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Silvano Payne, Publisher + Author Hartley G. Lesser, Editorial Director Pattie Waldt, Editor Jill Durfee, Sales Director, Editorial Assistant Donald McGee, Production Manager Simon Payne, Development Manager Chris Forrester, Associate Editor Richard Dutchik, Contributing Editor Alan Gottlieb, Contributing Editor Dan Makinster, Technical Advisor Authors Maxime Baudry Kim Boldt Noel Brown Chris Forrester Alan Gottlieb Yves Hupe Hartley Lesser Julian Simpson Peter Sims Stephanie Villaret Charles Villie Pattie Waldt Published monthly by Satnews Publishers 800 Siesta Way Sonoma, CA 95476 USA Phone: (707) 939-9306 Fax: (707) 838-9235 2011 Satnews Publishers We reserve the right to edit all submitted materials to meet our content guidelines, as well as for grammar and spelling consistency. Articles may be moved to an alternative issue to accommodate publication space requirements or removed due to space restrictions. Submission of content does not constitute acceptance of said material by SatNews Publishers. Edited materials may, or may not, be returned to author and/or company for review prior to publication. e views expressed in our various publications do not necessarily reect the views or opinions of SatNews Publishers. All included imagery is courtesy of, and copyright to, the respective companies. SatMagazine Vol. 4, No. 6 September 2011


6 SatMagazine September 2011 SatMagazine September 2011 Payload A Case In Point 3G Backhaul Over Satellite 86 Challenges + Opportunities by Yves Hupe Event SATCON 2011 76 Executive Spotlight Patrick Shay, Iridium 72 Terry Magee, Wavestream 80 Lars Persson, SSC 90 Focus Advances In Vibration 68 by Noel Brown, Peter Sims, Julian Simpson and Kim Boldt Forresters Focus SES Expands On The Ground 64 by Chris Forrester Gottlieb On Maritime High Stakes, Huge Risks 20 by Alan Gottlieb Insight Repair, We Must... 78 EGNOS Its Here, So Use It! 92 by Charles Villie Product Perusal Mandated ECDIS 84 Nexgen SATCOM Required For Nexgen Navigation Roundtable European Satellite Markets 24 by the edito rs SatBroadcasting SatTV: Will The Future 12 Be Guided By 3D? by Maxime Baudry + Stephane Villaret


SatMagazine September 2011 Advertiser Index 2011 Satellite Director 11 Advantech Wireless 95 (IBC) AAE Systems 59 AMOS by Spacecom 13 AnaCom, Inc. 31 Arabsat 21 AVL Technologies 61 Bridge Technologies 06 Brel & Kjr 69 C-COM Satellite Systems 43 COMSYS VSAT 2011 83 Comtech EF Data 35 Comtech Xicom Technology 29 CPI Wireless Solutions SATCOM Div. 45 DEV Systemtechnik 47 Dubai World Trade Center CABSAT 75 FOXCOM, Inc. 33 Futron 55 GE Satellite 57 GigaSat Limited 49 Global Link Productions 73 Gottlieb International Group 08 IBC 2011 71 Harris Corporation 17 iDirect 23 Integral Systems 27 Intelsat General 07 JD Events SATCON 77 MANSAT, LLC 51 Microspace Communications Corp. 19 MITEQ INC. / MCL 96 (BC) Newpoint Technologies 37 NewSat Limited 09 Newtec CY cover + 05 O3b Networks 03 RT Logic 65 SAT Corporation 53 SatFINDER 10 Skyware Global 25 TeleCommunications Systems 41 Teledyne Paradise Datacom 02 (IFC) W.B. Walton Enterprises, Inc. 39 Wavestream 63 WORK Microwave 15 8 SatMagazine September 2011


12 SatMagazine September 2011 xDSL However, we see no real threat to satellite, at least in the the population in Europe), and the colossal investment required mode. The only technology that might pose a threat to satellite is e.g. a As with early developments in HDTV, satellite opera SatBroadcasting Satellite holds its own against other broadcasting networks... Over and above the problems of cost and geographical coverage, which are very specific to each network, the comparative penetration of TV broadcast technologies is a reflection of how the TV market has developed historically within the various countries. While very uniform in North America, Western Europe comprises many nations with very diverse profiles (high penetration of the terrestrial network in southern Europe, predominance of cable in the north). As a general rule, the traditional broadcasting networks, mostly cable and terrestrial, are tending to lose market share as IPTV gains in strength. This new service, now the growth driver in the pay-TV market and particularly in Western Europe where IPTV is developing rapidly, had attracted some 13 percent of subscriber homes by end-2010. lite operators. Satellite still the undisputed market leader for high-quality TV broadcasting (HD and 3D)... the DVB-T2 DOCSIS 3.0 SatTV: Will The Future Be Guided By 3D? by Maxime Baudry and Stephanie Villaret, IDATE


14 SatMagazine September 2011 Department Header SatBroadcasting operators are also well positioned to capitalize on this growing What positioning should satellite operators adopt, faced with the potential long-term threat of web content migration? While linear TV viewing is still predominant, it now coexists with


SatBroadcasting Non-linear A/V Content Application Data Application Date and Signaling Linear A/V Content purchasing these premium rights, although some are starting premium programs. exclusive operator. 16 SatMagazine September 2011


Department Header 18 SatMagazine September 2011 SatBroadcasting intention is to give users a more complete entertainment expe Once the hybrid solutions stage is over, satellite players will then have to consider whether they should continue inte grating satellite and IP systems. About the authors monitoring the satellite industry, the HbbTV Will the future of satellite be guided by its complementarity with other TV/video distribution networks? medium term, as satellite has to contend with increasing compe serious contender and a particular threat to satellite in the long FTTx Astra Eutelsat Hot Bird Atlantic Bird 3 Orange Canal+ SES Deutsche Telekom HD+ Entertain AT&T and Verizon decided to FiOS TV DirecTV


20 SatMagazine September 2011 High Stakes, Huge Risks: The Race Is On... Gottlieb On Maritime by Alan Gottlieb, Managing Director, Gottlieb International Group, Inc. After years of building their business, Inmarsats third party Distribution Partners now find themselves in a price war with the giant satellite operator. They are fighting what appears to be a direct-to-end user distribution strategy. Announced in a June 30th press release, Inmarsats aggressive strategy incorporates extraordinary reductions in the price of VSAT combined with an unlimited Fleet Broadband back up package. i.e. Huge Risks for Inmarsat ment serious questions are apparent as to with the initiative. current management. Potential Rewards driving down revenue and reduced and ulti on the dollar. The and a limited ping consumers course, the same consolidation could also occur in military and avia


22 SatMagazine September 2011 Fighting Back... Differentiating Product/Service: Demystifying Global Xpress SatMagazine The Coming Battle for the Maritime Market ) coverage with another satellite. nesses through customer education via advertising, issuance and Marketing, Marketing, Marketing complete solutions and high-end service vs. low priced, The Game Has Changed About the Author: www. ) Buying VSAT, The First Independent Guide and numerous articles SatMagazine and Digital Ship Gottlieb On Maritime


24 SatMagazine September 2011 Roundtable: European Satellite Markets What better way to garner European Satellite Markets expertise than to talk directly with the executives whose companies are involved in numerous business efforts in this region of the world? A number of company leaders were generous enough to discuss their thoughts and plans for their firms continued activity in the various market segments within the European SatCom environs. Due to the number of executives involved, we present in alphabetical order each participating company and their executive spokesperson answering the first question. We hope you find this roundtable to be interesting... SatMagazine (SM) Please explain to our readers what your Companys presence is within the European satellite communications and ancillary markets. What sort of experience does your Company possess within the European satellite markets? Paul Weldon, Senior Vice President of Global Sales, ASC Signal Gilat and iDirect BBC ITN and RAI Joerg Schmidt, Managing Director + CEO, DEV Systemtechnik DEV Systemtechnik is a leading tech within satellite Earth stations and head ends. We develop and produce leadingcompanies such as Astra Eutelsat GlobeCast the European Broadcasting Union ZDF Kabel Deutschland Canal Digital Kabel TV Jani Lyrintzis, Vice President + G.M., Wireless Solutions, EB EB develops advanced technology product that enriches end user experiences. The motive industry and wireless technologies. architecture. The EB Wireless Business Segment turns the next services and solutions that include wireless device development modeling, and emulating the radio channel environments. Dimitrios Papaharalabos, Head of Sales + Marketing, Europe Media Port EMP Europe Media Port Nemea teleport located in 24 SatMagazine September 2011


Phillippe Manzano, Head of Satellite Product Management, Globecast GlobeCast is a leading service provider delivery. Broadcast via satellite is our core their content and deliver it seamlessly to direct-to-home DTH in the region. Roberto Lpez, CEO, Hisdesat Hisdesat third satellite is in development in coop eration with the Norwegian Ministry of Defense satellites in operation. The Spain Sat is positioned at 30 degrees West East. The second satellite, Xtar-Eur, is positioned at 29 degrees East, communications satellite in development is Hisnorsat and will Paz ) Ingenio ) Exact Earth COMDEV and Hisdesat There Mary Cotton, CEO, iDirect extensive, and increasingly so. As time tioned ourselves as trusted advisors. This are leading our competition. to all satellites in the 45 degrees West to 90 degrees East Catherine De Peuter, Senior Program Manager, Futron Futron Space and Telecommunications has concentrated its research on satellite who use our standardized research and strategic consulting lite communications in that its clients are active in the launch export credit analysis. Doron Elinav, V. P., Marketing and Business Development, Gilat Satellite Networks Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd. cations industry and we have not stopped Raysat Antenna Systems and Wavestream Satellite-onthe-Move SOTM ) antennas, mostly to government customers. Wavestream SSPA Solid State Power Department of Defense DoD ) today and they are now expanding up until now mostly on the enterprise and government sectors. sales today are to service providers who provide technology and SES Astra2Connect Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 26 SatMagazine September 2011


Bruno Dupas, President, Integral Systems Europe two sites, our headquarters in Toulouse, Satellite Command & Control/Fleet Management via our EPOCH Integrated Product Suite EPOCH IPS ) which has long dominated the management. As the leading commercial geostationary Earth Station Integration Services (ESIS) which includes design and integrated Earth Network Management using our award-winning COMPASS Network Management System NMS ) which provides complete toring control, as well as remote site management. RF Mitigation where ISE Integral Systems Monics SAT-DSA and satID to tion and geolocation system. and locate the source within Integrated Ground System Solutions comprised ment, C2/TT&C control system, Svend Lykke Larsen, Managing Director, KVH Europe A/S KVH nications systems and service, as well as leisure mariners throughout Europe. This Virtek Communications KVH Norway Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 27 SatMagazine September 2011


CommBox Ship/Shore Network Manager within Howard Hausman, President + CEO, MITEQ MITEQ satellite Earth station equipment and micro have equipment in more than a hundred countries on seven continents, with Europe including the European Herschel Space Telescope These high around the world. Ahsun Murad, President + CEO, Optimal SATCOM Optimal SATCOM is the only provider lite capacity management systems in the world, catering to commercial satel lite operators, satellite service providers, are using larger and more complex satellites. the planning stages. At the same time, corporations are pushing Gabriel Racah, Director of Marketing, ORBIT ORBIT Eutelsat Telemetry, Tracking and Command ) John Restivo, Vice President + G.M., Teledyne Paradise Datacom Teledyne Paradise Datacom is unique among satellite communications equipment Dr. Harald Stange, CEO + Managing Director, Romantis GmbH telecommunication companies worldwide. We specialize in reselling satellite capacities, systems integration, research and development, ground segment Peter Guggenbach, CEO, RUAG Space RUAG Space is the largest European space launcher structures and separation systems, satellite structures and mechanisms, digital electronics, satellite communications equip ment and satellite instruments. For commer antennas, receivers and converters, structures and mechanisms, multi-layer insulation and mechanical ground support equipment. Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 28 SatMagazine September 2011


David Hochner, CEO, SatLink SatLink Communications delivers your communication enterprises and maritime as Direct to Home DTH over Hot Bird and Eurobird 9 satellites to international casters wishing to reach our teleport. quality service as well as in the smart in supplying solutions We are already transmitting more HD channels and Over The Top OTT ) solutions. We and government communica tions division handling requests agencies, organizations and corporate clients. These clients international communications John Suranyi, President + CEO, Sencore Sencore ment and success in engineering design and tech European satellite community that supports reli monitoring and analysis solutions, and test and measurement equipment, all designed to support system interoper Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 29 SatMagazine September 2011


Romain Bausch, President + CEO, SES in the world and the clear DTH leader in Europe. We pioneered European DTH in provide satellite-delivered television to homes across Europe without access to a We launched SES ASTRA as a DTH satellite system to provide new programming and more channel choices to house By the way, IBC SES ASTRA and SES WORLD SKIES One SES well over the years. Steve Beaumont, Senior Vice President, Skyware Global Skyware Global satellite communications arena and, as such, us the natural choice when it comes to satellite systems. Gil Ilany, Vice President, Marketing, Spacecom Spacecom is the multi-regional satellite AMOS AMOS-2 and AMOS-3 satellites co-located at the 4 degrees West Arnold Friedman, Senior Vice President, Marketing & Sales, SS/L Space Systems/Loral European companies. We have a long Telenor Satellite Broadcasting in Norway. The satellite, THOR 7 will and Eastern Europe. Dr. Matt Perkins, CEO, Surrey Satellite Technology, Ltd. SSTL a Geostationary Minisatellite Platform GMP-T the European Space Agency through their ARTES program Galileo GIOVE-A and Mark Dankberg, Chairman + CEO, ViaSat and commercial customers and partners. We cover the whole European continent and partnerships in most European countries. ness. Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 30 SatMagazine September 2011


Jesse van Straaten, COO, Vizada Vizada is the leading independent provider Within Europe, we are largest indepen merchant shipping vessels, emergency response organizations, civil aviation. Steffano Vittor, CEO, Vizada Networks when expanding their WAN architec Kai Koppenburg, Director of Sales + Marketing, WORK Microwave divisions producing advanced products WORK Microwave also serves industrial production lines in these industry sectors have chosen them as their trusted Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 31 SatMagazine September 2011


SM Why did your Company enter this market? How long has your Company been involved in this segment? Dr. Matt Perkins, SSTL Romain Bausch, President + CEO, SES compelling channel lineup in the respective European languages ultimately a much larger channel count. Every time we added Dimitrios Papaharalabos, Europe Media Port tude and unique partnerships with other teleports and satellite Gil Ilany, Spacecom to enhance our services to the region. Dr. Harald Stange, Romantis Jesse van Straaten, Vizada Astrium Services Peter Guggenbach, RUAG Space Karl Koppenburg, WORK Microwave Howard Hausman, MITEQ Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 32 SatMagazine September 2011


Gabriel Racah, ORBIT Joerg Schmidt, DEV Systemtechnik Jesse van Straaten, Vizada Roberto Lpez, Hisdesat secure satellite communications services to government agen especially in supplying governments with these services. Doron Elinav, Gilat are the prime candidates. Catherine De Peuter, Futron expanded our original customer segment to include the manu continuously support their activities. Ahsun Murad, Optimal SATCOM have since expanded to provide enterprise capacity management systems to other European satellite operators, the larger satellite Steffano Vittor, Vizada Networks private companies. Svend Lykke Larsen, KVH Phillippe Manzano, Globecast Bruno Dupas, Integral Systems Europe Steve Beaumont, Skyware Global competitive solutions across the satellite spectrum. Mary Cotton, iDirect iDirect initially expanded into Europe in a technical capacity in Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 34 SatMagazine September 2011


quite healthy in Europe. and development group in Herndon, Virginia. David Hochner, SatLink Paul Weldon, ASC Signal Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 35 SatMagazine September 2011


Arnold Friedman, SS/L John Restivo, Teledyne Paradise Datacom Mark Dankberg, ViaSat extremely competitive. From a government sector perspective, SM Are you focused on any particular segments, due to their growth potential? (i.e., launch, manufacturing, teleport, secu rity, MILSATCOM, imagery, satellite broadcast, and others.) What market segments in Europe do you believe are the most promising for your Company? Dimitrios Papaharalabos, Europe Media Port Bruno Dupas, Integral Systems Europe casters, service providers, government agencies and the military. industry group estimates that satellite operators with small-toproducts in the industry, providing accurate detection within Mark Dankberg, ViaSat Ahsun Murad, Optimal SATCOM TV and other such services. Arnold Friedman, SS/L among others. Svend Lykke Larsen, KVH Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 36 SatMagazine September 2011


Jani Lyrintzis, EB communications options. But cially when spectrum layouts in Europe are denser than not as prevalent, as compared opportunity in Europe is less entertainment purposes. gies including a connectivity module, a device EB, satellite-terrestrial connec tivity concept, allows satel lite and traditional cellular coverage to converge to spawn increased communica remote monitoring, medical monitoring, home security, more closely together as seen Asset Tracking Maritime Applications or otherwise, have increased productivity and decreased costs Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 37 SatMagazine September 2011


Military Entertainment Gabriel Racah, ORBIT decided to enter the maritime satellite communications domain, companies in the world. European companies were also among John Suranyi, Sencore TV segments. Dr. Harald Stange, Romantis that may help its customers with complete solution comprising Gil Ilany, Spacecom and programmers, corporate and government organizations, Catherine De Peuter, Futron e.g. will continue to grow. We particularly see interest in satellite competitiveness as a whole. Peter Guggenbach, RUAG Space Through our participation in those programs we acquire tech Kai Koppenburg, WORK Microwave Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 38 SatMagazine September 2011


mind our close relationship with our customers and our deep Dr. Matt Perkins, SSTL and allows the company to mance systems at costs that Paul Weldon, ASC Signal segments that require satel we have an outstanding lenging climatic conditions, heat and typhoon condi temperature in continental Howard Hausman, MITEQ on Earth station ground equip the modem and the antenna. cations are transparent to launch services with low phase noise converters used with ruggedized equipment that operates over a wide tempera ture range, and other applications, such as multiple or very military applications. Joerg Schmidt, DEV Systemtechnik Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 39 SatMagazine September 2011


Doron Elinav, Gilat customers, and at more competitive prices. The main target prise and government applications, as well. Jesse van Straaten, Vizada a priority in our European development and sales. Within the Steve Beaumont, Skyware Global Steffano Vittor, Vizada Networks communication needs including military applications. We are David Hochner, SatLink Mary Cotton, iDirect The most promising segments would certainly include Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 40 SatMagazine September 2011


Romain Bausch, SES We continue to innovate and advance in other segments, Roberto Lpez, Hisdesat Phillippe Manzano, Globecast SM What have been among your most successful projects for this market? Why? Romain Bausch, SES Bruno Dupas, Integral Systems Europe Phillippe Manzano, Globecast Kai Koppenburg, WORK Microwave investment and resource allocation on maintenance, cutting down overall operational costs. Jesse van Straaten, Vizada service is still new, it has generated great interest and we expect has had with maritime crews. Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 42 SatMagazine September 2011


43 SatMagazine September 2011 Mary Cotton, iDirect the largest upgrades in our history, and one that was managed line during this crisis. Steffano Vittor, Vizada Networks John Restivo, Teledyne Paradise Datacom choice as a supplier to Armed Forces across Europe Through our tegically important to our company with the potential to yield Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 43 SatMagazine September 2011


David Hochner, SatLink Roberto Lpez, Hisdesat with the Norwegian government, as well as the previous ones ment communications services through satellite. Despite how young our company is we have an impres ment agencies too. The last international competition we won was with the government services via satellite. Joerg Schmidt, DEV Systemtechnik Paul Weldon, ASC Signal in the European region, operators appreciate its operational and sophistication, when these are required. Steve Beaumont, Skyware Global dwellings across the country. Dr. Matt Perkins, SSTL is partly institutional and partly commercial. and the capacity on the satellites is leased to commercial compa Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 44 SatMagazine September 2011


Dimitrios Papaharalabos, Europe Media Port regions around the world. a wide audience. Dr. Harald Stange, Romantis how the commercial European companies can help emerging John Suranyi, Sencore Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 45 SatMagazine September 2011


Arnold Friedman, SS/L the way. When they are right here with us on site, important Mark Dankberg, ViaSat Water and Waste management serving more than ten million Gil Ilany, Spacecom launching and supporting important DTH providers such as ings and the regions they reach. These important DTH services, communications and entertainment are popular. Howard Hausman, MITEQ Svend Lykke Larsen, KVH Doron Elinav, Gilat We have many enterprise and corporate customers in teleport in France while maintaining direct, single-hop connec Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 46 SatMagazine September 2011


Ahsun Murad, Optimal SATCOM the same time, its management is very receptive to innovative Peter Guggenbach, RUAG Space spurious levels. Gabriel Racah, ORBIT tion process, the customer tested several vendor systems at sea. Catherine De Peuter, Futron SM The challenges are numerous for entry into, and for business sustainment within, this area of the world. What do you see as among the most formidable challenges to surmount? Jesse van Straaten, Vizada All the new technological developments that the industry churns maintains a technology agnostic approach, meaning that we Steffano Vittor, Vizada Networks Howard Hausman, MITEQ operating expenses. Dimitrios Papaharalabos, Europe Media Port Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 47 SatMagazine September 2011


service to our client needs. Catherine De Peuter, Futron Phillippe Manzano, Globecast in the satellite domain are alternative delivery solutions, such as DTH players is the next challenge that will impact the industry. Joerg Schmidt, DEV Systemtechnik tant to understand that ultimately the world is analog. The The second challenge is how to meet the driving demand. that what is used since the old analog times. Paul Weldon, ASC Signal more experience than anyone in understanding how changing customer needs. John Suranyi, Sencore Mark Dankberg, ViaSat government organizations simply assume that satellite is a last sive than all terrestrial services. seeing progress in Europe, too. Gil Ilany, Spacecom with our partners and weather economic challenges, such as the ongoing world economic turmoil. We are always ready to Mary Cotton, iDirect Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 48 SatMagazine September 2011


Another challenge is in competing technologies, particu to deliver in-country services competing in turn with emerging Svend Lykke Larsen, KVH our customers expect. Gabriel Racah, ORBIT which allows us to provide industry-leading solutions in these Steve Beaumont, Skyware Global tions to help promote and respond to local demands. With a Doron Elinav, Gilat Provide more capacity, at lower price per Mbps areas. Complement terrestrial networks satellite. Areas where terrestrial networks are not applicable planes and trains. Kai Koppenburg, WORK Microwave to newer technologies and standards, and newer equipment is Ahsun Murad, Optimal SATCOM processes to the new system. David Hochner, SatLink to add more news and sports segments that maximize our more Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 50 SatMagazine September 2011


Dr. Matt Perkins, SSTL the technology they are prepared to allow onto their missions. really do help. Dr. Harald Stange, Romantis presence via satellite. John Restivo, Teledyne Paradise Datacom e.g, organization communication programs, providing strategic mili SM What applications are driving the demand for satellite-deliv ered communications in Europe? What do you see as the major focuses for driving existing and new business in this arena? John Suranyi, Sencore technology solutions include digital satellite news gathering, Mary Cotton, iDirect Within the military vertical, despite the changing nature to continue to support rapid reaction deployments, the recent with an increase in data demand and utilization in areas such as this area. Joerg Schmidt, DEV Systemtechnik the digitally modulated signals do not accept signal degradation to the same extent as analog modulated signals. To address all John Restivo, Teledyne Paradise Datacom Paul Weldon, ASC Signal Mark Dankberg, ViaSat Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 52 SatMagazine September 2011


Romain Bausch, SES Then there are the developments in Eastern Europe where new those cases, satellite is the high-speed connectivity. Svend Lykke Larsen, KVH company or yacht owner has their own unique requirements. However, are regulatory compli always-on connectivity to including sending large integrated with a ship oper support recruiting and crew connection to home is an easily and at a very low Dimitrios Papaharalabos, Europe Media Port already invest heavily into these next generation systems and along Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 53 SatMagazine September 2011


David Hochner, SatLink thus we can provide dedicated solutions to satellite operators, various technologies and solutions so that we can deliver supe Dr. Matt Perkins, SSTL via satellite. Kal Koppenburg, WORK Microwave growing and will certainly play an evolutionary role in providing Dr. Harald Stange, Romantis Jesse van Straaten, Vizada e-mail, social media, etc., no matter where they are in the world. This is where the satellite communications industry comes in. Phillippe Manzano, Globecast Roberto Lpez, Hisdesat innovation that will allow us the permanent improvement and Steffano Vittor, Vizada Networks these regions. The untapped potential in the rapidly increasing we see in the industrialized world. Catherine De Peuter, Futron Steve Beaumont, Skyware Global answer the increased demand. Ahsun Murad, Optimal SATCOM providers are using these same innovations to deliver enterprise long-term demand. Bruno Dupas, Integral Systems Europe Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 54 SatMagazine September 2011


help satellite services providers streamline their operations, cut opportunity as government agencies and the military need to Howard Hausman, MITEQ increased in communica communication is one leg ture that proportionately will the recent past HDTV drove texting is driving the demand Gil Ilany, Spacecom Technology is a primary are generating new TV chan nels and as we have already seen, adding supplementary entertainment, sports and communications applications lite capacity moving ahead new TV channels throughout the region. New DTH players are coming into the economic growth engages the local economies in our target more channels as well as new SM Have you offered any guidance to your business teams and/or shareholders as to how you project your Companys quarterly earnings for this market and for the global market overall? Joerg Schmidt, DEV Systemtechnik Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 55 SatMagazine September 2011


Dimitrios Papaharalabos, Europe Media Port Paul Weldon, ASC Signal Roberto Lpez, Hisdesat Doron Elinav, Gilat Mark Dankberg, ViaSat there are always opportunities when you can deliver higher AND John Restivo, Teledyne Paradise Datacom region, ensuring that every dollar invested in product develop Mary Cotton, iDirect Jesse van Straaten, Vizada Svend Lykke Larsen, KVH lid on consumer spending, especially in the leisure marine and airtime service will continue to grow as more customers acti Ahsun Murad, Optimal SATCOM customers, we expect continued strong growth throughout the Catherine De Peuter, Futron Steve Beaumont, Skyware Global Steffano Vittor, Vizada Networks ning provided to our shareholders. Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 56 SatMagazine September 2011


Gabriel Racah, ORBIT Peter Guggenbach, RUAG Space DTH customers in Eastern Europe will also produce additional SM How do you believe the European satellite market will impact global, as well as your Companys, business opportunities? Romain Bausch, SES And while people may tend to spend less on restaurants, movies sporting events and movies delivered to their home. HD and diverse clientele. Paul Weldon, ASC Signal proven solutions in the short term. This is not meant to sound Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 57 SatMagazine September 2011


Gil Ilany, Spacecom a more connected world, satellite operators will continue to positioning ourselves to continue our growth as a multi-regional Ahsun Murad, Optimal SATCOM capital investments in enterprise systems such as our satel We expect to see continued strong growth in the European that currency. changing environment. Mark Dankberg, ViaSat ners the world over. Dr. Harald Stange, Romantis with solutions Steve Beaumont, Skyware Global ensure that our customers receive a highly competitive price. choose to compete in. Europe whilst well developed in many high quality and technologically advanced solutions. There is Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 58 SatMagazine September 2011


Roundtable Gabriel Racah, ORBIT cations allows them to streamline their operations and reduce overhead costs. From electronic charts and maintenance training that this industry is inherently more resilient to the challenges Dimitrios Papaharalabos, Europe Media Port Doron Elinav, Gilat Anything that happens in Europe has an impact on the Svend Lykke Larsen, KVH time companies that managed to grow through the toughest part to grow in the coming quarters and years, despite the current should see more activity in the commercial maritime sector, 59 SatMagazine September 2011


adding satellite communications and entertainment to a wider Peter Guggenbach, RUAG Space We do not expect more growth in Europe as in other parts countries which drive growth on the commercial satellite realize these opportunities. Catherine De Peuter, Futron remained constant in the past years and is expected to remain its dependence on the government and commercial sectors to parently so. highly competitive internationally, the region needs to stimu late entrepreneurial activity and small scale activity. There is a John Restivo, Teledyne Paradise Datacom our shareholders. Dr. Harald Stange, Romantis own satellites. John Suranyi, Sencore expanding applications. Mary Cotton, iDirect operators in the region. Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 60 SatMagazine September 2011


Phillippe Manzano, Globecast David Hochner, SatLink Because the European satellite operators are world leaders, leaders around the world. Additionally, Eutelsat is an industry Howard Hausman, MITEQ Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 61 SatMagazine September 2011


all over the world and demand the same connectivity, what Roberto Lpez, Hisdesat resolution mapping, planning agriculture crops, promote the way to overcome the current crisis. Dr. Matt Perkins, SSTL width purchase. supporting institutional and commercial programs in Europe. Steffano Vittor, Vizada Networks Arnold Friedman, SS/L Kai Koppenburg, WORK Microwave ship and cutting-edge, sophisticated products. Bruno Dupas, Integral Systems Europe expensive and hard to manage. and may questioned how such will impact European opera Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 62 SatMagazine September 2011


Joerg Schmidt, DEV Systemtechnik currently hold, with the loyal customers we now serve, we have had to demonstrate consistently over the past decade, Europe, we are also in a great customers as they expand same time, customers around the world, are increasingly quality solutions. Jani Lyrintzis, EB Europe will continue to rise, especially as new use cases gies advance to allow endto the cloud over satellite. Although connecting to the phase, it is another example connected, wherever they are. Jesse van Straaten, Vizada Due to the economic environ the world, we have seen a slow especially with the shipping companies who were reluctant to newer systems. However, even during the economic crisis, we cations is vital to the operations communications. The crisis Roundtable: European Satellite Markets 63 SatMagazine September 2011


64 SatMagazine September 2011 Forresters Focus SES Expands On The Ground: Getting Ready For Tomorrows Broadcasting Demands by Chris Forrester, European Editor, SatMagazine SES is investing heavily in its ground-based infrastructure as well as in new satellite capacity. This past few days have seen two celebratory events, one to lay the foundation stone on a major expansion of facilities at its Betzdorf headquarters (see separate box), and earlier this summer the official opening of its impressive new Astra Platform Services play-out centre near Munich, Germany. adding new channels and services. Astra Platform Services (APS) antenna farm


65 SatMagazine September 2011 this one is especially dynamic. already play out to dish and streamed services to these complete with encryption and every small town had many video rental stores. They are one or two national or interna suspect that recommendation A Client Of The Major Kind Forresters Focus


66 SatMagazine September 2011 air conditioning and more monitoring equipment, as it is needed. and the European content that we already handle is extremely now have that space to add new channels. Using APS, and operating from 8,400km away... Outsourcing, under the Top TV brief, meant APS had to create a system from scratch that operated seamlessly, with NDS conditional access encryption as well as integrating an EPG service, along with systems for programming schedules, metadata gathering and a professional Media Asset Management solution for the opening bouquet of 53 TV and 25 radio channels and space for expansion. Subs have grown far faster than anticipated and many new channels added. In July Top TV beat off tough competition from well-established MultiChoice and others to win SatComs Star Award as Best Satellite Broadcast Provider for Africa. TopTVs citation highlights the companys move into TVs new directions, namely its MPEG4 transmissions, and that TopTV has helped bring television entertainment and infor mation to the previous not haves of society. Frans Lindeque is Top TVs COO. We looked closely at the worlds best service providers in the broad cast media industry, who could have done a very good job for us, but when we looked at the standards being suggested by APS, they were impressive. Their overall performance and the quality levels they met were superb. In fact, the APS operational standards are incredible. Just look at the way they operate in Munich, look at the way they built their own systems. It has all been done so professionally. The team, and the support we got from them, was absolutely stunning. We know theyre growing and wed like to grow with them. Id like to think that the contract and the relationship were governed by a technological rapport where we all wanted to do the very best we could and with sensible pricing. Portfolio Extension APS has has expanded outside Europe. APS today serves the operation of some 300 TV channels with dozens in High Definition, 3D-TV channels, plus 42 radio channels and 59 data services. These data services are growing fast says APS, as broadcasters tap into delivering programming into multiple devices. The new playout centre will complement the existing premises which continue to operate as a physical back-up. Wilfried Urner, CEO of Astra Platform Services, says: In the past years our customer base has doubled. We have entered new markets such as South Africa and added new services such as Digital Asset Management. The new playout centre will open up further growth opportunities for our fast growing company, and allow us to further develop our product portfolio and expand geographically. It therefore represents a very important milestone for our international growth strategy. Forresters Focus


67 SatMagazine September 2011 detection and display. About the author who specializes in content, emerging applications, on all SES Is Also Busy At Betzdorf SES senior officials April 26 laid the foundation stone at a new m satellite control centre at its Betzdorf, Luxembourg headquarters. The expansion plans will also see an additional business centre constructed at Betzdorf. Part of the brief is that Betzdorf is ready for the O3b MEO constellation. The construction project will include a new Technical Building with associated office space to handle future needs for SES expanding global satellite fleet of 44 satellites, and an extended antennae field. The new facilities will also host the Satellite Operations Centre (SOC) for satellite infrastructure start-up O3b, whose MEO (Mid Earth Orbit) constellation of initially eight spacecraft will be flown out of Betzdorf starting 2013. Next to the new 5,000+ square metre Technical Building, the extended antennae field will be capable of holding up to 40 large scale satellite communications dishes with the ability to cover an orbital arc over Europe stretching from 62 degrees West to 70 degrees East. SES is also investing in a new 3,500 square metre energy-efficient Business Centre for developing SES divisions, and to host third-party activities on the Betzdorf Mediaport. The SES investment is accompanied by a significant investment from the Luxembourg Government and the Commune of Betzdorf, whose contributions will add 3.2 kilometres of roads, water, gas, electricity and vital communications lines to the Betzdorf site, and will be complemented by a new local power grid station and water tower. APS Infrastructure Offerings tenance etc.) BFE router control system APS Master Control APS Opening Ceremony Forresters Focus


68 SatMagazine September 2011 Since World War II, vibration testing has gone hand-inhand with aerospace and space development. The latest developments in this technology have led to synchronization with data acquisition and has benefitted satellite qualification. resilient metal structures, not to mention the sensitive electrical closely connected to the aerospace and space industries. Advances In Vibration Qualification Testing by Noel Brown, Peter Sims, Julian Simpson and Kim Boldt of Brel & Kjr mechanical equipment made control systems and communica Space Applications will not degrade during launch. Stresses are few once safely floating in the weightless realm, but satellites have a hugely perilous and expensive journey to get there. Focus


69 SatMagazine September 2011 Test Hardware using a closed-loop control method. Through this, it constantly monitors and modulates the output drive signal, ensuring it New Control Architecture tivity that allow integration with data acquisition hardware via a tion has similar modular architecture, so with the two systems monitors as necessary. Setup Simplified highly prized. Focus


70 SatMagazine September 2011 Advanced Technology input channels, without multiple-input voltage range circuitry. the rest. Focus


72 SatMagazine September 2011 Executive Spotlight Patrick Shay, Vice President & General Manager, Data Services, Iridium Patrick Shay has more than 20 years of management experience in the telematics industry with specific expertise in the GPS and wireless markets. As vice president, data services, Iridium Communications Inc., he provides the strategic leadership necessary to guide the companys growth in this rapidly expanding segment. Under Shays direction, the Machine-to-Machine (M2M) business continues to be the fastest growing market segment at Iridium, serving customers in industries such as transportation, maritime, aviation, oil/gas and government. He is also chair of the ProTECTS Alliance, a global industry group focused on the promotion of two-way emergency messaging and tracking solutions with more than 40 members worldwide. Prior to Iridium, Shay held vice president positions at Hughes Telematics, Sirius Satellite Radio and Rand McNally where he created and launched innovative new services in the wireless and GPS marketplace. Mr. Shay began his career with Motorola, where he led the global sales team for the companys GPS and Telematics business. SatMagazine (SM) Its been two years since we last talked. At that time, you had recently joined Iridium to head up the companys data services business. Before we get started with questions, please refresh your current responsibilities with Iridium. Patrick Shay The Iridium 9602 short-burst data modem, smaller than a matchbook, provides an embedded solution for a wide range of tracking, monitoring and messaging devices.


73 SatMagazine September 2011 partners who spearhead our penetration into newly evolving, SM We understand M2M data is Iridiums fastest growing vertical market. How fast is it growing? Patrick Shay SM What is driving the rapid growth? Patrick Shay into their enterprise resource planning and logistics manage phones and messaging devices are giving rise to a totally new Executive Spotlight


74 SatMagazine September 2011 SM What is Iridiums value proposition for M2M? Patrick Shay SM Tell us about the new SBD device you introduced last year. Patrick Shay SM How has the marketplace accepted the Iridium 9602? Patrick Shay SM When we last talked with you in 2009, you were involved in forming an industry group to promote standards for personal us a report on the progress made in this area? Executive Spotlight Patrick Shay to approve the standard and present it to the industry and related SM You mentioned that the ProTECTS Alliance aims to foster two-way data connections. Why is that important? Patrick Shay reassure the sender that help is on the way. SM We see that your satellite replenishment program, Iridium NEXT, appears to be on track for launches starting in 2015. How will Iridium NEXT affect your data services business? Patrick Shay SM Lastly, what projects have you completed that bring the broadest smile to your face? Patrick Shay


75 SatMagazine September 2011 Department Header


76 SatMagazine September 2011 Event Event: SATCON 2011 For the tenth consecutive year the satellite industry will be converging on New York City for the SATCON exhibition and conference October 12 & 13 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center. SATCON latest satellite communications and content delivery technolo The program on Wednesday, October 12th, includes: KEYNOTE Next Generation Satellites: A Conversation with Mark Dankberg Viasat and Pradman Kaul Hughes Communications, Inc Future Resiliency in SATCOM: space architecture New Technologies and Choices for Comms-on-the-Move Update Future Commercial Satellite Communications Services Acquisition (FCSA) New Techniques Extending the Life of the Satellite Delivering Satellite-Based ICT for Disaster Preparedness... Sustainability Fundamentals of Satellite Communications, Part 1 KEYNOTE Panel International 3D Society Your World in 3D Separating the Facts from the Hype File-based Distribution Over Satellite What is the Satellite and Fiber Model for the Next Generation Program Delivery for Old Media? The program on October 13th includes: Government & Military Keynote: Lt. Gen. Michael J. Basla, Vice Commander, Air Force Space Command, U. S. Air Force Hosted Payloads On The Horizon: Opportunities and Challenges (RSVP Required) Advanced Technologies Whats Next for COMSATCOM in the Military? Financing Satellite Businesses: New Strategies for a New Market Environment? MSUA: Competition in Mobility Services: MSS and FSS Operators go Head to Head Fundamental of Satellite Communications, Part 2 Are We Winning The War Against Satellite Interference? Dynamic Digital Signage: How Satellite Generated Dynamic Place-based Media is Creating New Opportunities Whats New @ SATCON This Year? operators, and the satellite services end users. The military and The speakers on the Hosted Payloads panel include: MODERATOR Patricia Cooper SIA SPEAKERS Robert Tip Osterthaler SES US Government Solutions Charles Baker National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA ) Don Brown Intelsat General Corporation Byron Browning Branch, Army CIO G6 Don Thoma, Hosted Payload Alliance Iridium What About Special Events? ening government and commercial partnerships within the satel Michael Driscoll Director, CCW/SATCON production. SSPI Future Leaders Dinner with the talent and motivation to advance into leadership posi tions in the satellite industry, as well as one executive recog Promise and Mentor Awards Registration www.satcon SatNews using VIP Code CCG16 with any questions.


78 SatMagazine September 2011 InSight Since Newtec opened its doors in 1985 it has consistently worked to ensure the products it researches, designs and manufactures are as reliable as possible. But even with the hardiest of kits there are still occasions when components fail and repairs are necessary. The general approach has always been to have a centralised system with all repairs carried out either in a main facility, or in Newtecs case, at one of its regional repair centers around the world. This, however, is changing as Newtec makes a new emphasis on third party partners. Certified partners will soon handle the vast majority of inand postwarranty repair services and there are many benefits for the satellite communications industry to take as a result. Repair, We Must The Importance To The SATCOM Industry centralized location. Authorized Repair Center Locations NPO SvyazProekt, SVS Telekom


79 SatMagazine September 2011 eventually span the world. Authorized Repair Centers ARC ) were is currently underway. Sander Boom Customer Services and Production, authorized repair centers present us with a great opportunity to gain access to new regions and to understand the culture and we will continue to measure everything to ensure a transparent Repair Flexibility + Speed Luca Catalano Communication Video Engineering CVE nology partners. High Standards as well. Boom Overall Benefits InSight


80 SatMagazine September 2011 Executive Spotlight Terry Magee, Executive Vice President, Wavestream SatMagazine (SM) Good day, Mr. Magee. Thanks for taking the time from your busy schedule to talk with us and our readers. Having a great deal of experience within the commercial space in engaging the Department of Defense (DoD) and other government agen cies for various projects, what would you say are the most chal lenging aspects of your business? Terry Magee answer. First, Wavestream is a third tier component provider. satellite terminals. The integrators in turn provide equipment to Terry Magee has more than 40 years of experience in positions of leadership and management in the defense industry. At Wavestream, Terry has responsibility for business development, sales, marketing and product management. Terrys distinguished career is marked by 27 years of service in the U.S. Navy as a Naval aviator with extensive operational experience and tours on staffs and in the Pentagon. His four command tours included command of two Aviation Squadrons on the Duluth and the Kitty Hawk. Mr. Magee subsequently served as president of Orincon, overseeing significant sales and market growth until the companys acquisition by Lockheed Martin. He has since served in senior operational and strategic positions with Lockheed Martin, including the development and execution of capture plans for numerous large programs and C4ISR/IT Maritime Strategies and campaigns. Mr. Magee holds an MBA from the Naval Postgraduate School, and a BA in Biology from SUNY Brockport. He is active in several professional organizations, including AFCEA, San Diego Military Advisory Council and Tailhook, and community organizations, including Operation Home Front, United Through Reading, Palomar College Foundation and Achievement Rewards for College Students. Photo courtesy of AvL Technologies


81 SatMagazine September 2011 Department Header Executive Spotlight criteria. Wavestream needs to communicate to our customers SM As you look at your efforts on behalf of Wavestream, what are the one or two most important projects, in your opinion, that you are most proud of completing? Why are these successes so exceptional? Terry Magee We have several areas where we have introduced new products to multiple industries and customers. pony into a thriving, growing entity within the worldwide satel lite communications industry. SM Wavestream is the Spatial Power Advantage technology. Would you please describe this technology and why such is an important part of Wavestreams offerings? Terry Magee reduced thermal loads, again minimizing size, weight and energy and replace TWTAs, which require costly and time-consuming Globecomm terminal, photo courtesy of Globecomm


82 SatMagazine September 2011 SM With conversations running rampant regarding how the commercial sector can aid the budget-slashing govern ment agency and military segments, what role can, and will Wavestream play in assisting in this arena? Terry Magee sometimes requirements are such that there are no replacements, contracts will not necessarily achieve these goals. SM What are your thoughts regarding the push for hosted payloads for military and government payloads aboard commercial vehicles? Terry Magee SM Without the necessary, reliable equipment to conduct MILSATCOM mission support, lives are in jeopardy... what role does Wavestream play in offsetting the lack of commu nication product release in a timely manner to ensure opera tional environments have the best equipment at hand? Terry Magee As mentioned earlier, our role as a third tier supplier is somewhat SM What products can we expect to see over the next year in both the commercial and the military/government space? What are your thoughts regarding Wavestreams potential successes over the next year or so? Terry Magee nology is it provides an architecture that is agnostic to the type chip technology matures to a level providing superiority over these new products. We are, in the meantime, surveying and SM What are your main concerns regarding the global economy for our industry and, in particular, the business environment within the United States? Terry Magee operators. We are not expecting customers to have new money consistent plan. Further procurement delays, continuing resolu SM Lastly, a major concern in our industry is the lack of appro new products by our companies. What are your thoughts on how we can support and further STEM education for our youngsters? Is Wavestream engaged in any of these endeavors? Terry Magee a strong national commitment to anything as large or encom not easily met without local and national commitments toward Executive Spotlight


84 SatMagazine September 2011 Product Perusal Mandated ECDIS Nexgen SATCOM Required For Nexgen Navigation A revolution is underway that is fundamentally altering how navigators and deck officers navigate and captains manage their vessels. The mandated use of Electronic Chart and Display Information Systems (ECDIS) moves the bridge beyond the time-honored process of paper charts and pencils to a digital era of navigation, route planning, increased safety, and improved vessel performance. connections, and low latency The Costs Of ECDIS Compliance regulations require commercial vessels as well as passenger ring cost to connect their vessels to the required updates. Where can rapidly explode. unrelated providers. The result is a potential service and support to consider an alternative, one that will provide an end-to-end Nexgen, Affordable Maritime SATCOM nology, and end-to-end service and support. A managed airtime TracPhone installation on a commercial tanker


85 SatMagazine September 2011 Department Header Product Perusal Adding Capabilities + Reducing Costs voice services while simultaneously equipping customers with switch, as well as the activities that are avail changed since the last synchronization Combo Benefits and system monitoring Access to tech manuals Access to real-time weather services cial maritime industry and with it comes a dramatic increase in Typical Data Compression Results Using CommBox and QuickFile with mini-VSAT Broadband (blue = Original File Size; orange = Compressed File Size)


86 SatMagazine September 2011 A Case In Point 3G Backhaul Over Satellite: Challenges + Opportunities Very few people believed in the value of satellite backhaul for providing mobile services in rural regions and in developing countries until early 2002. Since then, mobile telephony has spread and reached out to countries where the GDP level did not seem sufficient at first to allow people to acquire mobile devices and pay for subscription packages. The practicality of mobile telephony, combined with newer types of usage (SMS) and business models (flat rates), the affordability of low-cost (refurbished) handsets and the adoption of government regulations for universal coverage have led to tremendous demand for mobile services in those areas, served by satellite links. Urban Centers: This is the obvious, popu lated with higher ARPU, tech-savvy and business users. Hot Spots: Resorts, mining camps, isolated remote urban areas (>400 km from a main city). A typical example is the vacation resort. The tourists will resemble the usage behaviors of tech-savvy users with high purchasing power. They will use smart phones, laptops and/or tablets equipped with 3G USB dongles Bridging the digital divide govern ment sponsored programs (Universal Service Obligation or Educational): In these cases, mobile broadband access is used in a nomadic form for Internet access instead of conventional terrestrial (unavailable) means. This can be illus trated with the prominent village leaders who will likely rely upon 3G USB dongles and satellite backhaul services because there is no connectivity in the village. They may also offer or resell VoIP service to other villagers, but may not even be using smartphones. tially lower cost equipment will generate a rationalization and There is also an increasing trend amongst consumers to while only a relatively small portion lenges when considering satellite by Yves Hupe, President, Memotec (wholly-owned subsidiary of Comtech EF Data)


87 SatMagazine September 2011 First, the amount of bandwidth needed by mobile broadband applications will poten tially be a show stopper for enabling such services given the cost of satellite tran sponder capacity. Therefore, a new back haul paradigm different from the widely used point-to-point SCPC satellite link model will be needed to offset this addi tional bandwidth amount and associated operation costs. Secondly, mobile broadband applications are often very delay sensitive. Although the satellite delay cannot be overcome, there are technologies ready to be deployed which can help mitigate the delay affect for most common applications. More importantly, when considering rural deployment, literacy is most likely to be the key issue that could slow down the deploy ment of 3G mobile broadband services. Yet, one shall not under-estimate the cleverness of these young populations as demonstrated with the case of the widespread usage today of Twitter in the Philippines and Facebook in Indonesia. Last but not least, device cost. The expo nential growth of 2G mobile [voice] services really kicked off in developing countries like Africa only after manufacturers made available low price handsets to consumers combined with the availability of secondhand handsets. There are no reasons not to believe though that the same phenom enon will repeat with smartphones and other mobile computing devices. Nokia, for example, already started such an initiative of a low cost semi-smartphone targeted at the Indian market. Inspection + Policy Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) The DPI out unauthorized applications from the network (e.g., VoIP in some countries). Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF) In order to avoid known situ ations where 1 percent of users use 90 percent of the network bandwidth capacity, the PCRF function ensures that only those who pay for premium service get what they paid for, while typical users are applied fairness access rules. ( See Figure 1 ) RAN Acceleration + Caching Web Acceleration HTTP acceleration/ compression enhances Internet browsing, email transmissions, document down loading and social media by accelerating the loading of multimedia content. Video Acceleration To conserve band eration controls the downloading of video (using transcoding, transrating, resizing, and decimation technologies), adjusted to real-time network status and usage. Caching To conserve bandwidth, caching intelligently monitors frequently accessed and then stores/caches them at the edge of the RAN. The user experience is enhanced with accelerated uploads and downloads. ( See Figure 2 ) Satellite Technologies ( See Figure 3 ) A Case In Point


88 SatMagazine September 2011 Backhaul Solutions overcome the last two tech nical challenges and deliver economically sound, cost The expanding avail in rural regions and devel oping countries. Addressing these requirements demands hands-on expertise in satel lite communications and width optimization tech with partners and customers worldwide, we developed an that addresses real deploy ments while respecting About the author is a seasoned telecommunications industry executive his previous role as was instrumental positions at Tier-1 companies Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 A Case In Point


90 SatMagazine September 2011 Lars Persson, CEO, SSC Lars Persson has served as the President and CEO of SSC since 2007 and has been instrumental in leading SSC from a Swedish based company to a global one with presence in 12 countries. SSC is a world-leading facilitator of space programs that enables governmental agencies, companies and other commercial or research institutes to make better use of space. Through the SSC group of companies, SSC provides specialised competence in space systems, space and satellite operations, rocket and balloon systems, launch services, flight test services as well as maritime surveillance systems. More than 40 years of experience and local presence on all continents, make SSC one of the most experienced and established businesses in the field. Persson has been active in developing the global marketplace throughout his 31-year career, having served as Board of Director and/or CEO for a number of IT, telecom and space industry companies. He has been influential in the deregulation and commercialization of the European telecom carrier market, as well as the cellular market including mobile applications. In addition, he has also been working with international Venture Capital and has been an advisor to U.S. funds investing in Europe. Executive Spotlight SatMagazine (SM) Would you please provide a brief company history, and how SSC has performed over the years? Lars Persson technology, greatly reducing hazards to people and our planet. SM Can you offer an overview of SSCs acquisition of subsidiary companies and how it increases the Companys capabilities? Lars Persson tists provide expert customer counsel. SM What does the merging of technologies and talents bring to SSC? Lars Persson that customers can trust. SM What do SSC technologies and capabilities contribute to the business of your subsidiaries? Lars Persson applied physicists and scientists. Together, we operate under the SM What makes SSC unique? Lars Persson


91 SatMagazine September 2011 Department Header Executive Spotlight SM Where do you see your main growth opportunities in the short term? Long term? What is your business strategy for growing the business? Lars Persson ties. Down the road, we see tremendous opportunities to capi SM How does SSCs ability to share resources and upgrade space operations assets offer customers greater value? Lars Persson SM How can SSC help customers meet changing infrastructure needs in a dynamic geopolitical environment? Lars Persson SM With 31 years of IT, telecom and space industry experience, how different is the market place today than when you started your career? Where do you see the industry heading over the Lars Persson is rapidly growing. The average person connects to space more study math and science. New countries are entering the arena with their own satellites. As time progresses, satellite usage and communication increasingly mirrors the telecom industry you when the parties realize there are commercial alternatives such SM tenure with SSC? Lars Persson services, covering ground station and engineering services. We PrioraNet Global Ground Station Network Global Connections for Space Operations


92 SatMagazine September 2011 InSight EGNOS Its Here, So Use It! EGNOS the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System improving the quality of GPS signals, is a genuine European success story of innovation and cooperation in space science and technology. Charles Villie, Team Leader of EGNOS at the European Commission explains exactly what EGNOS is, its implementation and the services it provides. What is EGNOS? EGNOS satellite based augmentation system SBAS all interconnected. GPS Galileo once operational) in order to provide users with more precise Open Service, the Safety of Life SoL Data Access Service EDAS ). EGNOS key steps change a lot and Europe is evolving with it. Based upon an inde EGNOS performance WAAS ), MSAS GAGAN Approaches with Vertical Guidance APV ) are consistently Aviation Air Navigation Service Providers ANSPs ), as it assists weather conditions. by Charles Villie, Team Leader, EGNOS, European Commission


93 SatMagazine September 2011 Department Header InSight i.e., is VHF Omnidirectional Range VOR ILS CAT I European Commission European Space Agency Eurocontrol and the Aviation National Supervisory Authorities and is now shared with the Global Navigation Satellite Systems GNSS ) user community. Location of EGNOS sites (some recently set up RIMS not shown)


94 SatMagazine September 2011 We have come a long way together. EGNOS is here, and is here to stay. Use it! A flight tested, EGNOS-enabled, Dessault aircraft EGNOS covers Europes ECAC Member States, shown above... InSight

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