- Permanent Link:
- https://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00054860/00073
Material Information
- Title:
- Investigating The Relationship Between Leaf Nitrogen, Growth Rate, And Canopy Reflectance at Ordway-Swisher Biological Station
- Series Title:
- 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Creator:
- Towns, Alyssa
- Language:
- English
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Center for Undergraduate Research
Biological Sciences
- Genre:
- Conference papers and proceedings
poster ( aat )
- Abstract:
- Many factors affect tree growth rates. In forests, digital images taken from above the canopy measure the canopy light reflectance and can be used to detect traits of individual tree crowns. Information on traits can then be used to estimate tree growth. While relationships between leaf nitrogen content and tree growth rates have been found, these relationships have not been widely explored using canopy reflectance for temperate forests. My aim is to identify a relationship between leaf nitrogen content and annual tree growth. I also test the relationships between nitrogen, growth, and canopy reflectance of individual trees. The annual tree growth was calculated from tree cores of several species from Ordway-Swisher Biological Station in Melrose, FL. Growth rates were compared to leaf nitrogen content. In addition, a measure of nitrogen was calculated from canopy reflectance. This measure was compared to actual leaf nitrogen and tree growth rates. The results show that there is generally a positive relationship between leaf nitrogen and tree growth rates. The relationship differs between genera and between species within a genus. It also seems remote sensing data may be reliable as an estimator of actual nitrogen content of trees as well as growth rates. ( en )
- General Note:
- Research Authors: Alyssa Towns - University of Florida
- General Note:
- Faculty Mentor: Jeremy Lichstein - Biology, University of Florida
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- Copyright Alyssa Towns. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
Results !"#$%&'"(%)'*+,'-(.'/)(0'1'(23'-4.'('1'523)6'0"#7'+8)9%"(' !"#$ !%#$ Data/Variables Investigating The Relationship Between Leaf Nitrogen, Growth Rate, And Canopy Reectance at Ordway-Swisher Biological Station Alyssa Towns, Sarah Graves, Jeremy Lichstein University of Florida, Department of Biology Introduction Methods Background Information Site and Species Conclusions &'(%)*+,-.*/0(1$ :(2'$)')+;7(%)'")/(;*)'<"#$%&'"(%)'4='%&)'25%"#<)2'9#2%)2%' #0'%&)'/)(*)+>':(2'$)')+;7(%)'<"#$%&'"(%)'")7#%)/='4=' 7)(+?"52<'%&)'")@)9%(29)'#0'%&)'9(2#8='0"#7'(2'()"5(/' ")7#%)'+)2+#">' 234(56*/7/$ A&)")'$5//'4)'('8#+5;*)'9#"")/(;#2'4)%$))2'/)(0'25%"#<)2' 9#2%)2%'(23'%"))'<"#$%&'"(%)B'4)9(?+)'529")(+)3'25%"#<)2' +?/3'(//#$'0#"'529")(+)3'8%#+=2%&)+5+,'C+;7(;2<' 25%"#<)2'9#2%)2%'0"#7'+8)9%"('$5//'<5*)'('0(5"/='")/5(4/)' )+;7(%#"'0#"'%"))'<"#$%&'"(%),' 863$)((9$"5$175'(:*1$;/<$:'(=56>$ 1'5+'8("%'#0'7(2='D)=')2E=7)+'52'8%#+=2%&)+5+' F5<&'/)(0'1'7(='(//#$'0#"'&5<&)"'"(%)+'#0'8%#+=2%&)+5+'(23' %&)")0#")'0(+%)"'<"#$%&' 863$./*$ 634*'/4*?5'") $'*+(5*$/*1/71:$(@$56*$?"1(43>$ G)(+?")7)2%'#0'%"(5%+'(23'<"#$%&'#0'0#")+%+'5+'35H9?/%'(23';7)I 9#2+?752<'(%'<"#?23'/)*)/' J"#*53)'0?"%&)"')*53)29)'%&(%'9(2#8='")@)9%(29)'9(2'4)'?+)3'%#' )+;7(%)'9(2#8='%"))'%"(5%+'(23'8)"&(8+'<"#$%&'"(%)+' K#9(%)3'52'G)/"#+)B'LKB'MNON'&(+'/#$/(23B' $)%'(")(+'(23'&5<&)"I)/)*(;#2B'3"='(")(+,' N8)95)+'+%?35)3'9(7)'0"#7'4#%&'%=8)+'#0' &(45%(%+' !"#$% $&'$&( % )*$+* % ,-*'$* % .$"&/ % 0#(1/20*#$1"* %% .3% ,#(14*5* %% .3% -*#61/ % .3% 41,$* % 714&/ % 5*#8* % 73% 2*-&/5$1/ % 73% "-*&/* % :#")' P Q2'529")7)2%'4#")"'5+'3"5//)3'52%#'('%"))'(%'('+%(23("3' &)5<&%'#0'R,S' T P :#")'+(78/)+'-U'0#"')(9&'%")).'$)")'%(D)2'52'%&)'+?77)"'#0' UVWR' G)(+?")' P X52Y)23"# '8"#<"(7'(//#$+'%&)'?+)"'%#'7("D'(22?(/'<"#$%&' "52<+'#2'('+9(22)3'57(<)'#0'%&)'9#")' P Z%'7)(+?")+'%&)'35+%(29)'4)%$))2'%&)'<"#$%&'"52<+' Q2(/=E)' P Y5(7)%)"'9&(2<)'#*)"'%&)'8(+%'WV'=)("+'$(+'9(/9?/(%)3' 0"#7'%&)'9&(2<)'52'(22?(/'<"#$%&' P O(+(/'(")('529")7)2%'I'9&(2<)'52'%"?2D'9"#++I+)9;#2(/'(")(' I''$(+'9(/9?/(%)3'0"#7'%&5+' P A&)'8(+%'U'=)("[+'OQZ'$(+'(*)"(<)3' Q'+5<25\9(2%'")/(;#2+&58'4)%$))2'/)(0'1'9#2%)2%'(23'<"#$%&' "(%)'$(+'2#%'0#?23'0#"'(2='+8)95)+,'F5<&)"'/)(0'1'$(+'2#%' (++#95(%)3'$5%&'&5<&)"'"(%)'#0'<"#$%&,'' A&)'25%"#<)2'523)6'7)(+?")3'4='1CM1'&(+'('+5<25\9(2%'8#+5;*)' 9#"")/(;#2'$5%&'(9%?(/'/)(0'25%"#<)2'9#2%)2%,' L?%?")'$#"D'$#?/3'529/?3)'52*)+;<(;2<'$&(%'%"(5%+'3#'52@?)29)' %"))'<"#$%&,' Q9D2#$/)3<)7)2%+' A&(2D+'%#'%&)'G(9D'K(4'(%'Q"5E#2('N%(%)']25*)"+5%=B'%&)' ]NQI:&52('1NL'Y57)2+5#2+'#0'O5#35*)"+5%='")+)("9&'<"#?8'0#"' 9#//)9;2<'\)/3'3(%(B'(23'N("(&'N&("D)=,' K)(0'1'4='N8)95)+' A*"@$B$!+:,:#$