Announcing an Examinatio '
$7,425 to $10,450 a Year
(Grades GS-11 to GS-13)
For duty with the
Panama Canal Company-Canal Zone Government
in the Panama Canal Zone
Apply to:
Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners Balboa Heights Canal Zone
Annoupcetmeet No. 414 (B) Issued: Agust 3, 1954 No losing Date
AUG < 4 1954
Positions in the following fields of medicine will be filled from this examination:
1. Anesthesiology
2. Bacteriology
3. Cancer, Diagnosis and Treatment
4. Cardiology
5. Dermatology and Syphilology (singly
or combined)
6. Epidemiology
7. General Medicine and Surgery
8. Internal Medicine
9. Neurology and Psychiatry (singly or
10. Obstetrics and Gynecology (singly or
11. Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology (singly or combined),
12. Orthopedics
13. Pathology: (a) Pathologic anatomy,
(b) Clinical pathology, (c) Pathologic anatomy and Clinical pathology
14. Pediatrics
15. Preventive Medicine, Public Health
16. Radiology: (a) All branches,
(b) Roentgenology, (c) Diagnostic roentgenology, (d) Therapeutic radiology
17. Surgery: (a) General, (b) Neurological, (c) Orthopedic, (d) Thoracic
18. Tuberculosis
19. Urology
The positions to be filled from this examination are in the Panama Canal Service, located in the Canal Zone on the Isthmus of Panama. Medical officers appointed to these positions serve as district physicians in a Government dispensary or one of two general hospitals.
Code: GS-602-11115 2
The Health Bureau of the Canal Zone Government, a U. S. Government agency, operates two general hospitals, Gorgas Hospital in Ancon on the Pacific side of the Isthmus, and. Colon Hospital on the Atlantic side. Two ,dental clinics, one on each side of the Isthmus, are also part of the Health Bureau services. Medical clinics are located at Gorgas Hospital, Pedro Miguel, Gamboa, Gatun, and Colon Hospital. Gorgas Hospital, staffed by civilian physicians and U. S. Army medical officers, is one of the best and well-equipped hospitals operated under the control of the United States Government. Most of the chiefs of services are specialists certified by American boards, and approved intern and residency programs are operated at Gorgas Hospital. School physicians and nurses provide medical services for school children. District-nurse and maternal and childwelf are services are also maintained.
The Panama Canal Company, the operating agency of the Canal Zone, provides for Canal Zone communities, commissary services comparable to department-store operations found in the United States, as well as recreational, educational, and other employee services. The school system is modern and progressive and includes high schools and a junior college. Family quarters are available in the Canal Zone at rental rates comparable to similar types of housing found in most areas of the United States. A longrange housing improvement program which has been in progress for the last 2 years will assure sufficient and adequate housing for employees of the Panama Canal CompanyCanal Zone Government organization.
The tropical climate permits more outdoor recreational opportunities in the Canal Zone and in the adjacent Republic of Panama than exist in most parts of the United States and adds to the pleasure of living and working in this area.
Applicants selected for appointment will be furnished transportation for themselves, their immediate family, and their personal effects and household goods, from their
United States residence at time of appointment to the Canal Zone at Government expense. These expenses are allowed contingent upon the signing and fulfilling of an agreement to remain in service for a period of 12 months following appointment. Return transportation will be furnished at Government expense providing the employee remains in service for a period of 24 months following appointment unless separated for reasons beyond his control. Complete and detailed information concerning transportation will be furnished at time of appointment.
1. Education
All applicants must be graduates of a medical school of recognized standing with the degree of doctor of medicine. (The term "medical school of recognized standing" as used herein means a school which, at the time of the applicant's graduation, was classified '6AP' "B," or "Approved" by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association.)
Graduates of foreign medical schools not approved by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association will not be admitted to this examination unless they can establish, by appropriate certificate, that(a) they have been certified by the American
Board certifying in their medical specialty accredited by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the
American Medical Association; or
(b) they have been admitted to the examination of the National Board of Medical
Examiners of the United States; or
(c) graduates of their medical class or of
other classes graduating during the same year from the same medical school have been admitted to the examination of the National Board of Medical Examiners of the United States, or would have been eligible for admission to that
examination; or
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(ci) they have had at least 1 year in the
United States military service or the United States Public Health Service with unrestricted duties as commissioned medical officer, such duties including the
treatment of patients.
11. Internship
Except as provided for below, applicants must have completed an approved full rotating internship. Applicants for one of the special fields of medicine may substitute for the required rotating internship an approved full internship or residency in the special field applied for, or 1 year of full-time study in the specialty in a recognized institution, or certification by the American Board certifying in their medical specialty accredited by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association.
The full internship, either general rotating or in a specialty, of applicants who graduated from a medical school prior to December 31, 1942, and subsequent to July 1, 1947, must have been for at least 12 months. For applicants who graduated between December 31, 1942, and July 1, 1947, the full internship must have been for not less than 9 months.
Active duty as a commissioned medical officer in the United States military service, the United States Public Health Service, or service as a medical officer with the Veterans Administration may be substituted for the required internship.
Graduates of 5-year medical schools will be regarded as meeting the internship requirements provided that the 5-year course included the full period of rotating internship as defined below:
Definition of "Inte'rrwhip." -The term "internship, general rotating" as used herein means a regular full period of rotating internship in a general hospital approved by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association. When applied to a specialty, the term "internship" means a full period in a hospital approved in this specialty by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the
American Medical Association or by the American College of Surgeons. Internships served as full rotating internships in general hospitals or in specialty hospitals not approved by the American Medical Association will not be accepted for this examination, except in the case of applicants who substitute for their internship active duty as commissioned medical officer or service as medical officer with the Veterans Administration as provided above.
Positions not Requiring an Internship.There is no internship requirement for positions in epidemiology, medical bacteriology, and for some positions in pathology.
Applicants Now Serving Internships, Residencies, or FullmTime Study. -Applicants now serving an approved internship, residency, or full-time study as specified above, who expect to complete this training within 8 months of the date of receipt of their applications by the Board of Examiners, will be admitted to the examination and may receive a provisional appointment. However, they cannot enter on duty until they have submitted proof to the appointing official that they have successfully completed the full internship, residency, or full-time study.
IH. License
Except as provided for below, persons appointed from this examination must be currently licensed to practice medicine and surgery in a State or Territory of the United States. Applications will be accepted from persons who are not currently licensed; however, if they are selected for appointment as medical officers, they must obtain a license before entering on duty. Applicants may be requested to furnish proof of current license to the appointing officer before they enter on duty.
No License Required as Follows:
A. No license is required for positions in epidemiology, medical bacteriology or for some positions in pathology.
B. The requirement of a current license will be waived for retired medical officers of the regular Medical Corps of the United
States military service, or the United States Public Health Service.
IV. Experience
Applicants must have had as a minimum for each grade of position the experience specified below:
For CS-li .No experience is required beyond the internship described above. Appointments at this grade level will be made only to positions in the fields of general medicine and surgery.
For GS-l 2.-One year of progressively responsible professional experience in the field of medicine for which application is being made.
For GS-13.-Two years of progressively responsible professional experience in the field of medicine for which application is being made.
Postgraduate experience as a professor in the field of medicine applied for in an approved school of medicine may be accepted toward meeting the experience requirements.
Substitution of an Approved Residency for the Required Experience.-If applicants for a special field of medicine have met the requirements under section V, Specialization, a full approved residency in the field of medicine for which application is being made may be substituted year for year up to a maximum of 2 years of the required experience. An internship may not be substituted for the required experience in any grade.
V. Specialization
To qualify in any field of medicine except general medicine and surgery, applicants must have had in addition to the experience specified above for the grade under section IV, a full approved internship or residency in the specialized field applied for, or not less than 1 year of postgraduate full-time study in the specialty in an accredited university or recognized institution or certification by the American Board certifying in their medical specialty accredited by the Council on Medical Education and Hospitals of the American Medical Association. Short courses
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or part-time training in specialties will not be considered as qualifying an applicant for a specialty.
Applicants for the specialties of epidemiology, medical bacteriology and pathology are not required to have completed their specialized education and experience in these fields subsequent to their graduation from a school of medicine as defined in section 1, Education. Applicants will be accepted who have completed their qualifying education and experience in these fields before they were graduated from a medical school.
Applicants who are now serving an approved internship, residency or full-time study in a special field of medicine as specified above and who expect to complete this training within 8 months of the date of receipt of their application by the Board of Examiners will be admitted to the examination and may receive a provisional appointment. However, they cannot enter on duty until they have presented to the appointing officer proof of the successful completion of the full internship, residency, or full-time study.
Applicable Experience and EducationOnly experience and education acquired prior to the date of filing application can be considered for this examination except in the case of applicants serving in an internship or residency, or in postgraduate full-time study.
VI. Citizenship
Applicants must be citizens of or owe allegiance to the United States (this latter group consists only of natives of American Samoa) or citizens of the Republic of Panama.
Because of the effects of the tropical climate, applicants for positions in the Panama Canal Service must not have passed their forty-fifth birthday on the date of filing application. These age requirements are waived up to the age of 62 years for persons entitled to veteran preference.
VIH. Physical Abilities
Applicants must be physically able to perform the duties of the position, which are
described elsewhere in this announcement. Good distant vision in one eye and ability to read without strain printed material the size of typewritten characters are required, glasses permitted. Hearing for ordinary conversation must be at least 15/20 in one ear and 20/20 in the other, with or without the use of a hearing aid. A sufficient number of teeth for proper mastication, with or without satisfactory dentures, is required. Persons with histories of organic heart disease, whether or not compensated, pulmonary tuberculosis, arrested or not, mental disease, or epilepsy, should not apply. Any type of hernia, whether or not supported by a truss, will disqualify for appointment.
In most instances, an amputation of leg or foot will not disqualify an applicant for appointment, although it may be necessary that this condition be compensated by use of satisfactory prosthesis. Applicants must be emotionally and mentally stable.
Any physical condition which would cause the applicant to be a hazard to himself or to others, or which would prevent efficient performance of the duties of the position, will disqualify him for appointment.
A physical examination will be made by a Federal medical officer before appointment.
Competitors will not be required to report for a written test but will be rated on a scale of 100, on the extent and quality of their experience and training relevant to the duties of the position. Such ratings will be based upon competitors' statements in their applications and upon any additional evidence.
Separate registers or lists of eligible competitors will be established in each field of medicine listed on page 2, and for each grade. These reizisters will supersede those established fCr Medical Officer positions in the Panama Canal Service, established under Announcement No. 217 and Examining Circular EC-24 of 1950.
Eligibility on the register resulting from this examination will be for a period of 18 months only, unless the eligible submits upto-date information about his qualifications before that time; however, such information from persons who have been on the eligible register less than 1 year will not be accepted and will be returned to the sender. The date which appears on the "Notice of Rating" which is sent to each eligible competitor is that on which his name was placed on the register.
Salary is based on the standard Federal workweek of 40 hours. The salary range for each grade of these positions, including the 25 percent differential for United States citizens as additional compensation for tropical service, is given below. For employees whose services meet prescribed standards of efficiency, the entrance salary is increased by the amount shown in the table, following the completion of each 18 months~of service, until the maximum scheduled rate for the grade is reached. All basic salaries are subject to a deduction of 6 percent for retirement benefits.
Basic Maximum
Grade of Entrance Periodic Basic Position Salary Increase Salary
GS-11 $7,425 $250 $8,675
GS-12 8,800 250 10,050
GS-13 10,450 250 11,700
Nature of Appointments.-Appointments
to these positions will be made subject to investigation and will be probational unless otherwise limited. Probational appointments become permanent upon satisfactory completion of a probationary period of 1 year.
Leave Benefits.-Under present leave regulations, employees earn 27 hours' leave a month.
Veteran Preference.-Preference benefits based upon honorable separation from the armed forces are given under certain condi11) 16 -70518-1
tions in competitive examination for original appointment:
1. Five points are added to the earned ratings of the applicant who makes a passing grade and who establishes claim to preference based on his or her own active service in the armed forces of the United States during any war or in any creditable campaign or expedition.
2. Ten points are added to the earned ratings of the applicant who makes a passing grade and who establishes claim to preference as: (a) A disabled veteran (or a veteran who has been awarded the Purple Heart);
(b) the wife of a disabled veteran who is disqualified for appointment because of his service-connected disability; (c) the widow (who has not remarried) of a deceased exserviceman who served in the armed forces of the United States on active duty during any war or in any creditable campaign or expedition; or (di) the mother of certain deceased or disabled ex-service sons or daughters when the mother is widowed, divorced, or separated, or when her husband is permanently and totally disabled.
Veterans claiming 5-point preference based on wartime military service are not required to furnish proof of honorable separation until the time of appointment. All other preference applicants should file Standard Form 15, together with the documentary proof specified therein, at the time of filing application Form 57.
What to File
To apply for this examination, fill out the forms listed below:
1. Form 57. Be sure to show the title of the examination, the number of this announcement, No. 414 (B), and the lowest salary you are willing to accept.
2. Card Form 5001-ABC.
3. Standard Form 15, with the documentary proof required therein, if you are claiming veteran preference and if the form is required in your case (see "Veteran Preference" above).
IIIIIlIl 1111 11111 II B 11111 11 111111 I1 111111
Where to Get F 3 1262 09616 4321
The forms listed above may be obtained from any first- or second-class post office, except in Civil Service Commission regional headquarters cities, where the forms must be obtained from the United States Civil Service Regional Offices (see list below). Forms may also be obtained from the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington 25, D. C., and in the Canal Zone from the Secretary, Board of United States Civil Service Examiners, Balboa Heights, Canal Zone.
Where and When to File
Send applications to the Board of United States Civil Service Examiners, Balboa Heights, Canal Zone. Applications will be accepted until further notice. Applications and all other communications to the Canal Zone should be sent via airmail to insure their expeditious handling.
FIRST REGION: Post Office and Courthouse Bldg., Boston 9, Mass.
SECOND REGION: Federal Bldg., Christopher Street, New York 14, N. Y.
THIRD REGION: Customhouse, Second and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia 6, Pa. FIFTH REGION: 5 Forsyth Street NW., Atlanta 3, Ga.
SIXTH REGION: Post Office and Courthouse Bldg., Cincinnati 2, Ohio.
SEVENTH REGION: New Post Office Bldg., Chicago 7, Ill.
EIGHTH REGION: 1114 Commerce Street, Dallas 2, Tex. Branch Office-Masonic Temple Bldg., 333 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans 12, La.
NINTH REGION: New Federal Bldg., St. Louis 1, Mo. Branch Office-Post Office and Customhouse Bldg., St. Paul 1, Minn.
TENTH REGION: Building 41, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colo.
ELEVENTH REGION: Room 302, Federal Office Bldg., First Avenue and Madison Street, Seattle 4, Wash.
TWELFTH REGION: 129 Appraisers Bldg., 630 Sansome Street, San Francisco 11, Calif. Branch Offies-514 Post Office and Courthouse Bldg., Los Angeles 12, Calif.; and Federal Bldg, Honolulu 2, T. H.
Washington 25, D. C. ant
N. (B)
For duty with the
Panama Canal Company Canal Zone Government Or ni nio /
in the Panama Canal Zone
Approval has been given to increase the minimum pay rate for medical officer positions, GS-602, all specializations, at the GS-11 through GS-15 grade levels under the Classification Act as amended by Section 104 of Public Law 763.
Accordingly, the above named announcement is hereby amended to show the increased rates of pay for the grade levels covered by this announcement. (The rate shown includes a 25 percent differential for United States citizens as additional compensation for tropical service.)
Grade GS-ll $ 9,331
Grade GS-12s 10,806
Grade GS-13s 12,581
For further information, see Announcement No. 414(B) as amended.
Issued September 6, 1955