soil by anchoring it, thus preventing erosion. Both temperature and moisture affect the type of vegetation that grows, the amount of detritus produced, and the rate at which litter decomposes and releases nutrients that can then be used by other plants, animals, and microorganisms. With intermediate levels of moisture, increased temperatures accelerate decomposition. This may free more nutrients in the short term, potentially boosting productivity. However, faster decomposition could also release more carbon (in the form of CO 2 ) from the soil, particularly in the northern United States, where soils store a large share of the global carbon, thus amplifying the greenhouse effect. Furthermore, as described in the earlier section on C0 2 increased concentrations of atmospheric C0 2 will likely lead to changes in the composition and structure of plant leaves. The ratio of carbon to nitrogen may increase, which may actually slow the rate at which these leaves decompose and release minerals (see box 2-D). Changes in precipitation and runoff will also affect whether nutrients are maintained or lost more quickly from soils. More-frequent or moresevere storms could cause more erosion and soil loss in areas where land use is intensive or where vegetation has declined because of altered climate conditions (19, 42, 64). The overall effects of climate change on soils are difficult to calculate because of the many complex and interacting processes that contribute to soil development. Regardless of the long-term change in soils, in the shorter term, soils may play an important role in vegetation changes. As temperatures W arm the suitable ranges or climate conditions for many plant species may expand northward. However, soils at the northern edge of the United States and into central Canada tend to be thinner and less fertile than those in the
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Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 99 Midwest, which may make adaptation difficult for some species. In agricultural systems, any lack of nutrients in the soils can be compensated for by adding fertilizers, although there may be environmental costs associated with this (see vol. 1, ch. 6). Sea Level, Oceans, and Coastal Ecosystems The many interconnected physical changes in oceans and coasts will affect marine ecosystems in numerous ways (see box 2-C). Wave patterns in certain areas could be altered as a result of changes in regional climate, which could affect the stability of coastal areas. Coral-building organisms thrive at a rather narrow range of water temperatures and depths. Although these organisms build reefs at a rate of up to 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) per year, fast enough to keep up with predicted sea level rise, other factors such as storms and warmer water temperatures could interfere with their growth and, in some cases, could kill the organisms, Loss of coral reefs would change the wave and water patterns near the coast and could allow for increased coastal erosion. Likewise, mangrove trees along many tropical coasts play an important role in shore stabilization. Sea level rise could inundate some mangrove swamps. As these trees die, the coast would be left vulnerable to erosion. In addition, the potential elimination of salt marshes and seagrass beds could have serious effects on marine organisms. However, wetlands may migrate landward at a rate dictated by the landward slope and sea level rise. In any case, the physical and biological changes along oceans and coasts could interact to amplify the effects of climate change (see vol. 1, ch. 4). WHICH NATURAL RESOURCES ARE MOST VULNERABLE TO CLIMATE CHANGE? Although regional predictions of the natural resources most at risk from climate change cannot be made based on existing knowledge, certain characteristics may put some parts of a natural resource system at greater risk than others. For example, ecosystems with limited options for adaptability-such as alpine ecosystems, oldgrowth forests, fragmented habitats, and areas already under stress-may be particularly vulnerable to changes in climate (42) (see vol. 2, ch. 5). How ecosystems will fare under climate change also depends on other factors that influence soil and water chemistry, including land use, air pollution, and water use (21). A1though systems at the edges of their ranges and those already stressed may be at the greatest risk from climate change, some systems that now appear healthy could also suffer. Natural ecosystems may be more vulnerable to climate change than managed ones. Furthermore, natural or less managed ecosystems may be affected not only by changes in climate, but by further stresses resulting from human responses to those changes, such as increased irrigation, diversion of water from streams, and expanded tillage or grazing (see vol. 2, chs. 4 and 5). On the other hand, poor management responses in forestry and agriculture, such as planting species that are not well-adapted or maintaining g stands at high densities, could make some managed areas vulnerable as well (see vol. 1, ch. 6, and vol. 2, ch. 6). Vulnerability to climate change will certainly vary widely, and predictions about how systems will respond to climate change are difficult to make. Changes in soil moisture may be among the best indicators that a natural resource system is becoming stressed. Figures 2-6 and 2-7 illustrate areas of the United States that may face changes in soil moisture under the climate change scenarios projected by GCMS. The extent to which these changes in soil moisture will affect areas of significant natural cover (34) is presented in figure 2-13. The figure shows the percent of area in each land class that is becoming effectively wetter (measured above the zero axis) or drier (below the zero axis). The GFDL scenario produces dramatic effects, with the majority of all existing ecosystems except tundra and deserts
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100 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1Natural disturbances, such as the Yellowstone fires, create openings in forested areas where grasses and wildflowers can flourish. This provides new food sources for elk and other wildlife, Fires also promote recycling of nutrients, which enriches the soil.moving toward drier climatic regimes. Almost 80percent of agricultural lands of the United States face drying under the GFDL, scenario. The GISS scenario produces a mix of wetting and drying in areas of natural cover, with the exception of somenoticeable drying in the wetlands. Agricultural lands (the midwestern corn belt and California) are more effected, with over 40 percent of theagricultural lands showing some drying under theGISS scenario. Natural resource systems could change in anynumber of ways in response to a changing climate, but not all changes damage things thathumans value. For example, a gradual shift in theboundaries of a wetland would probably not be considered a damage unless this results in a reduction of the habitat, flood control, water filtering, or recreational services offered by thatwetland. Similarly, an increase in tree mortalitymay be of no concern in a forest valued as wildlifehabitat rather than as a source of timber supply.The degree of human intervention may also influence the vulnerability of natural resource systems to climate change. Depending on hownatural systems are valued, they may be managed along a spectrum from active to passive management regimes. Because intensively managed systems are considered valuable, and because peopleare already exerting effort and expense to keep them productive, use of additional measures to respond to a changing climate is likely. On the other hand, wilderness areasare essentiallyunmanaged--but highly valued precisely because of this lack of management. Active interventionto protect these areas seems unlikely (see vol. 2, ch. 5), but there may be little loss of value from any but the most extreme effects of climate change on these natural areas. Thus, climateimpacts on natural resource systems and the needfor taking precautionary actions in preparation forclimate changes cannot be evaluated without also considering how people value and manage theseresources. These are the issues considered insubsequent chapters that investigate the effects ofand possible responses to climate change in individual natural resource sectors: coastal sys-tems, water resources, agriculture, wetlands, preserves, and forests.The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the National Academy of Sciences, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have all conducted assessments of the potential impacts of climate change (see box 2-F). Their reviews describe numerous impacts of climate change on U.S. natural resource systems, which laid the foundation for this report. Subsequentchapters will summarize some of the predictionsmade by these reports for individual natural resources, then explore in greater detail the
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4020 60 80Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 101Figure 2-13-Soil-Moisture Changes Under the GFDL and GISS Climate Change Scenarios,by Land-Use and Cover TypeGFDL GFDLnGFDL Drier Much drierGFDL GISS GFDL Much wetter WetterGFDL TundraConiferousDeciduousGrass-shrub DesertWetlandAgriculturalforestforestNOTE: Bars above the zero axis represent the percent of Iand-use area predicted to become wetter bare below the axis chow the percent of landarea becoming drier. Drying or wetting is calculated from the change In the ratio of actual evapotranspiration (AET) to potential evapotranspiration(PET). No change is reported If the index changed (up or down) by lees than 0.025; wetter= 0.25 to 0.05; much wetter= > .05; drier= -0.25 to -.05; much drier. <-0.05. GFDL-Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, GISS=Goddard Instltute for Space Studies.SOURCE: P.N. Halpin, Ecosystems at Risk to Potential Climate Change,contractor report prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, June1993.vulnerability and adaptability of the various resources and the potential management strate-gies and policies that might assist adaptation.CHAPTER 2 REFERENCES1. B.A., The Effect of U in the Representa-tion of Cloud Processes in Climate Models on Climate Change of Scientific Uncertainties theAccuracy of Global Climate Change Predictions: A Survey ofRecent Literature, and South U.S. of (DOE)Internal Na-tional Environmental Assessment and and Environmental PolicySection (Argonne, IL: DOE, October 1991). W.J., Drake, Photosynthetic Capacityof After 4 of Exposure to Elevated Plant, Cell, vol. 14, No. 9, 1991, pp. 1003-6.3. Impact of Global Warming on Great Cycles, The Change onthe United States, Appendix A: Water Resources, EI?A-23@OS-89-050, Smith D. DC: U.S.. Protection Agency, 1989). 4. J.H., ClimateStill Nature, vol. 350,1991, pp. 649-52.5. J.H.,A Second at Impacts of Scientist, vol. 79, 1991, pp. 6. Jr., Research & vol. 9, No. Spring 1993, pp. 201-07.7. F.A., Response of Natural Ecosystem to C02 Annual Review 21, 1990, pp. 167-%..8. PA., ED. Plant in a Wor14 226, January 1992, pp.68-7449. and Climate A Orion Nature Quarterly, Spring1989, pp. 22-27.
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102 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 2-FMajor Assessments of Climate Change Impacts Three major assessments by national and international organizations have addressed the potential impacts of climate change: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys (EPAs) 1989 report, The Potential Effects of Climate Change (94), the three-volume climate change series issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in 1990 (42, 43, 44, and the 1992 supplement (45)), and a 1991 report by the National Academy of Sciences, Policy /mplications of Greenhouse Warming (22), and its 1992 supplement. These reports focus on different aspects of climate change. Taken together, they lay the foundations for OTAs assessment of the adaptability and vulnerability of systems to climate change, and their findings are cited throughout this chapter. 1 The EPA ReportIn 1987, Congress requested that EPA study the potential health and environmental effects of climate change including, but not. limited to, the potential impacts on agriculture, forests, wetlands, human health, rivers, lakes, estuaries, as well as societal impacts. To respond, EPA conducted a massive 2-year effort, hiring more than a hundred contractors to model potential effects on each system, and contracting out several regional case studies to integrate how all impacts might interact in different regions. The results were synthesized in a 400-page report accompanied by 11 appendixes of contractor papers. EPA used regional predictions of temperature and precipitation generated by four major general circulation models GCMs to examine the sensitivities of managed and unmanaged systems and to evaluate regional effects. The climate predictions were distributed to contractors, who then incorporated the results into their own models for crop growth, forest productivity, farm-level decisionmaking, etc., to predict the potential effects on particular systems and in particular regions. EPA found that unmanaged systems such as coastal wetlands, parks, and forests maybe unable to adapt quickly to rapid warming. Effects could include a reduced range for many tree species, changes in forest composition, a decline in cold-water fish and shellfish (although some warm-water species could benefit), an increase in species extinction, loss of coastal wetlands, and an increase in salinization of estuaries. Such impacts could begin in 30 to 80 years. Climate changes may heighten the effects of other stresses (such as pollution, increased radiation accompanying stratospheric ozone depletion, pests and pathogens, and fire). For example, climate-induced stress may make large regions of forests more susceptible to other stresses, such as fire, pests, disease outbreaks, wind damage, and air pollution. Changes in forest species and productivity could lead to secondary effects such as increased soil runoff and erosion, reduced aquifer recharge, reduced biodiversity, and changes in wildlife habitat and recreational opportunities. Species extinctions could increase (and biological diversity could decline), especially in areas where roads, agriculture, and urban development block or restrict migration pathways or habitat, and in areas that harbor heat-or drought-sensitive species. Some forested land could become grassland. As communities and ecosystems are displaced by climate change, it may be necessary to expand scientific knowledge on the practice of ecosystem restoration, so that communities can be rebuilt in degraded sites or relocated to new areas where they have not existed in the past (94) (see also vol. 2, boxes 4-A and 5-M). Overall, EPA found that managed systems such as water resources and agriculture are more capable than natural systems of withstanding climate change. However, problems may still arise as humans attempt to adapt to the changes to these systems brought about by climate change. Agricultural yields might be reduced, but productivity could shift northward so that overall production could probably meet domestic needs, with some possible reductions in exports. Farmers might have to change their practices, such as beginning or increasing irrigation, which might increase conflicts over water use. If climate change leads to reduced stream flows, water quality may suffer because less water will be available for diluting or flushing pollutants and dissipating heat; these 1 Ail three reports were based on the assumption that there would be no @Or*a~OSin C!i~te Wd*ilty.
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Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources | 103 Changes could affect fish and wildlife populations. The effects on agriculture might vary considerably over regions, with declines, for example, in crop acreage in t he Great Plains potentially offset by increased acreage in the Great Lakes States. Quality of life may not suffer much in areas where, for example, forests shift from one species to another, and where the shifts are gradual; however, in areas where forests die altogether (such as may occur in some parts of California), people would face severe environmental and land-use effects. Recreation relies on relatively healthy forests; rapid changes that caused stressed or declining forests would Iikely reduce recreational opportunities and demand. The IPCC ReportThe Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an international group of hundreds of scientists from more than 50 countries established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Environment Program. The IPCC setup three working groups: Working Group I to assess the scientific basis for how human activities affect the climate; Working Group II to study the potential impacts of climate change worldwide; and Working Group Ill to formulate possible policy responses. The results were Published in the three-volume Climate Change report in 1990 (The IPCC Scientific Assessmemt, The IPCC Impacts Assessment and The /PCC Response Strategies). The working groups continue to meet, and issue occasional updates to the 1990 reports. The scientific assessment predicted that under a business-as-usual scenario (characterized by continued reliance on coal-intensive energy sources and only modest efficiency increases), the global average temperature would increase at a rate of 0.5F (0.3 C) per decade, with a likely increaseof2F (1 C) over current levels by 2025 and 5.4 F (3 C) before the end of the next century. The impact assessment used this business-as-usual prediction for increasing temperature (with accompanying estimates that equivalent atmospheric CO 2 concentrations would double by 2025 to 2050 and sea level would rise about 1 foot (0.3 meter) by 2030) to predict potential impacts on systems including natural terrestrial ecosystems, agriculture, and forestry. IPCC suggested that climate change could shift climatic zones several hundred miles toward the poles over the next 50 years, requiring natural terrestrial ecosystems to either migrate or adapt to a new climate regime. The rate of change will determine the degree of impacts: some species might be able to keep up with change, but some could become extinct, thus reducing global biodiversity. Ecosystems are unlikely to move as units, but will develop new structures as species abundance and distribution are altered. Most at risk are systems with limited options for adaptability (montane, alpine, and polar areas, island and coastal communities, remnant vegetation, heritage sites or reserves, and areas already under stress). Sea level rise and ocean warming will affect fisheries, potentially reducing habitat for several commercially important species. Coastal wetlands may be inundated by rising seas and forced to migrate inward, though in many areas, this may not be possible. Inland wetland areas may come under increased pressure for agricultural use. As for managed systems, forests may become more susceptible to parasites, and losses from fires will increase. It is urclear whether global agricultural productivity would increase or decrease overall, but many regions are likely to experience shifts or losses in production (for example, a decline in cereal and horticultural production in the southern United States), which will alter trade patterns. Impacts will differ considerably from region to region, as will the socioeconomic effects. Water availability will likely increase in some areas and decrease in others, but regional details are not yet known. There may also be a change in drought risk which could seriously affect agriculture at both the regional and global levels. The NAS ReportThe National Academy of Sciences (NAS) convened three different scientific panels to conduct preliminary analyses of climate change effects, mitigation strategies, and adaptation strategies. Each panel drafted a report that described their analyses and conclusions. A fourth synthesis panel drew on the work of the other three panels to formulate a policy report which was published in April 1991. 2 The Cumulative warming effect of all greenhouse gases is equivalent to a doubled C0 2 concentration. (Continued on next page)
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104 I Preparing for an Uncertain ClimateVolume 1 Box 2-F-Major Assessments of Climate Change Impacts-(Continued) The NAS panels assumed greenhouse warming In the range of 2 to 9F(1 to 5C), but did not give a specific time frame of reference. Based on this scenario, NAS classified natural resource systems and human activities into one of three categories: low sensitivity to climate change within the given range; sensitive but adaptable at a cost; and sensitive with questionable ability to adjust or adapt. NAS concluded that built systems generally fit into the first or second categories, and managed crop or timber lands fit into the second. Water resources are quite sensitive to climate because runoff is the small difference between the larger quantities of precipitation and evaporation, and runoff fluctuates relatively more than either precipitation or evaporation. Changes in runoff will have adverse impacts only when water supply no longer matches water demand for use and consumption. In the United States, water supply and demand are now closely matched in the Great Basin, Missouri, and California water regions, so these areas maybe particularly vulnerable to decreases in precipitation (and conversely, they would reap large benefits should precipitation increase). Activities such as irrigation are also vulnerable to decreased precipitation because irrigation is most common in areas where precipitation is already light and evaporation is high. Unless climate changes quickly relative to demographic changes that affect water demand, however, the NAS report concludes, the overall impact of climate change is unlikely to be substantially more serious than that of the vagaries of the current climate {21). In contast, NAS suggested that unmanaged ecosystemsthe natural landscape and marine ecosystemsrespond relatively slowly to climate change and that their ability to adapt is questionable and problematic. SOURCE : Office of Technology Assessment, 1993. 10. Blumberg, A.F., and DAL Di Rxo, The WTects of Climate 18. Chambers, J.R., U.S. Coastal Habitat Degradation and Fishery Warming onLakeBrie Water Quality, k Z%ePotentialE#ects of Global Climate Change on the United States, Appendix A: Water Resources, EF?A-23(M5-89-050, J.B. Smith and D. Tirpak (eds.) (WAiugtoq DC: U.S. Bnviromnental Protection Agency, June 1989). 11. Botkiq D.B., and R.A. Nisbe$ projecting the Effects of Climate Change on Biological Diversity in Forests, in: G1oM Warnung and Biological Diversity, R.L. Peters and TX. Lovejoy (eds.) (New Haveq CT: Yale University Press, 1992) 0 12. Botkiq D.B., RA. Nisbe$ and TJ3. Reynales, Effects of Climate Change of Forests of the Great Lakes States, im The Potential Effects of Global Climate Change on the Umted Stites, Appendix D: Forests, 13PA-230-95-89-054, J.B. Smith and D. TX@ (eds.) (Washi@oQ DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, June 1989). 13. Brady, N.C., The Nature andPropemes of Soils, 9th Ed. (New Yox NY: MacMillan Publishing, 1984), 750 pp. 14. Brewer, R., The Science of Ecology (Philadelphia Saunders college Publishing, 1988). 15. Broecker, W. S., Unpl eaaant Surprises in the Greenhouse? Nature, vol. 328, 1987, pp. 123-26. 16. Brownq M.W., Report Says Carbon Dioxide Rise May Hurt Plants, New York ZSmes, Sept 18,1992, p. A14. 17. Bums, R.M., and B.H. Honk@ Sihics of North American Conifers, VOL l, AgricuhureHandbook654 (WasMngtoqDC: U.S. Dq@ment of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1990). Dechnes im Transactions of the NotihAmeric an Wildl~e and Natural resources Conference (W ~ DC: The WildlMe --Institut% in press) 19. ~J.S., C.D, Rei~ and G. Der&Sensitivi~ ofAfajorNorth American Terrestnal Biomes to Global Change, draft report prepared for the Blectric Power Research Institute, 1992, 20. Cltlrlq, Scale Relationships in the Meractiona o f Climate Ikosystems, and Societies, ixx Forecasting in the Social ;nd Natural Sciences, KC. Land and SJL Schneider (eds.) (Bostoq MA D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1987), pp. 337-78. 21. Committee on Sciewx, B@mring, and Public policy, PanoI on Policy Implications of Grocnhouse Warming, National Academy of Sciemes Nadonal Ad-y of Bng&&ng, Institute of Medicinq Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming: h4itigation,Adaptaiion, and the Science Base (Wash@@x% DC: National Academy Press, 1992). 22. Cooper, CJJ., Sasitivities of WU.S. Bcoayatema to Climate change contractor report prepared for the Ofike of lixhnology Aasesameq August 1992. 23. Cox, G.W., Review of Draft Report on V-ilities of Westemu,s. Bcosystema to climate q: Biodivemity ~ Wildlife Issues, draft contractor paper prepared for Offica of kchnoIogy Assessmcq July 1992.
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Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 105 24. Croley, T.E., I?, and H.C. ~ Effects of Climate on tk L3urentk Great Lakes Levels, k The Potential Eflects of Global Climate Change on The Uruted States, Appendix A: Water Resources, EPA-230-05-89-050, J.B. Smith and D. Tirpak (da.) (Washington DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, June 1989). 25, Davis, O.K., C Ancient Analogs for Grecmhouse Warming of Central cali.fti irx The PotenoalE~ects of Global Climate Change on the United States, Appendix D: Forasts, EPA-230-9589-054, J.B. Smith and D. Tirpak (eds.) (wSSh@tO~ DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, June 1989). 26. Dmvsq W.R., Physiological Responses of Animals to Higher q~s, k GIobd Wmng and Biological Diversity, RL. Petem and EE. Lovejoy (eds.) (New Have% CIl Yale university Press, 1992). 27. 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106 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 52. Lawreq B., NET LOSS, National WiZdZfe, vol. 30, October/ November, 1992, pp. 47-50,52, 53. Lettenmaier, D.P., llY. Gan+ and D.R. Dawdy, Interpretation of Hydrologic Effects of Clirnatc Change in the Sacmment O-sari Joaquin River BasirL califo~ im The Potentfal Eficts of Global Climate Change on the United States, Appendix A: Wiater Resources, EPA-2300S-89450, J.B. Smith and D. Tirpak (eds.) (Washington DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, June 1989). 54. LindzerL R. S., Some Coolness Concernin g Global Warming, Brdletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 71,1990, pp. 288-290, 55. Lorius, C., J. Jouze~ D, Raynaud, J. HanaerL and H. Le Trcut The Ice-Core Record: Climate Sensitivity and Future Greenhouse Warming, Nature, vol. 347, 1990, pp. 139-145. 56. ~J.D., AssessingGlobal Climate Change: When Will We Have Better Evidence? in: Climate Change and Energy Policy, L. Rosen and R. 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Oechel, W.C,, Effects of Anticipated changes in Global Climate and Atmospheric COZ on Western Ecosystems: Chaparral and Associated Forest Ecosystems, draft contractor paper for Offhx of lkchnology Assessment, July 1992. 67. Oechel, W.C., Responsa of Alaskan Biological and Social Systems to Climate Change: A Scenario, contractor paper prepared for ~lce of lkchnology Assessmen 4 Jan. 11, 1993. 68. Oechel, W.C,, and W.I). Billings, Effectaof Global Change on the Carbon Balance of Arctic Plants and Ecosystems, im Arctic Ecosystems in a Changing Climate: An Ecophysiological Perspective, F.S. Chapin ~ RL. Jefferies, J. SVObO(@ JR. Reynolds, and G.R Shaves (eds.) (San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1992), pp. 139-68. 69. Oechel, W.C., and BR. Straiq Native Species Responses to Imeasedcarbon Dioxide Conccntratioq im Direct Effects of Increasing Carbon Dwxide on Vegetation, DOEJER-0238, B.R. Strain and J.D. Cure (da.) (Washin@ow DC: U.S. De@ment of Energy, Dwember 1985). 70. Overpe4 J.T, and PJ. 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Chapter 2A Primer on Climate Change and Natural Resources I 107 81. Schneider, S.H., L. Mearns, and PH. Glei* Climatdhsnge Scenarios for Impact Assessm enc in: Global Wirrming and Biological Diversity, RL. peters and EE. Lovejoy (eds.) (New Haveq CT: Yale University Press, 1992), pp. 38-55. 82. Sheer, D.P., and D, Methods for Evaluating the Potential Impacts of Global Climate Change: Case Studies of the State of California and AtIan@ Georgi& in: The Potential E#ects of Global Climate Change on the United States, Append&A: Water Resources, EPA-23G05-89-050, J.B. Smith and D. Tir@ (dS.) (%hdli@O~ DC: U.S. Envimnmentrd Protection Agency, June 1989). 83. Smi@W.H., UfittiSw-FomtW~w~Vtiti~ to Climate Change, conmtor repofi prepared for the Office of nmlllology Assessment May 1992. 84, spen~, R.W,, and J.R Christy, Precise Monitoring of Global lhnperature Trends from Satellites, Science, vol. 247, 1990, pp. 1558-62. 85. 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I@ I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 IM. ~ C., ml M.B. Davis, Hard TSmcs head for Great 107, ~ L.H., B.C3. Dmkc, and S. Chambcrlaiq Long-I&m LaksForcsts: A Climate IllmholdModclPrdcta Responsca P&otosyntbtic Rcspmsc in Siagle Lcavca of a ~ and C, Salt to co2-hxhIced Clhxuw h The Potential Effects of Marsh Speck Grown at Elevated Atmospbcric COz in Situ, Globsd Climtate Change on the United States, Appendix D: Oecolo@, vol. 83, 1990, pp. 469-72. ~O~4?5tS, EI?A-230-9S-89-0S4, JB. Smith and D. T@ak (cd%) w~ DC: Us. Environmal ml Protection Agency, June 1989).
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Global ChangeResearchin theFederalGovernment30n October 13, 1992, the United States ratified the UnitedNations Framework Convention on Climate Change.The convention was one of the key accomplishments ofthe United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Itsdeclared goal is stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interfer-ence with the climate system, and it calls for parties to return individually or jointly to their 1990 levels of these anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol (46). Most of the 166 countries that signed the convention have pledged to do so by 2000 (on April 21, 1993, President Clinton made a commitment to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by thatyear). The convention also requires all participating countries to prepare action plans detailing their strategy to mitigate climate change. The Biodiversity Convention, signed by most develop-ing and industrialized countries at UNCED, calls for thedevelopment of strategies for global biodiversity conservation,and Agenda 21, the comprehensive action agenda to promote sustainable development adopted at UNCED, also calls forpolicies to minimizeenvironmental degradation.All these concerns about climate change, biodiversity, andsustainable development reflect a policy agenda that is inextrica-bly linked to scientific research. The relationships betweenscientific and technological advancement and government support are complex, and the stakes in these decisions are high, notjust for scientists and engineers, but for society as a whole.Consequently, a better understanding of the process of articulat-ing goals, both within and outside science, is vital (3).I 109
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110 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume The Federal Governm ent launched a multiagency research effort in 1989 in response to the uncertainties and potential risks of climate change. Its purpose is to observe, understand, and predict global change (9). When the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) was created as a Presidential Initiative in 1989, it did not have an explicit plan to link research to policy. Before codifying the program, Congress directed it to provide information useful to policy makers; however, Congress did not identify or mandate any mechanism to ensure this. When the program was first implemented, key questions of the scientists and policy makers were: Are humans significantly changing the climate, and can climate change be predicted? The program was intended to replace a crisis-driven, one-problemat-a-time approach to environmental problems with a more systemic, proactive approach that recognizes that different environmental problems are linked by the very nature of the Earth system. 1 Although the program is scientifically well-grounded, it has become overwhelmingly a physical science program focused on basic Earth system processes that largely ignores the behavioral, economic, and ecological aspects of environmental problems. For example, understanding the role clouds play in climate change and the role of the ocean-land-atmosphere interface is now its highest priority. Understanding the size and scope of USGCRP can be difficult, and the coordination challenges of such a large interagency program are formidable. Agency personnel committed to the program have made a commendable effort to ensure that the program functions smoothly. However, USGCRP is not a managed entity with one budget, nor does it have an authoritative body making decisions on projects. It is, rather, a 1 loosely coordinated collection of several programs and budgets. Even this level of coordination is undermin ed at the legislative level, where the program, collected into a compilation of budgets by the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology (FCCSET), is splintered into several parts and never considered as a whole during the authorization, appropriation, and oversight processes. The primary questions of policy makers have changed since 1989 in the wake of the world climate treaty and the publication of several key reports: the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports on the potential effects of climate change and policy options, and the Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy (COSEPUP) report. 2 It is now generally accepted that unequivocal detection of the greenhouse effect requires another decade of measurements, and that rates of climate change and regional details about climate changes will not be available for at least that long (see ch. 2). Thus, questions being asked today have moved beyond the basic science issues of observing, understanding and predicting climate change to a second set of concerns: What can be done to mitigate or adapt to climate change? What are the climate effects of most concern? How can we manage natural and human systems wisely given an uncertain climate? Consequently, USGCRPS mission statement and priorities are now too narrow to address questions such as how to minimize negative impacts of climate change. The congressional committees requesting this study recognized that decisionmaking must continue in the face of uncertainty. They expressed the following concerns to the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA): 1 The Earth system is the sum of all interactions among living organisms and their biotic and abiotic environments. 2 IPCC*S Scien@c~5Hmnt (28), Impacts Assessment (26), Response Strategies (27), and Supplementary Report to the rCC s~emyc Assessntent (29); EPAs Policy OptionsforStabilizing Global Climate (52) and The PotennalE#ects of Global Climate Change on the United States (51); and COSEPUPs Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, National Academy of science9, National Academy of W-* and Institute of Medicine, Policy Implications of Greenhouse W~ng: Mitigation, A&ptation, and the Science Base (10).
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government! 111 m 9 n We think it is prudent to begin--today investigating how our research and develop ment programs should incorporate concerns about climatic uncertainty. Do current U.S. R&D Programs focus on the right questions to provide information about effects on different systems, potential strategies for making systems more resilient in the face of climate change and adapting to such changes that may occur? What information can more research provide over various time frames to guide decisions about reducing greenhouse gas emissions, ameliorating effects of global climate change, and building resiliency into systems? Conducting research to answer some of these questions has been a low priority. Although the results of the program, as currently structured, will provide valuable information for predicting climate change, they will not necessarily contribute to the information needed by public and private decisionmakers to respond to global change. Three areas are particularly lacking: ecosystem-scale research, adaptation research (ecological, human, and economic), and integrated assessments (evaluation of all focused and contributing research results and their implication for public policy). Research can begin now on topics more closely related to policy decisions despite incomplete answers from the physical sciences. More research is needed on the impacts of climate change on natural and managed ecosystems and the resulting implications for land and water resource management, on how people adapt, and on why people resist change. Key projects for a USGCRP committed to policyrelevant research should also include gathering information about the relative importance of population size and expectations of quality-of-life improvements, the demand for goods and services (including clean water, agriculture and forestry products, and access to natural areas), and economic and institutional barriers to the dissemination and adoption of technological innovation. Some of the research in these areas will take decades and, if started now, may leave us much better prepared to respond to global change in the future. Implicit in the current structure of USGCRP is that the initiation of a comprehensive adaptation research program must wait until predictions of climate change are reliable. However, there are several important reasons not to wait to initiate adaptation research. First, according to IPCC estimates, few reliable predictions of climate change on a regional scale will be available before the next 15 to 20 years. Although such regional information might help focus research on managed and natural systems in areas expected to experience the most change, research on ecosystems is a multidecade task (see vol. 2, chs. 4-6) and should begin now. Second, even though the effects of climate change on a regional level cannot currently be modeled accurately, general effects can be predicted, such as sea level rise. Adaptation research that addresses sea level rise and other effects of climate change need not wait for reliable predictions. Third, much adaptation research makes sense regardless of climate change. For example, restoration of wetlands addresses adaptation to climate change, but it also addresses the current depletion of wetlands due to other causes. Adaptation research can use historical records of societal, economic, and environmental impacts of environmental change combined with reasonable hypothetical scenarios for future environmental change (31). Because policy makers and scientists have different educational and professional backgrounds, scientific research findings need to be translated 3 House Committee on Science, Space, and ltchnology, letter to Ow Sept. 27, 1991. 4 Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, letter to OT~ Oct. 4, 1991, 5 Senate (!omrnittee on Commeree, Seienee, and Tnmspmta tioq letter to Ow Oct. 8, 1!391.
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112 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 into terms relevant to policy making and decisionmakin g. Regardless of the completeness of climate research, policy makers are making decisions now that affect global change and whether the Nation will mitigate and/or adapt to it. They also decide where to allocate scarce resources for research. A recent National Research Council report, Research to Protect, Restore, and Manage the Environment (37), stated: No matter how good the science, environmental problems cannot be solved without integrating the science with environmental policy. To accomplish that, integrative study is needed to bridge the multidisciplinary gaps and deal with the conflicting goals held by varied constituencies. Research is necessary but not sufficient to solve problems. One way to improve the relevance of research results for policy makers is through the use of integrated assessments. Integrated assessments are a mechanism for synthesizing all the research relevant to an identified problem and for presenting research results in policy-relevant language. Such assessments, if conducted by multidisciplinary teams on a regular basis, could help bring together and evaluate research results produced by USGCRP, which is now composed largely of isolated programs and projects. Although assessments were not included in the original USGCRP program, they are included in a rudimentary form in the FY 1994 budget (8). However, there has been no fundamental change in the mission of USGCRP, which remains predominately focused on understanding climate change. As a result, different people draw different conclusions about what changes in research focus to expect from USGCRP. In addition, the quality of assessments is determined solely by the information fed into them and the backgrounds of those constructing the assessment homework. If ecological, economic, and sociological research continues to be neglected. the planned assessments will not be useful to policy makers (24). John Gibbons, assistant to the President for science and technology, testified recently that USGCRP needs to expand the scope of its research to include the impacts of climate change on natural and human environments and strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change. He also recognized the need to improve the integration of research with policy making (20). This chapter will examine the broad issues surrounding the Federal research effort to understand climate change-particularly within the context of the natural and managed systems discussed in chapters 4 through 6 of volumes 1 and 2. The options presented here, if implemented, could help commit the Federal Government to addressing areas of imbalance in USGCRP, the need for adaptation research, and the issues surrounding a national research program with an explicit science-policy interface. These program changes could benefit policy makers and decisionmakers by ensuring that USGCRP and other federally funded global change research supply the integrated information they need to make choices in the face of uncertainty about global change and its impacts. THE U.S. GLOBAL CHANGE RESEARCH PROGRAM 1 Inception and Structure Recognition that human activity could significantly alter the global environment grew during the 1970s and 1980s. Concerns focused particularly on the threat of climate change from increased emissions of greenhouse gases and the depletion of the ozone layer by chlorofluorocarbons (CFCS). In response to the potential risks of climate change and the uncertainties surrounding the science, the Federal Government launched a massive, multiagency research effort in 1989 to observe, understand, and, ultimately, predict global changes and to determine the mechanisms influencing these changes (9). In 1989, USGCRP was developed by the Committee on Earth Sciences (now the Committee on Earth and
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Chapter 3--Global Change Research in the Federal Government I 113Figure 3-1A--Organlzatlonal Chart for the Federal Coordinating Council forScience, Engineering, and Technology (FCCSET) John H. GibbonsFCCSET membershipChairDOSDOEd HUD DODDOLOMBIIDOIDOTNASAFCCSET Secretariat USDA VAEPACharles Dickens, Executive SecretaryDOCGSA NSCElizabeth Rodriguez, Senior Policy AnalystDOEHHSNSFAlicia Dustira, Senior Policy Analyst CEES CISET Committee on Earth and Committee on International Science, Environmental Sciences Engineering and Technology Frederick M. Bernthal (NSF), Chair Chair vacant CFAFR Committee on Food, Agriculture and Forestry Research Chair vacant CPMES Committee on Physical, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences Frederick M. Bernthal (NSF), Acting Chair CEHR Committee on Education and Human Resources Luther Williams (NSF), Acting Chair CLSH Committee on Life Sciences and Health David Galas (DOE), Acting ChairrCTICommittee on Technology and Industry Chair vacantNOTE: For definition of terms, eee figure 3-1 B, next page.Environmental Sciences, CEES), an interagencygroup under FCCSET in the Presidents Office ofScience and Technology Policy (OSTP) (see fig. 3-l). USGCRP became the first Presidential Initiative indicating that it was to be a high-priority program with strong administrative back-ing. In 1990, Congress passed the U.S. Global Change Research Act (P.L. 101-606), which(Continued)codified USGCRP. In 1992, USGCRP became aNational Research Program.7 Between FY 1989and FY 1993, the Government spent $3.7 billionon this effort. A new administration that asserts itscommitment to taking action on climate changeissues and a Congress with a large number of newmembers coincide with this 5-year benchmark and could change the direction and scope of the Initiatives exist: cc computing and communication advanced materials biotechnology mathematics and science education. to coordinate interagency in these developed this for continuing Initiatives that have reached
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114 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1Figure 3-lB-Organizational Chart for the Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES) Frederick M. Bernthal (NSF) Lennard Fisk (NASA) Chair Vice-Chair DODHHSN!3F1IDOIHUDCEQ USDAOMB SI CEES SecretariatDOCOSTPNRCPenelope Firth, Executive SecretaryDOENASATVA Sylvia Edgerton, Senior Science Associate NIEHS FEMAICABetty Wong, Professional Assistant SGCR Subcommittee on Global Change Research Robert Corell (NSF), Chairr SETISubcommittee on Environmental Technology Joseph Bordogna (NSF), Interim Chair SERNRE Subcommittee on Economic Research on Natural Resources and the Environment Joseph Stiglitz (CEA), ChairSNDRSubcommittee on Natural Disaster Reduction Robert Hamilton (USGS), ChairI1SUSCOS Subcommittee on U.S. Coastal Ocean Science Donald Scavia (NOAA), Acting Chair1 I A.tmospheric Research Richard Greenfield (NSF), Acting Chair I SWRSubcommittee on Water Resources Stephen Ragone (USGS), Chair1SFOFC Subcommittee on Federal Oceanographic Fleet Coordination R. Adm. Peterson (NOAA), ChairII II PEGI I Working Group for Private Enterprise/ Government Interactions William Busch (NOAA), ChairNOTE: DOS-Department of State; DOD-Department of Defense; DOI-Department of the Interior; USDA-U.S. Department of Agriculture;DOC-Department of Commerce; DOE-Department of Energy; DOEd-Department of Education; DOL-Department of Labor; DOT-Department of Transportation; VA. Department of Veterans Affairs; GSA-General Services Administation; HHS-Department of Health and Human Services;HUD-Department of Housing and Urban Development; OMB-Office of Management and Budget; NAS-National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration; EPA-Environmental Protection Agency; NSC-National Security Council; NSF-National Science Foundation; NIEHS-NationalInstitute of Environmental and Health Sciences; OSTP-Office of Science Technology Policy; FEMA-Federal Emergency Management Agency;CEQ=Council on Environmental Quality; S1-Smithsonian Institution; NRC-National Research Council; TVA-Tennessee Valley Authority; ICA-lntelligenoe Community Affairs, CEA-Council of Economic Advisors; USGS-U.S. Geological Survey; NOAA-National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration.SOURCE: Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Our Changing Planet. The FY 1994 U.S. Global Change Research Program (Washington, DC: CEES, 1993).
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Chapter 3--Global Change Research in the Federal Government I 115 program for FY 1994. There is no official termination date for the program; however, program plans indicate that it will last at least 40 years (11). Three activity streams, or program elements, defined the USGCRP mission between its inception and FY 1994: n n n Documentation and analysis of Earth system changes, which include observation using both groundand space-based observation systems-and data management; Process Research to enhance the understanding of the physical, geological, chemical, biological, and social processes that influence Earth system behavior; and Integrated Modeling and Prediction of Earth system processes. Each of these priorities is represented by a working group under the Subcommittee on Global Change Research under CEES. The chair of the subcommittee along with the chair of each of the working groups make up the principal body responsible for the planning, development, coordination, and review of USGCRP (7). In FY 1994, a new activity stream, Assessment, was added. USGCRP was originally envisioned as a complete global change research program, covering research on natural climate change, humaninduced climate change, impacts of climate and land-use change on the Earth system, and impacts of human activity on ecosystem health. The program has evolved in parallel with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and has drawn heavily from the panels work. 8 Consequently, the main focus of global change research under USGCRP has become climate change. Important global changes other than human-induced climate change, such as loss of biodiversity, changes in land use, and increases in industrial pollution, were determined to be beyond the scope of USGCRP and are addressed only to the extent that they interact with the climate system. This is reflected in the research priorities of the programs science elements. To guide research, CEES identified and prioritized seven scientific research elements, or science elements. 9 In order of priority, the science elements are Climate and Hydrologic Systems, Biogeochemical Dynamics, Ecological Systems and Dynamics, Earth System History, Human Interactions, Solid Earth Processes, and Solar Influences (7). More-specific areas of research are prioritized under each of these seven research elements (see fig. 3-2). Several criteria, although not applied systematically, are used to evaluate projects under each research element, including: relevance and contribution to the overall goal of the program, scientific merit, ease or readiness of implementation, links to other agencies and international partners, cost, and agency approval. 1 New Developments In 1992, CEES began developing a management plan for the program that would include the addition of Assessment as a fourth activity stream along with Documentation, Process Research, and Integrated Modeling and Prediction (see fig. 3-3). The primary function of the Assessment working group is to document the state of scientific knowledge and address the implications of the science of global change for national and intemational policy-making activities over abroad spectrum of global and regional environmental issues (8). The group will also help coordinate the scientific assessments of global change with 6 KC is an intergovernmental body sponsored jointly by the World Meteorological Organiza tion and the United Nations Environmental Programrne. The group was set up in 1988 to assess the scientific understanding of natural and h uman-induced climate change, its impacts, and potential response strategies. IPCC is scheduled to produce anothex full assessment in 1995, s CEIUl (formerly CES) works closely with and has drawn heavily on the ongoing activities of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), the World Climate Resewuh Pmgrarn (WCRP) of the World Meteorological Organization the International Council of Scienti~c Unions (lCSU), the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP), and IPCC in designing the structure of USGCRP and in identifying the pro~s key scientific issues and research priorities.
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Figure 3-2-Priority Framework for USGCRPSTRATEGIC PRIORITIES. Support broad U.S. and international scientific effort Identify natural and human-induced changes Focus on interactions and interdisciplinary science Share financial burden, use the best resources, and encourage full participationINTEGRATING PRIORITIES. Documentation of Earth system changel Observational programs Data-management systems Focused studies on controlling processes and improved understanding Integrated conceptual and predictive modelsClimate and hydrologic systemsRole of clouds Ocean circulation and heat flux Land/atm/ocean water and energy fluxes Coupled climate system and quantitative links Ocean/atm/cryosphere interactionsBiogeochemicaldynamicsBio/atm/ocean fluxesof trace species Atm processing of trace species Surface/deep water biogeochemistry Terrestrial biosphere nutrient and carbon cycling Terrestrial inputs tomarine ecosystemsISCIENCE PRIORITIES Ecological systemsand dynamicsLong-term measurements of structure/functionResponse to climate and other stressesInteractions betweenphysical and biological process Models of interaction feedback, andresponse Productivity/resourcemodelsEarth system historyPaleoclimate PaleoecologyAtmospheric compositionOcean circulationand compositionOcean productivitySea level changesPaleohydrologyHumaninteractionsDatabasedevelopmentModels linking: population growthand distribution. energy demands change in land use industrial production Solid EarthprocessesCoastal erosion Volcanic processes Permafrost andmarine gashydratesOcean/seafloor heat and energy fluxesSurficial processesCrustal motions andsea levelSolar InfluencesEUV/UV monitoring Atm/solar energycouplingIrradiance (measure/ model) Climate/solar recordProxy measurements and long-term database
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Chapter --GIobal Change Research in the Federal Government I 117related assessments on environmental impacts, technologies for adaptation and mitigation, risk assessment, and policy-response strategies (12). Although the FY 1994 budget proposal reflects these changes, it is unclear how much moneyagencies will allocate for assessment and how theassessments will be structured. The FY 1994budget does not show Assessment separately but,rather, embeds it within the other three activity streams. Comprehensive assessments cannot becarried out without expanding the ecological and socioeconomic aspects of the program and incor-porating impacts research into it. The FY 1994budget does not reflect any significant expansion in these areas. Nonetheless, the Admini stration has expressedinterest in significantly broadening the program to include studies of environmental and socioeconomic impacts and of mitigation and adaptationstrategies.The development of a successful assessment activity in the USGCRP will, I believe, go far toward demonstrating the ClintonGore administrations commitment not only to research but to effective action to manage thisNations national and international environmentalpolicy (19). If this research materializes, it could then be integrated with research on Earth system processes to conduct integrated assessments. Theexpanded program should be reflected in the FY 1995 USGCRP budget. To ensure progress in each of the activity streams, timetables and milestones have been included in each agencys USGCRP researchprogram, although they have not appeared in any published document. These milestones, specified for both the near term (5 to 10 years) and the longterm (10 to 30 years),will guide program andbudget development and serve as a criticalelement in evaluating program accomplishmentsand progress (11). The Office of Managementand Budget (OMB) could hold research programs to these targets only if the milestones are clearlystated and easily measured and, therefore, enforceable. Representative George Brown, chairman of the Committee on Science, Space, andFigure 3-3-Functional Architecture of USGCRPDocumentationGlobal observations Data management I Integratedodeling Process mo cling researchSOURCE: Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Our Changing Planet: The FY 1993 U.S. Global Change ResearchProgram (Washington, DC: CEES, 1992).Technology, has suggested building performance guidelines into authorizing legislation as well asmandates that would redirect or terminate pro-grams that do not make sufficient progress towardstated goals (2). The Interface Between Policy and ScienceResearch programs intended to be relevant to management and policy making often fail because of fundamental tensions among research-ers, resource managers, and decisionmakers. Thesetensions are created because of conflicts in thetime horizons of each group, differences betweenpriorityor goal-setting processes, and differences in the agendas of extramural researchorganimations (e.g., universities, industries, andindependent laboratories), mission-oriented agen-cies, and Congress.The timetable for governmental decisions isdriven primarily by the annual budget cycle andan election cycle that ranges between 2 and 6 years. Not surprisingly, policy makers fundingglobal change research often have a shorter timehorizon for answers than do researchers. This disparity leads to tension between Governmentofficials, who are required to formulate annual
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118 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 budgets and make immediate decisions, and the scientific community, whose long-term research is dependent on continuous and reliable funding. When the questions of policy makers are not answered in one or even a few years, it may become more difficult to sell a program as relevant to policy needs. Mission-oriented agencies are repeatedly deflected by the crisis-of-themonth syndrome, which siphons resources away from long-term programs (37). The result maybe annual budget fluctuations and/or rapidly shifting priorities-both of which are detrimental to the development of a sound scientific program. A balance between continuity in priorities and finding and flexibility in project direction is essential (3). Tension arises between extramural research organizations and the Federal Government because of different research agendas. Universities and independent laboratories judge their scientists to a large extent on their ability to raise funds for research. Adherence to managementand policy-relevant goals is not seen as important unless it leads to more Federal funding. Many scientists believe that the science must be complete before policy conclusions can be made safely. Policy makers, on the other hand, cannot afford the luxury of complete information. Decisions about reauthorizing environmental legislation and natural resource plannin g and management will continue to be made based on the best available information, [I]f policy is to be effectual, then we must make policy while we continue to investigate the physical and societal effects of global warmin g. But this means that policy will also enter the feedback loop, influencing societal responses and physical effects (30). Science need not proceed in a sequential fashion. Research on the climate system need not be complete before research on the ecological effects of climate change is undertaken nor does research on the ecological effects of climate change need to be complete before research on the societal impacts of and potential responses to climate change is initiated (45). If USGCRP is to address policy-relevant questions, a parallel ap preach to climate effects and response research is necessary. In a narrow sense, USGCRP is policy-relevant if the most important policy concern is to gain a better understanding of Earth system processes in order to predict climate change. However, the major international assessments conducted by IPCC demonstrate that the key questions policy makers need to address move far beyond the narrow definition of observe, document, and predict global change, into the realm of issues related to adaptation and mitigation. As a result of focusing research funds on climate prediction, USGCRP is not addressing other key science issues or broad policy questions for the near term. For example, what plants and animals are sensitive to climate changes? How might biota and vegetation respond to changes in climate? What are the implications for forestry, agriculture, and natural areas? What mitigation strategies would slow climate change the most? How much would they cost? To whom? How might society respond to changes in climate and global ecosystems? What technologies should be developed? How will the effects of climate change interact with other global environmental changes? How important is climate change in the scheme of long-term environmental threats? How can natural resources be managed to minimize economic and ecological loss? These issues were largely excluded from USGCRP to keep it primarily driven by the earth sciences. Even if accurate regional climate predictions could be given today, land managers, planners, decisionmakers, and policy makers would not have all the information they need to guide their response (33). As originally envisioned in 1990, these issues were to be addressed under the CEES Working Group on Mitigation and Adaptation Research Strategies (MARS), which was abolished in 1992. If USGCRP begins to address this broader set of questions, it will be moving closer to policyrelevant research. Some fear that a program driven by policy concerns will undermine or
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Chapter 3--Global Change Research in the Federal Government 1119 Table 3-lList of Departments and Agencies or Bureaus Involved in USGCRP Research DOC DOD DOE DOI EPA HHS Department of Commerce NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Department of Defense CRREL Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory ONR Office of Naval Research Department of Energy OHER Office of Health and Environmental Research Department of Interior BIA Bureau of Indian Affairs BLM Bureau of Land Management BOM Bureau of Mines BOR Bureau of Reclamation FWS Fish and Wildlife Service NPS National Park Service OS Office of the Secretary USGS U.S. Geological Survey Environmental Protection Agency ORD Office of Research and Development Department of Health and Human Services NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Services NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration OSSA Office of Space Science and Applications NSF National Science Foundation BIO Directorate for Biological Sciences GEO Directorate for Geosciences SBE Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences SI Smithsonian Institution IC International Center NASM National Air and Space Museum NMNH National Museum of Natural History NZP National Zoological Park SAO Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory SERC Smithsonian Environmental Research Center STRI Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute TVA Tennessee Valley Authority RBO River Basin Operations USDA Department of Agriculture ARS Agricultural Research Service CSRS Cooperative State Research Service ERS Economic Research Service FS Forest Service SCS Soil Conservation Service SOURCE: Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Our Changing Planet: The FY 1993 U.S. Global Change Research Program (Washington, DC: CEES, 1992). change the direction of science. Others maintain that the second set of policy-related questions can be addressed adequately by research driven by the earth sciences. Maintaining the long-term policy relevance of scientific research under USGCRP will require a formal and iterative assessment link that simultaneously transfers scientific research results in policy-relevant language to decisionmakers and policy concerns to the research community. PRIORITIES AND BALANCE IN USGCRP I Budget CEES designed USGCRP as a cohesive, integrated research program that would encompass the unique attributes of 11 Federal agencies, including 31 bureaus, but it did not assign a central management body (see table 3-l). The priority scheme set up by the three activity streams and the seven science elements is intended to guide budget decisions, and, to date, funding levels have followed these priority areas. Since the program formally began in FY 1990, the USGCRP budget has grown from $660 million in its first year to $1.33 billion in FY 1993 (7, 9). The proposed budget for FY 1994 is $1.47 billion (8). The budget can be analyzed in terms of distribution across agencies, activity streams, and science elements (see figs. 3-4, 3-5, and 3-6). In FY 1993, projects funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Admini stration (NASA) comprised 69 percent of the programs budget ($921 million) while projects funded by the Department of the Interior (DOI), which contains most of the land-management agencies, comprised 3 percent of the programs budget ($38 million). For FY 1994, the requested budget for DOIS global
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120 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 1,200 1,000 800 E ~ 600 E w 400 200 0 Figure 3-4--U.S. Global Change Research Program Budget by Agency D -1994 1013 921 169 67 70 89 98 46 48 NOAA DOD DO E DOI EPA HHS NASA NSF SmithTVA USDA sonian NOTE: For definition of terms, see table 3-1. FY 1994 values are the requested, not the appropriated, amounts. SOURCE: Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Our Changing Planet: The FY 1994 U.S. Global Change Research Program (Washington, DC: CEES, 1993). change research program decreased to 2.3 percent of the total. Of the activity streams, Documentation, including observation and data management, received 45 percent of the budget ($595 million) in FY 1993. Earth Process Research for understanding climate change received 46 percent of the budget ($610 million), and Integrated Modeling and Prediction received 9 percent of the budget ($121 rnillion). l0 Although USGCRP programs include projects on almost every aspect of climate change, the bulk of the funds is focused on answering scientific questions related to understanding the physics and chemistry underlying climate systems. Research on Climate and Hydrologic Systems and Biogeochemical Dynamics constituted about 71 percent of the programs FY 1993 budget ($937 million). Ecological Systems and Dynamics received 17 percent of the budget ($224 million). The remainin g 12 percent of the budget ($165 million) was divided among the remaining four research elements: Earth System History, Human Interactions, Solid Earth Processes, and Solar Influences (8). Projects are categorize as focused --directly relating to global change--or contributing justified on a basis other than global change but having the potential to contribute to the global change knowledge base (see fig. 3-7). 11 Even when both focused and contributing research are considered, 70 percent of all funds is targeted for 10 wt ofthc for modeling and prediction go toward ncmmodoling process research. The major modeling groups Mve mceivcd ~y a small portion of thc8c funds, 11 U* ~fi~y nom budget fi~S refer to the focused budget.
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Chapter 3--Global Change Research in the Federal Government I 121 Figure 3-5-USGCRP Focused Budget by Activity Stream 800 600m s = .400 E 652 595 n 680 610 m m 1993 m 1994 Documentation Process Modeling and research prediction NOTE: Total budget does not include one-time appropriation of $5 million for the State Department In FY 1993 because the distribution of funding among proposed projects is still being determined. The budget for the FY 1994 Assessment activity stream is embedded in the other three activity streams. FY 1994 values are the requested, not the appropriated, amounts. SOURCE: Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Our Changing Planet: The FY 1994 U.S. Global Change Research Program (Washington, DC: CEES, 1993). projects in the first two priority research areas. There are no standardized criteria for classifying contributing research, and each agency uses its own system. Consequently, it is difficult to know precisely the extent of contributing research or to get a comprehensive picture of relevant research. Both focused and contributing programs are considered in a procedure called the budget crosscut. USGCRP is one of only a few Federal programs that uses a budget crosscut as a coordinating mechanism. This approach has been reasonably successful in facilitating cooperation and securing new funding for global change research. The USGCRP budget-crosscut process works as follows. Each program within an agency submits new projects to the appropriate subworking group of CEES. This subworking group determines whether to recommend to the agency that the project be included in USGCRP (projects can be added later in the budget process, but this is the most likely step at which new projects are added). Each agency that participates in USGCRP then develops its own GCRP budget, with some coordination between agencies for joint projects. These budgets are then submitted to CEES, which may continue to negotiate with the agencies. CEES submits one budget proposal incorporating programs from all participating agencies to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). When the proposal reaches OMB, it is initially reviewed at one meeting by all of the budget examiners for the various agencies involved in USGCRP. Although one examiner takes the lead for USGCRP, the participation of the other examiners is critical because each must understand the purpose of the USGCRP projects that fall within his or her agencys budget. The USGCRP budget is returned to each agency when that agencys whole budget is returned. At that point, deliberations between OMB and the agencies proceed as normal. As agencies work to meet OMBestablished budget targets, they look at modifying all projectsthey can accept or reject OMBS recommendations and reprogram their global change budgets. 12 The final USGCRP budget is presented to Congress along with the annual Presidential Budget Request. 13 When the program first started, approximately 70 percent of the proposed budget consisted of research funds from already existing projects. The USGCRP budget falls within the jurisdiction of several congressional authorization and appropriations committees and subcommittees (see table 3-2). With all of these committees reviewing components of the USGCRP budget, it 12& f~t fw yws of the pro= USCWIW required agencies to fence off, or cornmi~ their global change Hearch budget requests to the progm.rn. They could not repmgnun this money later if OMB cut ovemll agency funding further down the line. 13 ntittwo budget rcqumts were long, detailed documents accornpaniedbyexecutive summaries, but since FY 1992, only the summaries have been published. USOC!RP staff det ermined that the information in the detailed budgets changes slowly @ themforc, needs to be published Ody CVUy 5 yt?.SIX
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122 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 700 600 500 u) 400 c g = E V3 300 200 100 0 Figure 3-6--USGCRP Budget by Science Element 664 376 596 n 249 224 m S5_ &LE_LA% CHS BD ES&D ESH HI SEP SI NOTE: CHS-Climate and Hydrologic Systems; BD=Biogeochemical Dynamics; ES&D= Ecologcal Systems and Dynamics; ESH=Earth System History; H-Human lnteractions; SEP=Solid Earth Processes; SI=Solar Influences. FY 1994 values are the requested, not the appropriated, amounts. SOURCE: committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Our Changing Planet: The FY 1994 U.S. Global Change Research Program (Washington, DC: CEES, 1993). is much more difficult for Congress to consider the USGCRP budget as a whole than it is for the executive branch to do so. Several members of Congress have complained about the fragmentation of congressional attention to the USGCRP budget, but no alternatives have been proposed. It might be useful for Congress to consider using an ad hoc appropriations subcommittee consisting of members from the committees with primary jurisdiction over elements of USGCRP to review the programs budget as a comprehensive unit. If two or three agencies are cooperating on a single project, but one agency does not receive funding for it, the entire project could beat risk. 14 Large, interagency programs such as USGCRP will require innovative methods of funding if they are to succeed. 9 Satellite vs. Nonsatellite Measurements NASAS Mission to Planet Earth (MTPE) program accounts for over 60 percent of USGCRP focused funding (crossing several of the priority research areas). The core of the MTPE program is the development and maintenance of the Earth Observing System (EOS), an ambitious satellite program originally designed to provide Id ~r CX~ple, at OIAS workshop EOS and USGCRP: k We Ad@ d AKISWU@ thc R@ ~stio~? @b. ~-~, 1993), participants cited programs such as the World OcesnCirculation Experiment (WOCE), Tropical Oceans Global Atmosphm (TOGA), and the JOiXlt Global occan~ux Study (1~00~)(50). All three arc interagency research p~ where the success of the entire program depends on contributions ffom NASA, the National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National !lcieme Foundation. However, in a recent budget cycle, NASA received more than it asked for these programs while NOAA and NSF received no money. Rather than let the programs die, NASA filled the financial gap left by inadequate funding for NOAA and NSF.
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1,000 800 600 W c g = E (@ 400 200 0 Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government I 123 Figure 3-7--FY 1993 USGCRP Budget of Focused and Contributing Programs by Agency NOAA Focused m Contributing 279 d 139 116 DOD DOE DOI 136 48 HHS 921 274 177 --__._D 15 9 SmithTVA USDA sonian NOTE: For definitlon of terms, see table 3-1. SOURCES: Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Our Changing Planet: The FY 1993 U.S. Global Change Research Program (Washington, DC: CEES, 1992); Office of Technology Assessement, 1993. data over a 15-year period related to the study of precipitation; ocean circulation; sources and sinks of greenhouse gases; changes in land use, land cover, hydrology, and ecology; changes in glaciers and ice sheets; ozone; and volcanic activity. Because of EOSS central role in NASAs USGCRP effort and the great expense of putting satellites in space, the USGCRP budget as a whole is heavily weighted toward satellite-based measurements. 15 EOS has suffered extensive restructuring over the past few years, which may jeopardize the quality of information gained from remaining EOS instruments. Some instruments that were supposed to have improved the understanding and observation of possible climate change impacts Artists conception of NASAs Earth Observing System (EOS). EOS (AM-1 Platform) is scheduled to be launched in 1998.
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124 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Table 3-2-Congressional Authorization Committees and Appropriations Subcommittees with Significant Legislative Authority over Agencies with a USGCRP Component House and Senate Authorization Committees House Agriculture Armed Services Energy and Commerce Natural Resources Sciences, Space, and Technology Public Works and Transportation Merchant Marine and Fisheries Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forest~ Armed Services Commerce, Science, and Transpodation Energy and Natural Resources Labor and Human Resources Environmental and Public Works Rules and Administration House and Senate Appropriations Subcommittees Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Energy and Water Development Interior and Related Agencies Agriculture and Rural Development b Commerce, Justice, State, and Judiciary Jurisdiction a USDA DOD, DOE DOE, HHS DOE, USDA/FS, SI NASA, NSF, DOE, EPA, NOAA, S1 NOAA, SI USDA, NOAA, SI USDA DOD, DOE NSF, NASA, NOAA DOE, DOI DOE, DOI, HHS EPA, SI SI HHS NASA, NSF, EPA DOE DOE, USDA, DOl, SI USDA NOAA Defense DOD a For definition of terms, see table 3-1. b The corresponding subcommittees of the Senate and House Committees on Appropriations have the same name with one exception: the Senate Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies and the House Subcommittee on Rural Development, Agriculture, and Related Agencies. SOURCES: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), Federally Funded Research: Decisions for a Decade, OTA-SET-490 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, May 1991); Office of Technology Assessment, 1993. have been dropped or postponed. For example, the High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (HIRIS), an instrument potentially capable of resolving some of the more subtle aspects of ecological change that cannot be detected by satellites today, was originally scheduled to be part of EOS, but was dropped during program restructuring (54). EOS began as a $30 billion program, but was scaled back to an $8 billion program (see box 3-A) 16 Most participants at OTAS workshop EOS and GCRP: Are We Asking and Answering the Right Questions? agreed that had EOS been designed initially to be an $8 billion program, it likely would be different from the program we have today. All acknowledged that much good data will be collected and good science will be done through EOS, but that it will provide neither the continuous, multidecade data set necessary for ecosystem studies nor a true global monitoring
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government | 125 Box 3-ARemote Sensing as a Tool for Coping with Climate Change Remote sensing is the observation of the Earth from a distance. The ability to view and monitor large areas of the Earth has become valuable in understanding regional and global-scale phenomena such as weather systems, deforestation rates, and, most recentty, climate change. Remote sensing can help reduce the uncertainties associated with climate change in two ways: 1) by improving climate predictions through better understanding of atmospheric and climate processes and 2) by improving scientists ability to detect and predict the effects of climate change on the biosphere. Both uses of remote sensing would be important for coping with climate change. However, most biosphere-related climate research to date has focused on the former, whereas relatively little has focused on the latter. This box examines the uses and limitations of remote-sensing technologies for observing, detecting, and understanding changes in the biosphere resulting from climate change, land-use change, or other factors. Development of remote-sensing technology Airborne sensors-The oldest form of remote sensing-invented about 100 years agoconsists of photographs taken from balloons. The development of the airplane made aerial photography the primary way to monitor and study the Earths surface from a distance. Scientists also discovered that images created from other parts of the electromagnetic spectrum (i.e., the infrared region) could provide additional information about surface characteristics, such as mineral composition, soil moisture, and crop condition. The U.S. Forest Service has been using aerial photography since the 1930s to measure the area of forests, monitor forest health, and plan timber harvests. Aerial photography is also an important tool in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services National Wetland Inventory Program. The technique is best suited for observing relatively small areas and for studies requiring a high level of spatial detail. Riparian wetlands and wetlands less than 5 acres (2 hectares) f in area, for example, cannot be accurately characterized by satellite-based observations (18). Therefore, aerial photography is an essential tool for comprehensive wetland monitoring. However, using aerial photography to get consistent coverage overlarge areas for regional analysis is very difficult and costly. The aerial photography technology used frequently by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for ecological studies can cost about $10,000 per flight. Difficulties also lie in determining exactly where the plane is in space so that the area being photographed can be precisely identified. Also, taking photographs at different times from exactly the same vantage point is difficult. Although aerial photography may be preferable for ecological applications requiring high levels of detail (e.g., wetland inventory and forest monitoring), it is not practical for routine, regular measurements or for studies of targe-scale ecological phenomena. Remote sensing from satellites-By the late 1960s, advances in technology made transmitting electronic images to Earth from satellite-based instruments practical. Polar-orbiting satellites (orbits pass over both the North and South Poles) allow imaging of the entire globe. These Earth observation satellites are equipped with various sensors that detect natural radiance (electromagnetic waves emitted by surface features) and reflectance (those reflected from Earths surface). 2 The intensity and wavelength of the signal detected become a type of signature for certain surface features. By combining these signals, various vegetation types and other characteristics can be identified. 1 T O convert acres to hectares, multiply by 0.405. 2 Sunlights absorbed by Earths atmosphere, scattered and reflected Off Earths Surface, orabsor~ @ 1* surface. Surface features that absorb some waves can re-emit electromagnetic signals-often at longer wavelengths. In generat, reflected (or scattered) signals give information about the structure of the surface features, and radiated signals give information about its chemical composition. (Continuedon nexfpa~)
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126 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 3-ARemote Sensing as a Tool for Coping with Climate ChangeContinued) Satellites include several instruments that monitor Earth with passive sensors designed to detect a narrow range, or window, of various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. These windows are called spectral bands. By detecting different parts of the spectrum, a variety of signatures is obtained. Being able to detect narrower bands improves the ability to categorize detected signatures by wavelength. More narrow bands over a wider range of the spectrum enables detection of more signatures, which improves the ability to discern closely spaced objects and identify surface features. Identification of a wetland, for example, generally requires analysis of three or more infrared spectral bands (18): one discriminates amounts of vegetation, water, and soil moisture; another helps determine water quality; and another helps to classify different vegetation types. However, detailed geographic and spectral resolution is more expensive, requires higherdata-collection rates, and limits spatial coverage (49). Passive optical sensors detect only surface features. They cannot be used for Earth observation through clouds, accurate measurement of soil moisture through dense vegetation cover, or detection of submerged vegetation. Radar instruments have active sensors that provide their own illumination via microwave pulses and then measure the reflected energy. Unlike optical sensors, radar data can be acquired through clouds and at night. Radar signals are especially sensitive to water and may improve the way soil and vegetation moisture are measured (53, 54). In addition, radar can probe to greater depths and may provide better information about surface roughness, canopy height, and, perhaps, vegetation beneath a dense canopy than can optical sensors (53,54). Several countries besides the United States, including France, Japan, India and Russia have launched satellites for environmental studies and Earth observation. Discussed below are satellites whose data are most widely used by U.S. scientists for detecting change in the biosphere and for large-scale ecosystem studies. Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)-This scanning radiometer, aboard NOMs Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite (POES), uses five detectors to create surface images in five spectral bands (49). AVHRR data allow multispectral analysis of vegetation, clouds, lakes, coasts, snow, and ice and have been used to monitor crop conditions, classify global vegetation, and demonstrate the scale of deforestation in the tropics (44). AVHRR provides daily coverage of the Earth, allowing frequent monitoring of a large region and the creation of virtually aloud-free images at a fraction of the cost and computing time required for aerial photography or other satellite technologies (43). 3 Although PMHRR data have much lower spatial resolution than do data from aerial photographyabout 0.7 miles (1.1 kilometers) 4 per pixel, or data point.6-mile to 16-mile resolutions are adequate for assessing many global or regional trends in land cover, vegetation damage, deforestation, and other environmental conditions (44). Landsat-in 1972, NASA launched the first of a series of Landsat satellites for civilian Earth observation and monitoring. Now, a 20-year continuous data set has been acquired for some selected areas (primarily in the United States and the former Soviet Union), making Landsat data the primary source of data for detecting long-term ecological trends. This long-term record is just now beginning to provide valuable information about trends and changes in wetland area, vegetation types, forest growth, deforestation rates, and urban expansion. Consistency in measurement is very important for maintaining accurate and useful long-term records. Landsat missions have been designed so that data from different missions can be compared while allowing moderate advances in technology. Sustaining Landsat missions and maintaining a continuous data set over 20 years has not been easy. Over this time, operation of Landsat has changed from public to private and back to public 3 The EROS Data Center makes global data sets that are almost aloud-free by hwjng Over WPrO~mate& 10 days. 4 TO convert miles to kilometers, multiply by 1.~g.
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128 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government | 129 changing ecosystems and the consequences of various impacts on the biosphere. Most importantly, satellite data have allowed the biosphere to be studied from a new perspective and at much larger scales than ever before, opening up a whole new area of ecological study. The most direct application of satellite data is the detection and study of land-use change. Because satellite data can be used to discern broad classes of vegetation (e.g., grasslands, crops, evergreen forests, and deciduouos forests), it has been an important toll in studying the extent of deforestation in the tropics and the extent of desertification in Africa. Leaf area, which can be calculated from remote-sensing data, has been used for identifying more specific types of vegetation cover of large vegetated areas. A leaf Area Index (LAl) is being used to identify the extent of specific crops (such as wheat) and their stress levels throughout the growing season. It is also being used to monitor the condition of rangelands, pastures, and other mostly homogeneous land cover. This technique is less useful for natural vegetation where suboptimal growing conditions and a mix of species make the links among LAI, vegetation type, and health weak. Remote sensing has also been used to monitor soil-moisture conditions in areas where-and during seasons whenvegetation cover is sparse, but it cannot measure ground soil moisture in heavily vegetated areas. Thus, satellite images miss most forested wetlands. Coastal erosion and some processes of large, shallow, open wetlands (such as those in the Mississippi River Delta) can easily be studied and monitored over time with remote-sensing data. For adequate delineation of wetlands, many wetland scientists believe that color infrared data at a I6-foot (5-meter) g resolution viewed in stereo is required (18). Landsat 7 may be able to get this kind of resolution for wetland delineation, but wetland scientists studying the larger-scale processes of coastal wetlands would rather have a coastal contour map at l-foot contour intervals than improved satellite remote-sensing technology (50). Remote-sensing data have been used for mapping forest evapotranspiration and photosynthesiskey processes that control the exchange of energy and mass in terrestrial vegetation. Climate change will likely perturb patterns of evapotranspiration and photosynthesis. Regional maps of these processes will help researchers detect and understand such change. Remote sensing for land-management and planningRemote-sensing data are being used in conjunction with data from other sources as a tool for land management and planning. For example, the Fish and Wildlife Service launched the Gap Analysis Project (GAP) in 1991 to identify areas of potentially high biodiversity and their protection status to guide future land acquisitions and habitat-protection efforts. Remote sensing (mostly Landsat data) is the primary tool used to identify vegetation types (see vol. 2, box 5-J). In addition, Geographic Information Systems (GISS) have been developed and used throughout Government agencies for regional analyses and planning. Vegetation and land-cover information from remotely sensed data is combined with digitized geologic, geographic, hydrologic, and topographic data in one computer system, so that one overlay containing all this information can be studied and used to test potential land-use decisions (such as altering the hydrology). Such analyses can lead to a better understanding of the Earths surface and subsurface processes and more sound regional land-use planning near environmentally sensitive areas (see vol. 2, box5-J). Ducks Unlimited uses remotely sensed data from satellites in combination with aerial photography from the Fish and Wildlife Services National Wetlands Inventory project for wetland monitoring. For their purposes, combining National Wetlands Inventory digital data with satellite data for evaluating wetland functions is more valuable than using either product alone (18). Current satellite data are useful for studying ecological processes on a very large scale, but are relatively inadequate for detecting more subtle ecological changes, such as those at ecotones, at the edges of ecosystems, or within an individual plant community. Satellite data cannot match the extent, classification detail, or reliability of data from aerial photography and other manual techniques used in the National Wetlands Inventory Project (18). 9 TO convert feet to meters, multlply @ 0.W5. (Continued on next page)
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130 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 3-A-Remote Sensing as a Tool for Coping with Climate ChangeContinued) Limitations to broader applications of remote sensing The principal drawbacks of satellite data for detecting impacts of climate change are their limited spatial and spectral resolution. Remote sensing can be used to determine broad classes of vegetation, but it cannot identify species or communities. With satellite-based information, it is nearly impossible to study the more subtle aspects of regional ecological change. These include vegetation health in natural areas and mixed forests, ecological change at ecosystem boundaries, migration of a single species or even a species community, drought conditions and soil-moisture trends in heavily vegetated areas, and exact rates of wetland loss. Furthermore, few ecologists are skilled at studying ecosystems at large, cnarse-resolution scales. Technology is available to expand applications of sateillte remote sensing for studying impacts of climate change, but high costs, launching requirements, and scientific priorities have delayed its development. Even current satellite data have not been used to their full potential for studying potential impacts of climate change. For example, large-scale studies of the biosphere are limited by the availability of data sets. The only global vegetation data set available is the Global Vegetation index (GVI), generated from AVHRR data. Even a Landsat MSS Image September 15, 1973 Landsat MSS Image May 22, 1983 Landsat MSS Image August 31, 1988 Landsat data have been used to identify and monitor crops, classify forest stands, and assess damages from natural disasters. These Landsat images of Mount St. Helens show the area in 1973 before the volcano erupted and in 1983 and 1988, after the volcano erupted.
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government | 131 consistent, calibrated, single-source map of U.S. land cover and land use does not exist. More detailed coverage of large areas on the global or continental scale is limited by high costs and data volume. In fact, many university researchers have started to study AVHRR data despite its limited resolution and spectral information because of the high costs of Landsat data. Another factor that limits wider use of remotely sensed data stems from differences among scientific disciplines. Many ecologists, for example, are not trained to use satellite data (41), and those who use remote-sensing technologies are typically not mainstream ecologists. There has never been a remote-sensing instrument designed specifically for ecological studies (41). Furthermore, few remote-sensing scientists have backgrounds in ecology or biology (41). Ecologists must essentially take what they can get from remote-sensing data that may not be optimal for their field. Opportunities for interdisciplinary studies at universities and the relatively recent surge of interest in ecosystem research (spurred by climate change, deforestation, and global pollution) may help to bridge the gap. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment 1993. network. Both these shortcomings are important a 20-year data set, despite several changes in to consider in future discussions about the science base of USGCRP. Many correlative measurements made with airborne platforms or groundbased instruments (that would verify and calibrate the satellite measurements and provide continuous coverage when satellites are not operating) were originally planned to be part of USGCRP but were not funded. Costs for such efforts could be a small percentage of the USGCRP budgetin the tens of millions of dollars each year. 17 The Landsat satellite monitoring program is of significant ecological interest because it is the primary source of data for detecting long-term ecological trends (18). 18 Landsat satellites contain instruments that analyze multispectral data to obtain images of the Earth (see box 3-A). New technologies have allowed resolution to improve from about 100 feet (30 meters) lg to a few feet. Landsat data allow changes to be detected in vegetation type and cover, hydrologic patterns, extent of wetlands, land use, and soil moisture. It is the only satellite monitoring program that has ownership and new technology over the years that nearly resulted in its termination. The data are just now becoming relevant for ecological studies of changes in vegetation cover due to natural processes. Multidecade data sets are vital to global change research; however, consistency is extremely difficult because the average life of a satellite is only 5 years. A central element of an extended set of missions must be ensuring the compatibility of future satellite data with current data while accommodating new technologies. In addition, subsequent satellites must survive fiscal fluctuations. n Balance Among NASA and Other USGCRP Agencies The question of balance between satellite and nonsatellite measurements is directly connected to the question of balance among participating USGCRP agencies. Currently, NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Department of Energy (DOE) 17 OW)S Worbhop EC)s and usOCRP: Are We Asking and Answering tbe Right Questions? WAh@Om w, Feb. 25-26, 1993. 18 ~~~ ~iv= appm~~ly 2.5 Percmt of its budget from NASA and 75 percent fmm DOD, It is apart of NASAs Mssion to P-t ~ but it is separate from EOS. 19 ~ Convw fmt to meters, multiply by 0.305.
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132 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 This Landsat photo of Yellowstone National Park demonstrates the different hand-use patterns in the vicinity of the park. A clear line, formed by different land-use patterns, delineate the park boundary. The area spans three States and is managed by Federal, State, private, and tribal landowners. The Federal portion of the area comprises two National Parks, nine National Forests, and land owned by the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Bureau of Land Management. (See vol. 2, ch. 5, box 5-F.) control 80 percent of the focused research budget for USGCRP. Even when contributing programs are considered (e.g., those that are ongoing for other reasons), NASA, DOE, and NOAA control 60 percent of the USGCRP budget (see figs. 3-4 to 3-7). The lack of participation by agencies other than NASA has led to gaps in the overall program. For example, DOI, which manages approximate ly 500 million acres (200 million hectares) 20 of public land that could be affectedly climate change, requested a decrease in USGCRP funding for both FY 1993 and FY 1994. This can be attributed partly to management agencies focusing their resources on what they perceive as more immediate management concerns. Another dimension of the imbalance in agency participation is the historical attraction that Congress and the executive branch have had for space-based research. Federal agencies may correctly perceive that it is easier to get financial support for large, space-based projects than for lower-profile research such as monitoring (36, 55). NASAS contribution dwarfs contributions from other agencies, but it is unclear how to bring more balance to the program to help fill the gaps and make the necessary links to other global change issues. Because USGCRP does not have a program budget, it would be difficult to redistribute funds across agencies; however, there might be Opportuni ties to modify projects within agencies to help meet the needs of global change research. ADAPTATION RESEARCH IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT The Mitigation and Adaptation Research Strategies program was created about the same time as USGCRP and operated as an independent working group under CEES. MARS was conceived to develop a coordinated Federal research strategy for mitigation of, and adaptation to, global change and with assessment of economic, social and environmental effects of the proposed responses. The program addressed four functions: mitigation, adaptation, economics, and social dynamics (5). MARS objectives under its adaptation program were to: 1. determine the sensitivity and adaptive capacity of human and other natural systems to global change, and the social, cultural, economic, and other constraints or impediments to implementation of adaptive measures and methods to reduce those constraints; 2. determine the mechanisms and timing required for current evaluation procedures and practices to be modified to meet soci~ ~ COIIVUI ~ to hectares, multiply by 0.405.
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Chapter 3--GIobal Change Research in the Federal Government I 133 etys needs to accommodate global change, given the uncertainties about the timing and magnitude of global change and its effects; and 3. identify, develop, demonstrate, and evaluate technologies and strategies to adapt to global change. These objectives were to be directed toward water resources; natural systems; food, forestry, and fiber; and human systems. In a sense, MARS was charged with conducting all the research components missing from USGCRP. However, MARS did not receive the administrative backing that USGCRP did and never developed an interagency research program on mitigation and adaptation research. By 1992, MARS, as a formal entity, ceased to exist. Under the CEES Subcommittee on Global Change, an informal, and later formal, Subcommittee on the Environment and Technology formed in 1992, which continues to address mitigation and adaptation issues, but in a much broader context. Although this subcommittee has no budgetary power, it is holding the door open for agencies with more interest in applied climate change research than in basic research, such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Tennessee Valley Authority, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Department of the Interior, to redirect their funds to this end. Although MARS provided a forum for agencies to discuss global change programs of mutual interest, it was unable to exercise any influence over project selection and funding. Consequently, MARS served primarily to identify existing agency programs and projects that addressed mitigation, adaptation, social dynamics, and economic issues either as a main focus or as a contributing element. 1 Research Focused on Adaptation MARS classified only a handful of projects as focused on adaptation research, and funding for Three-level, open-top chambers, such as these at Finley Farm, North Carolina, can be used to study the effects of increased carbon dioxide, ozone, and drought stress on trees and plants. these projects totaled $8.18 million in FY 1992 (5) (see table 3-3A). These projects are not included in USGCRP per se because they do not conform to the USGCRP mission of observe, understand, and predict. Of the $8.18 million considered focused on adaptation research, NOAA spent $4.1 million, or close to 50 percent, the National Science Foundation (NSF) and EPA each spent $1.2 million, or 15 percent, each, and USDA spent $0.35 million, or 4 percent, of the total spent on adaptation research. DOI, the department that houses landmanagement agencies responsible for 500 million acres of public land, was conspicuously absent from the MARS list of agencies undertaking focused adaptation research. Examples of focused adaptation research include: a $200,000 NSF program on the effects of climate change on coastal zones; a $1.1 million USDA program that seeks to simulate the effects of changing climate and management practices on organic matter, crop yields, and rangeland productivity; a $20,000 TVA program on regional climate scenarios; a $30,000 TVA program addressing the sensitivity of the TVA reservoir and power supply systems to extreme meteorology; a $250,000 Department of Defense (DOD) program that assesses the impacts of potential climate
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134 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Table 3-3A-FY 1991 and 1992 Focused Research by Agency and Function ($ millions) Totals Mitigation Adaptation Economics Agency a 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 DOC 3.3 5.1 0.1 1.0 3.2 4.1 DOD 1.1 1.1 DOE 1,7 2.2 1.7 2.2 DOS <0,1 0.1 <0. 1 0.1 DOT 0.2 0.2 NSF 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 USDA 3.5 2.1 0.4 1.0 EPA 3.3 3.3 2.4 2.1 1.0 1.2 Totals 9.5 16.5 4.1 7.3 5.4 8.2 1.0 a DOS= Department of State; DOT= Department of Transportation. For definition of other terms, see table 3-1. SOURCE: Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Mitigation and Adaptation Research Strategies Working Group, MARS Working Paper /: Description of Proposed Coordinated Program (Washington, DC: CEES, 1992). Table 3-3B--FY 1991 and 1992 Focused Adaptation Research by Agency and Element ($ millions) Natural Human Food, Forestry, Water Totals Systems Systems and Fiber Systems Agency a 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 DOC 3.2 4.1 0.7 1.1 0.4 1.0 2.2 2.0 DOD 1.1 1.1 DOS < 0.1 0.1 < 0.1 0.1 DOT 0.2 0.2 NSF 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 USDA 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 EPA 0.9 1.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 Totals 5.4 8.2 1.0 1.6 1.8 2.8 0.2 0.3 2.4 3.4 a DOS= Department of State; DOT= Department of Transportation. For definition of other terms, see table 3-1. SOURCE: Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Mitigation and Adaptation Research Strategies Working Group, MARS Working Paper/: Description of Proposed Coordinated Program (Washington, DC: CEES, 1992). change on water resource management; and a $50,000 DOE pro-on regional impacts that seeks to develop a model designed to capture the essential climate-sensitive relationships within and between resource sectors (6). Research that MARS classified as focused on economics received $1.0 million in FY 1992; no research was classified as focused on social dynamics. I Research Contributing to Adaptation MARS identified research on the effects of climate change on natural and engineered systems and research on the potential impact on society of these changes as contributing to adaptation research. With the exception of NASAs component, the majority of USGCRP research under the science elements Ecological Systems and Dynamics and Human Interactions can be considered impacts research-that is, how climate change effects plants, animals, and people. Ecological Systems and Dynamics research made up $224 million, or 17 percent, of the FY 1993 USGCRP budget, and Human Interactions research made up $22 million, or less than 2 percent of the USGCRP budget. NASA spent 66 percent
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Chapter 3--Global Change Research in the Federal Government 1135 Table 3-4A-Percent of Total FY 1992 USGCRP Budget for the Third Science Element, Ecological Systems and Dynamics (ESD), Compared with Percent of Each Agencys GCRP Budget for ESD a Percent of USGCRP ESD Percent of USGCRP ESD budget budget allocated allocated or requested as percent or requested b of each agencys GCRP budget Agency FY 1993 FY 1994 FY 1993 FY 1994 DOC/NOAA 1 1 5 4 DOD DOE DOI EPA HHS NASA C NSF Smithsonian TVA <1 2 4 4 0 66 10 2 0 <1 2 3 4 0 66 12 2 0 15 4 21 36 0 16 17 62 0 15 4 24 39 0 16 18 62 0 USDA 11 10 53 52 a ESD received $224.3 million in FY 1993; for FY 1994, the budget request is for $249.3 million (approximately 17 percent of the total USGCRP budget). b FY 1993 figures represent appropriated funds; FY 1994 figures represent requested funds. c Part of the reason the NASA figures are so high is that the capital costs of their projects are greater relative to other projects. Although these comparisons are instructive, they do not reflect information on the cost and yield of research. Table 3-45-Percent of Total FY 1992 USGCRP Budget for the Fifth Science Element, Human Interactions (Hi), Compared with Percent of Each Agencys GCRP Budget for Hl a Percent of USGCRP HI Percent of USGCRP HI budget budget allocated allocated or requested as percent or requested of each agencys GCRP budget Agency FY 1993 FY 1994 FY 1993 FY 1994 DOC/NOAA 3 3 1 1 DOD DOE DOI EPA HHS NASA NSF Smithsonian TVA o 11 13 15 5 0 42 3 0 0 10 6 11 6 0 53 3 0 0 3 7 13 100 0 8 10 0 0 3 4 10 100 0 8 10 0 USDA 8 9 3 4 a HI received $22.2 million in FY 1993; for FY 1994, the budget request is for $24.4 million (approximately 1.6 percent of the total USGCRP budget). b FY 1993 figures represent appropriated funds; FY 1994 figures represent requested funds. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1993. of the total USGCRP Ecological Systems and climate change on ecological systems. In contrast, Dynamics budget; however, Ecological Systems USDA spends only 11 percent of the USGCRP and Dynamics research represents only 16 perEcological Systems and Dynamics budget, which cent of the agencys global change research represents 53 percent of their global change budget (see table 3-4A). In addition, NASAs research budget. DOI spends 3.5 percent of the research in this area focuses primarily on ecologiUSGCRP Ecological Systems and Dynamics malfunctions and characterizations, not effects of budget, which represents 21 percent of their
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136 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 global change research budget (see table 3-4A). The agencies that one would expect to conduct the bulk of research on ecological systems and the effects of climate change on ecosystems-EPA and the land-management agencies of DOI and USDA-play only a minor role. The reasons are varied and complex, but include the higher capital costs of NASA projects and the reluctance of some agencies to actively support and participate in the program. Consequently, these agencies contributions to USGCRP comprise projects that are in place for reasons other than climate change research, such as characterizing g groundand surface-water flows, maintaining weather data, and monitoring ecosystem change. Definitions of what encompasses Ecological Systems and Dynamics research become very important in the face of such disparate budget allocations among agencies. If the definition is not consistent across agencies, or if it is too broad, large gaps could potentially exist. For example, it is unclear how much large ecosystem research is being conducted-such as research on the use of corridors for the migration of plants and animals in response to global change or techniques for ecosystem transplantation. Are we clarifying rates at which various species in an ecosystem can migrate? Do we understand how to maintain ecosystems in place? Will pest ranges increase? Will fire hazards increase? Are our crop and tree varieties genetically diverse enough to cope with the range of potential changes? What agencies are addressing these questions, and is research adequate to find the answers to these questions? What questions under this research category does NASA attempt to answer compared with what questions USDA attempts to answer? NASAs contribution to the understanding of ecological systems comes largely from space-based measurements and observations, whereas the landmanagement agencies contribution comes more from field research. Box 3-B highlights weaknesses in environmental research identified by the National Research Council (NRC). Of the $22 million tions, NSF spends 42 7.5 percent of their budget. Except for the spent on Human Interacpercent, which represents global change research Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which spends $5.41 million, or 100 percent, of its USGCRP budget on Human Interactions, the percent of agency USGCRP budgets allocated to Human Interactions ranges from O to 10 percent (see tables 3-3B and 3-4B). Although it is difficult to obtain reliable numbers, because social science research has many labels, it is doubtful that any Federal agency devotes as much as 1 percent of its total research budget to environmental social science (37). Specific projects classified as contributing to adaptation include: a $4.7 million program at DOIs National Park Service (NPS) to improve the scientific basis of adaptive management of the types of ecosystem responses likely to be associated with climate and other global environmental changes; a $1.3 million program at DOIS Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) to study the changes in hydrologic processes under scenarios of global climate change and to det ermine the potential impacts on snowpack, snowmelt, and runoff in the 17 Western States; a $1.5 million program at DOIS U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to evaluate the sensitivity of water resources to climate variability and change across the United States; and a $150,000 DOE program to evaluate the existing social science knowledge base concerning energy and the analysis of the role of institutions in making decisions affecting climate change (6). Very little of the effects research described above could also be considered research on the impacts of global change on human systems. USGCRPS new Economics Initiative does consider the impact of climate change on the economy, and several agencies support research in this area, including NSF, NOAA, and USDA (in its Economics Research Service). However, the eco-
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government | 137 Box 3-BWeaknesses in U.S. Environmental Research Identified by the National Research Council The research establishment ispooriystructured todealwith complex, interdisciplinary research oniarge spatial scales and long-term temporal scales. These traits characterize the primary needs of an effective environmental research program. There is no comprehensive national environmental research plan to coordinate the efforts of the more than 20 agencies involved in environmental programs. Moreover, no agency has the mission to develop such a plan, nor is any existing agency able to coordinate and oversee a national environmental research plan if one were developed. The Iackofanintegrated national research plan weakens the ability of the United States to work creatively with governments of other nations to solve regional and global problems. The Nations environmental efforts have no dear leadership. As suggested by the lack of a cabinet-level environmental agency, the United States has lacked strong commitment to environmental research at the highest levels of government. Environmental matters have been regarded as iess important than defense, health, transportation, and other government functions. Although individual agenaes and associations of agencies analyze data to provide a base for dedsions on strategies and actions to address specific environmental problems, no comprehensive think tank exists for assessing data to support understanding of the environment as a whole and the modeling of trends whose understanding might help to set priorities for research and action. Bridges between policy, management, and science are weak, There is no organized system whereby assessments of environmental problems can be communicated to decisionmakers and policy-setters. Long-term monitoring and assessment of environmental trends and of the consequences of environmental rules and regulations are seriously inadequate. The UrWd States has a poor utierstanding of its biological resources and how they are being affected by human activities. Although biological surveys have a long history at the State and Federal level in the United States, it is only very recently that we appear to be approaching a consensus on the need for a comprehensive, national biological survey. There Is insuffident attention to the collection and management of the vast amwnt of data being developed by the 20 agencies involved in environmental research. Coiiection and management ofenvironmentai iife-sdence data are iess weii organized than those of environmental physicai-sdence data. Education and training in the Nations universities are stiii strongiy disciplinary, whereas soiution of environmental problems requires broadly trained people and multidisdpiinary approaches. Opportunities for broadiy based interdisdplinary graduate degrees are few, and facuity are not rewarded as strongty for interdisciplinary activities as they are for disciplinary activities Thus, there is a risk that envinmmentai scientists appropriately trained to address pressing needs will be lacking. Bioiogkal-sdence and social-science components of environmental research are poorty supported, compared with the (stiii inadequate) support given to the physicai sciences. Research on engineering soiutions to envkonmentai problems is senousty underfunded. That reduces our ability to protect ecosystems and restore damaged ones to productivity and jeopardizes the Nations ability to achieve mapr ecunomic benefits that are certain to derive from increasing wotldwide use of technologies for these purposes. With respect to environmental affairs, government operates in a strongiy adversarial relationship with both industry and the general pubiic, to the detriment of integrated planning and maintenance of an atmosphere of mutuai trust that is essentiai for effective government functioning. With important exceptions in the National Science Foundation, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the US. Geoiogicai Survey, most environmental research and development is narrow, supporting either a regulatory or a management function. That appears to be particularity true in the environmental iife sciences. SOURCE: National Researoh Council, ReseardI to IWect, ffeetore, and Mathe Envhrunent Committea on Environmental Reeaarch, Commission on LHe Sdences (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1993).
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138 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 nomics component of USGCRP is not wellintegrated with the rest of the program. 21 CEES is aware of the absence of research on the impacts of climate change and has slightly expanded Earth Process Research, the second integrating priority, to include research to determine the impacts associated with predicted global changes (12). However, explicit recognition of the need for research on impacts of climate change is not yet reflected in the program structure. 9 A New Adaptation Program For reasons discussed above, it is necessary to pursue research on impacts of global change and potential response and adaptation strategies without waiting for USGCRP to complete climate research. The issues addressed by MARS continue to be discussed because MARS sought to answer near-term policy questions and questions that naturally accompany climate change research: If the climate is changing, how will forests, agriculture, and natural areas be affected and what should we do? MARS may not have had the administrative, congressional, and program support it needed to pursue its mission a few years ago, but now MARS-related questions are being asked with more persistence, and it might be time to consider reinstating another MARS-type program. 22 The following discussion addresses how such a program might be structured. We suggest some possible ways to incorporate adaptation into USGCRP below and in option 3-5. A framework for developing research priorities for an adaptation research program (ARP) should be developed through a combination of an interagency committee and an external advisory panel. The interagency committee should consist of members from several scientific disciplines and the policyand decisionmaking communities. Committee and advisory panel members should be committed to the goal of creating a managementand policy-relevant research program. The committee and advisory panel could address the following questions: 1. 2. 3. What areas of science are important to pursue in order to support adaptation research? What existing federally supported research, which is not currently classified as global change research, could be augmented to support an adaptation-focused research program? What areas of research would most effectively reduce the physical, biological, socialbehavioral, and economic uncertainties faced by decisionmakers in choosing among policy options affecting global change? 23 How can ARP be organized so that it is useful to public and private decisionmakers? Answers to these questions require cooperation and coordination in the ecological and social sciences communities, coordination among the land-management agencies, and a clear delineation of the role of adaptation research in agency policy and management. As concluded by the Committee on Human Dimensions of Global Change, there is an almost complete mismatch between the roster of Federal agencies that support research on global change and the roster of agencies with strong capabilities in social science (35). There is a similar mismatch between the roster of Federal agencies with environmental responsibilities and the roster of agencies with strong capabilities in social science (37). 21 OWS workshop EOS ~ us~~: ~ We Ask@ and hsw~ th R@ QUeStiOM? W@d@OIL ~, Feb. 2S-26, 1993. 22 Conw=5 spflc~y ~k~ on t. ~j~5 ~~on issues howev~, ifco~ss C&WSeS to ~Q@ m adaptationprogrmq it should also decide whether related mitigation issue:] should be addressed along withan adaptation pmgrarq as a separate prograq or within USGCRP. 23 ~s question WaS develop in the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Programs (N~~S) lg~ ~d vfi for H Group I (39). Unfortunately, that task group was disbanded the next year.
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government I 139 The Ecological Society of Americas Sustainable Biosphere Initiative (SBI) has made a start in fostering cooperation among the ecological and social sciences. SBI has clearly laid out scientific priorities in the ecological sciences. Coordination among the land-management agencies is also beginning with groups such as the Terrestrial Research Interest Group, an ad hoc coordinating committee of Federal agencies and other organizations conducting terrestrial research (see box 5-J). An adaptation program could continue to encourage such efforts. Budget Mechanisms for AR P Because the scope of any ARP would reach across agencies, a new agency or executive body, or a new office in an existing agency, could be created to house it or, as with USGCRP, a budget crosscut could be used. Because several agencies have significant expertise and infrastructure to pursue research on adaptation to global change and because of budget constraints, Congress might find it difficult to create a separate body for ARP. If an existing agency housed ARP, it could undermin e the ARP mission by creating tension among agencies about interagency authority. Because budget crosscuts have worked weIl in the past, at least until the point when they are submitted to Congress, the use of a budget crosscut for ARP might be desirable. FCCSET currently coordinates the budget crosscut of USGCRP and could coordinate the budget crosscut for ARP. However, because FCCSET supports science, engineering, and technology initiatives but does not initiate managementand policy-relevant deliberations within these programs, it may not be the best organization for ARP budget coordination. If an office within the White House coordinated ARPs budget, the program could more easily maintain its emphasis on policy-relevant research; however, it might be more subject to political pressure. ARP Withln USGCRP If Congress does not wish to create anew ARP, but chooses instead to augment the existing USGCRP three points should be considered. First, the priorities of USGCRP would need to be changed. In addition to observation, understanding, and prediction, planning for climate change and other global changes, including adaptation, would have to be incorporated into the USGCRP goals. The seven scientific elements in the priority structure of USGCRP might need to be rewritten, with the help of advisory panels, agency personnel, and, perhaps, the National Research Council. More funds would need to be allocated to the research topics under the present Ecological Systems and Dynamics and Human Dimensions elements. Adaptation would have to be incorporated into the existing elements, or a new adaptation element would have to be added. Second, as would be the case with a separate program for adaptation, the land-management agencies must be encouraged to U nify their research programs that address ecological and human-system response to and management of global change. Congress must commit more resources to the Ecological Systems and Dynamics and Human Interactions research areas, especially within the land-management agencies. Finally, projects currently supported under USGCRP would need to be reviewed for their usefulness to adaptation research. For example, the Earth Observing System (EOS) currently concentrates on climate monitoring and ecological monitoring, primarily for the sake of determining land-atmosphere interfaces for global climate models. Could EOS be modified to provide information on processes that are important for adaptation? EVALUATION MECHANISMS To date, there has been no formal evaluation of the overall scope, goals, and priorities of USGCRP and of whether its activities collectively are addressing the needs of policy makers.
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140 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Several evaluation mechanisms could be used to address the dichotomy between science and policy in USGCRP, including internal and external reviews, integrated assessments, and coordinated congressional oversight. Appropriate communication links among scientific disciplines, Federal agencies, State agencies, policy makers, decisionmakers, and all levels of USGCRP are vital for its success. D Reviews Most formal reviews of USGCRP elements have centered on the instruments and methods used in research about specific scientific priorities or have focused on individual projects within the program. For example, teams reviewing the EOS program have addressed specific instruments that EOS should use, and the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) has carried out reviews and midcourse evaluations of specific agency programs and projects. Reviews should be used as a mechanism for maint aining flexibility in the program and to redirect its activities, if necessary. Reviews should: be timely and efficient; include people who do not have an immediate stake in USGCRP, but do have significant knowledge about its current structure, content, and history; be conducted periodically to reflect the nature of the questions being asked; and identify programs that can be eliminated as well as recommend new ones. Perhaps most importantly, reviews that call for a redirection in the overall program should consider that research on global change issues requires a financial and institutional commitment that transcends political and budgetary cycles. Reviews should not be used to respond to the political crisis of the day or as a mechanism to undermine effective programs with long time horizons. H Integrated Assessments Reviews generally look at individual parts of a program or the program as a whole and determine how they are functioning; they do not try to integrate the programs different research results. Integrated assessments are a mechanism for synthesizing all the research relevant to an identified problem and for presenting research results in a policy context to decisionmakers (13, 42). 24 Just as important, integrated assessments help guide research and identify key assumptions, uncertainties, gaps, and areas of agreement. The Federal Government tried to incorporate an assessment process into the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) in the 1980s with only limited success (see box 3-C). A challenge for the global change research community will be to devise assessments that minimum disruption of ongoing programs but still allow for redirection of program elements in light of new discoveries, advances in technology, and changing long-term needs of policy makers. Scientific information is critical, but not sufficient, in dete rmining how the United States should respond to the risks of global change. If USGCRP is to be driven by social relevance as well as by scientific curiosity, its research priorities should include sociocultural factors as well as physical factors (23). Integrated assessments could help determine the importance of the problems presented by global change relative to other policy problems, outline alternative policies to respond to global change, and explain the pros and cons of various responses and implementation strategies. For example, preliminary results of an integrated assessment computer model to prioritize policy-relevant research, by Carnegie Mellon University, suggest that: economic and ecological impacts are unambiguously the most important ~ ]nregrat~ a~~e~~~nt (idso knmvn as comprehensive and end-to-end a.wew?wu) is an evolving COncept. AII titemd WSCSsmnt of global change would generally include at least the following activities: assessments of the physical scienee component of a projec~ assessments of the potential impacts of change o~ the environment, human heal@ and the eeonomy; assessments of the effectiveness and economic impact of possible societal responses to change; and assessments of the political feasibility of possible responses (31),
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government 1141 Box 3-C-Lessons from NAPAP In 1980, Congress passed the Acid Precipitation Act (Title Vll of the Energy Security Act, P.L. 96-294) and thereby established an interagency task force to plan and oversee a 10-year National Acid Precipitation Assessment Plan (NAPAP). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Environmental Protection Agency jointly chaired the task force, which included representatives from the Department of the Interior, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Energy, the Department of State, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Council on Environmental Quality, the National Science Foundation, and the Tennessee Valley Authority along with representatives of the Argonne, Brookhaven, Oak Ridge, and Pacific Northwest National Laboratories and four Presidential appointees. The purpose of NAPAP was to increase our understanding of t he causes and effects of acid precipitation through research, monitoring, and assessment activities that emphasized the timely development of science for use in decisionmaking (39). NAPAP (with an annual budget that ranged from about$17 million at the beginning of the program to just over $300 million at its end) was one of the most ambitious interagency programs ever focused on a particular problem (47). It was designed to be a major research effort that provided policy-relevant information in a timely manner. It succeeded in its research efforts, but it did not provide policy-relevant information in a timely manner. Because the nature of problems facing the country is increasingly interdisciplinary and global in scope, it is reasonable to assume that the government will mandate more programs that try to twidge the gap between sdence and public policy. To reap the greatest benefits from t hese programs, it will be necessary to incorporate the lessons of NAPAP into program structure. This box focuses on the Task Group on Assessments and Policy Analysis and the overall lessons learned from such a large, interagency program. When founded, NAPAP consisted of 10 task groups, each with a single agency serving as the coordination contact: Natural Sources of Acid Precipitation, Human Sources of Acid Precipitation, Atmospheric Processes, Deposition Monitoring, Aquatic Effects, Terrestrial Effects, Effects on Materials and Cultural Resources, Control Technologies, Assessments and Policy Analysis, and International Activities. In 1985, the assessments and policy analysis task group was disbanded-a decision that undermined the value of the program for decisionmakers. Congress established NAPAP in large part to determine whether acid rain was a problem. However, in the context of research NAPAP did not approach acid rain as a unified issue. Rather, it examined the subject at multidisciplinary and subdisciplinary levels with Iittte emphasis on synthesizing findings. As stated in one critique (24): The program reported findings in excruciating disciplinary detail, an approach which was not especially helpful to non-specialist decision makers. The disciplinary pluralism of NAPAP also allowed policy advocates to pick and choose among NAPAPs reported findings, emphasizing facts or uncertainties supporting a particular position and deemphasizing others. NAPAP lacked an extradisciplinary perspective that would have allowed it to characterize acid rain as a problem, non-problem, or something in between. Assessment and policy analysis research develops and uses quantitative methods to organize and communicate scientific and other information in ways that allow comparison of policy choices. These methods include decision analysis, benefit-cost analysis, risk analysis, and technology assessments. The NAPAP Task Group on Assessments and Policy Analysis attempted to begin early in the program to develop integrated assessment methodologies and to perform multiple assessments throughout the program to ensure policy relevance. A 1985 report was to include an assessment of the current damages attributed to aad deposition, an uncertainty analysis of key scientific areas, and the implications of uncertainty for policy choices. The task grwp also tried to develop a framework for the methodology for subsequent integrated assessments in 1987 and 1989 (25). (Continued on next page)
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142 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climat&Volume 1 Box 3-C-Lessons from NAPAP-(Continued) However, in 1985, NAPAPs management changed and, consequently, the focus of the program changed. The assessments task group was disbanded, and responsibility for assessments was transferred to NAPAPs director of research. It was uncertain whether NAPAP would produce even one assessment: NAPAP ceased funding integrated assessment modeling because the Interagency Scientific Committee decided to spend their limited funding on other research. The new director repeatedly delayed the 1985 assessment, but it was finally released-with much controversy-in 1987. The 1987 and 1989 integrated assessments were never produced. Finally, during the last few years of the program, NAPAP produce its second integrated assessment; however, the 1990 publication of the report came too late to be of maxinwm use to policy makers in fornndating the amendments to the Clean Air Act (47). Because NAPAP failed to carry out the full range of assessments it originality pianned, key components for the 1990 integrated assessment were either not pursued or were underfunded, and the assessment was incomplete (39). For example, although NAPAP was initially supposed to evaluate the economic effects of acid deposition on crops, forests, fisheries, and recreational andaestheticresources andtodeterminethe impkations of alternative policies, funds were significantly reduced for research in these areas (47). l%eoversight Review Board (ORB) of NAPAP, in its 1991 report tothe JohtChairs Council of the Interagency T&sk Force on Acidic Deposition, strongly emphasized that an assessment function be given primacy throughout an interagency program (39). ORBs key recommendation on lessons learned about the interface between science and policy was to give assessment priority over research (24) because science and research findings perse have little to offer directiy to the public policy process, [andl their usefulness depends on assessme~ defined as the interpretation of findings relevant to decisions (39). ORB also outlined eight other suggestions that any program with such a close interface between science and policy should follow: 1. Match institutional remedies to problems. 2. Obtain and maintain political commitment. 3. Take steps to ensure continuity. 4. Configure organization and authority to match responsibility. 5. Give assessment primacy. 6. Provide for independent external programmatic oversight. 7. Understand the role of science and how to use it. 8. Take special care with communication. 9. Prepare early for ending the program. The insights gained from the experiences of NAPAP were not considered when designing the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)-a much larger program on both a temporal and spatial scale than NAPAP. Some argue that USGCRP is following the same path as NAPAP+ research will come from USGCRP, but the results will not be used to inform poiicy, and decisions concerning global change will be made with little more knowledge than is available today (42). The logical questions to ask are: Why didnt Congress use the experiences of NAPAP in formulating legislation for USGCRP, and how should incorporation of lessons from NAPAP be integrated into USGCRP and future interagency programs? SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment 1993. sources of uncertainty and that reducing the according to the policy objectives chosen and the uncertainty is more important than resolving the time horizon; although they must not be ignored, differences among climate models; the priority uncertainties about climate variables appear, in placed on research in different fields will vary many cases, to be less important than certain
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government I 143 social, economic, and ecological factors; and models that measure all impacts in monetary terms are unlikely to be able to explore many of the most important aspects of the climate problem (15). Regardless of the scope of an integrated assessment, its primary functions should be: to identify key questions to be answered, to survey the state of current scientific judgments about what we know and do not know about global change and its impacts, to idenify and prioritize what the key uncertainties are in relation to policy needs, to list key assumptions and judgments, to idenify where new research is needed to aid the policy process most effectively, including research on key uncertainties in understanding the climate system and fostering mitigation and adaptation research, and to establish the requirements for peer and public review (24, 42). Assessments need not be conducted sequentially (e.g., results of earth science research or economic research need not be complete before an assessment can begin), but should begin at the beginning of a program and continue throughout the life of the program (l). The ideal assessment would pay particular attention to bridging gaps and maintaining g essential links among various research projects and disciplines and would determine the value of new information. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, the Electric Power Research Institute, and Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory have programs for developing computer models for integrated assessments. For example, the Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratory is developing an Integrated Climate Change Assessment Model (ICCAM) 25 that will incorporate information from models on human activities, atmospheric composition, climate and sea level, and terrestrial ecosystems (17). ICCAM is intended to be an integrated collection of these models in a reduced, or simplified, form, with the goal of giving practical answers to practical questions. The models are limited by the complexity and uncertainty of each system, and some fear that the results from these integrated assessments could be difficult to understand. However, these models can at least help to structure thought, direct inquiries, identify which uncertainties are important and which are not, and suggest courses of action (40). Assessments could be performed by independent, nongovernment committees, Federal interagency task forces consisting of agency personnel who are participating in the program, a mix of the two groups, or by the National Academy of Sciences (42). Nongovernment committees would offer the fresh perspective of independent evaluators who are less weighed down by political agendas; however, they might have little control over the agencies they are trying to influence. Interagency committees would have the advantage of using Government researchers who are well-informed about the program and who could not easily ignore assessment findings. To date, integrated assessments have received little administrative support and almost no funding from any ongoing program. Some agency personnel have expressed interest in integrated assessments, but few have committed any resources to it (EPA and DOE have funded some assessment research). The little funding that integrated assessments have received has come largely from NSF and the Electric Power Research Institute. A small percentage of the total USGCRP budgetperhaps 1 to 5 percent-could be set aside for integrated assessment (15, 50). The Carnegie Commission also recommends that a larger percentage of environmental research and development dollars go toward assessment and policy research (4). ~ Ba~ellc PNIC Norr.hwHt hbomto~ is working in conjunction with the University Corporation for Atmospheric ReseafeL the Elm~c Power Research Institute, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
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144 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 I Congressional Oversight Congress has held several hearings on global climate change that have focused predominantly on what we know, what we do not know, the accuracy of current data, reconciling the existence of conflicting data, the implication of climate change for natural resources and the economy, and the potential costs of actions designed to mitigate climate change. However, these hearings have not successfully addressed USGCRP as a program. Some hearings have focused on the current research of program participants, which is a first step in determining g the necessity of the research, but few have focused on whether USGCRP research was supplying information needed to develop policy responses to global change. The direction of the program and its emphasis on the first two science elements have not been altered. In addition, the different committees with jurisdiction over USGCRP have not been equally active in their oversight activities. As a result, certain portions of the program are regularly reviewed while others are never reviewed. New approaches to traditional authorization and appropriation procedures for large interagency programs such as the USGCRP need to be considered. The current authorization and appropriation process guarantees that USGCRP will be examined by Congress only in pieces (38). An annual, ad hoc appropriation subcommittee might be created to specifically address the USGCRP budget as a whole. This committee should consist of members from appropriation subcommittees with jurisdiction over elements of USGCRP (see table 3-2). For congressional oversight to be effective in influencing USGCRP, a long-term systematic approach to communication and oversight must be developed. Congressional feedback, expectations, and prospective actions must be communicated quickly to the program. Oversight should be extended to include regular meetings among policy makers who have jurisdiction over USGCRP and USGCRP participants; an interdisciplinary, multiagency group working with USGCRP; and outside reviewers. Results from these meetings should be freely and widely disseminated. Oversight hearings should be coordinated with all committees who have jurisdiction over USGCRP (see table 3-l). POLICY OPTIONS: AUGMENTING THE FEDERAL RESEARCH EFFORT ON GLOBAL CHANGE To policy makers, climate change does not become a problem the moment that the change in the Earths mean average temperature becomes statistically significant. For them, it becomes a problem when a community feels the pinch of an unwanted event-drought or flood or decline of timberland, for example. Knowing how best to ameliorate or cope with any costs that climate change might induce is important to policy makers. Knowing how mitigation efforts to re duce greenhouse gases will affect our ability to adapt is important. Knowing what information is knowable and unknowable over various time scales is important to policy makers. This kind of information does not automatically emerge from a basic research program. To be useful to the governing bodies of the world, the science facts gained by USGCRP must somehow be translated into potential costs or benefits incurred by climate change and must guide strategies to prepare for or react to change. Currently, there is no formal mechanism in USGCRP for making the link between policy and science. Given the complicated and long-term nature of climate change, the research needed to understand it, and the shorter-term needs of policy makers, a research program for global change should ideally: n identify the key science and policy questions for the near term and the long term; n orchestrate a research program that involves the physical, biological, and social scientists;
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government I 145 integrate the research results across disciplines (i.e., assess the state of understanding) periodically; and communicate results back to the researchers and policy makers effectively. Identifying the outcomes that matter to policy makers should be the first step in refining global change research programs, with scientists helping the policy makers to ask pertinent questions (14). Next, scientific priorities should be compared with the policy questions. Where there are serious mismatches between scientific and political priorities, programs should be reevaluated-not to direct a basic science agenda, but to ensure that key information needed for policy decisions from many disciplines is available alongside the fundamental chemistry and modeling. The particular disciplines, research methods, and instruments that would be used to gather and analyze data should flow from these priorities and should be science-driven. Ideally, information needs of decisionmakers will influence questions asked by scientific researchers, and vice-versa. For example, the communication between scientists and policy makers may cause a change in key policy questions, which in turn may redirect the research program; policy makers need to understand the limitations of what science can determine, and scientists must understand what the policy community really needs (42). This has proved difficult in past research efforts, such as NAPAPs (See box 3-C). The following policy options generally fall under three categories: n Effectively broaden USGCRP by incorporating results of Federal research relevant to but not currently under its purview. USGCRP as currently constructed and implemented cannot do this. It could require congressional or executive branch codification. There are several policy options directed both at broadening USGCRP and at ensuring that USGCRP and other programs relevant to global change are connected (the Figure 3-8-Alternative Organizational Schemes for Global Change Research Environmental technology F(F 8 n Assessment (OSTP/FCCSET) 1 Mitigation $ f $4. mm* Earth systems science and prediction \ b / Assessment Evaluation of [ ~~i~: g policy decisions: L 1 SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1993. diagrams in fig. 3-8 show some possible organizational schemes for building in some of the missing components). The National
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I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume Research Council has recommended the creation of a National Environmental Council in the Executive Office of the President (37), and the National Commis sion on the Environment (NCE) recomme nded the development of a National Environmental Strategy (34); either or both of these could complement the options described below. Increase funding or redirect funding to areas where research is inadequate. A modest redirection of 1 to 5 percent of current funding ($15 to $70 million) could begin filling in the large gaps between the current climate change program and a policyrelevant global change program (15, 50). Because the bulk of this OTA report focuses on natural-resource-based systems and the Nations potential to adapt to climate change, we discuss coordinating existing ecosystem research and initiating new efforts that are critical to plannin g for and/or managing natural resources under climate change. However, building strong socioeconomic components of USGCRP is equally important. Make the program more relevant to policy making by incorporating an assessment function. Assessment and regular reevaluation of USGCRP could be instrumental in identifying the current information base on climate change, gaps in knowledge, and shortand long-term policy questions. U Effectively Broaden USGCRP As currently structured, USGCRP is a collection of programs from several agencies with no central management. Although research should remain decentralized, coordination should be centralized and top-down. The Subcommittee on Global Change Research under the Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences is currently responsible for coordinating activities under the Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering, and Technology. FCCSET acts largely as 1 a fulcrum for coordination, but agency participation in FCCSET projects is voluntary, and FCCSET has no authority over how participating agencies spend their funds. A previous OTA report (48) looked broadly at the health of U.S. research and development and concluded: In the Executive Branch, Congress should insist, at a minimum, on iterative planning that results in: a) making tradeoffs among research goals; and b) applying (after scientific merit and program relevance) other criteria to research decisionmaking that reflects planning for the future. OSTP [Office of Science and Techhnology Policy] could initiate broader priority-setting. Option 3-1: Amend the Science Policy Act of 1976 (PL. 94-282), which established the Office of Science and Technology Policy and the Federal Coordinating Council on Science, Engineering, and Technology, to strengthen the ability of these offices to coordinate science and ecosystem management across agencies. OSTP was established to define coherent approaches for applying science and technology to critical and emerging national and international problems and for promoting coordination of the scientific and technological responsibilities and programs of the Federal departments and agencies in the resolution of such problems, and FCCSET was established to provide more effective planning and adminis tration of Federal scientific, engineering, and technological programs (P.L. 94282). These offices have the authority to develop and implement coherent, Gov ernment-wide science policy and have been the mechanism for coordinating several multiagency programs. However, OSTP has not always been an active or influential player in the executive branch, and FCCSET lacks the authority to set priorities, direct policy, and fully participate in the budget process (2, 21). The directions for environmental research must be set-and responsibilities among various Federal agencies must be coordinated-at the executive level because environmental research is of the highest national importance.
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government 1147 About 20 Federal agencies have major responsibilities related to the environment. In all instances (except for EPA), concern for the environment is not the primary role of the agency conducting the environmental research (37). For example, DOE supports much environmental research, but the departments primary responsibility is energy, not the environment. OSTP could be given budgetary authority, perhaps in conjunction with the Office of Management and Budget, to guide agency programs that contribute to science and technology. This could mean reinstating fencing, or requiring agencies to commit funds to USGCRP projects (see footnote 12). These funds could not then be redirected to meet OMB targets for other areas within each agency. A further step would be to create a National Science and Technology Council to replace FCCSET as proposed by Vice President Gore in his National Performance Review (21). Under this plan, agencies would clear their budgets with the science council as well as with OMB. Option 3-2: Establish a committee within FCCSET to standardize the criteria for classifying focused and contributing research to USGCRP and to classify all government research accordingly. Much research that could qualify as contributing to USGCRP may be ongoing under another title (such as Environmental Biology; see option 3-6 below). Likewise, more focused work might occur in the agencies if the USGCRP scope is broadened. A defined set of criteria for classifying research would be of great value in identifying Federal research that is truly pertinent to the global change problem and in identifying critical gaps in research. option 3-3: Reassess program priorities. Reassess the order of priority given to the seven science elements. Although the current structure is producing good science, research results will not be sufficient to provide the information necessary to answer policy questions concerning the impacts of climate change on the Nations resources. To answer these questions, more emphasis needs to be directed toward the science elements that address the ecological, socio economic, adaptation, mitigation, and human aspects of global change. Some of this can be done easily within the current construct of USGCRP; some may require additional programs outside the USGCRP research structure. Option 3-4: Make research on the human dimensions of global change a primary element of the program. A h uman-dimensions program would look at the interface between human actions and the natural environment. H umans alter the environment through population growth, economic growth, technological change, political and economic institutions, and attitudes and beliefs. Human response to a changing environment will depend on individual perceptions, markets, sociocultural systems, org anized responses at a subnational level, national policies, international cooperation, and global social change (35). These elements of a h uman-environment interface will directly influence adaptation responses to climate change. Option 3-5: Create an adaptation and mitigation research program (ARP) either within USGCRP or separate but parallel to it. This program should either have the authority to influence project selection throughout USGCRP or feed into a formal assessment process that influences program direction. Congress must decide whether an ARP should function as a program separate from, but parallel, to USGCRP or whether ARP should operate within USGCRP. If ARP is created as a separate program, it should have formal ties to USGCRP. If USGCRP subsumes adaptation, the USGCRP mission would have to change to make adaptation equal in importance to the other three activity streams. The mission of such a program must explicitly state its management and policy orientation. ARPs mission might be: to pursue research that will support public and private decisionmaking on issues related to global change if climate change occurs. At a minimum,
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148 I Preparing for an research will include private management systems and of how to Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 studies of the public and of natural and managed develop strategies to adapt to the effects of climate change. Annually, the program will assess the state-of-the-science, develop Government policy and management options for responding to the potential for global change (including programs that supply information to private decisionmakers), and incorporate these findings into new research directions. The assessment, policy options, and new directions for research will be reported to Congress in an annual report presented along with the Presidents Budget Request. The program must include a formal mechanism for bridging the gap between science and policy; specifically, integrated assessments need to be at the center of any ARP structure. Congress should consider mandating this in any enabling legislation in order to ensure that assessments are given top priority. Congress should consider several rules of thumb in structuring the program: Management agencies should act as the lead agencies. Goals for research must have problemoriented task descriptions and milestones that are specific and easily measurable. Congress should consider retaining the power of advice and consent in the appointments of the director and assistant directors of the program. Other mechanisms for ensuring policy relevance could include requiring the program to make periodic reports to Congress, and giving Congress oversight and investigation authority. If Congress chose to augment USGCRP, it must recognize that the program has little ability at present to target its programs to help public and private decisionmakm g. Given the structure of USGCRP, managementand policy-relevant research would be hard to initiate because the process of setting priorities in USGCRP is do minated by key agency personnel in conjunction with members of the national and international scientific community. 1 Incorporate More Ecosystem Research and Natural Resource Planning Into USGCRP Although an estimated $900 to $943 million is spent on what can be considered research in environmental life sciences (22) or environmental biology, 26 there is currently very little ecological research directed specifically at protecting natural areas under climate change and helping land managers modify management strategies to respond to climate change. 27 Of the $943 million that FCCSET estimates is spent on environmental biology, only 11 percent was also reported as USGCRP program money. 28 A former working group under FCCSET found that in 1992, only $8 million was spent on research focused on adaptation. 29 This number represents less than 0.8 percent of the USGCRP budget and less than 0.9 percent of the amount spent on environmental biology research. A review of ecological experiments from 1980 to 1987 found that 50 percent of all studies were done on very small scales--on plots less than 3 feet in diameter; only 7 percent lasted longer than 5 years. Large-scale and long-term experiments are essential to respond to 26 J. GOSZ, EXeCUtiVC Secretary, Subcommittee on Environmental Biology, Cornrnittee on Life Sciences and Healt@ Federal Codinahg Council for Science, En@e@ng, and lkchnology, personsl COrnrrnm .Catiom Sept. 14, 1993. ~ XCSET defines envirmmentafbidogy as all areas of biology d@ing with the ~dy of @_ ~d their ~ OILl with their biotic and abiotic environment (J. GOSL personal communication, Sept. 14, 1993). Gramp et al. (22) define environmentdf~e sciences as processes and interactions of living resources such as environment tal biolog, inchd.@ ecology, forestry, biolo~, and marine biology. 2S 6sL op. cit., footnote 26. 29 ~ Work@ ~~p on ~ti@ion~ ~p~onsmtegies (dis~~ ~ 1992) Of ~ ~~a~ on~~ EXla~ sci~ of FCCSET identified Fedend research that focuses on or contributes to adaptation to global change (6).
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Chapter 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government I 149 the challenges of global research (37). Yet, research on large-scale ecosystem management, structure, and function is necessary to protect natural areas in the future, and it is not clear that it is occurring under the auspices of environmental biology or USGCRP. USGCRP as currently designed will not provide either the practical technologies that might allow us to be more prepared for climate change or the ecological information that would be helpful in providing policy guidance and adaptation options for natural systems. Option 3-6: Conduct a review of ecological research within USGCRP and across Federal agencies; evaluate how much long-term ecosystemlevel research relevant to climate change, biodiversity, and other long-term problems is under way; and identify important gaps in ecological research. A review of all research on natural resources has not yet been conducted across the Federal agencies. Existing analyses suggest a great deal of money is spent on research relevant to the environment, but how much is useful to understanding long-term ecological problems (such as biodiversity and climate change) is not known. There is currently no mechanism for consolidating results from disparate research efforts into general patterns and principles that advance the science and are useful for environmental decisionmakm i g. Without such synthesis studies, it will be impossible for ecology to become the predictive science required by current and future environmental problems (32). In volume 2, chapter 5, of this report, we highlight key gaps in our understanding of ecosystems, such as: past climate changes and corresponding species responses, restoration and translocation ecology, the effectiveness of corridors and buffer zones, the development of ecological models, and the effect of elevated C0 2 on assemblages of plants and animals. Basic research in these areas is needed now to determin e how species might respond to climate change and how best to provide for their protection in the future. Agencies could attempt to redirect existing funds within USGCRP or procure new funds for addressing these basic ecological research needs under the Ecological Systems and Dynamics research area. Alternatively, NSF, whose mission is to support basic scientific research, could take the lead in supporting these research areas outside the auspices of USGCRP. The new National Biological Survey (see ch. 1 and vol. 2, ch. 5) could also be an appropriate vehicle to use in addressing some of the research that directly relates to land-management issues. An effort to characterize and synthesize ongoing research could help bridge the gap between basic research and natural resource planning. Such a review could be conducted by OSTP, NAS, or an independent commission. Option 3-7: Make research on monitoring and managing natural resources a key component of a broadened global change research program. One of the most prudent approaches to natural area conservation under climate change is more coordinated management on the ecosystem or regional scale. This approach would also help address threats to biodiversity and maximize possibilities for species survival under climate change. The land-management agencies should receive increased funding--or existing funds should be redirected-for research that would directly address concerns of managing natural resources under climate change. In particular, as the National Research Council recommends (37), environmental research should advance the social goals of protecting the environment for present and future generations, restoring damaged environments so that they are productive once more, and managing our natural, economic, cultural, and human resources in ways that encourage the sustainable use of the environmerit. Inventory and monitoring programs are usually the last to get funds and the first to be cut in a budget crisis (36, 55); existing institutions are poorly designed to support and strengthen them (37). Many monitoring programs that have been established in protected natural areas have been
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150 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 discontinued because of personnel changes, policy alterations, or budget cuts (55). 30 Baseline inf ormation is needed on the status and trends of vegetation cover, plant distributions, animal distributions, soils, and water resources to detect and monitor climate-induced changes. All Federal agencies conduct some type of inventory as a matter of policy, but these efforts vary widely in completeness and quality, are not consistently implemented and funded, and are not coordinated at the national or even agency level. A concerted effort to connect, in a timely manner, the information contained in inventories to the resource-management and land-usepl anning process is vital. If these connections are not adequately addressed, the gap between research and management could increase, which would be detrimental to DOIS new National Biological Survey. H Incorporate Assessment and Oversight Option 3-8: Amend the U.S. Global Change Research Act of 1990 (PL. 101-606) to require periodic integrated assessment reports to be presented to Congress and specify key participants in the assessment process. If such a program is incorporated into USGCRP, it should be positioned above the agency level. However, because all of the elements necessary for an integrated assessment are not found in USGCRP, an assessment program would have to incorporate inf ormation from outside the program and include research that is not formally contained within USGCRP but that contributes to it. An assessment program should fund external and internal assessment efforts. Because integrated assessments that use computer models to knit together all aspects pertinent to global change are not welldeveloped, they should be used only as a guide to steer program elements. To ensure policy relevance, an assessment program must be given the authority to influence program priorities and project selection. Assessment teams must be interdisciplinary. Documenting the state of scientific knowledge is listed as the primary function of the newly created Assessment Working Group; however, the results of such a survey are highly dependent on the questions being asked-what is regarded as unknown or un certain depends on what one wants to know and the perspective and background of the person or team carrying out the assessment (24). To ensure commitment and accountability to the assessment process, the director of an appointed with gress. Option 3-9: involvement in assessment program could be the advice and consent of ConCreate innovative congressional USGCRP. USGCRP does not function as an individual agency, and Congress cannot expect to interact with the program in the same manner it does with agencies. Congress needs to create a forum where USGCRP can be addressed as a whole before being broken down into individual components that fit neatly into authorization and appropriation jurisdictions. For example, the Environmental and Energy Study Institute could conduct an annual seminar for its congressional members on the USGCRP budget, or Congress could establish an ad hoc appropriation committee consisting of members from each committee and appropriations subcommittee with jurisdiction over USGCRP to consider the programs budget as a whole. Congress should conduct oversight of the program as a whole. Because USGCRP is an interagency program, it cannot be evaluated effectively by Congress on an agency-by-agency basis or through the activities of individual committees working independently. Committees with jurisdiction over USGCRP should coordinate oversight of the program. 30 w -Ie, in FY 1993, tie of Land Management (M.&f) eliminated 6 of its 16 acid rain stations to release hut $30,0(K) for other BLM activities. Several of the six stations had been in operation for 10 years and had beta maintaining data sets to monitor the health of forests and the effects of acid rain, Continuation of this long-term record was lost as a result of these cuts.
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Chapter CHAPTER 3 REFERENCES 3-Global Change Research in the Federal Government I 151 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Bernabo, C.J., Science and Policy Associates, Inc., testimony at -S ~f~ the House Committee on Science, Space, and EXhnology, May 19, 1993. BrcnwL G.E, Jr., ChahmaW Committee on Science, Space, and Ikchnology, U.S. House of Representatives, Report of the fbsk Force on the Health of Research, Chahman s Repofi Serial L, Commi ttee print 1992. Carnegie Commission on Science, Rdnology and Government Enabling the Future: Linking Science and Technology to Societal Goals (Washington DC: Carnegie Co remission on Science, Technology and Govemmen4 September 1992). Carnegie Commi ssion on Science, lkchnology and Governmen~ Environmental Research and Development: Strengthening the Federal I@zrtructure (Washington DC: Carnegie co remission on Science, lkchnology and Goves-nrnen4 December 1992). committee on Earth and Environmental Scienczs (CEES), Mitigation and Adaptation Researc h Strategies Working Group, MXR.S Working Paper I: Description of Proposed Coordinated Program (Washin@ou DC: CEES, 1991). Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Mitigation and Adaptation Research Strategies Working Group, Directory of Federal Research Activities Related to Mitigation @or A.&ptation to Global Change (WashingtorL DC: CEES, 1992). Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), Our Changing Planet: The FY 1993 U1l. Global Change Research Program (Washington DC: CEES, 1992). Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences (cBES), Our Changing Planet: The FY 1994 U.S. Global Change Research Progrant (Washington DC: CEES, 1993). Committee on Earth Sciences (CBS), Our Changing Planet: The FY 1990 Research Plan (Washington DC: CES, July 1989). Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, Panel on Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine, Policy hnpfications of Greenhouse Warnung: Mitigation, A&ptation, and the Science Base (Washington+ DC: National Academy Press, 1992). CorelL R.W., Geosciences, National Science Foundation te@imony at hearings before the House Subcommittee on the Environme@ Committee on Science, Space, and Ikclmology, May 5, 1992. Core14 R.W., Committee on Earth and Environmental Sciences, Subcommittee on Global Change Research and Geoscience, National Science FoundatiorL testimony before the House Subcommittee on Space, Committee on Science, Space, and RchnOlogy, Mar. 30, 1993. Dowlatabadi, H., and M.G. Morgw A Model Framework for Integrated Studies of the Climate Pmblerq Energy Policy, March 1993, pp. 209-221. DowIatabadL H., and M.G. Mor~ Integrated Assessment of climate Change, Science, vol. 259, Mar. 26, 1993, pp. 1813, 1932. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21, 22. 23. 24. 25, 26. 27. 28. Dowlataba@ H., and M.G. Morga Department of @@eaing and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, testimony at hearings before the House Committee on Science, Space, and lkchXIOlogy, May 19, 1993. Earth Observation Satellite Company (EOSAT), Landsat Technical Notes, EOSAT September 1992. Edmonds, J-A, H.M. Pitcher, F.NJ. Rosenberg, and TM.L. Wigley, Design for an Integrated Global Environmental Change Model, report prepared for the Electric Pow= Research Institute and the U.S. Department of Energy, July 13, 1993 (draft). Federal Geographic Data Committee, Wetlands Subcommittee, Application of Satellite Data for Mapping and Momtoting Wetlanak, fact-finding draft reporc April 1992. Gibbons, J.H., Assistant to the President for Science and lkchnology, memorandum to Frederick M. Bernthal, Acting Director, National Sciencx Foundation July 8, 1993. Gibbons, J.H., Assistant to the President for Science and Technology, testimony at hearings before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Mar. 30, 1993. Gore, A., From Red Tape to Results: Creating a Government that Works Better and Costs Less, report of the National Performance Review, Sept. 7, 1993. Gramp, K.hl, A.H. Tkicb and S.D. Nelsoq Federal Fting for Environmental R&D: A Special Report, R&D Budget and Policy Rojec4 The American Association for the Advancement of Science, AAAS publication number W-48S, 1992 (Washington, DC: AAAS). HernX C.N,, Science and Climate Policy: A History LesmL Issues in Science and Technology, vol. 8, No. 2, Winter 1991-92, pp. 56-57. Herrick, C.N., and D. 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Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (lPCC), World Meteorological Organiza tioq and United Nations Environment ProgranL Climate Change: The IPCC Scientific Assessment, report prepared for IPCC by Working Group I, J, Houghtq G. Jenkins, and J. Ephraums (eds.) (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1990).
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152 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Intagovcrnmcntal Pzud on Climate change, World MctcoroW -~ and Umtcd Nations Environment Row cChange 1992: The Supplementary Report to the fPCC Scientij?c Assessment, report pmparcd for WCC by Working Group ~ J. Houghton, B. Callandcr, and S. my (Ods.) (Casnbn dgo, ~land: Cambridge university press, 1992). Jamioscm D., Managing the Future: Public Policy, ScicntMc Uncertainty, and Global Warming, in: Upstream/ Downstream: Issues in Environmental Ethics, D. Schercr (cd.) @hibdc@@ PA: ~PIC university -S, 1990). Lsncastcr, J., Global Warmmg Integrated Assessment and ~p5Re==@ ~ of a Batclle workshop on Regional Impacts of Climate Chauge, Oct.. 18-21, 1993, Richlar@ WA @khland, WA: Batclle Pacific Northwest ~$ rnms), hbchuxO, J., & aL, The S~ Ie Biosphere Initiative An BcOlogic%l Research Agcn@ ECO/OB, vol. 72, No. 2, 1991, pp. 371-412. ~ JD., Und_@ding climate Chaoge, im ~oint Climate Project to A&iress Decision lfakzrs Uncertain.nes: Report of Findings (Washington DC: Science and Policy ~ ~., 1992). National Commission on the Environment, Choosing a Sustainable Future, report of the National Commission on the Enviro nrnm~ convened by the World Wildlife Pond (Washing* DC: Island Press). National Rescamh CO* Global Environmental Change: Understanding the Human Dimensions (Washin@oq DC: National Academy Prcm, 1992:). National Research CQti Science and the National Parks (wXoX4 DC: National Academy Prcs& 1992). National Research Cmu@ Research to Protect, Restore, and Manage the Environment (Washington DC: National Academy Pre8s, 1992). Nat&nsl Raearch Couwil, Sa-ence, Technology, and the Fe&ral Government: National Gods)br a New Em (kshingtq DC: National kdUlly -, 1993). Oversight Review Board of the National Acid Precipitation Amaammt Program (NARAP), The Experience and Legacy of NA?AP: Report to the Joint Chairs Council of the Interagency Tmk Foxe on Acid Deposition (Wshin@oq DC: NAPAP, April 1991). parsons, T, u~ of Ctite Modela in Developing Climate baties, contractor rsport prepared for the Office of Ibchnology Asscssmalg Sept. 1993. RoughgrmdcrL J., S.W. Running, and P.A. MaWhat Dooa Rmnotc Sensing Do for Ecology? Ecology, vol. 726,1991, pp. 1918-22. 1 42. 43, 44. 45, 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. Rum E.S., L.B. Lave, and M.G. MorgaQ Keeping Climate Research Relevan4 Issues in Science and Technology, VOL 8, No. 2, Winter 1991-1992, pp. 47-5S. Running, S.W., Estimating I&rcstrial primary Productivity by CornbiningRanotc Sc@ngandBcosystun SimulatiorA h RemateSens@ ofBio@ereFunctioning, RJ. Hobbs and HA. (dS.) (New yNY: S_-VCSIUg NW yo~ Inc., 1990), pp. 65-86. Sayn-Wittgcnstc@ L., Land cover Mapping for Mission to Planet Ear@ IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, Spring 1992, pp. 16-22. Scics.wc and Policy Associates, Inc., Joint Climate Project to Address Decision Makers Uncertainties: Report of Findings W-ou DC: Sci@ mlicy koch-, k., 1992). United Nations, United Nations Conventton on Climate Change, Article 2 and Article 4, Sec. 2(b), 1992. Us. congress, General Accm@ng Office (GAO), A&i Rain: Delays and Management Changm in the Federal Research Program, GAO/RCED-87-89 (Rbh@tQ DC: GAO, A@ 1987). Us. congress, Office of ~logY As===@ F~maUy Funded Research: Decisions for a Decade, OTA-SET-490 (Washington DC: Us. Government Priming Of&c, May 1991). Us. -, 0fi5cc of RchnoIogy Assessm@ The Future of Remote Sendngfrom Space: Ciwlian Satellite Systems and Applications, OTA-ISC-558 (Washin@oq DC: Government Printing office, July 1993). Us. congress, cm%x! of llxllml~ ~ EOS d USGCRP: Arc We Asking and Answemg the Right Quesrions? background paper prepared by OTA (in pruw). U.S. EUV mxmontal Protection Agawy, The PotentialE@cts of Global Climate Change on the United States, EPA-23@05-89050, J. Smith and D. Tirpak (cds.) (Washin@on, DC: U.S. EIIvirornncntal protection Agency, Dccunber 1989). Us. Environmental protection Agency, Policy Options fir Stabtlising Global Climate, Report to Congress, BPA 21P2003.1, D. hshof and D. Tirpak (cds.) (Washin@on, DC: U.S. Envimnmaltal protection Agalcy, Office of Policy, Plandng and Evaluation December 1990). Ustir4 S.L., et aL, opportunities for U* b ~S Spcctrornctcra and synthetic Aportum Rtdar m tiiogical Models, Eco/0~, vol. 72, No. 6, 1991, pp. 193445. Wickland, D.E., Mission to Planet Eartlu TIM Biological _tive, Ecoloa, vol. 72, No. 6,1991, pp. 1923-33. WG.R., Wildlifb Research and Management in the NationaZParks (Chicago, IL: Univcrsityof Illirda ~ 1992).
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Coasts 4 Status = Population is increasing in coastal areas faster than in any other region of the country. More people and property are becoming exposed to coastal hazards daily. n The costs of mitigating and recovering from disasters is steadily increasing. Climate Change Problem = Sea level rise. n Possibility of more frequent and/or more intense coastal storms. n Temperature and precipitation impacts. What Is Most Vulnerable? n Low-relief, easily eroded shorelines (e.g., Southeast and Gulf coasts). Subsiding areas (e.g., Mississippi River Delta). n Structures immediately adjacent to the ocean. Impediments to Better Management n Popularity of coastal areas. n Insufficient incentives to take adequate precautions. s Perceived or actual cost. n Private property concerns. m Institutional fragmentation. Types of Responses Revamp the National Flood Insurance Program n Improve disaster-assistance policies. Revise the Coastal Barrier Resources Act and the Coastal Zone Management Act. n Change beach-nourishment guidelines. n Alter the U.S. Tax Code. I 153
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154 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 OVERVIEW The subject of this chapterthe coastal zoneis somewhat distinct from that of the other chapters in this report because it focuses on a readily identifiable geographic area and on the built components of this area rather than on a specific natural resource. The coastal zone can be broadly characterized both as a popular place to live, work, and play and as an area where some unique, climate-related risks to people, property, and ecosystems occur. Population near the coast is growing faster than in any other region of the country, and the construction of buildings and infrastructure to serve this growing population is proceeding rapidly. As a result, protection against and recovery from hazards peculiar to the coastal zone, such as hurricanes and sea level rise, are becoming ever more costly. The combination of popularity and risk in coastal areas has important near-term consequences for the safety of coastal residents, protection of property, maintenance of local economies, and preservation of remaining natural areas. Longer-term climate change impacts are likely to exacerbate existing problems associated with living in the coastal zone. Sea level rise is a potential climate change impact unique to coastal areas and one that could lead to increased flooding and erosion in areas already vulnerable to the dynamic forces of wind, waves, currents, and tides. Climate change could also lead to more frequent and/or severe hurricanes and other coastal storms. Scientists are less confident about this possibility than they are about sea level rise, but even if coastal storms are unaffected by climate change, their impact on the coast will increase as the sea rises. Climate change in coastal areas would clearly be costly for Federal, State, and local governments. These costs are associated both with the inherent risks of living in the coastal zone and with how these risks are allocated among various public and private entities. The present system of risk allocation in the coastal zone does not promote an adequate appreciation of the current and potential hazards associated with living in this area. As a result, certain types of risky development are encouraged (or at least not discouraged) that could lead to greatly increased Federal outlays in the future. One need only look at the costs to the Federal Governm ent for disaster assistance after Hurricanes Hugo (about $1.6 billion), Andrew (about $2.1 billion), and Iniki (about $400 million) to appreciate the potential magnitude of the outlays involved. Moreover, in each of these cases, total costs were considerably greater. Climate change will likely add to the risks and costs of living in the coastal zone, so it is essential that these risks be well-understood by all stakeholders and that coastal development and preservation are guided by this understanding. The sooner policies that encourage an adequate appreciation of risk are in place, the easier and less costly adaptation to a changing climate is likely to be. Risk management is a Federal, as well as a State and local, responsibility. The Federal Government has an interest in promoting sound pl anning and public safety in an effective and efficient manner. Federal coastal zone policies can be improved in several ways to better guide the decisions of those living in coastal areas. Considered in this chapter are policies to improve the National Flood Insurance Program, disaster assistance, beach nourishment and shoreline protection, coastal zone and barrier-island management, and the U.S. Tax Code. In other chapters, we consider related water, wetlands, and preserves issues (ch. 5 and vol. 2, chs. 4 and 5). VULNERABILITY OF COASTAL AREAS Climate-related risks, from blizzards to tornadoes, are inherent to many parts of the United States. However, the coastal zone--that narrow boundary zone where ocean and dry land meet and most directly influence one another-is a dynamic area of larger-than-average risk. Hurricanes and other violent coastal storms cause hundreds of millions of dollars in damage every
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 155 year and are responsible for numerous deaths. For example, the two most destructive natural disasters of 1992, Hurricanes Andrew and Iniki did considerable damage in the coastal zone, and these two catastrophes accounted for almost 80 percent of the more than $21 billion of insuranceindustry claims for the 10 most costly catastrophes in 1992. Less dramatic than the destruction of homes and other structures by storms-b ut ultimately very costly-is coastal erosion. A significant proportion of the U.S. coastline is eroding. Although rates of erosion are highest during major storms, long-term erosion caused by the unremitting action of normal waves, wind, and tides adds much to the risks and costs of living in coastal areas. Structures in or near eroding areas are increasingly at risk as erosion progresses. Furthermore, erosion can be exacerbated by human activities, including the deepening of ports and harbors, maintenance of tidal inlets, damming of major rivers, and pumping of coastal groundwater and petroleum. The remainin g undeveloped parts of the coastal zone (e.g., wetlands and many barrier islands) are also at risk. They are vulnerable both to the effects of climate change and to human encroachment and thus may need special attention if society wishes to preserve them. The coastal zone may be the region of the country most vulnerable to climate change. Like other areas, it would be affected by higher temperatures and changes in precipitation In addition, coastal regions would have to contend with the changing sea level and could be subject to morefrequent and/or more-intense hurricanes and other coastal storms. Such expressions of climate change would cause, among other things, increased coastal flooding and erosion, higher storm surges, increased wind damage, and increased saltwater intrusion into freshwater aquifers. 1 Demographic Trends Increases in population and development in coastal areas have been dramatic in recent decades. Between 1%0 and 1990, the population of coastal counties grew from 80 million to roughly 112 million people. People living in coastal counties in 1990, about 44 percent of the total U.S. population, occupied an area that comprises just 11 percent of the United States outside Alaska. ] Population density in coastal counties, roughly 350 people per square mile (135 people per square kilometer), ? is more than four times the national average. Projections suggest that by the year 2010, coastal populations will grow to 127 million (15). Seventeen of the 20 States expected to grow by the greatest amount by 2010 are coastal. Florida alone is expected to add 11 million people to its population, a 230 percent change from 1960 (15). With population growth has come development and a corresponding increase in the exposure of property to natural disasters. For example, the property-casualty insurance industry has estimated that its insured property exposure in residential and commercial coastal counties in the 18 Gulf and Atlantic Coast States increased from $1.13 to $1.86 trillion between 1980 and 1988 (l). This change is a result of increasing property values as well as of greater numbers of properties insured. 3 Insurance-industry liabilities in some States have grown much faster during this period than the coastal-State average-by 83 percent in South Carolina, a victim of Hurricane Hugo in 1989, for example (l). Many insurance compa1 The coastal zone baa been defined in a variety of ways-for example, as the area encompassed by counties adjacent to the oce.aIL tbeama below a specified elevatiom or the area within an arbitrary number of miles fmm the coast. About 53 percmt of the U.S. population lives in counties entirely or substantially within 50 miles (80 kilometers) of tk coast (89). 2 ~ COmW mjIa to square kilometers, multiply by 2.590. 3 lbcsc fdo not include smounts for the Pacific Coas~ near-coad cities, such as Houston and Philadelphia that could bc (and have been) affected by coastal storms, or any uninsured property or self-insured government Proper&,
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156 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume The concentration of people in coastal areas is steadily increasing. Densely populated Miami Beach, shown here, was spared the major losses suffered only a few miles to the south when Hurricane Andrew struck in 1992. The city may not always be so fortunate. nies decided to pull out of Florida after Hurricane Andrew, and others are increasing premium rates significantly, perhaps an indication of future trends. I Sea Level Rise Continuing sea level rise and associated longterm shoreline erosion could be a substantial problem for some U.S. coastal regions (see, for example, fig 4-l). Global sea level has risen by some 4 to 8 inches (10 to 20 centimeters) 4 in the past 100 years, largely as a result of melting of land-based ice sheets and glaciers (64). 5 Along the U.S. Gulf Coast, relative sea level rise 6 has been closer to 12 inches (67). According to the Intergov ernmental Panel on Climate Change (WCC), sea level could rise another 10 inches or so in the next 50 years. Estimates of future sea level rise due to global warming vary greatly, but the change is likely to be between 12 and 43 1 inches by the year 2100, with a best estimate of 26 inches above levels that would otherwise exist (40). Future sea level rise in this range could expand areas where coastal flooding and inundation occur, and coastal erosion could increase. A 20-inch rise could inundate more than 5,000 square miles (mi 2 or about 13,000 square kilometers) 7 of dry land and an additional 4,000 mi 2 of wetlands in the United States if no actions are taken to protect threatened areas (63, 82). The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) suggests that the number of households subject to flooding would increase from about 2.7 million now to almost 6 million by 2100 as a result of a combination of a 12-inch sea level rise and coastal area population growth (21). Sea level rise would especially be a problem along the low-lying barrier-island system of the Atlantic Coast from New York south to Florida and along the Gulf of Mexico Coast, where small, vertical rises in sea level would cause large, horizontal movements in the shoreline and where the full effects of storm surges, winds, waves, and tides are felt (fig. 4-2). High-risk shorelines are characterized by low-relief, easily eroded surfaces, retreating shorelines, evidence of subsidence, and high wave and tide energies. A coastal vulnerability index based on these factors has been used to identify areas most vulnerable to future sea level rise (35). The most vulnerable shorelines in the conterminous United States are in the Gulf of Mexico, and include virtually all of the Louisiana shoreline and parts of the Texas coast. These areas have anomalously high relative sea level rise, and erosion there is coupled with low elevation and mobile sediments. Forty percent of the entire Gulf Coast is retreating at rates greater than 80 inches 4 ~ @nvert inches to ~ eten, multiply by 2.54, s Other factors include thermal expansion of the oceans, the slow rebound of land after melting of glaciers (@acid isostatic adjustrmmt), and local tectonic activity. 6 AS tie sea rises, adjacent land may be independently increasing or decreasing in elevation due to tectonic activity, compacting of sediments, or subsurface pumping of petroleum or water, for example. Relative sea level rise reflects the net effect of all these factors. 7 lb convert square miles to quare kilometers, multiply by 2.590.
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Chapter 4--Coasts I 157 per year. The highest rate of relative sea level rise in the United States occurs in Louisiana, where the average rate during the past 50 years has been more than 0.3 inches per year (35). About half of all land estimated to be inundated from sea level rise is in Louisiana. The Mississippi River Delta is especially at risk. In the absence of adequate protective measures, coastal cities such as Galveston, Texas, would frequently suffer intolerable flooding (16, 81, 83). The highest-risk shorelines along the Atlantic Coast include the outer coast of the Delmarva Peninsula, northern Cape Hatteras, Long Island, and segments of New Jersey, Georgia, and South Carolina. Heavy damage from periodic flooding and some loss of land due to inundation can be expected in such coastal cities as Atlantic City, New Jersey; Ocean City, Maryland; Charleston, South Carolina; and Miami Beach, Florida, if the sea level rises as predicted and no steps are taken 1 I Pennsylvania ., Virginia &Yw Potomac River \ I ,, I Chesapeake Bay Poplar Island SOURCE: S. Weatherman, University of Maryland, College Park to protect against it (48). About 25 percent of the Atlantic Coast is eroding; 8 percent is accreting. Most of the tectonically active West Coast of the United States is steeper than the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. Thus, western coastal areas are generally less Vulnerable to sea level rise. How-
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158 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Figure 4-2-Schematics of a Developed and an Undeveloped Barrier Island \ -. Tides NOTE: General Iocations of Iand-use and Iand-cover types are shown In relation to dominant shoreline process. SOURCE: R. Dolan, University of Virginla, Charlottesville.
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ever, areas such as the low-lying San JoaquinSacramento Delta (adjacent to San Francisco Baysee box 5-A), the barrier beaches of Washington and Oregon, and parts of the Puget Sound lowlands are all quite vulnerable to sea level rise (35). The Pacific Coast generally is less vulnerable to erosion, too, because erosion-resistant rocks prevail over unconsolidated sediments. Only about 6 percent is eroding. Several studies have attempted to estimate the possible costs of protecting U.S. coastlines from a rising sea. On the basis of results of studies commissioned by the Environmental Protection Agency, the cumulative costs of coastal defensive measures in populated areas have been estimated to be from $100 to $350 billion for a 40-inch rise in sea level by 2100 (83). 8 More recently, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has used similar data to make the same calculation but with different assumptions (e.g., about the protection measures that would most likely be used). The Corps estimates maximum costs at less than $120 billion (in 1992 dollars) (86). The large spread between the estimates suggests that attaching great significance to any dollar figure for protecting the coast against sea level rise should be done cautiously. Of necessity, all such studies are based on a large number of assumptions about an uncertain future especially the degree to which sea level is likely to rise in the next 100 years-and on extrapolations from a few well-studied areas to all vulnerable coastlines. Defensive and mitigative strategies, however, are site-specific and cannot easily be generalized nationwide (60). Also, the current IPCC best estimate for sea level rise by 2100 is 26 inches, which, if realized, could mean that protection costs would be much lower than those reported above. Furthermore, the above cost estimates, accumulated over more than 100 years, have not been discounted to present worth. Using the Corps high estimate of $120 billion and a Chapter 4-Coasts I 159 discount rate of 3 percent, the present worth of investment during this period would be $25 billion, or, equivalently, an average annual cost of $700 million. The costs of protecting against a rising sea may be manageable, but they will not be trivial. Substantial damage to the natural environment could also result from sea level rise, including inundation of large areas of coastal wetlands (63, 81) and loss of biodiversity (73) (see vol. 2, chs. 4 and 5). The value of lost land (wetlands and undeveloped dry land) as a result of sea level rise has been estimated to be from $50 to $250 billion by 2100 (83). Losses of wetlands will be largest where human development, such as construction of bulkheads and houses, impedes the natural landward migration of wetlands in response to sea level rise (82). (For more on wetlands, see vol. 2, ch. 4.) Also, some human activities outside the coastal zone, such as construction of upland dams (which trap sediments that would otherwise replenish beaches), can thwart natural processes that could otherwise mitigate the potential erosion and flooding caused by an accelerated sea level rise (40). ~ Hurricanes and Coastal Storms Hurricanes and severe coastal storms are among the most destructive and costly of natural phenomena. Flooding, erosion, and wind damage caused by such storms result in many lost lives and hundreds of millions of dollars of property damage every year. The East and Gulf Coasts of the United States are especially vulnerable to hurricanes. Since 1871, roughly 250 hurricanes of varying intensity have struck parts of the coast between Texas and Maine. Virtually no segment of this coast has been spared (fig. 4-3A) (28). The destructive potential of a hurricane is a function of both its intensity (see box 4-A) and the density of development in the area affected. As developB The authors of reference 83 consider their estimates conservative because they do not take into account impacts not readily quantified or the costs of protecting future development.
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160 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Figure 4-3A--lntensity of Historic Hurricanes n NOTE: Estimate of the Saffir-Simpson intensity at landfall of tho 247coastal crossings by hurricanes that affected the Gulf or East Coast in the ll9-year period between 1871 and 1990. Total hurricanes striking each segment of coast plus the number of hurricanes of each intensity are shown. For example, 23 hurricanes struck the southern tip of Florida during this period. Only one was a category 5 hurricane at landfall. Figure 4-3B shows that the present-day damage-producing potential of each of these 23 hurricanes was greater than $lO million but less than $lO billion (i.e., fell into categories 2, 3, or 4).
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 161 Figure 4-3B--Damage-Producing Potential of Historic Hurricanes n-k /1 I u A-Ji5-l :. ONiN 001001 % VY 3Q Catastrophe Damage potential t index ($ millions) ~ % 1 1-1 0 = *@v 2 10100 # @ 3 100-1,000 4 1,000 -10,000 ~o*\ 5 10,000 100,000 NOTE: Estimate of the catastrophe index, which shows the present-daydamage-producing potential of the 247 land-falling hurricanes that occurred somatime in the past 119 years. Numbers of hurricanes In each damage category are shown. For example, 10 hurricanes that have struck the southern tip of Florida were strong enough to cause between $1 and $10 billion in damages if they occurred today (category A). Hurricane Andris not Included in the data, but It would be the first to fall into category 5. SOURCE: D. Friedman, Natural Hazards Research Program, Travelers Insurance Co., "estimation of Damage-Producing Potentials of Future Natural Disasters in the United States Caused by Earthquakes and Storm% paper presented at the International Conference on the Impact of Natural Disasters, Los Angeles, CA, 1991.
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162 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climat%Volume 1 Box 4-A-Saffir-Simpson Hurricane-Intensity Scale Category O 1. Winds less than 74 mph (119 kti).1 2. Storm surge less than 4.0 feet (1.2 meters).2 Abroad coastal area may experience some darnage to shrubbery, signs, and small structures and possibly some beach erosion, but the overall scope and impact of damage would not likely require relief action by the Federal Government. Category 1 1. Winds 74 to 95 mph; some damage to shrubbery, trees, and foliage; no real damage to building structures; some damage to poorly constructed signs, etc. 2. Storm surge 4 to 5 feet above normal; low-lying coastal roads inundated; minor pier damage; some small craft in exposed anchorages break moorings. Category 2 1. Winds 96 to 110 mph; considerable damage to shrubbery and tree foliage; some trees blown down; no rnajordamage to building structures. 2. Storm surge 6 to 8 feet above normal; coastal roads and low-lying escape routes inland cut by rising water 2 to 4 hours before arrival of the hurricanes center; considerable pier damage; marinas flooded; small craft in unprotected anchorages break moorings; evacuation of some shoreline residences and lowIying island areas required. Category 3 1. Winds 111 to 130 mph; damage to shrubbery and trees; foliage off trees; large Safflr-Simpson Hurricane-intensity Scale >156 Wind speeds in mph L m I 131-155 ; 30g 0 20% if ~ lo111-130 74-95 96-110 n 1 2 3 4 5 Saffir-Simpson intensity NOTE: To convert miles per hour to kilometers par hour, multiply by 1 .s09. SOURCE: Adapted from P. Hsbatl J. Jarrell, and M. Mayfiekf, 7?M Deadiest, Costhst, andMostintense UnitedStates Hurdcanesoflhie Century (and Other Frequently Requested Hurdcane Fwts) (Coral Gables, FL: National Hurricane Center, 19S2). trees blown down; some structural damage to small residences and utility buildings. 2. Storm surge 9 to 12 feet above normal; serious flooding at coast with many smaller structures near coast destroyed; larger structures damaged by battering offloading debris; low-lying escape routes inland cut3 to 5 hours before center arrives; terrain continuously lower than 5 feet maybe flooded inland 8 miles or more; evacuation of low-lying residerws within several blocks of the shoreline may be required, Category 4 1. Winds 131 to 155 mph; shrubs and trees down; all signs down; extensive roofing-material darnage; extensive window and door damage; complete failure of roof structures on many small residences. 1 TO convert miles per hour to kilometers per hour, multiply by 1.609. Speeds given here are at aandafd anemometer elevations. An anemometer is a device for measuring wlndspeed. 2 TO convert feet to meters, multiply by 0.305.
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Chapter 4-Coasts 1163 2. Storm surge 13 to 18 feet above normal; terrain continuously lower than 10 feet may be flooded inland as far as 6 miles; major darnage to lower floors of structures near the shore due to flooding and battering action; low-lying escape routes inland cut 3 to 5 hours before center arrives; major erosion of beach areas; massive evacuation of all residences within 1,500 feet of the shorelins and of shgie-story residences on low ground within 2 miles of the shoreline maybe required. category 5 1. Winds greater than 155 mph; shrubs and trees down; roofing damage considerable; all signs down; severe and extensive whdow and door damage; complete failure of roof structures on many residences and industrial buiidings; extensive glass failure; small buildings overturned and blown away. 2. Storm surge heights greater than 18feet above normal; major damage to Iowerfloors of all structures located less than 15 feet above sea ievel and within 1,500 feet of the shoreline; low-lying escape routes inland cut 3 to 5 hours before center arrives; massive evacuation of residential areas situated on Iowground within 5 to 10 miles of the shoretine may be required. SOURCE: P, Hew J. Jarell, and M. Maytbld, The Deadliest COW@ mdhbst /nhmse L4WdStutm Hurdcana of7h& Csntury@d OthurFreqwnt/y Reqmsted Hurricane Facts) (Coral Gables, FL National Hurdcane Center, 19S2). ment has expanded, exposure to coastal risks has Lauderdale, Florida; and $34 billion in Hampton, increased dramatically. Table 4-1 compares damVirginia (see table 4-2). ages from 49 hurricanes between 1949 and 1986 Hurricane Andrew was a category 4 hurricane with damages those same hurricanes would have when it struck South Florida in August 1992. The caused if they had occurred in 1987. Figure 4-3B third most intense storm to strike the United shows the current damage-producing potential of States this century, 9 Andrews total damages the 247 hurricanes that struck the United States between 1871 and 1990. The different values, were more than 4 times greater than total damages from Hurricane Hugo, the former damage record after adjusting for inflation, are due to increases holder. Andrews estimated cost to property in the size of the market (i.e., the amount of insurers as of February 1993 was at least $15.5 development) and the percentage of the market billion (72). However, this figure does not insured (27). For example, Hurricane Betsy, a include losses involving uninsured property, such category 3 storm, caused about $3.1 billion of as damage to Government military facilities or insured losses in 1965 (adjusted to 1987 dollars). other public property; utility equipment, such as Had it struck in 1987, the insured losses would power lines; economic losses, such as crop have been $6.3 billion. damage and lost tax revenue; and aircraft. It also does not include the cost of emergency services or Applied Insurance Research, Inc., in Boston, property insured under the National Flood Insurhas developed estimates of total losses for major ance or Small Business Administration programs U.S. cities of a major hurricane strike. They (72). The total losses from Andrew are likely to estimate, for example, that a category 5 hurricane be greater than $30 billion. Moreover, if Andrew could generate $43 billion (in 1993 dollars) in had struck 15 miles further north, in central losses in Galveston, Texas; $52 billion in Fort Miami, damages could have been twice as much. 9 TIE two StOIIM that hit land in the United StateS this century that were of greater intensity were Hurricane He, wtia sti Mississippi coast in 1%9, killing 256 people, and the Labor Day hurricane that struck the Florida Keys in 1935, killing at least 600 (3). Hugo ranks llth in intensity.
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164 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Table 4-lEstimates of Insurance-Industry Potential Losses in 1987 Resulting from a Recurrence of Past Hurricanes Scenario 3 Damages adjusted for inflation, Scenario 1 Scenario 2 market size, and Damages in year-ofDamages expressed insured share in occurrence dollars in 1987 dollars 1987 dollars Year Hurricane ($ millions) ($ millions) ($ millions) 1986 1986 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1985 1984 1983 1982 1980 1979 1979 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1971 1971 1971 1970 1969 1986 1967 1966 1965 1964 1964 1964 1964 1961 1961 1960 Charley Bonnie Kate Juan Gloria Elena Danny Bob Diana Alicia Iwa Allen Frederic David Babe Belle Eloise Carmen Delia a Agnes, b Ginger Edith Fern a Doria a Celia Camille Gladys Beulah Alma Betsy Isbell HiIda Dora Cleo Esther Carla Donna 7 21 78 44 419 543 37 13 36 675 137 58 753 122 2 23 119 12 3 8 2 5 1 14 310 165 3 34 5 715 2 23 12 67 4 100 91 7 22 81 46 39 14 40 790 170 82 1,151 187 4 45 259 28 8 22 6 14 4 40 1,007 554 10 136 22 3,096 9 104 54 303 20 473 7 22 84 47 582 40 14 41 893 192 106 1,243 217 4 53 352 36 11 36 8 20 6 57 1,602 822 23 59 6,300 23 137 815 54 1,263 1,313 a Tropical storm (maximum winds less than hurricane force). b Wind damage only. Note: Based on assumptions about changes in the cost of repair, size, and insured share of the affected property market since 1960. Scenario lOccurrence of past hurrianes under original conditions. Scenario 2Recurrence of past hurricanes with original market conditions, but using current value and cost-of-repair factor (inflation-adjusted only). Scenario 3--Recurrence of past hurricanes and their effect on current industry-insured properties, values, and costs of repair (combined market size, insured share, and inflation adjustment). SOURCE: D. Friedman, Estimation of the Loss of Producing Potential of the Wind and Hail Perils to Insured Properties in the United States (London, England: Insurance and Reinsurance Research Group, Ltd., 1987).
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. Hurricane Andrew seen from space as it reached southeastern Florida on August 4, 1992. Andrew was one of the most destructive hurricanes in U.S. history. Estimated total losses of $30 billion would have been even higher had the eye of the hurricane struck heavily populated Miami a few miles to the north. Neither Andrew nor Hugo hit major population centers. On average, between 16 and 17 hurricanes per decade have occurred in the United States since 1900. About seven of these per decade have been major (37). 10 Much of the urban growth along the East and Gulf Coasts has occurred since 1%0, during which period hurricane and coastal-storm activity has been somewhat less than average (14 per decade between 1960 and 1990, of which about 5 per decade were major) (37). About 80 percent of people now living in hurricane-prone areas have never experienced a direct hit by a major storm (34). Prophetically, the National Committee on Property Insurance suggested in 1988 that the people of South Florida, who had not experienced a major hurricane since 1950, were living on borrowed time (58). Also, much coastal development since 1960 has been in the most vulnerable locations, including barrier isChapter 4-Coasts I 165 Table 4-2Estimated Cost of a Major Hurricane Striking Densely Populated Areas (or Major Cities) SaffirEstimated Simpson total loss category a Landfall location ($ billions) b 5 Galveston, TX 43 5 New Orleans, LA 26 5 Miaml, FL 53 5 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 52 5 Hampton, VA 34 4 Ocean City, MD 20 4 Asbury Park, NJ 52 4 New York City, NY 45 4 Long Island, NY 41 a Severity of the hurricane (5 IS more severe than 4) b 1993 dollars SOURCE Applied Insurance Research, Inc Boston, MA lands, ll beachfront areas, on or near coastal wetlands and estuarine shorelines, and in floodhazard zones. Notably, many of the counties most susceptible to hurricanes (e.g., Monroe County, Florida, where the annual probability of a hurricane striking is 19 percent) are expected to grow at much faster rates than the Nation as a whole between now and 2000 (l). Loss of life from hurricanes has declined over time, in large part due to improved weather forecasting and evacuation plannin g (34). For example, 35 deaths were caused by Andrew, whereas many hurricanes this century have caused many more than 100 deaths. 12 Although existing w arning and prediction systems are likely to continue to improve, people continue to crowd into coastal areas, so the time required to evacuate them could increase. Aging infrastructure in some areas (see ch. 5) may also contribute to evacuation problems. Therefore, even without increased numbers or intensities of hurricanes (but more so with them), the potential exists for increased loss of life in the future. 10 ~jor St= w &OSC ckitied ZIS cti~o~ 3 or k7@a, 11 ~~=n 1955 ~ 19, develop ~ on ~er is~ds mmeased by 153 percent (51). 12 & unnamed hurricane that struck Galvestoq lkxas, in 1900 caused more than 6,000 death.
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166 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Table 4-3--insured Losses Likely To Be Experienced Under Different Maximum-Wind-Speed Scenarios Estimated 1990 Estimated 1980 insured losses if insured maximum wind speed increases losses ($ billion) storm Class Year ($ billions) 5 percent 10 percent 15 percent Hugo 4 1969 4 5 7 9 Alicia 3 1963 2 3 4 6 Camille 5 1969 3 4 5 7 SOURCE: K. Clark, Predicting Global Warmings Impact, Contingencies (newsletter of Applied Insurance Research, Inc., Boston, MA), May/June 1992. Will the intensity or frequency of hurricanes and/or other storms increase in a warmer climate? General Circulation Models (GCMs) cannot simulate the occurrence of hurricanes in detail (40), but researchers have found that by modeling the doubling of carbon dioxide (CO 2 the number of simulated tropical disturbances-although not their intensity-increased (36) (see ch. 2 for a discussion of GCMS). There has also been some research on the relationship between rising seasurface temperatures and hurricane severity and some suggestion that these may be positively correlated. However, no unambiguous correlation has yet been established. Some have suggested, for example, that hurricanes may be less intense in a warmer climate (13). Additional research is clearly needed to establish the relationship between global warmin g and hurricane intensity and frequency. What is somewhat clearer is the nonlinear relationship between the m aximum wind speeds of hurricanes and their damage-causing potential. Table 4-3 shows some examples of how insured losses would increase with maxin imum wind speed. If wind speeds for the three hurricanes shown had been 15 percent higher, insured wind losses would have more than doubled (13). Hence, if climate change leads to only marginally moreintense hurricanes, substantially greater damage can be expected. I An Overall Coastal-Hazard Assessment The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has combined information about a variety of natural processes and coastal characteristics with information about population density to develop an overall coastal-hazard map (90). Factors separately considered are coastal relief, shoreline change (a measure of sea level rise), storm surge, frequency of major storms, frequency of earthquakes and other earth movements, stabilization (a function of the density of structures), ice (important only in Alaska and the Great Lakes), and permafrost (perennially frozen ground, important in northern Alaska). Segments of the coast are rated from very high to very low risk in six categories. Figure 4-4 shows two simplified segments of the USGS map. The complete map, however, shows that Louisiana eastern Texas, parts of the Pacific Northwest, and much of Alaska and Hawaii are the most vulnerable segments of the U.S. coastal zone. USGS is currently in the process of producing moredetailed regional maps, which should be very helpful in assessing the vulnerability of U.S. coastal areas to climate change. THE CHALLENGE FOR POLICY Although development pressures in coastal areas are driven by many social and economic trends, government policies can influence the appropriateness, rate, quality, and location of development. Historically, gov ernment has subsidized coastal development, both directly and indirectly. In particular, four important programs and policies address the riskiness of living in the coastal zone: 1) the National Flood Insurance
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 167 Figure 4+-Coastal Hazard Assessment ) 1 Population density ~ T Relie f ~ Massachusetts New Yor k Overall hazard assessmen t ,( *., ,/ { $! L, I Jersey ~ I / New York to Massachusetts. \ I Louisiana ) Texas f(r c ~. s Christi ~ ( i \ ~ rownsville I--La 4U L-11Overall hazard assessment Relief Population density Orleans Population density per square kilometer 2000 or more ~ 500-1999 n 100-499 m Less than 100 Relief m Less than 3 m ~ 3-9 m m 10-19 m m 20 m or more Overall hazard assessment m High risk ~ Moderate to high m Moderate risk m Moderate to low B Low risk Texas to Louisiana. SOURCE: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Coastal Hazards, National Atlas of the United States of America(Reston, VA: USGS, 1985).
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168 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Program (NFIP), 2) Federal disaster assistance, 3) Federal beach-renourishment and shorelineprotection programs, and 4) the U.S. Tax Code. These programs and policies have clear benefits, but some of their elements have contributed to a distortion of the Nations perception of the vulnerability of living in coastal areas and have lead to some inappropriate or ill-suited development. The goals of some coastal programs and policies are also often at cross-purposes with one another: improving coordination is as relevant in coastal areas as it is in other sectors discussed in this assessment. 9 National Flood Insurance Program Congress made Federal flood insurance available in 1%8 through the creation of the National Flood In surance Program (authorized under the National Flood Insurance Act, P.L. 90448). The NFIP was enacted to limit increasing floodcontrol and disaster-relief expenditures and to provide a pre-funded mechanism to more fully indemnify victims of flood-related disasters. It was also intended to limit unwise development in floodplains while at the same time providing affordable Federal insurance for structures located in special flood-hazard areas (14). Between 1978 and 1992, 430,000 flood-insurance claims were made, and total payments, including claims arising from Hurricanes Hugo, Andrew, and Iniki, have been nearly $4.0 billion (22). The NFIP has been only partially successful. It has reduced somewhat the need for taxpayerfunded disaster assistance and has been a factor motivating local government mitigation efforts. Homes built in compliance with NFIP regulations are some 70 percent less likely to be damaged than those built before NFIP requirements went into effect. Before the program was created, affordable private flood insurance was generally not available. However, the program has also contributed to coastal development and has been criticized frequently for not adequately fostering prudent land use in hazardous areas. The program is administered by the Federa l Insurance Admlnls inistration (FIA), a unit of FEMA. Under the NFIP, Federal flood insurance coverage is made available to owners of flood-prone property in communities that adopt and enforce a floodplain-management ordinance that meets the minimum program standards. Coverage is available both for the structure itself (up to $185,000 for a single-family structure) and for its contents (up to $60,000) (26). Participating communities must adopt certain minimum floodplainmanagement standards, including: 1) a requirement that new and substantially improved structures in the 100-year flood zone 13 be elevated to or above the 100-year flood level (generally known as base flood elevation, or BFE), 2 ) restrictions on new development in designated floodways (e.g., development within a floodway is prohibited if it results in raising the flood levels), and 3) a requirement that subdivisions be designed to minimize exposure to flood hazards. Additional standards are imposed within highhazard coastal zones (velocity zones, or V zones), including req uirements that buildings be elevated on pilings, all new development be landward of the mean high water value, the BFE include wave heights greater than 3 feet (0.9 meters), l4 ad new development on dunes not increase potential flood damage. NFIP participation by a community is voluntary, but there are now strong incentives to participate. Because of limited participation initially, the 1973 Flood Disaster Protection Act (P.L. 93-234) required flood insurance for all federally backed mortgages (e.g., for Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) and Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans) and for all loans obtained through federally insured and regulated 13fbo area tha! Wdd be inundated by a flood whoac elevation haa a 1 percent cbance of being m =* h m y-, w M, tit would occur on average only onca cvuy 100 yaua. 14 ~ ~~ feet to mctcra, multiply w 0.305.
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 169 financial institutions. Also, disaster-assistance grants to local governm ents for repair of public facilities are reduced for those governments not participating in the program (although individual property owners need not have flood insurance to be eligible for individual and family disasterassistance grants). As a result, communit y participation has been high, and about 82 percent of the 22,000 flood-prone communities have adopted minimum floodplain-management standards (47). However, it is estimated that less than 25 percent of individual owners of flood-prone property currently purchase flood insurance. The participation of individual property owners nevertheless amounts to a considerable Federal financial liability. There are currently about 2.6 million flood policies in effect. These represent nearly $230 billion of insurance (22). The probable maximum loss in any given year has been estimated to be about $3.5 billion. More than 70 percent of NFIP policy holders are located in coastal communities. Those located in the most hazardous V-zones (some 65,000 policy holders) represent about 2.5 percent of the policy base (55); but between 1978 and 1992, these areas accounted for approximately 6 percent of total losses and 5 percent of all premiums. Properties that existed before community regulations went into effect (i.e., pre-FIRM properties) 15 are eligible for subsidized premium rates nationwide. In the 1978-92 period, these properties represented about 80 percent of the NFIPs exposure while accounting for about 90 percent of the losses. Currently, about 42 percent of the NFIPs policies are subsidized. Subsidized businesses pay premiums that are, on average, onethird what the full-risk premiums would be. Through the 1970s and early 1980s, Congress supported heavy premium subsidies on existing construction in order to encourage broad-based participation of flood-prone communities in the program. Subsequently, subsidies have been reduced but not eliminated. The amounts of insurance that can be subsidized per policy are limited. In the case of single-family-structure coverage, this amount is $35,000. Protection above this is purchased at full-risk rates. About 19 percent of the $230 billion of insurance is subsidized. l6 Historically, the NFIP has suffered from several problems and has been the subject of considerable criticism. Between 1978 and 1987, the program ran an average annual operating deficit of about $65 million, generating a $657 million deficit over that lo-year period (55). Beginning with FY 1986, however, the NFIP has been self-supporting. Rating and coverage changes made by the NFIP through the mid-1980s have enabled the program to build up reserves in years when losses were less than the historical average in order to help fund the program in years when greater-than-average losses occurred. Post-FIRM construction in general and post-FIRM construction in V-zones in particular have generated surpluses whereas pre-FIRM subsidized insurance has continued to be a drain on the National Flood Insurance Fund (74). As of early 1993, the flood-insurance fund contained less than $40 million in reserves. This amount seems low when compared with potential flood-damage liabilities. FIAs estimates suggest that the probability is high of exceeding the existing surplus amount in any given year. As table 4-4 indicates, the probability that total annual losses will exceed $800 million nationwide is a high 30 to 35 percent, and the probability that losses will exceed $300 million per year is 60 to 70 percent (23). The FEMA director can borrow up to $500 million from the Treasury without notifying Congress, and an additional $500 million if Congress is notified. Thus, FEMAs present $1 billion borrowing authority is much less than its $3.5 billion probable maximum loss in any given year (23). FEMA estimates that its combined borrowing authority and annual IS ~t fi, ~op~es tit efis~ wore the development of flood-hmranm-rate m4% or ~. Most COmlmlKliti(X had m by 1975. 16 H. IAIc@ Federal Insumnce Admms tration, personal cornrnunieatio~ June 29, 1993.
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1701 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Table 44-Estimated Probabilities of Exceeding Given Levels of Flood-Insurance Losses Probability of exceeding Total annual loss costs total annual costs ($ millions) (percent) 300 60-70 800 30-35 1,40 0 10-1 5 1,800 27 3,500 0,05-0.50 SOURCE Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Estimating Probabilities of Exceeding Given Levels of Flood Insurance Losses in a One Year Period (Washington, DC FEMA, Aug. 4, 1992) premium income are adequate 85 to 90 percent of the time. 17 The average annual cost of flood insurance per structure, as reported by FIA, is $296. 18 Fo r full-risk policies in coastal high-hazard zones, it is over $800. Many homeowners would not consider these costs modest. Compared with the magnitude of potential liabilities under the program and the meager size of the current surplus, however, the current cost of insurance to property owners may not be high enough. Moreover, 86 percent of insured property owners in coastal high-hazard areas receive insurance at subsidized rates and pay about $440 less per year than those without subsidies. Premiums are still set to cover the average historical-loss year. Other possibilities would be to set the premium rate high enough to cover a catastrophic-loss year or, perhaps, to cover the loss associated with a 1 percent chance of occurrence in any year. Another problem is that although flood insurance is mandatory for new construction that uses loans from federally insured banks, many lenders are not ensuring that the requirement is satisfied. 19 It has been estimated that there are between 8 and 11 million structures in flood-hazard areas, but fewer than 2 million are actually covered by flood-insurance policies (47). In Maine and Texas, for example, 22 and 78 percent, respectively, of properties in special flood-hazard areas that requested disaster assistance did not have insurance (87). In some cases, properties were erroneously classified and in others, insurance policies were allowed to lapse (87). Many properties in flood-hazard areas simply are not required by law to have flood insurance because they have no mortgage or because they have a mortgage from an unregulated lender (i.e., from a non-federally insured lender). Repetitively damaged properties represent another problem for the NFIP. Over 40 percent of all flood-insurance claims have been for properties damaged more than once (87), yet FIA does not have the authority to cut off or substantially restrict future coverage for such properties. lndividuals are permitted to rebuild and to continue to receive insurance, and the program allows for a potentially unlimited cycle of damage-rebuilddamage. Many believe that the premiums charged to repetitive-loss properties should be raised by FEMA to better reflect the risk of recurring flood damage (7). Another significant concern about the way the NFIP functions in coastal areas is its failure to take into account long-term erosion. This amounts to a hidden subsidy of erosion risks because the flood program pays claims for erosion damage, although the risk is not a component of the rate structure for flood insurance. Congress initiated changes to the definition of flood in 1973 to include collapse or subsidence along shorelines, and NFIP regulations were amended to allow creation of special erosion zones (E zones) and to mandate local landmanagement programs to take these hazards into account (59). Congress has not given FEMA the authority to map non-flood-related erosion zones (74), however, and property owners are generally opposed to erosion mapping. Also, FEMA has not
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 171 sought to require local land-management programs (e.g., housing setbacks) to address erosion hazards, and long-term erosion trends are generally not taken into account in FEMAs current floodplain mapping. V zones are the flood zones closest physically to shoreline-erosion zones, yet they are often narrowly drawn, and frequently exclude adjoining areas with virtually indistinguishable hazard characteristics (59). The NFIP plays a role in regulating reconstruction following a flood event. When a building is substantially damaged (e.g., more than 50 percent destroyed), it must be rebuilt in compliance with the local floodplain standards currently in force. Replacement of older, unelevated structures with newer, elevated buildings after disasters like Hurricane Andrew, for example, can have important mitigation benefits. However, flood policies do not pay for the increased cost of bringing buildings into compliance with newer standards. Thus, for example, more than 3,000 buildings in South Florida damaged by Andrew need to be elevated, but there is no insurance money available to do so. In addition, local gov ernments may choose to apply the substantially damaged standard only if damages are greater than 50 percent of the replacement value of the structure. This has the effect of exempting more damaged structures from elevation and floodplain-management requirements when rebuilding. FIA would like to provide increased cost of construction coverage but needs authority from Congress to do so (74). Such coverage, on average, would cost property owners an extra $34 annually. In coastal high-hazard zones, however, the additional premium would be substantially more, especially for subsidized property owners. Finally, flood-insurance maps are infrequently revised and updated. FEMA is able to remap communities every 9 years, on average. However, many participating communities are growing rapidly, and development in the floodplain can substantially modify local flood hazards in less time than that. A house tumbles onto the beach at Fire Island, New York, as a result of erosion damage caused by the December 11, 1993, northeaster. I Federal Disaster Assistance The Federal Government has been involved for many years in assisting State and local governments in responding to, and recovering from, national disasters. Its primary authority for providing disaster relief is the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-288, as amended by P.L. 100-707). Such assistance has, as it should, enabled communities to rebuild centers of commerce after disasters and to return (more or less) to pre-disaster conditions. However, although financial assistance to people who have suffered a major misfortune is often appropriate, it can also subsidize risky public and private actions and thus function as another form of incentive for hazardous coastal development. Disaster assistance available through FEMA generally falls into two categories: individual and family assistance, and public assistance. Under FEMAs Individual and Family Grants (IFGs) program, grants upto$11,500 (adjusted annually for inflation) can be made to individuals and families to cover disaster-related expenses (e.g., home repairs not covered through insurance and
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172 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 replacement of personal belongings) .20 Under FEMAs public-assistance program, States and communities can receive grants (usually at a 75 percent Federal cost share) to cover the cost of damages to public facilities. Eligible projects include repair of roads, bridges, sewer and water systems, recreational facilities, and public boardwalks, and, if certain beach-maintenance eligibility criteria are met, renourishment of beaches. Communities not participating in NFIP, however, receive reduced amounts of public assistance. Applicants under the IFG program need not be in a participating community nor have purchased Federal flood insurance, though they must agree to purchase flood insurance as a condition of receiving an IFG grant. Precisely how much of an impact Federal disaster assistance has in encouraging (or failing to discourage) hazardous and damaging coastal development is uncertain Amounts of Federal disaster assistance in recent years have been substantial. Some $8.3 billion was spent between 1978 and 1988 on presidentially declared disasters. FEMA reports that approximately $89 million per year was spent as a result of hurricanes and coastal-storm events during this period (55). These disaster-assistance monies provide a significant subsidy for coastal communities, underwriting various potentially risky coastal public investments. In several recent disasters, including Hurricanes Andrew and Hugo, the Federal Government agreed to cover 100 percent of the costs of eligible public-sector damages. Where the 25 percent cost sharing has been required, the State frequently assumes half of that, leaving local governments to assume only 12.5 percent of the cost of such damages. There are currently no provisions in this system for considering the magnitude of the damage to an individual community or the financial capability of the State or local government to cover these damages. High-risk communities would have stronger incentives to ensure that public facilities are placed in safe locations or designed in ways that minimize future vulnerability to hurricanes or other disasters if such factors were considered. In many cases, the Federal reconstruction subsidy is in addition to the original Federal subsidy used to construct the facility. Disaster assistance has in many ways been seen by States and communities as an entitlement that is deserved regardless of the extent or cause of the damages, the ability of these jurisdictions to assume the costs, or participation in the NFIP. In theory, Presidential disaster declarations are only to be issued when the resources of affected State and local governments are clearly exceeded. Yet, Presidential declarations (which average 20 to 25 annually; 46 were proclaimed in 1992) are increasingly viewed as pro forma and have occurred even where damage levels are relatively modest and where State and local governments could clearly have assumed the cost with little burden. (A Presidential disaster declaration was made after Hurricane Diana struck the North Carolina coast in 1984, for example, even though the $79 million in damages was relatively small and the State could have handled the damages.) One survey of 481 communities found that local officials believe they can handle losses much larger than those defined by FEMA as constituting a disaster (1 1). FEMA has sought to reform this system in the past, only to be criticized by representatives of State and local governments and owners of property in high-risk areas. In the mid-1980s, for example, FEMA proposed that the required State and local share of public-assistance grants be increased to 50 percent (i.e., 50 percent Federal, 50 percent State and local) and that a set of criteria be imposed to determine a legislative entitys ability to pay. These proposals met with considerable political opposition and were eventually dropped. Many commentators, however, have echoed the need for such reforms, which might m WG ~ts me avtiable only to people who do not qualify for low-interest SIIMI1 Bustiess AdIQUU5 tration disaster loans.
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 173 .-% *- -The San Francisco sea wall. help to promote implementation of State mitigation measures (10, 25). In addition to FEMA, several other Federal agencies provide some form of disaster assistance. These include loans, grants, and reconstruction monies from the independent Small Business Administration and Economic Development Administration, the Department of Transportations Federal Highway Administration (for roads and bridges), the Department of Education (for school buildings), the Department of Agricultures Farmers Home Administration., and the Army Corps of Engineers. In all, there are some 30 Federal disaster-relief programs (5). One effort to coordinate the actions of the different Federal agencies was the Interagency Hazard-Mitigation agreement signed in 1980. Under this agreement, an interagency hazardmitigation team is called into action immediately after a disaster declaration and is required to prepare a report within 15 days of the declaration. These reports typically identify hazard-mitigation opportunities and contain recommendations, many of which have been pursued by FEMA and other Federal agencies. These recommendations also typically are considered in the Section 409 hazard-mitigation plans prepared by States (see below). No systematic evaluation of how recom..Beach-nourishment project at Rockaway, New York. mendations in these reports are implemented has yet been done. 1 Federal Beach Nourishment and Shoreline Protection Shoreline protection, either in the form of hard devices, such as seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties, and breakwaters, or as soft buildup or replenishment of beaches and dunes, is often justified where storm surges and/or erosion threaten well-developed coastal communities and expensive facilities like harbors and resorts (59). The best protective measure for a given site will depend on the underlying physical conditions at the site and on economic, social, and environmental costs (see box 4-B). The Federal Government, through the Army Corps of Engineers, has subsidized shoreprotection projects for decades. Where the benefits of shoreline protection are associated with improving recreational opportunities or counteracting erosion, the Federal share of approved projects is currently 50 percent. Where the benefits include prevention of physical damage to property, the Federal share of construction costs increases to 65 percent. Most projects are now justified on the basis of prevention of physical damages, The periodic renourishment that maybe required on some beaches after a project has been
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174 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climat+Volume 1 Box 4-B-Protect or Retreat? There are essentially two types of responses to erosion and sea level rise: protect vulnerable areas or retreat from the coast. lhe most appropriate response for a specific area will depend on an array of sodoeconomic and environmental factors, including the number and value of coastal structures at tisk, the relative cost of protection and retreat options, aesthetic values, and the value of preserving undeveloped areas (49). The appropriate response will also depend on physical conditions at the site, including the availability and suitability of sand. Protection can mean either building defenses that harden the shoreline against incursions of these% or replaang eroded beach sand, as necessary, thrwgh beach nounshmenfor replenishment Since 1946, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has undertaken 121 shore protection projects encompassing atotal shoreline distance of just over 300 miles (460 kilometers). Another 52 projects that would protect about 230 miles of coast have been authorized (but not yet funded) by Congress (66). About 75 percent of all Corps projects involve beach nourishment as a basic feature, although beach nourishment is sometimes used in combination with hard structural protection measures (91). The number of miles devoted to beach and dune nourishment in Corps projects reflects a general community preference for nonstructural approaches where feasible. Such approaches are especially preferable where beaches are primary assets for coastal communities, as, for example, in Miami Beach, Florida. Beach nourishment projects can also be expensive, but costs are site-specific and highly variable. In Miami Beach, nourishment of a 10.5-mile stretch of coast cost about $6 million per mile in the late 1970s. Beach nourishment can be an effective protective measure because beaches are efficient in absorbing wave energy. Usually, beach nourishments used where erosion of a natural beach is occurring. The ability of the nourished beach to absorb wave energy may, thus, come at the expense of its own erosion, so periodic renourishment maybe required. As an adaptation to sea level rise, beach nourishment has the advantage that it can be abruptly halted (e.g., in favor of retreat) without abandoning large investments when the costs of continued nourishment exceed benefits. Some beach-nourishment projects have been criticized forhavinglife spans that are shorter than anticipated and, more generally, for falling to perform as designed (66). Debate continues on the performance of specific beach-nourishment projects (e.g., see ref. 39). However, it seems clear that as understanding of fill and sediment dynamics has advanced, the performance of such projects has improved (39). Hard structural protective measures arealsoappropriate in some circumstances. The most common are sea walls, breakwaters, and groins. Sea walls are concrete, steel, stone, or timber structures built parallel to and on the landward side of beaches. Their primary purpose is to protect upland areas. Like nourishment projects, they are normally built in areas that are eroding, and thus beaches in front of sea walls may eventually disappear. However, properly designed sea walls can protect the land behind them without causing adverse effects to beaches (59). Sea walls are initially more expensive than beach-nourishment projects, but the periodic costs required of beach-nourishment projects are not incurred. Some sea walls will likely have an adverse effect on the ability of wetlands to migrate in response to sea level rise. A 20-inch (0.5-meter)2 rise in sea level could result in the loss of35 percent of coastal wetlands if standard measures are taken to protect currently developed Iowfands; however, 30 percent of wetlands could be lost in any case if no protective measures are taken (62). Breakwaters are linear structures placed in nearshore waters whose purpose is to shield the shoreline from incoming wave energy. Groins are wall-like structures constructed perpendicular to the shoreline andusedtotrap sand moving parallel to the shore. They are usually used in combination with beach nourishment. They have often been improperly used in the past, resulting in downdrift beach erosion. 1 TO convert miles to kilometers, multiply by 1.609. z To convert inches to meters, multiply by 0.025.
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Chapter 4-Coasts 1175 In coastal cities and seaside resort communities, the value of the land is usually great enough that decisions to install hard structures or replenish beach sand are often made. Retreat is usually not a practical alternative in these areas. In sparsely developed areas, the opposite isgeneraliythe case, and retreat maybe the only feasible option (83). Gradual retreat from the coast, iimiting coastal uses to those that can be accommodated without protection, is favored by many insurance companies and environmentalists as the ultimate solution to coastal erosion and sea level rise. They argue that protection measures can only forestall inevitable destruction and, if risky development is ailowed to continue, increase the costs of protection and retreat (54). Policies that promote retreat include setback provisions that some coastal States have adopted and the Federal Governments fiooded-properties-purchase program and UptonJones relocation-assistance program (see main text). A substantial amount of money has been invested in coastal areas. Owners of beachfront property are understandably upset when their homes or businesses are threatened by erosion, and retreat to a safer site may not be an option for many. The reality of erosion and sea level rise creates some difficuit public-policy issues. Property owners naturally want to take steps to protect threatened iand. However, in some instances (e.g., in some quickly eroding areas), it will probably not be desirable or economically justified from a community or national perspective to do so, and gradual retreat will be preferred. Two issues with immense consequences for coastal development are likely to continue to be debated. First, is the extent to which private-property owners shouid be subsidized by taxpayers at large to maintain risky coastal development. Second, is how much property owners should be compensated when a State limits the economic use of seaside property. These issues will become more controversial as the amount of money invested in coastal development increases. The possibility of future sea level rise suggests that ciear policies guiding the expectations of property owners need to be established. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1993. completed (see box 4-B) has not to date been Because the largest benefit of beach-protection considered a maintenance activity (if it were, the Corps would not be involved), so these recurring costs are subsidized as well. 21 If the Corps uses sand dredged from navigation projects for beach nourishment, the Federal Gov ernment currently provides 50 percent of the increased costs that would be incurred to place this sand on beaches rather than to dispose of it in the least costly manner. Finally, the Federal Government shares the costs of feasibility studies with States. Federal aid is usually recommended to continue through the life of the project, normally 50 years for hard structures (91). In recent years, the Corps has spent between $40 and $70 million annually for beach nourishment and structural-protection measures, the majority of which has been for beach nourishment. 22 projects is realized at the local or regional level, it may be desirable to shift more of the burden of paying for such projects from the Federal Government to the States. Responsibility for maintaining beach-nourishment projects, in particular, could be shifted to affected States, just as is maintenance of Corps-built flood-control projects. States have also been active in assisting with and subsidizing shore-protection efforts. Several States now provide funding, often through the issuance of bonds, for local renourishment programs, and often in combination with Federal subsidies. In South Carolina, for instance, the State legislature created a $10 million Beach Renourishment Fund in 1988, most of which went to emergency renourishment and dune-rebuilding projects after Hurricane Hugo (43). Likewise, the 21 L. wanos, Institute of Water Resources, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, personal COm@CatiO% J~Y 1993. 22 J. HOUSleY, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, personal COXuIXMIicat@ JUIY 1993.
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176 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume State of Maryland has provided about $60 million under its Shore Erosion Control Program (SECP) for beach renourishment in Ocean City. The State also provides interest-free loans and technical assistance for shorefront property owners experiencing erosion problems, and 50 percent matching funds to property owners who undertake nonstructural erosion-control measures such as planting grass (68). The State of New Jersey recently passed a bill to appropriate $15 million per year for shore projects, including beach nourishment. H U.S. Tax Code Several major coastal-development subsidies are also available in the U.S. Tax Code. The casualty-loss deduction allows coastal property owners to deduct the cost of uninsured damages resulting from hurricanes and other natural disasters. Allowable deductions are de termined by subtracting the post-storm value of property from its pre-storm value, less insurance received. 23 The deduction is only allowed where losses exceed 10 percent of adjusted gross income. Other U.S. Tax Code subsidies include interest and property-tax deductions for second homes (which comprise much of coastal development) and accelerated depreciation for seasonal rental properties. These types of subsidies are largely hidden, and estimates of their aggregate cost are hard to come by. There is little doubt, however, that the extent of implicit public subsidy is substantial. 1 Other Development Subsidies Coastal growth is subsidized by a variety of other Federal development programs and grants. The Farmers Home Administration, for example, provides subsidies in the form of communityfacility loans, business and industry loans, and rural housing loans (88). The Department of Housing and Urban Development provides guar1 anteed home loans, as does Veterans Affairs. The Rural the Department of Electrification Administration provides loans for development of electrical systems, and the Environmental Protection Agency has provided considerable funding for water systems and for wastewater treatment. Extensive funding for the construction of highways, roads, bridges, and other improvements that make many otherwise remote coastal areas readily accessible has been provided by the Department of Transportation and is one of the more significant factors affecting the development of barrier islands. Most of these development-related grants and subsidies are not limited to coastal areas, and estimates of their magnitude and of their impacts in coastal regions are not available. OBSTACLES TO BETTER MANAGEMENT Improvements in the Federal and State programs that affect development in the coastal zone are possible and, considering the potential for increasing vulnerability in coastal areas as a result of global climate change, desirable. However, several impediments to reducing risk exist. Among these are the fact that people continue to be attracted to coastal areas, the notion of subsidies as social entitlements, private-property concerns, the cost of change, and institutional fragmentation and regulatory obstacles. 1 The Attraction of Coastal Areas The economic and personal attraction Americans have to coasts can be seen as an obstacle to many coastal-management reforms. Recent surveys of coastal-property owners suggest that many have a solid appreciation for the danger and riskiness of building and living in coastal areas, but see hurricanes and coastal storms as simply a necessary part of the tradeoff for the benefits of coastal living (6). Table 4-5 shows the results of a questionnaire mailed to owners of beachfront u S= now 455 on Stem, hurricanes, and floods in 26 U.S. Code (U. S. C.) 165.
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 177 Table 4&Results of a Mail Survey of 132 Owners of Beachfront Property in South Carolina After Hurricane Hugo That Asked the Question: Now that you have experienced the effects of a hurricane, has this had any influence on your feelings about owning beachfront property? Percent 1. Yes, would not buy beachfront property again 6 2 Yes, would like to sell my property and buy property in a safer location 7 3. No, hurricanes are just a normal risk in beachfront areas 39 4. No, the benefits and enjoyments of beachfront living outweigh the potential risks 42 5. Other 6 SOURCE: T. Beatley, Hurricane Hugo and Shoreline Retreat: Evacuating the Effectiveness of the South Carolina Beachfront Management Act, final report to the National Science Foundation, September 1992 property in South Carolina heavily damaged by Hurricane Hugo. Even those who were devastated by such events did not generally have regrets or plan to move to safer locations. A related obstacle is the economic advantage of beachfront locations. Owners of beachfront property maybe reluctant to relocate structures at risk until they have nearly collapsed into the surf because the income from renting these units on the beach is substantially higher than it would be on sites farther inland. Also, equivalent beachfront property is often unavailable or too expensive. ~ Coastal Subsidies as Social Entitlements Some coastal subsidies have, over time, acquired a constituency and set of beneficiaries who tend to view them as social entitlements, in much the same way that people view social security. Similar views exist about disaster assistance. Almost regardless of the magnitude of the damages or the ability of States, localities, and property owners to assume the damages, many people perceive that a disaster declaration and disaster assistance are deserved. Taking away or Curtailing programs such as Federal flood insurance would be opposed by communities and coastal property owners who fear that property values, salability, and economic attractiveness of coastal areas would be reduced. 9 Private Property and the Takings Issue A major impediment to more-effective and more-sensible coastal management is concern about impacts on private property. Specifically, property owners who are restricted as a result of coastal-management programs (e.g., Ocean-front setback requirements or restrictions on filling wetlands) may claim that these restrictions represent unconstitutional takings of private property under the fifth amendment to the U.S. Constitution (as well as under similar provisions in State constitutions). If land-use regulations are so restrictive that they deny all reasonable economic use of a coastal property, the courts may well conclude that a taking has occurred. A recent case in South Carolina, Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, illustrates the potential dimensions of this obstacle. 24 David Lucas, a South Carolina developer and property owner who had acquired two small lots on Isle of Palms (a barrier-island community east of Charleston), was prevented from building on them as a result of the 1988 South Carolina Beachfront Management Act (both lots were seaward of the so-called baseline) (69). Arguing that the setback restrictions deprived him of all reasonable economic use of his property, he challenged the restrictions as an unconstitutional taking. The lower court found in his favor and awarded him
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178 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 $1.2 million. The South Carolina Supreme Court overruled this decision, upholding the Coastal Councils actions as merely preventing a public harm and thus not requiring compensation. Lucas appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, where the majority determined that some compensation should be paid when the value of property is essentially destroyed by regulation. The court reiterated the position that when land-use regulations that preclude all economic use of property go into effect, a taking might occur (unless the regulation serves only to enforce a preexisting common-law doctrine, such as nuisance law). The case was then returned to the South Carolina Supreme Court, which, in reconsidering, found that a temporary taking had occurred. In July 1993, a settlement was finally reached, and the State agreed to pay Lucas $1.5 million. 25 The full implications of the Lucas decision remain to be seen, but it will likely be cited by opponents of more-stringent coastal land-use regulations. Takings law is still developing, and considerable disagreement exists about when a regulatory taking actually occurs. What constitutes a reasonable economic use, for example, remains a debatable question. The South Carolina law did not prevent the erection of a temporary structure on the Lucas property, or prohibit the sale of the lots to adjoining property owners. The use restrictions in the NFIP generally are not considered a taking because participation by communities is voluntary and because protecting people from the threat of harm is part of community authority under police powers. Irrespective of the specific constitutional challenge of a taking, additional restrictions on the use of land have in recent years met with serious political opposition. Several property-rightsprotection groups, such as supporters of the wise use movement in the West., have been established and have been vocal in opposing additional government restrictions (see vol. 2, ch. 5). I Cost of Change: Perceived and Actual Potential costactual and perceived-represents an obstacle to many proposed program changes. Coastal-land acquisition, for example, may entail major expenditures, given the high price of coastal property. Public subsidies for relocation of vulnerable structures could also involve substantial public expense. On the other hand, some alternatives are relatively inexpensive, and their perceived costs may be much higher than their actual costs. Adoption of coastal building standards, for instance, actually involves a relatively small increase in the cost of home construction (l). In addition, attention is frequently focused on the initial costs of programs without considering the resulting long-term cost reductions. Although relocation subsidies (e.g., the Upton-Jones relocation assistance, discussed below) may involve substantial upfront costs, they serve to curtail future-loss expenditures, sometimes on properties that would likely be damaged again. Similarly, public acquisition of wetlands, floodplains, and other sensitive coastal lands, although expensive initially, can serve to prevent future public costs that could be many times higher (e.g., costs of disaster relief and ecological damages). I Institutional Fragmentation an d Regulatory Obstacles An important obstacle to better management, especially at the Federal level, is institutional (or organizational) fragmentation. No single Federal agency or department has responsibility for coastal management and coastal-damage risk reduction. For example, the Coastal Zone Management program is administered within the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ; responsibility for wetland management is shared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Corps of Engineers, and many others (see vol. 2, ch. 4); FEMA has responsibility for flood ~ South caroIina intends to nxoup its money by selling the lots for development. However, thc new build.@ -t W stip*@ tit owner must remove structures that ever flood or become seaward of the dunes because of beaeh erosion (50).
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 179 insurance; and several agencies and offices are involved in disaster assistance. These different Federal programs and initiatives are not wellcoordinated and there is no unified, comprehensive strategy for reducing the risks of living on the coast or for addressing specific issues such as climate-related sea level rise. Moreover, the perceived missions of these different agencies vary considerably, and can result in actions and programs that work at cross-purposes. FEMA has historically seen its mission not in terms of coastal management, but in terms of helping families and communities respond to, and cope with, natural disasters. Hazardous coastal development is caused, in part, by an inadequate regulatory and enforcement framework. Many coastal States and localities have minimal controls on the location and quality of development. Although some States have adopted fairly stringent coastal setback requirements, for example, many others frequently permit new development close to the ocean front and in locations subject to erosion threats. North Carolina requires major coastal structures to be set back 60 times the average annual erosion rate (61). Yet, South Carolina effectively has no fixed shoreline setback, and through a special permit procedure, allows development very close to the ocean. Few coastal States or localities prohibit development within floodplains, although structures in these areas may be subject to certain design requirements, such as being elevated to or above the 100-year flood level. To the uninformed coastal resident or buyer of coastal property, securing a State or local permit maybe falsely perceived as a certification of the safety of a coastal site or location. Moreover, ensuring full community compliance with existing floodplain-management regulations is difficult because FEMAs enforcement and monitoring staff is small. The extensive wind damage from Hurricane Andrew illustrates the looseness with which many development codes have been implemented and enforced. The South Florida Building Code (with a wind-design standard of 120 miles (190 kilometers) 26 per hour) was generally viewed as one of the most stringent performance-based building codes in use anywhere. Yet, problems with enforcement and implementation (and with the provisions of the code itself) have raised questions about the stringency and effectiveness of coastal regulations. A grand jury in Dade County recently issued a report extremely critical of the shoddy building practices evident in South Florida (8). Among the problems cited by the grand jury were inadequate and lax building inspection, inability to control untrained and unlicensed building contractors, and corruption, apathy, and high turnover in the Florida Building and Zoning Department. Strengthening the code (including changing the ways roof systems are constructed) and increasing Federal wind standards for mobile homes (most of which were destroyed in the hurricane) were recommended. In many coastal areas, building codes are simply not required. In 12 coastal States, adoption of building codes is left entirely up to local officials (53). In South Carolina, for instance, local governments are under no requirement to adopt a building code (although if they choose to do so, it must be the States standard building code). In Texas, no State building code is mandated, and counties do not even have the authority to adopt building codes if they wanted to-leaving many rural and unincorporated areas without any construction standards. ENCOURAGING LESS-DAMAGING COASTAL-DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS The existing policy framework does include several major programs and policies that seek to reduce the risks of living on the coast and that could serve as the foundation for policy changes in the future. As mentioned earlier, the NFIP has 26 ~ conv~ miles per hour to kilometers per hour, multiply by 1.609.
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180 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 mandated, from its beginning, the adoption of certam minimum standards for floodplain management. In recent years, the program has been giving much greater attention to risk reduction and hazard mitigation. Some relatively recent changes to the NFIP, discussed below, include the Section 1362 Flooded Properties Purchase Program, the Upton-Jones relocation-assistance program, and the Community Rating System. Recently, several bills introduced in Congress have proposed further reforms, and these initiatives are described here as well. Other programs that have positively encouraged mitigation and risk reduction (or have the potential to do so) include the Federal Hazard Mitigation Grants program (Section 404 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act), State hazard-mitigation plans (required by Section 409 of the Stafford Act), the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (COBRA; P.L. 97-348), the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA; P.L. 92-583), and the State coastal-management programs through which the Federal CZMA is implemented. M Section 1362 Flooded Properties Purchase Program The NFIP, despite some limitations, has improved gradually over the years, and certain programs and provisions have been developed that move it in the direction of greater hazard mitigation and loss reduction. One of these is the Section 1362 Flooded Properties Purchase Program. Authorized in 1968 by a section of the National Flood Insurance Act, the program allows FEMA to break the damage-rebuild-damage cycle that accounts for many damage claims. Under the program, FEMA can offer to buy out owners of damaged property, paying the difference between the fair market value of the structure and the allowable insurance claim, plus the value of the land on which the structure is or was located. The community must agree to participate, must be willing to accept the land, and must prepare a plan for its use that ensures that it will never be developed in the future. Eligible properties must have had Federal flood insurance and must meet one of several damage criteria (e.g., be damaged substantially beyond repair). The Section 1362 Program has been used sparingly: since first funded in 1980, FEMA has acquired only about 100 properties per year. Modest amounts of funds are set aside for Section 1362 purchases, and there seems to be a bias against using those funds in coastal areas; because land in coastal communities is often very expensive, it is usually possible to get a greater bang for the buck when these limited funds are used along rivers. Since 1980, Congress has appropriated less than $5 million per year for Section 1362 funds, and in some years, FEMA has not spent it all. 1 Upton-Jones Relocation Assistance Another major change in the flood-insurance program was passage of the so-called UptonJones Amendment. An amendment to the Housing and Community Development Act of 1987 (P.L. 100-242), this provision sought to make available funds for subsidizing the demolition or relocation of shoreline structures that are subject to fairly immediate erosion hazards. Under the NFIP prior to Upton-Jones, a property owner could not receive any flood-insurance payment until the structure was actually damaged. Under Upton-Jones, owners of shorefront property with Federal flood insurance are eligible for sizable demolition or relocation subsidies. Specifically, the amendment provides up to 40 percent of the insured value of a building for relocation (or 40 percent of the cost of relocation, if less) and up to 110 percent of the insured value of a structure for demolition. Relocation funds can be used for, among other things, new site preparation, construction of a new foundation, and utility hook-ups. To qua.ii@, structures must be within a zone of imminent collapse. FEMA defines this area as
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 181 Figure 4-5--FEMAs Criteria for Imminent-Collapse and Setback Determinations Under the Upton-Jones Amendment Dune scarp vegetation line Minimum 30-year setback distance 4 b Zone of imminent collapse A ~/ /1 (lo +3!5X4)) u 1 / / C2 .-._/ ---/d- \ I Measured/ 1 Erosion rate = 4 feet per year reported distance Beach scarp/ high water line NOTE: To convert feet to meters, multiply by 0.305. SOURCE: National Research Council, Managing Coastal Erosion (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1990). seaward of a line 10 feet plus 5 times the average annual rate of erosion, as measured from a reference feature such as the normal high-water line (fig. 4-5). The provisions also require the State or local government to condemn structures or certify that they are in danger of collapse. Once FEMA declares a structure subject to imminent collapse, the owner has a certain reasonable time to relocate or demolish it, after which only 40 percent of losses can be recovered in the next storm or flooding event. Once demolition or relocation occurs, certain restrictions are placed on the availability of new insurance. Specifically, to receive flood insurance, any future development on the property must be located landward of the 30-year erosion line for structures with one to four dwelling units or landward of the 60-year line for larger structures. Structures moved to a different site must also meet these and whatever other floodplainmanagement restrictions are in effect in the new location. To date, use of the Upton-Jones Amendment has been limited. As of April 1992, only 494 claims had been filed. Of these, 283 were approved, 217 for demolition and 66 for relocation. The average value of demolition claims has been more than twice that of relocation claims (79). Low participation can be explained in part by a general lack of awareness about the program, a reluctance to remove or interrupt income from rental properties, a lack of suitable or affordable relocation sites, and problems encountered in condemning structures (e.g., many States do not allow condemnation unless there is actual structural damage (59)). Despite considerable support for the concept, the Upton-Jones Amendment has not decreased NFIP expenditures or induced voluntary, anticipatory action by owners and has been insufficient to overcome individual and market incentives for
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182 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 ocean-front owners to remain on the coastline (17, 18, 56). The National Research Council has recommended that relocation be encouraged over demolition, relocation behind the 30-year erosion line be mandated, easements or some other form of legal restriction preventing use of vacated shorefront areas be required, and insurance be te rminated or premiums raised for structures within the zone of imminent collapse that are not relocated or demolished after a certain time (59). The Upton-Jones program could be criticized as underwriting private risks because it encourages risky coastal development if property owners expect relocation assistance in the future (7). Also, the program applies only to individual properties: Upton-Jones provisions can be used to relocate one structure even as another one is being built on an adjacent, eroding site. The suggested changes mentioned above, in addition to coupling program benefits to more stringent erosion management for new construction (e.g., coastal setbacks), would serve to substantially eliminate such incentives. 1 Community Rating System FEMA has recently initiated a program, the Community Rating System (CRS), to reward communities for the additional activities and programs they undertake to minimize flood damages beyond the minimum requirements of the NFIP. Specifically, the insurance premiums of property owners within communities that undertake flood-damage-reduction activities are reduced based on the extent of eligible activities undertaken. CRS gives credit for 18 mitigation activities, grouped into four categories: public information, mapping and regulations, flooddamage reduction, and flood preparedness (see table 4-6). Points are assigned to activities depending on the extent of their implementation within the community and their likely effectiveness at achieving CRS objectives (24). Points allocated to individual measures are added to produce the communitys total points, which are then used to determine the extent of premium reduction for property owners. As table 4-7 indicates, premium reductions range from 5 to 45 percent for property within Special Flood Hazard Areas (i.e., A and V zones). A maximum 5 percent reduction is allowed for property outside Special Flood Hazard Areas, largely because premiums are already low in these areas and because the measures for which credits are given are directed at the 100-year-flood zones. The numbers of communities participating in the CRS program have so far been modest. In FY 1993, only 565 communities took part (3 percent of those participating in the NFIP). This small percentage, however, does represent about 45 percent of the flood-insurance-policy base. The level of mitigation effort for most participating communities has been relatively low, with the vast majority of communities (about 78 percent) eligible for only a 5 percent reduction in policyholder premiums. Another 15 percent of communities are eligible for 10 percent reductions. Twelve communities were given reductions of 15 percent, and one qualified for a 25 percent reduction. 27 Questions nevertheless remain about the CRS strategy. It is not clear whether the most active local governments would not be undertaking these kinds of mitigation actions, anyway. Some of the measures for which local governments are given credit, such as hazard disclosure, may not lead to clear hazard or damage reduction. Conversely, credits are not now given for some measures, such as erosion management, that might be desirable. The CRS approach could also be criticized for further reducing premiums paid in hazardous areas. As an alternative, several of the measures for which localities are given credit (e.g., erosion setbacks) could simply be made mandatory as conditions for participating in the NFIP. 27 Data on the COmmunity Rating System provided by C, Keegu Federal Emergency Mmagement Agency, JWL 3, 1993.
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 183 Table 4-6--Community Rating System Designed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to Encourage Communities to Minimize Flood Damage Percent of Activity Maximum points Average points applicants allowed earned requesting credit Public information Elevation certificates Map determinations Outreach projects Hazard disclosure Flood-protection library Flood-protection assistance Mapping and regulations Additional flood data Open-space preservation Higher regulatory standards Flood-data maintenance Storm-water management Flood-damage reduction Repetitive-loss projects Acquisition and relocation Retrofitting Drainage-system maintenance Flood preparedness Flood-warning program Levee safety Dam safety 1 37 a 140 175 81a 25 66 360 a 450 a 785 12oa 380 a 441 a 1,600 1,400 330 200 a 900 a 120 a 73 140 59 39 20 51 60 1 15b 101 a 41 121 41 97 23 226 173 0 64 10 0 92 53 40 77 45 20 42 59 41 37 11 13 3 82 5 0 45 a Maximum Points revised since the 1990 community Rating System schedule. b 1990 credits revised to reflect the 1992 Community Rating System schedule. SOURCE. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Interagency Hazard Mitigation Survey Team Report on the Northeaster Storm, FEMA 973-NJ-DR (Washington, DC: FEMA, January 1993) 1 Hazard-Mitigation Programs and Requirements Under the Stafford Act There have also been some reforms in the Federal disaster-assistance framework in recent years. The 1988 amendments to the Stafford Act created a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) (Section 404), which provides Federal matching funds for 50 percent of individual State and local mitigation projects. The grant funds are tied to disaster declarations and are limited to 10 percent of the total Federal share of the publicassistance monies made available for permanent restorative work. FEMA had approved 206 applications for hazard-mitigation grants through 1992, obligating approximately $43 million. As table 4-8 indicates, these funds have been used to finance various types of mitigation, including improving public-private facilities (e.g., floodproofing sewage treatment systems), constructing drainage systems, purchasing equipment, relocating structures, developing plannin g programs, promoting education and training activities, and improving land. Nearly 60 percent of the funds were used for improvements to public-private facilities. Only about 11 percent of these grants were used for relocation or acquisition, and only about 3 percent
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184 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Table 4-7Premium Reductions for Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) and Non-SFHAs in the Federal Emergency Management Agencys Community Rating System SFHA NonSFHA premium premium Points reduction reduction earned Class (percent) (percent) 4,500+ 1 4,000-4,499 . 2 3,500-3,999 . 3 3,000-3,499 . 4 2,500-2,999 . 5 2,000-2,499 . 6 1,500-1 ,999 . 7 1,000-1 ,499 . 8 500-999 . . 9 0-499 . . . 10 45 5 40 5 35 5 30 5 25 5 20 5 15 5 10 5 5 5 0 0 SOURCE Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System Coordinators Manual (Washington,DC: FEMA, July 1992. for pl anning programs, such as development of beach-management plans, hazard-mitigation plans, and zoningand building-code ordinances (41). A joint task force of the National Emergency Management Association and the Association of State Floodplain Managers was formed to evaluate HMGP. Among the concerns identified were the slow pace of implementing the program, the lack of hazard mitigation principles and guidance, difficult.ies in State-level coordination, and the failure of States and localities to identify mitigation opportunities before a disaster occurs. The specific recommendations of the joint task force include: creating State teams to respond to disaster declarations; developing and endorsing a Federal-State hazard-mitigation strategy after each disaster declaration to identify mitigation opportunities; updating and refining State hazard-mitigation plans through the Federal-State agreement; strengthening technical-assistance activities (e.g., through trainin g and publication of handbooks); and improving guidance on project eligibility (41). Of special importance are the task forces conclusions that FEMA should better enforce State hazard-mitigation-plan requirements and seek to elevate the priority and importance Table 4&Rank of Project Categories by Dollar Amount and Percent of Estimated Obligations in the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (January 1989 to August 1992) Type of project $ Millions a Percent Public-private facilities 25 58 Drainage projects 6 14 Equipment purchases 5 12 Relocation of structures 5 11 Planning products 1 3 Education and training <1 1 Land Improvements <1 1 Total 43 100 a 1992 dollars SOURCE. Joint Task Force on the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, The Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. An Evaluation Report, prepared by National Emergency Management Association, the Association of State Floodplain Managers, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, September 1992 given to these plans. Land use, relocation, and nonstructural programs are perhaps underrepresented in the HMGP. The overall level of funding seems modest, but not all available funds have been obligated because too few eligible projects have been proposed. The Stafford Act also made mitigation an eligible expense under the FEMA publicassistance program (Section 406), and thus allows the Federal Government to contribute 75 percent of the funds for reconstruction improvements to the infrastructure (e.g., roads, bridges, and utility lines) to make them less vulnerable to future damage. Before these changes were made, mitigation expenditures were not eligible for public assistance, and if State and local gov ernments wanted to rebuild damaged infrastructure to higher standards, they had to bear the entire expense. Section 406 could be more useful to States than the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program because opportunities for mitigation can be identified and taken advantage of quickly during the damage survey process, the mitigation can be incorporated into reconstruction without having to go through a grant-review process and compete with other projects, and the amount of money
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 185 available is not limited by the 10 percent cap of the Federal share of public-assistance monies. The existing Federal disaster-assistance framework does have some significant teeth for promoting and requiring hazard mitigation. Section 409, although rarely used, states that the President may make disaster assistance conditional on State or local actions to mitigate hazards (including safe land use and construction practices). In addition, States receiving disaster assistance are required to prepare a State hazardmitigation plan-a so-called Section 409 plan. These plans are intended to require States (and local communities) to confront the natural hazards they are subject to and identify programs and policies that can be implemented to reduce those hazards. In theory, FEMA can withhold disasterassistance funds if the programs and policies contained in the plan have not been implemented. Politically, however, this is quite difficult to do, and FEMA has chosen not to adopt such a stringent approach. Most States required to prepare Section 409 plans have done so. However, FEMA lacks a clear system for monitoring State progress and compliance with Section 409 plans. Furthermore, once a disaster is over, States are relieved of much of the pressure to undertake planning and mitigation activities. 9 Coastal Barrier Resource Act CoBRA, enacted by Congress in 1982, represents an attempt to move away from some of the ill effects of Federal subsidies such as flood insurance and disaster assistance. COBRAS stated objectives are to reduce growth pressures on undeveloped barrier islands; to reduce threats to people and property of disasters and minimize the public expenditures that typically accompany such disasters; and to reduce damage to fish, wildlife, and other sensitive environmental resources. ... ... . ,,, -+... Morris Island lighthouse, once on solid ground, now sits in the Atlantic Ocean off Charleston, South Carolina. The act designated the Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS), originally comprising 186 undeveloped barrier-island units, including 453,000 acres (183,500 hectares) 28 and 666 miles of shoreline. After a certain date, several Federal subsidies would no longer be permitted in these designated areas, including new flood-insurance policies, monies for infrastructure construction, and nonemergency forms of disaster relief. The Department of the Interior is responsible for implementing the program. Barrier islands were defined in the act as including sand deposits, such as barrier islands and spits, and associated aquatic habitats, such as adjacent marshes and estuaries. A barrier island was deemed to be undeveloped, and thus eligible for inclusion in the system, if it had less than one walled and roofed building per 5 acres of land; there was an absence of urban infrastructure on it (e.g., vehicle access, water supply, wastewater disposal, and electrical service to each lot); and ~ ~ CoKIvm acres to hectares, multiply by 0.40S.
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186 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 it was not part of a development of 100 or more lots (32). CBRS was expanded in 1990 under the Coastal Barrier Improvement Act (P.L. 101-591) to include 560 units comprising 1.3 million acres and 1200 shoreline miles (88). In addition, under the 1990 act, the Department of the Interior was directed to map all undeveloped coastal barriers along the Pacific Coast (for eventual inclusion by Congress in CBRS). Several studies have sought to evaluate the effectiveness of CoBRA at discouraging barrierisland development (31, 32,42, 88). These studies suggested that COBRA has not stopped development pressures on undeveloped coastal barriers, although the withdrawal of Federal subsidies has had some effect on discouraging new development there. The General Accounting Office (GAO) noted that the availability of accessible coastal land is limited [and] populations of coastal areas are expected to increase by tens of millions by the year 2010. This population increase will further spur market demand, providing an incentive for developers, owners, and investors to assume the risks associated with owning and building in these storm-prone areas (88). The study results suggest several policy directions, including the acquisition of undeveloped barrier lands despite the high cost of such a strategy .29 Some studies in the past have argued that despite the high cost of acquisition, the public savings in the long term still justify such purchases (e.g., see ref. 55). One study (42) recommended removal of the remainin g forms of Federal subsidy allowable under the current U.S. Tax Code (e.g., casualty-loss deductions); prohibition of all loans made by federally insured banks and lending institutions (originally waived under Section 11 of CoBRA); prohibition of Federal block grants; and prohibition of federally funded projects occurrin g outside, yet affecting, designated units. H The Coastal Zone Management Act and State Management Programs The 1972 enactment of the Federal CZMA has served as a major catalyst for improved coastal pl anning and management. Under Section 305 of the act, the Federal Gov ernment-through the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management within NOAA-provides grants for the development of State coastal-management programs. These programs must contain certain elements, and once approved, Section 306 of the act provides funding for State implementation. Funds are provided on a Federal-State cost-share basis. The Federal share was initially as high as 80 percent, but shares are now equal. In addition to the financial incentive for participation, States were also encouraged to participate as a way of exercising some degree of control over Federal actions and projects in their coastal zones. Thus, once a States plan is approved, subsequent Federal actions must be consistent with it (per Section 307) to the extent practicable. Although the program is voluntary, participation has been very high. Of the 35 coastal States and Territories eligible for funding, 29 now have federally approved plans (notable exceptions have been Texas and Georgia, but each is now working toward developing a program). Illinois is the only eligible State not developing a program (note that States along the Great Lakes are also considered coastal). Moreover, CZMA has clearly served as a major catalyst for the development of more-extensive and moreeffective coastal-management programs. Compared with the State-only management frame work that existed before CZMA, there is little doubt that current coastal-development patterns and practices are more protective of sensitive @ ~f=ue 88 dtises the fee-simple and less-than-fee-simple approaches. F@-si.uIPlc ~tiitiOn hlvOh@ ~ fllllo ~P$ or the endre bundle of rights. Izss-than-fcesimplc acquisition involves purchasing less than full ownership, or a partial interest in tk lan4 typically the right to build or develop on all or a portion of the land.
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 187 coastal resources and have reduced the exposure of people and property to coastal risks (9, 33). States have considerable freedom under CZMA to craft a coastal program to fit their individual needs and circumstances. It must include certain basic components, however, including identification of the boundaries of the coastal zone, definition of permissible land and water uses within the zone, creation of an inventory and designation of areas of particular concern, and identification of the means by which the State will exert control over activities in the coastal zone. Some States-Florida and New Jersey, for example--have taken a networking approach, pulling together into their coastal programs several already-existing management provisions. Other States, such as North Carolina, have created entirely new management and regulatory frameworks and new State decision-making bodies to implement the program (9). There is considerable variation in the specific provisions and management tools used in State coastal programs and in their stringency and extent of coverage. Some State programs clearly have made major strides in reducing the riskiness of coastal development. At least 13 States now impose some form of coastal setback, requiring new development to locate a certain distance landward of the ocean (table 4-9) (38, 59,71, 89). Increasingly, these setback requirements are calculated according to local erosion rates. North Carolina, for example, uses one of the toughest erosion-based setbacks. Specifically, for smallscaIe development in beachfront areas, new development must be set back a distance of at least 30 times the average annual rate of erosion for that particular stretch of coastline, measured from the first stable line of vegetation (61, 71). Development must also be landward of the crest of the primary dune and of the landward toe of the frontal dune. For larger structures, the setback is doubled to 60 times the annual rate of erosion. Other types of restrictions are also imposed. Under New Yorks Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas Table 4-9--Status of U.S. Setback Authorities State or Setback New policies Territory Iegislation for sea level rise Alabama.. . . Alaska. . . . American Samoa. . California . . . Connecticut . . Delaware. . . Florida. . . . Georgia. . . . Guam. . . . Hawaii. . . . Illinois. . . . Louisiana. . . Maine. . . . Maryland. . . Massachusetts. . Michigan. . . Minnesota. ... . Mississippi. . . New Hampshire. . New Jersey . . New York . . North Carolina . Northern Marianas. Ohio. ...... 0,..,.... Oregon. ,. . . Pennsylvania. . . Puerto Rico........., Rhode Island. . . South Carolina . Texas. . . . Virgin lslands. . Virginia. . . . Washington. . . Wisconsin. . . Yes N o N o N o N o Yes Yes N o No Yes N o N o Yes a No N o Yes N o N o N o Yes b Yes Yes Yes a No No Yes Yes a Yes Yes No Yes a N o N o N o No No No No N o N o N o N o No N o Yes No No N o N o No No No N o No No N o No N o Yes No No No No a State ha S a construction setback, but It is not primarily for coastalerosion-hazard purposes. b The State setback currently applies only to projects requiring a State coastal Area Facility Review Act (CAFRA) permit (i.e., projects of greater than 24 residential units). A proposed bill would revamp CAFRA and give the State greater control over oceanfront areas. Local municipalities have authority for sub-CAFRA projects through duneand beach-protection ordnances. SOURCES: J. Houlahan, Comparison of State Coastal Setbacks to Manage Development In Coastal Hazard Areas, Coastal Management, vol. 17, 1989; P. Klarin and M. Hershman, Response of Coastal Zone Management Programs to Sea Level Rise in the United States, Coastal Management, vol. 18, 1990.
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188 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Act, 30 for example, in certain erosion zones (i.e., so-called structural hazard zones ), only movable structures are permitted (71). Specific density limitations are imposed by some States in certain high-risk locations. Under North Carolinas program, for instance, development in inlet hazard zones is restricted to structures less than 5,000 square feet (450 square meters) 31 in size, and generally must not exceed a density of more than one unit per 15,000 square feet of developable land (61). Some coastal States have also imposed significant restrictions on the building of erosioncontrol structures (e.g., seawalls, revetments, and groins). North Carolina, South Carolina, and Maine have banned the construction of new, permanent shore-hardening structures altogether. Such actions serve in the long run to reduce destruction of beaches, and put property owners on notice that should a beachfront structure become subject to erosion hazards, it will not be permissible to allow the construction of such protective (yet damaging) structures. States like North Carolina have managed to resist recent political challenges to such controls. Most coastal States have also imposed restrictions on development in tidal, or saltwater, wetlands, and a smaller number apply restrictions to nontidal, or freshwater, wetlands. States typically require a permit before certain activities can take place in wetland areas, and usually include a more expansive list of potentially damaging activities than those regulated under the Federal Section 404 program (see below and vol. 2, ch. 4). Regulated activities typically include discharging dredge material, draining wetlands, cutting trees, and destroying vegetation. These regulations often extend to adjacent buffer areas as well. State wetland standards often incorporate many of the key concepts contained in the EPA-developed Section 404(b) guidelines, including restricting development activities to water-dependent uses and forbidding such activities where practicable alternatives exist. Most state wetland programs also require mitigation when natural wetlands are destroyed or damaged. Imposed mitigation ratios-the amount of created, restored, or enhanced acreage required for each acre of natural wetland destroyed or damaged--can be two-to-one or greater (77). Many State coastal programs also seek to manage rebuilding and reconstruction after hurricanes or other major flooding events. Most State programs require development permits for rebuilding substantially damaged structures. Hurricanes and coastal-storm events, while exacting substantial human and economic cost, often represent opportunities to rebuild in ways that minimize exposure to future risks (e.g., through relocation and through elevating structures and setting them further back from the water). The South Carolina Beachfront Management Act (BMA), originally created in 1988, contained some of the most stringent reconstruction provisions in the country when Hurricane Hugo hit the coast a year later (see box 4-C). In enacting the BMA, the State sought to explicitly implement a long-term shoreline-retreat policy. Under the original act, habitable structures that were found to be damaged beyond repair (i.e., damaged by more than 66 2 / 3 percent) could only be rebuilt landward of a no-construction zone (the so-called dead zone). All structures rebuilt within a larger 40-year erosion zone were also required to move as far landward as possible (see fig. 4-6). The rebuilding of pools and recreational amenities damaged more than 50 percent was also prevented, and restrictions were placed on rebuilding erosion-control structures if damage was greater than 50 percent. Vertical seawalls could be replaced with sloping barriers, but only under certain conditions (6, 70). Opposition to the rebuilding restrictions after Hurricane Hugo was intense, especially by beachM ~cle 34, New York Environmental Conservation hlw. 31 ~ conv~ WW feet to square metera, multiply by 0.093.
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Chapter 4--Coasts 1189 Box 4-C-South Carolina, Hurricane Hugo, and Coastal Development No natural event illustrates the vulnerability of coastal areas to erosion, flooding, and wind damage rmre convincingly than the onslaught of a major hurricane. Hurricane Hugo, which hit the coast of South Carolina in 1989, was an unusuaily powerful storm. Classified as a category 4 hurricane (see box 4-A), Hugo was one of the most powerful storms ever to strike the East Coast of the United States. The storm surge accompanying Hugo exceeded 20 feet (6 meters) above mean sea level in some locations (84). This high water level, plus strong winds and heavy rains, destroyed coastal real estate and affected farms, forests, and coastal habitats along much of the 181-miie (2904dlometer)2 South Carolina coastline. Such intense storms are rare, but hurricanes of lower intensity and strong storms are a recurring, year-round phenomenon along the eastern seaboard. Each year, millions of dollars of damage to public and private infrastructure and property occurs along the East Coast as a result of these storms. In addition, significant, though usually less well-publiazed, damage occurs to the natural environment. Each year, as well, population in coastal areas increases more rapidly than population in other parts of the country. As a consequence, the exposure of people and property to coastal hazards is steadily increasing. Development pressures in South Carofina and throughout the Southeast are Intense. Between 1980 and 1990, for example, South Caroiinas population increased by 13 percent. In coastal counties, however, population increased by 22 percent, and in the popular Myrtte i3each resort, it increased by over 40 percent (15). Damage to South Carolina from Hurricane Hugo was extensive and was a resuit of both the intensity of the storm and the density and type of development in the area it struck. The following catalog of losses caused by Hugo illustrates the variety of ways that human lives and ecosystems can be disrupted and suggests the necessity of implementing strong coastal-zone-management policies and of educating the public about the risks of living in hazardous areas. Homes and buildfnga-l+urricane Hugo caused about $7 billion in property damages in North and South Cardim Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, the four principal areas affected. Charleston County, South cardi~ was one of the hardest hit areas, suffering more than $1.9 billion in damages, about 30 percent of the assessed property value of the area Acoording to the American Red Cross, Hugo destroyed 3,307 single-family homes in the major impact area. An additional 18,171 homes sustained major damage, and 56,580 sustained minor m. Mofethan 12,600 tile homes were destroyed, and approximately 18,000 units ofmultifarnitydweilings were either destroyed or damaged (1 9). Despite the large number of homes destroyed, many homeowners rebuilt in the same location. Over 90 percent of homes destroyed in the hard hit and affiuent communities of Sullivans Island and Isle of Palms, for example, were rebuiit in approximately the same place, a pattern that was repeated in many beachfront communities. Tourism-South Carolinastourist industry depends heavily on coastal attractions and generates rnorethan $8 billion annually. The tourist industry suffered amajorblowfrom Hurricane Hugo. In the Charleston Metropolitan Are% for example, attendance at local attractions dunhg the 3 months following the storm was down 72 percent compared with attendance during the same period the previous year. Attendance finally returned to normal levels 3 years after the storm. Forests and the forest Industry-About half the land in South Caroiinas coastal counties is devoted to either forestry or agriculture. Over 1.8 million acres (0.7 million hectares)3 of the States coastal forests were bY ~nd and waterr. @WM on timberlands =US~ W l+urfica~ Hugo amounted to about $1 biilion. 1 TO convert feet to meters, multiply by 0.305. 2 TO convert miles to kilometers, multiply by 1.609 3 TO convgrt acxes to hectares, multiply by 0.405. (Continued on next page)
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190 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 4-C-South Carolina, Hurricane Hugo, and Coastal Development-(Continued) Seventy percent of saw timber in Francis Marion National Forest northeast of Charleston was downed, and over 6 billion board feet (12 million cubic meters)4 of pine and hardwood sawtimberwere damaged. The amount of dead and downed wood amounted to 3 times the annual harvest in the State, enough to house virtually all the peopie of West Virginia. The damaged trees are now more susceptible to fire and insect attack. Agriculture-The agriculture industry suffered over $320 miiiion in damages from sait contamination and high winds. immediately after the hurricane, sodium concentrations on some agricultural iands near the coast were 120 times the average annual concentration, and signs of sait stress can stiii be found on vegetation in coastai and tidai areas (30). Further inland, vegetables and orchards were heaviiy damaged by the high winds, and many farm structures also sustained damage. Seafood industry-Of the 316 commercial fishing vesseis iicensed in South Caroiina, 58 (18 percent) were damaged or destroyed. The totai damage to vessels amwnted to about $3 miilion (85). Tax receipts-The effects of Hurricane Hugo on South Caroiinas tax base were mixed. Because a iarge number of properties were destroyed, short-term reductions in tax collections did occur, but this impact was not severe. The property tax rate and other fees were temporarily increased in some hard-hit areas after the storm to maintain services and compensate for ioss of some dweliings from the tax roils~ However, many homes destroyed by Hugo were increased in size when rebuilt, and thus assessed at higher rates than before the storm. About haif of the property loss attributed to Hugo was uninsured, so State income taxcoiiections were negatively affected as a resuit of income write-offs from casuaity iosses. Ironically, because of increased demand on lodging, accommodation tax collections increased foiiowing the storm. The area also experienced a significant increase in personai income, in part because ofadramatic increase in coastai construction jobs. By the Spring of 1990, neariy 8,000 construction jobs had been added to the States economy, more than offsetting the 6,800 jobs temporarily iost in the twrist industry. As a resuit, income and saies tax collections increased, and the net affect on State tax collections was considered a wash. One estimate set the impact on State tax collection at only $12 miilion, a figure too smaii to conclusively attribute to Hugo (80). Shoreiine impacts and beach renourishmentExtensive shoreiine erosion was caused by Hurricane Hugo. Some of the most noticeable effects inciuded the erosion of the primary dune riige system and the reduction in width and siope of beaches. To repair eroded beaches, the State and severai coastai communities spent over $1.5 miilion on emergency dune scraping, over $7 miilion for the piacementof 1.2 miilion cubic yards (0.9 miiiion cubic meters)e of sand on Grand Strand beaches, and about $1.2 miliion for sand fencing and revegetation between North Myrtie Beach and Foliy Beach (44). Coastai wetiand~ait marshes escaped significant damage from Hurricane Hugo. Primary productivity in these coastai marshes was virtuaiiy unaffected. The high tide during Hugos iandfail may have spared marshes from potentiai wave damage. During the months after the storm, some marshes advanced into adjacent forests suffering from sait damage, iending support to the hypothesis that sizabie storms are capabie of aitering the boundaries between salt marshes and upiand ecosystems (29). Marine and coastai wiidiif-immediately after the storm, a reduction of sait and oxygen in coastai waters iedtoextensive mortality of sea iife in some areas. Repopulation of most areas occurred within 2 months after the storm, however, as water quality improved (46). Heavy erosion of nesting areas on barrier isiands during the storm affected some bird populations, inciuding brown peiicans and royai terns. iniand, wit h the exception of afewareas 4 TO convert board feet to cubic meters, multiply by 0.M2. 5 Som taxes are still at the raised levels. 6 TO convert cubic yards to cubic meters, multiply by 0.765.
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Chapter 4-Coasts 1191 affeoted by the highest storm surges, heavy wildlife mortality was not noted. Some wildlife in forested areas damaged by Hugo, however, maybe suppressed for aconsiderabie period beoause damaged forests will require deoadesto reoover. Forest species Iikelytobe affected inolude gray squirrels, the redackdd woodpecker, and some forest songbirds (12). Overall, exoept for coastal forests, the natural environment weathered the storm with little long-term damage. Personal io ase-During the first weeks after Hurricane Hugo, some disaster vktims experienced anxiety and mental disorientation (4). Eight in 10 reported experiencing more than normat depression (57). Although these emotional effects of Hugo decreased with time, other personal losses oould not be restored. These h?clude iternsdestroyed in the hurricane that, although oflitt!e intrfnsiovalue, had great personal significance toindjvkkmis. Coastal development isadouble-edged sword in South Caroiinaj asit is in other States. Living nearthecoast has a strong attraction for many, and as communities grow, bcai revenues increase and public servioes jmprove. However, as people move to ooastal areas, they expose themselves not only to occadmd intense events jike Hurricane Hugo but to more mundane, but stijl potentially costly, risks such as erosion and sea level rise. Hugo-strength storms are rare, but category 2 and 3 hurricanes strike the South Carolina coast about once every 7 or 8 years, on average. SOURCE: MA. Davidson, Exeeutlve Dlreetor, South Carolina Sea Grant Coneortlum, K.H. Duffy, Duffy and Awe&tee, DJ. Smith, Southeast Regional Climate Center, and A. Felts, University of Charfeetoo, pereond eommunicatbn, May 1% 1993. front-property owners. 32 Moreover, several undertaken assessments of the issue (45). Eleven ings decisions (e.g., Lucas v. South Carolina of these have initiated new public and intergovCoastal Council) suggested that the States finanernmental processes (e.g., f orming a sea level rise cial liability in cases where the dead-zone restrictask force), and 13 States have existing regulaFigure 4-8-New Zones Established by Beachfront Legislation tions prevented all reasonable use of a parcel .tions that are adaptable (or partially adaptable) to could exceed $100 million. In 1990, the South Carolina legislature amended the law, completely eliminating the dead zone and creating a special variance procedure allowing development to occur even further seaward than the dead zone under certain conditions. Despite creating somewhat stronger rebuilding restrictions for erosioncontcol devices, the 1990 revisions in many ways represent apolitical retreat horn retreat (6). Increasingly, State coastal programs arerequiring that local governments prepare hurricane and coastal-storm recovery and reconstruction plans. North Carolina was the fiist State to impose such requirements, but other States have followed suit (e.g., Florida and South Carolina) (34). Some States have begun to explicitly incorporate conSetbaok line t I 1 1 / Baseline No ~ ~ construction I I 1 zone \ I 1 1 1 I 8 1 I I I 1 t 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I I i 1 sideration of sea level rise into their programs. Seventeen coastal States have ofilcially recogSOURCE: T. Beatley, RiekAlloeatlon Polby in the Coaetal Zone: The Current Frameworkand Future Direetbne,eontraetor report we~ared nized the problem of sea level rise and have for the Office of Twhnology Aeeeeement, February 1993. 32 some IYJ beachfront structures located in the no-construction zone were found to be damaged beYond repti by Hugo.
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192 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 4-D-The Maine Approach One response to sea level rise that may allow room for wetlands to migrate (see vol. 2, ch. 4), as well as maximize the human use of the coastal zone at minimum cost, has been implemented by the State of Maine. This State has adopted a poticy of allowing development in the coastal zone to continue subject to the constraint that structures will have to be abandoned if and when sea level rises enough to t hreaten them (52). Ail new structures, therefore are presumed movable. This so-called Maine approach will likely be less expensive than preventing development because coastal land would remain in use until the sea rises a given amount, whereas restricting development prevents the property from being used in the interim even though its inundation maybe decades away. The presumption of movability is more flexibte than restricting development because it does not require a specific estimate of how fast the sea will rise or the shore will retreat or how far into the future one should plan. It also enabtes private real estate markets to discount iand prices according to information on the risk of sea ievel rise. The Maine approach can be implemented in several ways. Maine has explicitly adopted this policy along its sand dune and wettand shores, with regulations that: 1) prohibit bulkhead construction, 2) explicitly put property owners on notice that structures are presumed to be movable, and 3) require property owners to affirmatively demonstrate their intention toabandonthe property before being granted a permit to erect a structure in any area that would support wetland vegetation if sea level rises 3 feet (0.9 meters). Although implemented in 1989, the Maine approach has not yet been tested, so it is uncertain how weli the approach will work if sea level rise actually becomes a problem. States abilities to require or induce private property owners to allow coastal wetiands to migrate with arising sea wiil hinge on the batance between t he rights of private property owners and public trust doctrines. if the Federal Government wishes to promote this type of adaptation, it might do so through changes in the Coastal Zone Management Act (P.L. 92-583) when it is reauthorized in 1995. several other State~nduding North Caroiina-have impliatly adopted the Maine approach along the ocean coast by prohibiting the construction of sea walis while continuing to allow construction of bulkheads along wettand shores. In some States, a strict interpretation of the common iaw pubtic trust doctrine wouid hold that as the shoreline migrates inland, so do the public rights to use tidelands for access and environmental purposes, inciuding wetlands. Finally, private conservancies can implement this approach by purchasing coastal iands and then reseiiing them at a slight discount in return for deed restrictions prohibiting bulkheads or requiring that the property revert to the conservancy whenever the sea reaches a threshold. SOURCE: Office of T~nology Assessment, 1993. future sea level rise (e.g., coastal setbacks, such as more)(45) (see box 4-D). Also, in certain fiontalthose discussed above). Only three, however, have adopted new policies specifically to respond to sea level rise (45). Under Maines Natural Resources Protection Act, wetland buffer zones are established to anticipate migration in response to sea level rise. As this zone moves in the future, development within it must also move (specifically, development must be relocated or abandoned if water encroaches on the development for more than a 6-month period or if it is damaged 50 percent or dune areas (where some development is permitted), developers are required to build structures exceeding a certain minimum size to take into account a predicted 3-foot rise in sea levels over the next 100 years (45). Some State programs have sought to facilitate and promote landward relocation of structures. In response to rising Great Lake levels, the State of Michigan created the Emergency Home Moving Program (EHMP). Under this emergency program, the State provided loan-interest subsidies to
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Chapter 4--Coasts I 193 property owners wishing to relocate lakefront structures threatened by erosion (71, 76). Property owners had a choice of either a 3 percent interest subsidy on the frost $25,000 of relocation costs or a one-time grant of $3,500. As a condition of this assistance, property owners had to move their structures at least 45 feet landward. The State also implemented an Emergency Home Flood Protection Program, which provided similar subsidies for the elevation of threatened structures (71). Another strategy some States are using is the acquisition of coastal-hazard areas and sensitive lands. State programs, such as Floridas Preservation 2000 program and Californias Coastal Conservancy program, have been very effective at protecting wetlands, beaches, and other sensitive coastal lands through outright purchases. 33 Many State coastal programs also impose some form of real estate disclosure requirement, which may be useful in discouraging hazardous development. Under North Carolinas program, for example, an applicant must sign an Areas of Environmental Concern Hazard Notice to acknowledge that he or she is aware of the risks associated with development in the ocean-hazard area and of the areas limited suitability for permanent structures (61). Under South Carolinas modified beachfront-management program, similar disclosure provisions are required when a special beachfront variance is issued (6). Building codes and construction standards represent another important component of many State and local risk-reduction strategies (although not necessarily an explicit component of a States coastal program). Coastal structures can be designed to better withstand hurricane winds, waves, and storm surges. Building codes may be Statemandated (as in North Carolina) or locally mandated (as in South Carolina) and can vary substantially in stringency. The Federal CZMA does not mandate that States impose building codes, and, in some 12 coastal States, adoption of building codes is left as a local option. It is not uncommon for rural areas especially to have no construction standards (53). The stringency of the wind-design standard to which coastal structures must be built is one variable in State programs. Under the N.C. Building Code, for instance, construction on the Outer Banks must be designed to withstand wind speeds of 120 miles per hour (mph). Structures there must also adhere to fairly stringent piling and foundation standards (34). The benefits of North Carolinas standards are illustrated by comparing damages from Hurricanes Alicia and Diana in Texas and North Carolina, respectively (75). Though the storms were comparable in strength and wind speeds, resulting damages were much less in North Carolina. The lower damages appear to be due in part to North Carolinas mandatory construction standards and to the lack of any control over building in unincorporated areas of Texas (see ref. 58). The South Florida Building Code (SFBC) is considered one of the strongest prescriptive codes anywhere and similarly mandates a 120-mph wind-speed standard. However, inspections of damage from Hurricane Andrew identified several potential deficiencies in the code, including poor performance of roof coverings, poor connection between the roof system and the building, inadequate use of staples to attach plywood sheathing, and problems with windows and wall siding (65). Local enforcement and buildercompliance problems were also identified. Although a relatively strong code, some have argued for even tougher standards given the location, frequency, and potential magnitude of future storm events; density of development; and consequent greater threat that projectiles torn from one home will hit other homes. Others argue that tougher enforcement, not stronger standards, is needed. 33 ~esewation XI(ICI is a l~yeu pro~~ eshblish~ in 1990 with the intent of acquir@ $3 billion of environmentally WXISifie M ova 10 years.
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194 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 The Federal CZMA, then, has stimulated considerable coastal plannin g and management that may not otherwise have occurred or would have occurred more slowly. Participation has been high, and even the two nonparticipating oceanfront States, Texas and Georgia, have been developing programs (Section 305 funds are now available again under the 1990 reauthorization of CZMA). CZMA has suffered from certain implementation problems, however. First, funding levels have not changed much since the early 1980s, with annual implementation monies (Section 306) staying at about $33 million (89). Given the magnitude of the management tasks, individual State allocations seem modest. Provision of additional CZMA monies to States specifically for the development, strengthening, and enforcement of strong shorefront and hazard-areamanagement provisions could return benefits many fold. Second, the Federal coastalmanagement program has also historically suffered from a lack of clear and uniform performance standards. Some States have aggressively managed and controlled coastal development whereas others have done little. Third, NOAA has not applied sanctions to States that do not implement their adopted and approved programs. Although programs can be disapproved, this action has never been taken. (On the other hand, the 1990 CZMA amendments now provide for interim sanctions if a State is not performing adequately.) POLICY OPTIONS FOR THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Although some important improvements in managing coastal development have been made in recent years, additional improvements are likely to be needed to forestall unwise development and to decrease existing vulnerability. The potential for sea level rise and more frequent and/or intense storms as a result of climate change adds to the already significant vulnerability of both developed and natural areas in the coastal zone. The following options for readjusting the existing incentive structure in coastal areas should be viewed as a starting point for additional discussion about appropriate changes. These possible changes are summarized in table 4-10. 1 Revamping the National Flood Insurance Program The NFIP still provides subsidies to a substantial number of buildings in high-risk coastal areas. Current NFIP policy has been established by Congress, and Congress could make program and policy changes to the NFIP to reduce these subsidies and otherwise improve floodmitigation activities and reduce damages from coastal hazards. Several bills suggesting such changes have been introduced into the 103d Congress, including S. 1405, the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1993, and H.R. 62, the National Flood Insurance, Compliance, Mitigation, and Erosion Management Act of 1993. Several options discussed below could be incorporated into these bills as they evolve. Option 4-1: Raise premium rates for the policyholders who receive subsidized flood insurance. Despite the gradual increase in rates over the years, the average yearly premium paid by coastal property owners remains modest relative to the risk. The potential for catastrophic future storms and sea level rise associated with climate change suggests that the risks of living near the coast will be greater in the future. If the availability of flood insurance is to be maintained, rates may need to be raised to reflect these factors. Currently, rates reflect only average annual losses; occasional catastrophic losses can be much higher than average. Rates might be raised to incorporate an increased cost of reconstruction benefit into policies. Option 4-2: Mandate erosion-management standards. The current NFIP does not adequately address long-term erosion trends. One way it could do so would be to require minimum erosion-management standards. For example,
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 195 Table 4-10--FederaI Programs and Laws Influencing Coastal Development: Status and Potential Changes Federal Key Legislative Existing mitigation Potential changes and pr ogram provisions basis provisions policy options National Flood Provides Federal flood Insurance insurance to property Program owners in participating (NFIP) communities Communities must adopt minimum floodplain management provisions (e g., elevation to 100-yearflood level, restrictions to building in floodway Disaster Individual and family assistance grants program Public-assistance grants on 75-25 cost share Coastal-barrier management Federal tax benefits Coastal zone management National Flood Minimum floodplainInsurance Act management standards, Flood Disaster Upton-Jones relocation Protection Act assistance Community Rating System 1362 flooded properties purchase program Stafford Disaster Mitigation grants program Relief and Section 409 State Emergency mitigation plan required. Assistance Act Withdraws Federal Coastal Barrier subsidies for new Resources Act development in (COBRA) designated Coastal Barrier Resources System (C BRS); prohibits issuance of new flood insurance, post-disaster assistance, and other development funds, Casualty-loss deduction, U S Tax Code Interest and property tax deductions for second homes. Accelerated depreciation for seasonal rental properties. Federal funds and Coastal Zone technical assistance Management Act for developing and (CZMA) implementing State coastal-management plans (cost-share basis). Adjust premium rates Mandate erosionmanagement standards. Curtail insurance for highrisk, repetitive-loss properties, Prohibit new insurance in risky locations. Incorporate sea level rise in mapping and rate structure Expand relocation assistance Reduce Federal share for public assistance Require more stringent mitigation Impose ability-to-pay standard Eliminate public-assistance funds altogether, Review criteria for declaring disasters. Further limit subsidies. Expand coverage to other sensitive lands. Promote State coastal barrier resource acts. Acquire undeveloped areas Eliminate or reduce tax benefits for coastal development Create tax deductions to support mitigation. State coastal-management Mandate stronger plans (e.g., ocean-front development controls. setbacks, land Expand resources available acquisition, construction to coastal States. standards, post-storm reconstruction standards).
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196 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Table 4-10--Federal Programs and Laws Influencing Coastal Development: Status and Potential Changes--( Continued) Federal Key Legislative Existing mitigation Potential changes and program provisions basis provisions policy options Beach Provision of funding and renourishment technical assistance and shore for beachprotection renourishment and shore-protection projects. Federal cost share from 55 to 90 percent Federal Restricts discharge of wetland dredge and fill protection materials into U.S. waters. Federal Flood Control Acts (of 1917, 1936, 1945, 1955, 1968; for a detailed review of these, see ref. 71) Section 404 of the Clean Water Act Discourage permanent shoreline stabilization. Increase State and local contribution. Phase out Federal funding of beach renourishment. Condition funding on minimum State and local coastal management. Section 404 (b)(l) Tighten regulatory control in guidelines, and U.S. Section 404 permit review, Army Corps of Incorporate sea level rise into Engineers public-interest wetland management review. decisions. Explore use of transferable development rights. SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment, 1993 minimum State or local erosion setbacks could be required as a condition of participation in the NFIP (see also option 4.18, below). Alternatively, communities could be penalized for failure to adopt minimum setbacks-for example, by making them ineligible for mitigation and relocation assistance, by raising insurance premiums, or by reducing future claims in 10-year erosion zones. Erosion-based setbacks, such as these in North Carolina, represent models, although the time frames used for calculating the setback could be expanded. Where lot depths or project designs allow, more extensive setbacks could be encouraged or required, for example. Another option for addressing erosion would be to factor long-term erosion trends into the premium rate structure for existing and future policyholders. A precursor for improved erosion management is identifying and mapping erosion risks. Property owners are not anxious to have such risks identified due to potential adverse effects on housing values, but construction in erosion zones is risky and potentially costly to the Federal Government as well as to both present and future property owners. The Federa1 Insurance Administration is currently working, on guidelines and standards for mapping erosion zones, but Congress needs to give the agency the authority to begin mapping. Option 4-3: Prohibit new insurance policies in risky locations. NFIP could take several actions to reduce its long-term insurance liability and to bring the program more in line with the riskaverse philosophy of private-sector insurers. It could acknowledge that development in certain locations is extremely risky and prohibit all new insurance policies in these locations. In particular, the program could be changed so that no new insurance would be issued in V zones or in high-risk erosion zones (e.g., within a 10-year erosion zone). H.R. 1236, introduced in the 102d Congress, contained language prohibiting all new flood-insurance policies for development seaward of the 30-year erosion line. Eventually eliminating new insurance within the 50-year erosion zone might also be considered. A downside of this option is that it would limit the number of people paying into the fund. Also, those who insisted on building without flood insurance might still be helped by disaster relief after a major disaster but would have contributed nothing in the way of insurance premiums.
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 197 Option 4-4: Increase insurance premiums after each claim on properties subject to multipleflooding claims. Current NFIP regulations do not substantially restrict how often a homeowner may rebuild after a loss, even if a future loss can be reasonably foreseen. By tying insurance premiums in high-risk areas to the number of losses a property has sustained, homeowners will have more incentive to consider coastal hazards in rebuilding decisions. Congress could also consider establishing a limit on the number of claims permissible before insurance is termin ated (e.g., just as an automobile-insurance company might terminate a policy in the event of multiple accidents). Option 4-5: Incorporate sea level rise into the NFIP mapping and rate structure. As discussed in earlier sections, future sea level rise may serve to substantially increase the size of the coastal zone subject to inundation and flooding in the future. The current NFIP mapping and rate structure does not take this into account, in part because FEMA contends that a 12-inch rise in sea level would not significantly affect the ability of the rating system to respond (21). Incorporation of even conservative estimates of sea level rise into FEMA maps might serve to discourage future development in these areas and put coastal communities and property owners on notice about such future risks. Development that does occur in these areas would be subject to certain minimum flood-management standards (e.g., elevation requirements). A means of accomplishing essentially the same goal may be to update floodplain maps more frequently. More-frequent updates would reflect changes related to sea level rise as well as those related to recent development. FIA maps are currently updated, on average, only once every 9 years. FIAs own goal for revisions is once every 5 years. More frequent updates would require more staff and additional funds. Option 4-6: Expand relocation assistance. FEMA and NFIP could substantially expand the emphasis given to relocation assistance. The existing Section 1362 and Upton-Jones programs represent good strategies but are underused and underfunded. Section 1362, or something like it, could be expanded and funding could be increased. Efforts could be made to expand the use of Upton-Jones, as well, and to promote relocation as an alternative over demolition. Among possible improvements to Upton-Jones that could be considered are: 1) requiring relocation outside high-risk locations (e.g., landward of the 30-year erosion line), not simply making future insurance conditional on such relocation, and 2) expanding eligibility beyond the currently narrow definition o f imminent collapse. Incentives to relocate could be made stronger by modifying the ways in which NFIP treats structures that are at risk because of erosion. Requiring higher premiums for structures seaward of certain erosion zones (e.g., the 30-year erosion line) would create financial incentives to relocate. Cutting off insurance to structures within a zone of imminent collapse (e.g., within the 10or 5-year erosion line) after a certain period of time (e.g., 2 years after a chosen date) may have a similar effect, but property owners whose homes were subsequently destroyed could still claim casualty-loss deductions, thus offsetting other Federal tax liabilities. The Federal Government may also wish to help States develop their own more-extensive relocationassistance programs. Just as the Federal Government has helped States establish revolving funds to finance improvements in local sewagetreatment plants (see ch. 5), so also could the Federal Government help States establish coastalrelocation revolving funds. Under the Clean Water Act P.L. 92-500), the Federal Government has encouraged creation of State wastewater revolving funds through the provision of start-up capitalization grants. Once established, States then allow local governm ents to borrow funds for the construction of new wastewater treatment facilities or the improvement and upgrading of existing facilities. Loans are provided at interest rates at or below fair market (depending on factors such as a commu-
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1981 Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 nitys financial circumstances and the severity of the water-quality problem). In the case of Virginias Water Facilities Loan Fund, annual payments back to the fund are required, and full repayment of loans must occur within 20 years (e.g., see ref. 92). Thus, annual repayment by borrowers ensures a steady pool of funds available for new loans. Such revolving funds could be similarly useful in providing grants to assist private property owners in locating and purchasing alternative coastal or noncoastal sites. State revolving funds might be used to purchase relocation sites in advance, later making them available to beachfront-property owners needing to relocate. Property owners could then be asked to repay the fund for these acquisition costs, perhaps at belowmarket rates. Such a fund could also be useful in purchasing damaged properties after a hurricane or major storm event, in turn selling or relinquishing these lands to local governments for needed beachaccess points and public recreational areas. In rare cases, land swaps may be possible, allowing a beachfront-property owner to trade for a Stateacquired relocation lot further inland. States could also be required to consider and incorporate relocation strategies and programs in the hazard-mitigation plans required by Section 409 of the Stafford Act (71). Relocation programs could be a minimum-requirement component of State 409 plans. I Revamping Disaster Assistance The existing disaster-assistance framework could be modified in several ways to reduce incentives for hazardous and costly coastal development patterns, including the following. option 4-7: Reduce the Federal share of public assistance. Typically, the Federal Government share of disaster-assistance funds for States and communities has been 75 percent. In some recent cases, the Federal Government has provided 100 percent of the disaster-assistance monies. Although it is difficult to specify what the Federal share of such assistance ought to be, very high levels of assistance are probably a disincentive to improving State and local disaster mitigation. Unsuccessful efforts have been made in the past to reduce the Federal share to no more than 50 percent. Cost-sharing proportions have changed in other areas, however. For example, the Federal share of water-resources-development studies has been reduced from 100 to 50 percent in recent years in a successful effort to motivate more thoughtful State consideration of water projects (see ch. 5). Option 4-8: Tie disaster assistance more strongly to State and local hazard-reduction programs. The mitigation provisions and requirements currently included under the Stafford Act are already strong. However, a shortcoming may be that FEMA does not force States and localities to adopt mitigation (e.g., a dune-protection ordinance) as a condition of disaster assistance. FEMA rarely withholds disaster-assistance funds from States that fail to adopt or implement mitigation measures. Most States prepare Section 409 mitigation plans, but there is generally no mechanism for requiring or ensuring that States implement the plans. Thus, FEMA could adopt a more stringent view of mitigation, more clearly and aggressively tying disaster-assistance funds to tangible, long-term hazard-reduction policies, programs, and actions. It may also be useful to establish some clearer system for judging State accountability for Section 409 progress. States could be required to more clearly indicate the mitigation actions they agree to adopt and implement within a specified time frame (e.g., adopting a shoreline setback requirement). Although politically difficult in the face of a disaster, the Federal Government could specify that subsequent Federal disaster assistance would not be provided where the plan has not been implemented. Alternatively, subsequent assistance could be limited, for example, to no more than 50 percent of otherwise eligible funding, or States could be required to repay disaster
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.-. assistance if mitigation measures are not adopted within a specified period. FEMA could try to establish a system for certifying that State 409 plans meet a minimum mitigation threshold, that is, that they contain actions and policies sufficient to bring about a substantial degree of long-term risk reduction. For example, coastal States could be required to adopt a building code (or mandate local adoption) and to ensure that an adequate system of implementation and enforcement will exist. Such minimum construction standards (perhaps one of several standard codes) could be made a condition of participation in the NFIP, or of receiving funding under CZMA. The Federal Government could also consider raising national wind standards for mobile homes. Option 4-9: Consider ability to pay and extent of damages. The existing disaster-assistance framework fails to explicitly consider the ability of affected localities and States to assume disaster losses, or the extent of damage actually incurred. Once a disaster area is designated, all localities are eligible for disaster assistance regardless of the extent or size of damage incurred. Much Federal disaster assistance is provided in small amounts to numerous localities--dam age levels that could clearly be covered by local governments. Furthermore, certain localities (and States) are wealthier and have a greater capacity to pay for and assume the costs of hurricanes and other disasters. FEMA has proposed a $2.50 per capita threshold for costs per disaster to determine when local resources are adequate and when Federal funds are not necessary or appropriate. Survey data indicate that most local gov ernments could easily cope with this level of loss and that a sizable proportion of governments could cope locally with per capita losses of $14 or more (11). A threshold provision would act as a kind of disaster deductible, and Federal resources would kick in only after it is reached. Such a system would further contribute to greater accountability of local and State governments for Chapter 4-Coasts I 199 their decisions and to greater equity in the disaster-assistance system overall. Option 4-10: Eliminate public-assistance funds. Although not very feasible politically, certain categories of disaster assistance could be eliminated. Although the public generally supports the role of the Federal Government in assisting individuals and families in recovery and rebuilding, this helping sentiment may not be as strong when it comes to helping States and localities rebuild boardwalks or local streets. One possibility would be to develop alternatives to outright grants, including creating a Federal public-assistance-loan program. If local governments need to borrow funds to rebuild sewer systems, roads, and recreational amenities, this kind of program would make such funds available but subject to repayment with interest. Loans could be offered at below-market interest rates. Such an arrangement may result in more cautious local and State investment policies. Another possibility might be to develop some type of insurance fund for local gov ernments. Option 4-11: Through oversight hearings, Congress could review the criteria used by the President to declare disasters. One question that could be investigated is whether existing criteria are too generous in situations that are not major disasters. H Extending and Expanding the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (COBRA) Although withdrawal of Federal subsidies from barrier-island development clearly will not stop such development, it has been shown to slow it. Moreover, this approach is sensible from the perspective of taxpayer equity: if developers and coastal property owners choose to build in high-risk locations, at least the general public would not have to pay for it. The COBRA experience is positive, but efforts could be made to expand its coverage and strengthen its provisions. option 4-12: Further limit subsidies. As noted earlier, COBRA does not eliminate all Federal
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200 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 subsidies. Important remaining subsidies include the casualty-loss deduction under the U.S. Tax Code, Federal block grants., and grants and loans from federally insured banks. COBRA could be strengthened, and coastal development on designated units further discouraged, by eliminating these remaining subsidies. CoBRA could also be modified to prohibit Federal subsidy of projects and expenditures that, although technically outside the Coastal Barrier Resources System, serve to directly encourage or facilitate development (e.g., construction of a bridge). Option 4-13: Expand coverage to other sensitive lands. Consideration should also be given to expanding the kinds of lands to which Federal subsidies are limited, including other sensitive coastal areas besides barrier islands. These could include coastal wetlands (and wetland buffer zones), estuarine shorelines, critical wildlife habitat, and Other areas (see vol. 2, ch. 4). Substantial resource-management benefits could result from the CoBRA-cizing of other sensitive lands. Also, efforts to expand the CBRS to the Pacific Coast, although currently meeting some resistance, could be continued. Option 4-14: Encourage the development of State COBRAS. Florida is one State that has imposed certain limitations on future State investments in high-risk coastal areas, but few other States have such restrictions. One way the Federal Gov ernment could encourage development of CoBRAS in other States and reinforce the effects of Federal limitations is to require as an element of State coastal-zone-management plans that States consider the circumstances under which restrictions on State investments in coastal areas might be appropriate. Restrictions on expenditures for State roads and bridges might be considered, for example. This change could be implemented when CZMA is reauthorized in 1995. Option 4-15: Acquire undeveloped areas. Although COBRA has been able to slow development of barrier islands, studies by the U.S. General Accounting Office and others illustrate that development will likely continue in many places despite withdrawal of Federal subsidies (88). Consequently, consideration should be given, as suggested by GAO and others, to acquiring many of the remaining undeveloped barrierisland units. Acquisition now, though costly, may be costeffective in the long run. Acquisition is especially warranted for barrier-island units of special ecological importance (e.g., those that contain endangered species habitat) and in areas that could provide important public-recreation benefits. Acquisition could be encouraged at Federal, State, and local levels, and in concert with private conservation groups and land trusts. At the Federal level, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is the logical agency to spearhead such acquisition (see also vol. 2, chs. 4 and 5). 9 Revamping the U.S. Tax Code As discussed in earlier sections, the U.S. Tax Code offers several major subsidies for coastal development, including casualty-loss deductions for damage from hurricanes and storms, depreciation tax shelters for seasonal rental properties, and deductibility of mortgage interest and property taxes for second homes. The actual effect of these tax benefits is difficult to determin e. They do represent another major category of public subsidy of coastal development. Option 4-16: Eliminate or reduce tax benefits for coastal development. For example, the casualty-loss deduction (that is, the deduction for losses in excess of insurance coverage) could be eliminated altogether for risks peculiar to the coastal zone, or restricted only to damages that occur to a principal residence (see ref. 71). Option 4-17: Modify the Tax Code to support and encourage mitigation. This could be accomplished, for instance, by providing a tax deduction for home improvements intended to mitigate storm damages or for expenses associated with relocation (including purchase of a relocation lot).
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 201 M Strengthening State and Local Coastal Management Generally, coastal States and localities are in the best position to manage and control coastal development. Also, efforts to impose land-use pl anning or land-use controls at the Federal level have met with great skepticism and political opposition at the State level. On the other hand, the Federal CZMA has been successful in motivating improvements in coastal plannin g and management since it was passed more than two decades ago. Significantly, the 1990 amendments to the CZMA recognized for the first time the potential importance of climate change and sea level rise and called for coastal States to anticipate and plan for these possibilities. CZMA could be further modified and reinforced, when reauthorized in 1995, to promote greater risk reduction and more sensible land-development patterns. Option 4-18: Mandate certain specific--and stronger+ minimum development controls. These could include, for instance, an erosion-setback program (already adopted by several States), restrictions on construction of immovable buildings, a relocation-assistance program and restrictions on rebuilding damaged or destroyed structures in high-risk locations, and adoption of minimum coastal-construction standards. Major Federal financial subsidies could be accompanied by the adoption of certain minimum riskreduction measures. Minimum measures could also include wetland protection (possibly including protection of buffer and migration areas-see vol. 2, ch. 4) and minimum consideration of sea level rise in coastal programs. The CZMA program could also be adjusted to create financial incentives to undertake additional risk-reduction measures. The current coastal-zoneenhancement grants program (Section 309) represents a movement in this direction and does include, as areas eligible for funding, management and protection of coastal wetlands and management of natural hazards (including sea level rise). More comprehensively, a coastalhazards-management program could be required as a component of State CZM programs. Such a program might be modeled after the non-pointsource-pollution-management program that participating coastal States were required to develop under the 1990 CZMA amendments. EPA and NOAA together oversee this program and jointly approve the State programs. A similar arrangement could be created with NOAA and FEMA. Option 4-19: Expand available resources. The current level of funding provided to coastal States is meager at best. Annual appropriations for State program implementation (Section 306 funds) have remained around $33 million, despite the fact that the magnitude of coastal-management problems is increasing. Also, since the number of States participating in the CZM program has increased, funding available per State has decreased. Adequate funding is needed to implement State regulatory and development provisions (e.g., setback requirements) and to facilitate local coastal plannin g. Additional funding earmarked for State actions and programs that reduce coastal risks could also be provided. Funding for such coastal-planning activities could be a costeffective expenditure that can serve to reduce long-term risks, as well as to better protect coastal environmental resources. The Federal Government could also, to the extent possible, help to facilitate the development and implementation of State land-acquisition programs. Programs such as Floridas Conservation and Recreation Lands (CARL) program and Californias Coastal Conservancy represent some of the most effective and sensible strategies for protecting wetlands, barriers, and other sensitive coastal lands and for preventing future exposure of people and property to coastal risks. The Federal Government could facilitate such programs by providing technical assistance and seed monies for State acquisition funds.
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202 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 1 Shoreline Protection and Beach-Nourishment Programs Significant subsidies to coastal development have also occurred through the programs and activities of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, including construction of shoreline-stabilization structures and funding of beach-nourishment projects. Option 4-20: Discourage permanent shoreline stabilization where feasible. Several States have taken the lead in b anning permanent shorehardening structures such as sea walls and groins. Such Projects are costly and may actually increase development pressures. The Corps (or Congress) could develop a long-term coastal-management strategy that explicitly discourages the use of such hard shoreline techniques, except where absolutely necessary. Priority could be given to beach renourishment and approaches that are less environmentally damaging. Option 4-21: Increase State and local contributions and phase out Federal finding of beachrenourishment projects. Concurrently, States could be encouraged to ensure that a substantial portion of renourishment costs are borne by beach-front communities and property owners. Ideally, the property owners and businesses directly benefiting from these investments would bear the lions share of their costs. Renourishment can legitimately be considered a maintenance cost and, therefore, not eligible for Federal funding. Earmarking local revenue sources, such as special tax (renourishment) districts, a dedicated sales tax, or a tourist tax, could be encouraged. As an alternative, Federal funding could be eliminated entirely (or phased out over time), and perhaps replaced with Federal seed monies for States to establish revolving-fund renourishment programs. An approach could be taken similar to that used for Federal funding of sewage treatment plants under the Clean Water Act (see ch. 5). Option 4-22: Make the Federal proportion of funding for renourishment projects conditional on adoption of certain State and local coastalmanagement initiatives. These could include, for example, setback requirements, post-disaster restrictions, and relocation assistance. I Strengthening Wetland Protection The Federal Governm ent currently exercises substantial regulatory and management control over coastal wetlands. The existing programs, principally Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, jointly implemented by the Army Corps of Engineers and EPA, could be further strengthened to take into account future sea level rise and to better guard against destruction by coastaldevelopment pressures. OTAS options for improving wetland protection are discussed m volume 2, chapter 4. FIRST STEPS With or without climate change, average annual property damage in the coastal zone is expected to continue increasing (78). People will continue to move into and develop hazard-prone areas. As previously noted, for example, the damage-causing potential of hurricanes is much greater now in many coastal areas than it was several decades ago. This greater threat is attributable mostly to the fact that the coastal zone has become more intensively developed. Moreover, this development trend shows no sign of abating. Thus, coastal hazards are not just the result of uncontrollable natural phenomena. Rather, the growing coastal population both contributes to and modifies such hazards. We suggest in this chapter that improvements can be made in allocating and managing risk in coastal areas. However, given current demographic trends, the longer the Nation waits to address the shortcomings of current policies, the more difficult and expensive coping with future disasters will be. There is no need to wait for unequivocal information about the nature of climate change; acting now to mitigate coastal hazards through implementation of prudent policies is likely to save both the public and private
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 203 sectors substantial sums in the coming decades, as well as save lives and natural areas and improve the quality of coastal living. When climate change is considered, however, with its potential for accelerated sea level rise and the possibility of more-intense or more-frequent storms, the case for strengthening existing policies is even more compelling. Implementation of some or all of the options considered in this chapter could help send clearer signals to residents, potential residents, businesses, and visitors of coastal areas about the nature of coastal risks and the costs associated with those risks. Many of the options suggested in this chapter would also promote the flexibility and efficiency needed for adapting to a changing climate. Several bills now before the 103d Congress and some upcoming reauthorizations of existing laws could provide excellent targets of opportunity for implementing some of these options. n Revamp the National Flood Insurance Program. Congress has been considering revamping the National Flood Insurance Program for several years, and bills to do this have been introduced in both the House and Senate. S. 1405, the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1993, and H.R. 62, the National Flood Insurance Compliance, Mitigation, and Erosion Management Act of 1993, contain provisions that partially address some of the NFIP options presented in this chapter (e.g., erosion management, relocation assistance, repetitive losses, and insurance for risky locations). As these bills evolve, other options in this chapter could be incorporated. n Improve disaster assistance. Several bills have also been introduced in the 103d Congress to revise disaster-assistance policies and regulations. OTAS disasterassistance options could be incorporated into these evolving bills. H.R. 935, the Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption, and Hurricane Hazards Insurance Act of 1993, for example, would establish minimum criteria for reducing losses, recommends such measures as fiscal incentives to reduce losses, provides for low-interest loans or grants to retrofit facilities vulnerable to hurricanes, and provides guidelines for establishing actuarial premium rates for disaster insurance. S. 995, the Federal Disaster Preparedness and Response Act of 1993, would establish, among other things, a grant program and accompanying performance standards to help States prepare for, respond to, and recover from major disasters. n Strengthen coastal zone management. The Coastal Zone Management Act will be up for reauthorization in 1995. OTAs coastal-zonemanagement options could be included in reauthorization legislation at that time. In particular, mandating that States adopt costeffective risk-reduction measures as part of their CZM programs would help reduce future vulnerability to climate change. Also, the reauthorization process would be an appropriate time to consider whether a coastal-hazards-management program should be required as a component of State CZM programs. With oversight by NOAA and FEMA, such a program could help improve coordination among government agencies as well as help reduce the risk of living in the coastal zone. n Promote public education. The public generally is not well-informed about the risks associated with living in coastal areas, and this lack of awareness has led and will lead to large and unnecessary public and private expenditures. Timely public education about erosion, sea level rise, flooding risks, and building codes, for example, could be a cost-effective means of reducing future risk as well as future expenditures. This first step does not appear in any of the options presented earlier in this chapter; however, education is equal in importance to all of the programs discussed here. H.R. 935,
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204 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 the Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption, and Hurricane Hazards Insurance Act of 1993, provides one possibility for expanding public education. The act authorizes education programs and provides States the fimds with which to implement them through the establishment of a self-sustaining mitigation fired (Section 104). The private sector, and in particular, the private insurance industry, could also play an important role in increasing awareness of coastal hazards. n Require increased State and local contributions to beach-nourishment operations. Most benefits of the Army Corps of Engineers beach-nourishment and shorelineprotection projects are realized at the local or regional level, yet these projects are often heavily subsidized. In most instances the Federal share is 65 percent. Greater State and local contributions could be required, both for initial construction and for maintenance, tional on adoption of stronger mitigation measures. CHAPTER 4 REFERENCES 1. All-Industry Research Advisory Coun~ Surviving the Storm: Buakiing Codes, Compliance, and the itfitigatzon of Darnage (Oak Brook IL: AIRAC, 1989). 2. Anders, F., S. Kimball and R D&m, Coastal Hazards (Restoq VA: U.S. Geological Survey, 1989) (map with accompanying text). 3. Anonymous, Are We Heading into an Era of More Intense Hurricanes? Climate Alert, vol. 5, No. 3, July-August 1992. 4. Apteker, L., ACompariaonofBi-Coastal Disasters of 1989, San Jose State University, 1990. 5, Bw K., FEIUA and the Disaster Relief Fund, report for COngIWS, 94425 OOV (Washington DC: Co~sional Research Service, May 7, 1992). 6. Beatley, T., Hurracane Hugo andShorelineRetreat: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the South Carolina Beact@ontAfanagement Act, tlnal report to the National Science Foundation, September 1992. 7. Beat19, T., Risk ~ocation poky in the Coastal Zone: The Current Framework and Future Directions, contractor paper prepared for the office of lkchnology Assessment February 1993. 8. Booth W., Pre-Andrew Mistakes Are BeinJz Reheated. Orand and Federal funding could be made condiJury War&, The Washington Post, Dec. 1511~. COASTS-FIRST STEPS m Revamp the National Flood Insurance Program -Direct FEMA to identify and map non-flood-related erosion zones. +Aandate erosion-management standards. E Improve disaster assk?tance Require States and localities to adopt mitigation measures as a oondltion of disaster assistance. Review and, if necessary, revise the criteria used by the President to declare disasters. l Strengthen coastal zone management Aandate stronger risk-reduction measures when Coastal Zone Management Act is reauthorized. -=Conslder implementing a ooastal hazards-management program. l Promote pubiie education -Authorize and fund education programs to foster greater knowledge about coastal erosion, sea level rise, flooding risks, and other topics. n Require increased State and iocal contributions to beach-nourishment operations -Redistribute the costs more evenly between the Federal Government (ourrentiy paying 65 percent) and the States.
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9. Brewer, D., et al., Evaluation of the National Coa.wl Zone Management Program (Newport, OR: National Coastal Resources Research and Development Institute, 1991). 10. Burby, R., Reforming Relief: An Invited C ommeng Natural Hazara3 Observer, vol. XV, No. 1, September 1990. 11. Burby, R., with B. Ciglar, S. Frenc@ E. Kaiser et al., Shanng Environmental Risks: How to Control Governments Losses in Natural Disasters, (Chapd w NC: Center for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Caroh 1990). 12. Cely, J., Wildlife E&eta of Hurricane Hugo, Journal of Coastal Research, No. 8, 1991. 13, Cladq K., pEdiCt@ Global Warmin gs Impac4 Contingencies (newsletter of Applied Insumnce Researc& Inc., Bosto~ MA), May/June 1992. 14. Congressional Research Service, A Descn@ive Analysis of Federal Reli#, Insurance, and Lass Reduction Programs for Natural Hazara%, a report prepared for the Subcommittee on pOiiCy Research and hsurance of the Commi ttee on Banking, F mance and Urban Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives (wmoq DC: U.S. Governme nt Printing Office, 1992). 15. CullitoL T., et al., Fi~ lears of Popukuion Growth Along the Nations Coast, 1960-2010 (Rockville, MD: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adrmms tratioq 1991). 16. Daniels, R., V. Gornik A. Mehta, S. Lee, and R. CushmwL Adapting to Sea-LevelRise in the U.S. Southeast: The In@ence of Built Infrastructure and Biophysical Factors on the Inundation of Coastal Areas (Oak Ridge, TN: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1992). 17. Daviso~ A., The National Flood Imumnce, Mitigatio~ and Erosion Management Act of 1991: Background and Ovewiew, in: New Directions in Beach Management (lhllahassee, FL: Ihe Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Association% 1992). 18. Davisou A., The National Flood Insurance program and Coastal Hazards, paper presented at the Coastal Zone conference, New Orleans, L& July 1993. 19. Duffy, K., Hurricane Hugo: A Review of the Researc@ City of Charleston SC, November 1991. 20. Emmanuel, K., The Dependence of Hurricane Intensity on Climate, Nature, vol. 326, No. 6112, Apr. 2, 1987. 21, Fe&raIEmergencyMan agementAgeacy, ProjectedImpactof Relative Sea Level Rise on the National Flood Inmmnce RogranL October 1991. 22, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Statement of Operations, as of Sept. 30, 1992. 23. Federal Emergency Management Agency, Estimating Probabilities of Exceeding Given Levels of Flood Inamnce Losses in a One Year I%iod, Aug. 4, 1992. 24. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), National FloodlnsuranceProgram Commun iVRating System Coordnators Manual (WashingtoxA DC: FEM.& July 1992). 25. Federal Emergency ManagemuIt Agency (FEMA),lnteragency Hazard Mitigation Survey Team Report on the Northeaster Storm, FEMA 973-NJ-DR (Washin@oq DC: FEh4& January 1993). 26. Federal Insumnce Admirdstratioc Report to Stockholders, 1992. 27. FriedmarL D., Estimation of the LossProducing Potential of the Windand Hail Perils to Insured Properties in the United States Chapter 4-Coasts 1205 (_Lmdoq England: Insurance and Reinsurance Research Group, Ltd., 1987). 28. FriedrnarL D., Natuntl Hazards Research program Travelers Inwnnce Co., Estimation of Dtunage-Producing Potentials of Future Natural Disasters in the United States Caused by IM@uakes and Storms, paper presented at the International conference on the Impact of Natural Disastm, Los Angeles, CA, 1991. 29. Gardner, L., et al., Ecological Impact of Hunicane Hugo!hdination of a Coastal Forest Journal of Coastal Restwrch, No. 8, 1991. 30. Gardner, L., et al., The &OIZKXphiCEffWtS of Hurricane Hugo on Undeveloped CoastaJ Landscape at North Izde! South Carol@ Journal of Coastal Research, No, 8, 1991. 31, GodsD., Impacts of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act: A Pilot Study (Washington DC: Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Managernen L Nationrd Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministratiorL 1984). 32. bdSC~ D., The 1982 Coastal Barrier Resources Act: A New Federal Policy llic~ iw Cities on the Beach, Platt (cd.) (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1987). 33. GodschallL D., and K. Cousins, Coaatal Management: Planning on the Edge, Journal of the American Planning Association, vol. 51, 1985. 34. Go&cha@ D., D. Brewer, and T Beatley, Catastrophic Coastal Storms: Hazard Mitigation and Development Management (Dur@ NC: Duke University Press, 1989). 35. Gornitz, V., T White, and R CushmmL Vulnerability of the U.S. to Future Sea tivel Rise, in Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, Ixmg Beacb C& July 8-12, 1991. 36. ~R., J. lvfitche~ and C. Senior, TropicalDisturbances in a m Climate Dynamics, 1992. 37. Hebe~ P., J. Jarrell, and M. Mayfield, The Deadliest, Costliest, andMostIntense United States Hurricanes of this Century (and Other Frequendy Requested H-cane Facts) (Coral Gables, FL: National Hurricane Center, 1992). 38. HoJ., Comparison of State Coastal Setbacks to Manage Development in Coastal Hazard Areas, coasta~ Management, vol. 17, 1989. 39. Houstcq J., Wach.fW Performance, Shore and Beach, July 1991. ~. ~overnm=~ Pand on Climate Change, Response Strategies working Group, coastal Zone Managelllent subgroup, Global Climate Change and the Rising Challenge of the Sea (77x Hague: Ministry of llanspo~ 1992). 41. Joint !Ihsk Force on the H.mmrd Mitigation Grant proThe Hazard Mitigation Grant Program: An Evaluation Report, by the NationaI Emergency Mma@ment Association the Association of State Floodplain Managem, and the Federal ~=se~ ~ AgerXy, September 1992. 42, Jones, E., and W. Stolzcmbexg, Building in Coastal Barrier Resource Systems (Washington DC: National Wildlife Federation 1990). 43. Kanq T, Conserving South Carolina Beaches Through the 1990s:A CaseforBeachRenourishment (Charleston SC: South Carolina coastal council, 1990).
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206 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 44. Kaxw F., D. Stevens, and C;. Lenntm Beach and Dune Restoration Following Hugo, Shore undBeach, vol. 58, No. 4, 1990. 45. Klar@ P. and M Hershman, Response of Coastal Zone Managemalt programs to sea I&vcl Rise in the united state% Coastal Management, vol. 18, 1990. 46. Know D., and R. Mastore, TIM Sbrt-I&m Effects of Hurricane Hugo on Fishes and Decapon Crustaceans in the Ashley River and Adjacent Marsh Cree4 South Journal of Coastal Research, No. 8, 1991. 47. Larsoq L., Fl(mdplainManag cream lhe Gap Between Policy and Implemedation or Principle and ~ Water Resourca Ute, No. 90, winter 1993. a. ti~ s., Impact of Accelerated sea L&vel Rise on Beaches and Coastal Wetlands, b Global Climate Change Lnkages, J. C. White (cd.) (Amsterdarq The NetherlaIMIs: Elsevier Science RMishkg, 1989). 49. I&ls., National Asscasment of Beach Nodslment Requuanents Assoaat cd with Accelerated Sea Level Rise, iw The Potential Eflects of Global Climate Change on the United States: Appendix B-Sea Level Rise, J. Smith and D. T(~s.)@/@qpoqDc: U.s.mviro nmentalProtectionAgency, 1989). 50. Lehmw H., Accord Ends I@ht Over Use of Lan4 Wmhington Post, Section E, July 17, 1993. 51. Lins, H., Patterns and Trends qfLand Use and Land Cover on Atlantzc and Gu@Bamer Islandr, USGS Professional Papa 1156 @hShil@Oa DC: U.S. Geological Survey, 1980). 52. Maine, state of, Department of Env ironmental Protectiq Natural Resources Protecnon Act: Coastal Sand Dune Rules, January 1991. 53. Manning, B. Building Codes and EnfOSWSWSlt by coastal States and lkrritories of the United States, ixx Americas Vanishing Coastlines, National Committee on Propaty Insurame, 1988. 54. Millexnaq B., And IWo f by Sea: Fighting the Attack on Americas Coasts (Washin@oq DC: Coast AUiana, 1986). 55. Miller, H., 71trning the We on Wasted TaDolftrrs: Potential Fe&ral Savings from Adhltions to the Coastal Banier Resources System (Waahingto~ DC: National Wildlife Fcderatio& April 1989). S6. Miller, H., On the Brink Coastal Location and Relocation Choices, ti Coastal Erosion, Has Retreat Sounded R. Platt et al. (eds.) (Boulder, CO: Institute of Behavioral Sciences, university of Colorado, 1992). 57. Musham c., Charleston After Hugo: A Study of PostHurricane Attitudes, Perceptions, and Behavior of Tri-County Area Residents, pfor Hotline and the Trident United way, 1990. 58. National Committee on Property Insunmm, Amafcas Vanishing Coastlines, October 1988. 59. National Reseamh Corn@ Managing CoastalErosion (Wash@tom DC: National &adern y m 1990). 60. National Reseach Councw Marine Board Commission on ., En@wemg and lkchnical Systems, Responding to Changes in Sea Level, Engineering hnplic~mons (W~ DC: NatiOlld ACtt&XUy press, 1987), 61, North Carolina Division of Coastal Manageme@ A Gwde to Protectang Coastal Resources Through the CAJL4 Pemt Program @ale@ NC: North Carolina Division of Coastal hfanagemen~ 1988). 62. R@ R., The Effects of Sea Level Rise on U.S. Coastal Wetlands, in: The Potential Effects of Global Climate Change in the Uniwd States: Appendix Wea Lzvel Rise, J. Smith and D. Tfrpak (eds.) (Washin@on, DC: U.S. Environmcmtal Protection Agmcy, 1989). 63. Pa& R, M. Treham P. MauseL and R Howe, The Eff2cts ofSea LevelRise on U.S. Coastal Wetlands andklowlands, HRI Report No. 164 @diarqo lis, IN: Holcomb Researc h Institute, Butler university, 1989). 64. Pelder, w., and A. mShir@q Global ScaI#elRisc and the Gm@muse Effect: Might They Be Connected? Science, vol. m, 1989, pp. 806-810 $ 65. ~, D., et al., Humcane Andrew-Preli~nary Observtions of W2?RC Post-Disaster Team (College StatioxL TX: Wd Enpeemg Resealm Councu September 1992). 66. Pi&y, O., IIE Engineering of San~ Journal of Geological Education, vol. 37, 1989. 67. Pilkey, O., and T claytq Beach Replenishme nt me National Solution? Coastal Zone American Society of Civil Engineers, 1987. 68. Pito, V., Accelerated Sea Level Rise and M@ands Coast: Addrew@ the coastal Hazards Issue, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Coastal Society, Washington DC, April 1992. 69. PlatL R., Life Afker Lucas: he Supreme Court and the DwntmMm Coastal Developer, Natural Hazards Observer, September 1992. 70. PI@ R, E Beatley, and H. Miller, The Folly at Folly Beach and Other Failings of U.S. Coastal Erosion Policy, Environment, Novanbes 1991. 71. Plattj R, H. Milk, I Bcatley, J. Melville, and B. Mathcnia (eds.), Coastal Erosion: Has Retreat Sounded? (Boulder, CO: Institute for Behavioral Sciences, University of Colorado, 1992). 72. Propcxty Claim Services, A Division of American Insurance Senficcs Group, Inc., Hurricane Andrews Estimated Cost to Propaty Insurers Revised to $15.5 Billion by Property Claim services, Febrluuy 1993 (press release), 73. Reidj W., and M. Trexhx, Drowning the Natural Heritage: Climate Change and US. Coastal Bi&versity (Washin@on, DC: World Resourccx Institute, 1991). 74. Reilly, F., Deputy Federal Imuance Admm trator, Fekal Administration tathnony at hearings before the Subcmdnee on Consum er credit and Inmance, House Banking, Ilnance, and Urban Affairs, June 24, 1993, 75. Rogers, S., P. Spar@ and K. Sparks, A Study of the Effectiveness of Building I@dation in Improving the Wind Resistance of Residential Structures, National Committee on Ropaty Inmance, 1988. 76. St. Aman4 L., Sea bel Rise and Coastal Wetlands: opportunities for a Peacefd kfigratioq Environmental Afjbirs, vol. 19,1991. 77. Salvesoq D., Wetlands: Mitigating and Regulating Development Impacts (Washington DC: Urban Land Institute, 1990).
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Chapter 4-Coasts I 207 78. Showaltcr, P., W. Riebaamc, and M. MyNatural Hazard TksMs in the United States: A IMMnary Review for the 1990s, Working Paper 83 (Boulda, CO: Natural Harmrda Rescamh and Applications lnfonnatmn center, university of Colorado, February 1993). 79. Simmons, M., National Flood Inmance Program Iaalle& congressional Research Savicc Issue Brief, Dcccmbcs 1992. 80. South Carolina Budget and Control Board, Division of ~ and statistical Service s, Office of Bumoml c Rescar@ Economic Impact of Hurricane Hugo, January 1991. 81. TiWJ., GrcdxmcEffcct and Coastal Wetland Policy: How America Could Abandon an Area the Size of ~ Environmental Management, Nwanbar/Dccunbcr 1991, 82. Titus J., and M. Greene, An @crvicw of b Nationwide Impacta of Sea Level Risq h The PotentialE@cts qfGlobal Climate Change on the United States: Appendix B+ea Lad Rise, J. Smith and D. Tirpak (cds.) (W~ DC: U.S. Emkmmcntal Protc!cdon Agency, 1989). 83. Titus, J., R ~ S. Leatkmnet al., GrocnbmEffcct and Sea Ixml Rise: The Cost of Holding Back the ~ Coastaf Management, vol. 19, 1991. 84. U.s. hnycolps of En@ecrs and FcdcralBm ~Agency, Region IV, Hurrkanc Hugo ~ hmuary 1990. 85. U.S. Army Corps of Br@mxrs, south Carolina sl.mrcsNorrh Portio n-charlc!stolq Gcorgc~ and Horry Countica, S.C., June 1991. 86, us. AmIy corps of Rn@ccrs, Institute for WRa30urccq lWR Review Rcportforu.s. congnx& Office Oflkcllnology ~~~~ to ~ Report on systenu at Risk tim climate Change IWR Policy Study 93+5-1, July 1993. 87. U.S. C-, ~ Accounting Office (GAo), Flood Insurance: Injiwmadon on the Man&tory Purchase Requirement, RCBD-90-141FS (Washin@onj DC: GAO, Aug. 22 1990). 88. Us. Collgms, General bunting office (GAO), Coastal Bmers: Development Occurring Despite Prohibition Against Federal Assistance, (3A0/RCBD-92-115 (Washiqtoq DC: GAO, July 1992). 89. U.S. Dcpartmeat of Commucc, National Occnmc and Atrnosphcric MminMmdoQ Biennial Report to Congress on Coastal >ne Management (washiqto~ ~: Ofiicc of &can and Coaatal Resource ~L April 1990). 90. U.S. Geological Survq (USGS), Coastal Hazards, National Atlas of the United States of America @caton+ VA: USGS, 1985) (map). 91. Vdliaxm & L., m Federal Interest in Sbrc Pmtcctioq unpublished report for the Institute for Wata Resources, U.S. Army Corpa of~ R. Belvois, V!& 1991. 92 0 Virginia Water Control BourcL Virginia Revolving ban Pund: Program Design Mare@ Richmon& VA revised July 1991.
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Status n Competition for high-quality water is increasing due to population grow@ concerns for the environment, and assertion of new water rights. n Significant water-quality problems; urban water infrastructure aging; ground water overdraft is a problem in some areas. Climate Change Problem n Changes in water availability could add stress to already strewed systems. n Changes in the frequency, duration, or intensity of floods and droughts could occur. What Is Most Vulnerable? n Parts of the Nation already experiencing considerable stress (e.g., many parts of the Southwest and South Florida). n Areas where competition for water is expected to increase. n The central part of the United States, which many scientists expect to become hotter and drier. Impediments n Rigid and inefficient institutions. n Fragmented and uncoordinated management. = Traditional engineering solutions less acceptable economically and environmentally. Types of Responses n Promote contingency planning for floods and droughts. n Improve supply management (e.g., by improve coordination, using ground and surface water conjunctively, improving reservoir and reservoir-system management). n Facilitate water marketing and other transfers. Promote use of new analytical tools. n Improve demand management (e.g., pricing reform and conservation). n Augment supplies (e.g., by adding reservoirs and building desalination plants). Water 5 I 209
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210 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 OVERVIEW Fresh water is an integral element of all the systems discussed in this two-volume report. Its abundance, location, and seasonal distribution axe closely linked to climate, and this link has had much to do with where cities have flourished, how agriculture has developed, and what flora and fauna inhabit a region. The potential for climate change to affect, first, the current status of the Nations water resources and, second, those systems that depend on water, is of considerable long-term importance. Exactly how climate change will affect water resources, especially regionally, is still unknown. Although it is unlikely that the droughts, floods, and hurricanes that have been so much a part of the news in the past few years can be linked to a changing climate, they illustrate the kind of extreme events that climate change may make more common in the future. Climate change, then, is an additional factor to consider in water resource planning. A variety of other factors is clearly straining the Nations water resources and leading to increased competition among a wide variety of different uses and users of water. Human needs for water are increasingly in conflict with the needs of natural ecosystems. The stress is particularly obvious in the West, where a high percentage of available supplies has already been developed in some areas, but examples of conflict among uses for scarce, high-quality water occur throughout the country. The Nation faces a considerable challenge in adapting its water resource systems to these numerous current and potential stresses. Among other things, Traditional engineering solutions for developing additional supplies have become less acceptable. Many institutions are ill-designed to cope with scarcity in water resources. Few incentives exist to conserve water. Responsibilities among Federal agencies often overlap or conflict. Coordination between levels of gov ernment can be inadequate. Floodand drought-related costs amount to hundreds of millions of dollars each year and continue to increase. Major changes are occurring in the way water resource problems are addressed. The management of existing resources is taking on increasing importance as the potential for developing new supplies declines. Similarly, reallocating water through markets from lowerto higher-valued uses is becoming more common. Promising practices beginning to be used include conservation, pricing reform, resenvoir-system management, marketing and transfers, conjunctive management of ground and surface water, wastewater reclamation, and river basin planning. These practices promote greater flexibility and/or efficiency in water resource management which will help enable water resource systems to cope with un certainty and adapt to any climate change. Necessary improvements in the management of water resources do not, however, come easily: proposed changes often create losers as well as winners, so many politically sensitive debates can be expected. Stresses on water resources are most acute and visible during extreme events such as floods and droughts. The Nations approaches to dealing with such events have generally proven to be unsatisfactory and expensive. Policies that improve the ability to cope flexibly and efficiently with floods and droughts would be valuable now and would help prepare the Nation for a lesscertain future. It is difficult to know whether the recent 6 years of drought in the western United States are a rare but possible outcome of natural climate variability, an early indication of climate change, or a return to the average climate after a long, particularly wet spell. Longer climate records are needed to distinguish among these various possibilities. Regardless of the cause of recent droughts, improving pl arnning for and management of extreme events should be a high priority for the Federal Gov ernment.
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Chapter 5-Water I 211 Figure %1Water Withdrawals and Consumption In the Coterminous United States, 1985 a Withdrawals Consumption Return flows 79 Evaporation 2765 Precipitation 4200 Domestic/commerciai 39 Withdrawals Surface/ 339 Return flow groundwater flows 1435 Instream/subsurface use Surface/ 1096 groundwater flow to oceans 1343 a Mil[ons of gallons per day; to convert gallons to liters, multiply by 3.785. SOURCE: Adapted from W. Solley, R. Pierce, and H. Perlman, Estimated Use of Water the United States in1990, USGS Survey Circular 1081
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212 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climat--Volume dependent on water (e.g., fishing and sailing) or enhanced by it (e.g., camping), 4 and the demand for water-related recreation is growing (79). Substantial amounts of water are used for cooling fossil fuel and nuclear power plants. Finally, water dilutes and/or helps carry away pollution that either intentionally or unintentionally reaches the Nations rivers, lakes, and estuaries. Throughout the country, stress on water supplies is increasing, and many of the uses for water are being (or could eventually be) affected in one or more regions. The increasing stress is especially obvious in arid and se miarid parts of the country where water is not abundant, but is also apparent in many nonarid areas as well. Population growth in some areas has stimulated increased demand for water and has been ultimately responsible for many water-quality problems, groundwater overdraft, and saltwater intrusion into some freshwater aquifers. Additionally, groups whose water rights were not previously represented or asserted are beginning to compete for water with traditional users. In particular, as more water is diverted from streams for human purposes, concern has grown about the need to reserve water for environmental purposes. Several States now recognize rights to instream flow (i.e., rights to retain water in the stream channel) or have minimum-flow requirements to protect fish and wildlife, and water left in streams is no longer considered wasted. Similarly, entities such as American Indian tribes, whose water rights have been inadequately recognized in the past, are beginning to claim their rights. In many cases, unused Indian water rights are senior to the rights of those who now divert the water. The new competitors, plus a growing population, will all draw from the same basically fixed supply of water. Many of the Nations water institutions (e.g., doctrines, laws, admini strative procedures, and compacts), first established when water use was 1 low, are proving unable to competition amid greater particular, many existing cope with increasing relative scarcity. In institutions lack the flexibility required to ease adjustment to changing circumstances. Finally, much of the Nations water infrastructure is aging. High leakage rates, for example, are common in urban water systems, and many of the countrys reservoirs need reconditioning. Climate change cannot yet be counted among the reasons water resource systems are under stress. Moreover, demographic and technological changes are likely to have a greater effect on water management in the near term than climate change. However, climate change does have the potential to seriously affect some water supplies, further stressing already stressed water resource systems. POSSIBLE EFFECTS OF A WARMER CLIMATE ON WATER RESOURCE SYSTEMS The hydrological cycle, depicted in figure 2-12, traces the cycling of water in the oceans, atmosphere, land and vegetation, and ice caps and glaciers. Exchanges of water among these elements occur through precipitation, evapotranspiration, and stream and groundwater flow. The hydrological cycle has an important role in the global climate system and both affects climate and is affected by it (8). Most scientists agree that global warmin g will intensify the hydrological cycle (31). The increase in global average temperatures anticipated for a doubling of greenhouse gases s could increase average global precipitation from 7 to 15 percent and evapotranspiration between 5 and 10 percent (62). Increases in temperature, precipitation, and evapotranspiration would, in turn, affect stream runoff and soil moisture, both very important to human and natural systems. Average global runoff would be expected to increase, but general circulation models (GCMS) do not relia4 The fis a combined one for fnxh and salt water. 5 Most stimtits -t 1 .5d4.5C (2.7 and 8.2 OF) ss thcrange for an effective COZ doubling (32); see chapter 2 for more diSCUSSiO~
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Chapter 5--Water I 213 bly predict how much (62). Certain models predict that precipitation will increase in some regions, whereas others suggest it will decrease (48). The range (and therefore the uncertainty) in the models predictions of soil moisture and runoff is even greater than it is for precipitation (34). Most important to water resource planners is how global warmin g will affect key variables regionally. A variety of factors, including local effects of mountains, coastlines, lakes, vegetation boundaries, and heterogeneous soil, is important in determining regional climate. Currently, GCMS cannot resolve factors this small because the grid they use-blocks of 155 to 620 square miles-is too large (80). Climate modelers generally agree that a first likely consequence of climate change is that precipitation will increase at high latitudes and decrease at low to middle latitudes (where the water-holding capacity of the atmosphere will be largest (18)). Thus, in the midcontinent areas, especially in s ummer, evapotranspiration could exceed precipitation, and soil moisture and runoff would decrease. The potential for more-intense or longer-lasting droughts would, therefore, increase (58). A second likely consequence is changes in the type and timing of runoff. Snowmelt is an important source of runoff in most mountainous areas. Warmer temperatures in such areas would cause a larger proportion of winter precipitation that now falls as snow to fall as rain. Thus, the proportion of winter precipitation stored in mountain snowpacks would decrease. Winter runoff would increase, and spring runoff would subsequently decrease. During times when flooding could be a problem, a seasonal shift of this sort could have a significant impact on water supplies because to maintain adequate storage capacity in reservoirs, early runoff would probably have to be released (40). Many Western States (e.g., California and Colorado) depend on the late spring snowmelt as a major source of water. Runoff filling reservoirs early in the spring means that less stored water would be available during summer, when demand is highest. The California Department of Water Resources has estimated, for example, that if average temperatures warm by 3 C (5.4 oF), winter snowmelt runoff would increase, but the average April-July runoff would be reduced by about 30 percent. 6 Sea level rise, a third likely consequence of global warmin g, could have effects on water supplies in some coastal areas. Higher sea level would cause a slight increase in saltwater intrusion of freshwater coastal aquifers, would create problems for levees protecting low-lying land, would increase the adverse consequences of storm surges, and might affect some freshwater intakes. (Effects of sea level rise on coastal structures and wetlands are discussed in detail in ch. 4 and in vol. 2, ch. 4.) CURRENT AND POTENTIAL STRESSES ON WATER RESOURCE SYSTEMS 9 Introduction Although scientists are not yet certain about the magnitude, direction, or timing of the regional impacts of global climate change, much can be said about current stresses on water resource systems. Climate change could, exacerbate the adverse effects of these stresses in some regions and alleviate them in others. However, areas that are already approaching limits for developing new water supplies or are under stress for other reasons should be particularly concerned about the possibility that climate change may further stress water resource systems and reduce the capability to adjust. Appendix A catalogs the major water resource problems for each of the 50 States. 6 M. Roos, Chief Hydrologis~ California Department of Water Resources, personal communication 1992.
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214 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Figure 5-2Average Consumptive Use and Renewable Water Supply by Water Resource Region and Tennessee 2/45 KEY (b 11/69 = Consumptive use/Renewable water supply Consumptive use as a percentage of renewable supply w El o-1o D1G40 B4O-1O O a Represents entire Colorado River Basin. b Represnts entire Mississippi River Basin. NOTE: To convert gallons to liters, multiply by 3.785. SOURCE: W. Solley, U.S. Geological Survey, 1993, I Growing Population, Increasing Competition Water is a renewable resource, but long-run average supplies are essentially fixed as long as climate fluctuates within a known range. The U.S. population, however, is steadily increasing. By 2010, the United States is projected to add about 35 million people to its 1993 population of roughly 256 million people. Total U.S. population is projected to grow about 7 percent over this decade, but the populations in the 10 fastestgrowing States 7 will increase by 14 to 23 percent. Nine of these States are in the South and West, yet u developed water-supply systems in many are already overburdened. Current demand for water relative to annual supply in all western river basins (except the usually well-watered Pacific Northwest) is 10 to 50 times higher than it is in the eastern half of the country, and some western basins have few undeveloped sources left (26). Figure 5-2 illustrates average consumptive use relative to renewable water supply in each of the water resource regions of the conterminous states. Large western cities, like Los Angeles and San Diego, must import water from sources hundreds 7 h OdtX of decrcas ing projected growth rate, these arc Arizoq Neva@ New Mexico, Florid% Gcors@ Alas4 Hawaii, New Hampshire, C& fOrni& and ~XaS (78).
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Chapter 5-Water I 1215 of miles away. As a result of population growth, atisfying the demand of such cities is becoming more challenging, especially during drought. Despite considerable water-storage capacity in California, for example, many cities find it necessary to implement emergency-rationing procedures. Other fast-growing western cities-Las Vegas, Reno, Denver, El Paso, San Antonio, for exampl ~ e having problems ensuring adequate water supplies for the future. In the Southeast, population growth is becoming a problem for water-supply planners in Atlanta and in some cities in Florida. The challenge for growing cities is to develop or acquire new sources of water and use the water they have more efficiently. Many opportunities exist for using water more efficiently, and some cities and States are addressing water-supplyrelated problems in creative ways (see the section Adapting Water Resource Systems to Climate and Other Changes, later in this chapter). However, a general and growing complication is that demands for water for use in cities can and increasingly do conflict with established or previously neglected demands for water for other purposes, including irrigation, fish and wildlife sustenance, ecosystem conservation, recreation, navigation, and power generation. Areas that become hotter and drier as a result of climate change would likely see competition among uses increase (see box 5-A). ~ Poor Water Quality People also stress water systems when they permit pollutants to enter surface Water and subsurface groundwater. 8 Pollution can diminish supplies available for human consumption (sup plies that in some cases are already stressed by population growth) and can adversely affect fish and wildlife that depend on clean water. Surface waters may be con taminated by siltation, nutrients, salts, organic matter, and hazardous materials (94). Despite high-priority Federal and State efforts, many supplies of surface and groundwater are currently polluted. Box 5-B describes water-quality problems affecting the Rio Grande. This river presents a particularly challenging set of problems because it flows through an arid region where water is much in demand and because it forms a 1,200mile boundary between two sovereign countries, the United States and Mexico, that must work together to ensure the rivers health. During drought, when stream flows and lake levels are low, water temperatures are higher and pollutants are more concentrated (33). Low stream flows in estuarine areas also enable salt water to move further upstream, in some cases affecting freshwater supplies. For example, in 1988, drought-related salt intrusion into the Mississippi River Delta affected petroleum refineries at New Orleans, and fresh water had to be barged into operate boilers and to cool machinery (57). Rivers that normally carry high salinity loads, such as the Colorado, can be dramatically affected by decreased runoff. These problems would be exacerbated in parts of the country that become drier as a result of climate change. Higher surface-water temperatures can be a problem for fish that depend on cold water for spawning, such as Chinook salmon. When optimal temperatures for salmon incubation are exceeded by only a few degrees, increases in mortality can be expected (l). In Californias Sacramento River System, for example, a problem exists during dry years when reservoir levels are lower and water discharged from them is warmer than normal (35). A few newer dams have temperature-control outlets that allow water to be released from various depths, but retrofitting dams that do not have such controls is very expensive. Global warmin g may make it impossible to preserve some cold-water fish without providing artificial temperature controls at large dams that lack these controls (35). Conversely, some warm8 Groundwater conatitutca about 36 percent of municipal &inking-water supplies.
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216 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 5-A-Climate Change, Water Resources, and Limits to Growth? Many cities of the Southwest-Las Vegas, Tucson, and Phoenix, for exampltiave beautiful green golf courses positioned like islands amidst seemingly endless expanses of parched desert. Although less likely now, it is still possible to see fountains shooting water, much of which evaporates, high into the airon scorching summer days. These are just two of the more obvious extravagant practices that people who have relocated from the well-watered eastern parts of the country brought with them as they settled the arid and semiarid parts of the American Southwest. Growing cotton and other water-intensive crops in such areas is another. Many peopte are drawn to the Southwest by generally mild climates and outstanding recreational opportunities and by the new, dynamic potential for economic development. High growth rates have been typical, and the three U.S. States with the highest projected growth rates, Arizom Neva@ and New Mexico, are all add Western States. California much of which is arid, is now the most populous of the 50 States (78). That continued growth and development of water-stressed areas of the United States is desirable is rarely questioned. Until recently, except perhaps forafew small settlements in out-of-the-way places, water has not been a limiting factor in western development. Where additional water has been needed to enable further growth, water managers have been able to find it-but now usually at increasingly long distances from where it is used or at greater depth in subsurface aquifers. Ims Angeles, for example, imports significant portions of its water from sources hundreds of miles away-northern California the Owens Valley, and the Colorado River. Without this additional water, Southern California would not be able to sustain the dramatic growth that has occurred there (at least given current usage patterns). San Diego, Las Vegas, Reno, Denver, El Paso, Phoenix, and many other cities, large and small, face similar challenges in acquiring enough water to sustain growth or in using what water they now have more efficiently. Western author V#allace Stegner noted that aridity imposes limits on human settlement that can be ignored only at ones peril @8). So far, the impressive water infrastructure developed in the M@st during the past 100 years has enabled society to meet its water demand and push back these limits. Growth could be difficult to sustain without major and difficult adjustments. Expiiat growth-control policies have been limited and generally very unpopular. Water issues, especially in the V&t, are usually framed in terms of how to accommodate urban growth and not howtoadjust to limitations imposed byaharsh environment (70).1 Nevertheless, it maybe prudent at least to consider the possibility that future severe water shortages in arid parts of the country will require strong and explicit growth-limiting policies in addition to implementation of other adaptive measures. Federal constitutional doctrines designed to promote the free flow of goods and people across State lines and the core principle of public utility law-that water providers have a duty to serve market demand (70)-imply that growth maybe difficult to restrict legally. Nevertheless, at some point in a possibly drier future, some industries and individuals may begin basing their decision to move to arid areas (or to stay in them) in part on the cost and availability of water. Such an occurrence would mark a fundamental shift in development and demographic patterns. 1 A few policies do r~nize limitations. Arizona, for example, requires developers to show that they have a 100-year water supply before they are allowed to build. Such polides, however, generally have not fundamentally oalled into question the desirability of continued growth. The Arizona polioy has also had some unwanted side effeots because it has encouraged cities to take extraordinary action to find water for continued long-term growth. As a result, the practioe of water farming has developed. Some rural areas are being dewatered, and economic development in these areas has consequently been stifled.
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Chapter 5-Water 1217 Box 5-B-Water Quality, Climate Change, and the Rio Grande Poor water quality is a problem in many parts of the country. However, in an arid region such as southwest Texas, where water is relatively scarce, waterquality problems can contribute significantly to water-supply prob Iems. This water quality/water quantity connection is especially important in the lower Rio Grande Basin, where population growth, muniapal and industrial expansion, and an increase in irrigation have dramatically increased the demand for water while negatively affecting water quality. Managing the water reSourws of the Rio Grande is especially diffwlt given the rivers bi-national status. The Rio Grande forms the border between Texas and Mexico for some 1,200 miles (1 ,935 kilometers)l and is one the most important rivers in North America. It originates in Colorado as a pristine alpine stream, but as it makes its way south and east to the Gulf of Mexico, it becomes a river under stress. Intensive muniapal and industrial activities along its banks have resulted in tens of millions of gallons of sewage yearly entering the river. Agricultural runoff degrades water quality by contributing significant amounts of fertilizers and pesticides to the river. And natural discharges of highly saline groundwater contribute to salinity problems. In addition, a very high 72 percent of the renewThe Rio Grande Basin 3 Colorado ---- --- --1 I Oklahoma 1 ~ d. \ ----r-- -UPPER BASIN SOURCE: W. Stone, M. Minnis, and E. Trotter (eds.), The Ho Grands Basin: Global Clhnate Cha~e Scenarios, New Mexico Water Resources Reeearch Institute Report No. M24, June 1991. able water supply of the basin is now consumed. This percentage is surpassed only in the Colorado River Basin and is dramatically greater than the single-digit percent of renewable supply consumed in most basins in the eastern United States. If current trends continue, consumption of water in the basin is likely to increase. Climate change could exacerbate current water conflicts. Many western rivers, including the Rio Grande, would experience a significant reduction in dependable stream flow if average temperature increases. This effect would seriously threaten irrigated agriculture, industrial deveiopmen$ and drinking-water supplies in the region. Even if climate change leads to a decrease in agriculture in the lower Rio Grande Basin, industrial and nnmiapal developnmt, spurred by the North American Frw Trade Agrwment (NA~A), mght continue to place significant demands on the river in a warmer climate. The combined effects of climate change and more-direct human-caused stresses would pose a considerable adaptation challenge. The Rio Grandes drainage basin is separated into northern and southern regions encompassing a total of 182,215 square miles of arii to semiarid land in southern Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. Some 2.7 million people live in the basin and depend on its water. Precipitation ranges from 10 inches (25 cm) per year in the western part of the basin to up to 24 inches (60 cm) per year along the Gulf Coast, but annual evaporation exceeds 1 TO convert miles to kilometers, multiply by 1.609. (Continued on next,oage)
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218 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climat%Volume 1 Box 5-BWater Quality, Climate Change, and the Rio Grande-(Continued) predpitation in much of the region. Many parts of the area rely on ground water to supplement scarce surface water supplies, and groundwater overdraft is a problem in parts of the region. Concern about droughts and flooding has led to the construction of dams and levees, so the once highly variable flow of the river is now moderated. Stored surface water is the principle source of supply in the western part of the basin, but the lower part of the basin depends almost entirely on surface water due to the poor quality of ground water in the area. Historically, the Rio Grande Basin has supported apredominantty agrarian economy. Many of the crops grown in the valley are very water-intensive, including cotton, rice, and sugar cane. To northerners, the region is known as the winter garden because it supplies the country with voluminous amounts of citrus fruits and vegetables during winter months (see ch. 6). ITre Rio Grande is almost completely diverted at JuaretiEl Paso to support irrigated agriculture in the southern part of the basin. (Return flows and more southerly tributaries supply water to the river below this point.) kw flows and surface-water shortages have become a problem in the basin, as have increases in salinity in groundwater. To date, farmers have been more concerned with water shortages than with increasing salinity. Salt buildup in the soil, however, is certain to affect future production and may force abandonment of some agricultural lands. Runoff laden with pesticides, fertilizers, and sediment reaches the river and further impedes water quality. Moreover, reduced flows mean that less water is available to dilute pollutants, so their concentration in the river increases during low-flow periods. Municipal and industrial demands on the river are growing dramatically, driven by the regions burgeoning population growth. A significant increase in growth is occurring in the so-called colonias that have been established along the border. These communities, which are home to many hundreds of thousands of people, generally lack sewage systems, wastewater treatment plants, and potable water. Wastewater in some cases is discharged directly into irrigation canals, which ultimately supply water for some crops. This lack of infrastructure, including overflowing and inadequately lined waste dumps, has resulted in a high inadence of infectious diseases (e.g., hepatitis and cholera), contamination of grourrdwater, and clogging of storm-water systems. Industrial operations exacerbate these problems by discharging wastewater directiy into the river. As a result, water quality is so low in the eastern part of the basin that only 1 percent of the water is fit for agricultural or municipal use. All of these impacts have severely degraded water quality in the river, and, given the limited supply, could present serious water-allocation problems in the future. Changes in management practices will ultimately be required on both sides of the border. The international boundary created by the Rio Grande separates much nwre than land mass: it represents the often dramatic division of first and third world nations. The socioeconomic differences that exist between the two countries are deeply rooted. Some of the poorest U.S. counties with some of the fastestgrowing populations are along this border. These communities generally experience depressed economies, poverty-level incomes, short life expectancy, low levels of education, and high population mobility. Much of the economy is based on providing food for other parts of the United States. Economic conditions in Mexico are even worse. Such conditions make the development of sound water-management poliaes and the development and enforcement of regulations to sustain human and ecosystem health much more difficult. Wildlife and migratory bird populations also rely on the river, but maintaining stream flow for environmental purposes is not always possible because of competing demands for the water, and it will likely become even more difficult in the future. Conservation, recycling, shifting to dryland farming, changing water pricing, and establishing water-master programs for the basin are among the approaches that could be used to address present and future waterquality and -quantity problems. Focusing on improving water quality may be one way of assisting adaptation to climate change that would be especially appropriate in the arid Rio Grande Basin. SOURCES: This box k drawn largely from J. Schmandt and G, Ward, Texas and Global Wvming: Water Supply and Dernandh Four Hydm/o@a/Regions (The University of Texas at Austin: The Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Pubiic Affairs, 1991); W. Stone, M. Minnis, and E. Trotter (ads.), The Rio Grade Basin: G/obaJ C/irnate Change Scenarios, New Mexica Water Resources Research Institute Report No. M24, June 1991.
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Chapter 5-Water I 219 water fish populations are likely to benefit from temperature rises associated with global warming as their thermal habitat expands (52). The contamination of groundwater is a particularly troublesome problem; once an underground aquifer becomes contaminated, its value is impaired or lost for a long time. Fertilizers and pesticides, effluent from various manufacturing processes, leakage from underground storage tanks, and oil spills can all find their way into groundwater. The extent of groundwater pollution in the United States is not known precisely, but some groundwater contamination occurs in every State, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has identified close to 1,000 hazardous-waste sites that have contributed to groundwater contamination (10). The Northeast has groundwater problems associated with industrial waste, petroleum products, and landfill leachate, and many farmin g States have problems arising from agricultural practices. Groundwater can also be contaminated by saltwater intrusion-particularly in coasta l States. In some cases, intense groundwater pumping has allowed salt water to intrude into coastal aquifers. For example, Orange County, California, now injects treated, recycled surface water into its coastal aquifer to keep salt water from intruding. Miami has spent millions trying to repel saltwater intrusion. Sea level rise will enable salt water to penetrate somewhat further into coastal aquifers (80). Many water-quality problems will be addressed in 1993 and 1994, when Congress considers reauthorizing the Clean Water Act (P.L. 92-500). The Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act of 1993 (S. 1114) was introduced in June 1993 and will likely serve as the main vehicle for considering changes in the Nations water-pollution laws. Box 5-C describes some key issues being considered. 9 Environmental Water Allocation The value of water for environmental uses (e.g., for preserving aquatic species and habitat) has typically been neglected in developing water resources for consumptive purposes (16). In the early part of the 20th century, water was often considered wasted if it was allowed to remain in a stream and not put to some beneficial use. Diverting water from a stream was not especially a problem for instream requirements as long as enough water was available. However, the effect of diversions on instream environmental uses has increased as more and more water has been developed for consumption. Over the past 20 years, popular awareness of the environment and the desire to protect it have increased. Thus, an important new competitor for water (or at least one with increasing clout) is the environment: water used for protection of wetlands, fisheries, and endangered species or for preservation of the wild and scenic status of a river cannot be simultaneously available for offstream, consumptive uses like irrigation and domestic supply. The potential for conflict between instream and other uses of water is high. Californias Central Valley farmers, for example, vigorously (but unsuccessfully) opposed a provision of the recently enacted Central Valley Project (CVP) Improvement Act (P.L. 102-575) that requires 800,000 acre-feet (af) 9 of project water to be reallocated or set aside for fish, wildlife, and habitat restoration. Similarly, South Floridas demands for water for the environment (e.g., for restoring the Everglades) are in growing competition with water for humans (see box l-D). Notably, the Endangered Species Act (P.L. 93205) has become a powerful preservation tool in recent years, and many water resource managers are concerned that vigorous enforcement of this act to protect water-dependent species will in9 One acre-foot (@ equals 325,851 gallons of water (43,560 cubic fec~ or 1,234 cubic meters), the amount of water it takes to cover 1 ame to a depth of 1 foot. It is enough water to sustain two average households for a year, Ib convert horn acre-feet to cubic meters, multiply by 1,234!
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220 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climat%Volume 1 Box 5-C-Reauthorizing the Clean Water Act The Clean Water Act (CWA; P.L. 92-500), formally known as the Federal Water Pollution control Act of 1972, is the Nations foremost piece of water-quaiity legislation. The ambitious goai of the originai act was to restore @iuted waters throughout the Nation to a fishabie, swimmable status by 1983, to eiiminate discharges of pollutants into navigabie waters, and to prohibit the discharge of toxic pollutants in toxic amounts. Two major strategies for achieving these goais included establishment of a Federal grant program to heip iocai areas build sewage treatment piants and a requirement that aii munidpai sewage and industrial wastewater be treated before it is discharged into waterways (1 1). The comprehensive act specifies technology-based effiuentiimitations and standards, receiving-water-quatity standards, and a discharge permit system. The Nation has made considerable progress in cieaning up poiiuted waters since 1972. Some $540 biiiion has been spent on water-poiiution controi (36). Currently, more than 37 biiiion gaiions (140 biiiion iiters)~ of wastewater are treated daiiy, and about 15,500 wastewater treatment facilities and dose to 20,000 collection systems operate in the United States. Eighty-nine percent of waste treatment fadiities now provide secondary or advanced treatment (11).2 Asaresuit, Conventional pollutants such as bacteria and oxygendernanding materiais have diminished. Nevertheless, and despite major amendments to the CWA in 1977, 1981, and 1987, some significant water-quaiity probiems remain. Sedimentation, nutrient enrichment, runoff from farmiands, and toxic contamination of bottom sediments are proving to be more persistentprobiems(11). The Ciean Water Act wiii iikeiy be reauthorized again during the 103d Congress inan attempt to address these continuing probiems. S. 1114, the Baucus-Chafee Water Poiiution Prevention and control Act, has emerged as the primary legislative vehicie for revising waterquaiity iaw. The biii revisits such key issues as watershed planning, controi of non-point-source poiiution and of toxic discharges, and funding for munidpai wastewater treatment facilities. Watershed pianning+l. 1114 encourages states to adopt watershed-pianning programs. A watershed generaiiy is defined as a region that iies between two ridges of high iand and drains into a river, river system, or other body of water. Watershed pianning refers to efforts to identify waterquaiity probiems unique to a particular watershed, pinpoint the sources of those probiems, and devise a strategy for addressing them. This approach recognizes that iocai soiutions to iocai problems may often be preferable to a singie nationai soiution. Voiuntary watershed-pianning programs wouid be encouraged through a series of financiai and other incentives. Non-point-source poiiution-Non-point-source (NPS) poiiution accounts for half the Nations remaining waterquaiit y problems (11). S. 1114 wouid piace stronger emphasis on mitigation and alteration in management practices to reduce the volume of poiiuted runoff. Mitigating NPS poiiution is difficuit, however, because it involves changing the iand-use practiws of private landowners. Runoff from agricultural iands containing, for example, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, contributes a sizabie percentage of nutrients and sediment to ground and surface water, but urban areas, faiied septic systems, siivicuiture activities, cattie feediots, and suburban development are sources of NPS poiiution as weii (81 ). S. 11 14directs States to submit revised NPS management program~ntaining specific program eiements-to EPA within 30 months after the act is reauthorized. Funding for municipai sewage treatmentThe Environmental Protection Agencys (EPAs) most recent estimate of sewage-treatment requirements suggests that over $100 biiiion wiii be needed during the course of the next 20 years for State and iocai governments to meet the goais and mandates of the Ciean Water Act (1 1). The State Revoiving ban Fund established by the CWA substantially assists communities and municipalities in 1 TO convert from gallons to liters, multiply by 3.785. 2 Secondary treatment typicaiiy means that 85 peroent of solid and organic matter Is removed; advanwd treatment removes more than 95 percent of pollutants and Is required when seoondary treatment is Insufficient to proteot a reoeiving stream and meet a States waterquality standards.
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Chapter 5-Water 1221 their efforts improve water quality, but appropriations for this program are set to expire in 1994.S.1114 expands funding for wastewater treatment programs. Funds would be available for improving aging infrastructure, controlling non-point-source poilution, managing estuaries, addressing combined sewer overflows and storm-water problems, and managing animal waste. Regulation of toxice-EPA currently regulates only about one-fifth of the industrial plants that dump toxic substances into rivers and lakes. Non-point sources of toxic pollutants, such as pesticides from agricultural fields andvarious contaminants in urban storm-water runoff, are currendy unregulated (36). Toxic pollutants may have adverse effects on human and aquatic health and may remain in the ecosystem for long periods. S. 1114 calls for EPA to identify at least 20 toxic pollutants that would have to be controlled by industry through intensive pollution-prevention strategies. The bill also callsfornot Iessthan 60percent of thevolumeof each pollutant listed to be reduced within 7 years and provides for the public to petition EPA to add pollutants to its list. Wetland protection-Wetlands play a key role in preserving water quality, but the extent and nature of the authority provided by the CWAfor wetland protection promises to be a contentious issue in CWA reauthorization. The current version of S. 1114 does not address wetland protection, but an additional section on wetiands is expected to be included in the final reauthorization. The Federal Government has struggled over the past few years to reach a workable compromise with property owners, industry groups, environmentalists, and others on how and to what extent wetlands should be protected. Major wetland issues likely to be addressed in the reauthorization include clarifying the regulatory process and responsibilities of Federal agencies; clarifying the process through which States can take control of permitting; paying attention to opportunities for wetland restoration through mitigation banking; and considering whether Alaska, which has large amounts of wetiands, should receive special treatment. (See vol. 2, ch. 4, for a compiete discussion of wetland issues.) The reauthorization of the Clean Water Act comes at a critical time. The understanding of ecological processes and of the effects of human influence on ecosystems is growing. However, stresses on ecosystems are also growing. Additional data gathering and monitoring are needed to close remaining information gaps. kgisJative efforts must attempt to balance human needs and ecological health. creasingly impinge on development and use of water supplies. Although the benefits of maintaining minimum instream flows are increasingly recognized and are gaining legal protection in a growing number of States (75), the rights to a significant amount of stream flow in the West have already been established. In Western States, rights to divert water are acquired under the prior-appropriation doctrine (i.e., first in time, fist in right)(see box 5-D), and many rivers are either completely appropriated by those who got there first (senior rights holders) or are close to being so. A few are even overappropriated. The rights to water for instream uses, where protected at all, are usually very junior. This means that water for fish and wildlife has the lowest priority, and the need for it is satisfied only after the demands of senior rights holders are met. During a drought, junior and unprotected rights are most at risk, so fish and wildlife may suffer more than they would if instream water rights were better protected. Clearly, growing competition between consumptive and environmental uses for water would be exacerbated in areas of the country that become drier as a result of climate change. If available supplies dimini sh and/or demand increases, existing developed supplies will have to be used more efficiently to satisfy both consumptive and environmental uses. Protecting adequate instream flows to attain multiple water-use goals, which is not easy now, could become much more difficult in the future. 1 Uncertain Reserved Water Rights Rights pertainin g to water for the environment are not the only new rights being asserted that may conflict with established uses of water.
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222 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climat*Volume 1 Box 5-D-Major Doctrines for Surface Water and Groundwater Surface Water Riparian doctrine-Authorization to use water in a stream or other water body is based on ownership of the adjacent land. Each landowner may make reasonable use of water in the stream but must not interfere with its reasonable use by other riparian landowners. The riparian doctrine prevails in the 31 humid States east of the IOOth meridian. Prior appropriation doctrin~sers who demonstrate earlier use of water from a particular source acquire rights over all later users of water from the same source. When shortages occur, those first in time to divert and apply the water to beneficial use have priority. New diversions, or changes in the point of diversion or place or purpose of use, must not cause harm to existing appropriators. The prior appropriation doctrine prevails in the 19 Western States. Groundwater Absolute ownership-Groundwater belongs to the overlying landowner, with no restrictions on use and no liability for causing harm to other existing users. Texas is the sole absolute-ownership state. Reasonable use doctrin~roundwater rights are incident to land ownership. However, owners of overlying land are entitled to use groundwater only to the extent that uses are reasonable and do not interfere with other users. Most Eastern States and California subscribe to this doctrine. Appropriation-permit systern-Groundwater rights are determined by the rule of priority, which provides that prior uses of groundwater have the best legal rights. States administer permit systems to determine the extent to which new groundwater uses will be allowed to interfere with existing uses. Most Western States employ this doctrine. SOURCES: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Volume ///, Surnrnary of Water R&hfs-State Law? ar?dk$nkrktratim? Procedures, report prepared for U.S. Army, Institute for Water Resources, by Apogee Reeearch, Inc., June 1992; and U.S. Geological Survey, fVaffona/ 144Ww Summary 1988-8Hydm/og/c Events and Floods and Dnwghts, Water-Supply Paper 2375 (V%ehington, DC: U.S. (30vemment Printing office, 1991). Indian reservations, National Forests, and National Parks are reserved lands-that is, they have been reserved or set aside ffom public-domain lands and, as such, carry with them authority for Federal reserved water rights (see also vol. 2, ch. 5). These rights have priority over State appropriative water rights acquired at a later date. In the case of Indian reservations, they have specifically been recognized in the Supreme Courts 1908 Winters decision (65), and ensuing court cases have extended the reservation doctrine to other lands. Significantly, many Indian claims have not yet been exercised or quantiled, although Indians assert large claims to both surface water and groundwater throughout the West. Because reserved rights are often senior once they are quantiled, junior, non-Indian water users may have to forgo water uses in times of shortage (93). In some cases, water for settlement purposes has been purchased by the Federal Government born other water users. However, the potential for conflict between Indian and non-Indian water users is clear and could grow in areas that become drier as a result of climate change. Similarly, Federal reserved rights in National Forests and Parks have the potential for leading to disputes between States and the Federal Government if supplies decrease. Wilderness areas within Bureau of Land Management lands do not now have reserved water rights, and this has been a source of contention in most wilderness legislation before Congress. A still-unresolved issue is whether Indians will be allowed and will choose to transfer some or all of their water off-reservation. If so, flexibility
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Chapter 5--Water I 223 Figure 5-3-U.S. Groundwater Overdraft NOTE: To convert gallons to Iiters, multiply by 3.785. SOURCE: H. Ingram, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy, University of Arizona, 1993. and economic efficiency might be enhanced, and some wealth would be transferred from nonIndians to Indians (70). The exercise of Federal reserved water rights for National Parks and Forests has proved controversial, but it is one means of providing water for such nonmarket uses as maintenance of fish and wildlife habitat (92). 1 Groundwater Overdraft Groundwater overdraft is the removal of subsurface water at a rate faster than its natural recharge rate. When groundwater is pumped faster than this rate over long periods of lime, it is in effect being mined and, therefore, is nonrenewable. Overdraft is a problem in several parts of the country (fig. 5-3). It is common in the Ogallala Aquifer, for example, which is the principal source of water for farmin g on the Texas High Plains (see box 6-G), and to a lesser degree, in some sections of the aquifer that underlie other Plains States. Overdraft leads to successively higher water costs because pumping expenses increase as the water table is drawn down. Higher costs, in turn, can lead to adoption of innovative water-saving strategies, dryland farming, or reduced planted area. Groundwater overdraft also occurs in the southern half of Californias Central Wiley, much of Florida, and parts of other States. Some regions are trying innovative plans to restore or conserve groundwater supplies (e.g., Arizona with its Phoenix-area groundwater replenishment plan). Climate change will Meet groundwater. In some locations, it could increase recharge, but it could also lead to increased groundwater pumping in areas where surface-water supplies diminish. Mining groundwater may sometimes make economic sense (as, for example, can mining coal) but, where feasible, it should be viewed only
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224 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 as a temporary adaptation to climate change. To the degree that groundwater is mined, flexibility to respond to future dry spells and droughts is reduced. Overdraft may also lead to land subsidence. Temporarily increasing groundwater pumping, however, can be an effective short-term response to drought-whether it occurs under current climate conditions or during a future warmer climate. 1 Outmoded Institutions Most laws and institutions guiding the allocation and use of water were established when water was essentially free and supply greatly surpassed demand. These provisions served their regions reasonably well when most new demands could be met by developing new supplies. However, new development is no longer either easy or inexpensive, and in some areas, it is practically impossible. Institutions and laws must increasingly deal with shortages and competing legitimate demands for water, many of which represent new tasks for which they were not originally designed (15). Subject to changing competitive demands and societal interests, some institutions are too rigid and inefficient to allow adequate responses to real or apparent water scarcity. Also, little has been done to educate the public about water issues, and as a result, professional knowledge of the value and scarcity of water has not been adequately disseminated. Examples of innovative institutions are not rare, however, and institutional change is occurring. Congress, for example, passed the Central Wiley Project (CVP) Improvement Act in 1992, which explicitly recognizes the importance of instream uses for water in Californias Central Valley and the need to balance competing demands for water. The Act includes provisions to: 1) guarantee that much more water will remain in streams for fish or be directed to wildlife refuges, 2) remove institutional obstacles that limit beneficial water transfers and discourage conservation, 3) raise the price of Water sold to farmers, 4) establish a fish and wildlife restoration fund (to be financed by fees on CVP water and power sales and on water transfers), and 5) place limits on the renewal of irrigation and municipal water contracts. In coming years, this law may serve as a model for similar changes in other parts of the West. Arizonas Ground-Water Management Act, with its goal of safe yield in the States important groundwater basins, is another innovative, if imperfect, institutional change. Nevertheless, rigid and inefficient institutions are common. Such institutions can add to the stress already on water resources by making adjustments to new situations more difficult. When water rights are unclear, for example, as they continue to be in parts of the West, reallocation of water is difficult. Agreements abound that were negotiated when either information was inadequate or future circumstances concerning supply and demand could not be foreseen. These agreements constrain the responses that water resource managers can make to shortand longterm problems, and they are often difficult to change. For example, much water is supplied to Southern California by the Metropolitan Water District (MWD). By statute, MWD member agencies are entitled to water in proportion to their percent contribution to MWD tax revenues. Los Angeles currently contributes about 27 percent but now uses only 5 percent of its allotment because its other sources are usually adequate. San Diego, however, takes up the slack and currently uses about 30 percent of MWD supplies, although it is entitled to only 12 percent. If Los Angeles supplies shrink during a drought, the city would be entitled to claim its MWD allotment, and San Diego, which receives about 90 percent of its water from MWD, would have to cut back (91). As San Diego grows, the potential for significant water shortages could create a critical problem during drought. Similarly, the structure of the Colorado River Compact and related laws governing the Colorado River System make it impossible to operate
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Chapter 5-Water I 225 this system as efficiently as possible. Problems are already apparent, given aridity, growing and shifting populations, and the fact that the Compact, negotiated in 1922 after a few unusually wet decades, allocates more water among the seven basin States than the average annual flow (26). The Colorado could be operated more efficiently (and San Diego might have an additional source of water) if, for example, interstate water transfers were legitimized. A stumbling block is that States that have water allocations through the Compact legislation and individual contractors jealously guard their existing entitlements and believe any changes in the current institutional structure could dilute their water-use rights (70). Current stresses on water resource systems are already motivating changes in laws and institutions. The potential for climate change adds another, if currently secondary, reason to make those changes. Given the uncertain impacts of climate change on water resources, however, institutions that are flexible (i.e., those that could facilitate adaptation in a variety of different climates) and that foster an efficient allocation of water would be most responsive to changes caused by global warmin g (47). As institutions change, equity in water resource allocation could be promoted by providing more opportunities for the public to become involved in decisionmaking bodies. Such involvement could stimulate healthy debate about the values at stake in water resource decisions. In many cases, promoting flexibility, efficiency, and equity will require more coordination and cooperation among the large number of Federal, State, and local water resource organizations. (Table 5-1 shows how complex the Federal water structure alone is.) River basins and watersheds are rarely managed in an integrated fashion, for example, and there are clearly opportunities for some significant increases in yield by moreefficient joint management of existing reservoir systems (63, 64). Similarly, water-quantity laws and water-quality laws are seldom coordinated. Surface water and groundwater are often managed separately. The respective responsibilities of Federal and State agencies are sometimes unclear, and Federal Government agencies that have water responsibilities do not always cooperate with one another. M Aging Urban Water Infrastructure The current poor condition of much of the Nations urban water infrastructure (e.g., pipes, valves, pumping stations, and storm-water drains) could affect both safety and water-supply efficiency in the future. Also, urban infrastructure needs are likely to compete for funding with other water-development needs. In the Northeast and Midwest, deterioration of old systems is especially a problem. In 1977, for example, the Boston distribution system, due both to leaks and nonfunctioning meters, could not account for 50 percent of the water it had distributed (89). Although the American Water Works Association recommends a 67-year cycle of replacement, many of Bostons water mains are over 100 years old. More recently, the Association found an average leakage rate of about 10 percent in a study of 931 U.S. utilities. l0 Although eliminating leakage entirely is probably not practical, opportunities exist in this area for improving the efficiency of water-supply systems. The inability of some urban storm-water drainage and treatment facilities to handle possible increases in flood discharges is a source of concern. The need for additional facilities is growing as urban areas grow. Expenditures for new construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation do not appear to be meeting current needs, and the potential for sea level rise and urbanization of undeveloped land will likely increase needs in the future. Many communities will have to invest more in storm-water drainage or face increased property damages from flooding. In10 Unpubtihed obsmatio~, 19%?. The leakage rate in this study included water escaping fmm leaks and M, ~ f~ti meters.
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226 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Table 5-lFederal Offices Involved in Water Resource Planning, Development, or Management Legislative offices (U.S. Congress) Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Senate Committee on Appropriations Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs House Committee on Agriculture House Committee on Appropriations House Committee on Energy and Commerce House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries House Committee on Public Works and Transportation House Committee on Science, Space and Technology General Accounting Office Library of Congress Office of Technology Assessment Executive off ices Executive Office of the President Office of Environmental Policy Office of Science and Technology Policy Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Cooperative State Research Service Economic Research Service Extension Service Farmers Home Administration Forest Service Soil Conservation Service Department of the Army Army Corps of Engineers Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration National Bureau of Standards National Marine Fisheries Service National Ocean Service Nationa Weather Service Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Conservation and Renewable Energy Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Federal Power Administrations Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry National Center for Toxicological Research National institute of Environmental Health Sciences Department of Housing and Urban Development Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development Department of the Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs Bureau of Land Management Bureau of Mines Bureau of Reclamation Fish and Wildlife Service Geological Survey Minerals Management Service National Park Service Office of Policy Analysis Office of Surface Mining and Enforcement Department of Justice Land and Natural Resources Division Department of State Bureau of Oceans and international Environmental and Scientific Affairs Department of Transportation U.S. Coast Guard Saint Lawrence Seaway Development corporation Federal Highway Administration Independent establishments and Government corporations Environmental Protection Agency Assistant Administrator for Water Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response Assistant Administrator for Pesticides and Toxic Substances Federal Emergency Management Agency General Services Administration Public Buildings Service interstate Commerce Commission Panama Canal commission Small Business Administration Loan Programs Pollution Control Financing Program Tennessee Valley Authority Quasi-officiai agencies Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Bilateral organizations international Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico international Joint Commission, United States and Canada SOURCE: Adapted from J. Beecher and A. Laubach, Compendium on Water Supply, Drought, and Conservation (Columbus, OH: The National Regulatory Research Institute, 1989).
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Chapter 5--Water I 227 creased flooding potential in some areas of the country as a result of climate change should be cause for concern. Most large urban areas should be able to renovate aging infrastructure through increases in service rates. Small and medium-size water systems, however, may have much greater problems. The large costs associated with renovating infrastructure, meeting Safe Drinking Water Act standards passed in 1988 (P.L. 93-523, most recently amended by P.L. 100-572), and providing additional service to growing areas are an especially heavy burden on smaller communities. Small systems typically lack adequate managerial and technical expertise and cannot benefit from economies of scale. One recent survey of infrastructure studies concluded that the gap between investment needs and available sources of financing the renovation of the water infrastructure is between $4.5 and $6.3 billion per year over the next 20 years. EFFECTS OF CLIMATE STRESS ON NONCONSUMPTIVE USES OF WATER Many uses of water do not deplete the total supply of water available; these are called non consumptive uses. Prominent among these are hydroelectric-power generation, powerplant cooling, waterborne transportation, and recreation, all of which climate change may seriously effect. Hydroelectricity is a large proportion of the total electricity generated in some parts of the country. Washington State, in particular, produces 30 percent of U.S. hydroelectricity, but hydropower is also significant in such States as California and Tennessee. Such power production is sensitive to droughts and is reduced when reservoir levels are low. Reductions in hydroelectric power can usually be filled by a shift to greater use of fossil fuels, but alternative sources of electricity cost more and cause more pollution (including carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions). The effect of drought on power generation can be considerable: during the 1988 drought, for example, hydroelectric-power generation on the Missouri River, in the Pacific Northwest, on the Ohio River, and in the Southeast was reduced between 20 and 40 percent (57). A primarily nonconsumptive use for water is 11 Many power plants use power-plant cooling. fresh water for condenser cooling and (sometimes) emergency cooling. Heated water discharged from power plants is returned to the stream from which it was taken. Because such water contributes to thermal pollution and can have adverse impacts on aquatic life, water temperature and quality are regulated by Federal and State Governments. When water temperatures are high, power plants often must curtail power production or use cooling towers to comply with regulations. Higher water temperatures can also reduce the efficiency of many powerplant operations, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission mandates that nuclear power plants be shutdown if a specified upper temperature limit is reached. Other water uses may be affected if additional releases from multipurpose reservoirs are needed to moderate water temperatures (45). Power-system operations in regions such as the southeastern United States are currently affected during critically hot summers by temperature constraints. Problems can be acute when high temperatures correspond with peak power demands. Also, on some eastern rivers, power-plant water needs are, at times, so large that there may not be enough water to dissipate heat during low-flow periods (80). Power systems could become less reliable in a warmer climate, especially during the s ummer (45). In turn, powerproduction costs and consumer-electricity prices could increase. Waterborne transportation is also affected by drought-and with considerable adverse impacts. In 1988, water in the Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri Rivers was so low that barge traffic was 11 ~eshwaterwi~&a~ to produce the Nations electricity totals about 130bgd, but currently ody about 4bgd are actually (66).
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228 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 impaired (37). On one of the worst days, for commodities piled up in Mississippi River ports. example, 130 towboats and 3,900 barges were Conversely, railroads and some Great Lakes backed up on the Mississippi at Memphis while shippers benefited. Box 5-E describes these dredges deepened a shallow stretch of the river effects in more detail. (57). The economic consequences of the low Recreation may seem to be a less essential use flows were considerable: barge and towboat for water; however, in some areas, the economic owners suffered economic losses, and agricultural value of water-related recreation outweighs its ITO oonvert square miles to square kllorneters, multiply by 2.590. z 10 oonvwt miles to Idlorrwters, multlply by 1.609.
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Chapter 5-Water 1229 As expected, water levels intheriverresponded to the drought by dropping precipitously. In normal years, water flow through the river peaks in April and May. In 1988, however, water flows began to decline in April and reached record lows during May that were to continue throughout the summer. On June 8,1988, a barge-pulling tow grounded on a section of the river near St. Louis. it was the first of a series of navigational disruptions that would seriously impede barge transport on the river through late July. Mississippi River navigation is aided by a series of locks and dams constructed and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers along the upper Mississippi as well as on much of the Missouri and Ohio Rivers. During normai years, this intricate network of water-control structures can be operated to maintain water levels and safeguard navigation during much of the year. in 1988, however, even carefully controlled and timed water releases could not prevent low water levels. Fully ioaded barges require minimum water ievels of 9 feet (2.7 meters)s to operate safely. Not only does water at this level provide suffiaent clearance Navigable Waters of the Mlsslsslppl River System fMN SD KS MO TX / SOURCE: W. Relbsame, S. Chagnon, and T. Karl, Droughtand Natural Resources Managementlnthe UnitadStates: Impacts and /mpkdons by the 1987-89 Drought (Soulder, CO: Westview Press, 1991). to keep the barge from hitting the bottom, but it aiso generally ensures that the water is moving fast enough to forestall the formation of shoals, sand bars that form in shallow sections of the river and jmpah navigation. The first action managers generally take when water levels drop too Iowisto start dredging the blocked areas. Constant work by several dredges for several days can often dear the channel enough to keep it open. A second strategy is to limit the number and weight of the barges pulled by a towboat so the tow is more maneuverable and the lightly loaded barges are less likely to hit bottom. A third strategy is to release more water from upstream dams, although this can interfere with other water uses at the upstream locations (including hydropower generation, recreation, and agricultural, industrial, and municipal water supplies). In the event of severe disruptions, alternate navigation routes or modes of transportation may have to be found. Costly barge backups In 1986, managers drew on ail of these strategies and more. Following the June 8 grounding in St. Louis, the Corps dredged that section of the Mississippi and limited traffic to barges that drafted no more than 6 feet Despite the Corps efforts, watbr levels continued to drop. By June 15, water levels in that reach dipped to the lowest Ieveis measured since 1872, when record keeping first began. In addition, water levels on a nearby stretch of the Ohio River dropped below 8fee4 with extensive shoaling. The Corps dosed a stretch of the Ohio for dredging from June 14 through 17. Over the next severai weeks, the Mississippi and Ohio rivers were periodically dosed for dredging in locations that included Greenville, MS, Mound City, IL, and Memphis, TN. Even when the river 3 TO convert fwt to meters, multiply by 0.305. (Continued on nexfpage)
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230 I Preparing for an Uncertain CIimat%Volume 1 Box 5-E-Navigating the Mississippi Through MM and Dry Times-(Continued) 8! 4 M z ii i A barge and towboat on the &fississippi River. LXJW jlows &ring the 1988 drought strandkd thousaruh of barges at Memphis and other river ports. The 1993 jlooding along the Mississippi and its tributaries stranded more than 2,000 barges, costing the barge iruikstry more than $3 million per day. remained open, river traffic and loads were reduced. By early July, river traffic was down by one-fifth, and toads totaling 15,000 tons (13.6 million kilograms)4 of commodities had been halted. Some barge traffic was diverted to the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, a river system built and operated by the Corps that parallels the southern half of the Mississippi. The Tennessee is not usually the favored southward route because it is slower and less direct than the Mississippi, but it was able to handle more than 2.1 million tons of cargo above normal levels to relieve some of the Mississippi barge backup. As the extent of the disruption became apparentj some grain shipments were shifted to alternate ports and routes on the Great Lakes instead of the Mississippi, further absorbing some of the barge backups and storage overflows in the ports on the Mississippi. Repercussions from the interruption in navigation were widespread. By the time of the dosing of the Ohio on June 14,700 barges were backed up at Mound City, a major grain port. VViththe barges notrunningand no empty barges arriving, grain piled up at the port. Within days, the port hadtofindstorage space for 200,000 bushels (7,000 cubic meters)5 of corn, and more than $1 million worth was simply stored on aty streets because there was no more room in the elevators. Thus, even farmers who managed to harvest crops despite the drought (and could potentially earn higher prices due to the lower supplies) faced the risk that their grain would spoil while awaiting shipment. Similar pileups occurred elsewhere. By June 17,700 barges were trapped in Greenville. By the 19th, 3,900 barges were stranded in Memphis. Barge traffic wassporadicthrough late June; inearlyJuty, another 2,000 barges were held up in Memphis. International implications Attempts to combat low water levels and maintain navigation even led to international controversy. It is technically feasible to increase the flow of the Mississippi River by diverting water into it from Lake Michigan through the Illinois River channel. At one point during deliberations over how to respond to the drought the governor of Illinois proposed to triple the normal water releases from the Lake for a limited time to help restore Mississippi River levels. l%e increased diversion was expected to raise Mississippi levels by 1 foot at St. Louis and around 6 inches (15 centimeters)Gat Memphis, while Ioweringthe level of Lake Michigan by only 1 or2 inches. This proposal caused considerable controversy when intrcxixed, however, because it ignored the history of controversy over water diversions, and because at the time of the proposal, Lake Superior water levels were well below average even though they had been at record high Ievelsjust 2 years before. Governors of four Great Lakes States threatened court action, and the Canadian ambassador delivered a formal protest to the U.S. State 4 TO convert tons to kilograms, multiply by 907. 5 TO convert bushels to cubic meters, multiply by 0.035. e TO convert inches to oentimers, multiply by 2.540.
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Chapter 5-Water 1231 Department. Residents on both sides of the Great Lakes considered the levels of the Lakes-already low due to the drought-of fundamental importance and declared that the levels should not be artificially altered for any reason. Sufficiently low lake levels could, among other things, disrupt the operation of locks, thus affecting shipping activities and the production of hydroelectric power at Niagara and on the St. Lawrence River. In the end, the Illinois governor backed off the proposal, and no water was diverted. Winners and losers The economic costs due to less-efficient barge transport may have reached $1 biiiion. Farmers, agrkuiturai chemical manufacturers, and coai ad oii companies found it more costly to ship products as barge shipping prices quickly rose from $9 to $15 per ton. Barge shipping was reduced 20 percent, costing the industry perhaps $200 miiiion. Other iosers included the consumers of shipped commodities, particularity utiiities forced to pay higher prices for coal. in addition, the drought ied to a 25 percent drop in hydropower production on the river and a 15 percent decline in recreational use, and low water ieveis ailowed sait water from the mouth of the Mississippi to travei 105 miies iniand, damaging wetlands aiong the river. Despite considerable turmoil and costly losses to shippers and the barge industry, there were others who benefited from the drought, partiy offsetting the overaii costs. Shippers on the Tennessee-Tombigbee and the Great Lakes received a considerable boost in business, and showed gains in economic competitiveness due to the greater reliability of their routes. The Illinois international Port at Chicago shipped neariy $2 miiiion worth of grain that wouid otherwise have been shipped through Mississippi River ports, generating an income for the port of$O.5 miiiion. On the other side of the Lakes, shipping traffic on the St. Lawrence Seaway rose by 7 percent during the summer months. Perhaps the biggest winner was the iilinois Central Raiiroad (iCRR), a north-south system running from Chicago to New Orieans. Because its route is roughiy paraliei to the iiiinois-Mississippi River system, the raiiroad has iong been a competitor with the barge industry. In 1988, the going rate for shipping by rail was $8 to $12 per ton, which put the ICRR at a considerable disadvantage in competing for cargo with the barge industry, which generaiiy charged around $5 per ton. When barge prices increased to $14 to $15 per ton due to the backups, however, the iCRR was weii-situated to compete. The Flood of 1993 The Drought of 1988 illustrates the powerful role that climate plays in maintaining the navigational services that many have come to expect from the Mississippi. in times of drought, the iow water ieveisthat caused shoaiing and grounded tows in 1988 can aiso affect wintertime navigation because the river freezes up more quickly and extensively in shaiiow areas. Conversely, during times of above-average precipitation, fioods can be disruptive as some stretches of the river become nonnavigable during high fiow. Flooding aiong the Upper Mississippi and many of its tributaries reached ievels in June and July 1993 not seen in many decades. A 500-mile stretch of the upper Mississippi, from St. Paui to St. Louis, was shut to ail commercial traffic, leaving thousands of barges stranded. Water Ieveis did not return to normai for more than a month, wit h costiy effects on grain shipments f rom iowa, Missouri, iiiinois, Minnesota, and Mhconsin. Cargoes heading north (e.g., rubber, sugar, and metai from overseas) were aiso stranded. The fiooding caused many smaii towns to be evacuated and darnaged thousands of homes and businesses. Crop losses have been estimated to be between $5 and $10 biiiion. Considerable uncertainty surrounds predictions of ciimate change in the Mississippi River Basin. Nevertheless, both the 1988 drought and the 1993 flooding couid be harbingers of the challenges ahead for the barge industry-and for others who iive near and/or depend on the Mississippi. SOURCES: This box Is drawn largely from W. Riebsame, S. Changnon, Jr., and T Kart, Drought amf Natund IkxxJrcas Mmagement In the United States: Impacts and hnpkahrs of the 1987-89 L)ruught (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1891), pp. 43-112. Supplemental material came from W. Koeilner, Climate Variabdity and the Mississippi t%ver Navigation System, in: Sorxkta/ Responses to F?egiorta/ C/hnato Change: Forecasting by Ana/ogy, M.H. Glantz (cd.) (Bouldar, CO: Westvlew Press, 19S8), pp. 243278; Imvels Reference Study Board, Final Report of CCC GCM 2 X COz Hydrologkal Impacts on the Great Lakes (Hanover, NH: Levels Reference Study Board, Deoember 1991); and Reuters Ltd., Midwest Laveea Straining: Mississippi River Continues to Rise, WXhington POSZ July 8, 1993, p. A3.
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232 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 operating rules changed to better reflect current economic realities, are now pitted against Lower Missouri River States, which want the rules to remain the same to protect the hydropower and navigation purposes of the System. Similar conflicts can be found in many places in the United States, and such conflicts are inevitably more heated during drought. ADAPTING WATER RESOURCE SYSTEMS TO CLIMATE AND OTHER CHANGES Recreation is an important nonconsumptive use of water, and in many areas, one of its highest-valued uses. use for irrigation or other purposes. Low lake levels may leave recreational boating docks high and dry and may affect shoreline property values. Low flow conditions in mountain streams affect white-water rafting, fishing, and other types of water-related recreation. Current allocation problems on the Missouri River illustrate the value of water-related recreation, the considerable conflicts that can develop between instream and offstream uses for water, and the conflicts that can arise among different instream purposes. The Upper Missouri River Reservoir System (UMRRS) is operated by the Army Corps of Engineers for a variety of purposes, chief of which are irrigation, navigation, and flood control. The Corps, however, is under pressure from upstream States to give greater consideration to recreation and fish and wildlife interests in operating the System. When priority is given to navigation during drought periods, boating facilities in upstream lakes (for example, Fort Peck Lake in 1991) can be left high and dry, and fish habitat can suffer. Upper Missouri River States (Montana and North and South Dakota) have decried this situation because, as the Corps notes, the recreational value of the UMRRS, at $65 million annually, is now roughly four times the economic value of navigation (2). Upper Missouri River States, which would like to seethe Water resource planning is a complex political, economic, sociological, scientific, and technological endeavor (60). Therefore, adaptation to change, whether climate or otherwise, will rarely be straightforward. Adaptation measures must accomplish several objectives if they are to be successful. They must address the sources of stress, whether due to short-term or long-term imbalances between supply and demand, threats to water quality, high costs, or other factors. They must be politically and administratively feasible-water resource systems exist in complex institutional environments, and changes must be capable of operating in conjunction with existing laws, agencies, and regulations. (Box 5-F describes some important water responsibilities of key Federal agencies.) Changes should enhance the flexibility and robustness of water resource systems because the timing and magnitude of regional climatic events may change in as yet undetermined ways. And, finally, costs and benefits arising from institutional changes must be perceived as equitable if they are to be supported and remain successful in the long run (23). Adaptation measures in the near future are likely to be taken in response mainly to problems more pressing than climate change, but many of these measures could also address climate change concerns. Consideration of the potential for climate change in water resource plannin g could sometimes make a difference in the choice among types and timing of new policies or projects. Hence, even without sufficient regional da@ it
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Chapter 5-Water 1233 Box 5-F-important Water-Related Responsibilities of Key Federal Agencies The Federal Government is involved in virtually every aspect of water resource planning, management regulation, and development. In all, at least 35 units-including agencies, bureaus, and services-within 10 different Federal departments, as well as 7 independent agencies and several bilateral organizations, currently exerase some responsibility for water programs and projects(4). These programs are governed by more than 200 Federal rules, regulations, and laws. Some 7 House committees and 13 subcommittees, plus 6 Senate committees and 10 subcommittees exerase responsibility over distinct aspects of water resource development and management (13) (see table 5-3). Responsibilities of some Federal agencies with important water-related programs are listed below. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soii Conservation service (SCS)-Heips faimers deveiop soii and water conservation pians and arrange for cost-share funding for implementation of conservation practices. In cooperation with other agencies, offers advice to farmers on pesticide and fertilizer use and land management. Severai programs promote water quaiity, including the Conservation Reserve Program, the wetlands Reserve Program, the Agricuiturai Water Quality Protection Program, and the Smail Watershed Program. Department of the Army (DOA) Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps)-In budgetary terms, the most important Federal water resources development agency. Responsible for planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of projects for fiood control and floodplain management water suppiy, navigation, hydroelectric power, shoreiine protection, recreation, fish and vddlife management, and environmental enhancement. Reservoirs managed by the Corps, which inciude most of the iargest reservoirs in the United States, hold atmt 65 percent of the Nations stored surface water. The Corps has undertaken several climate-change-related studies, including analysis of deasion making about water resources given the uncertainty of climate change. Department of Commerce (DOC) Nationai Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-Within the context of its coastal zone and fisheries management responsibilities, concerned with watershed management and non-point-source poiiution; Office of Hydrology provides streamflow and fiood-forecasting services. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)-issues licenses for nonfederal hydropower projects; considers measures to preserve environmental quality, protect fish and wiidiife, and maintain scenic values, as weii as those to maintain dam safety, flood control, and recreational opportunities. Federal Power Administrations (FPAs)-Five Federal power administrations market hydroelectric power, inciuding Bonneville, Southeastern, AlaslGL Southwestern, and Western Area Power Administrations. Department of the Interior (lX)i) Bureau of Reciamatlon (the Bureau)--suppiies municipal water to 25 million peopie in 17 western States, provides irrigation water for 10 miilion acres (4.05 miiiion hectares)l of western farmland, and operates 52 hydroeiectricfaciiities that generate 46 biilion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually (making the Bureau the Nations 1 lth iargest electric utility). The facilities operated by the Bureau provide iocal flood controi, fish and wiidlife 1 TO convert acres to hectares, multiply by 0.405. (Continuedon next page)
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234 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climat*Volume 1 Box 5-Fimportant Water-Related Responsibilities of Key Federal Agencies=(Continued) enhancement and recreation. The Bureau has established the Global Climate Change Response Program to study the potential impacts of global climate change on water resources in the 17 W@stern States. Geological Survey (USGS)-Conducts assessments of the quality, quantity, and use of the Nations water resources; produces annual state-by-state summaries on special topics (e.g., floods and droughts). USGS has initiated a Global Change Hydrology Program, the objectives of which include improving methods for estimating the sensitivity of water resource systems to climate variability and change across the range of environmental conditions existing in the United States and improving understanding of the effects of climate change on the hydrology of watersheds. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)-bad Federal agency for conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats; responsible for endangered species, freshwater and anadromous fisheries, certain marine mammals, and migratory birds. Manages 700 national wildlife refuges; assesses environmental impact of hydroelectric dams, stream channelization, and dredge and fill operations. An FWS goal is to assess the significance of gtobal climate change on fish and wildlife. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Plays a major role regulating water quality by issuing permits for discharge of pollutants into navigabte waters, developing criteria that enable States to set waterquality standards, administering State grant programs to subsidize costs of building sewage treatment plants, setting national drinking-water standards, and cooperating with the Corps to issue permits for the dredging and filling of wetiands, for example. Mkxks wfth States to promote watershed management and reduction in non-point-source poilution. EPA is the lead agency for the National Estuary Program. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Undertakes hazard mitigation, preparedness planning, relief operations, and recovery assistartce for floods and droughts and other natural and humanmade disasters; has undertaken a study of the possible impact of sea level rise on the National Flood Insurance Program. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Government-owned corporation that conducts a unified program for advandng resource development and economic growth in the Tennessee River Valley region. ll!A manages the 50 dams and reservoirs that makeup the TVA system. Its activities include flood control, navigation development, and hydroelectric power production. TVA is studying the sensitivity of its reservoir and power-supply systems to extreme weather. may be important to take some actions soon or in (e.g., building in flood-prone areas) until better the relatively near future to avoid clirnate-changeinformation about climate change, future water related regrets later. Projects that require long demand,12 and other factors is available. A few lead times for construction or implementation measures might be motivated solely in anticimay deserve special attention with respect to pation of a changing climate, but most are likely climate change. In some instances, it may be to be taken primarily in response to other advantageous to avoid taking certain actions stresses. 12 ~j=~g fi~e de~d ~ ~~ excqtio~ly dif&dt, and studies have shown tM most fo==ts me in tie 196@ ~ 1~~ of current water use have been substantially in error (60). Projecting demand is complicated because the future regulatory fkamework for water resource management and the types of adaptation that will be politically, economically, socially, and environmentally feasible am unctdn. The importance of climate change in water resource planning relative to these other sources of uncertainty is diftkult to gauge.
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Chapter 5-Water I 235 Potential adaptation measures are considered in several categories below: demand management, water reallocation, and supply management all deal with using existing supplies more efficiently. Supply augmentation increases the amount of water available by developing new sources. Flood and drought contingency planning introduces more flexibility during emergency situations and helps to mitigate damages. H Demand Management and Water Reallocation Until relatively recently, the preferred approach to satisfying the water needs of growing communities has been to develop untapped supplies. As new water-supply sources have become less accessible, and as developing them has become more expensive and less acceptable environmentally, managing demand and enabling voluntary water reallocation have taken on increasing importance. Demand management and water marketing could be very important in coping with climate change, both because they promote efficiency and because they enable a considerable amount of flexibility in water resource management. The objective of demand management is to use water more efficiently, and many regulatory and water-pricing options can be used to promote the development and use of more-efficient water-use technologies and practices. Demand-management options include such measures as: 1) modifying rate structures, 2) reducing landscape water use, 3) modifying plumbing and irrigation systems, 4) conducting educational programs, and 5) metering. Temporary measures can provide great flexibility in relieving stress during droughts. Efficiency gains from permanent measures could offset or postpone the building of large and costly structures that might otherwise be needed to deal with climate change and other factors leading to increased demand. Demand-management measures are also important because they often have short payback periods and lead to reduced capital and operating costs for water supply and wastewater treatment facilities. Water saved through demand management can be made available to protect wetlands and fish and wildlife habitats, and reduced wastewater and drainage flows can yield additional environmental advantages. The important question is not whether demandmanagement practices should be pursued, but how conserved water will be used. If the water is to be used entirely to meet the needs of unlimited urban growth, for example, water-use problems are likely to recur at a later date. Flexibility can be maintained by reserving some conserved water for instream purposes. Likewise, the primary objective of enabling water reallocation is to promote more-efficient water use. Water reallocation is facilitated by allowing water to be marketed, that is, transferred from willing sellers to willing buyers. Water marketing is an important means of transferring accurate price signals regarding the value of water and is therefore closely linked to demand management (65). If owners of inexpensive water are allowed to sell it at higher market prices, they will have an incentive to conserve, and those willing to pay higher prices for water are unlikely to do so only to use it inefficiently. Water Reallocation Through Marketing and Other Transfers Water has very different costs depending on its use and typically has the lowest value in those sectors that consume the most of it. The disparity between the relatively high prices paid by urban entities and the low prices paid by agricultural users suggests that opportunities exist to use markets to allow more-efficient allocation of water. However, the lack of institutional and legal mechanisms for facilitating markets has so far limited their development. Other types of transfer arrangements that may or may not be considered marketing can also be effective. Most of the water trades and transfers occurrin g to date have
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236 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 The California State Water Project currently transfers about 2.5 million acre-feet (3 billion cubic meters) of water annually from northern to southern California. Together with Californias Central Valley Project, it comprises one of the most massive water-redistribution systems in the world. Shown is the California Aqueduct and the Ira J. Chrisman Wind Gap Pumping Plant near Bakersfield, California. involved the transfer of water from rural agricultural uses to municipal or industrial uses; some trades, however, have been made between agricultural regions. Properly implemented, water markets and transfers can serve to reallocate: water quickly and efficiently under current climatic conditions. Marketing arrangements can vary from permanent sales 13 of water to short-term, seasonal, or dry-year agreements. Box 5-G illustrates a permanent transfer in which Californias Metropolitan Water District agreed to improve the Imperial Irrigation Districts canal system in exchange for the water saved by these improvements. Box 5-H illustrates an innovative dry-year agreement, also in California, designed to meet demand during droughts. Each of the types of reallocation agreements described in boxes 5-G and 5-H could also serve to provide more-efficient and flexible use of water in the event the number, duration, or intensity of extreme events increases. Indeed, severe drought conditions in the West between 1987 and 1992 may offer a glimpse of what problems a future, drier region would encounter and of some of the measures that might be taken in response. Approaches similar to Californias Drought Water Bank are likely to be useful in other regions and could eventually become permanent institutions. Such sales of water to higher-value uses would ensure that as much economic productivity is maintained in a region as possible. An additional characteristic of water markets is that they do not inherently require long lead times to establish, such as are required of new dams. California s Drought Water Bank, for example, although not without problems and not a full-fledged market, was implemented in several months. Water markets and market-like transfers may allow society to delay or avoid more-costly or less-flexible adaptation options. Despite the advantages of water reallocation, the possibility that water transfers could adversely affect parties not directly involved in them has left some people wary. Several issues that often arise are: What review process or standard should be used to balance the benefits to farmers from water trades against the secondary economic effects on the local community? What are the obstacles facing a sale or trade when farmers receive their water from an irrigation district or pursuant to a contract with a Federal water project? How will transactions cope with surface-water return flows and groundwater recharge? Who protects freshwater fisheries, recreational white water, and other ecologic and aesthetic values of rivers (65)? Some States have taken steps to modify their water codes to address 13 Pmmn@ that is, from the point of view of the entity selling the wata. Such a transfer would not ~ prohibit the wat= ilom being resold.
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Chapter 5-Water 1237 Box 5-G-Permanent Transfer: Conserving Water In Californias Imperiai Valley Southern California has four major water sources, and aii are threatened to some degree. increasingly strict waterquaiity regulations threaten the use of some iocai water supplies (9O percent of which is groundwater); importation of Colorado River suppiies is being scaled back as Arizonas Central Arizona Prqect comes on iine; litigation is forcing Los Angeies to reduce importation of water from the Owens Vaiiey and Mono Lake Basin; and in 1982, the future of obtaining additional water from northern California was clouded as voters rejected the Peripheral Canal across the Sacramento-San Joaquin Deita (29). Southern Californias population is expanding even as its traditional water supplies contract. Los Angeies and San Diego are two of the countrys IO fastestgrowing counties (44), and the regions population of 14 miilion could grow to 18 miiiion by the year 2010 (29). Because population growth is expected to outstrip recent declines in per capita water use, Southern California couid soon face severe water shortages. As part of its efforts to avoid such shortages, the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) has been active in pursuing opportunities for water transfers. One of the iargest transfers pursued by MWD isaconservation agreement with the imperiai irrigation District (iID).The ilDdiverts 2.9 miiiion acre feet per year (af/year)l from the Coiorado River and is Caiiforniasiargest water user, but in the early 1980s, ilD was criticized by State Government and the courts for wasting water. The California Department of Water Resources was able to identify operational and physicai improvements in iiDs water-distribution system that couid save an estimated 438,000 af of water per year (54). in 1988, after years of intense and sometimes acrimonious negotiation, MWD and iiD reached an agreement in which MWD agreed to fund iiD conservation projects in return for an estimated 100,000 af of saved water per year (54). MWD is to contribute money directiy to the iiD Conservation Fund, which is controlled entireiy by iiD. Projects must be approved by a program coordinating committee appointed by MWD and iiD. Projects wili include iining canais; installing gates and automation equipment; constructing spiii-interceptor canais, regulatory reservoirs, and taii-water recovery systems; and other monitoring and management measures. The Program Coordinating Committee is responsible for seeing that ail projects are operating within 5 years of the effective date of the agreement (54). in addition to construction costs for the originai prqects, MWD is to pay for any conservation structures that need to be replaced during the term of the agreement. MWD is also to pay ongoing direct annuai costs of nonstructural programs, such as those invoiving monitoring and management, and $23 miiiion for indirect costs, inciuding costs of environmental damage, lost income from hydroelectric generation, public-information programs, and litigation on reiated issues. in return, MWD expects to receive approximately 100,000 af of conserved water per year for 35 years at an average total cost of approximately $128/af (Pius $20/af for pumping (54)). Many iegal and institutional obstacles had to be overcome to conclude the transfer agreement. Controversy surrounded the issue of whether or not iiD was Iegaiiy abie to seii conserved water; some argued that under anti-waste provisions of California State iaw, the conserved water should automatically revert to holders of the next priorities for Colorado River water. The issue was eventually sidestepped by referring to the agreement as awater saivage arrangement rathert han a saie, but t he issue may stiii be raised in future litigation (54). Agreements aiso had to be reached with the Coacheiia and Paio Verde irrigation districts to ensure that MWD would be aiiowed to receive the conserved water because these irrigation districts Colorado River priorities are iowerthan iiDs but higher than MWDS. Despite the numerous institutional obstacles and other difficulties, the MWD-ilD transfer arrangement is seen as a success by both parties. MWD is satisfied to receive additional water suppiies at a reasonable price, and ilD has been pleased to receive an improved distribution system at MWDS expense (54). 13.6 billion cubic meterwyear; to convert from acre-feet to cubic meters, multiply by 1,234.
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238 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 5-HA Drought-Year Option: Californias Drought Water Bank In December 1990, California was in the midst of its fourth consecutive year of drought Reservoir storage was only 32 percent of capacity, statewide precipitation averaged only 28 percent of normal for the 1990-1991 water year, and most snowpacks were less than 30 percent of normal. Both the State Water Project (SWP) and the Central Valley Project (which, respectively, account for about 7 and 22 percent of Californias water supplies) were forced to cut back sharply in water deliveries. SWP, for example, announced cutbacks of 90 percent to municipal users and was forced to suspend all deliveries to agricultural users. The State Department of Water Resources (DWR) was predicting that the drought would likely continue into the new year, and the State Water Resources Control Board had prepared a list of draconian regulatory measures that might need to be taken to mitigate the crisis (30). On February 15,1991, with no expectation of sufficient rain for the season, C%vernor Pete Wilson anmxmced a four-~nt plan to deal with the drought. As part of the plan, he established the Drought Water Bank. Intended to operate only during the emergency, its charge was to purchase water from willing sellers and sell it to entities with critical needs (7). Bank members could be coprations, mutual water companies, or public agencies (other than DWR) that had responsibility to supply water for agricultural, municipal and industrial, or fish and wildlife needs. Members were required to meet rigorous criteria (e.g., they must have already made maximum use of all available supplies) to qualify as having critical needs. Sellers were assured that transfers would be considered a reasonable beneficial use of water, not constitute evidence of waste and not be evidence of surplus water beyond the terms of the agreement. The Bank was not intended as a precedent for California water policy or law, but was undertaken solely to help cope with 1991 drought conditions. Water for the Bank was acquired through land fallowing (i.e., not planting or irrigating a crop), using groundwater instead of surface water, and transferring water stored in local reservoirs. Most of the 351 contracts negotiated were for fallowing land, but the Iargestacquisition came from transferring stored water. The Bank initdty paid sellers $125/per acre-foot (af)l but after rainfall in March exceeded expectations, estimates of water needs were lowered, and a few sellers were offered $30/af. The bank, in turn, sold the water for $175/af (sometimes 1 TO convert acre-feet to cubic mOtWS, mdidy @ 1,234. these issues, but State water codes are not uniform environmental impact on Owens Viilley was and not equally conducive to transfers. Water transfers have a controversial history to overcom~the earliest often took place without adequate consideration for equity, regional economics, the environment, or areas of origin. Water transfers have sometimes been refemxl to as water grabs because gains to the receiving water users have often come at the expense of a loss of water security and opportunity for water users in the area of origin. The classic example is the Owens Wiley of eastern California, where early this century agents for the City of Ims Angeles made several disguised purchases of land for the purpose of diverting the associated water hundreds of miles to the south. The economic and devastating, and the Valley has never recovered (53). Box 6-D describes how water transfers have hastened the decline of farmin gin Colorado. Transfers do not necessarily result in losses, however, and the transfers described in boxes 5-G and 5-H contain features that make them beneficial to buyers and sellers, and they have generally been successful in increasing available supplies without significantly endangering third-party interests. As experience is gained with transfer mechanisms and States ensure protection of third-party interests, some current concerns should be allayed (50). Promotion of interstate, as well as intrastate, transfers could help make management of water
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Chapter 5-Water 1239 the amount paid to sellers, contract administration costs, and conveyance iosses. Buyers also paid the cost of conveying water from the Sacramento-San Joaquin Deita to their service area Surprisingly, the Bank was able to purchase about 820,000 af of water in about 45 days. Eventuaiiy, about 400,000 af were disbursed to Bank members for critical needs, and 260,000 af were carried over into 1992 for SWP. Some of the excess water acquired wasiost in conveyance or was used to maintain waterquaiity standards in the Delta The rest was used to replenish carry-overcapacity as insurance against the possibiiitythat the drought couid continue into 1992. in ail, particularly ghen the lack of experience California had with water trading and the crisis nature of the program, the Water Bank was cons~red very effective in reallocating water. Many were concerned, however, that water trading would have adverse impacts on iocal economies and on the environment. indeed, there were some iosers; however, the adverse economic impacts were minimai, and overaii, the Bank created substantial gains for Caiiforniasagricuiture and economy. Failowed iand accounted for only about 10 percent of planted area in major counties, and even where fallowing represented the iargest portion of decline in planted area the overaii net effect on county personal income and total employment was reiativety smaii. The jobs that were lost in exporting regions were more than offset by the jobs gained in importing agricultural regions. Estimated income gains in importing agricultural regions ($45 miiiion) were more than thr~ ti~s greater than estimat~ inco~ iOSSeS in exporting regions ($13 miiiion) (30). Estimatti ~t ~~fits in urban areas were OVer $~ miiiion) even without accounting for the value of increased carry-over storage. Many people beiieve that the Bank has just scratched the surface of its potentiai for facilitating transfers. Some, however, are concerned with this success. Environmentaiists worry that there is currently no mechanism for allocating water to fish and wiidiife. Imcai offidais remain concerned about the possible impact an expanded water bank could have on their tax base and on social-services budgets. Rurai communities fear that banking could accelerate either their demise or their development into suburban areas. Considerable disagreement exists about whether the Water Bank shouid be permanent or implemented onty during emergencies. Neither rural areas nor environmentalists want urban areas to use the Water Bank as an excuse for forgoing water deveiopmem conservation, or reclamation programs. Minimizing future Bank impacts on Iocai economies may be possible by, among other things, ensuring a wide regional distribution of faiiowed area increasing reiiance on groundwater exchanges, and switching to less-water-intensive crops (30). resources more flexible and efficient, especially Demand Management Through IWchg Reform where infrastructure for transftig the water Water conservation could be promoted not already exists. Such transfers, for example, could be useful in the Colorado River Basin. Without only by allowing markets to provide accurate price signals, but by changing some pricing some vehicle for transmitting price signals across t)ractices that lead to inefllcient water use. PerState borders, low-value irrigation uses in the Upper Basin States have the potential to displace high-value urban uses in the Lower Basin, where water may have 10 times the value. Several proposals for interstate marketing of Colorado River water have already been made, including recent ones motivated by the California drought that began in 1986 (9). Increased aridity in the Southwest, possibly as a result of climate change, will likely focus additional attention on interstate transfers in the future. ~aps one of the biggest obstacles to more-efficient water use is that Americans are frequently charged much less for water than it costs to supply it. Water is usually treated as a free resource in the sense that no charge is imposed for withdrawing water from a surface or underground source. Users may pay for storing water and for transporting it to where it is used (although sometixnes at highly subsidized rates), and also for treatment of the water and disposal of the return flows, but there is rarely any charge to reflect the value of
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240 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 water for a given use, that is, the opportunity costs of putting water to one use at the expense of another (22). As a result, few people have incentives to use water efficiently. Policies that underprice water have been much criticized for not promoting efficient use in urban areas and on lands irrigated with federally supplied water (91). Urban pricing structures often include such economically inefficient practices as: 1) using average-cost rather than marginal-cost pricing,14 2) using decreasing block ratesin which the cost of the last units consumed is lower than the cost of initial blocks, 3) recouping a significant fraction of facility costs through property taxes rather than through charges based on water use, 4) failing to meter individual consumers, and 5) failing to use seasonal pricing if marginal cost varies by season. These common practices provide inappropriate price signals to consumers and lead to overuse of water. They also result in overinvestment in water-supply facilities relative to investment in other methods of providing or conserving water and relative to expenditures on other goods and services (92). The large Federal subsidies received by farmers who contract for water with the Bureau of Reclamation (the Bureau) likewise lead to overuse of water. The Bureau, which was established in 1902 with the principal goal of assisting the development of family farms in the arid West, now supplies about 30 million af of water per year in the 17 Western States-about 25 percent of western irrigation. The cost-recovery provisions in reclamation law provide Federal subsidies for irrigation, and these have grown substantially over time. Subsidies on irrigation capital costs, such as interest-free repayment of capital, have reached levels of over 90 percent, and historically, program-wide subsidies of irrigation capital costs have been estimated at 85 percent (91). Interest-free repayment for irrigation appears to be an anachronism in the 1990s. The West has been settled, and States now have their own water resource programs. Where farmers must pay prices that reflect the market value of water, there will be greater motivation to use water more efficiently. However, small price increases will likely do little to motivate changes in use if the gap between the price paid and the market price remains large. Improvhg Conservation Practices Many technical and regulatory possibilities exist for using water more efficiently (see table 5-2). Additional water-conservation research could also help realize new savings opportunities and bring down costs of existing ones. Conservation is likely to have more potential for reducing water use in irrigated agriculture than in cities, given that 85 percent of all water consumed is for irrigation. Moreover, in the agricultural sector in Western States, traditional water law has been a powerful disincentive for practicing conservation. For example, where the prior-appropriation doctrine is practiced, farmers must use the water they have appropriated or they face losing it. Savings of agricultural water can be obtained by such practices as lining canals, recovering tail water at the end of irrigated fields, and better scheduling of water deliveries. Savings might also be made possible by developing more water-efficient crop varieties or crops with a higher tolerance for salt (18). The High Plains of Texas illustrate the potential for conservation in agriculture (see box 6-G for details). Here, the high costs of pumping groundwater for irrigation motivated a substantial public education program and widespread use of water-saving technologies. Where irrigation costs are low, as in much of Californias Central Wiley, there is little incentive to spend money on water conservation. Significant savings are available through urban conservation efforts as well, and the rate of
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Chapter 5-Water I 241 demand growth in this sector is much higher than it is for agriculture. Municipal water-conservation programs are in operation in cities from Boston to San Diego, yet in most parts of the country, a strong water-conservation ethic has not developed. Nevertheless, examples of innovative municipal programs abound, and many of these programs could be applied more broadly. One innovative and flexible program is the Conservation Credits Program of Southern Californias MWD. Under the terms of this program, MWD, a wholesale water corporation, pays $ 154/af (less than its cost for developing other new supplies) for demonstrable water savings from qualifying local-agency conservation programs, with an upper limit of one-half of the program cost, To qualify, local-agency projects must result in decreased demand for MWD imported water, be technically sound, and have local support (44). Many of the approved conservation projects are aimed at implementing the 16 Best Management Practices (BMPs) proposed by MWD and other urban water districts. 15 These include retrofitting showerheads and toilets; conducting home-water audits, distribution-system audits, and large-landscape-water audits; finding leaks in distribution systems; instituting landscaping requirements; and several other practices expected to save substantial amounts of water (44). MWDs goal is to conserve 830,000 af/year by the year 2010. 16 If conservation programs are perceived as equitable and fair, people are more likely to support them. As important as conservation can be, it does have its limits. In areas where comprehensive conservation has begun, demand management may not yield large additional savings (47). To the extent that conservation is successful and growth in demand continues (e.g., through increases in population), long-term watermanagement flexibility through decreased water use will be harder to achieve. The limits of Table 5-2Ways to Use Water More Efficiently Effective water-saving measures for urban areas Modify rate structure to influence consumer water use, including: n shifting from decreasing block rates to uniform block rates n shifting from uniform rates to increasing block rates n increasing rates during summer months n imposing excess-use charges during times of water shortage. Modify plumbing system, including: n distributing water-saving kits, including replacement showerheads and flow restrictors n changing plumbing standards n requiring or offering rebates for ultra-low-flow toilets. Reduce water-system losses, including: n using watermain-leak-detection survey teams followed by water main repair or replacement as necessary to reduce system losses n monitoring unaccounted-for water n conducting indoor-outdoor audits n starting a meter-replacement program n recycling filter plant backwash water n recharging groundwater supplies. Meter all water sales and replace aging or defective meters in a timely way. Reduce water use for landscaping, including: n imposing lawn watering and other landscape-irrigation restrictions n developing a demonstration garden n publishing a xeriscape manual 9 using nonpotable water for irrigation n imposing mandatory water-use restrictions during times of water shortage. Conduct water-conservation education of the public and of school children, including special emphasis during times of water shortage, Effective water-saving measures for farms Use lasers for land leveling. install return-flow systems. Line canals or install piping to control seepage. Control phraetophytes (although these plants may be considered valuable habitat). Use sprinkler and drip irrigation systems. Schedule irrigation by demand. Use soil-moisture monitoring. Use deep pre-irrigation during periods when surplus water is available. improve tillage practices. Use evaporation suppressants. Use lower-quality water. install underground pipelines. Grow drought or salinity-tolerant crops. SOURCE: W. Anton, implementing ASCE Water Conservation Polk-y, in: Water Resources Planning and Management: Pr oceedings of the Miter Resources Sessions at Water Forum '92, Water Forum '92, Baltimore, MD, Aug. 2-6, 1992. 15 M. MoMe&opoli~ Water District of Southern Californ@ personal Co-tication, AuWt 1~. Ibid.
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242 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 conservation are far from being reached, but in the absence of new developments in conservation technology, conservation can be expected to have diminishing returns. ultimately, additional solutions may be needed. Moreover, once the easy options have been implemented, additional conservation may require higher costs and important lifestyle changes, and these may be resisted by the public. Policy Options: Improving Demand Management Demand management, where practiced, has generally been a State or local concern rather than a Federal one. However, if it chooses to do so, Congress and/or the Executive Branch could stimulate demand management in various ways. Option 5-1: Amend the Clean Water Act to allow Federal grants to States for wastewater treatment projects to be used for conservation investments. These State revolving funds (SRFS) can now be used for sewage treatment facilities but generally not for conservation. However, to the degree that conservation reduces the volume of water that needs to be treated, the cost of sewage treatment is reduced. Grants for SRFS are set to expire in 1994. Congress could continue this funding when it reauthorizes the Clean Water Act and, in Title VI of the Act, could make conservation explicitly eligible for revolvingfund loans. States might, in turn, offer favorable loan terms to communities that achieve suggested water-efficiency goals. Option 5-2: Lead by example by promoting greater water-use efficiency in Federal facilities. The Federal Gov ernment owns or leases about 500,000 buildings of various sizes and some 422,000 housing units for military families. It also subsidizes utility bills for some 9 million households of low-income families (77). Thus, Federal facilities and subsidized housing represent an opportunity for the U.S. Government to play an important role in promoting water-use efficiency. Currently, however, Federal agencies have little incentive to conserve water. Most agencies do not even meter their water use or have the baseline data needed to determin e the payback period and cost-effectiveness of efficiency measures. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-486) does encourage water conservation in Federal facilities, but, in contrast to the acts detailed treatment of energy conservation, it treats water as an afterthought. Congress should clarify its intent regarding water conservation, including, for example, how funds authorized for efficiency programs are to be divided between energy and water conservation. Congress might direct agencies to: 1) establish programs to reward innovative and/or cost-effective water-conservation measures, 2) use models that predict water use [e.g., the Army Corps of Engineers Institute for Water Resources Municipal and Industrial Needs (IWR-MAIN) model (73) to identify opportunities for improved water-use efficiency, and 3) amend Federal acquisition regulations to facilitate Federal procurement of efficient waterUse technology. Option 5-3: Increase funding for the development and use of water-saving technologies. The Water Resources Research Act of 1984 (P.L. 98-242) authorizes funding for such purposes. However, no funds were appropriated for the acts competitive matching-grant fund in 1993. Moreover, no funds have ever been appropriated under sections 106 and 108 of the act, which specifically authorize grants for water-related technology development, including conservation and waterreuse technologies. Option 5-4: Reform tax provisions to promote conservation investments. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 (P.L. 99-514) clamped down on the ability of cities and States to use tax-exempt bonds to finance any projects except those that clearly benefit the public (72). The benefits of most conservation technology (e.g., plumbing retrofits and advanced irrigation systems) have been considered to be mostly private and, hence, the technology has not been eligible for tax-exempt financing. To promote more conservation investment, Congress may wish to revise the tax code to
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Chapter 5--Water I 243 define conservation investments as having substantial public benefits and, hence, to be eligible for tax-exempt-bond financing. Option 5-5: Reform pricing in Federal water projects. Although it may be difficult to reform the pricing of water supplied by existing Federal projects, Congress could eliminate subsidies on future projects, such as for interest-free repayment of construction costs or loans. Alternatively, Congress could require, through legislation, that all entities that stand to benefit from new, subsidized, federally developed water study and, if necessary, reform their current pricing structures before water is delivered (92). Ignoring possible price reforms would result in inefficient expenditure of Federal funds. Policy Options: Facilitating Water Marketing As with demand management, Federal law usually defers to State law regarding water marketing and other transfers. However, the Federal Government could help facilitate mutually beneficial transfers in several ways. It could provide stronger leadership, improve the implementation of its own policies, influence State Governments through the use of incentives or disincentives, and clarify some ambiguous elements of reclamation law. Present uncertainty over the rules governing a market can slow and raise the effective costs of transactions. The Federal Government could also have some influence in helping to ensure that transfers are fair for those not directly involved in the exchange and that they do not adversely affect instream uses of water. Option 5-6: Urge the Department of the Interior (DOI) to provide stronger leadership in facilitating water transfers. In December 1988, DOI adopted a set of principles for facilitating voluntary water transfers involving Bureau of Reclamation facilities. However, the Bureau has not effectively implemented these directives, and they have not been applied consistently in all regions (42). Stronger leadership could include an unambiguous public statement by DOI and Bureau officials endorsing water transfers as a means of solving water resource problems, more emphasis within the Bureau on transfers, and consideration of the recommendations made by the Western Governors Association (WGA). WGA recommended that DOI work with it to develop a package of amendments to reclamation law to facilitate transfers (%). Option 5-7: Clarify reclamation law on trades and transfers. Reclamation law was written when western settlement and water development were being emphasized and when little or no consideration was given to the transfer of water rights or to contractual entitlements on federally constructed water projects. There are several ambiguities in this body of law regarding the transferability of water. For example, can conserved water be transferred, or does a farmer who saves water by using it more efficiently lose rights to it? 17 It is also at times unclear whether State or Federal law governs transfers on Federal projects. Clarification might be accomplished through a formal solicitors opinion by DOI or, alternatively, through new legislation. Option 5-8: Clarify rules regarding the marketing of Indian water. The nature of water rights for many Indian tribes is still open to question. A key issue is whether Indian water rights, once quantified, will be salable or leasable, and, if so, with what restrictions. Allowing water entitlements of Indian reservations to be leased with no more restriction than non-Indian rights would facilitate greater efficiency and flexibility of water use. Equity issues regarding Indian water are important and usually controversial. Indians have often been treated unfairly. At the same time, many non-Indians have come to depend on inexpensive water that may legally belong to Indian tribes, and current users could, in theory, 17 At issue is whe~er the 1902 Reclution Act (32 Stat. 388) imposes any additional requirements, beyond thOSe Of Stite law, for water on Federal projects.
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244 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 be required by Indians to pay significantly more than they do now. Indian claims have often been settled through legislation, and in some cases, the legislation has specified the degree to which Indian water is leasable (21). Language ensuring the ability of Indians to market water or transfer entitlements could be included in all future Indian water settlements. Option 5-9: Provide ways for Federal agencies to buy water for environmental purposes. Federal participation in water markets could play a role in preserving or enhancing instream uses, a goal that could become increasingly difficult to achieve if water demand increases and/or supply decreases. Water rights for instream-flow purposes are usually held by States but are often junior in nature and could thus be the first to be curtailed during a drought. Stronger protection could be acquired by allowing public agencies charged with protection of fish and wildlife and other instream uses of water to participate in water markets. In States that allow non-State agencies to acquire instream rights, Federal agencies such as the Fish and Wildlife Service could be funded to acquire water rights where existing statutes afford inadequate protection. Flexibility would be enhanced by allowing agencies to make not only pe rmanent purchases of water rights but also short-term purchases during drought periods, when instream uses of water are most likely to be under stress (92). ~ Supply Management Opportunities exist for signicant gains in water-use efficiency through better management of existing (i.e., developed) water supplies. Such opportunities may be realized by: 1) improving coordination of water resource management, 2) enhancing the flexibility of reservoir reservoir-system operations, 3) expanding conjunctive use of ground and surface water, 4) taking advantage of new analytical tools forecast systems. and the and and Improving Coordination In large part, water resource systems throughout the United States have developed independently of one another, their geographical limits usually coincident with political rather than watershed boundaries. Not surprisingly, water resource management in the United States has evolved in a fragmented and uncoordinated fashion. Coordination has not mattered greatly where water is abundant, but it is becoming increasingly important in those parts of the United States where water resources are becoming relatively more scarce and/or polluted. It will become even more important if global climate change results in decreased water supplies in some areas. The most efficient way to manage water resources is the comprehensive river basin or watershed approach. At its best, such an approach would entail managing reservoirs in the watershed to meet multiple demands as a single system rather than individually, managing groundwater and surface water jointly, managing waterquantity and water-quality issues together, and integrating floodplain and wetland management with other aspects of water resource management. Managing in this way would not only increase usable water supplies but would also benefit other valuable uses for water (e.g., for habitat and wetlands preservation and for recreation). River basin management would also improve the flexibility and efficiency desirable in policies suited to a changing climate. Comprehensive plannin g and management is likely to become increasingly important wherever opportunities for developing new supplies grow scarce and water becomes subject to greater competition among competing uses. The concept of river basin management is not new and, in fact, is widely accepted in theory among water resource professionals, ecologists, and others. However, such management practices are the exception rather than the rule. Although many are aware of the benefits of more-integrated management, coordination and cooperation to this end have been very difficult. Responsibilities
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Chapter 5-Water I 245 for water supply are generally separate from those for water quality; responsibilities for groundwater are often separate from those for surface water; Federal goals and responsibilities within a basin may conflict with State or local ones; and Federal and State boundaries seldom coincide with groundwater basins or surface watersheds. The diversity and inflexibility of water-rights laws, inadequate incentives for efficiency in water use, and inadequate research, informa tion, and training support for improved water resource coordination practices can also make river basin planning difficult (72). Nevertheless, river basin and watershed planning is attracting renewed attention. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency strongly supports the approach, and its regional offices are now participating in about 35 small watershed projects around the country (82). Moreover, legislation recently introduced to reauthorize the Clean Water Act (S. 1114, the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Act of 1993) contains important watershed-management provisions, including some for designating areas for watershed management, developing watershed-management plans, and providing for incentives and public participation. Reservoir and Reservoir-Systern Management Individual reservoirs are often designed and constructed by one jurisdiction (e.g., a water district). The operating rules for the reservoir are also usually centered around meeting the needs of the clients of the constructing agency, given the storage and delivery constraints imposed on the reservoir when it was constructed. Where there are several reservoirs on a river system (possibly operated by different jurisdictions or even in different States), yield of the system as a whole can often be increased if joint operational rules are considered. For example, rather than meeting the downstream demands of a particular area solely from the reservoir owned by that jurisdiction, more than one upstream reservoir may often be used. If the timing and amount of releases can be coordinated, often everyone can gain. Discovering and taking advantage of these opportunities involve a good deal of coordination among different water agencies and include such tasks as developing flow and storage models that are accepted by all of the jurisdictions involved; simulating likely stress events, such as floods and drought; studying trial responses to such simulated events; and developing written agreements for joint operation of facilities. It often takes years and the commitment of key individuals to implement these steps, but the effort can be very successful. For example, starting in 1977, the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) sponsored several studies of the potential for joint, rather than independent, operations during drought periods among the three principal Washington, DC, water suppliers. Using a riversimulation model developed at Johns Hopkins University, ICPRB determined that existing reservoir capacity was underutilized, and that if the local water suppliers would coordinate the timing of withdrawals from upstream reservoirs, they would be able to increase system yields dramatically and avoid spending large sums on construction of new reservoirs. A series of written agreements was approved in 1982 specifying how joint operations would be carried out during droughts. Joint management of existing facilities in the Potomac River Basin increased system yields by over 30 percent (about 90 million gallons per day). Between $200 million and $1 billion was saved, compared with previously evaluated structural alternatives for meeting future supply needs, and environmental impacts were substantially reduced (63). The potential exists throughout the Nation for improving operational efficiencies of multireservoir systems through systems analysis. Moreover, the Federal role in contingency planning and systems-analysis studies could be large because federally constructed reservoirs are often intermingled with nonfederal reservoirs on the
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246 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 same river system. The Colorado River System is one important prospect for application of moreefficient operating rules. The Bureau of Reclamation operates all major storage facilities on this river, whose water is so crucial to the arid Southwest. Potentially, results of Federal simulations of long-term water availability on the Colorado (including analysis of various climate change scenarios) could ease the way for Colorado River Basin States to begin considering new operating rules of mutual benefit. An important reason for the difficulty in making efficiency and flexibility improvements in the management of reservoir systems (and individual reservoirs) pertains to the process by which Federal water projects are authorized and regulated. The two agencies responsible for most large Federal water projects are the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation. Both the studies and the projects these agencies undertake are authorized by Congress. The projects are usually based on a detailed feasibility study by one of the two agencies. Both the study and the subsequent congressional authorization typically emphasize individual projects, and the operating agencies are closely bound to use projects only for the original purposes specified in authorizing legislation. Rarely do the computed benefits from a project reflect what might be achieved if the operation of the project were integrated in a systematic way with other existing and proposed projects, either Federal or local. Initially, most new projects are more than adequate to serve the existing demands. Over time, however, demands may increase, and structural or operational changes may be required. Historically, structural changes (i.e., construction of new storage facilities) have been emphasized, and opportunities for creating more water through better management and/or reallocation have received little attention. This may occur because there is no regular review process devoted to finding such opportunities and because whenever changes in operating policies are proposed, there are inevitably people who believe their interest lies in maintaining the status quo (64). Conjunctive Use of Groundwater and Surface Water Groundwater and surface supplies are managed independently inmost States and are governed by different legal systems and separate agencies. The integrated management of ground and surface water, often referred to as conjunctive management, has the potential to significantly improve water-system performance and increase the flexibility and reliability of water resource management (see box 5-I). Storage of water underground is desirable because it makes possible the use of water that otherwise would not be captured (20). Conjunctive management can be used to balance seasonal variations in water supply and demand, enabling groundwater to be used in lieu of surface water during dry periods; to eliminate the need for additional treatment and surface-distribution facilities; to allow water suppliers to meet customer demands more cheaply and easily than would be possible through independent management of separate systems; and to enhance yields through less-conservative operation of existing storage facilities (e.g., a conjunctive management study of Houston found that system yields could be increased by 20 percent (63)). Another conjunctive use is blending surface and groundwater to produce an overall usable medium-quality supply (e.g., by blending high-quality surface water with brackish groundwater not otherwise usable). Cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Albuquerque, and Houston already have conjunctiveuse plans, but conjunctive management is still not used in most major population centers (72). Not all communities have access to groundwater supplies, but conjunctive management may be feasible for some that do not, as long as they are linked to a river or distribution system. Each plan is unique, and the most equitable and efficient approaches are closely tailored to the physical characteristics of the water resources (e.g., rates
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Chapter 5-Water 1247 Box 5-l-Seasonal Storage: The Metropolitan Water Districts Interruptible Water Service and Seasonal Storage Programs Rainfall and snowmelt tend to be seasonal events, so the availability of water supplies in communities that rely on surface water can vary wtdely during the course of the year. Water demand also varies with the seasons, typically being much higher during the summer and lower during the winter. Balancing supply and demand in the face of these variations is possibte only with the use of storage facilities. Southern Californias Metropolitan Water District (MWD) has used its Interruptible Water Service (IWS) Program and its Seasonal Storage Program (SSP) to encourage conjunctive management as a method of enlarging local storage capacity. The IWS Program began in 1981 when MWD offered to sell water at discounted rates to member agenaes that could demonstrate an ability to continue serving customer needs in the event that water deliveries from MWD were interrupted (44). Operation of the program allowed MWD to take advantage of exms supplies in the Cotorado River and the State Water Project by delivering the water to local agencies when it was available and ceasing the deliveries when it was not. Most of the local agencies chose to meet the IWS requirements by developing new artificial-recharge and pumping faaiities to store the water underground and then pump it back out during suppJy interruptions. The IWS Program led to problems for some participating agencies, however. Retail agencies were required oniy to demonstrate sufficient local production capacity to continue ting customer deliveries in the event of MWD interruptions, rather than agreeing to actually store the water in new or underutilized facilities. Some agencies found thatthey were able todemonstratethis capacity on paper much more easily than they were actually able to produce the water when needed. 2 MWD discontinued the IWS Program and replaced it with the SSP in 1989. The concept is the same: discounted water is used to encourage MWDS retail-agency memtws to develop local facilities for storing excess winter flows for subsequent use during low-flow, high-demand summer months. But terms of the SSP require local agencies to actually store the water, either directly in surface reservoirs and aquifers or indirectly by using the water in lieu of existing groundwater pumping (44). MWD has found that the SSP has encouraged development of local storage capacity, eased peak demands on the MWD delivery system, and worked better for the retail agencies than the program it replaced. An additional benefit is that MWDsenergy costs for pumping the water to its service area are lower in the winter than in the summer.3 1 D. Adams, Directorof Resources, MetropoHtan Water Districtof Southern California, LosAngeles, personal communication, July 1992. 2 l~dm 3 [~dm of discharge, the degree to which groundwater is sion of ground and surface-water laws, regulaconnected to surface supplies, the rate and amount of lateral movement within the groundwater basin, and the susceptibility of the basin to degradation from saltwater intrusion or other sources) As with integration of surface-reservoir systems, conjunctive management can provide the robustness and flexibility desirable for adaptation to climate change. Similarly, however, a profutions, and agencies may be involved in a shgle conjunctive management project, so agreements can take a great deal of time to negotiate. l%is amount of time may diminish as experience with different schemes grows. Analytical Tools and Forecast Systems The state of the art of analytical tools used by water resource managers has improved signifi-
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248 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 cantly in recent years. Various types of models currently being developed or refined could dramatically improve water resource decisionmaking, for example, by providing information about how benefits from competing demands for water could be optimized, how pursuit of a particular water-management goal could affect competing goals, how major land-use changes in a basin (e.g., urbanization) could affect water availability, or how environmental quality could be improved. Many of these tools, however, are not yet available or are not being used routinely. Several agencies have small programs or initiatives to develop and implement tools for advanced hydrologic and climate forecasting to reduce risk in water-management decisions. For example, both the U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Land Management have been working with the University of Colorados Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems (CADSWES). CADSWES is helping the agencies develop anew generation of water resource modeling systems. A joint pilot project using these new systems has recently been planned to study the sensitivity of several western areas-the Gunnison River Basin and the American, Carson, and Truckee Basins-to climate change (51). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAAs) National Weather Service also has an advanced modeling initiative, the Water Resources Forecasting System (WARFS). The goal of this program is to provide improved stream-flow forecasting, building on existing river and flood-forecasting services and NOAAs weatherand climate-forecasting capabilities, its planned Next Generation Weather Radar program, and its Automated Surface Observing System. The Denver Water Department and the Bureau of Reclamation, among other groups, have recently used the methodology in a pilot program to increase water yields from three reservoirs serving the Denver area while optimizing benefits from other competing demands such as hydropower and recreation (39). The Extended Streamflow Prediction component of WARFS will allow a hydrologist to make extended probabilistic forecasts of values of stream flow and other hydrological variables, which can be used for flood-control plannin g, drought analysis and contingency plannin g, and hydropower planning. The Army Corps of Engineers has developed several models that, among other things, enable communities to evaluate demand-management programs and allow systems operators to consider alternative operating strategies (e.g., the Corps IWR-MAIN model). Much of the new software available is significantly more uier-friendly than earlier versions, enabling models to be built quickly, more easily, and at a fraction of the cost. The Corps research laboratories have also been developing innovative methods and models for analyzing water-environment problems that are not traditionally part of its mission. The new analytical tools, promising as they are for improving water resource management, are based on the assumption that the climate of the future will be similar to the climate of the past. Thus, historic patterns of temperature and rainfall have been assumed to provide a good indication of the range of expected future values. Climate change may mean that the assumption of a stationary climate may no longer be the best predictor of future conditions. Hence, some procedures currently used to plan and design dams and other structures and to conduct hydrologic analyses may need to be modified to account for this additional source of uncertainty. Among these procedures may be those used in floodfrequency analysis for floodplain planning, in determining g the probable maximum flood or design flood for darn design and darn-safety analysis, in statistical analyses of historic runoff patterns for reservoir-system plannin g, and in stream-flow forecasting for reservoir operations and flood control. 18
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Chapter 5--Water I 249 Policy Options: Improving Supply Management Systems integration and the reallocation of supplies based on current needs could provide significant gains in water-management efficiency and flexibility, and there appear to be many opportunities for such gains. Several ways that the Federal Government could promote better management are considered below. Option 5-10: Resurrect the former Water Resources Council or create a similar high-level coordinating body. A new council or committee could play an important role in improving cooperation and coordination among the many Federal agencies with water-related responsibilities and among Federal, State, and local governments and the private sector. The new council might be strengthened relative to the original one by appointing a full-time chair, who would report directly to the President. It could be charged with reviewing interagency and intergovernmental policies and programs to promote consistency, fairness, and efficiency and, more generally, with elaborating and overseeing national water policy. The original council was established by the Water Resources Pl anning Act of 1965 (P.L. 89-80). Legislatively, this council still exists, but Congress would need to restore funding for it. Option 5-11: Promote the reestablishment and strengthening of Federal-State river basin commissions as another way to improve coordination among agencies. River basins, not political jurisdictions, are the natural management units for water. Integrated management can only work if the multiple parties with jurisdiction in any given watershed can be brought together in some way to explore common problems and pursue joint solutions. Section 321 of the Water Pollution Prevention Control Act of 1993 addresses watershed management and could be broadened, if desired, to explicitly address the formation of new Federal-State commissions. The Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) or the Delaware River Basin Commi ssion (DRBC) could serve as models. ICPRB is jointly funded by member States and the Federal Government. It serves as a neutral ground for the basin States and the Federal Government to discuss mutual problems. Although ICPRB has no regulatory authority, it does provide sophisticated technical assistance in solving problems around the basin. The combination of political neutrality and technical competence has allowed ICPRB to successfully mediate many disputes. To promote establishment of this type of river basin commission, Congress could establish a grant program to make funds available (e.g., for establishing technically competent staffs) to groups of States that choose to negotiate such compacts. DRBC, in contrast, was established with considerable authority to control the diversion of surface and groundwater within the Delaware River Basin; coordinate Federal, State, and private reservoir releases during droughts; and limit pollution discharges. Individual States have retained veto power over all decisions, but DRBC has proved relatively effective as a setting for negotiating disputes. A Federal representative is a co-equal member of the commission. The DBRC policy was fully implemented only after many years and much controversy, but in its present shape, it could serve as a model for other States. Option 5-12: Require the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation to undertake periodic audits to improve operational efficiency. Currently, the agencies do not systematically reassess project operations to meet changing social and economic trends (although extreme events may trigger a reallocation study), nor is legislation authorizing a project systematically reviewed to determine whether it needs to be updated. Congress would need to give the operating agencies a clear mandate to do such studies, and appropriate additional money for this task. Option 5-13: Enhance the ability of the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation to modify operations of projects to meet changing conditions. Currently, operating rules
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250 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 based on project authorizations going back many decades appear to give the operating agencies little latitude to improve operations or to respond in the most effective manner to droughts, and what little flexibility exists is difficult to exercise when water is in short supply (64). Many changes either require or are perceived to require legislation before they can be legally implemented. The authorization for a project need not require that the expected benefits of the project be derived from that project alone. To fully achieve the potential benefits of operating several reservoirs as a system, either for dealing with the possible impacts of climate change or for simply improving the current management of water resources, Congress could give the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation the administrative flexibility to deliver the expected benefits in the most effective manner (or, in cases where such flexibility is available, clarify its extent). New legislation, perhaps as part of the next omnibus water bill, likely in 1994, would probably be required. Where additional benefits can be created through systems management (e.g., additional water and increased power revenues). Congress would need either to direct the agencies in how to distribute these benefits or direct them to develop a procedure for doing so. Option 5-14: Tie funding of Federal water projects to adoption of improved watermanagement practices by the States-such as developing State groundwater management plans, facilitating transfers, and improving demand management. There is some precedent for using incentives or disincentives to encourage desirable activity. For example, in exchange for supporting funding of the Central Arizona Project, the Secretary of the Interior required that the State of Arizona adopt a groundwater law aimed at reducing pumping to a safe annual yield (92). Similarly, it may be possible for the Federal Gov ernment to require a State to adopt laws that facilitate water transfers before the State can receive Federal funding for projects or other activities. Option 5-15: Increase finding for the development and promotion of new analytic tools in systems-analysis studies. These new tools promise a substantial payoff in improved water resource management, but funding for agencies to develop them has been inadequate. NOAA, for example, has so far been unsuccessful in getting sufficient funds for its WARFS initiative. Water resource research funding for the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been cut substantially in recent years. Congress might also want to consider facilitating the development of analytical tools that incorporate climate uncertainty into traditional hydrologic analyses. Available modeling and forecasting tools (e.g., the IWR-MAIN model) have not been widely disseminated and used by State and local agencies. If Congress wishes to promote the greater disse mination of these tools, it could increase funding under Section 22 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1974 (WRDA, P.L. 93-251). These funds are available for training and technical assistance to States and water utilities for a variety of traditional water resource management needs. Section 22 could also be extended to cover problems that cross over from water resource management to environmental systems management (e.g., watershed management and wetland restoration). 1 Extreme-Events Management: Droughts and Floods Natural climate variability almost guarantees that the signal of climate change will be difficult to detect. Drought and floods are among the most extreme expressions of this variability, and whether or not climate change is definitively detected, they will continue to occur. However, moreintense, longer-lasting, or more-frequent extreme events such as these could occur in some areas in
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. a warmer climate (43). 19 If this happens, societal vulnerability would increase and would pose new challenges for public institutions and the private sector. Both floods and droughts cause significant losses to human and natural systems. For example, costs and losses from the 1988 drought, during which roughly 40 percent of the United States was severely affected, have been estimated to be at least $39 billion (57). For this reason, potential changes in the extremes of these events are perhaps of even more concern than are long-term changes in temperature and precipitation averages. Effective management of floods and drought is extremely important if their impacts are to be minimized. Just as in the supply-management issues discussed above, lack of coordination among and within levels of government has been and continues to be a key constraint to more-effective management. Some near-term improvements in how extreme events are managed would help mitigate any surprises that climate change could bring. Droughts Drought, although difficult to define precisely, is generally the consequence of a natural reduction in the amount of precipitation received over an extended period of time (usually at least a season). A droughts severity can be classified by its duration, intensity, and geographical extent. Factors such as high temperatures, high winds, and low relative humidity are often associated with the occurrence of a drought and can significantly aggravate its severity. The demands made by human activities and vegetation on a regions water supplies are sinificant factors affecting how large the societal and ecological impacts of a drought will be. Population growth and increasing competition for water will lead to greater vulnerability to drought; the potential for climate Chapter 5--Water I 251 Six years of drought in the western United States reduced water supplies stored in reservoirs and ma& water resource management much more difficult. Low water levels are conspicuous in the amount of bare earth exposed in this aerial view of Luke Oroville. The California State Water Project begins here, where water from the Feather River watershed is stored. change provides an additional incentive to improve drought management. Drought impacts are usually less obvious than flood impacts (e.g., drought rarely results in structural damage). Impacts typically accumulate slowly over a considerable period of time, and they may linger for years after the drought itself has ended. For these reasons, the effects of drought on society, the economy, and the environment are more difficult to quantify, and the provision of disaster relief is thus more challenging. Droughts can provide instructive, if imperfect, analogs to climate change, illustrating problems that could occur more often in a warmer climate (24, 57). Government responses to previous droughts (e.g., in allocating water from Federal multipurpose reservoirs, providing disaster assistance, 19 fi~eme CWXMS could also become less intense, shorter, or less fr~uent in different areas-the picture is not yet clear-but the results would be of less coneem and are not pursued further here.
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252 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 fighting fires, and protecting wildlife refuges) suggest that drought policies could be much more effective than they are now (100). U.S. drought policy is essentially based on the sentiment that drought is a rare and random event rather than on the reality that it is a normal part of climate variability. As such, Government response to drought has typically been reactive rather than proactive, usually focused on crisis management rather than risk management. Significantly, only 23 States had drought plans in 1992, and most of these were inadequate (99, 100). The weakness of the reactive approach is evident in the uncoordinated, untimely, and largely ineffective response efforts that have characterized past droughts (101). Drought relief, at least as it is usually provided now, has often been a disincentive to adopting strategies to minimize risks associated with drought, such as purchasing crop insurance, and may unintentionally reinforce some poor management practices (see ch. 6). Many studies, including, those of the Western Governors Policy Office (1978), the General Accounting Office (1979), the National Academy of Sciences (1986), the American Meteorological Organization (1990), and the Interstate Council on Water Policy (1987, 1991), s ummarized in a recent report (100), have called for improvement of drought contingency pl anning. Most have urged development of a national drought plan that would better define the respective roles of the various agencies that have drought-management responsibilities; promote coordination among Federal agencies and among Federal, State, and local levels of government; establish eligibility, repayment, and other requirements for drought assistance; and provide such assistance in a more timely, consistent, and equitable manner. Although such objectives appear to have considerable merit, not much progress toward meeting them has been made to date. A new study by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-a recently completed 4-year assessment of drought management could provide the basis for developing a national policy for improving water management during drought (95). The United States may benefit from studying the new Australian drought policy. It applies only to agricultural drought and is based on the philosophy that drought should not be considered a natural disaster but, rather, as part of a highly variable climate and one of the risks farmers face in managing farm operations. Rather than emphasize drought relief, the Australian Government stresses provision of high-quality information so farmers can make better decisions, offers incentives to farmers to adopt sound droughtmanagement practices, and discourages farmers who pursue unsustainable farmin g practices in drought-prone areas from relying on drought relief (98). The long-term goal of this policy, which could also be used to promote sound practices in other sectors affected by drought (e.g., urban areas), is to reduce vulnerability to drought, increase productivity, improve the allocation of resources, and enhance self-reliance. Executive Order 12656, signed by President Reagan in November 1988, is intended to guide emergency water plannin g and management responsibilities of Federal agencies. The order specifies a lead role for the Corps of Engineers for national security emergency preparedness for the Nations water resources, including coordination of plannin g activities at the national, regional, State, and local levels (75). This order could provide a vehicle for bringing together relevant agencies to focus on both drought and flood management. However, it has thus far had little impact. The Corps own 1992 study of the status of emergency preparedness concluded that, despite the order, coordination of activities had not improved. Among other things, the study noted the absence of an overall Federal framework clearly defining the agency responsibilities described by the order, an absence of a clear definition of the types of disasters for which plans are to be developed, the low level of staffing and funding assigned to emergency planning, and, perhaps most significantly, resistance on the part
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Chapter 5-Water I 253 of other Federal agencies and State officials to giving the Corps control over emergency planning (75). Floods Floods affect smaller areas than do droughts and are shorter-lived events but are, along with droughts, among the most costly of weatherrelated phenomena. 20 The importance and challenge of managing floodplains and mitigating flood losses are underscored by the costs of floods in dollars and lives: between 1979 and 1988, average damages from flooding amounted to about $2.4 billion per year, and an average of 95 deaths each year is related to flooding (102). Parts of each of the 50 States have experienced flooding (28) and, in all, about 7 percent of the U.S. land area is subject to occasional flooding. Principal areas subject to flooding are along rivers and adjacent to lake shores and sea coasts. Flash flooding along arroyos and ephemeral streams is of special concern in the arid Southwest (102). Since the 1930s, considerable progress in mitigating flood damages has been made. Both structural (e.g., building reservoirs and levees) and nonstructural approaches (including flood forecasting and implementing floodplain regulations) have been used. The success of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), created in 1%8, is supported by the fact that more than 18,000 of the 22,000 flood-prone communities in the Nation now participate in the program, and most of the 40,000 stream miles in the United States have been mapped for flood risk (103). Also, important technical improvements in flood forecasting and warning systems have been made. Despite the progress, however, flood darnage is increasing at about 1.5 percent every year (about $200 per 1,000 people per year) (19). An update of a 1987 study for the Federal Emergency Management Agency estimated that 9.6 million households and $390 billion in property are at risk from flooding (5). Mitigation has fallen well short Every State has experienced some flooding at one time or another, and as more people move into flood-prone areas, the exposure of people and property to potential flood risks increases. The homes shown here were flooded in 1986 when the Yuba and Bear Rivers overflowed their banks near Marysville, California. of what was expected when current policies and activities were initiated. Also, some trends and disturbing problems indicate that despite recent efforts, vulnerability to flood damages is likely to continue to grow: 1) populations in and adjacent to flood-prone areas, especially in coastal areas, continue to increase, putting more property and greater numbers of people at risk, 2) floodmoderating wetlands continued to be destroyed (see vol. 2, ch. 4), 3) little has been done to control or contain increased runoff from upstream development (e.g., runoff caused by paving over land), 4) many undeveloped areas have not yet been mapped (mapping has been concentrated in alreadydeveloped areas), and people are moving into such areas without adequate information concerning the risk, 5) many dams and levees are beginnin g to deteriorate with age, leaving prop erty owners with a false sense of security about
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254 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 how well they are protected, and 6) some policies (e.g., provision of subsidies for building roads and bridges) tend to encourage development in floodplains (38). Climate change could increase flood risk. Although considerable uncertainty exists, climate change could bring more-frequent and/or moreintense floods. Given that development in and near floodplains is expected to last a considerable period of time and that the Nations ability to predict the magnitude and frequency of future events is still limited, it may be prudent to consider the potential effects of climate change when decisions are made (or revised) about the type and amount of development allowed in vulnerable areas. In the absence of sufficient data, flexible and cautious policies are preferred. An important constraint to better floodplain management mirrors a common constraint in other areas of water resource management: many Federal agencies have some flood-control responsibilities, and they are often unable to work in a coordinated fashion. The four principal Federal agencies involved in construction, operation, and maintenance of flood-control facilities are the Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, the Soil Conservation Service, and the Tennessee Valley Authority. The multiple missions of these agencies overlap, and agencies may disagree on who is in control and what structures should be built and for what purposes. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) plays an important role in administering the NFIP and disaster assistance. The involvement of State and local agencies, the private insurance industry, and developers, all with different goals, adds to the difficulty of coordination (19). In practice, no truly unified national program for floodplain management exists, nor are there many examples of effective regional bodies. Such a unified plan could be of great value in sorting out the respective roles of each level of government and the private sector, in establishing the relative importance of multiple floodplain management objectives (including flood-loss reduction and natural-value protection), and in promoting implementation strategies. An even broader problem is that floodplain management is usually addressed separately from other aspects of water resource planning and land-use policy. Ideally, regional floodplain management would be considered as part of a broader plan addressing in addition water-quality and -quantity issues, habitat and open-space preservation, and other land-use and development concerns (19) (see vol. 2, chs. 4, 5, and 6). Policy options for Improvlng Drought Management Previous drought-assessment and -response efforts have suffered from the lack of coordination of activities at the Federal level and from lack of coordination among Federal, State, and regional drought-management activities. Greater integration of activities could be fostered in several ways and could help reduce vulnerability to future droughts and enable scarce resources to be used more effectively. Option 5-16: Create an interagency drought taskforce with the authority to develop a national drought policy and plan. Congress could do this or the authority of existing Executive Order 12656, which was established to guide emergency water plannin g and management responsibilities of Federal agencies, could be used. Such a plan should define specific, action-oriented response objectives and contain an integrated strategy for implementing them. Leadership of the task force could be either a designated lead agency or the Office of the President. All Federal agencies with drought-related missions and representatives of State Government, regional organizations, and the private sector should be included. Results of the Corps National Drought Management Study, the most recent Federal effort, would provide a good point of departure (95). As part of the development of national policy, Federal agencies drought-relief programs should be reviewed, including, for example, soiland water-conservation programs and the Federal Crop Insurance Program. These reviews should
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Chapter 5-Water I 255 Table 5-3Possible Risk-Management and Risk-Minimization Measures the Federal Government Could Consider to Lessen the Effects of Drought Assessment programs Develop a comprehensive, integrated national drought-watch system (NDWS) Inventory data availability in support of an NDWS Develop new indexes to assist in the early estimation of drought impacts in various sectors Establish objective triggers for the phase-in and phase-out of relief and assistance programs Legislation, public policy Develop a national drought policy and plan Examine Federal land-use policies to ensure appropriate management of natural resources and consistency with national drought policy Review all Federal drought-relief-assistance programs, Federal crop-insurance program, and other agricultural and water policies for consistency with national drought policy Public-awareness programs Establish a national drought-mitigation center to provide Information to the public and private sectors Improve data information products and delivery systems to provide timely and reliable information to users Develop and implement water-conservation-awareness programs Drought-preparedness planning Promote the establishment of comprehensive State drought plans Promote intergovernmental cooperation and coordination on drought planning Evaluate worst-case scenarios for drought management Evaluate the potential effects of climate change on regional hydrology and its implications on Federal and State water policies Promote the establishment of drought plans by public water suppliers Conduct post-drought audits of Federal drought-assessment and -response efforts SOURCE: D. Wilhite, Drought Management and Climate Change, contractor report prepared for the Office of Technology Assessment, December 1992. include taking an inventory of current assistance programs and their eligibility requirements, identifying overlapping responsibilities, and examining the distribution of financial resources to relief recipients. Reviews could also examine the timing and effectiveness of relief. Additional components of a national drought policy could also include: 1. Adopting risk-management and riskminimization practices such as those listed in table 5-3. Federal agencies could consider following the lead of Australia, where the government does not ignore the need for assistance during severe drought but promotes more self-reliance while at the same time protecting the natural and agricultural resource base. Drought relief, for example, could be made contingent on adopting ways 2. to minimize drought risk (e.g., buying crop insurance) (see ch. 6). Supporting post-drought audits of assessment and response efforts. All episodes of severe drought in the United States provoke some degree of response from the Federal Government. At times, such as during the 1974-77 and 1988-89 droughts, massive levels of drought relief are targeted for the stricken area. However, comprehensive postdrought audits of assessment and response efforts are not routinely conducted. Audits could identify successes and failures of recent efforts and provide a basis for revising drought policies to improve future responses. An interagency task force might direct university or private research groups to conduct the audits to avoid appearance of bias.
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256 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 3. Developing a national drought-watch system. The climate-related monitoring activities of the Federal Government are split among many agencies and subagencies, which means that a comprehensive national assessment of drought conditions does not exist. Given that recognition of drought can be slow, a national early-warning system would be useful to support a more proactive national drought policy and plan. Several specific actions might be considered: 1) create a national drought-watch team, possibly under the authority of the interagency drought task force, to routinely assess precipitation, temperature, soil moisture, groundwater levels, stream flow, snowpack conditions, runoff potential, and reservoir and lake levels, and 2) create a national agricultural weather-informa tion office within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to address more adequately the needs of the agricultural community for climate-related information. Such an office would provide a focus for existing USDA weather-related programs and would oversee needed new ones. Policy Options for Improving Flood Management The Federal roles in flood management include overseeing national flood policy, coordinating floodplain management efforts, providing technical guidance and education, and regulating and funding some State, local, and private activities. Some options that may promote these roles and introduce greater efficiency and flexibility into flood management are considered below. Others, including possible reforms of the NFIP, are discussed in the context of coastal development in volume 2, chapter 4. Option 5-17: Create a national floodassessment board, to consist of representatives of Federal, State, and local agencies and the private sector. The board could establish a set of national goals for floodplain management together with a timetable for their achievement, assess existing Federal flood programs and responsibilities, recommend changes in missions of Federal agencies to eliminate overlap, and assign responsibilities where gaps occur. Such a board could also promote the refinement and implementation of State floodplain management plans. Much energy has already been expended on developing State and local mitigation plans, but these plans are often more paper exercises than practical guides to action. Plan implementation could be aided by developing a model floodplain management plan, conducting regional trainin g programs, and expanding efforts to educate the public about the nature of flood hazards and the natural values of floodplains. The board could facilitate multiobjective flood plain management. Floodplains may contain homes, businesses, recreation sites, fish and wildlife habitats, and historic sites, among other things. Each of these features is usually managed separately rather than as an integrated package, and conflict among different interests is often the result. The Federal Government could do more to facilitate State and local programs to manage in a more integrated fashion by, for example, providing technical assistance and grants-in-aid. As part of the Clean Water Act reauthorization, Congress could provide incentive grants to States or communities that undertake multiobjective watershedmanagement initiatives. Finally, the board might be directed to conduct an evaluation of various programs and activities (such as FEMAs) to determine their effectiveness or to assess how to improve the acquisition and utilization of data on flood damages. An interagency flood-insurance task force has been proposed in Title V of H.R. 62, the National Flood Insurance Compliance, Mitigation, and Erosion Management Act of 1993, that could, as currently envisioned, undertake this activity. However, State, local, and private participation on the flood-assessment board would, in general, improve its effectiveness.
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Chapter 5-Water I 257 Option 5-18: Direct the National Flood Insurance Program to base risk calculations on anticipated development, rather than on current development. Recognition of the impact of increased runoff on flood damage is a weak area in the National Flood Insurance Program. Currently, floodplain delineation is based on the development that exists in the basin at the time the hydrologic and hydraulic studies are done (19). As development in the basin increases, peak flows and volumes increase, which will result in a change in the 100-year flood, possibly turning it into a 50-year or lo-year event. A changing climate would also alter future flood risks and might similarly be considered to the extent possible. The long-term benefit of this policy would be to prevent or alter construction in areas that could become (or are likely to become) flood-hazard zones in the future. 9 Supply Augmentation Several alternatives exist for augmenting supplies of water. These include, among others, expanding the capacity to store water that could not be used immediately and would otherwise not be available for use later, desalting sea (or brackish) water, diverting water through new pipelines and aqueducts from lowto highdemand areas, and treating and reusing wastewater. Reservoirs and Climate Change Periods of high water demand rarely correspond to times of high water supply. Building reservoirs has been a common solution to the problem of storing water during high-flow periods and releasing it for later use as needed. Currently, there are more than 2,650 reservoirs in the United States with capacities of 5,000 af or more. The combined capacity of these reservoirs is about 480 million af, of which 90 percent is stored by the 574 largest. There are also at least 50,000 smaller reservoirs, with capacities ranging from 50 to 5,000 af (14). After decades of reservoir building, the Nations reservoir infrastructure is largely in place. There are still opportunities to build additional reservoirs, but the pace of new construction has slowed dramatically in the past decade. One reason for the slowdown is the high cost of new reservoirs and the scarcity of available funds. A second is the fact that there are relatively few good undeveloped sites left. In addition, public attitudes about the environment have changed, and many people no longer believe that the benefits of new-reservoir construction outweigh the costs. Reservoirs have destroyed substantial riparian habitat, blocked free-flowing sections of rivers, interrupted migration corridors, and deprived downstream wetlands of sediment. Consequently, it is now very difficult politically to build major new dams. Currently, climate change is not explicitly considered by the Nations largest reservoir operator-the Army Corps of Engineers, the Bureau of Reclamation, the Soil Conservation Service, or the Tennessee Valley Authority-in renovating or managing existing reservoirs or in pl anning and designing new ones. Uncertainty about the regional impacts of climate change on runoff makes it difficult to justify changing design features or operating rules at this time (67). Also, the high fixed-discount rate used in costbenefit analyses heavily discounts those benefits of a new project that might occur several decades in the future. Hence, when standard economic discounting rules are used, specific features integrated into reservoir design to anticipate climate change would be difficult to justify economically. Finally, the Corps argues that reservoir-design criteria have been based on an engineering-reliability -based strategy that builds in considerable buffering capacity for extreme meteorologic and hydrologic events. Thus, many of the 500 largest existing reservoirs may already have the capacity and operating flexibility desirable to cope with a changing climate (27). Still, many existing reservoirs are currently in need of major or minor rehabilitation. As rehabil-
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258 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 itation work is undertaken, engineers could consider whether regional climate change data or costs justify modifications based on anticipated climate change. The need for more storage space or flood-control capacity could sometimes be satisfied by undertaking such structural modifications as increasing the height (which often also requires increasing the bulk) of a dam and enlarging its spillway. (Even without considering climate change, many small, nonfederal dams and a few Federal ones lack adequate spillway capacity.) Enlarging a reservoir is not without environmental costs because additional land would be inundated. Where feasible, temperature-sensitive fish species downstream from a dam could be accommodated by mixing the colder, deeper water in a reservoir with warmer, surface water. Such temperature control can be accomplished by retrofitting multiple-level outflows to a dams outlet works .21 Enlarging one reservoir in a reservoir system may also allow the entire system to be operated more flexibly (see Supply Management, above). Despite concerns about reservoirs, some new ones are likely to be required (even if not specifically in response to climate change). Generally, anew reservoir would be a robust response to the uncertainty of climate change-it would 21 w Would cost abut $85 million for Sbasta Darn in Northern Ctioti, for ex~ple.
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Chapter 5-Water I 259 allow greater operational flexibility whether the future brought more intense droughts or more floods. However, a reservoir is also a fixed, permanent structure, so before large amounts are spent on an irreversible decision, the costs and benefits of a new reservoir should be weighed against those of other adaptation options. For those new reservoirs required, overbuilding as a response to uncertainty may no longer be appropriate or feasible. Given high costs, the trend toward reduced Federal contributions to waterproject construction, and upfront financing requirements, new reservoirs are likely to be smaller and will probably be designed with less buffering capacity for extreme events (56). With less margin for error, complementary strategies, such as emergency evacuation and flood-warning plans and water conservation and reallocation, become relatively more important (67). These strategies, however, incur greater residual risks to people, the consequences of which must be taken into account in a full analysis of social, economic, and environmental benefits and costs. Desalinization Desalination is not likely to be an important water-supply option in the United States in the next two decades. The costs of desalinating water, especially sea water, are still very high relative to most other options. However, desalination has several characteristics that make it worth considering as a supplementary source of reliable water, especially in water-short coastal cities. Desalination plants are currently very expensive to build and operate relative to most other options. High energy costs are an especially significant constraint. However, in principle, desalination of sea water offers consumers access to an inexhaustible and noninterruptible source of supply that is free of competition for water rights (46). Desalination offers a flexible way to maintain deliveries during prolonged dry periods. It is completely independent of rainfall or of deliverThe Yuma Desalting Plant is the worlds largest reverse osmosis unit. Located in southwestern Arizona just north of Mexico, the plant desalts highly saline drainage water from farmlands east of Yuma before the water enters the Colorado River. This operation lowers the overall salinity of the Colorado and enables the United States to meet its treaty obligation to deliver water of acceptable quality to Mexico. ies from outside the service area. When not needed, a desalination plant can be shut off, saving some operational expenses. Desalination plants can also be used in conjunction with traditional stored supplies to allow more-efficient use of these supplies during wet or normal years (e.g., more water can be drawn from a reservoir than might otherwise be safe). Incremental adjustments to the size of a plant can be made to respond to changing circumstances. The case of the City of Santa Barbara illustrates the potential of desalination to provide flexibility during prolonged dry periods. Santa Barbara has very little groundwater and is not yet connected to the California State Water Project (SWP), so it normally relies on local surface-water sources to meet 90 to 100 percent of its 16,000-af/year water demands. 22 This reliance on local surface-water 22 B, Fawmq @ of SaU@ Barbara Water Department pCrSOd cOmmtication, JUIY 1992.
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260 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 sources left Santa Barbara quite vulnerable to the recent California drought. To reduce its vulnerability to future droughts, city voters-by a wide marg in-approved plans to build a small ($40 million) reverse-osmosis plant to convert sea water to fresh water. Despite its cost, the city sees its desalination plant as a good way to droughtproof its water-supply system. The 7,500af/year plant has been operational since March 1992. It was operated briefly during its commissioning period but has been on standby since local water-supply reservoirs have filled because of favorable weather conditions. The siting of desalination plants is not as constrained to specific locations as are reservoirs. Because desalination plants occupy much less space than dams and reservoirs, it may be easier to find suitable land for them. On the other hand, desalination plants can still be sizable industrial facilities, which some find objectionablein coastal settings. In most cases, the high capital and energy costs of desalinated water constrain the near-term penetration of this technology in the United States. Brine disposal is also of some concern and may add to the long-term operating costs of such a facility. Interregional Diversions Over the years, many ideas have been proposed for diverting large amounts of water from watersurplus to water-deficit areas of the continent. Many plans have been proposed to bring water from the Pacific Northwest via pipelines and aqueducts to the populated regions of the Southwest. Among these have been proposals to divert water from the Columbia River, the Mississippi River, and several Canadian rivers. None of these proposals are currently being seriously considered by water planners. All are prohibitively expensive, most would likely entail unacceptable environmental impacts, and the massive quantities of water that they could supply are probably unnecessary. Politically, such projects are not now feasible. Few, if any, potential waterexporting areas are willing to give up water that may ultimately affect their growth potential or that may be needed for instream uses. Conversely, it is debatable whether additional growth should be subsidized in water-short areas, especially if there are indications that those regions could become drier as a result of climate change. Interrgional diversions should not be ruled out completely, however. Climate change could cause a reconsideration of major diversions in the more distant future. 23 Moreover, in areas of increased precipitation, high-flow- slumming diversions may be attractive. Many of the existing plans are technically feasible, and although currently unlikely, some rivers now classified as wild and scenic could, in theory, be diverted. As long as other less-expensive and environmentally more sound options are available, little support of interregional diversions is likely to develop. Reclaiming Water Traditionally, water has been supplied to municipal residents, used, treated, and then discharged as wastewater effluent (12). Much of this wastewater could be recovered and reused where potable-quality supplies are not needed. Landscape watering, industrial cooling, groundwater recharging, and toilet flushing are among the many uses to which reclaimed water could be put. Reclaimed water could be treated to drinkingwater standards at greater cost, but this may not be necessary because its use on golf courses and the like would enable high-quality water now used for these purposes to be shifted to potable uses. The use of reclaimed water is one of the most promising new sources of water supply, especially because virtually all water uses create wastewater and, therefore, generate a reliable
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Chapter 5-Water 1261 Box 5-J-The Use of Reclaimed Water in St. Petersburg Freshwater suppiies for the city of St. Petersburg, Florida are limited because it is located at the end of a peninsula. The citys growing population led the Southwest florida WWer Management District to declare St. Petersburg a water shortage area in the early 1970s. At about the same time, the State legislature mandated that wastewater treatment plants discharging to polluted Tampa Bay start to treat their wastewater to a quality equal to that required for drinking water. St. Petersburg responded to these two actions by initiating a program to terminate disposal of wastewater into Tampa Bay and at the same time to ensure an adequate drinking supply through the year 2020 by recycling the citys wastewater (71). Several financial, institutional, and educational barriers had to be overcome before the reclaimed-water program could be implemented. Because it proved to be too expensive to treat wastewater to potable standards, the city decided to use reclaimed water only for irrigation and industrial-cooling purposes. This required not only upgrades to existing treatment plants aml storage facilities, but a new distribution system completely separate from the potable-water system. St. Petersburg was able to afford the cost of building a separate water-delivery system only because Federal (i.e., Environmental Protection Agency) and State funding was available to offset some of the planning, design, and construction costs (71). The city had to work closely with the State Department of Environmental Regulation to write regulations that would aflow for the distribution of reclaimed water, and it had to overcome initial public skeptidsm. A public-education campaign resulted in both acceptance and pride in the innovative program on the part of city residents. Since 1992, St. Petersburg has had four treatment plants, which treat and chlorinate water to a high standard of quality, with all pathogens being completely removed. Approximately 10 million gallons per day (mgd)l of reclaimed water is routed through a separate distribution system to 7,340 customers who use the water for irrigation and cooling. The city hires inspectors to ensure that cross-connections between the two systems do not occur, but the reclahned water is of high enwgh qualit y that occasional mistakes have not resulted in any adverse health effects to consumers. The reclaimed-water treatment and distribution system has the capacity to reach 11,000 customers with potential demand of 20 mgd; the dty feels that it can reach this level of service in another 5 years. Total water demand in the city (potable and nonpotable) is approximately 42 mgd, so reclaimed water for nonpotable uses could eventually account for half of all St. Petersburg water deliveries. By substituting reclaimed water for potable water in irrigation and cooling, the aty estimates that it has eliminated the need for expansion of its potable-water-supply system until the year 2030 (59). St. Petersburg prides itself on becoming the first major municipality in the United States to achieve zero waste-water discharge to surrounding surface waters (71), and now receives money for water that it previously had to pay the State for permission to dump into the bay. Other communities in the United States and beyond have recognized the citys accomplishments by sending a steady stream of visitors to iearn firsthand about the atys dualdistribution system 138 million iiters per day; to oonvert from gallons to liters, multiply w 3.785. supply. Many communities are already using or about the quality of reclaimed water. Compliance arming to use reclaimed water (see box 5-J), but pl with environmental and health regulations is the costs of reclaimin g water are high. Moreover, currently a major source of delay for reclamation costs may not decline much with advances in projects, but as wastewater reclamation and reuse water-treatment technology because a major exbecome more common, these delays are likely to pense is for construction of separate distribution diminish. systems. Development of this new source often The Metropolitan Water District (MSVD) of requires an active campaign to educate the public Southern California has sought to encourage
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262 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 development of wastewater reclamation facilities and to help its member agencies overcome financing problems by offering agencies $154 for each acre-foot of new water produced, provided that this water replaces an existing demand for imported water from MWD. Together with the $322/af it would cost local agencies to buy an equivalent amount of imported water from MWD, the subsidy makes reclamation projects economical for many local agencies. 24 MWD also finances up to 25 percent of the cost of initial feasibility studies in order to encourage consideration of reclamation possibilities. California hopes to be using 500,000 af of reclaimed water per year by 2010 (6). Policy Options for Encouraging Structural Improvements Option 5-19: Require that the potential for climate change be considered in the design of new structures or the rehabilitation of old ones. Climate change uncertainty adds another complex dimension to project scaling. Because climate could potentially change during the long lifespan of these structures, steps taken now to increase flexibility could prevent problems from developing decades in the future. In particular, the Nations water agencies could be directed to evaluate the costs and benefits of adding additional volume, spillway capacity, or temperature controls to existing or new structures. Option 5-20: Appropriate funds for wastewater reclamation, desalination, or other watersupply research. Congress could consider using the authority of sections 106 and 108 of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984. FIRST STEPS Water resource management has two essential objectives: to ensure that enough water of adequate quality is available during normal and drought periods for all necessary demands-including environmental ones-and to ensure that water in the form of lifeand propertythreatening floods does not get out of control. Growing stress on water resource systems and the possibility that new stresses such as climate change will arise make these objectives increasingly difficult to accomplish. The demandand supply-management options discussed in this chapter (table 5-4) are likely to be increasingly important as means to cope with growing stress on water supplies. These options contribute greater flexibility, greater efficiency, or both to water resource management and thus aid, generally, adaptation to climate change. Considering climate change alone, there are no compelling arguments why any one supplyor demand-management option should be preferred to another. All are important and would contribute, if sometimes only in small ways, to improved water resource management in a changed climate. However, the system is very inefficient now, given numerous institutional obstacles, lack of incentives to conserve water, overlapping and sometimes conflicting responsibilities of Federal agencies, and lack of coordination among levels of governm ent. Fundamental changes are needed in the way water is valued and used; those changes can begin with steps that both relieve existing stresses and make sense for climate change. Implementing the suggestions below drawn from the whole range of options discussed above-would likely create the conditions for future progress in water resource plannin g and management. n Improve extreme-events management. Perhaps the most important actions that should not be delayed concern improving the management of extreme events. Floods and droughts will continue to occur even if they cannot be linked definitively to climate change. Improving flood and drought management now could help minimize both near-and long-term losses. Important first m D. m, Dirmtor of Resources, Metropolitan Water District of Southern _O1ll& h A.t@s, PUWlld ~mmdMtioQ J~y lm.
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Chapter 5-Water I 263 Table 91-Summary of Options to Improve Water Resource Management Institutional Resurrect the former Water Resources Council Reestablish and strengthen Federal-State river basin commissions Create an interagency task force to develop a national drought policy Create a national flood-assessment board Integrate floodplan management into basin-scale planning Research and development Fund the development and use of water-conservation technologies Fund the development and use of waste-water-reclamation technology Increase funding for development and promotion of new analytic tools Incorporate flexibility into the design of new structures or the rehabilitation of old ones Direct Federal levers Revise the tax code to promote conservation investment Provide stronger leadership to facilitate water transfers Clarify reclamation law on trades and transfers Reduce Federal obstacles to Interstate transfers Clarify the rules regarding the marketing of Indian water Allow Federal agencies to buy water for environmental purposes Expand the scope and/or nature of the Western Water Policy Review Conduct post-drought audits Direct the Interagency floodplain Management Task Force to promote the preparation of State floodplain management plans Economic Incentives and disincentives Allow state revolving-loan funds to be used for conservation investments Reform pricing in Federal water projects Tie funding of State water projects to adoption of Improved water-management practices Encourage adoption of risk-management and -minimization practics to mitgate drought effects Operational Encourage water conservation in Federal facilities Require operating agencies to undertake periodic audits to Improve efficiency Give Federal operating agencies greater ability to modify project operations to meet changing conditions a An order of priority has not been established. SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment 1993. steps could be for Congress to direct the m executive branch to create an interagency drought task force with authority to develop a national drought policy and, similarly, a national flood-assessment board to establish national goals for floodplain management. Title V of H.R. 62, the National Flood Insurance Compliance, Mitigation, and Erosion Management Act of 1993, establishes a flood-insurance task force. This bill could be broadened to create a more comprehensive flood-assessment board. The President could establish an interagency drought task force without additional authority, but Congress may wish to direct the Administration to do so. Promote management of reservoirs on a basin-wide level. Operation of reservoirs within the same basin as a single system rather than individually, as is often the case, could greatly improve the efficiency and flexibility of water-quantity management. Making such operations easier would also assist development of the more integrated approach desirable for managing water quality, wetlands, flooding, and drought. New legislation, perhaps as part of the next omnibus water bill, could grant the Army Corps of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation greater administrative flexibility to do this.
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264 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 n n m Promote water marketing. Among many institutional problems that Congress may wish to consider are those related to water marketing. As long as adequate attention is given to protecting third-party interests, water markets could provide an efficient and flexible means of adapting to various stresses, including a changing climate. Of the several options identified in this report for reducing impediments to creating water markets, early action to clarify reclamation law on trades and transfers and to define the Federal Governments interest in facilitating the creation of markets would be most useful. Congress could urge the Department of the Interior to provide stronger leadership to assist transfers. Evaluation of water marketing should also be thoroughly considered in the Western Water Policy Review, authorized in late 1992 by P.L. 102-575, the Central Wiley Project Improvement Act. Promote use of new analytical tools. Further development, dissemination, and use of new modeling and forecasting tools could greatly assist water resource management. Some current development efforts (e.g., NOAAs WHS initiative) have not been adequately funded, and the most advanced tools now available are not yet being used by many States or water utilities. Small sums spent now promoting dissemination and use of these tools could save substantial sums later. Section 22 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1974 authorizes funding for training and technical assistance to States and could be used to promote use of analytical tools. Congress may also want to consider providing funds to develop or refine tools that incorporate climate uncertainty into traditional hydrologic analyses. Promote demand management. Several targets of opportum ity for improving wateruse efficiency are likely to present themselves in the 103d Congress. The upcoming reauthorization of the Clean Water Act stands out. State revolving funds (created under Title VI of the act) have been a successful means for funding wastewater treatment plants. In CWA reauthorization, Congress could consider making conservation projects eligible for revolving-fund loans. This would not only promote demand management but would reduce the amount of water that needs treating. The Federal Government could also make a contribution to promoting efficient water-use practices by setting an example in its own numerous facilities. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 proposes just this but concentrates primarily on energy conservation rather than water conservation. A technical-adjustment bill to the Energy Policy Act may be considered in the 103d Congress and would provide a way to clarify and underline congressional intent toward water conservation in Federal facilities. Expand the scope of the Western Water Policy Review. With the enactment of Title XXX of the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992 (P.L. 102-575), Congress authorized the President to oversee a major water-policy study. Under the heading Western Water Policy Review, Title XXX directs the President to undertake a comprehensive review of Federal activities in the 19 Western States that affect the allocation and use of water resources and to make a report to appropriate congressional committees by the end of October 1995 (87). Congress has authorized or undertaken more than 20 major studies since 1900 to provide a basis for improving national policies that affect water management. Some have led to important changes in policy; others have been largely ignored. Despite the uneven record of these studies, a new study is warranted: two decades have lapsed and many demographic, economic, environmental, and attitudinal changes have occurred since the last comprehensive study of water
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. resource problems was completed by the presidentially appointed National Water Commission (NWC) in 1973. Some of the areas that need detailed attention now include demand management, quality-vs.-quantity issues, instream-water values, social and environmental impacts, water marketing and pricing, land use in relation to water resources, cost sharing and upfront financing, comprehensive urban water planning, ways to promote integrated river basin planning, and development of analytical tools. Climate change is not mentioned as a factor motivating the Western Water Policy Review, but the study could provide an opportunity to assess more fully how climate change may affect water resources and to evaluate policy options that might help with adaptation to a warmer climate. Congress could expand the scope and/or nature of the Western Water Policy Review. Water problems are not all in the West, so a more general review of national water policy Chapter 5-Water Im 265 may make sense. Expanding the currently authorized study would, however, greatly increase its complexity. Also, other committees of Congress may want to become involved, and broader State or regional representation would probably be required. Broadening the study could be accomplished by amending the legislation or by Executive Order. If the Western Water Policy Review is not expanded to include the entire United States, Congress could authorize a similar follow-on study of eastem water issues. The Western Water Policy Review may also provide an opportunity to explicitly consider land-use practices and water resource issues jointly. One shortcoming of most previous water-policy studies is that land and water use were not considered together. However, the relationship between the two is a close one, and there appear to be significant opportunities to improve both water-quantity and water-quality management by improving land-use practices. FurWATER-FIRST STEPS 8 Improve extreme-events management Direct the executive branch to create an interagency drought task force with authority to develop a national drought policy. Direct the executive branch to create a national flood assessment board to establish national goals for floodplain management. m Promote management of reservoirs on a bssin-wide level --Grant the Bureau of Reclamation and the Army Corps of Engineers greater administrative flexibility to manage reservoirs basin-wide in the next 1994 Omnibus Water Bill. m Promote water marketing --Clarify reclamation law on trades and transfers -Urge the Department of the interior to provide stronger leadership to assist transfers. --Require evaluation of water marketing in the Western Water Policy Review, authorized by P.L 102-575. n Promote use of new analytical tools for water modelling and forecasting -Use funds under Section 22 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1974 to promote use of analytical tools as part of the training and technical assistance to States. E Promote demand management --Make conswvation projects eligible for revolving-fund loans in the Clean Water Act reauthorization. -Clarify the stated congressional intent of promoting water conservation in Federal facilities with a technical-adjustment bill to the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (P.L 102-486). l Expand the scope of the Western Water Policy Review --Evaluate land-use practices and water resource issues jointly. --Include an analysis of the eastern States now or authorize their study after the western review is completed.
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266 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume thermore, any study focused exclusively on water resources might fall short of providing a basis for coping with all of the problems that could arise if climate changes. CHAPTER 5 REFERENCES 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Anonymous, Sacramento River Fisheries: Restoring a Declining Resource, Western Water, July/August, 1990. Anonymous, The Greening of the Corps? SFIBulletin (Sport Fishing Institute), No. 434, May 1992. Ante@ W., Implementing ASCE Water Conservation Policy, in: Water Resources Planning and Management: Proceealngs of the Water Resources Sessions at Water Forum Water Forum Baltimore, MD, Aug. 2-6, 1992. Beecher, J., and A. 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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Potential E#ects of Global Climate Change on the United States, EPA-230-05-89-050, December 1989. 81. U.S. Environmental protection Agency (EPA), Incentive Analysis for Clean Water Act Reauthor-ization: Point Source/ Nonpoint Source Traalng for Nutrient Discharge Reaktions, ~pd by Agogee Researc@ k. (washin@oQ DC: Ep& 1992). 82. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Watershed Protection Approach: Annual Report 1992, EPA84&S-93-001 (WSSM@om DC: BR% January 1993). 83. U.S. Geological Survey, National Water Summa ry 198SHy&ologicEvents andSu?face WaterResources, Watcz-Supply Paper 2300 (Washington DC: U.S. Govemrnent Printing Off@ 1986). 84. U.S. Geological Survey, National Water Summa ry 1986Hy&ologic Events and Ground-Water Quality, Wata-Supply Paper 2325 (Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988). 85. U.S. Geological Survey, National Water Summa ry 1987 Hy&ologic Events and Water Supply and Use, Water-Supply Paper 2350 (WSSm DC: U.S. Government Prindng Ofmt+ 1990). 86. U.S. Geological Survey, National Water Summary 1988-8% Hy&ologic Events and Floods and Droughts, Water-Supply Paper 2375 (Wsshk@oq DC: U.S. Government Printing office, 1991). 87. U.S. House of Representatives, Reclamation Projects Authoriration andAdjustmentAct of1992-Co@erence Report, Report 102-1016 (Title ~: Central Thlley Project Improvement Acq Title YOOL Western Water Policy Review), Oct. 5, 1992. 88. U.S. Water Reso~ Council (WRC), The Nations Water Resources 1975-2000, Volume 2: Water Quannty and Related Land Considerations (Washington, DC: WRC, 1978). 89. Wade Miller Associates, The Nation sPublic Works: Report on Water Supply (Washingto& DC: National Council on Public Woti ~lWUM@ hf.tly 1987). 90. Wsggoner, P., and J. Shefter, Climate Change and U.S. Water Resources, P. Waggoner (ed.)(l%v York John Wiley and Sons, 1990). 91. Waid, R., Markets for Fe&ral Water: Subsidies, Property Rights, and the Burea of Reclamation (Washin@ow DC; Resources for the Future, 1989). 92. Wahl, R., me Mauagem@ of Water Resources in the Western U.S. and Potential Clknste -, contractor report prepared for the OffIce of lkchnology Assessment October 1992. 93. Wallace, M., Indian Water Rights Settlements, NW w sented at the Office of ltzhnology Assessm ent wokshop on Western Lsnds, Boukkr, CO, July 23, 1992. 94. Water Quality 2000, A National Agenda for the 21st Century (Alexan&@ VA: Water Quality 2000, Water Bnvimnmcnt FederadoQ 1992). 95. W*k W., National Study of Water Management During Drought Results Oriented Water Resources Management paper pmented at the 20th Anniversary COnferexxe of the Water Resources Plamdng and Managemerit Division of the American Society of Civil B@necrs, Seattle, WA May 3-5, 1993. %. Western Governors Association Water Eflciency: Opportunities @r Action (Denver, CO: Water Efficiemy Working @OllP, 1987).
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Chapter 5-Water I 269 97. 98. 99. 100. We-stern States Water Counc& nterregional Water Trans101. fers, a report requested by the Nevada State @#ature, May 1991. From remarks by former Arizona Governor Bruce Babbitt before the Seventh Annual We-stem States Water 102. Council Wates Management Symposium in Scottsdale, AZ, Oct. 10, 1990. White, D., D. Collins, and M. Howdm Drought in Austmlia: Prediction, Monitoring, Management and Policy, in: DroughtAssessment, Management, and Planmng: Theory and Case Studies (Bostom MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 103. 1993). Wilhite, D., Drough4 in: Encyclopedia of Earth System Science, Volume 2 (New York: Academic Press, Inc., 1992), Wilhite, D., Drought Management and C&ate Change, Wi.lhite, D., N, Rosenberg, and M, Glantz, Improving Federal Response to Droughc Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology, vol. 10, 1986. Wingerd, D., and M. Tseng, Flood and Drought Functions of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ti National Water summa ry 19&8~My&ologic Events and Floo& and Droughts, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2375 (Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Offke, 1991). Wrigh4 J,, and D. porter, Floodplain Management and Natural Systems, paper presented at the National Forum on Water Management Policy, Anerican Water Resources Association Washington DC, 1992 < contractor report prepared for the 0fi3ce of Ikdmology Assessmenfl December 1992, APPENDIX 5.1WATER RESOURCE CONCERNS: REGION BY REGION AND STATE BY STATE New England Region Development of surface and groundwater is substantial here. Municipal and industrial pollution is localized. Drought is rare. The lack of redundancy of water supplies indicates vulnerability. Connecticut--Small reservoirs susceptible to below-average rainfall are networked with larger, robust reservoirs; point and non-point con tamination; potential flooding due to convective storms in the summer, hurricanes in the fall, and snowmelt in the spring. Main--Abundant water resources; localized groundwater pollution due to urbanization agriculture, and industrial-municipal waste; saltwater intrusion potential in coastal areas with high groundwater withdrawals; drought rare, but characterized by low stream flows, low groundwater levels, and high forest-fire risk 20 percent of Maines electricity is derived from hydropower flooding possible during spring snowmelt. Massachusetts-plentiful water resources, but not well-distributed in proportion to population density (large cities in the east and reservoirs in the west); quality of certain supply lakes and reservoirs threatened by high sodium concentrations; Boston supply particularly susceptible to drought; potential widespread flooding caused by spring snowmelt with rain and tropical storms. New Hampshire-Abundant water resources; summ er stream flows and groundwater supplies rely on seasonal snowmelt tourismrecreation industry dependent on water resources; regional drought rare, but droughts do affect public water supply occasionallly, possible flooding due to spring snowmelt tropical storms, ice jams, and intense thunderstorms. Rhode Island--Generally sufficient water supply; most feasible supplies already developed and groundwater pumped at capacity, so redistribution possibly ncessary to meet future water demand; coastal aquifers and reservoirs endangered by saltwater intrusion others endangered by contamination wetlands (10 to 30 percent of the State) susceptible to prolonged drought potential flooding due to convective storms, tropical storms, and snowmelt with rainfall. VermontAbundant water resources of generally good quality; some localized groundwater contamination in areas of high population density, severe drought rare, but even short droughts can affect agriculture and livestock-public supply storage capacity provides l-year buffer, flooding potential from tropical storms, intense frontal systems, or snowmelt with rainfall, Mid-Atlantic Region Water supply is becoming an issue in some metropolitan areas, saltwater intrusion is occurring along coasts, and industrial and municipal pollution is an issue. Delaware--Municipal and industrial usage causing increased water-supply pressure in heavily populated regions; peak usage coincides with low-flow periods, causing capacity problems; Dover relies exclusively on groundwater in a region subject to overdraft (northernmost and central Delaware); saltwater intrusion in coastal areas; toxics in the sediments, water column, and biota of Delaware estuary, but improving, regional flooding potential due to tropical storms and local flooding by convective storm.
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270 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 Maryland--Water supply well-managed for heavy reliance on surface water, drought stresses domestic supply, groundwater use on coastal plain subject to saltwater intrusion; point and non-point pollution; Hurricanes and convective storms potentially cause floods. New Jersey-surface water in New Jersey wed extensively, but supply development outpaced by demand, making drought dangerous; surface-water quality threatened by agricultural runoff and industrial-municipal dischharge as well as saltwater intrusion in coastal areas; groundwater quality threatened by toxins (l,224 known or suspected hazardous waste sites in 1986); potential flooding due to frontal systems and tropical and convective storms. New York-Demand in New York City significantly exceeds safe yield; Long Island depends solely on aquifers susceptible to saltwater intrusion and drought historic water rights create competition and restrict reallocation non-point sources of pollution threaten surface and groundwater quality in several areas; toxic plumes from inactive hazardous waste sites are mobilized by increased precipitation; sea level rise would affect the New York City and Long Island metropolitan areas and the lower Hudson River estuary (Poughkeepsie supply intake and New York City emergency pumping station); potential regional flooding from frontal systems, spring snowmelt, and tropical storms, local flooding due to convective storms. Pennsylva nia-Water supply potentially a critical problem; although supply is adequate under normal conditions, drought causes problems, especially for smaller supply systems; quality of surface and groundwatar jeopardized by drainage from coal-mining areas and non-point sources in agricultural areas, all compounded by acid precipitation convective storms, tropical storms, rain on frozen ground or snow pack, and ice jams all potential instigators of flooding. Virginia--Considered to be a water-rich state; still, some community-supply systems face insufficient capacity (especially along the southeastern coast); saltwater intrusion potential in coastal areas; localized pollution of surface and groundwater, possible flooding caused by tropical and convective storms. South Atlantic Region Here, the use of available water resources is increasing, and municipal and industria 1 development causes shortages in some cities. Alabama-Abundan t water resoume& some highly industrialized areas risk shortages during drought if development continues; localized groundwater contamination due to mine-tailing leaching. saltwater intrusion, and waste sites; potential flooding due to tropical storms or hurricanes and frontal systems. Florida --States water resources are a source of competition between municipal, industrial environmental and recreational uses; population pressure in some areas; coastal aquifers subject to saltwater intrusion, so sea level rise would reduce safe yield; need for increased storage capacity western and southwestern Florida particularly vulnerable to drought sensitive ecosystems and brackish water subject to flooding; Everglades National Park is entirely below the 8.5-foot (2.5-meter) l contour, 34 percent below l-foot contour majority of population lives on coastlines very low elevation so sea level rise could be devastating, frequent flooding usually along the coast due to hurricane and tropical-storm surges; most thunderstorms per year in the Nation Georgia-Surface water extensively used in the northern parts of the State and groundwater in the south; high-growth areas with increasing municipal, industrial environmental, and downstream requirements susceptible to drought; saltwater encroachment on coastal aquifers (would be exacerbated by sea level rise); competition for water stored in major reserving groundwater overdraft in southwestern corner due to agriculture; potential flooding due to frontal systems, convective storms, tropical storms and hurricanes. North Carolina--Abundant,water resources some areas approaching limits of available supply; localized pollution by toxins, nutrients, and sedimen ts; flooding and coastal erosion potential, saltwater intrusion from sea level rise, drought impacts agricultural and domestic use, exacerbates increasin g competition for water regional flooding potential associated with tropical storms and hurricanes. South Caro lina --Plentiful water resources; need management and coordination of surface and groundwater resource s; quality generally good, some nutrient, dissolved oxygen, saltwater intrusion and suspended solids problems locally, development pressure on wetlands; potential flooding caused by hurricanes, tropical storms, and thunderstorms. Lower Mississippi Basin Water supplies here for medium to small-sizedcomntuni$aare vulnerable to drought, and i ndustrial pollution on and salinity present problems. Arka nsas-Abundant water resoures dissolved solids sediment and saltwater intrusion in the southeast comer restrict use in some areas; groundwater overdraft in some areas; agriculture susceptible to drought; possible flooding from tropical and convective storms. LouisianaWater resources for municipal and indusdtrial supply, agriculture, navigation, environmental uses, and recreation; due to relianc e on rain and shallow water tables, even short droughts greatly affect agriculture; coastal erosion, l 0SS of marshes, and subsidence claim large amounts of state land annually, more than half of the state is a floodplain so hurricanes and tropical storms, convective storms, or upstream events can endanger large parts of State. 1 To convert feet to meters, multiply by 0.305.
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Chapter 5-Water I 271 Mississippi-Abundant water resources; agricultural base of the State economy (and catfish farming) creates large drought risk (1988 drought was devastating); saltwater intrusion of aquifers; desire to tap into Tennessee and Tombigbee Rivers for more supply; potential flooding due to frontal systems in the winter and hurricanes and tropical storms in the summer. Ohio River Basin Municipal water supplies fir median-and small-sized communities and Ohio River flows are vulnerable to drought here. Indiana--Abundant water resources; self-supplied industry is the major user; quality problems downstream from municipal and industrial discharge points; low flows of drought hamper navigation on Ohio River possible flooding from frontal systems, convective storms, and rain with snowmelt. Kentucky--Abundan t water resourccs during most of the year, seasonal and areal variation; competition between municipal water supply and irrigated agriculture during low flows; coal mining oil and gas operations, agriculture and d omestic waste discharge adversely affect water quality; agricultural loss and forest-fire danger during drought; possible flooding from frontal systems and convective storms. Ohio-Ample surface-water supplies; municipal supply for medium-sized communities fragile during drought agricultural runoff, sedimentation, mining, and hazardous-waste-disposal sites create quality problems; instream flows for navigation are an importan t consideration during drought despite public works, floods from frontal systems and convective storms affect the State every year. Tennessee--Generally considered a water-rich State, but limitations visible during drought; smaller supply systems of eastern Tenessee susceptible to drought non-point-source pollution and toxic-waste sites affect quality of surface waters; low dissolved-oxygen concentrations in reservoir releases; localized groundwater contamination some localized overdraft during drought; hydroelectric-power generation at 24 dams susceptible to drought thermal-power generation suffers from increased surface water temperatures during low flows; lack of irrigation infrastructure stresses agriculture during drought; flooding potential due to frontal systems and thunderstorms greatly mitigated by flood-control works. West Virginia-Abundant water resources; some localized water-quality problems due to non-point sources such as manufacturing, municipal waste, coal mines, and farms; drought not a major concern, but potential flooding of flat and narrow valley floors due to frontal systems and cyclonic and convective storms is a major problem. Upper Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi Basin Region Management of the Mississippi and Missouri River systems is difficult during drought. Additional problem arise as a result of fluctuating Great Lakes levels and of impacts on water quality. The heavy chemical and biological loading of the upper Mississippi due to industrial, municipal, and agricultural pollution is a problem. Illinois-Abundant water resources; self-supplied industry is major user; small community water supplies susceptible to drought; point-so-pollution prevention improving, non-point Sources Such as agriculture harmful; drought impacts navigation on the Mississippi; potential flooding due to rainfall with snowmelt or stalled frontal systems. I owa--Municipal water supply generally sufficient even under drought conditions; agricultural and livestock production would suffer significant losses in any drought; water-quality problems caused by agrochemicals leached into ground and surface water; many naturally tainted aquifers; potential flooding due to rapid spring snowmelt or convective storms. Michigan-Abundance of water reaources; industry is major user; competition between upstream and downstream users; potential drought impacts on water level in Great Lakes and diversion practices; control of toxics in surface and groundwater and Great Lakes water quality has become prioriy, flooding infrequent, but usually due to rainfall during snowmelt. Minnesota-Abundant water resources; drought affects Mississippi River management for water supply and navigation; Minneapolis-St. Paul needs alternat ive veto Mississippi for water supply; rural withdrawals depend on groundwater; potential flooding due to convective storms and snowmelt with rain in the spring. Missouri Abundant water resources; northwestern water supplies subject to drought stress; increased groundwater withdrawals and impact on water-baaed recreation during drought saltwater intrusion into aquifers; Occasional flooding due to Thunderstorms and stalled frontal systems. Wisconsin--Water-rich state; industry is largest user; agriculture and tourism affected by drought 5 percent of State energy from hydropower, increasing competition for use; potential flooding caused by frontal systems, snow melt, and convective storms. Plains States Region Drought is a frequent problem in this region. Competing uses of Missouri reservoirs--agricultural, tribal, recreational, and downstream--have led to management stresses. Small-community water supplies are vulnerable, water tables are low due to intense agricultural and urban consumption and groundwater depletion. Agricultural runoff has caused pollution, and the salinity of surface water is high. Ka nsas--Water resources distributed unevenly, surface water in the east and groundwater in the west; most diversions are for irrigation; groundwater overdraft (e.g., the Ogallala Aq uifer) is occurring, and many areas are closed to further appropriation; adverse water-quality
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272 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 impacts due to irrigation, petroleum production, agrochemicals, waste sites; agricultural droughts fairly routine; potential flooding due to stalled frontal systems, intense convective and tropical storms. Nebraska-Abundant water supply although quantity varies anally, seasonally, and annually; irrigation is major user, localized groundwater overdraft; salinity problems in the South Platte River and canal systems originating in Colorado; interstate legal compacts and decrees on North and South Platte, Republican, and Blue Rivers; reservoir releases necessary to navigation on the Missouri; significant drought impact on agriculture, small community supplies, older well systems, and fish and wildlife; potential flooding due to thunderstorms, ice jams, and snowmelt in the RockyMountains. North Dakota--Water is an important but scarce resource; reservoir system is critical due to seasonality of flows; limited water-distribution systems from reservoirs; agriculture, tourism, and recreation affected by drought high salinity of surface water agricultural drainage of wetlands; potential flooding due to spring snowmelt with rainfall. South Dakota-Missouri River is the only reliable stream flow because of seasonal variability; demands on reservoir system from recreation, downstream navigation, agriculture, and future users--strong desire to stabilize agricultural production with reservoir system; drought disastrous for agriculture industry; eastern half of State vulnerable to groundwater overdraft interstate water resource conflicts on the Missouri; potential flooding due to snowmelt with rainfall, frontal systems. Southwest Region The agricultural economy here is vulnerable to drought. Oklahoma-substantial water resources, unevenly distributed; groundwater in the west, surface water and reservoir storage in the east drought detrimental to agriculture, industrial-municipal water supply, tourism and recreation, instream flows, and hydropower, salinity problems in the Arkansas and Red Rivers; water-rights-allocation controversy; potential flooding due to convective and tropical storms. New Mexico--Water scarce in generally arid state; surface water is completely appropriated and any supply reduction brings shortages; agriculture vulnerable to drought extensive storage capacity on perennial streams; groundwater overdraft in aquifers not associated with streams; irrigation is the largest user of water, quality degraded by municipal-industrial discharge into Rio Grande, saline and contaminated agricultural runoff, urban con lamination of some groundwater, most water use governed by interstate compacts, Supreme Court decrees, international treaty; intrastate conflict over instream-offstream uses; potential flooding due to local thunderstorms, melting snowpack with rainfall frontal systems from Pacific. Texas-A semiarid to arid state; only eastern third of State has sufficient water on dependable basis; Houston, Corpus Christi, Dallas, and Fort Worth dependent on surface reservoirs of limited capacity Ogallala Aquifer of High Plains very slow recharge, substantial overdraft, Seymour Aquifer con taminated by oil-drilling activities; saltwater intrusion possible in coastal aquifers, salinity problems in Ogallala Aquifer and Rio Grande; low and hypersaline flows into coastaI estuaries and wetlands threaten species; agriculture and livestock losses due to drought; increasing competition between irrigation, urban uses, recreation, wildlife, tourism, and saltwater-intrusion correction; potential flash floods due to convective storms and regional flooding due to tropical storms and hurricanes; potential conflict with Mexico over allocation of groundwater. Rocky Mountain Region In this region, competition between instream and offstream users is growing, and water rights are controversial--American Indians vs. States vs. Federal Government. The salinity of surface and groundwater is high, agriculture in the region is vulnerable to drought, and there are shortages in municipal water supplies during low flow. Colorado-Rapidly approaching maximum utilization of water resources; increasing conflicts among urban, agricultural, recreational and environmental uses of water, especially during drought; downstream States claim rights to water originating in Colorado; groundwater overdraft problems in arid eastern Colorado; con lamination of ground and surface water near toxic-waste sites; salinity problems in lower Arkansas River and in the San Luis and Grand Valleys; potential flooding due to thunderstorms, snowmelt, rain on saturated ground. Monta na-Abundant water in major rivers; seasonal flow in smaller eastern rivers, so supply can be a problem; persistent water shortage in some areas; competition between irrigators and instream users (especially trout fishers); competition with downstream states; dependence on surface water makes agriculture more vulnerable; potential quality degradation due to mining, agriculture, forest practices; potential flooding due to snowmelt with rainfall, spring runoff. Utah--Relatively scarce water resources; supply sources near population writers exhausted; variability of supplies (6 years of drought preceded by 4 wettest years on record); water-quality problems with seasonal low flows; localized drought at least once a year affects small communities, agriculture (especially grazing), instream flow for fish and wildlife; salinity high in lower reaches of streams; potential flooding due to rapid snowmelt with rainfall, intense thunderstorms, and lake rise. Wyoming--Water resources dispersed unevenly, perennial streams in the west and ephemeral streams in the east; extended drought well-known affects agriculture and forest-fire hazard; most surface water committed under interstate compacts and court decrees; competition for surface waters between agriculture, municipalities, and industry; thunderstorms, snowmelt with rainfall, and stalled frontal systems can cause flooding.
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Chapter 5-Water I 273 Lower Colorado River Basin South Pacific Coast Region The competition between municipal supply and irrigation in this region is increasing, as are conflicts between instream and offstream uses and over Indian, State, and Federal water rights. Salinity problems occur with surface and groundwater. Arizona-Water a limited resource; shortages on Colorado River system (water apportioned to Arizona by the Colorado River Compact); groundwater overdraft due to both agricultural and population growth; industrial wastes, agrochemicals, salinity, and mining contamination of groundwater, 30 Superfund sites; Colorado River desalinization at national border, drought impact on rangeland, agriculture, recrea tional use of reservoirs; potential flooding due to snowmelt with rainfall, thunderstorms. California-Most water in the north, most use in the south; entire State susceptible to drought (central and southern especially), which affects every use, from irrigation to municipal-industrial supply; population pressures in south and central; drought exacerbates groundwater overdraft, increases forest-fire potential, harmful to recreation and tourism; significant hydroelectric-power generation groundwater supply pressured by toxic contamina tion and coastal saltwater intrusion salinity problems in parts of San Joaquin Valley due to irrigration saltwater intrusion of Sacrament@ San Joaquin Delta interstate agreements and water-law constraints; growing competition between instream and offstream uses; potential flooding due to frontal systems from Alaska meeting moist tropical air. Nevada-A very arid state; municipal water supplies insufficient in some cities, such as Las Vegas, Reno-Sparks, Lovelock, Wendover, Dayton, and Incline Village; agricultural d emand relies on surface water, so is susceptible to drought competition among urban agricultural, municipal, tribal, and environmental uses; Colorado River withdrawals governed by Colorado River Compact and Nevada has inadequate share; bi-state agreements on three western rivers; widespread groundwater overdraft due to municipal and agricultural use; localized aquifer contamina tion; salinity high in Virgin River; wetlands and fisheries susceptible to drought; low flows create water-quality problems; endangered fish in some Great Basin lakes; potential flooding due to snow-melt and rain, localized thunderstorms. Northwest and Pacific Region In this region, municipal supplies for smaller communities are susceptible to drought, and competition among power-generation, fish and recreation, and instream and offstream uses generally is intense. Drought has had significant impacts on forest health. Alaska-Water abundant overall; local supplies not sufficient for Anchorage and Juneau; sources not dependable during the winter when streams freeze or stop flowing, but drought not a major concern; suspended sediments in glacially fed rivers; ground and surface water pollution in populated areas; ice-jam floods common, intense storms and snowmelt occasionally bring floods. Hawaii--Abundant water for size; small communities have only short-term water supply, but most droughts are short-term events; population and economic stress on island of Oahu leads to pollution; drought affects agriculture; major storms or hurricanes can bring flooding. Idaho--Seasonality of surface water is major constraint on use, reservoirs supplement low flows; smaller communities have supply problems during drought; competition between municipal-industrial withdrawals and irrigation; drought affects agriculture, hydropower, to urism, recreation, forest-fire hazard; local pollution due to irrigation return flow, mine tailings, municipal-industrial waste; potential flooding due to snowmelt with rain, thunderstorms, ice jams. Oregon-Abundant water in the west, limited water in the east; reservoir storage augments summer low flows, allows enormous hydroelectric production; coastal communities lack storage to deal with drought drought impacts on power production, fish, recreation agriculture, and forest-fire hazard; water-quality degradation from pasture and agricultural runoff, municipal and industrial discharge; groundwater overdraft in the east exacerbated by drought potential flooding due to snowmelt and rain in the west, convective storms in the east. Washington--Water supply adequate, but unevenly distributed areally and seasonally; heavily populated areas of western Washington reaching limits of municipal-industrial supply; drought affects agriculture, hydropower (Washington produces 30 percent of U.S. hydroelectricity), tourism and recreation fisheries, wetlands, and navigation 60 percent of annual river flow through hydrological system is snowmelt; saltwater intrusion in San Juan and Island Counties, potential for all coastal areas; localized groundwater contamination potential flooding due to snowmelt with rain, thunderstorms in the east. SOURCES: U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Water Summary, 1985--Hydrologic Events and Surface Water Resources, Water-Supply Paper 2300 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1986); USGS, National Water Summary 1986-Hydrologic Events and Groundwater Quality, Water-Supply Paper 2325 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988); USGS, National Water Summary 1987-Hydrologic Events and Water Supply and Use, Water-Supply Paper 2350 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1990); USGS, National Water Summary 1988 -89--Hydrologic Events and F1oods and Droughts, Water-Supply Paper 2375 (Washington, DC: U.S. Governme nt Printing Office, 1991); U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, The National Study of Water Management During Drought: Report of the First Year of Study (Fort Belvoir, VA: U.S. Army, Institute for Water Resources, 1991); National Regulatory Research Institute, Compendium on Water Supply, Drought, and Conservation, NRRI 89-15 (Columbus, OH: National Regulatory Research Institute, October 1989); letters from State water resource agencies.
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Agriculture 6 Statu s w Adaptable private sector in a very competitive and growing world market. n High payoffs to public investment--but declining public interest. n Increasing environmental restrictions. Climate Change Problem g Potential changes in crop and livestock productivity. n Market-driven responses may alter regional distribution and intensity of farming. What Is Most Vulnerable? n The long-term productivity and competitiveness of U.S. agriculture are at risk. n Consumers and farm communities face high costs if the process of adaptation is slowed. Impediments n Institutional rigidities and disincentives (e.g., commodity programs, disaster assistance, water-marketing restrictions). n Uncertainty makes it hard for farmers to respond effectively. m Potential environmental restrictions and water shortages. n Technical limits-availability of suitable crops and practices for new climate. n Declining Federal interest in agricultural research and extension Types of Responses n Remove institutional impediments to adaptation (in commodity programs, disaster assistance, water-marketing restrictions). w Improve knowledge and responsiveness of farmers to speed adaptation (informational support, knowledge transfer, process innovation). n Support research to enhance productivity through improved crops and farmin g practice (either directed at a general expansion in productivity or targeted to specific constraints and risks). I 275 NOTE: Parts of this chapter are drawn from a paper prepared by W.E. Easterling for the Office of Technology Assessment (27).
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276 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate--Volume 1 OVERVIEW In contrast to many natural resource systems examined elsewhere in this report, agriculture is an intensively managed, market-based system. Worldwide agricultural systems have evolved and adapt continuously to wide geographic differences in climate and to the risks associated with normal climate variability. In the past, agriculture has also been able to adjust to changes in economic conditions-such as the rapid changes in energy prices and export markets over the past two decades. There can be little doubt that the American agricultural sector will make further adaptations in response to changing climate conditions, with market forces rewarding and encouraging the rapid spread of successful adaptation. Yet, the possibility of unavoidable warming and drying in the major agricultural regions of the United States (see ch. 2,) argues for examining the potential for coping with climate change and for considering what public action might be appropriately taken in anticipation of an uncertain climate change. For some farmers, simple adjustments in farming practices or crop selection may transform potential yield losses into gains. But for others, available responses will not compensate for the effects of harsher climates and water scarcity. The current limits to adaptation are well-illustrated by the geographic limits of where crops can be grown now. Without adequate moisture, farming becomes economically impractical. Increases in the intensity of conflicts between agriculture and the natural environment may also limit the extent to which adaptation is possible. For example, if a warmer climate leads to the expansion of intensive farmin g north into the Great Lakes States, land drainage could threaten ponds and wetlands, and increased use of farm chemicals could add to water pollution. In the arid West, greater demands for irrigation water could aggravate existing conflicts over the use of scarce supplies. Environmental concerns, whether aggravated by climate change or not, appear likely to constrain future expansion of agricultural production. Thus, despite adaptation, the possibility that agricultural yields will be threatened, particularly if climate becomes warmer and drier, cannot be discounted. In a world where population growth is steadily increasing the need for food, any threat to growth in agricultural productivity must be taken seriously. For American farmers, already facing increasingly competitive world markets, any decline in productivity relative to the rest of the world could mean lost markets. For consumers, a decline in farm productivity growth could mean rising food prices. Estimates of economic effects of climate change on the United States range from damages of $10 billion to benefits of $10 billion (4). If the United States is to have a margin of security against the uncertainties of climate change, continued support is essential for research that enhances agricultural productivity and expands future options for farmers (e.g., new crops and improved farmin g systems). Given the scale of the agricultural economy, a series of even small missteps and delays in the process of adaptation could, in the aggregate, prove very costly. Limited information and institutional impediments seem likely to restrict the farmers ability to respond efficiently to a changing climate. The capability of the agricultural sector to respond to climate change can be improved through efforts to speed the movement of research results and new technologies into farm practice. In a future in which farmers must be increasingly responsive to change, the removal of unnecessary institutional impediments to adaptation is essential. For example, the framework of U.S. farm-support and disaster-assistance programs-which in many cases limit the farmers incentives to change crops or farmin g practices rapidly and efficiently-should be reconsidered. Climate change is almost certain to create both winners and losers, despite agricultural adaptation. Consumers will bear much of the cost of any decline in agricultural yields through higher prices. Some farmers might benefit from higher commodity prices, despite generally declining yields. Even so, other farmers will suffer because
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Chapter 6--Agriculture I 277 of relatively severe local climate changes and because of the inability--caused by a variety of factors-to respond effectively to change. Adaptation might itself result in some undesirable social and environmental impacts, particularly if climate change leads to rapid shifts in the geographical range of crops or in the intensity of f arming practice. If climate warms considerably, the range over which major U.S. crops are planted could shift hundreds of miles to the north. Rapid geographical shifts in the agricultural land base could disrupt rural communities and their associated infrastructures. With agriculture and the rural economy already changing rapidly, and with the added uncertainties of climate change, it is impossible to do more than speculate about what effects climate change might have on rural communities. This chapter provides a brief overview of U.S. agriculture and of the major trends facing it, examines the role that climate plays in agricultural production, and considers whether or not U.S. agriculture can be maintained under a changing climate. The nature of adaptation possibilities and the constraints that may limit the ability of the farm sector to respond successfully to a changing climate are considered. Finally, a potential role for the Federal Government in sustaining or improving agricultures ability to cope with the uncertainties of a changing climate is discussed. U.S. AGRICULTURE TODAY The United States has an abundance of good agricultural land and a favorable climate for producing food, feed grains, and fiber. Cropland accounts for about 22 percent of the total U.S. land base (110). An additional 27 percent of the land base is in pasture and rangeland. 1 In 1990, Past plant-breeding efforts have been successful in increasing productivity of crops such as wheat. Efforts to develop varieties that are better able to withstand environmental stresses, such as pests and droughts, may reduce the use of agrochemical inputs that are needed partly to compensate for unfavorable environments. the food sector 2 accounted for 17 percent of the civilian labor force, provided 15 percent of gross national product, and accounted for 11 percent of total U.S. exports (109). Although the relative importance of agriculture to the U.S. economy has declined steadily over time as the rest of the economy has grown in scale and complexity, agriculture remains of substantial economic importance. 1 Cropland is land used for the production of cultivated crops (e.g., grains, hay, fruits, and vegetables) for barvest. Pusfureland is land used for grazing, including once-forested land converted to forage cover and natural grasslands that are productive enough to support active qement of fomge plants. Rangelands are natural grasslands of low productivity. z The food sector includes farm production plus the associated processing, manufacturing, transport, and marketing industries. The farm-production sector itself employs just 1.5 percent of the U.S. civilian labor force and provides 1.2 percent of the gross national product.
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278 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Figure 6-1U.S. Production, Domestic Consumption, and Exports of Wheat, Corn, and Soybeans I Goor==n K ~ 50 (!Y n I_____L JiiiiL UI Wheat Corn Soybeans NOTE: Three-year average based on 1989, 1990, and 1991 data. The capacity of U.S. farmers to produce agricultural products far exceeds domestic needs. The United States produces more than half of the worlds soybeans and 40 percent of the worlds corn (maize). Much of the U.S. farm output is exported (fig. 6-l), and about 30 percent of the Nations cropland is now producing for export (110). Even these statistics understate the current capacity to produce food. Of some 400 million acres (160 million hectares) 3 of cropland, about 65 million acres were withdrawn from production in 1991 (109) under various acreage-reduction programs, including the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) (see box 6-A). Approximately 80 million acres now in pasture or forests could be converted to productive cropland if needed Exports and domestic consumption sum to U.S. production. (112).4 SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Statistics (WashThe U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) ington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992). divides the country into 10 regions for the 3 lb convert acres to hectares, multiply by 0.405. d This includes lands tbat have high or medium potential for conversion to agriculture (see table 7 in the appendix of ref. 112).
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Chapter 6-Agriculture 1279 intended to result in the enrollment of 10 million acres. Limited appropriations have so far resulted in a smaller program than was initially authorized. The Environmental Easement Program provides annual payments and mst sharing forupto 10 years to farmers who agree either to have easements that provide long-term protection for environmentally sensitive lands or long-term reduction of water degradation. Participants must agree to a conservation plan to be developed in consultation with the Department of the Interior. Payment cannot exceed fair market value, No implementation has occurred to date. Pesticide Provisions require that producers (under threat of financial penalties) must now maintain records on the application of restricted-use pesticides for2 years. The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) (P.L. 100-532) was amended to make USDA responsible for programs on the use, storage, and disposal of agricultural chemicals. The Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education Program (SARE), also referred to as the Low-Input Sustainable-Agriculture Program (LISA), is a competitive grants program designed to respond to the need for a more cost-effective and environmentally benign agriculture, [t is unique in blending research on farming systems with strategies for ensuring that findings are made usable to farmers, Emphasis is placed on farmer participation and on-farm demonstrations. The program is currently funded at $6,7 million, although funding of up to $40 million is authorized. Continuing USDA Assistance Programs The Agricultural Conservation Program, initiated in 1936, provides financial assistance of upto$3,500 annually to farmers who implement approved soiland watermnservation and pollution-abatement programs. An increasing emphasis is being placed on water quality projects. Conservation Technical Assistance, also initiated in 1936, provides technical assistance through the Soil Conservation Service to farmers for planning and implementing soil and water conserva tion andwaterquality practices. The Great Ptains Conservation Program, initiated in 1957, provides technical and finandal assistance in Great Plains States for conservation treatments that cover the entire farm operation. Assistance is Iimitedto $35,000 per farmer. The program emphasizes reducing soil erosion caused by wind through the planting of windbreaks or the conversion of croplands to grass cover, The Resource Conservation and Development Program, initiated in 1962, assists multicounty areas in enhancing conservation, water quality, wildlife habitat, recreation, and rural development. The Water Bank Program, initiated in 1970, provides annual payments for reserving wetlands in important nesting, breeding, or feeding areas of migratory waterfowl, The Rural Clean Water Program, initiated in 1980, is anexperfmental program implemented in 21 project areas. It provides cost sharing and technical assistance to farmers who voluntarily implement approved bestmanagement practices to improve water quality. The Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) Soil and Water ban Program provides loans to farmers and farm associations for sdl and water conservation, pollution abatement, and improving water systems that serve farms. FmHAmayalso acquire 50-year conservation easements as ameansto help reduce outstanding farmer loans. Research and Extension Activities The Agricultural Research Service conducts research on newandalternative crops and agricultural technology to reduce agricultures adverse impacts on soil and water resources, n The Cooperative State Research Service coordinates conservation and water quality research conducted by State Agricultural Experiment Stations and allocates funds for competitive grants, including those related to water quality research. n The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) monitors the condition of agricultural soil and water resources, provides information to encourage better soil management, and supervises conservation-compliam plans. s The Extension Service provides information and recommendations on soil conservation and water quality practices to farmers, in cooperation with State extension services and SCS. (Continued on next page)
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280 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Box 6-AMajor Federal Programs Related to Agriculture and the Environment-(Continued) Environmental Protection Agency Programs H 1987 Water Quality Act Section 319 Programs (P.L. 95-217) require States and Territories to file asssmed reports with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to identify the navigable waters where water quality standards cannot be attained without reducing non-point-source pollution, including pollution from agricultural sources. States are also required to file management plans with EPA that identify steps that will be taken to reduce non-point-source pollution. All States have now filed assessment reports and management plans. The act authorizes up to $400 million for Implementing these plans, with $52 million awarded in 1992. n The 1987 Water Quality Act National Estuary Program provides for the identification of nationally significant estuaries threatened by pollution, for the preparation of conservation and management pfans, and for Federal grants to water-pollution-control agencies for the purposes of preparing plans. Under this program, USDA technical assistance to farmers has helped to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous discharges into the Chesapeake Bay by about 20,000 tons (1.8 million kilograms)2 annually. n The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodentidde Act (P.L. 100-532) gives EPA responsibility for regulating pesticides, including agricultural insecticides and herbicides. EPA registers new pesticides and reviews existing pesticides to ensure that they do not present an unreasonable risk. The Agency may restrict or ban the use of pesticides determined to be a potential hazard to human health or the environment. l The Safe Drinking Water Act (P.L. 93-523) requires EPA to publish drinking water standards for contaminants that can have adverse health effects in public water systems. These same standards are being used to assess contamination in groundwater supplies in private wells. The act also established a weflhead-protection program to protect sole-source aquifers from contamination by pesticides and agricultural chemmls. z To convert tons to kilograms, multiply W W7. SOURCE: Office of Technology AssesernenL 1993; U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Economic Research Service (ERS), Agricultural Resoum#: Cmpland, Water, and Conservation SituatiorrandOutlook, ERS AR-27 (Washington, DC: USDA). presentation of farm statistics, as illustrated in regional distribution of cropland and irrigated figure 6-2. About 65 percent of U.S. cropland is found in the Corn Belt region, the Northern Plains, the Lake States, and the Southern Plains (112). Of all the States, California, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Texas, Nebraska, and Florida have the highest cash revenue horn farmin g. Irrigation, rather than extensive farm acreage, accounts for the high value of farm production in several of these States (California, Texas, and Florida). The 17 Western States, Arkansas, Florida, and Louisiana account for 91 percent of irrigated acreage. California, Nebraska, Texas, Idaho, and Colorado account for almost half of the irrigated acreage. Overall, irrigation agriculture makes up only 5 percent of the land in farms and 15 percent of the harvested cropland, but provides a striking 38 percent of crop production, by dollar value (109). Much of this value is from fruits, vegetables, and special~ crops. Figure 6-3 illustrates the crop acreage in the United States. I Crop and Livestock Production in the United States Agriculture varies considerably across the Nation due to differences in climate, geography, and economic conditions. Figure 6-4 shows several distinctive farmin g areas that differ significantly in farm size, income, and production (57). Although not exhaustive in covering the Nations farm lands, this characterization of farms gives a fair sense of the diversity in U.S. agriculture. Farms of the Corn Belt and Great Plains provide the largest share of the Nations grains and livestock products. Farms there tend to be large, and farmers rely on farmin g for most of their income. California produces fruits and vegetables, dairy products, livestock, and grains, with most crops coming from large, irrigated farms.
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Chapter 6-Agriculture I 281 Figure 6-2-The USDA Agricultural Regions of the United States SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, The Second RCA Appraisal: Soil, Water, and Related Resources on Nonfederal Land in the United States-Anal ysis of Conditions and Trends, Miscellaneous Publication No. 1482 (Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 1989, slightly revised May 1990). The Mississippi Delta region produces cotton, soybeans, and rice. Farms of the Coastal Plains produce mostly poultry, dairy products, cattle, and soybeans. The Wisconsin-Minnesota Dairy area provides dairy products, cattle, and corn, with most production coming from small farms. Tobacco, poultry, cattle, dairy, and soybeans are typical farm outputs of the Eastern Highlands and the Southeast Piedmont. Farms in these two areas tend to be small and often provide only a part of the farmers total income. The primary annual crops grown in the United States in terms of economic value and area of land use are the grain crops-corn, soybeans, and wheat (table 6-l). Although grown across the country, most of the output of these three crops comes from the Corn Belt, the Lake States, and the Great Plains. Box 6-B outlines how climate interacts with major U.S. grain crops. The cash value of fruits and vegetables (combined) is about equal to that of grains. Fruits and vegetables are largely grown under irrigation, 5 require a relatively small amount of land, and exist in such extensive variety that it is hard to imagine climate change threatening overall supplies-as long as water is available. However, individual growers of these crops maybe at some risk of losses under rapid climate change. 1 Trends in U.S. Agriculture A general overview of major U.S. agricultural trends forms a baseline against which to measure the effects of climate change. Technical, social, and economic change have greatly transformed U.S. agriculture over the past 40 years. Regardless of climate change, U.S. agriculture faces several trends in the coming decades that will almost certainly persist. s About 65 pereent of ve&table CIVpS snd 80 p~ t of orchard crops are irrigated (107),
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282 I Preparing for an Uncertain Climate-Volume 1 Figure 6-3--Regional Distribution of Cropland and Irrigated Cropland in the United States 00 ~ ,, v NorthAppalachian SouthLake Corn Belt Delta N. Plains S. Plains Mountain Pacific east east States NOTE: To convert acres to hectares, multiply by 0.405. SOURCE: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, The Second RCA Appraisal: Soil, Water, and Related Resources on Nonfederal/Land in the UnitedStates--Analysis of Conditions and Trends, Miscellaneous Publication No. 14S2 (Washington, DO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, June 1989, slightly revised May 1990). M! it A center pivot irrigation system. The sprinkler system rotates to irrigate about 130 acres. Sl OW Growth in Domestic Demand Domestic demand for agricultural products will grow slowly, probably at no more than 1 percent per year (24). Population growth in the United States, the major determinant of domestic demand for agricultural products, is now at about 1 percent per year, and is expected to drop lower (114). Per capita income growth in the United States, even if it proves to be substant |