- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00054862/00001
Material Information
- Title:
- Collections-as-data.
- Alternate title:
- UMiamiLibraries : collections-as-data
- Creator:
- Padilla, Thomas ( issuing body )
University of Miami. Library ( issuing body )
- Place of Publication:
- Coral Gabels, Florida
- Publisher:
- University of Miami Libraries
- Copyright Date:
- 2017-
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- 1 online resource : color illustrations
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Humanities--Digital libraries ( fast )
- Genre:
- Databases ( lcgft )
Digital Scholarship Site/Resource
- Abstract:
- "This repository is a pilot project of the University of Miami Libraries Digital Strategies department. It contains machine-readable data generated from materials in UM Libraries collections." ( , )
- Scope and Content:
- "The first dataset on the “collections-as-data†repository is from the newspaper La Gaceta de La Habana, which contains almost 50 years of issues of La Gaceta de la Habana, the paper of record during the Spanish colonial occupation of Cuba in the nineteenth century."
- System Details:
- "Datasets can be downloaded from Github for computational and other sorts of analysis."
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Miami Libraries
- Holding Location:
- University of Miami Libraries
- Rights Management:
- This item was contributed to the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) by the source institution listed in the metadata. This item may or may not be protected by copyright in the country where it was produced. Users of this work have responsibility for determining copyright status prior to reusing, publishing or reproducing this item for purposes other than what is allowed by applicable law, including any applicable international copyright treaty or fair use or fair dealing statutes, which dLOC partners have explicitly supported and endorsed. Any reuse of this item in excess of applicable copyright exceptions may require permission. dLOC would encourage users to contact the source institution directly or dloc@fiu.edu to request more information about copyright status or to provide additional information about the item.