Highlands news-sun

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Highlands news-sun
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Awareness & acceptanceAutism is a complex developmental disability and each individual aected by it has a unique experience. INSIDE Good Morning To Martha Kohan Thanks for reading! Comics/ Crossword: A4-A5, A8, B5-B7 Faith and Family: ...................B1 Obituaries: .............................A5 Local Sports: ................A10-A12 Lotto: ..................................SP2 Viewpoints: .....................A6-A7 newssun TheNewsSun AN EDITION OF THE SUNYOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1919HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN VOL. 98 | NO. 91 | $1.00 Saturday, April 1, 2017 SEBRING „ Sun n Lake supervisors have settled with Gregory Grif“n to pay him $18,000 in back wages, $125,000 in damages and $225,000 in legal fees. The deal will cost the special improvement district $109,000, with the rest being paid by insurance, said Brian Koji, attorney for the district in the matter. Under the deal, Grif“n will agree to leave employment permanently with the district, not seek future employment, and will not have any of his private companies bid on district contracts for six months. With that, Koji said, the federal judge will dismiss the case and the district will avoid going to a jury trial. The agreement had already been presented to the judge and signed by Grif“n, Koji said. I think this is the best case you can get,Ž Koji Sun n Lake settles with GriffinBy PHIL ATTINGERSTAFF WRITER Griffin will get $368K in wages, damages, attorney fees PHIL ATTINGER/STAFFBrian Koji, attorney representing Sun n Lake in a federal lawsuit, recommends the Board of Supervisors take a deal that would pay reinstated employee Greg Grin $368,000, as long as he resigns from employment. SETTLES | 8 AVON PARK „ Mayor Garrett Anderson has withdrawn his request for a tabulation of the citys attorneys fees over the past seven years. Andersons request became a topic of contention at Mondays City Council meeting. City Manager Julian Deleon said combing through the records, which were in the basement of the City Hall, would require signi“cant staff time, and sent Anderson an email about it. While reading out Deleons email response at the meeting, Anderson described Deleons language as disorderly conduct.Ž Tuesday afternoon, City Clerk Bonnie Barwick sent an email to Anderson asking what he needed in his public records request regarding the bills for City Attorney Jerry Buhr and Labor Attorney Brian Koji. Anderson responded the records were pertaining to the agenda item brought before City Council on Monday night. Anderson drops AP records requestBy MARC VALEROSTAFF WRITERSaid Council has moved on ANDERSONANDERSON | 8SEBRING „ Heidi Barreras day begins with a bin full of donated books, a bottle of disinfectant and a smile. Barrera is a book room associate at BookWorks, a program Goodwill Industries Suncoast Inc. started recently after opening its Sebring store. Every book that comes into BookWorks gets sorted and cleaned, then get its own bookplate. Goodwill began BookWorks in 1999 as a means to get books into the hands of children in homes who may not otherwise get a chance. BookWorks book rooms can be found in Clearwater, Wildwood, and now Sebring. The center sends volunteers to read at Redlands Christian Migrant association schools, as well as other Pre-K locations throughout the county. The volunteer brings along a personalized book for each child, which is then passed out once the reading is over. Cathy Pyle, who has been a volunteer the entirety of the two months the Sebring location has been open, loves to read to the kids. Ive been doing storytelling for a long time. I absolutely love it.Ž Pyle said. The volunteers are allowed to read in the classroom or outside at the playground. Pyle says she has found the kids tend to prefer going outside. I love it, too. Kids get so excited when you bring a book. You can see their faces light up.Ž Pyle added. It just warms your heart.Ž Pyle had already done two readings at Hopewell Child Development Center in Avon Park, a RCMA center. Tuesday, she goes back for a third. One of six volunteers, Pyle reads primarily in Avon Park while others are designated for Sebring and Lake Placid. Everything is centralized from here,Ž Barrera said. Barrera picks A book for every childBy ROBERT MILLERSTAFF WRITERNew BookWorks programs brings reading to children ROBERT MILLER/STAFFVolunteer Cathy Pyle demonstrates how she reads a book to a room full of children. ROBERT MILLER/STAFFSorted books that are being designated to go the elementary schools in Highlands County.BOOK | 5 AVON PARK „ Lack of rain and problems with the irrigation system have caused plants and grass on the citys Mall area in downtown Avon Park to dry out. But things might change soon. The citys Public Works Director Jimmy Runner said work continues on repairs to the irrigation system and the fountain on the west end. Many areas have new mulch, and pressure cleaning is being done, he said. The Mall foliage was one of many ideas offered to improve the area during Thursdays joint workshop of the Avon Park City Council and the Main Street Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board. Currently, one employee picks up trash and fallen tree limbs for two to three hours each day, Runner noted A representative from Florida Irrigation Systems will conduct a soil analysis April 10, which will help determine the optimum fertilizer/grass treatment, Runner said. Mayor Garrett Anderson asked if there Avon Park Mall area getting fixed upBy MARC VALEROSTAFF WRITERResidents show support for beautification efforts MARC VALERO/STAFFAt Thursdays joint workshop of the City Council and the Main Street Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board, it was agreed that the city would continue to do the overall lawn and tree maintenance on the Mall, while community groups or businesses are sought to adopt sections for more detailed attention.MALL | 8


A2 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, April 1, 2017 www.highlandsnewssun.comLAKE PLACID „ Math is big at Lake Placid Christian School, and for anyone who has a doubt, just take a peek into the classroom of Dennis Grif“n, headmaster and math teacher at the school. One wall is dedicated to the plaques, trophies and ribbons the school has won over the years in math competitions such as MathCounts. There is a section of the front of“ce that looks similar. MathCounts, established in 1983, is a national middle school coaching and competitive math program that promotes math achievement through a series of fun and engaging contests. Grif“n is very proudŽ of his students. The school placed second and “fth at the county level in February, sending the students to the state contest, which was from March 23-24. Grif“n took “ve students to Jacksonville: Nicole Blount, Landon Smoak, John A. Rogers, Meredith Shin and Chad Shechtman. Out of the 300 students who attended, each of Lake Placid Christian Schools participants got a rank between 140 and 170, which puts them right in the top half of all schools that attended. Grif“n also pointed out that the competition centers on engineering math, so that they can do it at all is impressive. Along with being the regular math instructor at the school, Grif“n also holds a practice session once a week after school, to help students prepare for MathCounts, or any of the other math competitions they attend. We have the University of Florida Math and Rocket City, sponsored by New Alpha Theta, both slated to happen in the next two weeks,Ž he said. But math isnt the only area the school excels in. Recently, the students entered an essay contest, Why Is It Important To Vote?Ž sponsored by the Lake Placid Elks Lodge. The contest was open to all schools, but Lake Placid Christian had all its students participate. Representatives from the Lake Placid Elks Lodge, Exalted Ruler Bob Johnston and Essay Contest Chairman Charlotte Mathew, arrived at the school early Wednesday morning to hand out the awards to the winning students, Nicole Blount and Joshua Schumacher. We made the essay mandatory,Ž said Janice Hwang, executive secretary at the school. Both winners received $50 and three tickets to join the Elks for dinner at 5:30 p.m. today, where they will get a chance to read their essays in front of Lodge members and their parents. Math counts at Lake Placid SchoolBy ROBERT MILLERNEWS CLERK SEBRING „ In the past two months, Highlands, Glades and Okeechobee counties have experienced a rash of small, yet potentially damaging, wild“res „ and in almost every single case, the “re was preventable,Ž authorities said. This year, county and state “re“ghters have responded to 108 wild“res, and 85 percent were caused by people. The Florida Forest Service is asking everyone to do their part to help prevent the next potentially devastating wild“re,Ž of“cials said in a news release. As dry conditions continue, we need to make sure that everyone is vigilant in preventing wild“res,Ž said Joe deBree, Florida Forest Services forest area supervisor. Above-normal wild“re activity is forecast in April and May due to the lack of moisture content in the vegetation. The grasses, shrubs and trees can ignite readily and spread quickly.Ž They are advising people to do the following with outdoor powered equipment: € Use powered equipment before 10 a.m. when it is cooler. € Use the right equipment to cut dry grass. Lawn mowers are designed to mow lawn grass, not weeds. € When using heavy equipment such as tractors, backhoes, or harvesters, use caution around rocks, as metal implements striking rocks can create a spark and start a “re. € Ensure chainsaws, weed eaters and other portable gasoline-powered equipment are in good working order, which includes having a spark arrestor. € When welding, make sure there is at least 10 feet of clearance and a “re extinguisher or charged water hose ready to use, just in case of a “re. Wild“re prevention tips for vehicles: € Never drive over dry grass. € Vehicle maintenance is crucial in preventing wild“res. € Securing trailer chains so they dont drag on the ground. € Ensure vehicle brakes and tire pressure are maintained to prevent sparking from metal to metal contact. For more information, go to FloridaForest For questions about burn authorizations and wild“re prevention, contact the Highlands County Florida Forest Service of“ce at 863-655-6407.Humans sparked 85 percent of 2017 wildfires, officials say SPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUNThe Highlands News-Sun (USPS 487900ISSN 2473-0068) is published daily by Glen Nickerson at the Highlands News-Sun, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870. Periodical postage paid at Lakeland, FL and additional entry oce(s). All material contained herein is the property of the Highlands News-Sun, which is an aliate of Sun Coast Media Group. Reproduction in whole or part is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. All material submitted for publication becomes the property of the newspaper and may be edited for clarity and space, as well as reprinted, published and used in all media. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Highlands News-Sun, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870. COMMITMENT TO ACCURACY The Highlands News-Sun promptly corrects errors of fact appearing in its news stories. If you believe we have made an error, call the newsroom at 863-385-6155. If you have a question or comment about coverage, write to Pallavi Agarwal, editor, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870; email or call 863-386-5831. OFFICE Location: 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870 Hours: 8 a.m. … 5 p.m. Monday Friday Phone: 863-385-6155 Main Fax: 863-385-1954 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 13 weeks Tax Total $53.30 $4.00 $57.30 26 weeks Tax Total $106.60 $8.00 $114.60 52 weeks Tax Total $213.20 $15.99 $229.19 EZ Pay Tax Total $15.91 $1.19 $17.10 Your newspaper is delivered by an independent contractor. If you do not receive your home delivered newspaper by 6 a.m. on any daily publication date, or 7a.m. on Sunday, please phone the circulation department at 863-385-6155. CIRCULATION MANAGER Kevin Flores, Circulation Manager SUBMIT NEWS & OBITS Email all obituaries and death notices to Email all other announcements to PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays Tracy Weikel, Classied Account Executive 863-658-0307 LEGAL ADVERTISING Janet Emerson 863-386-5637 RETAIL ADVERTISING Ryan Danzey, Advertising Director 863-386-5629 Cli Yeazel, Advertising Director 863-386-5844 EXECUTIVE EDITOR Romona Washington 863-386-5634 romona.washington@ PUBLISHER Glen Nickerson 863-385-6155 glen.nickerson@ highlandsnewssun.comSMARTER 5 THINGS That Will Make You 1. The daisy, which symbolizes innocence and the sweet pea, is the flower for April. 2. The diamond is the birthstone for April. 3. NASA announced the selection of Americas first seven astronauts on April 9, 1959. 4. William Wadsworth, English poet was born April 7, 1770. Noah Webster copyrighted the first edition of his dictionary April 14, 1828. 5. The United States Library of Congress was established April 24, 1800. George Washington was inaugurated as the first president of the United States of America on April 30, 1789. Source: https:// april-fun-facts-3456079 ROBERT MILLER/STAFFLake Placid Christian School Headmaster Dennis Grin. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF ESTABLISHMENT OR CHANGEOF ZONING REGULATIONS AND OTHER REGULATIONS AFFECTING THE USE OF LANDThe Highlands County Board of County Commissioners proposes to adopt the following by Ordinance: ORDINANCE 16-17____ AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA, PERTAINING TO THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 12.08.109 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA TO ALLOW A MAXIMUM OF FOUR GARAGE SALE PERMITS EACH CALENDAR YEAR; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN CODE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a public hearing will be held before the Planning & Zoning Commission and Local Planning Agency of Highlands County, Florida, on the 11th day of April, 2017, beginning at 3:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, at the County Commissioners Board Room, in the Highlands County Government Center Building, 600 South Commerce Ave., Sebring, Florida, to consider zoning regulations and other regulations affecting the use of land for the area shown in the unshaded portion of the map in this advertisement. The proposed regulations are in the form of an Ordinance. The contents of the Ordinance are generally described above. The Board of County Commissioners of Highlands County, Florida, proposes to adopt or change by Ordinance the above zoning regulations and other regulations affecting the use of land for the area shown in the un-shaded portion of the map in this advertisement. A public hearing on the Ordinance will be held on the 18th day of April, 2017, beginning at 9:00 A.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, at the County Commissioners Board Room, in the Highlands County Government Center Building, 600 South Commerce Ave., Sebring, Florida A second public hearing will be held at the same location on the 2nd day of May, 2017. The time of day for said hearing will be set at the April 18, 2017, public hearing. The contents of the Ordinance are generally described above. A copy of this notice is available for public inspection during regular business hours in the of“ce of the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners at the Highlands County Government Center, 590 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida 33870. The proposed Ordinance may be inspected by the public at the Highlands County Zoning Department, 501 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida 33870, between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, except holidays. Inquiries or written testimony should be directed to Ms. Linda Conrad, Zoning Supervisor, at this address or by phone at (863) 402-6638. Photocopies may be obtained at this location for “fteen cents ($0.15) per page. Please reference the above Ordinance when calling or writing.ALL INTERESTED PERSONS MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD AT THE TIME AND PLACE SPECIFIED ABOVE. ANY PERSON WHO MIGHT WISH TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, OR THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORLIDA, IN PUBLIC HEARING OR MEETING IS HEREBY ADVISED THAT HE OR SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND THAT, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE OR SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM R ECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD WILL INCLUDE TH E TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH SUCH APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION, THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY, OR THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS IONERS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA, DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE UP ON THE BASIS OF ANY INDIVIDUALS DISABILITY STATUS. THIS NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY INVOLVES EVERY ASPECT OF THE BOARDS FUNCTIONS, INCLUDING ONES ACCESS TO, PARTICIPATION, EMPLOYMENT OR TREATMENT IN ITS PROGRAMS OR ACTIVITIES. ANYONE REQUIRING REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OR SECTION 286.26, FLORIDA STATUTES, SHOULD CONTACT MS. PAMELA ROGERS, ADA COORDINATOR, AT 863-402-6842 (VOICE), VIA FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE 711, OR BY E-MAIL: PROGERS@HCB CC.ORG. REQUEST FOR CART OR INTERPRETER SERVICES SHOULD BE MADE AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE TO PERMIT COORDINATION OF THE SERVICE. ONE OR MORE COUNTY COMMISSIO NERS MAY BE PRESENT AT THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AND THE LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY MEETING. FOR COPIES OF THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE AND FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT THE HIGHLANDS COUNTY ZONING DEPARTMENT (863) 402-6638.Mr. Lew Carter, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Local Planning Agency Mr. Don Elwell, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners adno=3436660


Saturday, April 1, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A3 PLATNER S Arcadi a Chevrolet Bui ck WWW.ARCADIACHEVROLET.COM 888-579-4452 210 S BREVARD AVE., ARCADIA, FL 34266 1. STOCK #2-277077 N EW 2016 C HEVY T AHOE SAVINGS ARE BASED ON A 4.99% INTEREST RATE FOR 72 MONTHS FO R QUALIFIED BUYERS SAVINGS INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS AND REBATES S OME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINED S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS 2. STOCK #2294-014 N EW C HEVY S ILVERADO 1500 SAVINGS ARE BASED ON A 4.99% INTEREST RATE FOR 72 MON THS FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS S AVINGS INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS AND REBATES S OME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINE D S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS 3. STOCK #391285 NEW 2016 C HEVY C OLORADO LT. S AVINGS ARE BASED ON A 4.99% INTEREST RATE FOR 72 MON THS FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS S AVINGS INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS AND REBATES S OME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBIN ED S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS 4. STOCK # 20-330734 N EW 2016 C HEVY P ASSENGER V AN S AVINGS ARE BASED ON A 4.99% INTEREST RATE FOR 7 2 MONTHS FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS S AVINGS INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS AND REBATES S OME OFFERS MAY NOT BE C OMBINED S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS 5. STOCK #2-141685 N EW 2016 C HEVY S ILVERADO 1500. S AVINGS ARE BASED ON A 4.99% INTEREST RATE FOR 72 MONTHS FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS S AVINGS INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS AND REBATES S OME OFFERS MAY NOT BE CO MBINED S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS 6. STOCK # 2-203277 N EW 2016 C HEVY S UBURBAN S AVINGS ARE BASED ON A 4.99% I NTEREST RATE FOR 72 MONT HS FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS S AVINGS INCLUDE ALL DISCOUNTS AND REBATES S OME OFFERS MAY NOT BE COMBINE D S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS 7. STOCK # 1-095209 N EW 2016 C ASCADE P REMIUM ISP TOTAL SAVINGS INCLUDES ALL DISCOUNTS S EE DEALE R FOR DETAILS 8. STOCK #2-593708 N EW 2016 B UICK E NCORE S AVINGS ARE BASED ON A 4.99%. 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A4 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, April 1, 2017 BEETLE BAILEY By Mort Walker HI AND LOIS By Brian and Greg Walker HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM By Mike Peters PICKLES By Brian Crane MARMADUKE By Brad Anderson Cryptoquip 2011 by King Features Syndicate Challenger Yesterdays Challenger Answers My sons birthday is in August and I think it will be one that he remembers for the rest of his life. Hell be 17 and hes done a great job showing that he can be trusted to make good decisions at least some of the time. With that trust comes an expansion of his privileges. He has earned it. Hell be entering a time in his life when hell possibly have the most freedom hell ever experience. In a couple of years, Lord willing, hell have the responsibility of being a college student and hell also probably have to have some type of employment, so the brief period of easy, free livingŽ will be over before he realizes what it is he had. Then hell most likely have a signi“cant other and (hopefully) a meaningful job. The next couple of years could easily be the most freeŽ time in his life. A young man with time and a vehicle. Oh boy, here we go. Of course, there will be some restrictions and responsibilities that go along with the vehicle and hell gripe and revolt at the idea of Dad laying down the law, but thats just because he wont know how good he had it until its over. Americans love cars. I know youre probably thinking that youre an exception to that rule. You just need transportation from point A to point B right? OK, there are always exceptions to every rule, but if most people were practicalŽ car owners we wouldnt have 300 different models of vehicles available in thousands of colors. Look around you the next time youre on the road. How many luxury vehicles do you see compared to economy cars? Why dont you see more scooters? Its because we love cars. Its not the cars themselves that we adore, although people can certainly fall in loveŽ with their dream carŽ its the things that cars give us: independence, mobility, adventure, excitement and even pride. Our vehicles are what connects us when a text or a Facebook post just wont do the job. When someone you love needs you, what do you do? Hop in the car and go see them. My boy hasnt considered all of this so hell probably be more focused on trying to look cool and how he can get a few more dollars for gas. If Im lucky he might even keep the car clean, (“ngers crossed on that one) but I suspect that he wont get the joy of applying a good coat of wax until much later in his life. For now, I hope and pray that hell be safe, courteous and careful. That will be good enough for me. We are just four months away from this new phase of his life, and I have been making sure the vehicle I am giving him is in good condition. New tires, brakes, and all the recommended maintenance. I dont want him to have to deal with that type of thing right away, and besides, if he is like his Dad, hell be horribly abusive to his vehicles and hell need every bit of help he can get. My wife and I will be there for him. He doesnt know that any of this is about to happen so please dont tell him. In fact, I plan on hiding the vehicle a couple of weeks before his birthday and telling him there is a major problem with it. Hell be in despair „ until his birthday. Oh, and one last thing „ pray for us.Milestone birthday gift comes with a twist ColumnistCHRIS HUTCHINS


Saturday, April 1, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A5 ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman GARFIELD By Jim Davis DILBERT By Scott Adams REX MORGAN By Terry Beatty MARY WORTH By Karen Moy and June NON SEQUITUR By WileyMore than 15.5 million Americans are cancer survivors „ including 3.6 million women treated for breast cancer and 1.3 million for gynecological cancers; 3.3 million men treated for prostate cancer; 1.5 million folks treated for colorectal cancer; and another 1.2 million for melanoma. With advances in detection and treatment, that number is growing every year. In fact, by 2026, its projected that the number will increase by 31 percent, to 20.3 million folks. We are happy if you or a loved one is fortunate enough to count yourself as a cancer survivor; now its time to make a commitment to staying healthy and cancer-free. Extensive studies reveal that making smart lifestyle choices can help survivors regain their health and prevent recurrence. According to the American Cancer Society, there are great bene“ts for longevity and quality of life if cancer survivors adopt healthful nutrition, regular exercise and weight management. Nutrition and Weight Management: Its known that being overweight or obese increases the risk for developing various cancers, including breast cancer in postmenopausal women, and cancers of the colon, rectum, endometrium, esophagus, pancreas and kidney „ and likely the gallbladder and even the cervix, liver and ovary, plus multiple myeloma, non-Hodgkins lymphoma and aggressive prostate can cer. Ever more research indicates that being overweight or obese also increases the risk of recurrence. First step: As a survivor, a smart “rst step is to ask your oncologist for a referral to a registered dietician, preferably one who is also a CSO, or certi“ed specialist in oncology. That way you can establish a dietary plan that will be sure to give you the nutritional support you need to overcome treatment-related side effects and cancer-related changes to your body. A healthful nutritional plan also can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. The plan: The basic ACS guidelines for a post-cancer nutritional regimen are what we advocate for everyone: Dodge the Five Food Felons; opt for at least 2 1‡2 cups of fruits and vegetables daily „ more is better; choose whole grains; enjoy “sh and poultry (no red or processed meats); choose monoand poly-unsaturated fats, such as olive and walnut oil; and skip full-fat dairy. Weight management: If you have lost weight and muscle mass during cancer treatment, work with a nutritionist to determine how to gain back good-foryou weight that increases your strength and relieves fatigue without increasing in”ammation. Remember, a calorie is not a calorie: Stick with the nutritional guidelines above to lower in”ammation, promote muscle tone, build strength and protect your heart and other organs from damage. For weight loss, go slow and steady by making lifelong changes in your eating and activity habits, not by starving yourself or stressing your body with faddish diet plans. Aim for a 5 percent total body mass loss over three or more months Physical Activity: There is solid research showing that physical activity during recovery from cancer-related treatment helps manage both physical and emotional stresses, and ever more studies show the bene“ts for long-term survival and prevention of recurrence. According to a study in the ACS journal, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, at least 20 prospective observational studies have shown that physically active [breast, colorectal, prostate and ovarian] cancer survivors have a lower risk of cancer recurrences and improved survival compared with those who are inactive.Ž Your move: Get at least 150 minutes of extra physical activity (walking, aerobics, swimming, yoga, cycling) a week; and include 20-30 minutes of strength-training, twice a week. Putting it all together: Look for a local support group for cancer survivors. Dr. Mikes Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute has groups of 12-16 folks for each type of cancer. They come together for help with stress management, physical activity, cooking and shopping, and toxin withdrawal. The Wellness Institute is even planning to offer such classes via secure video conferencing for shared medical appointments! Making these smart lifestyle choices are that important for your recovery. Cancer survivors smart lifestyle choices: Live longer, feel better Dr. Mehmet Oz & Dr. Michael Roizen OBITUARIESCarol GiordanoCarol Giordano, 70, passed away on Saturday, March 25, 2017 in Sebring, Florida. She was born on April 1, 1946 in New Jersey to the late Charles and Josephine. Carol is survived by the love of her life, John A. Giordano. They enjoyed 52 years of marriage. She is also survived by their three children, Elissa (Michael), J.C. (Kathy), and Russell (Julianna); and eight grandchildren, Jessica, Michelle, Kelly, Bobby, Lillian, John Connor, Theodore and Olivia. Carols family was her greatest joy. Through her zest for the best and adventurous spirit, family life was never dull. Carol made sure that each moment together was a celebration of life and each person around her felt special. Her generosity was unlimited. She provided a home “lled with love, joy and lots of free hugs and kisses. One of her greatest pleasures was to watch those around her enjoying themselves. Laughing grandchildren was her hearts delight. Her greatest gift to her loved ones was to make precious memories that will live on forever in their hearts. A memorial service will be scheduled during the summer months. Memorial contributions may be made to St. Jude Childrens Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105, or Boys Town at Services entrusted to Stephenson-Nelson Funeral Home, 4001 Sebring Parkway, Sebring, Florida 33870. Online condolences may be left at volunteers to read from the area that they live. We can always use more volunteers.Ž Barrera said. As far as volunteers go, Barrera says anyone can do it, but snowbirds are a perfect fit for 4and 5-year old kids. The schools do not open until late August and close at the end of April. She already has one volunteer who comes down in September and leaves at the end of April. It works out great for her,Ž Barrera said. Books are donated almost every day to the Goodwill store, where they are counted and sorted, then wheeled over to the BookWorks Book Room for processing. Barrera and Pyle carefully go through each book one at a time, looking for dents, rips or writing in the pages. Those that are in great condition are then wiped clean with a mild disinfectant and receive a book plate, on which a childs name will eventually appear. Anything that is not kept for the kids is sent back to the Goodwill store for sale there. Nothing gets wasted,Ž Barrera said. Along with giving each Pre-K student a book, they also have shelves of books designated as elementary-age, which they will then donate to classrooms across the county. The shelves have slowly filled over the past two months, but they are still in need of more. All donations, even for the BookWorks, have to go through the Goodwill store. They have to count every donation that comes in.Ž Barrera said. If you would like to make a donation to BookWorks, take your slightly worn books to the donation drop-off that is in the Goodwill store, 420 Sebring Square, Sebring, or call 863-402-4538.BOOKFROM PAGE 1 ROBERT MILLER/ STAFFHeidi Barrera shows o a book plate given to every book they personalize for every student who gets one. ROBERT MILLER/STAFFThe front window of the BookWorks Book Room.


A6 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, April 1, 2017 www.highlandsnewssun.comReintroduction of cats will be badThe last real Florida panthers died in captivity in the 1970s. The cats that are here now are exotics that were imported from Texas. They are larger and more aggressive than the true Florida cat. In the last 10 years our deer herds on public and private lands have been plummeting due to the cougar and coyotes. The reintroduction of these cats are going to devastate the wild game populations and livestock. Only when someone is attacked and killed and that may be a small child will we realize what a stupid mistake our government has made. David Norwood Lake PlacidEditors note: According to reports, the Texas cougar was crossbred with the Florida panther in the 1990s to help bring the panther out of extinction.Council made the right decisionHere recently at a council meeting, Avon Park Councilman (Jim) Barnard criticized the job description advertised by city administration for the position of city attorney. The advertisement was prepared using a template from another municipality, and covered typical duties and credentials. There was no point in re-inventing the wheel. In particular, the job description required government law experience, Florida Bar certi“cation in good standing, along with a bachelors degree. These requirements are typical for any quali“ed attorney. Obvious by his failed motion, Mr. Barnard wanted additional certi“cations and wanted to require a board specialty within the job advertisement. This action would have disquali“ed over 99.8 percent of all local attorney applicants. Before the City Council voted on Barnards motion, administration simply asked Mr. Barnard what was required to become a board specialist as he was demanding this for all applicants, however, it appeared that he could not explain how his mandated designation could be secured by any other applicants, so he deferred the question without answering. The Florida Bar regulates the licensing of attorneys in this state. A search on the Florida Bars website for Polk, Hardee, and Highlands County, revealed 1,281 attorneys licensed to practice law in our local three-county Heartland. Out of this total amount, only three lawyers in our area would have quali“ed under Barnards proposed job requirements for employment at the City of Avon Park. Any human resources professional would agree that job requirements should be reasonable, and re”ective of the needs and size of the organization. By Barnard making a motion to require a board specialist attorney, he could have potentially disquali“ed 99.8 percent of all licensed attorneys who reside within Hardee, Polk and Highlands County from employment consideration by the City Council. One could argue that VIEWPOINTS The White House says that Donald Trump wont throw out the “rst ball at the Washington Nationals home opener. He supposedly has a scheduling con”ictŽ (translation: he doesnt want to be booed), and Im sure going AWOL is “ne with the fans. Because theyd undoubtedly prefer to see the American pastime relaunched by someone whose regime is not suspected of engaging in criminal foreign espionage. Much like Watergate,the current scandal is sprouting more coiling vines than a kudzu plant. Seriously, who can keep up? Lets at least give it a try: 1. We learned that Paul Manafort, Trumps former campaign manager, has been investigated by bank of“cials in Cyprus for possibly money-laundering ties to Putin-connected, mob-suspected oligarch Oleg Deripaska. The bank probe targeted 15 bank accounts. After the probe was launched, Manafort closed the accounts. Manafort now says that he has no speci“c personal recollectionŽ about closing the accounts. This new story, broken by NBC News, dovetails with last weeks revelation, broken by the Associated Press, that Manafort in 2005 signed a $10-million-a-year deal with Deripaska to in”uence politics, business dealings and news coverage inside the United States, Europe, and former Soviet republics to bene“t Putins government.Ž AP saw the documents. Trump propaganda minister Sean Spicer rushed to distance his boss, insisting that Manafort played only a very limited role for a very limited timeŽ „ a fascinating description for a campaign manager who ran Trumps Republican convention. 2. Trumps son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is being questioned by Senate intelligence investigators about his newly unearthed sitdown with a Russian banker who has strong intelligence ties to the Putin regime „ at a time, last December, when Kushner was seeking new investors for the Trump familys real estate empire. The bank is currently under sanctions order by the Obama team in retaliation for Putins power grab in Crimea. A Trump ”ak insists that when Kushner met with the banker, Sergey Gorkov, It really wasnt much of a conversation.Ž 3. These ties to Russia, and so many others, are rendered even more suspicious thanks to the story broken last week by CNN: The FBI has information that indicates associates of President Donald Trump communicated with suspected Russian operatives to possibly coordinate the release of information damaging to Hillary Clintons campaign.Ž 4. Devin Nunes. Wow. The Republican chairman of the House intelligence committee is so in the tank that his next act will be licking Trumps limousine clean as a whistle. He couldnt do a better job sabotaging the House probe if he dynamited the hearing room. He makes Inspector Clouseau look like James Bond. In an apparent bid to buttress Trumps claim that he was wiretapped, or surveilled, or something, Nunes secretly met a sourceŽ at the White House to review some documents, then announced at a press conference that Trump had indeed been monitored in some fashion, then briefed Trump without ever sharing what hed supposedly learned with fellow members of the House panel. David French, an attorney and conservative activist, gives us the best analysis of Nunes lickspittle behavior. Writing in the conservative National Review, French says that the White House appeared to be using Nunes to brief itself. Rather than state its own case with its own evidence, it used Nunes to make it appear as if [an] external investigation had at least partially validated Trumps tweets ... Nunes unnecessarily poured gasoline on an already-raging “re ... Nunes isnt [supposed to be] Donald Trumps lawyer. Hes not Trumps spokesperson. Its not his job to clean up Trumps Twitter mess.Ž All told, said French, Its time for Nunes to go.Ž 5. Remember Sally Yates? The acting attorney general who was “red by Trump after she refused to defend his constitutionally indefensible travel ban? She was slated to testify earlier this week „ in part to discuss what she knew about Michael Flynn, the ex-national security adviser „ at a House intel hearing. Nunes summarily canceled the hearing. Basically, Trumps legal eagles sent her a series of letters insisting that her info on Flynn should remain con“dential. Yates lawyers fought back, contending that Flynns Russia ties are publicly known, so therefore she fully intended to testify. Thats when Nunes pulled the plug. Nunes also nixed a scheduled closeddoor hearing with James Comey, the FBI chief who publicly con“rmed last week that his G-people are probing for criminal espionage. Meanwhile, Sean Spicer said that Trump didnt try to derail Yates testimony: To suggest in any way, shape or form that we stood in the way of that is 100 percent false.Ž Actually, they did. Its right there in the letters. I hate to deface this column with Spicerlies, but I did want to give you a taste. Amid all this, lets not forget it was a Moscow on the Potomac Last weeks sweep of sexual offenders and predators by The Highlands County Sheriffs Of“ces Special Victims and Tactical Anti-Crime units is just one more proof of how this team tries to keep our residents safe. These random compliance sweeps are an important tool the units, as well as probation and parole departments, use to Highlands County a safer place. In the course of this one afternoon, 16 homes were visited to check if the offenders were complying with their court-ordered restrictions. Searches were conducted for pornography, and the offenders phones and computers were checked, authorities said. The sweep netted three arrests for violations of probation and another arrest warrant will be issued for an offender who left the state contrary to his restrictions. The contents of several phones and computers were downloaded and after an analysis of the data more arrests could follow. Five of the 21 items on Sheriff Paul Blackmans 100-day plan are related to catching and monitoring sexual offenders/predators and educating students about the dangers that await them if they arent careful online. Cara Moseley has worked this beat for a number of years, sometimes single handedly. She would make the frequent visits to make sure the offenders were complying with their court-ordered restrictions. She helped coordinate the annual Sexual Offenders and Predators supplement to the newspapers just prior to Halloween when all of the children would be going door to door looking for treats. Gathering the information for the section was not an easy task. Each offender or predator had to have a photo taken, information updated and all had to be current at press time. It often would require several revisions before the section would hit the press, but Moseley never complained. It was a job that was necessary and just one more way that the Sheriffs Of“ce tries to keep the community safe. Moseleys good work was noticed by her thenco-worker, Blackman. He has now promoted her to detective with full-time duties of keeping tabs on the sexual predators and offenders in the county. An analyst will assist Moseley in keeping updated the SOs Offender Watch website. There, the public can view the names, pictures and addresses of all the registered offenders in the county. Now, under Blackmans direction, Moseley will have more help from road deputies and the TAC team who will be taking a more active role in watching those in the Offender Watch program. Blackman has also upgraded computers, data storage and internet connections for the Special Victims Unit to allow more and better undercover online operations to help lure out sexual predators, as well as make building the cases more ef“cient. Portable equipment has also been purchased to allow onsite searches of computers found in the home of a suspect or a registered offender who is being monitored. Another tool that the public needs to remember is Florida Department of Law Enforcements website where people can perform a Neighborhood Search under the Offender Search button. There you can search within a -mile to a 5-mile radius of an entered address for any registered offenders or predators. There is also a map of the search results by clicking the Display Results in MapŽ link. The FDLEs Neighborhood Search website is at offender.fdle.state.”.us/ To access the Sheriffs Of“ce Offender Watch, go to the website at and click on the Offender watch button. You can perform an offender search there, as well as sign up for email alerts notifying you when an offender/ predator moves into your neighborhood. Blackman pledges his department will continue to conduct neighborhood sweeps in order to make sure that the registered sexual offenders and predators in our county are following the rules and not committing new offenses.Ž We believe him.Cracking down on sex offendersOUR VIEW YOUR VIEW Dick Polman GUEST COLUMN Glen Nickerson Publisher Pallavi Agarwal Editor Romona Washington Executive Editor Mat Delaney Highlands Sun Editor JOIN THE CONVERSATIONLetters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. We will not accept any Letters to the Editor that mention a business in a negative tone, as they have no means to defend themselves. Please keep Letters to the Editor to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name … not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. In the case of letters that are emailed, the same rules apply. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only four letters per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Highlands News-Sun, Letters to the Editor, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870, or fax to 863-385-1954. Readers may also email Letters to the Editor to editor@ | 7 LETTERS | 7 SAVE LIVES. GIVE BLOOD.


Saturday, April 1, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A7 Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. Trump campaign ad that warned voters a president cannot lead a nation while crippled by a criminal investigation.Ž The ad was about Hillarys emails, but I buy the message. Dick Polman is the national political columnist at NewsWorks/WHYY in Philadelphia ( and a Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania. Email him at dickpolman7@gmail. com. Guest columns are the opinion of the writer, DICKFROM PAGE 6 imposing job requirements, which cant even be explained by the requestor or employer, could open the city to employment liability with those whom have been unreasonably disquali“ed. In this regard, the City Council made the right decision on Monday night by opposing Mr. Barnards motion to require credentials that are not required by the City Charter or by the State of Florida to practice law in this state.Julian Deleon City Manager Avon ParkLETTERSFROM PAGE 6 Classified Ads € 385-6155 NEWS-SUN Oil and Batteries accepted in unlimited quantities during this scheduled collection and also during normal hours at the recycling department from 7am…3:30pm. Small businesses may contact the Recycling Department for proper disposal of hazardous materials. Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Waste Collection Households Only Date: Saturday, April 1, 2017Time: 8:30am until 2:30pm Location: Barkley StreetEle ctronics AcceptedEnd of life electronics: Computers, Monitors, Keyboards, Terminals, Televisions, Stereos, Printers, Fax Machines, V CRs, DVD Players, Video Cameras, Video Game Consoles, Wireless Devices.IMPORTANT NOTICE!OUTDATED AND OR UNUSED MEDICATIONS OR BIOHAZARDOUS WASTE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!Please contact the Highlands County Sheriffs Ofce for more information on the next scheduled Operation Medicine CabinetŽ .For more information, please call 863-655-6400 Driving Directions from Sebring: Hwy 27 S to Skipper Rd, (L) onto Skipper Rd, (L) onto Twitty Rd, (R) onto Barkley St. adno=3432357


A8 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, April 1, 2017 BORN LOSER By Art and Chip Sansom BLONDIE By Dean Young and John Marshall BABY BLUES By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell DOONSBURY By Garry Trudeau FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE By Lynn Johnston Dear Heloise: Those of us in the animal-rescue business understand the term foster failure.Ž It means youve taken in an animal in the hopes of “nding a good home for it. W ell, this failureŽ to “nd a home is really not, because many foster folksŽ end up keeping the animal! You can help save animals that might have been abandoned, lost or dumped. Many rescue groups may supply food, a crate, blankets, etc., to care for the animal. Medical care and vetting also might be covered. There are many ways to network the animal „ social-media groups, mass emails, digital bulletin boards, etc. Ive seen a lot of happy reunions come about because of people who care. „ Lisa P., via emailSafety hintDear Readers: Please take this hint seriously! Large buckets are helpful around the house and garage for cleaning, brush pickup, storage, etc. But they can be dangerous and deadly to children and pets. Small children, especially toddlers, can accidentally fall in head“rst. Since the child is top(head)-heavy, he or she usually cannot get out. A child can drown in just a small amount of liquid. Keep these buckets empty and picked up off the ”oor. „ HeloiseNo spray paintDear Heloise: I wanted to paint my patio furniture, but I hate spray paint and worry about the damage that aerosol cans may be doing to the environment. My solution? I covered the patio with newspapers, pulled on a rubber glove and dipped a sponge into the paint. Easy solution. „ Anne J. in New YorkMayo conditionerDear Readers: Here is a tried and tested hair hint: Use real mayonnaise, no diet or low-fat. After wetting your hair, massage in about a tablespoon or so of mayo. Then comb through your hair and put on a cheap plastic shower cap, or wrap the hair in plastic wrap. Next, cover with a bath towel and wrap your head. This allows the heat from your head to help the mayo really penetrate the hair. Give it an hour or so, rinse in cold water “rst, then shampoo thoroughly. „ HeloiseFoster failure has a good endingHints from Heloise were any groups or people willing to adopt a section of the Mall. Anna Marie Feeney, of Battle of the Bands Inc., offered to adopt the Veterans Square section. Rosie Longanecker asked if the appropriate amount of irrigation would be provided if someone adopted a section and planted ”owers or shrubs. Runner said enough irrigation will be provided. Concerning the many areas without grass, Runner said ”oratam sod would not work on the Mall because of the oak trees. Floratam requires direct sunlight, but the Mall has many shaded areas from the trees. Runner said he will try bahia grass seeding. Houston Foy Hall said areas that appear to be barren of grass may still recover with new shoots from the underground rhizomes. It is a mile-long beastŽ so any plants or shrubs on the Mall should require minimal maintenance, he said. Hall mentioned xeriscapeŽ frequently, which is landscape design that require little or no irrigation and minimal maintenance. A citizen said the grass was being cut too short, which is killing it. Runner responded that the inmates from Avon Park Correctional Institution had been cutting the grass and were directed to raise the cutting deck up to 4 inches. The grass was still being cut too short and the inmates no longer do the mowing. Councilman Jim Barnard recommended having a professional landscaper assess the Mall possibly once a month. A citizen recommended checking with a Master Gardener at the Highlands County Extension Of“ce. It was agreed that the city would continue to do the overall lawn and tree maintenance on the area, while community groups or businesses are sought to adopt sections for more detailed attention. Also, a committee will be formed to address the Mall beauti“cation effort. For more information, contact City Hall at 863-452-4405. MALLFROM PAGE 1I felt it was very necessary to have the past attorney cost information to make an informed decision for the future,Ž he said. The Council has made a motion moving past that issue and showed no interest in understanding why the costs have risen over the years.Ž Anderson noted he was informed by the city manager that he would be charged for public records even though they pertain to a City Council agenda item. At this time I no longer want the records I requested because Council has moved past the issue for now,Ž Anderson said. What he was referring to was a 3-2 Council vote Monday to interview one of the three who applied for the city attorney position. Anderson and Councilman Jim Barnard voted against it. Anderson made his initial request about a month ago after Deputy Mayor Brenda Gray suggested the Avon Park City Council look into hiring a full-time city attorney. Deleon provided a three-year history of fees in a report of what it would cost to employ a contracted city attorney versus the proposed full-time counsel. In an email to Highlands News-Sun, Deleon noted the city spends approximately $17 million per year. Invoices are stored in paper form in many boxes in the basement. These invoices are not available electronically, or easily found, he said. Because of the amount of time involved, I did not authorize the task, There was no motion from the Council directing me to perform this extensive work,Ž he said.ANDERSONFROM PAGE 1said. I recommend you take it.Ž Supervisor Wally Edgell asked if $109,000 would be the total cost to the district, and Koji said yes. Nothing added? Nothing hidden?Ž asked Supervisor Mark Camp. Koji answered that the total would even include payroll taxes. Edgell asked what would happen if the district opted for trial and lost. Koji said if the judge orders Grif“n reinstated, the district would owe $130,000 in back pay, from when he was “red on Sept. 11, 2015, to when he was reinstated on Jan. 20, 2017. If the district loses but Grif“n is not reinstated, Koji said, the district would owe future pay Grif“n otherwise would have had from his job. The standard amount is two years, Koji said, which would raise compensation to $430,000 or more „ approximately $500,000. Supervisor Curtis McCullough had concerns whether Grif“n could sue the district again. Koji said the agreement prevents Grif“n from suing again for matters that have already happened. He would still, under Florida law, be able to sue for future events. OK, but knowing this guys background,Ž McCullough said, suggesting Grif“n and the district could have con”icts again. Koji said having Grif“n leave employment reduces the likelihood that he and either the Board or district administration would have con”icts. Camp asked what sort of hit the district would take to pay for risk management. District Manager Tanya Cannady said she would look into that. Camp also expressed concerns that Grif“n could bid on projects after six months. David Schumacher, board attorney, said courts dont like inde“nite embargo periods, since management or board members can change in just a few years. Also, he said, the district might want to consider one of Grif“ns companies, if the price is the best bid.SETTLESFROM PAGE 1




A10 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, April 1, 2017 LOCAL SPORTSSEBRING The Sebring boys and girls track teams are hitting their strides at the right time. With the district meet only three weeks away, the Blue Streaks were impressive in a number of events on their way to a “rst-place “nish with 202.50 points in Thursdays “ve-team meet. DeSoto placed second with 134.17, Lake Placid had 87.83, Avon Park came in fourth at 87.50 and Walker Memorial Academy “nished with four points. The boys and girls had a great night,Ž said Sebring co-coach Renee Crenshaw. Ty Dellop broke the school record in the triple jump with a leap of 41-feet, 1 inch. The kids came out last night and ran, jumped and threw to the best of their ability. Im super proud of them and look forward to how well do in Saturdays meet.Ž In the boys competition, Sebring was “rst with 123 points, DeSoto was a distant second at 49, Avon Park came Streaks win track meet By MARK PINSONSTAFF WRITERSebring takes first in 5-team meet at Firemens Field The Sebring girls tennis team played its “nal regular season match on Thursday and cruised past the Winter Haven Blue Devils by a score of 7-0. In singles, Sebrings No. 1 player, Kitty Lackey, cruised to a 6-1, 6-3 victory over Ade Marcinick, while Alaina Keith blanked Megan Smith 6-0, 6-0 at No. 2 singles. Sanhitha Raghuveera rolled past Stevie Mueller 6-0, 6-0 at No. 3 singles and Destiny Lewis defeated Lindsey Ivey 6-3, 6-4 at No. 4 singles. At No. 5 singles, Ryleah Mhyre stepped up to play Kari Willis and came away with a 6-3, 6-4 victory In doubles, Lackey and Raghuveera defeated Gabbard & Patel 8-3 at No. 1 doubles and Keith and Lewis defeated Mueller and Willis at the No. 2 doubles slot by a score of 8-2. Sebring ended the regular season with a 10-1 record and will gear up for the district tournament on Monday, April 10, and Tuesday, April 11, at Lake Region High School in Lakeland. SFSC softball drops pair Its been tough sledding for the South Florida State College Panthers team, which dropped its ninth straight game on Thursday, falling to State College of Florida by identical 9-1 scores. In the opening game, the Panthers took a 1-0 lead in the top of the second when Victoria Eland knocked in Alyssa Whittington, only to see the Manatees storm back with two runs in the third and six in the fourth to seal the game. A run in the “fth inning halted the game due to the 8-run mercy rule used in college softball. The nightcap was more of the same, with the Panthers lone run coming in the fourth when Shavonda Howard knocked in Brianna Schwecke. The Manatees scored four runs in the sixth inning to bring the game to an early end. The Panthers (8-28 overall, 3-11 Suncoast Conference) will be home Tuesday for a doubleheader with Polk State College. The Panthers split their “rst two games with Polk State, defeating the Eagles 3-1 and losing 10-6.Streaks close out with winHIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN SPORTS STAFF Less than an hour after the completion of the 12 hours of Sebring, Cadillac drivers were pleading their case against additional Balance of Performance adjustments. IMSA listened „ but decided the Cadillacs were still too fast and they were hit once again in the latest BoP adjustments that were announced on Thursday. Everyone talks about BoP and I dont know what else they have to do to the Caddies,Ž Christian Fittipaldi, driver of the No. 5 Mustang Sampling Cadillac said in the post-Sebring press conference. Maybe theyre going to do something. Realistically, Cadillac did an awesome job.Ž Balance of Performance adjustments are made in an attempt to get all the cars in a particular class on a level playing “eld. IMSA will typically restrict the air to the engine, change the weight of a car and reduce both the fuel tank size and the size of the fueling restrictor. But with Cadillac, IMSA also decided to change the gear ratio, which is expected to limit the advantage the Cadillacs „ and their larger engines „ have over the competition. Cadillacs 6.2-liter engine is Cadillac dinged by IMSABY ALLEN MOODYSPORTS EDITORMazda, Nissan receive power increases in latest BoP adjustments ALLEN MOODY/STAFFThe Nissan-powered Tequila Patron ESM On roaks received a power increase in the latest round of IMSA BoP adjustments.IMSA | 12SEBRING „ It was double the excitement, double the thrills, as the Sebring Middle School seventh and eighth grade volleyball teams not only ended their volleyball seasons with wins over Hardee on Thursday night, both ended their season with perfect records at 10-0. The seventh grade team beat Hardee in straight sets 25-7, 25-22. Sebring dominated in the “rst game behind the service of Madeline Swain and Tori Morris. Sebring led 3-2 before Swain rattled off six straight service points to make the score 10-2. Leading 10-5, Morris followed with 11 service points as Sebrings lead swelled to 22-5 and eventually won the “rst game 25-7. The second game was closer in the beginning as Sebring held a one point lead at 10-9 before Morris served eight consecutive points to stretch the lead to ten, 19-9. Hardee rallied back with a couple of small point runs to close the gap to two at 23-21. Sebring held off the Hardee surge to win the second game and match, 25-22 to complete their second consecutive perfect season. Last year, the seventh grade team “nished 8-0. It is amazing to have back to back undefeated seasons,Ž said Sebring Middle School seventh A perfect endingBY JIM TAYLORCORRESPONDENTSebring Middle School volleyball teams go undefeated JIM TAYLOR/CORRESPONDENTThe Sebring Middle School seventh grade volleyball team goes through its pre-match routine. COURTESY PHOTOThe Sebring Middle School volleyball teams have their game-day ritual of breakfast at Dees Place.VOLLEYBALL | 11 MARK PINSON/STAFFLake Placid sophomore Kyle Yates competes in the high jump event during Thursdays track and eld meet at Firemens Field.STREAKS | 12


Saturday, April 1, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A11 In the final week of Lake Placid senior softball, Monday action witnessed the league front-runners both notching key wins. First place Vincents Pizza maintained its one game lead with a 2412 win over Anderson Group. The hard-hitting trio of Bill Scrase, Ron Kilburn (double) and Bill Gallagher (two doubles) each recorded five hits, with Norm Grubbs (two triples) and Cliff Bluml (double) adding four each. Andersons Ted Griffith and Elston Hedges each homered in an eight-run last inning rally that fell short. Second place Yates Insurance kept pace with a 30-17 triumph over Lake Placid Marine. The game was tied in the fifth inning before Yates sluggers put the game out of reach. Lee Maule had five hits, while Bob Roth, Jeff Lindskoog (triple), and Doug Jolman (double) had four each. Dan Rasmussen added a round-tripper. For the Mariners, Brian Heaphy (triple) and Joe Hedges (double) slammed six hits, Gary Tankersley chipped in with five, and Richard Rucker (double), Victor Rodriguez, and Pat Lowe added four apiece. Gary Vizzioli tripled and added three fine running catches in the outfield. Seminole Tire nipped Central Security 14-13. Tom Trapman had four hits for the winners. Paul Stephenson and Dana Hurlbut had three each for the Securitymen. In Wednesday action, Vincents Pizza (20-4) clinched the league title in their first year of play with a 21-14 win over Central Security (6-18). Ken Elston led the champions with five hits, while Bill Scrase (triple), Ron Kilburn (double), and Cliff Bluml added four each. Octogenarian manager Doran Quigg claimed his third title since hitting 80. He previously guided Yates and Seminole Tire to championships. All different players from last years Seminole Tire winners, but like the other champions, great guys to work withŽ observed Quigg in the postgame celebration. Runner-up Yates Insurance (19-5) squeaked by Anderson Group (10-14) 30-26. Kyle Saunders and Bob Roth had five hits each, Wild BillŽ DeStefano added four, and Doug Jolman homered. For Andersons, Elston Hedges slammed two home runs, with Ted Griffith (double), Dick Cook (triple), and Eddie Diaz adding four hits each. Seminole Tire (8-16) tripped up Lake Placid Marine (9-15) 19-15. Larry Laux, Jeff Stanley, and Darrel Richards all launched home runs for the Noles, and Jim Radcliff (double) added four hits. Brian Heaphy (double) paced the Mariner attack with five hits, while their Four Hit Club included Ed Engler (triple), Joe Hedges (double), Richard Rucker, Pat Lowe, and Larry Oser. Following the games, the league had its annual cookout with the league providing meats and beverages and players bringing covered dishes. The title trophy was presented to Vincents Pizza. All league officers were re-elected for 2018 „ President Ron Hanisch, VP Cliff Bluml and Secretary-Treasurer Richard Rucker. The league would like to thank sponsors, players, scorekeepers, umpires, groundskeepers, and fans for their participation and support in making 2017 another successful season. Special thanks to Jodi Bluml for her excellent work with the league website Please visit the site for league updates and future information.Vincents Pizza wins Lake Placid softball crownBY EDWARD ENGLERSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN COURTESY PHOTOVincents Pizza claimed the Lake Placid softball championship. grade head coach Laura Hare. They are a good group of girls and they have worked hard. The seventh and eighth grade teams work together and this is what happens.Ž The eighth grade team also “nished their season with straight wins over Hardee, 25-17, 25-20, to “nish their season undefeated at 10-0. Ironically, this years eighth grade team was last years seventh grade team, which also meant that they “nished their middle school careers undefeated. Hardee did not go down without a “ght and promptly took a 6-3 lead in the “rst game and the game was tied later at 15 before three service points by Lena Horton and four by Jessica Townsend secured the “rst game win, 25-17. In the second game, Sebring took a 4-1 lead and Hardee stayed close at 7-5 before Carly Webb served “ve straight points to give Sebring a 13-5 lead. Hardee chipped away to slash the Sebring lead down to three at 18-15 until Courtney Webb strung together four straight points at serve to make the score 23-15. Sebring held off a late charge by Hardee to win the second game 25-20. This is a good group of girls,Ž Sebring Middle School eighth grade head coach Ashley Grangoth said. By far the best team I have coached, they work very well together.Ž Seventh grade roster: Ashley Bible, Crystal Mendoza, Leydi Valdes, Victoria Rosario, Aashonda Blue, Tori Morris, Hayli Simmons, Katie Moore, Emma Rapp, Madeline Swaine, Bailey Clark, Aly Smyth, Sydney Porter. Head Coach: Laura Hare. Assistant Coaches: Reagon Scott and Arianna Bullington. Eight grade roster: Madison Yeazel, Jessica Townsend, Lena Horton, Abrelia Tumblin, Carly Webb, Cady Bronson, Santerra Bennett, Chelsea Feickert, Allie Cannady, Courtney Webb, Angela Eaton, Elizabeth Ritenour. Head Coach: Ashley Grangroth. Assistant Coaches: Brooke Clark and Hailey Hood.VOLLEYBALLFROM PAGE 10 JIM TAYLOR/ CORRESPONDENTSebring Middle School eighthgraders Elizabeth Ritenour (88 in yellow) and Cady Bronson both go for a dig.JIM TAYLOR/ CORRESPONDENTSebring Middle School seventh grader Tori Morris hits a kill shot against Hardee. AmVets Post 21 Cornhole TournamentAmVets Post 21 will be hosting their third annual Champion for Children Cornhole Tournament today, starting at 10:30 a.m. All proceeds from this years tournament will go to the Champion for Children Foundation. The tournament will be held at the AmVets Post on U.S. 27, just north of Hammock Road. Contact the AmVets Post 21 to sponsor the tournament, a team or a cornhole board. Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsorship opportunities are available. Teams consist of two players with a registration fee $40 per team. Registration forms available at the Post.Giggin For a Cure TournamentThe second annual Giggin For a Cure frog/ trash fish tournament will be held Saturday, April 22, at Lake Istokpoga Park. There will be $2,000 in prizes, based on 50 four-man teams. Entry fee is $30 per person and includes one meal ticket and a raffle ticket or $100 per four-person team, which includes four meal tickets and raffle tickets. Check in is between 5 and 7 p.m. and weigh-in takes place at 12:30 a.m. Big Frog or Big Fish Jackpot entry fee is $10. Proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society through Relay For Life. Contact David Wack at giggin4acure@ for more information.Lake Placid Athletic Association golf tournamentThe Lake Placid Athletics Association will hold its annual golf tournament on Saturday, April 8, at Placid Lakes Country Club. Entry fee is $100 per player and includes green fees and cart, lunch of shrimp and crab appetizers, chicken, pork and more. Complimentary beverages will be on hand. There will be cash prizes for closestto-the-pin and longest drive. Sponsorships are available. Contact Laura Teal at 863-441-0729 or Tom Reifsnyder at 954-675-9581 for more information.Asian American Association 5KThe Asian American Association is holding its annual 5K on Sunday, April 2, at the Clubhouse of Avon Park Lakes Association beginning at 7:30 a.m. Entry fee is $30. Email questions to Elena Febre at efebremd@ Elks Golf TournamentThe Florida State Elks Association announces its annual charity golf tournament scheduled at Spring Lake Country Club in Sebring, Florida on April 8th & 9th, 2017. This is a four person scramble played over 2 days and is open to the public. Trophies will be awarded for the winners of each flight.Cost is $120 pp and includes dinner Saturday night and lunch on Sunday. Go to www.floridaelks. org and click on the golf tournament info. There of course will be raffles, on course drinks, puitting contest, longest drive and more. For more info call 954-802-6758. SNAPSHOTS LOCAL RELIGION NEWS LOCAL SPORTS BRIEFS


A12 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, April 1, 2017 a big contrast from the 2.0-liter engine used in the Mazda RT-24P and both Mazda and Nissan (Tequila Patron ESM) received turbo boost increases, although Nissan lost two liters of fuel capacity. The Prototype class wasnt the only one that saw changes, as the Porsche 911 RSR received a weight increase of 22 pounds and also a 0.3mm reduction to its air restrictors. IMSA wasnt “nished with Porsche, either, as they lost two liters of fuel capacity and also received a 5mm loss to its refueling restrictor, which will slow the time it takes for gas to get to the fuel tank. BMW and Ferrari received boost increases. There were numerous changes in the GTD class, as nearly every team received a change in fuel capacity or refueling restrictor, while the Michael Shank Racing Acura NSX GT3s received an upper-end boost increase. After having two cars on the podium at Sebring, Mercedes-AMG was hit the hardest, receiving an additional 22 pounds, a loss of six liters of fuel tank capacity, a 1mm air restrictor reduction and a .2mm reduction in refueling restrictor. The WeatherTech SportsCar Championship teams will hit the track at Long Beach on Friday for the BUBBA burger Sports Car Grand Prix of Long Beach for practice and qualifying. The race takes place Saturday, April 8, and will be televised live on FOX at 4 p.m.IMSAFROM PAGE 10 ALLEN MOODY/STAFFAs expected, the Cadillac DPi-V.R was dinged in the latest Balance of Performance adjustments heading to Long Beach. in third place with 46.50 and Lake Placid had 39.50. Walker Memorial Academy did not have a boys squad. Sebrings Thurlow Wilkins won the 100-meter dash in a time of 10.56, Avon Parks Montrae Braswell placed second at 10.76 and Dellop was third in 11.17. Blue Streak Zachary Price won the 400-meter dash in 52.20, while Red Devil Moise Satine was second with a 52.46. Avon Park sophomore Dylan Branch continued his season-long domination of the distance events with a “rst-place “nish in the 800 meters in a time of 2:08.62, Lake Placids Scott Sigrist came in second at 2:14.43 and Avon Parks Antonio Grant was third in 2:15.34. Branch also won the 1600 meters in 4:50.56, Sigrist placed second at 4:50.93 and Blue Streak David Storey was third in 5:01.18. Sebrings Chandler Gowan was “rst in the 3200 meters with a time of 10:36.70, while Sigrist claimed second in 10:37.64 and Red Devil Sean Christensen came in third with a 11:32.81. Sebrings Brandon Beckman won the 110-meter hurdles in 19.56, Avon Parks Caleb Davis “nished second at 21.09 and Green Dragon Samuel Hawthorne was fourth in 21.43. Blue Streak senior Carson Mann sailed to “rst in the high jump by clearing 6-feet, 3 inches, Sebrings Eric Brown came in second at 5-feet, 8 inches and teammate Wade Gilbert was third at 5-feet, 6 inches. In the pole vault event, Sebrings Joseph Piccione took “rst by clearing 14-feet, 5 inches, Lake Placids Matthew Schwartz placed second at 10-feet, 9 inches and Blue Streak Jonathan Spiegel was third at 9-feet, 4 inches. Sebrings Delton Hawthorne was “rst in the long jump with a leap of 19-feet, 2 inches, Dellop was second at 18feet, 8 inches and Blue Streak Phillip Hamilton was third at 18-feet, 3 inches. In the shot put event, Sebrings Sidoro Olivares was “rst with a toss of 40-feet, 6 inches, Blue Streak Jordan Rose placed second and Dahquan Braswell came in third. Sebrings Kyle Howard came in “rst in the discus competition with a throw of 108-feet, 2 inches, Rose placed second at 98-feet, 9 inches and Green Dragon Gino Mejias was third at 94-feet, 3 inches. In the girls competition, DeSoto was “rst with 85.17 points, Sebring came in second with 79.50, Lake Placid was third at 48.33, Avon Park had 41 and Walker Memorial Academy “nished with four. Sebrings Kaleigh Williams blazed to “rst in the 100-meter dash in a time of 12.59, Lake Placids Miracle Thompson was second at 12.64 and Blue Streak Makaila McMillan was third in 12.78. McMillan won the long jump with a leap of 17-feet, 7 inches, Blue Streak Johneisha Rowe was second at 16-feet, 7 inches and Lake Placids Giselle Gonzalez was third at 16-feet, 6 inches. McMillan placed second in the 200-meter dash in 26.90, and Thompson was third in a time of 27.24. Red Devil freshman Emily Vargas won the 800 meters in 2:35.84, Sebrings Destany Rodriguez was second at 2:51.06 and Green Dragon Jameson Waller “nished third in 2:51.72. Vargas won the 1600 meters in 5:54.58, Walker Memorials Zoe Wortinger placed second at 5:55.31 and Avon Parks Savanah Old“eld was third in 6:29.18. Vargas also won the 3200 meters in a time of 13:07.26, while Red Devil Contessa Egan came in third at 14:50.99. Sebrings Kemora McGahee won the 100-meter hurdles in 17.78, while Lake Placids Kathryn LaBlanc was third in 18.56. LaBlanc “nished “rst in the pole vault by clearing 8-feet, 4 inches, Green Dragon Catherine Dye was second at 7-feet, 9 inches and Sebrings Katherine Noonon was third at 6-feet, 9 inches. Blue Streak senior LaToya Henley was “rst in the shot put event with a toss of 28-feet, 5 inches and Lake Placids Chakiah Sampson was third at 25-feet, 5 inches. Henley also won the discus event with a throw of 89-feet, 2 inches, while Blue Streak Talia Toussaint came in third at 64-feet, 6 inches. Sebring will compete in a meet today at Embry Riddle University. The kids are working hard and its paying off with some great results,Ž said Crenshaw. There will be some really good athletes at Saturdays meet and Im excited to see how we do.ŽSTREAKSFROM PAGE 10 MARK PINSON/STAFFSebring senior LaToya Henley nished rst in the discus event in Thursdays track and eld meet at Firemens Field.MARK PINSON/ STAFFAvon Park senior DeAngelo Porter nished fth in the triple jump competition in Thursdays track and eld meet. 1305 US Highway 27 N, Avon Park, FL 33825 13 IN STOCK! STARTING AT (INCLUDES $2,500 RETAIL CUSTOMER CASH AND RETAIL FAST CASH) *Tax, Tag, and Title not Included. $2,500 Retail Customer Cash. Not all buyers will qualify for Ford Credit financing. 2.9% AP R financing for 60 months. Not available for all offers, take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 4/3/17. See dealer for qualifications and c omplete details.$28,867*2017 FORD TRANSIT VAN NO D EA L ER F EEES adno=3424024 adno=3433680 CAC023495 SM 1-800-COOLING If theres an air of superiority to these units, its because theyre the quietest, most ef“cient models we make. Built for total home comfort, our In“nity series central air conditioners offer an enviable SEER rating of up to 21. Combine it with our innovative In“nity control for our highest degree of comfort management. adno=3438816


CLASSIFIEDS, COMICS & PUZZLES INSIDE SECTION B Saturday, April 1, 2017It has been said that God is a gentleman. He is winsome. He will not force his way into ones life. He simply waits for a genuine, heartfelt invitation. The popular picture of Jesus knocking on a door depicts the heart and life of a person. But there is no door knob on the outside symbolizing that it can only be opened from the inside. The Scripture that accompanies this is found in Revelation 3: 20, NKJV, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.Ž If indeed our Savior is winsome, then his wisdom is winsome, too. We read in Proverbs 9:10, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.Ž So we must have the right foundation, a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ if we want winsome wisdom to be ours. Look at Proverbs 3: 19 … 22. The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; by understanding he established the heavens; by His knowledge the depths were broken up, and clouds drop down the dewƒKeep sound wisdom and discretion. So they will be life to your soul and grace to your neck.Ž Have you ever cried out to God for wisdom? I know I have. There are situations and decisions that are simply beyond common sense. We need supernatural sense to act upon. Thats where the advice given in James 3:17 comes in handy (as well as many passages in Proverbs). Genuine, winsome wisdom from above sheds sel“shness and plants its feet “rmly in purity and peace. Because of that, there is no antagonism of or alienation from others. It doesnt emphasize the mistakes of others or minimize their feelings. Winsome wisdom will be sensitive to the feelings of others. But verse 17 goes on to say that Gods wisdom is reasonable, teachable, and approachable. The person aspiring to this wisdom will be easy to work with and not be critical. We may sigh with relief now. It all sounds so lovely and simple. But, its not. Its beyond our human nature and may even cause us to become unpopular. As believers, we must deliberately draw on the nature of God within us and move forward in integrity without hypocrisy. So if a decision you must make grows out of envy or self-seeking and you sense confusion, stop! It is not Gods wisdom. Be winsomely wise in Gods ways. Selah Winsomely wise Jan MeropPAUSE & CONSIDER Ever met a person who claims to not believe in God? They have a strong argument against the idea of a Supreme Being,Ž and try and convince you with science or just plain denial that God cannot exist. How did you “rst react? If you are like me, it may not have been even close to how Jesus would want us to react. I tend to be a little too much like King David, ready to take on the Philistine giant for defying the armies of the living God. When I meet the atheist or non-believer who stands so “rm against the idea that God truly exists, I “nd myself searching for my “ve smooth stones and loading up my sling. It took some advice from a another Christian friend to realize I was using the wrong approach. Instead of getting angry and defensive, ready to go to battle, I received a great word that made me take a few steps back and try and look at the point of view of the non-believer. We cannot beat them into believing. Finding out why they do not believe is very important; it will give you insight on how to better share your beliefs with them. Imagine for a moment, you have a belief and all the sudden someone who contradicts them goes on the attack and tramples on your ideology; it would not solicit good communication. Once the offensive has been set, neither will try and listen to the others point of views. Essentially, it will become a screaming match that leaves both beating their heads against the wall. Instead, listen to the non-believer. Allow them to fully explain why they do not believe. If they have never had someone explain Christs love to them and how bad things do happen in the world despite that love, they may have a hard time accepting that Christ is love. For someone who has seen the worst the world has to offer, the idea of God so loved the worldŽ will be a “ctional tale at best. As you listen to the non-believer, you must also listen to what God places in your heart to say. If you try and match them with your own knowledge, they will never get what you are saying. We just are not smart enough to outsmart the enemy when it comes to relying on our own human rationale. We need the wisdom only God can provide. Many times I tried to convince the non-believer that God existed, thinking I know Him well enough to change their view, only to fall ”at on deaf ears. The Be His voice, but dont scream James FanslerINSPIRATIONAL CORNER JAMES | 11School-aged children are busier than ever before, and some may be sacri“cing sleep to accommodate their lifestyles. The National Sleep Foundation says school-aged children need between nine and 11 hours of sleep each night to function at a healthy level. Sleep deprivation can be linked to a host of health ailments, including issues affecting the development of the brain. Growing evidence suggests that lack of sleep can cause disturbances in metabolic rates that could affect the risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity. A recent study from Johns Hopkins University found that, for each additional hour of sleep a child gets, the risk of that child becoming overweight or obese decreases by 9 percent. Children who slept the least, according to the research, had a 92 percent higher risk of being overweight or obese compared to children with longer sleep duration. The NSF adds that poor or inadequate sleep can lead to mood swings, behavioral problems and cognitive problems that impact kids ability to learn in school. To promote good sleep habits in children, parents and other caregivers can establish consistent sleep/wake routines; ensure children avoid excess caffeine, particularly late in the day; create a cool, dark sleep environment; keep televisions and other media devices out of bedrooms; and help children work through stressors that may impact sleep.Kids and sleepMETRO CREATIVE SERVICES MCCThe National Sleep Foundation says school-aged children need between nine and 11 hours of sleep each night to function at a healthy level. MCCThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says unintentional injuries, or those that result from burns, falls, poisoning, road trac, and drowning, are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among children in the United States.Safety firstHow to keep children of all ages safe New and experienced parents alike must keep many things in mind when welcoming a child into their homes. Babies do not come with instruction manuals, but kids of all ages need their parents to perform various functions, including keeping them safe. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says unintentional injuries, or those that result from burns, falls, poisoning, road traf“c, and drowning, are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among children in the United States. But even injuries that do not result in fatalities can still be serious. An estimated 9.2 million children per year visit hospital emergency rooms for unintentional injuries. For children 12 months old and younger, falls account for more than half of the nonfatal injuries. Child safety is not an issue to take lightly, and parents and other caregivers must remain upto-date on the latest guidelines regarding safeguarding children. The following are some safety tips and areas of concern parents may want to pay particular attention to. FallsAs children learn to move around their world, stumbles are to be expected. However, there are steps parents can take to minimize injuries. € Keep babies and young kids strapped and secured when using infant seats, swings, car seats, and strollers. Always keep the devices close to the ground, and not placed on top of a table or other furniture. € Install safety gates at the top and bottom of all staircases. € Install window guards to prevent window falls. € Visit only those playgrounds that have installed shock-absorbing surfaces beneath the play equipment. Water accidentsA child can drown in mere inches of water. As a result, parents must be extremely diligent to prevent accidents. € Never leave a child unattended around any source of water, even for just a few seconds. € Empty all tubs, containers, and kiddie pools of water immediately after use. € Use locks to seal toilet lids, and keep doors to bathrooms closed. € Install fences around home pools. Gates should be self-closing and self-latching. € Always test the temperature of bath water to ensure it is comfortable and will not scald a child.ToysToys are a part of a childs life, and they should bring joy, not danger. € Keep a childs age in mind when purchasing a toy or game. € Small toy parts can pose as choking hazards for young children, so inspect toys frequently for chips. € Each year in the United States, more than 2,800 kids are treated in emergency rooms after swallowing button batteries. METRO CREATIVE SERVICESSAFETY | 11School-aged children need between nine and 11 hours of sleep


B2 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, April 1, 2017 adno=3439060


Saturday, April 1, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B3 adno=3439061


B4 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, April 1, 2017 CHURCH NEWSChurch of the BrethrenSEBRING „ On Sunday, April 2, Pastor David Smalley will give the message. The choir will do its Easter Cantata, Great is our God,Ž created by Keith Christopher and narrated by Larry Weise. The church is at 700 S. Pine St. in Sebring. For information, call 863-385-1597.Church of Buttonwood BaySEBRING „ The service for Sunday, April 2 Pastor Cecil Hess will deliver a brief meditation, Are you giving up anything for Lent?Ž Special music by the choir. The church is on U.S. 27 four miles south of Highlands Regional Medical Center. Call 863-446-3695.First Baptist Church of Lake JosephineSEBRING „ Sunday morning service with the pastor is I believe in forgiveness of sin.Ž The evening service is Back to the Bible.Ž The church is at 111 Lake Josephine Drive in Sebring. Call 863-655-1524.First Presbyterian Church of Avon Park (A.R.P.)AVON PARK „ Pastor Juan Carlos Undas sermon will be BelieveŽ from Ezekiel 37:1-55 and Romans 8:6-11. The adult Sunday school lesson will be The “rst and the last?Ž from Matthew 19:10-30. The choirs intro is All praise to our Redeemer LordŽ and the anthem, At this table.Ž The church is at 206 E. LaGrande St. in Avon Park. Call 863-453-3242.First Presbyterian Church of SebringSEBRING Pastor Darrell A. Peers sermon will be from the series Flinging seedsŽ from Matthew 13:3-9. The church is at 318 Poinsettia Ave. in Sebring. Call 863-385-0107.First United Methodist Church of Avon ParkAVON PARK „ The pastors Scripture for this week is John 11:1-44, Something new.Ž The church will celebrate Holy Week with services on Holy Thursday, April 13 and Good Friday, April 14. The church is at 200 S. Lake Ave. in Avon Park. For information, call 863-453-3759.First United Methodist Church of SebringSEBRING Pastor David Julianos sermon will be Answered by Easter: Question 1: Who is Jesus?Ž from Matthew 16:13-18. The church is at 126 S. Pine St. Call 863-385-5184.Heartland Christian ChurchSEBRING … Pastor Ted Moores sermon this week is Our CommanderŽ from Luke 9:28-36. Vickie Andersen will sing. Vic Anderson will have a trumpet solo. The church is at 2705 Alternate Route 17 South (behind Publix). Call 863-314-9693.Heartland church of ChristSEBRING „ The Sunday morning class will be from Romans 4-5. Carl Fords sermon this week will be Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount The Beattitudes.Ž The church meets at the Country Estates Civic Center, 3240 Grand Prix Ave. in Sebring. Call 863-402-2159.Memorial United Methodist Church of Lake PlacidLAKE PLACID „ Pastor Tim Haas is preaching The suffering of ChristŽ from 1 Peter 3:18. Bill Lewis will be in concert at 6 p.m. Community Sunrise Easter Service is at 6:30 a.m. Sunday, April 16. The church is at 500 Kent Ave. Call 863-465-2422.New Beginnings ChurchSEBRING „ Sunday Pastor Gary Kindles sermon will be I am the Resurrection and the lifeŽ based on John 11:1-45. The churchs present location is The Morris Chapel, 307 S. Commerce Ave. Call 863-835-2405.Southside Baptist ChurchSEBRING „ Pastor David Altmans sermon will be Wonderful words of life.Ž Special music by Teresa Altman. Offertory is Helen Wing. The church is at 379 S. Commerce Ave. in Sebring. Call 863-385-0752.St. John United Methodist ChurchSEBRING … Pastor Ronald De Genaro Jr. will preach the sermon Jesus changes everything!Ž from John 11:1-45. The church is at 33631 Grand Prix Drive (just behind Walmart). Call 863382-1736 for more information. CHURCH BRIEFSCleghorn concert at St. JohnSEBRING „ St. John United Methodist Church welcomes pianist and singer Jeff Cleghorn in concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 2 in the sanctuary at 33631 Grand Prix Drive. (behind the Sebring Walmart). For information, call the church of“ce at 863-382-1736. Traveling Youth Handbell ChoirLAKE PLACID „ The Bronze Ambassadors of the United Christian Academy of Newport, Vermont, will hold a concert at First Presbyterian Church at 6 p.m. Friday, April 7 at 117 N. Oak Ave. For more information, call 863-446-3062. Church parking lot saleLAKE PLACID „ The Lake Placid Temple Church of God will host a 10,000 egg hunt from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 8 at 51 Lake June Road. There will be eggs, grilled lunch and water slides. The event is free.Live paintingLAKE PLACID „ The Genesis Center at First Presbyterian Church of Lake Placid will have Keith Goodson painting the book of Genesis live on canvas in front of an audience at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 9 (Palm Sunday), at the Genesis Center, 218 E. Bellview St. in Lake Placid. The event is free. Palm Sunday celebrationVENUS „ Venus United Methodist Church will celebrate Palm Sunday with a horse ride down Sheppard Road. There will be an Easter egg hunt at 10 a.m. The church is at 962 County Road 731 in Venus. For information, call 561-215-9652. Community Holy week servicesLAKE PLACID „ First Presbyterian Church, 117 N. Oak Ave., will host a Community Holy week with the following participants: April 10, Bill Cole, Faith Baptist Church; April 11, Joe DeHart, Community Church of God; April 12, Ray Cameron, First Presbyterian Church; April 13, Elizabeth Nelson, St. Francis Anglican Episcopal Church; and April 14, Richard Norris, Trinity Lutheran Church. Services begin each day at First Presbyterian Church at 11:30 a.m. Easter egg huntSEBRING „ Covenant Presbyterian Church will host an Easter Egg hunt from 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, April 12 at 4500 Sun N Lake Blvd. in Sebring. For more information, call 863-385-3234.Bible Fellowship Church Easter servicesSEBRING „ Bible Fellowship Church will hold its Good Friday services and communion at 6 p.m. Friday, April 14 at the church, 3750 Hammock Road in Sebring. Easter Sunrise service will be 7 a.m. Sunday, April 16, at Highlands Hammock State Park ball“eld. Admission is free. Bring a folding chair. Breakfast snacks will be available at the church after the service. For information, call 863-385-1024.10,000 egg huntAVON PARK „ Crossroads Community Church of Avon Park will host a 10,000 egg hunt from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 15 at 114 S. Central Ave. There will be pony rides, a petting zoo, cotton candy, snow cones, in”atables, prizes and more. Sunday, April 16 there will be family photos and special Easter services. St. John Family Easter celebrationSEBRING „ St. John United Methodist Church will host a Family Easter Celebration from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 15 at the church at 33631 Grand Prix Drive (behind the Sebring Walmart). Activities include an egg hunt, crafts, face painting, cupcake walk, sno-cones, and more. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. For information, call 863-382-1736.Easter service at Devane ParkLAKE PLACID „ Pentecostal Lighthouse Fellowship will have a Sunrise Easter Service from 6:30-9 a.m. Sunday, CHURCH | 5 MCCTo include your church information in this listing, email Highlands News-Sun at adno=3439062


Saturday, April 1, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B5 MALLARD FILLMORE By Bruce Tinsley PEANUTS By Charles Schulz CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers SHOE By Gary Brookins & Susie ARIES (March 21-April 19). Today's theme: forgotten riches. It's like when you leave money in the pockets of your pants and it goes through the wash just ne, ready for you to discover it the next time the pants come up in rotation. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). A mysterious karmic debt hangs in the balance. It must be paid in order to move forward. Whether you are the one to pay or to get paid, go for a clean and complete transaction so all can progress. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You will become a leader p erha p s a reluctant one. It's not reall y about delivering your words well, or being charismatic, popular or particularly powerful. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your mood: thoughtful. You can scarcely accomplish a single thing without asking yourself, "What am I doing with my life, and how does this match up with the moments of my every day?" LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Motivation will be high in the morning, and there's the potential to be gloriously productive! Then comes the afternoon slump. You may as well give into it because ghting it will be futile. Relax. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You may or may not be able to chan g e the situation but y ou can certainl y change what you think of it; your feelings and actions will follow. This will be an essential step toward any sort of tangible result. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Work without a worry as to how acceptable the results will be. You have no control over that. The truth is that many can execute the task. Still, you're the only one who can do it your way. So there „ you've already won. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Listen to them when they tell you how they see it, but don't believe it. Believe your own eyes. They see a problem; you see potential. They see a roadblock; you see the alternative hi g hwa y to the future. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There's a time for doing and a time for not doing. Doing doesn't make you more. Not doing doesn't make you less. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your goals give your life structure, your passion a form, your personality an irresistible spark. However, don't put these goals above all else. People come rst. And remember, you're "people," too. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). There's no secret shortcut, quick x, perfect recipe or magic word. There is only doing the next thing and then the next thing. You may nd this tedious, but you won't nd it ineective. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). The rituals of love seem a lot more magical when they are not explained or expected. And yet, like most magic, there's a good deal of planning and practice that goes into pulling o the trick. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (April 1). Your cosmic birthday gift is a lasting attraction to what's good for you. This month, a new responsibility claries your mind and organizes your priorities. A remarkable meeting in May will set o a heart-fullling series of events. You will have adventures with animals or children in June. Your luck y numbers are: 47 9 4 28 and 39. HOROSCOPE DEAR READERS: Once again, I cant let April Fools Day pass without printing a few of the more interestingŽ letters that have crossed my desk during the past year: DEAR ABBY: I own a champion Airedale terrier I have been trying to breed for more than a year. Finding her the right match has proven dif“cult. But recently, we found a perfect match. Their genetics are superb, and they seem to like each other. The males owner and I took the two dogs on a dog run last month and, except for a bit of mud, it was a perfect afternoon. There have been other afternoons and evenings. The problem is the males owner. She will only allow her dog to breed mine if she and I also breed.Ž She claims it is the only true way to know if our canines are a perfect match. Im not a prude, but since my divorce, I havent dated much. The woman is attractive, and Im lonely, but her proposition felt odd to me. And if the breeding is a regular thing, would that be good for the dogs? What should I do? „ OVERWHELMED IN KANSAS CITY DEAR OVERWHELMED: Keep your romances and those of your pooch separate unless youre willing to risk your love life going to the dogs. DEAR ABBY: I wanted to show my elderly co-worker some photos I had taken of the countryside. Without thinking, I handed her my phone so she could browse through them while I went to get coffee. When I returned, my phone was on my desk and she was nowhere to be found. Only then did I realize she must have seen the many nude pictures of me and my husband. (We like to send each other naughty sel“es.) Whats more, the photos are clown-themed „ rainbow wigs, red noses, makeup, etc. My co-worker has never said anything, but now I sense shes avoiding me. Should I pull her aside and see if she wants to talk about anything? Pretend it never happened? Casually mention the circusŽ and see if she gives a reaction? „ NAUGHTY IN NEW MEXICO DEAR NAUGHTY: The less said the better. This mess was caused by your greatest show on earthŽ of bad judgment. You have only your sel“e to blame for the uncomfortable silence happening in your of“ce. DEAR ABBY: Would sex with a robot be considered in“delity? „ WONDERING IN WESTWORLD DEAR WONDERING: Its not in“delity unless the robot belongs to somebody else „ or you do. DEAR ABBY: I love my girlfriend so much. Im trying to think of a unique romantic gesture to show her what she means to me. Would it be acceptable to have a carnivorous plant delivered to her of“ce? Although Ive considered traditional ones, I think the carrion ”ower is my pick. Its huge, pink and smells like rotting ”esh. I think its the perfect way to express my love. What do you think? „ OFFBEAT IN ST. PETE DEAR OFFBEAT: I think your idea stinks worse than the ”ower. Happy April Fools Day to you and to all my readers! „ LOVE, ABBY Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city; the watchman waketh but in vain.Ž „ Psalms 127:1. The reason many homes have so much and yet are so unhappy is that they failed to invite the Lord as an honored guest. Without Him, life will be in vain and futile. BIBLEFoolishness is not limited to a single calendar dayVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby COURTESY PHOTOFirst Baptist Sebring presents their third annual The Living Last Supper,Ž 7 p.m. Thursday, Apr. 13 and Friday, Apr. 14, at First Baptist Sebring.April 16 in Devane Park, Lake Placid. Refreshments to be served. For more details, call 863-441-6764.Free tax preparationSEBRING „ Faith Lutheran Church of Sebring will have free tax preparation from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Monday and Wednesday through Apr. 17, 2470 Lakeview Dr. in Sebring. Certi“ed accountants onsite and IRS certi“ed. No appointment necessary. For information, call 863-385-7848. The Living Last SupperSEBRING „ First Baptist Sebring presents its third annual The Living Last SupperŽ at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 13 and Friday, April 14 at First Baptist Sebring, 200 E. Center Ave. One of Christianitys most significant events was brilliantly portrayed by Leonardo Da Vinci centuries ago: The Last Supper. This Renaissance masterpiece is brought to life in Ruth Elaine Schrams remarkable work, The Living Last Supper,Ž and music by various composers. For more information, call 863-385-5154.CHURCHFROM PAGE 4 Navy Capt. Brett M. Pierson retired March 17 from the U.S. Navy after serving honorably for 30 years. Pierson served as the ninth Commodore of Naval Test Wing Atlantic (Ntwl), Patuxent River, Maryland, during his last tour in the Navy. The NTWL is the Navys principal ”ight and ground test activity for the developmental test and evaluation and acquisition of aviation systems, focusing on war “ghting requirements and solidly defensible allocation of resources. As the most technically diverse Air Wing in Naval Aviation, NTWL comprises Air Test and Evaluation Squadrons VX-20, HX21, VX-23, the Unmanned Aerial Systems Test Directorate (UASTD) and U.S. Naval Test Pilot School (USNTPS). Pierson is a 1983 graduate of Sebring High School. He earned a bachelors degree in 1987 from United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, and in 1995 was a graduate of the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School.Local grad retires as Navy commodoreSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN Pierson


B6 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, April 1, 2017 www.highlandsnewssun.comVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Once again, a reader proves that parenting must be added to religion and politics as verboten subjects for polite conversation. A column I published back in December of 2016 went viral recently „ yes, three months later (such things are mysteries to me). In it, I proposed that parents, not children, are the most important people in a family and that the husband-wife relationship, not the parent-child relationship, should be “rst and foremost. That is the natural state of affairs, after all. Families were parentor marriage-centered for thousands of years. Then, in the 1960s, America suffered a parenting revolution in which psychological theory began to dominate and eventually all but extinguish common sense. Out of this revolution came the child-centered family, which is now the norm. Ironically, it also initiated a signi“cant downturn in child and teen mental health which continues to this day. My critic responded to said column with vitriol that is not suitable for anyone, no matter how crass. I am, she said, a bleeping bleep who should be bleeped out of bleeping existence. Use your imagination. Or, better yet, dont. It will not matter to said reader or anyone of her ilk, but parenting outcome research con“rms my proposition. Except during infancy, early toddlerhood and critical illness, it is not in a childs best interest to be at the center of attention in his/ her family. The child may like and enjoy that state of affairs, but then children also prefer ice cream over broccoli. Rational people do not generally care what children like and dont like. Another way of saying this is to propose that the roles parents should occupy, primarily speaking, are husband and wife; or, in the case of a single parent (as was my mother for most of the “rst seven years of my life), an adult whose life, from her childs vantage, is interesting and therefore worth emulating. You are not interesting to a child who is the focal point of your attention. Instead, the child will take you for granted. He will express his sense of entitlement by being demanding, ungrateful, disrespectful, and often obnoxious in ways perhaps your tunnel vision does not allow you to see (but others readily can). A child-centered family is one in which the adults occupy the roles of daddy and mommy more than they occupy the roles of husband and wife. When you are daddy and mommy, you are paying attention to and doing things for your kids. When you are husband and wife, you are paying attention to “rst things and your kids, quite naturally, will pay attention to you. That condition is essential to establishing parent authority, effective discipline and successful emancipation. Contrary to the post-1960s myth, children (again, excepting the very young) do not need a lot of attention. They need, instead, adults in their lives who are worthy of being paid attention. Respect for others is worth far more than high self-esteem. There is nothing that puts a more solid foundation of security and well-being under a childs feet than the knowledge that his parents are in a permanent relationship. To pre-empt the kneejerk: That is not to say that a child raised by a single parent is insecure. If you are single, then please and by all means be an interesting person, a person who lives a full, rich life right in front of your kids. My mother did exactly that. And she was most de“nitely not at my beck-and-call. She even occasionally said to me John Rosemond, you do not need a mother right now and I am not going to be one.Ž Its impossible to develop a sense of entitlement under those circumstances. John Rosemond is a family psychologist. Visit his websites at and confirms proposition John RosemondLIVING WITH CHILDREN We all face problems that crop up again and again. Most of us have probably yelled, How many times have I told you?Ž and yet the behavior that drives us crazy continues to occur. The reason for our frustration may be that we talk when we really ought to be acting. Youve heard the expression, "Actions speak louder than words," and in our personal relationships that often can be true. For example, perhaps theres a toddler in your house who thinks dinner time is a perfect time to play with his food rather than eat it, no matter how many times you reprimand him. Instead of constantly repeating that command to eat, try smiling at him, removing his plate, and saying calmly, I see youre done with your dinner.Ž Will he protest? Most likely, and probably loudly. But the act of having his dinner disappear, along with your explanation of why, is likely to be more effective than simply ordering him to eat. A similar situation might be if you have a spouse who tends to drink too much at social events. You “nd it embarrassing and have expressed your displeasure numerous times, all to no avail. Next time, instead of more complaining, simply take action by picking up the car keys, handing him or her ten dollars for that cab ride home, and walking out to your car and driving home. There are numerous situations, from dealing with a parent who calls daily in order to criticize you, to a teen who refuses to heed family curfew hours, when arguing with the person doesnt result in a change in behavior but probably does give you a headache. Instead of more arguing, take action. Inform your mother that if she criticizes you again youre going to hang up. Then follow through and do it if she cant stop herself. Counseling Corner is provided by the American Counseling Association. Comments and questions to ACAcorner@counseling. org or visit the ACA website at your point without arguingAMERICAN COUNSELING ASSOCIATION


Saturday, April 1, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B7 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO VACATE AN EASEMENT Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Highlands County, Florida, upon petition of Rober t B. Peterson and Carla K. Peterson, will on the 18th day of April, 2017, at 9:00 A.M., in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room at 600 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Flroida, consider and determine whether the county will vacate the easement described below and renounce and disclaim any rights of the County and the public in and to the easement and land in connection therewith. The easement is described as: THE SOUTHERLY 10 FEET OF LOT 49, BLOCK 260, SUN N LAKE ESTATES OF SEBRING, UNIT 13, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 71 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HIGHLAND S COUNTY, FLORIDA; LESS AND EXCEPT THE EASTERLY 7.5 FEET AND THE WESTERLY 7.5 FEET THEREOF. SITE ADDRESS: 2902 SUNRISE DR, SEBRING FL 33872 Persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place specified above. Any person who might wish to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners of Highlands C ounty, Florida, in public hearing or meeting is hereby advised that he will need a record of the proceedings, an d for such purpose, he may need to ens ure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which will include the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. The Board of County Commissioners of Highlands County, Florida, does not dis criminate upon the basis of any individ u als disability status. This non-discriminatory policy involves ever y aspect of the Boards functions, includ ing ones access to, participation, employment or treatment in its programs or activities. ``Anyone requiring reason a ble accommodation as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act o r Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, should contact Pamela M. Rogers, AD A Coordinator at: 863-402-6509 (Voice), 863-402-6508 (TTY), or via Florida Relay Service 711, or email: prog Requests for CART or interpreter services should be made at least 24 hours in advance of the meeti ng to permit coordiantion of the service. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA Chairman ATTEST: Robert W. Germaine, Clerk March 25; April 1, 2017 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE22 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 16000164GCAXMX BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFICIA RIES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, A SSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF DOROTH A HINESLEY, DECEASED, et al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SAL E NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuan t to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated February 27, 2017, and entered in Case No. 16000164GCAXMX of the Circui t Court of the TENTH Judicial Circuit in and for Highlands County, Florida, wherein BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. is the Plaintiff and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MA Y CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF DOROTHA HINESLEY, DECEASED; UNITED STATES OF A MERICA, ON BEHALF OF THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; HSBC FINANCE CORPORATION, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO HSBC BANK NEVADA, N.A., AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO DIREC T M ERCHANTS CREDIT CARD BANK, N.A. are the Defendant(s). Robert Ger maineas Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the Jury Assembly Roo m 430 S. Commerce Ave., Sebring, FL 33870, at 11:00 AM on April 27, 2017 the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: A PORTION OF LOTS 5 AND 6, ORANGE VILLA ESTATES, A CCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 36, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED A S FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF THE AFORESAID LOT 5, THENCE RUN NORTH 1 16' 00" W EST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 99.27 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN NORTH 88 44' 00" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOTS 5 AND 6 FOR A DISTANCE OF 134.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN SOUTH 1 44' 00" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 114.75 FEET TO A POINT ON A CIRCULAR CURVE; THENCE RUN SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING FOR ITS ELEMENTS A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 39 07' 48" FOR A N ARC DISTANCE OF 34.15 FEET TOA POINT; THENCE RUN NORTH 40 23' 48" WEST FOR A DISTANCE FOR 162.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Property Address: 4405 WELCOME DRIVE, SEBRING, FL 33870 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens mu st file a claim ihi60dfhl NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE22 w i t hi n 60 d ays a f ter t h e sa l e. Dated this 9t h day of March 2017. Robert Germaine As Clerk of the Court By: /s/ Robyn P. Durrance As Deputy Clerk IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Office of the Court A dministrator, (863)534-4690, at least 7 days before your scheduled court a ppearance, or immediatel y upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled apperance is less than 7 days; Notice of Foreclosure Sale; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD (863)534-7777 or Florida Relay Service 711. 15-087064-MaM March 25; April 1, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 10TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 16000472GCAXMX THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE CWALT INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2007-HY3 MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-HY3 Plaintiff vs. DANIEL J. SASSIN A/K/A DANIEL SASSIN, TERI SASSIN, THE COVE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., SEACOST NATIONAL BANK, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 8, 2017, and entered in Case No. 16000472GCAXMX of the Circuit Court of the 10th Judicial Circuit, in and for HIGHLANDS County, Florida, where in THE BANK OF NEW Y ORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW Y ORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFI C ATEHOLDERS OF THE CWALT INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2007-HY3 MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-HY3, is the Plaintiff and DANIEL J. SASSIN A/K/A DANIEL SASSIN, TERI SASSIN, THE COVE PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIA TION, INC., SEACOST NATIONAL BANK, are the Defendants, The Clerk of Court shall offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash on April 13, 2017, at 11:00 A.M., at The Jury Assembly Room, Basement, 430 Commerce Ave., Sebring, Florida 33870, the fol lowing described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment lying a nd being situate in HIGHLANDS County, Florida, to wit: Lot 10, THE COVE, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 21, of the Public Records o f Highlands County, Florida. NOTICE: If you are a person with a d isability who needs any accommoda tion to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the office of the Court Administrator (863)534-4690, within t wo (2) working days of your receipt of this Notice of Foreclosure Sale; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD (863)534-7777 or Florida Relay Serv ice 711. ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN IN TERST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE S ALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROP E RTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THIS LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. THE CLERK SHALL RECEIVE A SERVICE CHARGE OF UP TO $70 FOR SERVICES IN MAKING, RECORDING, AND CERTIFYING THE SALE AND TITLE THAT SHALL BE ASSESSED AS COSTS. THE COURT, IN ITS DISCRE TION, MAY ENLARGE THE TIME OF THE SALE. NOTICE OF THE CHANGED TIME OF SALE SHALL BE PUBLISHED AS PROVIDED HEREIN. DATED this 10th day of March, 2017. Robert W. Germaine CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ Robyn P. Durrance Deputy Clerk 16-024901-FC-BV March 25; April 1, 2017 NOTICE OF HEARING24 N O TI C E O F PUBLI C HEARIN G FOR A VARIANCE REQUEST HEARING NO. 18 10 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a PUBLIC HEARING will be held before the HIGHLANDS COUNT Y Board of Adjustment on the 11th day of April, 2017 beginning at 3:00 p.m ., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the County Commissioners Board Room, Highlands County Government Center Building, 600 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida to consider a variance to allow a 5.8 foot side yard setback instead of the required 7.5 feet for an existing accessory structure, within the area described as follows: An approximate 0.68-acre parcel located on the shoreline of Lake Josephine approximatel y 1.33 miles west of US 27, 0.09 miles north of Lake Josepine Drive, and 2.83 miles east of Payne Road, on the north side of Sentinel Point Road; the address being 1630 Sentinel Point Rd., Sebring, Florida; and legally described as follows; Lot 5, Lake Josephine Subdivision No. 2, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 85 of the Public Records of Highlands County, Florida. Any person or persons interested or aff ected by this change are invited to att end this hearing. You may submit comments in writing to the attention of Linda Conrad, Zoning Supervisor, P.O. Box 1926, Sebring, Florida 338711926, or you may call (863)4026638, for further information. Please reference the above hearing number when calling or writing. A LL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE INV ITED TO ATTEND. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD AT THE TIME ANDPLACESPECIFIEDABOVEANY NOTICE OF HEARING24 AND PLACE SPECIFIED ABOVE ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL A NY DECISION MADE BY THIS COMMITTEE/GROUP, IN PUBLIC HEARING OR MEETING IS HERBY ADVISED THAT HE OR SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE P ROCEEDINGS, AND THAT, FO R SUCH PURPOSE, HE OR SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD WILL INCLUDE THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON W HICH SUCH APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND T HE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSONERS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA, DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE UPON THE BASIS OF ANY INDIVIDUALS DISABILITY STATUS. THIS NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY INVOLVES EVERY ASPECT OF THE BOARDS FUNCTIONS, INCLUDING ONES ACCESS TO, PARTICIPATION, EMPLOYMENT OR TREATMENT IN ITS PROGRAMS OR ACTIVITIES. ANYONE REQUIRING REASONABLE ACCOMMO DATION AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OR SECTION 286.26, FLORIDA STATUTES, SHOULD CONTACT MS. MS. PAMELA ROGERS, ADA COORDINATOR, AT 863-402-6842 (VOICE), VIA FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE 711, OR BY E-MAIL: P ROGERS@HCBCC.ORG. REQUEST FOR CART OR INTERPRETER SERVICES SHOULD BE MADE AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE TO PERMIT COORDINATION OF THE SERVICE. ONE OR MORE COUNTY COMMISSONERS MAY BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. Rick Ingler, Chairman March 27; April 1, 2017 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR A VARIANCE REQUEST HEARING NO. 180 9 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a PUBLIC HEARING will be held before the HIGHLANDS COUNTY Board of Adjustment on the 11th day of April, 2017 beginning at 3:00 p.m ., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the County Commissioners Board Room, Highlands County Government Center Building, 600 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida to consider a variance to allow the height of the accessory structure t o be four feet higher than the dwelling, w ithin the area described as follows: An approximate 0.47-acre parcel located approximately 1 mile west of Placid V iew Drive, 2. 44 miles north of SR 70 and 2.26 miles south of Catfish Creek Drive, on the east side of Placid Lakes Blvd.; the address being 8840 Placid Lakes Blvd., Lake Placid, Florida; and legally described as follows: Lot 16 and the South half of Lot 17, Block 250, Placid Lakes, Section 20, accord ing to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 31, of the Public Records of Highlands County, Florida. Any per son or persons interested or af f ected by this change are invited to att end this hearing. You may submit comments in writing to the attention of Linda Conrad, Zoning Supervisor, P.O. Box 1926, Sebring, Florida 338711926, or you may call (863)4026638, for further information Please reference the above hearing number when calling or writing. A LL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE INV ITED TO ATTEND. A LL INTERESTED PERSONS MAY AP PEAR AND BE HEARD AT THE TIME AND PLACE SPECIFIED ABOVE. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THIS COMMITTEE/GROUP, IN PUBLIC HEARING OR MEETING IS HERBY ADVISED THAT HE OR SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND THAT, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE OR SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD WILL INCLUDE T HE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPO N W HICH SUCH APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSONERS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA, DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE UPON THE BASIS OF ANY INDIVIDUALS DISABILITY STATUS. THIS NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY INVOLVES EVERY ASPECT OF THE BOARDS FUNCTIONS, INCLUDING ONES ACCESS TO, PARTICIPATION, EMPLOYMENT OR TREATMENT IN ITS PROGRAMS OR ACTIVITIES. ANYONE REQUIRING REASONABL E ACCOMMODATION AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE A MERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OR SECTION 286.26, FLORIDA STATUTES, SHOULD CONTACT MS. PAMELA ROGERS, ADA COORDINATOR ,AT 863-402-6842 (VOICE), VIA FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE 711, OR BY E-MAIL: PROGERS@HCBCC.ORG. REQUEST FOR CART OR INTERPRETER SERVICES SHOULD BE MADE AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE TO PERMIT COORDINATION OF THE SERVICE. ONE OR MORE COUNTY COMMISSONERS MAY BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. Rick Ingler, Chairman March 27, April 1, 2017 N O TI C E O F PUBLI C HEARIN G FOR A VARIANCE REQUEST HEARING NO. 180 8 YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a PUBLIC HEARING will be held before the HIGHLANDS COUNT Y Board of Adjustment on the 11th day of April, 2017 beginning at 3:00 p.m ., or as soon thereafter as possible, in the County Commissioners Board Room, Highlands County Government Center Building, 600 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida to consider a variance to allow 4.7 foot side yard setback instead of t he required 7.5 feet for an existing dwelling, and 5.4, 5.5, and 6.3 foot side yard setbacks instead of the required 7.5 feet for an existing carport, w ithin the area described as follows: An approximate 0.26-acre parcel located approximately 3.05 miles east o f US 27, 0.13 miles west of Lake Istok poga, and 2.65 miles north of CR 621, on the south side of Lindberg Avenue; the address being 1615 Lindberg Ave., Lake Placid, Florida; and legally de scribed as follows: Lot 20, Block 17, Highlands Park Estates, Section J, ac cording to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 41 of the Public Records of Highlands County, Florida. A ny person or persons interested or aff ected by this change are invited to att end this hearing. You may submit comments in writing to the attention of Linda Conrad, Zoning Supervisor, P.O. Box 1926, Sebring, Florida 338711926, or you may call (863)402-6638, f or further information. Please referNOTICE OF HEARING24 ence t h e a b ove h ear i ng num b er w h en calling or writing. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS ARE IN VITED TO ATTEND. ALL INTERESTED PERSONS MAY APPEAR AND BE HEARD AT THE TIME AND PLACE SPECIFIED ABOVE. AN Y PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEA L A NY DECISION MADE BY THIS COMMITTEE/GROUP, IN PUBLIC HEARING OR MEETING IS HERBY ADVISED THAT HE OR SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND THAT, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE OR SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD WILL INCLUDE T HE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON W HICH SUCH APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. T HE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND T HE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSONERS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA, DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE UPON THE BASIS OF ANY INDIVIDUALS DISABILITY STATUS. THIS NON-DIS CRIMINATORY POLICY INVOLVES EVERY ASPECT OF THE BOARDS FUNCTIONS, INCLUDING ONES AC CESS TO, PARTICIPATION, EMPLOY MENT OR TREATMENT IN ITS PROGRAMS OR ACTIVITIES. ANYONE REQUIRING REASONABLE ACCOMMO DATION AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OR SECTION 286.26, FLORID A STATUTES, SHOULD CONTACT MS. PAMELA ROGERS, ADA COORDINATOR ,AT 863-402-6842 (VOICE), VIA FLORIDA RELAY SERVICE 711, OR BY E-MAIL: PROGERS@HCBCC.ORG. REQ UEST FOR CART OR INTERPRETER SERVICES SHOULD BE MADE AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE TO PERMIT COORDINATION OF THE SERVICE. ONE OR MORE COUNTY COMMISSONERS MAY BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. Rick Ingler, Chairman March 27; April 1, 2017 NOTICE OFSALE30 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT, TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2016-CA-000150 TD BANK, N.A., a national banking association, Plaintiff, vs. THOMAS J. SHEPPARD, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated February 2, 2017 and entered in Case No. 2016-CA000150 of the Circuit Court of the Tenth Judicial Circuit in and for High lands County, Florida wherein TD Bank, N.A., is Plaintiff, and Carmella Cartwright a/k/a Carmella Lopez, et al., are Defendants. The Clerk of this Court shall sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the Jury Assembly Room in the Highlands County Courthouse, 430 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, FL 33870 beginning at 11:00 a.m. on April 13, 2017, the following described property as set fort h in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure, t o wit: LOT 10, BLOCK 2, HANSONS A DDITION TO THE TOWN OF LAKE STEARNS (NOW LAKE PLACID), FLORIDA. BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST, PLAT OF SAID HANSONS ADDITION BEING RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 33, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA Property Address: 255 E. W ashingtonia Street, Lake Placid, FL 33852 A NY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Office of the Court A dministrator, (863)534-4690, within two (2) working days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD (863)534 7777 or Florida Relay Service 711. DATED this 22nd day of February, 2017. Bob Germaine Clerk of the Circuit Court By: /s/ Robyn P. Durrance Deputy Clerk DMI\7559323.1 March 25; April 1, 2017 N O TI C E O F PUBLI C S ALE: J OS E A. TORRES MEJIAS gives Notice of Foreclosure of Lien and intent to sell these vehicles on 04/15/2017, 09:00 am at 2047 WEST SR 64 AVON PARK, FL 33825, pursuant to subsection 713.78 of the Florida Statutes. JOSE A. TORRES MEJIAS reserves the right to ac cept or reject any and/or all bids. 2FMZA57634BA85539 2004 FORD April 1, 2017 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT O F THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO. 28-2016-CA-000367 W ELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, v. LOIS FIEBERTS; R.E. FIEBERTS A /K/A ROBERT E. FIEBERTS, SR.; UNKNOWN TENANT 1; UNKNOWN T ENANT 2; UNITED STATES OF A MERICA DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Defendants. NOTICEOFSALE NOTICE OFSALE30 NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure entered on January 31, 2017, and the Order Rescheduling Foreclosure Sale entered on March 9, 2017, in this cause, in the Circuit Court of Highlands County, Florida, the clerk shalll sell the proper ty situated in Highlands County, Flori da, described as: LOT 41, BLOC K 72, A RESUB DIVISION OF PLACID LAKES SECTION SEVEN, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 72, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA. A /K/A 325 ANDERSON ST NE, LAKE PLACID, FL 33852-6039 at public sale, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, in the Jury Assembly Room in the basement of the High lands County Courthouse, located at 430 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, FL 33870-3867, on April 19, 2017 beginning at 11:00 AM. If you are a person claiming a right to funds remaining after the sale, you must file a claim with the clerk no later than 60 days after the sale. If you fail to file a claim you will not be entitled to any remaining funds. Dated this 10th day of March, 2017. Robert W. Germaine Clerk of the Circuit Court By: /s/ Robyn P. Durrance Deputy Clerk 888160307 April 1, 8, 2017 INTENTTO CONSIDER ORDINANCES37 N O TI C E O F PR O P OS ED ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 2017-745 The Town of Lake Placid gives notice that it shall hold two (2) public hear ings and consider enacting an ordinance at its meeting on the 10th day of April 2017 and on the 8th da y of May 2017, each commencing at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 311 West Interlake Boulevard, Lake Placid, Florida entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LAKE PLACID REPEALING SECTIONS, AMENDING SECTIONS, CREATING SECTIONS AND RESTATING THE TOWNS REGIONAL UTILITY CODE AND CREATING A UNIFIED UTILITY RATE FOR WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy of the proposed ordinance may be obtained at the Town Hall, 311 W est Interlake Boulevard, Lake Placid, Florida. Interested parties may appear at th e meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. If an individual d ecides to appeal any decision made by the Lake Placid Town Council regard ing a matter considered at the meeting, he will need a record of the proceed ings. He may need to insure that a ver batim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testi mony and evidence upon which the ap peal is to be based. If you are a person with a disabilit y who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to t he provision of certain assistance. Please contact the office of the Town Clerk, (863)699-3747, within two (2) working days of your receipt of this no tice; if you are hearing or voice im paired, call TDD (863) 534-7777 or Florida Relay Service 1-800-955-8770. Notice is given this 25 day of March 2017. TOWN OF LAKE PLACID, a Florida municipal corporation By: /s/ Eva Cooper Hapeman Eva Cooper Hapeman, Town Clerk March 25; April 1, 2017 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 1000REAL ESTATEWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.Ž EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY OPEN HOUSE1010 3709 Placid View. Sunday from 1-4 April 2nd. 3 bedroom/2 bath on Lake Placid, 2 car garage. Game room. US 27 S to Lake Mirror to Placid View. Or call Rhonda McCullough Century 21 Advanced All Service 863-368-1560. HOMES FOR SALE1020 GOT TOO MUCH STUFF??Unload it FREE inHighlands News-SunFor any item $500 or less. Email to: Please include your name, address & phone number.PRIVATE PARTY ONLY Sebring~ Beautiful 3/2 2500sf w/lg back yard & very nice. Asking $150k; $120k for cash buyer. 863-677-6374 CLASSIFIED ADSSELL CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE1040 3/2/2 villa by owner, just like new, perfect condition, 2929 Golf Hammock, $155,000. For appointment 863-381-2653. Beautiful 3/2 Waterfront Condo for Sale~in the Bluffs, 55+ community. 863-3149193, 863-385-4654. Updated 1st floor 2/1 turn key lakefront condo in the Bluffs 55+ comm., completely furnished, 715-297-4008. MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1090 1970 furnished mobile, 181 Storm St, Avon Park MHP, $5000. New paint. Just move in! 863-458-3095. 93 DW 2/2 55+, Sebring Pool/spa, part furn, shed, lanai, carport, new A.C. $525/mo lot rent $16,900 740-357-1616 Selling Mobile Homes~ $1.00 in 55+park on Dinner Lake; RV Spaces for rent also. Dankally 863-273-2874 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE1095 2/2 dblwide in Crystal Lake Club, Avon Park, 55+ comm. Golf, pool, boating, fishing avail. Lrg. living rm, cathedral c., & sunroom. Trees & circ. drive. $13k. 610-763-5857 T ang l ewoo d G ate d C ommunity (55+), Sebring 2/2 doublewidew/golf cart garage, fresh paint, screened in porch, nice back yard, like new, ready to move in! $25k. Call for view ing 863-446-5575. WANTED TO BUY1120 Used Park Models or small mobile homes w/in 75-80 mi. of Clewiston FL. Must be able to move & $10k or under.502-803-1876 or 502-682-2403 HOMES FOR RENT1210 Apartments & Housesfor Rent in Highlands County Starting at $450. Pet Friendly! Call Mike UNFURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT1214 2/2 w /L a k e J ac k son access Recently renovated, fenced back yd., sm pet ok,. $950 + 1st, last/sec. 863-386-0460


B8 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, April 1, 2017 UNFURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT1214 Avon Park Orangewood Acres 2528 N. Orangewood St. Like new 2/2, den, 2 car gar, comm. clubhouse, pool, free lawncare & tv, $900 mo. 1 yr lease, 55+, 252-452-0824. Needa newJob? LookintheClassifieds! CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT1240 Downtown Sebring~ 3/1.5/2 Car Carport. Huge Yard with Beautiful Fish Pond. $825/mo +sec. 561-719-2520 Sebring~ 2/2 Villa Carport & shed. Near shopping & schools. $650/mo +1st, lst & sec. Avail. 4/10/17. 863-873-3325 DUPLEXES FOR RENT1300 S e b r i ng n i ce l arge new l y remo d eled 2/1 2202 Wightman Ave $575/mo $500 sec, 1st & last 863-446-2838, 863-381-0357 Sebring Sun-n-Lakes 2bd 2ba 1cg, low electric. Free lawn care. $840/mo. Avon Park 3bd 2ba, low electric. Free internet, lawn care & TV. Pics at 863-446-0461 APARTMENTS FOR RENT1320 Sebring Lake Front Condos & HousesNew kitchens; 1br starting at $475; 2 br starting at $625 1yr lease, NO PETS. 863-382-2221 Hope Villas1, 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Apts. Monthly rent beginning at $524 plus utilities. Farm/Grove Labor applicants welcomed. Rental Info & Applications: Hope Villas, 2300 Hope Circle,Sebring. 863-382-3144 (TDD 1-800955-8771) Mon … Fri 9:00 … 5:00Equal Housing Opportunity Provider & Employer EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY Sebring-Furnished Studio Apt. $600/mo. includes all utilities + cable. 863-6556614 or 863-214-3591 Sebring~ Large 1 bd, newly renovated. CHA. Satellite service incl. $450/mo. 863-588-0303 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS1324 1BD/1BA $525/mo 2BR/2BA $625/mo Studio $425/moApp Fee: $50; Sec. Dep. $350Newly Refurbished AptsNo Pets No MotorcyclesOne Story Seniors Welcome3210 Lakeview Dr Sebring, FL 33870 863-385-2929 Mon-Fri, 8:30a-5pm Placid Arms Apartments 108 Arron Drive, Lake Placid, FL 33852 863-465-6676 TDD 711 8 am … Noon, M … FNow accepting applicationsfor 1-2-3BR Apartments. Central heat and air, appliances, on-site laundry, outside storage closet & playground. Rents start at: 1 BR $585 2 BR $639 3 BR $692 This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer S e b r i ng A mer i can P ropert i es 2/2/2 nice apt. in Sun n Lakes, close to hospital/school, big back yard 786-457-3223 COMMERCIAL RENTAL1392 Sebring *Liberty Star Plaza* Up to 12,000 ft, 3,000 ft min. for office, prof., medical. Recent build out ready now. IT & Alarm Lines in place. US 27 near SR 66. 863-471-0663 LOTS & ACREAGE1500 Lot on Lake Okeechobee Channel w/seawall & dock, 110x78, existing slab, empty septic, electr. & water hookups. $29K. 269-476-2188 or 269-506-6510 2 f enced building lots on beautiful Josephine River with 100 year old oak trees. 13336 W. Waterway Dr. 863-409-3945. 2000EMPLOYMENT HELPWANTED2001 Heavy Equipment Operator Valid CDL license a MUST. Must be able to pass a drug screen & follow Drug Free Workplace policies. Insurance & paid time off benefits included! Inquire at863-453-9787 Immediate Openings Across Highlands County!COMFORT KEEPERS is hiring part-time Caregivers, CNA, and HHA. We offer training and flexible scheduling for Day, Night, and Overnight shifts, 7 days a week. Apply onlineat https://cklakeland. or email: melissamedeiros@ 2013 CK Franchising, Inc. Most offices independently owned and operated. HHA#299992766 Carpenters Helper Wanted Good Pay!! 231-420-3033 CLASSIFIED WORKS! COORDINATORS, ACADEMIC AND STUDENT SUCCESS (FT) Application deadline: 4/10/17 Please visit for detailed position announcement. 863-784-7132. EA/EO. Cow Pies II Deli Now Hiring PT help; prior food indust. exp. helpful. Call 586-354-6509 or 586-563-9300 Hiring Class A CDL Driver Must have DOT medical, hazmat, tanker; drug free & clean driver history. Call 863-763-7075 or email: Exp., reliable worker to run zero turn mower, line trimmer, blower for Sebring lawn company. 863-385-6768 FT L awn T ec h n i c i an W ante d Must be at least 21yrs old & have clean drivers record. No Exp. needed! 863-402-1698 Seeking the Best Immediate Openings for the Following Positions: Sales Rep (FT)Bartender (PT)Server (PT)Banquet Set-Up (PT)Esthetician (PT/On Call)Housekeeper (PT)Dishwasher (PT) Must work flex. hrs. Excellent work environment and Paid Time Off! Apply at Chateau Elan Hotel, 150 Midway Dr., Sebring. 863-655-7219EOE/Drug Free Workplace H eart l an d I nsu l at i on. I nsu l at i on installer AND shower door installer. Clean drivers license. Apply 2905 SR 17 N Sebring. HELPWANTED2001 GROVE MECHANIC Consolidated Citrus, LP seeks an experienced mechanic at our Lake Placid Gove location. The successful candidate will have 5+ years of experience preferably in and agricultural setting. W e offer a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits package including a 401(k) Plan with a generous company contribution. Interested applicants please call (863) 443-9242. Handyman Wanted A handyman is needed to work on rental units in Highlands Co., FL 863-2439191 (call or text); or email MEDICAL CODER BILLER INSTRUCTOR (PT) Open until filled. Please visit for detailed position announcement. 863-784-7132. EA/EO. MEDICAL CODER BILLER INSTRUCTOR (PT) Open until filled. Please visit for detailed position announcement. 863-784-7132. EA/EO. Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! Part-time truck driver f or local route, CDL C edorsement, able to lift 40 lbs. Send resume to Highlands News-Sun, 207 Circle Park Dr., Sebring 33870; Box 1 City of Avon Park Hiring Public Safety Dept. Clerk Full-TimeVisit www.cityofavonpark.ccFor full details of position.863-452-4403 SELL FOR FREE!!For items less than $500 Email to: Please include your name, address & phone number PRIVATE PARTY ONLY RRO & SPOTTER Hardee County Solid Waste Landfill. $23,157.46 $31,922.82 + benefits HS Diploma or GED. Class E FL DL required /preferred is FL A or B CDLs. Complete description w/ applic @ HR, 205 Hanchey Rd., Wauchula, FL 33873 Ph. (863) 7732161. Position open until filled. IT TECHNICIAN @ Hardee County ITS $34,220.92 $47,173.92 + benefits Technical work relating to all computer operations & network devices. HS Diploma or GED or Associates Degree/Tech School. 2 yrs. exp. Valid FL DL. Description w/ applic @ HR, 205 Hanchey Rd., Wauchula, FL 33873 Ph. (863) 773-2161. Position open until filled. 2000EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONAL2010 Building Trades Instructor HBI is currently seeking a full-time Building Construction Technology instructor for its program in Avon Park. HS diploma or equivalent is required. Must have at least five (5) years of experience in the building trades. The ability to work with young adults aged 16-24 is needed. Competitive salary and full benefits offered, including paid leave. To view a full job description and apply, visit EOE/AA/M/F/D/V PROFESSIONAL2010 Advertising Account Executive Are you looking for a career with $40,000$55,000+ earnings potential? Are you ready for a career where you can make a difference in the community? Are you a people-person that enjoys socializing and networking at community events? The Highlands News-Sun is looking for Advertising Account Executive ready to join a winning team of professionals. Were looking for good people wh o want an exciting career with a growing media company. Experience is preferred, but were willing to train the right person. We need people who really care about their community and the businesses that make our local economy tick. Our Advertising Account Managers work closely with the local business owners to provide powerful advertising campaigns that deliver results. We Offer:$25,000 per year salary, plus commissionsPaid Time Off (PTO)Health & Dental Insurance401(k)TrainingAdvancement OpportuntiesDont miss this opportunity to interview for a career as an Advertising Account Executive at the Highlands News-Sun We are a drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug/nicotine testing required. Send your resume to: Highlands News-Sun Attn: Ryan Danzey 207 Circle Park Drive Sebring, FL 33870or Email: ryan.danzey@highlands BILLING/INSURANCE REP $2,000 SIGN ON BONUS Medical Data Systems, Inc. is recruiting for an insurance representative that will be responsible to conduct telephone follow-up on previously billed hospital/physician claims and request billing of new insurance discovery. Preferred healthcare experience but willing to train. Must understand the insurance process & have good communication skills. Excellent benefits, the pay rate commensurable with experience & includes bonus. Please email resume to: or Fax to 863-3828062. COMPUTER2025 PRIVATE water s ki l a k e on 55 acres in Desoto County. Ski your own course. Elec., water, sep tic. $460,000. 239-693-7270. MEDICAL2030 CERTIFIED NURSING A SSISTANT COORDINATOR Royal Care of Avon Park is seek ing a dependable, organized and experienced C.N.A. to join our outstanding team as a C.N.A. Coordinator. The candidate will be responsible for assisting with daily assignments of all C.N.A.s, assist with training of new hires and current staff as needed. This position will work closely with the C.N.A. Scheduler and the Staff Development Director. Candidate must be a certified nursing assistant as well as a positive attitude! Excellent benefit package. Apply in person at Royal Care of Avon Park, 1213 W Stratford Rd., Avon Park. (863) 453-6674. EOE/MF/DFWP. Seizethesales withClassified! Medical Assistant Needed Full-Time for busy medical practice in Sebring. AA degree preferred. Email resumes to MEDICAL2030 OAKS AT AVON Is Hiring CNAs Full/PartTime, all shifts. Apply at 1010 Hwy 27N Avon Park or fax resume to Tammy Padilla at 863-453-5308. LPN/RN All Shifts Sign-On Bonus! Apply online Oaks at Avon HIRING LPNs Full-Time & Part-Time Positions Career Advancement Opportunities All Eligible Applicants will be Interviewed Directly. Highly Competitve Salaries Readers Choice Award Facility Apply at 1010 US Hwy 27 N., Avon Park or fax resume to Tammy Padilla at 863-453-5308 Busy Pediatrics practice in Highlands County, FL seeks Full-Time Experienced Bilingual Receptionist / Biller / Medical Assistant. Spanish preferred; Excellent Benefits; Salary commensurate with Experience. Please fax resumes to 863-471-9340 or call 863-382-0566. NURSES We are accepting applications for Registered Nurse -RN7a to 7p and 7p to 7a at Royal Care of Avon Park. Prefer at least one y ear of experience as a licensed nurse in a long-term care facility or other related health care facility. We offer competitive salary, full range of benefits including, PTO, Health, Vision, Dental, free life insurance, shift differentials. Apply in person at Royal Care of Avon Park, 121 3 W Stratford Rd., Avon Park. (863) 453-6674. EOE/MF/DFWP. Receptionist Needed Full-Time for busy medical practice in Sebring. Email resumes to RN Nursing Supervisor WantedApply in person at Florida Mentor, Avon Park Cluster, 55 E. College Dr., Avon Park. Contact Angelina or Rachel863-453-0186 Oaks at Avon SIGN ON BONUS New WagesReaders Choice Award Facility HIRING RNs Full-Time & Part-Time Positions Flexible Shifts Available Career Advancement Opportunities All Eligible Applicants will be Interviewed Directly. Apply at 1010 US Hwy 27 N., Avon Park or fax resume to Tammy Padilla at 863-453-5308 SOCIAL SERVICES A SSISTANT We are currently hiring a full-time Social Services Assistant to be part of our amazing team! As sists the Social Services Direc tor in providing services to meet the social and emotional needs of the residents. Develops a rap port with the residents and presents their concerns to facility Social Services Director. Excellent benefit package, apply in person at Royal Care of Avon Park, 1213 W Stratford Rd., Avon Park, FL (863) 453-6674. EOE/MF/DFWP. Tech needed for fast paced ASC Willing to train Please fax resume to 863-471-6834 SKILLED TRADES2050 WANTED: EXPERIENCED CABINET BUILDER/INSTALLER Well established Kitchen & Bath business seeking experienced cabinet builder/installer with excellent carpentry skills. Apply in person at 19 Ranier Dr., Lake Placid, call 863-4650033 or email resume to: GENERAL2100 Large wholesale plant nursery. Organized individual to assist with fulfilling plant orders for existing customer base. Plant knowledge a plus, but not necessary. Must have great customer service skills, and have an attention to details. Speak both English & Spanish, but not a deterrent to filling the position. Please call 863-773-6662. Roofer with repair experience and own tools. Must be familiar with the Highlands County area & have valid drivers license with good driving record & able to pass drug test. Drug free company. Apply in person, T. M. Scott, Inc. 44 Commercial Blvd, Lake Placid. 863-465-7737. S enior gentleman looking f or live-in only Health Care Provider, private quarters provided, must have drivers lic 863-214-4942 3000 NOTICES LOST& FOUND3090 FOUND! A n d ro id ce ll p h one on Kenilworth & Lakeview, Sebring. Call to identify. 863-446-7274 Lost Ring~Gift from Late Husband3/27 Ruby Tuesdays, Sebring. Sentimental!!REWARD517-414-0617 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6012 E S TATE AU C TI O N 10 am Saturday April 1 At: 12 Oak St., Leisure Lakes, Lake Placid (Off US 27, take Lake June Rd to Oak St. Look for signs). 1977 Corvette, Vintage red pedal car, 3 lap tops, sports memorabilia, wooden doll house, lots of Star Wars toys, Bobble heads new in boxes, glassware, tools & lots more! Lee Begley Auctioneer Lic# AU1089-AB1047. Lake Placid, FL. 863-414-2300 View complete listing at auction, # 23770 terms cash or check with proper ID + 10% buyers premium Avon Park 2400 W. Camelot Rd Fri-Sat 3/31 & 4/1, 7-6. Housewares, hardward, kit. items, books, videos, shoes, clothes, toys, lots & lots of misc. A von P ar k H uge sa l e 306 E Camphor St Fri-Sat 8-? Lots of art work, Vintage, collectibles, hsehold, furn, little of everything Avon Park~ 8a-2p Sat Only at 513 Tulane Circle. 3-Family Sale! A von P ar k ~ 8 a2 p S at O n l y at 3020 Twin Lakes Dr. (River Greens Golf Course) Large & small items, household & more! Garage & Jewelry Sale Rain or Shine Mar 30, 31; April 1, 8 to 4 Across from 4119 Lakewood Road at Heartland Realty sign. Housewares, cookware, bedding towels, etc. Garden tools, pots, indoor/outdoor furn wicker, iron, glass, brass; art, jewelry, jewelry, jewelry QVC, costume, heirloom, Southwest tribal, silver, gold, rings, necklaces. La-z-Boy sofa. L a k e Pl ac id 875 L a k e J une Rd Sat 4/1, 8-3. Tools-table saws, bedding, furn. L a k e Pl ac id S pr i ng Cl ean i ng 8:30am Thurs-Sat at Circle Dr. (Sylvan Shores). Jewelry, hand bags, yard items, gaming, household, lamps, lots of clothes, paintings & antiques


Saturday, April 1, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B11 www.highlandsnewssun.comThe most valuable mind is the suspicious mind. It is in this frame of mind that the real picture has developed for me. An incident several years ago illustrated this to me. We received one of those calls every American gets at least once a month. An invitation to come to Daytona Beach and spend two nights at a motel on the beach. It all sounded wonderful. My wife and I had never stayed on the beach and thought it would be an excellent opportunity. Eagerly we said yesŽ thrilled with the prospect. Oh, by the way,Ž the young woman on the telephone said, you will be required to listen to a 90-minute presentation.Ž It was then my suspicious mind kicked in. To be more honest, the kick came from my wife, who had the suspicious mind. Is there anything we have to buy?Ž my wife made me ask the delightful woman on the telephone. Absolutely nothing,Ž she said so cheerily I believed her. My wife, Miss Suspicion,Ž did not buy it for a second. Finally, I convinced her to go and I arranged with the woman on the telephone for the two nights on the beach. When we arrived at the Daytona Beach of“ce, they greeted us most graciously. I was smiling a smile that said, See, I told you this was going to be great.Ž My wife was mumbling something like, This is a mistake. I know there is a catch somewhere. Nothing is free.Ž Being the sophisticated husband I am with a vast, cultivated vocabulary at my disposal, I said nothing. We had a great time. The beach was wonderful and late that night we enjoyed a marvelous supper. Everything was going along quite nicely and we drifted off to sleep listening to the waves rhythmically massage the beach outside our window. Then the time came for the 90-minute presentation. It was quite educational. I learned my wife was right all along. The catchŽ she worried about was called a timeshare.Ž Timeshare is an interesting concept. First, you must buy a week (or two if you like). At that point, I was ready to sign up. My pen was dripping ink ready to sign anything, anywhere. Then my wife began asking questions. Its a good thing she did. That is when we learned another thing about timeshares. After one buys a week, the cost has just begun. Of course, they told us, we must pay property taxes on our property.Ž Then monthly maintenance fees and insurance premiums. We learned the word shareŽ in timeshare means we share all our money with them. That was not the worst of it though. When our week came, we were expected to rentŽ our own room to stay in. When the woman got through with her 90-minute presentation (which actually took three hours), timeshare made as much sense to me as renting underwear. The antidote for a suspicious mind is found in the Bible. The Old Testament prophet understood this when he wrote, Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in theeŽ (Isaiah 26:3). There are many things to be suspicious about, but when I come to Jesus Christ, I can relax. He gives me peace of mind because He is easy to trust. Dr. James L. Snyder is pastor of the Family of God Fellowship, 1471 Pine Road, Ocala, FL 34472. He lives with his wife in Silver Springs Shores. Call him at 352-687-4240 or e-mail The church web site is www.whatafellowship. com.A suspicious mind is a terrible thing to wasteBy JAMES L. SNYDERSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN conversation turned to argument. It was then I realized I needed to receive Gods wisdom, allow Him to speak through me. I do not possess any special abilities to sit down and convert non-believers, but I have had the chance to open their eyes to the spirit and possibly lead them in the right direction. I believe some of us are planters of the spiritual seed, if you will, while others are the essential nutrient necessary to get them to continue growing. This was an educational moment for me that I am grateful for. It is great to want to be a voice for God, but when you begin screaming to get your point across, you are no longer the messenger God can use. You become a cymbal, a noise maker, a person who only wishes to hear themselves talk. To be effective, you have to be willing to submit yourself to council. I am grateful for the wisdom given to me. I am now better prepared for my next encounter. James Fansler is Lake Placid police chief. He can be reached at PAGE 1 Keep the following away from young children: remote controls, singing greeting cards, digital scales, watches, hearing aids, thermometers, childrens toys, calculators, key fobs, t-light candles, and ”ashing holiday jewelry or decorations.Risks for older kidsAs children age, the ways to protect them change. The National Childrens Advocacy Center suggests these guidelines. € Parents should learn all they can about their childrens activities and friends. € Teach children to refuse anything from strangers. € The buddy system is a good idea when walking home from school or other events. € Make sure kids know that strangers can be found online, too. Teach kids to avoid sharing personal information with individuals they meet on social media.SAFETYFROM PAGE 1 Scott Funeral Home URKE MARINE CONSTRUCTIONB POSITIVE MEDICAL TRANSPORT 1600 US Highway 27 South Between Avon Park & Sebring (863) 453-6644 Established 1931 100% COMMITTED TO OUR COMMUNITY! 863-635-7574 205 N. Scenic Hwy. FROSTPROOFHOURS: MON-FRI 8AM-5PM863-471-0012 4040 US 27, North SEBRINGRehab Consultantsof Central Florida863-471-0012863-773-3317 437 Carlton Street WAUCHULA Provider Of Quality Personal FitnessŽ€Weight Machines €Treadmill €Stationary Bikes €Professional Evaluations €Planned Exercise Programs €Family Discounts Highlands County Family YMCA 100 YMCA Lane Sebring, FL 33875 863-382-YMCA (9622) Open 7 days a week CA-C058675 Totally Scrubs UniformsWe care how you look929 Mall Ring Road € Sebring, FL 33870(Behind Sears at Lakeshore Mall) To Advertise Here Please Call Meta Nay at 1-800-293-4709 ALANJAY.COM adno=3438614 Community, Friendship & Fun...PRICELESSDirections: US 27 S. From Sebring turn right on Lake Francis Rd., take Venetian Parkway, Follow signs to model home.$85/month Includes:Full Amenities € Cable TV Lawn Mowing For More Information Call 863-610-2202 Ohio Model (Move in ready)$156,900 w/lotOne car garage, vaulted ceiling, open floor plan, tile bathroom, tile flooring in the living room and kitchen and carpet in bedrooms. Granite countertops, stainless steel appliances included, garage door opener, cultured marble windowsills, lever style door hardware, irrigation system, lot included.Brand new houses starting at $149,900 w/lot! Pennsylvania ModelStarting at $179,900 w/lotTwo car garage, vaulted ceiling, crown molding, open door plan, fully sodded with Floratam sod, tile bathrooms, vinyl plank flooring in the living room, kitchen and bedrooms. granite countertops, stainless steel appliances included, garage door opener, cultured marble windowsills, lever style door hardware, irrigation systems, lot included. Fully Amenitized Community. OPEN HOUSE SAT. 10A 5P € SUN. 12-3P SOLD adno=3438174


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Call Laurie at 863-368-0126. ELECTRICAL5070 Master Electrician Reliable,Quick, 25 yrs Exp. All jobs! Lic# EC13005602863-453-4513 FLOORING5083 Hancheys Carpets Since 1968Mobile. We come to you! We install what we sell. Carpet, Plank, Vinyl, Wood. Call Today 863-781-4027 F i n d y o u r B e s t F r i e n d i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s FURNITURE REPAIR5086 Furniture Refinishing & Repair32 yrs exp. Lic/ins #HC00772863-314-0800 HANDYMAN/ GENERALREPAIR5089 Rods Handyman RepairPlumbing, Carpentry, Welding etc. 50 yrs exp. Lic.# HMO157863-449-0390 HOME / COMM. IMPROVEMENT5100 Residential & Commercial FREE Estimates Call forOur $50 off Special! 863-414-8333 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE5110 LIKES TREE & LAWNSr. & veteran's discount. Will beat any written est. Call Now! 863-214-6541 Trees Shrubs Clean Up Flowerbeds, Pressure Washing. Any Size Job. Free Est. 863-589-2431 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE5110 FL Lawn-WorksTree Trim/Removal, Irrigation Landscaping & More863-381-4505 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING5140 RON WILLIAMS PAINTING CONTRACTOR Interior & Exterior Pressure Wash. 25 Yrs. Exp. Lic/Ins. Lic #6002962 863-402-0693 PETCARE5155 In Your Home Pet GroomingDogs, Cats & Birds. 15+yrs Exp. Certified Groomer. Low Prices! 863-368-1446 PRESSURE CLEANING5180 HOUSE WASHFlat Rate Pricing & Insured 1 Story $70 / 2 Story $120 Call: 863-214-4828 PUTCLASSFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU! FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! SCREENING5184 Re-Screen Pools & Patios& Garage Doors~No Job Too Small! Call John or MelissaLic# 2236 863-381-4897 Pool Encl, Scrn Rooms & Small Alum Jobs. Est. Since 2004 863-381-2767Insur. lic #HM0098 ROOFING5185 NO Money Down~Repairs OnlySpecializing in Rotten Wood Shingles; Metal; Tile 35yrs exp! 863-699-0383 Dual-income households have become the norm, replacing households in which only one parent works. In an analysis of the Decennial Census and the American Community Survey Public Use Microdata Sample “les, the Pew Research Center found that 60 percent of married couples with children under 18 lived in dual-income households in 2012. Thats nearly double the amount of households where only fathers worked, and 10 times the number of households where only mothers worked. While there are many “nancial bene“ts to dual-income households, managing a household in which both parents work full-time can be dif“cult. Parents who both work full-time have less time to maintain their homes, and few may have the energy to keep up with the chores and cook dinner each night. Involving the kids with helping out around the house can be a great way for parents to instill a sense of responsibility in their youngsters while also taking some of the burden off Mom and Dad. How much kids can help out around the house depends on there ages. The following are a few age-speci“c chores kids can do to make life at home a little easier on their parents.ToddlersToddlers and preschool-aged children might not be able to do too much to lighten their parents loads, but simple chores like cleaning up their play areas can make things easier. Make kids responsible for putting their toys away after play time. Kids between the ages of two and three also can help set the table for dinner by laying out placemats, but make sure such youngsters steer clear of utensils. 4to 5-year-oldsChildren “nishing up preschool and those currently enrolled in kindergarten can pitch in a little more around the house than they did as toddlers, setting the table for meals (prevent kids from accessing sharp utensils like steak knives) and even helping with some simple meal prep. Such youngsters can put their folded laundry away and clean their rooms as well. 6to 9-year-oldsFirst, second, third and fourth graders are old enough to be given more signi“cant chores than they had when they were younger. Kids between the ages of six and nine can be trusted to feed the pets, though parents should teach them the appropriate times to feed pets each day and the correct amount of food to place in bowls so pets dont overeat. Kids in this age group also can rake leaves and water plants around the house after being taught how to properly water each plant. Folding laundry, dusting furniture and bookshelves and taking out the garbage are a few more tasks kids between the ages of six and nine should be able to handle. Children 10 and olderKids who are 10 and older can help out in ways that can make parents lives much easier. Such youngsters can clean bathrooms, do laundry, vacuum the ”oors, and load and unload the dishwasher. Such chores are time-consuming and complex, and parents may want to give older kids allowances or increase their allowances to show their appreciation. AdolescentsAdolescents can be trusted to make simple meals and babysit their younger siblings, saving parents time and money. If adolescents babysit, consider paying them for their time even if they already receive an allowance. When giving kids additional responsibilities around the house, parents should realize that kids wont always be perfect when doing their chores. Resist the temptation to do chores for them, and praise and encourage kids when they do things right.How kids can help out around the houseMETRO CREATIVE SERVICES HEARTLAND CHRISTIAN ACADEMY adno=3437290 adno=3433681


04.01.17 USA S N APSHO T S Savings dipSOURCE PurePoint Financial survey of 3,015 adultsMICHAEL B. SMITH AND JANET LOEHRKE, USA TODAY 41 % of A mericans dip into their savings at least once a month. BRYAN R. SMITH, AFP/GETTY IMAGESIs W a ll St. bull re ad y to piv ot? IN MONEY A lec B a l d w in i s n t e v e n boss of h i s ow n houseDREAMWORKS ANIMATION VIA AP IN LIFETo all the pranksters in the world, congratulations. The one day in the year you have permission to fool your friends and families is Saturday. Although April Fools Day is not a public holiday in any country, it has been celebrated globally for centuries. The roots are fuzzy. Some say it started as away to mark a changing season. Others say its tied to a calendar shift in France in the 1500s that moved New Years Day from the end of March to Jan. 1, foolingŽ some who stuck to the original calendar. The origin of April Fools Day is very obscure. There is a variety of dierent explanations, reasons and causes, so I cant give a de“nite answer,Ž said Joseph Boskin, professor of history at Boston University and author of Humor and Social Change Alex Boese, author of The Museum of Hoaxes: A History of Outrageous Pranks and Deceptions speculates it probably originated as a festival to celebrate spring. In the 19th century, it was considered a childrens holiday in Europe and North America. Children got to misbehave for a day, despite their parents annoyance. Streets in London and New York were “lled with children known as street urchins,Ž who devised all kinds of mischief. In the 20th century, April Fools Day evolved into a global holiday, and journalists started to embrace it, using it to show o their creativity by writing crazy stories. In the 21st century, companies such as Google, Virgin and BMW discovered its fun to connect to customers with a sense of humor, according to Boese. April Fools Day is crucial in society because people need at least one out of 365 days to express their inner clown in a pro-eciency environment where playfulness is not always revered, Boskin said. Allowing people to misbehave and break social rules for one day reinforces the social order, Boese said. A glimpse of what chaos would look like reminds everyone why they need to behave for the rest of the year,Ž he said.Why celebrate April Fools Day? Pros say its important to express inner clown Jueun ChoiUSA TODAY AFP/ GETTY IMAGESMany adults hate April Fools Day, but people who delight in trickery have kept the tradition alive for centuries. The bridge collapse in Atlanta from a raging “re illustrates the damage intense heat in”icts on concrete and steel and the massive disruption that results when avital transportation link is broken, experts said Friday. Investigators are still searching for the cause of the “re that erupted Thursday in a storage area beneath the Interstate 85 bridge over Piedmont Road. Construction equipment such as plastic conduit for “ber-optic networks was stored in the area, according to Russell McMurry, Georgia transportation commissioner. The collapse severed the northbound highway that typically carries 250,000 vehicles a day, but southbound lanes will also be closed for months to replace a 350-foot stretch of the bridge, McMurry said. Intense “re can damage both the concrete that serves as the road deck and the support piers for the bridge, as well as the steel that reinforces the concrete. Even if a bridge doesnt collapse in a “re, the damage can leave concrete crumbling and the steel warped and weak. DAVID GOLDMANAPThe “re that caused abridge on Interstate 85 in Atlanta to collapse means commuters will have to “nd alternative routes or ride public transit.Co n crete, steel n o m a tch for “reOcials still looking for cause of blaze that will close part of I-85 for months Bart Jansen@ganjansen USA TODAY v STORY CONTIN U ES ON 2B A TL A NT A BRIDGE COLL AP SE WASHINGTONMichael Flynns unusual public pursuit of immunity in exchange for his testimony before two congressional committees investigating Russian interference in the 2016 elections potentially exposes the former White House national security advisers vulnerability on several major fronts, from his contacts with Moscow to his previous work for foreign interests, including Russia. Until a Tuesday House Intelligence Committee hearing was abruptly canceled, Flynn was expected to be a central “gure in testimony from former acting attorney general Sally Yates. It was Yates who alerted the White House counsels oce to intelligence intercepts of Flynns pre-inaugural communications with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, prompting his subsequent dismissal by President Trump. The request for immunity indicates that Flynn may feel he is in legal trouble. Flynn was interviewed by FBI agents in connection with those intercepts, which contradicted the Trump administrations repeated public statements that Flynn had not discussed sanctions imposed against Russia by the Obama administration. Questions also have been raised about Flynns compensation from foreign interests, including Russian entities. In March, Flynn registered retroactively as a foreign agent, disclosing that his former consulting “rm earned $530,000 last yearfrom a Dutch entity with ties to Turkeys government. The work occurred while Flynn was a top adviser to Trumps presidential campaign. In addition, documents released by Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., show that Flynn IMMUNITY REQUEST ASIGNAL FLYNN IS WORRIED Trump endorses move; lawmakers moving cautiously Kevin JohnsonUSA TODAY AFP/GETTY IMAGESMichael Flynnv STORY CONTIN U ES ON 2B T hi s i s an e di t i o n o f USA TODAY pr o vid e d f o r you r l oc al n ews pap e r A n ex pand e d v e r s i o n o f USA TODAY i s availa b l e a t n ewsst and s o r by subsc rip t i o n and a t us a to da m Fo r t h e la test na t i o nal s p o r ts co v e rag e, g o to s p o r a to da m How better de“nitions of mental disorders could aid diagnosis and treatment CONVERSATION LOSE 30 lbs in 90 Days Come and learn the real reason Americans are overweight, and why the media and large corporations are withholding the truth. This information will empower you to take control of your weight forever. IMPROVED: € Fat Loss Results € Energy € Mental Clarity € Sleep € Mood € Resistance to Cravings Doctor developed lifestyle program for natural and permanent fat loss! Our Members Get Results! I have never been able to get past sugar / carb cravings. I have now lost 40 lbs. and many inches.Ž Whitney In four months of living (this) lifestyle, Ive lost 23 lbs., gained control of my cravings, decreased headaches and feel healthy. My lab work improved and I couldnt be happier!Ž Jamie Sat April 8th, 11:30 AM Seminar Korman Relief & Wellness Center € 16954 Toledo Blade Blvd. Port Charlotte, Florida CALL TODAY! € Must Pre Register $20 each / $25 for 2 € Limited Seating (941) 629-6700 Dr. Laura Korman DC, DACBN Over 600 post doctorate classroom hours in nutrition Nutritional advisor for the local Biggest LoserŽ contest Author of several health related articles adno=XNSP47090


Page 2 The Sun / Saturday, April 1, 2017 PRESIDENTAND PUBLISHERJohn ZidichEDITOR IN CHIEFJoanne LipmanCHIEF REVENUE OFFICERKevin Gentzel 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean, Va. 22108, 703-854-3400 Published by Gannett The local edition of USA TODAYis published daily in partnership with Gannett Newspapers Advertising: All advertising published in USA TODAYis subject to the current rate card; copies available from the advertising department. USA TODAYmay in its sole discretion edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted. National, Regional: 703-854-3400 Reprint permission, copies of articles, glossy reprints: or call 212-221-9595 USA TODAYis a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to other news services. USA TODAY, its logo and associated graphics are registered trademarks. All ri g hts reserved. USA TODAYis committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether youre responding to content online or in the newspaper. Corrections & Clarifications The heat can damage the concrete and cause the reinforcing steel to lose strength, and that can cause the bridge to fall down,Ž said Andy Herrmann, a past president of the American Society of Civil Engineers and a 40-year consulting engineer in New York City. Concrete starts to crack at 500 degrees, suers large cracks at 1,000 degrees and melts at 2,500 degrees, he said. Larry Petrick, deputy director for occupational safety and health for the International Association of Fire Fighters, said steel is unprotected in bridge construction and isnt immune to “re. A50-foot beam could expand 4 inches when heated to 1,000 degrees, he said. After cooling down, the beam loses 50% of its strength, he said. The weight of concrete loaded on top of the steel adds additional stress, which leads to failure and collapse, he said. The steel may begin to twist or warp,Ž Petrick said. This was a large, high-temperature “re under the bridge, with its structural members directly exposed to the steel.Ž Inspectors will likely spend some time determining how much of the structure must be repaired or replaced. Herrmann said concrete will change color at high temperatures, turning purplish-gray at 1,000 degrees. Inspectors may hit the concrete with a hammer to see if it crumbles, he said. Later, inspectors may put weight, such as a truck, onto the bridge, to see how much it moves. Itll start sagging under the weight. You cant make a totally sti bridge,Ž Herrmann said. Depending on how much it sags, you can say whether its normal or not, or its damaged and its sagging more than it should.Ž The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority added extra trains to accommodate additional passengers. This is about as serious a transportation crisis as we can imagine,Ž Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed said. While construction and safety ocials frequently warn about deteriorating bridges nationwide, this I-85 bridge was rated in good shape before the “re. The bridge was built in 1953 and last renovated in 1985. The bridge scored 94.6 out of 100 suciency ratingŽ when last inspected in 2015, according to the Federal Highway Administration. Thats a pretty high suciency rating, so it was in good condition,Ž Herrmann said. This was an extreme event to happen at the bridge site, and its very rare across the country. It doesnt happen very often.Ž Awitness, Bobby Barnhart, who works in sales for a “nancial technology company near the highway, said he was 60 yards away from the “re when he heard several explosions and a slow rumbling before the collapse. It was a loud, muted rumble,Ž Barnhart said. You could feel the vibrations.Ž The collapse served as a reminder of how many motorists depend on busy bridges in the middle of cities. In Minneapolis in August 2007, the Interstate 35 bridge collapsed from too much weight being placed on the span during a construction project, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. Thirteen people died and 145 were injured when about 1,000 feet of the bridge plunged 100 feet into the river. While rare, intensely hot “res occasionally cause bridge collapses. In Hazel Park, Mich., in July 2009, a tanker truck carrying 9,000 gallons of gas jack-knifed while avoiding a passenger car on northbound Interstate 75. The resulting “re severely damaged a bridge that carries trac on 9 Mile Road above the highway, causing the bridge to collapse. In Oakland in April 2007, a tanker truck carrying 8,600 gallons of gas rolled over at the interchange of Interstates 80, 880 and 580. The resulting “re caused the collapse of an elevated highway ramp above where the truck came to rest. Despite the good condition of the Atlanta bridge, nearly 56,000 bridges nationwide including 13,000 interstate bridges are structurally de“cient, according to an analysis of federal inspections by the American Road and Transportation Builders Association. Vehicles cross the de“cient bridges 185 million times daily, according to the group. Contributing: The Associated PressBridge was rated in good condition before fire AP FILE PHOTOWorkers demolish a section of Highway 580 in Oakland that was damaged after a tanker carrying gasoline exploded in April 2007. 2 mil es SOU R CE ES RIU S A T OD AY AP 2 78Vinings L a Vista Belvedere P ark North A tlanta Su n T r ust P ar k Chamblee 4 00 2 3 2 3 2 9 41 78 20 20 8 5 8 5 8 5 7 5 2 8 5 2 8 5 2 8 5A TL AN T A G A .DET A ILA TL AN T A I-85 N co nn ecto r c l ose d G a 400 c l osu r es N Bu f o rd S pring B ridg e SIGH T OF IN T ERS TAT E 85 B RIDGE CO LLA PSE IN ATLA N TA v CO N T IN UED FR OM 1BThis is about as serious a transportation crisis as we can imagine.ŽAtlanta Mayor Kasim Reed S I TE O F IN TE R STATE 8 5 B RI DGE COLLA P SE IN ATLA N TAearned more than $33,000 from the Kremlin-backed television network RT for a 2015 speech in Moscow. Those relationships, along with Russian contacts involving other Trump associates, are being examined as part of a wide-ranging FBI counterintelligence investigation. That inquiry already is “guring into the deliberations of congressional committeesnow weighing Flynns request for immunity. While Mr. Flynns testimony is of great interest to our committee, we are also mindful of the interests of the Department of Justice in the matter,Ž California Rep. Adam Schi, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said Friday. Both the House and Senate Intelligence committees have indicated that it is too early in their investigations to cut a deal for Flynns testimony. Separately, preliminary discussions about Flynns prospects for immunity in the FBI investigation also have yielded no agreement, according to a U.S. ocial who is not authorized to discuss the matter publicly. But lawmakers of both parties said any decisions on a grant of protection from prosecution should proceed with caution, especially in light of the ongoing FBI investigation. Rep. Jason Chaetz, R-Utah, chairman of the powerful House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, described Flynns immunity request as mysteriousŽ and urged colleagues not to grant it. I dont think Congress should give him immunity,Ž he said Friday on Fox News. If theres an open investigation by the FBI, that should not happen. I also dont believe ... that the president should be weighing in on this.Ž Chaetz was referring to a tweet Friday from Trump, saying that his former national security adviser should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt.Ž Using similar language, Flynns attorney, Robert Kelner, said in a statement late Thursday that his client had little recourse but to pursue legal protection. No reasonable person, who has the bene“t of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution,Ž Kelner said. Kelner did not respond to requests for comment Friday. Trump and Flynn had previously scorned immunity requests by aides to former secretary of State Hillary Clinton, saying that innocent people dont need immunity. Stephen Ryan, a former federal prosecutor and former Senate counsel, said any decision on Flynns fate will most likely be a long time coming, requiring congressional committee leaders to engage in extensive negotiations with the Justice Department to avoid con”icts with separate counterintelligence investigation. Were not talking about days or weeks, here,Ž Ryan said. Were possibly looking at months.ŽFlynn testimony of great interestv CO N T IN UED FR OM 1B MARK WILSON,GETTY IMAGESRep. Adam Schi, D-Calif., says members must take the Justice Departments concerns into account. I dont think Congress should give him immunity. ... I also dont believe ... that the president should be weighing in on this.Ž Rep. Jason Chaetz ,House Oversight and Government Reform CommitteeWASHINGTONWhile President Trump encouraged former top aide Michael Flynn to oer testimony to investigators in exchange for immunity from possible prosecution, congressional leaders investigating Russias interference in the 2016 election signaled Friday it was too early to consider such a deal. We should “rst acknowledge what a grave and momentous step it is for a former national security adviser to the president of the United States to ask for immunity from prosecution,Ž said California Rep. Adam Schi, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. When the time comes to consider requests for immunity from any witness, we will of course require a detailed proer of any intended testimony.Ž Schis statement marked the “rst public remarks by any of the leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence committees regarding Flynns immunity request initially conveyed late Thursday by attorney Robert Kelner. The California congressman said Flynns oer would be taken up with leaders of the Senate committee and the Justice Department, where the FBI also is in the midst of a wide-ranging counter-intelligence investigation into Russias election interference and whether members of Trumps campaign coordinated with Russian ocials. This week, Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, R-N.C., indicated the panel would pursue testimony from Flynn as part of a roster of 20 witnesses the panel was assembling so far for its inquiry. You would think less of us if Gen. Flynn wasnt on that list,Ž Burr told reporters. Friday, Trump cited Flynn in a tweet denouncing the various Russia-related investigations that shadow his administration. Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!Ž Trump tweeted. Trumps latest missive came hours after Flynns attorney issued a tantalizing statement about his clients interest in providing information to congressional and federal investigators. Gen. Flynn certainly has a story to tell, and he very much wants to tell it, should the circumstances permit,Ž Kelner said before stating Flynns desire for immunity. No reasonable person, who has the bene“t of advice from counsel, would submit to questioning in such a highly politicized, witch-hunt environment without assurances against unfair prosecution.ŽI mmunity request gets no takers „ yet David Jackson and Kevin JohnsonUSA TODAY


The Sun /Saturday, April 1, 2017 Page 3 IN BRIEFSUICIDE BOMBER KILLS 24, HURTS SCORES NEAR MOSQUE Acar bomb exploded Friday near a Shiite Muslim mosque in the town of Parachinar in northwestern Pakistan, killing at least 24 people and wounding more than 100, ocials said. Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a break away faction of Pakistani Taliban militants, claimed responsibility. Spokesman Asad Mansoor said the attack was carried out by one of the groups members and targeted minority Shiites, considered heretics by the militants.TRUMP SIGNS ORDERS TO REVERSE TRADE DEFICITPresident Trump promised to crack down on foreign importers that cheatŽ Friday, signing two executive orders that he said would lead to a historic reversal of the nations trade de“cit. The two executive orders will: u Require a report on the causes of the trade imbalance within 90 days. That report will focus on 16 countries with which the United States had a signi“cant trade de“cit in goods last year: China, Japan, Germany, Mexico, Ireland, Vietnam, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, India, Thailand, France, Switzerland, Taiwan, Indonesia and Canada. The administration plans public meetings to hear from manufacturers, service providers, workers, farmers, and consumers. u Call for a strategy for customs agents to use legal tools to collect anti-dumping duties already owed to the United States. The White House is proposing to require new importers „ or those already found guilty of abusive trade practices „ to post a bond before their goods are permitted through U.S. ports. The Government Accountability Oce says importers have racked up more than $2.3 billion in uncollected anti-dumping and countervailing duties since 2001.3 PLANES IN NEAR-MISSES WITH DRONES AT HEATHROWThree planes narrowly missed colliding with drones near Londons Heathrow Airport in the space of three weeks last year. Areport Friday by the U.K. Airprox Board oered new details on the close calls that took place in October and November. In the most unusual incident, the pilots of an A320 passenger plane descending into Heathrow noticed a gadget with multiple arms and rotors passing below the planes right wing at 10,000 feet. The separation between drone and plane was just 100 feet vertically and 650 feet horizontally. From sta and wire reports DAVE HUNT, EPAAwoman attempts to access her home Friday as her dog looks on after storms caused the Wilsons River in central Lismore, New South Wales, to breach its banks.STORMS CAUSE FLOODING DOWN UNDERWASHINGTONBusiness groups led by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce are pressuring the Trump administration to kill an Obamaera initiative designed to reduce wage disparities by requiring big employers to report pay data based on race, gender and ethnicity. The Obama administration had proposed the new requirement to bolster federal investigations of pay discrimination and encourage employers to evaluate their own pay practices as womens salaries continue to lag behind those of men. But an ad-hoc coalition of business associations asked President Trumps budget oce to review and rejectthe Equal Employment Opportunity Commissions requirement, saying the data collection is too onerous and expensive. If ever there was a regulation that imposed an incredible amount of burden with no utility ... its this one,Ž said Randy Johnson, a senior vice president with the Chamber. It was pushed through under the prior administration because it met a political goal. But as far as the substance and merits, there just isnt any that would justify it being kept on the books.Ž Johnson said the Oce of Management and Budget hasnt responded to a March 20 letter the Chamber sent with 26 other business associations to the director, Mick Mulvaney, requesting the review. But he said the issue is among the Chambers top labor priorities. I think the agency will take care of this,Ž he said. Its such a gross abuse of regulatory power on the part of the EEOC.Ž Trumps stance on pay equity has been somewhat murky. He has said he supports pa y based on performance, but he expressed concerns in 2015 about equal pay legislation if everybody ends up making the same pay,Ž likening such a result to a socialist society.Ž His daughter Ivanka, however, pledged during the campaign that her father would “ght for equal pay for equal workŽ and has said she is very passionateŽ about “ghting for wage equality. Lisa Maatz, with the American Association of University Women, said, We would like to see this be a place where they take a stand. All you have to do is look at the Womens March to know that people care about these issues, theyre watching and were not going away.Ž The White House and EEOC did not respond to requests for comment; OMB said it is reviewing the request. Women working full time in the U.S. were typically paid 80% of what men were paid in 2015, and the pay gap was worse for women of color, according to a 2017 AAUW study. Part of the reason may be a concentration of women in lower paying jobs or women working fewer hours, but experts also cite discrimination as a contributing factor. Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said the initiative to collect pay data was one of the most important things he worked on to address the pay equity gap for women when he was President Obamas Labor secretary. I dont understand why any company who wants to retain their workforce and recruit the best and brightest talent wouldnt want to keep this data so that they understand, Do we have a problem? Ž Perez said in an interview with USA TODAY. This is not rocket science. This is about fundamental fairness.Ž Employers have long reported data about numbers of employees by job category, gender and ethnicity or race. The new annual requirement, announced in September, calls for private employers and federal contractors with more than 100 employees to also report the pay data by March 31, 2018. The Obama administration estimated it would cover 63 million employees. As of December, more than 100 companies and organizations, including AT&T, eBay, Mastercard and Yahoo, had signed Obamas White House Equal Pay Pledge,Ž voluntarily committing to conduct annual compa ny-wide gender pay analyses. Contributing: Susan PageBusinesses try to quash federal equal pay projectChamber ocial calls Obama requirement an incredible burden Nicole GaudianoUSA TODAY JOE RAEDLE, GETTY IMAGESElana Goodman and others express their views March 14 in Florida. Legislators are considering fair pay protection bills. Last years capture of Mexican drug kingpin Joaqun El ChapoŽ Guzmn led to a surge in homicides in Mexico as cartel leaders fought to “ll the vacuum created by his arrest. The apprehension of Guzmn in January 2016 was hailed by Mexican and U.S. ocials as a watershed moment in the war on drugs. But Mexicos homicide rate for the year spiked to 21.3 murders per 100,000 inhabitants, a steep rise from 17.5 in 2015 that rivals record numbers earlier in the decade, according to a report released Fridayby the Justice in Mexico Project at the University of San Diego. Mexico had just started emerging from its bloody battle with drug cartels, with murder rates dropping for four consecutive years from 2011 to 2014. Since the removal of Guzmn, violence is back on the rise. The drug lord was extradited to the United States in January to face criminal charges for his leadership of the tracking syndicate known as the Sinaloa Cartel. Its kind of two steps forward, one step back,Ž said David Shirk, director of the Justice in Mexico Project and co-author of the report. We took out a very powerful and important drug tracker. But as a result, we have destabilized the ecosystem of organized crime in a way that has led to internal struggles within the Sinaloa Cartel, and encroachment from other organizations that would like to take over their business.Ž The spike in violence also helps explain the resurgence in heroin use in the U.S. The problem has become so widespread that President Trump created a national opioid addiction commission. On Wednesday he hosteda White House listening sessionŽ with addicts, including one recovering heroin addict. Shirk said the battles between cartels have upset the traditionalŽ drug routes „ including cocaine „ that run from South America through Mexico to the U.S. That has made it more dicult for American users to “nd cocaine, opening the door for heroin and other opioids, which can be produced in Mexico and smuggled more easily into the U.S. Heroin pro“ts are smaller, Shirk said, but they provide cartels with cash as they focus on “ghting for control of territories left vacant by Guzmns arrest. When you fragment drug traf“cking organizations, theyre going to look for readily available products,Ž Shirk said. Mexico experienced its worst period of violence starting in 2007, when then-President Felipe Caldern announced an aggressive campaign to “ght against the countrys drug cartels. That led to Mexicos homicide rate increasing from a record low of 8.1 per 100,000 in 2007 to a record high of 24 just four years later. The Mexican government quelled that violence through a combination of anti-corruption measures and big increases in military and police spending. Mexico received help from the U.S. government, which sends $320 million a yearto improve its neighbors security, justice, economy and education systems. That could change under President Trump, who has proposed slashing State Department and foreign aid budgets by 37%. Trump has also infuriated Mexico by saying it will pay for expanding a wall along the border between the two countries. Theres a need for both countries to resolve this problem. And in many ways, were at a high water mark in U.S.-Mexico security cooperation,Ž Shirk said. The only question now is how (Trump) will continue to work with Mexico to address this shared responsibility.Ž The groups report is based on data from the Mexican government, private companies and media organizations. With El Chapo out, killings “ll void REBECCA BLACKWELL, APMexican drug lord Joaqun El ChapoŽ Guzmn is escorted by soldiers to a helicopter in Mexico City after his recapture in January 2016 following his escape from prison. Alan Gomez@alangomez USA TODAY Cartels battle for turf has driven up Mexicos homicide rate „ and use of heroin in U.S.90001016 V iolence in M exico has skyrocketed since the arrest of drug lord J oaqun El ChapoŽ Guzmn. H ere is a look at the surge in homicides following his arrest on J an. 8, 2016. H O MI C I DES SO AR IN M EX I CO IN 2016SOURCE Justice in Mexico P roject at the U niversity of San DiegoK ARL GE LL ES, U S A T OD AY0 10 20 21.3 16.6 Homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants in Mexico


Page 4 The Sun / Saturday, April 1, 2017 FBI PHOTOS VIA EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCYFlames and smoke billow from a hole in the exterior wall after the hijacked American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentag on on Sept. 11, 2001. A portion of the building collapsed, and it took “re“ghters days to fully extinguish the “re. The FBI on Friday re-released images of the devastation and grim aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on the Pentagon. American Airlines Flight 77 was headed from Dulles International Airport in northern Virginia to Los Angeles when it was commandeered by al-Qaeda terrorists. It slammed into the side of the building, killing 184 people, including 59 passengers and crew and the “ve hijackers. The plane hit between the “rst and second ”oors of the Pentagon. The photos show the damage inside and out.Anew look at 9/11 destruction FBI investigators, their faces blacked out by the bureau for security reasons, examine the damage to the complex.


The Sun /Saturday, April 1, 2017 Page 5 JEEP SHOWS OFF COOL CONCEPTS FOR MOAB MEET A shiny, black hot rod-inspired Wrangler, a Jeep Safari Wrangler with see-through doors and a Grand Cherokee with a modernized spinŽ on the 1993 ZJ, the “rst generation for the storied SUV, all will go on display at a gathering April 8-16 in Moab, Utah. Seven concept off-road vehicles are ready to hit the trails for the 51st annual Easter Jeep Safari. The offroad event draws thousands of Jeep enthusiasts each year. Mike Manley, head of the Jeep and Ram brands, said the Moab event is key for getting feedback from die-hard customers about some of the elements that could “nd their way into production vehicles. BETS APLENTY ON PROCTER & GAMBLES DIVIDEND Procter & Gamble is expected to increase its quarterly dividend for the 61st consecutive y ear. The increase could be 1% to 5%, according to investment pros in Cincinnati. The decision, expected as early as next week, affects more than 10,000 P&G employees in the region and thousands more retirees. For every 100 P&G shares owned, investors collect nearly $270 in annual cash dividends „ a 3% return that adds to any gain on the value of shares. Still trying to jump-start sales growth, P&G wants to strike a balance on the payout to shareholders. But P&Gs struggle to grow in recent years has meantincreasing dividends consume a larger share of pro“ts, a pattern analysts say cant be sustained. OCULUS CO-FOUNDER LUCKEY LEAVING FACEBOOK Palmer Luckey, the controv ersial co-founder of virtualreality gear maker Oculus, is leaving parent Facebook. Luckeys role at Facebook has been in question since he was outed in September for secretly funding an Internet trolling group that supported Donald Trump and created anti-Hillary Clinton memes. Luckey said at the time he was deeply sorryŽ his actions are negatively impacting the perception of Oculus and its partners.Ž Facebook spokesperson Tera Randall declined to say whether Luckey had resigned or was “red. MONEYLINE JEEP SAFARI CONCEPT BY FCA US LLC U S A S NAP S H O T S H anding over legacySOURCE Nationwide Small Business Owner Study of 502 U .S. small-business ownersJ A E YA NG A ND VE R ON I C A B RA VO, U S A T OD AY60%of small businesses dont have a business succession plan. Among those, 47% dont think its necessary to have one. INDEXCLOSECHGNasdaq composite5911.74 y 2.60 S&P 5002362.72 y 5.34 T-note, 10-year yield2.39% y 0.03 Oil, light sweet crude$50.60 x 0.25 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0684 y 0.0007 Yen per dollar111.29 y 0.31SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM DO W J O N ES IN D U S TRIAL AV G. -65.27 20, 6 00 20, 6 50 20, 7 00 20, 7 50 20, 8 00 20, 8 50 9 : 3 0 a m .20,728 4:00 p m .20,663FRIDAY MARKETS M O N E Y Despite concerns about President Trumps ability to push through his marketfriendly economic agenda, investors stuck with stocks at the start of the year, propelling Wall Street to its biggest quarterly gain since the last three months of 2015. The Standard & Poors 500 index, a benchmark gauge of large U.S. stocks, gained 5.5% in the “rst three months of 2017, its best quarter since the “nal quarter of 2015 and the best start to a year since a 10% gain in 2013. Stocks continued their postelection rally despite Trumps setbacks, including the inability of the Republican-controlled Congress in March to pass a new law to replace Obamacare. That political loss sparked worries that the presidents plans to cut corporate taxes, reduce business regulation and get an infrastructure spending plan underway would get delayed or watered down. Those concerns weighed on segments that would bene“t more from Trumps plans, such as banks and other “nancial stocks, which declined in March and gained 2.1% in the quarter. Gains in Bank of America shares, which had climbed 17% for the year in early March, shrank to less than 7% by quarters end. Still, many investors say its premature to say Trumps probusiness moves wont materialize. The carrot remains tax reform,Ž says Bruce Bittles, chief investment strategist at Baird. Wall Street bulls also have been emboldened by signs of a global economic pickup and rising con“dence readings for both consumers and businesses, says Joe Quinlan, chief market strategist at U.S. Trust. Market optimists still expect the White House to produce a signature piece of legislation,Ž he adds. Still, Quinlan wouldnt rule out fresh political obstacles causing problems for stocks. Political disappointment and dismay could emerge as headwinds in the second quarter,Ž he says. Tech stocks are the big winner early in 2017. The industry sector, led by iPhone maker Apple, which jumped 24%, rose 12.2% „ or double the performance of the S&P 500. Tech stocks found buyers as the economy downshifted from a 2.1% growth rate in the “nal three months of 2016 to an estimated 1.4% pace in 2017s “rst quarter. Tech companies are seen as having the ability to grow their businesses at a rapid clip with or without help from Trumps hoped-for economic stimulus. Wall Street will quickly pivot to the next wave of potentially market-moving news when the second quarter kicks o Monday. The success of stocks in the second quarter will come down to how earnings come in and whether theres progress on Trumps tax plans,Ž says JJ Kinahan, chief strategist at TD Ameritrade. Trump missteps dont deter Wall St.S&P 500 has posted 5.5% gain so far this year, best since 15 Adam Shell@adamshell USA TODAY LOSANGELESRarely a day goes by without tales of another drone advancement, usually for deliveries to a remote area, something Amazon and other companies are pursuing. Its not here yet, but another futuristic use of drones is having large groups of quadcopters in packs, working together like bees, to assist in search and rescue, “re safety, coastal surveillance and other useful actions. Researchers at the University of Southern California are hard at work on just that, looking to spend the next “ve years perfecting synchronized drones for prime time. The advantage of multiple drones working together is that if one fails, other ones can ful“ll the gap,Ž USC computer science professor Nora Ayanian says. With teams, you can be everywhere at once.Ž We watched as Ayanian and her team demonstrated for us, having the computer start the process. Then the swarm of drones lifted o the ”oor, through the windows and back again. Its what happens when they go outside into the real worldresearchers need to perfect. Many of us watched as 300 synchronized drones ”ew together at the recent Super Bowl, in a demo performed by chip maker Intel, which has been showing o the technology at Disney World, as well. Like Intel, Ayanians drones are operated by computer and cameras, but they are tiny „ like ”ying insects. Her research is all indoors in a controlled environment, where the robots,Ž as she calls them, are trained to ”y in and out of simulated windows and to spell the letters U-S-C. Synchronized drones at Disney and sporting events are shows,Ž says Wolfgang Hoenig, a USC Ph.D. candidate working on the project. We are using this for real applications.Ž When in shows, computers and manual controls are used to ”y the drones, but Hoenig notes, were fully automated. We tell the drones where to start and what the environment looks like, and they go from there.Ž The military is developing using mass drones for defense as a collective organism, sharing one distributed brain for decisionmaking and adapting like swarms in nature,Ž William Roper, director of the Department of Defenses Strategic Capabilities Oce, said in a statement. Romeo Durscher, director of education for consumer drone company DJI, says drones working in unison for search and rescues will be tremendously helpful. What we have now is way better than what we had two years ago, but its still a lot of manual input,Ž he says. We know one single drone can reduce the time it takes to “nd someone „ imagine if we had many drones working together and sharing information how much faster it would be.Ž ROBERT HANASHIRO, USA TODAYThe idea is to have groups of drones, working together like bees, to assist in search and rescue, “re safety, coastal surveillance and other useful actions.S yn ch r o ni ze d dr o n es ar e n ext w av e in s a fet y su rv e illan ce Jefferson Graham@jeffersongraham USA TODAY If you were excitedly waiting for the reveal of Crayolas new crayon color, youll have to wait. Crayola announced Friday that its replacing its signature dark yellow Dandelion crayon with a color in the blue family. The company gave only two clues about its upcoming color during a Facebook live held on National Crayon Day. (I) can share two pieces of new information. The “rst is that the new color will be part of the blue family, and the second is this summer we are going to invoke our fans to name the new color because we want you all to be a part of Crayola history,Ž said Melanie Boulden, senior vice president U.S. and global marketing at Crayola. Boulden said more details about the new crayon color will be announced in May. The company said it was retiring Dandelion from its lineup on Thursday, a day before it originally planned to unveil which crayon was getting the axe. In the comment section on the Facebook live some fans voiced frustration over Dandelions retirement with the hashtag #Dontgo. Not sure why they are so darn excitedŽ to be discontinuing a color that will make someone feel bad because it may be their favorite color thats gone?!Ž Facebook user Rebecca Leach Sadowski said in the comments. Another user said she hopes she can purchase Dandelion singles before its discontinued. Oh, no! Yellow is my sons favorite color,Ž Carolyne Jubinville Sullo said. I think hes colorblind, so Dandelion is his go-to yellow! I hope I can buy some single colors.Ž Dandelions retirement marked the “rst time in Crayolas history that it removed a color from a box of 24, according to the Associated Press. On Twitter, many used the hashtag #NewCrayonColors to share their thoughts on what crayon color and name Crayola should choose. Some ideas were NSFW.CRAYOLA KILLS DANDELION FOR A N EW BLUECompany shares two clues, says color will debut in May Mary Bowerman@MaryBowerman USA TODAY Network RICHARD DREW, AP Im agin e i f we h ad m any dr o n es wo r k ing to g ethe r and sh aring in fo r m a t i o n how much f a ste r i t wou ld be.ŽRomeo Durscher ,director of education for consumer drone company DJI


Page 6 The Sun / Saturday, April 1, 2017 Mental disorders are currently defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which includes hundreds of distinct diagnostic categories, but a new study we worked on suggests we could do better. Each category in the DSM has a checklist of criteria. If you meet enoughŽ (often, just over half) of these criteria, you are placed in that diagnostic category. For example, the checklist for major depression includes a list of nine symptoms, and you need to have at least five of those nine symptoms to receive a diagnosis. DSM disorders provide labels to help clinicians communicate about their patients, refer patients to treatment programs and provide billing codes to insurance companies. These disorders drive the way we diagnose, treat and research mental illness. Yet the whole DSM system is inconsistent with the nature of mental illness, which cannot be classified neatly into boxes. Using the DSMs narrow and rigid categories of mental illness thus creates obstacles for effective diagnosis and treatment, and for generating robust research. It is clear we need an alternative model for classifying mental illness that carves nature at its jointsŽ instead of imposing artificial categories for classification. By following the patterns in the data on how people experience mental illness, this is exactly what we aimed to do in creating the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP), which was published March 23. Fifty of the leading researchers studying the classification of mental illness came together to create the HiTOP framework. It integrates 20 years of research into a new model that overcomes many of the problems with the DSM.Problems with using the DSM to describe mental illnessTo show the problems with DSM evaluation, lets consider hypothetical patients James and John: James is feeling depressed. He has gained a lot of weight, has difficulty sleeping, is often fatigued and struggles to concentrate. With these symptoms, James could be diagnosed with a major depressive episode. John no longer enjoys his life and he has withdrawn from his loved ones. He feels slowed downŽ to the extent that it is difficult to move, and he is unable to wake up in the morning. He struggles to make everyday decisions. Due to these symptoms, he recently lost his job. He then attempted suicide. With these symptoms, John could also be diagnosed with a major depressive episode. John has more severe and disabling depression, and James and John have different presenting symptoms. These important distinctions between them are lost when both men are lumped together and simply labeled depressed.Ž Their diagnoses can also easily disappear or change for reasons that may not reflect real or meaningful change in mental disorder status.Slippery DSM diagnosesFor example, if John didnt have difficulty waking up in the morning, he would have only four of the symptoms for major depression. He would no longer meet the criteria to receive a diagnosis. The arbitrary diagnostic threshold (i.e., needing five of the nine symptoms on the depression checklist) thus means that John may no longer be able to access treatment covered by his insurance despite the impact his symptoms are having on his quality of life. Further, the blurriness in the boundaries between DSM disorders means it is not always clear which diagnostic label fits best. Many disorders have similar checklists. If, for example, James were also experiencing chronic and uncontrollable worry in addition to his depression symptoms „ very common „ he might be diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder instead. Many of the limitations in the DSM system are due to its reliance on supposedly distinct disorders with arbitrary thresholds (e.g., needing to have five of nine symptoms). These characteristics of the DSM are decided by committees of experts: Each time it is revised, committees decide which disorders to include, the checklist of symptoms for each disorder and the number of symptoms needed for a diagnosis. Relying on committee and political processes has resulted in a system that does not reflect the true nature of mental illness. If we take an empirical approach to mapping the structure and boundaries of mental illness, things look differently.Following the data to describe mental illnessBy analyzing data on how people experience mental disorders, clear patterns emerge in the ways disorders co-occur. For example, someone who is depressed is likely to also experience anxiety, and someone who gambles compulsively is likely to also struggle with drug or alcohol addiction. These sorts of patterns of co-occurrence highlight the common underlying characteristics that groups of disorders share. Over the past 20 years, dozens of studies have analyzed the patterns of co-occurrence in tens of thousands of peoples experiences of mental illness. These studies have converged on six broad domains: Internalizing, which reflects a propensity to excessive negative emotions, such as depression, anxiety, worry and panic; Disinhibition, which reflects a predisposition toward impulsive and careless behavior, and drug or alcohol abuse; Antagonism, which is composed of aggressive, disagreeable and antisocial behavior; Thought disorder, which includes experiences of delusions, hallucinations or paranoia; Detachment, marked by low social drive and withdrawal from social interactions; and Somatoform, defined by unexplained medical symptoms and excessive seeking of reassurance and medical attention. Each of these six domains can be measured on a continuous dimension representing the likelihood that a person will experience those symptoms. For example, someone toward the low end of internalizing would likely be emotionally resilient, calm and stoic in the face of adversity. Someone at the high end might be prone to deep and prolonged periods of depression, uncontrollable worry and intense irrational fears. A persons position on these dimensions can predict not only current mental health but also the type, number and severity of specific DSM-styleŽ mental disorders that he or she is likely to experience in the future.Looking at mental illness through a more detailed lensThe HiTOP framework goes beyond the six broad domains listed above, also including narrower dimensions nested within these domains that allow us to characterize peoples experiences of mental illness with more detail. For example, the internalizing dimension includes narrower dimensions of fear, emotional distress, disordered eating and low sexual function. Measuring these narrower dimensions can quickly convey the ways in which a high level of internalizing is likely to show up. In turn, these narrower dimensions can be separated into still more detailed elements to determine, for example, whether a high level of the fear dimension is likely to show up in social interactions, as phobias, or as obsessions or compulsions. This hierarchical structure of the framework „ wherein the broad dimensions can be split up into successively narrower and more detailed dimensions „ makes it highly flexible to clinicians and researchers needs. The central ideas in the HiTOP framework are already being implemented to strengthen research on mental illness, and are ready to be used in clinical practice.A better alternative to the DSMConsider James and John again: Rather than assessing hundreds of DSM symptoms to determine which idiosyncratic combination of disorders could be imposed to fit their combinations of symptoms, we can assess the six broad domains of mental illness to quickly determine where the two men sit on each dimension. The more detailed dimensions in the framework then allow us to identify their most severe or distressing symptom clusters. By fully understanding the nature, scope and severity of their symptoms, we can match them with the most appropriate and effective treatments available. The hierarchical and dimensional framework thus overcomes the limitations of the DSMs reliance on discrete present vs. absentŽ disorders: The hierarchical structure lets us assess and retain detailed information about individuals presenting symptoms. The dimensional structure also overcomes the arbitrary diagnostic thresholds of the DSM, instead capturing the severity of mental illness on each dimension. The fragility of DSM disorders (i.e., appearing, disappearing and changing with small changes in symptoms) is also overcome. Remission of a symptom „ or the onset of new symptoms „ simply shifts where a person sits on each of the dimensions. In short, by following the patterns in the data, we see a picture that is very different from the committee-derived disorder categories in the DSM. This new hierarchical and dimensional framework is far more consistent with the true structure of mental illness, and can revolutionize how we diagnose and treat the different ways that people struggle with their mental health. Miri Forbes receives funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse. David Watson has received funding from the National Institute of Mental Health (R01-MH068472). Robert Krueger receives funding from the U.S. National Institute on Aging. Robert Krueger is a co-author of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) and provides consulting services to aid users of the PID-5 in the interpretation of test scores. PID-5 is the intellectual property of the American Psychiatric Association, and Krueger does not receive royalties or any other compensation or administration of the inventory. Roman Kotov does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would bene“t from this article, and has disclosed no relevant af“liations beyond the academic appointment above.How better definitions of mental disorders could aid diagnosis and treatmentBy MIRI FORBESPOSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW IN PSYCHIATRY AND PSYCHOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA;DAVID WATSONANDREW J. MCKENNA FAMILY PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME;ROBERT KRUEGERDISTINGUISHED MCKNIGHT UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA;And ROMAN KOTOVASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF PSYCHIATRY, STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY (THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK) PHOTO FROM WWW.SHUTTERSTOCK.COMMental disorders come in many forms. PHOTO FROM WWW.SHUTTERSTOCK.COMPatients with dierent symptoms of mental illness often get grouped together, when a better understanding of their feelings could help.


The Sun /Saturday, April 1, 2017 Page 7 FLORIDA REPORT ALMANACToday is Saturday, April 1 the 91st day of 2017. There are 274 days left in the year. This is April Fools Day. Today in historyOn April 1, 1917 Scott Joplin, The King of Ragtime Writers,Ž died at a New York City hospital. Joplin, the composer of Maple Leaf Rag,Ž The Entertainer,Ž The Easy Winners,Ž Heliotrope BouquetŽ and Solace,Ž among other ragtime pieces, was believed to have been 49 years old at the time of his death. On this dateIn 1789 the U.S. House of Representatives held its first full meeting in New York; Frederick Muhlenberg of Pennsylvania was elected the first House speaker. In 1924 Adolf Hitler was sentenced to five years in prison for his role in the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich. (Hitler was released in Dec. 1924; during his time behind bars, he wrote his autobiographical screed, Mein Kampf.Ž) In 1947 Greeces King George II died. In 1954 the United States Air Force Academy was established by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. In 1972 the first Major League Baseball players strike began; it lasted 12 days. In 1984 recording star Marvin Gaye was shot to death by his father, Marvin Gay Sr. in Los Angeles, the day before his 45th birthday. (The elder Gay pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter, and received probation.) In 1987 in his first speech on the AIDS epidemic, President Ronald Reagan told the Philadelphia College of Physicians, Weve declared AIDS public health enemy No. 1.Ž Todays birthdaysActress Jane Powell is 88. Actor Don Hastings is 83. Baseball Hall of Famer Phil Niekro is 78. Actress Ali MacGraw is 78. Rhythm-andblues singer Rudolph Isley is 78. Baseball All-Star Rusty Staub is 73. Reggae singer Jimmy Cliff is 69. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is 67. Rock musician Billy Currie (Ultravox) is 67. Actress Annette OToole is 65. Movie director Barry Sonnenfeld is 64. Singer Susan Boyle is 56. Actor Jose Zuniga is 55. Country singer Woody Lee is 49. Actress Jessica Collins is 46. Rapper-actor Method Man is 46. Movie directors Albert and Allen Hughes are 45. Political commentator Rachel Maddow is 44. Tennis player Magdalena Maleeva is 42. Actor David Oyelowo is 41. Actor JJ Field is 39. Singer Bijou Phillips is 37. Actor Sam Huntington is 35. Comedian-actor Taran Killam is 35. Actor Matt Lanter is 34. Actor Josh Zuckerman is 32. Country singer Hillary Scott (Lady Antebellum) is 31. Actor Asa Butterfield is 20. MELBOURNE, Fla. (AP) „ Police in Florida are trying to identify a woman they say pulled a pair of guns on a convenience store clerk after he refused to accept a jar of dirty pennies as payment. Melbourne police tell Florida Today the woman showed up early Wednesday morning at a 7-Eleven, picked up a few items and then gave the clerk the pennies. Police say the clerk told the woman the coins were dirty and gunked-up.Ž The clerk says the woman got angry and began throwing things after he told her there were too many pennies for the store to accept. Police say the woman told the clerk she was going to kill him before leaving the store and returned with two guns. The clerk sustained only minor injuries in the confrontation. The woman fled the scene in a vehicle.ODD NEWS Police: 7-Eleven clerk refuses dirty pennies, woman pulls gunsTALLAHASSEE „ The examples of tragedy in Rep. Cynthia Staffords district are almost too many for the Miami Democrat to list, but she offered a few to the Florida House on Thursday. € A 10-year-old retrieving his basketball in his front yard, shot and killed. € An 8-year-old girl shot and killed, walking out of her front yard. € A straight-A student on her way to college „ the valedictorian of her class with a full scholarship „ shot and killed riding in her car. In each of these instances, someone knows what happens, but theyre afraid to come forward,Ž said Stafford, who represents areas that include Opa-locka, Liberty City and parts of Miami Gardens. Stafford hopes legislation she proposed will give murder witnesses more incentive to talk with police, and the Florida House endorsed her bill Thursday in a near-unanimous vote. Described as a witness protectionŽ bill, HB 111 creates a new exemption in Florida law that shields murder witnesses identities from being released in public records for two years after the crime. (Criminal defendants and their attorneys could still have access to the name as required during a criminal case, such as the period of discovery before a trial.) Witness intimidation is real, and so is retaliation,Ž Stafford said. This bill will hopefully encourage people to come forward and help law enforcement solve murders.Ž Only three lawmakers in the 120-member House voted against granting the exemption, citing the First Amendment Foundations opposition. Its a laudable purpose,Ž said Rep. Joseph Geller, D-Aventura. But we always have to be vigilant when it comes to public records, and there may be other approaches that would be satisfactory here.Ž Also opposing the bill were Reps. Lori Berman, D-Lantana, and Ray Rodrigues, R-Estero. The First Amendment Foundation objects to shielding murder witnesses identities because the issue of governmental oversight is so critical,Ž foundation president Barbara Petersen said. Im sympathetic, but I dont think this is going to solve the problem,Ž Petersen added. The legislation sort of assumes that the problem is our open-government laws, that witnesses arent coming forward because their information will be public record. Thats an assumption. I havent seen any evidence that supports that.Ž The Senate version of Staffords bill, SB 550 by Orlando Democrat Sen. Randolph Bracy, has a strong chance of passing that chamber, too. Despite being assigned to four committees „ bills usually face only three „ it has just one hearing left before it could reach the floor. Stafford said the exemption for murder witnesses is not unlike protections afforded to sexual assault victims and victims of child abuse. Before the House vote, Stafford gave an impassioned speech describing why she pursued the legislation „ comments that drew a standing ovation from the chamber, as well as applause after the bill passed. She also earned praise from House Speaker Richard Corcoran, R-Land OLakes. Excellent job, Rep. Stafford,Ž he said. Several Miami-based groups advocated strongly for the witness exemption, including Miami-Dade public school superintendent Alberto Car valho and at least a dozen mothers whose children were killed by gun violence who drove to Tallahassee several times to speak with lawmakers. Carvalho said he believes the measure will go a long way to protecting the safety of witnesses who know far more than what theyre willing to reveal out of concern for their own lives. The most powerful element of this bill is that it will break the code of silence that often protects „ through intimidation „ the perpetrators,Ž he said. Its about empowering our community members with the ability to speak their minds without fear of retribution.ŽBill would protect murder witnessesBy KRISTEN M. CLARKTIMES/HERALD TALLAHASSEE BUREAU SAN DIEGO „ A judge on Friday approved an agreement for President Donald Trump to pay $25 million to settle lawsuits over his now-defunct Trump University, ending nearly seven years of legal battles with customers who claimed they were misled by failed promises to teach success in real estate. U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel said the agreement represents an extraordinary amountŽ of money for customers to recover. Plaintiff attorneys say about 3,730 people will get at least 90 percent of their money back. The ruling settles two class-action lawsuits and a civil lawsuit by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman that had dogged the Republican businessman throughout the presidential campaign. Trump fueled the controversy by repeatedly assailing Curiel, insinuating that the Indiana-born judges Mexican heritage exposed a bias. Trump had vowed never to settle. But he said after the election that he didnt have time for a trial, even though he believed he would have prevailed. The White House referred requests for comment to the Trump Organization, which didnt immediately respond. Under terms of the settlement, Trump admits no wrongdoing. Attorneys for the former customers say the money will allow people to retire debt-free and overcome other “nancial obstacles. The attorneys waived their fees, raising individual payments. Over the past seven years, our goal has always has been to help these everyday Americans move forward with their lives,Ž attorney Amber Eck said. The Democratic New York attorney general said the ruling will provide relief „ and hopefully much-needed closure „ to the victims of Donald Trumps fraudulent university.Ž Trump Universitys victims waited years for compensation, while President Trump refused to settle and fought us every step of the way „ until his stunning reversal last fall,Ž said Schneiderman, who is contributing $1.6 million of his $4 million portion of the settlement to former customers. The lawsuits alleged that Trump University gave nationwide seminars that were like infomercials, constantly pressuring people to spend more and, in the end, failing to deliver. Political rivals used Trumps depositions and extensive documents filed in the lawsuits to portray him as dishonest and deceitful. When attorneys reached a deal shortly after Trumps election, Curiel said he hoped it would be part of a healing process that this country very sorely needs.Ž A month later, he granted it preliminary approval. The agreement came 10 days before a trial was set to begin in San Diego, sparing Trump what would have been a major distraction during his transition to the White House.Trump paying $25M after judge approves Trump University dealBy ELLIOT SPAGATASSOCIATED PRESS AP PHOTOPresident Donald Trump listens during a meeting with the National Association of Manufacturers Friday in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington. | HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE STATEBOCA RATON (AP) „ Police say a Florida jeweler foiled a heist by locking a woman claiming to represent a WINTER PARK (AP) „ The lawyer for a Florida ORLANDO (AP) „ Investigators say a Florida man suspected of beating and robbing a woman JUPITER (AP) „ A South Florida woman has been cited after authorities say MARATHON (AP) „ The Seven Mile Bridge in the Florida Keys is temporarily closing to vehicular traf“c to accommodate a footrace over the convergence of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. Monroe County deputies are stopping traf“c for the Seven Mile Bridge Run beginning at about 6:30 a.m. Saturday and reopening the bridge at 9 a.m. The race is scheduled to start at 7:20 a.m. at the east end of the bridge in Marathon. The Seven Mile Bridge is the longest of 42 spans on the Florida Keys Overseas Highway. Organizers say the “eld of 1,500 runners “lled within minutes after online registration opened two months ago.Jeweler locks would-be diamond robber in vault Lawyer: Student reinstated after incident with Muslim prof Robbery suspect arrested after hiding in FL lake 100 dead ball pythons found in South FL home Seven Mile Bridge to close for race Saturday morningthey found about 100 dead ball pythons in her home. A Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission report says Jupiter police took the woman into custody for a psychological evaluation Feb. 16 when they “rst responded to her home. She was cited March 13 with animal abandonment and given an April 12 court date. Authorities say the womans home was covered in animal feces. Of“cers found about 30 to 40 plastic bins each containing two to four dead snakes. Two ball pythons were found alive in an aquarium, and animal control of“cers removed them from the home. Of“cers also found alive and removed two dogs, two red-footed tortoises and two parakeets. An adult ball python can grow up to 6 feet. hid in a lake for hours as authorities searched for him. Orange County Sheriffs of“cials said in a news release that the man was arrested as he came out of the lake Friday morning. Earlier Friday, deputies say he beat up a woman who apparently owed him money. The news release says the man and a woman he was with spotted the victim outside a convenience store near Orlando. The two had their three young children in the backseat of their car. The man took off as deputies arrived. They arrested the woman and began searching for the man in a nearby lake. Their names havent been released. Of“cials say theyll likely face robbery and child neglect charges. diamond buyer in a vault and calling 911. The would-be robbery played out on March 18 at ECJ Luxe Collection in Boca Raton. The Sun Sentinel reports 46-year-old Fatima Milanovic faces charges of grand theft and organized fraud. Vladislav BobbyŽ Yampolsky told police he sensed something wrong when Milanovic tried to buy 11 stones worth $6.7 million in a deal that had been in the works for weeks. He told police she wasnt carrying any tools to inspect the jewels and she insisted on wrapping the items in packing material she brought to the store. Police said Milanovic, who has a French passport, was released on $50,000 bond. Jail records dont list a lawyer. university student who accused his Muslim professor of religious discrimination says his client has been reinstated to the school. Attorney Kenneth Lewis said in a statement that 20-year-old Marshall Polston will return to Rollins College next week. The statement also calls for a full inquiryŽ into the actions of Professor Areej Zufari. The Winter Park school temporarily suspended Polston March 24, citing his treatment of the professor. School President Grant Cornwell declined comment on Polstons disciplinary hearing. The Orlando Sentinel reports Zufari made a protection against stalkingŽ request in court over concerns about Polston. Injunction documents included an email in which Polston tells Zufari that shes trying to silence him after he disagreed with her teachings on Christianity in the Middle Eastern humanities class.


Page 8 The Sun / Saturday, April 1, 2017 91.03 67 .00 HCA Hldg ... 14 88.99 +2.95 +20.2 40.43 27 .61 HCP Inc 1.48 12 31.28 +.67 +5.2 17 .81 11.31 HP Inc .53f 11 17 .88 +.65 +20.5 44.18 28.62 HSBC 1.50e ... 40.82 +.26 +1.6 13.25 1.20 HTG Mol h ... dd 6.92 -2.73 +208.9 56.99 32.87 HainCels lf ... 19 37 .20 +.20 -4.7 58.78 33.26 Hallibrtn .72 dd 49.21 -.20 -9.0 30.42 18.91 Hanesbds s .60f 13 20.76 +.34 -3.8 92.78 74.06 HanoverIns 2.00 22 90.06 +1.09 -1.0 63.40 41.63 HarleyD 1.45f 16 60.50 +.30 +3.7 6.18 2.51 Harmonic ... dd 5.95 +.05 +19.0 4.87 1.86 HarmonyG ... ... 2.45 +.05 +10.9 15.25 5.00 Harsco .20m 53 12.75 +.50 -6.3 50.26 38.92 HartfdFn .92 15 48.07 +.74 +0.9 34.98 28.31 HawaiiEl 1.24 19 33.31 -.37 +0.7 43.91 34.83 HlthCSvc .75f 40 43.09 +.69 +10.0 7 .64 2.71 HeclaM .01e 28 5.29 +.23 +1.0 117 .79 87 .92 Hershey 2.47 26 109.25 +1.27 +5.6 53.14 16.83 HertzGl ... ... 17 .54 +.09 -18.6 65.56 45.12 Hess 1.00f dd 48.21 +2.11 -22.6 24.88 15.38 HP Ent n .26 12 23.70 +.93 +2.4 30.60 17 .91 HilltopH ... 18 27 .47 +1.05 -7 .8 12.00 4.88 HimaxTch .13e 38 9.12 -.16 +51.0 37 .98 22.07 HollyFront 1.32 13 28.34 +1.69 -13.5 150.15 119.20 HomeDp 3.56f 23 146.83 -.88 +9.5 32.17 24.04 Honda .55e ... 30.26 -.52 +3.7 127 .52 105.25 HonwllIntl 2.66 19 124.87 +.10 +7 .8 43.98 33.18 Hormel s .68 21 34.63 +.11 -0.5 32.63 24.62 HospPT 2.04 9 31.53 +.58 -0.7 20.21 14.30 HostHotls .80a 12 18.66 +.81 -1.0 37 .79 22.85 HuanPwr 2.45e ... 26.63 -.78 +2.3 125.93 97 .35 Hubbell 2.80f 23 120.05 +2.40 +2.9 220.49 150.00 Humana 1.60f 23 206.14 -.73 +1.0 14.74 8.05 HuntBncsh .32 20 13.39 +.28 +1.3 220.68 136.41 HuntgtnIng 2.40 19 200.24 -4.69 +8.7 25.22 12.40 Huntsmn .50 15 24.54 +1.89 +28.6 5.87 2.16 IAMGld g ... 80 4.00 +.11 +3.9 8.81 6.30 ICICI Bk .16e ... 8.60 +.20 +14.8 154.99 75.03 IdexxLab s ... 63 154.61 +.87 +31.8 15.80 9.26 ING .14e ... 15.09 +.17 +7 .0 13.25 10.81 iShGold ... q 12.01 ... +8.4 22.91 18.18 iSAstla 1.23e q 22.61 +.44 +11.8 40.80 24.75 iShBrazil 1.03e q 37 .46 +.34 +12.4 37 .87 29.71 iShEMU .95e q 37 .60 +.16 +8.7 28.91 22.51 iShGerm .51e q 28.75 +.20 +8.6 19.71 14.20 iShSilver ... q 17 .25 +.44 +14.2 93.52 79.95 iShSelDiv 2.59e q 91.10 +.58 +2.9 39.85 31.04 iShChinaLC .76e q 38.49 -.76 +10.9 40.23 31.70 iShEMkts .84e q 39.39 -.42 +12.5 124.48 115.55 iShiBoxIG 3.87 q 117 .91 +.19 +0.6 143.62 116.49 iSh20 yrT 3.05 q 120.71 -.17 +1.3 62.65 51.93 iS Eafe 1.70e q 62.29 +.15 +7 .9 88.37 80.78 iShiBxHYB 5.09 q 87 .78 +.95 +1.4 303.74 240.30 iShNsdqBio .09e q 293.27 +3.21 +10.5 140.86 107 .99 iShR2K 1.77e q 137 .48 +2.99 +2.0 85.70 77 .69 iShCorHiDv 2.90e q 83.86 +.05 +2.0 40.34 36.70 iShUSPfd 2.15a q 38.70 +.24 +4.0 85.80 72.11 iShREst 2.76e q 78.49 +.75 +2.0 83.99 69.83 Idacorp 2.20 21 82.96 -.08 +3.0 136.03 98.32 ITW 2.60 23 132.47 +.35 +8.2 37 .20 7 .75 ImpaxLabs ... dd 12.65 +3.40 -4.5 22.40 13.42 IndBkMI .40 21 20.70 +.70 -4.6 20.47 13.42 Infosys .62e 12 15.80 +.13 +6.5 82.17 59.10 IngerRd 1.60 18 81.32 +2.14 +8.4 140.00 104.24 Ingredion 2.00f 17 120.43 -.15 -3.6 38.45 29.50 Intel 1.09f 16 36.07 +.91 -0.6 177 .93 96.63 InterceptP ... dd 113.10 -3.63 +4.1 3.86 .80 Internap ... dd 3.72 -.08 +141.6 182.79 142.50 IBM 5.60 13 174.14 +.31 +4.9 32.07 16.65 IntlGmeT n .80 ... 23.70 +.39 -7 .1 58.86 39.24 IntPap 1.85f 17 50.78 -.03 -4.3 4.23 1.70 Intersectns ... dd 4.02 +.14 +0.8 770.28 580.46 IntSurg ... 37 766.47 +8.47 +20.9 12.92 5.42 InvenSense ... dd 12.63 +.02 -1.3 57 .00 19.59 IonisPhm ... dd 40.20 +1.22 -16.0 52.38 43.40 iShJapan rs ... q 51.50 -.37 +5.4 33.92 24.70 iSTaiwn rs ... q 33.23 -.44 +13.1 48.74 38.86 iShCorEM 1.09e q 47 .79 -.50 +12.6 13.65 7 .91 ItauUnibH .32e ... 12.07 -.18 +17 .5J-K-L 32.47 19.51 ... dd 31.11 -.15 +22.3 93.98 57 .05 JPMorgCh 1.92 15 87 .84 +.55 +1.8 63.42 40.93 JacobsEng .15p 20 55.28 +1.15 -3.0 9.75 4.63 JkksPac ... dd 5.50 +.10 +6.8 23.15 14.76 JetBlue ... 9 20.61 +.67 -8.1 129.00 107 .88 JohnJn 3.20 19 124.55 -.93 +8.1 18.50 11.63 KKR 1.31e 10 18.23 +.06 +18.5 100.69 79.05 KC Southn 1.32 19 85.76 +3.12 +1.1 87 .16 70.74 Kellogg 2.08 18 72.61 -.39 -1.5 7 .80 4.03 KeryxBio ... dd 6.16 +.51 +5.1 19.53 10.21 Keycorp .34 18 17 .78 +.54 -2.7 138.87 111.30 KimbClk 3.88f 22 131.63 -.82 +15.3 23.36 16.63 KindMorg .50 70 21.74 +.59 +5.0 5.82 2.88 Kinross g ... 70 3.51 +.12 +12.9 97 .77 76.06 KraftHnz n 2.40 41 90.81 -.87 +4.0 9.19 3.75 KratosDef ... dd 7 .78 -.23 +5.1 39.22 28.29 Kroger s .48 14 29.49 +.39 -14.5 21.23 10.55 Kulicke ... ... 20.32 +.04 +27 .4 88.37 46.76 L Brands 2.40f 12 47 .10 -.37 -28.5 171.24 118.03 L-3 Tch 2.80f 21 165.29 -1.63 +8.7 54.20 43.17 LTC Prp 2.28f 16 47 .90 +.99 +2.0 90.80 62.38 Landstar .36 26 85.65 +2.05 +0.4 31.87 21.56 LaSalleH 1.80 12 28.95 +.99 -5.0 54.63 44.02 LeggPlat 1.36 20 50.32 +.23 +2.9 8.41 3.44 LendingClb ... dd 5.49 +.29 +4.6 60.13 44.01 Level3 ... 31 57 .22 +1.10 +1.5 5.54 4.76 LbtyASE .52e q 5.46 +.04 +5.8 42.26 32.89 LibtProp 1.60m 18 38.55 +.16 -2.4 88.73 56.02 LincElec 1.40f 30 86.86 +1.65 +13.3 4.42 2.47 LloydBkg .47a ... 3.40 -.06 +9.7 274.57 222.82 LockhdM 7 .28 20 267 .60 +.18 +7 .1 84.00 64.87 Lowes 1.40 20 82.21 ... +15.6 81.81 50.50 lululemn gs ... 23 51.87 -11.82 -20.2 57 .17 44.85 Luxottica .78e ... 55.05 -.45 +2.5M-N-0 173.72 107 .01 M&T Bk 3.00f 19 154.73 -.24 -1.1 11.65 6.34 MBIA ... dd 8.47 +.35 -20.8 31.24 20.51 MDC 1.00 15 30.05 +.42 +17 .1 29.92 18.71 MDU Res .77 23 27 .37 +.20 -4.9 11.35 5.36 MGIC Inv ... 11 10.13 +.18 -0.6 30.62 20.59 MGM Rsts .39p 24 27 .40 +1.69 -5.0 9.01 7 .12 MVC Cap .54a q 8.99 +.11 +4.8 45.41 27 .72 Macys 1.51 10 29.64 +1.47 -17 .2 47 .21 32.76 Magna g s 1.10f 9 43.16 +.50 -0.6 7 .57 3.65 Manitowoc .08 dd 5.70 +.05 -4.7 19.52 12.55 Manulife g .74 ... 17 .74 +.25 -0.4 19.28 10.32 MarathnO .20 dd 15.80 +1.19 -8.7 54.59 32.02 MarathPt s 1.44 10 50.54 +1.67 +0.4 95.42 60.87 MAR 1.20 26 94.18 +.68 +13.9 25.38 15.58 MartinMid 2.00 31 20.00 +1.30 +9.0 16.72 9.05 MarvellTch .24 cc 15.26 -.58 +10.0 34.76 24.60 Mattel 1.52 24 25.61 +.45 -7 .0 46.22 33.38 MaximIntg 1.32 26 44.96 -.27 +16.6 107 .84 88.64 McCorm 1.72f 27 97 .55 -3.46 +4.5 8.33 3.53 McDrmInt ... 21 6.75 +.51 -8.7 199.43 114.53 McKesson 1.12 13 148.26 +2.63 +5.6 15.92 11.54 MedProp .96f 14 12.89 +.14 +4.8 89.27 69.35 Medtrnic 1.72 18 80.56 -.44 +13.1 20.00 11.91 MelcoCrwn 1.40e 60 18.54 -.18 +16.6 66.80 53.06 Merck 1.88 17 63.54 +.36 +7 .9 64.52 49.69 MercGn 2.49 30 60.99 +2.37 +1.3 66.25 43.85 Meredith 2.08f 16 64.60 +1.55 +9.2 17 .15 6.30 Meritor ... 3 17 .13 +.60 +37 .9 58.09 36.17 MetLife 1.60 12 52.82 +.81 -2.0 31.37 19.00 Michaels ... 12 22.39 +.43 +9.5 29.87 9.35 MicronT ... 35 28.90 +.47 +31.8 65.98 48.04 Microsoft 1.56 29 65.86 +.88 +6.0 2.75 .89 Microvisn ... dd 2.49 -.04 +97 .6 150.87 101.45 Middleby ... 27 136.45 +.12 +5.9 44.48 30.50 MdsxWatr .84 27 36.95 +.65 -13.9 13.50 10.89 MHowHiInc 1.39 q 13.39 +.02 +8.1 7 .01 4.16 MitsuUF J ... ... 6.34 -.11 +2.9 61.51 33.69 Mobileye ... cc 61.40 +.62 +61.1 36.18 8.88 Momo ... ... 34.07 +.74 +85.4 46.40 39.21 Mondelez .76 31 43.08 -.53 -2.8 73.05 42.61 Moog A ... 21 67 .35 +4.33 +2.5 47 .33 23.11 MorgStan .80 15 42.84 +.38 +1.4 87 .55 62.76 MotrlaSolu 1.88f 20 86.22 +2.55 +4.0 50.40 33.60 Mylan NV ... 8 38.99 -1.97 +2.2 49.90 25.20 NCR Corp ... 15 45.68 +2.07 +12.6 5.35 3.03 NQ Mobile ... dd 4.17 +.46 +29.5 18.95 9.84 NRG Egy .12 23 18.70 +.54 +52.5 18.56 13.78 NRG Yld C 1.04f 46 17 .70 +.75 +12.0 28.43 21.96 NTT DOCO ... ... 23.35 -.91 +2.6 18.40 7 .61 Nabors .24 dd 13.07 +.66 -20.3 61.25 47 .49 NatFuGas 1.62 26 59.62 +.22 +5.3 74.97 56.50 NatGrid 3.35e ... 63.48 -.06 +8.8 82.53 65.04 NtHlthInv 3.80f 17 72.63 +1.63 -2.1 24.88 11.41 NektarTh ... dd 23.47 +1.05 +91.3 69.09 44.06 Neogen ... 61 65.55 +1.60 -0.7 148.29 84.50 Netflix s ... cc 147 .81 +5.79 +19.4 6.04 2.39 NwGold g ... 43 2.98 +.06 -14.9 39.95 30.46 NJ Rscs s 1.02 21 39.60 +.40 +11.5 19.89 13.95 NewMedia 1.40 21 14.21 -.11 -11.1 60.17 33.47 NewOriEd .40e 39 60.38 +1.43 +43.4 17 .68 13.67 NY CmtyB .68 14 13.97 +.07 -12.2 7 .04 4.45 NYMtgTr .80m 12 6.17 +.05 -6.5 50.00 30.88 NewfldExp ... 32 36.91 +3.41 -8.9 46.07 26.12 NewmtM .20 26 32.96 -.52 -3.3 133.28 110.49 NextEraEn 3.93f 23 128.37 -4.43 +7 .5 26.94 21.17 NiSource s .70 22 23.79 -.08 +7 .5 61.85 49.01 NikeB s .84 23 55.73 -.63 +9.6 49.67 38.45 NipponTT ... ... 42.84 -1.86 +1.8 12.19 4.45 NobleCorp .08 3 6.19 +.43 +4.6 42.03 29.47 NobleEngy .40 dd 34.34 +1.52 -9.8 A-B-C 13.32 10.49 AES Corp .48f 10 11.18 -.05 -3.8 74.50 62.59 AFLAC 1.72 11 72.42 +.43 +4.1 11.39 3.31 AK Steel ... 25 7 .19 +.03 -29.6 43.89 36.10 AT&T Inc 1.96 16 41.55 -.13 -2.3 45.84 36.76 AbbottLab 1.06 22 44.41 -.32 +15.6 68.12 55.06 AbbVie 2.56 14 65.16 -.46 +4.1 32.37 10.83 AberFitc .80 dd 11.93 +.62 -0.6 6.39 4.45 Accuray ... dd 4.75 -.05 +3.3 50.40 31.71 ActivsBliz .30f 41 49.86 +1.04 +38.1 76.09 39.66 Adient n .28p ... 72.67 +4.15 +24.0 70.64 31.98 AdvEnId ... 22 68.56 +2.11 +25.2 15.55 2.60 AMD ... dd 14.55 +.85 +28.3 51.23 24.85 AdvisoryBd ... 18 46.80 +2.10 +40.8 40.72 26.46 Aecom ... 12 35.59 +1.49 -2.1 32.44 22.16 AeroViron ... dd 28.03 +1.06 +4.5 136.50 104.59 Aetna 2.00f 17 127 .55 +.78 +2.9 17 .75 1.50 AeviGeno ... dd 1.86 +.26 -64.1 54.82 39.17 Agilent .53 31 52.87 -.08 +16.0 25.98 18.26 Aircastle 1.04 11 24.13 +.72 +15.7 1.97 1.49 AlaskCom ... ... 1.85 ... +12.8 39.78 20.71 Alcoa Cp ... ... 34.40 +1.84 +22.5 162.00 109.12 Alexion lf ... 47 121.24 +1.98 -0.9 110.45 73.30 Alibaba ... 34 107 .83 -.21 +22.8 23.69 10.93 AllegTch ... dd 17 .96 +.69 +12.7 277 .96 184.50 Allergan ... 18 238.92 +1.59 +13.8 68.38 53.47 Allete 2.14f 26 67 .71 -.21 +5.5 26.65 11.00 AllnceRes 1.75 6 21.65 +.50 -3.6 25.13 20.75 AlliBern 1.81e 11 22.85 +1.15 -2.6 40.99 34.08 AlliantEg s 1.18 21 39.61 -.49 +4.5 83.09 64.36 Allstate 1.48f 17 81.49 +.50 +9.9 23.62 14.84 AllyFincl .32p 10 20.33 +.37 +6.9 853.50 663.28 Alphabet C ... 26 829.56 +15.13 +7 .5 874.42 672.66 Alphabet A ... 27 847 .80 +12.66 +7 .0 8.35 6.97 AlpTotDiv .69 q 8.26 +.11 +9.0 13.31 10.24 AlpAlerMLP 1.35e q 12.71 +.16 +0.9 76.55 59.48 Altria 2.44 24 71.42 -1.75 +5.6 877 .06 575.56 Amazon ... cc 886.54 +40.93 +18.2 74.95 35.26 Ambarella ... 28 54.71 +.02 +1.1 6.34 4.70 Ambev .06e 6 5.76 +.15 +17 .3 2.80 .35 Amedica rs ... dd .41 +.01 -34.9 56.57 46.29 Ameren 1.76f 20 54.59 -1.60 +4.1 6.11 5.10 AFMulti .50 16 5.60 +.08 +3.7 50.64 24.85 AmAirlines .40 6 42.30 +.57 -9.4 71.32 57 .89 AEP 2.36 17 67 .13 -.66 +6.6 82.00 57 .15 AmExp 1.28 14 79.11 +.91 +6.8 67 .47 48.41 AmIntlGrp 1.28 dd 62.43 +1.55 -4.4 46.39 37 .28 AmStsWtr .97 27 44.30 +.77 -2.8 85.24 68.09 AmWtrWks 1.50 27 77 .77 +.68 +7 .5 50.11 40.81 Amerigas 3.76 42 47 .09 +1.62 -1.7 135.20 84.92 Ameriprise 3.00 14 129.68 +4.42 +16.9 94.50 68.38 AmeriBrgn 1.46 15 88.50 +1.94 +13.2 55.48 43.28 Ametek .36 24 54.08 +.66 +11.3 184.21 133.64 Amgen 4.60f 15 164.07 -1.67 +12.2 71.98 54.94 Amphenol .64f 26 71.17 +.20 +5.9 73.33 43.52 Anadarko .20 dd 62.00 +1.66 -11.1 136.08 98.28 ABInBev 3.19e ... 109.76 -1.10 +4.1 11.37 9.83 Annaly 1.20a 9 11.11 +.27 +11.4 170.79 114.85 Anthem 2.60 17 165.38 +2.63 +15.0 5.56 4.47 Anworth .60 10 5.55 +.20 +7 .4 69.00 46.15 Apache 1.00 dd 51.39 +1.15 -19.0 6.58 5.03 ApolloInv .60 ... 6.56 +.38 +11.9 144.50 89.47 Apple Inc 2.28 17 143.66 +3.02 +24.0 39.81 19.46 ApldMatl .40 19 38.90 -.07 +20.5 35.83 28.03 AquaAm .74 25 32.15 +.30 +7 .0 33.95 14.85 ArcBest .32 38 26.00 +.70 -6.0 9.37 4.18 ArcelorMit ... 9 8.35 +.06 +14.4 17 .87 13.85 AresCap 1.52 12 17 .38 +.01 +5.4 13.97 .31 ArgosTher ... dd .45 -.04 -90.8 134.65 60.51 AristaNetw ... 43 132.27 +.50 +36.7 13.40 2.60 ArrayBio ... dd 8.94 -.52 +1.7 75.88 58.09 ArrowEl ... 10 73.41 +.39 +3.0 124.88 105.50 Ashland 1.56 19 123.81 +1.96 +13.3 35.04 25.55 AstraZen s 1.40e 9 31.14 -.17 +14.0 55.00 44.46 Athene n ... ... 49.99 -.93 +4.2 81.97 68.51 ATMOS 1.80f 23 78.99 -1.15 +6.5 10.54 1.74 AuriniaPh ... dd 7 .34 -.68 +249.5 105.20 84.36 AutoData 2.28 27 102.39 -.99 -0.4 82.11 68.55 AveryD 1.64f 21 80.60 +.99 +14.8 41.53 21.85 AvisBudg ... 10 29.58 +1.11 -19.4 45.22 37 .78 Avista 1.43f 18 39.05 -.60 -2.4 6.96 3.52 Avon ... dd 4.40 +.14 -12.7 3.65 1.57 B2gold g ... dd 2.83 -.08 +19.4 49.88 32.22 BB&T Cp 1.20 16 44.70 +.29 -4.9 49.03 41.83 BCE g 2.73 ... 44.27 +.25 +2.4 11.85 8.18 BGC Ptrs .64 27 11.36 +.52 +11.0 37 .44 20.36 BHPBil plc .64m ... 31.15 -.09 -1.0 38.68 28.67 BP PLC 2.38 41 34.52 +.74 -7 .7 32.95 11.29 BP Pru 2.43e 3 20.10 +1.45 -15.4 201.00 155.28 Baidu ... 11 172.52 +4.26 +4.9 68.59 38.16 BakrHu .68 dd 59.82 +.83 -7 .9 89.50 56.60 Balchem .38f 47 82.42 +1.42 -1.8 82.24 67 .51 BallCorp .52 21 74.26 +.53 -1.1 2.53 1.23 BallardPw ... dd 2.22 -.02 +34.5 11.25 6.10 BcoBrad s .43e ... 10.24 +.10 +17 .7 6.23 3.60 BcoSantSA .23e ... 6.07 -.06 +17 .2 11.75 4.41 BcoSBrasil .28e ... 8.82 -1.08 -0.8 10.20 7 .20 BankMutl .22 25 9.40 +.10 -0.5 25.80 12.05 BkofAm .30f 19 23.59 +.47 +6.7 78.00 58.61 BkMont g 3.52 ... 74.79 +.53 +4.0 62.89 46.35 BkNova g 2.74 11 58.57 +1.01 +5.2 77 .48 15.30 B iPVxST rs ... q 15.79 -.98 -38.1 252.25 201.80 Bard 1.04f 24 248.54 -1.37 +10.6 13.63 8.45 BarnesNob .60 49 9.25 +.65 -17 .0 23.47 13.39 BarrickG .12f 34 18.99 -.22 +18.8 3.25 .30 BasicEnS ... dd .45 ... ... 52.33 41.14 Baxter s .52 27 51.86 -.16 +17 .0 15.80 6.81 BeazerHm ... cc 12.13 +.41 -8.8 186.11 152.54 BectDck 2.92 33 183.44 -.43 +10.8 52.33 37 .78 BedBath .50 8 39.46 +1.17 -2.9 53.88 47 .22 Bemis 1.20f 19 48.86 +.11 +2.2 177 .86 136.65 BerkH B ... 17 166.68 -1.98 +2.3 56.54 41.61 BigLots 1.00f 14 48.68 +.52 -3.0 9.25 2.48 Biocryst ... dd 8.40 -.39 +32.7 333.65 223.02 Biogen ... 15 273.42 -1.40 -3.6 67 .02 54.76 BlkHillsCp 1.78f 21 66.47 +.26 +8.4 8.46 6.23 BlackBerry ... dd 7 .75 +.68 +12.5 38.54 30.82 BlkHlthSci 2.40a q 34.59 +.83 +8.9 16.09 12.96 BlkMuniast .72a q 14.16 +.25 +5.1 31.69 22.45 Blackstone 1.46 18 29.70 +.02 +9.9 64.93 35.63 BobEvans 1.36 48 64.87 +2.66 +21.9 185.71 122.35 Boeing 5.68f 21 176.86 +1.04 +13.6 44.24 27 .52 BorgWarn .56f 13 41.79 +.51 +6.0 195.35 141.55 BostBeer ... 21 144.65 -4.45 -14.8 25.65 18.93 BostonSci ... 49 24.87 +.55 +15.0 21.85 16.77 BoydGm ... 22 22.01 +1.40 +9.1 23.78 17 .90 BrigStrat .56 31 22.45 +.68 +0.9 55.84 40.92 Brinker 1.36 14 43.96 +1.20 -11.2 77 .12 46.01 BrMySq 1.56f 32 54.38 -1.51 -6.9 66.55 52.71 BritATob s ... ... 66.32 +.74 ... 12.55 7 .60 BrcdeCm .22 45 12.48 -.04 -0.1 19.42 10.65 Brookdale ... dd 13.43 +1.33 +8.1 39.25 26.07 BrkfInfra s 1.74f ... 38.67 +.38 +15.5 61.74 41.19 Brunswick .66f 18 61.20 -.26 +12.2 75.10 61.37 Bu ckeye 4.96f 19 68.56 +1.67 +3.6 175.10 122.25 BuffaloWW ... 30 152.75 +4.50 -1.1 14.30 8.72 CBL Asc 1.06 8 9.54 +.36 -17 .0 37 .17 20.77 CF Inds s 1.20 62 29.35 +.17 -6.8 46.25 38.78 CMS Eng 1.33f 27 44.74 -.54 +7 .5 9.91 6.03 CNH Indl .12 dd 9.64 -.05 +10.9 50.31 24.36 CSX .72 26 46.55 +.23 +29.6 13.25 5.50 CVR Rfng 3.12e 36 9.45 +.35 -9.1 106.67 69.30 CVS Health 2.00f 13 78.50 +.01 -0.5 9.21 7 .42 CYS Invest 1.00 8 7 .95 +.27 +2.8 26.74 20.02 CabotO&G .08 dd 23.91 +.73 +2.4 55.16 35.10 Cal-Maine 2.49e dd 36.80 -.55 -16.7 11.50 9.91 CalaCvHi 1.20 q 11.39 +.23 +8.0 18.01 12.13 CalAmp ... 56 16.79 +.35 +15.8 18.80 12.70 Calgon .20 39 14.60 +1.15 -14.1 37 .60 26.22 CalifWtr .72f 34 35.85 +.80 +5.8 18.53 8.15 CallonPet ... 60 13.16 +1.29 -14.4 12.69 2.79 CalumetSp .69j dd 3.80 ... -5.0 90.91 75.36 CamdenPT 3.00 33 80.46 -.66 -4.3 67 .89 52.59 CampSp 1.40 19 57 .24 -.20 -5.3 74.67 55.73 CdnNR gs 1.18 ... 73.93 +1.62 +9.7 35.28 25.08 CdnNRs gs .82 ... 32.79 +.77 +2.9 96.92 58.03 CapOne 1.60 12 86.66 +2.86 -0.7 20.85 12.65 CapSenL ... dd 14.06 +.75 -12.4 10.96 8.93 CapsteadM .84m 14 10.54 +.33 +3.4 2.70 .66 CpstnTur rs ... dd .77 +.01 +12.5 20.90 4.35 CaraThera ... dd 18.39 +1.63 +98.0 87 .85 62.70 CardnlHlth 1.80 16 81.55 +.77 +13.3 69.11 45.06 CarMax ... 19 59.22 -.38 -8.0 60.24 42.94 Carnival 1.40 17 58.91 +.31 +13.2 45.34 28.74 CarpTech .72 35 37 .30 +1.16 +3.1 43.96 26.08 Carrizo ... dd 28.66 +1.76 -23.3 50.70 4.61 CatalstB rs ... ... 9.43 +4.23 -3.3 69.81 56.17 CedarF 3.42f 22 67 .81 -.29 +5.6 9.51 5.49 Cemex .29t ... 9.07 +.20 +13.0 16.82 11.28 CenovusE .20 dd 11.30 -1.31 -25.3 28.18 20.46 CenterPnt 1.07 22 27 .57 -.30 +11.9 33.45 22.33 CntryLink 2.16 10 23.57 +.81 -0.9 55.55 34.29 ChemFinl 1.08 19 51.15 +1.52 -5.6 38.64 5.82 Chemours n .12 cc 38.50 +4.35 +74.3 8.20 3.53 ChesEng ... dd 5.94 +.72 -15.4 119.00 92.43 Chevron 4.32f cc 107 .37 -.62 -8.8 41.33 26.12 ChicB&I .28 dd 30.75 +1.92 -3.1 16.85 9.86 Chicos .33f 20 14.20 +.13 -1.3 473.17 352.96 Chipotle ... cc 445.52 +31.50 +18.1 53.68 42.56 ChurchDwt s .76f ... 49.87 -.35 +12.9 154.83 115.03 Cigna .04 18 146.49 +.67 +9.8 79.60 63.87 CinnFin 2.00f 20 72.27 +.39 -4.6 64.16 31.00 Cirrus ... 16 60.69 +.63 +7 .3 34.53 25.81 Cisco 1.16 17 33.80 -.28 +11.8 29.68 15.90 CgpVelLCrd ... ... 19.76 +2.83 -28.6 62.53 38.31 Citigroup .64 13 59.82 +1.75 +0.7 39.75 18.34 CitizFincl .40 18 34.55 +.04 -3.0 87 .99 60.41 CitrixSy s ... 21 83.39 +.25 +17 .3 4.80 2.38 CleanEngy ... dd 2.55 +.13 -10.8 12.37 2.77 CliffsNRs ... 8 8.21 +.07 -2.4 140.47 111.24 Clorox 3.20 27 134.83 -2.98 +12.3 43.71 34.07 Coach 1.35 25 41.33 +2.24 +18.0 47 .13 39.88 CocaCola 1.48f 26 42.44 +.32 +2.4 14.73 11.11 CohStQIR .96 q 12.29 +.07 +0.7 28.50 24.82 CohStSelPf 2.06a q 26.53 +.01 +1.5 75.38 63.43 ColgPalm 1.60f 26 73.19 -.48 +11.8 38.44 29.73 Comcast s .63f 21 37 .59 +.21 +8.9 75.00 36.27 Comerica .92f 26 68.58 +1.35 +0.7 17 .59 4.15 CmtyHlt ... dd 8.87 -.67 +58.7 74.92 32.51 CompSci s .56 33 69.01 +1.31 +16.1 6.33 3.87 CmpTask .24 14 5.52 -.50 +31.1 24.93 9.52 Comtech .40 12 14.74 +.19 +24.4 41.68 33.08 ConAgra .80 21 40.34 -.13 +2.0 59.26 42.22 ConnWtrSv 1.13 26 53.15 +.30 -4.8 53.17 38.19 ConocoPhil 1.06f dd 49.87 +5.77 -0.5 30.23 21.85 ConsolCom 1.55 ... 23.42 +.18 -12.8 81.88 68.76 ConEd 2.76f 20 77 .66 -.75 +5.4 60.30 28.63 ContlRescs ... dd 45.42 +2.91 -11.9 44.50 29.29 CooperTire .42 10 44.35 +.95 +14.2 47 .75 30.31 CorOnDem ... dd 38.89 -.02 -8.1 28.36 18.21 Corning .62f 17 27 .00 -.41 +11.2 34.25 24.92 CorpOffP 1.10 18 33.10 -.09 +6.0 178.71 138.57 Costco 1.80 31 167 .69 +1.67 +4.7 31.60 17 .94 Coty .50 cc 18.13 -.34 -1.0 8.82 7 .04 CousPrp .24 12 8.27 +.17 -2.8 1322.50 32.90 CSVixSh rs ... q 35.08 -4.48 -63.2 112.85 13.50 CSVInvN rs ... q 20.93 -.93 ... 75.48 20.21 CSVelIVST ... q 73.03 +3.87 +56.2 54.89 13.66 CSVLgNG rs ... q 20.75 +.71 -55.1 16.17 10.01 CredSuiss 1.21e ... 14.84 +.17 +3.7 28.30 10.40 CrestEq rs 2.40e dd 26.25 +1.05 +2.7 12.54 6.26 Crocs ... dd 7 .07 +.41 +3.1 57 .49 47 .73 CrownHold ... 14 52.95 +.41 +0.7 155.51 104.30 Cummins 4.10 18 151.20 +.43 +10.6 41.18 9.25 CybrOpt ... 16 25.95 +1.25 -0.6 14.98 8.02 CypSemi .44 27 13.76 -.58 +20.3 3.66 .36 CytRx h ... dd .44 +.04 +19.4D-E-F 50.57 39.18 DCT IndlTr 1.16 28 48.12 +.66 +0.5 10.95 9.81 DNP Selct .78 q 10.80 +.09 +5.6 27 .81 18.51 DSW Inc .80 15 20.68 +1.41 -8.7 102.96 84.77 DTE 3.30f 24 102.11 -.06 +3.7 83.10 59.50 Darden 2.24 21 83.67 +6.96 +15.1 35.45 15.36 DeVryEd .36 13 35.45 +2.25 +13.6 22.31 15.69 DeanFoods .36 12 19.66 +.61 -9.7 112.18 75.27 Deere 2.40 23 108.86 +.48 +5.6 52.76 32.60 DeltaAir .81 8 45.96 -.04 -6.6 4.80 1.95 DenburyR ... dd 2.58 +.31 -29.9 2.48 1.86 DeutBk rt ... ... 2.36 +.23 +4.9 20.94 11.19 DeutschBk .83e ... 17 .16 +.33 -5.2 50.69 25.55 DevonE .24 dd 41.72 +2.92 -8.6 117 .84 99.46 Diageo 3.23e ... 115.58 -.85 +11.2 26.72 14.48 DiamOffsh .50 12 16.71 +1.00 -5.6 4.97 2.11 DianaShip ... dd 4.62 +.03 +53.0 31.85 21.05 Diebold .40 dd 30.70 +1.40 +22.1 14.15 8.37 DigiIntl ... 26 11.90 +.15 -13.5 113.21 85.50 DigitalRlt 3.72f 30 106.39 +2.65 +8.3 84.45 46.56 Dillards .28 11 52.24 +4.85 -16.7 172.50 22.80 DirDGlBr rs ... q 31.06 +.36 -35.8 296.50 11.75 DxGlMBr rs ... q 14.84 +.14 -57 .7 16.40 8.67 DirSPBear ... q 9.06 -.21 -16.1 45.73 17 .08 DxSCBear rs ... q 18.04 -1.26 -9.1 33.29 3.77 DrGMBll s ... q 6.46 -.15 +15.8 35.80 5.51 DxGBull s ... q 8.99 -.22 +17 .7 74.33 49.98 Discover 1.20 12 68.39 +1.18 -5.1 113.30 90.32 Disney 1.56f 20 113.39 +1.25 +8.8 96.88 66.50 DollarGen 1.00 16 69.73 +.25 -5.9 99.93 72.55 DollarTree ... 21 78.46 +3.54 +1.7 79.36 68.71 DomRescs 3.02f 20 77 .57 -.69 +1.3 192.01 116.91 Dominos 1.84f 44 184.30 +1.35 +15.7 47 .68 30.25 Donaldson .70 28 45.52 +.65 +8.2 65.42 47 .51 DowChm 1.84 20 63.54 +.92 +11.0 9.63 8.17 DryStrt .52 q 8.60 +.04 +2.4 82.37 61.12 DuPont 1.52 24 80.33 +.73 +9.4 9.92 9.07 DufPUC .60 q 9.21 -.02 -2.4 87 .75 72.34 DukeEngy 3.42 17 82.01 -.98 +5.7 28.99 21.11 DukeRlty .76 27 26.27 +.10 -1.1 34.43 22.30 eBay s ... 5 33.57 +.17 +13.1 109.37 69.66 EOG Rescs .67 dd 97 .55 +2.69 -3.5 74.53 54.30 Eaton 2.28 17 74.15 +1.31 +10.5 13.86 12.49 EV EEq2 1.05 q 13.51 +.10 +5.5 9.05 7 .88 EVTxMGlo .98 q 8.52 +.12 +6.2 126.17 110.45 Ecolab 1.48 29 125.34 +1.51 +6.9 81.34 67 .44 EdisonInt 2.17 20 79.61 -.56 +10.6 121.75 81.12 EdwLfSci s ... 32 94.07 -1.52 +0.4 5.16 2.54 EldorGld g .02e dd 3.41 +.27 +5.9 86.14 64.18 EliLilly 2.08f 27 84.11 -.07 +14.4 109.99 74.11 EllieMae ... 69 100.27 +2.13 +19.8 22.25 18.01 ElmiraSB .92 18 21.60 +.10 +5.6 24.45 3.00 EmergeES 2.68m dd 13.85 +1.98 +12.5 64.36 48.45 EmersonEl 1.92 23 59.86 +1.29 +7 .4 26.37 16.86 EnbrdgEPt 2.33 31 19.00 +.87 -25.4 45.77 37 .02 Enbridge 1.66f ... 41.84 +.94 -0.7 13.85 5.63 EnCana g .06 cc 11.71 +1.16 -0.3 35.34 9.70 Endo Intl ... 6 11.16 +1.19 -32.2 20.05 6.40 EgyTrEq s 1.14 21 19.73 +.83 +2.2 43.50 29.86 EngyTsfr 4.22 dd 36.52 +.69 +2.0 10.33 3.55 Enerpls g .14e 3 8.05 +.57 -15.1 20.45 9.91 EnLinkLLC 1.02 ... 19.40 +1.05 +1.8 21.55 14.40 Ennis Inc .70a 15 17 .00 +1.45 -2.0 12.36 6.50 ENSCO .04 2 8.95 +.53 -7 .9 82.09 66.71 Entergy 3.48 9 75.96 -.85 +3.4 30.25 23.56 EntProdPt 1.64 22 27 .61 +.54 +2.1 10.20 4.83 Ericsson .11e ... 6.64 +.09 +13.9 60.44 50.56 EversrceE 1.90f 20 58.78 -1.23 +6.4 2.40 .80 EvineLive ... dd 1.28 -.08 -14.7 37 .70 29.82 Exelon 1.31f 15 35.98 -.14 +1.4 133.55 96.58 Expedia 1.12f 54 126.17 -1.59 +11.4 80.02 63.22 ExpScripts ... 11 65.91 +1.80 -4.2 95.55 80.31 ExxonMbl 3.00 36 82.01 +.78 -9.1 16.43 11.69 FNBCp PA .48 18 14.87 +.33 -7 .2 142.95 106.31 Facebook ... 34 142.05 +1.71 +23.5 13.12 2.39 FairmSant ... dd 7 .33 +.51 -37 .8 6.53 2.46 FangHldg .20e dd 3.26 +.52 -0.6 52.64 37 .70 Fastenal 1.28f 30 51.50 +.74 +9.6 201.57 145.00 FedExCp 1.60 17 195.15 +7 .03 +4.8 171.08 126.02 FedRlty 3.92f 24 133.50 -1.30 -6.1 22.93 14.03 FedNatHld .32 dd 17 .43 +.67 -6.7 74.99 38.71 Ferrari n ... ... 74.36 +2.78 +27 .9 20.85 5.04 Ferrellgs .40 dd 6.00 -.06 -11.4 11.63 5.45 FiatChrys ... ... 10.93 +.12 +19.8 39.49 30.62 FidlNatFn 1.00f 16 38.94 +.39 +14.7 14.50 10.00 FNFV Grp ... ... 13.25 +.85 -3.3 6.32 4.31 FifthStFin .20 dd 4.62 -.04 -14.0 28.97 16.02 FifthThird .56f 13 25.40 +.65 -5.8 18.73 10.35 FireEye ... dd 12.61 +.33 +6.0 70.29 27 .12 FstSolar ... dd 27 .10 -1.21 -15.6 36.60 29.33 FirstEngy 1.44 12 31.82 +.48 +2.7 18.85 5.31 Fitbit n ... dd 5.92 +.52 -19.1 22.89 18.41 FlrtyTotR 1.63 q 21.17 +.44 +6.5 21.00 14.35 FlowrsFds .64 21 19.41 ... -2.8 58.37 44.05 Fluor .84 15 52.62 +1.18 +0.2 79.43 50.90 FootLockr 1.24f 15 74.81 +2.22 +5.5 14.22 11.07 FordM .60a 6 11.64 +.02 -4.0 64.47 52.05 FBHmSec .72f 22 60.85 +.47 +13.8 17 .06 8.76 FrptMcM ... dd 13.36 +.55 +1.3 5.75 1.92 FrontierCm .42 dd 2.14 +.05 -36.7G-H-I 32.10 22.34 GGP Inc .88 13 23.18 +.07 -7 .2 137 .88 69.12 GW Pharm ... ... 120.94 -.23 +8.2 21.25 17 .84 GabDvInc 1.32 q 20.86 +.15 +4.1 8.11 6.71 GabMultT .94e q 8.07 +.15 +11.5 7 .04 5.99 GabUtil .60 q 6.74 +.04 +7 .0 33.72 20.10 GameStop 1.52f 6 22.55 +1.85 -10.7 35.98 28.73 Gam&Lsr n 2.48f 22 33.42 +1.10 +9.1 30.74 17 .00 Gap .92 14 24.29 +1.02 +8.2 56.19 38.58 Garmin 2.04 17 51.11 +.01 +5.4 33.93 25.80 GAInv 1.15e q 33.51 +.31 +7 .5 194.00 129.55 GenDynam 3.36f 19 187 .20 -.32 +8.4 33.00 28.19 GenElec .96 24 29.80 +.08 -5.7 72.95 58.59 GenMills 1.92 20 59.01 -.15 -4.5 38.55 27 .34 GenMotors 1.52 6 35.36 +.80 +1.5 40.90 29.19 GenesisEn 2.84f 8 32.42 +.83 -10.0 22.12 14.66 Gentex .36 18 21.33 +.36 +8.3 5.27 2.26 Genworth .44p dd 4.12 +.19 +8.1 4.39 1.50 Gerdau .02e ... 3.45 -.10 +9.9 103.10 65.38 GileadSci 2.08f 7 67 .92 +.41 -5.2 45.58 37 .20 GlaxoSKln 2.89e ... 42.16 -.15 +9.5 30.12 19.25 GlobusMed ... 27 29.62 -.34 +19.4 3.09 1.73 GluMobile ... dd 2.27 +.14 +17 .0 38.00 28.11 GoDaddy n ... dd 37 .90 +1.51 +8.4 6.60 2.60 GoldFLtd .02e ... 3.53 +.01 +17 .3 20.38 11.91 Goldcrp g .24 cc 14.59 -1.25 +7 .3 255.15 138.20 GoldmanS 2.60 14 229.72 +1.31 -4.1 37 .20 24.31 Goodyear .40 11 36.00 +.06 +16.6 17 .68 7 .15 GoPro ... dd 8.70 +.40 -0.1 80.56 63.37 vjGrace .84f 28 69.71 +1.22 +3.1 32.74 25.85 GtPlainEn 1.10 17 29.22 +.31 +6.8 60.55 30.93 Greif A 1.68 22 55.09 +.52 +7 .4 33.32 24.50 Griffin .30f cc 30.95 +.19 -2.5 5.94 2.92 Groupon ... dd 3.93 -.06 +18.4 33.18 21.41 GuangRy .62e ... 30.18 -1.98 -0.4 34.67 15.66 GulfportE ... dd 17 .19 +.96 -20.6 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg Combined StocksFrom the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. Stock Footnotes: Stock Footnotes: cld Issue has been called for redemption by company. d New 52-week low. ec Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace. g Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h Does not me et continued-listing standards. lf Late ling with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low gu res date only from the beginning of trading. pf Preferred stock issue. pr Preferences. pp Holder owes installments of purchase price. r t Right to buy security at a specied price. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock h as split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd When distributed. wt Warrant, all owing a purchase of a stock. u New 52-week high. un Unit,, including more than one security. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Stocks in bold are worth at least $5 and changed 5 percent or more in price. Underlining for 50 most actively traded stocks of the day. Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. PE Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months.ExtraMoney & MarketsUDow industrials0.32% (wkly)t 4-wk. -1.63%s YTD 4.56%UNasdaq1.42% (wkly)s 4-wk. 0.70%s YTD 9.82%US&P 5000.80% (wkly)t 4-wk. -0.86%s YTD 5.53%US&P mid-cap1.49% (wkly)t 4-wk. -1.14%s YTD 3.56%URussell 20002.31% (wkly)t 4-wk. -0.59%s YTD 2.12% 6.31 4.04 NokiaCp .30e ... 5.42 +.05 +12.7 16.18 7 .57 NordicAm 1.14e 22 8.18 +.25 -2.6 125.00 78.15 NorflkSo 2.44f 20 111.97 +1.31 +3.6 253.80 198.75 NorthropG 3.60 21 237 .84 +.96 +2.3 19.10 13.09 NwstBcsh .64f 34 16.84 +.18 -6.6 66.17 49.46 NwstNG 1.88 24 59.10 -.25 -1.2 83.58 66.93 Novartis 2.75e 15 74.27 -.10 +2.0 8.49 1.16 Novavax ... dd 1.28 +.02 +1.6 57 .81 30.89 NovoNord .96e ... 34.28 +.74 -4.4 68.00 44.81 Nucor 1.51 26 59.72 +.34 +0.3 15.97 13.19 NuvDivA .85a q 13.69 +.04 -1.9 19.89 16.00 Nv AMT-Fr .78a q 17 .04 +.43 +4.8 10.56 8.72 NvPfdInco .80 q 9.81 -.03 -0.3 13.50 12.08 NuvEqtP 1.00 q 13.25 ... +4.2 120.92 34.38 Nvidia .56 41 108.93 +1.46 +2.1 29.99 13.90 NxStageMd ... dd 26.83 +.18 +2.4 37 .41 27 .27 OGE Engy 1.21 21 34.98 -.71 +4.6 17 .08 6.56 OasisPet ... dd 14.26 +1.89 -5.8 78.48 61.01 OcciPet 3.04 dd 63.36 +.53 -11.0 30.70 16.77 OceanFst .60 27 28.18 +.32 -6.2 11.30 4.25 Oclaro ... ... 9.82 -.29 +9.7 7 .91 3.01 OfficeDpt .10 12 4.67 +.14 +3.2 18.95 11.58 OldNBcp .52 16 17 .35 +.65 -4.4 21.19 16.51 OldRepub .76f 14 20.48 +.46 +7 .8 33.88 16.55 Olin .80 51 32.87 +.10 +28.3 38.09 28.11 OmegaHlt 2.48f 10 32.99 +.61 +5.5 26.99 15.90 OmegaP .05p 10 20.05 +.80 -20.0 16.06 8.11 OnSmcnd ... 28 15.49 +.31 +21.4 1.42 .33 OncoGnx h ... dd .44 -.06 -11.6 59.47 27 .91 ONEOK 3.16 33 55.44 +2.34 -3.4 57 .41 29.59 OneokPtrs 3.16 24 53.99 +2.20 +25.5 12.15 7 .13 OpkoHlth ... dd 8.00 +.15 -14.0 46.99 37 .62 Oracle .60 22 44.61 -.04 +16.5 36.86 22.77 Orbotch ... 17 32.25 +.15 -3.5 4.35 2.00 Organovo ... dd 3.18 +.15 -6.2 48.25 32.51 Orthofix ... 78 38.15 -1.54 +5.4 74.16 38.47 OshkoshCp .84f 21 68.59 +.74 +6.2 42.55 27 .77 OtterTail 1.28f 24 37 .90 +.25 -7 .1P-Q-R 68.29 56.39 PG&E Cp 1.96 18 66.36 -1.01 +9.2 131.83 77 .40 PNC 2.20 17 120.24 +.84 +2.8 37 .90 30.62 PNM Res .97 23 37 .00 -.60 +7 .9 66.63 40.80 POSCO ... ... 64.50 +2.46 +22.7 117 .00 89.64 PPG s 1.60 18 105.08 +1.29 +10.9 39.92 32.08 PPL Corp 1.58f 14 37 .39 -.21 +9.8 70.12 48.17 Paccar .96a 45 67 .20 -.42 +5.2 165.69 110.04 PaloAltNet ... dd 112.68 +.91 -9.9 14.98 8.05 Pandora ... dd 11.81 -.04 -9.4 260.24 185.69 PaneraBrd ... 42 261.87 +12.39 +27 .7 3.16 1.35 ParkDrl ... dd 1.75 +.30 -32.7 160.66 99.10 ParkerHan 2.64f 23 160.32 +3.63 +14.5 39.82 21.23 ParsleyEn ... cc 32.51 +2.04 -7 .7 29.76 16.06 PattUTI .08 dd 24.27 +.28 -9.8 63.03 51.06 Paychex 1.84 27 58.90 -2.72 -3.3 44.52 34.00 PayPal n ... 35 43.02 -.11 +9.0 33.24 25.61 Pembina g 1.50 34 31.71 +.01 +1.2 2.08 .96 PengthE g .04 dd 1.00 -.10 -29.6 18.84 11.93 PnnNtGm ... 25 18.43 +.75 +33.6 2.05 .61 PennWst g ... ... 1.70 +.12 -4.0 8.68 5.83 PennantPk .72m 8 8.14 +.35 +6.3 11.30 5.45 Penney ... dd 6.16 +.59 -25.9 56.05 29.29 Penske 1.16f 12 46.81 +.82 -9.7 66.99 50.37 Pentair 1.38f 21 62.78 +2.06 +12.0 20.13 13.80 PeopUtdF .68 20 18.20 +.16 -6.0 112.76 98.50 PepsiCo 3.01 24 111.86 -.26 +6.9 133.53 66.78 Perrigo .64f cc 66.39 -1.57 -20.2 11.77 4.06 PetrbrsA ... ... 9.22 +.57 +4.7 12.56 5.19 Petrobras ... ... 9.69 +.63 -4.2 37 .39 29.83 Pfizer 1.28f 14 34.21 +.21 +5.3 114.65 86.78 PhilipMor 4.16 23 112.90 +1.11 +23.4 32.31 23.00 PhilipsNV .88e ... 32.11 +.21 +5.0 89.31 73.67 Phillips66 2.52 12 79.22 +1.95 -8.3 10.13 8.57 PimIncStr2 .96 q 10.05 +.05 +5.9 84.72 70.11 PinWst 2.62 21 83.38 -.74 +6.9 199.83 137 .42 PioNtrl .08 dd 186.23 +5.36 +3.4 21.81 12.31 PitnyBw .75 8 13.11 +.57 -13.7 33.95 19.76 PlainsAAP 2.20 29 31.61 +.31 -2.1 104.25 70.14 Polaris 2.32f 24 83.80 +.59 +1.7 38.41 28.77 PolyOne .54 16 34.09 +.83 +6.4 20.27 15.21 Potash .40 16 17 .08 +.16 -5.6 23.46 22.48 PS SrLoan 1.01 q 23.26 +.06 -0.4 132.61 101.75 PwShs QQQ 1.52e q 132.38 +1.75 +11.7 125.00 106.31 Praxair 3.15f 21 118.60 +2.19 +1.2 1798.75 1148.06 Priceline ... 42 1779.97 +26.86 +21.4 64.65 38.04 PrinFncl 1.80f 14 63.11 +.94 +9.1 60.43 34.00 PrivateB .04 23 59.37 +3.86 +9.6 63.53 47 .19 ProAssur 1.24a 25 60.25 +1.46 +7 .2 573.25 15.16 PUVixST rs ... q 16.17 -2.05 ... 28.32 15.26 PrUCrude rs ... q 19.02 +1.89 ... 92.00 79.10 ProctGam 2.68 24 89.85 -.72 +6.9 19.82 13.06 ProUShSP ... q 13.45 -.23 -11.0 30.88 16.41 PUShtSPX ... q 17 .15 -.42 -16.0 9.58 7 .02 ProspctCap 1.00 9 9.04 +.05 +8.3 114.55 66.51 Prudentl 3.00f 11 106.68 +1.24 +2.5 47 .37 39.28 PSEG 1.72f 16 44.35 -.80 +1.1 277 .60 200.65 PubStrg 6.80 27 218.91 -4.00 -2.1 24.05 16.60 PulteGrp .36 14 23.55 +.06 +28.1 8.15 6.97 PMMI .44 q 7 .26 +.04 +2.7 21.12 11.69 QEP Res .08 dd 12.71 +.59 -31.0 71.62 49.67 Qualcom 2.12 16 57 .34 +.42 -12.1 100.00 71.35 QstDiag 1.80 21 98.19 -.51 +6.8 114.00 75.62 RLauren 2.00 14 81.62 +2.38 -9.6 46.96 26.61 RangeRs .08 dd 29.10 +1.42 -15.3 31.35 14.98 RavenInds .52 53 29.05 -.25 +15.3 29.86 24.01 Rayonier 1.00 51 28.34 +.45 +6.5 157 .59 123.00 Raytheon 3.19f 24 152.50 +1.48 +7 .4 72.30 52.72 RltyInco 2.53f 30 59.53 +.28 +3.6 87 .91 68.54 RedHat ... 38 86.50 +3.54 +24.1 17 .05 12.40 RedwdTr 1.12 10 16.61 +.32 +9.2 452.96 325.35 Regenrn ... 51 387 .51 +14.51 +5.6 16.03 7 .53 RegionsFn .26 17 14.53 +.30 +1.2 88.58 65.10 RelStlAl 1.80f 18 80.02 +1.21 +0.6 35.61 21.11 Replgn ... cc 35.20 +.56 +14.2 13.73 7 .57 ResCap rs .20 dd 9.77 +.13 +17 .3 23.05 18.45 RetailOpp .75f 42 21.03 -.09 -0.5 63.17 43.38 ReynAm s 2.04f 27 63.02 +.38 +12.5 29.36 13.48 RiceEngy ... cc 23.70 +2.44 +11.0 8.77 4.37 RiteAid ... 39 4.25 -.32 -48.4 157 .30 107 .17 RockwlAut 3.04 25 155.71 +2.46 +15.9 99.85 78.54 RockColl 1.32 18 97 .16 +.33 +4.7 90.45 51.98 Rogers ... 27 85.87 +2.39 +11.8 214.44 159.28 Roper 1.40f 31 206.49 -.01 +12.8 76.01 55.68 RoyalBk g 3.48f ... 72.91 +.77 +7 .7 101.11 64.95 RylCarb 1.92 25 98.11 -.46 +19.6 59.56 47 .08 RoyDShllB 3.76 85 55.83 +.54 -3.7 56.39 46.42 RoyDShllA 3.76 80 52.73 +.67 -3.0S-T-U 39.84 23.06 S&T Bcp .80f 17 34.60 +.99 -11.4 76.41 64.20 SCANA 2.45f 17 65.35 -1.56 -10.8 12.60 5.56 SLM Cp ... 23 12.10 +.41 +9.8 43.09 17 .04 SM Energy .10 dd 24.02 +3.21 -30.3 131.15 107 .00 SpdrGold ... q 118.72 -.14 +8.3 240.32 198.65 S&P500ETF 4.13e q 235.74 +1.88 +5.5 37 .22 33.81 SpdrLehHY 2.30 q 36.93 +.39 +1.3 59.68 35.29 SpdrS&P RB .74e q 54.61 +1.54 -1.7 48.26 39.50 SpdrRetl s .49e q 42.24 +1.14 -4.2 44.97 29.02 SpdrOGEx .73e q 37 .44 +2.23 -9.6 40.99 28.99 SabnR 1.92e 17 35.60 +1.25 +1.3 50.80 23.27 Saia Inc ... 23 44.30 +1.60 +0.3 21.90 15.88 StJoe ... 8 17 .05 ... -10.3 84.48 66.43 Salesforce ... cc 82.49 +.88 +20.5 32.66 19.77 SallyBty ... 13 20.44 +.17 -22.6 8.00 4.84 SJuanB .36e 11 7 .24 +.51 +9.4 45.95 36.81 Sanofi 1.58e ... 45.25 +.62 +11.9 87 .84 71.69 Schlmbrg 2.00 68 78.10 +1.14 -7 .0 43.65 23.83 Schwab .32f 31 40.81 +.79 +3.4 5.21 1.02 SeadrillLtd ... 1 1.65 +.25 -51.6 19.12 5.50 SearsHldgs ... dd 11.49 +2.99 +23.7 18.37 6.05 Seaspan 1.50 11 6.93 +.68 -24.2 114.66 92.95 SempraEn 3.29f 23 110.50 -1.97 +9.8 23.85 16.52 SenHous 1.56 12 20.25 +.14 +7 .0 316.66 239.48 Sherwin 3.40f 25 310.19 +.74 +15.4 16.28 12.07 ShipFin 1.80 9 14.70 +.40 -1.0 31.35 15.70 SilvWhtn g .28e 26 20.84 +.30 +7 .9 229.10 163.55 SimonProp 7 .00f 21 172.03 +4.08 -3.2 5.53 3.74 SiriusXM .01p 40 5.15 +.05 +15.7 99.38 57 .11 SkywksSol 1.12 19 97 .98 +.68 +31.2 157 .31 122.05 Smucker 3.00f 16 131.08 -1.98 +2.4 29.44 18.90 SnapInc A n ... ... 22.53 -.21 -8.0 181.73 145.17 SnapOn 2.84f 18 168.67 +3.15 -1.5 51.25 13.29 SodaStrm ... 24 48.43 +1.59 +22.7 22.54 16.87 SolarCap 1.60 10 22.61 +.79 +8.6 55.58 45.02 SonocoP 1.48 22 52.92 -.40 +0.4 34.17 23.62 SonyCp ... ... 33.73 +1.52 +20.3 39.23 35.10 SourcC 1.40a q 37 .56 +.22 +4.5 35.97 26.29 SoJerInd s 1.09f 31 35.65 +.20 +5.8 54.64 46.20 SouthnCo 2.24 18 49.78 -.64 +1.2 59.68 35.42 SwstAirl .40 15 53.76 +1.15 +7 .9 15.59 7 .20 SwstnEngy ... dd 8.17 +.61 -24.5 13.97 9.83 SpiritRltC .72 12 10.13 +.14 -6.7 9.65 3.30 Sprint ... dd 8.68 +.18 +3.1 18.17 8.42 Square n ... dd 17 .28 +.69 +26.8 76.75 65.96 SP HlthC 1.01e q 74.36 +.07 +7 .9 56.02 49.98 SP CnSt 1.28e q 54.58 -.12 +5.6 78.45 59.94 SP Engy 2.04e q 69.90 +1.34 -7 .2 25.30 17 .31 SPDR Fncl .46e q 23.73 +.19 +2.1 67 .19 52.78 SP Inds 1.12e q 65.06 +.53 +4.6 53.66 41.26 SP Tech .78e q 53.31 +.47 +10.2 53.02 45.33 SP Util 1.55e q 51.31 -.58 +5.6 136.90 103.86 StanBlkDk 2.32 21 132.87 +2.07 +15.9 11.37 7 .24 Staples .48 dd 8.77 +.30 -3.1 11.39 8.10 StarGas .41 10 9.20 +.10 -14.5 61.64 50.84 Starbucks s 1.00 30 58.39 +1.58 +5.2 83.49 50.60 StateStr 1.52 15 79.61 +2.78 +2.4 40.17 21.57 StlDynam .62f 18 34.76 +1.03 -2.3 133.59 106.48 Stryker 1.70 26 131.65 -.43 +9.9 37 .10 24.00 SubPpne 3.55 46 26.96 +.37 -10.3 44.70 22.88 SuffolkBcp .40 24 40.41 +.37 -5.6 85.98 66.73 SunCmts 2.68f 28 80.33 +.44 +4.9 42.00 27 .69 SunHydrl .36a 41 36.11 +.33 -9.7 33.79 25.31 Suncor g 1.28 ... 30.75 +.23 -5.9 61.69 35.10 SunTrst 1.04 15 55.30 +.49 +0.8 19.83 12.34 SupEnrgy .32 dd 14.26 +.82 -15.5 5.90 3.20 Supvalu ... 7 3.86 +.12 -17 .3 27 .18 14.31 SwiftTrans ... 15 20.54 +.80 -15.7 31.10 16.25 Symantec .30 8 30.68 +.21 +28.4 38.06 23.25 Synchrony .26 13 34.30 +.99 -5.4 7 .15 2.60 SynrgyPh ... dd 4.66 +.09 -23.5 44.09 26.90 SynovusFn .60f 21 41.02 +1.54 -0.1 65.03 47 .12 TC PpLn 3.76 19 59.66 +.22 +1.4 83.64 71.50 TJX 1.04 23 79.08 +.65 +5.3 33.53 22.75 TaiwSemi .73e ... 32.84 +.03 +14.2 84.14 52.77 Target 2.40 11 55.19 +2.07 -23.6 30.15 17 .18 TASER ... 71 22.79 +.29 -6.0 81.68 62.67 Taubmn 2.50f 17 66.02 +.99 -10.7 37 .09 24.00 Technip ... 26 32.50 +1.20 -8.5 26.60 6.88 TeckRes g .10m ... 21.90 +.80 +9.3 26.45 9.28 Teladoc n ... ... 25.00 -.45 +51.5 34.08 14.06 TenetHlth ... 17 17 .71 -.57 +19.3 70.96 44.55 Tenneco .25p 11 62.42 +.62 -0.1 33.32 24.21 Teradata ... 13 31.12 +.82 +14.5 127 .00 91.07 TerraNitro 7 .08e 13 98.24 +3.24 -4.4 287 .39 178.19 Tesla Inc ... dd 278.30 +15.14 +30.2 58.16 31.90 TevaPhrm 1.36e 11 32.09 -.67 -11.5 82.44 56.08 TexInst 2.00 25 80.56 -.03 +10.4 50.51 37 .23 TexRdhse .84f 27 44.53 +1.00 -7 .7 17 .60 6.90 Textainer .96 dd 15.30 +1.50 +105.4 50.93 34.00 Textron .08 18 47 .59 +1.44 -2.0 19.76 11.59 3D Sys ... cc 14.96 +.79 +12.6 193.50 163.17 3M Co 4.70f 23 191.33 -.18 +7 .1 97 .29 56.99 Tiffany 1.80 25 95.30 -.08 +23.1 99.29 68.97 TimeWarn 1.61 17 97 .71 +.20 +1.2 46.45 28.72 Timken 1.04 21 45.20 +1.65 +13.9 37 .70 3.30 TonixPh rs ... ... 4.67 +.68 -0.6 79.53 52.46 Torchmark .60f 17 77 .04 +.60 +4.4 54.44 40.99 TorDBk gs 2.40f ... 50.09 +1.41 +1.5 52.04 43.55 Total SA 2.71e ... 50.42 +.69 -1.1 123.18 97 .80 Toyota ... ... 108.62 -2.74 -7 .3 16.66 8.34 Transocn ... 7 12.45 +.19 -15.5 125.49 103.45 Travelers 2.68f 12 120.54 -.23 -1.5 23.70 19.55 TriContl .82e q 23.12 +.25 +4.9 54.39 47 .50 TriCntl pf 2.50 ... 50.06 ... +3.2 30.17 14.23 TriNetGrp ... 43 28.90 +.47 +12.8 30.13 16.39 Trinity .44 10 26.55 +.68 -4.4 27 .85 16.50 TrueBlue ... 13 27 .35 +.50 +11.0 9.00 5.81 TrstNY .26 18 7 .85 +.05 -10.3 66.90 50.43 Tuppwre 2.72 14 62.72 +.58 +19.2 32.58 23.33 21stCFoxA .36 20 32.39 +.87 +15.5 25.25 13.73 Twitter ... dd 14.95 -.19 -8.3 39.07 21.01 2U ... dd 39.66 +2.00 +31.5 38.61 32.79 UDR 1.24f 20 36.26 -.15 -0.6 50.38 39.20 UGI Corp .95 11 49.40 -.57 +7 .2 16.27 4.95 UltraClean ... dd 16.87 +1.21 +73.9 47 .95 18.40 UndrArm s ... 34 19.78 +.12 -31.9 147 .65 104.86 UniFirst .15 25 141.45 +6.35 -1.5 50.79 38.41 UnilevNV 1.40e ... 49.68 -.58 +21.0 111.38 77 .29 UnionPac 2.42 21 105.92 +1.96 +2.2 30.63 8.25 Unit ... dd 24.16 +1.98 -10.1 120.44 100.05 UPS B 3.32f 19 107 .30 +2.25 -6.4 134.28 56.01 UtdRentals ... 14 125.05 +4.36 +18.4 56.61 38.48 US Bancrp 1.12 16 51.50 -.79 +0.3 9.74 6.36 US NGas ... q 7.57 +.09 -19.0 12.45 8.99 US OilFd ... q 10.64 +.55 -9.2 41.83 12.77 USSteel .20 dd 33.81 +.99 +2.4 114.44 96.89 UtdTech 2.64 17 112.21 +.41 +2.4 172.14 125.26 UtdhlthGp 2.50 20 164.01 -.99 +2.5 32.73 20.76 UnitGrp 2.40 15 25.85 +.91 +1.7 83.35 52.26 UnvslCp 2.12f 17 70.75 +1.50 +11.0 50.27 29.79 UnumGrp .80f 12 46.89 +1.10 +6.7 1.92 .69 UraniumEn ... dd 1.42 +.10 +26.8 40.80 22.06 UrbanOut ... 13 23.76 +.82 -16.6V-W-X-Y-Z 66.31 48.05 VF Corp 1.68 18 54.97 +.91 +3.0 11.70 3.85 Vale SA .29e ... 9.50 +.20 +24.7 11.10 2.99 Vale SA pf .29e ... 8.98 +.21 +30.3 38.50 10.35 ValeantPh ... 4 11.03 +.28 -24.0 71.40 46.88 ValeroE 2.80f 18 66.29 +.51 -3.0 12.82 8.49 VlyNBcp .44 19 11.80 +.16 +1.4 31.79 18.58 VanEGold .12e q 22.81 -.11 +9.0 22.19 15.76 VnEkRus .64e q 20.67 -.28 -2.6 36.35 25.13 VEckOilSvc .86e q 30.81 +1.12 -7 .6 52.50 27 .37 VanE JrGld ... q 35.98 -.22 +14.0 92.92 76.98 VangREIT 3.08e q 82.59 +.71 +0.1 91.68 79.06 VangDivAp 1.82e q 89.94 -.08 +5.6 40.63 32.25 VangEmg 1.10e q 39.72 -.49 +11.0 39.64 33.01 VangFTSE 1.10e q 39.30 +.10 +7 .6 58.59 46.52 Vectren 1.68f 23 58.61 +.27 +12.4 76.80 56.20 Ventas 3.10 24 65.04 +1.21 +4.0 11.09 7 .99 Vereit .55 11 8.49 +.13 +0.4 91.99 74.01 Verisign ... 25 87 .11 -.08 +14.5 56.95 46.01 VerizonCm 2.31 12 48.75 -.93 -8.7 111.88 71.46 VertxPh ... cc 109.35 +19.37 +48.4 46.69 33.94 ViacomB .80 13 46.62 +3.56 +32.8 48.30 27 .96 ViadCorp .40 44 45.20 +.35 +2.5 11.15 5.93 Viavi ... 28 10.72 ... +31.1 92.05 73.25 Visa s .66 31 88.87 -.32 +13.9 17 .00 11.53 VishayInt .25 19 16.45 +.30 +1.5 93.05 49.76 VMware ... 27 92.14 +.41 +17 .0 34.70 24.17 Vodafone 1.53e ... 26.43 -.45 +8.2 138.18 104.61 VulcanM 1.00f 39 120.48 +7 .74 -3.7 125.00 99.32 WD 40 1.96 30 108.95 -1.30 -6.8 66.10 53.66 WEC Engy 2.08 21 60.63 -.45 +3.4 72.89 55.77 WP Carey 3.98f 16 62.22 +1.60 +5.3 16.17 6.29 WPX Engy ... dd 13.39 +1.05 -8.1 75.19 62.72 WalMart 2.04f 16 72.08 +2.47 +4.3 88.00 75.74 WalgBoots 1.50 18 83.05 +.08 +0.4 34.61 27 .65 WREIT 1.20 34 31.28 +.16 -4.3 73.90 56.05 WsteMInc 1.70f 37 72.92 +.60 +2.8 162.53 128.90 Waters ... 24 156.31 +1.55 +16.3 8.49 3.73 WeathfIntl ... dd 6.65 +.76 +33.3 57 .50 31.29 WebsterFn 1.00 23 50.04 +.27 -7 .8 19.86 9.37 WtWatch ... 18 15.57 +.64 +36.0 43.70 31.13 WeinRlt 1.54f 14 33.39 -.36 -6.7 59.99 43.55 WellsFargo 1.52 14 55.66 -.17 +1.0 80.19 59.39 Welltower 3.49f 16 70.82 +1.15 +5.8 14.47 9.15 Wendys Co .28f 36 13.61 +.18 +0.7 57 .50 48.98 WestarEn 1.60f 22 54.27 -.06 -3.7 11.75 11.09 WAstInfSc .38 q 11.51 +.20 +0.3 84.28 34.99 WDigital 2.00 18 82.53 +4.85 +21.5 22.70 18.07 WstnUnion .70f 12 20.35 +.10 -6.3 27 .05 20.32 WestpacBk 1.52e ... 26.72 +.95 +13.8 56.12 35.77 WestRck 1.60f ... 52.03 -.37 +2.5 194.10 145.91 Whrlpl 4.00 12 171.33 +1.33 -5.7 14.44 6.38 WhitingPet ... dd 9.46 +1.24 -21.3 35.58 27 .67 WholeFood .56 20 29.72 +.79 -3.4 32.69 14.60 WmsCos 1.20f 50 29.59 +.90 -5.0 42.32 19.11 WillmsPtrs 3.40 dd 40.83 +.75 +7 .4 10.46 5.16 Windstm rs .60 dd 5.45 +.06 -25.6 13.32 8.00 WisdomTr .32 25 9.08 +.49 -18.5 72.28 50.70 Woodward .50f 23 67 .92 +1.19 -1.6 23.14 15.55 WldW Ent .48 52 22.22 +.27 +20.8 116.19 82.51 Wynn 2.00 35 114.61 +2.69 +32.5 45.42 38.00 XcelEngy 1.44f 21 44.45 -.32 +9.2 7 .69 5.72 Xerox .25m 10 7 .34 +.22 +27 .7 62.24 41.53 Xilinx 1.32 25 57 .89 -.74 -4.1 16.97 7 .91 YRC Wwde ... 92 11.01 +.36 -17 .1 47 .19 34.62 Yahoo ... dd 46.41 +.01 +20.0 5.99 2.46 Yamana g .02 55 2.76 -.01 -1.8 39.85 26.54 YorkWater .64 38 35.05 +1.05 -8.2 91.99 59.57 YumBrnds 1.20 18 63.90 +.32 +0.9 9.23 4.71 Zagg ... dd 7 .20 +.75 +1.4 133.21 95.63 ZimmerBio .96 15 122.11 +1.69 +18.3 56.50 45.01 Zoetis .42f 25 53.37 -.48 -0.3 13.26 10.60 ZweigFd 1.01e q 11.12 +.07 -8.0 3.08 2.14 Zynga ... dd 2.85 +.05 +10.9 STOCKS LISTING CHANGE REQUESTS WELCOME!The Sun Newspaper is tweaking the way stocks are listed in the daily paper. 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The Sun /Saturday, April 1, 2017 Page 9 ABSmCpGrA m 45.97 +.82 +26.9AMGYacktmanFocedS d 21.36 +.12 +15.6 YacktmanI d 22.87 +.12 +14.2AberdeenIntlSmCpA m 26.77 -.10 +11.0AkreFocRetail m 26.48 +.26 +12.9AlgerSmCpGrB m 5.52 +.10 +24.3AlpinedynDivInstl x 3.80 ... +16.4AmanaMutGrInv b 32.87 +.09 +16.1 MutIncInv b 47.32 +.13 +11.7American CenturyCptlValInv 9.06 +.07 +19.9 HYMuniInv 9.36 +.02 +.8 HeritageInv 21.62 +.22 +13.3 IntTrmTxFrBdInv 11.20 +.02 -.4American FundsAMCpA m 28.85 +.24 +15.0 AmrcnBalA m 25.76 +.15 +11.2 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.40 +.09 +16.2 AmrcnMutA m 38.32 +.11 +15.2 BdfAmrcA m 12.80 +.01 +.9 CptWldGrIncA m 46.88 +.11 +14.1 CptlIncBldrA m 59.84 +.17 +7.7 EuroPacGrA m 49.30 +.04 +12.7 FdmtlInvsA m 57.88 +.69 +19.4 GlbBalA m 30.64 +.10 +7.6 GrfAmrcA m 45.45 +.56 +20.3 IncAmrcA m 22.30 +.12 +11.3 InvCAmrcA m 38.14 +.25 +17.5 NewWldA m 56.89 +.10 +14.7 NwPrspctvA m 38.69 +.20 +14.4 SmCpWldA m 49.86 +.50 +18.1 TheNewEcoA m 39.72 +.19 +16.5 WAMtInvsA m 42.53 +.22 +16.2BairdAggrgateBdInstl 10.75 -.01 +1.5 CorPlusBdInstl 11.09 -.01 +2.8BaronAsstRetail b 63.73 +.35 +18.8 GrRetail b 65.64 +.80 +16.7 PtnrsRetail b 41.52 +.81 +19.8BerkshireFoc d 20.61 +.35 +23.1BlackRockAlCpEngyRsInvA m 10.68 +.32 +13.8 EqDivInstl 23.26 +.14 +19.2 GlbAllcIncInstl 19.10 +.07 +9.2 GlbAllcIncInvA m 18.98 +.07 +8.9 GlbAllcIncInvC m 17.25 +.06 +8.1 HYBdSvc b 7.74 +.07 +14.8 StrIncOppsIns 9.90 ... +5.7 TactOppsInvA m 13.42 -.02 +1.4BruceBruce 505.30 +.76 +5.9CGMFoc 45.67 +.44 +27.2ClipperClipper 111.89 +1.54 +23.5DFAEmMktsCorEqIns 19.73 -.13 +19.1 EmMktsValInstl 27.35 -.16 +25.7 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.91 -.03 +.2 IntlCorEqIns 12.52 +.01 +14.3 IntlSmCoInstl 18.72 +.03 +14.2 IntlSmCpValIns 20.49 +.03 +17.3 USCorEq1Instl 20.19 +.18 +18.9 USCorEqIIInstl 19.31 +.21 +19.7 USLgCpValInstl 36.17 +.29 +22.9 USSmCpInstl 34.10 +.75 +22.5 USSmCpValInstl 36.87 +1.06 +23.9Delaware InvestmentsStrategicIncA m 8.25 +.02 +1.2 ValInstl 20.21 +.12 +16.4DeutscheCorEqA m 24.96 +.25 +17.4 CorEqS 25.21 +.25 +17.7 GNMAS 13.79 +.02 -.1Dodge & CoxBal 105.05 -1.18 +20.5 Inc 13.64 -.10 +4.4 IntlStk 41.65 +.17 +23.0 Stk 189.96 -.92 +28.6DoubleLineTtlRetBdI 10.63 -.03 +1.5 TtlRetBdN b 10.63 -.02 +1.2DreyfusMidCpIdxInvs 36.35 +.55 +20.3 MnBd 11.58 +.02 -.3 NYTxExBd 14.68 +.03 ... OppcSmCpInv 35.71 +.82 +30.6 ShrtTrmIncD 10.35 +.01 +.9Eaton VanceDivBldrA m 14.00 +.11 +11.6 TxMgdSmCpB m 21.51 +.46 +20.5FMICommonStk 27.06 +.48 +18.0 LgCp 20.80 +.14 +16.1FPACptl d 36.39 +.86 +18.1 Crescent d 33.71 +.20 +14.2FederatedHiIncBdA f 7.59 +.07 +13.2 IntlSmMidCoA m 34.32 +.08 +4.9 KaufmannA m 5.37 +.05 +23.5 MDTMidCpGrB m 28.61 +.42 +16.7Fidelity500IdxInstl 83.09 +.68 +17.1 500IdxInstlPrm 83.09 +.67 +17.2 500IdxPremium 83.09 +.68 +17.1 AdvLgCpA m 31.59 +.38 +23.1 AdvLtdTrmBdA m 11.45 +.01 +1.2 AdvNewInsightsI 28.96 +.32 +16.5 Bal 23.23 +.21 +12.8 BlueChipGr 75.32 +1.26 +19.1 Canada d 49.86 +.67 +11.7 Contrafund 107.68 +1.11 +15.6 ContrafundK 107.62 +1.11 +15.7 CptlInc d 10.01 +.06 +14.6 DivGr 33.78 +.29 +13.2 DiversIntl 35.95 +.05 +7.1 EmMkts d 25.34 -.11 +14.6 EmergAsia d 35.34 -.10 +17.0 ExtndMktIdxPr 58.07 +1.12 +22.4 Fidelity 43.65 +.60 +13.4 FocedStk 19.65 +.19 +10.8 FourinOneIdx 40.32 +.27 +13.9 Frdm2020 15.70 +.06 +11.6 Frdm2030 16.72 +.09 +14.6 FrdmK2020 14.62 +.06 +11.7 FrdmK2025 15.33 +.07 +12.5 FrdmK2030 15.76 +.08 +14.7 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn Mutual Funds Interest ratesThe yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.39 percent on Friday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans. NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG AGO 4.00 3.50 3.50 .88 .38 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill .76 .77 -0.01 .21 6-month T-bill .90 .90 ... .38 52-wk T-bill 1.02 1.03 -0.01 .59 2-year T-note 1.26 1.29 -0.03 .72 5-year T-note 1.93 1.96 -0.03 1.21 10-year T-note 2.39 2.42 -0.03 1.77 30-year T-bond 3.01 3.03 -0.02 2.61 NET 1YR BONDS YEST PVS CHG AGOAP Muni Bond Idx 2.59 2.58 +0.01 ... Barclays Glob Agg Bd 1.64 1.63 +0.01 ... Barclays USAggregate 2.63 2.61 +0.02 2.21 Barclays US Corp 3.35 3.33 +0.02 3.26 Barclays US High Yield 5.87 5.94 -0.07 8.24 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.94 3.92 +0.02 3.76 10-Yr. TIPS .45 .49 -0.04 .13Commodities U.S. crude oil futures and the price of gasoline and heating all rose while the natural gas price was flat. Gold and silver prices rose and the price of copper declined.Crude Oil (bbl) 50.60 50.35 +0.50 -5.8 Ethanol (gal) 1.60 1.59 -0.88 -0.4 Heating Oil (gal) 1.57 1.56 +0.99 -7.7 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.19 3.19 -0.03 -14.3 Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.70 1.68 +1.12 +2.1 FUELS CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 1247.30 1245.00 +0.18 +8.5 Silver (oz) 18.24 18.25 +0.27 +14.4 Platinum (oz) 948.20 951.60 -0.36 +5.2 Copper (lb) 2.65 2.67 -0.69 +6.0 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD Cattle (lb) 1.20 1.20 -0.04 +0.8 Coffee (lb) 1.39 1.39 ... +1.6 Corn (bu) 3.64 3.58 +1.89 +3.5 Cotton (lb) 0.77 0.76 +1.44 +9.5 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 381.40 375.40 +1.60 +20.5 Orange Juice (lb) 1.57 1.61 -2.21 -20.8 Soybeans (bu) 9.46 9.63 -1.77 -5.1 Wheat (bu) 4.26 4.21 +1.31 +4.5 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD USD per British Pound 1.2536 +.0057 +.45% 1.4372 Canadian Dollar 1.3286 -.0030 -.23% 1.2974 USD per Euro 1.0684 -.0007 -.07% 1.1387 Japanese Yen 111.29 -.31 -.28% 112.53 Mexican Peso 18.7331 +.0230 +.12% 17.2849 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG %CHG AGO Israeli Shekel 3.6294 +.0005 +.01% 3.7562 Norwegian Krone 8.5786 +.0163 +.19% 8.2682 South African Rand 13.4240 +.4785 +3.56% 14.7325 Swedish Krona 8.9491 +.0205 +.23% 8.1210 Swiss Franc 1.0004 +.0005 +.05% .9603 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Australian Dollar 1.3077 +.0019 +.15% 1.3032 Chinese Yuan 6.8918 +.0013 +.02% 6.4481 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7724 +.0017 +.02% 7.7565 Indian Rupee 64.797 +.012 +.02% 66.255 Singapore Dollar 1.3975 +.0008 +.06% 1.3474 South Korean Won 1116.20 -1.28 -.11% 1144.65 Taiwan Dollar 30.34 +.03 +.10% 32.21 ASIA/PACIFICForeign Exchange The dollar fell compared to the British pound and Japanese yen and rose compared to the euro and Mexican peso.YEST6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO FrdmK2035 16.42 +.10 +16.2 FrdmK2040 16.45 +.10 +16.2 GNMA 11.41 +.02 +.3 GrCo 150.84 +1.52 +24.0 GrCoK 150.72 +1.53 +24.1 Independence 35.83 +.51 +13.0 IntlRlEstt d 9.98 -.05 +1.7 InvmGradeBd 11.16 +.01 +2.4 InvmGradeBdF 11.17 +.02 +2.5 JapanSmlrCo d 15.72 -.15 +14.3 LatinAmerica d 21.90 +.22 +25.4 LowPricedStk 51.61 +.61 +12.4 LowPricedStkK 51.58 +.62 +12.5 LvrgdCoStk 35.76 +.59 +18.0 Magellan 97.22 +1.39 +14.4 MegaCpStk 18.12 +.19 +19.5 MidCpVal 25.81 +.32 +16.1 NYMuniInc 13.09 +.03 -.2 NewMillennium 37.74 +.52 +19.5 Nordic d 46.36 +.03 -1.9 OTC 94.16 +1.87 +27.6 Overseas 42.96 +.12 +9.7 Puritan 21.70 +.18 +11.6 SelEngy 43.76 +1.60 +21.3 SelGold 21.02 -.20 +14.6 SelHCSvcs d 88.66 +.62 +12.1 SelLeisure d 146.56 +2.85 +11.0 SelMaterials 81.96 +1.29 +20.9 SelMdclEqpndSys 42.23 +.31 +27.3 SelNatrlGas d 27.52 +1.43 +31.2 SelNatrlRes d 29.00 +1.01 +20.0 SelPhrmctcls 18.20 +.11 +1.2 SelSemicons d 104.62 +.99 +43.9 SelWireless d 9.42 +.03 +20.2 SmCpGr d 22.35 +.43 +27.4 TtlBd 10.59 +.02 +3.9 TtlMktIdxPrm 68.26 +.70 +18.1 TxFrBd 11.30 +.01 -.1 USBdIdxInstlPrm 11.52 +.01 +.3 ValDiscv 26.99 +.18 +17.1First EagleGlbA m 57.20 +.08 +12.7First InvestorsGlbA m 7.88 +.05 +12.9 TtlRetA m 19.22 +.05 +8.7FirsthandTechOpps 7.49 +.17 +32.2Franklin TempletonCATxFrIncA m 7.38 +.02 +.7 EqIncA m 23.43 +.14 +14.3 FdrTFIncA m 12.01 +.01 +.2 FloridaTFIncA m 10.82 ... +.9 GlbBdA m 12.47 +.10 +11.0 GlbBdAdv 12.43 +.11 +11.5 GlbBdC m 12.50 +.10 +10.7 Gr,IncA m 24.97 +.12 +17.4 GrA m 82.91 +.58 +17.1 GrOppsA m 34.04 +.39 +14.1 IncA m 2.36 +.02 +18.0 IncAdv 2.34 +.02 +17.8 IncC m 2.38 +.01 +16.7 MutGlbDiscvA m 31.91 +.26 +19.3 RisingDivsA m 55.06 +.32 +14.3 TtlRetA m 9.70 +.02 +2.4 UtlsC m 18.54 -.15 +8.5GERSPUSEq 53.00 +.54 +19.6GabelliAsstAAA m 56.39 +.65 +14.9 EqIncAAA m 24.99 +.09 +13.4 Val25A m 15.79 +.29 +17.1GlenmedeSmCpEqAdv 29.70 +.62 +20.6Goldman SachsShrtDurGovtA m 9.99 +.01 +.5HarborCptlApprecInstl 62.68 +.66 +15.8 IntlInstl 63.50 +.38 +8.4HartfordSmCoB m 13.24 +.21 +19.0HeartlandValPlusInv m 29.89 +.90 +25.0HennessyCrnrstnGrInv b 20.63 +.66 +8.2HodgesRetail m 46.60 +1.19 +30.6INVESCODivIncInv b 24.13 +.04 +10.7 EngyA m 25.52 +.81 +9.4 EngyInv b 25.41 +.80 +9.4 EqandIncA m 10.77 +.09 +18.8 EuropeanGrA m 35.48 +.19 +5.1 GlbGrB m 27.41 +.18 +8.1 GrAllcA m 14.78 +.11 +12.2 PacGrB m 24.98 -.02 +11.0 QualIncA m 12.06 +.01 +.9 SmCpEqA m 14.76 +.37 +15.0 TechInv b 38.37 +.51 +23.4IntechUSCorT 19.45 +.18 +13.8IvyAsstStratB m 20.56 +.12 +4.2JPMorganCorBdR6 11.53 -.02 +.6 CorBdSel 11.52 -.02 +.4 InvCnsrvGrA x 12.61 +.03 +6.6 MidCpValL 37.84 +.37 +14.7JanusBalC x 30.29 +.08 +9.7 ContrarianT 19.89 +.25 +14.9 EntprT 101.00 +.84 +16.7 FlexBdS b 10.31 +.01 +1.2 GlbLifeSciT 50.48 +.41 +13.3 HYT 8.49 +.05 +13.1 OverseasT 28.07 +.05 +14.2 RsrchT 43.52 +.42 +13.0 ShrtTrmBdT 3.02 ... +1.0 T 36.73 +.37 +12.4 VentureT 69.13 +1.13 +18.7John HancockMltmgrLsBal1 x 14.87 +.05 +11.8 MltmgrLsGr1 b 15.56 +.11 +13.9LazardEMEqInstl 17.62 -.31 +22.4Litman GregoryMtrsIntlInstl 15.98 +.06 +7.5Lord AbbettShrtDurIncA m 4.30 ... +3.5 ShrtDurIncF b 4.30 ... +3.6MFSMAInvsTrustB m 29.06 +.16 +16.6 ValI 37.83 +.03 +17.0MainStayHYCorpBdA x 5.76 ... +14.8Mairs & PowerGrInv 119.69 +.78 +13.4Manning & NapierPrBlndCnsrvTrmS 13.55 +.05 +5.8 PrBlndMaxTrmS 19.60 +.13 +11.3Marsico21stCentury b 23.57 +.23 +14.3 FlexCptl b 14.56 +.02 +7.9MatthewsAsianGrIncInv 16.34 -.02 +6.5MeridianGrLegacy d 37.98 +.80 +21.5Metropolitan WestTtlRetBdI 10.56 -.01 +1.0 TtlRetBdM b 10.56 -.01 +.8 TtlRetBdPlan 9.94 ... +1.1Midas FundsMidas m 1.24 -.01 +20.4 MidasMagic m 16.89 +.21 +13.2NeedhamGrRetail m 44.16 +.55 +12.2Neuberger BermanSmCpGrInv 30.33 +.47 +28.2NicholasNicholas 65.52 +.53 +9.9Northeast InvestorsGr 16.01 +.12 +13.4NuveenNYMnBdI 10.89 +.01 +.7Oak AssociatesEmergTech 4.85 +.03 +23.9 LiveOakHlthSci 19.52 +.10 +10.2 PinOakEq 60.38 +.51 +26.1 RedOakTechSel 21.94 +.21 +32.2OakmarkEqAndIncInv 31.68 +.27 +14.7 GlbInv 30.19 +.09 +21.4 IntlInv 24.84 +.08 +21.7 Inv 75.46 +.93 +24.0 SelInv 44.33 +.88 +25.8Old WestburyLgCpStrats 13.64 +.07 +11.2OppenheimerDevelopingMktsY 35.50 -.05 +15.5 GlbStrIncA m 3.92 +.01 +6.9 IntlGrY 37.35 +.22 +4.4PIMCOAlAstInstl 11.71 +.03 +13.5 IncD b 12.24 +.02 +9.6 IncInstl 12.24 +.02 +10.0 IncP 12.24 +.02 +9.9 TtlRetIns 10.12 +.01 +2.4PRIMECAP OdysseyGr 31.25 +.34 +22.9ParnassusCorEqInv x 40.89 +.25 +12.3PaxBalIndvInv b 23.13 +.14 +8.7PerkinsGlbValT 13.93 +.03 +9.2 MidCpValL 17.58 +.22 +20.4 MidCpValT 17.22 +.22 +19.8 SmCpValL 23.17 +.51 +24.1PioneerA m 30.59 +.20 +14.9PrincipalSAMgCnsGA m 17.48 +.13 +12.0PrudentialJsnBlndA m 19.93 +.30 +18.0 JsnUtilityA m 13.72 +.01 +11.0 QMAIntlEqC m 6.59 -.01 +12.1 QMASmCpValZ 21.42 +.60 +29.9 TtlRetBdZ 14.23 +.01 +3.4PutnamGlbUtlsB m 12.25 -.06 +.5 IntlGrB m 16.59 +.08 +5.5 SmCpValA m 17.72 +.46 +30.0RainierMidCpEqOriginal b 38.10 +.47 +11.7ReynoldsBlueChipGr b 52.29 +.75 +8.1RoyceSmCpValSvc m 9.83 +.22 +9.1RydexElectronicsInv 109.99 +.97 +35.4 HCH b 24.72 +.16 +9.9 NASDAQ100Inv 30.67 +.40 +21.2SchwabHC 23.39 +.05 +10.3 SP500Idx 36.50 +.29 +17.1SentinelCommonStkA m 42.93 +.19 +16.9State FarmGr 73.96 +.36 +15.6Sterling CapitalStrtonSmCpVlIns 83.50 +1.77 +25.3T. Rowe PriceBal 23.06 +.02 +11.0 BlueChipGr 80.17 +1.04 +18.0 CorpInc 9.51 +.02 +3.5 CptlAprc 27.59 +.10 +11.7 EMStk d 35.59 -.28 +19.3 EqIdx500 d 63.48 +.29 +16.9 EqInc 32.41 +.19 +19.9 FinclSvcs 25.36 +.44 +29.9 GNMA 9.29 +.02 +.8 GlbTech 15.55 +.16 +30.9 GrStk 59.18 +.78 +19.1 HlthSci 65.73 +.54 +13.5 InsLgCpGr 32.37 +.47 +21.7 IntlEqIdx d 12.68 +.02 +12.1 IntlStk d 16.83 ... +12.9 IntlValEq d 13.73 ... +9.1 MdCpGr 81.52 +.88 +15.5 MdCpVal 30.00 +.48 +20.6 MediaTeleCms 83.49 +1.03 +22.5 NJTFBd 11.87 +.01 +.4 NewAmericaGr 44.88 +.55 +19.2 NewAsia d 17.41 +.05 +16.3 NewHorizons 47.69 +.69 +23.8 NewInc 9.40 +.01 +1.2 OverseasStk d 9.82 +.02 +12.9 RlEstt d 27.99 -.07 +.4 Rtr2020 21.43 +.11 +11.1 Rtr2025 16.37 +.10 +12.3 Rtr2030 23.90 +.14 +13.3 Rtr2035 17.36 +.11 +14.2 Rtr2040 24.81 +.16 +14.9 SciandTech 41.92 +.40 +30.9 SpectrumGr 22.56 +.18 +16.6 SpectrumInc 12.55 +.02 +6.9 SummitMnInc 11.71 +.01 +.2 TFShrtInterm x 5.58 +.01 +.2 TxEfficientEq d 25.03 +.27 +15.2 Val 35.32 +.20 +15.8TIAA-CREFEqIdxIns 17.54 +.17 +18.0Third AvenueValIns d 52.97 +.65 +18.3ThompsonBd 11.35 -.06 +12.1 LgCp 60.32 +1.11 +24.9ThornburgInvmIncBldrA m 20.52 +.08 +11.9ThriventIncA m 9.07 +.01 +4.3TocquevilleGold m 37.15 -.16 +17.1TransamericaAsAlGrC m 14.48 +.12 +14.0 AsAlModC m 12.01 +.07 +8.5TurnerSmCpGr 13.10 +.30 +16.8U.S. Global InvestorGlbRes m 5.46 +.04 +12.0 GoldPrcMtls m 7.61 -.04 +17.9USAACrnrstnMod 14.70 -.01 +8.8 GrInc 23.18 +.28 +20.3 GvtSec 9.78 ... -.3 HiInc d 8.20 +.02 +18.1 PrcMtlsMnral 13.40 -.03 +15.3 SciTech 23.94 +.19 +21.4 TELngTrm 13.25 +.01 +.4 TrgtRet2040 13.49 +.06 +14.1 TrgtRet2050 13.48 +.07 +14.5 WldGr 29.38 +.12 +13.3Value LinePremGr b 31.03 +.31 +12.5Vanguard500IdxAdmrl 218.06 +1.78 +17.1 500IdxInv 218.05 +1.77 +17.0 BalIdxAdmrl 32.14 +.05 +10.7 CAIntTrmTEAdmrl 11.62 +.01 -.3 CnvrtSecInv 13.06 +.09 +11.6 CptlOppAdmrl 134.71 +1.32 +23.9 CptlOppInv 58.36 +.58 +23.9 DevMIdxAdmrl 12.61 +.04 +12.7 DivGrInv 24.67 -.03 +10.7 EMStkIdxAdmrl 32.95 -.34 +17.6 EqIncAdmrl 71.00 -.17 +15.9 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 75.81 +1.45 +22.5 ExtMktIdxIns 75.81 +1.46 +22.5 ExtMktIdxInsPls 187.09 +3.60 +22.5 FAWexUSIIns 94.06 ... +13.9 FAWexUSIdxInv 18.83 ... +13.8 GNMAAdmrl 10.51 +.01 +.4 GlbEqInv 26.67 +.13 +14.8 GrIdxAdmrl 62.61 +.61 +15.9 GrIdxIns 62.62 +.62 +15.9 GrandIncInv 43.60 +.46 +16.3 HCAdmrl 83.83 -1.98 +10.5 HCInv 198.76 -4.68 +10.4 HYCorpAdmrl 5.88 +.05 +11.2 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 11.31 +.01 +.1 InTrInvGrdAdmrl 9.70 +.01 +1.7 InTrTEAdmrl 13.99 +.02 ... InPrtScAdmrl 25.81 +.02 +1.5 InsIdxIns 215.13 +.73 +17.1 InsIdxInsPlus 215.15 +.72 +17.2 InsTtlSMIInPls 52.97 +.27 +18.1 IntlGrAdmrl 75.86 +.19 +17.1 IntlValInv 34.31 +.06 +13.5 LTInvmGrdAdmrl 10.09 -.02 +2.4 LfStrGrInv 30.48 +.16 +13.1 LfStrModGrInv 25.20 +.11 +9.9 LgCpIdxInv 43.66 +.36 +17.2 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 10.92 +.01 +.4 MdCpGrIdxInv 44.41 +.40 +13.5 MdCpIdxAdmrl 172.45 +1.44 +16.7 MdCpIdxIns 38.09 +.31 +16.7 MdCpIdxInsPlus 187.87 +1.55 +16.8 PrmCpAdmrl 117.83 +.98 +22.3 REITIdxAdmrl 117.14 +1.04 +3.1 STBdIdxAdmrl x 10.44 ... +.4 STInvmGrdAdmrl x 10.66 ... +1.9 STInvmGrdIns x 10.66 ... +1.9 STTEAdmrl 15.77 ... +.7 SeledValInv 30.44 +.54 +21.5 SmCpIdxAdmrl 63.87 +1.28 +21.5 SmCpIdxIns 63.87 +1.28 +21.5 SmCpValIdxAdmrl 52.79 +1.11 +23.0 SmCpValIdxIns 29.51 +.62 +23.0 StarInv 24.90 +.13 +11.4 StrEqInv 33.35 +.73 +21.0 TrgtRtr2015Inv 15.00 +.05 +7.7 TrgtRtr2020Inv 29.42 +.12 +9.4 TrgtRtr2025Inv 17.10 +.08 +10.7 TrgtRtr2030Inv 30.69 +.15 +11.9 TrgtRtr2035Inv 18.72 +.09 +13.0 TrgtRtr2040Inv 32.03 +.18 +14.3 TrgtRtr2045Inv 20.06 +.11 +14.7 TrgtRtr2050Inv 32.27 +.18 +14.7 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.08 ... +5.4 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.68 +.01 +.4 TtBMIdxIns 10.68 +.01 +.4 TtBMIdxInsPlus 10.68 +.01 +.4 TtInBIdxAdmrl x 21.61 +.04 +1.1 TtInBIdxIns x 32.43 +.05 +1.2 TtInBIdxInv x 10.81 +.02 +1.2 TtInSIdxAdmrl 26.63 +.01 +13.7 TtInSIdxIns 106.48 +.03 +13.7 TtInSIdxInsPlus 106.49 +.02 +13.7 TtInSIdxInv 15.92 ... +13.6 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 59.06 +.60 +18.1 TtlSMIdxIns 59.07 +.60 +18.1 TtlSMIdxInv 59.04 +.60 +18.0 ValIdxAdmrl 37.19 +.26 +18.7 WlngtnAdmrl 69.35 -.14 +12.8 WlngtnInv 40.16 -.07 +12.7 WlslyIncAdmrl 62.64 -.34 +6.5 WlslyIncInv 25.86 -.13 +6.4 WndsrAdmrl 73.25 +.80 +21.6 WndsrIIAdmrl 65.35 +.73 +18.7 WndsrIIInv 36.83 +.42 +18.6VictorySpecValA m 23.09 +.20 +9.7WasatchLgCpValInv x 9.59 +.01 +18.0Wells FargoDJTrgt2010Adm 12.57 +.02 +1.8Western AssetCorPlusBdI 11.56 +.01 +4.2 WAMngdMuniA 16.19 +.02 +.1Wintergreen FundInv m 16.30 +.14 +14.5 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn Mutual Fund Footnotes: b Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f front load (sales charges). m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA not available. p previous days net asset value. s fund split shares during the week. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Source : Morningstar and the Associated Press.(Previous and change gures reect current contract.) TODAY / TONIGHTNice with clouds and sun Partly cloudyHIGH 87 LOW 600% chance of rain 0% chance of rainWarm with sunshine and patchy clouds89 / 6610% chance of rain SUNDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATUREBreezy and warm with some sun, then clouds89 / 7010% chance of rain MONDAYPeriods of sun with a t-storm in the area86 / 6640% chance of rain TUESDAYIncreasing clouds; breezy in the afternoon83 / 6225% chance of rain THURSDAYPartly sunny and delightful87 / 6710% chance of rain WEDNESDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV Index’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIA’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE678093948881Air Quality Index readings as of FridayMain pollutant: ParticulatesPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Friday Sebring through 2 p.m. Friday Venice through 2 p.m. Friday24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.01Ž Month to date 0.80Ž Normal month to date 3.28Ž Year to date 2.62Ž Normal year to date 7.51Ž Record 2.21Ž (1972) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.00Ž 24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.24Ž Month to date 1.73Ž Normal month to date 3.81Ž Year to date 3.55Ž Normal year to date 8.49Ž Record 2.21Ž (1972) High/Low 80/59 Normal High/Low 82/59 Record High 90 (1981) Record Low 40 (1971) High/Low 83/65 High/Low 77/68 Normal High/Low 79/60 Record High 88 (2002) Record Low 44 (1971)Pollen Index readings as of Friday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.80 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 2.62 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Sun.Apalachicola 81 60 s 80 67 s Bradenton 81 62 s 84 68 s Clearwater 82 61 s 86 70 s Coral Springs 87 71 pc 87 73 pc Daytona Beach 82 59 s 83 66 s Fort Lauderdale 86 71 pc 85 72 s Fort Myers 89 66 pc 93 70 s Gainesville 88 51 s 91 60 s Jacksonville 86 53 s 86 62 s Key Largo 83 74 pc 82 75 s Key West 85 75 pc 85 75 s Lakeland 88 57 s 90 65 s Melbourne 85 65 s 86 69 pc Miami 87 71 pc 86 73 pc Naples 84 66 pc 87 69 s Ocala 87 53 s 91 63 s Okeechobee 87 62 pc 86 65 pc Orlando 90 60 s 92 66 s Panama City 80 59 s 82 66 pc Pensacola 83 62 s 82 69 pc Pompano Beach 86 71 pc 85 73 pc St. Augustine 80 60 s 82 67 s St. Petersburg 84 62 s 87 68 s Sarasota 81 58 s 84 65 s Tallahassee 87 53 s 88 60 pc Tampa 85 63 s 88 70 s Vero Beach 84 64 pc 85 67 pc West Palm Beach 85 69 pc 84 70 sh Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 8:04a 1:35a 6:19p 12:21p Sun. 10:01a 2:45a 7:08p 12:40p Today 6:41a 10:37a 4:56p --Sun. 8:38a 1:01a 5:45p 10:56a Today 6:09a 9:13a 3:34p 11:56p Sun. 4:24p ------Today 8:36a 2:04a 6:51p 12:50p Sun. 10:33a 3:14a 7:40p 1:09p Today 4:56a 9:16a 3:11p 11:40p Sun. 6:53a 9:35a 4:00p --VAR 3-6 0-2 Smooth N 5-10 1-3 LightFt. Myers 89/66 part cldy none Punta Gorda 88/58 part cldy none Sarasota 81/58 sun none The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017First Apr 3 Full Apr 11 Last Apr 19 New Apr 26 Today 11:04 a.m. none Sunday 11:59 a.m. 12:51 a.m. Today 7:19 a.m. 7:46 p.m. Sunday 7:18 a.m. 7:46 p.m. Today 10:34a 4:19a 11:03p 4:48p Sun. 11:37a 5:22a ---5:51p Mon. 12:06a 6:23a 12:37p 6:51p WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 04/1/17 Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun.Albuquerque 52 34 sh 63 37 pc Anchorage 50 40 c 50 30 pc Atlanta 76 52 s 81 62 s Baltimore 58 40 pc 62 43 s Billings 63 44 pc 56 36 sh Birmingham 78 54 s 83 61 pc Boise 62 39 pc 57 34 pc Boston 38 31 sn 46 32 pc Buffalo 45 33 c 50 37 pc Burlington, VT 39 32 r 46 24 pc Charleston, WV 54 38 c 64 48 pc Charlotte 75 45 s 73 52 s Chicago 56 37 pc 58 46 r Cincinnati 55 39 c 64 51 pc Cleveland 48 34 c 58 45 pc Columbia, SC 80 50 s 78 56 s Columbus, OH 52 37 c 63 48 pc Concord, NH 37 26 sn 46 28 pc Dallas 80 61 t 71 57 r Denver 39 26 sn 58 30 s Des Moines 56 44 c 56 43 r Detroit 56 35 pc 59 43 pc Duluth 52 33 pc 51 38 r Fairbanks 48 26 pc 45 19 c Fargo 56 39 pc 60 35 pc Hartford 40 30 sn 52 31 pc Helena 63 40 pc 55 35 c Honolulu 85 72 pc 84 73 s Houston 83 70 s 77 60 r Indianapolis 55 40 pc 63 52 pc Jackson, MS 85 59 pc 84 64 t Kansas City 54 46 c 61 49 sh Knoxville 66 43 c 76 56 pc Las Vegas 76 57 s 80 62 s Los Angeles 78 55 s 76 54 s Louisville 61 42 pc 70 54 pc Memphis 73 56 s 78 63 pc Milwaukee 52 36 pc 53 41 r Minneapolis 61 38 pc 55 40 r Montgomery 83 54 s 88 63 s Nashville 68 45 pc 79 60 pc New Orleans 82 66 pc 82 68 c New York City 46 37 r 58 39 s Norfolk, VA 66 48 pc 58 46 s Oklahoma City 70 50 t 63 49 t Omaha 53 42 c 58 41 c Philadelphia 52 40 pc 61 40 s Phoenix 76 55 s 84 59 s Pittsburgh 49 35 c 59 45 pc Portland, ME 37 29 sn 45 30 pc Portland, OR 59 41 c 57 36 pc Providence 41 32 r 53 34 pc Raleigh 74 46 pc 70 50 s Salt Lake City 60 41 s 58 40 pc St. Louis 61 47 pc 69 57 sh San Antonio 80 68 t 78 57 r San Diego 69 57 s 71 58 pc San Francisco 71 54 s 70 53 pc Seattle 56 41 sh 54 39 pc Washington, DC 62 43 pc 64 47 s Amsterdam 58 43 c 60 41 pc Baghdad 80 56 t 80 55 s Beijing 72 40 pc 74 42 pc Berlin 77 49 t 64 43 t Buenos Aires 80 68 pc 74 62 c Cairo 75 57 pc 74 58 pc Calgary 61 28 sh 39 25 c Cancun 88 73 s 87 77 s Dublin 54 37 t 54 43 pc Edmonton 43 26 sh 43 25 c Halifax 36 28 c 34 27 sn Kiev 55 43 pc 68 46 pc London 60 44 t 60 42 pc Madrid 62 38 pc 63 37 s Mexico City 82 51 pc 82 45 pc Montreal 39 31 sn 45 22 pc Ottawa 38 29 c 44 26 pc Paris 61 43 pc 64 43 pc Regina 53 35 c 51 30 pc Rio de Janeiro 82 70 sh 84 69 sh Rome 68 52 pc 63 46 sh St. Johns 33 24 sf 31 27 sn San Juan 85 73 sh 85 74 sh Sydney 74 64 s 70 62 sh Tokyo 50 41 r 54 43 pc Toronto 49 30 c 52 34 c Vancouver 53 41 pc 53 38 pc Winnipeg 46 40 c 52 36 pcHigh ...................... 90 at McAllen, TXLow ............... -1 at Clayton Lake, ME(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)72The snowiest April ever in New England began on April 1, 1874; 60 inches of snow accumulated in parts of Vermont. Q: In what part of the world would you “ nd the dreaded snow snake?A: There is no such thing.... April fools! Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todays weather. Temperatures are todays highs and tonights lows. North Port 87/60 89/58 89/63 89/63 88/59 89/58 88/59 88/61 89/60 85/63 81/62 84/70 82/63 89/66 86/58 88/58 89/63 88/59 88/59 88/58 88/59 90/57 90/57 84/62 87/59 79/63 83/64 81/61 88/58 87/60 81/63 87/57 81/58 82/61 82/68 86/65 88/64 86/60


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By BRYAN LEVINESports WriterST. PETERSBURG „ Spring training in Port Charlotte flew by and baseball season is already here. The Tampa Bay Rays had plenty of positives to draw on this spring, specifically how well ace Chris Archer looked the entire duration, and how bright the future looks after impressive camps from many of the young prospects. We enjoyed our time in Port Charlotte, but were probably ready to get out of there,Ž manager Kevin Cash said Friday morning at Tropicana Field. It was a long spring. Its good to be back in our home ballpark here. For a lot of guys who are new to playing everyday out here, its good to get them acclimated to the clubhouse, to the field, to the roof, to all those things.Ž Despite the 68-win season theyre coming off, there is positivity around the Rays clubhouse I think were super-talented,Ž Archer said. We need to remain healthy, and we have a few guys who need to get healthy. With our ability to pitch, and the upgrades weve made ƒ Im really looking forward to it. Its baseball, anything can happen. Thats the beauty of this game.Ž A little over five weeks ago we asked five questions the Rays needed answers to by the end of spring training. Lets revisit those questions before raising new ones for the regular season. First, we asked will the Rays sign another bat, specifically a right-handed one. At the time, it appeared as if the Rays had an outside shot to sign Matt Wieters. The catcher ended up signing with the Washington Nationals, who then released Derek Norris. The Rays signed Norris last week and he will be the starting catcher. They backed that up with trading for Peter Bourjos, who is more of a glove than a bat. Both hit from the right side.By RALPH D. RUSSOAssociated PressGLENDALE, Ariz. „ Often it starts with just a look. Frank Martins glare alone is worth a thousand words. Many of those words would be rated R. And if that glare is not enough for South Carolinas coach to get a point across to a player, he has louder ways that will do the trick. Rodney McGruder played three seasons for Martin at Kansas State and was on the receiving end of so many of the coachs tirades that he laughs when asked to recall one or two that stand out. My entire freshman season, man,Ž McGruder said. I never knew what I was going to do to get one of those crazy stares and him stomping his foot at me and him yelling at me. I remember turning the ball over and looking over at the bench and that look that he has in his eyes, I see that now.Ž Martin might be the most intense coach in college basketball and in many ways has been the breakout star of this Final Four, leading his seventh-seeded Gamecocks to the first NCAA Tournament semifinals appearance in school history. South Carolina (26-10) plays top-seeded Gonzaga (36-1) on Saturday at University of Phoenix Stadium. Saturday, April 1, 2017 SPORTS € @SunCoastSportsINDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | MLB 3 | Golf 4 | Scoreboard 5 | College Basketball 6 HOUSTON OPENSung Kang shot a 9-under 63 to take a six-shot lead in a record-breaking second round at the Houston Open Friday. Page 4SEE RAYS, 3MLB: RaysQuestions, questionsTodays Final Four gamesGame 1: Gonzaga (36-1) vs. South Carolina (26-10) When: 6:09 p.m. EDT TV: CBS Where: University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Ariz. Game 2: North Carolina (31-7) vs. Oregon (33-5) When: 8:49 p.m. EDT TV: CBS Where: University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Ariz.SUN PHOTO BY TOM ONEILLAfter distinguishing himself at first base, a position hed never played before, the latter part of the 2016 season, Brad Mille r returns to the middle of the infield at second base to provide the Rays a solid defender and bat with some pop. By HANK KURZ Jr.Associated PressMARTINSVILLE, Va. „ Things keep going right for Kyle Larson. Hours after saying he hoped qualifying for Sundays Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series race would be rained out, he got his wish, giving him the pole position on a track where he has struggled. I think it will be a good advantage to start on the pole, get the jump and hopefully take care of my stuff early,Ž said Larson, the early season points leader. With the lineup set by owner points because of the rain, Chase Elliott will start on the outside of the front row, with Martin Truex Jr. and Brad Keselowski in the second row. The rest of the top 10 includes Joey Logano, Jamie McMurray, Ryan Blaney, Clint Bowyer, Kevin Harvick and Kyle Busch. Larson, who had three consecutive secondplace finishes before winning last weekend at Fontana, California, posted the third-fastest time in Fridays first practice session, trailing only former winners Denny Hamlin and Kyle Busch. That was after almost crashing his car early in the hour-long practice session. The braking was a little sketchy,Ž he said. Since the series switched to stage racing this season, with points awarded to the front runners at the end of two predetermined distances during the race and then at the end, Larson has consistently earned points in every race, but he joked that he will need every advantage possible on the 0.526-mile oval. You never know. Our cars are so good right now, maybe we could contend for a win,Ž he said. But Id like for it to continue to rain today so I can start on the pole. But, well see. Yeah, its a tough place and tough to complete 500 good laps here.ŽAUTO RACING: NASCARLarson nabs pole after qualifying is washed outAP PHOTOPit crews work on NASCAR Camping world trucks during a break in the rain on pit row at Martinsville Speedway Friday in Martinsville, Va. NASCAR Cup Series qualifying was canceled due to the rain. COLLEGE BASKETBALL: South CarolinaCoach Martin instills toughnessAP PHOTOSouth Carolina head coach Frank Martin talks to his team during a practice session for their NCAA Final Four tournament college basketball semifinal game Friday in Glendale, Ariz. Answering some from spring, asking more for season SEE MARTIN, 6 SEE NASCAR, 4 By JOE SMITHTampa Bay TimesTAMPA „ The Lightning had just wrapped up another improbable victory Thursday night, this time without leading scorer Nikita Kucherov, who was sick. Of course he was. But coach Jon Cooper summed up perfectly the 5-3 win over Detroit and the teams collective mind-set for the final six games. We got two points. We needed them; we got them,Ž Cooper said. Now its Whos next?  The Lightning enters what might be the most important 24 hour stretch of its season Saturday night. Trailing Boston by three points for the final wild-card spot in the Eastern Conference, it has backto-back home games tonight against Montreal and Sunday with Dallas. Theres no doubt next weeks road games against the Bruins (Tuesday) and Maple Leafs (Thursday) are bigger, considering those are the teams Tampa Bay Canadiens at LightningWho: Montreal (44-29-9) at Tampa Bay (38-29-9) When: 7:30 p.m. today Where: Amalie Arena, Tampa TV/Radio: SUN/1070-AMNHL: LightningCrucial day for Bolts playo hopes SEE LIGHTNING, 2By STEPHEN HAWKINSAssociated PressDALLAS „ Allisha Gray scored 18 points, Aja Wilson had a double-double and South Carolina is going to its first national championship game after beating Stanford 62-53 Friday night in the womens national semifinals. Wilson had 13 points and 19 rebounds for the Gamecocks (32-4), WOMENS COLLEGE BASKETBALL: Final FourGray, Wilson propel Gamecocks to “ nalAP PHOTOSouth Carolina forward Aja Wilson (22) shoots over Stanford forward Erica McCall (24) during the second half Friday in Dallas. SEE WOMENS, 2


Associated PressMIAMI „ Kristaps Porzingis scored 22 points, Courtney Lee added 20 and the New York Knicks led nearly the entire way in beating the Miami Heat 98-94 on Friday night. Justin Holiday scored 12 for the Knicks, who played without Carmelo Anthony (back), Derrick Rose (knee) and Lance Thomas (hip). It was only the fourth win in the last 15 games for New York. Goran Dragic scored 22 points and Hassan Whiteside had 17 points and 16 rebounds for Miami, which missed 15 of its final 16 attempts from 3-point range. Tyler Johnson scored 15 for the Heat. Even with the loss, Miami (37-39) held onto the No. 7 spot in the Eastern Conference standings because No. 8 Indiana (37-39) also lost, the Pacers falling to Toronto. The Heat and Pacers are just a half-game ahead of No. 9 Chicago. The Heat had a chance to tie in the final seconds, but Dragic missed a layup and Whiteside was called for offensive basket interference as he tried to tip the rebound. Lee then sealed the win by hitting a pair of free throws. These guys have got to play like we want to win the game,Ž Knicks coach Jeff Hornacek said. Were not just going out there to play. Youre not out there playing a pickup game „ youre out there to try to win. So no matter who you have on the court, thats the way we should be approaching it.ŽRAPT ORS 111, PACERS 100: DeMar DeRozan scored 40 points and Toronto rolled to their seventh straight home win over Indiana with a victory in Toronto. DeRozan was 11 of 26 from the ” oor to register his 30th game of 30 points or more this season, tying Vince Carters 2000-01 franchise mark. It was also DeRozans sixth 40-point game of the season. Jonas Valanciunas had 16 points and 17 rebounds for his team-leading 28th doubledouble, while Serge Ibaka added 15 points and 12 rebounds. Paul George led the Pacers with 28 points, while Jeff Teague added 19, but they were unable to prevent Indiana, currently holding the “ nal playoff spot in the Eastern Conference, from its “ fth loss in its last six games. The Pacers last regular-season win in Toronto came on March 1, 2013. GRIZZLIES 99, MAVERICKS 90: Mike Conley scored 28 points, Zach Randolph added 22 points and 12 rebounds, and Memphis clinched a playoff spot with a victory over Dallas in Memphis. Memphis win, coupled with Denvers 122-114 loss at Charlotte earlier Friday night, earned the Grizzlies their seventh straight postseason berth. CAVALIERS 122, 76ERS 105: LeBron James scored 34 points, Kyrie Irving dropped 24 and host Cleveland ended a turbulent and troublesome March with an easy win over injury-weakened Philadelphia. James made 14 of 22 shots in 30 minutes as the Cavs ended a three-game losing streak and won for just the third time in eight games to end the month 7-10. Its been an alarming stretch for the NBA champions, who are running out of time to get tuned up for the postseason. is chasing for a playoff spot. But if the Lightning cant take care of business this weekend, the results of those matchups could become moot. Factor in the potential return of captain Steven Stamkos from knee surgery in the next few days and there will be plenty of intrigue around Amalie Arena. Here are a few key factors in the telling 24 hours:Center stageLightning captain Steven Stamkos could make his much-anticipated return Saturday from mid-November knee surgery. Coach Jon Cooper said Stamkos is day-to-day and pretty closeŽ to playing again. Stamkos was among the last to leave the ice after Thursdays optional skate and was scheduled to be reevaluated after Fridays team off day. With back-to-back games this weekend, Stamkos minutes would likely be monitored if he returned against the Atlantic Division-leading Canadiens on Saturday. Then theres center Tyler Johnson, who hasnt played since suffering a lower-body injury March 9. He had his first skate with the team since then on Thursday, so its hard to tell if hell be ready for either of the next two games.Hows Kucherov?Leading scorer Nikita Kucherovs illness wasnt overly concerning Thursday morning, but it became a bigger issue before game time and he was sent home before the win against Detroit. Kucherov has the type of bug that has gone around the Lightning dressing room the past few months. Defensemen Jason Garrison and Victor Hedman, and coach Jon Cooper had it at various points. Once youre hit, youre out,Ž Cooper said. Hopefully this is it and (Friday) is a good recovery day for (Kucherov). Well see if he can play (Saturday).Ž Kucherov is having an MVP-caliber second half of the season, so his presence is paramount.Budaj time?Will veteran backup goaltender Peter Budaj play in one of the two games this weekend? Odds are he will. The Lightning has typically played Budaj once every four games since he was acquired in the Ben Bishop trade with the Kings in late February. Budaj, 34, has been impressive, winning two of his first three starts, including victories at the New York Rangers and Boston. Would Tampa Bay start Budaj on Saturday against Montreal, one of his former teams? Budaj is 0-1-1 with a 3.37 goalsagainst in two starts against the Canadiens this year, both while with the Kings. Hes 1-1, 4.28 in two starts against Dallas.Start it upAs exciting and encouraging as the Lightnings four straight wins have been, all required rallies. The come-from-behind victories came in different forms. The Lightning erased a three-goal deficit against Chicago on Monday and dug out of three one-goal holes against Boston on March 23. But it knows it cant rely on that kind of resilience and keeping getting off to slow starts. We have to put ourselves in better situations,Ž wing Alex Killorn said. I think coming down the stretch, going down against some of these teams is not what we want.ŽScoreboard watchingLightning fans should keep an eye on Bostons games today at home against Florida and Sunday in Chicago. Toronto plays today in Detroit. Carolina, just one point behind Tampa Bay, has a back-to-back games as well, today hosting Dallas and Sunday in Pittsburgh. Page 2 SP Saturday, April 1, 2017 / The SunFlorida Lotterywww.flalottery.comPICK 2Mar. 31N .........................8-4 Mar. 31D .........................7-6 Mar. 30N .........................6-2 Mar. 30D .........................4-9 Mar. 29N .........................7-1 Mar. 29D .........................1-7 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Mar. 31N ......................8-6-0 Mar. 31D ......................9-0-0 Mar. 30N ......................8-1-5 Mar. 30D ......................3-8-0 Mar. 29N ......................2-1-9 Mar. 29D ......................1-3-0 D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Mar. 31N ...................5-7-6-9 Mar. 31D ...................5-2-6-5 Mar. 30N ...................7-5-7-9 Mar. 30D .................-1-8-4-5 Mar. 29N ...................7-1-1-6 Mar. 29D ...................1-7-5-4 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Mar. 31N ...............5-2-4-9-8 Mar. 31D ...............7-0-8-9-5 Mar. 30N ...............1-7-2-1-2 Mar. 30D ...............5-8-9-7-6 Mar. 29N ...............4-2-4-8-0 Mar. 29D ...............8-2-9-4-4 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Mar. 31 ...............2-8-9-18-23 Mar. 30 .............1-2-11-16-29 Mar. 29 ...........3-10-19-20-25 PAYOFF FOR MAR. 30 1..5-digit winners $200,623.32 279..4-digit winners $115.50 9,365..3-digit winners .$9.50CASH FOR LIFEMar. 30 .........24-38-40-44-49 Cash Ball ............................3 Mar. 27 .........32-42-58-59-60 Cash Ball.............................4 PAYOFF FOR MAR. 30 0.....5-of-5 CB ....$1,000/Day 0.....5-of-5.......$1,000/Week 4.....4-of-5 CB .............$2,500 14....5-of-5.....................$500LUCKY MONEYMar. 31 ................6-12-42-43 Lucky Ball .........................10 Mar. 28 ..............24-37-38-45 Lucky Ball ...........................3 Mar. 24 ................8-26-34-40 Lucky Ball .........................10 € € € PAYOFF FOR MAR. 28 1......4-of-4 LB .....$2,000,000 6......4-of-4.............$2,820.00 57.....3-of-4 LB .........$649.00 764....3-of-4 ..............$143.50LOTTOMar. 29 .......1-8-21-23-31-36 Mar. 25 ...15-18-28-34-37-47 Mar. 22 .....13-32-42-3-21-30 PAYOFF FOR MAR. 29 0..6-digit winners $5 million 15..5-digit winners $5,581.50 1,068..4-digit winners $62.00POWERBALLMarch 29........8-15-31-36-62 Powerball......................... 11 March 25......18-31-32-45-48 Powerball .........................16 € € € PAYOFF FOR MAR. 29 0....5 of 5 + PB ...$50 million 0....5 of 5 .............$1,000,000 0....4 of 5 + PB .........$50,000 19...4 of 5 ......................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $60 millionMEGA MILLIONSMar. 31 .........17-24-27-32-58 Mega Ball ........................ 10 Mar. 28 .........30-33-35-37-46 Mega Ball .........................10 € € € PAYOFF FOR Mar. 28 0...5 of 5 + MB .$151 million 0...5 of 5 ..............$1,000,000 1....4 of 5 + MB ..........$5,000 23...4 of 5 ......................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $174 million LIGHTNINGFrom Page 1SPORTS ON TVAUTO RACING 10 a.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, STP 500, practice, at Martinsville, Va. 11 a.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Camping World Truck Series, Alpha Energy Solutions 250, qualifying, at Martinsville, Va. 1:30 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, STP 500, “ nal practice, at Martinsville, Va. 3 p.m. FOX „ NASCAR, Camping World Truck Series, Alpha Energy Solutions 250, at Martinsville, Va. 5:30 p.m. FS1 „ FIA Formula E Championship, at Mexico City BASKETBALL 10 a.m. ESPN2 „ High school, Dicks Sporting Goods Nationals, Girls championship, at Queens, N.Y. Noon ESPN „ High school, Dicks Sporting Goods Nationals, Boys championship, at Queens, N.Y. BOXING 11 p.m. ESPN2 „ Antonio Orozco vs. KeAndre Gibson, super lightweights, at Ls Vegas (same-day tape) COLLEGE BASEBALL 3:30 p.m. ESPN2 „ Texas A&M at LSU COLLEGE BASKETBALL Noon ESPN2 „ Basketball Hall of Fame Class Announcement, at Glendale, Ariz. 6:09 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Tournament, Final Four, “ rst semi“ nal, South Carolina vs. Gonzaga, at Glendale, Ariz. 8:49 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Tournament, Final Four, second semi“ nal, Oregon vs. North Carolina, at Glendale, Ariz. COLLEGE FOOTBALL 11 a.m. BTN „ Northwestern spring game, at Evanston, Ill. Noon SEC „ South Carolina spring game, at Columbia, S.C. 3 p.m. BTN „ Michigan St. spring game, at East Lansing, Mich. COLLEGE SOFTBALL 7 p.m. ESPN „ Auburn at Georgia DRAG RACING 7 p.m. FS1 „ NHRA, DENSO Spark Plugs Nationals, qualifying, at Las Vegas (same-day tape) FIGURE SKATING 12:30 p.m. NBCSN „ ISU World Championships, Mens Free Skate, at Helsinki, Finland 2:30 p.m. NBCSN „ ISU World Championships, Free Dance, at Helsinki, Finland 8 p.m. NBC „ ISU World Championships, Ladies & Mens Free Skate, at Helsinki, Finland (taped) GOLF 1 p.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour, Shell Houston O pen, third round, at Humble, Texas 3 p.m. GOLF „ Champions Tour, Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic, second round, at Biloxi, Miss. NBC „ PGA Tour, Shell Houston Open, third round, at Humble, Texas 5 p.m. GOLF „ LPGA Tour, ANA Inspiration, third round, at Rancho Mirage, Calif. MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB „ Spring training, Pittsburgh vs. Toronto, at Montreal 9 p.m. MLB „ Spring training, L.A. Angels at L.A. Dodgers MOTOR SPORTS 8 p.m. FS1 „ AMA, Monster Energy Supercross, at St. Louis SOCCER 7:30 a.m. NBCSN „ Premier League, Everton at Liverpool 9:20 a.m. FS2 „ Bundesliga, Schalke vs. Borussia Dortmund 10 a.m. CNBC „ Premier League, West Bromwich Albion at Manchester United NBCSN „ Premier League, Crystal Palace at Chelsea 12:20 p.m. FS2 „ Bundesliga, Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Borussia Monchengladbach 12:30 p.m. NBC „ Premier League, Bournemouth at Southampton TENNIS 1 p.m. ESPN2 „ ATP World TourWTA Tour, Miami Open, womens championship, at Key Biscayne, Fla. who lost in the semifinal of their only other Final Four appearance two years ago. They went ahead to stay with 13 straight points in the third quarter. Stanford (32-6) took a big hit when senior star guard Karlie Samuelson sprained her right ankle with about 4 minutes before halftime. after the Cardinal had taken an eight-point lead with a 13-1 run. South Carolinas Dawn Staley, who played for Tara VanDerveer on the U.S. womens team that won the 1996 Olympic gold medal, won as a coach against the Stanford coach for the first time in six tries. Staley also made three consecutive Final Four appearances as a player for Virginia from 1990-92. Two of those included semifinal losses to VanDerveer and the Cardinal on way to their only national titles (1990, 1992). Samuelson was hurt when she was making a move toward the basket, and stepped on the foot of South Carolina guard Bianca Cuevas-Moore. Samuelsons right foot then slid onto the floor before twisting awkwardly. She grabbed near her ankle with both hands after falling down. Two teammates came off the bench to carry Samuelson off the floor. Samuelson, who finished scoreless while playing 25 minutes and taking only two shots, returned to start the second half. But she was back on the bench after only 73 seconds, standing behind the bench briefly while stretching her ankle and grimacing in pain. She entered the game several more times after that, but clearly was far from being 100 percent. The senior guards younger sister, Katie Lou, played for UConn in the second semifinal game Friday night in the home of the NBAs Dallas Mavericks. The four-time defending national champion Huskies played Mississippi State. Erica McCall had 14 points and 14 rebounds for the Cardinal, but made only 7 of 19 shots. Alanna Smith had 14 points and 12 rebounds.WOMENSFrom Page 1AP PHOTONew York Knickss Kyle OQuinn (9) inbounds the ball past Miami Heats Willie Reed (35) during the second half Friday in Miami. Associated PressSidney Crosby had a goal and an assist in regulation and then got the clinching goal in the shootout to lift Pittsburgh to a 4-3 win over the New York Rangers on Friday night, snapping the Penguins four-game skid. Jake Guentzel and Bryan Rust also scored for Pittsburgh, and Matt Murray stopped 30 shots for his 29th win of the season. With the win, the Penguins topped their point total last season en route to winning the Stanley Cup. Chris Kreider tied the score with 11.6 seconds left in the third period to force overtime. Nick Holden had a goal and an assist, Rick Nash also scored and J.T. Miller added two assists for the Rangers. Henrik Lundqvist finished with 32 saves as New York fell to 0-5-3 at home since beating Washington on Feb. 19. Phil Kessel also scored in the tiebreaker for the Penguins, and Murray stopped Mika Zibanejad and Mats Zuccarello.NHL ROUNDUPCrosby leads Penguins to shootout win over RangersNBA ROUNDUPWithout Anthony and Rose, Knicks topple Heat 98-94


So the answer is yes, they did sign additional bats. Second, can they stay healthy? No, they couldnt. Key members of the bullpen in Shawn Tolleson (right flexor strain) and Brad Boxberger (lat issue) will begin the season on the disabled list. Tollesons injury has landed him on the 60-day DL. Not only did those two players not stay healthy but a pair of players they were counting on … shortstop Matt Duffy and Colby Rasmus … were never able to fully heal from their offseason surgeries. They, too, will begin the season on the DL. Third, who will be the No. 5 starter? It seemed as if Matt Andriese had that role locked up from the start of games, even though his numbers were less than stellar. In four major league outings this spring, Andriese had a 6.75 ERA over 10.2 innings and pitched into the fifth frame just once. Fourth, which catchers will make the team? If you guessed Derek Norris and Jesus Sucre would be the catchers to start the regular season, you need to play the lottery. Both of them are proven defensively, but will need to bring their bats this year, too. Norris hit just .186 in 125 games last season. In 88 career games, Sucre is a lifetime .209 batter. The Rays will count on both of them to improve those numbers. Finally, how will Brad Miller adjust to playing second base? As Cash pointed out early in spring, he not only adjusted well, but is playing all-star-caliber second base. Miller fancies himself a solid fielder, and he proved it playing the new position over the last five weeks. I feel like Ive gotten a lot of good work in. Weve attacked it from day one, and were going to continue to build that foundation,Ž Miller said. Just getting the reps and comfortability (is where Ive seen progression). Getting to see a lot of different balls off the bat, we play pretty extreme at the second-base position for both righties and lefties.Ž Here are five new questions that will need answers during the regular season: No. 1: If Dickerson is the leadoff hitter, hows he going to adjust to that role? According to Dickerson, 2016 was the first time in his life since he picked up a baseball bat that hes actually struggled. Hes had a strong spring, batting .375 with four home runs, but how will he do as a leadoff hitter, which he will presumably due against right-handed pitchers. I think maybe playing at home (could be challenging to leadoff),Ž Dickerson said. You have two minutes (to get ready). Its pretty rushed and you dont get to go through your normal routine. Besides that, I take it as a normal bat. I wont over think it.Ž Dickerson has 140 career plate appearances as a teams leadoff hitter and has hit just .230 with 29 hits and 12 walks in those at-bats No. 2: How will Tim Beckham do as the starting shortstop? The Tim Beckham and Rays saga is a long and drama-filled story. The former No. 1 overall 2008 draft pick will get another shot to prove himself, as hes slated to play an important role for Tampa Bay this year. With Matt Duffy still struggling to get healthy, Beckham will have to hold down the position in the meantime. Hes going to be at short a lot right now, but when Matt comes back, his versatility is going to be a big thing for our lineup,Ž Cash said. No. 3: Will the back-end of the rotation hold up? Blake Snell and Andriese didnt have the kind of springs that exude confidence. Weve already noted Andrieses numbers, but Snell had a similar 6.16 ERA in 19 innings entering Fridays tuneup outing where he went but Snell had a similar 6.16 ERA in 19 innings entering Fridays outing where he went four frames and allowed two runs on four hits and two walks while striking out four. Will the Rays stick with both of them the entire year? Will they look elsewhere for a starter? Will Chase Whitley or Jose De Leon be called up? Could Austin Pruitt be moved from the bullpen to the rotation? No. 4: When will Jaime Schultz be called up? Schultz had a fantastic spring with a 1.84 ERA in nine appearances. It was assumed he was ahead of Pruitt in the chances of making the team. Cash said we could see him here real soonŽ and he also added Schultz would pitch out of the bullpen with Triple-A Durham. That lays the groundwork for a potential early-season promotion. Jumbo Diaz did nothing to impress in his limited time with the Rays, and Schultzs MLB servicetime clock hasnt begun yet. Based on a silly MLB rule, if the Rays keep him in the minors for the first 12 days of the season, they get an extra year of control on his contract. Dont be surprised to see Schultz in a Rays uniform by the time they head to Boston two weeks into the season. No. 5: Just how well are the Rays going to do? As Archer noted Friday morning, the Rays are in the best division in all of sports. Its going to be tough to get to the playoffs. More than likely, four teams are fighting for second place behind theRed Sox. The Rays have a starting rotation to compete with any team in baseball, but an injury-depleted bullpen could do them in. ExpertŽ projections have the Rays finishing anywhere from third to fifth. Theyre likely better than the 68-win team they were last year, but probably not better than an 81-win team in 2017. „Contact Bryan Levine at blevine@sun-herald. com. The Sun / Saturday, April 1, 2017 SP Page 3RAYSFrom Page 1By BRYAN LEVINESports WriterCLEARWATER „ Fridays Rays lineup is fairly close to what you could see Opening Day, minus one glaring hole. Third baseman Evan Longoria was held out of the spring finale due to a stiff neck, but dont worry Rays fans, it doesnt seem to be much of a problem. The neck thing is not that bad, but it doesnt make sense (to play him) if its a little stiff,Ž Cash said. Give him two days off and let him quiet things down. Hes fine and hell be in there Opening Day.Ž Longoria was a late scratch a couple of weeks ago because of his neck. Hes one of the players whose spring performance is fairly irrelevant, but he did hit just .239 with one homer and four RBI in 17 games.CONFIRMED DLThe Rays confirmed a pair of inevitable moves Friday morning. Its been known since Day 1 of training that Wilson Ramos was headed to the disabled list as he continues to work his way back from ACL surgery. The club officially confirmed he will be on the 60-day DL to start the season. Joining him there will be reliever Shawn Tolleson, whose right flexor strain is apparently more serious than previously known. These moves will help make room for non-roster invitees who made the team in Rickie Weeks, Tommy Hunter, Jesus Sucre and potentially Peter Bourjos, who was acquired in a trade this week.FINAL DECISIONSCash said Friday morning that final decisions will come down to the 11th hour.Ž That could mean this afternoon, but he technically has until noon on Sunday to make any decision official. Mallex Smith, Daniel Robertson, Nick Franklin, Jumbo Diaz and Bourjos are all players waiting to learn their fates.RAYS NOTEBOOKNo Longoria, no problemHITTER OF THE GAME Steven Souza Jr., Rays: He didnt have the best stat line of the game, but in the second inning, Souza hit a home run that might still be ” ying. The homer was his second of the spring. PITCHER OF THE GAME Jeanmar Gomez, Phillies: The Phillies closer kept the game tied at 7-7 in the ninth inning with a perfect frame. He also had two strikeouts. KEY INNING Bottom/Top 4th: The teams combined for nine runs in the frame. The Rays got three of their runs on a Tim Beckham bases-loaded triple to take a 5-0 lead. Philadelphia answered right back with “ ve runs of their own. Andrew Knapp also plated three runs, but with a double. PROSPECT WATCH Michael Russell, Rays: He gave the Ray a 6-5 lead in the sixth inning when he hit an RBI single to score Derek Norris. THEY SAID IT This is actually the same locker I was in. I obviously thought about it a couple of times. With the back stiffness I had leading into this week I was thinking it would make for a bad, coincidental story.Ž „Rays pitcher Alex Cobb on returning to Spectrum (formerly BrightHouse) Field for the “ rst time since tearing his UCL there in 2015.NEW YORK YANKEES (0-0) at TAMPA BAY RAYS (0-0)WHEN: Sunday, 1:10 p.m. WHERE: Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg SCHEDULED STARTERS: RH Chris Archer vs. RH Masahiro Tanaka MONDAY: Off. TUESDAY: vs. New York, 7:10 p.m. WEDNESDAY: vs. New York, 7:10: p.m. THURSDAY: vs. Toronto, 7:10 p.m. FRIDAY: vs. Toronto, 7:10 p.m.RAYS 7, PHILLIES 7Rays 7, Phillies 7 Tampa Bay Philadelphia ab r h bi ab r h bi Dckrson dh 2 0 1 0 Hrnndez 2b 5 0 2 1 Wks Jr. ph 2 0 0 0 F.Glvis ss 3 1 1 1 Rdrguez ph 1 0 0 0 Flrimon ss 0 0 0 0 Krmaier cf 2 0 1 0 Kndrick lf 3 0 0 0 J.Frley cf 3 0 1 1 Da.Nava lf 2 0 0 0 Mrrison 1b 2 0 0 0 Sunders rf 2 1 0 0 Gra.Kay 1b 2 0 0 0 Perkins rf 2 0 1 0 B.Mller 2b 2 1 1 0 A.Blnco 3b 5 1 2 0 Frnklin 2b 2 0 1 0 B.Stssi 1b 5 0 0 0 Sza Jr. rf 1 1 1 1 Altherr cf 2 2 1 0 Bourjos rf 2 1 1 0 A.Knapp c 4 2 2 3 J.Sucre c 1 0 0 0 Bchholz sp 0 0 0 0 D.Nrris c 2 2 1 0 Ca.Rupp ph 2 0 1 2 Getzman rf 1 0 0 0 Beckham ss 2 1 1 3 Russell ss 2 1 1 1 M.Smith lf 1 0 0 1 P.Maris 3b 2 0 0 0 Rbrtson 3b 4 0 1 0 Totals 36 7 11 7 Totals 35 7 10 7 Tampa Bay 010 402 000„7 Philadelphia 000 502 000„7 DP„Tampa Bay 0, Philadelphia 1. LOB„Tampa Bay 4, Philadelphia 9. 2B„Norris (1), Hernandez (3), Perkins (3), Altherr (5), Knapp (3), Rupp (2). 3B„Beckham (2). HR„ Souza Jr. (3), Galvis (2). SB„Franklin (4). CS„Altherr (1). SF„Smith (1). IP H R ER BB SO Tampa Bay Cobb 32/3 3 3 3 2 2 Pruitt BS, 0-1 0 2 2 2 2 0 Wagner 1/3 0 0 0 1 0 Snell 4 4 2 2 2 4 Castillo 1 1 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia Buchholz 5 7 5 5 1 3 Neshek 1 4 2 2 0 1 Ramos 1 0 0 0 0 0 Neris 1 0 0 0 0 1 Gomez 1 0 0 0 0 2 HBP„by„Snell (Altherr). Golf Directory 1350 Bobat Trail, North Port Call For Tee Times 941-429-0500 Burnt Store Golf Club 941-637-1577 PUBLIC WELCOME Visit us @ 24315 Vincent Ave., Punta Gorda off Burnt Store Road Call for directions PORT CHARLOTTE GOLF CLUB 22400 Gleneagle Ter. Pt. Charlotte 941-625-4109 The Palms 697-8118 The Links 697-8877 The Hills 697-2414 Long Marsh 698-0918 adno=715404 To place your ad here, please call 941-429-3110 5301 HERON CREEK BLVD., NORTH PORT Between US 41 & I-75 Exit 182 423-6955 € P REMIER P RACTICE F ACILITY N EW T IFEAGLE GREENS Take a tour online at: Call 625-6911 for Tee Times & Lessons Nice People, Great GolfŽ Open To The Public 27 Holes Lifetime Golf Rates 888-663-2420 TWIN ISLES CC Championship Golf Course Under Age 60 Membership $150 Mo. Accepting Non Member Play While We Fill Our Roster Golf, Seasonal, Tennis & Social Memberships 301 Madrid Blvd., Punta Gorda 941-637-1232 ext. 2 € 1/2 mile south of Burnt Store Rd. on US 41 in Punta Gorda 941-639-5440 Best Value in S.W. Florida Seminole Lakes Country Club Open to the Public A Resident owned Community 2100 KINGS HIGHWAY PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33980 941-629-1666 € PAR 62 EXECUTIVE COURSE € A FUN GOLF EXPERIENCE € ALWAYS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION € MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE 2550 S. River Rd., Englewood 941-474-1753 Brand New Ron Garl Designed Greens 27 H OLES Executive Golf Course Walk 9 holes for $12.00 863-993-2221 or 941-764-6700 12865 SW Hwy. 17, Arcadia Located near Wal-Mart Dist. Center COURSES COURSES Great New Memberships Availablefrom$1,400Opento the Public 1-mi. East I-75 exit 170 Kings Hwy Kingsway Country Club Pure Championship Golf Call for Current Rates Associated PressSeattle Mariners starter Drew Smyly will begin the season on the disabled list and could be out for up to two months because of a strained elbow. Smyly likely will miss six to eight weeks with a flex strain in his left elbow, a big blow after the Mariners roster seemed set for the start of the regular season. Smyly will rehab the injury and surgery is not expected, but he and the club are seeking additional information about how to handle the recovery. Its a key loss,Ž general manager Jerry Dipoto said Friday. I can sit here and lament that weve lost Drew for a period of time or I can take a positive outlook and were days away from opening day. It does nobody good ... if we break with our head down. Drew was and is important to our season. I anticipate he will contribute at some point, just not as soon as we expected.ŽTWINS 3, TRIPLE-A ROCHESTER 3, 9 INNINGS: Miguel Sano hit his “ rst home run this spring and Minnesota starter Kyle Gibson gave up two runs and three hits over three innings. Twins top prospect Jose Berrios, who also pitched for Puerto Rico at the World Baseball Classic, walked “ ve over 2 ‡ innings for the teams top af“ liate. ORIOLES 3, TRIPLE-A NORFOLK 3, 9 INNINGS: J.J. Hardy hit his “ rst spring home run and Ryan Flaherty d rove in two runs.SPRING TRAINING ROUNDUPAP PHOTOSeattle Mariners starting pitcher Drew Smyly throws against the Texas Rangers during the first inning of a spring training baseball game in Peoria, Ariz. Mariners starter Smyly could miss 2 months


Page 4 SP Saturday, April 1, 2017 / The Sun Associated PressHUMBLE, Texas „ Sung Kang shot a 9-under 63 to take a six-shot lead in a recordbreaking second round at the Houston Open on Friday. After shooting a 65 on Thursday, Kang was at 16-under 128 through two rounds, setting the 36-hole tournament record of 129 by a stroke, set previously by Blaine McCallister in 1993 and Curtis Strange in 1980. The 29-year-old South Korean, who entered the week ranked No. 202 in the world, bested the tournament course record at the Golf Club of Houston by three strokes, topping Johnson Wagners 132 in 2008. Strange and Wagner went on to win those respective tournaments, while McCallister settled for a third-place finish. Kangs 9-under on Friday matched the 18-hole tournament course record and helped him take the largest 36-hole lead in tournament history, topping the previous record by two strokes. Hudson Swafford and Russell Henley were at 10-under after both shooting 5-under 67. Rickie Fowler, the leader after one round, slipped to fourth at 9-under after he followed Thursdays 8-under 64 with a 71. Kang found an edge with red-hot putting. He sank six puts of at least 20 feet „ a tournament course record since the stat began being recorded in 1983. It was a dramatic turn of events for a golfer who entered the week ranked No. 156 in putting and switched to a new putter earlier this week. Kang said someone has been urging him to use a certain putter for months, even saying, If you want to succeed, you use that.Ž He gave it a spin for the first time on Monday and hasnt looked back. I putted pretty good (Thursday), but putted really good today,Ž Kang said. The putter just kept making the putts and happened and happened and happened. It was a fun day.Ž Kang used the word rareŽ to describe the putting clinic he put on. He said he told his caddie that he wanted to play 10 more holes after he was finished on Friday, not wanting to let his momentum rest. He is among the 115 players who need a victory to qualify for Augusta National, as Jim Herman did by winning in Houston last year. Among the 144 players in the Houston Open field, 29 already have invitations to play. Kang insisted that playing in the Masters hasnt crossed his mind. Its not in my head,Ž Kang said. Whatever happens, happens.Ž Zac Blair and Aaron Baddeley trail Kang by eight strokes at 8-under 136 through two rounds. The field boasted five of the worlds top 12-ranked golfers, but only one of them „ Fowler „ made the cut to continue playing on Saturday. No. 5 Henrik Stenson shot a 5-over, No. 6 Jordan Spieth finished 2-over, No. 7 Adam Scott had a 1-over and Patrick Reed shot a 2-over to add two extra days to their Masters preparations. Phil Mickelson rallied late to shoot par for a second straight day to make the cut, something he said was important to him ahead of Augusta. I fought hard in the end to get to the weekend because I felt, to get sharp for next week, I need to play a better round,Ž Mickelson said. I didnt want to have five days without competitive rounds before we tee off. I also think the course provides a great opportunity to get ready for next week.Ž After mid-week rains dampened the course Thursday, warm, sunny weather and a light breeze caused little problems on the fairways on Friday.PRO GOLF: Houston OpenKang shoots 63, sets 36-hole course recordAP PHOTOSung Kang hitting out of a sand trap on the 18th green during the second round of the Shell Houston Open golf tournament Friday in Humble, Texas. Larson did finish third in this race a year ago, but said it was at least in part because the race was run in cold temperatures, which minimized tire wear during the race. Tire wear, brake preservation and patience are typically the three elements that make many drivers consider the oldest and shortest track also the trickiest. He has company in his appreciation for the rain, too. It put Elliott, another driver who is still learning, on the front row as well. Any time I can do anything good at Martinsville, its great for me,Ž the Hendrick Motorsports driver said. Its been a bit of a struggle here.ŽNASCAR MONSTER ENERGY CUPSTP 500 LINEUP After Friday qualifying, race Sunday, at Martinsville Speedway, Martinsville, Va. Lap length: 0.526 mile(Car number in parentheses)1. (42) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 1st. 2. (24) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 2nd. 3. (78) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 3rd. 4. (2) Brad Keselowski, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 4th. 5. (22) Joey Logano, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 5th. 6. (1) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 6th. 7. (21) Ryan Blaney, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 7th. 8. (14) Clint Bowyer, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 8th. 9. (4) Kevin Harvick, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 9th. 10. (18) Kyle Busch, Toyota, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 10th. 11. (31) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 11th. 12. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 12th. 13. (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 13th. 14. (41) Kurt Busch, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 14th. 15. (77) Erik Jones, Toyota, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 15th. 16. (6) Trevor Bayne, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 16th. 17. (48) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 17th. 18. (43) Aric Almirola, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 18th. 19. (19) Daniel Suarez, Toyota, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 19th. 20. (3) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 20th. 21. (88) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 21st. 22. (27) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 22nd. 23. (13) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 23rd. 24. (17) Ricky Stenhouse Jr., Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 24th. 25. (20) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 25th. 26. (95) Michael McDowell, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 26th. 27. (34) Landon Cassill, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 27th. 28. (32) Matt DiBenedetto, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 28th. 29. (10) Danica Patrick, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 29th. 30. (47) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 30th. 31. (72) Cole Whitt, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 31st. 32. (15) Reed Sorenson, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 32nd. 33. (37) Chris Buescher, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 33rd. 34. (38) David Ragan, Ford, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 34th. 35. (83) Corey LaJoie, Toyota, Open Team 2017 Owner Points 36th. 36. (33) Jeffrey Earnhardt, Chevrolet, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 37th. 37. (23) Gray Gaulding, Toyota, Charter Team 2017 Owner Points 38th. 38. (51) Timmy Hill, Chevrolet, Open Team 2017 Owner Points 40th.NASCARFrom Page 1 By STEVEN WINEAssociated PressKEY BISCAYNE„ Rafael Nadal was so eager to reach the Miami Open final that he ran out of his shoe. Chasing a shot in the second set of Fridays semifinal, Nadal lost his right sneaker „ and the point. But he quickly regained his footing and beat unseeded Fabio Fognini 6-1, 7-5. Nadal is 0-4 in finals at Key Biscayne, losing in 2005, 2008, 2011 and 2014. Hes playing in the tournament for the 13th time, making it his longest title drought at any event. Winning here would be something great, and an important title I havent won,Ž Nadal said. His opponent Sunday will be the winner of Friday nights match between Roger Federer and Nick Kyrgios. There will be a first-time Key Biscayne womens champion Saturday when Caroline Wozniacki plays Johanna Konta. Nadal, seeded fifth, eliminated Fognini without facing a break point, and lost only nine of 46 points on his serve. Fognini, the first unseeded mens semifinalist since 2007, looked listless at the start in 86-degree sunshine. He finished with 38 unforced errors, compared with 12 for Nadal. I was missing a lot of balls,Ž Fognini said. I give him a present the first set. I was playing really bad.Ž Said Nadal: Fabio is a player who is able to combine great points with mistakes. The match became strange „ not a lot of rhythm. The second set was tough.Ž The crowd chanted Fogninis first name in an attempt to get the Italian going, and flying footwear did the job. Fognini hit a drop shot to cause the sneaker malfunction, laughed at length while Nadal retied his shoe and played better after that. Nadal said he also lost a shoe while practicing recently, the only other time he can remember it happening to him. Strange,Ž he said. Maybe I need to tie it stronger.Ž The second set was up for grabs until Fognini double-faulted to fall behind 6-5. Nadal then served out the match at love.PRO TENNIS: Miami OpenAP PHOTORafael Nadal, of Spain, hits a return to Fabio Fognini during a mens semifinal match Friday in Key Biscayne. By GREG BEACHAMAssociated PressRANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. „ While the entire field at the ANA Inspiration spent the whole day playing catch-up, Norways Suzann Pettersen and the Korda sisters managed to get ahead. Pettersen finished her wind-delayed first round with a 4-under 68 and added a second-round 69 Friday, taking a one-shot lead over rookie Nelly Korda and five other players after two shortened days at the LPGA Tours first major of the year. After an early end to Thursdays play and a late start on Friday for cleanup from the windstorm, play was halted by darkness with 56 players still on the course. They will complete their second rounds Saturday morning. Towards the end of my second round, I was getting a little tired,Ž said world No. 1 Lydia Ko, who sat three shots off the lead at 4-under 140 after playing 31 holes Friday. I played 31 holes in Thailand a few weeks ago, so compared to that, this is nothing. That week was a lot of undulation plus a lot of heat. ... But its been such a long day, and Im craving some sleep.Ž Korda, Inbee Park, Michelle Wie, Cristie Kerr, Frances Karine Icher and Minjee Lee were all one stroke behind Pettersen when play was halted, but Wie and Icher hadnt completed their second round. Nelly Korda shot a pair of 69s to climb onto the leaderboard in her first major as a professional. The 18-year-olds big sister, 24-year-old Jessica, also is in the hunt at 3-under 141. Pettersen, a two-time major champion, capped her impressive day with a long putt for birdie on her final hole. She is feasting on the Mission Hills Country Clubs par-5s, getting three birdies on the courses three longest holes in each of her rounds. I played fantastic golf all day,Ž Pettersen said. Youve got to be in the mood to fight if youre a little bit out of position, so I did.Ž The first round on Thursday was halted several hours early by 40-mph winds that whipped across the Coachella Valley until midnight. Bulldozers and trucks hit the Dinah Shore Course at dawn, removing a fallen tree and countless branches and leaves from the desert course. Workers were quick, but the cleanup forced a 90-minute delay to the planned start of Fridays play. At least the wind largely calmed down and left cooler temperatures at a tournament frequently played in a stifling dry heat. Jessica and Nelly Korda are the daughters of former Czech tennis stars Petr Korda and Regina Rajchrtova. Their younger brother, 16-year-old Sebastian, is a promising teenage tennis player who just reached the semifinals of the Easter Bowl USTA Junior National Spring Championship just down the road at the Indian Wells Tennis Garden. The Florida-based family is living in a house in the Palm Springs area for the week, relishing a rare chance for togetherness. While their parents drive between the tennis court and the golf course, the sisters have spent their down time playing with the familys new Pomeranian „ a future gift for their grandparents „ and rooting loudly for their favorite players while they watch the Miami Open tennis on television. Its really relaxing, to be completely honest,Ž Nelly Korda said. Just chilling and hanging in my room, talking about our tournaments and catching up.Ž Jessica Korda is extraordinarily proud of her kid sisters strong start, but shes also worried about their season-long bet: Whoever finishes lower on the money list this year has to buy an expensive purse for the other. Im like, Man, one day, I wish I was as good as her,Ž Jessica Korda said with a laugh. Ko and world No. 2 Ariya Jutanugarn are both at 4 under, along with Lexi Thompson and Paula Creamer. Icher left the course Thursday with the firstround lead, but when first-round play finished near lunchtime Friday, she had been joined by Kerr and Germanys Caroline Masson at 5 under. Park charged into the lead with two birdies and an eagle on the first six holes of her second round. The seven-time major champion and 2013 winner of this event finished with a pair of 69s. Park took six months off from golf after winning a gold medal at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics last summer, healing her injured thumb. While some wondered whether her career was over, she has returned in outstanding form, winning the HSBC Womens Champions in Singapore four weeks ago.CHAMPIONS TOUR: Joe Durant shot a 6-under 66 for a oneshot lead after the “ rst round of the Mississippi Gulf Resort Classic on Friday. Durant made four birdies on the back nine in warm and sunny conditions to “ nish just ahead of defending tournament champion Miguel Angel Jimenez, Scott Hoch, Lee Janzen and Jay Haas, who are all tied for second after shooting a 67. PRO GOLF: LPGASuzann Pettersen takes lead at wind-delayed ANA InspirationNadal reaches tourney “ nal for “ fth timeAP PHOTOSuzann Pettersen, of Norway, chips to the ninth green during the second round of the LPGA Tour ANA Inspiration golf tournament Friday in Rancho Mirage, Calif.


The Sun / Saturday, April 1, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD PRO BASKETBALLNBAAll Times Eastern EASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division W L Pct. GB x-Boston 49 27 .645 „ x-Toronto 46 30 .605 3 New York 28 47 .373 20 Philadelphia 28 48 .368 21 Brooklyn 16 59 .213 32 Southeast Division W L Pct. GB z-Washington 46 29 .613 „ Atlanta 39 36 .520 7 Miami 37 38 .493 9 Charlotte 35 41 .461 11 Orlando 27 49 .355 19 Central Division W L Pct. GB z-Cleveland 48 27 .640 „ Milwaukee 39 36 .520 9 Indiana 37 39 .487 11 Chicago 36 39 .480 12 Detroit 35 41 .461 13WESTERN CONFERENCESouthwest Division W L Pct. GB x-San Antonio 57 17 .770 „ x-Houston 51 24 .680 6 Memphis 41 34 .547 16 New Orleans 32 43 .427 25 Dallas 31 43 .419 26 Northwest Division W L Pct. GB x-Utah 46 29 .613 „ x-Oklahoma City 43 31 .581 2 Portland 37 38 .493 9 Denver 35 40 .467 11 Minnesota 30 44 .405 15 Paci“ c Division W L Pct. GB z-Golden State 61 14 .813 „ x-L.A. Clippers 46 31 .597 16 Sacramento 29 46 .387 32 Phoenix 22 54 .289 39 L.A. Lakers 21 54 .280 40 x-clinched playoff berth; z-clinched division titleThursdays GamesDetroit 90, Brooklyn 89 Chicago 99, Cleveland 93 Minnesota 119, L.A. Lakers 104 L.A. Clippers 124, Phoenix 118 Portland 117, Houston 107Fridays GamesCharlotte 122, Denver 114 Toronto 111, Indiana 100 Boston 117, Orlando 116 Cleveland 122, Philadelphia 105 Dallas at Memphis, late Detroit at Milwaukee, late New York at Miami, late Sacramento at New Orleans, late San Antonio at Oklahoma City, late Washington at Utah, late Houston at Golden State, lateTodays GamesL.A. Lakers at L.A. Clippers, 3:30 p.m. Atlanta at Chicago, 5 p.m. Orlando at Brooklyn, 6 p.m. Sacramento at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Phoenix at Portland, 10 p.m.Sundays GamesBoston at New York, 1 p.m. Charlotte at Oklahoma City, 3 p.m. Dallas at Milwaukee, 3:30 p.m. Memphis at L.A. Lakers, 3:30 p.m. Utah at San Antonio, 3:30 p.m. Atlanta at Brooklyn, 6 p.m. Chicago at New Orleans, 6 p.m. Denver at Miami, 6 p.m. Indiana at Cleveland, 6 p.m. Philadelphia at Toronto, 6 p.m. Washington at Golden State, 8 p.m. Houston at Phoenix, 9 p.m.FRIDAYS BOX SCORES CAVALIERS 122, 76ERS 105PHILADELPHIA (105)Saric 3-12 1-2 8, Holmes 7-9 3-5 19, McConnell 4-9 2-2 10, Luwawu-Cabarrot 7-15 4-5 19, Anderson 4-8 2-2 12, Long 7-10 0-0 16, Splitter 1-2 2-3 5, Henderson 3-7 0-0 7, Stauskas 4-10 0-0 9. Totals 40-82 14-19 105.CLEVELAND (122)James 14-22 3-6 34, Love 6-14 4-5 18, Thompson 3-7 1-2 7, Irving 11-16 1-1 24, Smith 5-9 0-0 14, Derr.Williams 2-3 0-0 5, Frye 5-8 0-0 12, Dero.Williams 3-8 0-0 6, Felder 0-2 0-0 0, Jones 0-0 0-0 0, Liggins 0-1 0-2 0, Shumpert 1-5 0-0 2. Totals 50-95 9-16 122. Philadelphia 29 23 25 28 „ 105 Cleveland 32 38 34 18 „ 122 3-Point Goals„Philadelphia 11-33 (Holmes 2-2, Long 2-3, Anderson 2-4, Splitter 1-1, Henderson 1-3, Stauskas 1-5, Saric 1-7, Luwawu-Cabarrot 1-8), Cleveland 13-29 (Smith 4-7, James 3-7, Frye 2-2, Love 2-5, Irving 1-1, Derr.Williams 1-2, Liggins 0-1, Shumpert 0-2, Dero.Williams 0-2). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Philadelphia 42 (Anderson 10), Cleveland 49 (Thompson 11). Assists„ Philadelphia 26 (McConnell 7), Cleveland 30 (Irving 9). Total Fouls„Philadelphia 21, Cleveland 16. A„20,562 (20,562).RAPTORS 111, PACERS 100INDIANA (100)George 10-22 4-5 28, T.Young 6-13 0-1 12, Turner 4-7 0-1 9, Teague 4-9 9-10 19, Ellis 2-11 0-0 4, Miles 5-14 2-2 15, Christmas 0-0 0-0 0, Allen 1-2 0-0 2, Brooks 4-9 2-2 11, J.Young 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 36-87 17-21 100.TORONTO (111)Carroll 4-9 0-0 12, Ibaka 6-10 0-0 15, Valanciunas 5-9 6-9 16, Joseph 3-5 0-0 6, DeRozan 11-26 15-20 40, Tucker 3-8 0-0 8, Patterson 1-5 0-0 3, Poeltl 0-1 0-2 0, Wright 4-5 2-4 11, Powell 0-4 0-0 0. Totals 37-82 23-35 111. Indiana 25 23 20 32 „ 100 Toronto 28 18 34 31 „ 111 3-Point Goals„Indiana 11-26 (George 4-10, Miles 3-6, Teague 2-3, Turner 1-1, Brooks 1-3, Ellis 0-3), Toronto 14-27 (Carroll 4-8, DeRozan 3-4, Ibaka 3-4, Tucker 2-3, Wright 1-1, Patterson 1-4, Powell 0-1, Joseph 0-2). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Indiana 42 (George, Turner 9), Toronto 53 (Valanciunas 17). Assists„Indiana 19 (Teague 5), Toronto 23 (Wright, Joseph 6). Total Fouls„Indiana 21, Toronto 23. A„19,800 (19,800).HORNETS 122, NUGGETS 114DENVER (114)Gallinari 5-11 5-5 19, Faried 9-17 0-1 18, Jokic 11-16 2-3 26, Nelson 4-8 0-0 12, Harris 8-14 1-1 20, Hernangomez 1-3 0-0 2, Chandler 2-8 0-1 5, Ma.Plumlee 2-4 0-0 4, Murray 3-9 0-0 8. Totals 45-90 8-11 114.CHARLOTTE (122)Kidd-Gilchrist 4-6 3-4 11, Williams 3-7 0-0 9, Zeller 3-7 2-3 8, Walker 9-23 9-11 31, Batum 4-13 4-5 13, Kaminsky 7-13 3-3 22, Mi.Plumlee 1-1 2-2 4, Weber 0-1 0-0 0, Belinelli 3-7 2-2 11, Lamb 6-8 0-0 13. Totals 40-86 25-30 122. Denver 32 24 38 20 „ 114 Charlotte 24 32 30 36 „ 122 3-Point Goals„Denver 16-33 (Gallinari 4-6, Nelson 4-6, Harris 3-7, Jokic 2-3, Murray 2-7, Chandler 1-4), Charlotte 17-36 (Kaminsky 5-8, Walker 4-10, Williams 3-5, Belinelli 3-6, Lamb 1-2, Batum 1-5). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Denver 49 (Jokic, Faried 13), Charlotte 43 (Zeller 9). Assists„Denver 32 (Jokic 10), Charlotte 26 (Batum 9). Total Fouls„Denver 19, Charlotte 17. A„18,353 (19,077).CELTICS 117, MAGIC 116ORLANDO (116)Fournier 6-13 6-6 20, Ross 5-13 3-3 17, Gordon 11-24 7-8 32, Vucevic 4-13 0-0 8, Payton 5-13 2-2 12, Biyombo 2-3 4-4 8, Watson 1-6 0-0 2, Meeks 4-9 2-2 13, Hezonja 2-4 0-0 4. Totals 40-98 24-25 116.BOSTON (117)Crowder 6-11 4-6 18, Brown 4-9 2-2 12, Johnson 1-1 2-3 5, Horford 4-11 4-4 12, Thomas 10-23 11-13 35, G.Green 3-4 0-0 6, Jerebko 2-4 0-0 4, Olynyk 3-7 2-2 9, Smart 1-6 4-4 7, Rozier 4-8 0-0 9. Totals 38-84 29-34 117. Orlando 29 35 26 26 „ 116 Boston 31 26 35 25 „ 117 3-Point Goals„Orlando 12-30 (Ross 4-9, Gordon 3-5, Meeks 3-6, Fournier 2-7, Hezonja 0-1, Watson 0-2), Boston 12-33 (Thomas 4-10, Brown 2-4, C rowder 2-6, Johnson 1-1, Olynyk 1-2, Rozier 1-2, Smart 1-4, G.Green 0-1, Jerebko 0-1, Horford 0-2). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Orlando 48 (Gordon 16), Boston 45 (Horford 9). Assists„Orlando 28 (Payton 15), Boston 27 (Thomas 7). Total Fouls„Orlando 21, Boston 18. A„18,624 (18,624).COLLEGE BASKETBALL NCAA TOURNAMENT EAST REGIONAL At Madison Square Garden, New York Regional Championship March 26South Carolina 77, Florida 70 SOUTH REGIONAL At FedEx Forum, Memphis, Tenn. Regional Championship March 26North Carolina 75, Kentucky 73MIDWEST REGIONAL At The Sprint Center, Kansas City, Mo. Regional Championship March 25Oregon 74, Kansas 60WEST REGIONAL At SAP Center, San Jose, Calif. Regional Championship March 25Gonzaga 83, Xavier 59FINAL FOUR At Univ. of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Ariz. National Semi“ nals TodaySouth Carolina (26-10) vs. Gonzaga (36-1), 6:09 p.m. North Carolina (31-7) vs. Oregon (33-5), 40 minutes after the conclusion of the “ rst gameNational Championship MondaySemi“ nal winnersNATIONAL INVITATION TOURNAMENT Semi“ nals At Madison Square Garden, New York March 28Georgia Tech 76, CS Bakers“ eld 61 TCU 68, UCF 53Championship ThursdayTCU 88, Georgia Tech 56THURSDAYS LATE BOX SCORE TCU 88, GEORGIA TECH 56GEORGIA TECH (21-16) Stephens 2-8 0-2 5, Lammers 1-11 6-6 8, Heath 0-1 0-0 0, Heyward 1-3 0-0 3, Okogie 4-12 3-5 12, Rowland 0-0 0-0 0, McCormick 1-1 0-0 3, Ogbonda 3-3 0-2 6, Moore 0-0 0-0 0, Harris 0-2 0-0 0, Jackson 8-14 1-2 19, Medlock 0-0 0-0 0, Price 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 20-56 10-17 56. TCU (24-15) Miller 4-11 1-1 9, Brodziansky 8-15 2-2 18, K.Williams 8-14 7-8 25, Bane 4-7 0-0 9, Robinson 4-10 2-3 10, Washburn 0-0 1-2 1, Sottile 0-1 0-0 0, Shepherd 2-3 0-0 4, Dry 1-1 0-0 3, J.Parrish 1-1 0-0 2, B.Parrish 2-2 0-0 4, M.Williams 1-3 0-0 3. Totals 35-68 13-16 88. Halftime„TCU 38-27. 3-Point Goals„Georgia Tech 6-13 (Jackson 2-3, McCormick 1-1, Okogie 1-1, Heyward 1-3, Stephens 1-5), TCU 5-15 (K.Williams 2-5, Dry 1-1, Bane 1-2, M.Williams 1-3, Miller 0-2, Robinson 0-2). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Georgia Tech 26 (Lammers 7), TCU 37 (K.Williams 12). Assists„Georgia Tech 12 (Heath 4), TCU 17 (Robinson 11). Total Fouls„Georgia Tech 17, TCU 16.COLLEGEINSIDER.COM TOURNAMENT Semi“ nals March 29Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 79, UMBC 61 St. Peters 77, Furman 51Championship FridayTexas A&M-Corpus Christi (24-11) vs. St. Peters (22-13), lateCOLLEGE BASKETBALL INVITATIONAL Championship Series (Best-of-3)March 27 Coastal Carolina 91, Wyoming 81 March 29 Wyoming 81, Coastal Carolina 57 Friday Wyoming 83, Coastal Carolina 59, Wyoming wins series 2-1WOMENS BASKETBALL NCAA TOURNAMENTBRIDGEPORT REGIONAL Regional ChampionshipMarch 27 UConn 90, Oregon 52OKLAHOMA CITY REGIONAL Regional Championship March 26Mississippi State 94, Baylor 85, OT LEXINGTON REGIONAL Regional Championship March 26Stanford 76, Notre Dame 75 STOCKTON REGIONAL Regional ChampionshipMarch 27South Carolina 71, Florida State 64FINAL FOUR At Dallas National Semi“ nals FridaySouth Carolina 62, Stanford 53 UConn (36-0) vs. Mississippi State (33-4), late National Championship SundaySouth Carolina (32-4) vs. UConn-Miss. St. winner, 6 p.m.SOUTH CAROLINA 62, STANFORD 53STANFORD (32-6) Johnson 1-2 0-0 2, McCall 7-19 0-0 14, McPhee 3-13 1-2 8, Roberson 2-4 0-0 5, Samuelson 0-2 0-0 0, Fingall 0-1 0-0 0, Smith 6-14 0-0 14, Carrington 1-1 0-0 2, Sniezek 3-6 2-3 8, Totals 23-62 3-5 53. SOUTH CAROLINA (32-4) Wilson 5-11 3-8 13, Cuevas-Moore 3-6 0-0 7, Davis 2-15 2-2 6, Gray 7-14 3-3 18, Harris 3-10 3-4 10, Herbert Harrigan 2-3 0-0 4, Cliney 1-4 2-4 4, Totals 23-63 13-21 62. Stanford 12 17 8 16 „53 South Carolina 14 6 21 21 „62 3-Point Goals„Stanford 4-14 (McCall 0-3, McPhee 1-3, Roberson 1-2, Samuelson 0-2, Smith 2-4), South Carolina 3-13 (CuevasMoore 1-2, Davis 0-2, Gray 1-4, Harris 1-3, Cliney 0-2). Assists„Stanford 13 (Sniezek 6), South Carolina 10 (Wilson 4). Fouled Out„ None. Rebounds„Stanford 41 (McCall 14), South Carolina 43 (Wilson 19). Total Fouls„ Stanford 16, South Carolina 11.WOMENS NIT Semi“ nals March 29Michigan 65, Villanova 61 Georgia Tech 69, Washington State 61Championship TodayGeorgia Tech at Michigan, 3 p.m.WOMENS INVITATIONAL Championship March 27Rice 74, UNC Greensboro 62 ODDSPREGAME.COM LINEMAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL National LeagueSunday Favorite Line Underdog Line Chicago -124 at St. Louis +114 San Francisco -128 at Arizona +118American LeagueNew York -107 at Tampa Bay -103NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATIONTodayFavorite Line O/U Underdog at Chicago 4 204 Atlanta at L.A. Clippers 14 224 L.A. Lakers at Brooklyn 3 222 Orlando at Minnesota 11 210 Sacramento at Portland 12 222 PhoenixCOLLEGE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTSTodayFavorite Line Underdog Gonzaga 7 South Carolina North Carolina 5 OregonNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUEToday Favorite Line Underdog Line at Boston Off Florida Off at Nashville -121 Minnesota +111 at Carolina -161 Dallas +151 at Winnipeg Off Ottawa Off at Philadelphia -193 New Jersey +178 Toronto -136 at Detroit +126 at Tampa Bay Off Montreal Off at Edmonton -125 Anaheim +115Updated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLAmerican LeagueBALTIMORE ORIOLES „ Optioned RHPs Alec Asher and Logan Verrett to Norfolk (IL). BOSTON RED SOX „ Assigned OF Bryce Brentz outright to Pawtucket (IL). Reassigned RHPs Jamie Callahan, Austin Maddox and Chandler Shepherd to their minor league camp. DETROIT TIGERS „ Placed OF J.D. Martinez on the 10-day DL, retroactive to March 30. Announced OF Steven Moya cleared waivers and was assigned outright to Toledo (IL). Announced LHP Daniel Stumpf cleared waivers and was offered back to Kansas City as the return of a Rule 5 pick. Signed C Bryan Holaday to a minor league contract and assigned him to Toledo. NEW YORK YANKEES „ Optioned RHP Ben Heller and C Kyle Higashioka to Scranton/ Wilkes-Barre (IL). OAKLAND ATHLETICS „ Named Dennis Eckersley special assistant to the president. SEATTLE MARINERS „ Agreed to terms with INF Gordon Beckham on a minor league contract. Recalled LHP Ariel Miranda from Tacoma (PCL). Placed RHPs Steve Cishek, Shae Simmons, Rob Whalen, Tony Zych, LHP Drew Smyly and INF Shawn OMalley on the 10-day DL. Optioned OF Ben Gamel and C Tuffy Gosewisch to Tacoma. Reassigned RHP Jonathan Aro, LHP Dean Kiekhefer, INFs Mike Freeman, Tyler Smith and C Nevin Ashley to their minor league camp.National LeagueARIZONA DIAMIONDBACKS „ Selected the contract of RHP J.J. Hoover. Optioned C Oscar Hernandez to Jackson (TL). Reassigned LHP T.J. McFarland to their minor league camp. COLORADO ROCKIES „ Selected the contract of INF-OF Stephen Cardullo from Albuquerque (PCL). Designated RHP Jason Motte for assignment. Optioned INF Pat Valaika to Albuquerque. Reassigned OF Chris Denor“ a to their minor league camp. PITTSBURGH PIRATES „ Optioned RHP A.J. Schugel to Indianapolis (IL). SAN DIEGO PADRES „ Claimed RHP Jake Esch off waivers from Miami. Designated RHP Cesar Vargas for assignment. WASHINGTON NATIONALS „ Announced 1B-OF Clint Robinson cleared waivers and was assigned outright to Syracuse (IL).American AssociationFARGO-MOORHEAD REDHAWKS „ Signed INF Mitch Del“ no and OF John Ruettiger. LINCOLN SALTDOGS „ Sold the contract of RHP Shairon Martis to Baltimore (AL). Signed RHP Leuris Gomez. SIOUX CITY EXPLORERS „ Signed OF Tony Campana. SIOUX FALLS CANARIES „ Signed RHP Miles Nordgren. TEXAS AIRHOGS „ Signed RHP Joe Robinson. WICHITA WINGNUTS „ Signed C Martin Medina and C Zach Fisher. Released RHP Chase M. Johnson. WINNIPEG GOLDEYES „ Signed LHP Mitch Lambson.Can-Am LeagueNEW JERSEY JACKALS „ Signed LHP Jose Jose. TROIS-RIVIERES AIGLES „ Signed OF Brenden Webb. Released INF Jesus Merchan.BASKETBALLNational Basketball AssociationNBA „ Fined Dallas G Devin Harris $25,000, for aggressively pursuing a game of“ cial and failing to leave the court in a timely manner following his ejection during a March 29 game at New Orleans. MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES „ Recalled F Jarell Martin from Iowa (NBADL).FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueCHICAGO BEARS „ Waived DL Ego Ferguson. GREEN BAY PACKERS „ Signed LS Derek Hart. MIAMI DOLPHINS „ Signed S T.J. McDonald. Released DE Dion Jordan. NEW ORLEANS SAINTS „ Signed QB Chase Daniel to a one-year contract.Canadian Football LeagueWINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS „ Announced the retirement of WR Ryan Smith.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueANAHEIM DUCKS „ Reassigned LW Ondrej Kase to San Diego (AHL). ARIZONA C OYOTES „ Assigned F Christian Fischer to Tucson (AHL). DALLAS STARS „ Recalled Fs Gemel Smith and Justin Dowling from Texas (AHL). NEW JERSEY DEVILS „ Announced the retirement of F Patrik Elias. PHILADELPHIA FLYERS „ Signed C Mike Vecchione to an entry-level contract.ECHLMANCHESTER MONARCHS „ Announced F Tyler Sikura was returned from loan by Iowa (AHL) and G Colin Stevens was recalled by Spring“ eld (AHL). Released D Tyler Elbrecht and RW Thomas Schutt. READING ROYALS „ Announced D Reece Willcox was assigned to the team from Lehigh Valley (AHL). SOUTH CAROLINA STINGRAYS „ Signed D Mitch Nylen to an amateur tryout contract.COLLEGESBETHUNE-COOKMAN „ Named Ryan Ridder mens basketball coach. HOFSTRA „ Named John Paris and Shane McKay athletic facilities coordinators. OKLAHOMA CHRISTIAN „ Announced the resignation of womens soccer coach Randall Robison. Named Chelsie Flagg womens interim soccer coach. OLD DOMINION „ Extended football coach Bobby Wilders contract through the 2021-22 season. SYRACUSE „ Named Dave Boller director of player personnel for football.HOCKEYNHLEASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Montreal 77 44 24 9 97 214 190 Ottawa 76 41 26 9 91 197 199 Toronto 76 37 24 15 89 233 222 Boston 77 41 30 6 88 220 203 Tampa Bay 76 38 29 9 85 215 213 Florida 77 33 33 11 77 199 222 Buffalo 77 32 33 12 76 193 221 Detroit 77 31 34 12 74 192 229 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Washington 76 51 17 8 110 248 170 x-Columbus 76 49 19 8 106 236 174 x-Pittsburgh 77 47 19 11 105 263 219 x-N.Y. Rangers 78 46 26 6 98 248 210 Carolina 76 35 27 14 84 202 214 N.Y. Islanders 77 36 29 12 84 224 235 Philadelphia 77 37 32 8 82 206 225 New Jersey 77 27 36 14 68 175 226WESTERN CONFERENCECentral Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Chicago 77 49 21 7 105 234 198 x-Minnesota 77 45 24 8 98 249 196 St. Louis 76 42 28 6 90 214 201 Nashville 77 39 27 11 89 227 213 Winnipeg 78 36 35 7 79 233 247 Dallas 77 31 35 11 73 207 244 Colorado 76 20 53 3 43 150 258 Paci“ c Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Anaheim 77 42 23 12 96 206 190 x-Edmonton 77 43 25 9 95 228 198 x-San Jose 77 43 27 7 93 208 189 Calgary 77 43 30 4 90 212 208 Los Angeles 76 36 33 7 79 185 189 Vancouver 76 30 37 9 69 173 223 Arizona 77 27 41 9 63 182 247 2 points for win, 1 point for OT/shootout loss; x-clinched playoff spotThursdays GamesCarolina 2, Columbus 1, OT Philadelphia 6, N.Y. Islanders 3 Montreal 6, Florida 2 Boston 2, Dallas 0 Tampa Bay 5, Detroit 3 Toronto 3, Nashville 1 Winnipeg 4, Anaheim 3, OT Minnesota 5, Ottawa 1 Edmonton 3, San Jose 2Fridays GamesPittsburgh 4, N.Y. Rangers 3, SO N.Y. Islanders 2, New Jersey 1 Columbus at Chicago, late San Jose at Calgary, late St. Louis at Colorado, late Los Angeles at Vancouver, late Washington at Arizona, lateTodays GamesFlorida at Boston, 1 p.m. Minnesota at Nashville, 2 p.m. Toronto at Detroit, 7 p.m. New Jersey at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Dallas at Carolina, 7 p.m. Montreal at Tampa Bay, 7 p.m. Ottawa at Winnipeg, 7 p.m. Anaheim at Edmonton, 10 p.m. Sundays GamesBoston at Chicago, 12:30 p.m. N.Y. Islanders at Buffalo, 3 p.m. Nashville at St. Louis, 4 p.m. Carolina at Pittsburgh, 5 p.m. Washington at Columbus, 6 p.m. Colorado at Minnesota, 6 p.m. Dallas at Tampa Bay, 6 p.m. San Jose at Vancouver, 7 p.m. Philadelphia at N.Y. Rangers, 7:30 p.m. Anaheim at Calgary, 9:30 p.m. Arizona at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m.FRIDAYS SUMMARY PENGUINS 4, RANGERS 3, SOPittsburgh 0 2 1 0 „ 4 N.Y. Rangers 0 1 2 0 „ 3 Pittsburgh won shootout 2-0. First Period„None. Penalties„Zibanejad, NYR, (high sticking), 16:15; Kreider, NYR, (tripping), 18:37. Second Period„1, Pittsburgh, Guentzel 12 (Kessel, Crosby), 0:39. 2, Pittsburgh, Crosby 43 (Sheary, Hainsey), 10:46. 3, N.Y. Rangers, Holden 11, 19:33 (pp). Penalties„Holden, NYR, (holding), 1:49; Streit, PIT, (tripping), 18:09. Third Period„4, Pittsburgh, Rust 14 (Cole), 6:46. 5, N.Y. Rangers, Nash 23 (Miller, Girardi), 8:50. 6, N.Y. Rangers, Kreider 27 (Holden, Miller), 19:48. Penalties„Schultz, PIT, (interference), 12:30. Overtime„None. Penalties„None. Shootout„Pittsburgh 2 (Kessel G, Crosby G), N.Y. Rangers 0 (Zibanejad NG, Zuccarello NG). Shots on Goal„Pittsburgh 15-9-8-3„35. N.Y. Rangers 8-12-10-3„33. Power -play opportunities„Pittsburgh 0 of 3; N.Y. Rangers 1 of 2. Goalies„Pittsburgh, Murray 29-10-4 (33 shots-30 saves). N.Y. Rangers, Lundqvist 30-18-4 (35-32). A„18,006 (18,200). T„2:44. Referees„Eric Furlatt, Ghislain Hebert. Linesmen„Scott Cherrey, Greg Devorski.ECHLAll Times Eastern Eastern Conference North Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Adirondack 68 37 20 7 4 85 247 216 Brampton 68 37 23 3 5 82 247 244 Reading 67 37 24 4 2 80 234 200 Manchester 67 34 22 7 4 79 246 238 Wheeling 68 33 27 8 0 74 230 222 Elmira 68 17 43 7 1 42 166 258 South Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Florida 68 43 20 2 3 91 252 210 Greenville 69 39 25 4 1 83 242 239 Orlando 68 35 24 6 3 79 252 237 S. Carolina 68 36 28 3 1 76 214 203 Cincinnati 68 35 29 4 0 74 188 196 Atlanta 67 24 35 6 2 56 215 262 Norfolk 67 26 37 4 0 56 201 249 Western Conference Central Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Toledo 67 48 15 2 2 100 279 181 Fort Wayne 67 41 18 6 2 90 245 196 Quad City 68 39 25 2 2 82 222 201 Kalamazoo 69 37 28 1 3 78 212 223 Tulsa 67 26 33 6 2 60 185 224 Indy 67 21 40 3 3 48 181 267 Wichita 65 18 41 5 1 42 170 252 Mountain Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Allen 68 45 17 4 2 96 276 196 Colorado 68 45 18 2 3 95 257 196 Idaho 67 39 21 5 2 85 223 201 Alaska 68 32 26 3 7 74 214 220 Utah 67 32 28 5 2 71 207 228 Missouri 67 31 28 3 5 70 215 225 Rapid City 68 25 35 8 0 58 206 242 NOTE: Two points are awarded for a win, one point for an overtime or shootout loss. Thursdays Games Greenville 4, Atlanta 1 Allen 6, Missouri 4 Fridays Games Norfolk 3, Reading 2, OT Adirondack 3, Elmira 2 Greenville 3, Atlanta 1 Orlando 4, South Carolina 3 Indy 4, Toledo 1 Kalamazoo 7, Florida 5 Fort Wayne 4, Cincinnati 3 Wheeling 4, Brampton 3 Wichita at Tulsa, 8:05 p.m. Alaska 4, Quad City 3 Utah at Rapid City, 9:05 p.m. Colorado at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Saturdays Games Elmira at Manchester, 6 p.m. Brampton at Reading, 7 p.m. Norfolk at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Kalamazoo at Florida, 7 p.m. Fort Wayne at Indy, 7:35 p.m. Toledo at Cincinnati, 7:35 p.m. Tulsa at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Missouri at Wichita, 8:05 p.m. Alaska at Quad City, 8:05 p.m. Utah at Rapid City, 9:05 p.m. Colorado at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Sundays Games Elmira at Manchester, 3 p.m. Atlanta at Greenville, 3 p.m. Orlando at South Carolina, 3:05 p.m. Cincinnati at Indy, 3:05 p.m. Wichita at Missouri, 5:05 p.m. Reading at Wheeling, 5:05 p.m. Fort Wayne at Toledo, 5:15 p.m.GOLFPGA TOURSHELL HOUSTON OPENFridays leaders at Golf Club of Houston, Humble, Texas Purse: $7 million. Yardage: 7,441. Par: 72 (36-36).Second RoundSung Kang 65-63„128 Hudson Swafford 67-67„134 Russell Henley 67-67„134 Rickie Fowler 64-71„135 Zac Blair 69-67„136 Aaron Baddeley 68-68„136 Stewart Cink 66-71„137 Kyle Stanley 66-71„137 Jason Dufner 68-69„137 Daniel Berger 70-67„137 Justin Rose 67-71„138 Angel Cabrera 69-69„138 Jason Kokrak 68-70„138 Danny Lee 69-69„138 Keegan Bradley 67-71„138 Andrew Loupe 68-70„138 Johnson Wagner 69-70„139 D.A. Points 68-71„139 Luke List 68-71„139 Tom Hoge 67-72„139 Bryson DeChambeau 71-68„139 Jhonattan Vegas 66-74„140 Michael Kim 70-70„140 Rafael Campos 69-71„140 Nick Taylor 69-71„140 John Huh 70-71„141 Billy Horschel 68-73„141 Robert Garrigus 68-73„141 J.T. Poston 70-71„141 Beau Hossler 70-71„141 Harold Varner III 68-73„141 Matt Every 69-72„141 Vaughn Taylor 67-74„141 Charles Howell III 70-71„141 Jimmy Walker 69-72„141 Bernd Wiesberger 70-71„141 Harris English 69-72„141 Spencer Levin 70-71„141 J.J. Spaun 69-72„141 Chad Campbell 71-71„142 Andres Gonzales 75-67„142 Geoff Ogilvy 68-74„142 Kyle Reifers 71-71„142 J.J. Henry 71-71„142 Luke Donald 71-71„142 Mackenzie Hughes 72-70„142 Robert Streb 77-65„142 Troy Merritt 67-75„142 Tyrone Van Aswegen 69-73„142 Matt Jones 70-72„142 Peter Uihlein 71-71„142 Jamie Lovemark 70-72„142 Ryan Blaum 68-74„142 Derek Fathauer 71-71„142 Ricky Barnes 71-72„143 Grayson Murray 68-75„143 Kevin Chappell 72-71„143 Richy Werenski 72-71„143 Patrick Cantlay 70-73„143 Michael Thompson 70-73„143 Davis Love III 71-72„143 Jon Rahm 71-72„143 James Hahn 70-73„143 Charley Hoffman 71-72„143 Bryce Molder 68-75„143 Chris Wood 73-70„143 Brendon de Jonge 73-71„144 Scott Brown 71-73„144 Tony Finau 71-73„144 Cody Gribble 75-69„144 Sean OHair 70-74„144 Andy Sullivan 68-76„144 Wesley McClain 68-76„144 Morgan Hoffmann 71-73„144 Kevin Streelman 68-76„144 Phil Mickelson 72-72„144 Seung-Yul Noh 73-71„144 Ben Crane 72-72„144 Blayne Barber 72-72„144 Cameron Tringale 69-75„144 Sam Saunders 71-73„144Failed to make the cutLucas Glover 75-70„145 Adam Scott 68-77„145 Roberto Castro 72-73„145 Chris Stroud 70-75„145 Patton Kizzire 71-74„145 C.T. Pan 73-72„145 Ryan Palmer 70-75„145 Shawn Stefani 72-73„145 Ryo Ishikawa 70-75„145 David Lingmerth 71-74„145 Greg Chalmers 74-71„145 Fabian Gomez 76-69„145 Jim Herman 74-71„145 Chez Reavie 71-74„145 Steve Marino 69-76„145 Ollie Schniederjans 70-75„145 Andrew Johnston 73-72„145 Ben Martin 75-71„146 Ernie Els 71-75„146 Jordan Spieth 69-77„146 Patrick Reed 77-69„146 Chad Collins 72-74„146 Mark Anderson 74-72„146 Riley Arp 72-74„146 Trey Mullinax 73-73„146 Cameron Smith 72-74„146 K.J. Choi 70-76„146 Bud Cauley 73-73„146 Whee Kim 71-76„147 J.B. Holmes 73-74„147 Peter Malnati 75-72„147 Retief Goosen 73-74„147 Mark Hubbard 70-77„147 Freddie Jacobson 75-73„148 Bob Estes 76-72„148 Ken Duke 74-74„148 Boo Weekley 73-75„148 Jason Bohn 74-74„148 Brian Harman 76-72„148 Jason Gore 79-70„149 Smylie Kaufman 76-73„149 Steven Bowditch 74-75„149 Henrik Stenson 74-75„149 Charlie Beljan 73-76„149 Carl Pettersson 70-79„149 Rafa Cabrera Bello 75-74„149 Hunter Mahan 72-77„149 John Senden 74-75„149 Matt Kuchar 73-77„150 Ben Willman 75-75„150 Scott Stallings 80-70„150 Lee Westwood 77-74„151 Martin Flores 72-79„151 Kelly Kraft 75-77„152 Stuart Appleby 79-74„153 Robert Allenby 77-76„153 Nick Watney 76-77„153 Jonas Blixt 75-80„155 Bill Lunde 78-78„156 Rich Berberian, Jr. 74-84„158 Brett Stegmaier 75-86„161LPGA TOURANA INSPIRATIONFridays leaders at Mission Hills CC (Dinah Shoure Tournament Course), Rancho Mirage, Calif. Purse: $2.7 million. Yardage: 6,769. Par: 72 (36-36). (a-denotes amateur)Completed First Round (Suspended from Thursday)Cristie Kerr 32-35„67 Caroline Masson 33-34„67 Karine Icher 33-34„67 Suzann Pettersen 33-35„68 Charley Hull 35-33„68 a-Eun Jeong Seong 31-37„68 Michelle Wie 34-34„68 Sung Hyun Park 34-34„68 So Yeon Ryu 35-33„68 Moriya Jutanugarn 34-35„69 Nelly Korda 32-37„69 Inbee Park 33-36„69 Lexi Thompson 35-34„69 Jenny Shin 34-35„69 Austin Ernst 35-35„70 Lydia Ko 36-34„70 Ariya Jutanugarn 33-37„70 Chella Choi 37-33„70 In Gee Chun 35-35„70 Minjee Lee 36-34„70 Sarah Jane Smith 32-38„70 Simin Feng 34-36„70 Ha Na Jang 35-35„70 Paula Creamer 35-35„70 Haru Nomura 34-36„70 Anna Nordqvist 36-34„70 Candie Kung 35-35„70 Mirim Lee 37-33„70 Mi Jung Hur 37-33„70 Pernilla Lindberg 34-36„70 Jin Young Ko 35-35„70 Sakura Yokomine 35-35„70 Alison Lee 34-37„71 Lizette Salas 34-37„71 Sei Young Kim 37-34„71 Bo-Mee Lee 35-36„71 Jennifer Song 35-36„71 Ayako Uehara 35-36„71 Angel Yin 37-34„71 a-Lucy Li 35-36„71 Stacy Lewis 37-34„71 Gerina Piller 34-37„71 Shanshan Feng 36-35„71 In-Kyung Kim 34-37„71 Mo Martin 34-37„71 Danielle Kang 36-35„71 Katherine Perry 36-35„71 Paula Reto 35-36„71 Jacqui Concolino 38-33„71 Laura Gonzalez Escallon 38-33„71 Beatriz Recari 36-36„72 Hyo Joo Kim 38-34„72 Pornanong Phatlum 38-34„72 Carlota Ciganda 37-35„72 Azahara Munoz 36-36„72 Jeong Eun Lee 38-34„72 Marina Alex 36-36„72 Megan Khang 34-38„72 Mel Reid 35-37„72 Aditi Ashok 35-37„72 Angela Stanford 37-35„72 Eun-Hee Ji 34-38„72 Brittany Lang 33-39„72 Kim Kaufman 35-37„72 Brittany Lincicome 35-38„73 Amy Yang 35-38„73 Na Yeon Choi 40-33„73 Juli Inkster 35-38„73 Caroline Hedwall 37-36„73 Christina Kim 35-38„73 Kelly W Shon 37-36„73 Gaby Lopez 34-39„73 Jing Yan 35-38„73 Brooke M. Henderson 37-36„73 Jodi Ewart Shadoff 37-36„73 Lee Lopez 36-37„73 Jackie Stoelting 38-35„73 Ryann OToole 35-39„74 a-Andrea Lee 37-37„74 Jessica Korda 35-39„74 a-Paphangkorn Tavatanakit 38-36„74 Alena Sharp 36-38„74 Mariajo Uribe 36-38„74 Mi Hyang Lee 37-37„74 Ai Miyazato 41-33„74 Su Oh 39-35„74 Kris Tamulis 37-37„74 a-Hannah OSullivan 38-37„75 Catriona Matthew 40-35„75 Karrie Webb 39-36„75 Yani Tseng 37-38„75 Marissa L Steen 36-39„75 Hee Young Park 39-36„75 Katie Burnett 35-40„75 Sun Young Yoo 36-39„75 Peiyun Chien 41-35„76 Mika Miyazato 38-38„76 Morgan Pressel 38-38„76 Nontaya Srisawang 38-38„76 Laetitia Beck 39-37„76 Xiyu Lin 37-40„77 Lee-Anne Pace 39-38„77 Sandra Gal 38-39„77 Q Baek 38-40„78 Maude-Aimee Leblanc 37-42„79 Beth Allen 39-41„80 a-Katelyn Dambaugh 39-41„80PGA TOUR CHAMPIONSMISSISSIPPI GULF CLASSICFridays leaders at Fallen Oak, Biloxi, Miss. Purse: $1.8 million. Yardage: 7,088; Par: 72 (36-36) (a-denotes amateur)First RoundJoe Durant 34-32„66 Scott Hoch 35-32„67 Lee Janzen 35-32„67 Jay Haas 34-33„67 Miguel Angel Jimenez 34-33„67 Rod Spittle 34-34„68 Tom Byrum 34-34„68 Glen Day 35-33„68 Scott Parel 33-35„68 John Daly 34-35„69 Brian Henninger 35-34„69 Mike Goodes 35-34„69 Gene Sauers 34-35„69 Kenny Perry 35-34„69 Michael Allen 34-35„69 Jeff Maggert 34-35„69 Paul Goydos 35-34„69 Tom Lehman 35-34„69 Steve Stricker 35-34„69 Mark Brooks 34-36„70 Billy Mayfair 34-36„70 John Riegger 35-35„70 Bob Tway 35-35„70 Carlos Franco 37-33„70 Paul Broadhurst 35-35„70 Duffy Waldorf 34-36„70 Esteban Toledo 35-35„70 Tom Pernice Jr. 37-33„70 Scott Dunlap 36-34„70 Jay Don Blake 35-36„71 Steve Pate 35-36„71 Kevin Sutherland 35-36„71 Grant Waite 35-36„71 Rocco Mediate 36-35„71 Jerry Smith 35-36„71 David Frost 35-36„71 Bernhard Langer 34-37„71 Skip Kendall 35-36„71 Lance Ten Broeck 35-36„71 Miguel Angel Martin 35-36„71 Dan Forsman 36-36„72 Jim Carter 34-38„72 Jerry Kelly 35-37„72 Jesper Parnevik 36-36„72 Wes Short, Jr. 36-36„72 Billy Andrade 36-36„72 Kirk Triplett 37-35„72 Woody Austin 36-36„72 Fran Quinn 37-35„72 Michael Bradley 35-38„73 Bob Gilder 35-38„73 Doug Garwood 39-34„73 Jeff Sluman 36-37„73 Scott McCarron 38-35„73 Tom Kite 35-38„73 Jose Maria Olazabal 36-37„73 Russ Cochran 36-38„74 Scott Verplank 34-40„74 Brandt Jobe 39-35„74 Steve Lowery 33-41„74 Joey Sindelar 37-37„74 David Toms 36-38„74 Olin Browne 39-35„74 Fred Funk 38-36„74 Larry Nelson 37-37„74 Bobby Gage 38-36„74 John Elliott 37-37„74 Brad Faxon 38-37„75 Tom Purtzer 39-36„75 John Huston 36-39„75 Tommy Armour III 36-39„75 Stephen Ames 37-38„75 Mark Calcavecchia 38-37„75 Willie Wood 40-36„76 Corey Pavin 38-38„76 Jim Gallagher, Jr. 38-38„76 Phillip Price 37-39„76 Todd Hamilton 39-38„77 Kirk Hanefeld 37-40„77BASEBALLMLBSPRING TRAINING AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pct. New York 24 8 .750 Los Angeles 20 13 .606 Seattle 19 14 .576 Kansas City 17 13 .567 Boston 18 14 .563 Minnesota 16 13 .552 Baltimore 16 14 .533 Chicago 16 15 .516 Cleveland 16 16 .500 Oakland 16 16 .500 Houston 15 15 .500 Texas 15 16 .484 Tampa Bay 12 16 .429 Detroit 14 20 .412 Toronto 11 18 .379NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct. St. Louis 20 8 .714 Pittsburgh 19 11 .633 Arizona 15 14 .517 Colorado 16 15 .516 San Francisco 17 16 .515 Los Angeles 17 17 .500 Milwaukee 15 16 .484 New York 15 17 .469 Cincinnati 16 19 .457 Philadelphia 14 17 .452 Washington 13 17 .433 Chicago 13 18 .419 Miami 12 17 .414 San Diego 11 21 .344 Atlanta 8 22 .267Thursdays GamesN.Y. Mets 5, Las Vegas 4 Detroit 7, Baltimore 3 Minnesota 6, Tampa Bay 6 N.Y. Yankees 14, Philadelphia 1 Boston 8, Washington 1 Colorado 10, San Diego 5 St. Louis 9, Memphis 3 Houston 8, Chicago Cubs 6 Arizona 6, Cleveland 3 L.A. Angels 3, L.A. Dodgers 2 San Francisco 3, Oakland 0Fridays GamesRochester 3, Minnesota 3 Tampa Bay 7, Philadelphia 7 Chicago Cubs 6, Houston 3 Baltimore 3, Norfolk 3 St. Louis 5, Spring“ eld 2 Louisville 1, Cincinnati 1 Miami 7, Detroit 1 Army at N.Y. Mets, ccd. Boston at Washington, ccd. Pittsburgh vs. Toronto, late N.Y. Yankees vs. Atlanta, late Kansas City vs. Texas, late Chicago White Sox vs. Milwaukee, late Lake Elsinore vs. San Diego, late Cleveland vs. Arizona, late Colorado vs. Seattle, late L.A. Dodgers vs. L.A. Angels, late Oakland vs. San Francisco, lateTodays GamesDetroit vs. Miami at Jupiter, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Pittsburgh vs. Toronto at Montreal, 1:07 p.m. Cincinnati vs. CIF at Dayton, OH, 1:35 p.m. Boston vs. Washington at Annapolis, MD, 2 p.m. Kansas City vs. Texas at Arlington, TX, 2:05 p.m. Chi. White Sox vs. Milwaukee at Milwaukee, 2:10 p.m. San Francisco vs. Oakland at Oakland, CA, 3:05 p.m. Seattle vs. Colorado at Scottsdale, Ariz., 3:10 p.m. LA Angels vs. LA Dodgers at Los Angeles, 9:10 p.m.TENNISATP TOUR/WTA TOURMIAMI OPENFriday at The Tennis Center at Crandon Park Key Biscayne, Fla. Purse: Men, $6.99 million (Masters 1000); Women, $6.99 million (Premier). Surface: Hard-Outdoor.Mens Singles Semi“ nalsRafael Nadal (5), Spain, def. Fabio Fognini, Italy, 6-1, 7-5.Womens Doubles Semi“ nalsGabriela Dabrowski, Canada, and Xu Yifan, China, def. Andrea Hlavackova, Czech Republic, and Peng Shuai, China, 7-5, 5-7, 10-7.THURSDAYS RESULTS Mens Singles Quarter“ nalsRoger Federer (4), Switzerland, def. Tomas Berdych (10), Czech Republic, 6-2, 3-6, 7-6 (6). Nick Kyrgios (12), Australia, def. Alexander Zverev (16), Germany, 6-4, 6-7 (9), 6-3.Womens Singles Semi“ nalsCaroline Wozniacki (12), Denmark, def. Karolina Pliskova (2), Czech Republic, 5-7, 6-1, 6-1. Johanna Konta (10), Britain, def. Venus Williams (11), United States, 6-4, 7-5.Mens Doubles Semi“ nalsLukasz Kubot, Poland, and Marcelo Melo (6), Brazil, def. Brian Baker, United States, and Daniel Nestor, Canada, 6-4, 6-3. Nicholas Monroe and Jack Sock, United States, def. Bob and Mike Bryan (3), United States, 7-6 (5), 6-3.


Page 6 SP Saturday, April 1, 2017 / The Sun NCAA TOURNAMENT FINAL FOURA preview of Saturdays games Gonzaga (36-1) vs. South Carolina (26-10)When: Saturday, 6:09 p.m. EDT TV: CBS Where: University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Ariz. North Carolina (31-7) vs. Oregon (33-5)When: Saturday, approx. 8:49 p.m. EDT TV: CBS Where: University of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Ariz. PROJECTED STARTERS (* blocks) Pos. Gonzaga Yr. Ht./Wt. Pts. Reb. Ast. G Josh Perkins R-So. 6-3/ 190 8.2 2.3 3.2 G Nigel Williams-Goss R-Jr. 6-3/ 195 16.7 5.9 4.6 G Jordan Mathews Sr. 6-4/ 203 10.7 3.3 1.5 F Johnathan Williams R-Jr. 6-9/ 228 10.3 6.6 1.0* C Przemek Karnowski R-Sr. 7-1/ 300 12.2 5.8 2.0 Pos. South Carolina Yr. Ht./Wt. Pts. Reb. Ast. G P.J. Dozier So. 6-6/ 205 13.8 4.7 2.8 G Sindarius Thornwell Sr. 6-5/ 211 21.6 7.2 2.8 G Duane Notice Sr. 6-2/ 225 10.2 2.6 2.3 F Chris Silva So. 6-9/ 223 10.1 5.9 1.3* F Maik Kotsar Fr. 6-10/ 245 5.9 4.8 0.7 PLAYERS TO WATCH G P.J. Dozier, South Carolina: The Gamecocks No. 2 scorer is also a strong defender, like pretty much all of his teammates. Hell have signi“ cant ball-handling responsibilities against Gonzaga. G Sindarius Thornwell, South Carolina: The SEC player of the year took a massive leap forward as a senior, and no player means quite as much to his team in this years Final Four as this South Carolina native. F Przemek Karnowski, Gonzaga: The “ fth-year seniors size stands out, but what makes him particularly dangerous is his nifty passing ability that discourages double teams while leaving someone open outside. G Nigel Williams-Goss, Gonzaga: The Washington transfer found himself in All-America contention in his “ rst year of eligibility with the Bulldogs. Hes the top „ but not the only „ offensive option for Mark Fews team. KEYS TO THE GAME Gonzaga: Withstand South Carolinas physicality. The “ rst thing that stands out about the Gamecocks is how well they deploy their physicality on defense. It is dif“ cult to prepare for, but Gonzaga has the bene“ t of having dealt with West Virginia and its sweltering press. South Carolina: Keep clicking on offense. The defense gets the headlines, but the difference in the postseason for Frank Martins Gamecocks is unquestionably a much improved offense. The Gamecocks have scored at least 70 points in all four games so far, topping a point per possession in each outing. BY THE NUMBERS1 & 2Placement for Gonzaga and South Carolina, respectively, in the defensive ef“ ciency ratings. Look for points to be hard to come by in the “ rst semi“ nal on Saturday.1Team in NCAA Tournament history to beat a No. 1, a No. 2, a No. 3 and a No. 4 seed in the same year. South Carolina, which knocked off No. 2 Duke, No. 3 Baylor and No. 4 Florida in the East Regional, can become the second with a victory over Gonzaga.4Victories for South Carolina in this NCAA Tournament. In the Gamecocks previous eight trips to the tournament, they won a combined four games „ and none since 1973.60Years since a West Coast Conference team reached the Final Four. Gonzaga is the “ rst team from its conference to advance to the national semi“ nals since 1957, when two-time defending champion San Francisco came within two victories of a three-peat. PROJECTED STARTERS (* blocks) Pos. North Carolina Yr. Ht./Wt. Pts. Reb. Ast. G Joel Berry II Jr. 6-0/ 195 14.6 3.1 3.6 G Theo Pinson Jr. 6-6/ 211 6.0 4.2 3.7 F Justin Jackson Jr. 6-8/ 210 18.2 4.7 2.8 F Isaiah Hicks Sr. 6-9/ 242 12.1 5.4 1.4 C Kennedy Meeks Sr. 6-10/ 260 12.3 9.3 1.2* Pos. Oregon Yr. Ht./Wt. Pts. Reb. Ast. G Dylan Ennis Gr. 6-2/ 195 10.7 4.4 3.1 G Payton Pritchard Fr. 6-2/ 200 7.4 3.3 3.7 G Tyler Dorsey So. 6-4/ 195 14.5 3.4 1.8 F Dillon Brooks Jr. 6-7/ 225 16.3 3.1 2.8 F Jordan Bell Jr. 6-9/ 225 10.9 8.6 2.2* PLAYERS TO WATCH F Jordan Bell, Oregon: The junior was rightfully named the most outstanding player of the Midwest Regional after a masterful performance against Kansas that included eight blocked shots. G Tyler Dorsey, Oregon: In seven games since the start of the Pac-12 tournament, Dorsey has hit the 20-point plateau in all of them and is shooting better than 60 percent from the ” oor. Hes the hottest player left in the tournament. G Justin Jackson, North Carolina: The ACC player of the year has hit a school-record 101 three-pointers this season, an amazing feat for a guy who shot less than 30 percent from long range in his “ rst two seasons. C Kennedy Meeks, North Carolina: The Tar Heels unapologetically roll out a traditional lineup with two big men, and why not? When a guy like Meeks is anchoring the middle, its a considerable advantage. KEYS TO THE GAME North Carolina: Put size and experience to use. With Kennedy Meeks and Isaiah Hicks manning the middle and freshman Tony Bradley and South Regional most outstanding player Luke Maye coming off the bench, North Carolina does not lack for size. Oregon: Swat shots and prevent offensive rebounds. Oregon blocks shots at a higher percentage than any team in the country. North Carolina leads the nation in offensive rebounding percentage. If the Ducks can keep swatting shots, it will help neutralize the Tar Heels interior depth. BY THE NUMBERS5Teams to win a national championship since 2000 after losing in the Final Four the previous year. North Carolina is attempting to join Michigan State (2000), Maryland (2002), Kentucky (2012) and Louisville (2013) „ as well as its 2009 iteration „ as teams to handle un“ nished business the year after a Final Four trip.20Final Four appearances for North Carolina, including “ ve under coach Roy Williams. The Tar Heels are seeking their sixth NCAA Tournament title to go with championships earned in 1957, 1982, 1993, 2005 and 2009.22Years since the Final Four was played in the Mountain or Paci“ c time zones before this years trip to Arizona. No doubt Oregon and Gonzaga would have liked the 1995 host „ Seattle „ to also be the backdrop of this years Final Four given the prominence of Paci“ c Northwest hoops in this event.78Years since Oregon last appeared in the NCAA semi“ nals. The 1939 Ducks, dubbed the Tall Firs for their considerable size in that era, won the “ rst NCAA Tournament but have not been back to the Final Four again until now. Sindarius Thornwell, South CarolinaAP PHOTODillon Brooks, OregonAP PHOTO Barrel-chested and built like the night-club bouncer he once was, Martin cuts an imposing figure on the sideline in a garnet suit. He believes in being brutally honesty with his players, but do not call it tough love. If people love you, they tell you the truth. They dont lie to you. So I hear tough love, and Ive been hearing it for a long time. I dont know what that is,Ž Martin said during a news conference Friday with three of his players. People use that term all the time. Because if youre not being honest with your players and youre not giving them passion, then there is no love. Thats phoniness. And, I dont know, its my experience in 32, 33 years coaching guys like the ones to my left that if youre phony with them, they got no time for anything I say regardless of how nice I am.Ž Martins players say they appreciate his bluntness, but it can take some getting used to. All of our guys that come in, when you first get that first Frank holler-at, its tough but you know its coming,Ž guard PJ Dozier said. Chris Silva is a softspoken sophomore who grew up in Gabon in central Africa and played high school basketball in New Jersey for a coach that, he said, usually did not raise his voice. Its completely different from Coach Frank,Ž Silva said. Hes going to let you know loudly.Ž Silva credits Martin with helping him become more assertive as a player and more vocal on and off the court. Senior Duane Notice was the target of an intense, obscenity laced scolding from Martin that was caught by television cameras and microphones during a blowout loss against Florida in 2014. South Carolina suspended Martin for a game and he talked at that time about needing to mature. Have I gone home days and said, You know what, I might have been too hard on a player? Absolutely,Ž Martin said Friday. Theres days I think Im too hard on my own children. Thats what an honest relationship is about. Ill come back and tell them, Ill say, man, what do you think? You understand? You realize what were doing here?Ž Three years later, Notice has been one of South Carolinas best players during this NCAA Tournament. He smiled when asked about Martin going off on him. You have to adjust to it, but once you see where it comes from you understand it and you kind of like it,Ž Notice said. Hes very intense and passionate and its to the point where you feel like he wants to play. Thats how much he cares about the game. He wants us to win so bad not for himself, but for us.ŽMARTINFrom Page 1


SATURDAY, April 1, 2017 Go blue this monthPAGE 4 April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day. Each individual affected by autism, a complex developmental disability, has a unique experience. A special section of adno=3431875


Page 2 Saturday, April 1, 2017 After an injury or surgery, rehabilitation is often a critical factor on the road to recovery. Since physical therapy is usually a weekly commitment and may be for an extended period of time, convenience is an important consideration. Many factors should be taken into account when deciding where to go. Not all facilities provide the same type or level of care. Its important for people to do their homework before choosing a facility. Practices may have areas of special expertise, and some physical therapists have additional credentials. Some may focus more on sports medicine, while others may specialize in rehabilitation for neck and back problems or after joint replacement. Certi“ed specialties range from pediatric to geriatric physical therapy. The following are some tips on choosing a physical therapy practice: € Choose the right practice for your needs. Call the facility and ask questions to make sure there are physical therapists with expertise in treating your particular problem. € Ask who will be treating you and how much experience the therapist has. Once you begin physical therapy, make sure youre receiving care from a licensed physical therapist. € Choose a location that is convenient to where you live or work. € Try to set up a time to take a tour of the facility before beginning therapy. A reputable practice should have no problem arranging a quick visit. € Note if the facility is clean and well-maintained. Are therapists washing their hands between patients? € Consider what the atmosphere is like. Are therapists and therapy assistants actively working with patients, or are people standing around waiting to be treated? € Inquire about the cancellation policy. Some facilities charge a fee for canceling an appointment. € Consider how quickly you can get an appointment. If you need to wait more than a week or two, you may be better off “nding a facility where you can start sooner, especially if youve had recent surgery. € If health insurance is an important consideration for you, make sure the practice accepts your insurance. € If you require special equipment, such as a pool, make sure it is available at the facility. € Once you begin physical therapy, youll do best with someone with whom you get along well. Also, you should be evaluated and treated by a licensed physical therapist. Physical therapy assistants are also trained, licensed professionals, and your therapist may work with an assistant to provide your care. Massage therapists are not allowed to provide services as part of a billable physical therapy treatment. Patients need to understand that they are responsible for their recovery, as well. They need to work together How to choose a physical therapistTHERAPIST | 7 Contributed columnRENE SMIT Im happy to meet with you to answer questions you may have about Medicare Health plans. Turning 65 or new to Medicare? Are you new to the area? Colleen McNallyLicens ed Sales Representative126 Dal Hall Blvd. Lake Placid, FL 33852 786-213-3948 I Offer Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Supplement Plans, and Prescription Drug Plans Dont wait. If youre new to Medicare, call me today. adno=3432151 Avon Park Chiropractic Clinic THE MOST ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY TO TREAT LOW BACK PAIN1590 U.S. 27 North € Avon Park € 863-453-5777www.avonparkchiro.comDr. Patrick Danzeys TABLES are PATENTED and used WORLD WIDE!D.C.P.A. adno=3431876


Saturday, April 1, 2017 Page 3 Do you take out extended warranties automatically when you buy a product? Or do you feel like it is just a waste of money? I used to say that I was not an extended warranty person. As I have gotten older I have discovered that some extended warranties are worth having. For example, years ago I would have never taken out an extended warranty on a refrigerator or a washer/dryer set. However, because I have a two-story house I now realize that it is easier to have them come “x the problem instead of moving a huge refrigerator up and down the stairs. So, I guess depending on the product and the cost of replacement, I will weigh the pros and cons of an extended warranty. Often I am asked by our patients if they should extend the warranty on their hearing instruments after the initial manufacturers warranty goes out. First of all, you need to know exactly what the warranty covers. Is it just a repair warranty? Does it include loss and damage coverage? If it does, is there a deductible if you need to use it and what is the amount of the deductible? Does the extended warranty include software and “rmware updates for your hearing instrument? Are there any additional fees for this service? Also important to note is that most manufacturers that offer extended warranties will charge a deductible to the patient if the aid has to be replaced under warranty. The hearing health care provider may also charge a separate fee to re“t the hearing instrument. Our of“ce does not charge separate fees. Often if the patient has used their loss and damage coverage under the original warranty period then extending the warranty may not continue to include loss and damage. So, make sure that you discuss this with your hearing health care provider. Is the extended warranty package with the manufacturer of your hearing aid? This is really important, especially if you travel or spend part of your year in a different state. Over the years we have had patients who got their aids somewhere else and came to us for help. When a problem was found and it needed to go to the factory, their paperwork showed the aids were under warranty. However, when we sent the aids to the factory we would receive a call that the aids were not under manufacturer warranty. At that point, we contact the of“ce where the aids were purchased and were told that the aids actually had a one-year manufacturer warranty, but the additional two years were in-house.Ž Basically, this means that the of“ce is taking a chance that nothing will happen with the aids before they go out of extended warranty. If they need repair then the aids have to go back to the actual of“ce that they were purchased at and What is a warranty worth?WARRANTY | 7 Hearing MattersROSEANN KIEFER Appointments Available Now! Call Us Today at 863-386-07863109 Medical Way Sebring, FL 33870 Ne w P at ie nt s W e lc o me WARTS, SPOTS, WRINKLESMAY NOT LOOK THIS GOOD ON YOU. We Can Do It All!Beauty Enhancing € Melanoma Prevention € Skin Cancer Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment € Acne, Warts, RashesPediatric € Adult € Geriatric Board Certi“ed Dermatologist Julie L. Iellimo, P.A.-C. Darrin A. Rotman, M.D. Michael C. Swart, P.A.-C. Mohs Surgery Fellow e w t i e e l c N e P a t i W e l adno=3434217


Page 4 Saturday, April 1, 2017 It was just 10 years ago the United Nations designated April 2 as World Autism Day to bring enlightenment to society about the complex disorder known as autism, Aspergers syndrome or autism spectrum disorder. While you may have heard of autism, you might be surprised to know each individual affected by this complex developmental disability has a unique experience. Usually “rst noted in early childhood when benchmarks are not met, ASD can affect ones ability to communicate, learn language, make eye contact or manage surrounding stimuli. When you understand how ASD affects reasoning and other executive functioning you begin to understand the frustrations of one who is experiencing life differently from those without ASD. As a spectrum disorder, each individual exhibits some, but perhaps not all typical markers of autism. Children with ASD may have extremely focused interests and poor motor skills, or they may be high functioning with high intelligence, but poor social skills. When you consider the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in 2014 the number of children affected by autism had swelled to an average of 1 in every 68 births, awareness and support seem key to assuring good outcomes for those affected as well as their families and communities. With no known cause, early diagnosis and intervention by various support services and disciplines remain the best way to address ASD. Providing support for families, who often face the reality of providing a lifetime of care to their children, is also Awareness & acceptanceBy DOROTHY L. HARRISCORRESPONDENTApril is Autism Awareness MonthCOURTESY PHOTOKathy Lowies grandson may have ASD, but like many children on the autism spectrum disorder, he yearns to be an individual accepted for his many gifts and talents.Cover image courtesy of D3Images Freeplk.comAWARENESS | 6


Saturday, April 1, 2017 Page 5 Children with autism suffer from foot problems just like everyone else. It is often dif“cult for parents to know if their child with autism is suffering with foot pain because most of the time they may not complain of the pain. Even as a doctor, it can be dif“cult to get to a diagnosis as some autistic children have dif“culty in expressive communication, not to mention they may be scared and overwhelmed sitting in the doctors of“ce. Some of the more common foot problems we see at the Gentle Foot Care Center in autistic children are gait abnormalities (how they walk), foot fractures (broken bones) and ingrown nails. Children with autism may sometimes have a decreased or increased sensitivity to pain. If their threshold to pain is high, they are less likely to complain when something hurts them. Ingrown nails are something we see fairly often in patients with special needs. Many of the times they come to the of“ce not because it is hurting them but because their parents or caregivers notice a strong, bad odor coming from the toe or a bad infection. When it comes to foot fractures, their parents may also see them limping around for a period of time after falling or accidentally kicking something. Even after taking an X-ray and “nding a fracture in the foot, it is often dif“cult to get the patient to con“rm where and if it hurts. Gait abnormalities such as toe walking may also be seen in autistic children. This type of walking may be normal up to 3 years of age but by the age of 5, there should be a fairly normal gate. If your child appears to walking on their toes, stretching exercises may be discussed to stretch out the tight calf muscles. Physical therapy may bene“t them as they can focus on stretching as well as gait training. Braces may also be considered to help improve how they walk. If you suspect your child is silently suffering with a foot problem, call your podiatrist for a check up. Dr. Olga Garcia Luepschen is a podiatrist at Gentle Foot Care Center in Sebring. Call 863314-9255 or visit www. pain in children with autism Olga LuepschenHEALTHY FEET METRO CREATIVE IMAGESIt is often dicult for parents to know if their child with autism is suering with foot pain because most of the time they may not complain of the pain. FRUSTRATED HEARING LOSS?with Give us an hour... We Can Change Your Life!Ž We promise to provide you with outstanding customer care and state-of-the-art hearing instruments to help you hear better. Satisfaction with your new hearing instruments is our top priority. We will guide you through the important steps to improve your hearing and get you back to your daily life. Choosing a hearing professional is one of the most important decisions a hearing impaired person can make. Since a hearing aid cannot be prescribed like eye glasses, proper hearing aid recommendation and fitting is highly dependent on the judgment and skill of the professional selecting the instrument. We test your hearing, and select and dispense the hearing instrument best to meet your needs, in addition to providing support counseling and service of the hearing system. We are concerned about you and we want to make hearing solution recommendations to fit your lifestyle and personal needs. 49 Years of Constant, Superb Customer Service CALL NOWThe Worst thing you can do for hearing loss is Nothing! It is our privilege to help this community Hear Better!Ž adno=3434214


Page 6 Saturday, April 1, 2017 of importance. Local resident Kathy Lowie is raising her grandson, who was diagnosed with autism. I “rst noticed subtleties during infancy,Ž she said. He was born premature at 26 weeks and had a brain hemorrhage at birth, which left him with mild frontal lobe damage.Ž By age 1, it was clear to Lowie her grandson had developmental delays. Despite common ASD markers such as greatly delayed speech, behavioral issues due to inability to communicate needs and a short attention span, it wasnt until he was nearly 4 that he was “nally diagnosed as high-functioning autistic. He would have meltdowns because he couldnt verbalize his needs,Ž she said, noting frustration tolerance still remains a struggle even after supportive therapies. Like many children with ASD, her grandson can become easily overwhelmed in noisy, bright-lit, crowded venues or when routines are changed. Lowie would like others to know ASD is not a behavioral problem that can be disciplined out of the child. My grandson doesnt look autistic, so people do not understand,Ž she said. Lowie recalled a recent shopping outing when her grandson became overstimulated and his behavioral outburst led to another shopper stating, Give me “ve minutes and Ill straighten that right out of him.Ž Holding her tongue in such moments, Lowie has created a business card she hands out to hopefully foster awareness and understanding, rather than condemnation for her or her grandchild. The card explains he is autistic and struggles with managing his behaviors,Ž she said. I hand them the card and thank them for understanding as I try and console my child, then remove him as quickly as possible.Ž Lowie shared every once in a great while, someone will show compassion and encourage her efforts or even offer to help her. It means so much. Whether the stress he is experiencing is real or only perceived, it still creates anxiety he is unable to manage,Ž she said. People just dont seem to get that.Ž Acceptance and more importantly, inclusion, in social settings, school environments and the community at large remains spotty for most individuals with ASD. Organizations like the Autism Society exist to help provide opportunities for those with autism to have the highest life quality possible and provide extensive education on the disorder. Lowies grandsons autism includes Attention De“cit Hyperactivity Disorder and a seizure disorder related to the brain hemorrhage, both of which are treated by medications and highlight how one person can be affected in a variety of ways by ASD. Their experience also re”ects what many sufferers of the disorder go through on the journey to diagnosis and supportive treatment. This is why the symbol of ASD is a puzzle piece. Re”ecting the mystery and complexity of autism spectrum disorder, the puzzle piece icon highlights diversity of the individual experiencing the disorder. When you consider 1.5 million Americans have autism spectrum disorder „ or 1 out of every 150 individuals „ its clear education is key. Part of increasing awareness is the Light It Up Blue initiative. Around the world, thousands of notable buildings will be lit up blue in honor of Word Autism Day. From One World Trade Center, the Emirates Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth, England, the Taipei 101 „ a landmark skyscraper in Taiwan „ to Niagara Falls, blue is a bold statement of support on April 2. It is hoped awareness will lead to the beginning of acceptance, inclusion and support for those with ASD and their families. AWARENESSFROM PAGE 4 AUTISM: KNOW THE SIGNS & ACT EARLYSeek a physician who is well-informed about autism if you note any of the following: € Lack of or delay in spoken language € Repetitive use of language or motor mannerisms (hand-flapping, twirling objects) € Little or no eye contact € Lack of interest in peer relationships € Lack of spontaneous or make-believe play € Persistent fixations on parts of objects For more information on autism, visit or www. autism-society.orgWANT TO LIGHT IT UP BLUE?Visit #LIUB to share your experience across social media COURTESY PHOTOThis is part of a business card that local resident Kathie Lowie has created, which she hands out to people to foster awareness and understanding of autism and ASD. There is no Substitute for Skilled Hands-on Care!Ren Smit, PT € Nicole Schlosser, BSPT Erin Holmes, MSPT PERSONAL REHAB, INC. Two Convenient Locations Experienced Hands-On Physical Therapy for the Results you Need. Service & Convenience Special Programs adno=3431902


Saturday, April 1, 2017 Page 7 with their physical therapist, communicate openly and follow their advice, as well as the advice of their physician. If you feel the physical therapist is not spending enough time with you, appears distracted, or is bouncing back and forth between you and other patients, you may want to find someone who offers more personalized care and attention. If you ever feel uncomfortable or if an exercise or treatment is painful, you should speak up. You should also receive instruction on exercises to do at home. The therapist may provide handouts, a link to a video demonstrating the correct movements, or another form of instruction to ensure you are performing the exercise correctly. Rene Smit is a manual physical therapist with Personal Rehab Inc. with of“ces in Lake Placid (699-6929) and Sebring (385-1406). THERAPISTFROM PAGE 2 then that of“ce will pay to get it “xed. This is totally different then having a manufacturers warranty. It is always strongly advised that all years of any warranty is with the actual manufacturer of the hearing aids that you are purchasing. Another important thing to consider is your repair history with the hearing aid. If your aid is 3 years old and going out of its original warranty period, have you had a lot of repairs? Are most of repairs taken care of in of“ce by your provider? How many times has it gone to the factory? Are you good at keeping it clean? Do you go into your providers of“ce to get it serviced on a regular basis? How often do you purchase new aids? Is it better to save that money for new ones in a few more years? At our of“ce we review your “le to help you make the best decision based on your hearing aid history. Roseann B. Kiefer, B.A., BC-HIS, is owner of Lampe & Kiefer Hearing Aid Center Inc. in Sebring. This information is not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure your condition. Always talk to your doctor before following any medical advice or starting a diet or exercise program.WARRANTYFROM PAGE 3 HEALTH BRIEFSBehavioral Health support group meetsSEBRING „ Balance, Lives in Transition Inc., a behavioral health support group, meets every Wednesday from 1-2:30 p.m. at Good Shepherd, which is located at 3003 Herring Ave. in Sebring. For more information, email znbuddha@tnni. net.Barefoot Babys classesSEBRING „ Barefoot Babys offers women childbirth and breastfeeding classes. Classes are conducted in a private setting by appointment or in a group setting on Thursdays at 3626 Thunderbird Road in Sebring from 6:308:30 p.m. Sessions are facilitated by Maryanne Tanguay-Higgins, a certi“ed childbirth educator with more than 30 years of experience in maternal child health. She is also an international board certi“ed lactation consultant and a midwife assistant. Barefoot Babys offers a natural approach to birth and teaches many comfort measures. Classes cover different topics, including how the birth process can be inspiring and breastfeeding basics. Register for classes at or call 382-9789. a dno=3431877 863-873-15675935 U.S. 27 N., Ste. 105Sebring, FL 33870 € MA 27648 € MM 31913 MASSAGE THERAPYTHE HEALTH MASSAGE Co. Pain Management € Stress Reduction € Medical Massage adno=3434213


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RevenueInsured Medicaid and CHIP enrollment Centene Molina Healthcare WellCare Health Plans DamianTroise;J.Paschke € AP Sources:Companyfilings; The death of a Republican plan to repeal and replace ObamacareŽ took some pressure off Medicaid-reliant insurers who could have seen revenue streams shrink. Companies including Centene, Molina Healthcare and WellCare Health Plans still face some uncertainty over whether the current system will be supported or undermined. But, the specter of damaging cuts has faded, for now. Uncertainty in the system continues to exist, but is much less caustic,Ž said Stifel analyst Thomas A. Carroll, in a note to investors. Each company has seen Medicaid and related membership grow, helping to boost revenue, over the last several years. Like the ACA or not, we have a relatively clear set of rules „ a set industry operators have been planning for, and investing in for years,Ž Carroll said.Medicaid insurers exhale0 10 20 30 40 $50 million 16 15 14 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 million 16 15 14 0 20 40 60 80 mil. 2016 (Dec.) 2013 (JulySeptember, period prior to the start of the first Marketplace open enrollment) Source: FactSet; Marley Jay; Alex Nieves € APAfter several years on offense, athletic apparel maker Under Armour is lately being forced to play defense. The Baltimore company grew rapidly from its founding in 1996 to challenge industry giants Nike and Adidas, and its stock soared from under $10 a share in 2011 to $50 by the middle of 2015. The company  s long-held goal of doubling its sales by 2018 came under doubt earlier this year, though, when it said 2017 sales would only reach $5.4 billion, well below the $7.5 billion it aims to reach by next year. Since then Under Armour and Nike stock prices have split ways. Nike stock is up over 10 percent this year, while Under Armour is down 30 percent. Credit Suisse analyst Christian Buss blames Under Armour  s slower growth and design misstepsŽ like the widely mocked Stephen Curry ChefŽ shoe. Nike is also holding on to its big lead in the important basketball shoe market, Buss said.Under Armour plays defense -100 0 100 200 300 400% Playing defenseRivals Nike and Under Armour rose in tandem for years, but they  re going their separate ways in 2017.  12  13  14  15  16  17Under Armour (UAA)5-year stock performanceNike (NKE)Top Weekly Exchange Traded Funds $0$550$1,100 Oil REITs Investment-grade bonds Small-cap stocks High-yield bonds Utilities stocks S&P 500 Copper European stocks Gold Health care stocks Asian stocks Technology stocks Emerging-market stocks 1-week percent change $1,000 invested at the end of last year ... ... today is worthPerformance benchmarks: industries sectors of the Standard & Poor  s 500 index; international stocks MSCI indexes; bond returns Barclays Capital and BofA Merrill Lynch indexes. Source: FactSet Data through Mar. 300.2 1.2 0.4 0.4 -0.2 0.5 1.0 1.0 -1.1 0.9 2.2 0.0 0.2 5.6Oil surged back from recent losses, and emerging market stocks kept their top spot for the year. Small-cap stocks also posted gains, while utilities stocks lost ground.$1,000Derby StocksBonds Commodities% $1,128 1,127 1,101 1,087 1,081 1,076 1,066 1,063 1,061 1,026 1,022 1,007 1,004 937AP Direx S&P O&G Bull GUSH 71.50 +11.62 +19.4 -4.5 +42.8 Dirx Dly NG Bull3x GASL 34.97 +5.22 +17.5 -0.7 +35.1 UBS 3x Long Crude WTIU 18.50 +2.70 +17.1 -17.2 ... Citigp Vel Long Crde UWT 19.76 +2.83 +16.7 -18.1 ... ProShs Ultra O&G Exp UOP 28.66 +3.41 +13.5 -1.6 +52.2 ProSh Ultra Crude UCO 19.02 +1.89 +11.0 -11.4 +4.8 UBS Velocity Hedged XIVH 51.60 +4.60 +9.8 +7.9 ... Direx Reg Banks Bull DPST 62.50 +5.15 +9.0 -18.1 +146.1 Dirx DlyRtlBull3x RETL 31.65 +2.53 +8.7 -2.9 -12.0 PwSh Crude Oil Long OLO 4.47 +0.34 +8.2 -2.0 -22.3 CS Velocity 3xSilver USLV 16.35 +1.18 +7.8 +3.9 +31.3 BarcBk nt lkd GS Oil OIL 5.58 +0.38 +7.3 -7.8 +8.2 Pro UltPro Russ2000 URTY 124.16 +7.90 +6.8 -2.1 +83.5 Direxion SCapBull 3x TNA 105.77 +6.67 +6.7 -2.3 +82.9 PowSh SP SmCap Engy PSCE 18.17 +1.14 +6.7 -3.6 +21.5 ProShs UltRegBk KRU 77.32 +4.76 +6.6 -12.1 +102.5 Etrac SmCap HiDiv SMHD 22.92 +1.42 +6.6 -2.4 +70.3 SPDR S&P O&G ExpPdtn XOP 37.44 +2.23 +6.3 -1.1 +24.6 SPDR S&P O&G EqSv XES 20.09 +1.13 +6.0 -5.5 +16.4 Direxion EngyBull 3x ERX 31.70 +1.77 +5.9 -7.4 +36.4 CS VS Inv Vix MTerm ZIV 61.00 +3.42 +5.9 +9.7 +48.7 Direx China Bear 3x YANG 12.11 +0.67 +5.9 -5.4 -51.4 FT ISE-Revere NatGas FCG 24.47 +1.33 +5.7 +0.2 -75.9 PwSh Energy Momentum PXI 39.04 +2.12 +5.7 -2.8 +20.2 Etrac 2xLevMtgREIT MRRL 17.75 +0.95 +5.6 +7.5 +60.7 CS VS InvVix STerm XIV 73.03 +3.87 +5.6 +10.0 +185.6 US Oil Fund LP USO 10.64 +0.55 +5.5 -5.8 +8.6 ProShs Short VIX ST SVXY 141.15 +7.33 +5.5 +9.6 +182.6 ProShs K1 Crude Oil OILK 20.25 +1.04 +5.4 -5.6 ... US Gasoline Fd LP UGA 27.28 +1.38 +5.3 +2.2 +4.4 US Dsl-Heating Oil UHN 15.00 +0.76 +5.3 -1.4 +18.4 iShs Oil &Gas Expl IEO 61.12 +3.03 +5.2 -0.7 +19.0 Rex Volmx In Vx Wk F VMIN 36.32 +1.78 +5.2 +8.8 ... ProSh Ultra O&G DIG 37.38 +1.80 +5.1 -4.5 +23.0 US Brent Oil Fd BNO 14.52 +0.70 +5.1 -4.4 +17.8 PwShs Engy & Expl PXE 21.23 +1.01 +5.0 -0.9 +13.5 ProShs Ultra Silver AGQ 41.23 +1.98 +5.0 +2.6 +27.7 Global X Portugal 20 PGAL 10.26 +0.49 +5.0 +8.1 +2.4 Direx India Bull 3X INDL 71.63 +3.43 +5.0 +17.3 +47.9 DirexionCyberSecBull HAKK 48.00 +2.29 +5.0 +9.1 +50.9 $CHG PCT RETURN FUNDS TICKER FRI 1WK 1WK 1MO 1YR The engineering and consulting services company agreed to be acquired by a unit of investment firm New Mountain Capital. The organic food company said its $10 billion sale to Danone will close soon. The chemicals company will sell its health and nutrition unit to DuPont and buy part of DuPont  s crop protection business. A last-minute sell-off left most U.S. stock indexes lower Friday. Banks fell along with bond yields and interest rates. Consumer spending kept rising in February and a closely-watched inflation gauge reached a five-year high. Small company stocks rose. 55 60 65 $70 JM F FMCFMC Close: $69.59 8.09 or 13.2% $36.72$72.04 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 14.1m (10.1x avg.) $9.31 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 38.5 0.9% 54 55 56 $57 JM F WhiteWave FoodsWWAV Close: $56.15 0.50 or 0.9% $38.34$56.82 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 20.6m (11.4x avg.) $9.98 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 47.6 ... 5 10 15 $20 JM F TRCTRR Close: $17.45 5.50 or 46.0% $5.79$17.45 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 5.1m (39.9x avg.) $551.33 m 52-week range PE: Yield: ... ... Best Stocks One MonthBEST LARGE-CAP STOCKS Mobileye NV MBLY 61.40 1.0 30.8 64.9 cc ... Vertex Pharm VRTX 109.35 21.5 21.2 36.8 cc ... New Oriental Educ EDU 60.38 2.4 21.1 65.9 39 ... Gpo Fin Sant Mexico BSMX 9.03 2.6 18.0 7.9 ... 3.3 TAL Education Grp TAL 106.57 0.2 17.9 107.1 76 ... FMC Corp FMC 69.59 14.1 17.4 50.6 25 0.9 PVH Corp PVH 103.47 2.5 14.9 4.9 13 0.1 YPF Sociedad YPF 24.28 2.1 14.6 37.6 ... 0.6 Wynn Resorts Ltd WYNN 114.61 2.4 13.4 23.7 35 1.7 Micron Tech MU 28.90 1.7 13.0 176.4 35 ... SK Telecom Co SKM 25.18 -2.1 12.6 24.0 ... ... Ferrari NV RACE 74.36 3.9 12.2 77.2 ... ... Adv Micro Dev AMD 14.55 6.2 11.7 391.3 dd ... LG Display Co Ltd LPL 13.62 2.9 11.7 16.9 ... ... Darden Rest DRI 83.67 9.1 11.4 27.7 21 2.7 China Unicom (HK)Ltd CHU 13.47 0.2 11.2 6.1 ... 2.4 Korea Electric KEP 20.73 -1.5 11.0 -19.6 ... ... Nvidia Corporation NVDA 108.93 1.4 10.7 207.4 41 0.5 FRIDAY %CHG %CHG %RTN COMPANY TICKER CLOSE 1WK 1MO 1YR PE YLDBEST MID-CAP STOCKS Nektar Therapeutics NKTR 23.47 4.7 60.3 71.3 dd ... Hutchison China Med HCM 19.95 4.9 52.2 55.2 ... ... Sears Holdings Corp SHLD 11.49 35.2 50.8 -22.3 dd ... RH RH 46.26 25.3 48.3 10.8 29 ... Dominion Diamond DDC 12.63 -0.7 45.5 14.1 dd 3.2 Nimble Storage Inc NMBL 12.50 0.2 44.8 70.0 dd ... Natl Beverage FIZZ 84.53 5.3 39.5 100.9 41 ... Global Blood Thera GBT 36.85 -5.9 32.1 149.8 dd ... Arcos Dorados Hldgs ARCO 8.05 9.5 28.8 115.6 47 ... KCG Holdings Inc KCG 17.83 -0.6 28.2 52.5 6 ... Sprouts Farmers Mkts SFM 23.12 2.4 27.7 -22.0 26 ... Momo Inc MOMO 34.07 2.2 26.8 210.8 ... ... Himax Technologies A HIMX 9.12 -1.7 26.5 -24.2 38 1.4 Penn Natl Gaming PENN 18.43 4.2 25.4 12.2 25 ... Latam Airlines SA LFL 12.67 -0.2 25.3 87.2 ... ... Siteone Landscape SITE 48.41 3.3 21.2 0.0 ... ... Trnsp Gas Del Sur TGS 14.22 1.1 20.1 136.2 ... ... Childrens Place PLCE 120.05 1.3 20.0 47.8 22 1.3BEST SMALL-CAP STOCKS TG Therapeutics TGTX 11.65 2.2 117.8 30.3 dd ... Rexahn Pharm RNN 0.51 13.3 115.2 39.7 dd ... Concert Pharmaceut CNCE 17.06 -1.9 76.8 24.2 dd ... Performant Financial PFMT 2.93 45.8 71.3 63.5 ... ... Power Solutions Intl PSIX 10.09 59.4 69.9 -24.4 dd ... SteadyMed Ltd STDY 5.80 36.5 68.1 55.5 ... ... Catalyst Pharm CPRX 1.95 14.7 66.7 77.7 dd ... Rocket Fuel Inc FUEL 5.36 12.8 65.9 65.5 dd ... TRC Cos TRR 17.45 60.8 62.3 64.8 34 ... Internap Corp INAP 3.72 -2.1 60.3 36.5 dd ... AgroFresh Solutions AGFS 4.37 21.7 58.3 -34.0 dd ... Impax Labs IPXL 12.65 36.8 58.1 -60.9 dd ... Exeter Resource XRA 1.73 51.1 55.9 190.5 ... ... Innocoll AG INNL 1.12 8.8 55.6 -87.2 ... ... Noodles & Co NDLS 5.75 27.8 55.4 -56.4 dd ... Akoustis Technologie AKTS 12.84 27.8 53.8 559.0 ... ... Microvision Inc MVIS 2.49 -1.6 53.7 28.6 dd ... Aurinia Pharma AUPH 7.34 -8.5 52.6 137.6 dd ...Industry Rankings 1. Technology 1.2 1.7 12.4 % | 9999952 23.6 2. Consumer Services 1.8 0.9 6.6 % | 996 9.9 3. Basic Material 1.6 0.1 7.0 % | 999976321 20.5 4. Utilities -1.1 0.1 5.4 % | 87 3.5 5. Consumer Goods -0.0 -0.4 7.2 % | 954 5.1 DJ Total Market index 0.9 -0.9 5.5 % | 999621 14.6 6. Industrials 0.9 -1.2 4.6 % | 9998643 17.1 7. Telecommunications -0.7 -1.7 -4.2 5 | -0.3 8. Health Care 0.2 -1.8 8.1 % | 9931 9.4 9. Oil & Gas 2.6 -1.9 -7.2 % | 9986531 12.6 10. Financials 0.9 -3.5 2.6 % | 999986542 22.0 PERCENT CHANGE %RTN INDUSTRY 1WK 1MO 1QTR 1YR Medical Supplies 0.3 1.2 8.9 (*&# | 6543 8.6 Neovasc Inc NVCN +0.7 +15.9 -11.6 9873 | -64.7 Antares Pharma ATRS +2.9 +13.6 +21.9 (*&# | 9986543 +218.3 Align Technology Inc ALGN +0.7 +10.3 +19.3 (*&# | 9854 +58.3 Meridian Bioscience VIVO +5.3 +7.0 -22.0 *&^#@!875431 | -31.7 Medical Equipment -0.1 -0.3 13.2 (*&# | 765321 17.0 ViewRay Inc VRAY +0.6 +49.0 +171.9 (*&# | 9986543 +104.4 Intersect ENT Inc XENT +2.1 +22.5 +41.7 (*%$#!6321 | -5.7 Misonix Inc MSON +0.1 +16.5 +12.9 (*&# | 9983 +92.0 Glaukos Corp GKOS +2.0 +14.7 +49.6 (*&# | 9986543 +199.8 Pharmaceuticals -0.3 -1.9 6.3 (*&# | 643 6.3 Rexahn Pharm RNN +13.3 +115.2 +259.2 (*&# | 9531 +39.7 Catalyst Pharm CPRX +14.7 +66.7 +85.7 (*&# | 9954321 +77.7 Impax Labs IPXL +36.8 +58.1 -4.5 %$@98642 | -60.9 Hutchison China Med HCM +4.9 +52.2 +47.0 (*&# | 982 +55.2 Health Care Providers 0.7 -2.7 5.6 (*&# | 754 12.7 Teladoc Inc TDOC -1.8 +12.1 +51.5 (*&# | 9986543 +154.5 China Cord Blood CO +7.2 +11.9 +8.8 (*&# | 6321 +5.6 CRH Medical Corp CRHM -2.4 +10.1 +56.2 (*&#| 9986543 +153.0 HMS Holdings Corp HMSY +11.4 +9.9 +11.9 (*&# | 965432 +45.5 Biotechnology 0.8 -2.7 8.1 (*&# | 643 6.3 TG Therapeutics TGTX +2.2 +117.8 +150.5 (*&# | 8753 +30.3 Concert Pharmaceut CNCE -1.9 +76.8 +65.8 (*&# | 8641 +24.2 Nektar Therapeutics NKTR +4.7 +60.3 +91.3 (*&# | 9876521 +71.3 Corvus Pharmaceutica CRVS -0.6 +51.1 +45.2 (*&# | 954 +40.0Health Care sectors (best performers)Excludes stocks with market values less than $100 million. Bar chart for stocks with annual returns of more than 100 percent not shown to scale. Saturday, April 1, 2017


A -:A-MarkPM Q AMRK .32f 1.9 17 22.00 14.02 21 17.08 142 17.96 16.85 -.34 -12.4 AAC Hldgs N AAC 11 24.38 6.01 90 8.53 726 8.91 7.92 +.55 +17.8 AAON Q AAON .26f .7 40 37.10 25.33 185 35.35 782 35.90 34.40 -.90 +7.0 AAR N AIR .30 .9 25 38.75 21.78 248 33.63 963 34.56 32.60 -.39 +1.8 ABB Ltd N ABB .76e 3.2 23.90 18.72 1522 23.40 7560 23.54 23.11 +.12 +11.1 ABM N ABM .68 1.6 25 45.03 31.51 228 43.60 1381 43.87 42.59 +.34 +7.2tAC Immun n Q ACIU 19.97 10.36 184 10.36 399 11.84 10.27 -.66 -20.2 ACI Wwde Q ACIW 20 22.96 15.11 548 21.39 2404 21.57 21.17 -.49 +17.9 ACNB Cp Q ACNB .80 2.8 16 32.85 21.74 6 28.85 48 29.85 28.50 -.05 -7.7 AES Corp N AES .48f 4.3 10 13.32 10.49 12779 11.18 32902 11.39 11.03 -.05 -3.8 AES pfC N AESpC 3.38 6.6 52.48 49.95 8 51.10 54 51.29 50.67 +.30 +1.4 AFLAC N AFL 1.72 2.4 11 74.50 62.59 1864 72.42 11047 72.66 71.07 +.43 +4.1 AFLAC 52 N AFSD 1.38 5.4 27.48 23.55 7 25.40 82 25.50 25.33 +.02 +5.0 AG MtgeIT N MITT 1.90 10.5 24 18.85 12.72 140 18.05 735 18.11 17.34 +.62 +5.5 AG Mtg pfA N MITTpA 2.06 8.1 26.01 23.60 1 25.34 4 25.35 25.09 +.25 +3.9 AG Mtg pfB N MITTpB 2.00 8.1 25.30 22.21 3 24.80 20 24.82 24.50 +.07 +4.1 AGCO N AGCO .56f .9 30 64.90 44.68 254 60.18 1740 60.63 58.00 +.98 +4.0 AGNC Inv Q AGNC 2.16 10.9 7 20.43 17.30 1941 19.89 10367 20.02 19.68 +.34 +9.7 AGNC pfA Q AGNCP 2.00 7.8 26.80 24.67 4 25.70 66 26.00 25.55 +.34 +1.8 AGNC pfB Q AGNCB 1.94 7.5 26.69 24.20 8 25.99 57 26.24 25.65 +.45 +3.5 AH Belo N AHC .32 5.2 7.95 4.75 141 6.15 255 6.20 5.90 +.05 -3.1 AK Steel N AKS 25 11.39 3.31 16874 7.19 86161 7.45 6.70 +.03 -29.6 ALJ Reg n Q ALJJ 5.50 3.51 22 3.72 145 3.91 3.52 +.09 -15.3 AMAG Ph Q AMAG 18 36.83 17.92 603 22.55 4319 23.25 21.65 +.55 -35.2 AMC Ent N AMC .80 2.5 27 35.65 25.75 1738 31.45 7521 31.60 30.25 +.60 -6.5 AMC Net Q AMCX 15 70.28 46.17 665 58.68 2497 59.02 56.66 +1.08 +12.1 AMEC FW N AMFW .30e 4.6 7.82 4.96 101 6.59 446 6.71 6.50 +.09 +15.4 AMN Hlth N AMN 19 44.99 26.00 524 40.60 3310 41.35 38.01 +2.10 +5.6 ANI Ph h Q ANIP 70.92 30.60 117 49.51 863 50.80 45.58 +3.52 -18.3 ARC Docu N ARC 12 5.55 3.06 438 3.45 813 3.90 3.41 -.30 -32.1 ARC Grp Q ARCW 47 5.95 1.95 8 4.20 72 4.25 4.00 +.10 -4.5 ARCAbio rs Q ABIO 4.35 2.15 51 2.55 134 2.65 2.35 -.10 -10.5 ARI Net Q ARIS 58 5.59 3.68 24 5.20 94 5.21 4.80 +.15 -3.9 ASA Gold N ASA .04e .3 17.48 9.83 50 12.06 364 12.47 11.93 -.10 +9.2 ASB Bcp Q ASBB 38 37.35 24.07 0 34.00 6 34.43 33.60 -.25 +14.3sASML Hld Q ASML 1.27e 1.0 37 134.29 90.43 529 132.80 4655 134.29 132.12 +.56 +18.4 AT&T Inc N T 1.96 4.7 16 43.89 36.10 16764 41.55 74376 41.89 41.26 -.13 -2.3 ATA Inc Q ATAI 17 6.91 2.96 6 3.80 40 4.06 3.72 -.15 +2.3 ATN Intl Q ATNI 1.36 1.9 45 87.82 62.70 69 70.42 218 74.66 69.93 -1.22 -12.1 A10 Ntwks N ATEN 10.87 5.61 247 9.15 1041 9.19 8.86 -.03 +10.1 AU Optron N AUO e 4.42 2.47 2033 3.82 8522 3.93 3.81 -.01 +7.9 AV Homes Q AVHI 3 19.13 10.61 35 16.45 186 16.65 15.95 +.30 +4.1 AVX Cp N AVX .44 2.7 14 16.65 11.77 173 16.38 695 16.51 15.88 +.29 +4.8 AXT Inc Q AXTI 8.65 2.43 427 5.80 2821 5.85 5.50 +.15 +20.8 AZZ Inc N AZZ .68 1.1 24 67.98 51.20 184 59.50 520 59.65 55.60 +3.05 -6.9 Aarons N AAN .11 .4 14 34.22 20.51 472 29.74 2219 30.00 28.12 +1.03 -7.0 Abaxis Q ABAX .56 1.2 32 55.95 41.78 87 48.50 529 49.23 47.33 +.42 -8.1 AbbottLab N ABT 1.06 2.4 22 45.84 36.76 6553 44.41 27443 44.84 44.26 -.32 +15.6 AbbVie N ABBV 2.56 3.9 14 68.12 55.06 3816 65.16 21240 66.28 65.15 -.46 +4.1 AbeonaTh Q ABEO 9.44 2.27 316 5.00 1171 5.10 4.70 +.20 +3.1 AberFitc N ANF .80 6.7 32.37 10.83 3469 11.93 17394 12.46 11.15 +.62 -.6 AbdAsPac N FAX .48f 9.6 5.55 4.56 334 4.99 2082 4.99 4.94 +.01 +7.8 AbdAustEq N IAF .70e 11.6 6.35 5.10 45 6.06 350 6.14 5.85 +.21 +11.8sAbdnChile N CH .58e 8.3 7.00 5.68 28 6.98 145 7.00 6.71 +.16 +17.1 AbdGlbInc N FCO .84 10.0 9.15 7.64 18 8.40 138 8.59 8.35 +.02 +5.6sAbdEMSmC N ABE .21e 1.6 13.07 10.90 3 13.04 67 13.20 12.55 +.40 +15.9sAbdGChina N GCH .03e .3 10.52 7.97 7 10.47 90 10.57 10.01 +.41 +20.5sAbdnIndo N IF .52e 7.48 5.55 25 7.20 170 7.48 6.91 +.24 +13.2sAbdnIsrael N ISL .35e 1.1 18.08 15.53 9 17.53 28 18.08 17.29 +.08 +9.1 AbdJapnEq N JEQ .07e .6 8.30 6.98 63 7.96 133 8.10 7.90 -.07 +8.1sAbdnLatA N LAQ 1.21e 2.0 23.65 17.23 7 23.52 70 24.41 22.43 +.73 +18.8 AbSingaFd N SGF 1.09e 10.2 10.90 8.61 7 10.70 66 10.88 10.42 +.24 +23.6tAbility h Q ABIL 8.00 1.95 11 1.98 51 2.33 1.95 -.35 -28.5 Abiomed Q ABMD 132.95 89.74 432 125.20 1569 126.04 122.93 +.31 +11.1 Abraxas Q AXAS 2.99 .90 1189 2.02 5642 2.07 1.88 -21.4 AcaciaC n Q ACIA 128.73 27.05 1924 58.62 6478 60.10 55.07 +1.93 -5.1 AcaciaTc Q ACTG .50 8.7 7.68 3.64 189 5.75 1040 5.75 5.23 +.30 -11.5 AcadIBD50 N FFTY 25.83 19.78 3 25.63 51 25.66 24.63 +.42 +6.1 AcadiaHlt Q ACHC 65.00 32.54 701 43.60 6929 44.90 41.56 +1.67 +31.7 AcadiaPh Q ACAD 42.49 20.68 892 34.38 5969 36.55 33.79 -.45 +19.2 AcadiaRlt N AKR 1.04 3.5 21 38.01 29.23 684 30.06 2434 30.39 29.43 -.01 -8.0 Acasti g rs Q ACST 3.09 1.11 91 1.36 1221 1.65 1.25 +.08 +8.8 AccelrDiag Q AXDX 29.40 10.87 187 24.20 981 24.55 22.10 +1.70 +16.6 Acceleron Q XLRN 41.69 23.07 210 26.47 1362 27.50 25.73 -.31 +3.7 Accenture N ACN 2.31 1.9 20 126.53 108.66 2051 119.88 15152 122.34 118.30 +.90 +2.3sAccessNt Q ANCX .60 2.0 19 33.18 18.00 59 30.02 193 33.18 28.21 +1.73 +8.1 AccoBrds N ACCO 15 14.45 8.58 381 13.15 1950 13.20 12.60 +.15 +.8 Accuray Q ARAY 6.39 4.45 952 4.75 3791 4.90 4.68 -.05 +3.3 AcelRx Q ACRX 4.08 2.40 101 3.15 852 3.15 3.00 +.08 +21.2 AcetoCorp Q ACET .26 1.6 19 25.98 14.32 294 15.81 1702 16.02 14.65 +1.02 -28.0 Achaogen Q AKAO 27.79 2.59 630 25.23 6399 26.96 20.13 +4.35 +93.8tAchillion Q ACHN 10.06 3.71 1613 4.21 8255 4.45 3.71 +.45 +1.9 AclarisTh n Q ACRS 33.25 14.68 137 29.82 983 31.64 29.30 -.71 +9.9sAcmeU N ACU .40 1.4 17 27.95 15.95 4 28.01 27 28.10 25.52 +1.42 +9.5 AcordaTh Q ACOR 33.00 16.40 9616 21.00 12226 29.75 17.50 -4.40 +11.7 AcornInt rs N ATV 12.35 4.11 0 8.90 3 9.21 8.90 -.35 +11.3 AcreRlty N AIII 1.85 .90 12 1.16 88 1.20 1.06 +4.5 ActiniumP N ATNM 2.19 .86 685 1.51 4337 1.60 1.42 +.08 +72.6sActivsBliz Q ATVI .30f .6 41 50.40 31.71 6696 49.86 37626 50.40 48.74 +1.04 +38.1 Actua Q ACTA 6 15.28 8.56 112 14.05 640 14.20 13.75 +.15 +.4 Actuant N ATU .04 .2 26 29.80 20.54 707 26.35 3702 26.43 24.50 +.45 +1.5 Acuity N AYI .52 .3 27 280.89 193.06 657 204.00 3836 208.24 196.78 +4.00 -11.6tAcushnet n N GOLF 22.31 16.84 195 17.28 642 17.90 16.84 -.48 -12.3 Acxiom Q ACXM 30.40 19.11 488 28.47 1677 28.57 27.20 +.53 +6.2 AdamasPh Q ADMS 19.50 12.10 140 17.50 557 17.92 17.03 +.04 +3.6 AdamisPh Q ADMP 10.98 2.40 206 4.25 839 4.35 4.15 -.05 +34.9 AdaDvsEq N ADX .92e 1.1 13.85 12.07 252 13.75 889 13.79 13.46 +.15 +8.2 AdamsNR N PEO 1.38e 2.3 20.82 17.38 92 19.42 408 19.54 18.76 +.44 -3.7 AdmRsc N AE .88 2.4 62 44.27 29.64 2 37.35 28 38.30 35.02 +1.49 -5.8 Adaptim n Q ADAP 11.59 3.76 755 5.51 2119 5.78 4.15 +1.23 +36.0 AdcareHlt N ADK 3 2.60 1.11 148 1.26 214 1.40 1.19 -.09 -13.7 Adcare pfA N ADKpA 2.72 11.8 25.00 19.44 42 22.97 70 23.49 22.95 -.03 -1.5 AddusHmC Q ADUS 29 37.35 16.27 39 32.00 236 32.45 30.35 +1.30 -8.7 ADDvtgTch Q AEY 4 2.31 1.60 13 1.91 75 1.96 1.85 -.07 +7.6 Adecaogro N AGRO 13.29 9.38 560 11.46 3401 11.75 11.29 -.31 +10.4 Adeptus N ADPT 1 73.44 1.34 782 1.80 4526 1.84 1.52 +.21 -76.4 AdestoTc n Q IOTS 5.79 1.50 28 4.15 186 4.30 3.90 +124.3 Adient n N ADNT .28p 76.09 39.66 668 72.67 3745 73.50 67.78 +4.15 +24.0 AdmaBio Q ADMA 8.85 4.34 26 4.88 96 5.08 4.53 +.06 -4.7sAdobeSy Q ADBE 56 130.30 90.35 2017 130.13 11127 130.69 126.36 +2.43 +26.4 Adtran Q ADTN .36 1.7 28 23.75 17.06 594 20.75 1896 21.25 20.60 -.35 -7.2 AduroBio n Q ADRO 16.43 7.26 420 10.75 2052 11.40 10.05 +.60 -5.7 AdvAuto N AAP .24 .2 21 177.83 132.98 963 148.26 4286 150.07 146.18 -1.47 -12.3sAdvAApp n Q AAAP 40.92 23.50 117 39.86 1261 40.92 38.68 +.88 +49.0 AdvDisp n N ADSW 24.10 18.32 208 22.60 945 23.03 22.30 -.14 +1.7 AdvDrainS N WMS .24 1.1 31 28.49 18.60 197 21.90 831 22.05 20.40 +.45 +6.3 AdvEmis n Q ADES 2 12.25 6.21 21 9.54 351 9.84 8.99 +.26 +3.2 AdvEnId Q AEIS 22 70.64 31.98 490 68.56 1976 69.23 64.65 +2.11 +25.2 AMD Q AMD 15.55 2.60 83386 14.55 243488 14.75 13.21 +.85 +28.3sAdvSemi N ASX .25e 3.9 6.64 4.40 1028 6.48 5465 6.64 6.37 -.06 +28.6sAdvFood n N APFH .64 2.1 31.84 23.43 224 31.17 1139 31.84 30.50 +.43 +4.7 Advansx n N ASIX 30.21 14.22 146 27.32 763 27.77 25.76 +.79 +23.4 AdvOil&Gs N AAV 24 7.88 4.97 82 6.60 520 6.68 6.10 +.40 -2.2 Advaxis wt Q ADXSW 11.70 3.49 6 4.44 18 5.11 3.97 +.37 +12.0 Advaxis Q ADXS 16.30 6.47 304 8.17 2452 8.42 7.60 +.23 +14.1 AdvClayCv N AVK 1.13 7.2 16.77 13.04 89 15.66 378 15.68 15.15 +.33 +6.7 AdvCCvII N AGC .56 9.2 6.45 5.25 154 6.11 756 6.12 6.02 +.06 +3.9 AdvClEnh N LCM .84 10.0 8.76 7.53 6 8.44 186 8.45 8.33 +.07 +1.7 AdverumBi Q ADVM 6.31 2.53 154 2.70 1319 2.85 2.60 +.05 -6.9sAdSDorWr N AADR .32e .7 47.04 36.12 7 46.71 65 47.04 45.74 +.11 +16.3 AdvPerHY N HYLD 3.54e 9.9 36.66 31.43 13 35.59 260 35.61 35.04 +.39 -.2 AdvSh ef n N CWS 28.18 24.34 3 27.79 14 27.79 27.30 +.33 +7.0 AdvSmCap N SCAP 31.99 25.40 3 30.92 3 30.92 30.14 +.79 +3.0 AdvAthHiD N DIVI .72e 4.0 18.59 15.60 3 18.19 267 18.23 17.69 +.55 +1.2 AdSGldEur N GEUR .89e 14.92 11.48 16 12.48 58 12.70 12.30 +.14 +7.5 AdSGldYen N GYEN .41e 12.51 10.60 1 11.13 22 11.17 10.81 +.00 +3.9 AdvNfltMS N MINC 1.34e 2.8 49.13 48.32 28 48.63 125 48.66 48.47 +.18 +.1 AdvTrTabs N TTFS .41e .6 67.35 52.36 3 65.35 34 65.51 63.61 +1.01 +2.8 AdMadGBd N FWDB .73e 2.9 26.24 24.75 25.46 3 25.48 25.28 +.06 +1.2sAdMadIntl N FWDI .34e 1.3 26.24 21.05 26.19 8 26.24 26.19 +.11 +6.9 AdMadDm N FWDD .15e .3 47.80 38.35 47.39 6 47.44 46.53 +.47 +6.7 AdvActBear N HDGE 11.30 8.73 193 8.80 1676 9.08 8.76 -.15 -4.9 AdvisoryBd Q ABCO 18 51.23 24.85 215 46.80 2118 47.10 45.10 +2.10 +40.8 Aecom N ACM 12 40.72 26.46 562 35.59 3795 36.02 33.11 +1.49 -2.1 AegeanMP N ANW .08 .7 9 13.10 5.00 630 12.05 2572 12.35 11.25 +.60 +18.7 Aegion Q AEGN 25 26.68 17.18 171 22.91 810 23.18 21.64 +.94 -3.3 AegleaBio n Q AGLE 12.75 3.66 28 7.45 189 7.65 6.76 +.08 +71.3 Aegon N AEG .29e 5.6 6.09 3.36 1093 5.13 8931 5.27 5.09 -.15 -7.2 Aegon cap N AEH 1.59 6.2 26.69 24.67 83 25.51 345 25.64 25.50 +1.9 Aegon 6.5 N AED 1.63 6.3 26.68 24.71 13 25.75 52 26.06 25.75 -.12 +2.3 Aegon flt N AEB .77 3.1 25.39 21.85 8 24.86 47 25.06 24.80 -.23 +10.4 Aegon42 N AEK 2.00 7.7 28.38 25.67 27 25.98 245 25.99 25.86 +.12 -.3sAehrTest h Q AEHR 6.10 .95 648 4.81 1581 6.10 4.16 -.35 +99.6 Aemetis Q AMTX 2.94 1.01 31 1.29 163 1.33 1.14 +.14 -7.2 AerCap N AER 7 49.66 31.45 1209 45.97 6080 46.19 43.78 +1.40 +10.5 AeriePhm Q AERI 51.85 10.82 268 45.35 1231 45.90 43.80 -.50 +19.8 Aerocntry N ACY 13 11.45 8.50 2 9.80 10 10.00 9.70 -.20 +3.7 AerohiveN N HIVE 7.45 4.10 262 4.21 702 4.33 4.17 -.04 -26.1 AerojetR N AJRD 22.99 15.52 1332 21.70 2669 22.13 20.95 +.28 +20.9 AeroViron Q AVAV 32.44 22.16 193 28.03 670 28.17 26.42 +1.06 +4.5 AEtern g rs Q AEZS 5.59 2.35 348 3.00 1340 3.25 2.85 +.10 -16.7 Aethlon rs Q AEMD 9.09 3.10 29 3.27 137 3.45 3.20 -.08 -22.2 Aetna N AET 2.00f 1.6 17 136.50 104.59 2415 127.55 11935 128.47 124.84 +.78 +2.9 AeviGeno Q GNMX 17.75 1.50 550 1.86 6137 1.99 1.53 +.26 -64.1 AffilMgrs N AMG 17 179.85 130.48 354 163.94 1787 164.93 155.27 +5.08 +12.8 AffMgrs42 N MGR 1.59 6.2 27.69 24.80 19 25.55 92 25.66 25.52 -.07 +1.2 AffimedNV Q AFMD 5.00 1.65 319 2.30 1022 2.60 2.30 -.15 +27.8 Agenus Q AGEN 7.49 2.97 1035 3.77 5125 4.08 3.77 -.11 -8.5 AgileThera Q AGRX 8.65 1.82 209 3.21 2594 3.64 2.85 +.25 -43.8 Agilent N A .53 1.0 31 54.82 39.17 1646 52.87 7485 53.61 52.42 -.08 +16.0 Agilysys Q AGYS 12.15 8.17 59 9.45 257 9.68 9.25 +.06 -8.8 AgiosPhm Q AGIO 67.74 34.31 283 58.40 2014 58.65 53.55 +3.13 +39.9 Agnico g N AEM .40 60.10 35.05 1518 42.44 8458 45.49 41.96 -1.39 +1.0 AgreeRlt N ADC 1.98 4.1 22 51.33 38.00 137 47.96 718 48.63 47.18 +.32 +4.1 Agrium g N AGU 3.50 3.7 17 111.88 81.17 641 95.55 3338 96.67 93.98 +1.63 -5.0 AgroFresh Q AGFS 6.82 1.96 153 4.37 860 4.43 3.62 +.78 +64.9 AgroFr wt Q AGFSW 1.00 .05 35 .26 261 .31 .17 +.08 +44.4 Aimmune n Q AIMT 27.31 9.77 249 21.73 1525 23.40 21.23 -1.09 +6.3 Air Inds N AIRI .60 16.4 6.18 2.21 31 3.65 108 4.03 3.32 -.13 +15.9 AirLease N AL .30f .8 8 40.24 24.49 329 38.75 2074 38.94 36.90 +.99 +12.9 AirMethod Q AIRM 17 43.95 23.75 1303 43.00 7924 43.20 42.95 -.20 +35.0 AirProd N APD 3.80f 2.8 21 157.84 129.00 1447 135.29 7827 137.58 133.63 +1.30 -5.9 AirTrnsp Q ATSG 42 17.81 12.36 298 16.05 1388 16.13 15.34 +.50 +.6 AirMedia Q AMCN 5.68 2.35 325 2.75 621 2.76 2.43 +.26 +12.0 Aircastle N AYR 1.04 4.3 11 25.98 18.26 284 24.13 1076 24.32 22.99 +.72 +15.7 Airgain n Q AIRG 29.30 7.36 213 15.16 881 15.69 13.81 +.66 +5.3 AkamaiT Q AKAM 26 71.64 47.80 3550 59.70 15750 64.07 59.50 -3.93 -10.5 AkariTh rs Q AKTX 19.75 6.22 17920 11.07 18523 11.20 6.40 +4.57 +57.2 AkebiaTher Q AKBA 11.07 7.00 104 9.20 691 9.30 9.00 +.09 -11.6 AkersBios Q AKER 3.70 1.15 523 1.80 6440 2.90 1.35 +.40 -5.3 Akorn Inc Q AKRX 14 35.40 17.61 1240 24.08 11975 25.13 22.80 +1.33 +10.3sAkoustis n Q AKTS 14.00 7.00 65 12.84 732 14.00 10.20 +2.79 +53.8 AlaPw pfO N ALPpO 1.46 4.9 30.93 25.30 5 29.52 16 30.17 28.50 +.99 +12.5 AlamoGp N ALG .40f .5 20 79.59 52.82 42 76.19 223 78.00 72.64 +1.86 +.1 AlamosGld N AGI .02 .2 10.41 5.16 1909 8.03 9069 8.39 7.97 -.15 +17.4 n Q ALRM 85 34.43 19.91 364 30.74 1668 30.92 29.70 -.31 +10.5 AlaskaAir N ALK 1.20f 1.3 13 101.43 54.51 1848 92.22 7944 97.06 92.18 -2.48 +3.9 AlaskCom Q ALSK 1.97 1.49 43 1.85 222 1.90 1.81 +12.8 AlbnyIn N AIN .68 1.5 28 49.50 36.77 101 46.05 610 46.51 43.60 +1.60 -.5 AlbnyMlc Q AMRI 19.35 12.45 271 14.03 1425 14.17 13.11 +.82 -25.2 Albemarle N ALB 1.28f 1.2 28 107.56 63.73 868 105.64 4102 106.49 102.65 +1.19 +22.7 Albireo Q ALBO 37.69 7.83 8 24.00 89 24.49 21.14 +1.50 +35.4sAlcentra Q ABDC 1.36a 9.9 11 14.23 11.00 74 13.74 387 14.23 13.25 +.36 +14.8 Alcoa Cp N AA 39.78 20.71 5015 34.40 22370 35.14 31.29 +1.84 +22.5 Alcobra Q ADHD 5.75 .83 237 1.14 1154 1.17 1.12 -45.7 AlderBioPh Q ALDR 36.48 18.55 373 20.80 2017 21.65 20.60 -.55 AldeyraTh Q ALDX 8.19 3.81 20 5.00 94 5.20 4.90 -.05 -6.5 Alere N ALR 50.80 31.47 381 39.73 2181 39.88 38.52 +.60 +2.0 Alere pfB N ALRpB 12.00t 376.50 271.04 3 328.00 13 330.00 324.01 +1.50 -1.5 AlexB Inc N ALEX .28 .6 46.43 32.94 139 44.52 593 44.77 42.53 +1.50 -.8 Alexanders N ALX 17.00f 3.9 20 451.99 364.01 7 431.86 32 432.75 417.50 +11.71 +1.2 AlexREE N ARE 3.32 3.0 25 120.96 89.43 704 110.52 3223 111.51 108.98 -.01 -.5 AlxRE pfD N AREpD 1.75 5.0 37.25 29.00 18 34.85 574 35.74 33.75 +.16 +1.7 AlexcoR g N AXU 2.54 .87 522 1.53 2388 1.74 1.50 -.13 +13.3 Alexion lf Q ALXN 47 162.00 109.12 1969 121.24 9153 122.93 115.58 +1.98 -.9sAlgonPw n N AQN .23p 10.10 7.91 89 9.58 479 10.18 9.48 +.15 +13.0sAlibaba N BABA 34 110.45 73.30 8635 107.83 41886 110.45 106.51 -.21 +22.8 Alico Q ALCO .24 .9 31 32.66 25.01 6 26.40 29 26.60 25.75 +.66 -2.8sAlignTech Q ALGN 49 114.99 69.70 545 114.71 2516 115.20 112.21 +.84 +19.3 AlimeraSci Q ALIM 5.15 1.02 484 1.40 1782 1.48 1.36 -.07 +29.6 Alkermes Q ALKS 62.50 30.03 2239 58.50 4520 61.80 56.20 -.38 +5.3 AllegCp N Y 19 667.19 482.85 38 614.66 289 640.31 603.28 +.33 +1.1 AllegTch N ATI 23.69 10.93 1362 17.96 10716 18.10 16.40 +.69 +12.7 AllgnceBc n Q ABTX 21 39.41 17.79 25 37.20 108 37.59 34.15 +2.15 +2.9 AllegiantT Q ALGT 2.80 1.7 12 183.91 121.70 92 160.25 456 162.35 154.05 -2.25 -3.7sAllegion N ALLE .64f .8 75.92 61.47 581 75.70 2394 76.29 74.00 +.65 +18.3 Allergan N AGN 18 277.96 184.50 2042 238.92 10617 243.06 235.15 +1.59 +13.8 Allergn pfA N AGNpA 55.00 6.5 940.00 691.00 5 848.43 112 863.50 837.58 +8.74 +11.3sAllete N ALE 2.14f 3.2 26 68.38 53.47 223 67.71 1031 68.38 66.90 -.21 +5.5 AlliCAMun N AKP .70 5.3 15.74 13.02 22 13.30 114 13.39 13.29 +.02 +.4 AlliData N ADS .52p 17 251.19 185.02 462 249.00 2310 250.00 238.60 +5.21 +9.0 AlliHlthC Q AIQ 9 10.50 5.73 10 10.25 37 10.40 10.00 +.15 +6.8 AlliHold Q AHGP 2.20 8.0 9 32.70 13.57 109 27.43 637 29.26 25.44 +1.29 -2.4 All MMA n Q AMMA 5.47 2.51 6 2.65 109 2.88 2.63 -.15 -27.2 AlliBNtlMu N AFB .75 5.6 15.21 12.83 256 13.38 637 13.38 13.16 +.19 +1.2tAlliOne rs N AOI 3 27.23 12.30 49 12.85 214 13.40 12.30 -.40 -33.1 AllnceRes Q ARLP 1.75 8.1 6 26.65 11.00 320 21.65 1698 22.80 20.25 +.50 -3.6 AlliBGlbHi N AWF .97a 7.7 13.03 11.25 235 12.58 1179 12.63 12.41 +.10 +.1 AlliBern N AB 1.81e 7.9 11 25.13 20.75 296 22.85 1581 22.95 21.35 +1.15 -2.6 AlliantEg s N LNT 1.18 3.0 21 40.99 34.08 982 39.61 4890 40.32 39.49 -.49 +4.5 AlliGlCvInc N NCV .78 11.5 7.00 5.41 237 6.76 1786 6.76 6.48 +.25 +6.0 AlliGblCv2 N NCZ .69 11.4 6.27 4.80 160 6.05 1259 6.05 5.74 +.25 +6.0 AlliNFJDv N NFJ 1.20 9.3 13.37 11.91 262 12.89 1387 13.02 12.68 +.08 +2.2 AlliGlEqCv N NIE 1.52 7.9 19.80 17.46 78 19.30 450 19.31 18.98 +.19 +4.8 AllnzgDI&Cv N ACV 2.00 9.8 20.75 16.87 35 20.32 201 20.33 19.34 +.73 +8.2 AlldCap47 N AFC 1.72 6.7 26.28 25.10 2 25.78 36 25.91 25.54 +.42 +2.2 AldHlPrd rs Q AHPI 3.82 1.00 1.97 6 2.04 1.93 -.06 -1.6 AlliedMot Q AMOT .10 .5 23 25.19 15.54 141 20.10 312 20.55 19.43 -.05 -6.0 AlldWldAsr N AWH 1.04 2.0 16 54.46 33.20 1227 53.10 3012 53.52 52.91 -.04 -1.1tAlliqua h Q ALQA 1.48 .41 1578 .51 8255 .68 .41 -.18 -14.4 AllisonTrn N ALSN .60 1.7 32 38.17 25.88 464 36.06 4227 36.24 34.29 +.80 +7.0 AllotComm Q ALLT 5.67 4.50 27 4.76 219 4.80 4.58 -.6 AllscriptH Q MDRX 15.17 9.80 1367 12.68 11185 12.91 12.04 +.70 +24.2 Allstate N ALL 1.48f 1.8 17 83.09 64.36 1481 81.49 6307 82.10 80.07 +.50 +9.9 Allstat pfA N ALLpA 1.41 5.6 27.88 24.17 16 25.36 74 25.75 25.35 +.10 +2.5 Allstate 53 N ALLpB 1.28 4.8 28.26 24.66 49 26.64 157 26.96 26.53 +.27 +5.8 Allstat pfC N ALLpC 1.69 6.4 28.61 25.54 11 26.60 95 27.08 26.60 +.05 +3.2 Allstat pfD N ALLpD 1.66 6.1 28.71 25.54 2 27.06 14 27.50 26.96 +.32 +4.6 Allstat pfE N ALLpE 1.66 6.2 28.67 25.51 14 26.84 192 27.15 26.74 +.22 +3.7 Allstat pfF N ALLpF 1.56 5.7 29.16 25.00 9 27.16 78 27.46 27.00 +.30 +5.9 AllyFincl N ALLY .32p 1.6 10 23.62 14.84 3726 20.33 30054 20.61 19.35 +.37 +6.9 AlmadM n N AAU 1.88 .66 344 1.18 1031 1.18 1.05 +.06 +21.8 AlmostFam Q AFAM 31 50.98 34.73 130 48.60 464 49.35 47.80 +.70 +10.2 AlnylamP Q ALNY 80.11 31.38 796 51.25 3867 53.63 50.50 -1.22 +36.9 AlonUSA N ALJ .60 4.9 13.01 5.86 243 12.19 1732 12.40 11.87 +.07 +7.1 AlonUsaLP N ALDW .40e 4.4 11 12.66 7.63 208 9.16 513 9.81 9.07 -.49 -4.6 AlphaOmg Q AOSL 54 23.93 10.72 126 17.19 487 17.43 16.58 +.15 -19.2 AlpUSQVal N QVAL 1.35e 5.3 26.07 20.29 3 25.39 14 25.42 24.75 +.47 +2.6sAlpValuIntl N IVAL 1.35e 4.8 29.31 20.99 2 28.25 18 29.31 28.11 -.17 +10.0 AlpMoUSQ N QMOM 26.70 20.50 0 25.58 23 25.58 24.72 +.44 +3.5 AlphaPro N APT 14 3.80 1.85 22 2.75 61 2.75 2.55 +.15 -21.4 Alphabet C Q GOOG 26 853.50 663.28 1358 829.56 7698 833.68 803.37 +15.13 +7.5 Alphabet A Q GOOGL 27 874.42 672.66 1321 847.80 7153 852.00 824.30 +12.66 +7.0 Alphatc rs Q ATEC 9.65 1.96 137 2.33 1083 2.64 2.02 +.14 -27.4sAlpGDDiv N AGD .78 8.0 9.76 8.04 75 9.76 204 9.88 9.55 +.15 +11.3 AlpGPPrp N AWP .60 10.5 5.90 4.84 325 5.72 2217 5.72 5.54 +.12 +11.5 AlpTotDiv N AOD .69 8.4 8.35 6.97 386 8.26 1489 8.32 8.07 +.11 +9.0 AlpsETF N GRI 1.52e 3.5 47.03 40.28 2 43.02 17 43.03 42.64 +.03 +3.3 AlpsEqSect N EQL 1.83e 2.9 64.11 55.02 5 62.98 43 63.05 61.74 +.60 +5.0 AlpsRtSec n Q SWIN 26.90 24.87 2 26.14 21 26.15 25.54 +.23 +4.3 Alps RivDiv N RFDA 28.73 24.45 34 27.89 89 27.95 27.33 +.38 +3.4 AlpRvrCare N RFCI 27.89 24.16 16 24.52 93 24.53 24.43 +.02 +.3 AlpRivUncn N RFUN 28.76 24.65 2 25.92 26 25.98 25.58 +.25 +.6 AlpSprtJG N SGDJ 49.11 28.00 13 34.66 38 35.34 33.45 +.30 +9.1 AlpMedBrk N SBIO 27.61 19.90 9 25.76 90 26.27 25.19 +.32 +12.4 AlpSprotG N SGDM 29.85 16.89 29 20.09 152 20.99 19.87 -.29 +6.5 AlpEDvDg N EDOG .67e 2.9 26.03 20.21 6 23.45 366 23.96 23.37 -.34 +7.8 AlpAlerEn N ENFR 1.35e 5.6 24.95 17.37 7 24.30 64 24.30 23.63 +.47 +1.9 AlpIntDvDg N IDOG 1.47e 5.7 25.71 21.28 83 25.64 580 25.69 25.30 +.28 +8.5 AlpBarr400 N BFOR .26e .7 37.05 28.66 5 36.65 57 36.76 35.54 +.64 +4.6 AlpEqHiVol N HVPW 1.52e 7.9 20.49 18.81 8 19.42 39 19.78 19.30 +.09 +.1 AlpRivStInc N RIGS .30e 1.2 25.50 24.32 31 25.24 202 25.31 24.91 +.29 +.3 AlpsDvDog N SDOG 1.40e 3.3 44.40 37.53 197 42.95 1599 43.09 42.19 +.38 +2.1 AlpAlerMLP N AMLP 1.35e 10.6 13.31 10.24 5072 12.71 32106 12.75 12.45 +.16 +.9stAlteryx n N AYX 15.74 14.61 355 15.63 2473 15.74 14.61 +2.6 AltisrcAst N AAMC 9 89.12 11.40 13 75.25 123 77.00 58.09 +17.50 +40.7sAltisrce n Q ASPS 21 37.10 20.75 558 36.80 3674 38.80 30.26 +5.31 +38.4sAltisResid N RESI .60 3.9 15.45 7.81 613 15.25 3540 15.45 14.25 +.99 +38.1 AltraIndlM Q AIMC .60 1.5 30 46.90 25.77 157 38.95 735 39.15 36.50 +1.55 +5.6 Market profile NYSE MKT Nasdaq AMD 83,385,600 14.55 +.50 FrontierCm 69,230,100 2.14 +.01 BlackBerry 51,849,300 7.75 +.80 MicronT 29,852,200 28.90 -.07 Intel 20,160,600 36.07 +.32 Microsoft 19,870,500 65.86 +.15 Apple Inc 18,657,600 143.66 -.27 PwShs QQQ 17,965,900 132.38 -.09 AkariTh rs 17,919,900 11.07 +4.09 lululemn gs 16,667,000 51.87 +1.11 WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg2510.92 +12.65BritATob s 5,268,900 66.32 +.34 NwGold g 5,071,500 2.98 -.06 B2gold g 3,948,300 2.83 +.01 SRC Eng 3,729,300 8.44 +.07 NDynMn g 3,271,400 1.43 +.01 CheniereEn 3,068,000 47.27 +1.24 Protalix 2,741,200 1.36 +.09 NovaGld g 2,533,300 4.87 -.06 TherapMD 2,501,200 7.20 +.14 CastleBr 2,470,500 1.55 +.05 NwGold g 34,472,300 2.98 +.06 B2gold g 22,636,200 2.83 -.08 RexahnPh 20,196,600 .51 +.06 BritATob s 16,727,000 66.32 +.74 CastleBr 16,249,600 1.55 +.34 FrontierCm 299,346,900 2.14 +.05 AMD 243,488,000 14.55 +.85 MicronT 150,227,900 28.90 +.47 DryShp rs 125,551,700 1.65 +.30 Apple Inc 125,342,500 143.66 +3.02 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg 11492.85 -26.99 NYSE Advanced Declined Unchanged WEEKLY CHANGE WEEKLY CHANGE WEEKLY CHANGE iShEMkts 88,869,500 39.39 -.28 BkofAm 74,447,900 23.59 -.28 SPDR Fncl 69,019,800 23.73 -.20 DrGMBll s 55,088,400 6.46 +.17 S&P500ETF 54,882,300 235.74 -.55 VanEGold 53,560,600 22.81 +.26 GenElec 46,198,500 29.80 -.07 B iPVxST rs 37,836,300 15.79 +.27 RiteAid 36,704,700 4.25 -.17 DxGBull s 34,732,300 8.99 +.25 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg BkofAm 432,720,300 23.59 +.47 SPDR Fncl 406,176,900 23.73 +.19 S&P500ETF 299,038,300 235.74 +1.88 DrGMBll s 266,184,100 6.46 -.15 VanEGold 254,613,200 22.81 -.11 TRC Cos 17.45 +60.8 Systemax 11.09 +54.0 WalterInv 1.08 +47.9 EKodk wtA 1.01 +40.1 Tidwtr 1.15 +38.6 TCF Fn wt 2.25 +34.8 StageStrs 2.59 +30.8 HalconRes wt 1.79 +27.9 WEEKS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg QuormHl n 5.44 -24.1 DxSPOGBr rs 16.14 -17.6 DrxNGBear rs 25.76 -16.4 UBS 3xInvC 29.64 -15.9 CgpVelICrd 26.76 -15.3 Hill Intl 4.15 -15.3 DaqoNEn 18.77 -14.3 WEEKS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chg ExeterR gs 1.73 +51.1 AltisrcAst 75.25 +30.3 CastleBr 1.55 +28.1 TrnsatlPet 1.40 +25.0 Protalix 1.36 +21.4 VirnetX 2.30 +21.1 ImunoCll rs 3.18 +18.3 Compx 15.35 +18.1 WEEKS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg GoldStdV g 2.16 -16.6 Versar 1.67 -12.1 iPathLong 214.83 -9.3 BirksGrp 1.42 -8.2 AlexcoR g 1.53 -7.8 KlondexM g 3.89 -7.6 AdcareHlt 1.26 -6.7 CellectB wt 2.48 +135.7 CatalstB rs 9.43 +81.3 AkariTh rs 11.07 +70.3 Polarity rs 13.67 +60.4 PowerSolu lf 10.09 +59.4 BiondVx wt 1.40 +57.5 Athersys 1.71 +50.0 ImprimisP 4.17 +47.9 WinsFin 144.99 -49.4 Foamix 4.95 -45.6 CryoPort rs 2.36 -33.1 PulseBio n 20.41 -32.7 HTG Mol h 6.92 -28.3 DarioHlth 3.01 -25.9 Proteos n 7.82 -24.75911.74 -2.60How to read the weekend stock tables STOCK GLOSSARY „ cc: PE greater than 99. d: New 52-week low; dd: Loss in last 12 mos. g: Stock trades in U.S. money but dividend and earnings in Canadian money, and no yield or PE unless stated in U.S. money; n: New issue in past 52 weeks, with high-low range from start of trading; s: A split or stock dividend of 25 percent or more in the past 52 weeks, with the 52-week high-low adjusted. Dividend begins with the date of split or dividend; q: Closed-end fund; no PE calculated. u: New 52-week high; v: Trading halted on primary market; vj: In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized, or securities assumed by such companies; z: Sales in full, not in hundreds. SPECIAL TYPES: pf: Preferred stocks, which get priority when dividends are paid; pp: Holder owes two installments of purchase price; rs: Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50 percent within the past year; rt: Rights to buy new issues below market; un: Sold in units that may include bonds or warrants; wt: Warrants, or options granted by the company; xw: Without warrants; ww: With warrants; wd: When distributed by holder; wi: When stock is issued. DIVIDEND FOOTNOTES: a: Extra dividend(s); b: Annual rate plus stock dividend; c : Dividend from a liquidating company; e: Declared or paid preceding 12 months; f: Annual rate, increased on last declaration. i: Declared or paid after dividend or split; j: Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred or no action taken at last meeting; k: Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears; r: Declared or paid in last 12 months plus stock dividend; m: Annual rate, reduced on last declaration. p: Initial dividend, annual rate unknown; yield not shown. t: Paid in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date; X: Buyers arent entitled to next dividend (ex-dividend) or rights (ex-rights); y: ex-dividend and sales in full. 1 „ Name of stock. 2 „ Market: N = NYSE, Q = NASDAQ. 3 „ Ticker Symbol company trades under. 4 „ Dividend: A distribution of the companys earnings to shareholders, usually consisting of stock dividends, interest on bonds, or short-term capital gains on the sale of securities usually paid quarterly in the form of cash or stock.5 „ Div. Yield: The dividend divided by the stock price. It helps gauge how well the stock is paying, compared to other investments such as CDs, bonds or savings accounts. 6 „ Price to earnings ratio: The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. PEs are used to gauge the relative worth of a company stock. When compared to other companies in the same industry, the companies with the lowest PEs are generally earning higher profits.7 „ Range of closing prices in last year.8 „ Trading for the day, with sales in thousands (10 = 10,000 shares), and closing price.9 „ Weekly sales volume, High, low, and change from previous weeks close.10 „ Percent change for the year. st Arrows, indicate new highs or lows during the week. Underline: indicates weekly volume surge equal to or more than 5%. Bold stocks designates which stocks have gone up or down 10% for the week. XYZcorp Q ABC .35m 1.3 26 32.17 22.26 2 26.97 13 28.18 24.92 +.98 -14.00 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg 2 3 1 4 5 6 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg 7 8 9 10 Continued on next page WEEKS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg WEEKS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chg WEEKS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chgqp q 1,749 1,189 135 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,073 90 9 Advanced Declined Unchanged 200 152 18 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 370 13 5 Advanced Declined Unchanged 1,514 1,283 238 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,035 122 22 Advanced Declined Unchanged 2,374 688 47 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,109 231 65 Advanced Declined Unchanged 256 119 16 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 391 25 14 Advanced Declined Unchanged 2,221 795 84 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,100 273 112 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 2 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


Altria N MO 2.44 3.4 24 76.55 59.48 8928 71.42 33024 73.46 71.42 -1.75 +5.6 AlumChina N ACH 13.85 7.22 19 12.13 151 12.19 11.54 -.12 +18.8 AmTrstF h Q AFSI .34 1.8 6 28.48 16.58 1991 18.46 9649 18.86 17.90 +.30 -32.6 ATrFn pfA N AFSIpA 1.69 7.6 26.00 19.40 6 22.30 83 22.49 20.86 +.63 -9.3 AmTrF pfB N AFSIpB 1.81 7.8 26.49 20.37 11 23.25 224 23.74 21.53 +.86 -7.1 AmTrF pfC N AFSIpC 1.91 8.0 26.89 21.19 10 23.73 120 23.93 22.51 +.85 -5.7 AmTrF pf F N AFSIpF 25.17 19.39 30 22.47 262 22.58 19.71 +1.04 -2.6 AmTrF pfE N AFSIpE 27.40 21.03 31 24.28 243 24.53 22.64 +.93 -4.9 AmTrFn 7.5 N AFST 28.75 22.46 10 24.96 113 25.29 24.57 +.17 -3.0 AmTrFn 55 N AFSS 1.81 7.2 26.81 22.84 25 25.06 170 25.06 24.07 +.75 -.8 AmTrF pfD N AFSIpD 1.88 7.9 26.91 21.00 35 23.74 147 24.35 22.82 +.81 -5.9 Amarin Q AMRN 3.65 1.41 970 3.20 4895 3.28 3.14 +.01 +3.9 Amaya g Q AYA 17.57 10.99 161 17.00 911 17.25 16.45 +.10 +20.1sAmazon Q AMZN 877.06 575.56 3822 886.54 16751 890.35 833.50 +40.93 +18.2 AmbacF wt Q AMBCW 15.50 6.25 3 9.64 18 9.95 8.50 +1.14 -21.3 AmbacFin Q AMBC 4 27.25 14.42 523 18.86 1784 18.91 17.39 +1.14 -16.2 Ambarella Q AMBA 28 74.95 35.26 1062 54.71 3248 56.76 53.90 +.02 +1.1 AmberRd N AMBR 12.30 4.50 265 7.72 677 7.82 7.47 +.06 -15.0 Ambev N ABEV .06e 1.0 6 6.34 4.70 19534 5.76 74557 5.82 5.55 +.15 +17.3 Amdocs Q DOX .88f 1.4 17 62.65 54.12 854 60.99 3349 62.39 60.97 -1.31 +4.7 Amedica rs Q AMDA 2.80 .35 980 .41 2443 .43 .38 +.01 -34.9 Amedisys Q AMED 45 55.16 34.58 142 51.09 817 51.83 46.92 +.37 +19.8 AMERCO Q UHAL 3.00e 17 399.16 307.80 49 381.19 430 387.00 360.80 +7.49 +3.1sAmeren N AEE 1.76f 3.2 20 56.57 46.29 1740 54.59 11197 56.57 54.48 -1.60 +4.1sAmeresco N AMRC 23 6.30 3.91 296 6.55 586 6.55 5.60 +.70 +19.1 AFMulti Q ATAX .50 8.9 16 6.11 5.10 63 5.60 496 5.75 5.60 +.08 +3.7 AMovilL N AMX .66e 4.7 49 15.95 11.02 5203 14.17 14144 14.76 13.92 +.05 +12.7 AmCarM Q CRMT 15 47.75 19.49 95 36.45 312 36.80 33.95 +2.10 -16.7 AmAirlines Q AAL .40 .9 6 50.64 24.85 5307 42.30 26525 42.94 40.56 +.57 -9.4 AmAssets N AAT 1.04f 2.5 27 46.38 37.45 489 41.84 1530 42.08 40.93 -.08 -2.9 AmAxle N AXL 6 21.25 12.61 779 18.78 4493 19.00 18.16 +.16 -2.7 AmCampus N ACC 1.68 3.5 25 54.56 43.66 455 47.59 2377 48.30 46.89 -.48 -4.4sACapSenF Q ACSF 1.16 8.4 5 14.10 9.55 66 13.75 363 14.10 13.10 +.45 +15.5 AmDGEn N ADGE .65 .22 22 .31 148 .33 .29 +.01 +8.9 AEagleOut N AEO .50 3.6 11 19.55 13.32 3619 14.03 16655 14.48 13.67 +.18 -7.5 AEP N AEP 2.36 3.5 17 71.32 57.89 2218 67.13 11782 68.25 66.85 -.66 +6.6 AmElTech Q AETI 5.15 1.50 4 2.15 89 2.25 1.95 +.20 +38.7 AEqInvLf N AEL .24f 1.0 15 28.00 12.77 745 23.63 3387 23.86 22.41 -.08 +4.8 AmExp N AXP 1.28 1.6 14 82.00 57.15 4898 79.11 18800 79.43 76.67 +.91 +6.8 AFnclGrp N AFG 1.25 1.3 16 97.00 66.78 315 95.42 1267 95.99 92.45 +2.03 +8.3 AFnclG6-42 N AFW 1.59 6.2 26.96 24.98 9 25.49 71 25.55 25.25 +.04 +1.5 AFnclG8-42 N AFA 1.44 5.7 26.89 24.16 3 25.40 28 25.52 25.23 +.09 +1.7 AFnclGp 54 N AFGE 1.56 6.0 28.28 24.43 4 26.21 54 26.55 25.75 +.14 +4.7 AFnclGp 55 N AFGH 1.50 5.7 28.02 23.58 12 26.45 43 26.64 26.04 +.27 +5.8 AHm4Rent N AMH .20 .9 40 23.98 15.36 1995 22.96 10763 23.42 22.73 -.42 +9.4 AHm4R pfA N AMHpA 1.25 4.4 29.37 25.66 4 28.40 58 28.88 28.22 -.14 +2.9sAHm4R pfB N AMHpB 1.25 4.4 29.07 25.61 8 28.67 90 29.70 28.50 +.08 +4.7sAHm4R pfC N AMHpC 1.38 4.8 28.95 26.00 14 28.70 23 29.50 28.48 +.26 +5.7 AHm4Rn pfD N AMHpD 1.63 6.1 27.58 22.15 10 26.74 51 27.10 25.50 +.91 +7.0 AHm4R pfE N AMHpE 1.59 6.2 26.33 22.55 8 25.60 136 25.60 25.11 +4.4 AIG wt N AIG/WS 25.26 15.50 90 21.37 355 21.61 19.16 +1.41 -8.9 AmIntlGrp N AIG 1.28 2.1 67.47 48.41 4894 62.43 28086 62.89 59.89 +1.55 -4.4 AmLorain N ALN 1.30 .47 2 .56 10 .58 .49 +3.7 AMidstrm N AMID 1.65 11.1 18.45 6.18 240 14.85 1325 15.15 14.25 -.15 -18.4 AmerNtl Q AMNB .96 2.6 20 39.40 24.36 57 37.25 192 38.20 34.95 +1.55 +7.0 AmNatIns Q ANAT 3.28 2.8 18 131.99 107.44 51 118.03 108 118.43 112.81 +2.81 -5.3 AmOutBr Q AOBC 8 31.19 17.50 1162 19.81 6908 19.92 18.42 +1.09 -6.0 AmPubEd Q APEI 15 30.79 14.75 77 22.90 267 23.15 21.50 +1.00 -6.7 AmRailcar Q ARII 1.60 3.9 11 51.10 35.43 87 41.10 282 41.66 38.96 +1.30 -9.3 AmrRlty N ARL 9.85 4.44 1 8.04 10 8.29 7.51 +.22 +55.5tAmRenAs n N ARA 29.65 15.47 72 16.88 581 17.04 15.47 +.02 -20.7 AmrRvr Q AMRB .05p 16 15.99 9.69 29 14.82 136 15.23 14.66 -.38 -1.9 AmShrd N AMS 25 4.65 1.81 39 4.33 183 4.50 4.20 -.08 +29.1 ASoft lf Q AMSWA .44 4.3 32 11.94 8.61 206 10.28 593 10.86 9.94 +.12 -.5 AmStsWtr N AWR .97 2.2 27 46.39 37.28 154 44.30 619 44.56 43.08 +.77 -2.8 AmSupr rs Q AMSC 12.50 5.86 67 6.86 359 6.98 6.11 +.62 -6.9sAmTower N AMT 2.48f 2.0 48 121.33 99.72 2684 121.54 12023 121.85 118.55 +2.22 +15.0 ATowr pfA N AMTpA 5.25 4.6 117.25 100.01 38 114.22 267 114.32 112.36 +2.27 +9.0 ATowr pfB N AMTpB 5.50 4.9 116.74 99.45 44 111.70 269 112.89 110.20 +1.70 +6.9 AVangrd N AVD .06f .4 38 20.00 12.60 167 16.60 440 16.90 15.50 +.82 -13.3 AmWtrWks N AWK 1.50 1.9 27 85.24 68.09 1335 77.77 5150 78.05 76.32 +.68 +7.5sAWoodmk Q AMWD 22 91.70 60.80 126 91.80 626 92.25 87.25 +2.00 +22.0 Amerigas N APU 3.76 8.0 42 50.11 40.81 159 47.09 826 47.22 45.01 +1.62 -1.7 Ameriprise N AMP 3.00 2.3 14 135.20 84.92 1137 129.68 5092 130.83 121.30 +4.42 +16.9 AmerisBc Q ABCB .40 .9 22 49.50 27.73 437 46.10 1268 46.65 42.95 +1.70 +5.7 Amerisafe Q AMSF .72a 1.1 15 69.40 50.02 94 64.90 381 65.25 62.40 +1.15 +4.1 AmrSvFin Q ASRV .06 1.6 13 4.05 2.90 68 3.75 139 3.90 3.70 +.03 +1.4 AmSvFn pf Q ASRVP 2.11 7.9 28.99 25.70 0 26.70 5 27.00 26.51 -.17 +2.6 AmeriBrgn N ABC 1.46 1.6 15 94.50 68.38 1736 88.50 8170 89.88 86.12 +1.94 +13.2 AmesNatl Q ATLO .88f 2.9 19 37.45 24.00 7 30.60 18 31.10 29.40 +.40 -7.3 Ametek N AME .36 .7 24 55.48 43.28 1186 54.08 6262 54.52 52.42 +.66 +11.3 Amgen Q AMGN 4.60f 2.8 15 184.21 133.64 2678 164.07 20277 166.61 162.94 -1.67 +12.2 AmicusTh Q FOLD 9.83 4.41 2049 7.13 13393 7.64 7.06 -.11 +43.5 AmiraNatF N ANFI 11.23 4.71 86 5.36 349 5.50 5.11 +.19 -12.8 AmkorTch Q AMKR 17 12.48 5.27 2412 11.59 5262 11.64 10.72 +.64 +9.9 Ampco N AP .36 2.6 19.22 9.34 21 14.05 187 15.05 13.65 +.10 -16.1 Amphastar Q AMPH 66 21.75 11.37 362 14.50 2052 14.89 13.55 +.74 -21.3 Amphenol N APH .64f .9 26 71.98 54.94 1431 71.17 5320 71.95 69.86 +.20 +5.9 AmpioPhm N AMPE 4.32 .59 418 .80 992 .84 .75 -.01 -11.1sAmpOnRt ef Q IBUY 29.87 22.94 5 29.54 20 29.87 28.74 +.72 +8.6 AmpDivOpt N DIVO 26.79 24.88 1 26.10 14 26.37 26.10 -.21 +4.9 Amplify n N BETR 18 17.53 7.86 538 8.40 1692 8.63 8.25 -.02 -4.7 Ampliphi rs N APHB 4.84 .36 59 .43 1099 .52 .42 -.06 -2.3 Amrep N AXR 10 8.14 4.04 61 6.41 142 6.68 6.00 +.16 -13.6 AmtechSys Q ASYS 7.14 3.99 17 5.50 87 5.64 5.37 -.09 +29.4 Amyris Q AMRS 1.43 .31 1377 .53 9060 .55 .47 +.04 -27.4 Anadarko N APC .20 .3 73.33 43.52 3585 62.00 21170 63.30 59.34 +1.66 -11.1 Anadrk 18 N AEUA 3.75 8.6 46.52 31.99 5 43.49 161 43.50 41.75 +.25 +5.2 AnalogDev Q ADI 1.80 2.2 29 84.24 52.17 2265 81.95 11006 82.61 80.39 +.31 +12.8tAnlogic Q ALOG .40 .5 40 95.85 72.25 191 75.90 676 77.10 72.25 +2.80 -8.5sAnaptys n Q ANAB 29.96 15.17 440 27.75 793 29.96 27.05 +.01 +63.2 Anavex rs Q AVXL 8.30 2.43 341 5.74 1666 6.09 5.65 -.27 +44.9 AnchBcWA Q ANCB 84 27.50 22.61 1 25.95 7 25.99 25.75 +.15 -4.6 Andersons Q ANDE .64 1.7 92 44.90 25.78 213 37.90 636 39.20 37.40 -.04 -15.2 AndinaAcII Q ANDA 10.35 9.67 2 10.09 15 10.20 10.06 -.05 +1.6 AndinaA un Q ANDAU 11.10 10.02 10.80 27 10.80 10.79 +.21 +2.9 AndinaII rt Q ANDAR .80 .16 .51 12 .53 .51 -.09 +30.8 AndinaII wt Q ANDAW .39 .08 .29 5 .34 .27 -.06 +7.4 AngiesList Q ANGI 10.76 5.22 359 5.70 1328 5.79 5.52 +.05 -30.7 AngioDyn Q ANGO 18.18 10.71 461 17.35 1771 18.12 16.63 +.38 +2.8 AnglogldA N AU 22.91 9.28 2545 10.77 13221 11.57 10.58 -.33 +2.5 ABInBev N BUD 3.19e 2.9 136.08 98.28 1263 109.76 7965 111.90 109.51 -1.10 +4.1 AnikaTh Q ANIK 20 54.96 41.38 96 43.44 465 43.61 41.64 +1.09 -11.3 Anixter N AXE 18 88.00 49.29 141 79.30 723 79.75 75.70 +1.30 -2.2sAnnaly N NLY 1.20a 10.8 9 11.37 9.83 6131 11.11 40973 11.37 11.02 +.27 +11.4 Annaly pfA N NLYpA 1.97 7.7 27.00 24.51 7 25.47 45 25.50 25.26 +.15 +1.7 Annaly pfC N NLYpC 1.91 7.6 26.04 23.77 23 25.28 72 25.28 24.91 +.26 +4.9 Annaly pfD N NLYpD 1.88 7.5 26.29 23.79 49 25.00 194 25.00 24.75 +.15 +3.6 Annaly pfE N NLYpE 1.91 7.6 25.88 23.95 18 25.17 78 25.19 24.80 +.21 +4.4 Ansys Q ANSS 32 108.92 81.41 298 106.87 1924 107.38 104.55 +1.17 +15.5sAntaresP Q ATRS 2.90 .70 2806 2.84 5900 2.95 2.69 +.08 +21.9 AnteroMid N AM 1.12f 3.4 29 35.74 20.52 205 33.16 1846 33.38 32.05 -.38 +7.4tAnteroRes N AR 1.00 4.4 39 30.66 22.08 3370 22.81 15831 23.31 22.08 +.32 -3.6 Anthem N ANTM 2.60 1.6 17 170.79 114.85 1247 165.38 7003 167.83 158.66 +2.63 +15.0 Anthem un N ANTX 2.62e 51.05 41.00 39 51.00 331 51.00 48.55 +1.56 +8.6 AntheraP h Q ANTH 4.40 .38 5160 .43 21466 .48 .41 +.01 -34.4 Anworth N ANH .60 10.8 10 5.56 4.47 1179 5.55 3785 5.56 5.37 +.20 +7.4sAnwrth pfA N ANHpA 2.16 8.4 26.00 24.80 2 25.74 12 26.00 25.55 +.39 +1.8sAnwrth pfB N ANHpB 1.56 5.7 27.10 19.91 4 27.18 12 27.18 26.75 +.59 +6.3 Anwrth pfC N ANHpC 1.91 7.7 26.40 23.30 4 24.65 170 24.85 24.52 +.28 -.3 Aon plc N AON 1.32 1.1 19 119.88 100.55 1067 118.69 4949 119.35 116.05 +1.15 +6.4 AoxnTia h rs Q ABAC 4.07 1.51 22 2.30 93 2.59 2.25 -.04 -36.4 AoxingPh N AXN 10 .94 .30 70 .40 482 .44 .38 -.01 +25.6 Apache N APA 1.00 1.9 69.00 46.15 5682 51.39 20836 54.06 49.27 +1.15 -19.0 AptInv N AIV 1.44f 3.2 30 47.91 39.14 1413 44.35 4369 44.95 43.65 -.39 -2.4 AptInv pfA N AIVpA 1.72 6.5 29.47 25.29 2 26.47 17 26.90 26.06 +.07 +2.4 ApogeeE Q APOG .56f .9 21 61.00 39.48 210 59.61 775 59.98 55.33 +2.67 +11.3sApolloCRE N ARI 1.84 9.8 10 19.03 15.43 1010 18.81 6894 19.03 18.46 +.69 +13.2 ApolCR pfA N ARIpA 2.16 8.4 26.29 24.70 6 25.57 41 25.93 25.42 +.31 +.9 ApoCRE pfC N ARIpC 25.55 23.80 10 25.34 96 25.47 24.99 +.39 +2.3 ApollEnd rs Q APEN 32.34 9.24 94 12.52 186 14.09 11.00 +1.47 -22.3sApolloGM N APO 1.42e 5.8 24 24.00 14.25 1401 24.32 9289 24.50 22.91 +.92 +25.6sApollG pfA N APOpA 1.60 6.4 25.19 24.55 280 25.16 1045 25.20 24.97 +.10 +2.2 ApolloInv Q AINV .60 9.1 6.58 5.03 1661 6.56 6377 6.57 6.10 +.38 +11.9 Apollo 42 N AIB 1.66 6.5 26.79 24.20 5 25.36 24 25.71 25.11 +.10 +.8 ApolloI 43 N AIY 1.72 6.6 27.41 24.78 3 26.03 33 26.35 25.76 +.33 +2.9 ApollSrFlt N AFT 1.08a 6.2 18.08 15.07 99 17.54 356 17.80 17.51 -.18 +.8 ApolloTact N AIF 1.32a 8.0 16.77 13.51 61 16.47 411 16.47 16.08 +.33 +6.5sAppFolio n Q APPF 27.50 11.76 71 27.20 141 27.90 24.85 +1.50 +14.0 AppHReit n N APLE 1.20 6.3 31 20.68 17.32 1179 19.10 5412 19.11 18.45 +.57 -4.4sApple Inc Q AAPL 2.28 1.6 17 144.50 89.47 18658 143.66 125343 144.50 138.62 +3.02 +24.0 ApplRecy h Q ARCI 1.80 .80 10 1.06 68 1.09 1.01 +.03 -5.4 AplDNA wt Q APDNW 2.08 .35 7 .41 14 .43 .37 +.01 -19.0 ApldDNA Q APDN 3.66 1.40 51 1.65 154 1.80 1.60 -.10 -10.8 AppGenTc Q AGTC 12 19.86 6.08 126 6.90 771 6.95 6.55 +.25 -26.2 ApldIndlT N AIT 1.16f 1.9 25 66.65 42.52 177 61.85 708 62.50 59.30 +.60 +4.1 ApldMatl Q AMAT .40 1.0 19 39.81 19.46 8377 38.90 35453 39.20 38.29 -.07 +20.5sApldOptoel Q AAOI 51 60.19 8.08 2435 56.15 11916 60.19 52.57 +1.13 +139.5 Approach Q AREX 4.35 1.13 808 2.51 4529 2.62 2.13 +.25 -25.1tApptio n Q APTI 24.60 11.22 518 11.73 2232 12.00 11.22 -.06 -36.7 ApricusB rs Q APRI 7.50 1.10 194 2.11 366 2.27 2.10 -.14 +62.3 Aptargrp N ATR 1.28 1.7 25 81.50 70.32 194 76.99 959 77.38 75.81 +.37 +4.8 AptevoTh n Q APVO 8.29 1.69 181 2.06 564 2.07 1.80 +.24 -15.6 AptoseB g Q APTO 3 4.30 .83 279 1.02 1579 1.15 1.01 -.12 -26.6 AquaAm N WTR .74 2.3 25 35.83 28.03 598 32.15 3232 32.32 31.61 +.30 +7.0 AquaMetal h Q AQMS 22.75 6.12 257 19.54 2306 20.72 17.11 +1.39 +49.0 AquaB Tc n Q AQB 24.78 10.10 40 11.08 107 11.21 10.15 +.69 -54.2 Acquavnt n N WAAS 26.33 14.30 92 17.07 537 17.40 16.89 -.27 -30.4 AquinoxPh Q AQXP 19.97 6.01 80 16.69 554 17.42 15.04 +1.30 +1.1tArQule Q ARQL 2.17 .98 29 1.06 1309 1.16 .98 -.08 -15.9 Aradigm Q ARDM 7.19 1.40 21 1.55 96 1.72 1.51 -.16 -3.1 AralezPh Q ARLZ 6.80 2.05 1074 2.14 6365 2.45 2.14 -.05 -51.5 Aramark N ARMK .41 1.1 20 38.30 31.38 1111 36.87 4306 37.20 36.15 +.30 +3.2 AratanaTh Q PETX 10.73 4.85 346 5.30 1810 5.40 4.97 +.25 -26.2sArborRT N ABR .68f 8.1 13 8.33 6.59 299 8.38 1583 8.40 8.04 +.34 +12.3 Arbor prA N ABRpA 2.06 8.1 26.48 23.69 0 25.44 3 25.56 25.33 -.05 +1.5 ArborR pfB N ABRpB 1.94 7.7 26.00 21.58 1 25.04 19 25.15 24.94 -.05 +1.9 ArborR pfC N ABRpC 2.13 8.3 26.68 23.99 25.70 3 25.89 25.70 -.01 +1.4 ArborRT 21 N ABRN 1.84 7.2 26.15 24.27 2 25.57 11 25.60 25.40 +.11 +1.1 ArbutusB g Q ABUS 5.48 2.35 371 3.25 992 3.40 3.20 +.05 +32.7 ArcLogist N ARCX 1.76 12.4 18 17.40 9.65 117 14.25 450 14.70 14.08 +.11 -10.5 ArcBest Q ARCB .32 1.2 38 33.95 14.85 194 26.00 684 26.55 24.55 +.70 -6.0 ArcadBiosc Q RKDA 3.01 .65 21 .68 63 .72 .67 -.02 -25.9 ArcelorMit N MT 9 9.37 4.18 15871 8.35 101959 8.53 8.08 +.06 +14.4 ArchCap Q ACGL 27 96.05 67.50 480 94.77 1585 95.47 91.50 +1.56 +9.8 ArchC pfC N ARHpC 1.69 6.7 27.65 25.02 126 25.17 241 25.35 25.13 -.11 ArchC pfE Q ACGLP 1.31 5.8 24.90 20.20 154 22.64 413 22.71 22.15 +.38 +7.1 ArchCoal N ARCH 86.47 59.05 309 68.94 2327 71.18 63.75 +4.17 -11.7 ArchDan N ADM 1.28f 2.8 21 47.88 34.55 2172 46.04 10597 46.39 45.10 +.46 +.9 Archrock N AROC .48 3.9 16.40 5.60 1042 12.40 3256 12.65 11.65 +.30 -6.1 ArchrkPtrs Q APLP 1.14 6.6 18.55 9.61 235 17.16 595 17.21 16.13 +.59 +7.0 Arconic N ARNC .15p 30.69 16.75 2461 26.34 13598 27.12 26.01 -.34 +42.1sArcosDor N ARCO 47 8.25 3.29 422 8.05 3884 8.25 7.25 +.70 +49.1sArdaugh n N ARD 22.44 21.18 38 21.96 399 22.44 21.33 -.25 +3.2 Ardelyx Q ARDX 16.30 6.36 124 12.65 576 13.45 12.45 -.60 -10.9 ArdmoreSh N ASC .71e 8.8 9.96 5.00 134 8.05 1036 8.15 7.45 +.25 +8.8 ArenaPhm Q ARNA 2.16 1.34 916 1.46 6420 1.50 1.44 +2.8 AresCap Q ARCC 1.52 8.7 12 17.87 13.85 5219 17.38 12583 17.60 17.17 +.01 +5.4 AresC 10-22 N ARU 1.45 5.6 26.33 25.22 12 25.79 55 25.80 25.61 +.18 +.7 AresCmcl N ACRE 1.08f 8.1 9 14.39 10.93 239 13.38 653 13.41 13.05 +.49 -2.5 AresDyCr N ARDC 1.40 8.7 16.12 13.25 105 16.02 488 16.03 15.78 +.07 +6.2 AresMgmt N ARES 1.12f 5.9 15 23.25 12.08 170 18.95 1109 19.10 18.25 +.65 -1.3 AresMg pfA N ARESpA 1.75 6.7 27.58 21.63 31 26.26 148 26.40 25.96 +.13 +4.8 Argan N AGX .70e 16 76.70 30.62 105 66.15 469 66.80 62.85 +1.55 -6.2 ArgoGp42 Q AGIIL 1.63 6.4 27.43 23.60 6 25.37 47 25.73 25.25 +.05 +1.6 ArgoGpInt Q AGII 1.08f 1.6 16 69.03 49.10 225 67.80 533 68.15 64.60 +2.25 +2.9tArgosTher Q ARGS 13.97 .31 2527 .45 8131 .51 .31 -.04 -90.8sAristaNetw N ANET 43 134.65 60.51 727 132.27 2966 134.65 130.15 +.50 +36.7sArkInnova N ARKK .47p 23.94 17.93 3 23.96 22 23.98 23.11 +.80 +19.5 ArkIndInno N ARKQ .19p 24.80 17.97 18 24.67 72 24.72 23.70 +.66 +12.3 ArkGenom N ARKG 20.88 15.85 1 20.68 12 20.70 19.90 +.61 +22.2 ArkWebX.O N ARKW .53p 28.98 20.10 1 28.91 22 28.91 27.84 +.68 +15.2 Ark 3dPr n N PRNT 24.11 19.55 5 22.81 37 22.86 22.00 +.51 +8.1 ArkRst Q ARKR 1.00 4.0 16 27.02 20.00 1 25.29 7 25.29 24.85 +.02 +4.3 ArlingAst N AI 2.50 17.7 5 17.13 11.99 374 14.13 2860 14.85 13.93 +.32 -4.7sArlingAst23 N AIW 1.66 6.8 24.99 18.89 24.58 6 24.99 24.30 -.05 +5.5 ArlingAst25 N AIC 1.69 7.5 23.99 17.84 1 22.61 10 23.26 22.30 -.14 +1.9 ArmadaHof N AHH .76f 5.5 15 15.50 11.15 299 13.89 1096 13.94 13.30 +.37 -4.7 ArmrR pfA N ARRpA 2.06 8.3 24.85 22.48 3 24.72 22 24.75 24.32 +.32 +1.7 ArmrR pfB N ARRpB 1.97 8.3 23.98 20.51 14 23.60 98 23.69 23.20 +.36 +1.7 ArmourR rs N ARR 3.39 14.9 8 23.40 18.63 518 22.71 2392 23.20 22.08 +.59 +4.7 ArmsFloor N AFI 22.96 11.77 133 18.42 501 18.63 18.12 -.11 -7.5 ArmstrWld N AWI 21 48.00 36.33 734 46.05 2438 46.35 44.25 +1.25 +10.2 Arotech Q ARTX 5.00 2.25 239 2.95 1426 3.15 2.89 -.05 -15.7 ArrayBio Q ARRY 13.40 2.60 3742 8.94 15756 9.60 8.77 -.52 +1.7 ArrisIntl Q ARRS 9 31.52 20.05 1885 26.45 7802 26.88 26.02 -.17 -12.2 ArrwDJYld N GYLD 1.59e 8.5 19.99 17.20 18 18.72 88 18.75 18.37 +.22 +1.6 ArrowEl N ARW 10 75.88 58.09 463 73.41 2028 74.25 71.80 +.39 +3.0 ArrowFn Q AROW 1.00b 2.9 17 41.70 25.16 41 33.90 129 35.45 32.76 +.25 -16.3 ArwDWATc Q DWAT .04p 11.02 9.80 2 10.73 3 10.74 10.71 +.12 +4.1 ArrowPhm Q ARWR 8.22 1.20 274 1.85 1885 1.95 1.80 -.02 +19.4 ArtesRes Q ARTNA .91 2.8 23 35.00 25.72 14 32.56 73 32.86 32.01 +.18 +1.9 ArtisanPtr N APAM 2.80a 10.1 14 35.00 24.48 704 27.60 2395 28.00 26.30 +.97 -7.2 ArtsWay Q ARTW .05 1.4 4.70 2.50 2 3.48 62 3.75 3.35 -.03 +2.2 AskanoG g N AKG 4.68 2.17 668 2.61 4914 2.72 2.53 +.10 -14.7 AsburyA N ABG 10 71.00 47.50 247 60.10 1378 63.05 59.90 -.55 -2.6 AscenaRtl Q ASNA 39 11.26 3.53 3270 4.26 17713 4.39 3.70 +.46 -31.2 Ascendis n Q ASND 30.57 11.92 61 28.00 326 28.70 26.56 -.27 +38.3 AscentCap Q ASCMA 26.16 11.78 30 14.13 170 14.37 13.58 -.12 -13.1 AshHPrm N AHP .64f 6.0 6 17.64 9.83 950 10.61 2341 10.80 10.03 +.59 -22.3 AshHPr pfB N AHPpB 25.42 17.70 123 19.67 221 20.25 18.55 +.80 -8.7 AshfordHT N AHT .48 7.5 7 8.23 4.79 966 6.37 7814 6.44 5.68 +.64 -17.9 Ashfrd pfA N AHTpA 2.14 8.4 26.48 24.10 0 25.50 14 25.85 25.35 +.21 +.5 Ashfrd pfD N AHTpD 2.11 8.4 26.00 24.01 3 25.25 63 25.82 25.08 +.10 +1.1 AshfHT pfF N AHTpF 1.84 7.5 26.33 21.86 5 24.63 59 24.90 24.39 +.45 +3.2 AshfrH pfG N AHTpG 1.84 7.7 24.99 21.69 20 23.96 132 24.26 23.79 +.27 +3.5 Ashford N AINC 92 64.23 38.11 6 59.00 16 61.96 56.16 -.36 +36.8 Ashland N ASH 1.56 1.3 19 124.88 105.50 495 123.81 2684 124.42 120.00 +1.96 +13.3 AsiaPc N APB .22e 1.8 12.35 9.14 19 12.23 63 12.29 11.61 +.07 +25.8 AsiaPWire Q APWC 3.10 1.54 1 2.75 29 2.80 2.40 +.16 -1.8sAsiaTigr N GRR .16e 1.4 11.40 8.72 5 11.39 25 11.40 10.65 +.60 +24.3 AspenAero N ASPN 6.71 3.61 32 4.15 130 4.25 3.96 +.13 +.5 AspenIns N AHL .88 1.7 23 57.80 43.27 252 52.05 1415 52.73 51.20 +.05 -5.4 AspenI pfB N AHLpB 1.81 7.1 26.70 25.29 5 25.44 28 25.44 25.38 +.06 Aspen pfC N AHLpC 1.49 5.5 30.32 24.93 27 26.97 73 26.99 26.71 -.01 +6.6 AspenTech Q AZPN 31 59.86 34.46 463 58.92 2208 59.37 55.63 +1.65 +7.8 AssembBio Q ASMB 28.18 4.60 99 25.49 316 26.49 24.52 -.29 +109.8 AscBnc pfC N ASBpC 1.53 5.9 27.90 24.49 0 26.04 11 26.22 25.78 -.06 +3.1 AsscBc pf D N ASBpD 25.45 20.55 16 23.97 79 24.00 23.52 +.42 +9.5 AsscdBanc N ASB .48 2.0 19 26.70 15.72 587 24.40 5725 24.85 22.70 +.90 -1.2 AssocCap n N AC 39.35 27.84 19 36.15 56 37.15 36.15 -.50 +10.0 Assurant N AIZ 2.12 2.2 19 101.32 76.62 267 95.67 2020 96.14 93.36 +.61 +3.0 AssuredG N AGO .57f 1.5 10 42.94 23.43 818 37.11 4497 37.23 36.01 +.26 -1.7 AsdGMu01 N AGOpB 1.72 6.6 26.99 25.33 3 26.11 16 26.20 25.85 +.15 +2.2 AsdGMu02 N AGOpE 1.56 6.1 27.37 23.73 6 25.70 37 25.70 25.39 +.29 +2.8 AsdGMu03 N AGOpF 1.40 5.7 26.13 23.03 7 24.76 41 25.00 24.56 +.11 +4.2tAstaFundg Q ASFI 19 11.97 7.75 3 8.15 76 8.65 7.75 -.45 -16.8 Astec Q ASTE .40 .7 26 73.37 44.21 133 61.50 700 62.48 59.28 +.42 -8.8 AsteriasBio N AST 5.80 2.30 51 3.40 659 3.55 3.20 +.15 -26.1 Asterias wt N AST/WS 1.00 .09 2 .43 13 .45 .35 +.04 -21.7 AstoriaF N AF .16 .8 33 21.66 14.11 1048 20.51 4400 20.79 19.65 +.24 +10.0 Astoria pfC N AFpC 1.63 6.4 27.62 24.50 3 25.38 44 25.72 25.28 +.14 +1.0 AstraZen s N AZN 1.40e 4.5 9 35.04 25.55 2674 31.14 16800 31.88 31.13 -.17 +14.0 AstroNova Q ALOT .28 1.8 27 16.41 12.40 6 15.25 141 15.65 13.75 +.80 +7.0 Astronics Q ATRO 18 41.03 25.93 146 31.73 1585 31.98 28.93 +2.53 -6.2 Astrotch h Q ASTC 2.26 1.20 17 1.31 69 1.36 1.29 +.02 -12.7 AsureSftw h Q ASUR 13.00 4.45 15 10.28 249 11.14 9.92 +.31 +20.8 AtHomGr n N HOME 17.02 10.19 114 15.16 1196 16.99 14.80 -.45 +3.6 AtaraBioth Q ATRA 25.73 12.45 149 20.55 1301 20.80 18.45 -.20 +44.7 Atento SA N ATTO 10.31 6.85 12 9.15 121 9.20 8.60 +.60 +19.6 athenahlth Q ATHN 143.85 90.11 214 112.69 1518 113.42 107.00 +4.09 +7.2 Athene n N ATH 55.00 44.46 2971 49.99 23152 50.81 49.25 -.93 +4.2 Athersys Q ATHX 2.69 1.02 6674 1.71 35238 2.01 1.12 +.57 +11.8 AtkoreInt n N ATRK 27.30 14.17 255 26.28 1102 26.36 25.11 +.74 +9.9 AtlanAmer Q AAME .02 .5 36 5.00 3.06 8 4.00 16 4.03 3.70 +.10 -2.4 AtlCapBc n Q ACBI 34 20.20 12.92 52 18.95 252 19.45 17.95 +.75 -.3sAtlCstFin Q ACFC 13 8.27 5.53 1 7.62 77 8.27 7.41 -.06 +12.1 AtlPwr g N AT .12 2.75 2.13 391 2.65 1051 2.65 2.55 +.10 +6.0 AtlanticaYd Q ABY .45e 2.1 22.87 15.78 324 20.96 1756 21.80 20.84 -.52 +8.3 Atlanticus Q ATLC 3.54 2.30 0 2.65 6 2.70 2.61 +.03 -6.7 AtlasAir Q AAWW 28 59.60 34.22 284 55.45 1087 56.25 50.15 +4.00 +6.3 AtlasFin Q AFH 18.67 12.15 55 13.65 257 13.80 13.15 +.20 -24.4 Atlassian n Q TEAM 91 35.16 20.51 305 29.95 2077 30.00 29.14 +.52 +24.4 ATMOS N ATO 1.80f 2.3 23 81.97 68.51 462 78.99 1879 80.56 78.76 -1.15 +6.5 Atomera n Q ATOM 10.25 5.50 29 7.08 65 7.08 6.75 +.12 +4.9tAtossGen rs Q ATOS 6.30 .77 340 .76 2443 1.18 .76 -.36 -46.1 AtriCure Q ATRC 20.40 13.44 195 19.15 702 19.38 18.62 +.22 -2.1 Atrion Q ATRI 4.20 .9 31 522.05 382.01 7 468.20 21 471.10 462.15 -.10 -7.7 Attunity Q ATTU 10.50 4.15 10 7.92 87 8.00 7.52 +.28 +32.0 AtwoodOcn N ATW .30m 3.1 2 15.37 6.12 2388 9.53 13272 9.81 8.88 +.40 -27.4 aTyrPhm n Q LIFE 5.48 2.10 58 3.50 201 3.55 3.40 -.05 +62.8 AubNB Q AUBN .92f 2.8 15 33.95 26.74 0 33.00 7 33.37 32.68 +.02 +5.4 Audentes n Q BOLD 20.74 13.06 39 17.04 180 17.57 16.12 +.23 -6.7 AudCodes Q AUDC 12 7.26 3.68 44 7.01 318 7.05 6.70 +.21 +10.4 AuriniaPh Q AUPH 10.54 1.74 5896 7.34 42922 8.30 6.70 -.68 +249.5 AurisMed Q EARS 5.45 .66 217 .92 1567 .96 .87 +.02 -14.0 AutoNatn N AN 11 54.15 39.28 1741 42.29 4589 43.81 41.55 +.02 -13.1 Autobytel Q ABTL 28 19.04 10.72 91 12.53 367 13.10 11.86 +.52 -6.8 Autodesk Q ADSK 89.18 49.82 1208 86.47 6855 87.25 83.81 -.01 +16.8 Autohome N ATHM 36.01 19.32 277 31.77 1673 32.95 31.27 -.13 +25.7 Autoliv N ALV 2.32 2.3 21 126.31 93.31 652 102.26 3188 103.01 99.88 +.58 -9.6 AutoData Q ADP 2.28 2.2 27 105.20 84.36 1309 102.39 7768 103.62 101.77 -.99 -.4 AutoZone N AZO 17 819.54 705.30 297 723.05 1652 727.00 706.28 +1.89 -8.5 Auxilio n N AUXO 5.85 3.60 662 4.77 989 5.38 4.50 +.27 +16.3 AvadelPh Q AVDL 15.45 8.61 31 9.68 354 9.98 9.02 +.47 -6.8 AvalonHld N AWX 3.41 1.82 1 2.38 37 2.44 2.20 +.01 -19.3 AvalonBay N AVB 5.68f 3.1 23 192.29 158.32 643 183.60 2831 187.05 181.17 -1.60 +3.6 Avangrid n N AGR 1.73 4.0 46.74 35.42 361 42.74 2236 43.34 42.59 -.42 +12.8 AveICSFd N ACP 1.44 10.3 14.60 10.73 61 13.96 356 13.96 13.54 +.27 +3.9tAVEO Ph h Q AVEO 1.15 .50 468 .59 8007 .68 .50 -.08 +9.3 AveryD N AVY 1.64f 2.0 21 82.11 68.55 609 80.60 3109 80.80 78.61 +.99 +14.8 Avexis n Q AVXS 85.98 20.51 263 76.03 1406 77.43 73.01 +.89 +59.3 Avianca N AVH .10e 1.3 10.91 4.73 100 7.71 771 7.87 7.39 -.11 -20.0 AviatNet rs Q AVNW 16.46 5.71 12 15.06 87 15.40 14.50 -.05 +8.9 AvidTech Q AVID 9.78 3.99 421 4.66 1960 4.77 4.47 -.04 +5.9tAvinger n Q AVGR 14.48 1.59 113 1.90 806 1.95 1.59 +.30 -48.6 AvinoSG g N ASM 3.14 .99 171 1.74 1199 1.83 1.70 -.02 +27.0 Avirgagen Q AVIR 2.00 .56 22 .65 331 .69 .61 +.00 -47.0 AvisBudg Q CAR 10 41.53 21.85 1890 29.58 11523 29.89 27.36 +1.11 -19.4 Avista N AVA 1.43f 3.7 18 45.22 37.78 451 39.05 2507 39.85 38.72 -.60 -2.4sAvistaHl un Q AHPAU 10.51 9.52 10.20 124 10.51 10.16 -.16 +.7 AvistaHl wt Q AHPAW .58 .40 2 .50 250 .58 .44 +.04 AvistaHl n Q AHPA 10.18 9.75 9.88 45 9.92 9.88 +1.3 Avnet N AVT .72f 1.6 12 51.50 38.16 1419 45.76 6170 45.95 43.66 +1.36 -3.9 Avon N AVP 6.96 3.52 3822 4.40 22672 4.47 4.16 +.14 -12.7 Aware Q AWRE 26 6.70 3.46 9 4.70 125 4.75 4.60 -23.0 Axalta N AXTA 33.06 24.27 1670 32.20 7430 32.29 30.52 +1.34 +18.4 AxarAc wt Q AXARW .15 .01 1 .07 198 .08 .06 -.00 -1.3sAxcelis rs Q ACLS 36 18.15 8.92 460 18.80 1567 18.90 15.90 +2.50 +29.2 AXIS Cap N AXS 1.52f 2.3 12 71.06 51.01 314 67.03 1805 67.47 66.11 +.69 +2.7 AXIS pfD N AXSpD 1.38 5.5 27.70 21.96 7 25.02 53 25.17 24.42 +.25 +10.2 AxisCap pfE N AXSpE 24.03 21.04 69 23.59 528 23.86 23.41 +.27 +8.9 AxoGen Q AXGN 11.25 4.90 377 10.45 1236 10.60 10.00 +.40 +16.1 Axovant n N AXON 17.66 10.69 132 14.94 1008 15.15 14.55 +.03 +20.3 AxsomeT n Q AXSM 12.69 3.55 373 3.90 1413 4.25 3.60 +.25 -42.2 AzurRx n Q AZRX 5.60 3.44 13 3.86 64 4.29 3.65 +.23 -18.6 AzurePwr n N AZRE 19.99 12.73 11 18.66 67 18.69 17.05 +1.20 +9.8B -:B Comm Q BCOM 3.58e 26.83 17.99 0 20.00 5 20.00 19.48 +.82 -.9 B&G Foods N BGS 1.86 4.6 22 52.84 31.81 818 40.25 3493 41.75 40.20 +.07 -8.1 BRileyFn Q RILY .28e .7 28 21.30 8.59 30 15.00 238 15.55 14.38 +.30 -18.7 BRileyF 7.5 Q RILYL 1.88 7.2 28.96 23.43 1 26.24 8 26.24 25.86 -.35 +2.4 B2gold g N BTG 3.65 1.57 3948 2.83 22636 3.01 2.80 -.08 +19.4 BB&T Cp N BBT 1.20 2.7 16 49.88 32.22 2957 44.70 20447 45.44 42.73 +.29 -4.9 BB&T pfD N BBTpD 27.33 23.79 26 25.42 149 25.44 25.17 +.09 +3.6 BB&T pfE N BBTpE 1.41 5.6 27.24 23.05 18 25.34 349 25.40 25.00 +.24 +6.7 BB&T pfF N BBTpF 1.30 5.2 26.47 22.00 20 24.96 80 25.20 24.68 +.24 +9.7 BB&T pfG N BBTpG 1.30 5.2 27.43 22.03 21 24.94 109 25.03 24.77 +.12 +9.4 BB&T pfH N BBTpH 1.41 5.6 27.50 23.26 68 25.21 407 25.25 24.99 +.20 +3.8 BBVABFrn N BFR .48e 2.6 23.25 16.20 98 18.42 515 18.68 18.02 +.10 +5.7 BCB Bc Q BCBP .56 3.4 23 17.05 9.97 49 16.65 123 16.65 16.25 +.20 +28.1 BCE g N BCE 2.73 49.03 41.83 791 44.27 4139 44.36 43.80 +.25 +2.4 B/E Aero Q BEAV .84 1.3 21 64.91 42.57 955 64.11 2323 64.66 63.59 +.17 +6.5 BFC Cp pf Q BANFP 1.80 6.2 29.93 26.50 4 29.00 4 29.00 27.00 +.55 +6.5 BG Staffing N BGSF 1.00 7.0 27 21.75 11.23 6 14.31 57 14.40 13.85 +.36 -8.3 BGC Ptrs Q BGCP .64 5.6 27 11.85 8.18 2118 11.36 7125 11.50 10.39 +.52 +11.0 BGCPtrs 42 N BGCA 2.03 8.0 27.39 25.41 7 25.51 41 25.64 25.49 -.04 -.7 BGE pfB N BGEpB 1.55 5.9 27.15 25.04 4 26.10 23 26.12 25.91 +.10 +2.4 BHP BillLt N BHP 2.48e 6.8 41.79 23.40 1829 36.32 13119 37.28 35.18 -.19 +1.5 BHPBil plc N BBL .64m 2.1 37.44 20.36 1197 31.15 9197 32.00 30.04 -.09 -1.0 BJsRest Q BJRI 21 47.55 32.24 425 40.40 1645 40.40 38.05 +2.00 +2.8 BldrsAsia Q ADRA .72e 2.4 30.11 23.99 0 29.57 9 29.85 29.35 -.14 +8.0 BldrsDev Q ADRD .72e 3.4 21.31 18.10 2 21.04 30 21.24 20.82 +.03 +5.4 BldrsEmg Q ADRE .90e 2.4 37.10 29.08 2 36.77 40 36.96 36.27 +.16 +14.0 BldrsEur Q ADRU .78e 3.8 20.63 17.82 3 20.52 17 20.60 20.40 +.11 +6.8 BMC Stock Q BMCH 35 23.10 15.45 694 22.60 3335 22.80 21.40 +.45 +15.9 BNC Bcp Q BNCN .20 .6 22 37.15 20.14 375 35.05 1514 35.30 32.35 +1.50 +9.9 BOK Q BOKF 1.76 2.2 22 85.25 51.38 120 78.27 607 80.98 73.44 +2.82 -5.7 BOK 56 n Q BOKFL 1.34 5.5 26.50 21.25 11 24.35 85 24.50 23.87 +.41 +9.3 BOS Ltd Q BOSC 4.85 1.82 36 2.15 104 2.22 2.05 +.03 +1.4 BP PLC N BP 2.38 6.9 41 38.68 28.67 4753 34.52 24822 34.61 33.57 +.74 -7.7 BP Pru N BPT 2.43e 12.1 3 32.95 11.29 221 20.10 1033 20.65 18.30 +1.45 -15.4 BRF SA N BRFS .40e 3.3 18.12 10.60 2056 12.25 13787 12.41 11.69 +.84 -17.0 BRT N BRT 33 8.70 6.93 0 8.31 16 8.46 8.21 +.14 +1.5 BSB Bcp Q BLMT 21 30.05 21.51 27 28.25 450 28.60 26.70 +.65 -2.4 BT Grp s N BT .99e 4.9 33.50 19.14 679 20.09 3753 20.53 19.80 -.27 -12.8 BWX Tech N BWXT .36 .8 49.11 32.24 558 47.60 2566 48.22 46.57 +.08 +19.9 B&W Ent n N BW 23.99 8.54 487 9.34 3495 9.49 8.62 +.51 -43.7 BabShDHi N BGH 1.84 9.3 20.49 16.50 49 19.78 334 19.80 19.46 +.17 +2.9 BadgerMtr s N BMI .46f .4 33 39.85 29.30 132 36.75 491 37.05 35.33 +1.00 -.5 Baidu Q BIDU 11 201.00 155.28 2466 172.52 10452 173.95 166.00 +4.26 +4.9 BakrHu N BHI .68 1.1 68.59 38.16 2582 59.82 15035 60.72 57.67 +.83 -7.9 Balchem Q BCPC .38f .5 47 89.50 56.60 138 82.42 513 83.85 79.19 +1.42 -1.8 BaldwLy Q BWINA 1.08f 4.6 12 26.50 22.50 8 23.40 22 23.40 23.13 -.08 -6.4 BaldLyB Q BWINB 1.08f 4.4 13 27.70 22.60 84 24.45 220 24.55 23.30 +.90 -3.0 BallCorp N BLL .52 .7 21 82.24 67.51 1738 74.26 6789 74.42 72.66 +.53 -1.1 Ballanty N BTN 46 8.10 4.21 81 6.00 267 6.60 5.75 -25.0 BallardPw Q BLDP 2.53 1.23 419 2.22 4174 2.25 2.15 -.02 +34.5 BanColum N CIB 1.27e 3.2 42.58 31.77 339 39.87 1870 40.60 38.81 +.83 +8.7 BancCalif N BANC .52 2.5 11 23.24 10.93 577 20.70 5133 21.25 19.55 +.40 +19.3 BcCalif pfC N BANCpC 2.00 7.5 28.39 24.60 3 26.70 7 26.89 26.60 -.10 +3.4 BcCalif pfE N BANCpE 28.69 23.00 3 25.75 43 26.18 25.75 +.17 +3.5 BcCal pfD N BANCpD 1.84 7.0 28.29 23.00 1 26.40 22 26.75 26.33 -.10 +4.0 BncFstOK Q BANF 1.52f 1.7 20 98.35 55.05 55 89.90 128 91.65 85.00 +2.08 -3.4sBcBilVArg N BBVA .42e 5.5 7.90 5.14 1673 7.61 12741 7.90 7.55 -.02 +12.4 BcoBrades s N BBDO .32e 3.2 11.00 6.48 12 10.02 170 10.44 9.93 -.05 +13.3 BcoBrad s N BBD .43e 4.2 11.25 6.10 9600 10.24 47488 10.58 9.94 +.10 +17.7 BcoLatin N BLX 1.54 5.6 12 30.51 21.95 188 27.74 796 28.09 26.61 +.63 -5.8 BcoMacro N BMA 87.00 56.87 123 86.70 539 86.90 83.05 +.90 +34.7sBcoSantSA N SAN .23e 3.8 6.23 3.60 3790 6.07 21925 6.23 6.04 -.06 +17.2 BcoSBrasil N BSBR .28e 3.2 11.75 4.41 2851 8.82 26893 9.90 8.67 -1.08 -.8sBcSanChile N BSAC 1.13e 4.5 25.55 17.83 334 25.08 2104 25.55 24.26 +.26 +14.7sBcoChile N BCH 2.98e 4.1 75.28 59.70 99 72.16 337 75.28 71.61 -1.94 +2.4 Bancorp34 n Q BCTF 13.45 11.35 0 12.73 6 12.73 12.55 +.23 +1.1 BncpBnk lf Q TBBK 8.20 4.41 150 5.10 1165 5.15 4.78 +.20 -35.1 BcpSouth N BXS .50 1.7 21 32.40 20.19 528 30.25 2808 30.80 28.25 +.85 -2.6 Bcp NJ N BKJ .24 1.6 24 15.40 10.50 2 15.25 39 15.30 14.75 +.25 +13.0 BancrftFd N BCV 1.08e 5.1 22.67 17.58 8 21.04 62 21.17 20.72 +.18 +4.0 BankMutl Q BKMU .22 2.3 25 10.20 7.20 155 9.40 727 9.70 9.00 +.10 -.5 BkofAm N BAC .30f 1.3 19 25.80 12.05 74448 23.59 432720 23.98 22.16 +.47 +6.7 BkAML pfI N BMLpI 1.59 6.2 26.37 24.60 35 25.82 119 25.90 25.72 +.01 +3.1 BkAML pfJ N BMLpJ 1.02 4.3 27.19 21.46 4 23.69 43 23.72 23.08 +.39 -.3 BkAm pfD N BACpD 1.55 6.1 26.24 21.44 37 25.49 219 25.58 25.42 -.05 +1.6 BkAm pfE N BACpE 1.02 5.2 26.68 21.13 21 23.26 187 23.42 22.82 +.33 +6.6 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 3 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


BkAm pfI N BACpI 1.66 6.4 27.45 25.10 10 25.99 55 26.04 25.86 +.04 +2.6 BkAm pfL N BACpL 72.50 6.1 1269.47 1116.00 3 1195.06 3017 1208.59 1190.01 +13.19 +2.4 BkAm pfW N BACpW 1.66 6.3 28.10 25.19 39 26.53 190 26.53 26.27 +.06 +3.2 BkAm pfY N BACpY 1.63 6.2 28.60 25.13 26 26.33 201 26.70 26.23 +.06 +3.2 BkAm wtA N BAC/WS/A 13.64 3.01 341 11.30 2297 11.64 10.01 +.51 +13.6 BkAm wtB N BAC/WS/B 1.55 .06 569 .92 2592 1.03 .82 -.05 -4.4 BkAm pfA N BACpA 27.10 24.45 35 25.79 382 26.19 25.66 +.28 +3.6 BkAm pfC N BACpC 27.24 24.75 55 25.85 366 26.10 25.64 +.25 +2.4 BkAML pfL N BMLpL 1.02 4.4 24.50 20.96 28 23.38 76 23.71 23.11 +.20 +3.2 BkAML pfH N BMLpH .77 3.5 24.22 17.90 19 21.92 52 22.03 21.04 +.63 +10.2 BkAML pfG N BMLpG .77 3.5 23.30 17.91 13 21.80 30 22.08 21.10 +.59 +9.1 Bk of But n N NTB a 34.92 23.75 238 31.91 1774 32.66 29.81 +.90 +1.5 BkCmcCA Q BOCH .12 1.1 27 11.00 6.05 9 10.70 198 11.00 10.27 +.13 +12.6 BkHawaii N BOH 2.00f 2.4 19 90.80 64.96 190 82.36 908 83.08 77.03 +2.95 -7.1 BankMarin Q BMRC 1.08 1.7 17 75.05 47.16 25 64.35 111 72.50 63.25 -7.7 BkMont g N BMO 3.52 78.00 58.61 378 74.79 1871 75.54 73.40 +.53 +4.0 BkNYMel N BK .68 1.4 15 49.54 35.44 2793 47.23 16658 47.65 45.12 +.98 -.3 BkNYM pfC N BKpC 1.30 5.2 27.41 22.74 19 25.00 169 25.09 24.74 +.09 +8.7 BkNova g N BNS 2.74 4.7 11 62.89 46.35 1018 58.57 5172 60.06 57.57 +1.01 +5.2 BankSC Q BKSC .56 2.7 20 23.97 15.45 2 20.80 34 21.50 20.80 -.51 -.5 BkofJames Q BOTJ .24 1.6 15 18.50 11.56 3 14.63 7 15.50 14.14 -.60 -3.6 BkOzarks Q OZRK .68f 1.3 20 56.86 33.51 810 52.01 4483 52.42 47.56 +2.36 -1.1 BankFncl Q BFIN .24f 1.7 37 15.24 11.38 28 14.52 129 14.60 13.65 +.23 -2.0 Bankrate N RATE 11.90 6.91 544 9.65 2637 9.90 9.30 +.05 -12.7 BankUtd N BKU .84 2.3 18 41.00 27.85 781 37.31 4536 37.70 34.35 +1.91 -1.0 BankwellF Q BWFG .28 .8 25 35.00 19.56 13 34.39 85 34.51 30.17 +4.08 +5.8 Banner Cp Q BANR 1.00f 1.8 21 60.97 38.77 160 55.64 674 56.48 51.61 +1.38 -.3 Banro g N BAA .48 .11 509 .13 3098 .13 .12 +.00 -32.6 Baozun n Q BZUN 18.61 5.19 400 14.94 1643 15.17 14.48 -.03 +23.8sBarHarbr s N BHB 33.25 20.53 70 33.08 226 33.41 30.00 +2.10 Br iPthCrd N OILB 58.38 50.35 6 51.66 9 51.72 51.66 +1.31 -9.6 BarFIEur N FEEU 104.66 66.88 5 103.50 24 104.17 102.66 +.66 +18.1 BarcFI HY N FIGY 145.47 113.09 6 144.15 31 145.38 142.45 +.75 +11.2 BarcSPVeq N VQT 145.42 129.99 1 142.98 3 143.10 141.27 +.99 +4.7 BarSelMLP N ATMP 1.17e 4.9 25.72 17.00 22 23.89 250 23.89 23.08 +.54 +1.4 BiP Cmdty N DJP 25.50 20.91 392 23.52 1334 23.60 23.06 +.25 -2.9 BarcGSOil N OIL 6.85 4.79 1201 5.58 11668 5.60 5.05 +.38 -11.8 BarcGsci36 N GSP 15.34 11.93 12 13.81 33 13.81 13.20 +.47 -5.8sBrcEnEu n N FLEU 125.35 94.13 3 124.29 34 125.35 123.39 +1.24 +16.1 BiPCop N JJC 32.39 22.95 50 30.41 197 31.16 29.33 +.17 +5.7 BiPNickel N JJN 14.76 9.90 8 11.92 31 12.16 11.60 +.08 -1.5 BiP GCrb N GRN 8.24 4.36 1 5.60 12 5.86 5.15 -.45 -26.4tBiPAg N JJA 42.25 33.66 1 33.71 19 34.04 33.50 -.51 -3.4 BiP Sugar N SGG 53.69 32.00 55 36.81 344 39.29 36.27 -2.28 -15.2 BiP Cottn N BAL 51.80 38.31 10 50.17 24 50.45 49.24 -.14 +8.0sBrcIndiaTR N INP 74.99 60.12 4 74.77 29 74.99 73.00 +1.28 +19.4 BiP Coffee N JO 26.21 17.92 207 19.43 695 19.61 19.01 +.26 -.7 BiPGrain N JJG 37.37 26.62 80 27.64 205 27.80 27.21 -.02 -1.8 BiP Cocoa N NIB 40.95 22.90 134 26.00 762 27.06 25.71 -.47 -3.3 BiP Alum N JJU 17.56 12.90 6 17.43 7 17.50 17.02 +.40 +15.9 BarcBk prD N BCSpD 2.03 7.8 26.71 25.00 283 25.86 935 26.02 25.86 -.06 +1.3 BiPIndMet N JJM 26.88 18.88 0 25.27 3 25.41 24.51 +.04 +6.7 BiPNG N GAZ .76 .39 50 .44 156 .48 .41 +.01 -35.2 BiPLive N COW 24.97 17.38 11 22.31 79 22.92 22.05 -.62 -.2 BiPAsia8 N AYT 1.21e 3.0 42.72 38.30 40.97 75 41.61 40.81 +.11 +3.0 BiPTrLBear Q DLBS 21.53 9.62 0 18.96 3 19.13 18.84 -.20 -6.2 BiP10yTBear Q DTYS 21.98 9.95 2 18.73 59 19.07 18.26 -.12 -5.5 BiPTrSteep Q STPP 36.00 29.92 6 34.97 40 35.05 33.92 +.35 +1.1 BiPUrFlat Q FLAT 65.46 57.70 1 59.01 17 59.70 58.99 -.22 +.2 BiP2yrTBear Q DTUS 33.61 26.50 1 31.06 4 31.58 31.06 -.38 -4.0 BarcCAPE N CAPE 104.33 79.01 7 103.66 38 103.86 101.65 +.94 +8.0 BiPSPMLP N IMLP 1.47e 7.0 22.10 15.72 1 20.98 84 20.98 20.16 +.52 +1.8 Barclay N BCS .39e 3.5 12.05 6.76 1855 11.24 11653 11.42 11.12 -.02 +2.2 BiP SPVix N XVZ 29.56 25.91 1 26.94 3 26.94 26.05 -.03 -2.7tB iPVxST rs N VXX 77.48 15.30 37836 15.79 243289 17.52 15.30 -.98 -38.1tBrVxMdT rs N VXZ 47.84 26.26 143 26.30 727 28.21 26.19 -1.60 -24.5 BarIvrsUST Q TAPR 29.73 14.90 25.97 4 26.63 25.70 +.20 -6.2 Bard N BCR 1.04f .4 24 252.25 201.80 404 248.54 2219 251.50 246.48 -1.37 +10.6 BaringsCp s N MCI 1.20 7.9 19.76 14.52 10 15.27 55 15.58 15.12 -.34 -1.4 BaringsPt N MPV 1.08a 7.7 15.97 13.61 14 14.10 78 14.21 14.01 -.10 -.7 BarHilc n Q BHAC 10.80 9.69 10.22 29 10.35 10.21 -.03 +.6 BarHilc rt Q BHACR .50 .12 0 .36 26 .38 .34 -.02 +42.0 BarHilc wt Q BHACW .23 .04 16 .17 54 .19 .15 -.01 +32.8 B&N Ed n N BNED .15p 13.15 8.50 474 9.59 1340 9.89 9.21 +.21 -16.4 BarnesNob N BKS .60 6.5 49 13.63 8.45 546 9.25 2882 9.30 8.55 +.65 -17.0 Barnes N B .52 1.0 21 51.97 31.13 183 51.34 626 51.55 48.21 +1.60 +8.3 Barnwell N BRN 2.70 1.31 6 1.92 31 2.10 1.71 +.02 +17.1 Barracuda N CUDA 26.69 13.91 439 23.11 1544 23.78 22.58 +.07 +7.8 BarrettB lf Q BBSI 1.00f 1.8 22 66.93 26.58 51 54.62 190 55.13 50.56 +2.58 -14.8 BarrickG N ABX .12f .6 34 23.47 13.39 8435 18.99 45474 19.77 18.69 -.22 +18.8 BasicEnS N XYZ 3.25 .30 .45 tBasicEn n N BAS 44.81 29.06 666 33.36 2965 33.50 29.06 +1.66 -5.6 BassettF Q BSET .40a 1.5 19 33.35 22.42 31 26.90 113 27.10 24.95 +1.95 -11.5 Baxter s N BAX .52 1.0 27 52.33 41.14 1922 51.86 10895 52.31 51.39 -.16 +17.0 BayBncp Q BYBK 46 8.25 4.77 1 7.85 27 8.00 7.64 +.15 +18.9tBaytexE g N BTE 7.14 3.01 2510 3.42 11700 3.57 3.01 +.28 -29.9 Bazaarvce Q BV 6.14 3.03 434 4.30 2242 4.45 4.10 +.05 -11.3 BeacnRfg Q BECN 29 50.61 39.50 307 49.16 1293 49.46 46.96 +.91 +6.7 BearStFin Q BSF .12f 1.3 21 10.95 8.65 18 9.40 77 9.59 8.98 +.20 -7.4sBeasleyB Q BBGI .18 1.6 6 14.25 3.51 36 11.60 250 14.25 11.35 -.65 +88.6 BeazerHm N BZH 15.80 6.81 600 12.13 2214 12.21 11.36 +.41 -8.8 BebeStr rs Q BEBE 9.10 3.13 91 3.93 309 4.10 3.70 +.10 -22.8 BectDck N BDX 2.92 1.6 33 186.11 152.54 703 183.44 3185 184.47 182.09 -.43 +10.8tBedBath Q BBBY .50 1.3 8 52.33 37.78 1941 39.46 9258 40.00 37.78 +1.17 -2.9 BeiGene n Q BGNE 41.89 24.53 100 36.61 625 37.46 35.30 +.31 +20.6 BelFuse A Q BELFA .24 1.1 13 26.97 12.80 4 22.67 7 22.74 19.71 +2.64 -10.4 BelFuseB Q BELFB .28 1.1 13 33.60 13.31 119 25.55 244 25.65 21.65 +3.30 -17.3 Belden N BDC .20 .3 13 81.33 54.97 227 69.19 1531 70.03 65.65 +1.89 -7.5 Bellatrix g N BXE 16 1.30 .72 300 .79 4338 .81 .74 +.05 -15.9 Belleroph n Q BLPH 4.58 .43 349 1.49 2172 1.53 1.30 +.11 +186.5 BellicumP Q BLCM 23.11 7.57 464 12.34 3885 12.85 11.72 +.30 -9.4 Belmond N BEL 48 14.45 8.69 494 12.10 1434 12.40 11.85 +.05 -9.4 Bemis N BMS 1.20f 2.5 19 53.88 47.22 585 48.86 2476 49.20 48.12 +.11 +2.2 BenchElec N BHE 23 33.45 18.54 305 31.80 1346 32.25 31.05 -.20 +4.3 BenefBncp Q BNCL .24 1.5 46 19.00 12.34 508 16.00 1390 16.53 15.80 -.15 -13.0 Benefitfoc Q BNFT 44.98 24.55 235 27.95 1024 28.30 26.23 +1.20 -5.9 Benitec wt Q BNTCW 1.09 .03 4 .50 5 .50 .30 +.18 +400.0 BenitecB n Q BNTC 4.44 1.20 240 2.76 375 3.05 2.52 +.07 +80.4 Berkley N WRB .52 .7 21 73.17 54.56 407 70.63 1680 71.07 69.22 +.21 +6.2 Berkley pfB N WRBpB 1.41 5.7 26.73 21.82 11 24.95 79 24.99 24.60 +.20 +10.3 Berkly pfC N WRBpC 27.28 21.72 7 25.42 56 25.54 25.15 +.00 +6.0 Berkly pfD N WRBpD 1.44 5.8 26.39 21.54 12 24.91 89 24.99 24.55 +.27 +8.9 BerkH B N BRK/B 17 177.86 136.65 3392 166.68 20869 168.61 165.80 -1.98 +2.3 BerkHBcp N BHLB .84f 2.3 17 37.45 24.80 185 36.05 939 36.30 34.35 +.95 -2.2 BerryPlas N BERY 21 52.97 34.96 833 48.57 3919 48.70 47.19 +.43 -.3 BestBuy N BBY 1.36f 2.8 14 49.40 28.76 4004 49.15 18584 49.35 44.82 +4.30 +15.2 Beyondsp n Q BYSI 21.91 16.55 3 19.93 38 20.49 18.56 +1.33 +18.6 Big 5Sprt Q BGFV .60 4.0 19 20.35 8.15 682 15.10 2731 15.45 14.05 +.55 -13.0 BigLots N BIG 1.00f 2.1 14 56.54 41.61 665 48.68 3457 49.71 46.99 +.52 -3.0 BiglariHld N BH 36 491.74 351.46 4 431.98 14 433.80 409.43 +20.71 -8.7tBBarrett N BBG 9.38 4.04 2338 4.55 10280 4.57 4.04 +.38 -34.9tBioAmber N BIOA 6.50 2.10 220 2.32 762 2.46 2.10 +.17 -57.8 BioAmb wt N BIOA/WS 1.71 .03 6 .04 29 .06 .03 -.01 -93.9 Bio-Path Q BPTH 3.19 .70 81 .83 394 .84 .77 +.05 -38.7 BioRadA N BIO 209.50 135.02 144 199.34 762 201.24 195.50 -1.07 +9.4 BioTechne Q TECH 1.28 1.3 48 117.42 91.45 182 101.65 1177 102.09 98.54 -2.17 -1.1 BioDlvry lf Q BDSI 4.00 1.50 698 1.90 1864 2.10 1.76 +.15 +8.6 BioLifeSol Q BLFS 3.58 1.43 12 2.09 49 2.14 2.01 +.05 +29.8 BioLneRx h Q BLRX 1.42 .71 5303 .96 6745 1.19 .87 -.15 +4.5 BioanlySys Q BASI 2.42 .60 49 1.39 332 1.52 1.31 -.02 +80.5tBioblastP Q ORPN 3.13 .77 85 .76 301 .90 .75 -.13 -26.9 Biocept rs Q BIOC 4.29 .74 933 2.13 2926 2.23 2.05 -.10 +174.8 Biocryst Q BCRX 9.25 2.48 1108 8.40 3856 8.99 8.17 -.39 +32.7 Biogen Q BIIB 15 333.65 223.02 2692 273.42 9049 276.71 267.74 -1.40 -3.6 Biolase Q BIOL 1.98 .80 72 1.35 184 1.38 1.25 +.06 -3.6 BioMarin Q BMRN 102.49 73.45 945 87.78 4213 89.85 86.71 +.41 +6.0 Biomeri n Q BMRA 3.38 1.53 25 2.19 56 2.19 1.96 +.19 -4.8sBiondVax n Q BVXV 7.87 3.04 124 5.80 1856 7.87 5.35 +.61 +73.1sBiondVx wt Q BVXVW 2.02 .37 59 1.40 194 2.02 .87 +.51 +277.4 BioPhrmX N BPMX 1.22 .19 538 .51 4919 .57 .49 +.01 +35.0 Bioptix rs Q BIOP 6.65 2.14 20 4.00 280 4.41 3.37 +.63 +4.2 BioScrip Q BIOS 3.43 .98 1161 1.70 9610 1.86 1.62 -.12 +63.5 BioSpecif Q BSTC 37 58.21 31.96 32 54.80 138 56.17 49.16 +4.07 -1.6 Biostage h Q BSTG 2.86 .29 907 .37 6945 .39 .32 +.03 -58.8 BiostrPh rs Q BSPM 7.06 1.08 11 2.31 148 2.50 2.11 +.08 -21.2sBioTelem Q BEAT 49 29.50 10.96 245 28.95 2748 29.50 26.20 +2.35 +29.5 BioTime N BTX 4.01 2.26 757 3.45 1783 3.59 3.12 +.26 -4.4 BioTime wt N BTX/WS .98 .30 5 .61 34 .61 .48 +.11 -12.9sBioverativ Q BIVV 54.20 40.00 1934 54.46 6790 55.16 49.32 +4.16 +14.7 BirksGrp N BGI 5.15 .41 12 1.42 64 1.54 1.33 -.13 +32.7 BitautoH N BITA 33.16 16.56 442 25.61 2769 26.80 24.30 -.03 +35.2tBlackBox Q BBOX .48 5.4 17.05 8.25 81 8.95 732 8.95 8.25 +.42 -41.3 BlackDiam Q BDE 6.85 3.93 70 5.45 293 5.65 5.30 +1.9 BlkHillsCp N BKH 1.78f 2.7 21 67.02 54.76 411 66.47 2157 66.82 65.24 +.26 +8.4 BlkHCp un N BKHU 73.86 61.75 22 73.38 227 73.53 71.94 +.54 +6.5 BlackKnt n N BKFS 48 42.19 28.67 145 38.30 586 39.15 37.20 +.45 +1.3 BlkStMin n N BSM 1.15f 7.0 64 19.86 13.65 212 16.51 916 16.58 15.58 -.06 -12.1 BlackLin n Q BL 31.40 21.66 143 29.76 890 29.89 28.21 +.91 +7.7 BlkRkCap Q BKCC .84 11.1 9.92 6.75 299 7.55 1337 7.55 7.21 +.24 +8.5 Blckbaud Q BLKB .48 .6 68 77.85 55.88 168 76.67 1031 77.36 74.46 +.53 +19.8 BlackBerry Q BBRY 8.46 6.23 51849 7.75 72852 8.08 6.83 +.68 +12.5sBlkhwkNet Q HAWK 41.53 28.88 701 40.60 3582 41.53 37.75 +1.90 +7.8 BlackRock N BLK 10.00f 2.6 20 399.46 317.60 426 383.51 2576 386.24 368.00 +9.10 +.8 BlkBldAm N BBN 1.58 7.1 25.58 19.50 131 22.39 588 22.51 22.33 +.08 +3.7 BlkCA18 N BJZ .33 2.2 15.30 14.93 38 15.16 53 15.18 15.02 +.01 +.9 BlkCAIT N BFZ .87 6.1 17.00 13.81 28 14.28 199 14.32 14.21 +.01 -1.5 BlkCorBd N BHK .85a 6.4 14.34 12.57 80 13.35 469 13.37 13.25 +.02 +2.6 BlkCpHiY N HYT .84a 7.7 11.20 9.80 404 10.92 2212 10.96 10.74 +.14 +.8 BlkCrdAllo N BTZ .97 7.3 13.70 12.05 191 13.16 881 13.17 12.97 +.17 +1.5 BlkDbtStr rs N DSU 11.75 10.23 202 11.52 902 11.55 11.40 +.09 +1.6 BlkDefOpp N BHL .70a 5.1 14.01 12.96 7 13.72 59 13.76 13.69 -.5 BlkEngyRs N BGR 1.32 9.6 15.01 12.47 146 13.75 578 13.80 13.12 +.47 -4.8 BlkEnhC&I N CII 1.20 8.4 14.56 12.59 234 14.32 848 14.32 14.04 +.13 +4.4 BlkEEqDv N BDJ .56 6.5 8.60 7.41 599 8.55 2716 8.58 8.33 +.11 +4.9 BlEnhGvIn N EGF .66 5.0 14.11 13.03 4 13.22 39 13.28 13.15 -.07 +.2 BlkFltRtInc N FRA .81 5.6 14.85 12.84 193 14.49 637 14.70 14.44 -.24 +.6 BlkFloatR N BGT .78a 5.5 14.65 12.51 89 14.29 296 14.56 14.29 -.14 +1.5 BlkFL2020 N BFO .37 2.5 15.48 14.85 0 15.09 6 15.10 15.02 +.5sBlkGlbOp N BOE 1.16 9.4 12.48 11.19 244 12.40 990 12.48 12.26 +.02 +7.2 BlkHlthSci N BME 2.40a 6.9 38.54 30.82 27 34.59 140 34.90 33.40 +.83 +8.9 BlkIT N BKT .37 6.0 6.67 6.06 92 6.19 505 6.23 6.15 +.02 -2.2 BlkIntlG&I N BGY .59 10.2 6.13 5.36 886 5.79 2490 5.81 5.73 +.02 +5.1 BlkIQM N BKN .92a 6.4 18.30 13.92 34 14.48 167 14.54 14.35 +.16 -1.4 BlkLtdD N BLW 1.19a 7.7 16.07 14.61 85 15.57 438 15.57 15.31 +.17 +2.6 BlkLTMu N BTA .70a 6.1 13.44 10.73 38 11.46 147 11.64 11.46 +.02 +1.6 BlkMATxE N MHE .70a 5.0 16.72 12.68 13.95 4 13.95 13.66 +.20 -1.9 BlkMultSec N BIT 1.40a 8.1 17.64 15.52 137 17.31 515 17.44 17.20 +.05 +5.0 BlkMuIntD N MUI .79a 5.7 15.63 13.45 90 13.85 373 13.86 13.74 +.08 +.4 BlkMuNYInt N MNE .69 5.0 16.35 13.18 15 13.75 71 13.75 13.46 +.26 +1.3 BlkMunihCA N MUC .81a 5.7 16.35 13.53 66 14.17 280 14.17 14.04 +.14 +.6 BlkMunHIQ N MFL .86 6.0 16.43 13.52 54 14.37 327 14.40 14.15 +.21 +1.3 BlMunhNYQ N MHN .80a 5.9 15.68 13.13 15 13.62 109 13.62 13.55 +.06 +1.6 BlMunhNJQ N MUJ .89a 6.2 16.48 13.56 39 14.22 212 14.36 14.22 +.02 +2.2 BlkMunihQ N MUS .81 6.1 15.59 12.66 32 13.19 207 13.27 13.08 +.10 -2.9 BlkMunHQ2 N MUE .82 6.2 15.23 12.57 63 13.25 261 13.25 13.12 +.13 -1.8 BlMunyCAQ N MCA .88 5.9 16.87 13.95 45 14.73 228 14.81 14.70 -.04 +1.6 BlkMunyInv N MYF .97 6.4 17.48 14.32 25 15.28 117 15.68 15.26 -.03 +2.5 BlkMunyIQ N MFT .85 6.2 16.50 13.23 4 13.84 113 13.93 13.70 -.04 -.7 BlkMYMIQ N MIY .83 6.1 15.69 13.17 40 13.60 211 13.66 13.53 +.03 +.1 BlMunyNYQ N MYN .74a 5.7 14.74 12.50 31 12.96 178 12.96 12.83 +.12 +2.1 BlkMunyPaQ N MPA .86 6.1 16.66 13.75 6 14.13 74 14.17 14.04 +.07 +.2 BlMunyQlty N MQY .96 6.4 17.20 14.21 48 14.97 183 14.97 14.75 +.26 +1.7 BlkMuniyQ3 N MYI .89a 6.4 15.88 13.23 84 13.93 489 13.98 13.79 +.21 +2.1 BlkMuniast N MUA .72a 5.1 16.09 12.96 49 14.16 196 14.21 13.94 +.25 +5.1 Blk2018 N BPK .56a 3.7 15.45 14.93 41 15.10 140 15.10 15.03 +.06 +.8 BlkMu2020 N BKK .54a 3.4 17.18 15.16 12 15.77 99 15.83 15.70 -.05 +3.8 BlkMuBdT N BBK .90a 6.0 18.55 14.50 27 15.06 119 15.06 14.85 +.23 -1.3 BlkMuIIQ N BAF .82 5.7 16.67 13.68 21 14.35 113 14.41 14.28 +.07 +.6 BlkMunIIT N BBF .87 5.9 17.00 13.46 9 14.68 136 14.71 14.18 +.55 +4.8 BlkMuIQT N BYM .86 6.2 16.38 13.50 26 13.94 219 14.02 13.81 +.14 +.4 BlkMuIT N BFK .90a 6.5 16.02 13.42 52 13.94 376 13.96 13.71 +.22 +.7 BlkMuIT2 N BLE .95a 6.4 16.89 13.87 35 14.87 241 14.90 14.61 +.29 +2.3 BlkMuTTT N BTT .96a 4.2 24.44 21.09 125 22.63 483 22.73 22.40 +.26 +3.7 BlkMunienh N MEN .73a 6.2 13.21 10.92 69 11.69 411 11.74 11.36 +.36 +3.7 BlkMunihld N MHD 1.03a 6.2 19.35 15.54 23 16.57 168 16.58 16.28 +.37 +2.4 BlkMunihd2 N MUH .93a 6.0 17.29 14.36 15 15.53 116 15.79 15.02 +.60 +5.7 BlkMunvst N MVF .64a 6.6 11.26 9.34 60 9.66 479 9.71 9.55 +.07 +.5 BlkMuniv2 N MVT 1.00a 6.5 18.64 14.74 20 15.26 189 15.34 15.19 +.03 +.1 BlkMunyAZ N MZA .83 5.8 19.16 13.89 2 14.45 20 14.70 14.40 -.11 -.1 BlMunyldCA N MYC .89a 6.0 17.89 14.44 48 14.73 220 14.88 14.73 -.01 -3.5 BlkMuniyld N MYD .92a 6.4 16.44 13.61 55 14.37 417 14.44 14.24 +.12 +1.6 BlkMunyNJ N MYJ .90a 5.9 17.62 14.87 20 15.33 95 15.42 15.30 +.03 +.1 BlMunQlt2 N MQT .80 6.3 15.06 12.31 54 12.79 178 12.83 12.69 +.11 -.2 BlkNJMB N BLJ .83a 5.8 17.75 14.21 12 14.48 32 14.73 14.46 -.10 +.2 BlkNJIT N BNJ .90a 6.1 16.98 14.12 9 14.78 38 14.96 14.78 -.03 +3.8 BlkNY18 N BLH .31a 2.1 15.18 14.72 3 14.88 10 14.88 14.81 +.01 +1.0 BlkNYMB N BQH .74 5.3 16.39 13.56 5 14.08 13 14.15 13.98 +.05 +.4 BlkNYIQT N BSE .69 5.3 15.42 12.53 12 13.11 48 13.12 13.02 +.12 BlkNYIT N BNY .83 5.8 16.91 13.29 9 14.31 58 14.32 14.13 +.15 +2.9 BlkNYMu2 N BFY .84 5.7 18.02 14.05 1 14.65 19 14.67 14.51 +.17 +1.2 BlkRsCmdy N BCX .79 9.1 8.99 6.95 357 8.60 1228 8.64 8.33 +.19 +4.0sBlkSciTch N BST 1.20 5.7 20.77 15.80 140 21.16 500 21.16 20.04 +.88 +17.9 BlkStMT N BSD .85a 6.3 15.98 13.03 8 13.43 32 13.43 13.33 +.12 -.4 BlkU&Inf N BUI 1.45 7.3 20.59 17.24 44 19.82 257 19.87 19.48 +.20 +7.7 BlkVAMB N BHV .83 5.3 21.50 15.06 1 15.77 13 15.97 15.58 +.22 +2.4 BlkstFltRt N BSL 1.08 6.0 18.43 15.01 61 18.05 323 18.22 17.93 -.11 -.2 BlkstGSOSt N BGB 1.26 8.0 16.27 13.40 230 15.84 1008 15.89 15.70 +.07 +3.3 Blackstone N BX 1.46 4.9 18 31.69 22.45 3004 29.70 19952 29.85 29.12 +.02 +9.9 BlkstnMtg N BXMT 2.48f 8.0 12 31.53 26.02 542 30.96 3643 31.12 30.41 +.76 +3.0 BlkLSCrInc N BGX 1.18 7.3 16.52 13.43 105 16.08 396 16.38 16.06 -.23 +1.0 BlockHR N HRB .88 3.8 16 26.59 19.18 2689 23.25 17606 23.37 22.16 +.83 +1.1 BlonderT N BDR 1.10 .28 2 .58 31 .69 .58 -.08 +23.4 BloominBr Q BLMN .32f 1.6 26 19.99 15.82 889 19.73 5290 19.87 18.60 +.42 +9.4 Blucora Q BCOR 18.00 4.69 663 17.30 2361 17.85 17.00 -.20 +17.3 BlueBird Q BLBD 18.15 9.53 48 17.15 391 17.35 16.80 +.20 +11.0 BlueBPet n Q BUFF 32 27.50 21.60 553 23.00 3632 23.72 22.85 -.37 -4.3 BlueCapRe N BCRH 1.20 6.2 12 20.83 17.01 25 19.30 131 19.50 18.50 +1.10 +4.6 BlueHBcp Q BHBK .20f 1.1 42 19.73 13.36 124 17.85 353 18.10 16.45 +.95 -4.8 BluebBio Q BLUE 100.40 35.37 390 90.90 2964 95.00 85.20 +2.80 +47.3 BlueknEP Q BKEP .58 8.6 7.55 4.56 59 6.75 167 7.00 6.65 -.10 -1.5 Bluekn pf Q BKEPP .72 9.0 8.75 6.50 0 7.94 24 7.95 7.80 +.04 +.5 BlueLinx rs N BXC 5 9.70 6.08 108 9.10 578 9.17 7.84 +1.00 +21.8sBlueprtM n Q BPMC 44.54 13.27 1113 39.99 6173 44.54 39.00 -3.97 +42.6 BluerkRsd N BRG 1.16 9.4 34 14.77 10.65 179 12.31 712 12.33 11.73 +.27 -10.3 BluerkRs pf N BRGpA 2.06 7.9 27.58 24.80 6 26.07 25 26.16 25.94 -.03 +.1 BluerkR pfD N BRGpD 1.78 7.2 25.17 21.85 2 24.58 26 24.85 24.50 +.05 +5.5 BdwlkPpl N BWP .40 2.2 15 18.95 13.96 842 18.31 3828 18.37 17.30 +.81 +5.5sBobEvans Q BOBE 1.36 2.1 48 64.93 35.63 296 64.87 1172 65.34 61.62 +2.66 +21.9 Boeing N BA 5.68f 3.2 21 185.71 122.35 1995 176.86 10525 178.49 173.75 +1.04 +13.6 BofI Hld s Q BOFI 13 32.57 15.29 2131 26.13 10144 28.54 24.88 -1.34 -8.5 BofI pf Q BOFIL 1.56 6.0 29.95 21.80 1 25.92 19 26.60 25.75 +.16 +3.7 Boingo Q WIFI 13.38 6.56 165 12.99 1141 13.25 12.27 -.29 +6.6 BoiseCasc N BCC 21 29.95 17.80 316 26.70 1497 27.35 25.90 +.10 +18.7 Bojangles n Q BOJA 21 21.85 14.55 289 20.50 1227 20.85 19.20 +.80 +9.9 BonTon Q BONT .20 23.8 2.49 .63 142 .84 714 .93 .66 +.13 -42.9 BonanzaCE N BCEI 4.67 .60 786 1.16 5814 1.28 1.00 +.13 +13.7 BonsoElec Q BNSO 4.25 1.23 22 2.57 259 2.70 2.40 -.06 +17.4 BootBarn N BOOT 21 17.26 5.59 145 9.89 739 10.14 9.17 +.58 -21.0 BoozAllnH N BAH .68f 1.9 21 38.54 27.02 900 35.39 6203 36.00 35.21 -.98 -1.9 BorgWarn N BWA .56f 1.3 13 44.24 27.52 1402 41.79 7365 42.29 40.41 +.51 +6.0tBostBeer N SAM 21 195.35 141.55 73 144.65 570 149.70 141.55 -4.45 -14.8 BostPrv Q BPFH .44f 2.7 21 17.88 10.77 415 16.40 1691 16.63 15.25 +.60 -.9 BostPrv pf Q BPFHP 1.74 6.8 28.71 23.53 3 25.73 70 25.73 25.26 +.10 +2.6 BostProp N BXP 3.00f 2.3 24 144.02 113.69 875 132.41 3945 132.87 129.39 +.68 +5.3 BosProp pfB N BXPpB 1.31 5.2 27.17 22.63 7 25.00 25 25.74 25.00 -.47 +4.0 BostonSci N BSX 49 25.65 18.93 13115 24.87 41421 24.93 24.12 +.55 +15.0 BttmlnT Q EPAY 32 31.52 18.48 266 23.65 1217 23.96 23.35 -.27 -5.5 BldrG&IFd N BIF .40a 4.3 9.59 7.68 169 9.30 679 9.32 9.17 +.03 +4.0 BlvdAcq n Q BLVD 10.05 9.54 11 10.02 1280 10.04 10.00 +.02 +1.0sBlvdAcq wt Q BLVDW .85 .25 15 .89 131 .89 .82 +.08 +67.9 BovieMed N BVX 5.75 1.56 51 2.67 368 2.77 2.59 +.05 -25.6 BowlA N BWL/A .68 4.7 41 17.25 14.00 0 14.62 3 14.74 14.38 -.12 -11.3 Box Inc n N BOX 18.36 9.86 702 16.31 4175 16.65 15.97 -.06 +17.7sBoydGm N BYD 22 21.85 16.77 1669 22.01 8994 22.04 20.27 +1.40 +9.1 BradyCp N BRC .82f 2.1 25 40.50 25.98 253 38.65 911 38.95 37.53 +.35 +2.9 Brainstorm Q BCLI 4.70 2.06 558 4.25 1046 4.45 3.81 +.33 +67.3 Brandyw N BDN .64 3.9 13 17.05 13.60 1047 16.23 6059 16.33 15.88 -.02 -1.7 BrasilAgro N LND 4.11 2.72 2 3.73 5 3.81 3.52 +.07 +14.8 Braskem N BAK .38e 1.9 23.15 10.82 335 20.35 2381 20.84 19.59 +.10 -4.1 BravoBrio Q BBRG 8.68 3.40 21 5.10 231 5.20 4.70 +.30 +34.2 BridgeBcp Q BDGE .92 2.6 18 38.95 26.90 82 35.00 252 35.75 32.90 +.90 -7.7 Bridglne rs Q BLIN 3.47 .43 29 .83 361 .84 .79 +.02 +29.9 BridgptEd N BPI 59 11.58 5.38 78 10.67 369 10.72 10.40 +.12 +5.3 BridgfdFds Q BRID 13 16.00 10.43 1 11.43 3 11.43 10.85 -.29 +.5 BrigStrat N BGG .56 2.5 31 23.78 17.90 473 22.45 1305 22.51 21.37 +.68 +.9 BrightHrz N BFAM 47 72.80 59.00 301 72.49 1386 72.51 69.44 +2.18 +3.5 Brightcove Q BCOV 13.80 5.82 338 8.90 1085 9.00 8.53 -.15 +10.6 Brinker N EAT 1.36 3.1 14 55.84 40.92 1072 43.96 4801 44.25 42.30 +1.20 -11.2 Brinks N BCO .40 .7 57 54.98 26.86 284 53.45 1307 53.85 47.30 +2.15 +29.6 BrMySq N BMY 1.56f 2.9 32 77.12 46.01 11991 54.38 45960 56.55 54.16 -1.51 -6.9 BristowGp N BRS .28 1.8 23.62 9.17 872 15.21 4310 15.32 12.55 +1.98 -25.7sBritATob s N BTI 66.55 52.71 5269 66.32 16727 66.63 65.37 +.74 BrixmorP N BRX 1.04f 4.8 12 29.14 20.66 3499 21.46 12149 21.71 20.79 -.19 -11.2 BroadcLtd Q AVGO 2.04 .9 56 227.75 139.18 2496 218.96 10821 224.45 215.97 -.01 +23.9 BroadrdgF N BR 1.32 1.9 24 71.74 57.92 342 67.95 1523 68.09 66.82 +.19 +2.5 BroadSoft Q BSFT 67 48.40 35.01 722 40.20 2067 41.80 39.75 -1.55 -2.5 BroadVis Q BVSN 8.06 4.40 14 5.08 27 5.50 4.85 -.22 +9.3 BrdwyFn h Q BYFC 6 2.50 1.42 2 1.81 20 1.82 1.78 +.03 +10.7sBroadwdE Q BWEN 7.86 2.66 1493 8.33 2608 8.50 6.36 +1.79 +105.9 BrcdeCm Q BRCD .22 1.8 45 12.55 7.60 4008 12.48 24062 12.53 12.41 -.04 -.1 Brookdale N BKD 19.42 10.65 3716 13.43 24545 13.50 12.33 +1.33 +8.1 BrkfdAs g s N BAM .56f 1.5 19 37.52 31.80 821 36.46 4332 37.01 35.55 +.51 +10.5 BrookBus n N BBU .25f 1.0 26.87 21.72 8 24.64 52 25.04 23.99 +.09 +2.4 BrkfCda g N BOXC 2.23a 7 25.72 18.68 1 23.36 4 23.69 23.36 -.03 +18.9 BrkfDtla pf N DTLAp 1.91 7.7 25.26 18.65 5 24.80 35 25.17 24.41 +.32 +12.3 BrkGblInf N INF 1.40 10.6 14.13 10.78 67 13.20 426 13.23 12.98 +.15 +2.9sBrkfInfra s N BIP 1.74f 4.5 39.25 26.07 291 38.67 2108 39.25 38.15 +.38 +15.5 BrkfldPrp N BPY 1.18f 5.3 24.98 20.31 76 22.26 493 22.54 21.65 +.37 +1.2 BrkRlAs n N RA .20p 23.45 21.54 106 22.78 607 22.88 22.53 +.16 +2.1 BrkfReEn N BEP 1.87f 6.3 31.85 26.61 65 29.73 257 29.95 29.00 +.62 +.1 BrklneB Q BRKL .36 2.3 21 17.45 10.40 384 15.65 1899 15.70 14.05 +.60 -4.6sBrooksAuto Q BRKS .40 1.8 22.21 8.99 919 22.40 3487 22.56 20.70 +1.30 +31.2 BrwnBrn N BRO .54 1.3 22 45.77 34.23 812 41.72 2848 42.65 41.68 -.89 -7.0 BrownFA s N BF/A 29 55.31 45.17 19 47.07 141 47.92 46.80 -.48 +1.8 BrownFB s N BF/B 51.55 43.72 1005 46.18 3649 47.17 46.16 -.91 +2.8 BrukerCp Q BRKR .16 .7 24 29.85 19.58 524 23.33 2888 23.47 22.41 +.14 +10.2 Brunswick N BC .66f 1.1 18 61.74 41.19 715 61.20 4190 61.53 59.87 -.26 +12.2 BrynMawr Q BMTC .84 2.1 19 42.60 24.70 125 39.50 319 40.00 37.25 +.85 -6.3 Bsquare Q BSQR 6.62 3.80 41 5.40 511 5.55 4.65 +.60 -7.7 Buckeye N BPL 4.96f 7.2 19 75.10 61.37 451 68.56 1808 68.61 65.86 +1.67 +3.6 Buckle N BKE 1.00e 5.4 9 35.02 16.50 444 18.60 2003 18.85 17.25 +1.10 -18.4 Buenavent N BVN 16.45 7.16 1217 12.04 5664 12.80 11.87 -.45 +6.7 BuffaloWW Q BWLD 30 175.10 122.25 489 152.75 1997 153.45 144.30 +4.50 -1.1 BldBear N BBW 29 15.85 8.05 93 8.85 654 8.90 8.30 +.30 -35.6 BldrFstSrc Q BLDR 17 15.85 9.04 1215 14.90 4555 15.17 14.04 +.46 +35.8 BungeLt N BG 1.68 2.1 17 82.66 54.72 1192 79.26 7229 81.72 79.16 -.91 +9.7 Burcon g Q BUR 2.86 1.40 1 1.56 22 1.57 1.49 +.04 -20.9sBurlStrs N BURL 31 97.94 51.19 644 97.29 2870 98.08 94.04 +2.49 +14.8C -:C&F Fnc Q CFFI 1.32 2.9 12 53.40 37.64 8 46.30 15 46.35 44.01 +1.65 -7.1tC&J Eng n N CJ 39.13 32.01 191 34.05 1876 35.48 32.01 +.44 -7.2 CTrkMH23 N MLPC 1.19e 6.8 18.43 13.43 9 17.44 12 17.44 17.00 +.14 +4.4 CA Inc Q CA 1.02 3.2 14 34.99 29.12 1518 31.72 8097 31.98 31.43 -.14 -.2 CAE Inc g N CAE .32 15.88 11.06 165 15.29 802 15.38 14.64 +.40 +9.4 CAI Intl N CAI 22 17.92 6.75 158 15.74 518 16.18 14.05 +1.28 +81.5 CAS Med Q CASM 2.15 1.38 2 1.45 97 1.50 1.42 -.04 -9.9 CASI Phr h Q CASI 1.76 .82 16 1.42 84 1.44 1.34 +.04 +23.5 CB FnSvcs Q CBFV .88 3.1 14 29.40 19.50 5 28.30 16 28.95 28.25 -.25 +9.5 CBAK Eng Q CBAK 3.33 1.20 148 1.35 263 1.40 1.20 +.10 -4.4 CBIZ Inc N CBZ 16 14.26 9.30 312 13.55 961 13.75 13.40 -.20 -1.1 CBL Asc N CBL 1.06 11.1 8 14.30 8.72 4784 9.54 19862 9.76 8.76 +.36 -17.0 CBL pfD N CBLpD 1.84 7.7 25.60 22.72 201 23.99 446 24.13 23.58 +.10 -1.9 CBL pfE N CBLpE 1.66 7.1 26.50 22.60 8 23.34 90 23.72 22.77 +.24 +1.6 CBOE Q CBOE 1.00 1.2 34 81.36 61.22 980 81.07 4030 81.32 78.31 +1.63 +9.7 CBRE GRE N IGR .60 8.0 8.80 7.06 429 7.47 1895 7.50 7.33 +.10 +2.3 CBRE Grp N CBG 17 36.74 24.11 2149 34.79 13469 34.82 33.41 +.41 +10.5sCBS A N CBS/A .72f 1.0 21 70.68 49.92 5 70.36 9 70.68 68.06 +1.92 +8.6sCBS B N CBS .72 1.0 18 69.60 48.88 2603 69.36 12664 69.60 66.09 +2.46 +9.0 CCA Inds N CAW 19 3.99 2.25 7 3.15 15 3.25 3.10 -.05 +21.2 CDI N CDI .52 6.1 9.65 4.84 172 8.55 329 9.30 7.70 +.55 +15.5 CDK Globl Q CDK .56 .9 31 67.49 44.07 1106 65.01 4124 65.19 63.98 +.13 +8.9 CDW Corp Q CDW .64 1.1 19 61.00 37.80 799 57.71 4956 58.07 56.10 +.08 +10.8 CEB Inc N CEB 1.65 2.1 21 79.70 47.33 409 78.60 2427 79.08 78.40 -.20 +29.7 CEVA Inc Q CEVA 51 36.81 20.23 118 35.50 484 35.90 33.90 +.95 +5.8 CF CpA n Q CFCO 10.25 9.60 3 10.01 532 10.04 10.01 -.02 +.9 CF Cp wt Q CFCOW 1.70 .61 1.36 96 1.60 1.35 -.08 +8.8 CF Cp un n Q CFCOU 12.05 9.15 16 10.70 728 10.75 10.55 -.05 +2.2 CF Inds s N CF 1.20 4.1 62 37.17 20.77 6980 29.35 24996 31.10 28.65 +.17 -6.8 CGG rs N CGG 32.00 6.57 1 7.04 10 7.20 6.69 +.14 -50.2 CGI g N GIB 50.58 40.88 287 47.93 935 48.69 46.27 +1.13 -.2 CH Robins Q CHRW 1.80 2.3 22 81.16 65.57 1320 77.29 5528 78.03 76.22 -.18 +5.5 CHS Inc pf Q CHSCP 2.00 6.6 34.85 28.86 36 30.28 84 30.82 29.88 -.27 +3.5 CHS pfB Q CHSCO 1.97 6.8 31.88 28.05 21 29.05 82 29.09 28.64 +.29 +2.8 CHS pfB2 Q CHSCN 1.78 6.2 31.58 25.94 18 28.57 122 28.57 27.73 +.61 +7.8 CHS pfB3 Q CHSCM 1.69 6.0 29.78 25.36 22 27.99 81 27.99 27.25 +.53 +6.5 CHS pfB4 Q CHSCL 1.88 6.5 31.34 26.36 43 28.72 145 28.79 28.35 +.10 +5.8 CIM CmTr Q CMCT .88 5.4 44 20.27 14.54 0 16.10 4 16.40 15.96 -.25 +4.2 CIT Grp N CIT .60 1.4 41 44.10 28.33 1733 42.93 8718 43.41 39.51 +1.57 +.6 CM Finan Q CMFN 1.00m 9.9 6 10.50 7.75 25 10.15 107 10.30 9.95 +.10 +9.1 CME Grp Q CME 2.64f 2.2 29 127.60 89.00 1697 118.80 7321 120.10 117.10 -1.08 +3.0 CMS Eng N CMS 1.33f 3.0 27 46.25 38.78 1710 44.74 8105 45.55 44.42 -.54 +7.5 CNA Fn N CNA 1.00a 2.3 14 44.88 29.38 162 44.17 1017 44.63 42.34 +.78 +6.4 CNBFnPA Q CCNE .66 2.8 17 28.43 17.05 120 23.89 389 25.78 23.31 -.39 -10.7 CNH Indl N CNHI .12 1.2 9.91 6.03 468 9.64 2868 9.69 9.45 -.05 +10.9 CNO Fincl N CNO .32 1.6 14 21.70 14.30 979 20.50 5009 20.67 19.39 +.30 +7.0 CNOOC N CEO 4.77e 4.0 138.36 109.30 92 119.80 503 121.61 118.65 +.12 -3.4 CNX Coal n N CNXC .51 22.30 6.76 105 16.95 349 17.20 14.65 +1.95 -7.1 COPsync wt Q COYNW .70 .03 6 .08 105 .11 .05 -.01 -27.9tCOPsync nh Q COYN 2.66 .28 309 .29 1459 .35 .28 -.04 -64.3 CPFL Eng N CPL .40t 16.75 9.70 346 16.39 1405 16.58 16.20 -.12 +6.4 CPI Aero N CVU 10 10.15 4.35 29 6.75 145 7.19 6.35 +.10 -27.0 CPI Card n Q PMTS .18 47 9.25 3.25 62 4.20 301 4.40 4.15 -.15 +1.2 CPS Tech Q CPSH 30 2.39 1.07 33 1.51 326 1.85 1.36 +.01 -19.3 CRA Intl Q CRAI .56 1.6 24 40.00 18.44 27 35.33 131 35.66 33.11 +.98 -3.5 CRH Med N CRHM 8.70 2.80 73 8.20 506 8.55 8.05 -.20 +56.2 CRH N CRH .74e 2.1 36.83 25.82 614 35.17 2626 35.33 34.50 +.09 +2.3 CRISPR n Q CRSP 25.00 11.63 84 21.77 474 21.93 18.00 +3.89 +7.5 CSG Sys Q CSGS .79f 2.1 18 51.34 36.33 264 37.81 880 38.27 36.65 +.66 -21.9 CSI Comp Q CCLP 1.51 15.4 13.54 5.17 78 9.80 439 9.96 8.95 +.78 +.7 CsopChiA50 N AFTY 2.38p 14.28 12.12 1 13.85 6 13.93 13.80 +.09 +6.9 CSP Inc Q CSPI .44 4.2 20 11.95 5.81 8 10.42 47 10.54 10.15 -.03 -1.5 CSRA n N CSRA .40 1.4 25 33.54 21.95 1070 29.29 5276 29.93 28.68 -.14 -8.0 CSS Inds N CSS .80 3.1 23 29.18 23.16 57 25.92 208 26.01 24.47 +.97 -4.2 CST Brnds N CST .19j 37 48.50 36.02 334 48.09 1530 48.38 48.05 -.16 -.1 CSW Ind n Q CSWI 42 41.85 29.25 46 36.70 226 37.10 34.65 +1.25 -.4 CSX Q CSX .72 1.5 26 50.31 24.36 5587 46.55 27906 47.69 45.53 +.23 +29.6 CTI BioP rs Q CTIC 6.48 3.07 60 4.20 564 4.43 4.15 -.10 +2.9 CTI Inds Q CTIB 7.60 5.01 1 5.71 13 6.20 5.64 -.24 -2.4 CTS N CTS .16 .8 32 24.80 15.06 142 21.30 448 22.20 21.15 -.65 -4.9 CU Bncp Q CUNB 27 40.30 20.35 42 39.65 144 39.78 37.55 +1.45 +10.8 CUI Glbl Q CUI 8.40 4.01 92 4.74 431 4.90 4.31 +.30 -31.6 CVB Fncl Q CVBF .48 2.2 24 24.63 15.25 446 22.09 1990 22.43 20.58 +.79 -3.7 CVD Eqp Q CVV 10.94 6.25 70 10.38 143 10.88 9.70 +.40 +19.6 CVR Engy N CVI 2.00 10.0 20 26.57 12.03 708 20.08 3443 20.40 18.88 +.90 -20.9 CVR Ptrs N UAN .71e 15.3 9.75 4.05 118 4.65 1234 4.86 4.50 -.02 -22.6 CVR Rfng N CVRR 3.12e 33.0 36 13.25 5.50 182 9.45 1243 9.80 9.03 +.35 -9.1 CVS Health N CVS 2.00f 2.5 13 106.67 69.30 7567 78.50 24914 79.11 77.57 +.01 -.5stCWA Inco n N CWAI 25.05 25.00 36 25.01 148 25.05 25.00 CYS Invest N CYS 1.00 12.6 8 9.21 7.42 1161 7.95 5615 7.99 7.65 +.27 +2.8 CYSInv pfA N CYSpA 1.94 7.9 25.65 22.79 5 24.46 49 25.06 24.31 +.09 +3.0 CYSInv pfB N CYSpB 1.88 8.0 24.72 21.89 29 23.50 141 23.75 23.27 +.32 +3.5 CabGS flt34 N GYB .83 3.8 23.30 19.54 81 22.10 154 22.27 21.96 +.10 +6.8 CabcoJCP97 N PFH 1.91 10.6 21.20 16.40 5 18.01 33 18.24 17.00 +.78 -9.4 CabAT&T34 N GYC .83 3.5 26.05 20.03 0 23.56 9 23.56 23.00 +.55 +12.4 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 4 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


Cabelas N CAB 20 63.60 45.00 1238 53.11 5238 53.45 45.96 +6.76 -9.3 CableOne n N CABO 6.00 1.0 38 649.79 430.21 24 624.47 203 637.95 616.06 -12.97 +.4 Cabot N CBT 1.20 2.0 17 60.72 42.27 348 59.91 1440 60.26 57.15 +1.65 +18.5sCabotMicro Q CCMP .80f 1.0 30 75.97 38.37 178 76.61 729 77.01 72.03 +3.29 +21.3 CabotO&G N COG .08 .3 26.74 20.02 8793 23.91 46731 24.27 22.83 +.73 +2.4stCachetFin n Q CAFN 4.42 4.17 4.20 122 4.42 4.17 -.20 -4.5 CACI N CACI 19 135.35 87.31 152 117.30 567 123.08 117.25 -3.70 -5.6 Cadence Q CDNS 33 32.19 22.79 4388 31.40 13239 31.80 31.06 -.21 +24.5 Cadiz h Q CDZI 15.50 4.27 381 15.05 874 15.30 14.10 +.30 +20.4 CaesarStne Q CSTE .57e 17 43.50 26.35 217 36.25 1025 36.38 34.50 +.80 +26.5 CaesarAcq Q CACQ 3 15.80 5.43 220 15.40 922 15.45 14.35 +.85 +14.1 CaesarsEnt Q CZR 10.84 5.39 953 9.55 4485 9.70 9.00 +.35 +12.4 CafePress Q PRSS 3.95 2.80 21 3.02 76 3.25 3.00 -.17 +2.7tCal-Maine Q CALM 2.49e 6.8 55.16 35.10 496 36.80 3522 37.95 35.10 -.55 -16.7 Caladriu rs Q CLBS 8.00 2.65 72 5.03 324 5.20 4.23 +.63 +77.7 CalaCvHi Q CHY 1.20 10.5 11.50 9.91 230 11.39 1156 11.43 11.08 +.23 +8.0 CalaCvOp Q CHI 1.14 10.4 11.36 9.22 203 11.00 874 11.07 10.68 +.24 +9.0 CalaCv&Inc Q CCD 2.00 10.4 19.70 16.75 60 19.21 494 19.43 18.96 +.20 +9.6sCalaGDyIn Q CHW .84 10.8 7.84 6.56 159 7.80 1491 7.84 7.65 +.08 +11.9 CalaGTR Q CGO 1.20 10.0 12.35 10.34 40 12.01 217 12.12 11.76 +.01 +14.1 CalaStrTR Q CSQ .99 8.9 11.25 9.26 429 11.16 1749 11.23 10.83 +.20 +8.7 CalAmp Q CAMP 56 18.01 12.13 293 16.79 1330 16.98 16.11 +.35 +15.8 CalAtlantic N CAA .16 .4 11 40.94 30.18 460 37.45 2579 37.69 36.08 +.70 +10.1 CalavoGr h Q CVGW .90f 1.5 29 71.48 48.75 206 60.60 937 61.00 58.30 +1.90 -1.3 Caleres N CAL .28 1.1 13 36.61 21.27 466 26.42 1901 27.70 26.05 -.23 -19.5 Calgon N CCC .20 1.4 39 18.80 12.70 277 14.60 1201 14.65 13.30 +1.15 -14.1 CalFirst Q CFNB .46f 2.8 18 16.45 12.87 8 16.20 22 16.30 15.50 +.70 +3.5 CalifRes rs N CRC 25.50 8.79 1771 15.04 9471 15.13 12.30 +2.07 -29.4 CalifWtr N CWT .72f 2.0 34 37.60 26.22 267 35.85 964 35.95 34.05 +.80 +5.8 Calithera Q CALA 14.90 2.20 1092 11.55 4590 12.18 9.80 +1.15 +255.4 Calix N CALX 8.20 6.15 251 7.25 831 7.40 6.85 +.21 -5.8 CallGolf N ELY .04 .4 6 12.56 8.91 1014 11.07 3865 11.15 10.91 -.10 +1.0sCallidus Q CALD 21.44 14.48 607 21.35 1915 21.55 20.34 +.45 +27.1 CallonPet N CPE 60 18.53 8.15 5982 13.16 31460 13.21 11.53 +1.29 -14.4 Callon pfA N CPEpA 5.00 9.5 53.97 44.69 2 52.71 18 52.71 52.20 +.40 +.1 Calpine N CPN 24 16.07 10.39 3144 11.05 10909 11.09 10.62 +.25 -3.3 CalumetSp Q CLMT .69j 12.69 2.79 219 3.80 952 3.85 3.65 -5.0tCambrE rs N CEI 7.98 .31 455 .59 3079 .77 .31 +.12 -52.5 CambLrn Q ABCD 1.36 27.8 22 5.86 3.96 99 4.90 171 5.24 4.85 -.16 -1.8 Cambrex N CBM 23 62.50 38.30 514 55.05 1619 55.60 49.95 +4.60 +2.0 CambriaYld N SYLD 1.42e 1.8 35.00 26.75 4 34.00 38 34.07 32.87 +.50 +4.5sCambFgnY N FYLD 1.85e 6.4 22.76 18.45 3 22.70 23 22.76 22.44 +.22 +8.4 CambGblV N GVAL .54e 2.4 22.51 17.06 54 22.04 152 22.41 22.01 -.18 +9.1 CamGblMo N GMOM .53e 2.2 24.69 22.25 14 24.52 77 24.62 24.23 +.10 +5.7 CambGlAss N GAA .55e 2.2 25.47 23.43 3 25.39 29 25.46 25.28 -.03 +3.8 CambrEmS N EYLD 32.28 24.83 1 29.57 11 30.49 29.25 -.45 +11.6 CamDhan n N JUNE 28.00 22.78 0 26.75 7 26.97 26.40 +.35 +.9 CamValMom N VAMO 24.64 22.09 2 23.58 9 23.65 23.00 +.40 -2.2 CamdnN s Q CAC .92 2.1 18 45.43 26.80 86 44.04 226 44.66 41.06 +2.38 -.9 CamdenPT N CPT 3.00 3.7 33 90.91 75.36 422 80.46 2105 82.16 79.48 -.66 -4.3 Cameco g N CCJ .40 13.50 7.41 2247 11.07 12251 11.38 10.73 +.26 +5.7 CampSp N CPB 1.40 2.4 19 67.89 52.59 1883 57.24 5655 57.89 56.97 -.20 -5.3 CampWrl n N CWH .08p 36.60 20.45 336 32.24 1144 32.52 29.70 +1.16 -1.1 Camtek h Q CAMT 4.10 1.80 26 3.81 311 3.83 3.61 -.03 +15.8 Can-Fite N CANF 3.59 1.74 16 1.91 136 1.97 1.85 +.02 -19.7tCdaGoose n N GOOS 18.40 15.20 691 15.96 4609 16.55 15.20 +.32 -.7 CIBC g N CM 4.84 10 92.22 72.02 2491 86.21 10323 87.97 84.72 -.47 +5.6sCdnNR gs N CNI 1.18 74.67 55.73 965 73.93 3691 74.67 71.58 +1.62 +9.7 CdnNRs gs N CNQ .82 35.28 25.08 3729 32.79 18952 33.24 31.53 +.77 +2.9 CP Rwy g N CP 1.64 157.34 119.50 420 146.92 2592 149.34 143.44 +1.77 +2.9 CdnSolar Q CSIQ 8 19.92 10.25 1473 12.27 7009 12.36 10.86 +1.12 +.7sCancerGen Q CGIX 5.30 1.10 889 4.10 8776 5.30 3.50 +.20 +203.7sCanon N CAJ 31.68 27.18 165 31.27 1708 31.68 31.10 -.02 +11.1 CantelMed N CMD .12f .1 52 88.81 64.52 348 80.10 962 80.71 74.15 +4.19 +1.7 CantbryPk Q CPHC .35e 11 11.21 9.80 10.55 9 10.60 10.26 +.20 +5.0 CpStarFn n Q CSTR 22.35 15.50 16 19.07 87 19.38 18.79 +.21 -13.2 CapellaEd Q CPLA 1.64 1.9 23 90.40 48.80 87 85.03 291 85.85 81.00 +2.83 -3.2 CapBkFin Q CBF .48 1.1 29 45.00 27.71 301 43.40 1440 44.30 41.25 +1.00 +10.6 CapCtyBk Q CCBG .20 .9 31 23.15 13.16 11 21.39 143 21.70 19.95 +.96 +4.4 CapOne N COF 1.60 1.8 12 96.92 58.03 2625 86.66 17260 87.26 81.32 +2.86 -.7 CapOne wt N COF/WS 54.80 18.84 1 44.80 19 45.44 40.25 +3.10 -.9 CapOne pfC N COFpC 1.56 6.0 27.89 24.64 45 26.02 490 26.08 25.82 +.20 +3.6 CapOne pfD N COFpD 1.68 6.1 29.33 25.33 12 27.44 174 27.48 27.32 +.02 +5.7 CapOne pfF N COFpF 1.55 5.9 28.26 24.43 14 26.11 155 26.11 25.90 +.07 +4.2 CapOne pfB N COFpP 1.50 5.9 26.58 24.00 36 25.48 181 25.48 25.23 +.19 +4.0 CpOne pf H N COFpH 25.81 24.05 56 25.73 556 25.74 25.37 +.20 +3.3 CapOne pfG N COFpG 25.89 21.02 180 23.07 909 23.07 22.73 +.27 +6.4 CapProd Q CPLP .32f 9.0 10 4.05 2.41 632 3.57 2756 3.67 3.32 +.21 +12.3 CapSenL N CSU 20.85 12.65 421 14.06 1748 14.27 13.13 +.75 -12.4sCapSwst Q CSWC .53e 3.1 81 16.87 13.49 43 16.91 102 16.91 16.04 +.71 +4.7 CapitalaF Q CPTA 1.56 10.9 25 15.80 11.51 68 14.36 587 14.48 13.95 +.21 +11.1 Capitala 21 N CLA 1.78 7.0 26.11 24.26 5 25.39 222 25.39 25.23 +.11 -.6sCapAcIII n Q CLAC 10.60 9.62 1781 10.55 7557 10.60 10.30 +.15 +6.0sCapAcIII wt Q CLACW 1.85 .30 255 1.90 2085 1.92 1.40 +.50 +118.4sCapAcIII un Q CLACU 13.51 9.74 70 11.55 338 13.51 11.07 +.45 +12.1 CapFedFn Q CFFN .34a 2.3 24 17.04 12.70 642 14.63 2912 14.74 14.17 +.24 -11.1 Capnia Q CAPN 1.57 .55 16 .71 213 .71 .68 +.01 -12.3 Capnia wt Q CAPNW .52 .02 1 .12 20 .12 .08 +50.0 Capricor Q CAPR 5.40 2.12 55 3.38 687 3.61 3.18 +.01 +27.1 CapsteadM N CMO .84m 8.0 14 10.96 8.93 929 10.54 3162 10.61 10.39 +.33 +3.4 Capstd pfE N CMOpE 1.88 7.6 25.85 23.61 25 24.70 157 25.09 24.59 +.31 +2.7 CpstnTur rs Q CPST 2.70 .66 89 .77 1137 .82 .74 +.01 +12.5sCaraThera Q CARA 20.90 4.35 6771 18.39 23338 20.90 16.50 +1.63 +98.0 CarboCer N CRR 17.07 5.66 715 13.04 3510 13.70 11.50 +1.14 +24.7 Carbonite Q CARB 21.50 7.30 824 20.30 3615 20.70 18.55 +1.00 +23.8 CardCon hn Q CCN 14.65 8.14 40 13.20 209 13.60 13.04 -.30 +3.9 CardFnc Q CFNL .52 1.7 19 34.75 19.21 124 29.94 471 30.30 27.74 +1.15 -8.7 CardnlHlth N CAH 1.80 2.2 16 87.85 62.70 1676 81.55 7285 82.31 80.89 +.77 +13.3 Crdiom grs Q CRME 6.36 2.35 123 3.01 266 3.09 2.95 -.03 +9.1 CardiovSys Q CSII 29.70 9.29 274 28.28 1048 29.06 27.20 +.18 +16.8 Cardtronic Q CATM 16 56.00 34.66 264 46.75 1143 46.94 44.27 +1.29 -14.3 CareCPrp n N CCP 2.28 8.5 31.56 22.70 811 26.87 4064 26.95 25.40 +1.49 +7.5sCareTrust Q CTRE .74f 4.4 27 16.75 11.89 617 16.82 3201 16.97 15.75 +1.03 N CRCM 52 12.97 5.78 312 12.51 1480 12.97 11.49 +.84 +46.0tCareDx Q CDNA 6.08 1.38 72 1.40 208 1.60 1.35 -.20 -48.1 CareerEd Q CECO .30f 3.4 10.53 4.26 655 8.70 1617 8.81 8.39 +.04 -13.8 Carlisle N CSL 1.40f 1.3 18 116.40 97.56 300 106.41 1765 107.05 105.03 -.07 -3.5 CarlyleGp Q CG 1.55e 9.7 17.97 14.35 343 15.95 1590 16.18 15.45 +.30 +4.6 CarMax N KMX 19 69.11 45.06 3968 59.22 12510 60.73 57.83 -.38 -8.0sCarnival N CCL 1.40 2.4 17 60.24 42.94 3266 58.91 23463 60.24 58.06 +.31 +13.2sCarnUK N CUK 1.20 2.1 58.88 43.45 261 57.89 1694 58.88 57.02 +.40 +13.1 CaroFin s Q CARO .16f .5 23 31.50 16.01 55 30.00 261 30.40 28.20 +1.34 -2.6 CarolTrBk Q CART 29 12.00 5.60 1 7.94 6 8.07 7.36 -.16 +24.1 CarpTech N CRS .72 1.9 35 45.34 28.74 393 37.30 1256 37.68 34.60 +1.16 +3.1 CarrSrv N CSV .20 .7 19 29.11 21.25 106 27.12 388 27.30 26.28 +.30 -5.3tCarrizo Q CRZO 43.96 26.08 2275 28.66 8481 29.02 26.08 +1.76 -23.3 CarrolsRst Q TAST 14 17.55 9.60 316 14.15 1210 14.30 13.70 +.30 -7.2 Carters N CRI 1.32 1.5 18 112.58 77.94 689 89.80 3255 91.19 88.26 +.12 +3.9 Cartesian h Q CRTN 2.23 .50 107 .83 955 1.19 .75 -.24 -8.7 CarverBc lf Q CARV 37 5.99 2.87 1 3.66 29 3.83 3.29 +.37 +13.5 CascdeBcp Q CACB 32 8.52 5.27 71 7.71 237 7.84 7.40 +.04 -5.0 CascTher rs Q CASC 10.98 3.49 151 4.14 681 4.29 3.98 +.06 -3.9sCasellaW Q CWST 14.23 6.31 422 14.11 1931 14.23 13.33 +.35 +13.7 Caseys Q CASY .96 .9 25 136.22 105.17 397 112.25 1921 112.48 109.28 +1.87 -5.6 CassInfo Q CASS .92 1.4 31 74.83 45.05 43 66.10 122 66.84 61.73 +3.12 -10.2sCastleBr N ROX 1.63 .65 2471 1.55 16250 1.63 1.20 +.34 +103.9 CastlightH N CSLT 5.50 3.05 101 3.65 1091 3.78 3.20 +.45 -26.3 Catabasis n Q CATB 7.89 1.08 491 1.60 5487 1.66 1.40 +.13 -55.7 Catalent N CTLT 33 32.24 20.94 464 28.32 3009 28.77 27.70 +.29 +5.0 CatalstB rs Q CBIO 50.70 4.61 1525 9.43 26484 18.88 5.06 +4.23 -3.3sCatalystPh Q CPRX 2.17 .51 667 1.95 10016 2.17 1.63 +.25 +85.7 CatchMTim N CTT .54f 4.7 12.58 10.05 315 11.52 897 11.60 11.02 +.33 +2.3 Caterpillar N CAT 3.08 3.3 28 99.46 69.04 3774 92.76 17118 93.37 90.34 +.61 CathayGen Q CATY .84 2.2 17 40.83 26.27 436 37.68 2069 38.30 35.22 +1.09 -.9 CatoCp N CATO 1.32 6.0 9 38.88 20.43 337 21.96 1708 22.19 20.88 +.53 -27.0 CavcoInd Q CVCO 35 121.70 85.56 38 116.40 206 119.25 111.05 +.55 +16.6 Cavium Q CAVM 73.01 35.90 588 71.66 3023 72.47 69.50 +.46 +14.8 CecoEnv Q CECE .26 2.5 14.88 5.92 202 10.51 808 10.79 10.18 +.10 -24.7 CedarF N FUN 3.42f 5.0 22 69.81 56.17 194 67.81 440 68.50 67.08 -.29 +5.6tCedarRlty N CDR .20 4.0 14 8.08 4.86 941 5.02 3560 5.13 4.86 -.01 -23.1 CedarR pfB N CDRpB 1.81 7.3 27.25 23.81 11 24.81 57 24.99 24.30 +.38 +1.9 CelSci wt N CVM/WS .22 .01 114 .02 1411 .03 .01 -.00 +10.5 Cel-Sci N CVM .60 .06 1187 .09 10312 .10 .08 +.00 +28.4 Celadon N CGI .08 1.2 33 12.03 4.85 528 6.55 2045 6.90 6.45 -.25 -8.4 Celanese N CE 1.44 1.6 14 93.05 60.59 807 89.85 6635 91.21 88.04 +.38 +14.1sCelestic g N CLS 10 14.70 8.83 398 14.53 1769 14.70 13.90 +.21 +22.6 Celgene Q CELG 32 127.64 94.42 2724 124.43 14108 125.99 122.15 +1.05 +7.5 Celgene rt Q CELGZ 1.61 .99 0 1.08 42 1.11 1.05 -.01 +4.9 Cellcom N CEL 27 11.19 5.70 8 10.29 37 10.45 10.16 +.09 +29.8 CelldexTh Q CLDX 5.13 2.85 1823 3.61 13110 3.75 3.27 +.28 +2.0sCellectBio n Q APOP 13.50 2.30 125 8.60 10703 13.50 7.64 +2.34 +178.3sCellectB wt Q APOPW 4.80 .25 21 2.48 966 4.80 1.61 +1.43 +376.0 Cellct wt rs Q CLRBW 1.48 .12 2 .38 6 .38 .26 +.04 +110.6 Celct wtA Q CLRBZ 1.88 .25 21 .91 37 1.00 .72 +.11 +116.7 Cellectar rs Q CLRB 5.05 1.00 108 2.27 1107 2.40 2.21 -.06 +86.1 Cellectis n Q CLLS 34.99 16.09 56 24.00 448 24.24 23.00 +1.01 +41.6 CallularBio Q CBMG 20.98 10.05 35 11.80 136 12.70 11.05 +.45 -9.9 Celsion Q CLSN 1.78 .19 827 .29 8581 .32 .26 +.02 -4.9 Celyad n Q CYAD 59.50 16.31 3 26.20 11 26.96 20.51 +4.13 +47.5sCementos N CPAC .28e 2.5 11.98 6.85 4 11.22 97 11.98 10.91 -.18 +21.8 Cemex N CX .29t 9.51 5.49 11002 9.07 42856 9.12 8.67 +.20 +13.0 Cemig pf N CIG .14e 4.3 3.84 1.40 3463 3.29 16346 3.33 3.13 +.05 +44.3 Cempra Q CEMP 26.95 2.55 1237 3.75 7458 4.50 3.65 -.35 +33.9 Cemtrx wt Q CETXW 1.73 .25 0 .75 37 .75 .60 +.11 -49.6 Cemtrex rs Q CETX .02p 7 8.41 1.84 207 3.53 1250 3.86 3.14 +.24 -52.2 Cemtrx pf Q CETXP .19p 10.03 3.13 2 6.25 13 6.57 5.95 +.29 -37.5 Cencosud N CNCO .36e 3.9 10.13 7.32 112 9.27 462 9.74 9.06 -.28 +10.4tCenovusE N CVE .20 16.82 11.28 12270 11.30 57582 13.32 11.12 -1.31 -25.3 Centene s N CNC 16 75.57 50.00 1480 71.26 12830 72.33 69.46 +2.53 +26.1 CntRsDvA Q CDEV 20.97 9.65 860 18.23 4612 18.86 16.83 +1.06 -7.6 CnResDv wt Q CDEVW 9.12 .45 7 6.49 70 7.05 5.09 +.01 -23.1 CC MLPInf N CEN 1.25 10.0 13.72 8.93 165 12.51 513 12.53 12.05 +.33 +4.6 CenterPnt N CNP 1.07 3.9 22 28.18 20.46 2436 27.57 12752 28.04 27.38 -.30 +11.9 CntrStBks Q CSFL .24f .9 30 26.94 14.15 397 25.90 1404 26.24 23.70 +.99 +2.9tCentElBr B N EBR/B 8.91 6.69 159 6.91 1358 7.17 6.69 -.49 -12.3tCentElecBr N EBR 7.70 5.40 143 5.43 1045 5.96 5.36 -.64 -20.8 CEurMed Q CETV 3.15 2.03 89 3.10 474 3.10 2.90 +.10 +21.6 CnEurRusT N CEE .49e 2.3 21.70 17.48 21 20.93 74 21.20 20.72 -.20 +1.8 CentrlFedl Q CFBK 3.64 1.25 9 2.14 93 2.19 2.10 -.02 +22.3 CFCda g N CEF .01 .1 14.88 11.22 329 12.86 2513 13.06 12.78 -.03 +13.9 CentGard lf Q CENT 31 37.80 14.28 79 37.07 321 37.27 35.56 +.74 +12.0 CenGrdA lf Q CENTA 35.35 14.43 214 34.72 909 34.92 33.17 +.85 +12.4 CenPacFn N CPF .64 2.1 20 33.12 20.15 173 30.54 604 31.10 28.54 +1.14 -2.8sCentSecur N CET 1.78e .8 24.00 18.75 9 23.97 102 24.00 23.41 +.40 +10.0 CntlVyCm Q CVCY .24 1.2 15 22.44 10.78 63 20.50 299 20.65 18.78 +1.30 +2.7 CentrueF n Q CFCB 28 26.52 16.24 2 26.08 86 26.23 24.95 +.88 +22.4 CentrusEn N LEU 9.46 2.53 58 6.05 279 6.24 5.30 +.47 -5.2 CentAl Q CENX 16.53 5.53 1884 12.69 10646 12.80 11.26 +.89 +48.2 CntyBcMA Q CNBKA .48 .8 14 64.87 38.72 4 60.83 11 61.40 60.05 +1.13 +1.4 CentCas Q CNTY 21 8.27 5.40 73 7.56 246 7.74 7.29 +.02 -8.1sCentCmtys N CCS 11 25.55 15.83 188 25.40 661 25.60 24.25 +.55 +21.0tCntryLink N CTL 2.16 9.2 10 33.45 22.33 7113 23.57 39168 23.63 22.33 +.81 -.9 Cenveo rs N CVO 7 10.50 2.80 33 5.02 102 5.11 4.80 +.12 -28.2 CeragonN Q CRNT 4.23 1.11 228 3.27 1525 3.37 3.20 -.17 +24.8 Cerecor n Q CERC 5.60 .66 256 .68 2016 .85 .66 -.04 -23.3 Cerecor wtA Q CERCW 2.15 .01 1 .09 15 .10 .03 -.01 -43.8tCerecor wtB Q CERCZ 1.03 .01 39 .05 191 .12 .01 -.04 +45.7 Cerner Q CERN 30 67.50 47.01 2312 58.85 15386 59.83 57.48 +1.08 +24.2 Cerulean h Q CERU 4.33 .63 843 .81 20739 1.08 .66 +.09 +14.7 CerusCp Q CERS 7.64 3.79 813 4.45 4213 4.56 4.04 +.35 +2.3sCervecer N CCU .30e 1.2 25.44 19.31 181 25.27 1000 25.46 24.52 +.47 +20.4 CescaTh rs Q KOOL 7.39 1.85 33 3.25 465 3.55 3.03 +.18 -5.8 Chaisma n Q CHMA 13.38 1.55 33 1.70 500 1.85 1.57 +.10 -12.8 ChampOn rs Q CSBR 4.79 1.11 15 3.17 136 3.25 3.03 +.01 +25.3 Changyou Q CYOU 10 31.47 17.43 194 28.04 562 29.42 27.78 -.85 +32.1 ChannAdv N ECOM 15.91 10.20 90 11.15 531 11.20 10.60 +.30 -22.3 Chantic wt Q HOTRW .57 .01 13 .07 169 .08 .06 -.01 +161.5 Chanticler h Q HOTR .90 .31 96 .36 760 .40 .34 -14.3 CharlsColv Q CTHR 1.33 .83 63 .96 181 1.01 .92 -.02 -12.7 ChRvLab N CRL 21 91.57 67.20 281 89.95 1573 90.51 87.56 +1.84 +18.1 ChartInds Q GTLS 37 40.87 19.79 255 34.94 1066 35.47 32.08 +1.88 -3.0 ChartCm n Q CHTR 21 341.50 214.06 983 327.32 5003 330.91 319.61 +1.97 +13.7 CharterFn Q CHFN .24f 1.2 24 20.10 12.36 60 19.67 311 19.85 17.47 +1.31 +18.0 ChaseCorp N CCF .70f .7 25 98.30 51.20 38 95.40 106 96.30 91.55 +2.00 +14.2 ChathLTr N CLDT 1.32 6.7 17 24.80 16.45 260 19.75 1383 19.82 18.88 +.63 -3.9 ChkPoint Q CHKP 24 104.35 74.34 924 102.66 3895 104.20 102.15 -.72 +21.5 CheckCap n Q CHEK 3.42 .97 14 2.14 134 2.18 2.07 -.03 -8.9 Cheesecake Q CAKE .96 1.5 23 64.41 46.93 384 63.36 2450 63.42 60.13 +2.25 +5.8 CheetahM N CMCM 17.13 8.77 804 10.74 6118 11.44 10.26 -.76 +12.3 ChefsWhs Q CHEF 20.79 10.31 102 13.90 582 14.15 13.60 -.05 -12.0 Chegg N CHGG 8.57 4.26 290 8.44 1689 8.47 7.95 +.30 +14.4 Chembio Q CEMI 9.40 5.05 104 5.30 239 5.70 5.20 -.20 -22.1sChemed N CHE 1.04 .6 25 189.84 124.78 142 182.69 452 189.84 182.26 -3.67 +13.9 ChemFinl Q CHFC 1.08 2.1 19 55.55 34.29 406 51.15 1622 52.46 47.52 +1.52 -5.6 ChemoCntx Q CCXI 9.10 1.92 214 7.28 683 7.75 7.01 -.12 -1.6sChemours n N CC .12 .3 38.64 5.82 3694 38.50 17498 39.02 32.96 +4.35 +74.3sChemtura N CHMT 33.35 24.62 426 33.40 1288 33.40 33.20 +.20 +.6sChemungF Q CHMG 1.04 2.6 19 39.50 26.05 9 39.50 73 40.00 36.70 +2.38 +8.7 CheniereEn N LNG 50.53 31.02 3068 47.27 9580 47.45 44.01 +2.27 +14.1 ChenEnLP N CQP 1.70 5.3 33.33 25.87 136 32.31 570 32.75 31.22 +.41 +12.1 ChenEnHld N CQH .08 .3 24.70 16.94 80 24.42 907 24.49 23.71 +.39 +9.2 Cherokee Q CHKE .20 2.3 17 18.16 7.15 15 8.60 155 8.85 7.60 +1.05 -18.1 CherHMtg N CHMI 1.96 11.5 5 19.14 14.01 159 17.09 1416 17.14 16.51 +.53 -6.0 ChesEng N CHK 8.20 3.53 28430 5.94 217697 6.00 5.06 +.72 -15.4 ChesEn pfD N CHKpD 4.50 7.5 68.00 16.81 6 60.39 41 61.00 58.92 +.45 +30.3 ChesGranW N CHKR .29e 10.8 2 3.85 1.81 101 2.68 309 2.75 2.50 +.13 +13.8 ChespkLdg N CHSP 1.60 6.7 16 27.08 20.81 497 23.96 1871 24.07 22.89 +.91 -7.3 ChspkL pfA N CHSPpA 1.94 7.7 27.50 25.10 73 25.14 154 25.70 25.14 -.05 -1.0 ChespkUtil N CPK 1.22 1.8 24 70.70 56.56 63 69.20 166 70.00 68.35 +.45 +3.4 Chevron N CVX 4.32f 4.0 119.00 92.43 5977 107.37 30264 108.68 105.82 -.62 -8.8 ChicB&I N CBI .28 .9 41.33 26.12 1062 30.75 6202 30.98 28.40 +1.92 -3.1 ChiRivet N CVR .80 2.0 23 49.34 23.66 1 40.40 6 40.90 39.30 -2.9 Chicos N CHS .33f 2.3 20 16.85 9.86 1332 14.20 10639 14.60 13.75 +.13 -1.3sChildPlace Q PLCE 1.60f 1.3 22 122.80 66.92 251 120.05 1587 122.95 117.20 +1.55 +18.9sChimera rs N CIM 2.00 9.9 8 20.56 13.41 1649 20.18 9994 20.56 19.96 +.61 +18.6 Chimer pfA N CIMpA 2.00 7.9 26.00 23.45 59 25.17 180 25.43 25.06 +.02 +.6sChimer pfB N CIMpB 2.00 7.9 25.38 24.41 471 25.39 1596 25.42 25.03 +.27 +1.8 Chimerix Q CMRX 6.64 3.50 235 6.38 1492 6.60 6.07 -.08 +38.7 ChAdvCns Q CADC 5.68 1.50 29 2.75 95 2.80 2.55 +.10 +25.8 ChinAutLog Q CALI 4.40 .99 10 1.51 172 1.69 1.30 -.03 -56.0 ChinaAuto Q CAAS 8 7.96 3.10 56 4.99 384 5.54 4.95 -.11 -6.9 ChinaBio Q CBPO 24 137.39 96.99 141 100.13 661 101.08 98.50 +.62 -6.9 ChinCer rs Q CCCL 6.07 2.00 29 2.27 126 2.34 2.17 +.09 -.4 ChiCmCr h Q CCCR 3.20 .30 44 1.04 150 1.09 .93 +.02 -5.5sChiCBlood N CO 14 6.60 4.27 150 6.66 1002 6.80 6.00 +.45 +8.8 ChiCustR n Q CCRC 22.00 5.54 124 13.63 615 14.25 13.03 -.29 -20.8 ChinaDigtl N STV 1.73 1.11 39 1.28 135 1.33 1.25 +.01 -12.3 ChinaDEd N DL .45e 10 15.46 8.97 17 10.20 212 10.53 10.05 -.01 -8.8 ChinaEAir N CEA 31.59 21.38 20 28.60 89 30.00 28.46 -2.12 +28.0tChiFnOnl Q JRJC 5 6.05 3.00 29 3.10 131 3.20 3.00 +.04 -14.4 ChinaFd N CHN .47e 2.8 16.95 13.53 5 16.62 64 16.81 16.52 -.20 +10.4 ChinaGreen N CGA .10e 7.7 2 1.68 1.18 32 1.30 195 1.30 1.26 +.01 +8.3 ChinaHGS Q HGSH 2 3.25 1.45 35 1.60 72 1.69 1.56 -.02 -16.2 ChinInfoT h Q CNIT 1.78 .57 2 .71 108 .72 .67 +.01 -1.5 ChinaJJ h Q CJJD 2.29 1.47 2 1.80 50 1.90 1.75 +.02 +5.9 ChinLend h Q CLDC .28e 10.25 4.13 1 6.01 12 6.65 6.01 -.41 -6.1 ChinaLife s N LFC .32e 2.1 16.27 10.07 289 15.33 1480 15.64 15.22 -.28 +19.1 ChinaLodg Q HTHT .68p 42 64.32 31.71 114 62.05 704 63.98 61.60 -1.99 +19.7 ChinaMble N CHL 1.87e 3.4 63.89 51.73 867 55.23 4486 55.89 54.94 -.77 +5.3 ChinaNRes Q CHNR 5.73 1.20 16 2.17 112 2.25 2.10 +.04 -12.5 ChiNBorun N BORN 1 1.77 .97 8 1.17 60 1.18 1.12 +.04 -12.7 ChOnlEd n N COE 25.24 12.45 54 19.22 413 21.06 16.55 +2.47 +23.6sChinaPet N SNP 3.18e 3.9 82.59 62.74 145 81.51 589 82.59 79.51 +2.32 +14.8 ChinaPhH N CPHI .35 .15 49 .26 198 .27 .24 -.01 ChiRecy rs Q CREG 3.55 1.41 25 1.58 349 1.81 1.48 +.07 +5.9 ChinaSoAir N ZNH .67e 2.0 36.95 25.60 54 33.25 164 35.68 32.14 -1.88 +29.3 ChnaTcF rs Q CNTF 4.38 1.45 40 1.99 121 2.10 1.83 +.13 +7.6 ChinaTel N CHA 1.28e 2.6 55.85 42.29 28 48.67 129 48.97 48.15 +.14 +5.5sChinaUni N CHU .32e 2.4 13.54 9.89 243 13.47 1390 13.54 13.36 +.03 +16.6 ChXDPlas Q CXDC 4 5.88 2.80 2 4.85 98 4.90 4.70 +.10 +21.3 ChiXFash N XNY 3.65 .81 4 1.49 89 1.70 1.40 -.02 +13.7 ChinaYuch N CYD .85e 4.6 8 18.98 9.09 99 18.51 413 18.72 17.28 +.96 +34.0 ChinZenix N ZX 1.95 .73 20 1.52 107 1.75 1.50 -.07 +27.0tChiCache Q CCIH 9.65 1.46 78 1.56 571 1.77 1.45 -.20 -39.1 ChinaNt rs Q CNET 2.40 .97 7 1.13 52 1.14 1.06 +.05 +13.0 ChipMOS Q IMOS 1.31e 7.4 29 20.40 13.94 226 17.75 1681 18.00 16.85 +.81 +25.8 Chipotle N CMG 473.17 352.96 910 445.52 5582 453.08 409.49 +31.50 +18.1 ChoiceHtls N CHH .86f 1.4 27 64.00 43.61 202 62.60 934 63.65 61.65 +.27 +11.7 ChrisBnk N CBK 3.02 1.13 259 1.48 2554 1.62 1.33 +.11 -36.8 ChromaDx n Q CDXC 6.18 2.25 103 2.69 804 2.77 2.55 +.10 -18.7 ChubbLtd N CB 2.76e 2.0 13 140.55 116.65 1667 136.25 6042 138.33 134.80 +.88 +3.1 ChungTel N CHT 1.57e 4.6 38.47 31.28 164 33.98 921 34.89 33.73 -.31 +7.7 ChurchDwt s N CHD .76f 1.5 53.68 42.56 1333 49.87 6469 50.66 49.80 -.35 +12.9sChrchllD Q CHDN 1.32 .8 25 160.00 118.76 70 158.85 321 160.00 151.50 +4.30 +5.6 ChuysHldg Q CHUY 29 37.78 25.87 93 29.80 519 30.10 28.40 +1.00 -8.2 CIBER N CBR 2.36 .22 3629 .40 14824 .45 .28 +.07 -36.7 CideraTh n Q CDTX 15.91 6.65 79 7.80 245 7.89 7.15 +.55 -25.0 CienaCorp N CIEN 30 26.84 15.62 1861 23.61 9764 23.82 23.12 -3.3 Cigna N CI .04 18 154.83 115.03 1387 146.49 5927 148.94 143.85 +.67 +9.8 Cimarex N XEC .32 .3 146.96 93.21 1069 119.49 4503 123.48 114.72 +2.84 -12.1 Cimpress Q CMPR 95 104.18 79.15 187 86.19 613 86.64 80.98 +3.34 -5.9 CincB pfB N CBBpB 3.38 6.8 51.47 47.33 4 49.52 8 49.96 49.50 -.44 +1.2 CinciBell rs N CBB 8 25.65 17.33 208 17.70 1213 18.46 17.40 -.80 -20.8 CinnFin Q CINF 2.00f 2.8 20 79.60 63.87 363 72.27 1851 72.69 70.89 +.39 -4.6 Cinedigm rs Q CIDM 2.70 .90 1463 1.55 1688 1.74 1.28 +.20 +7.6 Cinemark N CNK 1.08 2.4 20 44.84 32.60 609 44.34 5429 44.49 42.64 +1.08 +15.6 CinerRes N CINR 2.27 7.9 14 39.10 25.71 21 28.53 95 29.41 27.92 -.25 -1.6 Cintas Q CTAS 1.05f .8 27 128.85 86.92 603 126.54 2855 127.45 123.45 +1.41 +9.5 Circor N CIR .15 .3 57 72.96 45.32 88 59.44 311 59.93 55.00 +3.16 -8.4 Cirrus Q CRUS 16 64.16 31.00 782 60.69 4799 60.93 58.62 +.63 +7.3 Cisco Q CSCO 1.16 3.4 17 34.53 25.81 13167 33.80 81310 34.21 33.65 -.28 +11.8 CitiTrends Q CTRN .24 1.4 19 22.73 14.01 37 17.00 270 17.58 16.85 -.19 -9.8 Citigp pfN N CpN 1.97 7.4 26.75 25.71 51 26.65 1668 26.68 26.56 +.02 +3.2 CgpVelLCrd N UWT 29.68 15.90 3206 19.76 20277 19.90 15.93 +2.83 -28.6 CgpVelICrd N DWT 33.56 20.37 1919 26.76 10399 33.50 26.58 -4.83 +21.9 Citigroup N C .64 1.1 13 62.53 38.31 14013 59.82 74808 60.83 56.55 +1.75 +.7 Citigp wtA N C/WS/A .20 .02 96 .15 804 .16 .14 +.00 -3.3 Citigrp pfC N CpC 1.45 5.6 26.61 23.90 75 25.90 179 25.97 25.51 +.29 +4.4 Citigp pfJ N CpJ 1.78 6.2 30.44 26.79 96 28.88 349 28.88 28.57 +.03 +3.2 Citigp pfK N CpK 1.72 6.1 30.10 26.14 207 28.33 649 28.37 28.08 -.05 +3.6 Citigrp pfP N CpP 2.03 7.4 29.20 26.15 6 27.56 29 27.57 27.08 +.41 +.1 Citigrp pfS N CpS 1.58 6.0 27.63 24.81 109 26.41 459 26.41 25.93 +.43 +4.4 Citigrp pfL N CpL 1.72 6.2 28.32 25.61 71 27.69 200 27.69 27.05 +.51 +5.8 Citiz&Nthn Q CZNC 1.04 4.5 18 26.57 19.40 45 23.28 162 23.57 22.31 +.45 -11.1 CtzCmtyBc Q CZWI .16f 1.2 20 14.05 8.80 10 13.85 83 13.89 13.35 +11.4 CitizFincl N CFG .40 1.2 18 39.75 18.34 4941 34.55 31066 35.29 32.99 +.04 -3.0 CitizFst Q CZFC .08e 12 20.57 13.76 0 18.05 9 18.15 18.00 -.45 +.3 CitizHold Q CIZN .96 3.9 18 26.61 20.76 4 24.56 9 24.85 23.24 +1.46 -5.0 CitizInc N CIA 11.93 6.76 145 7.43 556 7.58 7.05 +.08 -24.3 CitrixSy s Q CTXS 21 87.99 60.41 1356 83.39 7304 84.35 81.88 +.25 +17.3 CtyHld Q CHCO 1.76f 2.7 17 69.09 42.98 65 64.48 242 65.09 59.90 +2.30 -4.6 CityOffce g N CIO .94 7.7 18 13.93 11.01 217 12.15 702 12.19 11.78 +.21 -7.7 CityOff pfA N CIOpA 1.66 6.6 25.50 21.52 14 25.10 36 25.10 24.50 +.60 +10.1 Civeo N CVEO 3.73 1.00 803 2.99 3295 3.05 2.55 +.31 +35.9 CivistaBcsh Q CIVB .24 1.1 18 23.75 10.20 54 22.16 234 23.00 20.78 +.85 +14.1 CivitasSolu N CIVI 73 23.20 15.87 58 18.35 192 18.40 17.35 +.80 -7.8 ClayEng N CWEI 149.86 8.80 178 132.08 672 135.02 126.43 +4.06 +10.7 CleanDsl rs Q CDTI 5.21 1.50 30 2.69 111 2.75 2.57 +.01 +25.1 CleanEngy Q CLNE 4.80 2.38 1466 2.55 6261 2.68 2.38 +.13 -10.8 CleanHarb N CLH 59.17 43.03 293 55.62 1400 55.89 53.10 +1.23 -.1 Cleantch rs Q CLNT 36 7.32 2.31 66 2.87 338 3.28 2.54 +.12 +8.7 ClearChan N CCO 7.31 4.06 127 6.05 1614 6.35 5.80 +.04 +19.8 ClrBrEnTR N CTR 1.35e 9.9 14.15 9.45 96 13.64 567 13.65 13.07 +.43 +6.7tClearOne Q CLRO .20 2.0 40 12.60 9.51 12 9.95 56 10.70 9.40 -.60 -12.7 ClrbrgMLP N CBA .80m 8.1 10.54 6.42 66 9.92 619 9.92 9.41 +.39 +8.1 ClearEnFd N CEM 1.76f 10.5 17.96 12.47 138 16.73 778 16.73 16.03 +.44 +7.5 ClrbEOpFd N EMO 1.47e 10.9 14.29 10.21 54 13.46 436 13.52 12.97 +.30 +2.7 Clearfield Q CLFD 40 21.60 15.00 44 16.45 146 16.95 16.40 -.25 -20.5 ClearsBio n Q CLSD 25.08 5.44 208 7.94 995 8.30 6.91 +.88 -11.2 ClearSign Q CLIR 6.24 3.00 40 3.90 294 3.95 3.55 +.15 +14.7 ClearwPpr N CLW 23 69.75 47.60 110 56.00 446 58.00 54.70 +.40 -14.6 CleBio hrs Q CBLI 3.31 1.22 6 1.60 65 1.65 1.50 +.08 +12.7 CliffsNRs N CLF 8 12.37 2.77 15053 8.21 70291 8.54 7.70 +.07 -2.4 CliftonBcp Q CSBK .24 1.5 81 17.49 14.11 89 16.19 359 16.30 15.69 +.34 -4.3tClipRlty n N CLPR .09p 14.24 13.25 463 12.82 669 13.56 12.75 -.68 -5.0 Clorox N CLX 3.20 2.4 27 140.47 111.24 739 134.83 3070 138.20 134.79 -2.98 +12.3 CloudPeak N CLD 8.04 1.64 1283 4.58 7214 4.76 4.08 +.37 -18.4 CloughGA N GLV 1.44 10.8 13.34 10.95 36 13.28 200 13.33 12.90 +.28 +10.3sCloughGEq N GLQ 1.38 10.9 12.36 10.16 33 12.64 122 12.64 12.02 +.55 +13.6sClghGlbOp N GLO 1.20 11.7 10.26 8.65 175 10.29 1018 10.29 10.00 +.23 +15.0 ClovisOnc Q CLVS 74.94 11.57 1165 63.67 10173 71.97 61.41 -6.65 +43.3 ClubCorp N MYCC .52 3.2 17.60 10.80 938 16.05 4243 16.15 15.65 +.05 +11.8 CoBizFncl Q COBZ .20 1.2 20 17.99 10.79 139 16.80 430 17.03 15.54 +.77 -.5 CoStar Q CSGP 224.79 174.49 264 207.22 1031 209.56 197.55 -.52 +9.9 Coach N COH 1.35 3.3 25 43.71 34.07 3544 41.33 21319 41.70 38.78 +2.24 +18.0sCoastwayB Q CWAY 48 17.70 12.10 2 17.61 18 17.70 17.45 +.11 +12.5 CobaltIEn N CIE 3.50 .35 13135 .53 63798 .58 .38 +.12 -56.3 CCFemsa N KOF 1.81e 2.5 87.58 59.44 110 71.70 468 74.28 71.67 -1.61 +12.8sCocaBtl Q COKE 1.00 .5 28 204.25 119.80 53 206.02 223 207.40 196.00 +8.74 +15.2 CocaCola N KO 1.48f 3.5 26 47.13 39.88 10889 42.44 58967 42.65 42.05 +.32 +2.4 CocaCEur n N CCE .89e 41.29 30.55 1227 37.69 8652 38.24 37.41 +20.0 Codexis Q CDXS 5.29 3.00 105 4.80 425 4.85 4.55 +.20 +4.3 CdrsVlly Q CVLY .54b 2.1 16 29.34 18.82 13 25.91 39 26.36 25.77 -.09 -9.4 Coeur N CDE 25 16.41 5.43 2776 8.08 13494 8.20 7.74 +.22 -11.1 CoffeeH Q JVA 6.15 3.50 18 4.65 97 4.75 4.51 +.02 CogentC Q CCOI 1.60f 3.7 44.40 34.23 277 43.05 1025 43.40 41.20 +.65 +4.1 Cogentix h Q CGNT 2.99 .71 40 1.80 278 1.90 1.66 -.05 -10.4 Cogint Q COGT 5.92 2.90 410 4.65 2647 4.85 4.00 +.35 +34.8sCognex Q CGNX .30 .4 49 84.13 35.15 539 83.95 2744 84.61 78.01 +3.55 +32.0 CognizTch Q CTSH 23 63.23 45.44 3360 59.52 15393 59.82 58.06 +.90 +6.2 CohSClosed N FOF 1.04 8.4 12.71 10.71 79 12.40 440 12.41 12.10 +.25 +6.0 CohStGlbI N INB 1.12 12.2 9.35 7.91 50 9.16 393 9.17 8.84 +.14 +7.4 Cohen&Str N CNS 1.12f 2.8 21 43.83 33.16 264 39.97 803 40.39 37.08 +2.41 +19.0 CohStInfra N UTF 1.60 7.4 22.14 19.01 220 21.55 983 21.60 21.07 +.35 +11.3 C&SLtDP&I N LDP 1.87 7.4 26.05 22.40 75 25.35 400 25.59 25.03 +.01 +3.3 C&SIncEgy N MIE 1.32 11.8 11.96 7.57 140 11.21 419 11.21 10.79 +.31 +2.9 CohStQIR N RQI .96 7.8 14.73 11.11 382 12.29 1636 12.41 12.07 +.07 +.7 CohStRE N RNP 1.48 7.6 21.69 17.91 94 19.35 555 19.38 19.03 +.12 +1.2 CohStSelPf N PSF 2.06a 7.8 28.50 24.82 32 26.53 168 26.60 26.29 +.01 +1.5 CohenStTR N RFI .96a 7.8 14.26 11.63 99 12.32 528 12.41 12.24 -.08 +1.8sCoherent Q COHR 44 207.84 81.00 326 205.64 1945 207.84 195.25 +7.68 +49.7 CoherusBio Q CHRS 31.98 14.00 332 21.15 1981 21.80 19.65 -.40 -24.9sCohu Q COHU .24 1.3 45 18.36 10.01 279 18.46 1509 18.51 17.37 +1.22 +32.8 Colfax N CFX 30 41.99 24.63 356 39.26 1941 39.40 36.36 +1.85 +9.3 ColgPalm N CL 1.60f 2.2 26 75.38 63.43 2769 73.19 14221 74.03 72.78 -.48 +11.8sCllctUnv Q CLCT 1.40 5.4 24 25.64 15.06 29 26.10 115 26.20 24.32 +1.33 +22.9 Collegium n Q COLL 20.55 8.24 744 10.06 2925 11.83 9.88 -1.25 -35.4 Colliers Q CIGI .10 .2 24 52.70 32.93 38 47.20 182 47.75 46.35 -.45 +28.4 ColonyBk Q CBAN .03p 16 14.55 8.80 16 13.85 102 14.00 13.65 +.20 +4.9tColNrthS n N CLNS 14.97 12.77 2856 12.91 10336 13.14 12.77 +.16 -10.6 ColNrth pfA N CLNSpA 2.19 8.6 25.79 25.05 2 25.41 40 25.49 25.34 -1.1 ColNrth pfB N CLNSpB 2.06 8.1 25.58 24.95 11 25.52 59 25.52 25.21 +.23 +.7 ColNrth pfC N CLNSpC 2.22 8.6 25.99 24.00 11 25.67 35 25.69 25.53 +.03 -.4 ColNrth pfD N CLNSpD 2.13 8.3 26.59 25.18 2 25.81 12 25.99 25.66 -.12 ColNrth pfE N CLNSpE 2.19 8.3 26.73 25.02 96 26.31 118 26.33 26.05 +.19 +.9sColNrth pfF N CLNSpF 2.13 8.5 25.73 24.93 10 25.20 169 25.73 25.04 +.14 -.5 ColNrth pfG N CLNSpG 1.88 7.6 25.99 24.15 14 24.71 61 25.30 24.71 +.18 -3.1sColNrth pfH N CLNSpH 1.78 7.1 25.18 23.75 6 24.97 68 25.18 24.48 +.56 +2.5 ColonyStar N SFR .88 2.6 24 34.51 24.22 1449 33.95 5100 34.14 33.13 +.47 +17.8 ColBnkg Q COLB .88f 2.3 22 45.68 26.17 399 38.99 1803 39.41 36.52 +1.27 -12.7 Col Bey N BBRC .27e 1.6 16.79 14.47 10 16.01 39 16.36 16.01 -.23 +7.8sColEmxChi N XCEM 25.56 20.00 2 25.49 9 25.56 25.31 +.19 +12.8 ColQualDv N HILO .99e 7.2 14.05 11.94 4 13.75 12 13.95 13.70 -.18 +8.9 Col EMCns N ECON .30e 1.2 25.96 21.08 168 24.82 837 25.31 24.79 -.31 +12.1sCol IndiaC N INCO .03p 38.61 29.74 24 38.60 77 38.68 37.68 +.81 +19.2sCol IndiaInf N INXX .04e .3 13.07 9.90 47 13.07 125 13.12 12.65 +.34 +23.8sCol IndSC N SCIN .08e .4 18.49 12.97 29 18.40 70 18.49 17.97 +.27 +30.6 ColumbPT N CXP .80m 3.6 21 24.63 20.16 514 22.25 2872 22.30 21.51 +.30 +3.0 ColSelTec N STK .58a 2.8 20.86 15.32 45 20.65 267 20.80 20.29 +.27 +10.2 ColuSprtw Q COLM .72 1.2 22 63.55 51.70 196 58.75 1247 59.59 57.03 +.89 +.8 Colmbus Q CMCO .16 .6 31 29.23 13.80 79 24.82 481 25.12 23.57 +.53 -8.2 CmbMtx wt Q CBMXW 1.35 .09 22 1.23 224 1.31 .87 +.24 +186.0sCombMt rs Q CBMX 5.85 2.15 257 5.45 1218 5.85 4.65 +.60 +105.7 Comcast s Q CMCSA .63f 1.7 21 38.44 29.73 14670 37.59 63186 37.69 36.69 +.21 +8.9 Comcst 61 N CCV 1.25 4.8 27.72 24.30 10 25.80 62 25.80 25.49 +.24 +2.9 Comerica N CMA .92f 1.3 26 75.00 36.27 1111 68.58 7176 69.59 64.27 +1.35 +.7 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 5 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


Comeric wt N CMA/WS 45.50 10.75 1 39.27 23 39.64 35.18 +1.33 +1.3 ComfrtS N FIX .28 .8 23 39.67 26.05 376 36.65 803 36.95 33.95 +1.70 +10.1sCommScpe Q COMM 37 42.34 26.16 1619 41.71 8890 42.34 40.17 +.49 +12.1 ComndSec N MOC 5.73 2.15 9 2.54 97 2.62 2.46 -.03 -7.6 CmcBMO Q CBSH .90b 1.6 21 60.61 40.93 366 56.16 1697 56.77 53.15 +1.18 -2.9 CmcBc pfB Q CBSHP 1.50 5.8 29.85 24.72 19 25.85 57 26.14 25.55 +.28 +1.6 CmceUnB Q CUBN .22p 22 22.99 14.93 1 21.75 14 21.75 21.06 +.37 +1.1 ComHub A Q CHUBA 17.23 11.92 17 15.48 218 15.64 14.96 +.14 +3.1 ComHub C Q CHUBK 17.37 11.90 170 15.53 668 15.65 15.04 +.18 +3.3 CmclMtls N CMC .48 2.5 44 24.64 14.58 2086 19.13 13634 19.30 17.41 +1.03 -12.2sCmclVehcl Q CVGI 40 6.50 2.14 313 6.77 967 6.87 5.35 +1.08 +22.4 CommSys Q JCS .16 3.6 7.49 3.41 6 4.40 31 4.40 4.28 +.08 -5.0 CmtyBkSy N CBU 1.28 2.3 24 63.04 36.61 287 54.98 1257 55.77 51.60 +1.62 -11.0 CmtyBkTr Q ESXB 18 8.50 4.72 48 8.00 362 8.25 7.71 -.10 +10.3sCmtyFinCp Q TCFC .40 1.1 27 36.00 20.03 4 36.00 11 36.00 34.45 +1.50 +24.6 CmtyHlt N CYH 17.59 4.15 2328 8.87 27958 10.11 8.57 -.67 +58.7 CmtyHlt rt Q CYHHZ .02 .00 890 .01 1991 .01 .01 +.00 +80.0 CmtyHcT n N CHCT 1.55f 6.5 27 24.94 17.70 44 23.90 171 24.07 22.96 +.92 +3.8 CmtyTrBc Q CTBI 1.28 2.8 17 51.35 32.99 70 45.75 247 46.75 43.25 +1.45 -7.8 CmtyWest Q CWBC .14 1.4 16 10.65 6.79 4 10.20 39 10.35 9.75 +.20 +10.4 CommVlt Q CVLT 57.55 39.73 316 50.80 1689 51.03 48.30 +1.70 -1.2sCBD-Pao N CBD .38e 2.0 20.23 11.00 641 19.20 2475 20.23 19.13 -.43 +16.0 CompDivHd N CODI 1.44 8.7 28 19.50 15.41 240 16.60 881 16.65 16.21 +.20 -7.3tCompssMn N CMP 2.88f 4.2 19 84.40 65.30 228 67.85 1606 68.50 65.30 +1.90 -13.4 Compugn Q CGEN 7.57 4.20 79 4.30 380 4.40 4.20 -.05 -15.7 CmptrPr Q CPSI 1.00e 3.6 49 54.09 18.25 97 28.00 457 28.30 26.60 +1.30 +18.6sCompSci s N CSC .56 .8 33 74.92 32.51 5357 69.01 22460 74.92 65.53 +1.31 +16.1 CmpTask Q CTG .24 4.3 14 6.33 3.87 76 5.52 268 5.80 5.37 -.50 +31.1 Compx N CIX .20 1.3 18 16.70 9.70 10 15.35 34 15.60 12.50 +2.35 -4.7 CmstkH rs Q CHCI 3.36 1.50 23 2.16 105 2.25 2.09 +.05 +19.8 ComstkMn N LODE .50 .19 159 .22 1418 .25 .22 -.02 -14.8 ComstkRs rs N CRK 13.43 2.64 323 9.23 1435 9.25 8.44 +.34 -6.3 Comtech Q CMTL .40 2.7 12 24.93 9.52 355 14.74 1656 15.15 14.13 +.19 +24.4 ConAgra N CAG .80 2.0 21 41.68 33.08 2315 40.34 15344 40.73 40.01 -.13 +2.0sConatusPh Q CNAT 6.30 1.45 4118 5.77 7561 6.43 4.76 +.95 +9.5 ConcertPh Q CNCE 19.11 7.11 460 17.06 1872 17.67 16.15 -.34 +65.8 ConchoRes N CXO 147.55 95.87 984 128.34 5987 130.43 122.65 +3.16 -3.2 ConcdMed N CCM .99e 47 5.00 3.51 20 4.72 78 4.79 4.60 -.03 +2.7 ConcrdInt g Q CXRX .30 18.4 1 34.52 1.54 201 1.63 1914 1.69 1.57 +.03 -23.1 ConcurCptr Q CCUR .48 9.9 6.66 4.75 5 4.86 70 5.00 4.81 -.04 -9.2 CondHos rs Q CDOR .27e 2.5 20.41 9.81 148 10.60 487 10.60 10.10 +.50 -20.1 Conduent n N CNDT 17.44 13.10 5300 16.78 15548 17.16 15.67 +.97 +12.6 ConeMidst N CNNX 1.09f 4.6 15 25.56 12.35 450 23.61 1042 23.98 20.30 +2.61 +.3 Conformis n Q CFMS 13.83 4.35 164 5.22 945 5.31 4.77 +.36 -35.6 ConiferH n Q CNFR 9.02 6.02 0 7.30 10 7.35 7.15 +.05 -10.4 Conmed Q CNMD .80 1.8 24 50.16 37.60 182 44.41 616 44.49 41.93 +1.76 +.5 Conns Q CONN 16.28 6.54 508 8.75 2023 9.20 8.00 +.45 -30.8 ConnectOne Q CNOB .30 1.2 16 26.65 15.09 232 24.25 620 24.33 22.20 +1.25 -6.6 ConnWtrSv Q CTWS 1.13 2.1 26 59.26 42.22 33 53.15 141 53.38 52.35 +.30 -4.8tConnecture Q CNXR 3.24 .96 21 1.07 392 1.26 .96 -.17 -36.3 ConocoPhil N COP 1.06f 2.1 53.17 38.19 13195 49.87 71816 50.41 43.26 +5.77 -.5 ConsolEngy N CNX .04 .2 22.34 10.53 3277 16.78 14343 16.86 15.16 +1.07 -8.0 ConsolCom Q CNSL 1.55 6.6 30.23 21.85 528 23.42 1789 24.23 22.70 +.18 -12.8 ConEd N ED 2.76f 3.6 20 81.88 68.76 1217 77.66 6330 78.98 77.29 -.75 +5.4 CnsTom N CTO .08 .1 19 56.49 44.48 9 53.54 43 53.88 51.21 +1.62 +.2 ConsolWtr Q CWCO .30 2.6 53 14.69 9.80 136 11.65 416 11.90 10.95 +.73 +7.4 ConstellA N STZ 1.60 1.0 25 173.55 144.00 1141 162.07 5505 163.98 160.96 -1.99 +5.7 Constellm N CSTM 8.85 4.02 485 6.50 4274 6.95 5.90 +.30 +10.2 ConsuPtf Q CPSS 5 6.05 3.31 97 4.71 565 4.92 4.38 +.03 -8.0 ContainStr N TCS 10 8.34 3.75 119 4.23 1029 4.47 3.88 +.28 -33.4 Contango N MCF 14.14 5.62 108 7.32 898 7.74 6.67 +.40 -21.6 ContlBldg N CBPX 23 26.53 18.30 435 24.50 1939 25.65 24.20 -1.05 +6.1 ContMatls N CUO 30 30.90 12.27 9 25.90 17 26.80 24.25 -.70 +8.1 ContlRescs N CLR 60.30 28.63 2656 45.42 13157 45.60 41.37 +2.91 -11.9 ContraFect Q CFRX 4.12 1.35 39 1.80 295 2.40 1.80 -.20 +2.9 ContraVir Q CTRV 2.65 .81 840 1.77 4185 1.84 1.57 +.16 +47.5sControl4 Q CTRL 22 16.17 7.01 454 15.79 2515 16.17 14.85 +.52 +54.8tCnvrgys N CVG .36 1.7 11 30.92 20.15 806 21.15 3901 21.18 20.15 +.69 -13.9 ConyPkA un Q CPAAU 11.95 10.03 11.22 3 11.22 11.15 -.08 +3.4 CooperCo N COO .06 25 202.70 152.09 302 199.89 1500 200.73 196.92 +.09 +14.3sCooperTire N CTB .42 .9 10 44.50 29.29 488 44.35 2226 44.50 42.95 +.95 +14.2 CooperStd N CPS 10 118.59 70.73 111 110.93 439 111.75 107.17 +1.50 +7.3sCopaHold N CPA 2.04 1.8 23 112.00 48.57 346 112.25 1301 112.80 107.76 +3.11 +23.6sCopart Q CPRT 19 63.14 39.86 407 61.93 2332 63.14 60.76 +.61 +11.8 Copel N ELP .88e 8.5 11.94 6.43 647 10.31 2152 10.55 10.03 -.26 +21.6 CorbusPhm Q CRBP 10.78 1.75 1947 8.25 14350 9.90 7.20 -.85 -2.4sCorcept Q CORT 11.58 4.12 1043 10.96 5506 11.58 9.81 +.84 +51.0 CoreLabs N CLB 2.20 1.9 62 135.49 96.30 241 115.52 1360 115.93 107.46 +6.52 -3.8 CoreMold N CMT 11 19.63 10.65 10 17.83 144 18.19 16.11 +1.24 +4.2 CoreMrk s Q CORE .36f 1.2 27 50.00 30.17 245 31.19 1616 31.35 30.22 +.35 -27.6 Corecivic N CXW 1.68m 5.3 14 35.33 12.99 842 31.42 4640 31.90 30.30 +.09 +28.5 CoreLogic N CLGX 20 43.43 33.41 646 40.72 2717 40.94 38.68 +1.56 +10.6 CorEn pfA N CORRpA 1.84 7.3 26.55 20.30 4 25.25 18 25.40 25.01 -.23 +2.6 CorEnInf rs N CORR 3.00 8.9 16 37.00 18.22 80 33.78 353 34.00 32.04 +1.00 -3.2 CoreSite N COR 3.20 3.6 47 91.91 64.81 340 90.05 1354 90.49 86.47 +1.98 +13.5 CoreSR pfA N CORpA 1.81 7.0 27.30 25.05 6 25.74 104 25.98 25.44 +.19 +1.7 Corindus n N CVRS 1.80 .40 555 1.31 2676 1.39 1.10 +.11 +87.7 Corium Q CORI 8.33 2.67 98 4.18 576 4.30 3.59 +.58 +3.0 CorMedix N CRMD 4.54 1.35 105 1.63 433 1.71 1.57 -.07 +6.5 CorOnDem Q CSOD 47.75 30.31 413 38.89 1779 39.65 38.12 -.02 -8.1 CrnstTotR N CRF 3.35 20.8 17.65 13.79 129 16.12 536 16.13 15.90 +.11 +7.0 CrnrstnStr N CLM 3.40 21.0 18.48 13.75 267 16.18 1010 16.19 15.90 +.20 +6.7 Corning N GLW .62f 2.3 17 28.36 18.21 9059 27.00 27511 27.86 26.84 -.41 +11.2 CpBT JCP N JBN 1.75 11.1 19.79 14.76 19 15.71 57 16.08 15.18 +.39 -11.7 CorpOffP N OFC 1.10 3.3 18 34.25 24.92 1421 33.10 5254 33.55 32.44 -.09 +6.0 CorpOf pfL N OFCpL 1.84 7.3 26.77 24.85 41 25.23 822 25.66 25.11 +.09 -.1 Cort1Aon27 N KTN 2.05 6.2 34.99 30.55 1 33.20 6 33.20 32.56 +.55 +3.6 CortsJCP97 N KTP 1.91 10.5 21.99 16.40 17 18.24 90 18.25 16.87 +.99 -12.5tCortsJCP N JBR 1.75 10.9 19.98 14.60 7 16.00 38 16.00 14.60 +.67 -10.1 Corvel Q CRVL 30 53.19 31.00 44 43.50 284 43.75 40.00 +2.85 +18.9sCorvusPh n Q CRVS 22.14 9.63 101 20.77 295 22.14 20.33 -.13 +45.2 Cosan Ltd N CZZ .26e 3.0 9.50 4.47 1507 8.54 8012 8.83 8.01 +.30 +13.7 Costamre N CMRE .40 6.0 11.00 5.07 605 6.66 3343 6.72 6.04 +.25 +18.9 Costam pfB N CMREpB 1.91 8.7 23.20 16.90 5 22.00 47 23.00 21.52 +.50 +8.4sCostmr pfC N CMREpC 2.13 9.1 23.70 17.60 12 23.45 70 23.71 22.90 +.42 +8.2sCostam pfD N CMREpD 2.19 9.1 24.24 17.86 8 24.12 55 24.24 23.23 +.56 +8.6 Costco Q COST 1.80 1.1 31 178.71 138.57 1667 167.69 6569 168.18 165.15 +1.67 +4.7sCotiviti n N COTV 41.38 17.00 364 41.63 1706 42.50 39.15 +1.68 +21.0 Cott Cp N COT .24 1.9 56 17.38 10.10 1024 12.36 4555 12.60 11.95 +.26 +9.1 Coty N COTY .50 2.8 31.60 17.94 4386 18.13 18358 18.65 18.13 -.34 -1.0 CountrP rs Q CPAH 2.80 1.81 0 2.27 8 2.35 2.19 -.07 -8.6 Cntwd pfB N CFCpB 1.75 6.8 26.50 25.30 43 25.79 205 25.83 25.73 +.03 +1.3 CountyBcp Q ICBK .24f .8 18 35.89 19.09 14 29.06 51 30.45 28.30 +.62 +7.7 CoupaSft n Q COUP 41.61 22.50 274 25.40 1652 25.70 23.28 +1.52 +1.6 CousPrp N CUZ .24 2.9 12 8.82 7.04 7789 8.27 22290 8.31 7.96 +.17 -2.8 CovantaH N CVA 1.00 6.4 17.22 13.45 801 15.70 4054 15.70 14.85 +.75 +.6 Covenant Q CVTI 21 25.77 14.26 81 18.80 295 18.90 17.58 +.91 -2.8 Covisint h Q COVS 2.48 1.50 84 2.05 448 2.05 1.90 +.05 +7.9 Cowen 21 Q COWNL 2.06 7.6 29.13 25.01 28 26.94 54 26.94 26.23 +.97 +4.8 CowenGp rs Q COWN 16.75 10.92 310 14.95 3558 16.40 12.75 +1.75 -3.5 CrackerB Q CBRL 4.60 2.9 25 175.04 130.15 444 159.25 1355 160.29 155.25 +2.76 -4.6 CraftBrew Q BREW 22.40 7.50 94 13.35 535 13.55 12.82 +.25 -21.0 Crane N CR 1.32 1.8 18 78.94 51.35 212 74.83 991 75.21 70.56 +2.45 +3.8 CrwfdA N CRD/A .28 3.4 58 10.50 5.55 8 8.14 73 8.36 7.67 +.40 -14.0 CrwfdB N CRD/B .20 2.0 72 14.37 6.03 30 10.03 125 10.18 9.15 +.61 -20.1 Cray Inc Q CRAY 95 43.40 16.10 310 21.90 1456 22.08 20.60 +.85 +5.8 Credicp N BAP 2.19e 1.3 173.80 121.38 340 163.30 1897 167.98 161.12 -.91 +3.4 CreditAcc Q CACC 15 221.10 160.63 377 199.41 1240 202.00 184.26 +9.99 -8.3 CS EnEur50 N FIEU 107.65 73.67 1 106.55 6 107.50 106.10 +.65 +17.1tCSVixMd rs Q TVIZ 74.25 21.14 11 21.16 41 24.17 20.98 -2.66 -43.6tCSVixSh rs Q TVIX 1322.50 32.90 3307 35.08 22516 43.20 32.90 -4.48 -63.2tCSVixST rs Q VIIX 131.15 25.86 75 26.67 918 29.55 25.86 -1.63 -38.1 CSVInvN rs N DGAZ 112.85 13.50 4217 20.93 28496 22.38 19.74 -.93 CS FILgCG N FLGE 164.54 113.12 7 163.28 51 163.77 157.65 +3.49 +17.6 CSSilvCC Q SLVO 1.41e 15.4 10.91 8.07 52 9.15 199 9.16 9.02 +.22 +11.7 CSGoldCvC Q GLDI 1.26e 13.3 10.96 8.78 17 9.46 140 9.61 9.45 -.01 +5.8 CSVS3xInSlv Q DSLV 51.54 16.93 177 20.90 1087 21.65 20.62 -1.69 -34.8 CSVS3xInG Q DGLD 69.37 39.17 33 50.42 351 50.86 48.65 +.20 -21.9 CS VS3xGld Q UGLD 15.06 7.79 337 10.38 2286 10.77 10.29 -.06 +24.2tCSVSVixMT Q VIIZ 16.37 9.11 1 9.12 12 9.71 9.11 -.58 -24.7sCSVelIVST Q XIV 75.48 20.21 8104 73.03 49503 75.48 65.96 +3.87 +56.2sCSVIVxMT Q ZIV 61.16 35.79 50 61.00 287 61.26 56.93 +3.42 +31.1 CS LgShLiq N CSLS 27.90 25.14 2 27.35 10 27.75 26.98 +.01 +1.7 CrSuisInco N CIK .26 8.0 3.46 2.76 110 3.30 722 3.32 3.21 +.03 +4.4 CSVLgNG rs N UGAZ 54.89 13.66 3965 20.75 26296 22.01 19.55 +.71 -55.1 CS CrdeOil N OIIL 36.02 26.16 2 30.95 3 30.95 29.21 +.75 -9.5 CS BigCG18 N FIBG 74.89 56.87 1 71.19 3 71.19 69.50 +1.19 +11.5 CS VSSilv Q USLV 29.09 10.84 1876 16.35 9121 16.58 15.81 +1.18 +43.0 CredSuiss N CS 1.21e 8.2 16.17 10.01 3575 14.84 27330 15.19 14.61 +.17 +3.7 CrSuiHiY N DHY .29 10.8 2.85 2.17 299 2.67 1236 2.74 2.67 -.03 Cree Inc Q CREE 31.64 20.75 903 26.73 3055 27.41 26.63 -.40 +1.3 CrescPtE g N CPG .28 2.6 18.95 10.23 996 10.82 4932 11.45 10.51 +.04 -20.4 CrestEq rs N CEQP 2.40e 9.1 28.30 10.40 109 26.25 923 26.30 24.65 +1.05 +2.7 Cresud Q CRESY 20.29 9.57 94 20.07 363 20.24 18.93 +.45 +27.3sCriteo SA Q CRTO 52.87 32.83 681 49.99 2653 52.87 48.77 -1.56 +21.7 Crocs Q CROX 12.54 6.26 788 7.07 5653 7.12 6.55 +.41 +3.1 CrossAmer N CAPL 2.45f 9.4 62 27.94 22.50 103 26.18 275 26.34 24.79 +1.55 +3.9 CrssCtryHl Q CCRN 16.38 10.54 182 14.36 1219 14.52 13.31 +.81 -8.0 CrosTim N CRT 1.07e 7.3 13 20.59 14.10 6 14.65 52 15.38 14.20 +.58 -18.5 CrossrdCap Q XRDC .60 26.2 2.73 1.47 3 2.29 45 2.34 2.23 +.01 +7.5 CrossrdS rs Q CRDS 11.80 2.60 3 2.84 42 3.19 2.76 +.10 -33.3 CrwnCstle N CCI 3.80 4.0 28 102.82 79.38 2010 94.45 11512 95.45 93.30 +.77 +8.9 CrownCfts Q CRWS .32a 3.9 13 10.24 7.05 15 8.23 225 8.70 7.90 +.13 +6.1 CrownHold N CCK 14 57.49 47.73 759 52.95 3912 53.13 51.76 +.41 +.7 Cryolife N CRY .12 .7 37 20.15 10.64 171 16.65 660 16.95 16.10 -.50 -13.1 CryoPrt wt Q CYRXW 1.45 .34 1 .98 60 .98 .60 +.06 -1.5 CryoPort rs Q CYRX 4.07 1.50 415 2.36 5424 3.75 1.96 -1.17 -27.2 CrystalRk N CRVP .95 .63 5 .83 29 .85 .77 +.06 +1.8 s Q CTRP 83 50.37 37.36 3885 49.15 13061 49.88 48.46 -.03 +22.9 CubeSmart N CUBE 1.08 4.2 37 33.52 23.65 1940 25.96 8616 26.58 25.31 -.27 -3.0 Cubic N CUB .27 .5 55.65 37.24 139 52.80 574 53.15 50.95 +.15 +10.1 CullenFr N CFR 2.16f 2.4 19 96.62 51.43 432 88.97 2693 89.61 82.08 +3.45 +.8 CullnF pfA N CFRpA 1.34 5.3 27.86 24.24 6 25.25 20 25.33 24.95 +.34 +2.4 Culp Inc N CFI .32f 1.0 16 37.80 24.53 54 31.20 185 31.80 30.60 +.13 -16.0sCumbldPh Q CPIX 7.48 4.27 11 6.94 196 7.48 5.98 +.55 +26.2 Cummins N CMI 4.10 2.7 18 155.51 104.30 807 151.20 4882 152.38 147.47 +.43 +10.6 CumMed rs Q CMLS 4.08 .32 116 .32 840 .36 .32 -.02 -68.5 Curis Q CRIS 3.72 1.42 505 2.78 1937 2.99 2.74 -.18 -9.7 CurEuro N FXE 112.90 100.46 438 103.41 2384 105.64 103.38 -1.24 +1.1 CurAstla N FXA 1.02 1.3 78.30 71.64 7 76.45 31 76.82 76.19 +.17 +5.9 CurBrit N FXB 145.60 117.48 61 122.14 295 122.89 120.90 +.42 +1.6 CurrCda N FXC .03e 79.26 72.68 46 74.24 106 74.37 73.69 +.42 +.9 CurJpn N FXY 96.75 81.33 80 86.52 582 87.53 86.12 -.13 +4.8 CurSwed N FXS 122.77 102.80 1 107.65 5 109.96 107.65 -1.80 +1.2 CurSwiss N FXF 101.31 92.37 5 95.06 58 96.93 95.00 -1.03 +1.4 CurtisWrt N CW .52 .6 23 107.61 74.13 202 91.26 1250 92.22 89.00 +.17 -7.2 CushTRet rs N SRV 1.08 7.7 15.08 9.35 17 13.96 74 13.98 13.37 +.38 +2.7 CushngRen N SZC 1.64 8.9 19.10 13.63 12 18.44 115 18.49 17.79 +.70 +6.1 CushRoy rs N SRF .62 6.6 10.14 7.18 11 9.41 74 9.45 9.00 +.29 -3.8 CustomBcp N CUBI 14 36.93 22.19 232 31.53 1198 31.82 29.48 +.91 -12.0 CustBcp 18 N CUBS 1.59 6.0 27.74 26.01 26.31 19 26.50 26.26 -.05 +.2 CustBc p C N CUBIpC .57p 27.74 25.25 8 26.90 32 27.25 26.75 -.27 +3.3 CustBc pfE N CUBIpE 27.13 24.69 1 26.50 8 26.60 26.40 +3.5 CustoBc pf F N CUBIpF 26.00 23.22 3 25.65 51 25.92 25.56 -.27 +2.6 Cutera Q CUTR 22.96 9.83 68 20.70 420 20.80 19.95 +.55 +19.3 Cyanotch h Q CYAN 5.80 3.32 4 3.85 12 4.10 3.75 +.04 -10.5 CybrOpt Q CYBE 16 41.18 9.25 65 25.95 545 26.25 23.90 +1.25 -.6 CyberArk Q CYBR 50 59.28 37.00 313 50.87 2281 52.46 47.61 +2.09 +11.8 Cyclacel pf Q CYCCP .60 9.5 11.29 4.21 6.30 4 6.37 6.28 -.07 +1.6 Cyclacel rs Q CYCC .15p 9.72 3.05 7 3.68 302 3.85 3.28 +.26 -30.4 CymaBay Q CBAY 4.44 1.15 396 4.30 1932 4.35 3.93 +.11 +148.6 CypressEn N CELP 1.63 17.9 14.27 7.34 44 9.10 246 9.10 7.80 +.86 -13.7sCypSemi Q CY .44 3.2 27 14.98 8.02 6115 13.76 56071 14.98 13.75 -.58 +20.3 Cyren Ltd Q CYRN 2.60 1.59 16 2.00 72 2.05 1.90 +.05 -7.0 CyrusOne Q CONE 1.52 3.0 47 57.00 38.80 995 51.47 4628 51.91 49.70 +1.27 +15.1 CytRx h Q CYTR 3.66 .36 1442 .44 5405 .48 .40 +.04 +19.4 Cytokinetic Q CYTK 43 13.70 6.31 269 12.85 1771 13.00 12.40 +.25 +5.8 CytomX n Q CTMX 20.02 9.10 169 17.27 2466 19.00 16.40 -.52 +57.1 Cytori wt Q CYTXW .91 .40 .69 5 .73 .57 +.01 -1.4 CytoriTh rs Q CYTX 5.45 1.36 42 1.60 277 1.65 1.58 -.05 +6.0 Cytosorbnt Q CTSO 6.90 3.87 2264 4.50 2430 5.70 4.35 -.93 -17.4 D -:DBV Tech Q DBVT 37.98 27.02 105 35.22 343 35.38 34.33 -.02 +.3 DCP Mid N DCP 3.12 8.0 19 42.45 24.70 211 39.23 1459 39.47 36.82 +1.91 +2.2 DCT IndlTr N DCT 1.16 2.4 28 50.57 39.18 504 48.12 2254 48.27 46.43 +.66 +.5 DDR Corp N DDR .76 6.1 14 19.92 12.37 5259 12.53 18326 12.78 12.37 -.21 -17.9 DDR pfJ N DDRpJ 1.63 6.5 26.60 24.35 12 25.15 64 25.45 25.00 +.09 +1.7 DDR pfK N DDRpK 1.56 6.2 27.13 23.66 15 25.20 46 25.46 25.07 +.18 +5.7 DGSE N DGSE 1.59 .47 12 1.49 183 1.58 1.31 -.05 +20.2tDHI Grp N DHX 10 8.43 3.93 404 3.95 2189 4.45 3.90 -.30 -36.8 DHT Hldgs N DHT .58e 13.0 6.10 3.29 1911 4.47 7563 4.74 4.37 -.01 +8.0 DHX Mda n Q DHXM .08f 30 7.40 3.80 0 4.15 5 4.30 4.10 +.10 -21.0 DLH Hldgs Q DLHC 19 7.38 3.51 2 5.40 41 5.44 5.18 +.10 -9.1 DMC Globl Q BOOM .08 .6 17.19 5.98 42 12.40 141 12.88 12.05 -.03 -21.8 DNB Fncl Q DNBF .28 .8 17 35.15 23.05 1 34.00 23 34.11 33.35 +.17 +19.7 DNP Selct N DNP .78 7.2 10.95 9.81 243 10.80 1577 10.83 10.68 +.09 +5.6 DR Horton N DHI .32 1.0 13 34.56 26.69 2174 33.31 14831 33.59 32.67 +.09 +21.9 Drdgold N DRD .08f 1.6 9.10 3.70 208 4.91 1125 5.28 4.77 -.09 -7.2 DSP Gp Q DSPG 44 14.20 8.50 80 12.00 328 12.40 11.75 +.15 -8.0 DST Sys N DST 1.40f 1.1 19 128.66 94.52 214 122.50 1186 123.56 112.37 +8.34 +14.3 DSW Inc N DSW .80 3.9 15 27.81 18.51 1269 20.68 23424 20.92 19.70 +1.41 -8.7 DTE N DTE 3.30f 3.2 24 102.96 84.77 1330 102.11 4381 102.86 100.93 -.06 +3.7 DTEEn 62 N DTQ 1.31 5.3 26.07 22.33 9 24.77 36 24.84 24.39 +.09 +3.5 DTE En76 n N DTJ 1.34 5.6 26.60 21.67 21 24.00 121 24.10 23.68 +.22 +6.5 DTE F76 n N DTY 1.50 5.7 26.28 24.24 35 26.23 151 26.24 25.62 +.30 +2.1 DTE En un N DTV 54.49 50.03 11 53.73 106 54.43 52.65 +.80 +1.4 DTF TxF N DTF .84 5.6 17.05 14.09 19 14.87 103 14.94 14.79 +.06 +3.0 DXP Ent Q DXPE 40.77 12.67 583 37.87 960 38.75 30.64 +5.41 +9.0 DailyJourn Q DJCO 282.48 188.42 1 214.29 7 216.20 206.45 +11.49 -11.4 Daktronics Q DAKT .28 3.0 68 11.12 5.92 322 9.45 735 9.56 9.00 +.26 -11.7 DanaInc N DAN .24 1.2 10 20.62 9.80 1950 19.31 6257 19.46 17.67 +1.12 +1.7 Danaher N DHR .56f .7 20 88.01 70.07 1967 85.53 11031 86.24 85.21 -.34 +9.9 Danaos N DAC 1 4.90 1.60 14 1.75 106 1.85 1.65 +.10 -34.0tDaqoNEn N DQ 4 27.60 18.31 299 18.77 866 22.20 18.05 -3.14 -2.7sDarden N DRI 2.24 2.7 21 83.10 59.50 3009 83.67 21913 84.13 75.20 +6.96 +15.1 DarioHlth Q DRIO 5.90 2.67 958 3.01 1405 4.40 2.88 -1.05 -7.4 DarioHl wt Q DRIOW 2.00 .11 4 .55 18 .87 .55 -.31 -15.4 DarlingIng N DAR 23 15.93 11.51 916 14.52 3508 14.65 14.05 +.21 +12.5 DasanZ rs Q DZSI 10.00 4.25 4 6.25 51 6.39 6.09 +.09 +26.9 Daseke n Q DSKE 10.88 9.26 85 10.12 565 10.29 9.97 -.13 +.4 Daseke wt Q DSKEW 1.25 .13 29 1.12 1342 1.18 1.07 -.07 +31.8 Data IO Q DAIO 24 5.30 2.07 20 4.99 86 5.03 4.84 +.08 +19.4 Dataram rs Q DRAM 5.07 .81 118 1.15 1591 1.38 1.11 -.01 -47.7 Datawatch Q DWCH 8.85 4.46 72 8.40 1421 8.65 7.90 +.10 +52.7sDaveBuster Q PLAY 29 63.12 36.83 1036 61.09 12080 63.12 58.96 +.15 +8.5 DavidsT g n Q DTEA 22 14.30 6.30 23 7.35 94 7.80 6.90 -.25 +7.3 DavSelFn n Q DFNL 22.15 19.83 25 20.76 99 20.87 20.21 +.17 +3.3tDavSelEq n Q DUSA 21.30 19.79 17 20.36 68 20.40 19.79 +.30 +1.0 DavSelW n Q DWLD 21.28 20.00 19 21.08 67 21.13 20.52 +.28 +5.0 DaVita Inc N DVA 17 78.77 54.50 982 67.97 5174 68.67 66.20 +1.20 +5.9 DawsonGeo Q DWSN 9.00 4.00 48 5.56 333 5.71 5.29 +.09 -30.8sDeVryEd N DV .36 1.0 13 35.45 15.36 606 35.45 2944 35.90 32.75 +2.25 +13.6 DeanFoods N DF .36 1.8 12 22.31 15.69 1871 19.66 7997 19.76 18.78 +.61 -9.7 DeckrsOut N DECK 78 69.94 44.00 729 59.73 4106 60.24 54.99 +3.45 +7.8 Deere N DE 2.40 2.2 23 112.18 75.27 1918 108.86 9962 109.87 106.93 +.48 +5.6 DelFriscos Q DFRG 24 18.50 13.01 240 18.05 900 18.30 17.45 +.45 +6.2 DelTaco Q TACO 25 15.32 8.43 279 13.26 1852 13.50 12.49 +.62 -6.1 DelTaco wt Q TACOW 5.70 1.65 4.21 6 4.21 3.71 +.32 -13.2sDE EnhGlb N DEX .90 8.2 11.04 8.91 66 10.99 361 11.07 10.73 +.18 +8.7 DelaCO N VCF .72 4.9 16.42 14.50 5 14.70 19 14.86 14.63 +.08 -1.3 DelaDvInc N DDF .62 6.0 10.52 8.85 40 10.32 147 10.35 10.18 +.07 +3.5 DelaNatl N VFL .72 5.6 14.99 12.07 10 12.94 76 12.94 12.78 +.09 -1.6 DelaMN2 N VMM .63 4.3 15.70 13.13 22 14.56 74 15.15 14.40 +.18 +7.4 Delcath rs Q DCTH 6.85 .08 8165 .09 67836 .11 .08 -.00 -90.4 DelekLogis N DKL 2.72f 8.2 14 36.05 21.30 69 33.30 184 33.60 30.30 +2.15 +16.6 Delek N DK .60a 2.5 26.06 11.41 938 24.27 6817 24.83 23.70 +.10 +.8 DellTch n N DVMT 65.78 46.64 1693 64.08 7939 65.28 62.33 +.71 +16.6 DelmarPh n Q DMPI 9.90 2.88 6 4.20 163 4.55 3.97 +.20 +31.7 DelphiAuto N DLPH 1.16 1.4 16 83.23 58.04 1690 80.49 6283 81.15 77.40 +1.59 +19.5 DeltaAir N DAL .81 1.8 8 52.76 32.60 6398 45.96 33961 46.80 45.08 -.04 -6.6 DeltaAprl N DLA 14 25.52 14.85 69 17.63 350 17.81 16.41 +.42 -15.0 DeltaNGas Q DGAS .83 2.7 39 31.29 22.06 15 30.35 80 30.40 30.24 +.04 +3.5 DeltaTch h Q DELT 3.14 .43 218 1.60 1584 1.74 1.50 +.10 +119.2 DeltaTc wt Q DELTW .39 .02 0 .06 4 .07 .06 -.00 +7.1 DeltTim N DEL .40 .5 85.49 53.21 43 78.12 169 78.80 74.04 +2.54 +1.4 Deluxe N DLX 1.20 1.7 15 75.94 59.47 295 72.17 1524 72.69 69.93 +1.04 +.8 DenburyR N DNR 4.80 1.95 7798 2.58 41717 2.69 2.15 +.31 -29.9 DenisnM g N DNN .84 .37 254 .62 1291 .65 .59 +.01 +20.4 Dennys Q DENN 48 14.25 9.84 695 12.37 1997 12.41 11.81 +.24 -3.6 Dentsply Q XRAY .35f .6 32 65.83 55.00 1016 62.44 4624 63.60 61.85 +.09 +8.2 Depomed Q DEPO 27.02 12.46 2834 12.55 13297 15.08 12.54 -2.34 -30.4 Dermira Q DERM 38.75 19.63 604 34.11 1656 36.21 33.81 -.64 +12.5 DescSys Q DSGX 72 23.75 18.09 62 22.90 243 23.10 22.40 -.10 +7.0 DestMatrn Q DEST .80 18.8 8.78 3.93 4 4.26 82 4.42 4.21 -.06 -17.6 Dest XL Q DXLG 5.65 2.10 386 2.85 1756 2.95 2.35 +.25 -32.9sDeswell Q DSWL .28f 14.4 1.94 1.49 7 1.95 46 1.95 1.88 +.04 +9.6sDetermine Q DTRM 3.79 .82 21 3.40 84 3.79 3.30 -.21 +74.4stDeutBk rt N DB/RT 2.48 1.86 7444 2.36 42393 2.48 1.86 +.23 +4.9 DeutschBk N DB .83e 20.94 11.19 7933 17.16 45983 17.51 16.46 +.33 -5.2 DBDogs22 N DOD 29.00 16.74 9 20.00 37 20.19 19.25 +.75 +8.0 DBWMTR N WMW 27.29 21.19 1 26.56 10 26.56 25.90 +.09 +7.7 DB Cap pf N DTK 1.90 7.3 26.55 22.38 100 25.99 700 26.10 25.83 +.02 +4.1 DeutBCT2 pf N DXB 1.64 6.6 25.72 21.86 160 24.84 734 24.94 24.80 +3.6 DeutBCT5 pf N DKT 2.01 7.6 27.00 23.01 81 26.46 812 26.50 26.15 +.18 +4.8 DBCmdDL N DYY 4.77 1.82 3 3.66 16 3.83 3.66 -.15 -5.7 DB AgriDL N DAG 4.98 3.18 46 3.42 56 3.54 3.33 -.04 -1.7 DBGoldSh N DGZ 15.72 12.73 0 14.06 25 14.16 13.92 -.01 -8.5 DBGoldDL N DGP 31.42 19.20 8 23.43 98 23.95 23.22 -.04 +16.4 DBGoldDS N DZZ 7.15 4.80 121 5.81 634 5.84 5.67 +.01 -15.2 Deut GlbHi N LBF .54 6.4 8.88 7.65 14 8.49 37 8.53 8.42 +.03 +1.9 Deut HiOp N DHG .72 4.9 14.88 13.03 20 14.65 91 14.65 14.43 +.14 +1.7 Deut Multi N KMM .51 5.9 8.77 7.87 47 8.70 247 8.72 8.55 +.11 +2.1 Deut Muni N KTF .84 6.3 14.82 12.52 84 13.25 275 13.25 13.15 +.10 +1.0 Deut StInc N KST .66a 5.4 12.35 10.96 1 12.22 20 12.23 12.08 +.04 +2.8 Deut StMu N KSM .84 6.8 15.01 11.86 13 12.40 111 12.51 12.29 +.09 +2.1 DBXEmMkt N DBEM .64e 3.1 20.97 17.93 15 20.64 150 20.88 20.56 -.18 +7.2sDBXEafeEq N DBEF 1.00e 3.0 29.67 23.35 1344 29.59 6916 29.67 29.08 +.20 +5.5 DBXBrazEq N DBBR 2.71e 24.5 11.85 9.00 11.04 8 11.04 10.81 +.19 +7.4sDBXGerEq N DBGR 3.40e 12.5 26.99 20.48 10 27.13 79 27.17 26.27 +.53 +7.7 Deu HYBd n N HYLB 51.42 50.07 1 50.98 193 50.98 50.24 +.61 +1.1 Dbx Tr etf N DESC 32.47 25.98 11 31.39 14 31.46 30.47 +.91 -1.3 DbXR1KECo N DEUS 28.99 24.84 60 28.58 146 28.74 28.08 +.26 +5.7 DeutEmCo N DEMG 27.73 23.03 1 27.05 13 27.46 26.99 -.49 +9.6 DBXJapnEq N DBJP 2.26e 3.7 38.72 29.15 467 37.51 2703 38.06 37.15 -.21 +.8 DbXDvxEU N DEEF 26.27 22.73 1 25.89 9 25.97 25.65 +.12 +8.4sDbxNikk400 N JPN 25.79 21.18 3 25.29 14 25.79 25.24 -.29 +4.7sDBX MSCI N DBEZ 1.28e 4.4 28.75 22.01 28 28.94 75 28.97 28.30 +.53 +7.9 DeuMunInf N RVNU .73 2.8 28.30 24.89 5 26.00 16 26.16 25.91 +.14 +1.0 DBX IGBd N IGIH .60e 24.92 22.68 3 24.13 5 24.24 24.12 +.03 -.3 DBXHYCpB N HYIH 1.02e 23.98 19.46 2 23.54 6 23.55 23.20 +.35 +.4 DBXChiSC N ASHS 3.46e .5 36.34 30.80 30 33.76 51 34.50 33.60 -.74 +4.6 DBXSKorH N DBKO .03p 26.80 21.85 4 26.41 106 26.57 26.38 -.23 +7.7sDBXAWxUS N DBAW 1.33e 3.4 25.50 20.54 5 25.38 36 25.50 25.08 +.06 +5.8sDBXAsiaPH N DBAP 2.07e 4.3 25.26 21.28 1 25.13 3 25.26 24.85 -.02 +9.9sDBXEurHgd N DBEU 1.28e 4.2 27.04 22.77 1082 27.06 7286 27.12 26.57 +.26 +6.7 DBXHvChiA N ASHR 8.43e 1.3 26.19 22.61 577 25.13 2062 25.43 24.86 -.27 +7.2 DevonE N DVN .24 .6 50.69 25.55 4378 41.72 25736 42.01 38.02 +2.92 -8.6 DexCom Q DXCM 96.38 57.68 510 84.73 3581 86.32 81.58 +2.11 +41.9 DexteraS rs Q DXTR 3.82 .90 136 1.06 501 1.22 1.04 +.01 +10.4 Diageo N DEO 3.23e 2.8 117.84 99.46 647 115.58 1933 116.82 114.85 -.85 +11.2 DiamHill Q DHIL 6.00e 15 217.68 165.38 12 194.55 59 195.76 189.60 +4.45 -7.5 DiamOffsh N DO .50 3.0 12 26.72 14.48 1883 16.71 12532 16.86 15.38 +1.00 -5.6 DiamRk N DRH .50 4.5 12 12.00 8.22 1778 11.15 12342 11.22 10.68 +.38 -3.3 DiambkEn Q FANG 114.00 73.12 1184 103.72 8342 104.54 97.44 +3.99 +2.6tDianaCn h rs Q DCIX 26.17 1.35 1114 1.30 6022 1.64 1.25 -.20 -53.2 DianaShip N DSX 4.97 2.11 266 4.62 2765 4.86 4.35 +.03 +53.0sDianaS pfB N DSXpB 2.22 10.1 21.65 13.25 18 21.93 113 22.20 19.54 +2.06 +33.6sDianaSh20 N DSXN 2.13 8.5 25.00 18.23 33 24.99 78 25.25 24.15 +.49 +21.2 DicernaPh Q DRNA 6.10 2.42 2118 3.40 2434 3.40 2.52 +.77 +18.1 DicksSptg N DKS .68f 1.4 16 62.88 37.96 1499 48.66 12554 49.34 46.00 +1.67 -8.4 Diebold N DBD .40 1.3 31.85 21.05 618 30.70 3585 31.00 28.60 +1.40 +22.1 DifferBr rs Q DFBG 8.42 1.60 0 1.95 27 2.25 1.95 -.20 -16.8 DiffusPh n Q DFFN 15.50 1.94 315 3.99 10117 5.06 2.62 +1.17 +76.5 DigiIntl Q DGII 26 14.15 8.37 139 11.90 451 12.15 11.60 +.15 -13.5tDigimarc Q DMRC 40.13 24.20 44 27.00 186 27.35 24.20 +2.15 -10.0 Digirad Q DRAD .20 3.8 7 6.15 4.15 94 5.30 211 5.60 5.28 -.25 +6.0 DigitalAlly Q DGLY 7.23 3.51 35 4.30 475 4.70 3.90 +.19 +2.4 DigitalPwr N DPW 1.75 .35 259 .84 794 .85 .72 +.02 +28.2 DigitalRlt N DLR 3.72f 3.5 30 113.21 85.50 1110 106.39 4383 106.67 102.19 +2.65 +8.3 DigitlR pfG N DLRpG 1.47 5.8 26.75 23.05 21 25.35 54 25.35 24.93 +.37 +5.9 DigtlR pfH N DLRpH 1.84 6.7 29.49 25.90 19 27.50 124 27.50 27.05 +.29 +1.3 DigitalR pfI N DLRpI 1.59 6.0 28.16 24.50 124 26.68 234 26.70 26.28 +.37 +6.5 DigitlTurb Q APPS 1.56 .56 328 .94 1331 .99 .86 +.02 +38.2 DigitalGlb N DGI 35.95 16.66 332 32.75 1688 32.90 31.90 +.40 +14.3 Dillards N DDS .28 .5 11 84.45 46.56 540 52.24 3801 53.50 46.57 +4.85 -16.7 Dillard38 N DDT 1.88 7.4 27.15 25.02 6 25.26 93 25.40 25.07 +.14 -2.9 DimeCBc Q DCOM .56 2.8 9 22.48 16.10 178 20.30 810 20.50 19.35 +.50 +1.0 DimenTh n Q DMTX 10.47 1.65 108 1.75 382 1.85 1.65 +.05 -59.8 DineEquity N DIN 3.88 7.1 9 94.30 49.53 257 54.42 1502 54.86 50.87 +3.06 -29.3 Diodes Q DIOD 75 27.17 16.75 139 24.05 705 24.18 23.30 +.03 -6.3 DipexiumP Q DPRX 17.75 1.05 27 1.30 239 1.40 1.23 -18.8 DiploPhm N DPLO 30 38.94 12.25 1314 15.95 3303 16.13 14.60 +1.16 +26.6 DxChiABear N CHAD 46.91 38.73 4 39.61 21 39.93 39.11 +.45 -7.3 DrxNGBear rs N GASX 91.00 17.73 43 25.76 142 32.09 25.41 -5.04 +12.1 DrxRBkBear N WDRW 1.86p 44.23 7.45 4 9.16 48 11.10 8.95 -.96 -7.5 DxSPOGBr rs N DRIP 71.40 10.28 1118 16.14 5314 20.66 15.80 -3.45 +23.8 DrxRBkBull N DPST 81.77 20.24 18 62.50 200 64.54 51.21 +5.15 -8.1 DirDGlBr rs N DUST 172.50 22.80 7368 31.06 36303 32.15 28.31 +.36 -35.8 DxGlMBr rs N JDST 296.50 11.75 20297 14.84 85780 15.80 13.44 +.14 -57.7 DxSPXBll s N SPUU 42.67 31.54 41.58 4 41.58 40.04 +.39 +11.9 DxEuFnBl N EUFL 38.38 24.51 0 36.33 4 36.43 35.84 +.27 +14.2 DirGlMin n N MELT 35.76 22.89 4 26.20 11 26.52 25.50 +.29 -11.0 DxHiYldBr N HYDD 23.58 17.56 20.11 7 20.46 20.11 -.59 -4.8 DirNsdq100 N QQQE .37e .5 77.33 58.70 21 76.95 118 77.23 75.45 +.71 +12.0 DirSPX Br N SPDN 21.10 17.25 4 17.52 85 17.84 17.46 -.15 -5.6 DrxiBillion N IBLN .21e .8 28.05 23.11 3 27.54 12 27.60 26.99 +.30 +9.7 DxRusBll rs N RUSL 114.71 47.25 120 90.00 485 95.68 88.20 -3.98 -10.9 DiEurBll3x N EURL .05e .2 25.26 14.48 10 25.02 212 25.25 24.40 +.34 +25.2 DrxEMBll rs N EDC 78.75 40.73 325 73.67 1588 76.89 73.38 -2.70 +39.4 Dir MLPHi N ZMLP 1.60m 8.5 20.15 14.77 4 18.78 81 18.78 18.07 +.47 -.5 DxLatBll rs N LBJ 130.26 55.20 2 113.70 16 118.26 106.83 +4.81 +45.6 DxBrzBull s N BRZU 55.29 15.72 194 41.18 1148 42.99 37.99 +1.00 +32.6 DxBiotBll rs N LABU 55.88 21.94 812 47.72 7629 50.07 44.44 +1.23 +52.4sDxIndiBll rs N INDL 72.11 41.00 39 71.63 234 72.34 67.51 +3.43 +59.4 DxNGBll rs N GASL 58.12 22.72 97 34.97 642 35.95 28.46 +5.22 -21.4tDrDevMBr N DPK 35.88 18.98 1 19.36 24 19.56 18.98 -.02 -20.6 DxSPOGBl rs N GUSH 134.00 46.31 284 71.50 1807 73.19 56.66 +11.62 -29.6 DxREBear N DRV 16.90 10.45 73 12.08 387 13.00 11.96 -.32 -4.4 DirSPBear N SPXS 16.40 8.67 2303 9.06 19321 9.54 8.96 -.21 -16.1 DrxHCreBr N SICK 42.28 25.92 0 27.90 8 28.63 27.62 -.02 -22.3 Dir20yrTBr N TYBS 22.50 18.49 21.32 3 21.32 21.17 -.07 -2.3sDrxJpBull N JPNL 51.93 30.82 8 49.31 18 51.93 48.33 -1.55 +15.4 DxEnBear N ERY 24.22 8.59 1103 11.37 7298 12.46 10.96 -.72 +19.3 DxEMBear N EDZ 42.31 16.28 561 17.35 2999 17.41 16.63 +.60 -31.3 DirPhrBull N PILL 33.23 20.04 2 24.01 5 24.33 23.99 +.30 +9.8 DrxSKBull N KORU 38.22 19.17 8 36.66 28 37.65 36.65 -.84 +51.2 DxSCBear rs N TZA 45.73 17.08 9264 18.04 46891 20.19 17.78 -1.26 -9.1 DxFnBr rs N FAZ 45.92 17.00 1446 19.35 10602 20.94 18.99 -.48 -10.9 DrGMBll s N JNUG 33.29 3.77 55088 6.46 266184 7.19 6.02 -.15 +15.8 DxGBull s N NUGT 35.80 5.51 34732 8.99 169089 9.94 8.69 -.22 +17.7 DrxHmbBull N NAIL 42.85 20.01 18 38.87 65 39.44 36.14 +1.03 +53.2 Dx30TBear N TMV 25.75 15.03 817 22.38 4467 22.69 21.74 +.03 -6.7 DxFnBull s N FAS 51.11 21.14 2827 44.40 17611 45.25 41.08 +.95 +8.6 DxBiotBear N LABD 55.83 9.33 1266 10.47 15507 11.27 9.96 -.32 -44.7 DrxTcBr rs N TECS 30.55 12.63 36 12.83 610 13.56 12.73 -.38 -27.1 DrxACInsi N KNOW .48e .6 82.27 68.64 8 79.09 52 79.18 76.88 +1.27 +3.4 DxSOXBr rs N SOXS 40.64 7.34 305 7.46 2651 7.94 7.35 -.16 -30.8 DxRsaBr rs N RUSS 21.66 5.36 561 6.35 3431 6.49 5.98 +.25 +2.1 DxMCBr rs N MIDZ 40.44 18.10 15 19.26 53 20.92 19.06 -.85 -12.5 DxChiBear s N YANG 30.01 10.90 184 12.11 1666 12.12 11.35 +.67 -28.4 Drx300Chin N CHAU 20.89 15.60 77 19.43 255 19.86 19.01 -.37 +14.4 DxHcrBll s N CURE 37.62 24.26 120 34.47 427 35.04 33.58 -.28 +25.0 DxTcBull s N TECL 68.41 31.48 93 66.95 533 67.60 63.39 +1.68 +34.1 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 6 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


DxRetlBll s N RETL 49.91 27.90 14 31.65 106 32.45 28.55 +2.53 -13.3 DxSOXBll s N SOXL .01e 79.89 21.10 221 78.32 1563 79.50 73.48 +1.69 +37.2 Dir30TrBul s N TMF 31.58 16.87 341 18.72 2338 19.33 18.50 -.10 +3.5 Dir10TrBear N TYO 16.29 12.60 2 14.78 9 14.91 14.69 -.10 -4.3 Dx10yTBull N TYD .73e 58.66 39.87 42.85 4 42.98 42.83 +.35 +3.1 DxMCBull s N MIDU 38.56 20.50 45 35.87 211 36.24 33.00 +1.59 +10.4 DrxREBull s N DRN 29.68 16.63 197 21.59 698 21.79 20.04 +.53 +.7 DirxChiBull N YINN .07e .4 22.27 10.87 871 20.00 3941 21.39 19.99 -1.27 +33.5sDirxDMBull N DZK 56.99 33.10 0 55.90 10 56.99 55.40 +.23 +24.1 DrxSCBull N TNA .48e 113.49 52.71 3226 105.77 16918 107.22 94.43 +6.67 +4.6 DrxSPBull N SPXL 132.76 75.33 520 126.35 3169 127.72 120.00 +2.70 +17.3 DirxEnBull N ERX 44.55 21.31 2159 31.70 10435 32.85 29.01 +1.77 -20.6 Discover N DFS 1.20 1.8 12 74.33 49.98 1867 68.39 8363 68.91 65.54 +1.18 -5.1 Discov pfB N DFSpB 1.63 6.3 26.96 24.91 39 25.95 167 26.00 25.90 -.01 +1.1 DiscCmA Q DISCA 15 29.91 23.66 3313 29.09 12356 29.18 27.31 +1.55 +6.1 DiscCmC Q DISCK 14 29.07 22.43 1519 28.31 5434 28.42 26.81 +1.24 +5.7 DishNetw h Q DISH 30 64.74 43.29 3173 63.49 11383 63.77 61.35 +1.50 +9.6sDisney N DIS 1.56f 1.4 20 113.30 90.32 4490 113.39 23204 113.71 111.45 +1.25 +8.8 Diversicre Q DVCR .22 2.1 12.82 6.41 1 10.48 7 10.66 9.48 +.35 +.7 DvsRealAst N DRA 1.67 9.6 17.73 15.00 32 17.35 386 17.56 16.96 +.23 +11.3sDivrsRest Q SAUC 2.65 .70 55 2.30 538 2.65 2.20 +.06 +64.3 Div&Inco N DNI 1.63 13.5 12.56 10.47 52 12.06 215 12.12 11.79 +.17 +1.8 DixieGrp Q DXYN 5.56 3.00 21 3.60 76 3.63 3.36 +.05 DrReddy N RDY .31e .8 54.73 39.04 188 40.15 1112 40.79 39.93 +.47 -11.3 DocuSec rs N DSS 1.64 .42 54 1.20 354 1.25 1.07 +.10 +80.2 DolbyLab N DLB .56 1.1 20 55.02 42.10 294 52.41 1534 52.57 50.47 +1.17 +16.0 DollarGen N DG 1.00 1.4 16 96.88 66.50 2062 69.73 11405 70.97 68.23 +.25 -5.9 DollarTree Q DLTR 21 99.93 72.55 2590 78.46 15554 79.88 74.56 +3.54 +1.7sDomDmd g N DDC .40 3.2 13.31 7.92 763 12.63 5162 13.31 12.41 -.09 +30.5 DomMidst N DM 1.04f 3.3 26 34.47 23.17 331 31.95 912 32.05 30.55 +.50 +8.1 DomRescs N D 3.02f 3.9 20 79.36 68.71 1989 77.57 10719 78.73 76.99 -.69 +1.3 DomRes un N DCUD 54.16 48.10 160 50.88 924 51.19 50.36 -.12 +.6 DomRs76 n N DRUA 25.98 20.93 96 23.77 531 23.86 23.60 +.02 +7.1 DomRes 17 N DCUC .75 1.5 53.00 48.74 15 50.30 213 51.11 50.10 +.12 +.5 Dominos N DPZ 1.84f 1.0 44 192.01 116.91 470 184.30 2603 186.11 181.23 +1.35 +15.7 Domtar g N UFS 1.66 4.5 19 44.58 32.74 525 36.52 3010 37.43 36.00 -.46 -6.4 Donaldson N DCI .70 1.5 28 47.68 30.25 673 45.52 2633 45.83 44.00 +.65 +8.2 DonegalA Q DGICA .55 3.1 15 18.55 13.30 28 17.62 106 17.73 16.52 +.59 +.8tDonlleyRR rs N RRD .56 4.6 6 30.77 11.03 1278 12.11 7291 12.15 11.03 +.39 -25.8 DonnlyFn n N DFIN 29.00 18.03 239 19.29 1109 19.86 18.87 -.43 -16.1 DorchMin Q DMLP .90e 5.2 26 19.30 10.71 34 17.20 147 17.53 16.65 -.15 -2.0 DorianLPG N LPG 9 12.50 5.07 227 10.53 1927 10.56 9.74 +.53 +28.3sDorman Q DORM 29 81.98 51.12 181 82.13 671 82.51 75.82 +2.86 +12.4sDblEgl un Q EAGLU 10.60 9.72 14 10.55 280 10.60 10.38 +.05 +.5sDblEgl wt Q EAGLW .55 .20 52 .56 450 .61 .43 +.04 +19.1 DblEagl n Q EAGL 10.20 9.57 100 10.00 447 10.05 10.00 -.05 +.5 DoubIncSol N DSL 1.80a 9.0 20.46 16.82 396 20.07 2007 20.13 19.68 +.29 +5.7 DblLOppCr N DBL 2.00a 8.4 27.75 22.52 29 23.86 213 24.06 23.57 +.09 +3.3 DougDyn N PLOW .96f 3.1 18 35.90 20.00 144 30.65 562 31.00 29.25 +.80 -8.9 DEmmett N DEI .92 2.4 21 40.79 29.92 645 38.40 3018 38.53 37.40 +.26 +5.0 Dover N DOV 1.76 2.2 25 82.56 61.64 836 80.35 3864 80.83 76.23 +2.21 +7.2 DoverDG N DDE 35 1.21 .92 11 1.05 60 1.07 1.02 +.03 +1.9 DoverMot N DVD .05 2.3 16 2.54 2.00 16 2.20 86 2.25 2.00 +.10 -4.3sDowChm N DOW 1.84 2.9 20 65.42 47.51 6561 63.54 31930 65.42 62.32 +.92 +11.0 DrPepSnap N DPS 2.32f 2.4 23 98.80 81.05 1546 97.92 5370 98.17 96.23 +.96 +8.0 DragnW hrs Q DRWI 10.66 1.00 93 1.45 855 1.50 1.35 -44.2 DryHYSt N DHF .35 10.3 3.60 3.07 216 3.39 968 3.39 3.33 +.03 +.9 DrMuBdInf N DMB .75 5.9 14.70 11.96 36 12.67 232 12.67 12.54 +.08 +3.5 DryfMu N DMF .54 6.1 10.15 8.42 24 8.92 172 8.97 8.77 +.17 +3.4 DryStrt N LEO .52 6.0 9.63 8.17 155 8.60 435 8.67 8.57 +.04 +2.4 DrySM N DSM .50 6.0 9.24 7.88 85 8.28 419 8.34 8.26 +.01 +3.0 Dril-Quip N DRQ 12 69.40 46.90 421 54.55 2336 54.85 50.85 +3.00 -9.2 DriveShack N DS .48 11.6 2 4.88 3.69 1367 4.15 3256 4.19 3.96 +.09 +10.4 DriveS pfB N DSpB 2.44 9.7 26.71 24.21 3 25.27 48 25.79 24.99 -.43 -1.5 DriveS pfC N DSpC 2.01 8.1 27.45 19.20 24.74 4 24.75 24.67 -.01 -2.0 DriveS pfD N DSpD 2.09 8.4 26.30 21.50 1 24.90 3 24.98 24.72 -.09 -2.3 DryShp rs Q DRYS .02 1.2 1 2227.20 1.23 13957 1.65 125552 1.90 1.33 +.30 -94.4sDuPont N DD 1.52 1.9 24 82.37 61.12 3488 80.33 15749 82.37 78.83 +.73 +9.4 DuPnt pfA N DDpA 3.50 4.0 93.85 82.26 0 88.30 8 88.70 87.51 -.20 +.9 DuPFabros N DFT 2.00 4.0 29 52.03 37.54 950 49.59 2436 50.18 47.64 +.79 +12.9 DuPFab pfC N DFTpC 1.66 6.1 28.72 24.57 10 27.00 153 27.46 26.61 +.17 +6.3 Ducomun N DCO 25 33.65 14.13 95 28.79 453 29.15 26.90 +.89 +12.6 Df&PGblUt N DPG 1.40 8.6 17.70 14.32 233 16.26 566 16.59 15.97 +.21 +4.9 DufPUC N DUC .60 6.5 9.92 9.07 50 9.21 174 9.28 9.16 -.02 -2.4 DukeEngy N DUK 3.42 4.2 17 87.75 72.34 2140 82.01 11254 83.58 81.66 -.98 +5.7 DukeEn 73 N DUKH 1.28 4.9 27.18 23.12 25 25.99 123 25.99 25.55 +.44 +8.6 DukeRlty N DRE .76 2.9 27 28.99 21.11 1984 26.27 9143 26.31 25.38 +.10 -1.1 DuluthH n Q DLTH 33 38.19 17.02 138 21.29 1358 22.70 21.25 -1.47 -16.2 DunBrad N DNB 2.01f 1.9 15 141.57 100.46 402 107.94 1365 108.36 102.85 +3.11 -11.0 Dunkin Q DNKN 1.29f 2.4 25 58.43 41.29 1338 54.68 6678 56.34 54.15 -1.30 +4.3 DurectCp Q DRRX 2.00 .91 467 1.05 1310 1.06 .92 +.11 -21.6 Dycom N DY 18 98.47 62.86 461 92.95 2310 94.41 87.68 +3.04 +15.8sDynagas N DLNG 1.69 9.6 17.83 10.81 174 17.62 699 17.83 16.75 +.59 +10.3sDynags pfA N DLNGpA 2.25 8.7 26.13 20.46 3 25.89 24 26.13 25.76 -.20 +2.4 Dynasil Q DYSL 6 1.78 .89 3 1.26 58 1.30 1.23 +.03 -1.6 Dynatronic Q DYNT 3.35 2.29 1 2.85 25 2.90 2.80 -.10 +21.3 DynavaxT Q DVAX 23.62 3.20 1173 5.95 5328 6.25 5.85 -.05 +50.6 Dynegy N DYN 22.01 6.67 2420 7.86 13518 8.02 7.26 +.53 -7.1 Dynegy wt N DYN/WS .70 .03 3 .04 18 .05 .04 -.00 -4.9 Dynegy pfA N DYNpA 1.34 4.6 76.75 25.62 8 29.00 34 29.47 26.35 +1.32 -9.4 Dynegy 7 N DYNC 1.75 3.0 113.10 52.74 5 58.75 103 58.99 57.09 +2.83 -5.5 DynexCap N DX .72m 10.2 14 7.61 6.33 770 7.09 2115 7.11 6.77 +.29 +4.0 Dynex pfA N DXpA 2.13 8.4 25.60 23.80 0 25.28 23 25.53 25.12 +.45 +.9 Dynex pfB N DXpB 1.91 8.0 25.09 22.00 10 23.90 99 24.37 23.50 +.53 E -:ETracBDC N BDCS 1.84e 7.7 24.99 19.50 18 23.79 65 23.87 23.19 +.43 +4.9 ETrMLPSht N MLPS 15.99 10.66 3 11.03 18 11.29 11.01 -.19 -5.1 ETrAlerNG N MLPG 1.86e 6.9 28.23 19.83 3 26.92 5 26.92 26.17 +.38 +3.9 E-TrAlerInf N MLPI 1.88e 6.4 31.00 22.50 214 29.18 1550 29.18 28.12 +.63 +2.7 ETBbgCmd N DJCI 16.99 13.64 5 15.51 64 15.53 15.21 +.15 -2.3 ETrAlerian N AMU 1.45e 7.1 21.82 15.95 42 20.31 208 20.35 19.64 +.41 +2.2 E-TrFood N FUD 22.53 19.01 2 19.22 23 19.46 19.19 -.44 -2.8 E-TrcEngy N UBN 9.36 5.57 6.90 11 6.92 6.61 +.30 -10.2 E-TracAg N UAG 23.03 18.29 19.54 6 19.56 19.51 -.59 -2.2sETr2xBDC N BDCL 3.52e 16.3 21.64 15.05 133 21.65 711 21.81 20.60 +.85 +9.9 E-TrcCmci N UCI 14.86 11.67 17 14.11 117 14.12 13.72 +.20 -.6 ETrLPlat N PTM 12.94 9.21 2 9.96 3 10.00 9.95 -.25 +5.3 E-TrLvstk N UBC 19.44 14.39 17.58 10 17.72 17.31 -.27 +4.5 E-Trade Q ETFC 18 38.61 21.52 2420 34.89 11390 35.18 32.25 +1.25 +.7 eBay s Q EBAY 5 34.43 22.30 9005 33.57 30842 33.95 32.84 +.17 +13.1 eBay56 n Q EBAYL 1.50 5.7 27.50 24.27 46 26.44 313 26.86 26.09 -.13 +1.9 ECA MTrI N ECT .30e 14.0 6 2.95 1.33 8 2.15 85 2.15 2.05 +.10 EDAP TMS Q EDAP 7 4.80 2.25 63 2.77 224 2.81 2.55 +.22 -15.5 eHealth Q EHTH 15.14 6.38 156 12.04 599 12.17 10.65 +1.00 +13.1 ELF Inc n N ELF 32.54 24.03 8360 28.80 10869 28.94 25.75 +2.41 -.5 EMC Inc s Q EMCI .84f 3.0 13 31.47 23.45 31 28.06 198 28.88 27.00 +.34 -6.5 EMCOR N EME .32 .5 22 73.44 44.27 326 62.95 1662 63.59 59.76 +1.80 -11.0 ENGlobal Q ENG 6 3.10 .97 20 1.85 142 1.94 1.66 +.13 -22.6 ENI N E 2.12e 6.5 33.40 26.15 144 32.73 1013 32.85 32.27 +.35 +1.5 EOG Rescs N EOG .67 .7 109.37 69.66 3913 97.55 20984 100.16 93.03 +2.69 -3.5 EP Energy N EPE 4 7.49 3.29 2051 4.75 7375 4.78 4.17 +.38 -27.5 EPAM Sys N EPAM 41 78.40 54.53 401 75.52 2125 76.16 71.92 +2.25 +17.4 EPR Prop N EPR 3.84 5.2 17 84.67 64.00 334 73.63 1610 73.93 71.95 +.99 +2.6 EPR pfC N EPRpC 1.44 5.0 32.25 24.92 27 28.68 43 29.23 28.15 +.8 EPR pfE N EPRpE 2.25 6.3 39.02 33.00 19 35.79 61 36.23 35.29 +.16 -.3 EPR pfF N EPRpF 1.66 6.5 27.07 24.83 2 25.50 15 25.80 25.22 +.17 +1.5 EQT Corp N EQT .12 .2 99 80.61 56.33 2163 61.10 11035 61.72 56.46 +3.80 -6.6 EQT GP n N EQGP .71f 2.6 14 28.53 21.45 118 27.38 357 27.73 26.24 +.73 +8.6 EQT Mid N EQM 3.40f 4.4 16 82.99 69.20 268 76.90 1053 77.15 75.67 +.49 +.3 ESSA Bcp Q ESSA .36 2.5 20 16.91 12.93 52 14.58 225 15.39 14.36 +.02 -7.3 ETF SITRis N RISE 24.09 22.17 5 23.41 6 23.52 23.33 -.12 -1.5 ETF JrSil N SILJ 19.78 8.44 41 12.95 298 13.19 12.51 +.16 +7.6 ETF Cyber N HACK 29.89 22.09 271 29.52 1137 29.65 28.91 +.45 +11.6 ETF BigD N BIGD 26.12 21.13 24.80 4 24.93 24.41 +.15 +7.0 ETF MobP N IPAY 28.31 22.10 16 28.04 175 28.11 27.40 +.32 +9.6 ETF LatA N LARE 32.50 24.13 1 28.64 8 28.64 28.24 +.88 +18.3 ETF M Vid N GAMR 34.50 25.83 1 34.08 3 34.19 33.70 +.19 +13.4sPureHthtc n Q IMED 26.05 23.08 2 25.99 3 26.06 25.99 +1.19 +10.9sETFBluIsr Q ITEQ 28.50 22.46 7 28.51 38 28.54 28.02 +.25 +14.4 ETF Clim N ETHO 29.80 24.65 11 29.47 16 29.54 28.90 +.40 +6.7 ETFAlpAlt N ALFA 38.64 31.75 11 38.01 48 38.03 36.95 +.65 +8.0 EtfVidentInt Q VIDI .28e 1.2 24.34 19.41 10 24.07 59 24.21 23.94 -.05 +12.1 EtfVidentEq Q VUSE .36e 1.2 30.34 23.83 5 29.60 51 29.67 28.82 +.60 +2.1 EtfVidUSB Q VBND .43e .9 52.14 48.29 3 49.18 25 49.19 48.99 +.15 +1.0 ETFDeepV N DVP .53e 2.0 28.23 21.77 25 26.89 60 26.98 26.28 +.41 +2.0 PremisCap N TCTL 26.95 25.08 1 26.89 5 26.93 26.70 +.09 +4.9 AptBehMo N BEMO 27.67 23.91 2 26.56 33 26.79 25.75 +.35 +2.7 EtfLonCanc Q CNCR 26.47 19.82 42 24.30 158 24.46 23.10 +.85 +14.4 EtfAlpSmC Q SMCP 24.61 19.89 2 24.35 5 24.50 24.12 +.33 +9.2 EtfUSGblJ N JETS 29.77 19.60 25 28.03 250 28.35 27.40 +.20 +.6 ETF Master N HIPS 1.29 7.0 19.49 15.50 7 18.56 33 18.56 18.10 +.32 +3.6sEtfValidea Q VALX 27.93 21.98 6 27.00 21 27.93 26.33 +.53 +2.6 EtfInfcMLP N AMZA 2.08 18.6 11.93 8.01 819 11.18 3949 11.18 10.83 +.20 -1.3 EtfBioPrd Q BBP .40e 38.84 23.10 16 37.75 80 38.68 36.66 +.38 +15.3 EtfBioClin Q BBC .15e 24.31 16.33 6 23.19 63 23.81 22.06 +.22 +26.0 E TutUSCor Q TUTT 22.65 21.00 8 22.10 67 22.12 21.69 +.15 +1.8 Etf TuttInc Q TUTI .39e 1.7 23.14 21.90 26 22.72 59 22.72 22.50 +.07 +1.8 EtfNwfMSec N NFLT .08e 26.78 24.84 50 25.50 182 25.56 25.30 +.13 +1.0 IsectPsGr ef Q PMPT 26.06 22.79 0 24.82 3 24.82 24.44 +.31 +1.9 ETF PrMtl N GLTR 70.35 56.52 214 63.60 327 64.01 63.31 +.37 +10.5 ETFSGold N SGOL 133.68 109.18 12 121.09 82 122.41 120.75 -.09 +8.3 ETF Pall N PALL 78.12 50.46 11 76.43 125 77.25 75.23 -1.06 +17.2 ETF Plat N PPLT 113.77 85.31 37 90.91 203 93.99 90.42 -1.51 +5.2 EV Engy Q EVEP .30m 20.3 3.59 1.43 610 1.48 1455 1.62 1.45 -.07 -29.2 EXFO g Q EXFO 43 6.15 3.07 77 5.20 595 6.00 4.70 -.50 +18.2 EagleBncp Q EGBN 21 64.95 44.55 129 59.70 512 60.55 55.95 +1.85 -2.1 EagBcMT Q EBMT .32 1.6 26 24.00 11.99 32 19.90 136 20.75 19.50 +.06 -5.7 EagleBkS rs Q EGLE 23.60 4.06 514 5.69 2456 5.90 5.37 +.09 -2.7 EagleCGr N GRF .50e 2.4 8.83 6.49 20 7.37 40 7.38 7.16 +.07 +.3 EagleGrInc N EGIF 1.31 7.7 18.00 15.38 24 16.95 94 17.07 16.76 +.07 +4.5 EagleMat N EXP .40 .4 23 110.64 68.00 509 97.14 3078 98.45 93.58 +.29 -1.4 EaglePhm Q EGRX 16 87.78 33.02 139 82.94 1015 83.42 79.24 +3.06 +4.5sEaglePtCr N ECC .80m 3.8 21.02 15.72 229 20.85 777 21.02 19.30 +1.40 +24.8 EagleP pfA N ECCA 1.94 7.4 26.67 25.04 4 26.05 12 26.44 25.90 -.05 +1.2 EaglePt 20 N ECCZ 1.75 6.8 26.53 24.48 3 25.80 15 26.00 25.66 -.06 +.4 EaglPt pfB N ECCB 1.94 7.5 27.75 24.96 3 25.98 38 26.20 25.72 -.16 +2.1 Earthstone N ESTE 15.93 7.67 51 12.76 329 13.03 11.56 +.36 -7.1 EstWstBcp Q EWBC .80 1.6 17 56.97 31.34 759 51.61 4113 52.65 48.07 +1.13 +1.5 EastrAcq n Q EACQ 11.85 9.60 3 9.96 23 10.00 9.95 +.01 +1.1 EastrAc wt Q EACQW .81 .14 18 .35 957 .36 .30 -.07 EastGvP n N DEA .96f 4.9 16 21.07 17.58 269 19.79 1253 19.92 19.08 +.36 -1.1 EasternCo Q EML .44 2.1 18 21.50 15.74 8 21.45 130 21.50 19.95 +1.25 +2.6 EastVaBk Q EVBS .12 1.1 23 11.10 6.60 235 10.48 845 10.81 10.22 +.06 +.3 Eastgrp N EGP 2.40 3.3 19 76.13 58.28 312 73.53 1447 73.92 70.94 +.23 -.4 EastChem N EMN 2.04f 2.5 12 82.10 62.70 1399 80.80 8462 81.81 76.02 +3.62 +7.4tEKodak wt N KODK/WS 5.12 1.11 30 1.40 138 2.05 1.11 +.15 -64.1 EKodk wtA N KODK/WS/A 4.35 .72 6 1.01 8 1.19 .80 +.29 -64.2 EKodak N KODK 41 17.30 10.00 262 11.50 854 11.65 10.95 +.35 -25.8sEaton N ETN 2.28 3.1 17 74.53 54.30 1956 74.15 10455 74.63 71.46 +1.31 +10.5 EatV HiIn21 N EHT .60 6.0 10.20 9.71 261 10.03 620 10.08 9.89 +.14 +1.1 EatV StkNx Q EVSTC 100.02 99.97 5 99.97 25 99.97 99.97 EV GlInBu Q EVGBC .30e 100.06 99.97 0 99.97 24 99.97 99.97 EV CAMu N EVM .68 6.0 14.23 10.83 58 11.36 245 11.40 11.31 +.06 -.2 EVCAMu2 N EIA .62 5.4 14.27 11.30 13 11.51 86 11.58 11.44 +.01 -.9 EVCAMu N CEV .71 5.8 14.84 11.80 16 12.26 122 12.37 12.21 +.01 -.3 EatnVan N EV 1.12 2.5 21 47.83 32.11 709 44.96 2692 45.27 43.49 +.61 +7.4 EV EnEq N EOI 1.04 7.9 13.50 11.60 119 13.11 557 13.15 12.83 +.14 +5.7 EV EEq2 N EOS 1.05 7.8 13.86 12.49 364 13.51 935 13.67 13.29 +.10 +5.5 EV FltRt N EFT .91 6.0 15.45 12.98 125 15.14 555 15.33 15.09 -.11 +1.6 EVFltRtIP N EFF 1.13 6.7 17.38 14.28 52 16.85 243 16.90 16.63 +.03 -1.7 EV LtdDur N EVV 1.22 8.8 14.25 12.82 456 13.83 1528 13.95 13.76 -.06 +.8 EV MAMu N MAB .65 4.8 16.10 13.11 4 13.54 17 13.60 13.45 +.11 +.8 EVMAMu N MMV .69 5.2 15.82 13.05 0 13.32 24 13.41 13.14 +.03 +1.5 EV MIMu N MIW .71 5.3 16.49 12.34 1 13.44 6 13.64 13.33 +.06 +.4 EVMIMu N EMI .71 5.4 14.68 12.41 3 13.01 16 13.25 12.91 -.16 +1.3 EVMuniBd N EIM .77 6.1 14.48 12.00 76 12.55 491 12.55 12.37 +.18 +1.1 EVMuni2 N EIV .70 5.7 14.98 11.78 25 12.28 122 12.28 12.09 +.21 -.2 EVMunTT N ETX .85 4.3 21.68 18.64 40 19.57 144 19.62 19.38 +.21 -.2 EV MuIT N EVN .85 6.6 15.00 12.00 32 12.84 205 12.95 12.59 +.30 +2.3 EV NMuOp N EOT 1.03 4.8 23.47 20.45 34 21.52 166 21.59 21.23 +.32 +3.5 EV NJMu N EMJ .75 6.0 16.05 12.20 12 12.52 45 12.65 12.44 +.03 -2.3 EVNJMu N EVJ .73 6.1 14.85 11.51 10 12.00 45 12.14 11.94 -.03 -.1 EVNYMu2 N NYH .69 5.8 14.50 10.43 7 11.78 30 11.80 11.56 +.12 +1.2 EV NYMu N ENX .72 5.8 14.65 12.00 17 12.35 97 12.35 12.21 +.18 +.4 EVNYMu N EVY .74 5.8 15.64 12.49 9 12.83 23 12.86 12.70 +.04 -1.6 EV 5-15Mu Q EVLMC .14e 100.06 99.94 5 99.94 25 99.94 99.94 -.1 EV OHMu N EIO .70 5.5 16.99 12.38 1 12.77 23 12.81 12.64 +.14 -4.6 EVOHMu N EVO .73 5.4 16.30 13.19 0 13.57 16 13.68 13.47 +.09 -.1 EV PAMu N EIP .77 6.1 15.50 11.65 11 12.70 18 12.89 12.61 +.10 +.7 EVPAMu N EVP .73 6.0 13.74 11.80 1 12.05 13 12.10 12.02 +.05 -.5 EVRiskMgd N ETJ 1.12 12.3 9.95 8.60 353 9.08 1548 9.11 8.96 -.02 +1.3 EV SrFlt N EFR .95 6.3 15.58 12.55 151 15.19 733 15.36 15.10 -.10 +3.1 EV SrInc N EVF .42 6.2 6.98 5.74 87 6.78 444 6.87 6.75 -.10 +1.5sEVShDur N EVG 1.08 7.6 14.24 12.96 44 14.12 212 14.24 13.90 -.02 +1.9 EVTxABdO N EXD 1.16 10.5 12.45 10.94 35 11.07 148 11.10 10.97 +.07 -2.3 EV TxAd N EVT 1.74 8.2 22.26 18.62 159 21.15 662 21.34 20.96 -.11 +3.0 EV TxAG N ETG 1.23 7.8 15.74 13.50 217 15.67 842 15.73 15.37 +.19 +11.4 EV TxAOp N ETO 2.16 9.4 23.97 19.86 41 23.06 254 23.23 22.82 -.10 +10.8 EV TxDiver N ETY 1.01 9.1 11.21 9.88 454 11.07 2144 11.13 10.92 +.06 +7.0 EVTxMGlo N EXG .98 11.5 9.05 7.88 943 8.52 4206 8.55 8.34 +.12 +6.2 EVTxBWIn N ETB 1.30 8.0 17.80 15.48 73 16.29 273 16.29 16.06 +.12 -1.4 EVTxGBW N ETW 1.17 10.7 11.15 10.00 384 10.91 1234 10.92 10.74 +.12 +8.3 EVTxBWOp N ETV 1.33 8.7 15.57 14.08 198 15.21 782 15.35 15.10 +2.5 Ebix Inc s Q EBIX .30 .5 21 65.10 12.07 264 61.25 808 61.95 59.10 +.90 +7.4 Echelon rs Q ELON 6.42 4.17 2 6.03 15 6.33 5.92 -.17 +28.3tEchoGLog Q ECHO 50 28.90 20.03 213 21.35 1193 22.05 20.03 +.85 -14.8 EchoStar Q SATS 30 57.28 36.43 231 56.95 1235 56.99 53.04 +1.77 +10.8 EclipseRs N ECR 4.42 1.32 816 2.54 4114 2.57 2.23 +.17 -4.9 Eco-StimE Q ESES 3.38 .66 60 1.17 214 1.22 1.10 +.06 +21.9 Ecolab N ECL 1.48 1.2 29 126.17 110.45 1067 125.34 4188 125.98 122.58 +1.51 +6.9 EcologyEn Q EEI .40 4.0 11.20 8.75 9 10.02 17 10.15 9.82 +.02 -5.1 Ecopetrol N EC 1.03e 11.1 10.29 7.65 584 9.32 3640 9.39 8.90 +.27 +3.0 Edenor N EDN 35.73 13.25 47 34.80 301 34.98 32.57 +1.80 +25.0 EdgeTher n Q EDGE 13.50 7.15 54 9.11 497 9.21 7.30 +1.30 -27.1 Edgewater Q EDGW 9.40 6.22 10 7.45 120 7.80 7.26 -.17 -.7 Edgewell N EPC 28 88.00 72.75 459 73.14 1657 74.94 72.89 -.28 +.2sEdisonInt N EIX 2.17 2.7 20 81.34 67.44 1185 79.61 6602 81.34 79.15 -.56 +10.6 EditasM n Q EDIT 43.50 12.43 938 22.32 6472 22.82 18.85 +3.06 +37.5 EducRltTr N EDR 1.52 3.7 27 48.87 38.59 428 40.85 1541 41.02 39.40 +.59 -3.4tEducDevel Q EDUC .36 5.3 11 15.03 6.90 158 6.75 248 8.65 6.25 -1.90 -32.2 EdwLfSci s N EW 32 121.75 81.12 1190 94.07 7673 96.49 93.22 -1.52 +.4teGain Q EGAN 4.05 1.35 15 1.45 168 1.70 1.35 -.20 -31.0 EgaletCp Q EGLT 10.00 4.34 197 5.10 1744 5.60 4.67 +.32 -33.3 eHiCarSvc N EHIC 12.43 8.11 90 10.11 516 10.27 9.85 -.05 +11.6 EigerBio rs Q EIGR 23.10 10.15 77 11.45 277 11.80 10.40 +1.05 -1.7 8x8 Inc Q EGHT 16.80 9.18 638 15.25 2868 15.45 14.35 +.30 +6.6 8Point3E n Q CAFD 1.03f 7.6 11 17.34 12.04 268 13.57 2250 13.98 12.95 +.79 +4.5 EksoBio n Q EKSO 6.38 2.53 112 4.10 1441 4.50 3.61 +.27 +3.0sElPasoEl N EE 1.24 2.5 21 49.90 42.42 296 50.50 1160 50.75 49.00 +.95 +8.6 ElPasE pf N EPpC 2.38 4.8 53.75 42.50 1 50.00 19 50.40 49.50 -.10 +2.0 ElPolLoco Q LOCO 18 14.98 10.08 167 11.95 1076 12.15 11.45 +.30 -2.8 ElbitIm rs Q EMITF 4.04 2.16 3 3.40 22 3.58 3.28 -.3 ElbitSys Q ESLT 1.76f 1.5 20 121.22 88.45 39 113.65 376 114.99 110.12 -.87 +11.5 EldorGld g N EGO .02e 5.16 2.54 5451 3.41 26302 3.54 3.13 +.27 +5.9 EldorRsts Q ERI 49 19.85 10.65 361 18.93 1755 19.10 17.45 +1.23 +11.7 ElectSci Q ESIO 7.56 4.50 137 6.97 444 7.00 6.44 +.45 +17.7 ElectroSen Q ELSE 12 4.60 3.05 1 3.98 3 4.10 3.86 -.03 +15.0 Electrmed N ELMD 29 6.26 3.38 8 4.93 69 4.99 4.85 +.03 +27.1 ElectArts Q EA 91.82 61.10 1673 89.52 9710 90.30 88.06 +.17 +13.7 EFII Q EFII 42 50.09 38.00 240 48.83 1645 49.38 45.67 +2.00 +11.3 ElectrAc n Q ELEC 10.09 9.58 9.96 7 10.02 9.92 -.01 +.6 ElectAc wt Q ELECW .54 .16 36 .45 638 .49 .44 -.03 +60.7 ElctmAc un Q ELECU 11.72 8.08 10.45 27 10.45 10.35 +.01 +3.2 ElevenBio Q EBIO 5.97 .28 307 2.20 4683 2.42 2.01 +.19 +15.2 EliLilly N LLY 2.08f 2.5 27 86.14 64.18 2943 84.11 13308 85.00 83.74 -.07 +14.4 Elk HiQPfd N EPRF 27.79 22.79 3 24.10 8 24.19 23.94 +.11 +3.9 Elkh LoVl n N LVHB 30.17 24.54 20 29.68 120 29.80 29.53 +4.3 ElkCmRt ef Q DWAC 26.59 23.61 0 24.48 3 24.66 23.75 +.33 -.4 ElkFdCm ef N RCOM 27.00 24.64 1 25.22 5 25.22 24.76 +.07 -.3 EllieMae N ELLI 69 109.99 74.11 277 100.27 1337 101.37 96.10 +2.13 +19.8 EllingtnF N EFC 1.80 11.4 18.20 15.30 71 15.83 225 15.87 15.56 +.14 +2.0 EllingtRM N EARN 1.60 10.9 11 14.84 11.72 32 14.66 211 14.82 14.10 +.44 +12.7 EllswthFd N ECF .80e 9.3 8.76 7.48 26 8.63 150 8.67 8.48 +.12 +4.4 ElmiraSB Q ESBK .92 4.3 18 22.25 18.01 1 21.60 17 21.75 21.30 +.10 +5.6tEltekLtd Q ELTK 1.43 .65 0 .72 68 .75 .65 -.06 -8.9 eMagin N EMAN 3.30 1.68 24 2.35 634 2.50 2.05 +.10 +9.3sEAndinA N AKO/A .55e 2.4 23.14 16.69 0 22.49 8 23.14 22.40 +.01 +9.5 EAndinB N AKO/B .60e 2.6 25.07 18.36 10 23.39 103 24.54 23.37 -.58 +4.1 Embraer N ERJ .18e .8 25.96 17.06 889 22.08 4022 22.80 21.99 -.69 +14.7 EmclaireF Q EMCF 1.08f 3.7 16 31.50 23.00 1 29.25 3 30.51 27.50 +1.12 Emcore Q EMKR 1.50e 26 10.50 3.80 424 9.00 1474 9.00 8.35 +.40 +3.4 EmergeES N EMES 2.68m 24.45 3.00 861 13.85 4993 14.22 11.21 +1.98 +12.5 EmergBio N EBS 24 44.38 24.47 241 29.04 1364 29.45 28.27 +.22 -11.6 EmersonEl N EMR 1.92 3.2 23 64.36 48.45 3064 59.86 13245 60.28 57.45 +1.29 +7.4 EmerR hs N MSN 1.40 .55 27 1.36 120 1.40 1.26 +.07 +29.5 EmmisC rs Q EMMS 2 4.33 1.92 23 2.45 89 2.58 2.44 -.03 -27.7 EmpirRst rs Q NYNY 25.19 12.65 5 24.25 24 24.45 22.50 +.75 +6.6 EmpireRes Q ERS .16 2.3 53 7.47 3.10 375 6.93 423 7.02 5.51 +1.35 +2.1 EmpOPES N ESBA .34 1.6 22.19 15.59 73 20.76 119 20.81 20.30 +.01 +3.9 EmpOP60 N OGCP .34 1.7 21.99 14.77 1 20.46 14 20.63 20.38 -.31 +4.1 EmpOP250 N FISK .34 1.7 22.17 15.47 20.40 3 20.42 20.21 -.31 +2.1 EmpStRTr N ESRT .34 1.6 33 22.31 17.51 1092 20.64 5379 20.93 20.35 -.26 +2.2 EmployH N EIG .36 .9 14 40.55 27.01 119 37.95 462 38.10 36.05 +1.55 -4.2 EElChile N EOCC .65e 2.9 28.84 18.35 150 22.24 425 22.68 21.62 +.46 +14.4 EnLinkLP N ENLK 1.56 8.5 19.89 10.51 478 18.30 2862 18.37 17.14 +.86 -.7 EnableMid N ENBL 1.27 7.6 25 17.36 7.65 71 16.69 529 16.74 15.97 +.25 +6.1 EnantaPh Q ENTA 37.32 20.79 212 30.80 895 31.99 30.50 -8.1 EnbrdgEM N EEQ 2.33t 26.53 16.47 188 18.42 1521 18.47 17.48 +.53 -28.9 EnbrdgEPt N EEP 2.33 12.3 31 26.37 16.86 892 19.00 4638 19.04 17.92 +.87 -25.4 Enbridge N ENB 1.66f 45.77 37.02 3315 41.84 17563 42.12 40.48 +.94 -.7 EnCana g N ECA .06 .5 13.85 5.63 12398 11.71 71590 12.01 10.22 +1.16 -.3 EncoreCap Q ECPG 10 35.93 17.66 195 30.80 958 31.45 29.95 +.40 +7.5 EncorW Q WIRE .08 .2 28 49.75 33.70 99 46.00 282 46.25 43.65 +1.35 +6.1 EndvSilv g N EXK 5.95 2.35 1153 3.18 7508 3.24 3.03 +.10 -9.7 Endo Intl Q ENDP 6 35.34 9.70 7825 11.16 37188 11.55 9.84 +1.19 -32.2 Endocyte Q ECYT 4.33 1.98 658 2.57 1567 2.61 2.15 +.36 +.8 Endologix Q ELGX 14.50 4.78 1213 7.24 4703 7.44 6.71 +.31 +26.6 EndurIntl Q EIGI 11.55 6.55 363 7.85 2935 8.20 7.73 -.05 -15.6 EndSp pfC N ENHpC 1.59 6.1 28.60 25.05 9 26.19 54 26.65 25.92 -.12 +2.5 EnduroRT N NDRO .27e 8.1 9 4.55 2.37 32 3.35 204 3.55 3.35 -.11 -2.9 EnerNOC Q ENOC 7.88 4.80 187 6.00 1194 6.00 5.20 +.65 Energen N EGN .08 .1 64.44 34.03 1472 54.44 7418 55.42 50.22 +2.93 -5.6 Energizer n N ENR 1.10 2.0 21 56.54 41.53 315 55.75 1698 56.06 55.20 +.06 +25.0 Energous Q WATT 20.55 9.20 355 15.60 1343 16.06 15.02 +.23 -7.4 EngyFocus Q EFOI 8.54 2.95 83 3.29 256 3.55 3.10 +.08 -22.6 EnFuel grs N UUUU 2.87 1.29 376 2.17 1491 2.20 1.99 +.14 +32.3tEnrgyRec Q ERII 16.67 7.11 522 8.32 3110 8.54 7.11 +.73 -19.6 EgyTrEq s N ETE 1.14 5.8 21 20.05 6.40 5148 19.73 22322 19.79 18.24 +.83 +2.2 EngyTsfr N ETP 4.22 11.6 43.50 29.86 1588 36.52 8347 36.63 35.13 +.69 +2.0 EnrgyXXi n Q EXXI 35.96 27.00 29 29.97 141 30.42 29.10 +.47 -7.8 EnerJexR N ENRJ .83 .22 53 .36 615 .39 .32 +.02 +24.1 Enerpls g N ERF .14e 1.7 3 10.33 3.55 885 8.05 4975 8.30 7.26 +.57 -15.1sEnersisAm N ENIA .35e 3.4 10.77 7.06 1860 10.39 6291 10.77 10.06 +.22 +26.6 EnerChile N ENIC .16p 6.66 4.25 234 5.50 1658 5.53 5.17 +.28 +20.9 EnerSys N ENS .70 .9 21 83.70 52.37 369 78.94 1324 79.52 74.60 +2.69 +1.1 Engility N EGL 18 39.16 17.31 148 28.94 990 29.16 26.57 +1.62 -14.1 EnLinkLLC N ENLC 1.02 5.3 20.45 9.91 394 19.40 2441 19.80 18.00 +1.05 +1.8 Ennis Inc N EBF .70a 4.1 15 21.55 14.40 251 17.00 482 17.25 15.30 +1.45 -2.0 EnovaIntl N ENVA 14 15.40 5.43 337 14.85 1023 14.95 13.50 +1.10 +18.3 Enphase Q ENPH 2.80 .95 504 1.37 2137 1.39 1.21 +.13 +35.6sEnPro N NPO .88f 1.2 61 69.77 42.56 429 71.16 1186 71.76 62.37 +7.59 +5.6 ENSCO N ESV .04 .4 2 12.36 6.50 7119 8.95 38629 9.04 8.22 +.53 -7.9 Enservco N ENSV .89 .26 2004 .34 3362 .38 .26 -.04 -40.2 EnsignGp s Q ENSG .17 .9 17 23.86 16.76 279 18.80 1171 19.06 18.13 +.45 -15.4 EnstarGp Q ESGR 14 209.35 148.91 30 191.30 137 192.45 181.50 +5.25 -3.2 EnSync N ESNC 1.42 .13 62 .61 372 .62 .53 +.06 -15.4 EntegraFn Q ENFC 7 24.25 17.16 6 23.65 57 23.65 22.90 +.50 +14.8sEntegris Q ENTG 29 23.56 12.78 1488 23.40 3832 23.85 22.20 +.65 +30.7 Entellus n Q ENTL 22.63 12.31 132 13.80 522 14.74 13.61 -.14 -27.3 Entercom N ETM .07p .5 15 16.55 10.39 129 14.30 518 14.53 13.70 +.45 -6.5 EntArk66 n N EAI 1.22 5.4 25.04 20.49 38 22.72 180 22.73 22.45 +.14 +7.3 EntArk 63 N EAE 1.19 5.1 26.30 19.35 7 23.41 34 23.58 23.05 +.23 +11.4 EntArk 52 N EAB 1.23 5.0 26.30 20.96 4 24.36 35 24.67 24.22 +.04 +11.9 Entergy N ETR 3.48 4.6 9 82.09 66.71 748 75.96 3993 77.37 75.51 -.85 +3.4 EntLA 66 N ELC 1.22 5.4 23.17 20.48 44 22.61 264 22.65 22.40 +.08 +7.0 EntgyLA52 N ELJ 1.31 5.3 26.74 22.92 5 24.78 55 25.22 24.63 -.19 +5.5 EntLA 63 N ELU 1.18 5.1 26.15 20.25 3 22.83 30 23.06 22.64 +.13 +10.8 EntMS FtM N EMP 25.00 20.57 27 22.63 316 22.75 22.38 +.21 +7.1 EntgyNO n N ENO 28.00 22.31 6 24.74 48 25.29 24.70 +.07 +6.0 EntgyNO 52 N ENJ 1.25 5.1 28.74 22.11 24.56 5 24.73 24.41 -.16 +10.0 EntgyTx64 N EZT 1.41 5.3 28.20 24.12 1 26.38 7 26.38 25.87 +.09 +4.9 EnteroM rs Q ETRM 86.80 1.75 131 5.76 2461 6.45 5.54 -.04 +188.0 EntBcpMA Q EBTC .54f 1.6 21 39.25 21.36 21 34.76 186 35.20 30.04 +2.58 -7.5 EntFinSv Q EFSC .44 1.0 18 46.25 25.04 300 42.40 943 43.00 39.02 +2.10 -1.4 EntProdPt N EPD 1.64 5.9 22 30.25 23.56 4177 27.61 17251 27.82 26.83 +.54 +2.1 EntertG rs Q EGT 3.25 1.20 3 1.70 34 1.78 1.67 +.03 +22.3 Entravisn N EVC .13 2.0 24 8.31 4.90 1142 6.20 2333 6.30 6.00 +.10 -11.4 EntreeGold N EGI .72 .22 56 .49 477 .50 .42 +.01 +54.9 Envestnet N ENV 33 41.47 26.75 360 32.30 1909 32.55 30.80 +.30 -8.4 EnviroStr N EVI .20e 25.00 3.05 13 18.95 59 20.00 18.25 -.85 +30.7tEnvisnHl n N EVHC 74.19 60.99 1236 61.32 8421 66.39 60.96 -2.93 -3.1tEnvisnHl pf N EVHCp 135.30 113.70 0 114.02 4 117.28 113.70 -1.21 -4.5 Enviva n N EVA 2.14f 7.6 40 29.98 19.31 49 28.10 438 28.85 27.26 +.55 +4.9sEnzoBio N ENZ 8.74 4.53 326 8.37 1045 8.74 8.11 -.06 +20.6 Enzymotec Q ENZY 9.32 5.20 3 8.80 50 8.80 8.15 +34.4sEpizyme Q EPZM 17.80 7.02 524 17.15 1510 17.80 16.90 +41.7 ePlus Q PLUS 19 141.00 72.36 46 135.05 169 135.45 131.85 +1.60 +17.2 Equifax N EFX 1.56f 1.1 27 137.76 110.87 598 136.74 3153 137.38 134.04 +.81 +15.7sEquinix Q EQIX 8.00f 2.0 398.00 314.55 891 400.37 3009 403.62 381.66 +12.28 +12.0 EquitFin n Q EQFN .20p 10.31 8.16 10.25 6 10.30 10.25 +3.5 EqtyBcsh n Q EQBK 28 38.03 19.81 32 31.77 140 31.87 29.82 +1.17 -5.6 EquityCmw N EQC 32 32.02 26.92 615 31.22 4163 31.55 30.96 -.26 +3.2 EqCm pfD N EQCpD 1.63 6.4 27.48 24.90 16 25.56 32 25.74 25.31 +.16 -.1 EqCmw 42 N EQCO 1.44 5.7 26.21 22.82 15 25.17 55 25.23 25.01 +.10 +5.4 EqtyLfPrp N ELS 1.95f 2.5 29 83.19 65.87 286 77.06 1336 78.64 75.91 -.67 +6.9 EqtyRsd N EQR 2.16 3.5 19 75.49 58.28 1720 62.22 7555 63.06 61.42 -.72 -3.3 EquusTR N EQS 31 2.50 1.56 5 2.49 76 2.50 2.32 +.22 +23.9 EraGroup N ERA 17.73 6.92 145 13.26 606 13.66 11.07 +1.56 -21.9 Ericsson Q ERIC .11e 1.7 10.20 4.83 6202 6.64 29007 6.76 6.37 +.09 +13.9 ErieInd Q ERIE 3.13f 2.6 31 125.40 90.21 76 122.70 334 122.95 115.99 +1.14 +9.9 ErinEn rs N ERN 4.10 1.24 41 2.40 155 2.55 2.20 -.10 -21.3 Eros Intl N EROS 19.87 8.85 828 10.30 2823 11.00 9.75 -.05 -21.1 Escalade Q ESCA .46f 3.6 16 14.70 9.70 15 12.90 65 13.05 12.15 +.15 -2.3 EscoTech N ESE .32 .6 35 58.95 37.19 114 58.10 418 58.80 55.70 +1.18 +2.6 Esperion Q ESPR 48.21 9.40 1188 35.31 7685 39.22 33.98 -3.63 +182.0 Espey N ESP 1.00 4.3 23 27.65 22.31 1 23.00 7 24.46 22.45 -.93 -11.7 EssaPhm g Q EPIX 3.89 1.50 5 3.12 18 3.23 2.86 +.17 +42.5tEssendant Q ESND .56 3.7 12 34.99 13.81 384 15.15 1305 15.22 13.81 +1.00 -27.5 Essent N ESNT 15 38.10 19.30 826 36.17 3116 36.48 33.45 +1.16 +11.7 EssexPT N ESS 7.00f 3.0 31 238.57 200.01 442 231.53 1415 237.34 229.75 -3.37 -.4 EsteeLdr N EL 1.36 1.6 27 97.48 75.30 2055 84.79 8105 86.57 84.71 -1.22 +10.9 Esterline N ESL 18 96.50 56.72 131 86.05 601 86.85 80.76 +3.45 -3.5 EtfSilver N SIVR 20.30 14.63 89 17.79 463 17.87 17.60 +.44 +14.1 EthanAl N ETH .76 2.5 18 38.80 27.75 252 30.65 1291 30.75 29.30 +.90 -16.8sEtrac2xMtg N MORL 3.31e 18.7 17.75 12.42 271 17.73 1742 17.85 16.72 +.71 +13.8 Et2xDJDiv N DVYL 3.55e 5.6 66.42 49.45 1 63.95 15 63.98 61.49 +1.13 +6.1 Etr2xHomb N HOML 32.19 17.12 31.12 3 31.12 29.14 +.58 +28.7 EtHiDLwV N HDLV 2.57e 7.7 35.25 27.34 1 33.43 65 33.55 31.03 -.06 +6.0 Etr2xCEFd N CEFL 2.88 16.5 18.83 14.82 142 17.44 750 17.50 16.92 +.43 +4.1 EtrcDvsHi N DVHL 2.85e 12.4 23.95 16.33 30 23.00 222 23.02 22.24 +.58 +6.2 EtrWFxEn N LMLP 1.90e 14.1 14.27 8.68 35 13.50 169 13.50 12.86 +.28 +17.8 EtracReit N LRET 2.00e 7.6 33.34 22.64 3 26.45 10 26.45 25.10 +.49 -.2 UBS VlHdg N XIVH 55.50 25.50 51.60 8 52.00 47.21 +4.60 +46.3 UBS VlVIX N LSVX 31.21 25.91 30.99 3 30.99 30.00 +.84 +15.9 Etr EnhGl N FIHD 141.80 107.16 8 140.27 63 141.46 137.57 +1.05 +12.3 Etr SP MLP N MLPZ .06p 63.32 33.68 1 58.05 3 58.26 57.90 +1.40 +2.2 Etr MLP In N MLPQ .08p 62.03 33.34 10 56.29 34 56.30 52.59 +2.08 +4.4 EtrBCmdty N UCIB 16.00 12.71 13.82 4 13.87 13.81 -.12 -2.5sEtrMtgReit N MRRL 1.70e 17.69 11.00 5 17.75 20 17.77 16.80 +.95 +13.5 EtrSCHiDv N SMHD 3.06e 13.4 24.48 14.20 9 22.92 132 23.28 21.14 +1.42 +.7 Etsy n Q ETSY 16.05 7.60 2274 10.63 7490 10.73 9.60 +.75 -9.8 EurasnM g N EMX 1.40 .57 63 .94 292 1.02 .92 -.05 +5.3 EuroTech Q CLWT 4.43 1.46 1 3.80 6 3.90 3.60 +.05 +7.0 Euronav n N EURN 2.41e 11.73 6.65 294 7.90 1884 8.10 7.80 -.10 -.6 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 7 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


sEuronet Q EEFT 25 85.50 65.33 316 85.52 1499 85.97 82.26 +1.98 +18.1 EuroEqFd N EEA .17e 2.0 8.36 7.20 6 8.32 52 8.35 8.21 +.06 +7.8 Euroseas rs Q ESEA 8.07 1.04 80 1.44 1227 1.62 1.35 +.04 -14.8 EvansBc N EVBN .80f 2.1 22 40.95 22.87 2 38.40 55 39.05 37.55 +.06 +21.7 Ever-Glory Q EVK 6 3.00 1.49 13 2.70 17 2.75 2.40 +31.7 EverBank N EVER .24 1.2 17 19.52 13.37 559 19.48 2783 19.48 19.43 +.01 +.2 EverBk pfA N EVERpA 1.69 6.7 26.55 24.92 4 25.35 52 25.39 25.31 +.04 +.6sEverbrdg n Q EVBG 21.25 11.76 158 20.53 826 21.25 19.69 +.48 +11.3 Evercore N EVR 1.24f 1.6 24 83.30 40.36 291 77.90 1458 78.30 73.75 +.60 +13.4 EverestRe N RE 5.00 2.1 9 240.51 169.19 168 233.81 865 235.67 230.94 +.41 +8.0sEveriHldgs N EVRI 5.06 1.13 1140 4.79 5694 5.06 4.66 +.16 +120.7 EversrceE N ES 1.90f 3.2 20 60.44 50.56 1618 58.78 7377 60.36 58.37 -1.23 +6.4 EvrspnTc n Q MRAM 10.28 6.15 136 8.38 325 8.93 7.47 +.50 +1.1 Evertec N EVTC .40 2.5 18.60 12.98 292 15.90 1512 16.10 15.43 +.15 -10.4 EvineLive Q EVLV 2.40 .80 168 1.28 717 1.39 1.24 -.08 -14.7 Evogene Q EVGN 8.06 4.86 5 5.35 16 5.40 5.20 +.14 +4.8 EvokePhm Q EVOK 11.11 1.35 82 3.10 836 3.15 2.82 +.24 +53.5 EvolentH n N EVH 26.84 9.78 1697 22.30 10507 23.35 20.25 +1.45 +50.7 EvolPetrol N EPM .28f 3.5 11 10.20 4.45 138 8.00 572 8.05 7.40 +.40 -20.0 EvolvgSys Q EVOL .44 9.1 16 6.00 3.10 5 4.85 60 4.85 4.61 +.20 +18.3 ExOne Q XONE 16.15 9.03 148 10.19 650 10.25 9.70 +.18 +9.1 Exa Corp Q EXA 16.89 11.12 51 12.70 302 13.20 12.52 -.22 -17.3 ExactSci h Q EXAS 24.50 5.36 2283 23.62 14999 24.42 21.56 +2.54 +76.8 Exactech Q EXAC 29.00 18.24 68 25.20 160 27.00 25.10 -1.60 -7.7sExar N EXAR 72 13.03 5.11 1867 13.01 16022 13.03 10.23 +2.58 +20.7 ETYldShHi N YYY 1.92 10.1 19.80 17.72 67 19.03 323 19.05 18.83 +.06 +2.5 ExTWStFor Q FLAG .58e 1.5 42.00 30.50 1 38.99 4 39.03 38.14 +.33 +3.4 ExTrRobo Q ROBO .07e .2 32.49 23.76 158 32.20 994 32.29 31.55 +.30 +12.4 ExTTactUS N HTUS 27.21 25.71 7 26.87 60 26.87 26.34 +.22 +4.3 RxVlmxInF N VMIN 51.74 17.09 11 36.32 147 37.30 32.00 +1.78 +61.4tRxVlmxWk N VMAX 29.75 4.51 27 4.76 123 5.36 4.51 -.10 -43.8 ExTrGldE N GHE 31.20 23.18 0 28.94 3 29.37 28.94 -.28 +24.5 ETEMeCmc N EMQQ .02p 28.60 21.00 13 27.81 56 28.18 27.52 -.19 +21.8 ExcoRes N XCO .07p 1.91 .47 961 .62 6998 .65 .51 +.10 -29.1 Exelixis Q EXEL 23.49 3.64 4521 21.67 16222 21.92 20.30 +.76 +45.3 Exelon N EXC 1.31f 3.6 15 37.70 29.82 6682 35.98 23538 36.43 35.30 -.14 +1.4 Exelon 17 N EXCU 3.25 6.6 50.97 43.00 283 49.36 575 49.75 49.03 +.03 +2.0sExeterR gs N XRA 1.89 .54 1172 1.73 9727 1.89 1.14 +.59 +129.1 ExlSvcHld Q EXLS 14 54.78 42.00 157 47.36 692 48.00 45.87 +1.05 -6.1 Expedia Q EXPE 1.12f .9 54 133.55 96.58 4073 126.17 8584 130.16 125.57 -1.59 +11.4 ExpdIntl Q EXPD .80 1.4 24 57.35 46.48 678 56.49 3429 56.72 55.13 +.67 +6.7 Exponent s Q EXPO .72 1.2 34 64.80 45.00 102 59.55 298 59.95 57.25 +1.45 -1.2 Express N EXPR 11 21.52 8.25 1478 9.11 8713 9.38 8.46 +.57 -15.3 ExpScripts Q ESRX 11 80.02 63.22 5860 65.91 23136 66.60 63.89 +1.80 -4.2 ExtendStay N STAY .76 4.8 76 17.87 13.00 989 15.94 5761 16.26 15.77 -.32 -1.3 Exterran n N EXTN 34.05 10.83 343 31.45 1158 31.67 27.17 +3.29 +31.6 ExtraSpce N EXR 3.12 4.2 23 94.81 68.09 1146 74.39 3834 75.28 72.88 -.65 -3.7 ExtrOilGs n Q XOG 25.08 14.76 928 18.55 5295 18.64 16.30 +1.64 -7.4sExtrmNet Q EXTR 8.11 3.01 3144 7.51 14245 8.11 6.29 +1.07 +49.3 ExxonMbl N XOM 3.00 3.7 36 95.55 80.31 21215 82.01 93870 83.87 80.79 +.78 -9.1 EyegatePh Q EYEG 4.00 1.11 102 2.55 909 2.58 2.15 +.36 +56.4 Eyegate wt Q EYEGW .85 .03 0 .15 20 .21 .15 -.04 -49.7 Ezcorp Q EZPW 12.00 2.87 514 8.15 1503 8.40 7.75 +.20 -23.5F -:F5 Netwks Q FFIV 24 149.50 93.64 570 142.57 3568 147.54 140.63 -4.00 -1.5sFB Finl n N FBK 34.78 19.81 66 35.36 186 35.50 30.78 +3.73 +36.3 FBL Fn N FFG 1.76f 2.7 16 82.60 56.41 97 65.45 199 65.70 61.45 +2.55 -16.3 FBR&Co Q FBRC .80 4.4 20.48 10.57 8 18.05 56 18.50 17.45 +.35 +38.8 FCB Fin N FCB 22 50.33 30.23 286 49.55 1049 49.90 45.60 +2.60 +3.9 FLIR Sys Q FLIR .60f 1.7 30 37.44 28.26 446 36.28 1860 36.63 35.51 +.22 +.2sFMC Corp N FMC .66 .9 25 62.84 36.72 12749 69.59 15814 72.04 60.01 +8.61 +23.0 FNBCp PA N FNB .48 3.2 18 16.43 11.69 2873 14.87 14942 15.14 14.06 +.33 -7.2 FNB FL pfE N FNBpE 33.50 27.01 29 28.50 144 28.50 28.23 +.21 +.8 FPL pfC N NEEpC 1.47 5.7 27.05 24.92 23 25.77 42 25.89 25.52 -.01 +2.4 FTFQAntiB N BTAL 24.47 18.06 1 19.75 80 20.48 19.73 -.32 +.3 FTFQuSize N SIZ 22.29 20.50 21.17 19 21.17 20.87 -.13 -3.6 FTFQValu N CHEP 27.48 22.19 4 26.43 19 26.43 26.07 +.37 -3.7sFqfOAsiaDv N OASI .43e 28.00 23.50 2 27.29 11 28.00 27.26 -.01 +7.4 FqfOEuQDv N OEUH .45e 29.30 24.11 34 26.20 61 26.80 26.09 +.04 +6.6 FqfOEurDiv N OEUR .15e 24.27 20.40 9 23.35 62 23.44 23.06 +.15 +8.0 FQFO USDv N OUSA .20e 29.15 26.06 44 28.84 294 28.94 28.52 +.07 +4.9 FRP Hldgs Q FRPH 65 45.50 28.90 6 40.00 27 40.80 38.05 -.50 +6.1 FS Bncp Q FSBW .40 1.1 11 39.70 24.32 3 37.33 11 37.40 35.80 +1.23 +3.8 FS Invest N FSIC .89 9.1 26 10.80 8.03 1246 9.80 4669 9.95 9.50 +.20 -4.9 FTD Cos Q FTD 28.70 16.86 202 20.14 693 20.31 18.76 +.91 -15.5 FTI Cnslt N FCN 18 47.12 33.95 260 41.17 1161 41.52 39.22 +1.08 -8.7 Fabrinet N FN 15 49.63 29.78 785 42.03 3466 44.71 41.82 -1.41 +4.3sFacebook Q FB 34 142.95 106.31 11000 142.05 67050 142.95 138.77 +1.71 +23.5 FactsetR N FDS 2.00 1.2 24 183.64 145.48 316 164.91 3019 176.74 161.88 -11.82 +.9 FairIsaac N FICO .08 .1 36 133.14 102.77 135 128.95 473 129.60 125.00 +2.10 +8.2 FairmSant N FMSA 13.12 2.39 3929 7.33 23715 7.64 6.33 +.51 -37.8 FairptCom Q FRP 4 19.60 12.81 183 16.60 812 17.15 16.10 +.10 -11.2 FalconStor Q FALC 1.45 .27 27 .40 540 .40 .32 +.04 -11.6tFDaves Q DAVE 78 6.73 3.90 37 3.90 150 4.30 3.79 -.28 -21.2tFangHldg N SFUN .20e 6.1 6.53 2.46 16928 3.26 26475 3.30 2.46 +.52 -.6 Fanhua Q FANH 22 10.35 6.19 46 8.63 410 9.15 8.45 -.34 +4.2 FarmerBrs Q FARM 5 37.55 26.42 114 35.35 345 35.50 33.35 +1.60 -3.7 FarmCB Q FFKT .40 1.0 18 44.65 24.71 35 40.40 207 41.50 37.85 +2.10 -3.9 FarmersNB Q FMNB .16 1.1 19 15.50 8.54 159 14.35 389 14.40 13.05 +1.05 +1.1 Farmland N FPI .51 4.6 18 11.98 10.00 271 11.17 814 11.17 10.78 +.44 +.1 FaroTech Q FARO 42 40.15 27.87 90 35.75 361 36.00 33.55 +1.55 -.7 Fastenal Q FAST 1.28f 2.5 30 52.64 37.70 1857 51.50 9018 51.79 49.51 +.74 +9.6 FateThera Q FATE 5.68 1.47 160 4.55 1190 4.88 4.46 -.22 +81.3 Fauquier Q FBSS .48 2.6 10 19.88 14.13 3 18.15 15 18.50 17.85 -.30 +9.0 FedExCp N FDX 1.60 .8 17 201.57 145.00 2081 195.15 9694 196.23 184.30 +7.03 +4.8 FedAgric N AGM 1.44f 2.5 64.28 32.31 41 57.57 167 58.66 54.26 +1.21 +.5 FdAgricA N AGM/A 1.44f 2.6 17 70.00 34.60 1 56.08 3 59.99 56.08 -3.92 -8.8sFAgMt pfA N AGMpA 1.47 5.6 27.97 24.63 1 26.41 5 28.06 25.62 +1.02 +5.8 FAgMt pfB N AGMpB 1.72 6.4 29.50 24.71 2 26.70 29 28.24 26.44 -.29 +2.5 FAgMt pfC N AGMpC 1.50 5.6 30.60 24.63 1 27.00 6 28.96 26.91 -.12 +7.7 FedRlty N FRT 3.92f 2.9 24 171.08 126.02 412 133.50 2386 135.87 131.36 -1.30 -6.1 FedSignl N FSS .28 2.0 20 16.65 11.68 252 13.81 954 13.87 13.45 +.06 -11.5 FedInvst N FII 1.00 3.8 14 33.13 24.52 473 26.34 2321 26.55 25.10 +.84 -6.9 FedNatHld Q FNHC .32 1.8 22.93 14.03 97 17.43 290 17.66 16.61 +.67 -6.7 FedPInt N FPT .67 5.1 14.99 12.55 6 13.16 51 13.19 13.06 +.03 +3.9 FedPMu N FMN .88 6.4 16.77 13.53 8 13.83 78 13.92 13.75 +.10 -1.0 FelCor N FCH .24 3.2 11 9.13 5.68 789 7.51 3264 7.52 7.33 +.06 -6.2 FelCor pfA N FCHpA 1.95 8.0 25.65 22.82 23 24.38 172 24.52 24.26 +.12 -2.1 FemaleHlt Q FHCO 2.15 .72 94 1.01 345 1.09 1.01 -.08 +11.0tFenixPrt lf Q FENX 5.38 1.48 80 1.55 598 1.89 1.48 -.25 -45.0sFerrari n N RACE 74.99 38.71 307 74.36 2711 74.99 73.15 +2.78 +27.9 Ferrellgs N FGP .40 6.7 20.85 5.04 395 6.00 1808 6.36 5.98 -.06 -11.4 Ferro N FOE 14 16.17 11.42 739 15.19 2179 15.28 14.27 +.49 +6.0 Ferrogl n Q GSM .16 1.5 12.53 7.67 714 10.33 3102 10.45 9.40 +.51 -4.6 FiatChrys N FCAU 11.63 5.45 4403 10.93 35503 11.19 10.69 +.12 +19.8 FibriaCelu N FBR .09e 1.0 10.24 5.79 1774 9.14 5701 9.28 8.57 +.25 -4.9 Fibrocll rs Q FCSC 11.33 1.57 13 2.00 146 2.29 1.91 +.02 +5.8 FibroGen Q FGEN 27.30 14.50 378 24.65 1628 25.75 24.00 -.15 +15.2sFid&GtyLf N FGL .26 .9 9 27.65 21.10 623 27.80 1466 27.95 27.10 +.35 +17.3 FidCorpBd N FCOR 1.77e 3.5 53.57 48.72 19 49.96 102 50.12 49.67 +.04 +1.2 FidLtdTm N FLTB .83e 1.7 52.59 49.66 23 50.19 77 50.40 50.16 -.05 +.5 FidTotBd N FBND 1.54e 3.1 51.26 48.82 38 49.83 177 50.00 49.65 -.04 +.1sFidCnsDis N FDIS .40e 1.2 34.67 28.92 54 34.68 312 34.74 33.75 +.62 +7.8 FidCnsStpl N FSTA .87e 2.6 33.63 30.10 44 32.87 275 33.07 32.79 -.05 +5.4 FidEnergy N FENY .53e 2.7 22.12 17.01 161 19.63 1793 19.77 18.90 +.51 -7.3 FidFinan N FNCL .60e 1.7 37.41 25.75 191 35.15 1258 35.48 33.91 +.41 +1.6 FidHlthCre N FHLC .70e 2.0 36.79 31.24 113 35.71 500 35.93 35.43 +.09 +8.6 FidIndls N FIDU .56e 1.7 34.54 27.35 40 33.57 404 33.72 32.66 +.41 +4.2 Fid Val n N FVAL 29.34 24.89 10 28.63 69 28.68 27.91 +.37 +4.9 Fid Qual n N FQAL 28.49 24.59 13 27.93 61 28.01 27.61 +.12 +6.3 FidInfoTch N FTEC .42e 1.0 41.35 30.76 179 41.15 792 41.27 40.26 +.43 +11.5 Fid Moment N FDMO 27.69 24.26 13 27.23 82 27.31 26.59 +.39 +6.6 Fid LowVol N FDLO 27.57 24.30 4 26.98 39 27.07 26.66 +.11 +4.4 Fid RisR n N FDRR 28.60 24.56 49 27.83 199 27.91 27.35 +.28 +5.1 Fid CoreD n N FDVV 27.33 24.24 13 26.75 124 26.81 26.18 +.34 +2.3 FidMsciRE N FREL .86e 3.6 25.98 21.85 81 23.88 515 23.92 23.30 +.25 +1.8 FidUtils N FUTY 1.21e 3.6 34.34 29.50 48 33.31 275 33.80 33.09 -.30 +5.4 FidTelecm N FCOM .76e 2.5 33.82 27.80 17 30.64 136 30.72 30.05 +.07 -4.6 FidelMatls N FMAT .53e 1.7 31.22 24.77 30 30.53 298 30.68 29.61 +.51 +5.9 FidNasdIdx Q ONEQ 1.96e .8 233.73 179.91 53 233.23 181 233.44 227.00 +4.24 +10.2sFidlNatFn N FNF 1.00f 2.6 16 39.49 30.62 1053 38.94 5407 39.49 38.12 +.39 +14.7 FNFV Grp N FNFV 14.50 10.00 421 13.25 1356 13.35 12.20 +.85 -3.3 FidNatInfo N FIS 1.16f 1.5 21 83.86 63.30 1576 79.62 8270 80.69 79.00 -.50 +5.3 FidelSo Q LION .48 2.1 15 24.95 14.45 136 22.38 523 22.48 20.30 +1.57 -5.4 FidClayOp N FMO 1.72f 11.0 17.63 10.28 66 15.67 328 15.67 14.94 +.58 +5.2sFidusInvst Q FDUS 1.56a 8.9 10 17.54 14.33 124 17.57 345 17.59 16.66 +.69 +11.7 FieldPnt N FPP 1.18 .33 71 .44 216 .46 .35 +.02 -39.1 Fieldpt wt N FPP/WS .08 .01 19 .02 122 .03 .02 -.00 -45.0 FiestaRst Q FRGI 25 36.02 19.40 475 24.20 1572 24.40 22.25 +1.60 -18.9 FifthStAst Q FSAM .50 10.9 8.45 2.91 379 4.60 681 5.05 4.30 -.22 -31.3 FifthStF 24 N FSCE 1.47 5.8 26.01 24.30 20 25.21 45 25.57 25.00 +1.3 FifthSt28 Q FSCFL 1.53 6.1 26.50 23.90 10 25.15 55 25.61 25.01 -.12 +2.0 FifthStFin Q FSC .20 4.3 6.32 4.31 982 4.62 5209 4.78 4.52 -.04 -14.0 FifthStSen Q FSFR .90 10.2 11 10.37 7.25 161 8.82 569 8.87 8.56 +.19 +1.3 FifthThird Q FITB .56f 2.2 13 28.97 16.02 3300 25.40 27767 25.88 24.02 +.65 -5.8 FifthT pf Q FITBI 1.66 5.8 32.71 26.19 16 28.41 126 28.82 28.41 -.12 +4.3 51job Q JOBS 26 37.93 27.56 77 36.66 410 37.49 34.88 -.22 +8.5 N WUBA 61.59 27.58 1536 35.39 5381 37.79 34.55 -1.92 +26.4stFinTcII n Q FNTE 9.79 9.70 2 9.85 27 11.75 9.70 +1.5stFinTcII wt Q FNTEW 1.31 .54 0 1.15 620 1.31 .54 +.20 +27.8 FinTcII un Q FNTEU 12.10 10.01 1 10.20 42 10.30 10.14 +.01 +1.5 FinclEngin Q FNGN .28 .6 67 45.75 23.56 604 43.55 1833 43.65 38.85 +3.55 +18.5 FnclInst Q FISI .84 2.5 13 35.40 24.56 70 32.95 201 33.30 30.90 +1.15 -3.7 Finisar Q FNSR 23 36.85 15.21 5651 27.34 18183 29.07 26.99 -1.02 -9.7 FinLine Q FINL .44f 3.1 14 24.52 12.63 1318 14.23 10389 14.43 12.70 +1.30 -24.3 FinjanH Q FNJN 2.35 .87 207 1.74 756 1.78 1.49 +.20 +53.3 FireEye Q FEYE 18.73 10.35 4359 12.61 26311 12.94 12.15 +.33 +6.0 FstAccept N FAC 2.40 .75 49 1.35 238 1.51 1.32 -.07 +29.8 FstAFin n N FAF 1.36 3.5 13 43.55 34.63 520 39.28 2594 39.43 38.14 +.79 +7.2 FstBcpPR N FBP 13 7.05 2.52 1199 5.65 5364 5.72 5.24 +.20 -14.5 FstBcpME Q FNLC .92a 3.4 16 33.21 18.50 86 27.25 257 27.67 25.45 +1.07 -17.7 FtBcpNC Q FBNC .32 1.1 22 31.31 17.15 74 29.29 355 29.66 28.33 +.41 +7.9 FstBcMiss Q FBMS .15 .5 17 30.80 15.50 9 28.50 47 28.50 27.75 +.25 +3.6 FstBkNJ Q FRBA .02p 32 14.80 6.60 30 11.95 284 11.95 11.30 +.40 +3.0 FstBusey rs Q BUSE .68 2.3 21 31.91 19.00 124 29.40 539 29.74 28.24 +.52 -4.5 FBusnFn s Q FBIZ .52f 2.0 15 26.47 18.76 25 25.96 95 26.00 23.78 +1.17 +9.4 FrstCap Q FCAP .84 2.5 16 35.00 26.58 2 33.75 4 34.10 32.50 +.90 +4.1 FstCash N FCFS .76f 1.5 22 53.95 39.80 466 49.15 1373 49.60 44.80 +3.80 +4.6 FCtzBA Q FCNCA 1.20 .4 18 384.12 229.51 22 335.37 110 341.56 319.40 +8.35 -5.5 FstCwlth N FCF .32f 2.4 21 14.61 8.33 414 13.26 1784 13.40 12.51 +.27 -6.5 FCmtyBsh Q FCBC .64 2.6 17 31.94 18.02 34 24.97 246 25.67 23.94 +.33 -17.2 FCmtyCp Q FCCO .36f 1.6 22 23.55 13.56 2 22.00 25 23.00 21.08 -.50 +21.9 FstCmtyFn Q FCFP 20 13.85 7.87 13 12.75 69 12.88 12.20 +.20 +9.0 FtConnBcp Q FBNK .44f 1.8 25 25.00 15.48 29 24.80 100 24.95 23.20 +.95 +9.5 1stCnstBn Q FCCY .20 1.1 16 20.85 11.70 15 18.45 111 19.00 17.65 +.15 -1.3 FstData n N FDC 16.67 9.90 2617 15.50 17283 15.79 14.85 +.37 +9.2 FstDefiFn Q FDEF 1.00f 2.0 16 52.31 34.80 38 49.51 148 50.53 47.25 +1.48 -2.4 FFnclOH Q FFBC .68f 2.5 19 29.80 16.93 286 27.45 1106 27.95 25.65 +.80 -3.5 FstFnBksh Q FFIN .72 1.8 25 46.70 27.72 273 40.10 1288 40.53 37.55 +1.15 -11.3 FstFnIN Q THFF 1.00 2.1 15 53.49 31.81 34 47.50 124 48.50 45.10 +1.00 -10.0 FstFnNwst Q FFNW .24 1.4 23 21.29 12.55 37 17.67 121 18.08 17.38 -.18 -10.5 FstFound s Q FFWM 20 17.26 10.00 56 15.51 198 15.75 15.03 +.25 +8.8 FstGtyBc n Q FGBI .64b 2.6 25.91 14.95 8 24.20 26 24.20 23.10 +.02 +1.1 FsHawaii n Q FHB .88f 2.9 35.47 23.00 429 29.92 1991 30.43 28.66 +.26 -14.1 FstHorizon N FHN .36f 1.9 20 20.84 12.46 1978 18.50 11165 18.98 17.36 +.32 -7.5 FstHrz pfA N FHNpA 1.55 6.1 27.70 23.38 1 25.34 15 25.49 25.21 -.10 +1.6 FstInRT N FR .84f 3.2 21 29.75 22.22 1243 26.63 4840 26.69 25.81 +.36 -5.1 FIntntBcp Q INBK .24 .8 14 33.00 22.01 11 29.50 64 30.00 28.65 +.11 -7.8 FIntBc26 n Q INBKL 1.50 5.9 27.86 16.83 25.52 37 25.61 25.16 +.20 +35.3 FstIntBc A Q FIBK .96f 2.4 18 45.35 26.44 198 39.65 682 40.30 37.15 +.50 -6.8 FMajSilv g N AG 32 19.15 6.19 3142 8.12 14164 8.23 7.83 +.25 +6.4 FstMerch Q FRME .60 1.5 20 42.17 22.63 249 39.32 750 39.84 36.73 +1.25 +4.4 FstMidIll Q FMBH .60f 1.8 19 36.80 22.95 63 33.84 200 34.15 31.13 +1.92 -.5 FMidBc Q FMBI .36 1.5 21 25.83 15.86 1292 23.68 5084 23.98 22.19 +.71 -6.1 FstNBC lf Q FNBC 1 22.44 3.30 119 4.00 1532 4.10 3.60 +.10 -45.2 FstNwBc n Q FNWB 53 16.75 12.42 32 15.50 160 15.62 15.00 +.37 -.6 FstPotom N FPO .40 3.9 57 11.16 8.01 166 10.28 2298 10.35 9.85 +.27 -6.3 FstRepBk N FRC .64 .7 26 97.43 63.97 635 93.81 5253 94.74 88.04 +2.89 +1.8 FstRep pfB N FRCpB 1.55 6.1 26.73 24.74 17 25.42 98 25.44 25.28 +.07 -.5 FstRep pfC N FRCpC 1.41 5.6 27.43 22.36 25 25.05 86 25.18 24.76 +.32 +7.7 FstRep pfD N FRCpD 1.38 5.5 27.20 21.92 13 25.02 49 25.10 24.78 +.14 +8.8 FstRep pfE N FRCpE 1.75 6.5 28.45 26.32 25 26.93 97 27.08 26.87 -.08 -1.0 FstRep pfF N FRCpF 1.43 5.6 28.00 22.67 2 25.40 12 25.61 25.05 +.09 +7.2 FtRpBk pfG N FRCpG 27.93 21.85 41 24.75 159 24.85 24.59 +.05 +8.8 FstSavFin Q FSFG .56f 1.1 16 50.73 32.80 0 48.72 3 49.79 48.23 -.43 +3.7tFstSolar Q FSLR 70.29 27.12 3646 27.10 14475 28.65 27.08 -1.21 -15.6 1stSource Q SRCE .72 1.5 21 49.11 30.32 134 46.95 426 47.30 44.54 +.95 +5.1 FstSouthB Q FSBK .14f 1.2 17 12.63 8.25 31 12.13 136 12.25 11.61 +.43 +1.5 FTNDXTc Q QTEC .61e 1.0 60.61 39.81 171 60.15 1855 60.44 59.15 +.33 +14.2 FtTr AbsRet Q FAAR 32.00 28.25 0 28.99 6 29.05 28.85 -.04 +.9tFtTr 22 n N FIV 10.29 9.88 29 9.93 294 9.97 9.88 -.02 -1.9 FtTrGlob N FAM .90 7.7 11.94 10.29 57 11.62 259 11.65 11.53 +.05 +4.9 FT MCGr N FNY .15e .4 33.86 28.27 10 33.48 114 33.55 32.51 +.55 +6.7 FT AsiaPc Q FPA .99e 3.2 31.40 26.04 3 31.15 13 31.31 30.70 +.07 +14.6 FT Europe Q FEP .79e 2.5 32.18 25.09 54 31.95 610 32.04 31.71 +.08 +9.5 FT LatAm Q FLN .43e 2.1 22.76 14.41 23 20.89 113 21.07 20.52 -.02 +12.3 FT Brazil Q FBZ .41e 2.6 17.26 10.42 22 15.65 70 15.78 15.28 +.05 +14.5 FT China Q FCA .69e 3.1 23.06 17.41 0 22.28 4 22.63 21.87 -.77 +17.1 FT Japan Q FJP .41e .8 51.71 42.97 8 50.94 31 51.69 50.79 -.24 +7.0 FT SKorea Q FKO .24e 1.0 26.59 21.68 1 25.03 3 25.48 24.94 -.05 +14.6 FT DevMkt Q FDT .78e 1.5 52.49 42.63 18 52.16 111 52.32 51.76 +.20 +10.5 FT EmMkt Q FEM .68e 3.0 23.66 17.60 73 22.89 443 23.21 22.86 -.45 +12.7sFT Germny Q FGM .41e 1.0 39.62 32.56 8 39.52 51 39.62 39.10 +.23 +8.7 FT MCVal N FNK .40e 1.2 34.48 26.37 20 33.44 172 33.62 32.24 +.61 +1.6 FT Canada Q FCAN .62e 2.6 24.98 21.49 2 23.55 27 23.67 23.13 +.38 +1.2 FT UK Q FKU .94e 2.7 40.35 29.70 4 34.85 19 34.88 34.42 +.22 +6.5 FT Switzld Q FSZ .39e .9 45.14 36.18 10 44.86 39 45.09 44.60 +.02 +9.9 FT HKong Q FHK 1.01e 2.8 36.81 29.64 1 36.31 12 36.49 35.94 +.08 +12.6 FT Taiwan Q FTW 1.25e 3.6 35.23 26.72 34.86 10 35.13 34.86 -.37 +13.7 FT SCGr N FYC .07e .2 36.95 29.31 5 36.44 150 36.62 35.04 +.87 +5.3 FT EmMSC Q FEMS 1.06e 2.9 36.89 27.02 194 36.38 364 36.51 36.00 -.29 +20.7 FT SCVal N FYT .26e .8 36.08 26.81 13 34.12 150 34.21 32.93 +.87 -2.0 FT MegaCp N FMK .44e 1.5 30.16 25.17 1 29.24 5 29.26 28.69 +.17 +4.5 FTEurSelDv N FDD 1.09e 8.8 12.75 10.73 178 12.35 1245 12.40 12.24 +.05 +4.0 FTDJMic N FDM .49e 1.2 44.93 31.86 33 42.59 83 42.66 40.70 +1.34 -3.4sFT DynEq N FDEU 1.45 8.4 17.38 14.31 97 17.26 348 17.38 17.02 +.17 +12.1 FtTrInOp n Q FCEF 22.98 18.95 2 20.82 37 20.84 20.57 +.22 +3.9 FtTrMun n Q MCEF 20.35 17.93 11 18.53 47 18.53 18.39 +.16 +.5 FtTrOpp n Q FIXD 50.68 49.71 23 50.13 33 50.28 49.92 +.01 +.3 FTNsdGrid Q GRID .41e 1.0 43.79 31.80 2 41.90 40 42.64 40.47 +.99 +3.4 FTMltAInc Q MDIV 1.37e 7.0 19.85 17.90 105 19.54 604 19.55 19.16 +.25 +2.3 FT PfdSec N FPE 1.02e 5.2 20.31 18.53 591 19.52 2762 19.55 19.46 +.01 +2.8 FTNsqTDv Q TDIV .71e 2.2 32.11 24.82 67 31.70 376 31.80 31.24 +.21 +7.2 FTLwDOpp Q LMBS 1.53 2.9 53.84 50.78 177 52.05 787 52.15 52.00 -.03 -.2 FTIntlMltA Q YDIV .80e 4.6 17.95 15.49 1 17.53 15 17.54 17.16 +.25 +9.9 FT HiInco Q FTHI .96 4.5 21.95 18.84 3 21.23 22 21.35 20.91 +.11 -.1 FT StratInc Q FDIV 1.92 3.8 53.07 47.00 6 50.81 62 51.10 50.18 +.14 +1.6 FT LwBeta Q FTLB .66 3.1 22.36 18.56 2 21.08 4 21.13 20.85 +.21 -.2 FTEnhSht Q FTSM .29e .5 60.04 59.79 220 59.97 1333 60.02 59.94 +.1 FT RisDiv Q RDVY .38e 1.4 27.10 19.16 56 26.53 272 26.63 25.72 +.40 +7.5 FT SSICv Q FCVT 29.65 23.67 1 26.99 139 27.10 26.66 +.31 +3.8 FT DWF5 Q FV .18e .7 24.57 21.14 369 24.04 2439 24.18 23.49 +.20 +3.9 FT HeitGl N PRME 21.72 18.26 19.21 3 19.27 19.10 -.09 -.7 FT AmIndR Q AIRR .06e .3 25.28 17.08 60 23.92 359 23.99 22.57 +.82 +1.1 FT QualInc Q QINC 1.07e 4.6 24.21 21.10 1 23.33 19 23.34 23.11 +.14 +1.8sFTNsSem ef Q FTXL 25.10 19.65 2 25.19 105 25.19 24.35 +.30 +9.4sFTNasPh ef Q FTXH 20.54 18.03 4 19.85 10 20.54 19.84 +.05 +8.2 FTNaFood ef Q FTXG 20.87 19.06 1 20.70 4 20.76 20.58 +.05 +3.6 FTNsBk ef Q FTXO 28.49 19.95 782 25.97 3851 26.47 24.74 +.37 -.1 FTDorW n Q FVC 22.88 19.70 71 22.43 332 22.51 21.93 +.22 +3.9 FT DWInt Q IFV .19e 1.0 19.59 15.54 205 19.12 884 19.27 18.92 -.01 +12.3 FT LgShEq N FTLS .16e .5 35.61 30.62 25 34.86 784 35.02 34.52 +.10 +1.0 FTEMCur Q FEMB 1.94e 4.6 46.72 38.90 61 42.27 108 43.70 42.05 -.68 +5.3sFT RivAsia Q RFAP .32e 55.77 48.26 2 55.15 14 55.77 54.85 +.01 +7.3sFT RivDev Q RFDI .70e 57.89 46.04 21 56.49 171 57.89 56.14 +.19 +7.5 FT RvfrDyE Q RFEM 61.38 49.05 1 60.05 10 60.65 59.93 -.83 +13.8sFT RivEur Q RFEU .82e 57.01 45.68 18 56.74 110 57.01 56.19 +.22 +8.3 FTEgyInco N FEN 2.32 8.6 28.48 22.09 43 26.98 191 26.98 25.99 +.84 +1.7 FTEnInfra N FIF 1.32a 6.8 20.21 14.60 58 19.30 274 19.30 18.26 +.81 +7.6 FtTrEnEq N FFA .96 6.6 14.57 12.46 92 14.44 271 14.45 13.96 +.42 +6.9 FTCapStrn Q FTCS .55e 1.3 44.31 37.98 21 43.69 161 43.79 43.11 +.18 +7.1 FTArcaBio N FBT .18e .2 108.01 83.10 65 105.30 238 106.54 102.00 +1.57 +15.9 FTDJInet N FDN 88.82 66.66 168 88.04 1368 88.30 85.80 +1.06 +10.3sFTN100ExT Q QQXT .16e .4 44.84 36.58 3 44.68 121 44.85 43.82 +.45 +10.6 FsTrGrEn Q QCLN .11e .7 17.06 13.17 8 16.76 43 16.83 16.22 +.38 +8.7 FTrTUSAlp Q TUSA .23e .8 29.63 23.54 2 29.09 3 29.10 28.54 +.62 +4.6 FT RNG N FCG .22e .9 28.65 3.94 237 24.47 1255 24.66 22.81 +1.33 -6.5 FT ConDis N FXD .30e .8 37.74 31.82 117 36.82 582 36.91 35.68 +.77 +3.7 FT ConStap N FXG .75e 1.6 49.33 43.48 89 46.14 577 46.42 45.86 -.05 +.9 FT Engy N FXN .33e 2.2 17.95 13.46 2293 15.07 12590 15.14 14.17 +.69 -8.7 FT Fincl N FXO .65e 2.3 29.01 21.59 401 27.70 2250 27.82 26.85 +.40 +2.5 FT HlthCr N FXH 63.42 54.51 126 62.42 760 62.69 61.49 +.57 +8.9 FT IndPrd N FXR .16e .5 35.54 25.86 211 34.32 1345 34.44 33.13 +.61 +4.4 FT Matls N FXZ .37e 1.0 38.79 30.48 149 37.87 796 38.06 36.47 +.69 +5.7 FT Tech N FXL .13e .3 42.28 30.72 171 42.03 996 42.15 41.14 +.33 +10.9 FT Utils N FXU .67e 2.4 28.00 24.60 150 27.39 1236 27.49 27.15 -.02 +2.5 FTCloudC Q SKYY .09e .2 38.95 28.46 77 38.69 429 38.78 37.84 +.46 +12.2 FTDJGlDiv N FGD 1.42e 5.8 24.67 20.68 78 24.53 326 24.58 24.15 +.34 +5.3 FTNdqAuto Q CARZ .61e 1.7 37.13 28.79 1 36.30 10 36.83 36.16 -.11 +5.5 FT GblAg rs Q FTAG 25.00 19.26 24.78 3 24.99 24.27 +.26 +8.4 FT GblNRs Q FTRI .40e 3.6 11.88 9.55 6 11.25 8 11.34 11.09 +.13 -2.3sFT Cybersc Q CIBR 21.89 15.86 70 21.71 301 21.89 21.35 +.27 +11.2 FTIntlIPO Q FPXI .37e 1.3 29.07 23.36 1 28.80 4 28.87 28.68 +.10 +12.5 FT GlbRE N FFR .75e 1.7 48.19 41.29 13 43.48 34 43.57 42.87 +.11 +2.8 FT NAEngy N EMLP .93e 3.7 25.86 21.03 220 25.30 1455 25.33 24.88 +.22 +.2 FTSenLoan Q FTSL 1.92 4.0 48.73 47.37 359 48.39 1033 48.43 48.27 +.07 -.3 FTTactHY Q HYLS 2.88 5.9 49.29 46.95 254 48.86 562 48.87 48.28 +.48 +1.3 FT GlbCmd Q FTGC 26.54 19.56 20 20.25 244 20.31 20.00 +.10 -.8 FT HiLgSh N FSD 1.20 7.2 17.10 14.35 155 16.66 674 16.71 16.43 +.19 +3.6 FT USIPO N FPX .32e .6 57.94 47.45 33 57.38 221 57.59 56.28 +.60 +6.0 FTChnd N FNI .19e .6 32.01 25.60 12 31.68 52 31.77 31.25 +.15 +15.9sFT EngCn N FLM .58e 1.1 52.39 42.35 1 52.29 7 52.39 51.71 +.36 +6.3 FT WindEn N FAN .46e 3.7 13.76 11.16 40 12.60 134 12.62 12.45 +.15 +7.7 FT Wtr N FIW .21e .5 42.43 32.06 18 41.67 733 41.79 40.29 +.90 +5.3 FT IntPfd N FPF 1.95 8.4 23.85 20.67 146 23.24 673 23.37 23.03 +.01 +2.4 FT LCCore N FEX .58e 1.1 52.64 42.50 102 51.62 560 51.78 50.49 +.56 +5.8 FT LCGr N FTC .24e .5 53.14 47.21 39 52.64 172 52.75 51.79 +.31 +7.3 FT LCVal N FTA .82e 1.7 50.51 37.42 93 49.30 424 49.42 48.02 +.74 +5.2 FT MLP&E N FEI 1.42 8.7 17.60 12.69 106 16.35 483 16.37 15.84 +.33 +2.1 FT MgdMu Q FMB 1.38 2.7 54.39 50.56 26 51.79 290 51.85 51.56 +.12 +1.2 FT MCCore N FNX .51e .9 59.80 47.51 48 58.45 365 58.65 56.57 +.98 +3.7 FTMstrDv N FDL .79e 2.7 29.47 25.24 456 28.81 1514 28.92 28.59 +.03 +3.8 FTFutStrt N FMF 57.17 44.12 0 45.91 5 45.94 45.24 +.35 -2.8 FstTrMtg N FMY 1.02 7.2 14.70 13.67 3 14.09 42 14.29 14.06 -.09 +.5 FT MultCG N FAD .20e .4 56.60 48.45 3 56.21 21 56.28 54.62 +.85 +7.4 FT MultCV N FAB .45e .9 53.14 40.06 13 51.90 28 51.94 50.53 +1.07 +2.8sFTNDXEq Q QQEW .33e .6 51.78 39.42 61 51.60 245 51.78 50.67 +.46 +11.7 FT NsdABA Q QABA .54e 1.1 54.54 35.13 109 50.62 1162 51.48 47.52 +1.53 -4.1sFTSmartph Q FONE .27e .6 46.51 34.36 2 46.59 21 46.61 45.93 +.44 +12.4 FT MLPEn N FPL 1.26 9.3 14.50 10.91 48 13.53 393 13.77 13.03 +.37 +6.1 FT REIT N FRI .39e 1.7 25.87 21.47 30 23.05 230 23.11 22.51 +.17 FT SCCore N FYX .38e .7 55.88 43.29 113 54.42 444 54.60 52.10 +1.33 +1.1 FTSpecFin N FGB .70 9.4 8.43 5.85 67 7.44 228 7.62 7.27 +.08 +5.4 FTStrHi2 N FHY 1.32 10.1 13.23 11.14 26 13.03 118 13.18 12.68 +.11 +6.9 FTrVL100 N FVL .05e .2 22.59 18.88 1 21.67 16 21.70 20.84 +.64 +.2 FTrVLDv N FVD .57e 2.0 29.51 25.32 500 29.01 2816 29.12 28.78 +.06 +3.5 FT EmOp N FEO 1.40 9.2 16.44 13.23 30 15.26 105 15.45 15.15 +.02 +9.9 FstUSBcsh Q FUSB .08 .6 38 15.14 7.90 6 12.40 107 12.96 11.76 +.47 +11.6 FstUtdCp Q FUNC 12 16.95 9.58 7 14.50 31 14.70 13.65 +.75 -9.1 First LI s Q FLIC .56 2.1 11 29.67 18.06 134 27.05 446 27.50 26.00 +.70 -5.3 FTrSenFlt N FCT .90 6.5 14.01 12.47 69 13.83 350 13.89 13.76 +.01 +.5 FirstEngy N FE 1.44 4.5 12 36.60 29.33 5369 31.82 17809 31.93 31.07 +.48 +2.7 FsthdTech Q SVVC 8.60 6.41 8 7.96 58 8.09 7.95 -.09 +3.8sFstSvc n Q FSV .49f .8 60.06 39.05 65 60.30 244 60.90 58.12 +1.36 +27.0 Fiserv Q FISV 27 118.30 92.81 762 115.31 3685 116.47 114.82 -.63 +8.5tFitbit n N FIT 18.85 5.31 4863 5.92 29545 5.98 5.31 +.52 -19.1 FiveBelow Q FIVE 33 52.70 35.03 1072 43.31 6224 44.81 41.75 +.69 +8.4 N WBAI 19.98 10.92 231 13.41 1171 13.45 12.62 +.64 -12.5 FiveOaks N OAKS .60m 11.7 5.54 3.79 82 5.13 298 5.15 5.00 +.10 +3.2sFiveOk pfA N OAKSpA 2.19 8.9 24.84 17.91 1 24.65 32 24.85 23.78 +.76 +7.2 FivePrime Q FPRX 60.98 34.71 519 36.15 2471 37.24 35.11 +.17 -27.9 FiveStar Q FVE 3.04 1.65 25 2.15 415 2.20 1.85 +.05 -20.4sFive9 Q FIVN 18.93 8.23 858 16.46 4827 18.93 15.91 -2.06 +16.0 FlagstarB N FBC 12 29.64 20.61 198 28.19 1060 28.61 26.54 +.85 +4.6 F&C DynPf N DFP 1.92 7.8 25.37 21.83 77 24.53 227 24.92 24.27 +.18 +3.2 FlrtyPfdInc N PFD 1.08 7.2 16.34 12.64 18 15.09 112 15.15 14.52 +.50 +4.1 FlrtyPfdOp N PFO .88 7.4 12.81 10.30 13 11.88 89 11.91 11.62 +.15 +6.9 FlrtyPfdSc N FFC 1.63 7.9 22.25 18.18 66 20.55 403 20.58 20.00 +.35 +9.1 FlrtyTotR N FLC 1.63 7.7 22.89 18.41 35 21.17 119 21.17 20.56 +.44 +6.5 Flanign N BDL .20f .8 13 26.65 17.72 3 24.25 17 26.40 23.40 -.75 -.4 Fleetcor N FLT 22 176.42 133.64 2157 151.43 11547 158.00 146.76 -5.47 +7.0 Flex Ltd Q FLEX 16 16.99 11.39 2078 16.80 9754 16.88 16.28 +.17 +16.9 FlexPhm n Q FLKS 13.97 3.90 17 4.40 137 4.79 4.02 +.37 -16.7 FlexUSTilt N TILT 1.17e 1.2 102.51 81.23 7 100.26 66 100.41 97.63 +1.73 +4.3 FlxEmgTilt N TLTE .84e 1.6 52.56 41.14 46 51.63 221 52.20 51.52 -.55 +12.3 FlxUpstNR N GUNR 1.00e 3.4 30.66 23.32 808 29.45 3696 29.67 29.04 +.11 +2.8 Flx3yrTips N TDTT .02e .1 25.18 23.43 128 24.95 558 24.97 24.84 +.08 +1.0 Flx5yrTips N TDTF .06e .2 26.19 24.62 67 25.31 358 25.32 25.19 +.08 +1.2 FlxGlbImp Q ESGG 84.17 74.89 0 83.25 4 83.54 83.25 +.43 +6.4 FlexEMTilt N TLEH 27.98 23.10 1 27.25 50 27.45 27.14 -.26 +7.9 FlxDMTilt N TLDH 28.41 21.13 0 26.60 361 26.64 26.19 +.34 +4.8 FlxRAstAlo Q ASET 27.30 24.58 2 26.52 7 26.55 26.33 +.10 +4.0 FlxUSQLgC Q QLC 29.90 24.54 8 29.31 12 29.37 28.72 +.44 +5.5 FlxUSLgCp Q LKOR .41e 57.80 44.54 5 50.23 9 50.63 50.02 +.4 FlxUSCpBd Q SKOR 1.24 2.5 52.23 49.57 1 50.38 12 50.51 50.24 +.8 FlxDisDur Q MBSD .62e 2.6 25.51 23.86 4 24.01 8 24.10 23.99 -.04 -.5 FlxGlbQRE N GQRE 1.33e 2.3 63.88 54.54 2 57.70 39 57.79 56.79 +.30 +2.4 FlxGblInfr N NFRA .95e 2.1 46.08 41.46 25 45.68 180 45.78 45.45 +.16 +5.6sFlxDevTilt N TLTD 1.41e 2.3 60.69 49.52 10 60.33 87 61.99 59.97 +.19 +6.9sFlxIntDvDf N IQDE .91e 3.9 23.61 20.59 6 23.49 38 23.61 23.41 +.23 +7.8sFlxIntDvDy N IQDY .76e 2.9 26.02 21.08 5 25.83 35 26.02 25.79 +.04 +8.0sFlxIntlDiv N IQDF .94e 3.9 24.49 20.35 45 24.31 370 24.49 24.23 +.01 +7.9 FlxQDvDef N QDEF .93e 2.3 40.86 35.11 39 40.10 130 40.21 39.33 +.38 +3.4 FlxQDvDyn N QDYN 1.00e 2.5 40.86 32.86 0 39.91 11 39.92 39.24 +.56 +4.6 FlxQualDv N QDF 1.01e 2.5 41.75 34.84 43 40.82 569 40.96 40.04 +.44 +3.4 FlxRdyAcc N RAVI .82e .9 76.30 74.89 4 75.52 97 75.56 75.46 +.01 FlexSolu N FSI 10 2.41 .84 28 1.47 70 1.50 1.41 -.03 +10.5sFlexionTh Q FLXN 29.41 8.15 565 26.91 3501 29.41 25.57 -.36 +41.5 Flexstl Q FLXS .80 1.6 17 62.99 36.06 31 50.40 105 50.63 46.66 +3.00 -18.3 Flotek N FTK 16.93 6.55 1071 12.79 3355 12.86 11.10 +1.29 +36.2 FlowrsFds N FLO .64 3.3 21 21.00 14.35 1454 19.41 5342 19.67 19.18 -2.8 Flowserve N FLS .40m .8 19 52.50 39.13 1368 48.42 6953 48.60 44.88 +2.77 +.8 Fluidigm Q FLDM 11.05 4.31 89 5.69 578 5.80 5.36 +.09 -21.8 Fluor N FLR .84 1.6 15 58.37 44.05 1288 52.62 6374 53.32 49.85 +1.18 +.2 FlushFn Q FFIC .72f 2.7 12 31.96 18.95 73 26.87 231 27.30 25.26 +.85 -8.6 FlyLeasing N FLY 1.00 7.6 25 14.45 9.54 103 13.12 471 13.23 12.85 +.12 -1.4tFoamix Q FOMX 11.27 4.40 621 4.95 6252 5.44 4.40 -4.15 -55.4 FogoChao n Q FOGO 19 17.89 10.50 45 16.25 130 16.35 15.38 +.70 +13.2 FEMSA N FMX .74e .8 100.57 73.45 497 88.52 1916 92.69 88.47 -2.52 +16.2 Fonar Q FONR 8 23.90 13.65 31 17.55 221 18.55 17.30 -.30 -8.4 FootLockr N FL 1.24f 1.7 15 79.43 50.90 1089 74.81 7670 75.65 71.41 +2.22 +5.5 FordM N F .60a 5.2 6 14.22 11.07 25732 11.64 204403 11.80 11.41 +.02 -4.0 ForestCA N FCE/A .36f 1.7 17 24.22 17.79 1186 21.78 3495 21.95 21.46 -.05 +4.5 Forestar N FOR 9 14.05 10.60 995 13.65 2691 13.90 12.75 +.80 +2.6 FormsHl rs Q FH 4.05 1.48 113 2.17 735 2.30 1.91 +.07 +1.9 FormFac Q FORM 32 13.15 6.48 335 11.85 1250 11.90 11.10 +.30 +5.8 ForrestR Q FORR .76f 1.9 31 44.40 31.92 45 39.75 150 39.90 38.15 +.75 -7.5 ForsightEn N FELP .68m 10.9 8.33 1.07 244 6.26 419 6.84 6.01 -.06 -3.2 Forterra n Q FRTA 22.76 16.24 224 19.50 1637 19.82 16.73 +1.62 -10.0sFortinet Q FTNT 38.56 28.01 1249 38.35 7711 38.56 35.83 +2.05 +27.3sFortis n N FTS 1.19 3.6 33.37 29.14 136 33.16 948 33.37 32.70 +.42 +7.4sFortive n N FTV .28 .5 60.41 46.29 1181 60.22 5474 60.41 58.15 +.91 +12.3 FortressBio Q FBIO 4.66 1.88 215 3.70 736 4.02 3.52 +.10 +37.0 Fortress N FIG .32a 4.0 23 8.05 4.23 3475 7.95 13290 7.97 7.92 -.02 +63.6 FortTrInf n N FTAI 1.32 8.9 15.91 8.92 122 14.91 553 15.19 14.71 -.07 +12.1 FortunaSlv N FSM 43 9.75 3.80 2064 5.20 7079 5.24 4.80 +.18 -8.0 FBHmSec N FBHS .72f 1.2 22 64.47 52.05 1114 60.85 5663 61.11 59.56 +.47 +13.8 ForumEn N FET 26.25 12.26 1297 20.70 5087 20.75 18.05 +1.95 -5.9 ForwrdA Q FWRD .60 1.3 46 51.51 40.07 129 47.57 482 47.75 45.86 +1.03 +.4 Forward h Q FORD 20 2.11 1.02 127 1.19 216 1.21 1.02 +.07 -5.0 ForwdPh Q FWP 33.00 14.89 188 21.51 329 28.43 17.00 -6.24 +43.4 Fossil Grp Q FOSL 11 44.64 15.79 813 17.45 5050 17.49 16.03 +1.07 -32.5 Foster Q FSTR .16 1.3 20.77 9.25 74 12.50 485 13.55 11.80 -.05 -8.1 FoundBld n N FBM 17.91 15.05 1301 15.97 3350 16.72 15.25 -.80 -.2 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 8 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


FndtnMed Q FMI 35.30 15.10 169 32.25 936 34.50 31.95 -.65 +82.2sFourCorP s N FCPT .97 4.3 22.88 16.71 517 22.83 2871 22.89 21.89 +.59 +11.3 FoxFactory Q FOXF 28 30.15 15.18 365 28.70 1185 28.95 27.85 +.20 +3.4 Francesca Q FRAN 14 22.39 9.75 1077 15.35 4509 16.50 15.33 -.60 -14.9 FrancoN g N FNV .88f 1.3 90 81.16 53.31 709 65.51 4301 66.82 64.62 +.93 +9.6 FrankCov N FC 22.45 13.45 460 20.20 844 20.35 15.20 +4.15 +.2 FrankElec Q FELE .40 .9 26 44.55 30.19 207 43.05 598 43.30 40.15 +1.85 +10.7 FrankFn n N FSB .21p 18 42.80 24.80 52 38.75 239 38.95 36.01 +1.90 -7.4 FrankLibInt N FLQH 26.20 23.28 24.92 24 24.92 24.56 +.30 +6.1 FrankLibEm N FLQE 29.83 25.81 1 29.44 47 29.72 29.39 -.36 +10.6 FrankLibGl N FLQD 27.79 24.77 1 27.46 8 27.66 27.46 -.01 +7.0 FrankLbGlE N FLQG 27.50 25.00 1 27.32 80 27.47 27.26 -.07 +7.7 FrnkLInvGr N FLCO 24.40 23.88 2 24.24 4 24.34 24.19 -.07 +.2 FrankRes N BEN .80 1.9 15 44.35 30.56 1575 42.14 9074 42.44 40.38 +1.08 +6.5 FrkStPrp N FSP .76 6.3 15 13.27 10.32 481 12.14 1507 12.17 11.55 +.30 -6.3 FrkLtdDur N FTF .74 6.2 12.45 11.12 148 11.97 965 12.01 11.86 +.14 -.6 FrkUnv N FT .47 6.8 7.10 6.08 56 6.99 181 7.05 6.94 +.08 +4.6 FranksIntl N FI .30 2.8 17.73 9.20 942 10.57 4574 10.60 9.78 +.57 -14.1 FredsInc Q FRED .24 1.8 21.77 7.89 1041 13.10 3850 13.96 12.97 -.73 -29.4 FrptMcM N FCX 17.06 8.76 21774 13.36 130843 13.59 11.91 +.55 +1.3 FrghtCar lf Q RAIL .36 2.9 6 18.03 10.87 139 12.53 551 13.01 12.07 +.16 -16.1 FreqElec Q FEIM 11.99 8.60 69 11.00 116 11.00 10.50 +.25 +1.9 FresenMd N FMS .44e 1.0 47.52 38.05 204 42.13 594 42.35 41.79 +.23 -.2 FDelMnt N FDP .60 1.0 12 66.86 41.70 190 59.23 929 59.51 57.75 +.92 -2.3 Freshpet Q FRPT 12.00 6.94 97 11.00 740 11.63 10.76 +8.4 FriedmInd N FRD .04 .6 7.29 5.00 58 6.45 509 6.74 6.32 -.05 -3.2 FrontierCm Q FTR .42 19.6 5.75 1.92 69230 2.14 299347 2.19 1.95 +.05 -36.7 FrontC pf Q FTRPR 11.13 22.6 107.00 43.84 119 49.26 2673 50.31 45.04 +2.03 -30.7 Frontlne rs N FRO .10 6 10.41 6.61 963 6.74 4743 6.97 6.63 -.08 -5.2 FuelTech Q FTEK 1.89 1.01 25 1.02 96 1.08 1.01 -.06 -11.3 FuelCell rs Q FCEL 8.88 1.25 464 1.38 3371 1.45 1.35 +.03 -21.4 FulgentG n Q FLGT 13.90 7.59 12 10.92 89 11.10 10.72 -.08 -5.6 FulingGbl n Q FORK 3.70 1.68 3.13 4 3.25 3.00 +.03 +25.0sFullHseR Q FLL 2.57 1.38 129 2.43 215 2.60 2.31 +.06 +1.3sFullerHB N FUL .56 1.1 20 54.32 41.52 621 51.56 2092 54.32 50.05 +.36 +6.7 FultonFncl Q FULT .44f 2.5 19 19.75 12.66 923 17.85 4909 18.05 16.90 +.51 -5.1 Functnx rs Q FNCX 1 11.58 .50 281 .56 3317 .65 .50 +.03 -76.8 FusionTel Q FSNN 2.46 .96 26 1.58 293 1.82 1.54 -.16 +5.3 FutureFuel N FF .24a 1.7 11 16.58 9.77 103 14.18 500 14.39 13.28 +.67 +2.0 FuweiF rs Q FFHL 5.20 1.48 3 3.35 87 3.48 3.00 +.32 +83.1G -:GWilliFood Q WILC 17 6.90 3.35 15 6.06 101 6.50 5.43 -.04 +5.0 GAMCO s N GBL .08 .3 9 41.67 27.85 24 29.59 89 29.74 28.75 +.52 -4.2 GATX N GATX 1.68f 2.8 10 64.46 40.66 336 60.96 1278 61.52 55.82 +3.00 -1.0 GATX 66 N GMTA 27.19 21.55 27 25.00 123 25.18 24.90 -.04 +7.5 GCP ApT n N GCP 34.05 20.45 408 32.65 2401 33.63 32.55 -.30 +22.1 GDL Fund N GDL .64 6.5 10.15 9.55 14 9.84 142 9.91 9.68 +.07 GDLFd pfB N GDLpB 1.50 3.0 50.80 50.20 0 50.40 6 50.53 50.40 -.04 +.1 GDS Hld n Q GDS 10.76 7.54 64 8.27 249 8.87 8.19 -.14 -3.8tGGP Inc N GGP .88 3.8 13 32.10 22.34 4376 23.18 37950 23.41 22.34 +.07 -7.2 GGP Inc pfA N GGPpA 1.59 6.1 27.55 23.88 14 25.90 262 25.93 25.20 +.30 +4.4 GMAC CpT N ALLYpA 2.03 8.0 25.99 23.93 140 25.43 1551 25.49 25.26 +.11 +.1sGMS Inc n N GMS 23 35.73 19.28 147 35.04 1144 35.73 33.60 +.49 +19.7tGNC N GNC .80 10.9 3 35.90 6.82 1756 7.36 9982 7.50 6.82 +.36 -33.3 GP Strat N GPX 21 30.00 19.59 56 25.30 151 25.70 23.25 +1.65 -11.5 GSE Sy N GVP 19 3.85 2.03 10 3.40 34 3.59 3.30 -.20 -2.9 GSI Tech Q GSIT 9.68 3.50 184 8.70 690 8.81 8.35 +.12 +40.3 GSV Cap Q GSVC 2.76e 6.06 4.41 50 4.48 443 4.60 4.41 +.02 -10.9 GTT Comm N GTT 29.75 14.96 260 24.35 1151 24.48 22.95 +.70 -15.3 GTY Tc un Q GTYHU 11.36 10.02 58 10.32 78 10.35 10.25 +.01 -1.7 GTY Tch wt Q GTYHW 1.36 .82 1.15 35 1.16 1.11 +15.0tG-III s Q GIII 15 51.81 19.11 1021 21.89 15694 22.18 19.11 -1.03 -25.9 GTx Inc rs Q GTXI 11.19 4.51 4 4.90 115 5.39 4.80 -.09 -7.2 GW Pharm Q GWPH 137.88 69.12 142 120.94 905 123.34 119.62 -.23 +8.2 GWG Hldgs Q GWGH 11.56 5.96 13 11.10 42 11.25 10.25 +.73 +39.8 GabCvInc N GCV .48 9.8 5.25 4.37 33 4.91 262 5.03 4.84 +.05 +4.5 GabCv pfB N GCVpB 1.50 5.7 28.17 25.40 26.10 7 26.17 25.78 +.28 +2.0 GabDvInc N GDV 1.32 6.3 21.25 17.84 149 20.86 982 21.01 20.50 +.15 +4.1 GabDiv pfA N GDVpA 1.47 5.6 26.98 25.02 13 26.02 25 26.22 25.56 +.30 +1.4 GabDiv pfD N GDVpD 1.50 5.7 27.48 25.37 8 26.15 16 26.53 25.99 +.15 +1.4 GabelliET N GAB .64e 10.7 6.15 5.13 344 5.97 3569 6.00 5.81 +.09 +8.2 GabllE pfD N GABpD 1.47 5.7 27.09 25.05 1 25.80 9 26.00 25.64 +.08 +1.0 GabllE pfG N GABpG 1.25 5.2 25.79 22.17 24.16 20 24.51 23.96 -.04 +5.4 Gabeli pfJ N GABpJ 27.00 23.31 13 24.80 43 24.99 24.72 -.17 +3.5 GabEq pfH N GABpH 1.25 5.1 25.82 22.19 1 24.35 22 24.82 24.27 -.55 +6.6sGabGSmM N GGZ 11.48 9.84 13 11.39 74 11.48 11.24 +.02 +7.5 GabGSm pfA N GGZpA 1.36 5.5 26.23 23.41 1 24.88 4 24.92 24.81 +.02 +3.9 GabGUtil N GLU 1.20 6.5 18.71 15.21 14 18.58 141 18.60 17.90 +.52 +10.6 GabHlthW N GRX .52 5.2 11.32 9.23 42 9.99 285 10.10 9.90 +.01 +5.9 GabHlt pfA N GRXpA 1.44 5.6 26.92 25.00 2 25.55 7 25.62 25.42 +.14 +1.3 GabHlt pfB N GRXpB 1.47 5.6 27.42 25.04 2 26.33 3 26.47 26.02 +.34 +3.8 GabMultT N GGT .94e 11.6 8.11 6.71 33 8.07 552 8.08 7.89 +.15 +11.5 GabMT pfB N GGTpB 1.50 5.7 27.04 25.43 4 26.22 10 26.22 25.86 +.40 +3.0 GabUtil N GUT .60 8.9 7.04 5.99 64 6.74 314 6.74 6.65 +.04 +7.0 Gafisa SA N GFA/O .03e 2.2 1.99 1.01 1.39 191 1.42 1.35 -.01 +25.2 Gafisa rs N GFA 27.86 14.14 18 19.93 175 20.59 17.44 +1.05 sGaiam A Q GAIA 10.37 5.84 33 9.95 756 10.37 9.30 +.55 +15.0 Gain Cap N GCAP .24f 2.9 35 8.59 4.54 272 8.33 999 8.49 8.00 +.20 +26.6sGalapag n Q GLPG 87.74 40.86 137 86.19 516 87.74 82.26 +3.82 +34.3 GalectinTh Q GALT 3.05 .49 929 2.30 3600 2.45 1.95 +.10 +134.7 GalenaBi rs Q GALE 49.80 .53 1341 .61 6575 .70 .55 +.02 -68.6 Gallaghr N AJG 1.56f 2.8 22 57.82 43.17 897 56.54 3416 57.10 55.54 +.10 +8.8 GalmedPh Q GLMD 3 7.72 2.78 30 4.89 105 4.99 4.30 +.42 +39.3 GamGldNR N GGN .84 15.0 7.14 5.07 439 5.60 2167 5.60 5.53 +.06 +5.6 GamGld pfB N GGNpB 1.25 5.3 25.59 21.74 1 23.59 22 23.65 23.25 +.32 +2.1 GamNRG&I N GNT .84 12.1 8.48 6.40 109 6.94 339 7.04 6.80 +.09 +4.0 GameStop N GME 1.52f 6.7 6 33.72 20.10 2877 22.55 19550 22.74 20.24 +1.85 -10.7 Gam&Lsr n Q GLPI 2.48f 7.4 22 35.98 28.73 968 33.42 4463 33.44 32.05 +1.10 +9.1 GamngPtrs Q GPIC .12e 14 12.34 8.47 3 10.00 26 10.35 9.41 -.30 -15.4 Gannett n N GCI .64 7.6 6 17.72 7.30 1257 8.38 4914 8.47 8.08 +.20 -13.7 Gap N GPS .92 3.8 14 30.74 17.00 5512 24.29 29276 24.91 23.02 +1.02 +8.2 Garmin Q GRMN 2.04 4.0 17 56.19 38.58 698 51.11 4152 51.41 50.20 +.01 +5.4 GarrisnCap Q GARS 1.12m 11.5 9 10.98 8.75 65 9.78 195 9.78 9.50 +.25 +4.6 Gartner N IT 41 112.42 84.54 1086 107.99 3869 110.04 107.00 -1.07 +6.8 GasNatural N EGAS .30 2.4 53 12.85 6.83 21 12.70 125 12.70 12.60 +.05 +1.2 GasLogLP N GLOP 1.96f 8.0 11 24.85 15.54 75 24.50 610 24.80 23.50 +.45 +19.2 GasLog N GLOG .56 3.6 17.85 9.01 304 15.35 1682 15.50 14.20 +.55 -4.7 GasLog pfA N GLOGpA 2.19 8.4 26.99 22.01 4 25.98 50 26.20 25.50 +.94 +3.4 GastarExp N GST 2.21 .80 1319 1.54 9593 1.59 1.23 +.23 -.6 Gastar pfA N GSTpA 2.16 10.1 22.70 3.95 18 21.30 76 21.59 20.89 -.28 +17.4 Gastar pfB N GSTpB 2.69 11.4 25.05 3.28 24 23.50 89 23.95 22.43 +.31 +35.2 GazitGlobe N GZT .37e 3.6 10.97 8.30 2 10.47 66 10.50 10.01 +.25 +21.2 GeeGroup N JOB 6.89 3.61 11 4.95 28 5.00 4.76 -.04 +14.2 Gemphire n Q GEMP 13.98 7.25 9 10.50 211 12.49 10.35 -1.76 +33.9 GencoSh rs N GNK 14.75 3.62 107 12.50 798 13.13 10.70 +1.26 +69.4 Gencor s Q GENC 35 16.60 8.87 24 14.95 123 15.05 14.20 +.40 -4.8 Generac N GNRC 1 44.84 32.34 718 37.28 2442 37.87 36.55 -.03 -8.5 GAInv N GAM 1.15e 1.0 33.93 25.80 37 33.51 235 33.68 32.88 +.31 +7.5 GAInv pfB N GAMpB 1.49 5.7 27.95 25.36 4 26.05 33 26.49 26.03 -.25 +1.1 GnCable N BGC .72 4.0 29 20.80 11.09 496 17.95 2230 18.15 16.10 +1.25 -5.8 GenComm Q GNCMA 22.34 12.26 186 20.80 575 21.68 20.65 -.73 +6.9 GenDynam N GD 3.36f 1.8 19 194.00 129.55 2029 187.20 6967 189.45 183.72 -.32 +8.4 GenElec N GE .96 3.2 24 33.00 28.19 46199 29.80 166405 30.04 29.25 +.08 -5.7 GECap5-53 N GEK 1.18 4.6 27.14 23.20 29 25.67 191 25.67 25.50 +.16 +4.5 GECap 1-53 N GEH 1.22 4.8 27.60 23.98 45 25.68 200 25.69 25.44 +.15 +4.6 GEC 10-52 N GEB 1.22 4.8 27.04 24.13 34 25.49 152 25.50 25.30 +.08 +3.7 GenFin Q GFN 5.90 3.99 1 5.10 42 5.35 5.05 -.05 -8.1 GenFin pfC Q GFNCP 9.20 9.9 97.85 68.61 1 93.00 6 94.50 92.97 -1.18 +1.6 GenFin 21 Q GFNSL 2.03 8.1 25.48 21.30 0 25.00 7 25.25 24.53 +.23 +3.2 GenMills N GIS 1.92 3.3 20 72.95 58.59 2235 59.01 12445 59.57 58.61 -.15 -4.5 GenMoly N GMO .72 .21 156 .50 623 .52 .49 -.01 +100.0 GenMotors N GM 1.52 4.3 6 38.55 27.34 10588 35.36 75902 36.25 33.97 +.80 +1.5 GMot wtB N GM/WSB 20.43 10.00 22 17.85 284 18.71 16.90 +.57 +4.0 Gener8M n N GNRT 4 8.75 3.52 397 5.67 2238 5.84 5.01 +.35 +26.6 Gensco N GCO 13 74.21 47.66 278 55.45 1464 57.70 54.90 -.40 -10.7 GenesWyo N GWR 22 80.73 52.21 437 67.86 2443 68.56 63.71 +2.69 -2.2 GenesisEn N GEL 2.84f 8.8 8 40.90 29.19 421 32.42 2905 32.46 30.66 +.83 -10.0 GenesisHlt N GEN .12p 4.75 1.38 132 2.64 811 2.69 2.46 +.11 -37.9 GeneticT rs Q GENE 2.89 1.04 143 1.20 1787 1.27 1.15 +.03 +11.1 GenieEn n N GNE .24 3.3 8.48 5.07 145 7.24 887 7.35 5.82 +1.32 +25.9 GenieE pfA N GNEpA .64 8.4 8.40 6.81 0 7.58 34 7.58 7.35 +.08 +1.6tGeniusBr n Q GNUS 7.99 3.63 8 3.74 124 4.00 3.63 -.17 -30.9 GenMark Q GNMK 13.62 4.73 206 12.82 1184 13.40 12.27 -.58 +4.7 GenoceaB Q GNCA 8.07 3.28 270 6.09 1082 6.15 5.45 +.50 +47.8 Genomic Q GHDX 33.96 22.90 76 31.49 364 32.52 30.96 -.07 +7.1 Genpact N G .24p 17 28.52 22.58 686 24.76 3462 24.89 23.96 +.46 +1.7 Gentex Q GNTX .36 1.7 18 22.12 14.66 1393 21.33 8667 21.45 20.45 +.36 +8.3 Gentherm Q THRM 19 44.62 26.60 386 39.25 1020 39.48 35.80 +2.50 +16.0 GenuPrt N GPC 2.70f 2.9 20 105.97 86.61 668 92.41 3041 93.71 91.93 -.43 -3.3 GenVec rs Q GNVC 2 14.00 2.70 19 6.06 255 6.60 6.00 -.06 +88.8 Genworth N GNW .44p 5.27 2.26 7157 4.12 39429 4.17 3.85 +.19 +8.1 GeoGrp N GEO 2.80f 6.0 20 49.42 16.26 1204 46.37 3394 47.16 44.82 +.40 +29.1 GeoPark N GPRK 8.00 1.90 171 7.18 667 7.50 6.59 +.45 +66.6 GeorgeBcp Q GTWN .20 .8 34 26.00 19.54 25.90 4 25.90 25.85 +.01 +.2 GaPw pfA N GPEpA 1.53 5.4 31.47 25.10 0 28.45 8 28.55 27.70 +.31 +11.2 GeospcT hs Q GEOS 24.37 11.20 56 16.23 289 16.28 14.21 +1.14 -20.3 Gerdau N GGB .02e .6 4.39 1.50 6781 3.45 47448 3.56 3.31 -.10 +9.9 GerABcp Q GABC .76f 1.6 20 54.46 30.35 45 47.34 202 48.89 43.07 +2.68 -10.0sGerNew N GF 1.23e .5 14.71 12.45 15 14.77 93 14.78 14.25 +.27 +13.0 GeronCp Q GERN 3.35 1.81 1307 2.27 7823 2.38 2.09 +.15 +9.7 GettyRlty N GTY 1.12 4.4 15 26.71 19.44 487 25.27 988 25.50 24.76 +.13 -.9 Gevo rs Q GEVO 27.20 .92 969 1.14 9660 1.36 .93 +.01 -67.1 Gibraltar Q ROCK 31 48.05 24.12 223 41.20 768 41.40 38.90 +1.10 -1.1 GigPeak N GIG 3.11 1.63 292 3.08 1509 3.08 3.07 +.01 +22.2 GigaTron h Q GIGA 1.53 .60 23 .79 183 .88 .78 -.06 +2.3 GigaMda rs Q GIGM 9 3.64 2.31 14 3.07 54 3.14 2.86 +.12 +5.1 Gigamon N GIMO 23 61.25 28.16 349 35.55 2259 36.00 33.40 +1.10 -22.0 GilatSatell Q GILT 6.19 4.05 24 5.06 106 5.35 4.99 -.17 +1.0 Gildan s N GIL .38f 1.4 18 32.20 23.55 524 27.04 2820 27.19 25.85 +.88 +6.6 GileadSci Q GILD 2.08f 3.1 7 103.10 65.38 8409 67.92 34770 68.33 66.80 +.41 -5.2 GlacierBc Q GBCI .84f 2.5 21 38.17 24.18 336 33.93 1532 34.34 31.70 +1.00 -6.3 GladstnCap Q GLAD .84 8.9 11 9.92 6.80 169 9.49 721 9.50 8.88 +.46 +1.1 Gladstne 21 Q GLADO 1.69 6.6 26.05 24.50 3 25.46 13 25.65 25.43 -.15 -.1 GladstnCm Q GOOD 1.50 7.3 21.09 15.92 163 20.67 502 20.74 19.73 +.79 +2.8 GladCm pfA Q GOODP 1.94 7.5 26.02 25.01 1 25.74 4 25.74 25.55 +.04 +1.0 Gladstn pfB Q GOODO 1.88 7.4 25.63 25.00 1 25.45 9 25.45 25.25 +.15 +1.4 GladCm pfD Q GOODM 1.75 7.0 26.99 23.00 127 25.17 185 25.20 25.05 +.01 -.3 GladstInv Q GAIN .75 8.3 13 9.36 6.65 190 9.07 681 9.09 8.63 +.26 +7.2 GladInv pfB Q GAINO 1.69 6.5 26.52 24.06 2 25.95 3 26.15 25.77 -.20 +.5 GladInv pfC Q GAINN 1.63 6.3 29.00 22.94 5 25.60 15 25.68 25.30 +.01 +.9 GldsInv pf D Q GAINM 1.56 6.1 25.80 25.00 0 25.53 23 25.63 25.36 +.19 +.9 GladstLnd Q LAND .52f 4.6 36 12.89 9.51 55 11.10 225 11.19 10.91 -.02 -1.2 GladLnd pfA Q LANDP 1.59 6.2 27.05 24.62 1 25.81 21 25.81 25.50 +.04 +1.5 GlassBr rs N GLA 18.10 3.85 12 4.82 460 5.70 3.85 +.65 Glatfelter N GLT .52f 2.4 16 25.59 17.50 249 21.74 950 21.88 20.91 +.40 -9.0 Glaukos n N GKOS 52.49 16.26 436 51.30 2042 52.32 49.20 +1.01 +49.6 GlaxoSKln N GSK 2.89e 6.9 45.58 37.20 3909 42.16 15187 42.82 42.15 -.15 +9.5 GlenBurnie Q GLBZ .40 3.3 30 12.55 9.85 11.95 3 11.95 11.60 +.35 +3.9sGblBldT n Q GBT 41.15 12.24 1364 36.85 4787 41.15 36.35 -2.30 +155.0 GblBrCopp N BRSS .15 .4 16 39.85 22.75 132 34.40 602 35.00 33.88 -.95 +.3 GlblBrkge Q GLBR 12.90 1.45 71 2.70 414 2.75 2.15 +.55 -61.7tGblEagEnt Q ENT 9.73 2.76 538 3.19 3416 3.37 2.76 +.27 -50.6 GlbIndem Q GBLI 24 40.96 20.96 11 38.49 53 38.93 35.51 +1.49 +.7 GlbIndm 45 Q GBLIZ 1.94 7.6 26.48 23.14 2 25.40 55 25.40 25.05 +.20 +2.4 GlbMed n N GMRE .20p 11.38 6.73 88 9.08 670 9.38 8.17 +.77 +1.8 GlobNetL n N GNL .94 3.9 39 25.25 6.92 480 24.08 1940 24.18 23.38 +.44 +207.5 GblPtAcq n Q GPAC 10.50 9.46 8 10.00 23 10.04 9.97 -.02 +.6 GblPAc wt Q GPACW .65 .14 53 .39 140 .40 .24 -.01 +11.4sGblPAcq un Q GPACU 10.65 9.30 10.65 141 10.65 10.34 +.10 +6.5 GlobPtrs N GLP 1.85 9.5 21.95 12.28 49 19.50 207 19.60 18.70 +.40 +.3sGlobPay s N GPN .04 34 81.63 64.21 1268 80.68 6714 81.63 77.31 +2.26 +16.2 GlSlfStor n Q SELF .26 5.5 5.96 4.26 4 4.77 55 4.88 4.61 +.08 GlbShipLs N GSL .40 27.0 4.50 1.08 60 1.48 789 1.56 1.36 +.07 -1.3 GlbShip pfB N GSLpB 2.19 10.5 21.62 12.42 3 20.89 68 21.15 20.46 +.19 +2.5 GlblSrcs Q GSOL 10 9.48 7.54 22 8.25 120 8.50 7.85 -.30 -6.8 GlWatRs n Q GWRS .27 3.1 9.29 6.23 29 8.70 96 8.95 8.50 -.01 -4.4 GlbXNordic N GXF .85e 4.2 22.19 18.40 2 20.37 25 20.48 20.22 +.05 +7.4 GbXSpDvE N SDEM .63e 16.42 12.44 3 15.81 26 16.14 15.78 -.46 +7.6 GbXSpdvRE Q SRET 1.24 8.3 15.85 13.32 35 15.03 151 15.13 14.68 +.33 +4.8 GbXUSRota N SCTO .12p 25.16 22.74 1 24.90 5 24.90 24.42 +.15 +3.8 GblXPortgl N PGAL .23p 10.50 8.77 557 10.26 763 10.30 9.72 +.49 +10.2 GblXColum N GXG .41e 4.3 10.18 8.19 89 9.49 455 9.57 9.24 +.13 +4.1 GblXEmFtr N EMFM .40e 2.0 21.90 18.15 3 20.42 10 20.91 20.20 -.36 +10.6 GbXMLP&E N MLPX .60 4.1 15.54 10.85 71 14.75 731 14.77 14.20 +.41 -.7 GblXChMat N CHIM .21e 1.3 17.96 11.70 0 16.57 6 16.80 16.28 -.44 +21.7sGblXArg N ARGT .09e .3 28.34 18.37 53 28.25 322 28.35 27.27 +.65 +22.5 GblXSDvUS N DIV 1.93 7.6 25.90 23.36 67 25.20 258 25.26 24.75 +.38 +1.9 GblXJrMlp N MLPJ .96e 11.1 9.46 6.88 2 8.67 25 8.69 8.30 +.24 +.6 GXSupInPf N SPFF .99 7.6 13.98 12.51 80 13.08 410 13.11 12.93 +.09 +2.2 GblXGuru N GURU .28e 1.1 26.21 20.86 6 25.77 32 25.88 25.15 +.27 +7.2 GlblXPerm N PERM .23e .9 26.48 23.76 24.71 7 24.99 24.55 -.05 +1.7 GbXGreece N GREK .13e 1.6 9.06 6.37 627 7.96 1989 8.17 7.85 +.27 +2.2sGblXChCon N CHIQ .26e 2.0 13.55 10.11 4 13.27 44 13.55 13.23 -.23 +18.5 GblXSocM Q SOCL 25.81 17.97 8 24.80 86 24.97 24.41 +.09 +14.7 GblX MLP N MLPA .90e 7.7 12.13 9.13 181 11.62 1567 11.62 11.35 +.15 +.4 GblXFertil N SOIL .25e 2.7 9.87 7.99 2 9.30 9 9.39 9.18 +.09 +3.6 GblXSupDv N SDIV 1.42e 6.4 21.90 19.38 192 21.44 1060 21.47 20.87 +.40 +3.0 GlbXChiFn N CHIX .16e 1.1 15.01 11.15 8 14.49 82 14.75 14.46 -.27 +13.1 GbXSEAsia N ASEA .42e 3.0 14.38 12.64 14 14.14 32 14.19 14.04 +.08 +10.6sGblXAndean N AND .20e 2.3 8.81 7.06 13 8.70 25 8.85 8.50 +.09 +11.0 GblXPakist N PAK 18.36 13.09 74 16.98 470 17.67 16.94 -.69 -3.0 GblXChiInd N CHII .10e .7 14.62 10.22 5 14.17 7 14.32 14.10 -.34 +19.3 GblXNorway N NORW .83e 7.4 11.91 9.52 29 11.20 351 11.32 11.08 -.16 +1.4 GlXBrazMC N BRAZ .37e 3.7 10.53 7.00 10.06 17 10.08 9.86 +.14 +13.0 GbXNsChiT Q QQQC .07e .3 24.60 18.88 2 23.24 16 23.32 22.62 -.13 +9.5 GlbXBrazC N BRAQ .40e 2.9 15.09 9.38 13.64 5 13.78 13.52 +.09 +13.2 GblXScUS n N SCIU 28.18 24.29 3 27.79 37 27.84 27.34 +.23 +5.3 GblXScEu n N SCID 24.17 20.66 0 24.14 6 24.14 24.03 +.09 +8.7sGblXScJp n N SCIJ 28.36 23.83 0 27.83 6 28.36 27.83 -.07 +5.5 GblXGuAct Q ACTX 15.01 12.13 14.65 3 14.68 14.41 -.14 +2.8 GbXNigeria N NGE .31e 1.9 16.43 3.79 19 15.91 92 16.10 15.60 +.12 +273.5tGbX US Inf N PAVE 15.89 14.01 22 14.78 61 14.84 14.01 +.44 +.2tGblFound n N BOSS 15.43 14.77 7 15.16 23 15.17 14.77 +.24 +.1sGblX SupDv Q EFAS 16.54 14.69 4 16.50 4 16.54 16.42 +.22 +5.0 GblXYldco Q YLCO .58a 5.1 11.89 10.09 12 11.48 70 11.53 11.25 +.15 +5.8sGblX Rob n Q BOTZ 17.48 14.69 68 17.36 548 17.48 17.20 +.07 +15.8 GlbXCon ef Q KRMA 17.13 14.88 1 16.89 12 16.91 16.61 +.09 +5.6 GblXMilTh Q MILN 16.63 14.40 3 16.51 13 16.63 16.21 +.11 +5.8 GbX Longv Q LNGR 16.95 14.91 16.94 38 16.94 16.86 +.09 +10.5 GlX Intrn n Q SNSR 18.06 14.49 24 17.90 230 17.95 17.64 +.02 +14.7 GblXSupdiv Q ALTY 1.25 8.0 16.58 13.96 2 15.59 26 15.63 15.29 +.29 +4.8 GlX Fintc n Q FINX 16.50 14.53 4 16.28 14 16.28 15.85 +.17 +11.1 GlbXCop rs N COPX 26.47 12.60 22 22.43 155 22.90 21.45 -.02 +12.1 GlbXSilv rs N SIL 54.34 25.68 91 36.02 474 36.70 35.34 +.17 +12.2sGlbXLith rs N LIT 27.48 20.64 146 28.11 843 28.37 26.68 +1.00 +15.3 GbX Gold rs N GOEX 45.90 18.23 3 23.87 21 24.48 23.30 +.19 +15.3 GbXUran rs N URA 19.33 11.68 196 15.35 1981 15.94 15.00 +.21 +19.3 GlXCatholc Q CATH 29.18 23.95 0 28.83 9 28.85 28.31 +.38 +6.2 GlblScape N GSB .06 1.5 22 4.34 3.20 39 3.92 85 4.10 3.91 -.10 -3.7 Globalstar N GSAT 15 3.00 .63 1864 1.60 12675 1.67 1.52 -.04 +1.3 GlobantSA N GLOB 47.19 30.58 182 36.40 965 37.13 35.24 +.29 +9.1 GlobusM rs Q GLBS 23.60 .58 235 4.65 2231 5.44 4.45 +.06 +14.0 GlobusMed N GMED 27 30.12 19.25 500 29.62 3085 30.04 29.33 -.34 +19.4 Glowpoint N GLOW .47 .14 6 .29 50 .31 .28 -.02 +10.5 GluMobile Q GLUU 3.09 1.73 12169 2.27 58751 2.45 2.09 +.14 +17.0 GlycoMim Q GLYC 9.25 5.34 38 5.43 148 5.81 5.37 -.13 -11.0 GoDaddy n N GDDY 38.00 28.11 865 37.90 3029 38.00 35.74 +1.51 +8.4 Gogo Q GOGO 13.28 7.80 1150 11.00 4824 11.26 10.51 +.20 +19.3 GolLinhs rs N GOL 31.82 6.00 93 26.50 524 27.73 24.84 +.98 +94.6 GolLNGLtd Q GLNG .20 .7 29.18 14.32 1218 27.93 7196 28.64 26.26 +.67 +21.8 GolLNGPt Q GMLP 2.31 10.3 25.82 13.91 201 22.34 905 22.66 21.53 +.49 -7.1 GoldFLtd N GFI .02e .6 6.60 2.60 4089 3.53 26009 3.69 3.46 +.01 +17.3 GoldResrc N GORO .02m .4 8.22 2.23 596 4.52 3113 4.60 4.24 +.08 +3.9 GoldStdV g N GSV 3.20 1.05 1063 2.16 5501 2.68 2.15 -.43 +1.4 Goldcrp g N GG .24 1.6 20.38 11.91 7977 14.59 56286 16.38 14.54 -1.25 +7.3 GoldenEnt Q GDEN 18 14.31 8.65 56 13.23 278 13.69 12.86 +.18 +9.2 GoldenMin N AUMN 1.16 .31 101 .63 832 .65 .58 +.02 +9.0 GoldenOc rs Q GOGL 8.30 3.10 238 7.65 2625 8.26 7.23 +.03 +62.4 GoldStr g N GSS 1.13 .44 961 .85 5545 .88 .81 +.01 +13.5 GldFld N GV 11 8.65 1.70 422 5.75 4140 6.05 5.15 +.20 +12.7 GoldmS pfI N GSpI 1.49 5.7 26.61 24.61 71 26.00 326 26.00 25.75 +.13 +3.0 GoldS pfJ N GSpJ 1.38 5.1 27.64 24.50 54 26.82 230 26.82 26.51 +.23 +5.8 GS BDC n N GSBD 1.80 7.3 25 25.60 19.30 211 24.64 1260 25.25 24.31 +.20 +4.8 GS ActbtInt N GSIE 26.31 22.36 74 26.17 298 26.27 25.99 +.18 +7.4 GS ActEM N GEM 30.72 24.49 105 29.97 605 30.37 29.96 -.37 +12.0 GS ActEur N GSEU .60e 32.03 23.23 9 27.69 12 27.73 27.53 +.15 +8.0sGS ActJpn N GSIY 29.27 25.05 5 28.89 9 29.27 28.86 +.10 +5.9 GS ActLgC N GSLC 47.66 40.26 58 46.78 422 46.93 46.03 +.32 +5.5 GS Indus n N GVIP 46.17 39.08 9 45.65 45 45.75 44.94 +.39 +7.9 GoldmanS N GS 2.60 1.1 14 255.15 138.20 2832 229.72 22100 232.00 220.85 +1.31 -4.1 GoldS pfK N GSpK 1.59 5.6 29.74 25.69 39 28.24 288 28.24 27.91 +.15 +4.1 GoldS pfN N GSpN 28.30 25.11 39 26.59 304 26.59 26.23 +.29 +2.0 GoldS pfB N GSpB 1.55 5.8 26.77 25.01 77 26.60 171 26.60 26.24 +.29 +4.6 GoldS pfC N GSpC 1.02 4.4 24.32 20.78 23 23.47 115 23.66 23.15 +.32 +7.8sGoldS pfA N GSpA .96 4.0 23.79 19.65 50 23.71 235 23.92 22.99 +.61 +7.3 GoldS pfD N GSpD 1.02 4.4 23.65 20.05 164 23.06 517 23.31 22.61 +.36 +5.7 GS MLPEn N GER .64 7.9 8.90 5.08 225 8.10 1280 8.10 7.56 +.39 +12.7 GS MLPInc N GMZ 1.38 12.9 11.58 7.22 74 10.67 402 10.71 10.18 +.33 +9.8sGolubCap Q GBDC 1.28a 6.4 16 19.85 16.70 387 19.88 1534 19.95 19.04 +.72 +8.1 GoodTimes Q GTIM 4.48 2.75 34 3.15 83 3.25 3.00 +.05 Goodyear Q GT .40 1.1 11 37.20 24.31 3627 36.00 12510 36.78 35.20 +.06 +16.6 GoPro Q GPRO 17.68 7.15 1780 8.70 11720 8.85 8.22 +.40 -.1 GoresHl un Q GSHTU 10.49 10.15 13 10.29 163 10.40 10.25 -.11 +.4 GormanR N GRC .46f 1.5 32 34.45 22.30 1036 31.40 1222 32.10 29.25 +1.46 +1.5 GovPrpIT Q GOV 1.72 8.2 24.61 15.93 388 20.93 2225 20.99 20.20 +.37 +9.8 GovPrpIT46 Q GOVNI 1.47 5.9 26.38 22.20 35 25.00 140 25.05 24.85 +6.1 vjGrace N GRA .84f 1.2 28 80.56 63.37 701 69.71 2941 69.96 67.54 +1.22 +3.1 Graco N GGG 1.44f 1.5 27 95.10 69.33 236 94.14 1333 94.55 91.81 +.57 +13.3 GrahamCp N GHM .36 1.6 16 25.00 17.11 43 23.00 197 23.63 22.83 +3.8sGrahamH s N GHC 5.08 .8 22 591.05 440.55 21 599.55 91 601.95 573.00 +20.55 +17.1 Graingr N GWW 4.88f 2.1 20 262.72 201.94 693 232.76 3812 240.89 230.58 -6.77 +.2 Grmrcy pfA N GPTpA 1.78 6.7 28.78 25.61 1 26.52 45 27.77 25.69 +.45 +.2 GrmPrTr rs N GPT .38 30.09 24.09 888 26.30 4180 26.35 25.22 +.89 -4.5 GranTrra g N GTE 3.49 2.26 2079 2.64 8342 2.69 2.43 +.10 -12.6 GranaMon N GRAM .25e 8.0 8.96 2.16 171 3.13 3188 3.32 2.56 +.55 -56.2sGrCanyEd Q LOPE 22 71.80 37.94 596 71.61 1724 72.16 67.76 +2.88 +22.5 GraniteC N GVA .52 1.0 40 62.18 40.16 764 50.19 3561 52.00 45.19 +3.73 -8.7 GraniteRE N GRP/U 2.30 35.82 27.09 5 34.98 18 35.05 33.94 +.83 +4.6 GraphPkg N GPK .30 2.3 18 14.70 11.95 1799 12.87 10997 12.97 12.54 +.18 +3.1 Gravity rs Q GRVY 39.00 3.08 47 20.84 244 25.19 18.51 +1.84 +97.5 GrayTelev N GTN 13 15.10 7.00 1294 14.50 3539 14.75 13.60 +.50 +33.6 GrayTvA N GTN/A 20 14.05 7.05 1 13.30 4 13.70 12.55 +.60 +27.9 GrtAjax n N AJX 1.00 7.7 8 14.48 11.48 39 13.05 184 13.15 12.72 +.14 -1.7 GrElmCp n Q GECC 1.00e 8.8 12.37 10.35 85 11.38 326 11.67 10.85 +.57 -2.5 GrElm hn Q GEC 4.10 2.95 17 3.30 186 3.35 3.00 +.10 -12.0 GrLkDrge Q GLDD 5.45 3.05 389 4.00 1261 4.50 4.00 -.30 -4.8 GtPanSilv g N GPL 2.28 .90 725 1.64 3953 1.71 1.61 -1.2 GtPlainEn N GXP 1.10 3.8 17 32.74 25.85 2317 29.22 11734 29.36 28.57 +.31 +6.8 GrtPl pfB N GXPpB 1.75 3.3 55.34 48.64 21 53.73 122 53.92 52.34 +1.18 +6.2 GrtSoBc Q GSBC .88 1.7 16 56.70 34.48 33 50.50 134 51.25 48.45 +1.25 -7.6 GrtWstBcp N GWB .68 1.6 19 45.61 26.43 369 42.41 1888 43.10 39.35 +1.56 -2.7sGreenBncp Q GNBC 18.03 6.79 384 17.80 1947 18.28 16.35 +.85 +17.1 GreenBrick Q GRBK 20 10.85 6.57 41 9.95 191 10.15 9.60 +.15 -1.0 GreenDot N GDOT 33.64 20.79 295 33.36 1237 33.53 32.21 +.58 +41.7 GreenPlns Q GPRE .48 1.9 99 29.85 13.88 891 24.75 3657 24.90 22.40 +1.90 -11.1 GrnP LP n Q GPP 1.72f 8.6 21.75 13.01 68 20.10 140 20.10 19.75 +.20 +1.5 GreenbCos N GBX .84f 1.9 11 49.50 24.27 276 43.10 1504 43.45 40.70 +1.35 +3.7 GrCB NY s Q GCBC .38 1.6 20 25.20 15.40 4 23.35 10 23.35 22.70 +.35 +2.0 Greenhill N GHL 1.80 6.1 15 32.45 15.62 383 29.30 1573 29.60 27.15 +.90 +5.8 Greenlight Q GLRE 15 24.10 18.79 231 22.10 527 22.45 21.30 +.55 -3.1 Greif A N GEF 1.68 3.0 22 60.55 30.93 194 55.09 778 55.80 53.19 +.52 +7.4 Greif B N GEF/B 2.51e 3.8 22 74.35 44.23 9 65.30 35 65.50 60.50 +2.95 -3.3 GrdsmHld n Q GSUM 18.29 9.90 187 13.29 313 13.48 12.00 +.95 +30.4 Griffin Q GRIF .30f 1.0 33.32 24.50 1 30.95 3 31.44 30.51 +.19 -2.5 Griffon N GFF .24 1.0 30 27.15 14.69 198 24.65 546 24.85 23.35 +.50 -5.9sGrifolsSA s Q GRFS .55e 2.9 19.16 14.27 801 18.88 3952 19.16 18.09 +.83 +17.5 Group1 N GPI .96f 1.3 10 83.18 47.31 266 74.08 935 75.27 70.85 +2.13 -5.0 Groupon Q GRPN 5.94 2.92 6512 3.93 37734 4.02 3.86 -.06 +18.4 GrubHub N GRUB 50 44.58 21.41 1120 32.89 9649 33.94 32.53 -.78 -12.6 GAeroPac N PAC 2.78e 2.9 108.24 72.52 67 97.10 364 98.90 95.41 -.66 +17.7 GpAeroCN Q OMAB 1.60e 3.7 53.58 30.05 494 43.18 812 44.36 42.46 +.03 +25.0sGpoASur N ASR 3.31e 180.20 131.72 84 173.24 341 180.20 173.17 -4.01 +20.4 GpoAvalAc N AVAL .40 4.9 9.04 7.18 111 8.17 705 8.19 7.79 +.17 +2.9sGrpoFin Q GGAL .08e .2 39.20 23.23 432 37.86 2621 39.20 37.45 -1.15 +40.6 GpFnSnMx N BSMX .30e 3.3 10.13 6.73 1771 9.03 13173 9.31 8.68 +.23 +25.6 GpoSimec N SIM 15.20 6.53 1 12.92 14 13.08 12.65 -.14 -10.0sGpSuprvi n N SUPV 16.85 10.00 297 17.00 967 17.20 15.74 +1.06 +29.4 GpTelevisa N TV 29.34 19.69 1462 25.94 5328 26.45 25.69 -.06 +24.2 GuangRy N GSH .62e 2.1 33.18 21.41 6 30.18 26 32.34 30.10 -1.98 -.4 GuarntyBc Q GBNK .50f 2.1 22 25.70 15.01 91 24.35 391 24.53 22.90 +.90 +.6 GuarFBc Q GFED .40 2.1 15 21.95 14.90 1 19.06 6 20.49 18.21 -1.09 -10.0 Guess N GES .90 8.1 31 18.85 10.29 1248 11.15 7076 11.33 10.60 +.47 -7.9 GuggBAB N GBAB 1.66 7.5 24.75 18.84 45 22.25 192 22.50 22.22 -.07 +3.9 GugCrdAllo N GGM 2.18 9.5 23.88 18.47 34 22.78 93 23.04 22.75 +.03 +2.0 GuggChina N YAO .87e 3.2 28.43 21.79 0 27.56 5 27.93 27.44 -.48 +13.4 GugSPEW N RSP 1.31e 1.4 92.53 75.79 592 90.82 3106 91.09 88.88 +1.01 +4.8 GugRus50 N XLG 3.03e 1.8 169.87 140.88 8 167.03 69 167.53 164.06 +1.14 +6.0 GugSPVal N RPV 1.18e 2.0 61.67 47.72 101 58.86 856 59.15 57.32 +.79 +2.2 GugSPGth N RPG .59e .7 90.06 76.35 64 89.68 283 89.92 87.74 +1.00 +7.3 GuEqWREst N EWRE .27e 29.00 24.54 3 26.97 15 27.00 26.38 +.21 +2.5 GugMCVal N RFV .86e 1.4 65.03 48.26 19 62.35 48 62.63 60.02 +1.55 +1.0 GugEMk EW N EWEM .64e 2.1 30.70 26.45 1 30.16 6 30.53 30.13 -.25 +8.3 GugMC400E N EWMC 60.61 47.56 3 59.05 21 59.25 57.26 +1.14 +2.6 GugSC600E N EWSC 51.38 38.94 0 49.23 6 49.23 47.46 +1.19 -1.4 GugMCGth N RFG .75e .6 136.96 113.86 6 135.63 25 135.63 132.02 +1.89 +5.3 GugSCVal N RZV .67e 1.0 77.26 53.30 9 68.54 70 68.71 65.34 +2.21 -6.1 GugTotRet N GTO 52.94 50.33 7 51.46 27 51.55 51.33 +.09 +1.7 GugUtil N RYU 3.00e 3.6 88.42 75.41 244 84.16 283 85.11 83.83 -.91 +4.2 GugSCGth N RZG .56e .6 101.13 76.91 6 100.61 57 100.61 96.87 +2.35 +4.2 GugTech N RYT 1.09e .9 121.39 88.27 105 120.79 498 121.18 118.40 +.92 +11.3 RydxMatls N RTM 1.19e 1.2 98.04 78.72 13 95.63 178 96.03 92.19 +1.91 +5.0 GugIndls N RGI .84e .8 107.78 82.94 13 104.40 42 104.78 101.45 +1.48 +5.3 GugHlthC N RYH .75e .5 162.74 140.98 144 159.95 200 160.74 157.97 +1.05 +9.6 GugFncl N RYF .93e 2.5 45.75 30.52 41 37.70 280 37.97 36.37 +.50 +2.4 GugEngy N RYE .79e 1.3 68.00 46.38 17 59.17 138 59.78 56.10 +2.37 -7.6 GugConStp N RHS 2.05e 1.6 130.44 115.09 15 124.51 182 125.13 124.12 -.61 +4.3 GugCnsDis N RCD 1.12e 1.2 94.21 79.28 4 92.96 33 93.04 90.04 +2.00 +5.3 GugEnhEq N GPM .96 11.9 8.68 7.09 193 8.08 1232 8.12 7.89 +.08 +1.0 GugChinTc N CQQQ .64e 1.5 43.39 31.82 8 42.15 49 42.43 41.71 -.34 +19.5 GugWater N CGW .45e 1.4 31.20 27.41 76 31.07 235 31.15 30.65 +.26 +9.2 GugCdnEn N ENY .49e 5.7 9.47 7.26 1 8.62 41 8.79 8.37 +.12 -5.3 GugSPHiInf N GHII 1.03e 3.7 27.88 23.68 9 27.54 54 27.70 27.00 +.21 +5.9 GugSolar N TAN .49e 2.8 24.88 16.45 79 17.28 494 17.44 17.08 -.01 +4.3 GugShippg N SEA 1.48e 12.1 13.12 10.34 83 12.28 379 12.35 11.90 +.09 +7.4 GugIntMult N HGI .59e 3.7 16.11 13.55 4 15.99 15 16.11 15.79 -.03 +6.0 GugFront N FRN .20e 1.6 13.02 10.74 16 12.85 62 12.96 12.79 -.11 +11.2 GugChinSC N HAO .94e 3.8 25.73 21.08 16 24.85 41 25.20 24.48 -.46 +11.5 GugChRe N TAO .97e 4.2 23.76 17.92 13 23.36 88 23.51 23.15 -.34 +19.5 GugGTimb N CUT .35e 1.3 26.81 21.27 17 26.34 72 26.43 25.94 +.08 +6.3 Gug BRIC N EEB .48e 1.5 32.48 24.39 18 31.53 54 31.96 31.03 +.11 +9.5 Gug 26CpBd N BSCQ 20.24 18.85 5 19.21 37 19.28 19.17 +.02 +.3 Gug 24HYBd N BSJO 25.70 24.18 38 25.46 87 25.48 25.09 +.30 +1.4 GugDJIADv N DJD .02p 30.87 25.42 2 29.80 8 29.83 29.42 -.20 +3.0 GugHYBd23 N BSJN .15e 26.97 25.00 3 26.72 115 26.74 26.34 +.38 +1.3 GugCpBd25 N BSCP 22.15 19.93 4 20.32 44 20.34 20.24 +.05 +.8 GugInsidr N NFO .72e 1.4 53.30 45.03 7 53.24 11 53.24 52.23 +.51 +8.2 GugBlt22HY N BSJM 1.27 5.0 25.46 23.28 57 25.31 1038 25.36 24.89 +.34 +1.2 GugB21HY N BSJL 1.27 5.1 25.12 23.14 27 24.99 1117 25.08 24.72 +.22 +1.1 GugBlt24CB N BSCO .58 2.8 21.72 20.14 32 20.57 157 20.61 20.49 +.04 +.7 GugBlt23CB N BSCN .65 3.1 21.56 20.29 41 20.69 184 20.73 20.62 +.04 +1.1 GugBlt22CB N BSCM .58e 2.8 21.78 20.71 98 21.05 898 21.19 21.01 +.6 GugBlt21CB N BSCL .56 2.6 21.89 20.80 96 21.15 609 21.18 21.09 +.03 +.8 ClayWilMic N WMCR .43e 1.4 30.76 23.51 0 30.07 12 30.07 28.94 +.82 +1.1 GugB20HY N BSJK 1.30e 5.2 24.76 22.63 132 24.64 1540 24.70 24.40 +.19 +1.5 GugB19HY N BSJJ 1.22e 5.0 24.53 22.88 278 24.49 1037 24.52 24.26 +.14 +1.4 GugB18HY N BSJI 1.28e 4.6 25.41 23.94 174 25.33 843 25.35 25.13 +.10 +.6 GugB17HY N BSJH 1.08e 4.0 26.02 25.30 31 25.70 450 25.75 25.65 +.03 -.5 ClyWUSRE N WREI 1.53e 3.0 52.34 43.73 1 46.58 8 46.85 45.82 -.27 -.7 GugMultAs N CVY 1.07e 5.2 21.03 17.88 36 20.69 248 20.73 20.24 +.06 +2.6 GugCpBd20 N BSCK .61e 2.9 21.79 21.07 112 21.39 918 21.42 21.33 +.02 +.9 GugBlt19CB N BSCJ .47e 2.2 21.49 21.00 165 21.23 1073 21.24 21.20 +.01 +.4 GugBlt18CB N BSCI .40e 1.8 21.39 21.10 157 21.23 855 21.25 21.21 -.01 +.2 GugBlt17CB N BSCH .35e 1.5 22.80 22.54 64 22.62 847 22.62 22.57 GugSpinOff N CSD 1.00e 2.2 46.32 37.17 5 45.92 48 45.97 44.45 +.85 +5.7 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 9 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


GugRJ SB1 N RYJ .30e .7 40.52 31.06 5 40.21 40 40.22 38.75 +1.03 +4.7sGugEShDur N GSY .65e 1.3 50.24 49.81 564 50.26 1216 50.26 50.21 +.04 +.3 GugMCCre N CZA .65e 1.1 58.83 47.67 4 58.23 27 58.46 57.28 +.39 +7.1 GugGlDiv N LVL .52e 4.9 10.60 8.71 8 10.52 73 10.54 10.46 -.03 +3.6 GugDefEq N DEF 1.15e 2.8 41.88 36.40 4 41.40 30 41.45 40.99 +.13 +6.4 GugStrOp N GOF 2.19 10.7 20.85 16.88 64 20.35 324 20.42 20.20 +.10 +3.6 GuidSoft h Q GUID 7.80 4.12 37 5.90 263 6.05 5.79 +.06 -16.7 Guidewire N GWRE 64.00 49.18 335 56.33 1478 56.98 54.76 +.86 +14.2 GulfIsland Q GIFI .04 .3 48 13.95 6.34 29 11.55 201 11.90 10.20 +1.30 -2.9 GulfRes Q GURE 2 2.75 1.38 104 1.78 565 1.85 1.67 -.04 -8.7 GulfMrkA N GLF 7.38 .25 235 .35 2514 .42 .35 -80.0 GulfportE Q GPOR 34.67 15.66 3455 17.19 20232 17.38 15.97 +.96 -20.6H -:H&E Eqp Q HEES 1.10 4.5 23 27.54 12.72 190 24.52 1009 24.70 22.71 +.77 +5.5sHCA Hldg N HCA 14 91.03 67.00 1685 88.99 20661 91.03 87.76 +2.95 +20.2 HCI Grp N HCI 1.40f 3.1 18 50.93 24.35 56 45.58 384 46.06 44.30 +.25 +15.5 HCP Inc N HCP 1.48 4.7 12 40.43 27.61 3688 31.28 18192 31.38 30.41 +.67 +5.2 HD Supply Q HDS 16 44.73 30.05 2190 41.13 10035 41.60 38.26 +.80 -3.3sHDFC Bk N HDB .37e .5 74.99 59.00 1062 75.22 4280 75.35 72.03 +2.37 +24.0 HFF Inc N HF 1.80e 14 34.39 24.84 148 27.67 855 27.79 25.79 +1.01 -8.5sHMG N HMG .50e 11.90 8.44 10.65 24 11.90 10.65 -.23 +1.3 HMN Fn Q HMNF 13 18.70 11.22 1 18.05 4 18.45 17.75 -.18 +3.1 HMS Hldgs Q HMSY 38 24.00 13.06 747 20.33 2854 20.56 18.08 +2.08 +11.9 HNI Corp N HNI 1.10 2.4 18 56.96 37.24 260 46.09 1283 46.36 44.54 +.75 -17.6sHP Inc N HPQ .53f 3.0 11 17.81 11.31 18107 17.88 48827 17.96 17.03 +.65 +20.5 HRG Grp N HRG 19.50 12.50 1539 19.32 5554 19.38 18.71 +.31 +24.2 HSBC N HSBC 1.50e 3.7 44.18 28.62 1587 40.82 8857 41.16 40.41 +.26 +1.6 HSBC prA N HSBCpA 1.55 6.0 27.56 25.00 51 25.90 193 26.05 25.85 -.06 +2.8 HSBC Cap N HSEA 2.03 7.6 27.93 25.81 61 26.88 356 27.26 26.78 +.23 +3.6 HSBC Cap2 N HSEB 2.00 7.6 26.95 25.51 138 26.45 638 26.51 26.30 +.09 +2.5 HSN Inc Q HSNI 1.40 3.8 15 55.00 30.75 291 37.10 1551 37.45 35.60 +.95 +8.2 HTG Mol h Q HTGM 13.25 1.20 7317 6.92 36572 12.01 6.40 -2.73 +208.9 HV Bcp n Q HVBC 14.58 13.08 0 14.05 25 14.24 13.99 +.03 +2.8 HabitRest Q HABT 61 20.01 13.20 309 17.70 939 17.70 16.07 +1.45 +2.6 HackettGp Q HCKT .26 1.3 26 20.69 13.06 180 19.49 571 19.59 17.90 +.64 +10.4 Haemonet N HAE 27 41.65 25.98 532 40.57 1639 40.98 38.81 +.98 +.9 Hailiang n Q HLG 9.60 7.35 7 8.60 17 8.84 8.19 -.25 +17.0 HainCels lf Q HAIN 19 56.99 32.87 586 37.20 3119 37.71 36.62 +.20 -4.7 HalconRs n N HK 12.01 6.42 1988 7.70 6816 7.85 6.73 +.78 -17.6 HalladorE Q HNRG .16 2.0 20 10.40 3.95 117 8.01 778 8.22 7.50 +.35 -11.9 Hallibrtn N HAL .72 1.5 58.78 33.26 6259 49.21 53680 49.82 47.52 -.20 -9.0 HallmkFn Q HALL 15 12.09 9.50 34 11.05 155 11.22 10.67 +.22 -5.0 Halozyme Q HALO 15.20 7.70 1201 12.96 9698 14.72 12.44 -.57 +31.2 HalyrdHlt N HYH 19 41.84 26.05 292 38.09 1301 38.50 37.28 +.22 +3.0 HamiltnBc Q HBK 15.60 13.26 0 15.35 5 15.35 15.18 +.20 +7.7 HamilLa n Q HLNE 19.66 17.74 463 18.67 1417 19.07 18.40 -.36 +3.6 HancHld Q HBHC .96 2.1 24 49.50 20.01 527 45.55 2638 46.30 41.71 +2.05 +5.7 HancHld 45 Q HBHCL 1.49 5.9 27.75 23.61 6 25.24 39 25.42 25.11 -.21 +3.5 HancFinOp N BTO 1.48 4.4 37.48 22.81 99 34.00 784 34.45 32.10 +.66 -6.3 HanJS N JHS .87e 6.2 14.95 13.60 12 14.14 51 14.14 13.96 +.10 +.9 HanJI N JHI 1.45e 8.5 17.84 15.18 55 17.04 142 17.04 16.70 +.26 +2.7 HanPrmDv N PDT 1.08a 6.8 17.59 13.22 263 15.91 600 16.12 15.87 -.06 +1.7 HanPfEq N HPI 1.68 7.9 23.32 18.91 51 21.25 187 21.30 21.00 +.12 +4.4 HanPfd2 N HPF 1.68 8.0 23.24 18.87 42 21.10 164 21.11 20.76 +.20 +4.2 HanPfd3 N HPS 1.47 8.0 20.26 16.25 84 18.44 333 18.48 18.20 +.17 +3.9 HanTxAdv N HTD 1.45 5.9 25.48 20.79 91 24.63 374 24.76 23.98 +.29 +6.7 Handy&H Q HNH 29.89 19.00 10 27.20 26 27.64 26.45 +.35 +6.5 Hanesbds s N HBI .60f 2.9 13 30.42 18.91 2650 20.76 16439 21.10 20.14 +.34 -3.8 HanmiFin Q HAFC .76 2.5 17 35.85 20.64 197 30.75 696 31.20 28.20 +1.30 -11.9 HannArms N HASI 1.32f 6.5 37 25.21 18.02 595 20.20 2514 20.30 19.39 +.81 +6.4 HanoverIns N THG 2.00 2.2 22 92.78 74.06 198 90.06 802 90.52 87.69 +1.09 -1.0 HanovIns53 N THGA 1.59 6.2 26.98 24.02 9 25.45 116 25.50 25.27 +.22 +1.8 Hanwha rs Q HQCL 16.88 6.50 45 7.29 296 7.38 6.91 +.34 -10.7 HarbrOne n Q HONE 20.19 12.53 47 18.99 150 19.19 17.30 +.54 -1.8 Hardinge Q HDNG .08 .7 62 13.72 8.24 41 11.24 147 11.46 10.22 +.68 +1.4 HarleyD N HOG 1.45f 2.4 16 63.40 41.63 2738 60.50 6259 61.20 59.61 +.30 +3.7 Harmonic Q HLIT 6.18 2.51 537 5.95 2952 6.05 5.65 +.05 +19.0 HarmonyG N HMY 4.87 1.86 6530 2.45 21216 2.54 2.28 +.05 +10.9 Harmony n Q HRMN 10.50 9.83 10.21 7 10.24 10.20 +.02 +.9 Harmny wt Q HRMNW 1.00 .17 93 .50 214 .58 .43 +.06 +42.9 HarrisCorp N HRS 2.12 1.9 19 113.00 73.32 709 111.27 3518 112.05 109.43 +.38 +8.6 Harsco N HSC .20m 1.6 53 15.25 5.00 739 12.75 2233 13.05 11.75 +.50 -6.3 HarteHnk N HHS .34 24.3 2.85 .85 71 1.40 294 1.44 1.34 +.01 -7.3 HartfFn42 N HGH 1.97 6.3 32.55 28.21 19 31.10 176 31.22 30.45 +.50 +5.0 HartfdFn N HIG .92 1.9 15 50.26 38.92 3828 48.07 11966 48.09 46.35 +.74 +.9 HrvrdBio Q HBIO 87 3.90 2.25 46 2.60 186 2.80 2.55 -14.8 HarvCapCr Q HCAP 1.35 10.2 8 14.89 11.80 31 13.20 413 13.50 12.12 -.30 -4.0 HarvCCr20 Q HCAPL 1.75 6.9 26.74 24.90 1 25.53 8 25.94 25.28 +.27 +.3sHarvNRes rs N HNR 6.97 1.67 34 6.64 201 6.97 6.55 -.07 +7.4 Hasbro Q HAS 2.28f 2.3 23 101.08 76.14 812 99.82 4393 100.54 98.28 -.15 +28.3 Haverty N HVT .48 2.0 18 25.50 16.57 183 24.35 363 24.50 22.95 +1.15 +2.7 HawaiiEl N HE 1.24 3.7 19 34.98 28.31 555 33.31 2463 33.87 33.15 -.37 +.7 HawHold Q HA 9 60.90 34.69 1088 46.45 4343 49.38 46.35 -2.00 -18.5 HawaiiTel Q HCOM 27.28 19.00 88 22.91 310 23.57 22.20 -.06 -7.5 Hawkins Q HWKN .84 1.7 22 54.80 34.43 34 49.00 105 49.80 46.55 +1.15 -9.2 HawthornB Q HWBK .24 1.1 16 23.25 13.36 2 21.10 17 22.50 20.55 -.90 +19.2 HaynesIntl Q HAYN .88 2.3 48.37 25.53 134 38.12 385 39.03 34.66 +2.11 -11.3 Hc2 Hldgs N HCHC 7.27 2.02 147 6.20 1185 6.23 5.85 +.22 +70.3 Headwatrs N HW 24 23.99 16.05 1313 23.48 3504 23.54 23.40 -.05 -.2 HlthCSvc Q HCSG .75f 1.7 40 43.91 34.83 272 43.09 1494 43.39 41.85 +.69 +10.0 HlthInsInn Q HIIQ 15 21.00 3.72 332 16.00 2144 16.25 13.80 +.45 -10.4 HlthcrRlty N HR 1.20 3.7 20 36.60 26.66 614 32.50 2596 32.64 31.80 +.57 +7.2 HlthcreTr N HTA 1.20 3.8 25 34.64 26.34 1053 31.46 4411 31.59 30.76 +.51 +8.1 HealthEqty Q HQY 88 49.25 22.26 845 42.45 3953 42.90 37.62 +2.05 +4.8 HlthSouth N HLS .96 2.2 17 43.38 34.79 916 42.81 3833 42.84 41.97 +1.06 +3.8 HlthStrm Q HSTM 28.84 19.61 118 24.23 454 24.50 22.11 +1.50 -3.3 HrtlndEx Q HTLD .08 .4 27 22.69 16.55 234 20.05 1566 20.21 19.31 +.13 -1.5 HeartFn Q HTLF .44f .9 16 51.70 29.58 74 49.95 423 50.50 46.25 +2.45 +4.1 HeatBiolog Q HTBX 3.35 .40 548 .89 2208 .90 .84 +.02 +4.1 HebronTc n Q HEBT 7.02 3.01 25 3.26 158 3.60 3.15 -.09 -34.1 HeclaM N HL .01e .2 28 7.64 2.71 5545 5.29 20240 5.34 5.05 +.23 +1.0 Heico N HEI .18f .2 36 89.02 57.30 120 87.20 467 87.80 83.48 +1.67 +13.0 Heico A N HEI/A .16f .2 37 75.90 45.50 50 75.00 273 75.00 71.50 +1.85 +10.5sHeidrkStr Q HSII .52 2.0 32 26.45 16.23 105 26.35 389 26.50 24.65 +.85 +9.1 HelenTroy Q HELE 13 106.18 77.50 117 94.20 531 94.65 92.30 +.25 +11.5 HeliMAn h Q HMNY 17.00 1.03 323 2.83 1725 3.45 2.46 +.38 -14.2 HelixEn N HLX 11.87 4.87 1504 7.77 8688 7.80 6.87 +.73 -11.9 HelmPayne N HP 2.80f 4.2 85.78 55.75 930 66.57 8186 67.45 63.66 +1.54 -14.0 HemisMda Q HMTV 13.40 10.35 13 11.75 171 11.90 10.95 +.65 +4.9 Hemisphrx rs N HEB 2.64 .39 196 .55 568 .59 .53 +.04 -21.0 HennesAd s Q HNNA 9 26.33 16.07 9 16.81 43 17.14 16.20 +.40 -20.6 HSchein Q HSIC 27 183.00 146.23 283 169.97 1436 172.02 169.71 -1.28 +12.0 Herbalife N HLF 12 72.22 47.62 515 58.14 2792 58.75 56.35 +1.12 +20.8 HercHld n N HRI 52.96 28.66 210 48.89 800 49.31 45.20 +2.30 +21.7sHercTGC N HTGC 1.24 8.2 20 15.50 11.55 713 15.13 2304 15.50 14.64 +.32 +7.2 HercTG 24 N HTGX 1.56 6.1 26.47 24.50 12 25.65 62 25.78 25.52 -.03 +1.0 HrtgeCo Q HTBK .40f 2.8 20 14.70 9.57 76 14.10 403 14.20 13.19 +.65 -2.3 HrtgeFn Q HFWA .48a 1.9 19 26.98 16.40 177 24.75 548 25.00 22.50 +1.50 -3.9 HeritageIns N HRTG .24 1.9 6 16.48 11.25 207 12.77 1075 12.89 12.14 +.42 -18.5 HeritOkB Q HEOP .24 1.8 27 14.44 7.50 328 13.35 877 13.60 12.28 +.75 +8.3 HeritCryst Q HCCI 33 16.75 8.90 24 13.70 171 13.84 12.85 +.25 -12.7 HernTher h Q HRTX 25.46 12.21 366 15.00 3266 15.60 14.15 +.25 +14.5 Hersha rs N HT 1.12 6.0 10 22.14 15.36 705 18.79 4003 18.81 18.15 +.29 -10.6 Hersha pfD N HTpD 1.63 6.5 25.75 22.26 62 25.14 130 25.14 24.48 +.81 +12.5 Hersha pfE N HTpE 24.75 22.00 23 24.69 152 24.70 23.85 +.90 +9.7 Hershey N HSY 2.47 2.3 26 117.79 87.92 1007 109.25 4926 109.90 107.45 +1.27 +5.6tHertzGl N HTZ 53.14 16.83 2888 17.54 16699 17.99 16.83 +.09 -18.6 HerzfldCrb Q CUBA .16e 7.47 5.80 26 7.08 79 7.10 6.83 +.14 +5.4sHeskaCorp Q HSKA 73 104.90 26.26 1006 104.98 1602 105.00 94.29 +6.26 +46.6tHess N HES 1.00f 2.1 65.56 45.12 4942 48.21 24486 50.47 45.12 +2.11 -22.6tHess pfA N HESpA 80.33 56.27 319 59.50 625 61.49 56.27 +2.48 -19.2 HP Ent n N HPE .26 1.1 12 24.88 15.38 13701 23.70 54963 24.00 22.38 +.93 +2.4 Hexcel N HXL .44 .8 21 55.91 38.87 636 54.55 2092 54.74 51.92 +1.66 +6.0 Hi-Crush N HCLP 23.30 4.25 800 17.35 7973 17.50 14.50 +2.00 -12.4 Hibbett Q HIBB 11 45.85 27.25 599 29.50 3186 30.03 27.45 +1.45 -20.9sHighpwrInt Q HPJ 9 4.95 1.65 97 3.95 1925 4.95 3.45 +.40 +68.1 HghwyH Q HIHO .28m 7.2 4.86 3.10 5 3.90 33 4.05 3.90 -.15 +20.0 HighwdPrp N HIW 1.76 3.6 18 56.23 44.93 875 49.13 2987 49.63 48.42 -.41 -3.7 Hill Intl N HIL 5.70 1.95 226 4.15 1114 4.90 3.85 -.75 -4.6sHill-Rom N HRC .72f 1.0 25 71.22 46.79 431 70.60 2065 71.22 69.12 +.47 +25.8 HillenInc N HI .82 2.3 18 39.00 27.89 372 35.85 1179 36.03 34.96 +.15 -6.5 HillmCT pf N HLMp 2.90 8.7 34.74 31.31 11 33.31 61 33.80 33.04 -.04 +2.9 HilltopH N HTH 18 30.60 17.91 256 27.47 1376 27.66 25.86 +1.05 -7.8 HilGrVa n N HGV 33.00 24.60 648 28.66 1830 29.09 28.31 -.19 +10.2sHilton N HLT .15 22 59.44 41.83 2257 58.46 10212 59.44 57.33 +.15 HimaxTch Q HIMX .13e 1.4 38 12.00 4.88 9482 9.12 31165 9.59 8.36 -.16 +51.0 HingmSv Q HIFS 1.28 .7 16 203.01 118.00 2 176.85 14 177.67 168.40 +3.26 -10.1 Histogenics Q HSGX 4.47 1.39 113 1.73 384 1.77 1.65 +.05 +3.6 HoeghLP N HMLP 1.65 8.4 21 20.38 16.51 28 19.65 91 20.00 19.20 -.15 +3.4 HollyEngy N HEP 2.43f 6.8 21 38.09 29.53 316 35.71 851 35.97 33.62 +1.78 +11.4 HollyFront N HFC 1.32 4.7 13 37.98 22.07 2511 28.34 19042 28.60 26.23 +1.69 -13.5 Hollysys Q HOLI .20e 1.2 12 23.55 15.69 992 16.93 2534 17.01 16.41 +.13 -7.6 Hologic Q HOLX 27 42.97 32.64 1506 42.55 9941 42.92 41.96 +.26 +6.1 HomeBLA Q HBCP .52f 1.5 15 39.75 24.76 77 33.75 213 34.74 32.60 +.31 -12.6 HomeBcs s Q HOMB .36 1.3 21 29.69 18.32 712 27.07 3937 27.75 25.54 +.42 -2.5 HomeDp N HD 3.56f 2.4 23 150.15 119.20 3152 146.83 16906 147.68 145.94 -.88 +9.5 HomeStreet Q HMST 12 33.70 18.74 324 27.95 1499 28.25 25.45 +1.95 -11.6 HomeTrBc Q HTBI 29 27.05 17.28 79 23.50 250 23.65 21.80 +1.15 -9.3 Honda N HMC .55e 1.8 32.17 24.04 505 30.26 2434 30.86 30.18 -.52 +3.7 HonwllIntl N HON 2.66 2.1 19 127.52 105.25 2584 124.87 11205 125.80 123.05 +.10 +7.8 HongliCl rs Q CETC 6 7.69 1.66 47 1.90 190 2.18 1.89 -.24 -24.3 HookerFu Q HOFT .48 1.5 19 39.50 20.29 71 31.05 269 31.46 30.00 +.40 -18.2 HooperH rs N HH 2.70 .65 48 .84 127 .86 .75 +.08 +1.5 HopeBcp Q HOPE .48 2.5 17 22.99 13.99 475 19.17 2483 19.43 18.00 +.43 -12.4 HopFedBc Q HFBC .16 1.1 30 15.45 10.82 4 14.32 21 14.90 14.32 -.52 +6.4 HorMan N HMN 1.06 2.6 20 44.15 30.25 183 41.05 975 41.15 39.20 +1.25 -4.1 HorizBcp s Q HBNC .44f 1.7 19 28.63 15.83 35 26.22 423 26.76 24.41 +1.11 -6.4 HorizGbl n N HZN 20 26.37 10.60 371 13.88 2639 14.28 12.61 +.94 -42.2 HorizPhm Q HZNP 23.44 13.05 3443 14.78 14432 15.30 14.20 +.41 -8.7 HorizTFn Q HRZN 1.38 12.4 8 13.95 9.64 65 11.13 252 11.17 10.81 +.28 +5.7 HorizTFn19 N HTF 1.84 7.2 26.42 25.20 25.47 11 25.47 25.26 +.12 -.1 Hor OEXcc Q QYLD 2.26e 9.7 23.34 20.77 17 23.25 158 23.29 22.88 +.29 +4.0sHorzDAX Q DAX .35e 1.3 27.35 21.51 2 27.33 16 27.37 26.97 +.28 +8.9 HorzSPCvC N HSPX 2.52e 4.0 47.97 41.85 14 47.31 46 47.57 46.73 +.32 +4.0sHorGKWld N KLDW 28.88 24.71 3 28.67 40 28.88 28.53 -.03 +8.7tHorz Saba n N CEFS 20.37 19.83 34 20.18 75 20.33 19.83 +.22 +1.5 Hormel s N HRL .68 2.0 21 43.98 33.18 2337 34.63 14226 34.70 33.96 +.11 -.5 Hornbeck N HOS 12.57 3.00 1162 4.43 4935 4.54 3.69 +.38 -38.6 Hortonwks Q HDP 13.12 6.42 515 9.81 2112 9.94 9.10 +.50 +18.1 HospPT Q HPT 2.04 6.5 9 32.63 24.62 420 31.53 3673 31.70 30.63 +.58 -.7 HostHotls N HST .80a 4.3 12 20.21 14.30 8611 18.66 32651 18.78 17.81 +.81 -1.0 HostessBr n Q TWNK 16.48 9.50 618 15.87 4500 16.19 15.58 +.10 +22.1 Hostess wt Q TWNKW 3.00 .16 126 2.82 1710 2.90 2.69 +.06 +61.1 HoughMH Q HMHC 21.08 9.15 930 10.15 4440 10.25 9.25 +.70 -6.5sHoulihnL n N HLI .80f 2.3 21 34.66 20.96 815 34.45 1983 34.95 32.00 +1.66 +10.7 HstnAEn N HUSA .43 .16 132 .27 692 .30 .24 -.01 +51.7 HoustWC Q HWCC .12m 1.8 8.05 5.10 5 6.75 69 6.95 6.60 +.05 +3.8 HovnEn pf A Q HOVNP 8.40 2.04 56 7.00 73 7.26 7.00 -.15 -6.6 HovnanE N HOV 28 2.96 1.43 607 2.27 3252 2.33 2.20 +.01 -16.8 HowardBcp Q HBMD 47 19.00 12.01 4 18.70 147 18.70 17.05 +.90 +23.8 HHughes N HHC 21 123.99 98.01 162 117.25 672 117.75 113.64 +2.15 +2.8 HuanPwr N HNP 2.45e 9.2 37.79 22.85 61 26.63 360 27.18 26.42 -.78 +2.3 HubGroup Q HUBG 20 52.50 34.35 240 46.40 1133 46.70 44.55 +.65 +6.1 Hubbell N HUBB 2.80f 2.3 23 125.93 97.35 154 120.05 705 120.49 115.61 +2.40 +2.9 HubSpot N HUBS 66.10 39.01 584 60.55 2579 61.15 56.95 +28.8 HudBayM g N HBM .02 9.15 2.88 608 6.55 2745 7.15 6.50 -.45 +14.9 HudBay wt N HBM/WS 1.04 .12 3 .42 33 .52 .38 -.06 +17.2 HudsonGbl Q HSON .20 15.9 2.74 1.00 41 1.26 493 1.35 1.15 +.10 -7.4 HudsPacP N HPP 1.00f 2.9 27 36.75 26.79 1682 34.64 5539 34.77 33.48 +.23 -.4 HudsonTc Q HDSN 21 8.50 3.07 313 6.60 1381 6.62 6.25 +.02 -17.6 HugotnR N HGT .06e 2.9 5 2.75 1.25 48 1.90 410 2.00 1.75 +.07 -11.6 Humana N HUM 1.60f .8 23 220.49 150.00 1179 206.14 6589 208.21 203.48 -.73 +1.0 HuntJB Q JBHT .92f 1.0 24 102.38 75.71 680 91.74 5204 92.95 88.70 +1.47 -5.5 HuntMar un Q HUNTU 10.91 9.75 1 10.26 22 10.40 10.06 +.11 +1.1 HuntBncsh Q HBAN .32 2.4 20 14.74 8.05 9760 13.39 59685 13.62 12.56 +.28 +1.3 HuntBc pf Q HBANP 85.00 6.2 1500.00 1345.00 0 1368.50 160 1381.00 1357.24 +11.50 -3.3 HuntBcs pf Q HBANO 1.56 6.0 28.97 24.81 135 25.92 316 26.89 25.80 -.43 +2.5 HuntB pfC Q HBANN 1.47 5.9 27.40 22.67 0 25.05 7 25.40 25.05 +.21 +3.9 HuntgUSEq N HUSE 1.86e .6 40.92 35.78 4 37.48 15 37.53 37.01 +.35 +3.6sHuntAct n Q SQZZ 25.28 24.90 1 25.27 5 25.28 24.98 +.26 +1.4 HuntgtnIng N HII 2.40 1.2 19 220.68 136.41 363 200.24 2085 203.94 200.23 -4.69 +8.7sHuntsmn N HUN .50 2.0 15 25.22 12.40 3688 24.54 19742 25.22 22.02 +1.89 +28.6 Hurco Q HURC .40f 1.3 20 34.55 24.80 57 31.10 164 31.55 27.10 +1.90 -6.0 HuronCon Q HURN 24 65.00 39.15 120 42.10 567 42.35 41.20 +.55 -16.9 HutChMd n Q HCM 21.77 9.80 30 19.95 208 21.70 18.91 +.94 +47.0 HuttigBld Q HBP 7 9.02 3.56 36 8.14 338 8.35 7.88 -.06 +23.1 Hyatt N H 41 58.05 44.30 593 53.98 3083 54.18 51.68 +1.36 -2.3 Hydrognc Q HYGS 10.33 3.90 12 6.70 254 6.85 6.30 -.10 +52.3 HysterYale N HY 1.18 2.1 22 70.19 47.25 53 56.39 241 56.82 54.51 -.30 -11.6I -:IAC Inter Q IAC 1.36 1.8 25 77.46 45.00 879 73.72 2708 74.50 72.35 +.98 +13.8 IAMGld g N IAG 80 5.87 2.16 4599 4.00 29027 4.07 3.78 +.11 +3.9 ICAD Q ICAD 6.49 2.82 53 4.81 451 5.11 4.50 +.44 +48.7stICC Hld n Q ICCH 17.51 14.20 2 16.42 243 17.51 14.20 +14.0 ICF Intl Q ICFI 20 59.55 33.39 130 41.30 671 41.80 40.30 +.35 -25.2 ICICI Bk N IBN .16e 1.9 8.81 6.30 4978 8.60 31814 8.71 8.32 +.20 +14.8 ICU Med Q ICUI 43 159.95 97.24 91 152.70 481 155.80 151.20 -2.95 +3.6 ID Syst Q IDSY 7.34 4.19 10 6.33 139 6.59 6.08 +.03 +16.8sIdexxLab s Q IDXX 63 154.99 75.03 447 154.61 1973 155.65 151.80 +.87 +31.8 IDT Cp N IDT .76 6.0 23.13 12.03 155 12.72 798 12.79 12.19 +.20 -31.4 IEC Elec N IEC 17 5.64 3.21 22 3.84 110 3.89 3.58 +.14 +7.6 IES Hldgs Q IESC 20 23.00 11.00 158 18.10 415 18.20 17.35 +.25 -5.5 IFresh n Q IFMK 28.88 11.88 49 13.49 119 17.99 12.25 -3.19 +12.5sIHS Mark Q INFO 58 41.82 30.38 2912 41.95 13218 42.18 39.40 +1.62 +18.5 II-VI Q IIVI 35 41.10 17.76 1655 36.05 5729 39.80 35.05 -1.95 +21.6sILG Inc Q ILG .48 2.3 24 20.87 11.79 1072 20.96 6384 21.00 19.02 +1.59 +15.4 INC Resc h Q INCR 23 57.11 36.70 1336 45.85 6671 46.10 42.65 +1.70 -12.8 ING N ING .14e .9 15.80 9.26 2202 15.09 14148 15.18 14.81 +.17 +7.0 ING 6.20 N ISP 1.55 6.1 26.52 23.65 15 25.50 127 25.99 25.50 +.07 +1.8 ING 6.125 N ISG 1.53 6.0 26.28 24.85 31 25.50 251 25.90 25.46 +.10 +2.0 ING 6.375 N ISF 1.59 6.2 26.79 24.79 40 25.58 234 25.82 25.58 -.10 +1.8 INTLFCStn Q INTL 13 44.71 24.91 88 37.96 351 38.18 35.75 +1.80 -4.1 ION Geo rs N IO 9.65 3.87 23 4.85 158 4.90 4.40 +.25 -19.2 IPG Photon Q IPGP 25 124.27 76.22 209 120.70 1107 121.67 117.13 +1.67 +22.3 iPass Q IPAS 1.89 .98 71 1.17 322 1.23 1.14 -29.1 IQ HdgMult N QAI .39e 1.3 29.45 28.37 183 29.09 625 29.14 28.93 +.09 +1.5 IQ Hedge N MCRO .34e 1.3 25.78 22.13 3 25.33 11 25.34 25.28 +.01 +2.9 IQ CorePl n N AGGP 21.21 19.51 104 19.84 158 19.90 19.78 +.04 +.7 IQ CoreBd n N AGGE 22.70 19.17 18 19.42 275 19.47 19.41 +.02 -.6 IQHdgMNt N QMN .34e 1.4 26.61 24.70 0 25.11 4 25.12 24.96 +.00 -.1 IQ GTAA N QGTA 22.52 20.25 4 22.44 31 22.46 22.37 +.16 +3.9 IQ 50HJpn N HFXJ 19.50 14.99 1 18.98 3 19.22 18.97 -.11 -.1sIQ 50HgEur N HFXE 18.39 15.76 3 18.32 34 18.39 18.18 +.10 +6.4 IQ 50HIntl N HFXI 19.88 16.12 27 19.31 135 19.56 19.22 -.07 +6.5 IQ RealRtn N CPI .03e .1 27.42 25.51 3 27.18 16 27.20 27.04 +.08 +1.0 IQUSReSC N ROOF 1.43e 5.3 28.94 24.47 50 26.88 139 26.88 25.93 +.54 -1.2sIQMrgArb N MNA 30.01 26.91 26 29.99 209 30.05 29.84 +.07 +2.4 IQ AustSC N KROO .88e 5.3 17.47 13.41 1 16.73 3 16.75 16.38 +.19 +7.5 IQ AgriSC N CROP .41e 1.3 33.33 28.94 1 32.39 25 33.05 32.28 -.36 +3.0 IQGblOilSC N IOIL .29e 2.5 13.73 9.69 1 11.51 11 11.51 10.77 +.53 -7.4 IQ CdaSC N CNDA .18e 1.0 18.49 13.49 17.15 32 17.34 16.77 +.33 +3.3 IQ GlbRes N GRES .35e 1.4 26.73 23.04 73 25.81 181 25.96 25.70 -.08 +2.8sIRSA N IRS 25.41 13.43 52 24.51 133 25.41 23.60 +.73 +32.9 IRSA Prop Q IRCP .77e 1.8 54.45 32.66 30 43.80 50 43.89 42.17 -.10 -7.5 IRhythm n Q IRTC 40.48 22.16 203 37.60 719 37.81 34.54 +2.24 +25.3siRobot Q IRBT 44 65.82 33.20 401 66.14 2095 66.24 60.67 +3.65 +13.2 iShGold N IAU 13.25 10.81 5200 12.01 24773 12.14 11.96 +8.4 iShGSCI N GSG 16.26 13.19 1134 14.82 2063 14.82 14.24 +.39 -5.4siSAstla N EWA 1.23e 5.4 22.91 18.18 2456 22.61 20119 22.91 22.04 +.44 +11.8 iSAstria N EWO .25e 1.4 18.52 13.22 76 18.17 374 18.33 18.13 -.10 +9.9 iShBelg N EWK .36e 1.9 19.10 16.37 44 18.76 267 18.96 18.73 -.03 +7.1 iShBrazil N EWZ 1.03e 2.7 40.80 24.75 11638 37.46 58256 38.00 36.42 +.34 +12.4 iShCanada N EWC .60e 2.2 27.92 22.89 1927 26.88 10607 27.13 26.32 +.35 +2.8siShEMU N EZU .95e 2.5 37.87 29.71 6347 37.60 26942 37.87 37.45 +.16 +8.7siSFrance N EWQ .68e 2.6 26.58 21.00 757 26.51 2809 26.59 26.32 +.22 +7.5siShGerm N EWG .51e 1.8 28.91 22.51 3052 28.75 21143 28.91 28.43 +.20 +8.6 iSh HK N EWH .49e 2.2 22.45 18.50 1765 22.25 8911 22.43 22.14 -.13 +14.2 iSh SKor N EWY .66e 1.1 62.78 48.65 1914 61.87 9844 62.54 61.87 -.60 +16.3 iShMexico N EWW .93e 1.8 54.33 41.23 2484 51.17 13446 52.06 50.79 -.39 +16.4 iShNeth N EWN .40e 1.5 27.21 21.43 175 26.81 606 27.07 26.76 -.05 +11.0siSPacxJpn N EPP 2.08e 4.7 45.13 36.71 2070 44.69 7567 45.13 43.86 +.56 +12.9 iShSoAfr N EZA 1.37e 2.5 61.26 46.65 866 55.19 3182 58.91 55.07 -5.18 +5.4siShSpain N EWP 1.62e 5.3 30.79 22.58 835 30.41 10446 30.79 30.25 +.10 +14.7 iSSwedn N EWD 1.40e 4.4 31.85 25.11 305 31.57 1426 31.72 31.31 -.01 +9.9siShSwitz N EWL .80e 2.5 32.28 27.70 702 31.98 2899 32.28 31.97 -.09 +8.6 iShFrntr100 N FM 3.58e 2.7 28.40 23.90 192 27.74 1016 28.19 27.69 -.28 +11.6 iShGlHiY bt N GHYG 2.09e 4.2 49.89 45.66 10 49.36 72 49.37 48.87 +.54 +1.8 iShxUSH bt N HYXU .92e 2.0 51.51 44.75 3 46.85 128 47.77 46.62 -.56 +2.2 iShEMCBd bt N CEMB 2.28 4.5 51.30 47.74 22 50.47 54 50.77 50.39 -.14 +1.8 iShEMkHY N EMHY 3.98 8.0 50.98 46.58 40 49.93 231 50.14 49.87 +.07 +2.6 iShAsiaPDv N DVYA 2.29e 4.7 49.00 39.41 4 48.73 36 48.81 47.33 +.86 +8.4 iShEmMDv N DVYE 1.83e 4.6 40.59 30.82 49 39.85 533 40.29 39.83 -.41 +15.2 iShGblSilv N SLVP .19e 1.6 17.10 7.96 62 11.64 403 11.81 11.34 +.08 +11.4 iShGblEnP N FILL .46e 2.4 21.26 16.73 42 19.52 107 19.76 18.75 +.46 -3.9 iShGblAgri N VEGI .55e 2.1 26.61 21.61 2 26.05 14 26.14 25.73 +.18 +4.4siShMsciWld N URTH 1.56e 2.0 79.43 65.57 41 77.87 103 79.43 76.95 +.37 +6.6 iShEMAsia Q EEMA 1.23e 2.0 61.16 48.00 38 60.01 131 60.80 60.01 -.64 +14.6 iShEMktSC N EEMS 1.29e 2.8 46.38 38.67 21 46.17 285 46.37 45.90 -.17 +14.2 iShEMkBd N LEMB .42e .9 46.35 41.68 194 45.44 397 45.99 45.41 -.51 +6.0 iShWldMnV N ACWV 1.47e 1.9 78.24 71.80 153 77.13 1212 77.65 77.10 -.25 +6.2 iSEMMnVol N EEMV 1.42e 2.7 54.86 47.80 285 53.50 2313 54.02 53.49 -.31 +9.4siShJpnSC N SCJ 1.23e 1.9 67.82 55.63 14 66.33 170 67.82 66.15 -.70 +7.7siShThai N THD 2.08e 2.7 78.40 64.01 96 77.99 840 78.40 77.48 +.52 +8.2 iShIsrael N EIS 1.07e 2.1 52.39 44.45 6 51.25 110 51.77 51.13 -.44 +10.5siShChile N ECH .62e 1.4 44.20 34.14 464 43.56 2314 44.20 42.80 +.18 +16.4 iShBRIC N BKF .96e 2.6 36.96 28.27 23 36.32 115 36.67 35.94 -.08 +13.9 iShsUSA N EUSA .67e 1.3 50.75 41.61 7 49.84 64 49.93 48.72 +.60 +5.3 iShTurkey N TUR 1.10e 3.1 46.42 28.98 251 35.80 2197 36.53 35.59 -.93 +10.3 iShSilver N SLV 19.71 14.20 4657 17.25 31614 17.33 17.05 +.44 +14.2 iShS&P100 N OEF 1.92e 1.8 106.85 88.37 456 104.70 2176 105.12 103.02 +.68 +5.4 iShMrnLV N JKF 2.46e 2.6 99.69 82.48 6 96.20 49 96.48 94.25 +.97 +2.2 iShIntlTBd Q IGOV .19e .2 102.17 88.19 22 91.40 140 92.65 91.30 -.44 +1.8 iShMrnLG N JKE 1.20e .9 132.48 111.60 7 131.67 52 131.89 129.45 +1.21 +8.8 iShNewZea Q ENZL 2.01e 4.8 49.93 39.22 50 42.22 354 42.29 41.31 +.78 +6.3 iSh1-3yITB Q ISHG .20e .3 84.37 75.36 1 78.54 68 79.74 78.48 -.52 +3.0 iShMrnLC N JKD 2.24e 1.6 143.66 116.19 16 141.85 94 142.43 140.12 +.74 +6.9 iShBrazSC N EWZS .40e 2.9 14.74 7.98 27 13.64 141 13.70 13.21 +.18 +24.3 iShIntlPfd N IPFF .96e 5.5 17.50 15.01 16 17.33 343 17.34 16.94 +.29 +10.1 iShSPTUS s N ITOT 55.08 45.14 913 54.03 7065 54.19 52.93 +.52 +5.3 iShSTNtMu N SUB .86 .8 106.67 104.44 81 105.59 483 105.63 105.50 +.03 +.5 iShAgcyBd N AGZ 1.81 1.6 117.44 110.31 19 113.05 113 113.36 112.82 +.4 iShSelDiv N DVY 2.59e 2.8 93.52 79.95 586 91.10 3597 91.51 89.69 +.58 +2.9 iShGTimb Q WOOD .79e 1.4 58.33 42.80 17 57.63 144 57.78 56.63 +.20 +7.5 iShTIPS N TIP .43e .4 117.55 110.90 891 114.65 5490 114.78 114.18 +.20 +1.3 iShEurFn Q EUFN .74e 3.6 20.73 14.31 502 20.32 4659 20.51 20.15 +.03 +7.2 iShAsiaexJ Q AAXJ 1.30e 2.1 63.85 50.53 296 62.94 3150 63.62 62.90 -.37 +14.6 iShChinaLC N FXI .76e 2.0 39.85 31.04 13452 38.49 67470 39.34 38.46 -.76 +10.9 iShTransp N IYT 1.70e 1.0 173.88 125.94 266 163.99 2340 164.94 158.18 +3.25 +.7 iShChinaSC N ECNS 1.28e 2.8 47.90 38.50 0 45.32 20 46.60 44.55 -1.15 +10.5 iSCorSP500 N IVV 4.38e 1.8 241.81 199.79 3994 237.27 16770 238.01 233.10 +1.88 +5.5 iSMornMC N JKG 2.32e 1.4 170.02 141.07 18 166.61 62 167.19 163.20 +1.57 +5.9 iShEMInfr Q EMIF .93e 2.9 32.11 27.12 2 31.73 21 31.77 31.37 +.18 +13.4 iShGClnEn Q ICLN .33e 3.9 9.68 7.73 22 8.56 162 8.59 8.39 +.06 +8.6 iShUSAgBd N AGG 2.65e 2.3 113.27 107.06 3627 108.49 11305 108.71 108.35 +.13 +.4 iShEMkts N EEM .84e 2.1 40.23 31.70 88870 39.39 242659 39.93 39.31 -.42 +12.5 iShACWX Q ACWX 1.00e 2.3 43.95 36.36 916 43.62 3513 43.93 43.42 +8.3 iShiBoxIG N LQD 3.87 3.3 124.48 115.55 5658 117.91 19521 118.10 117.69 +.19 +.6 iSh ACWI Q ACWI 1.43e 2.3 63.87 52.92 2053 63.26 12081 63.60 62.65 +.18 +6.9 iSKokusai N TOK 1.37e 2.4 58.51 49.05 4 58.23 16 58.34 57.51 +.52 +7.1 iShCorUSTr N GOVT .33 1.3 26.45 24.72 485 25.05 3064 25.12 24.98 +.02 +.5 iSh2017Mu s N IBMF .23 .8 27.64 27.07 10 27.25 75 27.30 27.25 +.2siSEafeSC Q SCZ 1.24e 2.3 54.57 45.48 653 54.14 4192 54.57 53.85 -.05 +8.6 iSGblTelcm N IXP 2.14e 3.6 64.52 55.36 14 59.48 50 60.01 59.38 -.47 +1.3 iShEMBd N EMB 5.27e 4.6 118.14 107.74 2004 113.70 9790 114.10 113.56 -.04 +3.2 iShGblTech N IXN 1.11e .9 124.74 92.35 18 124.25 290 124.68 122.22 +1.12 +13.1 iShAaa-ACp N QLTA 1.51e 2.9 54.39 50.70 4 51.65 15 51.76 51.50 +.10 +.6 iSMrnMCG N JKH .59e .3 175.23 147.98 1 173.94 7 174.08 170.42 +1.35 +7.3 iShIndones N EIDO .38e 1.5 27.06 21.36 605 25.79 2831 26.03 25.65 -.16 +6.9 iSSP500Gr N IVW 2.03e 1.5 132.81 110.84 508 131.52 3508 131.96 129.25 +1.02 +8.0 iShNYMuni N NYF 2.80 2.5 115.51 107.15 3 110.17 37 110.39 110.04 +.17 +1.2 iShGblHcre N IXJ 2.72e 1.6 106.25 92.25 56 102.79 125 103.45 102.30 +.11 +8.4 iShGnmaBd Q GNMA .75e 1.5 51.33 48.97 16 49.68 93 49.82 49.55 +.11 iShGblFin N IXG 1.34e 2.2 62.46 44.58 14 60.90 122 61.29 59.56 +.41 +5.4 iShUSAQlt N QUAL 1.04e 1.4 74.29 62.64 135 72.80 716 73.09 72.00 +.10 +5.4 iSSPGlbEn N IXC 1.05e 3.2 36.16 28.35 228 33.20 799 33.51 32.28 +.64 -4.6 iShCalMuni N CMF 2.72 2.3 122.50 113.23 27 116.31 151 116.39 116.06 +.50 +.7 iSh CMBS N CMBS 1.00 2.0 53.70 50.05 25 51.23 262 51.41 51.07 -.02 +.3 iShUSASize N SIZE 1.26e 1.7 76.90 64.80 10 75.57 22 75.68 74.54 +.41 +5.2 iSGblInfra N IGF 1.17e 2.8 42.46 37.25 113 42.32 1043 42.42 41.90 +.29 +8.4 iShNANatR N IGE .85e 2.5 37.62 28.67 212 34.27 765 34.48 33.06 +.87 -4.7siSh JPXNik N JPXN 56.98 51.22 1 55.84 8 56.98 55.84 -.58 +5.3 iShUSAVal N VLUE 1.49e 2.0 75.57 58.20 247 73.12 887 73.40 71.21 +1.04 +4.2 iShLatAm N ILF .67e 2.1 33.05 23.34 1487 31.71 8028 32.23 30.85 +.22 +15.0 iShUSAMo N MTUM .81e 1.0 83.26 72.08 159 82.65 879 82.94 81.37 +.50 +9.0 iShMrnMCV N JKI 2.72e 1.8 152.61 119.16 22 148.43 90 148.86 143.86 +2.88 +2.7 iShPhilpns N EPHE .33e 1.0 40.48 30.43 115 34.16 713 34.55 33.96 -.03 +5.4 iSSP500Val N IVE 2.14e 2.1 107.75 87.88 723 104.04 3991 104.55 102.11 +.76 +2.6 iShNMuBd N MUB 2.59 2.4 115.19 106.30 347 108.95 2207 109.10 108.86 +.17 +.7 iShUKSC bt N EWUS 1.38e 3.8 40.37 30.40 1 36.59 8 36.59 36.11 +.33 +7.9 iSRTop200V N IWX 1.17e 2.4 49.94 40.98 14 48.17 59 48.49 47.21 +.21 +2.5 iShIntlDev N WPS 1.16e 3.3 38.99 33.12 7 35.52 30 35.58 35.31 -.01 +5.7 iShAsia50 N AIA .79e 1.5 53.78 40.24 33 52.51 89 53.30 52.51 -.51 +13.6 iSh20 yrT N TLT 3.05 2.5 143.62 116.49 4904 120.71 30045 121.97 120.21 -.17 +1.3 iSRTop200G N IWY .82e 1.3 62.05 51.37 30 61.53 180 61.64 60.38 +.65 +9.3 iSh7-10yTB N IEF 1.96 1.9 113.91 103.43 1601 105.59 8484 105.96 105.36 +.11 +.7 iShRTop200 N IWL 1.02e 1.9 54.91 45.54 2 53.91 47 54.06 53.06 +.56 +5.8 iShIntSelDv N IDV 1.51e 4.5 31.66 26.40 534 31.46 3514 31.53 31.12 +.35 +6.4 iSh1-3yTB N SHY .52 .6 85.35 84.23 947 84.52 4242 84.57 84.46 +.03 +.1siS Eafe N EFA 1.70e 2.7 62.65 51.93 28322 62.29 107771 62.65 62.02 +.15 +7.9siShGerSC bt N EWGS .69e 1.5 46.60 37.97 5 46.55 21 46.61 46.09 +.16 +12.3 iShEurRE Q IFEU .87e 2.6 39.41 31.43 4 34.11 14 34.16 33.58 +.15 +2.5 iSRusMCV N IWS 1.59e 1.9 85.33 69.30 610 82.99 2761 83.29 80.79 +1.17 +3.2 iShCrLTBd N ILTB 2.54 4.1 68.96 59.26 9 61.59 109 61.85 61.43 +.22 +1.5 iSRusMCG N IWP 1.02e 1.0 104.76 88.29 325 103.76 1172 104.09 101.75 +.91 +6.5 iShIntlRE Q IFGL 1.09e 4.0 30.99 25.78 43 27.46 424 27.55 27.35 -.02 +4.5siShEuroSC Q IEUS 1.08e 2.3 48.20 38.46 12 47.54 51 48.20 47.23 +.03 +8.5 iShNorC bt N ENOR .58e 2.6 23.45 18.33 22 21.95 89 22.19 21.74 -.36 +.9 iShRusMid N IWR 2.85e 1.5 190.88 158.50 474 187.18 1525 187.87 182.96 +2.11 +4.7 iShMrnSC N JKJ 1.78e 1.1 162.98 127.56 1 159.56 16 159.56 154.14 +3.47 +2.1 iShIreland N EIRL .88e 1.6 41.63 33.37 10 40.06 55 40.31 39.87 -.15 +6.7 iSCorSPMid N IJH 1.89e 1.1 175.72 140.39 1996 171.22 8617 171.97 166.58 +2.56 +3.6 iSh10yCBd N CLY 2.67 4.5 64.42 57.15 50 59.24 200 59.55 59.01 +.08 +.9 iShiBxHYB N HYG 5.09 5.8 88.37 80.78 10560 87.78 62585 87.90 86.40 +.95 +1.4 iShFinlC bt N EFNL .51e 1.5 35.36 28.71 4 34.95 30 35.31 34.77 -.15 +6.2 iShSft N IGV .12e .1 127.49 97.83 71 126.47 800 126.84 123.69 +1.33 +16.2 iShDenC bt N EDEN .81e 1.5 59.77 48.00 14 55.40 69 55.78 55.09 +.08 +8.6 iShs SOX Q SOXX 1.15e .8 137.96 84.83 186 136.89 1534 137.58 134.02 +1.01 +11.5siShIndia50 Q INDY .15e .5 32.44 25.68 90 32.33 692 32.46 31.73 +.49 +18.3 iShNetw N IGN .25e .5 47.91 32.98 5 45.50 32 45.76 44.92 -.02 +4.3 iShNATch N IGM .73e .5 138.97 104.31 25 138.46 130 138.81 135.28 +1.77 +11.8 iShNsdqBio Q IBB .09e 303.74 240.30 680 293.27 4224 296.69 286.66 +3.21 +10.5 iShResRE N REZ 2.01e 3.2 69.29 58.02 21 63.15 80 63.39 62.22 +.08 +1.8 iSh2019Mun N IBMH .27 1.1 25.98 25.15 29 25.53 176 25.54 25.44 +.02 +.8 iShC&SRE N ICF 2.97e 3.0 112.45 93.02 512 99.75 1561 100.05 97.54 +.54 +.1 iShKLDSoc N DSI 1.11e 1.3 88.11 73.22 47 86.76 312 87.03 85.17 +.78 +5.3 iShGbl100 N IOO 2.03e 2.5 82.62 67.40 10 81.74 106 82.17 80.70 +.55 +6.5 iSh2018Mu N IBMG .23 .9 25.72 25.29 12 25.44 155 25.51 25.42 -.07 +.2siShConsSv N IYC 1.50e .9 161.00 136.88 88 160.93 180 161.20 156.55 +2.82 +6.6 iShMBS N MBB 3.04e 2.3 110.26 105.04 557 106.55 2411 106.64 106.23 +.17 +.2 iShGvCrBd N GBF 2.86 2.5 118.69 111.23 2 112.87 20 113.16 112.70 +.16 +.8siShIndia bt N INDA .24e .8 31.61 25.79 2213 31.49 12533 31.64 30.90 +.51 +17.7 iSR1KVal N IWD 2.41e 2.1 118.74 97.03 1682 114.94 8537 115.40 112.65 +.97 +2.6 iSMrnSCG N JKK .87e .6 155.13 126.19 1 152.94 4 153.01 148.72 +3.19 +5.7 iShPoland N EPOL .79e 3.7 22.80 16.02 130 21.58 987 22.37 21.55 -.51 +19.1 iSMCGth N IJK 1.88e 1.0 194.97 158.83 244 190.91 805 191.58 186.30 +2.33 +4.8 iShIntGvC N GVI 1.99 1.8 114.00 109.01 155 110.20 432 110.38 110.09 +.02 +.3 iSR1KGr N IWF 1.45e 1.3 114.70 95.45 1255 113.80 6463 114.09 111.69 +1.06 +8.5siSIndiaSC bt N SMIN .10e .2 42.03 29.62 41 41.98 164 42.29 40.84 +1.14 +28.5 iShCorUSCr N CRED 4.20 3.8 115.00 107.85 45 109.91 240 110.10 109.68 +.18 +.6 iSRus1K N IWB 2.36e 1.8 133.82 110.84 714 131.25 4039 131.68 128.86 +1.10 +5.5 iSR2KVal N IWN 1.98e 1.7 122.47 90.11 1172 118.16 4157 118.70 113.26 +3.03 -.7 iShIntCrBd N CIU 3.09 2.8 111.85 107.44 276 108.96 1379 109.03 108.70 +.21 +.7 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 10 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


iSh1-3CrBd N CSJ 1.52 1.4 106.12 104.50 322 105.23 1740 105.23 105.11 +.07 +.3 iSR2KGr N IWO 1.36e .8 163.50 128.24 376 161.66 2035 162.33 156.37 +3.04 +5.0 iSh10-20TB N TLH 2.99 2.2 148.75 131.10 15 134.41 131 135.06 134.09 +.13 +1.1 iShFltRtB N FLOT .32 .6 50.89 50.34 594 50.87 3215 50.88 50.84 -.02 +.3 iShR2K N IWM 1.77e 1.3 140.86 107.99 25678 137.48 125499 138.17 132.40 +2.99 +2.0 iSh3-7yTrB N IEI 1.78 1.4 127.80 121.46 190 123.05 1187 123.17 122.76 +.17 +.4 iShCorHiDv N HDV 2.90e 3.5 85.70 77.69 275 83.86 3393 84.20 83.38 +.05 +2.0 iSCorUSVal s N IUSV 52.19 42.07 194 50.48 1380 50.70 49.50 +.41 +2.7 iSCorUSGr s N IUSG 46.78 38.84 185 46.38 1104 46.51 45.54 +.41 +8.1 iShChina N MCHI 1.05e 2.1 51.26 39.24 1875 49.93 6538 50.73 49.86 -.65 +14.2 iShShtTrB N SHV .03e 110.46 110.23 449 110.34 2798 110.34 110.27 +.06 iShUSPfd N PFF 2.15a 5.6 40.34 36.70 1668 38.70 9745 38.73 38.40 +.24 +4.0 iSEafeMnV N EFAV 1.77e 2.7 69.07 60.63 597 66.00 2839 66.59 65.77 -.12 +7.8 iSRus3K N IWV 2.47e 1.8 142.61 117.47 454 139.90 1693 140.36 137.10 +1.33 +5.2 iSGblMatl N MXI 1.54e 2.6 60.38 45.97 18 59.21 60 59.65 58.17 +.34 +8.0 iShUtils N IDU 4.54e 3.5 132.34 113.89 101 128.42 597 130.51 127.63 -1.36 +5.4 iSUSAMinV N USMV .87e 1.8 48.41 43.45 1340 47.72 7382 47.84 47.44 +.01 +5.5 iSMrnSCV N JKL 2.98e 2.1 149.77 115.00 8 144.19 58 144.56 138.23 +3.85 +1.0 iShMCVal N IJJ 2.16e 1.5 152.99 120.17 245 148.45 2083 149.10 143.79 +2.70 +2.2 iShGblUtil N JXI 1.73e 3.6 49.81 42.85 5 48.23 80 48.46 47.80 +.02 +7.9 iShTelecm N IYZ .68e 2.1 36.74 29.31 824 32.34 1821 32.54 31.40 +.25 -6.3 iShTech N IYW 1.20e .9 136.05 99.51 137 135.17 749 135.54 132.14 +1.61 +12.4siShGblIndl N EXI 1.25e 1.6 80.85 65.42 14 80.38 60 80.85 79.45 +.37 +6.7 iShGblCStp N KXI 2.09e 2.1 101.62 89.34 6 99.37 188 100.03 99.19 -.22 +7.9 iShREst N IYR 2.76e 3.5 85.80 72.11 9659 78.49 29195 78.71 76.74 +.75 +2.0siSGblCnDis N RXI 1.24e 1.3 96.67 80.26 14 96.48 32 96.77 94.78 +1.35 +7.0 iSh0-5Tips N STIP 101.82 99.89 64 101.45 431 101.48 101.22 +.18 +.7 iShHmCnst N ITB .09e .3 32.65 25.16 1161 31.98 6892 32.07 31.19 +.29 +16.4 iShInds N IYJ 1.65e 1.3 129.53 103.82 42 125.93 258 126.63 123.05 +1.10 +4.4 iShAerosp N ITA 1.31e .9 154.46 115.71 157 148.72 1054 149.46 145.00 +1.50 +5.8 iShHltcare N IYH 3.01e 1.9 160.58 137.30 71 155.70 403 156.48 153.98 +.28 +8.0 iShFinSv N IYG 1.21e 1.1 116.22 75.41 155 109.10 2607 110.26 105.06 +1.25 +2.7 iShRegBks N IAT .61e 1.4 49.24 30.04 277 44.80 1877 45.44 42.60 +.64 -1.3 iShInsur N IAK .82e 1.4 62.87 47.25 18 60.62 166 60.68 58.56 +.88 +2.2 iShFincls N IYF 1.45e 1.4 109.36 80.64 294 104.05 2726 104.65 101.16 +.93 +2.6 iShBroker N IAI .65e 1.3 53.97 33.93 19 51.26 1004 51.53 49.17 +.68 +3.6 iShUSEngy N IYE 1.14e 3.0 43.31 33.68 697 38.54 4319 38.87 37.17 +.95 -7.2 iShESGSel N KLD 1.14e 1.2 99.26 81.96 18 98.25 85 98.55 96.65 +.95 +6.8 iShCrSPS s N IJR 70.98 54.56 3587 69.16 15680 69.47 66.54 +1.50 iShMedDev N IHI 1.57e 1.0 152.73 123.45 70 151.42 445 151.86 149.96 +.22 +13.7 iShConsGd N IYK 2.43e 2.0 121.06 107.85 20 118.75 178 119.62 118.23 +.02 +7.3 iShHltcPrv N IHF .24e .2 137.75 111.40 33 134.09 80 134.65 131.25 +1.93 +7.0 iShCorTInt N IXUS 1.42e 2.6 55.30 45.70 594 54.75 2579 55.24 54.66 -.15 +8.4 iShPharm N IHE 3.11e 1.0 158.11 129.20 11 150.94 59 153.50 148.58 +1.01 +6.7 iShBasM N IYM 1.42e 1.6 90.40 71.90 78 89.14 851 89.60 86.41 +1.57 +7.2 iShPeru N EPU .34e 1.0 36.58 24.22 225 34.08 657 34.27 33.64 +.24 +3.9siShCorEafe N IEFA 1.55e 2.7 58.31 48.33 4188 57.95 18848 58.31 57.73 +.10 +8.1 iShOilEq N IEZ .86e 2.0 49.11 33.65 19 42.10 131 42.25 39.73 +1.67 -7.4 iShDJ US N IYY 2.01e 1.7 120.51 99.15 22 118.26 111 118.56 115.99 +1.12 +5.5 iShO&GEx N IEO 1.06e 1.7 70.34 49.94 27 61.12 213 61.70 57.17 +3.03 -6.6 iShAggrAllo N AOA .98e 2.0 50.18 43.77 35 49.94 191 50.09 49.50 +.18 +5.8 iShCrShUS s N ISTB 51.04 49.69 69 50.12 424 50.14 50.03 +.05 +.2 iShEurope N IEV 1.19e 2.8 42.13 34.52 408 41.85 2786 42.05 41.67 +.13 +7.8 iShGroAllo N AOR .81e 1.9 42.48 38.54 73 42.39 379 42.48 42.03 +.14 +4.5 iSRusMic N IWC 1.08e 1.3 87.82 66.58 43 85.65 178 85.86 82.17 +2.50 -.2siShModAllo N AOM .71e 2.0 36.47 34.25 126 36.35 488 36.47 36.18 +.06 +3.2 iShMorMl bt N IYLD 1.33e 5.0 25.50 23.64 38 25.17 227 25.20 24.96 +.18 +3.5 iSMsciVal N EFV 1.87e 3.7 50.76 39.87 571 50.30 2584 50.60 49.97 +.14 +6.5 iSSCVal N IJS 1.73e 1.2 144.90 108.90 84 138.65 1259 139.10 133.15 +3.42 -1.0 iShConsAllo N AOK .64e 1.9 33.57 31.97 21 33.33 199 33.36 33.16 +.10 +2.5siShEafeGr N EFG 1.37e 2.0 69.91 61.05 84 69.49 821 69.91 69.24 +.07 +9.1 iShSCGrth N IJT 1.41e .9 155.92 120.55 204 153.08 1127 153.83 147.58 +2.85 +2.1 iShB3-18xF s N IBCC 25.03 24.58 26 24.68 47 24.68 24.62 +.02 +.2 iShiB3-20F s N IBCD 25.14 24.31 13 24.63 30 24.69 24.63 -.03 +.1 iShiB3-23x s N IBCE 25.77 23.90 6 24.36 13 24.37 24.18 +.11 +.8 iShBd3-18 s N IBDB 25.86 25.53 8 25.65 31 25.65 25.61 +.02 +.2 iShBd3-23 s N IBDD 28.39 25.88 12 26.41 37 26.43 26.30 +.14 +.7 iShBd3-20 s N IBDC 27.47 25.90 40 26.17 55 26.25 26.07 -.02 +.3 iStar N STAR 19 12.83 8.74 275 11.80 1290 11.92 11.57 +.08 -4.6 iStar pfD N STARpD 2.00 8.1 25.20 21.30 5 24.75 27 24.94 24.54 -.03 +1.1 iStar pfE N STARpE 1.97 8.1 24.92 20.95 6 24.31 19 24.60 24.26 -.10 +.2 iStar pfF N STARpF 1.95 8.0 24.99 20.68 0 24.51 13 24.65 24.40 -.14 +.4 iStar pfG N STARpG 1.91 7.9 24.84 20.21 3 24.24 18 24.30 23.76 +.10 +.4 iStar pfI N STARpI 1.87 7.8 24.98 20.70 24.00 9 24.16 23.75 +.24 ITT Inc N ITT .50 1.2 22 44.00 30.06 531 41.02 2415 41.19 38.52 +1.76 +6.4 Itus Cp hrs Q ITUS 6.82 2.43 16 3.00 213 3.70 2.60 +.57 -44.4 IaoKunGrp Q IKGH .03e 10.3 4 1.74 .16 9 .29 416 .32 .28 +.01 +3.6 Iberiabnk Q IBKC 1.44 1.8 19 91.10 47.87 1043 79.10 3119 80.65 73.60 +3.26 -5.6 Iberia pfB Q IBKCP 1.66 6.1 28.20 25.03 2 26.95 14 27.08 26.61 +.01 +.7 Iberiab pfC Q IBKCO 1.61e 5.9 30.00 25.28 1 27.07 3 27.08 26.85 +.05 +1.9 iBio N IBIO .80 .33 38 .43 230 .46 .40 +.01 +8.9 Icahn Ent Q IEP 6.00 11.7 65.11 45.42 78 51.24 312 51.35 50.17 -.09 -14.5sIchorHld n Q ICHR 19.44 9.76 1123 19.83 1676 20.20 17.67 +1.61 +83.3 Icon PLC Q ICLR 28 88.90 62.31 305 79.72 1714 81.17 78.25 +.78 +6.0 IconixBrnd Q ICON 8 10.80 6.26 724 7.52 4007 7.55 6.93 +.47 -19.5 Idacorp N IDA 2.20 2.7 21 83.99 69.83 193 82.96 1222 83.68 82.05 -.08 +3.0 IdealPower Q IPWR 6.63 2.00 58 3.25 166 3.40 3.12 -.17 -1.5 Identive lf Q INVE 7.81 1.61 57 7.06 327 7.49 6.63 +.18 +122.0 IderaPhm Q IDRA 3.33 1.19 1215 2.47 11342 2.60 2.39 -.01 +64.7 IDEX N IEX 1.36f 1.5 25 96.24 77.93 270 93.51 1185 93.70 89.69 +2.04 +3.8 Ignyta Q RXDX 9.90 4.15 228 8.60 1190 9.35 8.20 -.65 +62.3 iKangHlth Q KANG 20 22.58 13.72 189 14.60 909 14.96 14.57 -.09 -15.8 Ikonics Q IKNX 13.95 9.50 4 10.04 6 10.50 9.51 +.23 -10.8 ITW N ITW 2.60 2.0 23 136.03 98.32 1081 132.47 5992 133.47 129.17 +.35 +8.2 Illumina Q ILMN 55 186.88 119.37 779 170.64 3841 174.32 168.42 +.06 +33.3 ImageSens Q ISNS 6.39 2.10 16 2.90 111 3.00 2.80 -.10 -21.6 Imax Corp N IMAX 68 35.30 26.48 565 34.00 2662 34.60 33.35 +.05 +8.3 Immersn h Q IMMR 11.92 5.90 352 8.66 1109 8.78 8.12 +.33 -18.5 ImmuCell Q ICCC 43 8.24 4.76 0 5.53 35 5.69 5.28 -.13 -7.1 ImmuneDs Q IMDZ 16.94 4.50 62 6.80 385 7.10 6.30 +.35 +23.6tImmuneP h Q IMNP .64 .13 1873 .15 12875 .16 .13 +.01 -19.8 ImunoCll rs N IMUC 13.60 1.83 38 3.18 1686 3.60 2.59 +.49 +55.1 ImunoGn Q IMGN 9.78 1.51 967 3.87 6132 3.99 3.54 +.26 +89.7sImunmd Q IMMU 7.15 1.95 1878 6.47 11580 7.15 6.45 -.41 +76.3 ImpacMtg N IMH 4 18.50 12.04 27 12.46 186 12.96 12.11 +.25 -11.1 ImpaxLabs Q IPXL 37.20 7.75 1378 12.65 23639 13.20 10.50 +3.40 -4.5 ImpOil g N IMO .60 12 36.85 29.26 381 30.50 1456 31.44 30.42 -.37 -12.3 Imperva Q IMPV 57.24 31.11 193 41.05 1383 42.10 39.95 +.45 +6.9 Impinj n Q PI 41.91 16.36 300 30.27 2801 30.81 27.76 +2.13 -14.3sImprimisP Q IMMY 4.69 1.65 576 4.17 6859 4.69 2.86 +1.35 +66.8 IncOpR N IOT 18 10.20 6.77 0 8.75 3 8.78 8.31 +19.9 Incyte Q INCY 153.15 67.52 2355 133.67 7706 141.34 133.26 -5.97 +33.3 IndCDrillg N ICD 7.30 3.70 151 5.51 856 5.53 4.66 +.59 -17.8 IndepHld N IHC .12f .6 16 21.23 15.05 16 18.60 54 20.05 18.40 -.90 -4.9 IndepRT N IRT .72a 7.7 8 10.70 6.75 680 9.37 1871 9.39 9.15 +.24 +5.0 IndBkMA Q INDB 1.28f 2.0 22 71.95 42.44 208 65.00 701 66.30 58.30 +4.65 -7.7 IndBkMI Q IBCP .40 1.9 21 22.40 13.42 73 20.70 247 21.10 19.30 +.70 -4.6 IndepBkTX Q IBTX .44f .7 22 66.85 25.50 109 64.30 351 64.95 58.89 +2.15 +3.0 IndiaFd N IFN 1.82e 1.8 26.29 20.39 94 25.40 546 25.41 24.44 +.73 +18.7 IndiaGCap N IGC .61 .19 932 .47 2495 .52 .39 +.08 +67.9 IndoTel s N TLK .67 34.65 25.37 286 31.17 960 31.34 30.64 +.34 +6.9 IndSvAm lf Q IDSA 3.35 1.10 21 1.67 73 1.73 1.56 -.01 -6.9 IndBach N IBA .87e 1.6 56.10 45.32 13 54.24 68 54.99 52.55 -.32 +10.6 Infinera Q INFN 16.25 7.23 1434 10.23 8546 10.92 10.22 -.62 +20.5 InfinityPh Q INFI 6.63 .84 761 3.23 2917 3.57 3.10 -.07 +139.3 InfPrCas Q IPCC 2.32f 2.4 25 99.55 73.80 80 95.50 289 96.15 93.60 +.95 +8.6 InfoSvcs Q III .20f 6.3 23 4.32 2.95 148 3.15 859 3.19 2.98 +.06 -13.5 InfoSonic h Q IFON 1.05 .35 13 .54 510 .60 .51 +.01 +42.1 Infosys N INFY .62e 3.9 12 20.47 13.42 3871 15.80 20014 15.92 15.62 +.13 +6.5 InfrREIT n N HIFR 1.00 5.6 17 19.50 14.59 389 18.00 1199 18.08 17.62 +.58 +.5 InfuSystem N INFU 3.67 1.55 2 2.30 169 2.30 2.13 +.13 -9.8 IngerRd N IR 1.60 2.0 18 82.17 59.10 1795 81.32 7817 81.58 77.26 +2.14 +8.4sIngevity N NGVT 62.80 24.50 203 60.85 1309 62.80 59.79 -.15 +10.9 InglesMk h Q IMKTA .66 1.5 16 52.40 33.50 45 43.15 154 44.80 42.80 -10.3 Ingredion N INGR 2.00f 1.7 17 140.00 104.24 374 120.43 1902 121.72 119.08 -.15 -3.6 InnerWkgs Q INWK 11.00 7.25 145 9.96 842 10.01 9.24 +.49 +1.1 Innocoll Q INNL 12.94 .53 731 1.12 12798 1.66 .98 +.09 +62.3 Innodata Q INOD 2.80 1.90 27 2.20 155 2.25 2.00 +.10 -10.2 Innophos Q IPHS 1.92 3.6 22 58.22 28.68 110 53.97 412 54.61 51.70 +.88 +3.3 Innospec Q IOSP .68f 1.1 20 74.75 42.26 166 64.75 454 64.90 61.00 +2.85 -5.5 InnovInd n N IIPR 20.52 14.50 21 17.06 203 17.47 16.19 +.71 -6.2 InnovSolu Q ISSC 60 4.36 2.55 3 3.02 40 3.05 2.99 -.01 -9.3 Innoviva Q INVA 1.00 7.2 22 14.15 8.67 917 13.83 11325 14.05 12.74 +.98 +29.3 Innsuites N IHT .01 .5 3.09 1.58 3 1.96 6 2.03 1.96 +.01 -12.9 Inogen Q INGN 79.94 40.21 160 77.56 674 78.64 74.77 +.65 +15.5 InotekPh n Q ITEK 10.90 1.50 1388 2.00 6658 2.20 1.80 +.20 -67.2 Inovalon n Q INOV .12p 37 20.05 8.60 370 12.60 2645 12.65 11.65 +.85 +22.3 InovioPhm Q INO 11.69 5.83 773 6.62 4467 6.66 5.92 +.57 -4.6 Inphi N IPHI 22 51.78 25.89 817 48.82 4220 49.09 45.21 +1.99 +9.4 Inpixon rs Q INPX 11.09 2.40 45 3.11 259 3.75 2.60 +.22 -15.0 InseegoCp Q INSG 3.80 1.06 141 2.09 607 2.24 2.08 -.10 -14.3 InsightEnt Q NSIT 17 46.00 23.31 394 41.09 864 41.66 40.45 -.11 +1.6sInsightS n N INSI 19.19 18.64 42 19.16 129 19.19 19.01 +.08 +1.3 Insignia s Q ISIG .70e 2.13 1.23 7 1.49 129 1.54 1.30 +.01 -15.2sInsmed Q INSM 17.50 9.02 250 17.51 1299 17.51 15.60 +1.70 +32.4 Insperity N NSP 1.00 1.1 25 90.55 50.61 182 88.65 487 88.65 85.15 +2.25 +24.9 InspMD rs N NSPR 15.43 .85 1413 .99 4195 1.05 .92 +.07 -60.4sInstlldBPd N IBP 44 52.70 25.78 127 52.75 648 53.00 50.55 +.25 +27.7 Insteel Q IIIN .12a .3 18 42.81 22.50 78 36.14 549 36.37 33.92 +1.29 +1.4 InstFnMkts N IFMI .08 6.9 6 1.65 .76 4 1.16 28 1.21 1.15 -.01 -2.5 Instructre n N INST 26.92 16.06 132 23.40 1208 24.50 22.55 -.60 +19.7 Insulet Q PODD 48.23 26.50 253 43.09 1641 43.37 41.48 +.21 +14.4 InsysTher s Q INSY 28 19.96 8.70 584 10.51 2731 11.38 10.46 -.10 +14.2 IntecPhm n Q NTEC 6.36 3.03 0 5.11 13 5.20 4.95 +.01 -10.3 IntegerHl N ITGR 41.80 18.10 270 40.20 1570 41.00 36.90 -.50 +36.5 IntegLfSc s Q IART 26 45.87 32.01 470 42.13 2536 43.08 42.10 -.61 -1.8 IntgDv Q IDTI 20 26.66 18.49 1176 23.67 5458 23.89 23.10 +.08 +.5 Intel Q INTC 1.09f 3.0 16 38.45 29.50 20161 36.07 89073 36.25 34.94 +.91 -.6 Intellia n Q NTLA 30.40 10.83 212 14.09 949 14.24 12.72 +1.02 +7.5 Intellichk N IDN 3.20 1.20 317 2.61 712 2.70 1.80 +.28 -5.1 IntellgSys N INS 4.85 3.17 0 4.50 6 4.70 4.24 -.19 +6.1 Intelliph Q IPCI 3.35 1.41 84 2.50 544 2.62 2.26 +.19 -12.0 Intelsat N I 5.87 2.12 520 4.15 2124 4.40 4.11 -.30 +55.4 IntParfum Q IPAR .68 1.9 34 38.20 27.05 109 36.55 510 37.50 36.55 -.35 +11.6 InterXion N INXN 40.00 32.21 454 39.56 1684 39.65 38.05 +.92 +12.8 InteractB Q IBKR .40 1.2 27 41.40 31.97 551 34.72 2866 35.08 34.11 +.03 -4.9 InterceptP Q ICPT 177.93 96.63 236 113.10 1703 124.25 111.50 -3.63 +4.1 IntcntlExc s N ICE 2.07e 3.5 11 61.98 45.88 2032 59.87 9950 60.31 58.85 +.02 +6.1sIntCtlHtls N IHG 1.28e 2.6 49.22 34.63 114 48.93 612 49.22 47.64 +.93 +10.4 InterDig Q IDCC 1.20 1.4 10 102.30 51.97 231 86.30 952 86.35 83.95 +1.20 -5.5 Interface Q TILE .24 1.3 17 19.93 14.56 474 19.05 1774 19.25 18.20 +.45 +2.7 Intergroup Q INTG 32.35 20.09 25.20 5 29.00 24.60 -1.02 -6.3 IntlnkEl n Q LINK 13.10 6.75 9.00 5 9.22 8.14 -.02 +28.3 Intermolec Q IMI 2.74 .78 66 .93 102 .99 .92 -.02 -1.9 Internap Q INAP 3.86 .80 705 3.72 5033 3.84 3.36 -.08 +141.6 IntlBcsh Q IBOC .66f 1.9 18 42.25 22.96 222 35.40 869 35.95 33.40 +1.13 -13.2 IBM N IBM 5.60 3.2 13 182.79 142.50 2740 174.14 15766 175.00 172.09 +.31 +4.9 IntFlav N IFF 2.24 1.7 24 143.64 113.16 491 132.53 3837 133.46 130.61 -.66 +12.5 IntlGmeT n N IGT .80 3.4 32.07 16.65 865 23.70 3040 23.92 23.02 +.39 -7.1 IntPap N IP 1.85f 3.6 17 58.86 39.24 2952 50.78 10819 51.25 49.62 -.03 -4.3sIntlSeaw n N INSW 20.45 10.66 139 19.12 1072 20.45 18.27 -.73 +36.2 IntlSpdw Q ISCA .41f 1.1 22 39.95 30.05 125 36.95 623 37.35 35.25 +1.35 +.4 IntTower g N THM 1.40 .30 145 .53 812 .55 .49 +.03 -3.7 IntrntGold Q IGLD 15.91 9.56 0 10.19 14 10.45 9.85 -.30 -14.4 IntrntInitJ Q IIJI .11e 1.2 11.13 6.70 9.01 8 9.12 8.44 +.10 +20.9 IntrpDia rs Q IDXG 19.80 .70 975 2.63 16477 3.65 2.20 +.29 -40.2 Interpublic N IPG .72f 2.9 17 25.33 21.67 2343 24.57 16114 24.72 23.88 +.41 +5.0 IntersENT Q XENT 20.64 7.65 309 17.15 1383 17.70 16.55 +.35 +41.7 Intersectns Q INTX 4.23 1.70 36 4.02 124 4.15 3.79 +.14 +.8 IntstP pfD N IPLpD 1.28 5.0 29.30 22.70 1 25.33 13 25.35 25.10 +.18 +4.0 inTestCorp N INTT 6.85 3.48 17 6.40 103 6.45 6.06 +.10 +39.1sIntevac Q IVAC 12.58 4.33 111 12.50 616 12.60 11.85 +.40 +46.2 IntraCellu Q ITCI 45.20 10.43 489 16.25 2862 16.69 14.54 +1.49 +7.7 IntwstRsts N SNOW 25 25.30 8.23 126 25.01 420 25.06 23.27 +1.13 +40.1 IntPotash N IPI 3.04 .85 800 1.72 5341 1.75 1.52 +.08 -17.3 Intrexon N XON 23 38.60 18.55 494 19.82 4037 21.00 18.86 +.68 -18.4sIntriCon Q IIN 9.15 4.12 21 9.10 179 9.15 8.40 +.70 +31.9 Intuit Q INTU 1.36 1.2 34 128.45 99.20 4644 115.99 15842 119.06 115.30 -3.73 +1.2sIntSurg Q ISRG 37 770.28 580.46 279 766.47 1377 770.28 753.20 +8.47 +20.9 Inuvo N INUV 26 2.31 1.00 29 1.29 69 1.34 1.21 -22.8 Invacare N IVC .05 .4 14.06 8.00 238 11.90 1284 12.05 10.95 +.72 -8.8 InvenSense N INVN 12.92 5.42 926 12.63 5595 12.72 12.41 +.02 -1.3 tInventrgy rs Q INVT 3.30 .30 1030 .33 1901 .44 .30 +.01 -56.7tInventure Q SNAK 10.15 3.69 747 4.42 1693 4.51 3.69 +.13 -55.1 InvHiIn23 n N IHIT 10.50 9.94 22 10.03 197 10.06 9.99 -.04 -2.0 InvAdvMu2 N VKI .78 7.0 13.57 10.68 77 11.20 494 11.20 11.05 +.13 +.2 Inv Bond N VBF .83a 4.4 19.54 17.85 73 18.93 203 18.94 18.60 +.31 +2.4 InvCAVal N VCV .79 6.4 14.83 11.78 123 12.32 402 12.36 12.26 +.05 +1.5 InvDynCrd N VTA .90 7.4 12.59 10.53 230 12.23 1319 12.36 12.17 -.12 -.6 InvHiInc2 N VLT 1.24 8.6 14.87 13.08 26 14.43 115 14.43 14.13 +.21 +1.2 Invsco iim N IIM .84 5.8 17.92 14.16 73 14.59 413 14.60 14.50 +.11 -.3 Invesco N IVZ 1.12 3.7 13 33.46 23.02 2850 30.63 14663 30.98 29.36 +.53 +1.0 InvMtgCap N IVR 1.60 10.4 10 16.28 11.95 732 15.42 4877 15.44 14.84 +.52 +5.6 InvMtg pfA N IVRpA 1.94 7.8 26.39 22.42 15 25.03 43 25.42 24.83 +.10 +2.9 InvMtg pfB N IVRpB 1.94 7.8 26.25 22.20 3 24.91 32 25.05 24.83 +.08 +3.4 Invsco oia N OIA .39 5.2 8.30 6.91 94 7.54 336 7.61 7.50 +.06 +5.2 InvMuOpTr N VMO .88 6.8 15.13 12.27 186 12.98 834 13.08 12.94 +.03 +1.9 InvMuniTr N VKQ .82 6.5 14.34 11.89 123 12.53 664 12.53 12.40 +.15 +2.2 InvPAVal N VPV .79 6.5 14.69 11.83 26 12.17 176 12.19 12.11 +.07 +.1 Invsco iqi N IQI .76 6.1 14.12 12.01 73 12.43 412 12.45 12.32 +.09 +.2 InvSrInco N VVR .31 6.7 4.77 3.95 1050 4.63 2769 4.71 4.62 -.05 -.2 InvTrIG N VGM .88 6.8 14.99 12.34 97 12.99 705 12.99 12.87 +.08 +1.9 InvTrNY N VTN .85 6.3 16.68 13.01 31 13.49 124 13.54 13.40 +.11 +1.7 Investar Q ISTR .08f .4 22 22.50 14.61 73 21.90 179 22.40 21.70 -.13 +17.4 InvTech N ITG .28 1.4 45 22.65 15.04 143 20.25 716 20.39 19.31 +.37 +2.6 InvestBncp Q ISBC .32 2.2 23 15.11 10.67 3059 14.38 14282 14.48 13.43 +.56 +3.1 InvRlEst N IRET .52 8.8 59 7.48 5.60 435 5.93 1912 5.99 5.71 +.18 -16.8 InvRET pfB N IRETpB 1.99 7.9 26.54 24.96 31 25.30 74 25.68 25.15 +.13 -.3 InvTitl Q ITIC .80 .5 15 174.10 82.13 3 158.15 27 160.00 147.97 +10.33 Invitae n N NVTA 11.85 5.76 288 11.06 1814 11.30 10.11 +.66 +39.3 InvitHm n N INVH 22.15 19.80 4980 21.83 8293 21.98 21.40 +.25 +9.1 InVivoTh rs Q NVIV 7.94 3.80 140 4.05 813 4.25 3.90 +.05 -3.6 Invuity n Q IVTY 14.25 4.50 48 7.95 216 8.15 7.85 -.20 +38.3 IonisPhm Q IONS 57.00 19.59 955 40.20 5925 40.84 37.75 +1.22 -16.0 iPBetaCmd N BCM 28.17 23.71 1 26.98 4 26.99 26.32 +.42 -1.0 iPBtaCocoa N CHOC 47.60 28.28 0 31.49 14 32.70 31.30 -.81 -1.4 iPBetaCoff N CAFE 17.80 12.56 2 13.75 7 13.78 13.40 +.25 +.7siPBetaAlu N FOIL 27.05 21.92 27.04 10 27.05 27.04 +.56 +14.0 iPBetaCrOil N OLEM 18.17 13.34 0 15.44 6 15.48 14.36 +.61 -11.1tiPBetaAgri N DIRT 37.53 31.19 1 31.09 6 31.09 31.09 -1.07 -3.7 iPBtaLvstk N LSTK 43.65 33.31 1 40.55 6 40.55 40.55 -1.12 +3.0 iRadimed Q IRMD 12 22.53 7.85 18 8.90 132 9.07 8.25 +.30 -19.8 Iridex Q IRIX 16.64 9.87 41 11.87 235 12.83 11.66 -1.13 -15.6 IridiumCm Q IRDM 11 11.54 6.80 1600 9.65 4311 9.85 8.70 +.75 +.5 IronMtn N IRM 2.20 6.2 26 41.50 30.75 1019 35.67 5208 35.84 34.32 +.94 +9.8 IronwdPh Q IRWD 18.53 9.06 2000 17.06 5495 17.96 16.70 -.08 +11.6siShItaly rs N EWI 25.98 19.62 733 25.74 4257 25.98 25.56 +.13 +6.3siShJapan rs N EWJ 52.38 43.40 6509 51.50 28335 52.38 51.29 -.37 +5.4 iSMlasia rs N EWM 36.04 27.58 1132 30.48 2962 31.06 30.46 -.23 +8.6siShSing rs N EWS 22.99 19.86 569 22.81 2797 22.99 22.54 +.19 +14.5 iSTaiwn rs N EWT 33.92 24.70 4296 33.23 20687 33.90 33.19 -.44 +13.1 iSh UK rs N EWU 33.13 27.60 2299 32.55 8599 32.65 32.26 +.08 +6.1 iSh0-5IGCp N SLQD .79 1.6 52.09 49.91 61 50.41 325 50.42 50.27 +.05 +.4 iShCmdOpT N CMDT 39.52 32.08 1 35.89 104 35.92 35.70 +.06 -2.0siShCvBd N ICVT .67e 51.75 43.37 2 51.46 18 51.75 50.91 +.82 +5.8 iShCorEM N IEMG 1.09e 2.3 48.74 38.86 7444 47.79 36184 48.40 47.77 -.50 +12.6 iShColomC N ICOL .43e 3.1 14.09 11.50 5 13.85 18 13.85 13.43 +.28 +7.0siShFSIntSC N ISCF .12p 26.74 22.70 0 26.55 24 26.74 26.55 -.06 +10.7siShFacSIntl N INTF .17p 25.26 20.95 86 25.02 247 25.26 24.95 -.07 +7.7 iShFS USA N LRGF .19e 28.62 22.96 65 27.94 255 28.08 27.54 +.16 +4.6 iShFSUsaSC N SMLF .23e 36.78 28.24 5 35.53 29 35.82 34.52 +.58 +.3 iShFacSGbl N ACWF .11p 26.22 22.27 25.89 5 25.95 25.68 +.05 +7.4 iShMgRE rs N REM 45.63 38.04 282 45.29 1275 45.48 44.08 +1.08 +7.7siShExpoTc N XT .14p 29.77 22.88 57 29.70 473 29.77 29.28 +.25 +10.9 iSh0-5HYCp N SHYG 2.38 5.0 48.04 44.44 291 47.78 1642 47.80 47.22 +.40 +.9 iShDvlValu N IVLU 24.32 18.86 15 23.39 94 23.60 23.31 +.01 +5.7 iSh 3-10yr n N IMTB 50.06 48.36 0 49.24 5 49.28 49.08 +.11 +1.1 iShSaudi N KSA 25.84 19.81 6 24.84 22 24.99 24.21 +.39 -1.7 iSh MinVl n N SMMV 27.11 23.65 4 26.87 38 26.98 26.26 +.38 +3.5 iShIntDevM N IMTM .30p 27.44 23.88 14 27.05 31 27.10 26.50 +.21 +9.0siShIntDevQ N IQLT .55p 26.49 23.16 0 26.42 3 26.49 26.32 +.12 +7.8siShLwCarb N CRBN .94p 106.91 87.26 6 104.63 44 106.91 103.09 +1.02 +8.2 iShFallAn n Q FALN 27.60 24.79 0 27.40 9 27.40 27.02 +.45 +2.4 iShCHdEM N HEEM 1.26e 2.1 23.07 19.57 14 22.76 169 23.03 22.60 -.10 +7.3 iShMsciChA N CNYA 27.92 24.52 1 26.52 4 27.04 26.49 -.06 +7.3 iSh ESG Opt Q ESGD 60.53 53.81 7 60.09 17 60.35 59.86 +.09 +7.8 iSh IntDvGr N IGRO 53.12 45.50 2 52.26 12 52.98 51.60 -.26 +6.9siShMultiTc N TCHF 33.73 27.20 1 33.68 3 33.74 33.31 +.28 +11.6 iShMultInd N INDF 29.96 25.42 1 29.25 7 29.33 28.64 -.17 +4.5 iShMultHl N HCRF 28.04 24.50 1 27.52 5 27.62 27.47 -.17 +9.7 iShMultMat N MATF 29.53 25.54 0 29.46 3 29.49 29.41 +.29 +6.0 iSh MultFin N FNCF 32.47 24.11 31.24 3 31.24 30.20 +.52 +3.8 iShIntHdHi N HYGH 4.56 5.0 92.18 81.71 10 91.02 114 91.35 89.50 +1.09 +1.6siShCHAust N HAUD 1.81p 24.04 19.91 3 24.17 3 24.19 24.04 +.63 +5.6 iShCTotBd s N IUSB 53.76 49.81 69 50.52 417 50.57 50.36 +.16 +.5 iShCDivGr N DGRO .65e 2.1 31.09 25.87 334 30.45 2220 30.56 30.03 +.14 +5.4siShCHEmu N HEZU .64e 1.8 28.55 22.25 684 28.68 3393 28.74 27.96 +.48 +7.8 iShGblReit N REET .94e 3.7 28.84 24.19 79 25.34 366 25.42 24.91 +.13 +.4 iShCoreInt N IAGG 54.18 50.99 13 51.80 306 51.86 51.61 +.17 -.1siShCorePac N IPAC 1.06e 2.0 53.31 44.22 46 52.65 186 53.31 52.41 -.09 +7.9 iShEurMV N HEUV .98 4.1 25.92 21.60 7 23.76 8 23.77 23.60 +.11 +6.0siShCHGer N HEWG .68e 1.7 27.68 21.13 151 27.83 978 27.88 26.94 +.54 +7.7 iShIntHdCp N LQDH 2.76 2.9 95.12 90.47 1 94.74 16 94.80 94.37 +.16 +.7 iShCHCda N HEWC 1.41e 1.8 25.88 21.44 1 25.38 8 25.50 25.38 +.18 +1.6 iShJpMinV N JPMV .70e 1.2 62.56 54.97 3 59.70 17 60.96 59.63 -.85 +4.9 iShEafeMV N HEFV 25.72 23.89 0 25.67 26 25.72 25.52 +.14 +4.4 iShEuMinV N EUMV .67e 2.9 24.44 20.51 10 22.83 32 23.02 22.74 -.04 +7.6siShCorEur N IEUR 1.18e 2.7 44.18 36.31 139 43.97 3872 44.18 43.76 +.10 +8.1 iShxJMinV N AXJV .84p 51.33 28.29 31.89 8 31.95 31.69 +.18 +9.8 iSh2022Mu N IBMK .09e 26.54 24.98 27 25.74 128 25.75 25.68 +.08 +1.6 iSh UAE Q UAE .53e 3.2 18.00 15.34 0 16.79 3 17.03 16.75 -.12 +1.5 iSh Qatar Q QAT .85e 21.11 17.55 0 19.53 9 19.71 19.36 +.11 +2.5 iShYdOpBd N BYLD .75 3.0 25.35 24.45 1 24.85 16 24.85 24.75 +.07 +.8 iSh2021Mu N IBMJ .07e 26.27 24.92 11 25.64 117 25.69 25.57 +.03 +1.4 iSHgxUSHY N HHYX .67e 26.66 24.14 26.36 7 26.36 26.36 -.18 +1.0 iShRussia rs N ERUS 35.08 24.62 311 32.12 1545 32.80 31.92 -.53 -4.2siSCHeafe N HEFA .70e 1.7 27.62 22.42 574 27.52 4209 27.62 27.08 +.18 +5.4 iShH10yCBd N CLYH .31e 25.26 23.40 5 25.08 13 25.13 24.97 +.06 +.8siShCHSpain N HEWP .31p 22.73 16.72 4 22.77 32 22.82 22.40 +.33 +13.9 iShHEmBd N EMBH .30e 26.00 23.89 1 25.92 3 25.98 25.90 -.06 +2.9 iShCHItaly N HEWI .55p 19.59 13.45 9 15.91 14 15.92 15.55 +.24 +5.3 iShShMMu N MEAR .27e 52.06 49.65 50.05 94 50.07 49.87 +.05 +.6 iSCHEafSC N HSCZ .19p 27.16 21.94 4 27.07 21 27.12 26.70 +.12 +6.0siShCHAcxUs N HAWX 1.38e 4.3 24.55 20.80 4 24.49 22 24.55 24.21 +.21 +6.0 iShGbMM rs N PICK 30.75 18.02 39 28.08 1553 28.45 27.30 -.04 +9.1 iShCmdSel Q COMT .39e 1.2 35.41 27.67 11 33.54 103 33.59 32.46 +.68 -2.2 iShGblGld rs N RING 26.78 15.48 39 18.94 210 19.62 18.53 -.13 +10.6 iShTrFRBd N TFLO .07e .1 50.30 48.97 0 50.16 45 50.18 50.15 +.00 iShCH UK N HEWU .24p 26.21 21.60 21 23.69 107 23.82 23.43 +.05 +4.7 iSh ESG Sl N ESGE 62.38 52.75 12 61.30 46 62.20 61.17 -.87 +12.9siShCHSwitz N HEWL 1.43e 2.4 25.37 22.04 25.34 6 25.37 25.04 +.40 +7.6 iShLqdty bt N ICSH .25e .5 50.25 49.87 3 50.10 15 50.13 50.02 -.01 +.3 iShCHJpn N HEWJ .74e .6 29.02 22.14 820 28.03 6752 28.46 27.78 -.17 +.8 iShFacEmg N EMGF .13p 41.16 32.45 4 40.43 32 40.96 40.43 -.70 +14.0 iSh iBd26 n N IBDR 25.45 23.56 11 24.00 43 24.15 23.93 +.02 +.3 iSiBd12-18 s N IBDH .30 1.2 25.49 25.04 83 25.17 279 25.20 25.11 +.01 +.2 iSiBd12-20 s N IBDL .62e 2.4 26.00 25.03 41 25.42 280 25.47 25.34 +.02 +.8 iSiBd12-17 s N IBDJ .22e 25.15 24.76 90 24.85 601 24.89 24.83 -.01 -.1 iSiBd12-19 s N IBDK .37e 25.56 24.74 137 24.98 411 25.02 24.93 +.01 +.4 iSiBd12-23 s N IBDO .56e 25.99 24.33 34 24.91 348 24.95 24.82 +.09 +.8 iSiBd12-22 s N IBDN .55e 26.00 24.43 48 24.90 296 24.97 24.83 +.02 +.4 iSiBd12-25 s N IBDQ .64e 25.99 24.08 20 24.67 112 24.69 24.55 +.08 +1.4 iSiBd12-24 s N IBDP .63e 26.10 24.17 68 24.75 187 24.79 24.63 +.08 +1.1 iSiBd12-21 s N IBDM .47e 25.66 24.45 56 24.81 502 24.88 24.74 +.05 +.4 IsleCapri Q ISLE 16 26.89 13.01 201 26.36 568 26.42 25.21 +.91 +6.8 IsoRay N ISR 1.30 .48 93 .59 379 .66 .58 -.04 +1.7 IsraelChm N ICL .27e 6.3 5.02 3.52 77 4.26 1163 4.43 4.20 -.09 +3.6 Isramco Q ISRL 129.05 72.97 1 117.15 3 118.95 116.05 -.80 -5.8 IssuerDir N ISDR .20 1.9 35 11.50 5.20 47 10.75 90 10.80 9.70 +.80 +19.4 ItauCorpb N ITCB 2.48e 18.3 14.29 11.14 187 13.58 870 13.79 12.94 -.10 +9.2 ItauUnibH N ITUB .32e 2.7 13.65 7.91 8912 12.07 54139 12.53 12.00 -.18 +17.5 Iteris Q ITI 5.64 2.20 41 5.44 182 5.44 4.98 +.32 +49.5 Itron Q ITRI 31 66.45 39.01 127 60.70 987 62.55 59.68 -2.25 -3.4sIturanLoc Q ITRN .86e 2.8 20 29.90 18.11 63 30.85 293 31.20 29.00 +1.25 +16.4 IvyHiInOp N IVH 1.50a 9.8 15.58 12.44 70 15.25 364 15.30 14.88 +.30 +3.2 Ixia Q XXIA 19.65 9.10 366 19.65 2457 19.65 19.55 +.05 +22.0 IxysCp Q IXYS .16 1.1 23 14.60 9.59 215 14.55 676 14.55 13.95 +.25 +22.3tIzea n Q IZEA 7.95 2.99 30 4.20 478 4.54 2.99 +.99 -6.9J -:J&J Snack Q JJSF 1.68 1.2 33 143.22 97.73 67 135.56 301 142.28 134.33 -.75 +1.6 JAlexHld n N JAX 21 11.00 8.35 55 10.05 163 10.10 9.50 +.50 -6.5sJJill n N JILL 13.91 12.00 301 14.10 1443 14.20 12.71 +1.14 +8.9 j2Global Q JCOM 1.46f 1.7 27 90.88 59.11 622 83.91 1653 85.51 82.19 +.16 +2.6 JA Solar Q JASO 7 9.10 4.42 747 6.54 4584 6.68 5.74 +.82 +37.4 Q JD 32.47 19.51 5136 31.11 23095 32.00 30.76 -.15 +22.3 JMP Grp N JMP .36 5.9 13 7.00 4.97 22 6.07 96 6.19 6.03 -.01 -1.1 JMP Gp 23 N JMPB 2.00 7.9 25.87 22.06 1 25.35 17 25.81 25.27 +.09 +.4 JMP Grp21 N JMPC 1.81 7.2 26.09 22.46 0 25.25 33 25.71 25.17 -.24 +.5tJMU Ltd Q JMU 6.00 2.64 14 2.70 21 2.84 2.64 -.14 -28.2 JPMCh pfE N JPMpE 1.58 5.8 28.05 25.21 34 27.04 216 27.12 26.63 +.37 +4.2 JPMCh pfD N JPMpD 1.38 5.4 26.41 23.86 58 25.40 343 25.47 25.12 +.24 +3.2sJPMDvsRt N JPGE .96e 1.8 54.71 48.24 7 54.52 23 54.71 54.18 +.22 +7.2sJPMIntEq N JPIN 1.08e 2.0 53.28 46.27 281 53.06 538 53.28 52.83 +.16 +8.4 JPMDvREm N JPEM 1.31p 51.93 41.30 28 51.04 89 51.65 50.98 -.58 +10.3 JPM DREq N JPUS .26p 63.69 54.60 9 63.16 76 63.29 62.32 +.37 +6.7sJPM DivInt N JPIH 27.74 24.50 1 27.66 7 27.74 27.48 +.23 +5.5 JPMDsfEu N JPEU 53.21 46.48 32 52.63 33 52.69 52.30 +.63 +7.8 JPM DivAlt N JPHF 30.69 25.00 1 26.04 102 26.08 25.80 +.12 +1.4 JPM USMid N JPME 58.00 50.50 3 57.59 14 57.72 56.60 +.37 +6.4 JPMorgCh N JPM 1.92 2.2 15 93.98 57.05 16659 87.84 71218 89.46 85.23 +.55 +1.8 JPMCh wt N JPM/WS 52.40 16.40 23 46.31 128 47.70 43.81 +.64 +4.6 JPMCh pfA N JPMpA 1.36 5.3 26.86 23.90 35 25.44 175 25.44 25.16 +.20 +3.2 JPMCh pfB N JPMpB 1.68 6.1 29.22 25.80 36 27.41 358 27.41 27.02 +.34 +2.0 JPMAlerian N AMJ 2.29 7.1 34.41 25.52 934 32.30 5276 32.35 31.23 +.69 +2.2 JPMCh pfY N JPMpF 1.53 5.8 27.94 25.00 45 26.52 287 26.52 26.09 +.36 +4.6 JPMCh pfG N JPMpG 1.52 5.8 27.89 24.80 62 26.49 397 26.52 26.03 +.37 +4.5 JPMCh pfH N JPMpH 1.54 5.8 28.14 25.18 82 26.63 351 26.70 26.20 +.34 +4.1sJPM China N JFC .97e 1.9 18.50 13.86 25 18.33 215 18.50 18.18 -.05 +17.6 JRJR Ntw N JRJR 1.54 .42 41 .45 361 .51 .43 +.02 -40.0 Jabil N JBL .32 1.1 21 29.27 16.78 1481 28.92 9450 29.17 28.39 +.18 +22.2 JackHenry Q JKHY 1.24f 1.3 28 95.64 79.00 345 93.10 1217 94.34 92.16 -.23 +4.9 JackInBox Q JACK 1.60 1.6 28 113.30 62.03 349 101.72 2224 102.21 98.30 +1.54 -8.9 JacobsEng N JEC .15p 20 63.42 40.93 611 55.28 3324 55.84 52.39 +1.15 -3.0tJaggedPk n N JAG 15.08 11.67 3383 13.04 6750 13.35 11.67 +.73 -10.1 JaguarAH h Q JAGX 3.79 .50 5367 1.00 6532 1.30 .94 +39.7 JkksPac Q JAKK 9.75 4.63 277 5.50 1193 5.70 5.35 +.10 +6.8tJamba Q JMBA 13.62 9.00 86 9.05 1097 9.38 9.00 -.20 -12.1 JHardie s N JHX .39e 2.5 73 17.30 13.47 7 15.80 30 15.98 15.41 +.23 -.6 JRiverGrp Q JRVR 1.20 2.8 18 46.20 25.86 164 42.86 440 43.22 39.90 +2.44 +3.2 JanusSmC Q JSML 31.85 25.56 1 31.24 4 31.25 30.65 +.79 +2.4 JanSmMid Q JSMD 33.17 26.29 4 32.62 10 32.80 32.16 +.59 +4.2 JanLTCar n Q OLD 27.57 22.17 0 24.93 29 25.15 24.62 +.27 +6.3 JanOrgan n Q ORG 37.52 23.82 0 25.38 73 26.00 24.62 -.01 +3.6 JanTailRsk N TRSK .24e .8 29.58 25.98 0 29.21 8 29.32 28.97 +.14 +5.3 AlpVSVolLC N SPXH .51e 1.5 33.34 27.50 2 32.91 17 33.06 32.52 +.30 +7.4sJanGlQua n Q SGQI 27.69 25.60 3 27.43 8 27.69 27.43 +.04 +7.1 JanusCap N JNS .44 3.3 16 16.62 11.96 1620 13.20 8623 13.27 12.60 +.47 -.5sJpnSmCap N JOF .13e 1.2 10.94 9.12 19 10.84 152 10.94 10.62 +.14 +11.5 Jason Inds Q JASN 4.20 1.15 60 1.48 132 1.51 1.37 +.06 -17.8 Jason wt Q JASNW .35 .04 60 .06 214 .06 .04 +.01 +1.7 JazzPhrm Q JAZZ 23 160.00 95.80 508 145.13 2408 148.14 141.14 +1.99 +33.1sJeldWen n N JELD 33.42 25.60 2696 32.85 4479 33.42 31.45 +.28 +26.1 JensynAc n Q JSYN 12.00 9.75 1 10.25 20 10.25 10.18 +.05 +.8 JensynAc wt Q JSYNW .42 .08 0 .35 8 .39 .35 -.03 +48.9sJernignC n N JCAP 1.40 6.1 12 23.34 10.10 46 23.04 331 23.34 22.17 +.50 +9.5 JetBlue Q JBLU 9 23.15 14.76 4779 20.61 25335 21.04 19.62 +.67 -8.1 JetPay Q JTPY 3.25 1.89 4 2.35 26 2.65 2.25 +4.4 JinkoSolar N JKS 4 24.04 12.72 235 16.57 1487 16.93 15.87 +.38 +8.8 JiveSoftw Q JIVE 4.59 3.50 218 4.30 653 4.40 4.25 -.05 -1.1 JBeanTch N JBT .40 .5 42 93.55 51.20 360 87.95 1219 88.98 86.05 -.05 +2.3 JHMultLgC N JHML .10p 31.29 25.69 19 30.83 169 30.91 30.35 +.27 +6.1 JH MultMdC N JHMM .08p 33.00 24.51 14 30.43 139 30.53 29.76 +.39 +6.0sJH MultCns N JHMC .07p 27.54 23.73 4 27.66 38 27.69 26.99 +.46 +6.4 JH MultFin N JHMF .08p 33.34 22.86 2 31.66 17 31.81 29.15 +.41 +3.4 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 11 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


JH MultHltC N JHMH .05p 33.88 24.50 3 28.13 40 28.27 27.96 +.05 +8.9 JH MultTch N JHMT .09p 34.63 25.31 3 34.41 15 34.47 33.73 +.30 +11.9 JH MultEn N JHME 31.57 24.63 0 28.58 4 28.65 27.50 +.79 -5.9 JH MultMat N JHMA 31.25 25.60 1 30.81 33 30.81 30.49 +.67 +7.1sJH MultDev N JHMD 26.93 24.73 2 26.68 10 26.93 26.62 -.08 +7.1 JH MultUt N JHMU 27.22 23.92 1 26.97 24 27.01 26.89 -.18 +6.8 JH MulCnSt N JHMS 28.33 24.31 26.26 37 26.26 26.15 -.04 +4.8 JH MultInd N JHMI 30.75 24.83 0 30.06 64 30.09 29.29 +.33 +5.4 JH HedgEq N HEQ 1.50 8.9 17.00 14.27 74 16.86 166 16.90 16.53 +.16 +7.3 JH TxAdY N HTY 1.28 14.1 11.37 8.47 43 9.09 152 9.09 8.80 +.28 -6.6 JohnJn N JNJ 3.20 2.6 19 129.00 107.88 5432 124.55 24399 126.14 124.03 -.93 +8.1 JohnContl n N JCI 1.08e 2.6 29 46.17 32.81 3428 42.12 17677 42.40 40.66 +.90 +2.3 JohnsnOut Q JOUT .36 1.0 27 45.35 20.55 18 36.50 93 36.83 35.23 +.50 -8.0 JointCorp Q JYNT 4.74 1.85 62 4.20 539 4.45 3.06 +.83 +58.5tJonesEngy N JONE 4.91 2.20 2604 2.55 8226 2.75 2.20 +.25 -44.5 JonesLL N JLL .62f .6 14 125.31 86.62 319 111.45 1688 111.81 104.29 +2.38 +10.3 JounceTh n Q JNCE 26.75 16.33 553 21.99 900 25.69 21.59 -3.59 +27.5 JoyGlbl N JOY .04 .1 28.55 14.04 837 28.25 3822 28.30 28.18 +.06 +.9 Jumei Intl N JMEI 19 6.60 3.55 293 3.69 1031 3.80 3.67 -.04 -26.3 JnprNtwk N JNPR .40 1.4 17 29.21 21.18 4698 27.83 17889 28.00 27.52 +.01 -1.5 JunprPhm Q JNP 6 8.00 4.30 33 4.75 126 4.75 4.55 +.10 -15.2 JunoThera Q JUNO 49.72 17.52 1230 22.19 6822 22.60 19.62 +1.99 +17.7 Jupai n N JP .08p 9 10.18 7.49 29 8.93 166 9.19 8.67 -.13 +2.5 JustEngy g N JE .41 42 6.77 4.86 95 6.26 554 6.35 6.12 +.12 +14.7sJustEn pfA N JEpA 25.07 24.05 15 25.02 178 25.07 24.66 +.33 +.4K -:K12 N LRN 60 20.67 9.16 294 19.15 945 19.41 18.11 +.50 +11.6 K2M Grp Q KTWO 23.10 10.10 582 20.51 2914 20.72 18.84 +1.21 +2.3 KAR Auct N KAR 1.28 2.9 22 47.03 35.68 837 43.67 3451 44.33 43.10 +.20 +2.5 KB FnclGp N KB 46.04 26.45 109 43.97 794 45.06 43.85 -1.39 +24.6sKB Home N KBH .10 .5 17 20.09 12.38 1846 19.88 11954 20.09 19.02 +.27 +25.7 KBR Inc N KBR .32 2.1 17.95 12.08 2298 15.03 8446 15.18 13.41 +1.28 -9.9 KBS Fash rs Q KBSF 18.00 2.16 21 5.55 1135 8.38 4.60 +.50 +32.1 KCAP Fin Q KCAP .48 11.8 4.89 3.15 310 4.07 1069 4.10 3.93 +.11 +2.3 KCAPFn 19 N KAP 1.84 7.2 25.96 24.67 0 25.41 4 25.58 25.35 -.05 -.4 KCG Hldg N KCG 6 18.71 11.60 600 17.83 2825 18.16 17.51 -.11 +34.6 KEYW Hld Q KEYW 13.57 6.23 798 9.44 2523 9.73 9.17 -.30 -19.9sKKR N KKR 1.31e 7.2 10 18.50 11.63 2556 18.23 18844 18.52 17.53 +.06 +18.5 KKR pfA N KKR.PRA 27.63 24.85 10 26.23 108 26.27 26.03 +.09 +3.8 KKR Fn 42 N KFI 1.78 7.0 27.95 24.93 10 25.56 53 25.82 25.52 +.05 +.8 KKRFn pfS N KFNp 1.84 7.0 27.72 25.35 19 26.12 120 26.45 26.12 -.32 +.6 KKR Inco N KIO 1.50a 8.8 17.24 14.14 57 17.01 299 17.02 16.71 +.15 +6.1 KLA Tnc Q KLAC 2.16 2.3 17 96.91 66.88 720 95.07 3057 96.43 94.61 -.65 +20.8 KLREn A n Q KLRE 10.65 9.90 3 10.33 16 10.38 10.25 +.01 -.5 KLR En wt Q KLREW 1.75 .15 50 1.18 60 1.19 1.10 +.07 -15.7 KLX Q KLXI 33 52.40 28.65 361 44.70 1946 45.12 42.45 +.95 -.9sKMG Chm N KMG .12 .3 25 44.77 20.85 201 46.07 501 46.80 42.05 +2.57 +18.5 KT Corp N KT 17.24 13.15 1605 16.83 3814 17.15 16.63 -.19 +19.4 KVHInd Q KVHI 12.75 7.31 195 8.40 873 8.40 7.70 +.30 -28.8 Kadant N KAI .84f 1.4 19 64.75 44.24 90 59.35 206 59.90 56.80 +1.40 -3.0 Kadmon n N KDMN 10.48 3.10 564 3.62 1599 3.85 3.33 +.22 -32.3 KaiserAlu Q KALU 2.00f 2.5 17 96.06 69.41 143 79.90 990 80.31 77.88 +.07 +2.8 Kalvista rs Q KALV 20.02 6.09 26 7.81 63 8.14 7.19 +.28 +10.5 Kamada Q KMDA 7.25 3.60 1 6.80 22 6.90 6.65 -.10 +24.8 Kaman N KAMN .80f 1.7 20 53.41 40.43 145 48.13 510 48.45 46.66 +.65 -1.6 KandiTech Q KNDI 8.24 3.40 99 3.80 608 3.90 3.75 -.05 -22.4 KC Southn N KSU 1.32 1.5 19 100.69 79.05 1108 85.76 6118 87.87 81.81 +3.12 +1.1 KapStoneP N KS .40 1.7 21 24.98 12.14 1012 23.10 4066 23.30 22.17 +.30 +4.8 Karyophm Q KPTI 14.63 6.27 495 12.84 1959 13.18 10.29 +2.36 +36.6 KateSpade N KATE 21 26.46 14.02 3422 23.23 18869 23.93 22.74 +.04 +24.4stKayneAn un Q KAACU 10.11 10.00 4038 10.02 10654 10.11 10.00 +.2 KaynAEnD N KED 1.92 9.9 20.47 15.52 100 19.49 588 19.54 19.01 +.23 +.3 KA EngTR N KYE 1.32m 10.5 13.05 7.35 80 12.63 453 12.68 12.01 +.46 +6.9 KA MLP N KYN 2.20 10.5 22.15 14.70 270 21.00 1954 21.01 19.66 +1.10 +7.3 KAMidsEn N KMF 1.80m 10.9 17.04 9.82 71 16.48 346 16.48 15.59 +.71 +3.6tKeanGrp n N FRAC 22.93 13.68 4296 14.30 10605 15.29 13.68 -.91 -33.9 KearnyF s Q KRNY .12f .8 72 16.10 12.01 331 15.05 1548 15.30 14.65 +.10 -3.2 Kellogg N K 2.08 2.9 18 87.16 70.74 2054 72.61 10517 73.16 72.20 -.39 -1.5 KellySA Q KELYA .30 1.4 7 23.61 17.46 236 21.86 606 21.93 20.87 +.75 -4.6 KelsoTch g N KIQ .03f 3.9 1.44 .70 87 .77 147 .89 .71 -.08 -19.8 Kemet N KEM 35 12.65 1.76 1209 12.00 3079 12.16 11.13 +.28 +81.0 Kemper N KMPR .96 2.4 45.95 28.42 248 39.90 1376 40.30 38.35 +.90 -9.9 Kemper 54 N KMPA 1.84 6.9 28.60 25.20 1 26.79 20 26.92 26.40 +.37 +2.4 KemPhm n Q KMPH 19.75 2.90 40 4.90 362 5.40 4.20 +.70 +66.1 Kennamtl N KMT .80 2.0 33 39.94 20.40 885 39.23 3076 39.45 35.58 +2.15 +25.5 KennWil 42 N KWN 1.68 6.5 27.70 24.98 25.78 6 25.99 25.66 -.02 +.6 KennWils N KW .68f 3.1 22 23.77 17.29 546 22.20 2240 22.30 20.89 +1.17 +8.3 KenonHld n N KEN 13.26 7.10 11.58 7 12.22 11.53 -.72 -.6 KY FstFd Q KFFB .40 4.0 71 10.15 8.00 2 9.95 10 10.00 9.55 +.30 +10.7 KeryxBio Q KERX 7.80 4.03 1568 6.16 5947 6.32 5.48 +.51 +5.1 KewnSc Q KEQU .60 2.6 14 27.60 16.20 3 23.00 10 24.05 23.00 -.20 -5.9tKeyEngy N KEG 38.00 21.01 201 23.22 976 24.16 21.01 +1.68 -27.3 KeyTech Q KTEC 88 13.95 6.82 46 13.26 291 13.80 12.89 +.10 +14.7 KeyTrn Q KTCC 11 8.97 6.85 13 7.34 32 7.37 7.15 +.13 -6.1 Keycorp N KEY .34 1.9 18 19.53 10.21 10218 17.78 54349 18.04 16.54 +.54 -2.7 Keycorp pfI N KEYpI 28.27 25.60 31 27.06 362 27.20 27.04 -.04 +3.4 Keysight N KEYS 15 39.36 25.49 928 36.14 3927 36.97 36.02 -.67 -1.2 Kforce Q KFRC .48 2.0 19 26.95 15.78 139 23.75 611 24.00 23.10 +.15 +2.8 KilroyR N KRC 1.50 2.1 15 78.33 59.29 353 72.08 1908 72.64 70.52 -.16 -1.6 Kilroy pfH N KRCpH 1.59 6.2 26.29 24.55 2 25.67 47 25.98 25.40 +.19 +2.6 KimballEl Q KE 17 19.00 9.98 175 16.95 401 17.00 15.70 +.90 -6.9 KimballInt Q KBAL .24 1.5 21 18.00 10.69 137 16.50 392 16.65 16.03 +.08 -6.0 KimbRoy n N KRP 20.89 18.06 27 19.50 116 19.75 19.18 -.08 -5.5 KimbClk N KMB 3.88f 2.9 22 138.87 111.30 980 131.63 5879 133.24 131.48 -.82 +15.3 Kimco N KIM 1.02 4.6 18 32.24 21.46 4557 22.09 16785 22.69 21.71 -.49 -12.2 Kimco pfI N KIMpI 1.50 6.0 26.71 24.01 14 25.18 75 25.53 25.07 +.13 +3.4 Kimco pfJ N KIMpJ 1.38 5.5 26.69 22.61 7 24.94 118 25.28 24.82 +.05 +6.7 Kimco pfK N KIMpK 1.41 5.6 26.85 22.56 8 25.30 123 25.85 25.00 +.08 +8.0 KindMorg N KMI .50 2.3 70 23.36 16.63 13006 21.74 57821 21.77 20.86 +.59 +5.0 KindrM wt N KMI/WS .04 .00 324 .00 4913 .00 .00 -.00 -66.7 KindM pfA N KMIpA 51.40 43.21 82 49.88 327 49.88 48.25 +1.38 +2.5 KindredBio Q KIN 7.45 3.12 469 7.05 808 7.40 6.90 -.15 +65.9 KindredHlt N KND .48 5.7 10 15.66 5.65 921 8.35 5780 8.80 8.30 -.10 +6.4 KingldJw Q KGJI 1 2.84 1.00 199 1.19 2467 1.46 1.17 +.01 -7.8sKingstone Q KINS .25 1.6 16 15.90 8.21 32 15.95 233 16.00 15.00 +.80 +16.0 Kingsway N KFS 6.50 4.27 38 5.80 145 5.95 5.75 -7.2 KingtoneW Q KONE 13.85 1.15 7 3.46 38 3.56 3.32 +.16 -18.2 Kinross g N KGC 70 5.82 2.88 9243 3.51 46734 3.55 3.36 +.12 +12.9 KinsaleCp n Q KNSL .24f .7 35.08 18.00 39 32.04 169 32.97 31.43 -.56 -5.8 KirbyCp N KEX 23 73.40 50.80 519 70.55 2349 70.95 66.05 +3.00 +6.1 Kirklands Q KIRK 1.50e 18 17.72 10.10 92 12.40 606 12.50 11.52 +.53 -20.1 KitePharm Q KITE 88.58 39.82 1190 78.49 5664 79.96 74.62 +1.65 +75.0 KiteRlty N KRG 1.21 5.6 7 30.45 19.91 655 21.50 4277 21.58 20.67 +.31 -8.4 KitovPh n Q KTOV 6.95 1.51 47 1.93 125 2.07 1.93 -.11 -37.9 KitovPh wt Q KTOVW 3.00 .39 42 .52 90 .54 .48 -61.2 KlondexM g N KLDX 6.03 2.64 679 3.89 3553 4.36 3.82 -.32 -16.7 KnightTr N KNX .24 .8 24 38.80 23.99 897 31.35 4980 32.00 30.10 +.30 -5.1 Knoll Inc N KNL .60 2.5 14 28.40 20.37 386 23.81 2028 23.95 22.86 +.43 -14.8 KnotOffsh N KNOP 2.08 8.9 24.68 16.07 142 23.30 349 23.75 22.00 +1.10 -1.3 Knowles N KN 25 19.82 12.06 543 18.95 3378 19.21 18.37 +.20 +13.4 Kohls N KSS 2.20f 5.5 13 59.67 33.87 3567 39.81 17567 40.97 37.10 +2.40 -19.4 KonaGrill Q KONA 14.44 5.75 137 6.30 709 6.50 5.80 +.50 -49.8 KongZhg Q KZ 12 7.44 4.70 101 7.41 420 7.43 7.39 -.01 +6.8sKopinCp Q KOPN 4.21 1.58 389 4.10 2627 4.21 3.79 +.11 +44.4 Koppers N KOP 1.00 2.4 19 45.85 21.38 98 42.35 449 42.70 40.30 +1.05 +5.1 KoreaElc N KEP 28.37 17.36 328 20.73 2633 21.27 20.64 -.32 +12.2 KoreaEqt N KEF .30e 1.4 8.89 7.22 89 8.78 315 8.84 8.61 +.08 +18.5sKoreaFd N KF 4.50e 36.90 30.24 19 36.86 141 36.92 35.91 +.69 +15.6 KornFer N KFY .40 1.3 14 32.52 18.57 329 31.49 1433 31.59 30.19 +.65 +7.0sKornitDig n Q KRNT 91 19.20 8.10 268 19.10 1615 19.75 17.30 +1.10 +51.0 KosmosEn N KOS 7.39 4.39 3645 6.66 12287 6.72 5.78 +.77 -5.0 Koss h Q KOSS 12 3.69 1.93 11 2.12 288 2.40 2.07 -7.0 KraftHnz n Q KHC 2.40 2.6 41 97.77 76.06 2036 90.81 8560 91.67 90.57 -.87 +4.0 KraChiItnt Q KWEB .12e .3 43.04 31.80 69 42.34 491 42.68 41.74 -.07 +21.9 KranChinA N KBA 9.93e 30.85 26.55 105 28.74 240 29.03 28.54 -.20 +7.4 KraneChCm N KCNY .22e .7 34.15 31.88 1 32.62 3 32.63 32.55 +.06 +2.1 KratonCp N KRA 22 37.50 16.62 369 30.92 1608 31.27 27.27 +2.80 +8.6 KratosDef Q KTOS 9.19 3.75 1776 7.78 6859 8.03 7.76 -.23 +5.1 Kroger s N KR .48 1.6 14 39.22 28.29 11240 29.49 34657 29.75 28.81 +.39 -14.5sKronosWw N KRO .60 3.7 44 16.77 4.70 340 16.43 2307 16.77 15.09 +.76 +37.6 Kulicke Q KLIC 21.23 10.55 426 20.32 1906 20.43 19.74 +.04 +27.4 KuraOnc n Q KURA 10.47 2.50 32 8.80 182 9.00 8.25 +.20 +49.2sKyocera N KYO 61.50 41.23 29 56.13 312 61.50 55.80 -.49 +12.8L -:tL Brands N LB 2.40f 5.1 12 88.37 46.76 3548 47.10 19134 48.90 46.76 -.37 -28.5 L-3 Tch N LLL 2.80f 1.7 21 171.24 118.03 511 165.29 2067 167.29 163.20 -1.63 +8.7 LCI Inds N LCII 2.00e 21 117.15 60.53 179 99.80 1140 101.15 94.98 -.15 -7.4 LCNB Corp Q LCNB .64 2.7 20 25.00 15.69 39 23.85 107 24.10 21.75 +1.30 +2.6 LG Display N LPL 14.36 9.84 265 13.62 2007 13.82 13.07 +.38 +6.0 LGI Homes Q LGIH 11 40.47 22.73 190 33.91 1339 34.20 31.15 +2.00 +18.0 LGL Grp N LGL 19 5.83 3.05 2 5.08 20 5.12 4.79 +.36 +1.2sLHC Grp Q LHCG 26 54.31 32.04 168 53.90 692 54.31 51.63 +2.29 +17.9tLKQ Corp Q LKQ 20 36.35 29.03 3144 29.27 14701 29.89 29.03 -.12 -4.5 LM FdgA n Q LMFA 9.50 3.87 2 4.12 7 4.13 4.11 -.02 +1.1 LM FdgA wt Q LMFAW 1.10 .04 .16 4 .16 .12 -.03 -27.3 LMI Aer Q LMIA 13.94 7.01 32 13.78 226 13.80 13.75 +.02 +59.9 LMP CapIn N SCD 1.24f 8.7 14.55 11.92 108 14.23 253 14.30 13.65 +.42 +7.1 LPL Fincl Q LPLA 1.00 2.5 19 42.86 20.51 507 39.83 2486 40.25 37.81 +.43 +13.1 LRAD h Q LRAD .04 2.6 2.18 1.43 3 1.51 147 1.60 1.46 +.04 -11.7 LSB Inds N LXU 15.50 4.52 265 9.38 1400 9.50 8.16 +.83 +11.4 LSC Com N LKSD .25p 37.40 17.00 567 25.16 2375 25.33 23.29 +1.21 -15.2 LSI Ind lf Q LYTS .20 2.0 40 13.45 8.12 121 10.09 317 10.24 9.46 +.38 +3.6 LTC Prp N LTC 2.28f 4.8 16 54.20 43.17 197 47.90 805 48.02 46.44 +.99 +2.0 LaJollaPh Q LJPC 39.28 14.24 2070 29.85 4393 35.42 29.55 -5.07 +70.3 LaQuinta N LQ 27 15.05 9.73 594 13.52 5387 13.71 12.87 +.03 -4.9 LaZBoy N LZB .44 1.6 17 32.90 22.09 759 27.00 2730 27.53 26.65 -.70 -13.0 LabCp N LH 18 145.00 117.00 401 143.47 2689 144.37 141.07 +1.47 +11.8 LadderCap N LADR 1.20 8.3 10 15.53 11.29 718 14.44 2274 14.69 14.26 +.12 +5.2 LadThalFn N LTS 2.87 1.63 230 2.48 1065 2.58 2.32 +.10 +1.6 LadTh pfA N LTSpA 2.00 8.0 25.20 22.45 11 25.10 81 25.20 24.90 +.10 +4.8 LakeldB Q LBAI .38 1.9 21 20.88 10.04 241 19.60 706 19.80 18.15 +.80 +.5 Lakelnd s Q LKFN .76 1.8 21 48.88 28.94 79 43.12 360 43.64 39.68 +1.16 -9.0 LakeInd Q LAKE 54 12.75 8.00 15 10.75 198 10.95 9.90 +.75 +3.4 LamResrch Q LRCX 1.80 1.4 21 129.35 72.00 1236 128.36 5709 129.15 125.65 +.89 +21.4 LamarAdv Q LAMR 3.32f 4.4 25 79.09 58.68 611 74.74 3570 75.75 74.58 -.85 +11.2 LambWst n N LW .75 1.8 43.48 28.75 935 42.06 3994 43.20 41.81 -.61 +11.1 LancastrC Q LANC 2.20 1.7 27 149.30 107.29 72 128.84 434 130.28 125.82 -.40 -8.9 Landauer N LDR 1.10 2.3 32 55.80 31.65 31 48.75 124 49.80 46.00 +1.70 +1.4 Landcad n Q LCA 10.56 9.65 9.97 96 10.00 9.96 +.02 +1.9 Landcad wt Q LCAHW .75 .50 .65 12 .66 .62 -.07 -7.1 Landcad un Q LCAHU 12.28 9.95 1 10.70 4 10.70 10.55 +.02 +3.0 Landec Q LNDC 34 15.50 9.68 136 12.00 473 12.40 11.20 +.45 -13.0 LandBncp Q LARK .80 2.6 11 32.40 23.60 0 30.43 5 30.43 29.46 +.38 +8.6 LandmInfr Q LMRK 1.40f 9.4 43 18.44 12.55 62 14.95 374 15.30 14.90 -.10 -2.0 LandIn pfA Q LMRKP 2.00 8.0 26.41 24.01 1 25.15 10 25.49 25.09 +.20 +1.2 LndInf un B Q LMRKO 1.98 7.9 25.89 22.53 6 25.00 39 25.20 24.94 -.20 +2.9 LandsEnd Q LE 27.60 14.03 65 21.45 470 21.60 19.20 +2.05 +41.6 Landstar Q LSTR .36 .4 26 90.80 62.38 236 85.65 1432 87.05 82.20 +2.05 +.4 Lannett N LCI 7 39.99 16.75 373 22.35 2861 23.23 21.15 +.90 +1.4 Lantheus n Q LNTH 15 14.25 1.82 460 12.50 2075 12.75 11.50 +.60 +45.3sLantronix Q LTRX 3.64 .83 559 3.88 2094 4.00 2.88 +.93 +128.2 LaredoPet N LPI 30 16.47 7.26 4167 14.60 17839 14.65 12.62 +1.56 +3.3 LVSands N LVS 2.92f 5.1 27 63.38 41.45 1947 57.07 13534 57.54 54.71 +1.45 +6.9 LaSalleH N LHO 1.80 6.2 12 31.87 21.56 1404 28.95 6807 29.31 27.80 +.99 -5.0 LaSalH pfH N LHOpH 1.88 7.4 26.11 25.01 3 25.33 13 25.72 25.26 +.16 +1.1 LaSalH pfI N LHOpI 1.59 6.4 26.93 23.75 115 24.84 376 25.04 24.60 +.37 +3.1 LaSalHt pfJ N LHOpJ 1.58 6.4 27.24 23.21 19 24.60 48 24.96 24.55 +.13 +5.7sLatam Air N LFL 13.28 5.81 573 12.67 2379 13.28 12.34 -.03 +54.9 LatAmDisc N LDF .03e .3 10.94 8.32 23 10.54 169 10.68 10.26 +.23 +13.5sLattDvMkt N RODM .62e 2.4 25.71 22.09 27 25.59 86 25.71 25.34 +.10 +7.1 LattEmMkt N ROAM .43e 1.9 23.14 19.49 6 22.69 112 22.98 22.64 -.20 +10.3 Latt RE n N RORE 16.26 13.88 14.90 4 14.90 14.75 +.03 -.3 LattUSEqt N ROUS .39e 27.57 22.51 1 26.86 11 26.88 26.49 +.35 +3.7 LattGblSC N ROGS .57e 2.1 27.81 23.11 6 27.67 22 27.70 27.42 +.09 +6.7 Lattice Q LSCC 7.99 4.89 627 6.92 3486 7.05 6.85 -.12 -6.0sLaureatE n Q LAUR 14.49 12.19 3224 14.27 8890 14.49 12.65 +.93 +9.8 Lawsn Q LAWS 28.10 15.28 23 22.45 103 23.10 21.40 -.20 -5.7 Layne Q LAYN 11.42 6.40 171 8.84 553 9.06 8.39 +.16 -18.7 sLazGlobTR N LGI .95 6.3 15.09 12.09 15 15.01 100 15.09 14.70 +.11 +9.2 Lazard N LAZ 1.52 3.3 6 47.09 26.21 747 45.99 3662 46.12 44.11 +.98 +11.9 LazWldDiv N LOR .69 6.5 10.84 8.54 12 10.65 83 10.75 10.43 +.16 +7.5 LeMaitreV Q LMAT .22f .9 45 27.04 13.37 80 24.63 573 25.00 23.43 +.68 -2.8 LeadgBr g Q LBIX 3.34 1.31 20 1.79 51 1.85 1.68 -.05 +17.2 LeafGrp N LFGR 8.35 4.99 19 7.50 183 7.75 7.25 -.45 +14.5 LeapTh n Q LPTX 10.10 6.01 66 9.18 101 9.35 7.86 +.92 +16.8 LearCorp N LEA 2.00f 1.4 12 149.00 97.35 828 141.58 3123 142.66 136.05 +3.68 +7.0 Lee Ent N LEE 8 3.92 1.69 786 2.60 1104 2.70 2.55 -10.3 LegacyRes Q LGCY .60m 26.2 3.89 .78 680 2.29 1687 2.34 1.85 +.35 +8.0 LegcyR pf Q LGCYP 2.00 20.2 12.44 2.11 18 9.90 68 9.99 7.84 +1.70 +25.6 LegcyR pfB Q LGCYO 2.00 20.6 12.14 2.01 26 9.73 160 9.75 7.75 +1.28 +22.5 LegacyTxF Q LTXB .60 1.5 19 44.94 17.83 289 39.90 1458 40.92 37.24 +.98 -7.3 LeggMason N LM 1.28f 3.5 38 38.99 27.54 1067 36.11 4936 36.59 34.10 +1.40 +20.7 LegMas56 n N LMHA 27.87 23.51 28 25.81 85 26.43 25.81 -.60 +2.8 LegM 5,4 56 N LMHB 25.38 20.81 89 23.40 552 23.43 23.16 +.25 +8.3 LMGblInco N BWG 1.32a 10.3 14.11 11.36 54 12.78 372 13.01 12.73 -.09 +8.0 LM DevDvr Q DDBI 26.46 23.17 1 25.97 4 26.11 25.88 +.09 +7.2 LM EMDvr Q EDBI 29.49 25.12 0 28.77 13 29.10 28.77 -.20 +11.3 LM LoVHiD Q LVHD 30.25 26.41 50 29.73 143 29.81 29.40 -.12 +4.1sLM IntLoV N LVHI 27.46 23.96 8 27.44 14 27.50 26.95 +.11 +5.7sLM EM LoV N LVHE 28.60 25.18 0 27.30 8 28.60 27.30 +.04 +6.0sLM Gl Inf n Q INFR 27.13 25.12 1 27.13 3 27.13 26.93 +.21 +7.5 LeggPlat N LEG 1.36 2.7 20 54.63 44.02 599 50.32 3053 50.50 49.42 +.23 +2.9sLeGS3.5s34 N JBK 1.59 6.5 24.80 20.44 5 24.50 16 24.93 22.98 +1.80 +11.1 LehTOY21 N XKE .78 9.8 9.16 5.70 3 7.89 15 8.32 7.81 -.09 -6.1 LeidosHld N LDOS 1.28a 2.5 14 54.97 33.23 693 51.14 3979 52.33 50.98 -1.48 LejuHldgs N LEJU .20e 16 5.69 2.97 510 3.43 1632 3.45 3.08 -.06 -28.5 LendgTree Q TREE 43 130.20 64.07 111 125.35 522 127.45 116.55 +6.50 +23.7 LendingClb N LC 8.41 3.44 5300 5.49 23992 5.51 5.08 +.29 +4.6 LennarA N LEN .16 .3 13 53.79 39.68 1148 51.19 7416 51.67 50.22 +.15 +19.2 LennarB N LEN/B .16 .4 42.66 32.09 49 41.80 197 41.85 39.87 +1.43 +21.2 Lennox N LII 1.72 1.0 24 172.96 131.90 293 167.30 1396 170.98 167.21 -1.91 +9.2 LeucNatl N LUK .25 1.0 27.34 15.32 1372 26.00 9008 26.33 25.12 +.28 +11.8 Level3 N LVLT 31 60.13 44.01 1677 57.22 8612 57.40 55.45 +1.10 +1.5 LexiPhm rs Q LXRX 19.62 11.28 519 14.34 4393 14.85 13.98 +.14 +3.7 LexRltyTr N LXP .70 7.0 13 11.42 8.36 1781 9.98 8982 10.26 9.85 -.04 -7.6 LexRT pfC N LXPpC 3.25 6.5 53.85 48.39 1 50.25 8 51.25 50.25 +.7 LianlouSm Q LLIT 2.88 .79 1.53 40 1.60 1.48 -.04 +2.0 Libbey N LBY .47f 3.2 11 20.76 13.05 157 14.58 475 14.73 13.54 +.49 -25.1 LbtyASE N USA .52e 9.5 5.54 4.76 991 5.46 2783 5.51 5.35 +.04 +5.8 LbtyASG N ASG .38e 8.4 4.63 3.88 46 4.54 351 4.55 4.41 +.10 +8.6 LibBrdbdA Q LBRDA 14 87.47 54.53 198 85.09 820 86.08 83.27 +.49 +17.4 LibBrdbdC Q LBRDK 14 88.12 54.45 468 86.40 2366 87.35 84.22 +.80 +16.6 LibExpA n Q LEXEA 47.20 35.96 403 45.48 1011 46.78 45.28 -.52 +14.6 LibtyGlobA Q LBTYA 37.69 26.16 2063 35.87 12318 35.95 33.50 +.74 +17.3 LibtyGlobC Q LBTYK 38.74 25.86 3277 35.04 15447 35.17 33.02 +.60 +18.0 LibGLiLA n Q LILA 42.63 19.10 330 22.24 1749 22.88 21.10 +.80 +1.3 LibGLiC n Q LILAK 44.95 19.33 637 23.04 3577 23.73 21.97 +.79 +8.8 LibQVC A Q QVCA 35 27.25 17.24 2840 20.02 14449 20.04 19.20 +.58 +.2 LibQVC B Q QVCB 19 26.98 17.62 19.88 3 20.24 19.31 +.54 -1.8 LibVentA Q LVNTA 12 45.17 34.26 830 44.48 2085 44.98 42.66 +1.06 +20.6 LibMSirA n Q LSXMA 40.18 28.00 416 38.92 1473 39.38 37.12 +.59 +12.7 LibMSirC n Q LSXMK 39.80 28.04 295 38.78 1445 39.23 37.17 +.60 +14.3 LibMBrA n Q BATRA 36.00 14.23 79 23.94 535 24.20 22.28 +1.48 +16.8 LibMCFor Q FWONK 35.20 17.47 320 34.15 1170 34.31 32.98 +.44 +9.0 LibMAFor Q FWONA 33.63 17.72 238 32.70 832 32.75 31.12 +.65 +4.3 LibMBrC n Q BATRK 27.00 13.51 133 23.65 367 23.91 22.18 +1.28 +14.9 LibtProp N LPT 1.60m 4.2 18 42.26 32.89 832 38.55 3612 39.00 37.53 +.16 -2.4 LibertyTax Q TAX .64 4.5 13 19.99 9.95 21 14.25 153 14.50 14.10 -.10 +6.3 LibTripA A Q LTRPA 24.64 12.98 1004 14.10 3864 14.30 13.60 +.20 -6.3 LifeStorg N LSI 3.80 4.6 18 117.73 77.00 244 82.12 1786 84.59 81.20 -2.05 -3.7 LifePtHlth Q LPNT 20 75.70 50.60 596 65.50 2954 66.35 62.20 +3.45 +15.3 LifetimeBr Q LCUT .17 .8 19 21.20 12.03 70 20.10 251 20.25 19.50 +.20 +13.2 Lifevant rs Q LFVN 32 15.97 4.61 58 5.37 367 5.48 4.69 +.50 -34.1 LifewayFds Q LWAY 47 18.48 8.68 8 10.73 48 11.35 10.56 -.35 -6.8 LigandPh Q LGND 139.79 87.50 207 105.84 1065 107.28 103.84 +1.06 +4.2sLightPath Q LPTH 21 3.25 1.21 842 2.74 4325 3.25 2.22 +.42 +77.9 Lightbrdg rs Q LTBR 3.65 .86 622 1.33 2039 1.38 1.00 +.32 +16.7 LightInBox N LITB 3.59 2.31 6 2.81 49 2.88 2.74 +.06 -5.4 LilisEn n Q LLEX 5.22 3.82 27 3.98 319 4.08 3.83 -.03 -10.4 Limbach n Q LMB 16.05 12.65 7 13.93 50 14.20 13.59 +.06 -1.2 LimelghtN Q LLNW 2.90 1.17 285 2.58 1159 2.65 2.36 +.13 +2.4 Limoneira Q LMNR .22 1.1 34 21.78 14.60 50 20.91 221 21.00 18.93 +1.66 -2.8 LincEdSv Q LINC .08 2.8 3.11 1.30 23 2.81 219 2.98 2.76 -.11 +46.4 LincElec Q LECO 1.40f 1.6 30 88.73 56.02 231 86.86 1467 87.29 82.78 +1.65 +13.3 LincNat N LNC 1.16 1.8 10 73.31 35.27 2740 65.45 12098 65.86 61.45 +1.64 -1.2 LindbladEx Q LIND 90 10.70 7.75 457 8.96 577 9.00 8.77 +.02 -5.2 Lindblad wt Q LINDW 2.60 1.50 0 1.90 10 1.95 1.90 -.04 -13.6 Lindsay N LNN 1.16 1.3 66 89.98 65.78 237 88.12 932 89.57 79.08 +7.28 +18.1 LineCp n N LN 51.48 30.90 142 38.46 1563 38.50 36.81 +1.59 +13.1 LionBiotch Q LBIO 9.58 4.24 197 7.45 692 7.75 7.25 +7.2 LionsGat A N LGF/A 29.03 24.27 584 26.56 2566 26.90 25.45 +.48 -1.3 LionsGat B N LGF/B 27.14 22.72 314 24.38 2635 24.85 23.57 +.45 -.7 Lipocine Q LPCN 12.66 2.51 58 3.90 738 4.17 3.64 -.11 +6.0tLiqTech N LIQT .99 .34 173 .39 830 .42 .32 -.03 -39.1 Liquidity Q LQDT 11.49 4.96 98 8.00 332 8.10 7.55 +.35 -17.9 LithiaMot N LAD 1.00 1.2 12 105.32 68.70 420 85.65 1224 88.27 83.38 +.29 -11.5 Littelfuse Q LFUS 1.32 .8 31 167.21 106.26 233 159.91 599 162.50 155.26 +1.84 +5.4 LivaNova n Q LIVN 50 63.21 40.84 997 49.01 2296 51.09 48.58 -1.41 +9.0 LiveNatn N LYV 30.79 21.00 951 30.37 5733 30.41 29.25 +.81 +14.2 LiveOakB n Q LOB .07e .3 24.59 12.68 58 21.65 302 21.75 20.40 +.85 +17.0 LiveVent rs Q LIVE 5 32.98 8.28 24 15.90 79 15.92 14.57 +1.30 -33.8 LivePrsn Q LPSN 8.85 5.43 450 6.85 1853 7.11 6.55 +.10 -9.3 LloydBkg N LYG .47a 13.9 4.42 2.47 3415 3.40 19695 3.43 3.35 -.06 +9.7 LockhdM N LMT 7.28 2.7 20 274.57 222.82 1193 267.60 4583 270.93 264.04 +.18 +7.1 Loews N L .25 .5 21 48.05 37.25 819 46.77 3786 47.07 45.25 +.73 -.1sLogitech Q LOGI .57e 1.8 66 32.17 14.36 224 31.87 1189 32.17 31.12 +.18 +28.7 LogMeIn Q LOGM .50p 110.10 47.36 641 97.50 2681 99.20 93.65 +1.35 +1.0 Lombard Q EVAR 1.94 .50 92 .78 504 .82 .66 +.11 +30.0 LoneRs n Q LONE 16.00 4.48 11 5.06 190 5.25 4.60 -.10 -40.7 LI IcedT n Q LTEA 5.91 3.70 21 3.90 49 4.00 3.71 -.04 -6.5 LoralSpac Q LORL 32 42.20 32.04 46 39.40 148 40.10 38.85 +.05 -4.0sLaPac N LPX 26 24.94 15.74 1477 24.82 5609 24.96 22.95 +1.15 +31.1 Lowes N LOW 1.40 1.7 20 84.00 64.87 4488 82.21 21045 82.65 81.04 +15.6 LoxoOncol Q LOXO 47.46 17.14 289 42.08 980 46.88 40.52 -3.52 +31.0tLubys N LUB 5.10 3.07 110 3.11 210 3.18 3.07 -.06 -27.3tlululemn gs Q LULU 23 81.81 50.50 16667 51.87 78086 66.34 50.50 -11.82 -20.2sLumberLiq N LL 20.10 11.07 1717 20.99 4014 21.06 18.26 +2.39 +33.4sLumentm n Q LITE 68 55.93 20.80 1082 53.35 8401 55.93 51.16 -.15 +38.0 Luminex Q LMNX .06p 21 23.75 17.64 354 18.37 1374 18.42 17.80 +.21 -9.2 LumosNtw Q LMOS .56 3.2 17.75 10.67 251 17.70 885 17.70 17.64 +.05 +13.3 LunaInn h Q LUNA 2.33 .97 19 1.73 137 1.76 1.66 +.03 +17.7 LuxferHld N LXFR .50 4.1 13.60 9.28 40 12.16 160 12.19 11.89 +.06 +11.7 Luxoft N LXFT 30 66.18 46.58 236 62.55 733 62.85 59.40 +2.15 +11.3 Luxottica N LUX .78e 1.4 57.17 44.85 26 55.05 198 55.99 54.91 -.45 +2.5 Lydall N LDL 20 64.85 32.01 179 53.60 481 53.85 49.21 +3.15 -13.3 LyonBas A N LYB 3.40 3.7 10 97.64 69.82 1659 91.19 10762 91.92 85.66 +3.63 +6.3M -:M III Aq un Q MIII 10.09 9.43 9.80 53 9.85 9.78 +.02 +.5 M III Aq wt Q MIIIW .35 .18 1 .34 4 .34 .27 +.05 +41.7 M III Ac un Q MIIIU 10.13 9.63 10.07 3 10.08 10.00 +.01 +2.0 M&T Bk N MTB 3.00f 1.9 19 173.72 107.01 486 154.73 3387 157.37 149.51 -.24 -1.1 MACOM Q MTSI 53.80 29.56 508 48.30 1414 48.63 43.50 +3.33 +4.4 MAG Slv g N MAG 18.12 9.23 542 13.13 1551 14.27 12.93 -.80 +19.0 MAM Soft Q MAMS 23 7.77 5.10 1 6.63 38 6.68 6.10 +.33 +2.6 MB Fncl Q MBFI .76 1.8 18 48.47 30.53 431 42.82 1615 43.56 39.97 +1.25 -9.3 MB Finl pf Q MBFIP 2.00 7.6 27.97 26.35 8 26.41 48 26.45 26.37 -1.9 MBIA N MBI 11.65 6.34 2703 8.47 11180 8.55 7.85 +.35 -20.8 MBT Fnl Q MBTF .20f 1.8 18 12.25 6.96 55 11.35 177 11.45 10.55 +.50 sMCBC n Q MCFT 4.30e 14 17.51 8.71 121 16.17 714 17.51 15.30 +.51 +10.9 MDC N MDC 1.00 3.3 15 31.24 20.51 325 30.05 1574 30.28 28.87 +.42 +17.1 MDC Pr gs Q MDCA .84 8.9 23.90 2.75 662 9.40 2824 9.63 9.08 +43.5 MDU Res N MDU .77 2.8 23 29.92 18.71 912 27.37 4397 27.54 26.70 +.20 -4.9 MEI Phrm Q MEIP 2.28 1.18 98 1.62 701 1.64 1.52 +.08 +12.5tMER Tele Q MTSL 1.45 .50 0 .63 76 .65 .50 +.07 -30.9 MFA Fncl N MFA .80 9.9 11 8.18 6.69 1698 8.08 9408 8.11 7.83 +.21 +5.9 MFA Fn42 N MFO 2.00 7.8 27.87 24.80 4 25.57 17 25.78 25.57 +.07 -.5 MFA pfB N MFApB 1.88 7.5 26.09 23.36 10 25.10 68 25.35 25.05 -.15 +3.6 MFC Bcp N MFCB 2.43 1.56 112 1.78 311 1.80 1.60 +.04 -8.7 MFS CAMu N CCA .60 5.2 14.99 11.05 1 11.57 11 11.71 11.49 +.07 +2.8 MCR N MCR .72a 8.4 8.75 8.06 95 8.61 568 8.62 8.46 +.11 +1.1 MGF N MGF .41 8.3 5.51 4.84 71 4.95 401 4.96 4.90 +.01 -1.8 MFS HInM N CXE .30 6.0 5.59 4.70 93 5.02 363 5.07 4.97 +.02 +2.4 MFS HYMu N CMU .28 6.0 5.19 4.27 67 4.62 233 4.64 4.55 +.10 +4.5 MFS IHI N CIF .25 9.4 2.68 2.32 28 2.64 225 2.64 2.57 +.05 +2.3 MIN N MIN .42 9.8 4.69 4.21 224 4.31 1444 4.32 4.26 +.02 -2.9 MFS InvG N CXH .50 5.2 10.77 9.09 10 9.64 65 9.70 9.62 +.02 +2.9 MMT N MMT .52 8.5 6.29 5.62 131 6.12 915 6.12 6.04 +.05 +1.0 MFM N MFM .38 5.5 7.63 6.51 54 6.95 372 6.95 6.86 +.09 +4.8 MFV N MFV .58 9.9 5.99 5.22 12 5.81 50 5.82 5.76 +4.3 MGC Diag Q MGCD .70e 10.60 5.20 3 8.36 22 8.78 8.04 -.41 +6.0sMGE Engy Q MGEE 1.23 1.9 31 67.20 47.90 119 65.00 1402 67.20 62.20 +2.10 -.5 MGIC Inv N MTG 11 11.35 5.36 4321 10.13 19578 10.16 9.68 +.18 -.6 MGMGrPr n N MGP .65 27.89 21.75 619 27.05 2248 27.13 26.09 +1.16 +6.9 MGM Rsts N MGM .39p 24 30.62 20.59 6741 27.40 42985 27.54 25.21 +1.69 -5.0 MGP Ing Q MGPI .16f .3 30 56.17 22.11 138 54.23 576 55.33 52.62 +.28 +8.5 MI Acq n Q MACQ 10.25 9.80 10.00 25 10.08 10.00 -.07 MI Homes N MHO 12 26.70 17.00 145 24.50 703 24.84 23.33 +.85 -2.7 MI Hm pfA N MHOpA 26.05 24.03 1 25.75 9 25.87 25.50 +.13 +.8 MKS Inst Q MKSI .70f 1.0 22 70.40 35.02 351 68.75 1274 69.45 66.15 +1.00 +15.7 MMA Cap Q MMAC 3 23.50 15.46 37 23.25 65 23.30 22.75 +.05 +22.4 MOCON Q MOCO .48f 2.2 25 22.75 13.02 3 21.90 121 22.55 21.54 +.05 +12.3 MPLX LP N MPLX 2.06f 5.7 39.43 26.75 786 36.08 3471 36.12 34.88 +.67 +4.2 MRC Glbl N MRC 22.52 11.50 645 18.33 4193 18.47 17.21 +.47 -9.5 MRV Com Q MRVC 13.09 7.05 1 10.55 13 10.70 10.15 +.15 +29.4 MSA Safety N MSA 1.28 1.8 27 74.64 44.16 192 70.69 743 71.48 67.05 +1.94 +2.0 MSB Fin Q MSBF 17.00 12.78 9 16.50 17 16.51 15.50 +.65 +12.2 MSC Ind N MSM 1.80 1.8 27 105.70 67.74 306 102.76 2692 103.26 97.78 +2.34 +11.2 MSCI Inc N MSCI 1.12 1.2 34 109.29 71.51 416 97.19 1772 97.93 96.03 -.25 +23.4 MSG Netw N MSGN 10 23.95 14.73 404 23.35 1865 23.43 22.25 +.85 +8.6 MTGE Inv Q MTGE 1.80f 10.7 19 17.77 14.13 572 16.75 2160 16.90 16.35 +.55 +6.7 MTGE pfA Q MTGEP 2.03 7.9 26.24 23.51 1 25.84 6 26.09 25.63 +.57 +3.5 MTS Q MTSC 1.20 2.2 27 62.27 41.53 88 55.05 285 55.30 52.40 +1.35 -2.9 MV OilTr N MVO .42e 6.9 5 7.35 3.90 18 6.10 126 6.30 5.61 +.11 -2.1 MVC Cap N MVC .54a 6.0 9.01 7.12 52 8.99 165 9.00 8.82 +.11 +4.8 MVCCap 23 N MVCB 1.81 7.1 26.00 23.87 1 25.49 17 25.66 25.16 +.33 +1.2 MYOS Q MYOS 6.98 1.02 58 2.89 1142 3.28 2.85 -.09 +144.9 MYR Grp Q MYRG 19 43.77 21.84 98 41.00 537 41.59 37.88 +2.30 +8.8tMabVxTh n Q MBVX 6.05 2.11 20 2.28 184 2.41 2.10 +.01 -32.5 MacQUtlDv N MFD 1.20 9.6 13.34 10.81 47 12.50 234 12.65 12.31 +.19 +9.6 MacQGInf N MGU 1.48 6.5 23.12 18.33 43 22.85 215 22.93 22.08 +.61 +15.8 Macatawa Q MCBC .16f 1.6 21 10.67 6.20 28 9.88 172 9.98 9.56 +.19 -5.1 Macerich N MAC 2.84 4.4 20 94.51 62.14 1045 64.40 6524 64.89 62.44 +.53 -9.1 MackCali N CLI .60 2.2 12 29.70 22.63 579 26.94 1949 27.22 26.31 +.15 -6.7 MackFn Q MFNC .48f 3.5 19 14.07 10.00 4 13.72 38 13.88 13.21 +.51 +1.8 Macquarie N MIC 5.24f 6.5 42 85.45 65.82 523 80.58 2267 80.93 79.13 +.95 -1.4 MacroGen Q MGNX 33.30 15.53 968 18.60 2274 19.24 17.29 +.67 -9.0tMacys N M 1.51 5.1 10 45.41 27.72 5329 29.64 26369 29.90 27.72 +1.47 -17.2 MadCvCall N MCN .72 9.0 8.21 7.22 87 8.03 303 8.08 7.85 +.14 +4.3 MadSqGd n N MSG 206.24 156.01 262 199.71 1009 203.13 194.26 +3.23 +16.4 MadStSec N MSP 1.04 8.5 12.42 11.01 33 12.20 66 12.37 11.87 +.27 +2.6 MadrigP rs Q MDGL 18.24 6.60 9 15.40 40 15.95 15.00 +.18 +3.4sMagal Q MAGS 8.00 4.08 150 7.52 1824 8.00 6.79 +.17 +48.3 MagellnHlt Q MGLN 17 84.71 49.50 201 69.05 678 69.75 65.30 +3.40 -8.2 MagellMid N MMP 3.42f 4.4 22 81.77 63.40 558 76.91 3221 77.09 75.26 +.45 +1.7 MagicSft Q MGIC .19e 2.4 20 8.10 6.35 21 7.80 62 8.00 7.71 -.25 +17.0 MagicJack Q CALL 8.90 5.27 80 8.55 315 8.75 8.35 -.05 +24.8 Magna g s N MGA 1.10f 2.5 9 47.21 32.76 1062 43.16 5629 43.98 42.09 +.50 -.6sMagnaChip N MX 9.70 4.71 385 9.55 2212 9.70 8.65 +.50 +54.0 MagneGas Q MNGA 1.15 .40 314 .44 1022 .47 .43 +.01 -2.9 MaidenH Q MHLD .56 4.0 44 18.95 11.64 477 14.00 2717 14.10 13.25 +.50 -19.8 Maiden prA N MHpA 2.06 8.0 26.90 25.25 6 25.73 13 25.80 25.65 -.02 -.4 Maiden pfC N MHpC 1.78 6.9 27.08 23.78 36 25.94 96 26.00 25.73 +.22 +.5 MaidenHld n N MHLA .60 2.3 28.60 24.34 18 25.80 75 25.87 25.51 +.16 +1.9 MaidHld42 N MHNB 2.00 7.8 26.83 24.83 3 25.50 13 25.58 25.36 +.14 +.4 MaidHld 43 N MHNC 1.94 7.2 27.80 24.51 16 26.87 52 27.02 26.80 -.13 -.5sMainStCap N MAIN 2.22a 5.8 19 38.38 30.33 378 38.27 1288 38.41 36.92 +1.07 +4.1 MainStC 23 N MSCA 1.53 5.9 26.93 25.25 2 26.01 6 26.29 25.96 -.04 +1.1 MainSrce Q MSFG .64 1.9 18 35.64 19.98 57 32.93 378 33.40 30.82 +1.14 -4.3 MainSDTMu N MMD 1.18 6.1 20.99 17.96 73 19.25 295 19.40 18.86 +.38 +5.2 Majesco n N MJCO 6.50 4.50 3 5.16 17 5.16 5.00 +.16 -15.1 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 12 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


MMyTrip Q MMYT 37.35 13.69 233 34.60 1416 36.45 33.80 -2.00 +55.9 MalibuBoat Q MBUU 19 22.95 11.38 90 22.45 761 22.57 20.68 +.87 +17.7 Mallinckdt N MNK 85.83 41.57 1690 44.57 8285 45.93 42.80 +1.48 -10.5 MalvernBc Q MLVF 26 22.00 15.00 1 21.06 9 21.70 21.00 -.44 -.4 MamEngy n Q TUSK 24.54 11.91 100 21.51 313 22.16 18.61 +2.04 +41.5 ManTech Q MANT .84 2.4 23 45.52 30.49 215 34.63 775 35.12 34.01 -.27 -18.0 MgdDInvG N MZF .74 5.6 15.03 12.75 17 13.20 78 13.28 13.11 +.04 +.6 ManchUtd N MANU .36 2.1 17.83 13.72 23 16.90 160 17.00 16.15 +.65 +18.6 ManhAssc Q MANH 30 68.57 46.11 651 52.05 2696 52.39 49.03 +2.43 -1.8 ManhBrCa Q LOAN .40 6.8 17 7.65 4.11 25 5.90 154 6.00 5.60 +.15 -22.4 Manitex Q MNTX 9.89 4.98 143 6.70 799 7.23 6.38 -.31 -2.3 Manitowoc N MTW .08 1.4 7.57 3.65 1204 5.70 7537 5.81 5.25 +.05 -4.7tMannKd rs Q MNKD 10.60 1.44 3098 1.48 9479 1.87 1.44 -.41 -53.5 Mannatech Q MTEX .13e .8 8 24.49 14.35 3 16.40 63 17.30 16.20 +.40 -19.2 ManngNap N MN .32m 5.6 20 10.34 5.20 167 5.70 560 5.85 5.45 +.10 -24.5 ManpwrGp N MAN 1.72 1.7 16 103.90 57.26 656 102.57 2480 103.59 97.39 +2.65 +15.4 Manulife g N MFC .74 4.2 19.52 12.55 1618 17.74 12742 18.02 16.96 +.25 -.4 MarathnO N MRO .20 1.3 19.28 10.32 9533 15.80 61275 16.18 14.30 +1.19 -8.7 MaraPatnt Q MARA 3.44 .63 848 1.02 2421 1.20 .78 +.17 -40.7 MarathPt s N MPC 1.44 2.8 10 54.59 32.02 4275 50.54 21289 50.84 48.18 +1.67 +.4 MarchxB Q MCHX 4.60 2.46 66 2.72 548 2.75 2.60 +.06 +2.6 MarcusMill N MMI 15 30.31 22.93 126 24.58 812 24.64 23.22 +.92 -8.0 Marcus N MCS .50f 1.6 23 32.60 18.20 85 32.10 304 32.35 30.45 +1.15 +1.9 MarinSoft N MRIN 3.29 1.45 7 1.80 201 1.90 1.65 +.05 -23.4 MarPet Q MARPS .33e 8.0 9 6.00 2.91 5 4.11 24 4.75 3.96 -.14 -6.4 MarineP N MPX .28f 2.6 27 14.87 7.29 19 10.87 82 11.22 10.66 +.11 -21.6 MarineMx N HZO 23 23.50 15.10 235 21.65 806 22.20 20.94 +.35 +11.9 MarinusPh Q MRNS 6.76 .82 3197 1.77 4424 1.83 1.42 +.25 +75.2 Markel N MKL 31 992.00 811.05 28 975.86 135 979.66 942.31 +26.70 +7.9 MktAxess Q MKTX 1.32f .7 56 200.90 117.60 254 187.49 1062 188.79 181.82 -.21 +27.6 MarlinBs Q MRLN .56 2.2 19 26.70 13.92 25 25.75 129 25.75 24.40 +.20 +23.2sMAR Q MAR 1.20 1.3 26 95.42 60.87 2202 94.18 10350 95.42 92.45 +.68 +13.9sMarriotVac N VAC 1.40 1.4 21 99.83 56.33 122 99.93 705 100.12 94.57 +2.84 +17.8 Marrone Q MBII 2.79 .60 72 1.95 481 2.30 1.66 -.05 -8.9 MarshM N MMC 1.36 1.8 23 75.52 59.85 2951 73.89 11204 75.15 73.62 -.68 +9.3 MartenTrn Q MRTN .10 .4 23 27.05 16.90 156 23.45 409 24.08 23.35 -.50 +.6 MartMM N MLM 1.68 .8 33 243.98 157.83 911 218.25 3694 219.07 201.77 +11.01 -1.5 MartinMid Q MMLP 2.00 10.0 31 25.38 15.58 432 20.00 947 20.13 18.50 +1.30 +9.0 MarvellTch Q MRVL .24 1.6 16.72 9.05 7116 15.26 30189 15.82 15.26 -.58 +10.0 Masco N MAS .40 1.2 22 37.38 29.11 3370 33.99 12511 34.21 33.29 +7.5 Masimo Q MASI 17 96.68 39.53 760 93.26 2829 93.97 91.82 +.04 +38.4 Masonite g N DOOR 81.95 55.60 198 79.25 838 80.05 77.75 -.20 +20.4 MastThera N MSTX .71 .07 3753 .12 15584 .13 .11 +.01 +42.5 Mastec N MTZ 34 41.90 19.13 948 40.05 3747 40.33 36.40 +2.00 +4.7 MastechD N MHH 9 8.35 5.82 50 7.35 246 7.40 6.45 +.58 +7.9 MasterCrd N MA .88 .8 32 113.50 86.65 2402 112.47 11963 113.18 110.33 +.49 +8.9 MatadorRs N MTDR 28.51 18.29 1013 23.79 6816 23.87 21.15 +1.95 -7.6 Match n Q MTCH 19.74 10.06 484 16.33 7503 16.59 15.42 +.45 -4.5 Materialise Q MTLS 9.50 6.07 30 9.10 148 9.14 8.75 +.01 +18.5 Materion N MTRN .38 1.1 25 41.23 22.36 155 33.55 688 33.60 31.05 +1.75 -15.3 MatinasB n N MTNB 3.92 1.50 326 2.77 2536 3.18 2.51 +.27 -25.7 MatlnPrt un Q MPACU 10.08 10.00 1 10.02 68 10.05 10.02 -.03 +.1 MatrixSv Q MTRX 16 23.45 14.07 121 16.50 652 16.70 15.30 +.85 -27.3 Matson N MATX .72f 2.3 17 43.00 28.79 193 31.76 875 31.89 30.00 +1.17 -10.3 Mattel Q MAT 1.52 5.9 24 34.76 24.60 2958 25.61 19769 25.77 24.72 +.45 -7.0 Mattersight Q MATR 4.65 3.00 88 3.50 307 3.70 3.35 -5.4 MatthInt Q MATW .68 1.0 24 77.85 48.85 149 67.65 604 68.25 64.45 +2.20 -12.0 MauiLand N MLP 16 11.95 5.23 15 11.75 83 11.85 10.31 +.65 +63.2 MaximIntg Q MXIM 1.32 2.9 26 46.22 33.38 2208 44.96 8003 45.26 44.57 -.27 +16.6sMaximus N MMS .18 .3 21 62.78 43.69 668 62.20 2135 62.78 60.48 +.25 +11.5sMaxLinear N MXL 42 28.42 15.31 626 28.05 3390 28.42 25.85 +1.55 +28.7 MaxPoint n Q MXPT 11.94 1.65 8 6.41 76 6.77 6.15 +.26 +6.8 MaxwellT Q MXWL 6.72 4.20 207 5.81 784 5.85 5.35 +.32 +13.5sMazorRbt Q MZOR 30.83 10.00 153 29.77 1855 30.83 26.60 +.90 +35.8tMcClatch rs N MNI 19.77 9.10 31 9.67 89 10.00 9.10 -.12 -26.6 McCorm vot N MKC/V 1.88 1.9 108.26 89.14 1 97.50 12 101.37 97.04 -3.50 +4.7 McCorm N MKC 1.72f 1.8 27 107.84 88.64 836 97.55 5556 101.52 97.10 -3.46 +4.5 McDrmInt N MDR 21 8.33 3.53 2462 6.75 13159 6.80 6.08 +.51 -8.7 McDnlds N MCD 3.76 2.9 24 131.96 110.33 2965 129.61 14229 130.19 128.60 +.27 +6.5 McGrathR Q MGRC 1.04f 3.1 21 39.86 22.40 98 33.57 376 33.91 32.21 +.92 -14.3 McKesson N MCK 1.12 .8 13 199.43 114.53 1610 148.26 7806 151.42 144.45 +2.63 +5.6 McEwenM N MUX .01a .3 4.92 1.85 2800 3.04 14205 3.20 2.99 -.07 +4.5 MeadJohn N MJN 1.65 1.9 27 94.40 69.25 2290 89.08 12041 89.19 88.24 +.72 +25.9 Mechel pf N MTLp 1.35 .19 9 1.04 829 1.07 .96 -7.1 Mechel rs N MTL 6.83 1.46 356 5.32 3866 5.81 4.75 +.50 -7.2 MedalFin Q MFIN .20 10.1 3 10.00 1.60 810 1.98 1386 2.34 1.98 -.24 -34.4 MedalF 9 21 Q MFINL 2.25 11.8 28.40 13.20 2 19.12 14 19.70 17.95 -.02 +3.5 Medequit n N MRT 12.05 10.28 308 11.21 1214 11.25 10.79 +.36 +1.0 MedProp N MPW .96f 7.4 14 15.92 11.54 2853 12.89 12478 12.93 12.65 +.14 +4.8tMedTrBil h Q MTBC 1.33 .58 22 .68 65 .75 .58 +.02 -6.2 MedTBill pf Q MTBCP 2.75 10.9 40.03 23.46 2 25.25 16 25.50 25.25 +.06 -.9 MediCo Q MDCO 55.28 29.48 1372 48.90 5261 52.00 48.22 -1.79 +44.1 MediciNova Q MNOV 10.16 5.49 59 5.99 135 6.25 5.78 +.12 -.7 Medidata Q MDSO 87 58.77 35.59 388 57.69 1281 57.70 54.91 +1.72 +16.1 Medifast N MED 1.28 2.9 24 46.36 29.32 154 44.37 507 44.87 41.90 +1.58 +6.6tMedigus rs Q MDGS 32.50 2.95 62 3.08 686 3.35 2.91 -.27 -45.5 MediWound Q MDWD 8.90 4.25 10 6.60 65 6.80 6.16 +.20 +44.1 MedleyCap N MCC .88 11.4 8 8.06 6.16 232 7.69 1250 7.74 7.50 +.12 +2.4 MedleyC 23 N MCV 1.53 6.0 26.24 23.30 0 25.35 9 25.73 25.14 +.13 +1.3 MedleyC 21 N MCX 1.63 6.2 26.25 23.69 0 26.20 14 26.20 25.88 +2.4sMedley n N MDLX 24.85 22.93 1 24.73 24 24.85 24.58 +.09 +2.7 Medley24 n N MDLQ 25.75 24.73 13 25.50 75 25.57 25.26 +.20 +2.5 MedleyMgt N MDLY .80 9.6 24 10.65 5.11 24 8.30 118 8.40 7.90 +.35 -16.2 Mednax N MD 19 76.96 59.36 538 69.38 2652 69.89 68.49 +.11 +4.1 Medovex h Q MDVX 2.48 1.00 426 1.53 1085 1.68 1.35 +.11 +15.0 Medov wt h Q MDVXW 1.10 .02 32 .20 38 .21 .13 +.05 +136.5tMedpace n Q MEDP 62 38.94 26.01 388 29.85 1368 30.10 26.01 +2.94 -17.2 Medtrnic N MDT 1.72 2.1 18 89.27 69.35 3674 80.56 24496 81.33 80.39 -.44 +13.1 MeetMe Q MEET 17 8.11 2.71 2195 5.89 15110 6.01 5.16 +.64 +19.5 MelcoCrwn Q MPEL 1.40e 7.6 60 20.00 11.91 2720 18.54 21395 19.19 18.19 -.18 +16.6 Mellanox Q MLNX 36 55.65 38.75 253 50.95 1968 51.50 50.20 -.35 +24.6 MelroseBn Q MELR 65 18.10 14.60 1 16.85 7 17.50 16.55 -.10 -6.1 MemorialP Q MEMP .12 99.2 3.07 .10 2177 .12 8679 .15 .12 -.00 -3.2 Menus n Q MRUS 33.63 7.26 25 24.39 244 25.35 23.28 -.20 +15.5 MercadoL Q MELI .60 .3 56 218.75 112.07 316 211.47 1513 217.13 207.48 +.76 +35.4 MercBank Q MBWM .72f 2.1 18 38.68 21.05 69 34.40 385 36.56 33.14 +.53 -8.8 MercerIntl Q MERC .46 3.9 22 12.98 7.03 62 11.70 664 12.10 11.50 +9.9 MerchBsh Q MBVT 1.12 2.3 20 54.80 28.16 11 48.70 50 49.25 46.20 +1.20 -10.1 Merck N MRK 1.88 3.0 17 66.80 53.06 7339 63.54 38954 64.11 62.81 +.36 +7.9 MercGn N MCY 2.49 4.1 30 64.52 49.69 155 60.99 768 61.57 57.95 +2.37 +1.3 MercSys Q MRCY 50 40.86 18.68 388 39.05 2366 39.23 36.40 +.44 +29.2 Meredith N MDP 2.08f 3.2 16 66.25 43.85 519 64.60 2607 65.15 61.75 +1.55 +9.2 MeridBcp Q EBSB .16f .9 28 20.55 13.41 163 18.30 594 18.48 17.85 +.15 -3.2 MeridBio Q VIVO .50m 3.6 18 21.49 10.75 331 13.80 1596 13.90 12.75 +.70 -22.0 MeridWs wt Q MRDNW .71 .39 45 .59 169 .61 .48 +.09 -9.2sMeridWs n Q MRDN 3.92 2.22 84 3.89 385 4.00 3.10 +.73 +19.7 MeritMed Q MMSI 37 31.70 17.52 361 28.90 2032 29.40 28.00 +.18 +9.1 Meritage N MTH 11 41.22 29.70 855 36.80 2940 37.10 35.75 +.45 +5.7sMeritor N MTOR 3 17.15 6.30 1012 17.13 3775 17.19 16.02 +.60 +37.9 MerL pfK N MERpK 1.61 6.3 27.00 24.65 51 25.55 268 25.62 25.48 +.03 +1.7 MerL pfP N MERpP 1.84 7.1 27.88 24.05 20 26.02 130 26.14 25.92 +.10 +1.2tML CZN46 N PIY 2.09 8.2 32.44 25.02 4 25.50 36 26.79 25.02 +.49 -1.2 MLRRD29 N PYS 1.58 6.4 26.20 20.35 9 24.86 39 25.24 22.60 +1.65 +17.2 MLIdxPl33 N IPB 1.51 5.6 29.80 26.10 0 26.98 7 26.98 26.66 +.07 +2.0 MerrimkP Q MACK 9.02 2.83 1168 3.08 10841 3.13 2.96 +.07 -24.5 MerusLb hg Q MSLI 1.76 .70 1 .93 40 .93 .87 +.07 +6.8 MesaLabs Q MLAB .64 .5 33 137.20 88.40 7 122.70 48 123.29 117.71 +2.69 MesaRoyl N MTR .99e 7.5 13 14.40 7.45 9 13.25 77 13.93 12.30 +1.15 +21.6 Mesab N MSB .64e 48 17.42 5.59 25 15.00 114 15.15 14.05 +.20 +40.2 Mesoblast n Q MESO 9.95 3.50 46 8.98 156 9.78 8.53 -.12 +67.9 MetaFincl Q CASH .52 .6 25 106.90 43.45 94 88.50 303 88.80 82.20 +2.25 -14.0 Metaldyne N MPG .37 1.6 13 24.00 12.55 130 22.85 391 23.00 22.50 +.05 -.4 Methanx Q MEOH 1.10 2.3 53.35 26.83 832 46.90 4758 49.30 43.15 +2.40 +7.1 Methode N MEI .36 .8 19 46.40 27.10 229 45.60 983 46.15 43.10 +1.10 +10.3 MetLife N MET 1.60 3.0 12 58.09 36.17 4434 52.82 27623 53.43 50.25 +.81 -2.0 MetLfe pfA N METpA 1.02 4.1 25.96 23.09 17 24.85 107 25.13 24.80 -.20 +6.7 MettlerT N MTD 34 489.92 343.61 152 478.91 575 481.44 474.30 +.32 +14.4 MexcoEn N MXC 5.61 2.08 13 3.86 45 4.27 3.74 +.06 -22.8 MexEqt N MXE 1.62e .1 11.44 8.69 22 10.86 63 10.90 10.62 +.15 +18.4 MexicoFd N MXF .70e 4.3 18.03 13.28 21 16.40 238 16.59 16.21 +.02 +9.1 MKors N KORS 9 58.63 34.92 1334 38.11 8260 38.59 37.27 +.55 -11.3 Michaels Q MIK 12 31.37 19.00 2852 22.39 35822 22.71 21.82 +.43 +9.5 Microbot rs Q MBOT 39.85 2.97 53 5.81 255 6.18 5.66 -.38 -4.8 Microchp Q MCHP 1.44 2.0 76.50 46.98 2322 73.78 10097 74.37 71.88 +.63 +15.0stMicrSol n N MICR 4.27 3.90 1 4.02 7 4.27 3.90 +1.3 MicronT Q MU 35 29.87 9.35 29852 28.90 150228 29.36 28.07 +.47 +31.8tMicronetE Q MICT 2.80 1.14 47 1.17 189 1.36 1.11 -.11 -12.0 Micronet wt Q MICTW .72 .05 1 .15 17 .18 .15 -.01 +79.8 MicroSemi Q MSCC 57.97 29.68 629 51.53 3259 52.17 50.32 -.06 -4.5sMicrosoft Q MSFT 1.56 2.4 29 65.98 48.04 19871 65.86 87227 66.19 64.35 +.88 +6.0 MicroStr Q MSTR 24 207.28 161.90 50 187.80 230 189.41 182.22 +1.66 -4.9 Microvisn Q MVIS 2.75 .89 538 2.49 5225 2.65 2.35 -.04 +97.6 MidPenn Q MPB .52 1.9 15 28.95 14.70 27.25 11 28.35 25.75 +.90 +14.4 MidAApt N MAA 3.48 3.4 19 110.01 85.04 515 101.74 3097 102.75 99.75 -.17 +3.9 MidConEn Q MCEP 4.05 1.32 66 2.37 497 2.38 2.16 +.08 -8.8 Midatech n Q MTP 5.44 2.40 18 2.61 97 2.88 2.42 -.19 -5.4 MidcstEn N MEP 1.43 17.8 9.89 4.58 173 8.05 906 8.05 7.90 +.10 +14.2sMiddlbgF Q MBRG .52 1.3 35 39.36 19.90 118 40.04 168 40.10 36.86 +2.95 +15.2 Middleby Q MIDD 27 150.87 101.45 251 136.45 1728 138.73 133.27 +.12 +5.9sMiddlefldB Q MBCN 1.08 2.4 13 46.00 31.19 5 45.15 18 46.00 43.08 +1.25 +16.7 MdsxWatr Q MSEX .84 2.3 27 44.48 30.50 88 36.95 225 37.23 35.30 +.65 -13.9 MidlStBc n Q MSBI .80f 2.3 16 37.58 20.80 40 34.39 193 34.50 31.96 +1.17 -4.9sMidsthBcp N MSL .36 2.4 24 15.75 7.37 10 15.30 180 15.75 13.95 +.60 +12.5 MidstPet N MPO 23.25 17.01 75 18.45 430 19.20 17.85 +.09 -11.0 MidWOne Q MOFG .66f 1.9 14 39.20 25.49 107 34.29 365 34.67 33.55 +.21 -8.8 Milacron n N MCRN 19.32 12.43 142 18.61 591 18.69 17.19 +.83 -.1 MilestnSci N MLSS 3.20 1.10 28 1.35 73 1.48 1.30 -.05 -3.6 MillerHer Q MLHR .68 2.2 15 36.46 26.99 430 31.55 1672 31.80 30.41 +.15 -7.7 MHowHiInc N HIE 1.39 10.4 13.50 10.89 69 13.39 334 13.48 13.00 +.02 +8.1 MillerInds N MLR .72f 2.7 15 28.85 19.79 60 26.35 139 26.45 24.49 +1.55 -.4 Mimecast n Q MIME 24.60 7.08 336 22.39 1309 22.50 20.33 +.88 +25.1 MiMedx Q MDXG 48 10.02 6.64 624 9.53 3534 9.85 8.89 +.43 +7.6 Mind CTI Q MNDO .27m 11.1 11 2.68 1.74 26 2.43 116 2.50 2.36 -.02 +11.1 Mindbody n Q MB 28.25 11.91 134 27.45 1147 28.10 26.00 +.25 +28.9 MinTech N MTX .20 .3 19 83.85 51.29 213 76.60 799 77.10 72.65 +1.75 -.8 MinervaN Q NERV 15.84 3.45 214 8.10 743 9.05 7.50 +.50 -31.1 Miragen rs Q MGEN 18.00 1.80 61 12.44 159 13.75 11.00 +.44 +148.3 MiratiTher Q MRTX 24.43 4.40 58 5.20 361 5.25 5.05 +.05 +9.5 MirnaTh n Q MIRN 5.00 1.12 91 2.19 158 2.23 2.03 +.11 +21.7 Misonix Q MSON 44 12.00 3.83 12 11.80 30 12.00 11.65 +.01 +12.9 MissP pfD N MPpD 1.31 5.2 27.90 25.10 25.37 6 25.43 25.16 +.22 -2.8 Mistras N MG 27 26.47 19.49 89 21.38 384 21.52 20.18 +1.21 -16.7 Mitcham Q MIND 5.14 2.65 24 4.90 127 4.98 4.43 +.56 +18.1 MitekSys Q MITK 74 9.49 5.26 185 6.65 1520 6.70 6.20 +.15 +8.1 MitelNet g Q MITL 8.52 5.81 500 6.93 1983 7.05 6.75 +.04 +1.9 MitsuUFJ N MTU 7.01 4.16 535 6.34 6256 6.61 6.32 -.11 +2.9 MiX Tele N MIXT .22e 8.14 3.71 106 6.30 229 6.85 6.21 -.31 +1.8 MizuhoFn N MFG 3.87 2.69 225 3.69 874 3.85 3.65 -.06 +2.8 MobileMini Q MINI .91f 3.0 27 38.13 23.40 200 30.50 825 30.65 28.88 +1.00 +.8sMobileTele N MBT .88e 8.0 11.59 7.09 2489 11.03 14481 11.59 11.02 -.46 +21.1 MobileIron Q MOBL 5.00 2.56 324 4.35 889 4.50 4.25 -.05 +16.0 Mobileye N MBLY 61.51 33.69 4895 61.40 31131 61.50 60.65 +.62 +61.1 Model N N MODN 13.98 6.98 76 10.45 308 10.50 9.95 +.30 +18.1 Modine N MOD 16 16.35 8.45 420 12.20 1635 12.30 10.80 +1.20 -18.1 ModSysIntl Q MDSY 2.25 .62 13 .88 117 .93 .80 +.05 -2.0 ModusLink Q MLNK 2.08 1.05 30 1.80 186 1.84 1.71 +23.3 Moelis&Co N MC .94a 2.4 21 39.90 21.91 241 38.50 1005 38.60 36.05 +.90 +13.6 Mohawk N MHK 19 233.70 175.52 392 229.49 2032 232.14 223.84 +2.47 +14.9 Moleculin n Q MBRX 9.58 .95 572 1.17 2713 1.18 1.05 +.04 -48.7 MolinaHlth N MOH 67.87 42.56 425 45.60 5063 46.91 44.90 +.92 -16.0 MolsCoorB N TAP 1.64 1.7 30 112.19 89.40 1359 95.71 6207 96.98 95.20 -1.31 -1.6 Momenta Q MNTA 19.90 8.16 568 13.35 2620 14.03 13.05 -.20 -11.3sMomo Q MOMO 36.18 8.88 10274 34.07 28458 36.18 32.37 +.74 +85.4sMonarCas h Q MCRI 22 30.09 18.50 36 29.54 311 30.09 28.37 +.69 +14.6 Mondelez Q MDLZ .76 1.8 31 46.40 39.21 7226 43.08 34898 43.93 43.06 -.53 -2.8sMoneyGrm Q MGI 47 17.13 5.64 557 16.81 2851 17.13 16.57 +.15 +42.3 MonRE N MNR .64 4.5 19 15.36 11.22 335 14.27 1382 14.30 13.97 +.13 -6.4 MonRE pfB N MNRpB 1.97 7.8 27.25 25.24 5 25.38 18 25.41 25.32 +.06 -1.0 MonRE pfC N MNRpC 1.53 6.1 26.50 23.00 51 24.89 132 24.89 24.30 +.28 +5.5 MonogRes N MORE .30 3.0 33 10.97 9.52 823 9.97 3136 9.99 9.78 +.12 -7.9 MonPwSys Q MPWR .80 .9 74 94.49 60.02 209 92.10 1203 92.99 89.09 +.87 +12.4 Monotype Q TYPE .45f 2.2 34 25.37 17.31 192 20.10 743 20.18 18.95 +1.06 +1.3 tMonroMuf Q MNRO .68 1.3 25 73.86 51.35 393 52.10 1373 53.20 51.35 -.05 -8.9 MonroeCap Q MRCC 1.40 8.9 10 16.37 13.08 127 15.73 382 15.78 15.12 +.39 +2.3 Monsanto N MON 2.16 1.9 23 116.04 84.79 2248 113.20 10094 114.52 113.15 -.47 +7.6 MonstrBv s Q MNST 39 55.50 40.30 1954 46.17 8546 47.29 45.76 -.77 +4.1 MonsterDg n Q MSDI 4.15 .95 68 1.20 491 1.34 1.12 -.10 -31.4 Moodys N MCO 1.52f 1.4 23 114.03 87.30 871 112.04 4367 112.70 110.28 -.43 +18.9 Moog A N MOG/A 21 73.05 42.61 135 67.35 448 67.54 60.29 +4.33 +2.5 MorgStan N MS .80 1.9 15 47.33 23.11 11043 42.84 71250 43.71 40.06 +.38 +1.4 MorgSt pfE N MSpE 1.78 6.1 30.78 27.07 32 29.13 157 29.33 28.79 +.35 +3.6 MorgSt pfF N MSpF 1.72 6.1 30.17 25.65 44 28.20 216 28.70 28.12 +.03 +4.3 MorgSt pfI N MSpI 1.59 5.7 28.72 25.49 44 27.66 482 27.74 27.31 +.51 +7.5 MorgS pfG N MSpG 1.66 6.3 28.23 25.33 32 26.55 215 26.75 26.33 +.37 +4.0 MorgSt pfK N MSpK 26.12 24.95 1163 25.85 3842 25.94 25.62 +.47 +1.7sMS Asia N APF .14e .9 15.38 12.69 80 15.35 140 15.38 15.11 +.08 +13.7 MS China N CAF 13.33e 19.73 16.40 101 19.22 441 19.23 18.93 +.11 +13.1 MS CushHi N MLPY 1.28e 16.2 8.47 5.93 3 7.91 25 8.00 7.77 +.17 -2.4 MS EMD N MSD .57e 6.1 9.98 8.70 133 9.34 565 9.48 9.26 +.02 +2.6 MSEMDDbt N EDD .80m 10.6 8.51 6.94 222 7.58 1725 7.80 7.58 -.05 +5.7 MSEmMkt N MSF .05e .3 14.93 12.52 17 14.75 110 14.84 14.51 +.11 +11.9 MS icb N ICB .54a 3.0 18.99 17.29 8 17.88 69 17.92 17.73 +.03 -.3sMS India N IIF .04e 31.37 23.30 31 31.52 131 31.52 30.14 +1.00 +23.0 MSJCP97 N HJV 1.75 11.4 20.50 14.77 24 15.40 92 15.62 14.92 +.29 -13.7 MkVRMB N CNY 43.00 38.05 4 40.92 34 41.15 39.16 -.04 +4.8 MkVRupee N INR 40.68 37.05 40.53 6 40.60 39.99 +.53 +6.8 MSDLEur N URR 19.49 12.65 2 15.89 4 16.51 15.53 -.24 +3.2 MSDSEur N DRR 65.79 52.57 1 62.31 8 62.31 59.46 +1.56 -4.1 MorgSt pfA N MSpA 1.01e 4.3 24.40 20.05 47 23.61 333 23.81 23.20 +.12 +2.7 Mornstr Q MORN .92f 1.2 21 89.44 67.74 49 78.60 297 78.77 77.18 +.51 +6.9 Mosaic N MOS 1.26f 4.3 34.36 22.77 4105 29.18 15762 29.80 28.38 +.43 -.5tMoSys rs Q MOSY 8.30 1.75 74 2.09 662 2.50 1.75 -.25 -9.1 MotifBio n Q MTFB 6.69 5.15 1 6.06 5 6.25 5.88 -.06 -2.1sMotifBi un Q MTFBW 1.55 .72 1.43 13 1.55 1.21 -.07 +11.0 MotorcarP Q MPAA 16 38.78 21.75 83 30.73 625 30.87 27.94 +2.72 +14.2 MotrlaSolu N MSI 1.88f 2.2 20 87.55 62.76 2012 86.22 5884 86.51 82.75 +2.55 +4.0tMtnPDia g Q MPVE 5.53 3.05 282 3.55 1401 3.90 3.05 -.35 -29.7 Movado N MOV .52 2.1 16 31.95 19.14 182 24.95 546 25.10 23.20 +1.68 -13.2tMoxian n Q MOXC 4.39 2.53 12 2.90 66 3.19 2.53 -.15 -8.8 Mueller N MLI .40 1.2 20 43.96 28.01 217 34.23 891 34.42 32.41 +.92 -14.3 MuellerWat N MWA .16f 1.4 26 14.20 9.55 1242 11.82 9988 11.91 11.53 +.01 -11.2stMulesft n N MULE 24.35 21.80 991 24.33 3376 24.79 21.80 +1.80 +4.0sMultiPkg n N MPSX 17.96 11.00 280 17.95 941 17.96 17.88 +.03 +25.9 MultiColor Q LABL .20 .3 22 81.20 49.43 94 71.00 275 71.48 68.30 +1.15 -8.5 MurphO N MUR 1.00 3.5 37.48 23.29 2211 28.59 13195 29.14 25.22 +2.83 -8.2 MurphUSA N MUSA 13 80.44 56.92 436 73.42 2008 73.88 70.89 +2.22 +19.4 MutualFst Q MFSF .64 2.0 18 36.75 24.55 4 31.55 24 32.42 30.75 +.40 -4.7 MySize n Q MYSZ 16.70 1.95 275 2.63 4048 3.29 2.01 +.49 -51.7sMyersInd N MYE .54 3.4 34 15.86 11.35 109 15.85 550 15.90 14.65 +.95 +10.8 Mylan NV Q MYL 8 50.40 33.60 6300 38.99 36233 42.48 38.95 -1.97 +2.2 MyoKard n Q MYOK 22.83 8.70 172 13.15 643 14.55 13.00 -1.45 +1.5 Myovant n N MYOV 14.27 10.25 45 11.74 152 12.03 11.07 +.21 -5.6 MyriadG Q MYGN 22 39.74 15.15 913 19.20 5996 19.66 18.59 -.18 +15.2N -:NBT Bcp Q NBTB .92 2.5 21 42.56 25.67 220 37.07 802 38.08 35.96 -.27 -11.5 NCI BldSy N NCS 26 18.10 13.80 601 17.15 2352 17.40 15.70 +.95 +9.6 NCI Inc Q NCIT .15e 16 15.31 10.98 20 15.05 79 15.30 14.75 +.05 +7.9 NCR Corp N NCR 15 49.90 25.20 1388 45.68 5479 45.92 42.69 +2.07 +12.6 NETgear Q NTGR 19 60.82 38.25 416 49.55 2895 50.55 48.50 -1.90 -8.8 NF EngSv Q NFEC 2.19 .65 106 1.10 292 1.18 1.04 +.07 +27.2 NGL EnPt N NGL 1.56 6.9 32 25.80 7.10 530 22.60 1754 22.65 20.56 +.90 +7.6 NI Hldg n Q NODK 15.00 14.00 104 14.93 437 14.93 14.33 +.52 +1.2 NIC Inc Q EGOV .73e 24 25.90 17.06 336 20.20 2214 20.58 19.50 -.20 -15.5 NICE Ltd Q NICE .64 .9 15 70.84 59.07 149 67.98 997 68.37 66.22 +.85 -1.1tNII Hldg n Q NIHD 5.69 1.05 524 1.30 4961 1.33 1.05 +.20 -39.5 NL Inds N NL 20 9.60 2.15 25 6.45 195 6.60 6.00 -20.9 NMI Hldg h Q NMIH 11 12.40 4.56 674 11.40 1804 11.55 10.80 +.35 +7.0sNN Inc Q NNBR .28 1.1 34 25.10 12.29 268 25.20 916 25.75 22.80 +1.00 +32.3 NQ Mobile N NQ 5.35 3.03 874 4.17 3940 4.40 3.61 +.46 +29.5sNRG Egy N NRG .12 .6 23 18.95 9.84 4941 18.70 22803 18.95 17.92 +.54 +52.5 NRG Yld A N NYLD/A 1.00f 5.8 35 17.78 13.01 302 17.39 985 17.53 16.56 +.72 +13.2 NRG Yld C N NYLD 1.04f 5.9 46 18.56 13.78 527 17.70 1910 17.90 16.88 +.75 +12.0 NTN Buzz rs N NTN 23.70 4.00 7 8.60 69 8.84 7.37 +.75 +1.2 NTT DOCO N DCM 28.43 21.96 171 23.35 634 24.59 23.26 -.91 +2.6 NV5 Global Q NVEE 29 41.80 24.03 51 37.60 303 37.80 36.30 +.05 +12.6 NVE Corp Q NVEC 4.00 4.8 32 88.34 52.16 17 82.79 125 83.39 77.64 +1.80 +15.9sNVR N NVR 20 2105.85 1478.04 23 2106.88 103 2115.00 2036.86 +52.54 +26.2 NXP Semi Q NXPI 107.54 73.62 3320 103.50 9066 104.29 102.70 +.51 +5.6 Nabors N NBR .24 1.8 18.40 7.61 5925 13.07 33169 13.18 11.89 +.66 -20.3 Nabriva n Q NBRV 12.75 3.52 16 12.00 152 12.58 10.51 +1.20 +101.3 NACCO N NC 1.07f 1.5 9 99.55 49.80 39 69.80 99 75.75 69.35 -2.35 -22.9 NakedBr n Q NAKD 4.75 .82 484 2.40 3572 2.55 2.28 +.10 +140.0 NamTai N NTP .28 4.1 9.59 5.19 57 6.90 228 7.20 6.79 -.13 -6.8 NanoDim n Q NNDM 8.95 5.10 8 6.70 33 6.97 6.65 -.02 +12.6 NanoString Q NSTG 23.45 11.89 107 19.87 549 20.06 19.12 +.51 -10.9 NanoViric N NNVC 2.67 1.03 39 1.12 147 1.14 1.10 +4.7sNanomtr Q NANO 17 30.37 13.69 277 30.46 1064 30.63 28.87 +1.06 +21.5 NantHlth n Q NH 18.79 3.86 344 4.96 782 5.12 4.32 +.21 -50.1 NantKwst n Q NK 10.26 3.23 165 3.55 1367 3.78 3.28 +.16 -37.9 Napco Q NSSC 32 10.95 5.57 26 10.20 132 10.55 9.75 -.15 +20.0 Nasdaq Q NDAQ 1.28 1.8 20 72.52 61.19 874 69.45 3866 69.64 68.43 -.40 +3.5 Natera n Q NTRA 13.80 7.55 136 8.87 813 9.13 8.58 +.17 -24.3 Nathans s Q NATH 25.00e 40 66.80 40.04 8 62.65 30 63.00 60.48 +2.00 -3.5 NatAmUnv Q NAUH .18 7.3 2.88 1.20 3 2.45 39 2.62 2.38 +.06 +25.6 NatBkHldg N NBHC .28 .9 40 34.10 19.17 141 32.50 927 32.93 30.90 +.69 +1.9 NatlBnksh Q NKSH 1.16e 3.1 17 45.35 32.32 14 37.55 31 38.85 37.00 -.15 -13.6sNatlBevrg Q FIZZ 41 85.50 39.14 263 84.53 1984 85.50 79.25 +4.24 +65.5 NatCineM Q NCMI .88 7.0 31 16.10 11.52 491 12.63 2219 12.67 12.28 +.09 -14.3 NatlCmce n Q NCOM 23 39.99 21.37 88 36.60 263 38.20 35.05 +.75 -1.5 NatFuGas N NFG 1.62 2.7 26 61.25 47.49 581 59.62 2573 60.01 58.57 +.22 +5.3 NatGenHld Q NGHC .16f .7 16 26.99 18.04 321 23.76 1480 23.89 22.17 +.91 -4.9 NatGnH pfA Q NGHCP 1.88 7.5 26.95 24.25 1 25.09 22 25.38 24.49 +.69 +.1 NatGnH pfB Q NGHCO 1.88 7.5 26.96 24.12 30 24.99 117 25.16 24.70 +.52 +.7 NatGnH pfC Q NGHCN 1.88 7.5 26.49 24.12 15 25.00 74 25.23 24.75 +.28 NatGnH 55 Q NGHCZ 1.91 7.6 26.59 23.99 3 25.10 44 25.10 24.76 +.11 +.2 NatGrid N NGG 3.35e 5.3 74.97 56.50 545 63.48 2023 64.22 62.61 -.06 +8.8 NtHlthInv N NHI 3.80f 5.2 17 82.53 65.04 220 72.63 2004 72.88 70.16 +1.63 -2.1 NHltcre N NHC 1.80 2.5 22 78.99 60.81 29 71.30 107 72.32 70.53 -.03 -5.9 NatlHld wt Q NHLDW 1.21 .28 .66 3 .69 .65 -.00 -12.1 NatlHld rs Q NHLD 3.88 1.80 23 2.83 74 2.94 2.77 +.02 +5.6 NatInstrm Q NATI .84f 2.6 40 32.91 25.90 409 32.56 2009 32.91 31.47 +.53 +5.6 NOilVarco N NOV .20 .5 31 43.63 26.86 2870 40.09 15427 40.90 37.63 +1.63 +7.1 NatPresto N NPK 1.00a 1.0 18 112.00 81.96 72 102.20 183 102.40 96.80 +3.65 -3.9sNatResh A Q NRCIA .40 2.0 35 20.93 12.53 7 19.70 69 20.93 18.81 +.65 +3.7 NatlReshB Q NRCIB 2.40 6.1 17 46.37 32.18 2 39.25 6 40.80 39.25 -.50 -5.8 NatRetPrp N NNN 1.82 4.2 21 53.60 39.86 1916 43.62 6038 44.52 42.90 -.21 -1.3 NRetP pfE N NNNpE 1.43 5.7 27.13 22.75 17 25.00 88 25.05 24.56 +.41 +8.2 NtRetP pfF N NNNpF 1.30 5.6 24.84 20.65 38 23.19 292 23.19 22.75 +.36 +7.5 NatlStor n N NSA .96 4.0 31 24.86 18.81 331 23.90 2006 24.01 23.42 +.27 +8.3 NatWstnLf Q NWLI .36 .1 11 331.70 184.60 9 304.16 33 306.70 292.20 +6.86 -2.1 NtWst pfC N NWpC 1.94 7.5 26.90 25.42 4 26.04 25 26.19 26.01 -.14 +1.6 Nationstar N NSM 9 19.83 9.29 450 15.76 2898 16.37 14.67 +.81 -12.7 NaturlAlt Q NAII 5 14.50 8.25 24 8.80 77 9.00 8.60 +.10 -22.1 NatGsSvcs N NGS 44 34.50 19.82 88 26.05 210 26.75 23.55 +1.20 -19.0 NatrlGroc N NGVC 24 21.12 10.00 50 10.39 323 10.51 10.20 -12.6 NatHlTr n Q NHTC .32f 1.1 6 38.98 20.59 46 28.90 220 28.99 27.76 +1.05 +16.3 NatRsPt rs N NRP .23 .7 5 45.60 7.64 70 36.15 189 38.43 34.65 +.70 +11.9 NaturesSun Q NATR .40 4.0 83 16.45 8.50 41 10.00 136 10.10 8.95 +.85 -33.3 NatusMed Q BABY 31 44.39 29.54 270 39.25 1060 39.55 37.95 -.25 +12.8 Natuzzi N NTZ 2.89 1.39 195 2.88 230 2.89 2.64 +.08 +27.2 Nautilus N NLS 17 24.99 14.28 517 18.25 1697 18.40 17.35 +.65 -1.4 NavideaBio N NAVB 1.51 .26 368 .58 1925 .61 .54 -.00 -9.6 NavCpi18 Q ISM 1.05 4.1 27.86 22.41 3 25.35 33 25.99 25.35 -.07 +.4 Nav43 Q JSM 1.50 6.6 24.92 17.67 15 22.75 94 23.00 22.55 +2.6 Navient Q NAVI .64 4.3 8 17.95 11.01 1894 14.76 9134 14.93 13.67 +.77 -10.2 NavigCons N NCI 18 27.86 15.07 243 22.86 793 23.16 22.04 +.37 -12.7 NavigatrH N NVGS 16.85 6.47 123 13.75 827 13.88 13.15 -.05 +47.8 NavgGp s Q NAVG .04p 21 62.04 40.08 120 54.30 478 54.65 52.25 +.65 -7.8 NaviosAcq N NNA .20 11.6 4 2.11 1.19 282 1.72 1113 1.76 1.64 +.03 +1.2sNavios pfG N NMpG 2.19 13.9 16.00 2.82 28 15.79 153 16.09 13.80 +1.52 +109.4 Navios N NM 2.40 .57 737 1.87 6769 1.93 1.61 +.18 +32.6sNavMH pfH N NMpH 2.16 13.7 15.68 2.76 11 15.73 108 16.00 13.81 +1.58 +124.7 NavMMid N NAP 1.69 14.0 14.20 9.07 137 12.04 295 12.15 10.90 +.89 +11.7 NaviosMar N NMM 1.27f 61.4 6 2.94 1.12 1388 2.07 7346 2.23 1.85 +.07 +46.8 Navistar N NAV 33.46 10.30 869 24.62 2708 25.30 24.15 -.47 -21.5 NeenahP N NP 1.48f 2.0 17 90.23 61.77 148 74.70 413 75.00 73.05 -.50 -12.3sNeffCorp N NEFF 15 18.95 7.01 145 19.45 789 19.55 17.10 +1.80 +37.9sNektarTh Q NKTR 24.88 11.41 1478 23.47 9702 24.88 21.50 +1.05 +91.3 Nelnet N NNI .56f 1.3 9 55.01 31.49 99 43.86 347 44.25 41.19 +1.91 -13.6 Neogen Q NEOG 61 69.09 44.06 122 65.55 498 65.76 63.16 +1.60 -.7 NeoGenom Q NEO 72 9.88 6.15 328 7.89 1389 7.96 7.50 +.24 -7.9 Neonode Q NEON 2.19 .96 290 1.60 803 1.64 1.53 +.03 -13.0 NeoPhoton N NPTN 43 18.51 6.90 585 9.01 3078 9.54 8.83 -.25 -16.7 NeosTher n Q NEOS 11.40 4.85 231 7.20 996 7.60 6.90 +.20 +23.1 Neothetics Q NEOT 1.98 .56 564 1.60 850 1.83 1.29 +.20 +42.9 Neovasc g Q NVCN 4.37 .37 1211 1.53 3277 1.64 1.36 +.01 -11.6 NeptuneT g Q NEPT 1.53 .86 32 1.02 185 1.04 1.00 -.02 +4.9 Net1UEPS Q UEPS 7 13.81 8.37 140 12.23 620 12.58 12.13 -.31 +6.5 NetElem rs Q NETE 4.60 .70 146 .93 980 .99 .88 +.01 +24.1 NetApp Q NTAP .76 1.8 38 43.14 22.50 4144 41.85 15179 42.05 40.30 +.97 +18.7 NetEase Q NTES 3.30e 1.2 21 308.66 130.82 776 284.00 4321 292.81 280.35 -4.98 +31.9sNetflix s Q NFLX 148.29 84.50 3799 147.81 21447 148.29 140.00 +5.79 +19.4 Netlist Q NLST 2.19 .83 339 .99 1916 1.03 .87 +.09 -2.9sNtScout Q NTCT 38.40 20.99 540 37.95 2319 38.45 36.55 +.70 +20.5 NetSolTch Q NTWK 7.46 4.35 35 5.10 156 5.15 4.95 -1.9 Netw1Tch N NTIP 5.05 1.90 245 4.85 1423 4.85 4.45 +.05 +42.6 NBCAInt N NBW .74 5.4 17.66 13.68 17 13.87 78 14.11 13.81 -.12 -3.5 NeuB HYld N NHS .96 8.1 12.20 10.32 55 11.88 282 11.94 11.63 +.18 +1.8 NBIntMu N NBH .90 6.1 17.64 14.37 24 14.85 113 14.93 14.81 +.13 -8.7 NBNYInt N NBO .58 4.6 15.16 12.13 7 12.53 35 12.56 12.41 +.14 +.1 NBRESec N NRO .36 6.8 6.00 4.96 208 5.32 923 5.32 5.17 +.08 -.9 Neuralst rs Q CUR 10.61 2.47 43 5.28 379 5.70 5.20 -.22 +48.8 NeuroDerm Q NDRM 30.45 13.46 217 26.55 1010 27.75 25.40 +.65 +19.6 NeuM wt rs Q NUROW .40 .01 1 .05 9 .05 .02 +.01 -28.6 NeuroMx rs Q NURO 2.36 .58 95 .62 357 .64 .59 -.02 -16.1 Neurcrine Q NBIX 55.15 33.56 796 43.30 4127 43.53 40.96 +1.32 +11.9stNeurotrpe n Q NTRP 19.75 18.50 76 19.11 219 20.48 18.50 +3.3 NeuStar N NSR 7 34.40 21.10 291 33.15 2202 33.20 33.10 -.7 NevGCas N UWN 30 2.20 1.55 9 2.13 88 2.14 2.02 +15.1 NevroCorp N NVRO 106.93 58.57 347 93.70 1701 95.77 92.03 +.02 +29.0 Nevsun g N NSU .04m 1.6 26 3.80 2.29 560 2.56 3402 2.62 2.47 +.03 -17.2 NewAgeB n Q NBEV 4.50 3.50 31 4.13 989 4.32 4.00 -.07 +6.4 NewAmHi N HYB .78a 8.3 9.66 7.91 79 9.43 241 9.49 9.17 +.18 +1.8 NewConcEn N GBR 36 6.10 .75 189 1.80 14697 3.79 1.63 +.18 -16.7sNE Realty N NEN 1.00 1.4 2 67.40 53.02 1 69.00 3 69.00 66.31 +3.40 +13.3 NwGold g N NGD 43 6.04 2.39 5072 2.98 34472 3.09 2.92 +.06 -14.9 NewHome N NWHM 10 12.79 8.62 59 10.46 398 10.70 10.30 -.04 -10.7 NwIreland N IRL 2.15e 1.3 13.74 10.96 14 12.66 154 13.03 12.63 +5.8 NJ Rscs s N NJR 1.02 2.6 21 39.95 30.46 416 39.60 1885 39.95 38.90 +.40 +11.5sNewLink Q NLNK 24.85 9.23 732 24.10 2692 24.85 19.65 +4.01 +134.4 NewMedia N NEWM 1.40 9.9 21 19.89 13.95 460 14.21 1831 14.30 14.05 -.11 -11.1sNwMtnFin N NMFC 1.36 9.1 16 14.95 12.10 537 14.90 1713 14.95 14.65 +.10 +5.7sNewOriEd N EDU .40e 39 60.17 33.47 1258 60.38 4960 60.91 57.30 +1.43 +43.4 NewRelic N NEWR 40.10 23.55 420 37.07 1500 37.43 35.61 +.63 +31.2 NewResid N NRZ 1.92f 11.3 9 17.25 11.36 2229 16.98 12479 17.11 16.46 +.38 +8.0 NewSenInv N SNR 1.04 10.2 9 12.68 9.02 418 10.20 1964 10.29 9.72 +.45 +4.2 NY&Co N NWY 3.96 1.34 77 1.95 389 1.99 1.85 +.02 -14.1tNY CmtyB N NYCB .68 4.9 14 17.68 13.67 3836 13.97 20225 14.27 13.67 +.07 -12.2 NYCmty un N NYCBpU 3.00 6.0 51.44 48.50 1 50.41 7 50.47 49.95 +.61 +1.2 NYMtgTr Q NYMT .80m 13.0 12 7.04 4.45 728 6.17 4473 6.23 6.05 +.05 -6.5sNYMtT pfB Q NYMTP 1.94 8.1 24.41 19.55 12 23.89 45 24.41 23.72 +.14 +.6 NYMtT pfC Q NYMTO 1.97 8.3 24.24 19.50 4 23.84 34 24.18 23.52 +.36 +4.0 NY REIT N NYRT .46 4.7 11.07 8.79 2105 9.69 6294 9.72 9.57 +.08 -4.2 NY Times N NYT .16 1.1 25 16.35 10.60 852 14.40 2667 14.70 14.10 +.15 +8.3 NewStarFn Q NEWS .02p 17 11.37 6.53 157 10.58 524 11.06 10.39 -.17 +14.4 NewellRub N NWL .76 1.6 19 55.45 43.11 3521 47.17 14831 48.05 46.95 -.50 +5.6 NewdExp N NFX 32 50.00 30.88 2955 36.91 19520 37.24 33.00 +3.41 -8.9sNewMarket N NEU 7.00f 1.5 23 454.69 385.66 38 453.23 171 455.73 438.48 +8.56 +6.9 NewmtM N NEM .20 .6 26 46.07 26.12 4834 32.96 26994 34.27 32.61 -.52 -3.3 NewpkRes N NR 8.75 3.74 755 8.10 3666 8.20 7.28 +.50 +8.0 NewsCpA Q NWSA .20 1.5 14.68 10.54 2865 13.00 9156 13.31 12.50 +.45 +13.4 NewsCpB Q NWS .20 1.5 15.22 10.90 489 13.50 4525 13.80 12.85 +.55 +14.4 NewtekBsn Q NEWT 1.53e 9.0 17.58 11.83 233 16.98 1090 17.19 16.12 +.33 +6.8 Newtek 22 Q NEWTZ 1.88 7.1 27.40 24.55 1 26.52 4 26.60 26.43 -.21 +1.6 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 13 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


Newtek21 n Q NEWTL 1.75 6.9 25.96 24.65 1 25.37 6 25.46 25.28 +.01 -.6 Nexeo Sol Q NXEO 10.39 7.13 25 8.86 172 8.95 8.57 +.03 -4.8 Nexeo wt Q NXEOW .98 .30 60 .72 172 .73 .62 +.01 +2.9 Nexeo un Q NXEOU 11.03 7.34 9.05 14 9.46 8.36 -.69 -10.6 NexPtCr rs N NHF 2.88 12.6 23.93 17.73 32 22.90 236 23.09 22.83 -.07 +.6 NxPtRsT n N NXRT .88f 3.6 24.43 13.12 75 24.16 352 24.26 23.01 +.62 +8.1 NexstarM Q NXST 1.20f 1.7 24 73.90 42.03 655 70.15 2640 71.15 67.66 +.35 +10.8 NxtEraLP N NEP 1.37f 4.1 18 33.90 23.90 245 33.13 1140 33.50 32.30 +.55 +29.7 NextEC3-72 N NEEpG 26.73 23.32 20 25.20 708 25.34 25.07 -.10 +3.9 NextEC6-72 N NEEpH 1.41 5.6 26.46 22.76 18 25.06 61 25.32 24.91 -.11 +5.2 NextEra 72 N NEEpI 1.28 5.2 26.54 21.11 27 24.56 131 24.56 23.91 +.57 +11.7 NextEra 73 N NEEpJ 1.25 5.1 26.34 20.82 32 24.67 140 24.67 24.11 +.52 +13.3 NextEra76 N NEEpK 25.95 21.04 43 24.03 326 24.05 23.75 +.25 +8.8 NxtEra pfQ N NEEpQ 3.19 5.3 64.78 54.44 12 60.38 55 61.40 58.44 -.78 +5.5 NextEraEn N NEE 3.93f 3.1 23 133.28 110.49 2279 128.37 10200 133.10 127.78 -4.43 +7.5 NxtEra pfR N NEEpR 52.70 46.80 38 51.00 309 51.80 50.22 -.55 +4.1 Nexvet n Q NVET 5.70 2.61 23 3.89 75 4.00 3.81 +.08 +4.3 NiSource s N NI .70 2.9 22 26.94 21.17 1998 23.79 9638 24.04 23.48 -.08 +7.5 NichFncl h Q NICK 9 12.50 8.56 60 10.63 169 11.24 10.23 +.18 -10.6 NicoletBc n Q NCBS 49.75 33.72 19 47.34 83 47.56 45.50 +.06 -.7 Nielsen plc N NLSN 1.24 3.0 23 55.94 40.28 2285 41.31 12285 41.46 40.63 +.03 -1.5 NikeB s N NKE .84 1.5 23 61.85 49.01 5814 55.73 36694 57.10 55.54 -.63 +9.6 NimbleStg N NMBL 12.58 6.18 2985 12.50 15044 12.50 12.47 +.03 +57.8 NipponTT N NTT 49.67 38.45 871 42.84 2625 44.71 42.83 -1.86 +1.8 Nivalis n Q NVLS 9.35 2.00 143 2.92 611 3.00 2.78 +.08 +30.4 NoahHldgs N NOAH 15 29.73 21.33 109 25.38 980 27.35 25.31 -2.06 +15.7 NobilisH n N HLTH 4.66 1.25 272 1.70 2346 1.70 1.55 +.05 -19.0 NobleCorp N NE .08 1.3 3 12.19 4.45 8929 6.19 46013 6.38 5.62 +.43 +4.6 NobleEngy N NBL .40 1.2 42.03 29.47 4224 34.34 25632 35.01 32.33 +1.52 -9.8 NobleMid n N NBLX .43p 53.29 26.90 59 52.08 206 52.89 48.42 +1.53 +44.7 NokiaCp N NOK .30e 5.5 6.31 4.04 8547 5.42 52405 5.50 5.32 +.05 +12.7 NomadF n N NOMD 12.97 7.85 1826 11.45 7228 12.00 10.95 +.31 +19.6 Nomura N NMR 6.80 3.33 128 6.27 781 6.52 6.26 -.22 +6.3 Noodles Q NDLS 12.55 3.16 217 5.75 1664 5.75 4.50 +1.25 +40.2 Norbord n N OSB .23e 30.49 17.94 3 28.51 38 28.56 27.00 +.80 +12.9sNordAngEd N NORD 53 25.35 19.83 90 25.34 367 25.36 24.66 +.32 +8.8 NordicAOff N NAO .18 16.4 5.69 1.05 765 1.10 2678 1.20 1.05 -.05 -60.0 NordicAm N NAT 1.14e 13.9 22 16.18 7.57 651 8.18 3523 8.23 7.81 +.25 -2.6 Nordson Q NDSN 1.08 .9 27 127.50 73.80 281 122.84 1143 123.84 118.80 +.49 +9.6 Nordstrm N JWN 1.48a 3.2 15 62.82 35.01 2588 46.57 15295 46.85 41.39 +4.62 -2.8 NorflkSo N NSC 2.44f 2.2 20 125.00 78.15 2164 111.97 8617 115.39 109.27 +1.31 +3.6sNorsat g rs N NSAT 25 10.05 5.16 57 10.00 410 10.05 9.90 +.40 +26.6 NorSys Q NSYS 5.52 1.69 12 3.65 64 3.77 3.51 -6.2 NortelInv N NTL .64e 2.5 30.78 18.08 2 26.00 46 26.22 24.10 +.79 -.2 NoAmEn g N NOA .08 5.70 1.91 63 4.95 408 5.00 4.25 +.60 +28.6 NoAtlDrl rs N NADL 8.08 1.21 141 1.69 901 2.15 1.40 +.23 -46.7 NEurO N NRT .66e 9.1 8 9.90 6.11 7 7.22 43 7.31 7.05 +9.4 NoWestCp N NWE 2.10f 3.6 18 63.75 53.85 517 58.70 2208 59.26 58.28 -.09 +3.2 NorestB Q NBN .04 .3 16 15.90 10.31 4 15.30 61 15.65 14.80 +.35 +16.8 NDynMn g N NAK 3.45 .28 3271 1.43 13695 1.50 1.33 +.09 -30.9 NthnO&G N NOG 14 5.85 1.55 559 2.60 2756 2.70 2.45 +.05 -5.5 NthnTech Q NTIC 19.30 10.00 1 18.25 16 18.40 16.50 +1.55 +32.7 NorTrst Q NTRS 1.52 1.8 20 91.14 61.32 823 86.58 5215 87.46 83.17 +.83 -2.8 NthnTr pfC Q NTRSP 1.46 5.4 28.12 24.84 43 27.18 135 27.30 26.19 +.75 +8.5 NorthfldBc Q NFBK .32 1.8 30 20.59 14.31 212 18.02 551 18.27 17.32 +.20 -9.8 Nthrim Q NRIM .80 2.7 15 33.00 23.06 30 30.05 74 30.48 28.60 +.85 -4.9 NorthropG N NOC 3.60 1.5 21 253.80 198.75 927 237.84 4095 239.22 233.20 +.96 +2.3 NStREur n N NRE .60 5.2 13.04 8.50 199 11.59 1077 11.76 11.38 -.05 -7.8 NwstBcsh Q NWBI .64f 3.8 34 19.10 13.09 530 16.84 2872 17.04 16.21 +.18 -6.6 NwstNG N NWN 1.88 3.2 24 66.17 49.46 196 59.10 790 60.38 58.75 -.25 -1.2 NwstPipe Q NWPX 19.55 8.37 40 15.71 160 16.21 15.01 +.40 -8.8 NorwCruis Q NCLH 19 55.59 34.16 1044 50.73 5481 52.10 49.92 +.25 +19.3sNorwoodFn Q NWFL 1.28 3.1 22 40.00 27.36 20 41.89 32 42.95 37.16 +3.84 +26.4 NovaLfstyl Q NVFY 42 5.15 .38 49 1.66 183 1.75 1.63 -.09 -14.0sNovaMeas Q NVMI 19 18.99 9.94 137 18.59 1311 18.99 17.19 +1.78 +41.3 NovaBay rs N NBY 5.29 1.90 5 3.82 79 3.95 3.70 +.02 +15.8 Novadaq g Q NVDQ 13.22 6.00 224 7.79 1037 7.86 7.55 -.02 +9.9 NovaGld g N NG 7.29 3.79 2533 4.87 10043 5.24 4.84 -.22 +6.8 Novan n Q NOVN 30.90 3.52 96 6.38 380 6.60 5.83 +.35 -76.4 Novanta Q NOVT 32 27.70 13.14 305 26.55 692 26.95 26.30 -.25 +26.4 Novartis N NVS 2.75e 3.7 15 83.58 66.93 1483 74.27 8732 75.32 74.25 -.10 +2.0 Novavax Q NVAX 8.49 1.16 2081 1.28 14340 1.33 1.23 +.02 +1.6 Novelion rs Q NVLN 13.80 6.10 77 10.74 278 11.00 10.33 +.01 +27.6 NovoNord N NVO .96e 2.8 57.81 30.89 2706 34.28 8560 34.62 33.77 +.74 -4.4 NovoCure n Q NVCR 17.00 5.95 307 8.10 2121 8.35 6.75 +1.05 +3.2tNovogen h Q NVGN 2.67 1.27 1 1.34 87 1.39 1.27 -.05 -8.3 NOW Inc N DNOW 23.53 15.47 1872 16.96 7895 17.00 15.48 +.96 -17.1 NuSkin N NUS 1.44f 2.6 25 66.04 36.78 709 55.54 3442 55.86 53.35 +1.51 +16.2 NuVasive Q NUVA 83 76.31 45.35 527 74.68 2083 75.53 73.99 -.17 +10.9 NuanceCm Q NUAN 64 19.27 13.44 2704 17.31 11728 17.37 16.43 +.63 +16.2 Nucor N NUE 1.51 2.5 26 68.00 44.81 2553 59.72 11734 60.77 57.97 +.34 +.3 Numerex Q NMRX 9.01 4.30 119 4.77 201 5.02 4.46 +.20 -35.5 Nush EnhYl N NUAG 25.26 23.98 5 24.35 17 24.37 24.29 -.00 +.2 NushMCGr N NUMG 26.63 24.71 1 26.40 5 26.41 26.21 +.02 +6.4 NushMCVal N NUMV 26.02 24.78 0 25.60 5 25.60 25.09 -.08 +3.3 NushSmCap N NUSC 27.07 24.17 25.48 15 25.50 25.42 +.31 +3.4 NustarEn N NS 4.38 8.4 41 55.64 38.11 84 51.98 596 52.06 49.09 +1.98 +4.4 NustEn pfA N NSpA 27.50 26.13 18 26.93 105 26.96 26.50 +.23 -.1 NustarGP N NSH 2.18 7.8 22 31.50 19.82 25 27.95 272 28.00 26.65 +.25 -3.3 Nustar 43 N NSS 1.91 7.3 26.70 21.60 17 26.16 127 26.49 25.95 +.26 +1.4tNutanix n Q NTNX 46.78 18.20 1950 18.77 17079 20.06 18.20 -.73 -29.3 Nutractl Q NUTR .13 .4 15 37.90 22.03 23 31.15 80 31.70 31.00 -.25 -10.9sNutriSyst Q NTRI .70 1.3 47 55.92 19.17 392 55.50 2215 55.92 52.01 +2.45 +60.2 Nuvectra Q NVTR 9.95 4.17 26 6.83 142 7.17 6.32 +.40 +35.8 Nuv Mun21 N NHA 10.51 9.48 4 9.75 67 9.90 9.72 -.03 -1.7 Nuv Pf22 n N JPT 25.29 24.85 27 25.05 81 25.06 24.99 +.02 +.4 NvHiInDc19 N JHD 10.50 9.95 42 10.20 243 10.27 10.17 +.02 +1.0 Nuv RE In N JRS 12.08 9.87 57 11.10 366 11.12 10.92 +.01 +3.1 NuvMO Pr N NOM 16.60 14.36 3 16.00 11 16.00 15.31 +.66 +6.6 NuvAllCEn N JMLP 1.37 13.0 10.86 6.20 21 10.55 297 10.55 9.88 +.62 +5.0 NuvAZ N NAZ .80 5.8 17.80 13.33 9 13.85 74 13.89 13.72 +.08 -1.0 NuvBldAm N NBB 1.34 6.4 23.30 19.80 75 20.90 318 21.07 20.74 -.04 +1.3 NBldAmOp N NBD 1.30 6.0 23.49 19.80 42 21.63 95 21.90 21.47 -.03 +3.3 NCaAMTFr N NKX .86 5.9 17.35 13.78 53 14.74 227 14.74 14.60 +.13 +3.0 NCADvA N NAC .91 6.3 17.20 13.75 183 14.41 786 14.41 14.31 +.13 +1.9 NCalMunV N NCA .47 4.6 11.50 9.84 50 10.08 233 10.13 9.98 -3.4 NuvCASel N NXC .63a 4.2 17.97 14.25 29 14.83 86 15.25 14.74 -.25 +.9 NCTPI N NTC .68a 5.6 14.45 11.97 22 12.29 109 12.34 12.20 +.12 +.1 NuvCorEqA N JCE 1.21a 8.7 14.75 12.69 58 13.93 334 13.93 13.69 +.16 +6.5 NvCredStr N JQC .62 7.1 9.06 7.74 470 8.69 1919 8.82 8.68 -.06 -1.8 NvDvrsDiv N JDD 1.04 8.8 12.48 10.55 88 11.81 400 11.83 11.55 +.02 +5.7 NuvDivA N NAD .85a 6.2 15.97 13.19 244 13.69 1442 13.72 13.65 +.04 -1.9 NvDow30DO N DIAX 1.06 6.8 16.25 13.72 83 15.65 590 15.71 15.29 +.08 +4.3 NuEnMLP N JMF 1.35 9.9 14.55 9.41 109 13.65 630 13.67 13.00 +.39 +.8 NEnhMuV N NEV .96a 6.8 17.28 13.56 48 14.04 272 14.04 13.92 +.14 +.3 NuvFlxInv N JPW 1.42a 8.4 17.54 15.11 11 16.93 48 17.00 16.59 +.12 +1.7 NuvFloat N JFR .72 6.3 12.34 9.90 302 11.51 1890 11.56 11.35 +.07 -1.4 NuvFltOp N JRO .76a 6.4 12.93 9.75 138 11.75 785 11.92 11.74 -.17 -3.6 NvGADiv2 N NKG .64a 4.9 14.88 12.50 9 13.04 67 13.04 12.69 +.36 +2.5 NuvGblHIn N JGH 1.58 9.6 16.89 13.59 53 16.47 279 16.50 16.15 +.22 +3.0 NuvHi2020 N JHY .68 6.7 11.15 9.99 60 10.14 282 10.17 10.09 -.02 -.7 NuvHIDec18 N JHA 10.48 10.00 94 10.18 378 10.18 10.04 +.12 +1.2 NuvEnhMu N NVG 16.59 13.85 253 14.62 1515 14.67 14.52 +.09 +1.1 NNYAmtF N NRK .70 5.4 14.62 12.44 59 12.98 321 12.98 12.85 +.12 +1.3 NuvAmtFr N NEA .75a 5.6 15.22 12.94 442 13.36 2152 13.39 13.22 +.16 +.1 NuvIntMu N NID .68 5.3 14.34 12.19 104 12.97 481 12.99 12.84 +.09 +2.0 NvIntQMu N NIQ .57 4.4 13.96 12.13 86 12.92 292 12.92 12.48 +.43 +5.0 NMDPI N NMY .67a 5.3 14.66 12.20 27 12.68 181 12.68 12.55 +.15 +1.9 NvMAP N NMT .71a 5.2 16.19 12.93 14 13.71 36 13.84 13.62 +.09 +4.3 NMIQI N NUM .74 5.6 15.80 12.90 18 13.32 117 13.41 13.29 +.07 -.1 NuvMNMu N NMS .80 4.8 18.22 15.08 10 16.75 17 16.75 16.41 +.37 +6.8 NuvMtgOp N JLS 1.52 6.1 24.86 22.47 23 24.77 111 24.83 24.54 -.04 +2.9 NuMtgOp2 N JMT 1.53 6.4 23.81 21.61 4 23.75 26 23.80 23.61 +.04 +2.5 NuvMultM N JMM .48 6.5 7.64 6.95 21 7.39 115 7.41 7.29 +.09 +1.2 NvMuI N NMI .50a 4.1 13.50 10.90 8 12.23 99 12.25 11.50 +.67 +9.0 NuvMuVal N NUV .39a 4.0 10.88 9.34 310 9.78 1658 9.78 9.65 +.14 +2.3 Nv AMT-Fr N NUW .78a 4.6 19.89 16.00 32 17.04 152 17.08 16.71 +.43 +4.8 NvNq100Dy Q QQQX 1.40 6.8 21.58 16.91 173 20.68 665 20.85 20.29 +.17 +11.4 NuvNJDiv N NXJ .82a 6.1 15.63 12.90 81 13.29 321 13.38 13.20 +.02 +1.0 NuvNJMV N NJV .59a 4.0 17.03 14.36 8 14.79 22 14.99 14.68 -.15 -10.6 NNYDvA N NAN .80a 5.9 15.95 13.13 89 13.55 214 13.61 13.49 +.05 +1.0 NNYMV N NNY .39a 4.0 10.69 9.26 30 9.71 79 9.74 9.65 -.01 +2.4 NuvNYSel N NXN .55 4.0 14.85 12.92 13 13.69 32 13.72 13.50 +.26 +3.5 NNCPI N NNC .59a 4.5 15.04 12.67 12 12.96 113 13.05 12.92 +.03 +.2 NOHQI N NUO .80 5.4 17.16 14.27 20 14.79 139 14.88 14.66 +.14 +1.8 NvPA N NQP .81a 6.2 15.66 12.67 57 13.13 226 13.14 13.04 +.12 +.4 NuvPaMV N NPN .62a 3.9 17.67 15.12 0 15.91 4 16.08 15.62 +.17 -6.5 NuvPf&Inc N JPI 1.95a 8.1 25.27 21.93 50 24.08 233 24.16 23.72 +.27 +5.0 NvPfdInco N JPC .80 8.2 10.56 8.72 244 9.81 1299 9.86 9.78 -.03 -.3 NuvQPf2 N JPS .70 7.3 9.74 8.21 391 9.54 1593 9.59 9.43 +.06 +2.5 NuvREAst N JRI 1.49a 8.7 18.00 14.97 24 17.22 132 17.22 16.90 +.18 +9.4 NuvEqtP N BXMX 1.00 7.5 13.50 12.08 231 13.25 958 13.39 13.16 +4.2 NEqPrmG N SPXX 1.04 7.0 15.71 13.00 101 14.82 338 14.85 14.28 +.15 +2.9 NvSMM N NIM .31a 3.1 11.01 9.49 26 9.93 90 9.99 9.83 +.05 +1.8 NSTFI N NXP .55a 3.9 15.93 13.50 17 14.03 137 14.07 13.97 +.03 +.9 NSTFI2 N NXQ .53a 4.0 15.18 12.82 34 13.41 158 13.45 13.34 +.06 +.8 NSTFI3 N NXR .55a 3.9 15.98 13.73 14 14.21 110 14.22 14.10 +.13 +.3 NuvSnIn N NSL .42 6.2 7.16 5.76 313 6.79 1031 6.95 6.79 -.16 NuShDCrd N JSD 1.16a 6.5 18.55 14.85 51 17.80 193 18.16 17.80 -.30 +1.8 Nv TA Div N JTD 1.23 8.2 15.36 13.44 51 14.94 190 14.94 14.41 +.31 +7.3 NvTxATR N JTA 1.04 8.5 12.56 10.81 40 12.24 171 12.24 11.88 +.25 +8.1 NTXQI N NTX .65 4.6 15.90 13.29 2 14.26 39 14.37 14.18 -.03 +3.9 NVAPI N NPV .65a 5.1 15.23 12.55 43 12.90 101 12.98 12.84 +.02 -.5 Nvidia Q NVDA .56 .5 41 120.92 34.38 10801 108.93 55975 110.00 103.58 +1.46 +2.1 NxStageMd Q NXTM 29.99 13.90 341 26.83 1151 27.50 26.24 +.18 +2.4 Nxt-ID wt Q NXTDW .40 .11 6 .17 31 .25 .16 -.03 -37.5 Nxt-ID rs Q NXTD 6.49 1.66 70 1.85 956 2.15 1.74 +.13 -32.7 NymoxPh Q NYMX 5.79 1.62 131 3.63 2310 4.10 3.15 +.42 +36.0O -:O2Micro Q OIIM 2.80 1.37 10 2.29 68 2.40 2.26 -.09 +27.2sOCI Ptrs N OCIP .59e 5.9 10.35 4.95 8 10.00 157 10.35 9.65 +.25 +19.8 OFG Bncp N OFG .24 2.0 14.48 6.26 470 11.80 1318 11.83 10.60 +.91 -9.9 OFG pfA N OFGpA 1.78 7.3 25.42 17.39 0 24.23 4 24.23 23.55 +.17 -4.7 OFG pfD N OFGpD 1.78 7.5 24.33 17.27 2 23.85 27 24.00 23.67 +.53 +.6sOFS Cap Q OFS 1.36 9.6 15.23 11.83 608 14.19 3797 15.23 14.00 -.91 +3.1 OGE Engy N OGE 1.21 3.5 21 37.41 27.27 1084 34.98 5417 35.87 34.97 -.71 +4.6 OHA Inv Q OHAI .08m 5.2 3.39 1.43 61 1.54 205 1.55 1.45 +.08 -11.0 OM AsstM N OMAM .32 2.1 15.52 12.10 225 15.12 1919 15.22 14.28 +.56 +4.3sONEGas N OGS 1.68f 2.5 26 68.79 55.98 249 67.60 1297 68.79 67.13 -.10 +5.7 OReillyAu Q ORLY 25 292.84 248.02 768 269.84 3890 275.52 267.90 -1.92 -3.1 OSI Sys Q OSIS 50 81.55 48.76 194 72.99 789 74.24 70.24 +1.38 -4.1 OakVlyBcp Q OVLY .24e 1.8 14 15.28 9.27 15 13.20 31 14.80 12.71 -.81 +5.2 OaktreeC N OAK 2.32f 5.1 20 49.65 36.95 229 45.30 1296 45.65 44.30 +.40 +20.8 OasisPet N OAS 17.08 6.56 6687 14.26 37865 14.31 11.96 +1.89 -5.8 OasmiaPh n Q OASM 5.25 1.39 1.91 13 2.15 1.84 +.01 -32.0 ObalonT n Q OBLN 15.88 8.27 55 10.69 276 11.47 10.01 +.21 +20.8tObsEva n Q OBSV 14.70 10.56 54 10.41 67 11.42 10.35 -.79 -10.6 OcciPet N OXY 3.04 4.8 78.48 61.01 5786 63.36 26939 64.50 62.10 +.53 -11.0sOceanBio Q OBCI .06e 5.04 2.02 80 4.69 197 5.15 4.43 +.18 +24.7 OceanPw rs Q OPTT 15.65 1.37 147 2.21 1960 2.54 2.05 +.09 -25.1tOceanRig Q ORIG 3.38 .17 9234 .29 60628 .74 .17 -.44 -83.6 Oceaneerg N OII .60 2.2 29 36.92 22.47 880 27.08 5288 27.32 24.57 +2.06 -4.0 OceanFst Q OCFC .60 2.1 27 30.70 16.77 144 28.18 528 28.73 27.04 +.32 -6.2 OceraTher Q OCRX 3.27 .52 453 1.31 3337 1.35 1.16 +.06 -37.6 Och-Ziff N OZM .87e 38.5 4.78 2.15 688 2.26 4271 2.30 2.16 -.04 -31.7 Oclaro Q OCLR 11.30 4.25 11148 9.82 48152 10.55 9.60 -.29 +9.7 OcularTher Q OCUL 14.50 4.04 461 9.28 3147 9.68 8.86 +.01 +10.9 OcwenFn N OCN 6.15 1.29 3757 5.47 14103 5.55 4.62 +.66 +1.5 OdysMr rsh Q OMEX 9.36 1.85 24 3.94 122 4.11 3.51 +.53 +15.2 OfficeDpt Q ODP .10 2.1 12 7.91 3.01 6227 4.67 24718 4.78 4.37 +.14 +3.2 OhioValB Q OVBC .84 3.0 18 29.50 21.40 1 28.45 6 28.61 28.00 +.01 +4.6 OhrPharm Q OHRP 4.05 .74 39 .83 625 .88 .78 +.03 -44.7 Oi SA C N OIBR/C 9.19 1.01 20 6.51 248 7.26 6.43 -.54 +64.0 OilStates N OIS 41.75 27.07 473 33.15 2763 33.28 30.40 +1.55 -15.0 Oil-Dri N ODC .84 2.3 26 40.94 29.89 11 37.27 32 37.99 36.65 -.26 -2.5 OldDomFrt Q ODFL .10p 24 94.97 56.74 329 85.57 2001 86.73 82.93 +.84 -.3 OldLnBc Q OLBK .32f 1.1 23 29.26 17.11 12 28.48 117 28.56 26.20 +.64 +18.8 OldNBcp Q ONB .52 3.0 16 18.95 11.58 983 17.35 3886 17.75 16.08 +.65 -4.4sOldPoint Q OPOF .44f 1.5 23 30.26 18.30 2 30.15 41 30.43 29.42 +.47 +20.6 OldRepub N ORI .76f 3.7 14 21.19 16.51 1019 20.48 4904 20.56 19.86 +.46 +7.8 OldSecBc Q OSBC .04 .4 21 11.64 6.37 121 11.25 302 11.30 10.10 +.95 +1.8 OlScCTrI pf Q OSBCP .78 7.6 10.87 10.05 1 10.33 11 10.45 10.25 +.10 +1.4sOlin N OLN .80 2.4 51 33.88 16.55 2048 32.87 11651 33.88 31.79 +.10 +28.3sOllies n Q OLLI 35 35.80 21.97 617 33.50 6787 35.80 32.20 +1.05 +17.8 OlympStl Q ZEUS .08 .4 31.19 15.41 163 18.56 806 19.16 18.05 -.16 -23.4 Om Asst 31 N OMAA 1.28 5.6 25.29 20.15 5 22.99 88 23.33 22.73 +.09 +5.8 OmegaFlex Q OFLX .85e 32 64.91 31.53 5 47.79 27 47.94 44.55 +.76 -14.3 OmegaHlt N OHI 2.48f 7.5 10 38.09 28.11 1371 32.99 7609 33.17 32.31 +.61 +5.5 OmegaP N OME .05p 10 26.99 15.90 333 20.05 940 20.25 19.05 +.80 -20.0sOmeros Q OMER 16.40 7.20 1189 15.12 8474 16.40 11.40 +3.56 +52.4 Ominto n Q OMNT 20.00 8.20 78 13.80 190 13.80 10.05 +3.90 -3.6sOmnicell Q OMCL 40.70 25.06 212 40.65 1093 41.15 39.40 +.80 +19.9 Omnicom N OMC 2.20 2.6 18 89.66 75.61 1403 86.21 7420 86.48 83.67 +1.88 +1.3 Omnova N OMN 19 10.42 5.31 252 9.90 871 10.00 8.70 +1.00 -1.0 OnAssign N ASGN 21 49.12 32.04 349 48.53 1067 48.83 45.16 +2.40 +9.9 OnDeckCap N ONDK 8.94 3.64 911 5.04 2923 5.33 4.50 +.42 +8.9 OnSmcnd Q ON 28 16.06 8.11 5663 15.49 25746 15.64 14.65 +.31 +21.4 OnTrack Q OTIV 2.09 .80 61 1.65 796 1.71 1.49 -5.2 OncoMed Q OMED 15.49 7.41 102 9.21 581 9.54 9.10 +.01 +19.5 Oncobio n Q ONS 5.49 1.80 30 2.68 144 3.01 2.60 -.11 -11.0 Oncobi wtA Q ONSIW 1.09 .05 1 .80 9 .82 .59 +.19 +323.3 Oncobi wtB Q ONSIZ 1.90 .15 8 .50 20 .50 .22 +.05 -36.7 OncoCyte n N OCX 7.95 3.10 18 5.95 42 6.05 5.85 +.17 -15.6 OncoGnx h Q OGXI 1.42 .33 148 .44 1017 .50 .43 -.06 -11.6 Onconov wt Q ONTXW 1.30 .50 8 .84 37 .84 .72 +.11 +4.5 Onconva rs Q ONTX 8.17 2.11 31 3.04 530 3.34 2.81 +.02 +33.9 OncoSec rs Q ONCS 3.49 1.03 106 1.28 590 1.38 1.23 +.01 +4.1 OneGpHosp Q STKS 7 3.43 1.47 898 1.90 982 2.09 1.65 +.17 -14.4 OneHoriz h Q OHGI 1.27 .22 255 .29 363 .30 .27 +.02 -3.7t180 DgrCap Q TURN 1.94 1.18 242 1.45 435 1.52 1.18 +.14 +5.1 OneLibrty N OLP 1.72f 7.4 12 25.89 21.65 203 23.36 383 23.53 22.26 +.92 -7.0 1800Flowrs Q FLWS 25 11.40 6.74 82 10.20 409 10.30 9.85 +.20 -4.7 OneBeacon N OB .84 5.3 18 17.12 12.04 191 16.00 449 16.06 14.85 +.99 -.3 OneMain N OMF 9 33.31 16.03 471 24.85 1952 25.46 23.87 +.17 +12.2 ONEOK N OKE 3.16 5.7 33 59.47 27.91 3380 55.44 13319 56.00 52.22 +2.34 -3.4 OneokPtrs N OKS 3.16 5.9 24 57.41 29.59 1040 53.99 4755 54.58 50.90 +2.20 +25.5 Onvia Inc Q ONVI 5.25 3.35 1 4.40 3 4.54 4.35 +.05 -1.1 Ooma n N OOMA 10.50 5.88 146 9.95 570 10.00 9.45 +.25 +10.6 OpenText s Q OTEX 25 35.07 24.74 642 34.01 2899 34.25 33.65 +.01 +10.0 OpexaTh wt Q OPXAW .14 .01 103 .02 1030 .02 .01 +.00 -15.0 OpexaTh rs Q OPXA 4.93 .50 40 .79 684 .86 .74 +.02 -14.1 OpGen n Q OPGN 4.65 .87 98 1.15 1495 1.18 1.07 +.08 OpGen wt Q OPGNW .68 .06 2 .08 19 .09 .07 -.01 -47.3 Ophthotech Q OPHT 65.96 3.24 671 3.66 3480 3.73 3.49 +.13 -24.2 OpkoHlth Q OPK 12.15 7.13 1913 8.00 15358 8.40 7.77 +.15 -14.0 OppLgCap N RWL .72e 1.6 46.43 38.69 59 45.50 284 45.67 44.65 +.47 +4.7 OppMidCap N RWK .59e .8 58.04 45.22 22 55.56 145 55.78 53.82 +1.03 +2.7 OppSmCap N RWJ .48e .6 69.74 51.95 46 66.41 185 66.63 64.07 +1.60 -1.1 OppUltDiv N RDIV 1.15e 3.3 35.66 29.11 76 34.68 405 34.80 33.81 +.58 +1.2 OppenFin N RWW .58e 1.0 62.51 42.57 5 59.20 15 59.60 57.65 +.58 +2.8 OppenHldg N OPY .44 2.6 19.65 13.63 26 17.10 103 17.35 16.25 +.55 -8.1 OptCable Q OCC .08 2.6 3.80 2.14 21 3.10 28 3.20 2.80 +.20 +2.9tOptimB rs Q OPHC 6.45 2.91 4 3.15 24 3.36 2.91 -.31 -16.7 OpusBank Q OPB .80f 4.0 20 38.19 18.21 402 20.15 1744 20.20 18.50 +1.25 -32.9 Oracle N ORCL .60 1.3 22 46.99 37.62 9514 44.61 50863 45.03 44.36 -.04 +16.5 Oragenics N OGEN 1.10 .33 33 .44 154 .48 .42 -.04 -18.7 OramedPh Q ORMP 10.51 5.70 16 6.15 119 6.25 5.85 +.28 +.5 Orange N ORAN .73e 4.7 17.78 13.98 291 15.54 1726 16.03 15.44 -.27 +2.6sOraSure Q OSUR 37 12.76 5.57 869 12.93 4548 12.97 11.88 +.80 +47.3 Orbcomm Q ORBC 10.98 7.15 639 9.55 1822 9.58 8.91 +.40 +15.5 OrbitATK N OA 1.28f 1.3 19 102.72 67.04 230 98.00 1251 99.82 95.89 +.24 +11.7 Orbotch Q ORBK 17 36.86 22.77 145 32.25 1175 32.58 31.58 +.15 -3.5 OrchidIsl N ORC 1.68 16.8 6 12.60 9.23 593 9.99 3711 10.14 9.91 +.04 -7.8tOrchidsPP N TIS 1.40 5.8 16 36.31 22.75 159 24.00 1038 25.64 22.75 -1.52 -8.3 Orexign rs Q OREX 6.49 1.65 800 3.44 1708 4.35 3.39 -.54 +97.7 Organovo Q ONVO 4.35 2.00 999 3.18 4249 3.20 2.94 +.15 -6.2 OrientPap N ONP .02 2.0 3 1.54 .93 13 .99 131 1.05 .97 -.02 -14.9 OriginAg Q SEED 3.19 1.24 54 2.03 453 2.15 1.85 +.08 -14.0 OrigoAc wt Q OACQW .43 .04 23 .11 83 .12 .10 +.00 -62.7 OrigoAc rt Q OACQR .50 .05 1 .18 5 .21 .16 +.02 -57.1 OrionEngy Q OESX 2.57 1.04 51 1.98 173 2.00 1.83 +.09 -8.8 OrionECarb N OEC .72 22.20 13.52 451 20.50 1513 20.80 18.50 +1.50 +8.8 OrionGpHl N ORN 11.11 4.57 252 7.47 954 7.79 7.01 +.19 -24.9 Oritani Q ORIT 1.03a 6.1 17 19.00 15.27 178 17.00 752 17.00 16.30 +.25 -9.3 Orix N IX 82.58 61.38 17 74.33 117 77.54 73.98 -2.11 -4.5 OrmatTc N ORA .28 .5 26 59.63 40.09 178 57.08 823 57.49 55.92 +.43 +6.5 OrrstownF Q ORRF .40f 1.8 24 23.75 17.05 7 22.35 90 22.65 20.35 +1.70 -.2 Orthofix Q OFIX 78 48.25 32.51 175 38.15 882 40.05 38.06 -1.54 +5.4tOshRusS n N OUSM 25.85 24.83 66 25.38 176 25.47 24.83 +.28 -1.4 OshkoshCp N OSK .84f 1.2 21 74.16 38.47 400 68.59 2733 69.07 64.98 +.74 +6.2 OsiskoGl n N OR .16f 14.74 8.88 433 11.10 2354 11.57 11.02 -.06 +14.2 OssenInn rs Q OSN 10 3.54 1.92 0 2.07 132 2.20 1.97 +.05 +.4 Otelco Q OTEL 5 7.35 3.76 7 7.07 40 7.20 6.80 +.05 +11.3 Otonomy Q OTIC 19.38 10.50 124 12.25 903 13.10 11.70 -.60 -23.0 OttawaBc n Q OTTW .04e .3 13.99 11.00 1 13.14 5 13.18 12.90 +.17 +3.2 OtterTail Q OTTR 1.28f 3.4 24 42.55 27.77 146 37.90 789 38.70 37.45 +.25 -7.1 OutfrontM N OUT 1.44f 5.4 13 27.89 20.54 1538 26.55 3219 26.71 26.04 +.26 +6.8 OvaScience Q OVAS 11.66 1.30 1339 1.87 7907 2.05 1.66 +.16 +22.2 OverSh rs N OSG 5.66 2.69 342 3.86 1709 4.06 3.82 -.17 +.8 Overstk Q OSTK 35 20.50 13.05 114 17.20 338 17.60 16.80 +.20 -1.7 OwensMin N OMI 1.03f 3.0 17 41.48 30.43 746 34.60 2826 34.78 33.86 +.51 -2.0 OwensCorn N OC .80 1.3 18 62.79 45.46 1028 61.37 3905 61.48 60.00 +.13 +19.0 OwensIll N OI 9 20.74 15.27 863 20.38 4440 20.46 19.59 +.25 +17.1 OwensRM N ORM .32 1.8 12 19.16 14.95 32 17.80 71 17.83 17.18 +.56 -3.9 Oxbridge Q OXBR .48 7.3 16 6.90 4.38 11 6.56 183 6.70 6.10 +.36 +9.3 Oxbrdge wt Q OXBRW .96 .16 .65 8 .65 .59 +.03 +98.5 OxfordImm Q OXFD 16.13 7.73 121 15.49 489 15.69 15.09 +.07 +3.6 OxfordInds N OXM 1.08 1.9 18 76.19 49.50 225 57.26 1139 59.32 54.92 +.83 -4.8 OxfordLn Q OXLC 2.40 21.6 11.80 7.53 304 11.13 920 11.27 10.45 +.46 +5.9 Oxford 23pf Q OXLCO 1.88 7.4 25.85 24.75 0 25.57 7 25.72 25.21 -.09 Oxford 24pf Q OXLCN 2.03 7.9 26.05 24.90 4 25.69 6 25.80 25.61 -.11 -.8P-Q: P&F Inds Q PFIN .20a 2.9 3 10.34 6.69 3 6.98 37 7.48 6.75 -.97 -15.6 PAM Q PTSI 6 31.94 14.75 12 16.29 149 17.66 15.53 +.39 -37.3 PB Bncp Q PBBI .12 1.2 10.85 8.20 13 10.20 85 10.55 9.95 -.30 +3.1 PBF Engy N PBF 1.20 5.4 14 35.68 19.47 1090 22.17 9493 22.21 20.68 +1.39 -20.5 PBF Logist N PBFX 1.80f 8.4 11 23.49 17.45 39 21.55 270 21.75 21.10 +.05 +18.4sPC Cnnctn Q CNXN .34e 16 29.74 21.59 89 29.79 211 30.00 27.30 +1.15 +6.1sPC-Tel Q PCTI .20 2.8 7.00 4.36 309 7.12 987 7.20 5.57 +1.60 +32.3 PCM Fund N PCM .96 9.5 10.59 9.05 119 10.15 376 10.18 10.02 +1.5 PCM Inc Q PCMI 18 29.85 7.92 91 28.05 521 28.55 26.05 +1.20 +24.7 PDC Engy Q PDCE 84.88 50.12 1063 62.35 5129 63.76 60.27 +.52 -14.1 PDF Sol Q PDFS 57 24.44 12.09 196 22.62 597 22.86 21.57 +.21 +.3 PDL Bio Q PDLI .20 8.8 4 3.84 1.93 2723 2.27 9662 2.29 1.98 +.29 +7.1 PG&E Cp N PCG 1.96 3.0 18 68.29 56.39 1683 66.36 10748 68.17 66.01 -1.01 +9.2 PGT Inc N PGTI 23 12.49 9.38 321 10.75 1277 10.85 10.10 +.30 -6.5 PHH Corp N PHH 16.80 9.73 382 12.73 1587 12.92 12.11 +.38 -16.0 PHI vtg Q PHII 21.70 10.63 5 11.66 8 12.48 11.44 -.28 -34.7tPHI nv Q PHIIK .20 1.7 22.79 11.84 267 11.98 488 12.91 11.83 -.29 -33.5 PICO Hld Q PICO 16.20 8.47 58 14.00 282 14.30 13.35 +.35 -7.6tPIMCO1-3Tr N TUZ .34a .7 52.58 50.17 15 50.69 59 50.76 50.17 -.01 +.1 Pimc1-5Tip N STPZ .25e .5 53.10 51.94 112 52.83 895 52.85 52.65 +.10 +.7 Pim15TIPS N LTPZ .42e .6 72.58 62.52 5 66.43 51 66.99 65.84 -.06 +2.2 PimBrdTIPS N TIPZ .31e .5 60.68 56.33 1 58.19 44 58.38 58.03 +.08 +1.3 PimLwDur N LDUR 2.82e 2.0 103.00 99.09 2 100.82 26 100.84 100.56 +.21 +.4 PimDvsInc N DI 2.90e 5.8 51.82 46.62 19 50.07 49 50.33 49.95 +.13 +1.9 PimcoTR N BOND 6.13e 5.8 108.25 102.11 121 105.32 476 105.38 105.01 +.12 +1.1 Pim0-5HYCp N HYS 5.21e 5.2 101.56 92.03 878 101.06 4171 101.10 99.72 +1.03 +1.2sPimInfLkd N ILB .82e 1.9 44.05 39.38 4 43.68 14 44.05 42.55 -.11 +4.4 PimIGBd N CORP 3.12a 3.0 107.50 99.85 20 103.01 118 103.25 102.78 +.10 +.7sPimShMat N MINT .82e .8 101.63 100.71 632 101.65 2707 101.66 101.58 +.06 +.3 PimIntMu N MUNI 1.26 2.4 55.48 51.73 15 52.92 87 52.99 52.81 +.10 +1.0 PimSTMun N SMMU .47e .9 50.87 48.75 4 50.10 10 50.14 49.93 +.09 +1.4 Pim25yrZro N ZROZ 3.07e 2.8 143.05 105.32 24 111.04 131 113.00 110.26 -.40 +2.2 PJT Part n N PJT .20 .6 23 38.86 21.52 101 35.09 594 36.06 34.58 -.36 +13.6 PLDT Inc N PHI 1.60e 5.0 46.13 25.50 83 32.16 503 32.59 30.90 +1.49 +16.7 PNC pfP N PNCpP 1.65 5.8 30.88 26.50 55 28.37 369 28.47 28.23 -.10 +4.0 PNC pfQ N PNCpQ 1.34 5.4 26.37 23.01 29 24.93 117 24.98 24.76 +.17 +5.5 PNC N PNC 2.20 1.8 17 131.83 77.40 2136 120.24 12078 122.00 115.25 +.84 +2.8 PNC wt N PNC/WS 64.30 14.80 8 52.85 68 54.60 47.86 +.60 +7.2sPNM Res N PNM .97 2.6 23 37.90 30.62 559 37.00 2262 37.90 36.65 -.60 +7.9 POSCO N PKX 66.63 40.80 380 64.50 2191 65.34 60.12 +2.46 +22.7 PPG s N PPG 1.60 1.5 18 117.00 89.64 1180 105.08 6411 105.96 102.20 +1.29 +10.9 PPL Cap 73 N PPX 1.48 5.6 27.75 24.01 11 26.19 93 26.24 25.44 +.69 +4.8 PPL Corp N PPL 1.58f 4.2 14 39.92 32.08 3092 37.39 17795 37.91 37.09 -.21 +9.8 PRA Grp Q PRAA 18 42.70 21.93 255 33.15 1498 33.20 31.75 +.25 -15.2sPRA Hlth Q PRAH 64 65.24 39.25 550 65.23 3838 66.04 60.94 +3.48 +18.3 PRGX Glbl Q PRGX 6.59 4.25 15 6.40 150 6.50 6.10 +.25 +8.5 PS BusPk N PSB 3.00 2.6 32 121.81 94.88 96 114.76 526 115.34 110.89 +1.09 -1.5 PSBPk pfT N PSBpT 1.50 6.0 26.89 23.88 59 25.16 526 25.24 25.05 -.03 +3.5 PSBPk pfU N PSBpU 1.44 5.7 26.37 22.85 26 25.43 50 25.43 24.68 +.59 +9.2 PSBPk pfV N PSBpV 1.42 5.7 26.70 22.79 6 25.24 19 25.25 24.85 +.41 +8.4 PS BsPk pfW N PSBpW 23.29 20.58 55 23.05 202 23.08 22.59 +.41 +6.9 PTC Inc Q PTC 46 56.73 31.58 1078 52.55 6107 53.38 50.68 +.61 +13.6 PTC Thera Q PTCT 16.50 4.03 1713 9.84 5704 9.94 8.30 +1.32 -9.8 PVH Corp N PVH .15 .1 13 115.40 82.10 767 103.47 5335 104.28 100.15 +2.53 +14.7 PacWstBc Q PACW 2.00 3.8 18 57.53 35.56 456 53.26 3474 54.42 49.21 +1.93 -2.2 Paccar Q PCAR .96a 1.4 45 70.12 48.17 1256 67.20 6317 67.94 65.76 -.42 +5.2 PcrTrnd750 N PTLC 25.98 21.17 56 25.28 311 25.33 24.80 +.25 +6.2 PcrTrnd450 N PTMC 28.70 22.94 36 27.79 213 27.88 26.99 +.41 +4.5 PcrTrnd100 N PTNQ 25.74 19.66 25 25.64 69 25.71 25.04 +.33 +12.1sPacrTrendp N PTEU 26.88 22.00 6 26.12 25 26.88 25.91 +.17 +9.0 Pacholder N PHF .60 7.8 7.93 6.32 35 7.72 214 7.77 7.65 -.06 +7.2 PacBiosci Q PACB 10.75 3.76 711 5.17 7124 5.65 4.83 +.12 +36.1 PacifCstOil N ROYT .26e 13.8 5 2.21 .87 221 1.88 1093 1.99 1.50 +.33 +75.7 PacifCntl Q PCBK .44 1.8 26 26.85 14.35 155 24.50 642 24.70 22.90 +.85 +12.1 PacDrill rs N PACD 11.56 1.82 35 2.22 464 2.41 2.10 -.11 -45.3 PacEthanol Q PEIX 10.95 3.67 1146 6.85 3752 7.25 6.60 +.05 -27.9 PacGE pfA N PCGpA 1.50 4.7 33.70 28.89 1 31.78 6 31.78 31.21 +.47 +3.7 PacGE pfB N PCGpB 1.37 4.8 33.00 27.40 1 28.85 5 29.25 28.49 +.07 +2.3 PacGE pfD N PCGpD 1.25 4.7 27.50 24.74 0 26.49 116 26.50 26.00 +.28 +3.0 PacGE pfE N PCGpE 1.25 4.8 27.25 24.45 25.81 7 27.24 25.75 -.05 +.8 PacGE pfG N PCGpG 1.20 4.7 28.90 23.63 0 25.77 4 25.88 25.47 +.56 +3.1 PacMerc Q PMBC 7.91 5.30 13 7.55 131 7.80 7.40 +.10 +3.4 PacPreBc Q PPBI 26 41.90 20.05 414 38.55 1573 39.05 35.25 +2.15 +9.1 PacSpec n Q PAAC 13.00 10.00 0 10.35 5 10.35 10.28 +.05 PacSpec rt Q PAACR .55 .09 .48 86 .50 .40 -.01 -9.1 PacSpec wt Q PAACW .51 .05 12 .35 64 .40 .30 +.01 +23.9 PaciraPhm Q PCRX 65.64 29.95 564 45.60 3031 48.35 45.15 -1.30 +41.2 PackAmer N PKG 2.52 2.8 19 96.87 58.44 735 91.62 3852 92.26 88.47 +1.21 +8.0 PainTher h Q PTIE 3.00 .51 391 .89 4272 1.02 .80 +.03 +56.7 PalatinTch N PTN .90 .32 906 .33 5325 .34 .32 +.00 -35.0tPaloAltNet N PANW 165.69 110.04 2401 112.68 7903 115.21 110.04 +.91 -9.9sPampaEng N PAM 55.17 19.45 286 54.22 1494 55.57 51.73 +1.88 +55.8 PanASlv Q PAAS .10f .6 34 21.59 10.32 1842 17.52 7767 17.98 17.13 +.04 +16.3 Pandora N P 14.98 8.05 7188 11.81 23329 12.00 11.55 -.04 -9.4sPaneraBrd Q PNRA 42 260.24 185.69 779 261.87 4067 262.40 247.20 +12.39 +27.7 PangaeaL Q PANL 5 4.44 2.22 21 3.41 145 3.67 3.28 -.02 +.3 PanhO&G N PHX .16 .8 27.70 15.34 75 19.20 173 19.85 17.75 +1.35 -18.5 PapaJohns Q PZZA .80 1.0 31 90.49 53.23 554 80.04 3007 80.29 75.74 +3.61 -6.5 PapaMurph Q FRSH 12.96 3.56 362 4.77 1743 4.84 4.08 +.59 +13.0 ParPetrol N PARR 20.00 12.18 198 16.49 941 16.49 15.95 +.42 +13.4sParTech N PAR 22 7.34 4.30 31 7.17 108 7.34 7.02 +.13 +28.5 ParagCm n Q PBNC 54.20 33.65 7 53.49 30 53.95 51.59 +1.23 +22.3 ParaGold n N PZG 2.93 1.37 65 1.67 250 1.70 1.59 +.04 -6.2 ParamtGp N PGRE .38 2.3 74 18.28 14.58 950 16.21 4744 16.25 15.87 +.10 +1.4sParatekPh Q PRTK 19.35 9.80 815 19.25 6025 19.40 16.15 +3.40 +25.0tParetem rs N TEUM 6.00 .97 303 .86 1609 1.24 .85 -.21 Parexel Q PRXL 22 72.32 51.16 413 63.11 2356 63.29 61.77 +.76 -4.0 ParkCity Q PCYG 82 17.00 8.30 68 12.35 295 12.65 11.75 +.40 -2.8 ParkEl N PKE .40a 2.2 31 20.24 13.76 175 17.86 362 18.63 17.77 -.15 -4.2 ParkHot n N PK .43p 33.40 25.40 1714 25.67 8718 26.43 25.55 -.12 -14.1 ParkNatl N PRK 3.76 3.6 20 122.88 85.35 42 105.20 218 106.90 102.20 +1.15 -12.1 ParkOh Q PKOH .50 1.4 14 47.00 23.21 65 35.95 162 37.10 34.75 +.60 -15.6 ParkStrlg Q PSTB .16 1.3 32 12.37 6.41 289 12.31 955 12.32 11.39 +.60 +14.1 ParkeBcp Q PKBK .40 1.9 10 21.83 12.52 7 21.35 42 21.67 21.30 -.25 +6.0 ParkDrl N PKD 3.16 1.35 1173 1.75 6356 1.80 1.40 +.30 -32.7sParkerHan N PH 2.64f 1.6 23 160.66 99.10 698 160.32 4137 161.23 152.62 +3.63 +14.5 ParkrVs rs Q PRKR 8.18 1.60 433 1.99 2487 2.09 1.70 +.23 +8.2 Parkway n N PKY 23.17 16.39 572 19.89 1809 19.93 18.60 +.87 -10.6 ParsleyEn N PE 39.82 21.23 4488 32.51 21110 32.80 29.77 +2.04 -7.7 PrtnrCm Q PTNR 65 6.41 4.00 0 5.23 23 5.55 5.20 -.35 +11.5 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 14 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


PartRe pfF N PREpF 1.47 5.7 27.48 22.95 3 25.66 17 25.87 25.24 +.25 +5.4 PartRe pfG N PREpG 1.63 6.1 30.33 25.32 4 26.50 22 26.79 26.36 +.01 +2.2 PartRe pfH N PREpH 1.81 6.3 32.40 25.02 14 28.58 80 28.64 28.06 +.32 +4.7 PartRe pfI N PREpI 1.47 5.8 28.94 22.97 4 25.53 33 25.59 25.15 +.42 +8.5 PartyCity n N PRTY 19.10 12.05 205 14.05 1874 14.65 13.40 +.20 -1.1 Patheon n N PTHN 32.95 23.72 294 26.34 2141 26.50 25.35 +.16 -8.3 PathfdBcp Q PBHC .20 1.4 21 15.19 10.76 18 14.60 24 14.61 14.20 +.10 +8.2 PatrkInd s Q PATK 20 86.10 43.36 257 70.90 815 71.40 66.65 +1.35 -7.1 PatriotN n N PN 2.50e 7 9.95 2.04 161 2.82 951 3.24 2.51 +.21 -39.4 PatternEn Q PEGI 1.63f 8.1 25.13 17.70 358 20.13 3429 20.42 19.81 +.13 +6.0 Patterson Q PDCO 1.04f 2.3 22 50.40 36.46 681 45.23 3046 45.57 44.29 +.75 +10.2 PattUTI Q PTEN .08 .3 29.76 16.06 3141 24.27 21870 24.52 22.83 +.28 -9.8 Pavmed n Q PAVM 15.24 4.50 13 5.00 65 5.53 4.80 -.99 -27.5 Paychex Q PAYX 1.84 3.1 27 63.03 51.06 2387 58.90 18361 61.46 58.58 -2.72 -3.3sPaycomSft N PAYC 78 57.46 32.42 462 57.51 2174 57.72 53.73 +2.57 +26.4 Paylocity Q PCTY 49.65 29.44 423 38.63 2267 39.66 34.75 +3.61 +28.7 PayData rs Q PYDS 3.80 1.01 12 1.34 122 1.41 1.21 +.04 -27.6 PayPal n Q PYPL 35 44.52 34.00 4991 43.02 22862 43.80 42.58 -.11 +9.0 pdvWirelss Q PDVW 43.04 18.60 26 21.85 160 23.10 20.65 +.80 -3.1 PeakRsts Q SKIS .07e 6.20 2.78 49 5.65 181 5.65 5.40 +.30 +1.8 PeapkGl Q PGC .20 .7 20 33.30 16.60 29 29.59 340 30.27 29.16 -.23 -4.2 Pearson N PSO .80e 9.4 13.20 7.04 720 8.48 2892 8.53 7.90 +.48 -15.1 Pebblebrk N PEB 1.52 5.2 15 31.85 23.46 925 29.21 3806 29.34 27.57 +1.47 -1.8 Pebble pfC N PEBpC 1.63 6.4 27.24 23.51 62 25.26 212 25.80 25.12 +.32 +4.1 Pebbleb pfD N PEBpD 2.09 8.3 29.15 23.50 22 25.28 34 25.59 25.09 +.44 +7.0tPedevco N PED .41 .08 23 .09 514 .10 .08 -.01 -17.9 Pegasyst Q PEGA .12 .3 100 45.50 24.01 307 43.85 1459 44.25 40.75 +2.03 +21.8 Pembina g N PBA 1.50 34 33.24 25.61 236 31.71 1440 32.29 31.28 +.01 +1.2 Pendrell rs Q PCO 7.61 4.80 28 6.50 141 6.62 6.29 -3.7 PengthE g N PGH .04 2.08 .96 1734 1.00 6435 1.10 1.00 -.10 -29.6sPnnNtGm Q PENN 25 18.84 11.93 3488 18.43 19337 18.84 17.36 +.75 +33.6 PennVa n Q PVAC 61.97 41.40 30 45.25 64 46.00 42.50 +2.55 -7.7 PennWst g N PWE 2.05 .61 1302 1.70 7024 1.74 1.55 +.12 -4.0 PennantPk Q PNNT .72m 8.8 8 8.68 5.83 379 8.14 1718 8.18 7.69 +.35 +6.3 PennPk 25 N PNTA 1.56 6.2 26.20 23.35 0 25.35 8 25.45 25.28 -.01 +1.0 PenPkFR Q PFLT 1.14 8.2 13 14.22 11.42 345 13.94 949 13.96 13.55 +.26 -1.2 Penney N JCP 11.30 5.45 12882 6.16 100373 6.30 5.46 +.59 -25.9 PennsWd Q PWOD 1.88 4.3 17 52.65 37.26 13 43.45 53 44.50 42.99 -.30 -14.0 PennaRE N PEI .84 5.5 10 25.67 13.76 946 15.14 5060 15.42 14.26 +.64 -20.1 PenRE pfA N PEIpA 2.06 8.2 26.50 24.80 6 25.16 39 25.27 25.14 +.01 -.5 PenRE pfB N PEIpB 1.84 7.3 26.71 22.46 10 25.18 70 25.34 25.11 -.07 +.7 PenRE pfC N PEIpC 1.80 6.7 27.03 24.72 28 26.71 229 26.73 26.06 +.55 +6.2 PennTex n Q PTXP 1.18 6.8 30 18.00 9.01 38 17.24 296 17.39 16.37 +.70 +15.0 PennyMFn N PFSI 6 19.35 10.96 130 17.05 679 17.25 16.00 +.95 +2.4sPennyMac N PMT 1.88 10.6 17 17.77 12.99 412 17.75 2101 17.84 16.90 +.82 +8.4sPenny pfA N PMTpA 2.03 8.0 25.38 24.66 114 25.22 724 25.38 24.94 +.18 +1.9 Penske N PAG 1.16f 2.5 12 56.05 29.29 381 46.81 1345 47.89 45.05 +.82 -9.7 Pentair N PNR 1.38f 2.2 21 66.99 50.37 1111 62.78 5752 63.45 59.38 +2.06 +12.0sPenumbra n N PEN 84.85 45.00 341 83.45 1214 84.85 79.10 +2.35 +30.8 PeopUtdF Q PBCT .68 3.7 20 20.13 13.80 8235 18.20 20164 18.48 17.49 +.16 -6.0 PeopUtd pf Q PBCTP 28.20 24.06 358 25.81 430 26.25 25.58 -.45 -.2 PeBcOH Q PEBO .80f 2.5 18 33.56 18.43 30 31.66 141 32.09 29.81 +.79 -2.5sPeopBNC Q PEBK .48f 1.6 18 30.23 18.41 33 29.70 77 31.40 27.72 +1.59 +18.5 PplsFnMS Q PFBX .20 1.3 16.40 8.90 4 15.05 5 15.06 14.80 +.27 -6.8 PeopFSvc Q PFIS 1.24 3.0 16 50.54 35.26 7 41.80 30 41.88 39.50 +2.14 -14.2 PeopUtah n Q PUB .32 1.2 21 27.85 15.20 16 26.45 111 26.60 25.50 +.45 -1.5sPepsiCo N PEP 3.01 2.7 24 112.76 98.50 3618 111.86 15862 112.76 111.57 -.26 +6.9 Percptr Q PRCP .15 1.8 8.87 4.18 16 8.34 82 8.56 7.95 +.32 +25.6 PeregrinP Q PPHM .77 .28 2332 .65 10310 .75 .64 -.05 +112.3 PeregP pfE Q PPHMP 2.63 12.2 23.98 9.75 0 21.60 19 22.00 21.30 +.27 +8.5 Perficient Q PRFT 25 22.66 14.15 323 17.36 1573 17.42 16.80 -.7 PerfFood n N PFGC 24 28.13 19.95 540 23.80 2453 23.93 22.95 +.35 -.8 Performnt Q PFMT 4.07 1.50 109 2.93 607 2.94 1.79 +.92 +24.7 Perfuman lf Q PERF 3.00 1.15 17 1.20 46 1.50 1.15 +.05 -20.0 PerionNwk Q PERI 2.38 .94 23 1.78 328 1.81 1.64 -.01 +25.4sPerkElm N PKI .28 .5 21 58.37 45.35 437 58.06 3148 58.37 57.24 +.54 +11.3 PermaFix Q PESI 5.64 2.85 4 3.15 30 3.20 3.05 -19.2 PermaPip Q PPIH 9.30 6.06 1 7.95 21 7.95 7.30 -1.9 Prmian N PBT .44e 4.7 26 9.77 5.91 272 9.35 653 9.38 8.92 +.38 +21.3 PernixT rs Q PTX 13.90 1.83 156 3.70 2210 4.50 3.08 -.27 +90.7tPerrigo N PRGO .64f 1.0 133.53 66.78 1260 66.39 7110 69.67 66.29 -1.57 -20.2 PerryEllis Q PERY 13 29.00 16.24 70 21.48 623 21.87 20.46 +.49 -13.8 PershGld rs Q PGLC 5.02 2.67 65 2.84 456 2.93 2.79 -.05 -13.1 PetMed Q PETS .76 3.8 19 23.78 17.24 131 20.14 668 20.30 19.91 +.07 -12.7 PetChina N PTR .70e 1.0 81.80 61.81 89 73.25 382 74.99 73.02 -1.27 -.6sPetroArg N PZE .07e 11.15 4.66 26 11.05 152 11.15 10.35 +.45 +57.4 PetrbrsA N PBR/A 11.77 4.06 6621 9.22 31452 9.35 8.29 +.57 +4.7 Petrobras N PBR 12.56 5.19 21934 9.69 102717 9.77 8.72 +.63 -4.2 PtroqstE rs N PQ 4.75 1.71 123 2.74 711 2.89 2.62 -.14 -17.2 Pfenex N PFNX 11.35 5.52 76 5.81 461 6.18 5.53 +.21 -35.9 Pfizer N PFE 1.28f 3.7 14 37.39 29.83 17591 34.21 86053 34.45 33.74 +.21 +5.3tPFSweb Q PFSW 82 15.87 6.33 67 6.53 306 6.87 6.28 -.08 -23.2 PhrmAth N PIP 2.91e 1 3.50 .47 922 .81 5888 .93 .76 +.03 -75.0 Pharmerica N PMC 11 28.72 19.20 153 23.40 945 24.15 23.10 -.15 -7.0 PhaseRx n Q PZRX 5.77 .96 51 1.53 245 1.57 1.40 +.02 -1.3 PhlpsSelEn N DSE 1.26 16.1 8.59 4.92 87 7.81 533 7.83 7.37 +.33 +3.0 PhibroAH Q PAHC .40 1.4 14 30.85 16.80 95 28.10 271 28.30 27.20 +.40 -4.1 PhilipMor N PM 4.16 3.7 23 114.65 86.78 3639 112.90 18737 114.06 110.80 +1.11 +23.4sPhilipsNV N PHG .88e 2.7 32.31 23.00 973 32.11 6005 32.31 31.81 +.21 +5.0 Phillips66 N PSX 2.52 3.2 12 89.31 73.67 2512 79.22 12506 79.43 76.66 +1.95 -8.3 Phill66LP N PSXP 2.23f 4.3 24 64.83 42.47 207 51.35 1113 51.45 49.58 +1.12 +5.6 PhxNMda N FENG 17 4.56 3.11 23 3.49 230 3.64 3.43 -.09 +11.1 PhotMdx rs Q PHMD 5.60 .90 28 1.77 155 1.93 1.75 -.01 -19.5 PhotrIn Q PLAB 27 12.10 8.20 296 10.70 1249 11.00 10.55 -.15 -5.3 PhysRltTr N DOC .90 4.5 25 22.03 17.12 3022 19.87 9061 19.99 19.39 +.41 +6.1 PiedmOfc N PDM .84 3.9 13 23.08 18.61 767 21.38 2685 21.54 21.11 -.10 +2.2 Pier 1 N PIR .28 3.9 22 9.68 3.73 1293 7.16 8496 7.24 6.64 +.29 -16.2 PierisPhm Q PIRS 3.09 1.30 151 2.60 862 2.80 2.55 -.06 +85.1 PilgrimsP Q PPC 2.75e 12 26.50 17.15 665 22.51 3741 22.60 21.70 +.25 +18.5 PimcoCA N PCQ .92 5.6 17.53 14.75 28 16.29 120 16.37 16.18 +.06 +3.9 PimcoCA2 N PCK .65 6.6 11.25 9.05 38 9.80 197 9.87 9.69 +.12 +6.3 PimcCA3 N PZC .72 6.1 13.11 10.67 19 11.78 180 11.91 11.68 +.10 +3.9 PimcoCp&I N PCN 1.35 8.5 16.28 12.64 83 15.97 347 16.00 15.70 +.17 +8.1 PimCpOp N PTY 1.56a 9.9 15.88 13.27 183 15.70 1007 15.73 15.37 +.21 +9.7sPimDyCrd N PCI 1.97 9.2 21.40 17.30 691 21.44 3258 21.49 21.00 +.35 +6.0 PimDyInco N PDI 2.65a 9.2 29.29 25.95 189 28.85 797 28.88 28.44 +.19 +4.2 PimcIncStr N PFL 1.08 9.7 11.24 9.32 76 11.16 473 11.22 10.98 +.07 +5.6 PimIncStr2 N PFN .96 9.6 10.13 8.57 143 10.05 613 10.10 9.98 +.05 +5.9 PimStPls N PGP 2.20 12.7 20.96 13.82 26 17.39 273 17.49 17.21 +23.6 PimcoHiI N PHK 1.24 14.3 10.15 8.26 287 8.70 1638 8.73 8.54 +.09 -5.1 PimIncOpp N PKO 2.28a 9.2 25.20 20.33 53 24.83 266 24.95 24.62 +.02 +7.2 PimcoMuni N PMF .98 7.4 17.43 12.74 58 13.22 385 13.25 13.12 +.08 -8.1 PimcoMu2 N PML .78 6.2 14.08 11.57 84 12.58 630 12.62 12.50 +.08 +2.9 PimcMu3 N PMX .75 6.7 13.05 10.82 86 11.29 233 11.45 11.29 +.01 -.7 PimcoNY N PNF .68 5.4 14.40 11.49 5 12.56 49 12.57 12.30 +.28 +5.3 PimcoNY2 N PNI .80 6.9 14.61 11.13 7 11.49 72 11.53 11.39 +.03 -4.3 PimcNY3 N PYN .63 6.5 12.29 9.26 3 9.65 24 9.70 9.45 +.10 -3.7 PimcoStrIn N RCS .96 10.1 10.56 8.12 130 9.52 611 9.56 9.32 +.14 +8.3 PingtanM Q PME .04 .8 5.18 .84 392 4.80 1547 4.82 4.22 +.46 +175.9sPinnclEnt Q PNK 19.60 9.72 753 19.52 2676 19.66 18.63 +.72 +34.6 PinnaclFn Q PNFP .56 .8 22 71.85 44.61 498 66.45 1679 67.45 61.43 +2.65 -4.1 PinnaclFds N PF 1.14f 2.0 28 59.11 41.47 621 57.87 3463 58.20 57.35 -.01 +8.3sPinWst N PNW 2.62 3.1 21 84.72 70.11 559 83.38 2633 84.72 82.84 -.74 +6.9 PionDvrsHi N HNW 1.38 8.5 16.83 15.01 18 16.18 125 16.30 15.98 +.08 +1.0 PionEnSvc N PES 7.20 1.98 2595 4.00 7831 4.10 3.65 -41.6 PionFltRt N PHD .72 5.9 12.44 10.92 87 12.22 343 12.32 12.19 -.11 +2.9 PionHiIn N PHT 1.14 11.6 10.75 9.36 175 9.87 496 9.89 9.72 +.11 -3.3 PioMuAdv N MAV .84 7.6 14.25 10.61 62 10.99 339 11.00 10.91 +.08 -6.9 PioMunHi N MHI .84 7.2 14.76 11.31 50 11.62 273 11.65 11.51 +.04 -2.1 PioNtrl N PXD .08 199.83 137.42 2573 186.23 15175 189.91 178.04 +5.36 +3.4 PioneerPw Q PPSI 18 9.40 3.82 30 7.50 68 7.50 6.60 +.50 +26.1 PiperJaf N PJC .31p 17 81.85 35.36 138 63.85 744 64.50 61.43 +.70 -11.9tPitnyBw N PBI .75 5.7 8 21.81 12.31 2410 13.11 9623 13.20 12.31 +.57 -13.7 PitnyBw 43 N PBIpB 1.67 6.4 27.73 25.11 18 26.25 77 26.25 25.76 +.38 +2.7 Pixelwrks Q PXLW 4.89 1.55 89 4.66 782 4.82 4.39 +.07 +66.4 PlainsAAP N PAA 2.20 7.0 29 33.95 19.76 2968 31.61 7875 31.90 30.80 +.31 -2.1 PlainsGP rs N PAGP .55 60 36.55 20.96 2252 31.26 9872 32.24 30.48 +.23 -9.9 PlanetFit n N PLNT 40 22.13 13.07 1213 19.27 6438 19.61 18.81 +.08 -4.1 PlanetP h Q PLPM 9 4.97 2.75 198 3.98 691 4.05 3.69 +.22 -2.5 Plantron N PLT .60 1.1 18 57.79 36.81 125 54.11 651 54.28 52.03 +1.12 -1.2 PlatfmSpc N PAH 32 13.96 6.85 1037 13.02 5369 13.16 12.21 +.47 +32.7 PlatGpM rs N PLG 3.98 1.40 401 1.64 2145 1.65 1.53 +.10 +14.7tPlayaHot n Q PLYA 12.00 9.86 269 10.50 1122 10.58 9.86 +.30 -1.4sPlayaH wt Q PLYAW .80 .75 38 .77 150 .80 .75 -.01 +2.0 Plexus Q PLXS 20 58.74 37.73 192 57.80 554 58.46 56.41 +.60 +7.0 PlugPowr h Q PLUG 2.28 .83 4567 1.38 24210 1.52 1.31 +.02 +15.0 PlumasBc Q PLBC .20 1.1 15 19.50 8.60 2 18.20 22 18.20 17.75 +.45 -4.2 PluristemT Q PSTI 5 1.85 1.04 422 1.23 1133 1.23 1.16 +.02 -14.0 PlyGem N PGEM 18 20.00 12.85 207 19.70 826 19.75 18.45 +.30 +21.2 PointrTel h Q PNTR 15 9.75 5.23 14 8.85 39 9.35 8.50 +.20 +30.1 PointsInt g Q PCOM 9.99 6.28 72 7.72 399 7.93 7.08 +.63 +1.0 PolarPwr n Q POLA 11.50 7.09 84 8.30 257 8.30 7.85 +.17 -7.3 Polaris N PII 2.32f 2.8 24 104.25 70.14 437 83.80 2763 84.54 81.19 +.59 +1.7sPolarity rs Q COOL 11.98 2.61 490 13.67 1122 13.84 8.31 +5.15 +321.9 PolyMet g N PLM 1.14 .71 149 .75 611 .76 .74 -.00 +.8 PolyOne N POL .54 1.6 16 38.41 28.77 492 34.09 1800 34.31 32.43 +.83 +6.4 Pool Corp Q POOL 1.24 1.0 35 121.31 85.50 189 119.33 1047 120.30 117.39 +.40 +14.4 PopeRes Q POPE 2.80 4.0 88 75.72 55.61 0 70.76 4 72.00 70.10 -1.19 +6.7 Popular Q BPOP 1.00f 2.5 20 45.96 26.49 564 40.73 3402 41.38 37.57 +2.04 -7.1sPopular pf Q BPOPN 1.68 6.8 24.87 20.06 2 24.47 194 24.87 23.96 +.47 +2.0 PopCpII pf Q BPOPM 1.53 6.8 24.42 18.25 0 22.60 28 22.95 22.41 +.14 +.7 PorterBc rs Q PBIB 13.75 5.70 0 9.58 4 9.58 9.37 +.21 -22.3 PortGE N POR 1.28 2.9 20 46.05 37.77 342 44.42 2330 45.13 44.29 -.49 +2.5 PortolaPh Q PTLA 41.27 15.68 557 39.19 3330 39.70 37.61 +.75 +74.6 PostHldg N POST 47 89.00 68.08 519 87.52 3834 88.43 82.91 +3.06 +8.9 Potash N POT .40 2.3 16 20.27 15.21 3705 17.08 19446 17.33 16.89 +.16 -5.6 Potbelly Q PBPB 43 14.99 11.58 119 13.90 820 14.00 13.15 +.45 +7.8sPotlatch Q PCH 1.50 3.3 45.80 29.64 493 45.70 1557 46.00 43.60 +.95 +9.7 PowellInds Q POWL 1.04 3.0 24 47.24 26.22 77 34.44 308 34.64 30.68 +3.30 -11.7 PwrInteg Q POWI .56f .9 35 72.65 44.81 129 65.75 452 66.00 62.78 +1.45 -3.1 PowrREIT N PW 9.46 4.30 4 6.64 14 6.65 6.15 +.36 -5.4 PowerSolu lf Q PSIX 20.97 2.76 803 10.09 2249 11.18 6.25 +3.76 +34.5 PSActUSRE N PSR 2.33e 2.0 83.62 71.29 0 76.86 3 76.86 75.50 +.04 +4.7 PS SPXDn N PHDG .41e 1.5 25.58 21.43 3 25.18 19 25.20 24.88 +.14 +5.0 PS VarRate Q VRIG 25.24 24.97 20 25.15 83 25.15 25.10 +.03 +.6 PSCrudeDS N DTO 211.56 100.28 4 121.71 28 135.02 121.10 -9.79 +16.0 PSBMetDL N BDD 8.25 4.65 7 7.59 13 7.81 7.45 -.40 +18.8 PSCrudeLg N OLO 6.09 3.76 23 4.47 34 4.47 4.15 +.34 -6.3 PwshDB N DBC 16.08 12.78 2991 15.21 10706 15.25 14.77 +.30 -4.0 PwShCurH N DBV 26.03 22.97 7 25.27 44 25.27 24.79 +.31 +1.9 PS Engy N DBE 14.01 9.75 380 12.59 764 12.62 11.97 +.50 -8.8 PS PrcMet N DBP 42.74 34.22 2 38.06 34 38.32 37.95 +.12 +9.2 PS Silver N DBS 32.84 23.61 28.20 15 28.37 28.03 +.60 +13.4tPS Agri N DBA 23.01 19.62 872 19.78 3309 20.00 19.58 -.22 -1.0 PS Oil N DBO 9.91 7.22 267 8.79 1843 8.81 8.31 +.36 -9.2 PS Gold N DGL 44.84 36.22 8 39.98 458 40.42 39.86 -.06 +8.0sPS BasMet N DBB 16.77 12.01 203 16.37 866 16.77 16.05 -.06 +9.7 PS USDBull N UUP 26.83 23.96 772 25.95 5849 25.97 25.52 +.21 -1.9 PS USDBear N UDN 22.83 20.18 17 20.81 128 21.15 20.80 -.17 +1.7sPShPuLgGr N PXLG .42e 1.1 37.32 31.20 306 37.31 323 37.36 36.91 +.60 +11.1 PSOpYCmd Q PDBC 18.45 14.85 132 16.63 742 16.65 16.06 +.32 -3.8 PShPuLVal N PXLV .76e 2.1 36.75 28.27 7 35.55 88 35.68 34.50 +.42 +3.5 PSAerDef N PPA .50e 1.1 45.00 35.06 64 43.55 399 43.76 42.71 +.18 +4.3 PwShBio N PBE .57e 1.3 44.43 34.41 6 42.29 58 43.22 41.21 +.56 +9.0 PS BldCns N PKB .03e .1 29.78 23.97 69 29.20 494 29.30 28.01 +.62 +4.8 PwSGDrChi Q PGJ .20e .6 34.50 26.57 7 33.99 46 34.12 33.36 +.14 +18.9 PwSClnEn N PBW .07e 1.8 4.29 3.41 39 4.00 261 4.01 3.82 +.13 +8.7 PwShDiv Q PFM .50e 2.1 24.15 21.21 15 23.77 95 23.86 23.55 +.06 +3.8 PS EnEx N PXE .50e 2.4 24.92 18.79 8 21.23 62 21.30 19.73 +1.01 -8.0 PwSFoodBv N PBJ .41e 1.2 34.74 31.53 19 33.45 54 33.52 32.97 +.33 -.1 PwShHiYD Q PEY .51 3.0 17.46 13.84 151 17.07 941 17.13 16.79 +.16 +.8 PwSIntlDv Q PID .65e 4.3 15.19 13.14 183 15.04 950 15.09 14.81 +.15 +4.4 PwSLgCG N PWB .21e .6 34.63 29.86 48 34.35 488 34.44 33.89 +.13 +7.6 PwSLgCV N PWV .69e 2.0 36.44 29.23 75 35.33 449 35.50 34.46 +.39 +4.8 PwShLeis N PEJ .15e .4 41.57 31.84 29 41.22 67 41.33 40.11 +.85 +3.0 PowShMkt N PWC .97e 1.2 84.72 67.84 0 84.02 3 84.02 82.08 +1.69 +4.1 PwShMda N PBS .27e 1.0 28.12 23.29 6 27.75 48 27.82 27.01 +.51 +5.9 PwSMidGr N PXMG .19e .6 34.20 27.73 0 34.12 11 34.12 33.31 +.34 +10.0 PwSMidVal N PXMV .64e 2.0 32.53 25.82 11 31.37 93 31.41 30.14 +.75 +.7 PwShNetw N PXQ 44.09 31.74 26 43.93 58 44.00 42.95 +.14 +8.8 PS OilSv N PXJ .28e 2.4 14.18 10.14 1 11.71 38 11.73 10.95 +.52 -8.3 PwSPharm N PJP 3.84e 4.6 69.24 53.55 186 58.76 367 59.84 58.27 +.24 +4.9 PS Retail N PMR .34e 1.0 38.86 33.52 1 35.07 4 35.10 34.19 +.60 -2.4sPwSSmGr N PXSG .27e 1.0 27.51 22.17 1 27.52 12 27.58 26.59 +.65 +5.8 PwSSmVal N PXSV .60e 2.1 31.42 22.28 13 29.14 96 29.22 27.69 +.92 -3.9sPwSSemi N PSI .04e .1 41.85 23.93 75 41.77 386 41.97 40.58 +.50 +15.7 PwShSoft N PSJ .10e .2 51.93 41.17 5 51.56 18 51.59 49.97 +.72 +9.3 PwS Utils Q PUI .63e 2.3 28.17 23.94 7 27.31 1522 27.41 27.10 -.07 +6.6 PSS&PQlty N SPHQ .38e 1.4 27.73 23.63 955 27.37 1536 27.49 27.07 +.05 +5.3 PwSWtr Q PHO .18e .7 26.45 21.16 25 26.03 135 26.15 25.33 +.41 +5.9 PwSZMicro N PZI .15e .8 19.45 14.62 4 18.33 17 18.33 17.61 +.49 -1.8 PSNasIntnt Q PNQI 95.11 72.03 10 94.40 74 94.74 92.12 +1.22 +14.2 PSMoment Q PDP .11e .2 45.75 39.75 62 45.29 446 45.42 44.32 +.48 +7.8 PSWHPrgE N PUW .17e .6 27.08 19.61 1 26.27 13 26.32 24.91 +.89 +1.8 PSPrivEq N PSP .66e 5.6 11.97 9.47 141 11.69 638 11.71 11.58 -.03 +5.2 PSFinPf N PGF 1.11 5.9 19.56 17.65 359 18.66 2786 18.67 18.55 +.07 +3.9sPSCleantch N PZD .44e 1.2 35.59 28.18 3 35.55 25 35.71 34.81 +.51 +8.7 PSBuybk Q PKW .52e 1.0 53.41 42.53 61 51.95 274 52.15 50.63 +.67 +3.0sPSh Tech Q PTF .26e .6 44.78 35.00 14 44.65 80 44.78 43.53 +.43 +11.8 PSh Hlthcr Q PTH 54.87 39.54 12 53.68 34 53.84 52.60 +.44 +11.8 PSh Inds Q PRN .19e .4 53.30 43.31 7 51.34 55 51.45 49.92 +.81 +2.8 PSh Fincl Q PFI .14e .5 32.78 28.69 4 30.93 58 31.13 29.45 +.79 +.9 PSh Engy Q PXI .69e 1.8 47.35 30.89 26 39.04 156 39.13 35.98 +2.12 -10.3 PSh CnsStp Q PSL .67e 1.1 59.15 52.31 4 58.93 17 59.10 58.24 +.35 +9.9 PSh CnsCyc Q PEZ .30e .7 44.89 39.37 43.47 9 43.50 42.78 +.57 +3.2 PSh BasM Q PYZ .61e 1.0 65.30 47.37 14 61.83 47 62.15 58.83 +1.93 +4.4 PSR2KEqW N EQWS .41e 1.0 40.50 30.86 2 39.46 5 39.49 38.51 +1.16 +.1 PSRslMdC N EQWM .49e 1.1 44.28 36.86 43.47 6 43.47 42.61 +.40 +4.1 PSRussl200 N EQWL .80e 1.7 46.78 38.06 4 46.15 21 46.26 45.50 +.37 +6.9 PwShSMid Q PRFZ 1.30e 1.1 119.83 91.00 19 116.42 207 116.92 112.23 +2.51 +1.0 PS US1K N PRF 1.91e 1.9 105.36 85.56 146 102.47 809 102.86 100.44 +.99 +2.9 PSDvMom Q PIZ .26e 1.1 24.17 21.02 37 23.32 155 23.40 23.19 +.10 +9.0 PSEmMom Q PIE .12e .7 16.86 14.43 67 16.40 457 16.77 16.40 -.43 +11.3 PS EmgInf N PXR .50e 1.4 36.98 27.35 2 35.15 19 35.94 34.93 -.65 +14.6 PS SC High N XSHD 27.33 24.11 12 25.09 44 25.10 24.17 +.53 -2.9 PS LowVRot N DWLV 27.08 24.09 26.80 4 26.83 26.54 +.20 +4.9 PShTact n Q DWIN 28.86 25.12 15 27.99 111 27.99 27.50 +.34 +2.3 PSBldABd N BAB 1.31 4.5 32.33 28.75 84 29.36 644 29.51 29.30 -.07 +.9 PS Rs1KLB Q USLB 28.62 25.00 3 28.52 82 28.56 28.15 +.36 +5.2sPS IntlLB Q IDLB 26.42 23.45 5 26.24 94 26.42 26.03 -.05 +7.2 PS DWAtac Q DWTR 26.00 23.03 17 24.66 201 24.73 23.54 +.57 +1.8 PS SC CnDs Q PSCD .35e .7 55.75 45.02 3 52.73 10 52.84 49.96 +1.87 +.8 PSEuCurLV N FXEU .35e 25.20 20.50 4 22.18 15 22.18 21.69 +.36 +6.5 PS LowVol N XRLV .46 1.6 29.92 26.09 5 29.52 93 29.61 29.17 +.08 +5.7 PSR1KEqW N EQAL .39e 1.4 28.70 23.92 42 28.24 383 28.31 27.54 +.39 +4.9 PShLadR0-5 Q LDRI .41a 1.6 26.09 24.70 5 24.89 13 25.01 24.87 -.10 +.2 PS VarPfd N VRP 1.20 4.7 26.05 23.70 228 25.45 1496 25.47 25.27 +.09 +3.4 PS SC CnSt Q PSCC 1.34e 1.9 70.99 57.49 1 69.33 12 69.34 67.15 +1.50 +.4 PS ContrOp N CNTR .26e .9 31.14 23.83 30.06 4 30.12 29.08 +.69 +1.1 PS IntBybk Q IPKW .29e .9 31.17 24.69 35 30.89 110 30.91 30.44 +.44 +9.2 PS SCLowV N XSLV .73e 1.7 44.20 33.91 80 42.86 643 43.05 41.63 +.71 -1.3 PS MCLwV N XMLV .64e 1.5 43.25 36.07 73 42.32 579 42.47 41.82 +.14 +4.2 PS SPX HiD N SPHD 1.30 3.2 41.21 35.60 988 40.51 3021 40.67 40.13 +.11 +3.4 PS EMLwV N EELV .60e 2.6 23.62 20.47 10 23.00 137 23.28 22.99 -.17 +10.0 PS IntLwV N IDLV 1.11e 3.6 31.46 27.95 71 30.79 550 30.91 30.60 +.16 +8.2 PSS&PVal N SPVU 32.15 24.17 0 30.83 11 30.87 30.17 +.47 +2.8 PS GlbAgr Q PAGG .74e 2.9 26.05 21.86 5 25.57 10 25.68 24.71 +.42 +3.9 PS SC Egy Q PSCE .14e .8 22.69 13.97 21 18.17 157 18.25 16.60 +1.14 -13.6 PSShTHYB N PGHY 1.08 4.4 28.83 23.13 37 24.58 318 24.63 24.47 +.08 +.6 PSKBWRgB Q KBWR .79e 1.5 58.72 37.01 18 53.74 2219 54.40 50.28 +1.57 -3.9 PS SmCMo Q DWAS .07e .2 42.46 32.89 27 40.86 105 41.03 39.10 +1.01 +1.1 PS KBWBk Q KBWB .58e 1.2 51.45 30.84 100 47.51 799 48.16 45.43 +.72 +.5 PS YuanDS N DSUM .77 3.5 23.50 21.36 1 21.94 22 22.17 21.84 +.11 +1.7 PS FdIGBd N PFIG .67 2.6 26.94 24.98 3 25.33 18 25.38 25.30 +.01 +.4 PS SrLoan N BKLN 1.01 4.7 23.46 22.48 3680 23.26 20218 23.26 23.15 +.06 -.4 PS P&CIns Q KBWP .69e 1.1 58.86 46.62 10 57.00 60 57.77 56.16 +.41 +2.5 PS SP LwV N SPLV .85 2.0 44.01 39.61 1547 43.47 8026 43.69 43.30 -.11 +4.5 PSKbwHiDv Q KBWD 1.92 8.0 24.49 19.76 84 24.15 296 24.20 23.15 +.66 +5.1 PS SC Fin Q PSCF .97e 1.7 54.16 39.09 16 51.28 97 51.51 49.00 +1.22 -1.9 PSKbwReit Q KBWY 1.92 5.1 38.94 30.22 82 37.70 271 37.77 36.16 +1.18 +.2 PS SP HiB N SPHB .49e 1.3 38.81 27.17 104 37.59 2382 37.78 35.68 +1.13 +2.7 PS IntlBd N PICB .57 2.3 27.41 23.86 49 24.98 93 25.15 24.85 +.04 +2.0 PS SC Util Q PSCU 1.21e 2.5 50.88 43.42 2 48.68 10 48.78 47.96 +.26 +1.8 PS CEFInc N PCEF 1.91 8.3 23.50 21.14 154 23.10 533 23.13 22.75 +.15 +3.1 PS SCMatl Q PSCM .41e .9 51.32 30.84 3 46.96 22 46.99 44.79 +1.25 -1.6 PS SC Info Q PSCT .08e .1 74.79 51.75 23 73.01 168 73.18 71.02 +.69 +4.8 PS GlbGold Q PSAU .10e .5 27.14 15.80 10 19.48 38 20.15 19.33 -.13 +10.8 PS SC Ind Q PSCI .44e .8 57.92 43.17 5 55.81 45 55.96 53.50 +1.36 +.9sPS SC HCre Q PSCH 80.15 62.54 3 79.99 38 80.25 78.00 +1.32 +9.5 PSVrdoTF N PVI 25.01 24.89 8 24.92 118 24.94 24.90 -.1 PShCalMu N PWZ .80 3.2 27.29 24.80 74 25.35 235 25.46 25.31 +.05 +.1 PShNYMu N PZT .86 3.6 25.74 23.37 13 24.09 49 24.13 23.96 +.12 +.7 PShNatMu N PZA .87 3.5 26.64 24.41 1216 25.03 2304 25.13 25.00 +.03 +.6 PSh1-30Tr Q PLW .67 2.1 35.81 31.40 7 32.14 44 32.27 31.87 +.01 +.8 PSHYCpBd N PHB .84 4.4 19.00 17.71 1456 18.81 6062 18.86 18.60 +.13 +.1 PwShPfd N PGX .86 5.8 15.50 13.96 1680 14.82 7356 14.83 14.72 +.08 +4.1 PShEMSov N PCY 1.50 5.2 30.96 27.71 1586 29.06 6842 29.21 29.00 -.07 +2.8 PShGClnEn N PBD .17e 1.5 11.44 9.83 5 11.18 12 11.18 11.00 +.13 +7.5 PShGlbWtr Q PIO .34e 1.5 22.63 20.05 33 22.52 83 22.63 22.40 +.08 +8.3 PSEmgMkt N PXH .49e 2.5 20.71 14.64 170 19.84 963 20.15 19.81 -.25 +9.3sPSDvMxUSs N PDN .53e 1.8 29.50 24.47 15 29.24 109 29.50 28.87 -.10 +8.3 PSDvxUS N PXF 1.11e 2.8 40.37 32.21 34 40.09 319 40.31 39.85 +.12 +6.8sPShIntlDev N IDHQ .33e 1.6 20.97 18.71 18 20.85 32 20.97 20.70 +.03 +8.6 PSAsxJ N PAF 1.91e 3.5 55.01 41.80 0 54.12 12 54.57 53.44 +.35 +14.3sPSIndia N PIN .12e .5 22.79 18.26 189 22.82 1012 22.88 22.36 +.33 +18.4sPwShs QQQ Q QQQ 1.52e .9 132.61 101.75 17966 132.38 88998 132.74 129.40 +1.75 +11.7 PSS&PBW N PBP 1.07e 3.3 22.17 20.00 70 22.05 1235 22.13 21.70 +.21 +3.7 PranBio rs Q PRAN 6.69 1.52 703 3.13 12714 4.58 2.22 +.86 +92.0 Praxair N PX 3.15f 2.7 21 125.00 106.31 1454 118.60 7885 119.61 115.67 +2.19 +1.2 PrecDrill N PDS .28 6.25 3.51 1780 4.72 10680 4.78 4.34 +.25 -13.4 PfdAptCm N APTS .88f 6.7 15.39 12.02 286 13.21 910 13.42 12.99 -.05 -11.4 PfdBkLA Q PFBC .72 1.3 21 58.12 27.07 87 53.66 394 54.26 48.35 +3.04 +2.4 PrefrmdLn Q PLPC .80 1.5 18 61.21 35.21 3 52.15 16 52.50 48.00 +3.15 -10.3sPremFin Q PFBI .60 2.9 14 21.24 13.61 35 21.03 184 21.69 19.04 +1.61 +4.6 Premier Q PINC 35.11 28.27 288 31.83 2206 32.09 29.99 +1.73 +4.8 Presbia n Q LENS 5.50 3.01 26 3.14 206 3.28 3.08 -.09 -10.3sPresidio n Q PSDO 15.28 13.26 412 15.48 1477 15.59 13.57 +.88 +8.7 Prestige N PBH 24 58.09 44.64 368 55.56 1996 56.63 55.28 -.38 +6.6 Pretium g N PVG 12.53 5.24 2185 10.71 13736 11.42 10.62 -.43 +30.0 PriceTR Q TROW 2.28f 3.3 15 79.00 62.97 3078 68.15 11354 68.79 66.70 +.32 -9.4 PrSmrt Q PSMT .70 .8 31 94.86 75.80 97 92.20 452 94.00 90.30 +.60 +10.4sPriceline Q PCLN 42 1798.75 1148.06 410 1779.97 1830 1798.75 1733.00 +26.86 +21.4 PrimBio rs Q PBMD 4.09 1.68 11 2.44 83 2.60 2.33 -.06 +4.3 Primerica N PRI .76f .9 18 84.15 42.74 288 82.20 1421 82.85 78.60 +1.85 +18.9 Primero g N PPP 2.63 .52 977 .55 5093 .60 .54 -.02 -30.1 PrimoWtr Q PRMW 15.39 9.10 320 13.58 1022 13.77 12.77 +.24 +10.6 Primoris Q PRIM .22 .9 45 29.19 16.13 326 23.22 1198 23.71 22.34 +.28 +1.9 PrinEdgAIn N YLD .75e 41.75 37.16 5 41.14 9 41.16 40.42 +.42 +2.2 PrinHlIn ef Q BTEC 27.83 21.63 26.69 4 26.69 26.69 +.26 +16.0 PrinFncl N PFG 1.80f 2.9 14 64.65 38.04 1051 63.11 4634 63.61 60.18 +.94 +9.1 PrincREstI N PGZ 1.74 9.9 18.56 15.47 37 17.54 138 17.54 16.70 +.68 +9.9sPrivateB Q PVTB .04 .1 23 60.43 34.00 5065 59.37 19947 60.43 54.50 +3.86 +9.6 PrvtBncp42 N PVTD 1.78 6.8 27.98 25.45 4 26.28 27 26.33 25.78 +.49 PrivBcp pf Q PVTBP 2.50 9.3 28.59 25.52 2 26.85 32 27.00 26.75 +.06 +1.1 ProAssur N PRA 1.24a 2.1 25 63.53 47.19 206 60.25 725 60.60 58.45 +1.46 +7.2 ProDex Q PDEX 77 6.68 3.11 0 4.60 62 4.90 4.55 -.05 -2.1 ProLogis N PLD 1.76f 3.4 22 54.87 43.45 3440 51.88 13249 51.94 49.44 +.85 -1.7tProPetr n N PUMP 14.74 12.26 831 12.89 7551 13.39 12.26 -.61 -10.2 ProPhaseL Q PRPH 2.45 1.20 220 2.27 321 2.29 2.00 +.28 +13.5 ProQRTher Q PRQR 8.70 3.55 75 5.00 408 5.10 4.25 +.65 +2.0 ProShtDow N DOG 22.46 17.69 470 18.10 4000 18.33 18.02 -.06 -4.9 ProShtMC N MYY 15.84 12.28 1 12.57 37 12.91 12.56 -.20 -4.2 PrUltDow s N DDM .79e .9 96.17 61.70 93 91.40 1091 92.19 89.20 +.51 +9.4 ProUltMC N MVV .11e .1 105.88 68.00 42 100.91 266 101.67 95.63 +2.97 +7.1sPrUltQQQ s N QLD .09e .1 107.63 63.78 698 107.26 3324 107.82 102.52 +2.85 +24.5 ProUltSP s N SSO .40e .5 87.64 59.70 1368 84.84 8556 85.40 81.92 +1.30 +11.4 ProShtHY N SJB 27.94 23.91 119 24.04 1105 24.52 24.00 -.30 -2.4 ProUShBM N SMN 31.31 17.91 10 18.18 150 19.44 18.10 -.68 -14.7 Pro20 yrT N UBT 1.13e 1.5 107.05 68.50 4 74.77 58 76.25 74.19 -.40 +2.4 Pro7-10yrT N UST .42e .7 65.74 54.55 9 56.92 51 57.58 56.55 +.10 +1.5 PrUltBio s Q BIB 52.80 33.97 121 48.26 1180 49.41 46.21 +.96 +20.9 ProSShOG N DDG 30.17 21.82 24.37 6 25.39 24.32 -.82 +6.0 ProSShFn N SEF 17.94 12.90 16 13.51 189 13.87 13.44 -.11 -3.2 ProLCCre s N CSM .67e 1.1 59.19 48.42 15 58.40 116 58.53 57.15 +.65 +5.7 ProUltTl s N LTL 69.71 42.44 1 52.54 9 52.54 48.50 +1.64 ProHdgRep N HDG 43.95 41.10 1 43.84 18 43.91 43.58 +.11 +2.1 ProUltEM N EET 67.60 42.25 6 64.96 48 66.81 64.77 -1.31 +26.1 ProRafiLS N RALS .62e 1.6 41.26 38.39 4 38.83 19 39.25 38.65 +.11 -3.0 ProUSL7-10T N PST 23.25 19.56 2 22.07 53 22.17 21.89 +.01 -2.2tProShtEafe N EFZ 36.11 29.35 13 29.53 79 29.62 29.35 -.04 -7.5 ProShtEM N EUM 29.03 21.63 235 22.09 975 22.12 21.79 +.24 -11.5 ProShRgBk N KRS 27.24 15.24 1 16.42 10 17.40 16.35 -.61 PrURgBk s N KRU 94.80 32.87 4 77.32 21 79.20 66.88 +4.76 sProUltEafe N EFO 104.51 70.81 1 101.11 4 104.51 101.11 +.22 +15.7 ProUMex N UMX 27.50 15.49 7 23.34 36 24.00 23.15 -.36 +33.8 ProUEurop N UPV 43.62 29.80 1 43.43 6 43.51 42.71 +.55 +16.7 ProUltSEM N EEV 22.68 12.28 124 12.83 784 12.85 12.47 +.31 -21.9 ProUltRE N URE .84e .7 138.82 98.62 39 120.48 234 121.00 115.28 +2.33 +5.4 ProUltFin s N UYG .51e .5 107.59 58.35 46 97.19 378 98.32 92.02 +1.65 +5.2 ProShtRE N REK 18.93 16.25 6 16.86 165 17.20 16.84 -.17 -3.4 ProShtChi50 N YXI 32.00 23.35 5 24.09 14 24.11 23.64 +.50 -10.4 ProUltSem s N USD 79.44 36.00 27 78.91 36 79.03 75.18 +1.79 ProUltUt s N UPW 46.21 34.10 8 43.73 18 45.07 43.55 -1.23 +12.2 PrUltTech s N ROM .09e .1 123.95 66.93 17 122.84 42 123.46 117.21 +2.84 +26.6sProUltJpn N EZJ 99.23 68.98 0 95.98 4 99.23 95.98 -2.16 +9.7 ProUltO&G N DIG .46e 1.2 46.90 28.99 127 37.38 1002 38.05 34.88 +1.80 -14.3 ProUltInd s N UXI 56.09 35.65 3 53.13 9 53.38 50.60 +1.20 +10.1 PrUltHCr s N RXL .63e .9 74.43 54.41 2 70.16 18 70.96 69.65 -.12 +16.7sProUCnsSv s N UCC 65.24 47.60 1 65.30 6 65.79 62.02 +2.03 PrUCnsGd s N UGE 123.99 34.49 0 43.00 3 43.32 42.40 +.27 +15.3 ProUBasM N UYM .15e .3 57.80 36.97 4 56.20 76 56.89 52.91 +1.81 +14.5 PrUltPR2K N URTY 133.00 61.71 277 124.16 933 125.73 110.71 +7.90 +4.7 PUltM400 s N UMDD .03e 93.03 48.61 7 86.71 26 87.45 79.82 +3.62 +10.7 ProUltSC s N SAA 86.87 51.39 2 81.95 8 81.95 75.54 +3.65 +.9 ProUPD30 s N UDOW .13e .1 117.04 60.12 369 108.71 1659 110.21 104.83 +.85 +14.6sPrUltPQ s Q TQQQ 88.71 40.90 2211 88.21 12898 88.92 82.43 +3.43 +38.7 ProUltR2K N UWM .19e .2 120.88 71.50 290 115.63 851 116.61 107.16 +4.99 +3.8 ProSht20Tr N TBF 24.49 20.29 371 23.46 1529 23.57 23.21 +.01 -1.8 PUltSP500 s N UPRO .21e .2 100.82 57.00 1221 96.01 6871 97.06 91.15 +2.12 +17.4 ProUChin50 N XPP 61.15 36.20 2 57.15 15 59.50 56.83 -1.94 +22.8 PrUSSilv s N ZSL 52.64 25.08 24 28.90 224 29.54 28.69 -1.42 -25.4tPUVixST rs N UVXY 573.25 15.16 17858 16.17 119267 19.90 15.16 -2.05 PrUCrude rs N UCO 28.32 15.26 5863 19.02 30494 19.10 16.44 +1.89 tProVixST rs N VIXY 64.05 12.75 1133 13.17 9641 14.59 12.75 -.80 -38.1 PrUltYen rs N YCL 77.14 53.50 0 60.19 12 61.59 59.84 -.81 +8.4 PrSUltNG rs N BOIL 20.34 9.30 65 12.27 952 12.75 11.79 +.30 -35.3tPVixMTFut N VIXM 58.00 31.89 5 31.95 107 34.23 31.77 -1.90 -24.5 PrUltSilv N AGQ 57.26 30.78 162 41.23 742 41.60 40.37 +1.98 +28.5 PrUltShN s N KOLD 71.01 21.44 5 29.25 92 30.47 28.12 -.85 +26.9 ProUShGld N GLL 95.07 64.91 30 75.93 120 76.58 74.40 -.02 -16.1 PrUltShYen N YCS 82.60 58.96 22 72.50 304 73.19 70.92 +.23 -9.7 ProSUltGold N UGL 48.27 31.67 9 38.45 204 39.36 38.23 -.09 +15.8sProShtVix N SVXY 146.00 39.43 1989 141.15 13437 146.00 127.56 +7.33 +55.1 PrUShCrd s N SCO 75.70 30.12 1592 36.57 10149 42.48 36.42 -4.24 ProShtEuro N EUFX 45.85 41.16 44.29 8 44.29 43.58 +.22 -1.8 ProUltEuro N ULE 17.35 13.50 117 14.27 214 14.91 14.24 -.34 +1.3 ProUShEuro N EUO 28.02 22.45 157 26.39 1324 26.42 25.28 +.62 -2.5 ProctGam N PG 2.68 3.0 24 92.00 79.10 6719 89.85 36581 91.06 89.84 -.72 +6.9 ProDvrs h rs Q IPDN 13.90 2.32 84 9.59 486 10.41 9.22 +.26 -12.2 ProfirEng Q PFIE 1.72 .85 39 1.41 358 1.48 1.38 -.06 +2.2 PrognicsPh Q PGNX 59 11.72 3.91 1316 9.44 9053 11.20 9.03 -1.82 +9.3 ProgrsSoft Q PRGS .50 1.7 23 32.47 22.57 632 29.05 2997 30.70 27.47 +1.02 -9.0 ProgsvCp N PGR .69e 1.8 22 40.74 30.54 3331 39.18 15331 39.91 38.93 -.35 +10.4 Proofpoint Q PFPT 88.00 46.58 412 74.36 2580 75.93 71.08 +.99 +5.3 ProsHldg N PRO 25.66 10.61 106 24.19 592 24.44 21.82 +1.72 +12.4tProShtQQQ N PSQ 55.89 42.15 191 42.23 1297 43.17 42.10 -.57 -10.7 ProShSP rs N SH 41.82 33.98 1202 34.49 17199 35.11 34.38 -.26 -5.6 ProUShSP N SDS 19.82 13.06 5721 13.45 39986 13.94 13.36 -.23 -11.0 PrUShDow N DXD 19.79 12.25 1046 12.83 7555 13.15 12.72 -.08 -9.5 PUShtMdC N MZZ 38.04 22.66 1 23.63 10 24.95 23.63 -.83 -8.9tPUShtQQQ N QID 33.54 18.99 1236 19.06 8247 19.93 18.96 -.51 -20.4 PrShRs2K rs N SRTY 119.92 45.15 610 47.63 3323 53.34 47.01 -3.37 tPShtQQQ rs Q SQQQ 87.40 36.84 1532 37.05 10485 39.64 36.74 -1.49 -28.9 PrUShD3 rs N SDOW 67.92 32.79 540 35.13 4915 36.47 34.68 -.34 PUltShtF rs N FINZ 44.18 12.45 4 14.58 39 16.00 14.23 -.47 PrSUlhGM rs N GDXS 41.48 11.93 61 16.29 317 16.67 15.39 +.09 -23.7 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 15 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


ProUShL20 N TBT 42.72 29.45 1623 39.13 9997 39.48 38.37 +.04 -4.1 PrShR2K rs N RWM 63.41 46.70 357 47.59 2565 49.45 47.40 -1.13 -2.8 PrUShHC rs N RXD 51.90 37.73 39.04 4 39.60 39.00 -.47 -16.0 PrUShRE rs N SRS 42.13 31.21 90 33.26 524 34.84 33.11 -.69 -6.7 PUShtR2K N TWM 40.45 21.54 959 22.37 5779 24.12 22.16 -1.02 -5.7 PUShChi50 N FXP 49.05 25.42 25 27.31 299 27.31 26.15 +1.04 -19.8 PUShtIndl N SIJ 37.00 22.78 1 23.70 5 25.36 23.62 -.53 -10.4 PrShtSmC N SBB 50.94 38.04 2 38.81 8 40.10 38.59 -.48 -1.2 PUPShtMC N SMDD 30.54 13.86 0 14.79 62 15.95 14.73 -.71 -11.3 PrSh K1 n N OILK 22.94 18.36 2 20.25 17 20.25 18.92 +1.04 -9.6 PUShtEur N EPV 68.19 43.17 3 43.53 30 44.04 43.20 -.41 -15.4 PUShtSPX N SPXU 30.88 16.41 2863 17.15 21594 18.07 16.98 -.42 -16.0tPUShtJpn N EWV 57.95 35.89 0 37.10 6 37.10 35.89 +.60 -10.6 PrUJMin rs N GDJJ 152.62 41.36 10 63.71 76 68.23 61.20 -1.14 +19.1 ProSPDvA N NOBL 1.00e 1.8 57.08 51.23 255 56.21 1307 56.41 55.69 +.06 +4.3 PrUlNBio rs Q UBIO 33.01 17.37 62 27.67 352 28.66 25.90 +.82 +31.1tPUltShEafe N EFU 46.46 30.50 0 30.79 7 31.08 30.50 -.14 -14.7 PrUGMin rs N GDXX 93.85 29.50 15 42.31 57 45.09 41.47 -.59 +14.5 PrUltBra rs N UBR 85.26 34.01 1 72.13 8 73.23 67.94 +2.03 +25.0 ProGblInf N TOLZ 1.63e 3.9 42.14 36.50 1 41.95 16 41.95 41.36 +.47 +7.2 PUltShOG N DUG 65.26 34.86 44 42.25 272 45.39 41.58 -2.22 +12.9 PS MngdF N FUT 41.69 39.54 40.35 3 40.35 39.80 -.42 -2.8 PrGPrEq bt N PEX 1.53e 3.8 40.72 32.06 3 40.26 8 40.35 39.83 -.23 +3.2 ProEurDiv N EUDV .15p 39.98 33.67 1 37.38 9 37.40 37.05 +.30 +6.2 PHYIntH bt N HYHG 3.16 4.6 70.19 61.64 15 68.70 102 69.13 67.64 +.75 +.3 ProSPxTch N SPXT .23p 47.67 41.29 0 47.08 3 47.08 46.41 +.54 +3.6 ProMerger N MRGR .12e .3 37.50 34.74 35.12 7 35.12 35.07 +.05 -1.5 ProSPxEgy N SPXE .22p 49.69 41.11 48.97 3 48.97 48.11 +.32 +6.5 PrUltPFn N FINU .29e .4 136.29 53.54 12 67.20 61 68.54 60.30 +2.19 -46.7 PrIGIntH bt N IGHG 2.15 2.8 77.35 71.71 47 75.81 146 76.25 75.66 +.20 -.6 ProSht7-10y N TBX 29.45 26.94 5 28.58 73 28.81 28.47 -.17 -1.7sProHgEur N HGEU .44e 40.33 32.46 3 40.55 8 40.55 39.59 +.53 +6.9 ProUNShBio Q ZBIO 42.59 15.25 10 16.75 113 17.80 16.13 -.53 -30.2 PrUSOGEx N SOP 28.57 9.50 1 12.50 4 14.37 12.44 -1.45 +20.5 PrUShBrz s N BZQ 45.39 11.90 234 13.59 1144 14.39 13.23 -.28 -25.4 PrSPMCDv N REGL .65e 1.3 53.04 42.22 72 51.69 326 51.89 50.66 +.49 +2.6 ProSR2KDv N SMDV .47e 54.95 41.98 71 53.12 340 53.32 51.68 +.90 -1.2 PSSTEm bt N EMSH 4.88e 6.2 80.62 76.00 0 78.31 4 78.40 77.84 +.13 +1.7 PrUShtUtl N SDP 39.62 27.75 2 28.32 33 28.85 27.84 +.30 -12.5tPrUltShtTc N REW 48.95 25.20 25.20 4 26.01 25.20 -.43 -22.1 PrUShtFn N SKF 50.78 26.17 27 28.60 262 30.27 28.25 -.55 -6.5 ProUShBio Q BIS 48.61 26.10 36 27.81 574 29.05 27.19 -.61 -20.5tPUShtSem N SSG 45.37 18.00 18.07 30 18.97 18.00 -.47 -15.7 ProMornAlt N ALTS .38e 1.0 39.15 37.23 2 38.92 28 38.99 38.63 +.13 +.8 Pro30BEI N RINF .50e 1.7 29.80 26.33 57 28.82 99 29.21 28.53 -.05 -.9 PS EMkDv N EMDV 51.95 42.89 0 50.60 5 51.52 50.60 -1.34 +10.4 ProGermSv N GGOV .06e .2 38.16 33.20 35.53 18 35.64 35.53 -.09 +1.8 ProspctCap Q PSEC 1.00 11.1 9 9.58 7.02 2084 9.04 8147 9.15 8.96 +.05 +8.3 ProsCap 24 N PBB 1.56 6.0 26.11 22.57 3 25.90 46 25.94 25.71 +.18 +3.2 ProspBcsh N PB 1.36f 2.0 18 77.87 43.28 445 69.71 1900 71.05 65.34 +1.55 -2.9 ProtagTh n Q PTGX 26.36 10.02 69 12.81 267 14.16 12.12 -.41 -41.7 Protalix N PLX 1.52 .26 2741 1.36 15468 1.39 1.11 +.24 +205.6 ProtLf5-42 N PLpC 1.56 6.2 26.94 24.42 18 25.36 101 25.40 25.27 +.00 -.2 ProtLf9-42 N PLpE 1.50 5.9 26.90 24.61 1 25.53 12 25.53 25.38 +.14 +1.3 ProteonTh Q PRTO 11.63 1.40 87 1.75 253 1.75 1.55 +.20 -7.9 Proteos n Q PTI 20.63 6.61 1249 7.82 1511 13.16 7.67 -2.57 -36.2 Prothena Q PRTA 68.18 33.53 326 55.79 1267 56.70 51.35 +3.29 +13.4 ProtoLabs N PRLB 31 82.06 43.10 175 51.10 999 51.90 48.00 +1.75 -.5 ProvidSv Q PRSC 9 53.38 34.88 184 44.44 525 45.23 42.85 +1.21 +16.8 ProvidBc n Q PVBC 22.90 13.21 3 20.95 21 21.55 20.38 -.05 +17.0 ProvFnH Q PROV .52 2.8 21 20.66 16.81 11 18.65 40 18.84 18.36 +.03 -7.8 ProvidFS N PFS .76f 2.9 19 28.92 18.59 257 25.85 1298 26.10 24.33 +.60 -8.7 PrudntlBcp Q PBIP .12a .7 45 18.22 13.80 17 17.85 47 18.14 17.49 -.08 +4.3 Prudentl N PRU 3.00f 2.8 11 114.55 66.51 1745 106.68 12152 107.54 102.01 +1.24 +2.5 Prudentl18 N PFK .65 2.5 27.22 25.12 2 26.03 13 26.39 25.92 -.03 +2.6 PrudFn 52 N PJH 1.44 5.6 27.31 23.87 18 25.68 103 25.80 25.56 +.06 +3.7 PrudtlF 53 N PRH 1.43 5.5 28.04 24.10 21 25.73 93 25.89 25.57 -.12 +4.0 PruSDHiY N GHY 1.32 8.9 15.52 14.15 185 14.89 710 14.94 14.80 +.02 PruUK pf N PUKp 1.69 6.5 27.98 25.35 6 26.03 42 26.30 26.03 -.14 +2.2 PruUK pfA N PUKpA 1.63 6.3 28.06 25.22 8 25.96 53 26.20 25.92 -.09 +2.6 Prud UK N PUK 1.49e 3.5 44.21 29.14 237 42.36 1323 43.22 41.63 +.09 +6.5 PruShHiY N ISD 1.32 8.6 16.53 14.65 161 15.38 753 15.45 15.25 +.04 -.6 pSivida Q PSDV 4.25 1.50 620 1.72 2592 1.88 1.67 +.02 +.6 PsychmCp Q PMD .60 3.0 23 27.46 10.81 10 20.05 85 20.28 18.25 +.99 -18.8 PSEG N PEG 1.72f 3.9 16 47.37 39.28 2990 44.35 14996 45.57 43.77 -.80 +1.1 PubStrg N PSA 6.80 3.1 27 277.60 200.65 983 218.91 3944 224.90 217.19 -4.00 -2.1 PubSt pfS N PSApS 1.48 5.9 26.15 24.30 58 25.19 124 25.19 25.02 +.09 +2.1 PubSt pfT N PSApT 2.88 11.5 26.48 23.47 41 25.10 144 25.10 24.85 +.18 +3.4 PubSt pfU N PSApU 1.41 5.6 26.95 22.99 12 25.10 44 25.13 24.89 +.12 +6.7 PubSt pfV N PSApV 1.34 5.4 27.25 21.91 27 24.61 131 24.75 24.35 +.19 +8.9 PubSt pfW N PSApW 1.30 5.2 26.64 21.26 38 24.93 122 24.93 24.72 +.04 +7.2 PubSt pfX N PSApX 1.30 5.2 26.84 21.91 6 25.08 37 25.26 24.67 +.25 +8.6 PubSt pfY N PSApY 1.59 6.0 29.23 25.51 30 26.62 94 26.74 26.52 -.04 +1.8 PubSt pfZ N PSApZ 1.50 5.6 29.13 24.75 11 26.74 49 26.74 26.34 +.14 +5.6 PubSt pfE N PSApE 1.23 5.5 22.62 21.28 78 22.49 334 22.49 22.04 +.35 +4.1 PubSt pfD N PSApD 1.24 5.5 25.98 20.61 61 22.76 197 22.76 22.32 +.38 +7.4 PubSt pfC N PSApC 27.00 21.01 20 23.97 123 24.09 23.60 +.36 +9.9 PubSt pfB N PSApB 27.20 22.07 38 24.55 230 24.86 24.55 -.09 +8.5 PubSt pfA N PSApA 1.47 5.7 28.85 23.35 10 25.69 72 25.84 25.57 -.01 +3.5 Pulmatrix Q PULM 6.98 .50 3726 3.49 10934 3.75 3.03 -.05 +491.5sPulseBio n Q PLSE 35.93 4.03 1674 20.41 4976 35.93 20.06 -9.93 +214.0 PulteGrp N PHM .36 1.5 14 24.05 16.60 4372 23.55 17217 23.87 23.13 +.06 +28.1 PumaBiotc Q PBYI 73.27 19.74 579 37.20 2929 39.70 36.25 -2.50 +21.2 PureCycle Q PCYO 5.93 4.29 3 5.55 61 5.55 5.25 +.05 +.9 PureStrg n N PSTG 15.35 9.12 1037 9.83 4951 10.05 9.61 -.07 -13.1 PutHiInSec N PCF .37 4.3 8.79 7.18 35 8.67 146 8.72 8.46 +.08 +5.7 PMMI N PMM .44 6.0 8.15 6.97 67 7.26 490 7.29 7.23 +.04 +2.7 PMIIT N PIM .31 6.7 4.78 4.29 140 4.69 874 4.72 4.63 +.04 +1.7 PMOT N PMO .71 5.9 13.69 11.57 82 12.01 354 12.09 11.92 +.10 +.5 PPrIT N PPT .31 5.9 5.37 4.60 542 5.27 2451 5.31 5.25 +.01 +6.0 PyxisTnkr Q PXS 4.27 1.89 4 2.27 102 2.27 1.92 +.09 -12.5 PzenaInv N PZN .41e 4.2 23 11.85 7.06 63 9.84 210 10.23 9.05 +.51 -11.4 Q2 Hldgs N QTWO 37.58 21.75 184 34.85 1140 36.10 34.55 -.45 +20.8 QAD A Q QADA .29 1.0 31.10 18.35 85 27.85 218 28.00 26.50 +.90 -8.4 QCR Hld Q QCRH .20f .5 19 45.00 22.95 66 42.35 214 43.15 40.70 +.60 -2.2tQEP Res N QEP .08 .6 21.12 11.69 6385 12.71 28813 13.13 11.69 +.59 -31.0 QIAGEN Q QGEN 30.25 19.94 555 28.97 3730 29.18 28.47 +.04 +3.4sQIWI plc Q QIWI 1.16e 6.8 17.40 10.42 518 17.15 1441 17.41 15.90 +.62 +34.3 QTS RltTr N QTS 1.56f 3.2 25 59.41 43.01 386 48.75 2027 49.00 46.83 +.82 -1.8sQorvo Q QRVO 69.71 43.79 1042 68.56 5733 69.71 66.17 +.92 +30.0 QuadGrph N QUAD 1.20 4.8 24 29.50 11.83 385 25.24 2377 25.76 21.33 +1.77 -6.1 QuakerCh N KWR 1.38 1.0 30 139.92 81.12 47 131.66 188 132.59 126.18 +3.64 +2.9 Qualcom Q QCOM 2.12 3.7 16 71.62 49.67 9650 57.34 30695 57.69 56.48 +.42 -12.1 QuaCare N QCP 24.05 11.57 586 18.86 2502 19.00 17.98 +.71 +21.7 QualitySys Q QSII .70 4.6 15.90 10.61 206 15.24 1165 15.36 14.61 +.50 +15.9 Qualstar rs Q QBAK 10.00 2.16 24 5.28 189 6.29 5.00 -.87 +80.8 Qualys Q QLYS 64 39.67 23.77 266 37.90 1233 38.38 35.05 +2.20 +19.7 QuanexBld N NX .16 .8 25 21.90 15.41 127 20.25 576 20.45 19.00 +.85 -.2 QuantaSvc N PWR 24 38.82 21.60 1560 37.11 7557 37.47 35.07 +.98 +6.5 Quantenn n Q QTNA 25.46 13.75 258 20.83 931 21.65 20.15 -.10 +14.9 QntmDSS N QTM 87 1.08 .35 446 .87 2676 .89 .82 +.03 +4.6 QuaInsp n N ISMD 25.49 23.82 4 24.75 34 24.75 23.89 +.58 +1.1 QuaInsLg n N BLES 26.03 25.01 3 25.51 105 25.91 25.20 -.04 +.9 QuanReal n N QXRR 25.07 24.04 4 24.37 5 24.37 24.30 +.33 -2.8tQuanDyn n N XUSA 25.96 24.55 3 25.14 7 25.17 24.55 +.12 +.6 QuanMulT n N QXTR 25.20 24.52 14 24.78 25 24.78 24.55 +.21 -1.1sQuanMulIn n N QXMI 25.45 24.83 6 25.51 7 25.51 25.44 +.21 +1.9 QuanGrw n N QXGG 25.56 24.60 18 25.29 28 25.29 24.81 +.41 +1.3 QstDiag N DGX 1.80 1.8 21 100.00 71.35 742 98.19 3225 99.04 97.49 -.51 +6.8 QuestRes rs Q QRHC 3.88 1.60 20 2.35 153 2.43 2.15 +.20 -4.1 QuickLog h Q QUIK 2.48 .75 709 1.78 4177 2.00 1.76 -.14 +28.1 Quidel Q QDEL 23.94 15.15 96 22.64 620 22.96 21.43 +.80 +5.7 QuinStreet Q QNST 4.32 2.61 84 3.90 531 3.96 3.41 +.39 +3.7 QuinAcq2 n Q QPAC 10.24 9.75 151 9.97 242 10.00 9.96 +.2 QuinAc2 wt Q QPACW .71 .10 152 .50 246 .50 .40 +.05 +150.0 QuintIMS N Q 21 83.04 61.21 948 80.53 5973 80.92 77.16 +2.54 +5.9 Qumu Cp Q QUMU 5.50 1.80 8 2.82 147 2.97 2.65 +.05 +18.5 QuormHl n N QHC 13.52 3.75 609 5.44 4385 7.37 5.12 -1.73 -25.2 Quotinet Q QTNT 12.96 3.75 154 6.99 305 7.10 6.03 +.64 +44.4 QuotientTc N QUOT 14.36 9.45 531 9.55 1648 10.20 9.50 -.50 -11.2 Qwest 54 N CTV 1.72 6.8 27.85 24.11 20 25.37 170 25.72 25.18 +.16 +4.8 Qwest 9-51 N CTW 1.88 7.3 26.68 24.96 19 25.54 91 25.55 25.37 +.11 +2.0 Qwest 4-52 N CTX 1.75 6.9 26.64 24.55 26 25.20 180 25.55 25.08 +.12 +2.0 Qwest 7-52 N CTU 1.75 6.9 27.26 24.48 10 25.31 80 25.62 25.17 +.19 +3.1 Qwest53 N CTY 1.53 6.2 25.97 21.99 38 24.80 240 24.80 24.42 +.32 +9.3 Qwest 25 N CTZ 1.66 6.6 26.84 23.21 25 25.19 203 25.19 24.57 +.19 +7.1 Qwest 56 N CTAA 27.98 24.88 22 26.42 71 26.75 26.06 +.22 +5.0R -:sR1 RCM n Q RCM 3.05 2.58 520 3.09 1656 3.13 2.75 +.26 +14.4 RAIT pfA N RASpA 1.94 9.0 23.07 16.80 8 21.47 38 21.98 20.76 +.50 +5.9 RAIT pfB N RASpB 2.09 9.1 24.10 17.50 3 22.85 16 23.10 22.08 +.35 +7.5 RAIT pfC N RASpC 2.22 9.3 25.21 18.48 3 24.00 8 24.00 23.52 +.31 +6.4 RAIT Fin N RAS .36 11.3 3.91 2.41 1092 3.20 2251 3.21 2.87 +.31 -4.8 RAIT Fn 24 N RFT 1.91 7.9 24.88 19.49 4 24.20 18 24.65 24.20 +.12 +4.2 RAITFn 19 N RFTA 1.78 7.1 25.34 22.65 4 25.14 31 25.22 25.05 +.08 +2.9 RBC Bear Q ROLL 33 99.92 67.99 159 97.09 481 97.93 90.00 +4.94 +4.6 RCI Hosp Q RICK .12 .7 12 18.00 8.50 103 17.32 238 17.50 16.15 +.51 +1.3 RCM Q RCMT 1.00e 34 7.23 4.51 10 4.76 32 4.85 4.66 -.09 -25.2sRELX NV s N RENX .45e 2.4 18.67 14.92 116 18.56 462 18.67 18.42 +.03 +10.7sRELX plc s N RELX .41e 2.1 20.01 16.19 122 19.80 562 20.01 19.57 +.15 +10.2 RF Inds Q RFIL .08 5.2 3.00 1.40 30 1.55 86 1.60 1.50 +.02 -11.4 RGC Res s Q RGCO .14p 27 22.51 14.26 8 22.00 30 22.38 20.10 +1.98 +32.1 RH N RH 29 46.87 24.41 2740 46.26 18591 46.46 35.62 +9.33 +50.7 RLI Corp N RLI .80 1.3 27 71.46 54.27 181 60.02 700 60.36 57.75 +1.54 -4.9 RLJ Ent rs Q RLJE 3.63 1.09 14 2.48 101 2.50 2.25 +.14 +55.0 RLJ LodgT N RLJ 1.32 5.6 9 25.10 18.86 1257 23.51 6305 23.65 21.96 +1.48 -4.0 RMG Net h Q RMGN 1.30 .59 12 .79 68 .84 .72 +.04 +9.9 RMR Gp h Q RMR 1.00 2.0 27 54.95 23.79 29 49.50 150 49.95 47.61 +.35 +25.3 RPC N RES .20 1.1 23.36 13.12 2579 18.31 12626 18.34 16.63 +1.10 -7.6 RPM N RPM 1.20 2.2 40 56.40 46.25 564 55.03 2604 55.28 53.20 +1.00 +2.2 RPX Corp Q RPXC 27 12.67 8.60 345 12.00 1520 12.17 11.88 -.01 +11.1 RSP Perm N RSPP 46.92 27.19 1378 41.43 7747 41.83 37.74 +2.78 -7.1 RTI Surg Q RTIX 4.65 2.50 156 4.00 712 4.10 3.70 +.25 +23.1sRXI Ph wt Q RXIIW .36 .11 38 .22 359 .36 .17 +.04 +10.0 RXI Phr rs Q RXII 3.27 .60 802 .81 7625 1.12 .73 +.09 +13.3 RaPhrm n Q RARX 24.12 12.05 154 21.29 430 22.30 20.37 -.81 +40.2 RadNet Q RDNT 37 7.98 4.66 68 5.90 501 6.00 5.70 +.10 -8.5 RadaElc rs Q RADA 1.78 .53 115 1.12 1177 1.26 1.08 -.07 -3.4 Radcom Q RDCM 72 22.35 11.11 21 21.50 153 22.15 20.46 +.30 +20.8 RadiSys Q RSYS 5.81 3.64 113 4.00 488 4.17 3.81 +.13 -9.7 RadianGrp N RDN .01 .1 14 19.87 9.29 1227 17.96 5573 18.09 17.27 +.22 -.1 RadiantLog N RLGT 5.96 2.45 292 5.00 1294 5.11 4.85 +.01 +28.2 RadLog pfA N RLGTpA 2.44 9.1 27.91 24.00 2 26.75 5 26.99 26.50 +.26 +3.2 RadioOne Q ROIA 3.57 1.25 1 3.20 3 3.20 3.10 +.20 +8.5 RadioOneD Q ROIAK 3.56 1.26 39 3.30 227 3.30 2.90 +.25 +13.8 RadiusHlth Q RDUS 59.88 28.00 418 38.65 2314 39.96 37.20 +.47 +1.6 Radware Q RDWR 16.53 10.02 119 16.16 865 16.24 15.88 +.01 +10.8 RLauren N RL 2.00 2.5 14 114.00 75.62 973 81.62 5047 83.58 78.79 +2.38 -9.6tRamacoRs n Q METC 14.78 8.53 741 9.67 2136 11.07 8.53 +.92 -28.6 Rambus Q RMBS 73 14.50 11.13 567 13.14 1834 13.18 12.68 +.20 -4.6 RamcoG N RPT .88 6.3 10 20.24 13.26 957 14.02 4515 14.09 13.54 +.07 -15.4 RamcG pfD N RPTpD 3.63 6.7 72.57 52.03 0 54.20 23 54.40 53.21 +.05 -11.6 RandCap Q RAND 22 4.70 2.83 19 3.04 50 3.04 2.98 +.01 -3.8tRandLog h Q RLOG 2.95 .51 99 .64 843 .75 .51 +.12 -22.9 Randgold Q GOLD .66f .8 37 126.55 67.54 510 87.28 2614 91.37 85.90 -1.79 +14.3 RandBcp n Q RNDB 16.50 12.11 22 15.50 30 16.00 15.25 -3.8 RangeRs N RRC .08 .3 46.96 26.61 5897 29.10 29542 29.70 27.21 +1.42 -15.3 Rapid7 n Q RPD 19.29 10.63 70 14.98 725 15.17 13.42 +.53 +23.1 RaveRest Q RAVE 5.57 1.66 16 2.22 153 2.25 1.93 +.24 +18.1 RavenInds Q RAVN .52 1.8 53 31.35 14.98 192 29.05 1164 29.85 26.35 -.25 +15.3 RJamesFn N RJF .88f 1.2 20 81.92 44.22 929 76.26 3766 76.76 72.13 +1.80 +10.1 RayAdvM N RYAM .28 2.1 9 17.38 9.28 398 13.45 1491 13.49 12.16 +1.00 -13.0 RayAdv pfA N RYAMpA 2.00 2.0 104.24 94.94 1 102.24 12 102.24 96.00 +5.04 -1.3 Rayonier N RYN 1.00 3.5 51 29.86 24.01 1546 28.34 6127 28.43 27.68 +.45 +6.5 Raytheon N RTN 3.19f 2.1 24 157.59 123.00 1370 152.50 6395 153.43 148.65 +1.48 +7.4 ReadIntlA Q RDI 39 17.18 11.12 31 15.54 112 16.01 14.56 -.41 -6.4 RealGSol rs Q RGSE 511.80 1.21 173 1.38 3784 1.61 1.33 +.02 -80.9 RealIndust Q RELY 9.63 2.55 1048 2.85 2854 3.00 2.65 +.20 -53.3 RealNetwk Q RNWK 5.45 3.97 94 4.84 201 4.93 4.50 +.30 -.4 RealityETF N DIVY .46p 26.95 22.77 3 26.07 32 26.24 25.99 +.05 +3.3 sRltDvcDiv N LEAD 28.25 23.84 2 27.45 25 28.25 27.17 -.13 +6.2 Realogy N RLGY .27p .9 18 37.33 21.43 891 29.79 5702 30.29 28.35 +.30 +15.8 RealPage Q RP 48 37.40 19.54 552 34.90 2085 35.20 33.20 +.05 +16.3 RltyInco N O 2.53f 4.2 30 72.30 52.72 1932 59.53 9031 60.40 58.13 +.28 +3.6 ReataPh n Q RETA 41.60 11.03 66 22.65 435 26.46 21.41 -3.25 +3.8 ReavesUtl N UTG 1.82 5.6 34.41 28.18 88 32.39 342 32.87 32.30 -.29 +5.5 ReconTech Q RCON 2.22 .86 115 1.28 194 1.30 1.21 +.06 -1.5 RecroPhm Q REPH 12.50 5.75 406 8.74 908 8.82 7.62 +.78 +8.4sRedHat N RHT 38 87.91 68.54 2068 86.50 20767 87.91 81.92 +3.54 +24.1 RedLionH N RLH 9.40 6.23 23 7.05 101 7.05 6.70 +.25 -15.6 RedRobin Q RRGB 46 67.05 40.85 210 58.45 1527 58.68 53.90 +3.85 +3.6 RedRkRs n Q RRR .40 1.8 24.67 18.25 1174 22.18 4255 22.91 21.07 +.75 -4.4 RedhillBio Q RDHL 16.54 8.78 49 9.59 330 10.54 9.35 -.88 -8.3 RedwdTr N RWT 1.12 6.7 10 17.05 12.40 337 16.61 1549 16.74 16.20 +.32 +9.2 Reeds N REED 4.97 2.25 60 4.15 161 4.15 3.85 +.20 +1.2 RegalBel N RBC .96 1.3 17 77.20 51.57 183 75.65 961 76.10 71.05 +3.04 +9.2 RegalEnt N RGC .88a 3.9 22 24.79 19.35 1735 22.58 6419 22.81 21.88 +.36 +9.6 RgcyCtrs N REG 2.04f 3.1 24 85.35 61.90 1173 66.39 4807 67.78 65.57 -.72 -3.7 RgcyC pfG N REGpG 1.50 5.9 27.13 23.37 1 25.40 30 25.45 25.24 +.12 +4.8 Regenrn Q REGN 51 452.96 325.35 554 387.51 6514 401.21 371.04 +14.51 +5.6 RegnxBio n Q RGNX 24.55 7.07 442 19.30 1993 20.90 19.23 -.85 +4.0 RegnlMgt N RM 10 27.56 13.11 55 19.43 291 19.58 18.66 +.34 -26.1 RegionsFn N RF .26 1.8 17 16.03 7.53 11512 14.53 68680 14.77 13.61 +.30 +1.2 Regions pfA N RFpA 1.59 6.1 27.23 24.65 19 25.96 70 26.09 25.69 +.19 +3.2 Regns pfB N RFpB 1.59 5.8 30.10 25.16 39 27.51 144 27.86 27.42 -.17 +3.7 Regis Cp N RGS 16.12 10.96 202 11.72 1040 11.90 11.37 -.14 -19.3 RegulusTh Q RGLS 8.90 .94 658 1.65 13876 1.80 1.35 +.25 -26.7 ReinsGrp N RGA 1.64f 1.3 14 132.79 90.17 351 126.98 1722 127.32 122.99 +1.53 +.9 ReinsGp42 N RZA 1.55 5.4 31.23 25.69 15 28.52 114 28.57 28.08 +.37 +5.7 ReinsG56 n N RZB 1.44 5.2 29.52 24.30 10 27.44 92 27.44 27.05 +.15 +4.4 Reis Inc Q REIS .68 3.8 75 26.59 16.90 22 17.90 82 18.75 17.60 -.15 -19.6 RelStlAl N RS 1.80f 2.2 18 88.58 65.10 372 80.02 2464 80.77 76.18 +1.21 +.6 Reliv In rs Q RELV 55.37 3.84 1 5.32 44 5.64 5.02 +.32 +14.7 RELM N RWC .09p 25 5.83 4.26 7 5.00 20 5.10 4.96 -.01 +5.3 RemarkMd Q MARK 5.00 2.86 33 2.96 141 3.08 2.93 -.04 -24.5 RemaxHld N RMAX .72f 1.2 44 63.35 33.92 132 59.45 423 59.95 55.65 +2.70 +6.2sRenaisIPO N IPO .02e .1 23.06 17.93 3 23.12 15 23.12 22.45 +.47 +11.9 RenaisRe N RNR 1.28f .9 14 150.74 107.27 202 144.65 920 146.06 144.36 -1.04 +6.2 RenRe prE N RNRpE 1.34 5.4 27.39 21.96 21 24.71 63 24.74 24.50 +.13 +9.9 RenRe prC N RNRpC 1.52 6.0 26.37 24.45 1 25.51 10 25.67 25.44 +.04 +1.6 Renasant Q RNST .72 1.8 18 44.65 30.21 301 39.69 1016 40.37 37.78 +.63 -6.0 ReneSola rs N SOL 7.30 2.15 31 2.40 253 2.50 2.30 -.02 -25.0 RenewEn Q REGI 8 10.60 7.90 512 10.45 2201 10.50 9.75 +.50 +7.7 RennFund N RCG 1.52 .85 57 1.30 89 1.35 1.20 +.02 +6.6 RennovH wt Q RNVAZ .12 .01 61 .02 248 .03 .01 +.01 -16.7 Rennova rs Q RNVA 34.80 1.41 227 1.81 1231 1.89 1.78 -.04 -27.3 Renren rs N RENN 17.80 7.55 41 7.80 725 7.96 7.65 +.05 -1.9 RentACt Q RCII .32 3.6 11 16.02 7.76 3283 8.87 7713 9.48 8.74 +.07 -20.6 Rentech rs Q RTK 4.15 .42 183 .50 1381 .56 .45 +.03 -79.8 Replgn Q RGEN 35.61 21.11 202 35.20 903 35.57 33.38 +.56 +14.2 ReprosTh Q RPRX 3.48 .81 124 1.20 462 1.27 1.15 +.04 -9.1 RepBncp Q RBCAA .84 2.4 16 40.74 24.54 35 34.39 106 35.72 32.55 +1.01 -13.0 RepFBcp Q FRBK 83 9.15 3.70 183 8.30 816 8.40 7.65 +.35 -.6 RepubSvc N RSG 1.28f 2.0 29 63.84 45.56 875 62.81 5529 63.02 61.91 +.64 +10.1 RschFrnt Q REFR 5.03 1.25 17 1.40 148 1.50 1.39 -.04 -23.1 ResMed N RMD 1.32f 1.8 29 73.46 55.43 519 71.97 2915 72.80 70.90 +.40 +16.0 ResolEn rs N REN 49.14 2.35 509 40.40 3830 40.76 34.85 +3.34 -1.9 ResoluteF N RFP 6.95 3.70 327 5.45 1420 5.60 4.60 +.80 +1.9 Resonant Q RESN 6.76 2.51 127 5.39 320 5.39 4.52 +.68 +6.7sResCap pfA N RSOpA 2.13 8.7 24.80 16.00 1 24.42 13 24.80 24.07 +.25 +.4sResCap pfB N RSOpB 2.06 8.8 23.90 15.90 5 23.46 96 23.90 23.27 +.37 +4.5sResCap pfC N RSOpC 2.16 8.9 24.74 16.51 17 24.39 86 24.74 24.10 +.58 +6.0 ResCap rs N RSO .20 2.0 13.73 7.57 347 9.77 1773 9.96 9.58 +.13 +17.3 ResConn Q RECN .44 2.6 24 19.80 12.30 254 16.75 560 17.10 15.95 +.55 -13.0 RestBrnds N QSR .72f 1.3 37 57.98 37.54 530 55.74 4205 56.50 54.22 +1.16 +17.0 RetailOpp Q ROIC .75f 3.6 42 23.05 18.45 911 21.03 3793 21.22 20.53 -.09 -.5 RetailProp N RPAI .66 4.6 22 17.78 13.88 1349 14.42 6516 14.47 13.97 +.02 -5.9 RetlPr pfA N RPAIpA 1.75 6.9 27.50 22.77 7 25.54 24 25.55 25.08 +.39 +2.2 RetailMNot Q SALE 12.93 6.69 348 8.10 969 8.25 7.80 +.15 -12.9 RetractTc N RVP 2.90 .88 31 1.11 137 1.15 1.08 +19.4 Retrophin Q RTRX 24.57 11.60 328 18.46 1750 18.49 17.27 +1.07 -2.5 RevGp n N REVG .05p 29.29 24.87 1151 27.57 1867 28.05 27.08 -.27 +7.5 RevanceTh Q RVNC 24.30 12.35 106 20.80 889 20.95 19.30 +1.15 +.5 Revlon N REV 22 37.96 27.20 172 27.85 464 28.40 27.65 -.35 -4.5 RevolutL rs Q RVLT 8.15 5.16 20 7.48 316 7.74 7.28 -.26 +36.0 ReWalkRob Q RWLK 10.79 1.85 145 2.10 367 2.25 1.85 +.15 -25.0 RexAmRes N REX 18 102.59 50.20 103 90.49 411 91.37 80.54 +7.77 -8.4 RexEngy Q REXX 1.44 .23 260 .47 2331 .49 .43 +.01 -.2 RexahnPh N RNN .56 .13 4281 .51 20197 .53 .45 +.06 +259.2 RexfordIR N REXR .58f 2.6 42 24.39 17.60 568 22.52 1568 22.59 21.81 +.30 -2.9 RexfdIn pfA N REXRpA 26.19 21.60 11 24.22 31 24.22 23.70 +.59 +7.4 Rexnord N RXN 19 24.55 15.80 709 23.08 4019 23.30 22.02 +.34 +17.8 Rexnrd pfA N RXNpA 56.90 48.52 1 54.61 6 54.93 53.18 +.90 +11.4sReynAm s N RAI 2.04f 3.2 27 63.17 43.38 5409 63.02 26763 63.18 62.52 +.38 +12.5 RiceEngy N RICE 29.36 13.48 6210 23.70 31634 23.92 20.79 +2.44 +11.0 RiceMidstr N RMP 1.00f 4.0 17 26.42 14.21 364 25.22 1665 25.75 24.28 +.30 +2.6tRiceBr wt Q RIBTW .49 .05 0 .18 20 .20 .05 +.03 -27.2 RiceBran Q RIBT 2.19 .74 75 .86 135 .90 .80 +.05 -16.5 RichrdElec Q RELL .24 4.0 7.24 5.08 14 6.02 72 6.19 5.72 +.11 -4.4 RigelPh Q RIGL 4.38 1.93 1347 3.31 7831 3.48 3.07 +.18 +39.1 Rightside Q NAME 12.85 7.17 47 9.92 172 10.05 9.33 +.36 +20.0 RigNet Q RNET 23.90 10.86 58 21.45 228 21.70 19.15 +2.00 -7.3sRingCentrl N RNG 28.18 15.85 787 28.30 2697 28.45 26.15 +1.35 +37.4 RingEngy N REI 14.10 4.81 1228 10.82 2725 11.30 9.27 +1.27 -16.7 RioTinto N RIO 2.27e 5.6 47.11 26.71 2331 40.68 16055 41.50 39.45 -.16 +5.8 RitchieBr N RBA .68 2.1 29 39.96 26.41 336 32.90 1662 33.10 31.90 +.65 -3.2tRiteAid N RAD 39 8.77 4.37 36705 4.25 75912 4.65 4.22 -.32 -48.4 RitterPh n Q RTTR 3.75 1.03 401 1.42 3781 2.03 1.29 -.39 -47.6 RivrnOpp n N RIV 1.68 8.6 20.92 17.88 15 19.62 66 19.73 19.39 +.11 +3.8 Riv/Doubl n N OPP 20.25 18.00 21 18.94 146 18.94 18.60 +.25 +2.7 RivrvwBcp Q RVSB .08 1.1 24 8.16 4.20 18 7.15 146 7.44 6.93 -.11 +2.1tRoadrnTrn N RRTS 10 12.82 6.05 441 6.87 1395 6.93 6.05 +.58 -33.9 RobtHalf N RHI .96f 2.0 18 50.98 34.34 646 48.83 5081 48.94 46.83 +.64 +.1sRocketFuel Q FUEL 5.48 1.70 1169 5.36 8040 5.48 4.51 +.61 +213.5 RockwlAut N ROK 3.04 2.0 25 157.30 107.17 789 155.71 3390 156.70 149.39 +2.46 +15.9 RockColl N COL 1.32 1.4 18 99.85 78.54 1260 97.16 5905 98.97 95.62 +.33 +4.7 RockwllM Q RMTI 10.58 3.55 174 6.26 1426 6.79 5.92 +.21 -4.4 RockyBr Q RCKY .44 3.8 13.95 9.95 58 11.55 87 11.58 10.95 +.45 RkyMChoc Q RMCF .48 4.3 13 12.17 9.50 10 11.28 70 11.49 11.17 -.06 +10.7 RogCm gs N RCI 1.57 16 45.50 37.03 212 44.22 1304 44.43 42.58 +1.43 +14.6 Rogers N ROG 27 90.45 51.98 98 85.87 552 87.51 81.72 +2.39 +11.8 RokBio h rs Q ROKA 16.00 2.95 19 3.56 223 3.89 3.43 +.11 -16.0 Rollins s N ROL .46f 1.2 50 37.29 26.21 498 37.13 1795 37.24 35.51 +1.07 +9.9 Root98 n Q RTNB 11.50 5.31 37 6.41 232 7.52 5.98 +.43 -40.0 Roper N ROP 1.40f .7 31 214.44 159.28 723 206.49 2635 209.08 203.50 -.01 +12.8tRosettG rs Q ROSG 18.60 2.79 77 2.94 698 3.75 2.75 -.28 -41.7 RosettaStn N RST 9.87 6.75 101 9.75 710 9.76 9.56 +.07 +9.4 RossStrs s Q ROST .54 .8 23 69.81 52.00 1579 65.87 9299 66.63 64.76 -.25 +.4 Rowan N RDC .40 2.6 7 21.68 12.00 2717 15.58 12579 15.72 14.12 +1.05 -17.5 RoyalBcPA Q RBPAA 24 4.66 1.95 260 3.90 761 3.99 3.78 +.03 -6.0 RBCda pfS N RYpS 1.38 28.64 24.72 5 25.55 10 25.82 25.55 -.20 +1.4 RBCda pfT N RYpT 1.69 34.50 26.80 1 29.49 3 29.70 28.63 +.24 +6.6 RoyalBk g N RY 3.48f 76.01 55.68 880 72.91 5143 74.24 71.39 +.77 +7.7 RBScotlnd N RBS 7.60 3.91 644 6.07 5462 6.12 5.95 +.10 +9.8 RBSct prF N RBSpF 1.91 7.2 27.53 25.00 9 26.36 44 26.68 26.35 +.01 +2.0 RBSct prH N RBSpH 1.81 7.0 26.19 24.64 11 25.73 55 25.79 25.51 +.21 +1.7 RBSct prL N RBSpL 1.44 5.7 25.85 21.00 42 25.06 153 25.36 25.05 -.23 +5.3 RBSct prS N RBSpS 1.65 6.5 27.32 24.07 111 25.35 189 25.55 25.33 -.15 +1.2sRylCarb N RCL 1.92 2.0 25 101.11 64.95 1374 98.11 6053 101.11 97.33 -.46 +19.6 RoyDShllB N RDS/B 3.76 6.7 85 59.56 47.08 1845 55.83 7182 56.44 55.11 +.54 -3.7 RoyDShllA N RDS/A 3.76 7.1 80 56.39 46.42 1848 52.73 13422 53.33 52.01 +.67 -3.0 RoyGld Q RGLD .96 1.4 87.74 48.70 603 70.05 2820 70.70 67.69 +2.82 +10.6sRoyceGVal N RGT .10e 8.86 7.15 29 8.79 124 8.88 8.67 +.05 +9.4 RoyceMC N RMT .63e 7.5 8.63 6.85 73 8.39 345 8.40 8.06 +.24 +2.8 Royce N RVT 1.20e 8.6 14.50 11.25 205 14.00 850 14.05 13.59 +.24 +4.6tRubiconPrj N RUBI 20.37 5.39 1908 5.89 6024 5.98 5.39 +.31 -20.6 RubicnTc h Q RBCN .96 .46 66 .83 686 .90 .77 +.04 +38.8 RubyTues N RT 5.43 1.69 681 2.81 5135 2.87 2.47 +.36 -13.0 Rudolph N RTEC 24 24.90 12.84 254 22.40 908 22.50 21.65 +.40 -4.1 RushEntA Q RUSHA 33 36.14 16.54 284 33.08 868 33.71 30.74 +1.15 +3.7 RushEntB Q RUSHB 31 33.32 16.47 17 31.18 181 31.42 28.99 +1.82 +1.0sRuthsHosp Q RUTH .36f 1.8 21 20.20 13.74 337 20.05 1128 20.30 19.50 +.25 +9.6 Ryanair Q RYAAY 1.55e 1.9 89.67 66.09 281 82.98 1338 85.06 81.51 -.98 -.3 Ryder N R 1.76 2.3 14 85.42 56.98 280 75.44 2222 76.10 70.89 +3.05 +1.3 RyersonH N RYI 19 19.71 4.86 331 12.60 1735 13.15 10.10 +1.65 -5.6 RymanHP N RHP 3.00 4.9 11 67.97 47.16 405 61.83 1981 62.42 60.25 +.80 -1.9S -:S&P Glbl N SPGI 1.64f 1.3 22 133.08 95.83 1320 130.74 4686 131.52 127.75 +1.05 +21.6 S&T Bcp Q STBA .80f 2.3 17 39.84 23.06 113 34.60 349 34.96 32.40 +.99 -11.4 S&WSeed Q SANW 5.35 4.10 211 4.95 485 5.00 4.35 +.50 +7.6 SAP SE N SAP 1.31e 1.3 98.79 71.39 564 98.17 3158 98.65 96.94 +.28 +13.6 SB FinGp Q SBFG .26 1.6 12 20.75 10.15 11 16.72 107 17.40 16.00 +.10 +4.2sSBA Com Q SBAC 120.04 95.66 1333 120.37 4746 120.51 115.40 +2.08 +16.6tSCANA N SCG 2.45f 3.7 17 76.41 64.20 1396 65.35 7899 67.31 64.20 -1.56 -10.8 SCE TrV n N SCEpK 30.81 24.57 30 27.08 1650 27.17 26.68 +.32 +7.2 SCETr pfF N SCEpF 1.41 5.6 26.61 23.17 14 25.24 59 25.24 24.89 +.14 +8.2 SCE II prG N SCEpG 1.28 5.2 26.63 20.89 11 24.75 63 24.75 24.56 +.13 +11.7 SCE Tr pfH N SCEpH 1.44 5.3 31.75 24.98 6 27.20 29 27.32 26.72 +.22 +6.8 SCETr pfJ N SCEpJ 1.34 5.0 29.90 23.42 6 26.95 167 26.95 26.14 +.60 +9.2 SEI Inv Q SEIC .56f 1.1 25 52.60 41.25 657 50.44 3391 50.98 49.26 +.09 +2.2 SGOCO rs Q SGOC 5.12 2.11 1 2.85 4 2.95 2.85 -24.0 SI Fincl Q SIFI .20f 1.4 15 16.23 12.30 32 14.05 111 14.65 13.50 +.10 -8.8 SJW N SJW .87f 1.8 24 56.93 31.38 77 48.22 244 49.15 47.03 +.68 -13.9 SK Tlcm N SKM 26.07 18.93 414 25.18 3469 25.90 24.95 -.54 +20.5 SLGreen N SLG 3.10f 2.9 16 120.63 93.90 741 106.62 2907 106.86 103.54 +.61 -.9 SL Grn pfI N SLGpI 1.63 6.4 27.53 24.69 17 25.50 202 25.85 25.36 +.01 +2.2 SLM Cp Q SLM 23 12.60 5.56 3511 12.10 20392 12.43 11.32 +.41 +9.8 SLM Cp pfA Q SLMAP 1.74 3.4 51.77 50.00 12 50.70 20 51.40 50.70 -.65 -.7sSLM Cp pfB Q SLMBP 67.00 61.01 15 68.65 151 68.72 64.80 +4.79 +5.3 SM Energy N SM .10 .4 43.09 17.04 2725 24.02 17806 24.20 20.17 +3.21 -30.3 SMTC hg Q SMTX 1.85 1.18 51 1.28 131 1.41 1.25 -.08 -16.3 SORL Q SORL 5 5.05 1.50 2766 3.86 2940 4.25 2.89 +.81 +27.0 SP Plus Q SP 25 38.55 20.41 79 33.75 447 34.15 32.45 -.05 +19.9 SPAR Grp Q SGRP 1.60 .85 1 1.02 6 1.05 .99 +2.0 Spd LgGl n N GLDW 126.71 120.87 4 124.39 7 124.65 123.53 +.75 -.1 SpdrDJIA N DIA 3.98e 1.9 211.59 170.37 4143 206.34 17097 207.26 203.81 +.59 +4.5 SpdrGold N GLD 131.15 107.00 8008 118.72 34377 120.08 118.32 -.14 +8.3 SpdrStxx50 N FEU 1.24e 3.9 32.26 27.43 53 32.13 183 32.25 31.96 +.15 +7.5 SpdrNoANR N NANR 36.49 28.14 26 33.34 142 33.44 32.46 +.50 -.4sSpdrEur50 N HFEZ 1.03e 38.42 29.47 1 38.56 8 38.56 37.77 +.75 +8.0 SpdrLwCbn N LOWC 1.69e 2.1 80.69 66.75 0 80.35 4 80.38 80.20 +.38 +7.5sSpdrEuro50 N FEZ 1.18e 3.2 36.61 28.60 3597 36.35 13595 36.61 36.16 +.20 +8.6 S&PEAsia N GMF 1.22e 1.4 87.01 69.17 12 86.06 54 86.84 85.78 -.38 +14.5 SpdrCdaS N QCAN 1.61e 2.9 56.40 48.72 3 55.02 6 55.24 53.97 +.69 +2.9sSpdrAustS N QAUS 2.47e 4.7 53.10 43.82 1 52.56 12 53.10 51.36 +1.12 +10.7sSpdrEuSmC N SMEZ 1.15e 2.2 51.96 40.77 1 51.81 5 51.96 51.21 +.38 +11.2 S&PChina N GXC 1.30e 1.6 84.29 64.79 52 82.05 200 83.35 81.98 -1.20 +13.9 SpdrEMQu N QEMM 1.31e 2.3 56.73 46.96 3 55.75 36 56.48 55.49 -.26 +11.2 SpdrEafeSt N QEFA 1.62e 2.8 59.99 49.94 9 57.91 59 58.45 57.78 -.09 +7.8 SpdrGblDv N WDIV 3.11e 4.0 65.53 57.39 11 64.61 47 65.09 64.51 -.48 +4.5 SpAcwiIMI N ACIM 1.28e 1.8 75.00 58.04 3 69.33 27 69.58 68.32 +.56 +5.8 S&PEMkts N GMM 1.33e 2.1 65.32 51.61 10 64.16 188 65.14 64.13 -.73 +12.0 SpdrEMDv N EDIV 1.68e 5.7 30.78 24.47 174 29.39 583 30.33 29.39 -1.24 +11.1 SpdrGlbNR N GNR 1.30e 3.1 44.20 33.70 69 42.52 422 42.79 41.71 +.28 +3.5 SpdrSPRus N RBL .67e 3.4 21.24 15.02 7 19.81 35 20.17 19.47 -.12 -2.5 S&PEEuro N GUR 1.09e 3.8 29.33 23.50 10 28.55 65 29.25 28.52 -.35 +2.9 SpdrIUtil N IPU .63e 3.9 17.07 14.20 11 16.11 22 16.12 15.93 +.20 +8.6 SpdrITelec N IST .78e 3.2 26.30 21.86 1 24.09 13 24.31 24.03 -.06 +6.3sSpdrIntTech N IPK .27e .7 39.46 28.78 3 39.05 276 39.46 38.79 +.20 +14.8 SpdrIMatls N IRV .49e 2.2 22.39 16.82 2 21.84 127 21.96 21.48 +.04 +8.3sSpdrIIndus N IPN .54e 1.7 32.49 26.35 32.41 14 32.49 32.37 +.12 +9.8 SpdrIHlthC N IRY .73e 1.6 50.14 41.38 0 46.91 30 47.20 46.75 +.14 +7.8 SpdrIFncl N IPF .63e 3.0 21.25 15.76 8 20.70 11 20.81 20.44 +.23 +6.9 S&PLatAm N GML 1.25e 2.4 52.15 38.81 2 51.04 11 51.52 49.80 +.78 +14.9 SpdrIEngy N IPW .75e 4.1 19.30 15.35 4 18.26 34 18.42 17.88 +.30 -2.4 SpdrICnStp N IPS .78e 1.8 44.98 38.26 2 42.95 14 43.42 42.81 -.15 +8.6 SpdrICnDis N IPD .75e 2.0 38.41 31.52 1 37.96 18 38.34 37.96 -.28 +5.5 SpdrDJ RE N RWO 1.57e 3.3 52.60 44.74 187 47.08 1131 47.20 46.39 +.15 +.5 SpdrEMSmC N EWX 1.17e 2.6 45.83 36.78 106 45.38 231 45.61 45.06 -.19 +14.2sSpdrIntDiv N DWX 2.22e 5.8 38.29 32.42 95 38.08 794 38.29 37.89 +.15 +5.6 SpdrEMdE N GAF 1.96e 3.3 64.31 50.91 0 59.00 4 61.78 59.00 -4.40 +6.1 SpdMS xUS N CWI .81e 2.4 34.42 28.36 130 34.11 1447 34.37 33.97 -.02 +8.3 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 16 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


sSpdrSPGbl N GII 1.37e 2.8 49.75 42.95 11 48.84 85 49.75 48.03 +.49 +8.5 SpdrIntRE N RWX 1.25e 3.3 43.15 35.12 301 37.40 2466 37.47 37.20 +.02 +3.7sSpdrIntlSC N GWX 3.63e 1.6 31.71 27.57 32 31.52 329 31.71 31.32 +.02 +8.7sSpdrWldxUS N GWL .75e 2.7 27.89 23.32 76 27.73 344 27.89 27.60 +.08 +7.9 SP Mid N MDY 2.94e .9 320.48 256.08 996 312.42 5979 313.70 303.85 +4.64 +3.5 S&P500ETF N SPY 4.13e 1.8 240.32 198.65 54882 235.74 299038 236.52 231.61 +1.88 +5.5 SpdrRRtn N RLY .44e 1.8 25.54 22.79 33 24.55 72 24.58 24.17 +.23 +.6 SpdrIncAll N INKM 1.08e 3.4 32.15 30.12 13 31.60 44 31.68 31.47 +.07 +3.7sSpdrGblAll N GAL 1.04e 2.9 34.70 32.47 7 34.54 77 34.70 34.29 +.11 +4.6 SpdrSenLn N SRLN 1.96 4.1 47.65 46.19 146 47.54 1984 47.54 47.37 +.14 +.1sSpdrUShBd N ULST .16 .4 41.27 39.91 6 40.31 89 41.27 40.26 +.04 +.3 SpdrCreEq N SYE 1.63e 1.5 67.96 55.79 2 66.69 4 66.90 65.40 +.54 +6.6 SpdrDblTac N TOTL 1.17e 50.28 48.14 584 48.87 2571 48.98 48.78 +.03 +1.0 SpdrGroEq N SYG 1.85e .9 69.15 55.55 4 68.41 13 68.55 67.08 +.79 +8.2 SpdrBiot s N XBI .44e .6 72.58 48.98 3080 69.34 18200 70.52 67.74 +.62 +17.1 Spdr Div N SDY 3.80e 2.1 89.92 78.68 404 88.14 2135 88.50 87.08 +.33 +3.0 SpdrGbDow N DGT 1.52e 2.0 75.44 60.52 1 74.49 5 74.96 73.71 +.28 +6.6 SpdrHome N XHB .15e .4 37.75 30.92 2380 37.23 7288 37.32 36.24 +.46 +10.0 SpdrS&PBk N KBE .53e 1.2 47.00 28.01 3395 42.98 18009 43.56 40.55 +.97 -1.1 SpdrS&PCM N KCE .91e 1.9 48.73 33.92 5 46.74 22 46.87 45.24 +.93 +4.1 SpdrS&PIns N KIE 1.24e 1.4 89.51 66.23 149 85.94 559 86.29 83.86 +.87 +3.6 SpdrRus1K N ONEK 1.79e 1.6 112.85 93.02 2 110.95 12 111.06 108.82 +1.37 +5.5 SpdrLCapG N SPYG 1.49e 1.3 114.72 96.04 22 113.71 130 114.08 111.63 +.98 +8.0 SpdrLCapV N SPYV 2.39e 2.1 117.09 95.15 13 112.73 49 113.06 110.78 +1.06 +3.0 Spd SP1000 N SMD 3.97e 1.5 93.57 73.61 3 91.09 10 91.60 88.70 +1.01 +2.6 SpdrMCpG N MDYG 2.19e 1.0 142.23 116.33 14 139.12 88 139.66 135.75 +1.53 +4.6 SpdrMCpV N MDYV 3.45e 3.6 99.22 78.07 18 96.34 377 96.71 93.09 +1.90 +2.5 SpdrMSTch s N MTK .41e .6 68.96 50.00 12 68.81 111 68.94 67.08 +.98 +13.7 SpdrSemi s N XSD .16e .3 61.81 40.60 54 60.33 226 60.66 58.85 +.47 +7.5 SpdrSCapG N SLYG 8.53e 1.0 216.39 167.46 26 212.69 180 213.39 205.24 +4.04 +2.2 SpdrSCapV N SLYV 7.98e 1.4 124.31 93.55 46 118.04 225 118.40 113.50 +2.91 -.8 SpdrRus3K N THRK 3.24e 1.8 181.41 146.61 5 176.28 44 176.87 173.16 +2.65 +5.3 SpdrWilRE N RWR 2.90e 3.1 104.34 86.90 283 92.28 1082 92.59 90.08 +.53 -1.1 SpdrShTTr N SST .27 .9 31.39 29.82 114 30.11 254 30.23 30.07 +.01 +.2 SpFcStIn n N XITK 64.85 51.32 3 63.93 24 64.19 62.14 +1.19 +9.4 Spdr1500VT N VLU 4.85e 2.0 96.00 74.73 90.93 3 91.22 89.64 +.73 +3.2 SpdrScored N CBND .99 3.1 33.26 31.20 1 31.92 6 31.98 31.78 -.02 +1.1 SpdrIntCBd N IBND .14e .4 34.03 30.10 42 31.30 139 31.76 31.11 -.05 +1.4 SpdrIGFlt N FLRN .20 .7 31.03 30.31 461 30.73 2860 30.76 30.68 +.04 +.4 SpdrHYMu N HYMB 2.55 4.5 59.93 54.00 73 56.61 301 56.67 56.45 +.18 +1.1 SpdrWFPf N PSK 2.59e 5.9 47.67 41.35 23 43.96 166 44.00 43.75 +.09 +4.8 SpdrBarITB N BWZ .06e 32.32 28.93 21 30.32 128 30.69 29.85 -.12 +3.6 SpdrBarcCv N CWB 3.55e 4.7 48.27 42.29 858 48.10 4778 48.18 47.27 +.57 +5.4 SpdrLTBd N LWC 1.81 4.5 43.81 38.57 37 40.16 104 40.32 39.94 +.11 +.7 SpdrITBd N ITR .92 2.7 35.02 33.64 128 34.13 1280 34.17 34.06 +.04 +.6 SpdrBarMBB N MBG .83 3.2 27.36 25.30 30 26.32 147 26.38 26.18 +.12 +.2 SpdrEMBd N EBND 31.51 25.45 166 28.19 266 28.48 28.19 -.28 +6.1 SpdrShTHiY N SJNK 1.58 5.7 28.17 25.58 3203 27.96 13822 28.02 27.70 +.18 +1.0 SpdrLehHY N JNK 2.30 6.2 37.22 33.81 9665 36.93 73789 37.00 36.37 +.39 +1.3 SpdrSTCpBd N SCPB .40e 1.2 30.84 30.43 432 30.61 1689 30.63 30.56 +.04 +.3 SP IntTip N WIP .41e .3 57.71 51.41 15 54.81 82 55.29 54.16 +5.4 SPLIntTB s N BWX 29.34 25.52 1203 26.64 2133 26.93 26.53 -.06 +2.5 SpdrTrans s N XTN .25e .5 57.43 40.57 15 52.87 103 53.15 50.97 +.97 -2.1 SpdrTelcm N XTL .68e 1.0 74.28 54.61 7 70.96 24 71.17 69.35 +.42 +2.3 SpdrHCSv s N XHS .61e .2 60.15 47.50 4 58.12 35 58.22 56.75 +1.15 +10.8sSpdrHCEq s N XHE 3.22e .1 56.27 42.60 10 56.26 115 56.43 55.14 +.52 +13.1 SpdrSf&Sv s N XSW .19e .3 59.35 46.54 21 58.94 30 59.04 57.41 +.72 +8.1 SpdrMLCrs N CJNK 1.01e 3.8 27.40 25.00 1 26.20 213 26.38 25.86 +.10 +1.2 SpdrAerDf s N XAR 1.70e 1.5 69.94 51.43 61 66.83 423 67.13 64.88 +.81 +5.5 SpdrLehAgB N BNDS 1.48 2.6 59.85 56.38 29 57.12 326 57.31 57.03 +.03 +.4 SpdrBarcTip N IPE .01e 58.93 55.10 51 56.97 438 57.09 56.74 +.11 +1.4 SpdrLehLTT N TLO 1.82 2.6 82.40 67.44 216 69.75 365 70.47 69.47 -.06 +1.2 SpdrLehIntTr N ITE .74 1.2 61.96 59.24 20 59.87 117 59.92 59.69 +.10 +.3 SpdrLe1-3bll N BIL 45.74 45.69 1053 45.71 4684 45.73 45.70 -.01 SpdrS&P RB N KRE .74e 1.4 59.68 35.29 7348 54.61 45419 55.31 51.17 +1.54 -1.7 SpdDorWrF Q DWFI 26.91 23.61 7 25.16 23 25.16 24.90 +.17 +4.0 SpdrRetl s N XRT .49e 1.2 48.26 39.50 3586 42.24 25039 42.66 40.66 +1.14 -4.2 SpdNuBMu s N TFI 50.98 46.81 580 47.92 2059 47.99 47.84 +.11 +1.0 SpdrPhm s N XPH 3.00e .9 47.82 36.58 39 41.83 563 42.83 40.67 +.79 +7.0 SpdrOGEx N XOP .73e 1.9 44.97 29.02 14080 37.44 94460 37.70 34.56 +2.23 -9.6 SpNuBST rs N SHM 49.25 47.67 487 48.44 2827 48.47 48.35 +.06 +1.0 SpdrGendr N SHE 66.98 59.80 4 65.30 21 65.37 64.53 +.40 +4.4 SpdrOGEq N XES .49e 2.4 24.58 16.08 322 20.09 2989 20.15 18.56 +1.13 -10.1 SpdR1KLVF N ONEV 70.10 60.63 2 69.47 5 69.55 68.24 +.70 +5.6 SpdrMetM N XME .49e 1.6 35.21 19.73 3992 30.42 18576 30.60 28.91 +.79 SpdrR1KMo N ONEO 69.45 58.00 5 68.33 20 68.69 66.79 +.99 +5.5 SpdSPXHiD N SPYD 36.75 31.25 44 35.26 253 35.40 34.68 +.33 +1.1 SpdrFosFFr N SPYX 58.18 47.72 13 57.08 34 57.38 56.15 +.43 +6.6 SpdrR1KLV N LGLV 5.40e 2.0 87.22 75.63 4 84.58 36 84.96 84.06 +.15 +5.3 SpdrUsaSt N QUS .54e 69.66 58.79 1 68.24 4 68.36 67.67 +.30 +5.4 Spd SP600 N SLY 3.97e 1.2 127.00 98.18 18 121.30 105 121.98 116.71 +2.63 +.4 SpdrSPXBbk N SPYB .41e 55.67 43.73 1 54.86 3 54.95 54.12 +.86 +4.6 SpdrRus2K N TWOK 1.49e 1.8 83.25 63.77 9 81.55 40 81.67 77.84 +1.96 +2.4 Spdr1-10Tip N TIPX .08e .4 20.25 19.21 444 19.68 474 19.74 19.63 +.04 +1.7 Spdr0-5yTip N SIPE .03e .2 20.01 19.50 1 19.82 17 19.98 19.74 +.10 -.2 SpdrR2KLV N SMLV 2.16e 2.4 96.38 73.31 106 91.55 140 92.14 88.22 +1.96 -2.0 SPI Eng n Q SPI 9.79 1.05 30 1.17 123 1.28 1.07 -.05 -38.1 SPS Cmce Q SPSC 89 74.85 39.01 134 58.49 699 58.68 55.70 +2.01 -16.3 SPX Cp N SPXC 21 28.13 14.00 579 24.25 1321 24.91 22.56 +.90 +2.2 SPX Flow n N FLOW 36.83 22.34 269 34.71 765 34.88 31.63 +2.20 +8.3 SRC Eng N SRCI 10.38 5.34 3729 8.44 12025 8.60 7.39 +.83 -5.3 SS&C Tch s Q SSNC .25 .7 32 37.48 26.15 442 35.40 2971 36.03 34.83 -.21 +23.8 STMicro N STM .40 2.6 45 16.01 5.11 3950 15.46 18135 15.79 15.31 -.42 +36.2 SVB II pf Q SIVBO 1.75 6.7 26.84 25.41 2 26.20 8 26.50 25.68 +.44 +1.7 SVB FnGp Q SIVB 25 198.83 82.90 430 186.09 2543 189.84 170.00 +8.15 +8.4 SabanCap n Q SCAC 14.29 9.82 10.00 34 10.03 10.00 SabanC wt Q SCACW 1.40 .30 5 1.35 5 1.35 1.30 +.09 +42.1 Saban un Q SCACU 11.25 10.02 1 10.57 23 10.63 10.53 -.05 +1.6 SABESP N SBS .39e 3.7 11.22 6.08 2307 10.41 7075 10.53 9.91 +.33 +19.9 SabnR N SBR 1.92e 5.4 17 40.99 28.99 65 35.60 206 35.60 33.50 +1.25 +1.3sSabraHltc Q SBRA 1.68 6.0 13 27.99 18.80 504 27.93 2261 28.01 27.31 +.27 +14.4 SabraH pfA Q SBRAP 1.78 6.9 27.57 23.28 1 25.92 27 26.23 25.56 -.14 +3.1tSabreCorp Q SABR .56f 2.6 18 29.76 20.72 1535 21.19 7922 21.68 20.72 +.28 -15.1sSachemC n N SACH 5.30 4.79 9 5.14 49 5.32 5.13 +.07 +3.2 SAExplr rs Q SAEX 118.80 4.41 256 5.96 494 6.19 5.25 +.60 -18.4sSafeBulk N SB .04 1.8 2.55 .70 1238 2.20 10372 2.55 1.80 +.37 +91.3sSafeBlk pfB N SBpB 2.00 7.4 27.42 21.50 7 26.85 94 27.42 25.55 +.75 +11.2sSafeBlk pfC N SBpC 2.00 10.4 19.69 10.77 5 19.21 48 19.69 17.60 +1.53 +38.6sSafeB pfD N SBpD 2.00 10.5 19.49 10.55 43 18.98 262 19.49 17.22 +1.73 +40.4 SafegdSci N SFE 14.75 10.60 88 12.70 380 12.75 12.00 +.60 -5.6 SaftyInsGr Q SAFT 2.80 4.0 19 75.05 54.43 51 70.10 202 70.45 67.80 +1.50 -4.9sSagaComm N SGA 1.20 2.4 16 51.40 36.70 6 51.05 32 51.40 50.05 +.79 +1.5sSageThera Q SAGE 70.98 26.55 696 71.07 1891 72.06 61.01 +8.58 +39.2 Saia Inc Q SAIA 23 50.80 23.27 157 44.30 712 44.85 41.60 +1.60 +.3 StJoe N JOE 8 21.90 15.88 310 17.05 1402 17.30 16.75 -10.3 Sajan Q SAJA 5.60 3.08 5 3.70 19 3.91 3.36 -.05 -1.3 SalemMda Q SALM .26 3.5 18 8.17 5.00 49 7.45 266 7.75 6.50 +.65 +19.2 Salesforce N CRM 84.48 66.43 3112 82.49 16083 82.93 80.50 +.88 +20.5 SalMidMLP N SMM 1.30 9.7 14.32 7.28 32 13.38 230 13.39 12.64 +.55 -1.5 SalisbryBc Q SAL 1.12 2.9 14 40.95 29.50 8 38.75 14 40.00 37.55 +.20 +3.3tSallyBty N SBH 13 32.66 19.77 1206 20.44 10784 20.61 19.77 +.17 -22.6 SamsO&G s N SSN .97 .50 19 .56 77 .58 .55 -.01 -21.9 SJuanB N SJT .36e 5.0 11 8.00 4.84 175 7.24 891 7.25 6.75 +.51 +9.4 SanchezEn N SN 14.39 4.84 3367 9.54 17733 9.87 8.74 +.47 +5.6 SnchzPP rs N SPP 1.72f 11.0 15.93 9.51 147 15.70 391 15.75 14.25 +1.30 +33.1sSanderFm Q SAFM .96 .9 12 105.35 74.07 260 103.84 2139 105.35 101.61 +3.49 +10.2 SandRidge N SD 26.85 15.75 105 18.49 584 18.68 16.91 +1.24 -21.5 SandRMiss N SDT .29e 20.5 1 3.75 1.20 132 1.40 345 1.48 1.35 +.02 +7.7 SandRMs2 N SDR .56e 38.8 1 2.90 1.31 66 1.44 511 1.49 1.42 +.02 +2.4 SandRdgP N PER .34e 11.9 3 4.00 2.28 520 2.90 997 3.10 2.90 -.10 -1.7 SandstG g N SAND 6.75 3.17 702 4.27 4756 4.47 4.19 -.02 +9.5 SndySpr Q SASR 1.04 2.5 20 44.57 26.38 61 40.99 247 41.55 38.92 +1.14 +2.5sSanfilp Q JBSS 2.00e 25 72.98 40.75 168 73.19 764 73.53 68.36 +3.60 +4.0 SangTher Q SGMO 7.60 2.65 1132 5.20 3504 5.25 4.01 +1.10 +70.5 Sanmina Q SANM 15 41.25 21.05 524 40.60 1909 40.90 38.60 +.90 +10.8sSanofi N SNY 1.58e 3.5 45.95 36.81 1333 45.25 8705 45.95 44.77 +.62 +11.9 Sanofi rt Q GCVRZ .50 .09 230 .45 450 .45 .41 +.01 +18.4 SantCUSA N SC 6 15.47 9.49 1511 13.32 6921 13.59 12.66 +.36 -1.3 SantFn pfA N SANpA 1.70 6.6 26.40 24.55 3 25.88 42 26.06 25.84 +1.9 SantFn pfB N SANpB 1.03 4.2 24.97 19.29 10 24.65 76 24.70 24.33 +.14 +3.6 SantFn pfC N SANpC 1.63 6.3 26.73 24.65 4 25.80 10 25.99 25.63 +.17 +2.8 SantFn pfI N SANpI 1.60 6.3 28.02 21.82 6 25.46 19 25.65 25.42 -.14 +1.7 Sapiens Q SPNS .20e 31 15.98 10.86 49 12.88 161 13.26 12.79 -.19 -10.2 SaratogaI N SAR 1.84f 8.5 23.78 15.84 45 21.68 121 22.60 21.56 -.87 +5.2 SareptaTh Q SRPT 63.73 8.00 1121 29.60 6628 31.54 28.70 -.33 +7.9 Sasol N SSL 1.41e 4.8 33.31 24.85 464 29.40 1670 30.30 27.89 +1.03 +2.8 SaulCntr N BFS 2.04 3.3 20 68.75 50.77 52 61.62 166 62.36 61.16 -7.5 SaulCtr pfC N BFSpC 1.72 6.8 26.99 24.65 4 25.28 11 25.65 25.20 +.22 +.4 ScanSource Q SCSC 16 44.95 29.05 121 39.25 486 39.50 38.40 -.25 -2.7 Schlmbrg N SLB 2.00 2.6 68 87.84 71.69 5689 78.10 29328 78.96 76.14 +1.14 -7.0 Schmitt h Q SMIT 4.49 1.37 27 1.60 46 1.67 1.51 +.06 -1.8 Schnitzer Q SCHN .75 3.6 30.60 14.83 502 20.65 1974 20.90 19.25 +.90 -19.6 Scholastc Q SCHL .60 1.4 29 49.38 35.20 194 42.57 865 43.02 41.49 -.14 -10.4 Schulmn Q SHLM .82 2.6 31 37.70 19.58 525 31.45 1464 32.95 30.20 +.65 -6.0 SchwUSMkt N SCHB .96e 1.7 58.17 47.67 431 57.06 2965 57.24 55.87 +.55 +5.3 SchwUSLgC N SCHX .98e 1.7 57.32 47.19 517 56.27 3494 56.43 55.24 +.45 +5.7 SchwLCGr N SCHG .63e 1.0 61.16 49.78 198 60.48 1492 60.65 59.24 +.60 +8.3 SchwLCVal N SCHV 1.14e 2.3 50.96 42.42 179 49.68 1708 49.88 48.88 +.32 +3.3 SchwMCap N SCHM .59e 1.2 48.24 39.60 180 47.33 1678 47.48 46.09 +.67 +4.8 SchUSSmC N SCHA .76e 1.2 64.46 50.85 340 62.98 3557 63.23 60.73 +1.31 +2.4 SchwEMkt N SCHE .68e 2.8 24.54 19.45 1028 23.97 3950 24.34 23.97 -.32 +11.2 SchEMLgC N FNDE .32e 1.2 27.06 19.43 183 26.43 1163 26.81 26.28 -.25 +10.6sSchIntSmCo N FNDC .41e 1.3 30.86 25.65 107 30.63 611 30.86 30.50 +.03 +7.9sSchIntLgCo N FNDF .47e 1.8 26.92 22.04 253 26.80 1335 26.92 26.55 +.14 +6.8 SchUSSmCo N FNDA .36e 1.0 35.55 27.64 145 34.71 956 34.82 33.50 +.70 +1.8 SchUSLgCo N FNDX .54e 1.6 34.45 28.73 265 33.79 1412 33.91 33.11 +.36 +3.6 SchUSBrd N FNDB .61e 1.8 34.39 28.55 24 33.71 133 33.80 32.78 +.37 +3.6 SchwUSDiv N SCHD 1.13e 2.5 45.38 39.39 441 44.58 3641 44.72 44.11 +.20 +2.3sSchwIntEq N SCHF .84e 2.8 30.06 25.33 1818 29.87 7220 30.06 29.72 +.06 +7.9 SchwAggBd N SCHZ 1.09 2.1 54.10 51.10 398 51.79 2086 51.89 51.70 +.10 +.6 SchwREIT N SCHH .89e 2.2 45.59 38.03 459 40.78 3000 40.89 39.80 +.25 -.6 SchIntUSTr N SCHR .86 1.6 56.23 52.89 90 53.61 740 53.72 53.56 +.05 +.5 SchSTUSTr N SCHO .35 .7 50.99 50.28 219 50.46 1061 50.49 50.42 +.02 +.1 SchUSTips N SCHP 57.48 54.14 136 55.53 892 55.65 55.34 +.13 +1.3sSchwIntSC N SCHC .75e 2.4 31.44 27.20 187 31.33 747 31.44 31.10 +.14 +7.7 Schwab N SCHW .32f .8 31 43.65 23.83 5172 40.81 38916 41.34 37.62 +.79 +3.4 Schwb pfB N SCHWpB 1.50 5.8 27.27 24.77 32 25.78 145 25.84 25.73 -.05 +2.0 Schwb pfC N SCHWpC 1.50 5.6 28.31 24.52 33 26.68 158 26.85 26.32 +.31 +5.6 Schwb pfD N SCHWpD 28.00 24.35 70 26.34 606 26.50 26.07 +.11 +5.4 SchwitMau N SWM 1.68 4.1 13 47.01 30.21 119 41.42 544 42.05 40.54 +.49 -9.0 SciClone lf Q SCLN 19 15.03 8.55 380 9.80 1035 9.90 9.55 +.05 -9.3 SciApplic N SAIC 1.24 1.7 23 89.87 51.26 925 74.40 3848 86.71 72.71 -11.69 -12.3sSciGames Q SGMS 23.20 7.90 1545 23.65 8937 23.95 21.15 +2.00 +68.9sScorpioB19 N SLTB 1.88 7.8 24.67 16.50 25 24.15 79 24.67 23.90 +8.0 ScorpBlk rs N SALT 9.95 2.64 978 9.20 4748 9.70 8.75 -.15 +82.2 ScorpioTk N STNG .04m .9 6.70 3.50 3149 4.44 15468 4.65 4.03 +.26 -2.0 ScorpioT 20 N SBNA 1.69 7.1 24.91 21.67 10 23.80 105 24.45 23.55 -.65 +6.0 ScorpioT17 N SBNB 1.88 7.5 26.00 24.65 3 25.15 139 25.68 25.06 +.08 -.5 Scotts N SMG 2.00 2.1 23 98.82 65.80 265 93.39 1574 93.74 90.99 +.74 -2.3 ScrippsNet Q SNI 1.20f 1.5 16 83.42 58.73 715 78.37 3361 79.00 77.42 -.18 +9.8 ScrippsEW N SSP 1.03e 29 24.15 12.16 322 23.44 1839 23.52 22.34 +.60 +21.3 Scynexis Q SCYX 5.51 1.74 78 2.76 787 2.92 2.69 +.02 -13.5 SeaChange Q SEAC 5.72 2.05 148 2.48 438 2.54 2.21 +.18 +7.8 SeabGld g N SA 15.88 7.35 1140 11.00 5043 12.67 10.70 -1.05 +35.0 SeacstBkg Q SBCF 24 25.13 15.21 387 23.98 1494 24.38 22.37 +1.06 +8.7 SeacorHld N CKH 76.32 45.49 142 69.19 423 69.93 64.09 +3.50 -2.9 SeadrillLtd N SDRL 1 5.21 1.02 12037 1.65 62549 1.67 1.35 +.25 -51.6 Seadrill N SDLP .40 11.1 6.45 2.85 621 3.60 1868 3.71 3.24 +.21 -14.3 SeagateT Q STX 2.52 5.5 12 49.79 18.42 3314 45.93 18442 47.39 44.28 +.69 +20.3 SealAir N SEE .64 1.5 21 52.83 42.01 2179 43.58 15166 44.25 42.54 -1.09 -3.9tSeanrgM rs Q SHIP 8.65 .73 154 .82 1430 .88 .73 +.05 -28.7tSeanrgy wtA Q SHIPW .35 .16 46 .16 157 .20 .16 -.02 -52.9 SearsCda g Q SRSC 3.92 1.20 22 1.35 97 1.45 1.25 +.05 -20.6 SearsHldgs Q SHLD 19.12 5.50 2035 11.49 16633 12.67 8.39 +2.99 +23.7 SearsH wt Q SHLDW 6.32 .51 5 2.95 169 3.49 2.36 +.54 -16.9 SearsH&O Q SHOS 7.25 3.05 79 3.90 317 3.95 3.30 +.55 -17.0 Seaspan N SSW 1.50 21.6 11 18.37 6.05 1096 6.93 5214 6.98 6.05 +.68 -24.2 Seaspn pfE N SSWpE 2.06 9.2 26.50 17.72 12 22.40 111 22.44 21.20 +1.07 +9.3 Seaspan 19 N SSWN 1.59 6.3 26.46 23.50 29 25.10 203 25.20 24.92 +.05 -.2 Seaspn pfD N SSWpD 1.99 9.0 26.90 16.19 12 22.21 88 22.24 20.92 +1.09 +9.1 Seaspn pfH N SSWpH 25.75 17.50 19 21.35 119 21.49 20.90 +.49 +9.7 SeaSpine n Q SPNE 15.66 6.31 46 7.85 185 7.90 7.10 +.53 -.6 SeattGen Q SGEN 75.36 32.40 383 62.86 2425 65.44 62.25 -.83 +19.1 SeaWorld N SEAS .40m 2.2 21.85 11.77 672 18.27 4787 18.43 17.83 +.14 -3.5 SecndSight Q EYES 6.05 1.06 816 1.21 4602 1.41 1.21 -.03 -38.6stScndSght wt Q EYESW .59 .27 31 .37 170 .59 .27 -7.5tSecWkA A n Q SCWX 16.23 9.47 149 9.50 1024 11.58 9.31 -2.06 -10.3 SecNtl lf Q SNFCA .34t 8 7.62 4.05 45 6.80 84 7.20 6.80 -.20 +9.9 SelectBc lf Q SLCT 19 11.22 7.78 10.90 18 11.10 10.86 -.01 +10.7 SelCmfrt Q SCSS 22 28.34 17.95 763 24.79 4264 24.89 23.14 +1.27 +9.6 SelIncREIT Q SIR 2.04 7.9 10 27.97 21.52 371 25.79 1139 25.95 25.12 +.33 +2.3 SelMedHld N SEM 17 15.15 10.08 613 13.35 3087 13.60 12.40 +.85 +.8 SelectaB n Q SELB 28.00 10.26 73 14.32 438 14.99 11.50 +2.28 -16.5 SelectvIns Q SIGI .64 1.4 17 49.05 33.60 328 47.15 1306 47.30 46.30 +.35 +9.5 SelctIns 43 N SGZA 1.47 5.9 26.82 23.07 9 25.09 48 25.42 24.99 -.11 +5.0 SemGroup N SEMG 1.80 5.0 43.20 20.06 606 36.00 3885 36.10 32.50 +2.90 -13.8 SemiMfg N SMI 15 7.74 3.84 40 6.28 933 6.63 6.26 -.29 -17.6 SmLEDS rs Q LEDS 11.35 1.36 57 3.18 183 3.49 2.93 +.16 -9.4 SempraEn N SRE 3.29f 3.0 23 114.66 92.95 1241 110.50 4496 113.15 110.09 -1.97 +9.8 Semtech Q SMTC 41 37.35 20.09 392 33.80 1797 34.53 33.40 -.55 +7.1 SenecaA Q SENEA 13 42.65 27.03 35 36.10 149 36.65 34.55 +1.50 -9.9 SenesTc n Q SNES 10.69 7.05 73 7.91 116 8.91 7.89 -.37 -2.9 SenHous Q SNH 1.56 7.7 12 23.85 16.52 1659 20.25 8731 20.49 20.07 +.14 +7.0 SenHous 42 Q SNHNI 1.41 5.6 28.66 21.74 10 25.27 98 25.27 24.12 +.88 +8.4 SenHous 46 Q SNHNL 1.56 6.0 26.92 23.35 58 25.80 142 25.98 25.48 +.16 +5.4 Senomyx Q SNMX 4.85 .78 178 .99 577 1.02 .97 -.01 +3.2 SensataT N ST 18 45.30 32.07 1775 43.67 5412 44.22 41.01 +1.46 +12.1 Sensient N SXT 1.20 1.5 25 83.38 62.70 177 79.26 687 80.06 77.64 -.69 +.9 SensusHlt n Q SRTS 6.69 3.61 3 4.39 25 4.50 4.30 -.11 -16.4 SequansC N SQNS 3.02 1.60 201 2.75 787 2.82 2.58 +.10 +47.1 SeqentialB Q SQBG 49 9.14 3.30 303 3.89 1258 3.99 3.43 +.41 -16.9 SeresTh n Q MCRB 35.98 8.05 127 11.27 732 11.70 10.62 +.44 +13.8 Seritage n N SRG 1.00 2.3 57.31 39.60 579 43.15 2186 43.86 42.04 -.11 +1.0 ServiceCp N SCI .52 1.7 25 32.21 24.32 667 30.88 4609 30.98 30.09 +.54 +8.7sServiceMst N SERV 30 41.71 32.41 467 41.75 3890 41.81 39.38 +2.07 +10.8 ServcNow N NOW 94.72 61.43 898 87.47 4956 88.00 83.42 +2.66 +17.7 SvcSource Q SREV 6.25 3.52 188 3.88 749 3.90 3.61 +.19 -31.7 ServiFst s Q SFBS .20f .5 25 42.66 20.45 255 36.38 1225 36.63 34.06 +.77 -2.8 Servotr N SVT .30e 2.7 13.15 7.35 11.11 7 11.21 10.88 -.04 +10.3 Sevcon Q SEV 17.54 7.69 62 14.60 135 15.21 12.00 +2.11 +71.0 SevernBc Q SVBI 33 8.08 5.05 4 7.20 25 7.29 7.05 +.05 -8.9 ShakeShk n N SHAK 42.94 30.36 281 33.40 1663 33.77 31.94 +1.06 -6.7 Sharps Q SMED 6.30 3.32 9 4.76 43 4.85 4.44 -.04 +24.3 SharpSprg Q SHSP 4 6.30 3.06 3 4.61 41 4.68 4.37 +.16 -12.6 ShawCm g N SJR 1.18 21.84 17.92 256 20.72 2031 20.84 20.27 +.31 +3.3 ShellMidst N SHLX 1.11f 3.4 26 38.49 25.42 237 32.23 917 32.48 30.96 +.76 +10.8 ShndTele s Q SHEN .25f .9 42.66 22.05 179 28.05 792 29.13 27.45 -.80 +2.7 Sherwin N SHW 3.40f 1.1 25 316.66 239.48 274 310.19 2206 312.17 306.16 +.74 +15.4 Shiloh Q SHLO 39 16.69 4.61 127 13.63 425 13.99 12.61 +.22 +97.3 Shineco n Q TYHT 34.88 3.02 38 4.66 530 5.29 3.65 +.78 +11.0 ShinhanFn N SHG 43.98 30.57 106 41.79 390 43.31 41.72 -1.78 +11.0 ShipFin N SFL 1.80 12.2 9 16.28 12.07 703 14.70 4543 14.85 14.15 +.40 -1.0 Shire Q SHPG .91e .5 209.22 161.09 1122 174.23 4302 178.60 174.18 -1.00 +2.3 ShoeCarnvl Q SCVL .28 1.1 18 31.79 21.16 163 24.57 823 25.34 23.60 +.63 -8.9sShopify n N SHOP 73.00 24.96 2644 68.09 10649 73.00 67.05 -.89 +58.8 ShoreBcsh Q SHBI .20 1.2 22 17.92 10.23 22 16.71 187 16.82 15.50 +.85 +9.6 ShoreTel Q SHOR 8.56 5.55 472 6.15 2335 6.28 5.70 +.35 -14.0 Shutterfly Q SFLY 54.60 41.91 385 48.29 1547 48.40 45.87 +1.55 -3.8 Shutterstk N SSTK 53 65.16 36.01 361 41.35 1785 41.85 40.41 +.35 -13.0 SibanyeG N SBGL .40e 4.5 20.97 6.16 2380 8.81 10342 9.59 8.55 +24.8 SiderurNac N SID .14e 4.8 4.24 1.73 3219 2.92 12947 3.22 2.83 -.21 -9.6sSiebertFn Q SIEB .10a 2.8 3.75 .86 9 3.61 82 3.77 3.00 +.53 +21.1 Sientra Q SIEN 10.37 5.60 94 8.42 801 8.62 8.10 +.02 -1.2 SierraBc Q BSRR .56f 2.0 21 29.50 15.61 65 27.43 235 27.66 25.06 +1.13 +3.2 SierOnc g n Q SRRA 7.22 1.31 265 1.53 1578 1.58 1.43 +.08 +2.7 SierraWr Q SWIR 40 30.60 12.30 322 26.55 2928 28.65 25.95 -3.15 +69.1 Sifco N SIF 11.75 6.25 4 8.10 36 8.68 8.10 -.25 +5.9 SifyTech Q SIFY .01e 1.6 1.45 .71 16 .90 149 .93 .87 -.01 +23.3 SigmaDsg Q SIGM 8.60 5.20 582 6.25 2968 6.35 5.53 +.30 +4.2 SigmaL wt Q SGLBW 1.50 .55 0 1.00 42 1.10 .92 -.04 +41.8tSigmaLb n Q SGLB 4.00 2.97 17 3.11 235 3.90 2.97 -.24 -15.7 Sigmatr Q SGMA 10 6.81 4.01 23 5.12 50 5.20 4.87 +.28 +8.2 SignatBk Q SBNY 20 164.23 113.53 394 148.39 2167 151.74 138.70 +3.65 -1.2 SignetJwlrs N SIG 1.04 1.5 9 124.09 62.10 1642 69.27 6745 71.80 67.48 +1.00 -26.5 SilganHldg Q SLGN .72f 1.2 22 61.77 47.16 284 59.36 1114 59.75 58.84 -.28 +16.0sSilcLtd Q SILC 1.00 2.0 27 48.24 25.48 84 49.67 236 50.00 46.09 +2.52 +20.9 SilcnLab Q SLAB 35 75.60 42.63 332 73.55 1385 74.20 71.31 +.70 +13.2 SilicnMotn Q SIMO .80f 1.7 14 56.25 35.53 631 46.75 2736 47.33 44.10 +2.00 +10.1 Slcnware Q SPIL .58e 7.2 18 8.36 6.60 181 8.09 1061 8.19 8.04 +.05 +10.8 SilvBayRT N SBY .56 2.4 51 21.85 13.95 364 21.47 1435 21.73 21.40 -.02 +25.3sSlvrRun un Q SRUNU 10.53 10.20 33 10.43 3315 10.53 10.35 +.07 +.7 SilvrSpNet N SSNI 15.40 10.18 216 11.29 1390 11.49 10.41 +.73 -15.2 SilvStd g Q SSRI 15 15.84 5.26 1442 10.61 6472 10.89 10.31 +.10 +18.9 SilvWhtn g N SLW .28e 26 31.35 15.70 4080 20.84 20673 21.25 20.20 +.30 +7.9 Silvercrest Q SAMG .48 3.6 20 14.50 11.07 21 13.30 51 13.63 13.00 -.20 +1.1 SimmnsFst Q SFNC 1.00 1.8 17 67.00 42.02 166 55.15 570 56.40 52.90 +.65 -11.3 SimonProp N SPG 7.00f 4.1 21 229.10 163.55 2008 172.03 9047 172.49 165.25 +4.08 -3.2 Simon pfJ N SPGpJ 4.19 6.3 81.50 65.00 2 66.44 13 66.44 65.16 +.42 -1.3 SimpsnM N SSD .72 1.7 26 48.41 36.99 242 43.09 1184 43.31 41.06 +1.15 -1.1sSimulations Q SLP .20 1.7 38 11.45 6.74 103 11.75 305 11.75 10.70 +.80 +21.8 Sina Q SINA 43 85.24 44.57 372 72.12 3310 74.10 71.65 -.95 +18.6 Sinclair Q SBGI .72 1.8 21 43.05 24.15 1630 40.50 5984 41.20 39.05 +.95 +21.4 SinoGlobl Q SINO 14.20 .50 526 2.75 2180 2.82 2.52 +.16 -11.3 SinopcShg N SHI 64.80 42.64 21 55.76 93 57.19 55.51 -1.41 +3.0 Sinovac h Q SVA 6.45 5.25 16 5.73 73 5.84 5.70 -.03 -2.9 SiriusXM Q SIRI .01p 40 5.53 3.74 13150 5.15 89261 5.22 5.04 +.05 +15.7sSiteone n N SITE 47.59 25.49 368 48.41 1223 48.68 45.70 +1.56 +39.4 SitoMobl rs Q SITO 6.08 1.71 78 2.57 886 2.94 2.25 +.26 -30.4 SixFlags N SIX 2.56f 4.3 33 62.69 47.61 679 59.49 2681 59.82 57.68 +.88 -.8 Skechers s N SKX 17 34.20 18.81 2998 27.45 16551 30.00 27.27 -1.42 +11.7 SkySolar Q SKYS 6.52 1.12 31 2.04 436 2.25 1.84 +.09 -8.5 SkyWest Q SKYW .32f .9 39.60 18.46 624 34.25 1782 35.15 33.65 -1.17 -6.0 Skyline N SKY 17.35 7.00 126 9.42 553 9.55 8.62 +.54 -39.0 SkylinMd rs Q SKLN 7.25 1.52 260 2.10 1049 2.20 2.00 +.06 -25.0 SkyPFtJc lf Q SPU 3 20.95 1.62 27 5.95 200 6.40 5.76 +.17 -9.8 SkywksSol Q SWKS 1.12 1.1 19 99.38 57.11 1037 97.98 5676 98.70 95.33 +.68 +31.2 Smart&Fnl N SFS 28 16.68 10.65 383 12.10 1755 12.45 11.50 +.45 -14.2 SmartFn rs Q SMBK 23.20 14.21 7 21.04 99 21.19 20.10 +.54 +13.4 SmartSnd n Q SND 21.99 10.30 359 16.25 2307 16.81 14.21 +1.22 -1.8 Smith&N N SNN .61e 2.0 54 35.38 26.97 361 30.93 1973 31.80 30.73 -.16 +2.8 SmithAO s N AOS .56f 1.1 29 52.56 37.74 746 51.16 3614 51.66 50.30 -.07 +8.0 SmthMc rs Q SMSI 3.20 .80 61 .93 173 1.01 .88 +.05 -40.8 Smucker N SJM 3.00f 2.3 16 157.31 122.05 754 131.08 7039 133.53 131.05 -1.98 +2.4 SnapInc A n N SNAP 29.44 18.90 14888 22.53 155319 24.40 21.33 -.21 -8.0 SnapOn N SNA 2.84f 1.7 18 181.73 145.17 543 168.67 2001 169.36 162.24 +3.15 -1.5 SnydLance Q LNCE .64 1.6 72 40.69 28.92 303 40.31 1250 40.56 39.45 +.46 +5.1tSocilRltyA n Q SRAX 8.95 1.58 33 2.29 385 2.88 1.58 +.29 -62.7 SocQ&M N SQM .99e 2.9 34.84 19.46 515 34.37 2723 34.67 32.66 +.78 +20.0 SocketM n Q SCKT 4.90 2.39 23 4.29 53 4.45 4.15 -.11 +11.7 SodaStrm Q SODA 24 51.25 13.29 315 48.43 935 48.96 45.60 +1.59 +22.7 h Q SOHU 50.30 32.60 277 39.33 779 41.20 39.17 -1.04 +16.1sSolarCap Q SLRC 1.60 7.1 10 22.54 16.87 258 22.61 815 22.70 21.58 +.79 +8.6 SolarCap 42 N SLRA 1.69 6.7 26.37 23.77 6 25.31 15 25.73 25.15 -.08 +.5 SolarSCap Q SUNS 1.41 7.8 10 18.46 14.02 80 17.98 261 17.98 17.52 +.28 +9.4 SolarEdg n Q SEDG 11 28.80 11.35 642 15.60 7080 16.00 13.90 +1.90 +25.8sSolignx wt Q SNGXW .89 .26 0 .87 7 .89 .68 +.22 +107.1sSoligenix n Q SNGX 3.18 1.90 66 2.70 789 3.18 2.28 +.34 +20.0 Solitario N XPL .95 .43 27 .82 308 .88 .82 -.06 +32.3 SonicAut N SAH .20 1.0 10 27.45 16.08 255 20.05 1348 20.65 19.70 -.15 -12.4 SonicCorp Q SONC .56 2.2 21 36.34 21.12 818 25.36 12472 26.72 22.64 +2.36 -4.3 SonicFdry Q SOFO 8.51 3.75 22 4.98 28 5.12 4.75 +.18 +.6 SonocoP N SON 1.48 2.8 22 55.58 45.02 956 52.92 2138 53.89 52.50 -.40 +.4sSonomaPh Q SNOA 8.25 3.57 69 7.17 525 8.25 7.05 +.08 +42.3sSonoma wt Q SNOAW .79 .14 16 .55 292 .79 .51 +.00 +45.3 Sonus rs Q SONS 10.00 5.51 381 6.59 1515 6.66 6.40 +.04 +4.6 SonyCp N SNE 34.17 23.62 644 33.73 3188 33.78 32.15 +1.52 +20.3 Sophiris Q SPHS 8.55 .80 220 2.83 2223 2.95 2.65 -.04 +1.1 SorrentoTh Q SRNE 8.35 3.90 268 3.95 711 4.20 3.90 -.15 -19.4 Sothebys N BID .40 .9 26 49.87 24.96 487 45.48 2679 46.23 44.91 -1.03 +14.1 SotherlyH Q SOHO .40f 6.3 40 7.66 4.65 43 6.40 190 6.73 6.37 -.12 -5.7 SothrlyH pf Q SOHOB 2.00 7.7 26.90 23.76 0 25.99 5 26.42 25.20 +.62 +2.0 SouMoBc s Q SMBC .40 1.1 18 37.00 21.31 30 35.52 169 36.00 32.47 +2.48 +.4sSoundFin Q SFBC .40f 1.3 18 32.75 22.51 0 31.74 13 32.75 29.75 +1.59 +13.4 SourcC N SOR 1.40a 3.7 39.23 35.10 19 37.56 105 37.62 37.02 +.22 +4.5sSoJerInd s N SJI 1.09f 3.1 31 35.97 26.29 279 35.65 1666 35.97 35.15 +.20 +5.8 SouthState Q SSB 1.32f 1.5 20 93.40 61.83 112 89.35 563 90.80 83.55 +3.05 +2.2 SthcrssEn N SXE 3.70 1.02 114 3.48 811 3.58 3.10 +.33 +157.8 SCEd pfB N SCEpB 1.02 4.2 25.78 21.64 1 24.14 6 24.99 23.83 -.14 +8.3 SCEd pfC N SCEpC 1.06 4.4 25.91 22.00 0 24.01 3 24.05 23.99 -.01 +1.9 SCEd pfD N SCEpD 1.08 4.4 26.85 22.40 6 24.74 8 25.00 24.50 +.23 +1.7 SCEd pfE N SCEpE 1.20 4.8 27.00 22.52 0 24.88 5 25.30 24.88 -.09 -1.1 SouthnCo N SO 2.24 4.5 18 54.64 46.20 5650 49.78 28262 50.80 49.31 -.64 +1.2 SouthCo 75 N SOJA 1.56 5.9 28.93 25.00 93 26.40 446 26.42 26.25 +.05 +1.1 SouthCo ef N SOJB 25.32 21.28 96 23.95 735 24.40 23.67 -.12 +9.8 SthnCopper N SCCO .23e .6 36 39.50 24.90 866 35.89 5343 36.36 34.78 -.66 +12.4 SthnFstBsh Q SFST 17 38.55 22.30 9 32.65 69 33.40 31.70 +.35 -9.3 SoNatBcVa Q SONA .32 1.9 20 17.50 11.60 78 16.93 357 17.20 16.30 +.40 +3.6 SsdeBTX Q SBSI 1.00 3.0 18 38.99 23.46 135 33.57 531 34.00 31.20 +1.30 -10.9 SwstAirl N LUV .40 .7 15 59.68 35.42 3073 53.76 21247 54.54 51.70 +1.15 +7.9 SwstBc Q OKSB .32 1.2 28 29.70 14.46 24 26.15 94 26.60 25.20 +.30 -9.8 SwtGas N SWX 1.98f 2.4 26 86.65 62.75 313 82.91 1320 84.79 82.55 -.43 +8.2 SwGA Fn N SGB .44 2.0 17 25.00 14.00 1 22.44 10 22.75 21.90 +.29 +12.3 SwstnEngy N SWN 15.59 7.20 18334 8.17 77863 8.39 7.36 +.61 -24.5 SwEn dpfB N SWNC 3.13 15.8 36.14 18.56 28 19.78 682 20.12 18.91 +.55 -22.3 SpanAm Q SPAN .64 2.9 15 21.98 16.92 21.70 12 21.93 20.97 +.30 +19.0 SparkEngy Q SPKE 1.45 4.5 34 35.63 17.70 90 31.95 797 33.65 29.75 +2.15 +5.4sSparkEn pf Q SPKEP 2.19 8.5 26.07 25.20 24 25.88 169 26.07 25.63 +.20 +1.5 SparkNet N LOV 2.48 .83 18 1.03 205 1.05 .90 +.14 +22.6 SparkTh n Q ONCE 65.99 28.38 156 53.34 955 54.55 51.50 +.37 +6.9 SpartnMot Q SPAR .10 1.3 30 10.50 3.92 201 8.00 936 8.05 7.25 +.65 -13.5 SprtnNash Q SPTN .66f 1.9 19 40.38 25.29 284 34.99 1183 35.42 33.35 +1.23 -11.5 Sparton N SPA 18 26.43 17.52 72 20.99 395 21.84 20.30 -.24 -12.0 SpdDbShDu N STOT 50.59 49.24 15 49.67 22 49.71 49.51 +.04 +.3 SpdDbEMk N EMTL 52.84 48.43 0 49.52 6 49.89 49.38 +.10 +1.4 SpecOpps N SPE 1.19e 2.4 15.13 12.97 18 14.61 127 14.65 14.34 +.13 +7.0 SpectraEP N SEP 2.76f 6.3 15 50.43 40.19 347 43.66 1402 43.71 41.90 +1.38 -4.8sSpectranet Q SPNC 29.15 13.81 325 29.13 1049 29.25 27.25 +1.18 +18.9 SpectrmB N SPB 1.68f 1.2 31 143.20 106.91 361 139.01 1689 141.61 138.76 -1.56 +13.6 SpectPh Q SPPI 7.74 3.21 560 6.50 2806 6.75 6.36 -.11 +46.7 SpeedM N TRK .60 3.2 22 22.29 16.62 112 18.84 257 19.51 18.84 -.27 -13.1 Spher3D gh Q ANY 1.43 .18 6048 .22 22754 .28 .20 -.01 -28.0 Spherix rs Q SPEX 4.69 .83 611 1.24 887 1.35 1.05 +.18 +19.2 Spire N SR 2.10 3.1 20 71.21 59.54 185 67.50 1017 67.85 66.30 +.40 +4.6 SpiritAero N SPR .10 13 62.90 41.27 649 57.92 3088 59.22 55.49 +1.45 -.7 SpiritAir Q SAVE 14 60.40 37.17 908 53.07 2995 53.31 49.55 +2.37 -8.3tSpiritRltC N SRC .72 7.1 12 13.97 9.83 4391 10.13 28312 10.29 9.83 +.14 -6.7 Splunk Q SPLK 66.46 45.07 771 62.29 4841 63.52 59.78 +1.39 +21.8 SpokHldgs Q SPOK .50a 2.6 28 22.60 16.04 156 19.00 566 19.18 18.05 +.75 -8.4 SportsWhs Q SPWH 7 12.80 4.14 598 4.78 4281 4.87 4.29 +.14 -49.1 SpragueRs N SRLP 2.31f 8.5 69 30.35 18.15 12 27.10 73 27.40 26.65 -.05 -3.6 SprBkPh n Q SBPH 13.25 6.31 5 8.90 44 10.11 8.90 -.53 +11.4 Sprint N S 9.65 3.30 11281 8.68 54504 8.72 8.21 +.18 +3.1 SprottSilv N PSLV 8.01 5.90 317 6.90 1847 6.93 6.82 +.17 +13.5 SprottFoc Q FUND .40e 5.4 7.71 5.92 33 7.43 193 7.43 7.28 +.08 +7.1 SprottGold N PHYS 11.43 9.19 250 10.22 2036 10.38 10.17 -.05 +8.8 SprottPPP N SPPP 8.21 6.16 28 7.75 203 7.91 7.74 -.14 +12.3 Sprouts Q SFM 26 29.37 17.38 2398 23.12 13282 23.67 22.25 +.54 +22.2 Square n N SQ 18.17 8.42 2283 17.28 26305 17.59 16.22 +.69 +26.8 StaarSur Q STAA 11.50 4.98 70 9.80 259 10.00 9.45 +.15 -9.7 Staff360 rs Q STAF 4.76 .45 134 .77 5401 .98 .72 +.04 -1.2 STAG Indl N STAG 1.39 5.6 36 26.24 19.42 910 25.02 4343 25.09 24.51 +.10 +4.8 STAG pfB N STAGpB 1.66 6.6 26.70 24.55 5 25.27 11 25.56 25.17 +.11 +1.3 STAG pfC N STAGpC 28.14 24.95 4 25.99 93 26.20 25.80 +.01 +1.3 StageStrs N SSI .60 23.2 7.94 1.80 1281 2.59 5585 2.60 1.97 +.61 -40.7 Q STMP 15 136.00 68.82 419 118.35 1976 118.75 112.50 +1.35 +3.2 SP Matls N XLB .98e 1.9 53.44 43.97 3611 52.41 17792 52.70 51.04 +.75 +5.5 SP HlthC N XLV 1.01e 1.4 76.75 65.96 5825 74.36 31076 74.74 73.62 +.07 +7.9 SP CnSt N XLP 1.28e 2.3 56.02 49.98 4666 54.58 29183 54.92 54.41 -.12 +5.6sSP Consum N XLY 1.12e 1.3 87.95 74.18 2363 87.95 18358 88.17 85.71 +1.39 +8.0 SP Engy N XLE 2.04e 2.9 78.45 59.94 18314 69.90 89096 70.77 67.86 +1.34 -7.2 SPDR Fncl N XLF .46e 1.9 25.30 17.31 69020 23.73 406177 23.99 22.98 +.19 +2.1 SP Inds N XLI 1.12e 1.7 67.19 52.78 7566 65.06 48574 65.41 63.55 +.53 +4.6 SP Tech N XLK .78e 1.5 53.66 41.26 6010 53.31 34028 53.49 52.33 +.47 +10.2 SpdrRESel N XLRE 34.82 29.07 2067 31.60 11413 31.70 30.94 +.25 +2.8 SP Util N XLU 1.55e 3.0 53.02 45.33 9785 51.31 53515 52.21 50.97 -.58 +5.6 StdMotor N SMP .76f 1.5 19 55.37 32.66 72 49.14 341 49.39 47.61 +.97 -7.7 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 17 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


sStandex N SXI .64 .6 22 100.05 74.35 57 100.15 227 101.24 92.20 +6.30 +14.0 StanBlkDk N SWK 2.32 1.7 21 136.90 103.86 735 132.87 3165 133.31 128.08 +2.07 +15.9 StanB&D 52 N SWJ 1.44 5.7 26.96 23.95 59 25.25 238 25.26 25.06 +.11 +3.8 StanlFrn Q STLY 1.25e 2.95 .76 12 .78 24 .81 .78 -.01 -13.3 Stantec g N STN .45f 28.05 21.50 9 25.90 81 26.30 25.20 +.15 +2.6 Staples Q SPLS .48 5.5 11.37 7.24 4952 8.77 25421 8.90 8.30 +.30 -3.1sStarBulk19 Q SBLKL 2.00 8.1 24.79 6.67 26 24.73 188 24.79 23.12 +1.41 +14.1sStarBulk rs Q SBLK 12.25 2.61 319 11.88 3799 12.25 9.41 +1.81 +132.5 StarGas N SGU .41 4.5 10 11.39 8.10 82 9.20 286 9.29 9.05 +.10 -14.5 Starbucks s Q SBUX 1.00 1.7 30 61.64 50.84 8928 58.39 41783 58.66 56.46 +1.58 +5.2 Starret N SCX .40 3.8 34 12.89 8.77 9 10.50 28 11.28 10.50 -.55 +12.9 Startek N SRT 9.80 3.74 6 8.69 203 8.90 8.40 +.21 +2.8 StarwdPT N STWD 1.92 8.5 16 23.46 18.27 1960 22.58 10720 22.90 22.38 +.36 +2.9 StatAutF Q STFC .40 1.5 27.97 18.69 61 27.45 280 27.86 27.10 -.05 +2.4 StateBkFn Q STBZ .56 2.1 31 28.25 18.65 126 26.12 1046 26.44 24.16 +1.21 -2.8 StateNatl Q SNC .24 1.7 12 14.64 9.90 154 14.40 519 14.56 14.06 +.04 +3.9 StateStr N STT 1.52 1.9 15 83.49 50.60 1443 79.61 11448 80.55 75.37 +2.78 +2.4 StateSt pfC N STTpC 27.25 23.01 31 24.88 118 24.99 24.67 +.03 +6.4 StateSt pfD N STTpD 29.54 24.79 34 26.96 200 27.18 26.76 +.02 +4.2 StaStCp pfG N STTpG 27.89 24.25 33 26.33 482 26.46 26.25 -.02 +5.2 StateSt pfE N STTpE 28.70 25.05 27 26.24 202 26.52 26.09 -.19 +3.7 Statoil ASA N STO .88e 5.1 19.27 14.50 1329 17.18 9496 17.45 16.73 +.20 -5.8sSteadyM n Q STDY 5.21 2.25 395 5.80 438 6.19 3.75 +1.55 +123.1 StealthGas Q GASS 5.18 2.65 30 3.99 274 4.12 3.81 +.09 +18.0 StlDynam Q STLD .62f 1.8 18 40.17 21.57 2156 34.76 11272 35.05 32.55 +1.03 -2.3sSteelPtrs N SPLP 4 19.95 13.70 29 19.20 172 19.95 19.00 +.02 +23.9 SteelPr pfA N SPLPpA 24.00 22.08 2 22.25 8 22.29 22.11 -.02 -3.9 Steelcse N SCS .51f 3.0 16 18.14 12.67 986 16.75 3564 17.05 16.28 -.07 -6.4 SteinMart s Q SMRT .30 10.0 9.23 2.57 414 3.01 2308 3.09 2.68 +.38 -45.1 StellrAcq n Q STLR 10.20 9.88 10.18 5 10.20 10.05 -.02 +1.8 StellAcq wt Q STLRW .60 .15 9 .34 12 .36 .34 -.02 +70.0 StellarB rs Q SBOT 5.73 1.47 36 1.63 203 1.72 1.60 -.02 -19.7 StellusCap N SCM 1.36 9.3 12 14.82 9.62 91 14.55 342 14.55 14.00 +.27 +20.6 StellusC 19 N SCQ 1.63 6.3 26.25 24.38 0 25.75 8 26.00 25.37 +.18 +.9 StemlineTh Q STML 14.60 4.06 75 8.55 632 8.69 7.60 +.10 -20.1 Stepan N SCL .82 1.0 21 87.00 54.53 68 78.81 406 79.43 75.84 +.46 -3.3 Stericycle Q SRCL 32 128.94 71.52 730 82.89 3217 83.22 80.29 +.84 +7.6 Stericyc pf Q SRCLP 5.25 7.3 100.79 60.37 9 71.55 57 72.50 69.60 +1.13 +13.1 Steris plc N STE 1.12f 1.6 20 74.63 63.26 432 69.46 2754 69.86 67.55 +.83 +3.1 SterlingBc N STL .28 1.2 21 25.85 14.55 1388 23.70 7112 24.20 22.80 +.10 +1.3 SterlCons Q STRL 10.92 4.19 71 9.25 453 9.58 9.05 -.39 +9.3 SMadden Q SHOO 19 40.55 31.68 353 38.55 1631 38.95 37.70 +.40 +7.8 Stewrdshp Q SSFN .12 1.4 11 10.20 5.51 4 8.56 10 8.95 8.31 -.68 -12.7 StewInfo N STC 1.20 2.7 19 48.60 33.33 134 44.18 439 44.29 43.17 +.40 -4.1 StifelFin N SF 19 56.62 27.33 586 50.19 2748 50.74 46.14 +1.93 +.5 Stifel pfA N SFpA 1.56 6.0 28.46 24.33 79 25.91 120 26.19 25.85 -.27 +4.2 StillwtrM N SWC 17.53 9.02 1362 17.27 5786 17.50 17.22 -.13 +7.2 StockYBc s Q SYBT .76 1.9 23 48.05 24.45 87 40.65 305 41.50 38.36 +.75 -13.4tStneEn wt N SGY/WS 4.00 2.82 21 3.30 152 3.53 2.82 -.07 -6.0 StoneEng rs N SGY 27.77 2.70 93 21.84 669 22.99 19.55 +.99 +205.5 StoneHEM N EDF 2.16 13.7 16.68 12.64 52 15.82 375 16.07 15.80 -.18 +8.1 StonHEmM N EDI 1.81 11.8 15.72 12.09 63 15.41 251 15.64 15.41 -.04 +12.1 StoneCastle Q BANX 1.48 7.3 14 20.74 15.95 6 20.16 69 20.16 19.01 +1.06 +7.9 StoneMor N STON 1.32 16.6 26.90 7.74 319 7.93 2993 9.25 7.82 -1.30 -11.0 StonegteBk Q SGBK .32 .7 21 48.53 29.06 237 47.09 2165 48.09 44.85 +1.37 +12.8sStonegtMtg N SGM 7.95 3.16 23 7.96 167 7.96 7.88 +.06 +33.3 Stonerdg N SRI 14 19.50 13.42 211 18.14 1085 18.69 17.77 -.07 +2.5 StoreCap N STOR 1.16 4.9 26 31.44 22.27 2752 23.88 18707 24.31 23.43 +.46 -3.4 StrPathCm N STRP 51.50 15.06 150 35.97 520 36.00 32.91 +2.01 +6.1 StrataSk h Q SSKN .98 .43 31 .61 100 .63 .58 -.01 +37.5 Stratasys Q SSYS 30.46 16.38 640 20.49 2467 20.73 18.75 +1.30 +23.9 StratALL36 N GJT .29 1.6 18.92 17.40 3 18.50 9 18.90 18.31 -.22 +2.7 StratGS33 N GJS .32 1.7 19.00 17.35 1 18.76 6 18.97 18.60 +.22 +2.7 StratNWS95 N GJV 1.75 6.7 26.86 25.06 1 26.17 5 26.18 25.84 +.25 +4.0 StratUSM N GJH .64 6.5 11.21 9.58 3 9.85 5 9.97 9.77 -.10 -.4tStrattec Q STRT .56 2.0 20 60.38 25.65 8 27.80 82 28.00 25.65 +1.65 -31.0 StratusPrp Q STRS 1.00e 35 36.06 15.75 9 27.40 44 28.39 24.35 +.55 -16.3 Strayer Q STRA .25 25 83.92 43.50 126 80.49 366 81.96 77.36 +1.66 -.2 StreamHlth Q STRM 2.11 .85 14 1.02 130 1.23 .94 +.05 -18.4 StrgbrBio n Q SBBP 6.39 2.00 74 4.75 325 4.75 3.75 +.75 +97.9 Stryker N SYK 1.70 1.3 26 133.59 106.48 735 131.65 4151 132.89 131.14 -.43 +9.9 StudentTrn Q STB .44 7.5 6.08 4.66 190 5.86 1276 5.87 5.69 +.17 +4.8 SturmRug N RGR 1.96f 3.7 12 70.30 47.15 286 53.55 1120 53.90 50.00 +1.65 +1.6 SubPpne N SPH 3.55 13.2 46 37.10 24.00 272 26.96 1043 27.44 26.23 +.37 -10.3 SucampoPh Q SCMP 27 17.55 9.62 432 11.00 2422 11.30 10.50 +.40 -18.8 SuffolkBcp N SCNB .40 1.0 24 44.70 22.88 1899 40.41 2141 41.07 38.91 +.37 -5.6 SumitMitsu N SMFG 8.30 5.43 1021 7.25 4552 7.56 7.21 -.27 -5.1 SummerInf Q SUMR 2.44 1.22 3 1.90 62 2.00 1.80 +.02 -5.0 SumFWV Q SMMF .44f 2.0 13 30.06 14.91 18 21.54 70 21.75 19.74 +1.62 -21.8 SummitHtl N INN .65 4.1 13 16.40 10.99 919 15.98 3849 16.10 15.12 +.61 -.3 SumtH pfB N INNpB 1.97 7.7 27.05 25.31 5 25.69 21 25.73 25.56 +.08 -.2 SumtH pfC N INNpC 1.78 6.9 28.19 24.85 2 25.69 9 25.69 25.36 +.18 +1.4 SummtH pfD N INNpD 1.61 6.4 27.00 22.45 2 25.17 17 25.54 25.07 -.31 +6.9 SumtMtls n N SUM .29t 25 26.46 17.27 2795 24.71 8775 25.05 22.19 +1.59 +3.9 SummitMP N SMLP 2.30 9.6 26.50 15.05 234 24.00 854 24.20 22.65 +1.05 -4.6 SmtStB s Q SSBI 16 15.28 10.48 3 13.05 17 13.67 12.51 +.02 +8.8 SumTher n Q SMMT 19.75 5.31 7 13.28 65 13.46 12.37 +.75 +55.1 SunBcpNJ Q SNBC .04 .2 8 26.80 20.27 21 24.40 233 24.70 23.05 +.95 -6.2 SunCmts N SUI 2.68f 3.3 28 85.98 66.73 305 80.33 1218 80.93 78.78 +.44 +4.9 SunCm pfA N SUIpA 1.78 6.9 26.83 23.38 34 25.80 41 26.00 25.69 +.25 +2.4 SunHydrl Q SNHY .36a 1.0 41 42.00 27.69 112 36.11 460 36.44 35.08 +.33 -9.7 SunLfFn g N SLF 1.68f 4.6 40.57 30.38 380 36.55 2046 36.95 35.50 +.39 -4.8 SunCokeE N SXC 32 13.14 5.14 1490 8.96 4814 9.34 8.27 +.38 -21.0 SunCokeEn N SXCP 2.38 15.5 7 21.95 6.97 113 15.35 517 15.80 14.20 +.85 -20.3 Suncor g N SU 1.28 33.79 25.31 3432 30.75 19567 31.76 30.07 +.23 -5.9 SundEng n Q SNDE 17.99 8.53 5 9.90 34 10.28 9.50 +.25 -37.8 SunesisP rs Q SNSS 6.30 2.63 45 4.10 371 4.26 4.01 -.01 +13.3 SunLink N SSY 1.90 .43 3 1.55 20 1.56 1.51 +.04 +28.5 SunocoLP N SUN 3.30 13.7 37.25 21.01 608 24.17 2781 24.60 23.50 -.20 -10.1 SunocoLog N SXL 2.08f 8.5 25 31.49 22.07 1858 24.42 9058 24.50 23.55 +.41 +1.7 SunOpta Q STKL 7.70 3.16 853 6.95 2075 7.05 6.55 +.20 -1.4 SunPower Q SPWR 23.30 5.84 2053 6.10 11794 6.27 5.90 +.03 -7.7 Sunrun n Q RUN 8 8.45 4.15 1211 5.40 4325 5.43 4.86 +.49 +1.7 SunshnBcp Q SBCP 21.39 13.85 20 20.94 137 21.17 19.28 +1.08 +22.2tSunshHrt rs Q SSH 48.60 1.65 355 1.82 4918 2.38 1.65 -.14 -82.7 SunstnHtl N SHO .20 1.3 13 16.05 11.26 2601 15.33 8572 15.36 14.50 +.64 +.5 SunstHt pfE N SHOpE 28.44 24.29 15 25.45 32 26.17 25.43 +.02 +.4 SunstHt pfF N SHOpF 1.61 6.4 26.65 23.82 25.11 3 25.53 25.11 -.01 +1.0 SunTrst N STI 1.04 1.9 15 61.69 35.10 2946 55.30 15862 56.34 52.71 +.49 +.8 SunTr wtB N STI/WS/B 18.34 2.94 2 13.27 32 13.76 11.71 +.33 -.1 SunTr wtA N STI/WS/A 27.83 7.41 22.00 3 22.89 21.00 -2.2 SunTr pfA N STIpA 1.50 6.2 25.00 21.41 7 24.18 72 24.49 24.17 -.36 +3.1 SunTr pfE N STIpE 1.47 5.8 26.84 24.07 11 25.45 58 25.54 25.36 +.07 +2.4 Sunworks n Q SUNW 12 3.36 1.30 52 1.52 491 1.56 1.35 +.18 -24.0 SuperMicro Q SMCI 21 34.69 18.60 349 25.35 2293 25.80 24.85 -.15 -9.6 SuperCom Q SPCB 13 4.68 2.44 5 2.86 120 2.92 2.64 -.03 -15.6 SupercdT rs Q SCON 4.50 1.04 333 1.27 8421 1.65 1.24 -.02 +3.3 SupDrillg N SDPI 2.72 .77 10 .90 74 .95 .88 +.02 -31.8 SupEnrgy N SPN .32 2.2 19.83 12.34 3599 14.26 24233 14.48 12.79 +.82 -15.5 SuperiorInd N SUP 1.00f 3.9 16 32.12 21.53 298 25.35 1507 25.90 24.90 -.22 -3.1 SupUnifm s Q SGC .35 1.9 19 21.02 15.53 16 18.60 88 19.06 16.96 +1.47 -5.2sSupernus Q SUPN 18 31.60 13.92 620 31.30 3010 32.00 29.57 +1.35 +24.0 Supvalu N SVU 7 5.90 3.20 3746 3.86 17017 3.93 3.68 +.12 -17.3 rs Q SPRT 3.00 1.89 174 2.19 656 2.26 2.11 +.07 -14.9 SuprmInd N STS .14a .7 18 21.00 9.27 101 20.26 459 20.28 18.57 +1.12 +29.0 SurgPtrs n Q SGRY 22.85 11.76 129 19.50 745 20.00 19.10 -.25 +23.0 Surmodic Q SRDX 33 30.75 17.61 58 24.05 259 24.55 21.90 +.45 -5.3 SussxB Q SBBX .16 .7 27 26.45 12.20 14 24.50 67 24.50 23.25 +.66 +17.2sSuthrlAs n N SLD 1.52 10.5 14.75 12.40 84 14.45 667 14.75 14.30 +.52 +7.4 SwEGrain23 N GRU 4.98 3.64 1 3.77 8 3.81 3.75 +.01 -.4 SwRCmETR N RJN 2.77 1.94 1 2.45 3 2.46 2.33 +.11 -9.9 SwRCmMTR N RJZ 8.32 6.78 8.28 5 8.28 8.10 +.12 +10.7 SwRCmATR N RJA 7.02 6.04 34 6.29 423 6.39 6.25 -.10 -.3 SwERCmTR N RJI 5.35 4.42 383 5.08 648 5.10 4.95 +.05 -2.1 SwiftTrans N SWFT 15 27.18 14.31 1294 20.54 8992 20.68 19.21 +.80 -15.7sSwisHelv N SWZ .64e .3 11.63 9.75 40 11.60 285 11.63 11.43 +.17 +13.6 SykesEnt Q SYKE 18 31.37 25.77 267 29.40 1047 29.66 28.30 +.43 +1.9 Symantec Q SYMC .30 1.0 8 31.10 16.25 6632 30.68 35302 30.96 29.77 +.21 +28.4sSynacor Q SYNC 4.25 1.33 84 4.15 1589 4.25 3.53 +.60 +33.9sSynalloy Q SYNL .30 2.4 13.35 6.56 10 12.25 164 13.35 11.30 +.10 +11.9 Synaptics Q SYNA 25 90.91 47.09 472 49.51 2393 50.05 48.41 +.33 -7.6tSynchron Q SNCR 55 49.94 23.59 518 24.40 4449 25.73 23.59 -1.54 -36.3 Synchrony N SYF .26 13 38.06 23.25 4947 34.30 29777 34.59 32.24 +.99 -5.4 SyndaxP n Q SNDX 18.03 6.31 58 13.72 334 14.08 12.74 +.79 +91.4 SynrgyPh Q SGYP 7.15 2.60 4053 4.66 32623 4.86 4.50 +.09 -23.5 Syneron Q ELOS 11.25 6.18 301 10.55 1978 10.90 10.25 -.10 +25.6 Syngenta N SYT 2.33e 2.6 89.13 74.52 388 88.50 2240 88.61 87.96 +.38 +12.0 Synnex N SNX 1.00 .9 15 129.24 77.54 222 111.94 1413 118.67 109.00 -5.00 -7.5 Synopsys Q SNPS 32 73.08 46.68 568 72.13 4156 72.42 70.37 +.98 +22.5 Synovs pfC N SNVpC 1.97 7.0 30.46 26.26 1 28.08 23 28.19 27.62 +.08 +2.0 SynovusFn N SNV .60f 1.5 21 44.09 26.90 676 41.02 3158 41.56 37.95 +1.54 -.1tSyntel Q SYNT 15.00e 33.01 16.22 282 16.83 2918 17.15 16.22 +.45 -15.0 SynthesEn Q SYMX 1.45 .71 15 .85 120 .87 .83 +.00 -14.8tSynthBiol N SYN 2.74 .59 404 .63 4326 .71 .59 -.07 -17.3 Synutra Q SYUT 5.95 3.25 180 5.95 592 5.95 5.85 +.05 +11.2 Sypris Q SYPR .08 7.5 4 1.49 .75 25 1.06 723 1.17 .86 +.18 +20.5 SyrosPhar n Q SYRS 21.50 8.16 35 15.93 127 16.18 13.52 +.65 +31.0 Sysco N SYY 1.32 2.5 23 57.07 45.19 2053 51.92 11759 52.69 51.61 -.89 -6.2sSystemax N SYX .10 .9 69 11.40 7.05 36 11.09 601 11.40 7.50 +3.89 +26.5T -:T-MobileUS Q TMUS 38 65.41 36.75 4327 64.59 16959 65.35 63.64 +.42 +12.3 T-Mob pfA Q TMUSP 1.38 1.3 106.98 63.91 154 105.81 697 106.26 103.80 +1.35 +12.0 TAL Educ N TAL 76 108.50 48.91 442 106.57 3018 107.18 99.59 +.20 +51.9sTAT Tch h Q TATT .34e 3.5 22 9.85 6.60 4 9.80 24 9.85 9.21 +.55 +12.0 TC PpLn N TCP 3.76 6.3 19 65.03 47.12 122 59.66 463 59.81 58.38 +.22 +1.4 TCF Fncl N TCB .30f 1.8 11 20.03 11.62 2689 17.02 13515 17.30 15.33 +1.07 -13.1 TCF Fn wt N TCB/WS 3.96 1.00 2 2.25 23 2.25 1.65 +.58 -35.7 TCFFn pfB N TCBpB 1.88 7.4 27.20 25.17 60 25.48 138 25.54 25.43 +.02 -.5 TCF F pfC N TCBpC 1.61 6.3 26.45 24.60 5 25.62 39 25.99 25.42 +.25 +2.5sTCP Cap Q TCPC 1.44 8.3 12 17.31 14.11 301 17.42 929 17.44 16.91 +.40 +3.1 TCW Strat N TSI .21 3.8 5.59 5.12 87 5.40 379 5.44 5.37 +.02 +1.3 TD Ameritr Q AMTD .72 1.9 24 47.41 26.37 1940 38.86 13065 39.20 36.36 +1.17 -10.9 TE Connect N TEL 1.48 2.0 16 76.77 54.54 1587 74.55 6743 75.37 73.14 +.23 +7.6 TESSCO Q TESS .80 5.1 68 18.18 9.75 49 15.70 142 16.00 14.90 +.70 +20.8tTFS Fncl Q TFSL .50 3.0 57 19.89 15.93 205 16.62 807 16.80 15.93 +.14 -12.7 TG Thera Q TGTX 15.05 4.10 1339 11.65 5878 12.24 10.95 +.25 +150.5 THL Credit Q TCRD 1.08m 10.8 7 11.84 8.75 148 9.96 602 9.98 9.61 +.25 -.5 THL Crd21 N TCRX 26.80 24.71 25.60 4 25.72 25.51 +.01 +1.1 THLCred22 N TCRZ 1.69 6.5 26.49 24.56 3 26.04 17 26.29 25.70 -.11 +2.6 THLCSenL N TSLF 1.32 7.3 18.77 15.25 40 18.00 218 18.47 17.93 -.33 -3.9 TICC Cap Q TICC 1.16 15.7 4 8.19 4.51 466 7.38 1519 7.48 7.02 +.21 +11.6 TIM Part N TSU .28e 1.8 16.81 9.15 1206 15.98 4292 16.30 15.83 -.41 +35.4 TJX N TJX 1.04 1.3 23 83.64 71.50 2625 79.08 15512 79.97 77.64 +.65 +5.3 TOP Ship rs Q TOPS 8.40 1.03 2649 1.08 30108 1.35 1.04 -.08 -52.0 TOR Min Q TORM 50 7.95 3.42 2 6.95 8 7.34 6.40 +.35 +13.9sTPG SpLnd N TSLX 1.56 7.7 13 20.40 15.91 233 20.39 966 20.45 19.81 +.73 +9.2 TPI Co n Q TPIC 23.30 11.31 197 19.01 1437 20.00 15.89 +2.55 +18.5sTRC Cos N TRR 34 12.05 5.79 4125 17.45 4387 17.45 10.60 +6.60 +64.6 TSR Inc Q TSRI 32 9.50 3.37 2 5.70 4 5.75 5.05 +.45 -.9 TTM Tch Q TTMI 20 17.86 6.22 832 16.13 5484 16.24 15.26 +.23 +18.3 TableauA N DATA 62.53 41.41 1238 49.55 5570 50.52 47.56 +1.14 +17.6 Tabula n Q TRHC 16.85 10.39 80 13.48 346 13.85 12.99 -.08 -10.0 TactSys n Q TCMD 22.29 10.00 59 18.95 315 19.13 17.64 +.81 +15.5 TahoeRes N TAHO .24 3.0 15 17.01 7.12 1576 8.03 11040 8.10 7.69 +.38 -14.8 TailorBr N TLRD .72 4.8 30 28.76 10.90 862 14.94 4808 15.59 14.26 +.26 -41.5 Taitron h Q TAIT .03e 2.1 1.69 .80 9 1.19 31 1.20 1.17 +.02 -.8sTaiwan N TWN 18.38 13.93 11 18.24 46 18.38 17.98 +.20 +13.3 TaiwSemi N TSM .73e 2.2 33.53 22.75 4833 32.84 22968 33.43 32.57 +.03 +14.2 TakeTwo Q TTWO 60.20 33.06 2072 59.27 6782 59.44 57.33 +1.15 +20.2stTakung n N TKAT 9.74 7.56 10 7.74 55 9.74 7.42 -18.8 Talend n Q TLND 34.49 21.02 113 29.78 676 30.00 27.13 +1.21 +34.1 TallgEGP n N TEGP 1.11f 3.9 32 29.30 16.14 105 28.76 619 28.85 27.37 +.72 +7.3 TallgrsEn N TEP 3.26f 6.1 24 55.50 35.62 219 53.20 1239 53.40 51.66 +.93 +12.1tTandemD Q TNDM 11.30 1.10 1106 1.20 5219 1.25 1.10 -.05 -44.2sTandyLthr Q TLF 12 8.26 6.57 14 8.20 139 8.30 8.00 +.20 +1.2 TangerFac N SKT 1.30a 4.0 16 42.20 30.98 1153 32.77 4231 33.23 32.00 +.26 -8.4 Tantech n Q TANH 6.00 1.39 6 1.48 75 1.53 1.45 -.03 -26.7 TanzRy g N TRX 1.49 .24 69 .43 612 .46 .42 -.02 -13.4 Tapimmu n Q TPIV 5.72 3.32 41 4.49 153 4.57 4.22 -.07 +15.7sTarena Q TEDU .16f 28 19.68 9.68 390 18.68 1863 19.68 18.00 +.49 +24.6 TargaRes N TRGP 3.64 6.1 61.83 27.09 1912 59.90 9006 60.00 55.30 +3.21 +6.8 TargaR pfA N NGLSpA 2.25 8.1 28.18 23.62 5 27.70 62 27.75 27.22 +.38 +.7 Target N TGT 2.40 4.3 11 84.14 52.77 7021 55.19 33749 55.77 52.85 +2.07 -23.6 TaroPhrm N TARO 10 152.30 92.28 122 116.62 494 124.52 115.86 -.35 +10.8 Taseko N TGB 1.63 .41 514 1.32 3060 1.37 1.17 +.08 +54.9 TASER Q TASR 71 30.15 17.18 832 22.79 3401 23.34 22.05 +.29 -6.0 TataMotors N TTM 44.79 27.44 1301 35.65 5096 36.60 35.22 -.09 +3.7 Taubmn N TCO 2.50f 3.8 17 81.68 62.67 479 66.02 1875 66.28 63.54 +.99 -10.7 Taub pfJ N TCOpJ 1.63 6.4 26.94 24.50 10 25.38 82 25.39 24.91 +.35 +3.2 Taub pfK N TCOpK 1.56 6.2 26.58 24.00 29 24.99 67 24.99 24.60 -.01 +1.0 TaylrDv Q TAYD 12 20.45 13.10 3 13.81 15 13.98 13.51 -.09 -9.2 TaylorMH N TMHC 14 22.17 13.31 1208 21.32 5657 21.66 20.90 +.05 +10.7 Team N TISI 39.70 23.53 682 27.05 1961 28.20 24.80 +1.65 -31.1tTearLab rs Q TEAR 9.10 2.74 472 2.84 2623 3.79 2.74 +.04 -45.4 TechData h Q TECD 15 96.38 61.99 310 93.90 1393 94.49 89.04 +2.79 +10.9 TechComm Q TCCO 7.75 2.10 6 2.59 27 2.75 2.30 +.19 +5.7 Technip N FTI 26 37.09 24.00 3061 32.50 27149 33.21 31.21 +1.20 -8.5 TechTarg Q TTGT 9.43 6.73 21 9.03 103 9.12 8.78 +.21 +5.9 TeckRes g N TECK .10m 26.60 6.88 3161 21.90 23573 22.52 20.38 +.80 +9.3 Tecnoglass Q TGLS .50 4.6 11 13.47 10.20 75 10.85 299 11.20 10.70 +.12 -11.4 Tecogen Q TGEN 6.22 3.50 12 3.79 53 3.98 3.67 +.06 -9.8 Teekay N TK .22 2.4 11.85 5.45 858 9.15 6288 9.57 8.72 -.03 +13.9 TeekLNG N TGP .56 3.2 19.90 9.47 273 17.55 1013 17.87 16.65 +.50 +21.5sTeekLN pfA N TGPpA 2.25 8.9 25.60 22.66 14 25.17 185 25.60 24.92 +.24 +7.2 TeekOffsh N TOO .44 8.7 7.25 4.06 515 5.07 2940 5.11 4.70 +.24 +.2 TeekOf pfA N TOOpA 1.81 8.9 21.94 14.90 2 20.30 51 20.58 19.90 +.33 +9.1 TeekOf pfB N TOOpB 2.13 9.5 23.20 16.12 2 22.30 50 22.46 21.81 +.31 +11.2 TeekayTnk N TNK .21 10.2 4.16 1.90 3192 2.05 10380 2.14 1.96 +.04 -9.3 Tegna N TGNA .56 2.2 12 26.65 17.91 1506 25.62 6581 25.95 25.16 +.09 +19.8 TejonRnch N TRC 27.99 19.50 31 21.89 168 23.05 21.01 +.46 -13.9 TeklaHlth N HQH 2.85e 11.9 27.35 19.92 92 24.04 432 24.10 23.32 +.51 +13.8 TeklaHcrOp N THQ 1.35a 7.8 18.42 14.72 130 17.40 556 17.43 16.91 +.44 +12.1 TeklaLfSci N HQL 1.95e 10.1 19.98 15.85 61 19.39 301 19.40 18.85 +.38 +14.1 TeklaWH n N THW 1.40 9.8 15.61 12.64 184 14.35 494 14.59 14.07 +.27 +11.8 TelInstEl N TIK 18 6.25 3.30 7 5.25 20 5.25 4.80 +.41 +19.3sTeladoc n N TDOC 26.45 9.28 613 25.00 4427 26.45 24.65 -.45 +51.5 TlcmArg N TEO .71e 3.2 23.99 16.57 115 22.19 597 23.16 21.66 -.02 +22.1 TelItalia N TI 10.48 6.95 43 9.01 276 9.26 8.95 +.05 +1.3 TelItaliaA N TI/A .30e 4.1 8.48 5.61 6 7.31 64 7.48 7.24 +.02 +.3 Teledyne N TDY 24 135.89 85.29 124 126.46 485 127.63 121.99 +1.55 +2.8 Teleflex N TFX 1.36 .7 39 198.89 136.53 265 193.73 1101 196.39 192.57 -1.14 +20.2 TelefBrasil N VIV .64e 4.3 15.69 11.28 1727 14.85 6921 15.06 14.69 -.10 +11.9 TelefEsp N TEF 1.03e 9.2 11.39 8.15 1124 11.19 5400 11.39 11.11 -.08 +21.6 Telenav Q TNAV 10.15 4.47 99 8.65 520 8.70 8.20 +.40 +22.7 TelData N TDS .62f 2.3 70 32.98 24.12 886 26.51 3663 26.62 24.84 +1.17 -8.2 TelData45 N TDI 1.66 6.5 28.80 23.60 3 25.40 11 25.55 25.06 +.33 +4.3 TelData 61 N TDA 1.47 6.0 26.26 22.22 5 24.65 53 24.85 24.47 -.01 +9.8 TelData60 N TDJ 1.75 6.9 26.34 24.46 19 25.30 62 25.32 25.20 +.09 +.9 TelData59 N TDE 1.72 6.8 26.48 24.15 7 25.41 21 25.57 25.29 -.07 +2.6 TeleTech Q TTEC .44f 1.5 42 31.97 24.45 90 29.60 389 29.78 28.20 -.08 -3.0 Teligent Q TLGT 8.66 4.60 295 7.81 2351 8.30 7.17 +.56 +18.2 Tellurian rs Q TELL 21.74 .80 341 11.72 2662 12.20 10.92 +.53 +4.2 Telus gs N TU 1.45 34.12 30.31 280 32.48 1896 32.59 31.96 +.27 +2.0 TmpDrgn N TDF 4.00e 2.6 19.62 16.00 60 18.79 205 18.79 18.35 +.28 +14.7 TmpEMF N EMF 1.28e 2.2 14.15 10.40 33 14.02 246 14.11 13.85 +.09 +16.0 TmpEMI N TEI .80a 7.1 11.75 9.95 245 11.23 1433 11.27 11.07 -.01 +2.9 TmpGlb N GIM .30 4.5 6.72 6.01 338 6.65 1267 6.67 6.58 +.03 +2.6 TempurSly N TPX 14 82.32 41.11 882 46.46 3845 46.98 43.20 +2.36 -32.0 Tenaris N TS .75e 2.2 37.21 22.96 2321 34.14 14719 34.68 31.31 +2.18 -4.4 TenaxTher Q TENX 2.94 .42 890 .56 2453 .60 .49 +.07 -71.1 TenetHlth N THC 17 34.08 14.06 1839 17.71 19131 19.74 17.54 -.57 +19.3tTengsco N TGC 1.60 .39 3 .39 37 .47 .37 -.01 -44.3 Tennant N TNC .84 1.2 28 76.80 49.97 80 72.65 272 73.10 69.20 +1.95 +2.0 Tenneco N TEN .25p 11 70.96 44.55 1016 62.42 3510 63.35 60.27 +.62 -.1 TVA 28 N TVC .96 3.8 26.46 24.71 8 25.35 52 25.40 25.03 +.22 +2.4 TVA 29 N TVE .84 3.4 26.20 23.54 2 25.00 48 25.12 24.85 +.14 +1.8 Teradata N TDC 13 33.32 24.21 1199 31.12 4967 31.56 29.73 +.82 +14.5sTeradyn N TER .28f .9 23 31.19 18.07 1816 31.10 6664 31.21 30.17 +.43 +22.4 Terex N TEX .32f 1.0 37 33.87 18.91 1176 31.40 8654 31.60 28.67 +1.40 -.4 Ternium N TX .90e 3.4 75 28.04 15.32 574 26.12 2557 26.69 25.01 +.22 +8.2 TerraNitro N TNH 7.08e 7.2 13 127.00 91.07 21 98.24 71 98.76 94.22 +3.24 -4.4 TerraVia Q TVIA 2.98 .66 316 .73 2610 .79 .66 +.02 -37.0 TerraFm lf Q GLBL 1.10 22.9 4.95 1.92 1292 4.80 4466 4.90 4.80 -.05 +21.5 TerrFmP lf Q TERP 1.40f 11.3 14.69 7.23 310 12.37 1909 12.59 12.10 +.04 -3.4 TerrenoRlt N TRNO .80 2.9 45 29.08 21.87 300 28.00 862 28.11 27.13 +.55 -1.7 Terreno pfA N TRNOpA 1.94 7.6 27.24 24.72 19 25.39 214 25.39 25.29 +.6 TerritBcp Q TBNK .80f 2.6 18 34.00 24.96 48 31.17 292 31.65 30.45 -.06 -5.1 Tesaro Q TSRO 192.94 36.68 758 153.87 6693 167.48 148.00 -6.13 +14.4 TescoCp Q TESO .20 2.5 9.77 5.72 351 8.05 760 8.15 7.25 +.45 -2.4 Tesla Inc Q TSLA 287.39 178.19 3241 278.30 24612 282.00 259.75 +15.14 +30.2 Tesoro N TSO 2.20 2.7 12 93.06 69.49 2973 81.06 16661 83.48 79.67 +.78 -7.3 TesoroLog N TLLP 3.64f 6.7 23 60.14 41.22 207 54.47 1382 54.62 51.78 +1.62 +7.2 TetraTc Q TTEK .36 .9 25 44.85 28.01 450 40.85 1598 41.25 39.00 +.80 -5.3 TetraTech N TTI 7.75 3.46 1628 4.07 5361 4.15 3.70 +.26 -18.9sTetraphase Q TTPH 9.19 3.11 1103 9.19 3860 9.93 7.80 +1.08 +128.0 TeucrCorn N CORN 23.69 17.68 211 19.03 380 19.11 18.52 +.42 +1.7 TeucrSug N CANE 15.04 9.78 129 11.87 135 12.31 11.73 -.34 -8.7 TeucrWht N WEAT 9.67 6.69 180 6.94 479 7.00 6.80 +.9 TeucrSoyb N SOYB 21.95 17.91 51 18.12 128 18.59 18.07 -.44 -5.1 TevaPhrm N TEVA 1.36e 4.2 11 58.16 31.90 10790 32.09 29329 33.24 31.98 -.67 -11.5 TexCapB 42 Q TCBIL 1.63 6.4 28.76 24.35 2 25.38 19 25.72 25.20 -.12 +.1 TexCapB pf Q TCBIP 1.63 6.4 27.17 22.60 3 25.51 42 25.82 25.31 -.14 +1.7 TxCapBsh Q TCBI 27 93.35 34.54 598 83.45 11734 83.95 76.21 +3.20 +6.4 TexInst Q TXN 2.00 2.5 25 82.44 56.08 3568 80.56 16580 81.15 79.71 -.03 +10.4 TexPacLd N TPL .29f .1 58 336.83 145.08 14 279.75 104 286.40 273.41 -.25 -5.7 TexRdhse Q TXRH .84f 1.9 27 50.51 37.23 735 44.53 3180 44.68 43.01 +1.00 -7.7 Textainer N TGH .96 6.3 17.60 6.90 201 15.30 1037 15.50 13.10 +1.50 +105.4 Textron N TXT .08 .2 18 50.93 34.00 1903 47.59 5870 47.71 45.19 +1.44 -2.0 Thai N TTF .25e 8.67 6.86 39 8.57 272 8.59 7.97 +.50 +12.8 The9Ltd Q NCTY 2.71 .94 20 1.03 252 1.16 1.00 -.02 -17.6 TherapMD N TXMD 9.29 4.39 2501 7.20 12053 7.32 6.57 +.43 +24.8 TherpxBio n Q TRPX 10.95 6.30 58 8.08 819 9.34 7.70 -.86 -10.0 TheravBio Q TBPH 38.92 15.00 144 36.82 1138 37.18 32.82 +3.06 +15.5 ThermoFis N TMO .60 .4 26 161.66 139.07 1177 153.60 5838 155.38 152.61 -.44 +8.9 Thermon N THR 39 21.87 16.50 224 20.84 924 21.48 19.79 +1.49 +9.2 TheStreet Q TST .10 13.2 1.47 .61 20 .76 246 .80 .72 -10.6 ThirdPtRe N TPRE 48 13.03 10.77 263 12.10 1660 12.30 11.65 +.30 +4.8s1347PrpIns Q PIH 7.95 5.60 57 8.10 215 9.00 7.45 +.35 +3.8 ThomsonR N TRI 1.38f 3.2 20 45.68 38.23 1058 43.23 5142 43.84 43.12 -.52 -1.3 Thor Inds N THO 1.32 1.4 17 115.74 60.05 491 96.13 3197 99.61 94.60 -1.02 -3.9 3D Sys N DDD 19.76 11.59 2090 14.96 8856 15.14 13.76 +.79 +12.6 3M Co N MMM 4.70f 2.5 23 193.50 163.17 1683 191.33 9521 192.40 189.16 -.18 +7.1 ThrshdPh Q THLD 1.48 .30 778 .57 3602 .58 .51 +.00 +29.3 TiGenix n Q TIG 16.27 10.77 3 15.60 41 15.98 15.02 +.41 +7.0tTidwtr N TDW 1.00 87.0 9.37 .80 3307 1.15 10377 1.17 .80 +.32 -66.3 TierREIT n N TIER .72 4.1 18.80 13.29 220 17.36 872 17.45 16.67 +.28 -.2sTiffany N TIF 1.80 1.9 25 97.29 56.99 1447 95.30 8680 97.29 93.76 -.08 +23.1 TileShop Q TTS .05p 43 21.40 14.41 486 19.25 1579 19.40 18.30 +.50 -1.5 Tillys N TLYS 21 15.29 5.49 268 9.02 1189 9.40 8.52 +.37 -31.6 TmbrlndBc Q TSBK .44f 2.0 15 22.75 12.31 8 22.40 25 22.67 20.93 +1.00 +8.4 Time Inc N TIME .76 3.9 20.40 12.50 1026 19.35 4370 19.60 19.10 +8.4 TimeWarn N TWX 1.61 1.6 17 99.29 68.97 3280 97.71 12570 98.22 96.88 +.20 +1.2 Timken N TKR 1.04 2.3 21 46.45 28.72 815 45.20 3804 45.50 41.78 +1.65 +13.9 TimknSteel N TMST 23.00 8.36 689 18.91 3067 19.08 16.70 +1.31 +22.2 Timmins g N TGD 1 .63 .22 366 .38 2459 .39 .36 -.01 +20.1sTiptree Q TIPT .12f 1.6 9 7.45 4.74 106 7.30 333 7.45 6.75 +.65 +18.7 Titan Intl N TWI .02 .2 14.23 4.80 1053 10.34 3328 10.43 9.21 +.72 -7.8sTitanMach Q TITN 15.93 8.68 278 15.34 954 15.95 12.94 +2.10 +5.3 TitanPh rs Q TTNP 14 8.74 3.15 61 3.30 317 3.45 3.15 -.05 -17.5 TivityHlth Q TVTY 30.55 9.54 360 29.10 1672 29.20 27.30 +.95 +27.9 Tivo Cp Q TIVO .18p 23.40 15.06 1001 18.75 3022 18.85 17.43 +.70 -10.3 TokaiPhm Q TKAI 8.80 .73 49 .84 713 .89 .80 +.01 -14.5 TollBros N TOL .08p 16 37.28 25.29 1786 36.11 8033 36.55 35.25 +.24 +16.5 Tompkins N TMP 1.76f 2.2 21 96.70 61.84 50 80.55 168 82.43 78.00 +.29 -14.8 TonixPh rs Q TNXP 37.70 3.30 1099 4.67 30464 9.40 3.70 +.68 -.6 TootsieR N TR .36b 1.0 34 40.44 32.88 195 37.35 406 38.05 36.70 -.05 -3.2 TopImage Q TISA 2.47 1.17 1 1.33 58 1.35 1.24 +.08 +8.1 TopBuild n N BLD 24 48.33 28.81 214 47.00 940 47.29 44.82 +1.26 +32.0 Torchlght Q TRCH 1.88 .55 333 1.40 1753 1.49 1.15 +.21 +18.6 Torchmark N TMK .60f .8 17 79.53 52.46 537 77.04 2377 77.42 75.35 +.60 +4.4 Torchmk52 N TMKpB 1.47 5.8 26.70 24.34 1 25.34 15 25.43 25.18 +.01 +1.8 Trchmk pfC N TMKpC 27.99 24.03 30 25.90 236 26.09 25.85 -.01 +2.6sToro Co s N TTC .70 1.1 29 63.47 40.43 880 62.46 3069 63.47 59.87 +1.66 +11.6 TorDBk gs N TD 2.40f 4.8 54.44 40.99 2373 50.09 9636 50.36 48.07 +1.41 +1.5 TortWat n N TBLU 25.91 24.78 2 25.49 12 25.49 24.87 +.55 +1.4 TortEnInd N NDP 1.75 10.6 17.43 10.79 46 16.50 169 16.50 15.26 +1.09 TortEnInf N TYG 2.62 7.5 37.11 23.29 219 34.89 830 35.00 32.16 +2.34 +13.7 TortMLP N NTG 1.69 8.1 21.84 15.53 80 20.78 405 20.78 19.45 +.97 +8.9 TortPplE N TTP 1.63m 7.7 22.51 13.81 26 21.12 197 21.21 20.06 +.76 -2.0 TortPw&E N TPZ 1.65 7.5 23.46 16.57 20 21.99 95 22.04 21.41 +.31 -.8 Total SA N TOT 2.71e 5.4 52.04 43.55 1474 50.42 15046 50.77 49.57 +.69 -1.1 TotalSys N TSS .40 .7 19 56.54 46.22 1583 53.46 7579 53.95 50.96 +1.65 +9.0 TowerIntl N TOWR .44 1.6 14 29.05 18.75 128 27.10 466 27.20 25.95 +.60 -4.4 TowerSemi Q TSEM 11 23.65 11.03 246 23.05 1621 23.34 22.55 +21.1 TownSprts Q CLUB 12 4.20 2.10 22 3.55 70 3.75 3.35 -.15 +42.0 TowneBank Q TOWN .52f 1.6 23 34.55 18.62 271 32.40 891 33.00 30.65 +1.13 -2.6 TownsqMda N TSQ 12 13.01 7.30 42 12.18 243 12.32 11.51 +.50 +17.0 Toyota N TM 123.18 97.80 310 108.62 1316 112.59 108.41 -2.74 -7.3 TraconPh n Q TCON 7.90 3.60 36 3.75 344 4.30 3.65 -.35 -23.5 TractSupp Q TSCO .96 1.4 21 97.25 61.50 1120 68.97 7582 69.27 67.70 -.05 -9.0 TradDsk A n Q TTD 46.21 22.00 746 37.25 3896 38.68 34.79 +1.23 +34.6tTrnWEnt Q TWMC 5 4.21 1.55 10 1.70 159 2.05 1.55 -.23 -47.9 TransAct Q TACT .32 4.0 17 8.98 5.90 23 8.10 46 8.50 8.10 -.05 +22.7 TrCda g N TRP 2.50f 19 49.77 36.76 865 46.15 6726 46.96 45.83 +.42 +2.2 TransEntx N TRXC 6.10 1.03 228 1.21 1831 1.26 1.15 +.02 -6.9sTransUn n N TRU 45 38.53 26.48 502 38.35 3021 38.76 36.95 +.65 +24.0 Trnsalta g N TAC .23 6.25 3.75 10 5.85 139 5.95 5.53 +.25 +6.4 TrnsatlPet N TAT 1.52 .60 130 1.40 737 1.41 1.10 +.28 +26.1 Transcat Q TRNS 20 14.05 8.26 8 12.70 67 12.85 11.95 +.18 +17.6 TrnsRty N TCI .20p 21.50 8.38 1 19.27 12 21.50 17.60 -1.28 +60.3 TransDigm N TDG 24.00 19 294.38 203.72 907 220.16 6082 223.11 207.44 +10.12 -11.6tTransGlb Q TGA .20 12.8 2.25 1.46 151 1.56 478 1.63 1.46 +.06 -7.7 TrnsMont N TLP 2.84f 6.4 21 49.31 35.45 13 44.68 136 46.16 44.25 -.92 +.9 Transocn N RIG 7 16.66 8.34 6735 12.45 52090 12.64 11.89 +.19 -15.5sTrGasSur N TGS 15.11 5.85 199 14.22 635 15.11 13.73 +.15 +57.6 TravelCtrs Q TA 8.69 5.60 119 6.10 921 6.25 5.84 +.30 -14.1 TravCtrs 28 Q TANNI 2.06 8.2 26.28 24.56 5 25.25 29 25.77 25.21 +.13 -.1 TravelC 29 Q TANNL 2.00 7.9 26.00 23.81 4 25.39 35 25.63 25.26 +.04 +.3 Travelct 30 Q TANNZ 2.00 7.9 26.27 23.75 3 25.35 43 25.99 25.25 +.22 +1.1 Travelers N TRV 2.68f 2.2 12 125.49 103.45 995 120.54 5493 121.89 120.01 -.23 -1.5 Travelport N TVPT .30 2.5 15.15 11.28 1449 11.77 6133 11.93 11.42 +.22 -16.5 Travelzoo Q TZOO 21 13.27 7.43 27 9.65 111 9.76 9.25 +.10 +2.7 TrecoraRs N TREC 14 14.80 8.17 144 11.10 402 11.35 10.45 +.55 -19.9 Tredgar N TG .44 2.5 26 25.60 14.75 67 17.55 280 17.90 16.60 +.70 -26.9 TreeHseF N THS 30 104.53 62.64 395 84.66 1695 85.95 83.09 +.62 +17.3 TremorVid N TRMR 2.76 1.45 50 2.00 393 2.01 1.83 +.03 -19.7 Trevena Q TRVN 9.49 3.26 771 3.67 3959 3.98 3.43 +.12 -37.6 Trex N TREX 31 78.16 39.74 165 69.39 925 70.29 67.82 -.80 +7.7 TriPointe N TPH 10 14.20 10.35 4946 12.54 13255 13.01 12.35 -.05 +9.2 TriContl N TY .82e 3.5 23.70 19.55 63 23.12 462 23.22 22.69 +.25 +4.9 TriCntl pf N TYp 2.50 5.0 54.39 47.50 0 50.06 3 50.93 49.90 +3.2 TrianglCap N TCAP 1.80 9.4 21.35 16.00 565 19.09 1612 19.16 18.51 +.44 +4.1 Triangle 22 N TCCA 1.59 6.2 26.29 24.35 9 25.56 34 25.60 25.28 +.01 +.4 TriangC 22 N TCCB 1.59 6.2 26.71 24.60 2 25.85 24 26.07 25.80 -.01 +1.7 TribMda A N TRCO 1.00a 2.7 40.00 24.98 728 37.27 5496 37.80 35.98 +.01 +26.9 TriCoBsh Q TCBK .60 1.7 18 37.45 23.51 71 35.53 236 35.74 33.00 +1.71 +3.9 TrilliumTh Q TRIL 17.70 4.50 32 6.15 147 6.30 5.95 +.05 +8.8 TrilogyMtl N TMQ .86 .33 145 .55 658 .55 .49 +.02 +8.5 TriMas h Q TRS 18 24.25 15.63 316 20.75 1250 21.20 20.25 +.05 -11.7sTrimble Q TRMB 62 32.34 22.69 1457 32.01 4437 32.34 30.87 +.69 +6.2 TrimShrk n N TTAC 28.87 24.36 2 28.58 12 28.67 28.00 +.21 +5.6 TriNetGrp N TNET 43 30.17 14.23 245 28.90 889 29.04 27.76 +.47 +12.8 TrinityBio Q TRIB .88 14.8 16 13.68 5.20 137 5.96 305 6.19 5.39 +.49 -13.9 Trinity N TRN .44 1.7 10 30.13 16.39 1236 26.55 5621 26.79 25.01 +.68 -4.4 TrinityPlce N TPHS 10.37 6.36 178 7.31 334 7.84 7.26 -.04 -21.1 Trinseo SA N TSE 1.20 1.8 72.60 36.80 550 67.10 3218 67.50 62.54 +2.20 +13.2 TrioTch N TRT 13 4.48 2.60 1 4.14 28 4.19 4.08 +.01 +24.8 TripAdvis Q TRIP 54 71.69 40.45 2394 43.16 10271 43.77 42.00 +.47 -6.9 TriplePtV N TPVG 1.44a 10.3 10 14.10 9.80 163 13.94 579 14.07 13.53 +.32 +18.3 TripPtV20 N TPVZ 1.69 6.6 25.96 24.55 0 25.55 19 25.90 25.42 +.07 +.2 Triple-S N GTS 32 27.70 16.49 147 17.57 500 17.69 16.50 +.84 -15.1 TriStCap Q TSC 23 24.90 11.65 141 23.35 575 23.65 22.10 +.40 +5.7 TritonInt n N TRTN 1.80 7.0 27.84 11.50 400 25.79 1885 26.54 23.39 +1.38 +63.2 TriumphBc Q TBK 22 27.95 14.40 38 25.80 198 26.55 24.56 +.40 -1.3 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 18 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


TriumphGp N TGI .16 .6 5 40.09 22.40 602 25.75 3088 26.18 23.00 +1.95 -2.8 Trivago n Q TRVG 14.20 10.88 610 13.03 2492 13.18 12.02 +.85 +10.9 Tronc Q TRNC 17.93 6.74 257 13.92 1379 14.90 13.46 +.21 +.4 Tronox N TROX .18 1.0 19.99 3.84 795 18.45 5532 18.85 15.51 +2.10 +79.0 TrovaGn wt Q TROVW 4.30 .11 22 .14 292 .21 .11 -.00 -75.1 Trovagne Q TROV 6.67 .95 207 1.15 924 1.20 1.05 +.15 -45.2 TrueBlue N TBI 13 27.85 16.50 291 27.35 1187 27.45 26.10 +.50 +11.0sTrueCar Q TRUE 15.96 5.05 1546 15.47 9166 15.96 15.02 +.23 +23.8 TruettHrst Q THST 3.73 1.18 12 2.29 47 2.34 2.16 +.04 +28.7 TrstNY Q TRST .26 3.3 18 9.00 5.81 358 7.85 1212 8.00 7.55 +.05 -10.3 Trustmk Q TRMK .92 2.9 20 36.79 21.93 400 31.79 1474 32.20 30.03 +.73 -10.8 Tsakos N TNP .20 4.2 6.67 3.92 227 4.79 1312 4.86 4.59 +.06 +2.1 TsakE pfB N TNPpB 2.00 7.8 25.83 22.94 1 25.60 23 25.68 25.55 +.07 +1.3 Tsakos pfC N TNPpC 2.22 8.6 26.15 24.01 2 25.82 38 25.88 25.70 +.06 +1.8 Tsakos pfD N TNPpD 2.19 8.8 25.10 21.77 17 24.86 95 25.10 24.60 -.04 +1.8 T2 Biosys Q TTOO 11.30 4.89 25 5.26 269 5.70 5.23 -.02 Tucows grs Q TCX 34 52.75 21.47 93 51.05 348 51.60 48.45 +2.00 +44.8 TuesMrn Q TUES 9.23 3.15 364 3.75 1818 3.80 3.25 +.45 -30.6 Tuniu Q TOUR 12.13 7.62 104 8.76 726 8.85 8.38 +.04 +.1 Tuppwre N TUP 2.72 4.3 14 66.90 50.43 453 62.72 1908 63.00 61.34 +.58 +19.2 Turkcell N TKC 10.87 6.35 271 8.28 4724 8.49 8.25 -.19 +20.0 Turksh N TKF .15e 1.8 9.63 6.13 23 8.31 124 8.50 8.21 -.19 +22.6 TurnPtBr n N TPB 16.14 6.46 22 15.60 170 15.87 15.04 +.12 +27.3 TurqHillRs N TRQ 22 3.80 2.44 2782 3.07 18507 3.22 2.97 +.04 -5.0 TurtleBch Q HEAR 2.00 .83 119 .91 1556 .97 .87 -.07 -30.9 TutorPerini N TPC 17 33.00 14.35 417 31.80 1852 32.18 28.25 +2.30 +13.6s21stCFoxA Q FOXA .36 1.1 20 32.58 23.33 6523 32.39 39987 32.60 31.31 +.87 +15.5s21stCFoxB Q FOX .36 1.1 16 31.92 23.88 1939 31.78 11184 31.92 30.68 +.90 +16.6 21Vianet Q VNET 21.12 5.20 1138 5.49 3665 5.76 5.30 +.04 -21.7 22ndCentry N XXII 1.71 .73 1240 1.18 8884 1.35 1.00 +.15 +8.3 Twilio n N TWLO 70.96 23.66 1680 28.87 9356 30.06 28.12 -.32 +.1 TwinDisc lf Q TWIN .36 1.8 21.75 8.50 34 20.57 119 20.77 18.75 +1.52 +40.9 Twitter N TWTR 25.25 13.73 8237 14.95 52684 15.17 14.70 -.19 -8.3sTwoHrbInv N TWO 1.00f 10.4 11 9.82 7.62 2192 9.59 13686 9.82 9.54 +.16 +10.0sTwoHrb pfA N TWOpA 2.03 7.8 26.11 25.28 116 26.14 804 26.22 25.61 +.44 +3.2 TwoRvrBc Q TRCB .16b .9 17 18.20 8.90 33 17.67 129 17.73 16.50 +.01 +24.3s2U Q TWOU 39.07 21.01 1036 39.66 2878 40.38 36.30 +2.00 +31.5 TylerTech N TYL 49 175.77 131.06 112 154.56 733 155.49 152.00 +.08 +8.3 Tyson N TSN .90 1.5 14 77.05 55.72 2439 61.71 9717 62.87 61.26 -.86 Tyson eq un N TSNU 2.38 3.5 84.37 61.55 8 67.00 14 67.61 66.89 -1.19 -1.0U -:US AutoPts Q PRTS 4.49 2.40 35 3.35 94 3.37 3.14 +.09 -4.8 US Concrte Q USCR 71.35 42.82 338 64.55 2104 64.90 59.50 +3.75 -1.5tUBS 3xLCr N WTIU 24.20 14.90 24 18.50 111 18.60 14.90 +2.70 -22.8 UBS 3xInvC N WTID 37.39 24.12 2 29.64 29 37.19 29.64 -5.61 +20.0 UBS FILCG N FBGX 163.87 113.51 3 162.91 24 163.10 156.32 +4.06 +17.6 UBS2xSPDiv N SDYL 3.40e 4.7 73.94 56.44 2 72.05 26 72.20 70.20 +.92 +5.9 UBS Grp N UBS .80f 5.0 17.44 11.93 1509 15.95 9903 16.07 15.48 +.32 +1.8 UCP N UCP 9 12.75 6.35 28 10.15 190 10.40 9.45 +.25 -15.8 UDR N UDR 1.24f 3.4 20 38.61 32.79 1349 36.26 6386 36.49 35.63 -.15 -.6 UFP Tch Q UFPT 24 27.50 20.40 77 25.90 210 26.10 24.35 +.90 +1.8 UGI Corp N UGI .95 1.9 11 50.38 39.20 784 49.40 4935 50.21 49.28 -.57 +7.2 UMB Fn Q UMBF 1.02f 1.4 23 81.55 48.49 263 75.31 1018 76.34 70.69 +1.88 -2.3 UMH Prop N UMH .72 4.7 21 15.50 9.53 174 15.21 502 15.26 14.66 +.36 +1.1 UMH pfA N UMHpA 2.06 8.0 26.50 25.05 0 25.89 10 25.99 25.60 +.18 +.7 UMH pfB N UMHpB 2.00 7.5 28.40 25.76 1 26.78 7 27.20 26.77 -.06 -.1 UQM Tech N UQM .90 .42 373 .48 773 .52 .44 -.02 +11.6 USEcology Q ECOL .72 1.5 30 54.00 38.00 113 46.85 491 47.05 45.50 -4.7sUS FdsHl n N USFD 27.94 22.19 536 27.98 3092 28.14 27.22 +.58 +1.8 US Geoth rs N HTM 26 5.40 3.66 28 4.09 109 4.15 4.00 +.02 USGlobInv Q GROW .03 1.9 2.33 1.25 11 1.56 91 1.61 1.50 -.03 +14.7 USPhysTh N USPH .68 1.0 35 78.00 46.39 67 65.30 317 65.85 62.60 +1.75 -7.0 US Silica N SLCA .25 .5 61.49 21.65 1671 47.99 11754 49.12 42.60 +2.64 -15.3 USA Cmp N USAC 2.10 12.4 56 19.78 10.50 136 16.89 357 16.91 16.18 +.33 -2.4 USA Tech h Q USAT 5.81 3.50 115 4.25 678 4.25 4.00 +.20 -1.2 USA Trk Q USAK 21.46 6.85 27 7.35 222 7.65 7.11 +.07 -15.6 USANA s N USNA 14 75.00 54.03 92 57.60 284 58.55 57.05 -.20 -5.9 USD Ptrs N USDP 1.32f 10.7 17.50 7.90 12 12.30 210 12.55 11.50 +.50 -22.2 USG N USG 17 34.67 23.71 1208 31.80 8702 33.83 31.57 -1.32 +10.1sUTStarcm Q UTSI 33 2.15 1.59 620 1.96 727 2.40 1.80 +.07 -2.0 Ubiquiti Q UBNT .17 .3 18 64.62 32.04 540 50.26 2077 51.45 49.75 -.41 -13.0 UltaBeauty Q ULTA 44 289.27 190.74 413 285.23 2214 285.96 277.09 +3.70 +11.9 UltimSoft Q ULTI 224.07 176.80 295 195.21 1408 196.51 187.17 +4.82 +7.1sUltraClean Q UCTT 16.27 4.95 1381 16.87 3660 16.99 15.00 +1.21 +73.9 Ultragenyx Q RARE 91.35 46.52 646 67.78 2887 71.41 65.55 -2.54 -3.6 Ultralife Q ULBI 24 6.15 3.73 38 5.45 118 5.50 5.35 +10.1 Ultrapar N UGP .43e 1.9 24.50 18.38 696 22.73 2575 23.25 22.52 +.15 +9.6sUltratech Q UTEK 58 29.74 19.52 112 29.62 441 29.77 29.18 +.27 +23.5 Umpqua Q UMPQ .64 3.6 16 19.50 14.61 1645 17.74 7950 17.99 16.68 +.63 -5.5 UndrArm s N UAA 34 47.95 18.40 3999 19.78 23056 20.79 19.40 +.12 -31.9 UnAr C wi N UA 46.53 17.05 2679 18.30 17086 19.05 17.95 +.14 -27.3 UniPixel Q UNXL 2.88 .71 776 .85 3716 .95 .74 +.05 -13.5 UniQure Q QURE 15.00 5.25 39 5.78 430 5.98 5.63 -.03 +3.2 UnicoA Q UNAM 12.39 8.64 0 9.55 6 9.90 9.40 -.35 -11.2 Unifi N UFI 15 34.70 20.71 90 28.39 241 28.65 26.52 +1.40 -13.0 UniFirst N UNF .15 .1 25 147.65 104.86 58 141.45 416 147.05 133.05 +6.35 -1.5sUnilevNV N UN 1.40e 2.8 50.79 38.41 4361 49.68 15613 50.79 49.42 -.58 +21.0sUnilever N UL 1.40e 2.8 50.61 38.58 2920 49.34 8804 50.61 49.09 -.83 +21.2 Unilife lf Q UNIS 7.30 1.58 71 1.71 296 1.85 1.71 -.11 -25.7 UnionBkVA Q UBSH .80 2.3 20 39.37 23.28 152 35.18 456 35.68 33.34 +.87 -1.6 UnionBkVT Q UNB 1.12 2.6 22 50.15 28.25 3 42.95 13 43.00 40.65 +.65 -5.5 UnionPac N UNP 2.42 2.3 21 111.38 77.29 2692 105.92 16605 107.46 102.41 +1.96 +2.2 UniqueF n N UFAB .60 5.0 15.93 10.40 15 12.03 62 12.06 11.54 +.18 -17.6 Unisys N UIS 14 16.70 6.72 1077 13.95 3576 14.25 13.70 -.40 -6.7 Unit N UNT 30.63 8.25 634 24.16 2653 24.33 21.08 +1.98 -10.1 UnBnOH Q UBCP .44a 3.6 17 15.25 8.91 18 12.30 29 12.65 11.41 -.17 -8.9 UtdBOH Q UBOH .44 2.1 11 23.78 17.18 1 20.81 14 21.00 20.18 +.31 -2.8 UBSI Q UBSI 1.32 3.1 21 49.35 34.50 553 42.25 2149 42.85 39.45 +1.35 -8.6 UtdCmtyBc Q UCBA .24 1.4 28 17.75 13.60 9 17.70 18 17.70 17.60 +.08 +6.0 UtdCmBks Q UCBI .36f 1.3 19 30.47 17.07 596 27.69 1732 28.05 25.29 +1.11 -6.5 UCmntyFn Q UCFC .12 1.4 21 9.50 5.53 424 8.34 717 8.54 8.15 +.12 -6.7 UtdContl N UAL 8 76.80 37.41 2358 70.64 16139 71.19 66.26 +2.71 -3.1 UtdFnBcp Q UBNK .48 2.8 17 18.66 12.05 138 17.01 551 17.07 16.07 +.53 -6.3 UtdFire Q UFCS 1.00 2.3 23 50.75 37.54 98 42.77 394 43.30 41.47 +.50 -13.0 UtdInsur Q UIHC .24 1.5 10 19.73 9.52 124 15.95 588 16.09 15.22 +.46 +5.4 UtdMicro N UMC .09e 4.7 2.12 1.74 2079 1.93 22429 1.99 1.93 -.05 +10.3 UtdNtrlF Q UNFI 17 52.18 33.16 659 43.23 2023 43.73 42.13 +.54 -9.4 UPS B N UPS 3.32f 3.1 19 120.44 100.05 2416 107.30 11365 107.70 103.75 +2.25 -6.4 UtdRentals N URI 14 134.28 56.01 970 125.05 5970 126.19 115.10 +4.36 +18.4 USecBcCA Q UBFO .08t 17 8.25 4.56 18 7.30 24 7.55 7.00 -.15 -5.8 USNatGas N UNL 11.93 8.63 6 10.61 32 10.95 9.80 +.05 -9.2 US12MoOil N USL 20.89 15.18 25 18.52 220 18.54 17.39 +.84 -9.2 USAntimny N UAMY .60 .20 85 .50 317 .52 .47 -.00 +97.6 US Bancrp N USB 1.12 2.2 16 56.61 38.48 7999 51.50 39747 53.17 51.05 -.79 +.3 US Bcp pfA N USBpA 35.49e 4.1 904.95 794.00 1 860.00 3 869.00 859.80 -1.12 -1.1 US Bcp pfH N USBpH .89e 3.9 25.05 20.63 34 23.06 217 23.16 22.84 +.23 +7.0 US Bcp pfM N USBpM 1.63 5.7 31.43 27.64 81 28.66 339 29.10 28.60 -.06 +1.3 US Bcp pfO N USBpO 1.29 5.0 27.65 23.63 9 25.56 85 25.89 25.48 +.03 +5.4 US Brent N BNO 16.09 11.42 63 14.52 531 14.56 13.60 +.70 -7.4 US Cellular N USM 68 46.01 33.30 126 37.33 436 37.78 35.94 +.55 -14.6 US Cellu60 N UZA 1.74 6.8 27.05 24.34 8 25.54 71 25.55 24.37 +.12 +2.2 US Cellu 63 N UZB 1.81 6.8 27.85 24.43 14 26.60 97 26.60 25.95 +.44 +4.7 US Cell64 N UZC 1.81 6.8 27.70 24.43 23 26.68 105 26.68 26.50 +.01 +4.2 USCmdtyFd N USCI 43.86 38.21 44 39.16 587 39.48 38.77 +.01 -2.1 USDslHtOil N UHN 17.05 11.41 9 15.00 32 15.09 14.04 +.76 -10.6 US Engy rs Q USEG 2.84 .75 12 .89 80 .92 .80 +.04 -30.4 US GasFd N UGA 32.03 21.94 14 27.28 117 27.35 25.64 +1.38 -12.9 USCoppFd N CPER 19.00 13.00 3 17.31 21 17.70 16.78 +.11 +5.9 USLime Q USLM .54f .7 25 79.50 50.75 5 78.98 34 79.00 76.02 +1.54 +4.3 US NGas N UNG 9.74 6.36 10155 7.57 43365 7.72 7.41 +.09 -19.0 US OilFd N USO 12.45 8.99 17958 10.64 101639 10.66 9.88 +.55 -9.2 US ShrtOil N DNO 91.77 60.41 3 67.22 31 72.20 67.22 -3.66 +8.5 USSteel N X .20 .6 41.83 12.77 13524 33.81 79967 34.30 30.73 +.99 +2.4 UtdTech N UTX 2.64 2.4 17 114.44 96.89 2319 112.21 11538 113.15 110.45 +.41 +2.4 UtdTherap Q UTHR 10 169.89 97.52 969 135.38 2872 141.82 132.13 -4.67 -5.6 UtdGrdian Q UG .75e 5.1 30 22.00 13.52 2 14.85 10 15.00 14.70 +.05 -4.2 UtdhlthGp N UNH 2.50 1.5 20 172.14 125.26 3175 164.01 23772 166.07 162.74 -.99 +2.5 UnitGrp Q UNIT 2.40 9.3 15 32.73 20.76 618 25.85 3299 25.94 25.20 +.91 +1.7 UNITIL N UTL 1.44f 3.2 23 46.98 35.37 33 45.03 153 45.33 44.10 +.50 -.7 UnityBcp Q UNTY .20 1.2 12 18.00 9.67 7 16.95 262 17.05 16.50 +.60 +8.0 Univar n N UNVR 33.15 16.07 482 30.66 2924 30.69 28.78 +1.25 +8.1 UnvAmr N UAM .75e 10.13 6.72 235 9.97 611 9.98 9.97 -.01 +.2 UnvslCp N UVV 2.12f 3.0 17 83.35 52.26 372 70.75 1232 71.80 68.95 +1.50 +11.0sUnivDisp Q OLED .03p 84 89.95 47.88 626 86.10 3398 89.95 80.20 +2.70 +52.9 UnvElc Q UEIC 38 80.42 52.90 55 68.50 199 68.85 65.35 +1.60 +6.1 UnivFor Q UFPI .90f .9 20 110.97 76.11 101 98.54 405 99.26 93.80 +1.57 -3.6 UnvHR N UHT 2.62f 4.1 38 66.85 51.95 57 64.50 270 65.32 60.47 +3.78 -1.7 UnivHlthS N UHS .40 .3 17 139.77 99.72 703 124.45 5437 128.49 122.62 +2.56 +17.0 Univ Insur N UVE .69 2.8 7 29.20 16.32 169 24.50 639 24.65 23.25 +.75 -13.7 UnvLogist Q ULH .28 2.0 11 17.70 11.09 14 14.35 61 14.70 12.51 +1.60 -12.2tUnvSecInst N UUU 4.63 2.80 7 2.95 86 3.30 2.80 -.10 -24.4sUnvStainls Q USAP 17.56 9.00 69 17.00 183 17.83 14.80 +1.85 +25.8 UnivTInst N UTI .08 2.3 5.38 1.42 6 3.45 228 3.54 3.30 -.15 +18.6 UnivstPa Q UVSP .80 3.1 31.50 18.81 166 25.90 417 26.50 25.75 -.35 -16.2 UnumGrp N UNM .80f 1.7 12 50.27 29.79 1335 46.89 6373 47.15 44.51 +1.10 +6.7sUplandSoft Q UPLD 16.00 6.73 45 15.89 195 16.24 14.85 +.30 +77.5 Ur-Energy N URG .91 .41 87 .66 1063 .71 .65 -.03 +24.5 UraniumEn N UEC 1.92 .69 548 1.42 3404 1.44 1.29 +.10 +26.8 UranmRs rs Q URRE 4.00 .97 1984 1.88 3575 1.97 1.75 +.10 +37.2 UrbnEdg n N UE .80 3.0 21 30.29 24.10 478 26.30 1911 26.51 25.53 -4.4 UrbanOut Q URBN 13 40.80 22.06 5392 23.76 19011 24.65 22.53 +.82 -16.6 UrstdBid N UBP 1.06f 6.2 17 22.37 15.95 1 17.18 12 17.36 17.00 +.22 -10.0 UrsBidA N UBA 1.04f 5.1 20 25.43 19.67 342 20.56 761 20.63 20.06 +.40 -14.7 UrsBid pfF N UBPpF 1.78 6.9 27.70 25.18 2 25.96 39 25.96 25.46 +.32 +1.8 UrsBid pfG N UBPpG 1.69 6.6 28.72 25.25 0 25.75 7 26.10 25.66 -.25 +.6 UtahMed Q UTMD 1.06 1.7 19 75.00 56.30 7 62.30 31 63.00 60.10 +1.45 -14.4V -:VBI Vac n Q VBIV 6.60 2.75 64 5.49 426 5.68 5.05 +.33 +77.1 VCA Inc Q WOOF 34 91.70 55.55 865 91.50 3593 91.65 91.40 +33.3 VEON Q VEON .04 .9 4.51 3.12 4.05 13614 4.13 3.88 +.15 +5.2 VF Corp N VFC 1.68 3.1 18 66.31 48.05 3925 54.97 22016 56.27 53.53 +.91 +3.0 VOC EnTr N VOC .32e 9.1 7 4.29 2.48 16 3.51 115 3.60 3.31 +.16 +10.4 VOXX Intl Q VOXX 5.90 2.47 89 5.20 337 5.55 4.90 +.10 +10.6 VSE Corp s Q VSEC .24 .6 17 42.69 26.16 73 40.80 314 41.21 36.86 +3.21 +5.0 VTTI Engy N VTTI 1.34f 7.1 21.74 15.40 89 19.00 540 19.10 18.80 +17.6 VWR Q VWR 19 31.75 24.42 573 28.20 3076 28.70 27.07 +.89 +12.7 VaalcoE N EGY 1.43 .70 171 .92 844 .94 .81 +.09 -11.8 VailRsrt N MTN 4.21f 2.2 44 194.05 124.00 271 191.90 1552 192.79 184.12 +5.43 +19.0 Vale SA N VALE .29e 3.1 11.70 3.85 25887 9.50 134731 9.79 8.70 +.20 +24.7 Vale SA pf N VALE/P .29e 3.2 11.10 2.99 11615 8.98 44763 9.32 8.27 +.21 +30.3 ValeantPh N VRX 4 38.50 10.35 8800 11.03 74263 11.43 10.66 +.28 -24.0tValeritas n Q VLRX 9.50 5.20 44 7.15 302 7.25 5.20 +.40 +.4 ValeroE N VLO 2.80f 4.2 18 71.40 46.88 3474 66.29 20547 67.40 65.45 +.51 -3.0 ValeroEPt N VLP 1.63f 3.4 19 51.00 38.90 90 47.91 553 48.76 46.67 +.59 +8.2 Valhi N VHI .08 2.4 41 4.10 1.14 100 3.28 527 3.32 3.22 -.06 -5.2 Validus N VR 1.52f 2.7 13 58.76 44.23 351 56.39 1490 56.76 54.79 +.26 +2.5 Validus pfA N VRpA 25.99 21.50 4 24.87 68 24.98 24.51 +.12 +10.4 VlyNBcp N VLY .44 3.7 19 12.82 8.49 1765 11.80 9905 11.90 11.25 +.16 +1.4 VlyNB wt18 N VLY/WS .40 .03 0 .34 19 .37 .32 -.01 +54.5 VlyNBc pfA N VLYpA 1.56 5.6 30.85 24.86 11 27.83 32 28.78 27.29 -.73 +7.5 Valmont N VMI 1.50 1.0 24 165.20 117.10 286 155.50 748 155.95 146.40 +5.53 +10.4 Valspar N VAL 1.48 1.3 24 111.84 97.62 759 110.94 2947 111.11 110.75 -.06 +7.1 ValueLine Q VALU .68 4.0 16 25.25 14.05 3 17.21 9 17.53 16.30 -.02 -11.7 Valvoline n N VVV .05p 24.98 18.30 442 24.55 3526 24.75 23.56 +.71 +14.2 VanEMGold N OUNZ 13.61 11.12 28 12.33 182 12.46 12.29 -.01 +8.3 VanEGold N GDX .12e .5 31.79 18.58 53561 22.81 254613 23.54 22.53 -.11 +9.0sVanE Grn n N GRNB 25.30 24.91 2 24.99 9 25.30 24.99 -.17 +.2 VnEkSteel N SLX 1.16e 2.9 45.39 23.70 44 40.37 422 40.85 38.35 +.57 +6.8 VnEkHiIn rs N YMLP 28.12 19.30 6 25.85 55 25.91 24.95 +.64 -1.2 VanE EMHi N HYEM 1.57 6.4 24.84 22.71 240 24.66 3035 24.84 24.46 +.11 +2.6 VanEHiYM N HYD 1.45 4.7 32.42 28.33 578 30.57 3019 30.59 30.46 +.12 +3.0 VnEkShHY N SHYD .81 3.4 25.50 23.03 33 24.01 185 24.02 23.89 +.11 +.9 VnEkRus N RSX .64e 3.1 22.19 15.76 6182 20.67 26805 21.08 20.51 -.28 -2.6sVanE BDC N BIZD 1.47e 7.6 19.27 15.86 67 19.27 320 19.34 18.75 +.36 +7.0 VEckPfSec N PFXF 1.24e 6.2 21.77 18.96 162 20.07 821 20.07 19.88 +.10 +3.9sVanE FallA N ANGL 1.63e 4.6 29.63 25.50 304 29.56 3560 29.64 29.04 +.44 +2.7 VanE IntHY N IHY 1.26 5.1 25.00 23.32 21 24.57 89 24.64 24.51 +3.1sVanE Reit N MORT 2.36e 7.9 24.09 19.26 68 24.03 239 24.11 23.40 +.60 +9.9 VnEkCfMun N XMPT 1.35 5.1 29.96 25.10 12 26.25 73 26.25 26.04 +.29 +1.7 VanE EmM N EMAG .92 4.3 21.82 19.82 3 21.44 4 21.56 21.44 +.12 +5.4 VanE IGFlt N FLTR .15e .6 25.36 24.56 67 25.20 309 25.22 25.16 +.8 VanE EMBd N EMLC .98 5.3 19.40 16.98 952 18.51 7002 18.71 18.48 -.19 +5.2 VanEAltEn N GEX .11e .2 55.48 46.50 2 55.21 11 55.28 53.62 +1.01 +9.4 VnEkSMu N SMB .20 1.1 17.80 16.99 12 17.45 182 17.46 17.40 +.04 +1.2 VanE LgMu N MLN .62 3.2 21.18 18.66 18 19.56 100 19.61 19.48 +.05 +1.0 VanEIntMu N ITM .54 2.3 24.94 22.74 388 23.44 1837 23.50 23.42 +.04 +1.1 VnEkHiInInf N YMLI 1.20 7.5 17.35 10.82 2 16.03 22 16.03 15.23 +.59 +1.9 VanE GenDr N GNRX 26.56 21.17 0 22.55 3 22.88 22.45 -.09 +5.0sVanE OilR N CRAK 22.65 17.66 22.65 7 22.65 22.11 +.40 +8.7sV IntMoat N MOTI 31.68 24.70 3 31.33 37 31.68 30.94 +.26 +12.8 VEckNucl N NLR 1.27e 2.6 51.10 44.80 49.67 3 50.00 49.55 -.06 +4.7 VanEChAMC N CNXT 35.69 28.32 2 30.06 22 30.73 29.68 -.67 +4.2 VanE Israel N ISRA .74e 1.0 29.63 25.31 2 29.09 12 29.28 28.82 -.16 +8.5 VanEWMoat N MOAT .42e 1.1 38.31 30.32 83 37.53 776 37.65 36.82 +.39 +7.8 VanE UncOG N FRAK .29e 1.8 19.94 13.56 4 16.42 145 16.59 15.51 +.69 -10.0sVnEkSemi N SMH .63e .8 79.99 50.88 866 79.71 6162 80.05 78.33 +.58 +11.3 VnEkRtl] N RTH .29e .4 82.00 73.15 29 79.01 148 79.21 77.10 +1.31 +4.2 VanE GenD Q GNRX 62.22 23.51 55 55.14 408 56.01 54.87 -.03 +5.0 VanE Agri N MOO 1.69e 3.2 54.74 45.37 136 53.45 296 53.66 52.93 +.05 +4.1 VEckOilSvc N OIH .86e 2.8 36.35 25.13 3533 30.81 26835 31.04 29.18 +1.12 -7.6 VanE VecBi Q BBH 123.15 95.77 44 119.05 349 119.87 116.61 +1.25 +10.7 VnEkRusSC N RSXJ .41e 1.0 42.10 21.72 86 40.64 307 41.00 39.15 +.85 +6.7 VEckVcREr N REMX .50a 2.8 20.97 14.20 56 17.91 245 18.12 17.54 +.12 +5.3 VEckChina N PEK 1.41e 1.3 41.33 35.62 11 39.19 30 39.66 38.84 -.47 +6.1sVnEkIndSC N SCIF .44e .8 52.90 37.83 74 52.96 329 53.19 51.38 +1.52 +29.9 VanE Egyp N EGPT 2.76e 9.7 41.80 24.72 38 28.35 139 28.68 27.71 +.30 +7.4 VEckPoland N PLND .80e 5.0 16.65 12.22 2 15.90 23 16.36 15.89 -.28 +18.5 VanE JrGld N GDXJ 52.50 27.37 15288 35.98 84856 37.25 35.18 -.22 +14.0 VanE Coal N KOL .37 2.7 14.74 7.24 343 13.83 1127 14.08 13.40 +.02 +12.8 VnEk Viet N VNM .51e 3.6 15.72 12.50 178 14.02 959 14.07 13.84 +.08 +7.5 VanEBrzSC N BRF 20.80 11.66 29 19.77 214 20.00 19.18 +.16 +24.4 VanEIndo N IDX .50e 2.2 24.10 18.75 72 22.70 264 22.93 22.58 -.15 +6.9 VanENatRs N HAP .85e 2.5 34.25 27.59 71 33.36 83 33.38 32.83 +.25 +3.1 VanE VAfr N AFK .76e 3.6 22.17 18.30 2 20.88 42 21.57 20.70 -.32 +5.5sVanE Gam N BJK 1.88e 5.0 37.97 30.14 0 37.70 45 37.97 36.57 +.68 +11.4 VandaPhm Q VNDA 18.00 7.23 526 14.00 1999 14.60 13.85 -.45 -12.2 VangLTBd N BLV 3.92e 4.1 101.24 87.22 63 90.04 450 90.77 89.75 -.01 +1.0 VangIntBd N BIV 2.17a 2.6 88.58 82.17 624 83.61 2797 83.81 83.44 +.13 +.7 VangSTBd N BSV 1.08e 1.2 81.14 79.17 1174 79.72 7547 79.76 79.60 +.09 +.3 VangTotBd N BND 2.06e 2.2 84.92 80.02 2392 81.08 8998 81.23 80.96 +.10 +.4 VangExDur N EDV 4.81e 3.2 145.60 106.00 56 111.15 200 113.00 110.71 -.40 +1.6 VangMegG N MGK 1.19e 1.2 96.33 79.42 90 95.71 529 95.93 94.12 +.67 +9.9 VangMegV N MGV 1.53e 2.2 70.81 58.32 63 68.53 287 69.04 67.81 +2.1 VangMega N MGC 1.47e 1.8 82.19 67.86 30 80.65 223 81.02 79.65 +.32 +5.6 VanHiDvY N VYM 2.10e 2.7 79.62 67.88 814 77.65 4557 77.96 76.63 +.37 +2.5 VangIntHi Q VYMI 1.64e 2.7 61.70 49.75 27 60.56 229 61.11 60.36 +6.9 VangIntDiv Q VIGI .76e 1.3 58.36 51.50 91 57.46 351 58.05 57.37 +.12 +8.8 VangEMGv Q VWOB 3.82 4.8 82.08 75.80 89 79.65 351 79.86 79.48 +.20 +2.7 VangEMI N VXF 1.13e 1.1 101.94 80.36 247 99.89 1069 100.23 96.70 +1.90 +4.2 VangGrth N VUG 1.38e 1.1 122.50 101.87 654 121.66 3240 121.97 119.41 +1.15 +9.1 VangLgCp N VV 1.84e 1.7 110.19 90.89 214 108.09 1317 108.45 106.20 +.88 +5.6 VangMidC N VO 1.76e 1.3 141.61 116.51 403 139.24 1997 139.64 136.54 +1.09 +5.8 VangSmCp N VB 1.63e 1.2 136.38 108.79 510 133.28 3507 133.74 128.81 +2.65 +3.3 VangSCG N VBK 1.19e .8 142.73 116.45 130 140.67 776 141.10 136.26 +2.55 +5.7 VangSCV N VBR 1.96e 1.6 126.68 98.89 261 122.86 1846 123.34 118.56 +2.53 +1.5 VangTSM N VTI 2.17e 1.8 123.73 101.51 1807 121.32 12638 121.72 118.89 +1.16 +5.2 VangValu N VTV 2.05e 2.1 98.50 80.43 1316 95.37 7333 95.78 93.67 +.69 +2.5 VangSP500 N VOO 3.81e 1.8 220.66 182.27 1275 216.35 9902 217.13 212.62 +1.62 +5.4 VangMCVal N VOE 1.76e 1.7 104.31 83.98 292 101.92 1343 102.26 99.27 +1.36 +4.9 VangMCGr N VOT .82e .7 113.98 96.13 94 112.95 462 113.26 110.79 +.97 +6.9 VangREIT N VNQ 3.08e 3.7 92.92 76.98 6710 82.59 23058 82.89 80.57 +.71 +.1 VangDivAp N VIG 1.82e 2.0 91.68 79.06 526 89.94 3380 90.63 89.30 -.08 +5.6 V exUSRE Q VNQI 2.57e 4.8 57.58 48.61 240 53.26 2133 53.57 53.07 -.37 +7.4 VangAllWld N VSS 2.64e 2.6 103.20 87.83 101 102.65 467 102.95 101.83 +.26 +9.2 VangTotW N VT 1.53e 2.3 65.96 54.75 658 65.22 4676 65.64 64.64 +.09 +6.9 VangAllW N VEU 1.34e 2.8 48.40 39.96 1191 47.83 7332 48.18 47.66 -.03 +8.3 VangEmg N VWO 1.10e 2.8 40.63 32.25 11958 39.72 54542 40.28 39.72 -.49 +11.0sVangPacif N VPL 1.37e 2.2 64.01 52.81 402 63.28 1376 64.01 62.96 -.07 +8.9 VangEur N VGK 1.71e 3.3 52.07 42.73 2069 51.57 14418 51.79 51.29 +.20 +7.6 VangTEBd N VTEB .28e 52.88 49.32 145 50.64 731 50.75 50.58 +.09 +.8 Vang500Gr N VOOG 1.62e 1.4 119.04 99.52 60 118.14 269 118.42 116.13 +1.00 +8.2 Van500Val N VOOV 2.01e 2.0 103.78 84.75 60 100.27 173 100.75 98.32 +.74 +2.7 VanSC600V N VIOV 1.24e 1.0 125.02 94.16 6 119.51 38 119.89 114.99 +2.78 -.8 VanSC600G N VIOG 1.11e .8 133.67 103.45 4 131.30 42 131.77 126.67 +2.53 +2.3 VangSC600 N VIOO 1.25e 1.0 128.59 98.79 35 125.63 262 126.13 121.09 +2.80 +.9 VanMC400V N IVOV 1.47e 1.3 116.19 91.08 16 112.98 123 113.51 109.57 +1.99 +2.5 VanMC400G N IVOG 1.03e .9 120.03 98.26 13 117.80 888 118.26 115.00 +1.32 +5.2 VanMC400 N IVOO 1.36e 1.2 118.45 94.90 26 115.68 114 116.11 112.59 +1.77 +3.9 VanShTGv Q VGSH .59a 1.0 61.44 60.57 222 60.79 691 60.81 60.73 +.04 -.2 VanSTCpB Q VCSH 1.80 2.3 81.18 78.94 1247 79.74 6461 79.75 79.59 +.07 +.5 VangR3K Q VTHR 1.92e 1.8 110.46 90.70 8 108.63 46 108.82 106.38 +1.48 +5.2 VanR2KGr Q VTWG 1.07e .9 118.55 92.29 23 117.74 35 117.84 113.54 +2.62 +5.5 VanR2KV Q VTWV 1.64e 1.6 106.10 78.11 22 102.61 115 103.02 98.48 +2.63 -.5 VangR2K Q VTWO 1.41e 1.3 112.82 85.45 42 110.37 362 110.81 106.26 +2.40 +2.2 VanR1KGr Q VONG 1.59e 1.4 117.59 97.57 100 116.70 275 116.93 114.57 +1.05 +8.5 VanIntTGv Q VGIT .96a 1.5 67.45 63.42 34 64.31 391 64.42 64.14 +.08 +.6 VanR1KV Q VONV 2.28e 2.3 103.67 84.94 27 100.42 182 100.87 98.51 +.75 +2.7 VangR1K Q VONE 2.00e 1.8 110.33 91.03 5 108.41 89 108.62 106.39 +.96 +5.7 VanMtgBSc Q VMBS 1.10a 2.1 54.01 51.82 327 52.52 1669 52.53 52.34 +.15 +.4 VanLTCpB Q VCLT 3.79 4.2 97.64 86.60 155 89.90 888 90.46 89.61 +.12 +.6 VanLTGvB Q VGLT 1.86 2.5 87.92 72.09 36 74.54 215 75.30 74.29 -.02 +1.2 VanIntCpB Q VCIT 2.76 3.2 90.14 84.64 1112 86.38 4944 86.50 86.19 +.23 +.8 VangSTInfl Q VTIP .37e .7 49.76 48.71 346 49.47 1730 49.51 49.39 +.09 +.6 VangFTSE N VEA 1.10e 2.8 39.64 33.01 9416 39.30 37375 39.52 39.08 +.10 +7.6 VanTIntBd Q BNDX .55a 1.0 56.31 53.56 631 54.13 3836 54.20 54.00 +.11 -.3 VanTIntStk Q VXUS 1.34e 2.7 50.23 41.60 906 49.68 3651 50.03 49.47 -.05 +8.3sVangCnD N VCR 1.62e 1.2 138.40 115.66 59 138.47 355 138.74 134.80 +2.46 +7.6 VangCnS N VDC 3.29e 2.3 143.71 129.24 333 140.64 629 141.48 140.16 -.18 +5.0 VangEngy N VDE 2.64e 2.7 109.08 82.84 316 96.71 1386 97.48 93.18 +2.56 -7.6 VangFncl N VFH .90e 1.5 64.20 44.25 1577 60.47 7320 61.02 58.30 +.72 +1.9 VanHC Etf N VHT 1.62e 1.2 141.68 120.38 115 137.82 979 138.45 136.01 +.44 +8.7 VangIndl N VIS 1.96e 1.6 127.63 100.03 69 123.73 391 124.27 120.45 +1.48 +3.7 VangInfT N VGT 1.39e 1.0 136.67 101.46 641 135.63 2390 136.01 132.71 +1.44 +11.6 VangMat N VAW 2.17e 1.8 121.70 96.51 55 118.94 345 119.56 115.35 +2.02 +5.8 VangUtil N VPU 3.41e 3.0 115.81 99.85 74 112.63 479 114.12 111.87 -1.12 +5.3 VangTel N VOX 2.98e 3.1 104.36 87.29 51 94.87 380 95.34 93.15 +.23 -5.3 Vantiv N VNTV 39 66.24 50.52 813 64.12 4448 64.48 62.76 +.70 +7.5 VarexImag Q VREX 35.96 25.00 160 33.60 1293 33.85 30.25 +2.59 +19.4 VarianMed N VAR 22 94.49 68.76 437 91.13 2714 91.71 90.33 -.05 +14.6 Varonis Q VRNS 32.05 17.05 361 31.80 910 31.80 30.20 +.85 +18.7 VascoDta Q VDSI 25 19.30 12.40 244 13.50 775 13.55 12.65 +.60 -1.1 VascuBio Q VBLT 7.58 3.03 64 5.50 349 5.70 5.30 -.15 +13.4 VectorGp N VGR 1.60b 7.7 39 23.24 19.33 692 20.80 3704 20.88 19.85 +.71 -8.5sVectren N VVC 1.68f 2.9 23 58.59 46.52 436 58.61 1765 59.03 57.77 +.27 +12.4 Vectrus N VEC 10 34.98 12.50 91 22.35 608 22.52 21.15 +.34 -6.3sVedantaLtd N VEDL .26e 1.5 17.07 5.00 660 17.17 2988 17.34 15.91 +.93 +38.2 VeecoInst Q VECO 30.45 15.53 292 29.85 1660 30.28 27.94 +1.10 +2.4sVeevaSys N VEEV 84 51.48 25.02 919 51.28 7233 51.67 48.56 +1.71 +26.0 Ventas N VTR 3.10 4.8 24 76.80 56.20 2306 65.04 11597 65.11 63.80 +1.21 +4.0 VentasR 43 N VTRB 1.36 5.4 28.30 23.27 9 25.02 35 25.54 25.00 -.58 +4.2 VBradley Q VRA 17 20.69 8.40 258 9.31 1453 9.36 8.53 +.66 -20.6sVeracyte Q VCYT 9.71 4.77 94 9.18 636 9.71 8.93 +.01 +18.6sVerastem Q VSTM 2.25 1.05 1781 2.07 5786 2.25 1.61 +.41 +84.8 Vereit N VER .55 6.5 11 11.09 7.99 4910 8.49 24544 8.62 8.27 +.13 +.4 Vereit pf N VERpR 1.68 6.5 27.42 24.65 27 25.70 139 25.76 25.52 +.14 +1.6 VeriFone N PAY 13 29.73 14.94 1865 18.73 5884 19.45 18.50 +.01 +5.6 Vericel Q VCEL 6.69 1.96 764 2.80 1483 2.90 2.68 -.05 -6.7sVerintSys Q VRNT 44.70 29.80 663 43.38 4993 44.70 39.25 +2.98 +23.0 Verisign Q VRSN 25 91.99 74.01 562 87.11 2628 87.66 86.16 -.08 +14.5 Verisk Q VRSK 22 87.40 75.72 814 81.14 4255 81.61 79.17 +1.43 Veritex Q VBTX 25 29.43 13.73 51 28.12 312 28.65 27.22 -.12 +5.3 Veritiv N VRTV 40 62.60 34.10 185 51.80 647 52.48 48.95 +.60 -3.6 VerizonCm N VZ 2.31 4.7 12 56.95 46.01 18841 48.75 67725 49.76 48.67 -.93 -8.7 VerizonC 54 N VZA 1.48 5.6 28.47 25.22 27 26.43 197 26.44 26.20 +.21 +1.3 VermilnE g N VET 1.91 44.95 26.50 99 37.51 457 37.60 35.28 +1.88 -11.1 Vermillion Q VRML 2.85 .76 51 2.09 620 2.43 2.01 -.05 +120.0 Versar N VSR 3.25 .90 94 1.67 1519 1.97 1.50 -.23 +21.9 Versartis Q VSAR 24.00 6.45 562 21.35 1470 22.30 20.35 +.25 +43.3 Verso Cp N VRS 13.60 4.37 273 6.00 932 6.19 5.54 +.23 -15.5 Versum N VSM .05p 31.31 22.18 345 30.60 1578 30.75 29.27 +.73 +9.0 VertexEn Q VTNR 2.05 .90 18 1.11 200 1.15 1.01 +.03 -15.3sVertxPh Q VRTX 111.88 71.46 2802 109.35 21628 111.88 88.90 +19.37 +48.4tViaSat Q VSAT 82.19 62.25 492 63.82 1507 63.93 62.25 +.18 -3.6 ViacomA Q VIA .80 1.6 14 50.81 37.90 36 48.75 283 48.80 44.15 +4.25 +26.6sViacomB Q VIAB .80 1.7 13 46.69 33.94 5104 46.62 21836 46.72 42.55 +3.56 +32.8 ViadCorp N VVI .40 .9 44 48.30 27.96 92 45.20 426 45.25 44.25 +.35 +2.5sViavi Q VIAV 28 11.15 5.93 2671 10.72 21588 11.15 10.41 +31.1 Vical rs Q VICL 4.80 2.05 20 2.24 302 2.31 2.10 +.09 -2.6 Vicon N VII 1.80 .26 117 .37 205 .39 .35 -.02 -36.9 Vicor Q VICR 16.75 8.75 36 16.10 173 16.70 15.58 +.35 +6.6 Vict500VW Q CFA .44e 1.0 43.36 35.27 16 42.70 207 42.80 41.74 +.36 +5.9 VictDisEnV Q CSF .38e .9 41.72 31.71 5 40.69 22 40.80 39.21 +1.03 +.2 Vict500EV Q CFO .47e 1.1 43.30 35.26 67 42.65 176 42.77 41.92 +.31 +5.8 VictDevVol Q CIZ .01j 31.82 26.07 308 30.67 333 30.91 30.51 +.14 +7.7 VictIncEV Q CDC 1.09e 2.5 43.44 36.58 33 42.91 177 43.02 42.31 +.22 +3.9 VictSCVol Q CSA .16e 42.49 32.56 1 41.78 8 41.78 40.54 +1.10 +.5 VicEmMkt Q CEZ 27.61 23.90 27.19 7 27.21 26.95 +.05 +11.3 VictLCHiDv Q CDL .44e 42.30 35.67 7 41.77 69 41.90 41.26 +.22 +4.0 VictSCHiD N CSB .60e 43.71 33.60 0 40.59 23 40.59 39.24 +1.17 -2.1 VictIntHiD Q CID .33e 33.57 28.81 4 33.42 13 33.53 33.29 +.26 +6.5sVideocon n Q VDTH 11.59 7.26 31 11.50 495 11.74 11.27 +.20 +39.9sViewRay n Q VRAY 10.39 2.64 1514 8.51 10941 10.39 7.87 +.05 +171.9 VikingTh n Q VKTX 2.89 .90 279 1.46 812 1.49 1.16 +.27 +22.7 VikngTh wt Q VKTXW .65 .05 1 .50 79 .50 .30 +.13 +11.1 VillSupMkt Q VLGEA 1.00 3.8 15 36.42 23.50 83 26.50 189 26.94 25.83 +.47 -13.5 VinaConc N VCO .66e 1.9 36.45 30.61 14 34.00 21 34.00 33.06 +.31 +3.1 VinceHldg N VNCE 52 7.34 1.30 529 1.55 5945 1.95 1.45 -.10 -61.7 ViperEPt h Q VNOM .80e 4.4 86 20.25 13.53 101 17.98 482 19.38 17.01 +.22 +12.4 Vipshop N VIPS 28 17.41 10.21 3900 13.34 17417 14.05 13.12 -.46 +21.2 Virco Q VIRC 14 4.94 3.06 1 3.95 23 4.10 3.75 -.05 -8.1 VirnetX N VHC 6.50 1.70 208 2.30 1314 2.30 1.75 +.40 +4.5 VirtuFin n Q VIRT .96 5.6 18 22.42 12.35 178 17.00 1410 17.35 16.50 +.20 +6.6 VirDynCr n N BLHY 26.98 23.01 32 25.02 134 25.10 24.53 +.17 ZweigTR N ZTR .97 8.3 12.49 11.00 95 11.74 582 11.75 11.51 +.14 -2.5 VirtGblMSc N VGI 1.87 11.6 16.37 13.85 73 16.18 236 16.25 16.01 +.13 +5.5 VirtusInv Q VRTS 1.80 1.7 16 128.10 66.12 89 105.90 406 106.25 99.85 +4.80 -10.3tVirtusIn pf Q VRTSP 104.50 93.74 25 97.96 97 98.25 93.74 +3.53 -3.5 VirtusTRet N DCA .40 9.2 4.75 4.06 127 4.37 812 4.38 4.28 +.05 -2.2 Virtusa Q VRTU 66 38.31 18.03 333 30.22 2095 31.09 29.62 -.09 +20.3 Visa s N V .66 .7 31 92.05 73.25 6169 88.87 29387 89.42 88.07 -.32 +13.9 VishayInt N VSH .25 1.5 19 17.00 11.53 790 16.45 3541 16.65 15.90 +.30 +1.5 VishayPrc N VPG 21 19.45 11.75 51 15.80 159 16.15 15.35 +.05 -16.4 VistaGold N VGZ 2.09 .44 160 1.02 928 1.05 1.00 +.02 +6.7tVistaOutd n N VSTO 52.43 19.64 922 20.59 5152 20.64 19.64 +.28 -44.2tVistaGn n Q VTGN 4.69 1.74 47 1.96 581 2.42 1.74 +.06 -47.5 Visteon s N VC 2 103.20 63.04 411 97.95 1516 98.79 94.25 +2.24 +21.9 VitalThera Q VTL 9.71 3.70 145 4.00 857 4.30 3.70 +.15 -8.0 VitaminSh N VSI 10 32.31 18.25 201 20.15 1188 20.50 18.85 +1.05 -15.2 ViveveMd n Q VIVE 10.00 3.75 441 6.33 1371 6.75 4.82 +1.32 +22.9 VivintSolar N VSLR 4.06 2.16 213 2.80 1449 2.80 2.65 +.10 +9.8 Vivopwr n Q VVPR 7.34 3.99 0 4.50 134 4.52 4.00 +.11 -18.2 Vivus Q VVUS 5 1.85 .93 531 1.12 2369 1.13 1.06 +.02 -2.6 VMware N VMW 27 93.05 49.76 1377 92.14 6320 92.89 90.01 +.41 +17.0sVoceraCm N VCRA 24.67 10.46 307 24.83 836 25.12 23.25 +1.21 +34.3 Vodafone Q VOD 1.53e 5.8 34.70 24.17 3790 26.43 17707 26.98 26.32 -.45 +8.2 VolarisAv N VLRS 21.90 11.33 282 13.94 2438 14.16 12.94 +.68 -7.3 VolitionRX N VNRX 5.86 3.05 15 4.02 54 4.29 4.00 -.03 -12.0 VoltInfoSci N VISI 8.75 5.50 9 6.90 84 7.30 6.60 -.45 +.7 Vonage N VG 19 7.88 3.82 2074 6.32 8101 6.36 6.07 +.10 -7.7 Vornado N VNO 2.84f 2.8 13 111.72 86.35 926 100.31 5209 101.25 98.51 -.61 -3.9 Vorndo pfG N VNOpG 1.66 6.5 26.34 24.98 12 25.65 33 25.65 25.38 +.10 +1.9 Vorndo pfI N VNOpI 1.66 6.5 26.45 24.89 6 25.64 30 25.68 25.48 +.17 +2.3 Vorndo pfK N VNOpK 1.43 5.6 26.98 22.51 12 25.49 42 25.49 24.81 +.64 +8.2 Vorndo pfL N VNOpL 1.35 5.5 26.46 21.46 21 24.40 124 24.42 23.92 +.35 +8.7tVoxeljet N VJET 6.50 2.77 170 2.69 324 2.86 2.61 -.15 -6.3sVoyaAsPcD N IAE 1.02 10.1 10.16 8.04 89 10.14 331 10.16 9.97 +.14 +16.4 VoyaEmHi N IHD .92 10.6 8.68 6.92 87 8.64 432 8.64 8.52 +.04 +16.0 VoyaFincl N VOYA .04 .1 14 42.96 22.75 1827 37.96 7950 38.28 36.02 +.51 -3.2sVoyaGlAdv N IGA 1.12 10.7 10.50 9.34 96 10.48 455 10.50 10.30 +.10 +6.6sVoyaGlbDv N IGD .91 12.4 7.34 6.50 329 7.34 1919 7.34 7.21 +.09 +8.3sVoyaInfra N IDE 1.46 9.6 14.68 11.63 246 15.15 592 15.31 14.01 +1.03 +16.7 VoyaIntHD N IID .83 11.9 7.78 6.03 39 6.95 190 6.96 6.82 +.06 +7.6 VoyaPrRTr N PPR .29 5.4 5.62 4.95 1420 5.41 2743 5.49 5.39 -.08 -2.3 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 19 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


A -ARCAbio rs ABIO 2.55 AbeonaTh ABEO 5.00 Abraxas AXAS 2.02 +.08 Acasti g rs ACST 1.36 +.04 AccelrDiag AXDX 24.20 +.10 AdamisPh ADMP 4.25 AdestoTc n IOTS 4.15 AMD AMD 14.55 +.50 Advaxis ADXS 8.17 +.11 AehrTest h AEHR 4.81 -.60 AEtern g rs AEZS 3.00 -.05 Aethlon rs AEMD 3.27 -.14 Agenus AGEN 3.77 -.07 AgroFresh AGFS 4.37 +.08 AgroFr wt AGFSW .26 +.03 Airgain n AIRG 15.16 AkariTh rs AKTX 11.07 +4.09 AkersBios AKER 1.80 -.35 Akoustis n AKTS 12.84 -.01 All MMA n AMMA 2.65 -.05 Alliqua h ALQA .51 +.04 Amedica rs AMDA .41 Anavex rs AVXL 5.74 -.02 AntaresP ATRS 2.84 +.10 ApollEnd rs APEN 12.52 +1.33 ApldDNA APDN 1.65 -.10 ApricusB rs APRI 2.11 -.13 AptoseB g APTO 1.02 -.03 AquaMetal h AQMS 19.54 +.10 AquaB Tc n AQB 11.08 +.36 AssembBio ASMB 25.49 +.13 AsureSftw h ASUR 10.28 -.17 Athersys ATHX 1.71 -.19 AtlasFin AFH 13.65 +.20 AtossGen rs ATOS .76 -.03 Autobytel ABTL 12.53 -.18 AvistaHl un AHPAU 10.20 AvistaHl wt AHPAW .50 +.05 AxarAc wt AXARW .07 +.00 AxoGen AXGN 10.45 +.30B -BNC Bcp BNCN 35.05 -.15 BOS Ltd BOSC 2.15 +.05 BSB Bcp BLMT 28.25 +.15 BankMarin BMRC 64.35 -.65 BebeStr rs BEBE 3.93 +.01 BenitecB n BNTC 2.76 +.10 Bio-Path BPTH .83 +.04 BioDlvry lf BDSI 1.90 +.03 BioLneRx h BLRX .96 -.19 BioanlySys BASI 1.39 +.01 Biocept rs BIOC 2.13 +.05 Biolase BIOL 1.35 +.02 BiondVax n BVXV 5.80 -.41 BiondVx wt BVXVW 1.40 -.05 Bioptix rs BIOP 4.00 +.05 Biostage h BSTG .37 -.00 BiostrPh rs BSPM 2.31 +.01 BonsoElec BNSO 2.57 -.02 BlvdAcq n BLVD 10.02 BlvdAcq wt BLVDW .89 +.06 Brainstorm BCLI 4.25 +.38 Bridglne rs BLIN .83 +.01 BroadwdE BWEN 8.33 +.55C -CF CpA n CFCO 10.01 CF Cp un n CFCOU 10.70 +.02 COPsync wt COYNW .08 +.02 COPsync nh COYN .29 -.01 CPS Tech CPSH 1.51 -.01 CTI BioP rs CTIC 4.20 CU Bncp CUNB 39.65 -.05 CUI Glbl CUI 4.74 -.11 CVD Eqp CVV 10.38 -.37 Caladriu rs CLBS 5.03 +.16 CambLrn ABCD 4.90 -.05 CancerGen CGIX 4.10 +.30 CapAcIII n CLAC 10.55 -.03 CapAcIII wt CLACW 1.90 +.15 CapAcIII un CLACU 11.55 +.08 Capnia CAPN .71 +.01 Capricor CAPR 3.38 +.16 CpstnTur rs CPST .77 -.01 Crdiom grs CRME 3.01 +.01 CaroFin s CARO 30.00 +.04 Cartesian h CRTN .83 +.02 CascdeBcp CACB 7.71 -.12 CatalstB rs CBIO 9.43 +.19 CatalystPh CPRX 1.95 -.04 CellectBio n APOP 8.60 -.38 CellectB wt APOPW 2.48 +.23 Cellectar rs CLRB 2.27 -.05 Celsion CLSN .29 +.00 Cemtrex rs CETX 3.53 -.07 CntRsDvA CDEV 18.23 +.17 CntlVyCm CVCY 20.50 +.09 CentCas CNTY 7.56 +.07 Cerecor n CERC .68 -.03 Cerecor wtB CERCZ .05 +.00 CescaTh rs KOOL 3.25 -.09 ChampOn rs CSBR 3.17 +.02 Chantic wt HOTRW .07 +.00 Chanticler h HOTR .36 CharterFn CHFN 19.67 +.28 CheckCap n CHEK 2.14 Chembio CEMI 5.30 -.20 ChinAutLog CALI 1.51 -.01 ChinaAuto CAAS 4.99 -.16 ChinCer rs CCCL 2.27 ChiCmCr h CCCR 1.04 +.04 ChiCustR n CCRC 13.63 +.38 ChinaNRes CHNR 2.17 -.06 ChiRecy rs CREG 1.58 +.07 ChromaDx n CDXC 2.69 +.04 Citiz&Nthn CZNC 23.28 -.16 CivistaBcsh CIVB 22.16 -.24 CleanDsl rs CDTI 2.69 -.02 Cleantch rs CLNT 2.87 -.21 ClearSign CLIR 3.90 +.05 Cogentix h CGNT 1.80 -.04 CmbMtx wt CBMXW 1.23 -.04 CombMt rs CBMX 5.45 -.30 CmtyBkTr ESXB 8.00 +.05 CmstkH rs CHCI 2.16 -.09 CondHos rs CDOR 10.60 +.21 ContraFect CFRX 1.80 -.10 ContraVir CTRV 1.77 +.03 Corcept CORT 10.96 -.42 CrownCfts CRWS 8.23 -.03 CryoPort rs CYRX 2.36 -.03 CumMed rs CMLS .32 -.00 Cyclacel rs CYCC 3.68 +.26 CymaBay CBAY 4.30 +.01 CytRx h CYTR .44 -.01 CytoriTh rs CYTX 1.60 Cytosorbnt CTSO 4.50 -.95D -DarioHlth DRIO 3.01 -.89 Daseke n DSKE 10.12 +.01 Daseke wt DSKEW 1.12 -.01 Dataram rs DRAM 1.15 -.07 Datawatch DWCH 8.40 +.15 DelTaco TACO 13.26 -.10 Delcath rs DCTH .09 +.00 DelmarPh n DMPI 4.20 -.11 DeltaTch h DELT 1.60 +.03 Dennys DENN 12.37 +.03 DexteraS rs DXTR 1.06 -.04 DiffusPh n DFFN 3.99 +.39 DigitalAlly DGLY 4.30 +.05 DigitlTurb APPS .94 -.02 DipexiumP DPRX 1.30 DivrsRest SAUC 2.30 -.03 DblEgl un EAGLU 10.55 +.07 DblEgl wt EAGLW .56 +.05 DblEagl n EAGL 10.00 DragnW hrs DRWI 1.45 DryShp rs DRYS 1.65 +.01 DynavaxT DVAX 5.95 -.10E -ENGlobal ENG 1.85 EagleBncp EGBN 59.70 -.55 EastrAc wt EACQW .35 +.04 Eco-StimE ESES 1.17 +.02 eGain EGAN 1.45 EksoBio n EKSO 4.10 +.10 ElectAc wt ELECW .45 +.01 EmpireRes ERS 6.93 +.67 Energous WATT 15.60 +.01 EngyFocus EFOI 3.29 +.02 EnteroM rs ETRM 5.76 -.03 Euroseas rs ESEA 1.44 -.02 EvokePhm EVOK 3.10 +.01 ExactSci h EXAS 23.62 +.06 EyegatePh EYEG 2.55 +.12F -FairptCom FRP 16.60 -.53 FalconStor FALC .40 +.01 FarmersNB FMNB 14.35 +.45 FemaleHlt FHCO 1.01 -.03 Fibrocll rs FCSC 2.00 +.03 FinTcII wt FNTEW 1.15 FinjanH FNJN 1.74 +.11 FstUSBcsh FUSB 12.40 -.07 First LI s FLIC 27.05 +.05 FiveStar FVE 2.15 Fonar FONR 17.55 -.05 FormsHl rs FH 2.17 -.01 FortressBio FBIO 3.70 -.12 Forward h FORD 1.19 +.05 FullHseR FLL 2.43 +.05 Functnx rs FNCX .56 +.01 FusionTel FSNN 1.58 +.03G -GWilliFood WILC 6.06 +.07 GSV Cap GSVC 4.48 GTx Inc rs GTXI 4.90 -.01 GalectinTh GALT 2.30 +.27 GalenaBi rs GALE .61 -.03 GalmedPh GLMD 4.89 +.18 GeneticT rs GENE 1.20 +.02 GeniusBr n GNUS 3.74 -.12 GenVec rs GNVC 6.06 -.10 Gevo rs GEVO 1.14 +.09 GigaTron h GIGA .79 -.03 GblEagEnt ENT 3.19 -.15 GblPAc wt GPACW .39 +.10 GblPAcq un GPACU 10.65 GlobusM rs GLBS 4.65 GoresHl un GSHTU 10.29 Gravity rs GRVY 20.84 -.16 GreenBrick GRBK 9.95 -.05 GrpoFin GGAL 37.86 -.61H -HalladorE HNRG 8.01 +.07 Harmny wt HRMNW .50 +.03 HeatBiolog HTBX .89 +.02 HebronTc n HEBT 3.26 -.10 HeliMAn h HMNY 2.83 -.02 HeritOkB HEOP 13.35 -.04 HernTher h HRTX 15.00 -.25 HeskaCorp HSKA 104.98 +2.23 HongliCl rs CETC 1.90 -.15 HostessBr n TWNK 15.87 -.10 Hostess wt TWNKW 2.82 -.03 HowardBcp HBMD 18.70 +1.15 HudsonTc HDSN 6.60 +.23 HuttigBld HBP 8.14 -.10I -ICAD ICAD 4.81 +.09 ICC Hld n ICCH 16.42 +.77 IFresh n IFMK 13.49 -1.47 Itus Cp hrs ITUS 3.00 +.10 IaoKunGrp IKGH .29 IdealPower IPWR 3.25 +.07 Identive lf INVE 7.06 -.14 IderaPhm IDRA 2.47 -.04 Ignyta RXDX 8.60 +.10 ImageSens ISNS 2.90 ImmuneP h IMNP .15 -.01 ImprimisP IMMY 4.17 -.05 InfoSonic h IFON .54 Inpixon rs INPX 3.11 -.08 Insignia s ISIG 1.49 +.01 Intelliph IPCI 2.50 IntrpDia rs IDXG 2.63 -.32 Inventrgy rs INVT .33 -.01 iRadimed IRMD 8.90 +.05 Iteris ITI 5.44 +.07 Izea n IZEA 4.20 +.01J -JaguarAH h JAGX 1.00 +.05 Jason Inds JASN 1.48 -.00 Jason wt JASNW .06 +.01 JointCorp JYNT 4.20 +.04K -KBS Fash rs KBSF 5.55 -.26 KayneAn un KAACU 10.02 +.02 KeryxBio KERX 6.16 +.06 KindredBio KIN 7.05 -.05 VoyaNatRs N IRR .81 12.3 7.18 5.25 266 6.55 676 6.59 6.16 +.31 +2.3 VoyagerT n Q VYGR 18.25 8.30 124 13.24 489 13.58 11.39 +1.68 +3.9 vTvThera n Q VTVT 7.50 4.65 33 6.55 201 6.65 5.85 +.64 +35.6 VulcanM N VMC 1.00f .8 39 138.18 104.61 1658 120.48 9384 121.60 108.95 +7.74 -3.7 Vuzix Q VUZI 9.80 4.30 132 6.20 1076 6.30 5.75 +.05 -8.8W -:W&T Off N WTI .40 14.4 3.47 1.31 1043 2.77 5913 2.87 2.70 -.03 WBI TacGr N WBIA .03e .1 24.40 20.45 5 23.60 35 23.64 22.99 +.36 +1.7 WBI TactV N WBIB .08e .3 25.96 20.56 5 24.87 39 24.91 24.19 +.47 +1.3 WBI TacYd N WBIC .28e 1.3 22.63 19.36 5 22.25 54 22.28 21.67 +.37 +1.7 WBI TacSel N WBID .05e .2 23.75 19.62 4 23.23 42 23.25 22.72 +.35 +2.4 WBI LCTG N WBIE .25e 1.1 23.86 20.16 5 23.70 28 23.72 23.32 +.21 +6.1 WBI LCTV N WBIF .22e .9 25.96 19.54 5 25.55 38 25.59 25.23 +.18 +4.6 WBI LCTY N WBIG .31e 1.4 22.29 18.75 6 22.23 51 22.24 21.71 +.34 +6.5 WBI LCTS N WBIL .04e .2 24.90 20.58 5 24.53 42 24.58 24.21 +.18 +5.7 WBI PwFact N WBIY 25.39 23.87 2 24.36 31 24.36 23.92 +.33 -1.2 WBITacRot N WBIR 24.86 23.13 1 24.37 8 24.39 24.19 +.09 +4.7 WBI TacInc N WBII .26e 1.0 25.60 21.36 15 25.11 90 25.15 25.10 +1.3 WBI THiInc N WBIH .45e 1.9 24.34 23.00 15 24.32 81 24.33 24.09 +.18 +2.2 WD 40 Q WDFC 1.96 1.8 30 125.00 99.32 89 108.95 303 110.40 108.45 -1.30 -6.8 WEC Engy N WEC 2.08 3.4 21 66.10 53.66 1100 60.63 7900 61.53 60.17 -.45 +3.4 WEX Inc N WEX 25 122.91 78.95 365 103.50 1312 103.93 99.79 +1.42 -7.3 WGL Hold N WGL 1.95 2.4 26 84.08 58.66 215 82.53 1095 82.89 82.25 -.36 +8.2 WMIH Q WMIH 2.50 1.05 1198 1.45 2836 1.45 1.25 +.15 -6.5 WNS Hldg N WNS 20 32.82 24.82 209 28.61 979 29.01 28.12 -.14 +3.8 WP Carey N WPC 3.98f 6.4 16 72.89 55.77 328 62.22 1985 62.31 60.79 +1.60 +5.3 WPCS Int rs Q WPCS 1.96 1.13 31 1.38 210 1.47 1.30 -.03 +8.7 WPP plc Q WPPGY 3.34e 3.1 121.55 96.94 205 109.40 706 110.27 105.60 +4.54 -1.1 WPX Engy N WPX 16.17 6.29 6329 13.39 38801 13.47 12.00 +1.05 -8.1 WPX pfA N WPXp 1.56 2.6 71.83 33.70 16 60.44 616 60.55 55.07 +4.54 -8.0 WSFS s Q WSFS .28 .6 22 48.20 30.56 143 45.95 528 46.50 43.40 +1.15 -.9 WSI Inds Q WSCI .16 4.7 3.87 2.73 4 3.38 31 3.51 3.20 +.03 +12.5 Wabash N WNC .06 11 22.21 10.74 1158 20.69 4387 20.75 19.79 +.21 +31.3 WABCO N WBC 28 118.50 84.48 290 117.42 1222 118.38 112.10 +.92 +10.6 Wabtec N WAB .40 .5 22 89.18 65.54 955 78.00 3747 78.21 74.06 +2.14 -6.0 WaddellR N WDR 1.84 10.8 9 24.27 15.02 865 17.00 4588 17.16 16.13 +.50 -12.9 WageWrks N WAGE 80.50 49.22 340 72.30 2091 73.03 68.75 -2.20 -.3 WalMart N WMT 2.04f 2.8 16 75.19 62.72 9645 72.08 37799 72.56 69.33 +2.47 +4.3 WalgBoots Q WBA 1.50 1.8 18 88.00 75.74 2818 83.05 12721 84.02 82.55 +.08 +.4 WalkerDun N WD 11 43.28 19.87 263 41.69 881 42.03 40.02 +.49 +33.6 WalterInv N WAC 8.51 .64 971 1.08 6686 1.09 .74 +.35 -77.3 WashFed Q WAFD .60f 1.8 18 35.95 21.63 617 33.10 2358 33.65 31.20 +1.00 -3.6 WashPrGp N WPG 1.00 11.5 23 14.15 7.90 3256 8.69 13109 8.79 8.01 +.54 -16.5 WashPr pfH N WPGpH 1.88 7.5 26.45 24.04 31 24.99 155 25.39 24.92 +.12 -2.3 WashPr pfI N WPGpI 1.72 6.9 26.68 24.04 1 24.95 39 25.42 24.94 +.08 +.6 WREIT N WRE 1.20 3.8 34 34.61 27.65 384 31.28 1474 31.47 30.41 +.16 -4.3 WshTrst Q WASH 1.52f 3.1 18 58.30 34.59 62 49.30 218 50.60 48.40 -.17 -12.0 WashFstBk Q WFBI .28f 1.0 22 30.58 18.57 66 28.00 204 28.60 27.40 +.23 -3.4 WasteCon N WCN .72 31 88.59 58.40 509 88.22 2272 88.50 85.22 +2.21 +12.3 WsteMInc N WM 1.70f 2.3 37 73.90 56.05 1287 72.92 7648 73.14 71.53 +.60 +2.8 Waters N WAT 24 162.53 128.90 243 156.31 1275 157.00 153.04 +1.55 +16.3 WaterstnF Q WSBF .48 2.6 19 19.40 13.50 140 18.25 355 18.65 17.65 +.35 -.8 Watsco N WSO 4.20 2.9 28 159.55 127.66 319 143.18 1282 144.91 141.72 -1.64 -3.3 WattsWtr N WTS .72 1.2 23 71.05 53.79 271 62.35 723 63.00 59.70 +1.65 -4.4 WaveLfSc n Q WVE 40.15 11.99 66 27.50 231 29.90 24.98 +2.15 +5.2 Wayfair N W 49.34 27.60 677 40.49 4301 40.72 36.93 +2.12 +15.5 WayneSvg Q WAYN .36 2.0 27 18.75 12.07 17.80 5 17.98 17.80 -.29 +7.9 WaysideT Q WSTG .68 3.6 9 19.38 16.00 4 18.80 22 18.80 18.35 -.05 +.5 WeathfIntl N WFT 8.49 3.73 15921 6.65 97624 6.75 6.25 +.76 +33.3 Q WEB 7 22.50 12.90 241 19.30 1148 19.60 18.55 +.25 -8.7 WebMD Q WBMD 27 67.55 48.10 438 52.68 5586 54.00 49.85 +2.36 +6.3 WebsterFn N WBS 1.00 2.0 23 57.50 31.29 715 50.04 5431 50.88 47.59 +.27 -7.8 WbstF pfE N WBSpE 1.60 6.3 26.90 24.96 53 25.47 81 25.63 25.28 -.07 +.9 WecastNtw Q WCST 2.43 1.10 80 2.07 283 2.19 2.04 -.09 +68.3 WeiboCorp Q WB 58.79 17.73 680 52.18 7512 53.72 48.20 +2.40 +28.5 WtWatch N WTW 18 19.86 9.37 870 15.57 3614 15.88 14.60 +.64 +36.0 WeinRlt N WRI 1.54f 4.6 14 43.70 31.13 789 33.39 4831 33.92 32.39 -.36 -6.7 WeisMk N WMK 1.20 2.0 25 68.88 43.53 39 59.65 324 61.35 58.05 +.31 -10.8 Welbilt N WBT 19.91 13.76 808 19.63 2315 19.84 18.75 +.58 +1.6 Wellcare N WCG 24 151.93 86.75 393 140.21 1602 141.37 136.83 +.99 +2.3 WellsF pfJ N WFCpJ 2.00 7.6 28.43 26.10 93 26.24 696 26.24 26.15 +.05 -.7 WellsF pfL N WFCpL 75.00 6.1 1381.10 1161.10 6 1239.02 42 1244.34 1230.00 +8.82 +4.1 WellsF pfN N WFCpN 1.30 5.3 26.49 22.61 54 24.50 188 24.64 24.42 +.07 +6.0 WellsF pfO N WFCpO 1.28 5.2 26.48 22.49 29 24.51 108 24.55 24.30 +.14 +6.6 WellsF pfP N WFCpP 1.31 5.3 26.94 22.58 29 24.81 153 24.84 24.60 +.19 +8.4 WellsF pfQ N WFCpQ 1.46 5.5 28.88 23.58 60 26.60 431 26.63 26.38 +.08 +5.4 WellsF pfR N WFCpR 1.66 5.7 32.54 26.45 33 29.19 147 29.19 28.84 +.04 +7.7 WellsF pfT N WFCpT 1.50 5.7 27.89 24.72 48 26.26 141 26.27 25.90 +.29 +4.7 WellsFargo N WFC 1.52 2.7 14 59.99 43.55 11245 55.66 65347 56.43 54.24 -.17 +1.0 WellsF wt N WFC/WS 26.45 11.67 4 22.19 159 22.97 20.80 -.11 +4.0 WellsF pfX N WFCpX 27.00 22.16 139 24.58 2804 24.62 24.35 +.15 +7.3 WellsF pfW N WFCpW 27.24 22.84 82 25.17 334 25.28 24.87 +.17 +6.4 WellsF pfV N WFCpV 28.33 24.39 31 26.15 255 26.15 25.84 +.27 +4.3 EvgGlbDiv N EOD .54m 9.3 6.34 5.13 105 5.82 585 5.82 5.66 +.09 +6.8 WFAdvInco N EAD .82 9.7 8.68 7.40 228 8.40 847 8.46 8.33 +.01 -.9 WFAdMSec N ERC 1.16 8.7 13.48 11.79 121 13.33 483 13.37 13.24 -.04 +3.9 WFREI pf N WFEpA 1.59 6.1 28.50 25.05 20 26.25 55 26.34 25.95 +.11 +4.3 WFAdUtlHi N ERH .90 7.1 13.85 11.20 29 12.75 98 12.78 12.55 +.14 +6.6 Welltower N HCN 3.49f 4.9 16 80.19 59.39 2432 70.82 10934 71.14 69.55 +1.15 +5.8 Welltwr pfI N HCNpI 3.25 5.1 71.19 56.71 259 63.12 1316 64.00 62.84 +1.10 +4.9 Wendys Co Q WEN .28f 2.1 36 14.47 9.15 2634 13.61 9054 13.70 13.16 +.18 +.7 WernerEnt Q WERN .24 .9 24 29.05 21.35 322 26.20 2590 26.40 25.30 +.15 -2.8 Wesbanc Q WSBC 1.04f 2.7 18 44.19 28.45 189 38.11 920 38.58 34.81 +2.32 -11.5tWescoAir N WAIR 13 15.78 10.90 1272 11.40 2812 11.60 10.90 +.05 -23.7 Wesco Intl N WCC 17 76.15 49.67 386 69.55 1932 70.05 64.25 +1.75 +4.5 WestBcp Q WTBA .68 3.0 16 25.05 17.33 30 22.95 235 23.20 21.05 +1.10 -7.1 WestCorp Q WSTC .90 3.7 9 25.85 18.55 134 24.42 527 24.54 22.48 +.47 -1.4 WestMar Q WMAR .05p 38 11.42 7.77 35 9.54 179 9.59 9.14 +.38 -8.9 WestPhrm N WST .52 .6 43 88.30 68.42 383 81.61 1166 82.16 80.02 +.58 -3.8 WAmBcp Q WABC 1.56 2.8 24 65.34 45.62 177 55.83 656 57.30 53.15 +.79 -11.3 WestarEn N WR 1.60f 2.9 22 57.50 48.98 688 54.27 3594 54.59 53.41 -.06 -3.7 WstbryBcp Q WBB 20 23.00 18.80 2 20.82 8 21.25 20.14 +.83 +.6 WestellT h Q WSTL 1.29 .44 56 .70 714 .72 .58 +.09 +7.7 WstnAlliB N WAL 19 53.84 29.72 880 49.09 4331 50.07 45.16 +1.44 +.8 WstnAll56 N WALA 1.56 6.2 26.94 22.13 24 25.15 89 25.47 25.01 -.13 +5.0 WstACpLn N TLI .87 7.7 12.10 9.82 46 11.28 173 11.61 11.20 -.30 +.3 WAstEMkt N EMD .84 5.4 15.63 9.96 193 15.50 777 15.55 15.36 +.07 +5.4 WsADefOp N GDO 1.36 7.8 17.97 16.34 38 17.42 148 17.50 17.22 +.08 +1.8 WAstGlbHi N EHI 1.16 11.4 10.43 8.86 106 10.10 677 10.12 9.97 +.07 +2.7 WstAstHI2 N HIX .80 12.2 7.46 6.49 219 7.22 858 7.27 7.11 +.05 +2.0 WAHiInOp N HIO .43 8.5 5.22 4.60 504 5.04 1957 5.09 5.00 +.02 +1.0 WAstHYOp N HYI 1.32 8.6 15.75 13.73 93 15.36 402 15.36 15.05 +.21 +2.1 WstnAsst N PAI .69 4.8 15.98 13.33 34 14.49 109 14.49 14.24 +.29 +1.3 WstnAsInt N SBI .48 5.0 10.77 9.30 11 9.54 95 9.58 9.50 +.07 +.3 WAstDefOp N IGI 1.20 5.9 23.39 19.49 35 20.38 146 20.39 20.16 +.18 -.1 WAMgdMu N MMU .78 5.7 15.60 13.03 31 13.76 258 13.82 13.61 +.19 +.3 WstAstMtg N WMC 1.38e 14.1 7 11.18 8.71 417 9.77 2038 10.16 9.75 +.28 -3.0 WAMtDOp N DMO 2.82a 11.9 24.99 20.95 36 23.70 267 23.98 23.46 -.22 +4.0 WA MunDef N MTT 1.01a 4.5 25.96 21.44 17 22.46 89 22.55 22.18 +.05 +4.0 WstAMunHi N MHF .34 4.6 8.47 7.00 42 7.23 223 7.23 7.15 +.09 +.8 WAMunPrt N MNP .87 5.8 19.25 14.51 20 15.11 120 15.16 15.04 +.09 +1.4 WAstBdF N WEA 1.08 8.1 14.26 12.26 35 13.35 136 13.47 13.25 +.06 +3.1 WstAVari N GFY .93 5.6 17.00 15.17 19 16.59 50 16.75 16.54 -.03 +3.2 WAstInfSc N WIA .38 3.3 11.75 11.09 59 11.51 292 11.51 11.32 +.20 +.3 WAstInfOpp N WIW .40 3.6 11.40 10.80 107 11.17 561 11.17 11.09 +.07 +.3 WstC&G gs N WRN 1.80 .50 148 1.31 787 1.41 1.21 +.08 -5.1sWDigital Q WDC 2.00 2.4 18 84.28 34.99 3848 82.53 22570 84.28 76.82 +4.85 +21.5 WstnGasEq N WGP 1.85f 4.0 30 47.82 31.67 102 46.10 640 46.30 43.50 +1.33 +8.9 WstnGasPt N WES 3.44f 5.7 35 67.44 39.73 271 60.45 1195 60.55 58.21 +1.00 +2.9 WstNwEnB Q WNEB .12 1.1 44 10.75 7.35 211 10.50 384 10.60 9.95 +.20 +12.3 WstnRefin N WNR 1.52 4.3 28 40.09 18.14 991 35.07 4999 35.92 34.45 +.41 -7.3 WstRefLog N WNRL 1.75f 6.9 20 26.58 18.85 341 25.45 948 25.50 24.50 +.55 +19.2 WstnUnion N WU .70f 3.4 12 22.70 18.07 5072 20.35 19879 20.53 19.89 +.10 -6.3 WestlkChm N WLK .76 1.2 22 68.08 39.48 452 66.05 3006 66.52 62.74 +1.41 +18.0 WestlkCLP N WLKP 1.38f 5.5 17 26.25 17.63 37 25.15 115 25.25 24.25 +.05 +16.2 Westmrld Q WLB .80 5.5 19.92 6.15 396 14.52 2394 16.00 13.82 +.45 -17.8 WestmRs s N WMLP .53 11.1 6.90 4.47 8 4.80 134 5.20 4.70 -.04 -14.9sWestpacBk N WBK 1.52e 5.7 27.05 20.32 151 26.72 877 27.05 25.69 +.95 +13.8 WstptFuel g Q WPRT 2.95 .82 298 .96 2805 1.05 .87 -.07 -15.0 WestRck N WRK 1.60f 3.1 56.12 35.77 1445 52.03 6862 53.09 50.77 -.37 +2.5 WestwdH N WHG 2.28 4.3 12 63.99 49.01 25 53.41 118 53.78 51.41 +1.11 -11.0 WeycoGp Q WEYS .84 3.0 18 32.30 23.75 20 28.08 63 28.19 26.70 +.99 -10.3 Weyerhsr N WY 1.24 3.6 28 34.37 26.55 3257 33.98 13958 34.23 32.83 +.85 +12.9 Wheeler Q WHLR .21 12.1 1.95 1.15 301 1.73 1645 1.75 1.70 +.05 +1.8 Wheeler wt Q WHLRW .10 .02 18 .04 50 .05 .04 -.00 -10.6 Wheelr pfB Q WHLRP 2.25 9.4 24.89 18.48 1 23.86 24 24.28 23.41 +.52 +7.7 Wheelr pfD Q WHLRD 2.19 8.4 30.00 23.01 1 26.01 10 26.10 25.50 +.78 +10.7 Whrlpl N WHR 4.00 2.3 12 194.10 145.91 500 171.33 2503 171.79 168.14 +1.33 -5.7 WhtMtIns N WTM 1.00 .1 948.94 790.00 17 879.88 68 893.90 873.60 -5.71 +5.2 WhiteWave N WWAV 47 56.82 38.34 7854 56.15 13435 56.18 55.53 +.55 +1.0 WhiteHFin Q WHF 1.42 10.3 14 14.00 9.63 39 13.80 183 13.86 13.03 +.49 +13.4 WhitHFin 20 Q WHFBL 1.63 6.3 26.22 24.35 1 25.65 4 25.67 25.50 -.03 +1.1 WhitestnR N WSR 1.14 8.2 17 16.30 12.13 225 13.84 730 13.86 13.31 +.39 -3.8 WhitingPet N WLL 14.44 6.38 13382 9.46 68014 9.50 7.96 +1.24 -21.3 WholeFood Q WFM .56 1.9 20 35.58 27.67 5606 29.72 19766 29.88 28.38 +.79 -3.4 Wi-LAN g Q WILN .05 11 3.04 1.27 48 1.83 342 1.93 1.76 -.05 +12.3 WidePoint N WYY .96 .37 1618 .45 2152 .70 .42 -.13 -44.4tWildhRs n N WRD 16.48 10.65 2115 12.44 6108 12.88 10.65 +1.04 -14.8 WileyJA N JW/A 1.20 2.2 19 58.86 46.62 269 53.80 940 54.90 51.70 +1.61 -1.3 WillmValV Q WVVI 21 9.00 6.90 8 8.00 52 8.02 7.82 +.03 -.1 Willbros N WG 3.84 1.42 93 2.74 571 2.82 2.48 +.14 -15.4 Willdan Q WLDN 34 36.39 8.45 104 32.26 528 32.74 29.46 +1.30 +42.8 WLyonHm N WLH 14 21.92 12.80 275 20.62 1568 20.96 20.07 +.15 +8.4 WmsCos N WMB 1.20f 4.1 50 32.69 14.60 8503 29.59 45956 29.69 28.25 +.90 -5.0 WillmsPtrs N WPZ 3.40 8.3 42.32 19.11 849 40.83 3304 41.07 39.49 +.75 +7.4 WmsSon N WSM 1.56f 2.9 16 61.97 45.96 3398 53.62 11114 53.65 47.30 +5.66 +10.8 WillisLFn Q WLFC 11 28.06 21.10 23 22.35 136 22.93 21.25 +1.00 -12.6 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Nasdaq small cap Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg WillisTwW Q WLTW 2.12f 1.6 20 133.40 112.59 609 130.89 2823 132.13 128.17 +1.54 +7.0tWindstm rs Q WIN .60 11.0 10.46 5.16 4823 5.45 22800 5.60 5.16 +.06 -25.6tWindtreeT h Q WINT 4.42 1.13 131 1.14 514 1.20 1.12 -.01 -8.8 Wingstop n Q WING 2.00p 53 33.42 19.74 259 28.28 1677 28.56 26.14 +1.49 -4.4 Winmark Q WINA .40 .4 22 133.08 91.26 10 113.00 22 114.25 111.20 +1.80 -10.4 Winnbgo N WGO .40 1.4 16 39.30 20.19 306 29.25 1489 30.20 29.20 -.65 -7.6 WinsFin Q WINS 465.00 10.34 30 144.99 62 299.80 140.51 -141.49 -19.5 Wintrust Q WTFC .56f .8 19 76.71 42.15 4760 69.12 6633 71.20 65.29 +.74 -4.8 Wintrst pfD Q WTFCM 1.64 6.1 30.61 25.43 14 27.02 44 27.52 26.90 +.12 +4.4 Wipro N WIT .09e .9 13.08 9.00 1012 10.23 2653 10.41 10.11 +.07 +5.7 WirelessT N WTT 1.99 1.23 75 1.48 161 1.57 1.38 +.06 -22.5 WT IntQua N IQDG 26.40 23.20 1 26.28 16 26.36 26.27 -.09 +9.8 WT EmMDv N DVEM 30.07 24.15 1 29.36 17 29.83 29.36 -.51 +9.6 WT DyInEq N DDWM 28.12 22.98 7 27.76 194 27.83 27.29 +.03 +5.0 WT DyInSm N DDLS 28.88 24.30 4 28.61 10 28.70 28.34 +.03 +6.6 WTBearEq N DYB 25.30 23.37 6 25.27 19 25.29 25.17 +.14 +1.4 WisdTrMdE Q GULF 1.10e 6.4 18.42 15.28 4 17.30 9 17.70 17.30 -.28 +3.6 WT LgSEq N DYLS 29.19 25.23 4 29.03 28 29.07 28.55 +.33 +5.8 WT GlSmC N GSD 31.04 25.40 1 30.36 14 30.36 29.78 +.16 +2.9 WT StrDl n N EMSD 27.00 22.67 26.84 4 26.84 26.81 +.05 +13.4 WTUSEnYd N AGGY 1.44 2.9 53.41 49.01 2 49.82 45 49.87 49.70 -.01 +.5sWTEurSmC N EUSC .53e 28.08 21.78 21 28.28 272 28.32 27.65 +.40 +9.5 WT PutStr N PUTW 29.27 25.57 19 28.34 327 28.45 27.85 +.33 +3.7 WT JpDvG N JHDG 25.42 19.87 2 24.77 24 25.22 24.69 -.19 +1.9 WTIntHDv N IHDG .70e 1.5 28.60 24.01 57 28.43 231 28.48 28.04 -.05 +7.9 WT EurDiv N EUDG .51e 2.2 23.31 19.81 1 23.16 14 23.30 23.11 -.08 +9.6 WTFltRtTr N USFR 25.02 24.84 25.00 7 25.02 25.00 +.05 WT SCQDv Q DGRS .66e 2.0 35.07 26.78 5 33.07 55 33.16 31.89 +.74 -2.7 WT USQDv Q DGRW .59e 1.7 36.03 29.98 568 35.48 1312 35.59 35.06 +.05 +6.6 WT StCpBd Q CRDT 2.40 3.2 76.40 72.55 0 73.88 3 74.46 73.88 -.00 +.8sWT EurHdg N HEDJ 3.51e 2.4 62.60 47.27 1522 62.81 6839 62.95 61.39 +.78 +9.4 WTEMCpBd Q EMCB 3.18 4.4 71.91 66.60 27 71.52 109 71.65 70.69 +.17 +2.8 WT AsiaDb N ALD 1.02 2.3 46.30 42.29 1 44.32 11 44.73 44.26 +.02 +4.0 WTEmLDbt N ELD 1.74 4.6 38.95 34.57 55 37.59 133 37.95 37.45 -.45 +5.1 WT GRRtn N RRF .81e .9 41.92 38.23 118 40.53 394 40.84 40.01 -.24 +2.2 GrnHCmdty N GCC 20.80 18.25 35 19.23 550 19.30 19.13 -.5 WisdomTr Q WETF .32 3.5 25 13.32 8.00 1906 9.08 26581 9.15 8.30 +.49 -18.5 WT Diefa N DWM .74e 1.5 50.32 41.51 54 49.73 258 50.09 49.59 -.14 +7.2 WT DefaEq N DTH 1.75e 4.3 40.83 33.54 13 40.60 113 40.65 40.19 +.12 +6.5 WTDv exF N DTN 2.48e 3.0 84.05 72.40 14 82.55 83 82.74 81.04 +.25 +2.8 WTEurEq N DEW 1.75e 3.9 45.47 39.37 8 44.95 65 45.12 44.36 -.07 +3.4 WTEurSC N DFE 1.48e 2.5 59.75 47.40 77 59.06 314 59.48 58.68 -.27 +8.1 WT EqInco N DHS 2.10e 3.1 69.74 62.18 35 68.47 163 68.71 67.75 +.05 +1.7 WTIntD exF N DOO 2.01e 5.1 40.14 34.58 12 39.77 77 39.89 39.44 +.09 +6.4 WT IntLC N DOL 1.69e 3.7 46.00 38.28 22 45.40 153 45.76 45.27 -.12 +6.0 WTIntMC N DIM 1.53e 2.5 60.61 49.14 6 60.18 43 60.37 59.89 +.16 +8.7 WTIntSC N DLS 1.16e 1.8 66.31 53.16 77 65.47 386 66.07 65.21 -.25 +9.1 WTGxUSDv N DNL .99e 2.0 50.86 44.35 6 50.14 33 50.39 49.94 -.40 +8.9sWTJpnSC N DFJ .70e 1.0 68.33 52.49 41 66.69 524 68.33 66.46 -.91 +7.7 WTJpHedg N DXJ 2.98e 1.5 52.38 37.05 2712 50.62 16214 51.40 50.00 -.13 +2.2 WT LCD N DLN 1.84e 2.2 84.49 72.04 41 82.93 209 83.22 81.74 +.11 +3.8 WT MCD N DON 2.28e 2.3 99.26 84.00 79 97.53 454 97.82 95.26 +.95 +3.3 WTAustDiv N AUSE 1.46e 2.6 57.05 45.43 1 56.22 8 56.83 54.61 +.19 +9.3 WTAsiaPxJ N AXJL 2.22e 3.4 64.75 53.39 0 64.46 3 64.46 63.49 +.28 +12.4 WT SC N DES 1.92e 2.4 84.36 66.32 63 80.62 577 80.90 77.65 +1.63 -2.5 WT TotDv N DTD 2.05e 2.4 85.70 72.88 28 83.99 150 84.27 82.90 +.10 +3.4tWT MgdFut N WDTI 43.27 39.15 11 39.80 76 39.85 39.15 +.35 -4.0 WT EmCur N CEW 18.46 17.21 2 18.34 21 18.45 18.31 -.09 +4.9 WTChiYuan N CYB .10e 25.15 22.89 2 24.17 61 24.31 24.09 -.07 +3.9 WTBrzReal N BZF 18.85 14.00 19 18.40 91 18.49 18.14 -.10 +8.0 WTESCDv N DGS 1.29e 2.9 45.60 35.70 80 44.88 412 45.29 44.84 -.69 +14.8 WT EmEq N DEM 1.80e 4.4 41.82 32.66 256 40.85 1085 41.50 40.82 -.70 +9.4 WTEMQDv Q DGRE .67e 2.9 23.90 20.00 11 23.23 37 23.59 23.12 -.48 +10.0 WTGxUSRe N DRW 1.22e 4.3 29.68 24.84 6 28.19 43 28.37 28.11 -.22 +11.6 WT UKHEq Q DXPS 1.09e 3.3 27.15 22.27 6 23.87 106 24.09 23.56 -.51 +2.4 WT JpCapG N DXJC 3.43e 2.2 25.85 17.63 1 25.05 12 25.33 24.86 +2.7 WT IntHdg Q AGZD .84 1.7 48.41 46.64 0 48.12 10 48.15 48.02 +.01 -.3 WT NegHY Q HYND .90e 4.3 23.28 18.10 1 21.03 29 21.04 20.78 +.03 -2.2sWT India N EPI .22e .9 24.12 18.65 5039 24.13 14676 24.26 23.62 +.35 +19.5 WT IntHY Q HYZD 1.02 4.3 26.10 20.81 17 23.95 92 23.95 23.69 +.06 +.3sWTGermH Q DXGE 1.39e 2.4 30.25 23.08 30 30.43 255 30.46 29.45 +.57 +6.8 WT JpHFn N DXJF 3.48e 1.1 25.70 15.65 5 23.58 196 24.19 23.47 -.41 -1.7 WTUSDBull N USDU 1.78e 28.53 25.61 36 27.12 176 27.20 26.87 +.11 -3.0 WT JpSCEq Q DXJS 1.10e .6 38.78 27.26 40 37.50 251 38.28 37.08 -.34 +3.6 WTEMCnG Q EMCG .59e 2.6 23.51 19.48 2 22.68 5 22.84 22.66 -.17 +12.6 WT LowPE N EZY .90e 1.3 71.99 59.52 2 70.26 12 70.55 68.80 +.55 +3.9 WT SCErn N EES .95e 2.9 100.17 30.85 35 32.21 336 32.30 30.95 +.83 -67.0 WT MCEr s N EZM 36.05 28.71 53 35.27 418 35.40 34.14 +.44 WT Ern500 N EPS 1.36e 1.7 83.33 66.23 4 81.47 20 81.71 80.31 +.15 +5.4 WT TotErn N EXT 1.49e 1.8 85.76 67.99 1 83.63 22 84.03 81.73 +.31 +4.8tWT JpnRE N DXJR 2.14e 3.4 27.23 13.34 3 13.31 21 13.58 13.28 -.20 -3.6 Q WIX 71.10 19.20 826 67.90 2208 68.90 63.21 +1.25 +52.4 WolvWW N WWW .24 1.0 18 26.41 16.44 702 24.97 3020 25.80 24.58 +.11 +13.8 Woodward Q WWD .50f .7 23 72.28 50.70 304 67.92 1189 68.65 65.51 +1.19 -1.6 WooriBank N WF 38.30 23.78 1 35.16 7 35.96 35.16 -.84 +9.9 Workday N WDAY 93.35 65.79 664 83.28 3642 84.90 81.31 +.33 +26.0 Workhrs rs Q WKHS 11.70 1.85 250 2.63 1176 2.69 2.01 +.53 -62.7 Workiva N WK 19.04 11.14 110 15.65 481 15.90 14.95 +.55 +14.7 WldAccept Q WRLD 6 68.83 32.40 116 51.78 487 52.30 47.45 +3.23 -19.4tWorldFuel N INT .24 .7 15 51.01 34.79 726 36.25 3364 36.59 34.79 +1.11 -21.0 WldPntTm N WPT 1.20 7.4 16 17.90 14.20 9 16.27 60 16.31 15.92 +.12 -1.7 WldW Ent N WWE .48 2.2 52 23.14 15.55 616 22.22 3562 22.72 21.62 +.27 +20.8 Worthgtn N WOR .80 1.8 14 62.44 34.21 1052 45.09 4120 50.71 44.69 -4.08 -5.0 WrightMed Q WMGI 31.31 15.52 999 31.12 6738 31.31 30.21 +.06 +35.4 Wyndham N WYN 2.00 2.4 17 86.72 62.60 1009 84.29 4056 85.22 83.19 +.06 +10.4sWynn Q WYNN 2.00 1.7 35 116.19 82.51 1961 114.61 10490 116.19 110.18 +2.69 +32.5X-Y-Z:xG Tech rs Q XGTI 10.10 .68 691 1.62 1880 1.67 1.52 +.03 +20.0 XL Grp N XL .88f 2.2 10 41.39 30.33 1391 39.86 6554 40.55 39.24 +.03 +7.0 XO Group N XOXO 37 20.99 14.99 77 17.21 389 17.40 16.66 +.26 -11.5 XOMA rs Q XOMA 4 19.00 3.96 57 7.11 516 7.56 6.50 +.35 +68.5 XPO Logis N XPO 48 54.70 22.23 892 47.89 4013 48.21 44.51 +1.75 +11.0 XTL Bio rs Q XTLB 7.85 1.93 15 2.63 236 2.74 2.34 +.06 -17.2 Xactly n N XTLY 16.10 6.63 244 11.90 630 12.15 11.45 +.15 +8.2 XBiotech n Q XBIT 25.00 8.58 131 16.49 1172 20.18 15.85 -2.47 +62.9tXcelBrnds Q XELB 10 6.75 1.80 28 2.70 329 2.95 1.80 +.40 -38.6 XcelEngy N XEL 1.44f 3.2 21 45.42 38.00 2317 44.45 13673 45.06 44.08 -.32 +9.2 Xcerra Q XCRA 9.25 5.14 575 8.89 1648 9.02 8.61 +.04 +16.4 Xencor Q XNCR 43 29.38 10.95 344 23.92 991 24.72 22.97 -.61 -9.1sXeneticB n Q XBIO 5.75 3.31 139 4.55 364 5.90 3.40 +.66 +5.8 XeniaHtls n N XHR 1.10 6.4 10 19.87 14.49 657 17.07 2232 17.18 16.21 +.76 -12.1 XenithB rs Q XBKS 3 30.13 16.70 32 25.37 555 25.84 23.70 +1.10 -10.0tXenonPhm Q XENE 9.95 3.95 245 4.00 1464 4.85 3.95 -.65 -48.1 Xerium N XRM 27 9.16 4.15 82 6.40 305 6.60 5.06 +1.01 +13.9 Xerox N XRX .25m 3.4 10 7.69 5.72 7163 7.34 42298 7.43 7.09 +.22 +27.7 Xilinx Q XLNX 1.32 2.3 25 62.24 41.53 6163 57.89 13647 58.41 57.20 -.74 -4.1tXinyuanRE N XIN .40 9.1 4 7.06 4.39 142 4.41 504 4.63 4.39 -.06 -11.1 Xperi Q XPER .80 2.4 27 45.95 28.57 631 33.95 2965 37.20 33.70 -3.30 -23.2 XploreTch Q XPLR 3.74 1.82 12 2.05 145 2.17 2.00 +.04 +1.5 XtantMed N XTNT 2.65 .29 189 .62 2762 .70 .51 +.06 +13.3 Xunlei Ltd Q XNET 7.49 3.51 46 4.05 341 4.14 3.70 +.23 +4.9 Xylem N XYL .72f 1.4 25 54.99 40.54 1200 50.22 5090 50.50 48.13 +1.00 +1.4sYPF Soc N YPF .14e .6 24.41 15.00 1772 24.28 8260 24.41 23.18 +.50 +47.2 YRC Wwde Q YRCW 92 16.97 7.91 316 11.01 2075 11.28 10.36 +.36 -17.1 YY Inc Q YY 11 63.96 31.07 382 46.11 3576 47.45 44.49 -.19 +17.0 Yahoo Q YHOO 47.19 34.62 7266 46.41 25762 47.05 45.74 +.01 +20.0 Yamana g N AUY .02 .7 55 5.99 2.46 5626 2.76 37185 2.92 2.75 -.01 -1.8 Yandex Q YNDX 25.00 14.60 1117 21.93 6521 22.79 21.65 -.48 +8.9 Yatra n Q YTRA 10.68 7.71 88 9.50 265 9.69 9.35 +.14 +1.6 Yelp N YELP 43.41 19.22 1514 32.75 10747 33.02 31.60 +.27 -14.1 Yld10Bios s Q YTEN 2.25 .25 60 .37 165 .42 .36 +5.1 YingliGr rs N YGE 5.30 1.85 18 2.17 121 2.26 2.01 +.11 -16.5 YintechIn n Q YIN 22.97 10.92 322 21.02 687 21.50 20.00 +1.05 +28.2 Yirendai n N YRD 42.34 10.02 259 25.09 1626 25.40 24.06 +.15 +21.1 YorkWater Q YORW .64 1.8 38 39.85 26.54 50 35.05 118 35.25 33.80 +1.05 -8.2 YulngE lfn Q YECO 4.96 .83 7 .88 28 .99 .83 -.02 +.6 YumBrnds N YUM 1.20 1.9 18 91.99 59.57 2362 63.90 17092 64.73 62.85 +.32 +.9 Yum China N YUMC 30.37 23.79 3171 27.20 14919 27.23 26.07 +1.06 +4.1 YumaEn rs N YUMA 4.50 .02 17 2.34 108 2.45 2.11 +.03 -31.2 YuMe N YUME 4.36 3.11 72 4.09 394 4.15 3.76 +.19 +14.2 ZTO Exp n N ZTO 18.45 11.14 3111 13.09 13469 13.48 12.45 +.42 +8.5 Zafgen Q ZFGN 8.28 2.89 96 4.66 771 4.82 4.46 +.06 +46.5 Zagg Q ZAGG 9.23 4.71 671 7.20 1709 7.40 6.30 +.75 +1.4 Zais Grp Q ZAIS 1.60 59.3 5.74 1.29 340 2.70 3031 3.00 2.28 -.22 +83.7 ZayoGrp N ZAYO 35.65 23.91 1743 32.90 8620 33.35 32.71 -.36 +.1 ZebraT Q ZBRA 93.61 46.13 296 91.25 1369 91.53 84.32 +4.52 +6.4 Zedge n N ZDGE 7.85 2.56 22 3.07 58 3.18 3.02 -.04 -1.9 ZeltiqAes Q ZLTQ 56.18 23.58 537 55.61 2319 55.92 55.60 -.19 +27.8 Zendesk N ZEN 31.88 19.77 583 28.04 3174 28.16 26.27 +1.18 +32.3 Zhaopin N ZPIN 31 18.36 13.70 6 17.23 38 17.36 16.84 +.14 +14.0 ZillowA s Q ZG 39.99 20.87 242 33.81 1694 33.89 32.63 +.29 -7.2 ZillowC n Q Z 39.88 19.63 891 33.67 5122 34.00 32.56 -.04 -7.7 ZimmerBio N ZBH .96 .8 15 133.21 95.63 840 122.11 4213 122.46 118.82 +1.69 +18.3 ZionO&G Q ZN 1.85 1.07 192 1.20 589 1.27 1.14 +.04 -12.4 Zions pfA N ZBpA 1.02 4.2 25.99 21.52 2 24.06 16 24.21 23.76 +.46 +3.6 Zions pfF N ZBpF 27.33 25.32 12 25.40 75 25.49 25.32 -.03 -.9 Zions pfG N ZBpG 1.60 5.7 33.00 25.44 4 27.96 46 28.01 27.40 +.27 +4.8 ZionsBcp Q ZION .32 .8 21 48.33 23.02 2544 42.00 13424 42.59 39.09 +1.09 -2.4 ZionsB wt20 Q ZIONW 15.03 1.62 0 11.51 1258 11.72 9.06 +1.12 -2.0 ZionB wt18 Q ZIONZ 11.51 .65 1 9.08 3 9.08 7.20 +.62 +5.0 ZionBc 28 N ZBK 1.74 5.9 31.99 27.20 2 29.30 5 29.45 28.68 +.37 +5.1 ZionBc pfH N ZBpH 1.44 5.7 26.41 23.30 6 25.15 23 25.17 25.02 +.07 +4.6 Ziopharm Q ZIOP 9.19 4.45 1057 6.34 9458 6.89 5.79 +.46 +18.5 Zix Corp Q ZIXI 32 5.41 3.61 160 4.81 910 4.85 4.60 +.18 -2.6 ZoesKitchn N ZOES 41.76 16.39 695 18.50 2510 18.84 16.87 +1.46 -22.9 Zoetis N ZTS .42f .8 25 56.50 45.01 3088 53.37 13552 54.31 52.98 -.48 -.3 Zogenix rs Q ZGNX 13.70 7.33 135 10.85 716 11.40 10.05 +.40 -10.7 ZosanoPh h Q ZSAN 3.54 .45 3273 1.90 15384 2.08 1.60 +.17 +143.6 Zumiez Q ZUMZ 22 26.55 13.50 453 18.30 1881 18.60 16.99 +1.10 -16.2 ZweigFd N ZF 1.01e 9.1 13.26 10.60 103 11.12 935 11.12 10.96 +.07 -8.0 Zynerba n Q ZYNE 23.75 6.02 300 20.10 2143 21.75 19.21 +.45 +28.9 Zynga Q ZNGA 3.08 2.14 5231 2.85 42211 2.95 2.76 +.05 +10.9 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 20 The Sun/Saturday, April 1, 2017


KingldJw KGJI 1.19 -.05 Kingstone KINS 15.95 +.10 KitovPh n KTOV 1.93 -.09 Koss h KOSS 2.12 -.04L -LCNB Corp LCNB 23.85 +1.05 LRAD h LRAD 1.51 LaJollaPh LJPC 29.85 -1.65 LandsEnd LE 21.45 +.05 Lantronix LTRX 3.88 +.26 Lifevant rs LFVN 5.37 -.01 LightPath LPTH 2.74 -.27 Lightbrdg rs LTBR 1.33 +.19 LilisEn n LLEX 3.98 -.02 LindbladEx LIND 8.96 -.02 Lipocine LPCN 3.90 LunaInn h LUNA 1.73 M -MEI Phrm MEIP 1.62 MYOS MYOS 2.89 +.01 MabVxTh n MBVX 2.28 +.12 MagneGas MNGA .44 -.00 ManhBrCa LOAN 5.90 +.10 Manitex MNTX 6.70 MaraPatnt MARA 1.02 +.07 Marrone MBII 1.95 -.10 Medigus rs MDGS 3.08 -.10 Medovex h MDVX 1.53 -.05 MeetMe MEET 5.89 -.01 MeridWs wt MRDNW .59 +.04 MeridWs n MRDN 3.89 +.30 Microbot rs MBOT 5.81 -.06 MicronetE MICT 1.17 -.11 MiddlbgF MBRG 40.04 +1.33 MiMedx MDXG 9.53 +.09 Miragen rs MGEN 12.44 +.44 MiratiTher MRTX 5.20 +.05 MitekSys MITK 6.65 +.05 ModSysIntl MDSY .88 +.01 Moleculin n MBRX 1.17 +.09 MonsterDg n MSDI 1.20 -.08 MoSys rs MOSY 2.09 MySize n MYSZ 2.63 -.03N -NF EngSv NFEC 1.10 -.07 NI Hldg n NODK 14.93 +.24 NV5 Global NVEE 37.60 +.45 NVE Corp NVEC 82.79 +.80 NakedBr n NAKD 2.40 +.02 NatHlTr n NHTC 28.90 +.12 NaturesSun NATR 10.00 +.40 NeoGenom NEO 7.89 +.22 Neonode NEON 1.60 +.01 Neovasc g NVCN 1.53 +.11 NeptuneT g NEPT 1.02 +.01 NetElem rs NETE .93 +.03 Netlist NLST .99 -.01 NetSolTch NTWK 5.10 +.10 Neuralst rs CUR 5.28 NeuroMx rs NURO .62 +.02 Neurotrpe n NTRP 19.11 -.10 NewAgeB n NBEV 4.13 -.02 Nexeo Sol NXEO 8.86 +.02 Nexeo wt NXEOW .72 Nxt-ID rs NXTD 1.85 -.02 NymoxPh NYMX 3.63 -.06O -OceanBio OBCI 4.69 -.11 OceanPw rs OPTT 2.21 -.05 OdysMr rsh OMEX 3.94 +.02 OhrPharm OHRP .83 +.02 OldLnBc OLBK 28.48 +.01 Ominto n OMNT 13.80 +1.96 OnTrack OTIV 1.65 -.04 OncoGnx h OGXI .44 -.02 Onconva rs ONTX 3.04 -.06 OncoSec rs ONCS 1.28 -.06 OneGpHosp STKS 1.90 +.23 OneHoriz h OHGI .29 +.01 OpexaTh wt OPXAW .02 OpexaTh rs OPXA .79 +.02 OpGen n OPGN 1.15 OramedPh ORMP 6.15 +.02 OrionEngy OESX 1.98 +.03 OssenInn rs OSN 2.07 -.09 Oxbridge OXBR 6.56 +.26P-QPacEthanol PEIX 6.85 +.10 PangaeaL PANL 3.41 +.06 ParkCity PCYG 12.35 +.30 ParkrVs rs PRKR 1.99 +.01 PayData rs PYDS 1.34 +.02 pdvWirelss PDVW 21.85 -.75 Pendrell rs PCO 6.50 +.07 PeopUtah n PUB 26.45 PeregrinP PPHM .65 -.02 PFSweb PFSW 6.53 +.13 PhaseRx n PZRX 1.53 +.05 PhotMdx rs PHMD 1.77 -.04 PierisPhm PIRS 2.60 -.12 PingtanM PME 4.80 +.13 PlanetP h PLPM 3.98 +.06 PlugPowr h PLUG 1.38 -.08 PluristemT PSTI 1.23 +.02 PointsInt g PCOM 7.72 +.25 PolarPwr n POLA 8.30 +.24 Polarity rs COOL 13.67 +2.07 PowerSolu lf PSIX 10.09 +.76 PranBio rs PRAN 3.13 -.27 ProPhaseL PRPH 2.27 +.15 ProDvrs h rs IPDN 9.59 -.55 ProfirEng PFIE 1.41 PulseBio n PLSE 20.41 -6.61 PyxisTnkr PXS 2.27 +.06 Qualstar rs QBAK 5.28 -.03 QuestRes rs QRHC 2.35 +.03 QuinAcq2 n QPAC 9.97 -.03 QuinAc2 wt QPACW .50 +.02R -R1 RCM n RCM 3.09 +.11 RLJ Ent rs RLJE 2.48 +.04 RMR Gp h RMR 49.50 +.40 RXI Ph wt RXIIW .22 -.02 RXI Phr rs RXII .81 -.03 RadaElc rs RADA 1.12 -.01 Radcom RDCM 21.50 RadioOneD ROIAK 3.30 +.05 RandLog h RLOG .64 -.05 RaveRest RAVE 2.22 -.01 ReadIntlA RDI 15.54 +.04 RealGSol rs RGSE 1.38 ReconTech RCON 1.28 +.02 RecroPhm REPH 8.74 +.86 RedhillBio RDHL 9.59 +.11 RemarkMd MARK 2.96 -.04 RennovH wt RNVAZ .02 -.00 Rennova rs RNVA 1.81 -.04 Rentech rs RTK .50 -.00 ReprosTh RPRX 1.20 RschFrnt REFR 1.40 -.03 Resonant RESN 5.39 +.53 RevolutL rs RVLT 7.48 -.11 RexEngy REXX .47 +.01 RiceBran RIBT .86 -.01 RitterPh n RTTR 1.42 +.02 Root98 n RTNB 6.41 -.10 RosettG rs ROSG 2.94 +.15 RubicnTc h RBCN .83 -.03S -S&WSeed SANW 4.95 +.10 SB FinGp SBFG 16.72 -.14 Sapiens SPNS 12.88 -.13 SeanrgM rs SHIP .82 -.02 Seanrgy wtA SHIPW .16 -.02 SearsH&O SHOS 3.90 +.20 SecndSight EYES 1.21 -.06 ScndSght wt EYESW .37 -.03 SmLEDS rs LEDS 3.18 +.12 SenesTc n SNES 7.91 -.10 SeqentialB SQBG 3.89 +.15 Sevcon SEV 14.60 +.63 Shineco n TYHT 4.66 -.59 SigmaLb n SGLB 3.11 -.09 SlvrRun un SRUNU 10.43 -.03 Simulations SLP 11.75 +.30 SinoGlobl SINO 2.75 +.10 SitoMobl rs SITO 2.57 -.10 SkySolar SKYS 2.04 -.03 SkylinMd rs SKLN 2.10 -.01 SmartFn rs SMBK 21.04 -.03 SmthMc rs SMSI .93 -.03 SocilRltyA n SRAX 2.29 -.19 Soligenix n SNGX 2.70 -.10 SonomaPh SNOA 7.17 +.04 Sonoma wt SNOAW .55 -.02 Sophiris SPHS 2.83 -.02 SorrentoTh SRNE 3.95 -.05 Spher3D gh ANY .22 -.03 Spherix rs SPEX 1.24 +.14 Staff360 rs STAF .77 -.01 StateBkFn STBZ 26.12 -.05 StellarB rs SBOT 1.63 +.02 StemlineTh STML 8.55 +.20 StrataSk h SSKN .61 -.01 StreamHlth STRM 1.02 -.04 SunesisP rs SNSS 4.10 SunshnBcp SBCP 20.94 +.08 SunshHrt rs SSH 1.82 +.03 Sunworks n SUNW 1.52 +.01 SuperCom SPCB 2.86 +.04 SupercdT rs SCON 1.27 rs SPRT 2.19 -.04T -TG Thera TGTX 11.65 +.20 TOP Ship rs TOPS 1.08 +.03 Tapimmu n TPIV 4.49 +.17 TearLab rs TEAR 2.84 -.26 Tecnoglass TGLS 10.85 Tellurian rs TELL 11.72 +.31 TenaxTher TENX .56 +.02 TherpxBio n TRPX 8.08 -.30 ThrshdPh THLD .57 +.04 Tiptree TIPT 7.30 TitanPh rs TTNP 3.30 -.10 Torchlght TRCH 1.40 +.02 TrilliumTh TRIL 6.15 +.15 TrovaGn wt TROVW .14 -.00 Trovagne TROV 1.15 Tucows grs TCX 51.05 +1.40U -US Concrte USCR 64.55 +1.25 UFP Tch UFPT 25.90 +.90 UniPixel UNXL .85 -.05 UtdInsur UIHC 15.95 +.18 UranmRs rs URRE 1.88 +.10V -Valeritas n VLRX 7.15 +.67 VascoDta VDSI 13.50 +.25 Vericel VCEL 2.80 Vermillion VRML 2.09 -.02 VertexEn VTNR 1.11 +.02 Vical rs VICL 2.24 -.05 VikingTh n VKTX 1.46 +.07 VistaGn n VTGN 1.96 ViveveMd n VIVE 6.33 +.23 Vivopwr n VVPR 4.50 Vuzix VUZI 6.20 +.05W -WMIH WMIH 1.45 +.05 WPCS Int rs WPCS 1.38 +.02 WashFstBk WFBI 28.00 -.08 WecastNtw WCST 2.07 -.09 WestellT h WSTL .70 +.01 Wheeler WHLR 1.73 WindtreeT h WINT 1.14 -.01 Workhrs rs WKHS 2.63 +.17X-Y-ZxG Tech rs XGTI 1.62 +.05 XTL Bio rs XTLB 2.63 -.10 XeneticB n XBIO 4.55 -.89 XploreTch XPLR 2.05 -.05 Yatra n YTRA 9.50 +.02 Yld10Bios s YTEN .37 -.04 Zais Grp ZAIS 2.70 +.17 Ziopharm ZIOP 6.34 -.11 ZosanoPh h ZSAN 1.90 -.02 Money FundsAARP MM ... ... ... AAdvGovP ... ... ... AAdvMMPlat ... ... ... ABN AmroGvtS ... ... ... ABN Amro GvtI ... ... ... ABN AmroPrY ... ... ... ABN AmroPrYS ... ... ... ABN Amro TrsI ... ... ... ABN AmroInvN ... ... ... AIM MMCshRes 830 46 .12 .11 AIMMMInv 123 46 .26 .26 AZMunCTIns ... ... ... ActAsInsGv 5770 29 .62 .63 ActAsInst 6 1 .55 .55 ActiveAstGv ... ... ... ActiveAstMny ... ... ... AdvGovLiquid ... ... ... AdvPrimLiq p ... ... ... AlBernExRK p 40 ... .24 ... AllBrnExRsv I 10 ... .27 ... AlliBernExRsvA 152 ... .24 ... AlliBernExRsAd 92 ... .24 ... AlliBernExRsvB 2 ... .20 ... AlliBernExRsC 17 ... .23 ... ABGovMMSel 1471 35 .65 .65 ABMMktMile ... ... ... Ambassador ... ... ... AB MMktSel ... ... ... AmC CapPr 2210 48 .20 ... AmC Prime 1268 46 .46 ... AmCentUSGv 2070 47 .24 ... AmCPrime t 25 46 .46 ... AmPrfInstTrs ... ... ... American A 12247 ... ... ... BBH MM Inst 2157 46 .36 .36 BBH MMkt 35 46 .13 .13 BLFMuniDlr 40 .41 .41 BMOGov I p 2425 14 .54 .54 BMO Gov Y 1061 14 .30 .30 BMOPrimeI p 218 13 .78 .78 BMO Prime Y 221 13 .53 .53 BNYMellon M 719 27 .46 .45 BR TFdCsMg 48 .08 .08 BRSummCR A 55 ... ... ... BRSumCR B p 16 ... ... ... BT InvMMkt ... ... ... BofAGvPRTr ... ... ... BdfdMM ... ... ... BishopGvMMI ... ... ... BishopStTrea ... ... ... BL FedTrDlr 47 .29 .29 BLFTrCsMg 47 .04 .04 BLFT Adm 48 .48 .48 BCF Insti I 57 24 .69 ... BLFFedFDlr 51 .35 .35 BLFedFdPCS p 51 .12 .12 BLFFedFnd 51 .60 .60 BRInst 27 1.02 1.02 BLCAMunPrem 6 .02 .02 BLFCASel p ... ... ... BLFedFdPS 39 .01 .01 BLFedFdSel p 52 ... ... BLMunFdPS 19 .02 .02 BLMunFdSel ... ... ... BLFTempFdSel 30 .20 ... BLFTempFdPS ... ... ... BLF FedTr 47 .54 .55 BLF TrsTr 47 .54 .55 BLFTrsTrDlr 47 .29 .30 BLFT FundDlr 48 .33 .33 BLFMunCsh 1 34 .38 ... BRInvB p 27 .14 .14 BRInvest 27 .67 .67 BROHMuniInvA p ... ... ... BLNYMfPCS p 6 .19 .19 BRSvc 27 .74 .75 BLFTempFdPCS 1 30 .52 ... BRUSTr ... ... ... BRUSTI ... ... ... BRUSTS ... ... ... BRLiqTrsTAd 47 .44 .45 BLFM MuniCsh 2623 34 .63 ... BLF TempFd 11079 30 1.02 ... BLFTmpDlr 97 30 .77 ... BLFTmCsDlr 25 31 .64 ... BLFedTrAd ... ... ... BLCAMunPC p 12 .14 .14 BlkrkLqTmpAd 103 30 .92 ... BLFNYCshM ... ... ... BRNJMunInstl ... ... ... BlkNJMuniA ... ... ... BROHMunSvc ... ... ... BRLiqTmpCR 3 30 .62 ... BLMuAdm 40 .56 .56 BLF TmpCsh 203 31 .89 ... BLFT TrFund 48 .58 .58 BLFedAdm 51 .50 .50 BLFCADlr 6 .05 .05 BLMuCshMg 40 .16 .16 BLFTmCshMg 791 30 .52 ... BofACRLiq ... ... ... BofACRsDly ... ... ... BofACRsTr ... ... ... BofACRsCap ... ... ... BACshRsInv2 ... ... ... BofACResInv ... ... ... BofACResAdv ... ... ... BofACsRsInst ... ... ... BofADlyCshRes ... ... ... BofAGovPlsCp ... ... ... BofAGResAdv ... ... ... BofAGRsDly p ... ... ... BofAGovRInst ... ... ... BofAGvRsLq p ... ... ... BofAGvRsTr ... ... ... BofAGvtPlsAdv ... ... ... BofAGRCap ... ... ... BofAGvRsInst ... ... ... BofAMMRsInst ... ... ... BofAMMRsTr ... ... ... BofAMMRInst ... ... ... BofAMMRsAdv ... ... ... BofAMMRsCap ... ... ... BofAMRsTr ... ... ... BofAMRsDly p ... ... ... BofAMuRsInst ... ... ... BofAMunRsLiq ... ... ... BofAResGvInv ... ... ... BofAMRsInv ... ... ... BofARsLiq ... ... ... BofATrRsAdv ... ... ... BofATrRsDly ... ... ... BofATrRsInv2 ... ... ... BofATrRsCap ... ... ... BofATrRsInv ... ... ... BofATrRsInst ... ... ... BofATrResLq ... ... ... BofATrsRsTr ... ... ... BofAGvPlsInst ... ... ... BurnhamMM ... ... ... BurnhamUSTrs ... ... ... CNIGovtA p 3503 35 .05 .05 CNIPrimeSvc ... ... ... CapOneCshA ... ... ... CapOneUSTr ... ... ... CapResFd p 7857 41 .14 .14 CashAcct Prem ... ... ... CashMgtInst 1015 31 .48 ... CashMgtA ... ... ... CashMgtB t ... ... ... CashMgtInv ... ... ... CashResInst 647 31 .56 ... CavanalCshAd 725 17 .16 .16 CavanalTrAdm 967 25 .01 .01 CentnGv ... ... ... Centen ... ... ... CitiznSelPrB 8 27 .73 .73 CitizensSelPrC p ... ... ... CitiznSelTreA 191 34 .52 .52 CitiznSelTreB 88 34 .32 .31 CitizenSelPrA 4 27 .88 .88 CityNaRoGv p 929 35 .05 .05 CityNRoPrN p ... ... ... CityNRoPrS p ... ... ... CityNRochGv 875 35 .07 .07 ClassicUSTr ... ... ... ColPrResAdv ... ... ... ColPrResInst ... ... ... ColRsSv ... ... ... ColumbGvtA ... ... ... ColumbGvtB ... ... ... ColumbiaA 789 20 .01 .01 ColumbiaB t 20 .01 .01 Columbia I ... ... ... Columbia Z 191 20 .01 .01 ColmPrRsCp ... ... ... CG CapGov ... ... ... DIFTrInst ... ... ... DWSMSerMgd 10592 31 .64 ... DWSMSerInst 10592 31 .64 ... DWS MMkt 561 30 .52 ... DIF MM Retl ... ... ... DIF MuniRtl ... ... ... DIFMuInvSv ... ... ... DIF TreasInv ... ... ... DIF USGvtRtl ... ... ... DIF MMktInv ... ... ... DIF MMInvSv ... ... ... DIF TrsInvSrv ... ... ... DavisGvtA 252 ... ... ... DelaCashA ... ... ... DAD Gvt ... ... ... DryBasic 140 39 .60 .60 DryInsPfGHm 1482 25 .64 .63 DryInsPfGvP 125 25 .39 .38DryInstResGv ... ... ... DryRsTrsPm ... ... ... DryTrsAgcyC 326 15 .32 .31 DryInPfGClas 2 25 .14 .13 DryResInst 3709 25 .69 .68 DryInstAdv ... ... ... DryInstAdvPls ... ... ... DryResInv ... ... ... Dry100 US ... ... ... DryfLA 468 23 .24 .24 DryInTrAgcHm 203 15 .57 .56 DryInstAdv ... ... ... DryResR ... ... ... DryTrAgcyCC 2 15 .07 .06 DryTrPmCsh I 519 38 .52 .52 DryfGenTrPrA 3774 41 .01 .01 EV USGovA ... ... ... EdwJones IS 15961 41 .10 ... EdwJonesRS ... ... ... ElfunMM 1089 ... ... ... ExcelsiorGvt ... ... ... ExcelsrMnyIn ... ... ... ExcelsiorTry ... ... ... FFI Govt 1667 37 .29 ... FFI Inst 1946 35 .47 ... FFIPremInst 6672 36 .56 ... FFI Treas 2162 46 .42 ... FIMMDom I 937 17 .95 ... FIMMDomII 29 17 .80 ... FIMMDomIII 8 17 .69 ... FIMMGov I 31637 44 .56 ... FIMMGovII 907 44 .41 ... FIMMGovIII 2928 44 .31 ... FIMMMMkt I 7469 22 1.02 ... FIMMMMktII 14 22 .87 ... FIMMMMktIII 92 22 .77 ... FIMMTrOnlyII p 145 45 .32 ... FIMMTrOnly3 969 45 .22 ... FIMMTrOnly I 7756 45 .47 ... FIMMTry I 7838 38 .54 ... FIMMTryII 375 38 .39 ... FIMMTryIII 2477 38 .29 ... FITPrMMII ... ... ... FedAutCshCII ... ... ... FedAutCashK ... ... ... FedCAMuniII 6 17 .21 .20 FedCAMunCS p 55 17 .01 .01 FedCAMunCap 35 17 .51 .50 FedCshPr ... ... ... FCTMuCS p 55 27 .01 .01 FedGovCash ... ... ... FedGovOblCp 2687 41 .47 .47 FedGovOb IS 27512 41 .59 .59 FedGovOblSv 8772 41 .34 .34 FedMMEagle 7 27 .73 .73 FedNJMuCS p 84 42 .01 .01 FedNYMun WS 78 43 .60 .59 FedPAMu WS 33 29 .44 .43 FedPrCshObCp 159 34 .86 .86 FedPrVlObSv 236 37 .72 .72 FedPrVlOblCp 26 37 .87 .87 FedPrVluObl 3028 37 .97 .97 FedPrCshOblIS 2514 34 .96 .96 FdPrCshObSv 1257 34 .71 .71 FedPriOb IS 785 31 .88 .88 FedPrObSvc 38 31 .65 .65 FedTrstUSTr 295 43 .57 .57 FedTreasCsh ... ... ... FedTrsOb IS 23435 41 .57 .57 FedTreasObSv 4338 41 .32 .32 FedTrsOblCp 1914 41 .47 .47 FedUSTCshSv 2102 42 .23 .23 FedUSTrsIns 13934 42 .48 .48 FedVaMuCsCS p 92 8 .01 .01 FederMuni p 238 33 .02 .02 FedMstr 9 15 .89 .89 FedMIMuCsh WS 3 8 .45 .44 FidTrAdvC t 118 38 .01 ... FidTrAdvB t ... ... ... FidGovPortS 675 44 .51 ... FidCashRes 136747 38 .38 ... FidGvRes ... ... ... FidPrimeDlyI ... ... ... FidRetGov 2680 42 .34 ... FidRetMM 9714 42 .34 ... FidSpGov 64241 36 .32 ... FidSpMM 2211 22 .76 ... FidSpUSTr 3841 44 .24 ... FidMMPortS 12 22 .97 ... FidPrime CR ... ... ... FidSelMM 3414 ... ... ... FidTrPortsS 272 38 .49 ... FidTrsyCR 1251 38 .01 ... FidTryDly M 3538 38 .03 ... FThrdUSTrPf ... ... ... FInvTrUSGvI ... ... ... FInvTrUSTrs ... ... ... FinSqFed 8731 24 .57 ... FinSq Gov 85576 32 .61 ... FinSq POF 858 30 .98 ... FinSqTrsy 46550 29 .55 ... FinSq TOF 16332 28 .57 ... FinSq MMF 1723 29 .97 ... FITPrMonMktI ... ... ... FstAmGvObD 3567 39 .19 ... FstAmGvObY 7906 39 .34 ... FstAmTrObD 1546 41 .18 ... FstAmGvObA p 308 39 .04 ... FstAmPrObA ... ... ... FstAmPrObY 334 23 .59 ... FstAmPrObD ... ... ... FstAmTrObA p 246 41 .03 ... FstAmTrObY 2593 41 .33 ... FirstCshRsvI ... ... ... FirstCshRsvC ... ... ... FtInvCs 132 ... ... ... First Muni I ... ... ... First USGv ... ... ... FrnkIFT 42 .32 .32 FrkMnyC ... ... ... FrkMny 42 .15 .15 FstAmGvObZ 14902 39 .61 ... FsAmGvObII 1496 39 .49 ... FstAmTrObII 485 41 .48 ... FsAmISTrII 33 41 .38 ... FstAmPrObZ 192 23 .84 ... FstAmPrObl 103 23 .64 ... FsAmPrObII 134 23 .74 ... FstAmTrObZ 4593 41 .60 ... FstAmTreResA 98 ... ... ... GEInvMMInst ... ... ... GEInvMM ... ... ... GEMnyMktA ... ... ... GabelliUST 1743 51 .57 .57 GartmrMMPr 356 41 .17 ... GnAMTFrMu B 1 7 .22 .19 GnCAMuB 18 19 .01 .01 GnTrsAgcy A 216 11 .09 .09 GnTrsAgcy R 71 11 .29 .29 GnGvSec 91 30 .01 .01 GeneralB p 8517 28 .08 .08 GnGovB p 2538 30 .01 .01 GnMMkt 1221 28 .31 .31 GSILFdI ... ... ... GSILGvI ... ... ... GSILMMI ... ... ... GSILTrsOblgI ... ... ... GSILPOI ... ... ... GSILTrsInstI ... ... ... GlenGovtCash ... ... ... GovTxMgSvc 3196 47 .25 .25 GovObTR 1278 41 .09 .09 GovTxMgIS 3287 47 .50 .50 GovResFd P 12137 39 .01 .01 GtHall Prime ... ... ... HSBCInvPrm A ... ... ... HSBCPrime D ... ... ...HSBCPrime I ... ... ... HSBCPrime Y ... ... ... HSBCUSGov A 1 32 .15 .15 HSBCUSGov D 1675 32 .30 .31 HnHrzGInstSwp ... ... ... HnHrzGovTr ... ... ... HanHzPrMMIns ... ... ... HancHrzTGovA ... ... ... Harbor 143 39 .64 .67 HarrisGvMMS ... ... ... HarrisMMktS ... ... ... Harris TE S ... ... ... HartfordR4 p ... ... ... HeritAdm 81 18 .76 .76 HeritInst 807 18 .88 .88 HtgCshA ... ... ... HewittMM p ... ... ... HmestdDly 45 .01 ... HuntgtnUST I ... ... ... ING MM A 134 38 .05 .05 ING MM I 39 38 .05 .05 IFT CashRes ... ... ... InvescoA5 101 46 .12 .11 InvescoB5 p 46 .05 .01 InvescoC5 p 4 46 .05 .01 InvCshTrTrs 2268 26 .53 ... IvyMonyyC t 29 17 .01 ... IvyMnyA 160 17 .01 ... IvyMM B ... ... ... JHanUS ... ... ... JPMGvMMAg 12662 35 .52 .52 JPMLqAsB ... ... ... JPMLqAsR 8 18 .50 .50 JPMGvPrem 8215 35 .33 .33 JPMGvCap 83978 35 .60 .60 JPMTrPlInv 72 36 .26 .26 JPMTrPlRs 106 36 .07 .07 JPMorg100 Agcy 1664 50 .46 .46 JPM100 SecP 842 50 .27 .27 JPM100 TrInst 10305 50 .51 .51 JPMorgan100 1288 50 .13 .13 JPMLqAstP 170 18 .75 .75 JPMCAMuEtr 2 ... .01 ... JPMorganFed 39 44 .13 .13 JPMorFedAgcy 209 44 .46 .46 JPMorgFedPr 97 44 .27 .27 JPMLqAstAg 48 18 .94 .95 JPMLqAstC p 31 18 .23 .23 JPMLqAstMrg 152 18 .61 .61 JPMLqAstInst 392 18 .99 1.00 JPMMuEtrde p 3 ... .01 ... JPMMunInst 306 6 .67 .67 JPMMuMorg 301 6 .29 .29 JPMNYMuEtr ... .01 ... JPMNYMuR p 2 6 .15 .15 JPMOhMuMrg ... ... ... JPMPrCshMgt 18 .01 ... JPMorgPrm 562 21 .68 .68 JPMorgPrAgcy 1207 21 .94 .95 JPMorgPrmPr 735 21 .75 .75 JPMTreasC t 590 45 .01 ... JPMTrsPlusP 629 36 .32 .32 JPMTrsPlsMrg 252 36 .18 .18 JPMTrsPlsInst 13954 36 .56 .56 JPMTrsPlsAg 1179 36 .51 .51 JPMTrsSecR p 76 50 .02 .02 JPMUSGvInst 36932 35 .57 .57 JPMUSGvtR p 122 35 .08 .08 JPMUSGvtMrg 2504 35 .19 .19 JPMLqAsInv 3 18 .69 .69 JPMFedInst 2671 44 .51 .51 JPMPrInst 6671 21 .99 1.00 JPMPrRsv 104 21 .50 .50 JanusGovt 33 .02 .02 Janus MM 23 .02 .02 JHan MMB 4 ... ... ... JHanMMA 491 ... ... ... LMPtrExRsC ... ... ... LMPtrExRxB ... ... ... LiqCshTr ... ... ... LordAbGvScC 54 .02 ... LordAbUSGB ... ... ... LordAbbUS A 54 .02 ... MFS CashA 120 ... ... ... MFSCashC p 45 ... ... ... MFSMonMkA 342 ... ... ... MS PrimAdv 342 24 2.46 ... MS PrimInv 173 4 .15 ... MS TFInst 56 5 .64 ... MTBInsPrMM ... ... ... MTB MM S p ... ... ... MoneyMktA2 ... ... ... MTB MM I ... ... ... MTB TrsMMI ... ... ... MainStay A 212 35 .32 .32 MainStay B 48 35 .15 .15 ManagersMM ... ... ... MarshalPrA ... ... ... MasMuPrMML ... ... ... MasMuPrMMS 317 ... ... ... Meeder Instl ... ... ... MeederRetl 37 49 .55 .55 ML CMAGv ... ... ... ML CMAMn 5407 ... ... ... ML CMATr 1636 ... ... ... ReadyAstUSA 69 ... ... ... MilestnTOInst 370 48 .47 .47 MilestnTOInv 38 48 .47 .47 MHLIRSel ... ... ... MMktGS2 44 .59 .59 MMktGS4 44 .35 .35 MMktProFdInv 365 31 .02 ... MMktProFdSvc 13 31 .02 ... MStanLqPrIn 16825 20 1.04 ... MorStLqTrIn 19149 27 .58 ... MrStLqGvInv 24 38 .50 ... MS InstlLiq 4596 21 1.05 ... MrStLqGvIns 35537 38 .60 ... MS LiqAst 107 1 .12 .12 MS USGvt 1231 32 .22 .22 NatixisCMTA ... ... ... NatixisCMTB ... ... ... NatnwdMMInst 362 41 .32 ... NeubCashInstl ... ... ... Nicholas ... ... ... NorthInstGovSel 22317 43 .56 .56 Northern 164 9 .80 .81 NorthernGvSl 3312 44 .40 .40 NorthInstDivAst 7653 40 .50 .50 NorthInstGovt 5138 41 .50 .50 NorthInstPrObSv 43 .80 .81 NthnInstPrObSh 1722 32 .90 .90 NorthInstTreas 10230 44 .63 .64 NorthernUSGv 16431 43 .40 .40 OneGrpMuni A ... ... ... OppCshResN t 151 ... .11 .11 OppenhCshB p 6 ... .12 .12 OppenhCshC p 213 ... .11 .11 OppCshRes 398 ... .11 .11 OppMMFd A 1927 ... .14 .14 PIMCO MM ... ... ... PNC AdvMM I ... ... ... PNC Gov A 524 55 .58 .58 PNC Gov I 9062 55 .58 .58 PNC MM A ... ... ... PNC MM I ... ... ... PNC TrA p 118 33 .48 .48 PNC Tr I 922 33 .48 .48 PW PACE P 166 49 .13 .13 PfCapUSG SS ... ... ... PaxWldInv p ... ... ... PaxWrldMMInst ... ... ... PaxWMMAPrax ... ... ... PaydenCshRs 462 28 .48 ...PhoeInsMM ... ... ... PhoxInsgGvA ... ... ... PhoxInsgMMA ... ... ... PhoenixMM A ... ... ... PhoxInsgMME ... ... ... PhoeInsgGvI ... ... ... PIMCO MM P ... ... ... PiInsMM 1 ... ... ... PiInsMM 3 ... ... ... PiInsMM 2 ... ... ... PionrCs 239 ... .08 .08 PremGvtMP 36 34 .59 .59 PremierPort 29 15 .93 .93 PrimeObTR 1 31 .38 .38 PrinCapPresJ ... ... ... PrincipalInstl ... .14 ... PrincipalMMB ... ... ... PrincMMktA 456 ... ... ... PrincMMktJ t 257 ... ... ... PrincpMMktI ... ... ... PruMMartD 452 28 .01 ... PruMMrtZ 93 25 .01 .01 PruGovMM D ... ... ... PruInstMM I ... ... ... PruInstMM A ... ... ... Putnm MMA 807 24 .49 ... PutnmMMC t 27 24 .01 ... RBCGvRBCI1 45 .61 .61 RBCPrRBCI1 ... ... ... RS MMktVIP ... ... ... ReadyAssetPr 3205 ... ... ... ReadyAstUST 289 ... ... ... RegMorKeegA ... ... ... RegMorKeeg I ... ... ... RegionsTreTr ... ... ... ResrvCA II ... ... ... ResrvFL ... ... ... ResPri15 ... ... ... ResPri25 ... ... ... ResPriTT ... ... ... ResrveUSTrs ... ... ... ResUSTrsTT ... ... ... ResrveFdGvtR ... ... ... ReserveFdR ... ... ... Ret1 2556 ... ... ... RetII p 55 ... ... ... RidgeWCshMgt ... ... ... RidgeWPrQualA ... ... ... RidgeWPrQualI ... ... ... RidgeWUSGvt ... ... ... RidgeW USGovA ... ... ... RidgeWUSGvI ... ... ... RidgeWUSTrsI ... ... ... RydexUSGvC ... ... ... RydexUSGv ... ... ... SEIDITGovC ... ... ... SEIDITGvIIC ... ... ... SEIDITGvSwp ... ... ... SEI DIT MMA ... ... ... SEIDITMMSw ... ... ... SEIDITPrC ... ... ... SEIDITPSwp ... ... ... SEIDITTrIIC ... ... ... SEIDITTrsB ... ... ... SEIDITTrSwp ... ... ... SEI DITGovA 7824 48 .52 .53 SEI DIT MMC ... ... ... SEI DlIncGvB ... ... ... SEI DailyTr C ... ... ... SEI DITGvIIA 2043 47 .51 .51 SEI LqPr ... ... ... SEI DITPrmA ... ... ... SEI DITPrmB ... ... ... SEI DITTrsA 111 51 .53 .53 SEI DITTrIIA 554 52 .50 .50 SEI DITTrIIB ... ... ... SEIDITPrmH ... ... ... SSgAMMA f ... ... ... SSgAPrm ... ... ... SSgAUSGvtA ... ... ... SSgAUSTry ... ... ... STI CshRes ... ... ... SansomSt ... ... ... SaratgUSGvI 10 3 .01 ... SchwbACR-Pr 11512 36 .54 .54 SchwbACR 4115 36 .47 .47 SchwbCshRes 39571 36 .49 .49 SchwbInv 621 33 .58 .58 SchwbRetAdv 269 31 .61 .61 SchbValAdv 8678 35 .68 .68 SchwValAdUlt 2577 35 .88 .89 SchbVlAdvSl 2415 35 .78 .78 SchbValAPrm 2026 35 .85 .86 SchwbGv 30689 37 .06 .05 SchbMM 8946 35 .43 .43 Schb UST 18591 45 .14 .14 ScudCshAARP ... ... ... SecurityCsh ... ... ... SentinelGov A ... ... ... ShTrInUS ... ... ... SignalMM I ... ... ... SmBarPRDlyLiq ... ... ... StFrmMMLgA 139 36 .10 .10 StStInstLRS 6925 21 .91 .92 SunAmMMA 111 44 .01 .01 TAIDXTAmA p 27 .01 ... TAIDEXTAmB t 27 .01 ... TCW GalileoI ... ... ... TDAMMMInv 449 44 .28 .28 TDAMMMkPr 61 44 .28 .28 TDAMUSGv 905 47 .09 .09 TIAA-Cref Life ... ... ... TIAA-CREF Inst 460 50 .01 .01 TIAA-CREF MM ... ... ... TIAACREF Ret 319 50 ... ... TIAA-CREF Ret 113 50 ... ... TRowSumCR 38 .56 ... TRowPRF 48 .28 ... TRowUST 44 .29 ... TargetUSGvt ... ... ... Thriv MM Inst 80 35 .19 .19 Thriv MMk A 358 ... ... ... Touchstone Inst ... ... ... TouchstoneMM ... ... ... TouchstnMMS ... ... ... TouchstoneSTGvt ... ... ... TreasObTR 822 41 .07 .07 TCU MMP ... ... ... UBS RMA ... ... ... UBS RMA US ... ... ... UBS Retire ... ... ... UPW Cash ... ... ... US Tr Am ... ... ... US Treas Tr 51 ... ... ... USAA Mutl 4736 26 .38 ... USAA Treas 2547 20 .25 ... VALIC MMktI 337 43 .01 .01 VALIC MMkII 134 45 .01 .01 VangAdmTry 14863 49 .54 .53 VangFdl 73183 48 .59 .59 VangPr 87439 38 .87 .87 VangPrInst 12234 38 .93 .93 VicFedMMI ... ... ... Vic Fed MMS ... ... ... VictoryFRF ... ... ... VictGvtResSel ... ... ... VictGvtResTr ... ... ... VictoryInstInv ... ... ... VictoryInstS ... ... ... VictoryNY ... ... ... VictoryPrOb ... ... ... W&RAdCsMB 12 .02 ... W&RAdCsMC ... ... ... W&R AdvCshM A 1411 12 .25 ... WeissTreasury ... ... ... WeitzGvMM ... ... ... WellsFargo A 524 17 .44 .44 WFCashInvAd 114 16 .77 .77 WFCashInst 625 16 .90 .90 WFGovAdm 489 43 .43 .43 WFGvtMMA 268 43 .16 .16WellsFargoI 100 3404 49 .20 .20 WellsFargoInsCsh 207 16 .60 .60 WellsFargoInsGv 2933 43 .27 .27 WellsFargoInv ... ... ... WellsF100TrA 349 49 .05 .05 WellsFargo TrsyS 1504 45 .33 .33 WellsFargoTrsyA 1285 45 .16 .16 WellsFargo TrsyI 11139 45 .58 .58 WFGvMMInst 21292 43 .57 .57 WA GvtRsvA 928 45 .18 .18 WAInstGvInst 17758 45 .63 .63 WstnUSTrN 602 54 .13 .13 WstnInstCshL 14 .83 ... WstnInstCshS ... ... ... WstnInstLqRsI 892 21 .98 .98 WstnLiqResN 26 21 .39 .39 WstnPrmLiq 25 21 .69 .69 WstnInstUSTR 7151 54 .52 .52 WstnPrmUSTR 106 54 .26 .26 Wilm GovSel 3832 31 .29 .29 Wilm MM Sel ... ... ... Wilm PriAdm ... ... ... Wilm TrAdm 512 34 .04 .04 Wilm TrSvc 34 .01 .01 Wilm GovAdm 1695 31 .04 .04 WilmPriMM ... ... ... WilmUSGov 382 31 .39 .39Tax ExemptABN Amro TxEI ... ... ... ABN AmroTxExS ... ... ... AIMTx 29 12 .04 .04 ActAsCal ... ... ... ActAstTx ... ... ... AdvCATExLq ... ... ... AdvMuLiq p ... ... ... AlpineMuni ... ... ... AmC CATF 175 17 .39 ... AmC TF 136 12 .42 ... BBH TxEx ... ... ... BMO TaxF I p 275 17 .68 .68 BMO TaxF Y 83 17 .43 .43 BNYMelNMuM 538 19 .54 .52 BLMunFdPCS p 40 .18 .18 BRLM Muni 40 .66 .66 BRMuInst ... ... ... BRMuSv ... ... ... BR NC ... ... ... BRNJSv ... ... ... BRF NYMuni 6 .67 .67 BROHInstl ... ... ... BRPASv ... ... ... BRVAInst ... ... ... BRFCAMuni 12 .62 .62 BR PA Instl ... ... ... BR PA Invest ... ... ... BofACATERsIn ... ... ... BofACATERsA p ... ... ... BofACATERsCp ... ... ... BofACATERsD p ... ... ... BofACATERsIn ... ... ... BofACATERsL ... ... ... BofACATERsTr ... ... ... BofAMRsAdv ... ... ... BofAMRCap ... ... ... BofANYTEIn ... ... ... BofANYTxTr ... ... ... BofANYTERCp ... ... ... BofATERsAdv ... ... ... BofATERInv ... ... ... BofATERDaly ... ... ... BofATxExRsCp ... ... ... BofATEResG ... ... ... BofATxERsInst ... ... ... BofATEResLiq ... ... ... BofATERTr ... ... ... CalDalyA ... ... ... CA TF MM ... ... ... CalDlyB ... ... ... CashActTxEMgd 57 31 .38 ... Centn NY ... ... ... Centn CA ... ... ... CentenTx ... ... ... CityCATxEx I ... ... ... City CAMM S ... ... ... CityCATE N p ... ... ... CT DlySel ... ... ... DWSNYInsTxF ... ... ... DailTxA c ... ... ... DryNYAMTCs ... ... ... DryBasicNJ ... ... ... DryCTMu ... ... ... DreyCalTx ... ... ... DRPA Mun ... ... ... EVTxFrResvs ... ... ... ExcelsiorNY ... ... ... ExcelsiorTxE ... ... ... FFI Inst TE 1436 ... ... ... FIMMTxExII 25 .53 ... FIMMTxEx3 4 25 .43 ... FIMMTxExI 2247 25 .68 ... FedALMuni ... ... ... FedCAMuniSv 146 17 .36 .35 FedCAMu WS 98 17 .61 .60 FedCTMuSvc 22 27 .17 .16 FedFLMunCS p 58 22 .01 .01 FedFLMu WS 29 22 .32 .30 FedGAMuCsh 94 8 .40 .38 FedMAMuCS p 54 20 .01 .01 FedMAMuniSv 57 20 .25 .23 FedMDMuCsh ... ... ... FedMNMuCsh 13 42 .01 .01 FedMuniCsh ... ... ... FedMuObl A 628 30 .77 .76 FedMuOblCap 276 30 .67 .66 FedMunOblSv 399 30 .52 .51 FedNCMuCsh 90 35 .23 .22 FedNJMuCsSv 8 42 .27 .26 FedNJMu WS 5 42 .42 .41 FedNYMuCSv 44 43 .38 .37 FedNYMuCS p 155 43 .01 .01 FedNYMuCsII 8 43 .15 .14 FedOHMuCsh 17 39 .01 .01 FedOHMuCsSv 10 39 .18 .07 FedOHMu WS 31 39 .38 .37 FedPAMuniCS 54 29 .01 .01 FedPAMuCsSv 12 29 .24 .23 FedTaxFObWS 2088 30 .69 .68 FedTxFrObSv 247 30 .44 .43 FedVAMu WS 3 8 .37 .36 FedMuniSvc 113 8 .22 .21 FedMIMuCsSv 25 8 .29 .28 FedMNMu WS 41 42 .54 .54 FedTxF c 243 7 .70 .68 FidCA 3480 20 .38 ... FidCT 896 43 .38 ... FidMA 3365 21 .38 ... FidMI 528 34 .35 ... FidMuMM 12777 33 .49 ... FidNJ 1269 51 .40 ... FidNY 2763 29 .38 ... FidOH 536 43 .38 ... FidPA 372 18 .38 ... FidSpCA 323 23 .53 ... FidSpMA 204 20 .55 ... FidSpNJ 143 49 .56 ... FidSpNY 294 26 .56 ... FidTEDly M 139 29 .17 ... FidAZ 170 36 .39 ... Fid TECR 98 29 .01 ... FidTxEx MM 3836 29 .42 ... FidTaxExPortS 25 .63 ... FinSq TEF 955 28 .65 ... FstAmTFA 37 22 .08 ... FstAmTxFY 318 22 .38 ... FstAmTxFrD ... ... ... FstMunC p ... ... ... FtInvTax ... ... ... FedFLMuCshII 2 22 .06 .04 FrkCal ... ... ... FrkNYTE ... ... ... FsAmTxFObII 1 22 .53 ... FstAmTFObZ 45 22 .63 ... GnAMTMu R ... ... ... GenNJMun 102 33 .11 .08 GenNYMuB 113 14 .17 .14 GnMuB p 457 9 .01 .01 GnNYMuB p 75 14 .01 .01 GnCalMu 72 19 .08 .05 GlenTaxExemt ... ... ...GSITNYI ... ... ... GSITCAI c ... ... ... GSITDvI c ... ... ... HSBC CalMMD ... ... ... HSBC NYTFA ... ... ... HSBCInv CA ... ... ... HtgCshMunA ... ... ... IMCT NewYork p ... ... ... JPMMuMMP 36 6 .43 .43 JPMMuMMR 6 .18 .18 JPMorganCA 6 6 .25 .25 JPMorganNY 308 6 .26 .26 JPMorganTF 11 13 .23 .23 JPMorg TFPr 1541 13 .37 .37 JPMTxFrR p 2596 13 .12 .12 JPMorgTFAgcy 449 13 .56 .57 JPMTxFrInst 10603 13 .61 .62 LMPNYMuO ... ... ... MTB NYTF ... ... ... MTB TFMM A ... ... ... ML CMA Cal ... ... ... ML CMA CT ... ... ... ML CMA MA ... ... ... ML CMA NJ ... ... ... ML CMA NY ... ... ... ML CMA OH ... ... ... ML CMA TE ... ... ... MnyMgtPlus ... ... ... MS CalTF 31 6 .21 .21 MS NYMMM 18 6 .24 .24 MS TFDly 60 6 .23 .23 NYTxFrMMI ... ... ... NJDlyMuSel ... ... ... NorthernCA ... ... .