Taggants in Explosives April 1980 NTIS order #PB80-192719
. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 80-600070 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Stock No. 052-003-00747-9
Foreword This assessment was made in response to a request from the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs that OTA examine the issues surrounding a proposal to require that commercial explosives and gunpowders be manufactured with taggants as an aid to law enforcement. Two types of taggants are contemplated: l identification taggants would be designed to survive an explosion, and would carry a code which would enable those who recovered such taggants from the debris of a criminal bombing to assemble a list of the last legal purchasers of the batch of explosives used to make the bomb; l detection taggants would be designed to emit a vapor which would escape from a suitcase, package, etc., so that a taggant-sensing machine at an airport or public building could detect the presence of concealed explosives. The proposal to require taggants is generally viewed as helpful by the law enforcement community, and opposed by the manufacturers of explosives (and some others) on the grounds that taggants would be ineffective, unsafe, and too costly. The report addresses four major questions. First, it reviews the program to develop such taggants, and addresses the question of whether taggants would in fact work. Second, it assesses the question of whether adding such taggants to explosives and gunpowders might create a safety hazard. Third, the cost of a taggant program (on the assumption taggants work and are safe) is calculated, and the major parameters which would affect its costs are identified. Finally, the study assesses the likely value of such a program (assuming that taggants work, are safe, and are available at a reasonable cost) to law enforcement. The project was directed by Dr. Peter Sharfman, Program Manager for Interna tional Security and Commerce within OTAS Energy, Materials, and International Security Division, headed by Assistant Director Lionel S. Johns. The principal inves tigator was David Garfinkle of Science Applications, Inc. OTA is grateful for the assistance of its Taggants in Explosives Advisory Panel, as well as for the assistance provided by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Institute of Makers of Explosives, the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute, the 3M Company, and the Federal Aviation Administration. JOHN H. GIBBONS Director Ill
Taggants in Explosives Project Advisory Panel Sanford Kadish, Chairman Dean, School of Law, University of California, Berkeley Tom Ashwood Robert E. Hodgdon Air Line Pilots Association president, Hodgdon powder Co., Inc., and Pyrodex Corp. Jerome S. Brower president, /. S. Brower & Associates, Inc. Neal Knox H. J. Burchell president, At/a Charles E. Cal fee Special Agent Executive Director, Institute for Legislative Action Powder Co. National Rifle Association Lynn Limmer Director, Department of Public Safety Federal Bureau of Investigation Robert R. Dimock, Jr. Utah Copper Division Kennecott Copper Ernest H. Evans Brookings Institution Henry Eyring Department of Chemistry University of Utah Eugene H. Eyster Los Alarnos Scientific Lab. Rona M. Fields Consultant in Psychology Gary L. Hendrickson Dane Count y Sheriffs Department Madison, Wise. Dallas-Fort Worth Airport Alexander v. d. Luft Director, Internationa/ Operations Explosives products Division E. 1. du Pent de Nemours & Co. Hugh M. McGowan New York City Police Department William T. Poe Louisiana State Police Theodore J. Sullivan Naval Surface Weapons Center Robert W. Van Dolah Pittsburgh, Pa. Charles O. Williams Olin Corp. NOTE: The advisory panel provided advice and critique throughout the assessment, but does not necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse the report, for which OTA assumes fulI responsibility.
Taggants in Explosives Project Staff Lionel S. Johns, Assistant Director, OTA Energy, Materials, and International Security Division Peter Sharf man, Program Manager International Security and Commerce Program David R. Garfinkle, Principal /investigator (under contract with Science Applications, Inc.) Administrative Staff Dorothy Richroath Jacqueline Robinson GIoria Proctor Helena Hassell Contractors Edward James, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Steve Kornish Roland R. Franzen, Physics Internationa/ Co. James A. Henderson, Jr. OTA Publishing Staff John C Kathie S. Boss Marvin Liebstone, Science Applications, Inc. Rowland B. Shriver, J r., Science Applications, Inc. Susan Katznelson Mark Starinsky Holmes, Publishing Officer Debra M. Datcher Joanne Heming v
Contents Chapter 1. Il. Ill Iv. v. V1. Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . Detailed Findings. . . . . . . . . . . Taggant Research Review . . . . . . . . Taggant Safety and Compatibility Review . . . . . Taggant Cost Review. . . . . . . . . Taggant Utility Review . . . . . . . . . Appendixes A. Letterof Request. . . . . . . . . . . B. Detection and identification Taggants and Criminal Bombings Summary and Questionnaire. . . . . . . . C. OTA Recovery Tests . . . . . . . . . . D. Products Liability implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusionof Taggants in Explosives. . . . . . . . . E. Suitability of ANFO as aFiller for Criminal Bombs. . . . . Tables . . . . . . F. Derivation of Bombing Statist G. Glossary . . . ,... . . . . . . . Page 3 19 51 75 97 137 175 177 194 202 227 233 262
. Chapter LSUMMARY Page Introduction ***. *.. **. **. **** **. **** *.. .*. **e**************** 3 ResearchApproach. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Some Project Limitations . . . . . . . . . 6 SummaryofFindings .**.*..* . . .***..*.. .**.**.*. l **..*. 9 Taggant Utility . . . . . . . . . . . 9 TaggantCost. . . . . . . . . . .......11 Technical Development . . . . . . . .......12 Safety . . . . . . . . . . . .......12 ContinuingControversies . . . . . ...0..0. ..0..0.. 13 Significance of Compatibility Testing to Date . . . .......13 Countermeasures . . . . . . . . .......14 Blasting Agents(ANFO) . . . . . . . .......14 Survivability and Recovery of Taggants . . . . .......15 Development Time. . . . . . . . . .. ....16 Congressional Options . . l ..*..*.. ....***** l ..0..... l **O. 16 TABLE S Page l. MajorSourcesof information. . . . . . . . . 5 2. Current Status of Taggant Research . . . . . . . 7 3. Summary of Current Status of Taggants . . . . . . 9 4, Minimum Bombing Incidents Statistics Summary . . .......10 5. Praportions of Bombings Attributed to Groups of Perpetrators. .. ....10
Chapter I SUMMARY INTRODUCTION At the request of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, the Office of Technology Assessment has undertaken an analysis of the proposal to mandate the use of taggants in explosive materials manufactured for commercial use. A taggant is a material that might be added to explosives and gunpowders* at the time of manufacture, as an eventual aid to law enforcement. This study assesses the existing taggant technology in order to assist Congress in its decision whether to adopt legislation which would require taggants in explosives and gunpowders. Two different kinds of taggants are being developed for possible incorporation in chemical explosives, and it has been proposed that both be required. Identification taggants are designed to survive the detonation of an explosive, and to be retrieved from the debris. They would contain a code identifying the batch of explosives or gunpowder used in a particular bombing. The intent of those advocating the development of such taggants is that law enforcement officers investigating a criminal bombing would retrieve identification taggants and decode them, could then begin their investigation knowing what kind of explosive material had been used, and would be able to obtain a list of the last legal purchasers of these explosives and gunpowders. At the present time the leading contender for an identification taggant is a color-coded microscopic plastic chip which has been developed by the 3M Co. Detection taggants are designed to be sensed by a suitable detection machine even when contained in a package. The intent of those developing detection taggants is that detection machines at airports, public building entrances, and other appropriate sites would signal any effort to introduce explosive materials into the area. In facilities not normally protected by such devices, portable detection sensors could be used to search the facility in response to a threat. The leading contender for a detection taggant is a microcapsule which would emit small quantities of a vapor whose molecules are so distinctive that a suitable sensing instrument (which is under parallel development) could detect a parts-per-trillion concentration. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) of the Department of the Treasury, which is the executive agency that has jurisdiction over most crimes involving high explosives, has sponsored a program to develop taggants, Most of the effort has been carried out or supervised by the Aerospace Corp., under contract to BATF. Neither identification taggants nor detection taggants have been full The term gunpowder includes black and smokeless powders and pyrodex (a registered trademark of thePyrodex Corp) a black powder substitute Iy developed and tested; the detection taggant effort is less advanced than the identification taggant effort. Legislation proposed in the U.S. Senate would make it unlawfuI (in the words of S. 333) // for any person or persons to manufacture any explosive material which does not contain both detection taggants and identification taggants, and would require tha t manufacturers and distributors keep records showing the distribution chain for each batch of explosive material that carried a separate 3
4 l Taggants in Explosives identification taggant code. (Similar legislation has been proposed in the House of Representatives. ) The Secretary of the Treasury wouId issue regulations implementing this requirement, and such regulations would be phased in as testing was completed and taggants became avaiIable in sufficient quantity. At hearings on this proposal, representatives of the explosives and gunpowder industries and others expressed opposition to this proposal on the grounds that: l l l l it is premature to consider explosives tagging legislation while development and testing of taggants have not been completed; taggants may be unsafe, since they would require adding a foreign substance to the explosive materials; a taggant program would be extremely costly; and a taggant program would not, in fact, have much utility for law enforcement. Proponents of a taggant program have countered that: l l l taggants are inert materials, no more unsafe than current additives to explosives and gunpowder; a taggant program need not be unduly costly; and bombings are extremely difficult crimes to prevent or solve using existing methods, and taggants would provide an extremely useful tool to law enforcement agenices. The Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs has requested that OTA review the available data on explosive taggant technology, and conduct an assessment which would address; 1. 2. 3. 4. the safety of adding taggants to explosives; the postdetonation survivability and recoverability of identification taggants; the cost impact of a taggant program on the explosives industry and users; the utility of a taggant program to law enforcement; 5. 6 7 The the effects on cost and utility of excluding certain explosive materials from the taggant program; the removal of taggants from tagged explosives; and alternatives to a taggant program. text of the request letter is included as appendix A. The proposal to require that taggants be added to commercial explosives at the time of manufacture has aroused intense controversy. While OTA believes that this report will serve to narrow many of the areas of controversy, there are a number of issues on which the available data do not permit a scientifically conclusive finding. OTA has therefore made a number of judgments based on the available evidence where conclusive proof was lack ing. In some cases these judgments, and the reasoning underlying them, have proved unpersuasive to one side or another in the controversy. Therefore, the final section of this chapter calls attention to the major areas in which one or more affected parties may disagree with the OTA findings. Research Approac h In order to assess the impacts of a taggant program, a two-stage approach has been necessary. As the first stage, an analysis has been made of the safety and technical efficacy of the taggants at the current state of development, since cost and utility are moot points if the taggants are not safe and do not work. As the second stage, an assumption has been made that the taggants work and are safe and a parametric analysis of costs and utility made as a function of the specific implementation plan. Due to severe time constraints, OTA did little original research; instead, an intensive review of existing research was supplemented by discussions with manufacturers, distributors, and users of explosives and gunpowders, and with law enforcement personnel and experts
Ch. lSummary l 5 on terrorism. Table 1 summarizes the major sources consuIted. I n addition, OTA sent a questionnaire to approximately 950 members of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) asking them to assess the utility of taggants. (The IACP membership list was chosen because it constituted a broad cross section of the law enforcement community. ) The questionnaire was sent to a random sample of the IACP members, and the low response rate (about 15 percent) probably created a bias towards those with interest in, and knowledge of, the subject. (A possible misconception may have been introduced by the explanatory material introducing the questionnaire, which inadvertently indicated that identification taggants could identify the last legal purchaser of explosives used in a bombing, rather than identifying a list of last legal purchasers. ) The results of the questionnaire, interpreted with considerable caution, are integrated into the VI, and reported in detail in analysis in chapter appendix B. OTA also directed a series of tests on the recoverability of the 3M identification taggant. The Aerospace Corp. had conducted a large number of laboratory tests on the survivability of the 3M identification taggants, but the only information on the recovery of taggants under field conditions came from poorly docu mented demonstrations and training tests, conducted by BATF, the Federal Bureau of investigation, and other organizations. These tests, and others conducted by the Institute of Makers of Explosives, had produced conflicting and contradictory results. OTA planned and supervised a limited series of tests of the postdetonation recovery process of taggants from automobiIes. The resuIts of these tests are integrated into the findings, and described in detail in appendix C. Table.Major Sources of Information Manufacturers Explosives manufacturers (Du Pent, Atlas, Independent, Goex, Hercules) Gunpowder manufacturers (Hercules, Goex, Olin, Pyrodex ) Manufacturer of identification taggants (3M Co. ) Trade organizations Institute of Makers of Explosives(I ME) Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI) Consumer organizations National Rifle Association (NRA) National Muzzle Loaders Association (NM LA) Organizations developing a taggant program Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms of the U S. Treasury Department (BATF) Aerospace Corp. (BATF contractor) Organizations involved in taggant research Management Sciences Associates Institute for Defense Analyses Lawrence Livermore Laboratories Explosives and gunpowder distributors B, F Hodgdon Tri-State Explosives Gunpowder retailer The Bullet Hole Explosives users Copper mines (Bingham Canyon open pit mine. Crow Fork underground mine) Explosives userscontinued Coal Mine (Webster Coal Co. ) (Quarries (Tri-State, Rockville Crushed Stone) Construction firm (Guy Atkinson) Blasting contractor (Tri-State Explosives) Law enforcement personnel New York, N.Y, San Mateo County, Calif, Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, Tex, Summit County, Ohio Washington, DC. Experts on terrorists and terrorism Experts from foreign and domestic law enforcement agencies Writers on the subject (Dr. Ernest Evans, Dr. Rona Fields, Dr. Robert Kupperman) Foreign law enforcement sources West Germany England Ireland Interpol U.S. Federal agencies Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Avation Administration Bureau of Mines Department of Transportation U.s. Army (Corps of Engineers, Criminal Investigation Division, Development and Research Command) SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment
6 l Taggants in Explosives Photo credit Kennecott Copper Co. [explosives are utilized extensively at the Bingham Canyon open pit copper mine Some Project Limitation s There are three general limitations to the completeness of this analysis of the proposal to legislate the use of taggants in explosive materials. The primary limitation is caused by the preliminary nature of the taggant research much data are simply not available. Additional information is req Jired on all aspects of the analysistechnical efficacy, safety, cost, and utility. Table 2 summarizes the research conducted to date. Preliminary safety testing has been conducted on only a portion of the materials to which identification taggants would be added, and compatibility testing has barely begun with detection taggants. Evidence has been found of reactivity (using high taggant concentrations at elevated temperatures) between the 3M identification taggants and one type of smokeless powder, as well as one booster material. This reactivity creates a presumption of incompatibility. Until this presumed incompatibility is resolved, taggants cannot be safely added to these explosive materials. Resolution of the problem may result in significant changes in the taggants, requiring a new set of compatibility tests and perhaps changing the basis of the cost analysis. If the problem is resolved, more data still need to be generated. The lack of data on long-term effects, in terms of safety, stability, and performance, especially on products such as gels and slurries, is par-
Ch. lSummary l 7 Photo credit U S Department of fhe Treasury Photograph of automobiles utilized in the OTA taggant recovery test Table 2.Current State of Taggant Research a ID taggants Detection taggants Compatibility Survival recovery Compatibility Cap sensitive Preliminary finished Preliminary finished Preliminary underway Booster s Preliminary underwaycompatibility problem identified Preliminary underway Testing initiated Detonators ., Prelimmary underway Preliminary underway Testing initiated Blastlng agents ., ., None None None Detonating cord ., None Testing initiated Testing initiated Black powder ., . Preliminary finished Preliminary underway Preliminary underway Smokeless powder ... Preliminary underwaycompatibility problem identified Preliminary underway Testing initiated Military explosives ., ., None None None a As of mid-January 1980 SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment
8 Taggants in Explosives ticularly important. As a result of this uncertainty, not even preliminary indications of safety are possible at this time, much less the demonstrations recessary before a taggant proposal could safely be implemented. While preliminary research has been conducted on the survivability and recoverability of the 3M identification taggants, only a portion of the explosive materials which might be tagged was tested, and that research is poorly documented. Hundreds of possible detection taggants have been screened to yield five candidate materials, but detailed testing of the properties of those materials is barely underway. Similarly, three candidate detection sensors have been identified, and Iimited Laboratory testing of preliminary or breadboard models completed. Methods of air sampling are also at a preliminary stage. Thus, estimates of technical efficacy can only be made on the basis of preliminary data. As a result of the pilot test program, reasonable data are available for the analysis of the cost impact of adding taggants during the manufacture of cap-sensitive high explosives, at least for those companies which participated in the program. The data, however, on the cost impact of adding taggants during the manufacture of the other types of explosive materials (for exalmple, gunpowder) are less adequate. While firm estimates of the cost of unencapsulated identification taggants are available from 3 M under a variety of implementation conditions, little data are available for the cost of encapsulated identification taggants (a more likely baseline case) or for the cost of detection taggants. Only the grossest estimates have been made of recordkeeping costs, and the estimates by both the proponents and opponents are open to some questions of objectivity. Rule-of-thumb engineering estimates have been made for the candidate sensor systems costs, but the accuracy of those estimates cannot be very precise as neither production rate, tc)tal production, nor specifications have been established. So far, identification tagging of explosives has played a part in only one criminal case that has reached a courtroom. (Those investigating and prosecuting the case considered evidence from taggants very helpful.) Quantification of the utility of taggants (identification as well as detection) is therefore simply not possible, particularly given the inadequacy of bombing statistics. Experience with the date-shift code (which facilitates tracing of undetonated explosives) provides useful data, as does the experience of foreign countries, but the available information on the utility of taggants is preponderantly qualitative in nature. A second general limitation to the completeness of the analysis, imposed by Iimits on available time and resources, is that only a limited sample of the population concerned with the study could be contacted. As a result, cost data derived from a detailed analysis of one or two companies have been assumed to be representative of an entire segment of an industry, such as underground coal mining or retail sale of gunpowders. Similarly, processes for adding taggants, reworking of waste material, quality control, compatibility testing, and storage, which are applicable to a segment of the manufacturers of explosive materials, have been assumed to be universal for the purpose of generating cost estimates. A more serious manifestation of the limited sample size is that indepth discussions of the utility of identification and detection taggants to law enforcement and security personnel could only be held with a small number of organizations. As the bomber threat varies considerably from one part of the country to another, it is difficult to generalize the results of those discussions. The third limitation on the analysis is caused by the language of the draft legislation, S. 333. The bill calls for tagging of all explosive materials, which does not appear practicable if the phrase is strictly interpreted to include the tagging of blasting agents that are mixed the same day they are detonated, and otherwise offers no guidance for the implementation regulations which the Secretary of the Treasury would promulgate.
Ch. lSummary l 9 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS This assessment distinguishes between an evaluation of the present state of development of taggants and a projection of the cost and utility of a taggant program if and when the necessary development and testing are successfully completed. A detailed evaluation of the development status of the identification and detection taggants is contained in chapter I I 1. A crucial factor in the development status evaluation concerns the safety of adding taggants to explosives; the safety and general compatibility analysis is contained in chapter IV. OTA then separately evaluated the cost and utility of a program to add taggants to commercial explosive materials. For this analysis, it was assumed that the baseline identification and detection taggants had successful Iy completed the development process, including a resolution of the safety issues. These analyses are contained, respectively, in chapters V and VI. Details of these and other findings are given in chapter 11. The principal findings are shown in table 3 and briefly summarized below. Taggant Utilit y Assuming, for purposes of analysis, that stability questions are successfully resolved and that technical development is successfully completed, both identification taggants and detection tagTable 3.Stimmary of Current Status of Taggants Idenhf!cation taggants Detection taggants safety Dynamites, gels. slurries, No change in sensitivity, stability No reported data; testing initiated Black powder. No change in sensitivity, stabddy No reported data; testing initiated Smokeless powde r Reactivity with Herco powder observed, No reported data, testing initiated incompatibility presumed Booster material s Reactivity with Composition B observed, No reported data; testing initaited incompatibility presumed Blasting agents ., No data No data Performance . . . Limited testing No data Survivability Favorable conditions. Yes N/A Fire ., ., Probable N/A Confinement : Insufficient data N/A Recoverability Field recovery Probable if survive N/A Field readin g Unlikely N/A Laboratory reading Almost all conditions NIA Sensor development. . N/A Early stages utility Low-value targets Little Virtually none High-value targets, no countermeasures High High High-value, Including countermeasure s High, due to Increased risks High for all but most sophisticated bombers Cost, $ millions/year Identification Detecioon Both Low-level program (ID tag code for each product changed each year. ANFO excluded ) a $15 $22 $30 Baseline program (ID tag code for each product changed for each date/shift, ANFO excluded) 25 25 45 High-level program (ID tag changed for each 10,000-lb batch, ANFO Included) 215 65 268 N/A not applicable aThese programs are defined in detail in ch v SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment
10 l Taggants in Explosives gants would be useful law enforcement tools against most terrorist and other criminal bombers. Their utility against certain types of bombers would probably be quite high; their utility against the most sophisticated of terrorists and professional criminals is open to question. l l Data on the number and kinds of bombings committed are dispersed and inconsistent. Table 4 gives an idea of the magnitude of the problem; its significance is discussed in chapter II and the derivation of the figures in appendix F. OTA diligently sought to find or reliably derive data from which one could calculate the number of bombings that a taggant program would solve or deter, and found this an impossible task. Criminal bombings are committed by a wide range of perpetrators, including both individuals and groups. It is helpful to group criminal bombers into four categories, which differ Table 4,Minimum Bombing Incidents Statistics Summary a BATF FBI l Item 1977 1978 1977 1978 Explosive bombings, number. ., ... l,037b 896b 867 768 Undetonated explosive bombs, number. 319 287 118 105 Incendiary bombings, number ., 339 446 248 349 Unignited incendiary bombs, number ., 81 71 85 79 Criminal accidents, number ., ., ., ., 21 67 Property damage from bombings, millions of dollars c d ., . $ 10 $ 17 $ 9 $ 9 Injuries c ., ., . . . 180 185 162 135 People killed by bombings c ., ., 38 23 22 18 a BATF reported 3.177 total Incidents in 1977 and 3,256 in 1978 Total incidents include ac cidents, threats deized and recovered explosives, and hoaxes as well as axtual explosives and incendiary bombings The OTA stud/ was concerned only with explosive bombings b of these 953 in 1977 and 787 m 1978 were against substantial targets c lncludes both explosive and incendiary bombings OTA was unable to obtain Separate figures for the number of criminal accidents, injuries, deaths, and property damage caused by Incendiary bombs Incendiary bombs and bombings would not be affected by taggant program d Actual value probably considerably higher due 10 lack Of data file updates SOURCE SOURCE: BATF 1978 Explosives Incidents Report. FBI Uniform Crome Report. Bomb Report. 1978 See app F for a dicussion of the derivation of these figures l greatly in their motivation, skill, training, resources, and ability to respond to a changing enforcement environment. They are defined and their proportions estimated in table 5. Note that despite the tendency for some groups to claim credit for a bombing, a motive was established for only 23 percent of the bombings reported to BATF in 1977 and only 38 percent in 1978; table 5 is based on the assumption that the distribution of motives was the same for the numerous incidents in which law enforcement officials were unable to assign a motive. Identification taggants would facilitate the investigation of almost all significant criminal bombings in which commercial explosives were used. Due to the need for laboratory involvement in the taggant recovery process, the taggants would probably not enter into investigations of bombings that produce no casualties and I ittle property damage. Detection taggants would be very effective in protecting those high-value targets where protection by detection taggant sensors is feasible. The improvement in protection of such potential targets would be quite substantial. However, most current bombings take place against targets that are unlikely to be protected by detection taggant sensors. Adding taggants to blasting agents would have some utility, but the incremental utility would be small compared to the utility of tagging capsensitive high explosives, gunpowders, and detonators (and the incremental cost would be high). A taggant program that did not include gunpowders would be of relatively limited utility as pipe bombs filled with gunpowder are used in a substantial number of Table 5.Proportions of Bombings Attributed to Groups of Perpetrators (average for years 1974-78) Percentage Estimated number Bomber type Characteristics of bombings in 1978a Terrorists. ., ., ., ... Highly motivated, varied skill levels, act in groups, continuing involvement 12 107 Criminals ., . Varied motivations, varied skill levels, act alone or in small groups, 11 98 repeated activities, specific targets Mentally disturbed ., ., ., . Highly motivated, poorly trained, act alone, seldom repeat crimes 38 340 Vandals and experimenters Limited motivation, poor training, limited resources, do little damage 39 348 asee app F for dervations of these estimates SOURCE FBI data
Ch. lSummary l 1 1 bombings; it only high explosives were tagged, criminals could shift to pipe bombs rather easily. l The utility of both identification and detection taggants would be decreased because some bombers would take countermeasures. Explosives experts have suggested a number of possible countermeasures to the proposed taggant technology which would be available to those bombers with the requisite knowledge and resources. Most available countermeasures would increase the risk to the bomber of personal injury or arrest, or decrease the reliability of the bomb. Law enforcement officials and experts on terrorism agree that most bombers would not utilize the available countermeasures. A taggant program would retain substantial utility even though some criminal bombers would attempt countermeasures, and these countermeasures would be effective whenever they were carried out with sufficient knowledge and skil1. l The utility of taggants to law enforcement personnel is not adequately quantifiable, due to the paucity of data on taggants or similar control mechanisms, the difficulty of analyzing the currently collected statistics on bombings, and the fact that it is difficult to quantify how much any single clue adds to an investigation or prosecution. Generally speaking, law enforcement techniques are seldom subjected to cost-benefit analysis, and the data which exist do not lend themselves to such effort. Similarly, OTA was unable to quantify the deterrent effect taggants may have, although the apparent effectiveness of airport screening procedures in reducing the number of hijacking attempts suggests that detection taggants may have a considerable deterrent value. Taggant Cos t The cost of a taggant program would vary enormously depending on the nature of the pro= gram. Costs are likely to be reasonable if and only if any taggant legislation requires regulations to be written in a way that weighs costs against considerations of law enforcement ut i I it y. A low-level taggant program, in which a unique taggant species would be used to identify each years production of a specific product, and 800 detection sensors would be deployed, would cost $3o million per year. A baseline program identified by OTA (described in detail in ch. V) would cost approximately $45 million per year,adding approximately 12 percent to the cost of cap-sensitive explosives and slightly under 8 percent to the cost of gunpowder, Cap-sensitive high explosives, boosters, detonators, detonating cord, and gunpowder would be tagged. A unique taggant species would be used for a shifts production of each product and size. Fifteen hundred detection sensors would be deployed. The bulk of this cost would eventually falI on users of explosives and on users of products produced with the aid of explosives; the costs of detection taggant sensors would presumably be borne by the owners or users of protected facilities. It is not expected that costs of this magnitude would lead to any major shifts in the patterns of production and use of explosives. Separate baseline identification and detection taggant programs would cost approximately $25 million per year each, including public overhead costs. A high-level program, in which a unique taggant would be used for each 10,000-lb batch of explosives or 2,000-lb batch of gunpowder, in which blasting agents would be tagged, and in which 5,000 detection sensors would be deployed, would have an estimated cost of $268 million per year. The cost estimates assume that the taggant material costs do not differ appreciably from current estimates for mass-produced taggants. Chapter V discusses the causes and the extent of the uncertainties surrounding these cost estimates.
02 l Taggants in Explosives Technical Developmen t The development of taggants is not yet complete. Further developmental effort, particularly resolution of the questions regarding the stability of smokeless powder and cast boosters to which taggants have been added, and successful completion of a variety of tests, would be required before it would be appropriate to begin adding taggants to commercial explosives. l l The identification taggants developed by 3M appear to survive the detonation of commercial explosives under ideal conditions. Confinement and fire may adversely affect survival, although test data is very limited. Recovery of the taggants appears to be a function of the specific incident conditions (weather, type of target, firefighting activities) as well as the training and care of the field and laboratory investigators. A trained team can probably recover debris from which a laboratory can separate taggants under most incident conditions. There is little basis for judging whether the detection taggant system, based on machine sensing of microencapsuiated vapors, which appears to show promise under laboratory conditions, would function reliably under conditions of mass production and field use, or how soon sucn a system would be available. Safet y The tests so far conducted create a presumption that there are no incompatibilities between the 3M identification taggant and dynamites, slurries, gels, emulsions, or black powder. Nevertheless, a full-scale qualification program is necessary before taggants can be added to all such materials. l l l The addition of 3M identification taggants to one brand of smokeless powder (Herco *) and one variety of booster material (Composition B) produces a chemical reaction at elevated temperatures and high taggant concentrations. The taggants must be considered incompatible with such explosives unless or until: 1 ) the composition of the taggant is changed in a way that eliminates this chemical reaction, or 2) a determination is made that the reaction takes place only under circumstances that can be prevented from arising in commercial production, distribution, and use. If the incompatibility remains, then Congress could, if it chose, require that these particular explosives either be themselves modified, withdrawn from the market, or granted an exemption from tagging. (OTA believes that exemption of smokeless powders could significantly diminish the utility of a tagging program; exemption of cast boosters would diminish this utility to a somewhat lesser extent. ) If compatibility is established, completion of a qualification program would still be necessary. There is little evidence regarding the safety of detection taggants, or of the combination of identification and detection taggants, as testing has only recently been initiated and no results have yet been reported. Analysis, and the limited testing so far conducted, indicate that the performance of explosive material would not be degraded by the addition of taggants. However, preliminary tests suggest that abnormally high concentrations of taggants might decrease the ballistic performance of smokeless powder. Testing, including long-term effects, would be necessary, however, before the question could be fully resolved. *A registered trademark ot Hercules, Inc
Ch. lSummary l 1 3 CONTINUING CONTROVERSIES Some of OTAS findings have been challenged by one or more of the participants in the controversy that surrounds the proposal to require that commercial explosives be tagged, The nature of these challenges is outlined here Significance of Compatibilit y Testing to Dat e A large number of tests have been carried out to determine whether the 3M identification taggant is compatible with commercial explosives. More tests are required, and the Aerospace Corp. (under contract to BATF) is sponsoring a continuing testing program. The tests completed to date are described in chapter IV. OTA found that the testing done to date creates a reasonable presumption that the 3M identification taggant is compatible with dynamites, gels, slurries, emulsions, and black powder. On the other hand, there is evidence of increased reactivity, and thus a presumption of incompatibility, with at least one form of smokeless powder, and at least one cast booster composition. It is not yet possible to arrive at presumptions about the compatibility of the 3M taggant with blasting caps or detonating cord, or about the compatibility of detection taggants with any commercial explosive. OTA further found that, even for products such as dynamites where no evidence of incompatibility exists, further testing is required before it can be definitely concluded that taggants are compatible with, and can safely be added to, al I such explosives. The Aerospace Corp. takes the view that the compatibility tests with dynamites, gels, slurries, emulsions, and black powder generally are sufficient to permit implementation of a program to tag these substances. Aerospace recognizes that there is a need for Mine Safety and Health Administration approval of tagged permissible dynamites, that final qualification of production-line 3M taggants must be made to ensure that they match those used in the pilot test, and that the black powder ballistics testing should be reviewed and possibly augmented. However, Aerospace points out that while not every test has been conducted with every brand of every explosive, the program successfully carried out was designed by industry and was considered sufficiently thorough so that several major firms were willing to distribute pilot quantitie s of tagged explosives through their normal commercial distribution channels. With regard to smokeless powders and cast boosters, Aerospace takes the view that no safety hazard has been demonstrated, but that the failure of the tagged explosive to pass certain extreme tests means that compatibility has yet to be demonstrated, and the possibility that some changes will be required to ensure safety cannot be ruled out. Representatives of the explosives industry take the view that taggants cannot be considered compatible with explosives until all the testing that ought to be carried out has been successfully completed. They maintain that untiI safety has been conclusively demonstrated, it would be premature to consider whether to legislate a requirement that commercial explosives be tagged. Explosives industry representatives also make a distinction between the pilot program so far carried out and normal commercial production. They maintain that the tagged explosives manufactured under the pilot program received unusual care and attention during the manufacturing process, and were distributed to a limited number of selected distributors. The manufacturers also believe that the terms of the pilot program relieved them of liability for accidental explosions due to taggants, a point which the Aerospace Corp. contests. Some explosives industry representatives take the view that the failure of the mixture of taggants with one brand of smokeless powder and one cast booster composition to pass one safety test means that the 3M taggant should be viewed as unsafe unless or until it is redesigned, and point out that any such redesign would require repeating all other tests previously carried out.
14 Taggants in Explosives Countermeasure s It is clear that it would be possible for terrorists or other criminals to take measures to defeat the impact of a tagging program, by making or acquiring untagged explosives. OTA found that such countermeasures would require a considerable degree of technical knowledge and skil1, and that in most cases countermeasures would either require the commission of an additional crime (with some added risk of apprehension), or else manufacturing or modifying explosives in a way that would risk either a premature explosion or a misfire of the bomb. The law enforcement experts whom OTA consulted predict that many terrorists and other criminals would probably not avail themselves of countermeasures that were theoretically available to them. Representatives of the explosives industry take the view that one should assume that an available countermeasure will in fact be employed. They point out that the most sophisticated bombers, who are most likely to be willing and able to employ countermeasures, are those which may pose the greatest threat. They fear that a taggant program would fail to be effective because of widespread use of countermeasures, and that law enforcement officials would then wish to counter the countermeasures by extending the range (and hence the cost) of the taggant program. OTA has noted a consistent pattern of disagreement on this point. Experts in the explosives industry and Government explosives experts almost unanimously believe that countermeasures exist which would enable bombers to evade the effects of a taggant program, whether the countermeasures take the form of removal of taggants from tagged explosives, use of untagged blasting agents, theft of explosives, fabrication of homemade explosives, or use of incendiary devices. Law enforcement experts, and experts on terrorists and terrorism, almost unanimously believe that most bombers, including terrorists, would fail to take the steps necessary to evade a taggant program, even though the necessary equipment and knowledge is not too difficult to obtain. A possible analogy is the effectiveness of the program to counter aircraft hijacking; since that program began, thousands of weapons have been detected each year, while there have been no cases of aircraft hijacked with weapons smuggled onboard, despite the fact that mechanisms can be postulated for smuggling weapons past the screening apparatus. OTA believes that while countermeasures to a taggant program would be available and would be effective if correctly used, most bombers would not make effective use of such countermeasures. OTA believes that taggants, if successfully developed, could have significant law enforcement utility even if some terrorists or other criminals successfully employed countermeasures. Blasting Agents (ANFO ) Blasting agents are the most widely used type of commercial explosive; the most common type of blasting agent consists of mixtures of prilled ammonium nitrate and fuel oil; these explosives are collectively known as ANFO. ANFO can be mixed in a factory, or mixed directly at the site where blasting is to take place. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer can be mixed with ordinary fuel oil to create a rather insensitive ANFO. Because of the very large volume of ANFO that is used commercially, a tagging program which included ANFO would be substantially more costly than one from which ANFO was excluded. Chapters I I and V present detailed information on this point. One of the reasons for the wide gap between BATF and the explosives industry cost estimates for a tagging program is that the industry read the draft legislation (S. 333) as requiring that ANFO and other blasting agents be tagged, while BATF was planning for a taggant program that would not include ANFO. Representatives of the explosives industry have taken the position that exclusion of ANFO would greatly diminish the law enforcement utility of a taggant program, because bombers could and would use untagged ANFO in place of tagged, cap-sensitive explosives or tagged gunpowders. OTA believes that it is in-
Ch. lSummary l 1 5 deed the case that an effective bomb, suitable for almost all criminal or terrorist purposes, can be manufactured from ANFO if the criminal has adequate time, skill, knowledge, and motivation. The critical area about which judgments differ is the extent to which terrorists and other criminals would in fact make use of ANFO bombs if other commercially available explosive materials were tagged. OTA does not consider it appropriate to describe here how one would go about manufacturing an AN FO-filled bomb. The process involves more steps, a greater number of materials and components, and more opportunities for error than a bomb made from a cap-sensitive explosive; however, it would be easier and safer than fabrication of a bomb from raw chemical s. The ANFO commercially available in the United States would not be reliably detonated by an ordinary detonator (#8), even in a pipe bomb. ANFO can be readily detonated by using a smalI high-explosive booster, but such boosters would be tagged, and a large booster or several small ones would make an efficient bomb without the use of ANFO. ANFO can also be detonated using materials that wouId not be tagged (if the bomber knows how to wire them), but an ANFO pipe bomb is substantialIy harder to detonate than a smokeless-powder pipe bomb or a stick of dynamite. Photo credit U.S Department of the Treasury A typical pipe bomb. Such bombs are normally filled with black and smokeless powder, but a bomber with sufficient knowledge and skill could use ANFO At the present time, ANFO is seldom used in pipe bombs despite the fact that it is cheaper and, if properly detonated, considerably more energetic than smokeless powder. Whether the tagging of cap-sensitive high explosives and powders would in fact lead many criminals to switch to the use of ANFO is a question that cannot be answered with certainty. However, as in the case of other countermeasures, OTA has found that explosives experts tend to expect that criminals would switch to ANFO, while law enforcement experts and experts on terrorism tend to doubt that this would happen in many cases. Survivability and Recovery of Taggant s The testing done to date on the conditions under which identification taggants would in fact survive an explosion, and surviving taggants could in fact be recovered, is not adequate to sustain firm conclusions. Much of the available data is anecdotal rather than systematic. Part of the problem is that it is difficult to arrange for testing under realistic but controlled conditions. Faced with inadequate and somewhat contradictory data, particularly with respect to the recovery question, OTA arranged for a very Iimited test program to supplement the previous tests; appendix C reports on this effort. OTA feels that prior testing supports the presumption that taggants would probably survive most bomb detonations under most conditions. However, survivability decreases with the size of the explosive charge and its power. The survivability of individual taggants in large explosive charges or in extremely powerful explosives (such as booster material and military explosives) has not been demonstrated. Pressed pellets, fabricated from the individual taggants, do survive the detonation, but recovery has not been adequately demonstrated, and compatibiIity tests on pellets remain to be accomplished. OTA found that the taggants surviving most bombs could probably be recovered under most conditions. However, field investigators might well find it impossible to separate the taggants from the debris, identify in-
15 l Taggants in Explosives dividual taggants, and read the codes in the field; instead the field team would have to gather debris likely to contain taggants, and a laboratory could thereafter separate and read the taggants. Such a laboratory need not be elaborate, and could be installed in a truck if onsite taggant reading was considered desirable. BATF maintains that, on the contrary, the 3M identification taggant can be recovered and read in the field by investigators who have received a reasonable amount of training. Some industry representatives maintain that there is considerable doubt as to whether taggants would actually survive and be recovered from a bomb. Such doubts should, they hold, be cleared up before attempting to reach any judgment about the utility of an explosives tagging program. Development Tim e OTA believes that the further development and testing that would be required before an identification taggant program couId be implemented are likely to take until 1983. If an identification taggant program were legislated early in 1980, it would be at least late 1984 before all commercial explosives could be manufactured with taggants. Even if the sensor development and detection taggant programs are successful, OTA feels it would be at least 1985 before full implementation could occur. BATF maintains that these times are too pessimistic. CONGRESSIONAL OPTIONS Given the present state of development of taggants, OTAS data and analysis appear to be consistent with any of three possible courses l of action. (No significance is intended in order of listing. ) l Pass legislation requiring taggants, and set up a procedure to determine if and when the technical development and testing have prol gressed to a point where implementation can begin. Given the active involvement of BATF in the development of taggants, it may be inappropriate for the implementation decision process to reside in the Treasury Department. Defer legislative action on taggants, but encourage BATF to continue taggant development, with a view to consideration of legislation when development and testing are complete. Take no legislative action on taggants, and encourage the executive branch to search for other ways of improvin g the effectiveness of law enforcement against terrorist and other criminal bombers.
Chapter IIDETAILED FINDINGS Page Overview of the Problem *.*..**.*...***...******************* 19 The Bombing Threat. . . . . . . . . .......19 Manufacturer to User Chain. . . . . . . .......21 Explosives . . . . . . . . . .......21 Gunpowders . . . . . . . . . .......22 TechnicalEfficacy l *****.* l *****9** l ***.**** l *******O .******** l 24 Compatibility ofTaggant wtih Explosive Materials. . . .. .......28 Cost of aTaggant Program l ******** l ******** l ****...* .* 32 Utility of Taggants ....... ...... .***.**** l ******** l **.**.** l 36 Terrorists . . . . . . . . . . .......36 Common Criminals. . . . . . . . . .......37 Mentally Disturbed.. . . . . . . . . .......37 Vandals and Experimenters . . . . . . . ....38 program implementation . . . . . . . .. ....46 TABLE S Page 6. Minimum Bombing Incidents Statistics Summary . . .......20 7. Identified Explosive Fillers Used in Bombs. . . . .......20 8. BombingCasualtiesand Damage in 1978 byTypeof Bomb .......21 9, BATF Recovery Demonstrations. . . . . . .......25 10. Recovery Tests Participated in by Summit County Sheriffs Office ...25 11. OTA Recovery Test Results. . . . . . . . ..26 12. Elements of a Suggested Compatibility Qualification Program ......29 13. Cost of a Taggant Program as a Function of implementation Plan. ...32 14. Attributes of Criminal Bomber Croups. . . . . .......37 15. Taggant Utility Summary . . . . . . . .....38 FIGURE S Page I. Explosive Distribution Chain. . . . . . . . ....22 2. Gunpowder Distribution Chain. . . . . . . . .23 3. Photo micrographs of Recovered Taggants. . . . .......26 4. Size Comparison of the 3M Identification Taggantand Some Smokeless Powders. . . . . . . . .....41 S. Marginal Cost-Utility Function . . . . . . . ....47
Chapter II DETAILED FINDINGS This chapter presents the findings of the study in some detail, along with a sketch of the data and analytical methods used to arrive at them. The full analyses on which these findings are based are found in the subsequent chapters and the appendixes. The analysis proceeded in two stages, which were conducted simultaneously. The first stage assessed the technical efficacy of the taggants, and their compatibility with explosive materials. Definitive judgments on these points must await the results of further technical development and testing. The second stage estimated the cost and law enforcement utility of taggants, assuming that taggants can be made which work and are safe. It should be clearly understood that a taggant program is only appropriate if all the conditions are met: it must be technically sound, it must be safe, it must have value for law enforcement, and the costs must be reasonable in the light of this law enforcement value. The analysis and discussion of technical efficacy and safety were conducted as if it had been established that taggants are useful in relation to their cost. The analysis and discussion of cost and utility were conducted as if it had been established that taggants work and are safe. Because a variety of implementation plans are possible, costs and utility are evaluated parametrically in order to show how the choices made in writing regulations would lead to variations in cost and law enforcement value. OVERVIEW OF THE PROBLEM In order to appreciate the potential benefits and shortfalls of a tagging program it is necessary to understand the magnitude of the current and projected future bombing threat, as well as the processes involved in the manufacture, distribution, and sale of the various explosive materials. The Bombing Threat Both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) maintain national bombing data information centers which collect statistics on bombings and other explosive incidents. The data are not consistent between the two centers, however, and many bombings are not reported to either center. The formatting of the data, and the lack of updating procedures, make accurate analysis difficult. Appendix F explains in some detail which data sources were used, and why. While BATF and FBI data differ in the absolute values (e. g., number of bombings in a year), both sets of data support the OTA findings. Most tables in this report make use of BATF data because its format appeared more amenable to analysis. The BATF 1978 Explosives Incidents Report includes over 3,000 incidents for both 1977 and 1978. The incidents include accidents, threats, seized and recovered explosives, and hoaxes, as well as actual explosive and incendiary bombings. Of these incidents, 1,377 represented actual explosive detonations, accidental detonations by criminals, or recovered bombs that failed to detonate in 1977, with 19
20 l Taggants in Explosives 1,250 the corresponding number for 1978. At least 953 of these in 1977 and 787 in 1978 represent actual detonation of explosive bombs against substantial targets (mailbox and openarea bombings are not included). During 1977, BATF estimates that 38 people were killed and 180 wounded by explosive and incendiary bombs, while the numbers in 1978 were 23 and 185, respectively. Due to the way initial estimates of property damage are made, and the lack of updating, only the crudest property damage estimates can be made. There was at least $10 million in direct property damage due to explosive and incendiary bombs in 1977, and at least$17 million in 1978. In 1977, 35 of the 38 reported deaths and 20 of 23 reported in 1978 were from bombings against vehicles, residences, and commercial establishments. Similarly, about 80 percent of the injuries from bombing of known targets in 1977 and about 70 percent in 1978 were caused by bombings of those three types of targets. The 1977 and 1978 statistics are summarized in table 6, and discussed in more detail in appendix F. The available data do not sustain any conclusions about trends in the bombing threat; both the number of incidents and the extent of deaths, injuries, and property damage vary from year to year, and from data base to data Table 6.Minimum Bombing Incidents Statistics Summary a BATF FBI Hem 1977 1978 1977 1978 Explosive bombings, number. . . 1,037b 896 b 867 768 Undetonated explosive bombs, number. 319 287 118 105 Incendiary bombings, number 339 446 248 349 Unignited incendiary bombs, number 81 71 85 79 Criminal accidents, number c . 21 67 Property damage from bombings, millions of dollars c d . . ... $ 10 $ 17 $ 9 $ 9 Injuries c ., . . . . 180 185 162 135 People killed by bombings c . 38 23 22 18 aBATF reported 3,177 total incidents in 1977 and 3,256 in 1978 Total incidents include accidents threats, seized and recovered explosives and hoaxes as well as actual explosive and incendiary bombings The OTA study was concerned only with explosive bombings b of these 953 in 1977 and 787 m 1978 were against substantial targets includes both explosive and incendiary bombings OTA was unable obtain separate figures for number of criminal accidents, injuries deaths, and property damage caused by explosive and incendiary bombings Incendiary bombs and bombings would not be affected by a taggant program value probaly Considerably higher due to lack Of data file updates SOURCE : BATF 1978 Explosive Incidents Report, FBI Uniform Crime Report: Bomb Report 1978 See app F for a discussion of the derivation of these figures base. Management Sciences Associates (MSA) conducted a detailed study of the data in the 5 years from 1972 through 1976 without discovering any significant trends. Many experts on terrorism believe that the United States may experience an increase in bombings, particularly catastrophic bombings, in the year s ahead. However, this belief is based on an assessment of U.S. vulnerability to bombings and the observation that the United States has recently had less of a terrorist problem than other developed countries; there is no evidence that this increased threat has materialized. In looking at bombing statistics, one should bear in mind that a single incident involving an aircraft exploding in flight could produce more deaths than have occurred in any year to date. Data on the types of fillers used in bombs are also not consistent between the FBI and the BATF data banks. It is instructive to look at two BATF data sources, however, as shown in table 7. The second column represents 1978 data for the fillers identified in the field for all explosive bombs that were detonated, bombs recovered undetonated, and criminal accidents. The first column represents 1978 data for only those fillers that were identified in the laboratory from postdetonation analysis. The third column averages the first two. In both cases, black and smokeless powders and capsensitive high explosives all occur with high frequency. Table 8 shows a breakout of the minimum number of significant bombing incidents, deaths, and injuries occurring during 1978 by explosive material fillers. The average column in table 7 was multiplied by data on Table 7.ldentified Explosive Fillers Used in Bombs Lab identified All Identified fillers 1978 fillers 1978 Average Black powder ., 13% 21% 17!40 Smokeless powder 16 19 17.5 Military ., ., ., ... 2 7 4.5 Cap sensitive ., ., 32 30 31 Blasting agents, 1 .5 Chemicals 1 .5 Others, ... ., 36 21 28 5 See app F for derivation of these numbers SOURCE BATF data
Ch. n-Detailed Findings l 2 1 Table 8.Bombing Casualties and Damage in 1978 by Typo of Bomb Number of bombings against Property damage Filler material substantial targets Deaths Injuries $ millions All fillers. ., 1,298 23 185 $17.2 Incendiary ... 428 3 13 3.7 Black powde r 148 4 19 .2 Smokeless powder : : : : : : : 152 3 23 .2 Military explosives 39 0 7 Cap sensitive. . . 270 7 26 3.3 Other . 3 40 2.4 Unknown ., ., 3 57 7.4 Total for those fillers which would be directly tagged b 570 14 68 3,7 a Value probably higher due to lack 01 data update b cap-sensitive explosives black powder and smokeless Powder would be tagged SOURCE BATF data See app F for a derivation of these figures total bombing to generate the table 8 estimates. See appendix F for details. Manufacturer to User Chain Explosive s Approximately 4 billion lb of explosives are manufacturered and used annually in the United States. Of this amount, approximately 600 million lb are standard explosives and 3.4 billion lb are blasting agents, primarily ammonium nitrate-fuel oil mixtures. Of the 600 million lb of standard explosives, about half are cap-sensitive (will reliably be detonated by a #8 detonator) dynamites, emulsions, gels, and slurries, and about half are non-cap-sensitive gels, slurries, and emulsions. Most of the standard explosives are manufactured in a plant, packaged in cartridges, and shipped, either directly to a large user such as a coal mine or to a distributor, although some are processed essentially onsite. Some of the blasting agent products are prepared by a manufacturer and sold in packages, some are prepared by a manufacturer and sold in bulk [tanker truck), while some are mixed onsite and used the same day they are prepared. Standard explosives are made by mixing together the fuel and oxidizer ingredient and feeding the mixed product into the final cartridges by a batch, semicontinuous, or continuous process. I n a batch process, the ingredients for a particular batch are first mixed and then packaged before another batch is started on that production line. In a semicontinuous process, the mixed batch is fed into an intermediate hopper from which packaging takes place, while another batch is mixed in parallel to the packaging of the first batch. In a continuous process, the material is continuously added to the mixer, processed, and packed in a continuous flow. If taggants were added to standard explosives, they would be added at the mixing stage. Taggants could also be added to packaged or bulk form manufactured blasting agents at the mixing stage. If the ammonium nitrate used to make onsite-fabricated blasting agents were to be tagged, identification taggants could be added during the prilling process, while detection taggants, which are not batch specific, could be added with the fuel oil. Boosters are generally fabricated by pouring a molten, high-energy, cap-sensitive explosive, such as TNT, into containers. Taggants could be added during the cooling process of the explosive. Detonators and detonating cord are manufactured products in which the product is built up around an explosive core in an assemblyIine process. In both cases, the taggants would be added during the assembly process, rather than directly to the explosives. All of the products have a similar flow from manufacturer to ultimate user, as shown in fig-
. 12 l Taggants in Explosives ure 1. Some of the products are sold directly by the manufacturers to large users, such as a Figure 1. Explosive Distribution Chain I Manufacturer I I 1 I Distributor I 1 I 1 Retailer b User User m 4 SOURCE: Off Ice of Technology Assessment mine or large construction company. Such sales may represent an entire days production. The rest is sold to distributors, who may buy portions of several production batches, entire batches, or even several batches. The distributors in turn sell to retail stores, supply explosives directly to some users (such as a quarry or construction site), and may also do explosive contracting themselves. A particular uniquely tagged batch of explosives may, therefore, go directly to one user, may go to one distributor, or may be sold to a number of users and distributors. From the distributor it may again go to one of several users, sometimes with a further distribution level (retailer) involved. A list of the ultimate purchasers of one specific batch of explosives could, therefore, contain one name, or up to a hundred names for a worst case example, although generally the number would be at the low end of that range. Gun powders The manufacture and distribution processes for gun powders are significantly different from those of explosives. Approximately 2 1/2 million lb of black powder and 20 million lb of smokeless powder are produced for commercial use each year. Most of the smokeless powder is used in fixed ammunition for rifles, pistols, and shotguns, would not be sold to users as an end product, and would not be tagged under S. 333. Approximately 5 million lb per year would be sold to the end user, primarily for handloading of ammunition. Of the black powder production, approximately 2 million lb are used as an intermediate product in the manufacture of fuzes and other finished products and would not be tagged; approximately 400,000 lb per year are sold for use in muzzle-loading guns and would be tagged if a taggant program were legislated. The basic process for the manufacture of gunpowders involves the following steps: mixture of ingredients, which may include the raw ingredients as well as surplus and reworked powders; granulation, where the dough is extruded, chopped, or otherwise granulated to form the various grains; screening of grains into designated sizes; and blending of various batches to get the desired ballistic characteristics. In the smokeless powder manufacturing process, nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose, and other additives are combined to make various grades before the blending process. Smokeless powder grades therefore differ due to size differences and composition differences (various amounts of nitroglycerine), while black powder and black powder substitutes such as Pyrode x @ vary only by grain size. In a given grade of powder, variations in density and other fluctuations during the manufacturing process can cause considerable variations in the ballistic properties of the final powder. As the handIoader generally has no means of controlling his ballistics other than the weight or volume of powder added, the ballistic properties of a particular grade of powder must be carefully controlled by blending. A given brand name *A registered trademark of Pyrodex Co
Ch. n-Detailed Findings 23 product may therefore contain parts of several batches, blended like brandy to give the desired ballistic properties. Several sequential blending operations may be necessary before the product meets the required specifications. If the ballistic properties of a particular batch or blended lot are too far off, the material must be reprocessed or used for something other than hand loading. If taggants are added to gunpowders, they may have to be added at different stages in the manufacturing process for different manufacturers, due to the differences in blending and reworking processes. As an example, at one smokeless powder factory that makes powder for both handloading and fixed ammunition, taggants could be added during the blending stage; blended batches that were still not satisfactory could be used for fixed ammunition. At another factory, due to their large rework factor, an additional taggant-mixing stage might be necessary. For some products, it may be possible to add taggants to the dough, although this may affect the granulation process and present blending problems. The distribution network from gunpowder manufacturers to users differs markedly from that of explosives, since there is a very large number of ultimate users, each of whom consumes a smalI amount of powder. The network is shown schematicalIy in figure 2. The manufacturer has several master distributors, each of whom supplies a number of distributors. Each distributor supplies a number of retailers, who sell the product, often in lots as small as 1 lb. A 2,000-lb uniquely tagged batch of product A may therefore ultimately be sold to over a thousand customers. Not only does this produce a much larger list of last legal purchasers, but considerably more record keeping would be involved at the retail level. Figure 2.Gunpowder Distribution Chain Manufacturer u Master distributor u Master distributor SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment
24 l Taggants in Explosives TECHNICAL EFFICACY The issues to be addressed here include the survivability of the identification taggants and the status of the detection taggant materials and sensors. A detailed discussion of the research program related to technical efficacy is in chapter I I 1; chapter IV discusses in detail the research related to safety. The identification taggants developed by 3M appear to survive the detonation of commercial explosives under ideal conditions. Confinement and fire may adversely affect survival, although the test data are very limited. Recovery of the taggants appears to be a function of the specific conditions in which the explosion and taggant recovery take place, as well as the training of the field and laboratory investigators. A large number of laboratory survival tests have been conducted to establish the postdetonation survivability of the 3M identification taggants. In many of these tests, the chamber used to recover the taggants was not ideal, resulting in low recovery rates. For example when relatively small steel-walled chambers were used, the impacting taggants either broke up upon impact, or flowed plastically due to the impact pressure pulse. When the explosive charges were detonated in large chambers, or on a large open pad, however, several hundred tags were recovered from a single, one-half-lb stick of the cap-sensitive explosives, including Atlas Power Primer, the most energetic of the standard commercial explosives. Similarly, the taggants should survive the detonation of black and smokeless powders, which have much lower energy than the more energetic explosives, under idea I conditions. The individual taggants are not expected to survive the detonation of high-energy explosives, such as the TNT used in boosters or military explos ives; Aerospace Corp. calculations have shown that the taggant material would be raised above the taggant decomposition temperature in these explosives. Survival in these energetic explosives has been demonstrated when the taggants are pressed into large pellets (one-fourth inch), but no definitive recovery testing has been conducted. When conditions are less than ideal, survival decreases. The number of surviving taggants decreases sharply as the size of the charge increases, although sufficient taggants have been recovered even from a 25-Ib Power Primer charge to establish a definite identification. The number of taggants also decreases if the explosive is confined, for example, in a pipe bomb. Hundreds of taggants survive a black powder pipe bomb; tens of taggants have been recovered, under nonideal recovery conditions, from smokeless powder pip e bombs. Only one test seems to have been conducted with cap-sensitive high explosive in a pipe bomb; scores of taggants were recovered from a pipe bomb filled with 60-percent Extra, a low-energy explosive. The recoverability of the taggants under real-world conditions is less well-established. The vast majority of the tests of recovery have been demonstrations and training exercises, with IittIe attempt at scientific controls, procedures, or documentation. Table 9 shows the results of 10 demonstrations using explosives tagged during the manufacturing process with encapsulated taggants at a 0.05 percent by weight tagging level. The number of taggants recovered is shown in each case; in some cases heroic recovery efforts were required. Statistical analysis by the Aerospace Corp. indicates that it is highly desirable to recover 20 taggants; that many were not recovered in each case. In some tests, particularly the last one, recovery was halted after the reported number was found. Table 10 shows the results of 14 similar tests, conducted without the assistance of the Aerospace Corp. and the BATF laboratory team. These tests were significantly less successful. Due to the apparent inconsistency of the test results and the lack of documentation, OTA had a limited series of five recovery tests conducted. The purpose was twofold: to get a feel for the recovery process and its difficulties, and to generate a limited number of data points for which the testing, recovery, and anaIysis were well controlled and docu
Ch. n-Detailed Findings 25 Table 9.BATF Recovery Demonstrations Place Time Target Explosive Test conditions Taggant recovery Birmingaham, Ala. February 1977 Car House House Donaldson, Pa March 1977 Borehole in coal mine Seneca, Md. June 1977 House Car Fort McArthur, Calif, November 1977 House Los Angeles, Calif. August 1978 Open Otis AFB, Mass. October 1978 Open Fort Belvoir, Va March 1979 Car 1 1/2 -lb Power Primer Against engine, fire, firefighting 11/2 -lb Coalite-8S Table, near front hall j/4-lb, 60% Extra in pipe Outside house, near wall 101/2 -lb Coalite-8S 7 each, 1 I/2-lb packages in separate boreholes 2-lb Coalite-8S Exterior room 2-lb Coalite-8S Passenger compartment 1/2 -lb Powerdyne 1-lb Powerdyne In suitcase 1-lb. Tovex 220a Three shots, 1 lb each 2-lb. Coalite Z Trunk 35 from soil sample in laboratory Hundreds, at scene Scores, at scene 20 from coal in laboratory Dozens at scene Few at scene Many at scene 20 at scene Less than 10 3 in field a Undetonted stick had only 10 percent of expected taggants Data Indicates that this explosive was from end of a batch SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment Table 10.Recovery Tests Participated in by Summit County (Ohio) Sheriffs Office Date Explosives Target Conditions Recovery results May 2, 1978 Total of 41/z-lb permissibles May 11, 1978 2-lb permissibles May 17, 1978 3-lb permissibles, 1 black powder pipe bomb (untagged) Oct 12, 1978 2-lb permissibles May 16, 1979 1/2 permission May 17, 1979 2-lb permissibles Aug 14, 1979 2-lb water gel 1 3/4-lb gelatine dynamite 2-lb permissible SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment Two cars, ground Car 3 cars, pipe 1 car fire bomb in open Car Car Car Car Under driver seat Car Under driver seat Car Under driver seat 2-hour field search (night), 10 men, 4 taggants in one car, no tags from other targets. 2-hour field search (night) by 2 men. No taggants 1-hour field search (daylight with blankets). No taggants. 2-hour field search (night). by 2 men. No taggants. 1 I/2 -hour field search (daylight with blankets), 20 men. No taggants 2-hour field search (night) by 2 men. No taggants 3-hour field search (dark), 6 men Found 3 taggants from water gel. Laboratory analysis of 60-lb debris from each car Found 5 more taggants from water gel. mented. The results of the tests are summarized in table 11 and described in detail in appendix C. Sample photomicrographs of recovered taggants are shown in figure 3. Although these tests were extremely limited in scope, and covered only one type of target (automobile), they provided a great deal of insight into the recovery process and suggest a reconciliation of the prior test results. However, a fullscale test program must be completed before a definitive assessment of taggant recovery is possible. With that caveat, the foIlowing tentative observations may be made: 1. The recovery process does not appear to be a field-readable process under the tested conditions. No taggants were spotted, and identified as such, in any of the five tests, under daylight or night conditions, without the use of a laboratory separation procedure. However, the recovery conditions were not ideal. Field recovery and identification of the taggants may be more Iikely on paved surfaces. 2. Under ideal conditions (no fire, subsequent firefighting activities, or adverse weather), sufficient debris can be gathered in a short time (less than 1 hour) by an untrained team to produce a positive taggant identification (more than 20 taggants) in the laboratory. Only a moderate (1 to 2 hour) laboratory effort is necessary by a highly trained laboratory team to isolate and identify the taggants. This probably holds for all classes of unconfined commercial explosives (excluding very high-energy explosives such as boosters or military explosives). The laboratory need not be elaborate and could well be transportable to the bombing site. 3. Under conditions of confinement (bomb placed between the engine block and the
26 l Taggants in Explosives Table 11 .OTA Recovery Test Resutts Target Placement Dynamite Test condition Taggant recovery Auto Under driver seat 2-lb Collier C 5-gal gas in tank; no fire 28 taggants in 1 M-hour lab time Auto Under driver seat 2-lb Unigel 5-gal gas in tank; no fire 23 taggants, 1 contaminant in %-hour lab time Auto Under driver seat 2-lb Power Primer 5-gal gas in tank; no fire 21 taggants in 1 1/2-hour lab time: 12 of type A oftype ~ dual tagge d Auto Under driver seat 2-lb Collier C 1-gal gas adjacent to bomb, 23 taggants in3-hour lab time fire, firefighting Pickup Between engine 2-lb Power Primer Dry tank, no fire 26 taggants, plus one contaminant in 4 hours lab time, 5-hour and firewall induction time preceded the search time due to confusion caused by equipment contamination, SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment Figure 3.Photomicrographs of Recovered Taggants \ \ \ \ a) Scale 1 division = 1 mm b) Collier C under driver, 8 taggants on slide e) Collier C under driver, 17 taggants on slide Photo credits U.S Department of the Treasury firewall), sufficient taggants can still be 4. Taggants can be recovered from an autorecovered for a confirmed identification, mobile bombing with a low-power exploalthough somewhat more effort is probsive, even after a gasoline fire and subseably necessary, both in the field and in the quent firefighting efforts. Tests would be laboratory. This tentative conclusion necessary to determine if taggants would would hold for all cap-sensitive commersurvive a postdetonation fire in conjunccial explosives (excluding boosters and tion with a more energetic explosive. It miIitary explosives). should be noted that no fire occurred in
Ch. n-Detailed Findings 27 5. 6. the three tests in which gasoline was placed in the gas tank. Fire had to be specifically induced (a gallon of gasoline was placed adjacent to the bomb) for the burn test. The results of the automobile tests may well be generalizable to other test conditions (buildings, open areas), but testing would be required before that claim could be made. No substantive recovery data are avail able for large charges, explosives in pipe bombs, tagged boosters, detonators or detonating cord, or charges consisting of an untagged blasting agent with a tagged booster and detonator. Taggants were reported recovered from a large bomb consisting of an untagged blasting agent and a tagged booster, conducted in December 1979, but the test specifics have not yet been examined by OTA. The technology for detection sensors has been demonstrated in the laboratory, but at least several years of development would be necessary before field models would be available. Three types of sensors are being considered for use with the microencapsulated vapor detection taggants. Each type is capable of sensing, under properly controlled conditions, in the parts-per-trillion regime envisioned for the system. The mass spectrometer sensor is a simplified version of a standard laboratory instrument. The spectrometer, however, must be calibrated regularly, requires ski lied scientists to operate and maintain it, is large, and is quite expensive. The ion mobility spectrometer has been commercially available for approximately 5 years, with approximately 50 machines being used in laboratory analyses. It shares the laboratory instrument characteristics of the mass spectrometer. The continuous electron capture detector has been produced as a laboratory instrument, but in limited numbers. Laboratory and controlled-environment testing with the three types of instruments has shown promising results. For example, a less sensitive mass spectrometer is currently operating in an online process mode at Libby-Owens-Ford, maintained by regular maintenance personnel. Testing of the ion mobility spectrometer in an airport environment has indicated that the spectrometer can differentiate molecules of mass similar to the vapor taggants from the ambient environment. Similarly, laboratory testing of the continuous electron capture detector has indicated its ability to discriminate taggant-like molecules. These limited tests, however, are a long way from demonstrating that the sensors can distinguish the specified vapor taggant species from other molecules, particularly those in the same mass range. The ion mobiIity spectrometer and mass spectrometer have an active separation mechanism to preclude interference with molecules that differ significantly in mass; the continuous electron capture spectrometer must rely on a far less reliable passive breakup mechanism. No estimates have been made of the time required to produce fielded units, once a feasibility demonstration has been made (none of the three candidates has yet progressed that far). The only time estimate so far made is an estimate by the Aerospace Corp. that it would take 14 months from demonstration of feasibility to the completion of the prototype stage for the ion mobility spectrometer. This estimate is quite optimistic for an instrument that would be produced in large numbers by a small company. OTA feels it would be at least 3 years, and probably more like 5, before a taggant sensor could be fielded. The estimate is based on generalizing from other commercial and military instrument development experience. The candidate detection taggant vapors appear promising, but more research is necessary. Several hundred candidate chemicals have been screened in a search for a vapor that exhibits the desired properties of scarcity in nature, long-term stability, chemical inertness, vapor pressure, penetration, and nonadhesion to surfaces likely to be present in containers used to conceal bombs. The five candidate perfluorinated cycloalphones appear promising on the basis of early tests. (No long-term stability data are available, however, nor are there data on the long-term stability of the diffusion rate through the encapsulating materi-
28 Taggants in Explosives al). Additional problems, such as ease of manufacture, specificity with respect to the detector, and compatibility, have not yet been addressed. Ease of manufacture is a doubleedged problem if manufacture is too difficult, then costs will be high; if it is too easy, then illegally manufactured material can be used as a countermeasure to the detection sensors. The most promising candidates are dif ficult to manufacture, require highly specialized equipment, and would be hard fo r bombers to make or acquire for use as countermeasures. Once the equipment is operational, unit costs should not be unreasonable. A problem which probably applies to all varieties of vapor taggants is that seals can be made that are taggant proof although apparently common seals are insufficient. COMPATIBILITY OF TAGGANTS WITH EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS The compatibility of explosive materials with the specific identification and detection taggant materials is addressed here. Compatibility has two connotations: the first concerns the safety during manufacture, transportation, storage, and use of explosive material due to the addition of taggants; the second concerns changes in the performance of the explosive materials to which taggants have been added. Such compatibility must be demonstrated by specific tests. Generalization of the results to other hypothetical taggants is hazardous at best. Safety tests conducted to date with the encapsulated 3M identification taggants have shown no incompatibilities with dynamites, gels, slurries, emulsions, or black powder, allowing a presumption that comprehensive testing would show that these taggants are compatible with these explosives. High concentrations of taggants do react with one kind of smokeless powder and one type of cast booster material at elevated temperatures, and consequently incompatibility must be presumed pending further research. A large number of paired safety tests have been conducted comparing the sensitivity and stability of commercial explosives and gunpowders with and without identification taggant s added. Safety tests included mechanical impact, thermal stability, thermal impact, friction, electrical properties, and chemical reactivity, although no single explosive has been subjected to al I of the above tests. I n no case did the addition of encapsulated taggants significantly increase the sensitivity of the explosive materials to the test conditions. No evidence of any decreased stability, or other significant changes, was found in any of the tests with dynamites, gels, slurries, or black powder. The tests with tagged cast booster materials showed some indications of instability at elevated temperatures. A mixture of RDX and TNT (Composition B) showed evidence of reaction and probable decomposition at temperatures of 120 C when taggants were added to the booster mix; significantly less reaction occurred without taggants. Tests with Octol showed little reaction whether taggants were present or not. Pentolite showed little evidence of reaction with taggants in one test at 1 2 0 0 C; the gas evolution from untagged pentolite was too high for comparative testing on a second series. Similarly, the stability of one type of Hercules smokeless powder has been shown to be significantly decreased by the addition of the 3M identification taggants at elevated temperatures and taggant concentrations. (Although Hercules tested only Herco powder, Hercules believes that their other brands of powder designed for the reloading market are so similar to Herco @ that similar test results could be expected.) Tests were conducted at temperatures ranging from 80 to 120 C and at taggant concentrations of 50 percent. Tests at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratories appear to indicate that the incompatibility is between some element of the powder and the basic melamine/alkyd material of the taggants, rather than with the encapsulant or a pigment. *A registered trademark of Hercules Inc.
Ch. n-Detailed Findings 29 Both the smokeless powder and booster material tests took place at high temperatures, and, in most of the tests, at high taggant concentrations. The temperature used for the smokeless powder test was higher than would be expected in actual manufacture, storage, or use; the temperature used for the cast booster is sometimes reached in manufacturing processes. In each test, a taggant concentration of 50 percent was used rather than the 0.05-percent tagging concentration suggested for routine use. The tests, nonetheless, indicate that the stability of the materials has decreased, due to the addition of taggants, and that a reaction is taking place between elements of the taggant and elements of the explosive material. Standard qualification test procedures require that such evidence be considered a sign of an existing incompatibility between the materials. Carefully controlled testing and extensive analysis must be completed before it can be determined if the observed evidence of incompatibility does, in fact, indicate a potential safety problem during the manufacture, storage, transportation, and use of the tested materials. Unless demonstrated otherwise, it must be assumed that it is unsafe to add the taggants to that smokeless powder or to the booster material. Until the elements of the incompatibility have been identified, a question remains as to the safety of adding the taggants to similar smokeless powders and booster materials, although tests with other smokeless powders and boosters have shown no evidence of incompatibility. The tests so far conducted are only a small fraction of the total number of tests that must be performed before it can conclusively be determined whether taggants are compatible with commercial explosives and gun powders. Even if the current question of the stability of smokeless powder and boosters is resolved, it is not possible to generalize from the results of the limited test program so far completed and conclude that the testing has demonstrated that taggants can be safely added to explosives. Thousands of people come into contact with explosives every day during the manufacture, storage, transportation, and use of explosives. Accidents involving explosives can have extremely severe consequences to these thousands of people; therefore, safety must be demonstrated. A carefully administered qualification program of analysis, safety testing, manufacturing procedures control, and experience is necessary before a new explosive, or an explosive with a significant change in composition, can be considered safe. I n addition, each type of explosive product requires individual evaluation and testing, The type of qualification program considered necessary before safety can be demonstrated is shown in table 12 and discussed in detail in chapter IV. A particularly important aspect of that qualification testing is the effect of long-term storage. While the qualification program outlined in table 12 must be performed before taggants Table 12.Elemertts of a Suggested Compatibility (qualification Program l unique with each manufacturer l analysis to define the new explosive or Ingredient l laboratory testimg impact, friction, thermal, chemical composition electrical, aging, chemical interactions, performance l pilot production committee and management review l early production and review special tests l experience SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment can be safely added to explosive materials, the apparent incompatibility with the HercosmokeIess powder must be resolved before it makes sense for the taggant compatibility qualification program to proceed. Resolution of this problem is pertinent for the entire identification taggant program, not simply for smokeless powders or for Herco @ As discussed in detail in chapter Vl, smokeless powders are used in a significant number of criminal bombing incidents and account for a significant fraction of bombing casualties. If smokeless powders are not controlled, then more bombers may well switch to their use, resulting in an even greater smokeless powder born bing problem. The resolution could take any of several forms, includi ng:
. 30 l Taggants in Explosive s Reformulation of the 3M taggant this could require starting essentially from scratch in the taggant testing program, as the reformulated taggant would undoubtedly exhibit different compatibility, as well as survivability, properties. Reformulation of the particular reactant smokeless powder this may or may not be easily accomplished, once the element or elements that react with the taggant are isolated. This option would be viable only if no other smokeless powders were found to show incompatibilities. l Exe/us ion of the reacting smokeless powwaler from the taggant program the economic effects on competition could need to be carefully considered, as would alternate control mechanisms. l Exclusion of smokeless powders from the identification taggant program such an exclusion would rely on the fact that smokeless powders would be less effective than cap-sensitive high explosives and that the detonators would be tagged. OTA believes that this last approach may not be viabletoo many people are currently killed or injured by bombs using smokeless powders and the numbers would almost certainly increase if this approach were adopted. Alternate control mechanisms for smokeless powders could also be adopted. l Development of a different type of taggant for use with Herc o @ or with all smokeless powders, while retaining the existing taggant for high explosives. This would somewhat complicate field investigation of bombings. l Demonstration that the observed stability problem does not constitute a safety hazard. The observed decreased stability occurs at elevated temperatures and taggant concentrations 1,000 times greater than normal. As the decomposition rate is both temperature and concentration sensitive, it may be that no safety hazard exists under realistic conditions. If it could be positively demonstrated that the decomposition rate was within the normally accepted range for temperature regimes and concentrations which reflect worst case actual use conditions, then it may be possible to add taggants to the smokeless powder, particularly if no further incompatibilities surface. Demonstration of safety would have to be quite convincing, however, to overcome the currently perceived incompatibility. Similarly, the apparent incompatibility with one cast booster material should be resolved before the taggant compatibility qualification program should proceed. Booster material is rarely used as a bomb filler, but it is used to initiate blasting agents. The current BATF plan would be to not directly tag blasting agents, but to tag the booster and detonators used to initiate the blasting agent. Exclusion of boosters from the taggant program may well require an alternate control mechanism for blasting agents. Given the extremely large quantity of blasting agents produced (3.4 billion lb annually), any other control mechanism may have serious cost consequences. The limited number of tests conducted, the conditions under which some of the tests were conducted, and the preliminary manner in which the tests have been reported, make it difficult to definitely assess the extent of the potential compatibility problem. If definitive test results do show an increased decomposition rate, at least for RDX/TNT explosive materials, the incompatibility will have to be resolved before those booster materials can be tagged. Most of the mechanisms for resolution of the smokeless powder incompatibility are applicable to booster materials, with the same consequences and caveats. While the testing program conducted to date gives an indication that the identification taggants may well be compatible with most commercial explosives and gunpowders, little data are available as to the potential compatibility of detection taggants with explosive materials. Compatibility testing with gunpowders and cap-sensitive high explosives has recently been initiated under contract to the Aerospace Corp.; however, no compatibility testing has as
Ch. n-Detailed Findings 31 yet been reported. As indicated above, each change to an explosive composition must be evaluated separately. Successful completion of the preliminary detection compatibiIity program would indicate the need for a full qualification program. As some compounding of sensitivity may occur with both types of taggants present, the full qualification testing program should address that issue. Compatibility testing includes performance testing, as well as the safety testing discussed above. In most cases, the performance of explosive materials is unlikely to be significantly affected by the addition of small amounts of taggant materials. Performance proof-testing must be completed, however, before a definitive statement could be made. The energy density and rate of energy release are the two most important performance attributes of commercial explosives. Energy density is a fundamental chemical property of the explosive formulation. The rate of energy release is a function of the materials involved and the physical proximity of the fuel and oxidizer components. The presence of taggants, in the few hundreths-ofa-percent by weight basis being considered, is unlikely to directly affect either of those performance characteristics. Similarly, the presence of taggants in the suggested concentration is unlikely to affect the ballistic properties of gunpowders. The few tests conducted s o far, including tests of the basic properties of explosive materials, such as detonation velocity, cap sensitivity, chamber pressure, and projectiIe velocity, support that conclusion. Physical segregation of the taggants is one mechanism which could affect performance. If the gunpowder grains segregate from the taggant, then it is statistically possible that a clump of taggants could cause uneven burning, prevent ignition, or result in a hazardous hangfire condition. Similarly, in some specialty explosive products, such as shaped charges used for oiI welI perforators, migration of the taggants to the explosive-metal interface could cause poor jet formation. Testing with gunpowder has shown that migration apparently does occur, at least u,nder vibration conditions consistent with truck transportation. I n tests with gunpowders that differ in both size and density from the taggants, the taggants and powder fines tend to separate from the larger powder grains. Tests with smokeless powder matched in size with the taggants, but different in density, were inconclusive. Testing is required to determine both the extent of segregation which could be expected if tagged gunpowders went through extreme but plausible conditions of transportation and storage, and also the statistical probability that segregation to this degree would adversely affect ballistic performance or in-gun safety. The Winchester Western Division of th e Olin Corp. recently conducted a series of tests to evaluate the effects of segregation and high taggant concentration on the ignition properties of smokeless powder. Significantly reduced ballistic performance was noted on one round, fired at 3 0 0 C with four times the suggested taggant concentration. The othe r rounds fired in this test series showed acceptable performance (velocity, chamber pressure, and ignition time). Olin-Winchester conducted additional tests using 100-percent segregation of taggants from powder grains, a condition so extreme that no conclusions can be drawn (see ch. IV). OTA believes that although testing is indeed required to establish the ballistic effects, if any, of adding taggants to smokeless powder, it is necessary first to establish (by testing and by statistical analysis) the extent to which variation in taggant concentrations and segregation of taggants in normal conditions of transportation and use could be expected. Taggant clumping (10 to 15 taggants) sometimes occurs when the taggants are added to explosive materials. It is unlikely that th e clumping would affect performance or safety, but that type of anomalous behavior should be investigated, particularly as the physical chemistry of some of the explosive products, particularly the gels and slurries, is so poorly understood. As for the possible performance degradations in shaped charges due to taggants, OTA
32 l Taggants in Explosives estimates, based on tests conducted by the could cause some degradation to occur, but it U.S. Army Ballistics Research Laboratory, inis difficult to envision a mechanism which dicate that a clump as large as 0.02 inch would would allow that large a clump to accumulate, not affect performance, even for precisionas that would represent all of the taggants in shaped charges, unless the clump contained a approximately one-half lb of explosives. large hollow center. Clumps as large as 0.1 inch COST OF A TAGGANT PROGRAM Estimates can be made of the total cost of a taggant program, the cost impact on manufacturers and users of explosives, the effects of a legislated monopoly, and the possibility of added liability of manufacturers due to the inclusion of taggants in explosives. In the above safety and efficacy discussion, the status of the current identification and detection taggant systems was evaluated. In the following cost section, an assumption is made that the taggants work and are safe, and cost estimates are generated parametrically as a function of the implementation plan. It is specifically assumed that the resolution of the smokeless powder and booster material incompatibility questions, and any subsequent questions which may arise, do not have significant cost impacts. I n the case of the smokeless powder and booster materials, this assumption is probably justified, as the cost of the taggant materials represents only a small fraction of the total cost added by a taggant program. The primary finding of the cost analysis is that the cost of a taggant program can vary by almost an order of magnitude, depending on the implementation plan. A baseline program is identified that would increase the cost of explosives and gunpowders to the ultimate user by approximately 10 percent. The primary variables affecting the total program costs are the class of explosive materials to be tagged, the uniquely tagged batch size, and the number of locations at which the detection sensors would be deployed. Cost estimates for total program cost, added cost per pound of explosive or gunpowder, and public overhead costs are shown in table 13 for three implementation levels. The cost estimates include the costs for both identification and detection taggant programs. The Table 13.Cost of a Taggant Program as a Function of lmplemmtation Plan Program level Cost parameter Low Baseline High Added cost per pound to cap-sensitive explosives 3.5$ 6.0$ 9.6c Added cost per pound to gunpowders 3,5c 65.8c $1.04 Public overhead cost, millions of dollars per year $5,3 $8.5 $24.5 Total program costs, millions of dollars per year $30.5 $45 $268 SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment total program cost for separate implementation of identification and detection taggant programs is included in the discussion of each case. The low, baseline, and high cost estimates do not correspond to different estimates of the same program; rather they refer to different tagging levels, different explosives tagged, and different numbers of sensors. Chapter V contains a detailed discussion of the cost estimates and a discussion of the sensitivity of the costs to the accuracy of the cost element estimates. To compare the program costs for a constant number of detection taggant sensor locations, it is only necessary to adjust the highand low-program cost figure by $4,370 for each sensor deployed. 1. The low-level program would use a unique identification taggant for each manufacturer, type of product, and year of manufacture. A total of 800 detection sensors would be deployed, one for passengers and one for baggage at each airport location currently deploying magnetometers and hand baggage X-ray units. Cap-sensitive high explosives, detonators, boosters, detonating cord, and smokeless and black powders would be tagged with both identification and detection taggants. Blasting agents would not be directly tagged. The
Ch. n-Detailed Findings 3 3 cost of separate low-level identification and detection taggant programs would be approximately $15 million and $22 million, respectively. 2. The baseline program would tag the same materials as the low-level program, but would use a unique identification taggant for each shift of each product analogous to the current date-shift code marking on the exterior of explosives. Traceability to the list of last legal purchasers would be maintained, as the taggants would contain all the information needed for a BATF trace (date, shift, product, and size). Approximately 2,500 detection taggant sensors would be deployed at airports and major controlled-access facilities such as powerplants, refineries, and Government buildings. Major polic e bomb squads would operate portable units, This baseline program differs from the program proposed by the BATF/Aerospace Corp. team in only two respects. The most important is that a full shift of the same product (a different cartridge size would be treated as a different product) would be tagged with the same taggant, rather than an arbitrary 10,000 to 20,000 lb. The practical utility result is that a potentially longer list of last purchasers would be produced by a trace, at least for those lines that make more than 10,000 to 20,000 lb of a product in a single shift. The second difference concerns rework. It has been assumed that a special taggant will be added to material with more than 10-percent cross-containination; such a taggant would indicate that the material used was a composite and that taggant codes other than the specific composite code should be ignored. The cost of separate baseline identification and detection taggant programs would be approximately $25 million for each. 3. The high-level program would uniquely tag each 10,000-lb batch of explosive and each 2,000I b batch of gunpowder. AlI explosive materials, including blasting agents, would be directly tagged. Ammonium nitrate fabricated for use in blasting agents would be tagged, but not fertilizer-grade ammonium nitrate. Approximately 5,000 detection taggant sensors would be deployed at every major transportation facility, controlled-access utility, Government facility, and other potential high-value targets such as campus computer locations. Portable units would be routinely available to police bomb squads. The taggant level and types of explosives to be tagged in the high-level program correspond to a strict interpretation of S. 333, as propounded by the Institute of Makers of Explosives (IME). The cost of separate high-level identification and detection taggant programs would be approximately $214 million and $65 million, respectively. The identification taggant cost figures used in alI three levels of the analysis are based on price estimates furnished by 3M, for specific implementation guidelines. 3M furnished management-approved cost estimates for unencapsulated taggants for three different quantities of explosives to be tagged, assureing a firm order for 2 years (costs would remain the same for a 5-year contract). These cost estimates represent the firmest figures possible short of an actual contract. Assuming linear interpolation between data points furnished, the unencapsuIated taggants would cost between $93 and $114/lb for the amount of taggants necessary for the baseline level case (41 9 million lb of explosive equivalent). The first figure represents a cost goal and the second a worst case estimate. 3M technical people also furnished an estimate of encapsulating cost, but were unable to estimate the cost of the opaque encapsulation assumed by OTA as the baseline product. Based on the above data, OTA estimated that it would cost approximately $55/lb for opaque encapsulated taggants; as the baseline tagging level is 0.05 percent by weight of encapsulated taggants, and the encapsulating material weighs the same as the unencapsuIated taggants, this corresponds to 2.75 cents/lb of cap-sensitive explosives for the identifica-
34 Taggants in Explosives tion tagging material ($93 for 1 lb of unencapsulated taggants plus $17 for 1 lb of encapsulating material plus the process equals $110 for 2 lb of encapsulated taggants, or $55/l b.) OTA estimated the same cost for taggants at the other two implementation levels. Chapter V includes an analysis of how changes in the cost and/or concentration of the taggants themselves wouId affect the cost of the program. All other cost figures are estimates based on specific inputs submitted to OTA by manufacturers, distributors, and end users. Detailed treatment of the cost elements is contained in chapter V. The cost impact to end users of explosives can be considerable. Implementation plans that do not take into account the impact on manufacturers and users of explosives could drive a number of manufacturers and users out of the market; could make some classes of finished products, like copper, uncompetitive in the world market; and could force entire segments of industries to radically change operating procedures, such as shifting underground coal mining from explosive mining to mining machines. Detailed discussions and analysis, however, indicate that it is quite unlikely that a taggant program similar to the baseline would eliminate any current uses of explosive materials, although marginal companies and product lines might be eliminated. As indicated above, the baseline program differs from the BATF-proposed implementation only in that batch size takes into account the normal production processes and quantities of the explosives and gunpowder manufacturers. This finding is based on detailed discussions with a limited number of users and manufacturers about current costs and the possible impact of cost increases. Some examples are illustrative. Increasing the cost of cap-sensitive high explosives the 12 percent projected would increase the cost of extracting coal in a particular modern underground mine by only 0.1 percent. Such a small increase would not be significant to this intensive user of cap-sensitive explosives, an d would be quite unlikely to cause a shift to mechanical mining machines or render a particular mining operation uneconomic. Similarly, that type of increase in the cost of capsensitive explosives, boosters, detonators, and detonating cord in a large, open pit copper mine would increase the cost of producing copper only 0.03 percent. As blasting agents are currently used whenever possible in that mine (cap-sensitive explosives are used only for secondary breakup), no shift in explosive products used would take place. The cost of a recent explosive-intensive dam construction project would increase 1 percent under the baseline program, a larger percentage, but not enough to be significant or force alternate uses. A price differential of approximately five-to-one currently exists in favor of blasting agents over cap-sensitive high explosives, which has caused most users of explosive materials to consider blasting agents, and shift where feasible; an increase in that differential to six-to-one is unlikely to significantly change the current status. As a final example, consider the cost impact on handloaders. Handloaders load their own ammunition for two reasons economy and the hobby aspect. A less-than-l O-percent cost increase in expendable material is unlikely to affect a hobby for which hundreds of dollars in costs have already been incurred (hand loading equipment and guns). As powder is only one of several materials on which a handloader saves costs (cartridge cases, projectiles, wadding), and additional cost-savings are realized from labor and by eliminating the excise tax on purchased ammunition, an 8-percent increase in powder cost would translate into an even smaller increase in total reloading costs. It is possible, however, that manufacturers would shrink the range of available product lines in order to minimize the startup costs of tagging. A smaller choice of products would bean additional cost to the handloader. The identification taggants currently proposed to be used are manufactured only by 3M and are a proprietary product manufactured by a proprietary process. In addition, a significant public overhead cost would have been incurred before the compatibility of explosive materials with the taggants could have been
Ch. n-Detailed Findings l 3 5 demonstrated. Mandating the addition of identification taggants to explosive material s would, therefore, ensure a monopoly of the Government-mandated market for 3M, at least for a period of several years. Under such circumstances, development of a mechanism to regulate the virtual monopoly of the identification taggant market which 3M would enjoy is highly desirable. A number of mechanisms are available to regulate the price of taggants, including: 1. a price level set by Congress in the enabling legislation, 2. regulation as a public utility, 3. licensing by 3M of competitors, 4. a multiyear, fixed-price contract, and 5. a free-market price, regulated only by the possibility of competition or sanctions if prices get too high. The free-market mechanism may be unacceptable to manufacturers of explosives and gunpowders, given the long time needed to either develop and qualify an alternative taggant or enact sanction legislation. Legislation of a price or use of a regulation mechanism similar to that used for public utilities would be an awkward, time-consuming process for a product whose total annual value would be on the order of $10 milIion. Licensing is not only disagreeable to 3M, but it is probably not cost-effective. The cost of the taggant material includes a component for amortization of the taggant production facility, as a new facility must be built and the primary market for identification taggants would Iikely be the mandated explosives market. The process which 3M plans to implement is capital intensive. Licensing of other manufacturers would therefore require the construction of facilities for the licensee, in addition to a new 3M facility, resulting in a substantially higher total cost. A long-term contract is a potentially attractive mechanism, In fact, the 3M cost estimates are conditional on firm orders for a 2-year period, although 3M is willing to consider contracting periods of up to 5 years. The details of the regulating mechanism have not been addressed by this study; if a multiyear contract is an acceptable mechanism, there may be some advantage to a single contracting agency (presumably within the Government), rather than separate contracts with each manufacturer of explosives and gunpowders. I n addition to saving the cost of multiple contracting, the single contract concept would Iimit the amount of information on numbers of product lines and production quantities of explosives available to 3M, a matter of some sensitivity to the explosive manufacturers. A final cost-related issue merits attention. The legislation of a taggant program might change the extent to which manufacturers are held liable for accidental explosions. In the event that an accidental explosion takes place, those injured may attempt to hold the manufacturer of the explosives, the seller of the explosives, or the manufacturer of the taggants liable. The addition of taggants to explosives coul d change the existing situation in several possible ways: l l l l The use of taggants would make it easier to identify undetonated explosives from the same batch as those involved in the accident, thus facilitating proof or disproof of allegations that the explosive, the taggant, or both were incorrectly manufactured. Evidence that incorrectly manufactured taggants had been involved in an accident would probably subject the taggant manufacturer to liability, regardless of any disclaimers made at the time of sale. Evidence that taggants had been incorrectly added to explosives (e. g., an excessive concentration) might expose the explosives manufacturer to Iiability, if evidence could be presented that such a high concentration posed a danger. There should be no cases in which the evidence shows that taggants were unsafe if made and used correctly, due to the extensive qualification program required to demonstrate taggant safety. In any event, the fact that Federal law required the use of taggants would be a defense.
36 Taggants in Explosives l If, however, taggants actualIy create a hazard but there is no evidence that they do so, the manufacturers of explosives might be exposed to liability based on an (incorrect) assumption that the manufacturing process was somehow at fault. Furthermore, Congress could include in the legislation mandating a taggant program provisions directing who should bear the costs of accidents. For example, Congress could shift the cost to the Government by allowing suits against the Government for accident losses alUTILITY OF Before the utility of identification and detection taggants to law enforcement, security, and other regulatory agencies can be assessed, it is first necessary to examine the bomber threat in some detail. The utility against each segment of the bomber population can then be assessed, together with the possible responses of the criminal bombers, and be compared to the utility of other control methods. identification taggants may also have utility for purposes other than tracing of criminal bombers. The bomber population of the United States is extremely heterogeneous, with varying motives, resources, skills, and ability to adapt to a changing control environment. For ease of discussion, bombers are divided into four categories which differ from each other in most characteristics. These categories include terrorists, common criminals, the mentally disturbed, and vandals and experimenters. The characteristics of the various types of bombers are summarized in table 14 and briefly described below. Terrorists The terrorist groups active in the United States vary widely in ability, resources, training, and adaptability. They share the common characteristics, however, of high motivation, action as a part of a group, and a continuing Iegedly due to taggants. Alternatively, by legislating a presumption that taggants are safe or simply by granting immunity to manufacturers, Congress could shift the cost of any taggant-caused accidents to explosives users. A third possibility would be to legislate in a way that would make taggant and/or explosives manufacturers liable for accidents caused by taggants despite legislative coercion to use them. A final option would be to divide the costs of accidents by legislative limits on the dollar amount of claims arising from accidents allegedly caused by taggants. The issue of liability is treated in detail in appendix D. TAGGANTS involvement in catastrophic, illegal against society. These characteristics activities make the terrorist particularly dangerous to society and a particularly appropriate target for anti bombing controls. Terrorists can be roughly divided into political, reactionary, and separatist groups. Political groups are primarily interested in attracting attention to, and sympathy with, their cause. For that reason they engage in spectacular events, such as bombings, but generally attempt to avoid or limit injury and death resulting from their bombings. Political terrorists often have considerable resources available to them, due to the significant number of people who support their aim, if not necessarily their means. The leadership of most of these groups are of above-average inteliigence, and have either had specialized training or have studied extensively in terrorist activities. They are thus able to adapt to a changing environment, although the range of responses available to them may be Iimited by their political aims. Such political groups have been relatively inactive in the United States in recent years. Separatist groups, such as FALN (a Puerto Rican terrorist group), generally hope to gain their aims by generating a reaction to their activities, rather than a sympathy to their aims. They are therefore generally less concerned with public revulsion to bombings that cause
Ch. n-Detailed Findings l 3 7 Table 14.Attributes of Criminal Bomber Groups Experience Individual Perpetrator and training Resources Motivation or group Reaction capability Frequency Criminal Unsophisticate d Sophisticated L H M H M H Mu It! Multi L M I I Terrorist Political ., Separatis t Reactionar y M-H M-H L M-H M L M-H H H G G G M-H H L-M Multl Multi Multi Mentally disturbed Disenchante d Vengefu l Pathologica l L L L-M L L L L-M M-H H I I I L L-M L-M Single Single Varies Other Vandal s Experimetto r L M L-M L-M Single Single L L I I L L-M L Low M-Moderate H-High I Individual G. Group SOURCE Oftice of Technology Assessment substantial injury and deaths Separatist groups have been credited with more than 25 percent of catastrophic bombingsthose resulting in major property damage, injuries, and deaths. The resources of domestic separatists vary from group to group, but are generally less than for comparable groups of political terrorists. Reactionary groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party, share some of the characteristics of the political terrorists, but generally do not possess the same levels of training, motivation, and resources, and are not as capable of reacting effectively to a changing control environment. They also differ in that their bombings are usualIy directly targeted at the individual or group they intend to influence, rather than simply at a spectacular target. Terrorists have been responsible for approximately 12 percent of those bombing incidents in the past 5 years to which law enforcement agencies assigned a motive. readiIy adapt to a changing enforcement environment. The only major characteristic he shares with the professional bomber is that his targets are generally individuals or small commercial establishments, unlikely to be protected by a detection taggant sensor. The professional bomber is highly trained and motivated and generalIy has considerable resources available to him, either directly or through his employer. Criminals share with terrorists the characteristics of engaging in repeated bombings, but differ in that the professional criminal bomber usualIy works alone, rather than as part of a group. Criminals as a group are responsible for approximately 6 percent of bombing incidents. Most incidents are limited to specific targets and do not generally cause substantial injury or death to innocent bystanders. Mentally Disturbed The mentally disturbed bomber differs from terrorists and criminals in that he generally does not engage in multiple bombings, although exceptions such as the Los Angeles Alphabet Bomber certainly exist. He generally is poorly trained, has Iimited resources, and acts alone. He is often highly motivated, but perhaps only for short periods of time, in direct response to some stimulus. He is extremely limited in his ability to respond to changin g Common Criminals Criminals range from the petty operator who utilizes a bomb for extortion to the professional bombers of organized crime. The petty operator is generally poorly trained, is not very motivated, has limited resources, and cannot
38 l Taggants in Explosives control situations, either through lack of care of consequences or belief in his invincibility. As his motives are hard to identify, it is dif ficult to predict his targets. Vandals and Experimenters vandals and experimenters share the characteristics of poor training, limited motivation, and limited resources. They generally work alone or in small groups, and do not generally intend to harm people or cause extensive damage. Their targets are often of little value, like mailboxes or outhouses, but some acts of vandalism can cause extensive damage to buildings such as schools. While accounting for over 40 percent of the reported bombing incidents, they are responsible for little damage and few casualties. Given the diversity of the criminal bomber population, the range of targets involved in bombings, and the choice of explosives available to the bombers, it is difficult to assess the utility of taggants to law enforcement agencies. The assessment is made particularly difficult by the lack of experience with taggants, although the McFillan case (recently tried in Baltimore) provides one example where identification taggants were an extremely important piece of evidence linking a suspected perpetrator to the crime. Inferences can also be made from experience with the date-shift code and with the X-ray machines and magnetometers used at airports to prevent hijackings. A useful construct for viewing the findings is shown in table 15, the discussion of which follows. Both identification and detection taggants would have limited utility in combating bombings of low-value targets. Due to limitations on law enforcement time and resources, minor bombings, such as a vandalism bombing of a mailbox, do not warrant as thorough an investigation as bombings involving casualties or significant property damage. In New York, for example, such cases are generally handled at the individual precinct level, without the use of the trained bomb squad, bombing investigators, and forensic laboratories. As evidenced by the results of the recovery demonstrations, a visTable 15.Taggant Utility Summary Specific bombing conditions Identification taggants Detection taggants Low-value targets Limited utility Limited utility High-value targets, no bomber High utility Extremely high utility countermeasures High-value targets, Countermeasures Countermeasures bomber costly due to require technical countermeasures increased risk knowledge, planning SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment ual search of the area by untrained law enforcement personnel is unlikely to turn up identification taggants. Similarly, detection taggant sensors are unlikely to be present before the detonation. The lack of utility in these cases, however, does not greatly diminish the overall utility of a taggant program, as the intent of the program is not to prevent this type of bombing, but to help prevent significant bombings and to help in the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators of such bombings. Identification and detection taggants would provide a quantum increase in utility in combating bombings of high-value targets, assuming the absence of effective bomber responses. The current procedure for the apprehension and control of criminal bombers consists of three phases: 1. 2. 3. the postdetonation search of the area for physical evidence; the investigation, based on the results of the analysis of the physical evidence; and intelligence gathering on, and surveillance of, suspected perpetrators or expected targets. The search for evidence phase includes a detailed analysis to try and determine the type of explosive used (successful approximately 5 0 percent of the time) and examination of whatever parts of the bomb, such as elements of the timing device, may have survived the detonation. This evidence, together with any evidence of the presence of the perpetrator (such as hair or footprints) serves as the startin g point for the investigative phase.
Ch. I/Detailed Findings l 3 9 The investigative phase consists primarily of trying to generate some type of lead to the perpetrators from the physical evidence gathered, as well as tracking leads provided by informants or witnesses and attempts to correlate the characteristics of the bombing with similar instances. A great deal pended, for instance, sources of a common c mechanism. The addition of ident of effort may be exin investigating the ock used as the timing fication taggants to explosives would aid the investigatory efforts of law enforcement personnel in a number of ways, provided that tagged explosives are used, the taggants survive the detonation, and the taggants are recovered from the explosive debris. The taggants provide a good starting point for an investigation as they directly indicate the type of explosive used, manufacturer, time of manufacture, and provide a list of the last legal purchasers. This information may lead directly to a bomber who purchased the explosives legally. In some cases, the bomber would not otherwise be identified with the bombing; in others, as was the case with the McFillan incident in Baltimore, the taggants add a strong link in a chain of evidence, which may help to obtain a conviction. Taggants may provide intelligence information, such as linking a series of bombings, or linking a suspect to a theft of explosives by establishing that one of the legal purchasers reported a theft at the time the suspect was in the city in which the theft occurred. Finally, bombers may be deterred from committing bombings by the knowledge that the chances of their being apprehended are increased by a taggant program. In order for the taggant information to be useful, however, the bombing must be of sufficient importance (in terms of property damage, notoriety generated, or casualties produced) to warrant a thorough investigation. In such cases, identification taggants will provide much more information, and more reliable information, than present methods, and this information will require much less effort by the investigating team. The value of the list of last legal purchasers will depend somewhat on the length of the Iist. A trace which indicates that the full taggant batch of explosives was sold directly to a mine by the explosives manufacturer obviously provides a more useful lead than a trace which shows a large number of purchasers of a lot of smokeless powder. Even for the smokeless powder case, the list of names would probably not be excessively long. The types of bombings likely to warrant a detailed investigation are unlikely to be caused by 1 or 2 lb of gunpowder, eliminating most purchasers from the list or providing multiple traces of the multiple 1Ib lots used to make up the filler. The utility of detection taggants in protecting high-value targets is obvious. The current procedures for protection of potential highvalue targets vary with the type of the facility and the time since the last perceived threat. Airports are protected by requiring all carry-on luggage to go through inspection (usually Xray) and all passengers to walk through a magnetometer. Search of checked baggage is not routinely required, although spot checks, sometimes with trained dogs, do occur, particularly when the perceived threat is high. Many Government buildings and other controlled-access facilities require a package or briefcase check as well as personnel identification to gain entry. The airport instruments are operated and inspection checks conducted primarily by personnel who are poorly trained, poorly paid, and subject to the problems of maintaining alertness over long periods while performing a dull job. The magnetometers are useful solely to detect metal, and information from the X-ray machines must be interpreted by the attendant. The use of a self-calibrating sensor, which would reliably give an alarm at the presence of explosives in hand baggage, checked baggage, or on a person would offer an enormous increase in utility over current methods. Many of the criminal bombers who would be likely to attack a high-value target would be deterred by the knowledge that the target was protected by a sensor that would detect the explosives in their bombs (assuming no effective
40 Taggants in Explosives countermeasures by the bomber). The deterrence might work to redirect the bomb against another target, to cause a less vulnerable part of a target to be attacked, or (perhaps infrequently) to deter the attack altogether. Those who were not deterred would have their bombs intercepted, protecting that target and providing security personnel with additional clues to the perpetrator. Detection taggants would only provide utility to those targets that were protected by a detection taggant sensor. Portable detection taggants sensors would also be quite valuable in locating a bomb whose approximate location was known and in determining if a suspected package contained explosives. In summary, identification taggants would provide a quantum increase in utility for those bombings significant enough to warrant a thorough investigation, while detection taggants would provide that increased utility in protecting those potential targets sufficiently important to warrant a detection taggant sensor. The above discussion assumes that the criminal bombers do not respond to the introduction of a taggant program. However, countermeasures exist which would enable bombers to evade the effects of a tagging program. The available countermeasures require varying degrees of specialized knowledge, and some of them involve significant risks. Because most bombers would probably not avail themselves of the possible countermeasures, a taggant program would probably retain substantial law enforcement utility. Bombers seeking to respond to a taggant program by using countermeasures can use any l l l l l l l l ot several approaches: removal of the taggants, fabrication of homemade explosives, use of incendiary bombs, theft of explosives, black-market purchase of explosives, use of explosives manufactured before the taggant program commenced, use of blasting agents, sealing of detection taggants, l spookng of taggant sensors, or l resorting to another unlawful activity, such as assassination or kidnapping. The baseline 3M identification taggants contain both a magnetic layer and a fluorescent layer to aid in recovery after a detonation. The taggants could therefore be removed from powdery explosives by using a magnet; the process would be both easy and safe, and would require less than an hour for a typical bomb. In order to hinder this countermeasure, taggants have been manufactured without a magnetic layer. If a powdery explosive were tagged with a mixture of magnetic and nonmagnetic taggants, then the use of a magnet would enable a criminal to remove only a portion of the taggants; the remainder would be present after an explosion, although they would be somewhat more difficult to recover than the baseline taggant. If the criminal were deterred from attempting magnetic removal by the knowledge that about half the taggants were nonmagnetic, then postdetonation recovery would be only marginally more difficult than the baseline case. Another possible technique for removing taggants from an explosive is to use a black light to identify the taggants by their fluorescence, and then remove them with a tweezer. This process is safe, but more difficult than magnetic separation, and would probably require many hours of painstaking effort for a typical bomb. Unlike magnetic separation, it could be used to remove taggants from explosives that are tacky rather than powdery. It has been proposed that the encapsulation of the taggants be made opaque, and matched to the color of the explosive, in order to render such removal impossible. Since the encapsulant would be melted by the heat of a detonation, postdetonation recovery would not be affected. Although it should not be difficult to develop an opaque encapsulant, this has not yet been done. Opaque encapsulation would make quality control, both of manufacturing taggants and mixing them with explosives, more difficult, and its cost impact has not been evaluated.
Ch. /lDetailed Findings 41 In order to remove a nonmagnetic taggant with an opaque encapsulant from an explosive, the explosives could be acetone dissolved, the taggants and other SoIid material removed by filtering, and the explosives reconstituted. This complex operation wouId require specialized knowledge, be roughly equivalent in danger and difficulty to fabrication of explosives from raw materials, and would result in less reliable (less likely to detonate) explosives. Taggant removal from some gunpowders could be significantly easier than from explosives, as some gunpowder grains are considerably larger than the identification taggants, as shown in figure 4. Separation from these powders may therefore be accomplished simply by screening, even if the taggants are nonmagnetic. Tests with several Du Pont IMR powders have shown that it would be difficult to separate the taggants from the chips and fines contained in the gunpowder package, but all small particles could easily be separated from the intact grains by screening. It has been proposed to alleviate this problem by agglomerating the taggants into clumps whose size roughly matches the specific powder grain size. The cost impact of such a solution was not addressed during this study. Removal of the detection taggants would not be feasible. Fabrication of explosives may be accomplished by a variety of means, but a considerable degree of expertise is required to avoid the risk of premature detonations, and to ensure high reliability. It should be noted that fabrication of detonators is significantly more difficult than fabrication of the explosive charge. A substantial number of bombing incidents involve the use of incendiary bombs; it is quite impractical to tag the wide range of materials from which incendiary bombs could be fabricated. It may be more difficult, however, to fabricate a reliable delay fuze for an incendiary bomb. In addition, while incendiary bombs may be effective in destroying structures and jeopardizing groups of people, explosive bomb Figure 4.Size Comparison of the 3M Identification Taggant and Some Smokeless Powders 3M identification taggants Hercules Bullseye Du Pont IMR 4350 W-W 452AA Hercules Red Dot F 1-4 1) 93 L
42 Taggants in Explosives fillers offer a better chance of killing, injuring, or intimidating a particular individual. A significant fraction of the explosive currently used for fabricating bombs is stolen. A taggant program may well increase the theft of explosives; however, additional explosive security could reduce the incidence of theft. Taggants from stolen explosives would not provide a direct clue to the purchaser, but would help law enforcement officials to establish patterns and I inks between crimes, improving the chances of apprehending the criminals. The bomber who steals explosives further increases the risk of apprehension by committing an additional crime. Finally, taggants could pinpoint locations from which explosives were stolen, providing a guide to tightening security in those places most vulnerable to theft. Explosives could be purchased on the black market or illegally imported from abroad. Both courses of action subject the bomber to increased risk of capture, from informants or undercover agents in the former case and as a result of smuggling, in the latter. Both courses of action would require substantial resources and the ability to plan in advance. Explosives manufactured before the implementation of a taggant program could be used to fabricate bombs. There is some evidence that a considerable stockpile of explosives currently exists in the hands of criminal bombers, and this stockpile could be expanded in the time between legislation and implementation of a taggant program. Acquisition and storage of the explosives for a period of time require considerable advance planning and resources, however, and increase the risk to the bomber of discovery of the explosives. While the use of explosives manufactured prior to a taggant program may be an effective countermeasure initial I y, most explosive materials have a limited shelf-life. Gels, slurries, and emulsions are generally reliable for less than 1 year; the sensitivity of dynamites tends to increase with age; gunpowders and booster materials have a long shelf-life. Blasting agents, such as ANFO, are not among the explosive materials BATF plans to directly tag. (OTA finds that tagging blasting agents, if it were judged desirable, would greatly increase the cost of a taggant program.) Effective bombs can be fabricated from ANFO; to do so requires a certain level of skill to ensure reliable detonation and the assembly of a number of components, some of which may not be readily available. The risk of premature detonation is small for a bomber with adequate knowledge and patience, but may be significant for bombers without those characteristics. Blasting agents are infrequently used at present in criminal bombings. The effectiveness of detection taggants can be severely limited by creating a seal between the explosives and the detection taggant sensor as the vapor could not escape the package to trigger the sensor. Such a seal can be constructed with the appropriate industrial materials and equipment, but a reliable seal would be very cliff i cult to fabricate with the resources normally available to individuals. Hence specialized knowledge, advance planning, and the resources to buy the required material, would be needed to defeat the detection taggants. Detection taggant sensors could be purposely triggered or spooked by placing detection taggants, or other materials so similar chemically to the detection taggant that the sensor could not make the distinction, in nonexplosive materials. If several suitcases or packages within a short period of time triggered the detection taggant sensor for no apparent reason, those operating the sensor might well conclude that it was malfunctioning, and disconnect it. It would then be possible to introduce tagged explosives into the protected area. This countermeasure would requir e that th e bomber obtain a supply of the detection taggant material; access to detection taggants could and should be made difficult. Finally, bombers can turn to other crimes, such as murder, assassination, or kidnapping. These crimes, however, are often not as spectacular as bombings and all involve greatly higher risk to the perpetrators than do bombings. I n addition, a direct action against a visible target requires more motivation and a different temperament than does an indirect crime such as a bombing.
Ch. n-Detailed Findings l 4 3 Dynamite bomb with nails Pipe bomb . .Molotov cocktail, dynamite, and grenade Photo credits US. Department of the Treasury Various types of explosives used by terrorists OTA consulted numerous explosives ex perts, all of whom agreed that countermeasures such as these are possible. However, the experts on law enforcement and terrorism which OTA consulted agreed that crimina l bombers would fail to make use of countermeasures, even when the necessary knowledge and equipment could be obtained without enormous efforts. However, some terrorists and professional criminals would make use of countermeasures. This judgment appears to be based on an assessment of the type of personality that is generally involved in this kind of criminal activity. Bombings are currently a low-risk, relatively simple type of criminal activity. Each added element of risk, or additional stage necessary to fabricate a bomb, will decrease the likelihood of the prospective bomber actually committing the bombing. An instructive analogy is aircraft hijacking. It is possible to smuggle a weapon on to an airplane by a number of means, but, in fact, since the antihijacking program started there have been thousands of weapons found annually by the screening process, hundreds of weapons found abandoned near the controlled boarding gates, and few or no cases of aircraft hijacked with the use of smuggled weapons. Consequently, OTA believes that countermeasures are not likely to greatly diminish the law enforcement utility of a taggant program, despite their potential to do so. The above discussion has been essentially qualitative, as little quantitative data is available. However, an attempt was made to draw inferences from similar programs. The data available from the date-shift program suggests that identification taggants may prove effective in increasing the arrests and convictions of criminal bombers. However, the data base is too small to be more than suggestive. Similarly, data on the reduction of hijackings after the introduction of an antihijacking program suggests that detection taggants would prove an effective deterrent. The program most directly analogous to the proposed identification taggant program is the requirement that the date and shift of cap-sensitive high explosives be clearly printed on each stick. For undetonated bombs the date-shift
44 l Taggants in Explosives code provides the same information as identification taggants would provide for the postdetonation case. No total review of the cases involving explosives recovered from malfunctioning bombs has been conducted. A limited set of 55 cases was examined, however, by BATF. In that sample, six cases were forwarded for prosecution (10.9 percent). That is twice the percent forwarded in cases that did not include date-shift code data. Similar results were obtained by MSA during a review of the BATF data. Of the 10 bombing attempts MSA reviewed, the date-shift code proved useful in 40 percent of the cases, was not useful in 50 percent of the cases, and was of questionable utility in 10 percent. While the results were positive in both cases, the extremely small sample size makes it impossible to draw significant conclusions. I ME reported to OTA that manufacturers are seldom requested to appear in court to testify regarding a date-shift trace; in recent years less than 1 percent of the traces requested led to a court appearance. The most direct analog of the detection taggant program is the antihijacking program initiated in 1971. There was an average of 27 hijackings from domestic origins in the 4 years preceding full implementation of the program. In the next year (1973), hijackings decreased to a single incident, and have averaged only four per year since. It should be noted that a number of countermeasures are possible that would evade the currently used magnetometers and X-ray machines. However, essentially no incidence of the use of these countermeasures have occurred since the inception of the anti hijacking program. Numerical estimates of the numbers of bombers who would be arrested and the number who would be deterred by a taggant program were made by MSA in order to generate input to their cost-effectiveness analysis of the taggant program. The numbers they used in the analysis were a 50-percent increase in the arrest rate (from 8 to 12 percent) and a 5-percent detergency rate. These numbers are simply guesses and OTA has no data that would allow it to make guesses or assess the accuracy of the MSA guesses. The above discussion dealt with the utility of taggants for the control of criminal bombers. There exist other approaches to the problem of control of criminal bombers which could be used in conjunction with, or instead of, a tagging program. Some of the methods, however, may be unpalatable or not cost-effective. Other approaches, some of which have been implemented in areas facing a more severe bomber threat, particularly from separatist terrorist groups, include: l alternate detection approaches, l control of explosive materials, l better security, more coordinated police response, and l harsher judicial response. The Aerospace Corp., the Federal Aviation Administration, and the military are currently investigating, or have investigated, a large number of techniques for detection of untagged explosives. Methods investigated have included X-ray fluorescence, gamma ray excitation, nuclear magnetic resonance, both fast and thermal neutron activation, dual energy tomography, detection of the characteristic vapors of explosives, and deactivation of blasting caps. Some of the approaches are prom ising, although all but the last two would be limited to checked baggage. However, none of the approaches, with the exception of nontagged vapor detection, has progressed as far as the detection taggant research and most appear to be significantly more expensive, both for the instrument and for personnel to man the instrument. Commercial vapor detectors are currently marketed for explosive detection, but their sensitivities and flexibility fall far short of the goals of the taggant vapor detection devices. Research on the promising approaches should continue; it may be most effective to deploy a detection taggant system in conjunction with one of the other systems. Control of explosive materials could range from uniform procedures for the purchase of explosives to the total control by the military or police of all explosives, from manufacture to the legal detonation. In some States, explosives are tightly controlled. For instance, in Louisiana all users or transporters of explosives
Ch. /lDetailed Findings l 4 5 must be licensed by the State police. I n some other States, however, explosives may be purchased over-the-counter simply by providing identification and presenting a Federal permit or filling out a form. Uniform tight control would make it more difficult to purchase explosives for illegal use and would be particularly effective in combating the less sophisticated bombers. Complete control of explosives, to the point of requiring police or military personnel to physically be at the site of a legal use of explosives and be responsible for each detonator, as is the case in Ireland, would essentially eliminate the use of domestically produced commercial explosives in bombings. Sophisticated bombers would be forced to fabricate their own explosives (or purchase homemade explosives on a black market), while the unsophisticated bomber would be eliminated. Such a program would entail extremely high costs however, both in monetary terms and in terms of the disruption to industries that currently use explosives. Better security is possible, both to protect potential targets and to protect explosive materials from theft. It would be possible, as an example, to hand-search all checked luggage being loaded on an airplane; in fact, EL AL (national airline of Israel) does conduct such searches. Similarly, it would be possible, although extremely time-consuming, to search every person entering the Rose Bowl for the Rose Bowl game. However, detection taggants appear a more reasonable alternative. Protection of explosives from theft could be improved, however, and may well have to be to prevent a wholesale shift to theft as a source of explosive material if a taggant program is instituted. All of these controls have cost impacts which have not been calculated in this study; a match must be made between their cost and their marginal utility in the face of the current bomber threat. As an example, if the use of military explosives in crimina l bombings increases markedly it may become necessary to counter that threat. Tagging of military explosives would be extremely costly, due both to the large amount produced and to the requalification cost of all current munition systems which would be necessary. A reasonable alternative may be to increase the security of military explosives. A more coordinated law enforcement response to the bomber threat would be effective, whether a taggant program were instituted or not. At present, major bombings must be reported to either the FBI or BATF. However, no uniform definition of major exists. Other agencies, including some State agencies, also collect bombing statistics. Examination of the statistics shows a significant lack of uniformity in what is reported to each, the information available on each incident reported, the retrievability of information from the data bank, and the methods for updating the files. One responsible center, to which all bombing information would be required to be reported in a uniform, easily updated, easily accessed format, would be an obvious aid to law enforcement efforts against crimina l bombers. Better coordination and communications between the forensic laboratories and the field investigators would also be helpful. Agents in the field are sometimes not sensitive to what information or what physical evidence would be useful to the laboratory. This coordination will be particularly important if an identification taggant program is introduced, as the recovery of the taggants appears to be a laboratory-intensive procedure. Finally, control of the physical site of the bombing by a single responsible individual would be extremely useful. A major incident may involve several levels of law enforcement agencies, several levels of elected representatives, and other activities such as first aid and fire control. Uncoordinated activity by all these people could well destroy valuable physical evidence. Excessive use of water by firefighters is a potentially serious problem if identification taggants are used, as they might be washed totalIy away from the bombsite. The utility of a harsher judicial response to criminal bombers is a particularly sensitive issue, with little technological insight available, and is mentioned only for completeness.
46 l Taggants in Explosives Program Implementation Given the current development state of the identification and detection taggants, a number of options are available regarding the method of implementation of a taggant program. Among the issues are what, if any, taggant program should be legislated; if a taggant program is legislated, what materials should be tagged, what level of tagging should apply, and what is the procedure for making decisions not specifically resolved by the legislation. One of the first issues needing resolution is what explosives should be tagged. The analysis conducted showed that criminal bombers tend to use the most readily available source of explosives. Therefore the tagging program with the highest utility would include provisions for tagging of commercial explosives and gunpowders. Table 7 showed the frequency-of-use distribution of explosives for bombings, including explosives identified both in the field and in the BATF laboratory. While the completeness of these statistics may be open to interpretation, it is clear that a wide variety of materials are used as bomb fillers. Discussion with both domestic and foreign law enforcement officials has stressed the fact that all types of bombers will use the most readily available source of explosives, although sophisticated bombers would be more likely to limit their use to materials that are efficient for the intended purpose. As an example, a relatively small amount of a powerful explosive was appropriate for the La Guardia Airport bombing, as it would cause extensive damage and be concealable in a relatively small package. The amount of gunpowder needed to do as much damage would occupy a much larger volume, and might be noticed; it would therefore not be an appropriate choice for a sophisticated bomber. If one type of explosive material is not as highly controlled, then bombers will tend to shift toward that material. For that reason, it may be desirable to tag or otherwise control military explosives. Although current statistics show a relatively infrequent use of military explosives in criminal bombings, tagging of commercial explosives may shift the expected future frequency. Similarly, tagging of black and smokeless powders is of critical importance to an overall taggant program. Some mechanisms to tag blasting agents may also be desirable. However, the cost of directly tagging the agents would be extremely high. The BATF plan to tag the detonators, boosters, and detonating cord normally used with blasting agents may be a reasonable compromise, particularly as blasting agents are now rarely used in criminal bombings and approximately half of the blasting agents are mixed and used onsite in the same day. As indicated above, various levels of implementation of a taggant program are possible, each with an associated cost of implementation. The most reasonable way to determine the optimum program to implement may be to consider the marginal additional cost of each additional element of utility. This approach is illustrated in figure 5, where the identification taggant utility function is varied. Qualitative estimates of marginal utility are shown to approximate scale, along with quantitative estimates of the cost of implementing a program that would yield that level of utility. The lowest implementation option would tag cap-sensitive explosives, boosters, detonators, detonating cord, and gunpowders, but not blasting agents. A unique identification taggant would be used for each manufacturer, type of product, and year of manufacture. This program corresponds to the low-level program previously discussed. That level of implementation would directly provide most of the physical evidence information that current methods attempt to provide. However, it would not directly provide a list of last legal purchasers. The relatively modest cost for that program would be approximately $15 million per year, probably less than is currently attempt to provide the same current means, although the shifted to manufacturers and sives. *The cost estimate In this sectton IS for gant program only expended in an information by cost would be users of exploan Identification tag-
Ch. n-Detailed Findings l 4 7 Figure 5. Marginal Cost-Utility Function Marginal utility Marginal cost SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment The next option would be to provide a unique taggant code for each shift of each product manufactured and to keep a record of the movement of explosives from the manufacturer to the last purchasers, in a manner analogous to the date-shift code currently marked on the casings of explosives. This option corresponds to the OTA-identified baseline program, and would provide a list of last legal purchasers and additional intelligence information, at a program cost increase of approximately $10 million per year. A further implementation option would be to uniquely tag each 10,000-lb batch of explosives and each 2,000-Ib batch of gunpowder. This would lead to a somewhat smaller Iist of last legal purchasers, which would mean fewer places that must be investigated, as well as a somewhat finer grain of intelligence information. However, the cost increase of $20 million per year would be fairly substantial. Additional marginal utility could be gained by tagging blasting agents. This would be of value in two cases the case in which the identification taggants from the detonator and booster used to ignite the blasting agent did not survive (or were not recoverable) from the debris of an explosion, or the case in which a bomb was fabricated that used some other (untagged) means of detonating the blasting agent. There is no body of test data to indicate the likely frequency of the first condition; while the second condition is certainly possible, almost all bombers capable of detonating a blasting agent without commercial detonators and boosters would also be capable of obtaining or fabricating untagged explosives in the first place. At present blasting agents are infrequently used for bombings averaging two BATF sources suggests that blasting agents are used in about 0.5 percent of bombings, and account for a small percentage of the property damage and casualties. Since the cost of tagging blasting agents would be approximately $170 million per year, several times that of all the other elements of a tagging program combined, the marginal utility of doing so appears relatively low. In short, the implementation of a taggant program would require unambiguous decisions about which materials required taggants, and what the applicable regulations would be. It would be desirable if any legislation on the subject either made these determinations or unambiguously delegated authority to do so. Given the present state of development of taggants, OTAS data and analyses appear to be consistent with any of three possible courses of congressional action: 1 2. Pass legislation requiring taggants, and set up a procedure to determine if and when the technical development and testing have progressed to the point where implementation can begin. Defer legislative action on taggants, but encourage (inter alia by appropriating
48 Taggants in Explosives adequate funds) BATF to continue taggant development, with a view to consideration of legislation when development and testing are complete. 3. Take no legislative action on taggants, and encourage the executive branch to search for other ways of improving the effectiveness of law enforcement against terrorists and other criminal bombers. If Congress chooses the first of these options, it should recognize that even though the legislation can define precisely what materials would require taggants and provide guidance on the stringency of regulations, there will remain some determinations which it is not yet possible to make: l When and if an adequate number of successful compatibility tests have been conducted. Particularly pertinent in this regard would be a determination of what constitutes a resolution of the current incompatibility between the 3M identification taggants and one type of smokeless powder or the RDX-based booster material. The 3M identification taggants cannot safely be added to these materials unl l l til such a resolution is accomplished, and neither smokeless powders nor booster s should be excluded from a tagging program. When and if a sufficient probability of survival and postdetonation recovery of a given identification taggant has been demonstrated to justify adding that taggant to a given type of explosive. When and if a detection sensor has demonstrated adequate sensitivity, low falsealarm rate, ease of operation, ease of maintenance, and acceptable unit cost under field conditions to be considered sufficiently available to justify requiring the addition of detection taggants to explosives. When and if a detection taggant has demonstrated adequate shelf-life, nontoxicity, and penetrativity to be considered available. In view of the fact that BATF has become the major proponent of the use of taggants in explosives, there is much to be said for entrusting such determinations to an official or procedure outside the Treasury Department.
Chapter 111.TAGGANT . RESEARCH REVIEW **** **** *.*0 **** 9*** **** **** ***0 *0** **** **0 ***** 9 51 Taggant Development History l **** **** **** 900* **4* *a **a********** 51 Identification Taggants. Predetonation Only. Radiological Tracers. Chemical Assay. . Physical Taggants Summary. . . Detection Taggants. Vapor Taggants. . Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . 51 . . . . . . . . . 52 . . . . . . . . . 52 . . . . . . . . . 53 . . . . . . . . . 53 . . . . . . . . . 56 . . . . . . . . . 56 . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . . . . . . . 58 Detection Taggant Sensor Systems. . . . . . .......59 untagged Detectoin l **** a*** **** **** e.** a*** **** *e* be********* 62 Vapor Detection. . . . . . . . . . . ..62 Differential Contrast Radiography . . . . . .. .....63 Excitation lnduced Emissions. . . . . . . .......64 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . .......65 Current BAFT/Aerospace Tagget l **** 65 Program Status ... . . . . . . . . . . 65 Projected Schedule. . . . . . . . . ............ 68 Implementation Philosophy. . . . . . ., . .......69 Identification Taggant Surviaval Teasting l **0* **** **m* **09 *b** **em **0** 70 Boosters, Military Explosives . . . . . ., . .......71 Black and Smokeless Powders . . . . . . .......72 Detonators and Detonating Cord . . . . . .......72 Summary. . . . . . . . . . . .......72
Chapter Ill TAGGANT RESEARCH REVIEW INTRODUCTION TAGGANT DEVELOPMENT HISTORY The idea of adding material to explosives to enhance the predetonation detection and the postdetonation identification of explosives has been considered by various military and civilian agencies for at least 15 years. Some of the suggested material, such as radioactive isotopes, would perform both functions, some could only perform one. A number of the concepts which have been proposed during that time are briefly described in the following subsect ions. Identification Taggants Ideas for tagging materials to be used for identification of the source of explosives used in criminal bombings and bombing attempts can be generally grouped into the following four classes: 1. addition of materials that would not survive the detonation, but which would provide information if a bomb were recovered undetonated; 51
52 l Taggants in Explosives 2. addition of materials that would physically survive the detonation and be recovered intact; 3. addition of materials to the explosives that would be detected in an assay of the debris; and 4. addition of radioactive isotopes. Predetonation Only Since 1970, the date, shift, manufacturer, and product have been printed on the cartridge of cap-sensitive high explosives. The manufacturer keeps records, by that date-shift code, and can tell to whom each batch of material was sold; distributors also are required to keep records of sale. It is possible, from the date-shift code, to compile a list of last legal purchasers of explosives from a lot with the same date-shift code. I n fact, BATF maintains a National Explosives Tracing Center, whose function is to coordinate that activity. A typical trace would start with the recovery of an undetonated bomb by a BATF special agent. He would call into the tracing center with the information, and the data would be forwarded to the manufacturer who would provide the list of consumers or distributors; if explosives from that lot were sold to a distributor or distributors, they would be contacted for a list of retail purchasers. The date-shift code information has proven useful in investigations of criminal bombings, although its utility is Iimited to instances where the explosive is recovered before detonation, or in some cases, where a low-order detonation does not destroy the cartridge. In addition, the information is only on cap-sensitive high explosives, and on the packages of detonators, black powder, and detonating cord. No trace data is available for other explosive material, such as smokeless powder, individual detonators, or even cap-sensitive high explosives that have been removed from the cartridge. Smaller amounts of information are given by other systems that do not survive the detonation. For instance, all dynamite legally coming into New York must be red. I f dynamite is recovered that is not red, it indicates a purchase not legally usable in New York. This data is not helpful to police in tracking bombers but does assist in control of legal uses of dynamite within New York. The English apparently use a method somewhat better than the date-shift code in that the identifying code consists of colored threads within the explosives. The threads do not survive the detonation, but the information content is not lost by discarding the cartridge, as is the case with the date-shift code; it may not be possible, however, to encode sufficient information for U.S. needs by that method. Radiological Tracers Addition of small amounts of radioactive isotopes to explosives during the manufacturing process is particularly attractive as it provides a mechanism for both identification of the explosive materials from the postdetonation debris and a simple detection mechanism. There are a large number of radioisotopes, so an identification scheme could certainly be developed that would provide sufficient unique code species. The two primary objections to this oftenproposed solution are public reaction and safety. Given the present widespread antipathy to anything involving radioactivity, it is doubtful if the public would accept such a solution, even if there were no safety hazards. Two potential safety hazards exist, one having to do with sensitization of the explosive materials, and the other with the effects of low-level radiation. Addition of foreign materials to explosives poses a potential sensitivity hazard. However, the amount of radioisotopes required would be far smalIer than the material necessary for other tagging mechanisms, so explosive sensitization would probably be no more of a problem than with other types of taggants. The hazards of low-level exposure to radiation are not well-defined; the current trend is toward severe limitation of exposure. Thousands of people come into direct contact with explosives every day at the manufacturers, distributors, and users level, so a large number of
Ch. 111Taggant Research Review 53 people would have some exposure. Primary concern would be at the manufacturing level, where workers would have more continuous exposure than, for instance, a user. Aside from the adverse psychological effect the use of tracers might have on such workers, and the possible long-term effects of low-level exposure, there would be a large cost impact due to the need for specially trained personnel, as welI as storage, handling, and decontaminating equipment. If it were necessary for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to control the shipment of the explosives and to license and otherwise supervise all explosive users, additional major costs and inconvenience would occur. A final drawback is that reading of the information encoded in the postdetonation debris would be a fairly complicated laboratory procedure involving sample preparation, radiation counting, and radioisotope identification. Only a limited number of laboratories in the country have the trained personnel and facilities; police forensic laboratories are not among them. Chemical Assay A number of approaches have been proposed that have in common the addition of chemicals to the explosives that would be recovered from the postdetonation debris and be identified by a laboratory assay of the debris. While the number of chemical materials is almost limitless, a successful chemical taggant must have the following properties: l l l l l l l inertness, nonsensitization of the explosives, not present in background material, able to survive the detonation, long-term stability, not a health hazard, and sufficient variation must be possible to form a large number of unique codes. The chemical taggant with which the greatest amount of research has been conducted was developed by the Ames Laboratories in the early 1970s, I n this method, rare earths were added to explosives as oxides or as nitrates in ethanol solutions. By using several rare earths and by varying concentrations, a sufficient number of unique codes could be constructed. The taggants were recovered from the debris with ethanol-dampened cotton swabs. The swabs were then assayed in the laboratory by ion-exchange methods; analysis was accomplished by X-ray excited optical luminescence techniques. Drawbacks to the Ames taggants included sensitization of the explosives by the ethanol carrier, a high background level, particularly for detonations taking place near or on the ground, and a rather specialized laboratory procedure necessary for the taggant assay and identification. Physical Taggants This class of taggants is designed to survive the detonation in its original physical form, to be separated from the debris, and to be decoded, either in the field or in the laboratory. Several types of materials have been suggested. Physical taggants must meet the same requirements as the chemical taggants, however, in addition to physical survival, so the number of serious candidates is somewhat limited. Three taggants remain promising candidates. 3M COLOR-CODED TAGGANT More research has been conducted with the 3M identification taggant than with any other. It is the baseline taggant proposed by BATF for implementation if a taggant program is legislated, and is the taggant used for the OTA cost, safety, and utility analyses. The taggant consists of an irregular chip of thermosetting melamine alkyd, approximately 0.12 mm thick and about 0.40 mm in its greatest dimension. Figure 6 shows the eight-layer construction; variation of the sequence colors provides the necessary library of codes. A total of approximately 6 million unique codes is available, when al Iowances are made for certain forbidden adjacencies (colors too difficult to distinguish) and other restrictions. One face of the taggant visably fluoresces when illumi-
54 Taggants in Explosives Figure 6.M Color-Coded Identification Taggants I 4 --. : 3 I m r ., -. 4
Ch. 111Taggant Research Review l 5 5 nated with black Iight (366 nanometers) as an aid in recovery, either in the field or laboratory. The other face contains iron powder, allowing the taggant to be picked up by a magnet, another recovery aid. I n theory, the taggant can be recovered from the debris by use of a magnet and a black light, read in the field by a low-power microscope, and traced through the BATF tracing center. I n fact, laboratory separation may be needed in most bombings; the recovery and laboratory procedures are quite simple, however, and can be performed in the field with little equipment and train i ng. Several variations of the basic concept have been tried, some including a polyethylene encapsulant and some including SIightly different chemical and physical properties of the individual layers. The safety, survivability, utility, and cost aspects are discussed in great detail elsewhere in this report. WESTINGHOUSE CERAMIC TAGGANT The Westinghouse taggant consists of a mixture of rare-earth compounds, bound together into a ceramic-1ike particle, whose appearance is similar to a grain of sand, and whose largest dimension is approximately 0.2 mm. Each of the rare-earth compounds fluoresces at a characteristic wavelength when illuminated by ultraviolet radiation (325 nanometers). A scanning monochronometer is used to read the wavelength of the various rare-earth compounds, and thus to identify the taggant code. The 10 rare earths that have been evaluated, and their characteristic emission wavelengths, are: Nanometers Strontium chlorophosphate. europium 447 Yttrium vanadate thulium. 476 Yttrium phosphate cerium, terbiu m 546 Yttrium vanadate erblum 555 Yttrium vanadate: dysprosium 575 Yttrium vanadate: samarium 608-648 Yttrium vanadate: europlum 618 Yttrium oxy sulfide europlum 62 6 Strontium fluoroborate. europlum, samarium 687 Strontium fluoroborate europlu m 375 As in the 3M taggant, the Westinghouse taggant incorporates a spotting phosphor which fluoresces in the visible range when illuminated by shortwave ultraviolet radiation (254 nanometers) and magnetic particles, both of which assist in the recovery process. Due to the limited number of rare-earth compounds available, and the fact that the individual components are not ordered like the 3M taggant layers, the Iibrary of possible codes is only approximately 3,000, even with three distinct spotting phosphors. Use of different concentrations or pairing of two different taggants to form a unique species can significantly increase the library, with approximately 600,000 codes available for the paired taggant variation. A significant number of compatibility tests have been conducted with the taggant, as have a small number of survivability-recoverability tests. Due to the ceramic nature of the taggant, it is extremely survivable and does not thermally degrade in high-energy explosives (such as boosters), as does the 3M taggant. In addition, since the rare-earth doping is homogeneous throughout the material, the full code can be read from even a small recovered taggant chip. The Westinghouse taggant is extremely gritty, and has been shown to sensitize explosives if not encapsulated in a polyethylene coating. No additional effort is currently underway with the Westinghouse taggant, due to a Westinghouse concern over liability should some taggant not be fully encapsulated and thus cause sensitization of an explosive material. From the limited data available, it would appear that the Westinghouse taggant shows interesting potential, particularly due to its high survival rate, although solutions must be sought to ensure 100-percent encapsulation. I n addition, some further limitations are imposed by the relatively small code library available and by the rather complex laboratory identification procedure required. CURIE POINT TAGGANT The Curie point taggant consists of a collection of five distinct ferrites, packaged with an ultraviolet sensitive spotting phosphor in a binder of potassium silicate. Ferrites exhibit
56 l Taggants in Explosives the property that their ferromagnetism disappears when the temperature of the ferrite is raised above a specific temperature, designated the Curie point temperature. identification of a particular taggant is thus accomplished by placing the recovered taggant in a temperature-controlled chamber and recording the magnetism as a function of temperature. Approximately 50 ferrites have been identified whose Curie point falls in a laboratory practical temperature range. The 50 ferrites, used in combinations of s at a time, yield a library of approximately 2 million unique species. As the taggants are ceramics, their survivability in high-energy explosives, such as boosters, should be good. Very preliminary tests have demonstrated the survivability of the taggant in boosters and high-power commercial explosives such as Power Primer. The Curie point taggants share the potential sensitization problem of the Westinghouse taggants, and must therefore be encapsulated with 100-percent certainty. The Curie point taggants have another serious drawback: magnetic separation from powdery materials such as gunpowders and powdery dynamite would be an obvious simple countermeasure. Summary The 3M taggant, which has been the most thoroughly researched identification taggant, appears to be the most viable candidate, although the Westinghouse taggant exhibits a good deal of promise at this early stage of development. The other candidates exhibit technical, cost, countermeasure, or public acceptance problems, or require elaborate laboratory separation and analysis to yield the identification code. However, as other sections of this report make clear, the 3M taggant is not yet fully developed or tested, and could not be generally used unless and until several remaining problems are resolved. Detect ion Taggants Four general types of detection tagging approaches are described in the literature, in CI uding: 1. radioisotopes, 2. vapors, 3. electromagnetic (E/M) taggants, and 4. activation of nonradioactive isotopes Radioisotopes for use as detection taggants possess the same drawbacks as they do for use as identification taggants; the above discussion need not be repeated here. Electromagnetic taggants incorporated into a detonator, such as the passive harmonic radar taggant investigated by the Aerospace Corp., offer the possibility of detection at a distance with a relatively low rate of false alarms. All of the concepts so far proposed, however, can be easily defeated by wrapping explosives in metal foi1. I n addition, inclusion of such devices would probably have a significant effect on the procedures used to manufacture detonators, on detonator cost, and significant false alarms could be caused by common diodes from radios, calculators, and other electronic instruments. A variation of the idea of electromagnetic taggants has been proposed, called detonator deactivation. In this concept, a reed switch is connected in series with a detonator bridge wire. illumination of the detonator by a switchable electromagnetic source would cause the reed to open. A number of methods are possible to ensure that the reed could not be subsequently closed. The advantages of the concept are twofold: l l the necessary illuminator could probably be made quite inexpensively, allowing it to be used to protect far more targets than would be possible with other detector concepts; and the deactivator process is passive no operator is necessary. Disadvantages include the fact that deactivation rather than detection of bombs would offer no help in finding the would-be criminal
Ch. 111Taggant Research Review 57 bombers; significant (and possibly costly) impacts on current processes of manufacturing detonators; and the risk of accidentally deactivating detonators, resulting in their failure for normal use. No research beyond initial conceptualization has been conducted for this concept. An interesting taggant concept has been suggested by the Franklin Institute, based on the idea of using Moss bauer active isotopes as taggants. The technique involves the addition of nonradioactive trace taggants to explosives, followed by the gamma ray excitation of the Mossbauer isotopes and the measurement of the characteristic absorption spectrum of those taggant isotopes. The Mossbauer effect has been measured in numerous common elements, including iron, tin, and nickel. In a Mossbauer isotope, gamma rays, whose energy corresponds to the transition energy between nuclear levels, may be resonantly absorbed upon excitation, producing a sharp absorption spectrum characteristic not simply of the Mossbauer element, but of the chemical compound of the element. This effect is due to the small perturbations of the nuclear levels by the surrounding electrons. For use as a taggant, a chemical compound not found in nature or used in industry would be manufactured. Due to the low excitation level required, little shielding of the source wouId be necessary. Mossbauer taggants are simply a concept at this stage, however, so little judgment can be made of its practicality, cost, or safety in explosives An Aerospace Corp, analysis questions the practicality of the technique. A significant I imitation to the use of the Moss bauer and other activation techniques is that they cannot be used to search people, due to the activation radiation A number of other activation taggant techniques have been suggested, including the doping of explosives with material that would enhance the effectiveness of X-ray or similar devices These concepts al I lack specificity, however, and could cause the X-ray to be triggered by many common items, resulting in an unacceptable faIse a I arm rate Vapor Taggants vapor taggants have received the bulk of the research on detection taggants. vapor taggants share the common taggant requirements of stabiIity, inertness, compatibility with explosives, and absence from normal materials. In addition, they must have a vapor pressure sufficient to produce enough molecules to be sensed, but not so high that a large initial mass would be required to ensure continued operation when placed in explosives that have a shelf-life of several years. They must have a relatively steady molecuIe emission rate over a 5to 10-year shelf-life, must not produce an environmental hazard, and must not readily adhere to surfaces with which they are likely to come into contact. Several hundred different vapor sources have been considered, with almost 200 having been investigated in the laboratory. Avenues of approach have included the use of disproportionating salts, the direct adsorption of vapor taggants into the elastomeric plug material of detonators, and the microencapsulation of taggant materials. DISPROPORTIONATING SALTS A number of the salts of weak acids and bases, such as boron trifluoride adduct compounds, disproportionate or separate into two or more constituent parts, some of which sublimate at room temperatures, theoretically providing a possible stable vapor emission source. Tests conducted by the Aerospace Corp. indicated that no compounds investigated had the proper balance of vapor pressure, emission rate, desired Iifetime, and projected detection limit by a sensor to allow the use of a sufficiently small amount of taggant material. It is possible to control the emission rate of a high vapor pressure salt by the use of a microencapsulation membrane; use of such a membrane allows the consideration large number of more easily handled taggants, however, as described below. ELASTOMERIC ADSORPTION OF VAPOR TAGGANTS The adsorption of the vapor detection rial directly into the elastomer used to of a liquid mat efabri61-401 0 80 5
58 l Taggants in Explosives cate the end plug of detonators offers a number of advantages, including removal of the necessity for additional steps or changes in the detonator fabrication process. Research has therefore been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of various elastomer/taggant pairs. Taggants evaluated include sulfur hexafluoride, and hologenated alkanes, amines, aerobatics, esters, and ketones. A number of combinations appear feasible, although useful lifetimes may be shorter than the 5-year minimum desirable. A more severe limitation, however, is that the elastomerically adsorbed taggants would be useful only on detonators, and possibly with detonating cord. None of these taggants appears to be as successful as other candidates when microencapsulated for use with other explosive materials. Use of separate taggants for detonators for other explosive s would lead to the development of two sensors or to the requirement for dual-mode sensing in a single sensor, an unnecessary sensor development constraint. MICROENCAPSULATED VAPOR TAGGANTS Approximately 180 vapor materials have been screened in the laboratory as candidate microencapsulated vapor taggants. In addition, several hundred other materials were rejected after a thorough analytical review. Five candidate perfluorinated cycloalkane compounds have been extensively tested, and have successfulIy completed barrier penetration, mutagen, toxicity, and atmospheric impact testing. The five candidate vapor taggants and their chemical properties are shown in table 16. A parallel research effort has been underway to find an appropriate microcapsuIe material. The optimum material would be inexpensive, easy to use with the candidate taggant materials, compatible with the explosive materials, and form membranes that account for only 10 to 20 percent of the microencapsuIated taggant weight. Figure 7 shows a photograph of a canadidate microencapsulated vapor detection taggant, with a needle to indicate relative size. Emission rate studies are currently underway with a number of membrane materials. Early tests were very encouraging; a number of more recent test results show variations in emission rate from lot to lot and as a function of ambient relative humidity and temperature. Tests have not yet started on long-term emission behavior, especially in the presence of explosives. Tests have only recently started on the compatibility of explosive materials with either the taggant vapors or the membrane materials. Summary Although a wide range of detection taggant materials have been proposed, the need for long life, stability, specificity, and absence of easy countermeasures has caused the bulk of these to be rejected, at least given the current state-of-the-art. The most promising concept is the microencapsulation of perfluorinated cycloalkane compounds, although the direct adsorption of taggants into the detonator plug elastomer appears promising for that application. A number of preliminary tests have been conducted with five candidate taggants; compatibility testing has just been initiated. Detonator deactivation is a possible alternate approach, although little research has been accompl i shed. Table 16.Candidate Vapor Taggant Properties Empirical Molecular Boiling point Melting point Specific Vapor pressure Chemical name Abbreviation formula weight c c gravity (300 K = 27 C) Perfluoro-1 1-2-dlmethyl-cyclobutane PDCB C, F,, 300 45 -3 2 1.67 390 Perfluoromethylcy clohexane ., PMCH C, F,, 350 76 -3 7 1.79 106 Perfluoro-1,3 3-dimethylcyclohexane PDCH C, F,, 400 101-2 -7 0 185 35 Perfluorodecall n PFD C 0 F 8 462 141-2 0 193 6.6 Perfluorohexylsulf sulfur-pentafluonde L-4412 CSFI,SF, 446 118 -3 1 1.89 195 SOURCE The Aerospace Corp
Detect ion Taggant Sensor Systems The development of a system to detect the emitted vapors is proceeding in parallel with the development of vapor-emitting detection taggants. A schematic block diagram for the operation of such a system is shown in figure 8. Air, from the vicinity of the item being inspected, is collected and delivered to a sensor, after first being conditioned. The sample collector can simply consist of a gust of air for inspection of boarding passengers, or can include a small pressure pulse to a piece of checked baggage to introduce more of the air from the interior of the baggage into the air sample stream. For some of the concepts the free oxygen and water vapor must be removed Photo credtt Aerospace Corp prior to insertion of the air into the sensor. If the vapor taggant is present, an alarm indication is registered; if none is present, then the item passes through with no delay. A detailed procedure has not been developed to deal with alarms, but the procedure would probably include a recycle through the sensor to eliminate the chance of an equipment transient being responsible, followed by a suspected bomb disposal procedure if the alarm persists. Work is progressing on three candidate detection sensors. Very little effort has been expended by the Aerospace Corp. on the other elements of the system, although some preliminary design identification work has taken place on the air sampling process and on methods of enhancing the original sample. A U.S.
60 l Taggants in Explosives Figure 8. Detection Taggant Sensor System Block Diagram Sample collector Air sampler Sampler conditioner sensor Alarm Calibrator Inspection No Alarm SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment. Customs Service device has been tested, for instance, which exerts a gentle force on baggage, causing an exhalation of the baggage interior air into the sampling network. The three candidate detection sensors are, in order of increasing complexity and cost, the continuous electron capture detector (CECD), the ion mobility spectrometer (lMS), and the mass spectrometer (MS). Figure 9 shows a schematic diagram of the operation of IMS. Gas is introduced from the sampling device into the conditioner. After the free oxygen and water vapor are removed, the sampled gas molecules are drawn into the ionization region where many molecular species, including the taggant molecules if present, form negatively charged ions. The negative ions are then gathered and injected into a drift tube where an electric field causes them to flow against a counterflowing drift gas stream. By virtue of the ion molecule reactions between the negative ions and the neutral drift gas molecules, the ions are separated into spatial clumps of like species. Each species, depending on the strength of the ion-molecule interaction, traverses the length of the drift tube in a different length of time so that one can turn-on, or gate, the detector to respond only to a specific molecular species or group of species such as the taggant vapors. The taggant molecules being considered all have long drift times and are easily separated from common gasses in the IMS. Additional specificity is gained by the toughness of the taggants; most other large molecules fragment in processing through the detector. IMS devices have been commercially available for approximatelys years, with about sO currently in use for various applications. Tests have been run with a commercial IMS unit at airports to examine ambient air for the presence of molecules in the critical drift time region; no molecules which would have triggered a false alarm were detected. While the laboratory tests are promising, it is not possible to extrapolate to estimates of IMS performance in the field, in a real-life environment, when maintained by normal airport maintenance people, and when using an internal calibration source. CECD can be conceptually viewed as an IMS device without a drift tube. It simply consists of the conditioner and reaction chamber; the decrease in current in the reaction chamber is a sign that the taggant molecules are present and have been ionized. As described, CECD would have less specificity than IMS, and would probably be triggered by a wider range of interference sources. The key to the device is in the conditioning chamber; the chamber is a catalytic reactor that contains hydrogen gas and palladium metal plated onto a number 5A molecular sieve and operating at 1400 C. The reactor removes oxygen and water vapor, fractures some other potential interferenc e sources, while still others are removed by reduction or combustion. The number of molecules that will survive the conditioning chamber is limited, but the taggants may well not be the only survivors of the passive screening process. CECD devices have been used as a laboratory instrument by the Brookhaven National Laboratory for the past several years. A bread-
Ch. 111Taggant Research Review 61 Figure 9. Cutaway View of the PhemtoChem 100 Sensor Cell in the Ion Mobility Spectrometer ALL GAS SAMPLE AND GAS FLOWS DRIFT GAS 80% l CARRIER 200/0 SAMPLE l ; d : 7 ml ol SAMPLE INLET .=) : 7=-7 L < ~-MoL=E : NIr2x. AZ= + REKJON R EG IOy : DRIFT REGION FAST IONIZER ELEcTROMEl Ni-63 AMPLIFIER 100 ml Vol IMS HOUSING AND HEATER DRIFT GAS 100-3000 ml/min ER SOURCE David Williams BATF board device was recently shown to be quite successful in detecting vapor-tagged dummy blasting caps in baggage on a conveyer belt. The MS is a standard laboratory instrument, easily capable of resolving the taggant molecuIes from other species. Current MSS, however, are usualIy expensive, relatively sensitive laboratory instruments. The challenge is to design and develop a low-cost, field-usable instrument that will detect taggant molecules in a parts-per-tril I ion concentration level. The limited laboratory testing of detection sensors that has taken place has demonstrated that the technology exists for sensors which could detect the taggant vapors. These tests have not yet demonstrated, however, the ability of the instruments to distinguish between the taggant materials and similar materials which may exist in the environment or may be deliberately introduced into the environment as a countermeasure. It has also not been demonstrated that any of the instruments can successfully detect the taggants in the required parts-per-tri I I ion concentration level under field-use conditions. The time required to develop instruments of this type is a pertinent subject for discussion, even assuming that the technical problems can be solved. The milestones in a development process include: l demonstration of technical feasibility, l generation of specifications for a prototype, l prototype development, l generation of specifications for the instrument, l pilot production of the instrument, and l ful l-scale production. None of the detection sensor concepts has yet passed the technical feasibility demonstration milestone. The only time estimate which has been made is an extremely optimistic estimate of 14 months from demonstration of technical feasibility to completion of a prototype. The estimate assumed no technical, contractual, or other problems, and may well be off by a factor of two. Given the fact that these instruments would be produced in quantity (up to several thousand), must be self-calibrating, maintained by routine maintenance people,
62 l Taggants in Explosives and detect at the state-of-the-art parts-pertrillion level, it is unlikely that production could be underway in less than 5 years. If the instruments can be developed to perform as desired, however, they should be quite effective; the operating costs and false alarm rates would be negligible while the detection rate would ensure essentially no successful penetration of the sensor system. UNTAGGED DETECTION Three general methods have been explored for detecting explosives that do not have detection taggants added. These include vapor detection of the characteristic vapors present in the explosives, the use of differential contrast radiography, and the use of excitation induced emissions. Some of the specific techniques investigated are briefly discusse d below. Vapor Detection A great deal of research effort has been expended in the field of detection of the characteristic vapors emitted by explosives. Table 17 shows the physical properties of the vapor phase of a number of explosive materials, while table 18 shows some of the methods used to detect the explosive vapors. Much of the effort has been concerned with characterizing the vapors that are present in explosives, looking for vapors common to a number of explosive materials, and quantifying the problems of vapor detection. While the equilibrium concentrations of the vapors shown in table 17 are within the detection capabilities of much of the instrumentation depicted in table 18, several problems limit the utility of vapor detection. One of the primary problems is the lack of a common vapor in the various explosive materials. Either nitroglycerine or EGDN is often present in dynamites, and in smokeless powders, but neither are present in the other explosive materials used in criminal bombings, such as gels, slurries, black powder, detonatFrom Explosive Vapor Detection Instrumentation, by j R Hobbs, prtnted In the Proceedings of the 1 979 Electro Professional Program, New York, April 1979 ors, and boosters. A detection device would thus have to be able to detect a significant variety of vapors (and thus either be quite slow or expensive) or it would be subject to a high rate of false alarms if it could be triggered by the spectrum of materials that would be spanned by the vapors from the common explosive materials. A second significant problem is the amount of vapor actually available for detection. While the equilibrium concentrations of the vapors are high enough to ensure detection, the actual amount of vapor present will be significantly degraded by the container that contains the explosive, particularly if an effort is made to create a vapor barrier. The explosive vapors do not have the properties of penetration and nonadsorption of the vapor taggant materials discussed in the previous section. Concentration of the vapors could help alleviate this problem, but that might cause sufficient concentration of ambient interference molecules to generate a high false alarm rate. These defects must be balanced against the major advantage that detection of the characteristic vapors of explosives has over the detection of taggant vapors only those explosives that have been tagged can be detected if the sensors are designed to look for the vapor taggant. As shown in table 18, a large number of physical principles have been used to detect the vapors. The most successful, however, are the ionization mechanisms exploited for detection of taggant vapors. Continued research is primarily devoted to these sensors. Animal detection deserves a specific comment. Although less sensitive than the other
Ch. 111Taggant Research Review 63 Table 17.Vapor Pressures of Selected Explosives Vapor pressure Composition Compound Molecular weight Temperature 0 C mm Hg gm/cm 3 EGDNethylene glycol dmltrat e 152 25 2,8 X 10-2 23 x 10 7 NGnitroglycerine 227 25 2,4 X 1O-s 29 x 10-10 PETNpentaerythrltol tetranltraie ., 316 25 54 x 10 9.2 X 10 II ANammonium nitrate 80 25 5.0 x 10 2.2 x 1011 DNTdinitrotluene 182 25 1 4 x 10 1,4 x 109 TNT, 4, 6,-trinitrotoluene. ~ 227 25 30 x 10 37 x 10 RD X 222 25 1.4 x 109 1.7 x 1014 Mole fraction (V. P./76O) 37 ppm 32 ppb 7 ppb 7 ppb 184 ppb 4 ppb 2 ppt SOURCE J R Hobbs Explosive Vapor Dection Instrumentations` Table 18.Explosive Vapor Detection Techniques Optical Ionization Animals Other Infrared Electron capture Bioluminescence Plezoelectnc Ultraviolet Gas chromatography Dogs Thermoionic Microwave Mass spectrometry Gerbils Condensation nuclei Fluorescence Gas chromatography/ Enzymes Laserraman mass spectrometry Two-photon absorption Plasma chromatography Chemiluminescence Laser optoacoustical SOURCE J R Hobbs Explosive Vapor Detection Instrumentations sensors (by orders of magnitude), animals have some potential advantages. If small animals such as rats and gerbils can successfulIy detect explosive vapors, then the cost of an animal backup system would be quite small. Dogs are more expensive to train and work with, but have the advantage of being used for other law enforcement work such as patrols. Differential Contrast Radiography Differential contrast radiography takes advantage of the fact that different materials attenuate the strength of a source to a different degree, depending primarily on density and atomic number. Common clinical X-rays and the imaging X-ray detectors used to screen hand baggage at airports work on this principle. Similar devices have been fabricated using gamma radiation and neutrons as the beam source. This method is quite effective for detecting materials whose density is significantly greater than other materials in the environment, such as a steel gun (specific gravity of 7.8) in a briefcase containing books or clothes (specific gravity less than 1,0), but is much less effective in detecting smaller differences in density. Most dynamites have a specific gravity of approximately 1.6; booster materials and military explosives are SIightly higher (up to 1,8); gunpowders have a bulk density of less than 1.0. The current imaging systems at airports are operator-monitored and therefore dependent on the ability of the poorly trained operator to discriminate small density differences. Most recent research has been concerned with automating the radiographic scannin g systems. Due to the wide span in density of explosive materials, and the large density overlap between explosives and other materials, it is necessary to include other means of discrimination in the detection algorithm. Shape is the other discriminant currently used. The pattern recognition algorithm in a computer reacts when the proper density and shape pattern are detected. Such a system is sensitive to orientation, arrangement, and shape of the high explosive as well as to the mass of the high explosive. The breadboard laboratory models so far developed can incorporate only a limited number of shape-density combinations and are able to detect only certain shapes of C-4 explo-
64 Taggants in Explosives sive and certain shapes of dynamite bombs. While they could detect a 2-lb C-4 charge shaped like a package of butter, they would not detect the same charge shaped as a sphere, cylinder, pancake, or sausage, or even another explosive of slightly different density shaped in the butter package shape. As the devices scan from only one axis, a 2-inch-thick slab with a specific gravity of 0.5 looks much Iike a l-inch-thick slab of density 1.0. Such a lack of specificity not only generates high fals e alarms, but explosives arranged in an unusual shape would not be detected. Two avenues of approach are being pursued to try and alleviate the discrimination specificity problem. The first is to use more than one energy level for the radiation source. Each type of material has a different opacity to different radiation energies. If more than one energy source is used to illuminate the object, then additional information about the material is gained. Some recent work indicates substantial gains in information are possible using two carefully chosen energy levels. The second approach is to illuminate the package along more than one scanning direction. The information gained can help generate a better idea of both the package shape and its density. In a technique called tomography, the images formed by scanning from several directions are computer processed and used to generate a three-dimensional image of the package in the computer. Any two-dimensional projection can then be generated as well as an accurate density value. This image can be compared to all possible conformations of common explosive materials by the computer, yielding a much higher probability of detection as well as a lower false alarm rate. Aerospace Corp. is currently sponsoring research on dual-energy tomography, which would combine the additional information available from both multiple directional scans and multiple energy scans. Excitation-Induced Emissions Many materials absorb radiation of a specific wavelength and subsequently emit an induced radiation whose energy may be a function of the element itself or of the specific compound, due to the interaction of the orbital electrons with the nuclear material. The Mossbauer isotope taggants described in the previous section were an example. Several methods of utilizing induced emissions have been investigated for detection of explosives, including the use of thermal neutrons, X-ray fIuorescence, and nuclear magnetic resonance. The thermal neutron detection concept utilizes the capture of thermal neutrons by nitrogen with the subsequent prompt emission of a 10.8 MeV gamma ray. Explosives are rich in nitrogen and should be easily detected in an unshielded suitcase, but so are a large number of other materials, such as wool, orlon, nylon, and leather. Coupling the system to a pattern recognition computer might be sufficient to discriminate between a solid block of explosives and a couple of orlon sweaters (although test results were marginal), but discrimination between these sweaters and a bomb in which single dynamite sticks are connected by detonating cord, for instance, would be extremely difficult. Processing times for this concept are also rather long for efficient transport of baggage. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a technique with considerably greater specificity. In NMR detection, an applied radio frequency magnetic field, with the correct frequency, induces energy level transitions in hydrogen, with the subseq~ent prompt reradiation of energy in a manner specific to the chemical compound containing the hydrogen. A sensor, tuned to receive the signals that would be emitted by the hydrogen in various explosive materials, could theoretically detect any type of explosive, even when present in small quantities. A major problem with the utilization of this technique for explosive detection would be the fact that metal interferes with the NMR performance, thus shielding the explosive. The unit would also have to be quite large (and thus expensive); the magnet for an NMR unit large enough to scan a suit-
Ch, 111Taggant Research Review 65 case would weigh several tons. Another problem is the rather slow response cycle time. Summar y A number of techniques have been described for the detection of untagged explosives. Preliminary testing has been accomplished on most of the techniques discussed; few concepts have progressed as far as the studies on detecting vapor taggants, with the exception of the use of animals to detect the characteristic vapors of explosive materials. Some explosive detection devices are currently on the market, although their performance is not satisfactory. Other techniques have been suggested, and extremely Iimited testing has been conducted on some of them. All of the untagged detector concepts contain significant problems in terms of adaptation to field use. Instrumentation for many of the concepts would be large and expensive; many are easily countermeasure and none, with the except ion of the vapor detection devices, could be used to screen passengers. Granting the many problems in nontagged detection, there may still be a significant potential payoff. If an explosive detection instrument or technique could be fielded, it could detect all explosives, not just those to which taggants had been added. CURRENT BATF/AEROSPACE TAGGANT PROGRAM I n 1976, the Aerospace Corp. was designated by BATF as the system technical manager of the taggant program. Prior milestones leading to the current taggant program development effort were: 1973.Joint establishment by BATF and FAA of an ad hoc committee on explosives seeding. 1973.Formation of the Advisory Committee on Explosives Tagging chaired by BATF for coordination of Federal agencies involved with tagging and the control of the illegal use of explosives. 1973.Lawrence Livermore Laboratory study to determine feasibility of identification tagging with Aerospace Corp. acting as the program technical manager and LEAA as sponsor. 1976.National Implementation Model and Pilot Test Plan for Identification Tagging developed by the Aerospace Corp. u rider contract to the Bureau of Mines, 1977.Aerospace Corp. designated the system technical manager for the tagging program by BATF. Since 1977, Aerospace has been engaged in an ongoing program of analysis and testing to develop identification and detection taggants and to demonstrate their use in explosive materials. Details of the taggant and sensor development programs were given above; the status of the compatibiIity testing program is detailed in chapter IV; the status of survivability and recovery testing is reviewed in the following section and in appendix C; some details of the analysis and pilot testing status are reviewed in chapter V. This information is briefly summarized below, as is a description of the BATF implementation philosophy. Program Status The status of the taggant development effort is summarized in table 19 for identification taggants and in table 20 for detection taggants. In the tables, Technical feasibility refers to a demonstration or analysis which indicates the concept is feasible, Technical read i ness refers to a demonstration or analysis that the concept will work in the manner suggested, and Practical readiness indicates that the full spectrum of analyses and tests has been completed which shows that the concept is ready for full-scale implementation. The ability of the 3M Co, to produce the color-coded taggants has been demonstrated,
66 l Taggants in Explosives Table 19.ldentification Taggant Program Status Accomplished I Planned or required Technical feasibility Technical readiness Practical readiness 1 Technical feasibility Technical readiness Practical readiness Color-coded taggant development l Initial survivability l Pilot production l Leadyime study compatibility compatibility testing l Environmental impact assessment l Health impact assessment Cap-sensitive packaged explosives (dynamite, water gels, slurries, I I I I 1 0 l Tooling-up period/ testing Optimize hues and emulsions) l Initial compatibihty testing l Initial survivability testing l Manufacturing process reviewed and practicality assessed Black powders l Initial compatibility testing l Hand-mix survwability testing l Manufacturing process reviewed and practicality assessed Cast boosters l Initial compatibility testing l Initial survivability testing l Manufacturing process reviewed and practicahty assessed Online tagging demonstrated Tagging methods selected/evaluated l Pilot test production-level tagging l Record/tracing methods demonstrated l Some ballistics testing Comprehensive compatibility testing Comprehensive survivability testing l Analysis/optimization of approach Long-term compatibility l l l l l l l l l l l Online tagging Additional compatibility (electrostatic) testing Transport/vibration segregation testing Comprehensive compatibility testing Comprehenswe survivability testing l Ballistics testing l Online tagged survivability testing Long-term segregation l Long-term compatibility Online tagging Tagging methods selected/evaluated Solution of problem posed by reactivity (and presumed incompatibility) with Composition B Comprehensive compatibility testing Recovery testing Comprehensive survivability testing l Pilot testing, production-level tagging l Long-term compattl l bility Comprehensive survivability testing Record/tracing methods demonstrated Analysis/optimization of approach Comprehensive survivability/compati bility testing Pilot testing l Detonating cord l Taggants added by hand, initial surwvability demonstrated l Manufacturing process studied and tagging practicability assessed Smokeless powders l Hand-mix survivability testing Recovery testing Tagging station development l Online tagging l Solution of problem l Evaluation testing of sequential lots l Production hazard and acceptance testing l Comprehensive survivability testing l Online tagging Ballistics testing Pilot testing I posed by reactivity (and presumed incompatibility) with I Herco powder l Compatibility and hazards analysis Compatibility and acceptance testing Detonators I I Full range 01 tests and process evaluation required SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment
Ch. 111Taggant Research Review l 6 7 Table 20.Detection Taggant Program Status Accomplished I Planned or required Technical Practical I Technical feasibility readiness readiness 1 Technical feasibility Technical readiness Practical readiness Microcapsule development Production and evaluation of test batches l Health and atmospheric Impact assessment Dynamite, slurries, and water gels l Compatibility testing initiated Black powder l Compatibility testing initated Cast Boosters l Compatlblllty testing I 10 10 I 1 0 I I Intial compatibility studies l Pilot production of capsules l Complete health and atmospheric Impact assessment l Taggant selection l Competitive award /leadtime studies Development and testing of production Full-scale production capability initiated The full range of analyses and tests detailed for identification taggants must be accomplished Smokeless powder for the detection taggants, with the exception of postdetonation surivability l Compatibility testing and recovery testing initiated Detonating cord Detonators l Compatibility testing Initiated Continuous electron capture detector l Successful bread board demonstration l Instrument characterization (initiated) l Callbration system (initiated) I I I I I I I I 10 IMS detector I l Initial feasibility studies I / I I I I 10 I I I I I I MS detector l High-cost laboratory system testing l Development and breadboard demonstrationin process Instrument characterization (in process) Calibration (in process) Demonstration (Imminent) Development and breadboard demonstration to be completed l Design prototype l Fab and lab test evaluation l Aerospace lab test l Design prototype l Fab and lab test prototype l Aerospace lab test Prototype field test Prototype design, fabrication, and test l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Prototype field test Prototype design changes Final production drawings Production pilot release Production pilot complete Field support function setup Training and field test Prototype design changes Production drawings Manufacture and checkout engineering Production pilot release Production pilot complete Support functions setup Training and field test Prototype design changes Production drawings Manufacture and checkout engineering Production pilot release Production pilot complete Support functions setup Training and field test SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment although some hue and color code optimizain detail, this initial testing has revealed aption remains, as well as construction of a faciliparent incompatibilities between the 3M tagty to produce the taggants. Initial compatibiligant and one type of smokeless powder and ty and survival testing has been completed for also between the 3M taggant and one cast the cap-sensitive high explosives, as has pilot booster material. If and when these presumpproduction of tagged explosives and activation tions of incompatibility are removed, compreof the tracing network. As chapter IV describes hensive compatibility and survivability testing
68 Taggants in Explosives must then be completed and decisions made on implementation levels before readiness is demonstrated. A similar level of testing and analysis has been accomplished for black powder, while significantly less has been accomplished for smokeless powder and cast boosters. One of the key remaining booster issues is the recoverability of the taggants when pressed into large pellets (survivability has been demonstrated). Methods of approach have been explored for tagging detonators and detonating cord, but little testing has occurred. The significant accomplishments in identification taggant compatibility testing which have so far occurred have been made possible by cooperation between the Aerospace Corp. and the explosives and gunpowder industries. Unfortunately, this working arrangement has broken down in the past few months, and the industry has, for a number of reasons, withdrawn its cooperation. The result of thi s change in the prior working relationship has been a significant delay in the program, particularly with regard to compatibility testing of the detection taggants. The results of these delays, together with an originally planned lag of approximately 1A years between the identification and detection taggant development efforts, are evident in the current status of the detection taggant development program, shown in table 20. Development of candidate detection taggants is continuing. Taggants have only recently been added to explosive materials for compatibility testing and process evaluation. As described previously, development of three candidate sensors is also continuing, with laboratory-type tests showing prom i sing resuIts. Projected Schedule As a result of withdrawal of industry cooperation, technical problems which have occurred, and the uncertainty of funding for outyear efforts, a firm schedule for the remaining development effort is not available. An estimate was made by Aerospace of the revised schedule for the remaining development ef fort; the estimate is shown in table 21. Thi s schedule does not take into account, however, the need for additional compatibility and survivability recovery tests, particularly the resolution of the current smokeless powder and booster material reactivity issues, and the need for the evaluation of long-term effects of taggants on explosive material safety and performance. These efforts would probably add at least 1 year, and possibly more, to the development time. It is unlikely that the effort to demonstrate the use of identification taggants in cap-sensitive high explosives, the type of explosives with which the research effort has progressed farthest, could be completed prior to early 1981. The research on identification taggants in detonators, including pilot-plant toolup and testing, would not likely be finished before late 1983; the research on other explosive materials would probably fall between these dates. These estimates assume a successful completion of each development stage. Technical problems may occur that add substantially to the estimate delays; continued lack of industry participation could make pilot testing impossible; even resolution of contractual problems could add months of delay. Table 21 ,Revised Schedule Estimates for the Identification Tagging Program Aerospace preliminary Program element estimated completion date a Identification taggants Color-coded taggan t Early 1983 Cap-sensitive packaged explosives ., Early 1980 Black powders. ., ., Cast boosters ., ., ., Mid-1981 Detonating cord ... ., ., ., ., Mid-1980 Smokeless powders Mid-1983 Detonator ., ., ., ., Late 1983 Detection taggants Mlcrocapsule development Mid-1981 Cap-sensitive packaged explosives. ., Mid-1981 Black powde r Not critical Cast boosters ., 7 Smokeless powder, ... Late 1981 Detonating cord ., ., Not critical Blastlng caps-micocapsules. ? CECD ., ., Mid-1982 IMS detector. ., ., Late 1981 MS detector ., ., ., Mid-1982 a Estimated by Aerospace October 1979 SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment
Ch. 111Taggant Research Review l 6 9 3M has indicated that it would need a leadtime of at Ieast 22 months after receipt of a firm order before substantial quantities of taggants could be delivered. It is unlikely that a firm order would be given before resolution of all technical problems, including uncertainties regarding long-term effects. If a mid-1 983 date is assumed for resolution of al I identification taggant efficacy and compatibility questions, then explosives tagged with the 3M identification taggant could be in full-scale production by late 1985. A decision could be made to implement tagging as soon as all technical uncertainties are resolved for some portion of the explosive materials, such as cap-sensitive explosives. Under those circumstances, 3M could receive firm orders by early 1981 and tagged explosives could therefore be in full-scale production as early as 1983, The detection taggant development has lagged that of identification taggants; the development cycle may be shorter, however, due both to the learning experience of the identification taggant tests and to the fact that no survivability demonstration is necessary. The Aerospace Corp. estimates are probably quite optimistic, however, for development and test times of both the detection taggant and the detection sensors, Few compatibility tests have yet been conducted. These tests, particularly the effects of long-term storage, will take at least 2 years. No specific taggant or encapsulation method has been chosen. Pilotplant production of the taggant is likely to take a considerable time, as the manufacturing processes are complex and the reagents used quite reactive. It is unlikely that solving the technical problems and constructing proper faciIities for the large-scale production of detection taggants can be accomplished in a significantly shorter period than that required for the identification taggants. Assuming completion of the compatibility tests, pilot-plant testing of detection taggants in the explosive materials could be accomplished by early 1983, and assuming 22 months from that time to the availability of production quantities of detection taggants, full-scale production of explosives containing detection taggants could probably not be underway until mid-1 982, with sometime in 1984 a more reasonable estimate. As indicated previously, the estimated development schedule for the detection taggant sensors is extremely optimistic; a more realistic estimate would be that production of the sensors couId be underway by late 1984. In summary, by early 1985 it is possible that all explosives manufactured could be tagged with both identification and detection taggants, and that detection taggant sensors could be in fulI production. This schedule is realizable only if no major development problems occur and a taggant program is mandated by legislation, Implementation Philosophy BATF has publicly stated that it feels taggants should be included only in those explosive materials that constitute a present or expected threat of use by criminal bombers. They feel that explosive materials that do not constitute a threat could be excluded. Among the materials which BATF considers appropriate for exclusion are: 1. 2. 3, 4. explosives manufactured for U.S. Government agencies other than the military (e.g., National Aeronautics and Space Administrate ion); military explosives are specificalIy excluded in S.333; special fireworks such as used for 4th of J uly displays; industrial tools such as explosive bolts, switches, and air bag in flaters; blasting agents. It is the BATF intention to tag the boosters and detonators normally used to initiate the blasting agents. The explosives industry maintains that if capsensitive explosives are tagged but blasting agents are not, the use of ANFO by bombers will increase, and BATF will then Proposed Guidelines for Exemptions to the Requirements for Tagging Explosive Materials Bureau of AIcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, June 7, 1978
70 l Taggants in Explosive s 5. In wish to tag ANFO. See chapters 1, 11, and VI for a discussion of this issue; and explosives which are raw materials used in a fabrication process, such as the black powder used infuzes. addition to the categories eligible for exemption, certain types of explosive materials are currently exempted from regulation, and are viewed by BATF as inappropriate for tagging, including: 1. explosives used in medicine; 2. fireworks soId to the public; 3. propellant-activated industrial devices, such as nail guns; and 4. fixed small arms ammunition. Given that philosophy, the BAT F/Aerospace team has concentrated on taggant research for cap-sensitive high explosives (dynamites, gels, emulsions, slurries), boosters, detonating cord, black and smokeless powders directly consumed by the public (primarily for handloading), and detonators. Blasting agents would not be directly tagged; rather the detonators and boosters normally used to initiate the blasting agents would be tagged. A strict interpretation of S. 333, at least in the opinion of the Institute of Makers of Explosives, would not allow the Secretary of the Treasury to exempt explosives simply because they do not constitute a significant threat. Resolution of this issue may be facilitated by more specific wording in the final proposed legislation. IDENTIFICATION TAGGANT SURVIVAL TESTING The 3M identification taggant would have to survive the detonation of the explosive and be recoverable from the postdetonation debris to be useful in identifying the source of the explosive. It is useful to separate the survival and recovery discussions. Recovery of taggants under real-life conditions is discussed in detail in chapter I I and in appendix C. Survival of the taggant is briefly reviewed here. To assess the survivability of taggants in explosives, the tests should be carried out so that recovery is maximized. ideally, tests would take place on a large concrete pad or in a very large bunker with steel or concrete walls and floor. Unfortunately, few of the survivability tests carried out by the Aerospace Corp. were done under conditions that enhanced recovery. A majority of the tests were carried out in a 4-ft-diameter steel-walled chamber. For all but the lowest power explosives, the taggants either shattered upon impact or flowed plastically due to the large impact pressure pulse (estimated by Aerospace to be between 10 and 40 kilobars (kb)). Many of the other tests were carried out in a chamber with a cracked rock floor, or in the open on a dirt and cinder floor. I n several cases rain made the open area quite muddy or covered the taggants with a layer of water, severely decreasing the efficiency of the magnetic pickup. The survival test results for cap-sensitive high explosives, under the varying conditions, are gathered in table 22. That table includes all the survival tests conducted by Aerospace with uniformly tagged explosives. Earlier tests, in which the explosive stick was split down the center and salted, are not realistic and are not discussed here. Some of the tests used unencapsulated taggants (so indicated on the table); as no difference was observed, they are lumped together in the discussion. Aging time was another variable tested, with the material being aged up to 6 months before testing; again, no effect was observed and all the tests are lumped together. Given the diversity of test sites and conditions, it is difficult to assess each test. However, several trends appear clear: 1, Under optimum recovery conditions using small explosive charges, many hundreds of taggants survive, even for Power Primer, the most powerful cap-sensitive
Ch. 111Taggant Research Review 71 Table 22.M Identification Taggant Survival Testing Detonation pressure Number of Tags recovered Explosive K bars Explosive weight, lb Test site tests (averaqe) Independent K -10-4 0 Coalite 8 S 30-40 Gel coa l -25-4 0 Gel power A-2 -4 0 600/o Extra 50 Tovex 800 70 400/o giant gelatin 75 Specially sensitized emulsion 100 Power Primer 135 1/2 1/2 10 (part of composite 25-lb charge) 3/ 4 10 1 10 /2 5 (Part of composite 25-lb charge) /2 /2 /2 /2 1/2 1/2 1 1 10 (part of composite 25-lb charge) 25 25 SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment commercial explosive (excluding boosters). 2. As the size of the charge increases, the percent of surviving taggants decreases sharply, particuIarly for the most powerful explosives, Under optimum conditions, however, dozens of taggants still survive; even under rainy conditions 26 taggants were recovered from the 25-lb Power Primer tests. 3. Confinement sharply decreases survival, even under optimum recovery conditions. Only one test has been conducted with explosives confined in a pipe bomb (see chapter I I discussion); in that test scores of taggants were recovered from 60 Percent Extra Dynamite. When that result is compared to the chamber survival tests (in which over 1,000 taggants were recovered from 60 Percent Extra) it appears IikeIy that considerably fewer taggants would survive in pipe born b detonations using one of the more powerful explosives. 4-ft diameter steel chamber 4-ft diameter steel chamber Open air, dirt, cinder floor 4-ft diameter steel chamber 10-ft cube concrete chamber, rock floor 4-ft diameter steel chamber 10-ft cube concrete chamber, rock floor 12x 20x 8 ft concrete bunker 4-ft diameter steel chamber Open air, dirt, cinder floor 12x 20x 8 ft concrete bunker 4-ft diameter steel chamber 12x 20x 8 ft concrete bunker 4-ft diameter steel chamber 4-ft diameter steel chamber 12x 20x 8 ft concrete bunker 4-ft diameter steel chamber 500 x 100 ft concrete pad Open air, dirt, cinder floor Open air, muddy, cinder floor 500 x 100 ft concrete pad, rainy day 2 10 1 7 1 8 1 3 9 1 6 5 6 12 11 13 6 6 1 1 1 1,000 1,000 180 75 4 115 10 1,450 (unencapsulated) 1,160 58 1,390 (unencapsulated) 16 (some tests with encapsulated, some unencapsulated) 545 620 16 510 (unencapsulated) 3 530 4 0 26 Boosters, Military Exp osives Commercial boosters are normally made from cast TNT or TNT-based explosives. These explosives have higher detonation pressures than even the most powerful cap-sensitive commercial explosives (180-200 kb v. 135 kb). Calculations by the Aerospace Corp. show that taggants will be raised above 4000 C, their decomposition temperature, by booster explosives. Testing showed fewer than two taggants recovered per pound of booster, even for tests conducted under ideal conditions on a large concrete pad. The Aerospace solution to the problem is to press the individual taggants and polyethylene into a large pellet (one-fourth inch). Tests show that approximately 65 taggants survive in a pound booster when pelletized into a one quarter-inch-diameter pellet. Initial recovery tests indicate that the taggants from boosters can be recovered, but far too few tests have been completed to allow a definitive judgment.
72 l Taggants in Explosives Military explosives are generally at least as energetic as boosters, presenting even more severe survival problems for the taggants. Due to the survival issue military explos use in criminal to include military program. the excessive cost of tagging ives and their low frequency of bombings, BATF does not pIan tary explosives in the taggant Black and Smokeless Powders Black and smokeless powders are much less energetic than the least energetic dynamite. Gunpowders are normally used as fillers for pipe bombs, however, so the effect of confinement is expected to be considerable, Tests with both black and smokeless powders were conducted in a 20-ft semicircular chamber having steel walls but a sand floor. Due to the poor recovery conditions, only 2 to 3 dozen taggants were recovered for the black powder bombs, and from O to 3 for the smokeless powder. When black powder bombs were detonated under near ideal recovery conditions, using the 8 x 12 x 20 bunker, an average of 1,100 taggants survived 1 lb of the FFFg powder. No ideal recovery tests have been conducted with smokeless powders, but the one pipe bomb test with explosives gives an indication that scores to hundreds of taggants should survive. Detonators and Detonating Cord Only the most rudimentary tests have been conducted of the survival of identification taggants when placed on a detonator and none conducted with detonating cord. As the taggants are placed outside of the explosive in both cases, sufficient taggants should survive to enable a positive trace to be made. How likely the taggants are to be recovered in realworld s ituat ions, however, cannot be ascertained without testing. Summary In summary, the 3M identification taggants survive the detonation of cap-sensitive high explosives in large numbers for small charges which are unconfined. Survival decreases as the charge size increases, but sufficient taggants should survive even a large charge of the most energetic commercial explosive. The effect of confinement significantly reduces taggant survival, but taggants can probably survive pipe bombs filled with low-energy explosives and gunpowder; their survival in pipe bombs filled with higher energy explosives is uncertain. Individual taggants do not survive booster detonation but pellets made from the taggants do. Taggants wou Id probably survive the explosion of detonators and detonating cord, but there is little or no test data.
* 9 *.**.
Chapter IV TAGGANT SAFETY AND COMPATIBILITY REVIEW The addition of identification and detection taggants to explosive materials would constitute a significant change to the material qualification program is therefore necessary to investigate the compatibility of the explosive materials with the taggants. This chapter briefly discusses the involved in compatibility, describes qualification procedures in industry and for defense applications, suggests the form. that a qulification program should take to demonstrate the compatibility of taggants with explosives and gunpowders and describes the compatibilitytesting that has been reported to date. EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS COMPATIBILITY PARAMETERS Explosive materials are chemical systems that I iberate a large amount of energy in an extremely short time. The detailed physical and chemical behavior of these reactants is not well-understood, due to the complexity of some of the reactants and the very short reaction time scale. However, the principal measurable parameters of the materials and their reactions are well-known. To demonstrate compatibility of the explosive materials with the taggants, it is necessary to show that there is no significant change in these parameters as a result of the addition of taggants. The principal parameters include: l energy density and rate of release, l sensitivity l chemical stability, 75
76 l Taggants in Explosives l electrical properties, l generalized mechanical properties, and l toxicity Energy Density and Rate of Release The energy density and rate of energy release are the two most important performance attributes of commercial explosives and gunpowder. Energy density is a fundamental chemical property of the explosive material formulation. The available energy of a given explosive material is well-understood, and it can be measured with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. It can also be calculated quite accurately from the basic chemical knowledge of a particular formulation. The presence of the small amounts of taggants that are currently recommended should have only a minute effect. Limited testing has borne out this conclusion. 1 2 Generally speaking, the higher energy density explosives tend to be easier to initiate and tend to progress to a fast energy release or detonation more quickly. Primary explosives used in caps are an exception. They are easy to initiate, and build to detonation very rapidly, but do not always have a high energy density. The rate of energy release is a function of the materials involved and the physical proximity of the fuel and oxidizer components. When the fuel and oxidizer are in the same molecule, as in nitroglycerine, the explosive can release its energy on a millionth of a second time scale. Ammonium nitrate/fuel oil mixtures, on the other hand, contain rather large, separated fuel and oxidizer components and thus release their energy on a much slower time scale. The physical proximity of the components also tends to affect sensitivity; the intimately connected materials are generally more sensitive than the gross mixtures. The balance of fuel to oxidizer directly affects the 1 1 etter, R E Lunn (Du Pent) to C [30yars (Aerospace), Tagging Du Pent Pilot Te~t S~tety and stabil Ity Tests, Mar 6, 1978, pp 5-17, 5-41, 5-42 C Hovar$, CornpatIbI/Ity of /derrf/f/cat/on Taggant\ W ItfI Exp/o~Ive\, Aerospac e report No AT E!-78( 1860-02}1 ND, August 1978 energy density and sensitivity of the explosive material. The balance that yields idealized combustion products generally yields the highest energy and most sensitive explosives. The rate of energy release cannot be predicted quantitatively from basic physical and chemical considerations but it can be estimated in a qualitative way. Energy release rate can be measured accurately but the test methods can be quite expensive and difficult. A few hundredths of a percent by weight of taggants should not affect the energy release rate. Sensitivity Sensitivity is an ill-defined term which has meaning in a safety sense, but is not definable with simple direct physical constants. One relative sensitivity scale can be developed from impact and friction tests, another scale from electrochemical reactions, and still another from thermal considerations. All aspects of reactions to external stimuli must be considered and judged with respect to practical experience. Then with a variety of sensitivity numbers and functions a systems safety estimate is made not always totally scientificalIy but with an additional input from experience and common sense. Sensitivity tests are referenced and discussed in other sections of this report, but the individual numbers are not in themselves the final criteria. It is their sum total plus experience which determines sensitivity. Chemical Stability Chemical stability is a critical safety parameter, of paramount importance in the handling, transportation, and storage of the raw materials that go into making explosives and gunpowder and in the manufacture, handling, transportation, storage, and use of the final explosive product. The stability of the explosive products cannot be adequately predicted ana.Sa/ety and Performance Tests for Qual/t/cat/on oi Exp/o\/ves, I Kablk, (NSWC, WO), R Strefau (Stre$du Ldboratorles, I nc ), K R Hamilton (NWC), J Jones, (NWC), N~vord 0[1 44811, VOI 1, January 197.2
Ch. /V Taggant Safety and Compatibility Review 77 Iytically, but must be confirmed by tests that demonstrate the stability behavior of the products, such as long-term rates of decomposition, interact ions between the explosive components, and reaction with materials into which they are likely to come into contact during manufacture, packaging, and end use. As an example, picric acid and ammonium picrate, rather powerful high explosives, which are insensitive and generally quite safe, were once used extensively. When these explosives come into contact with copper or copper salts, however, they become quite sensitive; their use is, therefore, now quite limited. Electric Properties The sensitivity of initiation of explosives by static electricity and/or induced currents has always been a major concern. There are several modes of initiation due to electrical energy. One, inductive coupling, is serious enough to preclude the use of electric blasting caps in some operations. Direct initiation by static spark discharges is another mode, The energy of an electric field can be coupled to an explosive device in other ways, for example, by thermal heating of a wire or capacitance effects, The primaries, lead styphnate and lead azide, are extremely sensitive to electric effects. Dry nitrocellulose and black powder are also very sensitive. Most cap-sensitive high explosives and generalIy used blasting agents are not particularly sensitive to electric forces. Addition of taggants to the explosive materials could cause a change in their electrical properties; buildup of a static charge during the addition of the taggant to the mix could be one mode. As analytical methods are not adequate to handle the problem, tests are normally conducted. Generalized Mechanical Properties The relationship of mechanical properties to explosive safety has only recently been understood to be of paramount importance, Experience and intuition led the industry into explosive formulations that were not ideal chemically, but have proven safe and economical. Most, but not all, commercial explosives are rather soft granuIes, rubbery or gelatinous substances, or sometimes Iiquid-like. When soft substances are subjected to impact the mechanical forces are not concentrated in a smalI volume and they dissipate as low-level thermal waves. Stiff, brittle materials experience strong fast compression or shock waves under impact conditions that locally produce high-energy concentrations. Local high-energy concentrations create hot spots. This means that a hot spot can be a center of intense chemical reaction and therefore, in an explosive composition, a region of fast energy release. Thus, an initiation center is created when the rate of energy release exceeds its dissipation. Grit or hard substances can create local hot spots under handling conditions present in the mixing and packaging processes, and especially in operations such as explosive tamping in the bore hole. As an example, a small number of hard particles has been demonstrated to critically sensitize certain military explosives in United Kingdom la boratories. 4 The danger of hot-spot creation may be even greater for more, brittle explosives, such as those used in cast boosters. The effects of adding taggants to explosives could be simulated using complex hydro-elastic-plastic computer codes, but the calculations would be quite expensive. In addition lack of sufficient data on the detailed physical properties of the various materials would tend to limit the reliability of such calculations. Experimental testing must therefore be undertaken. Toxicit y The decomposition products of explosive reactions are generalIy toxic; standard precautionary measures must be taken to avoid excessive exposure. The materials used in the taggants are generally not mutagenic or carcinogenic. Tests must be conducted to evaluate the toxicity of any taggant materials
78 l Taggants in Explosives whose properties are not well-known, and to determine if the end-product gases show addiQUALIFICATION A new explosive compound or formulation must be subjected to an extensive series of tests before it can be qualified for use an d manufacture. The number and nature of the tests differ between various manufacturers of commercial explosives and between commercial manufacturers and Government developers such as the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Energy (DOE). Tests are specifically designed for the explosive product, the environment it will be subjected to, and its end use. It follows that an extensive battery of tests are required for each explosive. Interpretation of the tests, including the validity of some prescribed ones, is not straightforward and a single number derived from a test or tests cannot alone define its safety. The closest that one can come to a measure of explosive safety is the long-term accident record. [t is important to realize that experience plays a role equal to good scientific understanding and execution of prudent, conservative practices. The decisionmaking process as t o whether or not the new explosive and process of manufacture are safe is therefore unique to each organization. In general, the qualification procedures described in this section are those followed by agencies or companies that routinely develop new explosives or significant modifications of existing explosives, including Government agencies such as DOD and DOE and some manufacturers of commercial explosives Companies that rarely develop new products do not generally need a comprehensive qualification program. Within those organizations that do have a comprehensive program, the complexity, qualification time, and cost vary considerably, due to differing manufacturing procedures and end uses. As an example, complete qualification of a new military explosive can take several years with a total cost of many m i I I ions of dolIars. tional toxicity as a result of the addition of taggants to explosive products. OF EXPLOSIVES NAVORD Report OD 44811 specifies safety and performance tests for qualification of explosives for the Navy. There is also a Joint Service Safety and Performance Manual used by all three services. The DOE procedures are similar to the DOD ones but are not documented in a single manual. Each plant and laboratory has its own rules and specifications approved by the director. There are certain procedures and test methods that are common to all, however, which are briefly discussed in this sect ion. The initial testing is done on small quantities on a laboratory scale, usually less than a gram. Drop weight impact tests are always done, followed by friction and thermal test such as DTA, DSC, Taliani, or others. The results of a statistically significant number of tests are then compared with known standard explosives. If the tests give satisfactory results, then a laboratory or plant level management decision, usually backed up by a safety committee review, will give a go ahead to make limited quantities sufficient to do the preliminary performance tests such as detonation velocity, detonation pressure, and shock sensitivity. These tests usually require several pounds of the new explosive to complete. At this stage more elaborate chemical compatibility and thermal stability tests are also run along with some accelerated aging tests. The small-scale laboratory tests are repeated at this stage and compared with the original results. Unless all test results are satisfactory, further work on the new explosive will be stopped. If results are satisfactory and if the performance is as desired then a management decision beyond the laboratory level will generally be made to proceed with Iimited pilot production. As much as several hundred pounds may be involved. It is at this stage that manufacturing hazards are assessed. Special tests will usually evolve at this stage that will relate
Ch. IVTaggant Safety and Compatibility Review l 7 9 to the actual manufacturing equipment such as pipe diameter in which a liquid explosive or slurry will or wilI not propogate a detonation. Exact details of equipment and controls are then reviewed. In the case of addition of taggants there is the possibility of buildup of the material in some part of the mixing or cartridge-loading machinery. Consideration is given to fail-safe controls in the event of power failures or other equipment failures. Transportation of raw materials and finished product within the plant is planned. Barricades and remote control are planned where required. For example, the pressing of booster pellets of Tetryl or PETN is a hazardous operation and must be done by remote control and the press itself barricaded so that no personnel are exposed in case of an accidental explosion. Storage in magazines must also be planned. If the new product has passed its performance and safety requirements in the pilot study, a parallel effort of evaluating the new explosive in its use environment is made. Here DOD and DOE differ significantly from industry. Military weapons are subjected to many extreme environments and the finished weapon with the new or modified explosive must undergo special safety testing to qualify it. Commercial explosives generally are used in somewhat more benign environments and the end-use safety testing is more limited and less expensive. End-use testing is required for permissible explosives (i. e., explosives that have been approved by the Bureau of Mines for use in underground coal mining operations). Their cap sensitivity, toxic fume production, and failure diameter must be established. For example, the minimum size bore hole required for a particular permissible explosive to function properly must be determined, as well as the safety of use in the underground coal environment (incendivity testing). Samples from pilot production must, at this stage, be submitted to the Department of Transportation (DOT) for determination of shipping category. DOT has stated that addition of taggants does not change the shippin g category of the explosives used in the program. 5 The aspects of quality control are addressed during the pilot phase of development. Chemical and physical test specifications are established to control all component raw materials. Incoming taggants must be examined for foreign material and their code verified. If the taggants are gritty, such as the Westinghouse ceramic particles, there must be assurance that each taggant is properly coated with the desensitizing polyethylene or wax. Similarly, sampling and test schemes for product quality assurance are set up at this stage. In some cases a companys management may decide that the change involved in the new explosive is smalI and complete requalif ication is not required. The extensive experience the management has developed in the history of its plant and products makes this, in many cases, an acceptable procedure. Although taggants would be added in only a smal I amount by weight, their use in explosives is sufficiently different from other constituents that it is the general consensus of manufacturers and other parties that addition of taggants will require complete requalification of al I tagged explosives. Description of Qualification Tests Normally Performed Testing of explosives involves a wide variety of tests which must ascertain chemical composition, performance, sensitivity, and stability. Chemical composition analysis is a dominating factor since it is obvious that the manufacturer and user must know what he is using and what he has made. Chemical analysis methods are not the direct concern here, as taggants change the composition little, but it is to be emphasized that knowledge of the chemical composition must be a part of qualification assessment. Letter, P J Student (As$oc of Amer Railroads) to R B Moler (Aerospace), June 27,1977
80 l Taggants in Explosives There is a large number of tests that are specific to evaluation of an explosive product. The details of these tests are given in several sources. 6 10 The most commonly used tests are briefly described below. Performance Performance is determined by measuring detonation velocity, detonation pressure, pressure rise rate, shock sensitivity, and failure diameter in explosives and ballistic properties such as burn rate, muzzle velocity, and chamber pressure in gunpowder. The addition of smalI amounts of inert material to an explosive probably will not effect its performance sign if i cant I y; however, performance must be demonstrated. Detonation velocity measurements consist of placing electric probes in precisely measured positions, detonating the explosive, and measuring the time that it takes the detonation front to pass between the probes with high-speed electronic equipment. 11 12 Initiation or shock sensitivity tests are done by separating a donor explosive from the test acceptor explosive by a measured gap. The gap is varied until a 50-percent probability of explosion of the acceptor explosive is estab Iished. Detonation pressure and pressure rise rate are measured by inserting transducers into the explosive material and recording the resultant pressures on fast response rate electronic equipment. Critical diameter testing, to establish the failure diameter of an explosive material, is accomplished by attempting to detonate varying diameters of the explosive. The 6Safety and Performance Te\t\, op c it )o/nt Service .Sa/et y anci Performance Manual tor Qua//i/cat/on of ~ xp/o JILw\ for M///tar y U\P (Ch ln,~ Lake, Ca I If Nava I Wea pens Center, September 1971 ) G R Walker, CARDE, Canada, E G Whltbread, ERDE, United K Ingdom, D C Horning, NSWC/WO, U S A The Technica/ Cooperation Program Manual of Sensitiveness Tests, TTCP Pane l 0-2, February 1966 K R tlecker, C M Ma\on, ~nd R W Wat\on, Bureau o f M)nef /n~trurnentec/ /mpact Tester (Bureau ot Mines) RI 7670 1972 R W Wdtson, (arci(;ap and Pro/ecti/e /mpact Senslflvity Measurements, a compilation, 1 C 8605, 1971 Safety and Performance Tes(~, op clt ~ M Mason and t G Alken, Methods for [ valuatlng Explo ~lve$ and Ha/ardou\ Mater/a/$ (Pltt\burg Mlnlng and Safety Research Center, Bureau of Mine\), report No 1 ( 8541, 1971 diameter at which 50 percent of the tests propagate to a high-order detonation is the critical or failure diameter. The chamber pressure of gunpowder i s measured by the use of spherical copper crush gauges or by transducers placed in the chamber. Burn rate is measured by a variety of methods, often by placing the powder in aVgroove, igniting one end, and measurin g th e velocity by high-speed camera, thermocouple, or pressure transducers. The muzzle velocity of the propelled projectiles can be measured by a variety of methods, includin g photogra phy and make or break switches. Impact Impact tests, although variable in nature and sometimes difficult to interpret, are critically important; their relationship to safety is obvious. They quickly provide information that categorizes the level of hazard of an explosive composition. They normally are used to tell if significant differences exist between explosive samples. Impact tests are not infallible and the results must be considered in relation to other type testing. Impact tests range from laboratory-scale tests involving less than 35 mg to large-scale drop tests amounting to as much as 50 kg. As indicated previously, the initial tests would be laboratory-scale tests. All laboratory impact machines are similar in principle. The energy source is a free-falling weight which impacts the explosive sample through a mechanical linkage. Criteria are established for distinguishin g between positive and negative responses. The criteria differ for various laboratories so comparisons are only valid when made in a single laboratory. The tests consist of dropping the weight from varying heights onto samples of test explosives placed between them sample weights are usualIy about 50 to 100 mg. The results are recorded as a go or no-go. A statistical analysis of the data determines the relative stimulus level correspondin g to a chosen level of probabiIity that the explosive will react to give a positive result accordin g to the arbitrary cri-
Ch. /VTaggant Safety and Compafibility Review 81 teria, 13 14 15 Some manufacturers report a 50percent probability height, but most report a threshold height. Bullet tests are done by firing buIlets or projectiles, usually .22, .30, or 50 caliber, into the test explosive. Powder loads are varied to obtain a range of projectile velocities. The test explosive may either be essentialIy unconfined in an ice cream carton, or highly confined in a heavy steel pipe, The minimum velocity required to obtain a reaction is reported, 6 Friction I n the manufacture, handling, and use of explosives there are many situations where frictional forces either are or could be present. Several test methods have been devised over the years and two of them have been used extensively in evaluating the taggants. In the Bureau of Mines tester a sample is placed on an anviI and subjected to the glancing, rubbing motion of a weighted shoe attached to the end of a pendulum that swings freely over the anvil. The shoe is either mild steel or a specified phenolic resin-bonded composite. The other test, developed by commercial industries, utilizes a 2-kg torpedo which is released to slide down a V track and obliquely impact the test sample. Both the height and angle of impact are independent variables, 17 A new precision instrument developed in West Germany and known as the BAM (after the Bundesanstalt fur Material prufung which developed it) seems to demonstrate improved discrimination. Some of the permissible will be tested on this new machine at the Bureau of Mines. 18 The friction surfaces in this device are ceramic. The load on the moving friction surface is varied until a response level is established. Stability Stability testing may be divided into two general categories. One is simply long-term storage in which samples are removed periodicalIy and retested to see if a significant change has occurred. The second category involves accelerated aging, which generally means subjecting the test sample to extreme temperature environments and then measuring the effects of the environment. Stability tests normalIy conducted include the above-described friction and performance tests, plus tests which are basically thermal in nature. These thermal tests provide a measure of some physical chemistry parameters of the explosive as well as being measurements of stabiIity. Among the stability tests widely used are: Differential thermal analysis [DTA) in which identical containers, one containing the sample and the other a standard reference material, are set up in identical thermal geometries with temperature sensors arranged so as to give both the temperature in each container and the difference in temperature between the containers. The data are displayed as a DTA thermogram in which this temperature difference is plotted against the temperature of the sample. Such a plot is almost a straight line if the sample has no rapidly changing thermal behavior. Excursions below or above the baseline are due to endothermic, that is heat absorbing, or exothermic, that is heat releasing, reactions. The DTA analysis permits the interpretation of phase changes, decomposition, and melting points; from these, some kinetic information on thermal stability can be obtained. Sample sizes are in the order of 20 mg. Since the temperature of the thermal event is dependent, to some extent, on the heating rate, various heating rates are normally used. The standard rates are 100 C/rein and 20 C/rein. Differential/ scanning calorimetry is very similar to DTA except the energy difference (calories) between the standard reference material and the explosive is recorded during the time-temperature program. Vacuum stability is measured by placing a 5mg sample in a gas burette and then evacuat-
82 l Taggants in Explosives ing the burette. The flask containing the sample holder is then heated to an appropriate temperature for 20 to 48 hours. The ga s evolved is measured by the manometer connected to the sample flask and then normalized to standard temperature and pressure. Test temperatures specified for military explosives are 1000 C and 1200 C. Dynamites and slurries are less temperature-resistant and usually contain volatile compounds; therefore, the test is really only useful for candidate booster materials, gunpowders, and explosive components of detonating cord. The Taliani test is almost exactly the same as the vacuum stability test except that the test is usually run in a nitrogen atmosphere at 750 C at some laboratories and 93.30 C at others; taggant tests in one laboratory were run at 1200 C. At the end of 1 or 2 hours, the apparatus is vented to 1 atmosphere to eliminate the effect of the vapor pressure of water and the expansion of the original gas. The pressure change between 2 and 5 hours is measured. In the chemical reactivity test (CRT) a sample of the explosive, approximately 0.25 g, is usually heated under a helium blanket at 1200 C for 22 hours. Tests have been conducted at other temperatures and times; tests with the Westinghouse taggants in dynamites were run at 1000 C for 4 hours. A cryogenic gas chromatography unit is then used to measure the individual volumes of the product gases, including such species as nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide and dioxide, water, and other gases as may be determined necessary. This test is used principally to determine the reactivity of explosives with other materials, i.e., a compatibility test. In the hot bar test a bar is heated to 2500 C and test samples of explosive are dropped on it. In the hot tip test, a 7\8-inch square by 1\8 inch-thick piece of steel is heated to white heat by means of a Presto-Lite torch and dropped on a test sample. The stability bath test measures an exotherm and, therefore, decomposition at elevate d temperatures. It is similar to the DTA, but uses larger samples. The sample is generally heated to a predetermined temperature and retained there for a number of hours. Visual evidence of decomposition is sought as well as the measurement of endothermic and exothermic reactions. The abel heat test consists of heatin g samples in contact with methyl violet paper, usually at 71 0 C. The elapsed time before the paper changes color is recorded. The test is applicable only to explosives containing nitrate ester. A similar test, the German test is done at 1200 C and a minimum time of 40 minutes allowed before a color change. When the stability of an explosive is being compared to the stability of that explosive after an additive (such as the taggant) has been incorporated, the tests are normally conducted with significantly increased concentration of -that additive. Thus, while only 0.05 percent by weight of taggants is proposed to be added to explosives, stability tests are conducted with taggant concentration as high as so percent. Incendivity Testing (The Gallery Test) Incendivity testing is done to certify explosives and blasting assessories for use in underground mines. Permissible explosives are those that pass the proscribed incendivity test. An explosive charge, which is loaded into a steel cannon (mortar), is fired directly into the gallery chamber containing a flammable mixture of natural gas and air or natural gas, air, and coal dust. There are two large gallery tests for explosives. on one test the incendivity is measured in mixtures of coal dust and natural gas in which the gas concentration (4 percent) is below the explosive limit of the mixture. In the other, the incendivity of explosives is measured in the presence of an 8-percent natural gas-air mixture. The gallery represents a coal mine face, and is a 6-ft, 4-inch diameter steel tube, 80 ft long. The first 20 ft are charged with the flammable air/gas mixture and isolated by a thin membrane from the remaining 60 ft of tube which is filled with air and acts as an expansion volume. I n the 4-percent concentration test, 1A lb charges of the explosive are fired in the cannon under specified conditions. Ten trials are
Ch. IVTaggant Safety and Compatibility Review l 8 3 made; if any explosion occurs the explosive has failed the test. In the 8-percent concentration version, the amount of explosive that is being treated is varied from shot to shot to establish the weight required to cause a 50-percent probability of ignition. 19 Cap Sensitivity This test provides a simple means for differentiating an explosive from a blasting agent. A No. 8 detonator is inserted into a sample of given size and fired. If the sample is initiated to detonation, the material is classified as an explosive. A material that is not initiated to detonation is classed as a blasting agent. The test is used by the Bureau of Explosives to establish its shipping classification. The sample is put into a container at its approximate packaged density and a No. 8 detonator is inserted through the cover. The assembly is placed on soft ground in an isolated, safeguarded area, and the detonator is fired. If a crater is formed, the sample is considered to be cap-sensitive. The sample container is a 1qt, spiralwound, paperboard cylinder with cover, of the type used commercially for food packaging. Any commercial No. 8 blasting cap may be used as the detonator. Spark Sensitivity The method of determinin g sensitivity to spark initiation is to subject the material to single discharges from a capacitor charged to a high voltage. The maximum energy of the spark discharge to which the material can be subjected without being ignited is a criterion of its sensitivity. Results are expressed as the maximum energy, in jouIes at 5,000 v, at which the probability of an ignition is zero. 20 Charge Generation Taggants are electrically nonconductive. A charge can be generated on them by pouring the taggant into the mixer; a charge generation test was therefore devised by one manufacturer. The test apparatus consists of an angled lker, et dl 01) c It K w Wdtw)ll, ()[) ( It chute (grounded stainless steel, 2 ft long), and an ungrounded stainless steel catch container with a known capacitance connected to an electrostatic volt meter. The taggants were poured from a polyethylene container, down the chute into the catch container. The charge developed is calculated from the voltage. The relaxation time is determined by the time required for the charge to dissipate. The charge generated, and relaxation time, can then be compared to materials commonly added to explosive materials, such as aluminum powder. Elements of a Taggant Compatibility Qualification Program Taggants are a sufficient departure from the materials normally used in explosives and gunpowder to require full qualification of the new taggant-explosive material composition. While the taggants are fabricated from quite inert materials and are to be added i n amounts of only a few hundredths of a percent by weight, the conservative safety philosophy of the explosives industry makes requalification necessary. As the detailed physical chemistry of the explosive reactions is not completely understood, it is not possible to safely conduct a few spot tests and generalize to alI explosive materials from these tests. Table 23 outlines the elements of the type of qualification test program considered adequate by the OTA study team. In principle, the manufacture of explosive materials consists simply of adding together the fuel, oxidizer, sensitizers, and stabilizers, mixing the components and packaging them in Table 23.Elements of a Suggested Compatibility Qualification Program l Unique with each manufacturer. l Analysis to define the new explosive or ingredient l Laboratory testing+impact, friction, thermal, chemical composition, electrical aging, chemical Interaction, performance l Pilot production l Commitee and management review l Early production and review Special tests. l Experience SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment
84 l Taggants in Explosives a casing (most explosives) or granulating the mixture (gunpowder). I n practice, however, each explosive mixture of ingredient is combined and processed in ways that differ significantly for each manufacturer. The number of ingredients used can vary from 2 (for ANFO) to 10 or more for some explosives and smokeless powders. The mixing process used can vary from the simple mixing of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil to form ANFO to a complex process involving preparation of the basic ingredients (one manufacturer grinds all ingredients to a 300 mesh powder for instance) and several mixing and processing stages. The equipment used also varies widely, from the wooden mixing equipment used by one manufacturer of nitroglycerine-based dynamites to the complex continuous process equipment used by one manufacturer of emulsions. End uses also vary; soft dynamites are often dropped or otherwise subjected to impact forces which would be unsafe if used with more brittle explosives such as TNT boosters. For these reasons, the qualification program must be unique to each manufacturer, and must reflect the exposure expected during the manufacture, storage, transportation, handling, and use of that particular product. While it is true that the state of the art and laboratory instrumentation of physical chemistry are not sufficiently advanced to provide a detailed understanding of the process involved in all explosive reactions, it is certainly true that a careful and thorough analysis of the probable effect of adding taggants to explosive materials can provide a great deal of information. This information can be used as a preliminary screen to eliminate obviously dangerous explosive-taggant combinations, such as taggants placed directly in primary explosives or the use of gritty taggants. In addition the analysis can suggest critical tests and provide insight into the expected result and their interpretation. Proper analysis must therefore be considered the first element of any compatibiIity qualification program. Laboratory testing must obviously play the central role in a qualification program. The exact tests to be performed are a function of the manufacturing process and end use, the results of the analysis, and the standard procedure of the manufacturers. At a minimum, tests must be conducted to demonstrate that the addition of taggants to explosive materials does not increase their impact and friction sensitivity; does not detrimentally alter the thermal, chemical, electrical, or storage properties of the materials; does not decrease stability; does not alter the chemical interactions involved (by eliminating interactions originally present or by introducing new interactions); and does not adversely affect the performance of the explosive material, After the small-quantity laboratory tests and the analysis are successfully completed, pilotplant scale production should be initiated to investigate potential problems involved in the manufacturing, packaging, and storage of the tagged explosives and gunpowder. This testing should simulate, as nearly as possible, the actual manufacturing processes to be used if tagged explosives were to be produced. Reviews, both technical and managerial, are an integral part of the qualification process. Substantive special reviews would probably be held at the end of the small-scale laboratory testing phase and at the end of the pilot production. Through their qualification process the manufacturer would gain a great deal of experience in handling and workin g with the tagged explosives. This experience, and the general experience gained by working with the untagged explosives, and with other explosives, represent an important, although qualitative, part of the qualification evaluation process. For this reason, it is desirable for the manufacturers to conduct at least a large part of the qualification process. Some manufacturers do not have the requisite facilities and personnel to conduct the initial analyses and laboratory testing. This testing can be accomplished by outside agencies. It is obviously necessary for the manufacturer to participate in the pilotscale testing phase. In the taggant compatibility testing which has taken place (presented below), the manu-
Ch. IVTaggant Safety and Compatibility Review l 8 5 facturers were asked to suggest critical tests minimum program, such as described above, that were required before the pilot test manumust be conducted; additional tests, suggested facturing and distribution program could take by the manufacturer, may be made a part of place. That process is not sufficient for a forthe program. mal compatibility qualification program. A TAGGANT COMPATIBILITY TESTING ACCOMPLISHED TO DATE Several hundred individual tests have been conducted in an effort to define the compatibility of identification taggants with explosive materials. These tests have generally been paired tests in which the reaction of a specific explosive material to a specific test is compared to the reaction of that material when identification taggant have been added. Materials tested include dynamite and other capsensitive high explosives, cast boosters, black powder, and smokeless powder. Several varieties of identification taggants have been tested, including the current 3M baseline taggant in both encapsulated (type C) and unencapsulated (type A) form; a harder, more highly cross-1 inked variety of the taggant (type B); a higher melting point variety (type D); the Westinghouse ceramic taggant; and the Curie-point taggant. No tests have shown increased explosive sensitivity due to the addition of the baseline 3M taggant (either encapsulated or unencapsuIated). Similarly, no changes in electrical, general mechanical, or toxicity characteristics have been noted, Decreased chemical stability was noted, however, for one type of smokeless powder (Herco @ ); 21 2 2 decreased stability was also noted in one type of booster material (Composition B). The tests conducted to date clearly show that some chemical reaction takes place when Herco @ powder or Composition B is mixed with a high concentration of 3M taggants and then heated to a high temperature; further research is required to determine the nature and cause of the reaction, the extent of the safety hazard created, and what remedial steps may be feasible. Extremely Iimited testing has indicated no significant change in balIistic velocity or chamber pressure when the 3M taggants are added to smokeless powders, even at extremely high taggant concentrations. The hard 3M taggants (types B and D) did cause significantly increased sensitivity in capsensitive explosives, as did the Curie-point taggant and the unencapsulated Westinghouse taggant. Compatibility testing for the detection taggant materials has been recently initiated with black powder and cap-sensitive high explosives. No data has been formally reported; toxicity and mutogenacity tests of the materials themselves have been negative. The following paragraphs briefly summarize the tests so far conducted. The extent of testing described in the tables includes those whose results had been formally reported by March 1, 1980. However, OTA has reviewed all testing about which information was received, whether or not formal reports have been issued. Tests are continuing. Dynamite s The paired compatibility tests conducted with dynamite and with EDCN are summarized in table 24, In this table and those which follow in this section, an asterisk by the taggant type indicates a sensitization or other indication of noncompatibility The other symbols are defined in the legend. As can be seen from the table, no significant differences in response to the various tests evaluated were ob-
86 l Taggants in Explosives Table 24,Summary of Compatibility Tests Conducted With Dynamite and Dynamite Ingredients Test typ e Electro Dro p Slidin g 5-k g stati c Chemica l Type of dynamit e weigh t Frictio n ro d impact discharge Heat (abol ) DT A reactivity pH Vibroge l Red H A Tamptite gelatin extra 60% Unige l Gelobel A A EGDN Nitroglycerin 90/10 EGDN/NG : : 60% ammonia gelati n 60% semigelati n 40% specia l 85% hydrive 850/o gelatin Gelatinous permissibl e 60/40 NG/EGDN Power Prime r A, C A, C A, C A, C A,B C,W, X* c w w w w A, C A, C A, C A, C x A, B*, C, W, X,D, E c A C,Y,Z w w w w c A, C A, C A, C A,B* ,W C,W x c D w w w w w w w w A ,C Y*, E,A*, C A*, C,D* Y*, Z* c c c c A C, W, X,D, E A c w W.x A w w w w A A unencapsulaled 3M laggant Xunencapsulaled Westinghouse ceramic taggant Bunencapsulated hard cross.linked 3M taggant Yencapsulated Curie-point Iaggant Cencapsulated 3M Iaggant Zunencapsulah?d Cunepolnt faggant Dencapsulated higher meltlng point 3M taggant indicating Irradiated taggant E unencapsulated higher melting point 3M taggant md[caled noncompatibility Wencapsulated Westinghouse ceramic taggant SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment served for any of the dynamites into which either the encapsulated or unencapsulated baseline 3M taggants were added. UnencapsuIated hard or gritty taggants of various sorts caused sensitization under impact testing. I n addition to those tests shown in the table, a small number of drop weight tests were conducted in which the 3M taggants (both baseline and the cross-linked varieties) were encapsulated in several high melting point resins. Sensitization of both Power Primer and 90/10 EGDN/NG were noted for most combinations tested. A final series of tests examined the stability of tagged Power Primer, Coalite-8S, and EC DN under both accelerated aging (higher temperature) and ambient aging conditions. The Power Primer showed a significant decrease in stability as measured in the Abel test after 2 months aging at 400 C. Unfortunately, no control test was conducted with untagged Power Primer, so no compatibility judgment can be made. No other signs of decreased stability appeared in the other tests. Gels and Slurries A smaller number of tests was conducted to compare the response of tagged and untagged gels, slurries, and emulsions. These tests are summarized in table 25. I n no case tested was there an indication of changes in sensitivity or stability due to the presence of taggants. Tests were also conducted to determine if the addition of taggants to the gels and slurries would affect performance as the explosive materials aged. Tests included initiation sensitivity and detonation velocity as well as visual observation of gel quality. Both ambient and accelerated aging tests were conducted. No changes in these properties were observed. Cap-sensitivity tests at low temperature were also conducted with special sensitized emulsions containing a combination of the baseline 3M and the Westinghouse taggants. The performance
Ch. IVTagganf Safety and Compatibility Review l 8 7 Table 25.Summary of Compatibility Tests Conducted With Gels and Slurries Test type Weight ElectroDrop Sliding Projectile Chemical Thermal loss under Hot Hot static Type gel or slurry weight rod impact Friction stability stability Taliani heat tip bar disch Gel-power A2 A,C A,C c l H20, MMAN, SN, AN A c Mixture of tovex 700, tovex 800, tovex 320 C c c c c Gel-coa l c c Gel-powder c c c c c c c c Permissible (unspecified) W W w Aunencapsulaled 3M taggant Yencapsulated curie-poml taggant Bunencapsulated hard cross linked 3M taggant Zunencapsulated curie point taggant Cencapsulated 3M taggant indicating iradiated taggan Dencapsulated higher melting point 3M taggant MMAN monomethylamme nitrate Eunencapsulated higher melting point 3M taggant SN sodium nitrate Wencapsulated Westing ceramic taggant ANammonium nitrate X unencapsulated Westinghouse ceramic taggant SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment of the tagged explosives was superior to the untagged control samples. It should be noted that the reason for any change in performance should be carefully investigated. Cast Boosters The tests comparing the sensitivity and stability of tagged and untagged cast boosters are summarized in table 26. The 3M taggant did not affect the sensitivity of any of the cast boosters explosives in any of the paired testing. Evidence of decreased stability was observed in tests conducted of molten booster material to which 3M taggant had been added. I n a series of tests, Goex heated booster explosives to temperatures between 1200 and 1650 C for a period of 16 hours. Evidence of decomposition of the explosives occurred, including bubbling, dislocation, and the appearance of voids. Pentolite (50/50 PET N/TNT), Octol (25/75 TNT/HMX), and an explosive mixture similar to Composition B were tested. The only paired test was with the Composition B-like material. Composition B normally contains just under 30 percent TNT and just under 60 percent RDX, with the rest being wax. The Goex mixture used A-3 instead of pure RDX. As A-3 contains approximately 9 percent wax, the composition of the Goex Composition B differs from standard Composition B. Ignoring I I L~tt~r j w H~rOn (GO~X, I nc ) to S []erda (Aemspdc ~), StdtlJs ot Tdgg, !ng Program, Aerospace purchase order W-025, lab rept DTL) 10479 this nomenclature difference, the tagged composition B showed significantly more severe degradation at the 120 C test temperature than did the untagged composition B at a 1300 C test temperature. As no control tests were conducted with an untagged batch of explosives for the Octol and Pentolite tests, it is impossible to ascertain if the taggants were responsible for the observed reactions. While testing is often conducted at temperatures above those encountered in normal use, it is extremely dangerous to heat common booster materials to temperatures above 1200 C. The test serves as an indication of a potential compatibility problem. More carefully controlled tests are currently underway at the Naval Surface Weapons Center, White Oak, Md. Preliminary indications are that a 50-50 mixture of unencapsulated taggants and TNT undergoes a chemical reaction at 1200 C; research is continuing to determine the nature, cause, and safety significance of this apparent incompatibi I it y. On July 15, 1979, an explosion and fire occurred at the Goex factory in Camden, Ark., causing damage which Goex has estimated at $2 million. The explosion took place in a meltpour operation in which scrap high explosives were being melted. Goex, I nc., asserts that the scrap materials avaiIable for melting down included some materials containing 3M identification taggants. Goex further asserts that the explosion began in a way that resembled the
88 Taggants in Explosives Table 26.Summary of Compatibility Tests Conducted With Cast Boosters Test type Vacuum BAM Pendulum Thermal Type of booster Drop weight stability friction friction Sliding rod stability PETN A, B. C,X*,W A,B, X w C,W Pentolit e A, B,X* A, C,Y,Z A.B, X w 50/50 pentolite w w w Composition B w w w c* TN T w w w RD X w w w Aunencapsulated 3M taggant X unencapsulaled Westinghouse ceramic taggant Bunencapsulaled hard cross linked 3M taggant Yencapsulated Cune-point Iaggant C encapsulated 3M taggant Zunencapsulated Curie-poml taggant Dencapsulated higher melting point 3M Liggant idicating Irradiated taggant E unencapsulaled higher melting point 3M taggant Indicated noncompatibility wencapsulated Westinghouse ceramic taggant SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment reaction of tagged booster material in the above tests. Goex claims that the explosion must have been caused by the taggants. The Aerospace Corp. asserts that no tagged booster material was located at the Camden factory at this time, and that furthermore the low concentrations which Goex asserts were present could not have initiated an explosion; the tests to which Goex refers involved extremely high taggant concentrations, OTA is not familiar with the facts regarding the possible presence of taggants, and is not aware as the report goes to press of any experimental data on the possible destabilizin g effects of low concentrations of taggants mixed with TN T/RDX mixtures. As would be expected, the more gritty taggants clearly showed evidence of sensitizin g the booster explosives. In the case of the Curiepoint taggant, sensitization occurred even for encapsuIated taggants; these are the onIy tests showing sensitization with encapsuIated taggants. Black Powder The black powder compatibility test results are summarized in table 27. Neither the black powder nor the black powder tailings are sensitive to either the friction or impact tests conducted, even for the gritty taggants, However, no stabiIity tests were conducted. Table 27.Summary of Compatibility Tests Conducted With Black Powder Test type Drop BAM Type of powder weight frlctlon FFFg A,B, X A,B, X Tailngs A.B, X A,B, X A unencapsulated 3M tagant Bunencapsulated hard cross-linked 3M taggant X unencapsulated Westinghouse ceramic taggant SOURCE Off Ice 01 Technology Assessmem Smokeless Powders The compatibility tests conducted with smokeless powders are summarized in table 28. Only the encapsulated 3M taggant (type C) was tested. Tests were originally conducted by Hercules, Olin, and Du Pent on their own smokeless powders. 24 25 No evidence of sensitization or change in electrostatic properties was observed. I n the case of the Herco @ pow der, however, the Taliani and German heat tests both indicated a significant decrease in stability due to the addition of the taggants (in a 50-percent concentration) to the smokeless powder. (Although Hercules tested only Herc o @ powder, Hercules believes that their
Ch. IVTaggant Safety and Compatibility Review 89 Table 28.Summary of Compatibility Tests Conducted With Smokeless Powders Test type ElectroCrltlcal static Impmgeheight to German Balllstlc Balllstlc Type of powder Impact Frlctlon discharge ment explosion DSC Tallanl heat veloclty pressure Hercules HPC c Hercules bullseye c Hercules Herco m C c c c c c c* c, Du Pent H1-skor c c c c c c Du Pent PB c c c c c c Du Pent IMR 3031 c c c c c c Du Pent IMR 4064 c c c c Olln 23 1 c Olln 296 c Olln 45 2 c Olln 540 c Olln 473 c Olin 571 c Olln 680 c Olln 748 c Olln 760 c Olln 785 c Olln WC 57 1 c c Cencapsulated 3M taggant lndlcaled noncom pall bllrly SOURCE Off/cc of Technology Assessment other brands of powder designed for the reloading market are so similar to Herco that similar test results could be expected. OTA believes that this is highly likely for the four other Hercules brands that are chemically identical to Herco; it may not be the case for the three Hercules brands with different compositions.) As no changes were noted for the Du Pent or Olin Abel tests, the Herco @ test s were repeated at the Naval Ordnance Station, Indian Head, Md. The decreased stability was confirmed. A more carefully controlled series of tests was then conducted by the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL) for the Aerospace Corp. in an attempt to isolate the element or elements of the taggant materials which are responsible for the incompatibility. zb Briefly, the tests indicated that there exists an incompatibility between something in the Herco and the melamine/alkyd which forms the basic matrix of the 3M taggants. It may be a basic reaction with the melamine/alkyd or with the catalyst used to speed up the cure time. There may also be reactions occuring between the taggant pigments and the Herco @ powder. The LLL tests are continuing in an attempt to resolve the issue. [l 5f,]ton A I,]vne Ietttr, OIJ c It At the present time, there appears to be an incompatibility between the 3M taggants and the Herco smokeless powder. Hercules has indicated that it does not consider the combination safe and has stopped all work on it. OTA feels that, on the basis of the tests just described, the conclusion must be drawn that the 3M taggants cannot be safely added to the Herc o @ powder unless the present incompatibility is resolved. Some justification exists for questioning the validity of tests using severely increased concentrations of the taggant materials (5o percent in the tests v. 0.05 percent of encapsulated material in the proposed taggant program), but it has not been demonstrated that there is a threshold concentration below which the problem disappears, and that such a threshold would never be exceeded in practice. Preliminary ballistic tests have been conducted on tagged WC 571 shotgun powder manufactured by Olin Ballistic velocity chamber pressure, and time to initiate burning were measured. Tests were conducted at three temperatures ( C, 20 C, and 50 C) and four taggant concentrations (2, 4, 10, and 20 times the recommended concentrations), both with the taggants mixed in the powder and 61-401 9 80 7
90 l Taggants in Explosives with the taggants separated and placed directly over the primer flash hole. The Olin rationale for such extreme tests condition (up to 20 times the nominal concentrations, 100-percent segregation) was an attempt to evaluate the worst-worst case conditions that might appear due to segregation of the taggants from the powder during manufacture, transportation, and storage. No deviation from acceptable ballistic performance was noted for the ambientand hightemperature tests. A steady decrease in velocity and pressure was noted with increasin g taggant concentration. The practical signifance of this depends on the extent to which taggant concentration would vary in actual use by handloaders, which can and should be established by careful testing and statistical analysis. At the low-temperature condition two anomalous test results occurred. Evidence of improper ignition occurred in 1 of the 20 firings at the 20 times normal concentration, 100percent segregation condition. Improper ignition would constitute a safety hazard as the round might not clear the barrel, Significantly reduced bal I istic performance occurred on 1 of the 20 tests at 4 times nominal taggant concent rat ion, with the taggants and powder mixed. No other performance degradation was noted, even under conditions of higher taggant concentrate ion. DISCUSSION OF COMPATIBILITY TEST RESULTS Several hundred tests have been conducted to investigate the compatibility of explosive materials with identification taggants. Most of the tests have been conducted with the baseline 3M taggants and variations of these taggants; a large number of tests, however, have also been conducted with several other candidate taggant materials. Compatibility tests have included those designed to indicate increased sensitivity decreased stab i I it y, changed electrical properties, and changed performance, Explosive materials have included dynamites, gels, emulsions and slurries, cast boosters, bldck powder, and smokeless powders. A full set of qualification tests has not been completed on any single explosive product and only a small fraction of the hundreds of products has had any testing. Given these limitations, it is still possible to draw some tentative conclusions on the compat ibi I ity of taggants with explosive materials (which may change as more data becomes available) and to discuss the implications of these results for the taggant program, First, it is important to realize the purpose of ~ cornpatibiIity qua I if i cat ion testing program. In brief, a set of tests is established on the basis of analysis, the projected manufacturing, storage, transportation, and end-use processing of the material, and the normal procedures and experience of the organization conductin g the tests. If the candidate explosive product fails to pass any of the critical tests in the series, it is judged to have failed the qual ification test program. If a flaw can be corrected, then the tests can continue, but the material must pass al I of the critical tests, not just a majority or a certain fraction. There is no indication that the 3M taggants are incompatible with dynamites, gels and SIurries, or black powder. Composition B booster material an d Herco smokeless powder do show significantly reduced stability in the presence of the 3M identification taggants. Furthermore, careful testing appears to indicate that the incompatibility is with the basic melamine/alkyd material of the taggants, rather than with a particular pigment or the polyethylene encapsulate. Tests, similar to those conducted with Herco, were conducted with other smokeless powders; no loss in stability was noted for other Hercules powders, or for the Olin or Du Pent smokeless powders. The reaction, therefore, probably is between the melamine/alkyd and one of the sensitizers or stabilizers of the Herc o @ As the formulations of both Herco @ and the 3M identification taggants currently stand, the two are not compatible. Further in-
Ch. IV Taggant Safety and Compatibility Review l 9 1 vestigation may isolate the element of incompatibility, and it may be possible to replace elements in either the Herco @ or the taggants to remove the incompatibility. It is not yet possible to tell whether the booster material incompatibility is with the basic melamine/alkyd or with one of the components of the taggants. Both the smokeless powder and booster material tests took place at high temperatures, and, in most of the tests, at high-taggant concentrations. The temperature used for the smokeless powder test was higher than would be expected in actual manufacture, storage, or use; the temperature used for the cast booster is sometimes reached in manufacturing processes. In each test, a taggant concentration of so percent was used rather than the 0.05-percent tagging concentration suggested for routine use. The tests, nonetheless, indicate that the stability of the materials has decreased, due to the addition of taggants, and that a reaction is taking place between elements of the taggants and elements of the explosive material. Standard qualification test procedure requires that such evidence be considered a sign of an existing incompatibility between the materials. Careful Iy controlled testing, and extensive analysis must be completed before it can be determined if the observed evidence of incompatibiIity does, in fact, indicate a potential safety problem during the manufacture, storage, transportation, and use of the tested materials. Unless demonstrated otherwise, it must be assumed that it is unsafe to add the taggants to that smokeless powder or the booster material. Until the elements of the incompatible Iity have been identified, a question remains as to the safety of adding the taggants to similar smokeless powders and booster materials, although tests with other smokeless powders and boosters have shown no evidence of incompatibility. The significance of the 01 in ballistic property tests cannot be fully assessed at this time. The Olin tests indicated that increasing taggant concentrations lead to a reduction in velocity and pressure, and this could create a problem if and only if it proves impossible to mix taggants with smokeless powder in such a way as to avoid extreme variations in taggant concentration from one round to the next. Testing is required to establish how great a variation in concentration could be expected using reasonable manufacturing methods, and normal transportation, storage, and loading procedures. The Olin tests did show one case of poor performance (at four times the suggested taggant concentration), but performance anomalies sometimes occur without taggants, and a single anomaly is not enough to justify a prediction as to whether taggants would increase the frequency of such occurrences. The segregation tests were conducted with 100-percent segregation, which appears quite unreal istic. Testing is needed to establish the extent of segregation which might occur before a realistic worst case can be defined. Unlike the Herco @ and Composition B cases, the Olin ballistic property tests do not appear to OTA to constitute sufficient evidence to require presumption of an incompatibility. It remains true, however, that no presumption of compatibility can be made until adequate ballistics tests have been conducted. This raises the question of the value of a taggant program from which smokeless powders and cast boosters were excluded. As noted in chapter Vl, smokeless powders are used in a significant percentage of criminal bombings (approximately 20 percent) and cause 10 to 20 percent of deaths and injuries. As also noted in chapter Vl, criminal bombers are Iikely to react to a taggant program, If smokeless powders are not tagged, then a logical reaction would be for a large number of bombers to switch to the use of smokeless powders. Although bombs using smokeless powder are considerably less efficient (lower specific energy) than those using cap-sensitive high explosives, smokeless powder bombs are responsible for a considerable number of injuries and deaths. Effective controls over smokeless powder by means other than taggants may be possible but appear unlikely. Booster material is rarely used as a bomb filIer. It is used, however, to initiate blasting agents. The current BATF plan would be to not directly tag blast-
92 l Taggants in Explosives ing agents, but to tag the booster and detonators used to initiate the blasting agent. Exclusion of boosters from the taggant program may well require an alternate control mechanism for blasting agents. Given the extremely large quantity of blasting agent produced (3.4 billion lb annually), any other control mechanism may have serious cost consequences. The above discussion concerned the results of the tests to investigate the compatibility of the baseline 3M taggants with explosive materials. Tests were also conducted using hard or gritty taggants, In all cases, the unencapsuIated hard taggants caused increased sensitivity to the drop weights, and, in most cases, to the sliding rod tests. The ceramic Curie-point taggants caused increased sensitivity in some cases even when encapsulated, although no incompatibility was noted for the Westinghouse or hard-core 3M taggants when encapsulated with polyethylene. When a hard resin was used as an encapsulant, the 3M taggants showed a clear sensitization of PETN. The implications of these tests are obvious. l-lard or gritty taggants must be encapsulated. The encapsulated material should not only be soft but it should also be a heat sink. The use of a soft additive is a common desensitizer in military explosives. Composition B and other RDX-based explosives include approximately 1 percent wax with a softening point in the 800 F range. The tests show that encapsulated gritty taggants, such as the Westinghouse ceramic taggant, may be alternatives to the baseline 3M taggant. As even a small amount of the unencapsulated material (0.01 percent) causes increased sensitivity, however, great care must be exercised to ensure essentially 100-percent encapsulation; this may seem to create an impossible quality control problem. However, the problem may not be as difficult as it first appears. If 99 percent of the taggants are encapsulated, then unencapsulated taggants would constitute only .00025 percent by weight of the explosive, almost two orders of magnitude less than the amount demonstrated to cause increased sensitivity. Tests of those extremely low levels might welI show no increased sensitivity. As noted above, much compatibility testing remains to be accomplished. Identification taggants have undergone comprehensive testing with a representative sample of dynamites, gels, slurries, cast booster materials/smokeless powders, and black powder; even after the resolution of the compatibility questions which testing so far has revealed, it would eventually be necessary to test taggants with all such materials before instituting a comprehensive tagging program. In the case of detonators and detonating cord, compatibility testing has no t been completed even with a representative sample. Compatibility testing of detection taggants started only recently, and with the exception of testing with detonators it is less far advanced than compatibility testing of identification taggants. It is necessary to resolve the incompatibility observed between the 3M identification taggants and the Composition B booster material as well as the Herco @ powder however, before it makes any sense to finish the rest of the tests with other materials. The resolution of the smokeless powder incompatibility could take any of several forms, including: l l l l Reformulation of the 3M taggant this could require starting essentially from scratch in the taggant-testing program, as the reformulated taggant would un doubtedly exhibit different compatibility, as well as survivability properties. It might be possible to develop a different taggant that proved compatible with smokeless powders, and to use the existing 3M taggant for explosive materials with which it is compatible. Reformulation of the Herco powder this may or may not be easily accomplished, once the element or elements that react with the taggant are isolated. This option would only be viable if no other smokeless powder were found to be incompatible. Exclusion of Herco from the taggant program the economic effects on competition would need to be carefully considered, as would alternate control mechan isms.
Ch. IVTaggant Safety and Compatibility Review 93 l Exclusion of smokeless powders from the identification taggant program such an exclusion wouId rely on the fact that smokeless powders would be less effective than cap-sensitive high explosives and that the detonators would be tagged. OTA believes that this last approach may not be viable too many people are currently killed or injured using smokeless powders and the numbers wouId almost certainly increase if that approach were adopted. Alternate control mechanisms for smokeless powders would be required, l Demonstrate ion that the observed stabiIity problem does not constitute a safety hazard. The observed decreased stabiIity occurs at elevated tern peratures and at more than two orders of magnitude higher taggant concentration, As the decomposition rate is both temperatu r-e and concentration sensitive, it may be that no safet y hazard exists under realistic conditions If it could be positively demonstrated that the decomposition rate was within the normal I I y accepted range for temperature regimes and concentrations which reflect worst case actuaI use conditions, then it may be possible to add taggants to the smokeless powder, particuIarly if no further incompatibiIities surface. However, demonstrate ion of safety wouId have to be quite convincing to overcome the currently perceived incompatibility. A resolution of the booster incom pat problem could be accomplished by a s set of methods, once the elements of t compatibiIity have been identitied. bility milar lein
PAGE 100
Chapter V TAGGANT COST REVIEW Page Overview l *.*.*..,.*,.*.****..*,...,.** 97 T-t Material Costs........., . . 101 Identification Taggants, ................101 Detection Taggant Materials Costs .......102 Cost and Supply Guarantees ...........103 Sensor-Related Costs. . . . . . .104 Numbers of Sensors Needed . .. ....105 Sensor System Related Costs ............105 Mix of Sensors . . . . . .. ..106 False Alarm Costs. . . . . . .107 ExpMvesandGunpowder Manufacturing Costs 1(I7 Page Recordkeeping Costs ..................111 Markup. . . . . . ........112 Summary of Manufacturing Costs Added .. .112 Distributor Costs . . ................113 Recordkeeping at 13istribution Levels .. ....113 Storage . . ......................115 Summary Cost IncludingMarkup. ........116 UserCostImpacts. ......................11 7 Increased Material Costs ...............117 Commercial IJsesof Explosives and Cunpowcfers-Genera\. ............118 Revised Processes, Tooling, and Facility Underground Mines. ................11 8 costs. ........ ................10 8 Quarries . . ..................118 Cap-Sensitive PackagedExpkMVes .. ....108 Open PitMines. ....................11 9 Cast Boosters, Smokeless Powcfers g and Construction. . . . . . .119 Black Powder., . . . ....108 Handloading. . ...................12 0 DetonatingCord. ...................10 9 othercostlmpacts. ... o .. .0.............12 1 BlastingCaps ..+. . . . . .:.109 Government investigation Costsand Program Labor . . . . . ... .... .109 Administration. ..................12 1 Cap-Sensitive Packaged Explosives .. ....109 InvestigativeCosts. ...................12 1 Cast Boosters.. . . . ... ,..?09 EffectsofCompetition-Substitution . ...I22 Black Powder... ..................,10 9 Effects on Fixe&PriceCommodities. ......122 Smokeless Powder ...............,..11 0 Possibie RemovaiofSome Gunpowders From DetonatingCord and Blasting .. 11 0 the Market ......................12 3 Productivity . . . . . . 110-bw*$ . l . 123 Cap-SensitivePackagedExplosiv~ .. ....110 Identification Taggant Material Other Explosive Categories ...........111 Costs. . . . . ..........123 InventoryCosts ......................11 1 Detection TaggantProgram Material Costs. .123 QualityControl . ...................11 1 Manufacturing Level Program Costs . 124 Safety . . ....................111 Distribution Network Program Costs. ., ....124
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Public Overhead Program Cost ..........124 Taggant Program Baseline Cost Estimate. .. .125 Program Cost Versus Implementation Level .125 Program Cost of Separate Identification and Detection Taggant Programs ........126 Comparison of OTA Cost Estimates With I ME and Aerospace Corp. Estimates . .. 127 Who Bears the Cost of a Taggant Program? .. 128 Cost Analysis Precision. . . . . . 129 Cost Sensitivity Analysis ...............129 Taggant Materials ..................12 9 Adequacy of Current Data. ................133 Suggested Further Research . . . . 134 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 TABLES Page Qualification of the Estimating Basis for Taggants. . . . . . . 98 List of Taggant Program Cost Elements .. ..100 Baseline Taggant Program Configuration. .. 100 Annual Taggant Requirements. .........101 Qualification of Estimating Basis for Sensors. . . . . . .......105 Vapor Taggant Detector System Cost .. ...106 Current Manufacturing Cost/Price Data . . . ...............108 36. Summary of Explosives and Gunpowder Manufacturing Costs Included. .........112 37. Cost Summary of Cap-Sensitive Packaged High Explosives Manufacturing Cost Variations With Assumptions. ..........113 38. Estimated Cost for Powders at Distribution Network .................11 6 39. Distribution System Summary of Cost Added and Markup. ..................11 6 40. Current High Explosives Cost Impact for Various User Classes .................121 41. Identification Taggant Material Annual Costs, Baseline Program. ..............12 4 42. Detection Taggant Material Annual Costs. . . . . . .........124 43. Manufacturing Cost Added ............12 5 44. Distribution System Cost Added ........125 45. Taggant Program Summary Annual CostBaseline Program . . . . . .125 46. Taggant Program Summary Annual Cost Versus Implementation Level. ..........12 5 47. Identification Taggant and Detection Taggant Program Cost Comparisons Basline Case. . . . . . .. .126 48. Summary Program Costs Versus Level of Implementation ., . . . . . 127 49. Comparison of the Estimates for ID Tags . . . . . ..........127 50. Comparison of OTA and Aerospace Program Estimates . . . . . ......128 51. Taggant Program Cost Impact by Who Will Bear the Cost. . . . . . 128 52. Elements of Cost Uncertainty. ..........130 53. Annual Cost per Sensor for Various Mixes ., . . . ...............132 FIGURES Page 10. Schematic Illustration of General Cost 11. 12. 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 16. 19. 20$ 21. Element Sources . . . . . 99 BM Identification Taggant Cost Estimates: 5Ib Tag Lots, Unencapsulated, 2-Year Minimum Required . . .. ....102 General Functional Network for Vapor Taggant Detector, . . . . .. ..106 Estimated Annual Vapor Taggant Detector Cost v. Quantity Deployed .. ...,106 Estimated Cost of False Alarms v. FalseAlarm Rates . . . . . ... .107 Schematic of Cap-Sensitive High Explosive Distribution Network .................11 4 Schematic Distribution Network of Gunpowder. . . . . . ... 114 Recordkeeping Activity v. Tagging Level. . . . . . .........115 Summary of Added Costs to Explosive Users Cost Per Unit of Explosives in Dollars .. ...117 Bingham Canyon open Pit Copper Mine. . ., ., . . .............120 Baseline Program Cost Sensitivity Impact With Changes in Identification Taggant, Material Cost, and Concentration Level, .. .131 Baseline Program Cost Sensitivity Impact With Changes in Detection Taggant, Material Cost, and Concentration Level. .. .131
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Chapter IV TAGGANT COST REVIEW OVERVIEW A detailed review of the potential cost and economic impacts of the proposed taggant program was conducted in parallel with the safety and utility segments of the study. In this analysis, the assumption was made that the taggants work and are safe to put in explosive materials. it was furthermore assumed that the current incompatibilities observed between the 3M identification taggant and one type of smokeless powder, as well as one type of cast booster material, would be resolved in a way which has no additional cost impact. The various cost elements were estimated by: l drawing on existing studies and testimony; and l interviewing the identification taggant manufacturer, explosive and gunpowder manufacturers and distributors, users of explosive materials, law enforce ment personnel, and sensor instrumentation engineers. Other important economic issues were addressed in parallel with the development of the program cost. The addition of taggants to explosives has a potential cost impact to an industry in which explosive-type decisions are frequently made on an economic, rather than performance or brand loyalty, basis. An additional taggant material cost issue is that raised by the probable monopoly of supply by one company, particularly by 3M for the identification taggants. The question of assuring price and taggant availability also required attention. Introduction of taggants into the explosive fabrication process will cause changes in the manufacturing process, due both to possible tooling costs and to the labor costs associated with purchasing, controlling, and using the taggants. Other, one-time costs are associated with product requalification tests for safety, potential costs for waste disposa l equipment, and added plant capacity to make up for lost productivity. Identification taggants require additional recordkeeping by the manufacturer, by wholesalers and distributors, and by the retail sellers. There are law enforcement costs associated with the recovery and tracin g of identification taggants from explosions and with the subsequent followup process. These costs must, however, be compared with the cost of current law enforcement practices. Detection taggants require a sensor and a system to sample and convey the air from the sample item to the sensor. The sensor and sampling system requires operation and maintenance, although it is possible that current security personnel could operate the additional equipment at an airport, for instance. There is an additional potential cost associated with possible delays raised by false alarms in the detection system. Significant false alarms could cause enough ill-will (in addition to high costs) to lead to the abandonment or curtailed usage of detectors in situations such as airports. A final cost aspect which must be considered is the economic effect of a taggant program in which only selected explosives are required to be tagged. In the cost-conscious commercial explosive industry, that could eliminate certain products or companies from the marketplace, perhaps resulting in significant local unemployment. Due to the fact that the identification taggants have progressed further down the development path, the relative precision of the cost 97
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98 l Taggants in Explosives estimates associated with their introduction into explosives is expected to be greater than the estimates of detection taggant and related sensor costs. The precision of each estimate is indicated during the course of the cost analysis discussion. This cost analysis by OTA has been an intensive, short-duration study. Of necessity, the study was accomplished by drawing on existing studies from a wide variety of sources and by a limited number of onsite interviews with industry and Government. Discussion with industry included various explosives manufacturers and BM, the taggant manufacturer. Various user types such as mining companies (underground and surface), construction firms, and quarry operators were also visited. Extensive discussions were also held with the Aerospace Corp. (the taggant program development contractor), with the Institute for Defense Analysis, with Management Science Associates, and with consumer groups such as the National Rifle Association and the National Muzzle Loaders Association. Government agencies with whom detailed discussions were held include the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BAT F), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the Department of Commerce (DOC), the Bureau of Mines (BOM), and various Department of Defense agencies. Various degrees of uncertainty exist in costing out the taggant program, as little test data exists and some potential manufacturing process applications are undefined. Table 29 illustrates the qualifications of the estimating basis for the taggant program, indicating the status of pilot testing and the OTA understanding of the manufacturing processes required to implement taggants. On the right side of table 29 is set forth, in general terms, the method for estimating utilized, such as direct estimating, Aerospace Corp. analysis and assumptions, the Institute of Makers of Explosives (IME) member estimated inputs, Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute (SAAMI ) estimated inputs, etc. The particular methods and data sources utilized are documented throughout this study where appropriate. Table 29.(lualification of the Estimating Basis for Taggants Etimating, basis Taggant mfgr Type explosive Pilot tested process Process labor understood Cap-sensitive Yes Yes Direct/ estimate packaged explosives Proprietary detail estimate available. I ME member inputs. Cast booster s Yes Yes Aerospace analysis/ assumptions Smokeless powder Underway Yes Aerospace analysis SAAMI estimate. Black powde r Yes Yes Goex Study storing l security l administrative & records l mfgr, process cleanup Detonating cor d Planned No Aerospace assumptions, Blasting cap s Planned No Aerospace assumptions Process tooling Direct estimate Equipment required: storage bins, hoppers, equipment for weighing, packaging, transferring tag samples, Tooling. l Design required (no effective equipment currently available Significant cost l expected Other capital expenses Direct estimate Nonrecurring Requalification of products. Waste disposal if additional waste due to unacceptable contaminated tag batches Investment offset losses in productivity. Cost of taggant Inventory Including the cost of money new machine must be designed. Aerospace estimates utilized and OTA survey inputs SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment
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Ch.--Yaggant Cost Review 99 The primary methodology utilized in this cost analysis was to translate all program costs, both nonrecurring one-time costs and recurring costs, to annualized values. Capital investment costs were annualized over a 10-year period at an interest rate of 10 percent. This method was utilized for all initial expenditures (requalification, waste facilities, etc.) with the exception of tooling costs estimated for detonators and blasting caps, which were written off in a 5-year period at 10-percent interest. The taggant program costs vary substantially as a function of the level of implementation of the program. In this study, an OTA identi fied baseline program was assumed for baseline cost estimates, and the parametric variation of the costs examined as a function of higher and lower level implementation plans. Cost estimates were also generated for the implementation program proposed by BATF. All cost data and program estimates in this report are stated in fiscal year 1979 dollars to assure consistent treatment. A list of taggant program cost elements was developed to permit a comprehensive framework for treating all potential costs and resources impacted by the taggants program. Figure 10 illustrates the general sources of costs potentialIy involved in the program, while a detailed list of potential cost elements is shown in table 30. For purposes of exposition throughout this cost impact assessment, a baseline set of conditions or assumptions is utilized in the determination of a total program estimate. These are shown in table 31. This baseline program Figure IO. Schematic Illustration of General Cost Element Sources Direct Costs Direct costs added by added by mabyfactyrer distributor Taggant Direct costs materials Incurred by IdentificationTaggant s user Program Cost SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment.
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100 Taggants in Explosives Table 30.List of Taggant Program Cost Elements Taggant materials Idenhflcahon taggants Detection taggants Detection sensor-related costs Sensors Sensor sampling and transport instrumentation Operations and maintenance Cost of false alarms Explosive and gunpowder manufacturing costs Nonrecurring cost l Tooling l Storage l Product requalificationsafety testing l Waste disposal facilities l New Investment to offset production losses Recurring costs l Manufacturing process labor l Record keeping l Quality control l Production losses l Waste product line l Inventory costs l Administration expense Markup Distributor costs Record keeping Storage Markup User costs Other costs Government administration Taggant program development Investigative costs SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment Table 31 .Baseline Taggant Program Configuration Encapsulated identification taggants l Explosive weight or units to be tagged and tagging concentration Category Units/yr Concentration Cap-sensitive packaged explosives 325,000,000 lb .05% Booster s 6,000,000 lb .1 % Black powde r 400,000 lb .05% Smokeless powde r 5,000,000 lb .05% Detonating cor d 500,000,000 ft 5 tags/in. Blasting cap 84,000,000 units 50 mg Identification and detection taggants 1,500 sensors to be deployed l Sensor mix. M S 10/0, I MS 90/0 10% taggant contamination permitted l Composite tag permits rework of previously tagged material l Days production of each type/size explosive (date-shift basis) l New taggant code for each SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment includes several provisions which, OTA believes, would do much to hold down costs without a significant reduction in the utility of the program: blasting agents are not tagged; the identification taggant code is changed only when the date, shift, or product changes (resulting in some code numbers corresponding to a large batch size and others to a small batch size); and a special composite code is used for taggants added to already tagged material (permitting rework without removal of previous tags). The special composite code taggant would be added to material with more than 10-percent cross-contain ination; such a taggant would indicate that the material used was a composite and that taggant codes other than the specific composite code should be ignored. Although confidence levels are relatively high for certain elements of costs, particularly for the identification taggant program, other program elements are subject to considerable uncertainty (particularly the number and types of sensors to be employed in the detection taggant program). Attention is called to the baseline assumptions associated with each cost element throughout the discussion of cost. In the following section the costs for the taggant materials are developed. This is followed by detection taggant sensor-related program cost estimates. The potential cost increases occurring during the explosive manufacturing process and at the distribution level are then addressed. The potential cost impact(s) to the users of explosives are subsequently discussed. Other cost impacts, including the cost contribution by Government for administration, investigation, and taggant program development, are set forth in the next section. A gener1 synthesis and summary of the taggant program cost estimates follows, with the relative precision or accuracy of the estimates discussed after that, including aspects of cost uncertainty and program cost sensitivity. The adequacy of the current cost data and suggested further research are briefly discussed in the last two sections, respectively,
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 10 1 TAGGANT MATERIAL COSTS The cost of both the identification and detection taggant material is heavily influenced by the amount of explosive material to be tagged, the form of the tagging material, and the concentration levels. Material cost estimates are developed for the baseline program described above. Identification Taggants The annual quantity of explosives produced in the United States, shown in table 32, was estimated based on data obtained from IME, BATF, Aerospace Corp., BOM, and DOC. An unresolved problem exists with respect to the production of cap-sensitive packaged high explosives. The basic difficulty stems from the method of reporting data in the surveys collected by both BOM and DOC, Some unknown quantity (both permissible and other high explosives) of cap-sensitive explosives is reported as included in unprocessed ammonia nitrate and al I other purpose categories in order to avoid disclosing individual company data. Since the data are masked to protect the marketing positions of explosive manufacturers, the uncertainty in annual quantity will persist, For purposes of this study, the quantity of 325 million lb/year (as adopted by Aerospace) wil I be used as the baseline condition. A second variation concerns the level of black powder produced. Approximately 2.5 m i I I ion lb of black powder are produced per year in the United States, but the majority is used as a raw material in other fabrication processes, such as fuzes Approximate y 400,000 lb are sold directly to the consumer; this amount is included in the explosive materials to be tagged. Table 32 shows the production quantity, the concentration of unencapsuIated taggant material suggested by the BATF/ Aerospace team, and the resultant quantity of unencapsulated taggants required annualIy, Price estimates, obtained from 3M as a function of annual taggant production, are shown in figure 11 The estimates quoted are for unTable 32.Annual Taggant Requirements Annual taggant Concentration requirement Quantity to be level pounds Explosive category lagged (unencapsulated) (unencapsulated) Cap-sensitive packaged high explosives 325.000.000 lb 0.025% 81,250 Cast boosters 6.000,000 lb 005 % 3,000 Smokeless powder 5,000.000 lb O 025% 1,250 Black powde r 400,000 lb 0.025% 100 Detonating cord 500,000,000 ft 5 tags/in, 160 Blasting caps 84,000.000 caps 50 mg each 4,620 90,380 SOURCE Of ficeof Technology Assessment encapsulated taggants produced in 5-lb lot s and assume a firm order for a minimum of 2 years. The 150,000-lb level is a result of a detailed Ieadtime study conducted under contract to the Aerospace Corp. The target price and worst case estimates for the 75,000and 100,000-lb levels were provided by 3M in response to an OTA request. The range of prices reflects the fact that less time was available for the 3M estimates than the original 150,000Ib level, resulting in some uncertainties. These target prices have all been through a rigorous price review within the 3M corporate structure and represent the firmest commitment possible short of a production contract. Assuming linear extrapolation between the data points, the price for unencapsulated identification taggant material was estimated by OTA (from figure 11) to be approximately $93/ lb for the estimated 90,000 lb of taggants to be required annualIy. This cost figure assume s production in 10,000-lb lots. In cases where most lots are substantialIy smaller, taggant costs per pound of explosives might rise. This figure is for unencapsuiated taggants, while the baseline OTA program assumes the taggants are encapsulate? in an opaque polyethylene wax. The 3M technical people furn i shed an estimate of the cost of encapsuIating the taggants in polyethylene wax, but were unable to estimate the cost impact of using an opaque polyethylene wax. Based on the above data, OTA estimated that it would cost $55/lb
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102~Tggants in Explosives Figure 11 .M Identification Taggant Cost Estimates l 5-lb tag lots l Unencapsulated l 2-year minimum required Cost per pound of taggant in 1979 dollars 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 75,000 100,000 150,000 Annual identification taggant production in pounds SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment for opaque encapsulated taggants, as the baseline tagging level is 0.05 percent by weight o f encapsulated taggants, and the encapsulating material weighs the same as the unencapsuIated taggants. ($93 for 1 lb of encapsulated taggants, plus $17 for 1 lb of encapsulating material, plus the process, equal $110 for 2 lb of encapsulated taggants, or $55/l b.) This corresponds to 2.75 cents/lb of cap-sensitive explosives for the identification tagging material. IME and a number of other individuals and organizations have based their cost estimates on a price of $200/lb of encapsulated taggants and an additional library maintenance fee of $100/year per unique taggant species. This identification taggant cost has been clearly identified by 3M as the cost of taggants produced in their current pilot plant, which is labor intensive, if there is no program legislated to tag commercial explosives. It does not represent a potential cost figure if a taggant program is legislated, Details of the cost of taggants, as a function of total quantity needed, were given above. No additional fee would be required for Iibrary maintenance. Detection Taggants Materials Costs The Aerospace Corp., as part of its taggant contract effort for BATF, has put considerable effort into the development of molecules for detection taggant purposes. As a result of investigation of the properties of several hundred potential molecules, five chemicals are currently considered excellent candidates for the program. These perfluorinated cycloalphones are: l PDCB perfluorodimethyl cyclobutane, l PMCH perfluoromethyl cyclohexane, l PDCH perfluorodimethyl cyclohexane, l PFD perfluorodecal in, and l PS P perfIuorohexyl-suIfur-pentafIuoride. The final selection of a particular detector taggant will depend on the results of compatibility testing, efficacy in conjunction with the detection taggant sensor, price, and availability. The microencapsulated detection taggant would be directly incorporated as a free-flowing powder in commercial explosives and gunpowder. Since part of the chemical selection criteria includes a low or negligible utilization of these materials in standard manufacturing (to minimize false alarms due to ambient air background), standard cost/price data currently available was supplemented by requests by the Aerospace Corp. to a number of companies for budgetary pricing-type estimates at quantity levels of 200,000 lb/year. A range of estimates was received for both the cost of the de-
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 10 3 tection taggants and for the encapsulation process. Taking these values into account, as well as adjustments for process yield, the following range of estimates was made by OTA. Lower end of range $22 20/lb Mediu m 40.00\I b Higher end of range 58.15/lb For purposes of the baseline study OTA has utilized the medium cost of $40/lb of encapsulated detection taggant. The Aerospace Corp., in their inflationary impact study, estimated conservatively a value of $65/lb, based on early data. With the more recent quotes it is reasonable to estimate a lower value for detection taggant material. Uncertainty as to the value chosen remains due to the following factors: final taggant selection, l final contract price, l cost of encapsuIation, l the weight effect of the encapsu I at ion process, and the final yield ratio of the encapsulant ion process, Since the detection taggant program remains in the early stages of development, uncertainty will persist in this value. Variations from this value will be examined in the cost sensitivity analysis. The relative significance of the variations of the detection taggants cost is not expected to greatly perturb the overalI taggant program cost estimates. Cost and Supply Guarantees The identification taggants currently proposed to be used are manufactured only by 3M and are a proprietary product manufactured by a proprietary process. In addition, a significant public overhead cost would have been incurred before the compatibility of explosive materials with the taggants could have been demonstrated, Mandating the addition of identification taggants to explosive material s would, therefore, ensure a monopoly of the Government-mandated market for 3M, at least for a period of several years. Under such circumstances, development of a mechanism to regulate the virtual monopoly of the identificat ion taggant market that 3M would enjoy is highly desirable. While several suppliers ar e capable of supplying the vapor detection taggant, production in the necessary quantity wilI probably require significant capital investment, much of which wouId be amortized by the taggant program. It is therefore desirable to have a mechanism that will ensure the price of the vapor taggant material as welI A number of mechanisms are available to reguIate the price of taggants, incIuding: a price level set by Congress in the enabling legislation, l regulation as a public utility, l licensing by 3M of competitors, l a multi year, fixed-price contract, and l a free-market price, regulated only by the possibility of competition or sanctions if prices get too high. The free-market mechanism is probably unacceptable, given the long time needed to either develop and qualify an alternative taggant or enact sanction legislation, Legislation of a price or use of a regulation mechanism similar to that used for public utilities would be an awkward, time-consuming process for a product whose total annual value would be on the order of $11 million. Licensing is not only disagreeable to 3M, but it is probably not cost-effective. The cost of the taggant material includes a component for amortization of the taggant production facility, as a new facility must be built and the primary market for identification taggants would Iikely be the mandated explosives market, The process that 3M plans to implement is capital-intensive. Licensing of other manufacturers would therefore require the construction of facilities for the licensee, in addition to a new 3M facility, resulting in a substantially higher total cost. A long-term contract may be the most effective mechanism. I n tact, the 3M cost estimates are conditional on firm orders for a 2-year period, although 3M is willing to consider contracting periods of up to 5 years, The details of the
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104 l Taggants in Explosives contracting mechanism have not been addressed by this study, although there may be some advantage to a single contracting agency (presumably within the Government), rather than separate contracts with each manufacturer of explosives and gunpowder. In addition to saving the cost of multiple contracting, the single-contract concept would limit the amount of information available to 3M on numbers of product lines and production quantities of explosives, a matter of some sensitivity to the explosives manufacturers. Assurance of availability of a taggant supply is a related issue. A number of approaches are possible, including: 1. manufacture and maintain a large inventory of taggant materials, either by the manufacturers directIy or by the Government acting as purchasing agent; a 6month supply should certainly be adequate; 2. develop redundancy by constructing a backup manufacturing site for taggants; and 3. utilize the discretionary power of BATF to provide relief from the legislation in cases of emergency induced interruption of supply. A detailed tradeoff would be necessary to decide the relative merits of options 1 and 2. Option 2 shares the cost impact of additional capital-intensive construction identified for the licensing option considered above. The acceptability of option 1 to the explosives and gunpowder manufacturers may be heavily weighted by who bears the cost burden of maintaining the 6-month inventory. Option 3 carries with it a possibility of weakening the utility of the taggant program, and would probably be implemented only if necessary; for instance, if a manufacturer ran out of taggants and would otherwise be forced to stop product ion. In the OTA baseline costing estimate, the 6month inventory option was assumed, and manufacturing cost estimates include the cost of the taggant inventory, as well as the cost of money to carry the inventory. SENSOR-RELATED The detect ion taggant sensor program is in the very early stages of development. To date, most of the effort in the detection area has been devoted to the vapor taggant selection process. Because detection taggants are still in an early development phase, a relatively high degree of uncertainty exists in several of the principal cost-driving factors. The sensor(s) development and product ion unit cost estimates are one area, and the quantity of sensors to be deployed is another. Table 33 sets forth the major qua I if i cat ions which underlie cost estimates of the sensor program. Three systems are current I y undergoing development by the Aerospace Corp.: the continuous electron capture device (CECD), the ion mobiIity spectrometer (IMS), and the mass spectrometer (MS). Performance specifications are severe for each of these canal i date opt ions incIuding sensitivity at COSTS the parts-per-tril ion level and low (0.01 percent) false alarm rates. Parts lists for each of these systems have been identified and priced by Aerospace Corp. instrumental ion engineers and scientists, Commercial engineering rules-of-thumb have been utilized in estimating production price levels. Development cost budgets and outyear forecasts totaling on the order of $2.5 million have been estimated for advanced engineering development. The estimates, by the very nature of a development program, assume that development proceeds smoothly and without major redirect ion of design activity. In addition to the total number of sensors Iikely to be deplovecl, uncertainty exists in: the development cost, l the production unit cost,
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 10 5 Table 33.Qualification of Estimating Basis for Sensors Continuos electron capture device Ion mobility spectrometer Mass spectrometer General availabilty of technology Currently utilized in lab situation Commercially available 5 years High-cost laboratory model in useno Brookhaven Breadboard 50 currently in use commercially available that meets cost and performance requirements Taggant program status Design of field Instrument in progress Off-the-shelf PC-1OO Instrument IS Preliminary design underway for being characterized for candidate low-cost field unit taggants Parts (materials) identified and estimated by Aerospace Yes Yes Yes Taggant sensor production cost estimated with engineering ruleof-thumb factor applied to material costs Yes Yes Yes Quantities to be Implemented in a national program Quantities depend on scenario selectionalso decision to purchase Instruments rests with a large and varied user communityairports, courthouses, nuclear reactors, nuclear weapon centers, military communication centers, national shrines, Government office buildings, etc quantities are uncertain and open-ended SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment the system or systems actually employed, and the relative mix of systems to be deployed if severaI successfuI canal i dates emerge. Numbers of Sensors Needed Estimates of the total quantity of sensors Iikely to be deployed in the field are further subject to a wide range of uncertainty, as the decisions must be made individualIy by a large number of organizations, aIthough reguIatory a u t horities s u c h as FAA and the NucIear ReguIatory Commission couId potentiaIIy represent customers for Iarge numbers of sensors, The target to be protected must be high-valued and subject to control ted-access. With the exception of checked baggage, it is unlikely that any Iocation that does not now have a guard wouId employ a detection taggant sensor. Likely targets for bombers, and Iikely Iocations for sensors, include airports, nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons centers, military communications centers, Government buiId i rigs, and computer centers. There are approximately 620 air ports in the United States, using approximatel y 400 X-ray machines to scan carry-on luggage There are 70 nuclear power station~, and thousands of Government buildings of one type or another. P O Iice bomb squads may also use portable sensors for investigation of bomb for all threats. In the baseline program identified by OTA, a total of 1,500 sensors was assumed deployed That number would include one sensor each for passenger screening, carry-on baggage, and checked Iuggage for each current X-ray machine stat ion, as welI as 300 for protection of other high-value targets. l-he low-level program assumed 800 sensors, 2 each for each current X-ray station. The high-level program assumed 5,000 sensors, enough for aII centrolledaccess transportation faciIIties nucIear powerplants, important Government buildings, and portable police use Sensor System Related Costs The annual unit system cost for the sensors, including installation, maintenance, and false alarms, is shown in table 34. Since each point of controlled access where detection sensors are contemplated is already manned by personnel (who check entering personnel or search baggage), direct operator costs are not included for the baseline case. Excess false alarm rates would possibly be a cause for adding personnel, Training would be accomplished by the detector instrumentation company and occur either at the company as part of an operator training seminar or at the time of equipment instaIIation. Maintenance costs for al I of the canidate systems are estimated at 10 percent of the hardware investment cost. 61-401 80 8
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106 l Taggants in Explosives Table 34.Vapor Taggant Dotoctor System Cost (annual cost per unit) Continuous electron capture Ion mobility Hardware investment device spectrometer Mass spectrometer Cost per unit . . . . . . . $12,355 Installation and checkout . . . . . 500 Hardware subtotal a ., ., . . . . 12,855 Annual cost of investment per unitb. . . . 2,082 Annual maintenance. . . . . 1,236 Cost of false alarm@ .01% rate. . . . . 0 $15,160 500 15,660 2,537 1,516 0 Total annual cost per detector . . . $3,31 8 $4,053 $35,270 500 35,770 5,795 3,433 0 $9,228 a lncludes cost of training operating Personnel b Estimated 10-year life and 10 percent interest rate SOURCE Office of Technology Asessment Figure 12. General Functional Network for Vapor Taggant Detector Vapo r Sample Sampler D gas source Total Cost A+ B+C+ D SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment. Mix of Sensors Development of the CECD, IMS, and M S sensors is expected to continue in a parallel fashion. A system type would be eliminated i f demonstrated to be infeasible. A mix of possi ble sensors in the field is likely (given feasibility demonstration) since each instrument type would be found to offer advantages in given scenarios for performance (specificity, threshold, etc. ) and costs (acquisition and operation and maintenance). The baseline program asFigure 13.Estimatecl Annual Vapor Taggant Detector Cost v. Quantity Deployed l Hardware cost only l Annual cost = P S [ i 1 + i + SI Annual cost (1 + i) n 1 where: P = first cost in millions of S = salvage value (assumed O) FY 79$ n = equipment life (estimated 10 years) i = interest rate (estimated 10 percent) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5001,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 Quantity of detectors deployed sumes a total of 1,500 sensors is deployed, 90percent IMS and 10-percent MS. The annual cost per sensor for this mix is approximately $4,580. In the cost synthesis section program costs have been estimated for various levels of implementation of sensor system to fit various utility levels examined in this study.
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 10 7 False Alarm Costs False alarm response costs have been examined by FAA as a function of the false alarm rate for various technical approaches including explosive vapor detector schemes. The FAA study examined two airline operations at Logan Airport, Boston, as a basis for the operational scenario. As false alarm rates increase, so do the number of hand-searchers required and, therefore, the cost of operation. The results of that analysis, adjusted for the taggant vapor sensor, are shown in figure 14, where estimated annual cost impact for each of the airlines is shown as a function of the vapor detector false alarm rate. Incremental costs are incurred in a stepwise fashion at alarm Figure 14. Estimated Cost of False Alarms v. FalseAlarm Rate Annual system costs ($00,000) 4 3 2 1 Based on analysis of selected airline activity @ Logan Airport processing 6.5 bags/rein in explosives vapor-detection scheme Detection taggant sensor l .2 .4 .6 Probability of false alarm SOURCE: Off Ice of Technology Assessment rates greater than 0.05 percent (1 in 2,000). Since the performance design specification for the taggant sensor false alarm rate has been established at 0.01 percent (1 in 10,000), no false alarm costs are expected if this performance goal is realized. Cost level impacts reflect the particular operational activity characteristics of Logan Airport and would not necessarily reflect nationwide characteristics. Discussions with FAA personnel indicate that nationwide cost effects due to false alarms would be less than that reflected for the Logan scenario; costs of false alarms, on a national average, would probably not be significant at rates as high as a few percent, the current false alarm rate for airport magnetometers. The cost of false alarms can also be calculated as a function of the cost per bag checked. At a rate between 0.05 and 0.175, the estimated cost of increased inspections due to false alarms is approximately 2.8 cents/bag at Logan Airport. At an annual level of 300 million checked bags per year in the United States, the estimated cost of false alarms due to checked baggage alone would be approximately $8.4 million. As noted, the cost estimate for Logan is considered high for purposes of estimating national levels; nonetheless, the potential cost due to false alarms would be a significant cost impact when considered in absolute terms. Since the cost of security checks at airports are ultimately passed on to the airline customer, the direct per capita costs would be minimal. At an average of 1.5 bags checked per passenger the per capita annual cost for the above conditions would be on the order of 5 cents. A high false alarm rate could lead to delays in the departure of aircraft, with significant losses to both airlines and the delayed passengers. EXPLOSIVES AND GUNPOWDER MANUFACTURING COSTS The value-added costs of the taggant prounderstood for cap-sensitive packaged high exgram that occur at the explosive manufacturplosives where pilot-plant tests have been acing level are addressed here. As has been alcompl ished. The tagging implications for detoIuded to earlier, the manufacturing process imnating cord and detonators, conversely, are placations for tagging implementation are best only addressable in a general way. As no feasi-
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108 l Taggants in Explosives ble designs have been set forth for the required tooling, and engineering design and analysis have not been accomplished, the implications for blasting cap design remain uncertain. Because the OTA study effort was time-constrained, the major survey emphasis wa s placed in the area of cap-sensitive packaged high explosives. The estimates for cap-sensitive manufacturing costs are based on discussions with the major manufacturers. Some of these estimates are applied to other explosive types where appropriate. Preliminary estimates and analysis by the Aerospace Corp. are also utilized as a cost basis for certain explosive types and associated cost elements where deemed appropriate. These cases will be cited and commented on as to their reasonableness and depth of treatment. The following subsections address each of the manufacturing cost elements considered in this study. The last subsection summarizes the estimates of the various elements of manufacturing cost. Estimates of the current cost for each of the explosive product categories considered are shown in table .35, along with the raw material costs. The difference between price and raw material costs is made up primarily of labor, overhead, and markup (profit). Specific data for these important elements of cost were not available to this study, since this kind of data is considered extremely proprietary. The uncertainty in the specific division of the other costs and markups makes it difficult to assess the degree to which the explosives manufacturer will either absorb, or pass on through Table 35.Current Manufacturing Cost/Price Data Current cost of explosive raw Average current Explosive product category materials a price per unnit Cap-sensitive explosives. 15c/lb 50@/lb Cast booster s 60cflb $1.5011b Black powder 11 c/lb $6$9/lbd Smokeless powder. NAc $6 $9/lbd Detonating cor d 2c/ft 5/f t Blasting cap s 20c 30c/cap 50c/cap Source I ME bAerospace Corp c The ME reference did not contain thiss data It IS known that the military Pays on the order of 88 cents/lb d A leading manufacturer has recently quoted$9 of powder SOURCE Officeof Technology Assessment higher markups, the added cost of taggants in the manufacturing process. This issue will be amplified later. Revised Processes, Tooling, and Facility Costs Cap-Sensitive Packaged Explosives Requirements for additional tooling and equipment to accommodate the tagging process in dynamites, emulsions, slurries, and gels consist of equipment for weighing, hoppers, means of transferring taggant samples, and storage bins for secured storage areas. The cost for equipment to add the taggants into the explosive mixing process is small, as most manufacturers use a handmixing operation. Based on data provided by one explosives manufacturer, OTA estimated the added cost for these investments as a function of the unique batch size and other considerations regarding waste and productivity. OTA assumed a 10-year Iife, 10-percent interest rate in order to annualize this initial investment. Detailed requirements for other manufacturers of capsensitive packaged explosives were not made available for this study. OTA believes that these marginal cost requirements are representative of the cap-sensitive explosives industry. The Aerospace Corp. indicated that some manufacturers might wish to install automatic taggant-dispensin g equipment, and concluded that this cost should be similar to the cost of the labor it replaces and hence would be covered under the Iabor cost element. OTAS study survey and site visits did not uncover any particular requirement for automatic dispensing equipment at either gel or dynamite manufacturing facilities. Cast Boosters, Smokeless Powder, and Black Powder Specific tooling and equipment requirements for these product categories were not available. For estimating purposes the assumption was made that the estimate for cap-sensitive explosives should be a representative value until detailed requirements are established.
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 10 9 Detonating Cord Tooling designs must be developed in order to provide tagging capability at each detonating cord production line. Aerospace Corp. indicates that several pieces of hardware have been tested but no effective equipment is currently available. They further feel that a station configuration would apply both the identification and detection taggants together with an adhesive before the final assembly polyethylene sheath is applied, and that a reasonable cost for a station having a 5-year Iife is $50,000. Five such stations would be required by the industry for an annual production of 500 mill ion ft. The estimated cost for detonating cord tooling is $250,000. Amortizing this cost over 5 years at 10-percent interest yields an annua l cost of $66,000 or $0.00013/ft Blasting Caps The process by which taggants would be added to blasting caps has not yet been determined; it may well vary from one manufacturer to another Alternate possible ap proaches are to place the taggants between two end plugs, embed the taggants within a single end plug, or add taggants to an existing interior polyethylene strip. Cost will vary considerably depending on the process chosen and the current cap assembly process. For purposes of the study, a conservative value of $2 milIion per manufacturer was assumed. Amortizing the $8 million cost (four manufacturers) over 5 years yields an annual cost of $2,112,000 or $0.025/cap. This figure would be high if one of the simpler methods of tagging detonators were adopted. However, the effect on the total cost of a tagging program is small. Labor Cap-Sensitive Packaged Explosives Manpower estimates by the manufacturers indicated a range of requirements varying from two to six additional men at a site, The variation results from differences among particular site layouts, processes, and procedures in use, For instance, in one company effort would be required in various locations such as the dope house, works control, laboratory (including works laboratory), and in the magazine area. Additional activities involved include ordering, stocking, weighing, and supplying taggants to operators; collecting data, taggant samples, keeping records of codes; handIing increased record keeping in magazine areas; and examining the codes before use in the manufacturing process. One contractor also indicated increased manpower costs due to code confusions and returned shipments. It should be noted that incremental labor costs for the actual mixing operation of taggants and related packaging are essentially zero. All additional estimated labor costs are associated with peripheral activities in coordinating, handling, and recordkeeping activities. The estimate for labor, as indicated by the manufacturers, is SIightly greater than 1 cent/lb of explosives, which reflects approximately five to six additional men at the plantsite. Cast Boosters For the purposes of developing a baseline estimate, the Aerospace Corp. analysis is utilized here. Assuming that this will be a manual process, two additional personnel were estimated per assembly line, Given the four manufacturers (eight Iines) the estimated annual cost is $400,000 or $0.067/lb of explosives. Black Powder Labor costs associated with tagging black powder were studied by the Goex Co. and referenced in the Aerospace Corp. Inflationary y Cost Impact Study. The estimated cost per pound of black powder for manufacturing labor of 1.5 cents is based on replacing the present date-shift code with a tagging material system. EIements include: storing tagging materiaIs, security for storage and handling of tagging materials, administrative and recordkeeping, and impact on the manufacturing process (assuming a cleanup would be required in
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110 l Taggants in Explosives the glaze and packhouse operation each shift). This cost is exclusive of taggant material costs. Based on the study by Goex, OTA estimated the cost of labor for black powder to be 1.5 cents/lb. Smokeless Powder The Aerospace Corp. estimated labor effort added costs per pound of smokeless powder to be on the order of 6.6 cents (including the distribution system costs) and assumed that much of this cost could be absorbed within the current manufacturing and distribution organization. The estimate is based on the following assumptions: l 2,000 Ib/lot, 2,500 different tag lots produced, and l 100,000 cases/year (50-lb cases). Manufacturing costs were estimated to be 0.4 cents (of the total 6.6 cents). Since adequate data are unavailable to validate the estimate, OTA estimated the cost of manufacturing labor for smokeless powders at the same level as black powder, using the Goex estimate of 1.5 cents/lb. Detonating Cord and Blasting Caps The Aerospace Corp. estimate for detonating cord assumes that each assembly Iine would require one additional person to maintain a tagging station and to operate it during production. At $25,000 per man, the five stations would add an annual cost of $125,000 or $0.00025/f t of cord, Similarly, the Aerospace Corp. estimates are used for blasting caps. Several additional workers may be necessary to operate and maintain the new equipment required. A reasonable estimate is four per manufacturer (there are four manufacturers) for an annual increase of $400,000. The resulting cost per blasting cap is $0.0048/cap. Productivity y Cap-Sensitive Packaged Explosives Potential productivity losses have been estimated by the industry to be as high as 15 percent. The primary cause of such losses would be halting production to change taggant codes and avoid contamination. Consequently, the extent of such losses depends on the degree of taggant cross-contamination that would be permissible and the taggant batch size. Various kinds of cost can impact the situation. They are: l loss associated with scraping of hoppers, l new investment to offset production losses, l loss of the market for mixed scrap, currently sold as an inexpensive explosive, and l new investment for expanding waste disposal facilities. As currently perceived by one major manufacturer of cap-sensitive packaged high explosives, productivity losses wilI have a direct cost impact in each of the areas noted above. Productivity losses are estimated at 15 percent in the condition where cross-contamination is not permitted and on the order of 8 percent where batch cross-contamination of 10 percent is permitted. Waste losses associated with scraping of hoppers every fourth mix were also estimated. A significant amount of the mixed scrap material is currently marketed as a lowquality explosive. If this material could no longer be marketed due to extensive taggant cross-contamination, there would be a further loss in profits. Current environmental regulations require that waste be disposed of by means other than burning in the open, in effect requiring additional waste disposal facilities. In order to maintain the current production and sales base, and thus maintain an adequate profit level for the company, additional production facility augmentation would be required to offset the expected losses in productivity.
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 11 1 The total cost due to losses in productivity could thus add up to several cents per pound of explosives for the worst case condition. If a 10-percent taggant cross-contamination level were permitted (BATF assumes this level) the cost impact would drop dramatically. If a special composite code were created, then tags containing this code could be added to scrap material and any other material containing cross-contamination in excess of 10 percent; investigators findin g tags with the composite code would know that any other tags should be ignored, This would essentially eliminate costs for decreased productivity, The OTA baseline program assumes that such a composite code taggant is used, so that productivity losses are negligible. Other Explosive Categories Since pilot testing of adding taggant material to boosters, gunpowder, detonating cord, and caps has not taken place, the effects on productivity are not apparent. For purposes of costing the baseline system, OTA assumed there would be no productivity losses. Inventory Costs Inventory costs, including the associated cost of money, are a function of supply held in inventory. There is no reason to assume the tagged finished product would be held longer than is currently the case. It may be necessary, however, to stockpile a significant inventory of the taggant material to ensure an uninterrupted supply, particularly for identification taggants, where there is likely to be only one supplier. For the baseline case, the quite conservative assumtion was made that a 6-month inventory of both types of taggant materials would be stockpiled. The added costs for the various types of explosives wouId be: (alp Cap sensitive $0 0021 b Boosters $0 0066/lb Smokeless powder $0 0021/1 b Black powder $0. 0021 lb Space and added labor have been included in the facility and labor costs detailed above. For the baseline case, no additional storage or labor would be required for cap-sensitive explosives, as the batch size would be the same as the current date-shift batch size. For the highIevel program, with 10,000-lb maximum batch size, each batch would need to be separated by an access aisle from other batches, requiring additional space and labor. Access aisles would need to be maintained for inventory control and inspection. Quality Control Quality control cost estimates are included in the labor costs element. Some level of effort is required to ensure the taggant code and taggant quality prior to mixing. This effort would take place in the plant lab or works lab, to examine each code before use in the product. This appears to be a reasonable precaution since the integrity of all substances entering the mix must be assured to maintain prior safety levels. In addition, occasional specimens would be examined to assure that the taggant-mixing specification (uniformity, shelfIife, etc. ) was being achieved. Safety Requalifying all product lines with taggant materials would be a necessary safety testing requirement for the various explosives manufacturers This one-time capital cost would involve analysis and testing of each type of product. To an extent uncertain at this time, the pilot testing programs have and will contribute to this requalification effort. Due to the uncertainty involved, OTA included the cost of safety requalification in the cost element estimates. It should be pointed out that the absolute cost levels of nonrecurring costs are not insignificant. However, after amortizing these costs over the significant production weights of explosive produced annuaIIy, the relative contribution of incremental costs to a pound of explosives is quite smalI. Record keeping Costs I n order to maintain the integrity of the identification taggant tracing network, a certain
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112 l Taggants in Explosives amount of additional or new recordkeeping must take place within the explosives distribution network. Current Federal requirements are that each explosive package and shipping case be marked with an identification code citing the: l plant of manufacture, l the date and shift manufactured, and l the type and grade of explosives. explosives covered under this regulation are the: l l l l l cap-sensitive packaged explosives (dynamites, slurries, water gels, and emu Is ions), cast boosters, blasting caps, black powder, and detonating cord. Records of the identification code must be maintained at the manufacturer level as well as each subsequent distributor. Smokeless powders are currently exempt from this requirement, although powders used to handIoad pistol ammunition must be recorded at the retail sales level. The cost of recordkeeping has been incIuded as part of the labor manufacturing cost elements. Markup To the extent that incremental taggant costs are passed on to distributors and users, markup costs must be included as part of the final product price. No specific data were available to treat markup for most of the explosive product categories. For purposes of establishing a baseline cost estimate, OTA assumed a IO-percent markup at the manufacturing level. This value may seem low, but all handling costs have been specifically covered in other cost elements, including an overhead allowance. Markup in that sense is essentially profit on the additional costs. Normal markups must cover al I of the handling costs. In addition to manufacturing level markups, OTA considered the pyramid of markups that occurs throughout the various echelons of distributor and retailer levels. This is addressed in the next sect ion. Summary of Manufacturing Costs Added Manufacturing costs elements and total cost added as a result of the inclusion of identification and detection taggant materials in explosives are summarized in table 36. The added Table 36.Summary of Explosives and Gunpowder Manufacturing Costs included .. Costs included Baseline case Black Smokeless Detonating Cost element cap sensitive Boosters powder powder cord Blasting caps Nonrecurring costs Toolin g Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Storag e No No No No No No Product requalificatio n Yes Yes Yes Yes NAa NA a Waste disposal facilities No No No No No No New investment to offset product losses No No No No No No Recurring costs Manufacturing process labor. . . Recordkeeping . } Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Quality control. . . . Product losses. . . . . . No No No No No No Waste product line No No No No No No Inventory cost s Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Administrative expens e b Bottom line cost per unit of explosives 1.03/l b 7 7c/lb 2c./lb 7,2./lb .04c/lb a Data unavailable b lncluded in labor SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review 113 costs include the estimated costs to the manufacturer and associated markup as well as the markup placed on the cost of the taggant raw materials. Manufacturing costs for cap-sensitive packaged high explosives are based on detailed inputs received from a major manufacturer. The raw data are proprietary informat ion and are not shown here. The detailed cost data were anaIyzed and alternative ground rules were established to gain insight into cost effects where taggant batch size was varied; related effects were taken into account regarding the productivity and waste issues. The cost elements incIuded in various assumptions, along with the bottom Iine cost perpound of explosives, are shown in table 37. Table 37.Cost Summary of Cap-Sensitive Packaged High Explosives Manufacturing Cost Variations With Assumptions Costs Included Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 10000-12000 lb tag Cost elements batch size Site manpowe r Yes Production losses Yes Wast e Yes Requalification Yes Waste disposal facilities Yes Equipment and storag e Yes Investment to offset production losses Yes Taggant Inventory costs Yes Administrativ e Yes Bottom line cost per pound of explosives excluding markup 4.Oc/lb 20,000-lb tag batch size plus allow crossTag batch size equals 20,000-lb tag batch size contamination day s production Yes (less than case 1 ) Yes (less than case 1 ) No Yes Yes No Yes (less than case 1 ) No No Yes Yes Yes Yes (less than case 1 ) No No Yes (less than case 1 ) Yes (less than case 1 ) Yes (less than case 3) Yes Yes (less than case 1 ) Yes (less than case 2) No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 3c/lb 1 4c/lb O 6c/lb Plan! /year No No No Yes No less than case 3) No Yes No O 3c/lb SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment DISTRIBUTOR COSTS A general schematic illustration of the distribution network for explosives is shown i n figure 15 while the network for gunpowder is shown i n figure 16 Detailed quantitative networks are not available; however, these illuss trations serve to depict the manner in which transactions take place within the industry Within the networks, potential cost impacts occur in the areas of recordkeeping, processing and handling, storage, and further potential pyramiding of markup costs throughou t the distribution network. Recordkeeping at Distribution Level s Record keeping and control of packaged high explosives are required by the present date-shift code regulation. AdditionaI part I tioning of explosive products may be required beyond that required by the date-shift code reguIations, which may or may not have an incremental cost effect at the distribution level. NO detailed studies of additional recordkeeping elements which wouId be required, or the time necessary, have been conducted to date. I IME assessment of new activity requirements by the distributor includes. l comparing the taggant lot numbers with the bilI of lading with greaterfrequency, l classifying each explosiveproduct by typeby produ ct by t ype and taggant lot number to faciIitate locating records, l expanding storage space for the increaseci numberof books and records, and l increasing the time to Iocate the proper product and taggdnt lot number at sale
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114 Taggants in Explosives Figure 16.Schematic Distribution Network of Gun powders Large customer Primary distribution points Customer User (due to the greater number of records that must be searched). The Aerospace Corp. further considered: l segregating material on trucks and in magazines to a smaller quantity; and recording additional information in orders, invoices, and inventory lists. An analysis by the Aerospace Corp. of available BATF tracing records revealed that recordkeeping entries on bills of lading would involve: 1.26 codes per order (20,000-lb tagging level) (based on 282 BATF traces of seven manufacturers in 1976 and 1979), n Distributor m Retailer User SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment. l 1.46 codes per order (12,000-lb tagging level) (based on Du Pont data), and 1.66 codes per order (7,900-Ib tagging Ievel) (based on dynamite traces). In effect these data indicate that the additional recordkeeping, processing, and handling efforts for the finished explosives may be increased by up to 66 percent, depending on the tagging level. A plot of activity increases versus tagging level is plotted in figure 17. This plot underscores the dramatic inverse relationship of recordkeeping activity with the unique tagging batch level. The Aerospace Corp. further reviewed th e additional data entry requirements whic h
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Ch. VTagganf Cost Review l 17 5 Figure 17. Recordkeeping Activity v. Tagging Level l Cap.sensitive packaged explosives l Impact on distributor/retailer l Based on Aerospace analysis of BATF tracing record Distributor/retailer percent increase in recordkeeping, processing and handling effort 70 60 50 40 30 20 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 Tagging level in pounds SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment would be required on bills of sale. Tagged explosive materials would require approximately 25 percent more entries than the untagged explosives for transactions at the distributor level. This analysis was specifically for tagging at the 20,000-lb level. At the retailer/explosive user level an 8.7-percent increase in data entries were computed using Federal form 4710 and the biII of sale or delivery ticket. Aerospace did not quantify the absolute cost impact as a result of this tracing analysis, but did conclude, however, that the costs would be insignificant for cap-sensitive packaged high explosives. The OTA analysis assumed that negligible added costs exist at the distributor retailer level for: l cap-sensitive explosives, l boosters, l detonating cord, and l blasting caps. This conclusion is particularly appropriate for the baseline case, in corresponds to the batch size. The impact on the smokeless powders which the taggant batch current date-shift code distributors of black and is somewhat different. Black powder and pistol-grade smokeless powder currently have significant recordkeeping requirements, while the other smokeless powder grades have no current recordkeeping requirements. (Pyrodex, a black powder substitute, would be marketed and regulated like smokeless powder, so incremental recordkeeping costs would approximate those of smokeless powder.) An estimate was therefore made of the additional cost of entering the currentl y unregistered smokeless powder in, and detailing it out of, the records at each distributor level by taggant code. It was assumed that a record for an item would take 2 minutes. The further conservative assumption wa s made that the average size of an item at the master distributor level was 25 lb (primarily case lots handled), was 10 lb at the distributor level, and was 2 lb at the retail level. Since considerable recordkeeping requirements currently exist for pistol-grade smokeless powder, the costs were assumed to be half those of the other powders. A small additional cost for recordkeeping was assumed at the retail level for black powder. The cents per pound added by those costs are shown in table 38. Storage Explosives are now generally separated b y date-shift code batches for magazine storag e at all levels in the distribution chain, as records must be kept, and physical control maintained by date-shift batch. For the baseline taggant case, no changes would be necessary. If the taggant batch were smaller, then additional storage space would be required for access. An estimate was made of the cost of magazine space, based on two data points. The added
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116 l Taggants in Explosives Table 38.Estimated Cost Impact for Powders at Distribution Network (cents per pound)a Smokeless powder Pistol loading Rifle and Distribution level Black powder grade shotgun grade Master distributors Recordkeeping ., 0 1 .2b 2.4C Storage . 0.2 0.2 0.2 Distributor/wholesale level Recordkeeping 0 3d 6 C Storage . . 0.2 0.2 0.2 Retail level Recordkeeping. . 1 I5e 30C Storage ., ., 0 0 0 1,4 19,6 38.8 Total cost through the distribution chain Black, ., ., ., ., ... .. 1,4$ Pistol . ... . ., .19,6$ Other. ~ . . .. 38.8$ If pistol powder is assumed to be 25 percent of total smokeless powder, the average cost impact for smokeless powder is 33c/lb. aEstimate by Integrated master distributor wholesaler, retailer bBased on I minute Average lot size 25 lb c Assume 2 minutes/lot Assumed lot size IS 10 lb Assumed lot size IS 2 lb SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment cost per pound of explosives was less than 0.1 cents, even for the case in which 10,000-lb maximum lots were tagged. For black and smokeless powders, the assumption was made that separation by taggant lot would require additional storage space at both the master distributor and distributor levels, but probably not at the retailer level. Using the same data base as above, the cost was estimated to be approximately 0.2 cent/lb at each level, as shown in table 38. Summary Cost Including Markup Distribution level costs are summarized in table 39. Markup on total costs incurre d through the distribution system for explosives was assessed at 25 percent; for black and smokeless powders a total markup of 80 percent was assumed. This estimate is based on analysis of costs and price at each level, supplied by an integrated powder distributor. Table 39 sets forth the net cost added by the distribution network and further summarizes the net cost to explosive users from both manufacture and distribution for the various explosive categories. To illustrate the effect that the method of program implementation can have (taggant batch size and treatment of waste), costs for the five cases previously defined for the cap-sensitive high explosives are shown. Case 4 is, as noted, the OTA baseline case. Table 39.Distribution System-Summary of Cost Added and Markup (cents per pound) Total cost Ieaving Distribution Distribution Total cost added by Total added price Explosive category manufacturing facility system cost added system markup distribution system to user Cap-sensitive packaged high explosivesv Case ., 8.5 0.2 2.2 2,4 10,9 Case 2 66 0 1 1.7 1.8 8.4 Case 3 ., ... ., 5.6 0.1 1.4 1.5 7.1 Case 4 (baseline). . ., ., 4.8 1,2 1,2 6.0 Case 5 ..., ., 29 0.7 0.7 3.6 Boosters . ., ., 20.9 0.2 5.3 5.5 26,4 Black powder 6 3 1,4 6.20 7.6 13.9 Smokeless powder 6.3 33.0 31.4 64.4 70,7 Detonating cord ., ., 0.6 0.2 0,2 0.8 Blasting caps ., 5 0 1.2 1,2 6 2 SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 117 USER COST IMPACTS The cost increases estimated to occur as a result of the baseline taggant program are summarized and their impact on users analyzed. Increased Material Costs The net cost increase due to tagging explo sives is summarized here. Summary cost impacts include: l the cost of identification taggant materials, l the cost of detection taggant materials, l manufacturing costs added including markup, and $/lb .56 .55 .54 .53 .52 .51 .50 l distribution network cost added inc markup. The following increases are noted for the line case: Explosive category Percent cost increase Cap-sensitive packaged high explosives. ., .. ..11.9 Boosters Black powder. 2.3 Smokeless powder .. 11.8 Detonating cord .23.5 Blasting caps . 15 The individual contributing cost elements to the overall cost impact are illustrated in figure 18 for the respective explosive categories. $/lb 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 uding baseFigure 18.Summary of Added Costs to Explosive Users Cost Per Unit of Explosives in Dollars $/cap $/lb 9.15 9.10 9.05 9. .58 $/lb 9.70 r 9.60 9.50 9.40 9.30 1 $/ft .062 ~ .57 .56 .55 .54 .52 .52 .51 .5( . Dist. cost added Mfgr. cost added Detec. tag matl. ID tag matl. -Current ric e Cap-sensitive Boosters packaged explosives SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment Black Smokeless Detonating Blasting powder powder cord caps
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118 l Taggants in Explosive s For the baseline case, the overall average increase in costs due to tagging is on the order of 12.8 percent, the weighted average for each of the above percentage contributions. The estimate of absolute annual cost increase in explosives is approximately $37 million. Commercial Uses of Explosives and GunpowdersGeneral Who uses commercial explosives and gunpowders? Over 55 percent of the total weight of explosives and blasting agents is utilized in the mining of coal, both in underground and surface mining operations. Quarrying and nonmetal mining are next in rank (1 5.4 percent) followed closely by metal mining (14.6 percent). Construction work at 10.6 percent and other uses at 4.2 percent complete the spectrum of user classes as adopted by BOMS annual Mineral Industrial Survey s. Onsite investigations were conducted for each of the major user classes in order to determine the order of magnitude cost and economic impact to the users of tagged high explosives. The selection of users investigated included both underground mining and surface mining as each type differs in the relative utilization of high explosives. Onsite investigations were conducted with the following users during the course of the study: Underground mining Metal mining (copper) Anaconda, The Crow Fork Mine, Utah Coal mine Webster Coal Co., Kentucky. Quarry Tri State, Maryland Rockville Crushed Stone, Maryland Surface mining (open pit] Metal mining (copper) Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah Construction work Guy F. Atkinson, California The following sections describe the findings of the limited number of intensive investigations of the above explosive users, Underground Mines The Crow Fork (Anaconda) Mine near Toole, Utah, is a large, deep underground operation in hard-rock, mining for essentially high-grade ore. The mine will primarily produce copper, although significant amounts of silver, gold, and molybdenum are expected as byproducts. This mine is still under development and has had no production of ore as yet. Mine reserves are estimated at 20 years with an estimated production output capacity of 10,000 tons of ore per day. The total use of explosives is projected to be approximately 0.6 percent of total operating costs. Approximately 80 percent of the explosives used are non-cap-sensitive gels and blasting agents such as ANFO. The remaining 20 percent of explosives, including dynamites, slurries, boosters, detonators, and detonating cord would be subject to a tagging requirement if taggant legislation were enacted, A 12.8-percent boost in the cost of tagged explosives would translate into a 0.02-percent increase in the cost of mining, certainly an insignificant cost increase. The use of ANFO is currently related to clearing and aboveground excavation. Steady-state underground mining in the future can be expected to change the explosive mix and potentially increase the cost increase noted above. If all explosives used in the future were the cap-sensitive types, a taggant program would increase mining costs less than 0.1 percent. The cost impact on underground coal mining is somewhat higher. At present, the cost of the cap-sensitive slurry and detonators (the explosives used to mine the coal) represents approximately 1.4 percent of the total cost of bringing the coal out of the ground. The increase in the cost of the explosives, due to tagging, would increase operating costs less than 0.2 percent. Other economic factors far outweigh increases of this sort. Quarries Discussion with the Rockville Crushed Stone Quarry revealed that explosives contribute to
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Ch. VTagganf Cost Review l 119 slightly over 8 percent of the gross total costs of operation. Between 1.5 million and 1.75 million lb of cap-sensitive (80 percent) and noncap-sensitive (20 percent) explosives are utilized annually at their location. Since the environment is wet, no ANFO is currently utilized. The blasting activity is all contracted with a local blasting jobber, who provides the drilling, explosives, and blasting operation. The cost impact of an increase due to a tagging program is thus significantly higher in this explosive-intensive operation, However, the increase would still be less than 1 percent of operating costs. If the costs of explosives, caused by legislation of a tagging program, are much higher than estimated for the baseline program, then the quarry might investigate the cost potential of using inexpensive blasting agents, coupled with a water pumping operat ion. A quite dissimilar situation is provided by the quarry operated by Tri State Explosives. The Tri State Quarry produces facing stone in various grades. The use of explosives in the operation is relatively insignificant, averaging from 10 to 15 blastings per year. Between 15 to 105 lb of explosives are used in each blasting, characterized as a very precise operation. The incremental cost of tagged explosives is therefore trivial. Open Pit Mines The OTA study team visited the Kennecott Bingham Canyon Mine near Salt Lake City, Utah. This open pit mine has many distinctions, including: l l l l the worlds largest manmade excavation, the first open pit mine in the copper industry (started in 1904), the largest single mining operation ever undertaken, and the holder of the largest copper production record of any individual mine in history. Figure 19 shows a photograph of the Bingham pit. Each vertical terrace is approximately 50 ft high. The mine is an extremely large user of explosives, with approximately 105,000 lb of explosives used per day or over 36 million lb/year. For every pound of explosives used, 4.2 tons of material are mined. Cap-insensitive explosives predominate the utilization, consisting of almost 80-percent ANFO and almost 20percent cap-insensitive slurry. Explosive costs run from 3 to 5 percent of total operating costs. High explosives, although a smalI percentage of the total weight of explosives used, account for 7 to 10 percent of costs for all explosives used in the mine. Large amounts of primacord are used, together with boosters, detonators, and some dynamite for secondary blasting (e. g., breaking up boulders). High explosives therefore contribute on the order of 0.3 percent of the total cost of operation. The cost increase for a baseline taggant program would be on the order of 0.03 percent of operating costs. Construction The study team discussed the impact of tagged explosives with the Guy F. Atkinson Co. in South San Francisco, Cal if., a large contracting firm that utilizes large quantities of explosives in both underground (tunnels, etc. ) and aboveground construction operations. In recent years this firm has utilized on the order of 20 million lb of explosives annually. In underground applications, operating costs are considered to be very sensitive to the cost of powder. Values placed on underground operations were: Pounds Of powder to remove yd 3 Cost per yd Genera l 1/4 to1 3\4 lb 13 8 8 Coa l /~ I b 17~ Hard-rock 1 lb 50~ In a recent tunnel application, Guy F. Atkinson used approximately 900,000 caps in the construction of a 22-mile tunnel. At an estimated 50 cents/cap, the value of caps alone amounted to approximate y $500,000. In aboveground work, Guy F. Atkinson recently utilized over 40 milIion lb of explosives in the construction of the Maloney Dam in California. This fixed-price contract was very
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120 l Taggants in Explosives Figure 19. Bingham Canyon Open Pit Copper Mine powder intensive. The value put on explo sives was approximately 9 percent of operating costs, consisting of 70-percent cap-sensitive explosives and 30-percent ANFO. A baseline taggant program would increase operating costs approximately 1 percent, a significant cost, but probably not sufficient to cause a shift to alternative excavation methods. One additional potential impact should be noted. Such construction projects are normally long-term, fixed-price contracts. A sharp jump in the cost of explosives during the course of the contract could significantly affect profits. A summary of the findings on current explosive cost contributions to the various user Photo credit: Kennecott Copper Co classes is shown in table 40. Explosives percentage contributions to operating costs vary (dependent on user type) from less than 1 percent (underground metal mining) to as high as 9 percent (dam construction example). As a result, the cost impact of an increase in the price of cap-sensitive high explosives also varies, particularly as these explosives represent varying portions of the total explosive mix used. Hand loading The above cost impact calculations were for industries that are generally able to pass on increases in the cost of operations to their customers. Handloaders, however, are the ultimate users of the product, and must absorb
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 121 Table 40.Current High Explosives Cost Impact for Various User Classes Percent Increase in operating costs Percent of due to baseline operating costs taggant program Underground metal minin g 0.2b 0.02 Underground coal mining 1 .4C 02 Open pit metal mining 0.2 to 0.5d 003 Quarrie s 8 0 e 1 0 Construction Aboveground dam construction 9.0 e 1 0 Excavationgeneral 2 to 3 Tunneling 5 dTheSe are single poml samples bTo[al Operating COSIS mcludlng ref[mng were nol available For dlrecl mlnmg cost OPeratlOnS e~ ploslves accounted Ior less than 1 percent of costs C NOTE This data point reflects a htghly efflclent operalton Excludes blasllng agents Includes blastlng agents SOURCE Otflce of Technology Assessment any increased cost due to a taggant program. Handloaders load their own ammunition for two reasons economy and the hobby aspect. A less than 10-percent cost increase in expendable material is unlikely to affect a hobby for which hundreds of dollars in costs have already been incurred (hand loading equipment and guns). As powder is only one of several materials on which a hand loader saves costs (cartridge cases, projectiles, wadding) and additional cost-savings are realized from labor and avoiding paying the excise tax on purchased powder percent ammunition, an 8-percent increase in cost would translate into a very few increase in total reloading costs. OTHER COST IMPACTS Government Investigation Costs and Program Administration BATF has estimated* a requirement of 11 man-years of effort annually to enforce the provisions of S.333, primarily to establish standards and monitor implementation of the taggants program. Estimated program costs in fiscal year 1979 dollars for this level of effort are approximately $500,000. This would include several explosive specialists, chemists, inspectors, and clerical help. Estimated costs for actually investigating taggant-tracing services are expected to be marginal beyond current BATF personnel levels and are contained in the above estimate. Their current tracing service personnel would require one additional slot at a cost of approximately $30,000. The total annual costs estimated for BATF are, therefore, just over $500,000. Completing the spectrum of Government level costs are those expenditures that are budgeted and projected to complete the technical development of the taggants program by the Aerospace Corp. Total program costs (including sunk costs of $5.4 million prior to fiscal year 1980) are $10.0 million budgeted; projected outyear costs are estimated at $4.6 million. Investigative Costs Investigators of bombing incidents currently devote considerable time to examining explosive debris for clues regarding the type and source of the explosive material. Further effort is devoted to forensic analysis at the laboratory level. If an identification taggant program is implemented, collection of debris for a laboratory search for taggants wiI I become part of the standard bombing-scene investigatory procedures. There should be little or no impact on the time required for a bombing-scene investigation. Taggant recovery from the debris will be an additional laboratory exercise but it could we I I replace the more time-consuming procedures now carried out to obtain less information than would be furnished by taggants. Similarly, it will take time to follow up on the leads furnished to investigators by having a list of last legal purchasers of the bomb filler material, than would be rect leads. For sumption was but that time is probably less expended following up less dipurposes of this study, the asmade that a taggant program 61-401 0 80 9
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122 Taggants in Explosive s would have no net cost effect on investigation time Effects of Competition-Substitution Depending on the ultimate rise in the price of explosives to the user community due to the addition of taggants, a variety of economic impacts could occur. As has been pointed out earlier, the choices of the type of explosive purchased by users are frequently made on a basis of the lowest price rather than brand loyalty. Since this is so, various kinds of potential substitution threaten the explosives industry if the user perceives more economical choices available to him. For instance, in the underground mining of coal, the cost of explosives can play a predominant role in the overall cost of operations, particularly so in marginal types of mining operations. Substitution of mechanical coal mining equipment could essentially eliminate the use of explosives in those mines. The cost impact of the baseline taggant program is unlikely to significantly affect that type of choice, particularly given the capital investment in machinery that is currently used to support explosive mining. A full economic cost tradeoff analysis between mechanical tools and the increased cost of explosives would need to take place for a meaningful sample size of users to determine the net effect on the explosives industry. Discussions with a dynamite and packaged slurry manufacturer revealed that in one case a recent 5.4-percent increase in the price of a slurry product resulted in several buyers shifting to other products a loss in sales of 6 mil lion lb of product for that manufacturer. Other estimated potential losses by substitution were suggested by the manufacturer. For instance, given a price increase of $1 0/1 00-weight in their nitroglycerine-based products, that manufacturer estimated that as much as 25 percent of their business would shift to other booster/slurry combinations. The manufacturer further estimated that if a 10-cent increase in the price of packaged slurries occurred, they could lose 50 percent of their slurry business t o ANFO, as mining operations would substitut e borehole dewatering (by pumping the hole out and utilizing a borehole liner) coupled with ANFO. This kind of substitution, for cap-sensitive packaged high explosives to ANFO, was also noted by an explosives jobber (operating in a quarry environment) as a highly likely prospect should the cost of tagged explosives increase inordinately. l-he accuracy and objectivity of this type of unsubstantiated estimate are open to question, particularly as other operators expressed opposite views. Safety, reliability, and ease of handling were cited as reasons why a cost increase, such as would occur for the baseline tagging program, would not cause a product substitution. The examples do, however, highlight a very real potential problem, particularly if the taggant program were to substantially increase the cost of cap-sensitive explosives, or if a program were adopted that included tagging some portion of a cost-competitive segment of the industry (such as tagging dynamite, but not gels and slurries). It is noted that the current annual utilization of ANFO in this country is on the order of 3.4 billion lb. It is estimated that the trend toward utilization of ANFO has gone about as far as it can go, given the excel lent economies for ANFO in a wide variety of circumstances. increasing inordinately the cost of explosives due to tagging could, however, further shift current utilization from cap-sensitive packaged explosives to ANFO. Effects on Fixed-Price Commodities There is a potentially important economic spillover on the marketplace for fixed-price commodities, due to taggants. Copper prices are established in a competitive worldwide market setting. The Kennicott copper mine, for instance, competes in this environment, and as a result is limited in its. ability to pass on additional costs of operations. Tagged explosives could affect this situation, depending on the degree of tagging implemented and the cost of tagging. The OTA analysis revealed that only insignificant influences on cost of operation would take place due to cost increases from a
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Ch. V Tagganf Cosf Review l 123 mandated taggant program. If ANFO and unpackaged slurries were also tagged, however, the impact could be quite different. The pric e of ANFO could approximately double, raising the cost of operations as much as percent. Such an increase may well require a higher grade cutoff point for ore, resultin g in a significant decrease in the effective reserves of economically recoverable copper at that site. Possible Removal of Some Gun powders From the Market The initiation of a tagging program involves startup costs to the manufacturer, which this analysis has assumed would be amortized over 10 years and passed along to the consumer in the form of somewhat higher prices. It is possible, however, that some manufacturers o f black or smokeless powder might prefer t o take some product lines off the market, so as to incur these startup costs for only a portion of their existing product line. It is also possible, though perhaps less Iikely, that a manufacturer might choose to halt all production for the handloader market rather than be involved i n tagging such powders. If this should occur, handloaders would find their existing choice among powders reduced; this reduction in choice would be a cost to handloaders, though not one which can be expressed in dollars. TAGGANT PROGRAM COST SYNTHESIS In this section of the report, cost estimates are established for implementing a baseline taggant program. This development of cost is an accumulation of total program cost elements developed in prior sections of the report. The program cost elements include: identification taggant material costs; l detection taggant material costs; manufacturing level costs; l distribution system costs; and l public overhead costs: sensor-related production, sensor development, other taggant program development costs, and BATF annual administration and tracing activity, Subsequent to the buildup of the total baseline taggant program costs, a series of alternative implementation levels are examined for their cost impact. Costs are estimated for a total taggant program and for separate identification and detection taggant programs. Following that are set forth the various aspects of cost uncertainty in the study and a cost-sensitivity analysis of key uncertainty cost drivers or parameters intrinsic to the taggant program. Identification Taggant Program Material Costs Table 41 shows the buildup of identification taggant material costs. The calculations, which are self-explanatory, are based on the program units (weight, feet, caps) set forth in the earlier section on Taggant Material Costs, A price for polyethylene encapsulated tags of $55/lb is utilized with the concentration noted. The total annual cost for this baseline condition is $11,200,000. Detection Taggant Program Material Costs Table 42 sets forth the buildup of detection taggant program material costs. The calcu la-
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124 l Taggants in Explosives Table 41 .Identification Taggant Material Annual Costs, Baseline Program Annual cost for taggant Estimated Explosive Encapsulated/ Taggant Increased cost materials annual average Taggant unencapsulated cost per per unit of Increase in (dollars in production unit cost concentration (total pounds) pound explosives explosive cost thousands) Cap-sensitive packaged high explosives. Cast boosters, ., Smokeless powders Black powder Detonating cord ., Blasting cap s Total program 325 million lb $0.5011b o 05% 6 million lb $1 50/lb 0.1% 5 million lb $6 00/lb 0,05% 400,000 lb $9.00/ lb 0.05% 500 million ft 5$/ft 5 taggants per inch 84 million units 50c each 50 mg Encapsulated (162,500) Encapsulated pellets (6,000) Encapsulated (2,500) Encapsulated (200) Encapsulated (160) Encapsulated (9,240) $5 5 2.75u 5.5% $8,900 122 12.2C 8.1 % 732 55 2.75$ 0 46% 137 55 2.75c o 30% 11 25/batch 0.05$ 1 %0 250 120 1.32$ ea. 2 64% 1,100 ( +46) a ., .,, ., .,, ,,, ,, ,., $11,200 Allowance for cap materials SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment Table 42.Detection Taggant Material Annual Costs Taggant cost per unit Expected Estimated annual Detection taggant level Detection taggant explosives total annual costs Explosive category production concentration required, pounds (@$40 /lb taggant) (dollars in thousands) Cap-sensitive packaged high explosive s 325 million lb 0.025% by weight 87,500 1$ $3,250 Cast booster s 6 million lb 0.025% by weight 1,500 lc 60 Smokeless powders. 5 million lb 0.025% by weight 1,250 I 50 Black powde r 400,000 lb 0.025% by weight 100 1$ 4 Detonating cor d 500 million ft 100 mg/ft 110,000 0.9C 4,500 Blastlng cap s 84 million units 200 mg per cap 36,960 1.76c 1,478 worst case set Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,340 SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment tions, which are self-explanatory, are established at the noted concentration levels and weights, feet, and unit quantities common to the identification taggant program. At the estimated cost of $40/lb of detection taggant material, the total annual program estimate is $9,340,000. Manufacturing Level Program Costs Explosive manufacturing level program costs are delineated in table 43. The annual cost estimate for the baseline program is $7,068,500. The costs are based on explosive quantities and manufacturing incremental costs developed in previous sections. Distribution Network Program Costs The annual program cost attributable to the distribution network is $9,231,000. The calculation, shown in table 44, is based on the quantities of explosives and distribution system incremental costs established in previous sect ions. Public Overhead Program Cost Public overhead program costs are defined to include the folIowing cost elements: l sensor-related deployment costs, l taggant program development, and
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 12 5 Table 43.Manufacturing Cost Added Total program manufacturing cost added Estimated annual Manufacturing (dollars m Explosive category producilon cost added/unit thousands) Cap-senstive packaged high explosives ., 325 million lb 1.0 3 a $3,347 Boosters 6 million lb 7.72 463 Black powde r 400,000 lb 2.57c 10 Smokeless powder 5 million lb 2.57c 128 Detonating cord ., 500 million ft 0.094C 470 Blasting caps .84 million units 3.15C 2,650 Total ., ., ., $7,068 a Baseline condition SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment Table 44.Distribution System Cost Added Total program distribution system Distribution cost added Estimated annual system cost (dollars in Explosive category production added/unit thousands) Cap-sensitive packaged high explosives ., 325 million lb 1. 19$a $3,869 Boosters ., 6 milllon lb 5.4 8 328 Black powder ., 400,000 lb 7.55$ 30 Smokeless powde r 5 milllon lb 6443$ 3,222 Detonating cord ., 500 million f t 015$ 750 Blasting caps .84 million units 1.23c 1.033 Total ., ., ., $9,232 a Baseline conditions SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment l BATF administrative costs, including tracing activity. The annual sensor program cost is $6.83 million for the baseline case in which 1,500 units are deployed in an assumed mix of 90-percent IMS and 10-percent MS sensor types. As indicated earlier, the annual BATF administration cost is approximately $0.53 million, while the taggant program development annual cost is estimated at $1.15 million, for a total of $8.51 million. Taggant Program Baseline Cost Estimate The total estimated cost for the baseline taggant program is $45.37 million per year. The calculation of this estimate is shown in table 45. It includes the estimated cost impact of Table 45.Taggant Program Summary Annual Cost-Baseline Program (millions of FY 1979 dollars) Annual cost Taggant material s $2056 Identification taggants(11 22) Detector taggants (9,34) Sensor-related costs a 68 3 Explosives manufacturers added costs 7.07 Distributors costs 92 3 Government costs. ., 1,68 Administration and tracing Taggant program development Increased Investigative costs 0 Total baseline program annual cos t $4537 a Assumed 500 units 90.percent IMS and 10 percent MS SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment taggant materials (identification and detection), manufacturer-added cost, distributoradded costs, and public overhead (sensors, taggant development, and BATF administration). Program Cost Versus Implementation Level Table 46 shows the major cost elements of the taggant program as a function of implementation level. The low-level program would use a unique identification taggant for each manufacturer, type of product, and year of Table 46. --Taggant Program Summary Annual Cost Versus Implementation Level (millions of FY 1979 dollars per year) Low case Baseline High case Summary cost elements program program program Taggant materials Identification taggants $ 5.61a $11.22 $1122 Detection taggant s 93 4 93 4 93 4 Explosive manufacturers added cost 5.26 b 7. 07C 19.41d Distribution system added cost 5.02 e 9.23 16.55 f Public overhea d 5329 8. 51 h 24.5 Total program annual cost $3055 $4537 $810 (less ANFO) ANFO $187.0 $268.0 aOTA estimate of slmpllf!ed code based on halwng the baseline es~lmafe bPlant/year tagging level cDate-shlff Iagglng level dlo 00010 f 2 lagglng level for cap-sens(tlve 2000 lb for powders Includes markup costs only flncludes Increase for adlustecj markups 75 mllllon lb of powders powder record keeping @ $Illb gBased on 800 sensors Based on 1 500 sensors IBased on 5 000 sensors IBased on 34 bllllon lb of ANFO lagged annually ID lag @ I 2C/lb of ANFO detection lag C @ O 5c/lb of ANFO manufacturing @ 2c/lb of ANFO and recordkeepmg @ I lc/lb of ANFO SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment
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126 l Taggants in Explosives manufacture. A total of 800 detection sensor s would be deployed, one for passengers an d one for baggage at each airport location currently deploying magnetometers and hand baggage X-ray units. Cap-sensitive high explosives, detonators, boosters, detonating cord, and smokeless and black powders would be tagged with both identification and detection taggants. Blasting agents would not be directly tagged. The baseline program would tag the same materials as the low-level program, but would use a unique identification taggant for each shift of each product analogous to the current date-shift code marking on the exterior of explosives. Traceability to the lists of last legal purchasers would be maintained, as the taggant would contain all the information needed for a BATF trace (date, shift, product, and size). Approximately 1,500 detection taggant sensors would be deployed at airports and major controlled-access facilities such as powerplants, refineries, and Government buildings. Major police bomb squads would operate portable units. This baseline program differs from the program proposed by the BATF/Aerospace Corp. team in two respects. The most important is that a full shift of the same product (a different size would be treated as a different product) would be tagged with the same taggant, rather than an arbitrary 10,000 to 20,000 lb. The practical utility result of that change is that a longer I ist of last legal purchasers would be produced by a trace, at least for those lines that make more than 10,000 to 20,000 lb of a product in a single shift. The second difference concerns rework. It has been assumed that a special taggant containing a composite code will be added to material containing more than 10-percent cross-contain inat ion; such a taggant would indicate that other codes in the explosive were contaminants and could be ignored. The high-level program would uniquely tag each 1(),()0()-lb batch of explosive and each 2,000-Ib batch of gunpowder. All explosive materials, including blasting agents, would be directly tagged. Ammonium nitrate fabricated for use in ANFO would be tagged, but not fertilizer-grade ammonium nitrate. Approximately 5,000 detection taggant sensors would be deployed at every major transportation facility, controlled-access utility, Government facility, and other potential high-value targets such as campus computer locations. Portable units would be routinely available to police bomb squads. The taggant level and types of explosives to be tagged in the high-level program correspond to a strict interpretation of S.333, as propounded by IME. Program Cost of Separate Identification and Detection Taggant Programs The above discussion has been for a program that includes both identification and detection taggants. Interest has been expressed in the cost of each program separately; the total cost and breakouts by cost elements are discussed for each of the three implementation levels. For the baseline set of conditions, the cost breakout is set forth in table 47. These costs are, in summary: I dentification taggant program $248 mllllon Detection taggant program $254 milllon Total combined program $4537 mllllon Table 47.identification Taggant and Detection Taggant Program Cost ComparisonsBaseline Case (millions of dollars per year) Identification Detection Baseline taggant taggant combined Program cost elements program program program Taggant materials ., ,$1122 $9.3 4 $20.56 Sensor-related costs 6.83 6.83 Manufacturers cost ., 6.0b 94 70 7 Markup 4.82 Labor and tooling Distribution system cost, 6.66b 2.57 9.23 Markup -oLabor and tooling Government cost Administration and tracing 53 13C 53 Taggant program development ,34 81 1.15 Total ., ., ., ., .$24.76 $25.44 $4537 a For 1,500 sensors b LesS markup on delecllon Iaggafll CASSUMed 25 percent of combined Program SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment
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Ch. V Taggant Cost Review l 127 As one can note, the sum of individual programs is greater than the total combined program. This follows from the fact that each of the programs share certain labor and capital resources in the combined program and each opt ion bears the tota I cost for these resources if only one of the programs would be implemented. Shared resources in the combined baseline program are approximately $5 million/year, The detection taggant program is directly sensitive to the number of deployed sensors; variation in this would affect the cost differentials significantly. Similar cost breakdowns were calculated for the separate identification and detector taggant programs at the low and high implementation levels; these separate costs for the three implementation levels are summarized in table 48. Table 48.Summary Program Costs Versus Level of Implementation Total combined Identification Detection program a Lo w $ 1493 $2192 $305 5 Baseline 2476 2544 4537 Hig h 21454 6526 2688 ac~~tJ(~d ~rOgram CoSIS are lessthan the sum of the Indlwdual Programs because of shared labor tooling admlnlsfrallon etc SOURCE Otftceof Technology Assessment Comparison of OTA Cost Estimates With I ME and Aerospace Corp. Estimates In testimony before the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee, IME has estimated that the cost of the identification taggant program would be on the order of $700 miIIion/year. That estimates includes the cost for the taggant materials, library maintenance fees, and record keeping costs. The estimate did not include public overhead cost, manufacturing added costs, costs through the distribute chain, and markup. In addition, the I ME estimates for the quantity of cap-sensitive explosives produced is lower than the OTA estimate by 50 million lb, IME does not include the effects of tagging 5 million lb of smokeless powder and assumes that the total production of 2.5 million lb of black powder would be tagged. All but 400,000 lb of the black powder is used as a raw material input to other manufactured items, such as fuzes, however, and so would not be tagged. For a taggant program with the scope assumed by IME, OTA estimates the cost would be $214 million, not $700 million. The major reasons for this difference are: I ME assumed material cost for the identification taggants of $200/lb (versus the OTA estimate of $55/lb), the inclusion of a Iibrary maintenance fee of $100/year per unique taggant (this fee would not be charged), and a concentration level of 0.05 percent for unencapsulated taggants versus the BAT F/Aerospace suggested level of 0.025 percent (equivalent to a 0.05-percent concentration level for encapsulated taggants). As indicated previously, the IME figures for the material and library maintenance costs reflect a 3M quoted cost for taggants produced in a pilot program. Table 49 depicts the various cost elements for an identification taggant program that includes blasting agents. The three columns show, respectively, the element cost estimates made by I ME, the corresponding costs under the same assumptions made by OTA, and the actual cost elements, as estimated by OTA. It must be clearly understood that these cost estiTable 49.Comparison of the Estimates for ID Tags (millions of dollars per year) OTA estimates OTA estimates I ME cost using I ME using OTA Cost elements estimate assumptions a assumtions ID tag materialsnon-ANFO $ 525 ID tag materialsANFO 3400 Manufacturers costs non-ANF O Manufacturing costANFO and recordkeeping Distribution system cost Public overhead Record keeping costs 195 Code reservation 291 1 Tota l $703,1 $ 1038 68.0 172 1020 8 0 87 in mfgr & distribution $206.45 $ 112 680 18.47 102,0 13,98 87 in mfgr & distribution $21454 dAssumpllons 275 mllllon lb of cap senslhve packaged explosives 25 mllllon lb of black powder smokeless powder not Included SOURCE Ott[ceol Technology Assessment
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128 l Taggants in Explosives mates are for the identification tagging pro gram for the high implementation level. The Aerospace Corp. cost estimate of approximately $48 million/year was for a different program one in which ANFO and other blasting agents are not directly tagged. As noted above, the program for which the Aerospace Corp. cost estimate was given is quite similar to the OTA identified baseline program, differing only in the size of the unique taggant batch and in some assumptions on rework material. A summary of major differences between the Aerospace Corp. assumptions and the OTA baseline case assumptions is as follows: Aerospace assumptions Detonating cord. ... 12,000,00 0 Number of sensors deployed ., 5,000 Increased investigating costs. .$5.4 million Markup No ID tag material cost, encapsulated $50/lb ta g Detection tag material cost . $65/lb tag OTA assumptions 500,000,000 f t 1,50 0 None Yes $55/lb tag $40/lb tag Table 50 depicts the various cost elements for an identification and detection taggant program that does not include blasting agents. The columns represent, respectively, the cost estimates made by the Aerospace Corp. and the cost elements as estimated by OTA. Table 50.Comparison of OTA and Aerospace Program (Option 2) Estimate Aerospace Cost elements estimates OTA estimate ID tag materials ., ., ., Detection tag material s Labo r Retooling. ., ., ., ., Total instrumentation cos t Increased investigative costs . Explosives manufacturing cost ., Distribution system cost ., Government costs, ., Total ., ... ., $8.5 8 7.86 2.05 1.65 22.50 5.40 (c) (c) $48.04 $11.22 9.34 b b 6.83 -o7.07 9.23 1.68 $4537 aFr~m Explosives Tag9m9 Inflaflon Impact Analysls Aerospace Corp April 1979 blncluded In exploswes manulaclunng cost Clncluded In labor cost SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment In summary, the question as to which cos t estimate is correct, that by Aerospace o r that by IME, cannot be simply answered, a s they are giving estimates for different levels of implemental ion. Both estimates contain values for cost elements that are not currently relevant, and these are clearly indicated in tables 49 and 50. Who Bears the Cost of a Taggant Program? For the baseline program set of conditions, an analysis was made to determine which of the various segments affected would bear the costs of the taggant program. Table 51 shows the cost breakout. Sensor-related costs would reflect the perceived utilization of sensors at airports for screening of personnel, hand-carried baggage, and checked baggage. For the baseline case of 1,500 sensors, 1,200 or 80 percent are assumed to be employed at airports, with 300 or 20 percent in Government buildings, courthouses, transportation centers, and police bomb squads. The users of explosives absorb the primary impact of the program, assuming that all costs associated with the taggants (material, manufacturing, and distribution), are passed on to the various classes of users examined. The extent to which these costs will ultimately impact consumers of goods produced by the explosive users is uncertain. Public overhead costs of administration and taggant program development are borne directly by the taxpayer who would also bear some portion of the detection taggant sensor deployment in the baseline case. Table 51 .Taggant Program Cost Impact by Who Will Bear the Cost (millions of dollars by impact segments) Users of Airline Baseline program costs explosives Taxpayers users Total Taggant materials $20.56 $20.56 Sensor-related costs ., $1 $5 53 6.83 Explosive manufacturers cost s 7,07 7.07 Ditribution system costs. 9.23 9.23 Public overhead 1,68 1.68 Total ., $36.86 $2.98 $5.53 $45.37 Percent, 81 ,2% 6,6% 12 2%40 SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 12 9 COST ANALYSIS PRECISION I n the preceding narrative description of the taggant program cost analysis, OTA has set forth the basis for estimating the various factors in the total program cost equation. The relative certainty (or precision) of the estimates has been addressed to varying degrees. In this section, OTA specifically summarizes concerns regarding the precision of the estimates and the related implications for: 1 ) the reasonableness of the estimates and 2) the prospects for cost-estimate growth or stability. A precise evaluation of the costs of a taggant program is not possible due to the current state of development of the taggants and sensors and the uncertainties in how a taggant program would be implemented. Pilot testing has been conducted between the identification taggants and several of the types of explosive materials proposed to be tagged (capsensitive packaged explosives, boosters, and black powder), testing is underway on smokeless powder, and no pilot tests have been conducted for detonating cord or blasting caps. Three candidate sensors are being evaluated, but no system has progressed past the laboratory stage. Various implementation levels are possible, each of which directly affects costs. Examples of critical implementation decisions include: which explosives will be tagged, what would constitute a unique batch with a unique identification species, and how many of which type of detection sensors would be deployed. Several forms of cost uncertainty analysis are possible. Given a baseline case, one can examine the cost effects of changes in individual cost factors and note the perturbation on total program cost in a deterministic manner. This method is employed in the following section in order to highlight the primary cost drivers in the taggant program. Another method treats costs in a probabilistic manner. Additional data would be required to implement this procedure. Cost Sensitivity Analysis The method used here essentially sets forth the cost impact changes that occur due to variations in cost-driving variables of interest. The cost-impact variations from an established or hypothesized baseline case is the traditional method taken. Cost element changes in absolute or percentage terms are set forth and the impact on total program cost is noted. Since the taggant program is in the early stages of development, the factors in the total cost equation need to be examined to determine the potential ranges of variance from an established baseline. Table 52 includes a relatively comprehensive Iist of elements that have an influence on the program cost estimate. These include the various factors (both cost and related requirements) for: taggant materials; the manufacturing and distribution system; public overhead (sensors, administration, taggant program development); and programmatic considerations. Taggant Materials IDENTIFICATION TAGGANTS Various factors can further influence the cost of identification taggant material. The best estimate from 3M is based on their recent Ieadtime study, $75/lb of unencapsulated taggants in 2.5to 5-lb lots. This value is based on tagging 600 million lb of explosives per year, requiring a guarantee of manufacturing of 150,000 lb of taggants per year for a minimum of 2 years. Values utilized in the OTA study are based on lower quantities of encapsulated taggants. 3M has made their best estimate of this effect on cost; however, more detailed study would be required by them to provide an equivalent confidence to the current $75/lb quotation. Encapsulated taggants estimates provided for this study are targeted at $55/lb of polyethylene-coated taggants for 90,000 lb of taggants per year. Additional study of opaque-
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130 l Taggants in Explosives Table 52.Elements of Cost Uncertainty /dentiiication taggant material l Taggant cost dollars per pound Encapsulation cost-opaque capsule Yield from encapsulation process Cost IS an estimate, not a contracted value Monopoly issue l Taggant concentration level l Quantity of explosives to be tagged Cap-sensitive packaged explosive ANFO and other blasting agents l Taggant waste Detection taggant material l Molecule prices l Encapsulation cost l Concentration levels l Quantity of explosives to be tagged Sensor cost l Quantity of sensors to be deployed l What type sensors WiII be successfully developed? l What will be the mix of deployed sensors? l Development cost uncertainty l False alarm rate l Production price uncertainty Explosive manufacturers added cost l Record keeping costs (particularly smokeless powders) l Tooling and labor, etc for explosive categories not pilot tested (powders, detonating cord, blasting caps) l Batch size Productivity Waste l Taggant inventory costs l Markup and degree to which costs are passed on Distribution costs Recordkeeping l Storage l Markup levels Cost of investigation l Cost penalty v. cost savings Government regulation and administration Implementation and programatic l Level of Implementation l Stand alone program costs Identification taggant program Detection taggant program SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment type encapsulation is req u red in order to refine the $55/lb estimate. 3M assessment of the worst case is $70/lb, to account for the uncer tainty in : l encapsulation and encapsulant ion process yield (further research is required to definitize these parameters), and l ultimate contractual conditions specified (the only basis for precise quotations). 3M believes that the worst case estimate is highly unlikely and was provided to the study group to permit the cost uncertainty analysi s of the taggant program. The ultimate effect of the worst case condition would be to increase identification taggant direct costs of materials by 27 percent. If one were to implement unencapsulated taggants, as was studied in some detail in the Ieadtime study, the ultimate effect would be a reduction in the baseline program estimate from $11.2 million to $9.6 million, a reduction of approximately 14 percent. Other areas of cost uncertainty are: l l l l l Monopoly issuethis is discussed in the second section of this chapter. Taggant concentration levels the survivability and recovery tests so far conducted have been at one concentration level, as have the safety tests. The tests have identified areas where the taggants survive and areas where individual taggants do not survive (with a substantial grey area). Nonsurvival seems to be primarily a function of the thermal or physical decomposition of the taggant materials, which would be essentially unaffected by concentration level. If concentration levels were changed, the cost of materia l would increase almost linearly (see below). Quantity of explosives to be tagged greater quantities (over 325 million lb of cap-sensitive) of tagged explosive would decrease cost per pound of taggant material; however, total program increases would not increase I i nearly. ANFO taggingsee the section on Taggant Program Cost Synthesis for estimated effects. It is probable that if ANFO were to be tagged, a taggant with additional layers would require development, to permit the larger number of codes required by the large quantities of ANFO and other blasting agents. Taggant waste the degree of taggant waste (if any) in a production environment is unknown; this factor, which is not considered significant, would tend to increase taggant material cost estimates.
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review 131 Summary baseline program cost sensitivit y to variations in identification taggant materia l costs or concentration levels is depicted i n figure 20. Cost-impact changes include the ef fect of markup at the manufacturing level and throughout the distribution network Figure 20.Baseline Program Cost Sensitivity Impact With Changes in Identification Taggant, Material Cost, and Concentration Level Total program cost in millions of dollars 55 50 program Percent change in 1 45 1 ID taggant 2 500\o 100 /0 material cost or concentration Increase l Decreas e SOURCE: Off Ice of Technology Assessment DETECTION TAGGANT MATERIALS Detection taggant materials are still in the exploratory stage of development, with five candidate molecules currently under consideration. As shown in our discussion in the second section, estimates based on recent budgetary and pricing quotations vary depending on the molecule and the spread in the submitted cost estimates. The average value utilized in this study is $40/lb. The range of estimates is from $22 to $58/Ib. The uncertainty in program dollar terms is as follows: Baseline program $9.34 million Optimistic estimate ., $5.14 million Worst case estimate $13.54 million Concentration levels are another issue. Current expectations are that 0.025-percent concentrations are adequate. Further development testing is required in order to definitive this parameter. Baseline program cost sensitivity due to a range of variation in detection taggant material costs or concentration levels is set forth in figure 21. Cost variations include the succession of markups that are estimated at the manufacturing level and throughout the distribution network. It should be noted that the concentration levels for identification and detection tagging of detonating cord are inconsistent, with a very small concentration of identification taggants assumed and a very high concentration of detection taggants. THE MANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM Taggant program cost estimates at the manufacturing and distribution levels vary in their degree of precision and are highly influenced by various assumptions that are required due to the lack of substantive empirical data. Confidence is relatively higher in the estimates Figure 21 .Baseline Program Cost Sensitivity Impact With Changes in Detection Taggant, Material Cost, and Concentration Level Total program cost in millions of dollars 60 55 50; 45 Percent change in detection 50% 1000% taggant material cost or concentration q increase n Decrease SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment.
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132 Taggants in Explosives where pilot testing has been accomplished (e.g., cap-sensitive packaged explosives). The degree to which costs will be passed on, with associated markups through the distribution network, to the user of explosives is another area of uncertainty. As a result of the pilot test program, reasonable data is available for the analysis of the cost impact of adding taggants to the manufacture of cap-sensitive high explosives, at least for those companies that participated in the program. No similar data is available, however, on the manufacturing impact of the other types of explosive materials that might be tagged. Only gross estimates have been made for recordkeeping and storage costs. Federal requirements for date-shift code recordkeeping currently pertain to cap-sensitive packaged explosives, boosters, black powder, detonating cord, and blasting caps. Smokeless powders, currently exempt from the requirement, represent the largest uncertainty in recordkeeping costs. OTA has treated this cost element parametricalIy with the level of implementation analysis. For the three cases studied, the following cost estimates were utilized: Low program no cost increase Baselin e 60.4/lb powder High estimate ., ., 100$/lb powder These estimates are based on preliminary assessments; further refinements in the smokeless powder recordkeeping estimate require a data base reflecting pilot-testing experience and a detailed description of the distribution network. An analysis of manufacturing cost impact for cap-sensitive packaged explosives revealed the following cost sensitivity to program implementation levels: Manufacturers cost per Tag batch size pound of explosives 10,000 to 12,000 lb ., ., ., 4.O 20,000 lb ., 2.3 Shift production .. 0.6$ Plant year 0.3 Uncertainty in other particular explosive typ e cost elements will persist until a particular pro gram level is recommended for implementation. Taggant inventory costs, which were assessed as part of the manufacturers costs, were estimated at 10-percent interest for a taggant inventory supply of one-half year. Variations from this assumption would have relatively minor influence over total program cost effects. Markup costs were estimated at 10 percent at the manufacturing level and 25 percent for the distribution network for explosives, while 80-percent markup was utiIized for the black and smokeless powders for the distribution network, based on estimated inputs from a manufacturer. Uncertainty exists in the degree to which taggant program costs will be passed on to explosive users, since ultimately these markups would be determined in the marketplace. PUBLIC OVERHEAD Sensor-related costs. Considerable uncertainty exists in estimates of the sensor program cost. These relate to: l l l l l l what type of sensors will be successfully developed? what will be the mix of deployed sensors? how many will be deployed? development cost uncertainty, production price uncertainty, and false-alarm rates. Table 53 delineates a set of cost possibilities where sensor mix and quantity are varied. One can note the wide spread of resulting estimates given these variations in assumptions. OTA estimated the sensor development costs of twice the level of the Aerospace estimates to acTable 53.Annual Cost per Sensor for Various Mixes Total annual cost (millions of dollars) Annual cost per sensor 1,500 sensors 5,000 sensors FY79 dollars All CEC D $3,318 $5.0 $16.6 All IMS 4,053 6.1 20.3 All M S 9,228 13.8 46.1 CECD 90% MS l0%. 3,909 58 6 19.5 CECD 75%; MS 25%. 4,796 7 2 24.0 IMS 90%, MS 10% (baseline) 4,570 6.8 22.8 IMS 75%; MS 25%. 5,347 8 0 26.74 SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment
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Ch. VTaggant Cost Review l 13 3 count for development program contingencies. Production cost estimates confidence has been stated by Aerospace as about 25 percent. This production effect on the baseline case estimate would be as follows: BaselIne (1, 500 sensors). $683 million Low estimat e $512 million Worst cas e $854 million The effects of quantity and sensor mix are more profound. Sensor costs could vary from $5 million to $13.8 million (see table 53) for the baseline quantity of 1,500 sensors depending on the ultimate mix of system deployed. Quantity variations would also proportionately impact program costs High false-alarm rates (greater than 0.05 percent) in fielded sensors would have tangible cost impacts in the cost of operations and in creating ill will. Programmatic considerations. The overriding uncertainty in the cost of the taggants program stems from the nature of the present early phase of program development. Program cost uncertainty is a profound problem during ADEQUACY The taggant program cost estimates the development phase of most major hardware system programs. This is so even for programs where precedent-type data are available (e.g., aircraft, missile, electronics). The taggant program has no direct precedent as such and analogous situations are limited. Historical data are therefore severely limited and slowly evolved as pilot testing progresses. Traditionally, as a program proceeds during development, new elements of costs are recognized that were poorly perceived at the onset of development in addition, program directions change as ergineering and scientific problems are uncovered, resulting in scope changes and potential for cost growth. Questions of scope, for instance, include program implementation levels which have been addressed in the cost synthesis section. As noted, costs estimates can vary by significant degrees depending on the program specification. Related to the scope issue are the individual identification and detection taggant programs as separate entities. Pursuing either one of these objectives rather than proceeding jointly would have a significant impact on cost. OF CURRENT DATA are scope changes; cost-es based on a limited empirical data base and utes to a lesser degree. various analyses and assumptions. This situai mating error contribution is caused by the relatively early stage of Further pilot testing and sensor deveiopthe development program, the limited number of pilot tests conducted to date, and the limited sample of organizations surveyed (manufacturers, distributors, and users of explosives). The limitations in the data base and resultant assumptions have been underscored within the cost analysis section. Where assumptions were made, OTA has taken a conservative position in order to provide a reasonable cost estimate for the program options. This is important because cost growth normally ensues in typical developmental efforts. Cost growth is predominately affected by redesign and program ment efforts are requi~ed in order to provide refined designs and requirements data for both manufacturing processes (e. g., detonating cord and blasting caps) and sensors, which are necessary for redefining the cost estimates. Until this progress is made, further refinements in cost-estimate precision are not possible. Additional survey samples of manufacturers, distributors, and explosive users would provide higher confidence in certain of the cost-element estimates and other cost impact areas.
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134 l Taggants in Explosives SUGGESTED FURTHER RESEARCH Additional cost analysis research would im prove the ability to determine more accuratel y and at a finer level of resolution the cost impact of the taggant program. This research effort could take a number of avenues including: l development of a cost model, l development of an economic model, l application of design-to-cost principles for the sensor development, and l special studies and analysis. The OTA study effort on the costs of the taggant program was limited in time and re sources. Various insights gained during this research indicate that further research in the above areas would contribute significantly to a better understanding of the multitude of cost and economic tradeoffs and effects which could guide the development of a taggant system. The model developments (cost and economic) would further this goal. AppIications of formal design-to-cost principles to the development of sensors will further permit the production and implementation of cost-effective systems. Other special stud provide further value taggant program cos are: es and analyses would to the understanding of impact. Among these Q cost/uncertainty probabiIity analysis; !! i l price elasticity for black powder, smoke[ i less powders, and cap-sensitive high ex, plosives, etc.; l assessment of manufacturers front end costs and the related burden; and l amplified cost and economic impact surveys of manufacturers, distributors, and users of explosives. It must be clearly understood, however, that resolution of the basic program issues, such as level of implementation, as well as resolution of technical efficacy, safety, and utility is necessary before it makes sense to attempt a more detailed cost analysis. The work reported in this chapter clearly indicates the order of magnitude of the cost impact that decisions concerning taggant legislation would have on the manufacturers, distributors, and users of explosives and gun powders.
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Chapter VL-TAGGANT UTILITY REVIEW Page introduction ....0.........,...,.....,. 137 Problem Characterization .................138 The Bombing Threat. ..................139 Explosives Used in Bombs ..............141 Types of Targets Bombed. ..............142 Characteristics of Criminal Bombers ......142 Terrorists ... ... . . . . .143 Common Criminals. .................14 5 Mentally Disturbed .................14 5 Vandals and Experimenters ...........145 Sources of Explosives. .................146 Current Security Measures. .............148 Sources of Explosives. ...............148 Potential Targets ................,..14 9 Current Antibomber Procedures .........154 Discussion of TaggantlJtiiity. .. ..............155 Deterrence. . ......................15 5 Bomb DetectionTarget Protection . .157 Bomber Apprehension ...........,.....159 Intelligence Concerning Criminal Bomber Activities . . . . . ....161 Prosecution of Criminal Bombers ........162 Taggant Utility by Typeof Perpetrator .., ..163 Utility of Taggants to Update the Taggant Program . . . . ., ,, .163 Nonbomber Control Utility of Taggants, ...,164 PossIble BomberCountermeasures in Response to a TaggantProgram ...............,..164 Fabrication of Homemade Explosives. .. ...167 Use of lncendiary Bombs. ..............167 Use of Blasting Agents. ................168 Theft of Explosives. ...................168 Illegal Sources. .....................,16 9 Use of Explosives Manufactured Before a Taggant Requirement. ........,....169 Detection Taggant Seal ................169 Spookingof DetectionTaggant Sensors. ..l7O Shift to Other Unlawful Activity .........170 Summary ...........................17 0 Foreign Experience Controlof80mbers .. ....171 TABLES Page 54. Minimum Bombing Incidents Statistics Summary ..........................13 9 Page 55. Explosive Bombing Incident Trends, 1972-78. . . . . . .. ...140 56. identified Explosive Fillers Used in 57 58 59 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67 68 69 70. 22. 23. 24 25 26 Bombs .; . . .............141 Bombing Casualties and Damage in 1978 by Type of Bomb ...............,..,.14 2 Bombings by Specific Targets for 1977-78 . . . . . . ...143 Percent of Bomber Targets That WouldBe Protected by a Dectection Sensor .......143 Attributes of Criminal Bomber Groups. ....144 Estimated Number of Significant Bombings by Group of Perpetrators. .., ...146 Stolen and Recovered Explosive Summary . . . . . ..., .,147 Explosives Thefts by Method of Entry Number of lncident sand Percentages for 1977-78 . ...................148 Explosions Aboard U.S. Aircraft .........150 Location of Explosions Aboard Aircraft, 1949-76. . . . . . .. ...150 Explosions and Devices Found at U.S. Airports,1972-75 ...................,15 1 Results of Civil Aviation Security Program Passenger Screening. . . . . Premature Detonation Statistics . Commercial Airliner Hijacking Statistics by Year . . . . . . Possible Perpetrator Response Countermeasures to Taggant Program. FIGURES Annual Bombing Statistics, 1972-77 . Schematic Airport Security System . Passenger/Hand-Baggage Screening Station . . . . . . Schematic lllustration of Identification Taggant Utility in Criminal Investigation. Size Comparison of the 3M Identification Taggant and Some Smokeless Powders. 153 155 157 165 Page 141 152 153 160 166
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Chapter VI TAGGANT UTILITY REVIEW INTRODUCTION Bombings are a particularly heinous crime as they are normally indiscriminate in their choice of victims, often involve innocent people, and have the potential for producing large numbers of casualties and high property damage. Bombings are attractive to the perpetrator as bombs can be placed at the bombers convenience and set to detonate at a time when the bomber is elsewhere. Bombings are a quite spectacular crime, easily drawing public attention when that is the perpetrators purpose. Bombings are particularly difficult crimes for law enforcement agencies to handIe as the bomber is not usually near the scene of the crime, the physical evidence is destroyed or damaged by the detonation, and the materials necessary to fabricate even a quite catastrophic bomb are easily obtainable. It is the purpose of this chapter to review the utility of both identification and detection taggants to law enforcement and security personnel. In order to assess the utility of taggants, it is first necessary to understand the magnitude of the bomber problem, including the types of bombers, the types of targets, the sources of explosives, and current measures to control and combat bombers. This information is reviewed in the next section. The utility of taggants is then discussed, together with possible responses by criminal bombers to a taggant program. The chapter concludes with a short discussion of the experience of selected foreign countries in the control of bombers. In the analysis it is assumed that the tag gants have been demonstrated as safe to add to explosive materials; that the identification taggants survive the detonation of tagged explosives and can be recovered at the scene of the crime, either directly or by laboratory separation of collected debris; and that sensors exist which detect the detection taggant vapor at a parts-per-tril I ion concentration in air, with extremely few false alarms and with no requirement for special maintenance or skilled operators. These assumptions would have to be verified before a taggant program could be implemented. The analysis is primarily qualitative. Data exist on the numbers and types of criminal bombings which take place, but it is difficult to analyze the data as it is not consistent from one data bank to another and information retrieval in any other than summary form is difficult. Characterization of types of perpetrator, or of motives, is available in only a limited number of bombings; even identification of the explosive fiIler is not available for a sign if icant fraction of bombings. No data exist that would allow a quantitative assessment of the numbers of bombers 137 61-401 0 80 10
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138 l Taggants in Explosives who would be deterred, arrested, or convicted as a result of a taggant program, or of the amount of property damage or casualties which would be averted by such a program. An analogy can be drawn between the utility of the current date-shift information contained on explosive cartridge cases and the utility of identification taggants in apprehending and convicting bombers, but the date-shift information utility data base is quite small. Similarly, an analogy can be made between the drop in hijackings that occurred after the introduction of antihijacking procedures and the potential reduction to be expected in the bombings of high-valued, controlled-access buildings protected by detection sensors. Such analogies are discussed in the text. The primary source of data on the current bombings threat, current means of combating that threat, and the utility of taggants to law enforcement personnel, however, comes from the opinion of law enforcement personnel in the field. In-depth discussions were held with a broad cross section of law enforcement and security personnel, including personnel from the following agencies: l l l domestic law enforcement and security personnel. (New York City; San Mateo County, Calif.; Dallas-Fort Worth Airport; Summit County, Ohio; Washington, D.C.); foreign law enforcement personnel (West Germany, England, Republic of Ireland, INTER PC) L); Federal agencies (Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI), Federal Aviation Admin istration (FAA), Bureau of Mines, Department of Transportation, Corps of Engineers, U.S, Army Criminal Investigation l Division, U.S. Army Development and Research Command); and contractors (Management Sciences Associates (MSA) and Institute for Defens e Analysis) A number of discussions were also held, o n various subjects, with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF), the agency charged with explosives control. Unfortunately, it was not possible, given the time and money constraints of the OTA analysis, to meet with as many law enforcement personnel as would be desirable, particularly given the large variations in types of bombers, types of targets, and local laws and procedures in the various parts of the country. To obtain a larger sample of expert opinion, a questionnaire was sent to approximately 950 members of the International Association of Chiefs of police (l AC P), chosen at random from their directory. The IACP was chosen because of the OTA desire to obtain input from a broad cross section of the law enforcement community geographically, functionally, and by size of community. The results of the in-depth interviews and questionnaire responses are integrated in the discussion in this chapter. A detailed discussion of the questionnaire is given as appendix B. Due to the small response rate (approximately 15 percent) the sample may be biased. However, the bias is probably toward those with knowledge of, and interest in, the subject. An additional possible bias was introduced by an error in the explanatory material accompanyin g the survey, which indicated that the identification taggant trace would identify the last legal purchaser of the explosives, rather than indicating that the trace would produce a Iist of last legal purchasers. PROBLEM CHARACTERIZATION Approximately 3,000 incidents are reported we I I as actual explosive and incendiary bombannually in the BATF Explosives Incident s ings. The BATF report contains a breakout by Report. The incident s include accidents, target type and explosive filler used, but Iittle threats, recovered explosives, and hoaxes, as information on the various types of perpetra-
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Ch. V1Taggant Utility Review l 139 tors. The FBI compiles similar bombing statistics at its National Bomb Data Center, which are published quarterly and summarized annually. The bombings are committed by a wide range of perpetrators, who differ in their skills, resources, motivations, and types of targets attacked. Current security measures at most explosive manufacturers, distributors, and user s are sufficient to dissuade casual outside theft, but cannot readily protect against thefts that are committed by or assisted by employees, or against a determined outside attempt to steal explosives. Protection of some high-value potential targets against bomber threats is currently adequate but some targets are essentially unprotected against a serious bombing attempt. Finally, current law enforcement efforts to control criminal bombings are not very effective. These topics are discussed briefly below. The Bombing Threat Both the FBI and BATF maintain national bombing data information centers which collect statistics on bombings and other explosive incidents. The data are not consistent between the two centers, however, and many bombings are not reported to either center. The formatting of the data, and the lack of updating procedures, make accurate analyses difficult. The BATF 1978 Explosives Incidents Report incIudes over 3,000 incidents for both 1977 and 1978. The incidents include accidents, threats, seized and recovered explosives, and hoaxes as welI as actual explosive and incendiary bombi rigs. Of these incidents, 1,377 represented explosive detonations, accidental detonations by criminals, or recovered bombs which failed to detonate in 1977, with 1,250 the corresponding number for 1978. At least 953 of these in 1977 and 787 in 1978 represent actual detonations of explosive bornbs against substantiaI targets (mailbox and open-area bombings are not inclided). During 1977, at least 38 people were killed and 180 wounded by explosive and incendiary bombs, while the numbers in 1978 were 23 and 185, respectively Due to the way initial estimates of property damage are made in the BATF data and the lack of updating, only the crudest property damage estimates can be made. There was at least $10 million in direct property damage due to explosive and incendiary bombs in 1977, and at least $17 million in 1978. Thirty-five of the thirty-eight reported deaths in 1977 and twenty of the twenty-three reported in 1978 were from bombings against vehicles, residences, and commercial establishments. Similarly, about 80 percent of the injuries from bombing of known targets in 1977 and 70 percent in 1978 were caused by bombings of those three types of targets. The FBI data, as indicated above, are somewhat different, both in number of incidents reported and in the breakout of categories. In 1977, for instance, FBI data show 867 actual explosive bombings and 118 attempted bombings. Similarly, the number of people reported killed that year from both explosive and incendiary bombings was 22, while 162 were reported injured. In 1978 there were 768 explosive bombings and 105 attempted explosive bombings. The pertinent 1977 and 1978 BATF and FBI statistics are summarized in table 54. Table 54.Minimum Bombing lncidents Statistics Summary BATF FBI Item 1977 1978 1977 1978 Explosive bombings, numbe r 1,03 7 b 89 6 b 86 7 768 Undetonated explosive bombs, number 319 287 118 105 Incendiary bombings, numbe r 339 446 248 349 Unignited incendiary bombs, number 81 71 85 79 Criminal accidents, number c 21 67 Property damage from bombings. millions of dollar s c d $ 10 $ 17 $ 9 $ 9 Injuries c .. 180 185 162 135 People killed by bombings c 38 23 22 18 dEATF repelfed 3 177 total Incidents [n 1977 and 3 256 In 1978 Total Incidents include ac cldents threats seized and recovered explosives and hoaxes as well as actual explosive and (n cendlary bombings The OTA study was concerned only wllh explosive bombings bof these 953 In 1977 and 787 In 1978 were agalnsl subslarm !drgek clncludes both exp[oslve and Incendiary Domblngs OTA was unable to oblam separate f19ures tor number of cnm!nal accidents lnjurles deaths and property damage caused by exploswe and In cendlary bombs Incendiary bombs and bombings would not be affected by Ihe proposed laggant d~~l~~~~alue probably considerably higher due 10 lac~ of data file uPdates SOURCE EM TF 1978 Exp/os/ves /nc{derrfs Report Ft3/ Um/rmrJ Cnrne Repor/ Bomb /7epor/ 1978 See app F for a discussion ot me derivation 01 these hgures An effort was made to resolve the differences in statistics compiled by FBI and BATF; according to the Explosives Enforcement Division of BATF:
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140 l Taggants in Explosives l l l s l There is no Federal statute or law on the books requiring local police officials to report bombing incidents to either BATF or the FBI Cooperation at the local level has led to an informal procedure on the part of local police to report a bombing incident to either BATF or FBI, who in turn will normally notify each other. (There are obviously some breakdowns in this procedure). There is a statute giving BATF the right of inspect ion at the site of any explosion; therefore, whether BATF receives word of a bombing from the local police, or whether a local special agent reads of it in the local paper, BATF can by law check it out. BATF requires each agent to report al l bombing incidents to its explosives data center in Washington, irrespective of the theoretical importance, damage, casualties, or jurisdiction since, among other uses, these data are used by the Secret Service in arranging security for the President when he is travel ing. There is a question of jurisdiction with reference to investigations. A memo of understanding exists between BATF and the FBI. Generally the FBI covers terrorist acts, attacks on airlines, attacks involving unions, college campus buildings, and Federal buildings other than Treasury and Postal buildings. BATF has primary jurisdiction ove r criminal bombings related to interstate commerce, firearms violations, and Treasury buildings. Either the FBI or BATF may respond to requests for aid from other jurisdictions. Conflicts are settled by mutual agreement. l The normally higher number of incidents annually in BATF reports is a direct result of the above. It is of considerable interest to know whether the statistics for 1977 and 1978 are characteristic of the recent past, or if trends in criminal bombings are apparent. Table 55 shows the bombing trend since 1972, from the FBI data. While the BATF numbers differ, the rough trends are similar. Figure 22 shows the trends graphically, with the total number of incidents depicted in figure 22a, property damage in 22b, injuries in 22c, and deaths in 22d. The total incident numbers in figure 22a in clude both successful bombings and attempts ; the property damage and casualty figures ma y include incendiary bombings as well as explo sive bombings. No long-term trend is detec table from the data, although an unusuall y high number of incidents and casualties oc curred in 1975. This increase was primarily due to three incidents 1. On January 24 a bombing at the Fraunce s 2 3 Tavern in New York .City killed 4 people injured 53 others, and did extensive property damage. Responsibility for the bombing has been claimed by FALN, the Puerto Rican separatist terrorists. A bomb detonated in the baggage claim area at La Guardia Airport, on December 29, killing 11 people with 70 additional serious injuries. No positive identification of the exact type of explosives used has been made for this incident and no attribution has been made. A bomb detonated at a sponge factory in Shelton, Corm., in March 1975, killing Table 55.Explosiv e 8 Bombing Incident Trends, 1972-78 Total actual and Total actual and attempted exattempted incenProperty damage Personal Year plosive bombings Actual Attempted diary bombings Actual Attempted (dollar value) injury Death 1972 ., 951 714 237 1,011 793 218 $ 7,992,000 176 25 1973 . 995 742 253 960 787 173 7,262,000 1974. . 187 22 1,129 893 236 915 758 157 9,887,000 207 24 1975, 1,326 1,088 238 748 613 135 27,004,000a 326 69a 1976 ..., 1,040 852 188 530 405 125 11,265,000 212 50 1977, ... 985 867 118 333 248 85 8,943,000 162 22 1978. . 873 768 105 428 349 79 9,161,000 135 18 alncludes three rnalor born~lrlg mcldents resulting In unusually high personal mjunes and dealhs and substanhal damage to ProPedY SOURCE FBI UrJ//orrrJ Crmre Repwk t?wnb .%rnmary /978
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Ch. V1Taggant Utility Review 141 Figure 22.Annual Bombing Statistics, 1972-77 t 1 1 I I I I I 3,000 ~ Including incendiary 2,00 0 z 1,00 0 (1,301) 873) I 1 1 I Explosive only~ I r 1 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 a. Number of incidents (includes attempts) 30 L I I I I I I -1 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 b. Property damage (includes incendiary bombings) 350f I I I d 1 I I ) ) 300 25 0 .Z 200 150 (135) 100 I 1 1 I 1 I 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 c. Persona/ injury (includes incendiary bombings) ~ 1978 d. Deaths (includes incendiary bombings) SOURCE: Drawn by OTA from FBI data three people and injuring several others No attribution has been made for this incident. Using FBI and BATF data, the trend of both total bombing incidents and catastrophic incidents was analyzed by MSA for the 5-year period from 1972 through 1976. The data show no significant change in incidents over that peri od, although 1975 and 1976 had significantl y higher injuries and deaths. In contrast to in ferences based on past statistics, many experts believe a significant increase in bombings, particularly catastrophic bombings, can be ex pected over the next few years. It should b e noted that a single incident involving an air craft exploding in flight could produce mor e deaths than have occurred in the United States from bombings during this decade. Such incidents have occurred in foreign countries and a near miss occurred recently in New York. On March 25, 1979, a TWA plane bound from New York to Los Angeles was delayed. A bomb planted in the checked baggage exploded while being transported to the aircraft on th e luggage truck. If the aircraft had taken off on time the bomb might have caused the deaths of most or all of the 166 people aboard. Explosives Used in Bombs Data on the types of fillers used in bombs are also not consistent between FBI and BATF data banks. It is instructive to look at two BATF data sources, however, as shown in table 56. The second column represents 1978 data for the fillers identified in the field for all explosive bombs that were detonated, bombs recovered undetonated, and criminal accidents. The first column represents 1978 data for only those fillers that were identified in the laboratory from postdetonation analysis. In both cases, black and smokeless powders and capsensitive high explosives all occur with high frequency. Table 57 shows a breakout of the estimated number of significant bombing incidents, deaths, injuries, and property damage occurring during 1978 by explosive material filIer. The average of the two frequencies columns shown in table 56 was used for the table 57 estimates. (See app. F for the derivation of Table 56.ldentified Explosive Fillers Used in Bombs Lab identified All identified fillers 1978 fillers 1978 Average Black powder . 13% 21% 17Y0 Smokeless powder ., ., 16 19 17.5 Military ., ., . . 2 7 4.5 Cap sensitive . ., 32 30 31 Blasting agents. ., . 1 .5 Chemicals . Others, ., . ., 36 2: 28:; See app F for derivation of these numbers SOURCE BATF data
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142 l Taggants in Explosives Table 57.Bombing Casulties and Damage in 1978 by Type of Bomb Number of bombings against Property damage Filler material substantial targets Deaths Injuries $ millions a All fillers. ... . Incendiary . ., Black powder ., ., . Smokeless powder, Military explosives. . . Cap sensitive. . Other . . Unknown 1,298 23 428 3 148 4 152 3 39 0 270 7 3 3 185 13 19 23 7 26 40 57 $17.2 3.7 .2 .2 3.3 2.4 7,4 Total for those fillers which would be directly tagged b 570 14 68 3 7 avalue probably higher due to lack Of data uPdale bcap-sensltlve explosives black Powder, and smokeless powder would be ta99ed SOURCE BATF data See app F for a dertvatlon of these rlgures these numbers. ) The table shows that a large percentage of the total bombings deaths and casualties is caused by black powder, by smokeless powder, and by cap-sensitive high explosives. Types of Targets Bombed The types of targets that attract criminal bombers range from attacks on mailboxes and outhouses by vandals and pranksters to attacks on aircraft by terrorists. The targets most frequently attacked on a year-in, year-out basis are private residences, commercial facilities (usually small operations), and vehicles. Table 58 is taken from the BATF 1978 Explosives incidents Report. It shows the total number of actual bombings (both explosives and incendiary) for the years 1977 and 1978, the bombin g breakout by target type, the number killed and injured, and the estimated property damage all by target type. The FBI data are somewhat different, but show the same trends in that the majority of bombings, property damage, and casualties occurs at residences, at commercial facilities, and in vehicles. In table 59, these data are rearranged to explicitly show that most of the bombings and casualties would occur at targets that are not likely to be protected by detection sensors. It is extremely unlikely that such sensors would be placed in private residences or in vehicles; most commercial establishments would also not have sensors. If the assumption is made that all of the incidents that happened at commercial facilities occurred at facilities unlikely to be protected by sensors, then 79 percent of the incidents, 89 percent of the injuries, and 94 per cent of the deaths from actual explosive and incendiary bombings which happened in 1977 and 1978 occurred at places unlikely to be protected by detection taggant sensors. Data are not available that would allow separation of the explosive and incendiary bombings statistics. It is Iikely that a larger percentage of the targets of explosive bombings would be of the type protected by a detection sensor, but probably not a large percentage. Characteristics of Criminal Bombers Criminal bombings are committed by a wide range of perpetrators, including both individuals and groups. While it is always difficult to place a heterogeneous population into well-defined categories with well-defined characteristics, it is helpful to group criminal bombers into four categories: terrorists, common criminals, mentally disturbed, and vandals and experimenters. These groups vary greatly in motivation, skill, training, resources, and ability to respond to a changing enforcement environment. It is also difficult to determine which group is responsible for a bombing, although credit is sometimes claimed, particularly by certain terrorist groups. Of the bombings reported in the BATF 7978 Explosives Incidents
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Ch. V1Taggant Utility Review l 143 Table 58. Bombings by Specific Targets for 1977-78 (actual detonations or ignitions) Total incidents No. killed No. injured Property damagea Type target 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 Residential 352 294 17 7 66 57 $ 1,022.3 $2,982.2 Commercia l 367 375 7 6 48 46 6,640.1 8,777.7 Airports/aircraft: 7 l 1 ,2 Police facllltles/vehicle . 14 2 : 5: ; 70.4 Educational ., . 106 97 13 5 43.1 532.3 Government (local ) 24 9 1 1 4 145.6 70.1 Government (Federal ) 26 22 4 1 2.4 6.6 Military installation s 4 3 1 0.0 Utdilities. 51 57 l 1 2 628.0 1,727.7 Banks 22 18 225.2 49.3 Vehicle s 216 252 11 7 24 25 363.3 2,119.4 Open area s 36 40 1 2 8 13 .5 4.2 Mailboxes 48 69 1 2 25.8 2,1 Othe r 90 137 8 27 1,206.8 869.9 Unknow n b 34 2 5 2 22.6 0.0 Total ., ., 1,397 1,409 38 23 180 185 $10,331.7 $17,212.1 ap(opefiy danlage figures are In thousands and are esmated ~Thls category includes those Incldenls where the type [argel was either unknown or not repofled SOURCE BATF T978 Exphswes Inc(derm Reporf Table 59.Percent of Bomber Targets That Would Be Protected by a Detection Sensor Total bombings a Injuries Deaths Average number of bombings of known, substantial targets b 1,175 150 29 Bombings of residences, vehicles. . . . . . 557 (47%) 86 (58%) 21 (72%) Bombings of commercial establishments. . . . . . 371 (32%) 47 (31%) (22%) Total unlikely to have sensors . 928 (79%) 133 (89%) 2 (940/0) alncludes both Incendiary and exploswe bombings for 1977 and 1978 bopen f(elds and mailboxes are excluded from these data SOURCE BATF data Report, a motive was established for only 2 3 percent of the bombings in 1977 and only 38 percent in 1978. Keeping in mind the above caveats, it is nonetheless useful to examine the characteristics of the various groups, which are summarized in table 60 and briefly described below. Terrorists The terrorist groups active in the United States vary widely in ability, resources, training, and adaptability. They share the common characteristics, however, of high motivation, action as a part of a group, and a continuing involvement in catastrophic, illegal activities against society. These characteristics make the terrorist particularly dangerous to society and a particularly appropriate target for anti bombing controls. Terrorists can be roughly divided into political, reactionary, and separatis t groups. Political groups, such as the Weather Underground, are primarily interested in attracting attention to and sympathy with their cause. For that reason they engage in spectacular events, such as bombings, but generally attempt to avoid or Iimit injury and death resulting from their bombings. Political terrorists often have considerable resources available to them, due to a significant number of people who support their aim, if not necessarily their means. The leadership of most of these groups are of above-average intelligence, and have either had specialized training or have studied extensively in terrorist activities. They are thus able to adapt to a changing environment, although the range of responses available to them may be limited by their political aims. They may lack mechanical skilIs, however, and be more likely to be involved in accidental ex-
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144 l Taggants in Explosives Table 60.Attributes of Criminal Bomber Groups Experience Perpetrator and training Resources Motivation Individual or group Reaction capability Frequency Criminal Unsophisticated . . Sophisticated . . . . Terrorist Political ., ., ., . Separatist ., ... . Reactionary . . . M H M H Multi Multi L H L M I I M-H M L M-H H H G G G M-H H L-M Multi Multi Multi M-H M-H L Mentally disturbed Disenchanted ... . Vengeful ., . . Pathological . . L L L-M L L L L-M M-H H I I I L L-M L-M Single Single Varies Other Vandals ., ., . . . Experimenter . . . L-M L-M L L-M Single Single L M L L I I L-Low, M-Moderate, H-High, I-lndwldual, G. Group SOURCE Ofllce ol Technology Assessment plosions, either while fabricating bombs or while placing them. Political terrorists have become less visible in the United States in recent years. Separatist groups, such as FALN, generally hope to gain their aim by generating a reaction to their activities, rather than sympathy for their aims. They are therefore generally less concerned with public revulsion to bombings that cause substantial injury and deaths. Separatist groups have been credited with more than 25 percent of catastrophic bombings those resulting in major property damage, injuries, and deaths. The resources of domestic separatists vary from group to group, but are generally less than for comparable groups of political terrorists, as only a fraction of the population represents even potential supporters. As an example, few people outside of the Yugoslavian exile community care whether or not the Croatians achieve separation from the Yugoslavian federation; on the other hand, a group like the Weather Underground, that seeks to exploit discontent with the U.S. Government, could seek support from a larger population. Separatist groups are often critically dependent on a small cadre of leaders; loss or incapacitation of those leaders may shatter the group or considerably reduce their effectiveness. As an example, FALN in New York lost their bombmaker over a year ago and have not committed any bombings in New York since that time. Their ability to react to a changing control environment is less than the political terrorist groups, due to more limited resources. If the goal of the separatist group is viewed with sympathy by a large part of the population, as is the case in Northern Ireland, then the group can attract resources, attract recruits, and perfect skills. If, on the other hand, the population is either not in sympathy with the separatists or is not directly affected by the cause of the separatists (as is the case of the Croatians in the United States or the South Moluccans in the Netherlands), then the group will not be able to attract resources or otherwise grow. Reactionary groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party, would appear to share some of the characteristics of the political terrorists, but generally do not possess the same levels of training, motivation, and resources, and are not as capable of reacting effectively to a changing control environment. They also differ in that their bombings are usually directly targeted at the individual or group they intend to influence, rather than simply at a spectacular target. Generally, their purpose is intimidation; thus, fairly small, contained bombs are used. Even when murder or injury is desired, the results are usually confined to the directly targeted individual. While
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Ch. V/ Taggant Utility Review l 145 the political terrorists are generally younger and well-educated, the reactionary terrorists tend to be less well-educated and somewhat older. Terrorists, as a group, have been responsible for approximately 12 percent of those bombing incidents in the past 5 years for which the FBI attributed a motive, Common Criminals Criminals range from the petty operator who utilizes a bomb for extortion to the professional bombers of organized crime, The petty operator is generalIy poorly trained, not very motivated, has limited resources, and cannot readily adapt to a changing enforcement environment. The only major characteristics he shares with the professional bomber are that his targets are generalIy individuals or smalI commercial establishments, unlikely to be protected by a detection taggant sensor, and that he generally works alone or as part of a small group. The petty operator normally engages in repeated bombings over a number of years. The professional bomber is highly trained and motivated and generally has considerable resources available to him, either directly or through his employer. While the professional generally works alone, he may be affiliated with a larger criminal structure, such as the organized crime network in the United States. His target may range from bombs planted as a result of labor problems to murder-for-hire hits. The professional bomber and the more sophisticated terrorists share many characteristics and are the most difficult to control or contain. Criminals as a group are responsible for approximately 11 percent of bombing incidents. Most incidents are limited to specific targets and do not generally cause substantial injury or death to innocent bystanders. Mentally Disturbed The category of mentally disturbed includes psychopaths, those seeking revenge for a real or imagined wrong, and those who may be temporarily disenchanted with a particular situation. Many of the individuals who become terrorists or criminals could fall into this broad category; the term is Iimited here to the disturbed persons who act alone and do not act for profit. The mentally disturbed bomber also differs from terrorists and criminals in that he generally does not engage in multiple bombings, although exceptions such as the Los Angeles alphabet bomber certainly exist. He generally is poorly trained, has limited resources, and acts alone. He is often highly motivated, but perhaps only for short periods of time, in direct response to some stimulus. He is extremely Iimited in his ability to respond to changing control situations, either through lack of care of consequences or belief in his invincibility. As his motives are hard to identify, it is difficult to predict his target. The mentally disturbed account for approximately 38 percent of al I bombing incidents that can be attributed to a specific type of perpetrator. Vandals and Experimenters Vandals and experimenters share the characteristics of poor training, limited motivation, and limited resources. They generally work alone or in small groups, and do not generally intend to harm people or cause extensive damage. Their targets are often of little value, such as mailboxes or outhouses, but some acts of vandalism can cause extensive damage to buildings such as schools. While accounting for 39 percent of the reported bombing incidents, they are responsible for little damage and few casualties. The primary danger from this group is that a harmless prank may accidently turn into a major bombing with subsequent significant property loss and casualties. There is also the danger that experimenters will learn their craft and graduate to a more dangerous category of criminal bomber. In summary, table 61 shows the approximate number of significant explosive bombings (excluding mailboxes and detonations in th e open) that would be attributable to each type
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146 Taggants in Explosives Table 61 .Estimated Number of Significant Bombings by Group of Porpotrators (average of years 1974-78) Estimated number Perpetrator group of bombings Terrorists, ., ., ., ., 107 Criminals . 98 Mentally disturbed ., ., . ., ., ., 340 Vandals and experimenters. ., . 348 SOURCE FBI data See app F for a deribation of these figures of perpetrator, if the same relative distribution by perpetrator held for unattributed bombings as for attributed ones. To obtain these estimates, OTA averaged F B I data from the 5 years 1974-78 (no 1979 data is yet available). Year-to-year numbers vary due to changes in the FBI categories and method for allocating bombings by motive. (See app, F for more detail. ) No detailed data is available concerning the number of deaths and injuries caused by the various bomber groups. However, almost 40 percent of catastrophic bombings (those with casualties or serious property damage) are attributed to separatist terrorists and the more professional criminals. Sources of Explosives The explosives used in criminal bombings can come from a variety of sources, including: l l l l l l legal purchase, illegal purchase, theft, importation from abroad, homemade, and theft of some components, fabrication of others. At present, a determination of the source of explosives can rarely be made except in the case of bombs that have been recovered undetonated. The date-shift code information on the cartridge label allows the source of the recovered explosives to be traced. Such traces can, theoretically, locate the source of essentially all cap-sensitive high explosives recovered in their original cartridges; however, investigative effort is necessary to determine which of the last legal purchasers on the list is the source of the explosives. Such an effort would be expended if the recovered bomb had the potential to cause catastrophic damage, if the target was an important one, or if the pattern of the attempted bombing indicates that useful intelligence information would be gathered by the trace. Devices recovered undetonated, which were small in size or which were to be used against relatively unimportant targets, may welI never be reported to the BATF network, While it is impossible to determine precisely the source of explosives used in most criminal bombings, analysis of the existing data does indicate some trends. Examining table 56, it appears that homemade explosives are used very infrequently in criminal bombings in the United States, although they account for up to 85 to 90 percent of the explosives used in countries such as West Germany and England, where commercial explosives are rigorously controlled. There also appears to be little use of explosives imported from abroad, a judgment supported by discussion with various law enforcement agencies. Both of these sources could become more important, however, if a taggant program were legislated. I I legal purchases are primarily of stolen explosives, discussed below. That leaves legal purchases and theft as the primary current sources of explosives. Explosive materials can be purchased legally in each State; the requirements vary from State to State, and they vary for different explosive materials. In every State, gunpowder can be purchased legally; identification may or may not be required for smokeless powders and is required for black powder. In some States, cap-sensitive high explosives can be purchased simply by showing identification and filling out a form. In others, the explosives can only be legally sold to people with State or Federal Iicenses. A general rule-of-thumb expressed by most law enforcement personnel was that criminal bombers will use the most easily available source. If explosives can be purchased legally, the bombers will do so; the Weather Underground apparently purchased much of their ex-
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Ch. V/ Taggant Utility Review l 147 plosives legally in New Hampshire. If explosives are easy to steal, then stolen explosives will be used. Explosives are more prevalent and easier to steal in the western States; a large theft from Colorado, for instance, furnished the explosives for a large number o f bombings in the Eastern States. BATF keeps track of stolen explosives, as well as explosives seized, recovered, or found. The data for 1977 and 1978 are summarized in table 62. While no firm conclusions as to outstanding amounts of explosives can be made on the basis of the data, several trends are apparent. Little gunpowder is stolen. As gunpowder are easily purchased, there is little need for theft Large amounts of blasting agents are stolen, and recovered, each year. According to table 56, however, little of it is used in criminal bombings. More military explosives seem to be recovered than stolen. This may be due to the inclusion of souvenirs as recovered explosives, or to the reluctance of the military to report thefts. At any rate, the amounts stolen are small. Much of the miIitary explosives used by crimina l bombers is material acquired some years ago. For instance, the Cuban exile terrorist groups, such as omega 7, still primarily use C-4 given to them by the Central Intelligence Agency at the time of the Bay of Pigs invasion. l l The amount of cap-sensitive explosives stolen and recovered appears in rough balance. Some of the recovered explosives, however, include abandoned explosives found in old mines and other places. A significant net amount is probably available, and used, for criminal bombings. A large net number of blasting caps appears to be stolen each year, and to be available for use in criminal bombings. This is not surprising as caps are generally not as well secured as main charge explosives. If a taggant program is initiated, security of detonators will require upgrading, as detonators are generally needed to initiate explosives and the fabrication of detonators is a much more difficult and dangerous job than fabrication of th e main explosive charge. An additional analysis can be made of the frequency with which explosives are stolen on a State-by-State basis and compared to the frequency of criminal bombings. A high correlation appears between the number of thefts and number of bombings. An even higher correlation appears when the thefts from nearby States are included in the analysis. As an example, both California and New York have more stringent regulations controlling the use and storage of explosives than nearby States such as New Jersey and Washington. Law enforcement officials feel that many of the incidents in New york and California use explosives stolen in New Jersey and Washington. Table 62.Stolen and Recovered Explosive Summary Amount stolen Amount recovered Tvpe 1977 1978 1977 1978 Blasting agents, pounds 20,834 42,172 21,260 23,623 Black powder, pounds. . 145 379 277 723 Smokeless powder, pounds 0 163 16 1,361 Boosters, pounds 2,177 9,528 2,804 362 Military explosives, pounds 49 140 640 701 Cap-sensitive high explosive, pound s 36,498 44,316 43,738 41,097 Primer, units ., ., ., : : 1,300 4,333 2,733 344 Blasting caps, unit s 61,531 66,614 40,719 44,456 Det. cord/safety fuse/lgnltor cord feet 183,224 113,510 84,554 101,117 Total, explosives, pound s 61,003 101,217 71,470 74,966 Blasting caps, unit s 61,531 66,614 40,719 44,456 Det cord/safety fuse/igniter cord, feet 183,224 113,510 84,554 101.117 SOURCE BATF 1978 Explosivea incidents Report
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148 l Taggants in Explosives Current Security Measures Sources of Explosives Current methods of securing explosives vary somewhat from State to State; different types of explosives are also secured in differen t ways. In general, all cap-sensitive high explosives, including boosters and detonating cord, must be stored in BAT F-approved magazines. The magazines require hardened locks and lock-covers to protect the lock from direct access by hacksaws or from attempts to shoot off the lock. Detonators must be stored separately, in magazines that are not as well protected from theft as the high-explosive magazines. Blasting agents are not as well-reguIated; bulk ANFO is often stored in large hoppers for direct loading into trucks. Gunpowder are stored in BATF-approved magazines, at least at the manufacturer and distributor levels. At the retail sales level however, gunpowders are just stacked on the shelves. The above provisions are for permanent storage; some States allow overnight storage of explosives in temporary magazines; at least one manufacturer keeps less than full-lot amounts of detonators in the detonator assembly area overnight. The purpose of BATF and other regulations on the storage of explosives is primarily to protect against surreptitious or casual theft by outsiders, in much the same way that locking your car door protects the car from theft. The magazines, however, are fairly flimsy, often simply a correlated frame building with additional plywood or plank walls. Entry can still be gained by cutting or prying off the locks, forcing entry through the door, a window, the roof, or a vent, or by help from an employee. Table 63, from the BATF 1978 Explosives Incidents Report, tabulates the methods used to gain entry to explosives. An average of 48 percent of known entries were by removing the lock, another 16 percent were by forcing entry through the door, wall or vent, while almost 9 percent involved the use of a key or other inside help. Some magazines are well-protected by their placement in a facility or by guards. At the Table 63.Explosivos Thefts by Method of Entry Number of Incidents and Percentages for 1977-78 Number Percentage Entry method 1977 1978 1977 1978 Locks cut. . . Locks pried ... ., Door pried . . Key. ... . . Window entry. . Inside help. ., . . Wall entry ... . Burning. . . Roof entry . . Door blown. . . Floor entry . . Vent entry . . Other b . . . Unknown. . . Total . . . 59 36 10 14 7 3 10 2 7 1 0 1 40 137 327 71 31.1 26.9 50 18.9 19.0 10 5.3 3.9 23 7.4 8.8 3 3.7 1.1 0 1.6 16 5.3 6.1 1 1.0 .4 3 3.7 1.1 2 .5 .8 .4 3 .5 1.1 80 21.0 30.4 99 362 100 100 a These percentages do not Include 137 unknown method incidents for 1977 and the 99 Incident for 1978 b This figure reflects those incidents where the entry method could not be Placed in the above categories SOURCE BATF 1978 Explosives incidents Report Bingham Copper Mine, for instance, the magazine is placed within the interior of the property of the large open pit mine. The mine has a limited number of access points, controlled by guards. As the mine is operated three shifts a day, 7 days a week, it would be difficult for anyone to gain illegal access to the magazine area. A similar situation prevails for at least one manufacturer. The entire property is fenced with cyclone fencing, topped by barbed wire. Inside the perimeter, and placed strategically throughout the complex, is a microwave break-circuit alarm system. These facilities are in sharp contrast to others, in which the magazines are located in areas remote from other operations, and accessible by nearby roads. Security of explosives on military reservations is stricter, with magazines within a fenced area. Security lighting is provided, the magazines are either directly guarded or protected by an alarm which would bring a response within 15 minutes, security patrol inspections are held at frequent intervals, and access is only through secured access roads. At present neither commercial nor military installations can guard against theft by insiders. While the theft of case lots would be
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Ch. VTaggant Utility Review l 149 quickly discovered by inventory procedures, it would be difficult to detect the theft of small amounts of explosives, whether by military troops or by a miner daily placing a couple of sticks of dynamite in his lunch pail. Transportation of explosives is another potential point of theft. The primary purpose of regulations concerning the transportation of explosives is to protect those people who Iive along the route being traversed. For that reason trucks are clearly marked when they carry explosives. Commercial explosives are often transported by a single driver; military explosives normally have two drivers. In neither case is the driver normalIy armed. Potential Targets A previous section discussed the wide variety of targets attacked by criminal bombers. The security measures vary widely for each type, in response to the perceived probability of attack and the perceived consequence of such a bombing. Table 59 indicates that almost half of the bombing incidents (and 60 percent of bombing casualties) result from attacks on private residences and vehicles. Security at these targets is almost nonexistent, unless the individual believes he is likely to be attacked; except in certain cases, such as Government officials or witnesses, it is unlikely that law enforcement officials play much of a security role with regard to those targets. Another 32 percent of the incidents, and 30 percent of the casualties, occur in commercial establishments. Most of these establishments have no security means at present and it is unlikely that the development of detection taggants and sensors would significantly change that situation. Some large office buildings, with control led access, have provisions for checking people as they enter and leave the building and, in fact, institute checks in off work hours. G iven a sufficiently severe bombing threat, it would be possible to protect the larger facilities by a detection sensor, but the difficulties involved, the large number of facilities, and the cost of operators and equipment probably preclude such deployment. Government buildings, banks, police stations, and military establishments account for less than 10 percent of bombing incidents and just over 3 percent of casualties. Most of these targets have controlled access and maintain some sort of guards. In times of increased bombing threats, as happened in the late 1960s and early 1970s, many of these facilities instituted checks of incoming people and packages. A similar situation exists with respect to high-value manufacturing facilities, utilities, and high-value complexes within educational facilities, such as computer centers. Many of these facilities now require inspection of any parcels (including briefcases and purses) brought into the facility, as well as identification of people entering. Detection sensors could be easily installed in each of these facilities, given sufficient threat. Airports and aircraft represent another major class of potential targets. While attacks on airports and aircraft represent well under 1 percent of incidents, the catastrophic consequences of an aircraft bombing make it an attractive potential target for criminal bombers and the subject of much current security effort. Current large aircraft cost in the neighborhood of $2o million to $50 million each, and carry several hundred passengers. A single aircraft bombing could, therefore, cause more property damage and more deaths than the sum of all domestic bombings this decade. Table 64 lists the explosions that have occurred aboard U.S. aircraft from 1949 through 1976. Table 65 lists the location of the explosive devices for the 19 U.S. aircraft listed in table 64 and compares the location with the 63 aircraft bombings worldwide in that time period. Table 66 Iists the 26 incidents between 1972 and 1976 in which explosive or incendiary devices were found at U.S. airports. All of the tables are from FAA report FAA-R D-77-28. The tables show that no bomb has caused casualties on a domestic flight since 1962; in fact, since 1962, all but one of the casualties, and all deaths at U.S. airports or on U.S. domestic flights, were caused by bombs placed in lockers.
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150 l Taggants in Explosives Table 64.Explosions Aboard U.S. Aircraft Date Carrier Aircraft Aircraft location Bomb location Outcome Device 1 1/1/55 7/25/57 1/6/60 5/22/62 11/12/67 11/ 19/68 8/29/69 9/7/7 0 9/12/70 12/29/71 3/8/7 2 9/21 /73 12/17/73 8/26/74 9/8/7 4 2/3/75 12/19/75 7/2/7 6 7/5/76 . --. ,. -Baggage Lavatory Airplane disintegrated killed Passenger thrown out of lavatory hole in aircraft side; plane landed successfully 34 killed, airplane disintegrated Tail blown off killed 3 bags destroyed; aircraft saved Fire and explosion in lavatory; extinguished by crew; plane landed safely No casualties from explosion Demolished after evacuation Demolished after evacuation Aircraft destroyed, hangar damaged; no casualties No casualties (plane empty) Not known Fire damage; 30 killed, many injured Fire, confined to local area; no casualties High-order explosion; 88 killed, aircraft lost Extinguished by crew; minimum damage $10,000 damage to aircraft Explosion and fire destroyed main fuselage Extensive damage Dynamite Dynamite Dynamite, dry cells Dynamite Black powder (?) Grenades & canister explosive c-4 White phosphorous grenades c-4 Petrol and butane Blasting caps Dynamite (8-10 sticks) Dynamite UAL WA NA co AA co TW PA TW TW PA TW TW PA EA UL-6B CY-240 DC-6B 707 727 707 707 747 707 Turbo Cmdr 707 Navion 707 707 707 747 Alouette Helicopter Electra Helicopter 11 minutes after 10 47 minutes after TO 184 minutes after TO 39,000 ft 102 minutes after TO 24,000 ft Ground after hijack (Damascus, Syria) Ground after hijack (Cairo, Egypt) Ground after hijack (Dawson Field, Jordan) In hangar Parked on ground Parked on ground On ground, Rome On ground, Rome Over Ionian Sea In air, Burma On ground Parked next to fence On ground Under seat passenger compartment Towel container in rear lavatory Rear baggage compartment Lavatory Explosives thrown in cockpit after evacuation Seat in cabin Cockpit Engine manifold Attack while loading Aft baggage compartment Aft baggage compartment Lavatory (suicidal passenger set fire) Near fuel tank External, near right landing gear External, under tail SOURCE FAA Civil Avaton Security Service Table 65.Location of Explosions Aboard Aircraft, 1949-76 Worldwide U.S. aircraft from FAA report FAA-RD-77-28, shows a detailed schematic of the flow of people and material into the airport area. It is possible that bombs could be introduced through the mail, freight, air courier services, or food services, as well as fro m checked baggage; or could be carried on by aircraft flight or service personnel or by passengers. Current security procedures assume that personnel screening procedures will be sufficient to eliminate a serious threat from airport or aircraft personnel and that ai r freight and mail service would not allow a criminal bomber to be sure his bomb would be aboard a particular aircraft. Current aircraft security procedures, therefore, concentrate on passengers, carry-on baggage, and checked baggage. Air courier services, in which a small Location of explosion Number Percent Number Percent Stowed ... ., Baggage. . Cargo or freight ., ... Ground attack. ., External attachment. Passenger or crew compartment. . Lavatory. ... . Passenger compartment Cockpit. . Unknown, . . 13 (8) (5) 5 7 21 4 3 21 8 11 21 16 (19) (4) 5 63 52 8 (2) 19 42 o Total . . 100 100 SOURCE Data supplied by FAA Civil Avation Security Service Current airport security is based on an attempt to separate the areas of public access from the secure air operations areas. Figure 23,
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Ch. VTaggant Utility Review l 151 Table 66.Explosions and Device Found at U.S. Airports, 1972-75 Date Airport Location Effects Comment Device 3/7/ 2 3/8/72 11 /19/72 3/24/72 12/1 /72 12/31 /72 3/20/73 3/29/73 8/9/7 3 11/30/73 3/1 /74 7/21 /74 8/1 /74 8/6/7 4 8/9/7 4 8/26/74 9/ 16/74 3/15/75 3/22/75 3/27/75 7/22/75 Kenneay Seattle Denver San Carlos, Calif Grand RapIds, Mich. Austin Los Angeles Milwaukee Los Angeles Nashville Kennedy New Orleans Kennedy Los Angeles JohnstownCamoria, Pa. OHare Boston San Francisco Honolulu Kingsford, Mich Tampa 10/17/75 Miami 10/20/75 Miami 11/6/75 Buffalo 11 /27/75 Miami 12/29/75 La Guardia Cockpit of TWA B-707 Baggage compartment (UAL flight) Attache case carried by Individual Hanging from belly of helicopter Paper towel container in terminal Concession area On runway during approach of Continental Airlines plane Locker Locker Locker Locker (unknown) Cargo building Locker Hangar Mens room Airline baggage room Near ticket counter Lost & found baggage area Storage area Baggage cart Locker Dominican Airlines Office Baggage claim area (2 bags) Bahamasair aircraft. Behind wall panel in lavatory Locker No explosion No explosion No explosion Hole in ground at remote location No exploslion Moderate damage None 1 Injurymoderate damage Did not detonate Did not detonate 3 injuredmoderate damage No explosion No explosion 3 killed, 34 injured Hangar and aircraft destroyed Commode damaged Substantial damage Minor damage Did not detonate No explosion 1 injured Lockers and ceiling destroyed No explosion No exploslon No explosion 11 killed, 70 injured; substantial damage Detected by dog Extortion attempt; timer stopped Indvidual stated intent to blow up plane Removed by police Device extinguished after emithng smoke Thrown by individual on field Extortion attempt Extortion attempt/located by dogs Extortion attempt Removed by bomb squad Removed Bomb was in an unclaimed c-4 Gelatin dynamite in aerosol cans, blasting caps 8 sticks of dynamite 3 sticks of dynamite, timer and detonators Incendiary (gasoline) Molotov cocktail Smokeless powder, timer, initator 3-m long bamboo with powder and fuse Cardboard container with explosive powder, fireworks fuse Probable incendiary (in 55-gal drum) Probably firecrackers Incendiary (?) suitcase destined for Tel Aviv Probably firecracker Crude pipe bomb Removed Firecrackers Discovered by janitor; Time bomb disarmed by bomb squad Checked bags unclaimed after Black powder and gasoline flight, timers turned off (inadvertently) Removed Dynamite and RDXa a FAA estimate Other agencies diagree with this assessment SOURCE FAA C IVI I Aviation Security Service parcel can be placed aboard a specific aircraft for subsequent pickup, are treated in the same way as freight or maiI by most airlines. As a result of the hijacking threat in the mid1970s, a set of procedures were developed to deal with passengers, checked baggage, and carry-on baggage. Figure 24 (from FAA report FAA-R D-78-66) shows a schematic of the passenger and carry-on luggage-screening systems. Passengers must pass through a magnetometer, which will trigger an alarm upon detection of a significant metal mass, such as a gun or knife. If the alarm is triggered, the passenger is instructed to remove any metal objects, suc h as keys, and repass through the magnetometer, If an alarm still rings, he is searched by a handheld magnetometer and subject to a patdown search if the alarm persists. FAA estimates that the probability of detection of guns or knives by the magnetometer, hand magnetomer, and patdown, are 0.90, 0.95, and 0.95, respectively, adding up to an overall detection probability
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152 l Taggants in Explosives v 13 NNOSU3d u =\ I ~? d d L =-----------~ D k IGri l -----~lE~,,,,,,,,--f: i I I i i ------------------1 6 3Nl13dld b = 4 13 iNNOSti3d
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Ch. VTaggant Utility Review l 153 Figure 24.Passenger/Hand-Baggage Screening Station o o o = Screening contractor personnel o = Law enforcement officer SOURCE: FAA report No. FAA-RD-78-88 of 0.81. The system is not designed to detect bombs, but FAA estimates that the probability of detecting a bomb is 0.17. Carry-on baggage is screened, either by an Xray examination or by visual hand search (only at small airports or when the X-ray machines l The total probability of detection must be less than the probability of detection by the magnetometer, as no subsequent searches are conducted on those passengers who do not trigger the magnetometer Total detection probability is thus PDT = ( P D 1 ) (PD,) (PDN) are nonoperable). FAA estimates that the probabiIity of detecting guns and bombs in carry-on baggage is 0.81 and 0.19, respectively. FAA estimates are probably high, especially for the X-ray detection of illegal materials in hand baggage. Magnetometers are set to a wide range of sensitivities; one may trigger on a small keyring while another may fail to trigger on a sizable metal mass. X-ray attendants are generally paid at, or near, the minimum wage, have little training, and must deal with the problem of maintaining alertness for long hours while performing an extremely dull job. While an attendant may well recognize a gun, particularly at the start of a shift, it is doubtful that a carefully constructed explosive device would be detected. Notwithstanding the above limitations, the use of magnetometers and X-ray machines, coupled with a search profile of likely hijackers, has resulted in the recovery of an impressive amount of hardware, and the arrest of substantial numbers of people, as shown in table 67 (from FAA report FAA-R D-77-28), as well as the virtual halt of hijackings of U.S. domestic airlines. The curren t procedure for screening checked baggage consists simply of ensuring that baggage can only be checked by a passenger with a valid ticket. When checking baggage at curbside or at the check-in counter, the Table 67.Results of Civil Aviation Security Program Passenger Screening 1972 1973 1974 1975 Passengers (millions) ., ., ., 192 203 201 202 Passengers denied boarding. ., 8,265 3,459 2,663 (a) Referrals to law enforcement ., ... (a) (a) (a) 12,270 Persons arrested. ... ... ., ., ., Aviation offenses detected 3,658 3,156 3,501 2,464 Carrying weapons or explosives aboard aircraft 774 736 1,147 1,364 Giving false information ., ., ., ., . 244 658 1,465 227 Weapons detected Firearms. 1,313 2,162 2,450 4,783 Explosive devices ., ... ... ., 13 3,459 14,928 b 158 Ammunition, fireworks, ... ., ., ., (a) (a) (a) 17,047 Knives . . 10,316 23,290 21,468 46,318 Other ., ... ., ., . . . . 3,203 28,740 28,864 55,830 aData 1101 collected In this form bThls figure IS a piece count which Includes hreworks and ammuntmn SOURCE Fws[ Second, and Ttwd Sem/-Anrwa/ Reports 10 Corrgress on (he E((ecfweness of Passenger Screemng procedures, FAA CIVII Awat!on Security Serwce f -[4 n 1 r) g o 11
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154 l Taggants in Explosives passenger must show his ticket. The system can be totally defeated by anyone willing to buy a ticket he does not use, by convincing someone to check a piece of luggage for him, or by a suicidal passenger. EL AL does hand search each piece o f checked baggage before it is boarded, as do the British and French for Concorde flights. Spot checks are made at most airports, particularly if the passenger is identified as matching the hijacker profile, or in times of high perceived bombing threat. In recognition of the fact that all but one casualty in recent years in domestic airlines or at domestic airports have been due to bombs placed in lockers, most airports have either removed the lockers entirely or placed them behind the security inspection gate. In summary, most bombings take place at targets that have no means of detecting bombs. Some high-value targets check incoming parcels and require identification. Airport procedures are quite effective in finding guns in carry-on luggage or on the person of a passenger, but much less effective in finding bombs. The probability of finding a bomb in checked baggage is low and essentially nil for courier service, mail, or freight. Current Anti bomber Procedures The predetonation anti bomber procedures followed by security personnel at airports are typical of the entire security industry. Effort is primarily directed at prevention the best procedure is to not allow bombs to reach the secured areas of the airport or the aircraft. The anti bomber procedures of most law enforcement personnel are primarily aimed at the apprehension and conviction of criminal bombers normally starting after a criminal bombing has occurred. The actual range and intensity of the effort will vary with the severity of the bombing and will be somewhat different for different parts of the country. The first step in the postdetonation investigation is to secure the area of the bombing, both to ensure that no further danger exists from unexploded material and to preserve whatever clues remain in the area. After the area is secured, a search is made for physical evidence. This search has two objectives evidence of the presence of the perpetrator and evidence of the bomb. Traces of the perpetrator include small pieces of clothing, hair, fingerprints, footprints, and possible tire tracks. Fingerprints, in the rare cases they are found, provide a clue to the identity of the perpetrator; the other evidence would be primarily used to tie the suspect to the crime after he has been apprehended by other means. Evidence from the bomb includes undetonated explosives and parts of the container, the detonator, and the timing system. Debris from the explosive is also collected for laboratory analysis. If the bomb does not fully detonate, the date-shift code information may be recoverable, providing a clue to the source of explosives and a list of the last legal purchasers. If the device fully detonates, the parts of the timer and container can provide some information to start an investigation, but the leads so generated are quite indirect. The debris is more likely to furnish intelligence information, such as connecting a particular bombing with simiIar bombings. The next step in the investigation is a laboratory analysis of the debris, and a followup investigation to attempt to trace the perpetrator from whatever clues are available. The laboratory attempts to characterize the physical evidence obtained, including an attempt to determine the type of explosive used. The laboratory evidence could provide clues in the search for the perpetrator, but more likely provides confirmatory evidence and inteliigence. Armed with the data provided by the search of the bomb scene and laboratory analysis, the investigator attempts to trace and apprehend the perpetrator. In addition to physical evidence, law enforcement agencies question witnesses, attempt to get information from informers, and exercise the resources brought to bear to solve any major crime.
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Ch. VTaggant Utility Review l 155 The amount of time spent by law enforcement investigators at the bomb scene, in the laboratory, and working in the investigation depends on the seriousness of the bombing, the workload, and to some extent, the location. A bombing homicide would command considerably more resources than a vandal blowing up a mailbox. In addition to the postdetonation investigations described above, law enforcement agencies engage in undercover infiltration o f bomber groups, undercover contracting for the services of bombers, surveillance of expected targets, and gathering of intelligence concerning expected perpetrators or groups of perpetrators. Sometimes an informant volunteers valuable information. Clues from collateral crimes, such as theft of explosives or buying timers with a bad check, sometimes provide additional clues. Perpetrators are even occasionally apprehended in the act of placing a bomb by routine law enforcement patrol of the area. A further mechanism which tends to facilitate law enforcement efforts is the occurrence of accidental detonations whiIe bombs are being fabricated or placed, Table 68, taken from FBI data, shows the number of premature detoTable 68.Premature Detonation Statistics Year Incidents Injuries Deaths 1974, ., ., ., ... ., 29 31 11 1975, ., . 37 53 2 1976. ., ., ., 42 42 11 1977. ., ., ., ., 29 34 2 1978. ., . ... ., ., 33 43 5 SOURCE FBI data nations and the casualties caused by those detonations for the period 1974 through 1977. During that period, approximately 23 percent of al I deaths by bombings and 14 percent of al I injuries were to perpetrators as a result of premature detonations. A premature detonation often provides considerably more evidence than a bombing, as the explosion often takes place in the residence or vehicle of the perpetrator and with the perpetrator present. This information can lead to the arrest of other members of the perpetrator group. Given the paucity of clues to work with, law enforcement personnel are not able to effectively combat criminal bombers. Perpetrators of fewer than 10 percent of all bombings are brought to trial. Considerably fewer than half of those tried are convicted, resulting in a rate of only a few percent for the successful solving of criminal bombings. DISCUSSION OF TAGGANT UTILITY Given that identification taggants are able to survive the detonation and be recovered, that detection sensors can be developed which will detect taggant vapors in the parts-per-trillion concentration regime, and that taggants can be safely added to explosives, what would be the utility to law enforcement and security personnel of the taggant program? Possible utility attributes would include increased intelligence information, methods to decrease the theft of explosives, increased rates of apprehension and conviction of criminal bombers, deterrence of potential bombers, and an increased rate of detection of bombs at potential target sites. These issues are discussed in this section; the discussion is primarily qualitative, as little quantitative data is available. In the initial discussion, the assumption i s made that perpetrators make no response to a taggant program. The range of responses available to perpetrators, their likelihood of use and their effects on a taggant program are discussed in the following section. Deterrence Supporters of a taggant program believe that both identification and detection taggants can cause some portion of the crimina l bomber population to reconsider a planned incident and decide to either abandon the plan or modify it in a way beneficial to society. The deterrent effect of the identification and detection taggants is quite different, and should
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156 l Taggants in Explosives be considered separately. The deterrent effect that an identification taggant may have on a criminal bomber would be to lead him to perceive an increased likelihood of his postdetonation arrest and conviction. This differs significantly from the deterrent effect of the detection taggants in which the bomber perceives a decreased likelihood of a successful completion of the criminal bombing as well as an increased arrest probability. A good deal of study has been conducted on the general subject of the efficacy of punishment on behavior modification, and on the deterrent value of prison sentences (or death) on criminals. The results are not clearcut, however, and it is not possible to make a quantitative estimate of the percentage of bombers who would be deterred by knowledge that commercial explosives contain identification taggants. It seems reasonable to expect some deterrence, however, a point made by most of the law enforcement personnel contacted, either personally or by questionnaire. Most law enforcement personnel felt the effect would be small or moderate, although approximately 30 percent predicted a substantial deterrent effect (over 25 percent of bombers would be deterred). The deterrence effect was felt to be most effective in preventing revenge bombings (almost 50 percent of the law enforcement personnel estimated a substantial effect) and crime-of-passion bombings (40 percent) and least effective in preventing bombings by terrorists, criminals, and psychopaths (approximately 25 percent of the respondents felt a substantial deterrent effect would be present for these bombers from identification taggants). These results are shown in more detail in appendix B. A dedicated terrorist is primarily interested in attracting attention to his cause (and less so in self-protection); a professional criminal recognizes the risk of arrest as a cost of doing business; a psychopath may either feel invincible or doesnt care about the personal aftermath of his crime. These criminal bombers may not be greatly deterred by the increased probability of arrest that identification taggants would provide; however, they may well modify their bombing plans if detection taggants significantly decrease the probability that they will succeed in their bombing mission. Whether the bombers would be deterred from committing a crime, or would modify the type of crime, is uncertain, and would depend, to some extent, on the type of bomber, as well as the target type. Many targets, such as residences, vehicles, and commercial establishments, would not be protected by detection taggant sensors (about 80 percent of bombings in 1977 and 1978 were of this type); the deterrence effect of detection taggants for bombers who plan to attack that class of target would therefore be small. For bombings which currently are planned against the remaining targets, the presence of detection taggants in commercial explosives and deployed sensors could modify the plan in several ways. Fear of detection taggants could lead bombers to shift to unprotected targets, or a less vulnerable, more accessible portion of the target complex (a bomb could be planted against an outside wall, rather than within a Government building, for instance). Alternatively, fear of detection taggants could lead to one of the countermeasure responses described in the next section. Some guidance on the deterrent effect that a program of detection taggants and sensors could provide to high-valued targets can be gained by analogy to the effectiveness of the current anti hijacking procedures at airports. Hijacking statistics are summarized in table 69. Between 20 and 30 commercial airliners originating from domestic airports were hijacked each year between 1969 and 1972. In 1973, a series of antihijacking measures became fully implemented in the United States, which included 100-percent passenger screening by magnetometers, X-ray examination of carry-on luggage, and development of a hijacker personality profile. The number of hijackings dropped dramaticalIy to a single incident in 1973 and an average of 4.5 per year s i rice. Some foreign countries have instituted antihijacking procedures as well, although not as
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Ch. V1Taggant Utility Review l 157 Table 69.Comm8rcial Airliner Hijacking Statistics by Year Hijackings U.S. Hijackings foreign Year origin origin 1949 -67, . . 1968 1969 ,.. .,, .,,..,. 1970 . . . 1971 . 1972... . 1973a. . . . . 1974 .,,. . 1975 . . . . . 1976, . . 1977, ,, .,,.... . 1978 .,,. 9 15 36 20 24 27 1 3 6 4 5 b 8 b 45 14 48 50 29 29 17 17 11 15 NA C NA a U.S antijacking measures became fully effective b U.S airlines irrespective of point of origin c Not avadable SOURCE FAA report No FAA.RD-77-66 uniformly as has the United States. As a result, the foreign hijackings declined approximately 60 percent when the 1969-72 period is compared with the 1972-77 period, while hijackings from domestic airports declined almost90 percent in that same period. While part of this drop may have been due to additional measures such as the use o f armed sky marshals for a period on the most vulnerable routes and the gradual erosion of a friendly welcome for hijackers at some foreign countries, a good deal of it is probably due to the deterrent effect of a visible screening system In fact, large numbers of weapons have been reported recovered from trash containers, potted plants, and other hiding places, as a result of the weapon carrier being confronted with an operating screening system. That the deterrent is not 100-percent effective is clearly shown by the number of weapons currently confiscated by the screening process, as shown in table 67. I n summary, it is not possible to quantify the number or percentage of bombers who would be deterred by a taggant program. identification and detection taggants will probably deter some bombers, particularly revenge bombers and those committing crimes of passion. Detection taggants will deter bombers from attacking protected targets, perhaps at the expense of more frequent attacks on unprotected targets. Law enforcement personnel indicated that, overall, about the same magnitude of deterrence would be expected for each type of taggant, perhaps reflecting the larger value of detection taggants for those targets protected by detection sensors, and the total lack of deterrent for those not visibly protected. Bomb DetectionTarget Protection Detection taggants should greatly increase the probability of detecting explosives containing the taggants and thus increase the protection of the targets at which detection sensors would be deployed, either permanently or in response to a heightened perceived threat. Again, no data exists that would allow quantitative estimates of the detection effectiveness. As indicated in the previous section, FAA esti. Photo credit U.S. Department of Transportation Typical airline passenger screening point
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158 l Taggants in Explosives mates that the current passenger and carry-on baggage scanning systems at airports have an overall probability of detecting guns or knives of over 80 percent, while they estimate less than a 20-percent detection probability for explosives. If the assumption is made that a detection sensor would have the same effectiveness in detecting bombs that the current systems have for detecting guns, a fourfold increase in effectiveness would be expected. If the Aerospace Corp. prototype specification of 0.9999 probability of detection is met by the fielded system, then essentially full protection would be available to those targets protected by a detection taggant sensor, The term full protection must be qualified it refers to bombs that are fabricated from tagged commercial explosives and do not have a sufficient seal to prevent escape of the taggant molecule. No protection is offered for bombs fabricated from untagged explosives (homemade, taggant removed, foreign supply, explosives fabricated prior to the taggant program) or from explosives with a sufficient seal. It is unlikely that a detection taggant program would result in a significant increase in the number of bombs detected, as few of the current bombings are directed at the type of high-value, limited-access targets at which detection sensors would be located. The utility of the detection taggant system would be in eliminating, or greatly decreasing, the low number of bombings which occur at these targets, each of which can cause catastrophic damage and casualties. The above discussion addressed the utility of fixed detection taggant sensors. Portable sensors have an additional function locating a bomb whose approximate location is known or suspected. Law enforcement and security personnel are often notified of a bomb threat, through tips, calls claiming credit for planting a bomb, and extortion. Current procedure is to evacuate the premises and then conduct a time-consuming search, using personnel and perhaps trained dogs, in an attempt to locate the bomb. The disruption caused by a bomb threat can be quite costly; a recent evacuation of the World Trade Center in New York is estimated to have cost several million dollars in lost time. The use of a portable sensor could significantly cut down on the time for a search and increase the probability of finding a bomb. It is possible that the existence and deployment of portable detection sensors would deter some bombers from planting bombs, particularly as an extortion device, as well as act to deter bomb hoaxes. BATF reported 105 hoax device incidents in 1977 and 47 in 1978, so reducing the number, or reducing the time lost from each, could have a significant economic impact. The additional utility of portable detection sensors was noted by law enforcement personnel returning the questionnaire. Approximately 65 percent felt that a portable sensor, needing no skilled operator, would have a high utility (deter over 25 percent of bombers), while less than 50 percent felt that a stationary sensor would have high utility. Similarly the respondents felt that portable units were superior to nonportable units for each type of target suggested. The differences were small for targets such as airports, large Government buildings, and nuclear power stations, but ranged up to more than 5 to 1 for targets such as schools and bus and train depots. An important limitation to the detection of explosives by any means should be noted. It is possible to defeat any type of detector. Therefore, failure to detect a bomb cannot be taken as proof that no bomb exists. The easier it is to defeat the sensor, the greater the limitations to the utility of the system. A system that detected 50 percent of the bombs would therefore be useful only as a screen. A system that detected 99.9 percent of the bombs would not only screen out twice as many bombs, but could be used to give a high probability that no bombs were present, significantly decreasing search time for bombs, more easily detecting hoaxes, and giving more useful decision data for dealing with threats or extortion attempts.
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Ch. V1Taggant Utility Review 159 Bomber Apprehension The current procedure for the apprehension of criminal bombers consists of three phases: 1. the postdetonation search of the area for physical evidence and subsequent laboratory analysis; 2. the investigation, based on the results of the analysis of the physical evidence; and 3. intelligence gathering, used as an input to the investigation or to direct surveillance of suspected perpetrators or expected targets. A great deal of effort is currently spent on the postdetonation search and analysis of physical evidence from a criminal bombing. The purpose of this search is to attempt to generate leads to help in the apprehension and conviction of criminal bombers, either directly from clues found in the debris or as a result of intelligence information gathered from a number of bombings. The search for evidence phase includes a detailed analysis to try and determine the type of explosive used and to find and examine any parts of the bomb, such as elements of the timing device, which may have survived the detonation. This evidence, together with any evidence of the presence of the perpetrator (such as hair or footprints) serves as the starting point for the investigative phase. Laboratory analysis is currently successful in determining the type of explosive used approximately 50 percent of the time, but experts indicate that the manufacturer can be identified in less than 10 percent of current cases undergoing intensive analysis. Parts of the detonator and timing device usually survive the detonation, and in many cases, currently provide the best initial leads from which to launch an investigation. The investigative phase consists primarily of trying to generate some type of lead to the perpetrators from the physical evidence gathered, as well as tracking leads provided by informants or witnesses and attempts to correlate the characteristics of the bombing with similar instances. A great deal of effort may be expended, for instance, in investigating the sources of a common clock used as the timing mechanism. The addition of identification taggants to explosives would aid the investigatory efforts of law enforcement personnel in a number of ways, provided that the taggants survive the detonation and are recoverable from the explosive debris. In order for the taggant information to be useful, however, the bombing must be of sufficient importance (in terms of property damage, notoriety generated, or casualties produced) to warrant a thorough investigation. In such cases, identification taggants will provide much more definitive information at much less effort by the investigating team. Equally important, the information can be made available quickly in a matter of hours, if necessary, rather than the days or weeks it may take to generate whatever data can be generated by conventional means. The taggants provide a good starting point for an investigation as they directly indicate the type of explosive used, manufacturer, and time of manufacture, and provide a list of the last legal purchasers. This information may lead directly to a bomber who purchased the explosives legally, provide a limited number of suspects for intensive investigation, tie reported thefts of explosives to bombings, provide leads to an unreported theft of explosives, or provide indirect information to limit the scope of an investigation, such as to a specific geographical region of the country. Some of the ways in which identification taggants can contribute to an investigation are shown schematically in figure 25. There will be some cases in which the perpetrator legally buys the explosive, and subsequently uses it to commit a criminal bombing. In some of these cases, the bomber would not otherwise be identified with the bombing; in
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160 Taggants in Explosives Figure 25. Schematic Illustration of Identification Taggant Utility in Criminal Investigation [ Direct 1 r 1 L I Indirect I SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment. others, the taggants add a strong I ink in a chain of evidence, which may help to obtain a conviction. A chain-of-evidence example recently occurred at Sparrows Point, Md., where a bomb, planted in a pickup truck, killed th e driver. A search was made of the bomb scene and the physical evidence subsequently examined in the BATF national laboratory. The laboratory analysis indicated that the explosive used in the incident had been tagged as part of the pilot-plant taggant program. The list of legal purchasers of that lot of explosives included James McFillin, one of the prime suspects in the bombing. McFillin was found guilty on December 19, 1979. Even in those cases where the list of last legal purchasers does not contain an obvious suspect, it provides a means of identifying a limited number of people for a subsequent thorough investigation. In some cases, explosives will be legally purchased, but with phony identification or by a third party not directly involved in the commission of the bombing. When phony identification is used, an intensive investigation could still provide a viable lead to the purchaser. Although the purchasers real name and address would not be directly provided by the list of purchasers, a location, a time of purchase, and a witness to the purchase would have been provided. Similarly, for the cases involving a third-party purchase, that intermediary might be identifiable, providing a good lead to the perpetrator. It may also be helpful to know the time frame when explosives used in a crime were obtained. Some of the explosives used in criminal bombings are currently stolen, and it may be that a taggant program would increase the incidence of explosive theft, as discussed in the next section. Identification taggants would provide information of considerable utility to an investigation of a criminal bombing, even for explosives that turn out to have been stolen. The list of last legal purchasers should provide information as to the source from which the explosives were stolen. In some cases the theft of explosives will have been reported. Identification of the source of the explosives provides intelligence information on the sources and disposition of explosives for criminal bombings. It may also provide a lead directly to the perpetrators of a bombing, by establishing a connection between specific thefts and specific bombings. It may be difficult to establish a motive or any other useful lead for an isolated theft, but tying it in with specific bombings may provide that lead, particularly if the explosives are stolen with the help of an employee. In some cases, the explosive theft may not be reported, perhaps due to the surreptitious theft by an employee of small amounts of explosives over a period of time. Identifying a source by the use of taggants could result in leads to the explosives thief, and through him, perhaps to the criminal bomber. While not directly related to an investigation of a criminal bombing, identification of a
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Ch. VTaggant Utility Review l 161 particular facility as the source of stolen explosives would help pinpoint those facilities, or types of facilities, that are in need of increased security for their explosives. The value of the list of last legal purchasers wilI depend somewhat on the length of the Iist. A trace which indicates that the full taggantbatch of explosives was sold directly to a mine by the explosives manufacturer obviously provides a more immediately useful lead than a trace which shows thousands of purchasers of a lot of smokeless powder. Even the list with thousands of legal purchasers would provide a better starting place for an investigation than the types of information generally available with present methods. For example, investigators attempt to trace timing mechanisms even though thousands of people may have purchased the model of clock that was used, and there are no records available that would turn up their names. It is rather unlikely that the trace would turn up a Iist of thousands of names as likely perpetrators of a significant or catastrophic bombing, even if black or smokeless powder was used as the filler. The types of bombings likely to warrant a detailed investigation are unlikely to be caused by 1 lb of gunpowder, which would eliminate most of the people on the list either by narrowing the Iist to those purchasing more than 1 lb of the same lot, or by providing multiple traces of the multiple lots used in the filler. When effects such as the geographical distribution of the tagged gunpowder lot are also taken into consideration, the list of viable names is likely to be much smaller than would appear to be the case on the surface. BATF traced the number of entities that were involved in the manufacture, distribution, and ultimate end use of the unique taggant lots produced during the pilot test program; the number ranged between 2 and 68. The size of the uniquely tagged batch varied from 12,000 to 26,000 lb, with the number of entities directly, but weakly, related to the taggant batch size. The batch involving the most entities (68) included the manufacturer, 3 primary distributors, and 21 secondary and 43 tertiary distribution points. The above discussion is pertinent when the taggant trace produces information directly indicating a suspect, a group of suspects, or a source of explosive theft. I n some instances it may not be possible to directly narrow the list of possible suspects. Examples would include unobserved theft with no inside help, purchases from which no obvious leads turned up, or traces in which the list of last legal purchasers was too large to provide a reasonable starting point for investigations of all of the individuals involved. I n these cases, the identification taggant traces, including the manufacturer, time of manufacture, specific product, and Iist of distributors and ultimate purchasers would stilI provide indirect information of use to the investigation. Examples of indirect information might be data that limit the investigation to a small geographic region of the country, identification of the type and manufacturer of the explosives, and an indication of when the explosives were acquired by the bomber. Even the indirect information provides more data to the law enforcement investigators than currently available, after extensive laboratory and field investigation of postdetonation debris. I n addition to providing both direct and indi rect leads to the investigation of crimin a bombings, taggants can contribute consider able intelIigence information. Intelligence Concerning Criminal Bomber Activities The gathering and integrating of intelligence concerning the activity of criminal bombers and groups of bombers is a time-consuming process which is a necessary activity of control by law enforcement agencies. Identification taggants would greatly facilitate law enforcement intelIigence activities, particularly in monitoring the range of activities of bomber groups, the theft and disposition of explosives, cooperation between various bomber groups and between domestic bomber groups and foreign organizations, and keeping track of current sources of explosives for criminal bombers. Intelligence information is particularly
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162 Taggants in Explosives useful in combating the repeat bomber, and may provide the only effective method to generate leads to the most sophisticated bombers professional criminals and terrorists. Strategic data banks, receiving information from a variety of domestic and foreig n sources, have successfully identified patterns and trends that have led to a better understanding, and arrests and convictions, of members of international narcotics rings, high-finance swindlers, and terrorists. Taggants could enhance the utility of such data banks to faciIitate identification of terrorist objectives, leading toward arrests and convictions of terrorist bombers. Taggants, by identifying known sources of terrorist bombs, and bombs used by other criminal organizations as well, would help intelligence analysts differentiate among several groups which may claim, or which may seem to be responsible for a particular bombing incident, separating out the group directly responsible. The British taggant system, which apparently consists of identifier threads dispersed in the explosives, is used primarily as an apparatus for gathering intelligence about criminal bombers. A few specific examples of how intelligence information could be used for bomber control are instructive. Some criminal bombers operate in a single location, with no activities beyond that area. Others range over a fairly wide geographi c area. If taggants recovered from a bombing indicate that the explosives were purchased in the area of the bombing, then a local group or individual is probably responsible. On th e other hand, if the explosives were stolen or purchased in one part of the country, and used in another, that would indicate that either a group with a considerable geographic span of activity was involved, or that there was cooperation between various groups of criminal bombers. BATF currently keeps a record of the amount of explosives stolen, recovered, and expended in bombings. While it is possible to trace and allocate cap-sensitive high explosives that are recovered in their original cartridges (by the date-shift code stamped on the cartridge), it is extremely difficult to identify the source of explosives that have been detonated. Recovery of taggants would allow a much more accurate record to be kept of the use to which stolen explosives are put. At present there appears to be little cooperation among domestic groups responsible for criminal bombings (terrorists and professional criminals, in particular) or between these groups and foreign organizations. That is not the case, however, for foreign groups that engage in bombings or other terrorist activities abroad. Some terrorist activities abroad have involved groups from two or even three different countries, separated widely in geography. Intelligence analysts predict that coordinated activity of that sort may soon be seen in the United States. Taggants could help to identify cases of intergroup activity. As an example, explosives may be stolen, and the modus operandi of the theft or a claim of credit for theft indicates that one group was responsible. If the taggants recovered from the debris of a criminal bombing (identified as having been caused by a different perpetrator) indicate the use of those explosives, then a link may be postulated to exist. A final example illustrates the predictive value of bombing intelligence that would be available from a taggant program. Analysis of the explosives used in a series of bombings could indicate they were all from the same taggant lot. Analysis of the pattern of the bombing could be useful in predicting a geographic area for a subsequent bombing, or in predicting a time for a bombin g by the group involved, allowing increased surveillance of individuals in the group (if identified) or of potential targets. Prosecution of Criminal Bombers There is rarely a single piece of evidence that so clearly ties a perpetrator to a criminal bombing that additional evidence would not enhance the case for the prosecution. A limited amount of data on the use of the dateshift code indicates that taggants may forge an important I ink in the chain of evidence against a criminal bomber, resulting in a higher rate of
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Ch. V/ Tagganf Utility Review l 163 convictions than would be possible without that link. For undetonated bombs the dateshift code provides the same information as identification taggants would provide for the postdetonation case. No total review of the cases involving explosives recovered from malfunctioning bombs has been conducted. How ever, a limited set of 55 cases was examined by BATF. In that sample, six cases were forwarded for prosecution (10.9 percent). That is twice the percent forwarded in cases that did not include date-shift code data. SimiIar results were obtained by MSA during a review of BATF data. Of the 10 bombing attempts they reviewed, the date-shift code proved useful in 4 0 percent of the cases, was not useful in 50 percent of the cases, and was of questionable utiIity in 10 percent. WhiIe the results were positive in both cases, the extremely small sample size makes it impossible to draw significant conclusions. The Institute of Makers of Explosives (I ME) has informed OTA that testimony from manufacturers to establish the source of explosives with a given date-shift code is occasionally requested in criminal prosecutions, but that such requests are very infrequent. I ME estimates that less than 1 percent of al I traces lead to a prosecution. As one specific example, the prosecution in the McFill in case believes that taggants were a key piece of evidence in that case, and that the taggant evidence was valuable in court. Taggant Utility by Type of Perpetrator Taggants may well be more effective in contributing to the direct arrest and conviction of certain types of criminal bombers than of others, due to the varying ability of different types of perpetrators to develop effective countermeasure responses to taggant programs, as well as to the nature of the bombings and targets. These countermeasures and their effects in limiting taggant utility are discussed in detail in the next section. Vandals are not likely to be greatly affected, as their bombings generally cause little damage, and would not normally initiate the field, laboratory, and investigative procedures necessary to utilize the information available from identification taggants. On the other hand, bombings by professional criminals often involve homicide and bombings by terrorists generate considerable public attention, both of which are Iikely to initiate extensive investigations. To the extent that the more sophisticated of these groups make use of countermeasures, an operational taggant program may not add much to the Iikelihood of their arrest and conviction. Psychopaths are likely to engage in bombings that initiate a thorough investigation, may well attack targets protected by detection sensors, and are unlikely to have the resources to generate effective countermeasures. Taggants should be particularly effective in their control. The law enforcement respondents to the questionnaire indicated a differing utility for taggants against the various bomber categories. As an example, almost 60 percent estimated that identification taggants would result in a significantly higher arrest rate for revenge bombings, and over 40 percent estimated significantly higher arrests for crime-ofpassion bombings by psychopaths, while less than 25 percent estimated a significantly higher arrest rate for bombings by terrorists and organized crime. A significantly higher rate means an increase in the arrest rate by more than 25 percent. Similar estimates were made for the use of detection taggants. Utility of Taggants to Update the Taggant Program BATF plans to implement the taggant program only for those explosive materials that have been identified as being used extensively by criminal bombers. If analysis of bombing debris shows that tagged explosives are no t used in a large number of cases, then the BATF plan would need modification. Similarly, if some explosives that are tagged are not identified as being used in bombings, then those explosive materials should be considered as candidates for exclusion from the program.
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164 l Taggants in Explosives Nonbomber Control Utility of Taggants The Bureau of Mines is very interested in the use of identification taggants to determine the types of explosives used when an accident occurs in a mine. Some mine operators are suspected of using nonpermissible explosives in underground coal mines. Permissible explosives have been specifically tested for low flame emission and certified for use in underground coal mines other explosives may not be used. If nonpermissibles are identified as POSSIBLE BOMBER IN RESPONSE TO A The above discussion assumes that criminal bombers do not respond to the introduction of a taggant program. There are a number of countermeasures the bomber can take, however, which may decrease the utility of a taggant program. Only a limited subset of bombers would respond to the taggant program, and those criminal bombers who seek to evade the effects of a taggant program are likely to encounter additional risks or require substantial training and technical knowledge. Among the possible responses of a criminal bomber to an identification taggant program are: l l l l l l l l removal of the taggant, fabrication of homemade explosives, switch to incendiary devices, use of blasting agents, if they are not tagged, theft of explosives, black-market purchase of explosives, use of explosives manufactured before the taggant program is implemented, and resorting to another type of unlawful activity, such as assassination or kidnapping. In addition to the above responses, the effectiveness of detection taggants can be defeated by providing a seal between the explosives and the detection taggant sensors. It is also possible that the detection taggant senbeing used illegally, the appropriate action can be taken. Similarly, taggants could be used to identify the cause of an explosion. If an explosion were to occur at a natural gas plant, for instance, then it might be difficult to determine if the explosion were an accident or caused by a bomb. The resolution of cause is important both to law enforcement personnel and to the insurance industry. A similar resolution of cause could be of interest in investigating possible insurance fraud cases. COUNTERMEASURES TAGGANT PROGRAM sors could be purposel y triggered, o r spooked, by placing detection taggant materials, or chemicals which the detection taggant sensor could not distinguish from detection taggants, in or on nonexplosive material. The appropriateness and effectiveness of the various responses, in terms of possibl e limitation to the utility of a taggant program, are a function of the resources, motivation, and aim of the various types of criminal bombers. Table 70 briefly summarizes the likely response countermeasures of each type of bombers, and how effective those responses are Iikely to be. Effectiveness in this sense includes both the likelihood of successfully accomplishing the response and the appropriateness of the action in fulfilling the primary aim of the criminal bomber. It is interesting to note that approximately half of the law enforcement respondents to the questionnaire estimated that the less sophisticated bombers would initiate no response to an identification taggant program, while almost 40 percent felt that even the most sophisticated bombers would not initiate response countermeasures. Each of the response countermeasures is briefly discussed below. The baseline 3M identification taggants contain both a magnetic layer and a fluorescent layer to aid in recovery after a detonation. The taggants could therefore be removed from
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Ch. VTaggant Utility Review 165 Table 70.Possible Perpetrator Response Counter mesuresasuros to Taggant Program Criminal Terrorist Mentally disturbed Other UnsophisSophisDisen Countermeasures ticated ticated Political Separatist Reactionary chanted Vengeful Pathological Vandals Experimenters Taggant remova l Fabrication of explosives. Incendiary devices Use of blasting agents if untagged. Theft, commercia l Theft, military . Illegal sources. Use of exploswes manufactured before implementation of tagging Vapor seals. . Other tactics ., . a M b H M H L H M L L-M M M L M L M L L-M L-M L M L-M L-M L-M L M-H L H L M M H H H H M-H L H M M-H L H M L-M L L L-M L L-M L L M L L H L-M L-M M L-M H L H L L H L M a Unlikely to be attempted b Letters indicate possibility of succes in the attempted countermeasure L = l OW Medium medium, H = high SOURCE Off Ice of Technology Assessment powdery explosives by using a magnet; th e process would be both easy and safe, and would require less than an hour for a typical bomb. In order to hinder this countermeasure, taggants have been manufactured without a magnetic layer. If a powdery explosive were tagged with a mixture of magnetic and non magnetic taggants, then the use of a magnet would enable a criminal to remove only a portion of the taggants; the remainder would be present after an explosion, although they would be somewhat more cliff icult to recover than the baseline taggant. If the criminal were deterred from attempting magnetic removal by the knowledge that about half the taggants wer e nonmagnetic then postdetonatio n recovery would be only marginally more dif ficult than the baseline case. Another possible technique for removing taggants from an explosive is to use a black light to identify the taggants by their fluorescence, and then remove them with a tweezer. This process is safe, but more difficult than magnetic separation, and would probably require many hours of painstaking effort for a typical bomb. Unlike magnetic separation, it could be used to remove taggants from explosives that are tacky rather than powdery. It has been proposed that the encapsulation of the taggants be made opaque, and matched to the color of the explosive, in order to render such removal impossible. Since the encapsulant would be melted by the heat of a detonation, postdetonation recovery would not be affected. Although it should not be difficult to develop an opaque encapsulant, this has not yet been done. Opaque encapsulation would make quality control, both of manufacturing taggants and of mixing them with explosives, more difficult, and its cost impact has not been evaluated. The explosives could be acetone dissolved, the taggants and other solid materials removed by filtering, and the explosive reconstituted, but that complex operation would be within the capabilities of only the professional terrorists and criminals and would be roughly equivalent in danger and difficulty to fabrication of explosives from raw materials. It was the near unanimous opinion of law enforcement personnel that criminal bombers would not attempt this complex removal/reconstitution process. Reconstituted explosives would also be less reliable (less likely to detonate) than the original explosives. If detonators were tagged, some taggants would still be present after the detonation of bombs using reconstituted or homemade explosives, unless the even more difficult task of fabricating detonators was attempted. Removing taggants from some gunpowders is considerably simpler than removal from explosives. Many gunpowder grains are consider-
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166 Taggants in Explosives ably larger than the identification taggants, as shown in figure 26. Separation may therefore be accomplished simply by screening, al though the manufacturing process may pre clude that approach in some cases. Alternatively, it may be possible to agglomerate the taggants into clumps whose size roughly matches the specific grain size. However, the cost impact of such a solution was not addressed during this study. The detection taggant vapors are microencapsulated into extremely small spheres, which form powder with fineness approaching that of talcum powder. Removal of these taggants from tacky or powdery explosives is clearly impractical and most likely impossible. There is some evidence that the taggant grains tend to adhere to gunpowder grains. The tenacity of adhesion (response to attempts to dislodge the taggants) has not been tested. It is probable, however, that the extremely small taggant powder cannot be simply separated by physical means; similar materials, such as graphite, do not respond. Attempts to wash the grains off with a solvent are likely to affect the properties of the smokeless powder. The only viable removal technique, therefore, appears to be removal of individual identification taggants from gunpowders. As was shown in table 70, the more sophisticated criminals and terrorists could accomplish the removal with moderate to high success, while the less sophisticated terrorists and experimenters would have a somewhat lower success rate. One result of the greater practicability of removing taggants from gun powders may be to produce a shift in explosive materials used in criminal bombs by sophisticated bombers from high explosives to gunpowders. As gun powder are significantly less energetic than cap-sensitive high explosives, such a shift could result in a significant loss of efficiency for the bombers. In summary, taggant removal would tend to somewhat decrease the effectiveness of a taggant program in the control of the most sophisticated bombers, attacking targets not protected by a detection sensor, but at some loss in efficiency by the criminal bomber. It is Figure 26.Size Comparison of the 3M identification Taggant and Some Smokeiess Powders imtinuto
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Ch. V/ Taggant U Review l 16 7 possible to make identification taggant clumps which simulate the grain size of the larger powder grains, thus making taggant removal an ineffective countermeasure, but the cost of doing so has not been calculated. AternativeIy, taggants could be incorporated in the grain of some, but not all powders. Fabrication of Homemade Explosives As noted in table 70, only the most sophisticated bombers would have a significant success in fabricating explosives. Even to these criminal bombers, the fabrication of homemade explosives would involve a somewhat higher danger of premature detonation than with commercial explosives. It is true that a number of cookbooks are available that describe methods of making explosives from uncontrolled materials, but many of these texts list the ingredients without describing a safe and effective fabrication process, or contain errors that could result in a high accident rate or unreliable detonation. The present incidence of premature detonations with commercial explosives, while fabricating and placing bombs, is high, accounting for almost 25 percent of all deaths and 15 percent of injuries from bombings. If homemade explosives are used, the number of deaths and injuries to perpetrators of bombings may climb substantiallyacting as an effective bomber control mechanism. Fabrication of detonators is a much more complex and dangerous activity than fabrication of explosive materials, and could probably be accomplished only in a well-equipped central facility. The widespread use of homemade detonators would, therefore, require the development of a central illegal manufacturing and distribution network, implying a degree of cooperation among perpetrator groups that does not currently exist. It was the opinion of law enforcement officials contacted that the establishment of a taggant program would tend to drive the more sophisticated criminal bombers toward the use of homemade explosives. The example provided by criminal bombers in Europe, particularly Britain and West Germany, is illustrative. Approximately 85 percent of criminal bombings in West Germany and a majority of the bombings in Britain and Ireland use homemade fillers. As the bombing statistics include both explosive and incendiary devices, the percentage of explosive bombs using homemade explosives may be somewhat less, but may still constitute a majority in all three countries. It is interesting to note that most bombs, including those with homemade explosives, use commercial detonators. I n summary, the more sophisticated criminal bombers would tend to use homemade explosives more frequently in response to the introduction of a tagging program. Such use would tend to have some detrimental effect on the utility of a taggant program although the effect would be limited by the increased risk of premature detonation, and the reduced reliability and effectiveness of bombs fabricated from homemade explosives. Commercial detonators would still be needed, further limiting the effectiveness of this response countermeasure, as would the elimination of some types of targets. The main threat is that over a period of time, the criminal bombers might become increasingly sophisticated in the fabrication of explosives and even of detonators, and that a degree of cooperation and coordination could develop between the various terrorist and professional criminal groups. The British indicated that they face just that problem the coordinated IRA improves its tactics and ability to fabricate explosives almost in step with the development of law enforcement control mechanisms. Use of Incendiary Bombs A substantial number of current bombing incidents use incendiary materials for bomb filler. Tagging of incendiary materials is not practicable, so legislation of a taggant program may cause a shift toward the greater use of incendiaries in place of explosives. However, incendiary bombs cannot be relied on to cause catastrophic damage or casualties, and are therefore an appropriate filler only for
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168 l Taggants in Explosives some types of perpetrators and against some types of targets. It may also be harder to fabricate a reliable delay fuze for incendiary bombs. Use of Blasting Agents BATF has indicated that it does not directly tag blasting agents such as pIan to ANFO There are several reasons for their position, In the first place, very few criminal bombings are currently committed using blasting agents as the explosive filler. In addition, tagging the blasting caps, boosters, and detonating cord generally used to initiate the blasting agents would stilI ensure that taggants were present at blasting-agent bombings, unless homemade detonators and boosters were used. Finally, as blasting agents represent over 80 percent of the commercial explosives currently used in the United States, directly tagging the biasting agents would have a very large cost impact. Some shift to the use of blasting agents might therefore occur if a taggant program were implemented. However, there are a few drawbacks to the use of blasting agents. As detailed in appendix E, the blasting agents are not normalIy cap sensitive and wou Id therefore require a booster of some sort. Commercial boosters, very large detonators, at least one type of rocket motor used by hobbyists, or several large cherry bombs used together would be sufficient boosters. The fabrication of a bomb using a blasting agent would therefore require the acquisition and assembly of more components than would a bomb using cap-sensitive explosives or gunpowders. Th e assembly process would not prove a large obstacle to the more sophisticated bombers, but might well prove one to the other types of bombers. Similarly, the increased risk associated with blasting-agent bombs would depend on the knowledge and patience of the bomber. Blasting-agent bombs would be usefu l against targets where the blast was the primary damage mechanism, but somewhat less useful than cap-sensitive explosives against targets in which fragment damage was the primary threat. More blast and better fragmentation would be expected from blasting-agent pipe bombs than from gunpowder pipe bombs, but the assembly process would be more complex. Blasting agents have a density of approximately one-half that of cap-sensitive explosives; approximately twice the volume would therefore be needed, a possible limitation in some circumstances. Theft of Explosives Explosives can be stolen, either from th e military or from sources of commercial explosives. Some of the explosives used in criminal bombings are currently stolen and more may well be stolen if a taggant program is initiated. Theft of explosives would mean that the perpetrator would be required to commit a collateral crime, increasing the chance for error, the number of leads generated, and the ultimate chance of capture. As detailed previously, the use of taggants should contribute significantly to the rate of solution of explosive thefts, increasing the chance of capture above the current rate. In addition, protection of explosives fro m theft could be improved, and may well have to be, to prevent a wholesale shift to theft as a source of explosive material if a taggant program is instituted. Security procedures for explosives storage, transportation, and use are primarily geared to prevent casual or surreptitious theft. Storage magazines have double locks and other features which would require some limited amounts of time and skill to defeat. Inventory controls currently would uncover thefts of large amounts of explosives (case lots). Transportation regulations are primarily to protect the people Iiving along the travel route from accidental detonation. All of these could be altered to decrease the probability of explosive theft. Magazines could be made quite difficult to enter, all explosive material could be required to be stored overnight in a secure magazine (some construction sites use quite flimsy magazines, some manufacturers store sublet amounts of detonators in the assembly building overnight), and transportation of explosives could require armed
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Ch. Taggant Utility Review l 16 9 guards. Tighter inventory controls, including accountability for each stick of explosive a t the blaster level, could also be required. All of these controls, however, have cost impact; it would require investigation to determine whether their cost would be justified by their marginal utility in the face of the current, and predicted, bomber threat. Possible costs for increased security of explosives were not included in the OTA study. As noted above, a benefit of identification taggants is that they would help to pinpoint the places from which explosives used in crimes are stolen, and thus serve as a guide to where security most needs to be tightened. As noted earlier, military explosives are more securely guarded than commercial explosives, so criminal bombers may be expected to more frequently attempt to steal commercial explosives. As noted in table 70, the more sophisticated bombers are likely to have moderate to high success in stealing commercial explosives (although at increased risk) while the less sophisticated bombers can expect low to moderate success. No group would be expected to have significant success in stealin g military explosives, an indication of the success Iikely for theft of commercial explosives if increased explosive security measures are implemented. Illegal Sources Explosives could be purchased on the black market or illegally imported from abroad. Both courses of action subject the bomber to increased risk of capture, from informants or undercover agents in the former case and as a result of smuggling, in the latter. Only terrorists or professional criminals with substantial resources and the ability to plan in advance are likely to be able to import explosives from abroad, or likely to make the proper blackmarket connections. The term black market, in this context, does not refer to a sophisticated nationwide network but to a local array of entrepreneurs who deal in an illicit product for profit. This criminal element exists in nearly every major American city, and when asked could provide stolen commercial explosives or explosive materials as quickly as they could provide stolen drugs, jewelry, or television sets. A taggant program, it is believed by analysts and law enforcement experts, would increase the demand for stolen explosives, thus increasing the local market. However, experts of the two major metropolitan police agencies and two Federal law enforcement organizations with whom detailed discussions on this subject were held agree that initial increases in the black-market demand would be low, as the sophisticated bombers are more likely to turn to one of the other countermeasures as a source of explosives. Moreover, taggants could help in tracing any black marketeer who dealt in stolen, but tagged, explosives. Use of Explosives Before a Taggant Manufactured Requirement One further countermeasure is possible, at least initially the use of explosives manufactured prior to implementation of a taggant program. This response requires planning well ahead and storage of the explosives for a period of time. Storage would increase the risk of accidental detonation (particularly if the explosives had to be moved several times) and of the explosives being found. In addition, most commercial explosives have a limited useful lifetime. Gels, slurries, and emulsions have a limited useful life on the order of 6 months, while dynamites have a Iifetime of a few years [more for the lower power dynamites). Gunpowder, boosters, detonators, and detonating cord have a useful life of tens of years. Detection Taggant Seal Detection taggants emit a vapor; their efficacy depends on its being able to permeate the container in which they are placed and be detected in the free air stream. It is possible to create a seal around the explosives, thus defeating the detection taggant system, but the construction of such a seal is difficult, cannot be accomplished without specific technical knowledge and equipment, and cannot be ac-
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170 l Taggants in Explosives complished without the time and resources to construct such a seal. Ordinary sealing mechanisms, such as placing the explosive in a paint can, using baggies, home sealing units, or using activated charcoal apparently will not work, even if several are used in conjunction, as the taggants were specifically chosen for their ability to penetrate the microencapsulated membrane and the sensors are able to detect taggants at a parts-per-trillion concentration level. It should be noted, however, that tests under field conditions to confirm these laboratory results have not yet been conducted. Only the more sophisticated of the criminal bombers are even likely to attempt to achieve vapor seals, and they stand only a low to moderate chance of succeeding. One of the problems faced in trying to construct a seal is the lack of feedback without a taggant vapor detector, or other sophisticated laboratory instrument, the bomber will not be able to tell if his seal is sufficient. Spooking of Detection Taggant Sensors Detection taggant sensors could be purposely triggered or spooked by placing detection taggants, or other materials so similar chemically to the detection taggant that the sensor could not make the distinction, in nonexplosive materials. If several suitcases or packages within a short period of time triggered the detection taggant sensor for no apparent reason, those operating the sensor might well conclude that it was malfunctioning, and disconnect it. Large amounts of taggant material might also be used to saturate, and at Ieast temporarily disable, the sensor. It would then be possible to introduce tagged explosives into the protected area This countermeasure would require that the bomber obtain a supply of the detection taggant material; access to detection taggants can and should be made cliff icult. Shift to Other Unlawful Activity Finally, bombers can turn to other crimes, such as murder, assassination, or kidnapping. These crimes, however, are often not as spectacular as bombings and all involve a higher risk to the perpetrators than do bombings. In addition, a direct action against a visible target requires more motivation and a different temperment than does an indirect crime such as a bombing. The switch to other tactics is an appropriate response only for a subset of criminal bombers; only some of the types of bombers who would attempt to switch tactics in response to a taggant program wouId be successful. The small-scale criminal, the experimenter, and the disenchanted would be unlikely to turn to the other crimes. Some of the mentally disturbed would, with low to moderate success. The professional criminal can be considered a craftsman at his trade; he may not be able, either physically or emotionally, to adjust to other methods of attaining his ends. Terrorists are the most Iikely to switch tactics, based on foreign experience, and would probably be moderately to highly though at greatly increased risk. Summary successful, alThere are a variety of response countermeasures which the criminal bomber can attempt in an attempt to decrease the utility of the identification and detection taggants programs, The amount of success expected for each response varies with the skill, resources, and aim of the different types of criminal bombers. Most of the countermeasure responses carry with them an increased risk of capture, increased probability of an unreliable or premature detonation, or decreased effectiveness of the explosive. The effect of the added risk should not be underestimated bombing is an attractive crime because of the low risks currently associated with it. if those risks escalate, then the attractiveness decreases, probably resulting in significantly reduced numbers of bombings and significantly reduced severity of the bombings. Domestic and foreign law enforcement officials were emphatic in their opinions that increasing bomber risk was a realistic and important control mechanism.
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Ch. VTaggant Utility Review 171 In a similar vein, the importance of reducing the effectiveness of bombs should not be overlooked. Taggants have their optimum effectiveness in the protection of high-value targets and the investigation of significant bombings. It is in just those types of situations that reducing the effectiveness of bombs will have the most payoff. Nevertheless effective countermeasures are possible. Bombers with sufficient skill and training can completely overcome the effects of a taggant program if they have adequate time and resources. The greater the sophistication of the bomber, the smaller the risks and the smaller the loss of effectiveness resulting from countermeasures. However, it should be recognized that while the countermeasure responses are entirely possible, it is by no means certain that significant numbers of bombers wilI actualIy use them. OTA consulted numerous explosives experts, all of whom agreed that countermeasures such as those described were possible, at least for some of the types of criminal bombers. However, the law enforcement experts and experts on terrorism which OTA consulted also unanimously agreed that most criminal bombers, including terrorists, would fail to make use of the countermeasures. This assessment appears to be based on an assessment of the type of personality that is generally involved in bombings, as well as the general level of skill of the bombers. An instructive analogy is aircraft hijacking. It is possible to smuggle a weapon on an aircraft by a number of means, but, in fact, since the antihijacking program started there have been thousands of weapons found annually by the screening process, hundreds of weapons found abandoned near the controlled boarding gates, but essentially no cases of aircraft hijacked with the use of smuggled weapons. FOREIGN EXPERIENCE IN CONTROL OF BOMBERS Discussions were held with British, West German, and Irish law enforcement officials in an attempt to gain insight into the methods used to combat and control criminal bombings in those countries. The bombing problem i n those countries, and most of the rest of Europe, is considerably different than the domestic problem; it is appropriate that the control methods also differ. Essentially all bombings committed in the three countries are carried out by terrorists; in Britain and Ireland the bombings are almost entirely by one group of separatist terrorists the IRA. Commercial explosives are rigidly controlled in all three countries. In West Germany this control is primarily administrative permits are needed for the transportation, storage, and use of explosives. I n addition, a much more intensive surveillance of suspected criminals is practiced, together with a very intensive intelligence operation and a relatively strict border inspection procedure. As a result, almost all explosives used in bombings are homemade (85 percent), although some military and commercial explosives are used. The military explosives are stolen from military bases or recovered from maneuver areas, while the commercial explosives and detonators appear to come primarily from Eastern Europe. In Ireland and Britain the controls are more direct. Commercial explosives are stored, transported, and maintained by the army or police, who personally supervise the detonators and check to ensure that no undetonated explosive remains in the area. The army or police accountability for the explosives extends to the individual detonators and sticks of explosive. As a result, almost all criminal bombings use homemade explosives. The number of bombing incidents per year in West Germany is about one-fourth of the number of domestic bombings reported to the FBI or BATF data banks, which results in about the same bombing rate on a population basis, but a far higher rate per unit area, since West
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172 l Taggants in Explosives Germany is about the size of Oregon. This geographic concentration, the single class of bombers, the almost universal use of homemade explosives and an effective centralized criminal control authority have allowed the West Germans to develop field and laboratory investigative techniques that apparently result in higher arrest and conviction rates than is the case in the United States. The number of bombings in the Republic of Ireland is quite low; no data was available concerning numbers of bombings in Britain or arrest and conviction rates in either country. The British use a tagging system that apparently consists of different colored threads interspersed in the explosive The threads do not survive the detonation, but the system cannot be defeated by simply discarding the cartridge, as can the current U.S. date-shift code. The West Germans use a system similar to the dateshift code, while the Irish dye their explosives (from the single plant) to indicate a destination. The experience of these three countries offers some insight into the problem of control of domestic bombers and to potential bomber countermeasures. As a result of law enforcement efforts to control the source of commercial explosives and to institute other efforts to combat bombers, there are essentially no bombers other than terrorists in any of the three countries. Given the different conditions in the United States, it is improbable that all other bombers would be eliminated, but their relative numbers could be expected to decline dramatically, if a taggant progam were implemented. As a result of the control of commercial explosives, bombers in the three countries rely largely on homemade explosives. As noted earlier, this countermeasure is likely to be seen in the United States, as well, if a taggant program is initiated. The result of this shift in explosives will eliminate some bombers, make some targets difficult to attack, due to decreased effectiveness of the explosives, and significantly increase the risk of an accident to the perpetrator. Finally, a possible long-term effect of the taggant program, as is the case in Europe due to explosive controls, may be the development of a highly skilled group of bombers, as well as more coordination and cooperation between bomber groups.
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APPENDIXES ALetter of Request BDetection and Identification Taggants and Criminal Bombings Summary and Questionnaire COTA Recovery Tests DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives ESuitability of ANFO as a Filler for Criminal Bombs FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables GGlossary
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APPENDIX ALETTER OF REQUEST ABAHAM RIBICOFF, CONN., CHAIRMAN JOHN GLEN, OHIO JIM SASSER, TENN. DAVID H. PRYOR, ARK. CARL LEVIN MlCH. CHARLES MC C. MATHIAS, JR., MD. JOHN C DANFoRTH, MO UNITED STATES SENATE WILLIAM S. COHEN MAINE DAVID DURENBERGER, MlNN. COMMITTEE ON RICHARD A. WEGMAN GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS CHIEF COUNSEL AND STAFF DIRECTOR WASHINGTON, D.C. 20510 May 7, 1979 The Honorable Morris K. Udall Chairman Technology Assessment Board Office of Technology Assessment U. S. Congress Washington, D. C. 20510 Dear M O : As YOU KNOW the Committee on Governmental Affairs is presently considering S. 333, the Omnibus Antiterrorism Act of 1979. Section 303 of the legislation would mandate the use of identification and detecTion taggants in explosive materials. During the course of our consideration of the bill, several issues have been raised pertaining to the viability and cost of the tagging program. While there has been a great amount of technical reserach in this field, we believe it would be useful to have an independent review and evaluation of the available data concerning the use of explosive taggants. Specifically, we request that the Office of Technology Assessment review this data, and address the following issues: l the safety of the use of taggants in production, storage, and handling of explosive materials; l the effectiveness of the tagging program in deterring crime and aiding in criminal investigation and prosecution; 175
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176 l Taggants in Explosives The Honorable Morris K. Udall May 7, 1979 Page Two l 8 l the regulatory impact of requiring the use of explosives taggants (including record-keeping, cost to the explosives industry, and cost to the consumer) ; the potential effects of a partial application of tagging requirements (such as excluding black and smokeless powders and including all other explosive materials, excluding military, and materials for homemade bombs and common nitrate) ; the issues relating to the survivability of taggants, including effects of detonation, retrieval, and possible removal before detonation; and possible alternatives to tagging explosives and initiators. Because of the Committees tight schedule and the desire to enact comprehensive anti-terrorism legislation promptly, we would appreciate receiving a report from OTA not later than August 6, 1979. Many thanks for your cooperation Abe Ribicoff Sincerely, b Jacob Javits and assistance.
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APPENDIX BDETECTION AND IDENTIFICATION TAGGANTS AND CRIMINAL BOMBINGS SUMMARY AND QUESTIONNAIRE This paper is a short statistical summary of an empirical survey conducted by OTA for the evaluation of taggant effectiveness, Using a listing of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, a systematic sample of 980 names was selected (from a total of 10,800 names on the list). Each of the subjects sampledassumed to be both knowledgeable and interested in the problem of bombings received a mail questionnaire covering five related areas of inquiry (see attachment). The questions probed issues such as the profile of the criminal bomber, the estimated effects of the taggants program on deterrence, detection, and conviction, and preferred location and types of detection taggants sensors. Of the 980 questionnaires mailed out, only 11 4 have been returned in time for this analysis, a return rate of less than 12 percent. No assumption can be made that these 12 percent of the respondents are a random and unbiased subsample of the 980 subjects in the original sample, and most likely they represent the people most highly involved in, and motivated to deal with, criminal bombings. In that sense, the findings of this analysis must be viewed as tentative. However, these 114 questionnaires serve as a valuable instrument to bring to light some of the experiences, attitudes, and assessments of people who deal, often on a rather frequent basis, with criminal bombings. A further source of error may have been introduced by an error in the explanatory material accompanyin g th e questionnaire. That material indicated that the taggant trace would identify the last legal purchaser, rather than indicating that the trace would provide a list of the last legal purchasers. Following is an overview of their responses. Background of Subjects Over half (51 percent) of the subjects worked in an urban area, with an additional 37 percent in suburban areas. The majority (41 percent) came from relatively small cities (population up to 25,000), with only 20 percent from metropolitan areas with a population of 500,000 and more. Due to a lack of significant differences between the subjects by place of work; and due to the relatively small number of respondents, the data will not be analyzed by the type of area and its population size. Bomber Profiles As estimated by the sample, a wide variety of criminal bomber types, rather than one specific type, is responsible for the total number of bombings in their jurisdictions (table B-1). Eighty-four percent of the sample thought that each type of bomber is encountered infrequently (accounting for only up to 25 percent of the bombings). Domestic terrorists, organized crime figures, and people motivated by revenge were mentioned as somewhat more frequent types (between 25 to 75 percent of the cases) and, most noticeably, revenge was seen more than any other motive as a very frequent (over 75 percent) motivation for bombings. Similarly, the consensus of the sample was that there is a fairly evenly distributed use of the various types of explosives (table B-2). While ANFO, plastic explosives, and cast or pressed military explosives were thought to be infrequent, there was less agreement about the other types. Commercial explosives, smokeless and black powders, and to a lesser degree, homemade explosives were mentioned by the subjects as frequently, and even very frequently, used in bombings in their areas. A potentially important question refers to the various bomber types and their preferences for types of explosives (table B-3). While again, in general, the various bombers will use all the available explosives, when looking only at the frequent and very frequent use of those explosives, an interesting preference-profile emerges: al I offenders show a preference for commercial explosives, and black and smokeless powder, but their highest use is by offenders acting out of revenge. Terrorists and organized crime use commercial explosives more often, while people committing crimes of passion or revenge opt more frequently for the powders. An issue of some importance is the target of the bombing. As indicated by the sample (table B-4), bombers attack a variety of targets; however, there are some patterns in the attacks. Government and law enforcement facilities, transportation facilities, and residences are mostly infrequent targets, while commercial and industrial facilities, people and vehicles, and schools are very frequent targets. Some patterns emerge when looking at the target-preference of the various bomber types (table B-5). Combining the frequent and very fre177
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178 l Taggants in Explosives Tablo B-1 .Typo of Criminal Bomber (percent) Bomber type Revenge, disgruntled employee, International Domestic Organized Crimes of malicious terrorists terrorists crime Psychopaths passion mischief Others Total Infrequent. . . . 98. % 83. 86. 93. 96. 58. 90. (321) 84. Frequent . . . O 7. 11. 5. 2. 10. 5. (23) 6. Very frequent . . . 2. 10. 3. 2. 2. 32. 5. (37) 10. Total. . . . (56) (58) (56) (59) (54) (78) (20) 381 14,7 15,2 14.7 15.5 14.2 20.5 5,2 a Based on pt 11, Q 1 Infrequent = betweenO1025 percent Frequent = 25 to 75 percent Very frequent = 75 to 100 percent Table B-2,Typo of Explosive Used (percent) Explosive type ANFO and Cast other non-capor pressed sensitive Plastic military Smokeless Black Homemade Commercial explosives explosives explosives powder powder materials Other Total Infrequent 59. % 96. 97. 93. 68. 62. 83. 95. (446) 799 Frequent . 21. 4. 3. 6. 21. 19. 12. 0. (65) 11.7 Very frequent. 20. 0. 0. 1. 11. 19. 5. 5. (47) 8.4 Total. (81) (68) (68) (71 ) (73) (81) (75) (41) 558 14.5 12.2 12.2 12.7 13.1 14.5 13.4 7.4 a Based on pt 11, Q 2 Infrequent = between O to 25 percent Frequent = 25 to 75 percent Very frequent = 75 to 100 percent Table B-3.Most Frequently Used Typos of Explosives by Type of Bomber~ (percent) Bomber type Terrorists Organized crime Psychopaths Crimes of passion Revenge, etc. Total Commercial . . . . 15. % 32. 18. 24. 33. (281) 33. ANFO. . . . . . 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. (257) O. Plastics . . . . 2. 2. 4. 2. 2. (260) 2. Military explosives. . . . 9. 8. 4. 2. 4. (262) 6. Black and smokeless powder . 13. 11. 17. 29. 48. (278) 37. Total . . . . 263. 265 260. 258. 292. 1,338 a Based on pt 11, 0 2Ib The percentages Indicate for each cell the propoportion of responses estimating a frequent use (over 25 Percent) of the Particular explosive, by the particular type of bomber The numbers m parentheses refer to the frequency of all responses within the cell Table B-4.Typo of Bombing Targets (percent) Type of target Commercial/ Govt, law Vehicles, Transportation industrial enforcement people Schools Residences facilities facilities facilities Other Total Infrequent. . . . 73. % 77. 83. 96. 68. 91. 93. (401) 82. Frequent. . . . 12. 8. 12. 3. 12. 6. 5. (42) 9. Very frequent. . . 15. 15. 5. 1. 20. 3. 2. (47) 9. Total. (78) (83) (75) (69) (75) (68) (42) 490 15.9 16.9 15.3 14. 15.3 13.9 8.6 a Based on pt 11, II 3 Infrequent = between O to 25 percent Frequent = 25 to 75 percent Very frequent = 75 to 100 percent
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Appendix BDetection and Identification Taggants and Criminal Bombings Summary and Questionnaire 179 Table B-5.Most Frequent Targets, by Typo of Bomber (percent) Bomber type Terrorists Organized crime Psychopaths Crimes of passion Revenge, etc. Total Vehicles, people ... . . 10, % (51) 22. (51) 4. (47) 27. (56) 28. (58) 20.5 (263) Schools . . . . . 0. (56) o. (53) o. (49) o. (49) 20. (59) 4.5 (266) Residences, ., . ... ., 6. (50) 14. (49) 14. (50) 17. (52) 26. (61) 16, (262) Transportation facilities . . 8. (51) 0. (49) 2. (51) o. (50) 6. (51) 2.8 (252) Commercial/industrial facilities. 22. (51 ) 17. (52) 10. (50) 6. (51) 30. (64) 17.5 (268) Government, law enforcement facilities ... . . . 15. (47 ) 4. (49) 4. (47) 4. (49) 13. (55) 8. (247) Other. . . . . . 0. (33) 0. (32) 0. (33) 0. (31) 15. (41) 3.5 (170) Total ... . . 339 335 327 338 389 1,728 a Based on PI II O 3/b The Percentaaes Indicate for each cell the proportion of responses estimating a frequent use (over 25 percent) of the particular explosive, by the particular type of bomber The numbers in parentheses refer 10 the frequency of all responses within the cell quent categories, the most common targets for terrorism are commercial and industrial establishments, followed by Government; organized crime focuses on people and vehicles, and industry and commerce; psychopaths, as expected, act more randomly, mainly victimizing residences; crimes of passion are directed against people and residences; and revenge bombings are directed against commercial and industrial facilities, and people and vehicles. It appears that the preferences for targets follow an underlying assumption about the motivations of the various bomber types. Thefts of commercial explosives, legal purchase, and homemade supply seem to be the most frequent sources of explosives; while import and military theft are the least frequent forms (table B-6). The most frequent source of explosives for terrorists and organized crime is theft. People acting out of revenge, and psychopaths prefer homemade explosives; for crimes of passion the offender purchases explosives legally or prepares them at home (table B-7). Finally, a question about the tagging program brought some inconsistent responses; in estimating the expected frequency of various sources by bomber after tagging went into effect, the sample predicted .a large shift toward increased use of military (untagged) explosives through theft; and of homemade and imported explosives. However, they did not predict an appreciable decline in the theft of commercial (tagged) explosives, or their legal purchase (table B-8). Comparing tables B-7 and B-8, the sample predicted a clear shift for terrorists toward homemade explosives, and for organized crime and terrorists toward military theft, but few other discoverable patterns emerged. To summarize, there seems to be a consensus about a wide range of motives for criminal bombings, as well as their targets, the explosives used, and their sources. The profile of the bomber, and some characteristic patterns of his modus operandi that emerge are consistent with general predictions as to the behavior rationality and psychological motivation of such offenders. Present Law Enforcement Effectiveness As estimated by the sample, both the arrest and the conviction rates for criminal bombings are lower than those for all other crimes (table B-9). Estimated Utility of Identification Taggants When asked about the utility of the program, all respondents viewed taggants as a useful additional Table B-6.Source of Explosives Used (percent) Theft of Theft of Legal commercial Blackmarket military purchase explosives purchase explosives Homemade Importation Total Infrequent. 72. % 57. 83. 89. 68. 98. (309) 76.9 Frequent, . 11. 23. 12. 8. 18. 2. (51) 12.7 Very frequent. 17. 20. 5. 3. 14. 0. (42) 10.4 Total .. (76) (70) (65) (66) (72) (53) (402) 18.9 17,4 16.2 16.4 17,9 13.2 a Based on PI II O 4 Infrequent = between O to 25 percent Frequent = 25 to 75 percent Very frequent = 7510100 percent
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180 Taggants in Explosives Table B-7.Most Frequent Sources of Explosives, by Type of Bomber (percemt) Bomber type Source of explosives Terrorists Organized crime Psychopaths Crimes of passion Revenge, etc. Total Theft of commercial explosive. . 30. % (44) 29. (45) 9. (45) 5. (44) 20. (49) 18.5 (227) Theft of military explosive. . . 20. (45 ) 9. (44) 5. (44) 2. (43) 6. (49) 8.4 (226) Legal purchase. . . 7. (45) 18. (45) 11. (44) 16. (45) 32. (56) 17.4 (235) Black-market purchase . 9. (43) 19. (47) 2. (43) 5. (40) 11. (47) 9.5 (220) Homemade. . . . . 14. (44) 11. (44) 17. (46) 14. (43) 35. (55) 19. (232) Importation. . . . . 2. (44) 6. (46) o. (44) o. (43) 2. (47) 2.2 (224) Total. . . . . 265 272 266 258 303 1,364 a Basedon pl 11, Q 4/b The percentages indicate for each cc// the proportion of responses estimating a frequent use (over 25 percent) of the particular explosive, by the particular type of bomber The numbers m parentheses refer to the frequency of all responses within cell Table B-8.Estimated Most Frequent Sources of Explosive by Bomber Type, Following the Institution of Tagging Programs (percent) Bomber type Sources of explosives Terrorists Organized crime Psychopaths Crimes of passion Revenge, etc. Total Theft of commercial explosive. . 39. % (41) 41. (54) 22. (51) 17. (48) 30. (54) 29.4 (248) Theft of military explosive. . 32. (40 ) 37. (38) 20. (49) 14. (50) 19. (52) 23.6 (229) Legal purchase. . . . 14. (42) 10. (50) 25. (55) 25. (53) 20. (60) 19.2 (260) Black-market purchase . . 27. (41 ) 22. (49) 18. (50) 14. (50) 19. (53) 19.7 (243) Homemade. . . . 39. (41 ) 24. (49) 25. (51) 25. (53) 36. (61) 29.8 (255) Importation. . . . . 29. (42 ) 24. (51 ) 8. (48) 2. (50) 6. (51) 13.2 (242) Total . . . . 247 291 304 304 331 1,477 a Basedon Pt 11, Q 5 The percentages indicate for each cell the proportion of responses estimatiog a frequent use (over 25 percent) of the particular explosive, by the particular type of bomber The numbers m parentheses refer to the frequency of all responses within the cell Table B-9.Estimated Rates of Arrest and Conviction Estimated rates of arrest For criminal bombings . . . . . . ....24.08 For other crimes. ., . . . . . . ....38.85 Estimated rates of conviction For criminal bombings . . . . . . ....39.35 For other crimes. . . . . . . ....46.82 a Based on pt Ill O 1 NOTE BATF considers these estimates unduly optimistic At present some 8 percent of criminal bombings are forwarded for prosecution clue in investigation and conviction, though they estimated it to increase arrest rates most noticeably for offenders acting out of revenge or passion and having very Iittle effect on the arrest of terrorists (table B-10). As for the deterrent value of taggants, it was viewed to be most effective for those acting out of revenge and least effective, as expected, for psychopaths (table B-1 1). In response to a tagging program, some countermeasures by the bombers are expected. For example, the sample estimated that if packaged explosives would be tagged, but black and smokeles s powders would not, an average of 55 percent of the bombers would shift to using powders. Table B-l O.The Estimated Increase in the Arrest Rate for Criminal Bombers, Due to the Use of Identification Taggants Increase in arrest rate Type of bomber U P to 25% U P 25-75% U P over 75% Total Terrorists. ., . . 79. % 15. 6. 53 Organized crime . 74. 13. 13. 54 Psychopaths, . . 60. 19. 21. 53 Crimes of passion . 53. 23. 24. 55 Revenge, etc.. ... . 44. 30. 26. 61 Total, ., ... (170) (56) (50) 276 61.6 20.3 18,1 a Based on pt IV, II 2 Table B-n ,The Estimated Deterrent Effect of Identification Taggants on Criminal Bombers Magnitude of deterrent effect Type of bomber Up to 25% Up 25-75% Up over 75Y0 Total Terrorists. . . 80. % 11. 9. 55 Organized crime . 75. 15, 10. 60 Psychopaths. . 79. 16, 5. 58 Crimes of passion . 70. 19, 11. 56 Revenge, etc. . 54. 27. 19. 63 Total. ., (208) (52) (32) 292 71,2 17,8 11. a Based on pt IV, (1 4
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Appendix BDetection and identification Taggants and criminal Bombingssummary and Questionnaire 181 The main consensus of the sample was that professional bombers (terrorists and organized crime) would be more likely to work on some countermeasure than wou Id the nonprofessional offenders. The first two types would most Iikely shift to other kinds of explosives (not tagged) or remove the taggant if it required a reasonable amount of work. However, psychopaths and people motivated by passion or revenge were predicted most likely to do nothing in response to the taggants (table B-1 2). The most frequent countermeasure overall was shifting to another type of explosive, and the least frequent one was the removal of the taggant if it involves 10 hours/lb of explosives. Estimated Utility of Detection Taggants Tagging explosives would have, as estimated by the respondents, a varying deterrent effect, depending on the type of bomber. It would be most effective for those acting out of revenge or passion, least effective for psychopaths and terrorists (table B-1 3). Taggants were also viewed as being instrumental in the direct or indirect apprehension of th e bomber. It was estimated to lead most frequently to apprehension of the nonprofessional offenders, (i.e., psychopath, crimes of passion, and revenge) as expected (table B-1 4). Table B-12.The Most Frequent Indicated Change in Tactics by Type of Bombers, Due to the Use of Identification Taggants (percent) Bomber type Change in tactics Terrorists Organized crime Psychopaths Crimes of passion Revenge, etc. Total Taggant removal (1 hr/tb ) 40. % (47) 35. (43) 18. (44) 11. (44) 17. (46) 245 (224) Do nothing ... ., 36, (45 ) 37. (46) 49 (45) 52 (48) 47. (55) 44.3 (239) Taggant removal (10 hr/lb) ., 23. (43 ) 22 (41) 10. (42) 10, (41 ) 9 (44) 14.7 (21 1) Shift to other explosive, ., 59. (42 ) 62. (45) 39. (44) 32. (41) 40 (47) 46,6 (219) Shift to other unlawful activity 19. (42) 22, (40) 15, (40) 20. (39) 34 (47) 22,6 (208) Total ., ., ... 219 215 215 213 239 1,101 a Based on pt II O 6 The percentages Indicate for each cc//the proportion Of responses estimating a frequent use (over 25 percent) of the particular explosive, by the particular type of bomber The numbers in parentheses refer to the frequency of all responses within the cell Table B-13.The Estimated Deterrent Effect of Detection Taggants on Criminal Bombers Magnitude of deterrent effect Type of bomber U P to 25% Up 25-75% Up over 75% Total Terrorists, ... 85. % 9. 6. 69 Organized crime . 72. 18. 10. 58 Psychopaths, ., ., . 90. 8. 2. 59 Crimes of passion . 75. 10. 15. 67 Revenge, etc. . . 54. 31. 15. 67 Total. ., ., ., ., (240) (49) (31) 320 75. 15.3 9.7 a Based on pt V, O 1 Table B-14.-The Estimated Increase in the Arrest Rate for Criminal Bombers, Due to the Use of Detection Taggants~ Increase m arrest rate Type of bomber U P tO 25% U P 25-75% U P over 75% Total Terrorists. . . 72. % 21. 7. 60 Organized crime . 74. 19. 7. 58 Psychopaths. . 60. 16. Crimes of passion . 49. ;; : 24. : ; Revenge, etc. . . 41. 32. 27. 75 Total. . ., (183) (79) (52) 313 58.2 25.2 16.6 a Based on pt V, O 2 The most effective sensor to deter and apprehend bombers was judged to be the portable one, requiring no special operator (table B-1 5). The other three types were viewed as considerably less effective, especially the stationary, special-operated sensor. Detection taggants are also expected to prompt a variety of countermeasures by the potential bombers (table B-16). The more frequently used measures, as estimated by the sample, would be shifting to other explosives (untagged), removing the taggant or sealing the package, if it is relatively easily accomplished. Terrorists and people acting out of revenge showed a clear preference for the first form; organized crime offenders for the secTable B-15.The Estimated Deterrent Effect of Detection Taggants, by Type of Sensors Used Magnitude of deterrent effect Type of sensor Up to 25% Up 25-75% Up over 75% Total Stationary, with skilled technician. . . 58.% 22. 20. 59 Portable, with skilled technician. . . 41. 35. 24, 59 Stationary, no need for skilled technician. . 50. 28. 22. 60 Portable, no need for skilled technician, ... 35. 25. 40. 65 Total. . . (Iii) (69) (63) 243 45.7 28.4 25.9 a Based on pt V O 3
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182 l Taggants in Explosives Table B-16.The Most Frequent Indicated Change in Tactics by Type of Bomber, Due to the Use of Detection Taggants~ (percent) Bomber type Change in tactics Terrorists Organized crime Psychopaths Crimes of passion Revenge, etc. Total Taggant removal, special knowledge, equipment required . . 33. % (45) 33. (42) 17. (35) 18. (34) 17. (43) 24.6 (199) Taggant removal, with relative ease. 51. (41 ) 51. (43) 26. (35) 23. (39) 27. (44) 35.9 (206) Shift to other explosive. . . 63. (41 ) 45. (53) 24. (42) 19. (36) 33. (45) 37.8 (217) Shift to targets less likely to have sensors . . . . 43. (44 ) 24. (38) 31. (39) 18. (34) 27. (44) 29.1 (199) Shift to other unlawful activity. . 20. (40 ) 26. (39) 9. (35) 8. (36) 23. (43) 17.6 (193) Do nothing . . . . 27. (37 ) 30. (37) 34. (35) 27. (33) 29. (38) 29.4 (180) Total . . . . . 248 252 225 212 257 1,194 a Basect on @ V, Q 4 The percentages Indicate for each cc// the proportion of responses estimating a frequent use (over 25 percent) of the particular exploswe, by the parlcular type of bomlw The numbers In parentheses refer to the frequency of all responses wlthln the cell end. Psychopaths and crimes of passion were judged to be unaffected. Finally, the sample was asked to recommend the four sensor types (based on cost) for the various target locations (table B-1 7). OveraIl, the most frequently recommended type was the portable and less expensive sensor (33 percent); and the most frequently mentioned locations to be protected were nuclear power stations and airports (both 14.8 percent). The only location for which the portable, expensive sensor was more often (31.4 percent) recommended was nuclear power stations. The expensive, nonportable sensor was suggested to any appreciable degree for use only for airports, large Government buildings, and nuclear powerplants, while the less expensive portable set was the overwhelming preference for small Government buildings, schools, public stadiums, buses, and polic e stations. Apparently, the respondents based their recommendations on cost factors, coupled with the frequency and likelihood of attacks and damage in the various locations. Summary Even though the response rate to the mail questionnaire was low, resulting in a small and statistically nonrepresentative sample, some valuable findings emerged from the study. In the assessment of the respondents, criminal bombings are characterized by a heterogeneity of all the elements involved: a variety of bombers, different kinds of targets, a choice of explosives, and a wide offering of sources to obtain them. No one kind of bomber is overwhelmingly responsible for a majority of the bombings; bombers do not concentrate on one type of target or use one type of explosive. However, within this complex picture, some patterns are discernible. Certain types of bombers show a preference for certain targets, explosives, and sources. Depending on their motivations, the various bomber types are also expected to respond differently to the proposed taggant program. While the sample in general estimated taggants to reduce bombings (by deterrence, appreTable B-17.Type of Sensor Recommended by Location* Sensor type Portable cost Portable cost Non portable Nonportable Location $15,000 $50,000 cost $15,000 cost $50,000 Total Airports . . ., ., 29.7% 24.8 25.6 19.8 (121) 14,8 Large Government buildings, 29.5 27.5 18.4 24.5 (98 12. Small Government buildings 53.8 14.1 24.4 7.7 (78) 9.5 Nuclear power station ... ., ., 25.6 31.4 16.5 26.4 (121) 14,8 Schools ., ., ., ., ., ., 63.6 12.1 Public stadiums . . . 13.6 10.6 (66) 8. 58.2 21.5 16.5 3.8 (79) 9.7 Bus, train depots. . . . 56.9 11.1 27.8 4.2 (72) 8.8 Large commercial buildings . 42.2 18.3 28.2 11.3 (71) 8.7 Police bomb investigation. . . 57.4 31.5 6.5 4.6 (108) 13.2 None, no ability. . . . 25. 0. 75. 0. (4) .5 Total ... . . (360) (186) (160) (112) 818 44. 22.7 19.6 13.7 a Based on pt V, O 5
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Appendix BDetection and Identification Taggants and Criminal BombingsSummary and Questionnaire 183 hension, conviction, difficulty in obtaining untagged explosives, etc.), there is evidence in their views that the taggants will be more effective with certain bomber types than with others. In addition, the taggants were also predicted to initiate a chain of countermeasures, with varying degrees of probable success. In summary, the study points to some new directions in appraising the present scene of criminal bombings, and evaluating taggant effectiveness. The majority of the findings, which point to the hypothesized direction, should increase their validity, and the confidence in their suggestive value, though the methodological/sampling problems prevent the study from serving as a definitive, verifying answer to the issues researched. QUESTIONNAIRE T ECHNOLOGY A SSESSMENT B OAR D Congress of the United States MORRIS K. UDALL, ARIZ.. CHAIRMAN TED STEVENS. ALASKA. VICE CHAIRMAN O FFICE OF T ECHNOLOGY A SSESSMEN T EDWARD M. KENNEDY, MASS. GEoRGE E. BROWN, JR., CALIF. ERNEsT F. HOLLINGS, S.C. JoHN O. DINGELL. M ICH. W ASHINGTON D.C. 2051 0 ADIAI E. STEVENSON, ILL. LARRY WINN, JR., KANS. ORRIN G. H ATCH UTAH CLARENCE E. MILLER, OHIO CHARLES McC. MATHIAS. Jr., MO. J O H N W. WYDLER, N.Y. JOHN H. GIBSONS JOHN H. GIBBONS Dlrector DANIEL Desimone DEDEPUTY DIRECTOR The Congress has before it draft legislation which would require the addition of detection and identification taggants to commercial explosives. Detection taggants are material which would be detected by a suitable sensor to indicate the presence of explosives. Identification taggants are material which would survive the explosive detonation and provide informat ion which would identify the last legal purchaser of the explosives used. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and FireArms Control (BATF) has been supporting the development of taggants for the past several years. Testimony before the Congress has displayed a considerable diversity of opinion as to the utility, cost and safety of a tagg~t requirement t. At the present time considerable progress has been made in identification taggants research. Small plastic chips, consisting of several pigmented layers, have been developed by 3M which survive the detonation of most commercial explosives. The sequence of the pigmented layers provides the code to trace the explosives type, the manufacturer and time of manufacture. A record keeping network, by which the manufacturers, distributers, and retail sellers keep track of the code species would then allow law enforcement officials to trace the last legal purchaser of the explosives used in a bomb.
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184 l Taggants in Explosives Research is less advanced on detection taggants. A number of approaches are being pursued. The best system so far developed consists of microencapsulated organic liquids which emit a distinctive vapor, coupled with a sensor tuned to detect those specific taggant molecules at a parts per trillion concentration level. The Office of Technology Assessment has been asked by the Congress to analyze the proposed legislation and resolve the differences surfaced in the congressional testimony. Your response to the enclosed questionnaire is being sought as a part of the analysis of the utility of taggants. The questions bear on the issues of the profiles of the criminal bomber and the impact the proposed program would have on the efforts of law enforcement personnel to deter, apprehend, and convict criminal bombers. The results of the study must be available to the Congress when it returns from the August recess. Would you therefore please fill out the enclosed material and return it as soon as possible. The information about where you work is necessary for demographic analysis; all individual replies will be treated as confidential information. In answering the questions below, your estimates would be appreciated where data is not available. Please feel free to comment on any point of the questionaire. Indicate the approximate range of your answers by the following code: A almost none, O-5% B infrequently, 5-25 % c frequent or usual, 25-75% D very frequent, 75-95% E Almost always, 95%-100%
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Appendix BDetection and Identification Taggants and Criminal BombingsSummary and Questionnaire l 185 DATA BASE (Where you Work) I. Population of city or county stat e Check one: urban area suburb rural II. Bomber Profiles 1. Type of Criminal Bombers. The term criminal bomber can cover a large spectrum of types of bombers. What type would you estimate is responsible for the bombings in your area, over the last 4-5 years. International terrorists Domestic terrorists Organized crime Psychopaths Crimes of passion Revenge, disgruntled employess, malicious mischief Others ( ) 2 Types of explosives used in bombs. A variety of materials can be used as explosives. How often are the following explosives used in your area. Commercial explosives such as dynamites water gels A.NFO or other non-cap sensative explosives Plastic explosives such as C-4 Cast or pressed military explosives such as Composition B, TNT, RDX Smokeless powder Black powder Homemade materials Others 61-401 0 80 13
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186 l Taggants in Explosives Please estimate how often each type of bomber in your area uses each type of explosive Terrorists Organized Crime Psychopaths Crimes of Passion Revenge, Disgruntled employees, malicious mischief c!) m -+-+--t I I I --t I 3. Targets Please indicate the frequency with which each type of target is attacked by criminal bombers in your area. Vehicles or people Schools Residences Transportation facilities Commercial, Industrial facilities
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Appendix BDetection and Identification Taggants and Criminal BombingsSummary and Questionnaire l 187 Government, law enforcement facilities Other Please indicate approximately how frequently each type of bomber in your area attacks each type of I Terrorists Organized Crime Psychopaths Crimes of Passion Revenge, Disgruntled I I Employees, malicious mischief targe t l=! o I i I I 4. Sources of Explosives Please indicate the relative frequency of each of the following as a source of supply of explosives for the criminal bombers in your area: Legal Purchase Theft of commercial explosives Blackmarket Purchase Theft of military explosives
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188 l Taggants in Explosives Home-made Importation Please estimate the relative frequency of the various for each group of bombers in your area: Terrorists I I I Organized crime 1 I 1 Psychopaths Crimes of Passion 1 1 1 Revenge, Disgruntled Employees, malicious I I I mischief I I I sources al d $!! 5 If explosives were tagged, would you expec t bombers to alter their pattern of acquiring explosives? Please estimate the expected relative frequency of the various sources for each type of bomber in your area if a tagging program were instituted (military explosives would not be tagged). --------1 Organized Crime I Psychopaths Crimes of Passion Revenge, Disgruntled Employees, malicious mischief
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Appendix BDetection and Identification Taggants and Crinmal BombingsSummary and Questionnaire l 189 III Law Enforcement Ef festiveness at Present 1. In answering the following questions, please estimate to the nearest 10% a. What is the rate of arrests for criminal bombingp b. What percent of arrested bombers are convicted c. What is a typical arrest rate for other crimes d. What is a typical conviction rate for other crimes IV: Estimated Utility of Identification Taggants 1 Would the use of identification taggants provide a useful additional clue in an investigation of criminal bombings? Comment: 2 In your estimation, would the use of identification taggants lead to an increase in the arrest rate for criminal bonbers? Please estimate for each type of bomber in your area. Terrorists Organized Crime Psychopaths Crimes of Passion Revenge, Disgruntled Employees, Malicious Mischief Comment: 3 Would the use of identification taggants lead to increased conviction rates for criminal bombers? Comment:
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190 Taggants in Explosives 4 Would knowledge of the fact that identification taggants are used in explosives deter criminal bombers? Please estimate for each type of bomber in your area. Terrorist Organized Crime Psychopaths Crimes of Passion Revenge, Disgruntled Employees, Malicious Mischief Comment: 5. Some people have proposed tagging packaged explosives, but not tagging black or smokeless powder. If this were done, approximately what proportion of the bombers who now use packaged explosives would shift to using powder to make bombs? 6. Countermeasures The use of identification taggants in exploves could alter the current method of operation of criminal bombers. Please estimate how likely each of the indicated change in tactics would be for each of the types of bombers encountered in your area. Taggant removal, if removal takes 1 hour per pound of explosives 1 Do nothing Taggant removal if removal takes 10 hours per pound of explosives Shift to another type of explosives (foreign, stolen, home-made) Shift to another type of unlawful activity
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Appendix BDetectjon and Identification Taggants and Criminal BombingsSummary and Questionnaire 191 v. Utility of Detection Taggants 1. Would knowledge of the fact that detection taggants are used in explosives deter criminal bombers? Please estimate for each type of bomber in your area Terrorists Organized Crime Psychopaths Crimes of Passion Revenge, Disgruntled Employees, malicious mischief 2 How frequently would the use of detection taggants in explosives lead to the arrests of criminal bombers either through direct apprehension of a bomber with explosives in his possession, or through an indirect means such as a clue being provided by a bomb discovered unexploded? Please estimate for each type of bomber in your area. Terrorists Organized Crime Psychopaths Crimes of Passion Revenge, Disgruntled Employees, malicious mischief 3 A number of types of sensors are being investigated for use in conjunction with the detection taggant source. Please indicate the frequency with which criminal bombers are likely to be detered or apprehended due to the use of detection taggants coupled with sensors possessing the following characteristics: Stationary installation only; must be operated by a skilled technician
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192 l Taggants in Explosives Sensor is easily portable, (can be used also in a fixed installation); must be operated by a skilled technician Stationary installation only; requires no special operator, only someone in the area to react to an alarm or other simple indicator Sensor is easily portable; requires no special operator 4 Counter measures The use of detection taggants in exploslves C ould alter tie current method of operation of criminal bombers. Please estimate how likely each of the changes in tactics would be for each type of bomber in your area. 4J 5 a) : N LI .! + I I Package seal or taggant removal if specialized knowledge and I I equipment is required r Package seal or taggant removal if relatively easily accomplished Shift to another type of explosive I I (Foreign, stolen, home made) I 1 Shift bombings to targets less likely to have sensors Shift to another type of I I unlawful activity Do Nothing
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Appendix BDetection and Identification Taggants and Criminal BombingsSummary and Questionnaire l 193 5 Sensor Location Please indicate the location where you believe detection sensors should be placed. For this question, simply check all locations appropriate for each cos t portability category. I o 0 0 Airports I m u Large Government Bldgs. I Small Government Bldgs. Nuclear Power Stations Schools Public Stadiums, arenas Bus, train depots Large Commercial Bldgs. Police Bomb Investigators None, No-Utility I m M l o m u o 0 0 o 2 I JJ U2 8 Sensors to be used by investigators in searching for bombs
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APPENDIX COTA RECOVERY TESTS Introduction As indicated in chapters I I and Ill, a number of tests, demonstrations, and training exercises have been conducted by BATF, the Aerospace Corp., FBI, 3M, BOM, IME, local police departments and others in which attempts were made to recover the 3M identification taggants from the postdetonation debris. These tests usually had limited objectives, such as demonstrating that taggants could be found by trained law enforcement personnel; as a result, Iittle or no control was placed on the tests and Iittle or no documentation was attempted. As an example, BATF conducts 2-week trainin g courses at its academy at Glenco, Ga. Over 50 test bombings of automobiles have been conducted with tagged explosives as part of that training exercise, but no data has been collected on recovery. Due to the different aims, purposes and procedures used, similar tests conducted by different groups resulted in widely varying recovery rates. As an example, table 11 of chapter II shows that BATF and Aerospace were able to recover taggants from automobile bombing demonstrations under both relatively benign and very adverse conditions. I n similar I ME tests, shown in table 13 of chapter 11, difficulty was encountered in recovering taggants from automobile detonations, even under benign conditions. As none of the tests were well-controlled or documented, it was extremely difficult to analyze the reasons for the differences, or even quantify the recovery expectations under any conditions. OTA therefore accepted an offer by BATF to conduct a controlled series of tests under OTA control. Test Objective The objective of the test series was to obtain quantified data on the postdetonation recovery of the 3M identification taggants under carefully controlled test and recovery conditions. Such data would provide an indication of the recoverability of the taggants under those conditions (although probably not a statistically valid demonstration). It might also provide insight into recovery under simiIar conditions, and help to resolve the dichotomy of prior test results. It was originally hoped that tests could be run against a variety of targets, including buildings and automobiles; due to time and fiscal constraints, however, it was necessary to limit the target to automobiles. Test facility restrictions limited the placement of the automobiles to unpaved surfaces; the surfaces used were hardpacked, gravel-laden earth. Within the constraints it was hoped that the tests would resolve the following four specific questions:* 1. 2. 3. Is it reasonable to presume that sufficient taggants can be recovered from automobil e bombings under real-life conditions to enable a determination to be made as to the origin of the tagged explosives? Even if taggants are recovered from each test condition, no more than a presumption of recoverability may be made. A more extensive testing progra m would be necessary to determine the conditions under which the taggants are recoverable. Parameters of a definitive test series would include weather, fire, fireman response, and between-test replication variability. Failure to recover taggants under each of the test conditions would lead to a presumption that the taggants could not be expected to provide information on the origin of explosives in car bombings. Success in some of the tests would indicate that information would presumably be available from a subset of automobil e bombings; definitive testing would be required to precisely define that subset. Are there conditions that are more likely than others under which automobile bombings will yield taggants sufficient to establish the explosives source? The specific condition to be tested is the relative strength of the explosive. Test conditions may also permit a limited assessment of the effects on recovery of the skill or dedication of the investigator, the weather, and the effects of fire and subsequent firefighting efforts. What is the magnitude of the effort necessary to recover sufficient postdetonation taggants for explosive source determination? If, in fact, heroic efforts are required (as was reportedly the case in one of the Aerospace/BATF tests) then the utility of taggants in automobile bombings would be limited to the bombings of high-value targets and would not be of value to routine investigations normally carried out by bomb squads, These limitations would apply only to those conditions under which heroic efforts were necessary. This question only has meaning if the taggants are, in fact, recovered, even after heroic efforts. l These questions are repeated verbatim from a pretest plannining document and have been modified only to reflect the unavaliability of paved surfaces 194
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Appendix COTA Recovery Tests 195 4. Are the taggants field readable? One of the advantages of the 3M taggants is their ability to be easily and quickly read by agents in the field. If, in fact, large amounts of debris must be collected and laboratory processed, then the taggants are not field readable, at least for those automobile bombings which are similar to the test conditions. If the 3M taggants are not field readable, then perhaps some of the other tagging methods, rejected for that reason, should be reconsidered. Similarly, OTA believed that if taggants were not recovered in usable quantities in the tests, this would not necessarily indicate that taggants could not be recovered under more favorable conditions; for example, a bombing that damages but does not destroy a building. However, the presumption that taggants could not be recovered under some realworld conditions would affect OTAs analysis of the utility of taggants, and the greater the range of conditions in which taggants could not be recovered or could be recovered only after heroic efforts the greater the negative impact on estimates of taggant utility. Test Conditions Bombs, each consisting of approximately 2 lb of dynamite, were placed in five automobiles and remotely detonated. The automobiles were located on hard-packed, relatively level earth. Three were on dirt roads and two were on bare patches of hardpacked ground. No brush or debris was in the immediate vicinity of the automobiles. Specific test conditions are summarized in table C-1. By comparing the results of tests 1 through 3 it is possible to relate recovery to the power of the dynamite; by comparing the results of tests 1 and 4, it is possible to assess the effects of a fire and subsequent firefighting activities, by comparing tests 3 and 5, it is possible to assess the effects of the added confinement provided by the engine block. The explosives for the tests were chosen by OTA from a larger inventory of factory-tagged explosives provided by the Aerospace Corp. A 0.05 -per, cent concentration of encapsulated taggants was used in each case, except that in test 4 the explosive contained 0.05 percent of each of two separate unencapsulated taggants. The explosives were assembled into a bomb and covered with a brown bag by Dr. Edward James of the OTA analysis team and placed in the target by Dr. James, with the assistance of a different FBI agent for each test; the FBI agents could not see the explosive cartridges. The choice of explosives and placement decisions were made by David Garfinkle and Dr. James, the OTA test coordinators, and were unknown to anyone else. Samples were removed from each bomb for analysis to ensure that taggants were, in fact, present in each type of dynamite and to validate the identity of the postdetonation recovered taggants. Recovery Procedures An attempt was made in the recovery process to see if differences in training and experience resulted in differences in the probability of recovering taggants. To test the question of field recovery skill, two sweeps were made of each target. The first sweep was made by an amateur team, to roughly simulate the procedure and skill that might be expected from a typical bomb squad. The second sweep was made by a trained BATF team. The amateur team, in each case, consisted of a member of the OTA study group, another non-BATF volunteer, and one BATF agent. The non-BATF volunteers, one to a team, included Randall Bowman of NRA, Robert Hodgdon of the Hodgdon Powder Co., Officer Larry Linville of the Washington Metropolitan Police Bomb Squad, and Dennis Kline, an FBI agent. The team was given approximately 5 minutes of instruction and 1 hour for the search. The searches of all but the firebombing site (test 4) were conducted between approximately 3 and 4 p.m., with the use of blankets, black Iights, and magnetic brooms contained in the Aerospace Corp. developed kits, shown in figure C-1. The amateur teams searched for taggants with the black light, did a magnetic sweep, and collected debris for laboratory analysis. Table C-1 .Specific Test Conditions, OTA Recovery Tests Test Placement Dynamite Test condition 1 Under drivers seat Collier C, low power 5-gal gas in tank, no fire 2 ... Under drivers seat Unigel, medium power 5-gal gas in tank, no fire 3. . Under drivers seat Power Primer, high power 5-gal gas in tank; no fire 4., ., Under drivers seat Collier C, low power 1-gal gas adjacent to bomb, fire, firefighting 5 ., ., Between engine and firewall Power Primer, high power Dry tank, no fire SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment
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196 Taggants in Explosives Figure C-l .Portable Kits, Developed by the Aerospace Corp., Were Utilized in the OTA Taggant Recovery Tests Photo credit: U.S. Department of the Treasury The six-man BATF professional teams then conducted a thorough second sweep of each target, including further collection of debris, magneti c sweeping, and taggant black-light search. For this search, the area was divided into grids, and the collected material was carefully identified by the grid number. Figure C-2 shows the grid used in test 3. Each BATF search took approximately 3 hours. Laboratory Analysis A preliminary analysis was conducted at the test site by a team from the BATF national laboratory. A few taggants were identified from the first three tests conducted (actually tests 5, 1, and 2) to demonstrate field laboratory identification. The material was then taken to the BATF national laboratory and quantitatively analyzed. The time necessary to recover more than 20 taggants for each test was recorded, as was the location of the debris from which the taggants were collected. The taggants were then mounted on slides and the codes read. Identification of the explosives was then made from the taggant code. Most of the laboratory analysis was conducted by Mr. Richard Strobel of the BATF national laboratory, although a volunteer team from NRA separated four of the taggants from the test 3 debris. Test Results The results of the tests are summarized in table C-2. Over 20 taggants were recovered in the laboratory from the debris of each automobile bombing. Laboratory time ranged from less than Vi hour to approximately 4 hours (plus 5 hours preliminary time to refine procedures). Taggants were recovered from the amateur sweep in three of the five tests. In one test, the amateur and professional sweep material became mixed up during transportation to the BATF national laboratory as a result of a deep chuckhole. In the final case, the amateur search material was inadvertently stored separately from the other recovered debris and not examined. Photo micrographs of the recovered taggants are shown in figures C-3 through C-7, one for each test. Some of the mounted taggants from test 5 Figure C-2. BATF Search Grid b .Fii b A s a. General recovery grid b. Recovery within automobile
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Appendix COTA Recovery Tests l 197 Table C-2.OTA Recovery Test Results Number of Test Condition taggants recovered Source of taggants Laboratory time (hours) 1, Collier C, low power, under drivers seat 28 2. ..., Unigel, medium power, under drivers seat 23 + 1 contaminant 3. . Power Primer, high power, under drivers seat 21 total 12 type A, 9 type B 4, ., Collier C, low power, under drivers seat, fire, 23 firefighting 5. . Power Primer, high power, between engine 26 + contaminants and firewall (training tags from collection equipment) Amateur search 1 1/2 Amateur search 1/2 Unknown 1 1/2 BATF team, primarily from 3 automobile interior and under automobile Amateur search 4 hours + 5 hours preliminary time to define procedures, This was first material processed in laboratory. SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment Figure C-3.Recovered Taggants From Test 1 (low power) Figure C.4.Recovered Taggants From Test 2 (medium power) were accidently brushed off the mounting SIide; other recovered taggants are shown. No taggants were individually recovered in the field, recognized as such, and field read. All the explosives were correctly identified by BATF as a result of the color code on the taggants. The letter from BATF to OTA, which gives the identification information, is shown as an attachment. The test nomenclature in the letter differs from that used in test. The letter refers to the scenes in chronological order; in the text the tests have been grouped for ease of comparison. The following conversion of the letter scene designation to the text test number designation is necessary: Scene 1. . . . . . . . Test 5 Scene 2. . . . . . . . Test 1 Scene 3. . . . . . . . Test 2 Figure C.5.Recovereci Taggants From Test 3 (high power) Scene 4. . . . . . . . Test 3 Scene 5. . . . . ... . . Test 4
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198 l Taggants in Explosives bombs, and placed the bombs in the target. (FBI agents inserted the detonators and initiated the explosives.) No one else knew which explosives were used on each automobile, or even which explosives from a larger selection were chosen. OTA, with assistance from NRA, observed the laboratory procedures and participated in the separation process. BATF supplied the automobile targets, the test site, and the agents for field recovery and laboratory analysis of the taggants. The explosives were supplied by the Aerospace Corp. IME was invited by OTA to participate in the test series. Due to the short time available for the test planning, IME was not able to fully participate. They did provide some valuable guidance, however, in a working session attended by OTA, BATF, SAAMI, NRA, and I ME representatives. Discussion of Results Too few recovery tests of the 3M identification taggants were conducted under real-world conditions to allow a definitive judgment to be made of recovery. In addition, only one type of target, automobiles, was used in the tests. However, the ease with which taggants were recovered, under the rather severe test conditions, indicates that taggants could be expected to be recovered under a wide range of bombing conditions, given the proper training and effort by field and laboratory investigators. A number of points should be made as a result of the test series. In the first place, the taggants do not appear to be field recoverable and readable, at least under the test conditions. Approximately 25 peopl e looked for taggants, for a total of approximately 35 man-hours, in both daylight and nighttime conditions, without visually recovering a single taggant. This was the case even though taggants were easily recoverable from the debris in the laboratory. BATF operating procedure, which calls for visual search, is not only ineffective, it is counterproductive. Investigators are likely to become disenchanted when they cant visually find a taggant, and not collect samples for laboratory analysis. BATF procedures should stress the importance of the collection of debris for analysis. It has been claimed that the earth at the test site is unusually rich in magnetic materials and materials which fluoresce naturally, and that the tests were particularly severe from the visual recovery standpoint. Visual recovery may, in fact, be possible in situations such as an automobile bombing on a large paved area, or a small bomb in a large building. It appears likely, however, that taggants will be
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Appendix COTA Recovery Tests l 199 missed quite often if visual recovery means are emphasized. The second point is that taggants appear to be recoverable from bombings, with a modest, but coordinated, effort on the part of field and laboratory personnel. Even under conditions of partial confinement, taggants from a high-energy dynamite were easily recovered. Similarly, taggants from a low-power dynamite were recovered even after a severe fire and firefighting activity. Additional tests would be required before the effects of full confinement, such as in a pipe bomb, or before the effect of fire after a high-energy detonation, could be known. Similarly, no tests have been conducted with large charges, or with tagged boosters and detonators used to detonate an untagged blasting agent. It appears that the power of the explosive does not significantly affect recovery probability or the laboratory time necessary to separate taggants from the debris. Confinement and the occurrence of fire, however, do significantly affect laboratory recovery time, as the size of the taggants decreases. Some difficulty was encountered in reading the colors of the taggant layers, even by experts from 3M. The pigments currently available, however, have been substantially improved, hopefully leading to fewer errors in interpreting the code. The tests were conducted and field recovery completed on three of the five tests under near ideal weather conditions. A light rain fell before debris was collected from two tests, however, including the unconfined Power Primer and the case in which a fire followed the detonation. The light rain did not appear to hamper recovery, even for those severe test conditions; a heavy rain might, however, have more effect. It should be noted that the automobile tests conducted represent rather severe tests of recovery (at least neglecting confinement). It is reasonable to infer, therefore, that taggants couId probably be recovered from building bombings, bombings in the open, and most other nonconfined bombings. It is interesting to note that no fires occurred as a result of the bombings, when fuel was in the fuel tanks, even for the most powerful commercial explosive (excluding boosters). While a sample of three is hardly significant, the tests do indicate that fires do not occur as a matter of course in automobile bombings. Finally, it should be noted that these tests provide a possible explanation of the wide divergence of prior test data. Most of the tests in which BATF/ Aerospace recovered taggants involved a laboratory recovery procedure; this was particularly true for the severe automobile bombings. Most of the unsuccessful tests by IME and others have either not included laboratory analysis, or have had the laboratory separation process conducted by people with no training in separating the taggants.
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200 Taggants in Explosives D EPARTMENT OF THE T REASUR Y B UREAU OF A LCOHO L T0BACC0 ANO F IREARM S W ASHINGTO N D.C. 2022 6 September 28, 1979 Refer TO DS : RD : WDW Mr. David Garfinkle 7555 Office of Technology Assessment 600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, DC 20510 Dear Mr. Garfinkle: The following test results were obtained from the taggant survival studies conducted for you at Fort Belvoir, Virginia, on September 13, 1979 0 Scene 1 was a 1949 Ford pickup truck. A 3to 4-hour laboratory analysis of the bomb debris collected by Dr. Ed James (OTA), Mr. Randall Bowman (NRA), and Special Agent Marcus Davis (ATF) resulted in the isolation of 26 taggants bearing code F5959592M8. This identifies the explosives used in this case as Atlas Power Primer, size l-1/4~ t x 8?, Date/Shift Code 01-12-77-R2. Many contaminate training taggants were also in portions of the bombing debris. These probably came from a single contaminated recovery kit. The red layer in this early pre-pilot test version of the 3M taggant contains an organic pigment, and noticeable variation in hue was observed. This problem has subsequently been corrected in later versions of the 3M taggants. Scene 2 was a late model Ford Galaxy. A l-hour, 20-minute laboratory analysis of the bomb debris collected by you, Mr. Robert Hodgdon (Hodgon Powder Company), and Special Agent Eugene Reagan (ATF) resulted in the isolation of 28 taggants bearing code F3913142M0. This identifies the explosives used in this case as a Hercules permissible dynamite, either Red HA, size l-1/4 x 8, Date/Shift Code Jul 12 78 Jl, or Collier C, size 1-1/4 x 8, Date/Shift Code Nov 21 78 J1. Both explosives were tagged with the same taggant code. Scene 3 was an Oldsmobile station wagon. A 25-minute laboratory analysis of the bomb debris collected by Mr. Steve Kornish (OTA), Officer Larry Linville (Washington, DC Metropolitan Police Department), and
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Appendix COTA Recovery Tests 201 Special Agent Ivan Kalister (ATF) resulted in the isolation of 23 taggants bearing code F5989142M0. This identifies the explosives used in this case as Hercules Unigel Tube Shell, size 2 x 16, Date/Shift Code Jun 27 78 J1. One contaminate training taggant was also found in this debris. Scene 4 was a Chevrolet Malibu sedan. Twentyone taggants were recovered--l7 by our laboratorys chemist in 45 minutes, and 4 by the NRAs observers, Ms. Susan Rogers and Mr. James Flechenstein, in an unspecified time. Twelve of these taggants bear code F9986726M0, and 9 bear code F5984642M0. These taggants identify the explosives used in this case as Atlas Power Primer, size 1-1/4 x 8, Date/Shift Code 1O-24-78-R2. This material was specially produced for The Aerospace Corporation by Atlas Powder Company with an unencapsulated taggant species of one code and a taggant of a different code from which the encapsulating material had been stripped by solvent action. Scene 5 was the Chrysler-product station wagon which was fire-bombed and permitted to burn until you directed the Fort Belvoir Fire Department to respond. A 3-hour laboratory analysis of bomb scene debris collected during an 8-man, 2-hour ATF search under the direction of Special Agent Eugene Reagan, resulted in the isolation of 23 taggants bearing code F3913142M0. This identifies the explosives used in this case as either Hercules Red HA, size 1-1/4 x 8, Date/Shift Code Jul 12 78 Jl, or Collier C, size 1-1/4 x 8, Date/Shift Code Nov 21 78 Jl, both with the same taggant. These taggants and those mounted by Mr. Bowman of the NRA from field and first-day laboratory recoveries were given to you on September 24, 1979, for your use and examination. If we can be of any further service to you in documenting the results of these tests, please contact me. W. David Williams Explosives Scientist 61-401 0 80 14
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APPENDIX DPRODUCTS LIABILITY IMPLICATIONS OF LEGALLY REQUIRING THE INCLUSION OF TAGGANTS IN EXPLOSIVES by James A. Henderson, Jr., Boston University School of Law; William L. Groner, Research Assistant, 3rd Year Law Student, Boston University School of Law October 9,1979 ANALYSIS OF EXPLOSIVES INDUSTRYS EXPOSURE TO PRODUCTS LIABILITY Limits and Purposes of the Present Analysis The analysis in this section covers the exposure~ to civil liability for damages under existing law of 1) manufacturers and other commercial suppliers of explosives; 2) manufacturers and other commercial suppliers of components that go into the production of explosives; 3) manufacturers and other commercial suppliers of accessories ordinarily used with explosives, such as blasting caps and fuses; and 4) commercial transporters and users of explosives. The analysis does not cover the commercial suppliers of a range of products sometimes referred to by legal commentators as explosives, including firearms and ammunition, volatile and caustic flu ids, fireworks, and bottled beverages. The term products liability includes all civil liability for damages arising out of injury to person or property caused by unsafe, defective products, including liability based on theories of negligence, warranty, misrepresentation, and strict liability. Products liability does not include criminal liability, or civil liability based on express contractual obligations other than express warranty. The phrase exposure to Iiability refers to the conceptual bases and limits of liability; the author does not have access to factual data relating to frequency of claims, payouts to claimants, availability of liability insurance, and the like, in the explosives industry. The Final Report of the Interagency Task Force on Products Liability (Dept. of Commerce, Oct. 31, 1977) indicates that the industrial chemicals industry, the closest industry to explosives in that study, is more often than not a leader in terms of the average number of new claims per firm per year. (See Final Report, table I I l-l 3.) The main objective of this appendix is to examine the products Iiability implications of legalIy reUNDER EXISTING LAW quiring the inclusion of taggants in explosives. Such examination can meaningfully be undertaken only in the context of an adequate understanding of the existing legal environment into which such a taggants requirement would be inserted. The analysis in this section should render such an understanding possible for those, including some members of Congress and their staffs, who may not be intimately familiar with the subject of products liability. A summary of the elements bf this analysis is provided at the end of the section to facilitate review and quick reference. The Major Doctrinal Bases of Liability Negligence Negligent conduct is conduct that is riskier than a reasonably prudent person would engage in. The mere fact that conduct creates risk does not make it negligent conduct. All human activities involv e some risks of injury, and certain levels of risk are socially acceptable. Driving a car, for example, is a risky activity; but everyone who drives a car is not for that reason necessarily negligent, because a certain type and amount of driving is not only acceptable but necessary. It is only when a driver drives too fast, or while intoxicated, that his or her particular mode of driving behavior becomes negligent. (See generally United States v. Carroll Towing Co., 159 F.2d 169 (2d Cir. 1947).) Translating these basic notions over to the explosives industry, obviously the activities of manufacturing, supplying, and using explosives are risky activities. But they become negligent activities only if those engaging in them do not take sufficient precautions to reduce (but not necessarily to eliminate) the risks. Thus, the plaintiff who seeks to hold 202
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives l 203 the dynamite manufacturer liable in negligence for harm caused by an allegedly defective stick of dynamite will not be allowed to reach the jury unless he proves that the manufacturer failed to take reasonable steps to avoid product defects, and that as a consequence of such failure the defendant produced a defective stick of dynamite which ultimately and proximately caused the plaintiffs injuries. (See, e.g., Soso v. Atlas Powdet Co., 238 F.2d 388 (8th Cir. 1956).) If the plaintiff succeeds in proving these elements, then in the absence of any legal defenses (which are considered in the next section) he will be entitled to recover from the defendant manufacturer, (See, e.g., Morris v. E.I. du font de Nemours & Co., 109 S.W.2d 1222 (Mo, 1937).) Given the difficulties and complexities of proof in the plaintiffs attempting to demonstrate the unreasonableness of the defend ant-m anufacturers production methods, it is not surprising that some courts have permitted an inference of negligent manufacture to be drawn from the fact that the defendant produced and distributed a defective explosive. (See, e.g., Dement v. Olin-Mathieson Chemical Corp., 282 F.2d 76 (5th Cir. 1960), applying the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur. ) However, some courts have refused to recognize this special rule. (See, e.g., Matievitch v. Hercules Powder Co., 3 Utah 2d 283, 282 P.2d 1044 (1 955), refusing to apply res ipsa loquitur doctrine.) Presumably, in States recognizing it, this special rule would also be available to plaintiffs in actions brought against explosives handlers. (See, e.g., Tassin v. Louisiana Power & Light Co., 250 La, 1016,201 So.2d 275 (1967 ).) These same negligence principles apply to other activities engaged in by explosives manufacturers, including marketing their products. Thus, a dynamite manufacturer will be liable in negligence for unreasonably failing to warn of hidden dangers associated with use of its products. (See, e.g., Eck v. E. 1. du Pent de Nemours & Co., 393 F.2d 197 (7th Cir, 1968).) And these principles apply to all other nonmanufacturer suppliers of explosives with respect to their own commercial activities. Thus, a retailer who sells explosives to persons obviously incompetent to handle such risky products is negligent toward those eventually injured by an accidental explosion. (See, e.g., Flint Explosives Co. v. Edwards, 84 Ga. App. 376, 66 S.E.2d 368 (1 951 ).) And explosives handlers are Iiable for harm caused by their negligent conduct. (See, e.g., Tassin v. Louisiana Power & Light Co., supra. See also separate section, infra, on explosives users. ) Warrant y Warranties are legal obligations incurred by commercial sellers as an incident to the sale of goods, or products. They are by and large creatures of statute in most States today, versions of the Uniform Commercial Code, article 2. Three basic types of warranties are relevant here: 1) express warranties, in which the seller actualIy promises that the product will perform in a prescribed manner (see Uniform Commercial Code, 2-31 3); 2) implied warranties of merchantability, in which the seller promises nothing but is held by the law impliedly to have warranted that its products are free from defects (see Uniform Commercial Code $ 2-31 4); and 3) implied warranties of fitness for particular purpose, in which the seller knows of special requirements of the buyer, and of the buyers reliance, and supplies a product that fails to meet those requirements (see Uniform Commercial Code 2-315). All three types of warranties have been held to accompany the sale of explosives. (See, e.g., Hercules Powder Co, v. Rich, 3 F.2d 12 (8th Cir. 1924), cert. often. 268 U.S. 692 (1924) (express warranty that fuse would burn at rate of 1 ft per m inute); Arfons v, E. 1. du Pent de Nemours & Co., 261 F.2d 434 (2nd Cir. 1958) (implied warranty that fuse and dynamite were nondefective); and Unite d States Casualty Co. v. Hercules Powder Co., 4 N.J, Super. 444, 67 A.2d 880, revd on other grounds 4 N.J. 157, 72 A.2d 190 (1 950) (fuse unfit for purchasers particular purposes),) Comparing these warranty theories with the negligence theory considered earlier, two important differences should be observed. On the one hand, it is not necessary for the plaintiff in a warranty case to prove, as the plaintiff must prove under negligence, that the defendant explosives seller acted unreasonably. It is sufficient that the product failed, for whatever reason, to meet the standards imposed by law at the time of sale: promised performance (express warranty); freedom from defects (implied warranty of merchantability); and suitability to purchasers special needs (implied warranty of fitness for particular purpose). On the other hand, however, the plaintiff must prove other elements not required in a negligence case. In some jurisdictions, for example, the plaintiff must prove privity of contract i.e., that he purchased the explosives directly from the defendant. (See, e.g., Green v. Equitable Powder Mfg. Co., 95 F. Supp. 127 (W. D, Ark. 1951 ) (negligence action allowed against ex-
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204 l Taggants in Explosives plosives manufacturer; warranty action barred because of lack of privity). Many courts today do not require privity to be established in products liability actions based upon warranty theories. (See, e.g., Henningsen v. Bloom field Motors, Inc., 32 N.J. 358, 161 A.2d 69 (1960).) Misrepresentation Misrepresentation is a tort theory of recovery that overlaps somewhat with express warranty. A main difference between them is that the tort doctrine is not dependent upon the existence of contractual privity between the plaintiff and defendant. As set forth in Restatement of Torts, Second, $ 402 B, the essence of the tort is a misrepresentation (whether or not innocently made) to the public by a commercial seller of a product that harms someone who justifiably relies thereon. Commercial sellers of explosives who misrepresent their products are Iiable for harm proximately resulting. (See, e.g., Marsh v. Usk Hardware Co., 73 Wash. 543, 132 Pac. 241 (191 3).) Strict Liability in Tort Strict liability in tort is liability for harm caused by defective products and ultrahazardous conduct irrespective of fault on the sellers or actors part and irrespective of the requirements, such as privity of contract, that sometimes accompany warranty theories. Members of the explosives industry are exposed to two major forms of strict liability in tort: 1) strict liability imposed primarily on commercial transporters and users of explosives based upon the fact that those activities are considered abnormally dangerous (see Restatement of Torts, Second, $8519 and 520); and 2) strict liability imposed on the sellers of explosives based upon the fact of their having sold defective products (see Restatement of Torts, Second 402 A). Consideration of the first of these types of strict liability will be deferred to a later section dealing specifically with the liabilities of commercial transporters and users. The focus in this section will be on the strict liability of commercial selIers of defective explosives. According to section 402A of the Restatement of Torts, Second, in order to recover in strict liability an injured plaintiff must establish that the product was in a defective condition unreasonably dangerous at the time it left the defendant sellers control and that such defective condition proximately caused the plaintiffs injuries. The rule applies to all commercial sellers in the chain of distribution, including retailers and wholesalers. The essential element of proof is that the product was defective at the time of sale by defendant. Full consideration of the different ways a product can be said to be defective will be deferred to later sections dealing with recurring fact patterns in cases involving allegedly defective explosives. The important point here is to understand that the focus in a strict liability case is on the product, rather than on the defendants conduct. Even if an explosives manufacturer exercises due care to avoid flaws in its explosives, it will be held liable if flaws occur and cause harm. (See Restatement of Torts, Second 402 A(2)(a).) A clear majority of American jurisdictions recognize strict Iiability for sellers of defective products. (See CCH Prod. Liab. Rep. 4060), and a number of courts have applied that doctrine in cases involving allegedly defective explosives. (See, e.g., Hall v. E. 1. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., 345 F. Supp. 353 (E. D.N. Y. 1972); Clay v. Ensign-Bickford Co., 307 F. Supp. 288 (D.C. Colo. 1969); Canifax v. Hercules Powder Co., 237 Cal. App.2d 44, 46 Cal. Rptr. 552 (1965); Cooley v. Quick Supp/y Co,, 22 1 N.W.2d 763 (Iowa, 1974).) The Major Defenses The major defenses available to members of the explosives industry in products liability actions fall into three basic categories: 1) disclaimers, 2) contributory fault, and 3) intervening cause. The third is not technically a defense, inasmuch as the plaintiff must prove that his injuries were proximately caused by the defendants conduct. As a practical matter, however, the defendant raises the issue of intervening cause, arguing that the negligent conduct of explosives users constitutes a break in the chain of proximate causation. Thus, intervening cause may be treated as a defense for present purposes. Disclaimers A disclaimer is a term in a contract purporting to exempt the disclaiming party from liability for future events to which liability would otherwise and ordinarily attach. Although no authority has been found addressing the question of the effectiveness of disclaimers in cases involving defective explosives, it is very likely that the rules which apply generally in products liability apply here as well, A s a general rule, in products liability cases in which the plaintiffs are individuals physically injured by allegedly defective products, disclaimers are set aside by courts as being against public policy, whether the plaintiff seeks to recover on the basis
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives 205 of negligence (see, e.g., Uniform Commercial Code $ 1-102(3); R. Hursh & H. Bailey, American Law of Products Liability $ 2:7 (2d ed. 1974)); express warranty (see, e.g., Uniform Commercial Code $ 2316(1 )); implied warranty (see, e.g., Heriningsen v. Bloom field Motors, Inc., 32 NJ. 358, 161 A.2d 69 (1960)); misrepresentation (see Clements Auto co. v. Service Bureau Corp., 444 F.2d 169 (8th Cir. 1971)); or strict liability (see, e.g., Restatement of Torts, Second, $402 A, comment m; Vandermark v. Ford Motor Co., 61 Cal.2d 256, 37 Cal. Rptr. 896, 391 P.2d 168 (1964)). On the reasonable assumption that these same rules apply in cases involving allegedly defective explosives, plaintiffs physically injured in accidental explosions should not be barred simply because of the inclusion of disclaimer language in the contracts of sale and distribution. On the other hand, there is more reason to expect that disclaimers will be given effect as between business entities in cases where the harm suffered is economic rather than physical. Two business entities, dealing at arms length from roughly equal bargaining positions, arguably should be allowed to allocate responsibilities between them by contract, Some courts have given effect to disclaimers in indemnity and contribution actions between business entities. (See, e.g., Williams v. Chrysler Corp., 148 W.Va. 655, 137 S.E.2d 225 (1 964); bu t see Ford Motor Co. v. Tritt, 244 Ark, 883, 430 S.W.2d 778 (1 968).) Thus, were a large explosives distributor to seek indemnity from the manufacturer after being held liable in a products liability action brought by an injured victim of an accidental explosion, the court might give effect to a disclaimer in the contract of sale between the explosives manufacturer and the distribute. Contributory Fault Certainly when the basis of the plaintiffs action against the explosives seller is negligence, contributory fault on the part of the plaintiff will reduce (or eliminate, if comparative fault is not applicable) the plaintiffs recovery, (See, e.g., Da/by v. Hercu/es, Inc., 458 S.W.2d 274 (Mo. 1970).) When the plaintiff seeks recovery on the basis of warranty, courts today are likely to speak in terms of the plaintiffs conduct breaking the chain of proximate causation, especially when the plaintiff is shown to have been aware of the defective condition of the defendants product. (See, e.g., Uniform Commercial Code 2-316 (3)(b), comment 8, & 2-715, comment 5.) The majority rule in products liability cases involving strict liability in tort is that only the form of contributory fault commonly referred to as assumption of the risk, in which the plaintiff knows or has reason to know of the defective condition of the product, will reduce or bar the plaintiffs recovery. (See, e.g., Restatement of Torts, Second, $402 A, comment n; but see Codling v. Paglia, 32 N.Y.2d 330, 298 N.E.2d 622, 345 N. Y.S.2d 461 (1973 ).) This general rule reflects a policy favoring liability of commercial sellers of defective products in all cases except those involving fairly gross behavior on the part of plaintiffs. Examining recent products liability cases involving allegedIy defective explosives sold to commercial users, it appears that courts have been sympathetic to defendants arguments that the users of their products, rather than the products themselves, are to be blamed for the accidents. These judicial sympathies manifest themselves in several ways. Courts have been willing to weigh user mis conduct fairly heavily as an independent bar to recovery. (See, e.g., Hercules Powder Co. v. Hicks, 453 S.W.2d 583 (Ky. 1970).) And they have been willing to give such misconduct weight in deciding that the plaintiffs circumstantial proof of product defect was insufficient. (See, e.g., Hopkins v. E. l. du Pent de Nemours & Co., 212 F.2d 623 (3rd Cir, 1954), cert. den. 348 U.S. 872 (1954 ).) The main reason for this willingness to weigh user misconduct more heavily in explosives cases than in cases involving other types of products appears to be the fact that explosives are not, as a general rule, consumer products in the same sense as household appliances. (But see p. 217, intra. ) Commercial users of explosives are generally assumed to be expert, and can be relied upon to reduce the incidence of accidental explosions. Of course, when explosive products are sold to obviously incompetent users, such as young children, contributory fault plays much less of an important role in reducing or barring the sellers liability. (See, e.g., Wendt v. Balletto, 26 Corm. Super. 367,224 A.2d [561 (1966).) Intervening Cause The main difference between this defense (see earlier comment) and the defense of contributory fault just considered is the fact that in cases involving intervenin g cause, the plaintiffs are not the same persons who misused or mishandled the explosives. Although the victims in these cases are innocent of personal wrongdoing, they will be denied recovery against the sellers of allegedly defective explosives if the conduct of those using the explosives was so negligent as to constitute an intervening, or superseding, cause of the plaintiffs injuries. (See, e.g., Hercules Powder Co. v. Hicks, 453 S.W,2d
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206 l Taggants in Explosives 583 (Ky. 1970).) In contrast, where an innocent third party brought a strict liability action against those in charge of storing explosives, the Supreme Court of Alaska rejected the defendants intervening cause argument as a matter of law, even in the face of proof that vandals had broken into the storage area and deliberately set off the explosion. (See Yukon Equipment, Inc. v. Firemans Fund Ins. Co 585 P.2d 1206 (Alaska 1978).) Actions Against Manufacturers and Other Commercial Sellers of Explosives The objective in this and the following sections will be to examine the significant fact patterns that tend to recur in this area. The focus will not be on legal doctrine, but on the basic fact patterns and the reactions of courts to them. Product Flaws As developed earlier, an injured plaintiff stands a good chance of recovering against the manufacturer and other commercial sellers of explosives if he can prove the existence of a product defect in existence at the time of sale by the defendant. A flaw is a type of defect which consists of the inadvertent failure of a product unit, or batch of units, to conform to the intended product design. Flaws are what Iaypersons most often think of as defects. The flaws most frequently encountered in explosives cases are bad batches for example, sticks of dynamite some of which contain too much, and some too little, explosive ingredients due to improper mixing during manufacture. The greatest source of difficulty confronting plaintiffs in flaw cases is not so much conceptual as practical. Because explosives always self-destruct in use, it is uniquely difficult for plaintiffs to obtain direct evidence of product flaws, When other types of products break unexpectedly, experts can sometimes reconstruct the products and determine the existence of flaws. But with explosives, such reconstruction is almost never possible. Consequently, plaintiffs in cases in which accidental explosions are caused by alleged flawed explosives are almost always forced to rely upon circumstantial, rather than direct, evidence of the existence of product flaws. A classic example of how a plaintiff can successfully build a case based on circumstantial proof is presented in Morris v. E. /. du Pent de /Vemours & Co., 109 S.W.2d 1222 (Me. 1937). The plaintiff in that case claimed that the defendant explosives manufacturer, through its employees, had negligently mixed a batch of dynamite so as to cause the stick used by the plaintiff to explode prematurely. The plaintiffs proof, which the court held to be sufficient to reach the jury, consisted of the following: 1) purchase of the dynamite from the defendant by the plaintiffs employer; 2) careful handling and storage of the dynamite up to the time it came into the plaintiffs hands on the day of the accident, 3) careful handling of the dynamite by the plaintiff up to the time of the premature explosion; 5) difficulties experienced by other employees with dynamite from the same batch; and 6) expert testimony to the effect that the dynamite that injured the plaintiff was unevenly mixed. Of course, because the plaintiff proceeded on a negligence theory, the record also included testimony on both sides relating to the issue of due care in manufacture. Today, under a strict Iiability in tort theory, this last described evidence would not be necessary. But the plaintiff must still prove the existence of a defect, even under strict Iiability theories. And on the issue of circumstantial proof of defect, the Morris case is still good law. Where the plaintiff is unable to build a solid circumstantial case, courts are apt to rule in favor of the defendant manufacturer as a matter of law. Especially where there is evidence of mishandling of the explosives at the time of the accident, the plaintiff may meet with judicial disapproval regarding the sufficiency of his proof of defect. (See, e.g., Soso v. At/as Powder Co., 238 F.2d 388 (8th Cir. 1956); Hopkins v. E. /. du Pent de Nemours & Co., 212 F.2d 623 (3rd Cir. 1954), cert. den. 348 U.S. 872 (1954).) Another source of difficulty often encountered by plaintiffs in these flaw cases is the necessity of accounting for the conditions of storage and handling between the time of sale by the defendant and use by the plaintiff. That this may even defeat claims based upon strict liability in tort is suggested by Clay v. Ensign-Bickford Co., 307 F. Supp. 288 (D. C. Colo. 1969), in which the trial court concluded that the fuse was defective at the time of the explosion but held that the plaintiff failed to prove that the defect originated with the defendant manufacturer. Product Designs Although products liability actions based on allegedly defective designs are escalating in frequency in many other product areas, they are relatively insignificant in actions against explosives manufacturers. Obviously, explosives are supposed to explode. When they explode prematurely, the tenden-
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives 207 cy is to explore the possibility of a product flaw, or mishandling. The only type of case that could be said to involve the defective design of an explosive would be one in which the explosive was deliberately made too strong, or too weak. But even there, the tendency would be to treat such a case as involving the failure of the defendant adequately to warn users of the explosive characteristics of its products. Marketing The cases involving claims by injured plaintiffs based on the manner in which explosives are marketed may be grouped into three basic categories: 1) cases in which the defendants product fails to perform as promised by the defendant; 2) cases in which the defendant fails to warn users of hidden risks associated with its product; and 3) cases in which the defendant selIs or distributes the explosives to persons who are obviously incompetent to handle them, Cases in the first of these categories may involve express warranties. (See earlier discussion, pp. 203-204, supra. ) They may also involve negligence, as in Raatikka v. O/in-Mathiesort Chemical Corp., 8 Mich. App. 638, 155 N.W.2d 205 (1967), where the seller of dynamite advised the plaintiff to use too much explosive in the primer. By far the most significant category of marketing cases involves alleged failures to warn explosives users of risks that are not obvious. Although often based upon allegedly negligent omissions by defendants (see Restatement of Torts, Second, $ 388), failure to warn is also generally recognized as a basis for imposing strict liability. (See genera//y Restatement of Torts, Second, 402 A, comments h and j.) As a general rule, manufacturers and other commercial product sellers owe a duty to warn of risks that are not Iikely to be obvious to persons who will foreseeably use their products, and that, with such warnings, the users are in a position to avoid. Because users of explosives are presumably knowledgeable regarding many of the risks associated with those products, the manufacturers duty to warn tends to be drawn somewhat more narrowly than in other product areas. (See, e.g., Croteau v. Borden Co., 277 F. Supp. 945 (E. D. Pa. 1968), affd 395 F.2d 771 (3rd Cir. 1968); Hercules Powder Co. v. HiCkS/ 453 S.W. 2d 583 (Ky. 1970).) One source of controversy concerning the explosives manufacturers duty to warn is the question of the proper addressees of the warnings. Some courts have held that it is sufficient if the supervisory personnel in charge of directing blasting operations receive warnings, negating any requirement that the manufacturer attempt to warn those actually using the explosives. (See, e.g., Bryant v. Hercules, Inc., 325 F. Supp. 241 (W. D. Ky. 1970). ) Other courts have held that the manufacturer of explosive products must attempt to warn those actually using those products of risks that may be hidden to them, notwithstanding the fact that information is supplied to the manufacturers immediate vendee. (See, e.g., Eck v. E. l. du Pent de Nemours & Co., 393 F.2d 197 (7th Cir. 1968); Shell Oil Co. v. Gutierrez, 119 Ariz. 426, 581 P, 2d 271 (1978 ).) In other product areas, with the exception of prescription drugs, courts generalIy require warnings to be gotten to the actual users. (See, e.g., Hubbard-Ha// Chemical Co. v. Silverman, 340 F.2d 402 (1st Cir. 1965) (industrial poison); McLaughlin v. Mine Safety Appliances Co., 11 N.Y.2d 62, 226 N. Y.S.2d 407, 181 N.E.2d 430 (1962) (heat blocks for use in rescue operations).) Regarding the third category of cases focusing on the explosives sellers manner of marketing its products cases in which explosives are sold to persons obviously incompetent to handle them retailers are occasionally exposed to liability on that basis. (See, e.g., Wendt v. Balletto, 26 Corm Supp. 367, 224 A.2d 561 (1966) (sale to minor); Flint Explosives Co. v. Edwards, 84 Ga. App. 376, 66 S.E.2d 368 (1951) (sale by unlicensed retailer to inexperienced users). ) However, courts have been reluctant to hold explosives manufacturers responsible for failing to follow up on the ultimate distribution and manner of use of their products. (See, e.g., Doss v. Apache Powder Co., 430 F.2d 1317 (5th Cir. 1970); Flint Explosives Co. v. Edwards, 86 Ga. App. 404,71 S.E.2d 747 (1952 ).) Actions Against Manufacturers and Other Commercial Sellers of Explosives Components Component is a term of art in products liability law; in the present context it is synonymous with ingredients. Commercial sellers of explosives components are entities that manufacture and sell the chemical ingredients of explosives. Most often, the ingredients are sold to explosives manufacturers. Product Flaws No cases have been found in which an action has been brought against a commercial seller of explosives components on the grounds that the component was flawed at the time of sale. This paucity of reported decisions undoubtedly reflects the earl ier
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208 l Taggants in Explosives described circumstance that most product flaws in connection with explosives occur as a result of the improper mixing of ingredients by the explosives manufacturer. (See p. 206, supra. ) And those few instances of flawed explosives that might be theoretically traceable to flawed components would pose insurmountable problems of proof as a practical matter. However, as a matter of legal theory there is little doubt that the selIer of a product compo nent proven to have been flawed at the time of sale would be liable to persons injured because of such product flaw. (See, e.g., Clark v. Bendix Corp., 345 N. Y.S.2d 662, 42 A.D.2d 727 (1973); Barnhart v. Freeman Equipment Co., 441 P.2d 993 (Okla. 1968).) Whether courts would give effect to a disclaimer in the contract of sale of the component, as between the component seller and the explosives manufacturer, is not clear. (See pp. 204-205, supra. ) Product Designs Here, too, it is unlikely that a plaintiff injured in an accidental explosion would bring an action against the selIer of a component based on a theory of defective design. TypicalIy, the explosives manufacturer decides what it needs in the way of ingredients, and orders them specifically by description. The components supplied to explosives manufacturers are basic chemical compounds; it is difficult to envision a design-based theory of recovery against the component selIer in the typical case. In other product areas, suppliers of product components have been held liable for the designs of the finished product, even where the component was not dangerous by itself. A recent decision by the Supreme Court of Mississippi (Dunson v. S.A. Allen, Inc., 355 So. 2d 77 (Miss. 1978)) held that the supplier of a component could be held liable when such component is intended to be used only in conjunction with a second component and when so combined, the combination of the two is unreasonably dangerous. The finished product in that case was a pulpwood cutter, and the component was a thinning shear attachment. Even though the dangers posed by the combination could be eliminated only by a modification in design of the larger machine, the seller of the component was held liable based on its knowledge of the dangers and its involvement in manufacturing a component designed specificalIy for use in the finished product. In contrast, the manufacturer-seller of bulk sulfuric acid was held not to owe a duty to the general public to make sure that commercial purchasers of its product did not combine the acid with other ingredients to produce unreasonably dangerous chemical combinations. (See Walker v. Stauffer Chemical Corp., 19 Cal.App. 3d 669, 96 Cal. Rptr. 803 (1971 ).) The plaintiff in that case was injured when a drain-cleaning product containing the defendants sulfuric acid exploded during use. On balance, the bulk sulfuric acid manufacturer seems closer to the seller of explosives components than does the manufacturer of the machinery component. Assuming that the explosives manufacturer is knowledgeable regarding what it wants in the way of components, and assuming that the component manufacturer delivers exactly what is ordered, it is unlikely that liability would extend to the seller of basic chemical constituents of explosives. When the seller of basic components has reason to know that the buyer is relying on the sellers judgment in recommending what type of component to use, liability may extend to the component seller. (See, e.g., Kramrner v. Edward l-lines Construction Co., 16 I Il. App. 3d 763, 306 N.E. 2d 686 (1974) (seller supplied wrong grade of lumber for scaffolding).) But assuming the absence of such reliance in most sales of basic components to explosives manufacturers, liability probably would component selIers. Marketing Given the presumed expertise ufacturers, it is difficult to see not extend to the of explosives manhow sellers of explosives components in the typical instance could be held to a duty to warn of the risks associated with their products. Even when the purchaser of explosives components is an individual, liability on the basis of failure to warn will be denied if the user is an explosives expert. (See, e.g., Croteau v. Borden Co., 277 F. Supp. 945 (D. C.E. D. Pa. 1968), Affd 395 F.2d 771 (3rd Cir. 1968) (plaintiff was a lab technician conducting an experiment on a solid rocket fuel component).) However, when the manufacturer of a component knows or has reason to know of the purchasers ignorance of the risks, or knows that the purchaser is combining the component into a dangerous combination without adequate warnings to users ignorant of the risks, liability may be imposed on the component seller for failing to warn. (See, e.g., E. l. du Pent de Nemours & Co. v. McCain, 414 F.2d 369 (5th Cir. 1969) (liability imposed even where component sold by defendant was inertdefendants name was on the label of the finished product).) On balance, it is unlikely that sellers of explosives components would be Iiable for failure to warn in the normal situation in which the components are sold to explosives manufacturers. This
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives l 209 conclusion is somewhat strengthened by the earlier described reluctance of courts to impose duties upon explosives manufacturers to follow up sales of their products with efforts to reduce carelessness in their handling and use. (See p. 207, supra. ) Actions Against Manufacturers and Other Commercial Sellers of Explosives Accessories Accessories refers to products normally used in connection with explosives, including blasting caps and fuses. Product Flaws I n contrast to the situation with regard to explosives components, a number of cases have been reported in which injured plaintiffs have sought to recover from manufacturers and other sellers of explosives accessories on the basis of product flaws. (See, e.g., Huffstutler v. Hercules Powder Co., 305 F.2d 292 (5th Cir. 1962) (blasting caps); Demerit v. Olin-Mathieson Chemical Corp., 282 F.2d 76 (5th Cir. 1960) (blasting caps); United States Casualty Co. v, Hercules Powder Co., 4 N.J. Super. 444, 67 A.2d 880 (1949); revd on other grounds, 4 N.J. 157, 72 A.2d (190) (1950) (fuse),) To no less extent than other product manufacturers and sellers, commercial suppliers of explosives accessories are exposed to liability (in many jurisdictions, strict liability) for harm caused by flawed products. As in the case of explosives manufacturers, the difficulties encountered by injured plaintiffs are in proving that a defect was present at the time of sale. (See p. 206, supra. ) Indeed, the difficulties are Iikely to be comparatively greater in cases involving blasting caps, due to their smaller size and relatively greater mobility, and the correspondingly greater likelihood that injured plaintiffs will be unable to prove that the product was handled normally between the time of original purchase and the time of the accident, (See, e.g., E.l. du Pont de Nemours & Co. v. Duboise, 236 Fed. 690 (5th Cir. 1916); Hicks v. E. 1. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 246 F. Supp. 589 (D.C. Okla. 1965).) Interestingly enough, plaintiffs who hav e brought similar actions against fuse manufacturers appear to have fared somewhat better in reaching the jury with circumstantial proof of product defects. (See, e.g., Hercules Powder Co. v. Rich, 3 F.2d 12 (8th Cir. 1924); United States Casua/ty Co. v. liercules Powder Co., 4 N.J. super. 444, 67 A.2d 880 (1949) revd on other grounds, 4 NJ. 157, 72 A.2d 190 (1950). But see Clay v, Ensign-Bickford Co., 307 F. Supp. 288 (D.C. Colo. 1969) (plaintiffs proved defect at time of accident but not at time of sale).) One practical difference between blasting caps and fuses that may help to explain this difference in treatment is the fact that fuse ordinarily is sold in reels, from which the users take whatever lengths are required under the varying circumstances of use. Thus, more often than in the case of blasting caps, the unused portion of the fuse may be examined for defects after the accident, and if defects are discovered the plaintiff can argue that the fuse that caused the accident had the same defects. Another reason plaintiffs may fare better in fuse cases is the fact that eyewitnesses are able to testify regarding the behavior of the fuse at the time of the accident, in ways that directly point to the existence of a defect, (See, e.g., Hercules Powder Co. v. Rich, supra, (fuse burned too quickly); Cooley v. Quick Supply Co., 221 N.W.2d 763 (Iowa, 1974) (user could not tell if fuse was burning).) Product Designs Design cases would appear more likely to arise here than in the case of explosives and components, given the somewhat more mechanical nature of some accessories. For example, one can envision an action being brought on the ground that a particular type of blasting cap was designed so as to allow accidental detonation too easily. However, no reported cases have been found in which the plaintiff proceeded against the manufacturer or other commercial seller of an explosives accessory on the basis of an al Iegedly defective design. Marketing injured plaintiffs have brought actions against accessory manufacturers and selIers on the ground that adequate warnings did not accompany the products into the hands of the ultimate users. With respect to fuses, plaintiffs typically argue that they were not adequately warned of the burning characteristics of the products. Especially where the fuse is sold as safety fuse, such arguments have been successful. (See, e.g., Canifax v. Hercules Powder Co., 237 Cal. App.2d 44, 46 Cal. Rptr. 552 (1965); Cooley v. Quick Supply Co., 221 N.W.2d 763 (Iowa 1974).) The plaintiffs in the blasting cap cases have more frequently been persons outside the class of professional users originally intended by the manufacturer to use the products, who have argued that the defendant failed adequately to warn against the possibility of the caps exploding accidentally.
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210 l Taggants in Explosives RefIecting the tendencies for courts to refuse to extend the responsibilities owed by explosives manufacturers (see p. 205, supra) and components manufacturers (see p. 208, supra) to untrained, incompetent persons into whose hands these dangerous products sometimes come, some courts have refused to hold blasting cap manufacturers for failing to label their products as explosives. (See, e.g., Ball v. E. /. du Pont de Nemours & Co., 519 F.2d 715 (6th Cir. 1975); Littlehale v. E. l. du Pent de Nemours & Co., 380 F.2d 274 (2d Cir. 1967).) However, at least one court has not only recognized the duty of blasting cap manufacturers to warn children of the explosive nature of their products, but has suggested that injured plaintiffs may join in a single tort action against all major members of the blasting cap industry, together with their trade association. (See Hall v. E. /. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., 345 F Supp. 353 (E. D.N.Y. 1972) .) Actions Against Commercial Transporters and Users of Explosives Commercial transporters and users of explosives are subject to strict liability for harm to persons and property caused by their activities to an extent that in some ways can be said to exceed the strict liability of sellers of defective products. Although this rule is not strictly speaking a rule of products liability, it deserves brief mention in this analysis. The general rule is set forth in sections 519 and 520 of the Restatement of Torts, Second. In essence, persons engaged in activities considered to be abnormally dangerous are strictly Iiable without regard to the degree of care exercised. The rule applies whether or not the abnormally dangerous activity is commercial; but a clear majority of its applications involve commercial activities. A number of courts in recent years have imposed strict liability in tort for harm to the persons and property of others caused by transporters and users of explosives. (See, e.g., Ward v. H. B. Zachry Const. Co., 570 F.2d 892 (lOth Cir. 1978); Yukon Equipment, Inc. v. Firemans Fund Ins. Co., 585 P.2d 1206 (Alaska, 1978) (storers of explosives strictly liable even when explosion caused by vandals); Iannone v. Cayuga Const. Corp., 411 N. Y.S.2d 59966 A.D.2d 745 (1978) (blasters strictly liable). Cf. OConnor v. E.). DiCarlo & Sons, Inc., 378 N.E.2d 695 (Mass. 1978) (consequential damage from blasting is actionable only on proof of negligence). ) HOW WOULD THESE EXPOSURES TO LIABILITY CHANGE IF CONGRESS REQUIRED THE INCLUSION OF TAGGANTS IN EXPLOSIVES? Factual Assumptions be carried A number of factual assumptions will through the following analysis of the potential changes in the products Iiability exposure of the explosives industry. At the end of the analysis, each assumption will be hypothetically altered to permit consideration of alternative outcomes. These assumptions are included here to render manageable what follows. They are not meant to reflect any judgment by the author regarding the merits of the issues to which they relate. Congress will require the inclusion of both identification and detection taggants. Identification taggants are small pieces of coded material, capable of surviving an explosion in sufficient numbers to be retrieved mechanically. They are mixed with the other ingredients of explosives at the time of manufacture. When retrieved foIlowing an explosion, they allow the manufacturing source and date of manufacture of the explosive to be determined. Detection taggants are small pieces of material that emit traces of a gas capable of being detected by sensors. Explosives containing detection taggants presumably could be discovered prior to detonation by the use of gas-sensitive monitoring devices. Although the author understands that detection taggants are still in the relatively early stages of development, the present analysis will assume their required inclusion in the interest of completeness. The designs of the taggants required to be included will be specifically described by regulation. Two basic regulatory approaches are available by which to describe the taggants which would be required to be included in explosives: 1) design standards, in which the design specifications of the taggants are described with relative specificity; and 2) performance standards, in which the taggants are described in terms of expected performance e.g., their capability of being retrieved after an explosion, or detected before one. With respect to most consumer
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives l 211 products, performance standards are preferred over design standards because they leave the producers relatively free to provide consumers with choices among designs. In the present context, however, it may be assumed initially that uniformity in the design of taggants is more desirable than variation, and therefore that design standards will be adopted by regulation after adequate testing. Congress will exclude black and smokeless powders from the list of explosives required to contain taggants. The following analysis will focus on solid explosives, such as dynamite. Because the inclusion of taggants in explosive powders could present somewhat different products liability issues, that possibility will be deferred until later. Government-supervised testing indicates explosives containing taggants are safe for normal handling. The assumption here is that Congress will not require the inclusion of taggants in explosives if testing reveals accompanying safety hazards. However, the word safe must be put in quotations because of the inherent Iimits of any testing pro gram all possible conditions of use cannot be anticipated and tested against. Thus, notwithstanding this assumption, experts are likely to be available to plaintiffs who will testify in good conscience that on the facts of a particular case the taggants played a role in causing an explosion involved in a particular case. Taggant manufacturers will sell the taggants directly to explosives manufacturers. The author is aware of a proposal to have the Federal Government purchase taggants and then sell them to explosives manufacturers. That alternative will be addressed in a subsequent section. Congress will provide no special immunities or other legislative adjustment of liabilities. Again, the author is aware of suggestions that Congress adjust the exposures to liability of members of the explosives industry, and wilI return to consider those possibilities in a later section. Changes in Explosives Manufacturers and Sellers Exposures to Liability In the following analysis, the question of whether these manufacturers and sellers of explosives can successfully raise as a defense the fact that they are required by law to include taggants in their products will be deferred until the underlying questions of whether injured plaintiffs could succeed in proving defects have been addressed. Claims That the Taggants Caused Accidental ExplosionsProof of Defect At the outset, it must be recognized that in cases in which injured plaintiffs claim that taggants caused accidental explosions, technically they will be asserting alleged defects in design rather than in production. It will be recalled from an earlier discussion that a flaw consists of an inadvertent failure of a product unit to conform to the intended product design. (See p. 206, supra. ) Because taggants are to be included in explosives intentionally, technically they are not flaws, but part of the product designs. Will, or should this circumstance make a difference in the way courts react to the plaintiffs proof and arguments in cases involving accidental explosions? Functionally, taggants that are proven to cause accidental explosions are quite flaw-like. (The question of whether plaintiffs will actually succeed in proving that the taggants caused the explosions will be addressed shortly. ) That is, from the point of view of the injured user of the explosives, the taggants would act very much like flaws i.e., they would constitute bits of foreign material that would not enhance, but rather would detract from, the intended performance of the explosives. Presumably, any instability produced by their inclusion would be a feature against which normally careful handling would constitute inadequate protection. On the assumption that their inclusion causes accidents, they would be the functional equivalent of designed-in flaws, The interesting question is whether, putting to one side the functional equivalency of these taggants to product flaws, defendant manufacturers would be permitted to argue, as a matter of public policy, that the benefits to society at large sufficiently outweigh the risks presented to explosives users as a justification for the inclusion of taggants. (Again, the narrower question of whether it should matter that the Government forces this decision on explosives manufacturers will be deferred until later.) What makes this question particularly intriguing is the fact that influential legal commentators have recognized that a cost-benefit analysis is appropriate in determining whether product designs are unreasonably dangerous. (See, e.g., Wade, On the Nature of Strict Tort Liability for Products, 44 Miss. L.J. 825 (1973 ).) On balance, the circumstances surrounding the inclusion of taggants in explosives appears to be sufficiently different from most cases involving allegedly defective product designs to cause this
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212 Taggants in Explosives writer to doubt that courts would give much weight to such policy arguments on behalf of defendants. In most product design cases, the risks and benefits to be balanced off against each other accrue to the same more or less limited group of persons atypically, the product users. With respect to taggants, the group put to risk the users are a much smaller group than the group benefited society at large. In product design cases in which one distinct group is benefited and another put at risk, courts have tended to impose liability on product designers, in part on grounds of basic fairness. (See, e.g., Passwaters v. Genera/ Motors Corp., 454 F.2d 1270 (8th Cir. 1972).) Admittedly, in most cases of this sort the nonusers are the ones who are put to risk and the users the ones who benefit. But it would not be surprising if courts were to react similarly in these taggant cases, where the situation is the reverse. Taking these considerations togetherthe functional similarity of taggants to production flaws (presumably, they cause the product suddenly and without warning to self-destruct) and the general tendency for courts in products liability cases to be suspicious of allowing one group of persons to be put at risk so that a different group can benefit it is likely that courts would treat these cases as they would treat flaw cases. That is, if the plaintiff succeeds in proving that the taggants caused an accidental explosion, the plaintiff will have proved the product to be defective and unreasonably dangerous notwithstanding efforts of manufacturers to argue the greater good for the greater number. This conclusion draws support from the increasing reliance by courts and commentators on the test of reasonable consumer expectations to determine the defectiveness issue. (See generally Restatement of Torts, Second, 402 A, comment i; Hubbard, Reasonable Human Expectations: A Normative Model for Imposing Strict Liability for Defective Products, 29 Mercer L. Rev. 465 (1978).) Certainly from the point of view of the user of explosives, a stick of dynamite that explodes unexpectedly and without fault on the users part could be said to fail to meet that users reasonable expectations. (For a consideration of the efficacy of warning users that the explosives may accidentally explode, see pp. 216-217, infra. ) Assuming that a plaintiff will succeed in establishing a prima facie case if he can prove that the taggants caused the accidental explosion, it remains to be considered whether it is likely that he will succeed in his proof. It will be recalled from an earlier treatment of the liability of explosives manufacturers and sellers that the major problem confronting injured plaintiffs in cases involving product defects is establishing the existence of a defect by means of circumstantial evidence. (See p. 206, supra. ) Would the required inclusion of taggants in explosives reduce those difficulties or proof? That is, putting aside for a moment the question of whether defendants would be allowed to raise as a defense the fact that they are required by law to include taggants in their products, (see pp. 215-216, infra. ) would plaintiffs be more I ikely to reach triers of fact with arguments that the explosives themselves, rather than mishandling, caused the accidental explosions? Although the magnitude of the reduction in plaintiffs problems of proof brought about by the inclusion of taggants cannot be predicted with any degree of certainty, the answer to this question is almost certainly, Yes, plaintiffs problems of proof would be reduced. In accidental explosion cases up to now, plaintiffs almost invariably have been unable to offer direct evidence of the presence of foreign material due to the fact that the explosives in question self-destruct in use. Once taggants are required to be included, direct proof of their presence will almost always be available indeed, their presence based on the Federal requirement would probably be presumed. Of course, the mere fact of the inclusion of the taggants in the explosives would not make a case for an injured plaintiff unless there were proof that the taggants caused the explosion. Would such proof be available to plaintiffs in the face of extensive, Government-supervised product testing showing taggants to be safe? I n part, the answer here depends on a factor difficult for this writer to predict at this time i.e., the degree of unanimity among scientific professionals on the question of whether taggants may pose risks of accidental explosions. On the reasonable assumption that in this instance, as with most relatively novel technical questions relating to probable risks, some division of opinion is likely to be present among experts, then the proof needed by plaintiffs will likely be available in the form of expert testimony. In general, this expert testimony could be expected to take two basic forms: 1) testimony that the presence of even a normal concentration of taggants caused the accidental explosion; and 2) testimony that in a given case an abnormal concentration of taggants was present and caused the explosion. Regarding the first form of expert testimony, on the assumption that some members of the scientific community believe that taggants may at least contribute to instability under certain conditions, a qualified expert will probably be available who is
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives 213 willing to testify in good conscience that based on the surrounding circumstances, including proof of careful handling, the presence of normal concentration of taggants caused the accidental explosion. Without the taggants, the plaintiffs expert would be forced to rely more heavily on speculation regarding the presence of explosion-inducing foreign material, making it easier for the judge to intervene on behalf of the defendant as a matter of law. With the inclusion of the taggants, the expert could more easily anchor his opinion to a specific hypothesis. Courts would continue to direct verdicts for defendants in cases where the plaintiffs other circumstantial proof was weak. But the presence of the taggants could be expected to cause this to happen somewhat less frequently. However, if in a case there is nothing, or almost nothing, in the way of circumstantial evidence of what caused the explosion, opinion of an expert that the explosion may have been caused by the taggants is unlikely to be sufficient, standing by itself, to support a conclusion of causation. (See genera//y 2 F. Harper & F. James, The Law of Torts 1117-1118 (1956).) With regard to the second form of expert testimony, to the effect that an abnormally high concentration of taggants caused the accidental explosion, the possibility exists that high concentration could be established by evidence other than the fact of the explosion itself: either the expert could testify to an abnormally high number of taggants recovered at the explosion site; or the expert could testify to an abnormally high concentration of taggants in other undetonated explosives from the same lot, which should be more easily traceable given the taggant requirement. (It should be observed that proof of an abnormalIy high concentration would be proof of a flaw in the classic sense see p. 206, supra. ) If either type of independent proof of an abnormalIy high concentration were available, the plaintiff would very probably reach the trier of fact on a defect theory. In addition, the plaintiff should reach the trier of fact if the taggants recovered were shown to be too large, or otherwise misshapen in ways that could contribute to accidental explosions, If no such independent evidence were available, as a practice matter it is difficult to see how the plaintiffs case would be strengthened simply by an assertion that a high concentration of taggants, or odd-shaped taggants, existed. With no direct evidence of the existence of flaws, the mere fact of explosion ought not to suffice to permit the trier of fact to conclude that the explosive was defective. Admittedly, the fact that taggants are present in the explosives in the first place adds one more thing that can go wrong. But in the absence of independent proof of high concentration, (which, perhaps significantly, the special recoverability of taggants would help make possible), as a practical matter the plaintiffs case would only be as strong as his circumstantial evidence. In connection with the foregoing analysis of the effects of the presence of taggants on the plaintiffs proof of defect, it should be noted that the utility to the plaintiff of the first type of expert testimonytestimony that a normal concentration of taggants caused an accidental explosion depends on the assumption made at the outset that explosives manufacturers would not succeed in raising Government coercion as a defense. If manufacturers were to succeed with that defense, then it would be to their advantage, and not the advantage of plaintiffs, to blame accidental explosions on normal concentrations of taggants, Claims That Detection Taggants Failed to Function Properly The basic fact pattern envisioned here is one in which the plaintiff claims to have been injured by an illegal use of explosives because detection taggants failed to operate to prevent the explosives from being used illegally. This sort of case raises a host of issues that are probably not worth pursuing in-depth at this point given the fact that detection taggants are very much more in the development stage than are identification taggants. It will be useful, however, to sketch the basic framework of analysis. It will be recalled from an earlier discussion that normally explosives manufacturers are not liable for harm caused by abnormal uses of their products. (See p. 207, supra. ) Thus, if dynamite were used by a terrorist in such a way as to harm others, the manufacturer of the dynamite would not be Iiable even if the dynamite could be traced to its source, However, the situation might be different in connection with detection taggants. That is, if an injured plaintiff were to prove that a detection taggant failed to function as intended, allowing the plaintiff to be harmed under circumstances where an adequate performance by the taggant would have prevented the harm, the manufacturer of the explosives in question might be exposed to liability for having sold a flawed product. In a somewhat analogous situation, courts have imposed liability for explosion damages on commercial sellers of bottled gas containing insufficient odiferous containinant to permit detection of the gas in the air by
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214 Taggants in Explosives sense of smell. (See genera//y Annotation, Duty and Liability in Connection With Odorization of Natural Gas, 70 A. L. R.3d 1060 (1 976). ) To be sure, the defendants in a detection taggant failure case would have an argument of intervening cause, based upon the criminal conduct of the users of the explosives. (See, e.g., Watson v. Kentucky & Ind. Bridge & Ry. Co., 137 Ky. 619, 126 S.W. 146 (1910); see genera//y P P 205-206, Supra. ) However, the Supreme Court of Alaska recently imposed strict liability on a storer of explosives, notwithstanding the fact that the explosion was deliberately set off by thieving vandals. (See Yukon Equipment, Inc. v. Firemans Fund Ins. Co., 585 P.2d 1206 (Alaska 1978). See a/s o K/ages v. Genera/ Ordnance Equipment Corp., 367 A.2d 304 (Pa. Super. 1976) (plaintiff watchman was criminally assaulted after mace gun failed to subdue an attacking felon).) A major difficulty facing plaintiffs in such cases wouId be proving the existence of a product defect. Rival hypotheses as to the cause of the breakdown in detection would include: 1 ) explosives aged beyond the useful life of the detection taggants; 2) explosives somehow cleansed of detection taggants; 3) explosives that never contained detection taggants in the first place (not included in taggant requirement, homemade, illegally imported, or pretaggants); 4) enclosure of explosives in container that defeated taggants (might expose manufacturer to design or failure to warn liabilities); 5) breakdown in detection devices (court might hold explosives manufacturer and device manufacturer jointly liable); and 6) breakdown in personnel in charge of detection operation. Although the list appears formidable, some of these hypotheses might be eliminated by independent evidence. If such evidence were available, an injured plaintiff might reach the trier of fact in an action against the explosives manufacturer. Significance of the Fact That Manufacturers Are Required by Law to Include Taggants The question to be considered here is whether defendant manufacturers and sellers of explosives could argue effectively in defense of liability for accidental explosions that the taggants were required by law to be included in their products. In addressing this issue, the discussion will first center on the basic analytical principles involved, apart from considerations of the extent to which a Federal taggants requirement should be given deference over the products liability law of the States. Thereafter, attention will focus upon the question of possible preemption of State law. A possible source of confusion may be eliminated at the outset. The fact that these taggant cases are technically design cases, discounted in importance in the earlier discussion of whether manufacturers would be allowed to escape Iiability on the basis of their actions promoting the greater good, is here highly relevant. By hypothesis, when the Government orders products made to Government design specifications, the defense here being considered is limited to those aspects of the manufacturers product that conform to those design specifications. Whether the manufacturer will be liable for product units that do not conform to the Government design specifications e.g., individual sticks of dynamite that contain too high concentrations of taggants may be relatively less affected by the fact that the Government has requested, or dictated, the relevant design. Thus. in Foster v. Day & Zimmerman, 502 F. 2d 867 (8th Cir. 1974) an army reservist recovered from the manufacturer of a flawed hand grenade notwithstanding the fact that the hand grenade had been made according to army design specifications. One area in which courts have frequently addressed the possibility of a defense to tort liability based on conformance to Government-imposed design requirements involves products made to Government contract specifications. It can be argued that the defendants in these contract specification cases were not required by law to produce the products later alleged to be defective, in the same sense that the explosives manufacturers would be required to include taggants in explosives. To some extent, however, that distinction gives way under analysis. It is a fact of economic life that the companies who produce the sorts of products typically purchased in large quantities by Government cannot survive without getting their share of Government business. Moreover, as a technical matter even the explosives manufacturers are not being required to produce explosives containing taggants they are free to.decide not to sell explosives at all. Thus, the products liability cases involving the availability to producers of the made to Government specification defense are relevant to the present analysis. Indeed, to the extent that the degree of coercion is marginally less in the contract cases, judicial recognition of such a defense in that context provides that much stronger support for a defense in the context of a statutory taggants requirement. A decision frequently cited for the proposition that a manufacturer will not be Iiable for the design
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives 215 characteristics of a product made to Government specifications is Littlehale v. E. I. du Pent d e Nemours & Co., 380 F.2d 274 (2d Cir. 1967), affing 268 F. Supp. 791 (S. D.N. Y. 1967). The plaintiff in that case was a civilian employee injured by a special type of blasting cap made 13 years earlier by the defendant to Government design specifications. The district court entered summary judgment in favor of the defendant, stressing the fact that the product design was dictated by the Government. The court of appeals affirmed, emphasizing the lack of any duty to warn such an unforeseeable user. (It appears the plaintiff had begun by combining flaw, design, and warning theories, but abandoned the first two during trial.) Subsequent decisions have tended to question whether the Littlehale decision actually supports the principle that a product cannot be defective by reason of those of its design characteristics that conform to design specifications dictated by the Government. In Su chromajcz v. Hummel Chemical Co., 524 F.2d 19 (3rd Cir. 1975), for example, the court read Littleha/e a s standing for the principle that a manufacturers duty to warn is Iimited to foreseeable users. A recent decision that cites Littleha/e for the Government specifications is a defense principle is Sanrter v. Ford Motor Co., 144 N.J. Super. 1, 364 A.2d 43 (Law Div. 1976), affd per curiam 154 N.J. Super. 407, 381 A.2d 805 (1977), pet. certif. denied 75 N.J, 616, 384 A.2d 846(1978). The plaintiff in that case was a civilian driver of a Government surplus Jeep, injured in a rollover accident, who claimed that the design was defective because it lacked seat belts. The trial court denied recovery as a matter of law, chiefly on the ground that the design conformed to Government specifications, met the special purposes for which the military originally had ordered and purchased it, and therefore was not defective. And in Hunt v. Blasius, 55 111.App.3d 14, 12 Ill. Dec. 813, 370 N.E.2d 617 (1977), affd 74 111.2d 203, 23 Ill. Dec. 574, 384 N.E. 368 (1978), the court ruled as a matter of law for the defendant manufacturer and installer of a roadside signpost whose allegedly defective design conformed to specific design specifications imposed as a condition of purchase by the State. Several possible limitations on the availability of these precedents to explosives manufacturers in the present context must be noted. First, an exception to the general rule of nonliability would almost certainly be recognized in cases where the manufacturer knew or had reason to know that the Government specifications were dangerously deficient. (See Ryan v. Feney & Sheehan Building Co., 145 N.E. 321 (NY. 1924).) Admittedly, cases recognizing this exception have tended to be ones in which the defendant could be said to have volunteered its services; and in the cases envisioned by courts to fall into the exceptional category, the Government agencies are probably ignorant of the deficiencies of the designs. Neither of these circumstances appear to be present in connection with the inclusion of taggants, and thus the exception to the nonliability rule probably does not apply. A second caveat is based on the fact that both the Sanner and Hunt decisions, supra, are distinguishable on their facts from the taggants case on another ground besides the fact that the design requirements were not imposed by statute. In those cases, and in most of the others that have recognized the non liability rule, the Government agencies purchased the products exclusively for their own use. To impose I iability on the product suppliers would be, in effect, to impose liability on the governmental agencies by way of an increase in prices paid for products designed specifically and exclusively for Government use. The initial assumption here is that the Federal Government will not limit the application of the taggants requirement to products for its own use. Thus, were explosives manufacturers held liable for harm caused by the inclusion of taggants, the accident costs would be shared by all users of explosives; Government operations would be singled out to bear the costs of taggant-related accidents. It remains to consider the significance of the fact that the taggants requirement is imposed by statute rather than by contract. In this connection, one possible source of confusion must be eliminated. A long-recognized rule in tort law is that compliance with Government safety regulations is no bar to Iiability for ones negligent conduct. (See Restatement of Torts, Second, S 288(c). ) That proposition, however, is very different from the one here being considered. The rule in 288(c) relates to the situation in which the Government mandates a certain level of safety precautions, and a reasonable person would take additional precautions. The rule of nonviability being considered here relates to the very different situation in which the Government mandates action which a court would, in the absence of the mandate, find to be negligent. It is one thing to hold an actor liable for not being safer than the Government minimally requires him to be; it is quite another to hold an actor liable for a dangerous course of conduct which his Government requires him to take. In the first case, the governmentally imposed requirement leaves the actor free to decide whether to act more safely than the Govern-
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216 l Taggants in Explosives ment requires; in the second, the requirement does not leave him free to make that decision. The main difference theoretically between the Government imposing design specifications by contract and by statute lies in the legislatures power to change the common law by the latter, but not the former, method. Thus, when taggants are required by statute to be included in explosives, i n addition to considering whether it is fair to hold the defendant liable for complying with the requirements of his Government, courts must consider whether the legislatur e has, by implication, changed the common law rules that determine liability. Viewed properly, the question is whether the taggants requirement reflects a legislative judgment on the same issue that the courts are being asked to resolve in the liability action. If it does, then courts are required (putting constitutional aspects to one side for the moment see pp. 222-223, irtfra) to give deference to the legislative judgment. In many instances of Government-imposed design changes, a legislative judgment that the design changes will increase the safety of those affected by the product could be inferred from the fact of the mandated change. To hold a defendant liable in tort for doing something the legislature has decided is safer than not doing it would be contradictory. IS the taggant requirement similar to these other safety requirements? That is, does that requirement reflect a legislative judgment that their inclusion reduces or at least does not increase the risks of accidental explosions? Given the legislative history of the measure, it could be argued that it does not reflect such a judgment. Indeed, it can be argued that the taggant requirement reflects a legislative decision actually to increase slightly the risks of accidental explosions in the interests of increasing public safety against intentionally criminal explosions. (See discussion, pp. 211-212, supra. ) If the courts were to view the taggant requirement in this way, presumably they would be free to address for themselves the question of liability for those increases in risks. Assuming that some courts, at least, do not feel themselves bound by an implicit judgment by the legislature regarding the reasonableness of taggant inclusion from the standpoint of user safety, whether the Government requirement defense will be available in taggant cases brought against explosives manufacturers will probably depend on whether those courts view products liability primarily as a means of deterring unreasonable conduct, or as a means of compensating innocent accident victims. If the focus is on deterring unreasonable conduct, the defense will probably be available; after all, holding manufacturers liable will not cause them to violate Federal law. On the other hand, if the focus is on compensation, it is more cliff i cult to see the direct relevance of the taggants requirement. If manufacturers are forced to pay for harm caused to innocent victims by instable products, in the end society will bear the costs through higher prices paid for the goods and services whose production requires the use of explosives. To the extent that members of this larger segment of society are general Iy the ones who also benefit from the anticriminal aspects of taggants inclusion, the results of imposing liability may seem fairer to some courts than the results of denying liability. To some extent, even a denial of liability would cause accidental explosion costs to be reflected in the prices of goods and services, the production of which is dependent on the use of explosives, Commercial users of explosives, for example, presumably insure themselves against portions of the costs of accidental explosions, and pass the insurance costs on to their customers. And commercial users are liable to others injured by their activities. (See p. 210, supra. ) However, the imposition of liability on explosives manufacturers would seem to accomplish the cost-spreading objective more fully. One further issue must be addressed in connection with the possibility of a Government specifications defense, Because the inclusion of taggants would be required by Federal law, courts applying State law rules of products liability would be required to determine whether the Federal law had preempted superseded State law. The substance of such an analysis would be essentially similar to the analysis just described when a State statute is involved. The major difference would be that the Federal courts would become involved in reviewing the State court decisions interpreting the intent of Congress. The Efficacy of Warnings and Disclaimers It is most unlikely that explosives manufacturers would be allowed to exempt themselves from liability by disclaimers included in their sales contracts. (See pp. 204-205, supra. ) Would warnings fare any better in court? That is, would manufacturers be allowed to escape liability by warning users that their explosives contain explosion-inducin g taggants? Again, the answer here is likely to be in the negative. It will be recalled from an earlier discussion that warnings serve to apprise persons of risks which they are in a position to avoid. (See p.
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives l 217 207, supra. ) Presumably, users of explosives containing taggants would not be in a position to avoid taggant-related risks by modifying their use of explosives, In effect, manufacturers would be warning users that flaws exist which may, more or less on random basis, cause harm, Viewed in this light, such warnings appear to be more Iike disclaimers in warning cloth ing, and presumably would not be given legal effect by many courts. However, it is to be expected that sales of explosives would be accompanied by such warnings, and it cannot be said with certainty that some courts would not bar recovery on that basis, (Or perhaps on the basis, equally dubious on these facts, that the users assumed the risks of accidental explosions. See p. 205, supra. ) Changes in Explosives Handlers Exposures to Liability It will be recalled from an earlier discussion that professional users and handlers of explosives are held to particularly high standards of care, approaching strict liability in some jurisdictions, (See p. 210, supra. ) The addition of identification taggants could have four types of effects on their exposures to liability. First, to the extent that they are already held strictly Iiable, an increased incidence of accidental explosions would as a practical matter increase their strict liability. Second, to the extent that the inclusion of taggants were to require special care in handling, explosives users would presumably be exposed to great negligence-based liability. Third, the inclusion of taggants would facilitate tracing explosives detonated by terrorists (or by children, into whose hands the explosives came) to their sources, opening up the possibility of an argument of inadequate care taken to prevent the escape of such dangerous instrumentalities. And finally, the presence of taggants might provide the basis for users of explosives to escape negligence-based liability by blaming accidental explosions on the taggants, and might allow explosives users to succeed in indemnity actions against explosives manufacturers. Exposure to Liability of Taggant Manufacturers Claims That the Taggants Caused Accidental ExplosionsProof of Defect The question of whether plaintiffs will succeed in proving that taggants caused accidental explosions was addressed in the preceding section and the analysis will not be repeated here. Assuming that some plaintiffs succeed in Iinking taggants to accidental explosions, what will be the taggant manufacturers exposure to Iiability? Presumably, if a plaintiff proves that a particular batch of taggants was abnormal in some way perhaps the pieces were too big, or varied too greatly in size he would have a good chance of reaching the trier of fact with a claim based on a flawed component. (See pp. 207-208, supra. ) If no such proof of abnormal taggant configuration were available, the plaintiff would be left to proceed on the basis that the taggant manufacturer supplied a defectively designed component part. The defendant would argue that it is in the same position as the supplier of any basic ingredient supplied in bulk to a product manufacturer if the combination of ingredients turns out to be dangerously defective, it is the product manufacturers, and not the component part manufacturers, responsibility. It will be recalled from an earlier discussion that suppliers of traditional ingredients of explosives would probably succeed with such an argument. (See p. 208, supra. ) However, courts may view the taggant manufacturer as being closer to the manufacturer of the machine component in the Dunson decision discussed earlier (p. 208, supra. ) The defendant in that case was held liable for a dangerous combination of components on the basis of its knowledge of the dangers and its involvement in manufacturing a component designed specificalIy for use in the final product. In response to plaintiffs attempts to draw them into the orbit of responsibility for the (presumably) dangerous and defective explosives containing taggants, taggant manufacturers could be expected to argue that they did not design their product specifically for use in explosives, but rather as a product of many and varied industrial applications. Viewed in this manner, they would appear closer to the sellers of basic, general-purpose ingredients of explosives. They could also be expected to rely on the disclaimers included in their contracts of sale which, when reviewed in Iight of this analysis, appear consciously designed to build a record to support their assertions of a general-purpose product. However, it might be shown that taggant manufacturers would never have gotten into the manufacture of taggants in the first place without the prospect of their being required to be included in explosives, notwithstanding their protestations to the contrary. (This writer lacks information on this issue he advances these considerations merely as possibilities.)
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218 l Taggants in Explosives Claims That Detection Taggants Failed to Function Properly On the assumption that it could be proved that detection taggants failed to function properly (see pp. 213-214, supra), plaintiffs injured because of such failures might have causes of action against the manufacturers of those taggants. (For a discussion of the liability of component manufacturers generally see pp. 207-208, supra. ) Some of the difficulties facing plaintiffs in such actions have already been described. (See pp. 213-214, supra. ) Significance of the Fact That Explosives Manufacturers Are Required by Law to Include Taggants Much of the legal material relevant to this issue is contained in the earlier treatment of explosives manufacturers liabilities, and will not be repeated. (See pp. 214-216, supra. ) At least two factual differences in the positions occupied by taggant manufacturers in contrast to explosives manufacturers deserve attention: 1 ) taggant manufacturers, unlike explosives manufacturers, are not required by law to be involved with taggants; and 2) taggants manufacturers, unlike explosives manufacturers, exercise control over the design of the taggants. D o these differences suffice to take taggant manufacturers out of the rule of nonviability that may apply to explosives manufacturers based on the fact of Government regulation? In attempting to persuade a court that the nonviability rule based on Government specifications ought not to extend to taggant manufacturers, (even if the court decides to extend it to explosives makers) a plaintiff might argue as follows: No one, including the Government, urged (much less required) taggant manufacturers to begin to develop such a product. Sensing a substantial profit to be made, those manufacturers on their own developed the taggant designs in question, patented them, and then worked diligently to persuade Congress to require them in explosives. In the cases relied upon by the defendants (see pp. 214-215, supra), the Government went to the producers and requested bids on specifically described projects. The Government did not exactly require the manufacturers to produce the products; but it is an economic fact of life that producers of most products rely for their survival on getting their share of Government contracts. (Indeed, as a technical matter explosives manufacturers are not required to include taggants they are free to choose to go out of business. ) Moreover, in the cases relied on by the defendants, the Government made all the significant design choices. If taggant manufacturers are allowed to invoke the nonviability rule, the court will have extended the excuse of we had no control over the design to companies that in fact dreamed up the idea of explosives taggants in the first place, controlled completely their development and ultimate design, and then with substantial effort convinced Congress to require other manufacturers to include them in their products under penalty of law. The writer wishes to make clear that in advancing this argument hypothetically, he takes no position regarding its intrinsic merit. Whether courts would listen to such an argument is a different question. On balance, this writer is inclined to believe some of them, at least, would accept it, and not allow the taggant manufacturers to argue that they should not be liable because they made the taggants to Government specifications. The Efficacy of Disclaimers It is likely that the taggant manufacturers disclaimers would not be given effect as disclaimers in actions brought by injured plaintiffs. (See pp. 204-205, supra. ) Whether they would be given effect in the context of contribution or indemnity actions between themselves and explosives manufacturers is less clear. It will be recalled from an earlier discussion that business entities dealing from equal bargaining positions are often left by courts to allocate Iiabilities between them. (See p. 205, supra. ) However, it is not clear that the bargaining positions in this instance are equal, given the fact that the explosives manufacturers cannot go without taggants. In a sense, the taggant manufacturers would have the explosives manufacturers over the barrel, and courts might refuse to give effect to disclaimers for that reason. Returning to the Initial Factual Assumptions The objective here is to return briefly to some of the factual assumptions made at the beginning of this second section, to consider the implications of alternative assumptions. The first assumption, that Congress will require the inclusion of both identification and detection taggants is omitted. If detection taggants are not required to be included, it may reasonably be assumed they will not present products liability problems, The last assumption made earlier, that Congress will not provide immu-
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives l 219 nities or other legislative adjustments of Iiabilities will be treated separately in the next section. What If the Designs of the Taggants Are Not Specifically Described by Regulation? It will be recalled from an earlier discussion that two types of standards are available with which to describe the taggants that would be required to be included in explosives design standards and performance standards. (See pp. 210-211, supra. ) If performance standards were used in the relevant regulations, their major impact would be in connection with the issue of whether the manufacturers of explosives and taggants could argue against liability on the ground that the Government required taggants to be included in explosives. (See pp. 214-216, supra. ) Performance standards wouId give the manufacturers greater control over the designs of the taggants to be included, and would weaken the nonliability argument. Of course, from the explosives manufacturers viewpoint, control in this context may be illusory if only one taggant manufacturers product meets the Government performances standards and it is not feasible for the individual explosives manufacturers to develop their own. At least from the taggant manufacturers viewpoint, however, performance standards would give them even more control and continuing control compared to the situation that would be presented by design standards. What If Congress Includes Black and Smokeless Powders in the List of Explosives Required to Contain Taggants? The major source of added difficulty in this circumstance is the fact that these powders, unlike most of the other explosives considered to this point, are consumer products in the normal sense of that term i.e., consumers purchase and use these powders in small quantities in connection with a fairly broad range of sporting and recreational purposes. Generally speaking, courts have traditionally been more willing to impose liability on the makers and selIers of consumer products than on the makers of other types of products. Moreover, it may reasonably be assumed, at least for purposes of this analysis, that including taggants in loose-packed powders presents greater technical problems e. g., physical separation of the taggants from the powders than would be the case with sol id-packed explosives such as dynamite. The combination of these two factors a consumer product that poses greater technical problems might very well increase the exposure to liability of both explosives and taggant manufacturers as a practical matter. One major battleground, not particularly significant in connection with the sale of solid-packed, taggant-treated explosives to professional users (see pp. 216-217, supra) would be failure to warn. Persons (including nonuser bystanders) injured during the course of consumer use of taggant-treated powders would argue that they were not sufficiently warned of the risks accompanying such use, and a percentage of such cases could be expected to reach the jury. (On the subject of failure to warn see genera//y p. 207, supra. ) Moreover, consumers would include in such actions claims based on product flaws (powder contained abnormally high or low, concentration of taggants, or wrong size taggants see genera//y pp. 206, 213, supra), an d defective product designs (taggants are defectively designed component parts) (see genera//y pp. 206207 and 211-213, supra), and a percentage of those claims could be expected to succeed. What If Congress Decides That Explosives Containing Taggants Pose Socially Acceptable Levels of Risk? The change in the assumption here is that instead of determining that taggants pose no practical risks of accidental explosions i.e., are safe for normal handling Congress determines that the levels of risk presented by including taggants are not insignificant but are nevertheless socially acceptablei.e., that some explosives will accidentally detonate, but that the antiterrorism benefits to society derived from including the taggants outweigh the costs of accidental explosions. With this hypothetical change in the assumption, the exposures to liability of explosives and taggants manufacturers (absent judicial recognition of the defense of governmental coercion and absent a special immunity provided by Congresssee the next section, infra) would almost certainly increase over what it would have been based on the former assumption. It will be recalled from an earlier discussion that even a finding by Congress that taggants are safe is unlikely to insulate manufacturers from liability as a practical matter. (See p. 216, supra. ) By hypothesis, plaintiffs would be helped more if Congress were to concede in its findings the existence of a measurable, but acceptable, risk of accidental explosions. The question of whether courts would allow manufacturers to rely upon the social acceptability of the risks in arguing against liability was considered earlier, (see pp. 211-212, supra), and that analysis
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220 Taggants in Explosives will not be repeated. On the strength of the earlier analysis, it is unlikely that an explicit declaration by Congress that the benefits to society outweigh the risks of accidental explosions would change the courts reactions to this aspect of the problem. What If Taggant Manufacturers Sell Their Products to the Federal Government, Which in Turn Sells Them to Explosives Manufacturers? In an earlier discussion of the significance of the fact that explosives manufacturers are required to include taggants, it was recognized that in most of the cases in which manufacturers appear to have been exempted from liability on that basis, the Government actually purchased the products later alleged to be defective. (See p. 215, supra. ) Superficially, at least, it would appear that both explosives and taggant manufacturers would be able to equate themselves more easily with the sellers in those cases were the Government to purchase the taggants and then resell them to explosives manufacturers. One basis for questioning whether it would be that simple, however, is the other half of the earlier distinction between the precedents and the instant situation i.e., the Government agencies in those cases originally purchased the products for their own use. It could plausibly be argued that there is a significant difference between the Government purchasing specially designed products for its own use and later allowing the public to gain access to those products, on the one hand, and the Government acting merely as a conduit between private interests, on the other. To impose liability in the first situation arguably would burden unduly the ability of the Government to obtain at reasonable costs products specially suited to its operational e.g., military needs. To impose liability in the second situation would not have those consequences, assuming that the Government passed on its costs to the explosives manufacturers. Indeed, it can be argued that to refuse to impose Iiability merely because the Government acted as a sales conduit wouId be to exalt form over substance. If the Government were to act as a sales conduit for the taggants, would the Government be exposed to products liability? The answer here would almost certainly be in the negative, given the availability of sovereign immunity. It has been held that strict products liability actions do not fall within the consent to suit provisions of the Federal Tort Claims Act. (See In Re Bomb Disaster At Roseville, Cal., on April 28, 1973, 438 F. Supp. 769 (E. D. Cal. 1977).) And were a plaintiff to pursue a claim in negligence on the basis of inadequate testing or mistake in judgment in deciding to include taggants, the claim would almost certainly come within the preclusion of IiabiIity for the exercise or performance or the failure to exercise or perform a discretionary function or duty in 28 U. S.C. A.S 2680(a). ASSUMING THAT THE TAGGANTS REQUIREMENT WILL INCREASE THE PRODUCTS LIABILITY EXPOSURES OF THE EXPLOSIVES INDUSTRY, WHAT ADJUSTMENTS OF THOSE EXPOSURES MIGHT CONGRESS The purpose here is not to make recommendations regarding whether, or how, legislatively to adjust the exposures to liability of the parties affected by the proposed taggants requirement, but rather to explore the major alternatives available to Congress in this regard and to explore briefly the significant implications of each. In developing these alternatives in the sections that follow, the underlying assumption will be that Congress is chiefly concerned with the possible allocations of accidental explosions costs generated by the inclusion of normal concentrations of properly manufactured taggants in explosives, and is ready in any event to allocate the accident costs of abnorma l CONSIDER MAKING? concentrations and improperly manufactured taggants the costs of product flaws in the traditional sense of that termto the manufacturers and sellers of taggants and explosives responsible for such abnormalities. Congress Could Decide to Shift the Accident Costs of Normal Taggant Inclusion to the Federal Government The main policy argument in support of this alternative is that the costs of accidental explosions caused by the inclusion of normal concentrations
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives l 221 of properly manufactured taggants are costs directIy attributable to the decision of Congress to require such inclusion in the interests of public safety, and therefore they should be borne by the Federal Government and spread generally to the public through the tax system, At least three basic variations of this alternative are available: The Existing Tort System Remains Unchanged; When Manufacturers Liability Is Based on Normal Taggant Inclusion, They May Obtain Indemnity From the Government Under this approach, manufacturers (and other commercial sellers) would be the defendant s against who m the actions would initially b e brought. In cases in which they are held liable in tort based upon the inclusion of normal concentrations of properly manufactured taggants, they would be indemnified, thus shifting the liability losses to the Federal Government. A number of questions may be raised concerning the efficacy of this approach, among which are the following: 1) manufacturers would still be open to the expense of defending these actions would such expenses be reimbursed? 2) How would the basis of the defendants liability be determined? Might Congress require a special verdict mechanism in all such cases i.e., a specific finding by the trier of fact as to the role played by taggants in the explosion? 3) Would every case have to go to trial? What if settlements were reached? 4) Would such an approach create sufficient financial incentives favoring a finding of taggant involvement that manufacturers would manipulate the trial process to help assure such a result? 5) Would triers of fact, some of whom can be assumed to know of the indemnity plan, be tacitly encouraged to blame the taggants in cases involving accidental explosions? One further issue that is inherent in indemnity actions which would have to be addressed is that of collateral estoppel. A decision in the action against the manufacturer that normal concentrations of properly manufactured taggants did not cause the explosion would preclude relitigation of that factual issue in an indemnity action against the Government. (See Park lane Hosiery Co., Inc. V Shor e 439 U.S. 322, 58 L. Ed. 2d 552, 99 S. Ct. 645, (1979 ).) But a finding that a normal concentration of properly manufactured taggants caused the explosion would not necessarily bind the Government in a n indemnity action. A sensible statutory procedure involving indemnity actions against the Government would almost certainly include consent by the Government to be bound by the factual determinations in the actions against the manufacturers. Immunity From Liability Is Granted to Members of the Explosives Industry for All Accidental Explosions; Plaintiffs Bring Actions Against Government; Government May Obtain Indemnity From Manufacturer If Normal Taggant Inclusion Is Not the Basis of Liability This is the reverse of the variation considered in the preceding section, and resembles somewhat the approach to the liability question adopted recently in the National Swine Flu Immunization Program of 1976 (42 U. S.C.A. 8 247b(j) (1) (1976 ).) In theory it reaches the same allocations of Iiability as the preceding variation, but the actions are brought in the first instance against the Government, not the explosives industry. One significant difference between the circumstances surrounding the Swine Flu Program and the circumstances surrounding the inclusion of taggants in explosives relates to the relative significance of causal factors other than the Governmentinstigated activity. In connection with the Swine Flu Program, it could be assumed that a majority of the cases brought successfully by injured plaintiffs would not involve indemnity i.e., that a majority of those persons injured were injured as a result of the inherent risks of the Program rather than the negligence of the manufacturers. With the taggants program, the situation may be quite the reverse. Here, it might be assumed that a relatively small percentage of accidental explosions are actually attributable to the normal inclusion of taggants. If that is the case, then the approach here being considered would, in contrast to the Swine Flu Program, in most cases send plaintiffs initially to the wrong place from which to seek relief. Two results of this misdirection of focus, neither particularly desirable, might result: either taggants would typically be exonerated in the action s brought against the Government, in which case indemnity actions would become routine and the associated transaction costs a source of waste; or the triers of fact in the actions against the Government, sensing something of a giveaway, would tend to blame the taggants in many more cases than could be supported on the data. In theory, of course, the latter circumstances would not arise. In practice, it could well be a real possibility. The problem of whether findings in action s against the Government would be binding in indemnity claims against manufacturers would have
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222 l Taggants in Explosives to be resolved differently from the way it could be resolved when suits are brought initially against manufacturers. Under the variation discussed here, the Government could not consent on behalf of the manufacturers that they be bound. But a statutory provision calling for making the appropriate members of the explosives industry parties to the actions could be worked out. Limited Immunity From Liability Is Granted to Members of the Explosives Industry for Accidental Explosions Caused by Normal Taggants Inclusion; Government Is Liable for Explosions Caused by Normal Taggant Inclusion This variation is a combination of the two preceding, and could be accomplished by either of two procedures. One method would be for plaintiffs to bring normal taggant cases against the Government and all others against the appropriate members of the explosives industry. One drawback to this is the inefficiency connected with bringing two separate actions, if it turns out that the plaintiff sued the wrong defendant first. A further problem is that once the indemnity idea is abandoned, a theory which would make the findings in the first trial binding on the defendant in the second would be more difficult to work out. The second method would be for the plaintiff to sue both the Government and the appropriate industry members in a single suit. This would have the advantages of bringing all the parties together in a single proceeding. But if the action were brought in Federal court, accommodations would have to be made with the existing rules of diversity jurisdiction and jurisdictional amount. For the action to be brought in State court, Congress would have to consent to such suits. Congress Could Decide to Shift the Accident Costs of Normal Taggant Inclusion to Explosives Users The main policy argument in support of this alternative is that the actual risks posed by normal inclusions of taggants in explosives may be significantly smaller than the practical increases in manufacturers exposures to liability resulting therefrom, causing an unfair shifting to manufacturers of accident costs that have been traditionally, and arguably should continue to be, borne by the users of explosives. Under this alternative, when commer cial users or their employees are injured because of normal taggant inclusion, the losses would remain where they fall due to the accident. When innocent bystanders are thus injured, the users would presumably be strictly Iiable in tort. (See p. 210, supra. ) Admittedly, explosives users are not to blame for the very few accidental explosions that are in fact caused by normal taggant inclusion; but there is no practically feasible way to allow them to seek recovery for those accidents without unfairly shifting much greater accident costs, unrelated to taggant inclusion, to explosives manufacturers. (Obviously, the greater Congresss confidence in the safety of normal taggant inclusion, the more attractive this alternative becomes.) The following variations on this theme deserve mention here. The Existing Tort System Remains Unchanged Except That Congress Establishes a Presumption That Taggants Do Not Cause Accidental Explosions, Subject to Being Rebutted by Proof of Abnormal Taggant Concentrations or Improper Taggant Manufacture Under this variation, plaintiffs would succeed in al I of the cases in which they have traditionally succeeded under existing law, and would succeed in cases in which they can prove a taggant flaw in the literal sense of that term i.e., cases in which they can prove that the concentration of taggants was too high (or low, if that were to cause the explosion), or that the taggants themselves were abnormal in some way. The major legal difficulty with this approach would be presented in the form of attacks by injured plaintiffs against such a provision on the ground that it constitutes an unconstitutional deprivation of rights in violation of due process of law. The recent Supreme Court decision in Usery v. Turner Elkhorn Mining Co., 428 U.S. I (1976), however, would seem to support the validity of such a presumption. The plaintiffs in that case were coal mine operators challenging on due process grounds the constitutionality of the Coal Mine Health and Safety Act. The Supreme Court upheld the Acts validity, including the establishment of an irrebuttable presumption that certain coal miners lung diseases were work-related, concluding that due process requirements are satisfied in connection with Iiability-related presumptions if there is a rational connection between the fact proved and the ultimate fact presumed. (428 U.S. at 4.)
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives l 223 Admittedly, the rational connection to which the court refers would become strained in the present context if Congress were not factually to conclude that normal taggant inclusion was safe for normal handling of explosives. But assuming that Congress views as remote the chances of normal concentrations of taggants causing explosions, a presumption of no causal connection should withstand judicial scrutiny. When it comes to evidentiary rules in matters not within specialized judicial competence or completely common place, the Court concluded in Usery v. Turner Elkhorn Mining Co., [supra], it is primarily for Congress to amass the stuff of actual experience and cull conclusions from it. (428 U.S. at 33-34, quoting United States v. Gainey, 380 U.S. 63,67 (1965 ).) Congress Could Grant to Manufacturers Immunity From Tort Liability for Accidental Explosions Caused by Normal Taggant Inclusion If the rebuttable presumption approach were believed to present constitutional problems of the sort considered in the preceding section, this variation might provide an alternative approach to accomplishing the same objective without reliance on presumptions. Thus, if Congress were ready to accept the policy argument advanced at the outset of this section, it might be more straightforward to speak in terms of an immunity granted on the basis of a policy judgment rather than a presumption based on a factual judgment. Of course, plaintiffs could be expected to attack this alternative on the ground that it denies to them the constitutionally guaranteed right to equal protection of the laws. An attack of this sort was recently brought in Federal court against a somewhat similar provision in the Federal law limiting the liability of nuclear plant operators. In Duke Power Co. v. Carolina Environmenta l Study Group, 438 U.S. 59 (1978), the Federal nofault compensation scheme created for the benefit of victims of nuclear accidents resulting from the operation of federally licensed nuclear power generation facilities was challenged on due process and equal protection grounds. The district court held the statutory ceiling of $560 million on liability from one accident to be, inter alia, violative of the equal protection requirement because the statute place(d) the cost (of the encouragement of nuclear power) on an arbitrarily chosen segment of society, those injured by nuclear catastrophe. 431 F. Supp. 203 (W. D.N.C. 1977). The U.S. Supreme Court reversed, holding the ceiling on liability to be classic example of an economic regulation. fi38 U.S. at 83.) The Act was rational, according to the Court, in view of Congresss purpose of encouraging private development of nuclear energy, and this was ample justification for the difference in treatment between those injured in nuclear accidents and those whose injuries are derived from other causes. (438 U.S. at 93-94.) Although the facts are somewhat different, (a limited remedy was available to injured plaintiffs under applicable legislation), it can be argued that the Duke Power decision supports extending the immunity described herein. Congress Could Decide to Shift the Accident Costs of Normal Taggant Inclusion to Manufacturers of Taggants and Explosives Congress could reach at least two conclusions that would support this alternative. First, Congress could assume that the costs of these taggantrelated accidental explosions will be passed on by the manufacturers to their customers in the form of increases in prices and conclude that such a distribution of those costs is appropriate; and second, Congress could assume that the manufacturers are in positions of control over the techniques of design and manufacture affecting the levels of risks presented by normal taggant inclusions, and conclude that imposing liability wilI pressur e manufacturers to exercise their control in ways to accomplish reductions in those risks. A starting place for accomplishing these objectives would be for Congress to grant no immunities, nor extend any rights of indemnity, to manufacturers of taggants and explosives. In addition, some or al I of the following changes in existing law might be considered: Nonviability Based on the Fact of the Governments Involvement Could Be Eliminated Legislatively It will be recalled that in cases involving taggants, manufacturers may have available to them arguments that they should not be liable due to the fact that taggants are required by law to be included in explosives. (See pp. 214-216, supra. ) If Congress concludes that these accident costs should be borne by the manufacturers, the possibility of such a defense could be eliminated legislatively.
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224 l Taggants in Explosives Manufacturers Liability for Accidental Explosions Caused by Taggants Could Be Established Legislatively It will be recalled from an earlier discussion that some courts, at least, could be expected to hold the manufacturers liable in cases where the plaintiff succeeds in proving that the taggants caused an accidental explosion. (See pp. 211-213, supra. ) How ever, to clear up any doubt on the question, Congress might consider making it clear in the statute. A Presumption That Accidental Explosions Are Caused by Taggants Could Be Established, Subject to Being Rebutted by Proof of User Mishandling This would be a drastic change in existing law which, in combination with the preceding two, wouId practicalIy assure that every plaintiff injured in an accidental explosion would reach the trier of fact regardless of the actual cause of the explosion. The practical effect of this change in existing law wouId be to make manufacturers almost insurers of the safety of those using and affected by explosives. (For a brief description of the basis for constitutional challenge of this change by the manufacturers, see pp. 222-223, supra. ) consider the possibility of establishing specific rules governing questions of indemnity and contribution between these manufacturing groups. (Cf pp. 211-213 and 217, supra. ) On the basis of who profits? and who controls? the activity in question, taggant manufacturers might be required to indemnify explosives manufacturers. Congress Could Decide to Divide the Costs Among the Interested Parties, Apportioning Such Costs in a Variet y of Ways The possible variations under this alternative are numerous, and will not be explored in their variety. One possibility, however, deserves mention if for no other reason than the fact that it has become something of a favorite with State legislatures in addressing areas of tort liability, such as medical malpractice, perceived to be in various stages of crisis. Congress could decide to place a dollar limit on claims arising out of accidental explosions found to have been caused by normal inclusions of taggants. Were this approach adopted it would, in effect, divide the costs of such accidents between manufacturers and users/victims. The Question of Indemnity and Contribution Between Taggant Manufacturers and Explosives Manufacturers Could Be Addressed Legislatively Especially if the alternative of shifting the costs of manufacturers were adopted, Congress should SUMMARY Exposure of the Explosives Industry to Products Liability Under Existing Law Liability of manufacturers and other sellers of explosives. Basically the same rules of Iiability that apply to manufacturers and commercial sellers of other products apply to manufacturers and commercial sellers of explosives. Defendants are liable on the basis of negligence, breach of warranty, misrepresentation, and strict liability in tort. Two fact patterns predominate in actions against explosives manufacturers: those involving product flaws, and those involving failures to warn, In product flaw cases, plaintiffs may rely on strict liability in most jurisdictions; in failure to warn cases, a basic negligence analysis is most often employed. Two factual characteristics unique to explosives cases account for the somewhat different judicial treatment afforded these cases compared with products liability cases generally. First, explosives invariably self destruct during use, forcing plaintiffs to rely to an unusual extent upon circumstantial evidence of product flaws. And second, explosives are not consumer products in the usual sense of that term the typical purchasers and users of explosives are presumably experienced professionals. This second characteristic tends to affect negative-
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Appendix DProducts Liability Implications of Legally Requiring the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives 225 Iy not only the plaintiffs opportunity circumstan tially to prove the existence of a product flaw, but also the likelihood of his succeeding with an argument that the defendant failed adequately to warn of hidden dangers. Liability of manufacturers and other sellers of explosives components. Components in the present context is synonymous with ingredients. Manufacturers and other commercial sellers of explo sives components are theoretically liable (and in most States, strictly liable) for flaws in their products, but practical problems of proof tend to preclude such liability in most cases. Although sellers of components in other product areas have been held liable both for defective designs and failure to warn, the factual bases of such liability reliance by others on the component sellers unique knowledge and judgment regarding the risks associated with uses of its product are not typically present in situations in which basic, general-purpose chemical compounds are sold in bulk to explosives manufacturers. Liability of manufacturers and other commercial sellers of explosives accessories. Accessories refers to products normally used in connection with explosives, including blasting caps and fuses. When the injured plaintiff can prove that he was injured in an accidental explosion due to a flawed accessory, most jurisdictions will hold the commercial selIers of that accessory strictly Iiable. However, as a practical matter, proof of physical defect is difficult, especially with respect to blasting caps. A number of actions have been brought on the basis of the defendants failure to warn. When fuse manufacturers fail adequately to warn of the burning characteristics of their products, they are held liable to users injured by that failure. Judicial reactions to arguments that blasting cap manufacturers should warn children and other incompetent users that their products are explosive have been mixed. One court not only recognized such a duty, but suggested that the entire blasting cap industry, together with their trade association, could be joined as defendants in a single action. Liability of commercial transporters and handlers of explosives. Commercial transporters, handlers, and users of explosives are subject to strict liability for harm to persons or property caused by accidental explosions. How Would These Exposures to Liability Change If Congress Required the Inclusion of Taggants in Explosives? Changes in explosives manufacturers and sellers exposures to liability. TechnicalIy, normal concentrations of taggants pose questions of product design rather than product flaws. However, taggants that cause accidental explosions are functionally quite flawlike, and some courts can be expected to treat them like flaws. Thus, unless the defendants are permitted to rely on arguments of governmental coercion (a question to be addressed shortly), their exposure to liability will be increased to the extent that plaintiffs can prove that taggants caused accidental explosions. Expert testimony supporting such a causal relationship could take two basic forms: 1) testimony that a normal concentration of taggants caused the explosion, and 2) testimony that an abnormal concentration of taggants caused the explosion. It is likely that plaintiffs will, in appropriate cases, find experts willing to offer both types of testimony. It is difficult to predict the legal significance courts will attach to the fact that defendant manufacturers are required to include taggants in explosives. A strong argument can be made, supported by precedent, that this element of governmental coercion should constitute a defense. However, the situation surrounding the inclusion of taggants may be sufficiently different from the situations in prior cases to allow courts to impose liability. In any event, because the taggants requirement is imposed by Federal law, courts will be faced with the question of whether State laws governing tort liability have been preempted. The exposure to liability of taggant manufacturers. If the plaintiff can prove that a particular batch of taggants was flawed, causing an accidental explosion, the taggant manufacturer wiII probably be Iiable. Whether taggarits manufacturers will be Iiabie for explosions caused by normal taggants depends on whether courts view taggants as components specially designed for inclusion in explosives exclusively, or whether courts view taggants as general-purpose products suitable for a range of different applications not all of which are neces-
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226 l Taggants in Explosives sarily dangerous. On balance, the former approach seems more plausible, and therefore taggants manufacturers may be exposed to liability to injured victims of taggant-caused accidental explosions. Although courts are unlikely to give effect to disclaimers vis-a-vis injured plaintiffs, the question of whether they wilI give effect to disclaimers vis-avis explosives manufacturers is more in doubt. Whether courts will allow taggants manufacturers to depend on the basis that taggants are required by Federal law to be included in explosives is not clear. It can be argued persuasively that taggants manufacturers should not be allowed such a defense even if courts were to make that defense available to explosives manufacturers. What Adjustments to These Exposures to Liability Might Congress Consider Making? Congress could decide to shift the accident costs of normal taggant inclusion to the Federal Government. Three approaches to this end might be considered: 1) allow defendant companies held liable in tort actions because of the inclusion of normal concentrations of taggants to seek indemnity from the Government; 2) grant to the companies immunity from tort liability for all allegedly defective explosives, allow all actions based on allegedl y defective explosives to be brought against th e Government, and then allow the Government t o seek indemnity from the companies when norma l taggant inclusion is not the basis of the Governments liability; or 3) grant immunity to the companies limited to liability for accidents caused by normal taggant inclusion, and allow those cases to be brought against the Government. Congress could decide to shift the accident costs of normal taggant inclusion to explosives users. Two approaches to accomplish this end might be considered: 1 ) Congress could create a presumption that taggants do not cause accidental explosives, subject to being rebutted by proof of abnormal taggants concentrations or improper taggants manufacture; or 2) Congress could grant to manufacturers and sellers immunity for accidental explosions caused by normal taggant inclusion. Congress could decide to shift the accident costs of normal taggant inclusion to manufacturers of taggants and explosives. A range of alternatives are available to accomplish this end, among them: 1) nonliability based on the fact of Government coercion could be eliminated legislatively; 2) manufacturers liability for accidental explosions caused by taggants could be established legislatively; 3) a presumption that accidental explosions are caused by taggants could be established legislatively, subject to being rebutted by proof of user mishandling; and 4) the question of indemnity and contribution between taggant manufacturers and explosives manufacturers could be addressed legislatively. Congress could divide the costs among the interested parties. This objective could be accomplished by placing a dollar limit on claims arising out of accidental explosions found to have been caused by normal taggants inclusion, effecting a division of accident costs between manufacturers and users/ victims.
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APPENDIX ESUITABILITY OF ANFO AS A FILLER FOR CRIMINAL BOMBS 2700 Merced Street San Leandro, Ca. 94577 16 January 1980 24-1393/0 084 Congress of the United States Office of Technology Assessment Washington D. C. 20510 Attention: Mr. Peter Sharfman Reference: Your Letter of 11 January 1980 Dear Sir: Referring to questions put to me by Mr. David Garfinkle of Science Applications, Inc. about the initiation and the damage potential of explosive devices loaded with ANFO, I would like to answer you with the following statements. ANFO generally consists only of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil at a weight ratio of about 95 to 5, but may be used to designate other types of ammonium nitrate based explosives. The density is approximately 0.78 gicms, the energy density E. = 2.9 X 103 J\cm3, and the ratio of specific heats of the gaseous products is I = 2.554. Under ideal conditions (i.e. quantities of several hundred kg and a strong initiation source) ANFO detonates at a rate of 5 km\s with a Chapman-Jouguet pressure (at the shock front) of 55 kbar. In small samples (e.g. 10 to 20 kg) even if confined, the detonation velocity is considerably lower, depending on confinement conditions and initiation, and typically between 1.9 and 2.8 km/s. The shock front pressure in these cases is also considerably lower than 55 kbar. Samples with small dimensions and negligible confinement will not detonate at all, (e.g. cylindrical samples in thin plastic confinement 5 cm or less in diameter, or unconfined layers of 5 cm or less in thickness) 2700MERCEDSTREET l SAN LEANDRO,CALIFORNIA 94577 l (415) 357-461OTWX 910-366-7033 227
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228 l Taggants in Explosives 24-139 3/0 084 Page 2 The ANFO commercially sold and used in the U.S.A. can generally not be initiated by a detonator only. A booster made of about 50 to 500 g of high explosives such as Composition C4 which can be initiated by a detonator only, is generally used to start the detonation. A criminal use of this type ANFO in quantities of 1 or 2 kg does not seem reasonable since the efficiency of a destructive explosive device under these circumstances would generally not be significantly improved beyond that resulting from the booster alone. It is possible, however, to produce high explosives similar to ANFO which can be detonated by a detonator only. Some ANFO sold and used in the Federal Republic of Germany for mining and quarrying purposes has this property called cap sensitivity. It is also possible to modify the composition of the blasting agent such that it becomes cap sensitive, e.g. by replacing the fuel oil by hydrazine hydrate. The sensitivity of ANFO can be increased by certain additives, e aluminum powder or potassium perchlorate. In some cases, the sensitivity of the ANFO-like blasting agent can be increased by crushing the ammonium nitrate prills. Most of the premixed ANFO commercially sold in the U.S.A., however, does not become cap sensitive by crushing the prills. ANFO obtained by first crushing prilled ammonium nitrate commercially bought in the U.S.A. and then mixing it with fuel oil will also, in general, not be cap sensitive. If either the ANFO or the ammonium nitrate used to mix it were obtained from certain areas outside the U.S.A. crushing of the prills may render it cap sensitive. In all these cases of cap sensitivity, however, a high powered detonator (e.g. one containing 1 g base charge) is still needed, and also a certain amount of special information is required, whereas modern propellants as well as all types of black powder can be initiated by a heat source only, like match heads, squibs, or even only an electrically heated wire or a spark.
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Appendix ESuitability of ANFO as a Filler for Criminal Bombs l 229 Page 3 24-1393-0 1 /008 4 The initiation requirements for various configurations are summarized in Table 1 below. It should be noted that this table is intended to give a general overview and that it cannot present all limitations, exemptions, or special circunwtances. Table 1 REQUIRED FOR INITIATION MATERIAL CONFINED UNCONFINED Small amounts of Booster charge of (NO Reaction) commercial ANFO 50-500 g high (-2 kg.) explosive Large amounts of Booster charge of Booster charge of commercial ANFO 50-500 g hig h 50-500 g high (> 50 ka) explosive explosive Sensitized ANFO or Detonator with Detonator with special mix at least lg at least 1 g blasting agent base charge or base charge or 6 prima cord 6 prima cord (50 grainift.) + (50 grain\ft.) + small detonator small detonator like below like below Military explosive Small detonator Small detonator like Comp. B or with about .25 g with about 25 g Comp. C4 base charge base charge Modern propellant Heat source like (No explosion; only or black powder matchhead, squib, violent burning hot wire, or spark possible)
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230 Taggants in Explosives 24-139 3/0 084 Page 4 To compare the damage producing capability of destructive explosive devices, one has to consider air blast, fragmentation, and potential incendiary effects. Assuming the initiation problems can be resolved for an explosive device containing only a few kg of a blasting agent similar to ANFO, then the air blast caused by this device could do approximately as much air blast damage as a device with the same weight of TNT (see Figure 1). The density difference between ANFO and TNT (approximately 0.8 vs. 1.6) would require a larger confinement volume for a device containing ANFO. Comparing fragmentation of a device loaded with TNT versus one loaded with a blasting agent similar to ANFO, the latter would produce a smaller number of fragments larger in size and with a somewhat lower velocity than the TNT device. The total damage producing capability of the fragments of the ANFO device would probably come fairly close to that of the TNT device. Neither one of the two device types would produce any significant incendiary effect. The damage producing capability of propellant or black powder loaded devices will generally be significantly smaller than that of devices loaded with an ANFO-like blasting agent due to the following reasons: (a) The rate Of energy release is much higher in high explosives, including blasting agents like ANFO, than in propellants including black powder. Expressed, e.g. in Megawatts, a 5 cm diameter device loaded with ANFO delivers energy at a rate of about 10,000 MW; a gun cartridge of the same diameter delivers energy at a rate of about 500 MW (b) The rate of detonation of high explosives, including blasting agents like ANFO, is only weakly depending on ambient conditions whereas the propellant burn rate strongly depends on the ambient pressure. Propellants including black powder which are initiated in a metallic shell will frequently violently rupture the shell at a time when only a fraction of the propellant energy has been released, producing
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Appendix ESuitability of ANFO as a Filler for Criminal Bombs 231 24-139 3/00 8 4 Page 5 only very few medium velocity fragments and only a moderate pressure wave The burn rate of the still remaining mass of propellant will at the time of the shell rupture drop to a very low rate imposing no other danger than a fire hazard. A high explosive or blasting agent detonated in a metallic confinement like a bomb shell will always produce a number of high velocity fragments and a strong air blast. To summarize, it can generally be producing capability of an explosi expected that the damage ve device loaded with an ANFO-like blasting agent, if it is properly initiated, is somewhat smaller than that of a device of equal weight loaded with TNT, but significantly larger than that of a device of equal weight loaded with black powder or modern propellants. Very truly yours, fl?&4F Roland R. Franzen Senior Staff Engineer Attachment: Figure 1
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232 l Taggants in Explosives Figure 1 .Airblast Pressures From TNT and 60 40 20 10 ~ 8. 0 & 6.0 al ~ 4.0 @ ~ a 5 = 2.0 0 ~ z 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 Field Mixed AN/FO Fired on Ground This figure was copied from: L. D. Sadwin, J. F. Pittman, Airblast Characteristics of ANFO. U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, MD April 1969. -pound TNT hemispheres 260field mixe d 500-Pound field mixed AN/FO l,000=pw@fla+d mixed AN/F@ Ambient atmospheric pressure = 11.88 PSI \ 1 2 14 6 8 10 20 40 60 Scaled ground range, feet/( pounds) /3
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APPENDIX FDERIVATION OF BOMBING STATISTICS TABLES Chapters 1, 11, and VI contain a number of tables summarizing the current and projected bombing threat. These tables were compiled from data originating from a number of sources, including BATF, the FBI, FAA, and a number of other law enforcement agencies. BATF and the FBI compile overall bombing statistics. The data, however, are available only in the form of periodic summary documents (semiannually from BATF and quarterly from the FBI) in compiled, tabular form, or in the form of individual case files. Both data banks are computerized, but the formating does not make it possible to retrieve and analyze the data in a meaningfuI way. Management Sciences Associates had previously attempted an analysis of the BATF and FBI data bases as reported in reference F-1, and had been unsuccessful in retrieving the data in a manner which allowed meaningful analysis. OTA reviewed the BATF case file data, and concluded that analysis of the raw data files was not feasible, for the following reasons: l l l the files did not contain all the data needed for the OTA analysis; files concerning cases currently before the courts could not be made available to OTA; the amount of effort necessary to analyze the individual data files was not commensurate with the time and funds available for the OTA anal ysis. OTA conducted a similar, although less intensive, review of the FBI data files and concluded that detailed analysis of the FBI files would have the same limitations as cited above for the BATF files; in addition, fewer bombing incidents are contained in the FBI file. The OTA analysis was therefore based primarily on the compiled summary reports. OTA had no reason to suppose that the data from any of these Government sources were more or less reliable than the others, and so made use in each case of the data source whose formating was most appropriate for the analysis in question. In this appendix, the original tabular data from the FBI, BATF, and FAA are shown, and the way in which the tables in chapter VI were compiled from these sources is explained. The tables in chapters I and 11 were derived in turn from the chapter VI tables. Table 54 The BATF data in table 54 are taken directly from tables 1 and 9 of the BATF 1978 Explosives incidents Report, (ref. F-2) reproduced below. The first five rows come from table 1, the last three from table 9. The FBI data comes from table 1 of the 1978 FBI Bomb Summary, (ref. F-3) also reproduced below. Table 9 of the BA TF 1978 Explosives Incident s Report shows 435 injuries in 1978. This includes 250 fireworks accidents (listed as unknown targets), and OTA therefore reduced the figure to 185 injuries from bombings. Table 55 The explosive trend data in table 55 are also from the same FBI table 1. The only differences are that a column of total explosive bombings and attempts has been added and the property damage values have been rounded off to the nearest thousand dolIars. Similarly, figure 22 shows the same data in a graphical format, Table 56 Table 56, on the determination of the explosive filler used in criminal bombs, comes from two BATF sources. The 1978 all identified fillers data are based on table 13 of the 1978 BATF report (ref. 2). A total of 1,767 cases is shown for 1978 in that table. This represents al I of the explosive and incendiary bombings, criminal accidents, and unignited and undetonated actual bombs recovered during 1978, as shown by the first five rows of table 1 of the 1978 BATF report (ref. F-2). If those fillers which were not identified and the flammable liquids categories are removed, the number of cases involving identified, explosive filIers from actual explosive bombings, recovered explosive bombs, and criminal accidents are 824. If the 1978 numbers for each type filler is divided by 824, then the percentages shown are found (rounded off to the nearest percent). The BATF category called dynamite includes dynamites, gels, slurries, and emulsions. The 1978 laboratory identified filler data are taken from page 43 of the BATF Annual Report for FY 78 233
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234 l Taggants Explosives (ref. F-4). The average column is just arithmetic average of the other two columns. OTA believes these data give as accurate a feeling for the percentage of bombings for each filler type as can be derived, short of a case-by-case examination. Table 57 The data shown in table 57 are derived from two BATF sources. The total number of bombings against substantial targets was derived from table 9 of the 1978 BATF report (ref. F-2). The table shows 1,409 incidents, which corresponds to the number of actual explosive and incendiary bombings during 1978 plus the number of criminal accidents, due to premature initiation, from table 1 of that report. From that was subtracted the number of bombings against unknown targets, mailboxes, and open areas, from BATF table 9, to yield 1,298 bombing s against substantial targets. The breakout between incendiary and explosive bombings was also obtained from data in BATF tables 1 and 9. Table 1 shows 896 explosive bombings (67 percent) and 446 incendiary bombings (33 percent). If the criminal accidents from the use of explosive and incendiary bombs are assumed to have occurred with the same relative frequency, then the total number of incendiary bombings and criminal accident s against substantial targets is equal to 33 percent of the 1,298 figure, or 428, while the number for explosive bombings is equal to 870. The breakout of number of explosive bombings by type of filler was arrived at by using the percentage filIer data from column 3 of table 56 and multiplying the percentage for each category by the total number of explosive bombings of substantial target figures given above. Neither the FBI nor the BATF data summaries break down deaths and injuries by the type of bomb filler used. However, A. Atley Peterson, Special Assistant (Research and Development) to the Director of BATF, gave a breakdown of deaths, injuries, and property damage by type of bomb filler before the 4th International Conference on Terrorist Devices and Methods in England during Ma y 1979 (ref. F-5). These data are shown in table 57. Petersons figure for total injuries, like OTAs table 54, excludes 250 injuries from fireworks accidents, which are included in table 9 of reference F-2. The row entitled total for those fillers which would be directly tagged aggregates figures for black powder, smokeless powder, and cap-sensitive dynamite, gels, slurries, and emulsions, corresponding to BATF planning documents and also to the OTA baseline case. Table 58 Table 58 is BATF table 9 (ref. F-2) slightly modified. The words property damage were added to footnote a. Also, the number injured in 1978 from bombings of unknown targets was reduced to exCIude 250 injuries from fireworks accidents. Table 59 Table 59 is an OTA compilation based on BATF table 9 (ref. F-27). The percentage data are based on the average of the 1977 and 1978 bombings. The statistics for residences and vehicles and for commercial establishment come directly from that table. To get the percentage of identified substantial targets unlikely to be protected by a detection sensor, the unknown, other, mailbox, and open area bombings were removed from the data. That left 1,189 bombings of substantial targets (i.e., eliminating open area and mailbox bombings) in 1977 and 1,161 in 1978 in which the target was identified. It was then assumed that residences, vehicles, and commercial establishments would be unlikely to be protected by a detection sensor, while the other target categories might well be. Table 60 Table 60 is an OTA-generated categorization of criminal bomber attributes. Table 61 Table 61 was generated by the following process. First, a calculation was made of the proportion of bombings attributable to various types of bombers. This calculation was made by taking FBI data on apparent motives for the year 1974 (p. 9 of the FBI Bomb Summary 1974, ref. F-6), 1975 (p. 16 of the FBI Bomb Summary 1975, ref. F-7), 1976 (table 9 of the FBI Bomb Summary 1976, ref. F-8), 1977 (table 9 of the FBI Bomb Summary 1977, ref. F-9), and 1978 (table 8 of the FBI Bomb Summary 1978, ref. F-3) and averaging them. The FBI used different categories in each year, and they were combined into the four OTA categories as shown in the tabulation below:
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Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables 235 Terrorist category Antiestablishment Extremist Foreign political Political AntlreligIous Civil rights Protest Publicity Sabotage Subversion Criminal category Labor Racketeering Monetary gain Extortion Fraud Intimidation Diversion Mentally distrubed Animosity Suicide Reprisals Revenge Vandals and experimenters Malicious destruction Mischief Vandalism 1975 1976 1977 1978 From the average for these 5 years, a calculation was made of the proportion of al I bombings committed by each type of perpetrator: terrorists 12 percent; criminals 11 percent; mentally disturbed 38 percent; and vandals and experimenters 39 percent. The assumption was made that these proportions, calculated from bombings in which a motive had been attributed, apply also to those bombings where no motive is assigned by a law enforcement agency. The average number of actual explosive bombings for that 5-year period, taken from table 1 of the FBI Bomb Summary 1978, was then multiplied by these proportions to yield the data in table 61. OTA feels that the 5-year average is more appropriate than presenting year-by-year trends as the FBI categories have changed over that period, with a substantial revision apparent between 1976 and 1977. In addition, the percentage of bombings to which the FBI assigns a motivation has changed drastically over that period. In 1974, 96 percent of the bombings were attributed, while only 33 percent were attributed in 1978. Table 62 Table 62 is taken directly from BATF tables 17 and 23 (ref. F-2), except that the BATF categories of TNT and dynamite were combined in the category cap-sensitive high explosives, and RDX is included in the military explosives category. Table 63 Table 63, on methods of entry for explosive theft, is simply BATF table 18 (ref. F-2). The first footnote has been slightly modified. Tables 64,65,66,67 Tables 64, 65, 66, and 67 are taken directly from an FAA document FAA-RD-77-28 (ref. F-10). Table 64 is table 4 of the FAA report; table 65 is table 5 of that report; table 66 is table 7 of that report; and table 67 is table 15 of the FAA report. The only change in the tables occurs in table 66. Footnote a indicates that the identification of the explosive used in the LaGuardia bombing as dynamite and RDX is an FAA estimate; other agencies have offered different opinions. Table 68 The premature detonation statistics in table 68 are from the 1974 through 1978 FBI bomb summaries, references F-6 (p. 3), F-7 (p. 6), F-8 (p. 12), F-9 (p. 4), and F-3 (p. 9). Table 69 The commercial airliner hijacking statistics in table 69 are from reference F-11, FAA report, FAARD-78-66, table 5, for the years 1949-76. The 1977 data are taken from the FAA semiannual report to Congress on the Effectiveness of the Civil Aviation Security Program for the period July through December 1978. The 1978 data were obtained directly from FAA officials. Table 70 Table 70, concerning possible perpetrator countermeasures, was generated by OTA. REFERENCES F-1 J Roth, Evaluation of the Needs and Benefits of the Explosive Tagging Program, MSA report 317-1, March 1978. F-2 BATF, Explosives Incidents, 1978 Annual Report, F-3 FBI, Uniform Crime Reports: Bomb Summar y 1978. F-5A A Peterson, 4th Annua/ /nternatiOna/ Confer ence on Terrorist Devices and Methods, England, ,May 1979.
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236 l Taggants in Explosives F-6 FBI, Uniform Crime Reports: Bomb Summary 1974. F-7 FBI, Uniform Crime Reports: Bomb Summary 1975. F-8 FBI, Uniform Crime Reports: Bomb Summar y 1976, F-9 FBI, Uniform crime Reports: Bomb Summar y 1977. Table 54.Minimum Bombing Incidents Statistics Summary BATF FBI item 1977 1978 1977 1978 Explosive bombings, number . . 1,037 b 896 b 867 768 Undetonated explosive bombs, number 319 287 118 105 Incendiary bombings, number . . Unignited incendiary bombs, number ., Criminal accidents, numberc ., Property damage from bombings, millions of dollars c d ., . ., $ Injuries ... . . . . People killed by bombings ` . 339 446 248 349 81 71 85 79 21 67 10 $ 17 $ 9 $ 9 80 185 162 135 38 23 22 18 a BATF reported 3, 177 told incidents m 1977 and 3 256 in 1978 Total incidents include ac cldents threats seized and recovered exploswes, and hoaxes as well as actual explosive and m. cendlary bombings The OTA study was concerned only with exploswe bombings bof these 953 In 1977 and 787 m 1978 were against substanual far9ets clncldes both exploslve and Incendiary bombmgs OTA was unable to oblam SeParate f19Wes for number of cnmmal accidents Injuries, deaths and property damage caused by exploswe and mcendlary bombs incendiary bombs and bombings would not be affected by the proposed lagganl d~~~~~~~alue probably considerably higher due 10 lack of dala !lle Updates SOURCE LMTF 1978 E@oswes Mcldem Report, FBI UrrIlorrn Cwrre Reporl 80~LJ Re@T, 1978 Accident-Criminal 21 .70 67 2.1% Bombing (Detonation) 1037 32 .6% 896 27. 5% Bombing (Nondetonation) 319 10. 08 287 8.80 Incendiary (Ignited) 339 10. 7% 446 13 .7% Incendiary (Nonignited) 81 2.5% 71 2.2% Stolen Explosives 327 10. 3% 362 11. 1% Recovered ExpIosives 751 23.7% 870 26. 7% Seized Explosives 102 3.28 117 3 .6% Threats (Treasury facilities 33 1. 0 22 .78 Hoax Devices 105 3.3% 47 1 .4% F-10 J. Bengston, P. Cutchis, and J Henry, Protection of Airports Against Explosives, report No, FAA-R D-77-28, January 1977 F-11 N. Asher, P. Frazier, C Kennedy, and J. Kiernan, Analysis of Past Airline Hijacking and Bombing Incidents and the Present Defense Against Such Attacks, report No FAA-R D-78-66, December 1977, TABLE 9 BOMBINGS BY SPECIFIC TARGETS FUR 1977 1978 (Actual Detonations or Ignitions TOTAL INCIDENTS TYPE TARGET 137-7 1978 L. .. Residential 352 294 Comercial 367 375 Airports/Aircraft 7 5 Police Faci1ities/ 14 29 Vehicles Educational 106 97 Government (Local) 24 9 Government (Federal ) 26 22 Militat y 4 3 Installation s Utilltie s 51 57 Banks 22 18 Vehicles 216 252 Open Areas 36 40 Mai1 boxes 48 69 Other 90 137 Unknown 2 34 2 Total 1,397 1, 409 NO. KILLED 1977 1978 17 7 7 6 l 1 l 11 7 1 2 38 23 Propert y NO. IN JURE D Damage 1977 l978 1977.- 66 57 1,022.3 2,982.2 48 46 6,640.1 8,717.7 l 2 5. 8 70.4 13 5 43.1 532.3 1 4 145.6 70.1 4 1 2. 4 6. 6 1 0. 0 1 2 628.0 1,727.7 225.2 49.3 24 25 363.3 2,119.4 8 13 5 4. 2 1 2 25.8 8 27 1,206.8 869.9 5 252 22.6 E.0 180 435 10,331.7 17,212.1 1 Figures are in thousands and are estimated. 2. This category includes those incidents where the type target was either unknown or not reported. Table 1. Bombing Year 1972 1973 1974 1975 1916 1977 1978 INCIDENTS TotaI Actual and Attempted EmmblnSs1,962 1,955 2,044 2,074 1,570 1,318 1,301 -. K! Explo. 714 742 893 1,006 852 867 768 Actual Incend 793 787 758 613 405 240 349 Properly Damage (Dollar Personal -v&. ~. 1nJug7, 991,815 176 7,261,832 181 9, 886,563 207 27,003,981. 326. 11, 265,426 213 8,943,102 163 0, 161,485 133 Includes three major bombing incidents resulting in unusually high personal injuries and deaths and substantial damage 1. property. Death 25 22 24 69* 50 23 18 Accident-!Joncr Nocriminal 62 2. 68 71 2.28 TOTAL 3,177 100% 3,256 10C% TOTAL KILLED TOTAL INJURED TOTAL DAMAGE AJMOUNT 1977 127 374 $61,300,000 1978 69 707 $27,500,000
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Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables 237 Table 55.Explosive Bombing Incident Trends, 1972-78 Total actual and Total actual and attempted exattempted incen Property damage Personal Year plosive bombings Actual Attempted diary bombings Actual Attempted (dollar value) injury Death 1972 . .-: 951 714 237 1,011 793 218 $7,992,000 176 25 1973 . 995 742 253 960 787 173 7,262,000 187 22 1974 . 1,129 893 236 915 758 157 9,887,000 207 24 1975 . 1,326 1,088 238 748 613 135 27,004,000a 32 P 6 9 1976 . 1,040 852 188 530 405 125 11,265,000 212 50 1977 . 985 867 118 333 248 85 8,943,000 162 22 1978 ......, 873 768 105 428 349 79 9,161,000 135 18 a includes three major bombing incidents resulting in unusually high personal injuries and deaths and substantial damage to property SOURCE FBI Uniform Crime Reports Bomb Summary 1978 Figure 22.Annual Bombing Statistics, 1972-77 I I 1 I 1 i I I 3,000 Including incendiary 2,000 z 1,00 0 (1 ,301) 873) 1 I I I Explosive only~ I 1 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 a. Number of incidents (includes attempts) Table 1 BOMBING Year 1972 1913 1974 1975 1976 1971 1978 INCIDENTS Total ACTUAL Attempted Bombings 1,962 1, 955 2, 044 2, 074 1,570 1,318 1,301 1972 through Actual Explo 114 742 093 1, 088 852 861 768 Incend 793 781 758 613 405 248 349 Attempt Explo 237 253 236 238 188 119 105 A ~ce~d 218 113 1s7 13s 125 85 19 Propefly Khmage (collar ~zlhg~ 7,991,815 7, 261,832 9,996,563 7, 003, 981, 1,265,426 8,943, 300 9, 161,485 %rsonal ~n~r~ 176 181 207 326. 212 162 135 .I, eludes lhree ma]or twnbint Incidents resull!w In unusually h@ personal lnluries and deaths and .ubshtial damage to propc~. Death 25 22 24 69. so 22 18 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 b. Property damage (includes incendiary bombings) (/3 az 300 3 C 250 % 200 $ e 150 ; 1 (135) 4 nn 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 c. Personal injury (includes incendiary bombings) k r m r 4 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 d. Deaths (inciudes incendiary bombings)
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238 l Taggants in fx~losives Table 56. -ldontified Explosive Fillers Used in Bombs TABLE 13 Types of Explosivcs Filler Used Lab Identified All Identified With in the Destructive Device fillers 1978 fillers 1978 Average Black powder, 13% 21% 17?40 Smokeless powder 16 19 17.5 Military ., ., 2 7 4.5 Cap sensitive ... 32 30 31 Blasting agents. t 5 Chemicals 1 .5 Others. . 36 21 28.5 Type of Fille r Flammable Liquid Black Powder NUMBER 1977 1978 279 468 PERCENTAGE 2 1977 1978 -36. 4% 36. 2% 222 171 29.00 13. 2% SMOKELESS Powder Military Explosives Dymmite 3 Blasting Agent Chemical Other 4 133 157 19 54 17. 4% 12. 2% 2 .4% 4 .2% 30 251 4 .0% 19. 4% SOURCE. BATF data. 3 .0% .6% 23 8 10 7 1 .3% .5% TABLE 1 Types of Explosive Incident s By Number and Percentage 50 176 6.58 13.7% 1. 2. 3. 4. This category includes f i hers that were placed in some Specific type of container such as a pipe, metal box, or attache case. These percentages do not include 1,031 incidents in 1977 and 475 incidents in 1978 in which the type of fi1ler was not made available, or the laboratory result-s for recent incidents were not completed The method in which the filler was determined has been revised for 1978. Dynamite with in the sticks are counted as a f i her. This category includes those fillers which could not be placed in the categories provided. TYPE OF INCIDENT AccidentCriminal 21 7t 32 .6% 10 .0% 10 .7% 2 .5% 10. 3% 23.7% 3. 2 1. o% 3.3% 2.08% 100% 67 896 287 446 71 362 870 117 22 47 71 3,256 2.1% 27. 5% 8 .8% 13. 7% 2.2 $ 11 .1% 26.7R 3.6% 7 1 .4% 2.2% Bombing(Detonation) 1037 B O mbing (Nondetonation) 319 Incendiary (Ignited) 339 Incendiary (Nonignited) 81 Stolen Explosives 327 Recovered Exclusives 751 Seized Explosives 102 Threats (Treasury Facilities) 33 Hoax Devices 105 1% > MILITARY 97% ,lMKmwu [ 31% DYNAMITES ( J ,. . . . 1 \ Accident-Noncrimina l 62 TOTAL 3,177 TOTAL KILLED TOTAL INJURED 1977 127 374 1978 69 707 12% SMOKELESS POWDER \ 7%BlACK POWDER \ 100% TOTAL DAMAGE AMOUNT $61,300,000 $27,500 ,000 1978 279 SAMPLES 2% MILITARY 16% DYNAMITES 26% UNKNO WN / 14% SMOKELESS 13% BLACK POWDER 27% OTHER 27% DYNMITES 17% UNKNOWN SD% OTHER 2% MILITARY 11% BLACK POWDER Field lab
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Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables l 239 Table 57. -Bombing Casualties and Damage in 1978 by Type of Bomb Number of bombings against Property damage Filler material substantial targets Deaths Injuries $ millions Air fillers. ., 1,298 23 185 $172 lncendiary ., 428 3 13 3.7 Black powde r 148 4 19 2 SmoKeless powde r 152 3 23 2 Milltary explosive 39 0 7 Cap sensitive 270 7 26 2.3 Othe r 3 40 2.4 Unknown ~ 3 57 7 4 Total for those fillers which would be directly tagged 570 14 68 3.7 TABLE 9 127 1976 69 21 1037 31!4 339 81 327 751 102 33 105 62 3,117 374 707 .70 67 2. 1% 32 .6% 9 6 27.58 10. % 287 8 .8% 10.7% 446 13. 7% 2. 5% 71 2.2% 10. 3% 362 11. 1% ?3.7b 870 26. 7% 3.2% 117 3 .6% 1. L!% 22 .7% 3.3% 47 1.4$ Res Ident 1.31 352 294 cOm-*rcla l 367 375 Ai r~rts/Ai rcraft 7 5 Po) Ice Faci 11 ties/ 14 29 Vehicles Eriucat ional 1D6 97 Government (Local) 2 4 9 Govern..ent (Federal) 26 2 2 Mi 1 I tary 4 3 Instal lat ions uti 1 i t ies 51 57 Banks 22 18 Vehicles 216 252 O P Are = 36 40 Mai 1 Boxes 48 69 Other 90 137 ? u% 71 2. 2s 1. 2. IGo% 3, ?56 1008 Unknohm 2 34 2 Total 1,397 1,409 PROPE:R7Y 1 NO. KI LL!D W. INJURED D,W.WE 1977 - --- 17 7 1 1 11 1 38 19 /5 IY / / IY /5 IY / / -lY /: 7 66 57 1,022.3 2,982.2 6 48 46 6,640.1 8,777.7 l .2 .2 5.8 70.4 13 5 43.1 532.3 1 1 4 145.6 70.1 4 1 2.4 6. 6 1 0.0 1 2 628.0 1,727.7 225.2 49.3 7 24 25 363.3 2,119.4 2 8 13 .5 4. 2 1 2 25.8 2.1 8 27 1,206.8 869.9 5 252 22.6 0. 0 23 180 435 10,331.7 17,212.1 Figures are in tho~sands and are estimated. This catego~ includes those incidents where the type target was either unknom or mt reported.
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240 Taggants in Explosives Kil Property INCENDIARY BLACK POWDER SMOKELESS POWDER MILITARY DYNAMITE OTHER UNKNOWN TOTALS led, Injured, and Damage by Explosives CY1978 K 3 4 3 7 3 3 BOMBINGS I 13 19 23 7 26 40 57 PROPERTY DAMAGE.$ 3,659,760 174,739 150,000 21,0511 3,359,433 2,442,s63 7,404,765 ACCId EXPLo I K 8 3 6 1 16 12 156 2 17 4 321 20 TAL ONS PROPERTY DAMAGE-$ 300,000 7,000 5,545,100 4,396,000 23 185 17,212/330 46 522 10,246,103 K 11 4 6 6 8 19 15 69 Slide used to illustrate a presentation on explosives tagging by A. Peterson, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Fire arms U.S. Treasuray Department, at the forth International Conference on Terrorist Devices, and Methods England. May 7. 1979. TOTALS 1 171 19 25 24 : 30 361 77 707 PROPERTY DAMAGE$ 3,959,760 174,739 150,200 28,050 3,359,433 7,967,963 11,800,765 27,460,931
PAGE 245
Appendix FDerivation ot Bombing Statistics Tables l 241 Table 58.Bombings by Specific Targets for 1977-78 (actual detonations or ignitions) Total incidents No killed No injured Property damage a Type taret 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 Residential . . 352 Commercial . . . 367 Airports/aircraft 7 Police facilities/vehicle: : : : : 14 Educational . . . 106 Government (local) . 24 Government (Federal ) 26 Millitary Installation s 4 Utilities . ., 51 Banks . . 22 Vehicles . ., 216 Open areas ., ... ., ... 36 Mailboxes . ., 48 Other ., . . 90 Unknown b . . 34 294 17 7 66 57 $ 1,022.3 $2,982.2 375 7 6 48 46 6,640.1 8,777.7 l 1 2; 5:: 70: 97 13 5 43,1 532.3 9 1 1 4 145.6 70.1 22 4 1 2.4 6 6 3 1 0.0 57 l 1 2 6280 1,727.7 18 225.2 493 252 11 7 24 25 3633 2,1194 40 1 2 8 13 5 4.2 69 1 2 25.8 2.1 137 8 27 1,206.8 869.9 2 5 2 22.6 0.0 Total. 1,397 1,409 38 23 180 185 $10,331.7 $17,212.1 ap~Opefly ~amage flgufes are In thousands and arekmatefd hh!s category includes those ,nc(dents where the type target was e,ther unknown or no! reporled SOURCE BATF 1978 Exp/os,ves /rrcrJenfs Reporl TSLE 9 BOMBINGS BY SPECIFIC TARGETS FOR 1977 1978 (Actual Detonations or Ignitions ) TOTAL PROPERTY 1 INCIDENTS NO. KILLED NO. INJURED DAMAGE TYPE TARGET 1977 .. Residentia l 352 Commercial 367 Airports/aircraf t 7 Police Facilities/ 1 4 Vehicle s Educational 106 Government (Local) 24 Government (Federal) 26 Militar y 4 Installation s Uti1itie s 51 Banks 22 Vehicle s 216 Open Areas 36 Mail Boxes 48 Other 90 Unknown 2 34 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 1977 1978 .._. . 294 375 5 29 97 9 22 3 57 18 252 40 69 137 2 17 7 7 6 l 1 l 11 7 1 2 66 57 48 46 l 13 5 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 24 25 8 13 1 2 8 27 5 252 1,022. 3 6,640. 1 2 5. 8 43.1 145.6 2.4 628.0 225.2 363.3 5 25.8 1,206.8 22.6 2,982.2 8,777.7 2 70.4 532.3 70.1 6. 6 0.0 1,727.7 49.3 2,119.4 4. 2 2. 1 869.9 0. 0 Tota l 1,397 1,40 9 38 23 180 435 10,331.7 17,212.1 1 Figures are in thousands and are estimated. 2 This category includes those incidents where the type target wa s either unknown or not reported
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242 Taggants in Explosives Table 59. -Percent of Bomber Targets That Would Be Protected by a Detection Sensor Total bombings Injuries Deaths Average number of bombings of known, substantial target b . . 1,175 150 29 Bombings of residences, vehicles 557 (47%) 86 (58%) 21 (72%) Bombings of commercial establishments. 371 (32%) 47 (31 %) (22%) Total unlikely to have sensors . . 928 (79%) 133 (89%) 28 (94%) alnclu~ ~{h mcendia~ and exploswe tmmbmgs tor 1977 and 1978. br)~ fIWS and malit)oxas are excluded fmm ttrese aala. SOURCE. BATF /978 tioloswes Incluems #leom. TABLE 9 BOMBINGS BY SPECIFIC TARGETS FOR 1977 1978 (Actual Detonations or Ignitions) TOTAL INCIDENTS NO. KILLED TYPE TARGET 1977 1978 1977 1978 Residential 352 294 17 7 Commercial 367 375 7 6 Airports/Aircraft 7 5 l PO lice Facilities/ 14 29 Vehicles Educational 106 97 Government (Local) 24 9 Government (Federal ) 26 22 Militar y 4 3 Installations U t i 1 i t i es 51 57 l Banks 22 18 Vehicles 216 252 11 7 Open Areas 36 40 1 2 Mail Boxes 48 69 Other 90 137 Unknown 2 34 2 Total 1,397 1,409 38 23 PROPERTY 1 NO. INJURED DAMAGE 1977 1978 1977 1978 66 57 1,022.3 2,982.2 48 46 6,640.1 8,777.7 l .2 .2 5.8 70.4 13 5 43.1 532.3 1 4 145.6 70.1 4 1 2.4 6.6 1 0.0 1 2 628.0 1,727.7 225.2 49.3 24 25 363.3 2,119.4 8 13 .5 4.2 1 2 25.8 2.1 8 27 1,206.8 869.9 5 252 22.6 0.0 180 435 10,331.7 17,212.1 1. Figures are in thousands and are estimated. 2. This category includes those incidents where the type target was either unknown or not reported.
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Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables 243 Table 60.Attributes of Criminal Bomber Groups Exprience Perpetrator and traning Resources Motivation Individual or group Reaction capability Freaquency Criminal Unsophisticated L L M I M Multi Sophisticated . . . H M H I H Multi Terrorist Polittcal . M-H M-H M-H G M-4 Multi Separatist . M-H M H G H Multi Reactional L L H G L-M Multi Mentally disturbed Disenchanted . L L L-IW I L Single Vengeful L L M-H I i--M Single Pathologica l L-M L H I L -M Varies other Vandal s L L L-M I L Single Experimenter : ~ M L L-M I L.M Single L.Low. M. Mooerate High Individual G-Group SOURCE. Office of Technology Assessment Table 61,-Estimated Number of Significant Bombings by Group of Perpetrators (average of years 1974-78) Estimated number Perpetrator group of bombings Terrorists. ., ., ., 107 Criminals. . 98 Mentally disturbed ... ., ... 340 Vandals and experimenters. 348 SOURCE. FBI data.
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244 l Taggants in Explosives Target TOTAL Residences. . . . . Private Residence Apartment House other Private Property Commercial Operations. . . . Commercial Building Office Building Industrial Building Theater Motel and Hotel Vehicles . . . . . Auto Other Vehicle Aircraft School Facilities. . . . . Public Safety. . . . . Law Enforcement Fire Department Public Utilities . . . . Persons . . . . . Recreation Facilities . . . Transportation Facilities . . . Government Property . . . Federal state Constructiom Sites and Equipment. . Telephone Facilities. . . . Other Communication Facilities . . Millitary Facilities. . . . Churches. . . . . . Postal Facilities and Equipment . . International Establishments . . Court Houses . . . . Medical Facilities . . . . Newspaper Facilities. . . . Open Area . . . . . Unknown (Premature Deter.ationi . . Other. . . . . . / Total 2.044 560 420 61 79 458 356 38 30 22 12 257 182 73 2 187 72 69 3 63 44 38 37 36 10 8 18 30 20 3 19 15 15 7 5 11 7 29 21 . . . 1 2 1 1 ... . . . . . ...J 6 1 It. 1 . ., I I .1... . ~ . I . 25 1 4 2 9 ; . 2 . . . . . . . 1 ., . . . 1 30 1 1 13 3 3 . . . . . . . 1 1 . . . . . 1 1 . . 2 3 11 1 . 1 1 2 . 1 . !.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. l. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,. 4 ,. ,.. . . 1 / # / + 24 13 ; 13 5 10 3 1 8 16 2 . 34 1 5 1 1 5 . . . . 3 . $ / ~< 70 I 33 13 52 92 7 4 6 3 35 8 52 13 1 10 6 30 25 2 2 10 11 11 11 4 11 1 4 96 6 9 53 2 1 2 20 . 1 2 1 . 12 2 1 . 4 5 . . . . . 2 69 41 38 16 56 8 8 7 3 24 37 27 29 2 2 29 2 2 3 3 3 5 2 3 2 4 2 4 1 3 3 51 s . 17 7 . 1 ; . 1 2 2 . 2 2 . 3 . 4 . 1 1 13 2 . 1 . 1 3 1 . 2 . 2 . . . 1 . . . . . 2 ,.. ,.. ,.. !.. ,.. !.. !.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. 2 !.. . . ,.. ,.. . . . . . . . . 90 13 2 3 18 2 4 1 5 4 . 1 . 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 9 13 :2 7 1 3 1 . x 2 1 4 2 1 2 2 1 1 . 1 . . . 5 6 1
PAGE 249
Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables 245 BOMBING INCIDENTS BY TARGET AND APPARENT MOTIVE / Target TOTAL Residences . . . Private Residence Apartment House other Private Property Commercial Operations . . Commercial Building Office Building Industrial Building Theater Motel and Hotel Vechicles . . . . Automobile Other Vehicle Aircraft School Facilities . . . Law Enforcement . . . Building Vehicle Other Government Property . . Federal state Pe rsons . . . Public Utilities . . . Recreation Facilitates . . Telephone Facilities . . Other Communication Facilities . Tranportation Facilitates . . Construction Sites and Equipment . Postal Facilities and Equipment . Churches . . . . Military Facilities. . . International Establishments . Medical Facilities. . . Courthouse . . . Newspaper Facilities . . Open Area. . . . Unknown (Premature Detonation). . other . . . . 2,074 582 364 77 121 485 387 39 37 12 10 273 201 69 3 165 76 22 33 21 62 24 43 41 33 26 6 25 20 17 16 14 11 10 4 1 101 37 26 1 T F 3 1 4 9 3 ,. ,. ,. 2 1 ,. 4 3 5 ,. 1 1 . s . . . . 1 2 . ..< 1 . L .+ + / 1 F . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . l.. ..! . / 4 ,.% / > $.. 4 c C7 12 . 10 : . 1 2 10 2 1 . . . . . . I . 2 . 1 ..4 2 . .& / p *< > / 4 a 1 ,.. ,.. u s 3 ,. ,.. 2 2 1 1 2 3 : 9 1 1 u . . . . . 2 . 1 2 . !5 1 ,.. 2 1 ,.. ,.. ,.. 3 ,.. ,.. 2 ,.. ,.. 2 1 1 ,.. . ,.. 1 1 ,.. 2 ,.. 6 2 . . F 11 . 19 2 13 2 4 8 . . . . ..! ..! 2 2 2 10 ..< . . . . . 4s! 57 I I 4 1 3 2 s s 36 2 9 3 . 25 4 1 ; i. 4 6 18 ::: 3 10 29 16 7 . 14 2 6 1 11 6 1 4 . . 3 . . . 80 1 12 .. < 15 G 07 38 19 u 8 11 .4 3 .37 32 1 16 6 13 16 2 3 30 3 1 4 I 2 1 2 3 6 1 : J ~ f ; 1 . 9 8 . . 2 . . 1 . 1 . 1 . . 4 .< ., c 1 . 9 . . 2 1 . . ., . 2 ., ., .! ., ., .4 .! .1 ., .! .! .{ 1 ,. ,. -1 9236 24 4 14 1 7 1 34 4 s 1 3 ,. 1 2 14 1 5 1 1 8 1 3 1 5 1 . s 2 4 3 s 10 1 . . . 4 1 3 2 1 2 1 . . 1 . . 8 3 1 3 9 8
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246 Taggants in Explosives Table 9 BOMBINGS INCIDENTS BY TARGET AND APPARENT MOTIVE 1976. Target TOTALS Residences . . . . Private Residence Apartment House Other Private Property Commercial Operatitons . . . Commetcial Building Office Building Industrial Building Theater Motel sad Hotel Vehicles . Automobile Other Vehicle Aircraft School Facilities. Law Enforcement Building Vehicle Other Government Property Federal State Local Persons, l l Public Utilities. Recreation Facilities Telephone Facilities. Other Communication .**.**.*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .* ..*.** . . . l . . . Facilities. . Transportation Facilities l l . Construction Sites and Equipment_ .* ...* Postal Facilities and Equipment. . churches. l l l l l l l l . l Military Facilities. . l l l l International Establishment l l l l l Medical F acilities . . . Courthouses l l . . . Newspaper Facilities . . . Open Area . . . . Unknown (Pre mature Detonation) . Other. . . . . . 1. 570 433 262 40 112 335 279 21 23 7 5 192 142 48 2 124 47 10 17 20 38 13 19 62 28 22 25 2 14 28 26 10 s 10 4 s 2 77 42 20 19 I 5 I 9 I 7a 3 . . . 3 .. . . . . 1 1 .0. 1 .*. .* 2 .* . 2 2 l . 1 1 . 1 . 1 . . . l ** .* w. J 1 . 1 . . 1 . . . 1 . 1 . . 1 . 2 . .* . . . . . . . . . s 1 l 26 4 2 2 1 1 1 l 2 2 1 1 12 5 . 1 . 1 1 3 1 1 l 3 1 1 11 5 4 9 1 .0. 1 { l . 6 1 1 10 3 10 6 .. 0 1 1 s 2 1 ,2! 67I37J39I31417 I 16 I S3J78 1 1 10 3 . 1 1 1 1 2 7 4 5 1 13 2 .* .* ,. . 2 1 I 2 i d ...1 ...1 ...1...1 d ...1 1 Ii! 1 ..* l ..* l . l l 2 4 3 25 5 1 1: :: : 11 2
PAGE 251
Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables 247 Table 9: BOMBING TARGETS AND APPARENT MOTIVES. 1977 TOTAL Residences . . . . private Residence Apartment Howe other Private Property Commercial operations . . . Commercial Building Office Building Industrial Building Bank Theater Motel and Hotel Vehicles . . . . . Automobile Other Vehicle Aircraft School Facilities . . . . Law Enforcement. . . . Building Vechicle Ocher Government Property . . . Federal State Local Persons. . . . . . Public Utilities . . . . Recreation Facilities. . . . Telephone Facilities . . . Other Communication Facilities. . Transportation Facilities . . Construction Sites and Equipment . Postal Facilities and Equipment. . Churches . . . . . Military Facilities . . . International Establishments. . . Medical Facilities . . . Courthouses . . . . Newspaper Facilities. . . . open Area . . . . Unknown (Premature Detonation . Other . . . . . 1.31 8 292 193 21 78 282 186 28 25 26 11 6 175 119 47 9 100 36 13 5 18 66 15 11 40 78 28 17 13 1 23 32 15 6 9 3 4 2 78 29 29 I 41 4 3 ..* 15 1 : ::: 1 1 2 I . 9 1 6 ,. . 3 1 1 1. ,. . !.. . . s 19 1 . . . . 1 I . . . . . ;. i l ,. 2! . . I 1 2 ij :: . J J:.1 i I / . . 1 I . . I I . . ..! I ..% I :::! ::: I . 1 1 ...1 ., ,.. ,.. ,.. I ,.. !. .* !. . I ,.. ,.. ,.. I ,.. .. . ..< .. ( . 1 . . ..< . . . 1 . ,. ,., 1 !., ., 1 l.. ., ,., ,.( !.4 . . . . . . . . . 1 3 .. .. 1 .. 4 . . . . . . . . ~~ 6QZ I .: : : 13 49 5 113 11 1 1 : 6 . : : : 1 27 41 6 1 : 1 9 : ~ 2: I 31 1 I 14 2 I 12 I 2 9 l.. J 16 2 18 1 13 I 6 1 1 5 ,.. I 1 . I ,.. 1 3 2 2 44 2 11 1 11 I u. 4 1 2 7 2 : 1 ,., 3 2 ,.. !.. 1 !.. 1 4 3 z . . 1 . . . 6 7 I l Unlessafeasiblemotivecanbedeterminedforeachbombingincident,the motive is listed in the Unknown Catergory.
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248 l Taggants in Explosives Table 9: BOMBING TARGETS AND APPARENT MOTIVES, 1978 Target TOTAL Residences . . . . Private Residences Apartment House Other Private Property Commercial Operations . . . Commercial Building Office Building Industrial Building Theater Motel or Hotel Vehicles . . . . . Automobile Other Vehicle Aircraft School Facilities . . . . Public Safety . . . . Law Enforcement Building Vehicle Other Fire Department and Equipment Government Property . . . Federal State Local Persons. . . . . . Public Utilities. . . . . Recreation Facilities . . . Telephone Facitlties . . . Other Communication Facilities. . Transportation Facilities . . Construction Sites and Equipment . Postal Facilities and Equipment. . Churches . . . . . Military Facilities . . . International Establishments . ..* Medical Facilities 9 * .*..*... Courthouse . . . . Newspaper Facilities. . . . Open Area . . . . Unknown (Premature Destination) . Other . . . . . 1.301 341 216 53 72 270 180 : : 18 10 11 178 142 36 . 101 41 38 11 23 4 3 31 11 2 18 61 31 19 21 2 37 10 14 9 7 7 3 3 5 46 33 31 / 7 2 4 3 1 13 1 7 5 . . . . 0 1 l 2 . . l . 2 l ~ . . 1 1 l . . . 2 . . 1 . . . . l P. . . .* c $ C { 4 ~ l . 1 1 . s . 1 . . . 1 . . ,. 1 ,. ,. ,9 . 1 . 1 q I . 2 . l . 2 . . . . l . . . . l l l l O . . { p ~ 1 4 U ;1 5 1 .0 9 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . ~ #* / ? 4 Q_ 2 s 4 1 . 1 . !2 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 . . l . 8 9 8 l . 4 3 2 1 . ,. 3 1 . 2 . 1 1 . 2 . 1 1 3 1 1 . 1 $ / ? 4 ~ . 3 3 .0 1 1 . . . . . 1 . . . 1 ., .* . + ./ G l ( ~ 5 2 1 1 . . 2 2 1 1 1 . . 2 . . l 1 . . . . # / t 4 ~ 8 4 1 s . . 7 1 . 1 1 1 . . 5 1 . . . . . . 1 # / } q ~ ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ). ). ,. ). ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. ,. 0. 2 ..4 . 2 . 2 l . . .* ~ 5 ; 1 . 1 3 1 10 . . . 2 . . 1 .* 2 ,. 2 ,0 ,. . 2 ~ 34 40 43 35 17 18 14 5 5 97 23 .0 63 10 19 2 6 2 12 35 19 15 18 1 24 8 12 7 2 3 2 3 4 33 16 22 s 8 3 6 3 1 1 1 : ..4 1 ..( ..! 1 1 6 6 ..! 1 5 1 . ..! . 1 8 s l Unlew a feasible motive can be determined for each bombing incident, the motive is listed in the Unknown category.
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Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables 249 Table 1: BOMBING Yea r 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 INCIDEN Total Actual and Attempted Bombings 1,962 1,955 2,044 2,074 1,570 1,318 1,301 1972 through 1 Actual Explo. 714 742 893 1,088 852 867 768 Incend. 793 787 758 613 405 248 349 78 Attemp t E X plo. 237 253 236 238 188 118 105 Attempt Incend 218 173 157 135 125 85 79 Property Damage (Dollar Value) t, 991,815 7,261,832 9,886,563 27,003, 981* 11,265,426 8,943,300 9,161,485 Personal Injury 176 18? 207 326* 212 162 135 Dea l 25 22 24 6 9 5 0 2 2 1 8 Includes three major bombing incidents resulting in unusually high personal injuries and deaths and substantial damage to property. 61-401 0 80 17
PAGE 254
250 Taggants in Explosives Table 62.-Stolen and Recovered Explosive Summary Amount stolen Amount recovered Type 1977 1978 1977 1978 Blasting agents, Pounds . . . . . 20,834 42,172 21,260 23,623 Black powder, pounds. . . . . . 145 379 277 723 Smokeless powder, pounds. . . . . 0 163 16 1,361 Boosters, pounds . . . . . . 2,177 9,528 2,804 362 Military explosives, pounds . . . . 140 640 701 Cap-sensitive highexplosives, pounds . . 36,498 44,316 43,738 41,097 Primer, units . . . . . . . 1,300 4,333 2,733 344 Blasting caps, units . . . . . 61,531 66,614 40,719 44,456 Det. cord/safety fuse/igniter cord, feet . . 183,224 113,510 84,554 101,117 Total, explosives, pounds . . . . 61,003 101,217 71,470 74,966 Blasting caps, units . . . . . 61,531 66,614 40,719 44,456 Oct. cord/safety fuse/ignitor cord, feet. . . 183,224 113,510 84,554 101,117 SOURCE. BATF 1978 Explosives incidentsReport TABLE 23 The Amount of Explosives Recovered and Seized by General and Specific types for 1977 1978 .. . . .. AMOUNT RECOVERED TYPE< GENERAL 1977 .. . 1978 High Explosives 49,915 42,501 L O W Explosives 295 8,842 Blasting Agents 21,260 23,623 Blasting Caps 40 ,719 44,456 ---Det. Cord/Safety Fuse/ Ig.Cord .84,554 101, 117 .. AMOUNT RECOVERED TYPE-SPECIFIC .1978 Blasting Agents 21,260 23,623 Black Powder 277 723 Smokeless Powder 16 1,361 Photo lash Cartridges Powder 2 150 Potassium Chlorate 6,300 Boosters 2,804 362 Military Explosives 156 697 RLIX 484 4 TNT 699 86 Dynamite 43,039 41,008 Primer 2,733 344 Blasting Caps 40,719 44,456 Det. cord/Safety Fuse/Ig. cord 84,554 101,117 197 8 TOTAL EXPLOSIVES RECOVERED: 71,470 lbs. 74,966 lbs. DET. CORD/SAFETY FUSE/IGNITOR CORD: 84,554 ft. 101,117 ft. BLASTING CAPS: 40,719 ea. 44,456 ea. TABLE 17 The AMOUNT of Explosives Stolen By General and Specific Types for 1977 1978 AMOUNT STOLEN TYPE GENERAL 1977 197 8 High Explosives 40,024 58,327 Low Explosives 145 718 Blasting Agents 20,834 42,172 Blasting Caps 61,531 66,614 Det. Cord/Safety Fuse/Ig. Cord 183,224 113,510 AMOUNT STOLEN TYPE SPECIFIC 1977 1978 Blasting Agents 20,834 42,172 Black Powder 145 379 Smokeless Powder 0 163 Boosters 2,177 9,528 Military Explosives 44 123 TNT 5 17 Dynamite 36,498 44,316 P r imer 1,300 4,333 Blasting CapS 61,531 66,614 Det. Cord/Safety Fuse/Ig. Cord 183,224 113,510 1977 1978 TOTAL EXPLOSIVES STOLEN: 61,003 its. 101,217 lbs. DET. COIU)/SAFEIY ~SE/IGNI~ co~: 183,224 ft. 113,510 ft. BLASTIW CAPS: 61,531 ea. 66,614 ea.
PAGE 255
Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables 251 Table 63.-Expiosives Thefts by Method of EntryNumber of Incidents and Percentages for 1977-78 Number Percentage Entry method 1977 1978 1977 Locks cut. . . 59 71 31.1 26.9 Locks pried . . 36 50 18.9 19.0 Door pried . 10 10 5.3 3.9 Key, . . . 14 23 7.4 8.8 Window entry. . . 7 3 3.7 1.1 Inside help. . . 3 0 1.6 Wall entry . . 10 16 5.3 6.1 Burning. . . . 2 1.0 ,4 Roof entry . . 7 ; 3.7 1.1 Ooor blown. . . 1 2 .5 .8 Floor entry . . 0 .4 Vent entry . . 1 ; .5 1.1 Other. . . . 40 80 21.0 30.4 Unknown. . . ., 137 99 Total . . 327 362 100 100 a~h~ ~~@W @ ~~ l~t~ 137 unknOWO fTI@M!d IIICIOOIMS k)f 1977 and fho w incl*fl~ for 1978. ~Is hgure reflects those mcteonts whars the enw method could not bc Placad m the above cal~fles. SOURCE. 8ATF 1978 Gr@/ves /llC/d6WS R@@rT TABLE 18 Explosives Thefts by Method of Entry Number of Incidents and Percentages for 1977 ENTRY METHOD .. NUMBER PERCENTAGE 1 1977 1978 1977 1978 Locks Cut 59 71 31 .1% Locks Pried 36 50 18. 9% Door Pried 10 10 5.3% Key 14 23 7 .4% Window Entry 7 3 3.7% Inside Help 3 0 1.6% Wall Entry 10 16 5.3% Burnin g 2 1 1 .0% Rooff Entry 7 3 3.7% Door Blown 1 2 .5% Floor Entry 0 1 Vent Entry 1 3 .5% Other 2 40 80 21 .0% Unknown 137 99 . Total ----327- 362 100% 1. These percentages do not include 137 incidents for 1977 and 99 incidents for 1978. 2. This figure reflects those incidents where the entry Method could not be placed in the above categories provided. (from reference 2) 26. 9% 19. 0% 3 .9% 8 .8% 1 .1% 6 .1% .4% 1 .1% .8% .4% 1 .1% 30. 4% -100%
PAGE 256
252 l Taggants in Explosives Table 64.Explosions Aboard U.S. Aircraft Date Carrier Aircraft Aircraft location Bomb location Outcome Device 1 1/1/55 7/25/57 1/6/60 5/22/62 11/12/67 11/19/68 8/29/69 9/7/70 9/12/70 12/29/71 3/8/72 9/21/73 12/17/73 8/26/74 9/8/74 2/3/75 12/19/75 7/2/76 7/5/76 UAL WA NA co AA co TW PA TW TW PA TW TW PA EA DC-6B CY-240 DC-6B 707 727 707 707 747 707 Turbo Cmdr 707 Navion 707 707 707 747 Alouette Helicopter Electra Helicopter 11 minutesafterTO Baggage 47 minutesafterT0 Lavatory 184 minutes afterT0 Underseat passenger compartment 39,000ft Towel container in rear lavatory 102 minutes after TO Rear baggage compartment 24,000 ft Lavatory Ground after hijack (Damascus, Syria) Ground after hijack (Cairo, Egypt) Ground after hijack (Dawson Field, Jordan) In hangar Parked on ground Parked on ground On ground, Rome On ground, Rome Over Ionian Sea Explosives thrown in cockpit after evacuation Seat in cabin Cockpit Engine manifold Attack while loading Aft baggage compartment Aft baggage compartment In air, Burma Lavatory (suicidal passenger set fire) On ground Near fuel tank Parked next to fence External, near right landing gear On ground External, under tail Airplane disintegrated killed Passenger thrown out of lavatory hole in aircraft side; plane landed successfully 34 killed, airplane disintegrated Tail blown off-45 killed 3 bags destroyed; aircraft saved Fire and explosion in lavatory; extinguished by crew; plane landed safely No casualties from explosion Demolished after evacuation Demolished after evacuation Aircraft destroyed, hangar damaged; no casualties No casualties (plane empty) Not known Fire damage; 30 killed, many injured Fire, confined to local area; no casualties High-order explosion; 88 killed, aircraft lost Extinguished by crew; minimum damage $10,000 damage to aircraft Explosion and fire destroyed main fuselage Extensive damage Dynamite Dynamite Dynamite, dry cells Dynamite Black powder (?) Grenades & canister explosive c-4 White phosphorous grenades c-4 Petrol and butane Blasting caps Dynamite (8-10 sticks) Dynamite SOURCE: FAA Civil Aviation Security Service Table 65.-location of Explosions Aboard Aircraft, 1949-76 Worldwide U.S. aircraft Location of explosion Number Percent Number Percent stowed . . . 13 21 21 Baggage. . . (8) (4) Cargo or freight. (5) Ground attack. . . 5 8 4 21 External attachment. . 7 11 3 16 Passenger or crew compartment. . 33 52 42 Lavatory. . . (lo) (4) Passenger compartment (19) (2) Cockpit. . . (4) (2) Unknown. . . 5 8 0 0 Total ... ... . 63 100 19 100 SOURCE. Data supplied by FM Civil Aviation Security Service.
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Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables 253 Table 66.-Explosions and Devices Found at U.S. Airports, 1972-75 (late Airport Location Effects Comment Device --. 3/7/ 72 3/8/7 2 11/19/72 3/24/7 2 12/1/72 12/31/72 3/20/7 3 3/29/7 3 8/9/7 3 1 1/30/73 3/1/7 4 7/21/74 8/1/7 4 8/6/7 4 8/9/7 4 8/26/7 4 9/16/7 4 3/15/75 3/22/75 3/27/7 5 7/22/75 10/17/75 10/20/75 11/6/75 11/27/75 12/29/75 Kennedy Seattle Denver San Carlos, Calif. Grand Rapids, Mich. Austin Los Angeles Milwaukee Los Angeles Nashville Kennedy New Orleans Kennedy Los Angeles JohnstownCamoria, Pa. OHare Boston San Francisco Honolulu Kingsford, Mich Tampa Miami Miami Buffalo Miami La Guardia Cockpit of TWA 8-707 Baggage compartment (UAL flight) Attache case carried by individual Hanging from belly of helicopter Paper towel container in terminal Concession area On runway during approach of Continental Airlines plane Locker Locker Locker Locker (unknown) Cargo building Locker Hangar Mens room Airline baggage room Near ticket counter Lost & found baggage area Storage area Baggage cart Locker Dominican Airlines office Baggage claim area (2 bags) Bahamasair aircraft. Behind wall panel in lavatory Locker No explosion No explosion No explosion Hole in ground at remote location No explosion Moderate damage None 1 injury-moderate damage Did not detonate Did not detonate 3 injuredmoderate damage No explosion No explosion 3 killed, 34 injured Hangar and aircraft destroyed Commode damaged Substantial damage Minor damage Oid not detonate No explosion 1 injured Lockers and ceiling destroyed No explosion No explosion No explosion 11 killed, 70 injured; substantial damage Detected by dog c-4 Extortion attempt; timer Gelatin dynamite in aerosol stopped cans, blasting caps Individual stated intent to 8 sticks of dynamite blow up plane Removed by police 3 sticks of dynamite, timer and detonators Device extinguished after emitting smoke Incendiary (gasoline) Thrown by individual on field Molotov cocktail Extortion attempt Extortion attempt/located by dogs Extortion attempt Smokeless powder, timer, initiator Removed by bomb squad 3-in long bamboo with powder and fuse Removed Cardboard container with explosive powder, fireworks fuse Probable incendiary (in 55-gal drum) Probably firecrackers Bomb was in an unclaimed Incendiary (?) suitcase destined for Tel Aviv Probably firecracker Crude pipe bomb Removed Firecrackers Discovered by janitor; Time bomb disarmed by bomb squad Checked bags unclaimed after Black powder and gasoline flight; timers turned off (inadvertently) Removed Dynamite and RDXa aFM .$@mla[e mher agermes disagree wllh IINS aW.eSSMen[ SOURCE FM CIVII Aviahon Security Service
PAGE 258
254 l Taggants in Explosives Table 67.-Results of Clvil Aviation Security Program Passenger Screening 1972 1973 1974 1975 Passengers (millions) . . . 192 203 201 202 Passengers denied boarding. . . ... 8,265 3,459 2,663 (a) Referrals to law enforcement ., ., ., (a) (a) (a) 12,270 Persons arrested. . . ., . . 3,658 3,156 3,501 2,464 Aviation offenses detected Carrying weapons or explosives aboard aircraft 774 736 1,147 1,364 Giving false information . . . . 244 658 1,465 227 Weapons detected firearms. . . . . . . . 1,313 2,162 2,450 4,783 Explosive devices . . . . . 13 3,459 14,9280 158 Ammunition, fireworks. . . . . (a) (a) (a) 17,047 Knives . . . . . . ., 10,316 23,290 21,468 46,318 Other. . . . . . . . 3,203 28,740 28,864 55,830 %ata notcolbuOa m tfus farm. ~hls figure M a pIOCa COIMI WIM Inctua$ firawoms and ammunfian. SOURCE. first. SownQ, and Tiwd Sonn-Awu# RIWWS IO Congmson the Effa#veness olFa,ssangw ScnwnIng tYOcodLUtss, FM CM Awafkm Sacunfy s61vlca. Table-68.-Pramatura Detonation Statistics Year Incidents Injuries Deaths 1974 ......., . 29 31 11 1975 ...., ., . . : : 37 53 2 1976 .., ... . . . 42 42 11 1977, ., ., . . 29 34 2 1978, . . . 33 43 5 SOURCE. FBI data.
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Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables l 255 BOMBING INCIDENTS BY TARGET TOTAL ResIDENCE. . . . Private Residence Apartment House Other Private Property Commercial Operations. . . Commercial Building8uild!ng Office Building Insustrial Building Theater Motel and Hotel Vehicles . . . . Auto Other Vehicle Aircraft School Facilities. . . . Public Safety. . . . Law Enforcement Fire Department Public Utilities . . . Persons . . . . Recreation Facilities . . Transportation Facilities . . Government Property . . Federal State Local Construction Sites and Equipment. Telephone Facilities. . . Other Communication Facilities . Military Facilities. . . Churches. . . . . Postal Facilities and Equipment . International Establishments. . Court Houses . . . Medical Facilities . . . Newspaper Facilities . . open Area . . . . Unknown (Premature Detonation) . Other. . . . . Total Actual Attempted Bombings 2,04 4 61 79 45a 356 38 30 22 12 257 182 73 2 187 69 3 63 44 38 37 36 10 8 18 30 20 3 19 15 15 10 7 5 1 117 29 21 Actual Explo. 893 110 11 55 143 16 17 9 7 84 31 1 91 18 . 54 21 24 13 6 3 11 22 17 . 8 5 8 6 2 1 1 54 29 15 11 kend. 758 232 41 20 143 13 7 : 56 29 . 69 38 ... 1 3 s 14 2 3 3 s 2 2 2 8 1 1 4 1 . 39 . 3 AU Explo. 236 25 2 4 43 4 4 4 . 29 11 . 16 8 . 8 17 8 7 2 1 4 2 1 . s 1 3 2 I 3 . 18 . 4 no t Incend. 157 53 7 . 27 5 2 1 2 13 2 1 11 5 3 . 3 1 3 . 1 . 1 . 1 4 1 3 1 . . . 6 . . 38,950 25,980 223,278 65,900 44.150 13,320 490,450 69,323 9,000 49,842 97,200 623 113.750 47 750 100 2,500 595 3,325 216,300 Personal Injury 207 17 12 2 18 . 1 7 1 6 4 . 24 4 . 3 34 . 28 . . 1 . . . . . 1 2 . . . 11 31 . Death 24 . 1 . 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . 6 . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 11 .
PAGE 260
256 l Taggants in Explosives Target TOTAL Residences. . . . Private Residence Apartment House Other Private Property Commercial Operations. . . Commercial Building Office Building Industrial Building Theater Motel and Hotel Vehicles . . . Automobille Other Vehicle Aircraft School Facilities . . law Enforcement. . . Building Vehicle Other Government Property. . . Federal State Local Persons . . . Public Utilities. . . . Recreation Facilities. . . Telephone Facilities . . Other Communication Facilities. . Transportation Facilities. . Construction Sites and Equipment, Postal Facilities and Equipment . Churches . . . Military Facilities. . . International Establishments . Medical Facilities. . . Courthouses . . Newspaper Facilities . . open Area. . . . Unknow (Premature Detonation). Other . . . l Total Actual and Attempted Bombings 2,074 582 384 77 121 485 387 39 37 12 10 273 201 69 3 165 76 22 33 21 62 24 11 27 43 41 33 26 6 25 20 17 16 14 11 10 4 1 101 37 26 Act Explo. L& L 115 27 92 214 25 22 9 s 96 37 1 87 12 11 8 14 7 16 28 33 21 26 5 15 11 13 2 4 10 8 3 1 55 36 21 1 Incend x 199 36 20 108 7 : 4 54 16 . 40 7 12 8 4 2 7 4 1 4 . 1 7 3 2 12 s 1 i . . 27 1 4 Attempt Expla 24 10 8 42 1 6 . 1 32 13 2 18 1 7 4 s : 12 6 4 . . 3 4 1 2 4 . 1 1 . 15 ,.. 1 Attempt lncend 135 46 4 1 23 . 3 1 . 19 3 . 12 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 . . . 2 1 . 1 . . .., . 4 . . Property Damage (Dollar Value) 27.003.961 398,586 284,470 37,365 4,465,308 679,380 14, 528, 588 62,300 20,160 191, 059 1,049, 145 10, 000 833, 313, 225 30, 8 9, 860 334,300 101, 100 84,284 59,625 252.37 5 35, 390 13,333 11,060 886,800 713, 000 5, 840 5,730 154, 209 87,846 39, 300 6, 515 100 580 35, 573 24,270 326 28 19 . 90 6 7 . . 9 1 . 8 1 4 s . 2 . 29 . 4 . . 53 . . . . 4 . . . 4 u 2 Death 99 18 2 . 20 . 1 . . 2 1 . . 1 . 1 . . . 10 . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . .
PAGE 261
Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables 257 1976 Residence . . Private Residence Apartment House Other Private Property Commercial Opetation. . Commercial Building office_ Building Industrial Building Theater Motel and Hotel Vehicles. . . . Automobile Other Vehicle Aircraft School Facilities . . Law Enforcement. . Building Vehicle Other Government Property. . Federal State Local Persons . . . public Utilities . . Recreation Facilities . Telephone Facilities . Other Communication Facilities Transpotation Facilities. . Construction Sites and Equipment Postal Facilities and Equipment l .*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Churches . . . . Milltary Facillties. . . . International Establishments~ . . Medical Facilities. . . . Courthouses . . . . Newspaper Facilities . . . Open Area . . ... ., Unknown (Premature Detonation). Other. . . . . . Actual and Attempted Bombings 1.57 0 433 281 40 112 335 279 21 23 7 s 192 142 48 2 126 47 10 17 20 38 13 6 19 82 28 21 25 2 14 26 26 10 5 10 4 5 2 77 42 20 Actual I Attempt Exple. 952 82 15 92 136 9 13 7 3 75 25 2 75 6 5 5 7 4 12 37 20 15 24 1 9 21 23 7 3 5 2 s 2 48 42 15 405 135 20 7 90 9 4 . 2 35 12 . 31 2 8 6 1 . s 4 5 4 . 1 . 2 1 1 2 . 1 l . 16 . 1 12 s 18 8 I 26 I 38 2 3 12 31 1 4 . . 18 8 . 14 1 1 s 4 1 1 32 3 2 1 . 3 2 2 1 . 4 ... . ... 8 ... 1 1 22 2 2 . . 14 3 . 6 1 3 4 1 1 1 9 . ,,. . . 2 1 . 1 . 1 1 . . 5 . 3 Property Damag e (Dollar Value} 11,265,.468 3or, 501 622, 360 58,976 3, 350, 711 254, 925 612,550 13, 300 319,500 161,071 126, 368 1, 075, 000 361,683 4, 975 34,310 75,443 5, 939 360,005 265,445 623, 450 177..973 6, 070 17,722 350 29, 388 566.150 17.504 46, 250 15, 350 150, 350 625 1,122,030 . . 1, 362 3,950 443, 335 Personal lnjury 212 13 6 2 t 23 . 2 2 . 4 L : 7 . . 7 . . 1 59 1 1 . . I . . 1 . 4 . 21 1 9 42 3 8 . .,. 1 . 1 . . 2 . . . . . 1 . . . 22 1 ... . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1 11 t
PAGE 262
258 l Taggants in Explosives :**:* :C7AL. +CSIC=K. : . l l private Res;dence ~MtruwK House Cl$.er Prlrate Property C:mmerclat Qwattom . . s C~mmerclal !3wlding Otflce 9uLldINC {wtrta! Butldkag 9Mk ~.eater >1OCO1 and Hotel :??lc!es . . . . $ Aucomobllo L%her Vehicle Awcraft 3rh~wl Facahtles . . . . bCnforcemeftC . . . %Ulding tehtcle oth4r Cowcrnmonl Proporty. . . . Fe4eral Ztate bcal ?Wsoru. . . . . . Psllc Ltllil]es . . . R:crcatmn Facliltles. . . . re!ephone FaclIities . . . ~ser Commumcallon Facilities. . Trsportatton FactlKles . . C,ms(ruction Sites and Equipment . ?cstal Factlutes and Equipment . Churckes . . . . Mil,[art. F~llt~les . . . !P,er~~lona~ Establishments. . 0 0 *lesJcaA Facll; ties . . . c!nKmNs@ . # . Sewspapec ~acll;tle~+ . . -n Area . . . . c~~ (premamre Detonation) . ~~er . . . . # T(xti {Ctud aJw Utamptsd 3ombin$s 1,318 292 193 21 78 282 186 28 2s 26 11 6 17s 119 47 9 100 36 13 s 18 66 13 11 !0 78 2a 17 13 1 23 32 15 6 9 3 . 4 2 78 29 29 Ac?lal E*% I m 66 9 99 111 16 Ii? 1s t 5 87 23 2 70 7 2 9 12 H 49 20 I 1+ 13 . 18 27 11 4 4 2 kcexl. -m:6 9 4 44 a 2 3 1 . 17 16 s 1s 2 2 3 . . s 7 1 2 . 1 2 5 1 1 1 . . . 4 . 1 1 58 13 29 . 21 3 .-m{ qllo. 118 13 : 23 6 4 2 2 1 9 5 . 12 . . . 1 : 13 6 . . . 2 . 3 . 4 . . . . s ,.. . !nc erd. 8s 18 2 2 8 . I 5 1 . 6 3 2 3 4 1 6 2 . . 9 1 1 . . 1 . . 1 . 1 . . . 2 . s [DOUG /alfJe) 3.943, 300 4e6, ?.9 :, 655 16,130 1. %0, 145 247,775 572,648 408,429 209,810 651,200 221, S64 191,887 IW 546,368 8, 38S 12,200 9,500 59, 42s 18.250 179,140 270,996 I :94 l -14, :2s 12,200 300 342,300 356,475 3, a37 ~, 560 400 2s, 300 . . 1 !0, 450 3, mo 1, 3s0 7, ?s0 la9, 102 >~r~o@ tn]ury 192 9 ; 20 6 1 . . . 3 . . 5 2 . 2 . . . 62 J . . 1 . . . . . . 1 . 7 34 2 Death 22 1 . . 2 t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . 1 1 . . . . . . . . 2 .
PAGE 263
Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables l 259 ~~blc 3: BOMBNG NCIDENTS TARGETS, 1978 rawx TOTAL fteei&ncaa . . . . . privat. Weldence Apatiment House Oth.r Pmvate Pxtp.rry Commercial OParatlcms . . Cammemiai Building (mea Rlllding Irldustrlal adding Tti.ater Motel or Hotel VdtIcles . . Automobile Other VeMcle Alrcdt 8chool FaciUtle9. . public Safety . Law Enforcemmt Building Vehicle Other Fire Department and Government Property Federal State bca.1 Persona . . public Utilities . Recreation Facffltles Telepimne Facilities . . . . . . . . . Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Communication Facilltleg . Tnnapotiion Facilities . . . Construction Sites and Equipment. . Postal Faciiitles and Equipment . . Churchea. . . . . Military Facilit;ea. . . . Luhmatiooal EwabIlshmeote . . Medal Facilities . . . . cOurumSO. . . . . Newap~r F~ueq . . -n Ar= . . . . u~ (Premamre C8tooaticm) . . Othr. . . . . . Toti Actual u Attempte &mbinq 1, 301 341 216 53 R 270 180 2X 30 18 10 11 178 142 36 . 101 41 38 11 23 4 3 31 11 2 18 61 31 19 21 2 37 10 14 9 7 7 3 3 5 46 33 31 A Explo. 768 84 :: lot 14 17 Is 7 2 7s 17 . 7s 5 11 3 3 7 2 12 29 21 14 1s 1 29 7 13 6 5 3 1 1 s 31 32 26 Id bced 34992 25 7 61 5 7 2 : 46 13 . 18 s 6 . . I . 5 8 5 3 3 1 5 3 . 3 2 1 2 . . 8 1 2 Attemot Sxpb lc5 11 ; 8 2 4 1 ; 7 4 . 4 : . . 2 . . 19 5 2 3 . 2 . 1 . . 3 . 2 . s . 3 Incenc 79 23 7 1 10 2 1 14 2 4 4 1 1 1 5 . . . 1 . . . . . . a . ?roperty Damage (Kklllar Va!ue) .3, 161. 4a5 547, rrS 57,330 36,813 1,870,420 1,854,731 220, 27s 114,902 24,000 75,200 142,366 631,300 . . 877,862 33,350 24, 310 2, Soo 5,670 17, 07s 200 51,340 121,295 372,800 S9, 785 9,220 17s, 000 261, 9S0 1, 28S, 450 5,589 7,480 26,900 12, 0s0 2,06 0 . . 13,960 101,035 7,150 112, 240 -s 4 15 . 1 0 3 . s . . 8 2 . 1 . . . . 21 1 . 1 . 2 . . . . 3 . . . 3 43 3 2 . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . 9 1 . . . . . . . . . s
PAGE 264
260 Taggants in Explosives Table 69.Commercial Airliner Hijacking Statistics by Year Hijackings U.S. Hijackings foreign Year origin origin 1949-67 . . . . 1968 . . . . . 1969 . . . . . 1970 . . . . . 1971 . . . . . 1972 . . . . . 1973a. . . . . 1974 . . . . . 1975 . . . . . 1976 . . . . . 1977 . . . . . 1978 . . . . . 9 15 36 20 24 27 1 3 3 4 5 8 45 14 48 50 29 29 17 17 11 15 NAc NA au S antlhlpcklng~easureska~ fu~ysrffectrw bus ~~lnes,~resm~veotwlntofmgln, cNotavailable SOURCE. FAArermlN o.FM-RG77-66. Table 5.-Hijacking and Associated Bombing Costs for U.S. and Foreign Airlines by Flight Origination (hijacker and bomber fatafftiasat$300,000 each) U.S. originationss Foreign originations Total costs, Enplanements, CostperenplaneTotal costs, Enplanements. Cost per enplaneYear No. $millions millions ment(dollars) No. $millions millions merit (dollars) 1949 . . 0 $0.0 0 18.0 $0.000 3 $ 0.2 3 10.0 $0.023 1950 . . 0 0.00 20.7 0.000 3 0.01 12.0 0.001 1951 . . 0 0.00 26.8 0.000 0.01 17.0 0.000 1952. . . 0 0.00 29.7 0.000 ; 0.61 18.0 0.034 1953 . . 0 0.00 29.7 0.000 0.00 20.0 0.000 1954 . . 0 0.00 38.2 0.000 ; 0.00 23.0 0.000 1955. . . 0 0.00 45.0 0.000 0 0.00 26.0 0.000 1956 . . 0 0.00 49.6 0.000 0 0.00 31.0 0.000 1957. . . 0 0.00 53.3 0.000 0 0.00 37.0 0.000 1958 . . 1 7,41 53.1 0.140 6 7.07 38.0 0.186 1959 . . 0 0.00 60.3 0.000 6 0.33 42.0 0.008 1960 . . 0 0.00 62.3 0.000 7 0.93 48.0 0.019 1961 ........,.. 4 0.19 63.0 0.003 6 1.47 53.0 0.028 1962 . . 0 0.00 67.8 0.000 2 0.07 58.0 0.001 1963 . . 0 0.00 77.4 0.000 1 0.00 64.0 0.000 1964 . . 0 0.00 88.5 0.000 0 0.00 73.0 0.000 1965 . . 4 0.00 102.9 0.000 0 0.00 77.0 0.000 1966 . . 0 0.00 118.1 0.000 3 0.63 91.0 0.007 1967 . . 0 0.00 142.5 0.000 4 0.01 101.0 0.000 1968. . . 15 0.13 162.2 0.001 14 0.45 115.0 0.004 1969. . . 36 0.54 171.9 0.003 48 6.59 134.0 0.049 1970. . . 20 0.77 169.9 0.005 50 60.95 141.0 0.432 1971 . . 24 1.01 173.7 0.006 29 6.43 159.0 0.040 1972. . . 27 2.40 191.4 0.013 29 11.01 176.0 0.063 1973 . . 1 0.00 202.2 0.000 17 52.06 201.0 0.259 1974 . . 3 0.93 207.5 0.004 17 29.12 216.0 0.135 1975 . . 6 0.38 205.1 0.002 11 0.81 228.0 0.004 1976 . . 4 0.68 223.3 0.003 15 18.15 247.0 0.073 Total ........14 5 S14.44 2,858.3 SO.005 275 S196.95 2.456.0 S0.080 SOURCE BATF
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Appendix FDerivation of Bombing Statistics Tables l 261 Table 70.Possible Perpetrator Response Countermeasures to Taggant Program Criminal Terrorist Mentally disturbed Other UnsophisSophisDisenCountermeasures ticated ticated Political Separatist Reactionary chanted Vengeful Pathological Vandals Experimenters Taggant removal . . a M M H L-M L-M Fabrication of explosives. L H H M M L L L L L-M Incendiary devices. . H L L M M M M M-H L-M Use of blasting agents if untagged. . . L H H M M L L L L M Theft, commercial . M H M-H M-H L-M L-M L-M L-M M Theft, military . . L L L L L Illegal sources. . . L H H H Use of explosives manufactured before implementation of tagging L H M L Vapor seals. . . L-M L-M L L Other tactics . . L-M H H H L-M M aUnllkely to be attempted bLener5 Indlcafe Wsslbdlly of success m the attempted countermeasure L = IOW, M = medium: H = high. SOURCE Office of Technology Assessment
PAGE 266
APPENDIX GGLOSSARY This glossary defines, for easy reference, some of the terms used in this study in ways that may differ either from normal English usage or from the technical vocabulary of the explosives industry. ANFO. A mixture of prilled (or pelletized) ammoni um nitrate and fuel oil, which is the most commonly used blasting agent (q. v.). About half the ANFO used commercially is mixed in a factory, and half is mixed at the site where the explosion is to take place. Sometimes other similar blasting agents are called ANFO. Black powder. See gun powder. Blasting agent. An explosive material that is too insensitive to be detonated with a #8 detonator. Because blasting agents are generally cheaper to buy, safer to store, and (because of regulations) easier to ship than cap-sensitive explosives (q. v.), their annual commercial use far exceeds that of any other explosive materials. The most common blasting agent is ANFO (q.v.), but many gels, slurries, and emulsions are also blasting agents. Bomb. In this study, a bomb refers to a device designed to cause death, injury, and/or property damage by means of an explosion. In the usage of many law enforcement agencies, incendiary devices (designed to cause death, injury, or property damage by means of fire) are also considered bombs. The context makes it clear whenever this report refers to incendiary as well as explosive bombs. Bombing. In this study, a bombing refers to an incident in which an explosive device actually detonates and causes death, injury, or damage. Cap-sensitive. An explosive material is said to be cap-sensitive if it can be detonated by a #8 detonator. Dynamites are cap-sensitive; blasting agents are not cap-sensitive; confined gunpowder (q.v.) are cap-sensitive. In normal commercial practice, a cap-sensitive booster is used to detonate a non-cap-sensitive explosive material. Catastrophic bombing. A bombing which causes death, injury, and/or substantial property damage. Compatibility. A foreign substance (such as a taggant) is said to be compatible with an explosive material if the presence of the foreign material does not have any deleterious effect on the performance or safety of the explosive material under any conditions whose occurrence can reasonably be foreseen. Criminal. Used in two senses in this study. In OTAs characterization of different kinds of bombers, criminals are those who have an economic motivation for committing crimes. Elsewhere, a criminal bombing is any bombing in violation of the law. Detection taggant. See taggant. Device. A bomb. The distinction sometimes made between a device and a bomb is not meaningful in the context of this study. Encapsulation. In the context of this study, the coating of a taggant at the time of its manufacture with an inert material. Explosive. In this study, an explosive material that is cap-sensitive and more energetic than a gunpowder (q.v.). Typical explosives include dynamites, some gels, some slurries, and high explosives such as TNT. Explosive material. A material that is manufactured for the purpose of being exploded, generally in a blasting or shooting application. Explosive materials include blasting agents, explosives, gun powders. (q.v.) Explosives incident. In the data collection procedures of some law enforcement agencies, explosives incidents include stolen explosives, recovered explosives, accidents, hoaxes, and undetonated bombs, as well as bombings (q.v.). Gunpowder. In this study, the term is used to refer to any of the propellants commonly used by those who engage in shooting for sport. These comprise black powder (which, strictly speaking, is what the term gunpowder means), smokeless powder, and Pyrodex @ (a black powder substitute). High explosive. An explosive material that is both cap-sensitive and highly energetic. Identification taggant. See taggant. Incendiary. See bomb. Permissible explosive. An explosive with a low flame output specifically approved by the Bureau o f Mines for use in underground mining. Powder fines. Grains of gunpowder or fragments of such grains that are smaller than the grains of which the gunpowder is primarily composed. Pyrodex@. See gunpowder. Reactivity. Two materials are said to be reactive if mixing them under a specified set of conditions causes a chemical reaction. If the reactivity of a foreign substance and an explosive material exceeds a specified standard, they may or may not be incompatible, but must be presumed to be incompatible in the absence of information about the nature and conditions of the chemical reaction. Smokeless powder. See gunpowder. 262
PAGE 267
Appendix GGlossary 263 Substantial target. A person or structure as the target of a bomb. This study uses the term because a number of bombings are directed against mailboxes, open fields, or other targets suggesting that the purpose of the bomber is to create an explosion without causing very much actual damage. Taggant. A microscopic particle added to a commercial explosive in order to facilitate law enforcement. Identification taggants carry a code making it possible to trace the batch of explosives, and the chain of legal distribution; they are intended to survive a bombing, be recovered from the debris, and assist in tracing the source of the explosives used. Detection taggants permit a suitable sensor to detect the presence of the taggants (and hence the explosives) through suitcases, packages, etc. Taggants of various kinds have been used for identification and detection purposes not related to commercial explosives (and additional such uses have been proposed), but in this study all references to taggants or tagging refer to the application of this technology to commercial explosives. U.s GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1980 0 61-401
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