Good Morning To Lois Phillips Thanks for reading! Comics/Crossword A8-10, B7-8 Faith & Family ....................... B1 Lottery ................................. SP2 Obituaries ............................. A5 Local Sports ................... A12-13 Viewpoints ............................. A6 newssun TheNewsSun AN EDITION OF THE SUNYOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1919HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN VOL. 98 | NO. 84 | $1.00 Saturday, March 25, 2017 Improving end of year test scoresMost students will be facing a variety of end-of-year tests. Find out how you can help your student. FAITH & FAMILY, Page B1 Man tries to get back on feet after horrific 2014 accidentRoad to recovery GARY PINNELL/STAFFWillow Gordon, a licensed massage therapist, helps William Fadely, who was severely injuried by a truck in 2014. Fadely, whose wife and another man died after being struck by the truck, said the massage therapy has added quality to his life.SEBRING „ For William ÂRossÂŽ Fadely, Jan. 4, 2014, started out like any other. He had no idea of the impending horror that would affect his life for years to come. Fadely; his wife, Holly; and Allen Wilson, a close friend, walked for more than an hour every day. That day, James Amos joined the trio. The three had walked together for years. They expected nothing different during the leisurely walk that day through Fairmount Mobile Estates. ÂWe would walk every morning,ÂŽ William Fadely recalled this week. ÂWe were out there walking for our health.ÂŽ Around 8 a.m. on Jan. 4, 2014, they walked near Seattle and Illinois avenues. ÂWe were always in that area the same time,ÂŽ he said. They walked single “le off Seattle Avenue as a pickup truck approached. Then, Fadely remembers Wilson saying, ÂThe guyÂs going to hit us,ÂŽ as the truck neared them. He was right. The truck mowed down the four walkers, and all Fadely could think about was saving his wife, the woman he had known since second grade. This despite being critically injured himself, Even more than three years later, Fadely struggles with the idea that if his wife and he were in reversed positions, she would have survived. Tragically, Holly Fadely died, as did Wilson, from traumatic injuries. Amos survived the accident, but has since died, Fadely said. The driver of the vehicle that plowed into them, Gregory Tocci of Sebring, died a day later, but not from injuries stemming from that accident. Authorities said he continued on Seattle Avenue and veered into a concrete utility pole. Although the Florida Highway PatrolÂs accident report didnÂt conclude whether Tocci purposely caused the deaths and injuries, it stated that the investigation found no evidence that Tocci took any action to avoid hitting the walkers. Asked whether he believes Tocci purposely plowed into the walkers, Fadely said, ÂI think he had mental problems.ÂŽBefore the tragedy, West Sebring Volunteer Fire Department “re“ghters had responded to a “re at TocciÂs residence. Since then, Fadely has struggled to recover from numerous injuries after the accident. He couldnÂt walk for several months. He was taught how to write with his left hand. After the accident, Fadely, a snowbird, returned home. When he headed back to Florida months later, he was provided with the name of Willow Gordon, a licensed massage therapist in Sebring, who operates WillowÂs Massage Therapy. What Fadely didnÂt know was that Gordon was driving by the scene of the very crash that changed his life. Gordon said she prayed for the survivors.By JAY MEISELSTAFF WRITER SEBRING „ Bob Hummel approached Highlands County commissioners Tuesday with what he thought was the right thing to do: remind legislators of their obligation to buy environmentally sensitive lands. Instead, the commissioners voted down the resolution, 4-0. Commissioner Greg Harris was absent. The resolution read, in part, that biodiversity is a fundamental quality of life and economy; that population and developments are expected to grow; that land conservation buffers the impact of growth on natural resources; that the Florida Forever program conserves natural resources and renews natural and cultural heritage; and that Highlands County voters and 75 percent of Florida voters in November 2014 approved Amendment 1 to acquire and manage environmentally sensitive lands. Hummel, president of the Highlands County Audubon Society, wanted commissioners to ask the Legislature to Âsigni“cantly increase funding for the acquisition of conservation lands and conservation easements in the 20172018 budget.ÂŽ ÂTo support additional funding for conservation land is kind of...,ÂŽ Commissioner Don Elwell said, ÂI mean, we just literally, in our last meeting, spent about $450,000 on conservation land, ourselves, here in this county. ÂIn addition to that, as we all know,ÂŽ Elwell said, ÂTallahassee is in a cutting (mode) in their budgetƒ TheyÂre talking about cutting Enterprise Florida and Visit Florida. So if I was going to ask for the legislature to increase funding for anything, I think I would pick things like our public education system.ÂŽ Elwell ticked off higher priorities: infrastructure, roads, health care, public transportation to help seniors. Elwell said, ÂFor the people of Highlands County, I see that to be a whole lot more bene“cial.ÂŽ AudubonÂs resolution would not be a top priority for the Legislature, Elwell thought. ÂTheyÂll probably just ignore most of it because itÂs just a resolution from a county.ÂŽCommissioners turn down conservation resolutionSticking point: should Legislature increase funding?By GARY PINNELLSTAFF WRITER COURTESY PHOTOHolly Fadely died after being struck by a truck while walking on Seattle Avenue in Sebring on Jan. 4, 2014. SEBRING „ State Representative Cary Pigman, R-Avon Park, faces a driving under the in”uence charge after an arrest early Friday morning at the Fort Pierce Service Plaza on FloridaÂs Turnpike in Port St. Lucie. In two breath tests taken approximately three hours after the traf“c stop, his blood alcohol levels were 0.140 and 0.150, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report. Troopers also noted, in the report, that they saw an open wine bottle in the front passenger seat. Pigman was southbound on the Turnpike and told troopers he was on the way to visit family in Okeechobee. However, the traf“c stop was 8.2 miles beyond the Okeechobee (State Road 70) exit. FHP reports state troopers “rst got word of a reckless driver at 10:44 p.m. Thursday, from the Fort Drum Service Plaza at Mile Marker 184. Troopers found the car weaving and drifting over the center line from the outside lane, with numerous cars backed up behind it. Troopers stopped the car at Mile Marker 145, just outside the Fort Pierce Plaza, and identi“ed the driver as ÂEdwin Cary PigmanÂŽ from his driverÂs license. His window was down and troopers saw him reaching into the passenger seat. When they reached the car, they could smell alcohol from inside the car and saw an open wine bottle on the passenger seat, reports said. After talking with him about his destination and location, troopers asked him to get out of the car. Reports said Pigman had a hard time doing so. When asked if he had medical issues that would impair Rep. Pigman charged with DUIBy PHIL ATTINGERSTAFF WRITER FHP report: Car was weaving, drifting PIGMAN | 5 PIGMANRESOLUTION | 5 RECOVERY | 5
A2 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 www.highlandsnewssun.comThe Highlands News-Sun (USPS 487900ISSN 2473-0068) is published daily by Glen Nickerson at the Highlands News-Sun, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870. Periodical postage paid at Lakeland, FL and additional entry oce(s). All material contained herein is the property of the Highlands News-Sun, which is an aliate of Sun Coast Media Group. Reproduction in whole or part is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. All material submitted for publication becomes the property of the newspaper and may be edited for clarity and space, as well as reprinted, published and used in all media. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Highlands News-Sun, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870. COMMITMENT TO ACCURACY The Highlands News-Sun promptly corrects errors of fact appearing in its news stories. If you believe we have made an error, call the newsroom at 863-385-6155. If you have a question or comment about coverage, write to Pallavi Agarwal, editor, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870; email or call 863-386-5831. OFFICE Location: 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870 Hours: 8 a.m. Â… 5 p.m. Monday Friday Phone: 863-385-6155 Main Fax: 863-385-1954 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 13 weeks Tax Total $53.30 $4.00 $57.30 26 weeks Tax Total $106.60 $8.00 $114.60 52 weeks Tax Total $213.20 $15.99 $229.19 EZ Pay Tax Total $15.91 $1.19 $17.10 Your newspaper is delivered by an independent contractor. If you do not receive your home delivered newspaper by 6 a.m. on any daily publication date, or 7a.m. on Sunday, please phone the circulation department at 863-385-6155. CIRCULATION MANAGER Kevin Flores, Circulation Manager SUBMIT NEWS & OBITS Email all obituaries and death notices to Email all other announcements to PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays Tracy Weikel, Classied Account Executive 863-658-0307 LEGAL ADVERTISING Janet Emerson 863-386-5637 RETAIL ADVERTISING Ryan Danzey, Advertising Director 863-386-5629 Cli Yeazel, Advertising Director 863-386-5844 EXECUTIVE EDITOR Romona Washington 863-386-5634 romona.washington@ PUBLISHER Glen Nickerson 863-385-6155 glen.nickerson@ SMARTER 5 THINGS That Will Make You 1. Lungfish can live out of water for several years. It secretes a mucus cocoon and burrows itself under the unbaked earth. It takes in air with its lung through a built-in breathing tube that leads to the surface. A lungfish has both gills and a lung. 2. Some fish, such as the great white shark, can raise their body temperature. This helps them hunt for prey in cold water. 3. The oldest known age for a fish was an Australian lungfish. In 2003, it was still alive and well at 65 years old. 4. Fish use a variety of low-pitched sounds to convey messages to each other. They moan, grunt, croak, boom, hiss, whistle, creak, shriek, and wail. They rattle their bones and gnash their teeth. However, fish do not have vocal chords. They use other parts of their bodies to make noises, such as vibrating muscles against their swim bladder. 5. Starfish donÂt have a brain or blood. Starfish are not fish. Neither are jellyfish. Source: https://www. SEBRING „ The Highlands County SheriffÂs Of“ceÂs Special Victims and Tactical Anti-Crime units teamed up with of“cers from the probation and parole departments on a sweep of sexual offenders and predators in the county March 22. In the course of an afternoon, 16 homes were visited to check if the offenders were complying with their court-ordered restrictions, according to a Highlands County SheriffÂs Of“ce news release. Searches were conducted for pornography, and the offenders phones and computers were checked, authorities said. The sweep netted three arrests for violations of probation and another arrest warrant will be issued for an offender who left the state contrary to his restrictions. The contents of several phones and computers were downloaded and after an analysis of the data more arrests could follow. ÂThis is a perfect example of the kind of working relationship the SheriffÂs Of“ce and Probation and Parole should have,ÂŽ Sheriff Paul Blackman said. ÂWe will be conducting this kind of operation more often in order to make sure that the registered sexual offenders and predators in our county are following the rules and not committing new offenses.ÂŽSO does compliance checks on sexual offenders, predatorsSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN COURTESY PHOTOHighlands County Sheri Sgt. Anthony McGann of the HCSO Special Victims Unit and Probation and Parole Ocer Gwen Horne check a cellphone found in the home of a sexual oender Wednesday as detective Cara Moseley, who oversees the HCSOÂs sexual predators/oenders, looks on. MARC VALERO/STAFFStudents smile and grimace as they dodge in and out of the spray.AVON PARK „ Memorial Elementary Schools students got hosed down for a job well done on the recent writing test of the Florida Standards Assessment. West Sebring Volunteer Fire Department had the honor of providing the cool-and-wet treatment for the students. Assistant Principal Sullyann Morales Reyes said students were offered the incentive for a good showing on the FSA. If they were in attendance and gave maximum effort on the test, they would receive a Âhose downÂŽ by the “re department. The younger students, who are not tested by the FSA, have been very supportive of the older students, Reyes noted, so the kindergarten through second-grade students were invited to participate, too.Fired up for hosing downBy MARC VALEROSTAFF WRITER MARC VALERO/STAFFA Memorial Elementary student tries to shield herself from thespray. MARC VALERO/STAFFWest Sebring Volunteer re Dept. Lt. Luis Rodriguez helps students as they take turns holding the re hose. PLEASE GIVE BLOOD HELP SAVE LIVES adno=3422881 adno=3431291Grades K-12 Affordable Tuition One-To-One Instruction Guaranteed Results No ContractsReading Math Writing Algebra 1 & 2 Geometry Kindergarten Program Study Skills SAT / ACT Test Preparation The Tutoring CenterCall Today To Schedule Your Free Diagnostic Appointment863-269-89774325 Sun N Lake Blvd. € Sebring, FL Grand Opening SpecialFREE Diagnostic Assessment EnrollmentA $150 Value with this coupon. Not applicable tp SAT/ACT Test Prep or OLH or with any other offers or promotions. Limited time only. GRAND OPENING Hours Mon-Thu 2:30 PM 7:30 PM Fri & Sat By Appt. adno=3428939
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A3 ALAN JAY ALAN JAY ALAN JAY ALAN JAY ALAN JAY ALAN JAY Mon. thru Fri. 8a-7p Saturday 9a-5p(863) 402-4278LIKE US FOR DISCOUNTS, PROMOTIONS & MORE!! ALANJAYTOYOTA.COM ALANJAYTOYOTA.COM ALANJAYTOYOTA.COM Mon. thru Fri. 7:30a 5:30p Saturday 8a-4pALAN JAY AT ALAN JAY WEÂLL MAKE YOUR DAY! ITS Y OUR CH A NCE T O N E T A SL A M -D UN K D E A L ON A N E W T O Y O TA !*Prices exclude tax, tag, title and $699 dealer fee. See dealer for availability and complete details on all special offers. Of fer expires 3/31/17. Hurry in for our best selection. Dealer not responsible for typographical errors. Photos are for illustration purposes only; vehicles may be different color. WE BUY CARS! STK# T818382A STK# T818523A STK# T090428A STK# T639641A STK# RTB41295 STK# T092731A STK# T349617A STK# T418944A STK# T079665A STK# T708223A STK# T820896A STK# T148154A *For well-qualified lessees with approved credit through Southeast Toyota Finance. Not all lessees will qualify for this paymen t amount. Closed-end lease on new 2017 Corolla LE model # 1852 with automatic transmission and select equipment. Adding options increases payment. $169.00 per month for 36 months. $2,868 due at signing includes $2,699 down payment and first monthÂs payment. No security deposit required. $17,535 Adjusted Capitalized Cost is based on down payment; excludes tax, tag, registrat ion, title and $699.00 dealer fee. Monthly payments do not include applicable taxes. Lessee pays the remainder of maintenance after ToyotaCare expires, excess wear and use, and $0.18 per mile over 12,000 miles per year. Lease-end purchase option is $13,085 and lease payments total $6,084. Disposition Fee of $350 due at lease-end. May not be combined with certain other offer s. Must take delivery between 03/01/17 and 04/03/17.*For well-qualified lessees with approved credit through Southeast Toyota Finance. Not all lessees will qualify for this paymen t amount. Closed-end lease on new 2017 Camry SE (Non-Hybrid) model # 2546 with automatic transmission and select equipment. Adding options increases payment. $199.00 per month for 36 month s. $3,198 due at signing includes $2,999 down payment and first monthÂs payment. No security deposit required. $21,520 Adjusted Capitalized Cost is based on down payment; excludes tax, tag, registration, title and $699.00 dealer fee. Monthly payments do not include applicable taxes. Lessee pays the remainder of maintenance after ToyotaCare expires, excess wear and use, and $0 .18 per mile over 12,000 miles per year. Lease-end purchase option is $14,591 and lease payments total $7,164. Disposition Fee of $350 due at lease-end. May not be combined with certain o ther offers. Must take delivery between 03/01/17 and 04/03/17*For well-qualified lessees with approved credit through Southeast Toyota Finance. Not all lessees will qualify for this paymen t amount. Closed-end lease on new 2017 RAV4 XLE (Non-Hybrid) model # 4440 with automatic transmission and select equipment. Adding options increases payment. $219.00 per month for 36 months. $3,218 due at signi ng includes $2,999 down payment and first monthÂs payment. No security deposit required. $25,078 Adjusted Capitalized Cost is based on down payment; excludes tax, tag, registration, title and $699.00 dealer fee. Monthly payments do not include applicable taxes. Lessee pays the remainder of maintenance after ToyotaCare expires, excess wear and use, and $0.18 per mile over 12,000 miles per year. Lease-end purchase op tion is $20,002 and lease payments total $7,884. Disposition Fee of $350 due at lease-end. May not be combined with certain other offers. Must take delivery between 03/01/17 and 04/03/17.
A4 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 SEBRING „ A traf“c stop led to an investigation that turned up more than 246 grams of methamphetamine in a shed behind a house in Sebring early Wednesday morning, authorities said. Highlands County Sheriff Sgt. Dusty McGee made a traf“c stop at 11:45 p.m. Tuesday, March 21 on Baxter Avenue in Sebring after he saw the car 30-yearold Louis Arno Huff was driving had its headlights turned off. When Huff was questioned by McGee, he told him he did not have a driverÂs license, so he was taken into custody, a news release from the Highlands County SheriffÂs Of“ce said. HuffÂs passenger, Charlene Walterman, was also arrested for several outstanding warrants for fraud, petit theft and identity theft, the news release added. Sheriff K-9 deputy Cory Tomblin and his partner Remco did a Âfree-air sniffÂŽ of the car, and Remco alerted on the center console. Inside the console, deputies found a partially smoked marijuana joint. They also found a fully-loaded pistol on the ”oor of the car between the driverÂs seat and the console, authorities said. Huff, who was convicted of grand theft in 2007, is not allowed to have a gun. He was arrested on charges of carrying a concealed weapon, possession of a weapon by a convicted felon and possession of marijuana. After some investigation, deputies turned up information that led them to an address on Seventh Street in the Highlands Homes area of Sebring „ a home belonging to HuffÂs mother. She gave deputies consent to search the property, which included a shed in the backyard. Tomblin and Remco went into the shed, which had a sawed-off shotgun and a pistol sitting in plain sight, and Remco started snif“ng, the news release added. ÂHe immediately alerted on an end table in the middle of the room. When Tomblin opened the drawer, he found a gallon-sized plastic bag containing what turned out to be 237.8 grams of crystal methamphetamine. Additional searching revealed two smaller bags with 8.8 grams of methamphetamine as well as .6 grams of marijuana and various drug paraphernalia.ÂŽ The methamphetamine has a local street value of around $15,000. HuffÂs mother told deputies that Huff was the only one who ever went into the shed, which was equipped with video surveillance equipment. Huff later told deputies that he had the methamphetamine with the intention of selling it. Huff was also charged with traf“cking in methamphetamine (over 14 grams), possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, possession of marijuana and possession of drug equipment. He is being held on $63,000 bond. Traffic stop leads to meth haulSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN HUFF COURTESY PHOTOThe methamphetamine recovered during the Highlands County SheriÂs OceÂs investigation has a local street value of around $15,000.Fire department yard saleLORIDA „ The Lorida Volunteer Fire Department will have its yard sale from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at 1172 U.S. 98 in Lorida. For information, call 863-234-3326.Come to Tanglewood danceSEBRING „ The Tanglewood Dance Committee announces its spring dance with the music of Rick Arnold from 7-10 p.m. today. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $6. Bring beverages and snacks to share with friends. Ice is furnished at each table. Tanglewood is on North U.S. 27 across the road from DennyÂs.Jay Smith at Buttonwood BaySEBRING „ Jay Smith will perform at the Saturday Night Dance at 7 p.m. today at Buttonwood Bay. There will be a variety of music covering several decades and genres. Tickets are $7 at the door of the Rec Hall. Popcorn and soda is available.Vietnam veterans ceremonySEBRING „ AMVETS Post 21 of Sebring will hold a ÂWelcome Home Vietnam Veterans CeremonyÂŽ noon-4 p.m., today at Post 21, 623 U.S. 27 S. Flag raising at noon with lunch to follow. Bring a covered dish to share. Highlands tea party meetsSEBRING „ The Highlands tea party will have its next meeting from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday at HomerÂs Restaurant, 1000 Sebring Square. Buffet begins at 5 p.m. Guest speaker will be Scott Dressel of the Highlands County SheriffÂs Of“ce. Legion spaghetti dinnerAVON PARK „ The American Legion Post 69, 1301 W. Bell St., will hold a spaghetti dinner Wednesday to bene“t Vet Relief. Dinner will be served from 4-6 p.m. and will include spaghetti with meatball, salad and garlic bread. Cost will be $6 per dinner. Karaoke by Wendy and Dennis will also be from 4-6 p.m. Plant and garden saleLAKE PLACID The Placid Lakes Craft and Garden Club is having its plant and garden sale starting at 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 1, at 137 Lincoln Rd N.W., in the Placid Lakes subdivision. Plants, shrubs, vintage cook books, trees, garden art and more. Lake Placid ÂPaint Out setLAKE PLACID „ The Lake Placid Art League will hold its “rst Paint Out, 8 a.m. on Saturday, April 1, 127 Dal Hall Blvd. Plein Air painters are encouraged to register at the Lake Placid Art League building. Painters use their own supplies. All media can be used. The cost to register is $10 with proceeds bene“ting the Lake Placid Art League Scholarship Fund. Artists will be painting throughout Lake Placid. For more information, call Fran Rolston at 863-465-0038. Cemetery clean-up dayAVON PARK „ Lakeside Historical Cemetery will sponsor a community cemetery clean-up day from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. today at 1581 Cummings Ave. Bring your rakes, mowers, etc. Donations are welcome (water, drinks, hot dogs, buns, etc.) For information, contact Brenda Gray at 863-8731138 or Cyrus Wyche at 863-873-6654.Bunco at Shrine ClubSEBRING „ The public is invited to play Bunco at 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday at the Highlands Shrine Club, 2604 SR 17 S. Cost is $4 per person. Call 863-991-1298 for more information.Orchid Society meetingSEBRING „ The monthly meeting of the Orchid Society of Highlands County will be held at 7 p.m. Monday at the Jack Stroup Civic Center, 355 W. Center St. in Sebring. Guest speaker will be accredited American Orchid Judge Arthur Katz of Tampa. Light snacks will be served. Members and “rst time guests are encouraged to attend. For questions, call Glen Shellhammer at 863-471-6171. COMMUNITY NEWS BRIEFS
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A5 www.highlandsnewssun.comThe following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 17: Ramon Luis Archeval 40, Avon Park, on a charge of probation violation. Jessica Nicole Geringer 34, Bartow, on two charges of probation violation. Cody Elwin Mast, 31, Lake Placid on a charge of probation violation. Brooklyn Desiree Starr Vandemark 20, Sebring, on charges of probation violation, resisting an of“cer with violence and battery. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 18: Eddie Hammonds 59, Sebring, on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and battery. Nicholas Lawrence Jenkins 25, Sebring, on charges of drug possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of drug equipment, battery, two charges of fraud and two charges of larceny. Deondre Marquel Lewis 22, Avon Park, on a charge of battery. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 19: Stacee Brazzel 39, Sebring, on two charges of conditional release violation. Tyler Stone Lynch 19, Sebring, on a charge of attempted “rst-degree homicide. Hunter D. Null-Brunle 18, Kissimmee, on a charge of possession of drug equipment and two charges of possession of marijuana. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 20: William Curtis Blair 43, Sebring, on charges of drug possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of drug equipment. Bobby Butler 35, Avon Park, on charges of possession of forged noted, possession of marijuana, two charges of possession of cocaine and two charges of possession of drug equipment. Kyle Andrew Davis 26, Sebring, on charges of property damage-criminal mischief, larceny and burglary. Aaron Lance Dennis 34, Sebring, on a charge of probation violation. Norris John Deveaux 26, Lake Placid, on a charge of a moving traf“c violation. Reginal Fred Moseley 38, Sebring, on two charges of probation violation. Kenneth Alexander Oxsalida 29, Sebring, on a charge of battery. Robert Charles Pressley 59, Sebring, on charges of property damage-criminal mischief, larceny and burglary. Leslie Lynn Williams 49, Avon Park, on a charge of forgery, two charges of larceny and three charges of fraud. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 21: Meggan Rose Cooley 33, Sebring, on a charge of probation violation. Missy Denise Nelson 35, Avon Park, on a charge of burglary. Jaime Rose Taylor 39, Avon Park, on three charges of failure to appear. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 22: Brice Ashley DuBoice 30, Frostproof, on a charge of larceny. Devin Michael Dziedzic 21, Sebring, on two charges of failure to appear. Gary Lee Ebersole 46, Sebring, on a charge of probation violation. JaQwan Salvalas Hall 21, Avon Park, on charges of crimes against a person and battery. Matthew Preston Hardeman 24, Sebring, on a charge of probation violation. Richard Thomas Hardeman 33, Sebring, on charges of drug possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of drug equipment. Louis Arno Huff 30, Sebring, on charges of carrying a concealed weapon, traf“cking amphetamine, possession of drug equipment, two charges of possession of marijuana and two charges of possession of a weapon or ammunition by a convicted felon. Joseph Michael Messana 63, Sebring, on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Charles Allen Moore 39, Sebring, on a charge of probation violation. Joshua Patrick OÂShea 24, Sebring, on charges of drug possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of drug equipment. Joshua Aaron Puzynski 29, Sebring, on charges of drug possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of drug equipment. Andrew Sol Quijano 25, Lake Placid, on a charge of probation violation. Courtney Hardeman Schreiner 39, Sebring, on charges of drug possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of drug equipment. Roy Lee Sykes 54, Avon Park, on charges of larceny and probation violation. Charlene Gayle Walterman 36, Cartersville, Georgia, on a charge of probation violation, two charges of larceny and four charges of fraud. Derek Brian Worth 39, Sebring, on charges of possession of drug equipment, possession of amphetamine and resisting an of“cer without violence. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 23: Theodore Theodore Gibbs 23, Orlando, on a charge of probation violation. Dennis Duane Leadingham 50, Lorida, on charges of cruelty toward a child and battery. Kimberly Aletta Loeb 36, Avon Park, on a charge of probation violation. his driving, he said no, reports said. When asked if he had been drinking, reports said he also said no. During “eld sobriety tests just prior to midnight, reports said he did not follow instructions, could not remember them or failed to perform the tests. At one point during the Âwalk and turnÂŽ exercise, reports said, he almost fell and had to be steadied by a trooper holding his arm. Troopers then put him under arrest. Later, at 1:44 and 1:47 a.m., troopers conducted breath tests and got readings of 0.140 and 0.150, both above the legal limit of 0.08. Pigman, an emergency room doctor in Highlands County, was “rst elected to represent District 55 of the Florida House of Representatives in 2012 and has been re-elected subsequently. At this time, the Florida House is considering a bill to curb DUI offenses with an ignition lock. House Bill 949, introduced by Rep. Cord Byrd, R-Neptune Beach, is under review by the House Judiciary Committee. It would require those convicted of DUI to place, at their expense, ignition interlock devices on their car ignitions for a speci“ed period of time. Such devices, attached to a breath-alcohol meter, would prevent the car from starting if the driverÂs breath shows an unlawful alcohol level.PIGMANFROM PAGE 1 COURTESY GRAPHIC/iPHONE MAPSFlorida Highway Patrol stopped Rep. Cary Pigman, R-Avon Park, late Thursday night at the Fort Pierce Service Center on State Road 91 (FloridaÂs Turnpike). After a eld sobriety test, he was arrested and charged with driving under the inuence.ÂSomething like 25 percent of the property in the state of Florida (is) already under conservation or owned by the state or the federal government or by Nature Conservancy and people like that,ÂŽ Commissioner Jim Brooks said. ThatÂs also true in Highlands County, Property Appraiser Raymond McIntyre has said. A constitutional amendment was passed, Brooks said, Âbasically to protect the water, to improve the water resources in the state of Florida. ƒ The money would be better spent to take some of these heavily developed areas that are on the water off of septic tanks, and used to go to central sewer. I couldnÂt support this.ÂŽ The Florida Association of Counties, Commissioner Jack Richie said, wants to limit more federal takeover of Florida land. ÂBecause it has absolutely decimated the ad valorem tax in a couple of our counties, to the point where they can hardly exist.ÂŽ Florida governments must “nd a balance, Richie said. He wanted HummelÂs resolution to be read Âbecause all voices should be heard.ÂŽ That said, Richie moved not to adopt the resolution. ÂCorrect me if IÂm wrong,ÂŽ Hummel said. ÂWhen the people voted for Amendment 1, money was provided aside for the state budget for conservation lands. That money is not in the state budget. Secondly, this is the right thing to do, to remind our legislators of their obligation from Amendment 1. That obligation is to spend that money for environmentally sensitive lands.ÂŽ The Audubon resolution said the county commissioners want to Âsigni“cantly increase funding,ÂŽ Elwell quoted. He interpreted the resolution as asking the Legislature to increase next yearÂs budget to buy more conservation land. ÂThatÂs the problem I have. IÂm with you on 2014 (when the amendment passed) and supporting the amendment.ÂŽ George Hall, a former Avon Park city councilor, said all “ve commissioners are conservatives. ÂAnd that means to cut waste. ÂNo disrespect to the Audubon Society or the gentlemen who presented this. I just think itÂs a very poorly written resolution,ÂŽ Hall said. ÂIt talks of where happiness comes from. My happiness doesnÂt come from conservation land. I enjoy conservation land. ItÂs a bene“t, itÂs a blessing that GodÂs given to us.ÂŽ Conservatives believe government should be more ef“cient and smaller, Hall said. The resolution would spend more money on more land. The Audubon resolution Âfails to document that Highlands County has already met and exceed its goals for conservation,ÂŽ Dale P”ug rose from the audience. Larry Over“eld said he would rather see the money go toward teaching good conservation. ÂWe need to look at the stewardship. That money would go a lot further than entrusting it to some Legislature.ÂŽRESOLUTIONFROM PAGE 1 Fadely showed up at GordonÂs of“ce and she told him, ÂIÂve prayed for you every day.ÂŽ The massage therapy has helped Fadely regain some of his former life. He said the therapy reduces the swelling and takes away pain from his ankle, in particular. Now, he has resumed walking, but he never walks down Seattle Avenue. Gordon strives to help clients in multiple ways. ÂI look at their mind, body and spirit,ÂŽ she said. She felt compelled to talk with Fadely about his relationship with God. Fadely had not attended church for decades. Now, he accompanies Gordon and her family to church. While heÂs moved forward spiritually and physically during the past three years, Fadely still grieves for his wife. He struggles to talk about her. But, his memories of her are joyful. He said they were married for 44 years. They grew up in Markleville, Indiana and lived close to each other. They knew each other from the second grade, but it was going together to the junior prom that eventually led to a lifelong commitment. ÂShe was very sweet,ÂŽ he recalled. ÂShe was loved by everyone. She had a zest for life and there was always a smile on her face.ÂŽ ÂShe liked making people smile so much that she went to clown school,ÂŽ Fadely remembered. He also has been touched by the support of the community. Neighbors brought him food and one neighbor even installed a new toilet. His family was also there for him. ÂAll of that has made me a better person,ÂŽ he said. ÂI like helping people. I want to give back.ÂŽRECOVERYFROM PAGE 1 COURTESY PHOTOWilliam ÂRossÂŽ Fadely and his wife, Holly, two of the four people struck by a truck on Seattle Avenue on Jan. 4, 2014. William Fadely survived, but his wife died. Missing Hardee teen foundSTAFF REPORTPolice blotterWAUCHULA „ The Wauchula Police Department has found Jasmine Shields, a Wauchula teen who had been reported missing earlier this month. She had been last seen at her home March 11, and authorities said at that time that she left with a bag of clothes and jewelry in an unknown direction. Authorities did not say where she was found PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTThe Highlands County Tourist Development Council is soliciting applications from citizens that are owners or operators of motels, hotels, recreational vehicle parks or other tourist accommodations in the county and subject to the Tourist Development tax that would like to become voting members of the Tourist Development Council. If you are interested in becoming a voting member of this group, applications can be obtained from the countyÂs website at pdf Application Deadline is April 17, 2017. adno=3435468
A6 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 www.highlandsnewssun.comAs proud snowbirds of Lake Placid, my husband and I recently took visitors around to see the murals. We always leave our personal favorite for last, the fabulous Cracker Country and largerthan-life painting on the old Winn Dixie wall. Much to our dismay, when we got there, one of the biggest Fed EX trucks we have ever seen was parked smack dab lengthwise, directly in front of the mural. It was so close to the building that all we could see was the truck. We walked over to the truck and the driver was just sitting at the steering wheel, looking out the window and then totally ignoring us. We think it would be a good idea if the powers that be could put up Up to today, I had great respect for the Florida Highway Patrol. They do a thankless and dangerous job for not much salary. However, today (March 21), I was stunned. County Road 635 was closed due to smoke. The trooper had blocked the Unhappy after mural tour Smoke not the only problem VIEWPOINTS The Trump administration is in the throes of one of the greatest selfin”icted distractions of the modern presidency. The latest chapter comes from James Comey in his highly anticipated congressional testimony. The FBI director said that he has no information to support President Donald TrumpÂs infamous weekend tweets alleging he was wiretapped by President Barack Obama during the campaign. This was treated as a bombshell, although what would have been truly surprising is if he said TrumpÂs allegations had a sound factual basis. Every administration gets knocked off its game early on by something. What makes the furor over President TrumpÂs wiretapping claims so remarkable is how unnecessary it is. The ”ap didnÂt arise from events outside of the administrationÂs control, nor was it a clever trap sprung by its adversaries. The president went out of his way to initiate it. He picked up his phone and tweeted allegations that he had no idea were true or not, either to distract from what he thought was a bad news cycle, or to vent, or both. The fallout has proved that there is no such thing as Âjust a tweetÂŽ from the most powerful man on the planet. TrumpÂs aides have scrambled to “nd some justi“cation for the statements after the fact and offended an age-old foreign ally in the process (White House press secretary Sean Spicer suggested it was British intelligence that might have been monitoring Trump); congressional leaders have become consumed with the matter; and it has dominated news coverage for weeks. Such is the power of a couple of blasts of 140 characters or less from the president of the United States. The ”ap has probably undermined TrumpÂs political standing, and at the very least has diverted him and his team from much more important work on Capitol Hill, where his agenda will rise or fall. In an alternative and more conventional universe, the White House would be crowing over Judge Neil GorsuchÂs testimony before Congress. Instead, it is jousting with the FBI director over wayward tweets. Spicer was reduced to arguing that ComeyÂs categorical rejection of the wiretapping claim was only provisional. LetÂs not jump to conclusions, etc., etc. Such is the life of a press secretary when his boss has the power to make him defend the indefensible during a few thoughtless moments alone with his phone. Since the wiretapping allegations, SpicerÂs days have been spent in the semantics, air quotes and epistemological gymnastics necessary to support TrumpÂs claims. Only President Trump can make it stop. He has shown, despite his unwillingness ever to admit error, an ability over the past year to simply drop and move on from counterproductive controversies. He should do the same with his wiretapping tweets. All he has to say is that he accepts his FBI directorÂs statement and Avoiding unforced errors, a 140-character flaw ItÂs been a week now since the roar at Sebring International Raceway was at its loudest for Race Week and then came to a deafening silence at the end of the 12-hour run. The crowd has long since dissipated. The trash has been picked up. Life is back to normal at Sebring International Raceway, and Wayne Estes and his staff are a bit more relaxed. Fans line up each year long before the gates open. They enter quietly, often seeking out their favorite campsite by ”ashlight that they most likely occupied the year prior. The fans come from as far away as Alaska and as near as Sebring. Some even travel abroad to enjoy the four days that make up SebringÂs Race Week. Unlike years past, the Highlands County SheriffÂs Of“ce reported a well-behaved crowd with minimal arrests this year. In fact, SheriffÂs Of“ce spokesman Scott Dressel said compared to the number of arrests made in the rest of the county during the same time frame, the crowd at the raceway was Âextremely well behaved.ÂŽ Capt. Darin Hood credits a good police presence and improved cooperation from race fans for the calm of the crowd over the past “ve years. High visibility patrol, close monitoring of riders in the back of vehicles and a zero tolerance for any type of drug activity have gone a long way to keeping the spectators in control. In addition to the HCSO, enforcement was also provided by the Sebring and Lake Placid police departments, Hardee and Okeechobee county sheriffÂs of“ces, and several state and federal partners. There were plenty of volunteers early on to help with a smooth opening, and volunteers continued to help in various capacities throughout the event. While the real action took place on the track, there was also plenty going on in“eld for spectators to enjoy. The Spring Brake Party Zone was back as usual, as was the meet-and-greet session with some drivers. There were also auctions of artwork to bene“t the Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer as well as live demonstrations of the artwork being done. Estes made some well-designed changes this year. Highlands County residents were offered a special price on four-day tickets if purchased in advance. A new restaurant, Club 12 Bar and Grill, was also set up on the Midway for spectators to enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner, and late-night dining. They were even set up to deliver meals to campsites. This yearÂs race was an even bigger success with the great race teams that traveled to Sebring for the 65th annual running of the Mobile 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring Fueled by Fresh From Florida. Racing legend Hurley Haywood was on hand to serve as the Grand Marshal, and young men gained their “rst yearÂs experience driving an endurance race like none other. It was the No. 10 Wayne Taylor Racing/Konica Minolta Cadillac DPi V.R that took the checkered ”ag late Saturday night, but in essence it was Estes and his staff and volunteers who were the real winners. They put on a successful and peaceful, but well attended racing event for adults, as well as families to enjoy. We canÂt wait to see what next year brings. Peace rules at racewayOUR VIEW YOUR VIEW Rich Lowry GUEST COLUMN Glen Nickerson Publisher Pallavi Agarwal Editor Romona Washington Executive Editor Mat Delaney Highlands Sun Editor JOIN THE CONVERSATIONLetters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. We will not accept any Letters to the Editor that mention a business in a negative tone, as they have no means to defend themselves. Please keep Letters to the Editor to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name Â… not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. In the case of letters that are emailed, the same rules apply. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only four letters per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Highlands News-Sun, Letters to the Editor, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870, or fax to 863-385-1954. Readers may also email Letters to the Editor to editor@ sign or something to let inconsiderate people know they are not to park there. And while theyÂre at it, someone suggested perhaps there is some way we could get the sound back on. Solar power maybe? I know itÂs not in the budget, but maybe we could take up a collection.Shirley Elliott Lake Placidsouthbound lane, but not the north. He walked over and yelled at me, calling me a stupid idiot who cannot read. He would not give his name or badge number. I am quite certain the FHP can identify this of“cer. At 8 a.m. he was at the intersection of State Road 66 and CR 635. I think this of“cer should be evaluated for anger problems.Cli McDonald Lake PlacidSomething to readI am a snow bird from the Northeast and I guess by de“nition many in Highlands Country feel that makes me a Northeast liberal. I love it here in the Winter in Highlands County and have been coming here for over 17 years. This is a great place to spend the winter except for the presidential election years when things get somewhat out of balance in this County. Over the years I have found that I can barely tolerate reading local newspaper Âguest columns and letters to the editor. After having read Bud MorganÂs column in the Wednesday, March 22, 2017 edition of the Highlands News-Sun I feel I must re-examine my no read rule. When my wife called my attention to this she said Âyou are not going to believe this.ÂŽ Thank goodness for Bud Morgan. I will be looking for more of his thoughts in the future before we return to the Northeast.Thomas Senior Sebring RICH | 7 Email Your News Tips To: DO YOU HAVE THE NEXT BIG STORY OR NEWS TIP TO SHARE?
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A7 Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. that he doesnÂt want to talk about it anymore. That would immediately drain some of the headline-grabbing drama from it, and relieve his underlings from their current exertions. ComeyÂs second bombshell was the more consequential one. He con“rmed that there is an ongoing FBI investigation of RussiaÂs role in the election and possible ties to the Trump campaign. (It may eventually emerge that some of TrumpÂs conversations were picked up when people in his orbit were being surveilled in this probe, providing a “g leaf of vindication for his tweets.) ItÂs hard to see why the Russians would have had to involve Trump associates in what should have been a simple two-step process: 1) hack Democratic accounts; 2) give the resulting information to WikiLeaks. But ComeyÂs acknowledgement of the investigation will stoke the darkest suspicions of the left. All the more reason for Trump to avoid doubling down on unforced errors. There are plenty of people who want to distract and damage his administration. The president of the United States shouldnÂt be one of them. Emil Rich Lowry at comments.lowr PAGE 6 Can anything be done to encourage universities to ful“ll their mission of fostering diversity in all areas, including ideological diversity? This will not be easy, especially in the age of Trump. Liberal college campuses are more likely to dig in their heels and protect the academy from the evils of Trumpism. The situation will probably grow worse, not better in most campuses. We need to foster ideological diversity for the same reasons we need racial and gender diversity. Universities should re”ect the communities they represent, and this is clearly not the case today. Former Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell argued in a 1978 case that diversity was essential to a universities mission. The more diverse the faculty and student body, the more robust will be the exchange of ideas. Yale University law professor Peter Schuck, in his book Diversity in America, contends that faculty have a Âhigher responsibility to our standards, ourselves and our disciplines that our preferences for ideological homogeneity and faculty-lounge echo chambers betray.ÂŽ Echoing that sentiment, John McGinnis of Northwestern Law School writes that Âliberal ideas might well be strengthened and made more effective if liberals had to run a more conservative gauntlet among their own colleagues when developing them.ÂŽ The growing conservative attack on higher education by state legislators should come as no surprise. Decades of liberal orthodoxy have led conservative legislators to cut university funding and impose more programmatic controls. Why would any group provide “nancial support to another institution that constantly demeans conservative ideas and values and refuses to hire them on their faculty? It is in the best interest of universities to improve ideological diversity for two primary reasons: it is the right thing to do, and the university will reap “nancial bene“ts. Some universities, including Harvard, Penn State, the University of Texas and others have adopted Âconservative coming out days.ÂŽ I am not sure if this means that faculty who have not come out as conservatives should declare their philosophy, or that universities should seek out conservative faculty through af“rmative action. Most conservatives would reject an af“rmative action approach. Other universities are showcasing their commitment to ideological diversity by creating a speci“c faculty line for conservatives. The University of Colorado created an endowed chair in Conservative Thought and Policy. One or two conservative hires hardly indicates a commitment to a diversi“ed faculty. I am not sure that any faculty member wants to be viewed as the Âconservative hire.ÂŽ Will students and faculty come to his or her of“ce to see what a conservative looks like? Some conservatives have pushed for the adoption of the Academic Bill of Rights (ABOR) created by conservative activist David Horowitz and his Center for the Study of Popular Culture. The Bill of Rights contains eight provisions relating to faculty recruitment and hiring, free speech, research and campus speakers. A number of state legislatures have adopted the Academic Bill of Rights over the opposition of the American Association of University Professors, the American Federation of Teachers and several other groups. Critics argue that ABOR Âinfringes academic freedom in the very act of purporting to protect it.ÂŽ Money, or the lack of money, is the lifeblood of a university. Some conservatives have urged alumna should withhold “nancial support for their university until it supports ideological diversity. Universities must end their policies of Groupthink which excludes conservative students and faculty from meaningful participation in university life. Speech codes and safe spaces must end, as well as the coddling of easily offended students. Safe places do not foster education, but create an unreal scenario of what students will face in the real world. Too often, universities have smothered free speech rather than fostering it. When students demand safe places, they often mean I disagree with your ideas, so shut up! Too often, universities have become home to Orwellian of“ces such as the Of“ce for Diversity and Inclusion. That is “ne for groups and ideas that have the universities seal of approval, but it often means the Ânot welcomeÂŽ sign is posted for unpopular and undesirable groups. The election of Donald Trump has led to a surge in the sale of George OrwellÂs 1984. New print runs have occurred to keep up with the growing demand for the book. I would just remind readers that OrwellÂs book was not directed at any speci“c individual or philosophy, but at authoritarianism in all of its forms. The clash of ideas is the real mission of a university. How can the clash of ideas be heard if not all of the parties are allowed to express their views? How can universities promote diversity in race, gender and sexual orientation, but neglect ideological diversity? Ideological diversity will bene“t the university intellectually, as well as “nancially. We must end the ideological homogeneity that dominates higher education and put an end to what Orwell called Âsmelly little orthodoxies.ÂŽ Darryl Paulson is Professor Emeritus of Government at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg. The column moved on website Florida Politics.Do universities discriminate?Darryl PaulsonFLORIDA POLITICS
A8 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 BEETLE BAILEY By Mort Walker HI AND LOIS By Brian and Greg Walker HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM By Mike Peters PICKLES By Brian Crane MARMADUKE By Brad Anderson Cryptoquip 2011 by King Features Syndicate Challenger YesterdayÂs Challenger Answers LAKE PLACID „ Gifted students from “ve elementary schools will try to save a piece of a historic site by selling items today morning at the Farmers Market at the Lake Placid Journal Plaza. Gifted teacher Patrica Carter said she and her fellow teachers, Laura Carter and Laura Holleran, will be involved in the event, which is a service learning project related to their students studies on the Civil War in the following schools Lake Placid, Lake Country, Cracker Trail, Park and Avon elementary schools. The students have been making products to sell to help save a Civil War battle“eld for future generations, Carter said. The battle“elds are being destroyed so students are raising funds to purchase a piece of a battle“eld. ÂI am sure it wonÂt be a big piece, maybe an inch square, but it doesnÂt matter,ÂŽ she said. ÂThey are very excited about it.ÂŽ Gifted students in mostly grades three to “ve will be participating in the event. Carter noted that students have made bracelets and soap and are baking goods for the sale from 8 a.m. 1:30 p.m. today at the Lake Placid Journal Plaza, 231 N. Main Ave. Students aim to preserve piece of U.S. historyBy MARC VALEROSTAFF WRITERSEBRING „ The Aktion Club of Highlands County will be out in full force during Diaper Dump Day from 8 a.m. to noon today in Heartland Pharmacy parking lot on the corner of U.S. 27 and Valerie Boulevard. This is the third year the club is collecting diapers, wipes and money for local charities that serve needy families with children. Diapers and wipes will be donated to Avon Park Community Child Development Center, ChildrenÂs Advocacy Center, Early Steps Program, Family Safehouse, Guardian ad Litem, Healthy Families, Healthy Start, One Hope United and Manna Ministries. The public is invited to stop by the tent in Heartland Pharmacy to help “ll up the big truck with diapers and wipes or make a cash donation. For those who canÂt stop by today, call Aktion Club Advisor Cindy Marshall at 863-4521295, Ext. 124 or mail a check made payable to Aktion Club of Highlands County, 4352 Independence St., Avon Park, FL 33825.Diaper donations soughtSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A9 ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman GARFIELD By Jim Davis DILBERT By Scott Adams REX MORGAN By Terry Beatty MARY WORTH By Karen Moy and June NON SEQUITUR By WileyThe American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that from age 3 children get an annual well-child checkup. It should cover everything from how much you read to your child, the risk of lead paint contamination in your home, hearing, dental care, physical and cognitive development to potential familial health problems such as elevated LDL (lousy) cholesterol. The AAP suggests the doctor talk directly to preteens about drug use, alcohol and sexual activity. These guidelines are important: View yearby-year info at www. If your pediatrician isnÂt talking to you about these issues, bring them up yourself! But donÂt stop there. Here are some other important ways to protect your child from risky accidents, unnecessary illness and lifelong health challenges. Home Safety: Childproo“ng 1. Did you know that more than 700 children in North America 14 and younger die annually from unintentional drowning, many in pools that lack secured fences and gates? And for every child who drowns, another “ve end up in the emergency room for submersion injuries. To do: If you have a pool, make sure itÂs surrounded with an isolation fence and secure gate. 2. Laundry pods „ those super-concentrated detergent balls „ are a major risk for kids, even though the industry adopted voluntary, improved standards in 2015. A study released last spring in the journal Pediatrics revealed that from January 2013 through December 2014 poison control centers in the U.S. received 62,254 calls related to laundry and dishwasher detergent exposures among children younger than 6. And recently, in JAMA Ophthalmology, researchers reported on 480 kids who in 2015 received ocular burns when liquid in the pods squirted out into their eyes. To do: The researchers suggest if you have kids younger than 6, stick with traditional laundry detergents. 3. Guns in the home are a major childhood hazard. According to Nationwide ChildrenÂs Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, 1,500 kids a year die from gun violence. But many docs are reluctant to bring up the topic. Help change that! A 2011 Florida law that targeted pediatricians said that doctors could be punished with a “ne of up to $10,000 and lose their medical licenses for discussing guns with patients. It was just overturned (whew!). Now the American College of Physicians, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Surgeons, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Psychiatric Association and the American College of Emergency Physicians have joined the American Public Health Association to issue a Âcall to actionÂŽ to address “rearm-related violence as a major public health problem. The American Medical Association is encouraging members to inquire about household “rearms as a standard part of childproofing the home. To do: If you have a gun at home, keep gun and ammo locked up separately; when visiting friends and relatives with your kids, ask if there are unsecured guns in the home. Other Serious Health Risks 1. One study found that docs bring up a childÂs excess weight only 22 percent of the time. To do: Ask your doc to determine your childÂs BMI (if 6 or older) and discuss immediate and long-range health repercussions. Early overweight increases chances for premature heart disease, diabetes, social and emotional problems and more. 2. Most docs advocate the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionÂs recommended vaccination schedule for kids. So ... To do: Robert Kennedy Jr. and Robert De Niro promised $100,000 if you prove vaccines are safe. The YOU Docs spent a month reviewing every study on vaccine safety and interviewing 150 experts on all sides of the issue. Our conclusion: Vaccines arenÂt perfectly safe, but the chance of signi“cant disease-preventing bene“t is more than 40,000 times the risk. ThatÂs a pretty impressive degree of safety. That research is out there for everyone to look at and is summarized in our book ÂYOU: Raising a Child.ÂŽ If you win the prize, please make a donation jointly in our and your names to the American Academy of Pediatrics!Does your childÂs doctor check on these important issues? Dr. Mehmet Oz & Dr. Michael Roizen AVON PARK „ When Franklyn and Mary Ellen WardÂs son, Rob, was born, they needed a place that worked with disabled children. At the time, there were not many groups that did that. While many families around town chose to send their children away to facilities in other towns, the Wards did not want to part with Rob. So, in 1957, they founded the Ridge Area Arc Day School and started offering services to 17 other children in Highlands, DeSoto and Hardee counties. This year the Ridge Area Arc is celebrating its 60th anniversary. Arc specializes in serving those with disabilities, through housing, training and supported employment opportunities. The Avon Park group offers 10 programs to approximately 190 with developmental or other disabilities. In 1967, Ridge Area Arc began its “rst six-week summer program, according to Arc history. Soon after, in 1969, the Resale Store opened in downtown Avon Park, and still funds the organization. The ArcÂs main campus, on Independence Street in Avon Park, offers many programs to disabled individuals. As part of its 60th anniversary, the group is hosting a mixer from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, March 30, at 4352 Independence St., Avon Park. According to Deb Snyder, director of development, ArcÂs guests throughout 2017 will have the opportunity to place their business cards in a drawing to win a .25 carat diamond pendant donated by Sebring Jewelers. The drawing will take place Nov. 3 at the Sebring Derby fundraiser. For more information, call 863-452-1295, Ext. 106.Arc celebrating 60th anniversaryBy JAYDEE GRICEINTERN COURTESY PHOTOThis year the Ridge Area Arc is celebrating its 60th anniversary. T his 1960 photo was taken at the groundbreaking of a newly constructed school in Avon Park, which was funded through community eort.
A10 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 BORN LOSER By Art and Chip Sansom BLONDIE By Dean Young and John Marshall BABY BLUES By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell DOONSBURY By Garry Trudeau FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE By Lynn Johnston Dear Readers: My mother, the original Heloise (I) (1919-1977), was every housekeeperÂs helper, friend and cheerleader. She really championed her ÂhousewifesÂŽ as she called her readers, because yes, they were housewives back then. She tried to tell her readers that there is more to life than just housework! But donÂt forget: cleaning, laundry and dusting go on and on and on! She also would say that maintaining a schedule is important to running a household, but donÂt worry if you fall behind a day or two. You always can catch up. Life is too short to worry about all the little what-ifs and what-would-have-beens! Sound advice, IÂd say. Today, the entire family should be involved in caring for your home. But, as she would say, be yourself; do only what your energy allows for that day! „ Heloise (II)Perfume powerDear Heloise: This hint has always helped me put on the right amount of perfume. I dab a tiny bit of unscented body lotion or baby oil on my wrist and behind my ears, and then spray those areas with the scent. The fragrance lasts longer this way! „ Tina C., Nashville, Tenn. Thanks for the reminder. If you can smell your fragrance, then you probably have put on too much. HELOISE HINT: DonÂt spray the scent in the air, then walk through it; you only get perfume on your clothes that way „ not good. „ HeloiseComposting to learnDear Heloise: We try to compost as much as we can „ yard clippings, vegetable trimmings, eggshells, coffee grounds and even torn-up newspapers (no meat or fat!). For a small compost pile, we use a bin „ this keeps critters out. Sprinkling the compost with water encourages breakdown of the materials. We share this with our grandchildren when they come to visit. When the compost has been there for a few weeks, it gets HOT inside the pile. I have the little ones put their hands over the compost to feel the heat! This means itÂs time to turn the compost and add air to it. „ Chuck and Esther, Round Rock, TexasHousekeeping in perspectiveHints from Heloise COMMUNITY CALENDAR SaturdayAerie 4240 Sebring Eagles Call 863-655-4007. American Legion Post 25 Burgers 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Chips ahoy 1 p.m. Texas holdÂem 1:30 p.m. Horse races 4 p.m. Italian night 4-7 p.m. Hall for rent, call for details. All events and food are open to members and their guests only. Call 465-0975. American Legion Post 69 pinochle 1 p.m. SAL breakfast 8-10 a.m. Road kill 3 p.m. Legion Riders meeting 10:15 a.m. Call 863-453-4553. American Legion Post 74 Happy hour 4-6 p.m. Tequila Sunrise $2.25 all day. Bar poker 5-7 p.m. Call 471-1448. Amvets Post 21 Welcome home Vietnam Veterans ceremony noon4 p.m. Gun raf”e 4 p.m. Karaoke by Jody 5-8 p.m. The post is at 623 U.S. 27 S. Call 863-385-0234. Avon Park VFW 9853 Karaoke -J&M Call 452-9853. EAA 1240 Young Eagles Chapter meeting is held the second Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. at the EAA Hangar, Gate 24, Sebring Regional Airport. Saturday, Jan. 14 at 10:30 a.m. there will be a pancake breakfast. Everyone is welcome, pilots or not. For information, go to Elks Lodge Sebring 1529 Call 471-3557. Highlands County Moose Lodge 2494 .Road Kill every Saturday at 2 p.m. starting march 18. Call 452-0579. Highlands Senior Center Country music with Kickin Country Band and dancing 6-9 p.m. every Saturday. Highlands Woodcarvers: Meets 8:30-11 a.m. every Saturday at 333 Pomegranate Ave. in Sebring. The club is for the beginner as well as experienced woodcarvers. Call Eric Maron at 273-6136 or visit Lake Placid Elks Lodge 2661 Omaha card game 1:30 p.m. Call 465-2661. Lake Placid Elks Riders The organization is made up of Elk members who love to drive and show off their antique/sports cars and enjoy riding motorcycles. The group meets at 11 a.m. the second Saturday at Lake Placid Elks Lodge. If you would like to participate in charity and fun runs, or you would like more information, call Bill Fuller at 385-5762. Lake Placid Moose Lodge 2374 Steak by the ounce. Lee Alcorn. Call 465-0131. Loyal Order of Moose 2259 FrankÂs Moose Cafe steak dinner 3-7:30 p.m. George Durham and Co. 6-9 p.m. Queen of hearts 9 p.m. Bus trip is leaving at 8:30 a.fCall 655-3920. Military Order of the Purple Heart 601 Meetings are at noon on the “rst Saturday of the month at DotÂs Restaurant, 950 Sebring Square. Anyone awarded the Purple Heart is eligible for membership. Evidence of the award must accompany the application. Call Commander Fred Arbelo at 465-7074. Sebring Recreation Club Ice cream shuf”eboard 1:15 p.m. Game night 6:30 p.m. Call 863-385-2966. VFW Post 3880 Lake Placid Breakfast 8-11 a.m. Tailgate party 1-5 p.m. Call 699-5444. VFW Post 4300 Sebring Chicken 5-6:30 p.m. Bar poker. Call 385-8902. Sunday AERIE 4240 Sebring Eagles Call 655-4007. American Legion Post 25 Chips ahoy 3-5 p.m. Prime rib sandwich 5-7 p.m. George Durham and Co. 5-8 p.m. Sunday game board. Hall for rent, call for details. All events and food are open to members and their guests only. Call 465-0975. American Legion Post 69 Euchre 1:30 p.m. Sports frenzy. Kitchen open 3-6 p.m. WIng specials. Call 453-4553. American Legion Post 74 Happy hour 4-6 p.m. Snacks and sports. Nascar. Call 471-1448. Amvets Post 21 Pool tournament 2 p.m. Call 863-385-0234. Avon Park VFW 9853 Hot wings and chicken sliders 3 p.m. Nascar California 3:30 p.m. Call 452-9853. Elks Lodge Sebring 1529 Public charity bingo 6 p.m. Call 471-3557. Highlands County Moose Lodge 2494 $2 Bloody Mary. Lou and Theresa 3-7 p.m. Call 452-0579 Lodge open 1-8 p.m. Lake Placid Elks Lodge 2661 Texas holdÂem 1:30 p.m. Sunday fun games 2:30 p.m. Call 465-2661. Open to the public. Lake Placid Moose Lodge 2374. M egaSoundz. Burgers and dogs. Nascar. Call 465-0131. Lake Placid VFW Post 3880 Burgers by Irene noon-2 p.m. Poker 1:30 p.m. Members and guests only. Location is 1624 C.R. 621 E. Call 699-5444. L oyal Order of the Moose 2259 Bar bingo 2 p.m. Twitty Road Jam Band 5-8 p.m. Birthday party (bring a dish to share) Nascar 3:30 p.m. Call 863-655-3920. Sebring Recreation Club Card play (bridge, euchre, pinochle) 1 p.m. Call 385-2966. U.S. Military Vets Motorcycle Club Sebring chapter meets at 1 p.m. on the “rst Sunday at VFW Post 9853, S.R. 64 and North Olivia Drive, Avon Park. Call Dr. J at (954) 290-6981. VFW Post 4300 Euchre 1:30 p.m. Wings and burgers 5-6:30 p.m. Karaoke with Jay Boree 5-8 p.m. Location is 1041 Lakeview Drive Call 385-8902. Monday Aerie 4240 Sebring Eagles Call 655-4007. American Legion Post 25 Melty Mondays. Chips ahoy 2 p.m.Hall for rent, call for details.
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A11 0% F INANCING AVAILABLE ON ALL 2016 MODELS SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS S OME REBATES MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH 0% FINANCING A LL PRICES AND PAYMENTS ARE PLUS TAX TITLE LICENSES DEALER FEES AND DEALER ADD ONS L EASE PAYMENTS ARE BASED ON A C ONQUEST LEASE SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS P HOTOS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES AND MAY NOT REFLECT THE EXACT COLOR OR TRIM ON CARS IN STOCK S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS M UST FINANCE WITH GMF TO R ECEIVE DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE MONEY NEW 2016 CHEVY SILVADO 1500 Stk#2-141685 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,495 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,315 GMF DPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . $33,180 $6,315 Total Saving NEW 2016 CASCADA PREMIUM 1SP Stk#1-095209 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,525 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,928 Select Model . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . $28,597 TOTAL SAVINGS OF $8,928 NEW 2016 COLORADO LT Stk#381285 $8,422 Total Saving NEW 2016 CHEVY SUBURBAN Stk#2-303277 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,490 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,164 GMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . $65,326 NEW 2016 BUICK VERANO Stk#1-161880 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,990 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,889 Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750 Super Sale Price . . . . . . $25,651 $4,639 Total Saving NEW 2016 BUICK ENCORE Stk#2-593708 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,175 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,929 Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,750 Down Payment Assistance . $1,500 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . . $22,996 $7,179 Total Saving MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,175 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . . $13,175 $4,000 Total Saving Stk#2-294014 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46,380 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,979 DPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . $37,401 $8,979 Total Saving 210 S. Brevard Avenue € Arcadia, FL 34266www.ArcadiaChevrolet.comArcadia Chevrolet Buick888.579.4452Showroom Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am 8:00pm, Sat 9:00am 5:00pm, Closed Sun € Service Hours: Mon Fri 7:30am 5:30pm, Sat 8:00am Noon, Closed Sun NEW 2016 CHEVY TAHOE Stk#2-277077 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $71,750 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,455 GMF DPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . . $62,295 NEW 2016 CHEVY PASSENGER VAN Stk#2-330734 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,630 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,811 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . $31,819 $6,811 Total Saving 0%72 MONTHS & REBATESUP TO FREE OIL & FILTER FOR LIFE Routine Maintenance Required 0% For 60 MONTHS AND $1500 REBATE 0% For 60 MONTHS OR $750 REBATE TOTAL SAVINGS OF $4,000 0% For 72 MONTHS & $8,422 IN SAVINGS 0% For 72 MONTHS & $8,979 IN SAVINGS 0% For 72 MONTHS & TOTAL SAVINGS OF $9,164 0% For 72 MONTHS & TOTAL SAVINGS OF $9,455 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,085 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,422 Select Model . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . . $25,663 TOTAL SAVINGS OF $6,315 TOTAL SAVINGS OF $6,811 $8,928 Total Saving NEW 2016 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 adno=716607 OPEN SUNDAY 11:00AM TO 5:00PM NEW 2016 CHEVY SPARK Stk#1-626964 $9,164 Total Saving $9,455 Total Saving
A12 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 LOCAL SPORTSSEBRING „ Damian Lusby threw a shutout and the Sebring Blue Streaks posted a 3-0 road win at Okeechobee on Thursday. Lusby scattered “ve hits in the game and struck out six. The Blue Streaks didnÂt muster a lot of offense themselves, picking up three base hits in the game. Josh Crouch had the lone RBI for the Blue Streaks. The Blue Streaks improved to 10-3 with the victory and had a district game scheduled Friday against Poinciana. The South Florida State College Panthers dropped a tough 9-8 contest to Florida Southwestern on Wednesday, breaking a 5-all tie with three runs in the top of the ninth, only to see the Bucs storm back with four runs in the bottom of the ninth to take the win. Equon Smith had two hits, two stolen bases and scored three runs to lead the Panthers offensively, while Drenis Ozuna had a pair of hits and knocked in two runs. Franco Camacho and Quentin Davis also knocked in runs for the Panthers. Evan Shaffner scored two runs and former Sebring Blue Streak Jordan Austin also scored a pair of runs. Austin and Brett Norwood both had doubles. The Panthers made four errors, which led to three unearned runs. The Panthers and Bucs played at Panther Field on Friday and will conclude their three-game series today in Fort Myers. The Sebring softball team fell to DeSoto by a 6-5 score on Thursday.Blue Streaks blank OkeechobeeHIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN SPORTS STAFFPanthers fall to Florida Southwestern FILE PHOTOSebringÂs Jay Bible, right, had one of the Blue Streaks three hits in ThursdayÂs win over Okeechobee. Gene Welbaum knows “rsthand about offensive and defensive strategies. The Troy, Ohio, native played football, baseball and wrestled in high school before embarking on a career in the army as a paratrooper. After two tours of duty in Vietnam and 16 jumps, he retired and put in 18 years as a guard with the Indiana Department of Corrections. Still a huge fan of The Ohio State Buckeyes and Cincinnati Reds, his boyhood idols were Pete Rose and Johnny Bench. The rookie manager of Yates Insurance likes the Lake Placid league because Âthe mentality is not win at all cost. Having fun is number one.ÂŽ On Monday, WelbaumÂs Yates squad dispatched Central Security 21-4. Doug Jolman (triple) and Tom Ashley (double) led the Yates charge with “ve hits each. Bob Roth (double), Jeff Lindskoog (home run), and Dale Smith (double) chipped in with four hits each. VincentÂs Pizza defeated Seminole Tire 21-14. Ron Kilburn slugged three triples for the Pizzamen. Bill Scrase (three doubles) and Ken Elston (double) added four hits each. For the ÂNoles, Paul Brand had “ve hits while the trio of Larry Laux (double), Jeff Stanley, and Tom Trapman had four hits apiece. Lake Placid Marine toppled Anderson Group 14-10. Joe Hedges (triple, two doubles) and Ed Engler had four hits each to pace the Mariners, whose stingy defense turned two double plays. Dick Cook recorded two doubles and survived a hard line drive on the ankle off the bat of Pat Lowe. Cook shook off the pain and remained in the game. ÂTook one for the team like a trooper,ÂŽ quipped Gene Welbaum on CookÂs toughness. On Wednesday, Yates Insurance (17-5) narrowed the gap with VincentÂs Pizza (18-4) by a 17-12 score. Yates won the season series with VincentÂs three games to two and thus have the tiebreaker if the two end up deadlocked. Winning pitcher Dale Smith (double) and ÂWild BillÂŽ DeStefano had four hits each, while Bob Roth was a home run short of the cycle. Bill Scrase was a triple short of the cycle for the Pizzamen. Anderson Group (10-12) upended Seminole Tire (6-16) 20-13. The Four Hit Club for Anderson included Ted Grif“th (double) and Terry Austin (double, HR). Jeff Stanley was the lone bright spot for the ÂNoles with four hits (double, triple). Lake Placid Marine (9-13) made it a winning week with a 17-13 win over Central Security (6-16). Ed Engler (double) and Brian Heaphy (double, triple) each had four hits for the Mariners, while Richard Rucker slammed a long home run. The Mariner defense contributed two more double plays and outstanding glove work from 84-yearold Harvey Jones and Larry Oser. League play concludes next week with games on Monday and Wednesday. For more league information, visit tightens softball raceBy EDWARD ENGLERSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUNTeam pulls within a game in Lake Placid senior softball After a long, brutally mild Central Florida winter, itÂs time to start logging some miles with Tour de After Work, a popular after-work ride from Legacy Bicycles in historic downtown Sebring each Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. These will primarily be B-Level rides (17 to 19 milesper-hour sustained over 20 to 40 miles.) The group will do its best to accommodate faster or slower riders and if there enough of either of those falling in the two categories, theyÂre hoping to have groups that start separately. Legacy Bicycles is looking for ride leaders for A, B and C/Family Pace rides leaving Legacy Bicycles at 6:15 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. This is a weekly activity during daylight savings time change and will continue through the summer until the clocks move Tour de After Work returnsSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN NEIL SIMPSON/COURTESY PHOTODoris Kugel competes in the Heartland Games for Active Adults. Cyclists can join Tour de After Work, which takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays. TOUR | 13LAKE PLACID „ The Lake Placid Green Dragons stopped charging for admission in the “fth inning of ThursdayÂs game with Hardee. In retrospect, thatÂs probably when they should have started, as a wild ending saw Hardee escape with a 7-5 victory. The Wildcats appeared to have things well in hand after taking a 7-1 lead in the top of the seventh inning, only to see the Green Dragons storm back with four runs in the bottom of the seventh and have the tying runs on base before the Wildcats were able to get the third out and seal the victory. ÂIÂm proud of these guys, they donÂt quit,ÂŽ said Lake Placid coach Harry Tewksbury. ÂTonight we let them get a little too far ahead of us and we waited too late to get into things.ÂŽ Hardee had four straight runners reach base in the top of the second, but thanks to Lake Placid catcher Buddy Jolley throwing out a runner trying to steal second, the Green Dragons were able to keep the Wilcats off the scoreboard. Hardee broke through for two runs in the top of the third, as Mason Block scored on a sacri“ce ”y all the way from second base and Harrison Mundy delivered a two-out RBI single to make it 2-0. Those were the only two runs starter Kyle Petteys allowed in “ve Dragons rally falls shortBY ALLEN MOODYSPORTS EDITORHardee holds off Lake Placid ALLEN MOODY/STAFFLake PlacidÂs Buddy Jolley tries to come up with an errant throw as HardeeÂs Mason Block slides across home plate.DRAGONS | 13
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A13 forward. A Group departs 6 p.m. and is for those who can ride over 20 miles-per-hour. B Group departs 6:15 p.m. and is for those expected to go 17 to 19 miles-per-hour and includes a 15 to 17 milesper-hour warm-up over 20 minutes. C Group/Families Depart 6:20 p.m. and will travel appromimately 12 to 16 miles-per-hour depending on group Groups start at different times, as previous rides have shown mass starts can be confusing for slower riders and problematic for motorists. They want to keep their rides safe and courteous for all participants and those whom are encountered along the way. If you plan to join for a TdAW ride, contact Legacy Bicycles at 863.471.2453 or email sales@legacybicycle. com in advance and let them know what pace you expect to ride so they can make sure to have somebody to ride with you.TOURFROM PAGE 12innings of work. ÂHeÂs a guy weÂre trying to develop a little bit,ÂŽ Tewksbury said of Petteys. ÂWe made a few errors late in the game that hurt us, but I think our defense kept us in the game for the most part. We just couldnÂt get timely hits midway through the game and then we “nally started scratching some things out and got a little con“dence there.ÂŽ The Green Dragons got their “rst hit of the game in the bottom of the fourth, when Jolley beat out an in“eld single, but he was left stranded. The Wildcats scored an unearned run in the top of the sixth to make it 3-0, but Lake Placid got the run back in the bottom of the sixth when Tay Williams led off with a single that was misplayed in the out“eld, allowing him to reach third base. Sam WeberCallahan followed with an RBI single to make it 3-1, but the Green Dragons couldnÂt muster any more offense. Hardee tacked on four runs in the top of the seventh, with a two-out, two-run blooper off the bat of Qunitin Lindsey bringing home the last two. The Green Dragons refused to go down quietly, as JJ Huergo led things off with a base hit and Katwan Ward and Williams both hit oneout singles. A two-run single by Weber-Callahan was followed by a deep single off the glove of HardeeÂs center“elder to make it 7-5. Jason Andrews was hit by a pitch, giving the Green Dragons the tying runs on board, but Hardee was able to get the third out and pull out the win. ÂAt the beginning of the game I could tell they were a little bit ”at,ÂŽ Tewksbury said. ÂThey didnÂt have the energy. Hopefully they take this and realize weÂve got to play every game and focus every inning.ÂŽ Tewksbury said the team is making progress, which is really all he can hope for. ÂWeÂre going some things right and theyÂre buying into the process,ÂŽ he said. ÂTheyÂre understanding itÂs not an overnight thing. WeÂre getting a little better at some things and hopefully pretty soon weÂll start making some noise.ÂŽ Lake Placid hosted Dunbar on Friday and host the Sebring Blue Streaks on Monday.DRAGONSFROM PAGE 12 ALLEN MOODY/STAFFLake PlacidÂs Jason Andrews, left, and Cody Jolley touch gloves after the Green Dragons turned a double play in ThursdayÂs game with Hardee. Lake PlacidÂs Kyle Petteys delivers a pitch during ThursdayÂs game with Hardee. Petteys threw ve strong innings. LOCAL SPORTS CALENDAR TodaySebring track at FSU relays, TBA MondayAvon Park boys tennis at Sebring, 4 p.m. Sebring girls tennis at Avon Park, 4 p.m. Sebring baseball at Lake Placid, 7 p.m. State College of Florida baseball at SFSC, 6 p.m. TuesdayDeSoto baseball at Lake Placid, 7 p.m. Hardee baseball at Avon Park, 7 p.m. Sebring ”ag football at Liberty, 6 p.m. Moore Haven softball at Sebring, 6:30 p.m. DeSoto softball at Lake Placid, 6:30 p.m. Lake Placid girls tennis at Okeechobee, 4:30 p.m. Lake Placid boys tennis at Okeechobee, 4:30 p.m. SFSC softball at Hillsborough (2), 5 p.m. WednesdaySFSC baseball at State College of Florida, 6 p.m. ThursdayLake Placid track at Sebring, 4 p.m. Lake Placid boys tennis at Hardee, 4:30 p.m. Winter Haven girls tennis at Sebring, 4 p.m. Hardee girls tennis at Lake Placid, 4:30 p.m. Sebring softball at Avon Park, 6 p.m. Avon Park ”ag football at Lake Placid, 7 p.m. SFSC softball at State College of Florida (2), 5 p.m. FridayAuburndale softball at Sebring, 7 p.m. Lemon Bay softball at Lake Placid, 6 p.m. Lake Wales baseball at Sebring, 7 p.m. Lemon Bay baseball at Lake Placid, 7 p.m. Avon Park baseball at IMG, 7 p.m. State College of Florida baseball at SFSC, 6 p.m. Saturday, April 1SFSC baseball at St. Petersburg, 1 p.m. Monday, April 3Sebring ”ag football at Lake Placid, 7 p.m. St. Petersburg baseball at SFSC, 6 p.m. Hardee boys tennis at Sebring, 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 4Avon Park baseball at Sebring, 7:30 p.m. Sebring softball at Ft. Meade, 7 p.m. Lake Placid softball at Dunbar, 6:30 p.m. Lake Region girls tennis at Sebring, 4 p.m. Lake Placid ”ag football at Glades, 7 p.m. Lake Placid track at Avon Park, 4 p.m. SFSC baseball at St. Petersburg, 6 p.m. Polk State College softball at SFSC (2), 5 p.m. Thursday, April 6Bartow boys tennis at Sebring, 4 p.m. Sebring ”ag football at Avon Park, 6 p.m. Pahokee ”ag football at Lake Placid, 7 p.m. Avon Park baseball at DeSoto, 7 p.m. Avon Park softball at Sebring, 6 p.m. Lake Placid softball at Clewiston, 7:30 p.m. Avon Park track at Lake Placid, 4:30 p.m. Florida Southwest softball at SFSC (2), 5 p.m. Friday, April 7Sebring softball at Lake Wales, 7 p.m. Auburndale baseball at Sebring, 7:30 p.m. Avon Park baseball at Mulberry, 7 p.m. Hillsborough baseball at SFSC, 6 p.m. LOCAL SPORTS BRIEFSSFSC Athletic Awards DayThe South Florida State College Athletic Department will be hosting their 2017 Awards Day on Monday, May 1 in the University Center auditorium and lobby. The athletic department will be recognizing all student athletes for their contributions to the 2016-17 athletic season at 5 p.m. in the auditorium, followed by a reception in the lobby with snacks and drinks. All fans, parents, friends, and SFSC employees are welcome to attend. There is no charge to attend this event, nor are reservations required.Florida Hospital Heartland Clay ShootThe Florida Hospital Heartland annual clay shoot will take place Friday, April 28, at Quail Creek Plantation in Okeechobee. Registration and Continental breakfast begin at 8 a.m. Cost for one shooter and lunch is $125 and team sponsorships are available. Contact 863-402-5525 for more information.Lake Placid Athletic Association golf tournamentThe Lake Placid Athletics Association will hold its annual golf tournament on Saturday, April 8, at Placid Lakes Country Club. Entry fee is $100 per player and includes green fees and cart, lunch of shrimp and crab appetizers, chicken, pork and more. Complimentary beverages will be on hand. There will be cash prizes for closestto-the-pin and longest drive. Sponsorships are available. Contact Laura Teal at 863-441-0729 or Tom Reifsnyder at 954-675-9581 for more information.Local tennis clinicsTennis clinics for all ages and all levels are being taught by USPTA coach Victoria Shaw in Sebring and Lake Placid. Contact 786-317-3044 for more information.AmVets Post 21 Cornhole TournamentAmVets Post 21 will be hosting their third annual Champion for Children Cornhole Tournament on Saturday, April 1, starting at 10:30 a.m. All proceeds from this yearÂs tournament will go to the Champion for Children Foundation. The tournament will be held at the AmVets Post on U.S. 27, just north of Hammock Road. Contact the AmVets Post 21 to sponsor the tournament, a team or a cornhole board. Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsorship opportunities are available. Teams consist of two players with a pre-registration fee of $30 per team, or $40 on the day of the event. Registration forms available at the Post. CAC023495 SM 1-800-COOLING If thereÂs an air of superiority to these units, itÂs because theyÂre the quietest, most ef“cient models we make. Built for total home comfort, our In“nity series central air conditioners offer an enviable SEER rating of up to 21. Combine it with our innovative In“nity control for our highest degree of comfort management. adno=3429507
A14 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 adno=3424023
CLASSIFIEDS, COMICS & PUZZLES INSIDE SECTION B Saturday, March 25, 2017I ”icked the light switch on the wall expecting to ”ood the room with light. Instead delayed, dull lighting appeared. It was worse than entering a dark room with a single lit candle. At least with the candle you bring light into darkness even as you measure each step. But, dull lighting causes you to squint never making you feel quite welcome. So, a light bulb needs to illumine and penetrate the darknessƒnot just wink at us as if through shuddered windows. Recently our pastor gave us four questions to ask ourselves as we read a passage of Scripture. The “rst was a simple picture of a light bulb. It would be the perfect wattage because the illumination would come from the Holy Spirit who is ever present to bring understanding to our hearts and minds, enlarging our faith. For some, reading Scripture is still like delayed, dull lighting. It isnÂt welcoming. For others, it is like entering into an unlit space with a candle, but not sure of the next step. But with just the right illumination, we can be transformed. And that is the expertise of the third person of the Trinity, our indwelling Holy Spirit. So, we ask, ÂWhat point is the author of the Scripture intending to communicate to us? What enlightenment?ÂŽ And we ask and wait till our internal light comes on. Perhaps, it may not even come on immediately. But, you can be sure the Holy Spirit will bring it to mind at just the right time and your whole being will “ll with light. Three other symbols were presented: A cross, a question mark and an arrow. Once again, ask the right questionsƒthe cross reminding us to see what I might be learning about God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit in a particular passage. Perhaps it will be something about GodÂs character, attributes or wisdom. Then there is the question mark. What is GodÂs purpose that I should grasp in this passage? And lastlyƒthe arrow. HereÂs where the rubber meets the road. I ask if there is a sin to avoid, an example to follow or some call to actionƒto doing. In James 2: 14 & 17, NLT we read, ÂWhat good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but donÂt show it by your actionsƒFaith by itself isnÂt enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.ÂŽ So ask the right questions and let faith light the way by actions. SelahLight bulbs and other symbols Jan MeropPAUSE & CONSIDER Kevin PattersonKEVINÂS KOMMENTS Two Cajun preachers were standing by the side of the road. One was holding a sign while the other pounded it into the ground with a mallet. The sign read, ÂDa end is near, so turn yo sef Âroun now afore it be too late!ÂŽ When the sign was “nally “xed in the ground for all to see, the two men stood back admiring their work. At that very moment a car sped past them. The driver leaned out of his window and cried out, ÂYou religious nuts!!ÂŽ As the car rounded the curve, the two ministers heard the screeching of tires, a moment of silence, and a big splash. One looked at the other and said, ÂDo ya tink maybe da sign should jussay ƒ ÂBridge out?ÂŽÂŽ Have you ever thought of someone else, ÂI wished he would just say what he means?ÂŽ Too often, our conversations are just as cryptic as the sign written above. Husbands do not understand their wives, parents do not understand their children, and employees do not understand their employers. How can one person ever relate to another if the message is unclear? Paul made this very point in 1 Corinthians 14:7-12, ÂYet even lifeless things, either ”ute or harp, in producing a sound, if they do not produce a distinction in the tones, how will it be known what is played on the ”ute or on the harp? For if the bugle produces an indistinct sound, who will prepare himself for battle? So also you, unless you utter by the tongue speech that is clear, how will it be known what is spoken? For you will be speaking into the air. There are, perhaps, a great many kinds of languages in the world, and no kind is without meaning. If then I do not know the meaning of the language, I will be to the one who speaks a barbarian, and the one who speaks will be a barbarian to me. So also you, since you are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek to abound for the edi“cation of the church.ÂŽ Although this passage was speci“cally written about the use of miraculous gifts in the “rst century, the apostleÂs words are clear: if one does not understand what another is saying, then what good is it? In Acts 8:30-39, we learn of an Ethiopian eunuch who was reading and having a problem understanding the Bible until a man named Philip arrived and explained the scriptures in a way the eunuch could Message sent and ƒ received?KEVIN | 4As the end of the school year approaches, most students will be facing a variety of end-of-year tests. Some of them will be routine course exams, while others may be state-mandated standardized tests. But regardless of the type of test, they all tend to increase anxiety and stress for students. While it isnÂt possible to remove all the anxiety, or to make test taking fun, there are things any student can do to make himself or herself feel less anxious and stressed out. An important step is simply to be physically in good shape for test taking. A big test might not seem like an athletic event, but both have much in common. The test-taker needs to be well rested and well nourished to perform well. The brain is not that different from oneÂs muscles. If a person is overtired, has skipped breakfast, or has been loading up on high-sugar junk foods, studies have shown that mental performance is going to suffer. ItÂs also important to plan ahead for tests. Experts have found that last minute cramming seldom improves test grades, but often does a great job of increasing text anxiety. The best advice is to start studying for a test early, and to spread the preparation out over several days. ItÂs also smart to anticipate what will be on the test. No test covers everything about a subject. It helps to review class notes and important sections of the text book. If the teacher hands out a review guide or has a pretest review class, thatÂs the material to focus on. It also helps to be mentally prepared for the test. A “rst step there is simply to try some relaxation techniques as the test approaches. Practice relaxing by closing your eyes, taking several deep breaths and thinking positive thoughts about how well youÂre going to do on the test. If you feel yourself getting tense during the exam, close your eyes again, take a few big breaths and focus on your posture and breathing before getting back to work. Doing well on tests isnÂt magic. It takes planning, studying and relaxing. But if doing all this still doesnÂt help, you may suffer from moderate or severe test anxiety. In such cases, talk to the school counselor, or consider seeing an outside professional counselor for help in overcoming the problem. Provided by the American Counseling Association. Comments and questions to or visit the ACA website at www. those end of year test scoresAMERICAN COUNSELING ASSOCIATION MMCA big test might not seem like an athletic event, but both have much in common. The test-taker needs to be well rested and well nourished to perform well. SEBRING „ LoverÂs Lane could easily describe the beginning of a beautiful relationship between Dorothy and Johnny Metzger, who now make their home at The Palms of Sebring after 64 years of marriage. Both avid bowlers, the couple met at the Bowl-A-Mat Bowling Lanes in Miami in 1950. For the then Dorothy Shroads, Johnny became the man of her dreams and they married July 3, 1952. DorothyÂs pastor had asked her to help start a bowling league for their church. Dorothy went to the bowling alley with some friends and Johnny was keeping score for a menÂs league the night they met. By the time the two were seriously dating, they were bowling for small leagues and became quite a well-known bowling duo as the years went by. An avid bowler, Dorothy had been racking up titles and winning trophies by the time she met Johnny. In 1952, she was named the “rst woman to bowl a 700 series in Florida, and was nominated for National Bowler of the Year. Along with a “ve-woman team of the Miami All-Stars, she traveled to Caracas, Venezuela to bowl match games and exhibitions with that countryÂs menÂs team in 1960. The All-Stars won four out of six matches. with a competitive twistBy CAROL KLINEPALMS OF SEBRING COURTESY PHOTOSDorothy and Johnny Metzger at home at The Palms of Sebring.Palms of Sebring couple bowls together Dorothy Metzger at a training session.BOWLS | 4LOVERÂS LANE
B2 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 adno=3435496
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B3 adno=3435497
B4 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 www.highlandsnewssun.comThe problem in American parenting is the 1960s. Among other things that de“ned that very interesting (ref. ancient Chinese curse) decade was the replacement of rationality by emotionality. It was during the 1960s that the media, various self-appointed spiritual gurus, and the mental health professional community urged people to Âget in touch with their feelings.ÂŽ And it was during the 1960s that parents were told by mental health professionals that children had a right to express their feelings freely. I was in graduate school at the time. My professors taught that (a) feelings „ especially childrenÂs feelings „ held deep meaning, (b) therapy was all about helping people recover the feelings their parents had made them repress, and (c) getting in touch with oneÂs feelings was the key to happiness. To be polite about it, a crock if there ever was one. I now know „ and beyond a shadow of doubt „ that with rare exception, oneÂs feelings are more apt to deceive than promote good decisions. I also know that pre-psychological (pre-1960s) parents insisted that their children control the expression of emotion for the good of those children (as well as the good of everyone who were ever in contact with those children). I also know that people who are ruled by their emotions „ people who cannot think straight, in other words„are not happy people. In their own enslaved minds, they are perpetual victims. Furthermore, the undisciplined nature of their emotions is destructive both to themselves and others. Undisciplined emotions destroy relationships, property, and spiritual health. Fifty years later, America is paying a terrible price for having ever believed that when it came to children (and most other things), mental health professionals knew what they were talking about. They claimed, without evidence, that insisting upon emotional control was repressive and authoritarian (and therefore harmful). They claimed, without evidence, that enforcing shame upon a child who had behaved anti-socially „ they named it Âshame-based parentingÂŽ „ would result in psychological problems (when the opposite is true). Granted, shame can be taken to extremes, but shame is essential to the formation of a conscience, which is essential to responsible self-government. Children are not naturally disposed to shame. It must be trained into them by loving parents who are not supposed to enjoy what they must do. A child so trained is destined to become a compassionate, responsible human being, not an emotional basket case. Happiness is not a matter of letting ÂitÂŽ all hang out. Quite the contrary, it is all about holding most of ÂitÂŽ in. It is about self-control, respect for others, and responsibility. It is about a value system that places others before self. A certain amount of repression is a good thing. America needs a ÂMake American Parenting Great Again!ÂŽ movement. When all is said and done concerning the many political concerns of the day, one indisputable fact remains: a cultureÂs strength ultimately depends on the strength of its child-rearing practices. Building a strong infrastructure is “ne and dandy, but building emotionally resilient and responsible future citizens is even more “ne and dandy. In fact, it is the most important thing there is. John Rosemond is a family psychologist. Visit his websites at and is happiness really about? John RosemondLIVING WITH CHILDREN I now know „ and beyond a shadow of doubt „ that with rare exception, oneÂs feelings are more apt to deceive than promote good decisions. understand. It reads, ÂPhilip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, ÂDo you understand what you are reading?ÂŽ And he said, ÂWell, how could I, unless someone guides me?ÂŽ And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him. Now the passage of Scripture which he was reading was this: ÂHe was led as a sheep to slaughter; and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so He does not open His mouth. In humiliation His judgment was taken away; who will relate His generation? For His life is removed from the earth.ÂŽ The eunuch answered Philip and said, ÂPlease tell me, of whom does the prophet say this? Of himself or of someone else?ÂŽ Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this Scripture he preached Jesus to him. As they went along the road they came to some water; and the eunuch said, ÂLook! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?ÂŽ And Philip said, ÂIf you believe with all your heart, you may.ÂŽ And he answered and said, ÂI believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.ÂŽ And he ordered the chariot to stop; and they both went down into the water, Philip as well as the eunuch, and he baptized him. When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord snatched Philip away; and the eunuch no longer saw him, but went on his way rejoicing.ÂŽ True communication cannot take place without a sender (one who sends the message) and a receiver (one who receives the message). If even one of these people does not ful“ll his or her function, then the communication process breaks down, and the message is not delivered. Each week after I preach a sermon, there are often good people who will share with me gracious words of kindness about the lesson, and I appreciate them all. However, I have said for years that the greatest compliment anyone can ever give me is, ÂI understood it.ÂŽ For me, that means the message was sent and received. GodÂs word was not only proclaimed but understood. Could a preacher ask for anything more? KevinÂs Komments is written by Kevin Patterson and presented by the Sebring Parkway church of Christ assembling at 3800 Sebring Parkway, Sebring, FL 33870. On the internet visit www.sebringcoc. com, or e-mail sebringparkway@sebringcoc. com.KEVINFROM PAGE 1 The team received the Key to the City of Miami and a certi“cate of appreciation signed by the mayor. An average of 194 earned her the High Average for Women awards in both 1963 and 1964. Dorothy was born and raised in Miami and was taught how to bowl by her father. She started bowling at age 10. Dorothy graduated from Miami Edison High School, Class of 1941. In addition to being an outstanding competitive bowler, she was a bookkeeper for many years with various organizations, including the Orange Bowl Football Committee for 10 years. Johnny came to Miami from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He worked for a wholesale building supply company out of Tacoma, Washington, and his territory included Miami during the winter. A bowling enthusiast for many years as well, he and Dorothy would eventually put their competitive bowling spirits together and teach the game at two different bowling alleys: Bowl-OMat, located at 132nd Street in Miami, and Hialeah Lanes, 740 East 9th St. in Hialeah. The lives of Dorothy and Johnny were centered around travel and competitions for many years. Unfortunately, a tragic automobile accident in 1972 put an end to DorothyÂs life-long bowling career. Internal injuries she received when a young girl hit them head on and made it impossible for Dorothy to go on with the game she so loved. In 1974, Dorothy was voted into the Florida State WomenÂs Bowling Association Hall of Fame. That plaque is proudly displayed today on a wall in their apartment. In 1979, Dorothy decided all the trophies and plaques and awards might help others if the name plates were removed. She donated them all to the Dade County Public Schools to be used in the Special Olympics. The Metzgers built a home in Sebring in 1986, where they lived until moving into an apartment at The Palms of Sebring in 2013. Dorothy Metzger has not often shared the story of their bowling adventures, but may be interested in Wii bowling at The Palms when the National Senior League begins again.BOWLSFROM PAGE 1 True communication cannot take place without a sender and a receiver. adno=3435498
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B5 CHURCH BRIEFSBuddy Liles in concertLAKE PLACID „ Community Church of God welcomes Buddy Liles in concert at 6 p.m. Sunday, March 26, at the church, County Road 29 and Sun N Lakes Blvd. in Lake Placid. For more information, call 863-465-3715. Avon Park Holiness CampAVON PARK „ The Avon Park Holiness Camp on Friday, March 31, will feature Pastor Chad Tingley of South Lake Wales Church of God and Dr. Steven Darr, song/worship leader and pianist, and special music at 7 p.m. This will be the last service of the camp season. The camp is 1001 W. Lake Isis Road (across from Walmart and U.S. 27). For information, call the camp of“ce 863-453-6831. Visit Church parking lot saleLAKE PLACID „ The Lake Placid Temple Church of God will host a Parking Lot Sale from 8-11 a.m. Saturday, April 1, at 51 Lake June Road. The church will host a 10,000 egg hunt from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, April 8, 51 Lake June Road. There will be eggs, a grilled lunch, and water slides. The event is free. Cleghorn concert at St. JohnSEBRING „ The church welcomes pianist and singer Jeff Cleghorn in concert at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 2, in the sanctuary at 33631 Grand Prix Drive (behind the Sebring Walmart). For information, call the church of“ce at 863-382-1736.Live paintingLAKE PLACID „ The Genesis Center at First Presbyterian Church of Lake Placid will have Keith Goodson painting the book of Genesis live on canvas in front of an audience at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 9 (Palm Sunday), at the Genesis Center, 218 E. Bellview St. in Lake Placid. The event is free. 10,000 egg huntAVON PARK „ Crossroads Community Church of Avon Park will host a 10,000 egg hunt from 10 a.m. to noon, Saturday, April 15, at 114 S. Central Ave. There will be pony rides, petting zoo, cotton candy, snow cones, in”atables, prizes, and more. Sunday, April 16, there will be family photos and special Easter services. Free tax preparationSEBRING „ Faith Lutheran Church of Sebring will have free tax preparation from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every Monday and Wednesday through April 17 at 2470 Lakeview Drive in Sebring. Certi“ed accountants are onsite and IRS certi“ed. No appointment necessary. For information, call 863-385-7848. The Living Last SupperSEBRING „ First Baptist Sebring presents its third annual ÂThe Living Last SupperÂŽ at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 13, and Friday, April 14, at First Baptist Sebring, 200 E. Center Ave. For more information, call 863-385-5154 or visit on the web. CHURCH NEWSChurch of the BrethrenSEBRING „ On Sunday, March 26, Pastor David Smalley will give the message, ÂWith more than eyes I seeÂŽ from John 9:1-7. Sermon series for March is ÂLent and Living the Spirit Life.ÂŽ The church is at 700 S. Pine St. in Sebring. For information, call 863-385-1597.Church of Buttonwood BaySEBRING „ The service for Sunday, March 26, is ÂA PreEaster Musical Celebration.ÂŽ Pastor Cecil Hess will deliver a brief meditation ÂKeep singing!ÂŽ The church is on U.S. 27, four miles south of Highlands Regional Medical Center. Call 863-446-3695.First Baptist Church of Lake JosephineSEBRING Â… Sunday morning service is ÂI believe in the Bible.ÂŽ The evening service is ÂBack to the Bible The four gospels.ÂŽ The church is at 111 Lake Josephine Drive in Sebring. Call 863-655-1524.First Presbyterian Church of Avon Park AVON PARK „ Pastor Juan Carlos UndaÂs sermon will be ÂI am the ManÂŽ from 1 Samuel 16:1-3 and John 9:1-12. The adult Sunday school lesson will be ÂThe Shepherd and His SheepÂŽ from Matthew 18:1035. Special music by Margaret Phillips accompanied by Cheryl Sanders. The church is at 206 E. LaGrande St. in Avon Park. Call 863-453-3242.First Presbyterian Church of SebringSEBRING „ Pastor Darrell A. PeerÂs sermon will be from the series ÂThe search for meaningÂŽ from Ecclesiastes 3:14. Jubilee birthday luncheon will follow the worship. The church is at 319 Poinsettia Ave. in Sebring. Call 863-385-0107.First United Methodist Church of Avon ParkAVON PARK „ The pastorÂs scripture for this week is ÂNow I SeeÂŽ from John 9:1-12. The church will celebrate Holy Week with services on Holy Thursday, April 13, and Good Friday, April 14. The church is at 200 S. Lake Ave. in Avon Park. For information, call 863-453-3759.Heartland Christian ChurchSEBRING Â… Pastor Ted MooreÂs sermon this week is ÂThe “eld manualÂŽ from John 17:1-11 with communion offered weekly. Music by George Kelly. The church is at 2705 Alternate Route 17 South (behind Publix). Call 863-314-9693.Heartland Church of ChristSEBRING „ The Sunday morning class will be ÂAre Christians to observe the Sabbath?ÂŽ Carl FordÂs sermon this week will be ÂChristian Modesty „ According to the Bible.ÂŽ The church will meet at the Country Estates Civic Center, 3240 Grand Prix Ave. in Sebring. Call 863-402-2159.Memorial United Methodist Church of Lake PlacidLAKE PLACID „ Pastor Tim Haas is preaching ÂDonÂt you love us Jesus?ÂŽ from 1 Peter 4:12-17. The church is at 500 Kent Ave. Call 863-465-2422.New Beginnings ChurchSEBRING „ Sunday Pastor Gary kindleÂs sermon will be ÂEnough is enoughÂŽ based on Isaiah 42:14-21. The churchÂs present location is The Morris Chapel, 307 S. Commerce Ave. Call 863-835-2405.New Life Lutheran ChurchSEBRING „ On Sunday, Pastor John Willitz will preach ÂThe Spirit has set us freeÂŽ from Romans 8:1-10. On Wednesday, Willitz will preach ÂRepent: Turn to Jesus; He changes your lifeÂŽ from Luke 7:44-50. The church is at 3725 Hammock Road in Sebring. Call 863-385-2293 or visit on the web.Reality Ranch Ministries ZOLFO SPRINGS „ Cowboy church at 11 a.m. Sunday. Bull riding series at 2 p.m. Sunday. The ranch is at 1980 State Road 66, Zolfo Springs. Free admission. Call 863-735-9517 or 863-781-1578.Southside Baptist ChurchSEBRING „ Pastor David AltmanÂs sermon will be ÂWonderful words of life.ÂŽ The church is at 379 S. Commerce Ave. in Sebring. Call 863-385-0752 or visit on the web.St. John United Methodist ChurchSEBRING Â… Pastor Ronald De Genaro Jr. will preach ÂGodÂs care for usÂŽ from Psalm 23. The church is at 33631 Grand Prix Drive (just behind Walmart). Call 863-382-1736 for more information. Scott Funeral Home URKE MARINE CONSTRUCTIONB POSITIVE MEDICAL TRANSPORT 1600 US Highway 27 South Between Avon Park & Sebring (863) 453-6644 Established 1931 100% COMMITTED TO OUR COMMUNITY! 863-635-7574 205 N. Scenic Hwy. FROSTPROOFHOURS: MON-FRI 8AM-5PM863-471-0012 4040 US 27, North SEBRINGRehab Consultantsof Central Florida863-471-0012863-773-3317 437 Carlton Street WAUCHULA ÂProvider Of Quality Personal FitnessŽ€Weight Machines €Treadmill €Stationary Bikes €Professional Evaluations €Planned Exercise Programs €Family Discounts Highlands County Family YMCA 100 YMCA Lane Sebring, FL 33875 863-382-YMCA (9622) Open 7 days a week CA-C058675 Totally Scrubs UniformsWe care how you look929 Mall Ring Road € Sebring, FL 33870(Behind Sears at Lakeshore Mall) To Advertise Here Please Call Meta Nay at 1-800-293-4709 ALANJAY.COM
B6 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 Bus i nesses & Se rvi ces 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES Commercial & Residential Mowers~Golf Carts, etc Free Est., Pick Up & Delivery! 863-381-8728 Classified=Sales AAA Southern Cleaning Inc.Commercial & Residential Cleaning, Property Mgmt. 863-464-1138 Handyman; Painting; Pressure Cleaning; Sprinklers/Pump Repairs; Mowing; HaulingErrands & More!863-464-1135www.chores-n-oddjobs.comLic#HM0072 & Insured 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES Precision Machine ShopIndividual Machining Jobs to Mass Production & CustomHartco 863-368-2433 T J  s S erv i ces ~ H ouse k eep i ng, Caregiving AM or PM w/ Dr.Âs appts. & shopping; pet sitting & services. 863-701-5270 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES CABINETRY5030 Why Replace Aging Countertops? Refinish for a whole new look. Call Laurie at 863-368-0126. ELECTRICAL5070 Master Electrician Reliable,Quick, 25 yrs Exp. All jobs! Lic# EC13005602863-453-4513 NEEDCASH? FURNITURE REPAIR5086 Furniture Refinishing & Repair32 yrs exp. Lic/ins #HC00772863-314-0800 HANDYMAN/ GENERALREPAIR5089 RodÂs Handyman RepairPlumbing, Carpentry, Welding etc. 50 yrs exp. Lic.# HMO157863-449-0390 HOME / COMM. IMPROVEMENT5100 Residential & Commercial FREE Estimates Call forOur $50 off Special! 863-414-8333 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE5110 FL Lawn-WorksTree Trim/Removal, Irrigation Landscaping & More863-381-4505 FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! Trees Shrubs Clean Up Flowerbeds, Pressure Washing. Any Size Job. Free Est. 863-589-2431 PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING5140 RON WILLIAMS PAINTING CONTRACTOR Interior & Exterior Pressure Wash. 25 Yrs. Exp. Lic/Ins. Lic #6002962 863-402-0693 C a s h i n w i t h C l a s s PETCARE5155 In Your Home Pet GroomingDogs, Cats & Birds. 15+yrs Exp. Certified Groomer. Low Prices! 863-368-1446 PRESSURE CLEANING5180 HOUSE WASHFlat Rate Pricing & Insured 1 Story $70 / 2 Story $120 Call: 863-214-4828 SCREENING5184 Re-Screen Pools & Patios& Garage Doors~No Job Too Small! Call John or MelissaLic# 2236 863-381-4897 ABargainHunters Delight Checkthe ClassifiedsFirst! AWhole Marketplaceof Shoppingisrightat your Fingertips! Pool Encl, Scrn Rooms & Small Alum Jobs. Est. Since 2004 863-381-2767Insur. lic #HM0098 ROOFING5185 NO Money Down~Repairs OnlySpecializing in Rotten Wood Shingles; Metal; Tile 35yrs exp! 863-699-0383 A confession: In my early days on the job, I was way more interested in buying record albums and building my vinyl collection than saving for the future and contributing to a retirement account. Employee stock purchase plans? I had no money to spare, even though shares were offered at a steep discount. An Individual Retirement Account? That was not for someone a year out of college. In addition, I wasnÂt yet eligible for the traditional pension plan, and 401(k)s werenÂt yet a readily available option. If only there was a do-over button „ I could have added a few more years of savings toward retirement for down the road. IÂm not at all embarrassed to share my early backward steps before I “nally got with the program. In fact, my mistakes can be instructional to parents with children of all ages. What I mostly learned, and what was also reinforced, was the notion to pay yourself “rst. ItÂs that simple. No matter the size of your paycheck, set aside money for longterm savings, and then deal with the day-to-day expenses that can quickly drain your wallet. You also need to be self-reliant. When it comes to setting aside money for a comfortable future 30, 40, or 50 years from now, no one is going to do it for you. Set a savings goal and start chipping away. ItÂs especially important for younger workers to get in the game, with the future of Social Security in doubt and with traditional pension plans mostly a thing of the past. Unfortunately, much like I did, many young workers treat saving for retirement as an afterthought. Yet, as you get older, it only gets harder to make up lost ground because there are so many demands on your paycheck. Some employers arenÂt helping either by reducing or suspending the amount of money theyÂll match in an employeeÂs 401(k)s. Dozens of big companies have frozen or cut payments since the last recession, according to the Pension Rights Center. What can parents do?Start by establishing good savings habits with younger children. First and foremost, talk about money with the kids early and often. ItÂs a critical life skill for kids to develop. Suggest that they set aside some of their allowance each payday for their savings account. The same with cash gifts and other rewards. Keep it simple, and donÂt talk in percentages. For older kids who are earning some income from a job, consider opening a Roth IRA. ThereÂs no age requirement for these tax-friendly accounts, only proof of earnings. What can young 20-somethings do to boost their retirement savings? Take advantage of free money. If your employer offers to match your 401(k) contribution up to certain limits, donÂt leave that money on the table. Another strategy is to increase your 401(k) contribution each year, even by just 1 percent. This is a time of year when investment “rms send reminders to retirement account holders about bumping up their 401(k) contributions. It hardly takes any effort. ThereÂs encouraging news on the retirement savings front. Those companies that offer 401(k) or their 403(b) counterparts for public-sector workers, employee participation rates are growing, said the Plan Sponsor Council of America. The organization noted in its latest survey that nearly 90 percent of all employees are eligible to participate in their employerÂs plan, and nearly 88 percent actually do so. Another encouraging sign: A Chase Generational Money Talk study found that millennials are starting to save for retirement 17 years earlier than their baby boomer parents did. As far as I can tell, the Chase survey did not ask how many people were banking on their record collections to cover their retirement.Repeat after me: ÂPay yourself firstÂBy STEVE ROSENTHE KANSAS CITY STARParents: Establish good savings habits with childrenKIDS & MONEY MCC I was drawn to Beth KoblinerÂs new book, ÂMake Your Kid a Money GeniusÂŽ (Simon & Schuster), not because I want my kids to be money geniuses, per se, but because I want them to be money realists „ and the reality is theyÂd bleed me dry if I let them. Nary a car ride, grocery run, Target stop, walk to Walgreens goes by without an impassioned plea for more stuff to keep their other stuff company. KoblinerÂs book, “lled with research and anecdotes that apply to kids of all ages, is a lifeline. I interviewed Kobliner when she was in Chicago recently. Five things I learned from our talk and her book: „Delayed grati“cation is a lost art. ÂThe basic concept of waiting is lost on kids now,ÂŽ Kobliner told me. ÂItÂs not their fault. We used to wait for ÂWizard of Oz to come on TV once a year. We used to wait for a letter to arrive. We used to wait for people to write us back. ThereÂs very little kids are used to waiting for now.ÂŽ Our job is to get them more used to it „ by not buying them everything they want every time they want it and by showing them how waiting pays off. ÂYou can set up a jar in the kitchen where you put money aside for the next time they want something,ÂŽ Kobliner said. ÂWhen they ask for money for a snack after school, you can say, ÂInstead of spending a dollar on a snack, letÂs eat a snack at home and put that money in the jar. Ž „Lying is lazy. ÂAlthough it might seem harmless to tell a young child, ÂI donÂt have any money with me, so I canÂt buy you that bag of gummy bears, itÂs better to say something like, ÂNo, I donÂt think we need to spend money on that now. Besides, the dentist told us to avoid chewy sweets, Ž Kobliner writes. Better to attach your values to your spending and teach your kids to do the same. Plus, surveys show kids donÂt believe the canÂt-afford-it line anyway. ÂIf you swipe your credit card a few minutes later after pleading poverty, youÂll be busted,ÂŽ she writes. ÂOnce you get caught in a lie, your child will always wonder if you can be trusted. Bite the bullet at the point of purchase now, and it wonÂt bite you in the backside later.ÂŽ „DonÂt whine about work. ÂHow you feel about your own work „ and how you talk about it in front of your kid „ affects how she views work in general,ÂŽ Kobliner writes. ÂIf you enjoy your job, say so. Even if you donÂt love your job, you can probably say that you love having one. ItÂs important to relay the idea that a job is something to take pride in.ÂŽ (In addition to being a means to an end.) „Talk about your charitable giving. Letting your child see you volunteer time or donate money isnÂt enough to turn him into a giver, according to researchers who tracked charitable behaviors of 900 kids over the course of a year. ÂThose whose parents talked to them about giving were more likely to contribute to a cause than kids whose parents donated money but didnÂt discuss why it was important,ÂŽ Kobliner writes. ÂDonÂt worry that youÂll appear to be bragging about your good deeds. Instead, you can explain what cause youÂre contributing to, the way that money will help speci“cally, and how that donation “ts into your budget.ÂŽ „Leave some tough decisions to your kids. Kobliner writes about a dad who remembered the pain of being teased about his discount-store sneakers as a kid and wanted his 11-year-old son to avoid the same fate. ÂAt the same time, he didnÂt want his son to get the message that it was important to have the most expensive things in order to belong.ÂŽ His solution? ÂHe decided to give his boy a gift card to a sporting goods store and allow him to decide whether to spend the entire amount on the pair of sneakers he wanted or get a midpriced pair, leaving enough to also buy a basketball,ÂŽ Kobliner writes. ÂIn the end, his son opted for the less expensive shoes.ÂŽ An early, lasting lesson in budgeting and priorities.Balancing Act: 5 steps toward making your kid a money geniusBy HEIDI STEVENSCHICAGO TRIBUNE MCCStart by establishing good savings habits with younger children.
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B7 MALLARD FILLMORE By Bruce Tinsley PEANUTS By Charles Schulz CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers SHOE By Gary Brookins & Susie ARIES (March 21-April 19). Before you let your guard down with anyone, he or she must pass the battery of social, emotional and intellectual tests of your subconscious design. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). A mischievous mood prevails, though you must be somewhat careful about how you act on it. There's much you'll get away with, and it's all in the name of fun. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You'll see what others miss. So g o on and state the obvious because it's only obvious to you. Eventually, this may earn you a position of leadership. But right now it's earning you some serious respect. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Learning not to worry about things that are outside of your control is a skill that will contribute in a huge way to your personal happiness and satisfaction. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Actors strive to learn everything they can about the characters they play, as one must understand something to become it. The change you want to make will be g in with stud y VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Do two things at once and you'll accomplish neither. Multitasking will be at best a waste of time, at worst a dangerous opening for stupid mistakes. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The darkness of night often turns on the light of the movie projector in your mind. Your imagination will be especially strong tonight; envision a beautiful future. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Life is the true wealth. Vitality is the most desired quality. Make a concerted eort to avoid sacricing sleep and other thin g s that create o p timum health. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Time will sail for you today, mostly because you'll get so into what you're doing. You'll make something special and gure out how to put the thoughts of what you love into this project. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Your day will improve as your powers of focus do. To direct your own mind very well is the one skill you can master that will enhance all of the others. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). When it's about communicating so others will relate to you and g et y our messa g e g o with the current st y le. But in matters of principle, be unwavering. Principles never follow trends. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Socrates suggested that life contains two tragedies. One is not to get your heart's desire; the other is to get it. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (March 25). You'll make the future better as you endeavor to understand history, especially your personal history and that of your family. Next month brings sweetness and laughter with someone younger. There's a gold mine for you to discover in June. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 1, 44, 15 and 30. HOROSCOPE DEAR ABBY: My sister ÂMaddyÂŽ is in 12th grade and will graduate soon. Over the last two years, we have grown really close „ from eating Chinese together every other day, to going shopping together. We have the closest relationship in the family, and I consider her to be my best friend. Although I have many close friends, her being my sister makes her the closest to me. Lately IÂve been mad at her. I thought for a while it was because she got a boyfriend, but her boyfriend is like a brother to me and we get along great. After hearing her say, ÂOnly a couple of more months till IÂm done with school forever,ÂŽ I have realized IÂm mad because sheÂs graduating soon. I have two younger sisters, but we arenÂt nearly as close as Maddy and I are. For the past month, IÂve been saying no when Maddy and her boyfriend ask me to hang out with them. IÂm afraid that because of this IÂm going to lose the bond I have with my sister. I donÂt want her to graduate because it means sheÂll be moving away, and I wonÂt get to see my best friend every day. I donÂt know whether to be happy about her graduating, or angry. Please help me. „ MIXED UP IN PENNSYLVANIA DEAR MIXED UP: Try to be happy for your sister. Explain to Maddy why you have been behaving the way you have so she will understand. From your description of your emotions, it appears you may be suffering from a version of empty-nest syndrome. ItÂs a malady that often strikes parents when their child is about to Âlaunch.ÂŽ An effective way to counteract it is to “nd activities you enjoy and keep yourself busy so you will have less time to brood. Another thought: This is now YOUR chance to be the supportive oldest sister in the house, and to forge a closer relationship with your younger siblings. ItÂs an opportunity that may reap big dividends in the future, so please donÂt waste it. DEAR ABBY: The daughter of a friend of more than 20 years is getting married next year. They live 1,400 miles away. She told me yesterday that I am invited to the wedding, but my live-in boyfriend is not. Her explanation is she has to control the costs. She told me a mutual friendÂs husband isnÂt invited, either. Including the price of a gift, it would cost me around $900 to attend the wedding. She had implied that wedding gifts should be in the range of $200 to cover the expense of the food and drink. I have decided to decline the invitation because my boyfriend canÂt come. What would an appropriate gift be? „ STAYING PUT IN WISCONSIN DEAR STAYING PUT: According to the rules of etiquette, because you donÂt plan to attend the wedding, no gift is required. However, in light of your more than 20-year friendship, consider sending a token gift to the daughter „ the price range is up to you. Readers, there is a common misconception that the price of wedding gifts must be in line with what the hosts spend on the food and beverages at the reception. According to Emily Post, that is a Âmodern myth,ÂŽ and Âthe amount you spend is strictly a matter of your budget.ÂŽ ÂJesus wept.ÂŽ „ John 11:35. This is the shortest verse in the Bible but very long in meaning. It shows the humanness and compassion of Christ. How can we reject such a saviour? BIBLEGraduation threatens to end sisters everyday closenessVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby Oliver Lee Fertig was born at 6:50 p.m. on March 6, 2017 to Jacklyn D. Fertig of Sebring at Florida Hospital Heartland Medical Center. He was 7 pounds, 4 ounces and 19.75 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Bruce and Jennifer Martin. Reyland Grey Outland was born March 14, 2017 to Joshua Outland and Erica Reilly of Sebring at Highlands Regional Medical Center. He was 5 pounds, 10 ounces and 18.5 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Patrick Reilly and Christi Zoratti. Paternal grandparents are Bruce Daniel Outland and Sandra Cedrone Parthree. Adilynn Odell Berelsman was born on March 14, 2017 to Jessica and John Berelsman of Sebring at Florida Hospital Heartland Medical Center. She was 6 pounds, 10 ounces and 18.5 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Mike and Susan Smith. Paternal grandparents are Joe and Jan Berelsman. Hunter Dale Smith was born at 2:12 p.m. on March 17, 2017 to Alisa and Ryan Smith of Lake Placid at Highlands Regional Medical Center. He was 7 pounds, 8 ounces and 20.25 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Robert V. and Michelle Hill. Paternal grandparents are James R. and Teresa Smith. Ivan Palafox was born at 8:30 p.m. on March 19, 2017 to Guadalupe Gomez Mtz and Andres Palafox Palafox at Highlands Regional Medical Center. He was 7 pounds, 3 ounces and 20 inches long. Lawson Cain Farabee was born at 4:05 a.m. on March 20, 2017 to Kiley Fat and William Farabee at Lake Placid at Highlands Regional Medical Center. He was 7 pounds, 4 ounces and 20.25 inches long. Maternal grandparents are Thomas Fat and Allre Weldon. Paternal grandparents are Alfred Farabee II and Charlene Bergey. BIRTHS Wednesday, March 22 marked the 101st birthday of Walter Seltzer, a long time resident of Re”ections on Silver Lake in Avon Park, where he has lived for many years. Recently, Seltzer had an unfortunate incident which caused him to be in need of physical therapy, which he will be getting at The Palms of Sebring. He celebrated his 101st at The Palms with family, friends and his daily copy of The Highlands NewsSun. A daily subscriber, Seltzer starts every day by reading the paper cover to cover. Originally from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, he still owns a farm there that he loves. Seltzer is a World War II veteran, loves good music and reads and writes every day. He is well aware of current events, but as he can tell you, things are not the same today as they used to be. Happy 101st birthday, Walter Seltzer!Local man celebrates 101st birthday with familySPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN SELTZERCELEBRATION
B8 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 www.highlandsnewssun.comVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the p uzzle solution in the Our Town section Gardeners know digging, planting, harvesting and even viewing a garden is good for the mind, body and spirit. It improves strength and ”exibility, lowers blood pressure and elevates our mood. And this is true for all members of the family from the very young to the more seasoned. Plan on sharing these bene“ts with yours or a friendÂs children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews this growing season. Children, and even adults, who grow their own vegetables are more likely to eat them. But gardening does even more to help our children. Research shows children exposed to the outdoors and gardening are more focused, have less issues with attention de“cit and score better on tests. Girls exposed to gardens and green spaces are more con“dent and better able to handle peer pressure. Here are a few ways to make gardening with family more fun and memorable. Involve the whole family when planning the garden. Talk about the ”owers everyone wants to grow and vegetables you all like to eat. Then break out the paper, old catalogs, scissors, crayons, pencils and rulers. Young children can cut out pictures of their favorite vegetables and ”owers and glue them on the paper. Older children can draw the garden to scale on graph paper and plot their choices in the garden. Make your own plant markers. Once you decide on the plants you want to grow spend a rainy afternoon creating plant labels for the garden. Paint the name or a picture of the ”ower or vegetable on a ”at rock, slat from a discarded mini blind, paint sticks or other recycled items. Consider giving everyone his or her own garden space. Let them pick their own plants and be responsible for its maintenance. Design individual plots or divide larger beds into smaller sections. Or give each family member his or her own container. This is a great option when planting space and time are limited. And just about anything can be planted. An old 5-gallon bucket or washtub with holes drilled into the bottom, recycled nursery pots or a colorful raised planter make great gardens. Direct fast moving, small feet down the path and away from plants. Fun edging materials, mulched pathways or slightly raised beds help delineate pathways from gardens. This helps to keep children from trampling the plants. Grow some quick-maturing plants like radishes and lettuce that are ready to harvest in 30 to 45 days along with slower growers like watermelon and tomatoes. You will keep everyone interested if there is something growing, blooming and good to eat throughout the season. Reduce the risk of mistakes. Kids, like so many gardeners, suffer from Âmore is betterÂŽ syndrome. Avoid damage from overfertilization by using a low nitrogen organic fertilizer like Milorganite (milorganite. com). ItÂs safe and wonÂt burn your plants even if the weather becomes hot and dry. And enlist my favorite ÂPluck, drop and stompÂŽ pest management strategy. Teach children the difference between the good and bad insects and then have them burn off some excess energy as they implement the process. End the season with a harvest party. Use your homegrown produce to prepare a picnic or fancy dinner for family and friends. And be sure to use some of those beautiful ”owers you grew to decorate the table. Gardening expert Melinda Myers is the author or more than 20 gardening books. She hosts the nationally-syndicated MelindaÂs Garden Moment TV and radio program. Myers is a columnist and contributing editor for Birds & Blooms magazine. Her website is gardening provides more than a bountiful harvestBy MELINDA MYERSSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN COURTESY PHOTOGardening can be a great family activity and children exposed to the outdoors and gardening are more focused, have less issues with attention decit and score higher on tests.
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B9 LEGAL NOTICES OFFICIAL ELECTION OFFICE NOTICE : Notice is hereby given to the following person(s): Sonia M. Avila, 20 Linda Street, Se bring, Florida 33870 Jonathan E. Barfield JR., 2111 Wight man Avenue, Sebring, Florida 33870 Linda L. Caldwell, 3508 King Drive, Se bring, Florida 33870 A shley L. Crispin, 2920 W. Reeves Road, Avon Park, FL 33825 Carla S. Greene, 317 N. Byrd Avenue, A von Park, FL 33825 Jimmie L. Hadley, 1528 Citrus Avenue, Sebring, FL 33870 James E. King II, 410 Gaster Lane, A von Park, FL 33825 Tim D. Landers, 246 Bottlebrush Avenue, Lake Placid, FL 33852 Jennifer A. Sanders, 1561 N. Oak Park A venue, Avon Park, FL 33825 Dalton L. Singletary, 2755 N. Garland Road, Avon Park, FL 33825 Luis A. Zapata, 2209 W. Citrus Road, A von Park, FL 33825 Y ou are hereby notified that your eligi bility to vote is in question. You are hereby required to contact the Supervi sor of Elections, in Sebring, Florida, no later than thirty (30) days after the date of this publishing. Failure to respond will result in a determination of ineligibility by the Supervisor of Elections and your name will be removed from the Florida statewide voter registration system. If further assistance is needed, please contact the Supervisor of Elections at the address listed below. Penny Ogg Highlands County Supervisor of Elections 580 S. Commerce Ave. Room A201 Sebring, Florida 33870 863-402-6655 March 25, 2017 PUBLI C N O TI C E O F INTENTI O N TO APPLY TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO VACATE AN EASEMENT Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Highlands County, Florida, upon petition of Robert B. Peterson and Carla K. Peterson, will on the 18th day of April, 2017, at 9:00 A.M., in the Board of County Commis sionerÂs Meeting Room at 600 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Flroida, consider and determine whether the county will vacate the easement de scribed below and renounce and dis claim any rights of the County and the public in and to the easement and land in connection therewith. The easement is described as: THE SOUTHERLY 10 FEET OF LOT 49, BLOCK 260, SUN ÂN LAKE ESTATES OF SEBRING, UNIT 13, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 9, PAGE 71 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA; LESS AND EXCEPT THE EASTERLY 7.5 FEET AND THE WESTERLY 7.5 FEET THEREOF. SITE ADDRESS: 2902 SUNRISE DR, SEBRING FL 33872 Persons interested may appear and be heard at the time and place specified above. Any person who might wish to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners of Highlands County, Florida, in public hearing or meeting is hereby advised that he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro ceedings is made which will include the testimony and evidence upon which such appeal is to be based. The Board of County Commissioners of Highlands County, Florida, does not dis criminate upon the basis of any individuals disability status. This non-discriminatory policy involves ever y aspect of the BoardÂs functions, includ ing oneÂs access to, participation, em ployment or treatment in its programs or activities. ``Anyone requiring reason able accommodation as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section 286.26, Florida Statutes, should contact Pamela M. Rogers, AD A Coordinator at: 863-402-6509 (Voice), 863-402-6508 (TTY), or via Florida Relay Service 711, or email: prog Requests for CART or interpreter services should be made at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting to permit coordiantion of the serv ice.ÂÂ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORID A Chairman ATTEST: Robert W. Germaine, Clerk March 25; April 1, 2017 FICTITIOUS NAME12 N O TI C E UNDER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, pursuant to the provisions of the Fictitious Name Act, Sec tion 865.09, Florida Statutes, as amended, intents to register with the Secretary of State of the State of Florida, the fictitious name of DIVERSIFIED, in Highlands County, Florida, under which the undersigned is en gaged or will engage in business at: 900 Production Drive, Sebring, FL 33870. That the party interested in said business enterprise is as follows: DIV ERSIFIED FABRICATION & ACCESSORIES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company. Dated at Sebring, Highlands County, Florida, this 24th day of February, 2017. DIVERSIFIED FABRICATION & ACCESSORIES, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: /s/ Teresa A. Clemens Teresa A. Clemens, Manager March 25, 2017 NOTICE OFAUCTION19 PUBLIC AUCTION : APRIL 17 2017 AT: 9:00 AM LOCATION: AVON TOW ING 1102 KERSEY ST. AVON PARK, FL 33825 YEAR MAKE 1999 ACURA VIN # 19UUA5644XA038777 March 25, 2017 NOTICE TO CREDITORS20 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 17000073PCAXMX IN RE: ESTATE OF LOIS ANN ROGERS Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of LOIS ANN ROGERS deceased, whose date of death was November 17, 2015 ; File Number 17000073PCAXMX is pending in the Circuit Court for Highlands County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 430 South Commerce Av enue, Sebring, FL 33870. The names and addresses of the personal repre sentative and the personal representa tive's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or de mands against decedent's estate mus t file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is March 18, 2017. SHERRY LYNN MCCOTTER Personal Representative 1503 Dundee Cour t Bel Air, MD 21014 Derek. B. Alvarez, Esquire FBN: 114278 Anthony F. Diecidue, Esquire FBN: 146528 Whitney C. Miranda, Esquire FBN: 65928 GENDERS ALVAREZ DIECIDUE, P.A. 2307 West Cleveland Street Tampa, Florida 33609 Phone: (813) 254-4744 Fax: (813) 254-5222 Eservice for all attorneys listed above: March 18, 25, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. PC 17-62 Division Probate IN RE: ESTATE OF LAWRENCE T. VIRAG Deceased. AMENDED NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of LAWRENCE T. VIRAG, deceased, whose date of death was December 23, 2016 ,is pending in the Circuit Court for Highlands County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 430 S. Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida 33870. The names and addresses of the personal representa tive and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court W ITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, AN Y CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is March 18, 2017. A ttorney for Personal Representative: / s/ James V. Lobozzo Jr. James V. Lobozzo, Jr., Esq. A ttorney Florida Bar Number: 274178 211 S. Ridgewood Drive Sebring, Florida 33870 Telephone: (863) 402-1888 Fax: (863) 471-0751 Secondary Personal Representative: /s/ Laura Isett 1638 Oak Avenue Lake Placid, Florida 33852 March 18, 25, 2017 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE22 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT O F THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY GENERAL JURISDICTION DIVISION CASE NO. 16000164GCAXMX BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFICIA RIES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, SSGSOSC NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE22 ASSIGNEES LIENORS CREDI TORS, TRUSTEES AND ALL OTHERS WHO MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF DOROTH A HINESLEY, DECEASED, et al. Defendant(s). NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated February 27, 2017, and entered in Case No. 16000164GCAXMX of the Circuit Court of the TENTH Judicial Circuit in and for Highlands County, Florida, wherein BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. is the Plaintiff and THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, BENEFICIARIES, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, ASSIGNEES, LIENORS, CREDITORS, TRUSTEES A ND ALL OTHERS WHO MA Y CLAIM AN INTEREST IN THE ESTATE OF DOROTHA HINESLEY, DECEASED; UNITED STATES OF A MERICA, ON BEHALF OF THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; HSBC FINANCE CORPORATION, SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO HSBC BANK NEVADA, N.A., AS SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO DIRECT MERCHANTS CREDIT CARD BANK, N.A. are the Defendant(s). Robert Ger maineas Clerk of the Circuit Court will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the Jury Assembly Room 430 S. Commerce Ave., Sebring, FL 33870, at 11:00 AM on April 27, 2017 the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to wit: A PORTION OF LOTS 5 AND 6, ORANGE VILLA ESTATES, A CCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, IN PLAT BOOK 8, PAGE 36, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED A S FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF THE AFORESAID LOT 5, THENCE RUN NORTH 1 16' 00" W EST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 5 A DISTANCE OF 99.27 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE RUN NORTH 88 44' 00" EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOTS 5 AND 6 FOR A DISTANCE OF 134.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN SOUTH 1 44' 00" EAST FOR A DISTANCE OF 114.75 FEET TO A POINT ON A CIRCULAR CURVE; THENCE RUN SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CIRCULAR CURVE TO THE LEFT, HAVING FOR ITS ELEMENTS A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 39 07' 48" FOR A N ARC DISTANCE OF 34.15 FEET TOA POINT; THENCE RUN NORTH 40 23' 48" WEST FOR A DISTANCE FOR 162.34 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Property Address: 4405 WELCOME DRIVE, SEBRING, FL 33870 Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the lis pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. Dated this 9th day of March, 2017. Robert Germaine As Clerk of the Court By: /s/ Robyn P. Durrance As Deputy Clerk IMPORTANT If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Office of the Court Administrator, (863)534-4690, at least 7 days before your scheduled court appearance, or immediately upon receiving this notification if the time before the scheduled apperance is less than 7 days; Notice of Foreclo sure Sale; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD (863)534-7777 or Florida Relay Service 711. 15-087064-MaM March 25; April 1, 2017 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 10TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 16000472GCAXMX THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FK A THE BANK OF NEW YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS OF THE CWALT INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2007-HY3 MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2007-HY3 Plaintiff vs. DANIEL J. SASSIN A/K/A DANIEL SASSIN, TERI SASSIN, THE COVE PROPERTY OWNERSÂ ASSOCIATION, INC., SEACOST NATIONAL BANK, Defendants. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Summary Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated March 8, 2017, and entered in Case No. 16000472GCAXMX of the Circuit Court of the 10th Judicial Circuit, in and for HIGHLANDS County, Florida, where in THE BANK OF NE W YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NE W YORK AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFI CATEHOLDERS OF THE CWALT INC., ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2007-HY3 MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFI CATES, SERIES 2007-HY3, is the Plain tiff and DANIEL J. SASSIN A/K/A DANIEL SASSIN, TERI SASSIN, THE COVE PROPERTY OWNERSÂ ASSOCIA TION, INC., SEACOST NATIONAL BANK, are the Defendants, The Clerk of Court shall offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash on April 13, 2017, a t 11:00 A.M., at The Jury Assembly Room, Basement, 430 Commerce Ave., Sebring, Florida 33870, the fol lowing described property as set forth in said Summary Final Judgment lying and being situate in HIGHLANDS County, Florida, to wit: Lot 10, THE COVE, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 21, of the Public Records of Highlands County, Florida. NOTICE: If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommoda tion to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the office of the Court Administrator (863)534-4690, within two (2) working days of your receipt of this Notice of Foreclosure Sale; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD (863)534-7777 or Florida Relay Serv ice 711. ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN IN TERST IN THE SURPLUS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROP ERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THIS LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A C60S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE22 CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. THE CLERK SHALL RECEIVE A SERVICE CHARGE OF UP TO $70 FOR SERVICES IN MAKING, RECORDING, AND CERTIFYING THE SALE AND TITLE THAT SHALL BE ASSESSED AS COSTS. THE COURT, IN ITS DISCRE TION, MAY ENLARGE THE TIME OF THE SALE. NOTICE OF THE CHANGED TIME OF SALE SHALL BE PUBLISHED AS PROVIDED HEREIN. DATED this 10th day of March, 2017. Robert W. Germaine CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT By: /s/ Robyn P. Durrance Deputy Clerk 16-024901-FC-BV March 25; April 1, 2017 NOTICE OFSALE30 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 2016-CA-000440 DIVISION: 10 SUNTRUST MORTGAGE, INC. Plaintiff, vs. LANDELINO SANTIAGO, SR.; CAROL REGAN SANTIAGO a/k/a CAROL SANTIAGO; LANDOLINO SANTIAGO, JR.; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF LANDELINO SANTIAGO, SR.; UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #1, IF LIVING, AND A LL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER AND A GAINST THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, W HETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #2, IF LIVING, A ND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER A ND AGAINST THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, W HETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to order rescheduling foreclosure sale or Final Judgment, entered in Civil Case No. 2016-CA-000440 of the Circuit Court of the Tenth Judicial Cir cuit in and for Highlands County, Flori da, wherein SUNTRUST MORTGAGE, INC., Plaintiff and LANDELINO SANTIGO, SR. are defendant(s), I, Clerk of Court, Robert W. Germaine, will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash AT THE JURY ASSEMBL Y ROOM IN THE BASEMENT OF THE HIGHLANDS COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 430 SOUTH COMMERCE AVENUE, SEBRING, FLORIDA AT 11:00 A.M. on May 10, 2017, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 20, BLOCK 5, OF HIGHLANDS PARK ESTATES, SECTION P, A CCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, AT PAGE 59, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact Court Administration at 430 S. Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida 33870, telephone (863) 534 4690, within two (2) working days of receipt of this Notice; if you are hear ing or voice impaired, call 1-800-955 8771. ROBERT W. GERMAINE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Highlands County, Florida By: /s/ Robyn P. Durrance DEPUTY CLERK OF COURT 16-302709 FC01 SUT March 18, 25, 2017 N O TI C E O F S ALE The following vehicles will be sold at public sale or auction at satisfy lien pursuant to chapter 713.78 (2) of the Florida State statutes at 10AM on At 1118 Weigle Ave. Sebring FL 33870 SALE DATE: 04/19/17 2005 Niss 1NEBA41E95C811511 1963 Diat 640100 1985 GMC 1GTEK14H5F1524876 1982 Ford 1FDJF37G4CNA69185 1987 Intl 1HTLAHGL4HH512398 2000 Dodg 1B7FL26X3YS582323 1997 Ford 1FTJW35F9VEB04501 March 25, 2017 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT, TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 2016-CA-000150 TD BANK, N.A., a national banking association, Plaintiff, vs. THOMAS J. SHEPPARD, et al., Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated February 2, 2017 and entered in Case No. 2016-CA000150 of the Circuit Court of the Tenth Judicial Circuit in and for Highlands County, Florida wherein TD Bank, N.A., is Plaintiff, and Carmella Cartwright a/k/a Carmella Lopez, et al., are Defendants. The Clerk of this Court shall sell to the highest and best bidder for cash at the Jury Assembly Room in the Highlands County Courthouse, 430 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, FL 33870 beginning at 11:00 a.m. on April 13, 2017, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment of Foreclosure, to wit: LOT 10, BLOCK 2, HANSONÂS A DDITION TO THE TOWN OF LAKE STEARNS (NOW LAKE PLACID), FLORIDA. BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE N W OSCO6OS3 NOTICE OFSALE30 1/4 OF SECTION 6 TOWNSHIP 37 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST, PLAT OF SAID HANSONÂS ADDITION BEING RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, PAGE 33, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA Property Address: 255 E. W ashingtonia Street, Lake Placid, FL 33852 ANY PERSON CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE SURPLUS PROCEEDS FROM THE SALE, IF ANY, OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER AS OF THE DATE OF THE LIS PENDENS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE SALE. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provi sion of certain assistance. Please contact the Office of the Court Administrator, (863)534-4690, within two (2) working days of your receipt of this Notice of Sale; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call TDD (863)534 7777 or Florida Relay Service 711. DATED this 22nd day of February, 2017. Bob Germaine Clerk of the Circuit Court By: /s/ Robyn P. Durrance Deputy Clerk DMI\7559323.1 March 25; April 1, 2017 INTENTTO CONSIDER ORDINANCES37 N O TI C E O F PR O P OS ED ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCE NO. 2017-745 The Town of Lake Placid gives no tice that it shall hold two (2) public hear ings and consider enacting an ordinance at its meeting on the 10th day of April 2017 and on the 8th day of May 2017, each commencing at 5:30 p.m. in the Town Hall, 311 West Interlake Boulevard, Lake Placid, Florida entitled: A N ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LAKE PLACID REPEALING SECTIONS, AMENDING SECTIONS, CREATING SECTIONS AND RESTATING THE TOWNÂS REGIONAL UTILITY CODE AND CREATING A UNIFIED UTILITY RATE FOR WATER DISTRIBUTION AND WASTEWATER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A copy of the proposed ordinance may be obtained at the Town Hall, 311 West Interlake Boulevard, Lake Placid, Florida. Interested parties may appear at the meeting and be heard with respect to the proposed ordinance. If an individual decides to appeal any decision made by the Lake Placid Town Council regard ing a matter considered at the meeting, he will need a record of the proceedings. He may need to insure that a ver batim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testi mony and evidence upon which the ap peal is to be based. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the office of the Town Clerk, (863)699-3747, within two (2) working days of your receipt of this no tice; if you are hearing or voice im paired, call TDD (863) 534-7777 or Florida Relay Service 1-800-955-8770. Notice is given this 25 day of March 2017. TOWN OF LAKE PLACID, a Florida municipal corporation By: /s/ Eva Cooper Hapeman Eva Cooper Hapeman, Town Clerk March 25; April 1, 2017 AREYOUONLINE? INCREASEYOUR EXPOSURE! Addyour i nternetaddress toyouradforal i ttleextra! 1000REAL ESTATEÂWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.ÂŽ EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY OPEN HOUSE1010 4035 Garienda. Lovely home in Sun N lakes. 2 bedrooms, 2 updated baths. cathedral ceilings, large family room. Newer kitchen. Home is in move in condition. Open Sunday from 1-3. US 27 to Schumacher turn on Ortega to Orion to Orduna to Garienda. Or call Rhonda McCullough Century 21 Advanced All Service 863-368-1560. HOMES FOR SALE1020 GOT TOO MUCH STUFF ??Unload it FREE inHighlands News-SunFor any item $500 or less. Email to: Please include your name, address & phone number.PRIVATE PARTY ONLY HOMES FOR SALE LAKE PLACID1027 REDUCEDPool Home1,800sf 2/2/2 in 55+gated comm. Open fl. plan w/lrg. rms, caged heated pool & util. rm. $164k obo. 863-840-0745 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE1040 Beautiful 3/2 Waterfront Condo for Sale~in the Bluffs, 55+ community. 863-3149193, 863-385-4654. L a k e Pl ac id 2/2/1 Vill aAccess to Lake Grassy + activities. 1250 sf. New roof & fresh paint. $59k. 812-499-9790 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1090 1970 furnished mobile, 181 Storm St, Avon Park MHP, $5000. New paint. Just move in! 863-458-3095. 1974; 3 yrs or Newer: AC, flooring, plumbing: sink & shower, kit counter tops, good metal roof over, appl. Lot rent $289.50, incl. water. $9800 owner finance 863-441-2897 1/1 Handyman Specialat Crystal Lake Club, 2795 S. Flamingo Rd., Avon Park, a 55+ active adult community. $1,000 Call 863-385-7727 Â93 DW 2/2 55+, Sebring Pool/spa, part furn, shed, lanai, carport, new A.C. $525/mo lot rent $16,900 740-357-1616 Lake Placid Alpine Village (55+) 2/1.5, wk shop, W/D, covered CP, fully furn. $8,500 obo. 863-840-0379 Selling Mobile Homes~ $1.00 in 55+park on Dinner Lake; RV Spaces for rent also. Dankally 863-273-2874 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE1095 2/2 dblwide in Crystal Lake Club, Avon Park, 55+ comm. Golf, pool, boating, fishing avail. Lrg. living rm, cathedral c., & sunroom. Trees & circ. drive. $17k. 610-763-5857 WANTED TO BUY1120 Lake PlacidCASH for Your Home Rapid Closing; Any Condition. Must have sufficient equity. Ken 863-441-2689 Used Park Models or small mobile homes w/in 75-80 mi. of Clewiston FL. Must be able to move & $10k or under.502-803-1876 or 502-682-2403
B10 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITYe City of Sebring is recruiting for the following position(s): Maintenance Worker III Closes: 3/29/17 Greenskeeper Closes: 4/7/17 For an application contact the City of Sebring, (863) 471-5100 or visit us on our website at Drug Free Work place, EOE, Vet Pref. adno=3435626 HOMES FOR RENT1210 Apartments & Housesfor Rent in Highlands County Starting at $450. Pet Friendly! Call Mike UNFURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT1214 Avon Park Orangewood Acres 2528 N. Orangewood St. Like new 2/2, den, 2 car gar, comm. clubhouse, pool, free lawncare & tv, $900 mo. 1 yr lease, 55+, 252-452-0824. CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT1240 Downtown Sebring~ 3/1.5/2 Car Carport. Huge Yard with Beautiful Fish Pond. $825/mo +sec. 561-719-2520 Sebring~ 2/2 Villa Carport & shed. Near shopping & schools. $650/mo +1st, lst & sec. Avail. 4/10/17. 863-873-3325 DUPLEXES FOR RENT1300 S e b r i ng n i ce l arge new l y remo deled 2/1 2202 Wightman Ave $575/mo $500 sec, 1st & last 863-446-2838, 863-381-0357 Sebring Sun-n-Lakes 2bd 2ba 1cg, low electric. Free lawn care. $840/mo. Avon Park 3bd 2ba, low electric. Free internet, lawn care & TV. Pics at 863-446-0461 APARTMENTS FOR RENT1320 Sebring Lake Front Condos & HousesNew kitchens; 1br starting at $475; 2 br starting at $625 1yr lease, NO PETS. 863-382-2221 Free Cable TV Lg clean 1/1, central A/C, tile flrs, window treat. Quiet & Safe 1st/last sec. Sebring, 863-385-1999 Sebring-Furnished Studio Apt. $600/mo. includes all utilities + cable. 863-6556614 or 863-214-3591 Sebring~ 1/1 $425. Includes water, sewer & garbage. F/L/S. No Dogs.800-743-2301 Sebring~ Large 1 bd, newly renovated. CHA. Satellite service incl. $450/mo. 863-588-0303 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS1324 1BD/1BA $525/mo 2BR/2BA $625/mo Studio $425/moApp Fee: $50; Sec. Dep. $350Newly Refurbished AptsNo Pets No MotorcyclesOne Story Seniors Welcome3210 Lakeview Dr Sebring, FL 33870 863-385-2929 Mon-Fri, 8:30a-5pm S e b r i ng A mer i can P ropert i es 2/2/2 nice apt. in Sun n Lakes, close to hospital/school, big back yard 786-457-3223 PUT CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! ROOMS FOR RENT1360 Looking for respectful kind roommate. Furnished master bedroom w/private bath. Quiet residential area. Prefer mature adult. Full use of kitchen & living area, patio, laundry. Utilities included. College students considered. 863-991-1390. COMMERCIAL RENTAL1392 Sebring *Liberty Star Plaza* Up to 12,000 ft, 3,000 ft min. for office, prof., medical. Recent build out ready now. IT & Alarm Lines in place. US 27 near SR 66. 863-471-0663 LOTS & ACREAGE1500 Lot on Lake Okeechobee Channel w/seawall & dock, 110x78, existing slab, empty septic, electr. & water hookups. $29K. 269-476-2188 or 269-506-6510 2 f ence d b u ildi ng l ots on b eaut i ful Josephine River with 100 year old oak trees. 13336 W. Waterway Dr. 863-409-3945. BUSINESS FOR SALE1600 LOCAL HOBBY SHOP FOR SALE as Turn-Key Business or Inventory. Call for appt.863-588-2116 2000EMPLOYMENT HELPWANTED2001 Appliance Service Person Wanted; Must be Experienced. Apply in person:ABC Appliance, 13611 Hwy 98, Sebring. Call Center RepresentativeSebring call center looking for P/T customer service representative w/call center experience, professional telephone etiquette, & basic computer skills. Applicant must be selfmotivated & organized w/ ability to multi-task in a fast-paced work environment. Available days/ nights/weekends. Apply in person: 135 E. Center Ave., Sebring Exp., reliable worker to run zero turn mower, line trimmer, blower for Sebring lawn company. 863-385-6768 GROVE MECHANIC Consolidated Citrus, LP seeks an experienced mechanic at our Lake Placid Gove location. The successful candidate will have 5+ years of experience preferably in and agricultural setting. We offer a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefits package including a 401(k) Plan with a generous company contribution. Interested applicants please call (863) 443-9242. H eart l an d I nsu l at i on. I nsu l at i on installer AND shower door installer. Clean drivers license. Apply 2905 SR 17 N Sebring. Handyman Wanted A handyman is needed to work on rental units in Highlands Co., FL 863-2439191 (call or text); or email Hi g hl an d s C ounty BCC Job Postings: ChildrenÂs Advocacy Center Counselor (1076)PG-111 $38,640.23-$59,892.36Position closes: Until Filled Finish Equipment Operator/Grader (0915)PG-110 $36,112.37-$55,974.17Position closes: Until Filled Assistant County Attorney (1049)PG-120 $71,038.49$110,109.67Position closes: Until Filled Paramedic (0829)PG-204 $31,800.60 -$49,290.93Position closes: Until Filled Laborer (0908) PG-101 $19,642.74$30,446.24 Position closes: 3/27/2017 Custodian (0904) PG$21,017.73-$32,577.48 Position closes: 3/31/2017 For minimum qualifications and a full job description visit us on our website at In order to be considered for employment with Highlands County BCC you must complete our employment application. EOE/VET Pref/Drug Free Workplace. HELPWANTED2001 Immediate Openings Across Highlands County!COMFORT KEEPERS is hiring part-time Caregivers, CNA, and HHA. We offer training and flexible scheduling for Day, Night, and Overnight shifts, 7 days a week. Apply onlineat https://cklakeland. or email: melissamedeiros@ 2013 CK Franchising, Inc. Most offices independently owned and operated. HHA#299992766 MEDICAL CODER BILLER INSTRUCTOR (PT) Open until filled. Please visit for detailed position announcement. 863-784-7132. EA/EO. Part-time truck driver f or local route, CDL C edorsement, able to lift 40 lbs. Send resume to Highlands News-Sun, 207 Circle Park Dr., Sebring 33870; Box 1 SELL FOR FREE!!For items less than $500 Email to: Please include your name, address & phone number PRIVATE PARTY ONLY Fast Paced Landscape Company ISO Experienced Tree Trimmer Full Time~Valid DriverÂs Lic.~Must Pass Drug Test Competitive Hourly Wages Opportunity for GrowthTo Apply:Call 863-453-7300 RRO & SPOTTER Hardee County Solid Waste Landfill. $23,157.46 $31,922.82 + benefits HS Diploma or GED. Class E FL DL required /preferred is FL A or B CDLÂs. Complete description w/ applic @ HR, 205 Hanchey Rd., Wauchula, FL 33873 Ph. (863) 7732161. Position open until filled. Class A CDL/Equip. OperatorMechanical skills; clean driverÂs record. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Hardee County BOCC Road & Bridge Dept. $23,157.46$31,922.82+ benefits. Knowledge of general practices applied in maintenance and operation of light and heavy construction equipment. HS Diploma or GED w/ valid FL Class ÂBÂŽ CDL. Job description & application @ HR, 205 Hanchey Rd., Wauchula, FL 33873. 863-773-2161. Position open until filled. Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! 2000EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONAL2010 Building Trades Instructor HBI is currently seeking a full-time Building Construction Technology instructor for its program in Avon Park. HS diploma or equivalent is required. Must have at least five (5) years of experience in the building trades. The ability to work with young adults aged 16-24 is needed. Competitive salary and full benefits offered, including paid leave. To view a full job description and apply, visit EOE/AA/M/F/D/V PROFESSIONAL2010 Are you Looking for a Career in Insurance? Commercial lines position for licensed insurance CSR. Commercial lines experience preferred but will consider candidate with personal lines experience. Job requires strong verbal and written communication skills, attention to detail, experience in MS Word and Excel, and ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Ideal candidate is self-motivated and customer service oriented. Prior experience with Applied Systems a plus. Position requires 2-20 license. BachelorÂs degree preferred. Email resume to NEEDAJOB ? CHECKTHE CLASSIFIEDS Advertising Account Executive Are you looking for a career with $40,000$55,000+ earnings potential? Are you ready for a career where you can make a difference in the community? Are you a people-person that enjoys socializing and networking at community events? The Highlands News-Sunis looking for Advertising Account Executive ready to join a winning team of professionals. WeÂre looking for good people who want an exciting career with a growing media company. Experience is preferred, but weÂre willing to train the right person. We need people who really care about their community and the businesses that make our local economy tick. Our Advertising Account Managers work closely with the local business owners to provide powerful advertising campaigns that deliver results. We Offer:$25,000 per year salary, plus commissionsPaid Time Off (PTO)Health & Dental Insurance401(k)TrainingAdvancement OpportuntiesDonÂt miss this opportunity to interview for a career as an Advertising Account Executive at the Highlands News-Sun. We are a drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug/nicotine testing required. Send your resume to: Highlands News-Sun Attn: Ryan Danzey 207 Circle Park Drive Sebring, FL 33870or Email: ryan.danzey@highlands BILLING/INSURANCE REP $2,000 SIGN ON BONUS Medical Data Systems, Inc. is recruiting for an insurance representative that will be responsible to conduct telephone follow-up on previously billed hospital/physician claims and request billing of new insurance discovery. Preferred healthcare experience but willing to train. Must understand the insurance process & have good communication skills. Excellent benefits, the pay rate commensurable with experience & includes bonus. Please email resume to: or Fax to 863-3828062. MEDICAL2030 OAKS AT AVON Is Hiring CNAs Full/PartTime, all shifts. Apply at 1010 Hwy 27N Avon Park or fax resume to Tammy Padilla at 863-453-5308. Medical Assistant Needed Full-Time for busy medical practice in Sebring. AA degree preferred. Email resumes to MEDICAL2030 LPN/RN All Shifts Sign-On Bonus! Apply online Seizethesales withClassified! Oaks at Avon HIRING LPNs Full-Time & Part-Time Positions Career Advancement Opportunities All Eligible Applicants will be Interviewed Directly. Highly Competitve Salaries Readers Choice Award Facility Apply at 1010 US Hwy 27 N., Avon Park or fax resume to Tammy Padilla at 863-453-5308 Busy Pediatrics practice in Highlands County, FL seeks Full-Time Experienced Bilingual Receptionist / Biller / Medical Assistant. Spanish preferred; Excellent Benefits; Salary commensurate with Experience. Please fax resumes to 863-471-9340 or call 863-382-0566. Receptionist Needed Full-Time for busy medical practice in Sebring. Email resumes to Oaks at Avon SIGN ON BONUS New WagesReaders Choice Award Facility HIRING RNs Full-Time & Part-Time Positions Flexible Shifts Available Career Advancement Opportunities All Eligible Applicants will be Interviewed Directly. Apply at 1010 US Hwy 27 N., Avon Park or fax resume to Tammy Padilla at 863-453-5308 Tech needed for fast paced ASC Willing to train Please fax resume to 863-471-6834 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL2040 Dutchers Diner Now HiringExperienced Cooks & Servers. Apply in person at 1012 W. Main St., Avon Park. SKILLED TRADES2050 WANTED: EXPERIENCED CABINET BUILDER/INSTALLER Well established Kitchen & Bath business seeking experienced cabinet builder/installer with excellent carpentry skills. Apply in person at 19 Ranier Dr., Lake Placid, call 863-4650033 or email resume to: GENERAL2100 Large wholesale plant nursery. Organized individual to assist with fulfilling plant orders for existing customer base. Plant knowledge a plus, but not necessary. Must have great customer service skills, and have an attention to details. Speak both English & Spanish, but not a deterrent to filling the position. Please call 863-773-6662. GENERAL2100 Roofer with repair experience and own tools. Must be familiar with the Highlands County area & have valid driverÂs license with good driving record & able to pass drug test. Drug free company. Apply in person, T. M. Scott, Inc. 44 Commercial Blvd, Lake Placid. 863-465-7737. S enior gentleman looking f or live-in only Health Care Provider, private quarters provided, must have drivers lic 863-214-4942 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6012 A von P ar k 182 Hill crest D r, River Greens. Fri-Sat, 8-2. Fishing poles, household, furn, glassware, toys, clothes, misc. Avon Park 2400 W. Camelot Rd Fri-Sat 3/24-25, 7-6. Housewares, hardward, kit. items, books, videos, shoes, clothes, toys, lots & lots of misc. Avon Park 3-family Fri-Sat, 83, March 24-25. Many treasures! 2104 N. Cardinal. Avon Park Furn, kit appl, dishware, pots/pans, lamps, misc. 2528 Orangewood St. ThursFri-Sat, 9-12, 252-452-0824 A von P ar k S at 3/25 1400 Claradge off 17, 8-4. Household, linens, womens clothes, fishing poles/tackle, much misc Avon Park, Fri & Sat 8a-?, 12 N. Desoto Ave, mens stuff/girls stuff/womenÂs stuff/boys stuff, purses, shoes & stuff U can use, 2 BR sinks, meat slicer & more. 25% off Mary Kay products Saturday only. A von Park, S at. O nly 8 a3 p, 509 Presley Blvd. (2 blocks behind Cath. church), multi-family, baby clothes, toys & much more Huge Garage & Parking Lot SaleFri. & Sat. March 24-25, 9-3 at New 2 U Furniture 712 US Hwy 27 South, Lake Placid Lake Placid 1 0 5 C ircle C t NE, Sat March 25, 8-4. Inflatable Kayak, boat seat pedestals, kit, yard, mower, tires, household. Lake Placid Moving sale S at Sun 3/25-26, 8-4, 3557 Snipe Lane. Furn, clothes, collectibles, dishes, kids toys, books, dolls. Lake Placid Estate Sale Sat 3/25 8-4p & Sun 3/26 9-3p Meadow Lake Estates #2 Meadow Lake Circle N Lake Placid FL 33852 Beautiful furniture (bought from Turner and Artistic interiors) 2 sleeper sofas, queen and king bed, Chrome Craft dinette set, large wall unit, home dcor, kitchenware, other household items. For more info and pics L a k e Pl ac id F r i & S at, 9 a3 p, 708 Lake June Rd., household, games,collectables, piano stool, linens, coffee table & more. Sebring 2719 Greenacre Drive Fri-Sat 3/24-25, 9am-? Something for everyone! S e b r i ng F r i S at 3/24 25 8 3 1015 Lake Sebring Dr. House hold, decorations, collectibles, furn, purses, clothes, W/D set. S ebring Multif amily 3 / 2 426 Fri & Sat 9-? Sun 12-? Baby, tod dler, Nascar, tools, decor, new items daily. 10303 Payne Rd. S e b r i ng M u l t i f am il y. Ad u l t clothes, appl, books, home decor, kit, dining items, tools. Fri-Sat 8-2, 1520 Carrington Ave S e b r i ng S at. 3/25 8 ? 4923 Sturgeon Dr. Jewelry, decorator items, designer clothes, etc. S e b r i ng, F r i S at & S un, 7 a2 p, 2010 Village Grove Blvd., nex t to Sebring Diner, clothes, electronics, furniture, books & more, somethin g for ever y one!!
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B11 GARAGE SALES 6012 ESTATE SALE!! Fri & Sat March 24 & 25 8 am 4 pm 105 Vega Place Lake Placid (Placid Lakes) House Full of Very Nice Items! Braxton Culler-Rattan glass table & chairs, side chairs/ottoman, loveseat. Stanleyround wood dining table, leaf, four leather chairs on casters, dark wood buffet. Oak finish dresser/sideboard. Sofa & loveseat light blue, coffee table, end tables, lamps, occasional chairs. Stanley Oak finish Bedroomside by side chest of drawers/nightstands/lingerie chest. Queen tempurpedic adjustable bed, Sealy posturepedic twin & Qn Beds. Oak finish office furniture by Sauderhutch/ desks/file cabinets/bookcase. Linens, Art, Pottery, Dcor, Large lot of cameras & photography equipmentNikon, Tamron, Pentax, Minolta & more! Jewelry, gold, silver, coins. Laptops, tablets, Bose system, flat screen TVs, Lots of kitchenware, dishes, sm. Appliances & more! Garage, Gladiator cabinets, Harmon hoist, Shop Vac, Plant Supplies & So Much More! Two Friends Antiques & Estate Sales863-464-0912 S ebring, Fri, S at, S un, 8 a3 p, 1222 Viburnum Dr., off Hwy 66 Spring Clean Out fish tank, some tools, household & more Sebring, Sat & Sun 8a -?, 718 Corvette Ave, Estate Sale entire house, all must go! S e b r i ng, S at O n l y 8 a12 p, 508 Lake Josephine Shores Rd. home decor, clothes, Lilly Pullitzer dresses & much more! S ebring~ 8 a3 p Fri & S at at 6024 Pebble Lane (Spring Lake) Patio set, furn., garden & household decor, scrapbook/card supplies, sm. appl., vacuum, oak entertainment ctr. & more! SEWING6026 S ewing Machine, older, in oak cabinet, $25.00-863-414-4734 S ew i ng M ac hi ne, Si nger, model 1411, slant needle, auto bobbin refill, may need to be serviced, $25-863-446-1009 DOLLS6027 2 A mer i can Gi r l D o ll h orses, $55 both, 863-458-3742. A mer i can Gi r l s i ze h orse, $35 863-458-3742. HOUSEHOLD GOODS6030 A ntique Tea C art, $300 00 863-699-0312 Bone C hina, Mikasa, f loral elegance pattern service for 8 & all serving pcs, perfect cond., only used twice-$500-863-382-8166 B rea d B a k er Pl us, R ege l custom, $10.00 863-699-2886 B rea d M ac hi ne, ABM100 2 W ebilt, works well, $20.00-863 699-0582 Chi na, v i ntage H omer L aug hli n, 6 pc. set w/3 bowls & platter, $100.00 949-413-3706. C onvect i on B rea d M ac hi ne, W el Bilt, $20.00-812-945-7828 C ore ll e Bl ue D us k P attern sugar,creamer, gravy boat, Salt & Pepper, $15, 863-382-4375 C oventon Di nnerware S et, service for 8, exc. cond., $15 863-212-1466/863-873-8460 D e h y d rator w / extra trays, A merican Harvest $50.00, 336-409-4015 Di nnerware S et~ 24 pc M ar i Peacock dishes, service for 4. 24 pc., perfect condition, never used, $50.00 863-471-1904 Dresser w/mirror desk and chair, nightstand, light wood $350.00 (863) 465-2375 F a b r i c S teamer w / te l escop i ng pole, lge portable, smooth out wrinkles in clothes, drapes, etc. $55.00 obo 336-409-4015 Gl asses (4) w ildlif e, no. A mer i moose, bald eagle, Amer. bison & humpback whale, never used, all for $10, 863-273-7625. Ne N SnClothing, Furn., Home Decor233 N. Ridgewood Dr. SebringT-F 10-4;Sat 10-2863-382-0551 Mi rrors (3) un f rame d one w/beveled edge, approx. 24ÂŽ x 36ÂŽ, good cond., $8.00 each 860-919-3922 (Sebrin g ) HOUSEHOLD GOODS6030 New Fondue, total set f or prep/serving, $8.00 863-6992886 O val Mirror, vintage 2 5ÂŽ D 3 7ÂŽ tall, gold-leaf trim, $100.00, 949-413-3706 P ower J u i cer, J ac k L a L anne $50.00 812-945-7828 Q ueen s i ze S ea l y B ac k S aver deluxe matt, exc cond. $75 (252) 452-0824 Rocking C hair, white, $ 5 0 00 (863) 465-2375 S toneware C roc k v i ntage 6 gal., cobolt-leaf, $200.00 949 413-3706 W a ll Cl oc k S tar b urst, bl ac k face, gold numerals, 24ÂŽ diame ter, $40.00 949-413-3706 W icker C hair green $ 5 0 00 (865) 465-2375 Wi n d ow V a l ances (2) mauve w/scalloped hem; fully lined, covers 27 window approx. $15 obo 860-919-3922 (Sebring) HOLIDAYITEMS6031 C hristmas Tree, 7.5 f t., pre lite, exc. cond., used only one Christmas, $50-863-382-8166 FURNITURE6035 2 bl ac k meta l b ar stoo l s w i t h beige cushions, 24ÂÂ, $15 each, 863-257-2842. Bed, Ikea metal f rame w/wood slats, twin size, $25.00 863 385-6749 Bedroom set, queen size, mattress, boxsprings, headboard, frame, dresser, $150, 252-4520824. Bedroom suite $2 5 0 00 7 86457-3223 Big easy chair, neutral colors, like new, $100, 863-314-0345. B oo k s h e lf 5 s h e l ves, 28 x 71 x 12, $30.00 949-413-3706 B rass b e d & ra il s, queen s i ze, $75, 863-314-0345. Brass desk lamp new $ 1 00 00 asking $40.00 863-784-0777 B urgan d y rec li ner, wa ll h ugger, excellent cond, $75, 863-273 7682. C ar d T a bl e~ i nc l u d es 4 c h a i rs. Only $40. 863-453-6510 Ch a i r, ant i que, orange w i t h arms and foot stool, $425.00 863-273-3731 C hina C ab.solid pine wood, gl w/wood frame drs on front & both sides, lge bottom dwr, top rope trim, $350-863-386-0140 C hina cabinet, antique painted, beveled glass, good condition $80 pics available text (863) 633-9280. Must sell C onsole 5 2 x 3 1 x 1 2 moss green w/cream accents 2 doors w/shelves reduced $225 (772) 519-8824 Daybed, dresser, night stand & mirror, $150.00 for all 941 626-8332 Dining room glass top table & 6 chairs, $100, 252-452-0824. Di n i ng room set, 4 c h a i rs an d hutch $150.00 786-457-3223 Dining table w /lea f and 6 chairs one w/arms, dark maple, exc, cond. $400. (863) 344-0017 Di n i ng T a bl e, 6 c h a i rs, 18ÂŽ extension, $300 949-413-3706 Dining table, round 4 0 ÂÂ, 4 chairs, leaf, good cond, light wood, $65, 863-452-2320. Di sp l ay ca bi net, li t, w /4 g l ass shelves, whitewash, exc. cond. 30W x 14D x 72H $95 (330) 364-6249 D resser w / m i rror, $150 o b o 863-699-0312 E n d ta bl e w i t h li g h t $15 (260) 402-1287 E nterta i nment center, 4 a dj shlves, sliding shlf on end, 2 doors strge on bottom, storage for CD-s $75 (863) 344-0017 Florida style furniture, 17 pieces. Bedroom, dining room, living room. $900 OBO. 863385-3699. Fl y T y i ng D es k custom b u il t $500.00 863-382-8166 F uton, lik e new, d ar k b rown, $75, 863-381-9217. Gl ass top co ff ee ta bl e, lik e new, $40, 863-658-2075, 828-3615884. H utc h p i ne, li g h te d exce ll ent condition-$450 863-382-8166 I ta li an L eat h er S o f a~ d ar k b ur gundy. Left & right side reclin ers. Great cond. Cost $1,100 asking $350. 863-414-8271 Ki ngs i ze mattress & b oxspr i ngs, w/frame, $100 OBO, 239-2460049. L ane ce d ar c h est w /l oc k an d keys, maple. $75 (863) 3440017 FURNITURE6035 Lazyboy recliners, his and hers, light blue, $125 each (260) 402-1287 Living room set, rattan so f a & chair, end tables, lamps, $175, 252-452-0824. L oveseat, fl ora l pr i nt, b e i ge, brown, light turquoise, very good cond, $60, 863-385 1615. Lucite table, chair & f loor lamp, $399, 772-971-0707. Patio table~ w/4 padded chairs, excellent cond, $125, 440-842-9028. Q ueen s i ze T empurpe di c b e d brand new never used, head & foot elevate, paid $5000, sell $3000 OBO, 863-273-7682. Rattan matching so f a, chair, din ing table w/6 chairs $300 OBO (252) 452-0824 Rocker, Tell C ity, $60 863 -45 8 3742. S au d er C omputer D es k w /2 drawer file cabinet, $40.00, 863-214-5026 S leeper S ofa, love seat, chair & 4 pillows, mint green microfiber, exc. cond., $400.00 765-621-0319 S o f a b e d 6 hi g h b ac k never used, $200, 863-385-1615. S o lid oa k en d ta bl e w i t h d rawer, excellent cond, $50, 863-658 2075, 828-361-5884. S torage Ch est w / go lf mot if solid pine wood, 40ÂŽx 18ÂŽx 15ÂŽT design is wood-burning on top w/color, $275 863-386-0140 S tu d ent D es k w /7 d rawers, $35.00 812-945-7828 S wivel rocker, light blue, good cond, $40, 863-385-1615. Tables (2) f olding 30 ÂŽ x 60 ÂŽ, $35.00 863-273-3731 T an d ua l rec li n i ng l oveseat, good condition $125.00 863 382-8852 Telephone S tand, vintage, table/seat/storage, $110.00 863-699-0582 Th omasv ill e 2 cus hi one d so f a, royal blue, decorator pillows, ex cellent cond, $150, 863-2737682. TV C a bi netli g h t woo d con sealed wheels/retractable doors lower storage, fits 42ÂŽ TV, $75.00-860-919-1777-Sebring Two brass rembrandt living room lamps, new $600.00 asking $60.00 863-784-0777 Unique designer dining room set, 8 pcs, black & zebra print, thick beveled glass top on tulip base, $399, 772-971-0707. U t ili ty C a bi net f or ki tc h en, 2 shelves/bottom storage, 26 x 31 x 20, on rollers, $30.00 949-413-3706 We Buy/Sell Clean Used Furniture. Best Prices in Town!Sebring Furniture,325 N. Ridgewood Dr.863-386-1119 White wicker chair $ 45 (863) 446-1306 or (863) 446-2432 Wi c k er 3 d rawer c h est w / sw i ve l top for TV, excellent cond, $125, 863-273-7682. Wi c k er g l ass top ta bl e an d 4 chairs with cushions. $ 150.00 863-453-6510 W oo d ki tc h en ta bl e, 2 w hi te chairs, drop leaf, good cond, $65, 863-658-2075, 828-3615884. W oo d R oc k er, $35 00 812945-7828 Wrought iron glass entry tablewith morror $85.00 863-453 6510 ELECTRONICS6038 A nt Tuner, MFJ 969 -very good condition $115-(863) 699-5475 TV/STEREO/RADIO6040 M otoro l a T a lk a b out T5720 5Mile, 22 channel Two-Way Radio (Pair) charger & extra batteries incl. EC, $35.00-863-273-7625 P eavy A mp, o ld er, very goo d condition $70 OBO pics available must sell. text (863) 633 9280 TV 20ÂŽ P anason i c co l or tv, table model, $25-863273-3731 TV stan d bl ac k w /d oors, goo d cond. 48W x 20D x 24H $30 OBO (330) 364-6249 TV s 43 Vi z i o HD $200 32 Polaroid HD $100. Excellent. OBO. (863) 531-0061. COMPUTER EQUIPMENT6060 C anon D av id 340 l aser pr i nter, $40, 724-970-6597. C omputer Desk, aluminum w/clear top, pull out keyboard, excellent condition, $30.00 (863) 314-0283 C omputer f latbed scanner HP 3670 with power supply &USB cable. $20.00 863-314-9249 C omputer Monitor, HP f 17 03 with power supply, speakers and VGA cable, $20.00 863 314-9249 HP computer, Windows 7, 922 giggs, wireless mouse, keypad & tower, brand new 23 touch screen monitor, less than year old, $400. Bose speakers optional, 863-273-7682. CLOTHING/ JEWELRY/ ACCESSORIES 6065 A r i at N ew b oots, women  s s i ze 7, black base, brown stitching on top $149 new asling $110.00 863-704-0777 A riat New western boots, size 7, brown base, neutral with stitching on top, $125.00 863784-0777. A r i at N ew western b oots, s i ze 9.5, black with stitching on black top, $199 new, asking $125.00 863-784-0777 A r i at N ew western b oots, s i ze 9.5, brown base, red brown top with stitching $199 new asking $125.00 863-704-0777 Harley T shirts lge, short sleeve, good condition from various lo cations $30 for all 8 shirts. (563) 505-6764 J ust i n cow b oy b oots, new, s i ze 10-D, tan, all leather $50 (cost $150) (563) 505-6764 MenÂs ÂMastersÂŽ gol f shirt sz medium. like new, all tags $20.00 obo (863) 655-3768 Motorcycle jacket, black, XL, good cond, $45, 239-246 0049. ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES6070 1 9 45 signal corps generator, working antique. $200 OBO (863) 243-1700 A ntique mahogany claw f oot pie crust table, $100, 724-9706597. A nt i que oa k curve d g l ass c hi na cabinet, $300, 724-970-6597. A nt i que oa k o ffi ce c h a i r, $60 724-970-6597. Antiques WantedArt Glass, Pottery, Old Paintings, Sports, Military, Fishing & Hunting Antiques.812-535-1400 B u d we i ser j ac k et $30 (317) 395-4196 Dale Earnhardt, Jr jacket No. 8 $50. (317) 395-4196 D a l e E arn h ar d t, J r. j ac k et N o. 8 $50. (317) 395-4196 P a i r o f ant i que press b ac k chairs, $50, 724-970-6597. P oc k et W atc h w / stan d Ti mber Wolf, Franklin Mint, beautiful detail, chain/case incl., EC must see -$150-863-273-7625 P orce l a i n B oy D o ll 1990 s Norman Rockwell ÂScotty plays SantaÂŽ never removed from box $20.00 obo (863) 655-3768 Porcelain Boy Doll -Danbury Mint ÂJimmyÂŽ Engineer w/train by Elke Hutchens, NR from box $20.00 obo (863) 655-3768 P orce l a i n D o ll 1990 s H am il ton Collection, ÂFirst PartyÂŽ by Maude Humphrey Bogart, NRFB $20.00 obo (863) -655-3768 Q u il t S un B onnet B a b y, per f ect condition, beautiful, never used $200.00, 863-471-1904 Vi ctor i an mar bl e top ta bl e, $300, 724-970-6597. MUSICAL6090 1 8 7 9 pump organ, beauti f ul wood work, $500, 863-4653810. AMP S tan d s (2) $20 00 812945-7828 C rate, 9 c h anne l PA amp, $150.00 812-945-7828 El ectr i c G u i tar, Ib anexz RX170 w/Rocktron R-10 practice amp, $70.00 863-444-9179 O rgan, W ur li tzer 4100 ser i es w/bench, 46x24x36H, mahogany, $200 949-413-3706 O vat i on h o ll ow b o d y e l ec. gu i tarbass,mid,treble,gain cntrls, blk w/pearl/brn.Ovation leafing hrd case $500 (863) 784-0777 MUSICAL6090 P eavy K ey B oar d A mp, 3 channel, $100 812-945-7828 S pea k ers (2) w /2 spea k er stands, all for $100.00 812 945-7828 MEDICAL6095 A ir S ep Freestyle Level 5 Portable Oxygen Concentrator ~ incl. case, charging station & 2 batt. + internal batt. Set up req. $1,100. 863-658-1706 H ear i ng Aid s~ P a id $2 500 w ill sell for $250. 863-471-6298 Mobility Power C hair, Invacare Pronto M51, new batteries, looks & runs perfectly $500 (863) 381-7330 Power C hair Lift, Pride, like new, $300.00-863-655-2523 Sh opr id er smart i e compct power chr manual & charger. Grt cond. deliver within 20 mi of Sebring $400 (804) 986-3482 Wheelchair, f air cond, $6 5, 239 246-0049. GOLFACCESSORIES6125 6 G ol f cart tires, 8 inch with rims $15.00 each or all for $75.00 .863-655-3556 C a ll away 56 d egree M ac k Daddy Sand Wedge, R design, tour design, used 1 season $60 new $30 (863) 784-0777 G ol f balls, great f or shagging, no cut balls, 100 for $10.00, 863-414-0268 G olf C lubs, antique, Hogan Apex II irons, (1-wedge), $75.00 or $9 per iron 269-615-1710 G o lf Cl u b s, M c G regor T ourny 4,6,7,8, irons, $11 per iron, Fuzzy Zoellar 1iron, $11.00 269-615-1710 G o lf G r i ps, $1 00 & up, go lf club Shafts, new & used, call after 5pm, 863-382-9244 G o lf S tan d h o ld s 2 putters & 2 balls, 25ÂŽW x 34ÂŽH, 1 bottomdrawer, cabinet door above, solid wd, $225-863-386-0140 N ew H ar d B o d y SKB go lf c l u b carrying case, used once, was $239.00 new, asking $125.00 863-784-0777. Titleist 5 6 degree BV 5 6 -11 Vokey design-spin milled SM4 Sand Wedge, used 1 season $65 new $30 (863)-784-0777 EXERCISE/ FITNESS6128 C ar di o Glid e, W es l o, average cond, adjustable strengths, $40.00 obo 863-699-6697 Elli pt i ca l T ra i ner P ro f orm XP $200.00 obo 863-214-5026 S c h w i nn e lli pt i ca l exerc i se machine, $95, 863-414-2345. S mooth Fitness Exercise Bike, V390, programmable levels, Bluetooth, set for incumbent or regular, $185 cash only, top of the line, 863-202-0127 S tepper, 3 tier, exc. cond., $50.00 obo 863-699-6697 T rea d m ill P rof orm 745CS i-fit, sacrifice $150.00 obo 863699-6697 T rea d m ill wor k s, nee d s an a d j ustment, good for dogs, $25, 863-458-3742. SPORTINGGOODS6130 Bi nocu l ars, WWII Bi s l ey JH Steward, in case, good cond., $95.00 863-382-9355 C amp S tove, s i ng l e b urner, propane, Colman, great cond., original box, $10-443-523-2754 R a di o contro ll e d a i rp l ane, ap prentice trainer used 2 times $160 (330) 364-6249 FIREARMS ACCESSORIES6132 3 Dilli on di e sets comp l ete 38,357,45,like new, all for $450.00 new $715.00. 863 414-1900. A mmo 1938 N az i 8 x 56R ( r ifl e ) 2-5 round clips in original box with documentation $15 (563) 505-6764 HUNTING& FISHINGSUPPLIES6133 2 N ew G L oom i s fi s hi ng ro d s, 6.5 long, medium weight, $145.00, 863-699-0014 3 S out h B en d S ea n S ur f sa l t water trolling poles w/reels, ex cellent condition $30 each (863) 401-2285 HUNTING& FISHINGSUPPLIES6133 ABU G arcia Revo S X Baitcast reels RHT excellent condition $75 (863) 273-9384 C loseout! 5 0% off ALL NEW Rods & Reels $9 to $48, 863-273-0807 Cl oseout a ll B uc k aroo Ji gs 12 pcs to a card, $10 per card, also 10 extension poles, $9.00 ea. 863-273-0807 T ac kl e b ox, Pl ano d e l uxe, l arge, lots of lures & tackle, 3 drawers plus, $35 OBO, 863-699-6697 BICYCLES/ TRICYCLES6135 26 men  s coaster bik e, exc cond, $60, 863-382-8852. 3 Bike Rack, hitch mount, Yakima, $100 309-699-6335 8 menÂs and womenÂs bicycles price from $25.00 to $55.00, 502-395-0989 Bicycles, ladies 26 ÂŽ, Hu ff y & Schwinn-$45 ea. 863-699-0582 Bi cyc l es2 S c h w i nn L egacy Beach Cruisers, good shape, some surface rust on handle barsboth $60 -734-368-3043 Bike, 20 ÂŽ f olding, blue, new seat, exc. cond., $40.00 863 382-9355 Bike, ladies TREK Navigator, multi gears 26ÂŽ w/extras, exc. cond., $95 obo-863-382-4375 Bike, menÂs 26 ÂŽ, 3 speed, alu minum frame $65.00 863-382 8852 Bik e, TREK l a di es 26ÂŽ N av i gator w/rear carrier & bell, exc. cond., $125.00-863-382-4375 Blue three wheel bike, nice condition 24 inch wheels, $125.00 863-351-3297. Kids bike, 20 ÂŽ 7 speed, good shape, tires like new $15 (863) 402-2285 L a di es 26ÂŽ bi cyc l e as new $45 (863) 446-1306 or (863) 446 2432 T run k M ount Bik e R ac k f or 2 bikes, like new, $25.00, call Joe 863-453-7636 PHOTOGRAPHY/ VIDEO6140 C amera, Minolta Freedom Action 200M, $20-863-273-3731 LAWN & GARDEN6160 Bike rack hitch, f or 2 bikes new never used $25.00, 772-5198824 C har Broil Infrared Fryer, great for chicken, whole turkeys beef-pork roast-ribs, exc. cond., little use, $40 863-451-6868 C ompost T um bl er, d rum s i ze is 30ÂŽL x 30ÂŽ dia., on stand w/hand crank-$50.00-336-4094015 F o ldi ng Ch a i rs (2) f or outs id e use, $5 for both-863-699-2886 G ar d en P at i o T a bl e, meta l 60 x 38 & 6 chairs, beige, $75.00 863-658-1636 G ar d en i ng G row Li g h ts, 1 1000 watt hood, light ballast & 1-400 watt hood, light ballast, $50 for all 863-381-2606 G as M ower, T roy Bil t se lf pro pelled, model TB230, $150.00 863-452-0820 H ome li te tree tr i mmer, e l ectr i c extendable $60.00 772-5198824 H usqvarna Z ero T urn M ower 48ÂŽ cut, 24hp Kohler, 400 hrs, fab. deck, x-tra blades, tires. $2,500 obo. 863-873-7359 Lawn Mower yard machine by MTD, 14.5hp lt, needs repairs $100.00 863-385-6749 L awn O rnament, cactus, so lid cement, 38ÂŽH, 23ÂŽW, weighs over 100lbs, $80.00 863-382 9355 L ea f bl ower / vacuum w i t h b ag, B&D, electric. $25.00, 772519-8824. PV C table/w umbrella and stand, 4 chairs, blue/white cushions. $250 (863)( 453-6510 Ridi ng M ower, T roy Bil t 48ÂŽ cut great cond.,$450.00 obo 863 446-0831 S napper r idi ng mower 10HP 30ÂŽ cut, as is $150 (863) 385 6518 STORAGE SHEDS/ BUILDINGS6165 S torage s h e d 8f t x 10 f t, meta l $125. ( 260) 402-1287
B12 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 BUILDING SUPPLIES6170 4 concrete re b ar 5/8 i nc h x 8f t, 2 pieces of rebar 5/8 inch x4ft $15.00 for all. A lumium 8f t step ladder, gorilla HD, 250 cap, like new $60.00, 772-519-8824 C eram i c wa ll t il e 10 x 14 B e i ge Travertine, 320 s/f, $300, 863441-1619. Extension ladder, telescope, ext to 10.5 ft, for RV, was $250.00 new, sell $75.00, 772-519 8824 HEAVY/CONST. EQUIPMENT6180 Â03 Mack RD688S~ 350hp, 10sp trans, tri-axle, AC, radio, air seat/cab, Pintle Hitch, 293,545 mi. $45k. 863-4439279/471-2750. TOOLS/ MACHINERY6190 30  porcelain King tile cutter, purchased new, lightly used, $275, 863-273-3717. C ompressor 5hp, 2 5 gallon, several air tools plust lots of ac cessories, too much to list, $475 OBO as package 863699-6697 C ra f tsman 10ÂŽ contractor ta bl e saw. $100.00 (863) 655-0414 G enerator, C ra f tsman 5600 watt AC generator, model #580.325600, manual incl., like new, $400.00-740-405-3376 G eneratorporta bl e 2h p, 900W brand new, $80 863-243-9556 G r i zz l y 10 ta bl esaw mo d e l G1023RLW, $1000. 15 planer Model G0453P, $800. 2hp dust collector Model G1029Z2P, $225, 772-708-8829. M asonry Bi ts, 57 a ll s i zes to one inch, $50.00 obo 863699-0312 Miter S aw, 1 0 ÂŽ compound, Chicago elec., very good cond. $50.00 443-523-2754 P ower I nverter, S tan l ey 500 watt, never used, still in box, many uses, $35-863-273-7625 Skill saw 10 ta bl e saw, extra blades, stand with sawdust catcher w/extension, $75, 863699-6697 Tile saw, model MK47 0 pur chased new, lightly used, $150, 863-273-3717. Tool Box, mini, metric & stan dard sockets & wrenches, universals & more, $50.00 obo 863-699-0312 work beach 5x 2 metal f rame wood top, $20.00 502-3304248 OFFICE/BUSINESS EQUIP./SUPLIES6220 A t i va s h re dd er 6 s h eet capac i ty as new $20 (863) 414-8095 D es k magna oa k lik e new 47L x 19 1/2W x 29 1/2H. $95 OBO (863) 414-8095 J et 6500A HP copy, scan, f ax, print,web function, orig. $150, sell for $95.00 OBO 870-5041762 DOGS6233 YORKIE MINIS CKC Absolutely Adorable & Healthy Great Selection, meet the parents! TEACUPS AVAILABLE Prices starting at $795. 941-773-0723 € 322-6709 Shih T zu pupp i es 2 ma l es $250 ea. Chihuahua puppies 2 males 2 females $150 ea. 863-4586666. LIVESTOCK6235 F res h B rown Chi c k en E ggs $3 doz; young roosters, $15 and up. 863-443-7657 H orse S a ddl e ~ goo d con di t i on $200. (863) 385-0670 PETSUPPLIES & SERVICES6236 2 l arge li ve an i ma l traps, $20 & $25, 863-655-5586, 863-4148088. P et T ax i l arge 27 x 17 x 15 $10.00 863-699-0470 APPLIANCES6250 30 GE e l ectr i c range, a l mon d color, excellent, $100, 252452-0824. B e i ge e l ectr i c smoot h top range and over the stove microwave, great shape $125.00 for both 937-747-3802 E ure k a upr i g h t vacuum b agge d/ bagless totally reconditioned, 30 day guarantee. $25 (863) 402-2285 Used Appliances Up to 90 day warranty. LOCAL DELIVERY Call 863-655-4995 Fl at screen 40i nc h TV $100 00 786-457-3223 GE di s h was h er, a l mon d co l or, $75, 252-452-0824. Kenmore re f rigerator, side-by side, exc. condition $300 (863) 446-1306 or (863) 446-2432 M atc hi ng, GE e l ectr i c range, range hood and dishwasher $150 (252) 452-0824 Mi crowave, b ran d new P anasonic 1200 watt, $65.00 & a used Kenmore Microwave, $25, exc. cond., 863-873-8460 Microwave, countertop, S anyo 1.1 cu. ft., white, $15.00, 863385-6749 O range j u i ce ma k er, 36 oz, exc. cond. $13 (269) 830-2500 Refrigerator w/ice maker in door, GE, top freezer, $150.00 502-395-0989 R e f r i gerator, K enmore, water dispenser, black, good shape, $200.00 859-613-2065 S peed Q ueen washer and dryer good condition, $350.00 863382-8622 S tove, K enmore, 4 b urner, se lf cleaning, white, exc. cond., $135.00 778-837-8338 S w i ve l sweeper, b attery & charger included, works great $12 (863) 382-6006 T oaster O ven, O ster 4 s li ce w/broil pan, white, $10.00, 863-385-6749 W as h er & d ryer, Fi s h er & pay k e l working condition, $300 OBO, 863-314-9225. W as h er & D ryer~ G oo d con di tion, $100 for both. 920-7873540 Whirlpool reverse osmosis sys tem, model WHER25, new in box, $125, 863-273-3717. White Frigidaire, top f reezer with icemaker, $195, 863-257 2842. Whi te K enmore e l ectr i c fl at top stove $195, 863-257-2842. MISCELLANEOUS6260 2 Gl ass di sp l ay cases, 6 x 2 x 38 in high, commerical grade, $225.00 ea. or $375.00 for both 863-414-1715 265 a ll diff erent occas i on car d s home made, very nice $84. will separate (863) 402-2285 3 l arge ta bl e l amps w i t h s h a d es, neutral colors $25 each. (863) 471-6277 32 x 80 s i x pane l entry d oor, f ree 863-382-8169 4 f oot s h ower d oor $25 (260) 402-1287 6f t a l um i num step l a dd er, $30.00 and 4ft aluminum ladder $25.00, 502-395-0989 B e d S prea d queen, w hi te c h enille, exc. cond., $20.00 obo, 860-919-3922 (Sebring) Bl an k ets (2) ARMY $20 00 863-273-3731 Bl an k ets (8) var i ous s i zes, $80.00 863-273-3731 C argo C arr i er, so f t top 35ÂŽ x 35ÂŽ x 18ÂŽ, wtr res, in box, $25 863-382-9355 CO2 T an k 15lb s f u ll $45 00 231-421-4786 C o ll ector Pl ate, 1993 H ouse Of Erte "Symphony In Black", Franklin Mint limited ed. cert. incl. EC $25.00-863-273-7625 C orrugate d Pl ast i c Sh eets, used, but in good shape, 7 for $40.00 863-332-7091 Fi s h T an k 30 ga ll on w / ca bi net stand & lots of accessories, $100.00 863-699-0634 GPS h an d h e ld rece i ver GPSMAP 76CSx, waterproof, comes with mount, great for marine use, $75 443-523-2754 Indian carpet 1 0  6 ÂŽ x 3 1ÂŽ cream pattern exc. cond. $60 OBO (863) 414-8095 L arge pa i nt i ng, s i gne d $399 772-971-0707. L uggage, 5 pc., P rotoco l re d great cond.,$40-863-699-0582 MISCELLANEOUS6260 DE-CLUTTER Your Castle! Sell items for FREE if $500 and under! Email Please include your name, address & phone numberPRIVATE PARTY ONLY Mattresses (2) 8 ÂŽ deluxe dou ble, never used, still in original boxes, pd $250 ea., will sell for $100.00 ea.336-409-4015 Milk C ans w/tops, old, 2 5ÂŽH, original paint, $75.00 863 382-9355 Ph one C ase & Ch arg i ng D ata Cable for Samsung Galaxy S4, hard plastic, blue-gray, from Verizon store, $20-863-273-7625. Pill ows (2) queen w /d uc k down, used only by guest, $20.00 863-273-3731 Plastic C ontainers, 3 x 3 ÂŽ all variety of screws & nails, all sizes, $25 obo-863-699-0312 R a i n B arre l sp i got at t h e b ot tom, good cond., $25.00, 863332-7091 Ri g id Sh op V ac, 9 ga l ., h oses & fittings, great cond., $20.00 443-523-2754 S pace Sh utt l e, C o l um bi a Replica, $25.00-863-273-3731 S pot li g h t, P ower S port S pot handheld, charger/bag incl., like new, $20.00 443-523-2754 S torage (2) rubber maid 20 x 14 x 5.5 & 13 x 8.5 x 4.2ÂŽ, $10.00 863-273-3731 S tyro f oam coo l er c h est. $3 (863) 382-6006 S uit C ase (2) S amsonite 28 x 18 x 12, exc. cond., $60.00 863-273-3731 T a bl e l amp $7 50 (260) 402 1287 T a bl e l amp -s ilk s h a d e, cream/white exc. cond. like ne w $50 OBO (863) 414-8095. V intage S heet Music w/cover pics, 1927-1958 & music books, great collection! $2 each, 949-413-3706. Wi c k er B as k et Pi cn i c S et, complete w/plates, etc. for 8 $10.00 863-699-2886 W indow Valances (2) multi colored w/straight hem, fully lined, covers 27 window ap prox., $15 obo 860-919-3922 Wi ne ce ll ar ÂH a i er ÂŽ 18 b ott l e dual temp, like new, was $295 new sell $115 (772)519-8824 FREE MERCHANDISE6260 B ees. Y ou come get, C a ll J en (863) 444-8291 WANTED TO BUY/TRADE6270 ÂBefore you Trash it, Cash it!ÂŽWanting to buyjunk cars; heavy/farm equip., trailers etc 863-445-1275 F i n d i t i n t h e C l a s s i f i e d s 7000TRANSPORTATION AUTOMOTIVE7005 Â00 Camry 91k mi~ $3,700 Â01 Chevy S-10~ $2,500 Â02 Dodge Caravan $1,999TonyÂsNo Hassle 863-446-1186 CADILLAC7030 1988 C a dd y f or parts, 4 d r, 307 Olds engine, needs head gaskets, $1800, 239-246-0049. CHRYSLER7050 2006 PT C ruiser, black, new tires, 117,000 miles, $3800, 863-447-6373. DODGE7060 Â07 Dodge Grand Caravan SXTFaithfully serviced; rec. avail. 2 owner vehicle. Carfax avail. $3,950. 508-681-5569. AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES7270 4 tires 20 5x7 0 x15, 4 0 -45 % tread $225 obo, 870-504-1762 A uto E mergency Ki t, 36 pcs in case, booster cables, pliers, ratchet heads, elec., tape, etc. never used, $25-863-273-7625 Honda C RV cargo cover 20 1 32015, black $50 exc. cond. (252) 452-0824 I mprove gas /h orsepower. V e hicle perform programmer by Superchips Ford gas/diesel $200 (863) 243-1695 Tires, 4 Michelin used tires, good thread, asking $200 firm 863-991-3786 T oo l B oxes f or PU a l um i num, side mount $300 each, 863 243-1695. VANS7290 200 5 Dodge C aravan, 4 cyl., cold A/C, new tires & complete brakes, needs nothing! $3,499 obo, 772-971-0707. BOATS-POWERED7330 1 989 1 9  Blue Fin, 8 5hp, trolling mtr, fishfinder, Bimini top, seats 8, trlr, good cond, $3800. 863243-1497, 863-381-8360. Aluminum 14Â, 15hp, front trolling motor, lights, seats, fishfinder, trailer. All very good cond, $1995, 863-273-0956 MISC. BOATS7333 16 Sun Tracker pontoon, Merc 40hp 4 stroke eng, retractable cover, 1 yr old, anchor, radio, lights for night boating, $14,000, 330-338-4451. Rubber ra f t3 person coca cola motif, like new, aprox 7 x 4 $40 (863) 401-2285 MARINE SUPPLY & EQUIP.7338 Fi s h Fi n d er, E ag l e S upra P ro ID good cond., $15-443-523-2754 Fish Finder, iBobber C astable, NIB, software link incl., $50.00 443-523-2754 Fi s h Fi n d er, L owrance Eli te 7 NIB, $300.00 443-523-2754 G as B u dd y, 25 ga ll on, goo d condition, $25 863-840-0191 M ar i ne EQ D an f ort h anc h or 10 lbs. $10.00 (317) 395-4196 M ar i ne EQ O ut l aw 130 CM tu b e rider $30 (317) 395-4196 M otor G u id e tro lli ng motor, 34 LB thrust, plus battery, $50, 863-447-6373. M otorgu id e T ro lli ng M otor, foot pedal, 40lb trust, bow mount, exc. cond., $175 firm 863-446-0232 T ro lli ng M otor, HVT e l ectr i c, motorguide 3700, 37lbs thrust $50.00 443-523-2754 CANOES/ KAYAKS7339 K aya k R ac k 2 b oat cart hauler, Yakima, $100.00 309699-6335 K aya k 16 f t. w i t h pa ddl e & j acket, $500.00 obo, text or call 309-287-0812 K aya k O cean M a lib u, 2 XL ye l low 2-person sit on, w/plugs, 2 seats, 2 paddles, covered storage, EC, $425 863-699-0229 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES7341 4 x 8 ut ili ty tra il er, no s id es, excellant shape, $150.00 863655-5361 T ra il er Ti res (4) 225 x 75R/15 3 load range E, 1 load range D, like new, $25.00 ea. like new863-664-0172 CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS7360 2013 Y ama h a Cl ass i c S cooter, 49cc, vanilla white, only 196 miles, excellent cond, $1400, 863-699-0410 Lake Placid. CAMPERS/ TRAVELTRAILERS7370 2000 Cougar 5th Wh .~28Â, 1 slide, exc. cond. on lot at Lake Istokpoga w/covÂd boat dock $5,800 920-787-3540 2008 Coachman Pop-Up Camper~ Many extras, too many to mention! $3,850.863-385-7958 MOTOR HOMES/ RVs7380 Â06 Jayco Designer 5th WH~ 38 with 4 slides. Cen. AC/heat New awnings. Inc. TV, DVD, CD $18,999 obo. 336-657-2116 Â08 Ameri-Camp 5th Wheel~ 36Â, rear living area, 2 A/Cs, Sleep # Bed & plenty of storage $18k obo. 863-449-1247 2000 Cameo by Carriage~ 3 slides, new awning at Reflections on Silver Lk. Good cond! $8,900. 989-965-1563 2009 F orest Ri ver Si erra 5 t h wheel 36 with 3 slides. Good condition. Motivated seller, $16,000 neg. 812-564-3078. T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! RV/CAMPER PARTS7382 RV B ra k e B u dd y~ N ee d s work; first $50 takes it. 860919-1777 (Sebring) RV S urge P rotector, 50 amp, all digital, like new, $225.00 863-655-3556 PS CLASSIFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU!FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! As my wife and I see our cute bundle of joy become a toddler terror „ his favorite word is ÂNoÂŽ and his favorite food is whatever we havenÂt “xed „ we try to take as much insight as possible from friends whose kids have already been there. For one of my friends „ letÂs call him ÂDaveÂŽ „ that craziness hit a new level as he found the perfect way to defuse a tweenagerÂs tantrum. Well, maybe he didnÂt ÂdefuseÂŽ as much as refuse to give in to it. His humorous approach tickled me enough to share it here, and I hope you enjoy it too. (Tip: Read it quickly, as you would a witty exchange from a sitcom.) HereÂs Dave: ÂI may have stepped over the line with the ÂDad Card tonight. Keep in mind that it has been a long couple of weeks with ÂThe Girl. ÂSo, I come downstairs to my daughter yelling at my son: ÂMe: Why are you yelling at him? ÂDaughter: HeÂs asking me questions and I donÂt want to answer them! ÂMe: Why not? ÂDaughter: Because I hate it when you ask me questions! ÂMe: You hate it when I ask you questions? ÂDaughter: Yes! ÂMe: Why? ÂDaughter: Because. ÂMe: What kind of questions do you hate the most? ÂDaughter: All of them. And cut it out. I know what youÂre doing! ÂMe: What am I doing? ÂDaughter: Stop! ÂMe: Stop What? ÂDaughter: ThatÂs it. IÂm going to bed. ÂMe: Are you tired? ÂDaughter: No. IÂm annoyed. Stop it. (heads upstairs) ÂMe (following): Where are you going? ÂDaughter (stomping up the stairs): To bed. Leave me alone. ÂMe: Do you want some water? How about a snack? Did you brush your teeth? Do you have your ”uffy bathrobe? Do you like ”uffy bathrobes? What color would you call that bathrobe? ÂDaughter: ÂMe (looking at my son): Well. My work here is done. What question did you ask her anyway? ÂSon: I just wanted to know if she wanted an ice cream. ÂMe: IÂm guessing she doesnÂt want one.ÂŽ (If I can copy his un”appable nature, IÂm looking forward to a long life of crazy hilarity.)Tips on playing the ÂDad Card Phil AttingerREAL LIFE
Saturday, March 25, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B13 www.highlandsnewssun.comThe campus visit can be an important step in selecting a college or university. Whether the school(s) under consideration are local, or across the country, visiting the campus provides a “rst-hand opportunity to evaluate the school and its programs. But to get the most out of the visit itÂs important to do more than simply follow the student tour guide around campus and then head back home. A starting point, before visiting any college campus, is to decide if the school is right for the student on several levels. Does it offer the programs that meet the studentÂs interests? Is it big enough, or small enough, to feel comfortable for the student? Is it affordable for the family? Info to answer these broad questions will be available thru the schoolÂs website. If a school is of interest, use the website again to check out their campus visitation programs. Most schools ask prospective students to pre-register for tours, and may also allow them to register to sit in on a class, or to spend a night on campus. ItÂs important to take full advantage of your time on campus. The campus tour, always led by an upper-classman in love with the school, certainly offers a lot of information. But remember that he or she is being paid, and has been trained, to make the school sound good. Make the most of the tour by paying attention and asking questions. It helps to have a list of questions ready ahead of time. And take notes. ItÂs hard to remember all of whatÂs seen and heard, especially if multiple schools are going to be visited. But also feel free to do some investigating beyond the tour. Take time to talk to other students on campus. The campus student union building or campus coffee shop will always yield students or faculty willing to talk about their experiences at the school. ItÂs also a good idea to try to talk with staff and faculty in the major being considered. Many professors are happy to talk with a prospective student about their “eld and the schoolÂs offerings. Getting permission to sit in on a class in the major being considered is another way to learn more. Choosing the right school can be a stressful decision for any family. But do some investigating with a thorough campus visit and that stress can be greatly reduced. Counseling CornerÂŽ is provided by the American Counseling Association. Comments and questions to or visit the ACA website at www. the most of that college visitAMERICAN COUNSELING ASSOCIATION MCCWhether the school(s) under consideration are local, or across the country, visiting the campus provides a rst-hand opportunity to evaluate the school and its programs. Balancing professional responsibilities with commitments at home is challenging for many working parents, the majority of whom admit to feeling stressed about juggling work and family life. A 2013 survey from the Pew Research Center found that 56 percent of working mothers and 50 percent of working fathers “nd it dif“cult to balance their personal and professional responsibilities. While the same survey found that only 23 percent of mothers feel they spend too little time with their children, those “gures doubled for fathers. Finding more time for family can seem impossible, especially as children get older and get more involved in school and extracurricular activities. Kids growing up and getting more active in school and in their social lives tends to coincide with parents advancing in their careers and taking on more responsibilities at work. But no matter how hectic family schedules become, parents and kids can work together to “nd more time for one another. € Commit to nightly family dinners. Family dinners do more than just ensure kids are eating healthy meals each night. In its ÂThe Importance of Family Dinners VIIIÂŽ report, the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University found that, compared to teens who have fewer than three family dinners per week, teens who ate dinner with their families “ve or more times per week were one a half times more likely to say their parents knew a great deal or a fair amount about whatÂs really going on in their lives. The report also found teens who say their parents know very little or nothing at all about their lives were one and a half times more likely to have used marijuana and one and a half times more likely to have used alcohol than teens who said their parents know a great deal or a fair amount about their lives. Nightly family dinners need not include elaborate meals, but parents who “nd time to have dinner with their children at least “ve nights per week may end up knowing their kids better and helping their sons and daughters avoid risky behaviors. € Inquire with your employer about telecommuting. Telecommuting can be very family-friendly, allowing parents to cut out potentially lengthy commutes and spend more time with their children as a result. George Washington University in Washington, D.C. cites encouraging a better work-life balance for its employees in support of its telecommuting policy. The university notes that employees who have a better balance between their personal and professional lives may bene“t from reduced stress and stronger overall health, which bene“ts the university by reducing healthcare costs. Parents who want to “nd more time for their families should inquire about telecommuting. Even if itÂs just one or two days a week, the bene“ts can be considerable for both employee and employer. € Move closer to work. Commuting consumes a considerable amount of time. In its 2015 ThankYou Premier Commuter Index, Citi found that the average commute in the United States is 45 minutes, and that those commutes cost workers nearly $2,600 per year. By moving closer to their of“ces, workers can instantly create more time for their families and potentially save themselves considerable amounts of money. Parents need not reinvent the wheel to “nd more time for their family, which can greatly bene“t kids and parents alike.How to find more time for familyMETRO CREATIVE SERVICES MCCKids growing up and getting more active in school and in their social lives tends to coincide with parents advancing in their careers and taking on more responsibilities at work. More than half of working parents “nd balance dif“cult Saturday, April 8, 20172 GREAT SHOWS AT 2:00 PM & 7:00 PMTickets available from any member or: Jacaranda Hotel AP MaxcyÂs MenÂs Wear 2934 Sparta Rd Sebring Home & Office Essentials LP or at 863.471.0706Shave & a HaircutSignature All Tickets $15 adno=3433746 This Saturday, March 25 9am-6pmGiveaways every 15 minutesFirst 50 people will receive their choice of RTIC Koozie or Box of 22LR AmmoBBQ LUNCH ALL GUNS ON SALEUP TO 75% OFF CLEARANCE ITEMS5621 US 27 NORTH, SEBRING(BETWEEN SUN ÂN LAKE AND TANGLEWOOD)863-273-5880 adno=3435469
B14 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 25, 2017 www.highlandsnewssun.comAn AP member exchange DECATUR, Ill. „ Debbie Rohde wants what any parent does for their children: a secure future. ItÂs especially important for Rohde, who is a 58-year-old mother of a 14-year-old child with Down syndrome. Rohde, of Decatur, stayed home with her daughter Ella for seven years and got by on government assistance. Then, when Rohde returned to the workforce, she lost the aid and lived paycheck to paycheck. Recently, though, RohdeÂs perseverance paid off with a well-paying job. But Rohde faced a problem plaguing many Illinois families with disabled family members: If her assets exceeded $2,000, her daughter Ella would lose out on federal assistance. Rohde said there was another option, a special-needs trust, but it required a lawyer, and she couldnÂt “nd one locally who would do it. But last month, Illinois state Treasurer Michael Frerichs announced the establishment of the ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) Program, a 14-state consortium that allows individuals to invest money on behalf of loved ones with a disability, similar to a 529 college savings plan. Those eligible can sign up for ABLE at Investment growth is tax-free at the federal level and the money can be used for a variety of quali“ed expenses. It doesnÂt require a lawyer and the fee is, on average, about 34 cents per $100 invested. Â(ABLE) is designed to help children reach their full potential without plunging a family into poverty,ÂŽ Frerichs said. Ella is high-functioning and bene“ted from early intervention and RohdeÂs experience in working with the developmentally disabled. But Rohde knows there will come a day when sheÂs not there to care for Ella. ÂI have to think about the future when IÂm not here,ÂŽ Rohde said. Â(Ella) has two brothers, and I donÂt want them to have to pay everything to support her when IÂm gone.ÂŽ Rohde wanted to start putting away some money, but risked losing EllaÂs Social Security Income (SSI). Caring for a developmentally disabled child is expensive. Not just anyone can babysit a child with Down syndrome „ Rohde employs certi“ed special-education teachers „ and Rohde also uses a special monitor and numerous other programs to make sure Ella is safe and learning the skills she will need to become a successful adult. ÂWhen I managed and lived in an apartment with 16 developmentally disabled people, they couldnÂt have a quality of life that was above poverty,ÂŽ Rohde said. ÂIÂm not trying to say Ella needs some extravagant lifestyle, but I want her to have money to have the things she needs in life.ÂŽ Frerichs press secretary Greg Rivara said the need for this type of savings program has gone unmet for years. In 2014, the federal government “nally began a program similar to the 529 college savings program that allowed those caring for a disabled loved one to invest money tax-free for use in quali“ed purchases. Gov. Bruce Rauner signed SB 1383 in 2015, of“cially bringing the program to Illinois. But when Illinois tried to establish the program, Rivara said bankers told the state there wasnÂt enough demand. ÂThey said there werenÂt enough people who would want to use this investment tool for it to be affordable,ÂŽ Rivara said. ÂWe said, ÂThat canÂt be. ÂBut then we thought: If Illinois, the “fth-largest state in the country, doesnÂt have enough demand, other states wouldnÂt, either. So we began reaching out.ÂŽ The more states Illinois could get involved, the lower the cost of the program would be. Alaska, Arizona, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island joined, and Indiana recently agreed to become the 14th state in the consortium. When Frerichs of“ce began reaching out to the citizens of Illinois, stories began pouring in. One Illinois family had chosen not to receive food assistance through a state program because the value counted against federal assistance for their child with spina bi“da. Rohde isnÂt the typical parent of a developmentally disabled child. She worked in the special needs “eld for years, and when Ella was born with DownÂs, Rohde looked at it as a blessing instead of a curse. ÂThe “eld of special needs was a calling for me, so when she was born, I said, ÂOK God, this is what youÂve been preparing me for,ÂÂŽ Rohde said. Rohde knows that Ella will always need someone watching over her „ at the very least, a case manager to do intermittent check-ins. But Rohde has pushed Ella to be as active and independent as possible; she participates in Special Olympics, dance, music and art, and has learned how to count money and comparison shop. SheÂd like to see Ella go on to college and possibly go into a career as a masseuse „ ÂThat girl can give a good back rub. IÂm not talking about just playing around. She can give a deep tissue massage. ÂAt some point, and I donÂt know what age that will be, sheÂs going to want to move out on her own,ÂŽ Rohde said. ÂMy dream would be for her to “nd two or three friends who are as high-functioning as she is and buy a house for them. The ABLE program can help us have the money to pay for something like that without her losing the bene“ts sheÂs always going to need.ÂŽProgram created for families of disabled residentsBy JUSTIN CONNHERALD & REVIEW CLAY JACKSON/HERALD & REVIEW VIA APIn this Jan. 27, 2017 photo, Deborah Rohde sits with her daughter, Ella who has DownÂs Syndrome at their home in Decatur, Ill. Rhode and Ella are beneting from the ABLE (Achieving a Better Life Experience) Program, a special-needs trust, and a 14-state consortium that allows individuals to invest money on behalf of loved ones with a disability, similar to a 529 college savings plan. Did you know the average person moves 11.4 times in his or her lifetime? So says the most recent information from the U.S. Census Bureau. Various factors prompt people to move, from job opportunities to the desire to be closer to family members to wanting to live in a nicer climate. Moving is seldom an easy task, and is often ranked among the most stressful events in a personÂs life. The Employee Relocation Council cites it as the third most stressful event in life, following only death and divorce. That stress is only heightened when an entire family is making the move and an adult is starting a new job simultaneously. Despite the potential headaches involved with moving, an estimated 43 million Americans move each year. Those moving are often married couples between the ages of 25 and 44 with one or two children between the ages of 2 and 11. To make the process go more smoothly, consider the following tips. 1. Gradually introduce the concept of moving. Moving is a decision to be discussed with the whole family, even with young children who may not fully understand the process. Kids who are involved in looking at new homes or voicing opinions about which amenities they desire in a new neighborhood will feel empowered and in control. 2. Research potential new neighborhoods carefully. Finding a new residence is not entirely about buying a home that “ts the family and its needs. It also is about “nding a desirable neighborhood and community. A good school district is an important factor, as is proximity to recreation, local culture and transportation. Drive around a neighborhood during different times of the day to gauge how active it is. Investigating businesses in the area can also help gauge the personality of a given neighborhood. 3. Work with an experienced agent. A real estate agent who is familiar with a variety of communities is a great asset. A buyerÂs agent will “nd homes and negotiate on the part of the buyer, having your best interests in mind. Because the agent will be paid a commission on a portion of the sale price, which doesnÂt come out of your pocket, it is in the real estate agentÂs best interest to help you “nd a home you can call your own. In addition, the agent will handle many of the tasks that may be overwhelming if you were doing them on your own, such as scouring available listings, waiting for inspections or “lling out pertinent paperwork. With a real estate agent handling these tasks, families can remove some of the stress from the moving process. 4. Pack childrenÂs rooms last. Young children who see favorite items disappearing into bubble wrapping and boxes may start to feel anxious. ItÂs not uncommon for preschoolers to act out or experience nightmares during the moving process. Maintain a sense of normalcy in the home as long as possible. Begin by packing nonessential items, only packing kids items when your moving date is right around the corner. Let children say good-bye to familiar haunts and even to their old home. 5. Plan a school orientation. Take advantage of any programs schools offer to acclimate kids to their new environment. Kids often leave friends behind when moving to a new home. The faster they get back to a normal routine, the better it will be for them. Schools are where children will make new friends and participate in social occasions, so tour their new schools before the school year begins, and meet with a few residents and current students to learn about special programs that may make a move less stressful for youngsters. Relocating a family can be stressful. But involving kids in the process and anticipating an adjustment period can help families adjust more easily.5 tips for relocating the familyMETRO CREATIVE SERVICES MCCMoving is seldom an easy task, and is often ranked among the most stressful events in a personÂs life. GET YOUR LOCAL NEWS STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCEƒ Community, Friendship & Fun...PRICELESSDirections: US 27 S. From Sebring turn right on Lake Francis Rd., take Venetian Parkway, Follow signs to model home.$85/month Includes:Full Amenities € Cable TV Lawn Mowing For More Information Call 863-610-2202 Ohio Model (Move in ready)$156,900 w/lotOne car garage, vaulted ceiling, open floor plan, tile bathroom, tile flooring in the living room and kitchen and carpet in bedrooms. Granite countertops, stainless steel appliances included, garage door opener, cultured marble windowsills, lever style door hardware, irrigation system, lot included.Brand new houses starting at $149,900 w/lot! Pennsylvania ModelStarting at $179,900 w/lotTwo car garage, vaulted ceiling, crown molding, open door plan, fully sodded with Floratam sod, tile bathrooms, vinyl plank flooring in the living room, kitchen and bedrooms. granite countertops, stainless steel appliances included, garage door opener, cultured marble windowsills, lever style door hardware, irrigation systems, lot included. Fully Amenitized Community. OPEN HOUSE SAT. 10A 5P € SUN. 12-3P SOLD adno=3431981 1305 US Highway 27 N, Avon Park, FL 33825 18 IN STOCK! STARTING AT (INCLUDES $2,750 RETAIL CUSTOMER CASH AND RETAIL FAST CASH) *Tax, Tag, and Title not Included. $1,000 Retail Customer Cash. $750 F-Super Duty Retail Customer Cash. $1,000 F-Super Duty Re tail Fast Cash Certificate Program while supplies last. Not all buyers will qualify for Ford Credit financing. 2.9% APR financing for 60 month s. Not available for all offers, take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 4/3/17. See dealer for qualifications and complete details.$33,781*2017 FORD F250 SUPER DUTY NO DEA L ER F EEES adno=3424014
You may want to forget everything you learned during your childhood obsession with the Tyrannosaurus Rex. A review of thousands of fossils and a new theory announced Wednesday may topple a 130-year-old family tree of dinosaur relations. Since 1888, paleontolo g ists labored under a classi“cation system that divided the prehistory species into two distinct categories based on the structure of their pelvic bones: the birdhipped vegetation eaters known as Ornithischia and the reptilehipped Saurischia which included both carnivores and herbivores. Now, a revolutionary new hypothesis says the relationships between the major groups of dinosaurs need radical reorganization. If con“rmed, old branches of the dinosaur family tree may be pruned o and new ones created. ÂWe completely reshape the dinosaur famil y tree,ÂŽ said stud y lead author Matthew Baron of the United KingdomÂs University of Cambridge. After careful analysis of dozens of fossil skeletons and tens of thousands of anatomical characters, researchers concluded these long-accepted groups may, in fact, be wrong and the traditional names need to be altered. For example, while the T-rex remains in Theropoda, that entire branch of the tree shifts on the chart to indicate those species are more closely related to the Ornithischia line than Saurischia, Baron said. Saurischia still includes Sauropoda, such as the Brontosaurus. However, the study also indicates amore archaic group, the carnivorous Herrerasauridae, also stems from Saurischia. The study also oers new clues about evolution, including that early dinosaurs were omnivorous, small, walked on two legs and used grasping hands. It also found they popped up 247 million years ago „ 10 million years earlier than the standard theory. Contributing: Associated PressBritish study shakes up the entire dinosaur family tree SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIONAcomposite of "Hatcher" the Triceratops at the Smithsonian Institution. A new study shakes up the dinosaur family tree It suggests traditional groupings are wrong Doyle Rice@usatodayweather USA TODAY 03.25.17 USA S N APSHO T S Cashless futureSOURCE JPMorgan Chase study of 1,500 consumers, conducted by Forrester ConsultingMICHAEL B. SMITH AND VERONICA BRAVO, USA TODAY 40%of consumers believe cash will be obsolete in the next 20 years. JOHN GREIM, LIGHTROCKET VIA GETTY IMAGESG a meStop to c l ose 150 sto r es IN MONEY Co r sets b a ck in vog u e, b u t not eve r ybody is la cing u pJULIENÂS AUCTIONS IN LIFE WASHINGTONIn a stunning defeat for Republicans, House Speaker Paul Ryan on Friday canceled a vote on the GOP bill to replace Obamacare because he did not have enough votes from his own members to pass the legislation. ÂWe came really close today, but we came up short,ÂŽ Ryan said at a news conference after he pulled the bill from the House ”oor. ÂI will not sugarcoat this: This is a disappointing day for us. Doing big things is hard.ÂŽ Ryan and other Republican leaders said they will move on from health care to tax reform, Southwest border control and other issues, essentially giving up on their No. 1 legislative priority for the foreseeable future. ÂObamacare is the law of the land,ÂŽ Ryan said. ÂItÂs going to remain the law of the land.ÂŽ The failure to pass the bill is a major blow to both Ryan and President Trump in their “rst big legislative test since they won back the White House and retained control of the House and Senate in last fallÂs election. It also underscored just how divided the party is, with factions of hardline conservatives House Speaker Paul Ryan made repeal and replacement of the Aordable Care Act his top legislative priority. Erin Kelly, Eliza Collins and Deirdre ShesgreenUSA TODAY v STORY CONTIN U ES ON 2BWit h Ob a m a c ar e sec ur e f o r now, GO P t ur ns to ot h e r iss u esWelcome to Washington. In a major setback to the “rst legislative initiative of his administration, President Trump on Friday agreed with House Speaker Paul Ryan to cancel a scheduled-delayed-andrescheduled vote to overhaul the Aordable Care Act after it became clear Republicans didnÂt have the votes to pass it. The repercussions wonÂt be limited to health care. The unsuccessful scramble for votes, much of it played out in public on cable TV and Twitter, scars House Speaker Paul Ryan in particular and the GOP in general, given that Republicans have spent 71‡2years and four elections promising to undo President ObamaÂs signature domestic initiative. Congressional Republicans had voted more than 50 times to overturn the law when they knew it didnÂt count because Obama was in the White House to veto it. ÂIÂm disappointed, because we could have had it,ÂŽ Trump told reporters at the White House after the bill was pulled, blaming the defeat on the refusal of Democrats to support the bill. ÂIÂm a little surprised, to be honest with you.ÂŽ But FridayÂs vote „ to be precise, the decision to avoid a vote because defeat was assured „ was a crucial test for a new president already suering the rockiest start of any new commander in chief in modern times. Monday, FBI Director James Comey con“rmed the FBI was investigating whether Trump associates coordinated with Te rr ib l e week ends f o r T ru mp, Rep u b l ic a ns ÂThe closer couldnÂt close the deal „ and things probably will only get harder A N A LYSISv STORY CONTIN U ES ON 2B USA TODAYFBI Director James Comey ÂI wi ll not s u g ar co a t it. T h is is a dis a ppointing d a y f o r u s.ÂŽSpeaker of the House Paul Ryan HEALTH CARE BILL IS DEAD FOR THIS YEAR Susan PageUSA TODAY PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS,APPresident Trump speaks to reporters about the health care bill Friday in the Oval Oce. NICHOLAS KAMM,AFP/GETTY IMAGES T hi s i s an ed i t i o n o f USA TODAY p r o vi ded f o r y o ur l oc al n e w sp a pe r A n e x p an ded v e r s i o n o f USA TODAY i s availabl e a t n e w sst an ds o r by s ub sc ri pt i o n an d a t u s a tod ay .co m Fo r t h e la test na t i o nal spo r ts co v e ra ge, go to spo r ts. u s a tod ay .co m Westminster attack: The questions security professionals will be asking PAGE 6
Page 2 The Sun / Saturday, March 25, 2017 PRESIDENTAND PUBLISHERJohn ZidichEDITOR IN CHIEFJoanne LipmanCHIEF REVENUE OFFICERKevin Gentzel 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean, Va. 22108, 703-854-3400 Published by Gannett The local edition of USA TODAYis published daily in partnership with Gannett Newspapers Advertising: All advertising published in USA TODAYis subject to the current rate card; copies available from the advertising department. USA TODAYmay in its sole discretion edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted. National, Regional: 703-854-3400 Reprint permission, copies of articles, glossy reprints: or call 212-221-9595 USA TODAYis a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to other news services. USA TODAY, its logo and associated graphics are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. USA TODAYis committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether youÂre responding to content online or in the newspaper. Corrections & Clarifications and moderates rebelling against their own leadership. Repealing and replacing Obamacare was a major campaign promise made by Trump and scores of GOP House members and candidates in last yearÂs election. But they were never able to agree on the best way to achieve their goal. Trump threw his weight behind the Republicans replacement bill, cajoling House members to vote for it. Ryan made it his top legislative priority, exhorting members to take action on what he called their best chance to replace ObamacareÂs government mandates with a patient-driven system. ÂWe were very close,ÂŽ Trump said after the vote was canceled. Ryan said he had told Trump at a midday meeting that they should scrap the vote and Trump had agreed. But Trump said he did not blame conservatives in his own party who would not vote for the bill. ÂIÂm disappointed, because we could have had it,ÂŽ he said. ÂIÂm a little surprised, to be honest with you.ÂŽ He also blamed Democrats, saying that passing the bill without them was a Âvery dicult thing to do.ÂŽ He said Democrats now ÂownÂŽ Obamacare and must take responsibility for its problems. ÂThey own it; 100% own it,ÂŽ Trump said. He said he will do what he talked about on the campaign trail and Âlet Obamacare explode.ÂŽ Rep. Luke Messer, R-Ind., a member of the House GOP leadership team, declared health care dead for the year. Moreover, he said, it will be harder to get tax reform done now in the wake of the GOPÂs failure to pass its health proposal. ÂItÂs a sad day for America,ÂŽ Messer said. But Democrats rejoiced. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California called it Âa victory for all Americans.ÂŽ ÂDemocrats, united by our shared values, have stood strong against the disastrous TrumpCare bill,ÂŽ she said. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said the bill failed because Trump couldnÂt close the deal. ÂThey canÂt write policy that actually makes sense, they canÂt implement the policies they do manage to write, they canÂt get their stories straight, and today weÂve learned that they canÂt close a deal, and they canÂt count votes,ÂŽ Schumer said. ÂSo much for the ÂArt of the Deal. Ž Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, a leader of the conservative House Freedom Caucus that helped kill the bill, said Republicans should not give up on getting rid of the Aordable Care Act. Many members of the caucus said the GOP leadershipÂs American Health Care Act did not go far enough in repealing ObamacareÂs government mandates. ÂObamacare is a disaster, and repealing it remains one of my top priorities,ÂŽ he said after the vote was canceled. ÂNow, House Republicans owe it to our constituents to immediately get back to the drawing board and bring forward a bolder eort to replace the failing Obamacare with a plan to reduce costs by increasing choice and competition.ÂŽ Lawmakers debated the bill on the House ”oor for more than “ve hours before Ryan made the decision to cancel the vote. The debate began after the House Rules Committee adopted changes negotiated Thursday between Trump and House Republicans. Among other things, they would haveeliminated minimum requirements for insurance plans to cover 10 Âessential health bene“ts,ÂŽ including maternity care, emergency room trips and prescription drugs. The changes were oered in an attempt to attract Freedom Caucus support. But many of those caucus members remained unsatis“ed, and the changes did not sit well with moderate Republicans. Ryan had originally planned a vote for Thursday but put it o to provide more time to negoti-ate with the Freedom Caucus and the Tuesday Group, a moderate faction of House Republicans who feared the bill would make health care too costly for their their low-income and older constituents. Trump, who negotiated directly with members of both groups, announced Thursday night that he was done talking and wanted the House to vote. Contributing: Paul Singer, Nicole Gaudiano, Craig Gilbert, Maureen Groppe and Donovan Slack NICHOLAS KAMM,AFP/GETTY IMAGESHouse Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi called the defeat of the health care measure Âa victory for all Americans.ÂŽ Indiana Republican says defeat will make tax reform harder, toov CONTINUED FROM 1BRussians trying to meddle in the presidential election, a potentially explosive inquiry that will hang over the White House for months. TrumpÂs approval rating sank as low as 37% in a Gallup Poll this week, by far the worst of any president at this point in his tenure. Federal judges have blocked two of his executive orders aimed at tightening immigration from a group of predominantly Muslim countries. Trump had worked the health care issue in traditional presidential style. He rallied supporters at acampaign-style rally in Louisville. He traveled to Capitol Hill to lobby some Republican members and invited others to use the White House bowling alley. He helped negotiate revisions “rst to win over restive conservatives in the House Freedom Caucus and then to hold uneasy moderates. ÂHe left it all on the “eld,ÂŽ subdued White House press secretary Sean Spicer told reporters before the vote. The fact that TrumpÂs all wasnÂt enough to carry the day raises questions about his political clout and his personal brand as Âthe closer,ÂŽ the best-selling author of The Art of the Deal who could negotiate compromises that eluded ordinary politicians. It leaves Republicans, “nally in uni“ed control of Washington, bitterly divided. ÂI will not sugarcoat it,ÂŽ Ryan said at a news conference called to announce he was pulling the bill. ÂThis is a disappointing day for us.ÂŽ To be sure, Trump and congressional Republicans could regroup over the next few months on health care. The president predicted Democrats would reach out to negotiate a bipartisan bill as problems with the Aordable Care Act worsen. He expressed his readiness to move on to other issues, including a tax overhaul. However, itÂs not as though a major rewrite of the tax code will be easy, given the collision of wellfunded interest groups it involves. Or TrumpÂs commitment for a $1trillion infrastructure bill, a proposal that puts him at odds with some fellow Republicans. And building that Âbig, beautiful wallÂŽ across the Southern border? ThatÂs not exactly a slam-dunk, either. To remind: ItÂs j ust Da y 64.Republicans, Trump look to regroup after raucous weekv CONTINUED FROM 1BÂIÂm disappointed, because we could have had it. IÂm a little surprised, to be honest with you.ÂŽPresident Trump ,blaming the defeat on the refusal of Democrats to support the bill WASHINGTONHe tweeted it in 2011: ÂKnow when to walk away from the table.ÂŽ ThatÂs precisely what President Trump did on the Republican legislation largely repealing and replacing Obamacare. He shut down negotiations Thursday night and on Friday, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., pulled the bill from consideration, with TrumpÂs consent. While conventional wisdom might say a major loss on his “rst legislative push as president could derail the rest of his agenda, political operatives and analysts say Trump and his fortunes have rarely lined up with convention. ÂI donÂt necessarily think at the end of the day this is going to be a great failure of the presidency like many will suggest,ÂŽ said Craig Robinson, founder and editor of ÂI think TrumpÂs going to use this to kind of show that heÂs separate from the Congress, and if you want to put heat on people to do something, put it on them.ÂŽ But Trump did repeat over and over on the campaign trail that he would repeal Obamacare, so the failure to get it done will have some impact. The bill was drafted by Republican lawmakers led by Ryan and not the White House, but Trump Âdid wrap his arms around it,ÂŽ said Lilly Goren, political science professor at Carroll University in Wisconsin. ÂAnd he said, you know, this is what weÂre going to work on, this is what weÂre going to get passed, and IÂm the deal maker, and so IÂm going to make the deals to move this through,ÂŽ she said. ÂAnd so he canÂt quite completely disassociate himself from it.ÂŽ Trump worked the phones for days, held numerous meetings with lawmakers and even provided concessions to conservative Republicans who said the legislation didnÂt go far enough. ÂHeÂs left everything on the “eld when it comes to this bill,ÂŽ press secretary Sean Spicer said Friday. ÂThe president has been working throughout the week on thisƒ Over 120 members have personally had a visit, call or a meeting here at the White House in the past few days.ÂŽ The bill, dubbed the American Health Care Act, would have replaced large swaths of the Aordable Care Act, including requirements that individuals maintain insurance at all times and that larger companies provide it to employees. It kept intact provisions that allow children to stay on their parents plans until age 26 and prohibit insurance companies from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. In a last-ditch eort to win over conservatives on Friday morning, House leaders added changes negotiated by Trump and Republican members that would have, among other things, eliminated minimum requirements for insurance plans to cover 10 Âessential health bene“ts,ÂŽ including maternity care, emergency room trips and prescription drugs. But some hard-liners from the in”uential Freedom Caucus, whose votes were key for passage, still werenÂt on board, and with defections by moderates, there werenÂt enough votes to pass the bill. Trump will likely emerge relatively unscathed, Robinson predicted. ÂTrumpÂs a much dierent type of president than weÂve had in the past, obviously,ÂŽ he said. ÂI think he will walk away. How long? We donÂt know.ÂŽ Helmut Norpoth, a political science professor at Stony Brook University „ and one of the few to predict TrumpÂs win last year „ said he also believes the fate of the bill doesnÂt presage the failure of the rest of his legislative agenda, and Trump may be better o moving on to his next priority, a tax overhaul. ÂClearly the Republican Party as awhole would be much more receptive to vote on tax reform,ÂŽ Norpoth said. ÂOn taxes, I think theyÂre probably more in line with what he wants to do so I donÂt think they would necessarily torpedo that.ÂŽ But missing the mark on health care adds another negative mark in TrumpÂs barely two-month-old presidency, which has frequently been enveloped by controversies, some of TrumpÂs own making. Goren said it does Âsnowball the narrativeÂŽ that he has a ÂrockyÂŽ administration. For voters, ÂItÂs like: WhatÂs the agenda? What are we concentrating on? What is the president advocating for? WhereÂs the emphasis? WhoÂs leading?ÂŽ she said. ÂWe continue to bounce from one issue to another.ÂŽ From inauguration crowd sizes, voter fraud and wire-tapping, to his “rst travel ban, then his second and the courts that blocked them, not to mention the resignation of his national security adviser, TrumpÂs message is continually being muddled. ÂAnd now weÂre, we have had, earlier this week, (FBI) Director (James) Comey, so we weÂre talking about Russia, then intelligence; Now weÂre back to health care,ÂŽ she said. ÂAnd as for the president, there isnÂt a clear message coming from the White House.ÂŽDonÂt discount Trump going forwardFate of health care bill doesnÂt presage failure for rest of presidentÂs agenda Donovan Slack@donovanslack USA TODAY ÂTrumpÂs a much different type of president than weÂve had in the past, obviously. Ithink he will walk away. How long? We donÂt know.ÂŽCraig Robinson ,founder and editor of
The Sun /Saturday, March 25, 2017 Page 3 MATT ROURKE, APPaul Manafort was Donald TrumpÂs campaign manager for four months in 2016. ÂTo further justify the unjusti“able, he is now interfering with this investigation.ÂŽRep. Adam Schi, D-Calif., of President TrumpWASHINGTONPaul Manafort, Donald TrumpÂs former campaign chairman who reportedly received millions from a Russian billionaire to advance the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin a decade ago, has volunteered to speak with the House Intelligence Committee, its chairman said Friday. Chairman Devin Nunes, a California Republican, told reporters the committee was contacted by ManafortÂs lawyer with the oer Thursday. ÂWe thank Mr. Manafort for volunteering and encourage others with knowledge of these issues to voluntarily interview with the committee,ÂŽ he said. Rep. Adam Schi of California, the ranking Democrat on the committee, said at a separate news conference that announcing the Manafort oer was simply an excuse by Nunes to cancel a public committee hearing scheduled for next week featuring members of former president Barack ObamaÂs intelligence team. Nunes also announced that the committee has asked FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency director Admiral Michael S. Rogers, who testi“ed in an open session Monday, to return to testify in a closed session. ÂItÂs necessary to get both of them down here before we can move on,ÂŽ he said. In testimony Monday, Comey revealed that the Trump campaign is the subject of an FBI investigation into whether it coordinated with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign against Hillary Clinton. The developments follow a week of dramatic events in which Nunes briefed Trump at the White House after seeing documents that he says identi“ed U.S. citizens in the Trump transition being caught up in incidental surveillance of intelligence agency targets. Friday, he made a point of noting that he had known of what is referred to as the ÂunmaskingÂŽ of those people before he saw documents proving it. He said he doesnÂt know who authorized the unmasking or whether there was alegitimate reason for it. American citizens caught up incidentally when speaking with surveillance targets are not supposed to be identi“ed except under a strict set of exceptions. Democrats say Nunes trip to the White House has compromised the investigations hiscommittee and the FBI are conducting. Nunes said Manafort can testify at a public hearing or in a closed setting, and it was unclear when it might occur. ÂWe want more people to come forward, and the good thing is that we have continued to have people come forward voluntarily to the committee,ÂŽ Nunes said. ÂAnd I will tell you that will not happen if we tell you who our sources are.ÂŽ He vowed to Âprotect the identity of those people at all costs.ÂŽ Schi said during his news conference that he would prefer that the testimony be oered in open session and, if necessary, a later closed session can be arranged. He said he had no objection to hearing from Comey and Rogers again in a closed session. ÂBut as much of this investigation we can do in public, I think we should do,ÂŽ Schi said. Schi said committee Democrats Âstrongly objectÂŽ to Nunes decision to cancel a hearing scheduled for Tuesday with former NSA director James Clapper, former acting attorney general Sally Yates and former CIA director John Brennan. He said the cancellation was an eort to Âchoke oÂŽ information the White House doesnÂt want the public to hear. Clapper was the “rst in the intelligence community to say there was no basis for TrumpÂs accusation that his predecessor had wiretapped Trump Tower before theelection. ÂWe still urge the majority to reconsider. The witnesses have made clear theyÂre still available,ÂŽ Schi said. ÂThere must have been a really strong push-back from the White HouseÂŽ about the natureof the now-postponed hearing,Schi said. ÂWhat other explanation can there be?ÂŽ He said he hoped constituents would contact committee members, especially its Republicans, and urge them to hold the hearing. As for the brie“ng of the White House and the documents regarding unmasked Trump associates that only Nunes on the panel has seen, Schi said he is Âconcerned that the chairman has been unwilling to rule out that the documents came either from the White House or in coordination with the White House.ÂŽ With Democrats saying they have lost con“dence that Nunes can direct a credible investigation, Schi was asked whether he should be removed as chairman. Schi said thatÂs Speaker Paul RyanÂs call. ÂThe events of this week are not encouraging,ÂŽ he said. ÂOne of the profound ta keaways of the last couple of days is we really need an independent commission here because the public ... needs to have con“dence that someone has done a thorough investigation.ÂŽ ÂThe public is discouraged by this weekÂs events,ÂŽ Schi said.He wants a probe Âunhampered by political pressures and uninterfered with by the White House.ÂŽ Schi repeated that it is Âabundantly clearÂŽ that TrumpÂs wiretap allegations are Âpure nonsense.ÂŽ He said allowing press secretary Sean Spicer to claim British intelligence could have had Trump under surveillance harmed relations with Britain. ÂTo further justify the unjusti“able,ÂŽ he said of Trump,Âhe is now interfering with this investigation.ÂŽManafort to speak to intel committeeSHAWN THEW, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCYHouse Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., says he has asked the FBI and NSA directors to testify again. PanelÂs top Democrat presses for hearing with Obama ocials Bartholomew D Sullivan@BSullivanNewsDC USA TODAY IN BRIEFLONDON ATTACKER HAD V IOLENT PAST, POLICE SAYKhalid Masood, the man who killed four people Wednesday in an attack with his SUV and knives on LondonÂs Westminster Bridge and near Parliament, was formerly known as Adrian Elms, with a reputation for drinking and an unpredictable temper. Authorities said Masood was convicted at least twice of violent crimes. Prime Minister Theresa May said Masood was Âinvestigated in relation to concerns about violent extremismÂŽ years ago. But she called him Âa peripheral “gure.ÂŽUS IMPOSES SANCTIONS OVER ARMS PROLIFERATIONThe Trump administration announced sanctions Friday on 30 companies and people from 10 countries, including China, and accused the entities of engaging in weapons proliferation activity. The companies included under the newly imposed sanctions are based in China, North Korea and the United Arab Emirates. The State Department said 11 entities and individuals were sanctioned for transfers of sensitive items to IranÂs ballistic missile program. Most of the companies listed en g a g e in export activit y .PA. JUDGE OKS RETRIAL OF FORMER MONSIGNOR Ajudge has cleared the way for prosecutors to retry a former Philadelphia church ocial imprisoned over his handling of abuse complaints. Monsignor William Lynn served nearly three years of a threeto six-year sentence when the Pennsylvania Supreme Court tossed out his conviction over trial errors. Ajudge on Friday denied a defense request to block a retrial. VIRGINIA JUDGE ALLOWS TRAVEL BAN TO STANDIn a sweeping armation of presidential authority, a federal judge in Virginia ruled against a Muslim civil rights group that sought to block the Trump administrationÂs proposed travel ban. The ruling Friday by U.S. District Judge Anthony Trenga is at odds with rulings from federal judges in Hawaii and Maryland who have issued orders preventing the bulk of the executive order from taking eect. Trenga wrote that the current executive order is substantially dierent from the “rst travel ban sought by the White House. Sta and wire reports JACK GUEZ,AFP/GETTY IMAGESParticipants take part in the Mud Day race, an 8-mile obstacle course, on Friday in Tel Aviv, Israel. It was the “rst time the event had been held in Israel.MUD IN YOUR EYE „ AND EVERYWHERE ELSEEuropean leaders gather in Rome on Saturday to mark the 60th birthday of the European Union at a time when the 28-nation bloc faces threats to its longterm survival. Just six of the EUÂs current 28 members signed the 1957 Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community, the EUÂs predecessor. This weekendÂs ceremony takes place “ve days before British Prime Minister Theresa May invokes legislation that starts BritainÂs two-year legal path to a formal exit from the group. Britain may not be the only deserter from an alliance that once had visions of creating a mighty union that would rule all of Europe. Economic integration, including free trade and movement of residents, helped bring prosperity to the continent. But in recent years, disenchantment with the bloc has been growing from France to Greece over EU policies viewed as negatively impacting on jobs, sovereignty, security, immigration and national identity. Those views have sown deep divisions among EU members about how closely they should integrate. ÂThe EU has good reasons to celebrate its last 60 years „ or at least most of it. It promoted peace, democracy and cooperation among its members and created the worldÂs largest single market,ÂŽ said Michael Wohlgemuth, an economist and director of the Berlin oce of Open Europe, a think tank. The predecessor to the EU was set up in the wake of World War II to forge unity to prevent another con”ict on the continent. The six founding countries „ Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands „ believed that economic cooperation would make it dicult to turn to war. For more than a half-century, the EU expanded, including the addition of former communist states. Nineteen members share the euro currency. SaturdayÂs ceremony will see the blocÂs 27 remaining members endorse a new Rome declaration that emphasizes unity and solidarity. There could also be an attempt to allow wealthier and more powerful nations such as France and Germany to pursue closer economic and political integration. Eastern European countries such as Poland fear that would leave them as second-class members. Ton van den Brink, a professor of EU law at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, said the biggest challenge for the EU is to reinvent itself to ensure unity. ÂIt needs to be clear that the EU should address the issues ordinary people are concerned about,ÂŽ he said. Those issues include controls of immigration, jobs, trade, labor standards and economic regulations, now set by the EU. There was one sign Friday that senior EU ocials understand that. ÂA celebration about the past should always be about your plans for the future,ÂŽ Frans Timmermans, vice president of the European Commission, the EUÂs executive arm, said in a live video interview on Facebook. ÂGiven all the challenges we face, we need to discuss these plans with our (500 million) citizens. Europe will not be made without (them).ÂŽAs European Union turns 60, itÂs starting to feel its age APAman in Rome walks past a poster announcing a demonstration against the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Treaty of Rome. BritainÂs exit may not be last as leaders gather Saturday in Rome Kim Hjelmgaard@khjelmgaard USA TODAY u 1957: European Economic Community established by Treaty of Rome u 1973: Britain joins the European Economic Community u 1993: European Union name adopted following Maastricht Treaty; single market completed, establishing four ÂfreedomsÂŽ: of people, goods, services and capital u 1999: Euro currency is launched u 2004: Ten new members, mostly from Eastern Europe, join in largest single expansion of the EU u 2016: Britain votes to leave the EUEU TIMELINEÂThe EU has good reasons to celebrate its last 60 years „ or at least most of it.ÂŽ Michael Wohlgemuth ,an economist and director of the Berlin oce of Open Europe
Page 4 The Sun / Saturday, March 25, 2017 As authorities investigated why Khalid Masood went on a rampage in London on Wednesday, killing four people and wounding dozens with an SUV and knives before being killed himself, BritainÂs senior faith leaders gathered near Parliament on Thursday to mourn the victims and appeal for peace. Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli, representing Shiite Muslims, and Sunni Sheikh Khalifa Ezzat, head imam at the London Central Mosque, stood alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby; the chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis; and Catholic Cardinal Vincent Nichols at the event. ÂWe utterly condemn this terrorist act,ÂŽ Al-Hilli said. Police said six of the 10 people detained in connection with the attack were released without charge, The Associated Press reported Friday. JOEL FORD,AFP/GETTY IMAGES A man attends a vigil Thursday in LondonÂs Trafalgar Square for the victims of WednesdayÂs terror attack at the British parliamen t and on Westminster Bridge. Aplea for unity, peace in London JACK TAYLOR,GETTY IMAGESSheikh Mohammed Al-Hilli embraces Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster. JACK TAYLOR,GETTY IMAGESLondon Mayor Sadiq Khan was among those who left tributes to Keith Palmer, the police constable who was stabbed to death during the attack. YUI MOK,AFP/GETTY IMAGESPrince Charles meets nurses at KingÂs College Hospital, where some victims were treated. MATT DUNHAM,APCrowds gather in Trafalgar Square. A candelight vigil was held Thursday night.
The Sun /Saturday, March 25, 2017 Page 5 ELI LILLY PLEDGES $850M FOR U.S. OPERATIONS Pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and Co. said Friday it would invest $850 million in the U.S. in 2017 to expand research, manufacturing and administrative facilities and pledges to do more if Washington adopts tax reform. LATEST WIKILEAKS HACKS A LREADY FIXED, APPLE SAYS Apple said it had patched years ago any of the alleged CIA hacks to its iPhone and Macs and that it has Ânot negotiated with Wikileaks for any information.ÂŽ Leaks website WikiLeaks releasednew documents it claims are from the CIA and show the CIA had the capability to bug iPhones even if their operating systems have been deleted and replaced. POPULAR FILE-SHARING SITE PIRATE BAY BLOCKED For a second day, popular “le-sharing website Pirate Bay „ which hosts copies of movies soon after theatrical release, sometimes illegally „ remained offline Friday. ISP Cogent Communications blocked the IP addresses assigned to Pirate Bay by Cloud”are, an Internet security “rm that protects websites from distributed denial of service attacks and other security threats. Cogent took the action to comply with a court order in Spain in February that is unrelated to copyright infringement. The company had no comment. MONEYLINE U S A S NAP S H O T S Simplicity over priceSOURCE A ppDirect survey of 500 U .S. small-business information technology decision makersJ A E YA NG A ND J A NE T LOE HR KE, U S A T OD AY Wh e n buying c l o ud se rvi ces, 50%o f s mall bu s in esses s ay s impl e manag e m e n t i s valu e d t h e m ost o v e r l o w pri ce, a t 25% .INDEXCLOSECHGNasdaq composite5828.74 x 11.05 S&P 5002343.98 y 1.98 T-note, 10-year yield2.41% y 0.01 Oil, light sweet crude$47.97 x 0.27 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0808 x 0.0022 Yen per dollar110.80 y 0.27SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM DO W JO N ES IN D U S TRIAL A VG. -59. 8 620,500 20,550 20,600 20,650 20, 7 00 20, 7 50 9:30 a m .20,657 4:00 p m .20,597 FRIDAY MARKETS M O N E Y The company responsible for the Keystone XL oil pipeline said Friday that President TrumpÂs administration had signed o on the project, clearing a key hurdle for a polarizing endeavor that has rankled environmentalists and inspired hope for jobs among supporters. TransCanada, a large pipeline company based in Calgary, Alberta, with operations across the U.S. and Canada, said it had received a Presidential Permit from the U.S. Department of State to build the project. The company said it would consequently withdraw the bankruptcy claim it “led through the North American Free Trade Agreement and end its legal “ght over the constitutional nature of theObamaadministrationÂs rejection of the project in 2015. The authorization was widely expected after Trump repeatedly pledged during his campaign to expedite the project. Still, the approval is far from the last word on the project, which would involve construction of a 1,179-mile cross-border pipeline to transport oil from the province of Alberta to Nebraska. TransCanada said it must still Âengage key stakeholders and neighbors throughout Nebraska, Montana and South Dakota to obtain the necessary permits and approvals to advance this project to construction.ÂŽ WhatÂs more, oil prices have dropped considerably over the last three years, making a new pipeline less lucrative. But the Trump administrationÂs reversal of ObamaÂs rejection of the project puts the initiative a step closer to reality. Trump ocials authorized the project in two months after the Obama administration took more than six years to review it. ÂThis is a signi“cant milestone for the Keystone XL project,ÂŽ TransCanada CEO Russ Girling said in a statement. ÂWe greatly appreciate President TrumpÂs Administration for reviewing and approving this important initiative and we look forward to working with them as we continue to invest in and strengthen North AmericaÂs energy infrastructure.ÂŽ Critics have argued the oil pipeline could harm the environment and accelerate climate change. Supporters argued the U.S. needs the jobs associated with the pipelineÂs construction and criticized what they considered to be the Obama administrationÂs overreach. In January 2016, TransCanada had initiated legal proceedings that involved “ling a NAFTA claim in which it sought to claw back more than $15 billion in costs and damage following the pipelineÂs rejection.Trump issues K eystone pipeline permitTransCanada says it will abandon previous bankruptcy claim Nathan Bomey@NathanBomey USA TODAY TRANSCANADAC ri t i cs ha v e a r gued the o il pip e li ne cou l d ha rm the en vir on m ent and acce l e r ate c lim ate change. Su pp o r te r s a r gued the U.S. needs the jobs assoc i ated w i th the pip e li neÂs const r uct i on.Shares of GameStop slid almost 13% Friday after the video game retailer reported a drop in fourth-quarter sales and announced plans to close at least 150 of its 7,500 stores worldwide. GameStop faces increased competition from retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy and Walmart while more players purchase games digitally „ whether on traditional gaming consoles or on their smartphones or tablets. The video game and consumer electronics retailerÂs woes are the latest example of a brick-and-mortar retailer impacted by consumers rush to purchase products online. JCPenney will close 138 stores, and Sears Holdings will shutter 42 Sears stores and 108 Kmarts. GameStopÂs struggles were illustrated by a 13.6% drop in global sales, to $3.05 billion, from a year ago. GameStop blamed weak sales of certain blockbuster video games released during the critical holiday season and Âaggressive console promotionsÂŽ by other retailers. New hardware sales plunged 29% and new software sales dropped nearly 20%. ÂWe encountered sti headwinds as we completed the third year of the console cycle,ÂŽ GameStop CEO Paul Raines said. Larry Perkins, CEO and founder of SierraConstellation Partners, said the gaming market follows the path of other specialty retailers in moving toward more diversi“ed oerings. ÂNot only are they getting hammered by the online retailers and big boxes that have an inherent cost advantage through no retail real estate footprint or a much larger footprint that they can leverage with other products, but the movement to mobilebased games is creeping up mightily,ÂŽ Perkins said. While growth in video games shrinks, GameStop said its Technology Brands business, which includes cellphone retailers such as Spring Mobile, posted a 44% increase in sales during the fourth quarter. GameStopÂs Collectibles business, which features apparel retailer ThinkGeek, rose 28% because of strong interest in Pokmon toys and gear. This year, GameStop plans to open 65 Technology Brand stores and 35 Collectibles stores and will close 2% to 3% of its Game Stop stores, which amounts to at least 150 stores. 2011 PHOTO BY GETTY IMAGESGameStop is the latest brick-and-mortar retailer aected by consumers desire to purchase products online. Retailers including JCPenney and Sears Holdings have announced plans to shutter many brick-and-mortar locations.GAMESTOP SAYS GAME O V ER FOR 150 STORES CEO blames Âsti headwinds for 13.6% drop in global sales Brett Molina@brettmolina23 USA TODAY ÂNot on ly a r e the y gett i ng ha mm e r ed b y the on li ne r eta il e r s and b i g boxes that ha v e an i nhe r ent cost ad v antage ... but the m o v e m ent to m ob il e-based ga m es i s c r ee pi ng u p mi ght ily .ÂŽLarry Perkins ,CEO and founder of SierraConstellation Partners It could be Âgame overÂŽ for Minecraft fans who downloaded unauthorized mods (modi“cations) for their Android smartphone or tablet. Instead of “nding new content or tools to tweak the wildly popular Minecraft: Pocket Edition mobile game, more than 80 malicious apps „ disguised as Minecraft mods „ contained Trojans that bombarded users with ads or redirected them to scam websites, says ESET, a Slovakia-based cybersecurity company. Lukas Stefanko, the malware researcher who discovered the fake mods, says there have been nearly 1 million downloads of the malicious apps from the Google Play store. ÂUsers often fall for phony apps because theyÂre promising to deliver something new for a famous game like Minecraft plus many have positive „but fabricated „ ratings,ÂŽ Stefanko says in an interview with USA TODAY. Once launched, the apps displayed a screen with a download button, which didnÂt install a mod but took users to aWeb browser with ÂscarewareÂŽ messages falsely notifying users of a found virus on their device and promoting them to download a new app. Other apps displayed numerous advertisements. The company oers step-bystep instructions on how to properly remove them at Microsoft did not comment on the ESET “ndings but said in a statement, ÂCustomers should use caution when dealing with publishers who arenÂt known or reputable.ÂŽ Google had no comment. TELLTALE GAMES/MOJANGAscene from Minecraft: Story Mode, which launches later this year. Minecraft players, beware fake Âmods on Google Play Marc Saltzman@marc_saltzman Special for USA TODAY
Page 6 The Sun / Saturday, March 25, 2017 Details about the man who attacked the British Parliament on March 22, identi“ed by London police as British national Khalid Masood, are still emerging. With four victims con“rmed dead, the attack is the worst in London since the July 7, 2005, bombings on the London transport system. A day after the attack, the Islamic State media organization Amaq released a statement claiming responsibility. The statement read: ÂThe attacker yesterday in front of the British Parliament was a soldier of the Islamic state.ÂŽ The language of the statement can help us understand the nature of not just this attack, but the nature of jihadist attacks in the West. Based on 10 years of research on the topic, I have identi“ed three categories into which this attack is likely to fall.Directed attackThe “rst and least probable scenario is that the attack in London was planned and directed by individuals within the IS hierarchy. In such a situation, the attacker would be part of a wider IS network. Those types of attacks, such as the ones conducted by IS in Paris and Brussels (the anniversary of which was also on the same day as the London attack) in 2015 and 2016, respectively, are usually deadlier and more sophisticated than what we saw in London. The crude nature of the killings, in which Masood used a car as a battering ram before rushing police of“cers with a knife, suggests that this act falls into one of the two following categories.Inspired attackThis may have been a so-called ÂinspiredÂŽ attack. This refers to a terrorist act undertaken by someone with no known ties to IS or other jihadist groups. These individuals see themselves as part of the wider global jihad movement after consuming jihadist propaganda and interacting with like-minded individuals online. They plan the attack alone, with no input from a terrorist organization. The last such ÂinspiredÂŽ incident in London was the killing of British Army soldier Lee Rigby in May 2013. The attackers, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, were inspired by al-Qaida and used a similar tactic to that seen in the Parliament attack, ramming their target with a car before stabbing him repeatedly. AmaqÂs announcement is instructive when it states that the attacker was acting Âin response to calls to target citizens of coalition nations.ÂŽ This is likely a reference to the repeated announcements by IS members, most notably the groupÂs now deceased former spokesperson Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, for Western IS sympathizers to use any means at their disposal to conduct terror operations in their home nations. In addition, IS usually refers to such individuals as its ÂsoldiersÂŽ only when the group had no direct role in the attack. These inspired acts are often referred to as lonewolf attacks. While the term is widely used, recent research shows that few attacks in Europe are genuinely conducted by lone actors. For example, one study found that out of 38 IS-linked plots in Europe between 2014 and 2016, only six Âwere based on inspiration only.ÂŽ However, even then the authors of the study concede that the plotters Âusually had contacts in extremist circles, albeit not ISrelated.ÂŽ Such “ndings suggest that true lonewolf attacks are in fact much rarer than many assume.Remote-controlled attackThe “nal possible category of attack the London incident falls into is Âremote-controlled.ÂŽ This represents something of a hybrid of the two other forms of jihadist terrorism in the West. This occurs when a radicalized Westerner receives encouragement, and often direct instruction, from an IS member over the internet. These individuals, who my colleague Seamus Hughes and I refer to as Âvirtual entrepreneurs,ÂŽ in a recent report are often based in IS-held territory and have built up respected reputations within the IS online milieus. As IS has spread its in”uence over social media, and its virtual entrepreneurs have made use of a wide range of encrypted messaging apps such as Telegram, Surespot and WhatsApp, this has become one of the main ways the group plans attacks in the West. In the same study cited above, researchers found that 50 percent of the 38 IS-linked plots in Europe between 2014 and 2016 were found to have involved Âonline instruction from members of IS networks.ÂŽ This phenomenon is also apparent in the United States. My colleague and I discovered that out of 38 IS-inspired plots and attacks in the United States between March 1, 2014, and March 1, 2017, eight involved digital communication with virtual entrepreneurs. This includes the attempted shooting in Garland, Texas, in May 2015. One of the attackers, Elton Simpson, was receiving encouragement and direction via encrypted chats with Junaid Hussain, a British IS member based in Syria. Virtual entrepreneurs have also been involved in at least six other terrorism-related cases, including helping Americans intending to travel to join the Islamic State. This brings the total number of U.S. terrorism cases linked to IS virtual entrepreneurs to 14. Based on what we know so far, and after analyzing recent trends and the latest research, it is likely that the man who killed three people in London was acting either in the name of IS without any direct links, or was in possible contact with a virtual entrepreneur. Unfortunately, the only certainty is that this will not be the last such attack in the West. As IS loses ground in Iraq and Syria, it will do all it can to retain an ability to strike in the West. While their key aim is to inspire attacks like those in Paris and Brussels, they will be increasingly dif“cult to conduct. This is due both to its dwindling resources and the increasing readiness of European security agencies that will be learning from recent attacks. Lone actors, while rare, will continue to offer IS a cost-free method of attack. Meanwhile, virtual entrepreneurs will be doing all they can to help their Western contacts plot and execute mass killings from afar. Alexander MeleagrouHitchens is af“liated with the Program on Extremism at George Washington University.London attack: Terrorism expert explains three threats of jihadism in the WestBy ALEXANDER MELEAGROUHITCHENSRESEARCH DIRECTOR OF THE PROGRAM ON EXTREMISM, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY PHOTO PROVIDEDOutside the terminal at Brussels International airport following bomb attacks in Brussels metro and BelgiumÂs airport. Londoners were well-aware that the next terror attack in the UK was a matter of when, not if, as the acting deputy commissioner of the Metropolitan Police said soon after the incident at Westminster Palace on March 22. To improve LondonÂs response to terrorism, decision-makers will expect lessons to be learned from this incident. Over the coming weeks, security analysts will dissect the attack. They will try to gain insight into the attackerÂs plan, and reassess current security systems. This was a test of LondonÂs security arrangements. Even if it is considered to have been a test passed, questions will be asked. Why was Westminster Bridge not better secured? Why was the perpetrator able to leave his vehicle? Why was he able to get through the Palace of WestminsterÂs gates and walk toward the sanctuary of democracy, even if it was just for a few yards? Security analysts will presumably dismiss some of these questions but come to note that, however horri“c it was, this attack scenario was not an unexpected one. Westminster is among the most protected sites in the UK and has been considered a key target for some time. March 22 must also have been considered a high risk date, given that it marked a year to the day since a series of coordinated terrorist attacks unfolded in Brussels. Although rudimentary, the modes of attack and weapons used in the attack were expected, too. They are similar to those seen in the attacks in Nice and Berlin, and the Louvre knife attack in Paris. The Âcrime scriptÂŽ of the attacker was equally unsophisticated: drive onto Westminster Bridge pavement, run over pedestrians and cyclists, crash car into railings, take two knives, walk to the palaceÂs Carriage Gates, walk toward the palace, stab police of“cer.Reviewing security measuresAlongside the deaths and injuries caused by the attacker, this incident meant the prime minister had to be evacuated from the area, parliament was put on lockdown and parliamentary business was adjourned in both London and Edinburgh. Some may feel that more should be done to reduce the consequences of attacks of this kind in the future. Others may argue that they cannot always be prevented and that the policeÂs intervention was both rapid and effective (and that the solutions to the weaknesses are to be sought elsewhere). And indeed, given the nature of this attack, itÂs dif“cult to see how to prevent a repeat event without changing the face of London. Westminster Bridge has been considered a dangerous place since as early as the 19th century. Deaths and injuries caused by horse carriages were so frequent at the northern end of the bridge at that time that the authorities introduced the “rst (road) traf“c light in the world there. In the same way, this attack may stimulate the creation of innovative, affordable and non-intrusive physical protection systems. In the meantime, though, protective bollards remain a credible option to protect public spaces. The wider installation of bollards (including automated retractable ones) was mentioned following the Nice attack on Bastille Day. It was also mooted in a 2016 review of LondonÂs preparedness to respond to a major terrorist incident and is considered a serious option against run-over attacks. However, these proposals remain controversial. Many people oppose the securitisation of public spaces so the question of Âhow much is too much?ÂŽ is always hanging in the air. To answer it, policymakers will need to examine the deeply troubling question at the heart of terrorism risk management: if attacks by lone actors cannot be prevented, when is the damage so high that new measures should be introduced in our streets? Herv Borrion receives funding from EPSRC, and the EU for the PRIME project (Preventing, Interdicting and Mitigating Extremism). Kartikeya Tripathi has received funding from Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and University College London (UCL) in the UK.Westminster attack: The questions security professionals will be askingBy HERV BORRIONSENIOR LECTURER IN SECURITY AND CRIME SCIENCE, UCLand KARTIKEYA TRIPATHITEACHING FELLOW, SECURITY AND CRIME SCIENCE, UCL PHOTO PROVIDEDPolice secure Parliament Square.
The Sun /Saturday, March 25, 2017 Page 7 ABSmCpGrA m 45.15 -.82 +28.2AMGYacktmanFocedS d 21.24 -.12 +16.3 YacktmanI d 22.75 -.14 +14.7AberdeenIntlSmCpA m 26.87 +.02 +14.0AkreFocRetail m 26.22 -.28 +14.4AlgerSmCpGrB m 5.42 -.14 +26.0AlpinedynDivInstl d 3.80 -.05 +17.8AmanaMutGrInv b 32.78 -.37 +17.2 MutIncInv b 47.19 -.61 +12.6American CenturyCptlValInv 8.99 -.18 +20.0 HYMuniInv 9.34 +.06 +1.0 HeritageInv 21.40 -.34 +14.7 IntTrmTxFrBdInv 11.18 +.05 -.3American FundsAMCpA m 28.61 -.47 +15.4 AmrcnBalA m 25.61 -.15 +11.5 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.31 -.04 +15.5 AmrcnMutA m 38.21 -.42 +16.0 BdfAmrcA m 12.79 +.07 +1.6 CptWldGrIncA m 46.77 -.29 +15.5 CptlIncBldrA m 59.67 -.16 +9.0 EuroPacGrA m 49.26 +.08 +14.4 FdmtlInvsA m 57.19 -.78 +19.2 GlbBalA x 30.54 -.15 +8.6 GrfAmrcA m 44.89 -.69 +20.5 IncAmrcA m 22.18 -.13 +12.0 InvCAmrcA m 37.89 -.51 +17.9 NewWldA m 56.79 +.06 +16.5 NwPrspctvA m 38.49 -.21 +15.6 SmCpWldA m 49.36 -.44 +19.6 TheNewEcoA m 39.53 -.34 +18.1 WAMtInvsA m 42.31 -.63 +16.7BairdAggrgateBdInstl 10.76 +.06 +2.1 CorPlusBdInstl 11.10 +.06 +3.3BaronAsstRetail b 63.38 -.80 +21.0 GrRetail b 64.84 -.49 +19.2 PtnrsRetail b 40.71 -.70 +22.2BerkshireFoc d 20.26 -.03 +23.2BlackRockAlCpEngyRsInvA m 10.36 -.20 +11.2 EqDivInstl 23.12 -.46 +19.4 GlbAllcIncInstl 19.03 -.06 +10.0 GlbAllcIncInvA m 18.91 -.07 +9.6 GlbAllcIncInvC m 17.19 -.06 +8.9 HYBdSvc b 7.67 -.03 +14.0 StrIncOppsIns 9.90 -.02 +5.8 TactOppsInvA m 13.44 +.07 +1.6BruceBruce 504.54 +2.14 +6.9CGMFoc 45.23 -1.45 +28.6ClipperClipper 110.35 -2.64 +23.4DFAEmMktsCorEqIns 19.86 +.08 +22.8 EmMktsValInstl 27.51 +.06 +29.8 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.94 +.03 +.8 IntlCorEqIns 12.51 -.03 +16.3 IntlSmCoInstl 18.69 -.01 +16.4 IntlSmCpValIns 20.46 -.08 +19.1 USCorEq1Instl 20.01 -.37 +19.3 USCorEqIIInstl 19.10 -.41 +19.8 USLgCpValInstl 35.88 -.78 +22.4 USSmCpInstl 33.35 -1.01 +22.8 USSmCpValInstl 35.81 -1.34 +23.4Delaware InvestmentsStrategicIncA m 8.23 +.01 +1.5 ValInstl 20.09 -.41 +16.8DeutscheCorEqA m 24.71 -.48 +17.5 CorEqS 24.96 -.49 +17.9 GNMAS 13.77 ... +.6Dodge & CoxBal 106.23 -1.56 +20.3 Inc 13.74 +.05 +5.0 IntlStk 41.48 -.31 +25.0 Stk 190.88 -4.61 +27.9DoubleLineTtlRetBdI 10.66 +.05 +1.7 TtlRetBdN b 10.65 +.04 +1.4DreyfusMidCpIdxInvs 35.80 -.81 +21.2 MnBd 11.56 +.06 -.1 NYTxExBd 14.65 +.07 +.2 OppcSmCpInv 34.89 -1.13 +30.6 ShrtTrmIncD 10.34 +.02 +1.2Eaton VanceDivBldrA m 13.89 -.19 +11.9 TxMgdSmCpB m 21.05 -.62 +21.5FMICommonStk 26.58 -.58 +18.1 LgCp 20.66 -.33 +16.4FPACptl d 35.53 -.61 +16.3 Crescent d 33.51 -.44 +14.3FederatedHiIncBdA f 7.52 -.03 +12.7 IntlSmMidCoA m 34.24 +.11 +6.7 KaufmannA m 5.32 -.05 +25.8 MDTMidCpGrB m 28.19 -.48 +17.5Fidelity500IdxInstl 82.41 -1.20 +17.6 500IdxInstlPrm 82.42 -1.19 +17.6 500IdxPremium 82.41 -1.19 +17.6 AdvLgCpA m 31.21 -.59 +23.2 AdvLtdTrmBdA m 11.44 +.01 +1.5 AdvNewInsightsI 28.64 -.42 +17.1 Bal 23.02 -.16 +13.0 BlueChipGr 74.06 -.71 +19.2 Canada d 49.19 -.28 +13.2 Contrafund 106.57 -1.48 +16.1 ContrafundK 106.51 -1.48 +16.2 CptlInc d 9.95 -.06 +14.5 DivGr 33.49 -.57 +13.4 DiversIntl 35.90 ... +8.8 EmMkts d 25.45 +.20 +17.6 EmergAsia d 35.44 +.25 +19.9 ExtndMktIdxPr 56.95 -1.34 +23.3 Fidelity 43.05 -.81 +13.3 FocedStk 19.46 -.45 +11.6 FourinOneIdx 40.05 -.36 +14.7 Frdm2020 15.64 -.06 +12.5 Frdm2030 16.63 -.12 +15.6 FrdmK2020 14.56 -.06 +12.6 FrdmK2025 15.26 -.08 +13.5 FrdmK2030 15.68 -.11 +15.8 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn Mutual Funds Interest ratesThe yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.41 percent Friday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans. NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG AGO 4.00 3.50 3.50 .88 .38 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill .76 .76 ... .28 6-month T-bill .89 .89 ... .45 52-wk T-bill .96 .96 ... .61 2-year T-note 1.26 1.27 -0.01 .87 5-year T-note 1.95 1.96 -0.01 1.39 10-year T-note 2.41 2.42 -0.01 1.91 30-year T-bond 3.02 3.03 -0.01 2.67 NET 1YR BONDS YEST PVS CHG AGOAP Muni Bond Idx 2.63 2.65 -0.02 ... Barclays Glob Agg Bd 1.66 1.65 +0.01 ... Barclays USAggregate 2.63 2.62 +0.01 2.28 Barclays US Corp 3.35 3.33 +0.02 3.32 Barclays US High Yield 6.11 6.13 -0.02 8.14 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.97 3.96 +0.01 3.74 10-Yr. TIPS .43 .50 -0.07 .31Commodities The price of U.S. crude oil rose Friday. Wholesale gasoline, heating oil and natural gas also rose. Among metals, gold and silver posted gains. Copper fell.Crude Oil (bbl) 47.97 47.70 +0.57 -10.7 Ethanol (gal) 1.56 1.54 +0.26 -2.8 Heating Oil (gal) 1.50 1.49 +0.50 -12.1 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.08 3.05 +0.82 -17.4 Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.60 1.59 +0.96 -3.6 FUELS CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 1248.20 1246.90 +0.10 +8.5 Silver (oz) 17.72 17.56 +0.89 +11.2 Platinum (oz) 967.90 963.80 +0.43 +7.4 Copper (lb) 2.62 2.64 -0.49 +5.1 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD Cattle (lb) 1.22 1.22 +0.27 +2.6 Coffee (lb) 1.38 1.41 -2.06 +0.4 Corn (bu) 3.56 3.57 -0.14 +1.2 Cotton (lb) 0.77 0.77 +0.26 +9.7 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 376.60 376.70 -0.03 +19.0 Orange Juice (lb) 1.80 1.85 -2.59 -9.0 Soybeans (bu) 9.76 9.91 -1.54 -2.1 Wheat (bu) 4.25 4.21 +0.89 +4.1 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD USD per British Pound 1.2500 -.0015 -.12% 1.4163 Canadian Dollar 1.3381 +.0041 +.31% 1.3248 USD per Euro 1.0808 +.0022 +.20% 1.1177 Japanese Yen 110.80 -.27 -.24% 112.81 Mexican Peso 18.8011 -.1324 -.70% 17.6308 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG %CHG AGO Israeli Shekel 3.6351 -.0147 -.40% 3.8325 Norwegian Krone 8.4772 -.0153 -.18% 8.4903 South African Rand 12.4361 -.0121 -.10% 15.5005 Swedish Krona 8.8108 -.0220 -.25% 8.2968 Swiss Franc .9904 -.0027 -.27% .9755 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Australian Dollar 1.3110 +.0009 +.07% 1.3287 Chinese Yuan 6.8882 +.0009 +.01% 6.5133 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7667 -.0005 -.01% 7.7595 Indian Rupee 65.362 -.070 -.11% 66.924 Singapore Dollar 1.3971 -.0025 -.18% 1.3693 South Korean Won 1113.96 -6.80 -.61% 1168.84 Taiwan Dollar 30.48 -.00 -.00% 32.55 ASIA/PACIFICForeign Exchange The dollar lost ground Friday to several currencies, including the yen, euro, Swiss franc and Mexican peso. The U.S. currency strengthened versus the pound and Canadian dollar.YEST6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO FrdmK2035 16.32 -.14 +17.3 FrdmK2040 16.35 -.14 +17.3 GNMA 11.39 +.03 +.6 GrCo 149.32 -1.53 +25.5 GrCoK 149.19 -1.53 +25.6 Independence 35.32 -.63 +13.7 IntlRlEstt d 10.03 -.02 +4.5 InvmGradeBd 11.15 +.06 +3.0 InvmGradeBdF 11.15 +.05 +3.1 JapanSmlrCo d 15.87 +.08 +15.9 LatinAmerica d 21.68 +.07 +28.1 LowPricedStk 51.00 -.65 +12.7 LowPricedStkK 50.96 -.65 +12.8 LvrgdCoStk 35.17 -.62 +18.2 Magellan 95.83 -1.84 +14.5 MegaCpStk 17.93 -.34 +19.3 MidCpVal 25.49 -.31 +16.7 NYMuniInc 13.06 +.06 ... NewMillennium 37.22 -.77 +19.8 Nordic d 46.33 -.10 +.7 OTC 92.29 -.91 +27.9 Overseas 42.84 +.09 +11.7 Puritan 21.52 -.22 +12.0 SelEngy 42.16 -1.04 +17.7 SelGold 21.22 +.45 +19.0 SelHCSvcs d 88.04 -1.89 +12.6 SelLeisure d 143.71 +.60 +11.3 SelMaterials 80.67 -1.48 +19.4 SelMdclEqpndSys 41.92 -.12 +30.2 SelNatrlGas d 26.09 -.61 +27.4 SelNatrlRes d 27.99 -.63 +16.7 SelPhrmctcls 18.09 -.09 +1.5 SelSemicons d 103.63 -.18 +44.8 SelWireless d 9.39 -.01 +22.1 SmCpGr d 21.92 -.52 +29.1 TtlBd 10.57 +.04 +4.4 TtlMktIdxPrm 67.56 -1.09 +18.6 TxFrBd 11.29 +.07 +.2 USBdIdxInstlPrm 11.51 +.06 +.8 ValDiscv 26.81 -.42 +17.2First EagleGlbA m 57.12 -.24 +13.9First InvestorsGlbA m 7.83 -.09 +13.3 TtlRetA m 19.17 -.20 +9.0FirsthandTechOpps 7.32 +.03 +32.3Franklin TempletonCATxFrIncA m 7.36 +.04 +.9 EqIncA m 23.29 -.35 +14.7 FdrTFIncA m 12.00 +.04 +.5 FloridaTFIncA m 10.82 +.02 +.9 GlbBdA m 12.37 -.01 +10.8 GlbBdAdv 12.32 -.01 +11.2 GlbBdC m 12.40 -.01 +10.5 Gr,IncA m 24.85 -.27 +18.7 GrA m 82.33 -.97 +18.0 GrOppsA m 33.65 -.38 +14.4 IncA m 2.34 -.01 +17.6 IncAdv 2.32 -.01 +17.9 IncC m 2.37 -.01 +17.3 MutGlbDiscvA m 31.65 -.36 +19.6 RisingDivsA m 54.74 -.88 +15.2 TtlRetA m 9.68 +.05 +2.4 UtlsC m 18.69 +.22 +11.0GERSPUSEq 52.46 -.86 +19.7GabelliAsstAAA m 55.74 -.76 +15.3 EqIncAAA m 24.90 -.40 +14.0 Val25A m 15.50 -.21 +16.7GlenmedeSmCpEqAdv 29.08 -.96 +21.5Goldman SachsShrtDurGovtA m 9.98 +.01 +.6HarborCptlApprecInstl 62.02 -.54 +16.5 IntlInstl 63.12 -.02 +10.1HartfordSmCoB m 13.03 -.28 +20.3HeartlandValPlusInv m 28.99 -1.17 +24.9HennessyCrnrstnGrInv b 19.97 -.55 +6.6HodgesRetail m 45.41 -1.24 +29.6INVESCODivIncInv b 24.09 -.21 +11.6 EngyA m 24.71 -.52 +6.8 EngyInv b 24.61 -.52 +6.9 EqandIncA m 10.68 -.17 +18.5 EuropeanGrA m 35.29 +.07 +6.7 GlbGrB m 27.23 -.11 +9.5 GrAllcA m 14.67 -.11 +13.0 PacGrB m 25.00 +.12 +13.1 QualIncA m 12.05 +.03 +1.2 SmCpEqA m 14.39 -.35 +14.8 TechInv b 37.86 -.45 +23.8IntechUSCorT 19.27 -.22 +14.7IvyAsstStratB m 20.44 -.17 +2.5JPMorganCorBdR6 11.55 +.06 +1.1 CorBdSel 11.54 +.06 +1.0 InvCnsrvGrA m 12.58 -.03 +7.0 MidCpValL 37.47 -.61 +15.4JanusBalC m 30.21 -.34 +10.2 ContrarianT 19.64 -.29 +16.1 EntprT 100.16 -1.52 +18.6 FlexBdS b 10.30 +.04 +1.3 GlbLifeSciT 50.07 -.46 +15.0 HYT 8.44 -.02 +12.0 OverseasT 28.02 +.11 +15.9 RsrchT 43.10 -.59 +14.2 ShrtTrmBdT 3.02 ... +1.2 T 36.36 -.52 +13.3 VentureT 68.00 -1.56 +20.7John HancockMltmgrLsBal1 b 14.82 -.08 +12.4 MltmgrLsGr1 b 15.45 -.13 +14.7LazardEMEqInstl 17.93 +.08 +27.5Litman GregoryMtrsIntlInstl 15.92 -.01 +9.0Lord AbbettShrtDurIncA m 4.30 ... +3.7 ShrtDurIncF b 4.30 +.01 +3.8MFSMAInvsTrustB m 28.90 -.52 +17.3 ValI 37.80 -.73 +17.7MainStayHYCorpBdA m 5.76 -.01 +14.5Mairs & PowerGrInv 118.91 -2.05 +14.0Manning & NapierPrBlndCnsrvTrmS 13.50 -.02 +6.4 PrBlndMaxTrmS 19.47 -.15 +12.5Marsico21stCentury b 23.34 -.25 +15.8 FlexCptl b 14.54 -.11 +9.4MatthewsAsianGrIncInv 16.36 +.08 +7.8MeridianGrLegacy d 37.18 -.82 +23.4Metropolitan WestTtlRetBdI 10.57 +.06 +1.5 TtlRetBdM b 10.57 +.05 +1.1 TtlRetBdPlan 9.94 +.04 +1.4Midas FundsMidas m 1.25 ... +26.3 MidasMagic m 16.68 -.43 +13.7NeedhamGrRetail m 43.61 -.61 +13.1Neuberger BermanSmCpGrInv 29.86 -.56 +31.5NicholasNicholas 64.99 -.97 +10.4Northeast InvestorsGr 15.89 -.26 +13.9NuveenNYMnBdI 10.88 +.05 +.8Oak AssociatesEmergTech 4.82 -.03 +27.2 LiveOakHlthSci 19.42 -.30 +10.9 PinOakEq 59.87 -1.23 +26.2 RedOakTechSel 21.73 -.26 +33.2OakmarkEqAndIncInv 31.41 -.53 +14.6 GlbInv 30.10 -.51 +23.2 IntlInv 24.76 -.10 +24.6 Inv 74.53 -1.71 +24.0 SelInv 43.45 -1.42 +24.8Old WestburyLgCpStrats 13.57 -.12 +12.3OppenheimerDevelopingMktsY 35.55 +.23 +17.5 GlbStrIncA m 3.91 ... +6.9 IntlGrY 37.13 +.07 +6.9PIMCOAlAstInstl 11.68 +.04 +14.3 IncD b 12.22 +.03 +9.5 IncInstl 12.22 +.03 +9.9 IncP 12.22 +.03 +9.8 TtlRetIns 10.11 +.04 +2.9PRIMECAP OdysseyGr 30.91 -.16 +24.4ParnassusCorEqInv 40.64 -.62 +12.6PaxBalIndvInv b 22.99 -.19 +9.2PerkinsGlbValT 13.90 -.06 +9.5 MidCpValL 17.36 -.32 +20.5 MidCpValT 17.00 -.32 +19.9 SmCpValL 22.66 -.67 +23.8PioneerA m 30.39 -.59 +15.6PrincipalSAMgCnsGA m 17.35 -.16 +12.9PrudentialJsnBlndA m 19.63 -.35 +18.6 JsnUtilityA x 13.71 +.06 +12.8 QMAIntlEqC m 6.60 ... +14.6 QMASmCpValZ 20.82 -.78 +29.7 TtlRetBdZ 14.22 +.09 +4.0PutnamGlbUtlsB m 12.31 +.17 +2.8 IntlGrB m 16.51 -.01 +6.8 SmCpValA m 17.26 -.45 +29.9RainierMidCpEqOriginal b 37.63 -.71 +13.0ReynoldsBlueChipGr b 51.54 -.72 +7.9RoyceSmCpValSvc m 9.61 -.21 +9.0RydexElectronicsInv 109.02 -.45 +36.9 HCH b 24.56 -.34 +10.9 NASDAQ100Inv 30.27 -.26 +21.8SchwabHC 23.34 -.24 +11.5 SP500Idx 36.21 -.52 +17.5SentinelCommonStkA m 42.74 -.73 +17.8State FarmGr 73.60 -.85 +16.3Sterling CapitalStrtonSmCpVlIns 81.73 -2.77 +25.7T. Rowe PriceBal 23.04 -.12 +11.9 BlueChipGr 79.13 -1.05 +18.0 CorpInc 9.49 +.05 +3.7 CptlAprc 27.49 -.19 +12.3 EMStk d 35.87 +.13 +22.9 EqIdx500 d 63.19 -.91 +17.3 EqInc 32.22 -.57 +19.8 FinclSvcs 24.92 -.92 +30.0 GNMA 9.27 +.02 +.8 GlbTech 15.39 -.12 +32.3 GrStk 58.40 -.60 +19.0 HlthSci 65.19 -1.16 +14.1 InsLgCpGr 31.90 -.42 +21.1 IntlEqIdx d 12.66 -.01 +14.2 IntlStk d 16.83 +.02 +15.1 IntlValEq d 13.73 +.02 +11.0 MdCpGr 80.64 -1.06 +16.7 MdCpVal 29.52 -.46 +20.9 MediaTeleCms 82.46 +.01 +22.9 NJTFBd 11.86 +.06 +.4 NewAmericaGr 44.33 -.40 +19.7 NewAsia d 17.36 +.15 +18.3 NewHorizons 47.00 -.75 +26.0 NewInc 9.39 +.04 +1.2 OverseasStk d 9.80 -.02 +15.1 RlEstt d 28.06 -.07 +3.3 Rtr2020 21.32 -.10 +11.7 Rtr2025 16.27 -.09 +12.8 Rtr2030 23.76 -.15 +13.9 Rtr2035 17.25 -.12 +14.7 Rtr2040 24.65 -.19 +15.5 SciandTech 41.52 -.26 +31.4 SpectrumGr 22.38 -.22 +17.2 SpectrumInc 12.53 +.01 +6.7 SummitMnInc 11.70 +.05 +.1 TFShrtInterm 5.57 +.01 -.1 TxEfficientEq d 24.76 -.33 +15.9 Val 35.12 -.55 +16.2TIAA-CREFEqIdxIns 17.37 -.27 +18.6Third AvenueValIns d 52.32 -1.01 +19.0ThompsonBd 11.41 ... +12.2 LgCp 59.21 -1.01 +24.0ThornburgInvmIncBldrA m 20.44 -.15 +12.9ThriventIncA m 9.06 +.04 +4.3TocquevilleGold m 37.31 +.59 +21.2TransamericaAsAlGrC m 14.36 -.14 +14.4 AsAlModC m 11.94 -.05 +8.7TurnerSmCpGr 12.80 -.30 +17.1U.S. Global InvestorGlbRes m 5.42 -.10 +12.5 GoldPrcMtls m 7.65 -.28 +17.6USAACrnrstnMod 14.71 -.01 +9.5 GrInc 22.90 -.45 +20.1 GvtSec 9.78 +.03 +.1 HiInc d 8.18 -.02 +17.8 PrcMtlsMnral 13.43 +.13 +19.1 SciTech 23.75 -.20 +22.7 TELngTrm 13.24 +.06 +.6 TrgtRet2040 13.43 -.07 +15.2 TrgtRet2050 13.41 -.10 +15.5 WldGr 29.26 -.19 +14.9Value LinePremGr b 30.72 -.43 +13.3Vanguard500IdxAdmrl 216.28 -4.14 +17.6 500IdxInv 216.28 -4.10 +17.5 BalIdxAdmrl 32.09 -.23 +11.3 CAIntTrmTEAdmrl 11.61 +.06 ... CnvrtSecInv 12.97 -.05 +12.0 CptlOppAdmrl 133.39 -1.02 +24.9 CptlOppInv 57.78 -.44 +24.8 DevMIdxAdmrl 12.57 -.06 +14.5 DivGrInv 24.70 -.33 +11.4 EMStkIdxAdmrl 33.29 +.06 +21.7 EqIncAdmrl 71.17 -.85 +16.6 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 74.36 -1.97 +23.4 ExtMktIdxIns 74.35 -1.98 +23.4 ExtMktIdxInsPls 183.49 -4.88 +23.4 FAWexUSIIns 94.06 -.31 +16.1 FAWexUSIdxInv 18.83 -.06 +16.0 GNMAAdmrl 10.50 +.04 +.7 GlbEqInv 26.54 -.20 +16.5 GrIdxAdmrl 62.00 -.81 +16.7 GrIdxIns 62.00 -.81 +16.7 GrandIncInv 43.14 -.68 +16.5 HCAdmrl 85.81 -.68 +10.8 HCInv 203.44 -1.60 +10.7 HYCorpAdmrl 5.83 -.02 +10.4 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 11.30 +.06 +.8 InTrInvGrdAdmrl 9.69 +.04 +2.4 InTrTEAdmrl 13.97 +.07 +.2 InPrtScAdmrl 25.79 +.14 +2.6 InsIdxIns 214.40 -3.10 +17.6 InsIdxInsPlus 214.43 -3.10 +17.6 InsTtlSMIInPls 52.70 -.85 +18.6 IntlGrAdmrl 75.67 +.34 +19.4 IntlValInv 34.25 -.03 +15.3 LTInvmGrdAdmrl 10.11 +.12 +3.4 LfStrGrInv 30.32 -.20 +14.1 LfStrModGrInv 25.09 -.09 +10.7 LgCpIdxInv 43.30 -.83 +17.7 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 10.91 +.02 +.4 MdCpGrIdxInv 44.01 -.61 +15.2 MdCpIdxAdmrl 171.01 -2.62 +17.7 MdCpIdxIns 37.78 -.58 +17.7 MdCpIdxInsPlus 186.32 -2.85 +17.7 PrmCpAdmrl 116.85 -1.10 +22.8 REITIdxAdmrl 116.10 -.71 +5.8 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.44 +.02 +.7 STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.66 +.02 +2.3 STInvmGrdIns 10.66 +.02 +2.3 STTEAdmrl 15.77 +.01 +.7 SeledValInv 29.90 -.52 +21.6 SmCpIdxAdmrl 62.59 -1.69 +22.3 SmCpIdxIns 62.59 -1.69 +22.3 SmCpValIdxAdmrl 51.68 -1.61 +23.1 SmCpValIdxIns 28.89 -.90 +23.1 StarInv 24.77 -.11 +12.2 StrEqInv 32.62 -.82 +21.1 TrgtRtr2015Inv 14.95 -.03 +8.5 TrgtRtr2020Inv 29.30 -.10 +10.3 TrgtRtr2025Inv 17.02 -.08 +11.6 TrgtRtr2030Inv 30.54 -.17 +12.8 TrgtRtr2035Inv 18.63 -.12 +14.1 TrgtRtr2040Inv 31.85 -.25 +15.4 TrgtRtr2045Inv 19.95 -.16 +15.8 TrgtRtr2050Inv 32.09 -.26 +15.8 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.08 ... +5.9 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.67 +.05 +.9 TtBMIdxIns 10.67 +.05 +.9 TtBMIdxInsPlus 10.67 +.05 +.9 TtInBIdxAdmrl 21.57 +.08 +1.2 TtInBIdxIns 32.38 +.13 +1.2 TtInBIdxInv 10.79 +.04 +1.2 TtInSIdxAdmrl 26.62 -.09 +15.9 TtInSIdxIns 106.45 -.36 +15.9 TtInSIdxInsPlus 106.47 -.36 +15.9 TtInSIdxInv 15.92 -.05 +15.8 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 58.46 -1.20 +18.6 TtlSMIdxIns 58.47 -1.20 +18.6 TtlSMIdxInv 58.44 -1.19 +18.5 ValIdxAdmrl 36.93 -.93 +18.9 WlngtnAdmrl 69.49 -.60 +13.3 WlngtnInv 40.23 -.35 +13.1 WlslyIncAdmrl 62.98 +.01 +7.2 WlslyIncInv 25.99 ... +7.1 WndsrAdmrl 72.45 -1.36 +21.7 WndsrIIAdmrl 64.62 -1.26 +18.5 WndsrIIInv 36.41 -.72 +18.4VictorySpecValA m 22.89 -.41 +9.7WasatchLgCpValInv d 9.58 -.14 +18.5Wells FargoDJTrgt2010Adm 12.55 +.02 +2.4Western AssetCorPlusBdI 11.55 +.07 +4.3 WAMngdMuniA 16.17 +.06 +.1Wintergreen FundInv m 16.16 ... +15.0 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn Mutual Fund Footnotes: b Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f front load (sales charges). m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA not available. p previous days net asset value. s fund split shares during the week. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Source : Morningstar and the Associated Press.(Previous and change gures reect current contract.) FLORIDA REPORT ALMANACToday is Saturday, March 25 the 84th day of 2017. There are 281 days left in the year. Today in historyOn March 25, 1947 a coaldust explosion inside the Centralia Coal Co. Mine No. 5 in Washington County, Illinois, claimed 111 lives; 31 men survived. On this dateIn 1776 Gen. George Washington, commander of the Continental Army, was awarded the first Congressional Gold Medal by the Continental Congress. In 1965 the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. led 25,000 people to the Alabama state capitol in Montgomery after a five-day march from Selma to protest the denial of voting rights to blacks. Later that day, civil rights activist Viola Liuzzo, a white Detroit homemaker, was shot and killed by Ku Klux Klansmen. In 1987 the Supreme Court, in Johnson v. Transportation Agency, ruled 6-3 that an employer could promote a woman over an arguably more-qualified man to help get women into higher-ranking jobs. In 1996 an 81-day standoff by the anti-government Freemen began at a ranch near Jordan, Montana. One year ago: A suicide bomber believed to be a teenager blew himself up in a soccer stadium south of the Iraqi capital, killing 29 people and wounding 60. The Rolling Stones unleashed two hours of thundering rock and roll on an ecstatic crowd of hundreds of thousands of Cubans and foreign visitors in Havana; the free concert came two days after President Barack Obama concluded his historic visit to Cuba. TodayÂs birthdaysMovie reviewer Gene Shalit is 91. Former astronaut James Lovell is 89. Feminist activist and author Gloria Steinem is 83. Singer Anita Bryant is 77. Singer Aretha Franklin is 75. Actor Paul Michael Glaser is 74. Singer Elton John is 70. Actress Sarah Jessica Parker is 52. Auto racer Danica Patrick is 35. | HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE STATEST. AUGUSTINE (AP) „ A 17-year-old boy has been convicted in the fatal shooting of a store clerk in northeast Florida. The St. Augustine Record reports that jurors found the teen guilty Thursday of first-degree murder, robbery with a firearm and aggravated assault. The teen faces life in prison at his May sentencing. The teen was 15 years old in May 2015 when authorities say he killed 29-year-old Malav Desai at Tobacco and Beverage Express in St. Augustine. The jurors heard from more than 20 witnesses and watched a surveillance video that captured the shooting by a masked assailant. PEMBROKE PINES (AP) „ Officials have closed a Florida 911 call center after a foul odor sickened seven employees. Crews from Pembroke Pines Fire Rescue treated the employees Tuesday afternoon and took two of them to the hospital. ST. PETERSBURG (AP) „ The U.S. Coast Guard is asking for the publicÂs help in identifying hoax callers in southwest Florida. Charles ÂMartyÂŽ Russell, the agencyÂs agent-in-charge of the St. Petersburg of“ce, said in a news release Friday that over the past year theyÂve received a steady stream of radio calls along FloridaÂs west coast. The calls were made on VHFFM marine band channel 16, which is designated only for hailing and distress calls. Russell says the agency immediately responds when it receives a distress call Âputting our crews at risk, and risking the lives of boaters who may legitimately need our SARASOTA (AP) „ Police say three Florida middle school students face charges after they were found with a .38-caliber revolver on a school bus. Sarasota police tell local news outlets that the gun was found after school on Thursday. No students were injured. According to police, on student is 13-years-old and the other two are 14. Detectives questioned the students after the gun was discovered. The students attend Booker Middle School in Sarasota, which is on FloridaÂs west coast. No further details were immediately available. CAPE CANAVERAL (AP) „ Astronauts have ventured out on a spacewalk to prep the International Space Station for a new parking spot. NASAÂs Shane Kimbrough and FranceÂs Thomas Pesquet floated out the hatch Friday morning. Their main job 250 miles up involves disconnecting an old docking port. This port needs to be moved, in order to make room for a docking device compatible with future commercial crew capsules. The new port „ the second of two „ will fly up late this year or early next. If all goes well, flight controllers in Houston will relocate the old docking port Sunday. BARTOW (AP) „ A Lakeland man accused of gunning down the owner of a body shop has been HIGHLAND NEWS_ SUN, SEBRING „ State Representative Cary Pigman, R-Avon Park, faces a driving under the in”uence charge after an arrest early Friday morning at the Fort Pierce Service Plaza on FloridaÂs Turnpike in Port St. Lucie. In two breath tests taken approximately three hours after the traf“c stop, his blood alcohol levels were 0.140 and 0.150, according to a Florida Highway Patrol report. Troopers also noted, in the report, that they saw an open wine bottle in the front passenger seat. During “eld sobriety tests just prior to midnight, reports said he did not follow instructions, could not remember them or failed to perform the tests. At one point during the Âwalk and turnÂŽ exercise, reports said, he almost fell and had to be steadied by a trooper holding his arm. Pigman, an emergency room doctor in Highlands County, was “rst elected to represent District 55 of the Florida House of Representatives in 2012 and has been re-elected subsequently.Jury finds 17-year-old guilty of murder for clerkÂs killing Florida 911 call center closes after odor sickens employees Coast Guard seeks help in solving hoax distress calls Police: Three middle school students found with gun on bus Spacewalking astronauts prep station for new parking spot Man gets 12 years for fatal robbery Rep. Pigman charged with DUI PIGMANsentenced to 12 years in prison. The Ledger reports that a 24-year-old man, who was 16 at the time of the shooting, pleaded no contest this week to manslaughter. He had been facing a “rst-degree murder charge. Ernest Allen Jr. was found dead in the body shop he operated from his home in December 2008. Police eventually identi“ed two teens as the suspects, with robbery as the motive. Another man, who was 15 at the time of the shooting, was acquitted by a jury last fall. Then next Thursday, the crew will conduct another spacewalk to secure the unit. NASA wants to cram in two or three spacewalks before Kimbrough returns to Earth on April 10. help.ÂŽ Penalties for making a false distress call can include six years in prison, a $250,000 criminal “ne, a $5,000 civil “ne and restitution to the Coast Guard and other agencies. AP PHOTOA U.S. Coast Guard boat o the coast of Florida.Division fire chief Ruben Troncoso says some of the dispatchers were complaining of an allergic reaction. Brett Bayag of Broward CountyÂs Regional Communications and Technology office tells the SunSentinel that 911 calls are being handled in the agengyÂs two other call centers for now. He says a company was brought in on Wednesday to test the environment inside the center. Troncoso says a preliminary report on Thursday indicated all air-quality tests were negative.
Page 8 The Sun / Saturday, March 25, 2017 5.94 2.92 Groupon ... dd 3.99 -.09 +20.2 33.18 20.65 GuangRy .62e ... 32.16 +.06 +6.1 40.43 27 .61 HCP Inc 1.48 11 30.61 +.49 +3.0 17 .81 11.31 HP Inc .53f 11 17 .23 -.33 +16.1 44.18 28.62 HSBC 1.50e ... 40.56 -.35 +0.9 4.90 1.20 HTG Mol h ... dd 9.65 +7 .59 +330.8 56.99 32.87 HainCels lf ... 19 37 .00 -.36 -5.2 58.78 33.26 Hallibrtn .72 dd 49.41 -1.37 -8.7 30.42 18.91 Hanesbds s .60f 12 20.42 +.14 -5.3 92.78 74.06 HanoverIns 2.00 22 88.97 -2.10 -2.2 63.40 41.63 HarleyD 1.45f 16 60.20 -2.05 +3.2 6.18 2.51 Harmonic ... dd 5.90 +.05 +18.0 4.87 1.86 HarmonyG ... ... 2.40 +.13 +8.6 15.25 5.00 Harsco .20m 51 12.25 -.20 -9.9 50.26 38.92 HartfdFn .92 15 47 .33 -1.45 -0.7 34.98 28.31 HawaiiEl 1.24 19 33.68 +.38 +1.8 43.91 34.80 HlthCSvc .75f 40 42.40 -1.40 +8.2 7 .64 2.64 HeclaM .01e 27 5.06 +.02 -3.4 117 .79 87 .92 Hershey 2.47 26 107 .98 -1.03 +4.4 53.14 17 .20 HertzGl ... ... 17 .45 -4.24 -19.1 24.88 15.38 HP Ent n .26 12 22.77 -.08 -1.6 30.60 17 .91 HilltopH ... 18 26.42 -1.55 -11.3 12.00 4.88 HimaxTch .13e 39 9.28 +.68 +53.6 37 .98 22.07 HollyFront 1.32 12 26.65 -1.63 -18.7 149.99 119.20 HomeDp 3.56f 23 147 .71 -1.89 +10.2 32.17 24.04 Honda .55e ... 30.78 -.26 +5.4 127 .52 105.25 HonwllIntl 2.66 19 124.77 -2.39 +7 .7 44.68 33.18 Hormel s .68f 21 34.52 -.40 -0.8 32.63 24.61 HospPT 2.04 9 30.95 -.36 -2.5 20.21 14.30 HostHotls .80a 12 18.05 -.39 -4.2 37 .79 22.85 HuanPwr 2.45e ... 27 .41 -2.13 +5.3 125.93 97 .35 Hubbell 2.80f 22 117 .65 -2.80 +0.8 220.49 150.00 Humana 1.60f 24 207 .27 -11.63 +1.6 14.74 8.05 HuntBncsh .32 19 13.11 -.62 -0.8 220.68 135.51 HuntgtnIng 2.40 19 204.93 -8.79 +11.3 5.87 2.02 IAMGld g ... 78 3.89 +.01 +1.0 8.81 6.30 ICICI Bk .16e ... 8.40 -.03 +12.1 153.95 74.48 IdexxLab s ... 63 153.74 +1.79 +31.1 15.80 9.26 ING .14e ... 14.92 -.53 +5.8 13.25 10.81 iShGold ... q 12.01 +.19 +8.4 40.80 24.75 iShBrazil 1.03e q 37 .12 -.11 +11.3 27 .92 22.89 iShCanada .60e q 26.53 -.18 +1.5 37 .66 29.71 iShEMU .95e q 37 .44 +.19 +8.2 19.71 14.09 iShSilver ... q 16.81 +.34 +11.3 93.52 79.95 iShSelDiv 2.59e q 90.52 -1.81 +2.2 39.85 31.04 iShChinaLC .76e q 39.25 +.11 +13.1 241.81 199.79 iSCorSP500 4.38e q 235.39 -4.20 +4.6 40.23 31.70 iShEMkts .84e q 39.81 +.32 +13.7 143.62 116.49 iSh20 yrT 3.05 q 120.88 +2.24 +1.5 62.63 51.93 iS Eafe 1.70e q 62.14 -.09 +7 .6 88.37 80.68 iShiBxHYB 5.09 q 86.83 -.25 +0.3 303.74 240.30 iShNsdqBio .09e q 290.06 -5.22 +9.3 140.86 106.55 iShR2K 1.77e q 134.49 -3.97 -0.3 85.70 77 .18 iShCorHiDv 2.90e q 83.81 -1.49 +1.9 40.34 36.70 iShUSPfd 2.15a q 38.46 ... +3.4 85.80 72.11 iShREst 2.76e q 77 .74 -.46 +1.0 70.98 54.26 iShCrSPS s ... q 67 .66 -2.13 ... 58.26 48.33 iShCorEafe 1.55e q 57 .85 -.01 +7 .9 83.99 69.83 Idacorp 2.20 21 83.04 +.73 +3.1 3.33 1.19 IderaPhm ... dd 2.48 +.42 +65.3 136.03 98.32 ITW 2.60 24 132.77 -2.73 +8.4 22.40 13.42 IndBkMI .40 20 20.00 -1.10 -7 .8 20.47 13.42 Infosys .62e 12 15.67 +.33 +5.7 82.17 59.10 IngerRd 1.60 18 79.18 -1.81 +5.5 140.00 104.24 Ingredion 2.00f 18 121.08 +1.08 -3.1 38.45 29.50 Intel 1.09f 15 35.16 -.11 -3.1 177 .93 96.63 InterceptP ... dd 116.73 -8.50 +7 .4 3.79 .80 Internap ... dd 3.80 +.27 +146.8 182.79 142.50 IBM 5.60 13 173.83 -1.82 +4.7 32.07 16.65 IntlGmeT n .80 ... 23.31 -1.19 -8.7 58.86 39.24 IntPap 1.85f 17 50.81 -.55 -4.2 4.23 1.70 Intersectns ... dd 3.88 +.03 -2.8 757 .99 575.82 IntSurg ... 37 758.00 +8.17 +19.5 12.92 5.42 InvenSense ... dd 12.61 +.21 -1.4 57 .00 19.59 IonisPhm ... dd 38.98 -1.24 -18.5 52.09 43.40 iShJapan rs ... q 51.87 +.04 +6.2 33.92 24.70 iSTaiwn rs ... q 33.67 +.38 +14.6 48.74 38.86 iShCorEM 1.09e q 48.29 +.34 +13.8 13.65 7 .91 ItauUnibH .32e ... 12.25 +.01 +19.3J-K-L 32.47 19.51 ... dd 31.26 -.30 +22.9 93.98 57 .05 JPMorgCh 1.92 15 87 .29 -3.39 +1.2 63.42 40.93 JacobsEng .15p 20 54.13 -1.33 -5.0 9.75 4.63 JkksPac ... dd 5.40 -.35 +4.9 23.15 14.76 JetBlue ... 9 19.94 -.22 -11.1 129.00 107 .69 JohnJn 3.20 19 125.48 -2.58 +8.9 46.17 32.81 JohnContl n 1.08e 28 41.22 -.50 +0.1 18.50 11.63 KKR 1.31e 10 18.17 +.01 +18.1 100.69 79.05 KC Southn 1.32 19 82.64 -1.49 -2.6 87 .16 70.74 Kellogg 2.08 18 73.00 -2.11 -1.0 7 .80 4.03 KeryxBio ... dd 5.65 -.18 -3.6 19.53 10.21 Keycorp .34 17 17 .24 -1.11 -5.6 138.87 111.30 KimbClk 3.88f 22 132.45 -.81 +16.1 23.36 16.63 KindMorg .50 68 21.15 -.13 +2.1 5.82 2.88 Kinross g ... 68 3.39 -.01 +9.0 59.67 33.87 Kohls 2.20f 13 37 .41 -3.08 -24.2 97 .77 75.86 KraftHnz n 2.40 41 91.68 -.30 +5.0 9.19 3.75 KratosDef ... dd 8.01 -.25 +8.2 39.22 28.29 Kroger s .48 14 29.10 -.45 -15.7 21.23 10.55 Kulicke ... ... 20.28 -.34 +27 .1 88.76 47 .34 L Brands 2.40f 12 47 .47 -3.71 -27 .9 171.24 116.97 L-3 Tch 2.80f 21 166.92 -2.54 +9.7 54.20 43.17 LTC Prp 2.28f 15 46.91 +.59 -0.1 90.80 62.38 Landstar .36 26 83.60 -1.70 -2.0 31.87 21.56 LaSalleH 1.80 12 28.41 -1.23 -6.8 54.63 44.02 LeggPlat 1.36 20 50.09 -.49 +2.5 8.41 3.44 LendingClb ... dd 5.20 -.16 -1.0 60.13 44.01 Level3 ... 31 56.12 -1.35 -0.4 5.54 4.76 LbtyASE .52e q 5.42 -.08 +5.0 42.26 32.05 LibtProp 1.60m 18 38.79 +.26 -1.8 88.73 56.02 LincElec 1.40f 29 85.56 -2.91 +11.6 4.42 2.47 LloydBkg .47a ... 3.46 -.03 +11.6 274.57 218.34 LockhdM 7 .28 20 267 .42 -4.56 +7 .0 84.00 64.87 Lowes 1.40 20 82.21 -1.32 +15.6 57 .17 44.85 Luxottica .78e ... 55.50 +.69 +3.4M-N-0 173.72 107 .01 M&T Bk 3.00f 19 154.97 -7 .12 -0.9 11.65 6.34 MBIA ... dd 8.12 -.79 -24.1 31.24 20.51 MDC 1.00 14 29.63 -.58 +15.5 29.92 18.71 MDU Res .77 23 27 .17 -.09 -5.6 11.35 5.36 MGIC Inv ... 10 9.95 -.68 -2.4 30.62 20.14 MGM Rsts .39p 23 25.71 -1.87 -10.8 9.01 7 .12 MVC Cap .54a q 8.88 +.10 +3.5 45.41 27 .83 Macys 1.51 10 28.17 -2.37 -21.3 47 .21 32.76 Magna g s 1.10f 9 42.66 -1.38 -1.7 7 .57 3.65 Manitowoc .08 dd 5.65 -.53 -5.5 19.52 12.55 Manulife g .74 ... 17 .49 -.62 -1.9 19.28 9.77 MarathnO .20 dd 14.61 -.85 -15.6 54.59 32.02 MarathPt s 1.44 10 48.87 -1.92 -2.9 93.69 60.87 MAR 1.20 26 93.50 +5.17 +13.1 25.38 15.58 MartinMid 2.00 29 18.70 -.30 +1.9 16.72 9.05 MarvellTch .24 cc 15.90 -.22 +14.6 34.76 24.60 Mattel 1.52 24 25.16 -.50 -8.7 46.22 33.38 MaximIntg 1.32 26 45.23 -.39 +17 .3 107 .84 88.64 McCorm 1.72f 28 101.01 -.99 +8.2 8.33 3.53 McDrmInt ... 20 6.24 -.35 -15.6 199.43 114.53 McKesson 1.12 13 145.63 -2.30 +3.7 15.92 11.54 MedProp .96f 14 12.75 +.34 +3.7 89.27 69.35 Medtrnic 1.72 18 81.00 -.80 +13.7 66.80 52.44 Merck 1.88 17 63.18 -.72 +7 .3 64.52 49.69 MercGn 2.49 29 58.62 -1.01 -2.6 66.25 43.85 Meredith 2.08f 15 63.05 +.65 +6.6 17 .15 6.30 Meritor ... 3 16.53 -.32 +33.1 58.09 36.17 MetLife 1.60 11 52.01 -1.35 -3.5 26.61 9.35 MicronT ... 34 28.43 +2.63 +29.7 65.91 48.04 Microsoft 1.56 29 64.98 +.11 +4.6 2.75 .89 Microvisn ... dd 2.53 +.45 +100.8 150.87 100.58 Middleby ... 27 136.33 -3.02 +5.8 44.48 29.64 MdsxWatr .84 26 36.30 -.80 -15.5 13.50 10.89 MHowHiInc 1.39 q 13.37 +.08 +7 .9 7 .01 4.16 MitsuUF J ... ... 6.45 -.24 +4.7 11.55 7 .09 MobileTele .88e ... 11.49 +.84 +26.1 61.51 33.69 Mobileye ... cc 60.78 +.27 +59.4 35.76 8.88 Momo ... ... 33.33 -1.68 +81.3 46.40 39.21 Mondelez .76 31 43.80 -.95 -1.2 73.05 42.61 Moog A ... 20 63.02 -5.47 -4.0 47 .33 23.11 MorgStan .80 15 42.46 -2.56 +0.5 87 .55 62.76 MotrlaSolu 1.88f 19 83.67 -1.05 +0.9 50.40 33.60 Mylan NV ... 8 40.96 -1.07 +7 .4 49.90 25.20 NCR Corp ... 14 43.61 -.92 +7 .5 5.35 3.03 NQ Mobile ... dd 3.71 -.04 +15.2 18.56 9.84 NRG Egy .12 22 18.16 +.10 +48.1 18.56 13.44 NRG Yld C 1.04f 44 16.95 -.10 +7 .3 28.43 21.96 NTT DOCO ... ... 24.26 +.08 +6.6 18.40 7 .61 Nabors .24 dd 12.41 -1.08 -24.3 61.25 47 .49 NatFuGas 1.62 26 59.81 -.56 +5.6 74.97 56.50 NatGrid 3.35e ... 63.54 +2.00 +8.9 82.53 64.44 NtHlthInv 3.80f 16 71.95 +.86 -3.0 23.37 11.41 NektarTh ... dd 22.42 +6.92 +82.7 69.09 43.79 Neogen ... 59 63.95 -4.57 -3.1 147 .70 84.50 Netflix s ... cc 142.02 -3.09 +14.7 6.04 2.39 NwGold g ... 42 2.92 +.08 -16.6 39.95 30.46 NJ Rscs s 1.02 20 39.20 ... +10.4 19.89 13.95 NewMedia 1.40 21 14.32 -.52 -10.4 59.06 33.47 NewOriEd .40e 39 58.95 +3.85 +40.0 17 .25 11.36 NewResid 1.92f 9 16.60 ... +5.6 17 .68 13.74 NY CmtyB .68 14 13.90 -.49 -12.6 7 .04 4.41 NYMtgTr .80m 12 6.12 -.05 -7 .3 46.07 25.33 NewmtM .20 27 33.48 +.64 -1.7 133.20 110.49 NextEraEn 3.93f 23 132.80 +2.57 +11.2 26.94 21.17 NiSource s .70 22 23.87 +.37 +7 .8 62.64 49.01 NikeB s .84 23 56.36 -1.44 +10.9 49.67 38.45 NipponTT ... ... 44.70 +1.30 +6.3 12.19 4.45 NobleCorp .08 3 5.76 -.11 -2.7 6.31 4.04 NokiaCp .30e ... 5.37 -.09 +11.6 A-B-C 74.50 62.59 AFLAC 1.72 11 71.99 -.54 +3.4 11.39 3.31 AK Steel ... 25 7 .16 -1.15 -29.9 43.89 36.10 AT&T Inc 1.96 16 41.68 -.93 -2.0 45.84 36.76 AbbottLab 1.06 22 44.73 -.46 +16.5 68.12 55.06 AbbVie 2.56 15 65.62 -.07 +4.8 32.37 10.83 AberFitc .80 dd 11.31 -.69 -5.8 126.53 108.66 Accenture 2.31 20 118.98 -6.24 +1.6 6.39 4.45 Accuray ... dd 4.80 -.25 +4.3 49.70 31.71 ActivsBliz .30f 41 49.12 -.01 +36.0 76.09 39.66 Adient n .28p ... 68.52 -4.02 +16.9 70.64 31.76 AdvEnId ... 22 66.45 -2.17 +21.4 15.55 2.60 AMD ... dd 13.70 +.21 +20.8 51.23 24.85 AdvisoryBd ... 17 44.70 +.10 +34.4 40.72 26.46 Aecom ... 12 34.10 -1.55 -6.2 32.44 22.16 AeroViron ... dd 26.97 -2.82 +0.5 136.50 104.59 Aetna 2.00f 17 126.77 -5.03 +2.2 17 .75 1.50 AeviGeno ... dd 1.60 -3.84 -69.1 54.82 39.11 Agilent .53 31 53.08 -.23 +16.5 25.98 18.26 Aircastle 1.04 11 23.41 -.55 +12.3 1.97 1.49 AlaskCom ... ... 1.85 +.04 +12.8 162.00 109.12 Alexion lf ... 47 119.26 -2.82 -2.5 109.87 73.30 Alibaba ... 34 108.04 +2.43 +23.0 23.69 10.93 AllegTch ... dd 17 .27 -.75 +8.4 279.98 184.50 Allergan ... 17 237 .33 -.05 +13.0 67 .95 53.47 Allete 2.14f 26 67 .92 +.54 +5.8 26.65 11.00 AllnceRes 1.75 6 21.15 -.75 -5.8 25.13 20.75 AlliBern 1.81e 10 21.70 -.65 -7 .5 40.99 34.08 AlliantEg s 1.18 21 40.10 +.54 +5.8 83.09 64.36 Allstate 1.48f 17 80.99 -1.86 +9.3 23.62 14.84 AllyFincl .32p 9 19.96 -1.19 +4.9 853.50 663.28 Alphabet C ... 25 814.43 -37 .69 +5.5 874.42 672.66 Alphabet A ... 27 835.14 -37 .23 +5.4 8.35 6.97 AlpTotDiv .69 q 8.15 -.06 +7 .5 13.31 10.15 AlpAlerMLP 1.35e q 12.55 -.05 -0.4 76.55 59.48 Altria 2.44 24 73.17 -1.99 +8.2 862.80 538.58 Amazon ... cc 845.61 -6.70 +12.8 74.95 35.26 Ambarella ... 28 54.69 -1.65 +1.0 6.34 4.70 Ambev .06e 5 5.61 +.10 +14.3 2.80 .35 Amedica rs ... dd .40 -.04 -36.5 56.50 46.29 Ameren 1.76f 21 56.19 +1.14 +7 .1 6.11 5.10 AFMulti .50 16 5.65 +.05 +4.6 50.64 24.85 AmAirlines .40 6 41.73 +.01 -10.6 71.32 57 .89 AEP 2.36 17 67 .79 +1.32 +7 .7 82.00 57 .15 AmExp 1.28 14 78.20 -1.05 +5.6 67 .47 48.41 AmIntlGrp 1.28 dd 60.88 -1.54 -6.8 46.39 37 .28 AmStsWtr .97 27 43.53 -1.39 -4.5 85.24 67 .02 AmWtrWks 1.50 27 77 .09 +.89 +6.5 50.11 40.81 Amerigas 3.76 41 45.47 +.73 -5.1 135.20 84.92 Ameriprise 3.00 13 125.26 -6.45 +12.9 94.50 68.38 AmeriBrgn 1.46 15 86.56 -.97 +10.7 55.48 43.28 Ametek .36 23 53.42 -.89 +9.9 184.21 133.64 Amgen 4.60f 15 165.74 -2.87 +13.4 71.98 54.94 Amphenol .64f 26 70.97 -.37 +5.6 136.08 98.28 ABInBev 3.19e ... 110.86 -.89 +5.1 11.29 9.83 Annaly 1.20a 9 11.14 +.14 +11.7 170.79 114.85 Anthem 2.60 17 162.75 -5.52 +13.2 5.56 4.47 Anworth .60 10 5.50 -.04 +6.4 69.00 46.15 Apache 1.00 dd 50.24 -.98 -20.8 6.58 5.03 ApolloInv .60 ... 6.18 -.16 +5.5 142.80 89.47 Apple Inc 2.28 17 140.64 +.65 +21.4 39.81 19.46 ApldMatl .40 19 38.97 -.31 +20.8 35.83 28.03 AquaAm .74 24 31.85 -.22 +6.0 33.95 14.85 ArcBest .32 37 25.30 -2.10 -8.5 9.37 4.15 ArcelorMit ... 9 8.29 -.74 +13.6 30.69 16.75 Arconic .15p ... 26.68 -.82 +43.9 17 .87 13.85 AresCap 1.52 12 17 .37 +.14 +5.3 13.97 .70 ArgosTher ... dd .49 -.51 -90.0 131.43 57 .89 AristaNetw ... 43 131.77 +3.67 +36.2 13.40 2.60 ArrayBio ... dd 9.46 -1.10 +7 .6 75.88 58.09 ArrowEl ... 10 73.02 -2.33 +2.4 11.26 3.53 AscenaRtl ... 35 3.80 -.37 -38.6 124.88 105.50 Ashland 1.56 19 121.85 -2.51 +11.5 35.04 25.55 AstraZen s 1.40e 9 31.31 +.62 +14.6 81.97 68.51 ATMOS 1.80f 23 80.14 +.21 +8.1 10.54 1.74 AuriniaPh ... dd 8.02 +.32 +281.9 105.20 84.36 AutoData 2.28 27 103.38 -1.73 +0.6 82.11 68.55 AveryD 1.64f 20 79.61 -.78 +13.4 41.53 21.85 AvisBudg ... 10 28.47 -4.23 -22.4 45.22 37 .78 Avista 1.43f 19 39.65 +.16 -0.9 6.96 3.52 Avon ... dd 4.26 -.17 -15.5 3.65 1.55 B2gold g ... dd 2.91 -.09 +22.8 49.88 32.22 BB&T Cp 1.20 16 44.41 -2.42 -5.6 49.03 41.83 BCE g 2.73 ... 44.02 +.26 +1.8 11.85 8.18 BGC Ptrs .64 26 10.84 -.63 +6.0 37 .44 20.36 BHPBil plc .64m ... 31.24 -1.73 -0.7 38.68 28.67 BP PLC 2.40a 40 33.78 -.50 -9.6 32.95 11.29 BP Pru 2.43e 3 18.65 +1.05 -21.5 201.00 155.28 Baidu ... 11 168.26 -8.36 +2.3 68.59 38.16 BakrHu .68 dd 58.99 +.06 -9.2 89.50 56.60 Balchem .38f 46 81.00 -4.81 -3.5 82.24 67 .51 BallCorp .52 20 73.73 -1.39 -1.8 2.53 1.23 BallardPw ... dd 2.24 +.04 +35.8 11.25 6.10 BcoBrad s .43e ... 10.14 +.03 +16.6 6.20 3.60 BcoSantSA .23e ... 6.13 +.11 +18.3 10.20 7 .20 BankMutl .22 24 9.30 -.50 -1.6 25.80 12.05 BkofAm .30f 18 23.12 -1.74 +4.6 78.00 58.61 BkMont g 3.52 ... 74.26 -1.40 +3.3 49.54 35.44 BkNYMel .68 14 46.25 -1.66 -2.4 62.89 46.35 BkNova g 2.74 11 58.14 -.23 +4.4 12.05 6.76 Barclay .39e ... 11.26 -.11 +2.4 77 .80 15.41 B iPVxST rs ... q 16.77 +.96 -34.3 252.25 197 .35 Bard 1.04f 24 249.91 -.94 +11.2 13.63 8.45 BarnesNob .60 45 8.60 -.80 -22.9 23.47 13.04 BarrickG .12f 34 19.21 +.36 +20.2 3.25 .30 BasicEnS ... dd .45 ... ... 52.33 39.98 Baxter s .52 27 52.02 +.39 +17 .3 15.80 6.81 BeazerHm ... cc 11.72 -.42 -11.9 186.11 148.26 BectDck 2.92 33 183.87 +.08 +11.1 52.33 37 .79 BedBath .50 8 38.29 -1.39 -5.8 53.88 47 .22 Bemis 1.20f 19 48.75 -.47 +1.9 177 .86 136.65 BerkH B ... 17 168.66 -4.16 +3.5 49.40 28.76 BestBuy 1.36f 13 44.85 -.55 +5.1 56.54 41.61 BigLots 1.00f 14 48.16 -1.85 -4.1 9.25 2.48 Biocryst ... dd 8.79 -.07 +38.8 333.65 223.02 Biogen ... 15 274.82 -1.27 -3.1 67 .02 54.76 BlkHillsCp 1.78f 21 66.21 -.44 +7 .9 8.46 6.23 BlackBerry ... dd 7 .07 -.08 +2.6 38.54 30.82 BlkHlthSci 2.40a q 33.76 -.58 +6.3 16.09 12.96 BlkMuniast .72a q 13.91 +.06 +3.3 31.69 22.45 Blackstone 1.46 18 29.68 -.91 +9.8 63.58 35.63 BobEvans 1.36 46 62.21 +.62 +16.9 185.71 122.35 Boeing 5.68f 20 175.82 -4.28 +12.9 44.24 27 .52 BorgWarn .56f 13 41.28 -1.48 +4.7 195.35 144.75 BostBeer ... 22 149.10 -.30 -12.2 25.65 17 .87 BostonSci ... 48 24.32 -.11 +12.4 21.58 16.77 BoydGm ... 21 20.61 +.21 +2.2 24.19 17 .90 BrigStrat .56 30 21.77 -.15 -2.2 55.84 40.92 Brinker 1.36 14 42.76 -.60 -13.7 77 .12 46.01 BrMySq 1.56f 33 55.89 -.40 -4.4 65.67 52.71 BritATob s ... ... 65.58 +1.38 ... 12.55 7 .60 BrcdeCm .22 45 12.52 +.07 +0.2 19.42 10.65 Brookdale ... dd 12.10 -.13 -2.6 38.06 26.07 BrkfInfra s 1.74f ... 38.29 +1.54 +14.4 61.74 41.19 Brunswick .66f 18 61.46 +.49 +12.7 75.10 61.37 Bu ckeye 4.96f 18 66.89 +.22 +1.1 175.10 122.25 BuffaloWW ... 29 148.25 -4.70 -4.0 37 .17 20.77 CF Inds s 1.20 62 29.18 -.11 -7 .3 46.25 38.78 CMS Eng 1.33f 27 45.28 +.57 +8.8 9.91 6.03 CNH Indl .12 dd 9.69 -.05 +11.5 50.31 24.36 CSX .72 26 46.32 -.56 +28.9 13.25 5.50 CVR Rfng 3.12e 35 9.10 -1.15 -12.5 106.67 69.30 CVS Health 2.00f 13 78.49 -.39 -0.5 9.21 7 .42 CYS Invest 1.00 8 7 .68 -.06 -0.6 26.74 20.02 CabotO&G .08 dd 23.18 +.83 -0.8 55.16 35.65 Cal-Maine 2.49e cc 37 .35 -1.15 -15.4 11.50 9.91 CalaCvHi 1.20 q 11.16 -.10 +5.8 19.67 12.13 CalAmp ... 55 16.44 -.91 +13.4 18.80 12.70 Calgon .20 36 13.45 -.95 -20.9 37 .60 25.68 CalifWtr .72f 33 35.05 +.30 +3.4 18.53 8.05 CallonPet ... 54 11.87 +.01 -22.8 14.00 2.79 CalumetSp .69j dd 3.80 ... -5.0 90.91 75.36 CamdenPT 3.00 33 81.87 -.09 -2.6 67 .89 52.59 CampSp 1.40 19 57 .44 -1.76 -5.0 73.28 55.73 CdnNR gs 1.18 ... 72.31 +.15 +7 .3 35.28 25.08 CdnNRs gs .82 ... 32.02 -.72 +0.4 96.92 58.03 CapOne 1.60 12 83.80 -4.43 -3.9 20.85 12.65 CapSenL ... dd 13.31 -.66 -17 .1 10.96 8.93 CapsteadM .84m 14 10.42 -.06 +2.3 2.70 .66 CpstnTur rs ... dd .76 ... +11.8 87 .85 62.70 CardnlHlth 1.80 16 81.23 -1.88 +12.9 69.11 45.06 CarMax ... 19 59.60 -2.09 -7 .4 58.95 42.94 Carnival 1.40 17 58.60 +.96 +12.6 45.34 28.74 CarpTech .72 34 36.14 -2.13 -0.1 43.96 26.50 Carrizo ... dd 26.90 -1.53 -28.0 99.46 69.04 Caterpillar 3.08 28 92.15 -.76 -0.6 69.81 56.17 CedarF 3.42f 22 68.10 +.01 +6.1 9.51 5.49 Cemex .29t ... 8.87 -.27 +10.5 3.84 1.40 Cemig pf .14e ... 3.24 -.46 +42.1 16.82 11.66 CenovusE .20 dd 12.61 +.25 -16.7 28.18 20.46 CenterPnt 1.07 22 27 .87 +.19 +13.1 33.45 22.37 CntryLink 2.16 9 22.76 -.89 -4.3 55.55 34.29 ChemFinl 1.08 19 49.63 -4.37 -8.4 35.79 5.82 Chemours n .12 cc 34.15 -.60 +54.6 8.20 3.53 ChesEng ... dd 5.22 -.07 -25.6 119.00 92.43 Chevron 4.32f cc 107 .99 +.31 -8.2 41.33 26.12 ChicB&I .28 dd 28.83 -.93 -9.2 16.85 9.86 Chicos .33f 20 14.07 -.18 -2.2 480.62 352.96 Chipotle ... cc 414.02 +11.44 +9.7 53.68 42.56 ChurchDwt s .76f ... 50.22 +.12 +13.6 154.83 115.03 Cigna .04 18 145.82 -6.07 +9.3 79.60 63.87 CinnFin 2.00f 20 71.88 -2.80 -5.1 64.16 31.00 Cirrus ... 16 60.06 +1.63 +6.2 34.53 25.81 Cisco 1.16 17 34.08 -.15 +12.8 29.68 15.90 CgpVelLCrd ... ... 16.93 -1.34 -38.8 62.53 38.31 Citigroup .64 12 58.07 -2.30 -2.3 39.75 18.34 CitizFincl .40 18 34.51 -2.11 -3.1 87 .99 60.15 CitrixSy s ... 21 83.14 +.42 +16.9 4.80 2.38 CleanEngy ... dd 2.42 -.05 -15.4 12.37 2.62 CliffsNRs ... 8 8.14 -1.13 -3.2 140.47 111.24 Clorox 3.20 28 137 .81 +.27 +14.8 47 .13 39.88 CocaCola 1.48f 26 42.12 +.09 +1.6 63.23 45.44 CognizTch ... 22 58.62 +.06 +4.6 14.73 11.11 CohStQIR .96 q 12.22 -.01 +0.1 28.50 24.82 CohStSelPf 2.06a q 26.52 -.11 +1.4 75.38 63.43 ColgPalm 1.60f 26 73.67 -.29 +12.6 38.44 29.34 Comcast s .63f 21 37 .38 -.08 +8.3 75.00 36.27 Comerica .92f 25 67 .23 -4.13 -1.3 17 .59 4.15 CmtyHlt ... dd 9.54 +.20 +70.7 6.33 3.87 CmpTask .24 15 6.02 +.38 +43.0 24.95 9.52 Comtech .40 12 14.55 -.36 +22.8 41.68 33.08 ConAgra .80 21 40.47 -.95 +2.3 59.26 42.18 ConnWtrSv 1.13 25 52.85 -1.26 -5.4 53.17 38.19 ConocoPhil 1.06f dd 44.10 -1.59 -12.0 30.23 21.85 ConsolCom 1.55 ... 23.24 -1.15 -13.4 81.88 68.76 ConEd 2.76f 20 78.41 +1.73 +6.4 60.30 27 .46 ContlRescs ... dd 42.51 -2.33 -17 .5 44.13 29.29 CooperTire .42 9 43.40 +.40 +11.7 47 .75 30.31 CorOnDem ... dd 38.91 -1.43 -8.0 28.36 18.21 Corning .62f 17 27 .41 +.17 +12.9 34.25 24.92 CorpOffP 1.10 18 33.47 -.62 +7 .2 178.71 138.57 Costco 1.80 31 166.02 -1.79 +3.7 31.60 17 .94 Coty .50 cc 18.47 -.96 +0.9 8.82 6.86 CousPrp .24 11 8.16 -.03 -4.1 1420.00 33.57 CSVixSh rs ... q 39.56 +4.21 -58.4 120.90 13.50 CSVInvN rs ... q 21.86 -3.78 ... 75.41 20.21 CSVelIVST ... q 69.16 -4.42 +47 .9 54.89 13.66 CSVLgNG rs ... q 20.04 +2.58 -56.6 16.17 10.01 CredSuiss 1.21e ... 14.67 -.78 +2.5 28.30 9.58 CrestEq rs 2.40e dd 25.20 -.25 -1.4 12.54 6.26 Crocs ... dd 6.66 -.14 -2.9 57 .49 47 .73 CrownHold ... 13 52.54 -1.37 -0.1 50.37 37 .36 s ... 83 49.18 +.12 +23.0 155.51 104.30 Cummins 4.10 18 150.77 -3.74 +10.3 41.18 9.25 CybrOpt ... 15 24.70 -1.80 -5.4 14.29 8.02 CypSemi .44 28 14.45 +.47 +26.3 3.66 .36 CytRx h ... dd .41 +.00 +8.9D-E-F 50.57 38.66 DCT IndlTr 1.16 27 47 .77 +.61 -0.2 10.95 9.81 DNP Selct .78 q 10.78 +.07 +5.4 102.96 84.77 DTE 3.30f 24 102.17 +1.27 +3.7 79.43 59.50 Darden 2.24 22 76.71 +.05 +5.5 34.48 15.36 DeVryEd .36 12 33.20 -.35 +6.4 22.31 15.69 DeanFoods .36 12 19.05 -.26 -12.5 112.18 74.91 Deere 2.40 23 108.98 -1.47 +5.8 52.76 32.60 DeltaAir .81 8 46.00 -.51 -6.5 4.80 1.95 DenburyR ... dd 2.27 -.06 -38.3 20.94 11.19 DeutschBk .83e ... 16.83 -2.20 -7 .0 50.69 24.58 DevonE .24 dd 38.80 -1.74 -15.0 117 .84 99.46 Diageo 3.23e ... 116.43 +.34 +12.0 26.72 14.48 DiamOffsh .50 11 15.71 +.14 -11.2 4.97 2.11 DianaShip ... dd 4.59 +.04 +52.0 31.85 21.05 Diebold .40 dd 29.30 ... +16.5 14.15 8.37 DigiIntl ... 26 11.75 -1.05 -14.5 113.21 85.50 DigitalRlt 3.72f 30 103.74 +.85 +5.6 86.08 46.56 Dillards .28 10 47 .46 -4.69 -24.3 189.50 22.80 DirDGlBr rs ... q 30.70 -1.23 -36.5 347 .00 11.75 DxGlMBr rs ... q 14.70 +.05 -58.1 16.40 8.67 DirSPBear ... q 9.27 +.35 -14.2 48.26 17 .08 DxSCBear rs ... q 19.30 +1.35 -2.8 33.29 3.77 DrGMBll s ... q 6.61 -.11 +18.5 35.80 5.51 DxGBull s ... q 9.21 +.29 +20.5 51.11 21.14 DxFnBull s ... q 43.45 -3.87 +6.2 67 .17 9.33 DxBiotBear ... q 10.79 +.84 -43.1 113.49 51.95 DrxSCBull .48e q 99.10 -8.14 -2.0 74.33 48.68 Discover 1.20 12 67 .21 -3.10 -6.8 113.16 90.32 Disney 1.56f 20 112.14 +.38 +7 .6 96.88 66.50 DollarGen 1.00 16 69.48 -2.85 -6.2 99.93 72.55 DollarTree ... 20 74.92 -.78 -2.9 79.36 68.71 DomRescs 3.02f 21 78.26 +1.14 +2.2 192.01 116.91 Dominos 1.84f 44 182.95 -1.88 +14.9 47 .68 30.25 Donaldson .70 28 44.87 -.25 +6.6 64.73 47 .51 DowChm 1.84 20 63.08 -.95 +10.2 9.63 8.17 DryStrt .52 q 8.56 +.06 +1.9 81.86 61.12 DuPont 1.52 24 79.60 -1.65 +8.4 9.92 9.07 DufPUC .60 q 9.23 +.05 -2.2 87 .75 72.34 DukeEngy 3.42 17 82.99 +1.15 +6.9 28.99 21.11 DukeRlty .76 27 26.17 +.55 -1.5 34.43 22.30 eBay s ... 5 33.40 -.30 +12.5 109.37 69.66 EOG Rescs .67 dd 94.86 -1.57 -6.2 74.35 54.30 Eaton 2.28 17 72.84 -.41 +8.6 13.86 12.49 EV EEq2 1.05 q 13.41 -.11 +4.8 9.05 7 .88 EVTxMGlo .98 q 8.40 -.05 +4.7 126.17 109.58 Ecolab 1.48 28 123.83 -1.58 +5.6 80.61 67 .44 EdisonInt 2.17 20 80.71 +1.11 +12.1 121.75 81.12 EdwLfSci s ... 33 95.59 +1.19 +2.0 5.16 2.54 EldorGld g .02e dd 3.14 +.04 -2.5 86.14 64.18 EliLilly 2.08f 27 84.18 +.22 +14.5 109.99 74.11 EllieMae ... 68 98.14 -.15 +17 .3 22.25 18.01 ElmiraSB .92 18 21.50 -.15 +5.1 24.45 3.00 EmergeES 2.68m dd 11.87 -1.63 -3.6 64.36 48.45 EmersonEl 1.92 23 58.57 -2.03 +5.1 26.37 16.86 EnbrdgEPt 2.33 29 18.13 +.42 -28.8 45.77 36.99 Enbridge 1.66f ... 40.90 -.29 -2.9 13.85 5.47 EnCana g .06 cc 10.55 -.14 -10.1 35.34 9.70 Endo Intl ... 6 9.97 -.79 -39.5 20.05 6.37 EgyTrEq s 1.14 20 18.90 -.06 -2.1 43.50 28.06 EngyTsfr 4.22 dd 35.83 +.22 +0.1 10.33 3.46 Enerpls g .14e 3 7 .49 -.59 -21.0 20.45 9.91 EnLinkLLC 1.02 ... 18.35 -.90 -3.7 21.55 14.40 Ennis Inc .70a 14 15.55 -1.25 -10.4 12.36 6.50 ENSCO .04 2 8.42 -.11 -13.4 82.09 66.71 Entergy 3.48 9 76.81 +1.40 +4.5 30.25 23.56 EntProdPt 1.64 21 27 .07 -.12 +0.1 48.21 9.40 Esperion ... dd 38.94 +15.27 +211.0 60.44 50.56 EversrceE 1.90f 20 60.01 +1.08 +8.7 2.40 .73 EvineLive ... dd 1.36 ... -9.3 37 .70 29.82 Exelon 1.31f 15 36.12 +.11 +1.8 133.55 96.58 Expedia 1.12f 55 127 .76 -3.44 +12.8 80.02 63.22 ExpScripts ... 11 64.11 -.98 -6.8 95.55 80.31 ExxonMbl 3.00 36 81.23 -.77 -10.0 16.43 11.69 FNBCp PA .48 18 14.54 -.82 -9.3 142.31 106.31 Facebook ... 33 140.34 +.50 +22.0 13.12 2.39 FairmSant ... dd 6.82 -.50 -42.2 52.64 37 .70 Fastenal 1.28f 29 50.76 -1.11 +8.0 201.57 145.00 FedExCp 1.60 17 188.12 -6.47 +1.0 171.08 126.02 FedRlty 3.92f 24 134.80 +.05 -5.1 22.93 14.03 FedNatHld .32 dd 16.76 -.65 -10.3 71.08 38.71 Ferrari n ... ... 71.58 +3.15 +23.1 20.85 5.04 Ferrellgs .40 dd 6.06 -.01 -10.5 11.63 5.45 FiatChrys ... ... 10.81 -.66 +18.5 38.96 30.62 FidlNatFn 1.00f 16 38.55 -.03 +13.5 14.50 10.00 FNFV Grp ... ... 12.40 +.10 -9.5 6.32 4.31 FifthStFin .20 dd 4.66 +.07 -13.2 28.97 16.02 FifthThird .56f 13 24.89 -1.46 -7 .7 24.52 15.18 FinLine .44f 21 12.93 -4.29 -31.3 19.17 10.35 FireEye ... dd 12.28 +1.55 +3.2 16.67 9.90 FstData n ... ... 15.13 -.80 +6.6 72.62 28.05 FstSolar ... dd 28.31 -3.52 -11.8 17 .95 13.46 FT Engy .33e q 14.38 -.55 -12.9 36.60 29.33 FirstEngy 1.44 12 31.34 -.02 +1.2 18.85 5.38 Fitbit n ... dd 5.40 -.28 -26.2 22.89 18.41 FlrtyTotR 1.63 q 20.73 +.39 +4.3 21.00 14.35 FlowrsFds .64 21 19.41 -.24 -2.8 58.37 44.05 Fluor .84 14 51.44 -2.17 -2.1 79.43 50.90 FootLockr 1.24f 15 72.59 -3.08 +2.4 14.22 11.07 FordM .60a 6 11.62 -.86 -4.2 64.47 52.05 FBHmSec .72f 22 60.38 -.66 +12.9 17 .06 8.76 FrptMcM ... dd 12.81 +.05 -2.9 5.75 1.93 FrontierCm .42 dd 2.09 -.38 -38.2G-H-I 32.10 22.39 GGP Inc .88 13 23.11 -.21 -7 .5 137 .88 69.12 GW Pharm ... ... 121.17 -1.91 +8.4 21.25 17 .84 GabDvInc 1.32 q 20.71 -.25 +3.3 8.11 6.71 GabMultT .94e q 7 .92 -.04 +9.4 7 .04 5.99 GabUtil .60 q 6.70 +.06 +6.3 33.72 20.10 GameStop 1.52f 5 20.70 -3.94 -18.1 35.98 28.73 Gam&Lsr n 2.48f 21 32.32 +.35 +5.6 30.74 17 .00 Gap .92 13 23.27 -.83 +3.7 56.19 38.40 Garmin 2.04 17 51.10 -1.26 +5.4 33.93 25.80 GAInv 1.15e q 33.20 -.41 +6.5 194.00 128.99 GenDynam 3.36f 19 187 .52 -5.75 +8.6 33.00 28.19 GenElec .96 24 29.72 -.16 -5.9 72.95 58.59 GenMills 1.92 20 59.16 -1.50 -4.2 38.55 27 .34 GenMotors 1.52 6 34.56 -1.77 -0.8 40.90 29.19 GenesisEn 2.84f 8 31.59 -.89 -12.3 22.12 14.66 Gentex .36 17 20.97 -.92 +6.5 5.27 2.26 Genworth .44p dd 3.93 -.23 +3.1 4.39 1.50 Gerdau .02e ... 3.55 -.38 +13.1 103.10 65.38 GileadSci 2.08f 7 67 .51 -1.55 -5.7 45.58 37 .20 GlaxoSKln 2.89e ... 42.31 +.04 +9.9 30.03 19.25 GlobusMed ... 28 29.96 +.84 +20.8 3.19 1.73 GluMobile ... dd 2.13 -.01 +9.8 38.00 28.11 GoDaddy n ... dd 36.39 -.79 +4.1 6.60 2.60 GoldFLtd .02e ... 3.52 +.05 +16.9 20.38 11.91 Goldcrp g .24 cc 15.84 +.52 +16.5 255.15 138.20 GoldmanS 2.60 14 228.41 -15.53 -4.6 37 .20 24.31 Goodyear .40 11 35.94 -.70 +16.4 17 .68 7 .15 GoPro ... dd 8.30 -.27 -4.7 80.56 63.37 vjGrace .84f 28 68.49 -2.27 +1.3 32.74 25.85 GtPlainEn 1.10 17 28.91 +.01 +5.7 60.55 30.93 Greif A 1.68 22 54.57 -1.86 +6.4 33.32 24.00 Griffin .30f cc 30.76 +.19 -3.1 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg Combined StocksFrom the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. Stock Footnotes: Stock Footnotes: cld Issue has been called for redemption by company. d New 52-week low. ec Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace. g Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h Does not me et continued-listing standards. lf Late ling with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low gu res date only from the beginning of trading. pf Preferred stock issue. pr Preferences. pp Holder owes installments of purchase price. r t Right to buy security at a specied price. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock h as split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd When distributed. wt Warrant, all owing a purchase of a stock. u New 52-week high. un Unit,, including more than one security. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Stocks in bold are worth at least $5 and changed 5 percent or more in price. Underlining for 50 most actively traded stocks of the day. Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. PE Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months.ExtraMoney & MarketsVDow industrials-1.52% (wkly)t 4-wk. -1.08%s YTD 4.22%VNasdaq-1.22% (wkly)t 4-wk. -0.28%s YTD 8.28%VS&P 500-1.44% (wkly)t 4-wk. -0.99%s YTD 4.70%VS&P mid-cap-2.12% (wkly)t 4-wk. -2.43%s YTD 2.04%VRussell 2000-2.65% (wkly)t 4-wk. -2.86%t YTD -0.18% 16.18 7 .57 NordicAm 1.14e 21 7 .93 -.21 -5.6 125.00 78.15 NorflkSo 2.44f 20 110.66 -4.05 +2.4 253.80 194.21 NorthropG 3.60 21 236.88 -7 .37 +1.8 19.10 13.09 NwstBcsh .64f 34 16.66 -1.04 -7 .6 66.17 49.46 NwstNG 1.88 24 59.35 +.35 -0.8 83.58 66.93 Novartis 2.75e 15 74.37 -1.18 +2.1 8.49 1.16 Novavax ... dd 1.26 -.08 ... 57 .81 30.89 NovoNord .96e ... 33.54 +.18 -6.5 68.00 44.81 Nucor 1.51 26 59.76 -4.96 +0.4 15.97 13.19 NuvDivA .85a q 13.65 +.28 -2.2 19.89 16.00 Nv AMT-Fr .78a q 16.61 +.09 +2.2 10.56 8.72 NvPfdInco .80 q 9.84 +.04 ... 13.50 12.08 NuvEqtP 1.00 q 13.25 -.11 +4.2 120.92 33.15 Nvidia .56 40 107 .47 +1.40 +0.7 29.99 13.84 NxStageMd ... dd 26.65 -1.38 +1.7 37 .41 27 .27 OGE Engy 1.21 21 35.69 -1.10 +6.7 17 .08 6.44 OasisPet ... dd 12.37 -.43 -18.3 78.48 61.01 OcciPet 3.04 dd 62.83 -1.26 -11.8 30.70 16.77 OceanFst .60 27 27 .86 -1.18 -7 .2 11.30 4.25 Oclaro ... ... 10.11 +.55 +13.0 7 .91 3.01 OfficeDpt .10 11 4.53 -.23 +0.2 18.95 11.51 OldNBcp .52 16 16.70 -1.45 -8.0 21.19 16.51 OldRepub .76f 14 20.02 -.15 +5.4 33.35 16.15 Olin .80 50 32.77 -.30 +28.0 38.09 28.11 OmegaHlt 2.48f 10 32.38 +.76 +3.6 26.99 15.90 OmegaP .05p 10 19.25 -1.35 -23.2 16.06 8.11 OnSmcnd ... 28 15.18 -.07 +19.0 1.42 .33 OncoGnx h ... dd .50 -.03 ... 59.47 27 .35 ONEOK 3.16 32 53.10 +.28 -7 .5 57 .41 28.51 OneokPtrs 3.16 23 51.79 +.72 +20.4 12.15 7 .13 OpkoHlth ... dd 7 .85 -.27 -15.6 46.99 37 .62 Oracle .60 22 44.65 -1.01 +16.6 36.86 22.51 Orbotch ... 17 32.10 +.11 -3.9 4.35 2.00 Organovo ... dd 3.03 -.22 -10.6 48.25 32.51 Orthofix ... 81 39.69 +.19 +9.7 74.16 38.47 OshkoshCp .84f 20 67 .85 -2.43 +5.0 42.55 27 .77 OtterTail 1.28f 24 37 .65 +1.10 -7 .7P-Q-R 68.25 56.39 PG&E Cp 1.96 18 67 .86 +1.27 +11.7 131.83 77 .40 PNC 2.20 17 119.40 -4.95 +2.1 37 .80 30.62 PNM Res .97 23 37 .60 +.30 +9.6 66.63 40.80 POSCO ... ... 62.04 -2.03 +18.1 117 .00 89.64 PPG s 1.60 18 103.79 -.70 +9.5 39.92 32.08 PPL Corp 1.58f 14 37 .60 +.61 +10.4 70.12 48.17 Paccar .96a 46 67 .62 -1.90 +5.8 165.69 110.29 PaloAltNet ... dd 111.77 -4.04 -10.6 14.98 8.05 Pandora ... dd 11.85 +.37 -9.1 247 .14 185.69 PaneraBrd ... 40 249.48 +11.09 +21.6 3.16 1.35 ParkDrl ... dd 1.45 -.15 -44.2 160.23 99.10 ParkerHan 2.64f 23 156.69 -2.41 +11.9 39.82 21.23 ParsleyEn ... cc 30.47 -1.29 -13.5 63.03 51.06 Paychex 1.84 29 61.62 -1.22 +1.2 44.52 34.00 PayPal n ... 35 43.13 +.05 +9.3 33.24 25.41 Pembina g 1.50 34 31.70 -.20 +1.2 2.08 .96 PengthE g .04 dd 1.10 +.09 -22.5 17 .40 11.93 PnnNtGm ... 24 17 .68 +1.86 +28.2 2.05 .61 PennWst g ... ... 1.58 +.01 -10.7 8.68 5.83 PennantPk .72m 8 7 .79 -.10 +1.7 11.50 5.47 Penney ... dd 5.57 -.42 -33.0 56.05 29.29 Penske 1.16f 12 45.99 -3.10 -11.3 66.99 50.37 Pentair 1.38f 21 60.72 -2.15 +8.3 20.13 13.80 PeopUtdF .68 20 18.04 -.78 -6.8 112.38 98.50 PepsiCo 3.01 24 112.12 +.73 +7 .2 133.53 67 .08 Perrigo .64f cc 67 .96 -1.54 -18.3 11.77 4.06 PetrbrsA ... ... 8.65 +.23 -1.8 12.56 5.19 Petrobras ... ... 9.06 +.15 -10.4 37 .39 29.41 Pfizer 1.28f 14 34.00 -.32 +4.7 114.65 86.78 PhilipMor 4.16 23 111.79 -.17 +22.2 31.93 23.00 PhilipsNV .88e ... 31.90 +.45 +4.4 89.31 73.67 Phillips66 2.52 12 77 .27 -2.67 -10.6 10.13 8.50 PimIncStr2 .96 q 10.00 ... +5.4 84.44 70.11 PinWst 2.62 22 84.12 +.89 +7 .8 199.83 134.14 PioNtrl .08 dd 180.91 -3.88 +0.5 21.81 12.35 PitnyBw .75 7 12.54 -.30 -17 .4 33.95 19.76 PlainsAAP 2.20 29 31.30 +.16 -3.1 104.25 70.14 Polaris 2.32f 24 83.21 -5.80 +1.0 38.41 28.77 PolyOne .54 16 33.26 -.80 +3.8 23.46 22.48 PS SrLoan 1.01 q 23.20 -.05 -0.7 132.43 101.75 PwShs QQQ 1.52e q 130.63 -1.06 +10.3 125.00 106.31 Praxair 3.15f 21 116.41 -1.91 -0.7 1776.69 1148.06 Priceline ... 41 1753.11 -19.52 +19.6 64.65 38.04 PrinFncl 1.80f 14 62.17 -1.27 +7 .4 63.53 47 .19 ProAssur 1.24a 24 59.10 -1.60 +5.2 590.75 15.46 PUVixST rs ... q 18.22 +1.90 ... 28.32 15.26 PrUCrude rs ... q 17 .13 -.88 ... 145.89 39.43 ProShtVix ... q 133.82 -8.33 +47 .1 92.00 79.10 ProctGam 2.68 24 90.57 -.43 +7 .7 40.74 30.54 ProgsvCp .69e 22 39.53 -.78 +11.4 19.82 13.06 ProUShSP ... q 13.68 +.38 -9.5 30.88 16.41 PUShtSPX ... q 17 .57 +.72 -13.9 9.58 6.95 ProspctCap 1.00 9 9.07 -.24 +8.6 114.55 66.51 Prudentl 3.00f 11 105.44 -4.48 +1.3 47 .41 39.28 PSEG 1.72f 17 45.15 +.42 +2.9 277 .60 200.65 PubStrg 6.80 28 222.91 +.42 -0.3 6.98 .50 Pulmatrix ... dd 3.54 +.45 +500.0 24.05 16.60 PulteGrp .36 14 23.49 -.23 +27 .8 8.15 6.97 PMMI .44 q 7 .22 -.01 +2.1 21.12 11.84 QEP Res .08 dd 12.12 -1.04 -34.2 71.62 49.67 Qualcom 2.12 16 56.92 -.63 -12.7 100.00 69.62 QstDiag 1.80 21 98.70 -.36 +7 .4 114.00 75.62 RLauren 2.00 14 79.74 -.96 -11.7 46.96 26.61 RangeRs .08 dd 27 .68 +.17 -19.4 31.35 14.98 RavenInds .52 64 29.30 -1.30 +16.3 29.86 23.51 Rayonier 1.00 50 27 .89 +.08 +4.8 157 .59 120.24 Raytheon 2.93 24 151.02 -5.95 +6.4 72.30 52.72 RltyInco 2.53f 30 59.46 -.40 +3.4 17 .05 12.20 RedwdTr 1.12 10 16.29 -.14 +7 .1 452.96 325.35 Regenrn ... 49 373.00 -7 .29 +1.6 16.03 7 .53 RegionsFn .26 16 14.23 -.82 -0.9 88.58 65.10 RelStlAl 1.80f 18 78.81 -3.55 -0.9 35.61 21.11 Replgn ... cc 34.64 -.29 +12.4 13.73 7 .57 ResCap rs .20 dd 9.69 +.31 +16.3 23.05 18.45 RetailOpp .75f 42 21.12 -.13 ... 62.44 43.38 ReynAm s 2.04f 27 62.64 +.90 +11.8 47 .11 26.38 RioTinto 2.27e ... 40.84 -2.19 +6.2 8.77 4.39 RiteAid ... 42 4.57 -.28 -44.5 157 .30 107 .17 RockwlAut 3.04 25 153.25 -2.74 +14.0 99.85 78.54 RockColl 1.32 18 96.83 -1.72 +4.4 90.45 51.98 Rogers ... 27 83.48 -1.79 +8.7 214.44 159.28 Roper 1.40f 31 206.50 -4.44 +12.8 76.01 55.68 RoyalBk g 3.48f ... 72.14 -.45 +6.5 100.48 64.95 RylCarb 1.92 25 98.57 +.77 +20.1 59.56 47 .08 RoyDShllB 3.76 84 55.29 -.71 -4.6 56.39 46.42 RoyDShllA 3.76 79 52.06 -.64 -4.3S-T-U 39.84 23.06 S&T Bcp .80f 16 33.61 -2.79 -13.9 76.41 65.08 SCANA 2.45f 17 66.91 -.97 -8.7 43.09 16.24 SM Energy .10 dd 20.81 -.46 -39.6 211.59 170.37 SpdrDJIA 3.98e q 205.75 -3.11 +4.2 131.15 107 .00 SpdrGold ... q 118.86 +1.87 +8.4 240.32 198.65 S&P500ETF 4.13e q 233.86 -3.17 +4.6 72.58 47 .88 SpdrBiot s .44e q 68.72 -2.30 +16.1 47 .00 28.01 SpdrS&PBk .53e q 42.01 -2.58 -3.4 37 .22 33.81 SpdrLehHY 2.30 q 36.54 -.09 +0.2 59.68 35.29 SpdrS&P RB .74e q 53.07 -3.47 -4.5 48.26 39.50 SpdrRetl s .49e q 41.10 -1.34 -6.7 44.97 28.69 SpdrOGEx .73e q 35.21 -1.23 -15.0 35.21 19.63 SpdrMetM .49e q 29.63 -1.23 -2.6 15.74 5.11 STMicro .40 47 15.88 +.26 +39.9 40.99 27 .75 SabnR 1.92e 16 34.35 -.95 -2.3 50.80 23.27 Saia Inc ... 22 42.70 -2.95 -3.3 21.90 15.48 StJoe ... 8 17 .05 -.30 -10.3 84.48 66.43 Salesforce ... cc 81.61 -1.42 +19.2 32.93 19.86 SallyBty ... 12 20.27 -.42 -23.3 8.00 4.84 SJuanB .36e 11 6.80 +.20 +2.7 45.13 36.81 Sanofi 1.58e ... 44.63 +.33 +10.4 87 .84 71.34 Schlmbrg 2.00 67 76.96 -2.59 -8.3 43.65 23.83 Schwab .32f 31 40.02 -2.84 +1.4 5.21 1.02 SeadrillLtd ... 1 1.40 -.09 -58.9 49.79 18.42 SeagateT 2.52 11 45.24 -1.00 +18.5 19.12 5.50 SearsHldgs ... dd 8.50 -.55 -8.5 18.81 6.05 Seaspan 1.50 9 6.25 -.67 -31.6 114.66 92.95 SempraEn 3.29f 23 112.47 +2.53 +11.8 23.85 16.09 SenHous 1.56 12 20.11 +.15 +6.2 316.66 239.48 Sherwin 3.40f 25 309.45 -3.93 +15.1 16.28 12.07 ShipFin 1.80 8 14.30 -.40 -3.7 31.35 15.70 SilvWhtn g .28e 26 20.54 +.64 +6.3 229.10 163.55 SimonProp 7 .00f 21 167 .95 -.07 -5.5 5.53 3.74 SiriusXM .01p 39 5.10 -.26 +14.6 99.38 57 .11 SkywksSol 1.12 19 97 .30 -.63 +30.3 157 .31 122.05 Smucker 3.00f 16 133.06 -5.49 +3.9 29.44 18.90 SnapInc A n ... ... 22.74 +3.20 -7 .1 181.73 145.17 SnapOn 2.84f 18 165.52 -7 .36 -3.4 51.25 13.29 SodaStrm ... 23 46.84 -1.93 +18.7 22.54 16.87 SolarCap 1.60 9 21.82 ... +4.8 55.58 45.02 SonocoP 1.48 22 53.32 +.13 +1.2 34.17 23.62 SonyCp ... ... 32.21 +.12 +14.9 39.23 35.10 SourcC 1.40a q 37 .34 -.42 +3.9 35.45 26.29 SoJerInd s 1.09f 31 35.45 +1.09 +5.2 54.64 46.20 SouthnCo 2.24 18 50.42 -.25 +2.5 59.68 35.42 SwstAirl .40 14 52.61 -.57 +5.6 15.59 7 .07 SwstnEngy ... dd 7 .56 -.07 -30.1 13.97 9.97 SpiritRltC .72 12 10.17 -.18 -6.4 9.65 3.21 Sprint ... dd 8.50 -.07 +1.0 29.93 17 .38 Sprouts ... 26 22.58 +.56 +19.3 18.17 8.42 Square n ... dd 16.59 -.69 +21.7 53.44 43.97 SP Matls .98e q 51.66 -.68 +3.9 76.75 65.96 SP HlthC 1.01e q 74.29 -.87 +7 .8 56.02 49.98 SP CnSt 1.28e q 54.70 -.28 +5.8 78.45 59.94 SP Engy 2.04e q 68.56 -1.24 -9.0 25.30 17 .31 SPDR Fncl .46e q 23.54 -.91 +1.2 67 .19 52.78 SP Inds 1.12e q 64.53 -1.15 +3.7 53.66 41.26 SP Tech .78e q 52.84 -.50 +9.3 53.02 45.33 SP Util 1.55e q 51.89 +.66 +6.8 136.90 102.80 StanBlkDk 2.32 21 130.80 -.53 +14.0 11.37 7 .24 Staples .48 dd 8.47 -.41 -6.4 11.39 8.00 StarGas .41 10 9.10 ... -15.4 61.64 50.84 Starbucks s 1.00 29 56.81 +1.03 +2.3 83.49 50.60 StateStr 1.52 15 77 .21 -1.40 -0.7 40.17 21.57 StlDynam .62f 18 33.89 -2.45 -4.7 133.59 104.61 Stryker 1.70 26 132.51 -.15 +10.6 37 .10 24.00 SubPpne 3.55 45 26.59 +.85 -11.5 44.70 22.88 SuffolkBcp .40 24 40.04 -1.76 -6.5 85.98 66.73 SunCmts 2.68f 28 80.56 +.01 +5.2 42.00 27 .69 SunHydrl .36a 41 35.87 -.91 -10.3 24.13 5.84 SunPower ... dd 6.07 -.91 -8.2 61.69 35.10 SunTrst 1.04 15 54.81 -2.90 -0.1 19.83 12.25 SupEnrgy .32 dd 13.44 +.04 -20.4 5.90 3.20 Supvalu ... 7 3.74 +.26 -19.9 27 .18 14.31 SwiftTrans ... 15 19.74 -1.22 -19.0 31.10 16.25 Symantec .30 8 30.47 -.23 +27 .5 38.06 23.25 Synchrony .26 12 33.31 -1.81 -8.2 7 .15 2.50 SynrgyPh ... dd 4.57 -.50 -25.0 44.09 26.90 SynovusFn .60f 20 39.48 -2.56 -3.9 65.03 46.50 TC PpLn 3.76 19 59.44 -.30 +1.0 83.64 71.50 TJX 1.04 23 78.43 -.79 +4.4 33.53 22.75 TaiwSemi .73e ... 32.81 +.22 +14.1 84.14 52.77 Target 2.40 11 53.12 -1.17 -26.5 30.15 17 .18 TASER ... 70 22.50 -.89 -7 .2 81.68 62.67 Taubmn 2.50f 17 65.03 -1.00 -12.0 37 .09 24.00 Technip ... 25 31.30 -.39 -11.9 26.60 6.86 TeckRes g .10m ... 21.10 -.07 +5.3 24.05 9.08 Teladoc n ... ... 25.45 +2.00 +54.2 34.08 14.06 TenetHlth ... 17 18.28 +.33 +23.2 70.96 44.55 Tenneco .25p 11 61.80 -4.79 -1.1 33.32 24.21 Teradata ... 13 30.30 -.46 +11.5 127 .00 91.07 TerraNitro 7 .08e 13 95.00 -1.68 -7 .5 287 .39 178.19 Tesla Inc ... dd 263.16 +1.66 +23.2 58.16 31.90 TevaPhrm 1.36e 11 32.76 -.88 -9.6 82.44 56.08 TexInst 2.00 25 80.59 -1.61 +10.4 50.51 37 .23 TexRdhse .84f 27 43.53 -.62 -9.8 17 .60 6.90 Textainer .96 dd 13.80 -1.25 +85.2 50.93 34.00 Textron .08 18 46.15 -1.59 -5.0 19.76 11.59 3D Sys ... cc 14.17 -.47 +6.6 193.50 163.12 3M Co 4.70f 23 191.51 -.85 +7 .2 96.23 56.99 Tiffany 1.80 26 95.38 +2.96 +23.2 99.29 68.97 TimeWarn 1.61 17 97 .51 -1.05 +1.0 46.45 28.72 Timken 1.04 21 43.55 -1.40 +9.7 79.53 52.46 Torchmark .60f 17 76.59 -2.04 +3.8 54.44 40.99 TorDBk gs 2.40f ... 48.68 -.82 -1.3 52.04 43.55 Total SA 2.71e ... 49.73 -.23 -2.4 123.18 97 .80 Toyota ... ... 111.36 -.85 -5.0 16.66 8.34 Transocn ... 7 12.26 -.21 -16.8 125.49 103.45 Travelers 2.68f 12 120.77 -2.37 -1.3 23.70 19.53 TriContl .82e q 22.87 -.27 +3.7 54.39 47 .50 TriCntl pf 2.50 ... 50.06 -.69 +3.2 30.17 13.21 TriNetGrp ... 42 28.43 -1.19 +11.0 30.13 16.39 Trinity .44 10 25.87 -1.51 -6.8 27 .85 16.50 TrueBlue ... 13 26.85 -.80 +8.9 9.00 5.81 TrstNY .26 18 7 .80 -.30 -10.9 66.90 50.43 Tuppwre 2.72 14 62.14 +1.21 +18.1 31.75 23.33 21stCFoxA .36 20 31.52 +.70 +12.4 25.25 13.73 Twitter ... dd 15.14 +.06 -7 .1 39.07 20.70 2U ... dd 37 .66 -.40 +24.9 38.61 32.79 UDR 1.24f 21 36.41 +.24 -0.2 50.38 39.20 UGI Corp .95 11 49.97 +.82 +8.4 16.10 4.95 UltraClean ... dd 15.66 +.21 +61.4 47 .95 18.40 UndrArm s ... 34 19.66 +.28 -32.3 147 .65 104.70 UniFirst .15 23 135.10 -.85 -6.0 50.52 38.41 UnilevNV 1.40e ... 50.26 +.51 +22.4 111.38 77 .29 UnionPac 2.42 20 103.96 -2.03 +0.3 30.63 8.12 Unit ... dd 22.18 -.03 -17 .5 76.80 37 .41 UtdContl ... 8 67 .93 +1.14 -6.8 120.44 100.05 UPS B 3.32f 18 105.05 -3.10 -8.4 134.28 56.01 UtdRentals ... 14 120.69 -4.50 +14.3 56.61 38.48 US Bancrp 1.12 16 52.57 -2.12 +2.3 9.74 6.33 US NGas ... q 7 .48 +.36 -19.9 12.45 8.99 US OilFd ... q 10.09 -.24 -13.9 41.83 12.77 USSteel .20 dd 32.82 -4.47 -0.6 114.44 96.89 UtdTech 2.64 17 111.80 -1.65 +2.0 172.14 125.26 UtdhlthGp 2.50 20 165.00 -4.70 +3.1 32.73 20.71 UnitGrp 2.40 15 25.54 -.10 +0.5 83.35 52.26 UnvslCp 2.12f 17 69.25 -.70 +8.6 50.27 29.79 UnumGrp .80f 12 45.79 -1.98 +4.2 1.92 .69 UraniumEn ... dd 1.32 -.13 +17 .9V-W-X-Y-Z 66.31 48.05 VF Corp 1.68 18 54.06 +.11 +1.3 11.70 3.85 Vale SA .29e ... 9.30 -.83 +22.0 11.10 2.93 Vale SA pf .29e ... 8.77 -.87 +27 .3 38.50 10.35 ValeantPh ... 3 10.75 -.28 -26.0 12.82 8.49 VlyNBcp .44 18 11.64 -.62 ... 31.79 18.58 VanEGold .12e q 22.92 +.25 +9.6 22.19 15.74 VnEkRus .64e q 20.95 +.06 -1.3 36.35 25.13 VEckOilSvc .86e q 29.69 -.89 -11.0 52.50 26.33 VanE JrGld ... q 36.20 -.08 +14.7 92.92 76.98 VangREIT 3.08e q 81.88 -.56 -0.8 91.68 79.06 VangDivAp 1.82e q 90.02 -1.42 +5.7 40.63 32.25 VangEmg 1.10e q 40.21 +.15 +12.4 39.64 33.01 VangFTSE 1.10e q 39.20 -.14 +7 .3 58.47 46.52 Vectren 1.68f 23 58.34 +.93 +11.9 76.80 56.20 Ventas 3.10 24 63.83 +3.32 +2.1 11.09 7 .99 Vereit .55 11 8.50 -.01 +0.5 91.99 74.01 Verisign ... 25 87 .19 +.94 +14.6 56.95 46.01 VerizonCm 2.31 12 49.68 -.71 -6.9 48.30 27 .96 ViadCorp .40 44 44.85 -1.25 +1.7 11.00 5.93 Viavi ... 28 10.72 +.02 +31.1 17 .41 10.21 Vipshop ... 29 13.80 -.30 +25.3 92.05 73.25 Visa s .66 31 89.19 -1.05 +14.3 17 .00 11.53 VishayInt .25 19 16.15 -.20 -0.3 93.05 49.76 VMware ... 27 91.73 -.87 +16.5 34.70 24.17 Vodafone 1.53e ... 26.88 +.33 +10.0 138.18 104.33 VulcanM 1.00f 37 112.74 -3.73 -9.9 125.00 99.32 WD 40 1.96 30 110.25 -1.75 -5.7 66.10 53.66 WEC Engy 2.08 21 61.08 +1.07 +4.1 72.89 55.77 WP Carey 3.98f 16 61.62 -.60 +4.3 16.17 6.04 WPX Engy ... dd 12.34 -.11 -15.3 75.19 62.72 WalMart 2.04f 16 69.61 -.28 +0.7 88.00 75.74 WalgBoots 1.50 18 82.97 -2.94 +0.3 34.61 27 .65 WREIT 1.20 34 31.12 -.12 -4.8 73.90 56.05 WsteMInc 1.70f 37 72.32 -1.22 +2.0 162.53 128.75 Waters ... 23 154.76 -1.83 +15.2 8.49 3.73 WeathfIntl ... dd 5.89 -.26 +18.0 57 .50 31.29 WebsterFn 1.00 23 49.77 -4.26 -8.3 19.86 9.37 WtWatch ... 17 14.93 -.05 +30.4 43.70 31.13 WeinRlt 1.54f 14 33.75 +.54 -5.7 59.99 43.55 WellsFargo 1.52 14 55.83 -2.84 +1.3 80.19 59.39 Welltower 3.49f 15 69.67 +2.39 +4.1 14.47 9.15 Wendys Co .28f 35 13.43 -.06 -0.7 57 .50 47 .70 WestarEn 1.60f 22 54.33 -.50 -3.6 11.75 11.09 WAstInfSc .38 q 11.31 +.03 -1.5 81.67 34.99 WDigital 2.00 17 78.18 +1.31 +15.1 26.88 20.32 WestpacBk 1.52e ... 25.77 -.76 +9.8 56.12 35.77 WestRck 1.60f ... 52.40 +.02 +3.2 194.10 145.91 Whrlpl 4.00 12 170.00 -2.71 -6.5 14.44 6.38 WhitingPet ... dd 8.22 -.94 -31.6 35.58 27 .67 WholeFood .56 20 28.93 -.60 -5.9 32.69 14.60 WmsCos 1.20f 49 28.69 +.12 -7 .9 42.32 17 .08 WillmsPtrs 3.40 dd 40.08 +.90 +5.4 10.46 5.59 Windstm rs .60 dd 5.45 -.83 -25.6 72.28 50.70 Woodward .50f 23 66.73 -2.11 -3.4 23.14 15.55 WldW Ent .48 51 21.95 +.86 +19.3 114.08 82.51 Wynn 2.00 34 111.92 +1.73 +29.4 45.42 38.00 XcelEngy 1.44f 21 44.77 +.92 +10.0 7 .69 5.72 Xerox .25m 10 7 .19 -.17 +25.0 62.24 41.53 Xilinx 1.32 26 58.63 -1.45 -2.9 16.97 7 .91 YRC Wwde ... 89 10.65 -1.00 -19.8 47 .19 33.93 Yahoo ... dd 46.40 -.19 +20.0 5.99 2.46 Yamana g .02 56 2.78 +.01 -1.1 39.85 26.54 YorkWater .64 37 34.00 -1.45 -11.0 91.99 59.57 YumBrnds 1.20p 17 63.58 -.29 +0.4 9.23 4.71 Zagg ... dd 6.45 -.70 -9.2 133.21 95.63 ZimmerBio .96 15 120.66 -1.01 +16.9 56.50 41.86 Zoetis .42f 25 53.85 -.15 +0.6 13.26 10.60 ZweigFd 1.01e q 11.05 +.03 -8.6 3.08 2.13 Zynga ... dd 2.80 ... +8.9 STOCKS LISTING CHANGE REQUESTS WELCOME!The Sun Newspaper is tweaking the way stocks are listed in the daily paper. We will continue to run a wide range of stocks, but weÂre trying to eliminate stocks our readers donÂt want. If you do not see your stock in the paper, please let us know and we will put it in the listings. Email the name of the company and the symbol to, or call 941-206-1138. You can leave the stock name and symbol on voice mail.
The Sun /Saturday, March 25, 2017 Page 9 TODAY / TONIGHTMostly sunnyPartly cloudyHIGH 84 LOW 590% chance of rain 5% chance of rainMostly sunny85 / 595% chance of rain SUNDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATURESunshine mixing with some clouds85 / 615% chance of rain MONDAYMostly sunny and beautiful84 / 595% chance of rain TUESDAYMostly sunny and warm87 / 6310% chance of rain THURSDAYPartly sunny and nice85 / 615% chance of rain WEDNESDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV IndexÂ’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIAÂ’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE617385888679Air Quality Index readings as of FridayMain pollutant: ParticulatesPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Friday Sebring through 2 p.m. Friday Venice through 2 p.m. Friday24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.00ÂŽ Month to date 0.78ÂŽ Normal month to date 2.58ÂŽ Year to date 2.60ÂŽ Normal year to date 6.81ÂŽ Record 1.95ÂŽ (2014) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.00ÂŽ 24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.00ÂŽ Month to date 1.49ÂŽ Normal month to date 2.94ÂŽ Year to date 3.31ÂŽ Normal year to date 7.62ÂŽ Record 1.95ÂŽ (2014) High/Low 82/59 Normal High/Low 81/58 Record High 88 (2007) Record Low 44 (1968) High/Low 79/61 High/Low 82/61 Normal High/Low 78/59 Record High 89 (1994) Record Low 42 (1968)Pollen Index readings as of Friday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.78 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 2.60 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Sun.Apalachicola 74 64 pc 75 61 pc Bradenton 80 62 s 79 60 s Clearwater 81 65 s 80 64 s Coral Springs 81 68 pc 82 67 pc Daytona Beach 77 60 pc 78 59 pc Fort Lauderdale 80 69 pc 81 66 pc Fort Myers 87 63 s 88 62 s Gainesville 82 57 pc 83 55 s Jacksonville 79 58 pc 79 56 sh Key Largo 78 71 s 78 69 s Key West 81 71 s 81 70 s Lakeland 82 59 s 83 59 s Melbourne 79 63 sh 80 62 s Miami 80 68 pc 82 66 pc Naples 83 62 s 82 62 s Ocala 82 57 pc 82 55 s Okeechobee 80 57 pc 81 57 s Orlando 82 59 pc 84 58 s Panama City 77 63 pc 75 60 c Pensacola 77 65 t 78 65 pc Pompano Beach 80 70 pc 81 68 pc St. Augustine 77 62 pc 78 60 s St. Petersburg 83 64 s 81 63 s Sarasota 82 59 s 79 58 s Tallahassee 78 59 pc 80 56 pc Tampa 84 64 s 82 63 s Vero Beach 79 61 pc 80 60 pc West Palm Beach 79 66 pc 80 64 pc Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 1:32a 8:58a 3:12p 8:45p Sun. 2:24a 9:32a 3:29p 9:28p Today 12:09a 7:14a 1:49p 7:01p Sun. 1:01a 7:48a 2:06p 7:44p Today 12:36p 5:59a --5:31p Sun. 12:02a 6:33a 1:00p 6:20p Today 2:04a 9:27a 3:44p 9:14p Sun. 2:56a 10:01a 4:01p 9:57p Today 12:04p 5:53a 11:16p 5:40p Sun. 12:21p 6:27a --6:23p ESE 8-16 1-3 Light SE 8-16 2-4 ModerateFt. Myers 87/63 sun none Punta Gorda 86/57 sun none Sarasota 82/59 sun none The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017New Mar 27 First Apr 3 Full Apr 11 Last Apr 19 Today 5:48 a.m. 5:28 p.m. Sunday 6:30 a.m. 6:29 p.m. Today 7:27 a.m. 7:42 p.m. Sunday 7:26 a.m. 7:43 p.m. Today 4:07a 10:20a 4:32p 10:45p Sun. 4:53a 11:06a 5:19p 11:32p Mon. 5:41a 11:54a 6:07p ---WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 03/25/17 Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun.Albuquerque 71 44 s 66 40 s Anchorage 33 16 s 37 15 pc Atlanta 74 60 pc 76 61 t Baltimore 73 49 pc 57 53 r Billings 51 35 r 55 40 pc Birmingham 74 60 t 78 61 c Boise 56 36 c 57 43 pc Boston 45 33 r 41 37 r Buffalo 42 35 r 61 49 r Burlington, VT 39 15 c 40 35 pc Charleston, WV 73 54 pc 68 54 sh Charlotte 73 54 pc 72 54 t Chicago 59 53 r 62 50 r Cincinnati 74 55 pc 65 52 sh Cleveland 64 52 r 67 53 r Columbia, SC 78 58 pc 79 58 pc Columbus, OH 74 56 c 67 55 r Concord, NH 45 24 r 42 32 sn Dallas 75 55 s 85 61 c Denver 62 36 pc 53 29 r Des Moines 52 42 r 56 43 c Detroit 52 42 r 60 51 r Duluth 36 27 pc 36 29 i Fairbanks 20 -7 s 22 -6 s Fargo 50 31 pc 48 32 c Hartford 49 34 r 43 36 r Helena 54 31 r 55 35 pc Honolulu 83 71 s 85 72 pc Houston 82 58 pc 84 68 pc Indianapolis 67 55 t 63 49 t Jackson, MS 76 58 t 81 62 pc Kansas City 60 45 sh 64 48 c Knoxville 73 55 c 74 56 sh Las Vegas 72 54 s 77 55 pc Los Angeles 67 53 pc 68 52 s Louisville 75 58 c 70 54 sh Memphis 71 56 t 76 61 pc Milwaukee 44 41 r 52 41 r Minneapolis 49 36 c 46 35 c Montgomery 78 62 t 82 62 c Nashville 74 57 t 76 57 c New Orleans 78 66 t 82 68 pc New York City 63 42 sh 44 41 r Norfolk, VA 73 53 pc 70 54 c Oklahoma City 69 45 pc 79 51 t Omaha 50 40 r 57 41 c Philadelphia 74 46 pc 50 47 r Phoenix 82 56 s 81 58 pc Pittsburgh 70 54 pc 67 54 r Portland, ME 45 25 c 38 32 pc Portland, OR 53 42 pc 51 43 r Providence 52 35 r 45 37 r Raleigh 76 55 pc 74 55 c Salt Lake City 50 36 r 58 44 pc St. Louis 70 52 t 68 52 pc San Antonio 84 60 s 86 64 pc San Diego 66 56 pc 67 57 s San Francisco 62 50 pc 61 51 sh Seattle 52 39 pc 49 44 sh Washington, DC 75 54 pc 68 57 r Amsterdam 55 39 pc 55 39 c Baghdad 73 52 pc 76 53 s Beijing 57 40 pc 58 37 pc Berlin 53 35 pc 55 36 pc Buenos Aires 80 65 pc 80 64 pc Cairo 75 54 s 76 57 s Calgary 55 27 pc 48 26 pc Cancun 84 70 pc 85 71 s Dublin 53 41 pc 52 44 pc Edmonton 49 26 c 42 25 pc Halifax 41 20 pc 34 21 s Kiev 43 32 c 44 30 sh London 59 43 pc 59 45 pc Madrid 53 40 sh 59 42 c Mexico City 80 54 pc 78 52 pc Montreal 37 15 pc 37 30 pc Ottawa 38 18 c 35 32 r Paris 62 43 s 62 42 pc Regina 53 30 pc 50 29 s Rio de Janeiro 87 71 s 85 72 t Rome 68 47 pc 63 44 pc St. JohnÂs 34 11 sn 22 11 c San Juan 82 72 sh 84 72 pc Sydney 76 67 sh 77 69 sh Tokyo 52 45 pc 49 44 r Toronto 39 32 r 43 41 r Vancouver 51 38 pc 50 42 r Winnipeg 43 34 c 43 31 cHigh ...................... 87 at McAllen, TXLow ............... -5 at Clayton Lake, ME(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)70Amarillo, Texas, got nearly 21 inches of snow on March 25, 1934. Most of it melted shortly after reaching the ground. Q: Spring in the Northern Hemisphere is what season south of the equator?A: Autumn Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todayÂs weather. Temperatures are todayÂs highs and tonightÂs lows. North Port 84/59 82/57 84/60 84/60 82/59 82/57 82/57 82/56 83/58 84/64 80/62 81/67 80/62 87/63 84/59 86/57 84/60 85/59 85/59 82/58 81/59 85/60 86/60 83/64 83/59 78/63 80/62 80/62 85/58 84/62 80/62 82/58 82/59 81/65 79/65 84/61 85/62 84/60 PITTSFIELD, Mass. (AP) „ Police in Massachusetts didnÂt have to look far for a suspect in the knifepoint robbery of a Pittsfield liquor store. Authorities say Melissa Holden was found asleep in the hallway of a nearby building a short time later „ with a knife and bottles of vodka and Gatorade „ the very items reported stolen. ODD NEWSSuspect in Massachusetts liquor store robbery found sleepingShe was also wearing clothing similar to the suspect seen in store surveillance video. The Berkshire Eagle reports the 40-year-old Holden was held on $3,000 bail after pleading not guilty at her arraignment Tuesday. Her attorney said she had no recollection of any robbery. Police say the suspect entered the store, grabbed a Gatorade from a cooler, asked for two pints of vodka, and pulled a knife when the clerk asked for payment. ‘50s ‘80s Classic Hit Songspresented by The J3 Vocal BandSaturday, March 25North Port Performing Arts CenterOrder online North Port Performing Arts Center All tickets sales are nal Two ways to order tickets: Roy Orbison Ricky Nelson Tanya Tucker Chuck Berry Roy Hamilton Buddy Holly Billy Joel Sam Cookeand many more!Carl Perkins Del Shannon Johnny Rivers Ben E. King The Everly Brothers The Coasters The Beach Boys ElvisTickets starting at $1500 adno=716858 Sunday, April 2Cultural Center of Charlotte CountyJoin our newsletter to receive event updates! Two ways to get tickets:ENJOY SONGS SUCH AS: Order online 1 Call or visit the venue:Cultural Center of Charlotte County2280 Aaron Street 2All sales are nal.RockFolk & Country CSNSongsCelebrating the music ofCrosby, Stills, Nash & Young$1800Tickets starting at: Showtime: 7:30pm adno=716555
Page 10 The Sun / Saturday, March 25, 2017 0% F INANCING AVAILABLE ON ALL 2016 MODELS SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS S OME REBATES MAY NOT BE COMBINED WITH 0% FINANCING A LL PRICES AND PAYMENTS ARE PLUS TAX TITLE LICENSES DEALER FEES AND DEALER ADD ONS L EASE PAYMENTS ARE BASED ON A C ONQUEST LEASE SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS P HOTOS ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSES AND MAY NOT REFLECT THE EXACT COLOR OR TRIM ON CARS IN STOCK S EE DEALER FOR DETAILS M UST FINANCE WITH GMF TO R ECEIVE DOWN PAYMENT ASSISTANCE MONEY NEW 2016 CHEVY SILVADO 1500 Stk#2-141685 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $39,495 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,315 GMF DPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . $33,180 $6,315 Total Saving NEW 2016 CASCADA PREMIUM 1SP Stk#1-095209 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37,525 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,928 Select Model . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . $28,597 TOTAL SAVINGS OF $8,928 NEW 2016 COLORADO LT Stk#381285 $8,422 Total Saving NEW 2016 CHEVY SUBURBAN Stk#2-303277 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $74,490 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,164 GMF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . $65,326 NEW 2016 BUICK VERANO Stk#1-161880 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $29,990 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,889 Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750 Super Sale Price . . . . . . $25,651 $4,639 Total Saving NEW 2016 BUICK ENCORE Stk#2-593708 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,175 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,929 Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,750 Down Payment Assistance . $1,500 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . . $22,996 $7,179 Total Saving MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17,175 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . . $13,175 $4,000 Total Saving Stk#2-294014 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $46,380 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,979 DPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000 Rebate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . $37,401 $8,979 Total Saving 210 S. Brevard Avenue € Arcadia, FL 34266www.ArcadiaChevrolet.comArcadia Chevrolet Buick888.579.4452Showroom Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am 8:00pm, Sat 9:00am 5:00pm, Closed Sun € Service Hours: Mon Fri 7:30am 5:30pm, Sat 8:00am Noon, Closed Sun NEW 2016 CHEVY TAHOE Stk#2-277077 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $71,750 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,455 GMF DPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . . $62,295 NEW 2016 CHEVY PASSENGER VAN Stk#2-330734 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38,630 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,811 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . $31,819 $6,811 Total Saving 0%72 MONTHS & REBATESUP TO FREE OIL & FILTER FOR LIFE Routine Maintenance Required 0% For 60 MONTHS AND $1500 REBATE 0% For 60 MONTHS OR $750 REBATE TOTAL SAVINGS OF $4,000 0% For 72 MONTHS & $8,422 IN SAVINGS 0% For 72 MONTHS & $8,979 IN SAVINGS 0% For 72 MONTHS & TOTAL SAVINGS OF $9,164 0% For 72 MONTHS & TOTAL SAVINGS OF $9,455 MSRP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34,085 Discount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,422 Select Model . . . . . . . . . . . $4,000 Super Sale Price . . . . . . . . $25,663 TOTAL SAVINGS OF $6,315 TOTAL SAVINGS OF $6,811 $8,928 Total Saving NEW 2016 CHEVY SILVERADO 1500 adno=716606 OPEN SUNDAY 11:00AM TO 5:00PM NEW 2016 CHEVY SPARK Stk#1-626964 $9,164 Total Saving $9,455 Total Saving
Saturday, March 25, 2017 SPORTS € @SunCoastSportsDustin Johnson and Phil Mickelson are among the survivors at the Dell Match Play tournament in Austin. Page 4MOVING ONINDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | College Basketball 3 | Golf 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Baseball 6 PORT CHARLOTTE „ He was in eighth grade and his grandmother was dying. Arlene Snell told her grandson that she believed he could be a pitcher in the major leagues. ÂAnd I told her I would get there,ÂŽ Blake Snell said. He made a pledge. And he kept it. Last season, he made his major league debut „ at Yankee Stadium. Big crowd. Five innings, two hits, one run. Quite the arrival. Snell finished his rookie season with a 6-8 record and a 3.54 ERA and 98 strikeouts in 89 innings. Is this the next great left-handed arm on the Rays pitching assembly line? ThatÂs what 2017 is about. So far, not so good. The 24-year-old Snell, expected to be a big part of the rotation, has been disappointing in five spring appearances. COMMENTARY: RaysTime for Snell to shed Âprospect tagSUN PHOTO BY TOM OÂNEILLBlake SnellÂs days carrying the ÂprospectÂŽ tag are fast coming to an end. The Rays need to see better results from the 24-year-old. MARTIN FENNELLY By JOE SMITHTampa Bay TimesDETROIT „ NHL analyst Nick Kypreos went on a Canadian Sportsnet radio show recently and dropped a bombshell that likely stoked fans in Pittsburgh and Edmonton. Kypreos wondered if Lightning wing Nikita Kucherov is the best player in the world? That wasnÂt a slight against Penguins Sidney Crosby or the Oilers Connor McDavid, widely considered the leagueÂs top two stars. ItÂs a reflection on what Kucherov has done, his 37-goal season bringing a lost Lightning season back to life. KucherovÂs 1.15 points per game trail only McDavid (1.18) and Crosby (1.21). ÂI think heÂs a top player in the world, thereÂs no question,ÂŽ Kypreos said Friday in an interview. ÂWeÂve got different looks now from McDavid, Crosby. But Kucherov is now in that conversation.ÂŽ Said Toronto coach Mike Babcock: ÂKucherov is playing as good as anyone in the league.ÂŽ Should Kucherov be in the league MVP conversation? Crosby owns a league-leading 41 goals through ThursdayÂs games, McDavid a league-leading 87 points. BostonÂs Brad Marchand, San JoseÂs Brent Burns and OttawaÂs Erik Karlsson will be in the mix, too. And all those players will likely be in the playoffs, an advantage with voting completed by writers near the end of the regular season.NHL: LightningKucherov has game of MVP candidateAP PHOTOTampa Bay Lightning right wing Nikita Kucherov (86) watches his shot get past Arizona Coyotes goalie Louis Domingue during the second period Tuesday in Tampa. By BEN WALKERAssociated PressNow that the Cubs have broken baseballÂs oldest curse, whoÂs next? From D.C. to Dodger Stadium, a lot of loaded teams are lurking, waiting for that elusive World Series win. New Cardinals leadoff man Dexter Fowler has a clue which club might break through. ÂI guess Cleveland,ÂŽ he said. Fowler got a close-up look last fall. He was part of the Cubs squad that ended a 108-year championship drought by denying the Indians their first title since 1948. Carlos Correa, Jose Altuve and the Houston Astros seem ready to rocket into October orbit. ÂBout time for a team still searching for that first crown. ÂI wouldnÂt mind taking us off that list,ÂŽ Astros manager A.J. Hinch said. Been a while, too, since the U.S. capital was the baseball capital „ 1924, to be exact. ÂIt would put the Nationals on the map,ÂŽ Washington manager Dusty Baker said. ÂRightfully so, this is a Redskins town. TheyÂve been there a long time. TheyÂve got a history of success.ÂŽ Coming off six straight losing years, the Colorado Rockies appear far from contending. Of course, thereÂs always hope, especially when every team is 0-0. ÂThatÂs the goal for us, is to win the whole thing,ÂŽ shortstop Trevor Story said. Besides, he saw the huge turnaround in Chicago that led to a humongous celebration. ÂItÂs cool, especially for a team like us. WeÂre not spending crazy amounts of money and stuff like that. We have to draft good. ItÂll be sweet once it finally happens and those years in the past will make the wins just that much more sweet,ÂŽ Story said. LetÂs look at who could be next to jettison the jinx:MLB: Season OutlookWhoÂs next to douse a drought?AP FILE PHOTOCleveland Indians left fielder Rajai Davis, left, and shortstop Francisco Lindor celebrate their win after Game 4 of the Major League Baseball World Series against the Chicago Cubs last October in Chicago. Now that the Cubs have broken baseballÂs oldest curse, whoÂs next? Maybe itÂs the Indians turn. SEE MLB, 6 SEE LIGHTNING, 4 SEE SNELL, 6 By GREG BEACHAMAssociated PressFONTANA, Calif. „ While Dale Earnhardt Jr. prepared for his 600th NASCAR Cup Series race this weekend, he couldnÂt help thinking about his first time. He still recalls his conversation with Tony Eury Jr., his cousin and crew chief, as he sat on that starting grid in Charlotte in 1999. ÂI remember telling Tony that I would switch with him for a AUTO RACING: NASCARDale Jr prepares for 600th race after creating own legacyAP PHOTODale Earnhardt Jr. gets ready to go out for the opening practice session for the NASCAR auto race at Auto Club Speedway Friday in Fontana, Calif. Only 24 drivers in NASCAR history have started 600 races, and Dale Earnhardt Jr. joins the club Sunday. SEE NASCAR, 4 Associated PressDETROIT „ Nikita Kucherov scored 3:28 into overtime to lift the Tampa Bay Lightning over the Detroit Red Wings 2-1 on Friday night. Situated on the edge of the crease, Kucherov redirected a hard pass from Brayden Point into the net. The Lightning are one point behind the Boston Bruins and New York Islanders for the final Eastern Conference wild card. Detroit captain Henrik Zetterberg opened the scoring 8:03 into the second period. Taking a backhand pass from Gustav Nyquist, Zetterberg flipped a knuckling wrist shot toward the goal and over the stick-side shoulder of goalie Andrei Vasilievskiy, who struggled to find the puck through the screen of teammate Point. Tampa Bay pulled even early in the third period when Ondrej Palat slapped the rebound of KucherovÂs shot into the net behind goalie Petr Mrazek at 5:53. For Kucherov, who netted a hat trick in ThursdayÂs 6-3 win at Boston, it extended his point streak to four games. He has seven goals and two assists during that stretch. The Lightning have won four in a row on the road and Vasilevskiy, who made 29 saves, ended a personal three-game losing skid.NHL: LightningOvertime thrillerAP PHOTOTampa Bay Lightning right wing Nikita Kucherov (86) celebrates his goal against Detroit Red Wings goalie Petr Mrazek (34) in overtime Friday in Detroit. Kucherov tips in OT winner, Lightning beat Red Wings, 2-1
Page 2 SP Saturday, March 25, 2017 / The Sun Florida Lotterywww.flalottery.comPICK 2Mar. 24N .........................5-3 Mar. 24D .........................3-1 Mar. 23N .........................9-2 Mar. 23D .........................7-2 Mar. 22N .........................2-7 Mar. 22D .........................7-6 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Mar. 24N ......................4-1-4 Mar. 24D ......................9-8-3 Mar. 23N ......................2-6-1 Mar. 23D ......................3-7-8 Mar. 22N ......................6-7-2 Mar. 22D ......................2-6-6 D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Mar. 24N ...................3-9-3-4 Mar. 24D ...................6-0-7-5 Mar. 23N ...................8-7-7-4 Mar. 23D ...................2-2-2-7 Mar. 22N ...................6-2-1-2 Mar. 22D ...................5-9-6-2 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Mar. 24N ...............5-5-3-1-7 Mar. 24D ...............2-4-6-5-0 Mar. 23N ...............5-7-9-1-3 Mar. 23D ...............4-0-5-8-8 Mar. 22N ...............7-9-5-8-2 Mar. 22D ...............5-1-2-3-4 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Mar. 24 ...........3-29-23-24-36 Mar. 23 ...........14-1-20-35-17 Mar. 22 .........30-31-19-17-36 PAYOFF FOR MAR. 23 0...5-digit winners............$0 253.4-digit winners .$555.00 7,686..3-digit winners. $23.50LUCKY MONEYMar. 24 ............... 8-26-34-40 Lucky Ball..................... ....10 Mar. 21 ..............30-31-43-46 Lucky Ball.......................... 9 € € € PAYOFF FOR MAR. 21 0......4-of-4 LB .....$2,000,000 3.......4-of-4............$5,460.00 44.....3-of-4 LB .........$814.00 675....3-of-4 ..............$157.00LOTTOMar. 22 .....13-32-42-3-21-30 Mar. 18 ...17-23-27-35-36-40 Mar. 15 .....14-45-28-20-16-9 PAYOFF FOR MAR. 22 0..6-digit winners ..$3 million 13..5-digit winners.. $3,850.00 1,001..4-digit winners ..$64.50POWERBALLMarch 22..........2-9-27-29-42 Powerball ...........................9 March 18......13-25-44-54-67 Powerball ...........................5 € € € PAYOFF FOR MAR. 22 1...5 of 5 + PB ..$155 million 2...5 of 5 ..............$1,000,000 4...4 of 5 + PB ..........$50,000 55...4 of 5 ......................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $40 millionMEGA MILLIONSMar. 24 .......... 5-28-37-61-69 Mega Ball........................... 1 Mar. 21 ...........4-45-53-73-75 Mega Ball........................... 7 € € € PAYOFF FOR Mar. 21 0...5 of 5 + MB .$140 million 0...5 of 5 ..............$1,000,000 2...4 of 5 + MB ...........$5,000 17..4 of 5 .......................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $151 million SPORTS ON TVAUTO RACING 11:30 a.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Auto Club 400, practice, at Fontana, Calif. 12:30 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, NXS 300, qualifying, at Fontana, Calif. 2:30 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Auto Club 400, “ nal practice, at Fontana, Calif. 4 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, NXS 300, at Fontana, Calif. 12:30 a.m. (Sunday) NBCSN „ Formula One, Australian Grand Prix, at Melbourne, Australia BOXING 6 p.m. SHO „ Jorge Linares, vs. Anthony Crolla, for Linares WBA World lightweight title, at Manchester, England COLLEGE BASEBALL 3 p.m. ESPN2 „ LSU at Florida 8 p.m. ESPN2 „ Oklahoma St. at TCU COLLEGE BASKETBALL 3 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Division II Tournament, championship, Fairmont St. vs. NW Missouri St., at Sioux Falls, S.D. 6:09 p.m. TBS „ NCAA Tournament, Elite Eight, regional “ nal, Gonzaga vs. Xavier, at San Jose, Calif. 8:49 p.m. TBS „ NCAA Tournament, Elite Eight, regional “ nal, Oregon vs. Kansas, at Kansas City, Mo. COLLEGE SOFTBALL 6 p.m. ESPN2 „ Auburn at Florida GOLF 10 a.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour-WGC, Dell Match Play, Round of 16, at Austin, Texas 2 p.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour, Puerto Rico Open, third round, at Rio Grande, Puerto Rico NBC „ PGA Tour-WGC, Dell Match Play, quarter“ nals, at Austin, Texas 5:30 p.m. GOLF „ LPGA Tour, Kia Classic, third round, at Carlsbad, Calif. HORSE RACING 10:30 a.m. NBCSN „ Dubai World Cup (plus the Dubai Golden Shaheen, Dubai Turf and Dubai Sheema Classic), at Dubai, United Arab Emirates MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB „ Spring training, Detroit vs. Pittsburgh, at Bradenton, Fla. 4 p.m. MLB „ Spring training, Texas vs. Seattle, at Peoria, Ariz. MOTOR SPORTS 7 p.m. FS1 „ AMA, Monster Energy Supercross, at Detroit NBA BASKETBALL 7:30 p.m. NBA „ Washington at Cleveland SOCCER 1 p.m. FS2 „ FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, Sweden vs. Belarus, at Solna, Sweden 3:30 p.m. FS2 „ FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, Portugal vs. Hungary, at Lisbon, Portugal WOMENÂS COLLEGE BASKETBALL 11:30 a.m. ESPN „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, Oregon vs. Maryland, at Bridgeport, Conn. 1:30 p.m. ESPN „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, UCLA vs. UConn, at Bridgeport, Conn. 4 p.m. ESPN „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, Quinnipiac vs. South Carolina, at Stockton, Calif. 6 p.m. ESPN „ NCAA Tournament, Sweet 16, Florida St. vs. Oregon St., at Stockton, Calif. --Sunday, March 26 AUTO RACING 3:30 p.m. FOX „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Auto Club 400, at Fontana, Calif. COLLEGE BASEBALL 2 p.m. ESPN2 „ Oklahoma St. at TCU COLLEGE BASKETBALL 2 or 4:55 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Tournament, Elite Eight, regional “ nal, North Carolina-Butler winner vs. Kentucky-UCLA winner, at Memphis, Tenn. 2 or 4:55 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Tournament, Elite Eight, regional “ nal, Baylor-South Carolina winner vs. Florida-Wisconsin, at New York COLLEGE SOFTBALL 7 p.m. ESPN2 „ Auburn at Florida GOLF 10 a.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour-WGC, Dell Match Play, semi“ nals, at Austin, Texas 2:30 p.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour, Puerto Rico Open, “ nal round, at Rio Grande, Puerto Rico 3 p.m. NBC „ PGA Tour-WGC, Dell Match Play, championship, at Austin, Texas 5:30 p.m. GOLF „ LPGA Tour, Kia Classic, “ nal round, at Carlsbad, Calif. MLB BASEBALL 1 p.m. MLB „ Spring training, Atlanta vs. N.Y. Mets, at Port St. Lucie, Fla. 4 p.m. MLB „ Spring training, San Francisco vs. Chicago White Sox, at Glendale, Ariz. NBA BASKETBALL 3:30 p.m. ABC „ Oklahoma City at Houston 9:30 p.m. NBA „ Portland at L.A. Lakers NHL HOCKEY 12:30 p.m. NBC „ Minnesota at Detroit 7 p.m. NBCSN „ Philadelphia at Pittsburgh SOCCER 11:50 a.m. ESPN2 „ FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, Azerbaijan vs. Germany, at Baku, Azerbaijan Noon FS2 „ FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, England vs. Lithuania, at London 2:30 p.m. FS2 „ FIFA, World Cup 2018 qualifying, Montenegro vs. Poland, at Podgorica, Montenegro SPECIAL OLYMPICS 2 p.m. ABC „ Special Olympics World Winter Games, Best of the Games at Schladming, Austria (taped) RUGBY 9:45 a.m. NBCSN „ English Premiership, Saracens vs. Bath WOMENÂS COLLEGE BASKETBALL Noon ESPN „ NCAA Tournament, Elite Eight, Regional “ nal, Ohio St.-Notre Dame winner vs. Texas-Stanford winner, at Lexington, Ky. 7:30 p.m. ESPN „ NCAA Tournament, Elite Eight, Regional “ nal, Washington-Mississippi St. winner vs. Louisville-Baylor winner, at Oklahoma City Associated PressORLANDO „ Elfrid Payton had 14 points, 11 rebounds and 10 assists in his fourth triple-double of the season, Terrence Ross scored 18 points and the Orlando Magic routed the slumping Detroit Pistons 115-87 on Friday night. It was another costly defeat for the Pistons, who entered the night just one game out of eighth place in the Eastern Conference and lost for the third straight time and the sixth in their last seven games. All five Magic starters were in double figures to back PaytonÂs seventh career triple-double. Nikola Vucevic and Aaron Gordon each scored 16 points and Evan Fournier had 15 in one of OrlandoÂs most complete performances of the season. Ross, who played with four fouls much of the second half, was 5 for 6 from 3-point range in a game Orlando led by as many as 33 points in the second half. The Magic (27-46) seemed to play with more purpose and energy than the fading Pistons, who are dropped to 34-39. Detroit continued its trend of not playing much defense, and found very little offensive rhythm all night. The Magic shot 51.6 percent from the field and converted 12 of 26 from 3-point range, while the Pistons hit 35.4 percent from the field and made just two of 22 3-point attempts. Tobias Harris was the only Pistons starter to score in double figures with 11 points, while Jon Leuer and Reggie Jackson came off the bench to score 16 and 11 points, respectively.CELTICS 1 30, SUNS 120: Devin Booker scored 70 points, becoming the sixth different player in NBA history to reach that total, but the Boston Celtics got 34 points from Isaiah Thomas and outlasted the Phoenix Suns 130-120 on Friday night. Booker joined Wilt Chamberlain, Kobe Bryant, David Thompson, David Robinson and Elgin Baylor as the NBAÂs 70-point scorers. Baylor also held the previous record against the Celtics with 64 points in Minneapolis for the Lakers on Nov. 8, 1959. Just 20 years old, Booker scored 51 after halftime. The win was BostonÂs third straight, and avenged its buzzer-beater loss in Phoenix earlier this month. The rematch was dominated early by the Celtics as they hit eight 3-pointers during a 37-point second quarter to grow their lead as high as 26 points. CAVALIERS 112, HORNETS 105: LeBron James had 32 points, 11 assists and nine rebounds, and the Cleveland Cavaliers bounced back from their worst defensive outing of the season with a win over the Charlotte Hornets. Kyrie Irving added 26 points and Kevin Love had 15 points and 12 rebounds. NUGGETS 125, PACERS 117: Nikola Jokic had 31 points, 17 rebounds and a big 3-pointer to turn back a late Indiana rally, and the Denver Nuggets beat the Pacers. Wilson Chandler scored 12 of his 24 points in the opening quarter, and Danilo Gallinari added 21 points and 11 rebounds for the Nuggets. Jokic had 21 points and 12 rebounds by halftime, helping Denver open an 11-point lead, but Indiana staged a furious rally in the “ nal minutes to trim a 23-point de“ cit to “ ve before JokicÂs 3-pointer with 1:28 remaining.NBA ROUNDUPPaytonÂs triple-double helps Magic rout Pistons, 115-87AP PHOTOOrlando MagicÂs Elfrid Payton (4) is unable to get off a shot as Detroit Pistons Marcus Morris wraps his arms around him, drawing a foul call, during the second half Friday in Orlando. Associated PressOKLAHOMA CITY „ Teaira McCowan scored 20 of her career-high 26 points in the fourth quarter, and Mississippi State defeated Washington 75-64 on Friday night to advance to the Elite Eight for the first time. McCowan, a 6-foot-7 sophomore center who entered the game averaging just over eight points per game, made 9 of 10 field goals in the final 10 minutes. She scored 11 points in the first 2:33 of the fourth quarter to turn a two-point deficit into a seven-point lead for the second-seeded Bulldogs (32-4). Plum scored 29 points and Chantel Osahor added 17 points and 11 rebounds in their final games for third-seeded Washington, (29-6) which reached the Final Four last season. Mississippi State led 38-29 at halftime. Plum exploded for 10 points in the third quarter, and the defense picked up to help Washington take a 50-48 lead into the fourth quarter before McCowan took over.NOTRE DAME 99, OHIO STATE 76: Arike Ogunbowale had a career-high 32 points, Lindsay Allen added 16 and Notre Dame easily beat Ohio State 99-76 on Friday night in the Sweet 16 of the NCAA Tournament. Playing “ ve days after losing star forward Brianna Turner to a season-ending left knee injury, the top-seeded Irish posted their thirdhighest output this season while also scoring the most points against the Buckeyes. Ogunbowale seemed almost unstoppable in making 11 of 22 from the “ eld to top her previous high by two points. Besides Allen, the Irish got 14 points and a career-high nine rebounds from freshman forward Erin Boley, a Kentucky native who started in TurnerÂs place. The Irish tied one season best with 12 3-pointers on a seasonhigh 24 attempts and made 19 of 20 free throws for a thorough win.WOMENÂS NCAA TOURNAMENTMississippi St. topples WashingtonAssociated PressJohn Tavares and Anthony Beauvillier scored in the shootout to lead the New York Islanders over the Pittsburgh Penguins. Beauvillier opened the shootout with a goal, and Tavares snapped a wrist shot past Marc-Andre Fleury in the next round. Sidney Crosby scored in the shootout for Pittsburgh, but Jaroslav Halak, making his first start since Dec. 29, stopped Phil Kessel and Nick Bonino. Anders Lee scored his 28th goal of the season, while Brock Nelson got his 17th and Casey Cizikas his eighth for the Islanders, who moved into the second wild-card spot in the Eastern Conference. New York is tied with Boston at 82 points, but the Islanders have a game in hand on the Bruins. The Islanders have 18 wins in 31 games since Doug Weight was named interim coach on Jan. 17, replacing Jack Capuano.NHL ROUNDUPIslanders outlast Penguins, 3-2 Associated PressMEMPHIS, Tenn. „ Joel Berry II scored 26 points and Justin Jackson added 24 as top-seeded North Carolina moved to the Elite Eight with a 92-80 victory over Butler in the NCAA South Region on Friday night. Luke Maye recorded his first career doubledouble with 16 points and 12 rebounds, helping fuel a quick start for Carolina (30-7). The Tar Heels never let their lead get under double digits in the second half. Andrew Chrabascz led the fourth-seeded Bulldogs (25-9) with 21 points and seven rebounds, while Kelan Martin finished with 16 points for Butler, which struggled shooting early and did not recover. Carolina, which reached the Elite Eight for the 27th time, will face the winner of FridayÂs second game between UCLA and Kentucky. The Tar Heels connected on 54.4 percent of their shots, while Butler was at 43.5 percent.SOUTH CAROLINA 70, BAYLOR 50: ArSind arius Thornwell scored 24 points and seventh-seeded South Carolina cruised past third-seeded Baylor 70-50 on Friday night in the East Regional semi“ nals, the Bears worst NCAA Tournament loss. The Gamecocks (25-10) were in control from the middle of the “ rst half on, mixing defenses and hustling all over the Madison Square Garden court to advance to the Elite Eight for the “ rst time. South Carolina will meet the winner of the Wisconsin-Florida game on Sunday with a trip to the Final Four at stake.MENÂS NCAA TOURNAMENTBerry scores 26 points and Carolina defeats Butler, 92-80
The Sun / Saturday, March 25, 2017 SP Page 3By TERRANCE HARRISAssociated PressORLANDO „ Johnny DawkinsÂs arrived at UCF with a promise to turn the menÂs basketball program around. No one expected him to be able to do it in a year. With just seven scholarship players, the realistic outlook was a rebuilding year, with hopes of a glimpse of what might be coming. But instead of planning for Year 2 under Dawkins, the Knights are headed to Madison Square Garden and the NIT Final Four with a legitimate chance of winning the programÂs first national championship. ÂOur belief has been in these players from Day 1,ÂŽ said Dawkins, a former national player of the year and AllAmerican at Duke and NBA player. ÂI think as we started to play and started to gain some momentum I think they started realizing what we can accomplish and they kept working. And we put ourselves in position to be very competitive this season so IÂm just excited.ÂŽ Much of the credit for UCF being in this position should go to Dawkins who has reenergized a program that was trending downward in Donnie Jones last years. It wasnÂt instantaneous, but CFE Arena slowly became a homecourt advantage this season as crowds and enthusiasm grew with the teamÂs success. An improving 7-foot-6 anchor, an outstanding playmaker at point guard, a fivegame winning to end the regular season, 24 victories and a fortuitous scheduling conflict has helped speed up Dawkins rebuilding timetable. The Knights stunning postseason run continues Tuesday night in New York against TCU. ÂI think itÂs huge for the program, we are way ahead of schedule,ÂŽ said UCF athletic director Danny White, who hired Dawkins last March. ÂWe are extremely fortunate to have a coach the caliber of Johnny Dawkins leading our menÂs basketball program.ÂŽ The Knights have put in the work this year, but have also had the ball bounce their way. A record-crowd of 10,011 fans packed a sold out CFE Arena „ a first for the building „ in a matchup with Illinois that should have been road game for the Knights. But Illinois had a scheduling conflict at their building so the game was played in Orlando. The energy from the home crowd helped the fourth-seeded Knights (24-11) defeat No.2 seed Illinois 68-58. Fans, especially the rowdy student section, had been in a frenzy all night and stormed the court after the win. ÂIt was rocking against Illinois,ÂŽ White said. ÂIt was awesome to see it that way.ÂŽ ItÂs a scene UCF had hoped for when they hired Dawkins. He led Stanford to two NIT titles before being let go last year, then took over a UCF program that had gone 12-18 and 6-12 in the American Athletic Conference in Jones last year. The 24 wins so far this season is the second most for the program in its Division I era and the 11 victories in AAC play are the most the Knights have had since joining the league. COLLEGE BASKETBALL: NITUCFÂs decision to hire Johnny Dawkins paying major dividendsAP PHOTOJohnny Dawkins needed just one season to turn the UCF basketball program around despite having only seven scholarship players when he was hired last spring. By ERIC OLSONAssociated PressKANSAS CITY, Mo. „ OregonÂs Dylan Ennis, once called the Âunluckiest player in college basketball,ÂŽ was feeling pretty fortunate after the Ducks survived to reach the NCAA Midwest Regional final against top-seeded Kansas on Saturday night. He gets to continue his lengthy college career for at least another day. He imagined Friday how devastating it would have been for him personally if Michigan had been able to capitalize after he missed the front end of not one but two one-and-ones in the last 2 minutes of the regional semifinal Thursday. The Ducks won 69-68, but not until Derrick Walton Jr. missed his 20-foot jumper with Ennis defending. ÂI wanted to be the one to guard Walton for that last possession,ÂŽ Ennis said. ÂI looked at all my teammates. They said, ÂDylan, itÂs not over. They had the confidence in me to guard him. I knew it wasnÂt just those two free throws. But I felt like if he hit that shot, the season would have been on me.ÂŽ The personable Ennis is a guy who deserves a good break. HeÂs 25 years old. HeÂs playing at his third school. HeÂs in his sixth season of eligibility. To understand how long Ennis has been around, consider that his brother Tyler Ennis, the former Syracuse star and current Los Angeles Laker, is three years younger and is in his third NBA season. Few give the thirdseeded Ducks much chance to beat a Kansas team that seems to be on an unstoppable roll and will have a huge homecourt advantage playing so close to its campus. SaturdayÂs winner goes to the Final Four next week in Glendale, Arizona. ÂThis game, itÂs special to me because I know this is possibly my last game. Hopefully not, God willing,ÂŽ Ennis said. ÂIÂve had a great experience throughout my college career and to end it hopefully on a high note with my brothers and such a great coaching staff... itÂs big. I have enjoyed my entire career, and whatever happens tomorrow, I could go to sleep knowing that I enjoyed every step of it.ÂŽ The 6-foot-2 Canadian started his college career at Rice in 2011-12 and made the Conference USA all-freshman team. Craving a bigger stage, he transferred to Villanova, where he was required to sit out his first year. Ennis broke his hand just before he became eligible. He played 30 games in 2013-14 but never felt quite right. The next season he averaged 9.9 points while playing in all 36 games.COLLEGE BASKETBALL: NCAA TournamentOregon Âold man Dylan Ennis hopes career can go bit longerAP PHOTOOregon guard Dylan Ennis, left, fights for a loose ball with MichiganÂs Derrick Walton Jr. (10) and Moritz Wagner (13) during the first half Thursdayin Kansas City, Mo. Fourth round, Midwest Region; Kansas City, Missouri; 7:49 p.m. EDT. BOTTOM LINE: The topseeded Jayhawks have rolled into the Elite Eight, winning their “ rst three games by an average of 30 points. That includes a 98-66 rout of No. 5 seed Purdue in the Sweet 16, when they set a school record for a tournament game with 15 3-pointers. Player of the year front-runner Frank Mason III poured in four of them and “ nished with 26 points. Meanwhile, the No. 3 seed Ducks are chasing their “ rst Final Four appearance since winning the 1939 title with the ÂTall Firs.ÂŽ TheyÂre led by Dillon Brooks and Tyler Dorsey, and have precisely the kind of quick, guard-oriented lineup that should match up well with the Jayhawks four-guard starting array. FINAL FOUR THE GOAL: Kansas is trying to reach its third national semi“ nal under Bill Self and “ rst since 2012, when the Jayhawks lost to Kentucky in the title game. Not only has Oregon failed to reach a Final Four in nearly eight decades, coach Dana Altman has never made it despite nearly 600 wins and 13 trips to the NCAA Tournament. MATCHUP TO WATCH: Brooks will likely match up with Kansas freshman Josh Jackson, creating one of the best one-on-one matchups in the tournament. Brooks had 12 points in a regional semi“ nal win over Michigan, while Jackson had 15 points and 12 boards against the Boilermakers. NO. 3 SEED OREGON (32-5) VS. NO. 1 KANSAS (31-4) By JOHN MARSHALLAssociated PressSAN JOSE, Calif. „ Gonzaga coach Mark Few did not like the question but answered it anyway. His Zags had just held off West Virginia to reach the Elite Eight and he was asked if he felt like the monkey was off his back. Few gave a long answer about no one believing there was a monkey there in the first place. Not him, his players, his wife, fishing buddies, not the people of Spokane. At the end of his mini rant, Few shifted the focus to his players with this zinger: ÂItÂs not about me and my monkeys and my dogs and my cats. ItÂs about them.ÂŽ The Elite Eight is not new territory for Gonzaga nor its opponent on Saturday, Xavier. Both teams have gone this deep twice before. The next step is the big one: The Final Four in Arizona. ÂItÂs a credit to Gonzaga, itÂs a credit to the guys up here and the guys in the locker room and the ones before them at Xavier, that both of these programs are in the position that weÂre in,ÂŽ Xavier coach Chris Mack said. Few built one of college basketballÂs most successful programs from scratch. With limited resources and even less exposure, Few built the small Catholic school in Eastern Washington into a national powerhouse by recruiting high-character players who fit into his system „ principles he still sticks to. That has turned Gonzaga into one of the nationÂs most consistent programs. The Zags have been to NCAA Tournament 19 straight seasons, fourth-longest in the nation, and have reached the Sweet 16 eight times. And this may be the best group of FewÂs 18 seasons in Spokane. ÂAs far as going to a Final Four, I desperately want it for this group of guys,ÂŽ Few said. ÂI desperately want it for everybody who has play at Gonzaga, the players who have been such a huge part of that.COLLEGE BASKETBALL: NCAA TournamentGonzaga, Xavier ready for breakthroughFourth Round, West Region; San Jose, California, 6:09 p.m. EDT. BOTTOM LINE: Two teams once considered midmajors are on the cusp of their “ rst Final Four. Gonzaga has made the NCAA Tournament 19 straight seasons, the fourth-longest streak in the nation. The Zags have been to the Elite Eight twice before and entes SaturdayÂs game with 27 NCAA Tournament wins. The Musketeers also are making their third Elite Eight appearance and match Gonzaga in all-time wins. Xavier has already knocked off No. 3 seed Florida State and No. 2 Arizona in this yearÂs bracket. BATTLING BLUIETT: Trevon Bluiett has played a big role in XavierÂs run since point guard Edmond Sumner was lost for the season with a torn left ACL. The junior guard scored 18 “ rst-half points in the Sweet 16 against Arizona, one of the nationÂs toughest defensive teams, and “ nished with 25 in the 73-71 victory. MORE FROM WILLIAMS-GOSS: Gonzaga won its Sweet 16 games over West Virginia despite an off night by point guard Nigel WilliamsGoss. The WCC player of the year had several shots blocked and “ nished with 10 points on 2-of-10 shooting with “ ve turnovers. The Zags will need him to play well to hold off XavierÂs upset bid. THE BIG GUY: XavierÂs biggest challenge, literally, is stopping Przemek Karnowski, GonzagaÂs 7-foot-1, 300-pound center. XavierÂs biggest player is 6-10 forward Sean OÂMara, who gives up more than 50 pounds to Karnowski. NO. 11 XAVIER (24-13) VS. NO. 1 GONZAGA (35-1) Golf Directory 1350 Bobat Trail, North Port Call For Tee Times 941-429-0500 Burnt Store Golf Club 941-637-1577 PUBLIC WELCOME Visit us @ 24315 Vincent Ave., Punta Gorda off Burnt Store Road Call for directions PORT CHARLOTTE GOLF CLUB 22400 Gleneagle Ter. Pt. Charlotte 941-625-4109 The Palms 697-8118 The Links 697-8877 The Hills 697-2414 Long Marsh 698-0918 adno=715022 To place your ad here, please call 941-429-3110 5301 HERON CREEK BLVD., NORTH PORT Between US 41 & I-75 Exit 182 423-6955 € P REMIER P RACTICE F ACILITY N EW T IFEAGLE GREENS Take a tour online at: Call 625-6911 for Tee Times & Lessons ÂNice People, Great GolfÂŽ Open To The Public 27 Holes Lifetime Golf Rates 888-663-2420 TWIN ISLES CC Championship Golf Course Under Age 60 Membership $150 Mo. 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But if the Lightning somehow makes the postseason, you can make a case for Kucherov, who has carried a gutted roster. Without captain Steven Stamkos, and lately Tyler Johnson, Kucherov has led lifted a lineup featuring six rookies from last in the Eastern Conference on Feb. 4 to within three points of a wild card spot. ÂI think what heÂs done has even more significance because of the fact (the Lightning) doesnÂt have any players,ÂŽ said former NHL player Ray Ferraro, an NBCSN analyst. ÂThereÂs no Stamkos, no Johnson. So itÂs easy to focus on one guy. Yet he still finds a way to make himself the centerpiece of pretty much everything that they do. The clutch factor Even Crosby admits part of what makes Kucherov so special is his prowess in the big moments. ÂHeÂs just got that knack for scoring big goals,ÂŽ Crosby said. ÂThe way he plays, heÂs able to kind of turn what looks like a nothing play into a really good chance.ÂŽ You saw that in the last two postseasons, Kucherov racking up 42 points in 45 career playoff games. And while Kucherov (five) trails leader Marchand (seven) in game-winning goals this season, heÂs been playing his best hockey when the Lightning most needs him. ÂIÂm just trying to do my best,ÂŽ Kucherov said. ÂAnd help my team as much as I can.ÂŽ There was the fourpoint night to beat Edmonton (and McDavid) Feb. 21. Then Kucherov recorded a hat trick six days later in a win over Ottawa. Who can forget KucherovÂs daring fake on a shootout-sealing victory over Buffalo March 3. Kucherov notched another hat trick in ThursdayÂs must-win over Boston. ÂYou can tell he loves the big stage,ÂŽ Kypreos said. ÂAnd you can tell heÂs got ice in his veins. ThatÂs what you need to do to rise to the occasion. In many ways, he does remind me of (ChicagoÂs) Patrick Kane. When the chips are down, this guy wants the puck, he wants to be a difference-maker.ÂŽ The focal point As the Capitals prepared to face the Lightning March 18, they held their usual pregame scouting meeting. ÂWe talked about Kucherov all day, keying on him,ÂŽ said Washington win Brett Connolly, a former Kucherov teammate. ÂHeÂs made a name for himself.ÂŽ Kucherov still scored twice in, albeit in a losing effort. But the fact Kucherov keeps producing while the Lightning has been primarily a oneline team is telling. Wing Alex Killorn snapped a 16-game goal drought Saturday, Jonathan Drouin a 13-game goal drought Thursday. ÂI know other guys want to step up and help out, but itÂs been pretty impressive to see,ÂŽ Stamkos said. ÂYou forget how young Kuch still is. To assume that go-to-guy role and really flourish with that shows how good of a player he is.ÂŽ It might be a case of too little, too late „ for Kucherov and the Lightning. Both he, and Tampa Bay, would need to go on a roll in the final nine games to reach the postseason and even make the MVP a consideration. But Kucherov can still win the Rocket Richard Trophy for the leagueÂs highest goal scorer, four behind Crosby. ÂHeÂs one of the elite players in the league,ÂŽÂ Capitals goalie Braden Holtby said. ÂYou can tell (the Lightning) is in a playoff race right now probably a lot because of him.ÂŽ Sounds like an MVP candidate to me. Page 4 SP Saturday, March 25, 2017 / The SunLIGHTNINGFrom Page 1By DOUG FERGUSONAssociated PressAUSTIN, Texas „ Dustin Johnson and Phil Mickelson showed the simple side to the Dell Technologies Match Play. For three straight days in warmth, wind or rain, they built early leads and never let anyone get close to them in advancing out of their groups to the knockout stage. For just about everyone else, it was a matter of surviving. Bill Haas delivered another amazing escape when he chipped in from 120 feet to save par and extend a sudden-death playoff that he eventually won in six holes. Marc Leishman made it to the round of 16 by playing two holes on Friday. He was awarded a victory because Jason Day withdrew on Wednesday, got a reprieve when Lee Westwood beat Pat Perez to force a three-man playoff, and beat Westwood on the second hole with a 12-foot birdie. ÂPat was either going to beat Lee and I was flying home tomorrow morning, or I was going to get to play golf and try to advance,ÂŽ Leishman said. ÂI got the latter and advance. So it was a great day.ÂŽ It was an easy day for Johnson and Mickelson. Johnson, the No. 1 seed going for his third straight PGA Tour victory, again won the opening hole and showed why he might be the most feared player in golf at the moment. He shot 30 on the front nine, and all PGA champion Jimmy Walker could do was make the match last as long as he could. Johnson won, 5 and 3, and goes into the weekend having led after all 46 holes he has played this week. Mickelson only made two birdies, but he had no mistakes and no trouble in a 6-and-5 victory over J.B. Holmes. Mickelson has led 41 of his 42 holes this week, and he has played so well from tee to green „ and especially on the greens „ that he has yet to see the 16th, 17th or 18th holes in competition at Austin Country Club. Mickelson advanced out of the third round for the first time since 2004, so long ago that Lefty was known as the best player without a major and Tiger Woods was starting to work with a new swing coach, Hank Haney. Johnson and Alex Noren (No. 8) were the only top 10 seeds left going into the weekend. Rory McIlroy (2) was mathematically eliminated on Thursday; Day (3) withdrew; Hideki Matsuyama (4) didnÂt win a match all week; and Jordan Spieth (5) didnÂt make it out of group play for the second time in three years. Justin Thomas (6) also was knocked out. Thomas had a 2-up lead with five holes to play until Matt Fitzpatrick won the next four holes with birdies to win the match. That got Fitzpatrick into a playoff with Kevin Na, who had a 4-up lead until Chris Wood won the next six holes and seven out of the next eight. Their playoff didnÂt start for two hours, then Na hit a wedge to 3 feet and he advanced. Fitzpatrick didnÂt even endure the greatest frustration. That belonged to Tyrrell Hatton, his fellow Englishman, who lost to Rafa Cabrera Bello to set up a three-man playoff of stroke play involving Charles Howell III. Hatton had a 10-foot putt to win on the first extra hole, but just missed on the left. When he went to tap in, he set his putter down and nudged the ball. Under a new local rule, he could have replaced it with no penalty. But he tapped in and incurred a two-stroke penalty, and he was walking back to the clubhouse as Cabrera Bello and Howell played on. Howell wound up winning on the fifth extra hole. Asked if he knew the rule, Hatton replied, ÂI really wasnÂt thinking at that stage.ÂŽ Sergio Garcia (7) lost in a battle of the Spaniards when rising star Jon Rahm took him down. Garcia at least provided one unforgettable moment when a burst of rain during his tee shot on the 13th hole caused him to lose his grip. The tee shot squirted left about 30 feet. ÂFirst, I thought I missed the ball. Second, I thought the club was gone,ÂŽ Garcia said. ÂAnyway, the match was already in bad shape there.ÂŽ Ross Fisher of England came up with another clutch moment. He only assured himself a spot in the Match Play three weeks ago with birdies on his last three holes in Mexico to tie for third and move up in the ranking. On Friday, he beat Jim Furyk and then holed a 20-foot birdie putt to beat Louis Oosthuizen in a playoff. Reaching the round of 16 leaves him a good chance to be in the top 50 in the world at the end of the week and get into the Masters. And now, everyone starts with a clean slate. ItÂs single-elimination the rest of the way, starting with the fourth round and quarterfinals on Saturday.PRO GOLF: Dell Technologies Match PlayA day of dominance and survival at Match PlayAP PHOTOPhil Mickelson walks off the fifth green during round-robin play at the Dell Technologies Match Play golf tournament Friday in Austin, Texas. Associated PressBryson DeChambeau ran off four straight birdies in a stopand-start round and finished with a 7-under 65 to share the lead with D.A. Points in the rain-delayed Puerto Rico Open on Friday. A rain delay kept the second round from being completed. Points closed with a birdie for a 69 and joined DeChambeau at 11-under 133. Bill Lunde also was at 11 under and still had three holes left to play. DeChambeau has shown spells of great golf since turning pro. He said six threeputts held him back at the Valspar Championship two weeks ago, and he worked to eliminate those at Coco Beach Golf and Country Club. The tournament is opposite a World Golf Champion ships event, meaning the winner will not get an automatic spot in the Masters.Ko misses just 2nd LPGA cut; Kerr takes Kia lead Top-ranked Lydia Ko missed the cut for just the second time in 91 LPGA Tour starts when she bogeyed two of her “ nal three holes Friday at the Kia Classic. Ko, the defending Kia champion, fell apart on the last three greens. She missed short putts on 16 and 17 for a bogey and par, and threeputted No. 18, including missing a 10-footer just to the right, to “ nish a par round that left her 2-over for 36 holes. The cut was at 1-over. The 19-year-old Ko made the cut in her “ rst 53 LPGA Tour events before missing the cut at the 2015 KMPG WomenÂs PGA Championship. Cristie Kerr, the 2015 Kia champion, shot a 3-under 69 to take a one-shot lead over Mo Martin and Mirim Lee.PRO GOLF: Puerto Rico Openmillion dollars so he could do this instead of me,ÂŽ Earnhardt recalled Friday with a chuckle. ÂBecause I was scared to death. ... I was overwhelmed with the weight of the situation, and how much attention it was getting, and it made it really hard to soak in and enjoy it, I guess. ÂWe just wanted to do so well and not fail. It was fun. It was a wild time.ÂŽ The son of racing royalty once felt crushed by expectations, yet he persevered and established his own legacy in the sport. Along with being NASCARÂs most popular driver for most of his career, Junior has 26 victories, 252 top-10 finishes and two Daytona 500 trophies in his first 599 races. ÂI just wanted to drive,ÂŽ the 42-year-old Earnhardt recalled. ÂI wanted to race cars for a living. I wanted to do it well enough to be able to afford to make a living doing it. I didnÂt have vision or assume that I was going to make all of the money and success that we have made, but all I really wanted to do was to do it long enough so I didnÂt have to get a real job.ÂŽ Earnhardt has done it effectively and consistently for 17 straight years. Only 24 drivers in NASCAR history have started 600 races, and Earnhardt would love to celebrate his entry into the club Sunday with his first win on the wellaged asphalt at Fontana, where he has typically run well for most of his storied career. Earnhardt hasnÂt won a race since late 2015, and he has never won at Fontana in 24 starts despite finishing second twice and landed inside the top 12 in six consecutive outings at Auto Club Speedway. He missed the second half of last season with a concussion, at least the fourth of his racing career. The absence was his longest break from competition since his debut season back in the 20th century, but he has returned with optimism and confidence, if not results: He hasnÂt finished higher than 14th in the first four races of this season, leaving him 23rd in the standings. Yet Earnhardt has evolved into an elder statesman of the garage, and his easygoing personality even allows him to squash most beefs with a smile „ and some beer. After Ryan Blaney cursed him out on the radio last week in Phoenix, Earnhardt played it off by texting with his young rival „ and forcing Blaney to furnish the beverages whenever they hang out this spring. Blaney incurred the wrath of EarnhardtÂs legion of fans, particularly on social media, but Junior himself took it good-naturedly. Blaney had ample reason to make good with his neighbor in North Carolina. ÂHe owns the land that I live on,ÂŽ Blaney said with a grimace. ÂSo strategically, that may not have been the best thing for me to do that to him last week, but weÂre good. HeÂs a great guy and a good friend of mine.ÂŽ While he crosses his latest historic mark, Earnhardt doesnÂt appear to be done soon. He confirmed Friday that he intends to begin talks soon with Richard Childress Racing about a new contract to replace his expiring deal. ÂItÂs only been a few races, but I feel really good and we have had some discussions about planning to get together,ÂŽ Earnhardt said. ÂItÂs not something that I put on the shelf, for sure. WeÂre getting closer and closer.ÂŽ Although he realizes some fans, including legendary driver Richard Petty, would have liked to see him retire for his health after that last concussion, Earnhardt is feeling new appreciation for the simpler aspects of this high-profile job. ÂYou get older, you start to understand how you prioritize the things that are most important to you about the sport,ÂŽ Earnhardt said. ÂThe camaraderie and the friendships that IÂve made kind of started down the list, and as IÂve gotten older, that has crept up the list. If itÂs not No. 1, I donÂt know what is. ÂThat probably is what you will miss the most once you are done driving, is the people.ÂŽNASCARFrom Page 1 DeChambeau, Points tied in Puerto Rico
The Sun / Saturday, March 25, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD PRO BASKETBALLNBAAll Times Eastern EASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division W L Pct. GB x-Boston 46 26 .639 „ Toronto 43 29 .597 3 New York 27 45 .375 19 Philadelphia 26 45 .366 19 Brooklyn 15 57 .208 31 Southeast Division W L Pct. GB Washington 44 28 .611 „ Atlanta 37 34 .521 6 Miami 35 37 .486 9 Charlotte 32 40 .444 12 Orlando 27 46 .370 17 Central Division W L Pct. GB x-Cleveland 47 24 .662 „ Milwaukee 36 35 .507 11 Indiana 36 36 .500 11 Chicago 34 38 .472 13 Detroit 34 39 .466 14WESTERN CONFERENCESouthwest Division W L Pct. GB x-San Antonio 55 16 .775 „ x-Houston 49 22 .690 6 Memphis 40 32 .556 15 Dallas 31 40 .437 24 New Orleans 30 41 .423 25 Northwest Division W L Pct. GB Utah 44 28 .611 „ Oklahoma City 41 30 .577 2 Denver 35 37 .486 9 Portland 33 38 .465 10 Minnesota 28 42 .400 15 Paci“ c Division W L Pct. GB z-Golden State 57 14 .803 „ L.A. Clippers 43 30 .589 15 Sacramento 27 44 .380 30 Phoenix 22 50 .306 35 L.A. Lakers 20 51 .282 37 x-clinched playoff berth; z-clinched division titleThursdayÂs GamesBrooklyn 126, Phoenix 98 Toronto 101, Miami 84 Dallas 97, L.A. Clippers 95 San Antonio 97, Memphis 90 Portland 110, New York 95FridayÂs GamesWashington 129, Brooklyn 108 Cleveland 112, Charlotte 105 Denver 125, Indiana 117 Orlando 115, Detroit 87 Phoenix at Boston, late Atlanta at Milwaukee, late New Orleans at Houston late Philadelphia at Chicago, late Minnesota at L.A. Lakers, late Sacramento at Golden State, lateTodayÂs GamesUtah at L.A. Clippers, 3:30 p.m. Washington at Cleveland, 7:30 p.m. New York at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. Toronto at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Minnesota at Portland, 10 p.m.COLLEGE BASKETBALL NCAA TOURNAMENT EAST REGIONAL At Madison Square Garden, New York Regional Semi“ nals FridaySouth Carolina 70, Baylor 50 Wisconsin (27-9) vs. Florida (26-8), lateRegional Championship SundaySouth Carolina (25-10) vs. Wisconsin-Florida winnerSOUTH REGIONAL At FedEx Forum, Memphis, Tenn. Regional Semi“ nals FridayNorth Carolina 92, Butler 80 Kentucky (31-5) vs. UCLA (31-4), lateRegional Championship SundayNorth Carolina (30-7) vs. Kentucky-UCLA winnerMIDWEST REGIONAL At The Sprint Center, Kansas City, Mo. Regional Semi“ nals ThursdayOregon 69, Michigan 68 Kansas 98, Purdue 66Regional Championship TodayOregon (32-5) vs. Kansas (31-4), 8:49 p.m.WEST REGIONAL At SAP Center, San Jose, Calif. Regional Semi“ nals ThursdayGonzaga 61, West Virginia 58 Xavier 73, Arizona 71Regional Championship TodayGonzaga (35-1) vs. Xavier (24-13), 6:09 p.m.FINAL FOUR At Univ. of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Ariz. National Semi“ nals April 1East champion vs. West champion South champion vs. Midwest championNational Championship April 3Semi“ nal winnersNATIONAL INVITATION TOURNAMENT Quarter“ nals March 21TCU 86, Richmond 68Georgia Tech 74, Mississippi 66 WednesdayUCF 68, Illinois 58 CS Bakers“ eld 80, Texas-Arlington 76Semi“ nals At Madison Square Garden, New York TuesdayGeorgia Tech (20-15) vs. CS Bakers“ eld (25-9), 7 p.m. TCU (22-15) vs. UCF (24-11), 9:30 p.m.Championship March 30Semi“ nal winners, 8 p.m.COLLEGEINSIDER.COM TOURNAMENT Second Round March 18UMBC 87, Saint Francis (Pa.) 79March 20Campbell 73, UT Martin 56 Liberty 66, Samford 58 Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 82, Weber State 73WednesdayTexas State 64, Idaho 55Quarter“ nals TodayFurman (22-11) at Campbell (19-17), 2 p.m. St. PeterÂs (20-13) at Texas State (22-13), 5 p.m.SundayLiberty (21-13) at UMBC (20-12), 2 p.m. Fort Wayne (20-12) at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi (22-11), 3 p.m.Semi“ nals March 29Game One, 7 p.m. Game Two, 9 p.m.Championship March 31Semi“ nal winners, 9 p.m.COLLEGE BASKETBALL INVITATIONAL Quarter“ nals March 20Coastal Carolina 72, Loyola (Md.) 63 UIC 80, George Washington 71 Utah Valley 85, Rice 79 Wyoming 72, UMKC 61Semi“ nals WednesdayCoastal Carolina 89, UIC 78 Wyoming 74, Utah Valley 68Championship Series (Best-of-3; x-if necessary)Monday Wyoming (21-14) at Coastal Carolina (19-17), 8:30 p.m. March 29 Coastal Carolina at Wyoming, 9 p.m. March 31 x-Coastal Carolina vs. Wyoming, TBDWOMENÂS BASKETBALL NCAA TOURNAMENTBRIDGEPORT REGIONAL Regional Semi“ nals Today At Bridgeport, Conn.Maryland (32-2) vs. Oregon (22-13), 11:30 a.m. UConn (34-0) vs. UCLA (25-8), 2 p.m.Regional Championship MondaySemi“ nal winnersOKLAHOMA CITY REGIONAL Regional Semi“ nals Friday At Oklahoma CityMississippi State 75, Washington 64 Baylor (32-3) vs. Louisville (29-7), lateRegional Championship SundayMississippi State (32-4) vs. Baylor-Louisville winnerLEXINGTON REGIONAL Regional Semi“ nals Friday At Lexington, Ky.Notre Dame 99, Ohio State 76 Texas (25-8) vs. Stanford (30-5), lateRegional Championship SundayNotre Dame (33-3) vs. Texas-Stanford winnerSTOCKTON REGIONAL Regional Semi“ nals TodaySouth Carolina (29-4) vs. Quinnipiac (29-6), 4 p.m. Florida St. (27-6) vs. Oregon St. (31-4), 6:30 p.m.Regional Championship MondaySemi“ nal winnersFINAL FOUR At Dallas National Semi“ nals March 31Bridgeport winner vs. Oklahoma City winner Lexington winner vs. Stockton winnerNational Championship April 2Semi“ nal winnersWOMENÂS NIT Third Round ThursdayMichigan 60, St. JohnÂs 40 Georgia Tech 70, Middle Tennessee 57 Virginia Tech 64, Penn State 55 Villanova 69, James Madison 67, OT Indiana 64, SMU 44 Iowa 80, Colorado 62 Alabama 72, Tulane 64 Washington State 71, UC Davis 62Quarter“ nals TodayVirginia Tech at Michigan, 2 p.m.SundayVillanova at Indiana, 2 p.m. Alabama at Georgia Tech, 2 p.m. Washington State at Iowa, 3 p.m.WOMENÂS BASKETBALL INVITATIONAL Semi“ nals ThursdayUNC Greensboro 59, Milwaukee 49 Rice 86, Idaho 80Championship SundayUNC Greensboro vs. Rice, 4 p.m.ODDSPREGAME.COM LINENATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATIONTodayFavorite Line O/U Underdog at LA Clippers 4 203 Utah at Cleveland Off Off Washington at San Antonio Off Off New York at Dallas Pk 195 Toronto at Portland 6 216 MinnesotaCOLLEGE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTSTodayFavorite Line Underdog Kansas 6 Oregon Gonzaga 8 Xavier Furman 6 at Campbell St. PeterÂs 1 at Texas StateSundayat UMBC 3 Liberty at Texas A&M CC Pk IPFWMondayat Coastal Carolina 1 WyomingTuesdayat Georgia Tech 2 CS Bakers“ eld TCU 2 at UCFNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUEToday Favorite Line Underdog Line at Minnesota -247 Vancouver +227 at Columbus -199 Philadelphia +184 Toronto -141 at Buffalo +131 at NY Islanders Off Boston Off at Montreal -160 Ottawa +150 Carolina -121 at New Jersey +111 at St. Louis -143 Calgary +133 Chicago -135 at Florida +125 at Washington -315 Arizona +285 at Nashville -138 San Jose +128 at Edmonton -260 Colorado +230 at Los Angeles -126 NY Rangers +116Updated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLAmerican LeagueNEW YORK YANKEES „ Optioned RHP Luis Cessa to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL) and reassigned him to minor league camp. Reassigned INF Ji-Man Choi, LHP Jason Gurka and OFs Clint Frazier, Dustin Fowler and Billy McKinney to minor league camp. Acquired RHP Tyler Jones from Arizona and assigned him to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL). TEXAS RANGERS „ Reassigned RHP R.J. Alvarez, C Brett Hayes, INF Doug Bernier and OF Cesar Puello to minor league camp.National LeagueCINCINNATI REDS „ Optioned OF Jesse Winker to Louisville (IL). MIAMI MARLINS „ Optioned OFs Moises Sierra and Isaac Galloway and 3B Matt Juengel to New Orleans (PCL) and 3B Brian Anderson to Jacksonville (SL). NEW YORK METS „ Agreed to terms with LHP Yeury Gervaci on a minor league contract. Reassigned C Xorge Carrillo to minor league camp.American AssociationLAREDO LEMURS „ Signed LHP Michael Heesch, INF Cody Regis and RHP Ethan Elias. LINCOLN SALTDOGS „ Signed INF Casey Chenoweth. SIOUX FALLS CANARIES „ Signed RHP Jose Ortega.Can-Am LeagueTROIS-RIVIERES AIGLES „ Signed LHP Andrew Chin.Frontier LeagueEVANSVILLE OTTERS „ Signed RHP Shane Weedman to a contract extension. JOLIET SLAMMERS „ Signed RHP Skylar Janisse. SCHAUMBURG BOOMERS „ Signed LHP Lars Ligouri. SOUTHERN ILLINOIS MINERS „ Signed OF/1B Zak Kutsulis.BASKETBALLNational Basketball AssociationCHICAGO BULLS „ Recalled G Cameron Payne from Windy City (NBADL).FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueCAROLINA PANTHERS „ Signed RB Jonathan Stewart to a one-year contract extension. CHICAGO BEARS „ Signed QB Mark Sanchez to a one-year contract. DALLAS COWBOYS „ Signed OT Byron Bell. GREEN BAY PACKERS „ Signed DT Ricky Jean Francois. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS „ Released DT Arthur Jones. WASHINGTON REDSKINS „ Signed WR Brian Quick.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueCALGARY FLAMES „ Assigned F Garnet Hathaway to Stockton (AHL) and G Mason McDonald and D Keegan Kanzig from Stockton to Adirondack (ECHL). Signed F Dillon Dube to a three-year, entry-level contract. DALLAS STARS „ Assigned D Justin Hache from Texas (AHL) to Idaho (ECHL). JACKSONVILLE JAGUARS „ Signed DE Malliciah Goodman. NEW JERSEY DEVILS „ Assigned F Nick Lappin to Albany (AHL). PHILADELPHIA FLYERS „ Assigned D Jesper Pettersson from Lehigh Valley (AHL) to Reading (ECHL). TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING „ Recalled D Slater Koekkoek from Syracuse (AHL). WASHINGTON CAPITALS „ Recalled F Paul Carey from Hershey (AHL).American Hockey LeagueAHL „ Suspended San Diego D Stu Bickel and San Jose F Alex Gallant one game. HARTFORD WOLF PACK „ Assigned G Jeff Malcolm to Greenville (ECHL). PROVIDENCE BRUINS „ Assigned D Ben Marshall to Atlanta (ECHL). Returned D Taylor Doherty to Orlando (ECHL). SAN DIEGO GULLS „ Assigned F Zac Larraza to Utah (ECHL). SPRINGFIELD THUNDERBIRDS „ Recalled F Stephen MacAulay from Florida (ECHL). TEXAS STARS „ Assigned G Landon Bow and F Mike McMurtry to Idaho (ECHL).ECHLECHL „ Suspended Allen D David Ma kowski six games. ADIRONDACK THUNDER „ Loaned G Drew Fielding to Providence (AHL). Signed F Brendan Bradley to an amateur tryout agreement. ALASKA ACES „ Signed F Jory Mullin to an amateur tryout agreement. ATLANTA GLADIATORS „ Signed G Kent Patterson. BRAMPTON BEAST „ Signed D Matt Petg rave. COLORADO EAGLES „ Signed F Braeden Shaw to an amateur tryout agreement. ELMIRA JACKALS „ Signed F Perry DÂArrisso to an amateur tryout agreement. GREENVILLE SWAMP RABBITS „ Released G Steven Summerhays. IDAHO STEELHEADS „ Released G Jeffery Siwik as emergency backup. MANCHESTER MONARCHS „ Signed F Thomas Schutt to an amateur tryout agreement. MISSOURI MAVERICKS „ Signed G Zach Nagelvoort. SOUTH CAROLINA STINGRAYS „ Signed F Kevin Dufour. TULSA OILERS „ Claimed F Patrick Watling off waivers from Orlando. UTAH GRIZZLIES „ Signed G Rob Nichols. Loaned D Tim Daly to Manitoba (AHL).SOCCERNorth American Soccer LeagueNEW YORK COSMOS „ Signed D Darrius Barnes.COLLEGESCALIFORNIA „ Promoted assistant menÂs basketball coach Wyking Jones to head coach. CLEMSON „ Named Michaela Franklin womenÂs volleyball coach. CLEVELAND STATE „ Named Dennis Felton menÂs basketball coach. FLORIDA STATE „ Freshman F Jonathan Isaac will enter the NBA draft. IOWA STATE „ Signed menÂs basketball coach Steve Prohm and womenÂs basketball coach Bill Fennelly to contract extensions through 2022. MIDDLE TENNESSEE „ Agreed to terms with menÂs basketball coach Kermit Davis on a sevenyear contract. RUTGERS „ Granted a release to junior menÂs basketball G Nigel Johnson so he can transfer. SYRACUSE „ Named Steve Stanard defensive ends coach. Reassigned defensive line coach Vinson Reynolds to defensive tackles coach and defensive coordinator Brian Ward to linebackers coach.HOCKEYNHLEASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Montreal 74 41 24 9 91 201 186 Ottawa 73 41 24 8 90 193 188 Toronto 73 35 23 15 85 225 214 Boston 74 38 30 6 82 212 201 Tampa Bay 73 35 29 9 79 203 205 Florida 73 32 30 11 75 186 209 Buffalo 74 30 32 12 72 183 214 Detroit 72 29 32 11 69 180 213 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Washington 73 48 17 8 104 234 162 x-Pittsburgh 74 46 17 11 103 256 205 x-Columbus 73 47 19 7 101 231 171 N.Y. Rangers 74 45 25 4 94 235 195 N.Y. Islanders 73 35 26 12 82 217 223 Carolina 72 32 27 13 77 190 207 Philadelphia 73 34 31 8 76 191 217 New Jersey 73 27 34 12 66 169 215WESTERN CONFERENCECentral Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA x-Chicago 74 48 20 6 102 225 185 Minnesota 73 44 23 6 94 236 183 St. Louis 73 40 28 5 85 205 196 Nashville 73 37 25 11 85 215 203 Winnipeg 74 33 34 7 73 222 237 Dallas 73 29 33 11 69 198 236 Colorado 73 20 50 3 43 144 245 Paci“ c Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA San Jose 73 42 24 7 91 198 169 Anaheim 73 39 23 11 89 190 181 Edmonton 74 40 25 9 89 219 194 Calgary 74 41 29 4 86 204 200 Los Angeles 73 35 31 7 77 180 183 Vancouver 73 29 35 9 67 167 215 Arizona 74 27 38 9 63 179 236 2 points for win, 1 point for OT/shootout loss; x-clinched playoff spotThursdayÂs GamesWashington 2, Columbus 1, SO Tampa Bay 6, Boston 3 Florida 3, Arizona 1 Carolina 4, Montreal 1 Ottawa 2, Pittsburgh 1, SO Toronto 4, New Jersey 2 Nashville 3, Calgary 1 Philadelphia 3, Minnesota 1 St. Louis 4, Vancouver 1 Chicago 3, Dallas 2, SO Edmonton 7, Colorado 4 Los Angeles 5, Winnipeg 2FridayÂs GamesN.Y. Islanders 4, Pittsburgh 3, SO Tampa Bay at Detroit, lateSan Jose at Dallas, lateWinnipeg at Anaheim, lateTodayÂs GamesVancouver at Minnesota, 2 p.m. Philadelphia at Columbus, 2 p.m. Calgary at St. Louis, 7 p.m. Carolina at New Jersey, 7 p.m. Boston at N.Y. Islanders, 7 p.m. Toronto at Buffalo, 7 p.m. Ottawa at Montreal, 7 p.m. Arizona at Washington, 7 p.m. Chicago at Florida, 7 p.m. San Jose at Nashville, 8 p.m. Colorado at Edmonton, 10 p.m. N.Y. Rangers at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m.FRIDAYÂS SUMMARYISLANDERS 4, PENGUINS 3, SON.Y. Islanders 0 3 0 0 „ 4 Pittsburgh 0 2 1 0 „ 3 N.Y. Islanders won shootout 2-1. First Period„None. Penalties„Kulemin, NYI, (slashing), 10:01. Second Period„1, Pittsburgh, Gaunce 1 (Cullen, Kessel), 1:54. 2, N.Y. Islanders, Nelson 17 (Ho-Sang, Quine), 4:48. 3, N.Y. Islanders, Lee 28 (Tavares, Bailey), 9:18. 4, Pittsburgh, Crosby 42 (Sheary, Ruhwedel), 13:41. 5, N.Y. Islanders, Cizikas 8 (Tavares), 19:55. Penalties„None. Third Period„6, Pittsburgh, Cullen 11 (Gaunce, Kessel), 13:50. Penalties„Cole, PIT, (cross checking), 8:36. Overtime„None. Penalties„None. Shootout„N.Y. Islanders 2 (Beauvillier G, Tavares G, Ladd NG), Pittsburgh 1 (Kessel NG, Crosby G, Bonino NG). Shots on Goal„N.Y. Islanders 9-13-21-3„46. Pittsburgh 8-11-15-6„40. Power -play opportunities„N.Y. Islanders 0 of 1; Pittsburgh 0 of 1. Goalies„N.Y. Islanders, Halak 7-8-5 (40 shots-37 saves). Pittsburgh, Fleury 18-8-7 (46-43). A„18,659 (18,387). T„2:45. Referees„Jake Brenk, Mike Leggo. Linesmen„ Derek Amell, Michel Cormier.ECHL All Times Eastern Eastern Conference North Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Brampton 65 36 21 3 5 80 237 231 Adirondack 65 35 20 6 4 80 237 207 Reading 65 36 24 3 2 77 229 195 Manchester 65 33 21 7 4 77 239 232 Wheeling 66 32 26 8 0 72 225 215 Elmira 65 16 41 7 1 40 158 248 South Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Florida 64 41 18 2 3 87 233 189 Greenville 65 36 24 4 1 77 230 230 Orlando 65 33 23 6 3 75 237 227 Cincinnati 65 35 26 4 0 74 183 186 S. Carolina 64 35 26 2 1 73 202 188 Atlanta 64 24 32 6 2 56 210 250 Norfolk 64 24 36 4 0 52 192 240 Western Conference Central Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Toledo 64 47 14 2 1 97 268 172 Fort Wayne 62 38 17 5 2 83 228 181 Quad City 64 36 24 2 2 76 209 192 Kalamazoo 66 35 27 1 3 74 198 209 Tulsa 65 26 32 6 1 59 178 215 Indy 64 18 40 3 3 42 169 264 Wichita 61 18 39 3 1 40 164 239 Mountain Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Colorado 65 45 15 2 3 95 253 185 Allen 64 41 17 4 2 88 254 183 Idaho 65 37 21 5 2 81 217 199 Alaska 63 30 23 3 7 70 201 203 Missouri 63 29 26 3 5 66 202 208 Utah 64 29 28 5 2 65 194 223 Rapid City 64 23 33 8 0 54 195 231 NOTE: Two points are awarded for a win, one point for an overtime or shootout loss. ThursdayÂs Games Orlando 5, Brampton 3 FridayÂs Games Kalamazoo 5, Norfolk 3 Adirondack 2, Reading 1, OT Greenville 5, Indy 4 Elmira 6, Manchester 2 South Carolina 4, Atlanta 2 Toledo 6, Florida 4 Orlando 3, Brampton 2, SO Idaho 3, Wheeling 2 Tulsa at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Missouri at Wichita, 8:05 p.m. Fort Wayne at Quad City, 8:05 p.m. Utah at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Rapid City at Alaska, 11:15 p.m. SaturdayÂs Games Norfolk at Kalamazoo, 7 p.m. Adirondack at Reading, 7 p.m. Indy at Greenville, 7 p.m. Idaho at Wheeling, 7:05 p.m. Manchester at Elmira, 7:05 p.m. Atlanta at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Florida at Toledo, 7:15 p.m. Cincinnati at Fort Wayne, 7:30 p.m. Tulsa at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Wichita at Missouri, 8:05 p.m. Utah at Colorado, 9:05 p.m. Rapid City at Alaska, 11:15 p.m. SundayÂs Games Orlando at Brampton, 2 p.m. Indy at South Carolina, 3:05 p.m. Manchester at Elmira, 4:05 p.m. Florida at Fort Wayne, 5 p.m. Wichita at Quad City, 5:05 p.m. Norfolk at Toledo, 5:15 p.m. Rapid City at Alaska, 7:05 p.m.GOLFWORLD GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPSDELL MATCH PLAYFriday at Austin Country Club, Austin, Texas Purse: $9.75 million. Yardage: 7,108. Par: 71Third Round (Seedings in parentheses)Danny Willett (11), England, def. Russell Knox (17), Scotland, 4 and 2. Bill Haas (42), United States, def. K.T. Kim (64), South Korea, 4 and 2. Matt Fitzpatrick (27), England, def. Justin Thomas (6), United States, 2 and 1. Chris Wood (49), England, def. Kevin Na (46), United States, 2 and 1. Phil Mickelson (14), United States, def. J.B. Holmes (31), United States, 6 and 5. Si Woo Kim (63), South Korea, def. Daniel Berger (35), United States, 1 up. Marc Leishman (28), Australia, def. Jason Day (3), Australia, forfeit. Lee Westwood (43), England, def. Pat Perez (56), United States, 2 and 1. Rafa Cabrera Bello (22), Spain, def. Tyrrell Hatton (10), England, 2 and 1. Charles Howell III (61), United States, def. Jeunghun Wang (40), South Korea, 2 and 1. Jon Rahm (21), Spain, def. Sergio Garcia (7), Spain, 6 and 4. Kevin Chappell (38), United States, def. Shane Lowry (53), Ireland, 1 up. Brandt Snedeker (19), United States, def. Branden Grace (15), South Africa, 5 and 4. William McGirt (48), United States, def. Andy Sullivan (52), England, 1 up. Rory McIlroy (2), Northern Ireland, halved with. Emiliano Grillo (26), Argentina. Soren Kjeldsen (62), Denmark, def. Gary Woodland (33), United States, forfeit. Paul Casey (12), England, def. Charl Schwartzel (24), South Africa, 4 and 3. Joost Luiten (60), Netherlands, def. Byeong Hun An (45), South Korea, 1 up. Jordan Spieth (5), United States, halved with Ryan Moore (32), United States. Hideto Tanihara (54), Japan, def. Yuta Ikeda (37), Japan, 3 and 1. Bubba Watson (13), United States, halved with Thomas Pieters (30), Belgium. Jhonattan Vegas (55), Venezuela, def. Scott Piercy (39), United States, 3 and 1. Louis Oosthuizen (23), South Africa, def. Hideki Matsuyama (4), Japan, 6 and 4. Ross Fisher (47), England, def. Jim Furyk (51), United States, 4 and 2. Brooks Koepka (20), United States, def. Patrick Reed (9), United States, 1 up. Kevin Kisner (34), United States, def. Jason Dufner (59), United States, 2 and 1. Alex Noren (8), Sweden, def. Francesco Molinari (25), Italy, forfeit. Bernd Wiesberger (36), Austria, def. Thongchai Jaidee (57), Thailand, 1 up. Matt Kuchar (16), United States, def. Tommy Fleetwood (29), England, 4 and 2. Zach Johnson (44), United States, def. Brendan Steele (50), United States, 1 up. Dustin Johnson (1), United States, def. Jimmy Walker (18), United States, 5 and 3. Martin Kaymer (41), Germany, def. Webb Simpson (48), United States, 3 and 2.DELL MATCH PLAY TEE TIMES All Times EDT Fourth Round Today (Seedings in parentheses)8:30 a.m. „ Kevin Na (46), United States, vs. Bill Haas (42), United States. 8:41 a.m. „ Marc Leishman (28), United States, vs. Phil Mickelson (14), United States. 8:52 a.m. „ Jon Rahm (21), Spain, vs. Charles Howell III (61), United States. 9:03 a.m. „ Soren Kjeldsen (62), Denmark, vs. William McGirt (48), United States. 9:14 a.m. „ Hideto Tanihara (54), Japan, vs. Paul Casey (12), England. 9:25 a.m. „ Ross Fisher (47), England, vs. Bubba Watson (13), United States. 9:36 a.m. „ Alex Noren (8), Sweden, vs. Brooks Koepka (20), United States. 9:47 a.m. „ Dustin Johnson (1), United States, vs. Zach Johnson (44), United States.PGA TOURPUERTO RICO OPENFridayÂs leaders at Coco Beach Golf & CC, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico. Purse: $3 million. Yardage: 7,506. Par: 72 (36-36). (a-denotes amateur)Partial Second RoundBryson DeChambeau 68-65„133 D.A. Points 64-69„133 Chris Stroud 69-65„134 Tim Wilkinson 71-63„134 J.J. Henry 69-65„134 Tom Hoge 69-65„134 Rafael Campos 66-68„134 J.J. Spaun 66-68„134 Michael Thompson 67-68„135 Jonathan Randolph 66-69„135 David Hearn 66-69„135 Whee Kim 71-65„136 Boo Weekley 68-68„136 Kyle Reifers 70-66„136 John Merrick 67-70„137 Willy Wilcox 70-67„137 Ryan Blaum 68-69„137 Andrew Johnston 70-67„137 Mark Anderson 68-69„137 Tyler Aldridge 68-69„137 Brett Stegmaier 69-69„138 Shawn Stefani 69-69„138 Cyril Bouniol 71-67„138 Steve Wheatcroft 68-71„139 Seung-Yul Noh 69-70„139 Fabian Gomez 71-68„139 Danny Lee 69-70„139 Gonzalo Fdez-Castano 70-69„139 Steve Marino 73-66„139 John Peterson 70-69„139 Bobby Wyatt 71-68„139 Ryan Armour 70-69„139 Rich Berberian, Jr. 70-69„139 Miguel Angel Carballo 68-71„139 Tyrone Van Aswegen 69-70„139 Harold Varner III 66-73„139 Cameron Percy 69-71„140 Rory Sabbatini 71-69„140 Cameron Tringale 69-71„140 Freddie Jacobson 68-72„140 Will MacKenzie 72-68„140 Rick Lamb 70-70„140 Brian Campbell 70-70„140 Sung Kang 72-68„140 John Senden 72-69„141 Brad Fritsch 71-70„141 Zac Blair 70-71„141 Dicky Pride 71-70„141 Robert Garrigus 72-70„142 Graeme McDowell 71-71„142 K.J. Choi 72-70„142 Ian Poulter 69-73„142 Y.E. Yang 72-70„142 Graham DeLaet 73-70„143 Marcelo Rozo 71-72„143 Mark Hubbard 69-74„143 Stuart Appleby 73-71„144 Mark Wilson 74-70„144 Ryo Ishikawa 74-70„144 Alan Morin 71-73„144 Edward Figueroa 68-76„144 Martin Ureta 73-71„144 Matt Every 75-70„145 Seamus Power 69-76„145 S.J. Park 74-71„145 Carl Pettersson 73-72„145 Andres Romero 75-71„146 Robby Shelton 74-72„146 Wade Bin“ eld 78-68„146 Hiroshi Iwata 70-77„147 Neil Johnson 75-72„147 Hugo Leon 78-69„147 Chris Nido 77-70„147 Brendon de Jonge 73-76„149 Ken Duke 73-77„150 Brandon Hagy 76-74„150 Jay McLuen 74-79„153LEADERBOARDGolfer Score Thru Bryson DeChambeau -11 F D.A. Points -11 F Bill Lunde -10 15 Chris Stroud -10 F Tim Wilkinson -10 F J.J. Henry -10 F Tom Hoge -10 F Rafael Campos -10 F J.J. Spaun -10 F Alex Cejka -10 17LPGA TOURKIA CLASSICThursdayÂs leaders at Aviara GC, Carlsbad, Calif. Purse: $1.8 million. Yardage: 6,593. Par: 72 (36-36). First Round In Gee Chun 35-31„66 Cristie Kerr 34-32„66 Mo Martin 32-34„66 Moriya Jutanugarn 33-35„68 Hyo Joo Kim 33-35„68 Marissa L Steen 33-35„68 Alison Lee 33-35„68 Karine Icher 33-35„68 Mirim Lee 34-34„68 Jessica Korda 34-35„69 Katie Burnett 33-36„69 Jackie Stoelting 32-37„69 Gerina Piller 34-35„69 Brittany Lincicome 32-37„69 Caroline Masson 32-37„69 Anna Nordqvist 33-36„69 Azahara Munoz 33-36„69 Thidapa Suwannapura 34-36„70 Kelly W Shon 34-36„70 Lexi Thompson 34-36„70 Candie Kung 35-35„70 Suzann Pettersen 36-34„70 Shanshan Feng 34-36„70 Catriona Matthew 32-38„70 Beth Allen 33-37„70 Joanna Klatten 33-37„70 Shi Hyun Ahn 34-36„70 Dani Holmqvist 35-35„70 Jaye Marie Green 34-36„70 Lizette Salas 36-34„70 Jing Yan 33-37„70 Sung Hyun Park 36-34„70 Pornanong Phatlum 36-34„70 Inbee Park 34-36„70 Juli Inkster 35-35„70 Nasa Hataoka 34-36„70 Austin Ernst 35-35„70 Caroline Hedwall 33-38„71 Christina Kim 36-35„71 Pernilla Lindberg 31-40„71 Angela Stanford 34-37„71 Mi Jung Hur 34-37„71 Chella Choi 36-35„71 Paula Creamer 35-36„71 Sei Young Kim 35-36„71 Vicky Hurst 36-35„71 Jeong Eun Lee 35-36„71 Maria Parra 35-36„71 Sarah Jane Smith 35-36„71 Carlota Ciganda 35-36„71 Ryann OÂToole 35-36„71 Alena Sharp 36-36„72 Su Oh 34-38„72 Jodi Ewart Shadoff 34-38„72 Ha Na Jang 35-37„72 Brittany Lang 37-35„72 Ai Miyazato 35-37„72 Madelene Sagstrom 37-35„72 Marina Alex 35-37„72 Jenny Shin 35-37„72 Haru Nomura 34-38„72 Michelle Wie 35-37„72 Laetitia Beck 36-36„72 Jacqui Concolino 35-37„72 Simin Feng 35-38„73 Ola“ a Kristinsdottir 36-37„73 Lee-Anne Pace 35-38„73 Ashleigh Buhai 35-38„73 Nelly Korda 37-36„73 Lee Lopez 37-36„73 Sakura Yokomine 35-38„73 Mika Miyazato 36-37„73 Sandra Gal 36-37„73 Beatriz Recari 37-36„73 Peiyun Chien 36-37„73 Stacy Lewis 37-36„73 So Yeon Ryu 38-35„73 Karrie Webb 35-38„73 Karen Chung 36-37„73 Therese OÂHara 35-38„73 Ayako Uehara 36-38„74 Kris Tamulis 37-37„74 Nontaya Srisawang 36-38„74 Jennifer Ha 37-37„74 Min Seo Kwak 36-38„74 In-Kyung Kim 35-39„74 Ariya Jutanugarn 38-36„74 Sun Young Yoo 35-39„74 Tiffany Joh 36-38„74 Jennifer Song 36-38„74 Ally McDonald 36-38„74 Wichanee Meechai 36-38„74 Becky Morgan 38-36„74 Laura Gonzalez Escallon 37-37„74 Kelly Tan 38-36„74 Ilhee Lee 35-39„74 Amy Anderson 36-38„74 Lydia Ko 36-38„74 Mel Reid 37-37„74 Kim Kaufman 38-36„74 Paula Reto 36-38„74 Mariajo Uribe 38-36„74 Dana Finkelstein 35-39„74 Wei-Ling Hsu 36-38„74 Regan De Guzman 36-39„75 Katherine Perry 38-37„75 Dori Carter 38-37„75 Yani Tseng 35-40„75 Hee Young Park 37-38„75 Danielle Kang 36-39„75 Brittany Altomare 36-39„75 Mi Hyang Lee 36-39„75 Brooke M. Henderson 35-40„75 Na Yeon Choi 36-39„75 Laura Davies 38-37„75 Amy Yang 36-39„75 Morgan Pressel 37-38„75 Margarita Ramos 38-37„75 Gaby Lopez 39-36„75 Jane Park 37-39„76 Cheyenne Woods 36-40„76 Maude-Aimee Leblanc 40-36„76 Minjee Lee 34-42„76 Cydney Clanton 36-40„76 Pavarisa Yoktuan 38-38„76 Annie Park 39-38„77 Min Lee 37-40„77 Lindy Duncan 36-41„77 Perrine Delacour 39-38„77 a-Eun Jeong Seong 39-38„77 Sherman Santiwiwatthanaphong 38-40„78 Savannah Vilaubi 37-41„78 Belen Mozo 38-40„78 P.K. Kongkraphan 38-40„78 Angel Yin 37-41„78 Celine Herbin 39-40„79 Xiyu Lin 37-42„79 Amelia Lewis 39-41„80 Eun-Hee Ji 41-39„80 Q Baek 42-38„80 Julie Yang 38-42„80 Megan Khang 42-39„81 Ssu-Chia Cheng 40-43„83 Sadena A Parks 44-43„87WEB.COM TOURCHITIMACHA LOUISIANA OPEN FridayÂs leaders at Le Triomphe Golf & CC, Broussard, La. Purse: $550,000. Yardage: 7,067. Par: 71 (36-35).Second RoundCasey Wittenberg 65-64„129 Aaron Wise 65-67„132 Kent Bulle 63-70„133 Jordan Niebrugge 66-67„133 A.J. McInerney 67-67„134 John Chin 70-64„134 Xinjun Zhang 69-65„134 Keith Mitchell 67-67„134 Anders Albertson 68-67„135 Robert Allenby 67-68„135 Alex Prugh 65-70„135 Nate Lashley 62-73„135 Ryan Yip 67-68„135 Denny McCarthy 65-70„135 Talor Gooch 67-69„136 Adam Svensson 69-67„136 Mark Anguiano 66-70„136 Jim Renner 70-66„136 Tom Lovelady 68-68„136 Roger Sloan 66-70„136 Andrew Svoboda 70-66„136 Brady Schnell 72-65„137 Daniel Chopra 65-72„137 Curtis Thompson 67-70„137 Sebastian Vazquez 69-68„137 Jack Maguire 65-72„137 Brandon Harkins 71-66„137 David Lutterus 67-70„137 Taylor Moore 66-71„137 Derek Ernst 68-69„137 Sepp Straka 69-68„137 Josh Teater 68-69„137 Lanto Grif“ n 72-65„137 Andrew Landry 66-71„137 Nicholas Thompson 69-68„137 Paul Barjon 66-72„138 Scott Gutschewski 69-69„138 Adam Long 72-66„138 Samuel Del Val 70-68„138 Thomas Aiken 65-73„138 Justin Hueber 70-68„138 Bhavik Patel 67-71„138 Scott Harrington 66-72„138 Corey Conners 66-72„138 Seth Fair 68-70„138 Wes Roach 67-72„139 Vince India 71-68„139 Abraham Ancer 70-69„139 Alex Kang 68-71„139 Stephan Jaeger 65-74„139 Sebastian Cappelen 67-72„139 Steve Allan 68-71„139 Brice Garnett 67-72„139 Cameron Wilson 71-68„139 Rob Oppenheim 72-67„139 Jonathan Hodge 69-70„139 Shaun Micheel 70-69„139 Ben Kohles 70-69„139 Dudley Hart 70-70„140 Kyle Thompson 71-69„140 Peter Tomasulo 66-74„140 D.J. Trahan 72-68„140 Peter Lonard 69-71„140 Scott Langley 69-71„140 Conrad Shindler 67-73„140 Jamie Arnold 69-71„140 Chris Naegel 68-72„140 Ben Taylor 66-74„140 Alex Aragon 68-72„140 Zecheng Dou 71-69„140 Failed to make the cut John Mallinger 70-71„141 Blake Adams 69-72„141 Jin Park 70-71„141 Edward Loar 70-71„141 Zack Fischer 74-67„141 Jim Knous 69-72„141 Erik Barnes 64-77„141 Ted Potter, Jr. 70-71„141 Andrew Yun 70-71„141 Michael Smith 75-66„141 Taewoo Kim 68-73„141 Carlos Ortiz 71-71„142 Jimmy Gunn 72-70„142 Michael Johnson 70-72„142 Eric Meierdierks 69-73„142 Justin Shin 73-69„142 Matt Atkins 73-69„142 Ben Silverman 68-74„142 Chris Baker 71-71„142 Ethan Tracy 72-70„142 Nick Rousey 73-70„143 Luke Guthrie 74-69„143 Ken Looper 69-74„143 Timothy Madigan 69-74„143 Albin Choi 71-72„143 Wes Homan 69-74„143 Eric Axley 68-75„143 Bobby Gates 72-71„143 Rhein Gibson 73-70„143 Sam Ryder 71-72„143 Michael Letzig 69-74„143 Kyoung-Hoon Lee 71-72„143 Alexandre Rocha 72-71„143 Chris Worrell 72-71„143 Zach Wright 70-73„143 Michael Gellerman 70-74„144 Marc Turnesa 73-71„144 Tommy Gainey 72-72„144 Adam Schenk 74-70„144 Jacques Blaauw 72-72„144 Martin Piller 71-73„144 Austin Cook 72-72„144 D.H. Lee 73-72„145 Greg Eason 75-70„145 David Skinns 76-69„145 Chase Parker 75-70„145BASEBALLMLBSPRING TRAINING All Times Eastern AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pct. New York 20 7 0.741 Seattle 17 11 0.607 Oakland 15 10 0.600 Minnesota 14 10 0.583 Baltimore 13 11 0.542 Los Angeles 14 12 0.538 Kansas City 13 13 0.500 Cleveland 13 13 0.500 Boston 13 13 0.500 Houston 12 12 0.500 Chicago 13 14 0.481 Tampa Bay 11 13 0.458 Texas 12 15 0.444 Detroit 12 15 0.444 Toronto 9 14 0.391NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct. St. Louis 17 7 0.708 Pittsburgh 17 8 0.680 Arizona 13 11 0.542 Los Angeles 15 13 0.536 Milwaukee 14 13 0.519 Cincinnati 14 14 0.500 Colorado 13 13 0.500 San Francisco 13 15 0.464 Washington 11 13 0.458 New York 12 16 0.429 Chicago 9 13 0.409 Philadelphia 10 15 0.400 Miami 9 14 0.391 San Diego 9 17 0.346 Atlanta 7 19 0.269ThursdayÂs GamesSt. Louis 5, Miami 3 Minnesota 4, Philadelphia 2 Washington 1, N.Y. Mets 0 N.Y. Yankees 5, Tampa Bay 5 Boston 10, Pittsburgh 7 Chicago White Sox 4, Cincinnati 2 Cleveland 8, Colorado 3 Oakland 15, Milwaukee 5 Chicago Cubs 5, Arizona 5 San Diego 6, L.A. Angels 2 Atlanta 2, Detroit 1 L.A. Dodgers 10, Texas 2 Seattle 9, San Francisco 2FridayÂs GamesDetroit 3, Atlanta 2, 10 innings N.Y. Yankees 3, Philadelphia 2 St. Louis 3, Washington (ss) 1 Pittsburgh 4, Tampa Bay 0 Toronto 3, Boston 2 Houston 2, N.Y. Mets 0 L.A. Dodgers 13, Arizona 6 Oakland 8, Chicago White Sox 2 Cleveland 4, Chicago Cubs 2 Cincinnati 12, Milwaukee 11 Texas 4, San Diego 3 Seattle (ss) 4, Kansas City 3 San Francisco 6, Colorado 5 Baltimore 5, Minnesota 5 Miami 3, Washington (ss) 0 Seattle (ss) vs. L.A. Angels at Tempe, Ariz., lateTodayÂs GamesBoston (ss) vs. Tampa Bay at Port Charlotte, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Detroit vs. Pittsburgh at Bradenton, Fla., 1:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets vs. Atlanta at Kissimmee, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Philadelphia vs. Boston (ss) at Fort Myers, Fla., 1:05 p.m. St. Louis vs. Miami at Jupiter, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Toronto (ss) vs. N.Y. Yankees at Tampa, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Washington vs. Houston at West Palm Beach, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Canada Jr. vs. Toronto at Dunedin, Fla., 1:07 p.m. Arizona vs. L.A. Angels at Tempe, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Chicago White Sox vs. Cleveland at Goodyear, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Cincinnati (ss) vs. Chicago Cubs at Las Vegas, NV, 4:05 p.m. Cincinnati (ss) vs. Oakland at Mesa, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Milwaukee vs. Kansas City at Surprise, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Oakland (ss) vs. L.A. Dodgers at Glendale, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs (ss) vs. Colorado at Scottsdale, Ariz., 4:10 p.m. Texas vs. Seattle at Peoria, Ariz., 4:10 p.m. Minnesota vs. Baltimore at Sarasota, Fla., 6:05 p.m. San Diego vs. San Francisco at Scottsdale, Ariz., 6:05 p.m.
ÂHeÂs got to turn it on,ÂŽ Rays manager Kevin Cash said Thursday in Port Charlotte. ÂHeÂs got to flip the switch a little bit. I talked to Blake today. He has tinkered with this, tinkered with that. He knows itÂs time to stop tinkering and letÂs get some outs.ÂŽ ÂIÂm aware of it, for sure,ÂŽ Snell said. ÂIÂve struggled. At the same time, IÂm happy about it. ItÂs only teaching me more, telling me what I have to work on. The season is less than two weeks away. ItÂs time to get it going. There are no excuses. But I know what I need to get there. IÂm aware of it. IÂm happy IÂm aware of it so I can work on it. IÂd be a little more antsy going into the season if I wasnÂt.ÂŽ That makes his bosses a little antsy. ÂIf he knows whatÂs wrong, thatÂs tremendous,ÂŽ Hickey said. ÂNow go out and remedy it.ÂŽ And remember that the Rays will have plenty of pitchers in Durham. ThatÂs not a threat. ItÂs a fact. So is SnellÂs upside. ÂHe has potential to be a No. 1 starter,ÂŽ Rays pitcher Alex Cobb said. ÂHis stuff is off the chart. HeÂs going to have to get the doses of reality, the struggles that come. He had some last year. HeÂs having some this spring. It happens to everybody.ÂŽ SnellÂs struggles as a rookie included a boatload of bases on balls. He led American League rookies by averaging nearly 10 strikeouts per nine innings, but his 5.16 walks per nine were the most in the majors. His 19.5 pitches per inning were the most in the majors, too. ÂWhat I would like to see out of him is command of the fastball,ÂŽ Rays pitching coach Jim Hickey said. ÂThatÂs the key for everybody, but for him especially. If he can just the fastball into the zone, get hitters into swing mode, get umpires into strike mode, his secondary pitches are really that good. ÂHis change-up is outstanding. His slider is a big time swing-and-miss pitch and his curveball is good. But it all plays off of the fastball. ItÂs the same conversation we could have had with a David Price or a Matt Moore back then, but itÂs time for him to go. ÂThis guy is capable of being one of the best, if not the best of the bunch. If you look at David Price at this time of career, Blake probably has more of an arsenal. Not probably. He does. HeÂs got a legitimate four-pitch thing, a repertoire.ÂŽBy MARK TOPKINTampa Bay TimesThe Rays are signing freeagent catcher Derek Norris, the Tampa Bay Times has learned. The major-league deal is for $1.2-million guaranteed, plus $800,000 in performance bonuses. The deal with Norris, which is pending a physcial, will be for one year, though the Rays could retain control of Norris in 2018 when heÂd be eligible for arbitration for a final time. They will have to create space on the 40-man roster once the deal is finalized. Norris was released last week by the Nationals, because they signed Matt Wieters whom the Rays pursued, and was paid about $700,000 in termination pay, one-sixth of his $4.2-million arbitration contract. Signing Norris gives the Rays a more experienced option behind the plate, as they otherwise would be picking two catchers from the group of Curt Casali, Luke Maile and Jesus Sucre, who was acquired just before spring training from the Mariners. Norris has made 446 big-league starts for Oakland and San Diego, Casali has made 116, Sucre 77 and Maile 43. He chose the Rays over several other teams based on the opportunity for more playing time. Norris is coming off a rough offensive year in San Diego, where he hit .186 with 14 homers and 42 RBIs, though only a .255 on-base percentage and .583 OPS, and had a career-worst 30.3 percent strikeout rate. While his offense has been in a twoyear decline since his 2014 All-Star season with Oakland, his defensive work, specifically his pitch framing, has improved. Norris opportunity to be their starter would not be longterm as they have freeagent addition Wilson Ramos working to return from knee surgery in midseason.PIRATES CRUISEInfielder Phil Gosselin had two hits, catcher Chris Stewart drove in a run and the Pirates capitalized on a handful of the Rays mistakes in a 4-0 win at LECOM Park on Friday afternoon. Tampa Bay committed three errors, two of which led directly to Pittsburgh runs. John Jaso doubled and scored on Alec SoleÂs misplay at third base in the first inning. With two on and two outs in the fourth, Stewart hit a clean single to center field. Rays outfielder Mallex SmithÂs throw sailed wide of the plate, two runs scored and Stewart wheeled around to third base after giving the Bucs a 3-0 lead. Right-hander Trevor Williams, competing for the final spot in the Pirates rotation, put together a dominant performance. Williams held the Rays scoreless for five innings, allowing three hits while striking out four and inducing six ground-ball outs.OLD TIMESErasmo Ramirez looked like his old self, which means he was smiling after his outing, and why not? The right-hander pitched four innings in FridayÂs 4-0 loss and was sharp throughout. He was on a 60-pitch limit and finished his workday with 58, 39 of which were strikes. Ramirez looked like he did last season before the workload got to him. ThatÂs good news for the Rays, who will need a long reliever in the bullpen, especially with the way LHP Blake Snell has struggled this season and their tendency to limit RHP Matt AndrieseÂs innings. ItÂs also good news if the Rays are looking to ship Ramirez for a right-handed hitting outfielder. The scouts in the stands at LECOM Park, and there were plenty, had to like what they saw, as well. Â(Getting ground balls) means I was working down in the strike zone,ÂŽ Ramirez said. ÂMaking the hitters hit ground balls, that means a lot to a pitcher. ThatÂs way better because, you know, the Trop is a fly ball park. Can mean a lot of home runs. The more you get the ball on the ground, the more chances youÂll have to succeed at Tropicana Field.ÂŽAssociated PressCharlie Morton threw 4 solid innings for Houston, and prospect J.D. Davis clubbed a pinch-hit solo homer while Derek Fisher had two hits and three stolen bases. Noah Syndergaard gave up a run and four hits, striking out five in six innings. The Mets mustered five hits, two by Jose Reyes. YANKEES 3, PHILLIES 2 :C.C. Sabathia went 5 1/3 innings and allowed two runs and nine hits. He dropped his spring ERA to 6.75 in New YorkÂs 3-2 win over Philadelphia. Tommy Joseph had two hits and Freddy Galvis drove in a pair of runs with a single for Philadelphia. Jeremy Hellickson gave up a run, “ ve hits and a walk over 6 1/3 innings. BLUE JAYS 3, RED SOX 2: Troy Tulowitzki had two hits with a run and RBI, and Jose Bautista added a run-scoring single. Starter J.A. Happ gave up two runs „ one earned „ and struck out “ ve over 5 ‡ innings. Drew Pomeranz struggled, allowing three runs, “ ve hits and two walks in four innings for Boston. Bryce Brentz smacked a two-run homer. CARDINALS 3, NATIONALS (ss) 1: Dexter Fowler tripled in a run for St. Louis after Carson Kelly reached on a ” y ball lost in the sun. Michael Wacha gave up two hits and a walk in “ ve shutout innings. Jeremy Guthrie, still in the mix for a roster spot in the Nats pen, pitched 4 ‡ shutout innings. Trea Turner had two hits and Jayson Werth had an RBI single. TIGERS 3, BRAVES 2, 10 INNINGS: Tigers starter Matt Boyd struck out “ ve over “ ve shutout innings. Brendan Ryan and Nicholas Castellanos both hit RBI doubles in the third, and prospect JaCoby Jones singled in the winning run. Julio Teheran went six innings and allowed two runs and “ ve hits for Atlanta. Freddie Freeman and Matt Kemp d rove in runs. DODGERS 13, DIAMONDBACKS 6: Logan Forsythe drove in two with a single during a fourrun second inning, and Scott Van Slyke had a hit, a walk, two RBIs and two runs scored for Los Angeles. Yasmani Grandal added two RBIs, and Trevor Oaks, who had allowed just one unearned run in 7 ‡ innings this spring, gave up three runs in 3 ‡ innings. Andrew Cha“ n made his “ rst start of the spring and gave up three runs in 1 ‡ innings for Arizona. Reymond Fuentes had three hits and two RBIs, including a solo homer. ATHLETICS 8, WHITE SOX 2: Oakland batted around the order in a “ ve-run “ rst inning and Ryon Healy hit a two-run homer in the second. Trevor Plouffe and Mark Canha each had two hits and an RBI. The AÂs left 34 runners on base. Kendall G raveman, who was named OaklandÂs opening day starter Thursday, scattered “ ve hits over seven scoreless innings. ChicagoÂs Carlos Rodon was scratched from his scheduled start due to upper biceps tightness. Rodon has made just one spring appearance. Emergency starter Zach Putnam allowed “ ve runs in just ‡ of an inning. His replacement, Matt Purke, gave up “ ve hits, a walk and two runs in an inning. INDIANS 4, CUBS 2 : Carlos Carrasco allowed one hit and two walks over three scoreless innings for Cleveland. Austin Jackson, who is battling for a roster spot, continued his strong spring, getting two hits with a double „ his “ fth in eight games. Lonnie Chisenhall left the game after crashing into the wall trying to track down a ” y ball in the second inning. He is day-to-day. John Lackey gave up one run „ a solo homer by Giovanny Urshela „ and struck out “ ve in six innings for Chicago. Albert Almora was pulled in the third inning due to neck tightness after a sliding catch. Ian Happ hit a two-out, two-run homer, his fourth of the spring. REDS 12, BREWERS 11: CincinnatiÂs Zack Cozart hit his third spring homer and Scott Schebler had a two-run single in a four-run “ rst. Cozart had three hits and Arismendy Alcantara had two, including a walk-off, two-run double. Starter Sal Romano gave up seven runs „ “ ve earned „ and nine hits over 4 ‡ innings. Brewers starter Tommy Milone was roughed up for seven runs and nine hits over 3 innings. Eric Sogard scored two with a triple in a “ ve-run second inning. Jesus Aguilar went 4 for 4 „ and is 23 of 46 this spring „ with three runs scored and Manny Pina had a tworun homer. RANGERS 4, PADRES 3 : Martin Perez, making just his third start after pitching for Venezuela in the World Baseball Classic, gave up just three hits and one walk while striking out six over “ ve innings for Texas. Delino DeShields had two hits, including a bunt single that scored two after a throwing error in the “ fth, and Elvis Andrus hit his “ rst homer of the spring „ a tworun shot in the sixth. Adrian Beltre was 0 for 3 and is now hitless in 12 spring at-bats, and Jurickson Profar went 0 for 2, dropping his average to .111. San DiegoÂs Jhoulys Chacin allowed two runs „ one earned „ while striking out six in 4 ‡ innings. Wil Myers had two hits, and Jamie Romak hit his “ rst home run of the spring, a two-run shot in the eighth. Page 6 SP Saturday, March 25, 2017 / The SunSNELLFrom Page 1PIRATES 4, RAYS 0 Tampa Bay Pittsburgh ab r h bi ab r h bi Mrrison 1b 2 0 0 0 Frazier lf 4 0 0 0 McCrthy 1b 1 0 0 0 J.Mrcer ss 3 0 0 0 Rbrtson ss 4 0 2 0 D.Ortiz lf 1 0 0 0 Dckrson lf 2 0 0 0 Jo.Jaso rf 3 1 1 0 Sanchez lf 1 0 1 0 J.Rgers 1b 1 1 1 0 B.Mller 2b 2 0 0 0 D.Frese 3b 2 1 1 0 P.Maris 2b 1 0 0 0 G.Ngepe ph 2 0 2 0 C.Csali c 3 0 0 0 Jo.Bell 1b 3 0 0 0 M.Smith cf 1 0 0 0 Wlliams c 1 0 0 0 A.Mreno ph 2 0 0 0 Gsselin 2b 3 1 2 1 McKenry dh 3 0 0 0 Meadows cf 4 0 0 0 Pterson rf 3 0 1 0 Stewart c 2 0 1 1 Al.Sole 3b 3 0 0 0 Wlliams sp 2 0 0 0 A.Hnson rf 0 0 0 0 Totals 28 0 4 0 Totals 31 4 8 2 Tampa Bay 000 000 000„0 Pittsburgh 100 200 01x„4 E„Miller (2), Smith (2), Sole (1). DP„Tampa Bay 2, Pittsburgh 1. LOB„Tampa Bay 2, Pittsburgh 6. 2B„ Jaso (3). SB„Gosselin (1), Hanson (3). CS„Ngoepe (1). SF„Gosselin (1). IP H R ER BB SO Tampa Bay Ramirez L, 0-2 4 4 3 1 1 4 Farquhar 1 0 0 0 0 1 Marks .2 1 0 0 0 0 Whitley 1.1 1 0 0 1 2 Moreno 1 2 1 1 0 1 Pittsburgh Watson H, 4 1 0 0 0 1 2 Hudson H, 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Rivero H, 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 Nicasio 1 0 0 0 0 2 Williams W, 2-0 5 3 0 0 0 4 Umpires„Home, Jeremie Rehak; First, Chad Fairchild; Second, Will Little; Third, John Bacon. T„2:20. A„6,478RAYS NOTEBOOKRays pick up veteran catcherSPRING TRAINING ROUNDUPAstros shutdown Mets, 2-0 JUST MISSEDThe Royals crowning achievement in 2015 came a year after they fell 90 feet short of catching Madison Bumgarner in Game 7. So, coming close can mean thereÂs drama on deck. The Indians hope so. Remember, they nearly won last November „ they went into the bottom of the ninth in Game 7 tied with the Cubs, and had the top of their order up against a tiring Aroldis Chapman. Cleveland boosted its chances during the winter by signing big bopper Edwin Encarnacion to a $60 million deal, the most expensive free agent in team history.BLAST OFFDallas Keuchel and the Astros are tired of waiting. ItÂs certainly been a long one „ Houston began play in 1962 and has reached the World Series only once, getting swept by the White Sox in 2005. After losing 111 games a few years ago, the Astros quickly rebuilt their front office, roster and approach. ThatÂs a familiar formula „ like the Cubs, Houston developed through the draft, made a couple of trades, then spent a lot for free agents. Now, newcomers Carlos Beltran, Brian McCann and Josh Reddick could help bring that long overdue title to town. ÂIÂd like to be the first team in Texas after growing up in Dallas,ÂŽ slugger Evan Gattis said. ÂI think we definitely have the ingredients.ÂŽLONESOME STAR STATEThe Cowboys, the Longhorns, the Mavericks and more „ every major pro and college sports trophy has been won at least once by a Texas team. Except the World Series, that is. The Rangers came the closest, just one strike away in 2011 before St. Louis rallied. With young stars, a healthy Yu Darvish and a winning culture, they could end a skid that started with their move from Washington for the 1972 season under manager Ted Williams.WINDOW PAINSWe frequently hear that a team built to win right now is running out of time. But how often do those clubs jump through before the window closes? Uh, not many. The Tigers (no title since 1984) and Toronto (last in 1993) both added ace David Price in recent years but lost in the playoffs. That brings us to Washington, a city without a World Series winner in nearly a century. The current Nationals franchise dates to 1969 in Montreal, where the Expos never reached la Serie mondiale. Bryce Harper is getting closer to free agency, Stephen Strasburg is hurt a lot, Ryan Zimmerman is wearing down. No wonder local fans worry their window could soon shut. Baker is confident his team can stop the D.C. drought. ÂI almost ended it in Chicago,ÂŽ he said. ÂItÂs OK, weÂll end it here, too. WeÂll end it here for the whole city.ÂŽDODGEBALLCan a crown be bought? Not yet in LA, not by Magic Johnson and his co-owners. TheyÂve been baseballÂs biggest spenders lately, forking over more than $250 million a year in payroll, but there hasnÂt been a World Series game at Dodger Stadium since Orel Hershiser closed out OaklandÂs Bash Brothers in 1988. Some people say itÂs a shame Clayton Kershaw hasnÂt pitched in the Fall Classic. Maybe harsh, but the great ace has been part of the problem „ heÂs 4-7 (and one mighty save) in the postseason with a 4.55 ERA thatÂs nearly double his regularseason mark.OPERATION VICTORYThe Mets were all set last season to make a pitch for their first championship since 1986. With young aces Matt Harvey, Jacob deGrom, Noah Syndergaard and Steven Matz leading the rotation, what could go wrong? Instead, an amazin string of injuries did surgery to the Mets plans. Proving, again, thereÂs no predicting the health of a ballclub „ but itÂs a sure bet any team that spends more time in the doctorÂs office than on the diamond is sunk. The Mets will get a great opportunity to assert themselves in the NL East. They start the season with a whopping 32 straight games against division opponents.MLBFrom Page 1AP PHOTOHouston Astros starting pitcher Charlie Morton works in the first before a game against the New York Mets Friday in Port St. Lucie.
BarbaraOrtuta y;JPaschke € AP Source:eMarketer Big businesses such as AT&T and Volkswagen are pulling their advertisements from YouTube and other Google services after finding their brands appearing next to videos that promote hate and terrorism. The growing boycott could cost Google hundreds of millions of dollars in advertising money. But Scott Kessler, an analyst at CFRA Research, believes Google will Âsuccessfully work through these issues.ÂŽ Google uses software to match ads with YouTube videos and various websites. The company says it will now hire Âsignificant numbersÂŽ of employees to review Âquestionable contentÂŽ and flag whatÂs inappropriate for ads. Google already uses armies of contractors to check the work of its computer-generated search results. It recently started letting its reviewers flag search results as ÂupsettingÂŽ or Âoffensive.ÂŽ While the company says this is done to improve the quality of its search results, an added bonus could be flagging websites that advertisers might not want to be associated with.YouTube boycottListening to clients: Google dominates in digital advertising, though some revenue is at risk as major brands pull their ads after some appeared next to videos promoting hate or terrorism. Google Facebook Alibaba Baidu 0 20 40 60 80 $100 0 20 40 $60 0 15 $30 0 $10 Worldwide digital advertising revenue (in billions) Â16 Â17 Â18 Â19Â16 Â17 Â18 Â19Â16 Â17 Â18 Â19Â16 Â17 Â18 Â19 Linda A. Johnson; J. Paschke € AP Sometimes very good isnÂt good enough. Amgen shares took a tumble a week ago after its closely watched new cholesterol drug was shown to work well, but not as spectacularly as the company had indicated and investors had hoped. Repatha, which is injected every couple of weeks, significantly reduced heart attacks, strokes and heart-related deaths in a major study, but a little less than expected. And it didnÂt reduce deaths overall. ÂThis is a tale straight out of Dickens, a tale of great expectations that were not met,ÂŽ says analyst Steve Brozak, president of WBB Securities. He says investors shouldnÂt buy Amgen stock based on those results. Brozak says the bigger problem is RepathaÂs list price, about $14,000 a year. In contrast, statin pills that cost several hundred dollars a year work well for most people. Repatha is approved only for treating patients who have inherited, skyhigh cholesterol or arenÂt helped by statins, and insurers have been making it tough even for those groups to get it. The new findings may change that a bit. Meanwhile Amgen has made insurers a new offer: If they let more patients get Repatha, Amgen will give refunds if patients have a heart attack or stroke.Source: FactSetNo heartthrob0 .5 1.0 1.5 $2.0 billion Â16 Â17 Â18 Â19Repatha sales Amgen (AMGN)est. Overly confident? AmgenÂs pricey cholesterol drug Repatha is still expected to be a big seller, but recent data about its effectiveness disappointed investors, who sold off shares after the unexpected news. M F J D N O 100 150 $200 2016 2017 Thursday close: $166.04 Study findings released Oct 3: $167.34 Top Weekly Exchange Traded Funds $0$550$1,100 Oil Small-cap stocks REITs Investment-grade bonds High-yield bonds S&P 500 Copper European stocks Utilities stocks Health care stocks Gold Asian stocks Technology stocks Emerging-market stocks 1-week percent change $1,000 invested at the end of last year ... ... today is worthPerformance benchmarks: industries sectors of the Standard & Poor  s 500 index; international stocks MSCI indexes; bond returns Barclays Capital and BofA Merrill Lynch indexes. Source: FactSet Data through Mar. 230.5 -0.8 -0.2 1.6 -1.8 1.5 0.4 -1.2 -1.5 -0.4 0.6 0.6 -2.3 -2.2Oil continued to plunge and small cap stocks gave back last week  s gains. Gold was the week  s best performing investment, while emerging-market stocks crept into the top spot for the year.$1,000Derby StocksBonds Commodities% $1,125 1,113 1,097 1,083 1,082 1,072 1,070 1,055 1,053 1,016 1,006 1,002 1,000 888AP iPath LgEnhEmgMktETN EMLB 98.25 +36.25 +58.5 ... +42.8 Direx Reg Banks Bear WDRW 10.12 +1.73 +20.6 +17.7 -72.6 CS VelSh 3xLongNatGs UGAZ 20.04 +2.58 +14.8 +29.2 -4.8 ProShs UltProShtFin FINZ 15.05 +1.61 +12.0 +8.1 -62.8 CS VS 2x Vix ShTm TVIX 39.56 +4.21 +11.9 -15.3 -96.9 ProShs Ultra VIX ST UVXY 18.22 +1.90 +11.6 -15.0 -96.8 Direx S&P O&G Bear DRIP 19.59 +1.86 +10.5 +19.6 -71.7 ProShs Ultra Nat Gas BOIL 11.97 +1.09 +10.0 +19.1 +21.4 Direxion FinBear 3x FAZ 19.83 +1.55 +8.5 +8.2 -54.4 Direxion BiotechBear LABD 10.79 +0.84 +8.4 -10.5 -81.4 UBS 3x Inverse Crude WTID 35.25 +2.56 +7.8 +40.5 ... ProShs UltSh O&G Exp SOP 13.95 +0.99 +7.6 +14.3 -50.2 Direxion SCapBear 3x TZA 19.30 +1.35 +7.5 +7.3 -59.6 ProShs UltPro ShtR2K SRTY 51.00 +3.58 +7.5 +7.2 -59.3 Citigp Vel Inv Crde DWT 31.59 +2.21 +7.5 +42.4 ... ProShs ShtRegBk KRS 17.02 +1.12 +7.1 +7.5 -33.4 Pro UltPro ShtMid400 SMDD 15.50 +0.98 +6.7 +7.0 -50.5 iPath Beta Cocoa CHOC 32.30 +1.99 +6.6 +6.0 -25.7 CS Velocity 3xSilver USLV 15.17 +0.92 +6.5 -10.9 +19.0 Barc iPath Cocoa NIB 26.47 +1.60 +6.4 +7.8 -28.2 Barc iPath Vix ST VXX 16.77 +0.96 +6.1 -7.3 -78.0 CS VS Vix ShtTerm VIIX 28.30 +1.58 +5.9 -7.4 -78.0 ProShs Vix ST Fut VIXY 13.97 +0.78 +5.9 -7.4 -77.9 Direxion MCapBear3x MIDZ 20.11 +1.12 +5.9 +6.0 -50.5 ProShs Ult Mexico UMX 23.70 +1.30 +5.8 +21.0 -11.5 ProSh UltSht Fin SKF 29.15 +1.57 +5.7 +5.9 -39.9 Direxion EngyBear 3x ERY 12.09 +0.65 +5.7 +7.7 -46.8 Direxion 30-Yr 3x Sh TMF 18.82 +1.02 +5.7 -2.6 -19.3 Direxion NatGas Bear GASX 30.80 +1.67 +5.7 +13.1 -64.7 Direx SKorea Bull KORU 37.50 +1.93 +5.4 +17.0 +55.3 ProSh UltSht R2K TWM 23.39 +1.13 +5.1 +5.0 -43.6 US Nat Gas Fund UNG 7.48 +0.36 +5.1 +10.7 +17.9 ProShs UltSht Crude SCO 40.81 +1.92 +4.9 +26.0 -31.4 CS Velocity 3x Gold UGLD 10.44 +0.49 +4.9 -2.8 -4.6 Pro UltPro ShtDow30 SDOW 35.47 +1.57 +4.6 +2.5 -46.4 ProSh UltraSht MidC MZZ 24.46 +1.06 +4.5 +4.5 -36.3 SPDR Emg MidEastAfr GAF 63.40 +2.60 +4.3 +5.0 +19.7 ProShs Ultra Silver AGQ 39.25 +1.61 +4.3 -7.0 +19.9 Global X China Engy CHIE 10.93 +0.45 +4.3 +3.8 +11.4 ProShs UltSht S&P500 SPXU 17.57 +0.72 +4.3 +2.3 -41.6 $CHG PCT RETURN FUNDS TICKER FRI 1WK 1WK 1MO 1YR The video game retailer reported weak sales as consumers wait for new gaming systems to reach the market. A Chinese real estate holding company bought a 21 percent stake in the water park company. The chipmaker  s second-quarter profit was much bigger than analysts expected. Materials companies dragged U.S. stock indexes mostly lower Friday as the market posted its biggest weekly loss since the presidential election. The Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor  s 500 index edged lower. The Nasdaq composite inched higher. 20 25 $30 DM JF Micron TechnologyMU Close: $28.43 1.96 or 7.4% $9.35$29.87 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 107.2m ( 4.1x avg.) $31.35 b 52-week range PE: Yield: ... ... 17 18 19 $20 DM JF SeaWorldSEAS Close: $18.13 0.82 or 4.7% $11.77$21.85 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 4.0m ( 3.6x avg.) $1.61 b 52-week range PE: Yield: ... 2.2% 15 20 25 $30 DM JF GameStopGME Close: $20.70 -3.26 or -13.6% $20.10$33.72 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 15.9m ( 5.5x avg.) $2.11 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 5.6 7.3% Best Stocks One MonthBEST LARGE-CAP STOCKS Mobileye NV MBLY 60.78 0.4 29.1 77.0 cc ... TAL Education Grp TAL 106.37 7.0 24.8 102.1 76 ... Micron Tech MU 28.43 10.2 22.3 148.5 34 ... Banco Bilb Viz Arg BBVA 7.77 2.5 20.7 17.9 ... 5.4 New Oriental Educ EDU 58.95 7.0 19.9 69.7 39 ... Wynn Resorts Ltd WYNN 111.92 1.6 19.1 24.6 34 1.8 Gpo Fin Sant Mexico BSMX 8.80 6.4 18.6 2.4 ... 3.4 Melco Crown Ent MPEL 18.72 0.9 16.6 21.6 60 7.5 Bco Santander SA SAN 6.13 1.8 15.4 41.4 ... 3.8 YPF Sociedad YPF 23.78 2.1 13.2 32.7 ... 0.6 Bco Santander Chile BSAC 24.82 2.9 13.1 34.4 ... 4.6 SK Telecom Co SKM 25.72 3.6 13.1 29.3 ... ... Coca Cola Femsa KOF 73.31 3.8 13.0 -7.2 ... 2.5 Telecom Italia A TI/A 7.29 2.7 12.7 -16.5 ... 4.1 Telecom Italia TI 8.96 3.1 12.6 -18.6 ... ... Albemarle Corp ALB 104.45 -1.7 12.4 73.3 28 1.2 America Movil L AMX 14.12 1.1 11.4 -6.1 49 4.7 Alkermes PLC ALKS 58.88 -0.7 11.1 89.5 dd ... FRIDAY %CHG %CHG %RTN COMPANY TICKER CLOSE 1WK 1MO 1YR PE YLDBEST MID-CAP STOCKS Global Net Lease GNL 23.64 -1.5 188.6 4.9 38 3.0 Nektar Therapeutics NKTR 22.42 44.6 66.7 78.8 dd ... Kite Pharma KITE 76.84 -8.5 46.1 75.5 dd ... Dominion Diamond DDC 12.72 28.2 45.0 12.6 dd 3.1 Nimble Storage Inc NMBL 12.47 0.1 44.5 75.5 dd ... Hutchison China Med HCM 19.01 0.1 42.5 39.8 ... ... Foundation Medicine FMI 32.90 1.4 42.4 91.0 dd ... Global Blood Thera GBT 39.15 6.1 39.1 157.0 dd ... Nutri System NTRI 53.05 -1.4 39.1 186.2 45 1.3 Natl Beverage FIZZ 80.29 3.8 37.0 96.4 39 ... Avexis Inc AVXS 75.14 -10.5 36.4 194.9 ... ... Bitauto Hldgs Ltd BITA 25.64 1.4 32.9 1.4 ... ... Himax Technologies A HIMX 9.28 7.9 32.8 -8.6 39 1.4 Momo Inc MOMO 33.33 -4.8 28.9 173.5 ... ... Installed Bldg Pdts IBP 52.50 0.1 28.0 106.7 44 ... KCG Holdings Inc KCG 17.94 -2.2 27.9 53.8 6 ... Axovant Sciences AXON 14.91 -4.4 27.2 32.3 dd ... Blueprint Medicines BPMC 43.96 6.3 26.9 147.3 dd ...BEST SMALL-CAP STOCKS Stone Energy SGY 20.85 -1.2 216.9 -65.9 dd ... Aurinia Pharma AUPH 8.02 4.2 115.6 179.7 dd ... Pulse Biosciences PLSE 30.34 23.9 108.0 0.0 dd ... TG Therapeutics TGTX 11.40 -15.9 93.2 30.7 dd ... Corindus Vasc Robot CVRS 1.20 -14.9 90.5 34.5 dd ... Rexahn Pharm RNN 0.45 -6.3 89.1 27.8 dd ... Concert Pharmaceut CNCE 17.40 4.5 87.6 38.4 dd ... ViewRay Inc VRAY 8.46 40.5 77.7 95.2 ... ... La Jolla Pharm LJPC 34.92 -2.7 75.7 91.6 dd ... Innocoll AG INNL 1.03 -17.7 66.0 -87.8 ... ... Esperion Therap ESPR 38.94 64.5 60.3 174.3 dd ... Biocryst Phar BCRX 8.79 -0.7 60.0 224.0 dd ... Castle Brands ROX 1.21 0.0 59.8 43.0 ... ... Internap Corp INAP 3.80 7.6 59.0 42.8 dd ... Corvus Pharmaceutica CRVS 20.90 2.0 56.6 43.4 dd ... Rocket Fuel Inc FUEL 4.75 15.9 54.7 42.1 dd ... Catalyst Pharm CPRX 1.70 10.4 54.5 42.4 dd ... CytomX Therapeutics CTMX 17.79 17.2 54.4 40.9 dd ...Industry Rankings 1. Utilities 1.2 1.1 6.3 | 975 6.6 2. Technology -0.8 0.8 9.4 | 999994321 25.4 3. Consumer Goods -1.0 0.1 6.6 | 98431 7.8 4. Health Care -1.3 -0.5 6.8 | 9974321 11.6 DJ Total Market index -1.5 -1.2 3.4 | 999631 15.8 5. Basic Material -1.9 -1.2 3.9 | 9999421 20.3 6. Consumer Services -1.0 -1.4 3.4 | 9961 10.7 7. Industrials -2.0 -1.5 2.4 | 999832 17.7 8. Telecommunications -1.9 -1.9 -4.1 | 743 1.5 9. Oil & Gas -1.9 -3.0 -10.7 | 98651 8.5 10. Financials -2.8 -3.2 0.9 | 9999863 23.3 PERCENT CHANGE %RTN INDUSTRY 1WK 1MO 1QTR 1YR Nonlife Insurance -2.1 -1.6 1.6 $#! | 87642 18.0 Selective Ins SIGI -3.4 +6.2 +7.2 $#! | 98721 +34.7 Innity Ppty and Ca IPCC -3.3 +6.1 +6.8 $#! | 9652 +23.6 State Auto Fincl STFC -1.1 +2.9 +1.7 $#! | 97543 +26.8 State Natl Cos SNC -1.0 +2.6 +3.2 $#! | 8765 +18.5 Life Insurance -3.0 -2.6 -0.5 $#! | 987321 35.0 Independence Hold IHC -3.9 +7.7 -3.0 $#! | 9742 +25.4 Fidelity & Gty Life FGL -0.5 +3.8 +15.3 $#! | 74 +5.6 AFLAC Inc AFL -0.7 +0.4 +2.6 $#! | 8752 +16.2 Primerica Inc PRI -2.4 +0.2 +14.1 $#! | 9999731 +84.1 Real Estate 0.3 -2.6 2.6 $#! | 65 3.7 Global Net Lease GNL -1.5 +188.6 +208.6 $#! | 654321 +4.9 Maui Land & Pineap MLP -0.9 +29.8 +57.4 $#! | 99998751 +94.9 Silver Bay Rlty Tr SBY -0.4 +20.0 +25.3 $#! | 99875431 +56.4 Resource Capital Cp RSO +3.3 +14.0 +17.6 431 | -1.0 General Financial -3.0 -3.1 2.4 $#! | 97541 26.6 Altisource Pt Sol ASPS +11.0 +41.5 +14.9 $#! | 97541 +26.6 MoneyGram Intl MGI +2.3 +30.5 +35.3 $#! | 9999953 +189.7 KCG Holdings Inc KCG -2.2 +27.9 +32.9 $#! | 99865421 +53.8 Yintech Invest Hldg YIN -3.2 +16.4 +21.8 $#! | 0.0 Banks -5.0 -4.8 -1.5 $#! | 9876541 38.9 CB Financial Svcs CBFV -2.7 +13.1 +11.7 $#! | 9976 +46.8 BCB Bancorp Inc NJ BCBP +0.3 +12.3 +22.8 $#! | 9997654321 +68.9 Northeast Bancorp NBN -5.1 +12.0 +17.7 $#! | 9963 +42.2 Bk of SC Corp BKSC +2.9 +11.3 -3.7 $#! | 9875431 +36.7Financials sectors (best performers)Excludes stocks with market values less than $100 million. Bar chart for stocks with annual returns of more than 100 percent not shown to scale. Saturday, March 25, 2017
A -:A-MarkPM Q AMRK .32f 1.8 18 22.00 14.02 11 17.42 103 18.69 17.03 -1.37 -10.7 AAC Hldgs N AAC 10 24.38 6.01 120 7.98 491 8.58 7.58 -.60 +10.2sAAON Q AAON .26f .7 41 37.10 25.33 180 36.25 803 37.10 35.45 -.75 +9.7 AAR N AIR .30 .9 25 38.75 21.78 258 34.02 1000 34.60 31.97 -.20 +2.9 ABB Ltd N ABB .76e 3.3 23.90 18.72 1345 23.28 11702 23.56 22.91 +.01 +10.5 ABM N ABM .68 1.6 25 45.03 31.36 275 43.26 1317 44.65 43.07 -1.29 +6.4 AC Immun n Q ACIU 19.97 10.36 14 11.02 626 12.08 11.01 -1.05 -15.1 ACI Wwde Q ACIW 20 22.96 15.11 492 21.88 2265 22.86 21.39 -.90 +20.6 ACNB Cp Q ACNB .80 2.8 16 32.85 21.36 4 28.90 65 32.00 28.18 -2.05 -7.5 AES Corp N AES .48f 4.3 10 13.32 10.49 3405 11.23 19649 11.48 11.10 -.23 -3.4 AES pfC N AESpC 3.38 6.7 52.48 49.95 9 50.80 43 50.88 50.62 +.14 +.8 AFLAC N AFL 1.72 2.4 11 74.50 62.59 1653 71.99 8304 72.60 70.64 -.54 +3.4 AFLAC 52 N AFSD 1.38 5.4 27.48 23.55 11 25.38 85 25.44 25.17 +.17 +4.9 AG MtgeIT N MITT 1.90 10.9 23 18.85 12.57 149 17.43 818 17.72 17.36 -.26 +1.9 AG Mtg pfA N MITTpA 2.06 8.2 26.01 23.33 0 25.09 5 25.35 25.00 +.01 +2.8 AG Mtg pfB N MITTpB 2.00 8.1 25.30 21.95 4 24.73 18 24.80 24.40 +.22 +3.8 AGCO N AGCO .56f .9 29 64.90 44.68 254 59.20 1856 61.31 58.96 -1.75 +2.3 AGNC Inv Q AGNC 2.16 10.9 7 20.43 17.30 2279 19.73 11253 19.95 19.65 +.06 +8.8 AGNC pfA Q AGNCP 2.00 7.7 26.80 24.67 15 25.86 58 25.95 25.62 +.19 +2.5 AGNC pfB Q AGNCB 1.94 7.5 26.69 24.20 16 26.02 68 26.07 25.57 +.12 +3.7 AH Belo N AHC .32 5.2 7.95 4.75 24 6.10 66 6.35 6.00 -.20 -3.9 AK Steel N AKS 25 11.39 3.31 13521 7.16 69197 8.34 7.10 -1.15 -29.9tALJ Reg n Q ALJJ 5.50 3.51 45 3.63 168 3.77 3.51 -.11 -17.3 AMAG Ph Q AMAG 18 36.83 17.92 858 22.00 5420 23.50 20.95 -1.50 -36.8 AMC Ent N AMC .80 2.6 27 35.65 25.75 1684 30.85 5156 31.15 29.95 +.25 -8.3 AMC Net Q AMCX 15 70.28 46.17 347 57.60 2208 58.89 57.04 -.61 +10.0 AMCON N DIT .72 .7 11 122.90 79.00 99.75 9 100.00 97.25 +.75 -13.5 AMEC FW N AMFW .30e 4.6 7.82 4.96 98 6.50 395 6.57 6.11 +.40 +13.8 AMN Hlth N AMN 18 44.99 26.00 964 38.50 3815 43.60 37.65 -4.70 +.1 ANI Ph h Q ANIP 70.92 30.60 91 45.99 726 46.36 43.71 +.17 -24.1 ARC Docu N ARC 13 5.55 3.06 76 3.75 594 4.19 3.50 -.16 -26.2 ARC Grp Q ARCW 46 5.95 1.95 55 4.10 111 4.20 4.00 -.05 -6.8 ARCAbio rs Q ABIO 4.35 2.15 38 2.65 97 2.70 2.40 +.05 -7.0 ARI Net Q ARIS 56 5.59 3.68 17 5.05 122 5.40 5.03 -.22 -6.7 ASA Gold N ASA .04e .3 17.48 9.80 72 12.16 463 12.34 11.80 +.35 +10.1 ASB Bcp Q ASBB 38 37.35 24.07 1 34.25 16 36.44 33.95 -2.70 +15.1sASML Hld Q ASML 1.27e 1.0 37 129.83 90.43 1676 132.24 4132 133.55 126.15 +4.34 +17.9 AT&T Inc N T 1.96 4.7 16 43.89 36.10 13299 41.68 78607 42.70 41.41 -.93 -2.0 ATA Inc Q ATAI 18 6.91 2.96 21 3.95 83 4.08 3.53 +.29 +6.4 ATN Intl Q ATNI 1.36 1.9 46 87.82 62.70 43 71.98 226 74.96 70.00 -1.95 -10.2 A10 Ntwks N ATEN 10.87 5.61 224 9.18 1356 9.39 9.11 -.07 +10.5 AU Optron N AUO e 4.42 2.47 1992 3.83 8312 3.95 3.76 -.10 +8.2 AV Homes Q AVHI 3 19.13 10.61 30 16.15 186 17.03 15.93 -.80 +2.2 AVX Cp N AVX .44 2.7 14 16.65 11.77 110 16.09 673 16.26 15.74 -.17 +2.9 AXT Inc Q AXTI 8.65 2.43 699 5.65 6661 6.15 5.10 +.10 +17.7 AZZ Inc N AZZ .68 1.2 22 67.98 51.20 119 56.45 405 59.45 55.70 -2.75 -11.7 Aarons N AAN .11 .4 13 34.22 20.51 338 28.71 3303 30.05 28.12 -1.36 -10.3 Abaxis Q ABAX .56 1.2 32 55.95 41.26 136 48.08 461 49.55 46.20 -1.25 -8.9 AbbottLab N ABT 1.06 2.4 22 45.84 36.76 4426 44.73 22655 45.38 44.59 -.46 +16.5 AbbVie N ABBV 2.56 3.9 15 68.12 55.06 3860 65.62 23060 66.11 65.04 -.07 +4.8 AbeonaTh Q ABEO 9.44 2.27 181 4.80 1264 5.15 4.55 -.25 -1.0 Abeona wt Q ABEOW 5.40 .60 2 2.52 3 3.03 2.00 -.48 -24.0tAberFitc N ANF .80 7.1 32.37 10.83 1936 11.31 18255 12.08 10.83 -.69 -5.8 AbdAsPac N FAX .48f 9.6 5.55 4.56 327 4.98 2370 4.98 4.89 +.07 +7.6 AbdAustEq N IAF .70e 12.0 6.35 5.10 47 5.85 318 6.01 5.71 -.13 +7.9sAbdnChile N CH .58e 8.5 6.76 5.68 33 6.82 190 6.85 6.51 +.19 +14.4 AbdGlbInc N FCO .84 10.0 9.15 7.64 20 8.38 76 8.51 8.26 +.01 +5.3 AbdEMSmC N ABE .21e 1.7 12.89 10.90 3 12.65 49 12.82 12.54 +.13 +12.4sAbdGChina N GCH .03e .3 10.07 7.97 13 10.06 84 10.08 9.85 +.23 +15.8sAbdnIndo N IF .52e 6.99 5.55 8 6.96 69 6.99 6.85 +.08 +9.4sAbdnIsrael N ISL .35e 1.1 17.50 15.53 4 17.46 43 17.50 17.14 +.16 +8.6 AbdJapnEq N JEQ .07e .6 8.30 6.98 144 8.03 262 8.17 7.83 +.16 +9.0 AbdnLatA N LAQ 1.21e 2.1 23.60 17.23 7 22.79 70 22.91 22.28 +.36 +15.2sAbSingaFd N SGF 1.09e 10.4 10.90 8.61 16 10.46 118 10.90 10.40 -.01 +20.8 Ability h Q ABIL 8.00 2.20 0 2.33 31 2.44 2.23 +.01 -16.1 Abiomed Q ABMD 132.95 87.11 179 124.89 1165 126.00 121.86 +.92 +10.8 Abraxas Q AXAS 2.99 .90 1517 2.02 12062 2.17 1.87 +.05 -21.4 AcaciaC n Q ACIA 128.73 27.05 1758 56.69 8691 59.38 52.86 +1.67 -8.2 AcaciaTc Q ACTG .50 9.2 7.68 3.64 247 5.45 1081 5.55 5.01 -.05 -16.2sAcadIBD50 N FFTY 25.83 19.78 9 25.21 61 25.83 24.80 -.50 +4.4 AcadiaHlt Q ACHC 65.00 32.54 1711 41.93 6974 42.01 38.69 +.30 +26.7 AcadiaPh Q ACAD 42.49 19.32 1205 34.83 6758 37.60 34.15 -2.30 +20.8 AcadiaRlt N AKR 1.04 3.4 21 38.01 29.23 411 30.33 2939 30.99 29.33 -.53 -7.2 Acasti g rs Q ACST 3.09 1.11 27 1.28 603 1.44 1.25 -.07 +2.4 AccelrDiag Q AXDX 29.40 10.87 109 22.50 987 23.70 22.40 -.70 +8.4 Acceleron Q XLRN 41.69 23.07 196 26.78 1535 28.41 26.02 -1.38 +4.9sAccenture N ACN 2.31 1.9 20 126.53 108.66 3890 118.98 20687 126.53 118.75 -6.24 +1.6 AccessNt Q ANCX .60 2.1 18 29.28 18.00 57 28.44 240 28.55 26.43 +1.37 +2.4 AccoBrds N ACCO 15 14.45 8.46 401 13.00 4035 13.75 12.65 -.35 -.4 Accuray Q ARAY 6.39 4.45 641 4.80 5249 5.10 4.70 -.25 +4.3 AcelRx Q ACRX 4.08 2.40 191 3.08 1051 3.20 2.85 +.08 +18.3tAcetoCorp Q ACET .26 1.8 18 25.98 14.32 170 14.79 1004 15.22 14.32 -.43 -32.7 Achaogen Q AKAO 27.79 2.59 468 20.88 4130 23.31 19.76 -1.51 +60.4 Achillion Q ACHN 10.06 3.75 1096 3.76 6748 4.07 3.75 -.23 -9.0 AclarisTh n Q ACRS 33.25 14.12 240 30.53 1689 30.74 27.36 +1.55 +12.5 AcmeU N ACU .40 1.5 16 27.35 15.95 4 26.69 27 26.70 25.37 +.69 +4.4 AcordaTh Q ACOR 33.00 16.40 499 25.40 2555 27.50 25.10 -1.45 +35.1 AcornInt rs N ATV 12.35 4.02 5 9.25 7 9.86 8.87 +.22 +15.6 AcreRlty N AIII 1.85 .90 30 1.16 37 1.28 1.10 -.09 +4.5 ActiniumP N ATNM 2.22 .86 328 1.43 5961 1.68 1.30 +.05 +63.4 ActivsBliz Q ATVI .30f .6 41 49.70 31.71 5507 49.12 32257 49.45 47.80 -.01 +36.0 Actua Q ACTA 6 15.28 8.44 92 13.90 594 14.25 13.35 -.20 -.7 Actuant N ATU .04 .2 26 29.80 20.54 912 25.90 5538 29.18 25.65 -2.70 -.2 Acuity N AYI .52 .3 26 280.89 193.06 601 200.00 3238 208.86 199.09 -8.34 -13.4 Acushnet n N GOLF 22.31 16.90 438 17.76 2100 18.67 16.91 -.45 -9.9 Acxiom Q ACXM 30.40 19.11 229 27.94 1293 28.77 27.21 -.63 +4.3 AdamasPh Q ADMS 19.50 12.10 84 17.46 661 17.80 16.96 +.01 +3.3 AdamisPh Q ADMP 10.98 2.40 179 4.30 1757 4.65 4.05 -.25 +36.5 AdaDvsEq N ADX .92e 1.1 13.85 12.07 81 13.60 646 13.82 13.55 -.19 +7.0 AdamsNR N PEO 1.38e 2.3 20.82 17.38 115 18.98 572 19.30 18.93 -.33 -5.9 AdmRsc N AE .88 2.5 60 44.27 29.64 1 35.86 14 37.76 34.30 +1.21 -9.6 Adaptim n Q ADAP 11.59 3.76 176 4.28 2849 4.78 3.90 -.47 +5.7tAdcareHlt N ADK 2.70 1.11 73 1.35 326 1.45 1.11 +.08 -7.5 Adcare pfA N ADKpA 2.72 11.8 25.00 19.44 24 23.00 59 23.14 22.75 +.22 -1.4 AddusHmC Q ADUS 27 37.35 15.33 74 30.70 248 33.85 29.90 -2.60 -12.4 ADDvtgTch Q AEY 4 2.31 1.60 14 1.97 205 2.08 1.80 +.03 +11.3 Adecaogro N AGRO 13.29 9.38 237 11.77 4007 12.17 11.62 -.13 +13.4 Adeptus N ADPT 1 73.44 1.34 851 1.59 6297 1.83 1.45 -79.2 AdestoTc n Q IOTS 5.80 1.50 23 4.15 94 4.40 3.70 -.20 +124.3 Adient n N ADNT .28p 76.09 39.66 836 68.52 4827 73.08 67.50 -4.02 +16.9 AdmaBio Q ADMA 8.85 4.34 15 4.82 110 5.05 4.48 -.11 -5.9 AdobeSy Q ADBE 55 130.30 90.35 2989 127.70 15079 129.00 124.51 +.69 +24.0 Adtran Q ADTN .36 1.7 29 23.75 17.06 252 21.10 1260 21.65 20.60 -.50 -5.6 AduroBio n Q ADRO 16.43 7.26 305 10.15 1586 11.55 10.00 -1.25 -11.0 AdvAuto N AAP .24 .2 21 177.83 132.98 611 149.73 4039 154.23 149.35 -2.61 -11.5sAdvAApp n Q AAAP 39.96 23.50 126 38.98 539 39.96 35.50 +1.87 +45.7 AdvDisp n N ADSW 24.10 18.32 110 22.74 763 23.78 22.52 -.96 +2.3 AdvDrainS N WMS .24 1.1 30 28.49 18.60 130 21.45 1036 22.10 21.15 -.35 +4.1 AdvEmis n Q ADES 2 12.25 6.21 44 9.28 283 10.14 9.14 -.55 +.4sAdvEnId Q AEIS 22 70.64 31.76 325 66.45 3284 70.64 64.09 -2.17 +21.4 AMD Q AMD 15.55 2.60 48835 13.70 315391 14.50 13.54 +.21 +20.8sAdvSemi N ASX .25e 3.8 6.59 4.40 1295 6.54 6920 6.59 6.39 +.08 +29.8sAdvFood n N APFH .64 2.1 31.20 23.43 106 30.74 1167 31.20 30.24 -.01 +3.2 Advansx n N ASIX 30.21 14.22 126 26.53 904 27.53 25.43 +.07 +19.8 AdvOil&Gs N AAV 23 7.88 4.97 122 6.20 476 6.23 5.90 +.25 -8.1 Advaxis wt Q ADXSW 11.70 3.49 2 4.07 21 4.64 3.75 -.58 +2.8 Advaxis Q ADXS 16.30 6.47 513 7.94 3814 8.65 7.36 -.56 +10.9 AdvClayCv N AVK 1.13 7.4 16.77 13.02 34 15.33 354 15.55 15.14 -.14 +4.4 AdvCCvII N AGC .56 9.3 6.45 5.17 112 6.05 689 6.22 6.02 -.16 +2.9 AdvClEnh N LCM .84 10.0 8.76 7.53 19 8.37 141 8.51 8.34 -.11 +.8tAdverumBi Q ADVM 6.31 2.53 402 2.65 1425 2.75 2.53 -.10 -8.6sAdSDorWr N AADR .32e .7 46.80 36.12 12 46.60 109 46.80 45.67 +.61 +16.0 AdvPerHY N HYLD 3.54e 10.1 36.66 31.14 6 35.20 167 35.75 35.06 -.32 -1.3 AdvSh ef n N CWS 28.18 24.34 2 27.46 20 28.04 27.46 -.55 +5.7 AdvSmCap N SCAP 31.99 25.40 1 30.13 4 30.62 30.06 -.32 +.3 AdvAthHiD N DIVI .72e 4.1 18.59 15.60 1 17.64 54 18.06 17.64 -.46 -1.8 AdSGldEur N GEUR .89e 14.92 11.48 9 12.33 48 12.40 12.20 +.13 +6.3 AdSGldYen N GYEN .41e 13.25 10.60 1 11.13 16 11.19 11.08 +.00 +3.9 AdvNfltMS N MINC 1.34e 2.8 49.13 48.17 45 48.45 123 48.72 48.43 -.16 -.2 AdvMorgC N GTAA .64e 2.7 24.05 21.95 1 23.85 8 23.92 23.75 -.09 +4.0 AdvTrTabs N TTFS .41e .6 67.35 52.36 10 64.34 42 65.62 63.74 -1.30 +1.2 AdvMeidll N MATH .18e .6 30.84 25.53 29.81 10 29.84 29.59 -.52 +1.7 AdMadGBd N FWDB .73e 2.9 26.24 24.75 0 25.40 6 25.44 25.19 -.01 +.9 AdMadIntl N FWDI .34e 1.3 26.18 21.05 26.08 3 26.08 25.85 +.29 +6.4 AdMadDm N FWDD .15e .3 47.80 38.35 1 46.92 3 46.92 46.67 -.80 +5.6 AdvActBear N HDGE 11.30 8.73 250 8.95 1823 9.08 8.80 +.12 -3.3 AdvisoryBd Q ABCO 17 51.23 24.85 913 44.70 3589 49.25 44.40 +.10 +34.4 Aecom N ACM 12 40.72 26.46 572 34.10 3802 35.70 33.69 -1.55 -6.2 AegeanMP N ANW .08 .7 9 13.10 5.00 331 11.45 1771 12.00 10.65 +12.8 Aegion Q AEGN 24 26.68 17.18 144 21.97 668 23.29 21.61 -.92 -7.3 AegleaBio n Q AGLE 12.75 3.66 153 7.37 466 8.14 6.86 -.37 +69.4 Aegon N AEG .29e 5.4 6.09 3.36 3359 5.28 8324 5.83 5.25 -.47 -4.5 Aegon cap N AEH 1.59 6.2 26.69 24.67 72 25.51 410 25.54 25.44 +.05 +1.9 Aegon 6.5 N AED 1.63 6.3 26.68 24.71 11 25.87 61 26.00 25.75 -.08 +2.8 Aegon flt N AEB .77 3.0 25.39 21.85 27 25.09 90 25.15 24.72 +.08 +11.4 Aegon42 N AEK 2.00 7.7 28.38 25.67 26 25.86 147 25.90 25.81 -.02 -.7 AehrTest h Q AEHR 5.45 .95 96 5.16 330 5.29 4.70 +.08 +114.1 Aemetis Q AMTX 2.94 1.01 10 1.15 60 1.21 1.11 -.03 -17.3 AerCap N AER 6 49.66 31.45 684 44.57 6145 45.66 43.63 -.89 +7.1 AeriePhm Q AERI 51.85 10.82 208 45.85 1412 48.95 44.60 -1.60 +21.1 Aerocntry N ACY 13 11.45 8.50 1 10.00 7 10.10 9.70 -.50 +5.8 AerohiveN N HIVE 7.45 4.10 144 4.25 816 4.36 4.20 -.09 -25.4sAerojetR N AJRD 22.99 15.52 433 21.42 2277 22.99 21.31 -1.41 +19.3 AeroViron Q AVAV 32.44 22.16 145 26.97 774 29.84 26.81 -2.82 +.5 AEtern g rs Q AEZS 5.59 2.35 96 2.90 780 3.05 2.65 -.10 -19.4 Aethlon rs Q AEMD 9.09 3.10 53 3.35 155 4.32 3.35 -.82 -20.2 Aetna N AET 2.00f 1.6 17 136.50 104.59 2969 126.77 11821 132.15 126.02 -5.03 +2.2tAeviGeno Q GNMX 17.75 1.50 879 1.60 19863 2.51 1.50 -3.84 -69.1 AffilMgrs N AMG 16 179.85 130.48 294 158.86 1822 163.64 157.48 -3.95 +9.3 AffMgrs42 N MGR 1.59 6.2 27.69 24.80 7 25.62 83 25.70 25.52 +.05 +1.5 AffimedNV Q AFMD 5.00 1.65 175 2.45 1684 2.80 2.20 -.13 +36.1 Agenus Q AGEN 7.49 2.97 731 3.88 4959 4.17 3.77 -.16 -5.8 AgileThera Q AGRX 8.65 1.82 690 2.96 1831 3.23 2.60 +.02 -48.1 Agilent N A .53 1.0 31 54.82 39.11 1917 53.08 7599 54.05 52.48 -.23 +16.5 Agilysys Q AGYS 12.15 8.17 27 9.39 748 9.78 9.15 -.34 -9.4 AgiosPhm Q AGIO 67.74 34.31 357 55.27 2633 56.71 51.48 +1.61 +32.4 Agnico g N AEM .40 60.10 35.00 1158 43.83 7044 44.83 42.26 +1.46 +4.4 AgreeRlt N ADC 1.98 4.1 22 51.33 38.00 231 48.14 1209 48.42 46.74 -.08 +4.5 Agrium g N AGU 3.50 3.7 17 111.88 81.17 274 94.80 1898 97.25 93.82 -2.07 -5.7 AgroFresh Q AGFS 6.95 1.96 526 3.59 2420 4.00 3.23 +.20 +35.5 AgroFr wt Q AGFSW 1.00 .05 13 .18 49 .22 .15 +.01 Aimmune n Q AIMT 27.31 9.77 262 22.82 1271 23.00 21.75 +.39 +11.6 Air Inds N AIRI .60 15.9 6.79 2.21 34 3.78 130 4.25 3.60 -.07 +20.0 AirLease N AL .30f .8 8 40.24 24.49 402 37.76 3796 39.12 36.77 -1.34 +10.0 AirMethod Q AIRM 17 43.95 23.75 4079 43.20 11264 43.55 42.90 +.20 +35.6 AirProd N APD 3.80f 2.8 21 157.84 129.00 1297 134.94 6123 139.70 134.67 -4.59 -6.2 AirT Inc Q AIRT 26.99 17.24 1 20.60 9 21.20 20.25 -.15 -10.4 AirTrnsp Q ATSG 41 17.81 12.36 257 15.55 1253 16.37 15.45 -.79 -2.6 AirMedia Q AMCN 5.70 2.35 20 2.49 390 2.56 2.40 -.02 +1.4 Aircastle N AYR 1.04 4.4 11 25.98 18.26 146 23.41 1183 24.00 22.95 -.55 +12.3 Airgain n Q AIRG 29.30 7.36 132 14.50 704 14.74 13.71 +.01 +.7 AkamaiT Q AKAM 28 71.64 47.80 993 63.63 6109 65.65 62.92 -1.37 -4.6tAkariTh rs Q AKTX 19.75 6.22 19 6.50 111 7.06 6.22 -.50 -7.7 AkebiaTher Q AKBA 11.07 7.00 161 9.11 908 9.38 8.85 -.15 -12.5 AkersBios Q AKER 3.70 1.15 136 1.40 409 1.50 1.20 +.10 -26.3 Akorn Inc Q AKRX 13 35.40 17.61 1067 22.75 6086 23.00 21.90 +.43 +4.2sAkoustis n Q AKTS 10.00 7.00 191 10.05 531 10.99 8.15 +1.55 +20.4 AlaPw pfO N ALPpO 1.46 5.1 30.93 25.30 1 28.53 9 29.42 27.65 -.34 +8.7 AlamoGp N ALG .40f .5 20 79.59 52.82 33 74.33 151 77.79 73.35 -3.50 -2.3 AlamosGld N AGI .02 .2 10.41 4.86 2169 8.18 17511 8.49 7.91 -.03 +19.6 n Q ALRM 86 34.43 19.91 221 31.05 1858 33.60 30.94 -.16 +11.6 AlaskaAir N ALK 1.20f 1.3 13 101.43 54.51 843 94.70 6839 95.40 89.00 +1.34 +6.7 AlaskCom Q ALSK 1.97 1.49 47 1.85 785 1.96 1.81 +.04 +12.8 AlbnyIn N AIN .68 1.5 27 49.50 36.53 126 44.45 674 46.65 43.45 -1.55 -4.0 AlbnyMlc Q AMRI 19.35 12.45 379 13.21 1641 13.98 13.01 -.54 -29.6sAlbemarle N ALB 1.28f 1.2 28 107.56 61.51 515 104.45 4472 107.56 103.30 -1.76 +21.3 Albireo Q ALBO 37.69 7.83 8 22.50 82 25.44 20.25 +.19 +26.9sAlcentra Q ABDC 1.36a 9.9 11 13.75 10.83 64 13.75 246 13.75 13.18 +.28 +14.9 Alcoa Cp N AA 39.78 20.71 4041 32.56 17203 35.36 32.37 -2.41 +16.0 Alcobra Q ADHD 5.75 .83 214 1.14 2042 1.18 1.08 -45.7 AlderBioPh Q ALDR 36.48 16.71 362 21.35 2557 22.77 20.00 -1.20 +2.6 AldeyraTh Q ALDX 8.19 3.81 9 5.05 85 5.40 4.85 -.25 -5.6 Alere N ALR 51.00 31.47 1375 39.13 3030 39.46 37.74 -.01 +.4 Alere pfB N ALRpB 12.00t 399.99 271.04 2 329.50 19 330.00 321.75 +4.50 -1.0 AlexB Inc N ALEX .28 .7 46.43 32.94 155 43.02 661 44.94 42.42 -1.95 -4.1 Alexanders N ALX 17.00f 4.0 19 451.99 364.01 8 420.15 32 429.01 418.97 -7.36 -1.6 AlexREE N ARE 3.32 3.0 25 120.96 88.22 612 111.36 5022 112.91 109.43 +1.09 +.2 AlxRE pfD N AREpD 1.75 5.0 37.25 28.76 1 35.13 10 35.23 34.75 +.19 +2.6 AlexcoR g N AXU 2.54 .87 533 1.66 1884 1.70 1.51 +.10 +23.0 Alexion lf Q ALXN 47 162.00 109.12 1256 119.26 7524 122.29 116.96 -2.82 -2.5sAlgonPw n N AQN .23p 10.10 7.91 58 9.55 519 10.10 9.36 +.13 +12.6 Alibaba N BABA 34 109.87 73.30 7204 108.04 53754 109.13 103.98 +2.43 +23.0 Alico Q ALCO .24 .9 31 32.66 25.01 5 25.80 26 26.25 25.75 -.20 -5.0sAlignTech Q ALGN 49 114.29 68.44 645 113.87 3571 114.99 110.25 +2.02 +18.5 AlimeraSci Q ALIM 5.15 1.02 498 1.47 2392 1.55 1.32 -.06 +36.1 Alkermes Q ALKS 62.50 30.00 776 58.88 3979 60.32 57.01 -.43 +5.9 AllegCp N Y 19 667.19 482.85 50 614.33 247 638.53 612.64 -16.34 +1.0 AllegTch N ATI 23.69 10.93 2423 17.27 14125 18.02 16.68 -.75 +8.4 AllgnceBc n Q ABTX 20 39.41 17.78 11 35.05 143 37.55 34.50 -2.25 -3.0 AllegiantT Q ALGT 2.80 1.7 12 183.91 121.70 111 162.50 555 163.73 155.10 +2.50 -2.3sAllegion N ALLE .64f .9 75.68 61.47 419 75.05 2542 75.68 74.05 -.43 +17.3 Allergan N AGN 17 279.98 184.50 2602 237.33 14903 238.47 233.00 -.05 +13.0 Allergn pfA N AGNpA 55.00 6.6 946.87 691.00 53 839.69 151 844.39 830.73 +.69 +10.1sAllete N ALE 2.14f 3.2 26 67.95 53.47 143 67.92 860 68.17 65.98 +.54 +5.8 AlliCAMun N AKP .70 5.3 15.74 13.02 16 13.28 104 13.30 13.12 +.15 +.2 AlliData N ADS .52p 17 251.19 185.02 337 243.79 2239 246.04 239.01 -1.22 +6.7 AlliHlthC Q AIQ 8 10.50 5.73 25 10.10 45 10.30 9.80 -.10 +5.2 AlliHold Q AHGP 2.20 8.4 8 32.70 12.60 92 26.14 392 27.88 25.96 -.93 -7.0 All MMA n Q AMMA 5.47 2.51 20 2.80 84 3.00 2.56 -.07 -23.1 AlliBNtlMu N AFB .75 5.7 15.21 12.83 104 13.19 518 13.21 12.96 +.22 -.2tAlliOne rs N AOI 3 27.23 12.75 42 13.25 139 14.85 12.75 -1.40 -31.0 AllnceRes Q ARLP 1.75 8.3 6 26.65 11.00 453 21.15 1392 22.40 20.85 -.75 -5.8 AlliBGlbHi N AWF .97a 7.8 13.03 11.25 104 12.48 1081 12.55 12.35 +.10 -.7 AlliBern N AB 1.81e 8.3 10 25.13 20.75 193 21.70 1862 22.55 21.60 -.65 -7.5 AlliantEg s N LNT 1.18 2.9 21 40.99 34.08 738 40.10 4857 40.25 39.03 +.54 +5.8 AlliGlCvInc N NCV .78 12.0 7.00 5.34 244 6.51 1473 6.63 6.45 -.09 +2.0 AlliGblCv2 N NCZ .69 11.9 6.27 4.73 199 5.80 1119 5.93 5.73 -.09 +1.6 AlliNFJDv N NFJ 1.20 9.4 13.37 11.91 367 12.81 1200 13.18 12.74 -.03 +1.6 AlliGlEqCv N NIE 1.52 8.0 19.80 17.46 84 19.11 433 19.27 19.00 -.04 +3.7 AllnzgDI&Cv N ACV 2.00 10.2 20.75 16.87 31 19.59 213 20.05 19.39 -.30 +4.3 AlldCap47 N AFC 1.72 6.7 26.28 25.10 0 25.80 31 25.91 25.70 -.03 +2.2 AldHlPrd rs Q AHPI 3.82 1.00 1 2.03 39 2.08 1.92 +.09 +1.4 AlliedMot Q AMOT .10 .5 23 25.19 15.54 40 20.15 251 21.17 19.78 -.54 -5.8 AlldWldAsr N AWH 1.04 2.0 16 54.46 33.20 335 53.14 2342 53.48 53.10 -.08 -1.1 Alliqua h Q ALQA 1.48 .45 178 .68 1639 .75 .62 +15.3 AllisonTrn N ALSN .60 1.7 31 38.17 25.88 784 35.26 3681 36.41 34.91 -1.21 +4.7 AllotComm Q ALLT 5.67 4.50 42 4.76 249 4.78 4.65 +.04 -.6 AllscriptH Q MDRX 15.17 9.80 1783 11.98 12407 12.41 11.54 -.04 +17.3 Allstate N ALL 1.48f 1.8 17 83.09 64.36 1322 80.99 7977 83.06 80.63 -1.86 +9.3 Allstat pfA N ALLpA 1.41 5.5 27.88 24.17 28 25.61 73 25.69 25.40 +.22 +3.5 Allstate 53 N ALLpB 1.28 4.8 28.26 24.66 37 26.69 209 26.88 26.46 +.03 +6.0 Allstat pfC N ALLpC 1.69 6.3 28.61 25.54 14 26.97 118 26.98 26.56 +.35 +4.6 Allstat pfD N ALLpD 1.66 6.1 28.71 25.54 1 27.15 19 27.29 26.78 +.11 +4.9 Allstat pfE N ALLpE 1.66 6.1 28.67 25.51 40 27.03 157 27.08 26.76 +.19 +4.5 Allstat pfF N ALLpF 1.56 5.7 29.16 25.00 12 27.25 70 27.33 26.38 +.62 +6.2 AllyFincl N ALLY .32p 1.6 9 23.62 14.84 7864 19.96 45073 21.45 19.86 -1.19 +4.9 AlmadM n N AAU 1.88 .65 96 1.12 1140 1.22 1.01 +.09 +15.6 AlmostFam Q AFAM 30 50.98 34.59 73 47.90 418 48.60 46.30 -.65 +8.6 AlnylamP Q ALNY 80.11 31.38 934 52.47 6428 60.41 51.68 -2.78 +40.1 AlonUSA N ALJ .60 5.0 13.01 5.86 556 12.12 2134 12.94 12.12 -.65 +6.5 AlonUsaLP N ALDW .40e 4.1 11 13.26 7.63 114 9.65 342 9.81 9.62 -.14 +.5 AlphaOmg Q AOSL 53 23.93 10.57 65 17.04 637 17.90 16.35 -.68 -19.9 AlpUSQVal N QVAL 1.35e 5.4 26.07 20.29 3 24.92 24 25.19 24.67 -.46 +.7sAlpValuIntl N IVAL 1.35e 4.8 28.49 20.99 2 28.42 18 28.49 28.01 +.17 +10.7 AlpMoIntQ N IMOM 26.81 22.35 0 24.82 4 25.00 24.52 +.04 +8.9 AlpMoUSQ N QMOM 26.70 20.50 25.14 15 25.93 24.81 -.85 +1.7 AlphaPro N APT 14 3.80 1.77 14 2.60 111 2.85 2.60 -.20 -25.7sAlphabet C Q GOOG 25 853.50 663.28 1942 814.43 10482 853.50 808.89 -37.69 +5.5 Alphabet A Q GOOGL 27 874.42 672.66 2072 835.14 10752 873.47 829.10 -37.23 +5.4tAlphatc rs Q ATEC 9.65 1.96 96 2.19 907 3.14 1.96 -.98 -31.8sAlpGDDiv N AGD .78 8.1 9.76 8.04 48 9.61 207 9.76 9.44 +9.6 AlpGPPrp N AWP .60 10.7 5.90 4.84 382 5.60 2204 5.65 5.45 +.04 +9.2 AlpTotDiv N AOD .69 8.5 8.35 6.97 338 8.15 1736 8.34 8.05 -.06 +7.5 AlpsETF N GRI 1.52e 3.5 47.03 40.28 3 42.99 11 43.18 42.39 +.16 +3.2 AlpsEqSect N EQL 1.83e 2.9 64.11 55.02 11 62.38 54 63.55 62.20 -1.01 +4.0 AlpsRtSec n Q SWIN 26.90 24.87 4 25.91 26 26.26 25.71 -.26 +3.4 AlpBzSoMed N BUZ 28.14 22.32 26.95 12 27.35 26.92 -.46 +2.9sAlps RivDiv N RFDA 28.73 24.45 24 27.51 135 28.73 27.44 -.60 +2.0 AlpRvrCare N RFCI 27.89 24.16 21 24.50 196 24.52 24.43 +.02 +.2 AlpRivUncn N RFUN 28.76 24.65 16 25.67 217 25.98 25.59 -.32 -.3 AlpSprtJG N SGDJ 49.11 27.11 14 34.36 41 35.76 33.87 +.10 +8.2 AlpMedBrk N SBIO 27.61 19.90 10 25.44 136 26.55 24.89 -.90 +11.0 AlpSprotG N SGDM 29.85 16.89 35 20.38 739 20.94 19.91 +.46 +8.1 AlpWkplEq N EQLT .46 32.97 25.77 1 31.82 5 32.48 31.78 -.54 +5.3 AlpEDvDg N EDOG .67e 2.8 26.03 20.21 11 23.79 40 24.32 23.51 -.13 +9.3 AlpAlerEn N ENFR 1.35e 5.7 24.95 17.37 7 23.83 43 24.60 23.58 -.67 sAlpIntDvDg N IDOG 1.47e 5.8 25.71 21.28 33 25.36 238 25.71 25.06 -.11 +7.3 AlpBarr400 N BFOR .26e .7 37.05 28.66 14 36.01 129 36.77 35.52 -.69 +2.8 AlpEqHiVol N HVPW 1.52e 7.9 20.49 18.81 17 19.33 132 19.49 19.27 -.07 -.4 Market profile NYSE MKT Nasdaq MicronT 99,462,700 28.43 +1.96 FrontierCm 77,239,500 2.09 +.15 HTG Mol h 51,914,000 9.65 +5.72 AMD 48,834,600 13.70 -.09 SiriusXM 25,506,300 5.10 -.03 Microsoft 21,971,600 64.98 +.11 Intel 21,680,600 35.16 -.11 PwShs QQQ 21,669,700 130.63 +.27 Apple Inc 21,313,700 140.64 -.28 Mylan NV 20,506,900 40.96 -.65 WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg2480.49 +14.81B2gold g 5,776,200 2.91 -.05 SRC Eng 3,565,500 7.61 -.04 TherapMD 3,382,600 6.77 +.16 GastarExp 3,346,300 1.31 +.03 NwGold g 3,249,500 2.92 -.03 MatinasB n 3,188,900 2.50 -.31 iShIndia bt 2,419,700 30.98 -.04 NDynMn g 2,243,600 1.34 -.01 BritATob s 2,132,800 65.58 +.61 Globalstar 1,602,500 1.64 +.02 B2gold g 28,752,300 2.91 -.09 Globalstar 27,659,700 1.64 +.17 NwGold g 27,433,200 2.92 +.08 NDynMn g 22,916,900 1.34 -.01 MastThera 19,302,700 .11 +.01 FrontierCm 325,286,100 2.09 -.38 AMD 315,390,500 13.70 +.21 MicronT 225,978,400 28.43 +2.63 DryShp rs 131,746,400 1.35 -.32 SiriusXM 131,236,800 5.10 -.26 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg 11418.89 -12.01 NYSE Advanced Declined Unchanged WEEKLY CHANGE WEEKLY CHANGE WEEKLY CHANGE BkofAm 107,696,400 23.12 +.05 SPDR Fncl 94,991,200 23.54 -.03 S&P500ETF 87,337,000 233.86 -.17 B iPVxST rs 82,615,700 16.77 -.31 iShEMkts 50,826,000 39.81 +.10 DrGMBll s 45,630,400 6.61 -.07 PUVixST rs 45,023,700 18.22 -.75 FordM 41,670,300 11.62 -.05 ArcelorMit 38,801,500 8.29 -.32 VanEGold 32,260,100 22.92 -.11 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg BkofAm 729,298,100 23.12 -1.74 SPDR Fncl 564,873,100 23.54 -.91 S&P500ETF 428,071,900 233.86 -3.17 B iPVxST rs 343,404,500 16.77 +.96 FordM 328,428,500 11.62 -.86 DomDmd g 12.72 +28.2 Hornbeck 4.05 +26.6 GranaMon 2.58 +17.3 NavMH pfH 14.15 +16.6 SnapInc A n 22.74 +16.4 PatriotN n 2.61 +16.0 Navios pfG 14.27 +14.7 Xerium 5.39 +14.0 WEEKÂS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg GlassBr rs 4.17 -43.6 TCF Fn wt 1.67 -32.7 HertzGl 17.45 -19.5 DrxRBkBull 57.35 -18.2 Danaos 1.65 -17.5 SunTr wtB 12.94 -16.9 StageStrs 1.98 -16.8 WEEKÂS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chg Versar 1.90 +69.6 NewConcEn 1.62 +39.7 Contango 6.92 +16.9 Globalstar 1.64 +11.6 22ndCentry 1.03 +10.8 AmShrd 4.40 +10.3 ErinEn rs 2.50 +8.7 TelInstEl 4.84 +8.7 WEEKÂS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg MatinasB n 2.50 -22.8 Paretem rs 1.07 -18.9 Pfenex 5.60 -16.4 Corindus n 1.20 -14.9 MilestnSci 1.40 -12.5 AvalonHld 2.37 -11.9 VirnetX 1.90 -11.6 HTG Mol h 9.65 +368.4 Esperion 38.94 +64.5 GlblBrkge 2.15 +48.3 NektarTh 22.42 +44.6 ViewRay n 8.46 +40.5 CapAcIII wt 1.40 +40.0 Gemphire n 12.26 +36.1 FlexionTh 27.27 +34.6 AeviGeno 1.60 -70.6 Medigus rs 3.35 -53.1 XenonPhm 4.65 -42.6 DianaCn h rs 1.50 -42.5 BebeStr rs 3.83 -41.1 TOP Ship rs 1.16 -41.1 TandemD 1.25 -39.05828.74 +11.05How to read the weekend stock tables STOCK GLOSSARY „ cc: PE greater than 99. d: New 52-week low; dd: Loss in last 12 mos. g: Stock trades in U.S. money but dividend and earnings in Canadian money, and no yield or PE unless stated in U.S. money; n: New issue in past 52 weeks, with high-low range from start of trading; s: A split or stock dividend of 25 percent or more in the past 52 weeks, with the 52-week high-low adjusted. Dividend begins with the date of split or dividend; q: Closed-end fund; no PE calculated. u: New 52-week high; v: Trading halted on primary market; vj: In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized, or securities assumed by such companies; z: Sales in full, not in hundreds. SPECIAL TYPES: pf: Preferred stocks, which get priority when dividends are paid; pp: Holder owes two installments of purchase price; rs: Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50 percent within the past year; rt: Rights to buy new issues below market; un: Sold in units that may include bonds or warrants; wt: Warrants, or options granted by the company; xw: Without warrants; ww: With warrants; wd: When distributed by holder; wi: When stock is issued. DIVIDEND FOOTNOTES: a: Extra dividend(s); b: Annual rate plus stock dividend; c : Dividend from a liquidating company; e: Declared or paid preceding 12 months; f: Annual rate, increased on last declaration. i: Declared or paid after dividend or split; j: Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred or no action taken at last meeting; k: Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears; r: Declared or paid in last 12 months plus stock dividend; m: Annual rate, reduced on last declaration. p: Initial dividend, annual rate unknown; yield not shown. t: Paid in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date; X: Buyers arenÂt entitled to next dividend (ex-dividend) or rights (ex-rights); y: ex-dividend and sales in full. 1 „ Name of stock. 2 „ Market: N = NYSE, Q = NASDAQ. 3 „ Ticker Symbol company trades under. 4 „ Dividend: A distribution of the companyÂs earnings to shareholders, usually consisting of stock dividends, interest on bonds, or short-term capital gains on the sale of securities usually paid quarterly in the form of cash or stock.5 „ Div. Yield: The dividend divided by the stock price. It helps gauge how well the stock is paying, compared to other investments such as CDs, bonds or savings accounts. 6 „ Price to earnings ratio: The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. PEs are used to gauge the relative worth of a company stock. When compared to other companies in the same industry, the companies with the lowest PEs are generally earning higher profits.7 „ Range of closing prices in last year.8 „ Trading for the day, with sales in thousands (10 = 10,000 shares), and closing price.9 „ Weekly sales volume, High, low, and change from previous weekÂs close.10 „ Percent change for the year. st Arrows, indicate new highs or lows during the week. Underline: indicates weekly volume surge equal to or more than 5%. Bold stocks designates which stocks have gone up or down 10% for the week. XYZcorp Q ABC .35m 1.3 26 32.17 22.26 2 26.97 13 28.18 24.92 +.98 -14.00 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg 2 3 1 4 5 6 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg 7 8 9 10 Continued on next page WEEKÂS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg WEEKÂS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chg WEEKÂS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chgqp p 1,511 1,409 139 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,059 70 26 Advanced Declined Unchanged 161 167 36 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 364 6 6 Advanced Declined Unchanged 1,559 1,211 245 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,015 71 45 Advanced Declined Unchanged 1,183 1,879 41 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,103 213 113 Advanced Declined Unchanged 161 212 21 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 394 17 22 Advanced Declined Unchanged 884 2,095 123 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,102 282 169 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 2 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
AlpRivStInc N RIGS .30e 1.2 25.50 24.25 50 24.95 205 25.22 24.81 -.04 -.8 AlpsDvDog N SDOG 1.40e 3.3 44.40 37.53 221 42.57 1262 43.75 42.40 -1.07 +1.2 AlpAlerMLP N AMLP 1.35e 10.8 13.31 10.15 5860 12.55 28961 12.68 12.44 -.05 -.4 AltisrcAst N AAMC 7 89.12 11.40 13 57.75 140 65.05 52.85 -5.35 +7.9 Altisrce n Q ASPS 18 34.66 20.75 624 31.49 2410 31.63 26.24 +3.13 +18.4 AltisResid N RESI .60 4.2 14.92 7.81 522 14.41 3350 14.92 13.84 -.45 +30.5 AltraIndlM Q AIMC .60 1.6 28 46.90 25.77 102 37.40 592 38.90 36.70 -1.55 +1.4 Altria N MO 2.44 3.3 24 76.55 59.48 11257 73.17 41828 76.38 73.03 -1.99 +8.2 AlumChina N ACH 13.85 7.22 27 12.25 159 12.66 12.23 -.33 +20.0tAmTrstFn s Q AFSI .34 1.9 6 28.48 16.58 3570 18.33 19112 18.38 16.58 +.75 -33.1tATrFn pfA N AFSIpA 1.69 7.8 26.00 19.40 18 21.67 217 21.99 19.40 -.03 -11.8tAmTrF pfB N AFSIpB 1.81 8.1 26.49 20.37 16 22.39 167 22.98 20.37 +.03 -10.5tAmTrF pfC N AFSIpC 1.91 8.3 26.89 21.19 37 22.88 362 23.79 21.19 -.37 -9.1tAmTrF pf F N AFSIpF 25.17 19.39 81 21.43 687 22.01 19.39 -.11 -7.1tAmTrF pfE N AFSIpE 27.40 21.03 69 23.35 651 24.02 21.03 -.17 -8.5 AmTrFn 7.5 N AFST 28.75 22.46 55 24.79 352 25.18 23.17 +1.09 -3.7 AmTrFn 55 N AFSS 1.81 7.4 26.81 22.84 101 24.31 421 24.48 23.12 +1.15 -3.8tAmTrF pfD N AFSIpD 1.88 8.2 26.91 21.00 37 22.93 427 23.75 21.00 -.07 -9.1 Amarin Q AMRN 3.65 1.40 947 3.19 6306 3.36 3.13 -.10 +3.6 Amaya g Q AYA 17.57 10.30 516 16.90 1691 17.08 15.20 +1.65 +19.4sAmazon Q AMZN 862.80 538.58 2075 845.61 13278 862.80 839.05 -6.70 +12.8 AmbacF wt Q AMBCW 15.50 6.25 8 8.50 24 10.30 8.29 -1.50 -30.6 AmbacFin Q AMBC 4 27.25 14.42 293 17.72 2074 19.82 17.64 -1.72 -21.2 Ambarella Q AMBA 28 74.95 35.26 531 54.69 3956 58.37 53.99 -1.65 +1.0 AmberRd N AMBR 12.30 4.50 196 7.66 639 7.84 7.09 +.30 -15.6 Ambev N ABEV .06e 1.1 5 6.34 4.70 16607 5.61 89207 5.74 5.50 +.10 +14.3sAmdocs Q DOX .88f 1.4 17 62.44 54.12 711 62.52 3769 62.65 61.58 +.69 +7.3 Amedica rs Q AMDA 2.80 .35 295 .40 2729 .47 .38 -.04 -36.5 Amedisys Q AMED 44 55.16 34.58 171 50.72 1037 51.12 47.61 +.47 +19.0 AMERCO Q UHAL 3.00e 17 399.16 307.80 37 373.70 279 374.95 365.00 +1.02 +1.1sAmeren N AEE 1.76f 3.1 21 56.50 46.29 1119 56.19 7494 56.50 54.52 +1.14 +7.1 Ameresco N AMRC 20 6.30 3.91 29 5.85 330 6.10 5.60 -.15 +6.4 AFMulti Q ATAX .50 8.8 16 6.11 5.10 126 5.65 962 5.80 5.60 +.05 +4.6 AMovilL N AMX .66e 4.7 49 15.95 11.02 1889 14.12 11298 14.43 13.91 +.16 +12.3 AmCarM Q CRMT 15 47.75 19.49 65 34.35 473 35.20 31.85 -.05 -21.5 AmAirlines Q AAL .40 1.0 6 50.64 24.85 6526 41.73 40033 42.42 39.21 +.01 -10.6 AmAssets N AAT 1.04f 2.5 27 46.38 37.45 285 41.92 1666 42.61 40.99 -.41 -2.7 AmAxle N AXL 6 21.25 12.61 1081 18.62 6198 20.34 18.47 -1.76 -3.5 AmCampus N ACC 1.68 3.5 25 54.56 43.66 482 48.07 3056 48.51 46.79 +.71 -3.4 ACapSenF Q ACSF 1.16 8.7 4 13.70 9.26 39 13.30 254 13.70 13.10 -.10 +11.8 AmDGEn N ADGE .65 .22 23 .29 277 .34 .29 -.03 +3.6 AEagleOut N AEO .50 3.6 11 19.55 13.32 1577 13.85 17645 14.34 13.45 -.44 -8.7 AEP N AEP 2.36 3.5 17 71.32 57.89 1936 67.79 11950 68.03 65.99 +1.32 +7.7 AmElTech Q AETI 5.15 1.50 4 1.95 49 2.05 1.86 +25.8 AEqInvLf N AEL .24f 1.0 15 28.00 12.77 500 23.71 2843 25.57 23.23 -1.73 +5.2 AmExp N AXP 1.28 1.6 14 82.00 57.15 4575 78.20 23449 79.60 77.06 -1.05 +5.6 AFnclGrp N AFG 1.25 1.3 16 97.00 66.78 244 93.39 1144 96.01 93.10 -2.59 +6.0 AFnclG6-42 N AFW 1.59 6.2 26.96 24.98 26 25.45 87 25.79 25.40 -.19 +1.3 AFnclG8-42 N AFA 1.44 5.7 26.89 24.16 2 25.31 18 25.64 25.22 +.11 +1.3 AFnclGp 54 N AFGE 1.56 6.0 28.28 24.43 9 26.07 51 26.07 25.40 +.47 +4.2 AFnclGp 55 N AFGH 1.50 5.7 28.02 23.58 4 26.18 35 26.21 25.77 +.21 +4.7 AHm4Rent N AMH .20 .9 40 23.98 15.36 2498 23.38 13736 23.76 22.83 +.19 +11.4 AHm4R pfA N AMHpA 1.25 4.4 29.37 25.66 14 28.54 47 29.14 28.21 +.12 +3.4 AHm4R pfB N AMHpB 1.25 4.4 28.89 25.61 1 28.59 59 28.66 28.14 -.09 +4.4sAHm4R pfC N AMHpC 1.38 4.8 28.55 25.75 0 28.44 24 28.55 28.22 +.24 +4.8 AHm4Rn pfD N AMHpD 1.63 6.3 27.58 22.15 3 25.83 46 25.97 25.52 +.11 +3.3 AHm4R pfE N AMHpE 1.59 6.2 26.33 22.55 3 25.60 82 25.60 25.05 +.50 +4.4 AIG wt N AIG/WS 25.26 15.50 60 19.96 382 21.39 19.66 -1.11 -14.9 AmIntlGrp N AIG 1.28 2.1 67.47 48.41 8271 60.88 34483 62.84 60.44 -1.54 -6.8 AmLorain N ALN 1.30 .47 1 .56 23 .58 .52 -.02 +3.7 AMidstrm N AMID 1.65 11.0 18.45 6.18 187 15.00 1724 15.55 14.20 -.30 -17.6 AmerNtl Q AMNB .96 2.7 19 39.40 24.15 10 35.70 62 38.75 34.60 -3.20 +2.6 AmNatIns Q ANAT 3.28 2.8 17 131.99 107.44 23 115.22 85 117.46 113.75 -1.72 -7.5 AmOutBr Q AOBC 8 31.19 17.50 887 18.73 6309 19.55 18.57 -.73 -11.2 AmPubEd Q APEI 15 30.79 14.75 56 21.90 296 22.25 21.20 +.20 -10.8 AmRailcar Q ARII 1.60 4.0 11 51.10 35.43 79 39.80 664 43.91 39.31 -.07 -12.1 AmrRlty N ARL 9.85 4.44 2 7.82 11 8.55 7.37 +.03 +51.3 AmRenAs n N ARA 29.65 16.59 246 16.86 722 18.41 16.76 -1.17 -20.8 AmrRvr Q AMRB .05p 16 15.99 9.69 8 15.20 60 15.28 14.63 -.05 +.6sAmShrd N AMS 26 4.65 1.81 53 4.40 250 4.65 3.86 +.41 +31.3 ASoft lf Q AMSWA .44 4.3 32 11.94 8.61 66 10.16 335 10.46 9.92 -.12 -1.6 AmStsWtr N AWR .97 2.2 27 46.39 37.28 123 43.53 764 44.86 43.30 -1.39 -4.5 AmSupr rs Q AMSC 12.50 5.86 34 6.24 313 6.70 6.21 -.16 -15.3sAmTower N AMT 2.48f 2.1 47 119.50 99.72 2423 119.32 12709 119.76 115.74 +3.31 +12.9 ATowr pfA N AMTpA 5.25 4.7 117.25 100.01 129 111.95 532 112.31 109.00 +2.87 +6.8 ATowr pfB N AMTpB 5.50 5.0 116.74 99.45 32 110.00 183 110.53 107.99 +2.25 +5.3 AVangrd N AVD .06f .4 36 20.00 12.60 91 15.80 593 16.20 14.90 +.15 -17.5 AmWtrWks N AWK 1.50 1.9 27 85.24 67.02 558 77.09 3328 77.58 75.51 +.89 +6.5 AWoodmk Q AMWD 22 91.70 60.80 200 89.80 600 90.15 84.65 +1.80 +19.3 Amerigas N APU 3.76 8.3 41 50.11 40.81 94 45.47 767 45.95 44.60 +.73 -5.1 Ameriprise N AMP 3.00 2.4 13 135.20 84.92 922 125.26 5820 131.51 122.32 -6.45 +12.9 AmerisBc Q ABCB .40 .9 21 49.50 27.73 279 44.50 1360 47.95 42.70 -3.15 +2.1 Amerisafe Q AMSF .72a 1.1 15 69.40 50.02 75 63.75 408 66.85 62.40 -2.70 +2.2 AmrSvFin Q ASRV .06 1.6 13 4.05 2.90 3 3.73 105 3.85 3.65 -.08 +.7 AmeriBrgn N ABC 1.46 1.7 15 94.50 68.38 1184 86.56 7422 87.89 85.22 -.97 +10.7 AmesNatl Q ATLO .88f 2.9 19 37.45 24.00 4 30.20 36 32.15 28.50 -1.85 -8.5 Ametek N AME .36 .7 23 55.48 43.28 1334 53.42 6387 54.45 52.91 -.89 +9.9 Amgen Q AMGN 4.60f 2.8 15 184.21 133.64 2878 165.74 23120 170.21 165.08 -2.87 +13.4 AmicusTh Q FOLD 9.83 4.41 1556 7.24 12264 7.41 6.76 +.22 +45.7 AmiraNatF N ANFI 11.23 4.71 93 5.17 575 5.40 5.10 -.09 -15.9 AmkorTch Q AMKR 16 12.48 5.27 633 10.95 5052 11.30 10.56 -.14 +3.8 Ampco N AP .36 2.6 19.22 9.34 14 13.95 116 15.00 13.80 -1.15 -16.7 Amphastar Q AMPH 63 21.75 11.37 220 13.76 1340 14.33 13.37 +.01 -25.3 Amphenol N APH .64f .9 26 71.98 54.94 1217 70.97 5287 71.85 70.20 -.37 +5.6 AmpioPhm N AMPE 4.32 .59 65 .81 812 .87 .81 -.02 -9.8 AmpOnRt ef Q IBUY 29.72 22.94 3 28.82 12 29.62 28.65 -.57 +5.9 AmpDivOpt N DIVO 26.79 24.88 3 26.31 142 26.40 26.23 -.26 +5.7 Amplify n N BETR 18 17.53 7.86 291 8.42 1995 8.58 8.09 +.05 -4.4 Ampliphi rs N APHB 4.84 .36 24 .49 459 .53 .47 -.03 +11.4 Amrep N AXR 9 8.14 4.04 2 6.25 86 6.41 5.74 +.32 -15.8 AmtechSys Q ASYS 7.83 3.99 13 5.59 106 5.76 5.53 -.16 +31.5 Amyris Q AMRS 1.43 .31 490 .50 4664 .51 .46 +.01 -32.2 Anadarko N APC .20 .3 73.33 43.52 3508 60.34 16556 63.25 60.15 -2.91 -13.5 Anadrk 18 N AEUA 3.75 8.7 46.52 31.48 1 43.24 40 43.93 42.21 +.63 +4.6 AnalogDev Q ADI 1.80 2.2 29 84.24 52.17 2194 81.64 14223 83.70 81.31 -1.62 +12.4tAnlogic Q ALOG .40 .5 39 95.85 72.35 162 73.10 528 75.35 72.35 -1.70 -11.9sAnaptys n Q ANAB 28.00 15.17 65 27.74 366 28.00 26.60 +1.22 +63.2 Anavex rs Q AVXL 8.30 2.43 708 6.01 2601 6.30 5.50 +51.8 AnchBcWA Q ANCB 83 27.50 22.61 1 25.80 7 26.20 25.71 -.55 -5.1 Andersons Q ANDE .64 1.7 93 44.90 25.78 125 38.10 621 39.25 37.55 -1.15 -14.8 AndinaAcII Q ANDA 10.35 9.66 10.14 14 10.15 10.00 +2.1 AndinaA un Q ANDAU 11.10 9.93 10.59 18 10.80 10.50 -.07 +.8 AndinaII wt Q ANDAW .39 .08 .35 15 .38 .30 -.00 +29.6 AngiesList Q ANGI 10.76 5.22 337 5.65 2278 5.87 5.47 -31.3 AngioDyn Q ANGO 18.18 10.71 113 16.97 675 17.29 16.67 -.17 +.6 AnglogldA N AU 22.91 9.28 2220 11.10 15817 11.41 10.77 +.39 +5.6 ABInBev N BUD 3.19e 2.9 136.08 98.28 856 110.86 5347 113.02 110.29 -.89 +5.1 AnikaTh Q ANIK 20 54.96 41.38 120 42.35 477 43.16 41.65 -.80 -13.5 Anixter N AXE 17 88.00 49.29 120 78.00 536 82.58 77.33 -4.85 -3.8 Annaly N NLY 1.20a 10.8 9 11.29 9.83 6589 11.14 39795 11.26 11.01 +.14 +11.7 Annaly pfA N NLYpA 1.97 7.8 27.00 24.51 5 25.32 25 25.62 25.30 -.18 +1.1 Annaly pfC N NLYpC 1.91 7.6 26.04 23.77 27 25.02 120 25.05 24.64 +.28 +3.8 Annaly pfD N NLYpD 1.88 7.5 26.29 23.79 71 24.85 356 24.88 24.22 +.59 +2.9 Annaly pfE N NLYpE 1.91 7.7 25.88 23.95 40 24.96 150 24.97 24.65 +.26 +3.6 Ansys Q ANSS 32 108.92 81.41 370 105.70 1735 108.11 105.40 -1.59 +14.3 AntaresP Q ATRS 2.90 .70 846 2.76 6165 2.87 2.55 -.04 +18.5 AnteroMid N AM 1.12f 3.3 29 35.74 20.52 221 33.54 1467 34.59 33.52 -.94 +8.6tAnteroRes N AR 1.00 4.4 39 30.66 22.17 2955 22.49 16469 23.85 22.17 -.99 -4.9 Anthem N ANTM 2.60 1.6 17 170.79 114.85 2164 162.75 8171 168.50 161.54 -5.52 +13.2 Anthem un N ANTX 2.62e 51.05 41.00 83 49.44 476 50.64 49.44 -.97 +5.3tAntheraP h Q ANTH 4.40 .38 1828 .41 15392 .45 .38 -.02 -36.5sAnworth N ANH .60 10.9 10 5.56 4.47 563 5.50 3263 5.56 5.46 -.04 +6.4 Anwrth pfA N ANHpA 2.16 8.3 25.95 24.80 1 25.89 7 25.92 25.75 +.03 +2.4sAnwrth pfB N ANHpB 1.56 5.8 27.05 19.91 26.98 7 27.05 26.87 +.09 +5.5 Anwrth pfC N ANHpC 1.91 7.7 26.40 21.70 18 24.85 76 25.00 24.75 +.07 +.5 Aon plc N AON 1.32 1.1 19 119.88 100.55 772 117.54 4387 118.97 117.07 -1.37 +5.4 AoxnTia h rs Q ABAC 4.07 1.51 8 2.34 112 2.52 2.21 +.04 -35.5 AoxingPh N AXN 10 .94 .30 50 .41 763 .46 .39 +.01 +28.1 Apache N APA 1.00 2.0 69.00 46.15 2607 50.24 14547 51.39 49.91 -.98 -20.8 AptInv N AIV 1.44f 3.2 31 47.91 39.14 541 44.74 4712 45.08 43.99 +.53 -1.6 AptInv pfA N AIVpA 1.72 6.4 29.47 25.29 27 26.83 30 27.61 26.35 +.35 +3.8 ApogeeE Q APOG .56f 1.0 20 61.00 39.48 151 56.94 747 59.40 55.72 -2.46 +6.3sApolloCRE N ARI 1.84 9.9 9 18.60 15.43 1226 18.58 4907 18.72 18.22 +.24 +11.8 ApolCR pfA N ARIpA 2.16 8.4 26.29 24.53 1 25.80 20 25.90 25.63 -.01 +1.8 ApoCRE pfC N ARIpC 25.55 23.80 6 25.45 57 25.46 25.16 +.17 +2.7 ApollEnd rs Q APEN 32.34 9.24 1 11.05 12 11.35 11.00 -.35 -31.4 ApolloGM N APO 1.42e 6.1 23 24.00 14.25 1840 23.40 11005 23.77 23.01 +.41 +20.9sApollG pfA N APOpA 1.60 6.4 25.08 24.55 212 25.06 926 25.14 24.90 +.08 +1.7 ApolloInv Q AINV .60 9.7 6.58 5.03 546 6.18 4802 6.39 6.12 -.16 +5.5 Apollo 42 N AIB 1.66 6.5 26.79 24.20 10 25.67 53 25.74 25.33 +.10 +2.0 ApolloI 43 N AIY 1.72 6.6 27.41 24.78 1 26.13 34 26.26 25.81 -.08 +3.3 ApollSrFlt N AFT 1.17a 6.6 18.08 14.95 42 17.72 285 17.78 17.49 +.04 +1.8 ApolloTact N AIF 1.40a 8.7 16.77 13.40 72 16.14 426 16.70 16.04 -.34 +4.4 AppFolio n Q APPF 26.10 11.69 26 25.70 405 26.05 23.50 -.25 +7.8 AppHReit n N APLE 1.20 6.4 31 20.68 17.32 839 18.63 4795 19.15 18.52 -.43 -6.8sApple Inc Q AAPL 2.28 1.6 17 142.80 89.47 21314 140.64 127633 142.80 139.73 +.65 +21.4 ApplRecy h Q ARCI 1.80 .80 1 1.03 88 1.09 .98 -.03 -7.9 AplDNA wt Q APDNW 2.08 .35 36 .39 52 .45 .39 -.03 -22.0 ApldDNA Q APDN 3.74 1.40 27 1.75 215 1.85 1.70 +.05 -5.4 AppGenTc Q AGTC 12 19.86 6.08 94 6.65 628 7.35 6.50 -.70 -28.9 ApldIndlT N AIT 1.16f 1.9 25 66.65 42.18 116 61.25 800 62.95 60.85 -.90 +3.1sApldMatl Q AMAT .40 1.0 19 39.81 19.46 8929 38.97 45305 39.81 38.30 -.31 +20.8 ApldOptoel Q AAOI 50 56.14 8.08 2110 55.02 8112 55.72 47.06 +4.25 +134.7 Approach Q AREX 4.35 1.11 677 2.26 3341 2.44 2.20 -.06 -32.5tApptio n Q APTI 24.60 11.45 374 11.79 2714 12.77 11.45 -.90 -36.4 ApricusB rs Q APRI 15.40 1.10 66 2.25 463 2.40 1.95 +.02 +73.1 Aptargrp N ATR 1.28f 1.7 24 81.50 70.32 153 76.62 990 77.87 76.32 -.46 +4.3 AptevoTh n Q APVO 8.29 1.69 53 1.82 476 1.98 1.80 -.13 -25.4 AptoseB g Q APTO 3 4.30 .83 70 1.14 1042 1.24 1.10 -.04 -18.0 AquaAm N WTR .74 2.3 24 35.83 28.03 435 31.85 2575 32.23 31.49 -.22 +6.0 AquaMetal h Q AQMS 22.75 5.98 552 18.15 2408 20.15 17.35 -1.77 +38.4tAquaB Tc n Q AQB 24.78 10.10 15 10.39 107 11.49 10.10 -.36 -57.1 Acquavnt n N WAAS 26.33 14.30 65 17.34 774 18.15 16.64 -.68 -29.3 AquinoxPh Q AQXP 19.97 6.01 60 15.39 451 16.92 14.75 -1.30 -6.8 ArQule Q ARQL 2.17 1.13 383 1.14 828 1.22 1.13 -.08 -9.5tAradigm Q ARDM 7.19 1.40 25 1.71 348 1.89 1.40 -.12 +6.9 AralezPh Q ARLZ 6.80 2.05 1201 2.19 9822 2.64 2.16 -.06 -50.3 Aramark N ARMK .41 1.1 20 38.30 31.38 738 36.57 6514 37.78 36.46 -.94 +2.4 AratanaTh Q PETX 10.73 4.43 508 5.05 2081 5.37 4.99 -.19 -29.7sArborRT N ABR .68f 8.5 12 8.08 6.57 294 8.04 1080 8.19 7.87 +.07 +7.8 Arbor prA N ABRpA 2.06 8.1 26.48 23.69 3 25.49 10 25.87 25.39 -.22 +1.7 ArborR pfB N ABRpB 1.94 7.7 26.00 21.45 1 25.09 13 25.13 25.00 -.11 +2.1 ArborR pfC N ABRpC 2.13 8.3 26.68 23.99 1 25.71 3 25.75 25.37 +.31 +1.4 ArborRT 21 N ABRN 1.84 7.2 26.15 24.27 0 25.46 8 25.59 25.39 -.03 +.6 ArbutusB g Q ABUS 5.48 2.35 60 3.20 1438 3.49 3.00 -.20 +30.6 ArcLogist N ARCX 1.76 12.4 17 17.40 9.57 32 14.14 479 14.72 14.02 +.10 -11.2 ArcBest Q ARCB .32 1.3 37 33.95 14.85 142 25.30 774 27.55 24.95 -2.10 -8.5tArcadBiosc Q RKDA 3.01 .65 39 .70 214 .87 .65 -.17 -23.9 ArcelorMit N MT 9 9.37 4.15 38802 8.29 106249 9.13 8.24 -.74 +13.6 ArchCap Q ACGL 26 96.05 67.50 189 93.21 1313 95.74 93.08 -2.39 +8.0 ArchC pfC N ARHpC 1.69 6.7 27.65 25.02 15 25.28 118 25.30 25.09 +.16 +.4 ArchC pfE Q ACGLP 1.31 5.9 24.90 20.20 47 22.26 256 22.31 21.90 +.18 +5.3 ArchCoal N ARCH 86.47 59.05 260 64.77 2348 68.03 63.26 -2.28 -17.0 ArchDan N ADM 1.28f 2.8 21 47.88 34.55 1505 45.58 13489 46.03 44.01 +.86 -.2 Archrock N AROC .48 4.0 16.40 5.60 732 12.10 3295 12.85 11.85 -.50 -8.3 ArchrkPtrs Q APLP 1.14 6.9 18.55 9.61 34 16.57 574 17.42 16.19 -.37 +3.3 Arconic N ARNC .15p 30.69 16.75 2862 26.68 20531 28.18 26.37 -.82 +43.9 ArcosDor N ARCO 43 7.90 3.29 723 7.35 3475 7.60 7.10 +36.1stArdaugh n N ARD 21.94 21.18 128 22.21 990 22.21 21.18 +4.4 Ardelyx Q ARDX 16.30 6.36 82 13.25 656 15.40 13.10 -1.70 -6.7 ArdmoreSh N ASC .71e 9.1 9.96 5.00 178 7.80 855 7.95 7.00 -.15 +5.4 ArenaPhm Q ARNA 2.16 1.34 1186 1.46 9772 1.55 1.41 -.09 +2.8 AresCap Q ARCC 1.52 8.8 12 17.87 13.85 1350 17.37 8716 17.55 17.17 +.14 +5.3 AresC 10-22 N ARU 1.45 5.7 26.33 25.22 9 25.61 73 25.85 25.60 -.04 AresCmcl N ACRE 1.08f 8.2 9 14.39 10.51 74 13.16 555 13.43 13.05 -.09 -4.2 AresDyCr N ARDC 1.40 8.8 16.12 13.07 58 15.95 458 16.06 15.56 +5.8 AresMgmt N ARES 1.12f 6.1 14 23.25 12.08 507 18.30 1327 19.05 17.40 -.25 -4.7 AresMg pfA N ARESpA 1.75 6.7 27.58 21.63 28 26.13 162 26.13 25.67 +.25 +4.3 Argan N AGX .70e 15 76.70 30.62 75 64.60 783 67.25 62.60 -2.60 -8.4 ArgoGp42 Q AGIIL 1.63 6.4 27.43 23.60 4 25.32 34 25.49 25.15 -.02 +1.4 ArgoGpInt Q AGII 1.08f 1.6 16 69.03 49.10 79 65.55 395 67.40 64.33 -1.65 -.5tArgosTher Q ARGS 13.97 .70 2366 .49 4839 .99 .48 -.51 -90.0 sAristaNetw N ANET 43 131.43 57.89 629 131.77 3894 131.98 127.63 +3.67 +36.2 ArkInnova N ARKK .47p 23.81 17.93 1 23.16 23 23.79 22.87 -.55 +15.5 ArkIndInno N ARKQ .19p 24.80 17.97 10 24.01 51 24.51 23.64 -.43 +9.3sArkGenom N ARKG 20.88 15.85 1 20.07 25 20.88 19.75 -.55 +18.6 ArkWebX.O N ARKW .53p 28.98 19.98 4 28.23 25 28.89 27.97 -.61 +12.5 Ark 3dPr n N PRNT 24.11 19.55 6 22.30 37 22.94 21.99 -.47 +5.7 ArkRst Q ARKR 1.00 4.0 16 27.02 20.00 0 25.27 5 25.68 24.88 -.26 +4.2 ArlingAst N AI 2.50 17.3 5 17.13 11.99 704 14.44 2234 14.62 14.16 +.06 -2.6sArlingAst23 N AIW 1.66 6.7 24.94 18.66 1 24.63 8 24.94 24.33 +.32 +5.7 ArlingAst25 N AIC 1.69 7.4 23.99 17.84 1 22.75 7 23.00 22.30 -.25 +2.5 ArmadaHof N AHH .76f 5.5 15 15.50 10.98 129 13.71 1322 13.97 13.29 -.25 -5.9 ArmrR pfA N ARRpA 2.06 8.4 24.85 22.00 5 24.40 24 24.44 24.20 +.12 +.4 ArmrR pfB N ARRpB 1.97 8.5 23.98 20.01 25 23.24 93 23.37 23.16 +.07 +.2 ArmourR rs N ARR 3.39 15.3 8 23.40 18.63 366 22.12 2030 22.44 21.92 -.02 +2.0 ArmsFloor N AFI 22.96 11.77 117 18.53 1044 19.24 17.89 -.55 -6.9 ArmstrWld N AWI 20 48.00 36.33 845 44.80 2938 46.75 44.60 -1.70 +7.2 Arotech Q ARTX 5.00 2.25 564 3.00 3400 3.23 2.80 -.05 -14.3 ArrayBio Q ARRY 13.40 2.60 3145 9.46 34868 10.31 8.93 -1.10 +7.6 ArrisIntl Q ARRS 10 31.52 20.05 2693 26.62 15187 26.95 25.42 +.63 -11.6 ArrwDJYld N GYLD 1.59e 8.6 19.99 17.16 8 18.50 64 18.94 18.50 -.09 +.4 ArrowEl N ARW 10 75.88 58.09 392 73.02 3018 75.50 71.70 -2.33 +2.4 ArrowFn Q AROW 1.00b 3.0 17 41.70 25.16 11 33.65 136 35.55 32.90 -2.10 -16.9 ArwDWATc Q DWAT .04p 11.02 9.80 1 10.61 5 10.78 10.53 -.15 +2.9 ArrowPhm Q ARWR 8.22 1.20 263 1.87 2897 2.08 1.75 -.18 +20.6 Arrhythm N HRT 4.83 3.47 3 4.10 14 4.18 3.89 +7.9 ArtesRes Q ARTNA .91 2.8 23 35.00 25.28 11 32.38 71 33.91 32.20 -1.28 +1.4 ArtisanPtr N APAM 2.80a 10.5 13 35.00 24.48 289 26.63 2012 27.70 26.45 -1.12 -10.5 ArtsWay Q ARTW .05 1.4 4.70 2.50 4 3.50 25 3.71 3.40 -.15 +2.9 AskanoG g N AKG 4.68 2.01 673 2.51 9053 2.75 2.40 -.03 -18.0 AsburyA N ABG 10 71.00 47.50 335 60.65 1466 62.05 59.25 -1.25 -1.7tAscenaRtl Q ASNA 35 11.26 3.53 2375 3.80 21867 4.18 3.53 -.37 -38.6 Ascendis n Q ASND 30.57 11.92 22 28.27 118 30.00 28.03 -1.41 +39.7 AscentCap Q ASCMA 26.16 11.78 34 14.25 185 15.45 13.97 -.71 -12.4 AshHPrm N AHP .64f 6.3 6 17.64 9.83 488 10.18 2457 10.70 10.16 -.41 -25.4 AshHPr pfB N AHPpB 25.42 17.70 45 19.21 99 20.05 17.92 -.79 -10.8 AshfordHT N AHT .48 8.2 7 8.23 4.79 856 5.85 5002 6.25 5.80 -.41 -24.6 Ashfrd pfA N AHTpA 2.14 8.3 26.48 23.68 3 25.82 34 25.84 25.62 +.05 +1.7 Ashfrd pfD N AHTpD 2.11 8.2 26.00 23.15 18 25.68 37 25.70 25.42 +.09 +2.8 AshfHT pfF N AHTpF 1.84 7.5 26.33 21.86 2 24.64 47 24.73 24.13 +.06 +3.2 AshfrH pfG N AHTpG 1.84 7.6 24.99 21.69 10 24.15 92 24.20 23.81 +.26 +4.4 Ashford N AINC 93 64.23 38.11 59.36 5 60.00 58.55 +.36 +37.6 Ashland N ASH 1.56 1.3 19 124.88 105.50 378 121.85 2135 124.20 120.29 -2.51 +11.5sAsiaPc N APB .22e 1.8 12.25 9.14 14 12.16 384 12.35 10.96 +1.12 +25.1 AsiaPWire Q APWC 3.10 1.54 1 2.59 16 2.60 2.44 -.01 -7.5sAsiaTigr N GRR .16e 1.4 10.84 8.72 3 10.79 42 10.84 10.50 +.17 +17.8 AspenAero N ASPN 6.71 3.61 12 4.02 178 4.17 3.85 -.06 -2.7 AspenIns N AHL .88 1.7 23 57.80 43.27 371 52.00 1548 54.50 51.85 -2.50 -5.5 AspenI pfB N AHLpB 1.81 7.1 26.70 25.29 53 25.38 301 25.42 25.34 -.01 -.2 Aspen pfC N AHLpC 1.49 5.5 30.32 24.93 8 26.98 87 26.98 26.53 +.25 +6.6sAspenTech Q AZPN 30 59.86 34.46 367 57.27 2322 59.86 56.26 -2.10 +4.7 AssembBio Q ASMB 28.18 4.60 58 25.78 331 27.40 23.44 +.78 +112.2 AscBnc pfC N ASBpC 1.53 5.9 27.90 24.49 1 26.10 20 26.22 25.62 +.23 +3.4 AsscBc pf D N ASBpD 25.45 20.55 9 23.55 64 23.73 23.41 +.15 +7.6 AsscdBanc N ASB .48 2.0 19 26.70 15.72 1239 23.50 5585 25.05 22.85 -1.60 -4.9 AssocCap n N AC 39.35 27.53 10 36.65 76 38.55 36.45 -1.50 +11.6 Assurant N AIZ 2.12 2.2 19 101.32 76.33 294 95.06 2066 98.61 94.68 -3.91 +2.4 AssuredG N AGO .57f 1.5 10 42.94 23.43 736 36.85 8258 39.12 36.11 -2.21 -2.4 AsdGMu01 N AGOpB 1.72 6.6 26.99 25.33 25.96 17 26.20 25.68 -.14 +1.7 AsdGMu02 N AGOpE 1.56 6.1 27.37 23.73 3 25.41 37 25.70 25.30 -.22 +1.7 AsdGMu03 N AGOpF 1.40 5.6 26.13 23.03 6 25.00 27 25.08 24.86 +.09 +5.2 AstaFundg Q ASFI 20 11.97 8.26 2 8.60 39 8.65 8.50 -.10 -12.2 Astec Q ASTE .40 .7 26 73.37 43.28 111 61.08 581 62.97 59.02 -1.51 -9.5 AsteriasBio N AST 5.80 2.30 77 3.25 1068 3.68 3.07 +.05 -29.3 Asterias wt N AST/WS 1.00 .09 0 .39 52 .45 .34 -.02 -28.4 AstoriaF N AF .16 .8 32 21.66 14.11 945 20.27 9211 21.36 19.55 -1.05 +8.7 Astoria pfC N AFpC 1.63 6.3 27.62 24.50 3 25.65 58 25.73 25.51 -.01 +2.1 AstraZen s N AZN 1.40e 4.5 9 35.04 25.55 3779 31.31 28071 31.60 30.36 +.62 +14.6 AstroNova Q ALOT .28 1.9 26 16.41 12.40 39 14.45 103 15.25 13.70 -1.03 +1.4 Astronics Q ATRO 17 41.03 25.93 190 29.20 1148 30.42 28.74 -.94 -13.7 Astrotch h Q ASTC 2.26 1.20 2 1.29 230 1.44 1.25 -.07 -14.0 AsureSftw h Q ASUR 13.00 4.45 48 9.97 505 11.85 9.70 -1.47 +17.2 AtHomGr n N HOME 17.02 10.19 59 15.61 353 15.75 14.44 -.01 +6.7 AtaraBioth Q ATRA 25.73 12.45 220 20.75 1539 22.05 19.75 +.70 +46.1 Atento SA N ATTO 10.31 6.85 197 8.55 372 8.75 7.80 +.20 +11.8 athenahlth Q ATHN 143.85 90.11 684 108.60 2390 116.37 107.56 -6.41 +3.3 Athene n N ATH 55.00 44.46 349 50.92 4128 52.94 49.90 -1.20 +6.1 Athersys Q ATHX 2.90 1.02 525 1.14 3496 1.20 1.10 -.01 -25.5 AtkoreInt n N ATRK 27.30 14.17 316 25.54 1906 26.40 25.36 -.60 +6.8 AtlantAlli n Q AAPC 36.50 7.60 0 10.20 7 10.20 8.98 +.62 +3.6 AtlanAmer Q AAME .02 .5 35 5.00 3.06 3 3.90 8 3.95 3.66 -.10 -4.9 AtlCapBc n Q ACBI 33 20.20 12.89 25 18.20 224 18.40 17.80 -.15 -4.2 AtlCstFin Q ACFC 13 8.00 5.53 0 7.68 16 7.95 7.35 -.20 +12.9 AtlPwr g N AT .12 2.75 2.13 233 2.55 1478 2.70 2.55 -.15 +2.0 AtlanticaYd Q ABY .45e 2.1 22.87 15.78 359 21.48 1665 21.78 20.88 -.19 +11.0 Atlanticus Q ATLC 3.54 2.30 2 2.62 10 2.65 2.37 +.08 -7.7 AtlasAir Q AAWW 26 59.60 34.22 145 51.45 747 54.85 50.55 -3.25 -1.3 AtlasFin Q AFH 18.67 12.15 43 13.45 413 13.80 12.69 +.45 -25.5 Atlassian n Q TEAM 89 35.16 20.51 381 29.43 2937 29.89 28.75 -.23 +22.2 ATMOS N ATO 1.80f 2.2 23 81.97 68.51 276 80.14 1816 80.55 78.56 +.21 +8.1 Atomera n Q ATOM 10.25 5.50 0 6.96 25 7.24 6.76 -.14 +3.1tAtossGen rs Q ATOS 6.30 .98 124 1.12 1166 1.57 .98 -.34 -20.6 AtriCure Q ATRC 20.40 13.44 181 18.93 734 19.50 18.02 -.03 -3.3 Atrion Q ATRI 4.20 .9 31 522.05 373.11 2 468.30 19 481.40 466.35 -1.30 -7.7 Attunity Q ATTU 10.50 4.15 27 7.64 175 7.74 7.17 +.17 +27.3 AtwoodOcn N ATW .30m 3.3 2 15.37 6.12 1691 9.13 11815 9.31 8.66 -.03 -30.5 aTyrPhm n Q LIFE 6.01 2.10 27 3.55 281 3.80 3.40 -.25 +65.1 AubNB Q AUBN .92f 2.8 15 33.95 26.25 0 32.98 8 33.25 32.55 +.34 +5.3 Audentes n Q BOLD 20.74 13.06 37 16.81 333 17.60 14.65 +1.45 -8.0 AudCodes Q AUDC 12 7.26 3.68 64 6.80 420 7.02 6.62 -.22 +7.1 AuriniaPh Q AUPH 10.54 1.74 8203 8.02 78959 9.83 7.67 +.32 +281.9 AurisMed Q EARS 5.45 .66 273 .90 2844 .96 .84 -.01 -15.9 AutoNatn N AN 11 54.15 39.28 1227 42.27 5500 44.75 41.79 -2.26 -13.1 Autobytel Q ABTL 27 19.04 10.72 137 12.01 532 13.30 11.69 -.92 -10.7 Autodesk Q ADSK 89.18 49.82 2032 86.48 9595 87.39 83.07 +.26 +16.8 Autohome N ATHM 36.01 19.32 417 31.90 3264 34.12 31.31 -1.36 +26.2 Autoliv N ALV 2.32 2.3 20 126.31 93.31 300 101.68 1858 104.38 100.56 -1.48 -10.1 AutoData Q ADP 2.28 2.2 27 105.20 84.36 1323 103.38 7280 105.18 102.89 -1.73 +.6 AutoZone N AZO 17 819.54 705.30 185 721.16 1344 735.00 719.25 -9.61 -8.7 Auxilio n N AUXO 5.85 3.60 37 4.50 265 4.87 4.31 -.14 +9.8 AvadelPh Q AVDL 15.45 8.61 78 9.21 440 9.97 9.05 -.35 -11.4 AvalonHld N AWX 3.41 1.77 16 2.37 240 2.91 2.12 -.32 -19.7 AvalonBay N AVB 5.68f 3.0 24 192.29 158.32 508 186.62 3489 188.00 184.25 +.76 +5.3 Avangrid n N AGR 1.73 4.0 46.74 35.42 188 43.16 2103 43.30 41.86 +.66 +13.9 AveICSFd N ACP 1.44 10.5 14.60 10.73 49 13.69 363 13.76 13.49 +.03 +1.9 AVEO Ph h Q AVEO 1.15 .54 765 .67 1992 .88 .61 -.21 +24.1 AveryD N AVY 1.64f 2.1 20 82.11 68.55 548 79.61 2792 80.31 78.47 -.78 +13.4 Avexis n Q AVXS 85.98 20.51 338 75.14 2912 84.21 71.95 -8.86 +57.4 Avianca N AVH .10e 1.3 10.91 4.73 132 7.82 462 7.89 7.44 +.09 -18.9 AviatNet rs Q AVNW 16.46 5.71 3 15.11 94 15.69 14.74 -.05 +9.3 AvidTech Q AVID 9.78 3.99 599 4.70 3655 5.03 4.33 -.26 +6.8tAvinger n Q AVGR 14.48 1.60 157 1.60 1347 2.05 1.60 -.40 -56.8 AvinoSG g N ASM 3.14 .94 239 1.76 1326 1.89 1.67 -.07 +28.5 Avirgagen Q AVIR 2.00 .56 36 .65 378 .67 .59 +.00 -47.2 AvisBudg Q CAR 10 41.53 21.85 2449 28.47 14703 32.75 28.10 -4.23 -22.4 Avista N AVA 1.43f 3.6 19 45.22 37.78 273 39.65 1535 39.97 38.75 +.16 -.9 AvistaHl un Q AHPAU 10.45 9.52 79 10.36 115 10.45 10.07 -.04 +2.3sAvistaHl wt Q AHPAW .58 .40 35 .46 272 .58 .44 -.05 -8.6 AvistaHl n Q AHPA 10.18 9.75 50 9.88 121 9.92 9.86 -.04 +1.3 Avnet N AVT .72f 1.6 11 51.50 38.16 1144 44.40 7017 46.08 43.75 -1.65 -6.7 Avon N AVP 6.96 3.52 4082 4.26 26779 4.47 4.24 -.17 -15.5 Aware Q AWRE 26 6.70 3.46 11 4.70 69 4.95 4.60 -.10 -23.0 Axalta N AXTA 33.06 24.27 1180 30.86 9699 32.62 30.75 -1.75 +13.5 AxarAc wt Q AXARW .15 .01 128 .08 230 .09 .07 -.00 Axcelis rs Q ACLS 31 16.95 8.92 235 16.30 804 16.50 15.45 +.25 +12.0 AXIS Cap N AXS 1.52f 2.3 12 71.06 51.01 381 66.72 2186 68.31 66.55 -1.55 +2.2 AXIS pfD N AXSpD 1.38 5.6 27.70 21.96 21 24.77 72 24.99 24.16 +.43 +9.1 AxisCap pfE N AXSpE 24.03 21.04 101 23.66 479 23.68 23.33 +.31 +9.2 AxoGen Q AXGN 11.25 4.90 74 10.05 381 10.30 9.95 -.10 +11.7 Axovant n N AXON 17.66 10.69 204 14.91 1286 15.67 13.99 -.69 +20.0tAxsomeT n Q AXSM 12.69 3.55 138 3.65 2051 4.66 3.55 -.90 -45.9tAzurRx n Q AZRX 5.60 3.44 9 3.63 39 3.89 3.44 -.15 -23.4 AzurePwr n N AZRE 19.99 12.73 3 17.46 45 17.99 16.91 +.21 +2.7B -:B Comm Q BCOM 3.58e 26.83 17.99 2 19.18 5 19.80 19.01 -.33 -5.0 B&G Foods N BGS 1.86 4.6 22 52.84 31.81 811 40.65 3088 41.60 40.05 -.35 -7.2 BRileyFn Q RILY .28e .7 27 21.30 8.59 15 14.70 101 15.70 14.15 -.15 -20.3 BRileyF 7.5 Q RILYL 1.88 7.1 28.96 23.43 26.59 2 26.60 25.83 +.53 +3.8 B2gold g N BTG 3.65 1.55 5776 2.91 28752 3.16 2.88 -.09 +22.8 BB&T Cp N BBT 1.20 2.7 16 49.88 32.22 4970 44.41 29898 46.78 43.10 -2.42 -5.6 BB&T pfD N BBTpD 27.33 23.79 14 25.33 101 25.34 25.16 +.10 +3.3 BB&T pfE N BBTpE 1.41 5.6 27.24 23.05 27 25.10 199 25.17 24.92 +.13 +5.7 BB&T pfF N BBTpF 1.30 5.3 26.47 22.00 12 24.72 98 24.79 24.50 +.06 +8.6 BB&T pfG N BBTpG 1.30 5.2 27.43 22.03 10 24.82 67 24.85 24.60 +.06 +8.9 BB&T pfH N BBTpH 1.41 5.6 27.50 23.26 108 25.01 468 25.14 24.83 +.16 +3.0 BBVABFrn N BFR .48e 2.6 23.25 16.20 89 18.32 571 18.45 17.64 +.10 +5.1 BCB Bc Q BCBP .56 3.4 23 17.05 9.97 18 16.45 206 16.65 15.55 +.05 +26.5 BCE g N BCE 2.73 49.03 41.83 809 44.02 5856 44.27 42.95 +.26 +1.8sB/E Aero Q BEAV .84 1.3 21 64.91 42.57 1889 63.94 5217 64.91 63.81 -.56 +6.2 BG Staffing N BGSF 1.00 7.2 26 21.75 11.23 12 13.95 101 14.46 13.90 -.51 -10.6 BGC Ptrs Q BGCP .64 5.9 26 11.85 8.18 825 10.84 5675 11.52 10.62 -.63 +6.0 BGCPtrs 42 N BGCA 2.03 7.9 27.39 25.41 10 25.55 58 25.67 25.45 +.01 -.6 BGE pfB N BGEpB 1.55 6.0 27.15 25.04 1 26.00 11 26.12 25.84 -.12 +2.0 BHP BillLt N BHP 2.48e 6.8 41.79 23.40 2881 36.51 13567 38.54 36.31 -1.67 +2.0 BHPBil plc N BBL .64m 2.0 37.44 20.36 1873 31.24 8969 33.19 31.09 -1.73 -.7 BJsRest Q BJRI 20 47.55 32.24 182 38.40 956 39.70 37.85 -.75 -2.3 BldrsDev Q ADRD .72e 3.4 21.31 18.10 5 21.01 24 21.20 20.82 -.16 +5.2sBldrsEmg Q ADRE .90e 2.5 37.10 29.08 2 36.61 42 37.10 36.15 +.07 +13.5sBldrsEur Q ADRU .78e 3.8 20.63 17.82 1 20.42 4 20.63 20.27 -.01 +6.3sBMC Stock Q BMCH 34 23.10 14.67 998 22.15 4352 23.10 22.05 -.40 +13.6 BNC Bcp Q BNCN .20 .6 21 37.15 20.14 180 33.55 1463 35.60 32.30 -2.20 +5.2 BOK Q BOKF 1.76 2.3 21 85.25 51.38 127 75.45 709 80.23 74.04 -4.77 -9.1 BOK 56 n Q BOKFL 1.34 5.6 26.50 21.25 15 23.94 67 24.25 23.73 +.14 +7.5 BOS Ltd Q BOSC 4.85 1.68 5 2.12 139 2.73 2.00 -.26 BP PLC N BP 2.40a 7.1 40 38.68 28.67 4269 33.78 23459 34.53 33.74 -.50 -9.6 BP Pru N BPT 2.43e 13.0 3 32.95 11.29 176 18.65 887 19.25 17.40 +1.05 -21.5tBRF SA N BRFS .40e 3.5 18.12 10.60 1563 11.41 14215 11.94 10.60 -.40 -22.7 BRT N BRT 33 8.70 6.65 7 8.17 27 8.24 8.10 +.04 -.2 BSB Bcp Q BLMT 21 30.05 21.51 18 27.60 72 28.35 26.65 -.40 -4.7 BT Grp s N BT .99e 4.9 33.50 19.14 685 20.36 3253 20.92 20.31 -.44 -11.6sBWX Tech N BWXT .36 .8 49.11 32.24 563 47.52 4411 49.11 46.77 +.52 +19.7tB&W Ent n N BW 23.99 8.54 210 8.83 2305 9.28 8.54 -.39 -46.8 BabShDHi N BGH 1.84a 9.4 20.49 16.50 48 19.61 467 19.79 19.11 +2.0 BadgerMtr s N BMI .46f .4 33 39.85 29.30 84 35.75 530 36.70 35.10 -.80 -3.2 Baidu Q BIDU 11 201.00 155.28 2129 168.26 13617 177.86 167.25 -8.36 +2.3 BakrHu N BHI .68 1.2 68.59 38.16 1531 58.99 12192 61.20 58.27 +.06 -9.2 Balchem Q BCPC .38f .5 46 89.50 56.60 89 81.00 516 85.88 80.52 -4.81 -3.5 BaldwLy Q BWINA 1.08f 4.6 12 26.50 22.50 0 23.48 4 23.48 22.73 -.22 -6.1 BaldLyB Q BWINB 1.08f 4.6 12 27.70 22.60 24 23.55 169 24.00 23.15 -.45 -6.5 BallCorp N BLL .52 .7 20 82.24 67.51 1110 73.73 5522 75.60 73.08 -1.39 -1.8 Ballanty N BTN 46 8.10 4.21 78 6.00 257 6.45 5.95 -25.0 BallardPw Q BLDP 2.53 1.23 580 2.24 5208 2.32 2.13 +.04 +35.8 BanColum N CIB 1.27e 3.2 42.58 31.41 252 39.37 1476 39.41 37.89 +1.44 +7.3 BancCalif N BANC .52 2.6 11 23.24 10.93 650 20.30 5471 21.10 19.58 -.45 +17.0 BcCalif pfE N BANCpE 28.69 23.00 8 25.58 54 26.26 25.40 -.40 +2.9 BcCal pfD N BANCpD 1.84 6.9 28.29 23.00 5 26.50 34 26.60 26.01 +.10 +4.4 BncFstOK Q BANF 1.52f 1.7 20 98.35 55.05 23 88.20 159 94.05 85.50 -6.50 -5.2sBcBilVArg N BBVA .42e 5.4 7.80 5.14 3300 7.77 14785 7.80 7.56 +.19 +14.8 BcoBrades s N BBDO .32e 3.2 11.00 6.48 1 10.07 7 10.48 9.85 -.06 +13.9 BcoBrad s N BBD .43e 4.2 11.25 6.10 8241 10.14 61667 10.44 9.84 +.03 +16.6 BcoLatin N BLX 1.54 5.7 11 30.51 21.95 109 27.11 938 27.44 26.50 -.05 -7.9 BcoMacro N BMA 87.00 56.87 91 85.80 431 86.69 82.62 +2.96 +33.3sBcoSantSA N SAN .23e 3.8 6.20 3.60 3717 6.13 36607 6.20 5.98 +.11 +18.3 BcoSBrasil N BSBR .28e 2.8 11.75 4.41 1947 9.90 8567 10.52 9.71 -.24 +11.4sBcSanChile N BSAC 1.13e 4.6 24.65 17.83 298 24.82 2555 24.90 23.68 +.69 +13.5sBcoChile N BCH 2.98e 4.0 74.02 59.70 56 74.10 280 74.70 70.46 +3.34 +5.2 Bancorp34 n Q BCTF 13.45 11.35 3 12.50 25 12.70 12.50 -.05 -.7tBncpBnk lf Q TBBK 8.20 4.41 223 4.90 1367 5.02 4.41 -.11 -37.7 BcpSouth N BXS .50 1.7 20 32.40 20.19 623 29.40 4622 31.80 28.10 -2.40 -5.3 Bcp NJ N BKJ .24 1.6 23 15.40 10.50 2 15.00 35 15.02 13.60 -.10 +11.1 BancrftFd N BCV 1.08e 5.2 22.67 17.58 12 20.86 63 21.24 20.78 -.18 +3.1 BankMutl Q BKMU .22 2.4 24 10.20 7.20 90 9.30 416 9.85 9.00 -.50 -1.6 BkofAm N BAC .30f 1.3 18 25.80 12.05 107696 23.12 729298 24.76 22.45 -1.74 +4.6 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 3 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
BkAML pfI N BMLpI 1.59 6.2 26.37 24.60 7 25.81 115 25.94 25.80 -.12 +3.1 BkAML pfJ N BMLpJ 1.02 4.4 27.19 21.46 14 23.30 59 23.61 23.16 -.19 -2.0 BkAm pfD N BACpD 1.55 6.1 26.24 21.44 13 25.54 167 25.58 25.35 +.13 +1.8 BkAm pfE N BACpE 1.02 5.2 26.68 21.13 22 22.93 200 23.03 22.76 +.19 +5.0 BkAm pfI N BACpI 1.66 6.4 27.45 25.10 10 25.95 71 26.14 25.80 -.05 +2.5 BkAm pfL N BACpL 72.50 6.0 1269.47 1116.00 5 1200.00 24 1205.89 1195.11 -.25 +2.8 BkAm pfW N BACpW 1.66 6.3 28.10 25.19 37 26.48 253 26.49 26.18 +.19 +3.0 BkAm pfY N BACpY 1.63 6.1 28.60 25.13 26 26.68 218 26.73 26.40 +.26 +4.5 BkAm wtA N BAC/WS/A 13.64 3.01 723 10.79 10398 12.45 10.25 -1.82 +8.4 BkAm wtB N BAC/WS/B 1.55 .06 456 .97 3941 1.38 .83 -.33 +1.0 BkAm pfA N BACpA 27.10 24.45 118 25.89 562 25.95 25.56 +.27 +4.0 BkAm pfC N BACpC 27.24 24.75 75 25.99 319 26.08 25.80 +.17 +3.0 BkAML pfL N BMLpL 1.02 4.4 24.50 20.96 22 23.18 93 23.50 22.86 -.03 +2.3 BkAML pfH N BMLpH .77 3.6 24.22 17.83 27 21.29 80 21.58 21.04 -.23 +7.0 BkAML pfG N BMLpG .77 3.6 23.30 17.87 4 21.21 43 21.63 20.77 -.10 +6.1 Bk of But n N NTB a 34.92 23.75 199 31.01 872 33.09 30.87 -2.01 -1.4 BkCmcCA Q BOCH .12 1.1 27 11.00 6.05 20 10.60 103 10.90 10.20 -.40 +11.6 BkHawaii N BOH 2.00f 2.5 19 90.80 64.96 178 79.41 1308 85.16 77.88 -5.62 -10.5 BankMarin Q BMRC 1.08 1.7 17 75.05 47.16 10 64.35 61 72.25 63.64 -5.05 -7.7 BkMont g N BMO 3.52 78.00 58.61 343 74.26 2548 75.76 72.79 -1.40 +3.3 BkNYMel N BK .68 1.5 14 49.54 35.44 3426 46.25 26964 47.76 45.72 -1.66 -2.4 BkNYM pfC N BKpC 1.30 5.2 27.41 22.74 32 24.91 196 25.01 24.52 +.13 +8.3 BkNova g N BNS 2.74 4.7 11 62.89 46.35 745 58.14 4548 58.62 56.37 -.23 +4.4 BankSC Q BKSC .56 2.6 21 23.97 15.30 1 21.45 11 22.00 20.85 +.60 +2.6 BkofJames Q BOTJ .24 1.6 15 18.50 11.56 0 15.22 4 15.60 14.35 +.02 +.3 BkOzarks Q OZRK .68f 1.4 19 56.86 33.51 1027 49.65 7339 53.80 47.93 -4.31 -5.6 BankFncl Q BFIN .24f 1.7 37 15.24 11.38 49 14.29 179 14.79 14.10 -.53 -3.6 Bankrate N RATE 11.90 6.91 551 9.60 2630 10.20 9.20 -.60 -13.1 BankUtd N BKU .84 2.4 17 41.00 27.85 980 35.40 5301 38.50 35.16 -3.00 -6.1sBankwellF Q BWFG .28 .9 22 35.00 19.51 5 30.31 70 35.00 30.26 -4.27 -6.7 Banner Cp Q BANR .92 1.7 20 60.97 38.77 125 54.26 726 58.39 53.34 -4.09 -2.8 Banro g N BAA .48 .11 403 .12 2382 .13 .12 -.01 -34.2 Baozun n Q BZUN 18.61 5.19 231 14.97 2277 15.48 13.95 -.22 +24.0stBarHarbr s N BHB 32.00 29.34 33 30.98 165 32.00 29.34 -.75 BarHarbor N BHB/O 1.12 2.5 19 49.87 30.80 45.24 62 47.59 45.24 -2.35 -4.4sBarFIEur N FEEU 104.66 66.88 4 102.84 23 104.66 101.15 +.22 +17.3 BarcFI HY N FIGY 145.47 112.21 9 143.40 31 145.23 142.23 -1.50 +10.6 BarcSPVeq N VQT 145.42 129.99 0 141.99 7 143.73 141.79 -1.30 +3.9 BarSelMLP N ATMP 1.17e 5.0 25.72 16.89 32 23.35 213 23.58 22.96 -.06 -.8 BiP Cmdty N DJP 25.50 20.91 190 23.27 1452 23.52 23.18 -.14 -4.0 BarcGSOil N OIL 6.85 4.79 1139 5.20 8169 5.38 5.06 -.17 -17.9 BarcGsci36 N GSP 15.34 11.93 16 13.34 48 13.58 13.24 -.20 -9.0sBrcEnEu n N FLEU 125.16 94.13 4 123.05 28 125.16 121.84 -.10 +15.0 BiPCop N JJC 32.39 22.95 18 30.24 325 30.95 29.66 -.60 +5.1 BiPNickel N JJN 14.76 9.90 6 11.84 26 12.30 11.80 -.51 -2.1 BiP GCrb N GRN 8.24 4.36 6 6.05 9 6.60 5.65 +.05 -20.5 BiPGbpUsd N GBB 39.39 31.50 2 32.75 3 32.85 32.38 +.37 +.8 BiP Tin N JJT 50.00 30.06 1 45.07 23 46.10 45.07 -.29 -5.1 BiPAg N JJA 42.25 34.08 1 34.22 6 35.19 34.20 -.73 -2.0 BiP Sugar N SGG 53.69 32.00 102 39.09 489 39.78 37.31 -1.22 -9.9 BiP Cottn N BAL 51.80 37.40 2 50.31 20 51.23 49.87 -.66 +8.3 BrcIndiaTR N INP 74.49 60.12 14 73.49 88 74.00 72.05 -.07 +17.4 BiP Coffee N JO 26.21 17.92 221 19.17 956 20.46 19.10 -.75 -2.0 BiPGrain N JJG 37.37 26.62 31 27.66 203 28.90 27.63 -.98 -1.7 BiP Cocoa N NIB 40.95 22.90 115 26.47 1073 27.22 25.34 +1.60 -1.6 BiP Alum N JJU 17.56 12.90 17.03 8 17.21 16.79 +.19 +13.2 BarcBk prD N BCSpD 2.03 7.8 26.71 25.00 135 25.92 903 26.02 25.71 -.07 +1.5 BiPIndMet N JJM 26.88 18.88 1 25.23 4 25.52 24.90 -.31 +6.5 BiPNG N GAZ .76 .39 43 .43 85 .47 .43 -.02 -36.7 BiPLive N COW 24.97 17.38 39 22.93 125 23.17 22.50 +.34 +2.5 BiPAsia8 N AYT 1.21e 3.0 42.72 38.30 43 40.86 173 41.19 40.45 +.38 +2.7 BiPTrLBear Q DLBS 21.53 9.62 3 19.16 15 20.34 19.10 -1.39 -5.2 BiP10yTBear Q DTYS 21.98 9.95 12 18.85 107 19.78 18.50 -.92 -4.9 BiPTrSteep Q STPP 36.00 29.92 6 34.62 51 34.89 34.41 -.12 BiPUrFlat Q FLAT 65.46 57.70 0 59.23 39 59.91 59.13 +.06 +.6 BarcCAPE N CAPE 104.33 79.01 7 102.72 26 104.12 102.08 -1.45 +7.0 BiPSPMLP N IMLP 1.47e 7.2 22.10 15.72 4 20.46 70 20.57 20.22 -.13 -.7 Barclay N BCS .39e 3.5 12.05 6.76 2788 11.26 24823 11.56 11.09 -.11 +2.4tB iPVxST rs N VXX 77.80 15.41 82616 16.77 343405 17.50 15.41 +.96 -34.3tBrVxMdT rs N VXZ 47.84 27.18 135 27.90 1029 28.43 27.18 +.37 -19.9 BarIvrsUST Q TAPR 29.73 14.90 2 25.77 3 28.01 25.68 -2.26 -7.0sBard N BCR 1.04f .4 24 252.25 197.35 421 249.91 2238 252.25 247.86 -.94 +11.2 BaringsCp s N MCI 1.20 7.7 19.76 14.52 28 15.61 91 15.61 15.06 +.46 +.8 BaringsPt N MPV 1.08a 7.6 15.97 13.61 7 14.20 34 14.27 14.05 +.12 BarHilc rt Q BHACR .50 .12 10 .38 41 .38 .28 -.00 +50.8 BarHilc wt Q BHACW .23 .04 31 .18 131 .19 .14 +.01 +36.7 B&N Ed n N BNED .15p 13.15 8.50 146 9.38 920 9.77 9.12 -.39 -18.2 BarnesNob N BKS .60 7.0 45 13.63 8.45 669 8.60 3173 9.40 8.50 -.80 -22.9 Barnes N B .52 1.0 20 51.97 31.13 164 49.74 814 51.41 48.64 -1.27 +4.9 Barnwell N BRN 2.70 1.31 2 1.90 18 2.24 1.90 -.20 +15.9 Barracuda N CUDA 26.69 13.91 180 23.04 1762 23.71 22.54 -.24 +7.5 BarrettB lf Q BBSI 1.00f 1.9 21 66.93 26.58 27 52.04 167 55.70 51.52 -3.74 -18.8 BarrickG N ABX .12f .6 34 23.47 13.04 6200 19.21 49265 19.77 18.82 +.36 +20.2 BasicEnS N XYZ 3.25 .30 .45 BasicEn n N BAS 44.81 29.69 456 31.70 2052 35.97 31.35 -4.46 -10.3 BassettF Q BSET .40a 1.6 17 33.35 22.42 13 24.95 127 26.80 24.90 -1.90 -17.9 Baxter s N BAX .52 1.0 27 52.33 39.98 2597 52.02 12630 52.19 51.03 +.39 +17.3 BayBncp Q BYBK 45 8.25 4.77 1 7.70 101 8.10 7.65 -.40 +16.7tBaytexE g N BTE 7.14 3.16 2846 3.14 10863 3.48 3.11 -.30 -35.7 Bazaarvce Q BV 6.14 3.02 816 4.25 3729 4.60 4.05 -.20 -12.4 BeacnRfg Q BECN 29 50.61 39.27 306 48.25 2100 50.55 47.94 -2.20 +4.7 BearStFin Q BSF .12f 1.3 20 10.95 8.65 10 9.20 111 9.50 8.80 -.18 -9.4sBeasleyB Q BBGI .18 1.5 7 12.98 3.51 9 12.30 205 12.98 10.00 +2.00 +100.0 BeazerHm N BZH 15.80 6.81 767 11.72 3220 12.23 11.18 -.42 -11.9 BebeStr rs Q BEBE 9.10 3.13 35 3.83 1972 6.65 3.17 -2.67 -24.8 BectDck N BDX 2.92 1.6 33 186.11 148.26 629 183.87 5018 185.09 180.40 +.08 +11.1tBedBath Q BBBY .50 1.3 8 52.33 37.79 1583 38.29 8723 39.95 37.79 -1.39 -5.8 BeiGene n Q BGNE 41.89 24.53 194 36.30 626 40.20 36.11 -3.25 +19.6 BelFuse A Q BELFA .24 1.2 11 26.97 12.15 5 20.03 14 21.65 19.37 -1.92 -20.9 BelFuseB Q BELFB .28 1.3 12 33.60 13.31 28 22.25 184 25.30 22.20 -2.95 -28.0 Belden N BDC .20 .3 13 81.33 54.97 272 67.30 1888 70.56 66.92 -2.81 -10.0 Bellatrix g N BXE 15 1.30 .72 346 .75 1646 .77 .73 -.03 -21.1 Belleroph n Q BLPH 4.58 .43 950 1.38 10877 1.65 1.20 +.35 +165.4 BellicumP Q BLCM 23.11 7.51 4122 12.04 6999 15.55 12.00 -2.54 -11.6 Belmond N BEL 48 14.45 8.69 186 12.05 1696 12.30 11.85 -.25 -9.7 Bemis N BMS 1.20f 2.5 19 53.88 47.22 314 48.75 1738 49.66 48.41 -.47 +1.9 BenchElec N BHE 23 33.45 18.54 241 32.00 1387 32.80 31.15 -.75 +4.9 BenefBncp Q BNCL .24 1.5 46 19.00 12.34 164 16.15 1919 16.75 15.60 -.50 -12.2 Benefitfoc Q BNFT 44.98 24.55 201 26.75 1084 28.26 25.70 +.05 -9.9 Benitec wt Q BNTCW 1.22 .03 5 .32 43 .34 .28 +.02 +220.0 BenitecB n Q BNTC 4.44 1.20 310 2.69 381 2.90 2.24 +.41 +75.8 Berkley N WRB .52 .7 21 73.17 52.72 223 70.42 1496 72.58 70.28 -2.27 +5.9 Berkley pfB N WRBpB 1.41 5.7 26.73 21.82 15 24.75 81 24.94 24.19 +.57 +9.5 Berkly pfC N WRBpC 27.28 21.72 13 25.42 49 25.68 25.14 -.01 +6.0 Berkly pfD N WRBpD 1.44 5.8 26.39 21.54 23 24.64 109 24.99 24.43 +.04 +7.7 BerkH B N BRK/B 17 177.86 136.65 3927 168.66 18611 172.87 168.02 -4.16 +3.5 BerkHBcp N BHLB .84f 2.4 16 37.45 24.80 227 35.10 1382 35.20 32.90 +.10 -4.7 BerryPlas N BERY 20 52.97 34.48 489 48.14 4502 50.30 47.81 -2.18 -1.2 BestBuy N BBY 1.36f 3.0 13 49.40 28.76 2507 44.85 23348 45.73 43.72 -.55 +5.1 Beyondsp n Q BYSI 21.91 16.55 9 18.60 116 20.00 18.50 -1.20 +10.7 Big 5Sprt Q BGFV .60 4.1 18 20.35 8.15 516 14.55 2605 15.75 14.40 -1.05 -16.1 BigLots N BIG 1.00f 2.1 14 56.54 41.61 677 48.16 3677 50.13 47.15 -1.85 -4.1 BiglariHld N BH 34 491.74 351.46 2 411.27 14 427.50 409.62 -10.73 -13.1tBBarrett N BBG 9.38 4.17 1426 4.17 8376 4.51 4.14 -.32 -40.3tBioAmber N BIOA 6.50 2.11 615 2.15 2118 2.60 2.11 -.40 -60.9 BioAmb wt N BIOA/WS 1.71 .03 14 .05 171 .08 .03 -.01 -92.9 Bio-Path Q BPTH 3.19 .70 55 .78 473 .88 .77 +.01 -42.2 BioRadA N BIO 209.50 132.29 171 200.41 1418 203.34 194.01 +3.10 +9.9 BioTechne Q TECH 1.28 1.2 49 117.42 91.45 199 103.82 859 104.79 101.84 -.99 +1.0 BioDlvry lf Q BDSI 4.00 1.50 975 1.75 2581 2.00 1.75 -.15 BioLifeSol Q BLFS 3.58 1.43 25 2.04 125 2.25 1.99 -.18 +26.7 BioLneRx h Q BLRX 1.42 .71 406 1.11 3432 1.29 1.03 -.09 +20.7 BioanlySys Q BASI 2.42 .60 96 1.41 385 1.50 1.26 -.07 +83.0 BioblastP Q ORPN 3.13 .81 14 .89 111 .94 .85 -.01 -14.4 Biocept rs Q BIOC 4.41 .74 457 2.23 5031 2.45 2.09 +.03 +187.7sBiocryst Q BCRX 9.25 2.48 935 8.79 5372 9.25 8.19 -.07 +38.8 Biogen Q BIIB 15 333.65 223.02 1315 274.82 9758 284.71 272.87 -1.27 -3.1 Biolase Q BIOL 1.98 .80 21 1.29 265 1.34 1.16 -.01 -7.9 BioMarin Q BMRN 102.49 73.45 1076 87.37 4828 91.05 86.28 -3.53 +5.5 Biomeri n Q BMRA 3.38 1.53 9 2.00 62 2.13 1.96 -.03 -13.0 BiondVax n Q BVXV 7.40 3.04 2 5.19 9 5.50 5.15 -.34 +55.0 BiondVx wt Q BVXVW 1.00 .37 0 .89 8 .89 .85 +.03 +139.6 BioPhrmX N BPMX 1.50 .19 879 .49 5119 .56 .46 -.04 +31.0 Bioptix rs Q BIOP 6.65 2.14 10 3.37 30 3.57 3.06 +.03 -12.2 BioScrip Q BIOS 3.43 .98 588 1.82 6440 2.05 1.70 -.21 +75.0 BioSpecif Q BSTC 34 58.21 31.32 22 50.73 189 57.25 50.10 -5.52 -8.9 Biostage h Q BSTG 2.86 .29 534 .34 5059 .38 .33 -.04 -61.9 BiostrPh rs Q BSPM 7.06 1.08 25 2.23 321 2.55 2.12 +.11 -23.9 BioTelem Q BEAT 45 27.90 10.96 243 26.60 1460 27.50 25.40 -.85 +19.0 BioTime N BTX 4.01 2.26 303 3.19 1837 3.57 3.10 -.40 -11.6 BioTime wt N BTX/WS .98 .30 1 .50 39 .65 .49 -.13 -28.6 Bioverativ Q BIVV 54.20 40.00 665 50.30 6195 51.67 48.14 +.93 +5.9 BirksGrp N BGI 5.15 .35 2 1.55 97 1.62 1.23 -.04 +44.6 BitautoH N BITA 33.16 16.56 1515 25.64 3724 26.14 24.03 +.36 +35.4tBlackBox Q BBOX .48 5.5 17.05 8.38 68 8.65 465 9.40 8.38 -.65 -43.3 BlackDiam Q BDE 6.85 3.93 48 5.45 492 5.65 5.25 +1.9 BlkHillsCp N BKH 1.78f 2.7 21 67.02 54.76 228 66.21 1419 66.95 64.67 -.44 +7.9 BlkHCp un N BKHU 73.86 61.75 37 72.84 87 73.83 71.51 -.30 +5.8 BlackKnt n N BKFS 47 42.19 28.67 105 37.85 733 39.95 37.65 -2.15 +.1 BlkStMin n N BSM 1.15f 6.9 64 19.86 13.47 189 16.57 1133 17.13 16.32 -.17 -11.8 BlackLin n Q BL 31.40 21.66 141 28.85 920 30.48 28.27 -1.48 +4.4 BlkRkCap Q BKCC .84 11.5 9.92 6.75 253 7.31 1760 7.60 7.20 -.16 +5.0sBlckbaud Q BLKB .48 .6 68 77.85 55.88 215 76.14 1254 77.85 74.72 -.47 +19.0 BlackBerry Q BBRY 8.46 6.23 2632 7.07 13361 7.28 6.90 -.08 +2.6sBlkhwkNet Q HAWK 39.55 28.88 255 38.70 3780 39.55 37.00 +2.60 +2.7 BlackRock N BLK 10.00f 2.7 20 399.46 317.60 305 374.41 2112 383.12 372.00 -8.44 -1.6 BlkBldAm N BBN 1.58 7.1 25.58 19.50 74 22.31 579 22.36 21.91 +.43 +3.3 BlkCA18 N BJZ .33 2.2 15.30 14.93 9 15.15 17 15.15 15.02 +.07 +.8 BlkCAIT N BFZ .87 6.1 17.00 13.81 87 14.27 377 14.29 14.02 +.25 -1.5 BlkCorBd N BHK .85a 6.4 14.34 12.57 71 13.33 401 13.39 13.25 +.03 +2.5 BlkCpHiY N HYT .84a 7.8 11.20 9.71 223 10.78 2355 10.84 10.68 +.02 -.5 BlkCrdAllo N BTZ .97 7.4 13.70 12.05 192 12.99 1048 13.01 12.79 +.09 +.2 BlkDbtStr rs N DSU 11.75 10.17 124 11.43 1155 11.48 11.27 +.04 +.8 BlkDefOpp N BHL .70a 5.1 14.01 12.96 54 13.72 184 13.79 13.68 -.05 -.5 BlkEngyRs N BGR 1.32 9.9 15.01 12.47 66 13.28 433 13.58 13.25 -.22 -8.0 BlkEnhC&I N CII 1.20 8.5 14.56 12.59 173 14.19 731 14.40 14.13 -.17 +3.5 BlkEEqDv N BDJ .56 6.6 8.60 7.37 479 8.44 2784 8.50 8.32 -.02 +3.6 BlEnhGvIn N EGF .66 5.0 14.11 13.03 17 13.29 42 13.30 13.09 +.13 +.8 BlkFltRtInc N FRA .81 5.5 14.85 12.84 96 14.73 496 14.75 14.56 +.02 +2.2 BlkFloatR N BGT .78a 5.4 14.65 12.51 73 14.43 337 14.62 14.41 -.10 +2.5 BlkFL2020 N BFO .37 2.5 15.48 14.85 15.09 18 15.09 15.03 +.05 +.5 BlkGlbOp N BOE 1.16 9.4 12.45 11.19 156 12.38 874 12.45 12.25 +.01 +7.0 BlkHlthSci N BME 2.40a 7.1 38.54 30.82 32 33.76 105 34.63 33.76 -.58 +6.3 BlkIT N BKT .37 6.0 6.67 6.06 103 6.17 617 6.19 6.10 +.05 -2.5 BlkIntlG&I N BGY .59 10.2 6.13 5.36 363 5.77 1857 5.80 5.70 -.01 +4.7 BlkIQM N BKN .92a 6.5 18.30 13.92 34 14.32 226 14.38 14.10 +.22 -2.5 BlkLtdD N BLW 1.19a 7.8 16.07 14.61 102 15.40 455 15.52 15.36 -.05 +1.5 BlkLTMu N BTA .70a 6.1 13.44 10.73 8 11.44 132 11.47 11.29 +.13 +1.4 BlkMDMB N BZM .65 3.9 17.00 13.81 1 14.08 19 14.25 13.95 +.05 -.2 BlkMultSec N BIT 1.40a 8.1 17.64 15.49 110 17.26 548 17.26 17.01 +.17 +4.7 BlkMuIntD N MUI .79a 5.7 15.63 13.45 63 13.77 559 13.80 13.65 +.12 -.2 BlkMuNYInt N MNE .69 5.1 16.35 13.18 1 13.49 27 13.53 13.28 +.12 -.6 BlkMunihCA N MUC .81a 5.8 16.35 13.53 48 14.03 374 14.04 13.87 +.14 -.4 BlkMunHIQ N MFL .86 6.1 16.43 13.52 33 14.16 344 14.21 14.05 +.10 -.1 BlMunhNYQ N MHN .80a 5.9 15.68 13.13 22 13.56 160 13.56 13.38 +.20 +1.1 BlMunhNJQ N MUJ .89a 6.3 16.48 13.56 45 14.20 178 14.23 14.06 +.13 +2.1 BlkMunihQ N MUS .81 6.2 15.59 12.66 28 13.09 118 13.15 12.96 +.14 -3.6 BlkMunHQ2 N MUE .82 6.2 15.23 12.57 20 13.12 151 13.12 12.97 +.13 -2.7 BlMunyCAQ N MCA .88 5.9 16.87 13.95 144 14.77 413 14.77 14.38 +.36 +1.9 BlkMunyInv N MYF .97 6.3 17.48 14.32 20 15.31 118 15.38 14.99 +.21 +2.7 BlkMunyIQ N MFT .85 6.1 16.50 13.23 6 13.88 43 13.91 13.70 +.17 -.4 BlkMYMIQ N MIY .83 6.1 15.69 13.17 54 13.57 247 13.57 13.30 +.25 -.1 BlMunyNYQ N MYN .74a 5.8 14.74 12.50 29 12.84 247 12.85 12.72 +.14 +1.2 BlkMunyPaQ N MPA .86 6.1 16.66 13.75 8 14.06 135 14.08 13.86 +.09 -.3 BlMunyQlty N MQY .96 6.5 17.20 14.21 22 14.71 155 14.75 14.58 +.14 -.1 BlkMuniyQ3 N MYI .89a 6.5 15.88 13.23 116 13.72 505 13.85 13.64 +.05 +.5 BlkMuniast N MUA .72a 5.2 16.09 12.96 34 13.91 232 13.98 13.78 +.06 +3.3 Blk2018 N BPK .56a 3.8 15.45 14.93 11 15.04 184 15.09 15.03 -.04 +.4 BlkMu2020 N BKK .54a 3.4 17.18 15.16 26 15.82 112 15.85 15.66 +.05 +4.1 BlkMuBdT N BBK .90a 6.1 18.55 14.50 28 14.83 116 14.87 14.60 +.23 -2.8 BlkMuIIQ N BAF .82 5.8 16.67 13.68 23 14.28 94 14.35 14.14 +.08 +.1 BlkMunIIT N BBF .87 6.1 17.00 13.46 23 14.13 111 14.18 13.97 +.13 +.9 BlkMuIQT N BYM .86 6.3 16.38 13.50 39 13.80 187 13.85 13.74 +.04 -.6 BlkMuIT N BFK .90a 6.6 16.02 13.42 94 13.72 521 13.75 13.58 +.11 -.9 BlkMuIT2 N BLE .95a 6.6 16.89 13.87 22 14.58 279 14.66 14.44 +.13 +.3 BlkMuTTT N BTT .96a 4.3 24.44 21.09 73 22.37 446 22.49 22.04 +.33 +2.5 BlkMunienh N MEN .73a 6.4 13.21 10.92 52 11.33 337 11.36 11.17 +.16 +.5 BlkMunihld N MHD 1.03a 6.4 19.35 15.54 25 16.20 104 16.32 16.11 +.09 +.1 BlkMunihd2 N MUH .93a 6.2 17.29 14.36 47 14.93 93 15.10 14.92 +1.6 BlkMunvst N MVF .64a 6.7 11.26 9.34 56 9.59 400 9.61 9.48 +.10 -.2 BlkMuniv2 N MVT 1.00a 6.5 18.64 14.74 53 15.23 263 15.31 15.07 +.12 -.1 BlkMunyAZ N MZA .83 5.7 19.16 13.89 5 14.56 14 14.60 14.34 +.26 +.6 BlMunyldCA N MYC .89a 6.0 17.89 14.44 50 14.74 257 14.78 14.65 +.06 -3.5 BlkMuniyld N MYD .92a 6.5 16.44 13.61 59 14.25 369 14.34 14.12 +.12 +.8 BlkMunyNJ N MYJ .90a 5.9 17.62 14.87 9 15.30 89 15.31 15.12 +.16 -.1 BlMunQlt2 N MQT .80 6.3 15.06 12.31 11 12.68 231 12.68 12.49 +.17 -1.0 BlkNJMB N BLJ .83a 5.7 17.75 14.21 4 14.58 23 14.99 14.34 -.27 +.9 BlkNJIT N BNJ .90a 6.1 16.98 14.12 16 14.81 46 14.81 14.47 +.29 +4.0 BlkNY18 N BLH .31a 2.1 15.18 14.72 1 14.87 16 14.88 14.81 +.01 +1.0 BlkNYMB N BQH .74 5.3 16.39 13.56 1 14.04 11 14.10 13.86 +.14 +.1 BlkNYIQT N BSE .69 5.3 15.42 12.53 4 12.99 52 12.99 12.84 +.09 -.9 BlkNYIT N BNY .83 5.8 16.91 13.29 13 14.16 124 14.19 13.93 +.24 +1.8 BlkNYMu2 N BFY .84 5.8 18.02 14.05 1 14.48 51 14.56 14.18 +.27 BlkRsCmdy N BCX .79 9.3 8.99 6.95 407 8.41 2511 8.50 8.30 -.02 +1.7sBlkSciTch N BST 1.20 5.9 20.43 15.80 79 20.28 543 20.43 19.94 +.23 +13.0 BlkStMT N BSD .85a 6.4 15.98 13.03 15 13.31 78 13.36 13.19 +.09 -1.3 BlkU&Inf N BUI 1.45 7.4 20.59 17.24 53 19.62 235 19.79 19.50 -.06 +6.6 BlkVAMB N BHV .83 5.4 21.50 15.06 6 15.55 18 15.68 15.30 +.23 +1.0 BlkstFltRt N BSL 1.08 5.9 18.43 14.90 25 18.16 286 18.16 17.75 +.22 +.4 BlkstGSOSt N BGB 1.26 8.0 16.27 13.39 131 15.77 1380 16.13 15.70 -.14 +2.8 Blackstone N BX 1.46 4.9 18 31.69 22.45 2554 29.68 18802 30.74 29.50 -.91 +9.8 BlkstnMtg N BXMT 2.48f 8.0 12 31.53 25.98 851 30.82 3355 31.36 30.54 +.02 +2.5 BlkLSCrInc N BGX 1.18 7.2 16.52 13.38 42 16.31 270 16.50 16.06 -.02 +2.4 BlockHR N HRB .88 3.9 16 26.95 19.18 2772 22.42 17411 24.41 22.38 -2.03 -2.5 BlonderT N BDR 1.10 .28 1 .66 31 .69 .65 -.01 +40.4 BloominBr Q BLMN .32f 1.7 26 19.99 15.82 1827 19.31 9177 19.64 18.51 +.71 +7.1sBlucora Q BCOR 17.83 4.69 658 17.50 3271 18.00 15.95 +1.35 +18.6 BlueBird Q BLBD 18.15 9.53 80 16.95 881 17.05 15.95 +.10 +9.7 BlueBPet n Q BUFF 33 27.50 21.60 554 23.37 4070 23.88 23.14 -.49 -2.8 BlueCapRe N BCRH 1.20 6.5 11 20.83 17.01 11 18.50 71 19.40 18.50 -.75 +.3 BlueHBcp Q BHBK .20f 1.2 39 19.73 13.36 30 16.90 283 18.10 16.40 -1.25 -9.9 BluebBio Q BLUE 100.40 35.37 508 88.10 3690 93.50 83.11 -4.30 +42.8 BlueknEP Q BKEP .58 8.5 7.55 4.56 38 6.85 436 7.05 6.55 +.10 Bluekn pf Q BKEPP .72 9.1 8.75 6.50 15 7.90 49 7.90 7.78 +.05 BlueLinx rs N BXC 5 9.70 5.00 160 8.10 465 8.46 7.70 -.18 +8.4sBlueprtM n Q BPMC 42.42 13.27 288 43.96 1564 44.11 40.28 +2.60 +56.7 BluerkRsd N BRG 1.16 9.6 33 14.77 10.20 104 12.04 1301 12.30 11.76 +.14 -12.2 BluerkRs pf N BRGpA 2.06 7.9 27.58 24.80 1 26.10 46 26.50 25.88 +.47 +.2 BluerkR pfD N BRGpD 1.78 7.3 25.17 21.85 2 24.53 15 25.00 24.40 +.18 +5.3 BdwlkPpl N BWP .40 2.3 15 18.95 13.48 191 17.50 2071 17.95 17.38 -.37 +.8sBobEvans Q BOBE 1.36 2.2 46 63.58 35.63 159 62.21 1579 63.58 60.57 +.62 +16.9 Boeing N BA 5.68f 3.2 20 185.71 122.35 2263 175.82 12089 180.25 174.77 -4.28 +12.9 BofI Hld s Q BOFI 14 32.57 15.29 593 27.47 3908 29.14 26.32 -1.53 -3.8 BofI pf Q BOFIL 1.56 6.1 29.95 21.80 2 25.76 8 26.20 25.52 +.19 +3.0sBoingo Q WIFI 13.33 6.56 376 13.28 1770 13.38 12.57 +.50 +8.9 BoiseCasc N BCC 21 29.95 17.80 153 26.60 1044 28.25 26.30 -1.70 +18.2 Bojangles n Q BOJA 20 21.85 14.55 140 19.70 1177 19.75 18.50 +.60 +5.6tBonTon Q BONT .20 28.2 2.65 .64 158 .71 1254 .95 .63 -.24 -51.7 BonanzaCE N BCEI 4.67 .60 409 1.03 4021 1.10 .98 +.03 +1.0 BonsoElec Q BNSO 4.25 1.23 123 2.63 370 2.84 2.45 +.19 +20.1 BootBarn N BOOT 20 17.26 5.59 109 9.31 864 9.90 8.85 -.55 -25.6 BoozAllnH N BAH .68f 1.9 21 38.54 27.02 848 36.37 5001 37.66 36.26 -1.25 +.8 BorgWarn N BWA .56f 1.4 13 44.24 27.52 1489 41.28 9351 42.92 40.41 -1.48 +4.7 BostBeer N SAM 22 195.35 144.75 89 149.10 545 151.30 147.45 -.30 -12.2 BostPrv Q BPFH .44f 2.8 20 17.88 10.77 468 15.80 2257 16.97 15.20 -1.20 -4.5 BostPrv pf Q BPFHP 1.74 6.8 28.71 23.53 2 25.63 11 25.65 25.32 +.08 +2.2 BostProp N BXP 3.00f 2.3 24 144.02 113.69 860 132.48 3752 134.66 130.82 -.71 +5.3 BosProp pfB N BXPpB 1.31 5.1 27.17 22.63 3 25.47 21 25.47 25.12 +.31 +5.9 BostonSci N BSX 48 25.65 17.87 3664 24.32 21515 24.59 24.02 -.11 +12.4 BttmlnT Q EPAY 32 31.52 18.48 276 23.92 1521 25.15 23.32 -.73 -4.4 BldrG&IFd N BIF .40a 4.3 9.59 7.68 93 9.27 695 9.47 9.24 -.16 +3.7 BlvdAcq n Q BLVD 10.05 9.54 3 10.00 781 10.02 9.98 +.8sBlvdAcq wt Q BLVDW .85 .25 .81 32 .85 .80 -.01 +52.8 BlvdAcq un Q BLVDU 10.77 9.65 10.45 4 10.50 10.25 -.02 +2.9 BovieMed N BVX 5.75 1.56 60 2.62 371 2.76 2.54 -.07 -27.0 Box Inc n N BOX 18.36 9.86 711 16.37 4255 16.85 15.73 -.18 +18.1 BoydGm N BYD 21 21.58 16.77 1204 20.61 6286 20.78 19.66 +.21 +2.2 BradyCp N BRC .82f 2.1 25 40.50 25.98 162 38.30 766 39.60 37.90 -1.20 +2.0 Brainstorm Q BCLI 4.70 2.06 29 3.92 488 4.30 3.79 -.32 +54.3 Brandyw N BDN .64 3.9 13 17.05 13.44 801 16.25 6517 16.51 16.11 +.02 -1.6 BrasilAgro N LND 4.11 2.72 1 3.66 49 3.76 3.63 -.13 +12.6 Braskem N BAK .38e 1.9 23.15 10.82 343 20.25 1905 20.79 19.59 +.03 -4.5 BravoBrio Q BBRG 9.09 3.40 80 4.80 296 5.05 4.60 +26.3 BridgeBcp Q BDGE .92 2.7 17 38.95 26.90 48 34.10 292 35.95 32.80 -1.80 -10.0 Bridglne rs Q BLIN 3.47 .43 46 .82 494 .87 .76 -.03 +27.3 BridgptEd N BPI 59 11.58 5.38 76 10.55 488 10.70 10.18 +.18 +4.1 BridgfdFds Q BRID 14 16.00 10.43 11.72 8 11.72 10.76 +.15 +3.1 BrigStrat N BGG .56 2.6 30 24.19 17.90 196 21.77 803 21.93 20.97 -.15 -2.2 BrightHrz N BFAM 45 72.80 59.00 188 70.31 1025 70.61 68.87 +.39 +.4 Brightcove Q BCOV 13.80 5.70 588 9.05 1416 9.30 7.85 +.05 +12.4 Brinker N EAT 1.36 3.2 14 55.84 40.92 587 42.76 4125 43.42 41.69 -.60 -13.7 Brinks N BCO .40 .8 55 54.98 26.86 318 51.30 1208 52.85 51.05 -1.45 +24.4 BrMySq N BMY 1.56f 2.8 33 77.12 46.01 5960 55.89 41263 56.71 55.17 -.40 -4.4 BristowGp N BRS .28 2.1 23.62 9.17 659 13.23 2592 14.08 13.14 -.69 -35.4sBritATob s N BTI 65.67 52.71 2133 65.58 10931 66.05 64.24 +1.38 BrixmorP N BRX 1.04f 4.8 12 29.14 20.66 1888 21.65 11168 22.06 20.87 -.32 -10.4 BroadcLtd Q AVGO 2.04 .9 56 227.75 139.18 2347 218.97 10953 222.98 215.39 -2.21 +23.9 BroadrdgF N BR 1.32 1.9 24 71.74 56.77 228 67.76 1793 69.28 67.51 -1.52 +2.2 BroadSoft Q BSFT 70 48.40 35.01 150 41.75 1044 44.00 41.60 +1.2 BroadVis Q BVSN 8.06 4.40 5.31 13 5.60 5.21 -.39 +14.1 BrdwyFn h Q BYFC 6 2.50 1.42 9 1.78 62 1.89 1.62 +.09 +8.9sBroadwdE Q BWEN 6.60 2.45 158 6.54 708 6.60 5.79 +.28 +61.7sBrcdeCm Q BRCD .22 1.8 45 12.55 7.60 3421 12.52 23828 12.55 12.43 +.07 +.2 Brookdale N BKD 19.42 10.65 2743 12.10 15702 12.25 11.69 -.13 -2.6 BrkfdAs g s N BAM .56f 1.6 19 37.52 31.80 811 35.95 3839 36.54 35.30 -.41 +8.9 BrookBus n N BBU .25f 1.0 26.87 21.72 18 24.55 67 25.06 23.82 -.46 +2.0 BrkfCda g N BOXC 2.23a 7 25.72 18.68 1 23.47 4 23.80 23.30 -.42 +19.4 BrkfDtla pf N DTLAp 1.91 7.8 25.26 18.65 1 24.48 15 24.90 24.48 -.42 +10.8 BrkGblInf N INF 1.40 10.7 14.13 10.77 74 13.05 401 13.08 12.81 +.07 +1.7sBrkfInfra s N BIP 1.74f 4.5 38.06 26.07 238 38.29 1504 38.37 36.58 +1.54 +14.4 BrkfldPrp N BPY 1.18f 5.4 24.98 20.31 85 21.89 562 22.24 21.56 -.01 -.5 BrkRlAs n N RA .20p 23.45 21.54 129 22.62 839 22.86 22.50 -.07 +1.4 BrkfReEn N BEP 1.87f 6.4 31.85 26.61 42 29.11 197 29.28 28.22 +.32 -2.0 BrklneB Q BRKL .36 2.4 20 17.45 10.40 339 15.05 1644 15.80 14.30 -.75 -8.2sBrooksAuto Q BRKS .40 1.9 22.18 8.99 844 21.10 3219 22.18 20.63 -.76 +23.6 BrwnBrn N BRO .54 1.3 23 45.77 34.23 349 42.61 2185 43.75 42.16 -1.15 -5.0 BrownFA s N BF/A 29 55.31 45.17 29 47.55 143 48.52 47.22 -.21 +2.8 BrownFB s N BF/B 51.55 43.72 705 47.09 3718 47.87 46.65 +.30 +4.8 BrukerCp Q BRKR .16 .7 24 29.85 19.58 498 23.19 2764 23.66 22.51 -.10 +9.5 Brunswick N BC .66f 1.1 18 61.74 41.19 623 61.46 3609 61.72 59.36 +.49 +12.7 BrynMawr Q BMTC .84 2.2 18 42.60 24.70 46 38.65 270 40.20 36.80 -1.65 -8.3 Bsquare Q BSQR 6.62 3.80 54 4.80 173 5.25 4.70 -.35 -17.9 Buckeye N BPL 4.96f 7.4 18 75.10 61.37 275 66.89 1895 67.07 65.43 +.22 +1.1 Buckle N BKE 1.00e 5.7 9 35.02 16.50 431 17.50 3520 18.85 16.55 -1.35 -23.2 Buenavent N BVN 16.45 6.17 1088 12.49 6778 12.95 12.13 -.29 +10.7 BuffaloWW Q BWLD 29 175.10 122.25 295 148.25 2400 152.95 143.10 -4.70 -4.0 BldBear N BBW 28 15.85 8.05 91 8.55 563 8.80 8.35 -.15 -37.8 BldrFstSrc Q BLDR 16 15.85 9.04 609 14.44 6116 15.75 14.15 -1.19 +31.6 BungeLt N BG 1.68 2.1 17 82.66 54.72 1380 80.17 8280 80.95 78.37 -1.67 +11.0 Burcon g Q BUR 2.86 1.40 0 1.52 4 1.60 1.50 -.07 -22.8 BurlStrs N BURL 30 97.94 51.19 401 94.80 3484 96.68 92.22 -.58 +11.9C -:C&F Fnc Q CFFI 1.32 3.0 12 53.40 37.26 4 44.65 18 46.50 43.75 -.80 -10.4tC&J Eng n N CJ 39.13 33.50 147 33.61 1056 38.50 33.05 -3.22 -8.4 CTrkMH23 N MLPC 1.19e 6.9 18.43 13.43 1 17.30 3 17.35 17.07 -.13 +3.6 CA Inc Q CA 1.02 3.2 14 34.99 29.12 2508 31.86 10916 32.59 31.79 -.57 +.3 CAE Inc g N CAE .32 15.88 11.06 93 14.89 627 14.94 14.53 +.19 +6.6 CAI Intl N CAI 20 17.92 6.75 55 14.46 376 15.23 13.82 -.52 +66.8 CAS Med Q CASM 2.15 1.38 20 1.49 127 1.52 1.38 +.11 -7.5 CASI Phr h Q CASI 1.76 .82 20 1.38 204 1.55 1.36 -.12 +20.0 CB FnSvcs Q CBFV .88 3.1 14 29.40 19.50 1 28.55 38 29.30 28.40 -.80 +10.5 CBAK Eng Q CBAK 3.33 1.20 4 1.25 63 1.40 1.25 -.10 -11.2 CBIZ Inc N CBZ 16 14.26 9.30 134 13.75 933 14.15 13.70 -.35 +.4tCBL Asc N CBL 1.06 11.2 8 14.30 8.72 4067 9.45 18410 9.72 8.72 -.17 -17.8tCBL pfD N CBLpD 1.84 7.7 25.60 22.72 46 23.89 481 24.40 22.72 -.41 -2.3tCBL pfE N CBLpE 1.66 7.2 26.50 22.60 28 23.10 136 24.38 22.60 -.88 +.6 CBOE Q CBOE 1.00 1.3 33 81.36 61.22 590 79.44 4958 80.97 79.12 -1.13 +7.5 CBRE GRE N IGR .60 8.1 8.80 7.06 237 7.37 1816 7.38 7.22 +.01 +1.0 CBRE Grp N CBG 16 36.74 24.11 3783 34.38 12847 35.98 34.13 -1.65 +9.2 CBS A N CBS/A .72f 1.1 20 69.55 49.92 1 68.44 34 69.25 67.73 +.19 +5.6 CBS B N CBS .72 1.1 17 68.59 48.88 2058 66.90 12373 67.40 65.66 -.05 +5.2 CCA Inds N CAW 19 3.99 2.25 26 3.20 41 3.25 3.05 -.05 +23.1 CDI N CDI .52 6.5 9.65 4.84 61 8.00 249 8.50 7.40 +.55 +8.1 CDK Globl Q CDK .56 .9 31 67.49 43.88 884 64.88 4008 66.69 63.89 -1.64 +8.7 CDW Corp Q CDW .64 1.1 19 61.00 37.80 527 57.63 4348 60.30 57.39 -2.73 +10.6 CEB Inc N CEB 1.65 2.1 21 79.70 47.33 378 78.80 1898 79.40 78.60 -.50 +30.0 CEVA Inc Q CEVA 49 36.81 19.75 129 34.55 565 36.30 33.75 -.90 +3.0 CF CpA n Q CFCO 10.25 9.60 69 10.03 1258 10.08 9.99 -.05 +1.1 CF Cp wt Q CFCOW 1.70 .61 28 1.44 97 1.58 1.30 -.06 +15.2 CF Cp un n Q CFCOU 12.05 9.15 17 10.75 332 10.80 10.67 -.05 +2.7 CF Inds s N CF 1.20 4.1 62 37.17 20.77 6496 29.18 25921 30.53 28.72 -.11 -7.3 CGG rs N CGG 32.00 6.57 1 6.90 12 7.01 6.70 +.17 -51.2 CGI g N GIB 50.58 40.88 186 46.80 1232 48.24 46.36 -.65 -2.6 CH Robins Q CHRW 1.80 2.3 22 81.16 65.57 1075 77.47 4572 79.40 77.26 -1.45 +5.7 CHS Inc pf Q CHSCP 2.00 6.5 34.85 28.86 21 30.55 76 31.99 30.49 -1.39 +4.4 CHS pfB Q CHSCO 1.97 6.8 31.88 28.05 21 28.76 126 29.33 28.57 -.26 +1.8 CHS pfB2 Q CHSCN 1.78 6.3 31.58 25.94 20 27.96 54 28.14 27.70 +.15 +5.5 CHS pfB3 Q CHSCM 1.69 6.2 29.78 25.36 16 27.46 68 27.54 26.93 +.14 +4.5 CHS pfB4 Q CHSCL 1.88 6.6 31.34 26.36 23 28.62 102 28.78 28.20 +.07 +5.5 CIM CmTr Q CMCT .88 5.4 44 20.27 14.54 1 16.35 15 16.65 15.90 -.15 +5.8 CIT Grp N CIT .60 1.5 40 44.10 28.33 2002 41.36 9313 42.43 39.48 -.81 -3.1 CM Finan Q CMFN 1.00m 10.0 6 10.50 7.75 24 10.05 98 10.20 9.80 +.15 +8.1 CME Grp Q CME 2.64f 2.2 29 127.60 89.00 1427 119.88 9378 124.93 118.79 -4.71 +3.9 CMS Eng N CMS 1.33f 2.9 27 46.25 38.78 1779 45.28 9751 45.55 44.14 +.57 +8.8 CNA Fn N CNA 1.00a 2.3 14 44.88 29.38 81 43.39 598 44.41 43.19 -1.18 +4.6 CNBFnPA Q CCNE .66 2.7 17 28.43 17.05 112 24.28 331 24.71 22.55 -.21 -9.2 CNH Indl N CNHI .12 1.2 9.91 6.03 902 9.69 5696 9.80 9.43 -.05 +11.5 CNO Fincl N CNO .32 1.6 14 21.70 14.30 790 20.20 8511 20.92 19.83 -.39 +5.5 CNOOC N CEO 4.77e 4.0 138.36 109.30 217 119.68 891 121.00 114.54 +2.17 -3.5 CNX Coal n N CNXC .51 22.30 6.70 34 15.00 207 16.05 14.60 -.70 -17.8 COPsync wt Q COYNW .70 .03 6 .09 110 .14 .05 -.01 -23.4 COPsync nh Q COYN 2.66 .30 156 .33 1918 .43 .33 -.03 -59.2 CPFL Eng N CPL .40t 16.75 9.70 148 16.51 1688 16.67 16.30 +.09 +7.2 CPI Aero N CVU 10 10.15 4.35 41 6.65 183 7.28 6.35 -28.1 CPI Card n Q PMTS .18 48 9.25 3.25 137 4.35 769 4.55 4.15 -.10 +4.8 CPS Tech Q CPSH 30 2.39 1.07 27 1.50 256 1.68 1.33 +.10 -19.8 CRA Intl Q CRAI .56 1.6 23 40.00 18.44 26 34.35 179 36.03 33.63 -1.78 -6.1 CRH Med N CRHM 8.70 2.80 111 8.40 1110 8.70 7.76 -.10 +60.0 CRH N CRH .74e 2.1 36.83 25.82 588 35.08 3181 35.80 34.52 +.02 +2.0 CRISPR n Q CRSP 25.00 11.63 48 17.88 246 21.45 17.80 -2.87 -11.7 CSG Sys Q CSGS .79f 2.1 18 51.34 36.33 265 37.15 1258 38.85 36.58 -1.68 -23.2 CSI Comp Q CCLP 1.51 16.7 13.54 5.17 92 9.03 611 10.16 8.87 -.57 -7.2 CsopChiA50 N AFTY 2.38p 14.28 12.12 13.76 16 13.82 13.58 +.04 +6.3 CSP Inc Q CSPI .44 4.2 20 11.95 5.81 4 10.45 37 11.10 10.36 -.48 -1.2 CSRA n N CSRA .40 1.4 25 33.54 21.95 1169 29.43 4736 29.58 28.46 +.17 -7.6 CSS Inds N CSS .80 3.2 22 29.50 23.16 33 24.95 163 24.97 23.56 +.39 -7.8 CST Brnds N CST .19j 37 48.50 36.02 355 48.25 1864 48.27 48.07 +.02 +.2 CSW Ind n Q CSWI 40 41.85 29.25 30 35.45 164 36.65 34.85 -1.10 -3.8 CSX Q CSX .72 1.6 26 50.31 24.36 5557 46.32 44739 47.20 45.41 -.56 +28.9 CTI BioP rs Q CTIC 6.48 3.07 187 4.30 542 4.65 4.15 +.10 +5.4 CTI Inds Q CTIB 7.60 4.95 1 5.95 11 5.95 5.60 +.34 +1.7 CTS N CTS .16 .7 33 24.80 14.99 70 21.95 374 22.60 21.10 -.65 -2.0 CU Bncp Q CUNB 26 40.30 20.35 40 38.20 187 40.00 37.40 -1.80 +6.7 CUI Glbl Q CUI 8.54 4.01 42 4.44 322 5.29 4.36 -.56 -35.9 CVB Fncl Q CVBF .48 2.3 23 24.63 15.25 507 21.30 2526 23.72 20.80 -2.46 -7.1 CVD Eqp Q CVV 10.94 6.25 22 9.98 111 10.68 9.42 -.70 +15.0 CVR Engy N CVI 2.00 10.4 19 26.57 12.03 504 19.18 2815 21.01 19.16 -.98 -24.5 CVR Ptrs N UAN .71e 15.2 9.75 4.05 200 4.67 1659 4.99 4.62 +.17 -22.3 CVR Rfng N CVRR 3.12e 34.3 35 13.25 5.50 191 9.10 2644 10.50 9.10 -1.15 -12.5 CVS Health N CVS 2.00f 2.5 13 106.67 69.30 3781 78.49 30018 79.11 77.92 -.39 -.5 CYS Invest N CYS 1.00 13.0 8 9.21 7.42 1475 7.68 10321 8.02 7.65 -.06 -.6 CYSInv pfA N CYSpA 1.94 7.8 25.65 22.79 9 24.85 25 25.19 24.68 +.02 +4.6 CYSInv pfB N CYSpB 1.88 7.9 24.72 21.85 18 23.65 103 23.70 23.47 +.18 +4.2 CabGS flt34 N GYB .83 3.8 23.30 19.37 2 22.00 9 22.11 21.96 +.05 +6.3 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 4 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
CabcoJCP97 N PFH 1.91 11.1 21.20 16.40 9 17.23 56 17.55 16.74 -13.3sCabAT&T34 N GYC .83 3.6 26.05 20.03 1 23.01 26 26.05 22.63 +.63 +9.8 Cabelas N CAB 17 63.60 45.00 252 46.35 1597 47.45 45.97 -1.05 -20.8 CableOne n N CABO 6.00 .9 39 649.79 430.21 16 637.44 125 647.00 634.31 -7.66 +2.5 Cabot N CBT 1.20 2.1 17 60.72 42.27 282 58.26 1453 60.30 57.69 -1.91 +15.3sCabotMicro Q CCMP .80f 1.1 29 75.05 38.37 154 73.32 761 75.05 71.23 +.01 +16.1 CabotO&G N COG .08 .3 26.74 20.02 7961 23.18 28375 23.69 22.04 +.83 -.8stCachetFin n Q CAFN 4.40 4.34 10 4.40 40 4.40 4.30 CACI N CACI 19 135.35 87.31 105 121.00 529 127.95 120.35 -6.15 -2.7sCadence Q CDNS 33 32.19 22.63 1285 31.61 6462 32.19 30.35 -.25 +25.3 Cadiz h Q CDZI 15.50 4.03 167 14.75 627 14.95 14.25 +.30 +18.0 CaesarStne Q CSTE .57e 16 43.50 26.35 958 35.45 1537 36.25 32.50 +1.80 +23.7 CaesarAcq Q CACQ 3 15.80 5.19 129 14.55 765 15.35 14.50 -.45 +7.8 CaesarsEnt Q CZR 10.84 5.39 1384 9.20 4423 9.68 9.10 -.25 +8.2 CafePress Q PRSS 3.95 2.80 12 3.19 80 3.29 3.08 +.07 +8.5 Cal-Maine Q CALM 2.49e 6.7 55.16 35.65 492 37.35 2280 39.70 36.90 -1.15 -15.4 Caladriu rs Q CLBS 8.68 2.65 93 4.40 864 5.73 4.28 -1.33 +55.5 CalaCvHi Q CHY 1.20 10.8 11.50 9.91 108 11.16 953 11.32 11.00 -.10 +5.8 CalaCvOp Q CHI 1.14 10.6 11.36 9.21 117 10.76 1363 10.92 10.57 -.10 +6.6 CalaCv&Inc Q CCD 2.00 10.5 19.70 16.75 66 19.01 375 19.25 18.66 -.12 +8.4 CalaGDyIn Q CHW .84 10.9 7.82 6.56 145 7.72 1060 7.75 7.63 -.01 +10.8sCalaGTR Q CGO 1.20 10.0 12.35 10.34 24 12.00 247 12.35 11.77 +.24 +14.0 CalaStrTR Q CSQ .99 9.0 11.25 9.26 278 10.96 1509 11.15 10.86 -.15 +6.7 CalAmp Q CAMP 55 19.67 12.13 251 16.44 1581 17.66 16.40 -.91 +13.4 CalAtlantic N CAA .16 .4 11 40.94 30.18 531 36.75 3912 37.89 35.81 -.72 +8.1 CalavoGr h Q CVGW .90f 1.5 28 71.48 48.75 248 58.70 1099 59.65 57.05 +.40 -4.4 Caleres N CAL .28 1.1 13 36.61 21.27 456 26.65 3564 27.52 25.23 -1.30 -18.8 Calgon N CCC .20 1.5 36 18.80 12.70 378 13.45 1544 14.55 13.30 -.95 -20.9 CalFirst Q CFNB .46f 3.0 17 16.45 12.87 3 15.50 14 15.75 15.50 -.15 -1.0 CalifRes rs N CRC 25.50 8.79 2255 12.97 10570 14.64 12.61 -1.76 -39.1 CalifWtr N CWT .72f 2.1 33 37.60 25.68 134 35.05 773 35.50 34.50 +.30 +3.4 Calithera Q CALA 14.90 2.20 1062 10.40 9061 12.80 9.65 -2.00 +220.0 Calix N CALX 8.20 6.15 107 7.04 619 7.15 6.85 -.16 -8.6 CallGolf N ELY .04 .4 6 12.56 8.78 789 11.17 4830 11.60 11.10 -.07 +1.9 Callidus Q CALD 21.44 14.48 398 20.90 1882 20.95 19.80 +.05 +24.4 CallonPet N CPE 54 18.53 8.05 3795 11.87 22782 12.33 11.43 +.01 -22.8 Callon pfA N CPEpA 5.00 9.6 53.97 44.25 4 52.31 21 52.79 52.09 -.14 -.7 Calpine N CPN 23 16.07 10.39 2515 10.80 14473 10.97 10.53 -.08 -5.5 CalumetSp Q CLMT .69j 14.00 2.79 376 3.80 1319 3.90 3.60 -5.0tCambrE rs N CEI 7.98 .46 212 .47 1218 .60 .46 -.14 -62.1 CambLrn Q ABCD 1.36 26.9 23 5.86 3.96 20 5.06 242 5.25 4.90 -.02 +1.4 Cambrex N CBM 21 62.50 38.30 206 50.45 1444 51.60 50.03 -.85 -6.5 CambriaYld N SYLD 1.42e 1.9 35.00 26.75 4 33.50 45 34.26 33.31 -.82 +3.0 CambFgnY N FYLD 1.85e 6.5 22.67 18.45 10 22.48 26 22.65 22.36 -.19 +7.3sCambGblV N GVAL .54e 2.4 22.51 17.06 26 22.22 168 22.51 21.92 -.08 +10.0 CamGblMo N GMOM .53e 2.2 24.69 22.25 18 24.42 44 24.62 24.25 -.13 +5.3sCambGlAss N GAA .55e 2.2 25.47 23.43 4 25.42 11 25.47 25.23 +.05 +3.9 CambrEmS N EYLD 32.28 24.83 1 30.02 8 30.54 29.70 -.01 +13.3 CamDhan n N JUNE 28.00 22.78 1 26.40 5 26.92 26.36 -.47 -.4 CamValMom N VAMO 24.64 22.09 2 23.19 12 23.64 23.00 -.44 -3.9 CamdnN s Q CAC .92f 2.2 17 45.43 26.80 22 41.66 201 43.86 40.70 -2.16 -6.3 CamdenPT N CPT 3.00 3.7 33 90.91 75.36 374 81.87 1891 82.57 80.37 -.09 -2.6 Cameco g N CCJ .40 13.50 7.41 1755 10.89 10157 11.15 10.55 -.17 +4.0 CampSp N CPB 1.40 2.4 19 67.89 52.59 1403 57.44 9583 59.34 56.54 -1.76 -5.0 CampWrl n N CWH .08p 36.60 20.45 121 31.08 1847 34.06 30.03 -2.96 -4.6 Camtek h Q CAMT 4.10 1.80 47 3.84 345 4.06 3.71 -.20 +16.7 Can-Fite N CANF 3.59 1.74 25 1.89 169 1.98 1.84 -.08 -20.6tCdaGoose n N GOOS 18.40 15.75 674 15.64 6951 17.32 15.63 -1.59 -2.7 CIBC g N CM 4.84 10 92.22 72.02 478 86.68 2979 88.85 85.71 -.54 +6.2 CdnNR gs N CNI 1.18 73.28 55.73 488 72.31 5819 73.00 71.02 +.15 +7.3 CdnNRs gs N CNQ .82 35.28 25.08 3798 32.02 13933 32.74 31.45 -.72 +.4 CP Rwy g N CP 1.64 157.34 119.50 735 145.53 3346 147.65 143.20 -1.65 +1.9 CdnSolar Q CSIQ 7 20.60 10.25 3141 11.15 15014 13.76 11.09 -2.59 -8.5sCancerGen Q CGIX 3.65 1.10 1850 3.90 6384 3.95 2.60 +.95 +188.9sCanon N CAJ 31.39 27.18 251 31.29 1229 31.39 31.07 +.12 +11.2 CantelMed N CMD .12f .2 49 88.81 64.52 165 75.91 720 79.34 74.47 -2.61 -3.6 CantbryPk Q CPHC .35e 10 11.21 9.80 0 10.40 7 10.54 10.20 +.15 +3.5 CpStarFn n Q CSTR 22.35 15.50 16 18.86 109 19.62 18.55 -.67 -14.1 CapellaEd Q CPLA 1.64 2.0 23 90.40 48.80 51 82.20 344 83.10 79.30 -.05 -6.4 CapBkFin Q CBF .48 1.1 28 45.00 27.71 252 42.40 2215 44.28 41.15 -1.65 +8.0 CapCtyBk Q CCBG .20 1.0 30 23.15 13.16 20 20.43 98 20.86 19.22 -.06 -.2 CapOne N COF 1.60 1.9 12 96.92 58.03 1897 83.80 15062 88.23 82.15 -4.43 -3.9 CapOne wt N COF/WS 54.80 18.84 13 41.70 36 47.65 40.41 -4.80 -7.7 CapOne pfC N COFpC 1.56 6.0 27.89 24.64 29 25.82 184 25.98 25.67 -.10 +2.8 CapOne pfD N COFpD 1.68 6.1 29.33 25.33 62 27.42 231 27.49 27.27 -.02 +5.6 CapOne pfF N COFpF 1.55 6.0 28.26 24.43 34 26.04 175 26.13 25.71 +.20 +3.9 CapOne pfB N COFpP 1.50 5.9 26.58 24.00 48 25.29 312 25.40 25.24 -.12 +3.2 CpOne pf H N COFpH 25.81 24.05 103 25.53 346 25.59 25.33 +.15 +2.5 CapOne pfG N COFpG 25.89 21.02 99 22.80 671 22.86 22.50 +.21 +5.1 CapProd Q CPLP .32f 9.5 10 4.05 2.41 248 3.36 2147 3.43 3.22 +5.7 CapSenL N CSU 20.85 12.65 321 13.31 1753 13.95 13.09 -.66 -17.1 CapSwst Q CSWC .53e 3.3 77 16.86 13.49 17 16.20 320 16.45 15.30 +.94 +.3 CapitalaF Q CPTA 1.56 11.0 25 15.80 11.36 85 14.15 515 14.60 14.00 -.09 +9.4 Capitala 21 N CLA 1.78 7.0 26.11 24.26 6 25.28 19 25.45 25.26 -.07 -1.0sCapAcIII n Q CLAC 10.30 9.62 1656 10.40 10754 10.45 10.10 +.40 +4.5sCapAcIII wt Q CLACW 1.50 .30 328 1.40 3345 1.50 1.30 +.40 +60.9sCapAcIII un Q CLACU 11.05 9.73 8 11.10 684 11.10 10.65 +.53 +7.8 CapFedFn Q CFFN .34a 2.4 24 17.04 12.70 643 14.39 3718 14.95 14.32 -.57 -12.6 Capnia Q CAPN 1.57 .55 5 .71 159 .78 .68 +.01 -13.0 Capnia wt Q CAPNW .52 .02 3 .12 9 .12 .09 +.02 +50.0 Capricor Q CAPR 5.40 2.12 531 3.37 869 3.64 3.00 +.07 +26.7 CapsteadM N CMO .84m 8.1 14 10.96 8.93 523 10.42 2828 10.57 10.36 -.06 +2.3 Capstd pfE N CMOpE 1.88 7.6 25.85 23.61 30 24.86 85 25.00 24.60 +.22 +3.4 CpstnTur rs Q CPST 2.70 .66 96 .76 1009 .82 .73 +11.8 CaraThera Q CARA 19.44 4.35 1114 16.76 7352 17.35 15.23 +1.49 +80.4 CarboCer N CRR 17.07 5.66 367 11.90 2311 12.35 11.05 -.13 +13.8 Carbonite Q CARB 21.50 7.30 127 19.30 1038 20.49 19.25 -.95 +17.7 CardCon hn Q CCN 14.65 8.14 49 13.50 248 13.75 13.35 -.10 +6.3 CardFnc Q CFNL .52 1.8 18 34.75 18.99 91 28.79 598 31.05 28.07 -2.50 -12.2 CardnlHlth N CAH 1.80 2.2 16 87.85 62.70 1662 81.23 6781 83.18 80.83 -1.88 +12.9 Crdiom grs Q CRME 6.36 2.35 31 3.04 123 3.13 2.98 -.06 +10.1 CardiovSys Q CSII 29.70 9.26 203 28.10 1200 28.18 25.63 +.78 +16.1 Cardtronic Q CATM 15 56.00 34.55 229 45.46 1229 47.36 44.62 -1.70 -16.7 CareCPrp n N CCP 2.28 9.0 31.56 22.70 393 25.38 2533 25.51 24.71 +.41 +1.5sCareTrust Q CTRE .74f 4.6 26 16.00 11.46 451 15.98 1951 16.07 15.57 +.10 +4.3 N CRCM 49 12.30 5.78 156 11.67 847 12.17 11.43 -.25 +36.2tCareDx Q CDNA 6.08 1.38 98 1.60 364 1.65 1.38 +.05 -40.7 CareerEd Q CECO .30f 3.5 10.53 4.26 301 8.66 1862 8.78 8.28 +.29 -14.2 Carlisle N CSL 1.40f 1.3 18 116.40 97.13 322 106.48 1660 108.50 105.88 -1.94 -3.5 CarlyleGp Q CG 1.55e 9.9 17.97 14.35 329 15.65 2301 16.15 15.50 -.40 +2.6 CarMax N KMX 19 69.11 45.06 1367 59.60 11949 62.01 58.81 -2.09 -7.4sCarnival N CCL 1.40 2.4 17 58.95 42.94 4498 58.60 19587 59.12 57.09 +.96 +12.6sCarnUK N CUK 1.20 2.1 57.76 43.45 322 57.49 1668 57.96 56.03 +.89 +12.3 CaroFin s Q CARO .16f .6 22 31.50 16.01 25 28.66 162 30.47 28.14 -1.64 -6.9 CarolTrBk Q CART 30 12.00 5.60 1 8.10 3 8.41 8.00 -.05 +26.6 CarpTech N CRS .72 2.0 34 45.34 28.74 157 36.14 1507 38.44 36.03 -2.13 -.1 CarrSrv N CSV .20 .7 19 29.11 20.57 117 26.82 456 27.44 26.41 -.24 -6.4 Carrizo Q CRZO 43.96 26.50 850 26.90 7197 28.76 26.50 -1.53 -28.0 CarrolsRst Q TAST 14 17.55 9.60 172 13.85 1170 14.65 13.75 -.75 -9.2 Carters N CRI 1.32 1.5 18 112.58 77.94 736 89.68 3391 91.71 87.37 -1.48 +3.8 Cartesian h Q CRTN 2.24 .50 41 1.07 144 1.18 1.05 -.09 +18.0 CarverBc lf Q CARV 33 5.99 2.87 5 3.29 28 3.81 3.21 -.34 +2.0 CascdeBcp Q CACB 32 8.52 5.27 288 7.67 552 8.01 7.40 -.36 -5.5 CascTher rs Q CASC 10.98 3.49 147 4.08 1030 4.10 3.51 +.11 -5.3sCasellaW Q CWST 13.91 6.31 343 13.76 2332 14.00 12.25 +.99 +10.9 Caseys Q CASY .96 .9 24 136.22 105.17 446 110.38 3012 112.27 109.71 -1.53 -7.2 CassInfo Q CASS .92 1.5 29 74.83 45.05 10 62.98 116 65.96 61.96 -2.71 -14.4 CastleBr N ROX 1.45 .65 915 1.21 4928 1.24 1.13 +59.2 CastlightH N CSLT 5.50 2.98 80 3.20 815 3.40 3.10 -.05 -35.4 Catabasis n Q CATB 7.89 1.08 1289 1.47 5114 1.61 1.30 -.08 -59.3 Catalent N CTLT 33 32.24 20.94 318 28.03 2071 28.96 27.70 -.70 +4.0tCatalstB rs Q CBIO 50.70 4.61 71 5.20 152 5.80 4.61 +.09 -46.7sCatalystPh Q CPRX 1.81 .51 862 1.70 9044 1.81 1.51 +.16 +61.9 CatchMTim N CTT .54f 4.8 12.58 10.05 128 11.19 1012 11.28 10.63 +.30 -.6 Caterpillar N CAT 3.08 3.3 28 99.46 69.04 3461 92.15 25307 95.48 91.56 -.76 -.6 CathayGen Q CATY .84 2.3 17 40.83 26.27 339 36.59 2439 39.23 35.91 -2.81 -3.8tCatoCp N CATO 1.32 6.2 8 39.37 20.43 320 21.43 1782 22.00 20.43 -.49 -28.8 CavcoInd Q CVCO 35 121.70 85.56 40 115.85 232 118.70 114.00 -.90 +16.0sCavium Q CAVM 73.01 35.90 678 71.20 3403 73.01 69.13 -.80 +14.0 CecoEnv Q CECE .26 2.5 14.88 5.60 106 10.41 770 10.67 10.06 +.08 -25.4 CedarF N FUN 3.42f 5.0 22 69.81 56.17 61 68.10 401 68.36 67.33 +.01 +6.1tCedarRlty N CDR .20 4.0 14 8.08 4.91 267 5.03 2611 5.30 4.91 -.25 -23.0 CedarR pfB N CDRpB 1.81 7.4 27.25 23.81 0 24.43 55 24.66 24.15 -.20 +.3 CelSci wt N CVM/WS .23 .01 197 .02 308 .03 .02 -.00 +26.3 Cel-Sci N CVM .60 .06 1255 .08 13222 .10 .08 -.01 +25.4 Celadon N CGI .08 1.2 34 12.03 4.85 440 6.80 2733 7.60 6.50 -.75 -4.9 Celanese N CE 1.44 1.6 14 93.05 60.59 697 89.47 4103 92.28 88.53 -2.47 +13.6 Celestic g N CLS 10 14.54 8.83 333 14.32 1718 14.44 13.69 +.49 +20.8 Celgene Q CELG 32 127.64 94.42 2734 123.38 16814 127.15 122.17 -2.39 +6.6 Celgene rt Q CELGZ 1.61 .99 20 1.09 38 1.11 1.07 +.05 +5.8 Cellcom N CEL 27 11.19 5.70 6 10.20 85 10.77 10.03 -.24 +28.6 CelldexTh Q CLDX 5.13 2.85 1273 3.33 10113 3.45 3.05 -.09 -5.9 CellectBio n Q APOP 8.78 2.30 6 6.26 95 6.43 5.82 -.09 +102.7 CellectB wt Q APOPW 1.45 .25 1 1.05 49 1.39 .85 -.07 +101.9 Cellct wt rs Q CLRBW 1.48 .12 1 .34 4 .34 .24 +.03 +88.9 Celct wtA Q CLRBZ 1.88 .25 19 .80 62 .92 .80 -.10 +90.5 Cellectar rs Q CLRB 5.10 1.00 414 2.33 2107 2.59 2.11 -.02 +91.0 Cellectis n Q CLLS 34.99 16.09 90 22.99 645 24.65 22.74 -.92 +35.6 CallularBio Q CBMG 20.98 10.05 19 11.35 97 11.85 10.70 +.15 -13.4 Celsion Q CLSN 1.78 .19 967 .27 8164 .31 .26 +.00 -10.2 Celyad n Q CYAD 59.50 16.31 0 22.07 3 23.39 21.18 -.38 +24.3sCementos N CPAC .28e 2.5 11.40 6.85 41 11.40 124 11.40 10.60 +.72 +23.8 Cemex N CX .29t 9.51 5.49 10921 8.87 43833 9.25 8.69 -.27 +10.5 Cemig pf N CIG .14e 4.3 3.84 1.40 3720 3.24 45017 3.74 2.86 -.46 +42.1 Cemig N CIG/C .14e 3.8 4.75 1.43 1 3.72 11 4.12 3.49 -.30 +47.0 Cempra Q CEMP 26.95 2.55 463 4.10 6224 4.25 3.80 +.25 +46.4 Cemtrx wt Q CETXW 1.73 .25 .64 30 .70 .52 -.01 -57.0 Cemtrex rs Q CETX .02p 6 8.41 1.84 433 3.31 2072 3.45 2.81 +.14 -55.1 Cemtrx pf Q CETXP .19p 10.03 3.13 17 5.96 60 6.80 5.66 -.38 -40.4 Cencosud N CNCO .36e 3.8 10.13 7.20 58 9.55 305 9.61 8.76 +.29 +13.7 CenovusE N CVE .20 16.82 11.66 1836 12.61 11584 12.83 12.21 +.25 -16.7 Centene s N CNC 16 75.57 50.00 4026 68.73 13011 69.47 65.03 +.14 +21.6 CntRsDvA Q CDEV 20.97 9.65 1809 17.17 11310 19.00 16.59 -1.46 -12.9 CnResDv wt Q CDEVW 9.12 .45 35 6.48 133 7.15 6.32 -.50 -23.2 CC MLPInf N CEN 1.25 10.3 13.72 8.93 58 12.18 401 12.38 11.89 -.08 +1.9 CenterPnt N CNP 1.07 3.8 22 28.18 20.46 2054 27.87 18885 28.09 27.42 +.19 +13.1sCntrStBks Q CSFL .24f 1.0 29 26.94 14.15 336 24.91 2205 26.94 24.04 -1.57 -1.0 CentElBr B N EBR/B 8.91 6.88 18 7.40 401 7.56 7.02 +.15 -6.1tCentElecBr N EBR 7.70 5.91 55 6.07 431 6.44 5.91 +.09 -11.5 CEurMed Q CETV 3.15 2.03 101 3.00 691 3.15 2.90 +17.6 CnEurRusT N CEE .49e 2.3 21.70 17.48 5 21.13 51 21.19 20.43 +.34 +2.7 CentrlFedl Q CFBK 3.64 1.22 10 2.16 104 2.20 2.06 -.03 +23.2 CFCda g N CEF .01 .1 14.88 11.22 284 12.89 2299 12.90 12.58 +.30 +14.2 CentGard lf Q CENT 30 37.80 14.28 60 36.33 319 37.67 35.50 -1.34 +9.8 CenGrdA lf Q CENTA 35.35 14.43 160 33.87 734 35.17 33.10 -1.26 +9.6 CenPacFn N CPF .64 2.2 19 33.12 20.15 95 29.40 734 31.54 28.45 -2.24 -6.4 CentSecur N CET 1.78e .8 23.79 18.75 17 23.57 82 23.76 23.37 -.10 +8.2 CntlVyCm Q CVCY .24 1.3 14 22.44 10.78 14 19.20 225 19.94 18.42 -.30 -3.8 CentrueF n Q CFCB 27 26.52 16.24 73 25.20 92 25.82 24.66 -.79 +18.3 CentrusEn N LEU 9.46 2.53 21 5.58 165 6.09 5.36 -.42 -12.5 CentAl Q CENX 16.53 5.53 1609 11.80 9726 12.67 11.74 -.31 +37.9 CntyBcMA Q CNBKA .48 .8 14 64.87 38.60 4 59.70 18 63.00 59.10 -3.00 -.5 CentCas Q CNTY 21 8.27 5.34 17 7.54 136 7.77 7.30 -.14 -8.4 CentCmtys N CCS 11 25.55 15.69 108 24.85 851 25.55 24.05 -.50 +18.3 CntryLink N CTL 2.16 9.5 9 33.45 22.37 5657 22.76 40490 23.75 22.58 -.89 -4.3 Cenveo rs N CVO 7 10.50 2.80 12 4.90 175 5.50 4.87 -.60 -29.9 CeragonN Q CRNT 4.23 1.11 302 3.44 1346 3.60 3.41 -.10 +31.3tCerecor n Q CERC 5.60 .66 139 .71 834 .78 .66 -.08 -19.3 Cerecor wtA Q CERCW 2.15 .01 0 .10 10 .10 .05 +.01 -38.1 Cerecor wtB Q CERCZ 1.10 .01 1 .09 47 .09 .07 +.01 +157.1 Cerner Q CERN 30 67.50 47.01 3756 57.77 14947 58.13 56.17 +1.16 +22.0 Cerulean h Q CERU 4.33 .63 4629 .73 49957 1.45 .67 -2.60 +2.4 CerusCp Q CERS 7.64 3.79 358 4.10 2988 4.32 4.00 -.11 -5.7sCervecer N CCU .30e 1.2 25.19 19.31 313 24.80 1411 25.19 24.32 +.33 +18.2 CescaTh rs Q KOOL 7.39 1.85 39 3.07 284 3.29 2.93 +.01 -11.0 Chaisma n Q CHMA 13.38 1.55 29 1.60 230 1.73 1.60 -.05 -17.9 ChampOn rs Q CSBR 4.79 1.11 12 3.16 123 3.26 2.93 +.16 +24.9 Changyou Q CYOU 10 31.47 17.43 118 28.89 731 31.39 28.08 -2.41 +36.1 ChannAdv N ECOM 15.91 10.20 148 10.85 678 11.20 10.55 -.20 -24.4 Chantic wt Q HOTRW .57 .01 25 .08 174 .08 .06 +.01 +207.7 Chanticler h Q HOTR .90 .31 140 .36 537 .40 .33 -.04 -14.3 CharlsColv Q CTHR 1.39 .83 1 .98 150 1.02 .96 +.02 -10.9 ChRvLab N CRL 21 91.57 67.20 237 88.11 1466 90.15 87.68 -1.89 +15.6 ChartInds Q GTLS 35 40.87 19.79 165 33.06 974 35.57 32.76 -2.56 -8.2 ChartCm n Q CHTR 21 341.50 214.06 1404 325.35 4763 327.74 318.93 -.46 +13.0 CharterFn Q CHFN .24f 1.3 22 20.10 12.36 53 18.36 297 19.14 17.48 -.61 +10.1 ChaseCorp N CCF .70f .7 25 98.30 48.88 14 93.40 89 97.55 91.31 -4.50 +11.8 ChathLTr N CLDT 1.32 6.9 16 24.80 16.45 173 19.23 1187 19.90 19.02 -.61 -6.4sChkPoint Q CHKP 24 103.93 74.34 1146 103.38 5823 104.35 100.68 +1.96 +22.4 CheckCap n Q CHEK 3.42 .97 60 2.17 182 2.23 2.08 -7.7 Cheesecake Q CAKE .96 1.6 23 64.41 46.93 496 61.11 2982 63.31 60.69 -2.09 +2.1 CheetahM N CMCM 17.23 8.77 875 11.50 9692 13.79 11.00 -1.57 +20.3 ChefsWhs Q CHEF 20.79 10.31 278 13.95 1007 14.35 13.30 -.25 -11.7 Chegg N CHGG 8.57 4.10 311 8.14 2352 8.35 7.91 -.06 +10.3 Chembio Q CEMI 9.40 5.05 9 5.50 44 5.50 5.30 -19.1sChemed N CHE 1.04 .6 26 187.97 124.78 74 186.36 387 187.97 183.23 +.25 +16.2 ChemFinl Q CHFC 1.08 2.2 19 55.55 34.29 242 49.63 2087 53.97 48.62 -4.37 -8.4 ChemoCntx Q CCXI 9.10 1.92 173 7.40 730 7.84 7.00 -.28 Chemours n N CC .12 .4 35.79 5.82 1682 34.15 9122 35.00 32.31 -.60 +54.6 Chemtura N CHMT 33.35 24.62 207 33.20 1210 33.33 33.20 -.10 ChemungF Q CHMG 1.04 2.8 18 39.50 26.05 4 37.12 34 37.85 36.76 -.26 +2.1 CheniereEn N LNG 50.53 31.02 1447 45.00 7721 45.75 43.20 -.63 +8.6 ChenEnLP N CQP 1.70 5.3 33.33 25.87 214 31.90 663 32.59 30.50 +1.09 +10.7 ChenEnHld N CQH .08 .3 24.70 16.26 48 24.03 276 24.39 23.34 -.22 +7.4tCherokee Q CHKE .20 2.6 15 18.25 7.15 32 7.55 108 7.95 7.15 -.20 -28.1 CherHMtg N CHMI 1.96 11.8 5 19.14 14.01 3013 16.56 4324 19.05 16.40 -2.57 -9.0 ChesEng N CHK 8.20 3.53 30527 5.22 151363 5.30 4.95 -.07 -25.6 ChesEn pfD N CHKpD 4.50 7.5 68.00 16.41 8 59.94 26 60.99 58.80 +.42 +29.3 ChesGranW N CHKR .29e 11.4 2 3.85 1.81 134 2.55 418 2.75 2.40 -.09 +8.5 ChespkLdg N CHSP 1.60 6.8 16 27.08 20.81 290 23.45 1667 24.27 22.91 -.83 -9.3 ChspkL pfA N CHSPpA 1.94 7.6 27.50 25.10 9 25.67 31 25.69 25.55 -.02 +1.1 ChespkUtil N CPK 1.22 1.8 24 70.70 56.56 49 68.75 212 70.00 67.65 -.80 +2.7 Chevron N CVX 4.32f 4.0 119.00 92.43 5969 107.99 32241 108.86 107.02 +.31 -8.2 ChicB&I N CBI .28 1.0 41.33 26.12 1409 28.83 8577 29.90 28.48 -.93 -9.2 ChiRivet N CVR .80 2.0 23 49.34 23.66 0 40.40 5 42.25 40.27 -1.35 -2.9 Chicos N CHS .33f 2.3 20 16.85 9.86 1563 14.07 11176 14.29 13.29 -.18 -2.2 ChildPlace Q PLCE 1.60f 1.4 22 121.15 66.92 301 118.50 2165 120.20 113.10 +.05 +17.4sChimera rs N CIM 2.00 10.0 8 20.25 13.18 1529 20.07 8426 20.25 19.81 +.24 +17.9 Chimer pfA N CIMpA 2.00 8.0 26.00 23.45 26 25.15 131 25.27 24.90 +.12 +.5sChimer pfB N CIMpB 2.00 8.0 25.10 24.41 209 25.12 1313 25.17 24.96 +.09 +.8sChimerix Q CMRX 6.64 3.50 273 6.46 2188 6.64 5.89 +.31 +40.4 ChAdvCns Q CADC 5.68 1.50 36 2.65 209 3.00 2.55 +.05 +21.2 ChinAutLog Q CALI 4.40 .99 10 1.54 68 1.64 1.53 -.04 -55.1 ChinaAuto Q CAAS 7 7.96 3.10 15 5.10 259 5.68 5.05 -.33 -4.9 ChinaBio Q CBPO 24 137.39 96.99 45 99.51 530 101.98 98.17 -1.30 -7.4 ChinCer rs Q CCCL 6.07 2.00 17 2.18 127 2.28 2.09 -4.4 ChiCmCr h Q CCCR 3.20 .30 10 1.02 83 1.14 1.01 -.03 -7.3 ChiCBlood N CO 13 6.56 4.27 109 6.21 669 6.33 5.06 +.59 +1.5 ChiCustR n Q CCRC 22.00 5.54 114 13.92 609 14.26 12.81 +.59 -19.1 ChinaDigtl N STV 1.73 1.11 131 1.27 347 1.36 1.25 -.09 -13.0 ChinaDEd N DL .45e 10 15.46 8.97 15 10.21 214 10.29 9.96 +.10 -8.7 ChinaEAir N CEA 31.59 21.38 11 30.72 114 30.90 29.66 +.88 +37.4 ChiFnOnl Q JRJC 5 6.05 3.01 25 3.06 112 3.16 3.01 -15.5sChinaFd N CHN .47e 2.8 16.95 13.53 8 16.82 129 16.95 16.65 +.13 +11.8 ChinaGreen N CGA .10e 7.8 2 1.68 1.18 102 1.29 257 1.29 1.23 +.03 +7.5 ChinaHGS Q HGSH 2 3.63 1.45 2 1.62 97 1.68 1.53 -.02 -15.2 ChinInfoT h Q CNIT 1.78 .57 14 .70 68 .73 .67 +.01 -2.9 ChinaJJ h Q CJJD 2.29 1.47 10 1.78 29 1.80 1.73 +4.7 ChinLend h Q CLDC .28e 10.25 4.13 13 6.42 39 6.81 6.16 -.15 +.3sChinaLife s N LFC .32e 2.0 16.27 10.07 383 15.61 2437 16.27 15.48 -.43 +21.3sChinaLodg Q HTHT .68p 43 63.87 31.71 103 64.04 952 64.32 60.01 +4.06 +23.5 ChinaMble N CHL 1.87e 3.3 63.89 51.73 1221 56.00 4939 58.83 55.85 -.33 +6.8 ChinaNRes Q CHNR 5.73 1.20 22 2.13 107 2.30 1.95 +.15 -14.1 ChiNBorun N BORN 1 1.77 .97 7 1.13 75 1.15 1.09 +.02 -15.7 ChOnlEd n N COE 25.24 12.45 29 16.75 426 19.48 15.80 -2.08 +7.7 ChinaPet N SNP 3.18e 4.0 81.64 60.67 80 79.19 496 79.72 76.98 +2.53 +11.5 ChinaPhH N CPHI .35 .15 41 .27 411 .28 .22 +.02 +2.7 ChiRecy rs Q CREG 4.00 1.41 5 1.51 52 1.70 1.50 -.09 +1.3sChinaSoAir N ZNH .67e 1.9 36.29 25.60 47 35.13 97 36.95 33.88 +1.30 +36.6 ChnaTcF rs Q CNTF 4.44 1.45 2 1.86 30 2.06 1.81 -.24 +.5 ChinaTel N CHA 1.28e 2.6 55.85 42.29 29 48.53 150 49.45 47.92 -.50 +5.2sChinaUni N CHU .32e 2.4 13.26 9.89 284 13.44 1415 13.52 12.99 +.33 +16.4 ChXDPlas Q CXDC 3 5.88 2.80 12 4.75 135 5.05 4.70 -.20 +18.8 ChiXFash N XNY 3.65 .81 1 1.51 8 1.55 1.47 +.02 +15.3 ChinaYuch N CYD .85e 4.8 7 18.98 9.09 158 17.55 748 18.88 17.00 -1.33 +27.1 ChinZenix N ZX 1.95 .73 3 1.59 146 1.75 1.42 -.14 +32.6 ChiCache Q CCIH 10.48 1.56 22 1.76 350 1.86 1.60 +.12 -31.3 ChinaNt rs Q CNET 2.40 .97 16 1.08 40 1.16 1.06 -.06 +8.0 ChipMOS Q IMOS 1.31e 7.7 27 20.40 13.94 291 16.94 1603 17.12 16.56 +.04 +20.1 Chipotle N CMG 480.62 352.96 458 414.02 3950 418.67 394.19 +11.44 +9.7 ChoiceHtls N CHH .86f 1.4 27 64.00 43.61 147 62.55 901 63.50 61.30 -.65 +11.6 ChrisBnk N CBK 3.02 1.13 300 1.37 1376 1.41 1.26 +.09 -41.5 ChromaDx n Q CDXC 6.18 2.25 116 2.59 741 2.81 2.52 -.23 -21.8 ChubbLtd N CB 2.76e 2.0 13 140.55 116.65 907 136.06 6360 137.96 135.54 -2.04 +3.0 ChungTel N CHT 1.57e 4.6 38.47 31.28 174 34.29 1070 34.93 34.22 +.09 +8.7 ChurchDwt s N CHD .76f 1.5 53.68 42.56 1318 50.22 7300 50.73 50.01 +.12 +13.6 ChrchllD Q CHDN 1.32 .9 24 157.15 118.76 28 154.55 239 156.95 151.70 -2.10 +2.7 ChuysHldg Q CHUY 28 37.78 25.87 89 28.80 413 28.90 27.65 +.30 -11.2 CIBER N CBR 2.36 .22 2362 .33 9316 .52 .26 -.14 -47.2 CideraTh n Q CDTX 15.91 6.65 42 7.25 530 7.65 6.90 +.10 -30.3 CienaCorp N CIEN 30 26.84 15.62 1852 23.61 12484 24.38 23.18 -.17 -3.3 Cigna N CI .04 18 154.83 115.03 2094 145.82 7446 153.02 144.97 -6.07 +9.3 Cimarex N XEC .32 .3 146.96 93.00 704 116.65 3877 120.99 116.32 -4.27 -14.2 Cimpress Q CMPR 91 104.18 79.15 89 82.85 647 85.47 80.76 -2.03 -9.6 CincB pfB N CBBpB 3.38 6.8 51.47 47.33 2 49.96 14 49.96 49.01 +.13 +2.1 CinciBell rs N CBB 9 25.65 17.33 306 18.50 1612 19.35 18.25 -.60 -17.2 CinnFin Q CINF 2.00f 2.8 20 79.60 63.87 499 71.88 2233 74.96 71.66 -2.80 -5.1 Cinedigm rs Q CIDM 3.00 .90 71 1.35 321 1.44 1.28 -.01 -6.3sCinemark N CNK 1.08 2.5 20 44.84 32.60 778 43.26 5448 44.84 43.00 -1.18 +12.8 CinerRes N CINR 2.27 7.9 14 39.10 24.81 25 28.78 190 29.03 27.07 +1.55 -.8sCintas Q CTAS 1.05f .8 27 128.85 85.86 675 125.13 4967 128.85 122.74 +.26 +8.3 Circor N CIR .15 .3 54 72.96 45.11 72 56.28 392 59.68 55.95 -2.62 -13.3 Cirrus Q CRUS 16 64.16 31.00 1190 60.06 5801 60.79 57.63 +1.63 +6.2 Cisco Q CSCO 1.16 3.4 17 34.53 25.81 17685 34.08 87409 34.47 33.78 -.15 +12.8 CitiTrends Q CTRN .24 1.4 19 22.73 14.01 125 17.19 414 19.01 17.08 -1.45 -8.8 Citigp pfN N CpN 1.97 7.4 26.75 25.71 119 26.63 504 26.66 26.45 -.02 +3.1tCgpVelLCrd N UWT 29.68 15.90 2737 16.93 20327 18.37 15.90 -1.34 -38.8sCgpVelICrd N DWT 33.56 20.37 1240 31.59 8679 33.56 29.23 +2.21 +43.9 Citigroup N C .64 1.1 12 62.53 38.31 12681 58.07 103947 60.38 56.90 -2.30 -2.3 Citigp wtA N C/WS/A .20 .02 65 .14 1725 .17 .14 -.02 -4.6 Citigrp pfC N CpC 1.45 5.7 26.61 23.90 19 25.61 108 25.65 25.40 +.17 +3.2 Citigp pfJ N CpJ 1.78 6.2 30.44 26.79 36 28.85 315 28.89 28.66 +.10 +3.1 Citigp pfK N CpK 1.72 6.1 30.10 26.14 153 28.38 633 28.60 28.34 -.14 +3.8 Citigrp pfP N CpP 2.03 7.5 29.20 26.15 5 27.15 42 27.63 27.00 -.35 -1.4 Citigrp pfS N CpS 1.58 6.1 27.63 24.81 67 25.98 413 26.09 25.72 +.12 +2.7 Citigrp pfL N CpL 1.72 6.3 28.32 25.61 30 27.18 100 27.26 26.86 +.12 +3.8 Citiz&Nthn Q CZNC 1.04 4.6 17 26.57 19.40 16 22.83 111 23.98 22.36 -.94 -12.9sCtzCmtyBc Q CZWI .16f 1.2 20 14.05 8.80 11 13.85 275 14.05 13.00 +.88 +11.4 CitizFincl N CFG .40 1.2 18 39.75 18.34 4818 34.51 30097 36.65 33.45 -2.11 -3.1 CitizFst Q CZFC .08e 13 20.57 13.76 18.50 5 19.51 18.31 -1.00 +2.8 CitizHold Q CIZN .96 4.2 17 26.61 20.76 23.10 8 23.33 22.75 -.15 -10.6 CitizInc N CIA 11.93 6.40 115 7.35 681 8.32 6.76 -.68 -25.2 CitrixSy s Q CTXS 21 87.99 60.15 1455 83.14 9829 84.75 81.33 +.42 +16.9 CtyHld Q CHCO 1.72 2.8 16 69.09 42.98 42 62.18 261 66.08 59.69 -3.75 -8.0 CityOffce g N CIO .94 7.9 18 13.93 11.01 146 11.94 802 12.10 11.58 -.05 -9.3 CityOff pfA N CIOpA 1.66 6.8 25.50 21.52 8 24.50 27 24.68 24.09 +.28 +7.5 Civeo N CVEO 3.73 1.00 422 2.68 4177 2.84 2.63 -.05 +21.8 CivistaBcsh Q CIVB .24 1.1 17 23.75 10.20 87 21.31 451 23.34 19.83 -1.68 +9.7 CivitasSolu N CIVI 70 23.20 15.87 41 17.55 255 17.95 16.80 +.30 -11.8 ClayEng N CWEI 149.86 6.35 74 128.02 443 130.64 127.50 -1.28 +7.3 CleanDsl rs Q CDTI 5.21 1.50 21 2.68 154 2.89 2.51 -.17 +24.7 CleanEngy Q CLNE 4.80 2.38 687 2.42 5310 2.65 2.40 -.05 -15.4 CleanHarb N CLH 59.17 43.03 206 54.39 1519 57.47 54.26 -3.09 -2.3tCleantch rs Q CLNT 34 7.32 2.31 26 2.75 918 3.45 2.31 -.01 +4.2 ClearChan N CCO 7.31 4.06 67 6.01 285 6.05 5.60 +.41 +19.0 ClrBrEnTR N CTR 1.35e 10.2 14.15 9.28 81 13.21 798 13.24 12.87 +.17 +3.4 ClearOne Q CLRO .20 1.9 42 12.60 9.51 4 10.55 24 10.75 10.50 -.15 -7.5 ClrbrgMLP N CBA .80m 8.4 10.54 6.37 162 9.53 751 9.65 9.30 +.02 +3.8 ClearEnFd N CEM 1.76f 10.8 17.96 12.46 116 16.29 778 16.48 15.75 -.18 +4.7 ClrbEOpFd N EMO 1.47e 11.2 14.29 10.18 58 13.16 571 13.24 12.77 +.01 +.4 Clearfield Q CLFD 41 21.60 14.93 22 16.70 169 17.65 16.60 -.65 -19.3 ClearsBio n Q CLSD 25.08 5.44 117 7.06 944 7.38 6.71 +.13 -21.0 ClearSign Q CLIR 6.24 3.00 83 3.75 545 4.06 3.60 +.20 +10.3 ClearS wt Q CLIRW 5.00 .65 1.75 30 1.76 1.47 +.05 +84.2 ClearwPpr N CLW 23 69.75 46.66 94 55.60 401 56.80 54.30 +.10 -15.2 CleBio hrs Q CBLI 3.31 1.22 12 1.52 145 1.67 1.46 -.08 +7.0 CliffsNRs N CLF 8 12.37 2.62 11347 8.14 76766 9.35 8.08 -1.13 -3.2 CliftonBcp Q CSBK .24 1.5 79 17.49 14.11 62 15.85 351 16.15 15.40 -.28 -6.3 ClipRlty n N CLPR 14.24 13.25 27 13.50 215 13.55 13.31 +.25 Clorox N CLX 3.20 2.3 28 140.47 111.24 622 137.81 3097 138.25 136.53 +.27 +14.8 CloudPeak N CLD 8.04 1.64 1424 4.21 7598 4.29 3.83 +.27 -25.0 CloughGA N GLV 1.44 11.1 13.34 10.95 23 13.00 103 13.07 12.78 +8.0 CloughGEq N GLQ 1.38 11.4 12.29 10.16 78 12.09 334 12.24 11.99 -.15 +8.6 ClghGlbOp N GLO 1.20 11.9 10.18 8.65 49 10.06 662 10.14 9.99 -.02 +12.4 ClovisOnc Q CLVS 74.94 11.57 1312 70.32 8855 71.87 64.34 -1.00 +58.3 ClubCorp N MYCC .52 3.3 17.60 10.80 737 16.00 3278 16.37 15.80 -.35 +11.5 CoBizFncl Q COBZ .20 1.2 19 17.99 10.79 94 16.03 572 17.33 15.66 -1.33 -5.1 CoStar Q CSGP 224.79 174.49 228 207.74 1256 207.97 200.59 +2.65 +10.2 Coach N COH 1.35 3.5 24 43.71 34.07 2041 39.09 11775 39.81 37.92 -.65 +11.6 CoastwayB Q CWAY 47 17.50 12.10 17 17.50 60 17.50 17.30 +11.8tCobaltIEn N CIE 3.50 .35 7528 .42 57476 .49 .35 -.01 -66.0 CCFemsa N KOF 1.81e 2.5 87.58 59.44 128 73.31 622 73.61 70.50 +2.70 +15.4sCocaBtl Q COKE 1.00 .5 26 200.58 119.80 32 197.28 298 200.58 192.64 +3.25 +10.3 CocaCola N KO 1.48f 3.5 26 47.13 39.88 13002 42.12 64775 42.70 41.91 +.09 +1.6 CocaCEur n N CCE .89e 41.29 30.55 2046 37.69 9179 37.89 35.77 +1.62 +20.0 Codexis Q CDXS 5.29 2.93 145 4.60 506 4.75 4.40 +.05 CdrsVlly Q CVLY .54b 2.1 16 29.34 18.82 7 26.00 49 27.10 25.85 -.98 -9.1 Coeur N CDE 25 16.41 5.21 2202 7.86 15735 8.07 7.71 -.09 -13.5 CoffeeH Q JVA 6.15 3.50 53 4.63 133 4.81 4.52 -.07 -.4 CogentC Q CCOI 1.60f 3.8 44.40 34.23 240 42.40 1458 43.70 41.65 +.25 +2.5 Cogentix h Q CGNT 2.99 .71 5 1.85 209 2.02 1.79 -.14 -8.0 Cogint Q COGT 6.30 2.90 2556 4.30 3501 4.40 3.35 +.40 +24.6sCognex Q CGNX .30 .4 47 81.41 35.15 460 80.40 3258 81.41 77.34 -.35 +26.4 CognizTch Q CTSH 22 63.23 45.44 2934 58.62 19787 59.51 58.37 +.06 +4.6 CohSClosed N FOF 1.04 8.6 12.71 10.51 42 12.15 342 12.38 12.11 -.11 +3.8 CohStGlbI N INB 1.12 12.4 9.35 7.91 57 9.02 346 9.20 8.98 -.09 +5.7 Cohen&Str N CNS 1.12f 3.0 20 43.83 33.16 151 37.56 652 38.15 36.98 +.13 +11.8 CohStInfra N UTF 1.60 7.5 22.14 19.01 165 21.20 896 21.25 20.91 +.13 +9.5 C&SLtDP&I N LDP 1.87 7.4 26.05 22.40 55 25.34 315 25.82 25.18 -.13 +3.3 C&SIncEgy N MIE 1.32 12.1 11.96 7.53 59 10.90 540 11.07 10.66 -.07 +.1 CohStQIR N RQI .96 7.9 14.73 11.11 215 12.22 1142 12.50 12.12 -.01 +.1 CohStRE N RNP 1.48 7.7 21.69 17.91 82 19.23 481 19.34 18.96 +.18 +.6 CohStSelPf N PSF 2.06a 7.8 28.50 24.82 26 26.52 186 27.06 26.48 -.11 +1.4 CohenStTR N RFI .96a 7.7 14.26 11.63 86 12.40 508 12.45 12.15 +.13 +2.5sCoherent Q COHR 42 200.53 81.00 343 197.96 1612 201.81 184.37 +5.02 +44.1 CoherusBio Q CHRS 31.98 14.00 306 21.55 2165 23.95 21.30 -1.70 -23.4 Cohu Q COHU .24 1.4 42 17.83 10.01 981 17.24 1802 17.64 16.53 -.46 +24.0 Colfax N CFX 28 41.99 24.63 546 37.41 1983 39.53 37.35 -2.17 +4.1 ColgPalm N CL 1.60f 2.2 26 75.38 63.43 2546 73.67 14650 74.44 73.35 -.29 +12.6 CllctUnv Q CLCT 1.40 5.7 23 25.60 15.06 17 24.77 120 25.33 23.55 -.22 +16.7 Collegium n Q COLL 20.55 8.24 987 11.31 2398 15.75 11.02 -4.07 -27.4 Colliers Q CIGI .10 .2 24 52.70 32.93 46 47.65 244 49.00 46.45 +29.7 ColonyBk Q CBAN .03p 16 14.55 8.80 1 13.65 5 14.05 13.60 -.40 +3.4tColNrthS n N CLNS 14.97 12.80 1676 13.02 10978 13.18 12.80 -.08 -9.8 ColNrth pfA N CLNSpA 2.19 8.6 25.79 25.05 9 25.41 29 25.49 25.36 +.05 -1.1 ColNrth pfB N CLNSpB 2.06 8.1 25.58 24.95 4 25.29 36 25.40 25.16 +.03 -.3 ColNrth pfC N CLNSpC 2.22 8.7 25.99 24.00 3 25.64 44 25.70 25.40 +.02 -.5 ColNrth pfD N CLNSpD 2.13 8.2 26.59 25.18 6 25.93 23 25.95 25.43 -.01 +.4 ColNrth pfE N CLNSpE 2.19 8.4 26.73 25.02 10 26.12 57 26.37 26.04 -.07 +.1 ColNrth pfF N CLNSpF 2.13 8.3 25.72 24.93 16 25.59 121 25.72 25.42 +.08 +1.1 ColNrth pfG N CLNSpG 1.88 7.5 25.99 24.15 7 25.00 24 25.95 24.90 +.01 -2.0sColNrth pfH N CLNSpH 1.78 7.2 25.18 23.75 15 24.86 58 25.18 24.70 -.12 +2.1 ColonyStar N SFR .88 2.6 23 34.51 24.14 821 33.48 5067 34.09 33.42 -.45 +16.2 ColBnkg Q COLB .88f 2.3 22 45.68 26.17 410 37.72 2091 40.03 36.38 -2.58 -15.6sCol SusInt n N ESGN 27.51 24.51 27.51 35 27.51 27.36 +.44 +7.3 Col Bey N BBRC .27e 1.5 16.79 14.47 8 16.24 55 16.31 16.02 +.06 +9.4sColEmxChi N XCEM 25.47 20.00 25.30 4 25.47 25.25 +.05 +11.9 ColQualDv N HILO .99e 7.1 14.05 11.94 5 13.93 8 13.93 13.81 +.14 +10.3 ColEMStOp N EMDD .28e 1.5 20.24 16.51 0 18.90 15 19.09 18.90 +.03 +12.0 Col EMCns N ECON .30e 1.2 25.96 21.08 159 25.13 1550 25.54 24.77 -.03 +13.5sCol IndiaC N INCO .03p 38.32 29.74 26 37.79 84 38.32 37.50 +.06 +16.7 Col IndiaInf N INXX .04e .3 12.92 9.90 21 12.73 157 12.90 12.59 -.03 +20.5sCol IndSC N SCIN .08e .4 18.18 12.91 9 18.13 58 18.20 16.90 +.19 +28.7 ColumbPT N CXP .80m 3.6 21 24.63 20.16 511 21.95 2390 22.16 21.57 -.15 +1.6 ColSelTec N STK .58a 2.8 20.86 15.32 49 20.38 297 20.79 20.35 -.37 +8.8 ColuSprtw Q COLM .72 1.2 21 63.55 51.70 244 57.86 1711 58.11 56.36 +.50 -.8 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 5 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
Colmbus Q CMCO .16 .7 30 29.23 13.80 51 24.29 450 25.58 23.13 -1.06 -10.2 CmbMtx wt Q CBMXW 1.35 .09 4 .99 5 1.02 .86 +.07 +130.2 CombMt rs Q CBMX 5.20 2.15 221 4.85 648 5.15 4.11 +.40 +83.0 Comcast s Q CMCSA .63f 1.7 21 38.44 29.34 17391 37.38 70009 37.75 36.81 -.08 +8.3 Comcst 61 N CCV 1.25 4.9 27.72 24.30 12 25.56 89 25.76 25.56 -.08 +1.9 Comerica N CMA .92f 1.4 25 75.00 36.27 1437 67.23 9834 71.55 64.76 -4.13 -1.3 Comeric wt N CMA/WS 45.50 10.75 0 37.94 3 41.92 36.01 -3.88 -2.1 ComfrtS N FIX .28 .8 22 39.67 26.05 102 34.95 547 36.40 34.60 -1.45 +5.0sCommScpe Q COMM 36 40.69 25.91 1974 41.22 9932 41.56 39.67 +1.58 +10.8 ComndSec N MOC 5.73 2.15 3 2.57 8 2.58 2.50 -.04 -6.7 CmcBMO Q CBSH .90b 1.6 20 60.61 40.93 306 54.98 1919 58.23 53.91 -3.26 -4.9 CmcBc pfB Q CBSHP 1.50 5.9 29.85 24.72 11 25.57 63 25.95 25.45 +.07 +.5 CmceUnB Q CUBN .22p 22 22.99 14.57 4 21.38 22 21.74 21.20 -.37 -.6 ComHub A Q CHUBA 17.23 11.92 44 15.34 259 16.40 15.32 -1.14 +2.2 ComHub C Q CHUBK 17.37 11.90 103 15.35 531 16.28 15.30 -.97 +2.1 CmclMtls N CMC .48 2.7 42 24.64 14.58 3050 18.10 19523 20.41 18.03 -.96 -16.9 CmclVehcl Q CVGI 33 6.50 2.14 54 5.69 471 5.99 5.55 +.01 +2.9 CommSys Q JCS .16 3.7 7.79 3.41 20 4.32 56 4.91 4.32 -.43 -6.7 CmtyBkSy N CBU 1.28 2.4 23 63.04 36.61 359 53.36 1804 57.70 52.02 -4.71 -13.6 CmtyBkTr Q ESXB 18 8.50 4.72 22 8.10 164 8.40 7.90 -.35 +11.7sCmtyFinCp Q TCFC .40 1.2 26 34.00 20.03 2 34.50 8 34.90 32.93 +.52 +19.4 CmtyHlt N CYH 17.59 4.15 6728 9.54 22542 9.65 8.02 +.20 +70.7 CmtyHlt rt Q CYHHZ .02 .00 64 .01 1259 .01 .01 -.00 +60.0 CmtyHcT n N CHCT 1.55f 6.7 26 24.94 17.70 27 22.98 210 23.25 22.48 -.17 -.2 CmtyTrBc Q CTBI 1.28 2.9 16 51.35 32.99 26 44.30 253 46.85 43.40 -2.75 -10.7 CmtyWest Q CWBC .14 1.4 16 10.65 6.79 4 10.00 22 10.15 9.55 -.20 +8.2 CommVlt Q CVLT 57.55 38.77 166 49.10 1380 51.35 48.70 -1.70 -4.5sCBD-Pao N CBD .38e 1.9 19.81 11.00 1710 19.63 4250 20.10 18.20 +1.27 +18.6 CompDivHd N CODI 1.44 8.8 27 19.50 14.50 183 16.40 759 16.80 16.05 -.10 -8.4tCompssMn N CMP 2.88f 4.4 18 84.40 66.45 309 65.95 2302 69.30 65.65 -3.00 -15.8 Compugn Q CGEN 7.57 4.20 53 4.35 524 4.40 4.20 -14.7 CmptrPr Q CPSI 1.00e 3.7 47 54.09 18.25 93 26.70 610 29.00 26.60 -.50 +13.1 CompSci s N CSC .56 .8 33 71.79 31.83 1356 67.84 8316 69.04 63.94 +1.26 +14.2 CmpTask Q CTG .24 4.0 15 6.33 3.87 44 6.02 343 6.29 5.73 +.38 +43.0 Compx N CIX .20 1.5 15 16.70 9.70 2 13.00 17 13.56 12.57 -.20 -19.3 CmstkH rs Q CHCI 3.36 1.50 12 2.11 65 2.17 2.07 -.07 +17.2 ComstkMn N LODE .50 .19 66 .25 604 .26 .24 -6.8 ComstkRs rs N CRK 13.43 2.64 661 8.89 2326 9.04 7.94 +.60 -9.7 Comtech Q CMTL .40 2.7 12 24.95 9.52 257 14.55 1271 15.25 14.38 -.36 +22.8 ConAgra N CAG .80 2.0 21 41.68 33.08 3467 40.47 21139 41.42 40.23 -.95 +2.3 ConatusPh Q CNAT 6.30 1.45 555 4.82 1502 5.09 4.32 +.13 -8.5sConcertPh Q CNCE 19.11 7.11 338 17.40 2298 19.11 16.27 +.76 +69.0 ConchoRes N CXO 147.55 95.87 936 125.18 6422 131.37 124.72 -5.29 -5.6 ConcdMed N CCM .99e 48 5.00 3.51 27 4.75 133 4.87 4.70 -.03 +3.4tConcrdInt g Q CXRX .30 18.7 1 34.52 1.54 679 1.61 3527 1.91 1.54 -.29 -24.3tConcurCptr Q CCUR .48 9.8 6.66 4.75 9 4.90 70 4.94 4.75 +.01 -8.4 CondHos rs Q CDOR .27e 2.6 20.41 9.62 851 10.30 899 13.44 10.27 -3.66 -22.3 Conduent n N CNDT 17.44 13.10 1296 15.81 11117 16.34 15.63 +.07 +6.1 ConeMidst N CNNX 1.09f 5.2 13 25.56 11.47 75 21.00 941 22.36 20.34 -1.31 -10.8 Conformis n Q CFMS 13.83 4.35 183 4.86 1520 5.15 4.59 -.24 -40.0 ConiferH n Q CNFR 9.02 6.02 0 7.25 10 7.35 7.15 -.10 -11.0 Conmed Q CNMD .80 1.9 23 50.16 37.60 96 42.65 492 43.08 41.82 -.29 -3.4 Conns Q CONN 17.53 6.54 276 8.30 1793 8.70 8.00 -.35 -34.4 ConnectOne Q CNOB .30 1.3 15 26.65 15.09 78 23.00 745 24.35 22.10 -1.40 -11.4 ConnWtrSv Q CTWS 1.13 2.1 25 59.26 42.18 24 52.85 129 54.24 52.55 -1.26 -5.4 Connecture Q CNXR 3.24 1.15 118 1.24 575 1.49 1.15 -.13 -26.2 ConocoPhil N COP 1.06f 2.4 53.17 38.19 8664 44.10 37857 46.17 43.97 -1.59 -12.0 ConsolEngy N CNX .04 .3 22.34 10.38 3941 15.71 17393 16.05 14.90 +.61 -13.8 ConsolCom Q CNSL 1.55 6.7 30.23 21.85 257 23.24 1710 24.52 22.51 -1.15 -13.4 ConEd N ED 2.76f 3.5 20 81.88 68.76 1105 78.41 6975 78.68 75.94 +1.73 +6.4 CnsTom N CTO .08 .2 18 56.49 44.48 11 51.92 43 52.49 50.29 -.93 -2.8 ConsolWtr Q CWCO .30 2.7 50 14.69 9.80 108 11.00 372 11.15 10.50 +.40 +1.4 ConstellA N STZ 1.60 1.0 25 173.55 144.00 1138 164.06 6275 165.88 161.32 +2.31 +7.0 Constellm N CSTM 8.85 4.02 1112 6.20 7554 6.75 5.35 +.10 +5.1 ConsuPtf Q CPSS 5 6.05 3.31 233 4.68 673 5.09 4.37 -.36 -8.6 ContainStr N TCS 10 8.34 3.75 149 3.95 846 4.14 3.82 -.19 -37.8 Contango N MCF 14.14 5.62 164 6.92 1201 7.09 5.86 +1.00 -25.9 ContlBldg N CBPX 24 26.53 17.92 142 25.55 1053 26.25 25.25 -.60 +10.6 ContMatls N CUO 31 30.90 11.52 0 26.60 5 27.00 26.44 -.25 +11.1 ContlRescs N CLR 60.30 27.46 2341 42.51 15559 45.46 42.11 -2.33 -17.5 ContraFect Q CFRX 4.12 1.35 9 2.00 95 2.10 1.90 -.10 +14.3 ContraVir Q CTRV 2.65 .81 436 1.61 8616 1.85 1.50 +.16 +34.2 Control4 Q CTRL 21 16.02 7.01 325 15.27 1405 15.57 14.55 +.04 +49.7tCnvrgys N CVG .36 1.8 11 30.92 20.25 614 20.46 4531 21.25 20.25 -.60 -16.7sCooperCo N COO .06 25 202.70 147.77 333 199.80 2345 202.70 194.01 +4.66 +14.2 CooperTire N CTB .42 1.0 9 44.13 29.29 461 43.40 3341 43.45 42.40 +.40 +11.7 CooperStd N CPS 10 118.59 70.01 76 109.43 505 116.80 109.15 -6.55 +5.9sCopaHold N CPA 2.04 1.9 22 112.00 48.57 266 109.14 1327 112.00 106.10 -1.59 +20.2sCopart Q CPRT 18 62.17 39.86 327 61.32 2611 62.17 60.54 -.17 +10.7 Copel N ELP .88e 8.3 10 11.94 6.43 595 10.57 2010 11.10 10.25 -.56 +24.6 CorbusPhm Q CRBP 10.78 1.75 1458 9.10 8605 10.50 8.50 -.50 +7.7 Corcept Q CORT 11.40 4.09 576 10.12 4023 10.53 9.76 +.22 +39.4 CoreLabs N CLB 2.20 2.0 59 135.49 96.30 208 109.00 1266 110.81 107.65 -1.75 -9.2 CoreMold N CMT 10 19.63 10.65 21 16.59 72 16.75 15.80 +.10 -3.0 CoreMrk s Q CORE .36f 1.2 26 50.00 30.17 233 30.84 1439 33.95 30.52 -3.12 -28.4 Corecivic N CXW 1.68m 5.3 15 35.33 12.99 769 31.75 4286 33.09 31.32 -1.30 +29.8 CoreLogic N CLGX 19 43.43 32.86 239 39.16 1500 40.07 38.93 -.84 +6.3 CorEn pfA N CORRpA 1.84 7.2 26.55 18.75 9 25.48 26 25.49 25.07 +.40 +3.5 CorEnInf rs N CORR 3.00 9.2 15 37.00 16.80 51 32.78 544 34.34 32.32 -1.24 -6.0 CoreSite N COR 3.20 3.6 47 91.91 64.81 221 88.87 1415 90.25 87.04 -.21 +12.0 CoreSR pfA N CORpA 1.81 7.0 27.30 25.05 5 26.00 193 26.00 25.80 +.06 +2.7 Corindus n N CVRS 1.80 .40 425 1.20 3897 1.47 1.15 -.21 +71.9 Corium Q CORI 8.33 2.67 77 3.60 283 3.94 3.50 -.10 -11.4 CorMedix N CRMD 4.54 1.35 100 1.70 950 1.91 1.54 -.10 +11.1 CorOnDem Q CSOD 47.75 30.31 391 38.91 2511 40.28 37.41 -1.43 -8.0 CrnstTotR N CRF 3.35 20.9 17.65 13.79 77 16.01 539 16.08 15.83 +.06 +6.2 CrnrstnStr N CLM 3.40 21.3 18.48 13.75 150 15.98 1047 16.07 15.78 -.03 +5.3 Corning N GLW .62f 2.3 17 28.36 18.21 4369 27.41 26200 27.68 26.79 +.17 +12.9tCpBT JCP N JBN 1.75 11.4 19.79 15.14 13 15.32 46 15.80 14.76 -.32 -13.9 CorpOffP N OFC 1.10 3.3 18 34.25 24.92 636 33.47 4048 34.25 33.46 -.62 +7.2 CorpOf pfL N OFCpL 1.84 7.2 26.77 24.85 0 25.61 155 25.70 25.51 +.01 +1.4 Cort1Aon27 N KTN 2.05 6.3 34.99 30.50 1 32.65 6 32.96 32.25 -.10 +1.9 CortsJCP97 N KTP 1.91 11.1 21.99 16.40 22 17.25 151 17.44 16.64 +.03 -17.2tCortsJCP N JBR 1.75 11.4 19.98 14.68 3 15.33 16 15.96 14.62 -.44 -13.9 CortsPE N KTH 2.00 6.2 37.17 29.91 32.17 3 32.17 31.41 -.02 +1.6 Corvel Q CRVL 28 53.19 31.00 33 40.65 189 41.85 39.80 -.40 +11.1sCorvusPh n Q CRVS 21.02 9.63 37 20.90 220 21.05 19.01 +.40 +46.2 Cosan Ltd N CZZ .26e 3.2 9.50 4.43 572 8.24 4465 8.52 7.93 -.18 +9.7 Costamre N CMRE .40 6.2 11.00 5.07 790 6.41 5275 7.00 5.81 -.56 +14.5 Costam pfB N CMREpB 1.91 8.9 23.20 16.90 7 21.50 19 21.75 20.76 -.44 +5.9sCostmr pfC N CMREpC 2.13 9.2 22.84 17.02 18 23.03 74 23.20 22.37 +.44 +6.3sCostam pfD N CMREpD 2.19 9.3 23.42 17.74 39 23.56 69 23.85 22.90 +.64 +6.1 Costco Q COST 1.80 1.1 31 178.71 138.57 1374 166.02 8181 168.80 165.66 -1.79 +3.7 Cotiviti n N COTV 41.38 17.00 842 39.95 2274 40.19 38.44 +1.00 +16.1 Cott Cp N COT .24 2.0 55 17.38 10.10 995 12.10 5381 12.32 11.90 -.04 +6.8 Coty N COTY .50 2.7 31.60 17.94 3276 18.47 21132 19.46 18.24 -.96 +.9 CountrP rs Q CPAH 2.80 1.81 0 2.34 6 2.34 2.10 -.00 -6.0 Cntwd pfB N CFCpB 1.75 6.8 26.50 25.30 31 25.76 178 25.79 25.63 -.01 +1.2 CountyBcp Q ICBK .24f .8 18 35.89 18.95 7 28.44 42 34.40 27.93 -4.46 +5.5tCoupaSft n Q COUP 41.61 22.50 247 23.88 1764 24.22 22.50 -.08 -4.5 CousPrp N CUZ .24 2.9 11 8.82 6.86 4963 8.16 25016 8.27 8.02 -.03 -4.1 CovantaH N CVA 1.00 6.6 17.22 13.45 718 15.20 4963 15.80 15.10 -.45 -2.6 Covenant Q CVTI 20 25.77 14.26 54 17.89 319 19.31 17.41 -1.46 -7.5 Covisint h Q COVS 2.48 1.50 111 2.00 249 2.05 1.85 +.05 +5.3 Cowen 21 Q COWNL 2.06 7.8 29.13 25.01 1 26.49 10 26.49 26.01 -.01 +3.0 CowenGp rs Q COWN 16.75 10.92 333 13.20 2965 13.95 12.45 -.55 -14.8 CrackerB Q CBRL 4.60 2.9 25 175.04 130.15 184 156.49 1370 163.35 155.25 -6.44 -6.3 CraftBrew Q BREW 22.40 7.50 98 13.10 916 14.60 12.35 -1.55 -22.5 Crane N CR 1.32 1.8 17 78.94 51.35 320 72.38 1176 75.42 72.06 -2.79 +.4 CrwfdA N CRD/A .28 3.6 55 10.50 5.28 17 7.74 173 8.25 7.56 -.43 -18.3 CrwfdB N CRD/B .20 2.1 67 14.37 5.63 15 9.42 165 10.15 9.32 -.70 -25.0 Cray Inc Q CRAY 92 43.40 16.10 380 21.05 1657 21.20 19.85 +.25 +1.7 Credicp N BAP 2.19e 1.3 173.80 121.38 368 164.21 2153 166.82 158.64 +.21 +4.0 CreditAcc Q CACC 14 221.10 160.63 262 189.42 2999 203.14 183.01 -13.32 -12.9sCS EnEur50 N FIEU 107.65 73.67 1 105.90 5 107.65 104.69 -.40 +16.4tCSVixMd rs Q TVIZ 74.25 22.63 9 23.82 48 24.58 22.63 +.63 -36.6tCSVixSh rs Q TVIX 1420.00 33.57 7922 39.56 30152 43.20 33.57 +4.21 -58.4tCSVixST rs Q VIIX 136.90 26.03 270 28.30 1668 29.54 26.03 +1.58 -34.3 CSVInvN rs N DGAZ 120.90 13.50 4157 21.86 27776 24.67 21.61 -3.78 CS FILgCG N FLGE 164.54 113.12 28 159.79 67 164.49 159.30 -3.86 +15.1 CSSilvCC Q SLVO 1.41e 15.8 10.91 8.07 29 8.93 131 8.94 8.75 +.20 +9.0 CSGoldCvC Q GLDI 1.26e 13.3 10.96 8.78 16 9.47 113 9.53 9.35 +.12 +5.9 CSVS3xInSlv Q DSLV 51.54 16.93 120 22.59 659 24.23 22.50 -1.51 -29.6 CSVS3xInG Q DGLD 69.37 39.17 21 50.22 308 52.31 49.71 -2.42 -22.2 CS VS3xGld Q UGLD 15.06 7.79 544 10.44 2455 10.55 10.02 +.49 +24.9tCSVSVixMT Q VIIZ 16.37 9.46 1 9.70 37 9.84 9.46 +.14 -19.9sCSVelIVST Q XIV 75.41 20.21 16408 69.16 71329 75.41 66.16 -4.42 +47.9sCSVIVxMT Q ZIV 59.11 35.79 42 57.58 359 59.11 56.55 -.85 +23.7 CS LgShLiq N CSLS 27.90 25.14 4 27.34 7 27.75 27.22 +.03 +1.6 CrSuisInco N CIK .26 8.1 3.46 2.75 50 3.27 484 3.33 3.26 -.03 +3.5 CSVLgNG rs N UGAZ 54.89 13.66 5125 20.04 31801 20.34 18.12 +2.58 -56.6 CS MAsHi N MLTI 1.30e 29.58 25.84 0 28.70 12 29.30 28.52 -.06 +3.3 CS VSSilv Q USLV 29.09 10.84 1105 15.17 5177 15.26 14.18 +.92 +32.7 CredSuiss N CS 1.21e 8.2 16.17 10.01 4401 14.67 37567 15.59 14.39 -.78 +2.5 CrSuiHiY N DHY .29 10.7 2.85 2.17 245 2.70 1330 2.74 2.67 +.03 +1.1 Cree Inc Q CREE 31.64 20.75 814 27.13 3895 27.40 25.82 +.30 +2.8 CrescPtE g N CPG .28 2.6 18.95 10.23 593 10.80 3678 10.95 10.38 +.06 -20.5 CrestEq rs N CEQP 2.40e 9.5 28.30 9.58 52 25.20 871 25.65 24.55 -.25 -1.4 Cresud Q CRESY 20.29 9.57 35 19.62 338 19.75 19.13 +.24 +24.4sCriteo SA Q CRTO 52.50 32.83 300 51.55 2649 52.50 48.76 +1.48 +25.5 Crocs Q CROX 12.54 6.26 396 6.66 3238 6.87 6.41 -.14 -2.9 CrossAmer N CAPL 2.45f 9.9 59 27.94 22.29 31 24.63 129 24.90 24.10 +.02 -2.2 CrssCtryHl Q CCRN 16.38 10.54 133 13.55 766 14.87 13.49 -1.28 -13.2tCrosTim N CRT 1.07e 7.5 13 20.59 14.10 21 14.16 94 14.94 14.10 -.79 -21.2 CrossrdCap Q XRDC .60 26.3 2.73 1.47 9 2.28 27 2.35 2.21 -.02 +7.0 CrossrdS rs Q CRDS 11.80 2.60 1 2.74 27 2.99 2.67 -.12 -35.7 CrwnCstle N CCI 3.80 4.1 28 102.82 79.38 2114 93.68 14092 93.95 89.78 +3.88 +8.0 CrownCfts Q CRWS .32a 4.0 13 10.24 7.05 20 8.10 76 8.10 7.65 +.20 +4.5 CrownHold N CCK 13 57.49 47.73 1265 52.54 4130 54.39 52.23 -1.37 -.1 Cryolife N CRY .12 .7 38 20.15 10.30 184 17.15 671 17.15 16.25 +.25 -10.4 CryoPrt wt Q CYRXW 1.45 .34 10 .92 10 .95 .92 -.08 -7.1 CryoPort rs Q CYRX 4.07 1.48 25 3.53 175 3.70 3.35 -.05 +9.0 CrystalRk N CRVP .95 .63 35 .77 52 .84 .77 -5.5 s Q CTRP 83 50.37 37.36 3920 49.18 22216 50.16 47.59 +.12 +23.0 CubeSmart N CUBE 1.08 4.1 38 33.52 23.65 1252 26.50 5718 26.91 26.19 +.11 -1.0sCubic N CUB .27 .5 55.65 37.24 179 52.65 800 55.65 52.35 -2.60 +9.8 CullenFr N CFR 2.16f 2.5 18 96.62 51.43 702 85.52 2937 91.23 83.18 -6.12 -3.1 CullnF pfA N CFRpA 1.34 5.4 27.86 24.24 4 24.91 18 25.15 24.91 -.14 +1.0 Culp Inc N CFI .32f 1.0 16 37.80 24.35 48 31.15 197 32.00 30.40 -.80 -16.2 CumbldPh Q CPIX 6.73 4.25 7 6.39 61 6.60 6.08 -.06 +16.2 Cummins N CMI 4.10 2.7 18 155.51 104.30 912 150.77 4496 155.22 150.14 -3.74 +10.3tCumMed rs Q CMLS 4.78 .32 316 .34 989 .51 .32 -.14 -66.6 Curis Q CRIS 3.72 1.42 1127 2.96 2646 3.02 2.69 -.01 -3.9 CurEuro N FXE 112.90 100.46 461 104.65 2741 104.95 103.99 +.50 +2.3 CurAstla N FXA 1.02 1.3 78.30 71.64 3 76.28 105 77.50 76.20 -.80 +5.7 CurBrit N FXB 145.60 117.48 17 121.72 295 122.14 120.29 +.91 +1.2 CurrCda N FXC .03e 79.26 72.68 5 73.82 114 74.43 73.71 -.24 +.3 CurJpn N FXY 96.75 81.33 160 86.65 1220 87.08 85.41 +1.13 +5.0 CurSwed N FXS 122.77 102.80 0 109.45 3 109.92 109.28 +.16 +2.9 CurSwiss N FXF 101.31 92.37 51 96.09 118 96.30 95.32 +.70 +2.5 CurtisWrt N CW .52 .6 23 107.61 73.30 188 91.22 1156 95.87 90.90 -4.55 -7.3 CushTRet rs N SRV 1.08 8.0 15.08 9.35 15 13.58 95 13.74 13.30 -.13 -.1 CushngRen N SZC 1.64 9.2 19.10 13.63 19 17.74 93 18.45 17.74 -.45 +2.1 CushRoy rs N SRF .62 6.8 10.14 7.08 6 9.12 44 9.15 8.95 -.04 -6.7 CustomBcp N CUBI 13 36.93 22.19 138 30.62 1411 32.79 29.68 -2.20 -14.5 CustBcp 18 N CUBS 1.59 6.0 27.74 26.01 0 26.36 3 26.37 26.25 +.16 +.4 CustBc p C N CUBIpC .57p 27.74 25.25 2 27.17 14 27.17 26.70 +.47 +4.3 CustBc pfD N CUBIpD 29.11 23.68 0 26.40 6 26.78 26.30 +.16 +2.9 CustBc pfE N CUBIpE 27.13 24.69 0 26.50 5 26.50 26.29 +.40 +3.5 CustoBc pf F N CUBIpF 26.00 23.22 2 25.91 50 26.00 25.49 +.46 +3.7 Cutera Q CUTR 22.96 9.83 56 20.15 264 20.90 19.95 -.45 +16.1 Cyanotch h Q CYAN 5.80 3.32 0 3.81 17 3.96 3.65 -.17 -11.4 CybrOpt Q CYBE 15 41.18 9.25 58 24.70 439 26.69 24.45 -1.80 -5.4 CyberArk Q CYBR 48 59.28 37.00 149 48.78 1645 51.60 48.11 -1.94 +7.2 Cyclacel rs Q CYCC .15p 9.72 3.05 130 3.42 368 3.94 3.13 -.43 -35.3 CymaBay Q CBAY 4.44 1.15 713 4.19 1715 4.33 3.61 +.15 +142.2 CypressEn N CELP 1.63 19.8 14.27 7.34 53 8.24 321 9.12 8.07 -.74 -21.9sCypSemi Q CY .44 3.0 28 14.29 8.02 12093 14.45 43971 14.76 13.64 +.47 +26.3 Cyren Ltd Q CYRN 2.60 1.59 2 1.95 86 2.15 1.90 -.10 -9.3 CyrusOne Q CONE 1.52 3.0 46 57.00 38.80 957 50.62 4215 51.58 50.02 -.56 +13.2 CytRx h Q CYTR 3.66 .36 652 .41 4115 .43 .38 +.00 +8.9 Cytokinetic Q CYTK 42 13.70 6.14 410 12.60 1916 13.20 11.80 +.20 +3.7 sCytomX n Q CTMX 20.02 9.10 304 17.79 4899 20.02 16.25 +2.61 +61.9 CytoriTh rs Q CYTX 5.45 1.36 94 1.65 382 1.65 1.60 +9.3 Cytosorbnt Q CTSO 6.90 3.87 31 5.43 227 5.80 5.30 -.28 -.5D -:DBV Tech Q DBVT 37.98 27.02 55 35.24 363 36.04 34.27 +.36 +.3 DCP Mid N DCP 3.12 8.4 18 42.45 24.70 163 37.32 1521 38.32 36.77 -.03 -2.8 DCT IndlTr N DCT 1.16 2.4 27 50.57 38.66 308 47.77 1709 47.91 46.51 +.61 -.2tDDR Corp N DDR .76 6.0 14 19.92 12.37 2546 12.74 19388 13.16 12.37 -.35 -16.6 DDR pfJ N DDRpJ 1.63 6.4 26.60 24.35 3 25.47 34 25.47 25.16 +.12 +3.0 DDR pfK N DDRpK 1.56 6.1 27.13 23.66 12 25.41 35 25.46 25.15 +.07 +6.6sDGSE N DGSE 1.59 .46 13 1.54 212 1.59 1.48 +.03 +23.8tDHI Grp N DHX 11 8.43 4.15 524 4.25 2011 4.70 4.05 -.30 -32.0 DHT Hldgs N DHT .58e 12.9 6.10 3.29 1959 4.48 8313 5.00 4.48 -.21 +8.2 DHX Mda n Q DHXM .08f 29 7.40 3.80 4.05 8 4.11 4.00 +.10 -22.9 DLH Hldgs Q DLHC 19 7.38 3.28 14 5.30 85 5.51 5.07 +.21 -10.8 DMC Globl Q BOOM .08 .6 17.19 5.91 35 12.45 135 13.75 11.75 -.75 -21.5 DNB Fncl Q DNBF .28 .8 17 35.15 23.05 1 33.83 5 34.95 33.30 -1.32 +19.1 DNP Selct N DNP .78 7.2 10.95 9.81 281 10.78 1476 10.78 10.65 +.07 +5.4 DR Horton N DHI .32 1.0 13 34.56 26.69 3277 33.22 17533 33.68 32.63 -.44 +21.6 Drdgold N DRD .08f 1.6 9.10 3.55 232 5.00 1639 5.43 4.85 -.03 -5.5sDSP Gp Q DSPG 44 14.20 8.50 103 11.85 873 14.20 11.10 +.05 -9.2 DST Sys N DST 1.40f 1.2 18 128.66 94.52 139 114.16 678 117.81 113.40 -3.63 +6.5 DSW Inc N DSW .80 4.2 14 28.05 18.51 1079 19.27 10846 20.35 18.55 -1.13 -14.9 DTE N DTE 3.30f 3.2 24 102.96 84.77 561 102.17 3536 102.60 100.01 +1.27 +3.7 DTEEn 62 N DTQ 1.31 5.3 26.10 22.33 2 24.68 24 24.92 24.57 -.06 +3.1 DTE En76 n N DTJ 1.34 5.6 26.60 21.67 45 23.78 143 23.87 23.63 +.12 +5.5 DTE F76 n N DTY 1.50 5.8 26.28 24.24 38 25.93 162 25.93 25.44 +.49 +.9 DTE En un N DTV 54.49 50.03 5 52.93 89 53.75 52.34 +.38 -.1 DTF TxF N DTF .84 5.7 17.05 14.09 8 14.81 111 14.88 14.60 +.14 +2.6 DXP Ent Q DXPE 88 40.77 12.67 140 32.46 569 33.87 29.00 +.48 -6.6 DailyJourn Q DJCO 282.48 186.54 1 202.80 6 210.00 201.01 -3.62 -16.1 Daktronics Q DAKT .28 3.0 66 11.12 5.92 106 9.19 636 9.48 9.00 -.28 -14.1 DanaInc N DAN .24 1.3 10 20.62 9.80 872 18.19 8455 19.59 17.96 -1.34 -4.2 Danaher N DHR .56f .7 20 88.01 70.07 3000 86.01 10312 87.07 85.61 -.66 +10.5 Danaos N DAC 1 4.90 1.60 35 1.65 175 2.05 1.65 -.35 -37.7 DaqoNEn N DQ 4 27.60 16.03 94 21.91 425 22.51 21.45 -.19 +13.5 Darden N DRI 2.24 2.9 22 79.43 59.50 1233 76.71 6139 77.53 76.31 +.05 +5.5 DarioHlth Q DRIO 5.90 2.67 21 4.06 394 4.70 3.89 -.09 +24.9 DarioHl wt Q DRIOW 2.00 .11 0 .86 8 .95 .86 +.13 +32.3 DarlingIng N DAR 23 15.93 11.51 791 14.31 4201 14.83 14.00 -.20 +10.8 DasanZ rs Q DZSI 10.00 4.25 15 6.16 54 6.27 6.10 -.04 +25.2 Daseke n Q DSKE 10.88 9.26 177 10.25 911 10.40 10.07 +.25 +1.7 Daseke wt Q DSKEW 1.25 .13 70 1.19 1029 1.22 1.12 +.08 +40.0 Data IO Q DAIO 23 5.30 2.07 21 4.91 209 4.99 4.01 -.07 +17.5 Dataram rs Q DRAM 5.07 .81 56 1.16 414 1.27 1.11 -.06 -47.3 Datawatch Q DWCH 8.85 4.46 198 8.30 916 8.45 7.90 +.20 +50.9sDaveBuster Q PLAY 30 61.20 36.83 985 60.94 3075 61.58 58.37 +1.01 +8.2 DavidsT g n Q DTEA 22 14.30 6.30 24 7.60 205 7.80 7.00 -.25 +10.9 DavSelFn n Q DFNL 22.15 19.83 35 20.59 121 21.10 20.46 -.55 +2.4 DavSelEq n Q DUSA 21.30 19.82 14 20.06 60 20.50 19.99 -.48 -.4 DavSelW n Q DWLD 21.28 20.00 10 20.80 73 21.24 20.58 -.30 +3.6 DaVita Inc N DVA 16 78.77 54.50 952 66.77 5784 68.15 65.42 -1.03 +4.0 DawsonGeo Q DWSN 9.00 4.00 32 5.47 371 6.15 5.30 -.74 -32.0 Daxor N DXR .04f .6 9.80 6.81 7.07 11 7.20 6.95 +.14 -14.2 DeVryEd N DV .36 1.1 12 34.48 15.36 665 33.20 2537 33.78 31.56 -.35 +6.4 DeanFoods N DF .36 1.9 12 22.31 15.69 1222 19.05 7073 19.47 18.94 -.26 -12.5 DeckrsOut N DECK 73 69.94 44.00 921 56.28 3873 56.50 52.58 +1.67 +1.6 Deere N DE 2.40 2.2 23 112.18 74.91 1780 108.98 8098 111.49 108.34 -1.47 +5.8 DelFriscos Q DFRG 23 18.50 13.01 99 17.60 519 17.78 17.30 -.05 +3.5 DelTaco Q TACO 23 15.32 8.43 304 12.64 1426 12.72 12.00 +.28 -10.5sDE EnhGlb N DEX .90 8.3 10.82 8.91 108 10.81 388 10.82 10.50 +.22 +6.9 DelaCO N VCF .72 4.9 16.42 14.50 8 14.62 19 14.84 14.60 +.05 -1.9 DelaDvInc N DDF .62 6.1 10.52 8.85 6 10.25 37 10.32 10.14 -.05 +2.8 DelaNatl N VFL .72 5.6 14.99 12.07 4 12.85 54 12.85 12.74 +.06 -2.3 DelaMN2 N VMM .63 4.4 15.70 13.13 0 14.38 70 14.46 14.35 +.02 +6.0tDelcath rs Q DCTH 6.85 .08 9637 .09 56894 .11 .08 -.01 -90.2 DelekLogis N DKL 2.72f 8.7 13 36.05 21.30 49 31.15 238 31.55 29.55 +1.45 +9.1 Delek N DK .60a 2.5 26.06 11.41 1380 24.17 5746 25.94 24.17 -1.27 +.4 DellTch n N DVMT 65.78 46.64 702 63.37 4101 64.39 62.24 -.82 +15.3 DelmarPh n Q DMPI 9.90 2.88 10 4.00 107 5.20 3.88 -.25 +25.4 DelphiAuto N DLPH 1.16 1.5 16 83.23 58.04 1560 78.90 10071 82.00 77.14 -2.95 +17.1 DeltaAir N DAL .81 1.8 8 52.76 32.60 6206 46.00 40083 47.23 44.47 -.51 -6.5 DeltaAprl N DLA 14 25.52 14.85 28 17.21 331 17.30 15.76 -.07 -17.0 DeltaNGas Q DGAS .83 2.7 39 31.29 22.06 7 30.31 45 30.50 30.29 -.01 +3.3 DeltaTch h Q DELT 3.14 .43 95 1.50 1122 1.72 1.46 -.08 +105.5 DeltaTc wt Q DELTW .39 .02 .06 7 .07 .06 +14.3 DeltTim N DEL .40 .5 98 85.49 53.21 38 75.58 181 79.90 73.49 -4.38 -1.9 Deluxe N DLX 1.20 1.7 15 75.94 59.47 210 71.13 1384 74.45 70.20 -3.29 -.7 DenburyR N DNR 4.80 1.95 8391 2.27 38083 2.38 2.15 -.06 -38.3 DenisnM g N DNN .84 .37 316 .61 2501 .65 .58 -.06 +18.1 Dennys Q DENN 47 14.25 9.78 193 12.13 1348 12.50 11.89 -.34 -5.5 Dentsply Q XRAY .35f .6 32 65.83 55.00 881 62.44 5823 63.32 62.06 -.82 +8.2 Depomed Q DEPO 27.02 12.25 484 14.89 3931 16.05 14.69 -.89 -17.4 Dermira Q DERM 38.75 19.47 260 34.75 1186 35.63 33.22 +.61 +14.6 DescSys Q DSGX 72 23.75 17.67 111 23.00 619 23.10 22.50 +.05 +7.5tDestMatrn Q DEST .80 18.5 10.22 3.93 31 4.32 261 4.92 3.93 -.16 -16.4tDest XL Q DXLG 5.65 2.10 422 2.60 1676 2.85 2.10 +.20 -38.8sDeswell Q DSWL .28f 14.7 1.94 1.49 2 1.91 45 1.94 1.86 +.04 +7.3sDetermine Q DTRM 3.62 .82 26 3.61 52 3.71 3.20 +.31 +85.1stDeutBk rt N DB/RT 2.30 2.13 3505 2.13 11952 2.30 1.98 -5.3 DeutschBk N DB .83e 20.94 11.19 5956 16.83 61772 18.84 16.57 -2.20 -7.0 DBDogs22 N DOD 29.00 16.74 1 19.25 104 20.80 19.01 -1.14 +4.0 DBWMTR N WMW 27.29 21.08 1 26.47 3 26.49 25.94 -.28 +7.3 DB Cap pf N DTK 1.90 7.3 26.55 22.38 279 25.97 872 26.00 25.82 +.02 +4.0 DeutBCT2 pf N DXB 1.64 6.6 25.72 21.86 362 24.84 1576 25.09 24.79 -.14 +3.6 DeutBCT5 pf N DKT 2.01 7.5 27.00 23.01 216 26.78 607 26.80 26.48 +.05 +6.0 DBCmdDL N DYY 4.77 1.82 0 3.81 3 3.81 3.71 +.02 -1.7 DB AgriDL N DAG 4.98 3.18 4 3.46 21 3.62 3.46 -.15 -.6 DBGoldSh N DGZ 15.72 12.73 3 14.07 31 14.34 14.03 -.24 -8.4 DBGoldDL N DGP 31.42 19.20 18 23.47 111 23.62 22.79 +.76 +16.7 DBGoldDS N DZZ 7.15 4.80 70 5.80 445 5.94 5.76 -.17 -15.4 Deut GlbHi N LBF .54 6.4 8.88 7.65 14 8.46 60 8.47 8.41 +.01 +1.6 Deut HiOp N DHG .72 5.0 14.88 13.03 17 14.51 92 14.54 14.37 -.04 +.7 Deut Multi N KMM .51 5.9 8.77 7.87 11 8.59 87 8.65 8.54 -.03 +.8 Deut Muni N KTF .84 6.4 14.82 12.52 75 13.15 420 13.22 13.04 +.06 +.2 Deut StInc N KST .66a 5.4 12.35 10.93 4 12.18 48 12.29 12.06 +.08 +2.4 Deut StMu N KSM .84 6.8 15.01 11.86 11 12.31 94 12.36 12.25 +1.4sDBXEmMkt N DBEM .64e 3.1 20.97 17.93 32 20.82 128 20.97 20.62 +.06 +8.2sDBXEafeEq N DBEF 1.00e 3.0 29.64 23.35 1663 29.39 9942 29.64 29.05 -.19 +4.7 DBXBrazEq N DBBR 2.71e 25.0 11.85 9.00 0 10.85 6 10.85 10.64 -.05 +5.5 DBXGerEq N DBGR 3.40e 12.8 26.69 20.48 2 26.60 150 26.69 26.19 -.01 +5.6 Deu HYBd n N HYLB 51.42 50.07 248 50.37 266 50.68 50.13 -.33 -.1 Dbx Tr etf N DESC 32.47 25.98 1 30.48 18 31.46 30.16 -1.08 -4.2 DbXR1KECo N DEUS 28.99 24.84 11 28.32 208 28.80 28.19 -.47 +4.7sDeutEmCo N DEMG 27.73 23.03 0 27.54 12 27.73 27.39 +.18 +11.6 DBXJapnEq N DBJP 2.26e 3.7 38.72 29.15 441 37.72 3278 38.26 37.13 -.40 +1.3 DbXDvxEU N DEEF 26.27 22.73 25 25.77 56 25.87 25.38 +.07 +7.9 DbxEuroHiD N HDEZ .28p 25.62 20.78 10 25.53 12 25.60 25.53 -.09 +2.9 DbxNikk400 N JPN 25.63 21.18 4 25.58 14 25.60 25.27 +.03 +5.9sDBX MSCI N DBEZ 1.28e 4.5 28.58 22.01 2 28.41 49 28.58 28.10 -.02 +6.0 DeuMunInf N RVNU .73 2.8 28.30 24.89 1 25.86 24 26.02 25.72 +.13 +.4 DBX EMBd N EMIH .87e 25.20 23.58 24.95 6 25.00 24.91 +.10 +.4 DBX IGBd N IGIH .60e 24.92 22.68 1 24.10 11 24.32 24.02 +.08 -.4 DBXHYCpB N HYIH 1.02e 23.98 19.46 1 23.19 44 23.39 23.14 -.22 -1.1 DBXChiSC N ASHS 3.46e .5 36.34 30.80 7 34.50 73 34.60 33.81 +.35 +6.8 DBXHrvChi N CN 4.34e 31.80 25.90 1 29.51 11 29.62 29.20 +.23 +12.7sDBXSKorH N DBKO .03p 26.80 21.85 0 26.64 59 26.80 26.41 +.23 +8.6sDBXAWxUS N DBAW 1.33e 3.4 25.47 20.54 17 25.32 91 25.47 25.01 -.11 +5.6sDBXAsiaPH N DBAP 2.07e 4.3 25.09 21.28 2 25.15 3 25.15 24.74 +.06 +10.0sDBXEurHgd N DBEU 1.28e 4.3 27.03 22.77 953 26.80 4646 27.03 26.54 -.13 +5.6 DBXUKHdg N DBUK 1.63e 7.2 24.95 19.98 2 21.20 3 21.28 21.16 -.25 +4.5 DBXHvChiA N ASHR 8.43e 1.3 26.19 22.61 660 25.40 2750 25.48 24.96 +.44 +8.3 DevonE N DVN .24 .6 50.69 24.58 4101 38.80 19964 40.82 38.66 -1.74 -15.0 DexCom Q DXCM 96.38 57.68 1484 82.62 4870 84.31 75.11 +3.73 +38.4 DexteraS rs Q DXTR 3.88 .90 50 1.05 264 1.16 1.03 -.11 +9.4 Diageo N DEO 3.23e 2.8 117.84 99.46 207 116.43 1620 117.13 115.96 +.34 +12.0 DiamHill Q DHIL 6.00e 14 217.68 165.38 12 190.10 52 194.82 182.50 -3.55 -9.6 DiamOffsh N DO .50 3.2 11 26.72 14.48 2165 15.71 14006 15.94 15.05 +.14 -11.2 DiamRk N DRH .50 4.6 12 12.00 8.22 1550 10.90 9808 11.24 10.62 -.29 -5.5 DiambkEn Q FANG 114.00 73.12 1224 99.73 7227 104.35 99.13 -4.96 -1.3tDianaCn h rs Q DCIX 26.17 1.42 1215 1.50 7220 2.60 1.42 -1.11 -46.0 DianaShip N DSX 4.97 2.11 254 4.59 3026 4.64 4.20 +.04 +52.0sDianaS pfB N DSXpB 2.22 11.2 19.71 12.11 33 19.87 67 19.89 18.68 +.91 +21.1 DianaSh20 N DSXN 2.13 8.7 24.69 18.20 6 24.50 40 24.50 23.83 +.52 +18.8 DicernaPh Q DRNA 6.10 2.42 34 2.63 257 2.89 2.58 -.23 -8.7 DicksSptg N DKS .68f 1.4 15 62.88 37.96 2066 46.99 11224 48.67 46.48 -1.36 -11.5 Diebold N DBD .40 1.4 31.85 21.05 738 29.30 3598 29.85 28.35 +16.5 DifferBr rs Q DFBG 8.42 1.60 14 2.15 33 2.15 1.85 +.29 -8.3 DiffusPh n Q DFFN 15.50 1.94 126 2.82 824 3.29 2.75 -.34 +24.8 DigiIntl Q DGII 26 14.15 8.37 97 11.75 467 12.80 11.70 -1.05 -14.5 Digimarc Q DMRC 40.13 24.40 51 24.85 198 27.25 24.45 -1.30 -17.2 Digirad Q DRAD .20 3.6 7 6.15 4.15 48 5.55 276 5.60 5.45 +11.0 DigitalAlly Q DGLY 7.23 3.51 24 4.11 249 4.30 3.85 -.09 -2.1 DigitalPwr N DPW 1.75 .35 106 .82 1761 1.05 .80 -.01 +25.2 DigitalRlt N DLR 3.72f 3.6 30 113.21 85.50 1057 103.74 4899 105.82 102.94 +.85 +5.6 DigitlR pfG N DLRpG 1.47 5.9 26.75 23.05 17 24.98 99 25.26 24.91 -.29 +4.4 DigtlR pfH N DLRpH 1.84 6.8 29.49 25.90 7 27.21 89 27.36 27.08 +.01 +.2 DigitalR pfI N DLRpI 1.59 6.0 28.16 24.50 5 26.31 48 26.42 26.01 -.04 +5.0 DigitlTurb Q APPS 1.56 .56 585 .92 1144 .97 .85 +.01 +35.3 DigitalGlb N DGI 35.95 16.50 474 32.35 3728 32.50 31.45 +.15 +12.9tDillards N DDS .28 .6 10 86.08 46.56 402 47.46 4224 52.29 46.56 -4.69 -24.3tDillard38 N DDT 1.88 7.5 27.15 25.02 15 25.12 122 25.33 25.02 -.19 -3.4 DimeCBc Q DCOM .56 2.8 9 22.48 16.10 204 19.80 760 20.95 19.35 -1.20 -1.5 DimenTh n Q DMTX 10.47 1.65 93 1.70 724 2.00 1.65 -.25 -60.9tDineEquity N DIN 3.88 7.6 9 95.12 49.53 326 51.36 2229 53.31 49.53 -1.79 -33.3 Diodes Q DIOD 75 27.17 16.75 188 24.02 916 24.73 23.23 -.59 -6.4 DipexiumP Q DPRX 17.75 1.05 26 1.30 246 1.35 1.25 -18.8 DiploPhm N DPLO 27 38.94 12.25 602 14.79 4301 15.84 14.44 -.97 +17.4 DxChiABear N CHAD 46.91 38.73 14 39.16 41 39.73 39.05 -.62 -8.4 DrxNGBear rs N GASX 94.84 17.73 16 30.80 78 32.72 28.77 +1.67 +34.1 DrxRBkBear N WDRW 1.86p 44.23 7.45 16 10.12 107 11.24 8.66 +1.73 +2.2 DxSPOGBr rs N DRIP 74.20 10.28 513 19.59 3573 19.85 17.46 +1.86 +50.2 DrxRBkBull N DPST 81.77 20.24 32 57.35 309 71.44 52.41 -12.79 -15.7 DirDGlBr rs N DUST 189.50 22.80 5800 30.70 37527 32.35 28.35 -1.23 -36.5 DxGlMBr rs N JDST 347.00 11.75 14442 14.70 87340 15.23 12.49 +.05 -58.1sDxEuFnBl N EUFL 38.38 24.51 2 36.06 6 38.38 35.64 -.51 +13.4 DirGlMin n N MELT 35.76 22.89 0 25.91 11 26.43 25.46 -.53 -12.0 DirxEurFin N EUFS 25.13 19.46 1 19.69 2 19.82 19.69 +.23 -7.7 DxHiYldBr N HYDD 23.58 17.56 0 20.70 3 20.96 20.47 +.24 -2.0 DirNsdq100 N QQQE .37e .5 77.33 58.70 14 76.24 61 77.18 75.27 -.85 +10.9 DirSPX Br N SPDN 21.10 17.25 61 17.67 146 17.69 17.37 +.27 -4.7tDirxTchBr N TECZ 26.51 20.41 20.41 3 20.43 20.41 -.11 -8.4 DirxFnBr n N FAZZ 25.84 17.49 2 18.34 5 18.49 17.80 +.67 -2.9 DrxiBillion N IBLN .21e .8 28.05 23.11 0 27.24 15 27.81 27.01 -.57 +8.5 DxRusBll rs N RUSL 114.71 47.13 86 93.98 740 97.45 88.60 +.82 -7.0sDiEurBll3x N EURL .05e .2 25.26 14.48 11 24.68 120 25.26 23.96 +.08 +23.5sDrxEMBll rs N EDC 78.75 40.73 398 76.37 2568 78.75 73.87 +1.79 +44.5 Dir MLPHi N ZMLP 1.60m 8.7 20.15 14.70 11 18.31 85 18.84 18.03 -.53 -3.0 DxLatBll rs N LBJ 130.26 55.20 1 108.89 7 115.78 105.39 -1.36 +39.4 DxBrzBull s N BRZU 55.29 15.72 222 40.18 1609 43.85 37.89 -.64 +29.4 DxBiotBll rs N LABU 55.88 21.91 1790 46.49 12824 53.20 43.95 -5.31 +48.5 DxIndiBll rs N INDL 70.71 41.00 36 68.20 285 70.60 66.11 -1.16 +51.8 DxNGBll rs N GASL 58.12 22.00 87 29.75 548 32.33 28.64 -1.81 -33.2tDrDevMBr N DPK 35.88 19.00 16 19.38 86 19.98 19.00 +.02 -20.5 DxSPOGBl rs N GUSH 134.00 44.75 372 59.88 2113 67.49 59.03 -6.72 -41.0 DxREBear N DRV 17.00 10.45 50 12.40 347 13.02 12.05 -.03 -1.8 DirSPBear N SPXS 16.40 8.67 7457 9.27 29638 9.38 8.85 +.35 -14.2 DrxHCreBr N SICK 44.20 25.92 8 27.92 23 28.42 27.13 +.92 -22.3 Dir20yrTBr N TYBS 22.50 18.49 3 21.39 6 22.04 21.31 -.53 -2.0sDrxJpBull N JPNL 51.54 30.82 3 50.86 16 51.54 48.96 +.37 +19.1 DxEnBear N ERY 24.22 8.59 1373 12.09 6137 12.15 11.32 +.65 +26.9tDxEMBear N EDZ 42.31 16.28 679 16.75 6500 17.34 16.28 -.43 -33.7 DrxCySBull N HAKK 49.01 24.30 45.71 13 46.14 45.70 -.44 +29.6sDrxSKBull N KORU 38.22 19.17 5 37.50 36 38.22 36.68 +1.93 +54.6 DxSCBear rs N TZA 48.26 17.08 11989 19.30 65835 20.21 17.86 +1.35 -2.8 DxFnBr rs N FAZ 45.92 17.00 2647 19.83 17716 20.52 18.34 +1.55 -8.7 DrGMBll s N JNUG 33.29 3.77 45630 6.61 311701 7.78 6.35 -.11 +18.5 DxGBull s N NUGT 35.80 5.51 29198 9.21 202100 10.00 8.81 +.29 +20.5 DxHmbBear N CLAW 43.32 18.08 2 19.17 32 20.33 18.65 +.17 -37.9sDrxHmbBull N NAIL 42.85 20.01 19 37.84 89 42.85 36.26 -2.57 +49.1 Dx30TBear N TMV 25.75 15.03 984 22.35 5587 23.72 22.16 -1.27 -6.8 DxFnBull s N FAS 51.11 21.14 4470 43.45 25656 47.21 41.94 -3.87 +6.2 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 6 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
DxBiotBear N LABD 67.17 9.33 3467 10.79 24509 11.47 9.72 +.84 -43.1tDrxTcBr rs N TECS 30.55 12.63 168 13.21 756 13.40 12.63 +.34 -25.0 DrxACInsi N KNOW .48e .6 82.27 68.64 11 77.82 59 79.30 77.13 -1.55 +1.7tDxSOXBr rs N SOXS 40.64 7.37 1265 7.62 5263 8.06 7.34 -.03 -29.3 DxRsaBr rs N RUSS 21.75 5.36 644 6.10 4656 6.47 5.88 -.07 -1.9 DxMCBr rs N MIDZ 40.64 18.10 7 20.11 103 20.60 19.05 +1.12 -8.7tDxChiBear s N YANG 30.01 10.90 332 11.44 2884 11.67 10.90 -.11 -32.3 Drx300Chin N CHAU 20.89 15.60 98 19.80 378 19.97 19.08 +.63 +16.6 DxHcrBll s N CURE 37.62 24.26 132 34.75 857 35.98 34.00 -.96 +26.0sDxTcBull s N TECL 68.41 31.48 194 65.27 810 68.41 64.21 -1.93 +30.7tDxRetlBll s N RETL 49.91 27.90 16 29.12 163 31.63 27.90 -3.33 -20.3sDxSOXBll s N SOXL .01e 79.89 21.10 387 76.63 1728 79.89 72.67 -.42 +34.2 Dir30TrBul s N TMF 31.58 16.87 307 18.82 2027 18.96 17.76 +1.02 +4.0 Dir10TrBear N TYO 16.29 12.60 1 14.88 36 15.22 14.76 -.34 -3.7 Dx10yTBull N TYD .73e 58.66 39.87 0 42.50 4 42.99 42.01 +1.64 +2.3 DxMCBull s N MIDU 38.56 20.50 20 34.28 240 36.52 33.44 -2.52 +5.5 DrxREBull s N DRN 29.68 16.63 118 21.06 830 21.60 20.04 +.05 -1.7sDirxChiBull N YINN .07e .3 22.27 10.87 877 21.27 5207 22.27 20.79 +.18 +42.0sDirxDMBull N DZK 56.21 33.10 1 55.67 19 56.21 54.26 -.15 +23.6 DrxSCBull N TNA .48e 113.49 51.95 3727 99.10 21717 107.69 94.53 -8.14 -2.0 DrxSPBull N SPXL 132.76 75.33 1007 123.65 4964 129.73 122.17 -5.20 +14.8 DirxEnBull N ERX 44.55 21.31 1787 29.93 8659 31.97 29.75 -1.75 -25.0 Discover N DFS 1.20 1.8 12 74.33 48.68 1569 67.21 10094 70.69 66.65 -3.10 -6.8 Discov pfB N DFSpB 1.63 6.3 26.96 24.91 16 25.96 117 25.97 25.81 +.07 +1.1 DiscCmA Q DISCA 14 29.91 23.66 2364 27.54 9076 28.04 27.15 -.47 +.5 DiscCmC Q DISCK 14 29.07 22.43 1481 27.07 6257 27.42 26.61 -.28 +1.1 DishNetw h Q DISH 30 64.74 43.29 1832 61.99 12785 63.77 61.25 -1.87 +7.0sDisney N DIS 1.56f 1.4 20 113.16 90.32 4428 112.14 33032 113.16 111.35 +.38 +7.6 Diversicre Q DVCR .22 2.2 12.82 6.41 10.19 8 10.43 9.65 +.73 -2.0 DvsRealAst N DRA 1.67 9.7 17.73 15.00 35 17.12 525 17.17 16.53 +.44 +9.8sDivrsRest Q SAUC 2.20 .70 161 2.24 548 2.38 1.76 +.42 +60.0 Div&Inco N DNI 1.63 13.7 12.56 10.47 43 11.89 282 12.15 11.79 -.21 +.3 DixieGrp Q DXYN 5.56 3.00 5 3.55 53 3.70 3.45 -1.4tDrReddy N RDY .31e .8 54.73 39.04 212 39.68 1922 41.80 39.04 -1.81 -12.4 DocuSec rs N DSS 1.64 .42 32 1.10 136 1.17 .92 -.02 +65.2 DolbyLab N DLB .56 1.1 19 55.02 41.10 218 51.24 1113 52.12 50.62 -.60 +13.4 DollarGen N DG 1.00 1.4 16 96.88 66.50 3568 69.48 17894 72.60 68.73 -2.85 -6.2 DollarTree Q DLTR 20 99.93 72.55 1870 74.92 12509 75.84 72.91 -.78 -2.9sDomDmd g N DDC .40 3.1 12.88 7.92 567 12.72 10366 12.88 11.71 +2.80 +31.4 DomMidst N DM 1.04f 3.3 25 34.47 23.17 100 31.45 766 31.80 30.55 -.05 +6.4sDomRescs N D 3.02f 3.9 21 79.36 68.71 2306 78.26 13228 79.36 76.51 +1.14 +2.2 DomRes un N DCUD 54.16 48.10 611 51.00 1023 52.97 50.52 +.07 +.8 DomRs76 n N DRUA 25.98 20.93 78 23.75 459 23.89 23.44 +.30 +7.0 DomRes 17 N DCUC .75 1.5 53.00 48.74 34 50.98 407 51.20 50.70 +.13 +1.8 Dominos N DPZ 1.84f 1.0 44 192.01 116.91 902 182.95 4120 186.71 182.20 -1.88 +14.9 Domtar g N UFS 1.66 4.4 20 44.58 32.74 393 37.40 2056 38.60 37.32 -.67 -4.2 Donaldson N DCI .70 1.6 28 47.68 30.25 419 44.87 2112 45.48 44.11 -.25 +6.6 DonegalA Q DGICA .55 3.2 15 18.55 13.30 19 17.03 168 17.87 16.86 -1.07 -2.6 DonegalB Q DGICB .48 3.1 14 22.88 12.56 5 15.35 6 15.80 15.30 -1.65 -3.5tDonlleyRR rs N RRD .56 4.8 6 30.77 11.43 1013 11.72 7324 13.75 11.43 -1.93 -28.2 DonnlyFn n N DFIN 29.00 18.03 186 19.72 1412 20.89 18.98 -.34 -14.2 DorchMin Q DMLP .90e 5.2 26 19.30 10.57 42 17.35 179 17.95 17.05 -.15 -1.1 DorianLPG N LPG 8 12.50 5.07 271 10.00 1453 10.87 9.88 -.67 +21.8 Dorman Q DORM 28 81.98 51.12 131 79.27 673 80.30 77.92 -.63 +8.5 DblEgl un Q EAGLU 10.60 9.72 100 10.50 215 10.58 10.42 +.05 DblEgl wt Q EAGLW .55 .20 108 .52 143 .53 .43 -.01 +10.6 DblEagl n Q EAGL 10.20 9.57 0 10.05 80 10.10 10.00 +.05 +1.0 DoubIncSol N DSL 1.80a 9.1 20.46 16.55 255 19.78 1508 19.93 19.53 +.02 +4.2 DblLOppCr N DBL 2.00a 8.4 27.75 22.52 26 23.77 280 23.98 23.25 +.46 +2.9 DougDyn N PLOW .96f 3.2 18 35.90 20.00 108 29.85 735 30.30 28.55 +.45 -11.3 DEmmett N DEI .92 2.4 21 40.79 29.34 622 38.37 2712 38.80 37.71 -.14 +5.0 Dover N DOV 1.76 2.3 24 82.56 61.64 1054 78.14 5163 80.61 77.50 -1.56 +4.3 DoverDG N DDE 34 1.21 .92 27 1.02 115 1.07 1.01 -.03 -1.0tDoverMot N DVD .05 2.4 15 2.54 2.00 10 2.10 55 2.15 2.00 -8.7sDowChm N DOW 1.84 2.9 20 64.73 47.51 5767 63.08 39143 64.73 61.97 -.95 +10.2 DrPepSnap N DPS 2.32f 2.4 23 98.80 81.05 624 96.96 4450 97.42 95.72 +1.37 +6.9 DragnW hrs Q DRWI 10.66 1.00 429 1.45 2084 1.70 1.23 +.10 -44.2 DryHYSt N DHF .35 10.4 3.60 3.07 147 3.36 967 3.36 3.32 +.01 DrMuBdInf N DMB .75 6.0 14.70 11.96 29 12.59 222 12.59 12.39 +.11 +2.9 DryfMu N DMF .54 6.2 10.15 8.42 18 8.75 147 8.84 8.68 +.10 +1.4 DryStrt N LEO .52 6.0 9.63 8.17 48 8.56 584 8.57 8.49 +.06 +1.9 DrySM N DSM .50 6.0 9.24 7.88 100 8.27 389 8.27 8.20 +.05 +2.9 Dril-Quip N DRQ 11 69.40 46.90 684 51.55 3080 53.10 51.00 -1.75 -14.2 DriveShack N DS .48 11.8 2 4.88 3.69 570 4.06 2280 4.19 4.00 -.08 +8.0 DriveS pfB N DSpB 2.44 9.5 26.71 23.97 16 25.70 22 25.83 25.28 +.41 +.2 DriveS pfC N DSpC 2.01 8.1 27.45 19.20 2 24.75 13 24.85 24.45 +.08 -1.9 DriveS pfD N DSpD 2.09 8.4 26.30 21.14 0 24.99 7 24.99 24.75 +.19 -1.9tDryShp rs Q DRYS .02 1.5 1 2227.20 1.23 15236 1.35 131746 1.48 1.23 -.32 -95.4sDuPont N DD 1.52 1.9 24 81.86 61.12 2278 79.60 16197 81.86 78.32 -1.65 +8.4 DuPnt pfA N DDpA 3.50 4.0 93.85 81.00 0 88.50 4 89.00 86.90 +.60 +1.1 DuPnt pfB N DDpB 4.50 4.3 111.00 95.09 3 103.50 5 103.50 100.80 +.20 +3.4 DuPFabros N DFT 2.00 4.1 28 52.03 37.54 447 49.30 2897 50.06 47.39 +1.05 +12.2 DuPFab pfC N DFTpC 1.66 6.2 28.72 24.57 2 26.83 31 26.90 26.44 +.07 +5.7 Ducomun N DCO 24 33.65 14.13 61 27.90 479 29.97 26.46 -.99 +9.2 Df&PGblUt N DPG 1.40 8.7 17.70 14.32 74 16.05 599 16.15 15.81 +.02 +3.5 DufPUC N DUC .60 6.5 9.92 9.07 40 9.23 143 9.28 9.11 +.05 -2.2 DukeEngy N DUK 3.42 4.1 17 87.75 72.34 2020 82.99 15455 83.59 80.86 +1.15 +6.9 DukeEn 73 N DUKH 1.28 5.0 27.18 23.12 44 25.55 165 25.69 25.35 -.01 +6.8 DukeRlty N DRE .76 2.9 27 28.99 21.11 2091 26.17 9157 26.26 25.40 +.55 -1.5 DuluthH n Q DLTH 35 38.19 17.02 462 22.76 5242 23.42 18.85 +3.91 -10.4 DunBrad N DNB 2.01f 1.9 14 141.57 100.46 311 104.83 1345 108.38 103.84 -3.55 -13.6sDunkin Q DNKN 1.29f 2.3 25 58.43 41.29 2307 55.98 7606 58.43 54.51 -.55 +6.8tDurectCp Q DRRX 2.00 .91 224 .94 1928 1.06 .91 -.01 -29.9 Dycom N DY 17 98.47 61.10 433 89.91 2395 93.77 89.11 -3.61 +12.0 Dynagas N DLNG 1.69 9.9 17.60 8.88 146 17.03 619 17.40 16.40 -.29 +6.6sDynags pfA N DLNGpA 2.25 8.6 26.09 18.60 2 26.09 31 26.09 25.75 +.15 +3.2 Dynasil Q DYSL 6 1.80 .89 22 1.23 131 1.30 1.20 +.02 -3.9 Dynatronic Q DYNT 3.35 2.29 16 2.95 88 3.20 2.55 -.05 +25.5 DynavaxT Q DVAX 23.62 3.20 670 6.00 3727 6.13 5.55 +.25 +51.9tDynegy N DYN 22.01 6.67 2923 7.33 18460 7.40 6.67 +.03 -13.4 Dynegy wt N DYN/WS .70 .03 1 .04 43 .05 .04 +.00 +4.9tDynegy pfA N DYNpA 1.34 4.8 76.75 25.62 6 27.68 126 27.79 25.62 -.07 -13.5tDynegy 7 N DYNC 1.75 3.1 113.10 52.74 129 55.92 297 55.92 52.74 -.05 -10.0 DynexCap N DX .72m 10.6 14 7.61 6.33 360 6.80 1460 6.93 6.74 -.10 -.3 Dynex pfA N DXpA 2.13 8.4 25.60 23.42 0 25.36 7 25.44 25.23 -.07 +1.2 Dynex pfB N DXpB 1.91 8.0 25.09 22.00 11 23.85 63 23.90 23.70 +.07 -.2E -:ETracBDC N BDCS 1.84e 7.9 24.99 19.50 14 23.36 63 23.65 23.05 -.11 +3.0 ETrMLPSht N MLPS 16.35 10.66 2 11.21 3 11.38 11.00 +.18 -3.5 ETrAlerNG N MLPG 1.86e 7.0 28.23 19.56 0 26.54 7 26.60 26.15 -.26 +2.4 E-TrAlerInf N MLPI 1.88e 6.6 31.00 22.34 572 28.55 1948 28.91 28.11 -.11 +.5 ETBbgCmd N DJCI 16.99 13.64 2 15.36 36 15.47 15.30 -.11 -3.3 ETrAlerian N AMU 1.45e 7.3 21.82 15.95 60 19.90 258 20.42 19.55 -.12 +.2 E-TrFood N FUD 22.53 19.01 19.66 12 19.67 19.56 -.26 -.6sETr2xBDC N BDCL 3.52e 16.9 21.49 15.05 136 20.80 712 21.49 20.52 -.40 +5.6 E-TrcCmci N UCI 14.86 11.67 16 13.91 180 14.12 13.83 -.13 -2.0 ETrLPlat N PTM 12.94 9.21 0 10.21 10 10.29 10.10 +.06 +7.9 E-TrLvstk N UBC 19.44 14.39 0 17.85 3 18.80 17.77 -.17 +6.1 E-Trade Q ETFC 17 38.61 21.52 1892 33.64 14999 35.33 32.95 -1.77 -2.9 eBay s Q EBAY 5 34.43 22.30 4225 33.40 30770 34.03 33.05 -.30 +12.5 eBay56 n Q EBAYL 1.50 5.6 27.50 24.27 75 26.57 342 26.58 25.95 +.46 +2.4 ECA MTrI N ECT .30e 14.6 5 2.95 1.33 17 2.05 122 2.20 2.05 -.08 -4.7 EDAP TMS Q EDAP 6 4.80 2.25 44 2.55 331 2.77 2.52 -.09 -22.3 eHealth Q EHTH 15.14 6.38 120 11.04 854 11.85 10.86 -.75 +3.7 ELF Inc n N ELF 32.54 24.03 323 26.39 1944 26.91 25.57 +.08 -8.8 EMC Inc s Q EMCI .84f 3.0 12 31.47 23.45 45 27.72 133 28.96 27.01 -.38 -7.6 EMCOR N EME .32 .5 21 73.44 44.27 263 61.15 2141 63.80 60.27 -2.44 -13.6 ENGlobal Q ENG 6 3.10 .97 13 1.72 294 1.89 1.62 -.18 -28.0 ENI N E 2.12e 6.5 33.40 26.15 134 32.38 1071 32.67 31.75 +.32 +.4 EOG Rescs N EOG .67 .7 109.37 69.66 2815 94.86 12275 96.59 93.92 -1.57 -6.2 EP Energy N EPE 4 7.49 3.29 1440 4.37 8565 4.55 4.01 +.18 -33.3 EPAM Sys N EPAM 39 78.40 54.53 294 73.27 1613 74.00 71.58 +.77 +13.9 EPR Prop N EPR 3.84 5.3 17 84.67 64.00 292 72.98 1766 73.93 71.87 -.01 +1.7 EPR pfC N EPRpC 1.44 5.0 32.25 24.90 1 29.04 30 29.35 28.66 +.33 +2.0 EPR pfE N EPRpE 2.25 6.2 39.02 33.00 4 36.20 8 36.87 35.95 +.18 +.9 EPR pfF N EPRpF 1.66 6.4 27.07 24.83 1 25.74 12 25.78 25.47 +.24 +2.4tEQT Corp N EQT .12 .2 92 80.61 56.33 2158 57.30 10497 58.94 56.33 -.52 -12.4 EQT GP n N EQGP .71f 2.7 14 28.53 21.45 35 26.65 286 27.16 25.42 -.43 +5.7 EQT Mid N EQM 3.40f 4.4 15 82.99 69.20 173 76.41 848 77.84 76.18 -1.17 -.4 ESSA Bcp Q ESSA .36 2.5 20 16.91 12.93 22 14.56 93 15.70 14.01 -.24 -7.4 ETF SITRis N RISE 24.09 22.17 23.53 9 23.72 23.51 -.21 -1.0 ETF JrSil N SILJ 19.78 8.12 26 12.79 350 13.28 12.68 +6.3 ETF Cyber N HACK 29.89 22.09 225 29.07 1499 29.48 28.57 -.04 +9.9 ETF BigD N BIGD 26.12 20.90 5 24.65 5 24.70 24.50 -.55 +6.4 ETF MobP N IPAY 28.31 22.10 28 27.72 273 28.30 27.52 -.55 +8.3 ETF LatA N LARE 32.50 24.13 27.76 7 28.72 27.76 -.64 +14.7sETF M Vid N GAMR 34.50 25.83 1 33.89 10 34.50 33.72 -.19 +12.8sETFBluIsr Q ITEQ 28.50 22.46 19 28.26 45 28.50 28.00 -.12 +13.4 ETF Clim N ETHO 29.80 24.65 5 29.07 21 29.71 28.93 -.59 +5.2 ETFAlpAlt N ALFA 38.64 31.75 2 37.36 18 37.97 37.09 -.73 +6.1sEtfVidentInt Q VIDI .28e 1.2 24.34 19.41 16 24.12 148 24.34 23.88 +12.3 EtfVidentEq Q VUSE .36e 1.2 30.34 23.83 16 29.00 103 29.62 28.77 -.68 EtfVidUSB Q VBND .43e .9 52.14 48.29 3 49.03 55 49.10 48.75 +.19 +.7 ETFDeepV N DVP .53e 2.0 28.23 21.77 9 26.48 51 26.90 26.39 -.34 +.5 AptBehMo N BEMO 27.67 23.91 0 26.21 7 26.86 25.95 -.63 +1.3 EtfLonCanc Q CNCR 26.47 19.82 8 23.45 66 24.99 23.25 -1.04 +10.4sEtfAlpSmC Q SMCP 24.61 19.89 0 24.02 11 24.61 23.88 -.44 +7.7 EtfUSGblJ N JETS 29.77 19.60 29 27.83 237 28.13 26.97 -.11 -.1 ETF Master N HIPS 1.29 7.1 19.49 15.20 1 18.24 7 18.30 18.02 -.06 +1.9 EtfValidea Q VALX 27.72 21.98 3 26.47 31 26.76 26.09 -.27 +.6 EtfInfcMLP N AMZA 2.08 18.9 11.93 8.01 507 10.98 3107 11.02 10.78 +.01 -3.1 EtfBioPrd Q BBP .40e 38.84 23.00 4 37.37 54 38.37 36.50 -.18 +14.1sEtfBioClin Q BBC .15e 24.31 16.33 6 22.97 94 24.31 22.40 -.56 +24.8 E TutUSCor Q TUTT 22.65 21.00 8 21.95 25 22.09 21.78 -.17 +1.2 Etf TuttInc Q TUTI .39e 1.7 23.14 21.90 2 22.65 65 22.70 22.51 -.14 +1.5 EtfNwfMSec N NFLT .08e 26.78 24.71 48 25.37 379 25.46 25.19 -.14 +.5 EtfReavUt N UTES 33.23 28.60 0 31.91 3 31.91 31.42 +.51 +8.2sIsectPsGr ef Q PMPT 26.06 22.79 0 24.51 22 26.06 24.45 -.40 +.6 ETF PrMtl N GLTR 70.35 56.52 16 63.23 158 63.41 62.13 +1.12 +9.9 ETFSGold N SGOL 133.68 109.18 21 121.18 100 121.54 119.62 +1.78 +8.4sETF Pall N PALL 77.44 50.46 45 77.49 172 78.12 74.32 +3.01 +18.8 ETF Plat N PPLT 113.77 85.31 47 92.42 138 93.39 91.61 +.15 +7.0tEV Engy Q EVEP .30m 19.4 3.59 1.50 536 1.55 1117 1.76 1.43 -.12 -25.8 EXFO g Q EXFO 36 6.15 3.05 41 5.70 218 5.88 5.50 +.10 +29.5 EagleBncp Q EGBN 20 64.95 44.55 104 57.85 551 60.70 56.00 -2.85 -5.1 EagBcMT Q EBMT .32 1.6 25 24.00 11.99 2 19.84 32 20.90 19.33 -.26 -6.0 EagleBkS rs Q EGLE 23.60 4.06 239 5.60 1626 5.92 5.33 -.25 -4.3 EagleCGr N GRF .50e 2.5 8.83 6.37 3 7.30 54 7.38 7.20 +.08 -.7 EagleGrInc N EGIF 1.31 7.7 18.00 15.38 15 16.88 84 17.02 16.75 -.05 +4.1 EagleMat N EXP .40 .4 23 110.64 68.00 507 96.85 2065 99.72 96.23 -2.77 -1.7 EaglePhm Q EGRX 16 87.78 33.02 296 79.88 1431 83.81 77.06 -1.39 +.7 EaglePtCr N ECC .80m 4.1 19.72 15.72 35 19.45 152 19.66 19.30 -.07 +16.4 EagleP pfA N ECCA 1.94 7.4 26.80 24.90 0 26.10 3 26.39 25.97 +.07 +1.4 EaglePt 20 N ECCZ 1.75 6.8 26.53 23.89 0 25.86 15 26.27 25.68 +.10 +.6 EaglPt pfB N ECCB 1.94 7.4 27.75 24.96 1 26.14 7 26.45 25.76 +.20 +2.7 Earthstone N ESTE 15.93 7.67 50 12.40 337 13.39 12.05 -.47 -9.8 EstWstBcp Q EWBC .80 1.6 17 56.97 31.34 799 50.48 5605 54.59 49.10 -4.24 -.7 EastrAcq n Q EACQ 11.85 9.60 8 9.95 9 9.96 9.95 -.01 +1.0 EastrAc wt Q EACQW .81 .14 0 .42 64 .47 .38 +.03 +20.0sEasterly un Q EACQU 12.64 9.60 0 10.15 19 12.64 10.10 +.05 +1.5 EastGvP n N DEA .96f 4.9 16 21.07 17.58 352 19.43 4562 19.86 19.30 -.22 -2.9 EasternCo Q EML .44 2.2 17 21.50 15.74 2 20.20 12 20.42 19.75 +.40 -3.3 EastVaBk Q EVBS .12 1.2 23 11.10 6.60 4 10.42 65 10.80 9.96 -.33 -.3 Eastgrp N EGP 2.40 3.3 19 76.13 57.44 229 73.30 1367 74.00 71.20 +.91 -.7 EastChem N EMN 2.04f 2.6 12 82.10 62.70 804 77.18 5090 79.43 76.80 -1.99 +2.6 EKodak wt N KODK/WS 5.12 1.15 1.25 9 1.39 1.18 -.18 -67.9tEKodk wtA N KODK/WS/A 4.35 .72 0 .72 54 1.05 .72 -.33 -74.4 EKodak N KODK 40 17.30 10.00 90 11.15 659 11.60 10.30 -.35 -28.1 Eaton N ETN 2.28 3.1 17 74.35 54.30 2557 72.84 10076 74.02 71.78 -.41 +8.6 EatV HiIn21 N EHT .60 6.1 10.20 9.71 71 9.89 493 9.92 9.88 -.01 -.3 EatV StkNx Q EVSTC 100.02 99.97 6 99.97 25 99.97 99.97 EV GlInBu Q EVGBC .30e 100.06 99.97 0 99.97 25 99.97 99.97 EV CAMu N EVM .68 6.1 14.23 10.83 39 11.30 248 11.37 11.22 +.14 -.7 EVCAMu2 N EIA .62 5.4 14.27 11.30 9 11.50 44 11.60 11.43 -.01 -.9 EVCAMu N CEV .71 5.8 14.84 11.80 9 12.25 88 12.32 12.17 +.02 -.4 EatnVan N EV 1.12 2.5 21 47.83 31.83 655 44.35 2700 45.90 44.10 -1.53 +5.9 EV EnEq N EOI 1.04 8.0 13.50 11.60 84 12.97 541 13.18 12.87 -.05 +4.6 EV EEq2 N EOS 1.05 7.8 13.86 12.49 146 13.41 644 13.65 13.35 -.11 +4.8 EV FltRt N EFT .91 6.0 15.45 12.87 159 15.25 590 15.30 15.04 +.04 +2.3 EVFltRtIP N EFF 1.13 6.7 17.38 14.11 32 16.82 170 17.00 16.74 +.01 -1.9 EV LtdDur N EVV 1.22 8.8 14.25 12.82 205 13.89 1933 14.07 13.73 -.12 +1.2 EV MAMu N MAB .65 4.8 16.10 13.11 3 13.43 22 13.45 13.34 +.14 EVMAMu N MMV .69 5.2 15.82 13.05 3 13.29 53 13.40 13.13 +.08 +1.3 EV MIMu N MIW .71 5.3 16.49 12.34 13.39 26 13.39 13.08 +.81 EVMIMu N EMI .71 5.4 14.68 12.41 5 13.17 12 13.32 13.04 +.08 +2.6 EVMuniBd N EIM .77 6.2 14.48 12.00 93 12.37 638 12.37 12.19 +.22 -.3 EVMuni2 N EIV .70 5.8 14.98 11.78 29 12.07 169 12.09 12.00 +.07 -1.9 EVMunTT N ETX .85 4.4 21.68 18.64 65 19.36 134 19.54 19.05 +.36 -1.3 EV MuIT N EVN .85 6.8 15.00 12.00 24 12.54 236 12.60 12.40 +.13 -.1 EV NMuOp N EOT 1.03 4.9 23.47 20.45 21 21.20 93 21.30 21.02 +.27 +1.9 EV NJMu N EMJ .75 6.0 16.05 12.20 7 12.49 83 12.59 12.27 +.24 -2.5 EVNJMu N EVJ .73 6.1 14.85 11.51 6 12.03 86 12.07 11.72 +.29 +.1 EVNYMu2 N NYH .69 5.9 14.50 10.43 1 11.66 15 11.74 11.58 +.05 +.1 EV NYMu N ENX .72 5.9 14.65 12.00 10 12.17 100 12.22 12.10 +.10 -1.1 EVNYMu N EVY .74 5.8 15.64 12.49 2 12.79 48 12.81 12.60 +.19 -1.9 EV 5-15Mu Q EVLMC .14e 100.06 99.94 5 99.94 26 100.01 99.94 -.1 EV OHMu N EIO .70 5.6 16.99 12.38 6 12.63 22 12.78 12.50 +.13 -5.7tEVOHMu N EVO .73 5.4 16.30 13.19 3 13.48 20 13.49 13.19 +.01 -.7 EV PAMu N EIP .77 6.1 15.50 11.65 0 12.60 13 12.63 12.49 +.22 -.1 EVPAMu N EVP .73 6.1 13.74 11.80 6 12.00 51 12.00 11.87 +.09 -.9 EVRiskMgd N ETJ 1.12 12.3 9.95 8.60 180 9.10 1075 9.29 9.05 -.08 +1.6 EV SrFlt N EFR .95 6.2 15.58 12.55 72 15.29 640 15.58 15.21 -.22 +3.8 EV SrInc N EVF .42 6.1 6.98 5.69 39 6.88 438 6.91 6.82 +.02 +3.0sEVShDur N EVG 1.08 7.6 14.19 12.96 31 14.14 181 14.19 13.97 +.19 +2.0tEVTxABdO N EXD 1.16 10.5 12.45 10.98 36 11.00 229 11.32 10.94 -2.9 EV TxAd N EVT 1.74 8.2 22.26 18.62 101 21.26 543 21.47 21.05 +3.5sEV TxAG N ETG 1.23 7.9 15.74 13.50 127 15.48 718 15.74 15.30 -.05 +10.0sEV TxAOp N ETO 2.16 9.3 23.97 19.86 26 23.16 232 23.97 22.90 -.55 +11.3sEV TxDiver N ETY 1.01 9.2 11.21 9.88 346 11.01 2041 11.21 10.94 -.09 +6.4 EVTxMGlo N EXG .98 11.6 9.05 7.88 809 8.40 4831 8.59 8.37 -.05 +4.7 EVTxBWIn N ETB 1.30 8.0 17.80 15.48 78 16.17 369 16.65 16.17 -.18 -2.1 EVTxGBW N ETW 1.17 10.8 11.15 10.00 214 10.79 1278 10.96 10.71 -.07 +7.1sEVTxBWOp N ETV 1.33 8.7 15.57 14.08 122 15.21 639 15.57 15.14 -.15 +2.5 Ebix Inc s Q EBIX .30 .5 21 65.10 12.07 134 60.35 771 63.15 60.00 -2.60 +5.8sEchelon rs Q ELON 6.40 4.17 3 6.20 31 6.42 5.98 +.25 +32.0tEchoGLog Q ECHO 48 28.90 20.05 295 20.50 1179 21.25 20.05 -.85 -18.2 EchoStar Q SATS 29 57.28 36.43 285 55.18 1481 55.79 54.10 -.09 +7.4 EclipseRs N ECR 4.42 1.22 751 2.37 3623 2.39 2.03 +.15 -11.2 Eco-StimE Q ESES 3.38 .66 30 1.11 350 1.24 1.08 -.05 +15.6 Ecolab N ECL 1.48 1.2 28 126.17 109.58 984 123.83 4393 125.77 123.51 -1.58 +5.6 EcologyEn Q EEI .40 4.0 11.20 8.75 6 10.00 18 10.15 9.75 -5.2 Ecopetrol N EC 1.03e 11.4 10.29 7.65 531 9.05 3951 9.12 8.85 +.12 Edenor N EDN 35.73 13.25 27 33.00 149 33.72 32.28 +.73 +18.5 EdgeTher n Q EDGE 13.50 6.52 138 7.81 348 8.80 7.44 -.92 -37.5 Edgewater Q EDGW 9.40 6.22 3 7.62 202 7.98 7.20 +.35 +1.6tEdgewell N EPC 28 88.00 72.75 218 73.42 1339 75.14 72.75 -1.42 +.6sEdisonInt N EIX 2.17 2.7 20 80.61 67.44 1240 80.71 8446 80.99 78.53 +1.11 +12.1 EditasM n Q EDIT 43.50 12.43 1232 19.26 7701 22.81 18.70 -3.04 +18.7 EducRltTr N EDR 1.52 3.8 27 48.87 38.59 291 40.26 1492 40.63 39.35 +.35 -4.8 EducDevel Q EDUC .36 4.2 15 15.03 6.90 3 8.65 25 9.00 8.30 -.46 -13.1 EdwLfSci s N EW 33 121.75 81.12 1899 95.59 8076 96.03 92.35 +1.19 +2.0teGain Q EGAN 4.05 1.55 9 1.65 190 1.85 1.55 -.15 -21.4 EgaletCp Q EGLT 10.00 4.34 277 4.78 1316 4.94 4.56 +.04 -37.5 eHiCarSvc N EHIC 13.07 8.11 115 10.16 579 10.80 10.00 -.34 +12.1tEigerBio rs Q EIGR 23.10 10.15 14 10.40 139 11.30 10.15 -.80 -10.7 8x8 Inc Q EGHT 16.80 9.03 1352 14.95 2943 15.60 14.12 -.35 +4.5 8Point3E n Q CAFD 1.03f 7.9 10 17.34 12.04 244 13.04 1027 13.04 12.15 +.34 +.5 EksoBio n Q EKSO 6.38 2.53 182 3.83 1248 3.87 3.20 +.57 -3.8sElPasoEl N EE 1.24 2.5 21 49.65 42.42 120 49.55 819 49.90 48.00 +.45 +6.6 ElPasE pf N EPpC 2.38 4.8 53.75 42.50 2 50.10 4 50.10 49.50 +.57 +2.2 ElPolLoco Q LOCO 18 14.98 10.08 275 11.65 1669 11.73 11.20 -5.3 ElbitIm rs Q EMITF 4.04 2.16 3.40 21 3.48 3.28 -.14 -.3 ElbitSys Q ESLT 1.76f 1.5 20 121.22 88.45 32 114.52 193 121.00 113.86 -6.25 +12.4 EldorGld g N EGO .02e 5.16 2.54 2172 3.14 19970 3.22 3.01 +.04 -2.5 EldorRsts Q ERI 45 19.85 10.57 211 17.70 1500 18.90 17.40 -1.15 +4.4 ElectSci Q ESIO 7.56 4.50 83 6.52 451 6.75 6.40 -.02 +10.1 ElectroSen Q ELSE 12 4.60 3.05 4.01 3 4.10 3.92 -.01 +15.9 Electrmed N ELMD 29 6.26 3.38 13 4.90 120 4.97 4.78 -.01 +26.3 ElectArts Q EA 91.82 61.10 1853 89.35 13637 90.09 87.90 -.24 +13.4 EFII Q EFII 40 50.09 38.00 278 46.83 1754 47.34 45.62 -.05 +6.8 ElectrAc n Q ELEC 10.09 9.58 9.97 8 9.99 9.95 -.03 +.7 ElectAc wt Q ELECW .54 .14 0 .48 34 .48 .35 -.03 +69.6 ElevenBio Q EBIO 5.97 .28 3462 2.01 4341 2.34 1.83 +.14 +5.2 EliLilly N LLY 2.08f 2.5 27 86.14 64.18 2396 84.18 15449 85.05 83.47 +.22 +14.5 Elk HiQPfd N EPRF 27.79 22.79 4 23.99 7 24.06 23.88 -.01 +3.4 Elkh LoVl n N LVHB 30.17 24.54 33 29.68 276 30.06 29.68 -.31 +4.3 ElkCmRt ef Q DWAC 26.59 23.61 96 24.15 97 24.33 24.00 -.17 -1.7 EllieMae N ELLI 68 109.99 74.11 196 98.14 1980 99.19 96.00 -.15 +17.3 EllingtnF N EFC 1.80 11.5 18.20 15.30 65 15.69 248 15.93 15.59 -.13 +1.1sEllingtRM N EARN 1.60 10.9 11 14.84 11.60 32 14.62 203 14.84 14.34 +.02 +12.4 Ellomay N ELLO 9.59 7.01 8.01 7 8.01 7.90 -.13 -1.0 EllswthFd N ECF .80e 9.4 8.76 7.42 19 8.51 165 8.57 8.42 -.02 +2.9 ElmiraSB Q ESBK .92 4.3 18 22.25 18.01 2 21.50 14 21.70 20.81 -.15 +5.1 EltekLtd Q ELTK 1.47 .72 14 .78 48 .83 .73 +.01 -.8 eMagin N EMAN 3.30 1.68 8 2.25 149 2.45 2.25 -.20 +4.7 EAndinA N AKO/A .55e 2.4 22.91 16.00 0 22.48 80 22.66 22.00 +9.5 EAndinB N AKO/B .60e 2.5 25.07 18.00 26 23.97 109 24.98 23.11 -.34 +6.7 Embraer N ERJ .18e .8 26.66 17.06 507 22.77 4964 24.71 22.47 -.96 +18.3 EmclaireF Q EMCF 1.08f 3.8 15 31.50 23.00 0 28.13 4 31.08 27.55 -3.37 -3.8 Emcore Q EMKR 1.50e 25 10.50 3.80 312 8.60 1863 8.90 8.35 -.30 -1.1 EmergeES N EMES 2.68m 24.45 3.00 884 11.87 4547 13.35 11.11 -1.63 -3.6 EmergBio N EBS 23 44.38 24.47 376 28.82 1862 30.76 28.06 -1.65 -12.2 EmersonEl N EMR 1.92 3.3 23 64.36 48.45 3030 58.57 15146 60.60 58.38 -2.03 +5.1sEmerR hs N MSN 1.40 .55 8 1.29 128 1.40 1.15 +.04 +22.9 EmmisC rs Q EMMS 2 4.33 1.92 25 2.48 60 2.66 2.46 -.13 -26.8 EmpirRst rs Q NYNY 25.19 11.98 6 23.50 33 24.40 22.50 +.70 +3.3 EmpireRes Q ERS .16 2.8 43 7.47 3.10 1 5.62 15 5.70 5.42 -.09 -17.2 EmpOPES N ESBA .34 1.6 22.19 15.31 7 20.75 117 20.86 20.33 +.30 +3.9 EmpOP60 N OGCP .34 1.6 21.99 14.77 20.77 10 20.77 20.37 +.52 +5.6 EmpOP250 N FISK .34 1.6 22.17 15.47 1 20.71 5 20.74 20.40 +.21 +3.7 EmpStRTr N ESRT .34 1.6 34 22.31 17.22 812 20.90 4330 20.98 20.39 +.29 +3.5 EmployH N EIG .36 1.0 13 40.55 27.01 97 36.40 619 38.60 35.90 -1.90 -8.1 EElChile N EOCC .65e 3.0 29.00 18.35 51 21.78 307 21.98 21.22 +.39 +12.0 EnLinkLP N ENLK 1.56 8.9 19.89 10.51 305 17.44 3136 17.82 17.10 -.17 -5.3 EnableMid N ENBL 1.27 7.7 24 17.36 7.65 246 16.44 656 16.70 15.70 +.35 +4.5 EnantaPh Q ENTA 37.32 20.79 223 30.80 1048 30.94 28.13 +2.23 -8.1 EnbrdgEM N EEQ 2.33t 26.53 16.47 710 17.89 3022 18.01 16.75 +.50 -30.9 EnbrdgEPt N EEP 2.33 12.9 29 26.37 16.86 816 18.13 4161 18.39 17.30 +.42 -28.8 Enbridge N ENB 1.66f 45.77 36.99 3475 40.90 22418 41.45 40.35 -.29 -2.9 EnCana g N ECA .06 .6 13.85 5.47 7883 10.55 37739 10.96 10.30 -.14 -10.1 EncoreCap Q ECPG 10 35.93 17.66 251 30.40 1457 31.10 28.95 -.70 +6.1 EncorW Q WIRE .08 .2 27 49.75 33.70 37 44.65 249 47.75 44.30 -3.20 +3.0 EndvSilv g N EXK 5.95 2.30 1212 3.08 11134 3.35 3.02 -.04 -12.5tEndo Intl Q ENDP 6 35.34 9.70 5601 9.97 34193 10.75 9.70 -.79 -39.5 Endocyte Q ECYT 4.33 1.98 144 2.21 1047 2.48 2.15 -.23 -13.3 Endologix Q ELGX 14.50 4.78 770 6.93 5021 7.30 6.45 -.13 +21.2 EndurIntl Q EIGI 11.55 6.55 367 7.90 2757 8.33 7.85 -.40 -15.1 EndurSpec N ENH 1.52 1.6 17 93.31 62.78 1645 92.97 3467 92.98 92.82 +.13 +.6 EndSp pfC N ENHpC 1.59 6.0 28.60 25.05 6 26.31 33 26.35 26.00 +.12 +3.0 EnduroRT N NDRO .27e 7.8 9 4.55 2.37 28 3.50 212 3.65 3.40 +.10 +1.4 EnerNOC Q ENOC 7.88 4.80 239 5.35 1911 5.85 5.20 -.20 -10.8 Energen N EGN .08 .2 64.44 32.25 897 51.51 7445 53.06 50.43 -.75 -10.7sEnergizer n N ENR 1.10 2.0 21 56.54 38.96 265 55.69 1634 56.54 55.16 +.16 +24.8 Energous Q WATT 20.55 7.80 216 15.37 1338 16.18 14.51 -.69 -8.8 EngyFocus Q EFOI 8.54 2.95 27 3.21 357 3.76 3.13 -.35 -24.5 EnFuel grs N UUUU 2.87 1.29 227 2.03 1330 2.23 1.95 -.18 +23.8 EnrgyRec Q ERII 16.67 7.22 273 7.60 3097 8.61 7.27 -.75 -26.6 EgyTrEq s N ETE 1.14 6.0 20 20.05 6.37 6382 18.90 27602 19.23 18.05 -.06 -2.1 EngyTsfr N ETP 4.22 11.8 43.50 28.06 1827 35.83 11156 36.09 34.08 +.22 +.1 EnrgyXXi n Q EXXI 35.96 27.00 17 29.50 115 29.55 27.85 +2.32 -9.2 EnerJexR N ENRJ .83 .22 32 .34 212 .38 .32 -.02 +17.2 Enerpls g N ERF .14e 1.9 3 10.33 3.46 649 7.49 5246 8.25 7.28 -.59 -21.0sEnersisAm N ENIA .35e 3.4 10.17 7.06 554 10.17 3639 10.27 9.93 +.17 +23.9 EnerChile N ENIC .16p 6.66 4.25 349 5.22 2131 5.32 5.06 +.06 +14.7 EnerSys N ENS .70 .9 20 83.70 52.37 484 76.25 1630 77.50 73.98 -1.50 -2.4 Engility N EGL 17 39.16 17.01 67 27.32 634 30.89 27.08 -3.71 -18.9 EnLinkLLC N ENLC 1.02 5.6 20.45 9.91 414 18.35 2077 19.43 18.25 -.90 -3.7 Ennis Inc N EBF .70a 4.5 14 21.55 14.40 41 15.55 420 16.80 15.20 -1.25 -10.4 EnovaIntl N ENVA 13 15.40 5.43 216 13.75 1189 14.50 13.30 -.45 +9.6 Enphase Q ENPH 2.80 .95 392 1.24 3277 1.39 1.20 -.16 +22.8 EnPro N NPO .88f 1.4 54 69.50 42.56 77 63.57 449 67.24 63.14 -3.23 -5.6 ENSCO N ESV .04 .5 2 12.36 6.50 12932 8.42 45368 8.61 8.23 -.11 -13.4 Enservco N ENSV .89 .26 111 .38 197 .44 .35 -.01 -33.0 EnsignGp s Q ENSG .17 .9 16 23.86 16.76 174 18.39 927 18.78 18.00 +.01 -17.2 EnstarGp Q ESGR 14 209.35 148.91 27 186.05 161 196.35 185.43 -8.95 -5.9 EnSync N ESNC 1.42 .13 30 .55 214 .59 .54 +.02 -23.8 EntegraFn Q ENFC 7 24.25 17.16 8 23.15 50 23.85 22.95 -.95 +12.4sEntegris Q ENTG 28 23.56 12.78 653 22.75 4391 23.56 22.45 -.60 +27.1 Entellus n Q ENTL 22.63 12.31 145 13.94 622 14.25 13.19 +.11 -26.5 Entercom N ETM .07p .5 14 16.55 10.25 87 13.85 807 14.20 13.60 -.40 -9.5 EntArk66 n N EAI 1.22 5.4 25.04 20.49 16 22.58 222 22.60 22.30 +.22 +6.7 EntArk 63 N EAE 1.19 5.1 26.30 19.35 3 23.18 14 23.32 23.05 +.17 +10.3 EntArk 52 N EAB 1.23 5.0 26.30 20.96 8 24.32 49 24.70 24.24 -.02 +11.7 Entergy N ETR 3.48 4.5 9 82.09 66.71 1240 76.81 8467 77.51 74.79 +1.40 +4.5 EntLA 66 N ELC 1.22 5.4 23.17 20.48 16 22.53 179 22.63 22.22 +.25 +6.6 EntgyLA52 N ELJ 1.31 5.2 26.74 22.92 6 25.30 44 25.41 24.88 +.25 +7.7 EntLA 63 N ELU 1.18 5.2 26.15 20.25 12 22.70 35 23.08 22.50 +.20 +10.2 EntMS FtM N EMP 25.00 20.57 18 22.73 117 22.75 22.45 +.14 +7.6 EntgyNO n N ENO 28.00 22.31 13 25.01 65 25.19 24.44 +.31 +7.1 EntgyNO 52 N ENJ 1.25 5.1 28.74 22.11 3 24.72 10 24.74 24.21 +.32 +10.7 EntgyTx64 N EZT 1.41 5.4 28.20 24.12 3 26.30 10 26.35 25.99 +.01 +4.6 EnteroM rs Q ETRM 86.80 1.75 454 5.80 1346 6.14 5.35 -.21 +190.0 EntBcpMA Q EBTC .54f 1.7 20 39.25 21.36 67 32.18 203 33.37 30.46 +.37 -14.3 EntFinSv Q EFSC .44 1.1 17 46.25 25.04 60 40.30 581 43.75 39.65 -3.45 -6.3 EntProdPt N EPD 1.64 6.1 21 30.25 23.56 4025 27.07 18360 27.47 26.92 -.12 +.1 EntertG rs Q EGT 3.25 1.20 0 1.67 55 1.74 1.56 +.07 +20.1 Entravisn N EVC .13 2.0 23 8.31 4.90 242 6.10 1819 6.45 5.85 -.15 -12.9 EntreeGold N EGI .72 .22 54 .48 459 .53 .47 -.04 +52.4 Envestnet N ENV 32 41.47 25.32 1354 32.00 2916 35.35 31.75 -3.35 -9.2 EnviroStr N EVI .20e 25.00 3.05 13 19.80 95 21.55 18.55 +.20 +36.6tEnvisnHl n N EVHC 74.19 61.12 1936 64.25 6918 64.38 61.12 +.35 +1.5tEnvisnHl pf N EVHCp 135.30 115.12 27 115.23 78 117.40 115.12 -2.96 -3.5 Enviva n N EVA 2.14f 7.8 39 29.98 19.31 115 27.55 394 29.00 27.50 -.80 +2.8sEnzoBio N ENZ 7.97 4.28 341 8.43 1280 8.49 7.32 +.92 +21.5 Enzymotec Q ENZY 9.32 5.20 8.80 93 9.10 8.45 -.35 +34.4sEpizyme Q EPZM 17.75 7.02 208 17.15 1854 17.75 16.30 +.05 +41.7 ePlus Q PLUS 18 141.00 72.36 26 133.45 146 134.50 129.00 -.35 +15.8sEquifax N EFX 1.56f 1.1 27 137.76 110.87 328 135.93 4278 137.76 133.94 -.19 +15.0sEquinix Q EQIX 8.00f 2.1 392.92 311.95 1427 388.09 4494 392.92 376.10 +12.45 +8.6sEquitFin n Q EQFN .20p 10.31 8.16 3 10.25 12 10.31 10.25 -.05 +3.5 EqtyBcsh n Q EQBK 27 38.03 19.81 24 30.60 145 33.25 30.16 -2.46 -9.0 EquityCmw N EQC 32 32.02 26.92 374 31.48 2438 31.60 30.96 +.14 +4.1 EqCm pfD N EQCpD 1.63 6.4 27.48 24.74 2 25.40 29 25.40 25.23 +.17 -.7 EqCmw 42 N EQCO 1.44 5.7 26.21 22.82 7 25.07 23 25.29 24.92 -.22 +5.0 EqtyLfPrp N ELS 1.95f 2.5 30 83.19 65.87 257 78.22 1440 79.48 76.64 +.64 +8.5 EqLfPr pfC N ELSpC 1.69 6.6 27.00 23.50 25.50 7 25.97 25.42 -.12 +1.4 EqtyRsd N EQR 2.16 3.4 19 75.49 58.28 1706 62.94 8076 63.74 62.69 +.01 -2.2sEquusTR N EQS 28 2.50 1.52 7 2.27 102 2.50 2.23 -.13 +12.9 EraGroup N ERA 17.73 6.92 177 11.70 594 12.30 11.43 -.53 -31.1 Ericsson Q ERIC .46e 7.0 10.20 4.83 2128 6.55 15618 6.66 6.42 -.11 +12.3 ErieInd Q ERIE 3.13f 2.6 30 125.40 90.21 26 121.56 155 124.29 119.73 -.53 +8.9 ErinEn rs N ERN 4.10 1.24 89 2.50 249 2.50 2.10 +.20 -18.0 Eros Intl N EROS 19.87 8.85 870 10.35 2296 11.00 9.00 -.35 -20.7 Escalade Q ESCA .46f 3.6 16 14.70 9.70 11 12.75 79 13.20 12.30 -.20 -3.4 EscoTech N ESE .32 .6 34 58.95 37.19 90 57.00 432 58.20 54.60 -1.20 +.6sEsperion Q ESPR 48.21 9.40 1587 38.94 60630 48.21 32.10 +15.27 +211.0 Espey N ESP 1.00 4.2 23 27.65 22.31 2 23.93 6 24.74 23.50 +.93 -8.2 EssaPhm g Q EPIX 3.89 1.50 23 2.95 132 3.59 2.72 +.25 +34.7tEssendant Q ESND .56 4.0 11 34.99 13.92 185 14.15 1081 15.57 13.92 -1.26 -32.3 Essent N ESNT 14 38.10 19.30 379 35.01 3006 36.16 34.05 -.99 +8.2sEssexPT N ESS 7.00f 3.0 32 238.00 200.01 279 236.65 1644 238.57 231.82 +3.50 +1.8 EsteeLdr N EL 1.36 1.6 28 97.48 75.30 1861 86.01 8766 87.55 85.31 +.05 +12.4 Esterline N ESL 18 96.50 56.72 97 82.60 656 90.75 82.35 -7.55 -7.4 EtfSilver N SIVR 20.30 14.52 67 17.35 347 17.38 16.96 +.36 +11.3 EthanAl N ETH .76 2.6 17 38.80 27.75 221 29.75 1160 31.45 29.35 -1.70 -19.3sEtrac2xMtg N MORL 3.31e 19.4 17.10 12.32 299 17.02 1076 17.12 16.63 +.24 +9.2 Et2xDJDiv N DVYL 3.55e 5.7 66.42 49.45 7 62.83 47 64.60 62.40 -1.74 +4.3 Etr2xHomb N HOML 32.19 17.12 0 30.54 66 31.31 29.38 -1.65 +26.3 EtrCrdOil n N OILX 35.48 25.63 29.55 3 29.56 29.51 +.60 -12.1 EtHiDLwV N HDLV 2.57e 7.7 35.25 27.34 5 33.49 77 33.87 33.24 -.30 +6.2 Etr2xSPX N SPLX 43.12 29.39 41.06 5 42.75 41.00 -1.32 +9.4 Etr2xCEFd N CEFL 2.88 16.9 18.83 14.82 101 17.01 974 17.30 16.56 -.15 +1.6 EtrcDvsHi N DVHL 2.85e 12.7 23.95 15.97 4 22.42 130 23.18 21.97 -.08 +3.5 EtrWFxEn N LMLP 1.90e 14.4 14.27 8.68 9 13.22 68 13.58 12.96 -.11 +15.4 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 7 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
EtracReit N LRET 2.00e 7.7 33.34 22.64 0 25.96 12 26.29 25.16 +.16 -2.1 UBS VlHdg N XIVH 55.50 25.50 3 47.00 8 51.52 47.00 -4.27 +33.2sUBS VlVIX N LSVX 31.21 25.91 0 30.15 5 31.21 30.15 -.84 +12.7sEtr EnhGl N FIHD 141.80 107.16 5 139.22 53 141.80 137.69 -1.27 +11.4 Etr MLP In N MLPQ .08p 62.03 33.34 32 54.21 135 54.56 52.35 -.09 +.6 EtrMtgReit N MRRL 1.70e 17.60 11.00 11 16.80 40 17.03 16.56 +.24 +7.4 EtrSCHiDv N SMHD 3.06e 14.2 24.48 13.81 19 21.49 237 22.59 20.97 -1.09 -5.5 Etsy n Q ETSY 16.05 7.60 820 9.88 7150 10.44 9.82 -.49 -16.1 EurasnM g N EMX 1.40 .54 15 .99 238 1.05 .98 +10.9 EuroTech Q CLWT 4.43 1.46 3.75 5 3.80 3.45 +.15 +5.6 Euronav n N EURN 2.41e 11.73 6.65 668 8.00 3514 8.40 7.80 -.35 +.6 Euronet Q EEFT 24 84.81 65.33 227 83.54 1319 84.08 82.27 +.05 +15.3sEuroEqFd N EEA .17e 2.1 8.36 7.20 8 8.26 39 8.36 8.16 +.06 +7.0 Euroseas rs Q ESEA 8.07 1.04 184 1.40 894 1.52 1.35 -.12 -17.2 EvansBc N EVBN .80f 2.1 22 40.95 22.87 4 38.34 93 39.80 37.91 +.04 +21.5 EverBank N EVER .24 1.2 17 19.52 13.37 269 19.47 2372 19.47 19.43 +.03 +.1 EverBk pfA N EVERpA 1.69 6.7 26.55 24.92 10 25.31 65 25.42 25.29 +.01 +.4sEverbrdg n Q EVBG 20.95 11.76 198 20.05 864 20.95 18.87 +.33 +8.7 Evercore N EVR 1.24f 1.6 24 83.30 40.36 197 77.30 1919 82.15 75.55 -4.60 +12.5 EverestRe N RE 5.00 2.1 9 240.51 169.19 118 233.40 730 236.38 232.55 -2.59 +7.9sEveriHldgs N EVRI 4.53 1.13 2017 4.63 6361 4.91 4.19 +.37 +113.4 EversrceE N ES 1.90f 3.2 20 60.44 50.56 1291 60.01 7043 60.28 58.34 +1.08 +8.7 EvrspnTc n Q MRAM 10.28 6.15 16 7.88 191 8.40 7.00 -.21 -4.9 Evertec N EVTC .40 2.5 18.60 12.98 147 15.75 1238 16.85 15.70 -.95 -11.3 EvineLive Q EVLV 2.40 .73 251 1.36 1334 1.49 1.22 -9.3 Evogene Q EVGN 8.06 4.86 5 5.21 217 5.32 5.01 -.10 +2.2 EvokePhm Q EVOK 11.11 1.35 156 2.86 1315 3.06 2.69 -.20 +41.6 EvolentH n N EVH 26.84 9.78 650 20.85 2003 22.70 19.80 -1.05 +40.9 EvolPetrol N EPM .28f 3.7 11 10.20 4.45 106 7.60 600 8.15 7.20 -.35 -24.0 EvolvgSys Q EVOL .44 9.5 17 6.00 3.10 8 4.65 64 5.07 4.55 -.40 +13.4 ExOne Q XONE 16.15 9.03 112 10.01 817 10.45 9.60 -.44 +7.2 Exa Corp Q EXA 16.89 11.12 29 12.92 516 14.21 12.34 -.88 -15.9 ExactSci h Q EXAS 24.50 5.36 2295 21.08 12427 21.43 19.91 +.15 +57.8 Exactech Q EXAC 29.00 18.14 26 26.80 137 27.05 26.50 +.15 -1.8 Exar N EXAR 58 11.35 5.11 191 10.43 1220 10.98 10.22 -.32 -3.2 ETYldShHi N YYY 1.92 10.1 19.80 17.62 58 18.97 370 19.11 18.82 -.03 +2.2sExTrRobo Q ROBO .07e .2 32.49 23.73 228 31.90 1422 32.49 31.56 -.33 +11.3 ExTTactUS N HTUS 27.21 25.71 12 26.65 101 26.91 26.50 -.25 +3.5 RxVlmxInF N VMIN 51.74 17.09 93 34.54 207 37.85 32.58 -2.17 +53.4tRxVlmxWk N VMAX 29.75 4.59 35 4.86 81 5.23 4.59 +.13 -42.7sETEMeCmc N EMQQ .02p 28.60 21.00 15 28.00 96 28.60 27.39 -.12 +22.6tExcoRes N XCO .07p 1.91 .47 810 .52 9508 .63 .47 -.08 -40.5 Exelixis Q EXEL 23.49 3.64 3151 20.91 19034 22.18 20.02 -1.12 +40.2 Exelon N EXC 1.31f 3.6 15 37.70 29.82 3413 36.12 23958 36.44 35.38 +.11 +1.8 Exelon 17 N EXCU 3.25 6.6 50.97 43.00 126 49.33 621 49.59 48.99 +.13 +1.9 ExeterR gs N XRA 1.48 .54 93 1.15 741 1.28 1.13 -.07 +51.7 ExlSvcHld Q EXLS 14 54.78 42.00 175 46.31 951 46.69 45.47 +.35 -8.2 Expedia Q EXPE 1.12f .9 55 133.55 96.58 1303 127.76 8230 131.43 126.29 -3.44 +12.8 ExpdIntl Q EXPD .80 1.4 24 57.35 46.42 757 55.82 4218 56.52 55.42 -.58 +5.4 Exponent s Q EXPO .72 1.2 33 64.80 45.00 43 58.10 279 60.25 57.75 -2.10 -3.6tExpress N EXPR 10 21.57 8.25 1062 8.54 10848 9.40 8.25 -.89 -20.6tExpScripts Q ESRX 11 80.02 63.22 3001 64.11 23218 65.09 63.22 -.98 -6.8 ExtendStay N STAY .76 4.7 77 17.87 13.00 774 16.26 7588 16.60 15.75 -.14 +.7 Exterran n N EXTN 34.05 10.83 194 28.16 1083 28.54 26.96 -.07 +17.8 ExtraSpce N EXR 3.12 4.2 23 94.81 68.09 550 75.04 3793 76.20 74.54 -.32 -2.8 ExtrOilGs n Q XOG 25.08 14.76 752 16.91 4860 17.42 16.28 -.43 -15.6 ExtrmNet Q EXTR 7.11 2.95 679 6.44 4852 6.75 6.35 -.27 +28.0 ExxonMbl N XOM 3.00 3.7 36 95.55 80.31 8751 81.23 49931 82.35 81.15 -.77 -10.0 EyegatePh Q EYEG 4.00 1.11 143 2.19 725 2.50 2.18 -.23 +34.4 Ezcorp Q EZPW 12.00 2.75 310 7.95 1472 8.35 7.80 -.15 -25.4F -:sF5 Netwks Q FFIV 24 149.50 93.64 380 146.57 2763 149.50 145.03 -2.22 +1.3 FB Finl n N FBK 33.77 19.81 22 31.63 227 33.01 30.40 -1.12 +21.9 FBL Fn N FFG 1.76f 2.8 15 82.60 56.41 16 62.90 148 66.90 62.40 -4.10 -19.5 FBR&Co Q FBRC .80 4.5 20.48 10.57 20 17.70 121 18.10 17.20 -.05 +36.2 FCB Fin N FCB 21 50.33 30.23 394 46.95 2330 49.30 46.40 -2.40 -1.6 FLIR Sys Q FLIR .60f 1.7 30 37.44 28.26 302 36.06 2267 36.88 35.62 -.68 -.4 FMC Corp N FMC .66 1.1 22 62.84 36.72 1030 61.15 6823 62.03 59.26 -.04 +8.1 FNBCp PA N FNB .48 3.3 18 16.43 11.69 3867 14.54 20651 15.26 13.99 -.82 -9.3 FNB FL pfE N FNBpE 33.50 27.01 32 28.29 67 28.61 28.21 -.33 +.1 FPL pfC N NEEpC 1.47 5.7 27.05 24.92 11 25.78 43 25.99 25.62 +.01 +2.5 FTFQAntiB N BTAL 24.47 18.06 1 20.07 10 20.15 19.59 +.53 +1.9 FTFQuSize N SIZ 22.29 20.50 4 21.30 4 21.30 20.87 +.21 -3.0 FqfOAsQDv N OAPH .65e 2.4 27.55 23.97 0 27.14 4 27.44 26.91 -.27 +4.3 FqfOAsiaDv N OASI .43e 27.65 23.50 1 27.29 7 27.56 27.03 -.18 +7.4 FqfOEuQDv N OEUH .45e 29.30 24.11 3 26.16 58 26.23 25.81 +.32 +6.4 FqfOEurDiv N OEUR .15e 24.27 20.40 25 23.21 137 23.32 22.84 +.12 +7.3 FQFO USDv N OUSA .20e 29.15 26.06 82 28.77 1060 29.13 28.70 -.24 +4.7 FRP Hldgs Q FRPH 65 45.50 28.90 2 40.50 23 42.45 38.00 -1.00 +7.4 FS Bncp Q FSBW .40 1.1 10 39.70 24.32 2 36.10 36 38.25 36.00 -.40 +.4 FS Invest N FSIC .89 9.3 25 10.80 8.03 580 9.60 4400 9.80 9.55 -.13 -6.8 FTD Cos Q FTD 28.70 16.86 120 19.23 998 20.85 18.52 -.88 -19.3 FTI Cnslt N FCN 18 47.12 33.42 233 40.09 1133 40.56 39.06 -.48 -11.1 Fabrinet N FN 15 49.63 29.78 574 43.44 2604 43.55 40.27 +1.08 +7.8sFacebook Q FB 33 142.31 106.31 16345 140.34 87967 142.31 137.60 +.50 +22.0 FactsetR N FDS 2.00 1.1 26 183.64 145.48 210 176.73 1165 182.56 174.53 -3.21 +8.1 FairIsaac N FICO .08 .1 36 133.14 100.35 87 126.85 591 131.51 124.59 -4.84 +6.4 FairmSant N FMSA 13.12 2.39 6044 6.82 32198 7.31 5.97 -.50 -42.2 FairptCom Q FRP 4 19.60 12.81 99 16.50 625 17.43 15.95 -.80 -11.8tFalconStor Q FALC 1.49 .27 239 .36 1869 .40 .27 +.01 -20.2tFDaves Q DAVE 84 6.73 3.90 29 4.18 256 4.65 3.90 -.28 -15.7tFangHldg N SFUN .20e 7.3 6.53 2.71 1626 2.74 10771 3.01 2.71 -.22 -16.5 Fanhua Q FANH 23 10.35 6.19 112 8.97 723 9.09 8.52 -.05 +8.3 FarmerBrs Q FARM 5 37.55 25.81 50 33.75 260 33.93 32.85 -8.0 FarmCB Q FFKT .40 1.0 17 44.65 24.71 18 38.30 380 38.65 37.75 -.15 -8.9 FarmersNB Q FMNB .16 1.2 17 15.50 8.52 32 13.30 272 14.25 12.95 -.80 -6.3 Farmland N FPI .51 4.7 18 11.98 10.00 134 10.86 939 10.99 10.61 +.14 -2.7 FaroTech Q FARO 40 40.15 27.87 58 34.20 321 36.75 33.10 -2.60 -5.0 Fastenal Q FAST 1.28f 2.5 29 52.64 37.70 1415 50.76 8531 52.07 50.49 -1.11 +8.0 FateThera Q FATE 5.68 1.47 237 4.77 2277 5.13 4.24 -.18 +90.0 FedExCp N FDX 1.60 .9 17 201.57 145.00 2767 188.12 17710 197.48 187.23 -6.47 +1.0 FedAgric N AGM 1.44f 2.6 64.28 32.31 22 56.36 261 61.56 54.63 -5.21 -1.6 FdAgricA N AGM/A 1.44f 2.4 18 70.00 34.60 60.00 4 66.26 59.84 -7.00 -2.4 FAgMt pfA N AGMpA 1.47 5.7 27.97 24.63 1 25.76 10 25.80 25.22 +.29 +3.2 FAgMt pfB N AGMpB 1.72 6.3 29.50 24.71 8 27.42 18 27.53 26.72 +.54 +5.3 FAgMt pfC N AGMpC 1.50 5.5 30.60 24.63 3 27.50 4 28.50 27.00 +.85 +9.7 FedRlty N FRT 3.92f 2.9 24 171.08 126.02 388 134.80 2757 135.91 131.91 +.05 -5.1 FedSignl N FSS .28 2.0 20 16.65 11.68 156 13.75 861 14.42 13.49 -.65 -11.9 FedInvst N FII 1.00 3.9 13 33.13 24.52 363 25.50 3765 26.19 24.93 -.47 -9.8 FedNatHld Q FNHC .32 1.9 22.93 14.03 37 16.76 508 17.83 16.45 -.65 -10.3 FedPInt N FPT .67 5.1 14.99 12.55 2 13.13 26 13.20 12.85 +.32 +3.7 FedPMu N FMN .88 6.4 16.77 13.53 6 13.73 79 13.74 13.61 +.19 -1.7 FelCor N FCH .24 3.2 11 9.13 5.68 573 7.45 3759 7.53 7.21 -.03 -7.0 FelCor pfA N FCHpA 1.95 8.0 25.65 22.82 8 24.26 109 24.40 24.16 -.11 -2.6 FemaleHlt Q FHCO 2.21 .72 56 1.09 439 1.10 1.00 +.09 +19.2tFenixPrt lf Q FENX 5.49 1.76 58 1.80 276 1.96 1.76 -.02 -36.2sFerrari n N RACE 71.08 38.71 552 71.58 2698 72.22 67.07 +3.15 +23.1 Ferrellgs N FGP .40 6.6 20.85 5.04 286 6.06 2300 6.12 5.70 -.01 -10.5 Ferro N FOE 13 16.17 11.42 310 14.70 2951 15.13 14.15 +.33 +2.6 Ferrogl n Q GSM .16 1.6 12.53 7.67 526 9.82 3547 11.64 9.80 -.99 -9.3 FiatChrys N FCAU 11.63 5.45 5055 10.81 42448 11.42 10.60 -.66 +18.5 FibriaCelu N FBR .09e 1.0 10.24 5.79 861 8.89 6839 9.54 8.83 -.02 -7.5 Fibrocll rs Q FCSC 11.33 1.57 27 1.98 154 2.20 1.88 -.23 +4.8 FibroGen Q FGEN 27.30 14.50 294 24.80 2553 25.85 23.05 -.20 +15.9 Fid&GtyLf N FGL .26 .9 9 27.65 21.10 200 27.45 883 27.60 27.03 -.15 +15.8 FidCorpBd N FCOR 1.77e 3.5 53.57 48.58 11 49.93 92 50.07 49.60 +.31 +1.1 FidLtdTm N FLTB .83e 1.7 52.59 49.66 17 50.24 69 50.37 50.10 +.06 +.6 FidTotBd N FBND 1.54e 3.1 51.26 48.05 31 49.87 267 49.93 49.50 +.22 +.1 FidCnsDis N FDIS .40e 1.2 34.56 28.92 19 34.06 248 34.50 33.70 -.37 +5.9 FidCnsStpl N FSTA .87e 2.6 33.63 30.10 31 32.92 269 33.24 32.80 -.19 +5.5 FidEnergy N FENY .53e 2.8 22.12 17.01 188 19.12 1189 19.51 19.07 -.34 -9.7 FidFinan N FNCL .60e 1.7 37.41 25.75 303 34.74 2265 36.14 34.26 -1.45 +.5 FidHlthCre N FHLC .70e 2.0 36.79 31.24 81 35.62 639 36.22 35.49 -.48 +8.3 FidIndls N FIDU .56e 1.7 34.54 27.35 57 33.16 474 33.92 33.04 -.75 +2.9 Fid Val n N FVAL 29.34 24.89 65 28.26 345 28.79 28.13 -.50 +3.5 Fid Qual n N FQAL 28.49 24.59 12 27.81 65 28.32 27.76 -.41 +5.9sFidInfoTch N FTEC .42e 1.0 41.35 30.76 159 40.72 966 41.35 40.43 -.40 +10.3 Fid Moment N FDMO 27.69 24.26 13 26.84 69 27.42 26.71 -.49 +5.1 Fid LowVol N FDLO 27.57 24.30 4 26.87 53 27.26 26.84 -.42 +3.9 Fid RisR n N FDRR 28.60 24.56 67 27.55 307 28.02 27.45 -.41 +4.0 Fid CoreD n N FDVV 27.33 24.24 18 26.41 141 26.90 26.23 -.42 +1.0 FidMsciRE N FREL .86e 3.6 25.98 21.85 167 23.63 1026 23.79 23.28 +.06 +.8 FidUtils N FUTY 1.21e 3.6 34.34 29.50 52 33.61 672 33.77 32.92 +.36 +6.4 FidTelecm N FCOM .76e 2.5 33.82 27.80 19 30.56 155 31.25 30.23 -.58 -4.8 FidelMatls N FMAT .53e 1.8 31.22 24.77 43 30.02 348 30.79 29.88 -.58 +4.1sFidNasdIdx Q ONEQ 1.96e .9 233.73 179.91 34 228.99 153 233.73 227.51 -3.40 +8.2sFidlNatFn N FNF 1.00f 2.6 16 38.96 30.62 1446 38.55 6300 39.01 38.18 -.03 +13.5 FNFV Grp N FNFV 14.50 10.00 252 12.40 1196 12.75 11.95 +.10 -9.5 FidNatInfo N FIS 1.16f 1.4 21 83.86 62.05 1166 80.12 7234 81.92 79.46 -1.71 +5.9 FidelSo Q LION .48 2.3 14 24.95 14.45 112 20.81 651 22.75 20.34 -1.99 -12.1 FidClayOp N FMO 1.72f 11.4 17.63 10.28 80 15.09 644 15.53 14.83 -.38 +1.3 FidusInvst Q FDUS 1.56a 9.2 10 17.54 14.33 101 16.88 454 17.30 16.52 -.38 +7.3tFieldPnt N FPP 1.18 .33 67 .42 127 .46 .33 +.01 -41.8 Fieldpt wt N FPP/WS .08 .01 4 .02 77 .03 .02 -40.0 FiestaRst Q FRGI 24 36.02 19.40 387 22.60 2174 22.85 21.70 -24.3 FifthStAst Q FSAM .50 10.1 8.45 2.91 96 4.95 461 5.10 4.60 -26.1 FifthStF 24 N FSCE 1.47 5.8 26.01 24.30 3 25.21 59 25.38 24.91 +.22 +1.3 FifthSt28 Q FSCFL 1.53 6.1 26.50 23.90 11 25.27 49 25.67 24.95 +.45 +2.5 FifthStFin Q FSC .20 4.3 6.32 4.31 760 4.66 4940 4.70 4.54 +.07 -13.2 FifthStSen Q FSFR .90 10.4 10 10.37 7.25 75 8.63 777 8.99 8.54 -.25 -.9 FifthThird Q FITB .56f 2.2 13 28.97 16.02 5887 24.89 37261 26.56 24.30 -1.46 -7.7 FifthT pf Q FITBI 1.66 5.7 32.71 26.19 16 28.94 92 29.04 28.54 +.19 +6.2 51job Q JOBS 27 37.93 27.56 282 36.88 532 37.50 36.46 -.29 +9.1 N WUBA 61.59 27.58 1290 37.31 4531 38.13 36.69 +.22 +33.3stFinTcII wt Q FNTEW .95 .90 25 .95 37 .95 .90 +5.6 FinTcII un Q FNTEU 12.10 10.01 3 10.20 77 10.25 10.10 +.01 +1.4 FinclEngin Q FNGN .28 .7 62 45.75 23.56 339 40.00 1845 42.80 38.35 -2.23 +8.8 FnclInst Q FISI .84 2.6 13 35.40 24.56 29 31.80 171 33.85 30.50 -1.95 -7.0 Finisar Q FNSR 24 36.85 15.21 3365 28.36 17535 28.51 26.75 +1.00 -6.3tFinLine Q FINL .44f 3.4 21 24.52 15.18 12695 12.93 22042 17.24 12.63 -4.29 -31.3 FinjanH Q FNJN 2.35 .87 24 1.54 185 1.60 1.45 +.05 +35.9 FireEye Q FEYE 19.17 10.35 6766 12.28 60826 12.73 11.18 +1.55 +3.2 FstAccept N FAC 2.40 .75 0 1.42 93 1.48 1.28 -.02 +36.5 FstAFin n N FAF 1.36 3.5 13 43.55 34.63 405 38.49 2501 39.31 38.21 -.17 +5.1 FstBcpPR N FBP 12 7.05 2.52 659 5.45 6104 5.95 5.27 -.53 -17.5 FstBcpME Q FNLC .92a 3.5 16 33.21 18.50 61 26.18 321 29.41 25.15 -3.14 -20.9 FtBcpNC Q FBNC .32 1.1 22 31.31 17.15 62 28.96 437 29.42 27.69 -.38 +6.7 FstBcMiss Q FBMS .15 .5 17 30.80 15.32 10 28.25 60 29.00 27.45 -.10 +2.7 FstBkNJ Q FRBA .02p 31 14.80 6.46 55 11.55 314 12.90 10.60 -1.30 -.4 FstBusey rs Q BUSE .68 2.4 20 31.91 19.00 75 28.88 590 30.88 28.11 -1.87 -6.2 FBusnFn s Q FBIZ .52f 2.1 15 26.47 18.76 12 24.79 106 26.23 24.37 -.99 +4.5 FstCash N FCFS .76f 1.7 20 53.95 39.80 255 45.35 1437 45.60 44.35 +.05 -3.5 FCtzBA Q FCNCA 1.20 .4 17 384.12 229.51 17 327.02 121 349.78 323.34 -19.48 -7.9 FstCwlth N FCF .32f 2.5 20 14.61 8.33 338 12.99 1996 13.81 12.68 -.85 -8.4 FCmtyBsh Q FCBC .64 2.6 17 31.94 18.02 66 24.64 275 25.15 23.23 -.22 -18.2 FCmtyCp Q FCCO .36f 1.6 23 23.55 13.56 3 22.50 37 23.25 21.00 -.20 +24.7 FstCmtyFn Q FCFP 19 13.85 7.85 22 12.55 106 13.55 12.25 -1.10 +7.3 FtConnBcp Q FBNK .44f 1.8 24 25.00 15.48 25 23.85 134 24.85 23.15 -.75 +5.3 1stCnstBn Q FCCY .20 1.1 16 20.85 11.70 31 18.35 104 18.95 17.35 -.65 -1.9 FstData n N FDC 16.67 9.90 2378 15.13 21309 15.90 14.88 -.80 +6.6 FstDefiFn Q FDEF 1.00f 2.1 15 52.31 34.80 17 48.03 151 51.00 46.71 -2.93 -5.3 FFnclOH Q FFBC .68f 2.6 19 29.80 16.93 237 26.65 1679 28.85 25.50 -2.10 -6.3 FstFnBksh Q FFIN .72 1.8 24 46.70 27.72 358 38.95 1813 43.35 38.60 -4.35 -13.8 FstFnIN Q THFF 1.00 2.2 15 53.49 31.81 35 46.50 184 48.00 44.75 -1.10 -11.9 FstFnNwst Q FFNW .24 1.3 23 21.29 12.55 24 17.85 160 19.46 17.73 -1.55 -9.6 FstFound s Q FFWM 20 17.26 10.00 67 15.26 304 15.96 14.67 -.65 +7.1 FstGtyBc n Q FGBI .64b 2.6 25.91 14.95 1 24.18 27 24.64 23.50 +.38 +1.1 FsHawaii n Q FHB .88f 3.0 35.47 23.00 358 29.66 3402 31.20 28.95 -1.58 -14.8 FstHorizon N FHN .36f 2.0 20 20.84 12.46 2209 18.18 17425 19.05 17.41 -.83 -9.1 FstHrz pfA N FHNpA 1.55 6.1 27.70 23.38 2 25.44 26 25.45 24.99 +.59 +2.0 FstInRT N FR .84f 3.2 21 29.75 22.22 490 26.48 2936 26.82 26.00 -.23 -5.6 FIntntBcp Q INBK .24 .8 14 33.00 22.01 13 29.45 82 30.40 28.15 -.90 -8.0 FIntBc26 n Q INBKL 1.50 5.9 27.86 16.83 4 25.32 23 25.98 25.25 -.33 +34.2 FstIntBc A Q FIBK .96f 2.5 18 45.35 26.44 187 39.15 1251 42.15 37.50 -2.90 -8.0 FMajSilv g N AG 31 19.15 6.04 2008 7.87 15634 8.22 7.73 +3.1 FstMerch Q FRME .60 1.6 19 42.17 22.63 113 38.07 781 40.38 37.01 -2.30 +1.1 FstMidIll Q FMBH .60f 1.9 18 36.80 22.95 10 31.92 56 33.20 31.12 -.93 -6.1 FMidBc Q FMBI .36 1.6 21 25.83 15.86 664 22.97 4830 24.44 22.64 -1.50 -9.0 FstNBC lf Q FNBC 1 22.44 3.30 410 3.90 1833 4.23 3.60 -.30 -46.6 FstNwBc n Q FNWB 52 16.75 12.42 13 15.13 90 16.00 15.04 -.83 -3.0 FstPotom N FPO .40 4.0 56 11.16 8.01 86 10.01 707 10.14 9.63 +.21 -8.8 FstRepBk N FRC .64 .7 26 97.43 63.97 752 90.92 5800 95.11 89.48 -4.17 -1.3 FstRep pfB N FRCpB 1.55 6.1 26.73 24.74 33 25.35 179 25.48 25.28 -.07 -.8 FstRep pfC N FRCpC 1.41 5.7 27.43 22.36 9 24.73 48 24.87 24.65 -.02 +6.4 FstRep pfD N FRCpD 1.38 5.5 27.20 21.92 7 24.88 48 25.76 24.70 -.22 +8.2 FstRep pfE N FRCpE 1.75 6.5 28.45 26.32 28 27.01 67 27.20 26.90 -.20 -.7 FstRep pfF N FRCpF 1.43 5.6 28.00 22.67 5 25.31 27 25.65 25.21 -.23 +6.8 FtRpBk pfG N FRCpG 27.93 21.85 19 24.70 137 24.75 24.46 -.01 +8.6sFstSavFin Q FSFG .56f 1.1 17 50.73 32.75 4 49.15 12 50.73 48.00 +.48 +4.6tFstSolar Q FSLR 72.62 28.05 3303 28.31 23596 32.12 28.05 -3.52 -11.8 1stSource Q SRCE .72 1.6 21 49.11 30.32 126 46.00 596 47.19 44.57 -1.00 +3.0 FstSouthB Q FSBK .14f 1.2 16 12.63 8.25 19 11.70 102 12.44 11.61 -.33 -2.1sFTNDXTc Q QTEC .61e 1.0 60.61 39.81 733 59.82 1975 60.61 58.96 -.33 +13.6 FtTr AbsRet Q FAAR 32.00 28.25 2 29.03 7 29.10 28.91 +.11 +1.0 FtTr 22 n N FIV 10.29 9.89 41 9.95 275 10.01 9.90 -.07 -1.7 FtTrGlob N FAM .90 7.8 11.94 10.29 52 11.57 162 11.60 11.39 +.10 +4.4 FT MCGr N FNY .15e .5 33.86 28.10 16 32.93 71 33.68 32.62 -.66 +4.9sFT AsiaPc Q FPA .99e 3.2 31.40 26.04 46 31.08 78 31.40 30.77 +14.4sFT Europe Q FEP .79e 2.5 32.18 25.09 33 31.87 331 32.18 31.49 -.08 +9.2 FT LatAm Q FLN .43e 2.1 22.76 14.41 80 20.91 205 21.62 20.67 -.27 +12.3 FT Brazil Q FBZ .41e 2.6 17.26 10.42 17 15.60 160 16.23 15.27 -.45 +14.1sFT China Q FCA .69e 3.0 23.06 17.41 2 23.04 5 23.06 22.78 +.25 +21.2 FT Japan Q FJP .41e .8 51.71 42.97 4 51.18 43 51.54 50.68 -.19 +7.5 FT SKorea Q FKO .24e 1.0 26.59 21.68 0 25.08 7 25.49 24.81 +.24 +14.8sFT DevMkt Q FDT .78e 1.5 52.49 42.63 86 51.96 229 52.49 51.47 -.08 +10.1sFT EmMkt Q FEM .68e 2.9 23.66 17.60 44 23.34 593 23.66 23.03 +.07 +14.9 FT Germny Q FGM .41e 1.0 39.56 32.56 23 39.29 93 39.55 38.69 -.24 +8.1 FT MCVal N FNK .40e 1.2 34.48 26.37 13 32.83 46 33.62 32.56 -.96 -.3 FT Canada Q FCAN .62e 2.7 24.98 21.49 1 23.17 13 23.71 23.00 -.57 -.4 FT Austrla N FAUS .80e 2.6 32.63 26.37 30.69 4 31.50 30.69 -.14 +9.0 FT UK Q FKU .94e 2.7 40.35 29.70 1 34.63 8 35.22 34.51 -.32 +5.9sFT Switzld Q FSZ .39e .9 45.14 36.18 4 44.84 86 45.14 44.30 -.09 +9.9 FT HKong Q FHK 1.01e 2.8 36.81 29.64 0 36.23 7 36.44 35.81 +.33 +12.4sFT Taiwan Q FTW 1.25e 3.5 35.23 26.72 35.23 3 35.23 34.96 +1.38 +14.9 FT SCGr N FYC .07e .2 36.95 28.88 7 35.57 89 36.71 34.98 -1.18 +2.8sFT EmMSC Q FEMS 1.06e 2.9 36.89 27.02 30 36.67 123 36.89 36.08 +.23 +21.7 FT SCVal N FYT .26e .8 36.08 26.81 7 33.25 61 34.20 32.82 -1.00 -4.5 FT EurzAlp Q FEUZ .35e 1.0 35.60 27.26 1 35.52 3 35.60 35.05 -.03 +9.0 FT MegaCp N FMK .44e 1.5 30.16 25.17 0 29.07 19 29.74 28.97 -.71 +3.9sFstT BICK Q BICK .35e 1.4 24.95 19.11 8 24.86 10 24.95 24.43 +.18 +14.5 FTEurSelDv N FDD 1.09e 8.9 12.75 10.73 110 12.30 1995 12.48 12.25 -.07 +3.6 FTDJMic N FDM .49e 1.2 44.93 31.86 25 41.25 98 42.83 40.65 -1.76 -6.5 FT DynEq N FDEU 1.45 8.5 17.26 14.31 89 17.09 318 17.18 16.74 +.10 +11.0 FtTrInOp n Q FCEF 22.98 18.95 1 20.60 16 20.89 20.60 -.17 +2.9 FtTrMun n Q MCEF 20.35 17.93 1 18.37 72 18.42 18.34 +.17 -.4 FtTrOpp n Q FIXD 50.68 49.71 2 50.12 19 50.32 49.89 +.11 +.2 FTNsdGrid Q GRID .41e 1.0 43.79 31.80 1 40.91 8 41.94 40.49 -.24 +1.0 FTMltAInc Q MDIV 1.37e 7.1 19.85 17.90 114 19.29 599 19.54 19.23 -.23 +.9 FT PfdSec N FPE 1.02e 5.2 20.31 18.53 498 19.51 2611 19.55 19.41 +.02 +2.7sFTNsqTDv Q TDIV .71e 2.3 32.11 24.82 50 31.49 288 32.11 31.35 -.47 +6.5 FTLwDOpp Q LMBS 1.53 2.9 53.84 50.78 219 52.08 630 52.22 52.01 -.08 -.2 FTIntlMltA Q YDIV .80e 4.6 17.95 15.49 2 17.28 15 17.63 17.01 +.12 +8.4 FT HiInco Q FTHI .96 4.5 21.95 18.84 65 21.12 171 21.48 21.06 -.31 -.7 FT StratInc Q FDIV 1.92 3.8 53.07 47.00 5 50.67 61 52.87 49.85 -.15 +1.3 FT LwBeta Q FTLB .66 3.2 22.36 18.56 0 20.87 10 21.17 20.87 -.35 -1.1sFTEnhSht Q FTSM .29e .5 60.04 59.79 77 59.97 685 60.04 59.92 -.05 +.1 FT RisDiv Q RDVY .38e 1.5 27.10 19.16 119 26.13 312 26.95 26.05 -.76 +5.9 FT SSICv Q FCVT 29.65 23.67 3 26.68 26 26.91 26.58 -.18 +2.6 FT DWF5 Q FV .18e .8 24.57 21.10 472 23.84 2756 24.24 23.68 -.37 +3.0 FT AmIndR Q AIRR .06e .3 25.28 17.07 26 23.10 320 23.95 22.78 -.84 -2.3 FT QualInc Q QINC 1.07e 4.6 24.21 21.10 10 23.19 37 23.51 23.03 -.27 +1.2sFTNsSem ef Q FTXL 25.10 19.65 4 24.89 15 25.10 24.35 -.03 +8.1 FTNsOil ef Q FTXN 23.21 20.00 20.25 3 20.40 20.00 -.37 -8.2 FTNaFood ef Q FTXG 20.87 19.06 3 20.65 9 20.77 20.56 -.22 +3.3 FTNsBk ef Q FTXO 28.49 19.95 9720 25.60 19316 27.06 24.75 -1.43 -1.5 FTDorW n Q FVC 22.88 19.70 69 22.21 463 22.65 22.08 -.33 +2.9 FT DWInt Q IFV .19e 1.0 19.59 15.54 112 19.13 1276 19.50 18.81 -.19 +12.3 FT LgShEq N FTLS .16e .5 35.61 30.62 14 34.76 50 35.08 34.59 -.15 +.8 FTEMCur Q FEMB 1.94e 4.5 46.72 38.90 8 42.95 28 43.49 42.19 +.90 +7.0sFT RivAsia Q RFAP .32e 55.57 48.26 4 55.14 16 55.57 54.50 -.31 +7.3sFT RivDev Q RFDI .70e 56.70 46.04 8 56.31 69 56.70 55.82 -.10 +7.2sFT RvfrDyE Q RFEM 61.38 49.05 4 60.88 30 61.38 60.22 +.07 +15.3sFT RivEur Q RFEU .82e 56.86 45.68 14 56.52 143 56.86 55.90 +.13 +7.9 FTEgyInco N FEN 2.32 8.9 28.48 21.90 25 26.14 310 26.96 25.80 -.82 -1.5 FTEnInfra N FIF 1.32a 7.1 20.21 14.60 34 18.49 197 18.60 18.10 -.14 +3.1 FtTrEnEq N FFA .96 6.8 14.57 12.46 56 14.02 212 14.47 14.02 -.18 +3.8sFTCapStrn Q FTCS .55e 1.3 44.31 37.98 26 43.51 157 44.31 43.36 -.66 +6.6sFTArcaBio N FBT .18e .2 108.01 81.97 30 103.73 284 108.01 102.86 -1.68 +14.1sFTDJInet N FDN 88.82 66.38 500 86.98 1479 88.82 86.12 -1.42 +9.0 FTN100ExT Q QQXT .16e .4 44.84 36.58 32 44.23 50 44.65 43.79 -.54 +9.5 FsTrGrEn Q QCLN .11e .7 17.06 13.17 3 16.38 46 16.75 16.11 -.39 +6.3 FT SPTailH N VIXH .36e 1.4 25.41 21.87 25.03 5 25.36 24.82 -.24 +5.4 FTrTUSAlp Q TUSA .23e .8 29.63 23.54 0 28.47 5 29.42 28.47 -.75 +2.4 FT RNG N FCG .22e 1.0 28.65 3.90 306 23.14 1436 23.81 22.85 -.51 -11.6 FT ConDis N FXD .30e .8 37.74 31.82 129 36.05 522 36.96 35.83 -.90 +1.5 FT ConStap N FXG .75e 1.6 49.33 43.48 175 46.19 585 46.58 46.05 -.42 +1.0 FT Engy N FXN .33e 2.3 17.95 13.46 21107 14.38 50226 14.91 14.36 -.55 -12.9 FT Fincl N FXO .65e 2.4 29.01 21.59 375 27.30 1438 28.20 27.11 -.93 +1.0 FT HlthCr N FXH 63.42 54.17 60 61.85 373 62.72 61.25 -.90 +7.9 FT IndPrd N FXR .16e .5 35.54 25.86 371 33.71 1405 34.61 33.55 -.88 +2.5 FT Matls N FXZ .37e 1.0 38.79 30.29 121 37.18 377 38.25 37.04 -.90 +3.8sFT Tech N FXL .13e .3 42.28 30.72 106 41.70 571 42.28 41.21 -.38 +10.0 FT Utils N FXU .67e 2.4 28.00 24.60 766 27.41 1775 27.66 27.21 -.21 +2.5sFTCloudC Q SKYY .09e .2 38.95 28.46 87 38.23 737 38.95 37.96 -.48 +10.9 FTDJGlDiv N FGD 1.42e 5.9 24.67 20.68 73 24.19 344 24.66 24.11 -.44 +3.8 FTNdqAuto Q CARZ .61e 1.7 37.13 28.79 2 36.41 11 36.84 36.02 -.12 +5.8 FT GblAg rs Q FTAG 25.00 19.26 1 24.52 45 24.78 24.31 +.12 +7.3 FT GblNRs Q FTRI .40e 3.6 11.88 9.55 1 11.12 11 11.48 11.12 -.16 -3.4 FT Cybersc Q CIBR 21.82 15.86 60 21.44 428 21.75 21.05 -.10 +9.8sFTIntlIPO Q FPXI .37e 1.3 29.07 23.36 0 28.70 21 29.07 28.26 +.23 +12.1 FT GlbRE N FFR .75e 1.7 48.19 41.29 3 43.37 10 43.53 43.06 -.09 +2.5 FT NAEngy N EMLP .93e 3.7 25.86 21.03 260 25.08 1676 25.25 24.87 -.15 -.6 FTSenLoan Q FTSL 1.92 4.0 48.73 47.35 132 48.32 751 48.61 48.25 -.25 -.5 FTTactHY Q HYLS 2.88 6.0 49.29 46.95 71 48.38 397 48.85 48.25 -.34 +.3 FT GlbCmd Q FTGC 26.54 19.56 10 20.15 243 20.31 20.11 -.06 -1.3 FT HiLgSh N FSD 1.20 7.3 17.10 14.35 85 16.47 552 16.72 16.39 -.13 +2.4 FT USIPO N FPX .32e .6 57.94 47.45 32 56.78 222 57.78 56.46 -.99 +4.9sFTChnd N FNI .19e .6 32.01 25.60 51 31.53 186 32.01 30.94 -.20 +15.4 FT EngCn N FLM .58e 1.1 52.36 42.35 0 51.93 7 52.29 51.76 -.26 +5.6 FT WindEn N FAN .46e 3.7 13.76 11.15 20 12.45 141 12.57 12.38 +6.4 FT Wtr N FIW .21e .5 42.43 32.06 16 40.77 309 42.12 40.60 -1.09 +3.0 FT IntPfd N FPF 1.95 8.4 23.85 20.67 97 23.23 607 23.36 22.87 +.07 +2.4 FT LCCore N FEX .58e 1.1 52.64 42.50 121 51.06 546 52.01 50.84 -.97 +4.7sFT LCGr N FTC .24e .5 53.14 47.21 45 52.33 151 53.14 52.08 -.65 +6.7 FT LCVal N FTA .82e 1.7 50.51 37.42 82 48.56 290 49.63 48.33 -1.01 +3.6 FT MLP&E N FEI 1.42 8.9 17.60 12.61 134 16.02 559 16.41 15.85 -.40 FT MgdMu Q FMB 1.38 2.7 54.39 50.56 89 51.67 274 51.81 51.43 +.17 +.9 FT MCCore N FNX .51e .9 59.80 47.51 18 57.47 197 58.95 56.89 -1.52 +1.9 FTMstrDv N FDL .79e 2.7 29.47 25.24 447 28.78 1879 29.40 28.67 -.54 +3.7 FTFutStrt N FMF 57.17 44.12 1 45.56 5 45.69 45.44 -.18 -3.5 FstTrMtg N FMY 1.02 7.2 14.70 13.67 12 14.18 27 14.23 14.10 +.08 +1.1 FT MultCG N FAD .20e .4 56.60 48.23 4 55.36 20 56.53 54.99 -1.17 +5.8 FT MultCV N FAB .45e .9 53.14 40.06 4 50.83 40 52.06 50.67 -1.29 +.7 FTNDXEq Q QQEW .33e .6 51.75 39.42 24 51.14 211 51.72 50.59 -.47 +10.7 FT NsdABA Q QABA .54e 1.1 54.54 35.13 63 49.09 999 52.70 48.09 -3.35 -7.0sFTSmartph Q FONE .27e .6 46.24 34.36 0 46.15 3 46.24 45.24 -.06 +11.3 FT MLPEn N FPL 1.26 9.6 14.50 10.91 115 13.16 469 13.56 12.84 -.12 +3.2 FT REIT N FRI .39e 1.7 25.87 21.47 66 22.88 333 23.05 22.60 -.11 -.8 FT SCCore N FYX .38e .7 55.88 43.29 22 53.09 266 54.70 52.22 -1.64 -1.4 FTSpecFin N FGB .70 9.5 8.43 5.83 16 7.36 213 7.48 7.23 +.14 +4.2 FTStrHi2 N FHY 1.32 10.2 13.23 11.03 16 12.92 121 13.06 12.74 +6.0 FTrVL100 N FVL .05e .2 22.59 18.88 2 21.03 17 21.42 20.95 -.51 -2.7 FTrVLDv N FVD .57e 2.0 29.51 25.32 716 28.95 3021 29.38 28.86 -.40 +3.3 FT EmOp N FEO 1.40 9.2 16.44 13.23 16 15.24 93 15.58 15.07 +.19 +9.7 FstUSBcsh Q FUSB .08 .7 36 15.14 7.90 14 11.93 172 13.15 11.63 -1.32 +7.4 FstUtdCp Q FUNC 11 16.95 9.58 4 13.75 39 13.80 13.00 +.35 -13.8 First LI s Q FLIC .56 2.1 10 29.67 18.06 28 26.35 250 27.95 26.00 -1.55 -7.7 FTrSenFlt N FCT .90 6.5 14.01 12.47 64 13.82 350 13.84 13.73 -.02 +.4 FirstEngy N FE 1.44 4.6 12 36.60 29.33 3082 31.34 18774 31.81 30.81 -.02 +1.2 FsthdTech Q SVVC 8.60 6.41 8 8.05 63 8.35 8.00 -.16 +5.0sFstSvc n Q FSV .49f .8 59.61 39.05 24 59.07 175 59.61 57.74 +1.06 +24.4 Fiserv Q FISV 27 118.30 92.81 692 115.94 5174 117.95 113.29 -1.85 +9.1tFitbit n N FIT 18.85 5.38 3874 5.40 47226 5.90 5.33 -.28 -26.2 FiveBelow Q FIVE 33 52.70 35.03 2349 42.62 16191 43.84 37.85 +3.30 +6.7 N WBAI 19.98 10.92 199 12.77 655 13.13 12.41 -.17 -16.7 FiveOaks N OAKS .60m 11.9 5.54 3.79 54 5.03 410 5.16 4.85 -.11 +1.2 FiveOk pfA N OAKSpA 2.19 9.2 24.84 17.82 7 23.89 16 24.40 23.71 +.14 +3.9 FivePrime Q FPRX 60.98 34.34 790 35.98 3316 39.56 34.71 -2.93 -28.2 FiveStar Q FVE 3.04 1.65 117 2.10 356 2.15 2.05 -22.2sFive9 Q FIVN 18.82 7.75 345 18.52 2294 18.82 17.40 +.50 +30.5 FlagstarB N FBC 11 29.64 20.61 237 27.34 1480 28.43 26.31 -.96 +1.5 F&C DynPf N DFP 1.92 7.9 25.37 21.83 54 24.35 272 24.63 24.15 +.11 +2.4 FlrtyPfdInc N PFD 1.08 7.4 16.34 12.64 10 14.59 80 15.09 14.53 -.02 +.7 FlrtyPfdOp N PFO .88 7.5 12.81 10.30 9 11.73 103 12.00 11.62 +.14 +5.5 FlrtyPfdSc N FFC 1.63 8.1 22.25 18.18 76 20.20 449 20.52 20.00 +.18 +7.2 FlrtyTotR N FLC 1.63 7.9 22.89 18.41 24 20.73 147 20.98 20.34 +.39 +4.3 Fleetcor N FLT 23 176.42 133.64 1055 156.90 3748 162.71 156.16 -5.33 +10.9 Flex Ltd Q FLEX 16 16.99 11.39 1622 16.63 13368 16.94 16.10 -.17 +15.7 FlexPhm n Q FLKS 13.97 3.90 23 4.03 615 4.30 4.01 -.23 -23.7 FlexUSTilt N TILT 1.17e 1.2 102.51 81.23 13 98.53 117 100.80 98.31 -2.57 +2.5sFlxEmgTilt N TLTE .84e 1.6 52.56 41.14 40 52.18 256 52.56 51.74 +.51 +13.5 FlxUpstNR N GUNR 1.00e 3.4 30.66 23.32 832 29.34 3453 29.75 29.29 -.39 +2.4 Flx3yrTips N TDTT .02e .1 25.18 23.43 170 24.87 860 24.89 24.82 +.04 +.7 Flx5yrTips N TDTF .06e .2 26.19 24.62 130 25.23 435 25.27 25.14 +.08 +.8 FlexEMTilt N TLEH 27.98 23.10 1 27.51 72 27.62 27.20 +.04 +9.0 FlxDMTilt N TLDH 28.41 21.13 26.26 102 27.50 26.15 -.46 +3.4 FlxRAstAlo Q ASET 27.30 24.58 1 26.42 16 26.70 26.15 +.04 +3.6 FlxUSQLgC Q QLC 29.90 24.54 1 28.87 105 29.49 28.87 -.70 +4.0tFlxUSLgCp Q LKOR .41e 57.80 48.68 5 50.23 23 50.50 44.54 +.75 +.4 FlxUSCpBd Q SKOR 1.24 2.5 52.23 49.57 4 50.38 16 50.38 50.03 +.21 +.8 FlxDisDur Q MBSD .62e 2.6 26.39 23.86 1 24.05 40 24.10 23.93 +.05 -.4 FlxGlbQRE N GQRE 1.33e 2.3 63.88 54.54 16 57.40 58 57.51 56.66 +.07 +1.8 FlxGblInfr N NFRA .95e 2.1 46.08 41.46 57 45.52 239 45.59 45.14 +5.2sFlxDevTilt N TLTD 1.41e 2.3 60.63 49.52 11 60.14 246 60.63 59.64 -.14 +6.6 FlxIntDvDf N IQDE .91e 3.9 23.51 20.59 23.26 22 23.34 23.26 -.25 +6.7 FlxIntDvDy N IQDY .76e 2.9 25.96 21.08 11 25.79 79 25.91 25.56 -.17 +7.8sFlxIntlDiv N IQDF .94e 3.9 24.45 20.35 100 24.30 520 24.45 24.04 -.06 +7.9 FlxQDvDef N QDEF .93e 2.3 40.86 35.11 18 39.72 84 40.27 39.61 -.79 +2.4 FlxQDvDyn N QDYN 1.00e 2.5 40.86 32.86 0 39.35 14 40.24 39.35 -1.20 +3.1 FlxQualDv N QDF 1.01e 2.5 41.75 34.84 96 40.38 2824 41.29 40.26 -.94 +2.3 FlxRdyAcc N RAVI .82e .9 76.30 74.89 24 75.51 51 75.55 75.41 -.01 FlexSh n Q FPAY 6.75 4.24 1 4.70 3 4.80 4.25 -.15 -21.7 FlexSolu N FSI 10 2.41 .84 3 1.50 42 1.53 1.45 -.02 +12.8sFlexionTh Q FLXN 28.20 8.15 1495 27.27 11384 28.20 19.00 +7.01 +43.4 Flexstl Q FLXS .80 1.7 16 62.99 36.06 15 47.40 105 49.07 45.31 -1.30 -23.1 Flotek N FTK 16.93 6.55 829 11.50 2632 11.70 11.00 -.13 +22.5 FlowrsFds N FLO .64 3.3 21 21.00 14.35 1136 19.41 5722 19.80 19.29 -.24 -2.8 Flowserve N FLS .40m .9 18 52.50 39.13 981 45.65 5593 47.16 45.36 -1.15 -5.0 Fluidigm Q FLDM 11.05 4.31 104 5.60 1104 5.75 4.87 +.64 -23.1 Fluor N FLR .84 1.6 14 58.37 44.05 1690 51.44 6335 53.71 51.28 -2.17 -2.1 FlushFn Q FFIC .72f 2.8 11 31.96 18.95 35 26.02 225 27.91 24.90 -1.45 -11.5 FlyLeasing N FLY 1.00 7.7 25 14.45 9.54 75 13.00 626 13.45 12.85 -.45 -2.3 Foamix Q FOMX 11.27 5.70 220 9.10 1326 10.06 9.05 -.09 -18.0 FogoChao n Q FOGO 18 17.89 10.50 13 15.55 127 15.73 14.80 +.55 +8.4 FEMSA N FMX .74e .8 100.57 73.45 359 91.04 2041 91.31 88.06 +1.19 +19.5 Fonar Q FONR 8 23.90 13.65 11 17.85 110 18.50 17.50 -.60 -6.8 FootLockr N FL 1.24f 1.7 15 79.43 50.90 1127 72.59 8800 75.91 71.65 -3.08 +2.4 FordM N F .60a 5.2 6 14.22 11.07 41670 11.62 328429 12.49 11.50 -.86 -4.2 ForestCA N FCE/A .36f 1.6 17 24.22 17.79 664 21.83 4680 22.08 21.49 -.17 +4.8 ForestCB N FCE/B .32f 1.1 22 30.32 18.00 1 28.12 18 28.43 27.98 -.30 +4.4 Forestar N FOR 8 14.05 10.60 214 12.85 1839 13.45 12.80 +.05 -3.4 FormsHl rs Q FH 4.05 1.48 49 2.10 271 2.19 2.05 -.11 -1.4 FormFac Q FORM 31 13.15 6.48 401 11.55 1893 11.90 10.95 +.30 +3.1 ForrestR Q FORR .76f 1.9 30 44.40 31.92 42 39.00 202 39.15 37.55 +.15 -9.2 ForsightEn N FELP .68m 10.8 8.33 1.07 35 6.32 360 6.51 5.94 +.05 -2.3 Forterra n Q FRTA 22.76 16.24 101 17.88 880 19.37 17.34 -1.44 -17.5 Fortinet Q FTNT 38.33 27.95 916 36.30 5155 37.43 35.90 -.83 +20.5 Fortis n N FTS 1.19 3.6 33.25 29.14 122 32.74 895 32.87 31.73 +.73 +6.0sFortive n N FTV .28 .5 59.92 46.29 1779 59.31 7824 60.18 58.29 -.27 +10.6 FortressBio Q FBIO 4.66 1.88 93 3.60 744 3.94 3.35 -.31 +33.3 Fortress N FIG .32a 4.0 23 8.05 4.23 1630 7.97 11768 7.98 7.94 +64.0 FortTrInf n N FTAI 1.32 8.8 15.91 8.92 81 14.98 540 15.11 14.81 -.09 +12.6 FortunaSlv N FSM 42 9.75 3.67 1025 5.02 8165 5.39 4.91 -.12 -11.2 FBHmSec N FBHS .72f 1.2 22 64.47 52.05 1731 60.38 6089 61.29 59.42 -.66 +12.9 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 8 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
ForumEn N FET 26.25 12.26 595 18.75 3779 20.15 18.55 -1.60 -14.8 ForwrdA Q FWRD .60 1.3 45 51.51 40.07 94 46.54 461 48.00 46.32 -1.41 -1.8 Forward h Q FORD 19 2.11 1.02 6 1.12 48 1.13 1.07 +.01 -10.2 ForwdPh Q FWP 33.00 14.89 19 27.75 379 29.99 25.62 -.69 +85.0tFossil Grp Q FOSL 10 46.27 15.79 938 16.38 6240 16.93 15.79 -.40 -36.7 Foster Q FSTR .16 1.3 20.77 9.25 39 12.55 198 13.80 12.50 -.35 -7.7sFoundBld n N FBM 17.61 15.05 456 16.77 967 17.91 15.65 +.61 +4.8 FndtnMed Q FMI 35.30 15.10 169 32.90 870 33.04 31.25 +.45 +85.9 FourCorP s N FCPT .97 4.3 22.88 16.71 675 22.49 2777 22.60 21.39 +.68 +9.6 FoxFactory Q FOXF 28 30.15 15.18 965 28.50 2059 28.50 26.00 +1.30 +2.7 Francesca Q FRAN 15 22.39 9.75 357 15.95 8385 17.35 14.96 -.53 -11.5 FrancoN g N FNV .88f 1.4 88 81.16 53.31 508 64.58 4265 66.56 63.57 -.02 +8.1 FrankCov N FC 22.45 13.45 61 16.05 474 17.20 15.80 -.95 -20.3 FrankElec Q FELE .40 1.0 25 44.55 30.19 126 41.20 582 42.10 39.63 -.80 +5.9 FrankFn n N FSB .21p 17 42.80 24.80 51 36.85 246 38.45 35.75 -1.65 -11.9 FrankLibInt N FLQH 26.20 23.28 1 24.62 9 24.69 24.35 +.04 +4.8sFrankLibEm N FLQE 29.83 25.81 1 29.80 49 29.83 29.39 +.42 +12.0 FrankLibGl N FLQD 27.79 24.77 17 27.47 74 27.65 27.35 -.32 +7.0sFrankLbGlE N FLQG 27.50 25.00 2 27.39 7 27.50 27.17 +.05 +8.0 FrnkLInvGr N FLCO 24.40 23.88 1 24.31 5 24.31 24.19 +.18 +.5 FrankRes N BEN .80 1.9 15 44.35 30.56 1931 41.26 11129 42.41 40.60 -.96 +4.2 FrkStPrp N FSP .76 6.4 15 13.27 10.05 273 11.84 1820 12.00 11.49 -.13 -8.6 FrkLtdDur N FTF .74 6.2 12.45 11.11 89 11.94 779 12.02 11.89 -.8 FrkUnv N FT .47 6.8 7.10 6.08 54 6.94 199 7.03 6.90 +.02 +3.9tFranksIntl N FI .30 3.0 17.73 9.20 1713 10.00 7213 10.51 9.20 -.21 -18.8 FredsInc Q FRED .24 1.7 21.77 7.89 534 13.83 3958 15.23 13.49 -1.37 -25.5 FrptMcM N FCX 17.06 8.76 10315 12.81 89685 13.17 12.49 +.05 -2.9 FrghtCar lf Q RAIL .36 2.9 6 18.03 10.87 60 12.37 445 13.13 12.16 -.67 -17.1 FreqElec Q FEIM 11.99 8.60 4 10.75 22 11.00 10.65 -.18 -.5 FresenMd N FMS .44e 1.1 47.52 38.05 74 41.90 585 42.74 41.18 -.44 -.7 FDelMnt N FDP .60 1.0 12 66.86 41.70 183 58.31 948 58.99 56.92 -.07 -3.8 Freshpet Q FRPT 12.00 6.94 70 11.00 902 11.55 10.45 -.45 +8.4 FriedmInd N FRD .04 .6 7.29 5.00 47 6.50 231 6.70 6.32 +.10 -2.4tFrontierCm Q FTR .42 20.1 5.75 1.93 77240 2.09 325286 2.51 1.92 -.38 -38.2tFrontC pf Q FTRPR 11.13 23.6 107.00 44.33 209 47.23 1349 54.40 43.84 -6.35 -33.6 Frontlne rs N FRO .10 6 10.41 6.61 849 6.82 5503 7.15 6.69 -.24 -4.1tFuelTech Q FTEK 1.89 1.01 14 1.08 166 1.15 1.01 -.07 -6.2 FuelCell rs Q FCEL 8.88 1.25 445 1.35 2857 1.50 1.35 -22.9 FulgentG n Q FLGT 13.90 7.59 15 11.00 150 11.39 10.61 -.15 -4.9 FulingGbl n Q FORK 3.70 1.68 0 3.10 49 3.15 2.90 -.04 +24.0 FullHseR Q FLL 2.57 1.38 32 2.37 167 2.51 2.17 -.13 -1.3sFullerHB N FUL .56 1.1 21 53.19 41.04 203 51.20 1584 53.19 51.07 -1.15 +6.0 FultonFncl Q FULT .44f 2.5 19 19.75 12.66 862 17.45 5171 18.75 17.00 -1.35 -7.2tFunctnx rs Q FNCX 1 11.58 .50 1065 .53 3571 .68 .50 -.12 -77.9 FusionTel Q FSNN 2.46 .96 197 1.74 347 1.93 1.50 -.10 +16.0 FutureFuel N FF .24a 1.8 10 16.58 9.77 113 13.51 709 14.52 13.35 -.65 -2.8 FuweiF rs Q FFHL 5.20 1.48 1 3.03 43 3.22 2.90 +.01 +65.6G -:G&K Q GK 1.56 1.6 26 98.22 69.17 97.49 695 97.51 97.48 -.01 +1.1 GWilliFood Q WILC 17 6.90 3.35 5 6.10 33 6.40 6.02 -.20 +5.7 GAMCO s N GBL .08 .3 9 41.67 27.85 25 29.07 116 29.86 28.64 -.62 -5.9 GATX N GATX 1.68f 2.9 9 64.46 40.66 211 57.96 1606 60.04 56.74 -2.09 -5.9 GATX 66 N GMTA 27.19 21.55 13 25.04 71 25.30 24.73 +.02 +7.6 GCP ApT n N GCP 34.05 19.51 161 32.95 1557 33.75 32.70 -.90 +23.2 GDL Fund N GDL .64 6.6 10.15 9.55 33 9.77 153 9.87 9.77 -.10 -.7 GDLFd pfB N GDLpB 1.50 3.0 50.80 50.20 2 50.44 16 50.46 50.35 +.13 +.1 GDS Hld n Q GDS 10.76 7.54 15 8.41 387 8.62 7.80 -.03 -2.2tGGP Inc N GGP .88 3.8 13 32.10 22.39 3478 23.11 29433 23.40 22.39 -.21 -7.5 GGP Inc pfA N GGPpA 1.59 6.2 27.55 23.88 4 25.60 38 25.60 25.00 +.36 +3.2 GMAC CpT N ALLYpA 2.03 8.0 25.99 23.93 292 25.32 1523 25.58 25.30 -.20 -.3sGMS Inc n N GMS 23 34.79 19.28 333 34.55 1529 34.98 32.93 +.57 +18.0 GNC N GNC .80 11.4 3 35.90 6.87 2161 7.00 18287 7.57 6.92 -.40 -36.6 GP InvAc n Q GPIA .80 .18 12 .52 23 .62 .47 -.08 +13.4 GP InvA wt Q GPIAW 10.15 8.93 1 9.97 3 9.97 9.95 +.01 +.6 GP Strat N GPX 20 30.00 19.59 12 23.65 138 25.30 23.65 -1.50 -17.3 GSE Sy N GVP 20 3.85 2.03 12 3.60 56 3.80 3.45 -.25 +2.9 GSI Tech Q GSIT 9.68 3.50 165 8.58 1206 9.57 8.26 -.82 +38.4 GSV Cap Q GSVC 2.76e 6.25 4.41 89 4.46 853 4.89 4.42 -.17 -11.3 GTT Comm N GTT 29.75 14.96 156 23.65 1310 25.55 23.10 -1.70 -17.7 GTY Tch n Q GTYH 13.00 9.80 9.92 5 9.92 9.90 -.43 -7.7 GTY Tc un Q GTYHU 11.36 10.02 25 10.31 114 10.40 10.25 -.06 -1.8 GTY Tch wt Q GTYHW 1.36 .82 7 1.15 14 1.36 1.15 -.21 +15.0tG-III s Q GIII 13 55.89 21.30 1770 22.92 5429 24.16 21.30 -1.34 -22.5 GTx Inc rs Q GTXI 11.19 4.51 4 4.99 94 5.47 4.82 -.11 -5.5 GW Pharm Q GWPH 137.88 69.12 168 121.17 1155 123.57 118.00 -1.91 +8.4 GWG Hldgs Q GWGH 11.56 5.96 3 10.37 17 10.48 9.81 +.74 +30.7 GabCvInc N GCV .48 9.9 5.25 4.37 28 4.86 118 4.95 4.80 -.06 +3.4 GabCv pfB N GCVpB 1.50 5.8 28.17 25.40 0 25.82 5 25.85 25.71 +.12 +.9 GabDvInc N GDV 1.32 6.4 21.25 17.84 155 20.71 926 20.98 20.55 -.25 +3.3 GabDiv pfA N GDVpA 1.47 5.7 26.98 25.02 5 25.72 14 25.72 25.53 +.09 +.2 GabDiv pfD N GDVpD 1.50 5.8 27.48 25.37 4 26.00 13 26.04 25.75 +.17 +.8 GabelliET N GAB .64e 10.9 6.15 5.13 942 5.88 2369 5.98 5.83 -.09 +6.5 GabllE pfD N GABpD 1.47 5.7 27.09 25.05 1 25.72 5 25.73 25.47 +.24 +.7 GabllE pfG N GABpG 1.25 5.2 25.79 22.17 3 24.20 22 24.24 23.85 +.35 +5.5 Gabeli pfJ N GABpJ 27.00 23.31 9 24.97 35 24.99 24.62 +.35 +4.2 GabEq pfH N GABpH 1.25 5.0 25.82 22.19 3 24.90 15 24.90 24.08 +.83 +9.0 GabGSmM N GGZ 11.47 9.84 6 11.37 66 11.47 11.22 +.01 +7.3 GabGSm pfA N GGZpA 1.36 5.5 26.23 23.41 5 24.86 12 24.91 24.63 +.11 +3.9 GabGUtil N GLU 1.20 6.6 18.71 15.21 8 18.06 65 18.43 17.86 +.18 +7.5 GabHlthW N GRX .52 5.2 11.32 9.23 33 9.98 242 10.15 9.93 -.20 +5.8 GabHlt pfA N GRXpA 1.44 5.7 26.92 25.00 2 25.40 7 25.55 25.33 -.11 +.7 GabMultT N GGT .94e 11.9 8.11 6.71 81 7.92 390 8.03 7.83 -.04 +9.4 GabUtil N GUT .60 9.0 7.04 5.99 70 6.70 316 6.73 6.58 +.06 +6.3 GabUt pfA N GUTpA 1.41 5.6 26.65 24.41 0 25.35 4 25.42 25.26 +.10 +.6 Gasa SA N GFA .03e 2.1 1.99 1.01 431 1.40 3495 1.68 1.33 -.21 +26.1 Gaiam A Q GAIA 10.08 5.52 49 9.40 626 9.90 8.70 +.55 +8.7 Gain Cap N GCAP .24f 3.0 34 8.59 4.54 192 8.13 1458 8.58 7.95 -.18 +23.6sGalapag n Q GLPG 82.67 40.86 45 82.37 471 82.67 79.76 +.51 +28.3 GalectinTh Q GALT 3.05 .49 917 2.20 2370 2.35 1.96 +.08 +124.5 GalenaBi rs Q GALE 49.80 .53 1160 .59 7899 .65 .55 -.04 -69.7 Gallaghr N AJG 1.56f 2.8 22 57.82 43.17 859 56.44 4482 57.27 55.84 -.49 +8.6 GalmedPh Q GLMD 3 7.72 2.78 18 4.47 292 5.79 4.40 -.56 +27.4 GamGldNR N GGN .84 15.2 7.14 5.07 454 5.54 2192 5.57 5.46 +.04 +4.5 GamGld pfB N GGNpB 1.25 5.4 25.59 21.74 0 23.27 19 23.60 22.97 +.16 +.7 GamNRG&I N GNT .84 12.3 8.48 6.21 63 6.85 283 6.93 6.78 -.02 +2.7 GameStop N GME 1.52f 7.3 5 33.72 20.10 15061 20.70 28635 24.84 20.66 -3.94 -18.1 Gam&Lsr n Q GLPI 2.48f 7.7 21 35.98 28.73 1093 32.32 4282 32.42 31.39 +.35 +5.6 GamngPtrs Q GPIC .12e 14 12.34 8.47 0 10.30 12 10.55 9.92 +.35 -12.9 Gannett n N GCI .64 7.8 6 17.72 7.30 792 8.18 4470 8.35 7.96 +.08 -15.8 Gap N GPS .92 4.0 13 30.74 17.00 3361 23.27 25827 24.17 22.25 -.83 +3.7 Garmin Q GRMN 2.04 4.0 17 56.19 38.40 670 51.10 4106 52.86 50.91 -1.26 +5.4 GarrisnCap Q GARS 1.12m 11.8 9 10.98 8.75 37 9.53 316 10.05 9.44 -.21 +1.9 Gartner N IT 41 112.42 84.54 354 109.06 2264 112.12 108.20 -2.41 +7.9 GasNatural N EGAS .30 2.4 53 12.85 6.83 47 12.65 143 12.70 12.60 -.05 +.8 GasLogLP N GLOP 1.96f 8.1 11 24.85 15.54 190 24.05 865 24.70 23.20 -.25 +17.0 GasLog N GLOG .56 3.8 17.85 9.01 305 14.80 1897 15.60 14.10 -.55 -8.1 GasLog pfA N GLOGpA 2.19 8.6 26.99 21.30 16 25.59 95 25.77 25.45 -.37 +1.9 GastarExp N GST 2.21 .80 3346 1.31 12274 1.48 1.25 -.13 -15.5 Gastar pfA N GSTpA 2.16 10.0 22.70 3.95 14 21.58 104 21.58 20.84 +.34 +18.9 Gastar pfB N GSTpB 2.69 11.6 25.05 3.28 10 23.19 47 23.49 22.91 -.31 +33.5 GazitGlobe N GZT .40e 3.9 10.97 8.30 5 10.22 61 10.60 9.81 +.14 +18.3 GeeGroup N JOB 6.89 3.61 1 4.99 13 5.04 4.77 +.14 +15.1 Gemphire n Q GEMP 13.98 7.25 105 12.26 574 13.00 9.20 +3.25 +56.4 GencoSh rs N GNK 14.75 3.62 73 11.24 746 12.70 10.49 -.99 +52.3 Gencor s Q GENC 34 16.60 8.67 28 14.55 238 14.65 13.62 +.45 -7.3 Generac N GNRC 1 44.84 32.34 269 37.31 1804 38.52 36.48 -1.15 -8.4 GAInv N GAM 1.15e 1.0 33.93 25.80 26 33.20 169 33.75 33.19 -.41 +6.5 GAInv pfB N GAMpB 1.49 5.7 28.05 25.36 15 26.30 39 26.31 25.81 +.45 +2.1 GnCable N BGC .72 4.3 27 20.80 10.38 539 16.70 2022 18.10 16.45 -.95 -12.3sGenComm Q GNCMA 22.34 12.26 118 21.53 1200 22.34 20.14 +.89 +10.7 GenDynam N GD 3.36f 1.8 19 194.00 128.99 1464 187.52 5292 193.65 186.35 -5.75 +8.6 GenElec N GE .96 3.2 24 33.00 28.19 26141 29.72 122357 29.92 29.31 -.16 -5.9 GECap5-53 N GEK 1.18 4.6 27.14 23.20 40 25.51 209 25.58 25.38 -.07 +3.9 GECap 1-53 N GEH 1.22 4.8 27.60 23.98 35 25.53 170 25.67 25.32 -.10 +4.0 GEC 10-52 N GEB 1.22 4.8 27.04 24.13 31 25.41 277 25.48 25.12 +.05 +3.3 GenFin Q GFN 5.90 3.99 10 5.15 37 5.20 5.05 +.05 -7.2 GenFin 21 Q GFNSL 2.03 8.2 25.48 21.00 10 24.77 33 25.25 24.37 +.27 +2.2tGenMills N GIS 1.92 3.2 20 72.95 58.59 2826 59.16 21130 60.95 58.59 -1.50 -4.2 GenMoly N GMO .72 .21 40 .51 446 .53 .50 -.02 +104.4 GenMotors N GM 1.52 4.4 6 38.55 27.34 15914 34.56 119966 36.45 33.79 -1.77 -.8 GMot wtB N GM/WSB 20.43 10.00 17 17.28 967 18.65 16.81 -1.40 +.7 Gener8M n N GNRT 4 8.75 3.52 218 5.32 2387 5.64 5.14 -.27 +18.8 Gensco N GCO 13 74.21 47.66 200 55.85 1248 59.45 54.35 -3.30 -10.1 GenesWyo N GWR 21 80.73 52.21 425 65.17 2892 68.98 64.71 -3.54 -6.1 GenesisEn N GEL 2.84f 9.0 8 40.90 29.19 656 31.59 5617 32.87 31.40 -.89 -12.3 GenesisHlt N GEN .12p 4.75 1.38 365 2.53 1115 2.73 2.37 -.20 -40.5 GeneticT rs Q GENE 2.89 1.04 1143 1.17 1612 1.30 1.10 +.04 +8.3 GenieEn n N GNE .24 4.1 8.48 5.07 56 5.92 337 6.09 5.47 -.12 +3.0 GenieE pfA N GNEpA .64 8.5 8.40 6.81 3 7.50 9 7.57 7.40 +.01 +.5 GeniusBr n Q GNUS 7.99 3.65 3 3.91 12 4.06 3.65 +.24 -27.7sGenMark Q GNMK 13.43 4.66 432 13.40 1447 13.62 12.57 +.61 +9.5 GenoceaB Q GNCA 8.07 3.28 165 5.59 575 5.87 5.40 -.06 +35.7 Genomic Q GHDX 33.96 22.45 49 31.56 451 32.29 30.62 -.29 +7.4 Genpact N G .24p 17 28.52 22.58 531 24.30 3163 24.53 24.04 -.15 -.2 Gentex Q GNTX .36 1.7 17 22.12 14.66 2170 20.97 9902 21.96 20.85 -.92 +6.5 Gentherm Q THRM 18 44.62 26.60 243 36.75 1264 38.20 36.40 -1.35 +8.6 GenuPrt N GPC 2.70f 2.9 20 105.97 86.61 517 92.84 2704 94.95 92.66 -2.06 -2.8 GenVec rs Q GNVC 2 14.00 2.70 55 6.12 230 6.75 6.00 -.46 +90.7 Genworth N GNW .44p 5.27 2.26 9201 3.93 38970 4.16 3.85 -.23 +3.1 GeoGrp N GEO 2.80f 6.1 20 49.42 16.26 1448 45.97 4408 47.23 44.25 +1.14 +27.9 GeoPark N GPRK 8.00 1.90 164 6.73 767 7.07 6.42 -.11 +56.1 GaPw pfA N GPEpA 1.53 5.4 31.47 25.10 0 28.14 6 28.65 27.63 -.02 +10.0 GeospcT hs Q GEOS 24.37 11.20 36 15.09 209 15.73 14.15 -.52 -25.9 Gerdau N GGB .02e .6 4.39 1.50 7590 3.55 57830 4.08 3.50 -.38 +13.1 GerABcp Q GABC .76f 1.7 19 54.46 30.35 47 44.66 209 47.48 44.03 -2.95 -15.1 GerNew N GF 1.23e .6 14.59 12.45 34 14.50 184 14.55 14.18 +.24 +10.9 GeronCp Q GERN 3.35 1.81 933 2.12 6648 2.18 2.04 +.02 +2.4 GettyRlty N GTY 1.12 4.5 15 26.71 19.11 126 25.14 1015 25.48 24.49 +.03 -1.4 Gevo rs Q GEVO 27.20 .92 2673 1.13 6272 1.18 1.00 +.11 -67.3 Gibraltar Q ROCK 30 48.05 24.12 131 40.10 908 42.25 39.60 -2.40 -3.7 GigPeak N GIG 3.11 1.63 244 3.07 2246 3.08 3.06 +21.8 GigaTron h Q GIGA 1.53 .60 6 .85 117 .91 .75 -.03 +10.1 GigaMda rs Q GIGM 8 3.64 2.31 5 2.95 80 3.09 2.84 -.05 +1.0 Gigamon N GIMO 23 61.25 28.16 862 34.45 5070 36.95 34.15 -2.15 -24.4 GilatSatell Q GILT 6.19 4.05 1 5.23 113 5.27 5.11 -.02 +4.4 Gildan s N GIL .38f 1.4 17 32.20 23.55 683 26.16 3585 26.46 25.38 -.23 +3.1 GileadSci Q GILD 2.08f 3.1 7 103.10 65.38 5780 67.51 32323 69.21 67.20 -1.55 -5.7 GlacierBc Q GBCI .80 2.4 21 38.17 24.18 464 32.93 2079 35.93 32.09 -2.82 -9.1 GladstnCap Q GLAD .84 9.3 11 9.92 6.80 84 9.03 452 9.19 8.83 -.10 -3.8 Gladstne 21 Q GLADO 1.69 6.6 26.05 24.30 4 25.61 14 25.61 25.33 +.25 +.5 GladstnCm Q GOOD 1.50 7.5 21.09 15.89 88 19.88 562 20.01 19.33 -.01 -1.1 GladCm pfA Q GOODP 1.94 7.6 26.02 25.01 1 25.69 7 25.70 25.35 +.15 +.8 Gladstn pfB Q GOODO 1.88 7.4 25.63 24.96 1 25.30 4 25.40 25.23 +.06 +.8 GladCm pfD Q GOODM 1.75 7.0 26.99 23.00 15 25.16 63 25.20 24.96 +.15 -.4 GladstInv Q GAIN .75 8.5 12 9.36 6.65 64 8.81 471 9.05 8.72 -.23 +4.1 GladInv pfC Q GAINN 1.63 6.3 29.00 22.94 1 25.59 7 25.84 25.53 -.01 +.9 GldsInv pf D Q GAINM 1.56 6.2 25.80 25.00 1 25.34 13 25.39 25.27 +.08 +.1 GladstLnd Q LAND .52f 4.6 36 12.89 9.48 24 11.12 240 11.31 10.83 -.15 -1.1 GladLnd pfA Q LANDP 1.59 6.2 27.05 24.62 6 25.77 10 26.06 25.60 +.19 +1.3tGlassBr rs N GLA 18.10 4.11 72 4.17 352 7.42 3.85 -3.23 Glatfelter N GLT .52f 2.4 16 25.59 17.50 124 21.47 612 22.17 21.09 -.60 -10.1 Glaukos n N GKOS 52.49 15.18 380 50.29 1721 50.44 47.23 +1.40 +46.6 GlaxoSKln N GSK 2.89e 6.8 45.58 37.20 1942 42.31 11942 42.58 42.15 +.04 +9.9sGblBldT n Q GBT 39.85 12.24 500 39.15 4567 39.85 35.40 +2.25 +170.9 GblBrCopp N BRSS .15 .4 17 39.85 22.75 56 35.35 451 37.05 35.20 -1.30 +3.1 GlblBrkge Q GLBR 16.80 1.45 207 2.15 472 2.30 1.45 +.70 -69.5tGblEagEnt Q ENT 9.73 2.98 876 2.92 4714 3.52 2.90 -.58 -54.8 GlbIndem Q GBLI 23 40.96 20.96 10 37.00 78 37.51 35.50 -.07 -3.2 GlbIndm 45 Q GBLIZ 1.94 7.7 26.48 23.14 6 25.20 142 25.27 24.73 +.25 +1.6 GlbMed n N GMRE .20p 11.38 6.73 49 8.31 376 8.60 8.08 +.17 -6.8 GlobNetL n N GNL .71 3.0 38 25.25 6.92 279 23.64 2241 24.07 23.27 -.36 +201.9 GblPtAcq n Q GPAC 10.50 9.46 4 10.02 5 10.08 10.00 -.07 +.8 GlobPtrs N GLP 1.85 9.7 21.95 12.28 32 19.10 318 19.40 18.55 +.30 -1.8 GlobPay s N GPN .04 .1 33 81.56 59.55 1255 78.42 4731 80.03 78.17 -1.61 +13.0 GlSlfStor n Q SELF .26 5.5 5.96 4.26 6 4.69 70 4.94 4.59 -.50 -1.7 GlbShipLs N GSL .40 28.4 4.50 1.06 72 1.41 383 1.50 1.36 -.09 -6.0 GlbShip pfB N GSLpB 2.19 10.6 21.62 12.42 12 20.70 58 20.72 19.77 +.89 +1.5 GlblSrcs Q GSOL 11 9.48 7.23 19 8.55 54 9.00 8.50 -.10 -3.4 GlWatRs n Q GWRS .27 3.1 9.29 6.23 14 8.71 55 8.98 8.65 -.28 -4.3 GlbXNordic N GXF .85e 4.2 22.19 18.40 3 20.32 17 20.50 20.08 -.01 +7.1 sGbXSpDvE N SDEM .63e 16.42 12.44 2 16.27 144 16.42 16.15 +.10 +10.7 GbXSpdvRE Q SRET 1.24 8.4 15.85 13.21 9 14.69 81 14.75 14.60 +.00 +2.5 GbXUSRota N SCTO .12p 25.16 22.74 2 24.75 10 24.99 24.61 -.37 +3.2 GblXEffic N EFFE .16p 25.22 22.79 24.80 11 25.09 24.69 -.28 +.5 GblXPortgl N PGAL .23p 10.50 8.77 6 9.77 78 9.78 9.60 +.18 +4.9 GblXColum N GXG .41e 4.4 10.18 8.19 14 9.36 581 9.38 9.12 +.16 +2.6 GblXEmFtr N EMFM .40e 1.9 21.90 18.15 3 20.78 8 21.00 20.43 +.32 +12.5 GbXMLP&E N MLPX .60 4.2 15.54 10.84 119 14.34 815 14.42 14.12 -.08 -3.4 GblXChMat N CHIM .21e 1.2 17.96 11.61 1 17.01 8 17.52 16.98 -.45 +24.9sGblXArg N ARGT .09e .3 27.86 18.37 140 27.60 445 27.86 26.99 +.12 +19.7 GblXSDvUS N DIV 1.93 7.8 25.90 23.36 47 24.82 234 24.98 24.77 -.18 +.4 GblXJrMlp N MLPJ .96e 11.4 9.46 6.88 2 8.43 14 8.65 8.35 -.17 -2.2 GXSupInPf N SPFF .99 7.6 13.98 12.51 129 12.99 680 13.08 12.90 -.07 +1.5 GblXGuru N GURU .28e 1.1 26.21 20.86 3 25.50 36 25.94 25.32 -.39 +6.1 GlblXPerm N PERM .23e .9 26.48 23.76 0 24.76 6 24.80 24.51 +.25 +1.9 GbXGreece N GREK .13e 1.7 9.06 6.37 162 7.69 894 7.89 7.66 -.18 -1.3sGblXChCon N CHIQ .26e 1.9 13.52 10.11 8 13.50 84 13.52 13.04 +.14 +20.5 GblXSocM Q SOCL 25.81 17.93 18 24.71 86 24.95 24.15 -.05 +14.3 GblX MLP N MLPA .90e 7.8 12.13 9.06 286 11.47 996 11.52 11.35 -.02 -.9 GblXFertil N SOIL .25e 2.7 9.87 7.99 4 9.21 56 9.31 9.16 -.08 +2.6 GblXSupDv N SDIV 1.42e 6.5 21.90 19.38 170 21.04 1150 21.36 20.88 -.16 +1.1 GlbXChiFn N CHIX .16e 1.1 15.01 11.15 34 14.76 95 14.99 14.64 -.01 +15.2 GbXSEAsia N ASEA .42e 3.0 14.38 12.64 4 14.06 26 14.12 13.90 +.10 +9.9 GblXAndean N AND .20e 2.3 8.81 6.82 15 8.61 43 8.73 8.43 +.13 +9.8 GblXPakist N PAK 18.36 13.00 7 17.67 84 17.83 17.57 +.06 +1.0sGblXChiInd N CHII .10e .7 14.62 10.22 2 14.51 13 14.62 14.36 +.11 +22.2 GblXNorway N NORW .83e 7.3 11.91 9.52 34 11.36 270 11.68 11.32 -.21 +2.9 GlXBrazMC N BRAZ .37e 3.7 10.53 7.00 0 9.92 20 10.19 9.78 -.13 +11.5 GbXNsChiT Q QQQC .07e .3 24.60 18.88 0 23.37 5 23.89 23.15 -.42 +10.1 GblXScUS n N SCIU 28.18 24.29 4 27.56 46 27.83 27.42 -.37 +4.5 GblXScEu n N SCID 24.17 20.66 2 24.05 7 24.17 23.86 +.13 +8.4 GblXScJp n N SCIJ 28.15 23.83 27.90 4 28.06 27.84 -.13 +5.7sGbXNigeria N NGE .31e 2.0 16.43 3.79 19 15.79 144 16.43 15.60 -.24 +270.8stGbX US Inf N PAVE 15.89 14.28 31 14.34 112 15.89 14.27 -.56 -2.8tGblFound n N BOSS 15.43 14.81 1 14.92 21 15.23 14.81 -.28 -1.5 GblXYldco Q YLCO .58a 5.1 11.89 10.09 7 11.33 16 11.47 11.20 -.11 +4.4sGblX Rob n Q BOTZ 17.42 14.69 175 17.30 505 17.42 17.03 +.03 +15.3 GlbXCon ef Q KRMA 17.13 14.88 1 16.80 11 16.93 16.65 -.16 +5.1 GblXMilTh Q MILN 16.63 14.40 2 16.40 11 16.63 16.29 -.18 +5.0 GbX Longv Q LNGR 16.95 14.91 2 16.85 3 16.90 16.63 +.12 +9.9sGlX Intrn n Q SNSR 18.06 14.49 34 17.88 330 18.06 17.53 -.02 +14.5 GblXSupdiv Q ALTY 1.25 8.2 16.58 13.96 2 15.30 24 15.50 15.26 -.11 +2.9 GlX Fintc n Q FINX 16.50 14.53 0 16.11 5 16.41 15.89 -.28 +9.9 GlbXCop rs N COPX 26.47 12.60 48 22.45 257 23.54 22.29 -1.11 +12.3 GlbXSilv rs N SIL 54.34 25.46 117 35.85 730 36.65 35.11 +.74 +11.6sGlbXLith rs N LIT 27.42 20.64 49 27.11 410 27.42 26.68 +.11 +11.2 GbX Gold rs N GOEX 45.90 18.23 4 23.68 24 24.60 23.58 -.13 +14.4 GbXUran rs N URA 19.33 11.68 148 15.14 2236 16.48 15.06 -1.29 +17.6 GlXCatholc Q CATH 29.18 23.95 7 28.45 183 28.99 28.37 -.49 +4.8 GlblScape N GSB .06 1.5 22 4.34 3.20 13 4.02 252 4.05 3.75 +.31 -1.2 Globalstar N GSAT 15 3.00 .63 1603 1.64 27660 1.68 1.47 +.17 +3.8 GlobantSA N GLOB 47.19 28.80 181 36.11 691 36.21 34.34 +.33 +8.3 GlobusM rs Q GLBS 23.60 .58 808 4.59 1863 6.14 4.55 -1.60 +12.5sGlobusMed N GMED 28 30.03 19.25 962 29.96 5309 30.12 29.01 +.84 +20.8 Glowpoint N GLOW .47 .14 2 .31 18 .31 .28 +.02 +16.5 GluMobile Q GLUU 3.19 1.73 9577 2.13 38918 2.19 2.01 -.01 +9.8tGlycoMim Q GLYC 9.25 5.50 35 5.56 132 6.55 5.34 -.95 -8.9 GoDaddy n N GDDY 38.00 28.11 642 36.39 3273 37.84 36.21 -.79 +4.1 Gogo Q GOGO 13.28 7.80 1247 10.80 6917 12.30 10.80 -1.36 +17.1 GolLinhs rs N GOL 31.82 6.00 75 25.52 949 28.75 24.64 -3.34 +87.4 GolLNGLtd Q GLNG .20 .7 29.18 14.32 480 27.26 4162 28.12 26.37 +.04 +18.8 GolLNGPt Q GMLP 2.31 10.6 25.82 13.91 160 21.85 1696 22.07 21.25 +.03 -9.1 GoldFLtd N GFI .02e .6 6.60 2.60 4702 3.52 26446 3.63 3.42 +.05 +16.9 GoldResrc N GORO .02m .5 8.22 2.22 561 4.44 4518 4.94 4.31 -.05 +2.1 GoldStdV g N GSV 3.20 .92 1056 2.59 7726 2.76 2.44 -.04 +21.6 Goldcrp g N GG .24 1.5 20.38 11.91 4242 15.84 37489 16.20 15.21 +.52 +16.5 GoldenEnt Q GDEN 18 14.31 8.65 74 13.05 241 14.10 12.77 -.94 +7.8 GoldenMin N AUMN 1.16 .31 105 .61 603 .64 .60 -.01 +5.2 GoldenOc rs Q GOGL 8.30 3.06 291 7.62 2115 8.22 7.25 -.55 +61.8 GoldStr g N GSS 1.13 .40 794 .84 8752 .93 .80 -.03 +12.6 GldFld N GV 11 8.65 1.56 451 5.55 4397 6.05 5.40 -.50 +8.8 GoldmS pfI N GSpI 1.49 5.8 26.61 24.61 138 25.87 371 25.91 25.70 -.03 +2.5 GoldS pfJ N GSpJ 1.38 5.2 27.64 24.50 32 26.59 199 26.77 26.39 +.01 +4.9sGS BDC n N GSBD 1.80 7.2 25 25.60 19.30 64 24.89 479 25.60 24.83 -.54 +5.8sGS ActbtInt N GSIE 26.31 22.36 59 25.99 331 26.31 25.80 -.11 +6.7sGS ActEM N GEM 30.72 24.49 47 30.34 309 30.72 30.01 +.15 +13.4sGS ActEur N GSEU .60e 32.03 23.23 3 27.54 10 32.03 27.23 -.11 +7.4 GS ActLgC N GSLC 47.66 40.26 132 46.46 496 47.35 46.28 -.83 +4.7 GS Indus n N GVIP 46.17 39.08 14 45.26 51 46.04 45.00 -.64 +7.0 GSCI37 N GSC 23.85 18.81 4 21.25 4 21.57 21.25 -.24 -8.8 GoldmanS N GS 2.60 1.1 14 255.15 138.20 6327 228.41 25746 244.93 226.97 -15.53 -4.6 GoldS pfK N GSpK 1.59 5.7 29.74 25.69 70 28.09 252 29.27 27.89 -.03 +3.5 GoldS pfN N GSpN 28.30 25.11 48 26.30 276 26.39 26.13 -.05 +.8 GoldS pfB N GSpB 1.55 5.9 26.77 25.01 18 26.31 131 26.34 26.00 +.09 +3.5 GoldS pfC N GSpC 1.02 4.4 24.32 20.78 44 23.15 113 23.25 22.96 +.11 +6.4 GoldS pfA N GSpA .96 4.1 23.47 19.54 63 23.11 203 23.17 22.70 +.41 +4.6 GoldS pfD N GSpD 1.02 4.5 23.65 20.00 50 22.70 569 22.75 22.48 +.10 +4.0 GS MLPEn N GER .64 8.3 8.90 5.02 198 7.71 1335 7.82 7.50 -.09 +7.2 GS MLPInc N GMZ 1.38 13.3 11.58 7.22 161 10.34 560 10.42 10.11 -.01 +6.4 GolubCap Q GBDC 1.28a 6.7 15 19.76 16.70 122 19.16 998 19.48 19.03 -.24 +4.2 GoodTimes Q GTIM 4.48 2.75 7 3.10 166 3.30 2.90 +.15 -1.7 Goodyear Q GT .40 1.1 11 37.20 24.31 1887 35.94 10927 36.88 35.54 -.70 +16.4 GoPro Q GPRO 17.68 7.15 1618 8.30 12652 8.73 8.16 -.27 -4.7stGorsHl A n Q GSHT 5 10.00 5 10.00 10.00 GoresHl wt Q GSHTW 1.30 1.00 1.29 15 1.30 1.20 -.01 +22.9 GormanR N GRC .46f 1.5 31 34.45 22.30 38 29.94 167 32.40 29.52 -2.71 -3.3 GovPrpIT Q GOV 1.72 8.4 24.61 15.39 459 20.56 3117 20.74 20.02 +.34 +7.8 GovPrpIT46 Q GOVNI 1.47 5.9 26.38 22.20 28 25.00 147 25.00 24.82 +.18 +6.1 vjGrace N GRA .84f 1.2 28 80.56 63.37 616 68.49 2304 70.89 68.38 -2.27 +1.3 Graco N GGG 1.44f 1.5 26 95.10 69.33 189 93.57 1086 94.76 91.77 -.68 +12.6 GrahamCp N GHM .36 1.6 16 25.00 17.11 25 23.00 157 23.31 22.66 -.06 +3.8sGrahamH s N GHC 5.08 .9 21 591.05 440.55 8 579.00 82 591.05 574.70 -9.90 +13.1 Graingr N GWW 4.88f 2.0 21 262.72 201.94 370 239.53 2717 244.26 238.17 -4.44 +3.1 Grmrcy pfA N GPTpA 1.78 6.8 28.78 25.61 1 26.07 26 26.61 26.01 -.23 -1.5 GrmPrTr rs N GPT .38 30.09 24.09 446 25.79 3260 26.44 25.30 -.55 -6.4 GranTrra g N GTE 3.49 2.26 892 2.54 5041 2.54 2.40 +.03 -15.9 GranaMon N GRAM .25e 9.7 8.96 2.16 642 2.58 1918 2.59 2.16 +.38 -63.9sGrCanyEd Q LOPE 21 70.32 37.94 178 68.73 1889 70.32 66.34 -.78 +17.6 GraniteC N GVA .52 1.1 38 62.18 40.16 327 46.59 2455 48.97 45.22 -2.39 -15.3 GraniteRE N GRP/U 2.30 35.82 27.09 4 34.30 25 34.61 33.78 +.25 +2.6 GraphPkg N GPK .30 2.3 17 14.70 11.95 6939 12.77 19588 13.31 12.73 -.19 +2.3 Gravity rs Q GRVY 39.00 3.05 16 19.00 116 21.10 18.60 -1.63 +80.1 GrayTelev N GTN 13 15.10 7.00 650 14.00 4712 14.35 13.10 +.35 +29.0 GrayTvA N GTN/A 19 14.05 7.05 0 12.70 4 12.80 12.45 +.25 +22.1 GrtAjax n N AJX 1.00 7.7 8 14.48 10.97 29 12.91 363 13.16 12.84 -.20 -2.7 GrElmCp n Q GECC .17e 12.37 10.35 1 10.89 34 11.01 10.74 -.06 -6.7 GrtElm 20 Q FULLL 2.06 8.1 26.25 24.92 3 25.47 12 25.54 25.27 -.13 +.3tGrElm hn Q GEC 4.10 2.95 24 3.20 438 3.30 2.95 +.05 -14.7 GrLkDrge Q GLDD 5.45 3.05 321 4.30 1488 4.50 3.85 -.10 +2.4 GtPanSilv g N GPL 2.28 .86 710 1.64 6360 1.81 1.56 -.02 -1.2 GtPlainEn N GXP 1.10 3.8 17 32.74 25.85 1420 28.91 8757 29.14 28.49 +.01 +5.7 GrtPl pfB N GXPpB 1.75 3.3 55.34 48.64 151 52.55 270 53.00 52.30 -.05 +3.9 GrtSoBc Q GSBC .88 1.8 15 56.70 34.48 24 49.25 142 51.75 47.60 -2.28 -9.9 GrtWstBcp N GWB .68 1.7 18 45.61 26.43 202 40.85 2019 45.10 39.10 -4.54 -6.3 GreenBncp Q GNBC 17.55 6.79 185 16.95 924 17.00 15.18 +.30 +11.5 GreenBrick Q GRBK 20 10.85 6.57 50 9.80 228 10.00 9.25 +.25 -2.5 GreenDot N GDOT 33.64 20.79 263 32.78 1849 33.50 32.07 -.32 +39.2 GreenPlns Q GPRE .48 2.1 91 29.85 13.88 331 22.85 2813 24.10 22.50 -.65 -18.0 GrnP LP n Q GPP 1.72f 8.6 21.75 13.00 53 19.90 202 20.10 19.35 +.5 GreenbCos N GBX .84f 2.0 11 49.50 24.27 344 41.75 1664 43.40 40.60 -1.40 +.5 GrCB NY s Q GCBC .38 1.7 20 25.20 15.40 4 23.00 34 23.50 22.09 -.05 +.4 Greenhill N GHL 1.80 6.3 15 32.45 15.62 302 28.40 1530 30.80 28.15 -2.30 +2.5 Greenlight Q GLRE 14 24.10 18.79 82 21.55 497 22.25 21.20 -.55 -5.5 Greif A N GEF 1.68 3.1 22 60.55 30.93 118 54.57 1064 57.67 53.93 -1.86 +6.4 Greif B N GEF/B 2.51e 4.0 21 74.35 44.23 10 62.35 84 67.95 60.30 -2.00 -7.7 GrdsmHld n Q GSUM 18.29 9.90 34 12.34 201 13.60 11.42 -.72 +21.1 Griffin Q GRIF .30f 1.0 33.32 24.00 30.76 3 32.02 30.51 +.19 -3.1 Griffon N GFF .24 1.0 29 27.15 14.69 124 24.15 569 24.80 23.30 -.55 -7.8sGrifolsSA s Q GRFS .55e 3.0 18.06 14.27 613 18.04 3086 18.22 17.28 +.37 +12.3 Group1 N GPI .96f 1.3 10 83.18 47.31 136 71.95 989 77.69 71.01 -5.60 -7.7 Groupon Q GRPN 5.94 2.92 5498 3.99 35096 4.14 3.87 -.09 +20.2 GrubHub N GRUB 51 44.58 21.41 1429 33.67 11031 35.97 33.41 -.66 -10.5 GAeroPac N PAC 2.78e 2.8 108.24 72.52 144 97.76 495 98.40 90.78 +5.93 +18.5 GpAeroCN Q OMAB 1.60e 3.7 53.58 30.05 73 43.15 292 43.15 40.26 +2.18 +24.9sGpoASur N ASR 3.31e 173.50 131.72 103 177.25 406 177.76 163.66 +9.31 +23.2 GpoAvalAc N AVAL .40 5.0 9.04 7.18 93 8.00 1113 8.03 7.46 +.17 +.8sGrpoFin Q GGAL .08e .2 37.82 23.23 732 39.01 2915 39.09 35.40 +3.81 +44.9 GpFnSnMx N BSMX .30e 3.4 10.13 6.73 4145 8.80 10495 8.84 8.12 +.53 +22.4 GpoSimec N SIM 15.20 6.53 1 13.06 22 13.79 12.42 -.09 -9.0 GpSuprvi n N SUPV 16.16 10.00 74 15.94 1179 16.07 15.14 +.24 +21.3 GpTelevisa N TV 29.34 19.69 1657 26.00 6737 26.94 25.62 -.41 +24.5 GuangRy N GSH .62e 1.9 33.18 20.65 2 32.16 13 32.25 31.57 +.06 +6.1 GuarntyBc Q GBNK .50f 2.1 21 25.70 15.01 59 23.45 371 24.15 22.95 -.70 -3.1 GuarFBc Q GFED .40 2.0 16 21.95 14.90 1 20.25 13 20.56 19.51 -.65 -4.4 Guess N GES .90 8.2 30 19.04 10.29 1807 10.91 10974 11.39 10.51 -.39 -9.8 GuggBAB N GBAB 1.66 7.4 24.75 18.84 25 22.32 228 22.41 21.64 +.62 +4.3 GugCrdAllo N GGM 2.18 9.6 23.88 18.47 11 22.75 81 23.26 22.75 -.14 +1.8sGuggChina N YAO .87e 3.1 28.43 21.79 28.04 11 28.43 27.75 +.06 +15.4 GugSPEW N RSP 1.31e 1.5 92.53 75.79 683 89.81 4359 91.11 89.26 -1.25 +3.7 GugRus50 N XLG 3.03e 1.8 169.87 140.88 16 165.89 53 168.59 165.43 -2.25 +5.3 GugSPVal N RPV 1.18e 2.0 61.67 47.72 112 58.07 1150 59.51 57.73 -1.51 +.8 GugSPGth N RPG .59e .7 90.06 76.35 68 88.68 608 89.95 88.11 -1.08 +6.1 GugS&P100 N OEW 32.61 25.53 29.12 13 32.03 29.04 -.31 +3.3 GuEqWREst N EWRE .27e 29.00 24.54 4 26.76 47 26.96 26.44 +.02 +1.7 GugMCVal N RFV .86e 1.4 65.03 48.26 21 60.80 116 62.88 60.40 -2.02 -1.5sGugEMk EW N EWEM .64e 2.1 30.70 26.45 30.41 3 30.70 30.36 -.23 +9.1 GugMC400E N EWMC 60.61 47.56 48 57.91 111 59.34 57.31 -1.39 +.6 GugSC600E N EWSC 51.38 38.94 1 48.04 11 49.47 47.35 -1.41 -3.8 GugMCGth N RFG .75e .6 136.96 113.86 4 133.74 26 135.20 132.02 -1.30 +3.8 GugSCVal N RZV .67e 1.0 77.26 53.30 27 66.33 183 69.07 65.35 -2.89 -9.2 GugTotRet N GTO 52.94 50.28 2 51.37 19 51.39 51.00 +.37 +1.6 GugUtil N RYU 3.00e 3.5 88.42 75.41 3 85.07 51 85.33 83.66 +.71 +5.3 GugSCGth N RZG .56e .6 101.13 75.47 5 98.26 27 100.56 96.51 -2.15 +1.8 GugTech N RYT 1.09e .9 121.39 88.27 27 119.87 378 121.35 118.59 -1.00 +10.5 RydxMatls N RTM 1.19e 1.3 98.04 78.72 65 93.72 82 95.71 93.44 -1.36 +2.9 GugIndls N RGI .84e .8 107.78 82.94 5 102.92 90 105.34 102.62 -2.38 +3.8 GugHlthC N RYH .75e .5 162.74 140.98 13 158.90 92 160.55 157.71 -1.62 +8.9 GugFncl N RYF .93e 2.5 45.75 30.52 35 37.20 535 38.54 36.68 -1.39 +1.0 GugEngy N RYE .79e 1.4 68.00 46.38 45 56.80 234 58.27 56.73 -1.33 -11.3 GugConStp N RHS 2.05e 1.6 130.44 115.09 10 125.12 111 126.06 124.63 -.78 +4.8 GugCnsDis N RCD 1.12e 1.2 94.21 79.28 7 90.96 49 92.14 90.13 -1.47 +3.0 GugEnhEq N GPM .96 12.0 8.68 7.08 408 8.00 1337 8.20 7.94 -.11 GugChinTc N CQQQ .64e 1.5 43.39 31.82 7 42.49 55 42.49 41.31 +.52 +20.5 GugWater N CGW .45e 1.5 31.20 27.41 44 30.81 285 30.96 30.48 +.13 +8.3 GugCdnEn N ENY .49e 5.8 9.47 7.26 8 8.50 32 8.60 8.33 -.14 -6.6sGugSPHiInf N GHII 1.03e 3.8 27.88 22.53 8 27.33 59 27.88 27.23 -.23 +5.1 GugSolar N TAN .49e 2.8 24.88 16.45 93 17.29 1009 18.03 17.25 -.67 +4.3 GugShippg N SEA 1.48e 12.1 13.12 10.34 40 12.19 662 12.70 12.08 -.46 +6.6sGugFront N FRN .20e 1.5 13.01 10.74 33 12.96 84 13.02 12.85 +.11 +12.1sGugChinSC N HAO .94e 3.7 25.73 21.08 8 25.31 61 25.73 25.31 -.22 +13.5sGugChRe N TAO .97e 4.1 23.76 17.92 25 23.70 85 23.76 23.10 +.52 +21.2sGugGTimb N CUT .35e 1.3 26.81 21.27 10 26.26 91 26.81 26.13 -.27 +6.0 Gug BRIC N EEB .48e 1.5 32.48 24.39 2 31.42 26 32.00 30.98 -.19 +9.1 Gug 26CpBd N BSCQ 20.24 18.85 3 19.19 24 19.26 19.09 +.16 +.2 Gug 24HYBd N BSJO 25.70 24.18 6 25.16 43 25.30 24.95 -.16 +.2 GugDJIADv N DJD .02p 30.87 25.42 1 30.00 9 30.34 29.92 -.29 +3.7 GugHYBd23 N BSJN .15e 26.97 25.00 8 26.34 24 26.52 26.20 -.13 -.1 GugCpBd25 N BSCP 22.15 19.93 30 20.27 113 20.29 20.14 +.10 +.5 GugInsidr N NFO .72e 1.4 53.30 45.03 1 52.73 9 53.03 52.36 -.46 +7.2 GugBlt22HY N BSJM 1.27 5.1 25.46 23.18 34 24.97 138 25.15 24.78 -.12 -.1 GugB21HY N BSJL 1.27 5.1 25.12 23.10 22 24.77 171 24.90 24.63 -.05 +.2 GugBlt24CB N BSCO .58 2.8 21.72 20.14 15 20.53 87 20.57 20.40 +.10 +.5 GugBlt23CB N BSCN .65 3.1 21.56 20.29 46 20.65 166 20.69 20.55 +.09 +.9 GugBlt22CB N BSCM .58e 2.8 21.78 20.71 79 21.05 903 21.09 20.93 +.07 +.6 GugBlt21CB N BSCL .56 2.7 21.89 20.80 210 21.12 645 21.17 21.01 +.06 +.6 ClayWilMic N WMCR .43e 1.5 30.76 23.43 2 29.26 10 29.97 28.92 -.83 -1.7 GugB20HY N BSJK 1.30e 5.2 24.76 22.63 198 24.45 679 24.52 24.26 -.06 +.7 GugB19HY N BSJJ 1.22e 5.0 24.53 22.88 567 24.35 1837 24.39 24.20 -.02 +.8 GugB18HY N BSJI 1.28e 4.6 25.41 23.93 132 25.23 1029 25.25 25.10 -.01 +.2 GugB17HY N BSJH 1.08e 4.0 26.02 25.28 127 25.67 1005 25.76 25.66 -.03 -.6 ClyWUSRE N WREI 1.53e 3.0 52.34 43.73 4 46.85 7 46.96 46.39 +.42 -.1 GugMultAs N CVY 1.07e 5.2 21.03 17.88 54 20.63 405 20.86 20.47 -.22 +2.3 GugCpBd20 N BSCK .61e 2.9 21.79 21.07 383 21.37 1615 21.40 21.30 +.06 +.8 GugBlt19CB N BSCJ .47e 2.2 21.49 21.00 354 21.22 1530 21.24 21.17 +.04 +.4 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 9 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
GugBlt18CB N BSCI .40e 1.8 21.39 21.05 246 21.24 915 21.25 21.20 +.02 +.3 GugBlt17CB N BSCH .35e 1.5 22.80 22.54 63 22.62 495 22.62 22.60 +.02 GugSpinOff N CSD 1.00e 2.2 46.32 37.17 9 45.07 45 45.74 44.57 -.67 +3.8 GugRJ SB1 N RYJ .30e .8 40.52 31.06 4 39.18 38 39.94 38.56 -.72 +2.1 GugEShDur N GSY .65e 1.3 50.23 49.79 168 50.22 782 50.22 50.19 +.03 +.2 GugMCCre N CZA .65e 1.1 58.83 47.67 3 57.84 43 58.51 57.30 -.70 +6.4sGugGlDiv N LVL .52e 4.9 10.60 8.71 1 10.55 55 10.60 10.46 +.01 +3.9 GugDefEq N DEF 1.15e 2.8 41.88 36.40 15 41.27 59 41.84 41.19 -.49 +6.1 GugStrOp N GOF 2.19 10.8 20.85 16.78 64 20.25 407 20.28 19.95 +.24 +3.1 GuidSoft h Q GUID 7.80 4.12 130 5.84 624 6.30 5.74 -.44 -17.5 Guidewire N GWRE 64.00 49.18 289 55.47 2049 57.23 54.74 -1.48 +12.4 GulfIsland Q GIFI .04 .4 43 13.95 6.34 55 10.25 218 11.30 10.25 -.40 -13.9 GulfRes Q GURE 2 2.75 1.38 188 1.82 793 2.04 1.77 -.20 -6.7 GulfMrkA N GLF 7.38 .25 468 .35 3104 .45 .35 -.05 -80.0tGulfportE Q GPOR 34.67 15.66 2696 16.23 15202 16.79 15.66 -.36 -25.0H -:H&E Eqp Q HEES 1.10 4.6 23 27.54 12.72 122 23.75 1320 25.66 23.57 -1.67 +2.2 HCA Hldg N HCA 13 88.62 67.00 5779 86.04 16005 86.48 81.36 +1.45 +16.2 HCI Grp N HCI 1.40f 3.1 18 50.93 24.35 51 45.33 389 47.07 44.33 -1.48 +14.8 HCP Inc N HCP 1.48 4.8 11 40.43 27.61 4657 30.61 26952 30.87 29.92 +.49 +3.0 HD Supply Q HDS 15 44.73 30.05 1049 40.33 6940 41.73 39.95 -1.45 -5.1sHDFC Bk N HDB .37e .5 74.99 58.22 700 72.85 4784 74.99 72.02 -.10 +20.1 HECO pfU N HEpU 1.62 5.9 27.85 25.55 1 27.50 2 27.50 26.27 +1.11 +7.4 HFF Inc N HF 1.80e 13 34.39 24.84 383 26.66 996 30.82 26.52 -4.16 -11.9 HMN Fn Q HMNF 14 18.70 11.22 1 18.23 7 18.25 17.80 +.48 +4.2 HMS Hldgs Q HMSY 34 24.00 13.02 294 18.25 1264 18.72 17.65 -.21 +.5 HNI Corp N HNI 1.10 2.4 17 56.96 37.18 144 45.34 963 46.95 44.27 -1.63 -18.9 HP Inc N HPQ .53f 3.1 11 17.81 11.31 6465 17.23 46130 17.69 17.10 -.33 +16.1 HRG Grp N HRG 19.50 12.50 1421 19.01 6151 19.41 18.83 -.32 +22.2 HSBC N HSBC 1.50e 3.7 44.18 28.62 1691 40.56 10858 41.21 40.27 -.35 +.9 HSBC prA N HSBCpA 1.55 6.0 27.56 25.00 31 25.96 435 25.98 25.81 +.12 +3.0 HSBC Cap N HSEA 2.03 7.5 27.93 25.81 64 27.16 334 27.40 26.98 +.01 +4.7 HSBC Cap2 N HSEB 2.00 7.6 26.95 25.51 188 26.36 656 26.43 26.26 +.12 +2.2 HSN Inc Q HSNI 1.40 3.9 14 55.16 30.75 318 36.15 2173 36.70 35.45 -.35 +5.4sHTG Mol h Q HTGM 4.90 1.20 51914 9.65 95445 13.25 1.95 +7.59 +330.8 HV Bcp n Q HVBC 14.58 13.08 14.02 17 14.32 13.74 +.27 +2.6 HabitRest Q HABT 56 20.01 13.20 408 16.25 1634 16.95 15.45 +.30 -5.8 HackettGp Q HCKT .26 1.4 25 20.69 13.06 104 18.85 772 19.49 18.44 -.61 +6.7 Haemonet N HAE 26 41.65 25.98 371 39.59 1381 40.07 38.43 -.07 -1.5 Hailiang n Q HLG 9.71 7.35 8.85 4 8.85 8.70 +.20 +20.4 HainCels lf Q HAIN 19 56.99 32.87 481 37.00 4840 37.77 36.58 -.36 -5.2tHalconRs n N HK 12.01 6.42 1276 6.92 7233 7.59 6.42 -.78 -25.9 HalladorE Q HNRG .16 2.1 19 10.40 3.95 49 7.66 751 8.23 7.30 -.58 -15.7 Hallibrtn N HAL .72 1.5 58.78 33.26 8821 49.41 37415 51.26 49.19 -1.37 -8.7 HallmkFn Q HALL 15 12.09 9.50 16 10.83 108 11.36 10.74 -.47 -6.9 Halozyme Q HALO 15.20 7.70 647 13.53 4896 14.58 13.10 -1.01 +36.9 HalyrdHlt N HYH 19 41.84 26.05 221 37.87 1221 39.23 37.26 -1.07 +2.4 HamiltnBc Q HBK 15.60 13.19 1 15.15 6 15.35 15.15 -.10 +6.3 HamilLa n Q HLNE 19.66 17.74 105 19.03 479 19.60 18.50 -.22 +5.6 HancHld Q HBHC .96 2.2 23 49.50 20.01 464 43.50 3819 47.25 42.15 -3.90 +.9 HancHld 45 Q HBHCL 1.49 5.9 27.75 23.61 8 25.45 21 25.49 25.08 +.28 +4.3 HancFinOp N BTO 1.48 4.4 37.48 22.81 63 33.34 552 36.21 33.02 -2.94 -8.1 HanJS N JHS .87e 6.2 14.95 13.60 3 14.04 58 14.10 13.98 -.01 +.2 HanJI N JHI 1.45e 8.6 17.84 15.18 18 16.78 75 16.85 16.64 +.03 +1.1 HanPrmDv N PDT 1.08a 6.8 17.59 13.22 65 15.97 523 16.09 15.75 +.17 +2.0 HanPfEq N HPI 1.68 8.0 23.32 18.91 39 21.13 229 21.16 20.77 +.17 +3.8 HanPfd2 N HPF 1.68 8.0 23.24 18.87 35 20.90 172 21.11 20.72 -.01 +3.2 HanPfd3 N HPS 1.47 8.0 20.26 16.25 31 18.27 265 18.38 18.05 -.04 +3.0 HanTxAdv N HTD 1.45 6.0 25.48 20.79 80 24.34 421 24.56 24.07 +.02 +5.5 Handy&H Q HNH 29.89 19.00 15 26.85 38 27.30 26.05 +.45 +5.1 Hanesbds s N HBI .60f 2.9 12 30.42 18.91 2834 20.42 21713 20.57 19.76 +.14 -5.3 HanmiFin Q HAFC .76 2.6 17 35.85 20.64 118 29.45 775 32.15 28.55 -2.85 -15.6 HannArms N HASI 1.32f 6.8 36 25.21 18.02 575 19.39 2155 19.70 18.87 +.19 +2.1 HanoverIns N THG 2.00 2.2 22 92.78 74.06 137 88.97 783 91.15 88.67 -2.10 -2.2 HanovIns53 N THGA 1.59 6.3 26.98 24.02 15 25.23 60 25.30 25.10 +.14 +.9tHanwha rs Q HQCL 16.88 6.50 36 6.95 296 7.59 6.50 -.36 -14.8 HarbrOne n Q HONE 20.19 12.53 14 18.45 121 19.19 18.05 -.73 -4.6 Hardinge Q HDNG .08 .8 59 13.72 8.24 28 10.56 194 11.37 10.21 -.30 -4.7 HarleyD N HOG 1.45f 2.4 16 63.40 41.63 751 60.20 6193 62.59 59.85 -2.05 +3.2 Harmonic Q HLIT 6.18 2.51 997 5.90 2857 6.03 5.55 +.05 +18.0 HarmonyG N HMY 4.87 1.86 3828 2.40 22462 2.51 2.31 +.13 +8.6 Harmony n Q HRMN 10.50 9.83 0 10.19 1955 10.26 10.17 -.03 +.7 Harmny wt Q HRMNW 1.00 .17 2 .44 100 .57 .40 +.03 +26.3 HarisHa Q TINY 1.97 1.18 53 1.31 252 1.35 1.30 -.02 -5.1sHarrisCorp N HRS 2.12 1.9 19 113.00 73.32 499 110.89 3105 113.00 110.26 -1.42 +8.2 Harsco N HSC .20m 1.7 51 15.25 5.00 375 12.25 2745 12.70 11.85 -.20 -9.9 HarteHnk N HHS .34 24.5 2.85 .85 25 1.39 439 1.48 1.36 +.03 -7.9 HartfFn42 N HGH 1.97 6.3 32.55 28.21 39 31.09 213 31.35 31.02 -.20 +4.9 HartfdFn N HIG .92 1.9 15 50.26 38.92 2590 47.33 14194 48.86 47.05 -1.45 -.7 HrvrdBio Q HBIO 87 3.90 2.25 158 2.60 257 2.75 2.50 -.05 -14.8 HarvCapCr Q HCAP 1.35 10.0 8 14.89 11.35 200 13.50 294 14.40 12.28 -.90 -1.8 HarvNRes rs N HNR 6.96 1.67 53 6.71 303 6.80 6.56 +.02 +8.6sHasbro Q HAS 2.28f 2.3 23 101.08 76.14 875 99.97 5540 101.08 98.03 -.28 +28.5 Haverty N HVT .48 2.1 17 25.50 16.57 68 23.20 293 23.70 22.65 -.30 -2.1 HawaiiEl N HE 1.24 3.7 19 34.98 28.31 251 33.68 2242 33.94 33.01 +.38 +1.8 HawHold Q HA 9 60.90 34.69 482 48.45 3828 50.25 46.05 -1.45 -15.0 HawaiiTel Q HCOM 27.28 19.00 59 22.97 271 23.95 22.38 -.42 -7.3 Hawkins Q HWKN .84 1.8 22 54.80 34.20 23 47.85 165 49.75 46.85 -1.08 -11.3sHawthornB Q HWBK .24 1.1 17 23.25 13.36 3 22.00 44 23.25 22.00 -.95 +24.3 HaynesIntl Q HAYN .88 2.4 48.37 25.53 92 36.01 348 38.77 33.82 -2.62 -16.2 Hc2 Hldgs N HCHC 7.27 2.00 282 5.98 1679 6.10 5.65 +.14 +64.2 Headwatrs N HW 24 23.99 16.05 703 23.53 3035 23.57 23.45 -.01 HlthCSvc Q HCSG .75f 1.8 40 43.91 34.80 276 42.40 1436 43.83 42.05 -1.40 +8.2 HlthInsInn Q HIIQ 15 21.00 3.72 338 15.55 1327 16.80 15.48 -.95 -12.9 HlthcrRlty N HR 1.20 3.8 20 36.60 26.66 612 31.93 3221 32.09 30.72 +.77 +5.3 HlthcreTr N HTA 1.20 3.8 25 34.64 26.34 628 31.25 3705 31.33 30.49 +.42 +7.4 HealthEqty Q HQY 84 49.25 21.90 1187 40.40 4399 47.34 40.01 -5.79 -.3 HlthSouth N HLS .96 2.3 17 43.38 34.79 570 41.99 2454 42.76 40.86 -.46 +1.8 HlthStrm Q HSTM 28.84 19.61 91 22.73 374 23.80 22.05 -1.17 -9.3 HrtlndEx Q HTLD .08 .4 27 22.69 16.55 445 19.92 1874 20.41 19.60 -.49 -2.2 HeartFn Q HTLF .44f .9 15 51.70 29.58 50 47.50 337 51.00 46.30 -3.50 -1.0 HeatBiolog Q HTBX 3.35 .40 899 .87 12441 1.05 .83 -.01 +1.3 HebronTc n Q HEBT 7.02 3.01 32 3.35 160 3.74 3.25 -.32 -32.3 HeclaM N HL .01e .2 27 7.64 2.64 4106 5.06 27413 5.23 4.98 +.02 -3.4sHeico N HEI .18f .2 35 89.02 57.30 89 85.53 540 89.02 84.86 -2.29 +10.9 Heico A N HEI/A .16f .2 36 75.90 45.34 75 73.15 325 75.20 72.25 -1.80 +7.7sHeidrkStr Q HSII .52 2.0 31 26.45 16.23 67 25.50 489 26.45 25.25 -.55 +5.6 HelenTroy Q HELE 13 106.18 77.50 119 93.95 519 96.55 91.55 -2.75 +11.2 HeliMAn h Q HMNY 17.00 1.03 80 2.45 277 2.80 2.37 -.25 -25.8 HelixEn N HLX 11.87 4.87 1187 7.04 8364 7.51 6.91 -.32 -20.2 HelmPayne N HP 2.80f 4.3 85.78 55.75 1479 65.03 5914 68.58 64.95 -2.95 -16.0 HemisMda Q HMTV 13.40 10.35 81 11.10 233 11.15 10.90 -.9 Hemisphrx rs N HEB 2.64 .39 112 .51 675 .59 .50 -.06 -26.5tHennesAd s Q HNNA 9 26.33 16.07 16 16.41 54 16.90 16.07 -.16 -22.5 HSchein Q HSIC 27 183.00 146.23 261 171.25 1759 173.50 169.82 +12.9 Herbalife N HLF 12 72.22 47.62 412 57.02 4248 57.45 55.51 +.57 +18.4 HercHld n N HRI 52.96 28.66 139 46.59 899 48.86 45.90 -1.70 +16.0 HercTGC N HTGC 1.24 8.4 20 15.47 11.55 431 14.81 2257 15.07 14.48 -.28 +5.0 HercTG 24 N HTGX 1.56 6.1 26.47 24.50 5 25.68 47 25.88 25.56 +.06 +1.1 HrtgeCo Q HTBK .40f 3.0 19 14.70 9.55 40 13.45 335 14.16 12.86 -.54 -6.8 HrtgeFn Q HFWA .48a 2.1 18 26.98 16.40 67 23.25 376 24.75 22.50 -1.70 -9.7 HeritageIns N HRTG .24 1.9 5 16.48 11.25 188 12.35 1281 12.89 12.06 +.01 -21.2 HeritOkB Q HEOP .24 1.9 26 14.44 7.37 112 12.60 663 13.76 11.95 -1.20 +2.2 HeritCryst Q HCCI 32 16.75 8.73 30 13.45 122 14.10 12.95 -.55 -14.3 HernTher h Q HRTX 25.46 12.21 388 14.75 2967 14.85 13.45 +.45 +12.6 Hersha rs N HT 1.12 6.0 10 22.14 15.36 697 18.78 4213 18.97 17.89 -.08 -10.7 Hersha pfD N HTpD 1.63 6.6 25.75 22.26 5 24.74 48 25.04 24.43 +.20 +10.7 Hersha pfE N HTpE 24.75 22.00 15 24.20 83 24.20 23.73 +.29 +7.5 Hershey N HSY 2.47 2.3 26 117.79 87.92 779 107.98 4803 109.17 107.12 -1.03 +4.4tHertzGl N HTZ 53.14 17.20 4312 17.45 24008 22.02 16.87 -4.24 -19.1 HerzfldCrb Q CUBA .16e 8.49 5.80 5 6.94 94 6.98 6.81 -.06 +3.3 HeskaCorp Q HSKA 69 99.98 26.26 47 98.72 277 99.75 90.58 +5.61 +37.9 Hess N HES 1.00f 2.2 65.56 45.37 2595 46.10 14195 48.62 45.89 -2.16 -26.0tHess pfA N HESpA 80.33 57.28 8 57.02 142 60.02 56.98 -2.20 -22.6 HP Ent n N HPE .26 1.1 12 24.88 15.38 8906 22.77 52553 23.24 22.10 -.08 -1.6 Hexcel N HXL .44 .8 21 55.91 38.87 253 52.89 1925 54.13 52.49 -1.10 +2.8 Hi-Crush N HCLP 23.30 4.25 2062 15.35 9937 16.65 13.55 -1.30 -22.5 Hibbett Q HIBB 10 45.85 27.25 478 28.05 1627 30.15 27.95 -1.60 -24.8 HighpwrInt Q HPJ 8 4.00 1.65 87 3.55 707 3.90 3.45 -.10 +51.1 HghwyH Q HIHO .28m 6.9 4.86 3.10 5 4.05 153 4.30 3.80 +24.6 HighwdPrp N HIW 1.76 3.6 18 56.23 44.93 370 49.54 2067 50.05 48.78 -.16 -2.9 Hill Intl N HIL 5.70 1.95 66 4.90 429 5.00 4.60 +.20 +12.6sHill-Rom N HRC .72f 1.0 25 70.30 46.79 326 70.13 1997 70.56 68.52 +.24 +24.9 HillenInc N HI .82 2.3 18 39.00 27.89 199 35.70 1025 37.10 35.10 -1.20 -6.9 HillmCT pf N HLMp 2.90 8.7 34.74 31.10 2 33.35 9 33.95 33.03 -.30 +3.0 HilltopH N HTH 18 30.60 17.91 214 26.42 1402 27.97 25.93 -1.55 -11.3 HilGrVa n N HGV 33.00 24.60 452 28.85 2580 29.24 27.96 -.18 +11.0sHilton N HLT .15 22 58.81 41.83 1047 58.31 7706 58.81 56.39 +.39 HimaxTch Q HIMX .13e 1.4 39 12.00 4.88 5840 9.28 30968 9.68 8.64 +.68 +53.6 HingmSv Q HIFS 1.28 .7 16 203.01 117.78 1 173.59 16 179.89 170.00 -2.40 -11.8 Histogenics Q HSGX 4.47 1.39 32 1.68 532 1.75 1.55 -.12 +.6 HoeghLP N HMLP 1.65 8.3 22 20.38 15.87 22 19.80 199 20.05 19.30 -.15 +4.2 HollyEngy N HEP 2.43f 7.2 20 38.09 29.53 132 33.93 675 34.56 32.91 -.58 +5.8 HollyFront N HFC 1.32 5.0 12 37.98 22.07 2821 26.65 15920 28.63 26.64 -1.63 -18.7 Hollysys Q HOLI .20e 1.2 12 23.55 15.69 228 16.80 1485 17.94 16.50 -.95 -8.3 Hologic Q HOLX 27 42.97 32.64 1693 42.29 8432 42.74 41.73 -.30 +5.4 HomeBLA Q HBCP .52f 1.6 15 39.75 24.76 5 33.44 65 34.91 32.77 -1.40 -13.4 HomeBcs s Q HOMB .36 1.4 21 29.69 18.32 419 26.65 2630 28.47 25.66 -1.78 -4.0sHomeDp N HD 3.56f 2.4 23 149.99 119.20 4606 147.71 21433 150.15 146.06 -1.89 +10.2 HomeStreet Q HMST 11 33.70 18.74 279 26.00 1375 27.05 25.30 -.90 -17.7 HometBk n Q HMTA 11.00 8.81 9.70 15 10.00 9.68 -.23 +4.9 HomeTrBc Q HTBI 28 27.05 17.28 22 22.35 230 24.85 22.20 -1.15 -13.7 Honda N HMC .55e 1.8 32.17 24.04 448 30.78 2663 31.44 30.42 -.26 +5.4 HonwllIntl N HON 2.66 2.1 19 127.52 105.25 1935 124.77 10201 127.30 124.28 -2.39 +7.7 HongliCl rs Q CETC 7 7.69 1.66 33 2.14 112 2.20 1.90 +.04 -14.7 HookerFu Q HOFT .48 1.6 19 39.50 20.29 54 30.65 305 32.40 29.75 -1.50 -19.2 HooperH rs N HH 2.70 .65 23 .76 143 .84 .73 -.09 -8.0 HopeBcp Q HOPE .48 2.6 17 22.99 13.99 329 18.74 2378 20.57 18.22 -1.76 -14.4 HopFedBc Q HFBC .16 1.1 32 15.45 10.82 1 14.88 23 14.97 14.15 -.08 +10.5 HorMan N HMN 1.06 2.7 20 44.15 30.25 159 39.80 854 41.10 39.20 -1.40 -7.0 HorizBcp s Q HBNC .44f 1.8 18 28.63 15.83 35 25.11 246 26.44 24.46 -1.46 -10.3 HorizGbl n N HZN 19 26.37 10.60 408 12.94 2926 13.72 12.26 -.58 -46.1 HorizPhm Q HZNP 23.44 13.05 2171 14.37 12713 15.19 14.23 -.76 -11.2 HorizTFn Q HRZN 1.38 12.7 8 13.95 9.64 45 10.85 252 10.89 10.52 +.24 +3.0 HorizTFn19 N HTF 1.84 7.3 26.42 25.20 2 25.35 7 25.42 25.31 -.05 -.6 Hor OEXcc Q QYLD 2.26e 9.8 23.34 20.77 9 22.96 111 23.27 22.89 -.22 +2.7sHorzDAX Q DAX .35e 1.3 27.22 21.51 3 27.05 19 27.22 26.75 +.02 +7.8 HorzSPCvC N HSPX 2.52e 4.0 47.97 41.85 2 46.99 22 47.74 46.90 -.70 +3.3sHorGKWld N KLDW 28.81 24.71 3 28.70 24 28.81 28.34 +.01 +8.9stHorz Saba n N CEFS 20.37 19.85 6 19.96 150 20.37 19.85 +.4 Hormel s N HRL .68f 2.0 21 44.68 33.18 1795 34.52 9930 35.10 34.28 -.40 -.8 Hornbeck N HOS 12.57 3.00 1836 4.05 10209 4.59 3.06 +.85 -43.9 Hortonwks Q HDP 13.12 6.42 249 9.31 1963 10.17 9.19 -.73 +12.0 HospPT Q HPT 2.04 6.6 9 32.63 24.61 346 30.95 3068 31.65 30.51 -.36 -2.5 HostHotls N HST .80a 4.4 12 20.21 14.30 5364 18.05 28380 18.55 17.68 -.39 -4.2 HostessBr n Q TWNK 16.48 9.50 723 15.77 4645 16.28 15.58 -.28 +21.3 Hostess wt Q TWNKW 3.00 .16 29 2.76 1682 2.97 2.72 -.09 +57.7 HoughMH Q HMHC 21.08 9.15 417 9.45 3596 10.20 9.43 -.55 -12.9 HoulihnL n N HLI .80f 2.4 20 34.66 20.96 256 32.79 1185 33.67 32.15 -.67 +5.4 HstnAEn N HUSA .43 .16 108 .28 521 .32 .25 -.03 +57.3 HoustWC Q HWCC .12m 1.8 8.05 5.10 13 6.70 89 6.84 6.55 +3.1 HovnEn pf A Q HOVNP 8.40 2.04 7.16 104 7.22 6.74 +.61 -4.6 HovnanE N HOV 28 2.96 1.41 443 2.26 4830 2.40 2.23 -.10 -17.2 HowardBcp Q HBMD 45 19.00 12.01 2 17.80 34 17.90 17.00 -.10 +17.9 HHughes N HHC 20 123.99 98.01 103 115.10 730 118.89 114.26 -3.90 +.9 HuanPwr N HNP 2.45e 8.9 37.79 22.85 52 27.41 369 29.64 27.29 -2.13 +5.3 HubGroup Q HUBG 20 52.50 34.35 183 45.75 1111 46.80 45.10 -1.20 +4.6 Hubbell N HUBB 2.80f 2.4 22 125.93 97.35 188 117.65 780 120.73 116.60 -2.80 +.8 HubSpot N HUBS 66.10 39.01 140 60.55 1953 64.90 59.25 -4.15 +28.8 HudBayM g N HBM .02 9.15 2.88 497 7.00 3236 7.45 6.70 -.25 +22.8 HudBay wt N HBM/WS 1.04 .12 2 .48 11 .59 .48 -.08 +34.2 HudsonGbl Q HSON .20 17.2 2.74 1.00 22 1.16 204 1.17 1.08 +.07 -14.7 HudsPacP N HPP 1.00f 2.9 27 36.75 26.79 900 34.41 5734 35.04 34.16 -.84 -1.1 HudsonTc Q HDSN 21 8.50 3.07 412 6.58 3751 6.75 6.02 +.11 -17.9 HugotnR N HGT .06e 3.0 5 2.75 1.25 63 1.85 625 1.95 1.65 +.15 -14.0 Humana N HUM 1.60f .8 24 220.49 150.00 3238 207.27 8887 219.00 204.51 -11.63 +1.6 HuntJB Q JBHT .92f 1.0 24 102.38 75.71 911 90.27 4592 93.99 89.92 -3.68 -7.0 HuntMar un Q HUNTU 10.91 9.75 4 10.15 5 10.40 10.00 -.25 sHuntMar wt Q HUNTW 1.03 .68 .80 27 1.03 .80 +6.7 HuntBncsh Q HBAN .32 2.4 19 14.74 8.05 13003 13.11 86804 13.75 12.37 -.62 -.8 HuntBcs pf Q HBANO 1.56 5.8 28.97 24.81 16 26.74 123 26.91 26.28 +.30 +5.7 HuntB pfC Q HBANN 1.47 5.8 27.40 22.67 2 25.21 14 25.41 25.03 -.07 +4.6 HuntgUSEq N HUSE 1.86e .6 40.92 35.78 3 37.13 10 37.50 36.91 -.33 +2.6stHuntAct n Q SQZZ 25.06 24.90 5 25.01 14 25.06 24.90 +.4 HuntgtnIng N HII 2.40 1.2 19 220.68 135.51 268 204.93 1517 214.76 204.22 -8.79 +11.3 Huntsmn N HUN .50 2.2 14 23.40 12.40 2448 22.65 12455 23.12 21.92 -.23 +18.7 Hurco Q HURC .40f 1.4 19 34.55 24.80 6 29.20 145 31.30 28.90 -1.10 -11.8tHuronCon Q HURN 24 65.00 39.15 237 41.55 832 41.95 39.15 -.30 -18.0 HutChMd n Q HCM 21.77 9.80 40 19.01 281 20.47 18.50 +.01 +40.1 HuttigBld Q HBP 7 9.02 3.56 95 8.20 464 8.29 7.42 -.09 +24.1 Hyatt N H 40 58.05 44.30 461 52.62 3128 53.89 51.62 -.64 -4.8 Hydrognc Q HYGS 10.33 3.90 24 6.80 145 7.00 6.30 +.20 +54.5 HysterYale N HY 1.18 2.1 22 70.19 47.25 59 56.69 255 59.04 54.07 -1.81 -11.1I -:IAC Inter Q IAC 1.36 1.9 25 77.46 45.00 340 72.74 1718 74.08 72.00 -1.27 +12.3 IAMGld g N IAG 78 5.87 2.02 4964 3.89 35880 4.05 3.78 +.01 +1.0 ICAD Q ICAD 6.49 2.82 70 4.37 225 4.57 4.10 -.03 +35.1 ICF Intl Q ICFI 20 59.55 32.82 85 40.95 497 42.25 40.20 -1.10 -25.8 ICICI Bk N IBN .16e 1.9 8.81 6.30 5509 8.40 42778 8.50 8.09 -.03 +12.1sICU Med Q ICUI 44 159.10 96.63 73 155.65 594 159.95 154.35 -2.65 +5.6sID Syst Q IDSY 7.34 4.19 45 6.30 383 7.34 6.14 +.11 +16.2sIdexxLab s Q IDXX 63 153.95 74.48 527 153.74 3098 154.57 148.61 +1.79 +31.1tIDT Cp N IDT .76 6.1 23.13 12.03 127 12.52 1059 12.82 12.03 +.18 -32.5 IEC Elec N IEC 16 5.64 3.21 16 3.70 61 3.70 3.50 +.23 +3.6 IES Hldgs Q IESC 20 23.00 11.00 117 17.85 374 19.95 17.35 -2.10 -6.8 IF Bancp Q IROQ .32 1.6 23 20.75 17.70 19.80 3 19.95 19.80 -.06 +7.0 IFresh n Q IFMK 28.88 11.88 62 16.68 65 18.24 15.29 -.27 +39.1 IHS Mark Q INFO 54 41.00 30.38 1368 40.33 8164 40.83 37.82 -.02 +13.9 II-VI Q IIVI 37 41.10 17.76 913 38.00 5176 38.15 34.40 +2.85 +28.2 ILG Inc Q ILG .48 2.5 23 19.70 11.79 1127 19.37 4901 19.62 18.96 +.11 +6.6 INC Resc h Q INCR 22 57.11 36.70 432 44.15 3682 44.88 43.40 -1.20 -16.1sING N ING .14e .9 15.80 9.26 2934 14.92 18847 15.80 14.83 -.53 +5.8 ING 6.20 N ISP 1.55 6.0 26.52 23.65 12 25.82 111 26.12 25.82 -.13 +3.1 ING 6.125 N ISG 1.53 5.9 26.28 24.85 24 25.78 156 26.00 25.78 -.22 +3.1 ING 6.375 N ISF 1.59 6.2 26.79 24.79 45 25.68 257 25.94 25.65 -.19 +2.1 INTLFCStn Q INTL 12 44.71 24.91 54 36.16 535 37.33 35.90 -.65 -8.7 ION Geo rs N IO 9.65 3.87 25 4.60 277 5.20 4.30 -.60 -23.3 IPG Photon Q IPGP 25 124.27 76.22 185 119.03 1200 121.97 116.80 -2.43 +20.6 iPass Q IPAS 1.89 .98 77 1.17 251 1.23 1.09 -.02 -29.1 IQ HdgMult N QAI .39e 1.3 29.45 28.37 182 29.00 951 29.07 28.91 -.03 +1.2 IQ Hedge N MCRO .34e 1.3 25.78 22.13 25.32 5 25.35 25.12 +.06 +2.9 IQ CorePl n N AGGP 21.21 19.51 89 19.80 319 19.82 19.73 +.04 +.5 IQ CoreBd n N AGGE 22.70 19.17 69 19.40 119 19.45 19.33 +.04 -.7 IQHdgMNt N QMN .34e 1.4 26.61 24.70 2 25.11 5 25.11 24.97 +.12 -.1 IQ 50HJpn N HFXJ 19.50 14.99 6 19.09 7 19.30 18.92 -.19 +.5 IQ 50HgEur N HFXE 18.34 15.76 13 18.22 14 18.22 18.17 -.06 +5.8 IQ 50HIntl N HFXI 19.88 16.12 39 19.38 176 19.55 19.16 +.04 +6.9 IQ RealRtn N CPI .03e .1 27.42 25.51 6 27.09 15 27.18 27.08 -.03 +.7 IQUSReSC N ROOF 1.43e 5.4 28.94 24.01 13 26.34 136 26.80 25.96 -.40 -3.2 IQMrgArb N MNA 29.99 26.91 57 29.92 158 29.96 29.77 +.08 +2.1 IQ AustSC N KROO .88e 5.3 17.47 13.41 16.54 4 16.69 16.54 -.17 +6.2 IQ AgriSC N CROP .41e 1.3 33.33 28.94 1 32.76 4 33.31 32.76 -.58 +4.2 IQGblOilSC N IOIL .29e 2.6 13.73 9.69 10.98 3 11.00 10.94 -.21 -11.7 IQ CdaSC N CNDA .18e 1.1 18.49 13.49 16.82 26 17.21 16.62 -.12 +1.3 IQ GlbRes N GRES .35e 1.4 26.73 23.04 28 25.89 77 26.23 25.80 +.02 +3.1sIRSA N IRS 24.77 13.43 42 23.78 226 24.77 23.35 +.13 +29.0 IRhythm n Q IRTC 40.48 22.16 119 35.36 736 37.76 34.00 -2.13 +17.9 iRobot Q IRBT 42 63.99 33.20 595 62.49 2391 62.54 58.71 +3.03 +6.9 iShGold N IAU 13.25 10.81 5181 12.01 27651 12.06 11.85 +.19 +8.4 iShGSCI N GSG 16.26 13.19 261 14.43 1247 14.63 14.26 -.16 -7.9 iSAstla N EWA 1.23e 5.5 22.67 18.18 2874 22.17 13827 22.61 21.93 -.32 +9.6siSAstria N EWO .25e 1.4 18.52 13.22 85 18.27 458 18.52 18.05 -.04 +10.5 iShBelg N EWK .36e 1.9 19.10 16.37 98 18.79 449 19.04 18.69 -.19 +7.3 iShBrazil N EWZ 1.03e 2.8 40.80 24.75 8294 37.12 72684 38.14 36.35 -.11 +11.3 iShCanada N EWC .60e 2.3 27.92 22.89 2665 26.53 21100 26.90 26.13 -.18 +1.5siShEMU N EZU .95e 2.5 37.66 29.71 4733 37.44 35792 37.66 37.02 +.19 +8.2siSFrance N EWQ .68e 2.6 26.44 21.00 864 26.29 4510 26.44 26.01 +.18 +6.6siShGerm N EWG .51e 1.8 28.67 22.51 7910 28.55 17346 28.67 28.13 +.14 +7.8siSh HK N EWH .49e 2.2 22.45 18.50 2538 22.38 12663 22.45 22.12 +.19 +14.9siSh SKor N EWY .66e 1.1 62.78 48.65 1957 62.47 12652 62.78 61.83 +1.18 +17.4 iShMexico N EWW .93e 1.8 54.69 41.23 2845 51.56 16461 51.74 49.85 +1.49 +17.3siShNeth N EWN .40e 1.5 27.21 21.43 213 26.86 882 27.21 26.60 -.03 +11.2siSPacxJpn N EPP 2.08e 4.7 44.71 36.71 502 44.13 4547 44.71 43.69 -.33 +11.5siShSoAfr N EZA 1.37e 2.3 61.26 46.65 365 60.37 2777 61.26 59.60 +1.12 +15.3siShSpain N EWP 1.62e 5.3 30.39 22.58 1189 30.31 5705 30.41 29.74 +.43 +14.3siSSwedn N EWD 1.40e 4.4 31.85 25.11 222 31.58 1582 31.85 31.19 +.02 +9.9siShSwitz N EWL .80e 2.5 32.27 27.70 732 32.07 2767 32.27 31.79 -.04 +8.9siShFrntr100 N FM 3.58e 2.7 28.40 23.90 233 28.02 1171 28.40 27.75 +12.8 iShGlHiY bt N GHYG 2.09e 4.3 49.89 45.53 17 48.82 57 49.16 48.69 -.23 +.7 iShxUSH bt N HYXU .92e 1.9 51.51 44.75 5 47.41 47 47.50 47.11 +.28 +3.4 iShEMCBd bt N CEMB 2.28 4.5 51.30 47.74 9 50.61 20 50.62 50.14 +.17 +2.1 iShEMkHY N EMHY 3.98 8.0 50.98 46.40 19 49.86 146 49.98 49.65 +.22 +2.4 iShAsiaPDv N DVYA 2.29e 4.8 49.00 39.41 28 47.87 97 48.96 47.72 -.93 +6.5siShEmMDv N DVYE 1.83e 4.5 40.59 30.82 37 40.26 241 40.59 39.86 -.06 +16.4 iShGblSilv N SLVP .19e 1.6 17.10 7.90 122 11.56 669 11.81 11.31 +.21 +10.6 iShGblEnP N FILL .46e 2.4 21.26 16.73 1 19.07 10 19.42 19.06 -.26 -6.2 iShGblAgri N VEGI .55e 2.1 26.61 21.61 3 25.87 49 26.21 25.68 -.20 +3.6siShMsciWld N URTH 1.56e 2.0 78.47 65.57 8 77.50 342 78.47 77.15 -.62 +6.0siShEMAsia Q EEMA 1.23e 2.0 61.16 48.00 28 60.65 154 61.16 59.82 +.49 +15.8siShEMktSC N EEMS 1.29e 2.8 46.33 38.67 42 46.34 254 46.38 45.64 +.44 +14.6 iShEMkBd N LEMB .42e .9 46.35 41.68 22 45.95 379 45.99 45.58 +.37 +7.2 iShWldMnV N ACWV 1.47e 1.9 78.24 71.80 189 77.38 784 77.67 77.08 -.10 +6.6 iSEMMnVol N EEMV 1.42e 2.6 54.86 47.80 423 53.81 3039 54.20 53.53 +.16 +10.0siShJpnSC N SCJ 1.23e 1.8 67.14 55.63 8 67.03 181 67.17 66.43 +.22 +8.9siShThai N THD 2.08e 2.7 77.40 64.01 103 77.47 1284 77.55 76.01 +1.45 +7.5 iShIsrael N EIS 1.07e 2.1 52.39 44.45 5 51.69 67 52.29 50.92 -.38 +11.4siShChile N ECH .62e 1.4 43.05 34.14 262 43.38 1916 43.44 42.16 +1.07 +15.9siShBRIC N BKF .96e 2.6 36.96 28.27 22 36.40 217 36.96 36.00 -.04 +14.2 iShsUSA N EUSA .67e 1.4 50.75 41.61 6 49.24 49 50.12 49.10 -.96 +4.0 iShTurkey N TUR 1.10e 3.0 46.42 28.98 321 36.73 1302 37.02 36.03 +.10 +13.1 iShSilver N SLV 19.71 14.09 5360 16.81 20217 16.85 16.44 +.34 +11.3 iShS&P100 N OEF 1.92e 1.8 106.85 88.37 868 104.02 3474 106.32 103.64 -2.06 +4.8 iShMrnLV N JKF 2.46e 2.6 99.69 82.48 29 95.23 60 97.89 94.85 -2.76 +1.2 iShIntlTBd Q IGOV .19e .2 102.17 88.19 63 91.84 280 91.91 90.79 +.83 +2.2 iShMrnLG N JKE 1.20e .9 132.48 111.60 18 130.46 56 132.27 130.04 -1.61 +7.8 iShNewZea Q ENZL 2.01e 4.9 49.93 39.05 60 41.44 217 41.87 41.26 -.43 +4.3 iSh1-3yITB Q ISHG .20e .3 84.37 75.36 3 79.06 10 79.28 78.19 +.44 +3.7 iShMrnLC N JKD 2.24e 1.6 143.66 116.19 30 141.11 111 143.45 140.73 -1.77 +6.4 iShBrazSC N EWZS .40e 3.0 14.74 7.98 31 13.46 526 13.96 13.26 -.35 +22.7 iShIntlPfd N IPFF .96e 5.6 17.50 15.01 49 17.04 407 17.24 16.85 +.05 +8.3 iShSPTUS s N ITOT 55.08 45.14 869 53.51 4243 54.66 53.28 -1.07 +4.3 iShSTNtMu N SUB .86 .8 106.67 104.44 143 105.56 607 105.61 105.39 +.11 +.5 iShAgcyBd N AGZ 1.81 1.6 117.44 110.31 93 113.05 155 113.56 112.57 +.52 +.4 iShSelDiv N DVY 2.59e 2.9 93.52 79.95 652 90.52 2978 92.49 90.22 -1.81 +2.2siShGTimb Q WOOD .79e 1.4 58.33 42.80 9 57.43 116 58.33 56.90 -.31 +7.1 iShTIPS N TIP .43e .4 117.55 110.90 1377 114.45 5315 114.69 113.70 +.64 +1.1siShEurFn Q EUFN .74e 3.6 20.73 14.31 888 20.29 5793 20.73 20.11 -.07 +7.0siShAsiaexJ Q AAXJ 1.30e 2.1 63.85 50.53 505 63.31 7101 63.85 62.81 +.37 +15.3siShChinaLC N FXI .76e 1.9 39.85 31.04 10212 39.25 86301 39.85 38.96 +.11 +13.1 iShTransp N IYT 1.70e 1.1 173.88 125.94 405 160.74 2661 165.40 159.96 -4.28 -1.3 iShChinaSC N ECNS 1.28e 2.8 47.90 38.50 15 46.47 87 46.95 45.56 +.14 +13.3 iSCorSP500 N IVV 4.38e 1.9 241.81 199.79 3801 235.39 20432 240.12 234.43 -4.20 +4.6 iSMornMC N JKG 2.32e 1.4 170.02 141.07 10 165.04 61 168.34 164.41 -3.16 +4.9 iShEMInfr Q EMIF .93e 2.9 32.11 27.12 1 31.55 19 31.55 31.13 +.33 +12.7 iShGClnEn Q ICLN .33e 3.9 9.68 7.73 15 8.50 239 8.73 8.36 -.21 +7.9 iShUSAgBd N AGG 2.65e 2.3 113.27 107.06 2479 108.36 10875 108.54 107.84 +.47 +.3siShEMkts N EEM .84e 2.1 40.23 31.70 50826 39.81 292434 40.23 39.38 +.32 +13.7siShACWX Q ACWX 1.00e 2.3 43.95 36.36 1048 43.62 3497 43.95 43.16 +.05 +8.3 iShiBoxIG N LQD 3.87 3.3 124.48 115.55 3090 117.72 17383 117.82 116.82 +.90 +.5siSh ACWI Q ACWI 1.43e 2.3 63.87 52.92 1504 63.08 10760 63.87 62.67 -.43 +6.6 iSKokusai N TOK 1.37e 2.4 58.51 49.05 3 57.71 47 58.31 57.33 -.57 +6.1 iShCorUSTr N GOVT .33 1.3 26.45 24.72 574 25.03 7851 25.07 24.89 +.14 +.4 iSh2017Mu s N IBMF .23 .8 27.64 27.07 227 27.25 332 27.27 27.22 -.02 +.2siSEafeSC Q SCZ 1.24e 2.3 54.55 45.48 697 54.19 4660 54.55 53.58 +.05 +8.7 iSGblTelcm N IXP 2.14e 3.6 64.52 55.36 7 59.95 67 60.64 59.68 -.56 +2.1 iShEMBd N EMB 5.27e 4.6 118.14 107.74 1493 113.74 11167 113.87 113.03 +.70 +3.2siShGblTech N IXN 1.11e .9 124.74 92.35 14 123.13 129 124.74 122.39 -.58 +12.1 iShAaa-ACp N QLTA 1.51e 2.9 54.39 50.70 4 51.54 23 51.70 51.19 +.31 +.4 iSMrnMCG N JKH .59e .3 175.23 147.79 1 172.59 7 174.91 170.93 -2.06 +6.5 iShIndones N EIDO .38e 1.5 27.06 21.36 565 25.95 5352 26.05 25.41 +.33 +7.5siSSP500Gr N IVW 2.03e 1.6 132.81 110.84 693 130.50 4736 132.81 130.01 -1.73 +7.2 iShNYMuni N NYF 2.80 2.5 115.51 107.15 2 110.00 23 110.15 109.43 +.58 +1.0 iShGblHcre N IXJ 2.72e 1.6 106.25 92.25 32 102.68 136 103.84 102.26 -.96 +8.3 iShGnmaBd Q GNMA .75e 1.5 51.33 48.97 28 49.57 129 49.78 49.34 +.18 -.2 iShGblFin N IXG 1.34e 2.2 62.46 44.58 12 60.49 216 62.14 59.86 -1.36 +4.7 iShUSAQlt N QUAL 1.04e 1.4 74.29 62.64 171 72.70 872 74.13 72.50 -1.22 +5.2 iSSPGlbEn N IXC 1.05e 3.2 36.16 28.35 180 32.56 828 33.16 32.53 -.46 -6.4 iShCalMuni N CMF 2.72 2.3 122.50 113.23 21 115.81 98 115.96 115.29 +.55 +.3 iSh CMBS N CMBS 1.00 2.0 53.70 50.05 12 51.25 80 51.42 51.00 +.17 +.4 iShUSASize N SIZE 1.26e 1.7 76.90 64.80 3 75.16 14 76.18 74.81 -1.02 +4.6 iSGblInfra N IGF 1.17e 2.8 42.46 37.25 125 42.03 921 42.14 41.34 +.48 +7.7 iShNANatR N IGE .85e 2.5 37.62 28.67 847 33.40 1529 34.26 33.35 -.69 -7.1 iSh JPXNik N JPXN 56.60 51.22 1 56.42 10 56.53 55.86 +.06 +6.4 iShUSAVal N VLUE 1.49e 2.1 75.57 58.20 88 72.08 750 73.81 71.75 -1.70 +2.7 iShLatAm N ILF .67e 2.1 33.05 23.34 1593 31.49 9038 31.93 30.77 +.10 +14.2siShUSAMo N MTUM .81e 1.0 83.26 71.98 136 82.15 1188 83.26 81.79 -.72 +8.3 iShMrnMCV N JKI 2.72e 1.9 152.61 119.16 10 145.55 70 148.98 144.99 -3.43 +.7 iShPhilpns N EPHE .33e 1.0 40.48 30.43 97 34.19 984 34.72 33.97 -.44 +5.5 iSSP500Val N IVE 2.14e 2.1 107.75 87.88 1072 103.28 7458 105.71 102.84 -2.43 +1.9 iShNMuBd N MUB 2.59 2.4 115.19 106.30 612 108.78 2995 108.80 108.10 +.67 +.6 iShUKSC bt N EWUS 1.38e 3.8 40.37 30.40 0 36.26 6 36.52 35.65 +.09 +6.9 iSRTop200V N IWX 1.17e 2.4 49.94 40.98 36 47.96 84 49.15 47.81 -1.25 +2.0 iShIntlDev N WPS 1.16e 3.3 38.99 33.12 2 35.53 48 35.77 35.41 -.02 +5.7siShAsia50 N AIA .79e 1.5 53.78 40.24 16 53.02 111 53.78 52.83 +.37 +14.7 iSh20 yrT N TLT 3.05 2.5 143.62 116.49 5706 120.88 39925 121.17 118.50 +2.24 +1.5 iSRTop200G N IWY .82e 1.3 62.05 51.37 54 60.88 285 61.94 60.76 -.83 +8.1 iSh7-10yTB N IEF 1.96 1.9 113.91 103.43 2538 105.48 9495 105.73 104.75 +.75 +.6 iShRTop200 N IWL 1.02e 1.9 54.91 45.54 4 53.36 50 54.41 53.36 -1.24 +4.8siShIntSelDv N IDV 1.51e 4.5 31.66 26.40 581 31.11 4065 31.66 31.07 -.42 +5.2 iSh1-3yTB N SHY .52 .6 85.35 84.23 1120 84.49 4530 84.53 84.38 +.11 siS Eafe N EFA 1.70e 2.7 62.63 51.93 22578 62.14 95259 62.63 61.57 -.09 +7.6siShGerSC bt N EWGS .69e 1.5 46.40 37.97 10 46.39 29 46.45 45.46 +.24 +11.9 iShEurRE Q IFEU .87e 2.6 39.41 31.43 1 33.96 9 34.23 33.91 -.22 +2.1 iSRusMCV N IWS 1.59e 1.9 85.33 69.30 921 81.82 2887 83.56 81.51 -1.72 +1.7 iShCrLTBd N ILTB 2.54 4.1 68.96 59.26 32 61.37 210 61.61 60.44 +.59 +1.2 iSRusMCG N IWP 1.02e 1.0 104.76 88.29 232 102.85 1387 104.64 102.23 -1.58 +5.6 iShIntlRE Q IFGL 1.09e 4.0 30.99 25.78 100 27.48 518 27.69 27.44 -.11 +4.6siShEuroSC Q IEUS 1.08e 2.3 47.82 38.46 6 47.51 28 47.82 46.90 -.02 +8.4 iShNorC bt N ENOR .58e 2.6 23.45 18.33 14 22.31 72 22.92 22.11 -.48 +2.6 iShRusMid N IWR 2.85e 1.5 190.88 158.50 193 185.07 1373 188.65 184.24 -3.32 +3.5 iShMrnSC N JKJ 1.78e 1.1 162.98 127.56 2 156.09 14 159.58 154.03 -3.91 -.1 iShIreland N EIRL .88e 1.6 41.63 33.37 8 40.21 31 40.80 39.92 -.27 +7.1 iSCorSPMid N IJH 1.89e 1.1 175.72 140.39 2196 168.66 8374 172.85 167.80 -4.06 +2.0 iSh10yCBd N CLY 2.67 4.5 64.42 57.15 54 59.16 328 59.42 58.51 +.54 +.8 iShiBxHYB N HYG 5.09 5.9 88.37 80.68 8261 86.83 59105 87.17 86.02 -.25 +.3siShFinlC bt N EFNL .51e 1.5 35.36 28.71 9 35.10 34 35.36 34.72 -.08 +6.7 iShSft N IGV .12e .1 127.49 97.67 46 125.14 452 127.28 124.05 -1.71 +15.0 iShDenC bt N EDEN .81e 1.5 59.77 48.00 9 55.32 69 55.69 54.51 -.09 +8.5siShs SOX Q SOXX 1.15e .8 137.96 84.83 524 135.88 2620 137.96 133.79 -.46 +10.7siShIndia50 Q INDY .15e .5 32.16 25.68 69 31.84 582 32.16 31.48 -.08 +16.5 iShNetw N IGN .25e .5 47.91 32.98 17 45.52 295 46.08 44.83 -.21 +4.4 iShNATch N IGM .73e .5 138.97 104.31 18 136.69 98 138.94 136.04 -1.65 +10.4 iShNsdqBio Q IBB .09e 303.74 240.30 1123 290.06 6811 298.19 287.51 -5.22 +9.3 iShResRE N REZ 2.01e 3.2 69.29 58.02 15 63.07 101 64.03 62.59 +.22 +1.7 iSh2019Mun N IBMH .27 1.1 25.98 25.15 170 25.51 346 25.55 25.41 +.07 +.7 iShC&SRE N ICF 2.97e 3.0 112.45 93.02 279 99.21 1181 100.91 98.47 -.35 -.4 iShKLDSoc N DSI 1.11e 1.3 88.11 73.22 18 85.98 272 87.63 85.71 -1.52 +4.4siShGbl100 N IOO 2.03e 2.5 82.62 67.40 6 81.19 59 82.62 81.10 -.94 +5.8 iSh2018Mu N IBMG .23 .9 25.72 25.29 244 25.51 407 25.51 25.44 +.06 +.4 iShConsSv N IYC 1.50e .9 161.00 136.88 14 158.11 151 160.05 157.15 -1.87 +4.7 iShMBS N MBB 3.04e 2.3 110.26 105.04 508 106.38 1909 106.59 105.82 +.46 iShGvCrBd N GBF 2.86 2.5 118.69 111.23 0 112.72 8 112.85 112.16 +.63 +.6 iShIndia bt N INDA .24e .8 31.38 25.79 2420 30.98 14757 31.34 30.69 -.14 +15.8 iSR1KVal N IWD 2.41e 2.1 118.74 97.03 2419 113.97 11771 116.67 113.49 -2.66 +1.7 iSMrnSCG N JKK .87e .6 155.13 123.28 5 149.75 13 153.47 148.73 -3.74 +3.5siShPoland N EPOL .79e 3.6 22.80 16.02 150 22.09 1159 22.80 21.73 -.41 +21.9 iSMCGth N IJK 1.88e 1.0 194.97 158.29 70 188.58 578 192.47 187.35 -3.76 +3.5 iShIntGvC N GVI 1.99 1.8 114.00 109.01 45 110.18 333 110.25 109.67 +.45 +.3 iSR1KGr N IWF 1.45e 1.3 114.70 95.45 1366 112.74 6782 114.66 112.37 -1.49 +7.5 iSIndiaSC bt N SMIN .10e .2 41.74 29.41 68 40.84 179 41.15 40.25 +.18 +25.0 iShCorUSCr N CRED 4.20 3.8 115.00 107.85 39 109.73 417 109.90 109.00 +.69 +.5 iSRus1K N IWB 2.36e 1.8 133.82 110.84 1429 130.15 6154 132.79 129.66 -2.43 +4.6 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 10 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
iSR2KVal N IWN 1.98e 1.7 122.47 90.11 641 115.13 5076 119.16 113.70 -4.10 -3.2 iShIntCrBd N CIU 3.09 2.8 111.85 107.44 465 108.75 1988 108.88 108.35 +.34 +.5 iSh1-3CrBd N CSJ 1.52 1.4 106.12 104.50 224 105.16 1932 105.21 104.98 +.15 +.2 iSR2KGr N IWO 1.36e .9 163.50 126.97 250 158.62 2856 162.96 156.61 -3.63 +3.0 iSh10-20TB N TLH 2.99 2.2 148.75 131.10 68 134.28 367 134.54 132.80 +1.47 +1.0siShFltRtB N FLOT .32 .6 50.88 50.30 752 50.89 4161 50.89 50.84 +.04 +.3 iShR2K N IWM 1.77e 1.3 140.86 106.55 29488 134.49 180826 138.60 132.78 -3.97 -.3 iSh3-7yTrB N IEI 1.78 1.4 127.80 121.46 263 122.88 1850 123.04 122.42 +.47 +.3 iShCorHiDv N HDV 2.90e 3.5 85.70 77.18 281 83.81 2405 85.58 83.62 -1.49 +1.9 iSCorUSVal s N IUSV 52.19 42.07 280 50.07 1602 51.26 49.83 -1.16 +1.9siSCorUSGr s N IUSG 46.78 38.84 220 45.97 1107 46.78 45.83 -.63 +7.1siShChina N MCHI 1.05e 2.1 51.26 39.24 954 50.58 8617 51.26 49.96 +.28 +15.7 iShShtTrB N SHV .03e 110.46 110.23 886 110.28 2899 110.31 110.27 iShUSPfd N PFF 2.15a 5.6 40.34 36.70 2226 38.46 9534 38.57 38.23 +3.4 iSEafeMnV N EFAV 1.77e 2.7 69.07 60.63 587 66.12 3297 66.25 65.53 +.24 +8.0 iSRus3K N IWV 2.47e 1.8 142.61 117.47 285 138.57 1321 141.49 138.00 -2.68 +4.2 iSGblMatl N MXI 1.54e 2.6 60.38 45.97 29 58.87 85 60.02 58.58 -.76 +7.4 iShUtils N IDU 4.54e 3.5 132.34 113.89 59 129.78 449 131.33 127.92 +.60 +6.5 iSUSAMinV N USMV .87e 1.8 48.41 43.28 2142 47.71 13215 48.33 47.58 -.55 +5.5 iSMrnSCV N JKL 2.98e 2.1 149.77 115.00 11 140.34 71 145.29 139.83 -5.29 -1.7 iShMCVal N IJJ 2.16e 1.5 152.99 120.17 295 145.75 954 149.79 145.09 -4.09 +.4 iShGblUtil N JXI 1.73e 3.6 49.81 42.85 6 48.21 73 48.29 47.13 +.82 +7.9 iShTelecm N IYZ .68e 2.1 36.74 29.31 315 32.09 3156 33.45 31.96 -1.14 -7.0siShTech N IYW 1.20e .9 136.05 99.51 182 133.56 993 136.05 132.94 -1.40 +11.1 iShGblIndl N EXI 1.25e 1.6 80.84 65.42 10 80.01 71 80.81 79.53 -.54 +6.2 iShGblCStp N KXI 2.09e 2.1 101.62 89.34 8 99.59 88 100.17 99.28 -.02 +8.2 iShREst N IYR 2.76e 3.6 85.80 72.11 7268 77.74 35846 79.05 77.29 -.46 +1.0siSGblCnDis N RXI 1.24e 1.3 96.31 80.26 2 95.13 26 96.31 94.40 -.89 +5.5 iSh0-5Tips N STIP 101.82 99.89 136 101.27 566 101.38 101.11 +.12 +.5 iShHmCnst N ITB .09e .3 32.65 25.16 2285 31.69 18601 32.34 31.19 -.67 +15.3 iShInds N IYJ 1.65e 1.3 129.53 103.82 62 124.83 337 127.88 124.43 -3.00 +3.5 iShAerosp N ITA 1.31e .9 154.46 114.97 412 147.22 1297 152.99 146.69 -5.30 +4.8 iShHltcare N IYH 3.01e 1.9 160.58 137.30 68 155.42 387 158.33 154.90 -2.53 +7.8 iShFinSv N IYG 1.21e 1.1 116.22 75.41 215 107.85 1501 112.68 106.48 -4.98 +1.5 iShRegBks N IAT .61e 1.4 49.24 30.04 333 44.16 2239 46.72 43.15 -2.62 -2.7 iShInsur N IAK .82e 1.4 62.87 47.25 6 59.74 81 61.54 59.72 -1.86 +.7 iShFincls N IYF 1.45e 1.4 109.36 80.64 609 103.12 4621 106.37 102.22 -3.29 +1.6 iShBroker N IAI .65e 1.3 53.97 33.93 18 50.58 345 53.13 50.33 -2.53 +2.2 iShUSEngy N IYE 1.14e 3.0 43.31 33.68 1009 37.59 4552 38.66 37.54 -.97 -9.5 iShESGSel N KLD 1.14e 1.2 99.26 81.96 11 97.30 144 99.09 97.08 -1.46 +5.7 iShCrSPS s N IJR 70.98 54.26 3995 67.66 23114 69.91 66.81 -2.13 iShMedDev N IHI 1.57e 1.0 152.73 118.98 133 151.20 422 152.18 149.59 -.45 +13.6 iShConsGd N IYK 2.43e 2.0 121.06 107.85 15 118.73 151 120.68 118.37 -1.78 +7.2 iShHltcPrv N IHF .24e .2 137.75 111.40 18 132.16 102 134.92 130.95 -2.72 +5.5siShCorTInt N IXUS 1.42e 2.6 55.30 45.70 328 54.90 2157 55.30 54.34 +.04 +8.7 iShPharm N IHE 3.11e 1.0 158.11 129.20 13 149.93 88 153.71 148.50 -1.74 +6.0 iShBasM N IYM 1.42e 1.6 90.40 71.90 104 87.57 428 90.19 87.30 -1.91 +5.3 iShPeru N EPU .34e 1.0 36.58 24.22 40 33.84 439 34.09 33.55 +.21 +3.2siShCorEafe N IEFA 1.55e 2.7 58.26 48.33 3593 57.85 34471 58.26 57.29 -.01 +7.9 iShOilEq N IEZ .86e 2.1 49.11 33.65 30 40.43 166 41.66 40.35 -1.25 -11.0 iShDJ US N IYY 2.01e 1.7 120.51 99.15 24 117.14 190 119.53 116.84 -2.33 +4.5 iShO&GEx N IEO 1.06e 1.8 70.34 49.94 65 58.09 367 60.25 58.02 -2.06 -11.2siShAggrAllo N AOA .98e 2.0 50.18 43.77 40 49.76 260 50.18 49.47 -.23 +5.4 iShCrShUS s N ISTB 51.04 49.69 94 50.07 532 50.09 49.96 +.09 +.1siShEurope N IEV 1.19e 2.9 42.13 34.52 752 41.72 5790 42.13 41.38 -.03 +7.5siShGroAllo N AOR .81e 1.9 42.48 38.54 66 42.25 464 42.48 42.01 -.12 +4.1 iSRusMic N IWC 1.08e 1.3 87.82 65.59 39 83.15 224 85.61 81.65 -2.42 -3.1siShModAllo N AOM .71e 2.0 36.40 34.25 177 36.29 411 36.40 36.14 -.01 +3.0 iShMorMl bt N IYLD 1.33e 5.1 25.50 23.64 50 24.99 175 25.06 24.89 +.07 +2.8siSMsciVal N EFV 1.87e 3.7 50.76 39.87 1281 50.16 3300 50.76 49.73 -.24 +6.2 iSSCVal N IJS 1.73e 1.3 144.90 108.90 180 135.23 838 140.10 133.83 -4.69 -3.4 iShConsAllo N AOK .64e 1.9 33.57 31.97 49 33.23 197 33.27 33.09 +.04 +2.2siShEafeGr N EFG 1.37e 2.0 69.54 61.05 248 69.42 931 69.54 68.57 +.30 +9.0 iShSCGrth N IJT 1.41e .9 155.92 119.54 90 150.23 607 154.49 147.94 -4.14 +.2 iShB3-18xF s N IBCC 25.03 24.58 2 24.66 28 24.68 24.61 +.00 +.1 iShiB3-20F s N IBCD 25.14 24.31 2 24.66 17 24.67 24.58 +.05 +.2 iShiB3-23x s N IBCE 25.77 23.90 4 24.25 21 24.32 24.10 +.22 +.3 iShBd3-18 s N IBDB 25.86 25.53 5 25.63 58 25.66 25.60 +.00 +.1 iShBd3-23 s N IBDD 28.39 25.88 5 26.27 18 26.39 26.20 +.06 +.2 iShBd3-20 s N IBDC 27.47 25.90 6 26.19 107 26.27 26.12 +.05 +.3 iStar N STAR 19 12.83 8.74 351 11.72 1556 11.81 11.23 +.09 -5.3 iStar pfD N STARpD 2.00 8.1 25.20 21.30 10 24.78 12 24.78 24.51 +.29 +1.2 iStar pfE N STARpE 1.97 8.1 24.92 20.95 1 24.41 28 24.60 24.23 +.27 +.7 iStar pfF N STARpF 1.95 7.9 24.99 20.68 9 24.65 23 24.65 24.20 +.26 +1.0 iStar pfG N STARpG 1.91 7.9 24.84 20.21 6 24.14 18 24.28 23.65 +.39 iStar pfI N STARpI 1.87 7.9 24.98 20.70 2 23.76 7 24.25 23.70 -.22 -1.0 ITT Inc N ITT .50 1.3 21 44.00 30.06 206 39.26 1735 41.01 38.94 -1.70 +1.8tItus Cp hrs Q ITUS 6.82 2.44 60 2.43 185 3.05 2.43 -.67 -55.0 IaoKunGrp Q IKGH .03e 10.7 4 1.74 .16 45 .28 622 .31 .26 -.01 +.4 Iberiabnk Q IBKC 1.44 1.9 18 91.10 47.87 358 76.20 2986 80.55 74.65 -4.60 -9.0 Iberia pfB Q IBKCP 1.66 6.1 28.20 25.03 4 26.94 41 26.94 26.20 +.30 +.7 Iberiab pfC Q IBKCO 1.61e 6.0 30.00 25.28 2 27.02 25 27.94 27.01 +.02 +1.8 iBio N IBIO .80 .33 48 .42 276 .46 .39 -.03 +6.3 Icahn Ent Q IEP 6.00 11.7 65.98 45.42 44 51.33 397 52.97 50.80 -1.11 -14.3sIchorHld n Q ICHR 19.44 9.76 59 18.22 592 19.44 17.80 -.73 +68.4 Icon PLC Q ICLR 28 88.90 62.31 475 78.94 2973 80.58 77.16 -.81 +5.0 IconixBrnd Q ICON 8 10.80 6.26 543 7.05 3984 7.34 6.83 -.17 -24.5 Idacorp N IDA 2.20 2.6 21 83.99 69.83 146 83.04 868 83.66 80.83 +.73 +3.1 IdealPower Q IPWR 6.63 2.00 25 3.42 261 3.59 3.10 -.07 +3.6sIdentive lf Q INVE 7.81 1.61 83 6.88 728 7.81 6.41 -.33 +116.4 IderaPhm Q IDRA 3.33 1.19 3158 2.48 21509 2.56 2.05 +.42 +65.3 IDEX N IEX 1.36f 1.5 25 96.24 77.93 204 91.47 1080 93.02 90.23 -1.16 +1.6 Ignyta Q RXDX 9.90 4.15 410 9.25 1366 9.35 8.15 +.45 +74.5 iKangHlth Q KANG 20 22.58 13.72 120 14.69 935 15.43 14.52 -.16 -15.2sITW N ITW 2.60 2.0 24 136.03 98.32 984 132.77 5034 136.03 132.35 -2.73 +8.4 Illumina Q ILMN 54 186.88 119.37 843 170.58 5029 171.98 161.40 +10.16 +33.2 ImageSens Q ISNS 6.39 2.10 136 3.00 198 3.40 2.80 -.40 -18.9 Imax Corp N IMAX 68 35.30 26.48 515 33.95 3891 34.50 32.70 +.30 +8.1 Immersn h Q IMMR 11.92 5.90 122 8.33 846 8.85 8.12 -.52 -21.6 ImmuCell Q ICCC 44 8.24 4.76 0 5.66 8 5.74 5.50 +.06 -4.9 ImmuneDs Q IMDZ 16.94 4.50 40 6.45 456 7.60 6.32 -.70 +17.3tImmuneP h Q IMNP .64 .15 6477 .14 13727 .17 .14 -.02 -22.5 ImunoCll rs N IMUC 13.60 1.83 67 2.69 405 2.88 2.44 +.11 +31.2 ImunoGn Q IMGN 9.78 1.51 1265 3.61 8271 3.75 3.47 +.03 +77.0sImunmd Q IMMU 6.85 1.95 4857 6.88 15892 7.05 6.16 +.43 +87.5tImpacMtg N IMH 3 18.50 12.04 23 12.21 345 13.10 12.04 -.64 -12.9 ImpaxLabs Q IPXL 37.20 7.75 565 9.25 5226 9.55 8.80 -.15 -30.2 ImpOil g N IMO .60 12 36.85 29.26 151 30.87 1099 31.26 30.27 -.05 -11.2 Imperva Q IMPV 57.24 31.11 267 40.60 2293 41.65 39.35 -.50 +5.7 Impinj n Q PI 41.91 16.36 391 28.14 3327 29.45 27.56 -.59 -20.4 ImprimisP Q IMMY 4.47 1.65 195 2.82 592 2.88 2.29 +.50 +12.8 IncOpR N IOT 18 10.20 6.77 2 8.75 6 9.34 8.31 -.59 +19.9 Incyte Q INCY 153.15 64.77 1317 139.64 11045 149.00 138.01 -8.32 +39.3 IndCDrillg N ICD 7.30 3.70 76 4.92 540 5.40 4.82 -.48 -26.6 IndepHld N IHC .12f .6 17 21.23 15.05 7 19.50 81 20.15 19.30 -.80 -.3 IndepRT N IRT .72a 7.8 8 10.70 6.51 247 9.19 1984 9.33 8.90 -.13 +3.0 IndBkMA Q INDB 1.28f 2.1 20 71.95 42.44 149 60.35 569 66.45 59.80 -5.28 -14.3 IndBkMI Q IBCP .40 2.0 20 22.40 13.42 50 20.00 345 21.15 19.25 -1.10 -7.8 IndepBkTX Q IBTX .44f .7 21 66.85 25.50 103 62.15 595 66.40 58.35 -4.35 -.4 IndiaFd N IFN 1.82e 1.9 26.29 20.39 111 24.67 705 24.73 24.37 +.21 +15.3 IndiaGCap N IGC .67 .19 113 .40 1104 .45 .36 -.05 +41.1 IndoTel s N TLK .67 34.65 24.69 247 30.83 1434 30.99 30.34 -.14 +5.7 IndSvAm lf Q IDSA 3.35 1.10 17 1.68 116 2.00 1.58 -.37 -6.1 IndBach N IBA .87e 1.6 56.10 45.32 26 54.55 113 54.57 50.95 +2.60 +11.3 Infinera Q INFN 17.04 7.23 1949 10.85 8863 11.15 10.45 -.28 +27.8 InfinityPh Q INFI 6.63 .84 683 3.30 3910 3.60 2.97 -.25 +144.4 InfPrCas Q IPCC 2.32f 2.5 25 99.55 73.80 31 94.55 198 97.75 93.40 -3.20 +7.6tInfoSvcs Q III .20f 6.5 22 4.32 2.95 244 3.09 1264 3.39 2.95 -.15 -15.1 InfoSonic h Q IFON 1.05 .35 21 .53 140 .54 .51 +.01 +40.3 Infosys N INFY .62e 4.0 12 20.47 13.42 3966 15.67 25520 15.85 15.35 +.33 +5.7 InfrREIT n N HIFR 1.00 5.7 17 19.50 14.59 170 17.67 945 17.93 17.19 -.22 -1.3 InfuSystem N INFU 3.75 1.55 122 2.18 239 2.25 2.05 -.08 -14.7 IngerRd N IR 1.60 2.0 18 82.17 59.10 942 79.18 5936 81.95 78.85 -1.81 +5.5sIngevity N NGVT 61.65 24.50 246 61.00 1705 61.65 59.94 +.28 +11.2 InglesMk h Q IMKTA .66 1.5 16 52.40 33.50 15 43.15 148 45.20 42.70 -2.05 -10.3 Ingredion N INGR 2.00f 1.7 18 140.00 104.24 415 121.08 2559 122.06 119.06 +1.08 -3.1 InnerWkgs Q INWK 11.00 7.23 155 9.47 722 10.00 9.37 -.33 -3.9 Innocoll Q INNL 12.94 .53 853 1.03 7875 1.40 .96 -.22 +49.1 Innodata Q INOD 2.80 1.90 2 2.10 127 2.10 1.90 +.15 -14.3 Innophos Q IPHS 1.92 3.6 21 58.22 28.12 67 53.09 379 54.55 51.73 -1.34 +1.6 Innospec Q IOSP .68f 1.1 19 74.75 41.61 102 61.90 527 63.30 61.20 -1.40 -9.6 InnovInd n N IIPR 20.52 14.50 49 16.35 121 17.60 16.25 -.69 -10.1 InnovSolu Q ISSC 61 4.36 2.55 17 3.03 45 3.17 2.96 -.11 -9.0 Innoviva Q INVA 1.00 7.8 20 14.15 8.67 1301 12.85 6945 13.44 12.72 -.10 +20.1 Innsuites N IHT .01 .5 3.09 1.58 0 1.95 4 2.05 1.62 -.08 -13.6 Inogen Q INGN 100 79.94 39.57 188 76.91 830 77.45 73.68 +.78 +14.5 InotekPh n Q ITEK 10.90 1.50 500 1.80 5005 1.90 1.60 -.08 -70.5 Inovalon n Q INOV .12p 35 20.05 8.60 781 11.75 2387 12.50 11.50 -.40 +14.1tInovioPhm Q INO 11.69 5.83 628 6.05 4252 6.20 5.83 -.08 -12.8 Inphi N IPHI 21 51.78 25.89 753 46.83 4178 47.16 44.18 +1.26 +5.0 Inpixon rs Q INPX 11.09 2.40 20 2.89 106 2.98 2.48 -.07 -21.0 InseegoCp Q INSG 3.80 1.06 122 2.19 818 2.30 2.09 +.08 -10.2 InsightEnt Q NSIT 18 46.00 23.31 117 41.20 768 43.70 40.26 -2.53 +1.9sInsightS n N INSI 19.14 18.64 22 19.08 86 19.14 18.85 +.22 +.9 Insignia s Q ISIG .70e 2.13 1.23 5 1.48 12 1.48 1.35 +.13 -15.8 Insmed Q INSM 17.32 9.02 300 15.81 1319 16.46 15.02 -.26 +19.5 Insperity N NSP 1.00 1.2 24 90.55 50.61 78 86.40 588 89.85 85.95 -2.85 +21.8 InspMD rs N NSPR 15.43 .85 556 .92 5696 1.07 .86 -.04 -63.2sInstlldBPd N IBP 44 52.70 24.52 166 52.50 698 52.70 49.20 +.05 +27.1 Insteel Q IIIN .12a .3 18 42.81 22.50 117 34.85 652 35.52 33.39 -.52 -2.2 InstFnMkts N IFMI .08 6.8 6 1.65 .76 7 1.17 101 1.29 1.15 -.07 -1.6 Instructre n N INST 26.92 16.06 78 24.00 833 25.20 23.45 -1.00 +22.8 Insulet Q PODD 48.23 26.50 275 42.88 1859 45.00 41.68 -1.69 +13.8 InsysTher s Q INSY 28 20.98 8.70 725 10.61 4598 11.69 9.90 +.64 +15.3 IntecPhm n Q NTEC 6.36 3.03 3 5.10 35 5.10 4.85 +.10 -10.5sIntegerHl N ITGR 41.80 18.10 206 40.70 1109 41.80 38.50 -.10 +38.2 IntegLfSc s Q IART 26 45.87 31.79 534 42.74 3209 43.83 42.23 -.58 -.4 IntgDv Q IDTI 20 26.66 18.49 983 23.59 6215 24.88 23.22 -.87 +.1 Intel Q INTC 1.09f 3.1 15 38.45 29.50 21681 35.16 101547 35.73 35.00 -.11 -3.1 Intellia n Q NTLA 30.40 10.83 102 13.07 752 14.58 12.72 -1.31 -.3 Intellichk N IDN 3.20 1.20 15 2.33 115 2.43 2.24 -.13 -15.1 IntellgSys N INS 4.85 3.17 4.69 5 4.70 4.33 -.01 +10.6 Intelliph Q IPCI 3.35 1.41 70 2.31 410 2.44 2.19 -.12 -18.7 Intelsat N I 5.87 2.12 275 4.45 2477 4.60 4.11 +.20 +66.7sIntParfum Q IPAR .68 1.8 34 38.20 27.05 94 36.90 522 38.20 36.75 -.45 +12.7 InterXion N INXN 40.00 32.21 309 38.64 1669 39.43 38.24 -.56 +10.2 InteractB Q IBKR .40 1.2 27 41.40 31.97 569 34.69 3068 36.30 34.62 -1.66 -5.0 InterceptP Q ICPT 177.93 96.63 304 116.73 2034 125.70 114.58 -8.50 +7.4 IntcntlExc s N ICE 2.07e 3.5 11 61.98 45.88 2448 59.85 12655 61.47 59.53 -1.55 +6.1 IntCtlHtls N IHG 1.36e 2.8 48.64 34.63 86 48.00 722 48.41 47.01 -.23 +8.3 InterDig Q IDCC 1.20 1.4 10 102.30 51.97 186 85.10 1554 86.75 83.70 -.35 -6.8 Interface Q TILE .24 1.3 17 19.93 14.56 483 18.60 1816 19.15 17.83 -.55 +.3 Intergroup Q INTG 32.35 20.09 0 26.22 3 27.50 26.22 -.78 -2.5 Intermolec Q IMI 2.80 .78 2 .95 78 .99 .91 -.03 +.2sInternap Q INAP 3.79 .80 1360 3.80 8075 3.86 3.33 +.27 +146.8 IntlBcsh Q IBOC .66f 1.9 17 42.25 22.96 269 34.60 1154 38.20 34.15 -3.35 -15.2 IBM N IBM 5.60 3.2 13 182.79 142.50 3111 173.83 16706 176.23 172.80 -1.82 +4.7 IntFlav N IFF 2.24 1.7 24 143.64 112.91 659 133.19 4744 137.04 131.69 +1.73 +13.0 IntlGmeT n N IGT .80 3.4 32.07 16.65 789 23.31 3741 24.77 23.01 -1.19 -8.7 IntPap N IP 1.85f 3.6 17 58.86 39.24 2011 50.81 11154 52.47 50.56 -.55 -4.2sIntlSeaw n N INSW 19.95 10.66 57 19.85 557 19.96 18.88 +.95 +41.4 IntlSpdw Q ISCA .41f 1.2 22 39.95 30.05 174 35.60 658 36.95 35.30 -1.25 -3.3 IntTower g N THM 1.40 .29 101 .49 548 .54 .48 -.01 -9.9 IntrntInitJ Q IIJI .11e 1.2 11.13 6.70 1 8.91 36 9.09 8.20 +.15 +19.6 IntrpDia rs Q IDXG 19.80 .70 383 2.34 11687 3.43 2.11 +.09 -46.8 Interpublic N IPG .72f 3.0 17 25.33 21.65 2858 24.16 17024 24.60 23.95 -.42 +3.2 IntersENT Q XENT 20.64 7.65 211 16.80 1141 16.90 15.30 +.40 +38.8 Intersectns Q INTX 4.23 1.70 59 3.88 124 3.98 3.53 +.03 -2.8 IntstP pfD N IPLpD 1.28 5.1 29.30 22.70 4 25.15 23 25.47 25.00 -.10 +3.3 inTestCorp N INTT 6.85 3.48 38 6.30 270 6.50 5.55 -.10 +37.0sIntevac Q IVAC 12.40 4.33 247 12.10 1069 12.40 11.15 +.65 +41.5 IntraCellu Q ITCI 45.20 10.43 211 14.76 3462 15.34 13.64 -.40 -2.2 IntwstRsts N SNOW 24 25.30 7.80 69 23.88 838 25.00 22.86 +.77 +33.8 IntPotash N IPI 3.04 .85 2420 1.64 13175 1.78 1.46 +.17 -21.2tIntrexon N XON 23 38.60 18.55 715 19.14 5499 21.15 18.55 -1.85 -21.2sIntriCon Q IIN 8.25 4.12 70 8.40 138 8.51 7.87 +.15 +21.7 Intuit Q INTU 1.36 1.1 35 128.45 99.20 1786 119.72 7976 124.19 119.10 -4.20 +4.5sIntSurg Q ISRG 37 757.99 575.82 424 758.00 1566 761.51 742.51 +8.17 +19.5 Inuvo N INUV 26 2.31 1.00 12 1.29 151 1.40 1.25 -.07 -22.8 Invacare N IVC .05 .4 14.06 8.00 260 11.20 1099 12.55 11.18 -1.30 -14.2 InvenSense N INVN 12.92 5.42 1008 12.61 4658 12.75 12.34 +.21 -1.4tInventrgy rs Q INVT 3.30 .32 163 .32 1131 .40 .31 -.04 -57.3 tInventure Q SNAK 10.15 3.91 440 4.29 2065 4.90 3.91 -.62 -56.4 InvHiIn23 n N IHIT 10.50 9.94 26 10.07 323 10.08 9.96 +.07 -1.6 InvAdvMu2 N VKI .78 7.0 13.57 10.68 41 11.07 615 11.10 10.94 +.11 -1.0 Inv Bond N VBF .83a 4.4 19.54 17.85 17 18.62 135 18.79 18.38 +.11 +.7 InvCAVal N VCV .79 6.5 14.83 11.78 23 12.27 253 12.27 12.13 +.14 +1.1 InvDynCrd N VTA .90 7.3 12.59 10.41 196 12.35 954 12.43 12.28 -.05 +.4 InvHiInc2 N VLT 1.24 8.7 14.87 13.08 14 14.22 107 14.32 14.13 -.03 -.2 Invsco iim N IIM .84 5.8 17.92 14.16 67 14.48 639 14.50 14.27 +.22 -1.0 Invesco N IVZ 1.12 3.7 13 33.46 23.02 3403 30.10 16284 31.73 29.70 -1.13 -.8 InvMtgCap N IVR 1.60 10.7 9 16.28 11.60 887 14.90 5770 15.59 14.90 -.21 +2.1 InvMtg pfA N IVRpA 1.94 7.6 26.39 22.00 5 25.41 31 25.42 24.96 +.26 +4.4 InvMtg pfB N IVRpB 1.94 7.8 26.25 21.99 8 24.83 53 25.00 24.70 -.09 +3.1 Invsco oia N OIA .39 5.3 8.30 6.91 21 7.48 253 7.56 7.40 +.05 +4.3 InvMuOpTr N VMO .88 6.8 15.13 12.27 160 12.95 837 13.03 12.88 +.08 +1.6 InvMuniTr N VKQ .82 6.6 14.34 11.89 62 12.38 759 12.40 12.23 +.15 +1.0 InvPAVal N VPV .79 6.5 14.69 11.83 32 12.10 276 12.14 11.96 +.14 -.5 Invsco iqi N IQI .76 6.2 14.12 12.01 46 12.34 411 12.35 12.11 +.23 -.5 InvSrInco N VVR .31 6.7 4.77 3.94 348 4.68 2079 4.72 4.66 -.01 +.9 InvTrIG N VGM .88 6.8 14.99 12.34 62 12.91 534 12.91 12.77 +.12 +1.3 InvTrNY N VTN .85 6.4 16.68 13.01 18 13.38 100 13.43 13.22 +.15 +.8 Investar Q ISTR .08f .4 22 22.50 14.56 12 22.05 90 22.20 21.55 +.30 +18.2 InvTech N ITG .28 1.4 44 22.92 15.04 127 19.88 788 20.47 19.41 -.57 +.7 InvestBncp Q ISBC .32 2.3 22 15.11 10.67 1665 13.82 12455 14.59 13.39 -.77 -.9 InvRlEst N IRET .52 9.0 58 7.51 5.60 446 5.75 2559 5.87 5.63 -.04 -19.4 InvRET pfB N IRETpB 1.99 7.8 26.54 24.96 4 25.67 23 25.68 25.57 +1.1 InvTitl Q ITIC .80 .5 14 174.10 82.13 19 147.82 41 155.80 126.00 +19.40 -6.5 Invitae n N NVTA 11.85 5.76 199 10.40 1341 10.79 9.85 +.04 +31.0 InvitHm n N INVH 22.15 19.80 1069 21.58 7180 21.70 21.25 -.02 +7.9 InVivoTh rs Q NVIV 7.94 3.80 102 4.00 1221 4.40 3.85 -4.8 Invuity n Q IVTY 14.25 4.50 46 8.15 222 8.38 7.90 +41.7 IonisPhm Q IONS 57.00 19.59 1453 38.98 8144 40.75 37.29 -1.24 -18.5 iPBetaCmd N BCM 28.17 23.71 0 26.56 6 26.75 26.56 -.24 -2.6 iPBtaCocoa N CHOC 47.60 28.28 1 32.30 22 32.89 31.07 +1.99 +1.2 iPBetaCoff N CAFE 17.80 12.56 15 13.50 19 14.28 13.47 -.33 -1.1 iPBetaCttn N CTNN 32.94 24.13 0 32.55 3 32.80 32.52 +.17 +11.3 iPBetaAlu N FOIL 27.00 21.92 26.48 2 26.67 26.37 +.09 +11.6 iPBetaCrOil N OLEM 18.17 13.34 0 14.83 3 14.91 14.78 -.38 -14.6 iPBetaSfts N GRWN 28.87 22.41 2 25.10 3 25.71 25.10 -.43 +1.2 iRadimed Q IRMD 11 22.53 7.85 26 8.60 185 8.90 8.04 +.35 -22.5 Iridex Q IRIX 16.64 9.60 28 13.00 181 14.16 12.62 -.91 -7.5 IridiumCm Q IRDM 10 11.54 6.80 761 8.90 4666 9.30 8.65 -.25 -7.3 IronMtn N IRM 2.20 6.3 26 41.50 30.75 1299 34.73 6554 35.49 34.44 -.33 +6.9 IronwdPh Q IRWD 18.53 9.06 1030 17.14 5848 17.92 16.84 -.42 +12.1siShItaly rs N EWI 25.74 19.62 1277 25.61 5966 25.74 25.19 +.21 +5.8 iShJapan rs N EWJ 52.09 43.40 5917 51.87 32684 52.04 51.29 +.04 +6.2 iSMlasia rs N EWM 36.04 27.58 1353 30.71 4389 30.98 30.50 +.13 +9.4 iShSing rs N EWS 22.82 19.86 311 22.62 2157 22.82 22.35 -.12 +13.5siSTaiwn rs N EWT 33.92 24.70 3686 33.67 27208 33.92 33.42 +.38 +14.6 iSh UK rs N EWU 33.13 27.60 1236 32.47 8744 32.88 32.28 -.19 +5.8 iSh0-5IGCp N SLQD .79 1.6 52.09 49.91 391 50.36 676 50.38 50.24 +.12 +.3 iShCmdOpT N CMDT 39.52 32.08 0 35.83 5 36.24 35.80 -.19 -2.2 iShCvBd N ICVT .67e 51.48 42.34 2 50.64 36 51.29 50.44 -.58 +4.2siShCorEM N IEMG 1.09e 2.3 48.74 38.86 6834 48.29 67587 48.74 47.78 +.34 +13.8 iShColomC N ICOL .43e 3.2 14.09 11.50 3 13.57 6 13.57 13.23 +.35 +4.9siShFSIntSC N ISCF .12p 26.66 22.70 1 26.60 8 26.66 26.35 +.05 +10.9siShFacSIntl N INTF .17p 25.20 20.95 39 25.09 221 25.20 24.76 +.07 +8.0 iShFS USA N LRGF .19e 28.62 22.96 106 27.78 296 28.35 27.69 -.56 +4.0 iShFSUsaSC N SMLF .23e 36.78 28.24 15 34.95 25 35.80 34.60 -.90 -1.3siShFacSGbl N ACWF .11p 26.22 22.27 7 25.84 10 26.22 25.72 -.15 +7.2siShMgRE rs N REM 45.63 37.32 475 44.21 1632 45.63 44.19 -.99 +5.1siShExpoTc N XT .14p 29.74 22.88 32 29.45 334 29.74 29.08 -.17 +10.0 iSh0-5HYCp N SHYG 2.38 5.0 48.04 44.44 389 47.38 1716 47.49 47.15 -.10 +.1 iShDvlValu N IVLU 24.32 18.86 7 23.38 56 23.67 23.19 -.14 +5.7 iSh 3-10yr n N IMTB 50.06 48.36 2 49.14 20 49.70 48.98 +.26 +.8 iShSaudi N KSA 25.84 19.81 3 24.45 40 24.73 24.21 -.11 -3.2 iSh USA Op Q ESGU 51.90 48.26 51.79 8 51.79 51.57 -.08 +5.4siSh MinVl n N SMMV 27.11 23.65 1 26.49 36 27.11 26.40 -.45 +2.0 iShHYlexOG Q HYXE 52.28 49.53 3 51.32 3 51.33 51.32 +.03 +1.1 iShIntDevM N IMTM .30p 27.44 23.88 3 26.84 15 27.02 26.61 +.04 +8.2 iShIntDevQ N IQLT .55p 26.39 23.16 11 26.30 40 26.39 26.07 +.05 +7.3 iShLwCarb N CRBN .94p 105.98 87.26 3 103.61 30 105.31 103.22 -.92 +7.1 iShFallAn n Q FALN 27.60 24.79 0 26.95 4 27.13 26.89 -.16 +.7siShCHdEM N HEEM 1.26e 2.1 23.07 19.57 164 22.86 295 23.07 22.68 +.08 +7.8 iShMsciChA N CNYA 27.92 24.52 26.58 4 26.60 26.44 +.25 +7.6siSh ESG Opt Q ESGD 60.53 53.81 9 60.00 25 60.53 59.46 -.05 +7.6siSh IntDvGr N IGRO 53.12 45.50 3 52.52 23 53.12 51.52 +.03 +7.4siSh GlImp n Q MPCT .23p 51.40 45.35 3 51.58 5 51.58 50.95 +.26 +8.1siShMultHl N HCRF 28.04 24.50 27.69 5 28.04 27.42 -.22 +10.4 iSh MultFin N FNCF 32.47 24.11 30.72 5 31.85 30.57 -1.33 +2.0 iShIntHdHi N HYGH 4.56 5.1 92.18 81.71 87 89.93 183 90.49 89.19 -.57 +.4 iShCTotBd s N IUSB 53.76 49.81 36 50.36 271 50.50 50.15 +.16 +.2 iShCDivGr N DGRO .65e 2.1 31.09 25.87 499 30.31 2260 30.93 30.19 -.58 +4.9siShCHEmu N HEZU .64e 1.8 28.33 22.25 920 28.20 3226 28.33 27.85 +6.0 iShGblReit N REET .94e 3.7 28.84 24.19 78 25.21 392 25.55 25.10 -.18 -.1 iShCoreInt N IAGG 54.18 50.99 21 51.63 118 51.71 51.38 +.14 -.4siShCorePac N IPAC 1.06e 2.0 52.91 44.22 30 52.74 275 52.91 52.16 +.02 +8.1siShCHGer N HEWG .68e 1.7 27.37 21.13 360 27.30 1564 27.37 26.85 +.01 +5.6 iShIntHdCp N LQDH 2.76 2.9 95.12 90.47 1 94.59 16 94.61 94.25 +.12 +.6 iShJpMinV N JPMV .70e 1.2 62.56 54.97 18 60.55 37 60.58 59.69 +.70 +6.4siShEafeMV N HEFV 25.72 23.89 0 25.53 3 25.72 25.41 -.13 +3.8 iShEuMinV N EUMV .67e 2.9 24.44 20.51 38 22.87 61 22.88 22.63 +.14 +7.8siShCorEur N IEUR 1.18e 2.7 44.14 36.31 6311 43.87 7033 44.14 43.34 +.10 +7.8 iShxJMinV N AXJV .84p 51.33 28.29 5 31.71 34 32.15 31.71 -.10 +9.2 iSh2022Mu N IBMK .09e 26.54 24.98 28 25.66 150 25.70 25.50 +.10 +1.3 iSh UAE Q UAE .53e 3.1 18.00 15.34 1 16.90 16 16.93 16.79 +.09 +2.2 iShYdOpBd N BYLD .75 3.0 25.35 24.45 49 24.78 128 24.78 24.67 +.08 +.5 iSh2021Mu N IBMJ .07e 26.27 24.92 112 25.61 227 25.68 25.47 +.09 +1.3 iShRussia rs N ERUS 35.08 24.54 253 32.65 2237 32.93 31.92 +.21 -2.6siSCHeafe N HEFA .70e 1.7 27.59 22.42 879 27.34 5741 27.59 27.03 -.21 +4.7 iShCHMex N HEWW 1.41p 24.01 19.99 21.19 18 21.21 21.05 +.13 +3.8 iShH10yCBd N CLYH .31e 25.26 23.36 6 25.02 9 25.09 24.95 -.09 +.5siShCHSpain N HEWP .31p 22.45 16.72 1 22.45 46 22.46 22.08 +.18 +12.3 iShHEmBd N EMBH .30e 26.00 23.89 0 25.98 3 25.98 25.86 +.03 +3.2 iShCHItaly N HEWI .55p 19.59 13.45 1 15.67 10 15.67 15.39 +.08 +3.7 iShShMMu N MEAR .27e 52.06 49.65 0 50.00 2 50.00 49.94 +.13 +.5siSCHEafSC N HSCZ .19p 27.16 21.94 6 26.95 14 27.16 26.77 -.16 +5.6 iShCHAcxUs N HAWX 1.38e 4.3 24.48 20.80 12 24.28 235 24.45 24.08 -.11 +5.1 iShGbMM rs N PICK 30.75 18.02 31 28.12 248 29.47 28.02 -1.09 +9.2 iShCmdSel Q COMT .39e 1.2 35.41 27.67 24 32.86 81 33.29 32.69 -.37 -4.2 iShGblGld rs N RING 26.78 15.48 17 19.07 591 19.60 18.77 +.25 +11.3 iShCH UK N HEWU .24p 26.21 21.60 29 23.64 151 24.01 23.60 -.36 +4.5siSh ESG Sl N ESGE 62.38 52.75 6 62.17 18 62.38 61.38 +.52 +14.5siShCHSwitz N HEWL 1.43e 2.4 25.32 22.04 24.94 6 25.32 24.94 -.27 +5.9 iShLqdty bt N ICSH .25e .5 50.25 49.87 2 50.11 22 50.12 50.03 +.06 +.4 iShCHJpn N HEWJ .74e .6 29.02 22.14 998 28.20 6514 28.64 27.76 -.32 +1.4siShFacEmg N EMGF .13p 41.16 32.45 1 41.13 22 41.16 40.53 +.36 +15.9 iSh iBd26 n N IBDR 25.45 23.56 4 23.98 46 24.14 23.85 +.20 +.2 iSiBd12-18 s N IBDH .30 1.2 25.49 25.04 33 25.16 225 25.19 25.14 +.01 +.1 iSiBd12-20 s N IBDL .62e 2.4 26.00 25.03 24 25.40 318 25.44 25.30 +.08 +.7 iSiBd12-17 s N IBDJ .22e 25.15 24.76 17 24.86 651 24.86 24.81 +.02 iSiBd12-19 s N IBDK .37e 25.56 24.74 23 24.97 320 25.00 24.92 +.02 +.3 iSiBd12-23 s N IBDO .56e 25.99 24.33 30 24.82 298 24.93 24.71 +.07 +.4 iSiBd12-22 s N IBDN .55e 26.00 24.43 38 24.88 274 24.95 24.75 +.14 +.4 iSiBd12-25 s N IBDQ .64e 25.99 24.08 25 24.59 185 24.63 24.38 +.23 +1.0 iSiBd12-24 s N IBDP .63e 26.10 24.17 15 24.67 184 24.74 24.53 +.14 +.8 iSiBd12-21 s N IBDM .47e 25.66 24.45 52 24.76 262 24.86 24.68 +.06 +.2 IsleCapri Q ISLE 16 26.89 12.08 97 25.45 561 26.23 25.16 -.77 +3.1 IsoRay N ISR 1.30 .48 35 .63 391 .66 .59 -.03 +8.6 IsraelChm N ICL .27e 6.2 5.02 3.52 67 4.35 560 4.41 4.27 -.02 +5.8 Isramco Q ISRL 129.05 72.97 1 117.95 4 123.10 113.00 +1.05 -5.1 IssuerDir N ISDR .20 2.0 32 11.50 5.20 28 9.95 151 10.75 9.60 -.45 +10.6sItauCorpb N ITCB 2.48e 18.1 14.17 11.14 31 13.68 299 14.29 13.11 +.62 +10.0 ItauUnibH N ITUB .32e 2.6 13.65 7.91 6003 12.25 72948 12.57 11.96 +.01 +19.3sIteris Q ITI 5.64 2.20 51 5.12 673 5.64 4.95 -.06 +40.7 Itron Q ITRI 32 66.45 39.01 235 62.95 1424 64.55 61.40 -1.05 +.2sIturanLoc Q ITRN .86e 2.9 19 29.75 17.93 44 29.60 181 29.80 28.60 +.55 +11.7 IvyHiInOp N IVH 1.50a 10.0 15.58 12.44 62 14.95 380 15.05 14.80 -.01 +1.2 Ixia Q XXIA 19.65 9.10 1979 19.60 6041 19.65 19.55 +.03 +21.7sIxysCp Q IXYS .16 1.1 23 14.33 9.59 156 14.30 1356 14.60 13.48 +.70 +20.2tIzea n Q IZEA 8.05 3.12 32 3.21 136 3.70 3.12 -.53 -28.8J -:sJ&J Snack Q JJSF 1.68 1.2 33 143.22 97.73 58 136.31 247 143.22 134.22 -2.42 +2.2 JAlexHld n N JAX 19 11.03 8.35 14 9.55 97 10.00 9.45 -.45 -11.2tJJill n N JILL 13.44 12.00 202 12.96 1554 13.20 12.00 +.21 +.1 j2Global Q JCOM 1.46f 1.7 27 90.88 58.86 293 83.75 1056 86.13 82.10 -2.14 +2.4 JA Solar Q JASO 6 9.10 4.42 957 5.72 4111 5.79 5.03 +.66 +20.2 Q JD 32.47 19.51 5704 31.26 35047 31.93 29.88 -.30 +22.9 JM Glbl n Q WYIG 10.05 9.55 1 9.96 3 10.05 9.96 +.01 +1.1 JM Glbl wt Q WYIGW .45 .13 .43 4 .44 .20 -.02 +30.3 JMP Grp N JMP .36 5.9 13 7.00 4.97 6 6.11 72 6.26 6.05 -.10 -.4 JMP Gp 23 N JMPB 2.00 7.8 25.87 22.06 3 25.76 7 25.76 25.57 +.23 +2.0sJMP Grp21 N JMPC 1.81 7.0 26.05 22.46 6 25.94 23 26.09 25.50 +.39 +3.3tJMU Ltd Q JMU 6.00 2.73 0 2.84 23 2.90 2.73 -.07 -24.5 JPMCh pfE N JPMpE 1.58 5.9 28.05 25.21 123 26.67 316 26.86 26.49 -.07 +2.7 JPMCh pfD N JPMpD 1.38 5.5 26.41 23.86 54 25.16 321 25.27 25.08 +.01 +2.2sJPMDvsRt N JPGE .96e 1.8 54.48 48.24 4 54.30 16 54.48 53.88 +.04 +6.7sJPMIntEq N JPIN 1.08e 2.0 53.05 46.27 50 52.90 162 53.05 52.38 +.23 +8.1sJPMDvREm N JPEM 1.31p 51.93 41.30 8 51.62 35 51.93 51.12 +.31 +11.5 JPM DREq N JPUS .26p 63.69 54.60 14 62.79 145 63.38 62.51 -.66 +6.0sJPM DivInt N JPIH 27.53 24.50 1 27.43 22 27.57 27.24 -.10 +4.7 JPM DivAlt N JPHF 30.69 25.00 3 25.92 82 25.99 25.76 -.10 +1.0 JPM Disc n N JPHY 52.12 49.82 50.55 4 50.58 50.53 -.26 -.3 JPM USMid N JPME 58.00 50.50 1 57.22 38 57.91 56.71 -.42 +5.7 JPMorgCh N JPM 1.92 2.2 15 93.98 57.05 15139 87.29 100454 91.17 86.01 -3.39 +1.2 JPMCh wt N JPM/WS 52.40 16.40 45 45.67 342 49.49 44.49 -3.47 +3.2 JPMCh pfA N JPMpA 1.36 5.4 26.86 23.90 36 25.24 154 25.30 25.13 +.02 +2.4 JPMCh pfB N JPMpB 1.68 6.2 29.22 25.80 42 27.07 329 27.13 26.90 +.09 +.8 JPMAlerian N AMJ 2.29 7.2 34.41 25.30 1103 31.61 7173 31.93 31.19 -.16 JPMCh pfY N JPMpF 1.53 5.8 27.94 25.00 105 26.16 415 26.18 25.85 +.27 +3.2 JPMCh pfG N JPMpG 1.52 5.9 27.89 24.80 95 26.12 435 26.15 25.80 +.22 +3.0 JPMCh pfH N JPMpH 1.54 5.9 28.14 25.18 134 26.29 458 26.40 26.03 +.20 +2.7sJPM China N JFC .97e 1.9 18.42 13.86 72 18.38 299 18.42 18.03 +.32 +18.0tJRJR Ntw N JRJR 1.54 .42 43 .43 260 .53 .42 -.07 -42.4sJabil N JBL .32 1.1 21 29.19 16.78 1910 28.74 10992 29.27 28.15 -.06 +21.4 JackHenry Q JKHY 1.24f 1.3 28 95.64 79.00 154 93.33 1205 94.98 93.06 -1.77 +5.1 JackInBox Q JACK 1.60 1.6 28 113.30 61.78 441 100.18 3238 100.84 98.23 +.47 -10.3 JacobsEng N JEC .15p 20 63.42 40.93 652 54.13 3869 55.86 53.85 -1.33 -5.0 JaggedPk n N JAG 15.08 11.71 781 12.31 2883 12.84 11.91 +.13 -15.1 JaguarAH h Q JAGX 3.79 .50 447 1.00 2014 1.12 .87 -.01 +39.7 JkksPac Q JAKK 9.75 4.63 177 5.40 1038 5.80 5.35 -.35 +4.9 Jamba Q JMBA 13.62 9.08 166 9.25 982 9.75 9.15 -.64 -10.2 JHardie s N JHX .39e 2.5 72 17.30 13.22 16 15.57 46 15.76 15.17 -.17 -2.1 JRiverGrp Q JRVR 1.20 3.0 17 46.20 25.86 90 40.42 623 41.45 39.21 -.81 -2.7 JanusSmC Q JSML 31.85 25.41 0 30.45 7 31.29 30.16 -.64 -.2 JanSmMid Q JSMD 33.17 26.29 0 32.03 5 32.63 31.83 -.53 +2.3 JanHltFit n Q FITS 27.50 23.39 0 25.95 4 26.56 25.95 -.37 +3.7 JanLTCar n Q OLD 27.57 22.17 18 24.66 33 24.68 24.03 +.60 +5.2 JanOrgan n Q ORG 37.52 23.82 1 25.39 3 25.40 24.54 +.92 +3.6 JanTailRsk N TRSK .24e .8 29.58 25.98 29.08 10 29.54 28.95 -.36 +4.8 AlpVSVolLC N SPXH .51e 1.6 33.34 27.50 1 32.61 29 33.26 32.59 -.65 +6.5sJanGlQua n Q SGQI 27.29 25.60 4 27.39 5 27.39 27.17 +.10 +7.0 JanusCap N JNS .44 3.5 15 16.62 11.96 1082 12.73 8252 13.12 12.50 -.09 -4.1 JpnSmCap N JOF .13e 1.2 10.84 9.12 53 10.70 253 10.75 10.52 +.15 +10.0 Jason Inds Q JASN 4.20 1.15 42 1.42 128 1.48 1.35 -21.1 Jason wt Q JASNW .35 .04 3 .05 26 .05 .05 -21.7 JazzPhrm Q JAZZ 23 160.00 95.80 598 143.14 4485 144.92 139.30 +8.37 +31.3sJeldWen n N JELD 33.08 25.60 195 32.57 1788 33.08 31.45 +.71 +25.0 JensynAc n Q JSYN 12.00 9.75 22 10.20 25 10.21 10.13 +.03 +.3 JensynAc rt Q JSYNR 1.00 .04 0 .28 62 .29 .22 +.03 +143.5sJensynAc wt Q JSYNW .39 .08 46 .38 47 .42 .35 +.03 +60.4sJensynAc un Q JSYNU 10.85 9.95 11 10.82 12 10.86 10.79 +.03 +3.1sJernignC n N JCAP 1.40 6.2 12 23.30 10.10 58 22.57 331 23.30 22.07 -.48 +7.2 JetBlue Q JBLU 9 23.15 14.76 4130 19.94 24322 20.42 19.31 -.22 -11.1 JetPay Q JTPY 3.25 1.89 4 2.35 38 2.65 2.20 -.10 +4.4 JinkoSolar N JKS 4 24.04 12.72 241 16.19 2128 16.93 15.33 -.73 +6.3 JiveSoftw Q JIVE 4.59 3.40 185 4.35 711 4.43 4.20 -.05 JBeanTch N JBT .40 .5 42 93.55 51.20 450 88.00 1284 90.05 86.10 -1.05 +2.4 JHMultLgC N JHML .10p 31.29 25.69 34 30.56 983 30.99 30.40 -.44 +5.2 JH MultMdC N JHMM .08p 33.00 24.51 25 30.04 455 30.74 29.85 -.59 +4.7 JH MultFin N JHMF .08p 33.34 22.86 13 31.25 74 32.40 30.45 -1.17 +2.1 JH MultHltC N JHMH .05p 33.88 24.50 2 28.08 21 28.37 27.85 -.31 +8.7sJH MultTch N JHMT .09p 34.63 25.31 1 34.11 11 34.63 33.66 -.26 +10.9 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 11 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
JH MultEn N JHME 31.57 24.40 0 27.79 4 28.58 27.71 -.57 -8.5sJH MultDev N JHMD 26.74 24.73 1 26.76 9 26.77 26.38 +.10 +7.4 JH MultUt N JHMU 27.22 23.92 27.15 3 27.15 26.61 +.85 +7.5 JH MultInd N JHMI 30.75 24.83 0 29.73 3 30.29 29.73 -.57 +4.3 JH HedgEq N HEQ 1.50 9.0 17.00 14.27 19 16.70 143 16.74 16.45 +.10 +6.2 JH TxAdY N HTY 1.28 14.5 11.37 8.47 23 8.81 194 8.95 8.72 +.01 -9.5 JohnJn N JNJ 3.20 2.6 19 129.00 107.69 6120 125.48 38310 128.45 125.13 -2.58 +8.9 JohnContl n N JCI 1.08e 2.6 28 46.17 32.81 5810 41.22 26399 42.57 40.79 -.50 +.1 JohnsnOut Q JOUT .36 1.0 27 45.35 20.55 25 36.00 158 36.47 34.34 -.33 -9.3 JointCorp Q JYNT 4.74 1.85 90 3.37 230 4.05 3.31 -.72 +27.2 JonesEngy N JONE 4.91 2.30 1049 2.30 5929 2.80 2.30 -.40 -50.0 JonesLL N JLL .62f .6 13 125.31 86.62 398 109.07 1298 111.40 106.17 -1.58 +7.9sJounceTh n Q JNCE 26.31 16.33 95 25.58 360 26.75 21.11 +3.68 +48.3 JoyGlbl N JOY .04 .1 28.55 14.04 400 28.19 4619 28.22 28.15 -.01 +.7tJumei Intl N JMEI 20 6.69 3.55 201 3.73 1922 3.94 3.55 -.16 -25.5 JnprNtwk N JNPR .40 1.4 17 29.21 21.18 2609 27.82 19556 28.40 27.70 -.86 -1.6 JunprPhm Q JNP 6 8.00 4.30 38 4.65 238 4.85 4.55 -.10 -17.0 JunoThera Q JUNO 49.72 17.52 1230 20.20 7363 23.50 19.75 -2.75 +7.2 Jupai n N JP .08p 9 10.18 7.49 41 9.06 166 9.53 8.60 +.65 +4.0 JustEngy g N JE .41 41 6.77 4.86 135 6.14 550 6.21 5.92 +.18 +12.5 JustEn pfA N JEpA 25.05 24.05 14 24.69 71 24.75 24.48 +.04 -1.0K -:K12 N LRN 58 20.67 9.16 121 18.65 682 19.05 18.03 -.23 +8.7 K2M Grp Q KTWO 23.10 10.10 453 19.30 1916 19.62 18.55 -.07 -3.7 KAR Auct N KAR 1.28 2.9 22 47.03 35.68 704 43.47 4594 45.37 43.38 -1.85 +2.0sKB FnclGp N KB 46.04 26.45 142 45.36 776 46.04 43.94 -.29 +28.5sKB Home N KBH .10 .5 17 19.82 12.38 4908 19.61 19003 19.90 18.73 +.14 +24.0 KBR Inc N KBR .32 2.3 17.95 12.08 1172 13.75 8282 14.19 13.64 -.43 -17.6 KBS Fash rs Q KBSF 18.00 2.16 12 5.05 142 5.51 4.52 +.06 +20.2 KCAP Fin Q KCAP .48 12.1 4.89 3.15 86 3.96 581 4.02 3.92 -.5 KCAPFn 19 N KAP 1.84 7.2 25.96 24.53 0 25.46 3 25.46 25.30 +.04 -.2sKCG Hldg N KCG 6 18.71 11.44 474 17.94 3799 18.71 17.81 -.40 +35.4 KEYW Hld Q KEYW 13.57 6.17 226 9.74 1747 10.29 9.59 -.50 -17.4 KKR N KKR 1.31e 7.2 10 18.50 11.63 2061 18.17 14598 18.33 17.73 +.01 +18.1 KKR pfA N KKR.PRA 27.63 24.85 24 26.15 97 26.29 26.08 -.09 +3.4 KKR Fn 42 N KFI 1.78 7.0 27.95 24.93 52 25.51 117 25.86 25.48 -.19 +.6 KKRFn pfS N KFNp 1.84 7.0 27.72 25.35 9 26.44 89 26.54 26.10 +.26 +1.8 KKR Inco N KIO 1.50a 8.9 17.24 13.98 44 16.86 273 16.95 16.73 +5.2sKLA Tnc Q KLAC 2.16 2.3 17 96.34 66.88 501 95.72 4466 96.91 93.24 +1.03 +21.7 KLREn A n Q KLRE 10.65 9.90 1 10.32 8 10.38 10.25 -.06 -.6 KLR En wt Q KLREW 1.75 .15 39 1.11 57 1.23 1.10 -.11 -20.7 KLX Q KLXI 33 52.40 28.65 225 43.75 1758 47.93 43.22 -2.70 -3.0 KMG Chm N KMG .12 .3 24 44.77 20.85 92 43.50 418 44.00 39.63 +.28 +11.9sKT Corp N KT 17.24 13.15 1138 17.02 4890 17.24 16.74 +.23 +20.8 KVHInd Q KVHI 12.75 7.31 69 8.10 311 8.35 7.95 -.25 -31.4 Kadant N KAI .84f 1.4 19 64.75 43.75 27 57.95 239 61.45 56.15 -3.15 -5.3 Kadmon n N KDMN 10.48 3.10 470 3.40 1733 4.28 3.36 -.17 -36.4 KaiserAlu Q KALU 2.00f 2.5 17 96.06 69.41 156 79.83 926 82.09 77.46 +1.34 +2.8 Kalvista rs Q KALV 20.02 6.09 12 7.53 111 8.60 7.23 -.97 +6.5 Kamada Q KMDA 7.25 3.47 3 6.90 51 7.08 6.55 -.20 +26.6 Kaman N KAMN .80f 1.7 19 53.41 40.43 126 47.48 587 48.85 47.23 -1.26 -3.0 KandiTech Q KNDI 8.25 3.40 248 3.85 1259 3.85 3.55 -21.4 KC Southn N KSU 1.32 1.6 19 100.69 79.05 752 82.64 6679 84.45 81.54 -1.49 -2.6 KapStoneP N KS .40 1.7 21 24.98 12.14 1173 22.90 5832 24.36 22.65 -.84 +3.9 Karyophm Q KPTI 14.63 6.27 312 10.48 1154 10.75 9.93 +.11 +11.5 KateSpade N KATE 21 26.46 14.02 2131 23.19 16123 23.97 22.50 -.68 +24.2 KaynAEnD N KED 1.92 10.0 20.47 14.80 45 19.26 176 19.40 18.53 +.10 -.9 KA EngTR N KYE 1.32m 10.8 13.05 7.33 74 12.17 388 12.24 11.86 -.04 +3.0 KA MLP N KYN 2.20 11.1 22.15 14.70 509 19.90 2027 20.20 19.55 -.13 +1.6 KAMLP pfF N KYNpF .88 3.4 26.01 25.06 0 25.44 9 25.45 25.35 +.25 +.5 KAMidsEn N KMF 1.80m 11.4 17.04 9.63 58 15.77 389 15.84 15.30 -.10 -.8 KeanGrp n N FRAC 22.93 14.49 1696 15.21 6529 16.56 15.04 -1.06 -29.7 KearnyF s Q KRNY .12f .8 71 16.10 11.95 229 14.95 1672 15.50 14.55 -.60 -3.9 Kellogg N K 2.08 2.8 18 87.16 70.74 2909 73.00 17402 75.19 72.28 -2.11 -1.0 KellySA Q KELYA .30 1.4 7 23.61 17.17 94 21.11 495 22.34 21.08 -1.14 -7.9 KelsoTch g N KIQ .03f 3.5 1.44 .70 10 .85 34 .87 .80 +.01 -11.6sKemet N KEM 34 12.65 1.76 568 11.72 5505 12.65 11.00 +.37 +76.8 Kemper N KMPR .96 2.5 45.95 28.42 141 39.00 742 41.25 38.70 -2.10 -12.0 Kemper 54 N KMPA 1.84 7.0 28.60 25.20 4 26.42 38 26.87 26.40 -.34 +1.0 KemPhm n Q KMPH 19.75 2.90 14 4.20 73 4.25 4.00 +.05 +42.4 Kennamtl N KMT .80 2.2 31 39.94 20.40 643 37.08 3314 39.12 36.75 -1.73 +18.6 KennWils N KW .68f 3.2 21 23.77 17.29 214 21.20 1491 22.00 20.70 -.55 +3.4 KenonHld n N KEN 13.26 7.10 1 12.30 7 12.50 12.09 -.23 +5.6 KY FstFd Q KFFB .40 4.1 69 10.15 8.00 9.65 6 9.90 9.55 -.34 +7.4 KeryxBio Q KERX 7.80 4.03 1021 5.65 11298 6.44 5.37 -.18 -3.6 KewnSc Q KEQU .60 2.6 14 27.60 16.20 1 23.20 15 24.53 22.83 -.05 -5.1tKeyEngy N KEG 38.00 21.76 58 21.54 563 25.28 21.41 -3.91 -32.6 KeyTech Q KTEC 88 13.95 6.82 1 13.16 16 13.89 13.02 -.07 +13.8 KeyTrn Q KTCC 11 8.97 6.85 4 7.21 48 7.30 7.10 -.05 -7.8 Keycorp N KEY .34 2.0 17 19.53 10.21 8978 17.24 75599 18.39 16.55 -1.11 -5.6 Keycorp pfI N KEYpI 28.27 25.60 39 27.10 251 27.25 26.93 -.10 +3.6 Keysight N KEYS 15 39.36 25.49 1010 36.81 13145 39.11 35.50 -2.21 +.7 Kforce Q KFRC .48 2.0 19 26.95 15.78 109 23.60 558 25.10 23.05 -1.40 +2.2 KilroyR N KRC 1.50 2.1 16 78.33 58.30 267 72.62 2035 74.18 72.11 -.79 -.8 Kilroy pfH N KRCpH 1.59 6.2 26.29 24.55 25.48 7 25.50 25.25 +.08 +1.8 KimballEl Q KE 16 19.00 9.98 50 16.05 594 16.20 15.05 +.05 -11.8 KimballInt Q KBAL .24 1.5 21 18.00 10.69 94 16.42 545 16.69 15.66 -6.5 KimbRoy n N KRP 20.89 18.06 56 19.58 219 19.74 18.12 -.32 -5.1 KimbClk N KMB 3.88f 2.9 22 138.87 111.30 1487 132.45 9317 134.34 132.15 -.81 +16.1 Kimco N KIM 1.02 4.5 19 32.24 21.46 3090 22.58 16800 22.82 21.86 -.21 -10.3 Kimco pfI N KIMpI 1.50 5.9 26.71 24.01 12 25.43 106 25.54 25.34 -.03 +4.4 Kimco pfJ N KIMpJ 1.38 5.4 26.69 22.61 16 25.23 127 25.23 24.65 +.56 +7.9 Kimco pfK N KIMpK 1.41 5.5 26.85 22.56 15 25.57 67 25.70 25.18 +.38 +9.2 KindMorg N KMI .50 2.4 68 23.36 16.63 10016 21.15 59347 21.44 20.71 -.13 +2.1 KindrM wt N KMI/WS .06 .00 728 .00 6251 .00 .00 -50.0 KindM pfA N KMIpA 51.40 43.21 33 48.50 255 49.18 47.90 -.26 -.3sKindredBio Q KIN 7.45 3.12 272 7.20 613 7.45 6.66 +.40 +69.4 KindredHlt N KND .48 5.7 10 15.66 5.65 1417 8.45 7062 8.45 7.70 +.20 +7.6 KingldJw Q KGJI 1 2.84 1.00 137 1.18 761 1.25 1.11 +.03 -8.5 Kingstone Q KINS .25 1.7 15 15.55 8.01 29 15.15 289 15.50 14.85 +.15 +10.2 Kingsway N KFS 6.50 4.27 19 5.80 115 6.05 5.75 -7.2 KingtoneW Q KONE 13.85 1.15 4 3.30 39 3.53 3.14 +.01 -22.0 Kinross g N KGC 68 5.82 2.88 7130 3.39 45949 3.55 3.37 -.01 +9.0 KinsaleCp n Q KNSL .24f .7 35.08 18.00 45 32.60 226 33.33 31.27 -.01 -4.1 KirbyCp N KEX 22 73.40 50.80 251 67.55 1649 70.15 66.80 -2.55 +1.6 Kirklands Q KIRK 1.50e 17 17.72 10.10 207 11.87 767 12.25 11.25 -.33 -23.5 KitePharm Q KITE 88.58 39.82 1046 76.84 8007 86.60 74.06 -7.14 +71.4 KiteRlty N KRG 1.21 5.7 7 30.45 19.91 702 21.19 3725 21.57 20.46 -.41 -9.8 KitovPh n Q KTOV 6.95 1.51 24 2.04 174 2.17 1.95 -.06 -34.3 KitovPh wt Q KTOVW 3.00 .39 5 .52 115 .56 .42 -.03 -61.2 KlondexM g N KLDX 6.03 2.60 930 4.21 5430 4.84 4.08 -.44 -9.9 KnightTr N KNX .24 .8 24 38.80 23.99 936 31.05 4160 33.40 30.88 -2.40 -6.1 Knoll Inc N KNL .60 2.6 14 28.40 20.01 406 23.38 2676 23.84 22.44 -.21 -16.3 KnotOffsh N KNOP 2.08 9.4 24.68 16.05 16 22.20 262 22.45 21.75 +.30 -5.9 Knowles N KN 24 19.82 12.06 544 18.75 2968 19.32 18.15 -.37 +12.2 Kohls N KSS 2.20f 5.9 13 59.67 33.87 3363 37.41 20531 40.80 36.66 -3.08 -24.2tKonaGrill Q KONA 14.44 5.80 106 5.80 670 6.30 5.75 -.45 -53.8sKongZhg Q KZ 12 7.44 4.70 137 7.42 1075 7.44 7.36 +.06 +6.9sKopinCp lf Q KOPN 4.09 1.57 258 3.99 2260 4.09 3.65 +.04 +40.5 Koppers N KOP 1.00 2.4 18 45.85 21.38 68 41.30 599 42.90 40.65 -.95 +2.5 KoreaElc N KEP 28.37 17.36 555 21.05 5084 21.59 20.11 +1.28 +13.9sKoreaEqt N KEF .30e 1.4 8.89 7.22 38 8.70 171 8.89 8.56 +.12 +17.4sKoreaFd N KF 4.50e 36.16 30.24 17 36.17 118 36.17 35.50 +.79 +13.5 KornFer N KFY .40 1.3 14 32.52 18.57 276 30.84 1715 32.42 30.62 -1.49 +4.8 KornitDig n Q KRNT 86 18.50 8.10 263 18.00 1375 18.45 16.30 +1.10 +42.3 KosmosEn N KOS 7.39 4.39 3293 5.89 12026 6.03 5.53 +.04 -16.0 Koss h Q KOSS 12 3.69 1.93 34 2.12 117 2.30 2.12 -.09 -7.0 KraftHnz n Q KHC 2.40 2.6 41 97.77 75.86 1649 91.68 9457 92.95 91.32 -.30 +5.0sKraChiItnt Q KWEB .12e .3 43.04 31.80 102 42.41 732 43.04 41.37 -.07 +22.1 KranChinA N KBA 9.93e 30.85 26.55 38 28.94 169 28.97 28.58 +.32 +8.2 KraneChCm N KCNY .22e .7 34.19 31.88 0 32.56 3 32.60 32.54 +.02 +1.9 KratonCp N KRA 20 37.50 15.81 279 28.12 1453 29.58 27.91 -1.54 -1.3 KratosDef Q KTOS 9.19 3.75 1292 8.01 9749 8.42 7.84 -.25 +8.2 Kroger s N KR .48 1.6 14 39.22 28.29 8074 29.10 42159 29.88 28.78 -.45 -15.7sKronosWw N KRO .60 3.8 42 16.17 4.70 463 15.67 3731 16.17 14.84 +.23 +31.2 Kulicke Q KLIC 21.23 10.55 363 20.28 2312 21.00 19.83 -.34 +27.1 KuraOnc n Q KURA 10.47 2.50 38 8.60 218 8.85 8.20 -.25 +45.8 Kyocera N KYO 56.74 41.23 3 56.62 27 56.73 55.66 -.12 +13.7L -:tL Brands N LB 2.40f 5.1 12 88.76 47.34 2427 47.47 18118 51.29 47.24 -3.71 -27.9 L-3 Tch N LLL 2.80f 1.7 21 171.24 116.97 492 166.92 3322 170.04 166.38 -2.54 +9.7 LCI Inds N LCII 2.00e 21 117.15 60.53 157 99.95 778 103.33 97.28 -3.00 -7.2 LCNB Corp Q LCNB .64 2.8 19 25.00 15.69 31 22.55 215 22.80 21.25 -.35 -3.0 LG Display N LPL 14.36 9.84 450 13.24 2703 13.26 12.47 +.88 +3.0 LGI Homes Q LGIH 10 40.47 22.51 137 31.91 929 32.42 30.65 -.27 +11.1 LGL Grp N LGL 17 5.83 3.05 26 4.72 113 5.49 4.64 -.27 -6.0 LHC Grp Q LHCG 25 54.11 32.04 87 51.61 445 51.76 49.56 +1.51 +12.9tLKQ Corp Q LKQ 20 36.35 29.37 1821 29.39 9576 30.40 29.26 -.92 -4.1 LMI Aer Q LMIA 13.94 7.01 20 13.76 193 13.84 13.70 -.06 +59.6 LMP CapIn N SCD 1.24f 9.0 14.55 11.83 50 13.81 329 14.27 13.65 -.06 +3.9 LPL Fincl Q LPLA 1.00 2.5 18 42.86 20.51 565 39.40 3901 41.30 38.93 -.91 +11.9 LRAD h Q LRAD .04 2.7 2.18 1.43 14 1.47 114 1.59 1.46 -.10 -14.0 LSB Inds N LXU 15.50 4.52 312 8.55 2541 9.22 8.14 -.28 +1.5 LSC Com N LKSD .25p 37.40 17.00 761 23.95 8715 24.73 20.44 +.37 -19.3 LSI Ind lf Q LYTS .20 2.1 39 13.45 8.12 32 9.71 196 9.94 9.47 -.01 -.3 LTC Prp N LTC 2.28f 4.9 15 54.20 43.17 175 46.91 1062 47.29 45.72 +.59 -.1sLaJollaPh Q LJPC 39.28 14.24 548 34.92 6759 39.28 33.01 -.96 +99.2 LaQuinta N LQ 27 15.05 9.73 1309 13.49 6496 13.82 13.03 -.27 -5.1 LaZBoy N LZB .44 1.6 17 32.90 22.09 260 27.70 1577 28.10 26.85 -.30 -10.8 LabCp N LH 18 145.00 112.88 858 142.00 3981 144.41 141.06 -1.75 +10.6 LadderCap N LADR 1.20 8.4 10 15.53 11.29 548 14.32 2019 14.62 14.23 -.25 +4.4 LadThalFn N LTS 2.87 1.63 237 2.38 1283 2.50 2.17 +.03 -2.5 LadTh pfA N LTSpA 2.00 8.0 25.20 22.45 12 25.01 61 25.09 24.76 -.06 +4.4 LakeShBc h Q LSBK .32f 2.0 27 16.59 12.97 15.85 4 15.85 15.80 +.10 -2.6 LakeldB Q LBAI .38 2.0 20 20.88 9.92 126 18.80 870 20.00 18.30 -1.20 -3.6 Lakelnd s Q LKFN .76 1.8 21 48.88 28.94 83 41.96 381 45.01 40.88 -3.14 -11.4 LakeInd Q LAKE 50 12.75 8.00 8 10.00 27 10.55 9.90 -.10 -3.8sLamResrch Q LRCX 1.80 1.4 20 127.66 72.00 1975 127.47 7627 129.35 123.96 +.99 +20.6 LamarAdv Q LAMR 3.32f 4.4 25 79.09 58.68 506 75.59 3279 77.97 75.23 -2.11 +12.4sLambWst n N LW .75 1.8 43.48 28.75 1288 42.67 7149 43.48 42.09 +.42 +12.7 LancastrC Q LANC 2.20 1.7 27 149.30 103.13 40 129.24 265 133.15 128.69 -3.95 -8.6 Landauer N LDR 1.10 2.3 31 55.80 31.07 23 47.05 147 52.00 45.75 -4.30 -2.2 Landcad n Q LCA 10.56 9.65 9.95 35 10.00 9.95 -.05 +1.7 Landcad un Q LCAHU 12.28 9.95 0 10.68 523 10.75 10.65 -.02 +2.8 Landec Q LNDC 33 15.50 9.68 60 11.55 324 12.65 11.35 -1.05 -16.3 LandBncp Q LARK .80 2.7 11 32.40 23.60 1 30.05 9 30.23 29.34 +7.2 LandmInfr Q LMRK 1.40f 9.3 43 18.44 12.55 60 15.05 315 15.25 14.75 -.10 -1.3 LandIn pfA Q LMRKP 2.00 7.9 26.41 24.01 2 25.45 4 25.49 25.20 -.05 +2.4 LndInf un B Q LMRKO 1.98 7.9 25.89 22.53 12 25.20 21 25.20 24.71 +.05 +3.7 LandsEnd Q LE 27.60 14.03 64 19.40 471 20.55 18.05 -.55 +28.1 Landstar Q LSTR .36 .4 26 90.80 62.38 253 83.60 1152 87.30 82.80 -1.70 -2.0 Lannett N LCI 6 39.99 16.75 345 21.45 3207 22.00 19.90 +.40 -2.7 Lantheus n Q LNTH 15 14.25 1.82 238 11.90 1777 12.55 11.05 -.55 +38.4 Lantronix Q LTRX 3.18 .83 265 2.95 780 3.06 2.75 +.04 +73.5 LaredoPet N LPI 27 16.47 7.23 1751 13.04 14237 13.72 12.69 -.42 -7.8 LVSands N LVS 2.92f 5.2 26 63.38 41.45 1977 55.62 17592 57.92 55.23 -.82 +4.1 LaSalleH N LHO 1.80 6.3 12 31.87 21.56 988 28.41 5682 29.77 28.16 -1.23 -6.8 LaSalH pfH N LHOpH 1.88 7.3 26.11 24.70 0 25.64 13 25.70 25.55 -.00 +2.4 LaSalH pfI N LHOpI 1.59 6.4 26.93 23.75 23 24.87 66 25.08 24.85 -.13 +3.2 LaSalHt pfJ N LHOpJ 1.58 6.3 27.24 23.21 2 24.86 60 24.97 24.68 +.16 +6.8sLatam Air N LFL 12.50 5.81 476 12.70 2487 12.72 11.59 +.93 +55.3 LatAmDisc N LDF .03e .3 10.94 8.32 11 10.31 46 10.39 10.18 +.04 +11.0sLattDvMkt N RODM .62e 2.4 25.58 22.09 29 25.49 79 25.58 25.11 -.01 +6.7sLattEmMkt N ROAM .43e 1.9 23.14 19.49 0 22.89 34 23.14 22.72 +.09 +11.2 LattUSEqt N ROUS .39e 27.57 22.51 2 26.51 14 27.33 26.50 -.73 +2.4sLattGblSC N ROGS .57e 2.1 27.81 23.11 1 27.58 24 27.81 27.26 -.19 +6.4 Lattice Q LSCC 7.99 4.89 1311 7.04 3606 7.55 6.95 -.01 -4.3sLaureatE n Q LAUR 13.99 12.19 472 13.34 3038 13.99 13.23 -.09 +2.6 Lawsn Q LAWS 28.10 15.28 40 22.65 108 25.60 21.63 -2.90 -4.8 Layne Q LAYN 11.42 6.40 119 8.68 659 9.25 7.53 -.48 -20.1sLazGlobTR N LGI .95 6.4 15.08 12.09 22 14.90 108 15.08 14.87 -.03 +8.4 Lazard N LAZ 1.52 3.4 6 47.09 26.21 835 45.01 4713 45.91 43.51 -.24 +9.5sLazWldDiv N LOR .69 6.6 10.84 8.54 15 10.49 162 10.84 10.41 +.06 +5.9 LeMaitreV Q LMAT .22f .9 44 27.04 13.06 66 23.95 432 24.83 22.95 -.19 -5.5 LeadgBr g Q LBIX 3.34 1.31 6 1.84 93 1.90 1.63 +.16 +20.5 LeafGrp N LFGR 8.35 4.95 66 7.95 194 8.20 7.10 +.45 +21.4 LeapTh n Q LPTX 10.10 6.01 50 8.26 120 8.90 7.29 +.56 +5.1 LearCorp N LEA 2.00f 1.5 12 149.00 97.35 542 137.90 3464 146.31 136.06 -7.11 +4.2 Lee Ent N LEE 8 3.92 1.69 134 2.60 551 2.87 2.50 -.20 -10.3 LegacyRes Q LGCY .60m 30.9 3.89 .78 210 1.94 1339 2.11 1.76 -.12 -8.5 LegcyR pf Q LGCYP 2.00 24.4 12.44 2.11 10 8.20 53 9.06 7.76 -1.01 +4.1 LegcyR pfB Q LGCYO 2.00 23.7 12.14 2.01 11 8.45 140 8.80 7.65 -.43 +6.4 LegacyTxF Q LTXB .60 1.5 19 44.94 17.83 167 38.92 1096 42.25 37.73 -3.44 -9.6 LeggMason N LM 1.28f 3.7 36 38.99 27.54 408 34.71 4362 35.92 34.14 -1.07 +16.0 LegMas56 n N LMHA 27.87 23.51 11 26.41 109 26.48 25.93 +.39 +5.2 LegM 5,4 56 N LMHB 25.38 20.81 168 23.15 595 23.17 23.00 +.11 +7.1 LMGblInco N BWG 1.32a 10.3 14.11 11.36 76 12.87 703 13.00 12.48 +.51 +8.8 LM DevDvr Q DDBI 26.46 23.17 1 25.88 7 25.89 25.62 -.10 +6.9 LM EMDvr Q EDBI 29.49 25.12 4 28.97 6 29.06 28.87 +.20 +12.0 LM LoVHiD Q LVHD 30.25 26.41 32 29.85 152 30.16 29.79 -.31 +4.5sLM IntLoV N LVHI 27.46 23.96 3 27.33 92 27.46 27.14 -.05 +5.2sLM EM LoV N LVHE 27.85 25.18 27.26 6 27.85 26.79 -.40 +5.9 LeggPlat N LEG 1.36 2.7 20 54.63 44.02 634 50.09 4905 50.89 49.44 -.49 +2.5 LehTOY21 N XKE .78 9.7 9.16 5.34 7.98 13 8.05 7.76 -.01 -5.0 LeidosHld N LDOS 1.28a 2.4 15 54.97 33.23 657 52.62 3117 54.09 52.41 -1.33 +2.9tLejuHldgs N LEJU .20e 17 5.69 2.97 661 3.49 1547 3.75 2.97 -.07 -27.3 LendgTree Q TREE 41 130.20 64.07 98 118.85 555 124.53 115.50 -5.15 +17.3 LendingClb N LC 8.41 3.44 2762 5.20 24002 5.47 5.07 -.16 -1.0 LennarA N LEN .16 .3 13 53.79 39.68 1843 51.04 14760 52.82 50.24 -1.79 +18.9 LennarB N LEN/B .16 .4 42.66 32.09 10 40.37 96 42.05 39.79 -1.63 +17.0sLennox N LII 1.72 1.0 25 172.96 130.34 183 169.64 1053 172.96 167.95 -2.39 +10.8 LeucNatl N LUK .25 1.0 27.34 15.32 1755 25.72 10039 26.48 25.56 -.62 +10.6 Level3 N LVLT 31 60.13 44.01 1994 56.12 11319 57.66 55.84 -1.35 -.4 LexiPhm rs Q LXRX 19.62 11.25 879 14.20 3865 15.12 13.85 -.72 +2.7 LexRltyTr N LXP .70 6.9 13 11.42 8.19 916 10.20 6034 10.39 10.10 -.07 -5.6 LexRT pfC N LXPpC 3.25 6.5 53.85 47.75 50.25 5 50.26 50.15 +.04 +.7 LianlouSm Q LLIT 2.88 .79 1 1.57 16 1.57 1.49 +.04 +4.7 Libbey N LBY .47f 3.3 11 20.76 13.05 103 14.09 626 14.21 13.24 -.09 -27.6 LbtyASE N USA .52e 9.6 5.54 4.76 340 5.42 2101 5.51 5.38 -.08 +5.0 LbtyASG N ASG .38e 8.6 4.63 3.88 116 4.44 408 4.58 4.42 -.13 +6.2 LibBrdbdA Q LBRDA 14 87.47 54.53 115 84.60 864 85.18 82.84 +.15 +16.8 LibBrdbdC Q LBRDK 14 88.12 54.45 306 85.60 1403 86.20 83.96 -.13 +15.6sLibExpA n Q LEXEA 47.20 35.96 199 46.00 1179 47.20 45.39 -1.05 +16.0 LibtyGlobA Q LBTYA 37.69 26.16 2729 35.13 12657 37.64 34.74 -2.23 +14.8 LibtyGlobC Q LBTYK 38.74 25.86 3329 34.44 16864 36.79 33.97 -2.19 +16.0 LibGLiLA n Q LILA 42.63 19.10 437 21.44 1720 22.74 21.21 -1.25 -2.4 LibGLiC n Q LILAK 44.95 19.33 763 22.25 3889 23.28 22.12 -1.00 +5.1 LibQVC A Q QVCA 34 27.25 17.24 1678 19.44 10802 20.29 18.91 -.56 -2.7 LibQVC B Q QVCB 18 26.98 17.62 19.34 3 20.38 19.30 +.04 -4.5 LibVentA Q LVNTA 12 45.17 34.26 265 43.42 1682 44.68 42.30 -1.03 +17.8 LibMSirA n Q LSXMA 40.18 28.00 154 38.33 1575 39.94 37.83 -1.24 +11.0 LibMSirC n Q LSXMK 39.80 28.04 261 38.18 2371 39.73 37.72 -1.20 +12.6 LibMBrA n Q BATRA 36.00 14.23 18 22.46 259 23.36 22.15 -.42 +9.6 LibMCFor Q FWONK 35.20 17.47 339 33.71 2608 34.46 32.79 -.59 +7.6 LibMAFor Q FWONA 33.63 17.72 173 32.05 1077 32.64 31.08 -.55 +2.2 LibMBrC n Q BATRK 27.00 13.51 37 22.37 335 23.23 21.99 -.33 +8.6 LibtProp N LPT 1.60m 4.1 18 42.26 32.05 702 38.79 4139 39.08 37.97 +.26 -1.8 LibertyTax Q TAX .64 4.5 14 19.99 9.95 26 14.35 175 14.50 14.00 +7.1tLibTripA A Q LTRPA 24.64 12.98 1331 13.90 5052 14.25 12.98 -7.6tLibTripA B Q LTRPB 25.12 13.50 6 13.85 16 13.90 13.50 -.46 -20.9 LifeStorg N LSI 3.80 4.5 19 118.18 77.00 326 84.17 1569 85.30 83.20 -.67 -1.3 LifePtHlth Q LPNT 19 75.70 50.60 423 62.05 1864 62.45 58.90 -.05 +9.2 LifetimeBr Q LCUT .17 .9 19 21.20 12.03 93 19.90 476 20.00 19.40 +.40 +12.1 Lifevant rs Q LFVN 29 15.97 4.61 45 4.87 234 5.19 4.72 -.24 -40.2 LifewayFds Q LWAY 48 18.48 8.68 10 11.08 45 11.50 10.28 -.03 -3.7 LigandPh Q LGND 139.79 87.50 353 104.78 1352 109.82 103.01 -4.72 +3.1 LightPath Q LPTH 18 2.56 1.21 148 2.32 948 2.44 2.22 -.10 +50.6 Lightbrdg rs Q LTBR 3.65 .86 265 1.01 714 1.10 .95 -.07 -11.4 LightInBox N LITB 3.59 2.30 18 2.75 192 3.02 2.70 +.01 -7.4tLilisEn n Q LLEX 5.22 3.82 24 4.01 220 4.50 3.82 -.49 -9.7 Limbach n Q LMB 16.05 12.65 4 13.87 67 14.08 13.50 +.37 -1.6 LimelghtN Q LLNW 2.90 1.17 224 2.45 1146 2.62 2.35 -.14 -2.8 Limoneira Q LMNR .22f 1.1 31 21.78 13.90 39 19.25 170 19.86 18.70 -.23 -10.5sLincEdSv Q LINC .08 2.7 2.90 1.30 228 2.92 1191 3.11 2.50 +.31 +52.1 LincElec Q LECO 1.40f 1.6 29 88.73 56.02 336 85.56 1780 88.72 84.80 -2.91 +11.6 LincNat N LNC 1.16 1.8 10 73.31 35.27 2113 63.81 12545 67.92 61.80 -4.15 -3.7 LincNtl wt N LNC/WS 69.23 27.00 58.67 3 62.17 57.47 -5.45 -3.8 LindbladEx Q LIND 89 10.70 7.75 43 8.94 409 9.00 8.38 -.06 -5.4 Lindblad wt Q LINDW 2.61 1.50 1.94 8 1.99 1.90 -.14 -11.8 Lindsay N LNN 1.16 1.4 60 89.98 65.78 84 80.84 338 82.74 79.03 -2.01 +8.4 LineCp n N LN 51.48 30.90 272 36.87 1507 37.60 35.70 +1.10 +8.4 LionBiotch Q LBIO 9.58 4.24 123 7.45 1011 8.00 7.05 -.50 +7.2tLionsGat A N LGF/A 29.03 24.27 1200 26.08 4076 26.21 24.27 +.88 -3.0tLionsGat B N LGF/B 27.14 22.72 816 23.93 2784 24.23 22.72 +.25 -2.5 Lipocine Q LPCN 12.66 2.51 129 4.01 1040 4.86 3.91 -.49 +9.0tLiqTech N LIQT .99 .35 188 .42 445 .50 .35 -.07 -33.9 Liquidity Q LQDT 11.49 4.94 70 7.65 337 8.15 7.50 -.35 -21.5 LithiaMot N LAD 1.00 1.2 12 105.32 68.70 223 85.36 1387 92.10 84.55 -6.95 -11.8 Littelfuse Q LFUS 1.32 .8 31 167.21 106.26 100 158.07 466 162.71 155.60 -3.53 +4.2 LivaNova n Q LIVN 51 63.21 40.84 242 50.42 1363 50.51 48.16 +.87 +12.1 LiveNatn N LYV 30.79 21.00 1237 29.56 5610 29.68 28.59 +.31 +11.1 LiveOakB n Q LOB .07e .3 24.59 12.68 67 20.80 465 22.15 20.45 -1.25 +12.4 LiveVent rs Q LIVE 4 32.98 8.28 13 14.60 53 14.99 14.06 -.37 -39.2 LivePrsn Q LPSN 8.85 5.40 316 6.75 1419 7.05 6.48 -.35 -10.6 LloydBkg N LYG .47a 13.7 4.42 2.47 3903 3.46 55805 3.54 3.41 -.03 +11.6sLockhdM N LMT 7.28 2.7 20 274.57 218.34 822 267.42 5331 274.57 266.73 -4.56 +7.0 Loews N L .25 .5 20 48.05 37.25 760 46.04 3703 47.21 45.79 -1.17 -1.7sLogitech Q LOGI .57e 1.8 66 31.92 14.36 205 31.69 1429 31.92 30.82 +.22 +27.9 LogMeIn Q LOGM .50p 110.10 47.36 590 96.15 3369 98.53 92.73 -1.80 -.4 Lombard Q EVAR 1.94 .50 16 .67 283 .75 .66 -.07 +11.7 LoneRs n Q LONE 16.00 4.48 235 5.16 309 5.86 4.80 -.73 -39.6tLI IcedT n Q LTEA 5.91 3.70 54 3.94 117 3.98 3.70 +.13 -5.5 LoralSpac Q LORL 32 42.20 32.04 37 39.35 229 40.62 38.76 +.15 -4.1 LaPac N LPX 25 24.94 15.65 794 23.67 6163 24.82 23.52 -1.03 +25.0 Lowes N LOW 1.40 1.7 20 84.00 64.87 3378 82.21 22529 83.53 81.71 -1.32 +15.6 LoxoOncol Q LOXO 47.46 17.14 163 45.60 1096 46.56 42.79 +1.08 +42.0tLubys N LUB 5.10 3.16 34 3.17 176 3.35 3.15 -.15 -25.9 lululemn gs Q LULU 31 81.81 54.00 1417 63.69 9797 64.32 61.68 -.35 -2.0 LumberLiq N LL 20.10 11.07 397 18.60 2839 19.27 18.39 -.69 +18.2sLumentm n Q LITE 69 53.70 20.80 2012 53.50 9289 54.05 47.90 +4.05 +38.4 Luminex Q LMNX .06p 21 23.75 17.64 123 18.16 874 18.48 17.81 -.22 -10.2 LumosNtw Q LMOS .56 3.2 17.75 10.67 474 17.66 1104 17.74 17.64 -.07 +13.0 LunaInn h Q LUNA 2.33 .96 14 1.70 358 1.89 1.61 -.18 +15.6 LuxferHld N LXFR .50 4.1 13.60 9.28 14 12.10 149 12.20 11.83 -.01 +11.1 Luxoft N LXFT 29 66.18 46.58 263 60.40 629 60.75 57.05 +2.10 +7.5 Luxottica N LUX .78e 1.4 57.17 44.85 67 55.50 259 55.75 54.30 +.69 +3.4 Lydall N LDL 19 64.85 31.95 148 50.45 747 54.20 50.15 -3.70 -18.4 LyonBas A N LYB 3.40 3.9 10 97.64 69.82 1645 87.56 10485 90.88 87.04 -2.52 +2.1M -:M III Aq un Q MIII 10.09 9.43 9.78 157 9.84 9.75 -.04 +.3 M III Aq wt Q MIIIW .35 .18 .29 180 .34 .27 -.04 +20.8 M III Ac un Q MIIIU 10.13 9.63 10.06 57 10.10 10.00 +.01 +1.9 M&T Bk N MTB 3.00f 1.9 19 173.72 107.01 750 154.97 4933 162.99 151.68 -7.12 -.9 M&T Bk wt N MTB/WS 99.00 35.27 0 80.58 3 85.69 77.98 -10.42 -2.9 M&TBk pfA N MTBp 63.75 6.2 1095.55 1015.00 0 1035.00 40 1035.00 1030.00 -40.00 -5.5 M&TBk pfC N MTBpC 63.75 6.2 1215.01 1000.00 1030.00 17 1040.00 1025.00 -5.00 -2.6 MACOM Q MTSI 53.80 29.56 182 44.97 1465 47.66 43.18 -2.01 -2.8 MAG Slv g N MAG 18.12 8.94 250 13.93 1578 14.91 13.63 -.04 +26.3 MAM Soft Q MAMS 22 7.77 5.10 1 6.30 18 6.39 6.02 +.10 -2.5 MB Fncl Q MBFI .76 1.8 18 48.47 30.53 304 41.57 1753 44.36 40.77 -2.87 -12.0 MB Finl pf Q MBFIP 2.00 7.6 27.97 26.35 38 26.41 59 26.44 26.36 -.04 -1.9 MBIA N MBI 11.65 6.34 1858 8.12 16530 8.89 7.81 -.79 -24.1 MBT Fnl Q MBTF .20f 1.8 17 12.25 6.96 12 10.85 398 11.15 10.50 -.05 -4.4 MCBC n Q MCFT 4.30e 14 16.23 8.71 82 15.66 527 16.23 15.16 -.30 +7.4 MDC N MDC 1.00 3.4 14 31.24 20.51 390 29.63 2350 30.50 28.93 -.58 +15.5 MDC Pr gs Q MDCA .84 8.9 23.90 2.75 653 9.40 2612 9.65 8.70 +.50 +43.5 MDU Res N MDU .77 2.8 23 29.92 18.71 468 27.17 3990 27.49 26.62 -.09 -5.6 MEI Phrm Q MEIP 2.28 1.17 166 1.54 808 1.65 1.51 -.09 +6.9tMER Tele Q MTSL 1.45 .60 21 .56 33 .69 .56 -.13 -38.4sMFA Fncl N MFA .80 9.9 11 8.18 6.57 2180 8.07 9102 8.18 8.02 -.02 +5.8 MFA Fn42 N MFO 2.00 7.8 27.87 24.80 2 25.50 18 25.65 25.50 -.09 -.8 MFA pfB N MFApB 1.88 7.4 26.09 23.36 17 25.25 76 25.28 24.90 +.29 +4.2 MFC Bcp N MFCB 2.43 1.56 20 1.74 149 1.94 1.70 -.20 -10.8 MFS CAMu N CCA .60 5.2 14.99 11.05 2 11.50 37 11.55 11.30 +.19 +2.1 MCR N MCR .72a 8.5 8.75 8.00 33 8.50 510 8.51 8.42 +.03 -.2 MGF N MGF .41 8.3 5.51 4.84 62 4.94 251 4.95 4.89 +.05 -2.0 MFS HInM N CXE .30 6.0 5.59 4.70 60 5.00 384 5.02 4.95 +.02 +2.0 MFS HYMu N CMU .28 6.1 5.19 4.27 47 4.52 413 4.57 4.50 -.03 +2.3 MFS IHI N CIF .25 9.6 2.68 2.30 40 2.59 502 2.59 2.55 +.03 +.4 MIN N MIN .42 9.8 4.69 4.21 216 4.29 1432 4.31 4.24 +.04 -3.4 MFS InvG N CXH .50 5.2 10.77 9.09 3 9.62 54 9.62 9.54 +.08 +2.7 MMT N MMT .52 8.6 6.29 5.62 89 6.07 928 6.07 5.99 +.06 +.2 MFM N MFM .38 5.6 7.63 6.51 84 6.86 493 6.92 6.80 +.03 +3.5 MFV N MFV .58 9.9 5.99 5.22 13 5.81 74 5.85 5.75 +4.3 MGC Diag Q MGCD .70e 10.60 5.20 0 8.77 18 9.09 8.36 -.33 +11.2 MGE Engy Q MGEE 1.23 2.0 30 66.85 47.90 47 62.90 305 63.80 61.75 +.30 -3.7 MGIC Inv N MTG 10 11.35 5.36 2513 9.95 23045 10.58 9.81 -.68 -2.4 MGMGrPr n N MGP .65 27.89 21.75 284 26.28 1858 26.43 25.51 -.03 +3.8 MGM Rsts N MGM .39p 23 30.62 20.14 11034 25.71 62443 27.45 25.47 -1.87 -10.8 MGP Ing Q MGPI .16f .3 30 56.17 22.11 131 53.95 708 55.00 52.53 -.59 +7.9 MI Acq wt Q MACQW .48 .17 .35 8 .35 .32 +.03 +41.1 MI Homes N MHO 12 26.70 17.00 164 23.65 849 25.04 23.39 -1.39 -6.1 MI Hm pfA N MHOpA 26.05 24.03 2 25.62 15 25.70 25.47 +.04 +.3sMKS Inst Q MKSI .70f 1.0 22 70.40 35.02 342 67.75 1751 70.40 65.85 -1.95 +14.1sMMA Cap Q MMAC 3 23.50 15.20 3 23.20 100 23.50 21.85 +1.20 +22.1 MOCON Q MOCO .48f 2.2 25 22.75 13.02 4 21.85 54 22.65 21.63 -.90 +12.1 MPLX LP N MPLX 2.06f 5.8 39.43 25.98 620 35.41 6332 35.81 34.85 -.34 +2.3 MRC Glbl N MRC 22.52 11.50 1396 17.86 6290 18.20 17.04 -.20 -11.8 MRV Com Q MRVC 13.09 7.05 4 10.40 32 10.95 10.15 -.40 +27.6 MSA Safety N MSA 1.28 1.9 26 74.64 44.16 73 68.75 580 71.21 68.00 -2.45 -.8 MSB Fin Q MSBF 17.00 12.53 2 15.85 17 16.90 15.05 -.90 +7.8 MSC Ind N MSM 1.80f 1.8 26 105.70 67.74 307 100.42 2225 103.11 100.02 -1.62 +8.7 MSCI Inc N MSCI 1.12 1.1 34 109.29 70.64 436 97.44 2679 98.46 95.06 +.11 +23.7 MSG Netw N MSGN 10 23.95 14.73 522 22.50 2146 23.05 22.00 -.55 +4.7 MTGE Inv Q MTGE 1.80f 10.8 19 17.77 14.13 500 16.65 2167 16.95 16.55 -.10 +6.1 MTS Q MTSC 1.20 2.2 26 62.27 41.53 83 53.70 316 54.40 51.75 -.60 -5.3 MV OilTr N MVO .42e 7.0 5 7.35 3.90 6 5.99 72 6.26 5.93 -.22 -3.9 MVC Cap N MVC .54a 6.1 9.01 7.12 12 8.88 150 8.95 8.77 +.10 +3.5 MVCCap 23 N MVCB 1.81 7.1 26.00 23.87 25.61 3 25.71 25.51 -.19 +1.7 MYOS Q MYOS 6.98 1.02 388 2.98 1398 3.18 2.75 +.13 +152.5 MYR Grp Q MYRG 18 43.77 21.84 84 38.70 330 40.74 38.25 -1.98 +2.7tMabVxTh n Q MBVX 6.05 2.35 61 2.27 122 2.60 2.25 -.33 -32.8 MacQUtlDv N MFD 1.20 9.7 13.34 10.81 18 12.31 129 12.31 12.08 +.13 +8.0 MacQGInf N MGU 1.48 6.7 23.12 18.33 30 22.24 186 22.31 21.78 +.28 +12.7 Macatawa Q MCBC .16f 1.7 21 10.67 6.07 24 9.69 239 10.10 9.60 -.36 -6.9tMacerich N MAC 2.84 4.4 20 94.51 62.14 952 63.87 7029 64.59 62.14 -.28 -9.8 MackCali N CLI .60 2.2 12 29.70 22.08 489 26.79 2836 27.53 26.59 -.61 -7.2 MackFn Q MFNC .40 3.0 18 14.07 10.00 0 13.21 15 13.41 13.20 -.29 -1.9 Macquarie N MIC 5.24f 6.6 41 85.45 64.06 362 79.63 2778 80.44 78.68 -.17 -2.5 MacroGen Q MGNX 33.30 15.18 128 17.93 1000 19.33 17.62 -1.04 -12.3tMacys N M 1.51 5.4 10 45.41 27.83 4067 28.17 35413 30.59 27.82 -2.37 -21.3tMadCatz g N MCZ .29 .05 .06 1034 .07 .05 -.01 -60.7 MadCvCall N MCN .72 9.1 8.21 7.22 44 7.89 191 7.96 7.86 -.09 +2.5 MadSqGd n N MSG 206.24 156.01 89 196.48 786 200.41 193.96 -2.24 +14.6 MadStSec N MSP 1.04 8.7 12.42 10.99 1 11.93 47 12.08 11.82 -.13 +.3 MadrigP rs Q MDGL 18.24 6.60 5 15.22 33 16.06 15.00 -.52 +2.1 Magal Q MAGS 7.90 4.08 180 7.35 762 7.62 7.00 +.05 +45.0 MagellnHlt Q MGLN 16 84.71 49.50 96 65.65 626 67.80 64.05 -2.20 -12.8 MagellMid N MMP 3.42f 4.5 22 81.77 63.40 522 76.46 3646 78.12 76.26 -1.19 +1.1sMagicSft Q MGIC .19e 2.4 21 8.00 6.35 28 8.05 158 8.10 7.79 +.10 +20.7 MagicJack Q CALL 8.90 5.27 44 8.60 748 8.85 8.25 -.30 +25.5 Magna g s N MGA 1.10f 2.6 9 47.21 32.76 906 42.66 6486 44.34 41.96 -1.38 -1.7sMagnaChip N MX 9.17 4.71 611 9.05 3079 9.35 8.40 +.70 +46.0 MagneGas Q MNGA 1.36 .40 810 .43 1513 .49 .41 -.06 -6.2 MagyarBc Q MGYR 72 14.95 9.60 2 13.01 12 13.05 12.78 +.10 +8.4 MaidenH Q MHLD .56 4.1 43 18.95 11.64 450 13.65 2653 14.70 13.45 -.85 -21.8 Maiden prA N MHpA 2.06 8.0 26.90 25.25 7 25.75 58 25.80 25.63 +.12 -.3 Maiden pfC N MHpC 1.78 6.9 27.08 23.76 23 25.72 83 25.89 25.72 +.03 -.4 MaidenHld n N MHLA .60 2.3 28.60 24.34 21 25.64 105 25.75 25.46 +.09 +1.2 MaidHld42 N MHNB 2.00 7.9 26.83 24.83 4 25.37 18 25.42 25.21 +.05 -.1 MaidHld 43 N MHNC 1.94 7.2 27.80 24.51 11 27.00 65 27.30 26.88 -.11 sMainStCap N MAIN 2.22a 6.0 18 37.77 30.33 167 37.20 1023 37.77 36.85 -.52 +1.2 MainStC 23 N MSCA 1.53 5.9 26.93 25.25 0 26.05 18 26.40 26.00 -.12 +1.3 MainSrce Q MSFG .64 2.0 18 35.64 19.98 67 31.79 318 34.68 31.34 -2.75 -7.6 MainSDTMu N MMD 1.18 6.2 20.99 17.96 59 18.87 359 19.06 18.63 +.23 +3.1 Majesco n N MJCO 6.50 4.50 5 5.00 25 5.10 4.92 -.06 -17.8sMMyTrip Q MMYT 37.35 13.69 352 36.60 2100 37.35 34.05 +.90 +64.9 MalibuBoat Q MBUU 18 22.95 11.38 227 21.58 799 22.20 20.52 +.07 +13.1tMallinckdt N MNK 85.83 41.57 1497 43.09 14055 47.05 41.57 -3.81 -13.5 MalvernBc Q MLVF 27 22.00 15.00 21.50 20 21.90 21.30 -.50 +1.7 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 12 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
MamEngy n Q TUSK 24.54 11.91 135 19.47 581 20.62 18.72 +.18 +28.1 ManTech Q MANT .84 2.4 23 45.52 30.49 274 34.90 1175 36.17 34.58 -1.24 -17.4 MgdDInvG N MZF .74 5.6 15.03 12.75 8 13.16 79 13.19 12.97 +.17 +.3 ManchUtd N MANU .36 2.2 17.83 13.64 17 16.25 120 16.75 16.20 -.40 +14.0 ManhAssc Q MANH 28 68.57 46.11 416 49.62 2220 51.63 48.53 -1.38 -6.4 ManhBrCa Q LOAN .40 7.0 16 7.65 4.10 16 5.75 88 6.25 5.75 -.45 -24.3 Manitex Q MNTX 9.89 4.98 142 7.01 660 8.49 6.98 -1.30 +2.2 Manitowoc N MTW .08 1.4 7.57 3.65 1505 5.65 7016 6.16 5.59 -.53 -5.5 MannKd rs Q MNKD 11.20 1.74 1021 1.89 6327 2.25 1.87 -.33 -40.7tMannatech Q MTEX .13e .8 7 24.49 14.35 15 16.00 100 16.75 14.35 -1.00 -21.2tManngNap N MN .32m 5.7 20 10.34 5.20 84 5.60 1085 5.80 5.20 +.05 -25.8 ManpwrGp N MAN 1.72 1.7 16 103.90 57.26 432 99.92 3241 103.81 99.51 -3.69 +12.4 Manulife g N MFC .74 4.2 19.52 12.55 4589 17.49 20643 18.14 16.72 -.62 -1.9 MarathnO N MRO .20 1.4 19.28 9.77 11606 14.61 62443 15.57 14.55 -.85 -15.6tMaraPatnt Q MARA 3.44 .63 523 .85 2671 1.13 .63 -.22 -50.7 MarathPt s N MPC 1.44 2.9 10 54.59 32.02 3460 48.87 21021 50.81 48.81 -1.92 -2.9 MarchxB Q MCHX 4.60 2.46 113 2.66 864 2.72 2.60 +.02 +.4 MarcusMill N MMI 14 30.31 22.93 404 23.66 1198 26.20 23.39 -2.54 -11.5 Marcus N MCS .50f 1.6 22 32.60 18.20 60 30.95 240 32.25 30.55 -.90 -1.7 MarinSoft N MRIN 3.29 1.45 23 1.75 228 1.90 1.68 -.10 -25.5 MarPet Q MARPS .33e 7.7 9 6.00 2.91 0 4.25 6 4.36 3.81 -.06 -3.2 MarineP N MPX .28f 2.6 26 14.87 7.20 15 10.76 125 11.50 10.39 -.78 -22.4 MarineMx N HZO 22 23.50 15.10 187 21.30 1044 22.50 20.85 -1.15 +10.1 MarinusPh Q MRNS 6.76 .82 165 1.52 1817 1.63 1.42 -.04 +50.5 Markel N MKL 30 992.00 811.05 29 949.16 246 974.64 947.00 -31.01 +4.9 MktAxess Q MKTX 1.32f .7 56 200.90 117.60 76 187.70 539 192.49 184.19 -2.35 +27.8 MarlinBs Q MRLN .56 2.2 19 26.70 13.80 19 25.55 227 26.35 24.05 -.80 +22.2sMAR Q MAR 1.20 1.3 26 93.69 60.87 2244 93.50 19119 93.86 88.31 +5.17 +13.1 MarriotVac N VAC 1.40 1.4 20 99.53 56.33 222 97.09 971 98.92 93.30 +1.67 +14.4 Marrone Q MBII 2.79 .60 15 2.00 93 2.01 1.91 +.09 -6.5sMarshM N MMC 1.36 1.8 23 75.52 59.77 2024 74.57 8199 75.52 73.79 -.57 +10.3 MartenTrn Q MRTN .10 .4 23 27.05 16.90 119 23.95 471 24.85 23.40 -.62 +2.8 MartMM N MLM 1.68 .8 31 243.98 152.04 803 207.24 3082 214.67 206.49 -4.71 -6.5 MartinMid Q MMLP 2.00 10.7 29 25.38 15.58 189 18.70 1100 19.75 18.70 -.30 +1.9 MarvellTch Q MRVL .24 1.5 16.72 9.05 5927 15.90 34568 16.34 15.52 -.22 +14.6 Masco N MAS .40 1.2 22 37.38 29.11 1612 33.99 10167 34.70 33.62 -.67 +7.5 Masimo Q MASI 17 96.68 39.24 539 93.22 3955 94.00 91.59 +38.3 Masonite g N DOOR 81.95 55.60 87 79.45 468 80.90 79.00 -1.05 +20.7 MastThera N MSTX .71 .07 5289 .11 19303 .12 .10 +.01 +31.0 Mastec N MTZ 33 41.90 19.13 495 38.05 2989 39.35 37.05 -1.30 -.5 MastechD N MHH 8 8.35 5.82 110 6.77 210 6.92 6.30 -.11 -.6 MasterCrd N MA .88 .8 32 113.50 86.65 3030 111.98 14880 112.99 110.43 -.85 +8.5 MatadorRs N MTDR 28.51 17.76 1807 21.84 8126 23.48 21.31 -1.26 -15.2 Match n Q MTCH 19.74 10.06 504 15.88 3549 16.52 15.86 -.47 -7.1 Materialise Q MTLS 9.50 6.07 33 9.09 134 9.15 8.41 +.23 +18.4 Materion N MTRN .38 1.2 24 41.23 22.36 78 31.80 460 34.15 31.75 -1.65 -19.7tMatinasB n N MTNB 3.92 2.61 3189 2.50 4951 3.39 1.50 -.74 -33.0 MatlnPrt un Q MPACU 10.08 10.00 5 10.05 372 10.08 10.01 -.00 +.4 MatrixSv Q MTRX 15 23.45 14.07 178 15.65 768 16.00 15.00 -.25 -31.1 Matson N MATX .72f 2.4 17 43.00 28.79 239 30.59 1462 32.66 30.33 -2.04 -13.6tMattel Q MAT 1.52 6.0 24 34.76 24.60 2754 25.16 24879 25.67 24.60 -.50 -8.7 Mattersight Q MATR 4.65 3.00 61 3.50 265 3.70 3.45 -.25 -5.4 MatthInt Q MATW .68 1.0 23 77.85 48.85 74 65.45 435 70.02 64.75 -4.55 -14.8sMauiLand N MLP 15 11.95 5.23 19 11.10 104 11.95 10.85 -.10 +54.2sMaximIntg Q MXIM 1.32 2.9 26 46.22 33.38 1717 45.23 7127 46.22 44.67 -.39 +17.3 Maximus N MMS .18 .3 21 62.35 43.69 520 61.95 1939 62.12 60.28 -.27 +11.0sMaxLinear N MXL 40 27.98 15.31 379 26.50 2847 27.98 25.67 +.14 +21.6 MaxPoint n Q MXPT 11.94 1.60 10 6.14 191 7.09 6.12 -.56 +2.3 MaxwellT Q MXWL 6.72 4.20 280 5.49 1017 5.84 5.45 -.29 +7.2sMazorRbt Q MZOR 26.55 10.00 589 28.87 1160 29.91 23.26 +5.37 +31.7tMcClatch rs N MNI 19.77 9.32 4 9.79 59 10.41 9.32 -.71 -25.7 McCorm vot N MKC/V 1.88f 1.9 108.26 89.14 3 101.00 7 102.00 101.00 -.86 +8.5 McCorm N MKC 1.72f 1.7 28 107.84 88.64 518 101.01 2891 102.42 100.78 -.99 +8.2 McDrmInt N MDR 20 8.33 3.53 1263 6.24 13909 6.65 6.09 -.35 -15.6 McDnlds N MCD 3.76 2.9 24 131.96 110.33 3487 129.34 16928 129.75 128.18 +.70 +6.3 McGrathR Q MGRC 1.04f 3.2 21 39.86 22.40 38 32.65 277 34.54 32.49 -1.90 -16.7 McKesson N MCK 1.12 .8 13 199.43 114.53 1537 145.63 6449 148.75 143.86 -2.30 +3.7 McEwenM N MUX .01a .3 4.92 1.80 2628 3.11 18282 3.31 2.99 +.03 +6.9 MeadJohn N MJN 1.65 1.9 27 94.40 69.25 1239 88.36 8242 88.50 87.65 +.73 +24.9 Mechel pf N MTLp 1.35 .19 1 1.04 180 1.10 .98 -.12 -7.1 Mechel rs N MTL 6.83 1.46 104 4.82 779 5.29 4.80 -.63 -15.9 MedalFin Q MFIN .20 9.0 3 10.00 1.60 207 2.22 1016 2.45 2.15 +.02 -26.5 MedalF 9 21 Q MFINL 2.25 11.4 28.40 13.20 2 19.70 19 19.70 18.43 +1.30 +6.7 Medequit n N MRT 12.05 10.28 98 10.85 491 11.12 10.68 -.21 -2.3 MedProp N MPW .96f 7.5 14 15.92 11.54 3171 12.75 21300 12.86 12.15 +.34 +3.7 MedTrBil h Q MTBC 1.33 .60 2 .66 12 .69 .63 +.03 -9.4 MedTBill pf Q MTBCP 2.75 10.8 40.03 23.46 1 25.42 7 25.50 25.33 -.08 -.2 MediCo Q MDCO 55.28 29.48 1126 50.69 8894 52.23 48.59 +2.31 +49.4 MediciNova Q MNOV 10.16 5.49 21 5.87 173 6.04 5.78 -.11 -2.7 Medidata Q MDSO 85 58.77 35.01 395 55.97 1367 58.08 54.96 -1.93 +12.7 Medifast N MED 1.28 3.0 23 46.36 28.70 119 42.79 602 44.11 42.39 -.47 +2.8tMedigus rs Q MDGS 32.50 4.10 403 3.35 597 7.62 3.15 -3.80 -40.7 MediWound Q MDWD 8.90 4.25 24 6.40 129 6.70 5.85 +.45 +39.8 MedleyCap N MCC .88 11.6 8 8.06 6.16 267 7.57 1388 7.65 7.42 -.07 +.8 MedleyC 23 N MCV 1.53 6.1 26.24 23.26 9 25.22 21 25.42 25.04 +.02 +.8 Medley n N MDLX 24.84 22.93 9 24.64 33 24.65 24.32 +.14 +2.4 Medley24 n N MDLQ 25.75 24.73 8 25.30 75 25.35 25.16 +.09 +1.6 MedleyMgt N MDLY .80 10.1 23 10.65 5.10 28 7.95 154 8.30 7.85 -.40 -19.7 Mednax N MD 19 76.96 59.36 715 69.27 3826 70.70 67.38 -1.28 +3.9 Medovex h Q MDVX 2.48 1.00 16 1.42 579 1.50 1.30 +.01 +6.8 Medov wt h Q MDVXW 1.10 .02 5 .15 41 .18 .13 -.02 +78.8tMedpace n Q MEDP 56 38.94 26.23 226 26.91 872 27.73 26.23 -.75 -25.4 Medtrnic N MDT 1.72 2.1 18 89.27 69.35 2899 81.00 21280 82.24 80.36 -.80 +13.7 MeetMe Q MEET 15 8.11 2.71 1800 5.25 10840 5.54 5.17 +.06 +6.5 MelcoCrwn Q MPEL 1.40e 7.5 60 20.00 11.91 1941 18.72 14335 19.32 18.00 +.17 +17.7 Mellanox Q MLNX 36 55.80 38.75 309 51.30 2347 52.80 50.15 -.30 +25.4 MelroseBn Q MELR 65 18.10 14.60 1 16.95 5 16.95 16.40 +.35 -5.6 MemorialP Q MEMP .12 97.6 3.07 .10 769 .12 28124 .20 .12 +.01 -1.6 MentorGr Q MENT .22 .6 25 37.29 19.05 602 37.20 7278 37.24 37.13 -.04 +.8 Menus n Q MRUS 33.63 7.26 31 24.59 257 30.50 24.03 -5.39 +16.5sMercadoL Q MELI .60 .3 56 218.75 111.12 403 210.86 2421 218.75 203.36 -.43 +35.0 MercBank Q MBWM .72f 2.1 17 38.68 21.05 63 33.87 359 34.50 32.94 -.28 -10.2 MercerIntl Q MERC .46 3.9 22 12.98 7.03 150 11.70 833 11.78 11.05 +.62 +9.9 MerchBsh Q MBVT 1.12 2.4 19 54.80 28.16 8 47.50 58 50.35 46.60 -3.00 -12.4 Merck N MRK 1.88 3.0 17 66.80 52.44 8909 63.18 51446 64.61 62.86 -.72 +7.3 MercGn N MCY 2.49 4.2 29 64.52 49.69 122 58.62 520 60.34 58.33 -1.01 -2.6sMercSys Q MRCY 50 40.86 16.38 350 38.61 2195 40.86 38.25 -1.21 +27.8 Meredith N MDP 2.08f 3.3 15 66.25 43.85 743 63.05 2895 64.45 61.20 +.65 +6.6 MeridBcp Q EBSB .16f .9 28 20.55 13.41 95 18.15 613 18.70 17.55 -.55 -4.0 MeridBio Q VIVO .50m 3.8 17 21.49 10.75 168 13.10 1101 13.65 12.70 -.50 -26.0 MeridWs wt Q MRDNW .71 .39 22 .50 38 .60 .49 -.08 -23.1tMeridWs n Q MRDN 3.45 2.22 64 3.16 326 3.20 2.22 +.46 -2.8sMeritMed Q MMSI 36 31.70 17.14 651 28.73 6315 31.70 27.65 -2.63 +8.4 Meritage N MTH 11 41.22 29.70 331 36.35 1909 38.50 35.95 -1.90 +4.5 Meritor N MTOR 3 17.15 6.30 567 16.53 3599 16.97 15.93 -.32 +33.1 MerL pfK N MERpK 1.61 6.3 27.00 24.65 46 25.52 221 25.75 25.41 -.13 +1.6 MerL pfP N MERpP 1.84 7.1 27.88 24.05 35 25.92 145 26.07 25.88 -.12 +.8 ML CZN46 N PIY 2.09 8.0 32.44 25.08 1 26.06 8 26.45 25.97 -.36 +1.0 MLRRD29 N PYS 1.58 6.8 26.20 20.35 4 23.21 22 24.08 23.21 -.74 +9.5 MLGS flt N PYT .76 3.6 21.32 19.00 5 20.98 6 20.98 20.71 +.17 +7.3 MLIdxPl33 N IPB 1.51 5.6 29.80 26.10 26.91 2 26.92 26.62 +.31 +1.8 MerrimkP Q MACK 9.02 2.83 2128 3.01 9108 3.25 2.96 -.20 -26.2 MerusLb hg Q MSLI 1.76 .70 1 .86 14 .95 .85 -.05 -1.1 MesaLabs Q MLAB .64 .5 33 137.20 88.40 11 120.01 68 124.55 118.27 -3.60 -2.2 MesaRoyl N MTR .99e 8.1 12 14.40 7.00 6 12.25 79 13.18 11.65 +.60 +12.4 Mesab N MSB .64e 48 17.42 5.59 16 14.80 150 15.50 14.30 -.50 +38.3 Mesoblast n Q MESO 10.25 3.50 19 9.10 244 9.51 8.20 +.99 +70.1 MetaFincl Q CASH .52 .6 24 106.90 43.25 41 86.25 273 91.35 83.45 -5.10 -16.2 Metaldyne N MPG .37 1.6 13 24.00 12.55 456 22.80 1058 23.65 22.70 -.80 -.7 Methanx Q MEOH 1.10 2.5 53.35 26.83 1166 44.50 5504 46.70 42.60 -2.10 +1.6sMethode N MEI .36 .8 18 46.40 27.04 179 44.50 1018 46.40 42.90 -1.80 +7.6 MetLife N MET 1.60 3.1 11 58.09 36.17 4788 52.01 25288 53.55 50.88 -1.35 -3.5 MetLfe pfA N METpA 1.02 4.1 25.96 23.09 36 25.05 199 25.14 24.69 +.36 +7.6 MettlerT N MTD 34 489.92 338.36 131 478.59 896 485.89 471.14 -3.24 +14.3 MexcoEn N MXC 5.61 2.08 13 3.80 47 4.03 3.24 +.07 -24.0 MexEqt N MXE 1.62e .1 11.44 8.69 5 10.71 57 10.71 10.23 +.50 +16.8 MexicoFd N MXF .70e 4.3 18.24 13.28 62 16.38 397 16.45 15.90 +.38 +9.0 MKors N KORS 9 58.63 34.92 1122 37.56 8401 37.94 36.10 -.27 -12.6 Michaels Q MIK 12 31.37 19.00 1175 21.96 6601 22.24 21.20 -.24 +7.4 Microbot rs Q MBOT 39.85 2.97 27 6.19 206 6.35 6.00 +.04 +1.5 Microchp Q MCHP 1.44 2.0 76.50 46.98 1986 73.15 9991 74.82 72.23 -1.13 +14.0sMicronT Q MU 34 26.61 9.35 99463 28.43 225978 29.87 25.43 +2.63 +29.7 MicronetE Q MICT 2.80 1.14 21 1.28 101 1.45 1.19 -.03 -3.8 Micronet wt Q MICTW .72 .05 8 .16 38 .19 .15 -.02 +94.0 MicroSemi Q MSCC 57.97 29.68 548 51.59 2723 53.00 50.59 -1.05 -4.4 Microsoft Q MSFT 1.56 2.4 29 65.91 48.04 21972 64.98 103102 65.50 64.12 +.11 +4.6 MicroStr Q MSTR 24 207.28 161.90 31 186.14 356 194.01 183.62 -5.72 -5.7sMicrovisn Q MVIS 2.75 .89 2109 2.53 15986 2.75 1.97 +.45 +100.8 MidPenn Q MPB .52 2.0 14 28.95 14.70 0 26.35 7 28.95 26.35 -2.60 +10.6 MidAApt N MAA 3.48 3.4 19 110.01 85.04 340 101.91 2760 102.81 100.46 +.13 +4.1 MidConEn Q MCEP 4.05 1.32 95 2.29 753 2.48 2.11 -.05 -11.9 Midatech n Q MTP 5.44 2.40 11 2.80 41 2.95 2.48 +1.4 MidcstEn N MEP 1.43 18.0 9.89 4.53 91 7.95 847 8.00 7.90 +12.8sMiddlbgF Q MBRG .52 1.4 33 37.17 19.87 24 37.22 122 37.39 34.95 +1.65 +7.1 Middleby Q MIDD 27 150.87 100.58 256 136.33 1439 140.46 134.08 -3.02 +5.8 MiddlefldB Q MBCN 1.08 2.5 13 44.75 31.19 43.90 4 43.90 42.55 -.85 +13.4 MdsxWatr Q MSEX .84 2.3 26 44.48 29.64 25 36.30 223 37.22 35.82 -.80 -15.5 MidlStBc n Q MSBI .80f 2.4 15 37.58 20.80 50 33.22 305 34.45 31.56 -1.16 -8.2 MidsthBcp N MSL .36 2.4 23 15.25 7.37 10 14.70 98 15.05 13.79 +.95 +8.1 MidstPet N MPO 23.25 17.01 9 18.36 97 19.49 17.84 +.16 -11.5 MidWOne Q MOFG .66f 1.9 13 39.20 25.49 31 34.08 336 34.65 33.25 -.56 -9.4 Milacron n N MCRN 19.32 12.43 104 17.78 678 18.53 17.50 -.64 -4.6 MilestnSci N MLSS 3.20 1.10 8 1.40 53 1.56 1.40 -.20 MillerHer Q MLHR .68 2.2 15 36.46 26.99 516 31.40 3650 32.30 28.55 +1.25 -8.2 MHowHiInc N HIE 1.39 10.4 13.50 10.89 52 13.37 362 13.49 13.00 +.08 +7.9 MillerInds N MLR .72f 2.9 14 28.85 19.27 27 24.80 160 24.95 24.05 +.48 -6.2 Mimecast n Q MIME 24.60 7.08 637 21.51 1782 21.82 19.72 +.99 +20.2 MiMedx Q MDXG 46 10.02 6.64 530 9.10 3500 9.12 8.68 +.25 +2.7 Mind CTI Q MNDO .27m 11.0 11 2.68 1.74 81 2.45 286 2.57 2.30 +.03 +12.0sMindbody n Q MB 28.25 11.91 143 27.20 1125 28.25 26.75 -.40 +27.7 MinTech N MTX .20 .3 18 83.85 51.29 276 74.85 726 77.95 71.50 -.60 -3.1 MinervaN Q NERV 15.84 3.45 51 7.60 596 8.20 7.40 -.55 -35.3 Miragen rs Q MGEN 18.00 1.80 29 12.00 149 12.33 10.59 -.10 +139.5 MiratiTher Q MRTX 24.43 4.40 78 5.15 444 5.50 5.05 -.30 +8.4 MirnaTh n Q MIRN 5.24 1.12 80 2.08 182 2.30 2.00 -.22 +15.6 Misonix Q MSON 44 12.00 3.83 0 11.79 11 11.95 11.60 +.24 +12.9 MissP pfD N MPpD 1.31 5.2 27.90 25.10 3 25.15 4 25.34 25.15 -.10 -3.6tMistras N MG 26 26.47 19.49 53 20.17 802 21.40 19.49 -.22 -21.5 Mitcham Q MIND 5.14 2.65 2 4.34 24 4.73 4.24 -.43 +4.6 Mitchm pfA Q MINDP 2.25 9.6 24.99 22.21 23.40 6 23.90 23.25 +.15 +1.8 MitekSys Q MITK 72 9.49 5.26 598 6.50 1945 6.65 5.80 +.65 +5.7 MitelNet g Q MITL 8.52 5.81 398 6.89 2132 7.07 6.63 -.12 +1.3 MitsuUFJ N MTU 7.01 4.16 1148 6.45 5901 6.72 6.30 -.24 +4.7 MiX Tele N MIXT .22e 8.14 3.71 20 6.61 155 6.88 6.51 -.29 +6.8 MizuhoFn N MFG 3.87 2.69 122 3.75 1176 3.78 3.67 -.03 +4.5 MobileMini Q MINI .91f 3.1 26 38.13 23.40 155 29.50 787 31.30 29.15 -1.85 -2.5sMobileTele N MBT .88e 7.7 11.55 7.09 2397 11.49 20329 11.58 10.53 +.84 +26.1 MobileIron Q MOBL 5.00 2.56 152 4.40 1189 4.80 4.20 -.20 +17.3 Mobileye N MBLY 61.51 33.69 10570 60.78 43185 60.96 60.40 +.27 +59.4 Model N N MODN 13.98 6.98 82 10.15 420 10.55 9.85 -.35 +14.7 Modine N MOD 14 16.35 8.45 456 11.00 1471 11.65 10.85 -.60 -26.2 ModSysIntl Q MDSY 2.25 .62 10 .83 48 .84 .69 +.08 -7.8 ModusLink Q MLNK 2.08 1.05 40 1.80 215 1.92 1.75 -.07 +23.3 Moelis&Co N MC .94a 2.5 21 39.90 21.91 267 37.60 1254 38.24 36.20 -.40 +10.9 Mohawk N MHK 19 233.70 175.52 728 227.02 2905 232.20 224.01 -3.18 +13.7 Moleculin n Q MBRX 9.58 .95 1287 1.13 31648 1.51 1.02 +.11 -50.4tMolinaHlth N MOH 67.87 42.56 2399 44.68 7685 45.76 42.56 -1.18 -17.7 MolsCoorB N TAP 1.64 1.7 31 112.19 89.40 573 97.02 5458 99.65 96.74 -1.36 -.3 Momenta Q MNTA 19.90 8.16 502 13.55 3131 14.10 13.15 -.20 -10.0sMomo Q MOMO 35.76 8.88 2726 33.33 29799 35.76 31.21 -1.68 +81.3sMonarCas h Q MCRI 22 29.50 18.50 21 28.85 244 29.50 28.18 -.15 +11.9 Mondelez Q MDLZ .76 1.7 31 46.40 39.21 5864 43.80 29226 44.71 43.60 -.95 -1.2sMoneyGrm Q MGI 46 16.76 5.64 462 16.66 3304 16.76 16.06 +.37 +41.1 MonRE N MNR .64 4.5 19 15.36 11.22 171 14.14 1499 14.34 13.78 -.18 -7.2 MonRE pfB N MNRpB 1.97 7.8 27.25 25.24 4 25.32 8 25.57 25.32 -.02 -1.2 MonRE pfC N MNRpC 1.53 6.2 26.50 23.00 8 24.61 70 24.73 24.30 +.26 +4.3 MonogRes N MORE .30 3.0 33 10.97 9.45 628 9.93 4076 10.10 9.79 -.16 -8.2sMonPwSys Q MPWR .80 .9 73 94.49 59.31 221 91.43 1200 94.49 90.91 -1.53 +11.6 Monotype Q TYPE .45f 2.4 32 25.37 17.31 292 19.15 904 20.10 19.00 -.75 -3.5tMonroMuf Q MNRO .68 1.3 25 73.86 51.65 246 52.15 1241 54.35 51.65 -2.20 -8.8 MonroeCap Q MRCC 1.40 9.1 10 16.37 13.08 64 15.34 334 15.85 15.14 -.41 -.3 Monsanto N MON 2.16 1.9 23 116.04 84.79 1261 113.67 9267 114.30 112.41 +.91 +8.0 MonstrBv s Q MNST 39 55.50 40.30 1929 46.94 9737 47.36 46.37 +.47 +5.9 MnstrDg wt Q MSDIW 2.39 .12 4 .16 14 .26 .15 -.01 -56.8 MonsterDg n Q MSDI 4.15 .95 20 1.30 121 1.41 1.29 +.01 -25.7 MonTNAPpl N TPYP .45p 30.26 18.66 23.81 4 23.86 23.72 -.12 +.5 Moodys N MCO 1.52f 1.4 23 114.03 87.30 886 112.47 4403 113.48 110.11 +.53 +19.3 Moog A N MOG/A 20 73.05 42.61 63 63.02 379 68.61 62.78 -5.47 -4.0 MorgStan N MS .80 1.9 15 47.33 23.11 10642 42.46 74256 44.96 41.64 -2.56 +.5 MorgSt pfE N MSpE 1.78 6.1 30.78 27.07 29 29.23 214 29.35 28.96 +.18 +3.9 MorgSt pfF N MSpF 1.72 6.0 30.17 25.65 13 28.60 184 28.69 28.30 +.21 +5.8 MorgSt pfI N MSpI 1.59 5.8 28.72 25.49 101 27.55 454 27.68 27.34 +.11 +7.1 MorgS pfG N MSpG 1.66 6.2 28.23 25.33 19 26.59 239 26.66 26.37 +.06 +4.1 MorgSt pfK N MSpK 26.12 24.95 403 25.68 2819 25.73 25.53 +.03 +1.1 MS Asia N APF .14e .9 15.34 12.69 27 15.27 160 15.27 15.01 +.25 +13.1 MS China N CAF 13.33e 19.73 16.40 121 19.11 468 19.18 18.46 +.66 +12.5 MS CushHi N MLPY 1.28e 16.5 8.47 5.90 2 7.75 8 7.79 7.65 -.07 -4.5 MS EMD N MSD .57e 6.0 9.98 8.70 73 9.47 252 9.54 9.40 +.06 +4.1 MSEMDDbt N EDD .80m 10.3 8.51 6.94 400 7.80 1930 7.84 7.67 +.04 +8.8 MSEmMkt N MSF .05e .3 14.93 12.52 39 14.64 222 14.82 14.56 +.07 +11.1 MS icb N ICB .54a 3.0 18.99 17.29 30 17.85 56 17.88 17.70 +.19 -.5sMS India N IIF .04e 30.83 23.30 10 30.52 90 30.83 30.13 -.09 +19.1tMSJCP97 N HJV 1.75 11.6 20.50 15.03 23 15.11 69 15.95 14.77 -.39 -15.3 MkVRMB N CNY 43.00 38.05 2 40.96 15 41.03 40.63 +.01 +4.9 MkVRupee N INR 40.68 37.05 0 40.00 9 40.67 39.94 -.28 +5.4 MSDSEur N DRR 65.79 52.57 0 60.75 5 61.33 60.50 -.64 -6.5 MorgSt pfA N MSpA 1.01e 4.3 24.40 20.05 196 23.74 493 23.95 23.42 +.02 +3.2 Mornstr Q MORN .92f 1.2 21 89.44 67.74 33 78.09 161 80.24 77.56 -1.94 +6.2 Mosaic N MOS 1.26f 4.4 34.36 22.77 2132 28.75 13359 29.59 28.34 -.42 -2.0 MoSys rs Q MOSY 8.30 1.82 29 2.34 275 2.55 2.30 +1.7 MotifBio n Q MTFB 6.69 5.15 1 6.12 6 6.50 6.12 -.07 -1.1 MotifBi un Q MTFBW 1.50 .72 0 1.50 12 1.50 1.21 +.02 +16.3 MotorcarP Q MPAA 15 38.78 21.75 56 28.01 376 28.69 27.49 +.03 +4.0 MotrlaSolu N MSI 1.88f 2.2 19 87.55 62.76 919 83.67 7841 87.00 83.29 -1.05 +.9 MtnPDia g Q MPVE 5.53 3.35 11 3.90 265 3.95 3.78 +.15 -22.8 Movado N MOV .52 2.2 15 31.95 19.14 133 23.40 1699 25.20 21.00 -.20 -18.6 Moxian n Q MOXC 4.39 2.55 2 3.05 23 3.15 3.00 +.01 -4.1 Mueller N MLI .40 1.2 19 43.96 28.01 233 33.31 1210 34.31 32.64 -.65 -16.6 MuellerWat N MWA .16f 1.4 26 14.20 9.40 2228 11.81 8343 12.14 11.77 -.27 -11.3stMulesft n N MULE 24.30 22.30 410 22.53 7967 24.30 22.30 -3.7 MultiPkg n N MPSX 17.95 11.00 95 17.92 3484 17.94 17.86 +.03 +25.7 MultiColor Q LABL .20 .3 21 81.20 48.78 63 69.85 283 72.15 69.20 -2.35 -10.0 MurphO N MUR 1.00 3.9 37.48 23.24 2194 25.76 10891 27.50 25.73 -1.47 -17.3 MurphUSA N MUSA 13 80.44 56.92 473 71.20 2407 71.82 69.87 +1.08 +15.8 MutualFst Q MFSF .64 2.1 18 36.75 24.12 5 31.15 29 33.00 30.85 -1.45 -5.9tMySize n Q MYSZ 16.70 2.10 29 2.14 584 2.69 1.95 -.30 -60.7 MyersInd N MYE .54 3.6 32 15.86 11.35 87 14.90 418 15.55 14.55 -.70 +4.2 Mylan NV Q MYL 8 50.40 33.60 20507 40.96 39130 42.52 40.25 -1.07 +7.4 MyoKard n Q MYOK 22.83 8.64 140 14.60 721 15.00 13.15 +.15 +12.7 Myovant n N MYOV 14.27 10.25 34 11.53 261 12.49 10.86 -.70 -7.3 MyriadG Q MYGN 22 39.74 15.15 825 19.38 4799 19.49 18.74 +.33 +16.3N -:NBT Bcp Q NBTB .92 2.5 21 42.56 25.67 207 37.34 763 40.78 36.26 -3.18 -10.8 NCI BldSy N NCS 24 18.10 13.35 306 16.20 1702 16.40 15.80 -.20 +3.5 NCI Inc Q NCIT .15e 15 15.31 10.98 17 15.00 90 15.25 14.25 +.30 +7.5 NCR Corp N NCR 14 49.90 25.20 857 43.61 6333 44.89 42.84 -.92 +7.5 NETgear Q NTGR 20 60.82 38.25 172 51.45 1146 54.45 50.65 -2.70 -5.3 NF EngSv Q NFEC 2.19 .65 5 1.03 68 1.07 .98 +.01 +19.1 NGL EnPt N NGL 1.56 7.2 31 25.80 7.10 218 21.70 1199 22.60 21.40 -.90 +3.3 NI Hldg n Q NODK 15.00 14.00 114 14.41 676 14.73 14.25 -.04 -2.3 NIC Inc Q EGOV .73e 25 25.90 16.86 916 20.40 2719 21.95 20.00 -1.15 -14.6 NICE Ltd Q NICE .64 1.0 15 70.84 59.07 78 67.13 605 67.89 66.34 -2.4tNII Hldg n Q NIHD 5.72 1.15 860 1.10 4669 1.50 1.10 -.40 -48.8 NL Inds N NL 20 9.60 2.12 34 6.45 194 6.75 6.15 -.05 -20.9 NMI Hldg h Q NMIH 10 12.40 4.56 212 11.05 1639 11.85 10.71 -.75 +3.8sNN Inc Q NNBR .28 1.2 32 25.10 12.21 133 24.20 937 25.10 23.26 +27.0 NQ Mobile N NQ 5.35 3.03 179 3.71 1080 3.82 3.70 -.04 +15.2 NRG Egy N NRG .12 .7 22 18.56 9.84 3118 18.16 20495 18.51 17.89 +.10 +48.1 NRG Yld A N NYLD/A 1.00f 6.0 34 17.78 12.80 75 16.67 791 16.86 16.25 -.03 +8.5 NRG Yld C N NYLD 1.04f 6.1 44 18.56 13.44 273 16.95 1660 17.20 16.62 -.10 +7.3 NTN Buzz rs N NTN 23.70 4.00 10 7.85 183 8.08 7.51 +.10 -7.6 NTT DOCO N DCM 28.43 21.96 73 24.26 581 24.32 23.99 +.08 +6.6 NV5 Global Q NVEE 29 41.80 24.03 81 37.55 362 38.65 35.35 +1.45 +12.4 NVE Corp Q NVEC 4.00 4.9 31 88.34 52.16 41 80.99 165 83.99 79.39 +.37 +13.4 NVR N NVR 20 2081.96 1478.04 12 2054.34 75 2069.00 1995.51 -4.71 +23.1 NXP Semi Q NXPI 107.54 73.62 2152 102.99 10340 103.51 102.60 -.28 +5.1 Nabors N NBR .24 1.9 18.40 7.61 6581 12.41 29019 13.56 12.35 -1.08 -24.3 Nabriva n Q NBRV 12.75 3.52 0 10.80 56 11.50 10.51 -.70 +81.2 NACCO N NC 1.07f 1.5 9 99.55 49.80 13 72.15 76 74.45 67.20 -2.50 -20.3 NakedBr n Q NAKD 4.75 .82 732 2.30 1924 2.47 2.20 -.10 +130.0 NamTai N NTP .28 3.9 9.59 5.19 15 7.10 172 7.20 7.00 -.05 -4.1 NanoDim n Q NNDM 9.40 5.10 9 6.72 75 7.28 6.42 -.47 +12.9 NanoString Q NSTG 23.45 11.89 84 19.36 773 19.51 18.20 +.40 -13.2 NanoViric N NNVC 3.04 1.03 40 1.12 251 1.18 1.11 +.01 +4.7sNanomtr Q NANO 17 30.00 13.60 171 29.40 1617 30.00 28.58 +.12 +17.3 NantHlth n Q NH 18.79 3.86 144 4.75 1460 5.72 4.65 -.76 -52.2tNantKwst n Q NK 10.26 3.26 364 3.39 2340 3.81 3.23 -.25 -40.7 Napco Q NSSC 32 10.95 5.57 15 10.35 168 10.65 10.05 -.35 +21.8 Nasdaq Q NDAQ 1.28 1.8 20 72.52 61.19 825 69.85 4153 71.21 69.39 -1.03 +4.1 Natera n Q NTRA 13.80 7.55 263 8.70 942 8.96 8.38 -.06 -25.7 Nathans s Q NATH 25.00e 38 66.80 40.04 4 60.65 38 61.60 58.95 -1.15 -6.5sNatAmUnv Q NAUH .18 7.4 2.88 1.20 22 2.44 76 2.88 2.32 -.22 +25.1 NatBkHldg N NBHC .28 .9 39 34.10 19.17 146 31.81 677 33.13 30.17 -1.53 -.3 NatlBnksh Q NKSH 1.16e 3.1 18 45.35 32.32 1 37.70 30 39.20 37.58 -.45 -13.2sNatlBevrg Q FIZZ 39 80.58 39.14 244 80.29 1459 80.63 75.93 +2.92 +57.2 NatCineM Q NCMI .88 7.0 31 16.10 11.52 292 12.54 1867 12.75 12.27 -.18 -14.9 NatlCmce n Q NCOM 22 39.99 21.37 22 35.85 108 37.30 35.00 -1.60 -3.5 NatFuGas N NFG 1.62 2.7 26 61.25 47.49 850 59.81 2129 61.24 59.65 -.56 +5.6 NatGenHld Q NGHC .16f .7 15 26.99 18.04 189 22.89 1699 23.64 21.98 -.46 -8.4tNatGnH pfA Q NGHCP 1.88 7.5 26.95 24.25 7 24.87 70 25.11 24.25 +.07 -.8 NatGnH pfB Q NGHCO 1.88 7.5 26.96 24.12 31 24.94 344 25.00 24.36 +.16 +.5 NatGnH pfC Q NGHCN 1.88 7.5 26.49 24.12 11 25.19 81 25.23 24.78 +.25 +.8 NatGnH 55 Q NGHCZ 1.91 7.6 26.59 23.99 10 24.99 72 24.99 24.44 +.43 -.2 NatGrid N NGG 3.35e 5.3 74.97 56.50 735 63.54 5493 63.73 61.20 +2.00 +8.9 NtHlthInv N NHI 3.80f 5.3 16 82.53 64.44 263 71.95 1173 72.60 70.28 +.86 -3.0 NHltcre N NHC 1.80 2.5 22 78.99 60.00 29 71.78 87 73.36 71.23 -1.41 -5.3 NatlHld rs Q NHLD 3.88 1.80 19 2.81 52 2.95 2.80 -.19 +4.7 NatInstrm Q NATI .84f 2.6 40 32.91 25.90 303 32.03 2181 32.64 31.39 -.47 +3.9 NOilVarco N NOV .20 .5 30 43.63 26.86 2030 38.46 13258 39.56 38.26 -.85 +2.7 NatPresto N NPK 1.00a 1.0 17 112.00 81.96 21 98.55 128 102.20 97.00 -1.55 -7.4 NatResh A Q NRCIA .40 2.1 34 20.15 12.53 6 19.15 74 19.80 18.85 +.10 +.8 NatlReshB Q NRCIB 2.40 5.9 18 46.37 32.18 0 40.35 3 40.50 39.05 +.35 -3.2 NatRetPrp N NNN 1.82 4.2 21 53.60 39.86 574 43.83 3785 44.62 43.63 -.53 -.8 NRetP pfE N NNNpE 1.43 5.8 27.13 22.75 85 24.59 265 24.66 24.06 +.24 +6.4 NtRetP pfF N NNNpF 1.30 5.7 24.84 20.65 74 22.83 289 22.87 22.37 +.29 +5.8 NSecGrp Q NSEC .20f 1.2 9 20.84 14.33 2 16.01 5 16.56 16.01 -.98 -9.8 NatlStor n N NSA .96 4.1 31 24.86 18.81 213 23.63 1810 24.15 23.45 -.25 +7.1 NatWstnLf Q NWLI .36 .1 11 331.70 184.60 5 297.30 28 317.43 296.60 -19.31 -4.3 NtWst pfC N NWpC 1.94 7.4 26.90 25.42 7 26.18 52 26.29 25.92 -.04 +2.1 Nationstar N NSM 9 19.83 9.29 742 14.95 3018 16.55 14.89 -1.27 -17.2 NaturlAlt Q NAII 5 14.50 8.25 8 8.70 123 8.90 8.60 -.05 -23.0 NatGsSvcs N NGS 42 34.50 19.82 35 24.85 158 26.50 24.75 -1.55 -22.7 NatrlGroc N NGVC 24 22.20 10.00 50 10.39 448 11.26 10.34 -.64 -12.6 NatHlTr n Q NHTC .32f 1.1 6 38.98 20.59 53 27.85 238 28.37 26.90 +.70 +12.1 NatRsPt rs N NRP .23 .7 5 45.60 6.89 49 35.45 196 39.75 34.51 -3.45 +9.8 NaturesSun Q NATR .40 4.4 76 16.45 8.50 44 9.15 95 10.05 8.80 -.85 -39.0 NatusMed Q BABY 31 44.39 29.54 293 39.50 1279 39.75 37.45 +.55 +13.5 Natuzzi N NTZ 2.89 1.39 6 2.80 176 2.85 2.68 -.01 +23.9 Nautilus N NLS 17 24.99 14.28 460 17.60 1712 17.90 16.85 +.55 -4.9 NavideaBio N NAVB 1.51 .26 379 .58 2897 .65 .56 -.05 -9.1 NavCpi18 Q ISM 1.05 4.1 27.86 22.41 1 25.42 69 25.47 25.21 +.06 +.7 Nav43 Q JSM 1.50 6.6 24.92 17.67 12 22.75 65 22.87 22.21 +.13 +2.6 Navient Q NAVI .64 4.6 7 17.95 11.01 1739 13.99 13420 14.99 13.77 -1.00 -14.9 NavigCons N NCI 18 27.86 15.07 198 22.49 759 23.46 22.09 -.94 -14.1 NavigatrH N NVGS 16.85 6.47 409 13.80 1354 13.95 12.13 +.65 +48.4 NavgGp s Q NAVG .04p 21 62.04 40.08 200 53.65 548 54.25 52.10 -.70 -8.9 NaviosAcq N NNA .20 11.8 4 2.11 1.19 184 1.69 2099 1.76 1.60 -.03 -.6sNavios pfG N NMpG 2.19 15.3 15.00 2.82 18 14.27 192 15.00 12.20 +1.83 +89.3 Navios N NM 2.40 .57 548 1.69 4754 1.80 1.54 -.12 +19.9sNavMH pfH N NMpH 2.16 15.3 14.75 2.76 31 14.15 269 14.75 12.02 +2.01 +102.1 NavMMid N NAP 1.69 15.2 14.20 9.07 42 11.15 246 11.67 10.68 -.41 +3.4 NaviosMar N NMM 1.27f 63.6 6 2.94 1.12 684 2.00 6355 2.23 1.89 -.21 +41.8 Navistar N NAV 33.46 10.30 380 25.09 2235 27.72 24.81 -2.40 -20.0 NeenahP N NP 1.48f 2.0 17 90.23 60.94 63 75.20 403 76.78 74.85 -1.70 -11.7sNeffCorp N NEFF 13 17.80 6.79 99 17.65 547 18.00 15.90 +1.55 +25.2sNektarTh Q NKTR 23.37 11.41 2090 22.42 33544 23.37 18.51 +6.92 +82.7 Nelnet N NNI .56f 1.3 8 55.01 31.49 49 41.95 345 44.35 41.30 -2.13 -17.3 Neogen Q NEOG 59 69.09 43.79 137 63.95 919 68.98 63.17 -4.57 -3.1 NeoGenom Q NEO 70 9.88 6.15 254 7.65 1478 8.02 7.50 -.26 -10.7 Neonode Q NEON 2.19 .96 407 1.57 871 1.69 1.46 +.02 -14.7 NeoPhoton N NPTN 44 18.51 6.90 1128 9.26 6664 9.48 8.50 +.09 -14.3 NeosTher n Q NEOS 11.50 4.85 283 7.00 1724 7.30 6.40 -.40 +19.7 Neothetics Q NEOT 1.98 .56 12 1.40 323 1.50 1.33 -.01 +25.0 Neovasc g Q NVCN 4.40 .37 5115 1.52 13352 2.12 1.50 -.25 -12.1 NeptuneT g Q NEPT 1.53 .86 32 1.04 280 1.06 .98 +.03 +7.0 Net1UEPS Q UEPS 7 13.81 8.37 125 12.54 521 13.47 12.51 -.62 +9.2 NetElem rs Q NETE 4.60 .70 241 .92 742 .94 .83 +.03 +22.5 NetApp Q NTAP .76 1.9 37 43.14 22.50 2655 40.88 13916 42.31 40.63 -1.18 +15.9 NetEase Q NTES 3.30e 1.1 21 308.66 130.82 876 288.98 5338 298.39 280.31 -2.52 +34.2sNetflix s Q NFLX 147.70 84.50 3469 142.02 24689 147.70 140.76 -3.09 +14.7tNetlist Q NLST 2.19 .83 55 .90 437 .98 .83 -.09 -11.8 NtScout Q NTCT 38.40 20.98 825 37.25 2800 38.30 36.85 -.10 +18.3 NetSolTch Q NTWK 7.46 4.35 22 5.10 124 5.20 4.95 -.05 -1.9sNetw1Tch N NTIP 5.05 1.90 173 4.80 2353 5.05 4.45 +.10 +41.2 NBCAInt N NBW .74 5.3 17.66 13.68 33 14.04 78 14.14 13.76 +.22 -2.4 NeuB HYld N NHS .96 8.2 12.20 10.32 25 11.70 216 11.74 11.54 +.3 NBIntMu N NBH .90 6.1 17.64 14.37 6 14.79 156 14.93 14.77 -.03 -9.0 NBNYInt N NBO .58 4.6 15.16 12.13 33 12.43 112 12.53 12.24 +.19 -.7 NBRESec N NRO .36 6.9 6.00 4.93 168 5.24 943 5.29 5.12 +.03 -2.4 Neuralst rs Q CUR 11.57 2.47 82 5.50 592 5.84 5.07 -.30 +55.0 NeuroDerm Q NDRM 30.45 13.46 86 25.90 753 27.00 25.35 +.10 +16.7 NeuM wt rs Q NUROW .40 .01 0 .04 7 .05 .04 -.01 -42.9 NeuroMx rs Q NURO 2.36 .58 15 .64 306 .68 .59 -.04 -13.4 Neurcrine Q NBIX 55.15 33.56 457 41.98 3706 45.28 40.98 -2.52 +8.5 NeuStar N NSR 7 34.40 21.10 178 33.15 2199 33.15 32.90 +.20 -.7 NevGCas N UWN 30 2.21 1.55 8 2.13 107 2.17 2.05 -.04 +15.1 NevroCorp N NVRO 106.93 53.15 368 93.68 1516 94.45 91.30 -.34 +28.9 Nevsun g N NSU .04m 1.6 25 3.80 2.29 1166 2.54 4978 2.59 2.36 +.15 -17.8 NewAgeB n Q NBEV 4.50 3.50 184 4.20 949 4.50 3.75 -.29 +8.2 NewAmHi N HYB .78a 8.4 9.66 7.84 29 9.25 240 9.38 9.13 +.02 -.1 NewConcEn N GBR 32 6.10 .75 1581 1.62 1758 2.00 1.00 +.46 -25.0 NwGold g N NGD 42 6.04 2.39 3250 2.92 27433 3.01 2.78 +.08 -16.6 NewHome N NWHM 10 12.79 8.62 102 10.50 405 10.68 10.08 -10.3 NwIreland N IRL 2.15e 1.3 13.74 10.96 7 12.66 75 13.48 12.57 +.02 +5.8 NJ Rscs s N NJR 1.02 2.6 20 39.95 30.46 320 39.20 1873 39.65 38.05 +10.4 NewLink Q NLNK 22.92 9.23 190 20.09 1072 22.63 19.44 -1.66 +95.4 NewMedia N NEWM 1.40 9.8 21 19.89 13.95 235 14.32 1809 14.83 14.10 -.52 -10.4 NwMtnFin N NMFC 1.36 9.2 16 14.93 12.10 230 14.80 1493 14.85 14.45 +.05 +5.0sNewOriEd N EDU .40e 39 59.06 33.47 544 58.95 6964 59.84 55.50 +3.85 +40.0 NewRelic N NEWR 40.10 23.45 263 36.44 1427 37.29 34.61 -.07 +29.0sNewResid N NRZ 1.92f 11.6 9 17.25 11.36 2959 16.60 22488 17.25 16.50 +5.6 NewSenInv N SNR 1.04 10.7 8 12.68 9.02 356 9.75 3690 9.98 9.41 -.30 -.4 NY&Co N NWY 4.15 1.34 73 1.93 449 2.24 1.91 -.31 -15.0 NY CmtyB N NYCB .68 4.9 14 17.68 13.74 4551 13.90 30034 14.36 13.77 -.49 -12.6 NYCmty un N NYCBpU 3.00 6.0 51.44 48.50 7 49.80 15 50.47 49.80 -.44 NYMtgTr Q NYMT .80m 13.1 12 7.04 4.41 1627 6.12 8491 6.55 6.11 -.05 -7.3 NYMtT pfB Q NYMTP 1.94 8.0 24.39 19.55 3 24.23 19 24.25 23.91 +.31 +2.1 NYMtT pfC Q NYMTO 1.97 8.2 24.24 19.50 9 23.97 48 24.15 23.82 +.08 +4.6 NY REIT N NYRT .46 4.8 11.07 8.79 877 9.61 9103 9.71 9.55 -.01 -5.0 NY Times N NYT .16 1.1 25 16.35 10.60 521 14.25 3581 14.75 14.10 -.45 +7.1 NewStarFn Q NEWS .02p 17 11.37 6.53 95 10.75 552 11.02 9.96 -.12 +16.2 NewellRub N NWL .76 1.6 19 55.45 42.79 2372 47.67 14375 49.13 47.56 -.75 +6.8 NewfldExp N NFX 29 50.00 30.88 2192 33.50 13978 34.79 33.12 -.98 -17.3sNewMarket N NEU 7.00f 1.6 22 454.69 381.04 27 444.67 198 454.69 441.59 -8.69 +4.9 NewmtM N NEM .20 .6 27 46.07 25.33 3667 33.48 27825 34.56 32.73 +.64 -1.7 NewpkRes N NR 8.75 3.74 1500 7.60 5958 7.70 7.00 +1.3 NewsCpA Q NWSA .20 1.6 14.68 10.54 1154 12.55 8493 12.76 12.43 -.10 +9.5 NewsCpB Q NWS .20 1.5 15.22 10.90 508 12.95 2727 13.08 12.75 +9.7 NewtekBsn Q NEWT 1.53e 9.2 17.58 11.72 132 16.65 1080 17.14 16.06 -.32 +4.7 Newtek21 n Q NEWTL 1.75 6.9 25.96 24.65 1 25.36 7 25.40 25.26 +.01 -.7 Nexeo Sol Q NXEO 10.39 7.13 45 8.83 261 9.28 8.65 -.36 -5.2 Nexeo wt Q NXEOW .98 .30 453 .71 526 .75 .60 -.04 +1.4 NexPtCr rs N NHF 2.88 12.5 23.93 17.60 19 22.97 169 23.08 22.72 +.07 +.9 NxPtRsT n N NXRT .88f 3.7 24.43 12.44 47 23.54 316 23.85 22.91 +.13 +5.4 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 13 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
NexstarM Q NXST 1.20f 1.7 24 73.90 41.91 454 69.80 2135 71.05 66.70 +1.55 +10.3sNxtEraLP N NEP 1.37f 4.2 18 33.90 23.90 152 32.58 1382 33.90 31.62 -.93 +27.6 NextEC3-72 N NEEpG 26.73 23.32 31 25.30 415 25.31 25.04 +.21 +4.3 NextEC6-72 N NEEpH 1.41 5.6 26.46 22.76 12 25.17 61 25.41 24.90 +.09 +5.6 NextEra 72 N NEEpI 1.28 5.3 26.54 21.11 17 23.99 138 23.99 23.62 +.22 +9.1 NextEra 73 N NEEpJ 1.25 5.2 26.34 20.82 21 24.15 74 24.26 23.85 +.08 +10.9 NextEra76 N NEEpK 25.95 21.04 58 23.78 283 23.91 23.44 +.34 +7.7 NxtEra pfQ N NEEpQ 3.19 5.2 64.78 54.44 302 61.16 431 62.46 59.95 +1.06 +6.8sNextEraEn N NEE 3.93f 3.0 23 133.20 110.49 1398 132.80 8448 133.28 129.54 +2.57 +11.2 NxtEra pfR N NEEpR 52.70 46.80 256 51.55 295 52.19 50.85 +.61 +5.2 Nexvet n Q NVET 5.70 2.61 0 3.81 53 4.15 3.66 -.08 +2.1 NiSource s N NI .70 2.9 22 26.94 21.17 2304 23.87 14501 24.07 23.18 +.37 +7.8 NichFncl h Q NICK 9 12.50 8.56 42 10.45 78 10.76 10.12 -.38 -12.1 NicoletBc n Q NCBS 49.75 33.72 4 47.28 62 49.39 45.60 -1.81 -.9 Nielsen plc N NLSN 1.24 3.0 23 55.94 40.28 1954 41.28 13466 42.86 41.11 -1.36 -1.6 NikeB s N NKE .84 1.5 23 62.64 49.01 13653 56.36 101752 59.00 53.76 -1.44 +10.9 NimbleStg N NMBL 12.58 6.18 2507 12.47 13467 12.49 12.46 +.01 +57.4 NipponTT N NTT 49.67 38.45 394 44.70 2334 44.84 43.23 +1.30 +6.3 Nivalis n Q NVLS 9.35 2.00 132 2.84 964 3.05 2.69 -.18 +26.8 NoahHldgs N NOAH 16 29.73 21.33 289 27.44 1371 28.72 26.82 +.15 +25.1 NobilisH n N HLTH 4.66 1.25 261 1.65 2650 1.80 1.60 -.10 -21.4 NobleCorp N NE .08 1.4 3 12.19 4.45 13035 5.76 60352 6.03 5.60 -.11 -2.7 NobleEngy N NBL .40 1.2 42.03 28.82 3688 32.82 19558 34.09 32.71 -1.04 -13.8 NobleMid n N NBLX .43p 53.29 26.90 25 50.55 206 51.48 47.18 +1.59 +40.4 NokiaCp N NOK .30e 5.6 6.31 4.04 7433 5.37 63429 5.57 5.30 -.09 +11.6 NomadF n N NOMD 12.97 7.85 945 11.14 3012 11.46 10.81 -.30 +16.4 Nomura N NMR 6.80 3.33 118 6.49 621 6.71 6.33 -.20 +10.0 Noodles Q NDLS 12.75 3.16 84 4.50 455 4.65 4.15 -.05 +9.8 Norbord n N OSB .23e 30.49 17.94 2 27.71 29 28.50 27.25 -1.00 +9.7sNordAngEd N NORD 52 25.29 19.83 74 25.02 603 25.29 24.04 +.81 +7.4 NordicAOff N NAO .18 15.7 5.69 1.05 168 1.15 4226 1.30 1.10 -.05 -58.2 NordicAm N NAT 1.14e 14.4 21 16.18 7.57 560 7.93 3879 8.32 7.92 -.21 -5.6 Nordson Q NDSN 1.08 .9 27 127.50 73.80 296 122.35 1156 126.45 120.47 -3.87 +9.2 Nordstrm N JWN 1.48a 3.5 13 62.82 35.01 2096 41.95 13323 44.08 40.70 -1.97 -12.5 NorflkSo N NSC 2.44f 2.2 20 125.00 78.15 1223 110.66 11904 115.63 110.14 -4.05 +2.4 Norsat g rs N NSAT 24 9.95 5.01 8 9.60 61 9.90 9.57 -.20 +21.5 NorSys Q NSYS 5.52 1.69 15 3.65 49 3.90 3.44 +.18 -6.2 NortelInv N NTL .64e 2.5 30.78 18.08 1 25.21 7 26.19 25.20 -.10 -3.3 NoAmEn g N NOA .08 5.70 1.91 107 4.35 841 4.80 4.33 -.15 +13.0 NoAtlDrl rs N NADL 8.08 1.21 35 1.46 325 1.59 1.30 +.05 -53.9 NEurO N NRT .66e 9.1 8 9.90 6.11 7 7.22 57 7.28 6.91 -.07 +9.4 NoWestCp N NWE 2.10f 3.6 18 63.75 53.85 269 58.79 1901 59.18 57.15 +1.04 +3.4 NorestB Q NBN .04 .3 15 15.90 10.31 9 14.95 167 15.66 14.80 -.80 +14.1 NDynMn g N NAK 3.45 .28 2244 1.34 22917 1.60 1.31 -.01 -35.3 NthnO&G N NOG 13 5.85 1.55 398 2.55 2260 2.85 2.40 +.15 -7.3 NthnTech Q NTIC 19.30 10.00 3 16.70 20 18.25 16.70 -2.60 +21.5 NorTrst Q NTRS 1.52 1.8 20 91.14 61.32 1268 85.75 7868 88.87 84.93 -2.93 -3.7 NthnTr pfC Q NTRSP 1.46 5.5 28.12 24.84 9 26.43 54 26.61 25.75 +.45 +5.5 NorthfldBc Q NFBK .32 1.8 29 20.59 14.31 79 17.82 520 18.54 17.40 -.62 -10.8 Nthrim Q NRIM .80 2.7 14 33.00 22.51 11 29.20 75 29.30 28.25 +.10 -7.6 NorthropG N NOC 3.60 1.5 21 253.80 194.21 724 236.88 3330 245.46 236.59 -7.37 +1.8 NStREur n N NRE .60 5.2 13.04 8.50 258 11.64 1377 12.18 11.39 -.51 -7.4 NwstBcsh Q NWBI .64f 3.8 34 19.10 13.09 789 16.66 2721 17.69 16.50 -1.04 -7.6 NwstNG N NWN 1.88 3.2 24 66.17 49.46 90 59.35 544 59.90 57.65 +.35 -.8 NwstPipe Q NWPX 19.55 8.37 32 15.31 271 16.90 15.19 -.22 -11.1 NorwCruis Q NCLH 19 55.59 34.16 1301 50.48 5516 51.72 49.55 -.83 +18.7 NorwoodFn Q NWFL 1.28f 3.4 20 40.00 27.13 1 38.05 11 38.50 37.39 -.27 +14.8 NovaLfstyl Q NVFY 44 5.15 .38 77 1.75 401 1.79 1.58 -.04 -9.3 NovaMeas Q NVMI 17 18.28 9.94 64 16.81 505 17.08 16.16 -.19 +27.7 NovaBay rs N NBY 5.29 1.90 10 3.80 94 4.00 3.70 +15.2 Novadaq g Q NVDQ 13.22 6.00 155 7.81 1022 7.93 7.39 +10.2 NovaGld g N NG 7.29 3.79 938 5.09 9675 5.47 4.96 +.08 +11.6 Novan n Q NOVN 30.90 3.52 56 6.03 414 6.68 5.81 -.52 -77.7sNovanta Q NOVT 32 27.70 13.14 100 26.80 689 27.70 26.45 -.70 +27.6 Novartis N NVS 2.75e 3.7 15 83.58 66.93 1544 74.37 11869 76.17 73.95 -1.18 +2.1 Novavax Q NVAX 8.49 1.16 2106 1.26 24026 1.35 1.22 -.08 Novelion rs Q NVLN 13.80 5.51 47 10.73 344 11.20 10.53 -.36 +27.4 NovoNord N NVO .96e 2.9 57.81 30.89 1487 33.54 9213 34.63 33.10 +.18 -6.5 NovoCure n Q NVCR 17.00 5.95 132 7.05 1259 7.60 6.83 -.50 -10.2tNovogen h Q NVGN 2.85 1.37 28 1.40 161 1.49 1.36 -.09 -4.8tNOW Inc N DNOW 23.53 15.47 1209 16.00 8224 16.85 15.47 -.83 -21.8 NuSkin N NUS 1.44f 2.7 25 66.04 36.63 643 54.03 4597 54.83 52.19 +1.57 +13.1sNuVasive Q NUVA 83 76.31 45.35 411 74.85 2351 76.31 73.85 -.51 +11.1 NuanceCm Q NUAN 62 19.48 13.44 1764 16.68 8749 17.15 16.40 -.27 +11.9 Nucor N NUE 1.51 2.5 26 68.00 44.81 2805 59.76 13588 64.88 59.43 -4.96 +.4 Numerex Q NMRX 9.01 4.30 18 4.57 194 4.71 4.40 -.09 -38.2 Nush EnhYl N NUAG 25.26 23.98 5 24.35 21 24.37 24.19 +.17 +.3 NushSmCap N NUSC 27.07 24.17 25.17 7 25.62 25.00 -.48 +2.1 NustarEn N NS 4.38 8.8 39 55.64 37.15 66 50.00 553 51.01 49.53 -.67 +.4 NustEn pfA N NSpA 27.50 26.13 10 26.70 188 26.71 26.44 +.15 -1.0 NustarGP N NSH 2.18 7.9 22 31.50 19.27 67 27.70 245 28.73 27.50 -1.00 -4.2 Nustar 43 N NSS 1.91 7.2 26.70 21.60 21 26.38 112 26.44 26.24 +.12 +2.2tNutanix n Q NTNX 46.78 19.30 344 19.50 3564 21.15 19.14 -.91 -26.6 Nutractl Q NUTR .13 .4 16 37.90 22.03 17 31.40 64 33.90 31.30 -2.00 -10.2sNutriSyst Q NTRI .70 1.3 45 55.40 19.00 739 53.05 3053 55.40 52.65 -.75 +53.1 Nuvectra Q NVTR 9.95 4.17 26 6.43 332 6.64 6.09 +.08 +27.8 Nuv Mun21 N NHA 10.51 9.48 8 9.78 78 9.90 9.68 -.08 -1.4tNuv Pf22 n N JPT 25.29 24.85 17 25.03 85 25.04 24.85 +.05 +.4 NvHiInDc19 N JHD 10.50 9.95 34 10.18 182 10.29 10.14 -.05 +.8 Nuv RE In N JRS 12.08 9.87 50 11.09 309 11.12 10.82 +.06 +3.0 NuvMO Pr N NOM 16.60 14.36 3 15.34 33 15.89 15.11 -.06 +2.2 NuvAllCEn N JMLP 1.37 13.8 10.86 6.20 33 9.93 241 10.12 9.71 -.15 -1.2 NuvAZ N NAZ .80 5.8 17.80 13.33 14 13.77 52 13.84 13.55 +.19 -1.6 NuvBldAm N NBB 1.34 6.4 23.30 19.80 50 20.94 307 20.97 20.43 +.46 +1.5 NBldAmOp N NBD 1.30 6.0 23.49 19.80 2 21.66 86 21.68 21.00 +.64 +3.5 NCaAMTFr N NKX .86 5.9 17.35 13.78 83 14.61 444 14.64 14.28 +.31 +2.1 NCADvA N NAC .91 6.4 17.20 13.75 111 14.28 862 14.32 14.08 +.18 +1.0 NCalMunV N NCA .47 4.6 11.50 9.84 26 10.08 259 10.09 9.93 +.16 -3.4 NuvCASel N NXC .63a 4.2 17.97 14.25 3 15.08 18 15.10 14.86 +.19 +2.6 NCTPI N NTC .68a 5.6 14.45 11.97 13 12.17 182 12.23 12.00 +.12 -.9 NuvCorEqA N JCE 1.21a 8.8 14.75 12.69 74 13.77 287 13.99 13.64 -.20 +5.3 NvCredStr N JQC .62 7.1 9.06 7.71 254 8.75 1810 8.89 8.68 -.12 -1.1 NvDvrsDiv N JDD 1.04 8.8 12.48 10.54 72 11.79 294 12.03 11.72 -.06 +5.6 NuvDivA N NAD .85a 6.2 15.97 13.19 527 13.65 2847 13.67 13.36 +.28 -2.2 NvDow30DO N DIAX 1.06 6.8 16.25 13.71 54 15.57 590 16.05 15.51 -.28 +3.8 NuEnMLP N JMF 1.35 10.2 14.55 9.32 108 13.26 791 13.34 12.76 +.08 -2.1 NEnhMuV N NEV .96a 6.9 17.28 13.56 80 13.90 362 13.93 13.73 +.15 -.7 NuvFlxInv N JPW 1.42a 8.4 17.54 15.11 7 16.81 50 16.88 16.58 +.03 +1.0 NuvFloat N JFR .72 6.3 12.34 9.84 271 11.44 1892 11.80 11.24 +.08 -2.0 NuvFltOp N JRO .76a 6.3 12.93 9.68 58 11.92 578 11.97 11.78 -.02 -2.2 NvGADiv2 N NKG .64a 5.1 14.88 12.50 13 12.68 64 12.73 12.60 +.08 -.3 NuvGblHIn N JGH 1.58 9.7 16.89 13.59 60 16.25 326 16.50 16.19 +1.6 NuvHi2020 N JHY .68 6.7 11.15 9.99 27 10.16 133 10.26 10.12 +.02 -.5 NuvHIDec18 N JHA 10.48 10.00 108 10.06 422 10.11 10.03 -.01 NuvEnhMu N NVG 16.59 13.85 631 14.53 2855 14.55 14.28 +.25 +.5 NNYAmtF N NRK .70 5.5 14.62 12.44 78 12.86 460 12.86 12.67 +.19 +.4 NuvAmtFr N NEA .75a 5.7 15.22 12.94 524 13.20 2498 13.28 13.11 +.05 -1.0 NuvIntMu N NID .68 5.3 14.34 12.19 72 12.88 419 12.88 12.62 +.25 +1.3 NvIntQMu N NIQ .57 4.6 13.96 12.13 32 12.49 179 12.52 12.32 +.17 +1.5 NMDPI N NMY .67a 5.3 14.66 12.20 38 12.53 243 12.53 12.37 +.19 +.7 NvMAP N NMT .71a 5.2 16.19 12.93 4 13.62 67 13.68 13.41 +.28 +3.7 NMIQI N NUM .74 5.6 15.80 12.90 28 13.25 191 13.31 13.02 +.20 -.7 NuvMNMu N NMS .80 4.9 18.22 15.08 2 16.39 24 16.74 16.36 -.29 +4.4 NuvMtgOp N JLS 1.52 6.1 24.86 22.40 16 24.81 160 24.83 24.50 +.21 +3.1sNuMtgOp2 N JMT 1.53 6.5 23.81 21.52 4 23.71 29 23.81 23.56 +.08 +2.4 NuvMultM N JMM .48 6.6 7.64 6.95 7.30 52 7.34 7.25 -.08 NvMuI N NMI .50a 4.3 13.50 10.90 8 11.56 38 11.56 11.42 +.14 +3.0 NuvMuVal N NUV .39a 4.0 10.88 9.34 382 9.64 2065 9.75 9.62 -.09 +.8 Nv AMT-Fr N NUW .78a 4.7 19.89 16.00 35 16.61 95 16.78 16.50 +.09 +2.2 NvNq100Dy Q QQQX 1.40 6.8 21.58 16.91 102 20.51 974 21.26 20.24 -.57 +10.5 NuvNJDiv N NXJ .82a 6.1 15.63 12.90 75 13.27 503 13.33 13.10 +.17 +.8 NuvNJMV N NJV .59a 3.9 17.03 14.36 1 14.94 13 15.09 14.72 +.20 -9.7 NNYDvA N NAN .80a 5.9 15.95 13.13 18 13.50 195 13.51 13.32 +.17 +.6 NNYMV N NNY .39a 4.0 10.69 9.26 18 9.72 84 9.79 9.62 +.13 +2.5 NuvNYSel N NXN .55 4.1 14.85 12.92 2 13.43 7 13.52 13.34 +.08 +1.5 NNCPI N NNC .59a 4.5 15.04 12.67 7 12.93 126 12.93 12.74 +.18 NOHQI N NUO .80 5.5 17.16 14.27 19 14.65 125 14.69 14.50 +.12 +.8 NvPA N NQP .81a 6.2 15.66 12.67 84 13.01 300 13.06 12.80 +.21 -.5 NuvPf&Inc N JPI 1.95a 8.2 25.27 21.93 24 23.81 241 23.94 23.72 +.08 +3.8 NvPfdInco N JPC .80 8.2 10.56 8.72 95 9.84 951 9.86 9.71 +.04 NuvQPf2 N JPS .70 7.4 9.74 8.21 238 9.48 1499 9.53 9.38 -.05 +1.8 NuvREAst N JRI 1.49a 8.7 18.00 14.95 23 17.04 89 17.08 16.82 +.14 +8.3 NuvEqtP N BXMX 1.00 7.5 13.50 12.08 201 13.25 916 13.42 13.18 -.11 +4.2 NEqPrmG N SPXX 1.04 7.1 15.71 12.93 57 14.67 328 15.28 14.61 -.50 +1.9 NvSMM N NIM .31a 3.1 11.01 9.49 21 9.88 92 9.98 9.85 +.02 +1.3 NSTFI N NXP .55a 3.9 15.93 13.50 42 14.00 185 14.10 13.91 -.11 +.7 NSTFI2 N NXQ .53a 4.0 15.18 12.82 7 13.35 125 13.38 13.29 +.01 +.3 NSTFI3 N NXR .55a 3.9 15.98 13.73 14 14.08 125 14.15 13.98 +.02 -.6 NuvSnIn N NSL .42 6.0 7.16 5.75 123 6.95 574 7.02 6.90 -.03 +2.4 NuShDCrd N JSD 1.16a 6.4 18.55 14.82 30 18.10 165 18.23 17.90 +.04 +3.5 Nv TA Div N JTD 1.23 8.4 15.36 13.38 39 14.63 185 14.83 14.63 -.16 +5.0 NvTxATR N JTA 1.04 8.6 12.56 10.81 30 11.99 177 12.08 11.86 -.05 +5.9 NTXQI N NTX .65 4.6 15.90 13.29 8 14.29 39 14.31 14.12 +.17 +4.2 NVAPI N NPV .65a 5.1 15.23 12.55 16 12.88 126 12.90 12.71 +.12 -.7 Nvidia Q NVDA .56 .5 40 120.92 33.15 10688 107.47 80596 109.96 105.30 +1.40 +.7 NxStageMd Q NXTM 29.99 13.84 268 26.65 2252 28.05 26.10 -1.38 +1.7 Nxt-ID wt Q NXTDW .40 .11 24 .20 32 .22 .17 +.01 -24.7tNxt-ID rs Q NXTD 6.49 1.67 35 1.72 149 1.93 1.66 -.17 -37.5 NymoxPh Q NYMX 5.79 1.62 33 3.21 311 3.48 3.18 -.10 +20.2O -:O2Micro Q OIIM 2.80 1.37 22 2.38 113 2.38 2.22 +.04 +32.2 OCI Ptrs N OCIP .59e 6.1 10.25 4.95 25 9.75 87 10.01 9.55 -.25 +16.8 OFG Bncp N OFG .24 2.2 14.48 6.26 228 10.95 1594 12.20 10.75 -1.20 -16.4 OFG pfA N OFGpA 1.78 7.4 25.42 17.39 7 24.06 15 24.23 23.76 +.42 -5.4 OFG pfB N OFGpB 1.75 7.4 25.13 17.20 23.73 11 23.86 23.66 +.08 -5.6 OFG pfD N OFGpD 1.78 7.5 24.33 17.27 5 23.77 16 24.14 23.77 -.28 +.3 OFS Cap Q OFS 1.36 9.0 15.22 11.83 34 15.10 170 15.22 14.52 +.48 +9.7 OGE Engy N OGE 1.21 3.4 21 37.41 27.27 1987 35.69 10639 36.90 35.43 -1.10 +6.7tOHA Inv Q OHAI .08m 5.4 3.39 1.43 105 1.48 1061 1.59 1.43 -.09 -14.5 OM AsstM N OMAM .32 2.2 15.52 12.10 696 14.56 2047 14.75 13.98 -.14 +.4sONEGas N OGS 1.68f 2.5 26 68.03 55.98 123 67.70 1025 68.03 65.28 +1.44 +5.8 OReillyAu Q ORLY 25 292.84 248.02 409 271.76 2888 275.94 269.15 -2.44 -2.4 OSI Sys Q OSIS 49 81.55 48.76 115 71.61 806 73.73 70.00 -1.32 -5.9 OakVlyBcp Q OVLY .24e 1.7 15 15.28 9.27 4 14.01 22 14.51 13.55 -.24 +11.6 OaktreeC N OAK 2.32f 5.2 20 49.65 36.95 150 44.90 798 45.70 44.00 -.45 +19.7 OasisPet N OAS 17.08 6.44 6432 12.37 34152 13.05 12.01 -.43 -18.3 OasmiaPh n Q OASM 5.25 1.39 0 1.90 12 2.02 1.85 +.10 -32.3 ObalonT n Q OBLN 15.88 8.27 38 10.48 350 11.99 9.83 -.21 +18.4 ObsEva n Q OBSV 14.70 10.57 10 11.20 71 12.59 10.76 -1.08 -3.9 OcciPet N OXY 3.04 4.8 78.48 61.01 4078 62.83 24139 64.07 62.43 -1.26 -11.8 OceanBio Q OBCI .06e 4.92 2.02 8 4.51 37 4.62 4.32 +.14 +19.9 OceanPw rs Q OPTT 15.65 1.37 118 2.12 556 2.33 2.00 -.22 -28.1 OceanRig Q ORIG 3.38 .64 613 .73 3333 .78 .66 -.08 -58.2 Oceaneerg N OII .60 2.4 26 36.92 22.47 1578 25.02 6604 25.88 24.80 -.91 -11.3 OceanFst Q OCFC .60 2.2 27 30.70 16.77 135 27.86 674 28.94 27.07 -1.18 -7.2 OceraTher Q OCRX 3.33 .52 1090 1.25 6121 1.49 1.14 -.18 -40.5tOch-Ziff N OZM .87e 37.8 4.78 2.15 641 2.30 6257 2.50 2.15 -.09 -30.5 Oclaro Q OCLR 11.30 4.25 16661 10.11 53726 10.28 9.02 +.55 +13.0 OcularTher Q OCUL 14.50 4.04 742 9.27 4382 9.94 8.95 -.23 +10.8 OcwenFn N OCN 6.15 1.29 1475 4.81 12596 4.93 4.48 -.06 -10.8 OdysMr rsh Q OMEX 9.36 1.85 11 3.41 128 3.80 3.32 -.32 -.3 OfficeDpt Q ODP .10 2.2 11 7.91 3.01 3638 4.53 22648 4.86 4.39 -.23 +.2 OhioValB Q OVBC .84 3.0 18 29.50 21.40 2 28.44 7 28.60 28.00 +.39 +4.6 OhrPharm Q OHRP 4.05 .74 89 .80 544 .89 .78 -.06 -46.7 Oi SA C N OIBR/C 9.19 1.01 154 7.05 502 8.08 6.42 -1.05 +77.6 OilStates N OIS 41.75 27.07 551 31.60 2476 32.60 31.20 -1.10 -19.0 Oil-Dri N ODC .84 2.2 26 40.94 29.89 4 37.53 35 38.21 36.38 -.05 -1.8 OldDomFrt Q ODFL .10p 24 94.97 56.74 313 84.73 2355 87.47 83.98 -2.62 -1.2 OldLnBc Q OLBK .32f 1.1 22 29.26 17.11 22 27.84 129 28.54 26.74 -.49 +16.1 OldNBcp Q ONB .52 3.1 16 18.95 11.51 662 16.70 4950 18.10 16.35 -1.45 -8.0 OldPoint Q OPOF .44f 1.5 22 29.70 18.30 15 29.68 31 29.70 28.32 +.43 +18.7 OldRepub N ORI .76f 3.8 14 21.19 16.51 873 20.02 5195 20.32 19.82 -.15 +5.4 OldSecBc Q OSBC .04 .4 19 11.64 6.37 20 10.30 252 11.10 10.25 -.80 -6.8 OlScCTrI pf Q OSBCP .78 7.5 10.87 10.05 10.43 4 10.45 10.35 +.05 +2.4 Olin N OLN .80 2.4 50 33.35 16.15 1498 32.77 8306 33.35 31.53 -.30 +28.0 Ollies n Q OLLI 39 33.45 21.37 377 32.45 1762 33.00 31.25 -.05 +14.1 OlympStl Q ZEUS .08 .4 31.19 15.41 121 18.72 748 22.17 18.70 -3.54 -22.8 Om Asst 31 N OMAA 1.28 5.6 25.29 20.15 23 22.90 155 22.90 22.55 +.25 +5.4 OmegaFlex Q OFLX .85e 32 64.91 31.53 4 47.03 47 47.06 44.00 +2.78 -15.7 OmegaHlt N OHI 2.48f 7.7 10 38.09 28.11 1123 32.38 7031 32.45 31.17 +.76 +3.6 OmegaP N OME .05p 10 26.99 15.90 530 19.25 1675 20.50 18.90 -1.35 -23.2 Omeros Q OMER 16.38 7.20 344 11.56 2853 11.97 10.61 +1.02 +16.5stOminto n Q OMNT 20.00 8.20 71 9.90 520 20.00 8.20 -30.9 Omnicell Q OMCL 40.50 25.06 179 39.85 1255 40.20 38.10 -.05 +17.6 Omnicom N OMC 2.20 2.6 18 89.66 75.61 1741 84.33 7350 85.49 83.96 -.61 -.9 Omnova N OMN 18 10.42 5.14 124 8.90 753 9.25 8.65 -.40 -11.0 OnAssign N ASGN 20 49.12 32.04 188 46.13 798 48.40 45.82 -2.28 +4.5 OnDeckCap N ONDK 8.94 3.64 310 4.62 2580 4.97 4.37 -.13 -.2 OnSmcnd Q ON 28 16.06 8.11 5750 15.18 28440 15.45 14.55 -.07 +19.0 OnTrack Q OTIV 2.09 .80 135 1.65 1650 1.89 1.45 -.06 -5.2 OncoMed Q OMED 15.49 7.41 236 9.20 912 10.00 9.07 -.81 +19.3 Oncobio n Q ONS 5.49 1.80 70 2.79 107 3.25 2.77 -.46 -7.3 Oncobi wtA Q ONSIW 1.09 .05 2 .61 6 .76 .58 -.03 +223.8 Oncobi wtB Q ONSIZ 1.90 .15 0 .45 21 .46 .39 +.01 -43.0 OncoCyte n N OCX 7.95 3.10 3 5.78 41 5.95 5.60 +.28 -18.0 OncoGnx h Q OGXI 1.42 .33 55 .50 548 .53 .48 -.03 Onconva rs Q ONTX 8.17 2.11 46 3.02 137 3.03 2.79 +.06 +33.0 OncoSec rs Q ONCS 3.49 1.03 91 1.27 1031 1.39 1.22 +.03 +3.3 OneGpHosp Q STKS 6 3.43 1.47 4 1.73 25 1.84 1.72 -.06 -22.3 OneHoriz h Q OHGI 1.27 .22 35 .27 140 .28 .26 +.00 -9.3 OneLibrty N OLP 1.72f 7.7 12 25.89 21.37 28 22.44 404 23.87 21.96 -1.00 -10.7 1800Flowrs Q FLWS 24 11.40 6.74 73 10.00 665 10.40 9.85 -.25 -6.5 OneBeacon N OB .84 5.6 17 17.12 12.04 45 15.01 339 15.44 14.87 -.42 -6.5 OneMain N OMF 9 33.31 16.03 543 24.68 2592 26.71 24.44 -1.84 +11.5 ONEOK N OKE 3.16 6.0 32 59.47 27.35 2674 53.10 11463 53.63 51.96 +.28 -7.5 OneokPtrs N OKS 3.16 6.1 23 57.41 28.51 631 51.79 3169 52.28 50.60 +.72 +20.4 Onvia Inc Q ONVI 5.25 3.32 11 4.35 14 4.35 4.30 -.25 -2.2 Ooma n N OOMA 10.50 5.85 206 9.70 992 9.95 9.50 +.05 +7.8 OpenText s Q OTEX 25 35.07 24.48 355 34.00 1937 34.63 33.31 -.47 +10.0 OpexaTh wt Q OPXAW .14 .01 129 .02 1402 .02 .01 -.00 -20.0 OpexaTh rs Q OPXA 4.93 .50 133 .77 355 .88 .75 -.12 -16.3 OpGen n Q OPGN 4.65 .87 435 1.07 3049 1.19 1.00 +.04 -7.0 OpGen wt Q OPGNW .68 .06 2 .08 32 .09 .07 +.01 -44.0tOphthotech Q OPHT 65.96 3.24 1016 3.53 4513 3.65 3.24 -.08 -26.9 OpkoHlth Q OPK 12.15 7.13 2804 7.85 17659 8.20 7.65 -.27 -15.6 OppLgCap N RWL .72e 1.6 46.43 38.69 54 45.03 265 45.88 44.90 -.81 +3.6 OppMidCap N RWK .59e .8 58.04 45.22 30 54.53 108 56.02 54.05 -1.52 +.8 OppSmCap N RWJ .48e .6 69.74 51.95 42 64.81 223 67.12 63.56 -2.42 -3.4 OppUltDiv N RDIV 1.15e 3.4 35.66 29.11 80 34.10 497 35.29 33.96 -1.11 -.5 OppenFin N RWW .58e 1.0 62.51 42.57 2 58.62 22 60.82 58.00 -2.20 +1.8 OppenHldg N OPY .44 2.7 19.65 13.63 27 16.55 160 17.15 15.95 -.40 -11.0 OptCable Q OCC .08 2.8 3.80 2.14 3 2.90 120 3.30 2.80 -.45 -3.8 OptimB rs Q OPHC 6.45 3.25 2 3.46 17 3.80 3.46 -.29 -8.5 OpusBank Q OPB .80f 4.2 18 38.19 18.21 169 18.90 1758 19.80 18.45 -.85 -37.1 Oracle N ORCL .60 1.3 22 46.99 37.62 12765 44.65 86569 45.95 44.58 -1.01 +16.6 Oragenics N OGEN 1.10 .33 52 .48 129 .50 .42 -.01 -11.1 OramedPh Q ORMP 10.51 5.70 16 5.87 118 6.10 5.86 -.16 -4.1 Orange N ORAN .73e 4.6 17.78 13.98 297 15.81 1600 16.03 15.70 -.06 +4.4sOraSure Q OSUR 35 12.28 5.57 1464 12.13 14818 12.28 10.75 +1.27 +38.2 Orbcomm Q ORBC 10.98 7.15 321 9.15 1732 9.55 9.09 -.27 +10.6 OrbitATK N OA 1.28f 1.3 19 102.72 67.04 304 97.76 1498 102.36 97.40 -4.35 +11.4 Orbotch Q ORBK 17 36.86 22.51 171 32.10 1510 32.45 31.48 +.11 -3.9 OrchidIsl N ORC 1.68 16.7 6 12.60 9.23 994 10.09 4233 10.19 9.92 +.05 -6.8 OrchidsPP N TIS 1.40 5.5 17 36.31 23.14 81 25.52 398 26.36 25.26 -.89 -2.5 Orexign rs Q OREX 6.49 1.65 140 3.98 696 4.23 3.85 -.12 +128.7 Organovo Q ONVO 4.35 2.00 699 3.03 4457 3.26 2.94 -.22 -10.6tOrientPap N ONP .02 2.0 3 1.54 .93 18 1.01 111 1.14 .93 -.04 -12.9 OriginAg Q SEED 3.19 1.24 9 1.95 147 2.06 1.92 -.01 -17.4 OrigoAc wt Q OACQW .43 .03 13 .11 94 .14 .10 +.01 -63.0 OrigoAcq Q OACQ 11.30 10.10 12 10.45 12 10.45 10.45 +.00 +.5 OrigoAc rt Q OACQR .50 .05 0 .16 28 .18 .14 -.04 -61.9 OrionEngy Q OESX 2.57 1.04 52 1.89 180 1.96 1.85 -.07 -12.9 OrionECarb N OEC .72 22.20 13.49 613 19.00 3073 21.75 18.75 -2.05 +.8 OrionGpHl N ORN 11.11 4.57 248 7.28 1088 8.11 7.18 -.88 -26.8 Oritani Q ORIT 1.03a 6.1 17 19.00 15.27 220 16.75 919 17.00 16.30 -.25 -10.7 Orix N IX 82.58 61.38 22 76.44 153 77.01 75.07 -.24 -1.8 OrmatTc N ORA .28 .5 26 59.63 39.99 166 56.65 1044 58.15 55.78 -1.34 +5.7 OrrstownF Q ORRF .40f 1.9 22 23.75 17.00 7 20.65 50 22.05 20.55 -.75 -7.8 Orthofix Q OFIX 81 48.25 32.51 193 39.69 1221 40.37 38.80 +.19 +9.7tOshRusS n N OUSM 25.85 24.89 10 25.11 111 25.56 24.89 -.45 -2.5 OshkoshCp N OSK .84f 1.2 20 74.16 38.47 429 67.85 2520 71.38 67.44 -2.43 +5.0 OsiskoGl n N OR .16f 14.74 8.88 443 11.19 3100 11.64 10.99 +.25 +15.1 OssenInn rs Q OSN 10 3.54 1.92 1 2.02 35 2.04 2.01 +.01 -1.9sOtelco Q OTEL 5 7.35 3.76 2 7.02 111 7.35 6.33 +.65 +10.5 Otonomy Q OTIC 19.38 10.50 129 12.85 789 13.75 12.10 -.60 -19.2 OttawaBc n Q OTTW .04e .3 13.99 11.00 2 12.97 20 13.52 12.78 +.23 +1.9 OtterTail Q OTTR 1.28f 3.4 24 42.55 27.77 264 37.65 585 38.45 35.65 +1.10 -7.7 OutfrontM N OUT 1.44f 5.5 13 27.89 20.24 437 26.29 3781 26.97 25.76 -.45 +5.7 OvaScience Q OVAS 11.66 1.30 838 1.71 9204 1.76 1.52 +.15 +11.8 OverSh rs N OSG 5.66 2.69 220 4.03 2147 4.37 3.93 -.32 +5.2 Overstk Q OSTK 35 20.50 13.05 33 17.00 238 18.17 16.80 -1.05 -2.9 OwensMin N OMI 1.03f 3.0 17 41.48 30.43 592 34.09 3395 35.36 33.84 -.75 -3.4 OwensCorn N OC .80 1.3 18 62.79 45.46 752 61.24 4318 62.15 60.61 -.78 +18.8 OwensIll N OI 9 20.74 15.22 721 20.13 5276 20.52 19.78 -.26 +15.6 OwensRM N ORM .32 1.8 11 19.16 14.95 7 17.32 70 17.47 16.80 -.02 -6.5 Oxbridge Q OXBR .48 7.7 15 6.90 4.38 8 6.20 148 6.55 5.60 -.25 +3.3 Oxbrdge wt Q OXBRW .96 .16 .62 4 .62 .55 +90.8sOxfordImm Q OXFD 16.13 7.73 95 15.42 431 16.13 15.08 -.29 +3.1tOxfordInds N OXM 1.08 1.9 17 76.19 51.35 787 56.43 2147 56.74 49.50 -.43 -6.2 OxfordLn Q OXLC 2.40 22.5 11.80 7.53 101 10.67 895 10.77 10.41 -.09 +1.5 Oxford 23pf Q OXLCO 1.88 7.3 25.85 24.60 1 25.66 1016 25.66 25.00 +.31 +.4 Oxford 24pf Q OXLCN 2.03 7.9 26.05 24.78 0 25.80 11 25.80 25.62 +.19 -.4P-Q:P&F Inds Q PFIN .20a 2.5 4 11.00 6.69 0 7.95 6 8.41 7.95 -.47 -3.9 PAM Q PTSI 6 31.94 14.75 7 15.90 62 17.61 15.76 -1.50 -38.8 PB Bncp Q PBBI .12 1.1 10.85 8.20 5 10.50 100 10.60 10.40 +6.1 PBF Engy N PBF 1.20 5.8 13 35.68 19.47 2337 20.78 10358 22.08 20.44 -1.12 -25.5 PBF Logist N PBFX 1.80f 8.4 11 23.49 17.45 20 21.50 415 21.95 21.00 +.60 +18.1 PC Cnnctn Q CNXN .34e 16 29.74 21.59 33 28.64 388 29.40 27.88 -.63 +2.0 PC-Tel Q PCTI .20 3.6 6.22 4.36 141 5.52 349 5.87 5.50 -.29 +2.6 PCM Fund N PCM .96 9.5 10.59 9.05 23 10.15 214 10.37 10.01 -.12 +1.5 PCM Inc Q PCMI 17 29.85 7.73 110 26.85 652 27.80 25.16 -1.00 +19.3 PDC Engy Q PDCE 84.88 50.12 696 61.83 4341 65.06 61.55 -2.82 -14.8 PDF Sol Q PDFS 56 24.44 12.09 94 22.41 597 22.68 21.25 +.20 -.6 PDL Bio Q PDLI .20 10.1 4 3.84 1.93 1700 1.98 9116 2.20 1.96 -.23 -6.6sPG&E Cp N PCG 1.96 2.9 18 68.25 56.39 2259 67.86 10545 68.29 65.99 +1.27 +11.7 PGT Inc N PGTI 22 12.49 9.38 161 10.45 1186 10.80 10.00 -.35 -9.1 PHH Corp N PHH 16.80 9.73 305 12.35 1926 12.68 12.04 -.21 -18.5tPHI vtg Q PHII 21.70 10.63 4 11.94 8 12.43 10.63 -.86 -33.1tPHI nv Q PHIIK .20 1.6 22.79 12.12 32 12.27 199 13.00 12.12 -.46 -31.9 PICO Hld Q PICO 16.20 8.47 48 13.65 322 14.65 13.50 -.70 -9.9 PIMCO1-3Tr N TUZ .34a .7 52.58 50.19 31 50.70 93 50.72 50.62 +.09 +.1 Pimc1-5Tip N STPZ .25e .5 53.10 51.94 108 52.73 489 52.81 52.59 +.09 +.5 Pim15TIPS N LTPZ .42e .6 72.58 62.52 37 66.49 74 66.75 64.96 +1.40 +2.3 PimBrdTIPS N TIPZ .31e .5 60.68 56.33 7 58.11 28 58.25 57.77 +.37 +1.2 PimLwDur N LDUR 2.82e 2.0 103.00 99.09 8 100.61 47 100.75 100.35 +.18 +.2 PimDvsInc N DI 2.90e 5.8 51.82 46.49 9 49.94 28 50.04 49.64 +.16 +1.7 PimcoTR N BOND 6.13e 5.8 108.25 102.11 41 105.20 567 105.37 104.54 +.53 +1.0 Pim0-5HYCp N HYS 5.21e 5.2 101.56 92.03 761 100.03 2394 100.27 99.29 -.17 +.2sPimInfLkd N ILB .82e 1.9 43.93 39.38 2 43.79 42 43.94 43.37 +.41 +4.7 PimIGBd N CORP 3.12a 3.0 107.50 99.85 21 102.91 102 103.11 102.17 +.65 +.6 PimShMat N MINT .82e .8 101.61 100.70 303 101.59 2199 101.60 101.55 +.04 +.3 PimIntMu N MUNI 1.26 2.4 55.48 51.73 12 52.82 57 52.83 52.47 +.32 +.8 PimSTMun N SMMU .47e .9 50.87 48.75 2 50.01 17 50.19 49.91 +.10 +1.2 Pim25yrZro N ZROZ 3.07e 2.8 143.05 105.32 134 111.44 232 111.82 107.85 +3.22 +2.6 PJT Part n N PJT .20 .6 23 38.86 19.96 80 35.45 610 37.63 34.80 -2.06 +14.8 PLDT Inc N PHI 1.60e 5.2 46.13 25.50 81 30.67 436 31.14 30.03 +.06 +11.3 PNC pfP N PNCpP 1.65 5.8 30.88 26.50 123 28.47 383 28.77 28.40 -.02 +4.3 PNC pfQ N PNCpQ 1.34 5.4 26.37 23.01 9 24.76 131 24.88 24.67 -.10 +4.8 PNC N PNC 2.20 1.8 17 131.83 77.40 2361 119.40 19677 125.31 116.49 -4.95 +2.1 PNC wt N PNC/WS 64.30 14.80 10 52.25 118 57.70 49.46 -5.75 +5.9sPNM Res N PNM .97 2.6 23 37.80 30.62 272 37.60 2087 37.80 36.70 +.30 +9.6sPOSCO N PKX 66.63 40.80 237 62.04 1471 66.63 61.73 -2.03 +18.1 PPG s N PPG 1.60 1.5 18 117.00 89.64 1237 103.79 9749 106.24 102.36 -.70 +9.5 PPL Cap 73 N PPX 1.48 5.8 27.75 24.01 5 25.50 35 25.95 25.33 -.20 +2.0 PPL Corp N PPL 1.58f 4.2 14 39.92 32.08 2176 37.60 14859 37.95 36.66 +.61 +10.4 PRA Grp Q PRAA 18 42.70 21.93 252 32.90 1983 34.25 32.15 -1.15 -15.9 PRA Hlth Q PRAH 61 61.92 39.25 695 61.75 2951 61.89 58.08 +2.35 +12.0 PRGX Glbl Q PRGX 6.59 4.25 38 6.15 185 6.35 5.92 -.10 +4.2 PS BusPk N PSB 3.00 2.6 31 121.81 94.88 93 113.67 389 115.35 110.80 +.64 -2.4 PSBPk pfT N PSBpT 1.50 6.0 26.89 23.88 18 25.19 87 25.21 25.05 +.02 +3.6 PSBPk pfU N PSBpU 1.44 5.8 26.37 22.85 14 24.84 51 24.84 24.31 +.47 +6.7 PSBPk pfV N PSBpV 1.42 5.8 26.70 22.79 2 24.83 41 25.20 24.40 +.41 +6.6 PS BsPk pfW N PSBpW 23.29 20.58 36 22.64 158 22.67 22.17 +.21 +5.0 PTC Inc Q PTC 46 56.73 31.17 2995 51.94 16630 56.43 50.95 -4.25 +12.3 PTC Thera Q PTCT 16.50 4.03 593 8.52 5615 9.10 8.12 -.54 -21.9 PVH Corp N PVH .15 .1 12 115.40 82.10 2448 100.94 11932 102.11 89.52 +6.29 +11.9 PacWstBc Q PACW 2.00 3.9 18 57.53 35.56 926 51.33 4436 55.68 49.50 -4.48 -5.7 Paccar Q PCAR .96a 1.4 46 70.12 48.17 1216 67.62 9136 69.60 67.04 -1.90 +5.8 PcrTrnd750 N PTLC 25.98 21.17 43 25.03 401 25.51 24.95 -.39 +5.1 PcrTrnd450 N PTMC 28.70 22.94 32 27.38 230 27.99 27.12 -.58 +3.0 PcrTrnd100 N PTNQ 25.74 19.66 13 25.31 63 25.62 25.15 -.22 +10.7sPacrTrendp N PTEU 26.02 22.00 8 25.95 47 26.02 25.65 +.09 +8.3 Pacholder N PHF .60 7.7 7.93 6.31 19 7.78 108 7.80 7.71 +.04 +8.0 PacBiosci Q PACB 10.75 3.76 520 5.05 3612 5.18 4.57 +.46 +32.9 PacifCstOil N ROYT .26e 16.8 4 2.21 .87 46 1.55 408 1.61 1.47 +.01 +44.9 PacifCntl Q PCBK .44 1.9 25 26.85 14.35 145 23.65 1037 25.05 22.80 -1.50 +8.2 PacDrill rs N PACD 11.56 1.82 86 2.33 509 2.48 2.16 -.17 -42.6 PacEthanol Q PEIX 10.95 3.67 762 6.80 2977 7.58 6.65 -28.4 PacGE pfA N PCGpA 1.50 4.8 33.70 28.89 2 31.31 11 31.74 31.03 -.12 +2.2 PacGE pfB N PCGpB 1.37 4.8 33.00 26.25 28.78 2 28.78 28.56 +.19 +2.1 PacGE pfC N PCGpC 1.25 4.8 30.00 24.94 1 26.25 4 26.62 25.71 +.16 +5.1 PacGE pfD N PCGpD 1.25 4.8 27.50 24.74 26.21 18 26.45 26.02 +.20 +1.9 PacGE pfE N PCGpE 1.25 4.8 27.25 24.45 25.86 7 26.25 25.56 -.04 +1.0 PacGE pfH N PCGpH 1.12 4.5 27.06 22.00 2 24.87 6 25.10 24.50 -.09 +7.1 PacGE pfI N PCGpI 1.09 4.5 25.99 23.31 24.32 7 24.99 24.25 -.56 +2.4 PacMerc Q PMBC 7.91 5.30 8 7.45 122 7.80 7.35 -.25 +2.1 PacPreBc Q PPBI 24 41.90 20.05 213 36.40 1466 39.80 34.35 -3.50 +3.0 PacSpec n Q PAAC 13.00 10.00 10.30 4 10.35 10.25 -.5 PacSpec rt Q PAACR .55 .09 53 .49 86 .54 .40 -.01 -7.5 PacSpec wt Q PAACW .51 .05 154 .34 411 .47 .26 +21.4 PacSpAc un Q PAACU 13.63 10.10 11.00 3 11.10 11.00 -.05 -.5 PaciraPhm Q PCRX 65.64 29.95 540 46.90 4296 49.35 46.10 -.50 +45.2 PackAmer N PKG 2.52 2.8 19 96.87 58.19 657 90.41 3609 95.00 89.83 -1.95 +6.6 PainTher h Q PTIE 3.00 .51 2106 .86 36248 1.33 .66 +.16 +50.9tPalatinTch N PTN .90 .32 1075 .33 9817 .35 .32 -.01 -35.4tPaloAltNet N PANW 165.69 110.29 1187 111.77 9940 116.08 110.29 -4.04 -10.6sPampaEng N PAM 51.33 19.45 152 52.34 1038 52.38 48.76 +3.63 +50.4 PanASlv Q PAAS .10f .6 34 21.59 10.07 1891 17.48 9660 18.43 16.85 +.45 +16.0 Pandora N P 14.98 8.05 7081 11.85 24298 11.87 11.32 +.37 -9.1sPaneraBrd Q PNRA 40 247.14 185.69 825 249.48 2724 250.53 236.72 +11.09 +21.6 PangaeaL Q PANL 5 4.44 2.22 26 3.43 177 3.67 3.34 +.07 +.9 PanhO&G N PHX .16 .9 27.70 15.34 15 17.85 100 18.75 17.55 -.90 -24.2 PapaJohns Q PZZA .80 1.0 30 90.49 53.23 996 76.43 3329 77.65 73.77 +.43 -10.7 PapaMurph Q FRSH 12.96 3.56 155 4.18 1011 4.29 3.97 +.04 -.9 ParPetrol N PARR 20.00 12.18 88 16.07 691 16.31 15.49 -.16 +10.5 ParTech N PAR 21 7.25 4.30 25 7.04 115 7.23 6.91 -.16 +26.2 ParagCm n Q PBNC 54.20 33.65 7 52.26 31 54.09 51.00 -1.77 +19.5 ParaGold n N PZG 2.93 1.31 32 1.63 152 1.71 1.60 -8.4 ParamtGp N PGRE .38 2.3 74 18.28 14.58 933 16.21 4568 16.74 15.91 -.45 +1.4 ParatekPh Q PRTK 18.92 9.80 403 15.85 2684 16.85 15.15 -.70 +2.9tParetem rs N TEUM 6.13 .97 116 1.07 863 1.34 .97 -.25 Parexel Q PRXL 22 72.32 51.16 686 62.35 7204 62.99 60.60 -.78 -5.1 ParkCity Q PCYG 80 17.00 8.30 95 11.95 599 14.33 11.55 -1.90 -5.9 ParkEl N PKE .40a 2.2 31 20.24 13.76 62 18.11 253 19.26 18.04 -.98 -2.9 ParkHot n N PK .43p 33.40 25.40 541 26.22 6000 26.67 25.70 -.41 -12.3 ParkNatl N PRK 3.76 3.6 20 122.88 85.35 24 104.05 200 109.50 103.20 -5.58 -13.0 ParkOh Q PKOH .50 1.4 14 47.00 23.21 27 35.35 177 36.75 34.25 -.80 -17.0 ParkStrlg Q PSTB .16 1.4 31 12.37 6.41 181 11.71 748 12.15 11.20 -.42 +8.5sParkeBcp Q PKBK .40 1.9 10 21.83 12.52 7 21.60 97 21.83 21.25 -.15 +7.2tParkDrl N PKD 3.16 1.35 1703 1.45 8270 1.60 1.35 -.15 -44.2 ParkerHan N PH 2.64f 1.7 23 160.23 99.10 1069 156.69 5056 159.69 156.05 -2.41 +11.9tParkrVs rs Q PRKR 8.18 1.60 336 1.76 2509 1.97 1.60 -.11 -4.3 Parkway n N PKY 23.17 16.39 214 19.02 1176 19.75 18.70 -.59 -14.5 ParsleyEn N PE 39.82 21.23 3780 30.47 20187 31.73 30.14 -1.29 -13.5 PrtnrCm Q PTNR 51 6.41 4.00 5.58 10 5.84 5.45 -.28 +19.0 PartRe pfF N PREpF 1.47 5.8 27.48 22.95 3 25.42 31 25.53 25.00 +.35 +4.4 PartRe pfG N PREpG 1.63 6.1 30.33 25.32 1 26.49 21 26.58 26.23 +.20 +2.2 PartRe pfH N PREpH 1.81 6.4 32.40 25.02 18 28.26 149 28.53 27.88 +.26 +3.6 PartRe pfI N PREpI 1.47 5.9 28.94 22.97 5 25.11 38 25.63 24.93 -.02 +6.8 PartyCity n N PRTY 19.10 12.05 347 13.85 1753 14.00 13.00 -2.5 Patheon n N PTHN 32.95 23.72 486 26.18 3314 27.69 26.14 -1.11 -8.8 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 14 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
PathfdBcp Q PBHC .20 1.4 21 15.19 10.76 0 14.50 12 14.78 14.50 -.20 +7.5 PatrkInd s Q PATK 19 86.10 43.01 269 69.55 1059 71.85 67.90 -.45 -8.8 PatrNBc rs Q PNBK 24 16.50 12.80 15.20 6 15.40 14.50 +1.10 +8.2 PatriotN n N PN 2.50e 7 9.95 2.04 426 2.61 1577 3.04 2.22 +.36 -43.9 PatriotTr n Q PATI 15 27.32 17.89 1 22.38 3 23.86 22.05 -.69 +2.1 PatternEn Q PEGI 1.63f 8.0 25.13 17.70 798 20.41 3162 20.52 20.00 +7.5 Patterson Q PDCO 1.04f 2.3 21 50.40 36.46 481 44.48 4006 45.92 43.93 -1.00 +8.4 PattUTI Q PTEN .08 .3 29.76 16.06 3699 23.99 17564 25.59 23.92 -1.69 -10.9 Pavmed n Q PAVM 15.24 4.50 5.99 3 6.43 5.65 +.04 -13.2 Paychex Q PAYX 1.84 3.0 29 63.03 51.06 1266 61.62 7598 62.95 61.31 -1.22 +1.2 PaycomSft N PAYC 74 57.31 32.42 387 54.94 2738 57.12 53.70 -1.53 +20.8 Paylocity Q PCTY 49.65 29.02 158 35.02 850 37.44 34.13 -1.82 +16.7 PayData rs Q PYDS 3.80 1.01 6 1.30 67 1.37 1.25 -29.7 PayPal n Q PYPL 35 44.52 34.00 5578 43.13 33782 43.61 42.45 +.05 +9.3 pdvWirelss Q PDVW 43.04 18.60 16 21.05 136 24.05 20.00 -2.70 -6.7 PeakRsts Q SKIS .07e 6.20 2.78 64 5.35 311 5.85 5.25 -.40 -3.6 PeapkGl Q PGC .20 .7 20 33.30 16.46 39 29.82 201 30.24 28.24 -.23 -3.4 Pearson N PSO .80e 10.0 13.20 7.04 449 8.00 2744 8.19 7.87 -.09 -19.9 Pebblebrk N PEB 1.52 5.4 15 31.85 23.46 879 28.12 4188 28.55 27.01 -.41 -5.5 Pebble pfC N PEBpC 1.63 6.4 27.24 23.51 1 25.35 12 26.65 25.11 +.08 +4.4 Pedevco N PED .41 .09 126 .10 2498 .13 .09 -.00 -11.6 Pegasyst Q PEGA .12 .3 95 45.50 23.80 168 41.85 1294 44.80 41.25 -1.45 +16.3 Pembina g N PBA 1.50 34 33.24 25.41 227 31.70 1147 32.29 31.42 -.20 +1.2 Pendrell rs Q PCO 7.61 4.80 22 6.50 199 6.55 6.15 +.41 -3.7 PengthE g N PGH .04 2.08 .96 1141 1.10 6428 1.13 1.01 +.09 -22.5sPnnNtGm Q PENN 24 17.40 11.93 12422 17.68 23669 17.82 15.23 +1.86 +28.2tPennVa n Q PVAC 61.97 41.40 14 42.70 74 46.94 41.40 -2.10 -12.9 PennWst g N PWE 2.05 .61 871 1.58 7167 1.64 1.48 +.01 -10.7 PennantPk Q PNNT .72m 9.2 8 8.68 5.83 364 7.79 1855 8.03 7.71 -.10 +1.7 PennPk 25 N PNTA 1.56 6.2 26.20 23.26 2 25.36 13 25.48 25.20 +.08 +1.0 PenPkFR Q PFLT 1.14 8.3 12 14.22 11.42 73 13.68 687 13.89 13.60 -.12 -3.0tPenney N JCP 11.50 5.47 10123 5.57 73725 6.03 5.45 -.42 -33.0 PennsWd Q PWOD 1.88 4.3 17 52.65 37.26 9 43.75 79 44.76 43.48 -1.06 -13.4tPennaRE N PEI .84 5.8 10 25.67 13.76 1319 14.50 6342 14.93 13.76 -.40 -23.5 PenRE pfA N PEIpA 2.06 8.2 26.50 24.80 22 25.15 93 25.20 25.13 -.02 -.6 PenRE pfB N PEIpB 1.84 7.3 26.71 22.46 7 25.25 59 25.25 25.08 +.20 +1.0 PenRE pfC N PEIpC 1.80 6.9 27.03 24.72 193 26.16 422 26.53 26.05 -.44 +4.0 PennTex n Q PTXP 1.18 7.1 29 18.00 9.01 43 16.54 310 16.75 16.10 +.25 +10.3 PennyMFn N PFSI 5 19.35 10.96 87 16.10 893 17.40 16.10 -1.25 -3.3 PennyMac N PMT 1.88 11.1 16 17.38 12.99 298 16.93 1728 17.27 16.86 -.21 +3.4sPenny pfA N PMTpA 2.03 8.1 25.05 24.66 198 25.04 607 25.15 24.81 +.10 +1.2 Penske N PAG 1.16f 2.5 12 56.05 29.29 387 45.99 1691 49.00 45.57 -3.10 -11.3 Pentair N PNR 1.38f 2.3 21 66.99 50.37 642 60.72 4584 62.99 60.31 -2.15 +8.3 Penumbra n N PEN 84.80 43.68 215 81.10 1136 82.95 76.15 -1.35 +27.1 PeopUtdF Q PBCT .68 3.8 20 20.13 13.80 3872 18.04 17492 18.92 17.47 -.78 -6.8 PeopUtd pf Q PBCTP 28.20 24.06 13 26.26 60 26.33 25.83 +.26 +1.6 PeBcOH Q PEBO .80f 2.6 18 33.56 18.43 34 30.87 236 32.99 30.11 -2.12 -4.9 PeopBNC Q PEBK .48f 1.7 17 30.23 18.41 3 28.11 27 30.00 27.43 -1.89 +12.1 PplsFnMS Q PFBX .20 1.4 16.40 8.90 0 14.78 3 15.06 14.50 +.28 -8.5 PeopFSvc Q PFIS 1.24 3.1 15 50.54 35.26 3 39.66 23 41.79 39.65 -1.33 -18.6 PeopUtah n Q PUB .32 1.2 21 27.85 15.20 14 26.00 156 27.20 25.35 -1.10 -3.2sPepsiCo N PEP 3.01 2.7 24 112.38 98.50 3749 112.12 19803 112.38 110.81 +.73 +7.2 Percptr Q PRCP .15 1.9 8.87 4.18 7 8.02 194 8.56 7.67 -.38 +20.8 PeregrinP Q PPHM .77 .28 3020 .71 11139 .73 .64 +.01 +129.2 PeregP pfE Q PPHMP 2.63 12.3 23.98 9.75 5 21.33 19 22.45 21.05 -.10 +7.1 Perficient Q PRFT 25 22.66 14.15 197 17.36 596 18.33 17.26 -.79 -.7 PerfFood n N PFGC 23 28.13 19.95 759 23.45 3774 23.70 22.30 +.10 -2.3 Performnt Q PFMT 4.07 1.50 155 2.01 345 2.09 1.63 +.36 -14.5tPerfuman lf Q PERF 3.00 1.15 3 1.15 28 1.33 1.15 -.10 -23.3 PerionNwk Q PERI 2.38 .94 22 1.79 435 1.94 1.74 -.13 +26.1sPerkElm N PKI .28 .5 21 57.88 45.35 594 57.52 3854 58.08 56.79 +.25 +10.3 PermaFix Q PESI 5.64 2.85 41 3.15 162 3.35 3.00 +.15 -19.2 PermaPip Q PPIH 9.30 6.06 6 7.95 36 8.05 7.65 +.05 -1.9 Prmian N PBT .44e 4.9 25 9.77 5.75 51 9.02 445 9.25 8.90 -.17 +17.0 PernixT rs Q PTX 14.50 1.83 135 3.97 1748 4.20 3.75 +.11 +104.6tPerrigo N PRGO .64f .9 133.53 67.08 1071 67.96 7147 69.80 67.08 -1.54 -18.3 PerryEllis Q PERY 13 29.00 16.24 142 20.99 1131 23.92 20.71 -2.93 -15.7 PershGld rs Q PGLC 5.02 2.67 150 2.89 515 3.02 2.85 -.09 -11.6 PetMed Q PETS .76 3.8 19 23.78 17.24 137 20.07 809 20.61 19.80 -.49 -13.0 PetChina N PTR .70e .9 81.80 61.81 45 74.52 491 76.21 73.80 -.31 +1.1sPetroArg N PZE .07e 10.30 4.66 60 10.60 299 10.61 9.59 +.70 +51.0 PetrbrsA N PBR/A 11.77 4.06 5582 8.65 42231 8.85 8.26 +.23 -1.8 Petrobras N PBR 12.56 5.19 24838 9.06 151156 9.22 8.70 +.15 -10.4 PtroqstE rs N PQ 4.75 1.71 127 2.88 505 2.97 2.56 +.09 -13.0tPfenex N PFNX 11.35 5.55 126 5.60 577 6.89 5.52 -1.10 -38.3 Pfizer N PFE 1.28f 3.8 14 37.39 29.41 25812 34.00 121097 34.61 33.94 -.32 +4.7 PFSweb Q PFSW 83 15.87 6.50 87 6.61 626 7.50 6.55 -.84 -22.2 PhrmAth N PIP 2.91e 1 3.50 .47 523 .78 4005 .85 .75 -.05 -76.0 Pharmerica N PMC 11 28.72 19.20 162 23.55 1416 24.00 22.15 +1.05 -6.4 PhaseRx n Q PZRX 5.77 .96 17 1.51 182 1.66 1.42 -.12 -2.6 PhlpsSelEn N DSE 1.26 16.8 8.59 4.92 105 7.48 462 7.59 7.27 -.06 -1.3 PhibroAH Q PAHC .40 1.4 13 30.85 16.80 52 27.70 285 28.65 26.80 -.70 -5.5sPhilipMor N PM 4.16 3.7 23 114.65 86.78 6412 111.79 28889 114.65 110.01 -.17 +22.2sPhilipsNV N PHG .88e 2.8 31.93 23.00 3272 31.90 8658 32.06 31.33 +.45 +4.4 Phillips66 N PSX 2.52 3.3 12 89.31 73.67 2179 77.27 14333 79.99 77.12 -2.67 -10.6 Phill66LP N PSXP 2.23f 4.4 24 64.83 42.47 100 50.23 1177 51.11 49.57 -.68 +3.3 PhxNMda N FENG 18 4.65 3.11 10 3.58 251 3.59 3.43 +14.0 PhotMdx rs Q PHMD 5.60 .90 30 1.78 331 1.98 1.55 -.06 -19.1 PhotrIn Q PLAB 28 12.10 8.20 211 10.85 1144 11.30 10.75 -.25 -4.0 PhysRltTr N DOC .90 4.6 25 22.03 17.12 1451 19.46 9097 19.55 18.69 +.44 +3.9 PiedmOfc N PDM .84 3.9 13 23.08 18.61 344 21.48 2161 21.75 21.14 -.20 +2.7 Pier 1 N PIR .28 4.1 21 9.68 3.73 1351 6.87 8047 7.12 6.39 -.17 -19.6 PierisPhm Q PIRS 3.09 1.30 221 2.66 1106 2.73 2.40 -.07 +89.3 PilgrimsP Q PPC 2.75e 12 26.50 17.15 889 22.26 5974 22.35 21.46 +.47 +17.2 PimcoCA N PCQ .92 5.7 17.53 14.75 21 16.23 168 16.27 16.07 +.23 +3.5 PimcoCA2 N PCK .65 6.7 11.25 9.05 22 9.68 180 9.71 9.54 +.11 +5.0 PimcCA3 N PZC .72 6.2 13.11 10.67 24 11.68 166 11.77 11.64 -.02 +3.0 PimcoCp&I N PCN 1.35 8.5 16.28 12.64 74 15.80 416 15.90 15.63 +.13 +6.9 PimCpOp N PTY 1.56a 10.1 15.88 13.20 143 15.49 973 15.56 15.40 +.03 +8.2 PimDyCrd N PCI 1.97 9.3 21.23 17.19 545 21.09 2612 21.17 20.83 +.09 +4.3 PimDyInco N PDI 2.65a 9.2 29.29 25.86 169 28.66 834 28.73 28.29 -.01 +3.5 PimcIncStr N PFL 1.08 9.7 11.24 9.32 52 11.09 450 11.14 10.93 +.01 +4.9 PimIncStr2 N PFN .96 9.6 10.13 8.50 74 10.00 718 10.08 9.94 +5.4 PimStPls N PGP 2.20 12.7 20.96 13.82 26 17.39 177 17.68 17.22 +.09 +23.6 PimcoHiI N PHK 1.24 14.4 10.15 8.26 376 8.61 1863 8.69 8.47 -.02 -6.1 PimIncOpp N PKO 2.28a 9.2 25.20 20.28 21 24.81 264 24.91 24.50 +.08 +7.1 PimcoMuni N PMF .98 7.4 17.43 12.74 82 13.14 394 13.14 13.00 +.14 -8.7 PimcoMu2 N PML .78 6.2 14.08 11.57 123 12.50 677 12.63 12.41 +.10 +2.3 PimcMu3 N PMX .75 6.7 13.05 10.82 44 11.28 347 11.31 11.15 +.13 -.8 PimcoNY N PNF .68 5.5 14.40 11.49 4 12.28 55 12.41 12.16 +.12 +2.9 PimcoNY2 N PNI .80 6.9 14.61 11.13 9 11.46 64 11.47 11.30 +.16 -4.6 PimcNY3 N PYN .63 6.6 12.29 9.26 13 9.55 41 9.57 9.33 +.22 -4.7 PimcoStrIn N RCS .96 10.2 10.56 8.12 85 9.38 470 9.41 9.25 +.08 +6.7 PingtanM Q PME .04 .9 5.18 .84 137 4.34 1538 4.46 3.80 +.26 +149.4sPinnclEnt Q PNK 18.95 9.72 219 18.80 2048 19.02 17.70 +.27 +29.7 PinnaclFn Q PNFP .56 .9 21 71.85 44.61 429 63.80 2048 68.35 61.30 -4.85 -7.9 PinnaclFds N PF 1.14f 2.0 28 59.11 41.47 827 57.88 4651 59.09 57.60 -1.08 +8.3sPinWst N PNW 2.62 3.1 22 84.44 70.11 405 84.12 2490 84.48 82.23 +.89 +7.8 PionDvrsHi N HNW 1.38 8.6 16.83 15.01 40 16.10 176 16.11 15.89 +.10 +.5 PionEnSvc N PES 7.20 1.98 621 4.00 4231 4.40 3.90 -.35 -41.6 PionFltRt N PHD .72 5.8 12.44 10.92 69 12.33 354 12.42 12.27 -.03 +3.9 PionHiIn N PHT 1.14 11.7 10.75 9.36 59 9.76 350 9.82 9.61 -4.4 PioMuAdv N MAV .84 7.7 14.25 10.61 82 10.91 340 10.94 10.73 +.15 -7.6 PioMunHi N MHI .84 7.3 14.76 11.31 45 11.58 410 11.64 11.37 +.20 -2.4 PioNtrl N PXD .08 199.83 134.14 1011 180.91 6380 186.39 180.34 -3.88 +.5 PioneerPw Q PPSI 17 9.40 3.78 8 7.00 54 7.10 6.90 -.20 +17.6 PiperJaf N PJC .31p 17 81.85 35.36 120 63.15 753 68.03 62.08 -4.65 -12.9tPitnyBw N PBI .75 6.0 7 21.81 12.35 1096 12.54 11099 13.02 12.35 -.30 -17.4 PitnyBw 43 N PBIpB 1.67 6.5 27.73 25.11 34 25.87 88 26.25 25.72 +.03 +1.2 Pixelwrks Q PXLW 4.89 1.55 204 4.59 1469 4.85 4.27 -.25 +63.9 PlainsAAP N PAA 2.20 7.0 29 33.95 19.76 599 31.30 5717 31.86 30.55 +.16 -3.1 PlainsGP rs N PAGP .55 60 36.55 20.64 1312 31.03 8068 31.66 30.59 -.36 -10.5 PlanetFit n N PLNT 40 22.13 13.07 2402 19.19 6765 20.44 18.91 -1.00 -4.5 PlanetP h Q PLPM 8 4.97 2.75 150 3.76 799 3.85 3.71 -.03 -7.8 Plantron N PLT .60 1.1 18 57.79 36.81 123 52.99 608 54.58 51.97 -1.47 -3.2 PlatfmSpc N PAH 31 13.96 6.85 992 12.55 7104 13.10 12.14 -.54 +27.9 PlatGpM rs N PLG 4.04 1.40 502 1.54 2428 1.69 1.51 -.13 +7.7tPlayaHot n Q PLYA 12.00 10.05 140 10.20 2059 10.53 10.05 -.28 -4.2stPlayaH wt Q PLYAW .79 .75 2 .78 137 .79 .75 +4.0 Plexus Q PLXS 20 58.74 37.70 121 57.20 702 57.92 56.18 -.72 +5.8 PlugPowr h Q PLUG 2.28 .83 6087 1.36 34647 1.38 1.16 +.16 +13.3 PlumasBc Q PLBC .20 1.1 14 19.50 8.60 3 17.75 25 17.75 17.30 -.10 -6.6 PluristemT Q PSTI 5 1.85 1.04 136 1.21 1746 1.29 1.15 -.04 -15.4 PlyGem N PGEM 17 20.00 12.85 92 19.40 896 19.80 18.80 -.20 +19.4 PoageBksh Q PBSK .32 1.6 23 20.90 15.50 5 19.50 9 19.65 19.50 +3.7 PointrTel h Q PNTR 15 9.75 5.23 26 8.65 55 9.07 8.55 -.25 +27.2tPointsInt g Q PCOM 9.99 6.28 70 7.09 365 7.12 6.28 +.16 -7.2 PolarPwr n Q POLA 11.50 7.09 133 8.13 949 8.45 7.65 +.49 -9.2 Polaris N PII 2.32f 2.8 24 104.25 70.14 738 83.21 3849 89.65 82.19 -5.80 +1.0 Polarity rs Q COOL 8.98 2.61 50 8.52 454 8.71 8.00 +.08 +163.0 PolyMet g N PLM 1.14 .71 340 .75 1364 .77 .74 -.02 +1.1 PolyOne N POL .54 1.6 16 38.41 28.77 351 33.26 1464 34.15 32.45 -.80 +3.8 Pool Corp Q POOL 1.24 1.0 34 121.31 84.00 177 118.93 1250 120.84 118.08 -2.02 +14.0sPopeRes Q POPE 2.80 3.9 90 75.72 55.06 71.95 3 75.72 70.55 +1.62 +8.5 PopeyLaK Q PLKI 41 79.16 49.11 1132 78.98 4023 79.01 78.96 -.01 +30.6 Popular Q BPOP 1.00f 2.6 19 45.96 26.49 494 38.69 4057 40.64 38.15 -2.08 -11.7 Popular pf Q BPOPN 1.68 7.0 24.60 19.92 1 24.00 31 24.18 23.96 -.09 PopCpII pf Q BPOPM 1.53 6.8 24.42 18.25 5 22.46 33 22.99 22.40 -.04 +.1 PorterBc rs Q PBIB 13.75 5.55 1 9.37 6 9.51 9.29 +.08 -23.9 PortGE N POR 1.28 2.9 21 46.05 37.77 385 44.91 2651 45.16 44.26 +.23 +3.6 PortolaPh Q PTLA 41.27 15.68 502 38.44 4804 40.97 37.77 -1.00 +71.3 PostHldg N POST 46 89.00 67.65 820 84.46 2974 85.92 83.96 -.99 +5.1 Potash N POT .40 2.4 16 20.27 15.21 5659 17.02 19609 17.43 16.85 -.30 -5.9 Potbelly Q PBPB 42 14.99 11.58 143 13.45 792 13.55 12.75 +.25 +4.3 Potlatch Q PCH 1.50 3.4 45.50 29.46 261 44.75 1097 45.15 43.50 +.05 +7.4 PowellInds Q POWL 1.04 3.3 22 47.24 26.22 32 31.14 153 33.36 30.49 -2.16 -20.2 PwrInteg Q POWI .56f .9 35 72.65 44.81 84 64.30 441 67.75 63.05 -2.85 -5.2 PowrREIT N PW 9.46 4.30 2 6.28 15 6.48 6.17 -.05 -10.5 PowerSolu lf Q PSIX 20.97 2.76 145 6.33 483 6.75 5.62 +.75 -15.6 PSActUSRE N PSR 2.33e 2.0 83.62 71.29 0 76.82 5 76.82 75.12 +.72 +4.7 PS SPXDn N PHDG .41e 1.5 25.58 21.43 4 25.04 24 25.39 24.88 -.22 +4.4 PS VarRate Q VRIG 25.24 24.97 4 25.12 396 25.16 25.10 +.02 +.5 PS MStrAlt Q LALT 23.20 20.60 1 22.25 7 22.41 22.24 -.09 -1.3 PSCrudeDS N DTO 211.56 100.28 9 131.50 55 135.50 127.90 +3.68 +25.3 PSBMetDL N BDD 8.25 4.65 3 7.99 47 7.99 7.44 +.23 +25.0 PSCrudeLg N OLO 6.09 3.76 0 4.13 10 4.33 4.12 -.06 -13.4 PwshDB N DBC 16.08 12.78 1372 14.91 8702 15.06 14.77 -.08 -5.9 PwShCurH N DBV 26.03 22.97 10 24.96 31 25.23 24.92 -.16 +.6 PS Engy N DBE 14.01 9.75 20 12.09 613 12.28 11.96 -.02 -12.5 PS PrcMet N DBP 42.74 34.22 6 37.94 17 38.02 37.36 +.62 +8.9 PS Silver N DBS 32.84 23.43 1 27.60 5 27.60 27.06 +.56 +11.0 PS Agri N DBA 23.01 19.62 196 20.00 1458 20.23 19.97 -.15 +.2 PS Oil N DBO 9.91 7.22 312 8.43 1467 8.57 8.32 -.08 -12.9 PS Gold N DGL 44.84 36.22 88 40.04 198 40.16 39.39 +.66 +8.1 PS BasMet N DBB 16.75 12.01 176 16.43 959 16.58 16.21 -.10 +10.1 PS USDBull N UUP 26.83 23.96 1999 25.74 6670 25.93 25.69 -.15 -2.7 PS USDBear N UDN 22.83 20.18 18 20.98 151 21.02 20.84 +.12 +2.5 PShPuLgGr N PXLG .42e 1.1 37.28 31.20 2 36.71 45 37.26 36.66 -.44 +9.3 PSOpYCmd Q PDBC 18.45 14.85 387 16.31 1271 16.43 16.15 -.05 -5.6 PShPuLVal N PXLV .76e 2.2 36.75 28.27 4 35.13 39 35.89 34.91 -.77 +2.2 PSAerDef N PPA .50e 1.2 45.00 34.76 80 43.37 487 44.72 43.21 -1.24 +3.9 PwShBio N PBE .57e 1.4 44.43 34.41 9 41.73 85 43.15 41.21 -1.04 +7.5 PS BldCns N PKB .03e .1 29.78 23.97 57 28.58 617 29.44 28.43 -.79 +2.5sPwSGDrChi Q PGJ .20e .6 34.50 26.57 3 33.86 39 34.50 33.11 -.22 +18.4 PwSClnEn N PBW .07e 1.8 4.29 3.41 205 3.87 541 3.97 3.80 -.09 +5.2 PwShDiv Q PFM .50e 2.1 24.15 20.97 19 23.71 103 24.01 23.67 -.25 +3.6 PS EnEx N PXE .50e 2.5 24.92 18.79 4 20.22 50 20.96 20.22 -.69 -12.4 PwSFoodBv N PBJ .41e 1.2 34.74 31.53 5 33.12 44 33.42 33.00 -.35 -1.0 PwShHiYD Q PEY .51 3.0 17.46 13.72 210 16.91 1278 17.09 16.82 -.14 -.1 PwSIntlDv Q PID .65e 4.4 15.19 13.14 150 14.89 891 15.00 14.68 -.01 +3.3 PwSLgCG N PWB .21e .6 34.63 29.86 22 34.22 163 34.58 34.05 -.32 +7.2 PwSLgCV N PWV .69e 2.0 36.44 29.23 119 34.94 555 35.65 34.66 -.64 +3.6 PwShLeis N PEJ .15e .4 41.57 31.84 3 40.37 49 40.59 39.67 -.13 +.9 PowShMkt N PWC .97e 1.2 84.72 67.84 0 82.33 7 83.88 81.63 -1.38 +2.0 PwShMda N PBS .27e 1.0 28.12 23.29 13 27.24 68 27.70 27.06 -.39 +3.9sPwSMidGr N PXMG .19e .6 34.20 27.73 5 33.78 18 34.20 33.32 -.35 +8.9 PwSMidVal N PXMV .64e 2.1 32.53 25.82 10 30.62 48 31.34 30.46 -.66 -1.7 PwShNetw N PXQ 44.09 31.74 2 43.79 9 43.79 42.91 +.21 +8.5 PS OilSv N PXJ .28e 2.5 14.18 10.14 19 11.19 60 11.50 10.85 -.48 -12.4sPwSNsdMo Q DWAQ .06e .1 85.56 66.89 1 82.92 3 85.56 82.60 -2.34 +5.9 PwSPharm N PJP 3.84e 4.6 69.24 53.55 35 58.52 293 59.28 57.89 -.59 +4.4 PS Retail N PMR .34e 1.0 38.86 33.52 0 34.47 5 35.08 34.21 -.83 -4.1 sPwSSmGr N PXSG .27e 1.0 27.51 21.67 3 26.87 23 27.51 26.50 -.52 +3.4 PwSSmVal N PXSV .60e 2.1 31.42 22.28 27 28.22 79 29.13 27.78 -.96 -6.9sPwSSemi N PSI .04e .1 41.85 23.93 72 41.27 486 41.85 40.30 -.10 +14.4 PwShSoft N PSJ .10e .2 51.93 40.38 4 50.84 29 51.75 50.30 -1.01 +7.8 PwS Utils Q PUI .63e 2.3 28.17 23.94 6 27.38 24 27.44 26.84 +.24 +6.9 PSS&PQlty N SPHQ .38e 1.4 27.73 23.63 154 27.32 870 27.70 27.19 -.30 +5.1 PwSWtr Q PHO .18e .7 26.45 21.16 48 25.62 375 26.18 25.54 -.48 +4.2 PwSZMicro N PZI .15e .8 19.45 14.52 1 17.84 17 18.24 17.46 -.44 -4.5sPSNasIntnt Q PNQI 95.11 72.03 57 93.18 123 95.11 92.00 -1.28 +12.8 PSMoment Q PDP .11e .2 45.75 39.06 150 44.81 597 45.52 44.61 -.63 +6.7 PSWHPrgE N PUW .17e .7 27.08 19.61 1 25.38 17 25.93 25.00 -.64 -1.6sPSPrivEq N PSP .66e 5.6 11.97 9.47 166 11.72 1089 11.97 11.65 -.12 +5.5 PSFinPf N PGF 1.11 6.0 19.56 17.65 321 18.59 1855 18.63 18.46 +.06 +3.5 PSCleantch N PZD .44e 1.3 35.41 28.18 2 35.04 30 35.37 34.57 -.33 +7.2 PSBuybk Q PKW .52e 1.0 53.41 42.53 53 51.28 495 52.35 50.90 -1.07 +1.6sPSh Tech Q PTF .26e .6 44.70 34.96 3 44.22 34 44.70 43.43 -.17 +10.8 PSh Hlthcr Q PTH 54.87 39.54 1 53.24 33 54.44 52.51 -.99 +10.9 PSh Inds Q PRN .19e .4 53.30 42.60 2 50.53 29 52.42 50.52 -1.97 +1.2 PSh Fincl Q PFI .14e .5 32.78 28.69 2 30.14 98 31.68 29.63 -1.70 -1.7 PSh Engy Q PXI .69e 1.9 47.35 30.25 10 36.92 141 38.26 36.70 -1.16 -15.1 PSh CnsStp Q PSL .67e 1.1 59.15 52.31 1 58.58 10 59.00 58.39 -.45 +9.3 PSh CnsCyc Q PEZ .30e .7 44.89 39.37 1 42.90 9 43.60 42.42 -.72 +1.8 PSh BasM Q PYZ .61e 1.0 65.30 46.37 5 59.90 38 62.60 59.90 -2.76 +1.1 PSR2KEqW N EQWS .41e 1.1 40.50 30.49 38.30 8 38.52 37.74 -.90 -2.9 PSRslMdC N EQWM .49e 1.1 44.28 36.86 2 43.07 11 43.55 42.70 -.65 +3.2 PSRussl200 N EQWL .80e 1.7 46.78 38.06 5 45.78 25 46.37 45.56 -.65 +6.0 PwShSMid Q PRFZ 1.30e 1.1 119.83 90.18 32 113.91 173 116.74 112.11 -2.83 -1.2 PS US1K N PRF 1.91e 1.9 105.36 85.56 147 101.48 699 103.31 101.09 -1.86 +1.9 PSDvMom Q PIZ .26e 1.1 24.17 21.02 82 23.22 240 23.42 22.96 -.05 +8.6sPSEmMom Q PIE .12e .7 16.86 14.40 233 16.83 606 16.86 16.54 +.23 +14.2 PS EmgInf N PXR .50e 1.4 36.98 27.35 4 35.79 15 36.60 35.42 -.21 +16.7sPS SP IntD N IDHD 27.37 25.09 1 26.99 3 27.37 26.79 +.15 +6.0tPS SC High N XSHD 27.33 24.11 2 24.56 20 25.02 24.11 -.29 -5.0 PShTact n Q DWIN 28.86 25.12 13 27.65 49 27.73 27.42 -.02 +1.0 PSBldABd N BAB 1.31 4.4 32.33 28.75 182 29.43 708 29.44 29.14 +.31 +1.2 PS Rs1KLB Q USLB 28.62 25.00 13 28.16 20 28.52 27.97 -.41 +3.8sPS IntlLB Q IDLB 26.30 23.45 11 26.29 25 26.32 25.82 +.30 +7.4 PS DWAtac Q DWTR 26.00 22.96 26 24.09 413 24.88 23.48 -.73 -.6 PS SC CnDs Q PSCD .35e .7 55.75 45.02 2 50.86 19 51.96 50.10 -1.32 -2.8 PSEuCurLV N FXEU .35e 25.20 20.50 6 21.82 12 21.92 21.66 +.10 +4.7 PS LowVol N XRLV .46 1.6 29.92 26.02 36 29.44 3940 29.87 29.34 -.43 +5.4 PSR1KEqW N EQAL .39e 1.4 28.70 23.84 169 27.85 459 28.28 27.71 -.43 +3.5 PShLadR0-5 Q LDRI .41a 1.6 26.09 24.70 1 24.99 19 24.99 24.85 +.08 +.6 PS VarPfd N VRP 1.20 4.7 26.05 23.70 362 25.36 1714 25.42 25.25 +.03 +3.0 PS SC CnSt Q PSCC 1.34e 2.0 70.99 56.75 2 67.83 39 68.76 66.90 -.60 -1.8 PS IntBybk Q IPKW .29e 1.0 31.17 24.69 27 30.45 106 31.15 30.44 -.61 +7.7 PS SCLowV N XSLV .73e 1.7 44.20 33.91 82 42.16 759 43.33 41.54 -1.17 -2.9 PS MCLwV N XMLV .64e 1.5 43.25 36.01 81 42.18 563 42.62 41.86 -.41 +3.9 PS SPX HiD N SPHD 1.30 3.2 41.21 35.60 515 40.40 3028 40.70 40.16 -.24 +3.1 PS EMLwV N EELV .60e 2.6 23.62 20.47 29 23.17 260 23.36 23.10 +10.9 PS IntLwV N IDLV 1.11e 3.6 31.46 27.95 49 30.63 384 30.72 30.30 +.05 +7.6 PSS&PVal N SPVU 32.15 24.17 1 30.36 9 31.33 30.21 -1.08 +1.3 PSSPIntDv N IDMO .59e 2.4 25.79 22.10 1 24.18 3 24.18 23.66 +.27 +7.3 PS GlbAgr Q PAGG .74e 2.9 26.05 21.86 14 25.16 21 25.39 24.01 +.03 +2.3 PS SC Egy Q PSCE .14e .8 22.69 13.75 37 17.03 203 17.53 16.65 -.45 -19.0 PSShTHYB N PGHY 1.08 4.4 28.83 22.98 31 24.50 250 24.52 24.43 +.02 +.2 PSKBWRgB Q KBWR .79e 1.5 58.72 37.01 160 52.17 487 55.83 51.01 -3.69 -6.7 PS SmCMo Q DWAS .07e .2 42.46 32.69 11 39.85 135 41.03 39.01 -1.13 -1.4 PS KBWBk Q KBWB .58e 1.2 51.45 30.84 174 46.79 5827 49.11 45.70 -2.33 -1.0 PS YuanDS N DSUM .77 3.5 23.50 21.36 1 21.83 56 22.16 21.65 -.14 +1.2 PS FdIGBd N PFIG .67 2.6 26.94 24.98 2 25.32 43 25.39 25.15 +.11 +.4 PS SrLoan N BKLN 1.01 4.7 23.46 22.48 9052 23.20 29523 23.29 23.13 -.05 -.7 PS P&CIns Q KBWP .69e 1.1 58.86 46.62 10 56.59 50 58.50 56.37 -1.27 +1.7 PS SP LwV N SPLV .85 1.9 44.01 39.61 2923 43.58 11200 43.92 43.47 -.27 +4.8 PSKbwHiDv Q KBWD 1.92 8.2 24.49 19.63 62 23.49 278 23.89 23.28 -.41 +2.2 PS SC Fin Q PSCF .97e 1.8 54.16 39.09 12 50.06 77 52.30 49.05 -2.38 -4.2 PSKbwReit Q KBWY 1.92 5.3 38.94 29.91 32 36.52 228 37.04 35.66 -.42 -3.0 PS SP HiB N SPHB .49e 1.3 38.81 27.17 236 36.46 3816 37.44 35.88 -.91 -.3 PS IntlBd N PICB .57 2.3 27.41 23.86 13 24.94 92 24.99 24.67 +.24 +1.8 PS SC Util Q PSCU 1.21e 2.5 50.88 43.42 6 48.42 18 48.59 47.72 +.06 +1.2 PS CEFInc N PCEF 1.91 8.3 23.50 21.14 105 22.95 383 23.22 22.80 +2.4 PS SCMatl Q PSCM .41e .9 51.32 30.84 2 45.71 32 47.66 45.59 -1.93 -4.2 PS SC Info Q PSCT .08e .1 74.79 51.75 24 72.32 171 73.89 70.87 -1.19 +3.8 PS GlbGold Q PSAU .10e .5 27.14 15.80 7 19.61 35 20.15 19.28 +.21 +11.5 PS SC Ind Q PSCI .44e .8 57.92 43.17 5 54.45 70 56.33 53.92 -2.08 -1.6sPS SC HCre Q PSCH 79.94 62.28 8 78.67 43 79.94 77.56 -.20 +7.7 PSVrdoTF N PVI 25.01 24.89 8 24.92 121 24.94 24.91 -.02 -.1 PShCalMu N PWZ .80 3.2 27.29 24.80 43 25.30 209 25.38 25.19 +.11 -.1 PShNYMu N PZT .86 3.6 25.74 23.37 3 23.97 28 23.99 23.73 +.25 +.2 PShNatMu N PZA .87 3.5 26.64 24.41 233 25.00 2547 25.04 24.80 +.16 +.4 PSh1-30Tr Q PLW .67 2.1 35.81 31.40 10 32.13 38 32.21 31.81 +.38 +.8 PSHYCpBd N PHB .84 4.5 19.00 17.67 295 18.68 3654 18.73 18.55 -.04 -.6 PwShPfd N PGX .86 5.8 15.50 13.96 1576 14.74 8092 14.77 14.64 +.05 +3.6 PShEMSov N PCY 1.50 5.1 30.96 27.71 689 29.13 4366 29.14 28.83 +.29 +3.1 PShGClnEn N PBD .17e 1.5 11.44 9.83 10 11.05 47 11.20 10.97 -.08 +6.3 PShGlbWtr Q PIO .34e 1.5 22.63 19.85 8 22.44 81 22.50 22.23 +.08 +7.9 PSEmgMkt N PXH .49e 2.4 20.71 14.64 81 20.09 690 20.31 19.84 +.09 +10.7sPSDvMxUSs N PDN .53e 1.8 29.48 24.47 7 29.34 481 29.48 28.68 +.07 +8.7sPSDvxUS N PXF 1.11e 2.8 40.37 32.21 24 39.97 290 40.37 39.57 -.13 +6.4 PShIntlDev N IDHQ .33e 1.6 20.94 18.71 2 20.82 39 20.89 20.64 +.08 +8.4sPSAsxJ N PAF 1.91e 3.6 55.01 41.80 4 53.77 10 55.01 53.39 -.32 +13.6 PSIndia N PIN .12e .5 22.79 18.26 192 22.49 1234 22.59 22.19 -.03 +16.6sPwShs QQQ Q QQQ 1.52e .9 132.43 101.75 21670 130.63 115993 132.43 129.68 -1.06 +10.3 PSS&PBW N PBP 1.07e 3.3 22.17 20.00 36 21.84 537 22.09 21.79 -.24 +2.7 PranBio rs Q PRAN 6.69 1.52 10 2.27 82 2.32 2.10 +39.3 Praxair N PX 3.15f 2.7 21 125.00 106.31 824 116.41 4399 118.71 116.15 -1.91 -.7 PrecDrill N PDS .28 6.25 3.51 1952 4.47 12858 4.66 4.35 -.13 -18.0 PfdAptCm N APTS .88f 6.6 15.39 12.02 90 13.26 673 13.50 12.80 +.02 -11.1 PfdBkLA Q PFBC .72f 1.4 20 58.12 27.07 123 50.62 695 56.41 47.25 -5.86 -3.4 PrefrmdLn Q PLPC .80 1.6 17 61.21 35.15 1 49.20 29 49.92 46.35 +2.95 -15.3 PremFin Q PFBI .60 3.1 13 21.24 13.42 23 19.42 134 19.97 18.87 -.44 -3.4 Premier Q PINC 35.11 28.27 526 30.10 2795 31.38 29.79 -1.00 -.9 Presbia n Q LENS 5.50 3.01 3 3.23 78 3.24 3.03 +.07 -7.7sPresidio n Q PSDO 15.12 13.26 412 14.61 1311 15.12 14.25 +.07 +2.5 Prestige N PBH 24 58.09 44.64 367 55.94 1692 57.58 55.34 -1.27 +7.4 Pretium g N PVG 12.53 4.95 2358 11.14 14299 11.45 10.62 +.39 +35.2 PriceTR Q TROW 2.28f 3.4 15 79.00 62.97 1311 67.83 8324 69.76 67.59 -1.53 -9.9 PrSmrt Q PSMT .70 .8 31 94.86 75.80 60 91.60 398 93.15 88.80 -1.55 +9.7sPriceline Q PCLN 41 1776.69 1148.06 297 1753.11 1488 1776.69 1739.00 -19.52 +19.6 PrimBio rs Q PBMD 4.09 1.68 39 2.50 91 2.57 2.20 +.10 +6.8 Primerica N PRI .76f .9 18 84.15 42.74 160 80.35 1527 82.45 78.05 -1.95 +16.2 Primero g N PPP 2.63 .52 1073 .57 6111 .61 .55 +.02 -28.0 PrimoWtr Q PRMW 15.39 8.80 233 13.34 840 14.49 13.06 -.69 +8.6 Primoris Q PRIM .22 1.0 44 29.19 16.13 207 23.00 1086 23.73 21.98 -.74 +1.0 PrinEdgAIn N YLD .75e 41.75 37.10 1 40.72 4 41.01 40.69 -.37 +1.1 Prin US SC Q PSC 29.99 23.66 2 27.86 4 28.45 27.77 -.59 +.8 PrinFncl N PFG 1.80f 2.9 14 64.65 38.04 936 62.17 4851 63.66 60.27 -1.27 +7.4 PrincREstI N PGZ 1.74 10.3 18.56 15.47 12 16.86 98 16.87 16.60 +.17 +5.6 PrivateB Q PVTB .04 .1 22 58.30 34.00 430 55.51 3796 57.90 54.85 -2.52 +2.4 PrvtBncp42 N PVTD 1.78 6.9 27.98 25.45 8 25.79 34 26.13 25.78 -.21 -1.9 PrivBcp pf Q PVTBP 2.50 9.3 28.59 25.52 0 26.79 11 26.92 26.70 -.09 +.9 ProAssur N PRA 1.24a 2.1 24 63.53 47.19 122 59.10 767 60.70 58.85 -1.60 +5.2 ProDex Q PDEX 78 6.68 3.11 2 4.65 25 4.75 4.54 -.10 -1.1 ProLogis N PLD 1.76f 3.4 22 54.87 42.19 2113 51.03 15093 51.80 49.94 +.05 -3.3stProPetr n N PUMP 14.74 13.89 1698 13.50 6211 14.74 13.13 -6.0 ProPhaseL Q PRPH 2.45 1.16 14 1.99 100 2.12 1.96 -.04 -.4 ProQRTher Q PRQR 8.70 3.55 18 4.35 180 4.70 4.20 -.20 -11.2 ProShtDow N DOG 22.46 17.69 750 18.16 4425 18.22 17.84 +.27 -4.6 ProShtMC N MYY 15.88 12.28 3 12.77 57 12.84 12.51 +.30 -2.7 PrUltDow s N DDM .79e .9 96.17 61.70 414 90.89 1830 94.47 90.28 -3.10 +8.8 ProUltMC N MVV .11e .1 105.88 68.00 92 97.94 551 102.20 96.30 -4.50 +3.9sPrUltQQQ s N QLD .09e .1 107.45 63.78 794 104.41 3853 107.45 102.97 -1.79 +21.2 ProUltSP s N SSO .40e .5 87.64 59.70 2791 83.54 14258 86.34 82.89 -2.40 +9.7tPrUShCnG N SZK 20.61 15.73 0 16.19 9 16.37 15.73 +.34 -13.4 ProShtHY N SJB 28.11 23.91 12 24.34 349 24.56 24.25 +.08 -1.2 ProUShBM N SMN 31.31 17.91 7 18.86 31 18.98 18.08 +.65 -11.5 Pro20 yrT N UBT 1.13e 1.5 107.05 68.50 23 75.17 76 75.48 72.47 +2.65 +2.9tPrUShtMex N SMK 32.79 20.04 20.05 5 20.73 20.04 -1.37 -27.1 Pro7-10yrT N UST .42e .7 65.74 54.55 75 56.82 90 57.02 56.07 +.73 +1.3 PrUltBio s Q BIB 52.80 33.97 241 47.30 1456 49.75 46.31 -1.58 +18.5 ProSShOG N DDG 30.17 21.82 8 25.19 10 25.24 24.68 +.43 +9.5 ProSShFn N SEF 17.94 12.90 44 13.62 166 13.78 13.27 +.39 -2.4 ProLCCre s N CSM .67e 1.2 59.19 48.42 38 57.75 139 58.75 57.49 -1.03 +4.5 ProUltTl s N LTL 69.71 42.44 3 50.90 7 54.20 50.58 -2.90 ProHdgRep N HDG 43.95 41.10 2 43.73 9 43.90 43.64 -.22 +1.9sProUltEM N EET 67.60 42.25 39 66.27 65 67.60 64.69 +1.31 +28.7 ProRafiLS N RALS .62e 1.6 41.26 38.39 2 38.72 11 38.97 38.70 -.19 -3.3 ProUSL7-10T N PST 23.25 19.56 14 22.06 94 22.42 22.01 -.36 -2.2tProShtEafe N EFZ 36.11 29.37 15 29.57 146 29.85 29.37 +.03 -7.4tProShtEM N EUM 29.03 21.63 148 21.85 1337 22.08 21.63 -.17 -12.5 ProShRgBk N KRS 27.24 15.24 1 17.02 5 17.12 16.10 +1.12 +3.7 PrURgBk s N KRU 94.80 32.87 2 72.56 49 83.68 69.09 -9.89 ProUltEafe N EFO 101.19 70.81 0 100.89 5 101.14 99.29 -.24 +15.4 ProUMex N UMX 27.87 15.49 8 23.70 32 23.70 22.24 +1.30 +35.8sProUEurop N UPV 43.62 29.80 1 42.88 5 43.62 42.14 +.03 +15.2tProUltSEM N EEV 22.68 12.28 283 12.52 1849 12.80 12.28 -.22 -23.8 ProUltRE N URE .84e .7 138.82 98.62 66 118.15 263 119.96 114.66 +.76 +3.4 ProUltFin s N UYG .51e .5 107.59 58.35 97 95.54 675 101.15 93.32 -5.64 +3.4 ProShtRE N REK 18.93 16.25 4 17.03 99 17.26 16.91 -.06 -2.4tProShtChi50 N YXI 32.00 23.35 23.59 15 23.91 23.35 -.12 -12.2sProUltSem s N USD 79.44 36.00 3 77.11 19 79.44 72.53 -.53 ProUltUt s N UPW 46.21 34.10 1 44.96 19 45.45 43.04 +.66 +15.3sPrUltTech s N ROM .09e .1 123.95 66.93 4 120.00 34 123.95 117.94 -2.58 +23.7 ProUltJpn N EZJ 98.79 68.98 0 98.14 4 98.14 95.44 +.58 +12.2 ProUltO&G N DIG .46e 1.3 46.90 28.99 80 35.58 498 37.30 35.49 -1.52 -18.4 ProUltInd s N UXI 56.09 35.65 1 51.93 11 54.51 51.91 -2.55 +7.6 PrUltHCr s N RXL .63e .9 74.43 54.41 6 70.28 49 72.42 69.50 -1.77 +16.9 ProUCnsSv s N UCC 65.09 47.60 63.27 3 64.06 62.19 -1.19 PrUCnsGd s N UGE 123.99 34.49 42.73 4 44.01 42.58 -1.40 +14.6 ProUBasM N UYM .15e .3 57.80 36.97 8 54.39 44 57.01 54.09 -2.10 +10.8 PrUltPR2K N URTY 133.00 60.75 296 116.26 1379 126.23 110.81 -9.62 -2.0 PUltM400 s N UMDD .03e 93.03 48.61 3 83.09 18 88.01 81.21 -5.16 +6.1 ProUltSC s N SAA 86.87 51.39 1 78.30 6 82.00 76.06 -3.55 -3.6 ProUPD30 s N UDOW .13e .1 117.04 60.12 372 107.86 1804 113.88 106.80 -5.18 +13.7sPrUltPQ s Q TQQQ 88.50 40.90 2115 84.78 12846 88.50 83.02 -2.21 +33.3 ProUltR2K N UWM .19e .2 120.88 70.16 148 110.64 1008 116.80 107.23 -5.95 -.7 ProSht20Tr N TBF 24.49 20.29 510 23.45 1825 23.90 23.38 -.44 -1.8 PUltSP500 s N UPRO .21e .2 100.82 57.00 1602 93.89 8750 98.55 92.82 -3.93 +14.8sProUChin50 N XPP 61.15 36.20 4 59.09 45 61.15 58.50 +.05 +26.9 PrUSSilv s N ZSL 53.53 25.08 30 30.32 217 31.79 30.32 -1.45 -21.8tPUVixST rs N UVXY 590.75 15.46 45024 18.22 191011 19.90 15.46 +1.90 PrUCrude rs N UCO 28.32 15.26 3734 17.13 29080 18.07 16.42 -.88 tProVixST rs N VIXY 64.31 12.84 3850 13.97 15690 14.59 12.84 +.78 -34.3 PrUltYen rs N YCL 77.14 53.50 1 61.00 14 61.15 59.10 +1.96 +9.9 PrSUltNG rs N BOIL 20.34 9.30 127 11.97 1353 12.07 11.16 +1.09 -36.9tPVixMTFut N VIXM 58.00 33.03 19 33.85 238 34.48 33.03 +.45 -20.1 PrUltSilv N AGQ 57.26 30.20 145 39.25 676 39.39 37.53 +1.61 +22.3 PrUltShN s N KOLD 73.68 21.44 22 30.10 174 32.60 29.90 -3.36 +30.6 ProUShGld N GLL 95.07 64.91 19 75.95 121 78.08 75.44 -2.47 -16.1tPrSUShAus N CROC 58.37 47.63 1 49.04 7 49.05 47.63 +.98 -11.2 PrUltShYen N YCS 82.60 58.96 69 72.27 476 74.37 71.58 -1.90 -9.9 ProSUltGold N UGL 48.27 31.67 23 38.54 164 38.84 37.56 +1.24 +16.1sProShtVix N SVXY 145.89 39.43 5209 133.82 21568 145.89 128.00 -8.33 +47.1 PrUShCrd s N SCO 75.70 30.12 1114 40.81 8109 42.51 38.77 +1.92 ProUltEuro N ULE 17.35 13.50 26 14.61 148 14.70 14.44 +.17 +3.7 ProUShEuro N EUO 28.02 22.45 191 25.77 1267 26.10 25.62 -.24 -4.8 ProctGam N PG 2.68 3.0 24 92.00 79.10 7830 90.57 38458 91.80 90.21 -.43 +7.7 ProDvrs h rs Q IPDN 13.90 2.32 81 9.33 1003 12.11 8.41 -3.07 -14.6 ProfirEng Q PFIE 1.72 .85 78 1.47 361 1.61 1.42 -.13 +6.7 PrognicsPh Q PGNX 70 11.72 3.91 1275 11.26 4914 11.48 10.81 +.13 +30.3 ProgrsSoft Q PRGS .13p 24 32.47 22.57 277 28.03 1507 28.94 27.46 -.88 -12.2sProgsvCp N PGR .69e 1.7 22 40.74 30.54 2497 39.53 20988 40.74 39.35 -.78 +11.4 Proofpoint Q PFPT 88.00 46.58 720 73.37 3770 81.38 72.40 -7.57 +3.8 ProsHldg N PRO 25.66 10.61 100 22.47 619 23.75 22.04 -1.20 +4.4tProShtQQQ N PSQ 55.89 42.22 539 42.80 2347 43.09 42.22 +.34 -9.5 ProShSP rs N SH 41.82 33.98 2628 34.75 13382 34.91 34.23 +.44 -4.9 ProUShSP N SDS 19.82 13.06 9864 13.68 48855 13.78 13.25 +.38 -9.5 PrUShDow N DXD 19.79 12.25 2606 12.91 11156 13.00 12.46 +.37 -9.0 PUShtMdC N MZZ 38.41 22.66 2 24.46 18 24.81 23.61 +1.06 -5.7tPUShtQQQ N QID 33.54 19.05 2822 19.57 12387 19.86 19.05 +.29 -18.2 PrShRs2K rs N SRTY 126.44 45.15 1111 51.00 5788 53.43 47.23 +3.58 tPShtQQQ rs Q SQQQ 87.40 37.04 3237 38.54 17544 39.42 37.04 +.82 -26.1 PrUShD3 rs N SDOW 67.92 32.79 3186 35.47 9953 35.84 33.65 +1.57 PUltShtF rs N FINZ 44.18 12.45 0 15.05 24 15.84 13.75 +1.61 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 15 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
PrSUlhGM rs N GDXS 43.84 11.93 69 16.20 250 17.76 15.04 -.38 -24.1 ProUShL20 N TBT 42.72 29.45 1884 39.09 11788 40.67 38.87 -1.46 -4.2 PrShR2K rs N RWM 64.46 46.70 722 48.72 3993 49.46 47.43 +1.24 -.5 PrUShHC rs N RXD 52.49 37.73 5 39.51 20 39.62 38.45 +1.53 -14.9 PrUShRE rs N SRS 42.13 31.21 100 33.95 664 35.01 33.45 -.26 -4.8 PUShtR2K N TWM 41.86 21.54 1608 23.39 8934 24.13 22.21 +1.13 -1.4 PrUShtSC N SDD 36.29 19.69 2 21.20 8 21.63 21.09 +.73 +1.2tPUShChi50 N FXP 49.05 25.42 70 26.27 426 26.64 25.42 -.16 -22.8 PUShtIndl N SIJ 37.00 22.78 1 24.23 5 24.26 23.38 +.76 -8.4 PrShtSmC N SBB 51.37 38.04 1 39.29 7 40.02 38.50 +.62 PUPShtMC N SMDD 31.00 13.86 2 15.50 47 15.74 14.54 +.98 -7.1 PrSh K1 n N OILK 22.94 18.36 1 19.21 11 19.70 18.93 -.47 -14.2tPUShtEur N EPV 68.19 43.17 8 43.93 61 44.79 43.17 -.05 -14.6 PUShtSPX N SPXU 30.88 16.41 9767 17.57 39682 17.77 16.76 +.72 -13.9tPUShtJpn N EWV 57.95 36.39 2 36.50 10 37.55 36.39 -.12 -12.0 PrUJMin rs N GDJJ 152.62 41.36 12 64.85 82 72.03 63.31 -.27 +21.2 ProSPDvA N NOBL 1.00e 1.8 57.08 51.23 334 56.15 1804 56.96 55.93 -.79 +4.2 PrUlNBio rs Q UBIO 33.01 17.37 75 26.85 443 29.01 26.01 -1.37 +27.2 PrUGMin rs N GDXX 93.85 29.50 7 42.90 48 45.30 41.83 +.88 +16.1 PrUltBra rs N UBR 85.26 34.01 3 70.10 17 73.50 67.45 -.40 +21.5 ProGblInf N TOLZ 1.63e 3.9 42.14 36.42 0 41.48 11 41.48 40.93 +.28 +6.0 PUltShOG N DUG 65.26 34.86 51 44.47 294 44.63 42.64 +1.64 +18.8 ProEurDiv N EUDV .15p 39.98 33.67 1 37.08 3 37.09 36.59 -.03 +5.4 PHYIntH bt N HYHG 3.16 4.7 70.19 61.64 22 67.95 122 69.28 67.60 -.86 -.7 ProSPxEgy N SPXE .22p 49.69 41.11 1 48.65 3 49.61 48.40 -.98 +5.8 PrUltPFn N FINU .29e .4 136.29 53.54 7 65.01 114 73.48 62.51 -8.29 -48.5 PrIGIntH bt N IGHG 2.15 2.8 77.35 71.71 38 75.61 237 76.11 75.61 -.38 -.9 ProSht7-10y N TBX 29.45 26.94 48 28.75 176 28.97 28.59 -.21 -1.1sProHgEur N HGEU .44e 40.33 32.46 3 40.02 5 40.33 39.67 +.18 +5.5 ProUNShBio Q ZBIO 42.59 15.25 8 17.28 171 17.83 16.14 +.69 -28.0 PrUSOGEx N SOP 30.03 9.50 0 13.95 3 13.98 13.12 +.99 +34.5 PrUShBrz s N BZQ 45.39 11.90 244 13.87 1829 14.47 13.23 -23.9 PrSPMCDv N REGL .65e 1.3 53.04 42.22 62 51.20 261 52.53 50.87 -1.18 +1.7 ProSR2KDv N SMDV .47e 54.95 41.98 43 52.22 347 53.64 51.72 -1.34 -2.8 PSSTEm bt N EMSH 4.88e 6.2 80.62 76.00 78.18 12 79.00 77.84 -.22 +1.5tPrUShtUtl N SDP 39.62 27.75 5 28.02 37 29.21 27.75 -.46 -13.4 PrUShtFn N SKF 50.78 26.17 51 29.15 407 29.84 27.63 +1.57 -4.7 ProUShBio Q BIS 48.61 26.10 86 28.42 869 29.06 27.13 +.80 -18.8tPUShtSem N SSG 45.37 18.05 3 18.54 37 19.07 18.05 +.25 -13.5 ProMornAlt N ALTS .38e 1.0 39.15 37.23 4 38.79 13 39.13 38.61 -.34 +.5 Pro30BEI N RINF .50e 1.7 29.80 26.33 27 28.87 64 29.66 28.50 -.61 -.7 PS EMkDv N EMDV 51.95 42.89 1 51.93 3 51.93 51.30 +.48 +13.3 ProspctCap Q PSEC 1.00 11.0 9 9.58 6.95 1548 9.07 10524 9.37 8.99 -.24 +8.6 ProsCap 24 N PBB 1.56 6.1 26.11 22.57 12 25.72 74 26.00 25.66 -.10 +2.5 ProspBcsh N PB 1.36f 2.0 18 77.87 43.28 375 68.16 2749 73.20 65.40 -5.36 -5.0 ProtagTh n Q PTGX 26.36 10.02 7 13.22 113 13.95 12.10 +.13 -39.9 Protalix N PLX 1.52 .26 1362 1.12 11569 1.22 1.06 -.10 +151.7 ProtLf5-42 N PLpC 1.56 6.2 26.94 24.42 9 25.36 61 25.42 25.28 +.04 -.2 ProtLf9-42 N PLpE 1.50 5.9 26.90 24.61 3 25.39 34 25.45 25.33 +.02 +.8 ProteonTh Q PRTO 11.63 1.40 26 1.55 366 1.75 1.51 -.15 -18.4 Proteos n Q PTI 20.63 6.61 81 10.39 428 12.57 10.11 -2.02 -15.3 Prothena Q PRTA 68.18 33.53 173 52.50 1152 55.84 49.71 -1.39 +6.7 ProtoLabs N PRLB 30 82.06 43.10 474 49.35 1131 52.40 49.30 -2.70 -3.9 ProvidSv Q PRSC 9 53.38 34.88 68 43.23 423 45.50 41.41 -2.36 +13.6sProvidBc n Q PVBC 22.90 13.21 2 21.00 31 22.90 20.10 +17.3 ProvFnH Q PROV .52 2.8 21 20.66 16.81 6 18.62 47 18.94 18.41 -.32 -7.9 ProvidFS N PFS .76f 3.0 19 28.92 18.59 179 25.25 897 26.60 24.72 -1.35 -10.8 PrudntlBcp Q PBIP .12a .7 45 18.22 13.80 12 17.93 45 18.13 17.71 -.07 +4.7 Prudentl N PRU 3.00f 2.8 11 114.55 66.51 1617 105.44 9731 110.00 103.45 -4.48 +1.3 Prudentl18 N PFK .65 2.5 27.22 25.12 1 26.15 14 26.45 25.90 +.01 +3.0 PrudFn 52 N PJH 1.44 5.6 27.31 23.87 53 25.62 145 25.70 25.43 +.15 +3.5 PrudtlF 53 N PRH 1.43 5.5 28.04 24.10 18 25.85 127 25.89 24.80 +.37 +4.5 PruSDHiY N GHY 1.32 8.9 15.52 14.15 57 14.87 732 14.92 14.77 +.04 -.1 PruUK pf N PUKp 1.69 6.5 27.98 25.35 3 26.17 56 26.30 25.89 -.18 +2.7 PruUK pfA N PUKpA 1.63 6.2 28.06 25.22 14 26.05 67 26.20 25.83 -.01 +3.0sPrud UK N PUK 1.49e 3.5 44.21 29.14 176 43.01 1778 44.21 42.62 -.62 +8.1 PruShHiY N ISD 1.32 8.6 16.53 14.65 101 15.34 495 15.44 15.31 -.02 -.9 pSivida Q PSDV 4.25 1.50 69 1.70 751 1.76 1.65 -.6 PsychmCp Q PMD .60 3.1 21 27.46 10.81 26 19.06 125 20.50 19.03 -1.12 -22.8 PSEG N PEG 1.72f 3.8 17 47.41 39.28 1838 45.15 15782 45.40 43.87 +.42 +2.9 PubStrg N PSA 6.80 3.1 28 277.60 200.65 612 222.91 3865 227.74 220.65 +.42 -.3 PubSt pfS N PSApS 1.48 5.9 26.15 24.30 10 25.10 108 25.18 25.02 -.03 +1.7 PubSt pfT N PSApT 2.88 11.6 26.48 23.47 67 24.92 148 25.08 24.90 -.06 +2.7 PubSt pfU N PSApU 1.41 5.6 26.95 22.99 17 24.98 59 25.05 24.73 +.06 +6.2 PubSt pfV N PSApV 1.34 5.5 27.25 21.91 18 24.42 113 24.61 24.26 +8.1 PubSt pfW N PSApW 1.30 5.2 26.64 21.26 36 24.89 104 24.94 24.66 +.10 +7.1 PubSt pfX N PSApX 1.30 5.2 26.84 21.91 7 24.83 47 25.08 24.60 +.14 +7.5 PubSt pfY N PSApY 1.59 6.0 29.23 25.51 12 26.66 97 26.77 26.46 +.06 +2.0 PubSt pfZ N PSApZ 1.50 5.6 29.13 24.75 9 26.60 56 26.70 26.21 +.23 +5.1 PubSt pfE N PSApE 1.23 5.6 22.62 21.28 35 22.14 250 22.22 22.00 +.05 +2.5 PubSt pfD N PSApD 1.24 5.6 25.98 20.61 35 22.38 163 22.45 22.20 +.01 +5.6 PubSt pfC N PSApC 27.00 21.01 96 23.61 312 23.89 23.44 -.11 +8.2 PubSt pfB N PSApB 27.20 22.07 43 24.64 464 24.86 24.57 -.20 +8.9 PubSt pfA N PSApA 1.47 5.7 28.85 23.35 8 25.70 76 25.93 25.58 +.07 +3.5 Pulmatrix Q PULM 6.98 .50 1921 3.54 42622 4.59 2.68 +.45 +500.0sPulseBio n Q PLSE 26.50 4.03 757 30.34 2298 30.61 22.20 +5.85 +366.8 PulteGrp N PHM .36 1.5 14 24.05 16.60 3252 23.49 22943 23.88 23.09 -.23 +27.8 PumaBiotc Q PBYI 73.27 19.74 480 39.70 2990 45.44 39.30 -4.45 +29.3 PureCycle Q PCYO 5.93 4.29 19 5.50 72 5.60 5.40 +.10 PureStrg n N PSTG 15.35 9.12 1684 9.90 6026 10.55 9.85 -.30 -12.5 PutHiInSec N PCF .37 4.3 8.79 7.18 22 8.59 159 8.79 8.54 +.01 +4.8 PMMI N PMM .44 6.0 8.15 6.97 196 7.22 1154 7.27 7.12 -.01 +2.1 PMIIT N PIM .31 6.7 4.78 4.29 65 4.65 930 4.73 4.61 -.02 +.9 PMOT N PMO .71 6.0 13.69 11.57 53 11.91 402 11.98 11.84 +.03 -.3 PPrIT N PPT .31 5.9 5.37 4.60 443 5.26 2868 5.36 5.23 -.06 +5.8 PyxisTnkr Q PXS 4.27 1.60 16 2.18 107 2.40 2.16 -.13 -16.2 PzenaInv N PZN .41e 4.4 22 11.85 7.06 18 9.33 128 9.58 9.02 -.22 -16.0 Q2 Hldgs N QTWO 37.58 21.51 144 35.30 1437 36.45 34.55 -.70 +22.4 QAD Inc B Q QADB .24 1.1 26.20 13.79 1 22.58 7 23.72 22.01 +.83 -11.6 QAD A Q QADA .29 1.1 31.10 18.35 20 26.95 151 28.20 26.04 -.40 -11.3 QCR Hld Q QCRH .20f .5 18 45.00 22.95 23 41.75 131 43.80 40.65 -2.05 -3.6tQEP Res N QEP .08 .7 21.12 11.84 3872 12.12 21481 13.09 11.84 -1.04 -34.2 QIAGEN Q QGEN 30.25 19.94 545 28.93 3365 29.47 28.51 -.45 +3.2sQIWI plc Q QIWI 1.16e 6.9 17.36 10.42 278 16.72 4216 17.40 15.60 +.06 +30.9 QTS RltTr N QTS 1.56f 3.3 24 59.41 43.01 354 47.93 3092 48.60 46.32 -.08 -3.5 Qorvo Q QRVO 69.12 43.79 885 67.64 6231 68.13 64.79 +.22 +28.3 QuadGrph N QUAD 1.20 5.1 22 29.50 11.83 328 23.47 2060 24.74 23.09 -.73 -12.7 QuakerCh N KWR 1.38 1.1 30 139.92 81.12 45 128.02 195 133.91 126.36 -5.76 +.1 Qualcom Q QCOM 2.12 3.7 16 71.62 49.67 5454 56.92 39874 58.10 56.10 -.63 -12.7 QuaCare N QCP 24.05 11.57 654 18.15 3789 18.46 17.55 +.45 +17.1 QualitySys Q QSII .70 4.7 15.90 10.61 162 14.74 1354 15.27 14.56 -.44 +12.1 Qualstar rs Q QBAK 10.00 2.16 35 6.15 308 7.45 5.92 -1.14 +110.6 Qualys Q QLYS 61 39.67 23.77 226 35.70 1520 36.25 34.68 +.60 +12.8 QuanexBld N NX .16 .8 24 21.90 15.41 121 19.40 668 20.40 19.05 -1.00 -4.4 QuantaSvc N PWR 24 38.82 21.60 1235 36.13 7773 37.28 35.67 -1.13 +3.7 Quantenn n Q QTNA 25.46 13.75 208 20.93 1829 24.67 20.38 -3.69 +15.4 QntmDSS N QTM 85 1.08 .35 472 .85 3759 .88 .81 -.01 +1.6tQuaInsp n N ISMD 25.49 23.82 1 24.17 56 24.72 23.82 -.62 -1.2 QuaInsLg n N BLES 26.03 25.01 2 25.55 68 25.70 25.37 -.13 +1.0 QuanMulT n N QXTR 25.20 24.52 24.57 7 24.58 24.57 -.22 -1.9 QuanMulIn n N QXMI 25.45 24.83 0 25.30 11 25.35 25.21 +.25 +1.0tQuanGrw n N QXGG 25.56 24.60 0 24.88 13 24.93 24.60 -.25 -.4 QstDiag N DGX 1.80 1.8 21 100.00 69.62 855 98.70 4118 99.77 97.99 -.36 +7.4 QuestRes rs Q QRHC 4.98 1.60 36 2.15 180 2.38 1.99 -.06 -12.2 QuickLog h Q QUIK 2.48 .75 1589 1.92 13479 2.20 1.56 -.42 +38.1 Quidel Q QDEL 23.94 15.15 47 21.84 656 22.08 21.08 +.57 +2.0 QuinStreet Q QNST 4.32 2.61 101 3.51 402 3.71 3.43 -.12 -6.6 QuinAcq2 n Q QPAC 10.24 9.75 25 9.97 477 10.03 9.96 -.05 +.2 QuinAc2 wt Q QPACW .71 .10 26 .45 365 .55 .35 -.10 +125.0 QuinAc2 un Q QPACU 10.80 9.88 0 10.43 4 10.50 10.30 -.17 +3.0 QuintIMS N Q 20 83.04 61.21 680 77.99 6951 81.50 76.80 -3.52 +2.6 Qumu Cp Q QUMU 5.50 1.80 172 2.77 286 2.83 2.41 +.32 +16.4 QuormHl n N QHC 13.52 3.75 252 7.17 1737 7.96 6.42 -.86 -1.4 Quotinet Q QTNT 12.96 3.75 55 6.35 154 6.73 6.30 -.28 +31.2 QuotientTc N QUOT 14.36 9.45 221 10.05 2059 11.50 9.85 -1.25 -6.5 Qwest 54 N CTV 1.72 6.7 27.85 24.11 34 25.64 307 25.65 25.30 +.35 +6.0 Qwest 9-51 N CTW 1.88 7.4 26.68 24.96 13 25.43 49 25.47 25.26 +.06 +1.5 Qwest 4-52 N CTX 1.75 6.9 26.64 24.55 18 25.52 152 25.54 25.35 +.08 +3.3 Qwest 7-52 N CTU 1.75 6.8 27.26 24.48 9 25.56 91 25.67 25.34 -.14 +4.2 Qwest53 N CTY 1.53 6.3 25.97 21.99 29 24.48 225 24.64 24.36 +.02 +7.9 Qwest 25 N CTZ 1.66 6.6 26.84 23.21 39 25.00 243 25.18 24.97 +.01 +6.3 Qwest 56 N CTAA 27.98 24.88 16 26.20 91 26.33 25.83 +.20 +4.2R -:R1 RCM n Q RCM 2.99 2.58 145 2.83 892 2.93 2.64 -.07 +4.8 RAIT pfA N RASpA 1.94 9.2 23.07 16.15 5 20.98 42 21.20 20.70 -.03 +3.4 RAIT pfB N RASpB 2.09 9.3 24.10 17.06 4 22.50 24 22.73 22.20 -.20 +5.8 RAIT pfC N RASpC 2.22 9.4 25.21 17.97 1 23.69 8 23.70 23.42 +.22 +5.0 RAIT Fin N RAS .36 12.5 3.91 2.41 259 2.89 1835 2.97 2.80 -.03 -14.0 RAIT Fn 24 N RFT 1.91 7.8 24.88 19.49 6 24.56 16 24.67 24.24 +.20 +5.7 RAITFn 19 N RFTA 1.78 7.1 25.34 22.51 3 25.06 12 25.23 25.05 +.01 +2.6 RBC Bear Q ROLL 31 99.92 67.99 130 92.15 518 93.43 90.55 -.40 -.7 RCI Hosp Q RICK .12 .7 12 18.00 8.47 34 16.81 144 17.04 16.18 -.19 -1.7tRCM Q RCMT 1.00e 35 7.23 4.51 9 4.85 46 5.00 4.51 -.14 -23.7sRELX NV s N RENX .45e 2.4 18.53 14.92 104 18.53 1191 18.62 17.92 +.50 +10.6 RELX plc s N RELX .41e 2.1 19.84 16.19 134 19.65 640 19.70 19.16 +.39 +9.3 RF Inds Q RFIL .08 5.2 3.71 1.40 10 1.55 51 1.60 1.50 +.05 -11.4 RGC Res s Q RGCO 25 22.51 14.17 4 20.02 96 22.00 19.12 -2.48 +20.2 RH N RH 23 46.87 24.41 1505 36.93 8247 37.70 34.61 +.66 +20.3 RLI Corp N RLI .80 1.4 26 71.46 54.27 86 58.48 509 60.42 58.07 -1.73 -7.4 RLJ Ent rs Q RLJE 3.63 1.09 13 2.34 48 2.52 2.27 -.11 +46.3 RLJ LodgT N RLJ 1.32 5.9 8 25.10 18.86 703 22.36 4125 23.12 21.86 -.72 -8.7 RMG Net h Q RMGN 1.30 .59 30 .75 260 .86 .72 -.05 +4.9 RMR Gp h Q RMR 1.00 2.0 27 54.95 23.79 28 49.15 233 52.40 47.10 -2.85 +24.4 RPC N RES .20 1.2 23.36 13.12 1726 17.21 9688 18.26 17.15 -1.11 -13.1 RPM N RPM 1.20 2.2 39 56.40 46.08 390 54.03 2985 56.37 53.74 -2.23 +.4 RPX Corp Q RPXC 27 12.67 8.60 463 12.01 1720 12.38 11.94 -.37 +11.2 RSP Perm N RSPP 46.92 27.19 823 38.65 5914 40.09 38.32 -1.07 -13.4 RTI Surg Q RTIX 4.65 2.50 74 3.75 614 3.90 3.58 -.10 +15.4 RXI Ph wt Q RXIIW .34 .11 24 .18 181 .21 .16 -10.0 RXI Phr rs Q RXII 3.27 .60 461 .73 3377 .80 .70 -.04 +1.4 RaPhrm n Q RARX 24.12 12.05 126 22.10 447 22.60 21.08 +.14 +45.5 RadNet Q RDNT 36 7.98 4.66 132 5.80 804 6.00 5.46 +.15 -10.1 RadaElc rs Q RADA 1.78 .53 21 1.19 298 1.25 1.13 -.01 +2.6 Radcom Q RDCM 71 22.35 11.11 101 21.20 233 21.25 18.20 +2.90 +19.1 RadiSys Q RSYS 5.81 3.64 96 3.87 557 4.00 3.76 -.01 -12.6 RadianGrp N RDN .01 .1 14 19.87 9.29 1166 17.74 8811 18.72 17.45 -1.00 -1.3 RadiantLog N RLGT 5.96 2.45 202 4.99 1669 5.38 4.67 -.47 +27.9 RadioOne Q ROIA 3.57 1.25 2 3.00 10 3.35 2.91 -.20 +1.7 RadioOneD Q ROIAK 3.56 1.26 30 3.05 243 3.30 2.90 -.15 +5.2 RadiusHlth Q RDUS 59.88 28.00 961 38.18 4600 39.47 35.17 +.24 +.4 Radware Q RDWR 16.53 10.02 379 16.15 1459 16.53 15.88 +.19 +10.8 RLauren N RL 2.00 2.5 14 114.00 75.62 1065 79.74 5459 80.71 77.39 -.96 -11.7tRamacoRs n Q METC 14.78 8.56 96 8.75 948 9.90 8.56 -1.03 -35.4 Rambus Q RMBS 72 14.50 11.13 450 12.94 2675 13.31 12.66 -.30 -6.0tRamcoG N RPT .88 6.3 10 20.24 13.26 921 13.95 5314 14.05 13.26 -.06 -15.9tRamcG pfD N RPTpD 3.63 6.7 72.57 52.03 1 54.15 19 54.15 52.03 +.37 -11.6 RandCap Q RAND 22 4.70 2.83 17 3.03 29 3.04 2.98 -4.1tRandLog h Q RLOG 2.95 .52 269 .52 810 .66 .52 -.11 -37.5 Randgold Q GOLD .66f .7 38 126.55 67.54 397 89.07 3120 91.25 87.81 +1.66 +16.7 RandBcp n Q RNDB 16.50 12.11 15.50 10 15.72 15.50 -.10 -3.8tRangeRs N RRC .08 .3 46.96 26.61 4215 27.68 21703 28.10 26.61 +.17 -19.4 Rapid7 n Q RPD 19.29 10.63 60 14.45 576 15.21 13.78 -.51 +18.7 RaveRest Q RAVE 5.73 1.66 30 1.98 366 2.16 1.75 -.18 +5.3 RavenInds Q RAVN .52 1.8 64 31.35 14.98 118 29.30 722 30.80 28.48 -1.30 +16.3 RJamesFn N RJF .88f 1.2 20 81.92 44.22 790 74.68 6092 78.53 72.71 -3.22 +7.8 RayAdvM N RYAM .28 2.2 8 17.38 9.06 608 12.45 2540 13.48 12.38 -.78 -19.5 RayAdv pfA N RYAMpA 2.00 2.1 104.24 94.94 49 97.20 159 102.87 97.19 -4.76 -6.2 Rayonier N RYN 1.00 3.6 50 29.86 23.51 4562 27.89 14229 28.23 27.35 +.08 +4.8sRaytheon N RTN 2.93 1.9 24 157.59 120.24 1769 151.02 7134 157.59 150.83 -5.95 +6.4 ReadIntlA Q RDI 40 17.18 11.12 18 15.95 126 16.40 15.76 -.09 -3.9 ReadgIntB Q RDIB 11 20.42 11.45 18.07 3 18.07 17.75 +.75 -4.3 RealGSol rs Q RGSE 511.80 1.21 579 1.36 3561 1.49 1.28 -.06 -81.2tRealIndust Q RELY 9.63 3.05 1105 2.65 3180 3.65 2.55 -.95 -56.6 RealNetwk Q RNWK 5.45 3.97 16 4.54 155 4.94 4.50 -.24 -6.6 RealityETF N DIVY .46p 26.95 22.77 8 26.02 60 26.40 25.96 -.24 +3.1sRltDvcDiv N LEAD 28.02 23.84 1 27.58 5 28.02 27.22 -.17 +6.7 Realogy N RLGY .27p .9 18 37.33 21.43 1423 29.49 7366 29.83 28.44 +.22 +14.6 RealPage Q RP 48 37.40 19.17 186 34.85 1906 37.05 33.82 -1.95 +16.2 RltyInco N O 2.53f 4.2 30 72.30 52.72 1854 59.46 8251 60.43 59.20 -.40 +3.4 ReataPh n Q RETA 41.60 11.03 16 25.90 137 28.15 25.40 -2.26 +18.6 ReavesUtl N UTG 1.82 5.6 34.41 28.18 70 32.68 316 32.77 32.09 +.48 +6.4 ReconTech Q RCON 2.22 .86 3 1.22 89 1.34 1.21 -.06 -6.2 RecroPhm Q REPH 12.50 5.59 177 7.96 785 8.15 7.35 -.11 -1.2 RedHat N RHT 43 85.01 68.54 2270 82.96 9695 84.77 81.06 -.69 +19.0 RedLionH N RLH 9.40 6.23 27 6.80 143 6.95 6.75 -.10 -18.6 RedRobin Q RRGB 43 67.05 40.85 312 54.60 1659 55.25 50.35 +1.35 -3.2 RedRkRs n Q RRR .40 1.9 24.67 18.25 502 21.43 2489 22.30 21.25 -.76 -7.6 RedhillBio Q RDHL 16.54 8.78 42 10.47 290 10.79 10.10 +.24 +.1 RedwdTr N RWT 1.12 6.9 10 17.05 12.20 311 16.29 1955 16.53 16.15 -.14 +7.1 Reeds N REED 5.00 2.25 36 3.95 112 4.15 3.85 +.05 -3.7 RegalBel N RBC .96 1.3 16 77.20 51.57 153 72.85 1118 76.03 72.35 -2.40 +5.2 RegalEnt N RGC .88a 4.0 22 24.79 19.35 2619 22.22 9346 22.71 21.81 -.26 +7.9 RgcyCtrs N REG 2.04f 3.0 24 85.35 61.90 801 67.11 5749 67.67 65.62 +.20 -2.7 RgcyC pfG N REGpG 1.50 5.9 27.13 23.37 0 25.28 15 25.38 25.25 +.01 +4.3 Regenrn Q REGN 49 452.96 325.35 870 373.00 4032 385.71 364.44 -7.29 +1.6 RegnxBio n Q RGNX 24.55 7.07 352 20.15 3761 24.15 19.65 -1.95 +8.6 RegnlMgt N RM 9 27.56 13.11 95 19.09 683 19.78 18.31 -.79 -27.4 RegionsFn N RF .26 1.8 16 16.03 7.53 14090 14.23 98477 15.09 13.73 -.82 -.9 Regions pfA N RFpA 1.59 6.2 27.23 24.65 12 25.77 99 25.79 25.49 +.10 +2.4 Regns pfB N RFpB 1.59 5.7 30.10 25.16 25 27.68 131 28.17 27.68 -.17 +4.3 Regis Cp N RGS 16.12 10.96 119 11.86 792 12.22 11.80 -.32 -18.3 RegulusTh Q RGLS 8.90 .94 4106 1.40 6289 1.55 1.15 +.13 -37.8 ReinsGrp N RGA 1.64f 1.3 14 132.79 90.17 144 125.45 1190 129.87 123.50 -4.46 -.3 ReinsGp42 N RZA 1.55 5.5 31.23 25.69 31 28.15 135 28.48 27.81 +.12 +4.3 ReinsG56 n N RZB 1.44 5.3 29.52 24.30 72 27.29 131 27.65 27.05 -.09 +3.8 Reis Inc Q REIS .68 3.8 75 26.59 16.90 14 18.05 139 18.30 17.20 -.15 -18.9 RelStlAl N RS 1.80f 2.3 18 88.58 65.10 478 78.81 2473 82.56 78.46 -3.55 -.9 Reliv In rs Q RELV 55.37 3.84 8 5.00 73 5.70 4.97 -.08 +7.8 RELM N RWC .09p 26 5.83 4.26 1 5.10 31 5.15 4.90 +7.4 RemarkMd Q MARK 5.00 2.86 24 3.00 89 3.11 2.90 -.01 -23.5 RemaxHld N RMAX .72f 1.3 42 63.35 33.71 49 56.75 408 58.00 54.70 -.85 +1.3 RenaisIPO N IPO .02e .1 22.86 17.93 2 22.65 13 22.65 22.21 -.00 +9.6 RenaisRe N RNR 1.28f .9 14 150.74 107.27 174 145.69 868 148.17 145.45 -2.40 +7.0 RenRe prE N RNRpE 1.34 5.5 27.39 21.96 18 24.58 89 24.74 24.12 +.27 +9.3 RenRe prC N RNRpC 1.52 6.0 26.37 24.45 2 25.47 25 25.65 25.37 +.07 +1.5 Renasant Q RNST .72 1.8 18 44.65 30.21 165 39.06 1325 41.29 37.78 -2.10 -7.5 ReneSola rs N SOL 7.30 2.15 20 2.42 186 2.55 2.40 -.10 -24.4 RenewEn Q REGI 8 10.60 7.90 223 9.95 2113 10.50 9.85 -.55 +2.6 RennFund N RCG 1.52 .85 1 1.28 94 1.41 1.26 -.05 +4.9 RennovH wt Q RNVAZ .12 .01 386 .01 664 .03 .01 -.01 -37.5 Rennova rs Q RNVA 34.80 1.41 448 1.85 3106 2.19 1.77 +.07 -25.7 Renren rs N RENN 17.80 7.55 240 7.75 1238 8.06 7.59 -.20 -2.5 RentACt Q RCII .32 3.6 11 16.37 7.76 1450 8.88 9034 9.35 8.47 -.45 -20.5tRentech rs Q RTK 4.15 .42 273 .47 2834 .60 .42 -.05 -81.0sReplgn Q RGEN 35.61 21.11 193 34.64 1393 35.61 33.42 -.29 +12.4 ReprosTh Q RPRX 3.48 .81 42 1.16 415 1.31 1.15 -.09 -12.1 RepBncp Q RBCAA .84 2.5 15 40.74 24.51 14 33.38 91 34.95 32.25 -1.13 -15.6 RepFBcp Q FRBK 80 9.15 3.70 183 7.95 1369 8.30 7.55 -.35 -4.8 RepubSvc N RSG 1.28f 2.0 29 63.84 45.56 1211 62.49 6644 63.51 62.36 -.88 +9.5tRschFrnt Q REFR 5.03 1.25 22 1.44 255 1.50 1.25 -.02 -20.9 ResMed N RMD 1.32f 1.8 29 73.46 55.30 606 71.57 2713 72.38 70.11 -.07 +15.3 ResolEn rs N REN 49.14 2.35 691 37.06 3031 42.41 36.54 -4.55 -10.0 ResoluteF N RFP 6.95 3.70 127 4.65 946 4.80 4.45 +.05 -13.1 Resonant Q RESN 6.76 2.51 26 4.71 115 4.85 4.60 -.10 -6.7sResCap pfA N RSOpA 2.13 8.6 24.79 16.00 3 24.70 10 24.79 24.32 +.20 +1.6sResCap pfB N RSOpB 2.06 8.7 23.73 15.90 13 23.61 82 23.73 23.43 -.06 +5.2sResCap pfC N RSOpC 2.16 8.9 24.64 16.45 26 24.35 83 24.64 24.15 -.01 +5.9 ResCap rs N RSO .20 2.1 13.73 7.57 307 9.69 2190 9.95 9.33 +.31 +16.3 ResConn Q RECN .44 2.7 23 19.80 12.30 94 16.20 532 17.20 16.05 -1.00 -15.8 RestBrnds N QSR .72f 1.3 37 57.98 37.54 688 54.58 3587 54.92 53.54 +.13 +14.5 RetailOpp Q ROIC .75f 3.6 42 23.05 18.45 705 21.12 4477 21.33 20.46 -.13 RetailProp N RPAI .66 4.6 21 17.78 13.88 1033 14.40 7707 14.69 14.16 -.05 -6.1 RetlPr pfA N RPAIpA 1.75 7.0 27.50 22.77 1 25.15 20 25.41 25.09 +.6 RetailMNot Q SALE 12.93 6.69 135 7.95 1454 8.50 7.65 -.30 -14.5 RetractTc N RVP 2.90 .88 17 1.11 1168 1.26 1.02 +.05 +19.4 Retrophin Q RTRX 24.57 11.60 223 17.39 2273 19.23 17.00 -1.32 -8.1 RevGp n N REVG .05p 29.29 24.87 191 27.84 925 28.00 26.81 +.57 +8.5 RevanceTh Q RVNC 24.30 12.35 120 19.65 722 20.80 19.25 -.45 -5.1 Revlon N REV 22 37.96 27.20 80 28.20 745 30.50 28.00 -1.65 -3.3sRevolutL rs Q RVLT 8.15 5.16 79 7.74 511 8.15 7.00 -.02 +40.7 ReWalkRob Q RWLK 10.79 1.85 32 1.95 219 2.00 1.85 -30.4 RexAmRes N REX 23 102.59 50.20 99 82.72 297 83.90 77.51 +2.58 -16.2 RexEngy Q REXX 1.44 .23 867 .46 5011 .49 .41 -.00 -1.5 RexahnPh N RNN .56 .13 2220 .45 17199 .49 .41 -.03 +216.9 RexfordIR N REXR .58f 2.6 42 24.39 17.59 460 22.37 2508 22.54 21.61 +.26 -3.5 RexfdIn pfA N REXRpA 26.19 21.60 1 23.63 18 23.84 23.51 -.19 +4.8 Rexnord N RXN 19 24.55 15.80 702 22.74 4136 24.23 22.58 -1.54 +16.1 Rexnrd pfA N RXNpA 56.90 48.52 1 53.71 8 56.35 53.71 -3.03 +9.6sReynAm s N RAI 2.04f 3.3 27 62.44 43.38 3782 62.64 26311 62.85 61.81 +.90 +11.8 RiceEngy N RICE 29.36 12.32 2849 21.26 14910 21.51 20.20 +.40 -.4 RiceMidstr N RMP 1.00f 4.0 17 26.42 13.87 153 24.92 1611 25.45 24.33 -.53 +1.4 RiceBran Q RIBT 2.19 .74 32 .81 85 .82 .75 +.06 -21.4 RichrdElec Q RELL .24 4.1 7.24 5.08 130 5.91 418 6.32 5.73 -.17 -6.2 RigelPh Q RIGL 4.38 1.90 1968 3.13 7445 3.25 2.69 +.31 +31.5 Rightside Q NAME 12.85 7.17 30 9.56 152 9.80 9.23 -.07 +15.6 RigNet Q RNET 23.90 10.86 29 19.45 169 21.05 19.15 -1.50 -16.0sRingCentrl N RNG 28.18 13.88 491 26.95 2509 28.18 26.50 -.50 +30.8 RingEngy N REI 14.10 4.77 559 9.55 1845 10.67 9.22 -.83 -26.5 RioTinto N RIO 2.27e 5.6 47.11 26.38 6219 40.84 20712 43.34 40.58 -2.19 +6.2 RitchieBr N RBA .68 2.1 28 39.96 25.72 370 32.25 2372 32.33 31.06 +.54 -5.1tRiteAid N RAD 42 8.77 4.39 9437 4.57 99662 4.87 4.39 -.28 -44.5 RitterPh n Q RTTR 3.75 1.03 85 1.81 1181 2.21 1.59 -.45 -33.2 RivrnOpp n N RIV 1.68 8.6 20.92 17.79 3 19.51 39 19.73 19.41 -.11 +3.2 Riv/Doubl n N OPP 20.25 18.00 37 18.69 400 18.69 18.36 +.21 +1.4 RivrvwBcp Q RVSB .08 1.1 24 8.16 4.20 12 7.26 146 7.73 7.15 -.42 +3.7tRoadrnTrn N RRTS 10 13.02 6.12 271 6.29 1602 6.96 6.12 -.66 -39.5 RobtHalf N RHI .96f 2.0 18 50.98 34.34 823 48.19 5202 49.72 48.06 -1.35 -1.2sRocketFuel Q FUEL 4.52 1.70 4817 4.75 9162 5.38 3.93 +.65 +177.8 RockwlAut N ROK 3.04 2.0 25 157.30 107.17 521 153.25 4000 157.26 152.58 -2.74 +14.0sRockColl N COL 1.32 1.4 18 99.85 78.54 1387 96.83 5864 99.85 96.54 -1.72 +4.4 RockwllM Q RMTI 10.58 3.55 282 6.05 1368 6.21 5.63 -.01 -7.6 RockyBr Q RCKY .44 4.0 13.95 9.95 10 11.10 138 11.55 10.40 +.20 -3.9 RkyMChoc Q RMCF .48 4.2 13 12.17 9.50 28 11.34 77 11.61 11.20 +.04 +11.3 RogCm gs N RCI 1.57 16 45.50 37.03 289 42.79 1206 43.11 41.73 +.54 +10.9 Rogers N ROG 27 90.45 51.98 69 83.48 354 85.33 81.47 -1.79 +8.7tRokBio h rs Q ROKA 16.00 2.95 90 3.45 431 3.64 2.95 -.13 -18.6 Rollins s N ROL .46f 1.3 48 37.29 26.21 499 36.06 2285 36.98 35.83 -.84 +6.7 Root98 n Q RTNB 11.50 5.31 41 5.98 192 6.40 5.51 +.01 -44.1 Roper N ROP 1.40f .7 31 214.44 159.28 540 206.50 2326 211.33 205.58 -4.44 +12.8tRosettG rs Q ROSG 18.60 3.62 324 3.22 1192 4.41 3.16 -.78 -36.1sRosettaStn N RST 9.87 6.51 161 9.68 748 9.87 9.17 +.25 +8.6 RossStrs s Q ROST .54 .8 23 69.81 52.00 1782 66.12 9929 67.64 65.41 -1.53 +.8 Rowan N RDC .40 2.8 7 21.68 12.00 3230 14.53 18696 14.79 14.05 -.47 -23.1 RoyalBcPA Q RBPAA 24 4.66 1.95 11 3.87 344 4.00 3.66 +.01 -6.7 RBCda pfS N RYpS 1.38 28.64 24.72 8 25.75 24 25.75 25.10 +.49 +2.2 RBCda pfT N RYpT 1.69 34.50 26.80 2 29.25 3 29.26 29.04 +.66 +5.7 RoyalBk g N RY 3.48f 76.01 55.68 1014 72.14 6462 73.20 70.36 -.45 +6.5 RBScotlnd N RBS 7.60 3.91 817 5.97 4452 6.07 5.81 -.07 +8.0 RBSct prF N RBSpF 1.91 7.2 27.53 25.00 21 26.35 42 26.59 26.35 -.13 +2.0 RBSct prH N RBSpH 1.81 7.1 26.19 24.64 91 25.52 157 25.87 25.50 -.27 +.9 RBSct prL N RBSpL 1.44 5.7 25.85 21.00 20 25.29 187 25.35 25.00 +.14 +6.3 RBSct prS N RBSpS 1.65 6.5 27.32 24.07 18 25.50 702 25.54 25.27 +.15 +1.8sRylCarb N RCL 1.92 1.9 25 100.48 64.95 894 98.57 5856 100.48 95.56 +.77 +20.1 RoyDShllB N RDS/B 3.76 6.8 84 59.56 47.08 1439 55.29 6388 56.24 55.17 -.71 -4.6 RoyDShllA N RDS/A 3.76 7.2 79 56.39 46.42 2616 52.06 13248 53.00 52.02 -.64 -4.3 RoyGld Q RGLD .96 1.4 87.74 48.56 437 67.23 3428 68.27 64.21 +2.39 +6.1 RoyceGVal N RGT .10e 8.79 7.12 47 8.74 160 8.74 8.61 +.11 +8.8 RoyceMC N RMT .63e 7.7 8.63 6.75 104 8.15 688 8.27 8.00 -.09 -.1 Royce N RVT 1.20e 8.7 14.50 11.25 188 13.76 1096 14.03 13.59 -.27 +2.8tRubiconPrj N RUBI 20.37 5.40 1638 5.58 9481 5.86 5.40 -.22 -24.8sRubicnTc h Q RBCN .96 .46 106 .79 3733 .96 .64 +.14 +31.7 RubyTues N RT 5.48 1.69 565 2.45 5061 2.52 2.33 -.05 -24.1 Rudolph N RTEC 23 24.90 12.84 157 22.00 684 22.75 21.50 -.45 -5.8 RushEntA Q RUSHA 32 36.14 16.54 165 31.93 1018 34.49 31.70 -2.28 +.1 RushEntB Q RUSHB 29 33.32 16.47 30 29.36 64 31.47 29.00 -2.29 -4.9sRuthsHosp Q RUTH .36f 1.8 21 20.03 13.74 197 19.80 1581 20.03 19.35 +8.2 Ryanair Q RYAAY 1.55e 1.8 89.67 66.09 173 83.96 1343 85.87 82.19 -.82 +.8 Ryder N R 1.76 2.4 13 85.42 56.98 399 72.39 2654 75.29 71.62 -2.84 -2.8 RyersonH N RYI 17 19.71 4.50 163 10.95 1238 11.85 10.56 -.90 -18.0 RymanHP N RHP 3.00 4.9 11 67.97 47.16 329 61.83 1753 63.71 60.40 -1.78 -1.9S -:S&P Glbl N SPGI 1.64f 1.3 22 133.08 95.83 939 129.69 6164 130.99 127.28 -.30 +20.6 S&T Bcp Q STBA .80f 2.4 16 39.84 23.06 110 33.61 385 36.35 31.72 -2.79 -13.9 S&WSeed Q SANW 5.35 4.06 9 4.45 80 4.45 4.35 -.05 -3.3sSAP SE N SAP 1.31e 1.3 98.79 71.39 383 97.89 4291 98.79 96.92 +.53 +13.3 SB FinGp Q SBFG .26 1.6 12 20.75 10.10 4 16.62 44 17.80 15.97 -1.13 +3.6sSBA Com Q SBAC 118.57 95.66 1083 118.29 6246 119.03 115.65 +2.64 +14.6 SCANA N SCG 2.45f 3.7 17 76.41 65.08 1071 66.91 5670 68.84 66.38 -.97 -8.7 SCE TrV n N SCEpK 30.81 24.57 36 26.76 181 27.14 26.61 -.02 +5.9 SCETr pfF N SCEpF 1.41 5.6 26.61 23.17 17 25.10 78 25.16 24.77 +.33 +7.6 SCE II prG N SCEpG 1.28 5.2 26.63 20.89 4 24.63 54 24.65 24.46 +.09 +11.1 SCE Tr pfH N SCEpH 1.44 5.3 31.75 24.98 10 26.98 55 27.18 26.08 +.71 +5.9 SCETr pfJ N SCEpJ 1.34 5.1 29.90 23.42 13 26.35 54 26.56 26.02 +.10 +6.8 SEI Inv Q SEIC .56f 1.1 25 52.60 40.44 888 50.35 3030 52.42 50.20 -1.90 +2.0 SGOCO rs Q SGOC 5.12 2.11 5 2.85 13 2.90 2.65 +.15 -24.0 SI Fincl Q SIFI .20f 1.4 15 16.23 12.30 10 13.95 67 14.75 13.90 -1.00 -9.4 SJW N SJW .87f 1.8 23 56.93 31.38 50 47.54 271 48.85 46.48 -1.31 -15.1sSK Tlcm N SKM 26.07 18.93 753 25.72 3654 26.07 24.94 +.90 +23.1 SLGreen N SLG 3.10f 2.9 16 120.63 93.22 406 106.79 2780 109.59 104.97 -2.52 -.7 SL Grn pfI N SLGpI 1.63 6.3 27.53 24.69 36 25.90 48 25.95 25.74 +.09 +3.8 SLM Cp Q SLM 22 12.60 5.56 2244 11.69 18600 12.33 11.31 -.59 +6.1 SLM Cp pfA Q SLMAP 1.74 3.4 51.77 50.00 3 51.35 12 51.35 50.66 +.51 +.6 SLM Cp pfB Q SLMBP 66.11 61.01 1 63.86 127 65.04 63.00 -1.17 -2.1 SM Energy N SM .10 .5 43.09 16.24 2623 20.81 14666 21.64 20.36 -.46 -39.6 SMTC hg Q SMTX 1.85 1.18 1 1.36 114 1.40 1.33 -11.1 SORL Q SORL 4 5.05 1.50 18 3.05 209 3.30 2.96 -.15 +.3 SP Plus Q SP 25 38.55 20.41 71 33.80 594 36.65 33.15 -1.75 +20.1 SPAR Grp Q SGRP 1.60 .85 22 1.02 47 1.10 .00 +2.0 Spd LgGl n N GLDW 126.71 120.87 0 123.64 8 123.74 122.66 +1.15 -.7 SpdrDJIA N DIA 3.98e 1.9 211.59 170.37 4022 205.75 20092 209.43 205.00 -3.11 +4.2 SpdrGold N GLD 131.15 107.00 6580 118.86 32450 119.25 117.21 +1.87 +8.4sSpdrStxx50 N FEU 1.24e 3.9 32.26 27.43 37 31.98 167 32.26 31.74 +7.0 SpdrNoANR N NANR 36.49 28.14 26 32.83 171 33.25 32.73 -.12 -1.9sSpdrEur50 N HFEZ 1.03e 38.03 29.47 1 37.81 14 38.03 37.63 +.05 +5.9 SpdrLwCbn N LOWC 1.69e 2.1 80.69 66.75 79.97 15 80.36 79.37 -.42 +7.0sSpdrEuro50 N FEZ 1.18e 3.3 36.50 28.60 1901 36.15 14582 36.50 35.83 +.16 +8.0sS&PEAsia N GMF 1.22e 1.4 87.01 69.17 7 86.44 125 87.01 85.67 +.57 +15.1sSpdrSpnS N QESP 2.04e 4.5 45.73 35.92 45.68 7 45.73 44.99 +.64 +12.7 SpdrCdaS N QCAN 1.61e 3.0 56.40 48.72 1 54.33 8 54.82 53.51 -.28 +1.6 SpdrAustS N QAUS 2.47e 4.8 52.46 43.82 7 51.44 89 52.28 50.92 -.74 +8.3sSpdrEuSmC N SMEZ 1.15e 2.2 51.40 40.77 1 51.43 35 51.44 50.97 +.17 +10.3sS&PChina N GXC 1.30e 1.6 84.29 64.79 59 83.25 374 84.29 82.15 +.43 +15.5sSpdrEMQu N QEMM 1.31e 2.3 56.73 46.96 30 56.01 75 56.73 55.81 -.06 +11.7 SpdrEafeSt N QEFA 1.62e 2.8 59.99 49.94 8 58.00 49 59.38 57.26 +.11 +8.0sSpdrGblDv N WDIV 3.11e 4.0 65.53 57.39 12 65.09 54 65.53 64.51 -.07 +5.3 SpAcwiIMI N ACIM 1.28e 1.9 75.00 58.04 2 68.77 33 69.58 68.36 -.57 +5.0sS&PEMkts N GMM 1.33e 2.0 65.32 51.61 7 64.89 67 65.32 64.16 +.38 +13.3sSpdrEMDv N EDIV 1.68e 5.5 30.78 24.47 35 30.63 327 30.78 30.09 +.29 +15.8 SpdrGlbNR N GNR 1.30e 3.1 44.20 33.70 50 42.24 696 43.04 42.17 -.59 +2.8 SpdrSPRus N RBL .67e 3.4 21.24 14.94 7 19.93 42 20.16 19.50 +.01 -2.0 S&PEEuro N GUR 1.09e 3.8 29.33 23.50 7 28.89 54 29.14 28.36 -.10 +4.1 SpdrIUtil N IPU .63e 4.0 17.07 14.20 2 15.91 22 15.95 15.60 +.32 +7.2 SpdrITelec N IST .78e 3.2 26.30 21.86 0 24.15 11 24.24 23.98 -.06 +6.5sSpdrIntTech N IPK .27e .7 38.91 28.78 25 38.85 66 39.01 38.29 +.31 +14.2 SpdrIMatls N IRV .49e 2.2 22.39 16.82 1 21.80 15 22.08 21.65 -.22 +8.1sSpdrIIndus N IPN .54e 1.7 32.30 26.35 0 32.29 85 32.30 31.81 +.15 +9.3 SpdrIHlthC N IRY .73e 1.6 50.14 41.38 3 46.77 33 46.90 46.24 +.08 +7.5 SpdrIFncl N IPF .63e 3.1 21.25 15.76 1 20.47 9 20.78 20.40 -.31 +5.7 S&PLatAm N GML 1.25e 2.5 52.15 38.81 0 50.26 6 51.20 49.81 -.28 +13.2 SpdrIEngy N IPW .75e 4.2 19.30 15.35 3 17.96 17 18.08 17.75 -.11 -4.0 SpdrICnStp N IPS .78e 1.8 44.98 38.26 1 43.10 20 43.12 42.75 +.23 +9.0sSpdrICnDis N IPD .75e 2.0 38.41 31.52 0 38.24 7 38.41 37.61 +.16 +6.2 SpdrDJ RE N RWO 1.57e 3.3 52.60 44.74 136 46.93 1121 47.09 46.29 +.09 +.1sSpdrEMSmC N EWX 1.17e 2.6 45.83 36.78 26 45.57 195 45.83 45.10 +.26 +14.7sSpdrIntDiv N DWX 2.22e 5.9 38.04 32.42 124 37.93 611 38.04 37.62 +.12 +5.2sSpdMS xUS N CWI .81e 2.4 34.42 28.36 295 34.13 2465 34.42 33.80 +.02 +8.4 SpdrSPGbl N GII 1.37e 2.8 48.87 42.95 11 48.35 96 48.64 47.60 +.76 +7.4 SpdrIntRE N RWX 1.25e 3.3 43.15 35.12 452 37.38 2826 37.43 37.01 +.11 +3.6sSpdrIntlSC N GWX 3.63e 1.6 31.71 27.57 64 31.50 273 31.71 31.13 +.08 +8.6sSpdrWldxUS N GWL .75e 2.7 27.85 23.32 74 27.65 511 27.85 27.37 -.00 +7.6 SP Mid N MDY 2.94e 1.0 320.48 256.08 947 307.78 5444 314.35 305.11 -6.44 +2.0 S&P500ETF N SPY 4.13e 1.8 240.32 198.65 87337 233.86 428072 237.61 232.96 -3.17 +4.6 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 16 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
SpdrRRtn N RLY .44e 1.8 25.54 22.79 7 24.33 33 24.59 24.14 -.11 -.3 SpdrIncAll N INKM 1.08e 3.4 32.15 30.12 3 31.53 16 31.54 31.37 +.03 +3.5 SpdrGblAll N GAL 1.04e 2.9 34.66 32.47 53 34.43 219 34.64 34.24 -.16 +4.3 SpdrSenLn N SRLN 1.96 4.1 47.65 46.19 132 47.40 712 47.64 47.40 -.09 -.2 SpdrUShBd N ULST .16 .4 41.14 39.91 20 40.27 30 40.34 40.25 +.04 +.2 SpdrDblTac N TOTL 1.17e 50.28 48.14 271 48.84 2302 48.85 48.62 +.15 +.9 SpdrGroEq N SYG 1.85e .9 69.15 55.55 1 67.63 19 69.14 67.41 -.93 +6.9 SpdrBiot s N XBI .44e .6 72.58 47.88 2638 68.72 27076 71.53 67.41 -2.30 +16.1 Spdr Div N SDY 3.80e 2.1 89.92 78.68 682 87.81 3314 89.07 87.48 -1.15 +2.6 SpdrGbDow N DGT 1.52e 2.0 75.44 60.52 1 74.21 55 74.90 73.75 -.39 +6.2 SpdrHome N XHB .15e .4 37.75 30.92 1205 36.77 10679 37.48 36.41 -.67 +8.6 SpdrS&PBk N KBE .53e 1.3 47.00 28.01 3176 42.01 22667 44.37 40.89 -2.58 -3.4 SpdrS&PCM N KCE .91e 2.0 48.73 33.92 4 45.81 24 47.35 45.29 -1.59 +2.1 SpdrS&PIns N KIE 1.24e 1.5 89.51 66.23 52 85.07 509 86.97 84.48 -1.92 +2.6 SpdrRus1K N ONEK 1.79e 1.6 112.85 93.02 2 109.59 13 111.88 109.20 -1.88 +4.2 SpdrLCapG N SPYG 1.49e 1.3 114.72 96.04 17 112.73 159 114.58 112.38 -1.32 +7.0 SpdrLCapV N SPYV 2.39e 2.1 117.09 95.15 7 111.67 118 113.74 111.31 -2.23 +2.0 Spd SP1000 N SMD 3.97e 1.6 93.57 73.48 1 90.08 18 91.78 88.38 -1.17 +1.5 SpdrMCpG N MDYG 2.19e 1.0 142.23 115.50 9 137.59 64 140.06 136.50 -2.54 +3.4 SpdrMCpV N MDYV 3.45e 3.7 99.22 78.07 34 94.44 98 96.89 93.84 -2.58 +.5sSpdrMSTch s N MTK .41e .6 68.96 50.00 18 67.83 106 68.96 67.08 -.55 +12.1 SpdrSemi s N XSD .16e .3 61.81 40.60 53 59.86 259 60.96 58.49 -.62 +6.7 SpdrSCapG N SLYG 8.53e 1.0 216.39 166.10 18 208.65 136 214.24 205.27 -5.50 +.3 SpdrSCapV N SLYV 7.98e 1.5 124.31 93.55 37 115.13 235 118.55 113.46 -3.57 -3.3 SpdrRus3K N THRK 3.24e 1.9 181.41 146.61 4 173.63 18 176.99 173.60 -3.77 +3.7 SpdrWilRE N RWR 2.90e 3.2 104.34 86.90 274 91.75 960 92.46 90.15 -.04 -1.7 SpdrShTTr N SST .27 .9 31.39 29.82 2 30.10 112 30.11 30.03 +.06 +.2 SpFcStIn n N XITK 64.85 51.32 3 62.74 39 64.44 62.14 -1.56 +7.4 SpdrScored N CBND .99 3.1 33.26 31.20 1 31.94 132 31.99 31.62 +.26 +1.2 SpdrIntCBd N IBND .14e .4 34.03 30.10 57 31.35 183 31.55 31.01 +.06 +1.5 SpdrIGFlt N FLRN .20 .7 31.03 30.31 174 30.69 1001 30.72 30.65 +.02 +.2 SpdrHYMu N HYMB 2.55 4.5 59.93 54.00 75 56.43 323 56.51 56.14 +.08 +.8 SpdrWFPf N PSK 2.59e 5.9 47.67 41.35 42 43.87 213 43.95 43.55 +.20 +4.6 SpdrBarITB N BWZ .06e 32.32 28.93 8 30.44 107 30.52 30.19 +.17 +4.0 SpdrBarcCv N CWB 3.55e 4.8 48.27 42.29 316 47.53 2004 47.80 47.14 -.14 +4.1 SpdrLTBd N LWC 1.81 4.5 43.81 38.57 95 40.05 235 40.14 39.50 +.55 +.5 SpdrITBd N ITR .92 2.7 35.02 33.64 154 34.09 1701 34.13 33.93 +.15 +.5 SpdrBarMBB N MBG .83 3.2 27.36 25.30 17 26.20 144 26.32 26.14 +.04 -.3 SpdrEMBd N EBND 31.51 25.45 14 28.47 315 28.48 28.09 +.33 +7.1 SpdrShTHiY N SJNK 1.58 5.7 28.17 25.58 1565 27.78 9984 27.82 27.58 -.02 +.4 SpdrLehHY N JNK 2.30 6.3 37.22 33.81 8703 36.54 58241 36.67 36.19 -.09 +.2 SpdrSTCpBd N SCPB .40e 1.2 30.84 30.43 214 30.57 2291 30.59 30.53 +.04 +.1 SP IntTip N WIP .41e .3 57.71 51.41 22 54.81 85 55.09 54.16 +.69 +5.4 SPLIntTB s N BWX 29.34 25.52 273 26.70 1606 26.74 26.39 +.25 +2.8 SpdrTrans s N XTN .25e .5 57.43 40.57 21 51.90 744 53.82 51.66 -1.91 -3.9 SpdrTelcm N XTL .68e 1.0 74.28 54.61 3 70.54 37 71.62 69.43 -.48 +1.7 SpdrHCSv s N XHS .61e .2 60.15 47.50 14 56.97 54 57.90 55.79 -.92 +8.6sSpdrHCEq s N XHE 3.22e .1 56.27 40.56 12 55.74 121 56.27 54.56 -.23 +12.1 SpdrSf&Sv s N XSW .19e .3 59.35 45.90 57 58.22 69 59.32 57.67 -.96 +6.8 SpdrMLCrs N CJNK 1.01e 3.8 27.40 24.61 3 26.10 16 26.11 25.82 +.07 +.9 SpdrAerDf s N XAR 1.70e 1.5 69.94 51.29 111 66.02 776 68.66 65.75 -2.44 +4.2 SpdrLehAgB N BNDS 1.48 2.6 59.85 56.38 21 57.09 157 57.18 56.79 +.27 +.3 SpdrBarcTip N IPE .01e 58.93 55.10 17 56.86 200 57.00 56.50 +.34 +1.2 SpdrLehLTT N TLO 1.82 2.6 82.40 67.44 22 69.81 213 69.99 68.59 +1.18 +1.3 SpdrLehIntTr N ITE .74 1.2 61.96 59.24 16 59.77 233 59.87 59.60 +.18 +.2 SpdrLe1-3bll N BIL 45.74 45.69 298 45.72 3683 45.72 45.70 SpdrS&P RB N KRE .74e 1.4 59.68 35.29 8849 53.07 68032 56.45 51.57 -3.47 -4.5 SpdDorWrF Q DWFI 26.91 23.61 3 24.99 34 25.00 24.73 +.03 +3.3 SpdrRetl s N XRT .49e 1.2 48.26 39.50 3818 41.10 29434 42.63 40.49 -1.34 -6.7 SpdNuBMu s N TFI 50.98 46.81 209 47.81 1278 47.85 47.48 +.33 +.8 SpdrPhm s N XPH 3.00e .9 47.82 36.58 96 41.04 1040 41.87 40.50 -.09 +5.0 SpdrOGEx N XOP .73e 2.1 44.97 28.69 12188 35.21 76328 36.62 35.04 -1.23 -15.0 SpNuBST rs N SHM 49.25 47.67 275 48.38 2004 48.38 48.23 +.13 +.9 SpdrGendr N SHE 66.98 59.80 1 64.90 11 65.88 64.63 -.87 +3.8 SpdrOGEq N XES .49e 2.6 24.58 16.08 611 18.96 5191 19.59 18.84 -.63 -15.2 SpdR1KLVF N ONEV 70.10 60.63 1 68.77 9 69.60 68.64 -.68 +4.5 SpdrMetM N XME .49e 1.7 35.21 19.63 4523 29.63 21938 31.10 29.54 -1.23 -2.6 SpdrR1KMo N ONEO 69.45 58.00 2 67.34 16 68.46 67.04 -1.16 +4.0 SpdrR1KYF N ONEY 72.26 60.00 0 68.86 2 71.00 68.86 -1.42 +2.2 SpdSPXHiD N SPYD 36.75 31.25 27 34.93 273 35.40 34.69 -.45 +.2 SpdrFosFFr N SPYX 58.18 47.72 9 56.65 33 57.59 56.46 -.90 +5.8sSpdrR1KLV N LGLV 5.40e 2.0 87.22 75.63 1 84.43 16 87.22 84.43 -1.36 +5.1 SpdrUsaSt N QUS .54e 69.66 58.79 4 67.94 11 68.80 67.89 -1.00 +4.9 Spd SP600 N SLY 3.97e 1.2 127.00 97.44 16 118.67 164 122.52 117.11 -3.23 -1.8 SpdrSPXBbk N SPYB .41e 55.67 43.73 1 54.00 5 54.85 53.66 -1.13 +3.0 SpdrRus2K N TWOK 1.49e 1.9 83.25 63.01 10 79.59 51 81.72 78.38 -2.07 Spdr1-10Tip N TIPX .08e .4 20.25 19.21 3 19.64 33 19.68 19.56 +.02 +1.5 Spdr0-5yTip N SIPE .03e .2 20.01 19.48 0 19.72 12 19.96 19.72 -.11 -.7 SpdrR2KLV N SMLV 2.16e 2.4 96.38 73.31 5 89.60 40 92.75 88.01 -3.26 -4.1tSPI Eng n Q SPI 9.79 1.05 34 1.22 366 1.47 1.05 -.23 -35.4 SPS Cmce Q SPSC 86 74.85 38.35 97 56.48 742 57.03 53.53 -.39 -19.2 SPX Cp N SPXC 20 28.13 13.73 194 23.35 1202 25.51 23.15 -1.38 -1.6 SPX Flow n N FLOW 36.83 22.34 216 32.51 1108 33.73 31.57 -.70 +1.4 SRC Eng N SRCI 10.38 5.34 3566 7.61 10328 7.81 7.42 -.14 -14.6 SS&C Tch s Q SSNC .25 .7 32 37.48 26.15 676 35.61 4477 36.43 35.37 -.53 +24.5sSTMicro N STM .40 2.5 47 15.74 5.11 5694 15.88 32040 16.01 14.61 +.26 +39.9 SVB II pf Q SIVBO 1.75 6.7 26.84 25.41 0 26.21 3 26.40 26.18 -.20 +1.7 SVB FnGp Q SIVB 24 198.83 82.90 491 177.94 3768 197.03 170.09 -19.25 +3.7 SabanC wt Q SCACW 1.40 .30 9 1.26 23 1.35 1.22 +.01 +32.7 Saban un Q SCACU 11.25 10.02 1 10.62 169 10.65 10.55 +.02 +2.1 SABESP N SBS .06e .6 11.22 6.08 974 10.08 7274 10.16 9.76 -.12 +16.1 SabnR N SBR 1.92e 5.6 16 40.99 27.75 12 34.35 99 35.40 33.50 -.95 -2.3sSabraHltc Q SBRA 1.68 6.1 12 27.99 18.80 511 27.66 2934 27.99 26.39 +.41 +13.3 SabraH pfA Q SBRAP 1.78 6.8 27.57 23.28 21 26.06 45 26.13 25.56 +.36 +3.6tSabreCorp Q SABR .56f 2.7 18 29.76 20.82 1667 20.91 11005 21.89 20.82 -.91 -16.2 SachemC n N SACH 5.29 4.79 86 5.07 192 5.29 4.98 +.13 +1.8 SAExplr rs Q SAEX 120.15 4.41 56 5.36 198 5.88 5.11 -.61 -26.6 SafeBulk N SB .04 2.2 2.38 .66 1083 1.83 2745 1.91 1.60 -.07 +59.1sSafeBlk pfB N SBpB 2.00 7.7 25.90 21.50 3 26.10 54 26.10 25.41 +.47 +8.1 SafeBlk pfC N SBpC 2.00 11.3 18.33 10.77 10 17.68 59 18.09 17.26 +.07 +27.6 SafeB pfD N SBpD 2.00 11.6 18.38 10.49 48 17.25 188 17.75 16.89 -.18 +27.6 SafegdSci N SFE 14.75 10.60 110 12.10 351 12.55 12.05 -.45 -10.0 SaftyInsGr Q SAFT 2.80 4.1 18 75.05 54.43 32 68.60 239 71.65 68.20 -3.10 -6.9 SagaComm N SGA 1.20 2.4 16 51.25 36.70 3 50.26 33 51.05 49.15 +1.61 -.1 SageThera Q SAGE 70.98 26.28 495 62.49 2087 68.95 62.31 -4.84 +22.4 Saia Inc Q SAIA 22 50.80 23.27 216 42.70 844 46.25 42.20 -2.95 -3.3 StJoe N JOE 8 21.90 15.48 98 17.05 1194 17.45 16.55 -.30 -10.3 Sajan Q SAJA 5.60 3.08 3.75 15 3.94 3.50 -.05 SalemMda Q SALM .26 3.8 16 8.17 5.00 47 6.80 207 7.50 6.55 -.65 +8.8 Salesforce N CRM 84.48 66.43 3653 81.61 17398 83.63 81.14 -1.42 +19.2 SalMidMLP N SMM 1.30 10.1 14.32 7.18 72 12.83 351 12.96 12.41 -.13 -5.5 SalisbryBc Q SAL 1.12 2.9 14 40.95 29.50 1 38.55 12 39.10 38.50 -.15 +2.8tSallyBty N SBH 12 32.93 19.86 1228 20.27 6407 20.77 19.86 -.42 -23.3 SamsO&G s N SSN 1.00 .50 10 .57 189 .62 .55 -.03 -20.8 SJuanB N SJT .36e 5.4 11 8.00 4.84 164 6.80 923 7.08 6.43 +.20 +2.7 SanchezEn N SN 14.39 4.83 2063 9.07 13282 9.80 8.72 -.50 +.4 SnchzPP rs N SPP 1.72f 12.0 15.93 9.51 113 14.40 516 15.40 13.50 -1.00 +22.0sSanderFm Q SAFM .96 1.0 11 99.40 74.07 541 100.35 2377 101.86 93.63 +5.63 +6.5 SandRidge N SD 26.85 15.75 107 17.25 638 18.06 16.80 -.45 -26.8 SandRMiss N SDT .29e 20.8 1 3.75 1.20 75 1.38 290 1.45 1.35 +.01 +6.2 SandRMs2 N SDR .56e 39.4 1 2.90 1.31 111 1.42 442 1.51 1.41 -.03 +.7 SandRdgP N PER .34e 11.5 3 4.00 2.28 212 3.00 692 3.10 2.95 -.05 +1.7 SandstG g N SAND 6.75 3.01 876 4.29 6497 4.49 4.14 +.18 +10.0 SndySpr Q SASR 1.04 2.6 20 44.57 26.38 40 39.85 339 43.17 37.74 -3.21 -.4 Sanfilp Q JBSS 2.00e 24 72.84 40.75 1182 69.59 1985 70.14 65.13 +2.91 -1.1 SangTher Q SGMO 7.60 2.65 354 4.10 2625 4.40 3.85 -.10 +34.4 Sanmina Q SANM 15 41.25 21.05 357 39.70 2215 41.00 38.50 -.80 +8.3sSanofi N SNY 1.58e 3.5 45.13 36.81 1988 44.63 7334 45.13 44.34 +.33 +10.4 Sanofi rt Q GCVRZ .50 .09 4 .44 342 .44 .42 +.01 +15.8 SantCUSA N SC 6 15.47 8.61 1838 12.96 14451 14.21 12.75 -1.05 -4.0 SantFn pfA N SANpA 1.70 6.6 26.40 24.55 1 25.88 11 25.99 25.82 -.03 +1.9 SantFn pfB N SANpB 1.03 4.2 24.97 19.29 4 24.51 58 24.71 24.34 -.12 +3.0 SantFn pfC N SANpC 1.63 6.3 26.73 24.65 4 25.63 28 25.89 25.48 -.17 +2.1 SantFn pfI N SANpI 1.60 6.3 28.02 21.82 4 25.60 35 26.35 25.26 -.65 +2.2 Sapiens Q SPNS .20e 31 15.98 10.86 22 13.07 214 13.71 13.03 -.34 -8.9 SaratogaI N SAR 1.84f 8.2 23.78 15.59 23 22.55 154 22.55 22.20 +.15 +9.4 SareptaTh Q SRPT 63.73 8.00 842 29.93 6168 30.85 28.55 -.37 +9.1 Sasol N SSL 1.41e 5.0 33.31 24.85 233 28.37 1253 28.76 28.01 -.25 -.8 SaulCntr N BFS 2.04 3.3 20 68.75 50.62 32 61.62 144 64.20 60.67 -2.57 -7.5 SaulCtr pfC N BFSpC 1.72 6.7 26.99 24.65 1 25.50 12 25.58 25.25 +.20 +1.2 ScanSource Q SCSC 16 44.95 29.05 135 39.50 578 40.55 38.35 -1.10 -2.1 Schlmbrg N SLB 2.00 2.6 67 87.84 71.34 9607 76.96 34274 79.65 76.77 -2.59 -8.3 Schmitt h Q SMIT 4.49 1.37 18 1.54 62 1.68 1.50 +.04 -5.6 Schnitzer Q SCHN .75 3.8 30.60 14.83 398 19.75 1940 21.95 19.75 -2.15 -23.2 Scholastc Q SCHL .60 1.4 29 49.38 34.76 164 42.71 869 46.52 42.36 -3.86 -10.1 Schulmn Q SHLM .82 2.7 30 37.70 19.58 139 30.80 926 32.50 30.40 -1.80 -7.9 SchwUSMkt N SCHB .96e 1.7 58.17 47.67 688 56.51 4215 57.44 56.24 -1.10 +4.3 SchwUSLgC N SCHX .98e 1.8 57.32 47.19 768 55.82 4454 56.69 55.57 -1.04 +4.8 SchwLCGr N SCHG .63e 1.1 61.16 49.78 204 59.88 1247 60.80 59.56 -.92 +7.3 SchwLCVal N SCHV 1.14e 2.3 50.96 42.42 281 49.36 1281 50.18 49.17 -1.08 +2.6 SchwMCap N SCHM .59e 1.3 48.24 39.60 155 46.66 959 47.52 46.28 -.99 +3.3 SchUSSmC N SCHA .76e 1.2 64.46 50.38 282 61.67 1828 63.13 60.82 -1.68 +.3sSchwEMkt N SCHE .68e 2.8 24.54 19.45 889 24.29 3637 24.54 24.02 +.12 +12.7sSchEMLgC N FNDE .32e 1.2 27.06 19.43 267 26.68 1449 27.06 26.40 +.03 +11.6sSchIntSmCo N FNDC .41e 1.3 30.84 25.65 110 30.60 604 30.84 30.28 -.03 +7.8sSchIntLgCo N FNDF .47e 1.8 26.91 22.04 457 26.66 1800 26.91 26.39 -.07 +6.2 SchUSSmCo N FNDA .36e 1.1 35.55 27.64 187 34.01 966 34.80 33.65 -.80 -.3 SchUSLgCo N FNDX .54e 1.6 34.45 28.73 387 33.43 2282 34.00 33.31 -.56 +2.5 SchUSBrd N FNDB .61e 1.8 34.39 28.55 11 33.34 106 33.88 33.22 -.57 +2.5 SchwUSDiv N SCHD 1.13e 2.5 45.38 39.39 537 44.38 3085 45.00 44.25 -.84 +1.9sSchwIntEq N SCHF .84e 2.8 30.04 25.33 1417 29.81 7709 30.04 29.50 -.01 +7.7 SchwAggBd N SCHZ 1.09 2.1 54.10 51.10 221 51.69 1531 51.75 51.45 +.25 +.4 SchwREIT N SCHH .89e 2.2 45.59 38.03 1457 40.53 3879 40.84 39.81 -.12 -1.2 SchIntUSTr N SCHR .86 1.6 56.23 52.89 70 53.56 383 53.62 53.33 +.26 +.4 SchSTUSTr N SCHO .35 .7 50.99 50.28 169 50.44 1199 50.50 50.38 +.06 SchUSTips N SCHP 57.48 54.14 183 55.40 1086 55.54 55.11 +.27 +1.0sSchwIntSC N SCHC .75e 2.4 31.43 27.20 132 31.19 804 31.43 30.77 +7.2 Schwab N SCHW .32f .8 31 43.65 23.83 7353 40.02 40295 42.89 39.54 -2.84 +1.4 Schwb pfB N SCHWpB 1.50 5.8 27.27 24.77 132 25.83 307 25.87 25.71 +.01 +2.2 Schwb pfC N SCHWpC 1.50 5.7 28.31 24.52 31 26.37 122 26.45 25.95 +.31 +4.4 Schwb pfD N SCHWpD 28.00 24.35 41 26.23 355 26.25 25.90 +.23 +5.0 SchwitMau N SWM 1.68 4.1 13 47.01 30.02 89 40.93 755 43.22 40.74 -1.56 -10.1 SciClone lf Q SCLN 19 15.03 8.55 135 9.75 1205 10.00 9.23 +.20 -9.7 SciApplic N SAIC 1.24 1.4 27 89.87 46.20 172 86.09 1068 87.91 85.01 -1.46 +1.5 SciGames Q SGMS 23.05 7.90 1289 21.65 6908 21.90 20.50 +.15 +54.6sScorpioB19 N SLTB 1.88 7.8 24.38 14.50 20 24.15 71 24.38 23.85 +.30 +8.0 ScorpBlk rs N SALT 9.95 2.64 1504 9.35 6577 9.80 8.40 -.35 +85.1 ScorpioTk N STNG .04m 1.0 6.70 3.50 1774 4.18 14322 4.69 3.95 -.58 -7.7 ScorpioT 20 N SBNA 1.69 6.9 24.91 21.53 7 24.45 44 24.45 24.30 +.14 +8.9 ScorpioT17 N SBNB 1.88 7.3 26.00 24.65 0 25.54 6 25.61 25.45 +.02 +1.0 Scotts N SMG 2.00 2.2 23 98.82 65.80 463 92.65 1661 93.94 90.54 +.42 -3.0 ScrippsNet Q SNI 1.20f 1.5 16 83.42 58.73 504 78.55 3987 79.83 77.66 -.59 +10.1 ScrippsEW N SSP 1.03e 29 24.15 12.16 364 22.84 1855 23.07 21.92 -.13 +18.2 Scynexis Q SCYX 5.51 1.74 128 2.74 1234 3.00 2.67 -.26 -14.1 SeaChange Q SEAC 5.72 2.05 62 2.30 281 2.39 2.20 +.05 SbdCp N SEB 3.00 15 4545.00 2590.00 0 3879.00 3 4229.52 3845.00 -283.50 -1.8 SeabGld g N SA 15.88 7.35 764 12.05 5085 12.85 10.95 +1.10 +47.9 SeacstBkg Q SBCF 23 25.13 15.21 260 22.92 1991 23.72 21.89 -.65 +3.9 SeacorHld N CKH 76.32 45.49 78 65.69 369 67.43 64.51 -1.07 -7.8 SeadrillLtd N SDRL 1 5.21 1.02 4042 1.40 37935 1.49 1.34 -.09 -58.9 Seadrill N SDLP .40 11.8 6.45 2.85 305 3.39 1844 3.49 3.19 +.02 -19.3 SeagateT Q STX 2.52 5.6 11 49.79 18.42 5219 45.24 21310 46.79 43.70 -1.00 +18.5 SealAir N SEE .64 1.4 22 52.83 42.01 2097 44.67 6972 46.48 44.33 -1.39 -1.5 SeanrgM rs Q SHIP 8.65 .75 329 .77 1710 .84 .75 -.06 -33.0tSeanrgy wtA Q SHIPW .35 .17 29 .18 169 .22 .17 -.05 -47.1tSearsCda g Q SRSC 3.92 1.20 35 1.30 154 1.35 1.20 -.00 -23.5 SearsHldgs Q SHLD 19.12 5.50 790 8.50 9196 9.19 7.60 -.55 -8.5 SearsH wt Q SHLDW 6.32 .51 15 2.41 77 2.99 2.14 -.44 -32.1 SearsH&O Q SHOS 7.25 3.05 44 3.35 264 3.80 3.30 -.50 -28.7tSeaspan N SSW 1.50 24.0 9 18.81 6.05 1170 6.25 7619 7.00 6.05 -.67 -31.6 Seaspn pfE N SSWpE 2.06 9.7 26.50 17.72 26 21.33 236 21.55 20.45 +.70 +4.1 Seaspan 19 N SSWN 1.59 6.3 26.46 23.50 2 25.05 91 25.09 24.80 -.04 -.4 Seaspn pfD N SSWpD 1.99 9.4 26.90 16.19 17 21.12 60 21.46 20.50 +.39 +3.8 Seaspn pfH N SSWpH 25.75 17.50 21 20.86 164 21.02 19.60 +.86 +7.1 SeaSpine n Q SPNE 15.66 6.31 15 7.32 162 7.49 6.87 +.07 -7.3 SeattGen Q SGEN 75.36 32.40 339 63.69 3593 68.73 61.39 -3.03 +20.7 SeaWorld N SEAS .40m 2.2 21.85 11.77 3822 18.13 9600 19.24 17.14 +.01 -4.2tSecndSight Q EYES 6.05 1.06 518 1.24 3152 1.29 1.06 -37.1 SecWkA A n Q SCWX 16.23 10.15 58 11.56 338 12.11 11.24 -.07 +9.2 SecNtl lf Q SNFCA .34t 8 7.62 4.05 2 7.00 16 7.25 6.90 -.30 +13.1 SelectBc lf Q SLCT 19 11.22 7.78 2 10.91 16 11.12 10.74 -.31 +10.8 SelCmfrt Q SCSS 21 28.34 17.40 683 23.52 3361 24.54 23.31 -.95 +4.0 SelIncREIT Q SIR 2.04 8.0 10 27.97 21.06 175 25.46 1174 25.93 24.95 -.36 +1.0 SelMedHld N SEM 16 15.15 10.08 772 12.50 3624 12.75 12.00 -.20 -5.7 SelectaB n Q SELB 28.00 10.26 35 12.04 147 12.97 10.27 -.26 -29.8 SelectvIns Q SIGI .64 1.4 17 49.05 33.60 292 46.80 1740 48.45 46.00 -1.65 +8.7 SelctIns 43 N SGZA 1.47 5.8 26.82 23.07 5 25.20 31 25.29 24.85 +.09 +5.4 SemGroup N SEMG 1.80 5.4 43.20 20.06 583 33.10 2577 34.95 32.90 -1.50 -20.7 SemiMfg N SMI 16 7.74 3.84 70 6.57 677 6.87 6.50 -.32 -13.8 SmLEDS rs Q LEDS 11.35 1.36 12 3.02 69 3.40 2.93 +.10 -14.0 SempraEn N SRE 3.29f 2.9 23 114.66 92.95 920 112.47 4818 113.08 109.23 +2.53 +11.8 Semtech Q SMTC 41 37.35 20.09 531 34.35 2463 35.00 33.23 -.20 +8.9 SenecaB Q SENEB 14 46.00 32.89 39.50 8 39.95 39.00 +.50 -6.0 SenecaA Q SENEA 12 42.65 27.03 31 34.60 152 38.60 34.30 -4.30 -13.6 SenesTc n Q SNES 10.69 7.05 26 8.28 136 9.33 7.48 -.02 +1.6 SenHous Q SNH 1.56 7.8 12 23.85 16.09 1400 20.11 8039 20.21 19.63 +.15 +6.2 SenHous 42 Q SNHNI 1.41 5.8 28.66 21.74 28 24.39 91 24.50 24.01 +.05 +4.6 SenHous 46 Q SNHNL 1.56 6.1 26.92 23.35 19 25.64 117 25.98 25.64 +.03 +4.8 Senomyx Q SNMX 4.85 .78 220 1.00 800 1.03 .94 +.01 +4.2 SensataT N ST 17 45.30 32.07 642 42.21 5090 44.07 41.97 -1.79 +8.4 Sensient N SXT 1.20 1.5 25 83.38 61.53 95 79.95 470 81.72 78.92 -1.77 +1.7 SensusHlt n Q SRTS 6.69 3.61 6 4.50 24 4.56 4.30 +.08 -14.3 SequansC N SQNS 3.02 1.60 62 2.65 560 2.73 2.60 -.03 +41.7 SeqentialB Q SQBG 44 9.14 3.30 191 3.48 1315 3.89 3.31 -.35 -25.6 SeresTh n Q MCRB 35.98 8.05 118 10.83 1574 12.81 10.27 -1.21 +9.4 Seritage n N SRG 1.00 2.3 57.31 39.60 284 43.51 1854 44.66 41.91 -.91 +1.9 ServiceCp N SCI .52 1.7 24 32.21 22.86 921 30.34 4240 31.15 30.02 -.67 +6.8 ServiceMst N SERV 28 41.49 32.41 555 39.68 3157 40.87 39.38 -1.17 +5.3 ServcNow N NOW 94.72 59.77 811 84.81 6126 89.00 83.46 -3.90 +14.1 SvcSource Q SREV 6.25 3.52 172 3.69 983 3.84 3.55 -.14 -35.0 ServiFst s Q SFBS .20f .6 24 42.66 19.28 342 35.66 1900 39.81 34.96 -3.60 -4.8 Servotr N SVT .30e 2.7 13.15 7.35 4 11.15 19 11.50 10.80 -.34 +10.7 Sevcon Q SEV 17.54 7.69 33 12.49 148 13.61 11.30 -1.89 +46.3 SevernBc Q SVBI 33 8.08 5.05 1 7.15 11 7.35 7.10 -.20 -9.5 ShakeShk n N SHAK 98 42.94 30.36 373 32.34 2427 33.33 31.68 -.11 -9.6 Sharps Q SMED 6.30 3.32 5 4.80 73 4.86 4.38 +.05 +25.3 SharpSprg Q SHSP 4 6.30 3.06 3 4.45 68 4.72 4.07 -.29 -15.6 ShawCm g N SJR 1.18 21.84 17.92 409 20.41 2073 20.67 20.13 -.19 +1.7 ShellMidst N SHLX 1.11f 3.5 25 38.49 25.42 173 31.47 1106 31.75 30.57 -.04 +8.2 ShndTele s Q SHEN .25f .9 42.66 22.05 353 28.85 1337 29.50 26.40 +1.85 +5.7 Sherwin N SHW 3.40f 1.1 25 316.66 239.48 337 309.45 2690 313.50 305.70 -3.93 +15.1 Shiloh Q SHLO 38 16.69 4.61 102 13.41 540 14.01 12.24 -.76 +94.1 Shineco n Q TYHT 34.88 3.02 17 3.88 68 3.96 3.80 -.22 -7.6 ShinhanFn N SHG 43.98 30.57 67 43.57 296 43.82 42.30 +.11 +15.8 ShipFin N SFL 1.80 12.6 8 16.28 12.07 710 14.30 3862 14.75 14.15 -.40 -3.7 Shire Q SHPG .91e .5 209.22 161.09 710 175.23 4384 178.20 172.84 -2.30 +2.8 ShoeCarnvl Q SCVL .28 1.2 17 31.79 21.16 391 23.94 930 26.45 22.82 -2.65 -11.3sShopify n N SHOP 71.57 24.96 1460 68.98 9633 71.57 64.75 +1.99 +60.9 ShoreBcsh Q SHBI .20 1.3 21 17.92 10.23 58 15.86 129 16.99 15.47 -1.00 +4.0tShoreTel Q SHOR 8.56 5.70 1558 5.80 3551 6.10 5.55 -.25 -18.9 Shutterfly Q SFLY 54.60 41.91 400 46.74 2704 47.47 45.66 -.58 -6.9 Shutterstk N SSTK 53 65.16 34.13 380 41.00 2254 41.69 39.66 +.20 -13.7 SibanyeG N SBGL .40e 4.5 20.97 6.16 2199 8.81 10302 9.06 8.30 +.39 +24.8 SiderurNac N SID .14e 4.5 4.24 1.73 1322 3.13 10763 3.55 3.06 -.25 -3.1 SiebertFn Q SIEB .10a 3.2 3.75 .86 2 3.08 64 3.40 2.78 +.08 +3.4 Sientra Q SIEN 10.37 5.60 250 8.40 826 9.23 8.30 -.73 -1.4 SierraBc Q BSRR .56f 2.1 20 29.50 15.61 29 26.30 227 27.42 25.34 -1.08 -1.1 SierOnc g n Q SRRA 7.28 1.31 138 1.45 1419 1.49 1.40 -.02 -2.7sSierraWr Q SWIR 45 30.60 12.30 498 29.70 2606 30.60 27.60 +1.80 +89.2 Sifco N SIF 11.75 6.25 1 8.35 140 8.80 7.61 +.05 +9.2 SifyTech Q SIFY .01e 1.5 1.45 .71 23 .92 205 .94 .88 +.01 +25.3 SigmaDsg Q SIGM 8.60 5.20 232 5.95 2315 6.00 5.53 -.05 -.8 SigmaL wt Q SGLBW 1.50 .55 6 1.04 9 1.05 .95 +.03 +47.5tSigmaLb n Q SGLB 4.00 3.20 19 3.35 87 3.63 3.20 +.03 -9.2 Sigmatr Q SGMA 9 6.81 4.01 3 4.84 52 5.10 4.82 -.14 +2.3 SignatBk Q SBNY 20 164.23 113.53 570 144.74 2891 156.85 143.28 -9.89 -3.6 SignetJwlrs N SIG 1.04 1.5 9 124.85 62.10 1228 68.27 6341 68.80 65.30 +.02 -27.6sSilganHldg Q SLGN .72f 1.2 22 61.77 47.16 189 59.64 989 61.77 59.41 -1.56 +16.5sSilcLtd Q SILC 1.00 2.1 25 48.16 25.48 53 47.15 759 48.16 38.51 +9.35 +14.7 SilcnLab Q SLAB 34 75.60 42.63 301 72.85 1537 74.20 70.00 -.35 +12.1 SilicnMotn Q SIMO .80f 1.8 14 56.25 35.53 592 44.75 2768 45.72 43.74 +.43 +5.3 Slcnware Q SPIL .58e 7.2 18 8.36 6.60 125 8.04 562 8.08 7.89 +.11 +10.1sSilvBayRT N SBY .56 2.4 51 21.85 13.95 368 21.62 2720 21.85 21.54 -.08 +26.1stSlvrRun un Q SRUNU 10107 10.36 10107 10.45 10.20 SilvrSpNet N SSNI 15.40 10.18 295 10.56 1213 10.83 10.42 -.15 -20.7 SilvStd g Q SSRI 14 15.84 5.24 932 10.51 8627 11.08 10.34 +.10 +17.8 SilvWhtn g N SLW .28e 26 31.35 15.70 3684 20.54 30285 21.68 19.72 +.64 +6.3 Silvercrest Q SAMG .48 3.6 20 14.50 11.07 3 13.50 37 14.25 12.90 -.30 +2.7 SimmnsFst Q SFNC 1.00 1.8 17 67.00 42.02 172 54.50 864 57.90 51.00 -3.40 -12.3tSimonProp N SPG 7.00f 4.2 21 229.10 163.55 1501 167.95 8577 169.72 163.55 -.07 -5.5 Simon pfJ N SPGpJ 4.19 6.3 81.50 65.00 0 66.02 3 66.35 65.13 +.35 -2.0 SimpsnM N SSD .72 1.7 25 48.41 36.42 210 41.94 749 43.43 41.54 -1.50 -3.7sSimulations Q SLP .20 1.8 35 10.80 6.74 66 10.95 290 11.10 10.16 +.85 +13.5 Sina Q SINA 43 85.24 44.57 1068 73.07 3437 74.18 69.66 +1.21 +20.2 Sinclair Q SBGI .72 1.8 21 43.05 24.15 1155 39.55 6227 40.25 38.98 -.35 +18.6 SinoGlobl Q SINO 14.20 .50 408 2.59 1727 2.81 2.45 -.29 -16.5 SinopcShg N SHI 64.80 42.64 9 57.17 78 57.40 56.17 +.41 +5.6 Sinovac h Q SVA 6.45 5.25 8 5.76 110 5.90 5.71 -.16 -2.4 SiriusXM Q SIRI .01p 39 5.53 3.74 25506 5.10 131237 5.37 5.06 -.26 +14.6sSiteone n N SITE 47.49 25.49 388 46.85 2306 47.49 44.59 +1.53 +34.9 SitoMobl rs Q SITO 6.08 1.71 24 2.31 355 2.42 2.11 -.11 -37.4 SixFlags N SIX 2.56f 4.4 33 62.69 47.61 570 58.61 2685 59.41 57.05 -.77 -2.3 Skechers s N SKX 18 34.20 18.81 3383 28.87 9224 28.96 26.12 +.95 +17.5 SkySolar Q SKYS 6.52 1.12 36 1.95 154 1.98 1.88 -.02 -12.6 SkyWest Q SKYW .32f .9 39.60 18.46 403 35.50 1575 36.50 34.15 -.50 -2.6 Skyline N SKY 17.35 7.00 63 8.88 237 9.51 8.05 +.30 -42.4 SkylinMd rs Q SKLN 7.25 1.52 79 2.04 801 2.23 2.00 -.09 -27.1 SkyPFtJc lf Q SPU 3 20.95 1.62 10 5.78 76 5.99 5.67 -.05 -12.4 SkywksSol Q SWKS 1.12 1.2 19 99.38 57.11 1256 97.30 7197 98.81 94.59 -.63 +30.3 Smart&Fnl N SFS 27 16.68 10.65 247 11.65 1754 12.08 11.38 -.45 -17.4 SmartFn rs Q SMBK 23.20 14.21 8 20.50 36 21.20 20.03 -.20 +10.5 SmartSnd n Q SND 21.99 10.30 895 15.03 5203 16.20 13.75 -.88 -9.2 Smith&N N SNN .61e 1.9 55 35.38 26.97 490 31.46 2553 31.81 30.97 +.23 +4.6sSmithAO s N AOS .56f 1.1 29 52.56 37.31 396 51.23 3003 52.56 50.60 -.94 +8.2tSmthMc rs Q SMSI 3.20 .82 61 .88 592 1.14 .80 -.27 -43.9 Smucker N SJM 3.00f 2.3 16 157.31 122.05 644 133.06 6346 139.10 132.64 -5.49 +3.9 SnapInc A n N SNAP 29.44 18.90 16116 22.74 143127 23.30 19.55 +3.20 -7.1 SnapOn N SNA 2.84f 1.7 18 181.73 145.17 583 165.52 2656 173.26 164.70 -7.36 -3.4sSnydLance Q LNCE .64 1.6 71 40.69 28.92 240 39.85 1598 40.69 38.95 -.71 +3.9tSocilRltyA n Q SRAX 8.95 1.91 22 2.00 114 2.17 1.85 -.06 -67.4 SocQ&M N SQM .99e 3.0 34.84 19.46 259 33.59 2752 34.10 32.63 -.21 +17.2 SocketM n Q SCKT 4.90 2.39 2 4.40 65 4.85 4.10 -.34 +14.5 SodaStrm Q SODA 23 51.25 13.29 197 46.84 1090 49.40 46.30 -1.93 +18.7 h Q SOHU 52.93 32.60 181 40.37 1095 42.68 38.62 -1.64 +19.1 SolarCap Q SLRC 1.60 7.3 9 22.54 16.87 59 21.82 589 22.39 21.55 +4.8 SolarCap 42 N SLRA 1.69 6.7 26.37 23.77 14 25.39 29 25.62 25.05 +.14 +.8 SolarSCap Q SUNS 1.41 8.0 10 18.46 14.00 38 17.70 305 18.25 17.52 -.24 +7.7 SolarEdg n Q SEDG 9 28.80 11.35 519 13.70 2447 14.53 13.50 -.30 +10.5 Soligenix n Q SNGX 3.10 1.90 11 2.36 129 2.69 2.16 -.34 +4.9 Solitario N XPL .95 .43 77 .88 954 .89 .82 +.08 +41.9 SonicAut N SAH .20 1.0 10 27.45 16.08 177 20.20 1778 21.00 19.60 -.60 -11.8 SonicCorp Q SONC .56 2.4 18 36.34 21.12 1643 23.00 8130 23.54 22.50 -.78 -13.2 SonicFdry Q SOFO 8.51 3.75 4.80 3 4.97 4.76 -.02 -3.0 SonocoP N SON 1.48 2.8 22 55.58 45.02 346 53.32 2337 54.92 52.97 +.13 +1.2 SonomaPh Q SNOA 8.00 3.57 7 7.09 97 7.92 7.05 -.82 +40.7 Sonoma wt Q SNOAW .66 .14 4 .55 46 .62 .49 -.10 +44.7 Sonus rs Q SONS 10.00 5.51 254 6.55 1462 6.82 6.40 -.16 +4.0 SonyCp N SNE 34.17 23.62 527 32.21 2588 32.41 31.67 +.12 +14.9 Sophiris Q SPHS 8.55 .80 2144 2.87 3759 2.95 2.49 +.32 +2.5 SorrentoTh Q SRNE 8.35 3.90 152 4.10 1192 4.54 3.95 -.15 -16.3 Sothebys N BID .40 .9 27 49.87 24.55 371 46.51 2213 47.99 46.00 -1.07 +16.7 SotherlyH Q SOHO .40f 6.1 41 7.66 4.65 48 6.52 457 7.00 6.32 +.06 -4.0 SothrlyH pf Q SOHOB 2.00 7.7 26.90 23.76 0 25.87 7 25.93 25.64 +.19 +1.6 SouMoBc s Q SMBC .40 1.2 17 37.00 21.31 8 33.04 50 33.48 31.51 +.05 -6.6 SoundFin Q SFBC .40f 1.3 17 31.90 22.51 3 30.15 6 30.76 29.80 -.75 +7.7 SourcC N SOR 1.40a 3.7 39.23 35.10 9 37.34 99 37.84 37.24 -.42 +3.9sSoJerInd s N SJI 1.09f 3.1 31 35.45 26.29 495 35.45 1626 35.46 34.07 +1.09 +5.2 SouthState Q SSB 1.32f 1.5 19 93.40 61.83 107 86.30 695 90.50 80.25 -3.95 -1.3 SthcrssEn N SXE 3.70 .97 43 3.15 564 3.42 3.03 -.23 +133.3 SCEd pfC N SCEpC 1.06 4.4 25.91 22.00 2 24.02 5 24.42 24.00 -.18 +2.0 SCEd pfD N SCEpD 1.08 4.4 26.85 22.40 24.51 3 25.01 24.51 -.65 +.8 SCEd pfE N SCEpE 1.20 4.8 27.00 22.52 1 24.97 13 24.97 24.61 -.08 -.7 SouthnCo N SO 2.24 4.4 18 54.64 46.20 5045 50.42 29197 51.47 50.16 -.25 +2.5 SouthCo 75 N SOJA 1.56 5.9 28.93 25.00 54 26.35 267 26.65 26.27 -.15 +1.0 SouthCo ef N SOJB 25.32 21.28 75 24.40 562 24.50 23.83 +.58 +11.8 SthnCopper N SCCO .23e .6 36 39.50 24.90 1007 36.55 5205 36.59 35.74 +.42 +14.4 SthnFstBsh Q SFST 17 38.55 22.30 4 32.30 83 36.50 31.40 -3.60 -10.3 SoNatBcVa Q SONA .32 1.9 20 17.50 11.60 52 16.53 139 17.16 15.51 -.18 +1.2 SsdeBTX Q SBSI 1.00 3.1 17 38.99 23.46 175 32.27 781 34.47 31.71 -2.38 -14.3 SwstAirl N LUV .40 .8 14 59.68 35.42 3512 52.61 23407 53.75 51.11 -.57 +5.6 SwstBc Q OKSB .32 1.2 28 29.70 14.46 20 25.85 193 27.20 24.50 -1.00 -10.9 SwtGas N SWX 1.98f 2.4 26 86.65 62.75 396 83.34 1590 84.15 81.43 +1.09 +8.8 SwGA Fn N SGB .44 2.0 17 25.00 14.00 0 22.15 29 23.35 21.06 +.15 +10.8 SwstnEngy N SWN 15.59 7.07 9937 7.56 52971 7.73 7.32 -.07 -30.1 SwEn dpfB N SWNC 3.13 16.3 36.14 18.06 84 19.23 397 19.59 18.70 -.20 -24.5 SpanAm Q SPAN .64 3.0 14 21.98 16.92 0 21.40 5 21.85 21.21 +.24 +17.3 SparkEngy Q SPKE 1.45 4.9 32 35.63 17.70 133 29.80 574 30.65 28.36 +.75 -1.7stSparkEn pf Q SPKEP 2.19 8.5 25.85 25.20 39 25.68 139 26.00 25.20 +.7 SparkNet N LOV 2.66 .83 85 .89 202 1.02 .89 -.08 +6.1 SparkTh n Q ONCE 65.99 28.38 180 52.97 1252 59.22 51.73 -4.96 +6.2 SpartnMot Q SPAR .10 1.4 27 10.50 3.92 158 7.35 919 7.55 7.01 -.10 -20.5 SprtnNash Q SPTN .66f 2.0 18 40.38 25.29 172 33.76 1031 34.40 32.24 +.04 -14.6 Sparton N SPA 19 26.43 17.38 76 21.23 330 22.88 21.13 -1.25 -11.0 SpdDbShDu N STOT 50.59 49.24 1 49.63 34 49.65 49.51 +.07 +.2 SpdDbEMk N EMTL 52.84 48.43 6 49.42 21 49.73 49.40 -.20 +1.2 SpecOpps N SPE 1.19e 2.4 15.13 12.84 3 14.48 39 14.61 14.29 +.10 +6.1 SpectraEP N SEP 2.76f 6.5 14 50.43 40.19 250 42.28 1630 43.31 41.56 -.80 -7.8 Spectranet Q SPNC 29.00 13.40 289 27.95 1134 29.00 27.00 -.65 +14.1 SpectrmB N SPB 1.68f 1.2 31 143.20 106.34 237 140.57 1360 142.75 139.41 -1.75 +14.9 SpectPh Q SPPI 7.74 3.21 502 6.61 3981 6.74 6.26 +.04 +49.2 SpeedM N TRK .60 3.1 23 22.29 16.62 78 19.11 303 19.56 18.52 -.21 -11.8 Spher3D gh Q ANY 1.45 .18 7120 .22 11389 .33 .20 -.09 -26.0 Spherix rs Q SPEX 4.69 .83 25 1.06 187 1.14 1.05 -.05 +1.9 Spire N SR 2.10 3.1 20 71.21 59.54 189 67.10 1251 68.30 65.75 -.15 +4.0 SpiritAero N SPR .10 12 62.90 41.27 586 56.47 2671 59.55 56.38 -2.91 -3.2 SpiritAir Q SAVE 13 60.40 37.17 417 50.70 3969 51.32 49.27 -.21 -12.4 SpiritRltC N SRC .72 7.1 12 13.97 9.97 5261 10.17 26166 10.39 10.14 -.18 -6.4 Splunk Q SPLK 66.46 45.07 863 60.90 4518 62.74 59.67 -1.47 +19.1 SpokHldgs Q SPOK .50a 2.7 26 22.60 16.04 103 18.25 582 18.75 17.85 -.15 -12.0tSportsWhs Q SPWH 7 14.18 4.18 7319 4.64 11597 5.09 4.14 +.08 -50.6 SpragueRs N SRLP 2.31f 8.5 70 30.35 18.15 16 27.15 163 28.85 26.75 -.90 -3.4 SprBkPh n Q SBPH 13.25 6.31 6 9.43 70 10.29 8.68 -.98 +18.0 Sprint N S 9.65 3.21 8997 8.50 66645 8.64 8.22 -.07 +1.0 SprottSilv N PSLV 8.01 5.90 274 6.73 1768 6.76 6.58 +.15 +10.7 SprottFoc Q FUND .40e 5.4 7.71 5.92 16 7.35 107 7.38 7.28 +5.9 SprottGold N PHYS 11.43 9.19 284 10.27 1832 10.32 10.15 +.14 +9.4 SprottPPP N SPPP 8.21 6.16 31 7.89 128 7.93 7.69 +.22 +14.3 Sprouts Q SFM 26 29.93 17.38 4031 22.58 32258 23.50 21.22 +.56 +19.3 Square n N SQ 18.17 8.42 3830 16.59 26188 17.37 16.11 -.69 +21.7 StaarSur Q STAA 11.50 4.98 64 9.65 438 9.95 8.95 -.25 -11.1tStaff360 rs Q STAF 4.76 .45 2834 .73 3417 .80 .45 +.11 -6.3 STAG Indl N STAG 1.39 5.6 36 26.24 19.31 601 25.04 3615 25.27 24.42 +.25 +4.9 STAG pfB N STAGpB 1.66 6.6 26.70 24.55 1 25.16 19 25.27 24.93 +.24 +.8 STAG pfC N STAGpC 28.14 24.95 0 25.98 31 26.05 25.81 +.08 +1.2 StageStrs N SSI .60 30.3 8.17 1.80 450 1.98 3570 2.38 1.92 -.40 -54.7 Q STMP 15 136.00 68.82 401 117.00 1942 129.68 116.00 -11.80 +2.0 SP Matls N XLB .98e 1.9 53.44 43.97 5982 51.66 24493 52.78 51.37 -.68 +3.9 SP HlthC N XLV 1.01e 1.4 76.75 65.96 8561 74.29 47410 75.39 72.33 -.87 +7.8 SP CnSt N XLP 1.28e 2.3 56.02 49.98 8304 54.70 41542 55.27 54.52 -.28 +5.8 SP Consum N XLY 1.12e 1.3 87.75 74.18 3281 86.56 19501 87.49 85.65 -.80 +6.3 SP Engy N XLE 2.04e 3.0 78.45 59.94 10222 68.56 60435 70.08 68.43 -1.24 -9.0 SPDR Fncl N XLF .46e 2.0 25.30 17.31 94991 23.54 564873 24.47 23.23 -.91 +1.2 SP Inds N XLI 1.12e 1.7 67.19 52.78 9905 64.53 47114 65.82 64.25 -1.15 +3.7sSP Tech N XLK .78e 1.5 53.66 41.26 12808 52.84 53093 53.66 52.55 -.50 +9.3 SpdrRESel N XLRE 34.82 29.07 3864 31.35 13958 31.57 30.86 +.25 +2.0 SP Util N XLU 1.55e 3.0 53.02 45.33 12353 51.89 72403 52.23 50.75 +.66 +6.8 StdMotor N SMP .76f 1.6 18 55.37 32.66 47 48.17 371 49.39 47.66 -.89 -9.5 Standex N SXI .64 .7 21 99.80 74.35 20 93.85 146 97.75 93.15 -4.25 +6.8 StanBlkDk N SWK 2.32 1.8 21 136.90 102.80 553 130.80 3403 132.33 128.78 -.53 +14.0 StanB&D 52 N SWJ 1.44 5.7 26.96 23.95 59 25.14 227 25.18 25.05 +.05 +3.3 StanlFrn Q STLY 1.25e 2.95 .76 2 .79 51 .85 .78 -.09 -12.2 Stantec g N STN .45f 28.05 21.50 12 25.85 316 26.55 24.90 +.25 +2.4 Staples Q SPLS .48 5.7 11.37 7.24 5478 8.47 27351 9.00 8.41 -.41 -6.4sStarBulk19 Q SBLKL 2.00 8.6 23.51 6.39 63 23.32 214 23.51 22.87 +.02 +7.6sStarBulk rs Q SBLK 11.60 2.61 446 10.07 2775 11.60 9.31 -1.46 +97.1 StarGas N SGU .41 4.5 10 11.39 8.00 89 9.10 508 9.18 9.03 -15.4 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 17 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
Starbucks s Q SBUX 1.00 1.8 29 61.64 50.84 15632 56.81 47395 57.38 55.49 +1.03 +2.3 Starret N SCX .40 3.6 36 12.89 8.77 4 11.05 23 11.20 10.55 -.15 +18.8 Startek N SRT 9.80 3.74 81 8.48 233 8.84 8.34 -.15 +.4 StarwdPT N STWD 1.92 8.5 16 23.46 18.18 4062 22.70 12070 22.82 22.38 +.24 +3.4sStatAutF Q STFC .40 1.5 27.97 18.69 29 27.50 285 27.97 27.10 -.31 +2.6 StateBkFn Q STBZ .56 2.2 29 28.25 18.65 163 24.91 539 26.80 24.18 -1.89 -7.3sStateNatl Q SNC .24 1.7 12 14.61 9.90 111 14.36 872 14.64 14.07 -.15 +3.6 StateStr N STT 1.52 2.0 15 83.49 50.60 2358 77.21 14767 78.64 75.27 -1.40 -.7 StateSt pfC N STTpC 27.25 23.01 25 24.85 93 24.85 24.58 +.23 +6.3 StateSt pfD N STTpD 29.54 24.79 53 26.94 269 27.10 26.85 -.14 +4.1 StaStCp pfG N STTpG 27.89 24.25 116 26.35 447 26.44 26.23 +.05 +5.3 StateSt pfE N STTpE 28.70 25.05 15 26.43 133 26.84 26.33 -.36 +4.5 Statoil ASA N STO .88e 5.2 19.27 14.50 1197 16.98 8874 17.68 16.91 -.52 -6.9 SteadyM n Q STDY 5.21 2.25 3 4.25 33 4.50 3.86 -.05 +63.5 StealthGas Q GASS 5.18 2.65 28 3.90 179 4.15 3.87 -.24 +15.4 StlDynam Q STLD .62f 1.8 18 40.17 21.57 2593 33.89 15517 36.59 33.68 -2.45 -4.7sSteelPtrs N SPLP 4 19.40 13.70 33 19.18 193 19.40 18.65 +.48 +23.7 SteelPr pfA N SPLPpA 24.00 22.08 10 22.27 27 22.43 22.13 -.17 -3.8 Steelcse N SCS .51f 3.0 16 18.14 12.67 642 16.95 5619 17.90 15.45 +.15 -5.3 SteinMart s Q SMRT .30 11.1 9.23 2.57 453 2.71 2440 2.94 2.60 -.23 -50.5 StellAcq wt Q STLRW .60 .15 .36 4 .36 .32 +80.0 StellarB rs Q SBOT 5.90 1.47 25 1.65 171 1.78 1.65 -.08 -18.7 StellusCap N SCM 1.36 9.5 12 14.82 9.62 65 14.39 388 14.77 14.10 -.18 +19.3 StellusC 19 N SCQ 1.63 6.4 26.25 24.38 25.57 9 25.75 25.35 -.03 +.2 StemlineTh Q STML 14.60 4.06 135 8.45 1311 9.80 8.12 -1.05 -21.0 Stepan N SCL .82 1.0 21 87.00 53.37 65 78.35 313 80.35 76.33 -1.63 -3.8 Stericycle Q SRCL 32 128.94 71.52 515 82.05 4703 84.86 81.00 -2.10 +6.5 Stericyc pf Q SRCLP 5.25 7.5 100.79 60.37 3 70.42 38 72.47 69.25 -1.92 +11.3 Steris plc N STE 1.12f 1.6 19 74.63 63.26 256 68.63 1407 69.34 67.94 -.09 +1.8 SterlingBc N STL .28 1.2 21 25.85 14.55 2373 23.60 12527 24.70 22.35 -1.10 +.9 SterlCons Q STRL 10.92 4.19 141 9.64 569 9.92 9.14 -.01 +13.9 SMadden Q SHOO 19 40.55 31.68 495 38.15 1897 38.55 36.80 +.15 +6.7 Stewrdshp Q SSFN .12 1.3 12 10.20 5.51 7 9.24 34 9.24 8.35 -.01 -5.7 StewInfo N STC 1.20 2.7 19 48.60 33.33 104 43.78 395 44.36 42.60 -.48 -5.0 StifelFin N SF 18 56.62 27.33 379 48.26 2528 52.48 47.54 -4.64 -3.4 Stifel pfA N SFpA 1.56 6.0 28.46 24.33 5 26.18 86 26.18 25.99 +.07 +5.3sStillwtrM N SWC 17.53 9.02 820 17.40 5558 17.53 17.13 +.04 +8.0 StockYBc s Q SYBT .76 1.9 22 48.05 24.45 33 39.90 240 43.40 39.05 -3.80 -15.0stStneEn wt N SGY/WS 4.00 3.27 32 3.37 128 4.00 3.27 -3.9 StoneEng rs N SGY 27.77 2.70 112 20.85 521 21.75 20.22 -.26 +191.6 StoneHEM N EDF 2.16 13.5 16.68 12.30 71 16.00 401 16.07 15.73 +.18 +9.3 StonHEmM N EDI 1.81 11.7 15.72 11.78 34 15.45 233 15.71 15.38 +.02 +12.4 StoneCastle Q BANX 1.48 7.7 13 20.74 15.95 16 19.10 61 19.81 19.10 -.50 +2.2 StoneMor N STON 1.32 14.3 26.90 7.74 123 9.23 587 9.63 9.14 -.41 +3.6 StonegteBk Q SGBK .32 .7 20 48.53 29.06 51 45.72 316 48.48 44.91 -2.68 +9.6 StonegtMtg N SGM 7.92 3.16 36 7.90 161 7.90 7.80 +.05 +32.3 Stonerdg N SRI 14 19.50 13.42 149 18.21 824 19.05 17.92 -.69 +2.9 StoreCap N STOR 1.16 4.9 26 31.44 22.27 1090 23.71 6583 23.87 23.34 +.07 -4.0 StrPathCm N STRP 51.50 15.06 120 33.96 471 34.38 32.49 +1.00 +.1 StrataSk h Q SSKN .99 .43 44 .61 115 .63 .57 +.03 +38.6 Stratasys Q SSYS 30.46 16.38 335 19.19 3179 20.77 18.70 -1.07 +16.0 StratALL36 N GJT .29 1.5 18.92 17.40 1 18.75 13 18.75 18.46 +.22 +4.1 StratGS33 N GJS .32 1.7 19.00 17.35 3 18.54 14 18.85 18.46 -.01 +1.5 StratNWS95 N GJV 1.75 6.8 26.86 25.06 2 25.92 9 25.96 25.65 +.01 +3.0 StratPG34 N GJR .27 1.3 21.21 19.21 1 20.73 4 20.73 20.34 +.35 +.1 StratUSM N GJH .64 6.4 11.21 9.58 9.95 4 10.10 9.73 +.06 +.6tStrattec Q STRT .56 2.1 19 60.38 26.55 39 26.15 142 29.65 26.00 -3.15 -35.1 StratusPrp Q STRS 1.00e 35 36.06 15.75 7 27.85 40 28.10 26.43 +1.30 -15.0 Strayer Q STRA .25 25 83.92 43.50 57 78.83 295 81.33 77.10 -1.64 -2.2tStreamHlth Q STRM 2.11 .85 33 .97 122 1.07 .85 -.06 -22.4 StrgbrBio n Q SBBP 6.39 2.00 25 4.00 254 4.75 3.80 -.35 +66.7sStryker N SYK 1.70 1.3 26 133.59 104.61 1109 132.51 4829 133.59 131.28 -.15 +10.6 StudentTrn Q STB .44 7.7 6.08 4.66 275 5.73 1635 5.76 5.44 +.25 +2.5 SturmRug N RGR 1.96f 3.8 11 71.85 47.15 183 51.90 1148 54.20 51.85 -1.65 -1.5 SubPpne N SPH 3.55 13.4 45 37.10 24.00 190 26.59 1483 26.90 25.66 +.85 -11.5 SucampoPh Q SCMP 26 17.55 9.62 544 10.60 2672 11.10 10.45 +.05 -21.8 SuffolkBcp N SCNB .40 1.0 24 44.70 22.88 63 40.04 292 41.70 38.93 -1.76 -6.5 SumitMitsu N SMFG 8.30 5.43 566 7.52 3361 7.60 7.36 -.07 -1.6 SummerInf Q SUMR 2.44 1.22 1 1.88 52 2.05 1.80 -.16 -6.0 SumFWV Q SMMF .44f 2.2 12 30.06 14.10 9 19.92 98 21.96 19.13 -.97 -27.6 SummitHtl N INN .65 4.2 12 16.40 10.99 451 15.37 3027 15.84 15.05 -.23 -4.1 SumtH pfB N INNpB 1.97 7.7 27.05 25.31 5 25.61 21 25.61 25.54 +.03 -.5 SummtH pfD N INNpD 1.61 6.3 27.00 22.45 4 25.47 16 25.47 24.88 +.52 +8.2 SumtMtls n N SUM .29t 24 26.46 17.27 1889 23.12 8277 23.88 22.80 -.08 -2.8 SummitMP N SMLP 2.30 10.0 26.50 14.98 63 22.95 702 23.50 22.00 -.15 -8.7 SmtStB s Q SSBI 16 15.28 10.48 2 13.03 11 13.72 12.95 +.08 +8.6 SumTher n Q SMMT 19.75 4.26 33 12.53 132 13.61 11.85 -.68 +46.4 SunBcpNJ Q SNBC .04 .2 7 26.80 20.27 23 23.45 118 24.90 23.25 -1.30 -9.8 SunCmts N SUI 2.68f 3.3 28 85.98 66.73 236 80.56 1392 81.77 79.00 +.01 +5.2 SunCm pfA N SUIpA 1.78 6.8 26.83 23.38 0 26.00 9 26.50 25.65 +.05 +3.2 SunHydrl Q SNHY .36a 1.0 41 42.00 27.69 87 35.87 541 36.90 35.34 -.91 -10.3 SunLfFn g N SLF 1.68f 4.6 40.57 30.38 372 36.16 2158 37.02 35.03 -.81 -5.9 SunCokeE N SXC 31 13.14 5.14 2285 8.58 6779 9.09 8.04 -.38 -24.3 SunCokeEn N SXCP 2.38 16.4 6 21.95 6.86 260 14.50 1535 15.50 13.50 -1.10 -24.7 Suncor g N SU 1.28 33.79 25.31 2662 30.52 15057 31.15 29.99 -.36 -6.6 SundEng n Q SNDE 17.99 8.53 5 9.65 57 10.66 8.72 +.35 -39.4 SunesisP rs Q SNSS 6.30 2.63 58 4.11 224 4.32 4.01 -.13 +13.5 SunLink N SSY 1.90 .43 8 1.51 36 1.57 1.50 -.03 +25.2 SunocoLP N SUN 3.30 13.5 37.25 21.01 305 24.37 2120 24.70 23.50 -.29 -9.4 SunocoLog N SXL 2.08f 8.7 25 31.49 22.07 1390 24.01 8532 24.21 22.90 +.17 SunOpta Q STKL 7.70 3.16 354 6.75 1985 7.10 6.70 -.35 -4.3tSunPower Q SPWR 24.13 5.84 3677 6.07 25119 6.99 5.84 -.91 -8.2 Sunrun n Q RUN 8 8.45 4.15 935 4.91 5387 5.10 4.80 -.04 -7.5sSunshnBcp Q SBCP 21.39 13.85 16 19.86 102 21.39 19.22 -.48 +15.9tSunshHrt rs Q SSH 48.60 2.02 785 1.96 7437 3.30 1.94 -1.22 -81.3 SunstnHtl N SHO .20 1.4 12 16.05 11.26 1178 14.74 6700 14.99 14.29 -.20 -3.3 SunstHt pfE N SHOpE 28.44 24.29 4 25.86 25 26.30 25.64 +.24 +2.0 SunstHt pfF N SHOpF 1.61 6.3 26.65 23.82 1 25.52 4 25.52 25.02 +.56 +2.6 SunTrst N STI 1.04 1.9 15 61.69 35.10 3659 54.81 26849 58.07 53.33 -2.90 -.1 SunTr wtB N STI/WS/B 18.34 2.94 12.94 46 15.20 12.00 -2.63 -2.6 SunTr wtA N STI/WS/A 27.83 7.00 22.00 3 22.28 20.76 -3.01 -2.2 SunTr pfA N STIpA 1.50 6.1 25.00 21.41 17 24.54 73 24.99 24.30 -.12 +4.6 SunTr pfE N STIpE 1.47 5.8 26.84 24.07 15 25.38 95 25.49 25.12 +.09 +2.1tSunworks n Q SUNW 10 3.36 1.30 87 1.34 606 1.46 1.30 -.01 -33.0 SuperMicro Q SMCI 21 34.69 18.60 179 25.50 1114 25.90 24.45 +.20 -9.1 SuperCom Q SPCB 13 4.72 2.44 15 2.89 164 3.03 2.80 -.06 -14.7 SupercdT rs Q SCON 4.50 1.04 318 1.29 5221 1.47 1.16 +.14 +4.9 SupDrillg N SDPI 2.72 .77 15 .88 63 .92 .87 -.03 -33.3 SupEnrgy N SPN .32 2.4 19.83 12.25 3474 13.44 21981 14.04 13.10 +.04 -20.4 SuperiorInd N SUP 1.00f 3.9 16 32.12 21.53 161 25.75 917 27.10 24.80 +.10 -1.6 SupUnifm s Q SGC .35 2.0 17 21.02 15.53 7 17.13 63 18.42 16.76 -1.11 -12.7 Supernus Q SUPN 18 30.37 13.92 750 29.95 2871 30.20 27.80 +1.05 +18.6 Supvalu N SVU 7 5.90 3.20 3901 3.74 20612 3.80 3.26 +.26 -19.9 rs Q SPRT 3.00 1.89 250 2.13 468 2.14 2.03 +.08 -17.4 SuprmInd N STS .14a .7 17 21.00 8.75 71 19.14 570 20.09 18.44 -.55 +21.9 SurgPtrs n Q SGRY 22.85 11.76 165 19.75 1093 20.05 18.65 -.15 +24.6 SurgCare h Q SCAI 52 57.44 37.51 55.87 2098 56.63 55.61 -.73 +20.7 Surmodic Q SRDX 32 30.75 17.45 61 23.60 242 24.80 23.25 -1.25 -7.1 SussxB Q SBBX .16 .7 26 26.45 12.20 4 23.85 52 24.90 23.20 -1.05 +14.1sSuthrlAs n N SLD 1.52 10.6 14.25 12.40 155 14.30 495 14.35 13.75 +.35 +6.3 SwEBioFu23 N FUE 10.50 7.09 3 8.25 6 8.80 7.37 +.90 +7.8 SwEGrain23 N GRU 4.98 3.64 3.76 6 3.86 3.76 -.09 -.7 SwRCmETR N RJN 2.77 1.94 8 2.34 40 2.39 2.34 -.04 -14.0 SwRCmMTR N RJZ 8.32 6.78 2 8.16 6 8.24 8.10 +.05 +9.1 SwRCmATR N RJA 7.02 6.04 105 6.39 215 6.54 6.37 -.08 +1.3 SwERCmTR N RJI 5.35 4.42 103 5.03 2018 5.08 4.99 -.02 -3.1 SwiftTrans N SWFT 15 27.18 14.31 2877 19.74 10149 21.44 19.50 -1.22 -19.0sSwisHelv N SWZ .64e .3 11.54 9.75 80 11.43 164 11.60 11.32 -.05 +11.9 SykesEnt Q SYKE 18 31.37 25.77 155 28.97 1064 29.99 28.25 -.04 +.4 Symantec Q SYMC .30 1.0 8 31.10 16.25 4554 30.47 23272 31.02 29.95 -.23 +27.5 Synacor Q SYNC 3.98 1.33 49 3.55 605 3.60 3.25 +.20 +14.5sSynalloy Q SYNL .30 2.5 12.47 6.56 19 12.15 124 12.47 11.10 +.85 +11.0 Synaptics Q SYNA 25 90.91 47.09 404 49.18 4222 51.54 47.32 -1.53 -8.2tSynchron Q SNCR 59 49.94 25.15 467 25.94 2490 26.89 25.15 -.31 -32.3 Synchrony N SYF .26 12 38.06 23.25 4583 33.31 41196 35.20 32.48 -1.81 -8.2 SyndaxP n Q SNDX 18.03 6.31 42 12.93 297 14.99 12.48 -1.78 +80.3 SynrgyPh Q SGYP 7.15 2.50 4832 4.57 38804 5.10 4.38 -.50 -25.0sSyneron Q ELOS 11.25 6.18 857 10.65 2364 11.25 10.20 +.25 +26.8 Syngenta N SYT 2.33e 2.6 89.13 74.52 420 88.12 3345 88.56 87.12 -.16 +11.5 Synnex N SNX 1.00f .9 17 129.24 77.54 123 116.94 689 120.20 114.27 -2.96 -3.4 Synopsys Q SNPS 32 73.08 46.68 628 71.15 4703 72.14 70.42 +.01 +20.9 Synovs pfC N SNVpC 1.97 7.0 30.46 26.26 3 28.00 18 28.36 27.60 -.03 +1.7 SynovusFn N SNV .60f 1.5 20 44.09 26.90 480 39.48 4124 42.20 38.33 -2.56 -3.9tSyntel Q SYNT 15.00e 33.01 16.45 497 16.38 2639 17.64 16.35 -1.26 -17.2 SynthesEn Q SYMX 1.45 .71 4 .85 189 .98 .85 -.13 -15.0tSynthBiol N SYN 2.74 .69 352 .70 2318 .77 .69 -.07 -8.3 Synutra Q SYUT 5.95 3.25 44 5.90 472 5.95 5.85 -.05 +10.3 Sypris Q SYPR .08 9.1 4 1.49 .75 1 .88 30 .89 .83 -.00 -.2 SyrosPhar n Q SYRS 21.50 8.16 24 15.28 126 16.39 14.05 -.66 +25.7 Sysco N SYY 1.32 2.5 24 57.07 45.19 2903 52.81 14840 53.01 51.67 +.07 -4.6tSystemax N SYX .10 1.4 45 9.58 7.26 53 7.20 154 8.05 7.05 -.83 -17.9T -:T-MobileUS Q TMUS 38 65.41 36.27 4251 64.17 15961 64.76 62.34 +.67 +11.6 T-Mob pfA Q TMUSP 1.38 1.3 106.98 63.28 18 104.46 170 105.47 101.74 +1.23 +10.6sTAL Educ N TAL 76 105.07 47.69 537 106.37 2541 108.50 99.16 +6.92 +51.6 TAT Tch h Q TATT .34e 3.7 21 9.25 6.60 4 9.25 33 9.25 8.95 +.25 +5.7 TC PpLn N TCP 3.76 6.3 19 65.03 46.50 124 59.44 480 59.69 57.54 -.30 +1.0 TCF Fncl N TCB .30f 1.9 10 20.03 11.62 1541 15.95 10086 17.37 15.47 -1.49 -18.6 TCF Fn wt N TCB/WS 3.96 1.00 1.67 18 2.23 1.67 -.81 -52.3 TCFFn pfB N TCBpB 1.88 7.4 27.20 25.17 4 25.46 59 25.48 25.43 -.01 -.5 TCF F pfC N TCBpC 1.61 6.3 26.45 24.60 3 25.37 27 25.54 25.12 +.02 +1.5 TCP Cap Q TCPC 1.44 8.5 12 17.31 14.11 82 17.02 677 17.24 16.72 -.12 +.7 TCW Strat N TSI .21 3.8 5.59 5.12 80 5.44 468 5.51 5.38 -.11 +2.1 TD Ameritr Q AMTD .72 1.9 24 47.41 26.37 2212 37.69 16770 40.74 37.35 -2.60 -13.6 TE Connect N TEL 1.48 2.0 16 76.77 54.54 939 74.32 9974 76.23 73.46 -1.81 +7.3 TESSCO Q TESS .80 5.3 65 18.18 9.75 54 15.00 191 15.50 13.95 +.80 +15.4tTFS Fncl Q TFSL .50 3.0 57 19.89 16.21 109 16.48 1044 17.47 16.21 -.90 -13.4 TG Thera Q TGTX 15.05 4.10 1721 11.40 12564 13.45 10.40 -2.15 +145.2 THL Credit Q TCRD 1.08m 11.1 7 11.84 8.75 64 9.71 622 9.76 9.50 -.07 -3.0 THL Crd21 N TCRX 26.80 24.70 25.59 5 25.72 25.50 -.02 +1.0 THLCred22 N TCRZ 1.69 6.5 26.49 24.54 1 26.15 14 26.15 25.75 +.35 +3.0 THLCSenL N TSLF 1.32 7.2 18.77 15.25 23 18.33 173 18.42 18.20 +.08 -2.2 TICC Cap Q TICC 1.16 16.2 4 8.19 4.50 180 7.17 1353 7.27 7.02 -.08 +8.5sTIM Part N TSU .28e 1.7 16.81 9.15 1301 16.39 6533 16.81 15.93 +.11 +38.9 TJX N TJX 1.04 1.3 23 83.64 71.50 2751 78.43 14901 79.22 77.67 -.79 +4.4 TOP Ship rs Q TOPS 8.40 1.03 9353 1.16 24966 1.86 1.10 -.81 -48.4 TOR Min Q TORM 47 7.95 3.16 0 6.60 13 7.12 6.20 -.32 +8.2 TPG SpLnd N TSLX 1.56 7.8 13 20.20 15.78 131 20.05 905 20.19 19.76 -.05 +7.3 TPI Co n Q TPIC 23.30 11.31 105 16.46 488 17.65 16.28 -.94 +2.6 TRC Cos N TRR 21 11.83 5.79 46 10.85 152 11.15 10.50 -.25 +2.4 TSR Inc Q TSRI 29 9.50 3.37 5.25 14 5.69 5.05 +.10 -8.7 TTM Tch Q TTMI 20 17.86 6.08 1345 15.90 5704 16.43 15.18 -.31 +16.7 TableauA N DATA 62.53 41.41 736 48.41 3898 49.27 47.30 -.69 +14.9 Tabula n Q TRHC 16.85 10.39 112 13.56 366 13.88 12.75 +.16 -9.5 TactSys n Q TCMD 22.29 10.00 116 18.14 438 19.08 17.40 +.20 +10.5 TahoeRes N TAHO .24 3.1 14 17.01 7.12 1928 7.65 9734 7.73 7.25 +.22 -18.8 TailorBr N TLRD .72 4.9 29 28.76 10.90 1025 14.68 6846 15.26 14.01 -.53 -42.5 Taitron h Q TAIT .03e 2.1 1.69 .73 2 1.17 22 1.20 1.17 -2.5sTaiwan N TWN 18.00 13.93 4 18.04 72 18.04 17.70 +.34 +12.0sTaiwSemi N TSM .73e 2.2 33.53 22.75 5811 32.81 32697 33.53 32.37 +.22 +14.1 TakeTwo Q TTWO 60.20 33.06 1168 58.12 6467 59.02 56.50 +.11 +17.9 Talend n Q TLND 34.49 21.02 104 28.57 728 30.34 28.26 -1.48 +28.7 TallgEGP n N TEGP 1.11f 4.0 32 29.30 16.10 143 28.04 640 28.41 27.11 +.28 +4.6 TallgrsEn N TEP 3.26f 6.2 23 55.50 35.29 105 52.27 782 52.93 50.80 -.24 +10.2tTandemD Q TNDM 11.30 1.15 1619 1.25 10848 2.10 1.15 -.80 -41.9 TandyLthr Q TLF 12 8.26 6.57 5 8.00 238 8.07 7.55 +.25 -1.2 TangerFac N SKT 1.30a 4.0 15 42.20 30.98 473 32.51 3778 32.81 31.39 -.03 -9.1 Tantech n Q TANH 6.00 1.39 3 1.51 59 1.60 1.50 -.03 -25.2 TanzRy g N TRX 1.49 .21 51 .45 574 .49 .43 -.03 -10.0 Tapimmu n Q TPIV 5.72 3.32 49 4.56 175 5.10 4.32 -.30 +17.5 Tarena Q TEDU .16f 28 18.80 9.68 90 18.19 794 18.45 17.72 -.04 +21.3 TargaRes N TRGP 3.64 6.4 61.83 26.46 1690 56.69 8258 57.82 55.59 +.22 +1.1 TargaR pfA N NGLSpA 2.25 8.2 28.18 22.32 8 27.51 42 27.69 27.31 +.08 tTarget N TGT 2.40 4.5 11 84.14 52.77 4246 53.12 34120 54.64 52.77 -1.17 -26.5 TaroPhrm N TARO 10 152.30 92.28 44 116.97 356 121.31 112.15 +4.95 +11.1 Taseko N TGB 1.63 .41 398 1.24 2407 1.38 1.20 -.13 +45.5 TASER Q TASR 70 30.15 17.18 493 22.50 3574 23.63 22.22 -.89 -7.2 TataMotors N TTM 44.79 27.01 1314 35.74 8493 36.76 35.09 -.66 +3.9tTaubmn N TCO 2.50f 3.8 17 81.68 62.67 256 65.03 2062 66.51 62.67 -1.00 -12.0 Taub pfJ N TCOpJ 1.63 6.5 26.94 24.50 3 25.03 67 25.17 24.73 -.04 +1.8 Taub pfK N TCOpK 1.56 6.2 26.58 24.00 5 25.00 136 25.05 24.75 +.02 +1.1 TaylrDv Q TAYD 12 20.45 13.10 1 13.90 7 14.24 13.90 -.29 -8.6sTaylorMH N TMHC 14 22.17 13.15 1198 21.27 10108 22.17 20.47 -.36 +10.4 Team N TISI 39.70 23.53 311 25.40 2023 25.75 23.70 +.50 -35.3tTearLab rs Q TEAR 9.10 2.85 37 2.80 185 3.49 2.80 -.54 -46.2sTechData h Q TECD 15 96.38 61.99 189 91.11 1197 96.38 90.63 -3.88 +7.6 TechComm Q TCCO 7.75 2.10 0 2.40 15 2.45 2.25 +.05 -2.0 Technip N FTI 25 37.09 24.00 3057 31.30 22626 32.25 31.18 -.39 -11.9 TechTarg Q TTGT 9.43 6.73 13 8.82 209 9.07 8.75 -.19 +3.4 TeckRes g N TECK .10m 26.60 6.86 3379 21.10 22911 22.08 20.42 -.07 +5.3 Tecnoglass Q TGLS .50 4.6 11 13.65 10.20 12 10.86 316 11.20 10.82 -.23 -11.3 Tecogen Q TGEN 6.50 3.50 0 3.73 27 4.04 3.72 -.12 -11.2 Teekay N TK .22 2.4 11.85 5.45 1062 9.18 5453 9.32 8.79 +.14 +14.3 TeekLNG N TGP .56 3.3 19.90 9.47 375 17.05 1483 17.85 16.68 -.30 +18.0sTeekLN pfA N TGPpA 2.25 8.8 25.49 22.66 16 25.49 79 25.55 25.16 +.29 +8.6 TeekOffsh N TOO .44 9.1 7.25 4.06 322 4.83 2915 5.16 4.78 -.17 -4.5 TeekOf pfA N TOOpA 1.81 9.1 21.94 14.56 3 19.97 32 20.20 19.80 +.03 +7.4 TeekOf pfB N TOOpB 2.13 9.7 23.20 16.12 23 21.99 70 22.59 21.82 -.23 +9.7 TeekayTnk N TNK .21 10.4 4.16 1.90 3186 2.01 7769 2.26 1.99 -.25 -11.1 Tegna N TGNA .56 2.2 12 26.65 17.91 1389 25.53 7087 26.09 25.17 -.54 +19.4 TejonRnch N TRC 27.99 19.37 36 21.43 234 22.47 20.58 -1.03 -15.7 TeklaHlth N HQH 2.85e 12.1 27.35 19.92 89 23.53 479 24.21 23.45 -.54 +11.4 TeklaHcrOp N THQ 1.35a 8.0 18.42 14.72 158 16.96 662 17.35 16.89 -.27 +9.3 TeklaLfSci N HQL 1.95e 10.3 19.98 15.85 85 19.01 319 19.50 18.92 -.27 +11.9 TeklaWH n N THW 1.40 9.9 15.61 12.64 138 14.08 481 15.61 14.06 -.41 +9.7 TelInstEl N TIK 17 6.25 3.30 4 4.84 16 4.84 4.45 +.39 +9.9sTeladoc n N TDOC 24.05 9.08 1286 25.45 4588 25.80 22.70 +2.00 +54.2 TlcmArg N TEO .71e 3.2 23.99 16.57 85 22.21 823 23.25 21.20 -.72 +22.2 TelItalia N TI 11.00 6.95 44 8.96 323 9.08 8.62 +.27 +.8 TelItaliaA N TI/A .30e 4.1 9.01 5.61 6 7.29 37 7.33 7.00 +.19 Teledyne N TDY 24 135.89 85.29 88 124.91 688 131.44 122.57 -6.55 +1.6 Teleflex N TFX 1.36 .7 40 198.89 136.53 249 194.87 943 197.07 192.10 -1.25 +20.9 TelefBrasil N VIV .73e 4.9 15.69 11.28 836 14.95 5466 15.26 14.66 +.13 +12.7 TelefEsp N TEF 1.03e 9.1 11.43 8.15 1346 11.27 8522 11.39 11.13 -.09 +22.5 Telenav Q TNAV 10.15 4.47 98 8.25 517 8.93 8.10 -.30 +17.0 TelData N TDS .62f 2.4 67 32.98 24.12 687 25.34 3354 26.38 25.03 -1.01 -12.2 TelData45 N TDI 1.66 6.5 28.80 23.60 4 25.48 22 25.66 25.37 -.14 +4.6 TelData 61 N TDA 1.47 6.0 26.26 22.22 20 24.66 55 24.87 24.17 +.21 +9.9 TelData60 N TDJ 1.75 6.9 26.34 24.46 8 25.21 62 25.33 25.06 -.07 +.6 TelData59 N TDE 1.72 6.8 26.48 24.15 5 25.48 32 25.48 25.09 +.13 +2.9 TeleTech Q TTEC .44f 1.5 43 31.97 24.45 75 29.90 464 30.90 29.65 -1.00 -2.0 Teligent Q TLGT 8.66 4.60 239 7.25 1654 7.76 7.17 -.32 +9.7 Tellurian rs Q TELL 21.74 .80 511 11.19 4723 13.22 10.82 -.22 -.5 Telus gs N TU 1.45 34.12 30.31 250 32.21 1528 32.39 31.77 +.04 +1.1 TmpDrgn N TDF 4.00e 2.6 19.62 16.00 42 18.51 244 18.57 18.13 +.33 +13.0sTmpEMF N EMF 1.28e 2.2 14.15 10.40 55 13.93 333 14.15 13.88 +.01 +15.2 TmpEMI N TEI .80a 7.0 11.75 9.95 155 11.35 1344 11.38 11.20 -.02 +4.0 TmpGlb N GIM .30 4.5 6.72 6.01 219 6.62 1465 6.64 6.54 +.02 +2.2 TempurSly N TPX 13 82.32 41.11 523 44.10 3985 46.37 43.47 -1.79 -35.4 Tenaris N TS .75e 2.3 37.21 22.96 1601 31.96 8729 32.42 31.43 -.66 -10.5 TenaxTher Q TENX 2.94 .42 521 .49 5574 .65 .47 -.16 -74.7 TenetHlth N THC 17 34.08 14.06 7203 18.28 24369 18.56 15.68 +.33 +23.2tTengsco N TGC 1.60 .42 62 .40 86 .49 .39 -.12 -42.9 Tennant N TNC .84 1.2 28 76.80 49.62 66 70.70 320 73.85 69.80 -3.00 -.7 Tenneco N TEN .25p 11 70.96 44.55 490 61.80 3042 67.04 61.47 -4.79 -1.1 TVA 28 N TVC .96 3.8 26.46 24.71 8 25.13 31 25.39 25.11 -.25 +1.5 TVA 29 N TVE .84 3.4 26.20 23.54 16 24.86 92 25.20 24.81 -.25 +1.3 Teradata N TDC 13 33.32 24.21 2495 30.30 6868 31.36 30.02 -.46 +11.5sTeradyn N TER .28f .9 22 31.19 18.07 1344 30.67 7378 31.19 29.97 -.16 +20.7 Terex N TEX .32f 1.1 35 33.87 18.91 1236 30.00 6262 31.28 29.42 -1.15 -4.9 Ternium N TX .90e 3.5 74 28.04 15.32 228 25.90 1458 27.26 25.74 -.72 +7.2 TerraNitro N TNH 7.08e 7.5 13 127.00 91.07 15 95.00 80 96.65 93.30 -1.68 -7.5tTerraVia Q TVIA 2.98 .70 560 .70 2703 .90 .66 -.20 -39.0 TerraFm lf Q GLBL 1.10 22.7 4.95 1.92 764 4.85 6304 4.95 4.80 +.05 +22.8 TerrFmP lf Q TERP 1.40f 11.4 14.69 7.23 386 12.33 3654 12.69 11.93 -.17 -3.7 TerrenoRlt N TRNO .80 2.9 44 29.08 21.87 98 27.45 740 27.87 26.93 -.18 -3.7 Terreno pfA N TRNOpA 1.94 7.6 27.24 24.72 70 25.39 146 25.39 25.20 +.14 +.6 TerritBcp Q TBNK .80f 2.6 18 34.00 24.96 69 31.23 219 33.47 30.57 -1.02 -4.9 Tesaro Q TSRO 192.94 36.68 989 160.00 3968 161.72 146.27 +10.01 +19.0 TescoCp Q TESO .20 2.6 9.77 5.72 100 7.60 612 8.10 7.30 -.15 -7.9 Tesla Inc Q TSLA 287.39 178.19 5538 263.16 23260 264.80 250.24 +1.66 +23.2 Tesoro N TSO 2.20 2.7 12 93.06 69.49 2176 80.28 10297 85.22 80.08 -5.06 -8.2 TesoroLog N TLLP 3.64f 6.9 22 60.14 41.22 403 52.85 1441 53.37 52.19 -.74 +4.0 TetraTc Q TTEK .36 .9 24 44.85 28.01 204 40.05 2022 40.73 39.25 +.45 -7.2 TetraTech N TTI 7.75 3.46 825 3.81 5294 3.94 3.65 -.02 -24.1 Tetraphase Q TTPH 8.69 3.11 496 8.11 3323 8.49 7.51 -.17 +101.2 TeucrCorn N CORN 23.69 17.68 17 18.61 190 19.27 18.57 -.55 -.5 TeucrSug N CANE 15.04 9.78 63 12.21 75 12.50 11.86 -.42 -6.1 TeucrWht N WEAT 9.67 6.69 44 6.94 710 7.15 6.89 -.17 +.9 TeucrSoyb N SOYB 21.95 17.71 15 18.56 66 19.05 18.55 -.37 -2.8 TevaPhrm N TEVA 1.36e 4.2 11 58.16 31.90 4101 32.76 28160 33.75 32.16 -.88 -9.6 TexCapB 42 Q TCBIL 1.63 6.4 28.76 24.35 0 25.50 7 25.72 25.11 +.25 +.6 TexCapB pf Q TCBIP 1.63 6.3 27.17 22.60 9 25.65 42 25.65 25.25 +.28 +2.3 TxCapBsh Q TCBI 26 93.35 34.54 612 80.25 3135 86.45 76.35 -6.70 +2.4 TexInst Q TXN 2.00 2.5 25 82.44 56.08 4001 80.59 22241 82.27 79.58 -1.61 +10.4 TexPacLd N TPL .29f .1 58 336.83 143.00 14 280.00 88 288.13 267.07 -2.21 -5.7 TexRdhse Q TXRH .84f 1.9 27 50.51 37.23 638 43.53 4060 44.35 42.83 -.62 -9.8 Textainer N TGH .96 7.0 17.60 6.90 207 13.80 1265 15.10 13.55 -1.25 +85.2 Textron N TXT .08 .2 18 50.93 34.00 1511 46.15 7009 48.24 45.96 -1.59 -5.0 Thai N TTF .25e 8.67 6.86 30 8.07 225 8.07 7.84 +.23 +6.2 The9Ltd Q NCTY 2.71 .94 24 1.05 60 1.05 1.01 +.02 -16.0 TherapMD N TXMD 9.29 4.39 3383 6.77 12389 7.25 6.14 -.29 +17.3stTherpxBio n Q TRPX 10.95 6.30 477 8.94 2766 10.95 6.30 -.4 TheravBio Q TBPH 38.92 15.00 126 33.76 1055 34.16 31.49 +.97 +5.9 ThermoFis N TMO .60 .4 26 161.66 137.70 1836 154.04 7663 158.40 153.69 -3.85 +9.2 Thermon N THR 36 21.87 16.50 69 19.35 1302 20.57 19.05 -1.20 +1.4 TheStreet Q TST .10 13.2 1.47 .61 114 .76 2209 .85 .72 +.01 -10.6 ThirdPtRe N TPRE 47 13.03 10.77 149 11.80 1067 12.35 11.75 -.55 +2.2s1347PrpIns Q PIH 7.90 5.60 45 7.75 164 7.95 7.30 -.6 ThomsonR N TRI 1.38f 3.2 20 45.68 38.23 1426 43.75 5428 44.23 42.95 +.29 -.1 Thor Inds N THO 1.32 1.4 17 115.74 60.05 542 97.48 4409 98.93 94.10 -.76 -2.6 3D Sys N DDD 19.76 11.59 1213 14.17 9704 14.96 13.65 -.47 +6.6s3M Co N MMM 4.70f 2.5 23 193.50 163.12 1367 191.51 8471 193.50 190.46 -.85 +7.2 ThrshdPh Q THLD 1 1.48 .30 1442 .57 9091 .71 .51 -.11 +28.8 TiGenix n Q TIG 16.27 10.77 8 15.19 62 16.07 14.90 -.81 +4.2 Tidwtr N TDW 1.00 120.5 9.37 .81 727 .83 5285 1.01 .83 -.12 -75.7 TierREIT n N TIER .72 4.2 18.80 13.20 99 17.08 935 17.53 16.75 -.30 -1.8sTiffany N TIF 1.80 1.9 26 96.23 56.99 1304 95.38 10180 96.42 93.20 +2.96 +23.2 TileShop Q TTS .05p 42 21.40 14.07 192 18.75 1560 19.80 18.30 -.75 -4.1 Tillys N TLYS 20 15.29 5.49 165 8.65 1176 9.18 8.43 -.40 -34.4 TmbrlndBc Q TSBK .44f 2.1 14 22.75 12.31 8 21.40 32 21.40 20.80 +.40 +3.6 Time Inc N TIME .76 3.9 20.40 12.50 1397 19.35 5580 19.65 19.00 +.20 +8.4 TimeWarn N TWX 1.61 1.7 17 99.29 68.97 1532 97.51 12641 98.66 96.57 -1.05 +1.0 Timken N TKR 1.04 2.4 21 46.45 28.72 901 43.55 3921 45.20 42.65 -1.40 +9.7 TimknSteel N TMST 23.00 8.18 416 17.60 2638 19.85 17.53 -1.90 +13.7 Timmins g N TGD 1 .63 .21 377 .38 3904 .40 .37 +.01 +22.0 Tiptree Q TIPT .12f 1.8 9 7.15 4.74 22 6.65 194 6.75 6.46 +.13 +8.1 Titan Intl N TWI .02 .2 14.23 4.80 812 9.63 3841 10.66 9.21 -.96 -14.1 TitanMach Q TITN 15.93 8.68 72 13.24 330 14.26 13.09 -1.00 -9.1tTitanPh rs Q TTNP 15 8.74 3.15 101 3.35 571 3.70 3.15 -.30 -16.3 TivityHlth Q TVTY 30.55 9.53 335 28.15 1739 29.15 27.81 -.85 +23.7 Tivo Cp Q TIVO .18p 23.40 15.06 564 18.05 2418 18.85 17.70 -.55 -13.6 TokaiPhm Q TKAI 8.80 .73 118 .83 431 .88 .81 +.01 -15.5 TollBros N TOL .08p 16 37.28 25.29 1430 35.87 8981 36.62 35.06 -.80 +15.7 Tompkins N TMP 1.76f 2.2 21 96.70 61.84 44 80.26 187 86.65 78.28 -6.25 -15.1 TonixPh rs Q TNXP 37.70 3.30 91 3.99 704 4.10 3.43 -.13 -15.1 TootsieR N TR .36b 1.0 34 40.44 32.35 42 37.40 279 38.55 37.40 -1.05 -3.1 TopImage Q TISA 2.47 1.17 10 1.25 257 1.29 1.22 +.02 +1.6 TopBuild n N BLD 23 48.33 28.81 239 45.74 1483 47.48 44.82 -1.75 +28.5 Torchlght Q TRCH 1.88 .55 230 1.19 1338 1.45 1.12 -.22 +.8 Torchmark N TMK .60f .8 17 79.53 52.46 345 76.59 2690 78.89 75.73 -2.04 +3.8 Torchmk52 N TMKpB 1.47 5.8 26.70 24.34 1 25.33 8 25.44 25.20 -.00 +1.8 Trchmk pfC N TMKpC 27.99 24.03 24 25.91 139 26.10 25.83 -.02 +2.7 Toro Co s N TTC .70 1.1 29 62.49 40.43 292 60.98 1840 62.10 60.49 -.64 +9.0 TorDBk gs N TD 2.40f 4.9 54.44 40.99 2095 48.68 9030 49.71 47.95 -.82 -1.3 TortWat n N TBLU 25.91 24.78 8 24.94 33 25.30 24.90 -.39 -.8 TortEnInd N NDP 1.75 11.4 17.43 10.68 55 15.41 232 15.86 15.25 -.14 -6.6 TortEnInf N TYG 2.62 8.0 37.11 22.52 256 32.55 851 32.95 32.00 -.09 +6.1 TortMLP N NTG 1.69 8.5 21.84 15.33 83 19.81 477 19.97 19.36 +.03 +3.8 TortPplE N TTP 1.63m 8.0 22.51 13.64 33 20.36 167 20.74 20.07 -.33 -5.6 TortPw&E N TPZ 1.65 7.6 23.46 16.35 17 21.68 91 21.94 21.57 +.12 -2.2 Total SA N TOT 2.71e 5.4 52.04 43.55 686 49.73 5347 50.45 49.26 -.23 -2.4 TotalSys N TSS .40 .8 18 56.54 45.61 1087 51.81 5196 53.55 51.62 -1.49 +5.7 TowerIntl N TOWR .44 1.7 14 29.05 18.75 85 26.50 556 28.30 25.90 -1.65 -6.5sTowerSemi Q TSEM 11 23.65 11.03 369 23.05 2300 23.65 22.68 +.13 +21.1 TownSprts Q CLUB 13 4.20 1.82 17 3.70 103 3.80 3.51 +48.0 TowneBank Q TOWN .52f 1.7 22 34.55 18.62 161 31.40 897 33.20 30.35 -1.55 -5.6 TownsqMda N TSQ 12 13.01 7.30 35 11.68 417 12.89 11.57 -1.13 +12.2 Toyota N TM 123.18 97.80 157 111.36 1073 112.86 110.12 -.85 -5.0 TraconPh n Q TCON 7.90 3.60 58 4.10 172 4.60 4.00 -.40 -16.3 TractSupp Q TSCO .96 1.4 21 97.25 61.50 1494 69.02 10478 71.61 67.73 -2.35 -9.0 TradDsk A n Q TTD 46.21 22.00 816 36.02 4118 39.82 35.88 -3.49 +30.2tTrnWEnt Q TWMC 5 4.21 1.86 13 1.93 192 2.45 1.86 -.43 -41.0 TransAct Q TACT .32 3.9 17 8.98 5.90 7 8.15 83 8.45 7.95 -.15 +23.5 TrCda g N TRP 2.50f 19 49.77 36.76 1547 46.21 4824 47.02 45.34 +.32 +2.3 TransEntx N TRXC 6.10 1.03 919 1.19 3381 1.24 1.05 -.02 -8.5 TransUn n N TRU 44 38.46 26.43 432 37.70 3956 38.10 37.24 -.24 +21.9 Trnsalta g N TAC .23 6.25 3.75 55 5.60 206 5.60 5.25 +.35 +1.8 TrnsatlPet N TAT 1.52 .60 80 1.12 243 1.20 1.05 -.03 +.9 Transcat Q TRNS 20 14.05 8.26 1 12.52 16 13.00 11.68 -.43 +15.9 TrnsRty N TCI .20p 21.50 8.38 1 20.55 3 21.37 20.42 -.82 +71.0tTransDigm N TDG 24.00 18 294.38 211.33 1968 210.04 11871 241.01 203.72 -30.01 -15.6tTransGlb Q TGA .20 13.3 2.25 1.47 66 1.50 465 1.59 1.47 -.10 -11.2 TrnsMont N TLP 2.84f 6.2 21 49.31 35.30 15 45.60 145 48.49 45.23 -2.13 +3.0 Transocn N RIG 7 16.66 8.34 7757 12.26 59198 12.47 11.81 -.21 -16.8 TrGasSur N TGS 14.34 5.54 66 14.07 617 14.20 13.30 -.02 +56.0tTravelCtrs Q TA 9.58 5.60 168 5.80 1131 6.13 5.60 -.05 -18.3 TravCtrs 28 Q TANNI 2.06 8.0 26.28 24.56 2 25.64 10 25.71 25.45 +.18 +1.5 TravelC 29 Q TANNL 2.00 7.9 26.00 23.81 1 25.35 23 25.40 25.09 +.14 +.2 Travelct 30 Q TANNZ 2.00 7.8 26.27 23.75 6 25.63 32 25.95 25.43 +.17 +2.2 Travelers N TRV 2.68f 2.2 12 125.49 103.45 1280 120.77 6073 122.98 120.24 -2.37 -1.3 Travelport N TVPT .30 2.6 15.15 11.28 636 11.55 3769 12.18 11.52 -.57 -18.1 Travelzoo Q TZOO 20 13.27 7.43 37 9.55 181 9.65 8.40 +1.20 +1.6 TrecoraRs N TREC 13 14.80 8.17 25 10.55 185 11.15 10.45 -.65 -23.8 Tredgar N TG .44 2.6 25 25.60 14.75 68 16.85 358 18.05 15.95 -1.30 -29.8 TreeHseF N THS 30 104.53 62.64 310 84.04 2730 86.80 83.58 -2.80 +16.4 TremorVid N TRMR 2.76 1.45 11 1.97 350 2.14 1.88 -.15 -20.9tTrevena Q TRVN 9.49 3.26 593 3.55 4430 3.68 3.26 -.13 -39.6 Trex N TREX 31 78.16 39.74 143 70.19 880 72.72 67.66 -2.55 +9.0 TriPointe N TPH 10 14.20 10.35 1986 12.59 14235 12.89 12.28 -.14 +9.7 TriContl N TY .82e 3.6 23.70 19.53 57 22.87 364 23.16 22.76 -.27 +3.7 TriCntl pf N TYp 2.50 5.0 54.39 47.50 1 50.06 4 50.17 50.00 -.69 +3.2 TrianglCap N TCAP 1.80 9.7 21.35 16.00 242 18.65 1253 19.00 18.40 -.29 +1.7 Triangle 22 N TCCA 1.59 6.2 26.29 24.35 8 25.55 33 25.66 25.33 +.15 +.4 TriangC 22 N TCCB 1.59 6.1 26.71 24.60 2 25.86 6 25.97 25.85 -.20 +1.7 TriangPet N TPLM .72 .13 342 .27 1881 .27 .23 +.03 +13.6 TribMda A N TRCO 1.00a 2.7 40.00 24.98 419 37.26 5100 38.23 37.02 -.14 +26.9 TriCoBsh Q TCBK .60 1.8 17 37.45 23.51 27 33.82 235 36.38 32.76 -2.58 -1.1 TrilliumTh Q TRIL 17.70 4.50 28 6.10 417 7.10 5.85 -.60 +8.0 TrilogyMtl N TMQ .86 .33 84 .53 530 .55 .47 +4.5 TriMas h Q TRS 18 24.25 15.63 147 20.70 956 21.60 20.00 -.70 -11.9 Trimble Q TRMB 60 32.19 22.69 747 31.32 4374 31.91 30.85 -.40 +3.9 TrimShrk n N TTAC 28.87 24.36 1 28.37 7 28.58 27.93 -.22 +4.8 TriNetGrp N TNET 42 30.17 13.21 129 28.43 1087 29.65 28.26 -1.19 +11.0 TrinityBio Q TRIB .88 16.1 14 13.68 5.20 28 5.47 388 5.63 5.32 -.01 -21.0 Trinity N TRN .44 1.7 10 30.13 16.39 954 25.87 5762 27.28 25.66 -1.51 -6.8 TrinityPlce N TPHS 10.37 6.36 30 7.35 208 7.43 7.13 +.02 -20.7 Trinseo SA N TSE 1.20 1.8 72.60 34.54 758 64.90 3253 71.45 64.75 -6.15 +9.4 TrioTch N TRT 13 4.48 2.60 2 4.13 49 4.28 4.10 +.06 +24.5 TripAdvis Q TRIP 53 71.69 40.45 2333 42.69 13836 43.40 40.87 -.58 -7.9sTriplePtV N TPVG 1.44a 10.3 10 14.10 9.80 62 13.98 545 14.10 13.76 -.01 +18.7 TripPtV20 N TPVZ 1.69 6.5 25.96 24.39 25.90 5 25.92 25.70 +.05 +1.6tTriple-S N GTS 30 27.70 16.49 105 16.73 543 17.23 16.49 -.45 -19.2 TriStCap Q TSC 23 24.90 11.65 86 22.95 628 23.65 22.06 -.55 +3.8 TritonInt n N TRTN 1.80 7.4 27.84 11.50 421 24.41 1734 25.86 22.63 -1.42 +54.5 TriumphBc Q TBK 22 27.95 14.40 37 25.40 225 26.90 24.15 -1.40 -2.9 TriumphGp N TGI .16 .7 5 40.09 22.40 396 23.80 3691 25.80 23.50 -1.60 -10.2 Trivago n Q TRVG 14.20 10.88 533 12.18 2588 12.94 12.01 +.05 +3.7 Tronc Q TRNC 17.93 6.74 79 13.71 452 14.07 13.08 -.41 -1.2 Tronox N TROX .18 1.1 19.99 3.84 749 16.35 5999 17.37 16.00 -.51 +58.6tTrovaGn wt Q TROVW 4.48 .11 3 .14 159 .18 .11 -.04 -74.5tTrovagne Q TROV 6.67 .95 468 1.00 4379 1.30 .95 -.30 -52.4 TrueBlue N TBI 13 27.85 16.50 229 26.85 1725 27.70 26.65 -.80 +8.9sTrueCar Q TRUE 15.44 5.05 1453 15.24 5989 15.44 14.37 +.31 +21.9 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 18 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
TruettHrst Q THST 3.73 1.18 31 2.25 80 2.30 2.11 +.11 +26.4 TrstNY Q TRST .26 3.4 18 9.00 5.81 259 7.80 1353 8.20 7.50 -.30 -10.9 Trustmk Q TRMK .92 3.0 19 36.79 21.93 265 31.06 2007 32.80 30.11 -1.78 -12.9 Tsakos N TNP .20 4.2 6.67 3.92 476 4.73 1994 4.95 4.52 -.16 +.9 TsakE pfB N TNPpB 2.00 7.8 25.83 22.94 25.53 7 25.60 25.43 -.16 +1.0 Tsakos pfC N TNPpC 2.22 8.6 26.15 24.01 2 25.75 16 25.89 25.55 +.11 +1.5 Tsakos pfD N TNPpD 2.19 8.8 25.10 21.77 12 24.90 48 25.10 24.75 -.08 +2.0 T2 Biosys Q TTOO 11.30 4.89 36 5.28 266 6.17 5.18 -.78 +.4 Tucows grs Q TCX 32 52.75 21.47 107 49.05 450 50.75 47.30 -.55 +39.1tTuesMrn Q TUES 9.23 3.15 433 3.30 1983 3.90 3.15 -.60 -38.9 Tuniu Q TOUR 12.13 7.62 240 8.72 855 8.85 8.15 +.15 -.3 Tuppwre N TUP 2.72 4.4 14 66.90 50.43 419 62.14 2755 62.94 60.10 +1.21 +18.1 Turkcell N TKC 10.87 6.35 262 8.47 1899 8.68 8.38 -.15 +22.8 Turksh N TKF .15e 1.8 9.63 6.13 34 8.50 170 8.50 8.29 +.11 +25.4 TurnPtBr n N TPB 16.14 6.46 10 15.48 205 15.73 14.69 +.64 +26.4 TurqHillRs N TRQ 16 3.80 2.44 2156 3.03 10330 3.28 3.03 -.19 -6.2 TurtleBch Q HEAR 2.00 .83 283 .98 1182 1.04 .96 -.04 -25.5 TutorPerini N TPC 15 33.00 14.35 485 29.50 2082 30.30 28.10 -.70 +5.4s21stCFoxA Q FOXA .36 1.1 20 31.75 23.33 10237 31.52 41813 31.84 30.49 +.70 +12.4 21stCFoxB Q FOX .36 1.2 16 31.30 23.88 2461 30.88 11436 31.19 30.02 +.61 +13.3 21Vianet Q VNET 21.12 5.20 1171 5.45 3951 5.85 5.30 -.38 -22.3 22ndCentry N XXII 1.71 .73 1244 1.03 5479 1.11 .89 +.10 -5.5 Twilio n N TWLO 70.96 23.66 1286 29.19 10681 31.49 28.82 -1.84 +1.2 TwinDisc lf Q TWIN .36 1.9 21.75 8.50 25 19.05 153 19.68 17.87 +.94 +30.5 Twitter N TWTR 25.25 13.73 14434 15.14 78444 15.37 14.32 +.06 -7.1sTwoHrbInv N TWO 1.00f 10.3 11 9.81 7.56 2830 9.68 13293 9.81 9.60 +.05 +11.0stTwoHrb pfA N TWOpA 2.03 7.9 25.67 25.28 129 25.70 1074 25.77 25.28 +1.5 TwoRvrBc Q TRCB .16b .9 17 18.20 8.76 44 17.66 208 18.14 16.19 -.47 +24.3 2U Q TWOU 39.07 20.70 289 37.66 1484 38.34 36.18 -.40 +24.9 TylerTech N TYL 49 175.77 120.33 117 154.48 820 157.93 153.52 -1.87 +8.2 Tyson N TSN .90 1.4 14 77.05 55.72 1642 62.57 9932 63.05 61.55 +.73 +1.4 Tyson eq un N TSNU 2.38 3.5 84.37 61.55 33 68.19 84 68.39 67.21 +.71 +.8U -:US AutoPts Q PRTS 4.49 2.40 33 3.26 99 3.36 3.15 -.06 -7.4 US Concrte Q USCR 71.35 42.82 2910 60.80 4130 70.83 58.75 -9.55 -7.2tUBS 3xLCr N WTIU 24.20 15.00 11 15.80 73 17.07 15.00 -1.24 -34.1sUBS 3xInvC N WTID 37.39 24.12 4 35.25 52 37.39 32.75 +2.56 +42.7 UBS FILCG N FBGX 163.87 113.51 7 158.85 134 163.79 139.62 -4.34 +14.7 UBS2xSPDiv N SDYL 3.40e 4.8 73.94 56.44 7 71.13 52 73.20 70.86 -1.83 +4.6 UBS Grp N UBS .80f 5.1 17.44 11.93 1361 15.63 10133 16.23 15.52 -.41 -.3 UCP N UCP 8 12.75 6.35 16 9.90 125 10.70 9.55 -.75 -17.8 UDR N UDR 1.24f 3.4 21 38.61 32.79 916 36.41 6281 36.72 35.83 +.24 -.2 UFP Tch Q UFPT 23 27.50 20.40 13 25.00 99 25.85 24.00 -.55 -1.8sUGI Corp N UGI .95 1.9 11 50.38 39.20 489 49.97 3334 50.38 48.72 +.82 +8.4 UMB Fn Q UMBF 1.02f 1.4 22 81.55 48.49 223 73.43 1197 76.93 71.23 -3.62 -4.8 UMH Prop N UMH .72 4.8 20 15.50 9.53 125 14.85 668 15.35 13.81 +.48 -1.3 UMH pfA N UMHpA 2.06 8.0 26.50 25.05 4 25.71 20 26.10 25.63 -.12 UMH pfB N UMHpB 2.00 7.5 28.40 25.35 2 26.84 9 26.99 26.63 +.24 +.1 UQM Tech N UQM .90 .42 81 .50 1207 .56 .45 +.05 +15.8 USEcology Q ECOL .72 1.5 30 54.00 38.00 58 46.85 340 50.00 46.20 -3.25 -4.7 US FdsHl n N USFD 27.94 22.19 624 27.40 3252 27.46 26.45 +.46 -.3 US Geoth rs N HTM 25 5.40 3.66 37 4.07 164 4.19 4.03 -.10 -.5 USGlobInv Q GROW .03 1.9 2.33 1.25 14 1.59 137 1.70 1.50 -.01 +16.9 USPhysTh N USPH .68 1.1 34 78.00 46.29 76 63.55 460 69.05 62.90 -4.60 -9.5 US Silica N SLCA .25 .6 61.49 20.77 3671 45.35 15596 48.98 42.27 -1.17 -20.0 USA Cmp N USAC 2.10 12.7 55 19.78 10.31 47 16.56 384 17.05 16.13 -.20 -4.3 USA Tech h Q USAT 5.81 3.50 115 4.05 563 4.20 3.85 -.10 -5.8 USA Trk Q USAK 21.46 6.85 68 7.28 395 8.39 7.20 -1.12 -16.4 USANA s N USNA 14 75.00 54.03 39 57.80 543 59.75 56.70 -.80 -5.6 USD Ptrs N USDP 1.32f 11.2 17.50 7.90 66 11.80 439 12.65 10.95 -1.05 -25.3 USG N USG 18 34.67 23.19 720 33.12 4346 34.34 32.76 -.99 +14.7 UTStarcm Q UTSI 32 2.15 1.59 16 1.89 141 1.92 1.87 -5.5 Ubiquiti Q UBNT .17 .3 18 64.62 31.46 295 50.67 2328 52.20 49.47 -.74 -12.3 UltaBeauty Q ULTA 43 289.27 189.46 335 281.53 2769 288.98 279.83 -7.28 +10.4 UltimSoft Q ULTI 224.07 174.36 281 190.39 1276 197.45 189.20 -4.26 +4.4sUltraClean Q UCTT 16.10 4.95 556 15.66 3319 16.10 14.80 +.21 +61.4 Ultragenyx Q RARE 91.35 46.52 1367 70.32 4854 85.78 67.91 -14.29 Ultralife Q ULBI 24 6.15 3.73 30 5.45 114 5.60 5.35 -.05 +10.1 Ultrapar N UGP .43e 1.9 24.50 18.38 511 22.58 2373 22.65 21.96 +.21 +8.9sUltratech Q UTEK 58 29.62 19.52 112 29.35 802 29.62 29.14 -.13 +22.4 Umpqua Q UMPQ .64 3.7 15 19.50 14.61 2026 17.27 9093 18.37 16.87 -1.01 -8.0tUndrArm s N UAA 34 47.95 18.40 8282 19.66 25221 20.03 18.40 +.28 -32.3tUnAr C wi N UA 46.53 17.05 6318 18.16 19373 18.53 17.05 +.08 -27.9tUniPixel Q UNXL 2.88 .71 1485 .80 15195 1.10 .71 -.08 -18.6 UniQure Q QURE 15.00 5.25 119 5.81 998 6.28 5.50 -.39 +3.8 UnicoA Q UNAM 12.39 8.64 9.90 13 9.90 9.40 -.10 -7.9 Unifi N UFI 14 34.70 20.71 41 26.99 234 28.05 26.56 -1.09 -17.3 UniFirst N UNF .15 .1 23 147.65 104.70 37 135.10 284 137.30 133.00 -.85 -6.0sUnilevNV N UN 1.40e 2.8 50.52 38.41 1309 50.26 10181 50.61 49.89 +.51 +22.4sUnilever N UL 1.40e 2.8 50.57 38.58 955 50.17 7267 50.57 49.94 +.25 +23.3 Unilife lf Q UNIS 8.60 1.58 29 1.82 267 1.99 1.77 -.08 -20.9 UnionBkVA Q UBSH .80 2.3 19 39.37 22.49 85 34.31 492 36.64 33.23 -1.79 -4.0 UnionBkVT Q UNB 1.12 2.6 22 50.15 28.25 1 42.30 20 45.00 41.20 -3.25 -6.9 UnionPac N UNP 2.42 2.3 20 111.38 77.29 2579 103.96 16559 105.98 103.07 -2.03 +.3 UniqueF n N UFAB .60 5.1 15.93 10.40 9 11.85 72 12.01 11.40 +.14 -18.8 Unisys N UIS 14 16.70 6.72 370 14.35 2541 15.00 13.95 -.50 -4.0 Unit N UNT 30.63 8.12 457 22.18 3084 22.74 21.08 -.03 -17.5 UnBnOH Q UBCP .44a 3.5 18 15.25 8.72 2 12.47 31 12.60 11.50 +.47 -7.6 UtdBOH Q UBOH .44 2.1 11 23.78 17.18 5 20.50 25 21.75 20.00 -1.20 -4.3 UBSI Q UBSI 1.32 3.2 21 49.35 34.50 409 40.90 3482 44.25 39.66 -3.35 -11.6sUtdCmtyBc Q UCBA .24 1.4 28 17.75 13.60 0 17.62 15 17.75 17.55 -.08 +5.5 UtdCmBks Q UCBI .36f 1.4 18 30.47 17.07 360 26.58 2954 29.00 25.94 -2.34 -10.3 UCmntyFn Q UCFC .12 1.5 21 9.50 5.53 44 8.22 330 8.79 8.19 -.43 -8.1 UtdContl N UAL 8 76.80 37.41 2553 67.93 21172 68.56 64.16 +1.14 -6.8 UtdFnBcp Q UBNK .48 2.9 17 18.66 12.00 79 16.48 592 17.36 15.75 -.77 -9.3 UtdFire Q UFCS 1.00 2.4 22 50.75 37.54 76 42.27 439 43.58 42.03 -1.28 -14.0 UtdInsur Q UIHC .24 1.5 10 19.73 9.52 144 15.49 669 16.00 15.00 -.44 +2.3 UtdMicro N UMC .09e 4.5 2.13 1.74 481 1.98 6903 2.00 1.93 +.01 +13.1 UtdNtrlF Q UNFI 17 52.18 33.16 359 42.69 1899 44.47 42.43 -1.63 -10.5 UPS B N UPS 3.32f 3.2 18 120.44 100.05 2433 105.05 12585 108.20 104.80 -3.10 -8.4 UtdRentals N URI 14 134.28 56.01 1227 120.69 6424 125.84 118.14 -4.50 +14.3 USecBcCA Q UBFO .08t 17 8.25 4.42 0 7.45 20 7.50 7.20 +.15 -3.9 USNatGas N UNL 11.93 8.61 2 10.56 46 10.57 10.30 +.43 -9.7 US12MoOil N USL 20.89 15.18 14 17.68 238 18.03 17.46 -.29 -13.3 USAntimny N UAMY .60 .17 20 .50 161 .52 .40 +.03 +98.0 US Bancrp N USB 1.12 2.1 16 56.61 38.48 5693 52.57 44933 54.85 51.75 -2.12 +2.3 US Bcp pfH N USBpH .89e 3.9 25.05 20.63 40 23.05 269 23.39 22.97 -.21 +6.9 US Bcp pfM N USBpM 1.63 5.6 31.43 27.64 109 29.13 378 29.38 28.99 +.06 +3.0 US Bcp pfO N USBpO 1.29 5.0 27.65 23.63 15 25.85 176 25.85 25.56 +.27 +6.6 US Brent N BNO 16.09 11.42 37 13.82 338 14.12 13.54 -.25 -11.9 US Cellular N USM 67 46.01 33.30 63 36.78 588 37.59 36.17 -.37 -15.9 US Cellu60 N UZA 1.74 6.8 27.05 24.34 17 25.42 79 25.45 25.18 +.08 +1.7 US Cellu 63 N UZB 1.81 6.9 27.85 24.43 25 26.16 82 26.36 25.97 +.01 +3.0 US Cell64 N UZC 1.81 6.8 27.70 24.43 21 26.67 127 26.67 25.95 +.49 +4.1 USCmdtyFd N USCI 43.86 38.21 53 39.15 503 39.35 38.94 +.09 -2.1 USDslHtOil N UHN 17.05 11.41 8 14.24 88 14.98 14.03 -.25 -15.1 US Engy rs Q USEG 2.84 .75 7 .85 74 .93 .80 -.06 -33.6 US GasFd N UGA 32.03 21.94 7 25.90 78 26.33 25.50 +.07 -17.3 USCoppFd N CPER 19.00 13.00 4 17.20 18 17.57 16.99 -.39 +5.2 USLime Q USLM .54f .7 24 79.50 50.75 4 77.44 48 78.99 76.41 -.80 +2.2 US NGas N UNG 9.74 6.33 4650 7.48 44529 7.50 7.21 +.36 -19.9 US OilFd N USO 12.45 8.99 15451 10.09 89235 10.36 9.88 -.24 -13.9 US ShrtOil N DNO 91.77 60.41 3 70.88 24 72.27 69.20 +1.86 +14.4 USSteel N X .20 .6 41.83 12.77 15368 32.82 75607 37.35 32.38 -4.47 -.6 UtdTech N UTX 2.64 2.4 17 114.44 96.89 2125 111.80 13185 114.15 111.33 -1.65 +2.0 UtdTherap Q UTHR 10 169.89 97.52 376 140.05 1981 142.94 137.63 -2.03 -2.4 UtdGrdian Q UG .75e 5.1 30 22.96 13.52 1 14.80 7 15.55 14.67 +.05 -4.5 UtdhlthGp N UNH 2.50 1.5 20 172.14 125.26 4887 165.00 20723 170.24 164.35 -4.70 +3.1 UnitGrp Q UNIT 2.40 9.4 15 32.73 20.71 607 25.54 4512 26.44 25.46 -.10 +.5 UNITIL N UTL 1.44f 3.2 23 46.98 35.37 28 44.53 178 45.16 43.85 -.04 -1.8 UnityBcp Q UNTY .20 1.2 11 18.00 9.67 3 16.35 47 16.80 15.50 -.05 +4.1 Univar n N UNVR 33.15 16.07 1073 29.41 4312 31.55 29.40 -1.96 +3.7 UnvAmr N UAM .75e 10.13 6.72 118 9.98 867 9.98 9.96 +.01 +.3 UnvslCp N UVV 2.12f 3.1 17 83.35 52.26 238 69.25 1141 70.80 68.30 -.70 +8.6 UnivDisp Q OLED .03p 82 88.50 47.88 486 83.40 3020 87.15 79.55 -2.10 +48.1 UnvElc Q UEIC 37 80.42 52.90 64 66.90 279 68.65 64.50 -1.15 +3.6 UnivFor Q UFPI .90f .9 20 110.97 76.11 85 96.97 450 100.60 93.96 -3.09 -5.1 UnvHR N UHT 2.62f 4.3 35 66.85 51.95 32 60.72 191 63.10 59.11 -2.13 -7.4 UnivHlthS N UHS .40 .3 17 139.77 99.72 1409 121.89 3770 122.89 117.51 +1.81 +14.6 Univ Insur N UVE .69 2.9 7 29.20 16.32 173 23.75 940 24.45 23.05 -.55 -16.4 UnvLogist Q ULH .28 2.2 9 18.06 11.09 6 12.75 57 13.80 12.75 -.90 -22.0 UnvSecInst N UUU 4.63 2.85 41 3.05 75 3.15 2.90 +.08 -21.8 UnvStainls Q USAP 17.56 9.00 28 15.15 66 15.18 13.40 +1.78 +12.1 UnivTInst N UTI .08 2.2 5.38 1.42 23 3.60 268 3.80 3.40 -.09 +23.7 UnivstPa Q UVSP .80 3.0 31.50 18.81 69 26.25 382 28.15 25.80 -1.95 -15.0 UnumGrp N UNM .80f 1.7 12 50.27 29.79 892 45.79 6204 48.16 45.00 -1.98 +4.2sUplandSoft Q UPLD 14.79 6.73 147 15.59 344 15.99 13.57 +1.13 +74.2 Ur-Energy N URG .91 .41 85 .69 1237 .78 .66 -.10 +29.9 UraniumEn N UEC 1.92 .69 543 1.32 5463 1.49 1.23 -.13 +17.9 UranmRs rs Q URRE 4.00 .97 284 1.78 2291 1.94 1.74 -.10 +29.9 UrbnEdg n N UE .80 3.0 21 30.29 24.10 489 26.30 3201 26.40 25.03 +.19 -4.4tUrbanOut Q URBN 12 40.80 22.06 2437 22.94 16029 23.77 22.06 -.67 -19.5 UrstdBid N UBP 1.06f 6.2 17 22.37 15.95 1 17.20 6 17.44 16.93 -.16 -9.9 UrsBidA N UBA 1.04f 5.1 20 25.43 19.67 73 20.43 513 21.07 20.10 -.35 -15.3 UrsBid pfF N UBPpF 1.78 6.9 27.70 25.18 1 25.64 5 25.69 25.50 +.02 +.5 UrsBid pfG N UBPpG 1.69 6.5 28.72 25.25 26.00 7 26.40 25.80 +.20 +1.6 UtahMed Q UTMD 1.06 1.7 19 75.00 56.30 6 60.85 28 61.55 58.50 +.25 -16.4V -: VBI Vac n Q VBIV 6.60 2.75 109 5.16 734 5.95 4.81 -.69 +66.5sVCA Inc Q WOOF 34 91.68 54.82 765 91.50 2873 91.70 91.39 +.07 +33.3 VF Corp N VFC 1.68 3.1 18 66.31 48.05 4102 54.06 22380 54.31 52.28 +.11 +1.3 VOC EnTr N VOC .32e 9.6 7 4.29 2.48 42 3.35 102 3.55 3.33 -.19 +5.3 VOXX Intl Q VOXX 5.90 2.47 43 5.10 260 5.20 4.80 +8.5 VSE Corp s Q VSEC .24 .6 15 42.69 26.16 22 37.59 276 40.76 36.70 -1.84 -3.2 VTTI Engy N VTTI 1.34f 7.1 21.74 15.40 33 19.00 298 19.15 18.90 -.05 +17.6 VWR Q VWR 18 31.75 24.42 486 27.31 2568 28.17 27.18 -.86 +9.1 VaalcoE N EGY 1.43 .70 112 .83 1305 .95 .80 -.12 -20.2 VailRsrt N MTN 4.21f 2.2 43 194.05 124.00 302 187.53 1559 189.63 183.85 -1.47 +16.3 Vale SA N VALE .29e 3.1 11.70 3.85 25951 9.30 144908 10.35 9.07 -.83 +22.0 Vale SA pf N VALE/P .29e 3.3 11.10 2.93 5528 8.77 43619 9.84 8.56 -.87 +27.3tValeantPh N VRX 3 38.50 10.35 8854 10.75 76356 11.14 10.35 -.28 -26.0stValeritas n Q VLRX 9.50 6.95 80 6.75 629 9.50 6.50 -5.2 ValeroE N VLO 2.80f 4.3 18 71.40 46.88 4261 65.78 17924 69.12 65.70 -3.12 -3.7 ValeroEPt N VLP 1.63f 3.4 18 51.00 38.90 37 47.32 452 48.29 46.15 +.77 +6.9 Valhi N VHI .08 2.4 42 4.10 1.07 52 3.34 387 3.53 3.21 -.06 -3.5 Validus N VR 1.52f 2.7 13 58.76 44.23 337 56.13 1767 56.74 55.88 -.54 +2.0 Validus pfA N VRpA 25.99 21.50 15 24.75 78 24.75 24.53 +.19 +9.9 VlyNBcp N VLY .44 3.8 18 12.82 8.49 1362 11.64 13242 12.25 11.46 -.62 VlyNB wt18 N VLY/WS .40 .03 .35 92 .40 .35 -.05 +57.7 VlyNBc pfA N VLYpA 1.56 5.5 30.85 24.86 6 28.56 26 28.74 27.35 +.82 +10.3 Valmont N VMI 1.50 1.0 23 165.20 117.10 97 150.35 522 153.75 149.15 -3.10 +6.7 Valspar N VAL 1.48 1.3 24 111.84 97.62 524 111.00 3348 111.70 110.50 -.51 +7.1 ValueLine Q VALU .68 3.9 16 25.25 14.05 2 17.23 8 17.91 17.23 -.41 -11.7 Valvoline n N VVV .05p 24.98 18.30 705 23.84 5043 24.50 23.21 -.19 +10.9 VanEMGold N OUNZ 13.61 11.12 17 12.34 183 12.37 12.18 +.20 +8.3 VanEGold N GDX .12e .5 31.79 18.58 32260 22.92 254068 23.56 22.58 +.25 +9.6sVanE Grn n N GRNB 25.15 24.91 2 25.16 14 25.16 24.93 +.21 +.9 VnEkSteel N SLX 1.16e 2.9 45.39 23.70 45 39.80 329 42.99 39.64 -2.77 +5.3 VnEkHiIn rs N YMLP 28.12 19.00 8 25.21 65 25.74 24.60 -.50 -3.7 VanE EMHi N HYEM 1.57 6.4 24.84 22.61 91 24.55 395 24.62 24.43 +.07 +2.1 VanEHiYM N HYD 1.45 4.8 32.42 28.33 382 30.45 1732 30.46 30.23 +.15 +2.6 VanE ChiBd N CBON .68e 24.40 21.85 0 22.02 7 22.05 22.01 -.04 +.2 VnEkShHY N SHYD .81 3.4 25.50 23.03 104 23.90 231 23.95 23.84 +.04 +.5 VnEkRus N RSX .64e 3.1 22.19 15.74 5107 20.95 43004 21.21 20.54 +.06 -1.3 VanE BDC N BIZD 1.47e 7.8 19.27 15.86 48 18.91 268 19.16 18.77 -.18 +5.0 VEckPfSec N PFXF 1.24e 6.2 21.77 18.96 347 19.97 1062 19.97 19.81 +.05 +3.4 VanE FallA N ANGL 1.63e 4.6 29.63 25.50 255 29.12 1981 29.25 28.78 -.09 +1.2 VanE IntHY N IHY 1.26 5.1 25.00 23.14 20 24.57 340 24.59 24.30 +.09 +3.1sVanE Reit N MORT 2.36e 8.1 23.60 19.26 12 23.43 98 23.60 23.28 +.09 +7.1 VnEkCfMun N XMPT 1.35 5.2 29.96 25.10 10 25.96 49 26.04 25.72 +.19 +.6 VanE IGFlt N FLTR .15e .6 25.36 24.54 23 25.20 275 25.22 25.16 +.02 +.8 VanE EMBd N EMLC .98 5.2 19.40 16.98 840 18.70 10044 18.74 18.49 +.20 +6.3 VanEAltEn N GEX .11e .2 55.48 46.50 1 54.20 11 54.90 52.37 -.61 +7.4 VEckMun N PRB .15e .6 24.76 24.12 24.36 13 24.41 24.33 -.00 +.7 VnEkSMu N SMB .20 1.1 17.80 16.99 21 17.41 181 17.41 17.36 +.06 +.9 VanE LgMu N MLN .62 3.2 21.18 18.66 20 19.51 290 19.51 19.27 +.19 +.8 VanEIntMu N ITM .54 2.3 24.94 22.74 417 23.40 1576 23.42 23.22 +.15 +.9 VnEkHiInInf N YMLI 1.20 7.8 17.35 10.62 10 15.44 28 15.79 15.24 -.14 -1.9 tVanE GenDr N GNRX 26.56 21.17 1 22.64 12 22.81 21.17 -.18 +5.5sVanE OilR N CRAK 22.60 17.66 2 22.25 5 22.60 22.06 -.23 +6.8sV IntMoat N MOTI 31.30 24.70 4 31.07 74 31.30 30.70 +.02 +11.9 VEckNucl N NLR 1.27e 2.6 51.10 44.80 0 49.73 4 49.75 48.47 +1.30 +4.8 VanEChAMC N CNXT 35.69 28.32 7 30.73 20 30.73 30.22 +.51 +6.5 VanE Israel N ISRA .74e 1.0 29.63 25.31 2 29.25 28 29.51 28.88 -.04 +9.1 VanEWMoat N MOAT .42e 1.1 38.31 30.14 63 37.14 570 37.77 36.95 -.62 +6.6 VanE UncOG N FRAK .29e 1.8 19.94 13.43 7 15.73 132 16.25 15.69 -.45 -13.7sVnEkSemi N SMH .63e .8 79.98 50.88 1624 79.13 12650 79.99 77.80 +.12 +10.5 VnEkRtl] N RTH .29e .4 82.00 73.15 3 77.70 300 79.00 77.31 -1.28 +2.5 VanE GenD Q GNRX 62.22 23.42 186 55.17 763 56.00 54.90 -.56 +5.1 VanE Agri N MOO 1.69e 3.2 54.74 45.37 42 53.40 218 54.01 53.24 -.44 +4.0 VEckOilSvc N OIH .86e 2.9 36.35 25.13 3612 29.69 21841 30.70 29.65 -.89 -11.0 VanE VecBi Q BBH 123.15 95.77 17 117.80 285 120.20 116.90 -1.60 +9.5 VnEkRusSC N RSXJ .41e 1.0 42.10 21.17 10 39.79 221 40.30 39.20 -.03 +4.5 VEckVcREr N REMX .50a 2.8 20.97 14.10 55 17.79 494 18.61 17.70 -.62 +4.6 VEckChina N PEK 1.41e 1.3 41.33 35.62 18 39.66 98 39.67 39.04 +.59 +7.4sVnEkIndSC N SCIF .44e .9 51.77 36.86 59 51.44 560 51.77 50.34 +.64 +26.2 VanE Egyp N EGPT 2.76e 9.8 41.80 24.72 27 28.05 86 28.47 28.00 -.29 +6.3sVEckPoland N PLND .80e 4.9 16.65 12.22 0 16.18 13 16.65 15.97 -.26 +20.6 VanE JrGld N GDXJ 52.50 26.33 10308 36.20 78317 38.22 35.74 -.08 +14.7 VanE Coal N KOL .37 2.7 14.74 7.24 121 13.81 1245 13.99 13.61 +.13 +12.6 VnEk Viet N VNM .51e 3.7 15.72 12.50 106 13.94 888 14.00 13.64 +.26 +6.9 VanEBrzSC N BRF .89e 4.5 20.80 11.66 13 19.61 207 20.20 19.16 -.40 +23.4 VanEIndo N IDX .50e 2.2 24.10 18.75 17 22.85 201 22.93 22.38 +.22 +7.6 VanENatRs N HAP .85e 2.6 34.25 27.59 5 33.11 22 33.60 33.00 -.34 +2.3 VanE VAfr N AFK .76e 3.6 22.17 18.30 6 21.20 49 21.87 21.08 +.03 +7.1 VanE Gam N BJK 1.88e 5.1 37.89 30.14 3 37.02 36 37.36 36.71 +.04 +9.4 VandaPhm Q VNDA 18.00 7.20 590 14.45 3348 14.50 13.35 +.10 -9.4 VangLTBd N BLV 3.92e 4.1 101.24 87.22 62 90.05 659 90.23 88.72 +1.19 +1.0 VangIntBd N BIV 2.17a 2.6 88.58 82.17 1089 83.48 3533 83.66 83.00 +.43 +.5 VangSTBd N BSV 1.08e 1.2 81.14 79.17 3969 79.63 10391 79.72 79.50 +.13 +.2 VangTotBd N BND 2.06e 2.2 84.92 80.02 3735 80.98 10386 81.11 80.57 +.40 +.2 VangExDur N EDV 4.81e 3.2 145.60 106.00 76 111.55 225 111.96 109.13 +2.29 +1.9sVangMegG N MGK 1.19e 1.3 96.33 79.42 78 95.04 553 96.33 94.70 -.85 +9.1 VangMegV N MGV 1.53e 2.2 70.81 58.32 52 68.53 371 69.87 68.22 -1.22 +2.1 VangMega N MGC 1.47e 1.8 82.19 67.86 41 80.33 220 81.64 80.10 -1.18 +5.2 VanHiDvY N VYM 2.10e 2.7 79.62 67.88 1388 77.28 5136 79.01 77.00 -1.65 +2.0sVangIntHi Q VYMI 1.64e 2.7 61.70 49.75 32 60.56 266 61.70 59.93 -.49 +6.9 VangIntDiv Q VIGI .76e 1.3 58.36 51.50 53 57.34 300 58.18 56.85 -.28 +8.6 VangEMGv Q VWOB 3.64 4.6 82.08 75.80 51 79.45 322 79.64 79.06 +.35 +2.5 VangEMI N VXF 1.13e 1.2 101.94 80.20 140 97.99 954 100.68 97.27 -2.59 +2.2sVangGrth N VUG 1.38e 1.1 122.50 101.87 846 120.51 3939 122.50 120.06 -1.45 +8.1 VangLgCp N VV 1.84e 1.7 110.19 90.89 333 107.21 1444 109.45 106.82 -2.04 +4.7 VangMidC N VO 1.76e 1.3 141.61 116.51 583 138.15 2252 140.36 137.10 -2.04 +5.0 VangSmCp N VB 1.63e 1.2 136.38 108.02 1116 130.63 4129 134.18 129.73 -3.35 +1.3 VangSCG N VBK 1.19e .9 142.73 114.68 97 138.12 558 141.27 136.71 -2.94 +3.7 VangSCV N VBR 1.96e 1.6 126.68 98.89 414 120.33 2022 123.95 119.64 -3.61 -.6 VangTSM N VTI 2.17e 1.8 123.73 101.51 2303 120.16 12629 122.72 119.66 -2.41 +4.2 VangValu N VTV 2.05e 2.2 98.50 80.43 1543 94.68 6842 97.03 94.32 -2.33 +1.8 VangSP500 N VOO 3.81e 1.8 220.66 182.27 2532 214.73 11492 219.13 213.88 -3.83 +4.6 VangMCVal N VOE 1.76e 1.8 104.31 83.98 245 100.56 1470 102.84 100.15 -2.19 +3.5 VangMCGr N VOT .82e .7 113.98 96.13 83 111.98 549 113.64 111.13 -1.51 +6.0 VangREIT N VNQ 3.08e 3.8 92.92 76.98 4387 81.88 21997 82.74 80.55 -.56 -.8 VangDivAp N VIG 1.82e 2.0 91.68 79.06 962 90.02 4432 91.44 89.75 -1.42 +5.7 V exUSRE Q VNQI 2.57e 4.8 57.58 48.61 202 53.63 2235 53.72 53.02 +.32 +8.2sVangAllWld N VSS 2.64e 2.6 103.20 87.83 72 102.39 594 103.20 101.19 +.32 +8.9sVangTotW N VT 1.53e 2.3 65.96 54.75 1583 65.13 4543 65.96 64.72 -.56 +6.8sVangAllW N VEU 1.34e 2.8 48.40 39.96 1522 47.86 9027 48.40 47.38 -.12 +8.3sVangEmg N VWO 1.10e 2.7 40.63 32.25 12540 40.21 69880 40.63 39.80 +.15 +12.4sVangPacif N VPL 1.37e 2.2 63.89 52.81 140 63.35 1249 63.89 62.68 -.09 +9.0sVangEur N VGK 1.71e 3.3 52.07 42.73 2416 51.37 14410 52.07 50.86 -.26 +7.2 VangTEBd N VTEB .28e 52.88 49.32 110 50.55 1077 50.64 50.24 +.28 +.6 Vang500Gr N VOOG 1.62e 1.4 119.04 99.52 61 117.14 225 119.03 116.69 -1.47 +7.2 Van500Val N VOOV 2.01e 2.0 103.78 84.75 51 99.53 188 101.81 99.20 -2.34 +2.0 VanSC600V N VIOV 1.24e 1.1 125.02 94.16 15 116.73 64 120.63 115.02 -3.87 -3.1 VanSC600G N VIOG 1.11e .9 133.67 102.47 13 128.77 57 132.40 126.71 -3.52 +.3 VangSC600 N VIOO 1.25e 1.0 128.59 98.17 45 122.83 295 126.49 120.93 -3.50 -1.3 VanMC400V N IVOV 1.47e 1.3 116.19 91.08 13 110.99 101 113.74 110.16 -2.74 +.7 VanMC400G N IVOG 1.03e .9 120.03 97.61 14 116.48 80 118.54 115.45 -1.98 +4.0 VanMC400 N IVOO 1.36e 1.2 118.45 94.74 31 113.91 269 116.56 113.11 -2.59 +2.3 VanShTGv Q VGSH .59a 1.0 61.44 60.57 127 60.75 432 60.79 60.67 +.06 -.3 VanSTCpB Q VCSH 1.68 2.1 81.18 78.94 1015 79.67 5669 79.70 79.47 +.21 +.4 VangR3K Q VTHR 1.92e 1.8 110.46 90.70 15 107.15 60 109.66 107.06 -2.41 +3.8 VanR2KGr Q VTWG 1.07e .9 118.55 91.66 4 115.12 25 118.00 113.75 -2.71 +3.2 VanR2KV Q VTWV 1.64e 1.6 106.10 77.77 3 99.98 58 103.31 98.60 -3.41 -3.0 VangR2K Q VTWO 1.41e 1.3 112.82 84.88 83 107.97 669 111.08 106.29 -2.98 VanR1KGr Q VONG 1.59e 1.4 117.59 97.57 37 115.65 187 117.52 115.14 -1.51 +7.6 VanIntTGv Q VGIT 1.04a 1.6 67.45 63.42 43 64.23 318 64.31 63.93 +.31 +.5 VanR1KV Q VONV 2.28e 2.3 103.67 84.94 26 99.67 178 101.94 99.32 -2.28 +1.9 VangR1K Q VONE 2.00e 1.9 110.33 91.03 41 107.45 118 109.56 107.05 -1.88 +4.7 VanMtgBSc Q VMBS 1.09a 2.1 54.01 51.82 267 52.37 1752 52.50 52.15 +.16 +.2 VanLTCpB Q VCLT 4.08 4.5 97.64 86.60 107 89.78 679 90.00 88.75 +1.03 +.5 VanLTGvB Q VGLT 2.03 2.7 87.92 72.09 247 74.56 437 74.78 73.28 +1.23 +1.2 VanIntCpB Q VCIT 2.81 3.3 90.14 84.64 661 86.15 3354 86.31 85.73 +.42 +.5 VangSTInfl Q VTIP .37e .7 49.76 48.71 409 49.38 2259 49.47 49.33 +.05 +.4sVangFTSE N VEA 1.10e 2.8 39.64 33.01 11121 39.20 42806 39.64 38.94 -.14 +7.3 VanTIntBd Q BNDX .55a 1.0 56.31 53.56 540 54.02 3749 54.05 53.72 +.29 -.5sVanTIntStk Q VXUS 1.34e 2.7 50.23 41.60 548 49.73 3207 50.23 49.30 -.03 +8.4 VangCnD N VCR 1.62e 1.2 138.22 115.66 44 136.01 408 138.11 135.00 -2.00 +5.7 VangCnS N VDC 3.29e 2.3 143.71 129.24 85 140.82 435 142.92 140.37 -1.67 +5.1 VangEngy N VDE 2.64e 2.8 109.08 82.84 256 94.15 1235 96.99 94.00 -2.45 -10.1 VangFncl N VFH .90e 1.5 64.20 44.25 2007 59.75 9023 62.27 59.05 -2.61 +.7 VanHC Etf N VHT 1.62e 1.2 141.68 120.38 162 137.38 801 139.99 136.80 -2.05 +8.4 VangIndl N VIS 1.96e 1.6 127.63 100.03 79 122.25 397 125.49 121.82 -3.05 +2.5sVangInfT N VGT 1.39e 1.0 136.67 101.46 426 134.19 2124 136.67 133.66 -1.60 +10.4 VangMat N VAW 2.17e 1.9 121.70 96.51 118 116.92 581 120.48 116.46 -2.91 +4.0 VangUtil N VPU 3.41e 3.0 115.81 99.85 118 113.75 568 115.16 112.25 +.38 +6.3 VangTel N VOX 2.98e 3.1 104.36 87.29 73 94.64 434 98.19 94.41 -3.03 -5.5 Vantiv N VNTV 39 66.24 50.52 646 63.42 7558 65.07 62.55 -1.59 +6.4 VarexImag Q VREX 35.96 25.00 472 31.01 2252 31.62 29.92 +.42 +10.2 VarianMed N VAR 22 94.49 68.66 690 91.18 3679 92.57 90.62 -.34 +14.7 Varonis Q VRNS 32.05 17.05 423 30.95 1571 31.05 27.80 +1.45 +15.5 VascoDta Q VDSI 24 19.30 12.40 115 12.90 775 13.85 12.66 -.65 -5.5 VascuBio Q VBLT 7.58 3.03 137 5.65 1109 6.00 4.20 -.15 +16.5 VectorGp N VGR 1.60b 8.0 37 23.24 19.33 867 20.09 6243 20.94 19.79 -.57 -11.7sVectren N VVC 1.68f 2.9 23 58.47 46.52 316 58.34 1515 58.57 56.86 +.93 +11.9 Vectrus N VEC 10 34.98 12.50 67 22.01 421 23.83 21.82 -1.74 -7.7sVedantaLtd N VEDL .26e 1.6 16.64 5.00 426 16.24 2381 16.64 15.76 +.13 +30.8 VeecoInst Q VECO 30.45 15.53 245 28.75 1531 29.85 28.15 -.85 -1.4sVeevaSys N VEEV 81 50.75 23.88 2461 49.57 10243 50.75 47.58 -.22 +21.8 Ventas N VTR 3.10 4.9 24 76.80 56.20 2630 63.83 13624 63.94 60.44 +3.32 +2.1 VentasR 43 N VTRB 1.36 5.3 28.30 23.27 4 25.60 19 25.66 24.77 +.42 +6.6 VBradley Q VRA 15 20.69 8.40 274 8.65 1903 9.73 8.46 -.79 -26.2 Veracyte Q VCYT 9.61 4.21 81 9.17 517 9.28 8.80 -.05 +18.5 Verastem Q VSTM 1.93 1.05 1135 1.66 3314 1.78 1.40 +.16 +48.2 Vereit N VER .55 6.5 11 11.09 7.99 5074 8.50 26056 8.64 8.34 -.01 +.5 Vereit pf N VERpR 1.68 6.5 27.42 24.65 42 25.70 152 25.75 25.36 +.15 +1.6 VeriFone N PAY 13 29.73 14.94 960 18.72 6724 19.19 18.42 -.28 +5.6 Vericel Q VCEL 6.69 1.96 215 2.85 1747 2.90 2.65 -.05 -5.0 VerintSys Q VRNT 41.35 29.80 450 40.40 1922 41.03 39.20 -.10 +14.6 Verisign Q VRSN 25 91.99 74.01 926 87.19 3726 88.08 86.17 +.94 +14.6 Verisk Q VRSK 22 87.40 75.72 949 79.71 4961 81.39 79.43 -1.48 -1.8 Veritex Q VBTX 25 29.43 13.52 69 28.24 416 28.98 27.24 -.01 +5.7 Veritiv N VRTV 39 62.60 34.10 361 51.20 1262 53.80 50.63 -1.20 -4.7 VerizonCm N VZ 2.31 4.6 12 56.95 46.01 8767 49.68 58019 50.63 49.41 -.71 -6.9 VerizonC 54 N VZA 1.48 5.6 28.47 25.22 63 26.22 280 26.30 26.02 +.08 +.5 VermilnE g N VET 1.91 44.95 26.50 142 35.63 536 36.81 35.01 -1.19 -15.5 Vermillion Q VRML 2.85 .76 52 2.14 378 2.35 2.03 -.19 +125.3 Versar N VSR 3.25 .90 576 1.90 11882 2.14 1.09 +.78 +38.7 Versartis Q VSAR 24.00 6.32 315 21.10 1933 21.95 19.00 +2.00 +41.6 Verso Cp N VRS 13.60 4.37 139 5.77 799 6.33 5.69 -.37 -18.7 Versum N VSM .05p 31.31 22.18 613 29.87 2525 30.55 29.41 +.03 +6.4 VertexEn Q VTNR 2.08 .90 21 1.08 171 1.21 1.05 -.07 -17.6 VertxPh Q VRTX 103.73 71.46 980 89.98 6454 92.61 88.94 -1.94 +22.1 VestRMII h Q VRTB 3.75 1.29 1 2.56 15 2.60 2.47 -.01 +14.8 ViaSat Q VSAT 82.19 63.00 237 63.64 1958 65.07 63.33 -1.40 -3.9 ViacomA Q VIA .80 1.8 13 50.81 37.90 10 44.50 107 45.30 43.50 -1.05 +15.6 ViacomB Q VIAB .80 1.9 12 46.69 33.94 3626 43.06 15635 43.52 42.00 -.34 +22.7 ViadCorp N VVI .40 .9 44 48.30 27.96 72 44.85 520 46.41 44.30 -1.25 +1.7sViavi Q VIAV 28 11.00 5.93 3688 10.72 19852 11.00 10.26 +.02 +31.1 Vical rs Q VICL 4.80 2.05 11 2.15 222 2.25 2.10 -.04 -6.5tVicon N VII 1.80 .26 17 .39 87 .42 .26 -.03 -33.4sVicor Q VICR 16.75 8.75 21 15.75 154 16.75 15.50 -.65 +4.3 Vict500VW Q CFA .44e 1.0 43.36 35.27 67 42.34 296 43.22 42.20 -.76 +5.0 VictDisEnV Q CSF .38e 1.0 41.72 31.71 21 39.66 51 40.76 39.11 -1.14 -2.3 Vict500EV Q CFO .47e 1.1 43.30 35.26 27 42.34 131 43.12 42.12 -.73 +5.1 VictDevVol Q CIZ .01j 31.82 26.07 7 30.53 55 30.69 30.18 +.13 +7.2 VictIncEV Q CDC 1.09e 2.6 43.44 36.58 67 42.69 216 43.16 42.60 -.59 +3.3sVictSCVol Q CSA .16e 42.49 32.56 40.68 8 42.49 40.09 -1.07 -2.1sVicEmMkt Q CEZ 27.61 23.90 4 27.14 12 27.61 27.10 +.50 +11.1 VictLCHiDv Q CDL .44e 42.30 35.67 13 41.55 64 42.18 41.46 -.62 +3.5 VictSCHiD N CSB .60e 43.71 33.60 12 39.42 25 40.31 39.11 -1.03 -4.9 VictIntHiD Q CID .33e 33.65 28.81 3 33.16 13 33.54 33.08 -.17 +5.6sVideocon n Q VDTH 11.50 7.26 86 11.30 576 11.50 10.81 +.30 +37.5sViewRay n Q VRAY 8.25 2.64 1154 8.46 7697 8.76 5.80 +2.44 +170.3 VikingTh n Q VKTX 2.89 .90 46 1.19 488 1.33 1.11 -.02 VikngTh wt Q VKTXW .65 .05 12 .37 20 .37 .23 +.10 -18.0 VillSupMkt Q VLGEA 1.00 3.8 15 36.42 23.30 45 26.03 195 27.36 25.91 -1.19 -15.1 VimpelCm Q VIP .04 .9 4.51 3.12 3575 4.10 14199 4.13 3.98 +6.5 VinaConc N VCO .66e 1.9 36.45 30.61 1 33.69 19 34.13 32.00 +1.05 +2.2 VinceHldg N VNCE 55 7.34 1.30 651 1.65 6098 2.10 1.30 +.20 -59.3 ViperEPt h Q VNOM .80e 4.5 85 20.25 13.53 33 17.76 313 17.96 17.07 +.03 +11.0 Vipshop N VIPS 29 17.41 10.21 4107 13.80 28892 14.50 13.40 -.30 +25.3 Virco Q VIRC 14 4.94 3.06 8 4.00 26 4.15 3.75 -.15 -7.0tVirnetX N VHC 6.50 1.70 210 1.90 1701 2.20 1.70 -.25 -13.6 VirtuFin n Q VIRT .96 5.7 18 23.93 12.35 441 16.80 2896 16.90 15.90 +.30 +5.3 VirDynCr n N BLHY 26.98 23.01 32 24.85 114 25.51 24.81 -.17 -.6 ZweigTR N ZTR .97 8.4 12.49 11.00 117 11.60 682 11.69 11.55 +.03 -3.7 VirtGblMSc N VGI 1.87 11.7 16.37 13.85 20 16.05 255 16.05 15.73 +.02 +4.7 VirtusInv Q VRTS 1.80 1.8 15 128.10 66.12 138 101.10 447 108.60 100.65 -7.50 -14.4tVirtusIn pf Q VRTSP 104.50 94.57 22 94.43 107 99.71 94.24 -5.37 -7.0 VirtusTRet N DCA .40 9.3 4.75 4.00 90 4.32 1351 4.47 4.26 -.06 -3.4 Virtusa Q VRTU 66 38.31 18.03 668 30.31 2513 32.30 29.05 -1.35 +20.7sVisa s N V .66 .7 31 92.05 73.25 7339 89.19 43416 92.05 87.85 -1.05 +14.3 VishayInt N VSH .25 1.5 19 17.00 11.53 677 16.15 4914 16.35 15.70 -.20 -.3 VishayPrc N VPG 21 19.45 11.75 23 15.75 123 16.05 15.26 -.10 -16.7 VistaGold N VGZ 2.09 .44 382 1.00 1466 1.07 .99 -.02 +4.6 VistaOutd n N VSTO 53.07 19.72 1087 20.31 4358 21.54 20.05 -.58 -45.0tVistaGn n Q VTGN 4.69 1.98 36 1.90 117 2.15 1.88 -.20 -49.1 Visteon s N VC 2 103.20 63.04 434 95.71 2127 100.24 94.53 -3.81 +19.1tVitalThera Q VTL 9.73 3.75 179 3.85 1383 4.75 3.70 -.75 -11.5tVitaminSh N VSI 9 32.31 18.25 284 19.10 2743 19.68 18.25 -.45 -19.6 ViveveMd n Q VIVE 10.00 3.75 263 5.01 907 5.45 4.33 -.24 -2.7 VivintSolar N VSLR 4.06 2.16 285 2.70 2037 2.85 2.65 -.05 +5.9 Vivopwr n Q VVPR 7.34 3.99 4.39 9 4.55 4.12 -.28 -20.2 Vivus Q VVUS 5 1.85 .93 181 1.10 2546 1.16 1.05 -.06 -4.3sVMware N VMW 27 93.05 49.76 954 91.73 5385 93.05 89.96 -.87 +16.5sVoceraCm N VCRA 24.67 10.46 209 23.62 1369 24.67 22.26 -.82 +27.7 Vodafone Q VOD 1.53e 5.7 34.70 24.17 5446 26.88 28594 26.98 26.16 +.33 +10.0 VolarisAv N VLRS 21.90 11.33 361 13.26 1908 13.27 12.50 +.42 -11.8 VolitionRX N VNRX 5.86 3.05 18 4.05 151 4.49 4.02 -.37 -11.4 VoltInfoSci N VISI 8.75 5.50 11 7.35 59 7.35 6.95 +.05 +7.3 Vonage N VG 19 7.88 3.82 1732 6.22 13117 6.78 6.18 -.38 -9.2 Vornado N VNO 2.84f 2.8 13 111.72 86.35 890 100.92 5532 105.29 100.73 -4.21 -3.3 Vorndo pfG N VNOpG 1.66 6.5 26.34 24.98 3 25.56 15 25.58 25.36 +.14 +1.5 Vorndo pfI N VNOpI 1.66 6.5 26.45 24.89 4 25.47 17 25.55 25.38 +.09 +1.6 Vorndo pfK N VNOpK 1.43 5.7 26.98 22.51 10 24.85 96 24.94 24.50 +.25 +5.5 Vorndo pfL N VNOpL 1.35 5.6 26.46 21.46 14 24.05 91 24.07 23.83 +.11 +7.1tVoxeljet N VJET 6.50 2.77 42 2.84 226 2.96 2.77 -.08 -1.0sVoyaAsPcD N IAE 1.02 10.2 10.08 8.04 50 10.00 202 10.08 9.91 +.07 +14.8sVoyaEmHi N IHD .92 10.7 8.68 6.92 61 8.60 270 8.68 8.49 -.01 +15.4 VoyaFincl N VOYA .04 .1 14 42.96 22.75 1561 37.45 9392 39.83 36.89 -2.49 -4.5sVoyaGlAdv N IGA 1.12 10.8 10.49 9.34 71 10.38 304 10.49 10.30 -.05 +5.6 VoyaGlbDv N IGD .91 12.6 7.32 6.50 320 7.25 1609 7.27 7.17 +.01 +6.9sVoyaInfra N IDE 1.46 10.3 14.42 11.63 73 14.12 534 14.42 14.03 -.17 +8.8 VoyaIntHD N IID .83 12.0 7.78 6.03 38 6.89 137 6.90 6.73 +.06 +6.7 VoyaPrRTr N PPR .29 5.3 5.62 4.94 317 5.49 1781 5.51 5.46 -.02 -.9 VoyaNatRs N IRR .81 12.9 7.18 5.25 83 6.24 486 6.28 6.13 +.01 -2.5 VoyagerT n Q VYGR 18.25 8.30 73 11.56 436 11.70 10.62 +.45 -9.3 vTvThera n Q VTVT 7.50 4.65 11 5.91 113 6.10 5.73 -.10 +22.4 VulcanM N VMC 1.00f .9 37 138.18 104.33 1620 112.74 6713 116.96 111.53 -3.73 -9.9 Vuzix Q VUZI 9.80 4.30 178 6.15 1570 7.15 6.10 -.95 -9.6 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 19 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
A -ARC Grp ARCW 4.10 -.10 ARCAbio rs ABIO 2.65 +.15 ARI Net ARIS 5.05 -.03 AbeonaTh ABEO 4.80 +.10 Abraxas AXAS 2.02 -.01 Acasti g rs ACST 1.28 +.02 AccelrDiag AXDX 22.50 -.25 AdamisPh ADMP 4.30 +.10 AdestoTc n IOTS 4.15 +.20 AdmaBio ADMA 4.82 -.07 AMD AMD 13.70 -.09 Advaxis ADXS 7.94 +.08 AehrTest h AEHR 5.16 +.02 AEtern g rs AEZS 2.90 +.15 Aethlon rs AEMD 3.35 -.40 Agenus AGEN 3.88 -.04 AgroFresh AGFS 3.59 -.36 Airgain n AIRG 14.50 +.40 AkariTh rs AKTX 6.50 +.06 AkersBios AKER 1.40 +.10 Akoustis n AKTS 10.05 +.56 Alliqua h ALQA .68 +.02 Amedica rs AMDA .40 +.01 Anavex rs AVXL 6.01 +.02 AntaresP ATRS 2.76 -.01 AoxnTia h rs ABAC 2.34 +.08 ApplRecy h ARCI 1.03 -.00 ApldDNA APDN 1.75 -.05 ApricusB rs APRI 2.25 -.04 AptoseB g APTO 1.14 +.01 AquaMetal h AQMS 18.15 +.50 AquaB Tc n AQB 10.39 +.14 Aradigm ARDM 1.71 +.17 AssembBio ASMB 25.78 -.54 Astrotch h ASTC 1.29 +.03 AsureSftw h ASUR 9.97 -.12 Athersys ATHX 1.14 +.01 AtlasFin AFH 13.45 +.05 AtossGen rs ATOS 1.12 +.03 Attunity ATTU 7.64 +.16 Autobytel ABTL 12.01 -.23 AvistaHl un AHPAU 10.36 -.04 AvistaHl wt AHPAW .46 -.02 AvistaHl n AHPA 9.88 +.02 AxarAc wt AXARW .08 -.01 AxoGen AXGN 10.05 B -BNC Bcp BNCN 33.55 +.10 BOS Ltd BOSC 2.12 +.03 BarHilc wt BHACW .18 BayBncp BYBK 7.70 +.03 BebeStr rs BEBE 3.83 +.04 BenitecB n BNTC 2.69 +.42 Beyondsp n BYSI 18.60 -.60 Bio-Path BPTH .78 -.01 BioDlvry lf BDSI 1.75 -.18 BioLifeSol BLFS 2.04 +.05 BioLneRx h BLRX 1.11 +.01 BioanlySys BASI 1.41 +.08 Biocept rs BIOC 2.23 Biolase BIOL 1.29 +.03 Biostage h BSTG .34 +.00 BiostrPh rs BSPM 2.23 -.03 BonsoElec BNSO 2.63 -.16 BlvdAcq n BLVD 10.00 Brainstorm BCLI 3.92 -.03 Bridglne rs BLIN .82 +.03 BroadwdE BWEN 6.54 +.08C -CAS Med CASM 1.49 +.02 CASI Phr h CASI 1.38 -.05 CF CpA n CFCO 10.03 +.02 CF Cp wt CFCOW 1.44 -.06 CF Cp un n CFCOU 10.75 COPsync wt COYNW .09 -.03 COPsync nh COYN .33 +.00 CPS Tech CPSH 1.50 +.10 CTI BioP rs CTIC 4.30 +.01 CU Bncp CUNB 38.20 -.10 CUI Glbl CUI 4.44 +.07 CVD Eqp CVV 9.98 -.05 Caladriu rs CLBS 4.40 -.07 CambLrn ABCD 5.06 -.08 CancerGen CGIX 3.90 +.55 CapAcIII n CLAC 10.40 +.10 CapAcIII wt CLACW 1.40 CapAcIII un CLACU 11.10 +.05 Capnia CAPN .71 +.02 Capricor CAPR 3.37 +.16 CpstnTur rs CPST .76 -.01 Crdiom grs CRME 3.04 CaroFin s CARO 28.66 +.21 Cartesian h CRTN 1.07 -.03 CascdeBcp CACB 7.67 +.09 CatalstB rs CBIO 5.20 +.44 CatalystPh CPRX 1.70 +.02 CellectBio n APOP 6.26 +.04 Cellectar rs CLRB 2.33 +.06 Celsion CLSN .27 +.00 Cemtrex rs CETX 3.31 +.03 CntRsDvA CDEV 17.17 +.09 CnResDv wt CDEVW 6.48 +.07 CentrlFedl CFBK 2.16 +.10 CntlVyCm CVCY 19.20 +.07 CentrueF n CFCB 25.20 CentCas CNTY 7.54 -.10 Cerecor n CERC .71 -.00 CescaTh rs KOOL 3.07 -.13 ChampOn rs CSBR 3.16 Chantic wt HOTRW .08 +.01 Chanticler h HOTR .36 +.01 CharterFn CHFN 18.36 +.30 CheckCap n CHEK 2.17 +.05 ChAdvCns CADC 2.65 -.05 ChinaAuto CAAS 5.10 -.10 ChinCer rs CCCL 2.18 -.06 ChiCustR n CCRC 13.92 +.32 ChinaHGS HGSH 1.62 -.01 ChinaNRes CHNR 2.13 +.05 ChromaDx n CDXC 2.59 -.03 Citiz&Nthn CZNC 22.83 -.04 CivistaBcsh CIVB 21.31 +.33 CleanDsl rs CDTI 2.68 +.11 Cleantch rs CLNT 2.75 -.17 ClearSign CLIR 3.75 -.15 CleBio hrs CBLI 1.52 -.02 CoffeeH JVA 4.63 -.01 Cogentix h CGNT 1.85 -.05 CombMt rs CBMX 4.85 +.15 CmtyBkTr ESXB 8.10 CondHos rs CDOR 10.30 -.96 ContraFect CFRX 2.00 ContraVir CTRV 1.61 Corcept CORT 10.12 +.13 CryoPort rs CYRX 3.53 +.03 CumMed rs CMLS .34 +.01 Cyclacel rs CYCC 3.42 +.24 CymaBay CBAY 4.19 +.38 Cyren Ltd CYRN 1.95 -.05 CytRx h CYTR .41 -.00 CytoriTh rs CYTX 1.65 +.01 Cytosorbnt CTSO 5.43 +.03D -DarioHlth DRIO 4.06 -.09 Daseke n DSKE 10.25 +.08 Daseke wt DSKEW 1.19 +.06 Data IO DAIO 4.91 +.15 Dataram rs DRAM 1.16 +.02 Datawatch DWCH 8.30 +.03 DelTaco TACO 12.64 +.14 Delcath rs DCTH .09 +.00 DelmarPh n DMPI 4.00 -.10 DeltaTch h DELT 1.50 -.05 Dennys DENN 12.13 -.01 DexteraS rs DXTR 1.05 -.02 DiffusPh n DFFN 2.82 -.16 DigitalAlly DGLY 4.11 -.02 DigitlTurb APPS .92 -.03 DipexiumP DPRX 1.30 DivrsRest SAUC 2.24 +.11 DblEgl un EAGLU 10.50 -.04 DblEgl wt EAGLW .52 DragnW hrs DRWI 1.45 DryShp rs DRYS 1.35 -.05 Dynasil DYSL 1.23 -.01 Dynatronic DYNT 2.95 +.15 DynavaxT DVAX 6.00 +.05E -ENGlobal ENG 1.72 -.05 EagleBncp EGBN 57.85 +.35 Eco-StimE ESES 1.11 -.02 eGain EGAN 1.65 EksoBio n EKSO 3.83 +.22 Energous WATT 15.37 +.04 EngyFocus EFOI 3.21 -.04 EnteroM rs ETRM 5.80 +.09 EssaPhm g EPIX 2.95 -.19 Euroseas rs ESEA 1.40 +.02 EvokePhm EVOK 2.86 +.01 ExactSci h EXAS 21.08 +.59 EyegatePh EYEG 2.19 -.05F -FairptCom FRP 16.50 +.05 FalconStor FALC .36 -.00 FarmersNB FMNB 13.30 -.05 FemaleHlt FHCO 1.09 +.01 Fibrocll rs FCSC 1.98 FinjanH FNJN 1.54 +.06 FstCmtyFn FCFP 12.55 +.05 FstUSBcsh FUSB 11.93 +.05 First LI s FLIC 26.35 -.05 FiveStar FVE 2.10 +.05 Fonar FONR 17.85 +.20 FormsHl rs FH 2.10 -.01 FortressBio FBIO 3.60 +.14 FullHseR FLL 2.37 +.01 Functnx rs FNCX .53 -.13 FusionTel FSNN 1.74 +.23G -GSV Cap GSVC 4.46 +.03 GTY Tc un GTYHU 10.31 -.06 GTx Inc rs GTXI 4.99 -.10 GalectinTh GALT 2.20 +.07 GalenaBi rs GALE .59 -.01 GalmedPh GLMD 4.47 -.17 GeneticT rs GENE 1.17 +.03 GenVec rs GNVC 6.12 +.12 Gevo rs GEVO 1.13 +.08 GigaTron h GIGA .85 +.03 GblEagEnt ENT 2.92 -.16 GlobusM rs GLBS 4.59 -.30 GoodTimes GTIM 3.10 -.00 Gravity rs GRVY 19.00 GreenBrick GRBK 9.80 GrpoFin GGAL 39.01 +1.26H -HalladorE HNRG 7.66 -.14 Harmony n HRMN 10.19 -.01 Harmny wt HRMNW .44 -.03 HeatBiolog HTBX .87 -.00 HebronTc n HEBT 3.35 -.01 HeliMAn h HMNY 2.45 -.15 HeritOkB HEOP 12.60 +.08 HernTher h HRTX 14.75 +.35 HerzfldCrb CUBA 6.94 -.01 HeskaCorp HSKA 98.72 +.49 HghwyH HIHO 4.05 HongliCl rs CETC 2.14 +.01 HostessBr n TWNK 15.77 -.01 Hostess wt TWNKW 2.76 -.02 HudsonTc HDSN 6.58 -.04 HuttigBld HBP 8.20 +.41I -ICAD ICAD 4.37 -.08 Itus Cp hrs ITUS 2.43 -.42 IaoKunGrp IKGH .28 -.01 IdealPower IPWR 3.42 +.13 Identive lf INVE 6.88 +.23 IderaPhm IDRA 2.48 +.06 Ignyta RXDX 9.25 +.35 ImageSens ISNS 3.00 -.20 ImmuneP h IMNP .14 -.01 ImprimisP IMMY 2.82 +.26 IndSvAm lf IDSA 1.68 -.03 InfoSonic h IFON .53 Inpixon rs INPX 2.89 +.28 Intelliph IPCI 2.31 +.05 IntrpDia rs IDXG 2.34 -.03 Inventrgy rs INVT .32 -.03 iRadimed IRMD 8.60 -.05 Iteris ITI 5.12 -.01 Izea n IZEA 3.21 -.05J -JaguarAH h JAGX 1.00 -.06 Jason Inds JASN 1.42 JointCorp JYNT 3.37 -.09K -KBS Fash rs KBSF 5.05 +.22 KeryxBio KERX 5.65 +.13 KindredBio KIN 7.20 +.30 W -:W&T Off N WTI .40 14.3 3.47 1.31 720 2.80 4541 2.92 2.71 -.03 +1.1 WBI TacGr N WBIA .03e .1 24.40 20.45 5 23.24 28 23.97 23.17 -.79 +.1 WBI TactV N WBIB .08e .3 25.96 20.56 6 24.40 32 25.03 24.24 -.66 -.7 WBI TacYd N WBIC .28e 1.3 22.63 19.36 8 21.88 55 22.28 21.77 -.40 WBI TacSel N WBID .05e .2 23.75 19.62 6 22.87 32 23.41 22.80 -.60 +.8 WBI LCTG N WBIE .25e 1.1 23.86 20.16 6 23.49 29 23.79 23.36 -.27 +5.1 WBI LCTV N WBIF .22e .9 25.96 19.54 5 25.37 28 25.75 25.30 -.40 +3.9 WBI LCTY N WBIG .31e 1.4 22.29 18.75 14 21.89 51 22.23 21.80 -.31 +4.9 WBI LCTS N WBIL .04e .2 24.90 20.58 7 24.35 32 24.82 24.27 -.47 +5.0 WBI PwFact N WBIY 25.39 23.87 7 24.03 30 24.82 23.98 -.68 -2.5 WBITacRot N WBIR 24.86 23.13 3 24.28 11 24.43 24.15 -.11 +4.3 WBI TacInc N WBII .26e 1.0 25.60 21.36 39 25.11 150 25.14 25.07 +.04 +1.3 WBI THiInc N WBIH .45e 1.9 24.34 23.00 25 24.14 116 24.24 24.06 -.07 +1.4 WCF Bcp n Q WCFB .20 2.0 10.30 8.15 1 10.00 4 10.00 9.84 +.06 WD 40 Q WDFC 1.96 1.8 30 125.00 99.32 50 110.25 313 112.70 109.30 -1.75 -5.7 WEC Engy N WEC 2.08 3.4 21 66.10 53.66 1557 61.08 7986 61.46 59.52 +1.07 +4.1 WEX Inc N WEX 25 122.91 78.95 351 102.08 1897 107.28 101.56 -4.73 -8.5 WGL Hold N WGL 1.95 2.4 26 84.08 58.66 294 82.89 1432 83.00 81.89 +.32 +8.7 WMIH Q WMIH 2.50 1.05 573 1.30 4910 1.45 1.25 -.10 -16.1 WNS Hldg N WNS 20 32.82 24.82 242 28.75 1390 29.11 28.03 +.71 +4.4 WP Carey N WPC 3.98f 6.5 16 72.89 55.77 204 61.62 1445 62.46 60.87 -.60 +4.3 WPCS Int rs Q WPCS 1.96 1.13 21 1.41 101 1.49 1.35 -.08 +11.0 WPP plc Q WPPGY 3.34e 3.2 121.55 96.94 106 104.86 540 105.31 102.29 +.45 -5.2 WPX Engy N WPX 16.17 6.04 6640 12.34 33044 12.75 11.72 -.11 -15.3 WPX pfA N WPXp 1.56 2.8 71.83 32.95 11 55.90 52 58.02 54.16 -1.04 -14.9 WSFS s Q WSFS .28 .6 21 48.20 30.56 148 44.80 854 46.95 43.35 -1.95 -3.3 WSFS 19 Q WSFSL 1.56 6.1 28.30 25.31 25.58 3 25.95 25.58 -.02 +.7 WSI Inds Q WSCI .16 4.8 3.99 2.73 9 3.35 53 3.35 2.85 +.25 +11.7 Wabash N WNC .06 11 22.21 10.74 737 20.48 3769 21.15 20.10 -.66 +29.9 WABCO N WBC 28 118.50 84.48 296 116.50 1296 118.25 114.39 -.50 +9.8 Wabtec N WAB .40 .5 22 89.18 65.54 618 75.86 3721 78.03 75.27 -1.47 -8.6 WaddellR N WDR 1.84 11.2 8 24.27 15.02 914 16.50 8369 17.31 16.12 -.71 -15.4 WageWrks N WAGE 80.50 48.16 232 74.50 1339 80.45 74.10 -5.70 +2.8 WalMart N WMT 2.04f 2.9 16 75.19 62.72 5653 69.61 35210 70.45 69.53 -.28 +.7 WalgBoots Q WBA 1.50 1.8 18 88.00 75.74 1992 82.97 17633 85.86 82.55 -2.94 +.3sWalkerDun N WD 11 43.28 19.87 370 41.20 1338 43.28 40.15 -1.40 +32.1tWalterInv N WAC 8.51 .70 1144 .73 10332 1.10 .64 -.37 -84.6 WashFed Q WAFD .60f 1.9 17 35.95 21.63 437 32.10 2499 33.55 31.25 -1.40 -6.6 WashPrGp N WPG 1.00 12.3 22 14.15 7.90 2170 8.15 14438 8.46 7.92 -.24 -21.7 WashPr pfH N WPGpH 1.88 7.4 26.45 24.04 8 25.34 85 25.49 25.25 -.06 -.9 WashPr pfI N WPGpI 1.72 6.8 26.68 24.04 25.30 13 25.58 25.08 -.22 +2.0 WREIT N WRE 1.20 3.9 34 34.61 27.65 279 31.12 1539 31.79 30.56 -.12 -4.8 WshTrst Q WASH 1.52f 3.0 18 58.30 34.59 39 49.85 205 53.65 48.30 -3.30 -11.1 WashFstBk Q WFBI .28f 1.0 22 30.58 18.57 55 27.77 228 28.69 26.22 -.73 -4.2 WasteCon N WCN .72 31 88.59 58.40 348 86.01 2017 88.16 85.97 -1.59 +9.4 WsteMInc N WM 1.70f 2.4 37 73.90 56.05 1546 72.32 7798 73.61 72.15 -1.22 +2.0 Waters N WAT 23 162.53 128.75 401 154.76 1644 157.30 154.12 -1.83 +15.2 WaterstnF Q WSBF .48 2.7 19 19.40 13.50 53 17.90 332 18.65 17.35 -.60 -2.7 Watsco N WSO 4.20 2.9 28 159.55 127.66 185 144.82 1273 148.98 142.90 -3.09 -2.2 WattsWtr N WTS .72 1.2 22 71.05 53.79 78 60.70 518 61.95 59.70 -1.05 -6.9 WaveLfSc n Q WVE 40.15 11.99 21 25.35 165 26.75 25.15 -1.10 -3.1 Wayfair N W 49.34 27.60 486 38.37 3372 39.85 37.90 -.44 +9.5 WayneSvg Q WAYN .36 2.0 27 18.75 12.07 0 18.09 3 18.19 17.90 +.09 +9.6 WaysideT Q WSTG .68 3.6 9 19.38 16.00 10 18.85 33 19.10 18.25 +.10 +.8 WeathfIntl N WFT 8.49 3.73 18379 5.89 82535 6.28 5.83 -.26 +18.0 Q WEB 7 22.50 12.90 153 19.05 1032 20.75 18.95 -1.60 -9.9 WebMD Q WBMD 26 67.55 48.10 498 50.32 2200 51.82 50.06 -.79 +1.5 WebsterFn N WBS 1.00 2.0 23 57.50 31.29 1124 49.77 5224 53.94 48.99 -4.26 -8.3 WbstF pfE N WBSpE 1.60 6.3 26.90 24.96 1 25.54 32 25.59 25.14 +.21 +1.1 WecastNtw Q WCST 2.43 1.10 54 2.16 225 2.22 1.98 +.06 +75.6 WeiboCorp Q WB 58.79 17.73 1180 49.78 6197 51.82 47.52 -1.32 +22.6 WtWatch N WTW 17 19.86 9.37 692 14.93 4940 15.40 14.12 -.05 +30.4 WeinRlt N WRI 1.54f 4.6 14 43.70 31.13 1021 33.75 6303 34.06 32.88 +.54 -5.7 WeisMk N WMK 1.20 2.0 25 68.88 42.77 38 59.34 274 61.33 58.81 -1.76 -11.2 Welbilt N WBT 19.91 13.76 438 19.05 2705 19.69 18.81 -.20 -1.4 Wellcare N WCG 23 151.93 86.75 533 139.22 1886 145.34 136.23 -5.51 +1.6 WelleslyBc Q WEBK .16 .6 21 28.25 19.06 1 26.00 3 26.95 25.87 -1.00 -6.3 WellsF pfJ N WFCpJ 2.00 7.6 28.43 26.10 97 26.19 477 26.20 26.12 +.05 -.9 WellsF pfL N WFCpL 75.00 6.1 1381.10 1161.10 6 1230.20 49 1232.50 1216.00 +10.20 +3.4 WellsF pfN N WFCpN 1.30 5.3 26.49 22.61 27 24.43 165 24.58 24.24 -.01 +5.7 WellsF pfO N WFCpO 1.28 5.3 26.48 22.49 25 24.37 214 24.48 24.15 +.11 +5.9 WellsF pfP N WFCpP 1.31 5.3 26.94 22.58 29 24.62 179 24.77 24.35 +.15 +7.6 WellsF pfQ N WFCpQ 1.46 5.5 28.88 23.58 79 26.52 412 26.61 26.13 +.03 +5.1 WellsF pfR N WFCpR 1.66 5.7 32.54 26.45 26 29.15 239 29.23 28.66 +.28 +7.6 WellsF pfT N WFCpT 1.50 5.8 27.89 24.72 27 25.97 144 26.11 25.71 +.09 +3.5 WellsFargo N WFC 1.52 2.7 14 59.99 43.55 20170 55.83 116232 58.47 54.85 -2.84 +1.3 WellsF wt N WFC/WS 26.45 11.67 13 22.30 229 25.09 21.42 -2.89 +4.5 WellsF pfX N WFCpX 27.00 22.16 107 24.43 862 24.80 24.10 +.27 +6.6 WellsF pfW N WFCpW 27.24 22.84 66 25.01 631 25.09 24.70 +.13 +5.7 WellsF pfV N WFCpV 28.33 24.39 49 25.88 270 25.99 25.72 -.06 +3.2 EvgGlbDiv N EOD .54m 9.4 6.34 5.13 92 5.73 555 5.75 5.65 +.05 +5.1 WFAdvInco N EAD .82 9.7 8.68 7.39 84 8.39 950 8.39 8.27 +.06 -1.1 WFAdMSec N ERC 1.16 8.7 13.48 11.79 61 13.37 486 13.39 13.18 +.10 +4.2 WFREI pf N WFEpA 1.59 6.1 28.50 25.05 13 26.15 117 26.19 25.65 +.34 +3.9 WFAdUtlHi N ERH .90 7.1 13.85 11.20 16 12.61 117 12.68 12.29 +.20 +5.4 Welltower N HCN 3.49f 5.0 15 80.19 59.39 1252 69.67 9592 70.30 67.21 +2.39 +4.1 Welltwr pfI N HCNpI 3.25 5.2 71.19 56.71 8 62.83 86 63.31 61.00 +1.74 +4.4 Wendys Co Q WEN .28f 2.1 35 14.47 9.15 1357 13.43 9706 13.63 13.03 -.06 -.7 WernerEnt Q WERN .24 .9 24 29.05 21.35 523 26.05 2412 27.50 25.80 -1.30 -3.3 Wesbanc Q WSBC 1.04f 2.9 16 44.19 28.12 107 35.79 679 38.69 34.91 -3.08 -16.9tWescoAir N WAIR 12 15.78 11.00 410 11.35 1916 12.00 11.00 -.55 -24.1 Wesco Intl N WCC 17 76.15 49.67 240 67.80 2599 70.15 67.30 -2.00 +1.9 WestBcp Q WTBA .68 3.1 15 25.05 17.33 53 21.85 187 22.80 20.60 -.95 -11.5 WestCorp Q WSTC .90 3.8 9 25.85 18.55 79 23.95 646 24.80 23.71 -.91 -3.3 WestMar Q WMAR 37 11.42 7.77 42 9.16 367 9.65 8.96 -.20 -12.5 WestPhrm N WST .52 .6 42 88.30 65.39 392 81.03 2133 83.28 79.06 -1.68 -4.5 WAmBcp Q WABC 1.56 2.8 24 65.34 45.62 170 55.04 889 57.19 53.63 -2.50 -12.5 WestarEn N WR 1.60f 2.9 22 57.50 47.70 497 54.33 2754 54.99 54.13 -.50 -3.6 WstbryBcp Q WBB 19 23.00 18.80 3 19.99 15 20.59 19.75 -.61 -3.4 WestellT h Q WSTL 1.30 .44 96 .61 720 .68 .58 -.05 -6.2 WstnAlliB N WAL 19 53.84 29.72 516 47.65 5388 52.29 45.35 -4.36 -2.2 WstnAll56 N WALA 1.56 6.2 26.94 22.13 30 25.28 123 25.42 24.80 +.38 +5.5 WstACpLn N TLI .87 7.5 12.10 9.58 34 11.58 123 11.86 11.55 -.11 +2.9 WAstEMkt N EMD .84 5.4 15.63 9.96 100 15.43 876 15.56 15.26 +.16 +4.9 WsADefOp N GDO 1.36 7.9 17.97 16.34 50 17.34 225 17.59 17.20 +.09 +1.3 WAstGlbHi N EHI 1.16 11.5 10.43 8.86 74 10.03 546 10.09 9.91 +.05 +2.0 WstAstHI2 N HIX .80 12.3 7.46 6.40 122 7.17 964 7.27 7.09 -.03 +1.3 WAHiInOp N HIO .43 8.5 5.22 4.60 247 5.02 1924 5.07 5.00 +.01 +.6 WAstHYOp N HYI 1.32 8.7 15.75 13.72 43 15.15 448 15.21 14.96 +.09 +.7 WstnAsst N PAI .69 4.9 15.98 13.23 18 14.20 86 14.27 14.07 +.13 -.8 WstnAsInt N SBI .48 5.1 10.77 9.30 11 9.47 149 9.55 9.37 +.15 -.4 WAstDefOp N IGI 1.20 5.9 23.39 19.49 18 20.20 151 20.33 19.69 +.06 -1.0 WAMgdMu N MMU .78 5.7 15.60 13.03 82 13.57 428 13.78 13.54 -.06 -1.1 WstAstMtg N WMC 1.38e 14.1 7 11.18 8.71 340 9.80 1370 10.07 9.71 -.25 -2.7 WAMtDOp N DMO 2.82a 11.8 24.99 20.95 40 23.92 227 24.25 23.66 -.05 +5.0 WA MunDef N MTT 1.01a 4.5 25.96 21.44 14 22.41 78 22.47 22.20 +.26 +3.8 WstAMunHi N MHF .34 4.7 8.47 7.00 38 7.14 171 7.18 7.12 +.04 -.4 WAMunPrt N MNP .87 5.8 19.25 14.51 20 15.02 124 15.07 14.96 +.10 +.8 WAstBdF N WEA 1.08 8.1 14.26 12.26 20 13.29 158 13.36 13.10 +2.6sWstAVari N GFY .93 5.6 17.00 15.17 6 16.62 48 17.00 16.32 -.26 +3.4 WAstInfSc N WIA .38 3.4 11.75 11.09 42 11.31 301 11.33 11.23 +.03 -1.5 WAstInfOpp N WIW .40 3.6 11.40 10.75 105 11.10 546 11.13 11.05 -.05 -.4 WstC&G gs N WRN 1.80 .48 116 1.23 740 1.32 1.20 -.09 -10.9 WDigital Q WDC 2.00 2.6 17 81.67 34.99 8557 78.18 24350 81.10 71.38 +1.31 +15.1 WstnGasEq N WGP 1.85f 4.1 29 47.82 31.18 48 44.77 294 46.20 44.23 -.95 +5.7 WstnGasPt N WES 3.44f 5.8 34 67.44 38.61 270 59.45 1358 61.45 59.12 -1.49 +1.2sWstNwEnB Q WNEB .12 1.2 43 10.75 7.35 43 10.30 305 10.75 10.10 -.35 +10.2 WstnRefin N WNR 1.52 4.4 28 40.09 18.14 1480 34.66 5242 36.64 34.63 -2.09 -8.4 WstRefLog N WNRL 1.75f 7.0 20 26.58 18.85 81 24.90 610 25.25 24.30 -.10 +16.6 WstnUnion N WU .70f 3.5 12 22.70 18.07 3371 20.25 17995 20.46 19.95 -.15 -6.8 WestlkChm N WLK .76 1.2 21 68.08 39.48 669 64.64 3341 67.48 64.08 -2.57 +15.4 WestlkCLP N WLKP 1.38f 5.5 17 26.25 17.63 14 25.10 114 25.48 24.65 +.45 +15.9 Westmrld Q WLB .80 5.7 19.92 6.15 200 14.07 1703 14.85 12.59 +1.04 -20.4 WestmRs s N WMLP .53 11.0 6.90 4.47 9 4.84 49 5.30 4.79 -.05 -14.2 WestpacBk N WBK 1.52e 5.9 26.88 20.32 381 25.77 1116 26.73 25.46 -.76 +9.8 WstptFuel g Q WPRT 3.03 .82 1806 1.03 3225 1.05 .82 +.20 -8.8 WestRck N WRK 1.60f 3.1 56.12 35.77 1244 52.40 6803 53.40 51.25 +.02 +3.2 WestwdH N WHG 2.28 4.4 11 63.99 49.01 21 52.30 120 55.68 51.98 -3.39 -12.8 WeycoGp Q WEYS .84 3.1 17 32.30 23.75 35 27.09 111 28.26 25.86 -.63 -13.5 Weyerhsr N WY 1.24 3.7 28 34.37 26.55 2708 33.13 17704 33.70 32.74 -.07 +10.1 Wheeler Q WHLR .21 12.4 1.95 1.15 170 1.70 1538 1.76 1.66 -.08 Wheeler wt Q WHLRW .10 .02 7 .05 94 .06 .03 -.00 -2.1 Wheelr pfB Q WHLRP 2.25 9.4 24.89 18.48 5 23.90 18 24.06 23.47 +.61 +7.9 Wheelr pfD Q WHLRD 2.19 8.5 30.00 23.01 5 25.78 14 25.78 25.33 +.25 +9.7 Whrlpl N WHR 4.00 2.4 12 194.10 145.91 519 170.00 3791 174.00 169.10 -2.71 -6.5 WhtMtIns N WTM 1.00 .1 948.94 781.00 9 885.59 93 908.02 879.30 -21.58 +5.9 WhiteWave N WWAV 47 56.82 38.34 1032 55.60 12639 55.75 54.55 +1.02 sWhiteHFin Q WHF 1.42 10.7 13 14.00 9.63 46 13.31 351 14.00 13.26 +.18 +9.4 WhitestnR N WSR 1.14 8.5 16 16.30 12.10 129 13.45 516 13.61 13.06 -.08 -6.5 WhitingPet N WLL 14.44 6.38 9022 8.22 72611 9.20 8.10 -.94 -31.6 WholeFood Q WFM .56 1.9 20 35.58 27.67 4011 28.93 20325 30.17 28.89 -.60 -5.9 Wi-LAN g Q WILN .05 12 3.04 1.27 208 1.88 736 1.99 1.78 +.10 +15.3 WidePoint N WYY .96 .37 66 .58 481 .62 .53 -.01 -28.4 WildhRs n N WRD 16.48 11.01 640 11.40 3435 12.25 11.21 -.16 -21.9 WileyJA N JW/A 1.20 2.3 18 58.86 46.62 153 52.50 882 54.45 52.40 -1.45 -3.7 WileyJB N JW/B 1.20 2.3 18 58.99 46.53 2 52.51 5 53.76 52.51 -1.44 -4.0 WillmValV Q WVVI 21 9.00 6.90 13 7.97 65 8.00 7.50 -.02 -.5 Willbros N WG 3.84 1.42 189 2.60 903 2.82 2.49 -.23 -19.8 Willdan Q WLDN 32 36.39 8.40 118 30.96 877 33.00 29.04 -1.25 +37.1 WLyonHm N WLH 14 21.92 12.80 278 20.47 1520 21.20 19.85 -.59 +7.6 WmsCos N WMB 1.20f 4.2 49 32.69 14.60 4829 28.69 28656 29.08 28.00 +.12 -7.9 WillmsPtrs N WPZ 3.40 8.5 42.32 17.08 730 40.08 3319 40.49 38.54 +.90 +5.4 WmsSon N WSM 1.56f 3.3 14 61.97 45.96 918 47.96 7156 49.76 47.18 -1.64 -.9tWillisLFn Q WLFC 11 28.06 21.10 35 21.35 241 25.41 21.10 -3.95 -16.5 WillisTwW Q WLTW 2.12f 1.6 20 133.40 112.59 714 129.88 3561 130.83 128.55 -.08 +6.2tWindstm rs Q WIN .60 11.0 10.46 5.59 3727 5.45 22655 6.47 5.44 -.83 -25.6tWindtreeT h Q WINT 4.42 1.15 116 1.15 475 1.30 1.15 -.10 -8.0 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Nasdaq small cap Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Wingstop n Q WING 2.00p 51 33.42 19.57 227 26.79 1503 26.93 25.57 +.14 -9.5 Winmark Q WINA .40 .4 22 133.08 91.26 5 111.20 16 113.35 110.25 -1.55 -11.9 Winnbgo N WGO .40 1.3 16 39.30 20.19 431 29.90 3972 30.58 27.55 +.10 -5.5 WinsFin Q WINS 465.00 10.05 0 286.48 8 314.98 267.92 +16.49 +59.2 Wintrust Q WTFC .56f .8 19 76.71 40.16 407 68.38 2282 72.84 65.68 -4.40 -5.8 Wintrst pfD Q WTFCM 1.64 6.0 30.61 25.43 5 27.31 36 27.47 26.78 +.09 +5.6 Wipro N WIT .09e .9 13.08 9.00 239 10.16 1860 10.24 9.90 +.13 +5.0 WirelessT N WTT 1.99 1.23 32 1.43 189 1.49 1.30 -.07 -25.4sWT IntQua N IQDG 26.32 23.20 8 26.37 20 26.40 26.20 +.37 +10.2sWT EmMDv N DVEM 30.07 24.15 2 29.87 22 30.07 29.69 +.17 +11.5sWT G exMx N XMX 26.10 25.46 0 25.86 3 26.10 25.69 -.17 +1.3sWT DyInEq N DDWM 28.12 22.98 181 27.73 271 28.12 27.59 -.25 +4.9sWT DyInSm N DDLS 28.88 24.30 28.57 11 28.88 28.50 -.25 +6.5 WT DynCJp N DDJP 26.97 22.46 26.29 102 26.30 26.24 -.68 -.5 WisdTrMdE Q GULF 1.10e 6.3 18.42 15.28 0 17.58 22 17.88 17.50 +.05 +5.3 WT LgSEq N DYLS 29.19 25.23 15 28.70 45 29.09 28.45 -.40 +4.6 WT SCDiv N HGSD 24.88 19.86 20 24.39 20 24.39 24.22 -.10 +1.6 WT GlSmC N GSD 31.04 25.29 30.20 10 30.47 29.97 -.41 +2.4sWTJpnDiv N JDG 25.96 22.80 25.74 4 25.96 25.74 +.24 +6.6 WTUSEnYd N AGGY 1.44 2.9 53.41 49.01 8 49.83 56 49.87 49.53 +.32 +.5sWTIntSCDv N HDLS .37e 26.07 20.78 25.68 5 26.07 25.63 -.38 +4.8sWTEurSmC N EUSC .53e 27.98 21.78 19 27.88 705 27.98 27.41 +.08 +7.9 WT PutStr N PUTW 29.27 25.48 23 28.01 187 28.36 28.00 -.27 +2.5 WT JpDvG N JHDG 25.42 19.87 1 24.96 10 25.23 24.70 -.24 +2.6sWTIntHDv N IHDG .70e 1.5 28.60 24.01 84 28.48 422 28.60 28.16 -.01 +8.1sWT EurDiv N EUDG .51e 2.2 23.15 19.81 2 23.25 4 23.31 22.94 +.11 +10.0 WT SCQDv Q DGRS .66e 2.0 35.07 26.78 18 32.33 117 33.46 32.07 -1.08 -4.9 WT USQDv Q DGRW .59e 1.7 36.03 29.98 186 35.43 790 36.01 35.33 -.43 +6.5sWT EurHdg N HEDJ 3.51e 2.4 62.36 47.27 1260 62.03 9832 62.36 61.27 +.01 +8.1 WTEMCpBd Q EMCB 3.18 4.5 71.91 66.47 26 71.35 103 71.59 70.69 +.30 +2.6 WT AsiaDb N ALD 1.02 2.3 46.30 42.29 1 44.30 6 44.49 44.22 +.26 +4.0 WTEmLDbt N ELD 1.74 4.6 38.95 34.57 16 38.04 168 38.07 37.69 +.39 +6.3 WT GRRtn N RRF .81e .9 41.92 38.23 104 40.77 353 40.77 39.82 +.90 +2.9 GrnHCmdty N GCC 20.80 18.25 18 19.23 206 19.39 19.22 -.05 -.5 WisdomTr Q WETF .32 3.7 23 13.32 8.00 1024 8.59 6678 9.04 8.47 -.45 -22.9sWT Diefa N DWM .74e 1.5 50.32 41.51 43 49.87 317 50.32 49.51 -.05 +7.5sWT DefaEq N DTH 1.75e 4.3 40.83 33.54 23 40.48 192 40.83 40.10 -.11 +6.2 WTDv exF N DTN 2.48e 3.0 84.05 72.40 11 82.30 96 83.47 82.06 -1.16 +2.5 WTEurEq N DEW 1.75e 3.9 45.47 39.37 2 45.02 34 45.45 44.71 -.38 +3.6sWTEurSC N DFE 1.48e 2.5 59.75 47.40 37 59.33 313 59.75 58.47 +.22 +8.6 WT EqInco N DHS 2.10e 3.1 69.74 62.18 37 68.42 161 69.15 68.25 -.68 +1.7 WTIntD exF N DOO 2.01e 5.1 40.14 34.58 9 39.68 108 40.00 39.30 -.13 +6.2sWT IntLC N DOL 1.69e 3.7 46.00 38.28 25 45.52 137 46.00 45.22 -.09 +6.3sWTIntMC N DIM 1.53e 2.5 60.61 49.14 15 60.02 86 60.61 59.50 -.28 +8.4sWTIntSC N DLS 1.16e 1.8 66.31 53.16 43 65.72 432 66.31 65.10 -.04 +9.5sWTGxUSDv N DNL .99e 2.0 50.86 44.35 1 50.55 18 50.86 49.98 +.30 +9.7sWTJpnSC N DFJ .70e 1.0 68.01 52.49 12 67.60 115 68.01 66.89 -.01 +9.2 WTJpHedg N DXJ 2.98e 1.5 52.38 37.05 2665 50.75 15139 51.78 50.07 -.81 +2.4 WT LCD N DLN 1.84e 2.2 84.49 72.04 37 82.82 295 83.95 82.56 -.90 +3.7 WT MCD N DON 2.28e 2.4 99.26 84.00 80 96.58 526 98.20 95.81 -1.62 +2.3sWTAustDiv N AUSE 1.46e 2.6 57.05 45.43 3 56.03 26 57.05 54.98 -.93 +8.9sWTAsiaPxJ N AXJL 2.22e 3.5 64.75 53.39 0 64.18 9 64.75 63.51 +.18 +11.9 WT SC N DES 1.92e 2.4 84.36 66.32 75 78.99 597 80.94 78.09 -2.08 -4.5 WT TotDv N DTD 2.05e 2.4 85.70 72.88 14 83.89 62 84.96 83.47 -1.11 +3.2tWT MgdFut N WDTI 43.27 39.31 20 39.45 112 39.89 39.31 -.29 -4.8 WT EmCur N CEW 18.46 17.21 19 18.43 27 18.45 18.28 +.14 +5.4 WTChiYuan N CYB .10e 25.17 22.89 7 24.24 30 24.26 24.04 +.08 +4.2 WTAuNZDb N AUNZ .30 1.6 19.10 16.89 18.27 17 18.39 18.24 +.12 +7.0 WTBrzReal N BZF 18.85 14.00 30 18.50 118 18.72 18.28 +.04 +8.6sWTESCDv N DGS 1.29e 2.8 45.56 35.70 89 45.57 558 45.60 44.89 +.50 +16.5sWT EmEq N DEM 1.80e 4.3 41.82 32.66 588 41.55 1772 41.82 41.14 +.26 +11.3 WTEMQDv Q DGRE .67e 2.8 23.90 20.00 3 23.71 30 23.74 23.39 +.38 +12.3 WTGxUSRe N DRW 1.22e 4.3 29.68 24.84 3 28.41 52 28.59 28.06 +.22 +12.5 WT UKHEq Q DXPS 1.09e 3.2 27.15 22.27 4 24.38 121 24.80 24.27 -.46 +4.5 WT JpCapG N DXJC 3.43e 2.2 25.85 17.63 4 25.05 43 25.69 24.90 -.62 +2.7 WT NegAB Q AGND .78 1.8 44.62 41.42 1 43.89 4 44.14 43.80 -.23 -1.1 WT IntHdg Q AGZD .84 1.7 48.41 46.64 3 48.11 9 48.15 48.10 -.04 -.4 WT NegHY Q HYND .90e 4.3 23.28 18.10 3 21.00 14 21.26 20.97 -.28 -2.3 WT India N EPI .22e .9 23.95 18.65 2440 23.78 13898 23.90 23.40 +.05 +17.7 WT IntHY Q HYZD 1.02 4.3 26.10 20.81 21 23.89 142 24.05 23.85 -.13 sWTGermH Q DXGE 1.39e 2.4 29.99 23.08 56 29.86 152 29.99 29.35 -.05 +4.8 WT JpHFn N DXJF 3.48e 1.1 25.70 15.65 13 23.99 338 24.94 23.51 -.87 WTUSDBull N USDU 1.78e 28.53 25.61 13 27.01 276 27.25 27.00 -.24 -3.4 WT JpSCEq Q DXJS 1.10e .6 38.78 27.26 13 37.84 112 38.49 37.21 -.50 +4.5 WTEMCnG Q EMCG .59e 2.6 23.51 19.48 1 22.85 22 23.02 22.40 +.37 +13.5 WT LowPE N EZY .90e 1.3 71.99 59.52 2 69.71 153 70.99 69.39 -1.67 +3.1tWT SCErn N EES .95e 3.0 100.17 30.85 35 31.38 152 32.47 30.85 -.95 -67.9 WT MCEr s N EZM 36.05 28.71 48 34.83 301 35.57 34.41 -.75 WT Ern500 N EPS 1.36e 1.7 83.33 66.23 3 81.32 10 82.49 80.98 -1.44 +5.3 WT TotErn N EXT 1.49e 1.8 85.76 67.99 1 83.32 8 85.04 82.95 -1.22 +4.5tWT JpnRE N DXJR 2.14e 3.3 27.23 13.37 1 13.51 17 13.60 13.37 -.05 -2.2 Q WIX 71.10 19.07 340 66.65 2442 70.10 65.20 -1.95 +49.6 WolvBcp Q WBKC 1.60e 4.8 23 35.00 25.37 2 33.18 4 33.90 33.05 -.72 +5.0 WolvWW N WWW .24 1.0 18 26.41 16.44 366 24.92 2281 25.49 24.03 -.52 +13.5 Woodward Q WWD .50f .7 23 72.28 50.70 279 66.73 1416 69.29 65.47 -2.11 -3.4 WooriBank N WF 38.30 23.77 1 36.00 13 37.33 35.59 -.99 +12.5 Workday N WDAY 93.35 65.79 1208 82.95 6681 86.25 80.61 -2.01 +25.5tWorkhrs rs Q WKHS 11.70 1.85 85 2.10 1005 2.37 1.85 -.25 -70.3 Workiva N WK 19.04 11.14 130 15.10 682 16.20 14.85 -.90 +10.6 WldAccept Q WRLD 5 68.83 32.40 68 48.55 390 53.15 48.14 -3.70 -24.5tWorldFuel N INT .24 .7 14 51.01 35.14 1097 35.14 4322 37.02 34.95 -1.84 -23.5 WldPntTm N WPT 1.20 7.4 16 17.90 13.35 11 16.15 102 16.35 16.08 -.18 -2.4 WldW Ent N WWE .48 2.2 51 23.14 15.55 572 21.95 2960 22.30 20.84 +.86 +19.3 Worthgtn N WOR .80 1.6 16 62.44 34.21 291 49.17 2155 52.28 48.94 -2.79 +3.6sWrightMed Q WMGI 31.01 15.52 1183 31.06 7121 31.31 29.02 +1.76 +35.2 Wyndham N WYN 2.00 2.4 17 86.72 62.60 772 84.23 4855 84.93 82.14 -.03 +10.3sWynn Q WYNN 2.00 1.8 34 114.08 82.51 1616 111.92 15557 114.08 110.00 +1.73 +29.4X-Y-Z:xG Tech rs Q XGTI 10.10 .68 215 1.59 3376 1.69 1.40 +.10 +17.8 XL Grp N XL .88f 2.2 10 41.39 30.33 1121 39.83 5995 40.47 39.68 -.38 +6.9 XO Group N XOXO 37 20.99 14.99 81 16.95 555 17.40 16.50 -.26 -12.9 XOMA rs Q XOMA 4 19.00 3.96 228 6.76 1472 7.15 5.27 +1.41 +60.2 XPO Logis N XPO 47 54.70 22.23 869 46.14 4952 49.67 45.68 -3.31 +6.9 XTL Bio rs Q XTLB 7.85 1.93 5 2.57 69 2.59 2.25 -19.1 Xactly n N XTLY 16.10 6.10 89 11.75 668 12.35 11.20 -.60 +6.8 XBiotech n Q XBIT 25.00 8.35 179 18.96 1086 19.90 15.58 +2.68 +87.4tXcelBrnds Q XELB 9 6.75 2.55 15 2.30 157 3.90 2.30 -1.40 -47.7 XcelEngy N XEL 1.44f 3.2 21 45.42 38.00 2143 44.77 14292 44.94 43.45 +.92 +10.0 Xcerra Q XCRA 9.25 5.14 294 8.85 1457 9.19 8.53 -.30 +15.8 Xencor Q XNCR 44 29.38 10.95 169 24.53 1167 24.75 22.80 +.42 -6.8 XeneticB n Q XBIO 5.75 3.31 0 3.89 6 3.89 3.50 -.01 -9.5 XeniaHtls n N XHR 1.10 6.6 9 19.87 14.49 259 16.59 1541 17.23 16.25 -.51 -14.6 XenithB rs Q XBKS 3 30.13 16.70 30 24.27 193 25.26 22.61 -.92 -13.9stXenonPhm Q XENE 9.95 5.65 3074 4.65 3971 9.95 4.30 -3.45 -39.6 Xerium N XRM 22 9.16 4.15 22 5.39 131 5.39 4.81 +.66 -4.1 Xerox N XRX .25m 3.5 10 7.69 5.72 6632 7.19 42034 7.44 7.10 -.17 +25.0 Xilinx Q XLNX 1.32 2.3 26 62.24 41.53 1369 58.63 9433 60.67 58.56 -1.45 -2.9 XinyuanRE N XIN .40 8.9 4 7.06 4.07 64 4.47 452 4.75 4.45 -.08 -9.9 Xperi Q XPER .80 2.1 29 45.95 28.57 460 37.25 3423 38.60 35.85 +1.45 -15.7 XploreTch Q XPLR 4.00 1.82 79 2.01 136 2.17 2.00 -.08 -.5 XtantMed N XTNT 3.70 .29 320 .56 3969 .78 .50 -.08 +1.8 Xunlei Ltd Q XNET 7.49 3.51 45 3.82 395 4.15 3.82 -.33 -1.0 Xylem N XYL .72f 1.5 24 54.99 39.66 1292 49.22 6717 49.61 47.92 +.06 -.6sYPF Soc N YPF .14e .6 24.18 15.00 709 23.78 5120 24.18 22.06 +.48 +44.1 YRC Wwde Q YRCW 89 16.97 7.91 415 10.65 2506 11.60 10.64 -1.00 -19.8 YY Inc Q YY 11 63.96 31.07 1023 46.30 6249 51.05 45.67 -4.71 +17.5sYahoo Q YHOO 47.19 33.93 5534 46.40 32865 47.19 45.60 -.19 +20.0 Yamana g N AUY .02 .7 56 5.99 2.46 7813 2.78 43546 2.89 2.71 +.01 -1.1 Yandex Q YNDX 25.00 14.60 1080 22.41 8321 23.67 22.02 -1.21 +11.3 Yatra n Q YTRA 10.68 7.71 48 9.36 369 9.69 8.65 +.66 +.1 Yelp N YELP 43.41 18.71 2624 32.48 11200 35.03 32.33 -1.63 -14.8 Yld10Bios s Q YTEN 2.25 .25 14 .37 67 .41 .35 -.05 +5.1 YingliGr rs N YGE 5.30 1.85 18 2.06 304 2.20 1.88 +.18 -20.8sYintechIn n Q YIN 22.97 10.92 158 19.97 1459 22.97 19.39 +.14 +21.8 Yirendai n N YRD 42.34 9.45 569 24.94 3243 25.58 23.33 +1.62 +20.4 YorkWater Q YORW .64 1.9 37 39.85 26.54 17 34.00 119 35.40 33.80 -1.45 -11.0 YulngE lfn Q YECO 5.10 .83 16 .90 81 .95 .84 -.02 +2.9 YumBrnds N YUM 1.20p 1.9 17 91.99 59.57 3233 63.58 14968 64.42 63.01 -.29 +.4 Yum China N YUMC 30.37 23.79 2274 26.14 16938 27.10 26.10 -.14 +.1 YumaEn rs N YUMA 4.50 .02 7 2.31 74 2.49 2.20 -.19 -32.1 YuMe N YUME 4.36 3.11 47 3.90 340 3.94 3.60 +.28 +8.9 ZTO Exp n N ZTO 18.45 11.14 1444 12.67 6812 12.99 12.24 -.02 +5.0 Zafgen Q ZFGN 8.28 2.89 198 4.60 1241 4.87 4.25 +.26 +44.7 Zagg Q ZAGG 9.23 4.71 200 6.45 1432 7.40 6.40 -.70 -9.2 Zais Grp Q ZAIS 1.60 54.8 5.98 1.29 12309 2.92 12616 4.19 2.01 +.64 +98.6 ZayoGrp N ZAYO 35.65 23.25 1357 33.26 13689 34.01 32.98 -.03 +1.2 ZebraT Q ZBRA 93.61 46.13 172 86.73 1199 91.23 85.00 -4.02 +1.1 Zedge n N ZDGE 7.85 2.56 22 3.11 111 3.34 3.11 -.17 -.6 ZeltiqAes Q ZLTQ 56.18 23.58 1116 55.80 4961 55.90 55.48 -.08 +28.2 Zendesk N ZEN 31.88 19.16 734 26.86 3271 28.10 26.36 -.76 +26.7 Zhaopin N ZPIN 31 18.36 13.70 4 17.09 42 17.46 17.02 -.41 +13.1 ZillowA s Q ZG 39.99 20.87 349 33.52 2334 36.19 33.09 -2.52 -8.0 ZillowC n Q Z 39.88 19.63 1123 33.71 7809 36.51 33.25 -2.65 -7.6 ZimmerBio N ZBH .96 .8 15 133.21 95.63 684 120.66 5372 123.15 120.11 -1.01 +16.9 ZionO&G Q ZN 1.90 1.07 68 1.16 375 1.25 1.15 -.07 -15.3 Zions pfA N ZBpA 1.02 4.3 25.99 21.52 2 23.60 11 23.80 23.32 -.09 +1.6tZions pfF N ZBpF 27.33 25.37 163 25.43 188 25.43 25.32 +.02 -.8 Zions pfG N ZBpG 1.60 5.8 33.00 25.44 6 27.69 32 27.71 27.05 +.26 +3.8 ZionsBcp Q ZION .32 .8 21 48.33 23.02 2800 40.91 16080 43.75 39.56 -2.85 -4.9 ZionsB wt20 Q ZIONW 15.03 1.62 26 10.39 186 12.40 9.29 -2.11 -11.6 ZionBc 28 N ZBK 1.74 6.0 31.99 27.20 3 28.93 11 29.64 28.84 -.50 +3.8 ZionBc pfH N ZBpH 1.44 5.7 26.41 23.30 10 25.08 80 25.12 24.95 +.11 +4.3 Ziopharm Q ZIOP 9.19 4.45 774 5.88 6108 6.31 5.68 -.47 +9.9 Zix Corp Q ZIXI 31 5.41 3.55 224 4.63 1286 5.13 4.60 -.44 -6.3 ZoesKitchn N ZOES 41.76 16.39 337 17.04 2187 17.24 16.53 +.38 -29.0 Zoetis N ZTS .42f .8 25 56.50 41.86 2315 53.85 13797 54.79 53.24 -.15 +.6 Zogenix rs Q ZGNX 13.70 7.33 167 10.45 950 11.13 10.00 -.25 -14.0 ZosanoPh h Q ZSAN 3.54 .45 2052 1.73 13740 2.07 1.55 +.18 +121.8 Zumiez Q ZUMZ 21 26.55 13.50 233 17.20 2059 18.08 16.45 -.75 -21.3 ZweigFd N ZF 1.01e 9.1 13.26 10.60 141 11.05 918 11.42 10.96 +.03 -8.6 Zynerba n Q ZYNE 23.75 6.02 204 19.65 1272 20.10 18.30 +.68 +26.0 Zynga Q ZNGA 3.08 2.13 4030 2.80 29971 2.84 2.71 +8.9 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 20 The Sun/Saturday, March 25, 2017
KingldJw KGJI 1.18 +.03 Kingstone KINS 15.15 -.20 KitovPh n KTOV 2.04 +.00 KitovPh wt KTOVW .52 Koss h KOSS 2.12 -.07L -LCNB Corp LCNB 22.55 +.35 LRAD h LRAD 1.47 -.05 LaJollaPh LJPC 34.92 -.10 Landcad un LCAHU 10.68 -.02 LandsEnd LE |