November 8, 1993 TO: Director Assistant Directors Program Managers Office Managers J1J Planning Task Force Members FROM: Bill Norris {3,.J1 Personnel Director SUBJECT: FY93 OTA Resource Analysis Report The report describes OTA's human assets as of October 1, 1993, the beginning of a new fiscal year. The data provides a sketch of historical developments over the past five years illustrating several trends that may warrant further review. Most charts refer to permanent and temporary staff in order to present a more accurate and complete picture of OTA's employees. This inclusion is also more closely tuned to the Full-Time-Equivalent (FTE) count now expected of OTA. I have discontinued all comparisons by divisions in view of OTA's new organizational structure. In addition, such data might be perceived as divisive. Summary profiles of programs and selected job families seem more relevant and beneficial for comparative analysis. "Analytical" staff includes research staff as well as Office Managers and Specialists. Pages 21-22 provide more specific identification of Analytical and Administrative staff. "Research" staff reflects program staff conducting assessment activities. Degree information refers solely to research staff. Percentages for PhDs and Masters' degrees do not total 100% as Bachelor's degrees are excluded. Percentages for "hard" and "soft" disciplines include all research staff. Tis true the cover is somewhat (rather?) dramatic. It attempts to reflect tbe challenges facing OTA's new organizational structure ind the program and support staff producing the quality reports expected of OTA. I hope you find the report informative and useful. As usual, your suggestions for improving the report are more than welcome as the report is presented as a planning tool for OTA.
TABLE OF CONTENTS EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION 0 Pennanent Historical 1 0 Pennanent & Temporary-Historical 2 0 Analytical -OTA Levels Pennanent & Temporary Historical 3 0 Women Analytical OTA Levels Pennanent & Temporary -Historical 4 0 Male/Female-OTA levels -Pennanent & Temporary-1993 5 0 MinorityAnalytical -OTA Levels -Pennanent & Temporary-Historical 6 0 Division/Program/Office Summary -1993 7 0 OT A Position Structure Levels -1993 8 SALARY DISTRIBUTION 0 Pennanent & Temporary-Historical: Overall, Analytical, Research, Administrative 9 0 CPI-U Pennanent & Temporary Historical: Overall, Analytical, Research, Administrative 10 DEGREE DISTRIBUTION 0 Code of Degrees Research Staff 11 0 Research, Overall Pennanent & Temporary-Historical 12 0 Research Programs -Pennanent & Temporary-Historical 13 0 Research Programs "Hard" Discipline -Most Advanced Degree Pennanent & Temporary Historical 14 0 Research Programs "Hard" Discipline Total Degrees Pennanent & Temporary Historical 15 0 Research Programs Highest Percent of Staff Disciplines 16 OTA EXPERIENCE DISTRIBUTION 0 Analytical & Administrative Pennanent -1993 17 0 Analytical & Administrative Pennanent & Temporary-1993 18 0 Research Programs -Permanent & Temporary-1993 19 0 Job Families -Pennanent & Temporary-1993 20 0 Title/Name Analytical & Administrative 1993 21-22 PROFILE COMPARISON 0 Research Programs Pennanent & Temporary 1993 23 0 Selected Job Families Pennanent & Temporary -1993 24 STAFF MOBILIITY 0 Turnover -1993 25 0 Turnover Pennanent Historical 26 0 Turnover-Pennanent & Temporary-Historical 27 0 Turnover -OTA Levels Analytical & Administrative Historical 28-29 0 Accessions -1993 30-31 0 Separations -1993 32-33
ORGANIZATIONAL TRENDS A summary of the more significant highlights include: o The departure of the Director, 2 Assistant Directors, the Operations Manager, and 3 Senior Associates indicates a definite changing of the guard. The organizational restructuring, current and pending, reflects a new management perspective. o The transfer of "CBIS" employees to temporary staff affects several databases in this report, notably, those illustrating administrative and minority staff. o Women continued to advance in OTA's hierarchy of position levels as several were promoted again this year. o The research programs experienced a dramatic decrease of "hard" disciplined degrees. o 25% of OTA's staff have worked less than 4 years at OTA.
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION: o Permanent staff numbers remained constant with last year in all categories. Analytical staff increased by 8 since 1989 while administrative staff decreased by 6 since 1990. Minority staff increased by 7 since 1989. o The substantial increase of permanent and temporary staff was most closely associated with the transfer of "CBIS" employees affecting total, administrative, and minority numbers. o The percentage of women in levels I-IV increased by 3% and represents a 5% increase since 1989. Promotions were the primary cause of this advancement. For example, OTA had 8 more women as Senior Associates in '93 than '89 even though 4 female Senior Associates separated over the past 2 years. In addition, promotions to Senior Associate included several younger women. Almost 1/3 of women in analytical positions are in levels III-IV. o Levels I-II continued to be predominantly male. o The number of permanent and temporary research staff remained fairly constant over the past 5 years ranging from 130 to 136. o The Health program had the largest number of staff, the largest number of Senior Associates and Senior Analysts (followed by EM,ISC, and ITE), and the highest number of current projects (followed by FRR and TCT). o Minority staffing increased by 1% in both levels III-IV and V-VI. OTA lost 3 minority research staff including 2 Senior Analysts in Level V. TCT had the highest number of minority staff. 0 The number of in-house contractors increased to 21 from 9 in '90. o Total "staffing": FY PERM TEMP CONTRACTORS CBIS DETAILEES TOTAL 89 140 54 12 19 9 233 90 147 46 9 17 6 225 91 148 51 14 15 9 237 92 145 49 16 15 5 230 93 144 61 21 7 233
SAIARY DISTRIBUTION: o The non-CPI chart reflects staff salaries which affect OTA's budget dollars and, thus, long term agency costs; the CPI chart reflects staff "buying power". o OTA average salaries continued to steadily increase with the exception of the administrative staff whose salaries decreased due to the inclusion of several lower-paid administrative services' positions and the departure of 2 Division Assistants. Research staff experienced the largest increase. o When adjusted for inflation over the past 5 years, the value of staff salaries was considerably less. o TCT, EM, ISC, and SET experienced the highest increase of average salaries among the programs. o The OTA Position Structure Level chart provides the minimum and maximum salaries for each position. Research positions are theoretically capped by the Director's salary; administrative salary caps are indicated on the chart. o ISC had the highest average salaries of research staff followed closely by ITE due to their number of senior staff, length of total experience, and number of PhDs.
DEGREE DISTRIBUTION: o 82% of the research staff had graduate degrees; 52% with PhDs (an increase of 3%) and 30% with Masters' degrees. o ISC had the highest number of PhDs. 5 of the 9 programs had more than 50% of their research staff with PhDs. o 41 male research staff had PhDs; 26 women had PhDs. o The number of staff with "hard" disciplined degrees (as their top degree) decreased by 5% to its lowest level since 1989. o ISC and EM had the highest number of staff with "hard" disciplines as their highest degree received. They were, however, the only programs with more than 50% of their research staff complete with "hard" degrees. SET and TCT experienced the greatest increase of staff with "hard" degrees. When you include staff with at least one "hard" discipline degree in their background, O&E and BBS had the greatest increa. o Engineering and Public Policy were the most prevalent degrees among research staff. Economics followed closely behind.
EXPERIENCE DISTRIBUTION: o 27% of permanent staff had been at OTA for less than 4 years; 43% of permanent and temporary staff were in the same category. This included 36% of Senior Analysts, 89% of Analysts, and 47% of OTA's Secretaries. O&E, SET, and BBS had the highest percentages of staff with less than 4 years of OTA experience. o 63% of Program Managers, 54% of Senior Associates, and 57% of Office Administrators had been at OTA for 12 or more years. FRR followed by ITE had the highest percentage of staff in the same category. o ISC and ITE continued to have research staff with the most total experience; EM and TCT are close behind. Male research staff averaged 28 years of total experience; women averaged 23 years. TURNOVER DISTRIBUTION: o OTA experienced significant changes within senior management ranks with the departure of the Director, 2 Assistant Directors, the Operations Manager, and 3 Senior Associates. o 1/4 of OTA's staff changed this past year with a 25% turnover among permanent and temporary staff. o Turnover remained in single digits for permanent staff including 6% for permanent analytical staff. o Separations included 2 minority Senior Analysts and 1 minority Research Analyst. OTA did not hire any minority research staff in '93.
160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION "'-~~ Number of Staff ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ~1989 TOTAL 140 147 148 145 144 11111990 a1992 ~1993 ANALYTICAL ADMIN. MALE FEMALE MINORITY 106 34 53 87 19 111 36 54 93 22 113 35 58 90 24 112 33 59 86 26 114 30 57 87 26 Permanent Research Staff= 90; i.e. 63% of staff. 1
220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION Number of Staff TOTAL 194 193 199 194 205 ~1989 ... ------ANALYTICAL 158 156 161 160 162 ADMIN. 36 37 38 34 43 MALE 75 74 78 84 91 FEMALE 119 119 121 110 114 sa1990 R1991 ~1992 ................ lca1993 .. MINORITY 25 28 32 32 37 Total Research Staff= 130; i.e. 63% of staff. 2
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICAL LeoeU-'P-& 7~ Percent 40 30 20 10 0 I & II Ill & IV 1989 15 24 1990 17 24 1991 16 28 1992 16 28 1993 14 32 Based on 162 Analytical Staff V&VI 37 35 31 29 29 m19a9 llm1990 !i:11991 ltm1992 ---VII & VIII IX&X 13 11 14 11 12 13 13 14 16 10 3
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICAL ~eoeU ,,,_ & 7~ ?I~ "1tUHe# Percent 25 ------------.................. -----,--------------. 20 15 10 .. 5 ............................................ 0 1&11 lll&IV 1989 3 11 1990 4 12 1991 4 12 1992 3 13 1993 3 16 Based on 162 Analytical Staff ............................................................................ i5a1989 m1990 m:11992 PJIJ1993 ........................................................... ...,__. V&VI Vll&VIII IX&X 25 8 9 22 10 6 21 7 9 17 8 9 16 11 7 I & II IX&X 13.2% VII & VIII 20.8% 4
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICAL ~weU "'-& 7~ ?Nate/?eHUtle ?f 1993 I & II Ill & IV V&VI VII & VIII IX&X 0 4 I & II Ill & IV Male 11 16 Female 3 16 Based on 162 Analytical Staff 8 Percent V&VI 13 16 12 VII & VIII 6 11 DMa/e IIIFemale 16 IX&X 3 7 5
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION ANALYTICAL 'P~ & 7~ ?I~ Percent 0 I & II Ill & IV V&VI VII & VIII IX&X 1989B 0 0 3 3 1 1990~ 0 1 3 3 3 1991 IZ3 0 1 5 2 2 1992B 0 2 4 3 3 1993a::!I 0 3 5 3 1 Based on 162 Analytical Staff 6
Staff Distribution FY 1993 Permanent Director's Office 3 Con ressional & Public Affairs 5 4 Personnel 4 Publishin 3 Telecommunications & Information S stems 5 2 Information Center 4 2 Information Marketin 2 3 Contracts & Procurement 1 Conference Center 2 Assistant Director & Materials 13 2 9 4 12 2 10 4 Biolo ical & Behavioral Sciences 9 Food & Renewable Resources 11 2 Health 18 10 4 5 1 2 1 7
LEVEL SALARY J123,1UU I Up to $115,700 II Up to $110,700 Up to $99,700 Ill $73,892 to $96,926 $67,155 to $86,907 IV $56,851 to $74,081 V $48,191 to $62,543 VI $40,462 to $53,005 VII $35,075 to $45,862 VIII $27,909 to $39,945 IX $22,825 to $32,835 X $19,753 to $26,694 OTA POSITION SI'RUCTURE I,EV F!l ,S August l99'J MANAGEMENT/SUPERVISION RESEARCH ADMINISTRATIVE u1rector Assistant Director Program Manager Dir., Congressional Affairs Senior Associate Senior Associate Personnel Director Senior Analyst Dir., Info. Mgt./Buik:ling Services Director, Press Affairs Budget & Finance Officer Senior Associate Congressional Affairs Officer Mgr., Telecommunications & Info. Sys. Senior Analyst Mgr., Publishing Services Mgr., Information Services Senior Analyst PayrolVBenefits Officer Director of Contracts Analyst Executive Assistant to the Director Asst. Manager, Telecomm. & Info. Sys. Analyst Personnel Specialist Contracts & Legal Specialist Information Marketing Officer Senior Systems Analyst Senior Financial Analyst Division Administrator Office Administrator Analyst Production Editor Senior Graphic Designer Senior Electronic Pubs Spec. Systems Support Analyst Systems Support Specialist Senior Procurement Spec. Division Assistant Administrative Assistant Asst. Manager, Info. Services Research Analyst Librarian Office Administrator Electronic Publishing Specialist Service Center Supervisor Senior Accounting Technician Building Services Supervisor Administrative Secretary Personal Computer Specialist Conference Center Coordinator Accounting Technician Administrative Assistant Research Analyst Graphic Designer Research Assistant Systems Technician Administrative Secretary Personal Computer Specialist Secretary Information Technician Publication Distribution Tech. Service Center Technician Research Assistant Secretary Information Technician Conference Center Assistant Clerical Assistant Clerk/Courier Chart reflects the maximum level of the pos/lJon; actual sa/a,y of the Incumbent may be /owvr. 8
Adjusted by CPI-U; Washington, D.C.; 1989=100% 10
Code of Degrees Research Staff "Hard" "Soft'' Engineering/Physics/Biology Political Science/Law/Economics Aeronautics Anthropology Biological Sciences Business Administration Chemistry Communications Management Earth Sciences Defense & Science Policy Ecology Economics Engineering Energy Policy Environmental Sciences English Flight Transportation Geography Geology Government Instrumentation History Medicine Industrial Relations Resource Management International Affairs Physics Law Physiology Management Science Toxicological Sciences National Resources Management Zoology National Security Systems Philosophy Policy Science Political Science Psychology Public Administration Public Health Public Policy Regional Planning Regional Science Regional Studies Resource Policy Science, Technology, & Public Policy Social Work Sociology Teaching Technology & Policy Technology & Human Affairs Telecommunications Policy War Studies Water Resources Management 11
DEGREE DISTRIBUTION RESEARCH 'P~&7~-~~ Percent 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 50 49 49 52 Based on 130 Research Staff 35 28 27 27 30 35 37 37 40 35 64 63 63 60 65 1111989 ~1990 6111992 12
DEGREE DISTRIBUTION 1::~P~ Percent 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 BBSE3 EMa FRRGI HLTHlw ISCBI ITEmi! OEE::l SETBa TCT(!J PhD 55 54 50 42 92 67 44 36 44 -P-&7~-'?1/93 Master "Hard" "Soft" 18 45 55 38 54 46 20 40 60 21 25 75 8 58 42 33 17 83 39 33 67 45 27 73 44 25 75 13
"HARD" DISCIPLINE DISTRIBUTION RESEARCH ~&'R"He,i'Je&'1t7 & 7&11e~~~1/ ?11S7tfR1(3,IL Percent 1 00 -.---i-----r--;::::=====::J=========:r::=======::::r:::::======:::::c:======:---r-----i-----, 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 .......................................................................... mTI1989 ~1991 1111992 ............................... -..................................... --BBS EM FRR HLTH ISC ITE OE SET TCT 25 38 20 20 55 40 54 27 20 44 46 44 22 50 20 54 19 15 57 56 38 14 58 30 69 12 13 50 64 50 22 54 33 50 20 19 45 54 40 25 58 17 33 27 25 Most Advanced Degree 14
"HARD" DISCIPLINE DISTRIBUTION 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 Percent BBS EM 38 69 44 77 57 81 50 86 64 77 lim1989 ~1991 m1992 FRR HLTH ISC ITE OE 40 40 64 60 85 56 39 67 40 85 54 29 83 60 77 60 35 77 67 56 40 38 75 50 72 Total Degrees RESEARCH SET TCT 27 47 19 31 12 33 27 38 36 50 15
DEGREE DISTRIBUTION 1'-& 7~ 71/93 16% 8% 8% 7% 6% 4% 4% Ill Engineering II! Public Policy Economics Physics Lil Political Science Law Q Biological Sciences Environmental Systems Public Health Resources Management 16
OTA EXPERIENCE ANALYTICAL & ADMINISTRATIVE FY 1993 Permanent Percent 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 TOTAL Analytical Admln. 16-19 27 21 8 28 19 7 21 17 4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 3f 15 13 2 11 9 2 Numbers Zero-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-19 Analytical 30 28 24 18 13 Administrative 9 10 6 3 3 17
OTA EXPERIENCE ANALYTICAL & ADMINISTRATIVE FY 1993 -Permanent & Temporary Percent Zero-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 0 43 35 a 16-19 22 15 7 17 13 4 10 9 1 a 7 1 0 20 40 60 80 Numbers Zero-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-19 Analytical 71 30 27 18 14 Administrative 17 14 8 3 3 18
50 -----------40 ................. 30 -20 10 0 BBS 0-4 55 4-8 1111 18 8-12 1111 27 12-16 [] 16-20 ------------..... EM 8 46 15 15 15 FAR 50 10 30 10 HLTH ISC 54 8 21 42 13 42 13 8 ITE OE SET TCT 33 67 55 50 17 36 13 17 11 13 17 11 19 17 11 9 6 25 .-------.----...-------,-------......-------,.------.--------20 ............................ ................................................... ................................................................................ 15 ....................................................... 10 5 0 Total 0-411 4-8G 8-12CI 12-160 BBS 11 6 2 3 EM 13 6 2 2 FAR 10 5 3 HLlH 24 13 5 3 3 ISC llE OE SET TCT 12 12 18 11 16 1 4 12 6 8 5 2 4 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 1Q
OTA Experience Job Families Permanent & Temporary -FY93 Percent 100---------------------------0-4 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 80 ........................................................................................... 60 ....................................................................................................................................... 40 ........................................................................................................ 20 ........ 0 -u .... 0 (0 .... 3 ll> ::::, ll> (0 (D u1 13 25 25 38 en (D ::::, c>" .... (/) 0 0 i (D (/) 4 12 31 35 19 en (D ~0 .... 36 36 19 6 2 89 7 4 :c (D $1> 0 (D ll> '< S!l. ll> (/) (0 $2C> (D .... (/) S!l. $1> 95 38 5 25 13 25 Percentages 0 (D en "O (D 0 s[ (/) 38 19 19 5 19 0 (D 3 5 s[ .... a 0 u1 14 29 14 43 en (D 0 .... ~m 47 32 21 43 36 14 7 20
--Director Aaat. Directer Progru Manager Senior Aaaociate Senior Analyat Project Director (Excluding Senior Aaaoc;) Operation Manager Analyat Oparationa Bpeciali1t Aeaearch Analyat/A11t. OTA Experience FY93 n.4 .... ._,., Herdlllan Blair Govan Gough Shaw Nunn Chubin CoatH Niahilli Dougherty Winaton Fainberg Fletcher Gelband Kara llaalow Wagner Atkinaon (T) Charo C.llahu Bowel (T) Dunkerley Eyring Bl'CIIIII Edan Harn Corrigan Hall ,._an Dawning (T) Hewitt Oldenburg (T) Frean (T) Hilton WHtaraeyer Gunn (T) K011or Klingman Aobinaon O'Toola Waychoff Oelrich (T) Tunis (T) WeiHler Bruening Baldwin Durana ChornHky Dopart Epstein Mar Fulton Power llcCua Gluck Paxman Keller Whit McDonough Wirt O'Connor Aoy Boertlein Boyd Kouril Cox JenHn Higga Butler (T) Wolfe Saith (T) Buzacott Wye Cheng (T) Cox (T) Gajar (T) Gonzalez Hauaken (T) JenHn (T) Joellenbeck (T) Keller (T) Laporte Laechobar lloriaon Paul (T) Aaguao (T) Aeyea Schaidt (T) Scott 'Showell (T) Snyder (T) Bobin (T) Weinberg (T) Mey (T) Bond Davia (T) Falb (T) Breitbach Edlllond1on llcCUrry HoffHyar (T) Hahn Onrubia Moore (T) HHingway Bparkl (T) starr Trout Turner Berkaon (T) Keller caroll (T) Cohen (T) EiHnberg (T) Goocla (T) Graboweki (T) Holland (T) Lana (Tl Latus (T) Leonard (T) Liechty (T) LinHnaeyer llcDeraott (T) Proffitt stricker (T) Torres Wallace ITI 21 '"" -, ... <>n Behney CUrlin Buyrn Parhu caraon Niblock Alic Crane Bierbaua Garcia Friedllan Johnson Gort Kolsrud lteH Phillipe Plotkin Williaaaon Windle Wood Kp Sedor LarHn Bandy McDonald Dexter Norri Jackson Craw Datcher Ufholz
Administrative 0-4 Executive Assistant Division Adminsitrator Office Administrator Erickson Admin. Assistant Ellinger Operations Tech. Bennett (T) Copeland (T) McCall (T) Robinson (T) Warren (T) West PC Specialist Carson Jackson Admin. Secretary Lewis Secretary Gille (T) Holmlund Knarvik (T) Kowalski (T) Smith Sauire OTA Experience FY93 4-8 8-12 Linkins Bock Lewis Parker Piccione McNair (T) Agee (T) Grandstaff (T) Brown (T) King (T) Miller Williams (T) St. Clair Rayford Swann Aikens Hammond Ketchum Long Martin Staley White 12-16 16-20 Chapman Fenn Beil Boykin Emanuel Datcher Joyce (T) 22
PROGRAM PROFILE Permanent & Temporary Research Positions FY93 Senior Proj. Res. Res. Ave. Total Ave. OTA Program Total Staff Analysts* Analysts Directors** Analysts Assistams PHDs MAs BAs "Hard" "Soft" Ave.Age Experience Experience Ave. Salary *** BBS 11 4 3 3 1 4 6 2 3 5 6 36 12 4 51100 Ener 13 11 2 3 7 5 1 7 6 42 20 10 72200 Food 10 4 4 6 5 2 3 4 6 39 17 7 60400 Health 24 13 3 8 10 5 9 6 18 34 11 5 52000 ISC 12 11 1 4 11 1 7 5 43 21 7 79600 ITE 12 11 1 4 8 4 2 10 44 21 9 77600 Oceans 18 10 3 2 8 7 3 6 12 39 17 6 60200 SET 11 6 2 3 4 5 2 3 8 38 16 5 58200 TCT 16 6 10 6 7 7 2 4 12 41 19 8 60900 Se#/dle. ,l~u & Se#/dle. A4d4tu ** -eu. e.dll#ltett Se#/dle. ,l~u & ,l~u ~*** 7-ut (4. ~tut~ "4u..j "9"" 23
Program Senior Senior alyst Research Research Mana er Associate Anal st Anal st Assistant 8 26 45 25 11 8 Number PhD 6 17 30 9 0 0 Masters 3 3 2 8 11 11 6 0 Bachelors 4 6 0 1 4 5 5 8 JD 0 1 56 48 40 34 29 23 Ave.A e 41 39 34 25 17 11 4 1 Ave. Total 20 18 Ex erience 13 12 6 2 1 1 Ave. OTA 6 7 46000 28500 23800 Pro rams 110 erations11 Administrative OAs Secretaries* Office Technicians Number 7 16 16 3 3 2 46 36 34 25 16 14 Ave. OTA Ex erience 11 5 6 Ave. Sala 41700 29700 31400 *Includes Administrative Secretaries & PC Specialists. ?4
Analytical Permanent Temporary Perm. & Temp. X = (Staff Added + Staff Separated)/2 Y = (Staff 10/01 /92 + Staff 09/30/93)/2 X y (2+12)/2 7 (112+114)/2 {33+37)/2 30 (48+48)/2 (35+39)/2 37 (160+162)/2 Percen1 = X/Y 113 6 48 63 161 23 Administrative X y Percent =X/Y Permanent (3+6)/2 4.5 (33+30)/2 31.5 14 Temporary (18+0)/2 9 (1 +13)/2 7 129 Perm. & Temp. (21 +6)/2 13.5 (34+43)/2 38.52 35 Total X y Percent= X/Y Permanent (5+18)/2 11.5 (145+ 144)/2 144.5 8 Temporary (51 +27)/2 39 (49+61)/2 54.9 71 Perm. & Temp. (56+45)/2 49.9 (194+205)/2 199.5 25 25
0 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 TURNOVER RATE 5 TOTAL 11 11 6 7 8 Permanent 10 Percent ANALYTICAL 9 9 5 8 6 15 ADMINISTRATIVE 18 19 8 6 14 20 01989 1991 m1992 26
TURNOVER RATE Permanent & Temporary TOTAL CJ1989 ANALYTICAL fil;]1991 lfi1992 ADMINISTRATIVE 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Percent TOTAL ANALYTICAL ADMINISTRATIVE 1989 28 28 24 1990 31 32 24 1991 20 21 14 1992 18 20 11 1993 25 23 35 27
Turnover bv Levels ., Analytical Garcia Hammerman ?R
Turnover by Levels Administrative VIII 29
(J) () JJ (D 0 JJ '1J ~-::::::, (J) ?;' -(D JJ .... (J) (D 0 .... en (D 0 (D C: .... ll> a. .... ::::::, ll> (D en (D 3 a ?;' ?;' a ll> (D C: ::::::, '< .!!!. .... ll> a 3 .... !l1. 0 .... 0 ?;' ll> E!1.. {i;" ::::::,0 a (D (D I .... '< '< .,, ?;' ::::::,-::::::, C: !l1. !l1. (0 5" ll> I 0 E!1.. m C"' -'< .,, ll> a. .... (D !l1. (D :E (J) '< ;::.: ~-.... "C !l1. 0 ::::::, 0 ll> (D .... ::::::, :E f) Total 7 1 8 2 1 5 7 2 1 1 Perm 1 1 Temp 6 1 8 2 5 7 2 1 1 Male 5 4 1 1 2 2 1 1 Female 2 1 4 1 3 5 1 1 Minority 1 BAs 1 2 7 2 MAs 5 3 1 1 PHDs 7 1 2 2 1 ~n
m () (D G) en CD Q 0 n. (D a. en ""[J en :::::, .., s. C () .., PJ p (D (D -0 "O (0 en -,: C" en (D (D :::::, 0 en y> .., c5 :::::,-(D en '< (D (D .., 0 o (D (D y> Q CJ 0 :::::, ""[J () en .., 0 () > C CJ r+ ;-. ""[J "O m. (D ;-. 0 C" (D en () 0 en (D Q C y> CJ) en 0 ;:r 0 "O p ::!. co C C :::::,-;-. "O 0 0 (D (D en :::::, "O .., :::::,0 p .., "O (D (D (D a. :::::,-(D .., ;-. ;-. p Total 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 Perm 1 1 1 Temp 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 2 Male 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 Female 1 2 1 1 3 1 Minority 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 BAs 1 1 1 1 2 MAs PHDs 31
Director Asst. Ops. Senior General Senior Analyst Research Research Summer Director Manaoer Assoc. Counsel Analyst Analyst Asst. Intern Total 1 2 1 3 1 5 7 8 9 2 Perm 1 2 1 3 1 4 Temp 1 7 8 9 2 Male 1 2 1 1 2 6 3 3 2 Female 2 1 3 1 5 6 1 Minority 2 1 BAs 1 1 1 7 9 1 MAs 1 4 1 1 PHDs 1 1 2 1 4 3 32
Exec. Asst. to Dir. Div. Asst. Admin. Secv. PC Specialist Secretary Total 1 2 1 1 1 Perm 1 2 1 1 1 Temp Male 1 Female 1 1 1 1 1 Minority 1 BAs 1 1 1 MAs PHDs 33
TO: SUBJECT: Director Personnel Office STAFF MEMORANDUM February 16, 1990 Assistant Directors/Operations Manager Program Managers Operations Office Managers FY 1989 OTA Resource Analysis The report reflects OTA's human assets as of September 30, 1989. Most of the data demonstrates historical patterns illustrating OT A's development over the past five years and illuminating possible future trends. The division and program proflas (beginning on page 27) present a more focused review of the information contained in the report. The actual numerical and percentage data for each of the charts are contained in the "chear sheets beginning on page 37. Analytical staff refers to the 158 "professionals" in divisions A, B, C, and G. For further reference, page 24 lists the names and titles of all analytical and administrative staff. Research staff refers to the 132 "professionals" in divisions A, B, and C. The Degree Distribution charts refer solely to research staff. The percentages for PhD and Master degrees will not total 100% as Bachelor degrees are not included. "Hard" and "soft" percentages wRI total 100% except for division B due to staff who have not yet received their Bachelor degree. "Hard" and "soft" data have been added to the program profiles. We hope you find this report as informative and useful as we found the data compilation to be.
ORGANIZATIONAL TRENDS A summary of the more significant highlights includes: o Minority staffing increased 2% to its highest percentage (13%). This is particularly noteworthy as 5 minority staff terminated in FY89 including a Senior Associate, a Senior Analyst, and 2 Analysts. o Turnover among permanent staff doubled from 5% in FY88 to 11% and quadrupled from 2% to 9% among the permanent analytical staff. o 42% of the permanent staff worked at OTA for 7 or more years; 50% of the permanent analytical staff had the same amount of OTA experience. o Research staff continued to maintain its distribution of "hard" disciplines at 35% (though lower than the highest percentage of 41% in FY85). With the inclusion of staff with "hard" undergraduate disciplines, the research staff percentage increased to 50%. o Division C increased its distribution of "hard" disciplines 13% to 36%. With the inclusion of staff with "hard" undergraduate disciplines, Division C's percentage increased to 51%. o OTA increased its utilization of detailees from 2 to 9. Employee Distribution: o The distribution between analytical and administrative staff continued to remain constant at 76% and 24% for permanent staff and 81% and 19% when temporary employees were included. Productivity was further highlighted as the administrative staff contained 4 less members than worked at OTA in FY85. o 68% of the permanent and temporary staff were involved in research activities. o Total staffing continued to decline to its lowest level in 5 years (194), particularly among analytical staff (158). o 70% of the permanent research staff were Senior Analysts, Senior Associates, and senior management. ISC had the highest number of senior staff, followed by E&M. BAP and F&R had the least.
o The distribution of senior and junior research staff continued to reflect the historical pattern and intent of the respective divisions: Division A B C Analysts 8 20 17 Senior Analysts/Associates 23 13 16 o The percentage of women in levels 111 and lV increased 2% but remained static in levels 1 and 11. 25% of women staff were in levels V and Vl with a salary range of $34,600 to $53,480. o 44%.of the minority staff held analytical positions compared to 48% in FY88 and 45% in FY87. Salary Distribution: o Staff received a 4% cost-of-living salary increase and averaged a 3.5% performance salary increase. o Average salaries of the permanent staff increased 6% from FY88; with the inclusion of temporary staff, the average increased 5%. o Over the past 5 years, average salaries of the permanent staff increased by $BK; the increase was $6K with the inclusion of temporary staff. This seems to indicate measured salary adjustments through the years. o 19% of OTA's staff received performance salary increases of less than 3% and 21% did not receive increases due to their recent appointments, imminent departures, position ceilings or poor performance. 58% received salary increases of 3% to 6%. Increases beyond 6% were quite rare (2%). o Division A was the most expensive division due to its staff in senior positions, staff experience, and number of staff with PhDs. Division G was least expensive. ITE and ISC had the highest average salaries and BAP the lowest. o Average salaries among job families were comparable within the 3 divisions except for a lower average salary among Senior Analysts in Division B. Several young staff were promoted in FY89. o Staff experienced a 10% decrease of outstanding performance ratings. This may have reflected an improvement in the evaluation process. 59% of the staff rated as outstanding was probably quite accurate. Division A continued its historial pattern of the lowest number of outstanding ratings; Division C continued with the highest number of outstandings.
Degree Distribution: o 79% of the research staff had graduate degrees (down from 82% in FY88) and 44% had PhDs (down from 51% in FY88). o OTA experienced an accumulative 7% loss of staff with PhDs due to separations. o Division A had a greater percentage of PhDs while Divisions Band C had an equivalent distribution of PhDs and Masters degrees. o OTA ended a 3 year decline with a 2% increase of staff with "hard" discipline degrees. The most dramatic change occurred in Division C with a 13% increase; Divisions A and B reflected slight decreases. o With the addition of staff possessing "hard" undergraduate degrees, Division A increased its percentage of staff with "hard" discipline backgrounds from 43% to 65%; Division B from 27% to 39%; Division C from 36% to 51%. o Among permanent and temporary staff, Health had the greatest number of staff with PhDs; F&RR the least. O&E had the highest number of staff with "hard" degrees; F&RR the least. o 13% of OTA's staff have their highest degree in Public Policy, 9% in Economics, 7% in Engineering, and 6% in Physics. Experience Distribution: o Among the permanent staff, 48% of Division C, 46% of Divisions A and G, and 36% of Division B worked at OTA for 7 or more years. E&M had the most OTA experience; BAP the least. o 62% of the administrative staff had less than 5 years of OTA experience. o The average age of Senior Associates and Senior Analysts was roughly 43 and averaged 10 years of OTA experience. This seems to provide a solid foundation of future continuity for senior management replacements. o ISC, ITE, and CIT contained the oldest staff; Health and BAP contained the youngest.
Turnover Rate: o For the first time in 4 years, turnover among total staff increased (6%). o The permanent analytical staff experienced significant turnover with a net loss of 8 senior staff. The accumulative shift among research staff visibly indicated a changed environment: Senior Staff Analysts Research Assistants Separations 10 22 14 Accessions 2 17 22 o The number of separations increased from 42 in FY88 to 57. The number of accessions increased from 38 in FY88 to 52.
TABLE OF CONTENTS EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION: o Pennanent Historical o Pennanent and Temporary Historical o Analytical-OTA Levels-Pennanent and Temporary Historical o Wallen-Analytical-OTA Levels-Pennanent and Temporary Historical o Male/Female-OTA Levels-Pennanent and Temporary-1989 o Minority-Analytical-OTA Levels-Pennanent and Temporary Historical o Division/Program/Office Simnary-1989 SALARY DISTRIBUTION: o Overall-Permanent Historical o Overall-Permanent and Temporary Historical o Analytical-Permanent Historical o Analytical-Permanent and Temporary Historical o Adninistrative-Pennanent and Temporary Historical PERFORMANCE EVALUATION RATINGS -HISTORICAL SALARY PROJECTIONS -HISTORICAL DEGREE DISTRIBUTION: o Code of Degrees o Research Overall-Permanent and Temporary Historical o Research, Division A-Permanent and Temporary Historical o Research, Division B-Permanent and Temporary Historical o Research, Division C-Permanent and Temporary Historical OTA EXPERIENCE DISTRIBUTION: o Analytical and Adninistrative-Pennanent-1989 o Divisions-Pennanent-1989 o Analytical and Adninistrative-Pennanent and Temporary-1989 o Divisions-Permanent and Temporary-1989 o Title/Name-Pennanent and Temporary-1989 PROFILE COMPARISON: o Division Job Families-Pennanent-1989 o Division Job Families-Pennanent and Temporary-1989 o Program-Research-Permanent-1989 o Program-Research-Permanent and Temporary-1989 o Program "Hard" Discipline Distribution-Historical STAFF NOBILITY: o Turnover-1989 o Tumover-Pennanent-Historical o Turnover-Pennanent and Temporary-Historical o Accessions-1989 o Separations-1989 APPENDIX: o "Cheat" Sheets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24-26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37-42
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Page 1 EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION Permanent-Historical TOTAL ANALYTICAL ADMIN MALE FEMALE MINORITY a 1985 CJ 19a6 1987 11111 1988 CJ 1989
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION Permanent and Temporary-Historical 250-,----------------------200 150 100 50 0 TOTAL ANALYTICAL ADMIN MALE FEMALE MINORITY m 1985 D 1986 1987 11111988 [~ 1989 Page 2
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION-ANALYTICAL Levels-Permanent & Temporary-Historical Percent I & II Ill & IV V & VI VII & VIII IX & X 1985 D 1986 1987 11111 1988 C7 1989 Page 3-Based on 158 Analytical Staff
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION-ANALYTICAL Women-Levels-Perm & Temp-Historical Percent 30 ~----------~--... --------25 20 15 10 5 0 I & II Ill & IV V & VI VII & VIII IX & X 1985 CJ 1986 1987 111111988 CJ 1989 Page 4-Based on 158 Analytical Staff
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION-ANALYTICAL Male/Female-Levels-Perm & Temp-FY1989 Percent I & II Ill & IV V & VI VII & VIII IX & X D Male Female Page 5-Based on 158 Analytical Staff
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION-ANALYTICAL Minority-Levels-Perm & Temp-Historical Percent I & II Ill & IV V & VI VII & VIII IX & X m 1985 D 1986 1987 1988 D 1989 Page 6-Based on 158 Analytical Staff
STAFF DISTRIBUTION--FY 89 APPOINTMENTS APPOINTMENTS OTHER IN-HClJSE STAFF PERMANENT TEMPORARY VANGUARD CONTRACTORS CONTRACTORS DETAILEES DIVISION/PROGRAM/OFFICE Energy, Materials, and International Security: --Assistant Director 3 --Energy and Materials 13 3 2 --International Security and Cannerce 10 2 1 -Industry, Technology and Eq,loyment 9 3 5 2 Health and Life Sciences: --Assistant Director 3 --Biological Applications 7 12 2 --Food and Renewable Resources 9 4 1 --Health 14 14 1 Science, Information, and Natural Resources: --Assistant Director 2 --C01111U1ication and Information Technologies 14 4 --Oceans and Envi rorvnent 13 2 2 --Science, Eclx:ation, and Transportation 9 9 Operations: --Operations Manager 1 'lllinistrative Services 3 1 9 ,dget and Finance 5 1 --Information Center 4 --Personnel 4 --Publishing 3 6 --TelecOIIIIUlications and Information Services 5 1 Director's Office: --Director 4 -Congressional and Public Affairs 5 TOTALS: 140 54 12 18 9 7
SALARY DISTRIBUTION-OVERALL Permanent-Historical Average Dollars (,000) 50 40 30 20 10 0 TOTAL DIV. A DIV. B DIV. C DIV. G 1985 D 1986 1987 11111988 D 1989 Page 8
SALARY DISTRIBUTION-OVERALL Permanent & Temporary-Historical Average Dollars (,000) 50 40 30 20 10 TOTAL DIV. A DIV. B DIV. C DIV. G R 1985 D 1986 1987 1988 [ -] 1989 Page 9
SALARY DISTRIBUTION-ANALYTICAL Permanent-Historical Average Doi lars (,000) 70 ~----------------------~60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ... ::f;ffi ...... Y ..... H. TOTAL DIV. A DIV. B DIV. C DIV. G g 1985 D 1986 1987 11111988 [~~] 1989 Page 10
SALARY DISTRIBUTION-ANALYTICAL Permanent & Temporary-Historical Average Dollars (,000) 7 0 --.------------------------60 50 40 30 20 10 Page 11 TOTAL DIV. A DIV. B DIV. C DIV. G g 1985 D 1986 1987 11111988 C_J 1989
SALARY DISTRIBUTION-ADMINISTRATIVE 30 25 20 15 10 5 Page 12 Permanent & Temporary-Historical Average Dollars (,000) TOTAL DIV. A DIV. B DIV. C DIV. G 1985 [:~~] 1986 1987 11111988 l __ J 1989
PERFORMANCE EVALUATION RATINGS (SUMMARY PERCENTAGES) ClJTSTANOING (1 & 1.5) CCJ4MENDABLE (2) COMPETENT (2.5 & 3) ADEQUATE (3.5+) NO RATING DIVISION A 1984-5 48 22 2 28 1985-6 48 26 2 24 1986-7 40 33 5 22 1987-8 56 19 10 15 1988-9 51 23 2 2 21 DIVISION B 1984-5 50 31 9 2 9 1985-6 65 21 4 2 6 1986-7 57 26 7 10 1987-8 72 19 6 3 1988-9 56 28 2 14 DIVISION C 1984-5 64 21 5 10 1985-6 53 22 25 1986-7 61 7 4 28 1987-8 77 8 15 1988-9 68 9 23 DIVISION G 1984-5 56 24 9 12 1985-6 56 21 9 3 9 1986-7 57 20 6 17 1987-8 71 15 6 9 1988-9 61 22 3 3 11 TOTALS 1984-5 55 25 6 14 1985-6 56 22 3 16 1986-7 53 22 5 20 1987-8 69 15 5 10 1988-9 59 20 2 18 -No ratings include staff who were not evaluated or whose ratings were not received by the Persomel Office. 13
SALARY PROJECTIONS (SUMMARY -PERCENTAGES) ox TO 3X TO 6X TO 7+X DIVISION A 1984-5 10 35 40 15 1985-6 8 14 54 24 1986-7 20 37 43 1987-8 8 40 48 4 1988-9 22 24 50 4 DIVISION B 1984-5 24 31 34 11 1985-6 10 12 69 8 1986-7 18 33 49 1987-8 11 21 66 2 1988-9 13 15 71 DIVISION C 1984-5 12 36 42 10 1985-6 17 19 53 10 1986-7 24 28 47 1987-8 26 19 56 1988-9 25 23 52 DIVISION G 1984-5 6 31 53 9 1985-6 10 13 68 9 1986-7 13 53 33 1987-8 12 24 62 3 1988-9 26 9 62 3 TOTALS 1984-5 13 33 42 11 1985-6 12 15 62 12 1986-7 19 36 44 1 1987-8 14 26 58 2 1988-9 21 19 58 2 -OX includes new staff, staff preparing to leave OTA, staff at the cap of their position level, and staff adequately paid for performance achieved. 14
ENG/PHY/BIOL ("HARD") Biology Chemistry COll'pllter Science Ecology Engineering Environnental Science POL/LAW/ECON ("SOFT") American Civilization Biomedical Ethics Business Coom.inications Economics Education Energy Policy Finance Fine Arts Goverrment History CODE OF DEGREES Epidemiology Geology Mathematics Medicine Neuroscience oceanography Resource Management Industrial Relations International Relations Journalism Justice Law Library Science Literature Management Science Music Office Aaninistration Philosophy 15 Pharmacology Physics Physiology Telec011111S1ications Transportation Water Resources Zoology Plaming Political Science Psychology Public Aaninistration Public Health Public Policy Science, Technology and Public Policy Social Sciences Social Work Sociology Soviet Studies
DEGREE DISTRIBUTION-RESEARCH Div. A, B, C-Perm & Temp-Historical Percent 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ---------PHO/MD/JD MASTER ENG/PHY /BIOL POL/LAW /ECON R 1985 D 1986 I~ 1987 111111988 D 1989 Page 16-Based on 132 Research Staff
DEGREE DISTRIBUTION-RESEARCH Div. A-Permanent & Temporary-Historical Percent 80-----------------------~ 70 -60 50 40 30 20 PHO/MD/JD MASTER ENG/PHY /BIOL POL/LAW /ECON B 1985 [~ 1986 1987 11111988 [~_-_] 1989 Page 17-Based on 35 Research Staff
DEGREE DISTRIBUTION-RESEARCH Div. 8-Permanent & Temporary-Historical Percent -----------------,-.. PHO/MD/JD MASTER ENG/PHY /BIOL POL/LAW /ECON 1985 D 1986 1987 111111988 LJ 1989 Page 18-Based on 51 Research Staff
DEGREE DISTRIBUTION-RESEARCH Div. C-Permanent & Temporary-Historical Percent PHO/MD/JD MASTER ENG/PHY /BIOL POL/LAW /ECON R 1985 [ l 1986 1987 1111 1988 [ 7 1989 Page 19-Based on 44 Research Staff
OTA EXPERIENCE-ANALYTICAL & ADMINISTRATIVE FY 1989-PERM & TEMP ANALYTICAL 3-5 TOTAL 3-5 Baaed on 158 7-10 18% ADMINISTRATIVE 10-15 7-10 Based on 194 3-5 7-10 Page 22 Experience in Years Baaed on 36
OTA EXPERIENCE DISTRIBUTION--FY 1989 11NALYTICAL Function/years 0 -1 1 -3 3 -5 5 -7 7 10 10 -15 Director Gibbons Asst. Director Heranan Arldel in Johns McGarry Program Mgr. Blair Curl in Behney Shaw Buyrn Carson Kolsrud Niblock Parham Senior Assoc. Gillman Alic Crane Karas Gelband Frieanan Page Sisk Hirschhorn IJagner J. IJeingarten Johnson IJi l l i amson Kel Ly Phillips Plotkin 1,/ood Senior Analyst Charo Baldwin Ct) Chubin Cal Laham Barnard Larsen Mccue Ct) Diewald Ct) Feuer Oldenburg Law Robison Pol lard Ct) IJilk Ruby IJindle Project Dir. Keller, IJ. Coates Dougherty Bierbaun Garcia Dunkerley Eyring Fletcher Fainberg Levenson Gorte O'Connor Maslow Hess Nishimi Macdonald IJagner K. Power IJinston Roberts IJestermeyer Operations Mgr. _Bowen Singleton Ferguson Boss Jenson Norris Dexter McGurn 24
OTA EXPERIENCE DISTRIBUTJON--FY 1989 Function/years 0 1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 -10 10-15 Analyst Atkin Ct) Brentley Ct) Fulton Stnit Ct) Bandy Sedor Ct) Chin Ct) Bruns Ct) Heinz You,g Harn Connally Ct) Dopart Hewitt Keirp Coster Ct) Eden Newman Smith, J. Emery Ct) Henderson Ct) Ostrowsky Gaster Ct) Liskowsky Ct) Simerley Ct) Hall Ct) Horse Ct) \.lyckoff Hatziandreu Ct) Rapoport l(OIIK)r Ct) Roy McDonough Ct) \Jalsh Ct) McLaughlin Ct) \Jest Pachter Ct) Robinson Ct) Rowe Ct) Snell Ct) \Jaychoff Ct) Operations Spec. Boyd McKernan Hemingway Harris Bergl ing Craw Creech Ct) Bond Hahn Desanctis Datcher, D. Jackson Gwin Ufholz Kouril McDonald Exec. Asst. Bachtel Research Analyst/ Branyan (t) Anderson Ct) Durana Assistant Burke Ct) Andrews Ct) Chludzinski Ct) Duffy Ct) DeHarco Ct) Garfinkle Ct) Goldnan Ct) Keller Gutta (t) Kol~r (t) Hironaka Ct) Metcalf Ct) Hughes Ct) \Jolfe Ct) Jakubowski Ct) Miller, E. Ct) Pouncey Ct) Rubin Ct) \Jadhwa (t) \.lye Ct) 25
OTA EXPERIENCE DISTRIBUTION--FY 1989 ADMINISTRATIVE flA'lCtion/years 0 1 1 3 3 5 5 7 7 10 10-15 Division Asst. Murphy Alexiou Smith, D. Adnin. Asst. Breitbach Lewis Clary Piccione Fenn Beil Parker Chapman, L. Cwal ina Emanuel Robinson Operations Technicians Chapman, J. Hiller, C. Datcher, c. Boisclair Secretary Ketchun Davis Brunfield Long Hamnond Lewis, J (t) Gilchrist Guntow Swann Price Gross Ct) Rayford Rothhaar Hartin Staley Swauger Van Aller 1./hite 26
PROFILE OF DIVISIONAL AVERAGES FY 1989 PERMANENT JOB FAMILIES ,ITION RESEARCH Program Mgr Senior Assoc Senior Analyst Analyst Research Analyst Research Asst. ADMINISTRATIVE ani n. Asst. Secretary NUMBER A B C 3 3 3 Ph.D. Mast. 8 4 5 Ph.D. Mast. Bach. 12 7 10 Ph.D. Mast. 3 7 11 Ph.D. Mast. Bach. 0 0 0 0 Bach. 3 3 3 Bach None 4 7 5 Bach. DEGREE A B C 3 2 1 2 5 3 3 2 9 4 8 3 3 2 2 2 2 4 7 1 2 2 2 1 2 None 4 7 4 AVG. AGE A B C A 44 50 53 22 49 43 47 27 43 41 44 20 31 36 38 8 35 49 35 39 43 12 37 32 34 18 27 AVG. TOTAL AVG. OTA AVERAGE EXPER. (YRS) EXPER. (YRS) SALARY B C A B C A B C 27 31 8 12 12 S79,2 $79,6 $79,6 21 25 10 9 10 $76,9 $73,4 $74,8 18 24 6 6 6 S59,8 S48,8 S59,6 13 12 3 4 5 S41,6 S43,0 S44,4 16 5 $28,3 4 2 $20,3 17 23 9 5 12 $34,8 $30, 1 $35,7 13 15 3 4 S25,0 $22,1 $24,6
PROFILE OF DIVISIONAL AVERAGES -FY 1989 -PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY -JOB FANILIES AVG_ TOTAL AVG. OTA AVERAGE SIT ION NUMBER DEGREE AGE EXPER. (YRS) EXPER. (YRS) SALARY A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C RESEARCH Program Mgr. 3 3 3 Ph.D. 3 2 1 44 50 53 22 27 31 8 12 12 $79,2 $79,6 $79,6 Hast. 2 Senior Assoc 8 4 5 Ph.D. 5 3 3 49 43 47 27 21 25 10 9 10 $76,9 $73,4 S74,8 Hast. 2 1 Bach. 1 Senior Analyst 15 9 11 Ph.D_ 12 5 9 42 42 44 19 18 22 5 5 6 $59,7 $51,7 S59,8 Hast. 3 4 2 Analyst 8 20 17 Ph.D. 3 8 3 31 34 41 9 12 13 3 2 3 $40, 1 $40,9 $39,2 Hast. 4 11 12 Bach. 1 1 2 Research Analyst 5 3 Hast. 1 1 26 28 5 5 2 S23,6 $27,2 Bach. 3 2 Research Asst. 1 11 4 Bach. 1 10 4 25 25 23 3 1 0 0 $22,9 $19,7 $20,7 ADMINISTRATIVE Adnin. Asst. 3 3 3 Bach. 2 2 35 39 43 12 17 23 9 5 12 $34,8 S30, 1 S35,7 None 2 Secretary 4 7 5 Bach. 1 37 32 34 18 13 15 3 4 $25,0 $22, 1 $24,6 None 4 7 4 28
PROFILE OF PROGRAM AVERAGES --FY 1989 --RESEARCH -PERMANENT TOTAL SR PROJ RES RES DEGREE AVG AVG TOTAL AVG OTA PROGRAM # ANALY* ANALY DIR** ANALY ASST PH.D. MAST BACH "HARD" "SOFT" AGE EXPERYRS EXPERYRS AVG SALARY *** E&M 10 7 3 4 5 5 4 6 39 17 10 $60, 1 !SC 8 8 3 8 5 3 45 22 5 $66,0 !TE 7 7 2 4 2 3 4 49 25 8 $69,6 BIO APP 7 4 2 4 4 CD 2 2 5 41 16 4 $45,4 FOOD 6 4 3 3 2 2 3 40 17 8 $54,0 HEALTH 10 6 4 4 4 5 2 8 42 19 9 $58,2 CIT 11 6 5 3 4 6 10 48 24 7 $57,6 OCEANS 11 7 4 6 7 3 7 4 39 17 9 $55,1 SET 7 5 2 2 3 3 6 43 22 5 $59,2 Senior Analysts include Program Managers and Senior Associates. ** Project Directors also counted in Senior Analyst and Analyst columns. *** Total experience is calculated from date of Bachelor degree
PROFILE OF PROGRAM AVERAGES FY 1989 RESEARCH PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY TOTAL SR PROJ RES RES DEGREE AVG AVG TOTAL AVG OTA PROGRAM # ANALY* ANALY DIR** ANALY ASST PH.D. MAST BACH "HARD" "SOFT" AGE EXPERYRS EXPERYRS AVG SALARY *** E&M 13 8 5 4 7 5 5 8 38 16 10 S56,5 ISC 11 10 3 7 6 5 42 19 4 S62,2 ITE 10 7 2 2 5 3 2 4 6 43 20 6 S59,8 w BIO APP 16 4 7 4 4 7 5 4 4 12 35 11 2 S38,3 0 FOOO 10 4 3 3 2 3 4 2 6 36 14 5 S43, 1 HEALTH 25 8 10 4 3 4 8 9 8 5 20 34 11 4 S43,4 CIT 15 6 7 3 2 4 8 3 3 12 41 18 5 S49, 1 OCEANS 13 7 5 6 7 4 2 7 6 38 15 8 S51 ,4 SET 15 6 5 2 3 5 6 4 4 11 37 15 2 S46,5 Senior Analysts include Program Managers and Senior Associates. ** Project Directors also counted in Senior Analyst and Analyst coll11111S. *** Total experience is calculated from date of Bachelor degree
(.,) ... TOTAL 1985 TOTAL PROGRAM STAFF TOP ADDT'L STAFF TOP E & M 10 8 10 11 6 ISC 16 8 8 15 9 ITE 8 3 3 8 4 BAP 14 5 7 15 7 F&RR 15 6 9 10 3 HEALTH 16 6 10 20 4 CIT 18 3 6 17 2 O&E 17 8 12 19 7 SET 10 4 5 11 2 Top staff with "hard" top degree 1986 "HARD" DISCIPLINE DISTRIBUTION PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY RESEARCH STAFF (NUMBERS) I TOTAL 1987 ADDT'L STAFF TOP ADDT'L 9 13 6 9 9 14 7 8 4 12 4 5 9 18 7 10 4 8 2 3 8 25 7 11 6 17 2 5 12 16 7 11 3 14 2 4 TOTAL STAFF 14 13 11 18 10 22 17 18 12 Addt'l staff with "soft" top degree and "hard" lesser degree; includes staff with top "hard" disciplines 1988 TOTAL 1989 TOP ADDT'L STAFF TOP ADDT'L 6 9 13 5 9 7 7 11 6 7 5 6 10 4 6 7 9 16 4 6 2 5 10 2 4 5 9 25 5 10 l 5 15 3 7 7 11 13 7 11 2 2 15 4 4
TURNOVER RATE -FY 1989 .(lTAL Staff added+ Staff separated -----------------------------= X 2 Staff 10/01/88 + Staff 09/30/89 -------------------------------= y 2 X Turnover Rate= -y ANALYTICAL Staff added + Staff separated -----------------------------= X 2 Staff 10/01/88 + Staff 09/30/89 -------------------------------= y X Turnover Rate= -y ADMINISTRATIVE 2 Staff added+ Staff separated ----------------------------= X 2 Staff 10/01/88 + Staff 09/30/89 -------------------------------= y X Turnover Rate= -y 2 PERMANENT 7 + 25 16.0 2 146 + 140 ---------=143.0 2 11X 1 + 19 = 10.0 2 114 + 106 ---------=110.0 2 6 + 6 = 6.0 2 32 + 34 ---------= 33.0 2 18X 32 PERMANENT & TEMPORARY TEMPORARY 45 + 32 52 + 57 = 38.5 = 54.5 2 2 55 + 54 201 + 194 = 54.5 ........................... = 197.5 2 2 71X 28X 42 + 29 43 + 48 = 35.5 = 45.5 2 2 49 + 52 163 + 158 = 50.5 ---------= 160.5 2 2 70X 28X 3 + 3 9 + 9 = 3.0 = 9.0 2 2 6 + 2 38 + 36 = 4.0 --------= 37.0 2 2 75X 24X
PERMANENT TURNOVER Percent TOTAL ANALYTICAL ADMINISTRATIVE R 1985 D 1986 1987 111111988 D 1989 Page 33
PERMANENT & TEMPORARY TURNOVER Percent 35~--------------------~ 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Page 34 TOTAL ANALYTICAL ADMINISTRATIVE 1985 D 1986 1987 1988 D 1989
ACCESSIONS -FY 1989 # A B C G Perm. Ten-p. Male Fem. Min. Bacc Mast. PhD/MD/JD ANALYTICAL: Senior Analyst 2 1 2 1 Analyst 14 2 7 5 14 7 7 8 6 Research Analyst 5 4 5 5 4 Research Asst. 17 11 5 17 4 13 2 15 Cong. Fellows 3 2 3 2 3 Assistant Press Officer 1 1 Senior System Integrator 1 TOTAL 43 6 21 14 2 42 20 23 4 19 11 10 ADM! NI STRATI VE: -Aqnin. Assistant 1 1 ,retary 6 2 2 4 2 6 3 2 ,nformation Specialist Information Technician TOTAL 9 2 5 6 3 9 3 3 SUMMARY TOTALS 52 7 23 15 7 7 45 20 32 7 22 12 10 35
SEPARATIONS --FY 1989 Avg. OTA Tenure -# A B C G Perm. T~. Male Fem. Min. Bacc Mast. PhD/MO/JD Months ANALYTICAL: Program Manager 124 Sr Associate/Proj Dir 1 75 Senior Associate 1 1 100 Sr Analyst/Proj Dir 4 2 2 4 4 4 57.8 Sr Analyst 3 2 3 2 3 74.7 Sr Syst Int Analyst 80 Analyst/Proj Dir 2 2 2 2 36.5 Analyst 18 4 5 9 5 13 5 13 1 7 10 40.8 Research Analyst 5 2 3 5 3 2 5 21.8 Research Assistant 9 5 3 9 2 7 8 9.9 Congressional Fellow 2 1 2 2 2 13 Assoc Press Officer 62 TOTALS 48 10 19 17 2 19 29 23 25 4 15 8 25 40.1 ADMINISTRATIVE: Achin. Assistant 2 1 2 2 45 Info Specialist 1 1 1 4 Info Technician 2 2 2 2 45.5 "---<:retary 2 2 2 51.5 f Ctr Assistant 1 88 intern 3 TOTA.L 9 3 5 6 3 9 42. 1 SUMMARY TOTALS 57 11 22 17 7 25 32 23 34 5 16 9 25 40.5 36
EMPLOYEE DISTRIBUTION: 85 86 87 88 89 Permanent Total I 145 146 146 146 140 (pg 1) Analytical I 108 108 110 114 106 X 74 74 75 78 76 Adninistrative I 37 38 36 32 34 X 26 26 25 22 24 Male I 57 55 55 57 53 X 39 38 38 39 38 Female I 88 91 91 89 87 X 61 62 62 61 62 Minority I 17 21 21 17 19 X 12 14 14 12 14 Permanent and Ten.,orary Total I 207 197 204 201 194 (pg 2) Analytical I 167 158 165 164 158 X 81 80 81 82 81 Adninistrative I 40 39 39 37 36 X 19 20 19 18 19 Male I 84 79 75 76 75 X 41 40 37 38 39 Female I 123 118 129 125 119 X 59 60 63 62 61 Minority I 21 21 24 23 25 X 10 11 12 11 13 37
"CHEAT SHEET" 85 86 87 88 89 Analytical I & II I 21 22 24 24 24 (pg 3) % 13 14 15 15 15 III & JV I 44 40 37 40 38 % 26 25 22 24 24 V & VI I 47 49 52 63 59 % 28 31 32 38 37 VII & VIII I 49 35 36 23 20 % 29 22 22 14 13 IX & X I 9 13 16 13 17 % 5 8 10 8 11 Women I & II I 4 4 5 5 5 (pg 4) % 2 3 3 3 3 I II & IV I 14 15 15 15 17 % 8 9 9 9 11 V & VI I 30 34 35 44 39 % 18 22 21 27 25 VII & VIII I 32 24 23 15 12 % 19 15 14 9 8 IX & X I 6 5 13 11 14 % 4 3 8 7 9 MALE FEMALE Male/Female 1989 I & II I 19 5 (pg 5) % 12 3 I II & IV I 21 17 % 13 11 V & VI I 21 39 % 13 25 VII & VIII I 8 12 % 5 8 IX & X I 2 14 % 1 9 85 86 87 88 89 Minority I & II I 1 1 1 (pg 6) % 1 1 1 III & JV I 1 1 1 1 % 1 1 1 1 V & VI I 5 2 3 6 5 % 3 1 2 4 3 VII & VIII I 3 2 3 2 4 % 2 1 2 1 3 IX & X I 2 1 2 % 1 1 1 38
"CHEAT SHEET" SALARY DISTRIBUTION: 85 86 87 88 89 Overall Pennanent TOTAL $ 42 41 44 47 50 (pg 8) Division A 47 47 50 54 57 Division B 40 40 42 45 46 Division C 44 43 47 50 51 Division G 37 35 37 41 42 Overall Pennanent TOTAL 39 39 40 43 45 & Temporary (pg 9) Division A 45 45 47 49 54 Division B 35 36 36 38 39 Division C 39 39 41 43 46 Division G 36 35 36 40 41 Analytical Pennanent TOTAL 48 48 50 53 56 (pg 10) Division A 54 53 58 61 65 Division B 46 46 48 51 54 Division C 49 48 51 54 57 Division G 44 43 44 46 48 Analytical Pennanent TOTAL 43 43 43 47 49 & Temporary ( pg 11) Division A 49 51 51 54 60 Division B 37 39 38 41 41 Division C 42 43 42 46 49 Division G 44 43 44 46 47 Administrative Pennanent TOTAL 23 24 25 26 28 & Temporary (pg 12) Division A 25 26 27 28 30 Division B 22 23 23 24 25 Division C 24 24 28 29 30 Division G 22 23 24 26 26 39
"CHEAT SHEET" DEGREE DISTRIBUTION: 85 86 87 88 89 Research Overall PhD I 75 69 70 71 58 (pg 16) % 52 51 49 51 44 Master I 49 45 43 44 46 % 34 33 30 31 35 Eng. etc. I 58 49 50 46 46 % 41 36 35 33 35 Pol. etc. I 84 85 91 92 85 % 59 63 64 66 64 Research, Div. A PhD I 28 27 26 25 22 (pg 17) % 64 68 62 63 63 Master I 11 8 10 9 9 % 25 20 24 23 26 Eng. etc. I 21 22 18 19 15 % 48 55 43 48 43 Pol. etc. I 23 18 24 21 20 % 52 45 57 53 57 Research, Div. B PhD I 25 22 24 24 19 (pg 18) % 50 47 46 47 37 Master I 21 15 14 16 19 % 42 32 27 31 37 Eng. etc. I 18 14 18 15 14 % 36 30 34 29 27 Pol. etc. I 31 32 33 34 37 % 62 68 63 67 73 Research, Div. C PhD I 22 20 20 21 17 (pg 19) % 45 41 42 44 39 Master I 17 22 19 19 18 % 35 45 40 40 41 Eng. etc. I 19 13 14 11 16 % 39 27 29 23 36 Pol. etc. I 30 35 34 37 28 % 61 71 71 77 64 40
OTA EXPERIENCE DISTRIBUTION: 0-1 1-3 3-5 5-7 7-10 10-15 Overall Permanent TOTAL I 8 19 23 28 29 33 (pg 20) % 6 14 16 20 21 24 Anal. I 2 11 16 25 26 26 % 2 10 15 24 25 25 Aonin. I 6 8 7 3 3 7 % 18 24 20 9 9 20 Divisions Permanent Div. A I 2 3 6 8 6 10 (pg 21) % 6 9 17 23 17 29 Div. B I 6 7 8 7 5 % 18 21 24 21 15 Div. C I l 5 7 6 9 9 % 3 14 19 16 24 24 Div. G I 5 5 3 6 7 9 % 14 14 9 17 20 26 Division Permanent & TOTAL I 42 35 24 29 29 34 Temporary % 22 18 12 15 15 18 (pg 22) Anal. I 35 26 17 26 26 27 % 22 16 11 16 16 17 Aonin. I 7 9 7 3 3 7 % 19 25 19 8 8 19 Division Permanent & Div. A I 7 5 6 8 6 11 Temporary % 16 12 14 19 14 26 (pg 23) Div. B I 18 16 8 8 7 5 % 29 26 13 13 11 8 Div. C I 11 9 7 7 9 9 % 21 17 13 13 17 17 Div. G I 6 5 3 6 7 9 % 17 14 8 17 19 25 41
TURNOVER: 85 86 87 88 89 Pennanent TOTAL % 8 14 11 5 11 (pg 33)' Analytical % 6 11 7 2 9 Adninistrative % 15 23 20 16 18 Pennanent & TOTAL % 23 30 28 20 28 Temporary (pg 34) Analytical % 23 30 27 18 28 Adninistrative % 22 33 30 29 24 42
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