Building regulations for the Canal Zone

Material Information

Building regulations for the Canal Zone
Canal Zone
Panama Canal Museum
Place of Publication:
[Balboa Heights?]
Canal Zone Government
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
1 v. (loose-leaf) : ; 26 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Building laws -- Panama -- Canal Zone ( lcsh )
serial ( sobekcm )
federal government publication ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Began in 1957?
General Note:
Kept up to date by revisions.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
Centers of Excellence at UF
Rights Management:
This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not subject to copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.
Resource Identifier:
026011236 ( ALEPH )
00121687 ( OCLC )
2011229585 ( LCCN )
340 ( ddc )

Aggregation Information

Digital Library of the Caribbean
Panama and the Canal
University of Florida
Centers of Excellence at UF
Documents of the Panama Canal


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A A L Z 0 N P P G 0 V E R N M ED
a" MftSeptember a13saw957 BU _I LD_ ING R E GU L AT I ONSS
T;.'H E .C A N A L .Z ONE
Ono mm do f mto Gmm m f "n M
S By

ARTICLE I as ADNMNITWATON AMD W'CCHM 101.0 Title .....0...............o ... ....... 0... ......... 1 i
102.0 Scope 00. .. I 1 10211 Exceptions 1 103.0 Definitions "........o. 9.0 00 00 e0@ 00 0000 0 11
10391-Titles 103 2 Organizational Names .4 103.3 General Terms 12 104.0. Continuation of Existing Use I 3 105.0 Duties and Powers of Buildin Official ..........*.,.. 1-3
105.1 Applications and Permits 13 105.2 Building Notices and Orders ......0.....0..0...0.. .... I-3
105.3 Inspection 1..I-4 106.0 Building Sites I-.*.....*#*go......... 0
106.1 Application for LandAssignment,,** I-4
1071 Application for dinPermi ....................
107.2 Issue of BuLing t ..0...o0......0.00...0.a9..0..I. A.
107.3 Construction Procedure 0 4 6 00.000 06006 'a 0, 0..0.0.010.g. 1-6 17,5 umblS eriotu3ig 1-7.
10. Condenton Proceedingsi ...................,.......... 1:-7I/
107 Oost~u~io Pr4~ ueI6
, 107. No.44fof ln...... -

201.0 Design Standards a Specifications ...0................. I...
2011 Scope .e 1 "
- t ee-e-*eeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Itru"l.,a 202.1 Specifications eecII.e . .oo *e eoo.. ece, oo e. ....eoe.. 11 "
202.2 Design 1I3 202.3 Live Loads 0 04 --- -- .~..-. 1t-3o
202 4Horizontal Forces . 5
11 0
202.5 jFudt~~ .ee~.*eee..e.eeeeeeeee 117 203.0 Electrical aeoeeeee o eooeeooooooooeeoe. 204.0 Plumbing 8.......................... 118
2 05*0 Fire Protectio mX8 : 206.0 Air Conditi -il -9 0 0"0 207.0 Service Inslations -1149
.4 .
* .. K. ., .\.
/ ,
- . -* ( .

Contents Pae
301.0 Building Location- III si . .
301.0 Distances from Other Buildings, Lot Lines and Streets#. 111-I.
30OGrading., Da~se Be "W "-10, 'I 301.11 Minmu Clerace *...*.. .. .. .. ...... 11 1 _-_ ;
.302* Grading, Dr inage 2 302.1 Grdnand Driae.................................. 111:-2",
302o2 T-a ndsCaping ..i".2.. 303.0 Prevention of Damage to.Upderground Utilities 2......o.. 1112
3031 General Requirements 111- v+ 303.2 Classes of Utility Owners ....................o..... 1113
303.3 Excavatlon Clearances for Build Permits 3.........,, 11-3
303.4 Excavation Clearances for Goernment Agencies ......... 30*40 Protection of Utilities 111'. i -4 4030. 05 Connections to Utilities *... ... 0 ........... . 000014
305.1. General ......... iii-4
305,.*2 Electrical Service *.... o.. ........... 1II 4 4
305.3 Telephone Service.... 11130514 .ater Connections T 111-1 306.0 Construction of Stables ................................. 1115
37 Ratproofing ndiProtection Against Insects, .g eog..00. 1115
307.2 Protectiongainstnec '... .. ........ 111-6
307o3 Gutters
3 Conston ^A& I zi-6 U 4 ft
308.1 Gnrl ......... .... ........--....-..-- 1 -1-6
308.2 Detaied ..e...,.ir......ents................~ 11-6
S oiult~ .. I -

EWEQ .101.0 L
These regulations shall be known as the Building Regulations, Canal Zone Government, and wll be referred to hereinafte r as building reo.lations.
These regulations shall control all matters concerning the construction, alteration, addition, removal, demolition, use, location and occupancy of all buildings in non-military areas of the Canal Zoneis
102.1 Exceptions
102.1 Temporary Structures- Temporary structures and open sheds with-,..X out sides erected for the shelter of men or material which are required during the progress of construction of permanent buildings are exempt from )these regulations. All temporary structures shall be demolished on completion of permanent construction. Such structures shall conform with the 1. requirements of Section 307.1, .Ratproofing.
102.12 Ordinary Repairs: Ordinary repairs are exempt from the require-, ments of these regulations and may be made without application or notice to the Building Official; but such repairs shall not include the cutting away of any wall, partition or, portion thereof, the removal or cutting of any structural beam or support, or the removal or change of any required means of egress, or rearrnement of a structure affecting the exit requirements; nor shall ordinary repairs include addition to, alteration of, replacement or relocation of any standpipe, water supply, sewer, drainage, drain leader, gas, soil, waste vent or similar piping, electric wiring or mechanical or other work affecting public health or general safety.
103.1 When the following titles are. used in these regulations they shall refer to the official of the Panama Canal Company or the Canal. Zone ,. Governmnt having that title: -, Governor
Executive secretary
' Health Director
- ", Engineering and Construction Director ,
,- : .... Civil Affairs Director ;" 'Maintenance Enginzeer -,

Designing Engineer
Electrical Engineer-o ..t ct. Ji^_ 1 Chief,5vsin Chief, --- Division Housing Manager
Chief, Area Sanitation, Ancon or Cristobal3
103.2 When the following names are used' in these regulations they shall mean the organization unit of the Panama Canal Company or the,. Canal Zone Government:
Engineering and Construction Bureau H, aith Bureau
Electrical Division
Maintenance Division
Engineering Division,
Fire Division
103.3 When the following terms are used in these regulations, they' shall have the meaning defined:
Owner: The person or organization for whose account abuilding will be constructed and who will assume ownership of
the building upon completion of construction.
ing for the account of the owner.
Bulr The peso ore orgaizai c ontucigaruid
r ged with the ,
* istratio n ezrforemn Of the. building regulatos,
d~4 .thoizd r~rser~a~iv. heEngineering and C mnstruction
Dirctor is 'designated the Bui-ld Ing. Offieil
, Building: A combination of materials to form a construction
that is safe and stable, and adapted to permanent or continuous
occupancy for assembly, business, education, high hazard, industrial
institutional, mercantile, residential or storage purposes; the
term "building" shall be construed as if followed by "and portions
Master Plumber: A mechanic. duly examined and licensed by"
the Engineering and Construction Director to engage in the business of plumbing and to employ and supervise Journeymn
* plumbers. 'Work Request: Panama Canal Company Work Request Farm No. ,
5172-.L, for Indivduals and Copanies.
Z4 :.
, .

Fire Resistive: The term "fire-resistive building" refers
to a building with structural members constructed of non-cobustible
materials of such quality and so protected that they will resist
the maxim severity of fire expected in the bulding without
Frame Construction: Construction in which the framework
floors and roof r g are of wood; the substructure being either
wood or concrete.
One-Story Building: A building having one main floor. A
building with one main floor elevated above the ground and having "
a ground floor may be classed as a one story building, provided
the ground floor space has only a limited use, such as for storage,
* garage or recreation.
Tp0iStor Building: A building having two main floors. A
building i g two main floors with the lower main floor elevated
above the ground and having a ground floor may be classed as a two-story building, provided the ground floor space has only a
limited use, such as for storage, garage or recreation./
104.1 Continuation of Existing Use The use and occupancy of any
building existing on September 13, 1957, or for which it had been heretofore approved, may be continued without change except as may be specifically
covered in these regulations or as may be deemed necessary by the Buil1ding
Official for the general safety and welfare, or by the Health Director in matters affecting health, of the ,occupants and the public.
The Building Offical shall enforce all provisions of these ,
regulations and shall resolve any question relative to the mode or manner of construction and the materials to be used in the erection, addition to,
alteration, repair, removal, demolition, and installation of service equip.
ment and the location, use, occupancy and maintenance of all buildings
except as may be specifically provided for by other regulations or as
herein provided.
. ,. .105.1 Applications and Permits He shall receive applications and...' S issue permits for 'the erection and alteration of buildings.
- 105.2 Building Notices and Orders He shall issue the necessary notices or orders to remove unsafe conditions and correct violations the regulations except that the correction of unsanitary condtions shall be the f unction' of the Health Bureau. ..

105.3 Inspections He shall make all the required inspections with the. exception of those to be made by the Health Bureau as hereinafter provided, or he may accept reports of inspection by services or individuals whom he deems to be reputable and qualified in the particular field.
106.1 Application for Land Assignment: Application for the assignment of a site for a proposed building must be made to the Executive Secretary. The application should state.Ehe need for the land requested, a brief description of the building or buildings which it is proposed to erect thereon and a sketch showing the approximate limits of the area requested.
106.2 Issue of Land License: Upon approval of land assignment, or of a change in an existing land assignment, a land license will be issued
by the Civil Affairs Director. Such license will contain all requirements, concerning the use and occupancy of the site and the buildings erected thereofi.
107.1 Application for Building Permits:
107.11 Application for a building permit shall not be made until the land license approving the assignment of a site for a proposed building has been issued.
107.12 Application for permit shall be made to the Building Official.
107.13 Prints of all drawings that are tobe used in construction should be sent with the application in the-folbowing number:, fout .(4) prints of, each drawing in cases where -no plumbing is involved''and five (5)1 prints of each drawing in eases where plumbing is involved..
107.14 Drawings and specifications to be used in construction must bear seal of a registered architect and/or engineer in compliance with Executive Regulation No. 53 Revision 8, "Regulations of the Governor Respecting the Practice of Architects and Professional Engineers" dated November 28, 1956, as amended. Executive Regulation No. 53 contains the following exception "The design or construction of a single-story building, that will not cover over 500 square feet of ground area, and will not have a height of over-15 feet from the ground to the ceiling; or the alteration of an existing building; Provided, That such alteration will be single story, will not have a height of over 15 feet from the ground to the ceiling; will not cover over 500 square feet of ground area, and will not affect the structural, electrical or mechanical safety of the building." In connection with this exception, it is
1-4 (Revised 5/17/61)

required that no words, letters, figures, or other devices shall be used in such manner as to convey the impression that the person render-., ing such service is an architect or professional engineer duly registered',/. under Executive Regulation No. 53.
107.15 Prints of drawig submitted for appra shall show l following:
a. The location of the building with reference to the
lot lines.
b. The floor plans, floor elevations and exterior wall.
elevations and all door, window and other openings for purposes
of light ventilation.
c. The materials to be used in construction.
d. Sufficient detail to allow a complete check on the
strength of all structural elements.
e. The entire plumbing system within the building, including traps, supply, waste and vent pipes and potable water"
lines and the location of all plumbing fixtures; and the lines
,,connecting the system with the water service pipe and public
sewer. The system shall be shown complete both in plan and in
f. Sufficient details to permit a check on all sanitary
-features, such as ratproofing, insect screening and swing of
exterior doors (which shall be outward). In the case of buildings for organizational or commercial use, where foods and beverages are prepared,, stored adserved to the public or
membership groups., the following information shall be given
for areas used for food and beverage service: materials to be.
used for floors, wainscotes, walls and ceilngs;, locations of, ..
and material to be used in kitchen equipment, such as sinks, dish and glass washing, cooking .equiluent, stove hoodss, work units, display and serving equipment, storagelfacilities for , food and utensils and refrigerating equipment. See Section
308.0 for general requirements.
g. Plans for the elctrical system showing all outlets, .".,- "
.,local switches, distribution panels, feeder panels (if any), ,..- ..
, and the service switch. Each lighting and receptacle outlet .shall be identified with the number of the circuit supplying
- it. In addition to the circuit number, each outlet shall have ,.
. the wattage shown. Special outlets such as electric ranges, ..etc., shall be marked to show what load they ,serve, the amount .
of load, and the size of conduit' and wire for them. In buildings having more than one distribution panel, a riser diagram
showing sizes of. all-wire, and conduit of the system shall also'.. :-

be included. The drawings shall contain a statement that the.
system installed will comply with the minimum requirements of
the National Electrical Code.
h. I cases where structural design is involved, calculations maybe required, to be submitted by the Owner. These will
be returned to the Owner if desired.
107.16 Requests for period for a itions and alterations to eziating privately owned structures, shall be submitted to the Building Official in the same manner and be accompanied by the same number of prints of drawings as in requests for an original building permit. e-" quests for additions and alterations 'by occupants to existing Panama Canal Company quarters shall be submitted to the Chief, MOM
"=X Community Services Division,
107.17 Requests for revision in approved plans for construction., shall be submitted to the Building Official and shall be accompanied by the same number of prints of drawings as in original request.
107.2 .IssuefBuiding to:
If the application is approved a building permit will be issued by the Building Official, requiring that the building be constructed in accordance with the building regulations and the approved drawings.
107.3 Construction Procedure:
107.31 Following receipt of a building permit, construction may be staredwhen the Owner has notified the following of his intention to start construction:
a. Chief, Division, and
b. Chief, Area Sanitation, either in Ancon or Cristobal.
107.32 In case of buildings involving plumbing, the construction of plumbing shall not be started until a plumbing permit has been obtained by the Master Plumber who will be responsible for the work. Request for this permit must be made by the Master Plumber to the Building Official in writing.
107.33 When it is necessary for work to be performed by Panama
Canal Compan forces, such as connections to public utilities, the Owner shall submit a separate Work Request to each Panama Canal Company organizational unit involved and such work will not be started until such Work Request is approve. ".o .,,
/ .. .

107.34 During construction the Construction Division will make
inspections of general construction and electrical, air conditioning, and plumbing installations, and for compliance with Canal Zone Goveinment/ Panama Canal Company safety regulations for protection of construction employees. Sanitary conditions during construction and compliance with sanitary requirements pertaining to the structure will be checked by a representative of the Health Bureau. These inspections are routine and need not be requested by the Owner.
107.35 Canal Zone Government/Panama Canal Company standards of
sanitation, safety, health and fire protection shall be observed during construction.
107.36 A set of the signed building permit prints must be: kept on the site at all times during construction.
107#4 Notification of Completion of Construction:
The Owner shall notify the Building Official in writing when the building is completed and ready for occupancy. The Building. Official .will arrange for final inspection and will issue to the Owner written clearance for occupancy when. inspections have been completed. Copies of the clearance for occupancy will be sent by the Building Official to all Panama Canal Company and Canal Zone .Government agencies concerned.
107.5 Numbering of Buildings:
A copy of the building permit issued by the Building Official will be sent to the Housing Manager of the district where the building is to be located, and the Housing Manager will assign a number to the building. Upon completion of construction the Owner shall provide and attach to the building in a conspicuous place the number assigned by the Housing Manager, in figures plainly legible.
108.1 Any dwelling, place of assemblage, or other structure which shall be found to have any of the following defects shall be condemned as unfit for human habitation.
108.2 Any building which is "so damaged, decayed, dilapidated,
unsanitary, unsafe, or vermin-infested that it creates a serious hazard to the health or safety of the Qccupants or of the public.
108.3 Any building which lacks illumination, ventilation, or sanitation facilities adequate to protect the health or safety of the occupants or of the public.
I-7 (Revise. 7/l7/64)

108.A Any building which because of its general condition or location is unsanitary, or otherwise dangerous, to the health or safety of the occupants or of the public.
108.5 Condemnation proceedings shall be based on the findings of an architect and engineer of the Engineering and Construction Bureau and of a sanitary engineer from the Health Bureau.
108.6 The Owner of a condemned building will be given notice
of condenatio n writing by the Building Official and will be given a reasonable time in which to yacate or discontinue use of the build-" ing and demolish same, or to effect the renovation, repairs or improve- ments necessary to comply with the requirements of the bulding regulations1 Failure by the Owner to comply with these requirements will result in, the termination of the license on which the b-ilng stands. ,.
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201.1 Scop:
The design of buildings and their appurtenances shall con. form with or. exceed -the minimum requirements of the specifications, standards and supplemental data listed below, which are" ia' for reference In the Engineering Division.
202.1 if ications:
The latest edition of the publications hereiter referred ,:
*to in this Article shall be considered an integral part of these specido fications, with modifications as indicated herein. In case of any conflict with these regulations, the latter shall govern.
202.11 Materials General:
Materials used in buildings and structures owned by the Panama Canal Company and Canal Zone Government sa conform to all applicable "Federal Specifications." Materials for buildings and structures built within the Canal Zone by individuals, private Organi 7 zations and companies, shall conform to the applicable specifications listed in subsections 202.12 through 202.16 of this section.
202.12 Concrete:
Concrete construction shall be governed by the "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" published by the American ."Concrete Institute, except that minimum protective covering for reinforcement shall be one inch. Other publications of the American Concrete Institute shall govern where applicable and not in conflict with the above or with other stipulations of these regulations.
202.13 Masonry:
Masonry construction shall be governed by the "Uniform :i
BuilingCode" of the Pacific Coast Buildin Ctficials Conference,..: insofar as it is applicable to locally manufactured and generally
accepted building materials. ..+..i

2o2.14 St '---al Steel:
Steel construction shall be governed by the manual of the American Institute of Steel Construction entitled "Steel Construction."
By subject matter and references this manual shal be understood to,'
govern riveted, bolted and welded construction.
202 umb.er1L b:
Wood construction with recognized grades of States lumber sall be governed by "National Design Specifications for Stress-gride
Lumber and Its Fastenings" published by the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association of.Washington, D. C.
Wood ,construction with native lumber shall be governed by the principles and intent of the above publication, using whatever
reliable information is available on the physical properties and
characteristics of the lumber proposed to use.
NOTE: The scarcity of information on structural characteristics of native lumber, and the conflicting character of such information
available, makes general rules impossible to state and difficult to
administer. Decisions of the Building Official affecting Specific
cases shall be considered final and binding.
202.16 Specialt Materials:
Specialty Materials, such as open-web steel joists, steel grids for floors and decks, materials or systems for roofing and decking shall conform to the published standards of manufacturers' associations where such exist and are not in conflict with other parts of these regulations. In the absence of generally accepted standards
and specifications, the burden of proof of suitability will rest with
the applicant and decision of the Building Official shall be considered
final and binding.
202.17 Restricted Materials:
The use of bamboo, cane and similar materials for framing purposes and the use of thatched roofs on framing of any nature is
restricted in urban areas to detached structures. Any structures
composed of any of these restricted materials shall be separated fro L
any adjacent structure by a clear space of a least 50 feet. Appli-
cations for building permits for structure of this type will be ;
- subject, to special consideration by the Building Official and perS mission to construct such structures may be withheld if considered, in the interest of the public or Government. Such decisions by the
Building Official shall be considered final.

202.2 Desig:
202.21 Every building or structure shaU be designed and constructed to support all loads cuing upon -it, including lateral forces, without exceeding the allowable basic unit stresses specified in the publications earlier cited in this section, or certain permissible increases in such sresses a herelnter s1*0Ifl*Md. he allowable working stresses specified are the x that shanl be employed for the most adverse combination of loads that may reasonably be expected to occur. The method of design employed shall admit of rational analysis an6hl be in accordance with the establised principles of structural design and analysis.
202.22 For wind or earthquake forces, acting singly or in combination with dead and liveloads, the allowable unit stresses may be increased by the following percentages:
33"1/3% for structural steel and its connections,
including welds; plain and reinforced concrete;
timber fastenings such as timber connectors, bolts, nails, lag-screws, etc*.; soil bearing values under,
footings andg bearing values for piles.
50% for wood members in bending, direct compression
or tension. I
202.23 Structural members subject simultaneously to both axial and flexural stresses shall be proportioned so that the greatest combined stresses shal not exceed the allowable limit.
The effect of impact shall be provided for in all structural members supporting moving loads in accordance with the regulatory publications listed in the preceding sub-paragraphs.
202.3 Live Loads:
202.31 The following unit loads in pounds per square foot of
horizontal projection shall be considered the minimum live loads to be used in the design of buildings for the occupancies listed. Loads at least equal shall be assumed for uses not listed. Reference ismade to the "Uniform Building Code" of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference for recmendations concerning uses and occu,pancies not listed: ,-..
.,1 no 3

1. Floors of dwelling houses
(Except as otherwise provided in
paragraphs 202. 33(b) ad (c)
.2. Floors for office purposes, including .
corridors. 50
3., Rocms with fixed seats, such as
churches and classrooms. 50
4. Public spaces where crowds of'people
are likely to assemble, such as lobbies,
assembly rooms without fixed seats,
adjacent corridors, etc. 100 '.
5. Stairways,'residence, 40.
6. Stairways, office and public buildings. ,100
7. Roofs 15.
(Except as otherwise provided in Paragraphs 202.32(d) and 202.33(d).
202.32 al Loins:
(a) Concentration for Office Floors: Provision shall be
made in designing office floors for a oad of 2000 pounds placed upon a space 2-1/2 feet square where ever this load upon an otherwise unloaded floor would produce stresses greater than the 50 pounds per
square foot distributed' load.
(b) Partition Loads: The floors of office buildings and
other structures where masonry partitions might be erected or rearranged shall be designed for an additional live load of 20 pounds per square foot of floor area, whether or not partitions are shown on the plans, unless the design live load exceeds 80 pounds per square foot.
(c) Special Occu pa c: Buildings and structures of an
industrial or ccnercial nature shall be designed for live loads consistent with the proposed use and subject to the approval of the
Building Offic ial.
(d) Flat Roofs surrounded by a railing or balustade, where crowds of people" ar likely to gather, shall be designed for a uniform live load of not less than I40 pounds per square foot half of which .

shall be carried into the footings. The supporting structural m bers
need not be designed for stresses induced by wind or earthquake .,in
combination with this live load.
202.33 Allowable. Reduction in Live Loads:
(a) Except for dwellings and roofs, reductions in assumed
live loa shal be in aor4*Ace with 8ection 9306 of the "MnWorM,
Building Code" of the Pacific Coast Building Officials Conference.
(b) For dwelling floors, structural members supporting 50
square feet, or less, shall be designed for a uniform live load of
40 pounds per square foot over the supported area. Members supporting more than 50 square feet shall be designed for a uniform live
load determined by allowing 40 pounds per square foot on the first
50 square feet and 20 pounds per square foot on the additional area.
Thus a member supporting 200 square feet would be designed for a
total live load of 5000 pounds* or 25 pounds per square foot.
(c) For dwellings composed of two supported floors and roof,
or. less, the footings shall be designed for a live load of 20 pounds
per foot of supported floor area. For dwellings of greater height the
live 10ad to be used for footing design will be determined by the
Building Off ic ial.
(d) For sloping roofs of wood, steel or concrete construction,
rafter, purlins, trussed rafters, trusses, beams and slabs supporting
50 square feet or less shallbe designed for a live load 0t, 15;*ipmx: per'
square foot. Members supporting more than 50 square feet shall be
designed for a uniform live load determined by allowing 15 pounds per square foot on the first 50 square feet and 5 pounds per square foot
on the additional area. Thus a member supporting 200 square feet would' be designed for a total load of 1500 pounds or 7-1/2 pounds per square '
foot. Cantilever overhangs and hoods shall be designed for a live
load of 15 pounds per square foot, but the live load on supporting members may be reduced in accordance with the above. The effect of, the above live loads shall be considered in the design of supporting
columns but may be disregarded in the design of footings.
* 202.4 Horizontal Forces:
202.kl Every building or structure shall be designed to resist
the horizontal forces of windl or earthquake whichever is greater.
S The design will be based upon the assumption that no roof live load .,'
exists when such forces may be active. .
/ )

202.42 Wind Force:
(a) Wind pressure shall be assumed to act horizontally with .' an intensity of pressure of 12 pounds per square foot on the lower 40 feet of the vertical projection of the building or structure and 20 pounds per. square foot of vertical projection above that point.
(b) For flag poles, chimneyso elevated tanks, and other
similar exposed structures the wind pressure on the vertical projection of exposed surfaces shall be assumed to be 20 pounds per squar' foot.
(a) For structures of open framework, such as transmission towers, the wind pressure shall be computed on an area equal to Il4/2 times the actual exposed areas of the windward face.
(d) The w:n sh be assumed to act in any horizontal direction. On surfaces not normal to the wind force, the w force normal t he surface shall be computed by the following formula (Duohemin's):
Pn .Ph 2 sin a where
1 + (sin a) squared.
Ph wind pressure on a vertical surface. a angle of sloping surface with the horizontal.
7 202,e4.3 Earthqjuake Force:
The amount of the earthquake force, acting In any direction in a horizontal plane, shall be assumed to be
F C (D +KL), where
F The earthquake force as above.
C 0.06 for usual cases considering the structure as a whole. i
S0- 0.10 for walls (5 lbs. per sq. ft. m.)
C 0.50 for parapets and other cantilever walls, except retaining walls.
C 0.50 for projecting ornamentations and appendages.
C 0.10 for towers, tanks, chimneys, smokestacks, flagpoles, penthouses, etc.
C may be assigned different values by the BuJdng Official after thorough investigation. ~D Total dead loads above plane under consideration. :
.... L Total design live loads above plane under consideration. ;
K 1.00 for storage structures, such as water tanks, Which i'
" are likely to be fully loaded for considerable.
' ~periods of time. '
" K 0.75 'for warehouses and similar storage buildings (or :
' 'strctures)."'
S, K--.0. 50 for other buildings (or structures).
; K may be assigned different values by the Building Official. '

The earthquake forces shall be assumed not to act simultaneously with the
wind forces.
202.44 Provsion'&ainst Overturning Moment:
In no case shall the calculated overturning moment of any
building or structure due to horizontal forces exceed two-thirds of
the moment of stability of such building or structure. For earthquake
forces the moment of stability shall be calculated using the same loads as used in calculating overturning moment* For wind forces the moment of stability shall be calculated using the dead load only. The weight
of earth over footings may be used in calculations of moment of stability
provided that the connections between the columns and the foot S are adequate to resist the induced tensile stresses.
202.45 Railings along the front edge of overhanging balconies in
auditoriums, assembly halls and gymnasiums shall be designed to withstand a horizontal force of 50 pounds per linear foot, applied At the' ;-,
top of the railing. Railings along stairways, landings, etc shall
be designed for a force of 20 pounds per linear foot.
202.5 Foundations:
202.51 Footing nd Foundations
(a) All permanent buildings shall have fand fioun of poured concrete, either plain or reinforced.
(b) Footings and foundations shall be designed for the loads
specified in these specifications, and the design shall be such that the allowable bearing capacity of the supporting soil or piles, as the case
may be, will not be exceeded.
(c) In special cases where warranted by loading or soil-conditions,
footings and foundations shall be so proportioned that any settlement which
may occur shall be as nearly uniform as possible.
The amount of live load to be used in proportioning shall
be fixed for each individual structure by the Building Official.
(d) Footings, in general, shall rest on level beds. Where
supported on soil, the angle of slope between edges of adjacent footings,
or between the edge of a footing and a sloping grade, shall not exceed
, 30 degrees. Individual steps in continuous footings shall not exceed 18 inches in height and the slope of a series of such steps shall3 not exceed
30 degrees. .,,"
shal be(e) The allowable soil pr:essu re for each building or stucture
shal bebased upon previous experience near the proposed site or upon
tests and investigations aM shall be subject ,to. the approval of the -j:
, .4,

202.52 Soil Investigations:
In the event that sufficient data to establish the safe
bearing value ,of the soil is not available, soil tests and investigations.... shall be made. The scope of such tests and the methods of making them shall have the prior approval of the Building Official who will determine the allowable bearing capaity of the soil from the results of the tests
202.53 Piles:
(a) Materials. Precast concrete piles shall be constructed in_1. accordance with Panama Canal Company drawing No. 4601-1 Sh. 5, Pipe piles shall be filled with concrete, have a conical point and shall be not smaller than 8-inch pipe. Wood piles shall have a minimum diameter of 12 inches 3 feet frm thetbut. Other types of piles may be used subject to the approval of the Building Official.
(b) Allowable Loads. Piles shall be driven to as solid a
bearing as practical. The maximum safe load may be determined by a load. test ox by a recognized pile formula approved by the Building Official.
(c) Tests. Whenever the design load is in excess of the bear- '
ing capacity de-rmined by an approved pile formula or the results ot driving are of doubtful value due to the character of the soil or the driving equipment, load tests may be required. The method of making such load' tests shall have the prior approval of the Building Official who will determine the allowable bearing capacity frm the results of such tests.
Electrical installationsand wiring shall conform to or exceed the minimum requirements of the National Electrical Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.
SEcTION 2O4.O Pm INGPlumbing installations shall conform to or exceed the minimum requirements. of the "Plumbing Regulations for the Canal Zone.SECTION 205.O FIRE PRODUCTION.
205.1 "The National Fire Code" Vol. III, Building Construction an ... Equipment, published by the National Fire Protection Association, shall -.: be used as a guide in matters of fire protection. However, the Code may."',: be modified .with .the approval of the 'Buildin Official and a representative" : ofthe Fire Division. +,, +
'+ + + . ++.
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205.2 "The Natioial Fire Code" Vol. 1, Flamable Liquids and Gases, will be s strictly followed in matters of fire' protection in industrialbuildings.
205.3 The Building Official shall be consulted before final design, of a fire-resistive building is started, so that factors such as type of occupancy, fire exposure, floor area and height may be checked for oontormity with the requ:reent of the fre OcAe. The' reference fti. code will be the Handbook of Fire Protection published by the Nation&a Fire Protection Association.
206.1 Air Conditioning installations will be installed in accordance with the requirements of the National Building Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters.:
207.1 The construction of paving, water lines, santary sewers and storm dvains as services to building shall conform to applicable standards and specifications of the Engineering and Construction Bureau*
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301*1 Distainces from Other Bui A Lot Li~nes &dStreets:
The distances from proposed construction to existing buildings, Lot.lines and streets shall not be less than certain mini-..-:heren
specified. However, the Build ing Official may, at his discretion, require more than imum clearances in order to maintain harmony with ,
existing or proposed construction, to reduce a potential hazard, or for
qher good reasons based on the public and Government interests.
301.11 Minimum Clearances:
(a) Minimum distance frm established streets or other
thoroughfares shall normally be 30 feet from the curb line. However,
after weighing such considerations as sight distances, character of
structure and set-backs of adjoinng structures, the Building Official
-may Increase or decrease this distance as he shall deem advisable.
(b) Fire Resistive Buildings: ,
(I) Between buildings (provided window openings are stagered) e 9#9 *0 0... .0415 ft.
1(2) Clear space between projections, such as eaves and h s ...0....9..............10 ft
(3) Cledr space between lot line and build- dam ': line ..........................4
.., (4) Clear space between lot line wl any
proJection such as eave or hood.....,......... 5 ft. .
'- ,.. ((1,) Between buidigs.................. .. 30 ft. :,,'
(a) story frame c onstruction:
(1) Between buildings ..............,...... 50 ft.
~~~(2) Fz'anlo tine ., , . . . 25 ft.

(e) In the case of adjacent buildings of dissimilar construti or having a different number of stories, the minimum
clearances shall be determined by the Building Official. No annexes,verandas, porches, steps or staircases shall be built in the free space
between buildings, or between the building and the lot line as fixed
by minimum clearances as specified herein or as determined by the
Building Official, and no material of any nature shall be stored there-.'
(f) When a house is built in front or in the rear of another -':
house there shall be a free space of not less than 50 feet between.
houses, or, where houses are 'on separate lots, neither shall be closer.,:
than 25 feet to the lot line.
(g) Small, permanent, one-story structures such as detached
garages, tool houses, machinery rooms, etc., may be permitted in the rear areas of lots, subject to the approval of the Buildin Official.
Minimum clearances to lot lines and other buildings as herein described
',must be observed or, as an alternative and subject to approval of the
Buq din Official, the structure may be Joined to the building it serves.
302.1 Grdn r
The .ground beneath all buildings and within the limits of
the lot shall be graded and drained in a manner to prevent the accumulation
of water in puddles and planted with grass where necessary..
302.2 Landscaping
The removal of trees or shrubbery on a licensed area (outside of building line), or the pantin Qf new trees or shrubbery, shall
be approved by' the Chief, Division. Minimum visibility triangles at street intersections shall be maintained in accordance .
with Appendix "A" of these regulations. The minimum' visibility triangles
specified are for zones in which traffic speed is listed to 25 miles'
per hour. The minimum visibility triangles in zones in which the allowable traffic speed is greater than 25 miles per hour will be determined
by the buildingOffici.
SECTION 0.0 PONF DAMAGE TO 303.!' ~ IO Geerl eqirmets
'-1n order to prevent damage tO undergroun utilities (elec-. t ric, and cimuncation cables, water, gas, 5eve, oil and gasoline lines,'
-1 .. / ,1. .
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etc. ) during excavation for new construction, or for repair and mainte- nance operations, all Company-Government, and other construction or. maintenance agencies, performing such operations shall obtain. excavation clearances prior to starting work involving any excavation on CompanyGovernment property in the Canal Zone. Excavation is defined as any sub-6 soil activity, and includes, but is not limited to, razing of structures, opening of borrow pits building construction$ road and street construcionhnd re@pair$ Wdig Veting of tr@@5p droloap ditch
construction, setting of poles, posts and signs, core boring, an con- struction of, and repairs to, underground utilities. The granting of an excavation clearance does not relieve the construction agency of the responsibility of protecting existing utilities in the work area.
303'2 Classes of Utility Owners. ;
The various owners of underground utilities located In, Panama Canal Cop~any-Canal Zone Government Property in the Canal Zone may be divided into three general classes as follows:
(a) Company-Government
(b) Armed Forces (Army, Navy and Air Force).
(c) Privatel.y owned (oil ccmpanie Al mrca, Cables,
Co&L Panamena de Fuerza y Luz, etc.'
303.3 Excavation Clearances for Building Permits:
All excavation clearances in connection with build ing permits' shall be obtained by the Building Official and shall be initiated by the Owner's written request addessed to the Engineering and Construction Director, Balboa Heights. Such requests shall contain the following in-, formation:
(a) Description of work.
(b) Ten prints or sketches showing clearly the area, or .
areas, involved.
(c) The date on which the work will start.
/ Under normal-conditions, appmromtl two weeks' advance notice will be' required for ,all .clearances.-In an emergency, request by the Owner for clearances may be made by telephone to the 1)eiing Engier, Balboa. Heights."
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303o4. Excavation Clearances for Government Agencies:
Clearances for the Panama Canal Comany, Canal Zone Gover-.
ment and all other Government agencies in the Canal Zone shall be obtained in accordance with General Order No. 11.
304.1 If a proposed building interferes with Panama Canal CCompan utilities, means for protecting or re-locating the utilities will be determined by the Building Official in' connection with the issue of a building permit. The cost of such field changes shall be paid by the '' Owner of the building and the work shall be performed by the Panama Canal Company under Work Request issued by the Owner to the Panama Canal CIo : y" Division having Jurisdiction over the Utility.
305.1 General:
All connections to public utilities shall be made by the Panama Canal Company after issuance of Work Request by the Owner to the Division having jurisdiction over the utility. Water and electric meters will be furnished by, and remain the property of,, the Panama Canal Cpany; 'the Owner shall pay for their installation,
305.2 Electrical Service:
The Panama Canal Company, in general, will furnish the necessary electrical service at its own expense provided the cost of such service is not prohibitive in view of the nature of the electrical load to be con-,,, nected. If the service cost is considered excessive, then the applicant ', will be required to pay all or part of the service 'cost as. deemed aplopriate in the particular case under consideration.
305 3 Telephone Service:
Telephone service, and wiring for telephones in the building in conduits provided by the Owner, will ordinarily be installed by the Caumunications Branch, Electrical Division, upon written application to the Electrical Engineer for the installation of telephones. Charge will not be made for such installations unless the cost is considered excessive, in which case the applicant will be required to bear a reasonale part of the cost.
30514 Water Connections; ...
Water connections will be mad by the Maintenance Division andpaidfor. by the Ownero ...

306.1 In view of the important public health considerations involved~ the Health Bureau shall be consulted prior to planning construction of an animal stable. In general, stable construction shall be as open as practicable and so designed as to permit thorough cleaning and to prevent fly breeding. Flours shall be of concrete. No wooden member shall rest on the floor. Wlls and posts *hall be supported on concrete curbs or pedestals not less than 8 inches high. Tack and feed storage rooms shall be ratproof. Areas used -for watering or corralling animals shall have sufficiently hard surface to prevent absorption of manure into the soil. Xf floors are to be flushed with water, paved drains or conduits shall be provided to conduct the waste to an approved point of discharge. A trap in the drain line for intercepting manure .. may be require. Adequate facilities shall be provided for sanitary storage and disposal of manure to prevent fly breeding.
307.1 Ra roof
Every building., including fixtures therein,, shall
constructed as to prevent entrance and harborage of rats under or within it. All buildings constructed on grade within pier, commercial or industrial areas shall have a continuous wall of concrete not less than
4 inches thick extending 2 feet below the surface of the ground. ExteriOr walls of frame buildings constructed on ground slabs shall have a concrete curb under them extending toia height not less than 12'inches above the ground. All concealed or double wall spaces within buildings sha 21 be avoided insofar as practicable; where used, effective rat-stopping shall be employed to prevent entrance of rats, Access openings into plenum chambers or crawl spaces shall be rat-stopped. All double partitions of wood or composition shall be rat-stopped with concrete or wiremesh extending upwards not less than 12 inches above the floor. Entrance into attic. spaces shall be rat-stopped by closures of roofing and tile corrugations, hip and ridge rolls and by use of wire mesh in louvers.,
Buildings constructed off the ground shall have not less
than 3 feet clear 'space between sills and the ground. Small or temporary buildings such as booths, construction toilets and sheds may use 2 feet clearance. No wooden floors, temporary or otherwise shall rest on the ground. All openings rouz4 pipes and conduits in building walUs shall be rat-stopped with cement, wire mesh or sheetmetal. All fixtures sba. be so constructed or placed as to prevent rat barborage under, within, above or. behind them. All foundation slabs or basement paving shall have earth or other material graded up so as to prevent exposure of ,
un esd of slab.L'".. .- ., i
,.- Z I..- 5 ,, .

ceen, ilMaterials considered efective for, rat-stopping are
awnt, il.,galvaniized wire mesh (hardware cloth) with openings not'
greater than 1/2 inch and sheetmetal not less than 26 gauge.
307.2 Poteation ain t s
Exterior openings ot all buildings constructed for dwell. igsa *=opt jn Uaeanses in riw4 area, shal be ofeaotvly sosree A
"against mosquitoes. Buildings used for public assemblage after dark may require screening against insects, depending on location, at the discretion of the Building Official, All exterior swiniLgLgdoorse.'
screened buildings shall swing outward.
307.3 Gutters:
- As a general rule eave gutters will not be allowed. In
exceptional cases a minimum of eave gutter will be permitted on build
ings over entrances and loading platforms. Joint approval willbe
obtained from the Buildng Official and Health Director in each instance.
,,308.1 General:
Spaces to be used for storage preparation, display andy serving of foods and beverages shall have sufficient area and be
adequately, equipped and shall be so constructed as to permit orderly and
sanitary operation and maintenance. The spaces shall be well lighted and
well ventilated.
30 8.2 Detailed Requirements:
'308.21 Floors:'
Floors in areas used for continuous or day-tb-day food and, beverage preparation shall have easily cleaned, smooth and impervious
,,surface and shall be constructed of materials resistant to the deterio-,
rating effects of food juices, grease and acids. Concrete, cement
fish, terrazzo or wood are not acceptable in preparation or work areas.
~308.22 Doors and Windows: ,
/, Exterior doors and windows shall be fly and rodent proof. Exterior doors shall swing outward.
308.23 Wall an Ceiligs:"
": Walls shall have, smooth impervious surfaces to the height
reached by splah and. washing and a al be light co lored. Ceiling shal ---be dUst proof an light colored. ...
*, .. .-6. I, *

308.24 Lavatry Toilet Facilities:
There shall be adequate toilet facilities conveniently
accessible for use by food handlers. No toilet room shall open directly" into areas used for food and beverage service.
308.25 Locker Facilities:
Locker facilites shall be provided for holding street, clothes, shoes and personal effects of food handlers.
308.26 Equ i nt:
Metal equipment such as sinks and work tables, shall be of stainless steel. All equipment shall be so constructed, placed or installed as to permit ease in cleaning and facilitate control of rodents and insects.O
308.27 Ligh 'and Ventilation:
There shall be adequate light and ventilation. Mechanical
means, such as hoods with washable filters shall be provided to remove steam and greasy vapors and to prevent condensation of same within the area.
308.28 E ipent for Cleaning and Sterilizing Common Use Utensils:
Provisions shall be made for washing and sterilizng eating and drinking utensils, including beverage glasses at bars, either by an approved mechanical dish or glass washer, adequately supplied with water of sufficiently high temperature or by a three-ccmpartment sink. The three-cmpatment sink shall have a thermostatically controlled heating element inserted in one of the end compartments, of sufficient capacity to maintain sterilizing water at a temperature of not lessthan 170'F during the dishwashing operation.
308.*29 Hot Water
There shall be a hot water supply adequate for dishwashing and other sanitation, and for use by foodhandlers in personal hygiene.
' 308.210 Re ri~ration:
There shall be provided ample refrigeration capacity for o orderly and sanitary storage and preservation of perishables. Dry coolers shall- be provided for bottled beverages. .Walk-in refrigerators il shall have tiled floors and glazed tile or brick walls. All shelving .. shall be of stainless steel construction. ... --

308.211 Fixtures for Stora e and. Dis of Foods: : Fixtures shall be constructed of a~wo iate materials in such a manner as to project foods front contamination by duts,t
flies, vermin, damae and pollution by rodents, unnecessary hnd lin,
droplet inections overhead leakage adany other: contamintin
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