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Sat magazine worldwide satellite magazine
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Artificial satellites in telecommunication -- Periodicals ( lcsh )
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Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 1, no. 1 (April 2003)-
General Note:
"Your satellite connection to the world."

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S a t M a g azi n e W o r l d w i d e S a t elli t e M a g azi n e April 2010 New Applications, New Horizons


PAYLOAD SatMagazine April 2010 Cover image courtesy of Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/ Southwest Research Institute (JHUAPL/SwRI)BEAM... The New Horizon Page 6 NASA/Johns Hopkins University Southwest Research InstituteBEAM... In My View Page 11 To Boldly Go Whever... by Elliot Pulham, President and CEO, Space FoundationBEAM... In My View Page 19 Satellites To The Rescue... Haiti + Beyond by Hoyt Davidson, Founder, Near Earth LLCINSIGHT Page 26 Pay Radio The European Race Is On by Chris ForresterINSIGHT Page 31 Strategy: Solaris Mobile by Chris ForresterINSIGHT Page 37 SatApps Innovation = Industry Growth EuroconsultEVENT Page 42 SatExpo EuropeEVENT Page 48 CASBAAs India Satellite Industry ForumEVENT Page 52 SatBouyancy In Maryland @ The Gaylord by Chris ForresterSatBroadcasting Page 59 Drama In Somalila by Bob Hildeman, CEO, Streambox


SatMagazine April 20106 Beam TNew Horizons is a mission moon Charon and transmit images Atlas V 551Star 48B asteroid JF56 he New HorizonThis months cover reveals an artistic rendition of NASAs New Horizon satellite, rather appropriate given the theme for this issue, New Applications. What is the New Horizon project?by NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute


SatMagazine April 20107 Beam


Beam SatMagazine April 20108


SatMagazine April 20109 Beam The Long Range Reconnaisance Imager LORRI MVIC LEISA plasma and high energy particle spectrometer suite PAM SWAP PEPSSI Radio Science Experiment REX student-built dust counter SDC About The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory NASA/Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory


SatMagazine April 201011 BeamFormer Space Foundation Chairman of the Board, the Honorable Jaime Oaxaca, frequently encouraged us to test our plans and intentions against our mission statement and strategic plan, saying, by Elliot Holokauahi Pulham Space FoundationIn My View.. To Boldly GoWherever If you dont know where youre going, any road will take you there.


Beam Richard Nixon Apollo Barack Obama Let me be clear, we cannot cede our leadership in space. Constellation Im going to close the gap, ensure our space program doesnt suffer when the shuttle goes out of service, by speeding the development of the shuttles successor. Orion A Constellation Earth Departure Stage, docked to the Crew Exploration Vehicle, fires its engine to leave Earths orbit. Credit: NASA/John Frassanito and Associates SatMagazine April 201012 To Boldly Go Where Ever The yes, we can team has told NASA no, you cant. Barack Obama


BeamMore broadly, we need a real vision for the next stage of space exploration. This is what America is all about; we can do anything when we put our mind to it. As Mark MillsForbes.comThe Moon programs effect was profound and far-reaching, inspiring an entire generation of engineers and entrepreneurs. No, they didnt all get government jobs with NASA or in private-sector companies supporting NASA to build the Saturn V rocket, the space capsule, its electronics or the moon rover and all the other related hardware. Most just found the whole idea the pursuit itself inspirational and pursued careers SatMagazine April 201013


Beamin everything from microprocessors and software to nuclear power and photovoltaics. The dots are not so hard to connect. The U.S. economy was in liftoff mode for most of the second half of the twentieth century. While there were several contributing factors, at the core the accelerant for growth was techno centric innovation. Not space technology per se but that generation of scientists and engineers who brought an unprecedented intellectual energy and excitement to peacetime pursuits. The inventions and new companies created in the shadow of Apollo were manifold. Mills program.html articles/id/416 STEMscience, technology, engineering, and mathematics International Space Station Space Foundation has advocated strongly. SatMagazine April 201014


Beam SpaceX Dragon 25th National Space Symposium meaningful ITAR At the Space Foundation Artist rendering of SpaceX Dragon spacecraft delivering cargo to the International Space Station. Credit NASA SatMagazine April 201015


Beam SatMagazine April 201016 and the Ares 1-X Orion Venture Star ISS If you dont know where youre going, any road will take you there Adopting that paradigm for NASA is unacceptable. Too much is at stake. 26th National Space Symposium Deputy NASA Administrator Lori Garver FAA Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation, Dr. George Nield George Washington University Space Policy Institute Director Dr. Scott Pace Commercial Spaceflight Federation President/ NASA Advisory Council Commercial Space Committee Chair Bretton Alexander Charles Bolden Facebook fan pageLinkedIn Twitter. Image: The LightWorks


SatMagazine April 201019 Beamby Hoyt Davidson, founder and Managing Partner of Near Earth LLCIn My View Satellites To The Rescue... Haiti + BeyondBy now you have all probably seen heart breaking, high resolution satellite imagery of the destruction in Haiti. The speed with which GeoEye and DigitalGlobe disseminated these images around the world was truly amazing. With extensive databases of recent imagery, these companies were even able to provide side by side pictures of before and after.


SatMagazine April 201020 Google into Google Earth Beam


SatMagazine April 201021 Intelsat S.A. GlobalConnex Network Broadband Intelsat 907 and Horizons 2 SES World Skies AMC-1AMC-6 AMC-21 NSS-7 and NSS-806 CapRock Government Services U.S. Marines Corps Iridium Spirit Airlines Broadband Global Area NetworkBGAN to Telecom without Borders Stratos and Spacenet Globecomm SkyTerra and SkyPort PSSI


SatMagazine April 201022 Beam Dwellings on steep ridges south-west of Port-au-Prince, in the Bolosse area. GeoEye Images viewable in Google Earth.


SatMagazine April 201023 e.g., Beam


SatMagazine April 201024 IridiumGlobalstarSkyTerraTerreStar and ICO Beam


Pay Radio The European Race Is On...The past few weeks have seen some major progress in terms of an international roll out for pay-radio. SatMagazine has faithfully followed the news from Ondas Media and its plans for a European pay-radio roll out by Chris Forrester SatMagazine April 201026


Insight Liberty Media WorldSpace, Inc Sirius-XM Sky Terra Greg Maffei Maffei not quite true/ Ed Maffeis Qualcomm An SEC a Technology Licensing Agreement dated amended six months SkyTerra Communications Circa 1924 The RCA-GE Radiola Super-VIII, a six tube, catacomb-type, superheterodyne chassis with built-in antenna and built-in horn speaker. SatMagazine April 201027


SkyTerra 1 Mobile Satellite Ventures TerreStar as a Motient XM Satellite Radio. Ondas Media and Liberty/WorldSpace Liberty Harbinger Capital Partners Inmarsat. And Solaris Mobile SES Astra and Eutelsat Ancillary Terrestrial Components ATC Boeing Insight SatMagazine April 201028


Solaris Media, probably with Ondas Media using its S-band frequencies Liberty Satellite Radio, using Sirius-XMs skill set and WorldSpace L-band assets SkyTerra, supplying L-band frequencies leased from InmarsatDoes The Market Exist? DVB-HDigital Video Broadcasting for HandheldsCMMBChina Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting Global Industry Analysts Inc. GIA region is VERY Ondas Media And speaking of Solaris Mobile... next page for Chris continuing Insight... Insight SatMagazine April 201029


SatMagazine April 201031 Insight trategy: Solaris MobileSOfcom does not understand the market Solaris Mobile is the 50/50 joint venture between Eutelsat and SES Astra, designed to bring pay-TV services to phones, other handhelds, as well as in-car video and audio entertainment, by satellite. The Company has been busy showcasing its new developments at Barcelonas giant Mobile World Congress exhibition. They are Chris ForresterSolaris is that Steve Maine Quantum Solaris Mobile Gateway Elekrobit


SatMagazine April 201032 InsightNokia The Quantum Steve Maine The Solaris Mobile Pocket Gateway is a pocket sized S-band receiver which decodes DVB-SH TV, radio and data streams and relays them over WiFi via a mini web server built into the device. This technology allows any compatible smart phone with WiFi and a web browser to access mobile TV and radio over Solaris Mobiles hybrid network without modification. Solaris Mobiles Quantum box


SatMagazine April 201033 InsightMaine Maine Maine


SatMagazine April 201034 Eutelsat and SES Astra Solaris 2 another Maine Romain BauschSES Insight TMP Maine MaineOfcom is Maine Ofcom has taken a very Mickey Mouse view of this. Worse, in our view, they have totally misread the dynamics of what is going on in our market sector. We do need another satellite, theres no doubt about that


Insight Ondas Media & Solaris Mobile More than just friends?Dave Krueger, of Ondas Meida says. Ondas Media is cooperating with Solaris Mobile and have been very supportive of their campaign from the beginning. It is clear that we do so with the intent of becoming even more aligned over time as we both move to commercialize our respective projects. As you would expect, our teams are highly focused on developing the current system now that the anomaly investigation is complete. We will certainly help each other in crucial fundraising activities as both companies need capital to carry out their full business plans.Steve Maine, of Solaris Mobile says, It is important that we are very clear as to what we are going to do. We are not going to invest a penny [of the $130m insurance claim received for the antenna problems] into a service provider. We will put our cash into network infrastructure. We are looking to position ourselves as a network service provider on a commercial basis. This is not to rule out that downstream we might engage in the provision of services to end users, but this is not where we are today. It is all down to priorities and we do not yet have our core services up and running. And they need more investment.


Image courtesy of NASA/APL/Meteorological Satellite Applications Branch, Air Force Weather Agency


SatMagazine April 201037 Insightby EuroconsultDespite a tough economic environment, innovation continues to be observed in satellite services and a number of new applications are emerging. The current development cycle appears to be driven by an increase in diversity but also in the quality of TV broadcasting, along with growing needs for mobility and broadband services in satellite-based communications.SatApps Innovation = Industry Growth


SatMagazine April 201038 HDTV Services Continue To Spread While 3DTV Is Nascent MagioSat DirecTV and Dish Network 3DTV SamsungPanasonic and Sony World Cup SkyLife Sky Digital and DirecTV Insight


SatMagazine April 201039 Broadband Satellite Services Outside The USA ViasatHNS EutelsatAvantiArabsat YahSatO3b Insight


SatMagazine April 201040 Insight New SATCOM Solutions For The Aeronautical Market Inmarsat SwiftBroadband see Oman Air and Afriqiyah Airways InmarsatOnAir. Iridium SBD 9601 Arinc and ViasatViaSat Row44Hughes HX and Panasonic AvionicsiDirect M2M Satellite Communications Begin To TakeoffMachine-to-machineM2M


SatMagazine April 201041 Insight Globalstar


SatMagazine April 201042 Internationalization and B2B meetings were the keys for this shows success. The third edition of SAT Expo Europe 2010 held at Rome Fair has ended. Over 6,000 visitors, more than 2,000 business meetings, and 20 foreign delegations, were present over the three days of the exhibition. SAT Expo Europe successfully achieved its objective of presenting itself as a Mediterranean benchmark for the market of space services and applications. EVENTSAT Expo Europe 2010


SatMagazine April 201043 EVENTP SAT Expo Europe Dalla Chiara Istituto ICE Italian Institute for Foreign Trade the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development Italian Aerospace Enterprises Finmeccanica Group EADS ASTRIUMEutelsat and Skylogic


SatMagazine April 201044 Italian RepublicEuropean Commission and the Council of Ministers Municipality of Rome start at the Campidoglio ISROIndian Space Research Organization in the at the Musei Capitolini Mauro Cutrufo Adolfo Urso Antonio Tajani EGNOS Urso Tajani BMMBlueMassMed Massimo di LazzaroThales Alenia SpaceCOSMO-SkyMedASIItalian Space Agency the ESASentinel 1 and 3 GMESGlobal Monitoring for Environment and Security EVENT


SatMagazine April 201045 and as Thomas Beer Di Lazzaro Di Lazzaro Claudio De Bellis Elsag Datamat Finmeccanica that Sapienza University of Rome EVENT


SatMagazine April 201046 Roberto Somma Thales Alenia Space and Andrea Cisbani, SELEX Galileo EVENT Space, An Opportunity For SMEsEADS ASTRIUM Telespazio Rai ATLANTIC BIRD 3 + W3A satellites, images courtesy of Eutelsat


EVENTCASBAAs India Satellite Industry ForumThe Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia (CASBAA) concluded its annual India Satellite Industry Forum in New Delhi on 22nd March. Themed On the Digital Edge Where Broadband HITS The Streets, the Forum featured three policy addresses from government departments, as well as high-level inputs from global industry specialists. Uday K. VarmaMinistry of Information & Broadcasting Government of India Pictured: (L) Uday Kumar Varma, Special Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India + (R), Simon Twiston Davies, CEO, CASBAA


SatMagazine April 201049 EVENT Andrea Appella News Corp in Asia Jawahar Goel Indian Broadcasting Federation Dish TV


SatMagazine April 201050 EVENTShyamal Ghosh IPTV Forum India FIFA World Cup Rajesh SawhneyReliance BIG Entertainment Terry Bleakley Measat. Pictured: Andrea Appella, Director of Legal, Competition and Regulatory Affairs, News Corp, Europe & Asia said Asia Broadcast Satellite Simon Twiston DaviesCASBAA. Pictured, left to right: Shyamal Ghosh, Chairman, IPTV Forum India Pranav Roach, President, Hughes Network Systems India Jawahar Goel, MD, Dish TV and President, IBF T R Dua, Acting Director-General, Cellular Operators Association of India Srini Prasanna, VP for Business Development and Regulatory Affairs, Asia Broadcast Satellite


SatMagazine April 201052 SES seems Intelsat Telesat and Eutelsat BBC Dave McGladeSatBuoyancy In Maryland @ The Gaylord EVENTTheres always something to talk about at the annual Washington satellite show, this year held at the impressive Gaylord National Harbor site about a million miles out from downtown DC. Two topics dominated the commercial satellite sector: interference issues and the lack of a 3rd launcher. Delegates gave a warm welcome to new boy Michel de Rosen, CEO at Eutelsat, who acquitted himself with confidence at the important opening CEO gang of four session. Michel de Rosen, CEO, Eutelsat Michel de Rosen McGladeThierry Guillemin Guillemin Global VSAT Forum SES TelesatArabsat J-SatAsiaSatAmosTelenor


SatMagazine April 201053 Nilesat Intelsat Tooway SES AstraAstra2Connect Guillemin HNSGilat Newtec and EMC by Chris Forrester


SatMagazine April 201054 EVENT Launchers Arianespace and ILS/Proton TelesatDan Goldberg Sea LaunchDave McGlade Atlas and Delta SpaceX Eutelsat Michel de Rosen De Rosen de Rosen SatMex EchoStar Hispasat de Rosen de Rosen Abertis Telecom SES Astra SES


SatMagazine April 201055 EVENT


SatMagazine April 201056 Sistemas Satelitales deMexico AMC-15 AMC-16 SES/EchoStarQuetzSat-1 Dean Olmstead Dean Olmstead, President, EchoStar Satellite Services EVENT Ferdinand Kayser Total of 244m analog and digital TV homes in Europe Astra fleet reaches 125m analogue and digital TV households in Europe and North Africa (57m DTH, 68m through cable head-ends) Around 60 percent or 146m TV homes receive programs digitally (includes all reception modes: satellite, cable, terrestrial, IPTV) Satellite serves every second digital TV household and reaches 71m digital homes (49 percent of the digital market); cable reaches 24m digital homes (16 percent), terrestrial reaches 41.7m digital homes (29 percent), IPTV reaches 9m homes (6 percent). Astra serves 52m digital satellite homes (72 percent of all digital satellite homes) Astra currently features 114 HD channels and reaches around 6m HD viewing homes Digitalization rate of satellite is 92 percent, compared to 48 percent for terrestrial reception and 34 percent for cable networks Ferdinand Kayser, President and CEO, SES Astra


Reader comments... I just read your book on the plane home. It is fantastic! Just wanted to let you know I took your book home to read, because I am certain you wrote it for people like me. Need to purchase a few more copies of Tonys book. Will be a good learning guide for our new hires. Tony, I got the book yesterday, and it is really great! I love the phrasing and voicing... its definitely you, but it reminds me a bit of Anthony Bourdain. It is highly informative, and spoken with a command of the subject matter thats coupled with humor which makes it memorable and lasting. Thanks. I recommend that every company in the industry buy this book for every employee. Its the best book yet. I am waiting for the movie starring Danny DeVito as Tony.


SatMagazine April 201059 by Bob Hildeman, CEO, Streambox, Inc. Drama In SomaliaSatBroadcasting


SatMagazine April 201060 SatBroadcastingAmanda Lindhout in Mogadishu Nigel Brennan Lindhout and Brennan Lindhout and Brennan LindhoutCanadian Broadcasting CorporationDavid The Lindhout Streambox BGANX-Stream Inmarsat. The Streambox ACT-L3 Transport


SatMagazine April 201061 SatBroadcasting


SatMagazine April 201062 Advanced Coding Technology, Level 3 Lindhout Amanda Lindhout and Nigel Brennan Lindhout Canadian journalist Amanda Lindhout and Australian photographer Nigel Brennan recover in the Somali capital of Mogadishu after they were freed from kidnappers who held them for 15 months. (Government of Somalia/Reuters) SatBroadcasting


AdvertisersAdvantech 17 C-COM 12 Comtech EF Data 05 CPI 55 Dubai World Trade Center 25 Euroconsult 39 Global Link Productions 61 iDirect 41 Integral Systems 33 Intelsat General 04 MANSAT 47 MITEQ 49 NAB 63 Near Earth LLC 21 Newtec CY 03 O3b Networks 02 Paradise Datacom 53 SATCOM Guide 57 Singapore Exhibition Services 51 Wavestream Corporation 45 Xicom Technology 23 SatMagazine Vol. 3, No. 3April 2010Silvano Payne, Publisher + Writer Hartley G. Lesser, Editorial Director P.J. Waldt, Editor Jill Durfee, Sales Director, Asst Editor Simon Payne, Development Manager Chris Forrester, Associate Editor Richard Dutchik, Contributing Editor Michael Fleck, Contributing Editor Alan Gottlieb, Contributing Editor Authors & Contributors CASBAA Hoyt Davidson Euroconsult Chris Forrester Bob Hildeman Hartley Lesser P.J. Waldt NASA/John Hopkins University Elliot H. Pulham SatExpo Europe Published monthly by Satnews Publishers 800 Siesta Way Sonoma, CA 95476 USA Phone: (707) 939-9306 Fax: (707) 838-9235 2010 Satnews PublishersWe reserve the right to edit all submitted materials to meet our content guidelines as well as for grammar and spelling consistency. Articles may be moved to an alternative issue to accommodate publication space requirements or removed due to space restrictions. Submission of content does not constitute acceptance of said material by SatNews Publishers. Edited materials may, or may not, be returned to author and/or company for review prior to publication. The views expressed in our various publications do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of SatNews Publishers.All included imagery is courtesy of, and copyright to, the respective companies. NASA/Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics LaboratoryMasthead + Advertiser Index