Tips for grandparents helping to raise children4.9 million American children are being raised solely by their grandparents. FAITH & FAMILY, Page B1 SEBRING „ Two Highlands County deputies have been cleared in the fatal shooting of a man following a “vemonth investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement In a letter written Thursday to Highlands County Sheriff Paul Blackman, Assistant State Attorney Steve Houchin said that deputies Cory Tomblin and Brian Van Fleet shot JaÂquar Mathis on Oct. 7, 2016, after Mathis pointed a gun at them. ÂAfter considering the facts and applicable law, we have concluded that the actions of Deputies Tomblin and Van Fleet were justi“ed under Chapter 776, Florida Statutes. As such, this of“ce will take no further action regarding these of“cers,ÂŽ Houchin wrote. Although the of“cers each reported “ring their weapons twice, Mathis sustained only three bullet wounds, according to the reports. Mathis died while being transported to a trauma center. The report says that Mathis ignored multiple requests to drop his weapon and show his hands. The FDLE determined that after being shot three times, Mathis threw his gun into an apartment. That weapon contained Mathis palm print, the report said. On Friday, Blackman met with community leaders regarding the investigation. He announced that Tomlin and Van Fleet will soon be returned to full duty. They had been doing primarily of“ce jobs since the shooting. Blackman also provided a presentation telling the results of the report, as well as showing a video of deputies pursuing a vehicle driven by Mathis. After the deputies reach the apartments, sounds of gun“re are heard, but thereÂs no video of the shootings. Blackman said the vehicle driven by Mathis rammed patrol vehicles twice. Many of the people at the meeting talked about the Report: Deputies cleared in shooting manBY JAY MEISELSTAFF WRITER JAY MEISEL/ STAFFHighlands County Sheri Paul Blackman speaks to community leaders about the results of the Florida Department of Law EnforcementÂs investigation into the fatal shooting of JaÂquar Mathis by two deputies on Oct. 7. Near him is voluminous pile of documents related to the case. SEBRING „ Sears, Kmart and J.C. Penney have announced nationwide store closings this year, but Gene Pollard says Radio Shack in Lake Placid wonÂt be on that list. ÂWeÂve owned this store since 1983,ÂŽ Pollard said. ÂRegardless of what happens with Radio Shack or the parent company, weÂre going to stay open. We get stock from other vendors as well.ÂŽ Highlands Electronics, which carries Radio Shack brands, is at 60 Tower St. in Lake Placid. ÂA few years ago, there were four of us: the mall, which was a company store; Avon Park, which closed several months ago; Sebring and us,ÂŽ Pollard said. The Sebring corporate store, 3230 U.S. 27 S., will remain open, Pollard said he was told. An employee con“rmed the Sebring store is receiving stock from the 187 stores the Fort Worth corporation said it will shutter this month. Some have already shut down. The company “led for Chapter 11 reorganization last week. About 1,800 stores will remain open. ÂThere are just 400 of us like my store left in the U.S.,ÂŽ Pollard said. The latest round of Sears and Kmart store closures will not affect locations in Lakeshore Mall. Sears Holdings said on Dec. 27 the company had informed associates at 30 Kmart and 16 Sears stores that stores would be closing this spring. In January, the company informed associates of closures at another 78 Kmart and 26 Sears stores. The Sebring Sears and Kmart stores were not on either closure list, but the next-closest Sears at Eagle Ridge Mall in Lake Wales is on the Dec. 27 closure list. It was the only Sears store in Florida to cease operations. Sarasota and Port Charlotte are among the nine Florida Kmart stores that are slated for closure. On Feb. 24, J.C. Penney Co. announced it is planning to ÂoptimizeÂŽ its national retail operations and make the Plano, Texas company more pro“table. Two distribution facilities and 130 to 140 stores Radio Shack, Sears, Kmart to stay openBy GARY PINNELLSTAFF WRITERPenneyÂs Sebring store not on closure listCLOSURE | 5SEBRING „ An avid fan who never missed a 12 Hours of Sebring visited again this year to stay „ for good. George ÂPatÂŽ Petrick of St. Petersburg, who never missed the annual Sebring race since 1953, died on Feb. 18 at age 78. His son, Steve Petrick, also a diehard fan, saw to it „ with help from Sebring International Raceway General Manager Wayne Estes „ that he could spread some of his dadÂs ashes on the start/“nish line and hairpin turn. George Petrick actually didnÂt move to Florida until 1964. With dual bachelorÂs and masterÂs degrees in engineering from Drexel University, he was an accomplished aerospace engineer who contributed to development of rocket technology for NASAÂs early space exploration efforts, satellite communications, Avid fan to rest at Raceway „ foreverPHIL ATTINGERSTAFF WRITERGeorge Petrick, 78, to have ashes spread at SIR start, hairpinPETRICK | 5 PHIL ATTINGER/STAFFÂThe Pit Crew for the 65th Annual Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring, fueled by ÂFresh from Florida, carries on the tradition started by George Petrick. They are, crouching, Chuck Whalen and Chris Kinslow, and standing from left to right, Zach Nevlett, Dave Weaver Sr., Chris Goodall, Steve Petrick (GeorgeÂs son), Jim Homan, Joe Hernandez Sr., Joe Hernandez Jr., Dave Weaver Jr., Louis Garcia and Dan Coryan. SEBRING „ Roger Warrick put the “nishing touches Friday morning on a painting of the Corvette Racing teamÂs duo of bright yellow C7.R-model Corvettes at the 12 Hours of Sebring. However, the Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer didnÂt get to auction it off right away, as planned, said founder Amy Jo Osborn. The tent emptied after a meet-and-greet session with the team, but that didnÂt dampen spirits for Foundation volunteers. The auction is scheduled for 9:45 a.m. today at the Corvette Corral. They had another auction shortly after noon at the Wayne Taylor Racing transporter in the Competitor Paddock, to raise funds for a charity that helps child cancer patients and their families cope with the struggle against cancer. Meanwhile, Warrick geared up to do three more paintings, live in front of audiences. ÂItÂs better than bringing one in,ÂŽ Warrick said. ÂI think (it helps) to see it appear before their eyes. TheyÂve had time to see it happen.ÂŽ The process involves sketching out a rough draft on the stretched canvas ahead of time, then going back over it in oils to Âbring it to life a little bit,ÂŽ Warrick said. Bringing people back to life is the purpose of the Foundation. Osborn, in her narrative on www. who-we-are/, said she and her husband, Jim, had a beautiful baby boy on Aug. 15, 2006. They named him Austin Hatcher Osborn „ ÂHatch,ÂŽ for short. At Painting for a causePHIL ATTINGERSTAFF WRITERFour live artworks at race to help Austin Hatcher Foundation PHIL ATTINGER/STAFFRoger Warrick nishes a painting of Corvette RacingÂs team for the 65th Annual Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring, fueled by ÂFresh from Florida.ÂŽ The painting will be auctioned o during the race to Corvette owners to raise funds for the Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer, a charity that helps families cope with cancer treatments.PAINTING | 5 SHOOTING | 5 Good Morning To Madeline Ooley Thanks for reading! Comics/Crossword A4, 7-8, B5-7 Faith & Family ....................... B1 Lottery ................................. SP2 Local Sports ................... A10-12 Obituaries ............................. A5 Viewpoints ......................... A6-7 newssun TheNewsSun AN EDITION OF THE SUNYOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1919HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN VOL. 98 | NO. 77 | $1.00 Saturday, March 18, 2017
A2 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 The Highlands News-Sun (USPS 487-900ISSN 2473-0068) is published daily by Glen Nickerson at the Highlands News-Sun, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870. Periodical postage paid at Lakeland, FL and additional entry oce(s). All material contained herein is the property of the Highlands News-Sun, which is an aliate of Sun Coast Media Group. Reproduction in whole or part is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher. All material submitted for publication becomes the property of the newspaper and may be edited for clarity and space, as well as reprinted, published and used in all media. Postmaster: Send address changes to: Highlands News-Sun, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870. COMMITMENT TO ACCURACY The Highlands News-Sun promptly corrects errors of fact appearing in its news stories. If you believe we have made an error, call the newsroom at 863-385-6155. If you have a question or comment about coverage, write to Pallavi Agarwal, editor, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870; email editor@ or call 863-386-5831. OFFICE Location: 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870 Hours: 8 a.m. Â… 5 p.m. Monday Friday Phone: 863-385-6155 Main Fax: 863-385-1954 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 13 weeks Tax Total $53.30 $4.00 $57.30 26 weeks Tax Total $106.60 $8.00 $114.60 52 weeks Tax Total $213.20 $15.99 $229.19 EZ Pay Tax Total $15.91 $1.19 $17.10 Your newspaper is delivered by an independent contractor. If you do not receive your home delivered newspaper by 6 a.m. on any daily publication date, or 7a.m. on Sunday, please phone the circulation department at 863-385-6155. CIRCULATION MANAGER Kevin Flores, Circulation Manager kevin.ores@highlandnewssun. com SUBMIT NEWS & OBITS Email all obituaries and death notices to Email all other announcements to PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays Tracy Weikel, Classied Account Executive tracy.weikel@highlandsnewssun. com 863-658-0307 LEGAL ADVERTISING Janet Emerson 863-386-5637 RETAIL ADVERTISING Ryan Danzey, Advertising Director 863-386-5629 ryan.danzey@highlandsnewssun. com Cli Yeazel, Advertising Director 863-386-5844 cli.yeazel@highlandsnewssun. com EXECUTIVE EDITOR Romona Washington 863-386-5634 romona.washington@ PUBLISHER Glen Nickerson 863-385-6155 glen.nickerson@ SEBRING „ Hardee County authorities are searching for a missing teenager who may be in Highlands County. Wayne Shields, the father of missing 14-yearold Jasmine Shields, said his daughter was seen earlier this week at the Lakeshore Mall. He said Jasmine Shields was last seen at her home on March 11. She left the home with clothing and jewelry, Shields said. Anyone with information should contact the Wauchula Police Department at 863-773-3265.Missing Hardee County teen may be in HighlandsSTAFF REPORT COURTESY PHOTOJasmine Fields (right) poses with her mother in this photo. Jasmine Fields has been reported missing since March 11.SMARTER 5 THINGS That Will Make You 1. April 15 is Glazed Ham Day. Dec. 18 is National Roast Suckling Pig Day. 2. During the War of 1812, a packer named Uncle Sam Wilson sent off several hundred barrels of pork for the troops. Each package was labeled ÂU.S.ÂŽ and it didnÂt take long for ÂUncle SamÂŽ to be a household name for the government. 3. Ham is the number one sandwich eaten in U.S. households. 4. In Denmark, there are twice as many pigs as people. 5. Pork tenderloin cuts are almost as lean as skinless chicken breasts. Source: pork-fun-facts/ CORRECTIONIn the Friday edition of the Highlands News-Sun, a front page story, ÂAP mall: Focus of upcoming workshop,ÂŽ should have stated the workshop date is March 30. The joint workshop of the Avon Park City Council and the Avon Park CRA Advisory Board will start at 6 p.m. at the Avon Park Community Center. Must “nance with Nissan or lose $2000 of discounts. Sales tax, title tag fee, $899 dealer fee additional. MARCH SALES EVENT! adno=3425727 Community, Friendship & Fun...PRICELESSDirections: US 27 S. From Sebring turn right on Lake Francis Rd., take Venetian Parkway, Follow signs to model home.$85/month Includes:Full Amenities € Cable TV Lawn Mowing For More Information Call 863-610-2202 Ohio Model (Move in ready)$156,900 w/lotOne car garage, vaulted ceiling, open floor plan, tile bathroom, tile flooring in the living room and kitchen and carpet in bedrooms. Granite countertops, stainless steel appliances included, garage door opener, cultured marble windowsills, lever style door hardware, irrigation system, lot included.Brand new houses starting at $149,900 w/lot! Pennsylvania ModelStarting at $179,900 w/lotTwo car garage, vaulted ceiling, crown molding, open door plan, fully sodded with Floratam sod, tile bathrooms, vinyl plank flooring in the living room, kitchen and bedrooms. granite countertops, stainless steel appliances included, garage door opener, cultured marble windowsills, lever style door hardware, irrigation systems, lot included. Fully Amenitized Community. OPEN HOUSE SAT. 10A 5P € SUN. 12-3P SOLD adno=3431981 adno=3422881
A4 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 BEETLE BAILEY By Mort Walker HI AND LOIS By Br i an and Greg Walker HAGAR THE HORRIBLE By Chris Browne THE WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart B.C. By Mastroianni & Hart MOTHER GOOSE AND GRIMM By Mike Peters PICKLES By Brian Crane MARMADUKE By Brad Anderson Cryptoquip 2011 by King Features Syndicate Challenger YesterdayÂs Challenger Answers It has been called AmericaÂs greatest car race. SebringÂs claim to fame is the historic 12 Hours of Sebring. For over 60 years the worldÂs leading drivers and manufacturers have competed here in our home town. I look forward to and appreciate the unique culture that is to be found at the track during race week. Almost everyone has their favorite spot and pastime. Race enthusiasts, party animals and regular folk all converge on the 3.74-mile track each year, each for their own purpose. Some are intense about the race, more are there to cut loose, and a small percentage are just there to watch it all go down. One of the things I like most about the race is hearing all the urban legends about the race. There is a page on the Sebring Raceway website that lists several of these legends. According to their website, a hearse carrying a casket and a checkered ”ag once made a lap, and there is a Ford GT buried at the track. In 1941, Hendricks Field was built near Sebring as an Army Air Force training base. Just four years later, it was deactivated and became the Sebring Regional Airport. It was 1950 when Alec Ulmann suggested the Sebring Regional Airport as the race site. That “rst event was called the Sam Collier 6 Hour Memorial race and was held on Dec. 31, 1950. It was the “rst racing event ever held in Sebring and the “rst sports car endurance race held in the United States. Two years later, on March 15, 1952 the 12 Hours of Sebring was born. 1966 was a notable year. During the “rst Trans Am race, four spectators were killed in an incident at Webster Turn, and Dan GurneyÂs Ford, leading with two minutes left in the race stopped on the track. The poor driver tried to push the car across the “nish line, but the Miles/ Ruby Ford passed him in the “nal minute. It was a heartbreaking loss. What about the year that the race was canceled and thousands of fans showed up anyway? A little bit of research on the Sebring Raceway site reveals this is a true story. The race was in fact canceled due to an energy crisis, and somewhere between 500 and 5,000 fans showed up anyway. Now thatÂs dedication. In 1983, the Sebring Airport Authority took over the promotion of the race. That year saw the “rst major circuit change in 20 years as a new section of track was made to bypass a runway. In 1987, the track was recon“gured again, resulting in a new 4.11-mile course that bypassed all of the airport runways (change was needed, some drivers had posted over 10-minute lap times because they were getting lost on the back stretch). In 1990 the track was resurfaced and a new paddock bridge was built. The Chicane was relocated and named the Fangio Chicane in 1995, and the last major change to the track happened in 1998 when the hairpin turn was recon“gured. With the gorgeous weather and the wonderful energy among the spectators, this year will surely rank among the best of years past. We love our race. ThereÂs nothing else quite like it in the world, but even more than the race, we love our race fans, and thatÂs why you see the banners all over Sebring, Welcome race fans!12 Hours has plenty of quirky facts, urban legends IMPRESSIONSCHRIS HUTCHINS
Saturday, March 18, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A5 OBITUARIESRobert L. GunthorpRobert Lee Gunthorp passed away on his 79th birthday, Wednesday, March 15, 2017, in Sebring, Florida. He was born in Sturgis, Michigan, to the late Clarence W. and Marjorie P (Grubaugh) Gunthorp. Robert proudly served our country with the U.S. Navy.He moved to Lorida in 1979 and was a truck driver until retirement. He was a member of Spring Lake Presbyterian Church. Robert loved working on cars and tinkering in the garage. Survivors include his wife, Carolyn L. Gunthorp of Lorida, Florida; children, Robert Lynn Gunthorp of Zolfo Springs, Florida, Timothy J. Gunthorp of Mans“eld, Georgia, and Sandra K. Gunthorp of Kissimmee, Florida; sister, Ruth Anne Aldrich of Sebring, Florida; and four grandchildren. There will be a funeral service at 1 p.m. Monday, March 20, 2017, at Stephenson-Nelson Funeral Home in Sebring with Reverend John Davis of“ciating. The family will receive friends beginning at 11:30 a.m. Entombment will take place immediately following the service at Lakeview Memorial Gardens, Avon Park, Florida. In lieu of ”owers, the family has requested donations to the charity of your choice. Services entrusted to Stephenson-Nelson Funeral Home, 4001 Sebring Parkway, Sebring, FL 33870. Online condolences may be left at www. Ann NewboultAnn Newboult, 93, of Lake Placid, passed away Sunday, March 12, 2017, in the loving care of her family. Ann was born in Passaic Essex, New Jersey. She was the daughter of the late Stanley and Anna Newick. She married Robert E. Newboult in Miami in 1953. She received a bachelorÂs degree in nursing, later working at Jackson Memorial and Miami Heart Institute, before moving to Lake Placid in 1969. She taught the nurseÂs aid class at South Florida State College in the early years. She worked at Walker Memorial Hospital as a charge nurse and Highlands Regional Medical Center in the emergency room and intensive care unit, Highlands County Health Department, and was director of nurses at Desoto Memorial Hospital. Ann was preceded in death by her husband, Robert (Bob) Newboult; two sisters, Betty and Mabel; and one brother, Stanley. She is survived by her children, George Bigelow, Robert Newboult Jr., Tom Newboult (Karol), and Penny Lewis (Keith); grandchildren, Julie, Michael, Erin, Cory, and Christopher; and several great-grandchildren. In lieu of ”owers, the family has requested memorial contributions be made to Good Shepherd Hospice, 1110 Hammock Road, Sebring, FL 33870. SEBRING „ As the grasses and vines with shallow roots green up with the recent rainfall, the Florida Forest Service, Okeechobee District, wants to remind residents to be vigilant with wild“re prevention. According to the Keetch-Byram Drought Index, inadequate rainfall has depleted the moisture content in deeper rooted fuels, such as shrubs and trees. ÂLarger diameter trees will take a longer time to regain moisture compared to shallow rooted grasses. In addition, most of FloridaÂs native plants have oils and resins that contribute to the susceptibility for burning,ÂŽ a Forestry news release states. Moderate drought has created a fuel condition that supports “res of longer duration and more extreme “re behavior than would normally be expected. The Forest Service is asking for the communityÂs help in reducing wild“res caused by vehicles. Dead fuels, such as leaves, sticks and twigs, hold far less moisture, and pulling off to the side of the road into dead vegetation can ignite a wild“re, Forestry of“cials said. ÂThe most common way is when the dead vegetation touches the vehicle exhaust system, including the catalytic converter, which can reach up to 1,400 degrees. With the right weather conditions, all forms of motorized vehicles including cars, golf carts, motorcycles, airboats, All-Terrain Vehicles or side by side (UTVs) can be “re starters,ÂŽ “re of“cials said. They offered a few tips to reduce wild“res: € A loose safety chain or muf”er striking a rock or pavement will send a shower of sparks into dry vegetation. Ensure all parts of your vehicle are secure and not dragging. € Driving on an exposed wheel rim throws sparks. Poorly lubricated wheel bearings can overheat and ignite, and worn out brakes can drop hot material into the grass. Take the time to check your tire pressure and look for indicators of wear and tear on a tire. € Engine compartments can collect debris and ignite a spark. Worn-out catalytic converters can degrade and cast off extremely hot pieces of material. A faulty spark arrestor can shed hot metal. Take the time to maintain and clean exhaust systems and spark arresters. € Avoid driving vehicles off the road when itÂs hot and dry because that will increase chances of a “re starting from a vehicle. Driving an off-road vehicle, such as an ATV/ UTV or airboat, can cause sparks to ”y out through the exhaust system. The key here is to equip the vehicle with spark arresters. € Oil and transmission ”uid are highly ”ammable and if the vehicle is leaking, then itÂs time for a maintenance check. The Forest Service wants to remind the community to have a “re extinguisher and know how to use it. Dead leaf litter/grass wild“res are dangerous because they burn at an accelerated rate since the Âfuel is so small and “ne,ÂŽ Forestry of“cials added. Those who accidentally ignite the grass, should call 911. For questions about burn authorizations and wild“re prevention, call 863-655-6407 for the Highlands County of“ce.Fire officials warn about wildfires caused by vehiclesSPECIAL TO THE HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUNwill be closed over the next few months. The department store will close 138 stores, two in Florida, but the Lakeshore Mall store has been spared from the chopping block. The two Florida stores closing are in Jacksonville and Palatka. Most of the affected stores will begin liquidating April 17, the company said in a news release.CLOSUREFROM PAGE 1 and propulsion for the F-22 Raptor. His passions, outside of family, were boating and auto racing. The fatherÂs love for motorsport apparently established his sonÂs lifelong friendships. Steve Petrick said his dad “rst brought him to the race in 1981, when he was in “fth grade. Entering high school, he went from a public to private school and found himself without close friends. High school friend Chris Goodall said his father “rst brought him to the race at age 9. While at the race in 1984, at age 14, Goodall said he and some friends came out of the arcade on the Midway to “nd Steve Petrick, the new guy at school. From then on, the two have belonged to a cadre of “ve or more inseparable friends. ÂIt brought us together,ÂŽ Goodall said. ÂIf it wasnÂt for my Dad, I wouldnÂt have “ve of my friends here.ÂŽ At Sebring, the Petrick family and friends took the name ÂThe Pit Crew,ÂŽ with a different vehicle each year called the ÂPit Cruiser.ÂŽ The “rst year was a Ford LTD, but subsequent years the Cruiser was a cut-down passenger van. Over the years, Steve Petrick connected to Sebring Raceway in other ways. In high school, he helped build the track at the Tampa World Challenge. When that closed down, he would come over from St. Petersburg to Sebring Raceway to work on weekends. After college, Steve Petrick raced for “ve years with the SCCA in a 1964 Triumph Spit“re. Goodall currently owns a different 1964 Triumph „ the one George Petrick had when he and his wife “rst moved to Florida from California. It turns out they moved just one week before the 12 Hours of Sebring. Goodall said George Petrick got a hotel room for his wife and drove alone to the race in that Triumph. He never missed a race, Steve Petrick said. George Petrick, who is originally from Baltimore, is survived by his wife, Gail Grimes-Petrick; sons, Steve and PJ; Sister, Betty; and his beloved dog, Max. The family did not hold a service, per se, Steve Petrick said. The ceremony at Sebring Raceway, however, was open to all fans.PETRICKFROM PAGE 1 PHIL ATTINGER/STAFFGeorge Petrick, second from the right, and members of ÂThe Pit CrewÂŽ with their annual vehicle creation, the ÂPit Cruiser.ÂŽ Petrick, who never missed a 12 Hours of Sebring, died Feb.18. With permission from the Sebring International Raceway, he will have some of his ashes spread on the track at the start/nish line and the hairpin turn. the start of his eighth week, he showed strange symptoms. After several doctor visits and a hospital MRI, they learned he had brain tumors. He got progressively worse, and after several procedures, doctors still could not stop the malignancy. He died Oct. 19 that year in his fatherÂs arms. ÂThe pain of this is nearly unspeakable, still. But that pain has created a deep desire to do all we can to help “nd a cure for pediatric cancer,ÂŽ Amy Jo Osborn wrote. ÂWe know we can make a difference in the battle against this dreaded disease.ÂŽ The Foundation is one of two charities supported by the International Motor Sport Association, said Ellis Hygema, who also helped arrange the fundraisers at this yearÂs Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring, Fueled By Fresh from Florida. The Foundation does not accept payments from patients or the government, he said. It works with pediatric hospitals nationwide, not to treat cancer, but to treat the families struggling with the stress of cancer. Hygema said the vast majority of childhood cancers are cured. During treatment, though, the child has to keep up with school work. Parents and siblings adjust to one child being Âspecial,ÂŽ then must readjust when the cancer goes into remission. Volunteers with the Foundation go into hospitals with tutoring programs, Hygema said. Other help comes from specially-designed playrooms, camera-monitored, where parents and children can relax and play. However, psychologists watching monitors feed real-time advice to parents through hidden earphones, to help patients and their siblings adjust or readjust. At the start of race week, Wayne Taylor RacingÂs two lead drivers, Jordan and Ricky Taylor, along with their new co-driver, Alex Lynn, assisted the Foundation during a visit to young patients and families at Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando. As for Warrick, he has spent at least seven years painting works to support the Foundation. One sold for $17,500 during the 2008 Petit Le Mans Charity Weekend, and another sold for $35,000 at Sebring in 2012, according to press information. He said the knowledge that he can raise money so easily gives him motivation, and he admits, when asked, that having people watch him paint helps encourage bidders. ÂPeople appreciate it more when they see it being made,ÂŽ he said.PAINTINGFROM PAGE 1need for programs to steer young people in a different direction. They want a sustained effort that doesnÂt stop as time passes. They talked about a mentoring program where volunteers would be matched with teenagers who need help. The fatal shooting of Mathis occurred during one of the most violent weekends in recent Highlands County history. Hours before the shooting, an argument that possibly stemmed from disagreement over some marijuana, escalated into a shooting where Dequante Yarde, 19, died. Initially, authorities indicated they believed that Michael McCune, 24, shot Yarde and that someone then shot McCune. However, McCune, who has recovered, has not been charged. And no one has been charged in connection with the shooting of McCune. Witnesses told authorities that Mathis was upset over the shooting of Yarde. They said that Mathis, Ricky Nelson and Desmond Edwards then traveled to a neighborhood where they engaged in a gun battle with some residents of a house. Later, Mathis and Nelson returned to the scene in a different vehicle with hopes of not being identi“ed, authorities said. But, authorities said, someone saw them and identi“ed them as being involved in the earlier shooting. Deputies then pursued the men for several miles, heading north toward Avon Park and then south again. They ended up at an apartment. Nelson was later found inside the apartment, while Mathis was shot by deputies. Edwards surrendered himself to authorities.SHOOTINGFROM PAGE 1 PHIL ATTINGER/STAFFRoger Warrick holds up a preliminary sketch for a painting heÂll do to be auctioned o at the Porsche Corral at the 65th Annual Mobil 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring, fueled by ÂFresh from Florida.ÂŽ That and other paintings will raise funds for the Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer, a charity that helps families cope with cancer treatments.
A6 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 www.highlandsnewssun.comI am writing this as I watch my garbage being collected by the regular, rear-loading garbage truck. This is the second week that I have used my nifty new blue garbage cart. Last week, three workers accompanied the same rear-loading truck as they took approximately 25 minutes to empty the Ânice lookingÂŽ carts on my street alone. This week, the company had installed an automated lift to the rear of the truck and only two workers came with it. It still took about 20 minutes to empty the huge carts on my block alone. I spoke with the workers who informed me that they didnÂt have enough automated trucks for use all over Looking for answers VIEWPOINTS IÂve assured my wife that I will do everything to save and preserve her life should she ever be in a life and death scenario. Should she ever be in a hospital hooked up to wires and on the verge of death, doctors and nurses do not have permission to start pulling plugs and rushing hospice into the room. She has assured me the same support. We realize that death will come to both of us and neither of us wants to linger in a vegetative state. Of course we donÂt know what the scenario will be and no one does. We do believe we deserve every chance to pull through if itÂs possible. In 2002, a doctor said this concerning the illness of my “rst wife, ÂShe has fought a hard battle we can let her go on. Or, we can try to do everything we can to extend her life.ÂŽ I opted for the latter. They actually extended her life at least a couple of weeks and she had numerous good visits with her family and two adoring sons. I know we tried everything available to us to extend and save her life. Yet, I will never be free from the disappointment and pain that we could not cure her illness and save her. My wifeÂs grandfather was about to be released from the hospital and seemed to be feeling great. They decided to keep him and soon it seemed they pulled hospice in and he was dead in a couple of days. Please donÂt hear me speaking against hospice. I know they do a wonderful job in many scenarios. Frequently, they appear to be called in too prematurely. It seems to me that doctors, hospital staff and nursing home staff get tired of some people and help them exit life. I realize you may yell that IÂm wrong but IÂm entitled to my opinion. Medical insurance doesnÂt pay forever nor does it cover any and every kind of treatment and option to extend life. When the medical insurance is shaking its head ÂnoÂŽ to further treatments then what happens? Is this when life really ends? I have eulogized over 400 funerals. IÂve made thousands of hospital and nursing home visits. So many times I have witnessed exhausted families and tired, overworked and underpaid intensive care staff caring for a patient who required painstaking treatment and attention. It was at these moments that it seemed I would hear ÂWe have tried and done all we can do.ÂŽ Next, would come the onslaught of morphine shots that were supposedly for pain but in reality they were the death nail to the helpless person who was being exited from life. I donÂt think you or any of us want to be held in this world helplessly tied to a ventilator and multiple devices. On the other hand I donÂt think any of us would mind being plugged up a while if in a couple of weeks we might rouse up and be able to spend a few more months or weeks with our family, eating ice cream or even watching wheel of fortune. This is all dif“cult stuff and I have dear family and friends very involved in the medical profession. IÂm not pointing “ngers at you. IÂm pointing “ngers at all of us. Fight for your loved ones and friends. Value, sustain and protect life as long as you can. An old friend of mine died when she was about ninety years old. She lived alone. She didnÂt have much but she was faithful in church and stayed busy. She was so fortunate in that she was never in the hospital for any length of time. Nobody had talked to her in a couple of days and a friend decided she had better go see about her. She was dead. She was sitting in her chair, the television was playing and she was surrounded with books and newspapers. She had passed on in the surroundings that were enjoyable and familiar to her. I hope we can all be so fortunate. Glenn Mollette is a syndicated columnist and author of 11 books. He is read in all 50 states. Visit; contact him at GMollette@; and like his Facebook page at www. Guest columns are the opinion of the writer, not necessarily that of the Highlands News-Sun.Preserving life, a little longer In 2011, Gov. Rick Scott declared a statewide public health emergency to combat the pill-mill crisis that was killing seven people a day. Six years later, Florida faces an even deadlier killer. This time itÂs heroin, which is killing 10 people a day. As he did with Zika last summer, we urge the governor to recognize the heroin epidemic for what it is „ a public health emergency in urgent need of greater funding, increased awareness and wider distribution of naloxone, a drug used to treat overdoses. ÂThere is no family, no race, no ethnicity, no income level this epidemic cannot touch „ and no effective state bulwark in place to stop it,ÂŽ Senate Democratic Leader Oscar Braynon of Miami Gardens wrote in a letter to the governor. Indeed, Marion County Commissioner Kathy Bryant „ this yearÂs president of the Florida Association of Counties „ lost her brother, Daniel, to an overdose last July. SheÂs not the only county commissioner whoÂs lost someone to heroin, either. The association is seeking more money for mental health care and substance abuse, knowing addicts donÂt generally have insurance for treatment and families can afford only so much. They also want to ensure ambulances are stocked with naloxone, noting some Florida “re departments canÂt afford it. And they seek tougher penalties for people who sell heroin. Sadly, the rise in heroin abuse is associated with the closure of the pain-pill clinics. Plus, heroin is increasingly compounded with fentanyl, a synthetic drug that can be lethal at low doses. Bad batches and uncertainty about potency are part of whatÂs causing so many deaths. Between 2013 and 2014, the Florida Medical Examiners Commission says deaths from heroin increased 124 percent. The next year, heroin deaths rose 80 percent. The trend shows no sign of ebbing. Beyond the human toll, the costs are staggering. The Palm Beach Post investigated the crisis and reports some stunning numbers: In the “rst nine months of 2015, Florida hospitals charged $1.1 billion for heroin-related visits, with many of those bills going unpaid. From 2010 to 2015, Florida hospitals charged $5.7 billion for heroin-related visits, including $2.1 billion to the state Medicaid program. In those same “ve years, hospitals charged $967 million for babies born addicted to heroin. Medicaid was the primary payer in almost all of those cases „ $826 million. Scott spokeswoman Lauren Schenone noted that ScottÂs proposed budget includes $4 million for the Florida Violent Crime and Drug Control Council, of which $2 million will Âbe provided for “nancial assistance to local law enforcement to conduct investigations related to heroin abuse.ÂŽ ThatÂs not nearly enough money. ItÂs expensive to treat addiction, wage public education campaigns and stock ambulances with emergency drugs. These last few months, the governor has been waging the “ght of his political life to secure $85 million in economic incentives to lure businesses to Florida. Let us see equal tenacity in “ghting for Florida families facing the consequences of addiction. Let us see Attorney General Pam Bondi show the same muscle she used in “ghting pill mills to “ght the heroin epidemic. Let the governor call the heroin epidemic what it is: a public health emergency. And let DanielÂs family „ his sister and brothers, his three children, his parents, everyone „ be the last to face the despair of this epidemic on their own. An editorial from the Orlando Sentinel. Online public health emergencyANOTHER VIEW YOUR VIEW Glenn Mollette GUEST COLUMN Glen Nickerson Publisher Pallavi Agarwal Editor Romona Washington Executive Editor Mat Delaney Highlands Sun Editor JOIN THE CONVERSATIONLetters are welcome on virtually any subject, but we do have some rules. We will not accept any Letters to the Editor that mention a business in a negative tone, as they have no means to defend themselves. Please keep Letters to the Editor to less than 250 words. Letters will be edited to length as well as for grammar and spelling. All letters must be signed with full name Â… not initials. An address and telephone number must be included. The phone number and address are not for publication, but must be provided. In the case of letters that are emailed, the same rules apply. Due to the number of letters received, we are able to run only four letters per person per month. The Letters to the Editor section is designed as a public forum for community discourse, and the opinions and statements made in letters are solely those of the individual writers. The newspaper takes no responsibility for the content of these letters. Please send or bring correspondence to the Highlands News-Sun, Letters to the Editor, 207 Circle Park Drive, Sebring, FL 33870, or fax to 863-385-1954. Readers may also email Letters to the Editor to editor@ county. Just exactly what was the plan for the roll out of this new, more advanced, (and more expensive) way to pick up the garbage? IÂm not sure there was a plan at all. I know the automated trucks exist. My friend in Spring Lake had one pick up their garbage last week. I guess my neighborhood just doesnÂt rate getting the Ânew and improvedÂŽ equipment. IÂm quite sure that IÂm not the only person with an issue or questions about this dilemma. Anyone in the county government care enough to give us an answer that we can actually believe?Julia Kouragian SebringWith my wife retired and my working from home, we moved from semi-rural south Hillsborough County to Highlands a little over two years ago, for numerous reasons. One was to escape the mostly foolish, restrictive laws/regulations implemented by the growingly intrusive local government. The implementation of this new Mandatory Large Blue Collection Container (that stays with the address if one moves, but is the current residentÂs physically/ “nancially responsibility) Once A Week Collection Scheme is an example of the above referenced Who benets?meddlesome government falderal. My question is, who really bene“ts from this new, unwanted and not needed program? I concur with Mr. Lensis (letters to the editor, 16 March 2017). We should remember this boondoggle in the next local election cycle. This is not a one issue vote; this mess it symptomatic of the elitist, high-handed attitude of local elected of“cials ideas about what is best for the peasants. To reiterate, who bene“ts? We need to drain the local swamp as well as the national one.Harold Day Lake PlacidBeast in the ÂBeautyÂWhat homosexuals do in private is none of my concern. However, when homosexuals enter my home, the line has been crossed. This is very much my concern. The homosexual community has taken upon itself to teach my children and grandchildren. Using entertainment vehicles of visual aid, homosexuals are attempting to instruct my VIEW | 7 SAVE LIVES. GIVE BLOOD.
Saturday, March 18, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A7 Look for a third crossword in the Sun Classified section. Sometimes itÂs possible to tell a big story in few words „ as evidenced by an episode earlier this week that nicely illustrates this presidentÂs addiction to infauxmation (via Fox News) and blatant lying (via Twitter). Basically, itÂs a closed loop. Fox News pumps bilge into his brain, and he spews it out through his “ngers. HereÂs how it works: At 6:12 a.m. Tuesday, Trump was watching cable, as he is wont to do, and he saw this breaking news on Fox: ÂA win in the war on terror. The Trump administration just killed a former Guantanamo Bay detainee released by Barack Obama. Yasir al-Silmi, once considered the worst of the worst, killed in a U.S. airstrike in Yemen. He had been released back in 2009 even though the Department of Defense recommended that he stay behind bars. One hundred twenty-two prisoners released from Gitmo have returned to the battle“eld.ÂŽ It was a classic Fox pseudo-story, and it got TrumpÂs full attention „ no surprise, given his current heightened obsession with President Obama. ItÂs true that Yasir al-Silmi was released by Obama; itÂs true that he was a recidivist whoÂd returned to terrorism. But when Fox said that 122 prisoners released from Gitmo have returned to terrorism, it left the impression „ without explicitly saying so „ that Obama had freed them all. So Trump thumbed his phone and explicitly decreed on Twitter that Obama had freed them all. Trump didnÂt bother to run a fact-check, even though presidents have unparalleled access to data and stats. Nah, he just tweeted on impulse and animus: Â122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battle“eld. Just another terrible decision!ÂŽ According to facts that are readily available in the real world facts attributed to the U.S. director of national intelligence 113 of those 122 Gitmo prisoners, Âcon“rmed of re-engaging in terrorist activity,ÂŽ were actually released from Gitmo by ... George W. Bush. And of the 86 Gitmo prisoners who are Âsuspected on re-engaging in terrorist activity,ÂŽ 75 were released by George W. Bush. I suppose this is not a surprise, given TrumpÂs obsession with spewing fake news about Obama „ ranging from his multi-year falsehoods about ObamaÂs place of birth to his evidence-free contention that Obama illegally wiretapped his Manhattan tower „ but itÂs instructive nonetheless to track TuesdayÂs episode from Fox News insinuation to TrumpÂs outright concoction. This is the world we now live in, and I almost feel sorry for Sean Spicer (almost), because itÂs his job to mop up for his boss BS. At a press brie“ng a few hours after TrumpÂs big little lie, Spicer was asked: ÂWill the president offer a correction to his tweet this morning that states that 122 prisoners were released from Gitmo by the Obama administration and then returned to the battle“eld?ÂŽ SpicerÂs reply: ÂŽYes, I mean, obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battle“eld „ that have been released from Gitmo since „ individuals have been released. So that is correct.ÂŽ If you can fork your way through that word salad, youÂll discover that Spicer did two contradictory things: He basically acknowledged that Trump had lied, but he also appeared to insist that TrumpÂs lie had been inadvertent, because Âobviously the president meant in totality the number.ÂŽ Whatever. The bottom line is that weÂre stuck with a president whose habit is to pollute the information stream by taking stuff from Fox News and con”ating it into fake news. In recent years numerous studies have concluded that Fox devotees are less well-informed than those who get most of their news from other outlets. ItÂs our national tragedy, and an assault on truth itself, that a Fox superfan is occupying the White House. Dick Polman is the national political columnist at NewsWorks/ WHYY in Philadelphia ( and a ÂWriter in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania. Email him at dickpolman7@gmail. com. Guest columns are the opinion of the writer, not necessarily that of the Highlands News-Sun.A big little lie from Fox-Trump media Dick PolmanGUEST COLUMN Wow, what an amazing acceptance speech (by Willie English in the March 8, 2017 edition). I was not at all surprised he was inducted into the Avon Park Champions Club Hall of Fame. I loved ÂIt is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.ÂŽ This community is so lucky to have this man as an elementary teacher and a varsity basketball coach. Keep up the outstanding work and I hope weÂll all learn from this man.Mary Strong SebringAn amazing athletefamily what morals they should embrace. Our moral codes belong to us based upon principals that are acceptable to our tenants. My First Amendment right. So when a childrenÂs movie depicts a homosexual scene, this is a personal violation to my senses. Only two lawful courses are available: issue a public outcry and the power of non-support by boycott. In summary, Kim was right, Obama was wrong.Thomas Broad SebringVIEWFROM PAGE 6 G A R A G E S A L E 1 B L O C K B N 2 1 5 I B R A K E F O R G A R A G E S A L E S GONESHOPPINGI2 SHOPSHOP LOCALLY SAVE GASMY FAVORITE STORELOCAL SHOPSHOMEREST A URANT FOR LUNCHFINE DININGGROCERIES
A8 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 ZITS By Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman GARFIELD By Jim Davis DILBERT By Scott Adams REX MORGAN By Terry Beatty MARY WORTH By Karen Moy and June NON SEQUITUR By WileyWant to lose weight and get into your very best shape this summer? We have a suggestion that will improve your health and make the world a better place at the same time! What it takes: Make a commitment, along with at least one friend, to raise money for a charity or cause by accepting an athletic challenge thatÂs beyond what you can do now! It might be walking 3-6 miles, hiking up a mountain, doing a half-marathon, swimming 20 or more laps, or bicycling 25, 50, even 100 miles in a day. Then, you (and a buddy or buddies) will let all your friends, acquaintances, work colleagues, etc., know (and ask them for donations) and notify the charity. That way, youÂve made an ironclad promise that makes sitting it out impossible. Tip: Make sure team members have separate pools of friends; you donÂt want to doubleor triple-team friends for donations. If you start now to aim for a walk, run, bike ride, swim or even a triathlon sometime later in the summer or fall, youÂll have plenty of time to train and raise the targeted funds. If youÂve never done a group athletic/fundraising event, we promise itÂs incredibly gratifying. Real training is hard (running or walking when you donÂt want to because itÂs cold, dark or raining; discovering your true limits and then extending them). It calls for motivation. And knowing that you are doing it not just for you and your team, but for a truly worthy cause, well, that makes it so much easier to rise to the challenges, physically and psychologically. Find a great cause: You can raise money for a school, a hospital building, a cure for cancer. HealthCorps or Dr. MikeÂs Wellness Innovation Funds at the Cleveland Clinic would welcome your efforts! Breast cancer and blood cancer organizations have many charitable sporting events, as do diabetes and MS organizations „ and you will make a difference. Sign up and get support: Many of the health organizations that run fundraising athletic programs offer incredible support. For example, Team in Training provides teams, coaches, nutritional and hydration advice, and in some circumstances transportation to and lodging at events around the country. ThereÂs a 5K ÂMoms in TrainingÂŽ run in Winnipeg, Ontario, hikes in Yosemite, a century bike ride (100 miles) around Lake Tahoe and many other kinds of challenges. Such organizations often have a pre-event inspiration dinner where you meet some of the remarkable folks associated with the organization. Not only will that make you darn sure to complete the athletic challenge the next day, but you will never forget the moving stories. Create your own charity event: After youÂve done a couple of organized events (the structure, the teams and the coaching really help), you can go out on your own! We have a friend who does an annual croquet tournament (participants train for it, too!) to bene“t the Alpha One Foundation: It helps fund research into that orphan disease. Perhaps you want to raise $10,000 for a local shelter and food kitchen and thereÂs a local 10K run on July 4th. You can put together a ÂFirecrackerÂŽ team of 10 people who will commit to raising $1,000 each. Do your own ÂwildÂŽ thing: Golf pro J.J. Alexander hit 1,000 golf balls on the driving range of Lookout Golf Course near Pelham, Ontario, to raise money for a local woman who needed help with medical expenses. And Dr. Adrian Khera, founder of Doctors Dancing, raises money for Community Servings in Boston (they deliver meals to homebound people with life-threatening illnesses) and seven other charities by breakdancing on the street „ heÂs appeared on ÂThe Dr. Oz Show.ÂŽ So get a jump on the fundraising season and plan your event now. You wonÂt believe how easy it is to get in shape when you have the goals of getting healthy and helping others! Mehmet Oz, M.D. is host of ÂThe Dr. Oz Show,ÂŽ and Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness Of“cer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic. To live your healthiest, tune into ÂThe Dr. Oz ShowÂŽ or visit i n shape for char i ty Dr. Mehmet Oz & Dr. Michael Roizen The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 10: Gerald Lamar Boyd, 35, Sebring, on two charges of dealing in stolen property and two charges of larceny. Shannon Leanne Cleveland, 39, Sebring, on a charge of probation violation. Miranda Ann Garmon, 19, Sebring, on charges of smuggling contraband into a detention facility and larceny. Tammy Annette Johns, 43, Avon Park, on charges of larceny, dealing in stolen property and fraud. Clifford Claud Melvin, 48, Venus, on charges of possession of drug equipment, possession of cocaine, resisting an officer without violence, battery, hit and run, possession of marijuana, moving traffic violation and resisting an officer with violence. William Joseph Querica, 50, Avon Park, on a charge of battery. Matthew Shane Tate, 36, Okeechobee, on charges of larceny, battery, property damage-criminal mischief and burglary. Dustin Robert Westbrook, 29, Sebring, on a charge of moving traffic violation. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 11: Kenneth Paul Rodriguez, 49, Sebring, on charges of drug possession of a controlled substance without a prescription and possession of a drug equipment. Mary Lee Wilburn, 69, Avon Park, on charges of simple assault, battery and obstructing justice. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 13: Zeneida Luz Chapelin, 29, Sebring, on charges of public order crimes, dealing in stolen property and fraud. Ira James Garland, 46, Sebring, on a charge of probation violation. Karl Joseph Herbort, 57, Lake Placid, on a charge of larceny and two charges of battery. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 14: David Alii Pokeo Fuller, 48, Lake Placid, on a charge of probation violation. James Love, 49, Winter Haven, on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. George Andrew Tomek, 52, Avon Park, on a charge of probation violation. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 15: Jason Charles Indelicato, 25, Sebring, on a charge of failure to appear. Lukesha Lynette Mack, 39, Sebring, on a charge of probation violation. Roger Wayne Reed, 67, Lake Placid, on a charge of sec offender violation. Tina Rochelle Sanabria, 49, Sebring, on charges of fraud, larceny and public order crimes. The following people were arrested on felony charges and booked into the Highlands County jail on March 16: Jonathan Robert Abad, 25, Avon Park, on charges of possession of marijuana, possession of drug equipment and possession of a weapon or ammunition by a convicted felon. Deondre Mijahn Chisolm, 24, Pensacola, on a charge of probation violation. Ricardo Espildora, 47, Sebring, on four charges of dui-unlawful blood alcohol level. Ronald Arthur Smith, 51, Graceville, on charges of burglary and larceny. Denny Vasallo, 42, Perry, on a charge of failure to appear. DÂVon Levi Webb, 18, Avon Park, on a charge of larceny. Amanda Jane Wilson, 35, Sebring, on charges of possession of drug equipment, possession of marijuana and two charges of drug possession of a controlled substance without a prescription.Police blotter AVON PARK „ The Avon Park City Council unanimously approved to extend the cityÂs contract for paving and site work projects with Excavation Point Inc. City Manager Julian Deleon noted on the City CouncilÂs agenda that the Sebring contractor was currently under contract for paving and other site work. The current contract went out for bid last year with Excavation Point submitting the most competitive rate, he said. The contractor has agreed to charge the same rate for the upcoming months. The contract features prices on 39 items, such as $460 for a 3-by-8-foot concrete ”ume construction, and 6-inch thick and $16.50 per liner foot to remove and replace concrete curb and gutter. It is noted in the contract that the cost for one skilled utility underground licensed certi“ed contractor to run and manage a work site from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. is $500. The cost for a medium-sized trackhoe and skilled operator is $1,136 per day. The contract the City Council approved did not include a project list, but speci“ed the costs involved when the city requires the contractorÂs services.Avon Park extends paving contractBY MARC VALEROSTAFF WRITERLAKE PLACID „ The Florida Department of Transportation will hold a workshop to discuss a Project Development & Environment Study on State Road 70 from Jefferson Avenue/Placid Lakes Boulevard to County Road 29. The open house is from 5 to 7 p.m. March 28 at the Lake Placid Camp and Conference Center, 2665 Placid View Drive, Lake Placid. The study is evaluating widening the existing twolane undivided roadway to four lanes and adding shoulders and a 10-foot detached multi-use path. FDOT is asking the public to attend to review project alternatives. This meeting is to present the project progress to date and to obtain comments on the alternatives being considered. Department representatives will be available. Those who require special accommodations under the American with Disabilities Act or free translation services should contact Jamie Schley, District One Title VI Coordinator, at 863519-2573 or by email at jamie.schley@dot.state. ”.us at least seven days prior to the meeting.Workshop to discuss S.R. 70 road projectSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN
Saturday, March 18, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A9 NEW 2017CRUZE LTNEW 2016COLORADO LTNEW 2016CASCADA PREMIUM 1SPNEW 2017SILVERADO 1500 LTNEW 2017SILVERADO 2500 LTNEW 2017CRUZE LSNEW 2017BUICK LACROSSENEW 2017MALIBU LSNEW 2017TRAVERSE 1LTNEW 2017EQUINOX PREMIERNEW 2017 Chevy MalibuMSRP ................................................................$24,285 Invoice .............................................................$23,601 Holdback ..............................................................$702 Discount .............................................................$2,000 Rebate ................................................................$1,500 Tag .......................................................................$1,500Super Sale Price ..........$17,899MSRP ................................................................$34,085 Invoice .............................................................$32,657 Holdback ..............................................................$994 Discount .............................................................$2,000 Tag .......................................................................$4,000Super Sale Price .........$25,663MSRP ................................................................$37,525 Invoice .............................................................$36,678 Holdback ...........................................................$1,801 Discount .............................................................$2,000 Tag .......................................................................$5,000Super Sale Price .........$28,597MSRP ................................................................$48,965 Invoice .............................................................$46,446 Holdback ...........................................................$1,433 Discount .............................................................$2,000 Rebate ................................................................$3,500 Tag .......................................................................$2,000Super Sale Price ..........$37,513MSRP ................................................................$49,695 Invoice .............................................................$46,910 Holdback ...........................................................$1,455 Discount .............................................................$2,000 Rebate ................................................................$3,500Super Sale Price .........$39,955MSRP ................................................................$20,460 Invoice .............................................................$19,967 Holdback ..............................................................$587 Discount .............................................................$2,000 Rebate ................................................................$3,000Super Sale Price .........$14,380MSRP ................................................................$42,918 Invoice .............................................................$37,212 Tag .......................................................................$3,000 GMF DPA ............................................................$1,000Super Sale Price .........$33,212MSRP ................................................................$24,275 Invoice .............................................................$23,681 Holdback ..............................................................$702 Discount .............................................................$2,000 Rebate ................................................................$1,500 Tag .......................................................................$1,500Super Sale Price ...........$17,979MSRP ................................................................$37,365 Invoice .............................................................$35,993 Holdback ...........................................................$1,094 Discount .............................................................$2,000 Discount .............................................................$5,750Super Sale Price ..........$27,149MSRP ................................................................$34,740 Invoice .............................................................$33,403 Holdback ...........................................................$1,015 Discount .............................................................$2,000 Tag Rebate ........................................................$1,500 Rebate ................................................................$1,500 GMF DPA ............................................................$1,000Super Sale Price .........$27,888Dealer Price .................................................................................................................. ........$29,033 Sale Price .................................................................................................................... ..........$22,684 Rebate ........................................................................................................................ .................$500 GMF DPA ....................................................................................................................... ..........$1,000 Tag Bonus ..................................................................................................................... ..........$1,500Super Sale Price .................................................$19,684 Savings .................................................................$9,349STK# 114188 STK# 381285 STK# 095209 STK# 227546 STK# 118986 STK# 226562 STK# 1146074 STK# 147077 STK# 181084 STK# 2233375 STK# 1-201368 www.ArcadiaChevrolet.comArcadia Chevrolet Buick888.579.4452All prices are plus tax, tag, title, dealer fee and dealer add onÂs. Vehicles may include $1,000 $2,000 rebate for nancing with General Motors Finance. See dealer for details. GMF DPA (Down Payment Assistance). 0%72 MONTHSUP TO2016 Suburban LT STK#3-393447...............................$45,9002016 Corvette 3LT STK#3-111682 .............................$51,5002012 Chevy Malibu STK#3-249937 .............................$9,8002016 Cadillac CTS STK#3-141155 ..............................$31,900W.A.C.MANY MORE TO $6,386OFF $8,422OFF $8,928OFF $11,452OFF $9,740OFF $6,080OFF $9,706OFF $6,296OFF $10,216OFF $6,852OFFLease starting @ $299/month. Must qualify See dealer for details Lease starting @ $99/month. Must qualify See dealer for details Lease starting @ $149/month. Must qualify See dealer for details Lease starting @ $229/month. Must qualify See dealer for details Lease starting @ $139/month. Must qualify See dealer for details Lease starting @ $99/month. Must qualify See dealer for details adno=716582
A10 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 LOCAL SPORTSThere were de“nitely a few surprises and some anxious moments in Friday afternoonÂs qualifying for the 12 Hours of Sebring, where Rebellion Racing took the pole for the Prototype class after Neel Jani turned in a fast lap of 1:48.178 to edge the No. 5 Mustang Sampling Cadillac DPi.V-R of Christian Fittipald, which recorded a best lap of 1:48.273 seconds. In third was the No. 31 Whelen Engineering Cadillac DPi.V-R, which was driven by Dane Cameron. The No. 52 PR1/ Mathiasen Motorsports Ligier was fourth, followed by the No. 22 Tequila Patron ESM Ligier. It was all Ford in the GTLM class, as the two full-season WeatherTech SportsCar Championship entries secured the front row for the start of todayÂs race. The No. 67 Chip Ganassi Ford Racing Rebellion takes Sebring poleBY ALLEN MOODYSPORTS EDITOR Heading into the 2016 season, Lus Felipe ÂPipoÂŽ Derani was a bit of an unknown to American racing fans. But his talent was noticed by Tequila Patrn ESM owner Scott Sharp in 2015 in the World Endurance Championship. ÂWe noticed Pipo in the WEC and not only is he a great driver, heÂs a great “t for the team,ÂŽ Sharp said after Derani was announced as a full-team member for 2016. Fitting in with the guys was just as important to a Tequila Patrn ESM team that is more like a family than a traditional sportscar team. When Tequila Patrn ESM won the Rolex 24 At Daytona last year, Derani got some rave reviews and was suddenly on the radar of American sportscar racing fans. Derani took over for the “nal two-hour stint at Daytona, trailing the leader, the No. 10 Wayne Taylor Racing Corvette Daytona Prototype, by more than a minute. Less than 30 minutes into his stint, Derani had taken the lead and went on to win the race by 26.166 seconds. Derani and the Tequila Patrn ESM were just getting warmed-up, however, with the next race „ the 12 Hours of Sebring „ a huge one for the team that has long considered Sebring International Raceway its home track. Tequila Patrn ESM quali“ed in second place, but got shuf”ed back a bit in the rain, as teams tried various tire wet/slick combinations. When the race restarted after being red-”agged the team was in seventh place, but worked their way back up. Derani took over in fourth place with a little more than two hours remaining in the race.DeraniÂs dazzling driveBY ALLEN MOODYON TRACK DRIVE | 11 DERANIIt was a sweep in both of the IMSA Prototype Challenge Presented by Mazda classes, as Nicolas Jamin captured both of the LM P3 races and Kyle Masson took the checkered flag in both of the Mazda Prototype Challenge races. The IMSA Prototype Challenge Presented by Mazda replaced what was known as the Mazda Prototype Lites Presented by Cooper Tires championship. It features both the new LM P3s racing against the reliable Mazda-powered lan DP02 cars that were previously known as Lites 1. ThursdayÂs opening race couldnÂt have been much different than FridayÂs race, as it ran a caution-free 45 minutes race that saw Jamin place almost 12 seconds in front of Performance Tech Motorsports Andres Gutierrez. Lonnie Pechnik placed third. Masson placed fourth overall and was much closer to the LM P3 cars than most expected and was first in the Mazda Prototype Challenge class. He turned in a dominant performance, winning by more than 20 seconds over Kris Wright, with Gary Gibson placing third. FridayÂs race saw much smaller margins, which was due to yellow flags, with a fair amount of the race being run under a full-course caution. JaminÂs final margin was .665 seconds over Colin Thompson and Gutuierrez was third. Masson had pulled well in front of the field when the yellows came out and bunched everybody back together and he won by 1.5 seconds over Brian Alder, of BAR1 Motorsports Sweeps for Masson, JaminBY ALLEN MOODYSPORTS EDITORPrototype Challenge sees double winners ALLEN MOODY/STAFFNicolas Jamin races his No. 20 ANSA Motorsports Ligier JS P3 to victory at Sebring International Raceway on Friday.MASSON | 12Ford sweeps front row, Mercedes takes GTD pole ALLEN MOODY/STAFFThe No. 13 Rebellion captured the pole for todayÂs 12 Hours of Sebring.FORD | 12Named Grand Marshal of the 65th 12 Hours of Sebring, Hurley Haywood is a walking, talking, living-history legend with an unmatched career in endurance racing that spans more than 40 years. From his “rst victory in his career debut at Watkins Glen in 1969 to his podium “nish in his “nal race at the 2012 Rolex 24 at Daytona, Haywood is the all-time winner of endurance classics with 10 overall wins, including two at Sebring (1973, 1981), “ve at the Rolex 24 Hours at Daytona (1973, 1975, 1977, 1979, 1991) and three at 24 Hours at Le Mans (1977, 1983, 1994). Haywood also has two class wins, a total of 10 podium “nishes and a record 28 career starts at the 12 Hours of Sebring, AmericaÂs oldest sports car endurance race. Among many other accolades and achievements collected during his legendary career, Haywood earned “ve major season championships, primarily in Porsches, and was inducted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America in 2005. ÂHurley Haywood is an iconic part of not just sports car racing, but Sebring racing,ÂŽ said Wayne Estes, Sebring International Raceway president and general manager. ÂHeÂs a class act to start with, but his name and this race track, his name and American sports car racing, they just go together.ÂŽ Haywood said he was proud of his all-time record 28 starts at the 12 Hours of Sebring, and enjoyed all of them. ÂI love Sebring, itÂs a “rstclass race track in America,ÂŽ he said. ÂMy “rst race there was in 1971, so IÂve been able to experience all the changes the race track has gone through over the Living legend: Hurley HaywoodBY KATE ROWLANDCORRESPONDENT2017 Sebring Grand Marshal has unrivaled endurance racing legacy COURTESY PHOTOEndurance racing legend Hurley Haywood, named Grand Marshal for the 65th Mobil 1 12 Hours of Sebring Fueled by Fresh From Flori da, at Watkins Glen recently.HURLEY | 11
Saturday, March 18, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | A11 Derani was still in fourth when he pulled into the pits for fuel with a little less than 80 minutes remaining, while the other cars stopped for fuel and tires, allowing Derani to move into second place. Derani soon took the lead and things looked good for Tequila Patrn ESM until a yellow ”ag came out with 36 minutes remaining. Derani pitted for tires and fuel and was in fourth place when he got back onto the track. With 12 minutes remaining, Derani was in third place for the “nal restart. ÂAt that last yellow, I thought weÂd get third, and thatÂs a good dayÂs work,ÂŽ said driver Ed Brown. But Derani had other ideas, as he passed the No. 5 Mustang Sampling Corvette Daytona Prototype, diving down to the inside of both cars and getting enough of his nose in front of the No. 5 to force Filipe Albuquerque to let him go by with seven minutes remaining. On the next lap, Derani was right behind Dane Cameron in the No. 31 Whelen Engineering car and brie”y acted as though he was going to try and pass Cameron on the outside before diving back down on the inside and essentially passing in the same spot. Derani moved into the lead and went on to win by just under three seconds. ÂPipo drove the wheels off the car for the last 20 minutes,ÂŽ Brown said. ÂHeÂs amazing.ÂŽ DeraniÂs teammate Johannes van Overbeek was also impressed with the young Brazilian.ÂŽ van Overbeek said. Derani may have even surprised himself a bit. ÂBut with only 10 to 15 minutes to go and still be in fourth was dif“cult to believe that we were going to make it,ÂŽ he said after the race. ÂGod had an eye on me and everything I executed was perfect. I canÂt believe it all. It happened like that. I was so focused to bring the car home. The adrenaline was so high I couldnÂt think about anything else.ÂŽ Since it just took place last year, itÂs still too recent to be considered one of the great moments in the 12 Hours of Sebring. But when weÂre celebrating the 100th running of the race, DeraniÂs “nal laps are something that will be mentioned and remembered for a long time.DRIVEFROM PAGE 10 ALLEN MOODY/STAFFPipo Derani signs autographs at Sebring International Raceway on Friday.years.ÂŽ In the early days, Haywood said, the track was over “ve miles long, with long straightaways that were connected by light poles. These days, things are a bit different at Sebring International Raceway. ÂThe track was very bumpy, very old, with air force runway stretches,ÂŽ he said. ÂIt was very challenging, and, in some ways, very dangerous. Over the years, with all of the con“guration changes at the track, now there arenÂt such dramatic curves. ÂThe changes the track has made over the years have been initiated by safety concerns. As technology advanced, it became more and more mandatory for the track to keep up with modern times.ÂŽ One thing that hasnÂt changed „ at least much „ over the years is the unique, special character of SebringÂs fans, Haywood said. ÂThe fans at Sebring are probably one of the greatest groups of fans anywhere in the United States, or around the world, for that matter,ÂŽ he said. ÂThey are super nice, really engaged in the weekend. ItÂs really nice to be able to perform in front of such an enthusiastic crowd.ÂŽ Even so, he said, the longer track in the early days meant that it was more dif“cult for track of“cials to keep an eye on fans, and it was always a good idea for drivers to expect the unexpected. ÂYouÂve got to remember that Sebring is held over spring break, so a lot of young people are out there to party and have a good time, Haywood said. ÂItÂs always just been really fun to watch those people. ÂYou can see just about anything in the world at Sebring.ÂŽ For example, Haywood said, in the early days, fans who displayed full-frontal nudity werenÂt all that unusual. ÂI remember that one well,ÂŽ he said. ÂYou got used to it, nobody crashed their cars, but fans would take a place where it was almost impossible for the drivers not to see them, and would ”ash you as you drove by.ÂŽ Almost everything that happened at Sebring came as a surprise to the drivers, Haywood said, and not just its fans. Something out of the ordinary was happening on almost every lap. ÂIn the early days, it was dark and there were no lights out there,ÂŽ he said. ÂPieces would fall off the cars and it was a challenge trying to avoid the debris and cope with the conditions. ÂNow that the track is shorter, itÂs more policed and not as bad.ÂŽ Haywood said he kind of misses the old track, bumps and all, but he certainly understands why updates were made. ÂThe old con“guration was a lot of fun to drive,ÂŽ he said. ÂBut with the modern technology of the cars, and the way they react to bumps and different type of challenges, itÂs really better and more enjoyable to race on the newer circuit.ÂŽ Haywood continues to attend a lot of races, he said, often by special invitation. He is an ambassador for Porsche and the chief driving instructor at the Porsche Sport Driving School in Alabama, among other endeavors. ÂWhen you get to be my age, you get asked a lot to be the Grand Marshal of a lot of different things,ÂŽ Haywood said. ÂItÂs an honor and I love coming to Sebring. I love the race track, itÂs been super good to me over the years. IÂve been really lucky there. ÂItÂs such a dif“cult race, more dif“cult than Daytona, even though itÂs only half the length, so when you “nish Sebring, you know youÂve really accomplished something.ÂŽ Haywood will preside over todayÂs opening ceremonies for the 65th Mobile 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring Fueled by Fresh From Florida in the 2017 IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship and Tequila Patrn North American Endurance Cup. The green ”ag is set for 10:40 a.m.HURLEYFROM PAGE 10 KEN BRESLAUER ARCHIVE PHOTOTwelve Hours of Sebring Grand Marshal Hurley Haywood relaxes at the track in the early days of an illustrious career that spans four decades.The yearÂs Grand Marshal for the 65th 12 Hours of Sebring, Hurley Haywood, enjoyed such a long, highly successful endurance racing career that it caught the eye of an independent movie producer who is currently working on a documentary tentatively titled ÂHurley Haywood and Peter Gregg: The Untold Story.ÂŽ The project is completely funded and moving toward the “nal stages of production, Haywood said. He expects the “lm, co-produced by actor and former 12 Hours of Sebring race driver Patrick Dempsey, to be released towards the end of 2017. ÂIt will have a different title when itÂs released,ÂŽ Haywood said. ÂBut itÂs a documentary about Peter Gregg and myself, being “lmed by a gentleman named Patrick Dodge.ÂŽ Haywood expects to see a 15-minute clip of the project within the next month. Depending on how that goes, the producers will continue making necessary adjustments and “ne tuning the “nal project. Eventually the preview will be seen by Patrick Dempsey and myself, and the guys who are directly involved with the “lm,ÂŽ he said. ÂThen weÂll put music to it and all the rest of the stuff that you do for a “lm.ÂŽ Haywood attended college in Florida and began racing in local amateur autocross events, where he eventually met the young, rising race car star Peter Gregg. Gregg and Haywood quickly became partners and formed the heart of Brumos Racing, a brand that eventually became known worldwide. After GreggÂs untimely death by suicide in 1980, Haywood went on to forge an endurance racing legacy that lasted 43 years, primarily behind the wheel of the Brumos Racing No. 59 Porsche. ÂWhen people hear the name ÂHurley HaywoodÂ, they see certain cars,ÂŽ said Wayne Estes, Sebring International Raceway president and general manager. ÂThey see a white Porsche with the Brumos red and blue stripe and No. 59 on it.ÂŽ Haywood said he certainly didnÂt start out thinking he would become as successful as he turned out to be. Things just happened that way, he said, although there was an unexpected hiccup right at the beginning. Gregg and Haywood were all set to team up when Haywood was drafted into the Vietnam War in 1969, where he ended up as a Specialist 4 aide to an air“eld commander in Vietnam. Gregg served in Naval Intelligence during the war, where he ”ew over an aircraft carrier and saw red and blue stripes and the number 59, which is how Brumos got the well-known color scheme and No. 59 car. After the war, Gregg and Hayward won their “rst IMSA GT title together at Watkins Glen in 1971, then took the Rolex 24 At Daytona in 1973 and the 12 Hours of Sebring the same year. And the rest, as they say, is history. Born in Chicago, in 1948, Haywood learned to drive on his grandmotherÂs farm in rural Illinois when he was just 12 years old. ÂI grew up in the city of Chicago, but we had seven farms in rural Illinois,ÂŽ he said. ÂMy grandmother lived on one of the farms, and I learned how to drive in her Studebaker pick-up truck.ÂŽ Haywood had one bad accident in 1983, driving a Porsche 935 in the Mosport Six Hours. The wreck left him with a shattered left leg from the ankle to the knee, and made it impossible to handle a Porsche clutch. He drove Jaguars for the next couple of years until his leg recovered and then switched back, basically remaining loyal to Porsche for the rest of his career. Following GreggÂs death in 1980, Haywood remained with Brumos Racing through several ownership changes, up to the present day. Owner Dan Davis sold Brumos Automotive in late 2015, but retained the Brumos name and its racing enterprises, and the Brumos private car collection, although Haywood is still an active associate. ÂRight now, Brumos doesnÂt exist anymore, except in the minds of many people,ÂŽ Haywood said. ÂWe were just at Amelia Island Concourse where two of our race cars won major awards, and Dan Davis cars won Best of Show. ÂWe are very active, still. WeÂre building a beautiful, new facility that will house all of our Brumos collection cars, which should be up and running about a year and a half from now. We will then decide if we want to relaunch the brand name Brumos.ÂŽ The new facility will be a museum, Haywood said, that will showcase the Brumos collection, which includes Porsches and other different things. The museum is not expected to be open to the public, but will be open by invitation only. Although ÂHurley Haywood and Peter Gregg: The Untold StoryÂŽ has a narrow focus that just covers HaywoodÂs career during the 1970s through 1990s, a book that will cover his entire career, authored by Sean Cridlind, also is tentatively scheduled to be released in early 2018, Haywood said. Haywood will preside over todayÂs opening ceremonies for the 65th Mobile 1 Twelve Hours of Sebring Fueled by Fresh From Florida.Hurley Haywood in the moviesBY KATE ROWLANDCORRESPONDENT COURTESY PHOTOHurley Haywood in the red and blue Brumos Racing No. 59 Porsche.
A12 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 Fame, and Tazio Ottis. Masson will be looking for another win today in the LMPC class of the 12 Hours of Sebring. In Porsche GT3 Cup Challenge USA by Yokohama the big news was the debut of former Major League Baseball pitcher CJ Wilson, although it didnÂt go quite as well as he had hoped. ÂI knew the race was going to be a mess. I quali“ed bad „ IÂm not on good terms with the car or the track yet,ÂŽ he said. ÂMy only goal was to get through the race and not crash the car. I really didnÂt have any expectations beyond that.ÂŽ There are two classes within the GT3 Cup, the Platinum class, which is for the 2017 911 GT3 Cup cars, and Gold, which is for 2014-2016 versions of the car. TursdayÂs first race was won by Scott Hargrove in the No. 9 Pfaff Motorsports Porsche, while KellyMoss Road and RaceÂs Jake Eidson placed second and Trenton Estep won a sprint to the finish around Turn 17 to place third. Wilson placed 20th overall and 14th out of 19 in his class, which isnÂt a bad debut all things considered. Roman De Angelis won the Gold class. On Friday, Wilson ran a better race, placing 14th overall and 12th in his class, but the race went to Eidson, who “nished a little more than a second in front of Estep, while Corey Fergus placed third. De Angelis won the Gold class for the second day in a row. Michael de Quesada had car problems on Thursday and was 13th on Friday, but will be replacing his father behind the wheel of the No. 28 Alegra Motorsports GTD car that won the Rolex 24 At Daytona.MASSONFROM PAGE 10 ALLEN MOODY/STAFFKyle Masson, in the No. 18 Performance Tech Motorsports Mazda Prototype Challenge car, leads a pack of cars to into Turn 1 at Sebring Raceway. He won both races in his class.ALLEN MOODY/STAFFJake Eidson leads the charge out of the pits in the Porsche GT3 Cup series race at Sebring International Raceway on Friday.Ford GT set a class qualifying record when Ryan Briscoe turned in a lap of 1:55.939, which was .236 seconds faster than the time set by Dirk Mueller in the No. 66 car. Corvette RacingÂs Tommy Milner posted a time of 1:56.252 in the Corvette C7.R to grab third place and the No. 912 Porsche was fourth. The big surprise came in the GTD class, where the No. 75 SunEnergy1 Racing Mercedes-AMG GT3 not only grabbed the pole, but did so in style, posting a best lap of 1:59.738 and setting a qualifying record in the process. Even after a rough go of things in Daytona, the Sun Energy1 drivers were con“dent heading into Sebring and itÂs easy to see why. ÂJust like everybody else, the big challenge in Sebring is to be good over the bumps,ÂŽ said driver Tristan Vautier, who was behind the wheel for the record-setting qualifying session. ÂThe Mercedes-AMG GT3 damping is very good and our engineer Kent Stacy is super smart, so we should be good. Our focus as a new team has to be on processes, just putting everything together. We have an amazing group, and each person at every post has an incredible potential, so as soon as we put everything together the result will be there. If we manage it, our chances for a win or podium are real.ÂŽ The No. 29 Montaplast by Land-Motorsport Audi quali“ed second and the No. 16 Change Racing Lamborghini was third. ÂWe had some back luck at Daytona, but I think weÂll bounce back big at Sebring,ÂŽ said Change Racing driver Cory Lewis, who drove the qualifying session. ÂWe have a great team and I think weÂll have a really strong year.ÂŽ After not faring well at Daytona, Lexus had a solid qualifying effort, taking down the No. 4 and No. 5 positions, with the No. 57 Stevenson Motorsports entry qualifying sixth. It was a dog“ght in the LMPC class, but at the end it was the No. 26 BAR1 Motorsports entry taking the pole with a time of 1:53.506 to edge the No. 38 Performance Tech Motorsports car, which posted a time of 1:53.575. Warm-up this morning will take place at 8 a.m. and the grid walk is scheduled to run from 9:15 to 10:10 a.m. The race is scheduled to get the green ”ag at 10:40 a.m.FORDFROM PAGE 10 ALLEN MOODY/STAFFThe No. 26 BAR1 Motorsports entry grabbed the pole for the LMPC class in todayÂs 12 Hours of Sebring. ALLEN MOODY/STAFFThe No. 75 SunEnergy1 Racing Mercedes-AMG GT3 took the pole in the GTD class. ALLEN MOODY/STAFFThe No. 67 Chip Ganassi Ford Ford GT captured the GTLM pole for todayÂs 12 Hours of Sebring. Email Your News Tips To: DO YOU HAVE THE NEXT BIG STORY OR NEWS TIP TO SHARE? newstips@newssun.comDO YOU HAVE THE NEXT BIG STORY OR NEWS TIP TO SHARE? Email Us Your News Tips To: GOT NEWS? CAC023495 SM 1-800-COOLING If thereÂs an air of superiority to these units, itÂs because theyÂre the quietest, most ef“cient models we make. Built for total home comfort, our In“nity series central air conditioners offer an enviable SEER rating of up to 21. Combine it with our innovative In“nity control for our highest degree of comfort management. adno=3429494
CLASSIFIEDS, COMICS & PUZZLES INSIDE SECTION B Saturday, March 18, 2017For me, numbers make me shudder. I do what I must do to handle household “nances, but it is a chore that I must always pray over before getting started. Now that isnÂt to say we shouldnÂt pray over every task at hand. But, clarity and having a “rm grasp when dealing with numbers and math concepts has never come easy for me. Give me words! As a wordsmith, I would much rather take words and build sentences and stories. I love seeing how action verbs can move a story along and take us on a journey developing thoughts into inspiration But words can also injure. So, I must carefully weave the words to be truth spoken in love as the Bible directs. Words have power to heal and inspire; but they can also jab and wound when spoken or written without forethought. Words can also be turned upside down and inside out because the English language gives us nuances and meanings with the same spelling of a word. For example, the word present. ÂThank you for my presentÂŽ is the proper use of the word. A gift has been given. It is called a present. However, someone might say, ÂPlease be present and on time.ÂŽ Now the word Âpresent is not the gift given to be opened, but rather a request to show up. ÂLive in the present not in the pastÂŽ is good advice. But, here we go again. The same word we started out with has still another meaning. The present is neither the past nor the futureƒbut right now. And, actually, that is where I want to take you today. Be present in whatever you are called upon to doƒtoday! DonÂt be worrying about tomorrow or wishing you still had yesterday. Be present in the present moment. But, even more importantly, be present in GodÂs presence. He has promised in Hebrews 13: 5, NLT ÂI will never fail you. I will never abandon you.ÂŽ Therefore whatever the day may bring, we know we have his presence with us. He was there for us in the past giving us stepping stones into the future which was our new present. And he goes before us into the future. So donÂt linger in the past or rush ahead into tomorrowÂs concerns. But, as he reminds us in Matthew 6: 33, ÂSeek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.ÂŽ Be present in his presence. Selah.WhatÂs in a word? Jan MeropPAUSE & CONSIDER Recently I had an epiphany. As a married man of a little over 16 years, I am still learning how to be a better husband. One day while preparing to begin my day, putting my shoes on, I happened to look up at a sign a friend had made for my wife and I for Christmas. The sign has a large ÂFÂŽ with our “rst names in the middle. What struck me at that moment, the epiphany if you will, was the Â&ÂŽ sign between our names. At that moment it seemed to be the largest most important thing about the sign, and what God revealed to me was, it is the most important thing in my marriage. For many of us, once we get married, take on a career, have children, and whatever may take your attention, we tend to forget about the ÂandÂŽ of you and your spouse. We get focused on a number of different things in our own life and get further and further away from the Âand.ÂŽ The ÂandÂŽ of our relationships should be the focus. Imagine some of the most important times over your life. Who was there to share it with you? Or, who was the “rst person you wanted to tell or show what had happened? It was the ÂandÂŽ in your life. If we focus more on the Â&ÂŽ and less on ourselves, imagine how much more successful our relationships would be. The divorce rate would surely plummet. But this means a lot of hard work. One of the hardest parts of dealing with our ÂandÂŽ is communication and compromise. Many times we do not communicate how we actually feel. We mask our feelings a thousand different ways when there is but only one way to help the situation and that is to talk to each other. How hard is it to say ÂIÂm sorry?ÂŽ Imagine how much harder it would be to say ÂGoodbye.ÂŽ When you make mistakes, and you are going to make mistakes, donÂt hesitate to go immediately and apologize. Trying to maintain your bravado or ego will eventually cost you dearly. Compromising is essential to the ÂandÂŽ as well. Having gone from being one and now two, compromise is essential to a life lived in harmony. If you believe it all goes one way, it will ... right out the door. You have to give as much as you take, and expect as much from yourself as you do your Âand.ÂŽ It is not a stretch to say that marriages are under attack. One of the best things to remember is the ÂandÂŽ of your spouse, but also the ÂandÂŽ of Christ in your marriage. When you Remembering the Âand James FanslerINSPIRATION CORNER JAMES | 4 LAKE PLACID „ First Presbyterian Church of Lake Placid with host the nationally recognized family Gospel group, the Kramers, in a free concert at the churchÂs Genesis Center at 7 tonight. The Kramers are a national and international Gospel music family group consisting of Scott and Rachel Kramer and their married daughter, Maria, that currently tours and ministers at 200 events per year. They have shared the stage at the Gaither Fall Festival and the National Quartet Convention and have sung with such renowned Gospel artists as Larnelle Harris, Steve Green, Russ Taff, Jeff and Sheri Easter, and Buddy Greene. Haling from Peoria, Illinois, Scott and Rachel were both on staff at Grace Presbyterian Church, where they led praise and worship for 12 years. Rachel and Maria are also actively involved in leading a womenÂs Bible study group that began in their living room in 2005 and continues to grow today. Each week, approximately 75 women of all ages, backgrounds, and denominations gather weekly as a part of this program of studying the Scriptures. An additional highlight of Rachel KramerÂs career came in 2003 when she was invited to sing at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. This annual event in February is an important time for the President of the United States to engage with leaders of the faith community in America. Rachel was honored to join with the Grace Singers in presenting ÂHow Great Thou ArtÂŽ with George W. and Laura Bush in attendance. The Kramers will present a free concert at First Presbyterian ChurchÂs Genesis Center at 7 p.m. Saturday, March 18. This event is a part of the churchÂs concert series. There is no charge for the event, but a love offering will be collected. The Genesis Center at First Presbyterian Church of Lake Placid is at 218 E. Belleview St. between Dal Hall Boulevard and Interlake.Church hosts nationally recognized Gospel artistsSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN COURTESY PHOTOThe Kramers will present a free concert at First Presb yterian ChurchÂs Genesis Center at 7 tonight. As retirement age approaches, many older adults envision themselves downsizing and moving to a quaint community to enjoy their golden years in as relaxing a fashion as possible. However, for a growing number of seniors, their retirement years are being spent helping to raise grandchildren. United States Census data from 2010 indicates 4.9 million American children are being raised solely by their grandparents. CanGrads, a National Kinship Support organization, says approximately 62,500 children are being raised by grandparents and other family in Canada. Many grandparents provide part-time care when their older children have to move back home with their families, as roughly 13 million children are now living in homes with their grandparents. Although being raised by grandparents may not be the ideal situation for all parties involved, such situations are a necessity for many families. Seniors who are once again thrown into the caregiver arena may need a crash course in childcare or a few pointers on parenting in the modern age. € Get the right equipment. Children certainly require a lot of gear, more than grandparents likely used when raising their own children. Certain safety requirements are in place to safeguard young children, and that often means investing in new cribs, car seats, high chairs, and other items. Grandparents should resist the temptation to use old items they may have kept in storage, as such items may no longer be safe and could put grandchildren at risk for injury. € Gather important documents. Grandparents should keep pertinent documents in one easily accessible place in their homes should an emergency arise. These include birth certi“cates, health immunization records, death certi“cates (if the childÂs parents are deceased), dental records, school papers, citizenship papers, and proof of income and assets. € Speak with an attorney. Lawyers can help grandparents wade through legal arrangements, such as “ling for custody, guardianship or adoption. Options vary depending on where petitioners live, but lawyers can provide peace of mind to grandparents concerned about their grandkids futures. € Investigate “nancial assistance. Seniors may not earn the income they once did and may be on assistance programs or living off of retirement savings. Grandparents who “nd themselves caring for a child may be eligible for “nancial assistance. The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is a joint federal and state program that can provide need-based “nancial assistance. The AARP or the organization GrandFamilies may be able to put grandparents in touch with “nancial advisors in their areas. € Contact schools and daycare centers. School-aged children will need to be enrolled in school. Grandparents should contact the department of education where they live to learn about local school systems, especially when grandkids are moving in with their grandparents. Some grandparents can qualify for free or low-cost daycare, and such programs can be discussed with local Social Services of“ces. Enrollment in school or daycare can provide grandparents with much-needed free time during the day. € Find emotional support. Taking care of grandchildren is a full-time job. At times, grandparents may feel stressed or out of sorts. Having a strong support system available can help grandparents work through the peaks and valleys of this new and unexpected stage in life. Churchor community center-based counseling services may be available. Grandparents also can check with their healthcare providers to determine if counseling or therapy sessions are covered under their plans. Caring for grandchildren is a life-changing event. Although it can be ful“lling, it also requires a lot of energy and commitment. But grandparents neednÂt go it alone, as there are numerous resources available to seniors who suddenly “nd themselves caring for their grandchildren.Tips for grandparents helping to raise childrenMETRO CREATIVE SERVICES MCCAlthough being raised by grandparents may not be the ideal situation for all parties involved, such situations are a necessity for many families.
B2 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 adno=3433068
Saturday, March 18, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B3 adno=3433071
B4 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 www.highlandsnewssun.commarried and gave yourself to another before your family, friends and God, you invited Christ to be a major part of that relationship. He then becomes another ÂandÂŽ that requires communication. With Christ, your marriage becomes a three-cord strand. If you neglect either of the ÂandsÂŽ you will ruin the recipe of marriage as God intended. The take-away message is this, remember your ÂandÂŽ whether it is a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend. They are a major part of your life; make them the most important part it. DonÂt expect to be a different person over night, but keep working at it and see how your relationship begins to grow. To my wife, thank you for being my Âand.ÂŽ I pray to continue growing and being the best ÂandÂŽ I can be. James Fansler is Lake Placid police chief. He can be reached at .JAMESFROM PAGE 1 PLEASE GIVE BLOOD HELP SAVE LIVES adno=3433073 Scott Funeral Home URKE MARINE CONSTRUCTIONB POSITIVE MEDICAL TRANSPORT 1600 US Highway 27 South Between Avon Park & Sebring (863) 453-6644 Established 1931 100% COMMITTED TO OUR COMMUNITY! 863-635-7574 205 N. Scenic Hwy. FROSTPROOFHOURS: MON-FRI 8AM-5PM863-471-0012 4040 US 27, North SEBRINGRehab Consultantsof Central Florida863-471-0012863-773-3317 437 Carlton Street WAUCHULA ÂProvider Of Quality Personal FitnessŽ€Weight Machines €Treadmill €Stationary Bikes €Professional Evaluations €Planned Exercise Programs €Family Discounts Highlands County Family YMCA 100 YMCA Lane Sebring, FL 33875 863-382-YMCA (9622) Open 7 days a week CA-C058675 Totally Scrubs UniformsWe care how you look929 Mall Ring Road € Sebring, FL 33870(Behind Sears at Lakeshore Mall) To Advertise Here Please Call Meta Nay at 1-800-293-4709 ALANJAY.COM adno=3425595
Saturday, March 18, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B5 BORN LOSER By Art and Chip Sansom BLONDIE By Dean Young and John Marshall BABY BLUES By Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott MUTTS By Patrick McDonnell DOONSBURY By Garry Trudeau FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE By Lynn Johnston Dear Heloise: Some basic cellphone etiquette: € When at a table with friends having lunch, donÂt read your emails or texts. € DonÂt look up everything being discussed. € DonÂt show all your pictures of kids, grandkids, etc. I feel like IÂm not there visiting with the person „ he or she is more interested in what is going on with the phone. I am tolerant, however, of those expecting a call that they need to take. Thanks for letting me sound off. „ C. in Kerrville, Texas Dear C.: YouÂre welcome! ItÂs a fact of our busy daily life that cellphones are now considered Âan appendageÂŽ to many folks. You are correct about NOT excessively texting and reading texts while in a social or work setting. It also depends on the group. Is it really that important? Disengage from your phone for 30 minutes. I think you will “nd that the world went on without your eyes or thumbs connecting with your phone. „ HeloiseFoster a dogDear Heloise: I work as a volunteer at a no-kill county animal shelter in Ventura, Calif. A big part of the operation is adoptions and “nding foster homes for the residents. I just fostered my “rst pet „ so rewarding, plus being a foster family allows access to all the facilityÂs resources. The shelter set me up with blankets, toys, food, bowls and free vet services. For all animal lovers, please look into this rewarding experience. So many animals are in need of a warm home. „ A reader, via emailYard guardDear Readers: Spring is almost here. The yard may need some attention. Here are a few quick hints: € Fix bare patches. € Fertilize grass to get it healthy. € Pick up branches and debris before doing yardwork. € If raking, wait until the leaves and the lawn are dry. € Cut back dead shrubbery, if needed. € Some shrubbery and plants may look dead, but are not, so donÂt get heavy-handed unless you KNOW they are. „ HeloiseDonÂt be alone on the cellphoneHints from Heloise CHURCH NEWSChurch of Buttonwood BaySEBRING „ Pastor Cecil Hess is preaching on ÂTimes Sure Do Change.ÂŽ Special music by the choir and soloist Pam Bauder. The church meets on U.S. 27, four miles south of Highlands Regional Medical Center. For information, call 863-446-3695.Church of the BrethrenSEBRING „ On Sunday, Pastor David Smalley, will give his message, ÂA Spiritual Well ƒ Living Water,ÂŽ based on John 4:5-42. Sermon series for March is ÂLent and living the Spirit Life.ÂŽ For more information, call the church of“ce at 863-385-1597.First Presbyterian Church Â… A.R.P.AVON PARK „ Pastor Juan Carlos UndaÂs sermon is titled ÂLiving or CallingÂŽ based on Psalm 95:1-9 and John 4:5-26. The adult Sunday school class lesson is titled ÂÂŽSon of the Living GodÂŽ based on Matthew 16:1317:8. The choirÂs introit is ÂHis Name is WonderfulÂŽ and the anthem is ÂDo Not Fear.ÂŽ There will be no adult choir practice on Wednesday. The church is at 206 E. LaGrande St., Avon Park, with two easily accessible entrances and handicapped parking. For more information, call the church of“ce at 863-453-3242.First Presbyterian ChurchSEBRING Â… Rev. Cecil Hess will be the guest speaker this Sunday with his message, ÂPaul Still Speaks to Us Today,ÂŽ using scripture from II Timothy 4:1-8. The church is at 319 Poinsettia Ave. First United Methodist ChurchSEBRING „ Pastor David JulianoÂs sermon on Sunday will be ÂPart 4: Elijah and ElishaÂŽ of his series, ÂAll In,ÂŽ with scripture from 1 Kings 19:19-21. First United Methodist Church of Sebring is at 126 S. Pine St. Call 863-385-5184 for information.First United Methodist Church Â… Avon ParkAVON PARK Â… The pastorÂs sermon for Sunday is ÂSalvation by Faith,ÂŽ using scripture from Romans 5:1-11. The First United Methodist Church of Avon Park is taking donations of gently used furniture, appliances, and tableware for the Second Blessings store. These items are sold at a very affordable price to those in need. Heartland Christian ChurchSEBRING „ Ted MooreÂs sermon this week will be ÂGod ExistsÂŽ with scripture from Psalms 19:1-14. The service will include Allen Warchak singing ÂThe Midnight Cry.ÂŽ The church is at 2705 Alternate Route 17 South in Sebring (behind Publix). Call 863-314-9693.Heartland church of Christ SEBRING „ Carl R. Ford will preach ÂHow to Strengthen Yourself in The LordÂŽ on Sunday. The Sunday morning study is to read Romans chapters 4-5. The church meets at the Country Estates Civic Center, 3240 Gran Prix Ave.Memorial United Methodist ChurchLAKE PLACID „ Pastor Tim Haas will preach a third in a series of Lenten sermons on the subject of ÂLife Based On The Cornerstone,ÂŽ with the scripture from Acts 2:14,36-37 on Sunday. The church is at 500 Kent Ave. Phone 863-465-2422.New Beginnings ChurchSEBRING „ On Sunday, Pastor Gary KindleÂs sermon is ÂGod Provides,ÂŽ based on Romans 5:1-8. The churchÂs present location is The Morris Chapel, 307 S. Commerce Ave. For more information, call 863-835-2405.St. John United Methodist ChurchSEBRING „ Pastor Ronald De Genaro Jr.Âs sermon will be ÂThe Wilderness of Sin.ÂŽ Biblical reference is from Exodus 17:1-7.Sebring Church of the BrethrenSEBRING „ On Sunday, Pastor David Smalley will give his message, ÂA Spiritual Well ƒ Living Water,ÂŽ based on John 4:5-42. The sermon series for March is ÂLent and Living the Spirit Life.ÂŽ For more information, call the church of“ce at 863-385-1597 GET YOUR LOCAL NEWS STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCEƒ
B6 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 MALLARD FILLMORE By Bruce Tinsley PEANUTS By Charles Schulz CRANKSHAFT By Tom Batiuk & Chuck Ayers SHOE By Gary Brookins & Susie ARIES (March 21-April 19). Though of course you want to succeed, there's a down side to knocking it out of the park. It sets up a future expectation that you may or may not want to live up to. Think carefully before you set a precedent. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). To avoid wasted eort, get more clarity around what you're attempting to do. Improved communication will be key and this includes communicating with your own feelings and instincts. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). All will be enhanced b y social connections. Instead of connectin g with people haphazardly when it's convenient or when there's a pressing and obvious need, create a structure that will allow you to engage others often. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Though the result of someone's eorts to impress you may not have the impact on your psyche that was intended, it will still feel pretty attering to know you're the cause of such a fuss. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Time is the currency of productivity. How you manage yours today will be the dierence between a hit and a miss. You've a strong instinct for what's important. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You'll clear up a misunderstandin g within seconds as lon g as y ou are aware that there is one. Go over recent communication. Check in to make sure that you've heard and have been heard correctly. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Whether winning or losing, for those who are in the battle, life is about ghting. The real victors today will be the ones who forgo the ght in favor of nding something to agree on and accomplish together. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Rituals are a way of symbolically processing life so you can realistically process it with greater ease. A ritual you create to help you move past your sticking point will be most eective resonatin g dee p l y to free y ou. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Exaggerated fears can cause social discomfort. It doesn't have to be this way, though you may have to make a few mistakes rst to understand that it's not that big of a deal to ub here and there. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). When you provide people with reasons to accept you, you'll earn acceptance but feel nothing. If you don't make any eort and are accepted anyway, you'll feel loved. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Don't waste the day by trying to prolong it. Eciency will be the enemy of passion. Burn the hours in exciting, pointless wa y s and y ou'll make lastin g memories too. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Chances are that you are imagining a risk as much greater than it really is. You are, in a sense, "elevating the plank" that you'd theoretically walk were you to be punished. There is no plank, really, just an optional diving board. TODAY'S BIRTHDAY (March 18). Balance and moderation are the norm this year, and yet there are some things you simply won't be able to do small: for instance, love. The more you invest, the more you feel. You'll have terric luck with a sale in June. September renews old relationships. Taurus and Gemini adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 6 30 22 49 and 11. HOROSCOPE DEAR ABBY: IÂm 13, and IÂm writing you about my best friend. Her life at home has always sucked, but now it has reached a new level. Her grandmother is no longer paying for her tuition, her parents verbally abuse her and yesterday she attempted suicide. Luckily, she called me and I talked her through it. I donÂt know how to help her. I canÂt talk to her parents because theyÂll be no help, but I donÂt know what will happen if I tell my parents. Please help me. „ NEEDS ANSWERS IN CALIFORNIA DEAR NEEDS ANSWERS: You are a caring friend. The one thing you shouldnÂt do in a misguided effort to ÂprotectÂŽ your friend is to remain silent. When someone threatens suicide, it is time to act. You should absolutely tell your parents everything you know so they can inform her parents. If your parents are hesitant to do that, con“de in a trusted teacher or counselor at school so your friend can get the help she appears to desperately need. The National Suicide Prevention LifelineÂs toll-free number is 800-273-8255. Please share it with your friend. But if she tells you again that she has injured herself, call 911. DEAR ABBY: I have a 23-year-old stepson who continues to bully my wife into taking care of him. She recently helped him to buy a home, even though she knew his current earnings would not be enough to cover his car, insurance, phone, cable, etc. He continues to make his problems ours. He called yesterday telling his mom he needs brakes. We already pay his insurance on the vehicle and other small, unexpected bills. Oh, and by the way, he has a baby on the way. I have tried repeatedly to talk to my wife about enabling him, but she refuses to see that she is keeping him dependent. What can I say or do to help her get on the right path? „ MAN-CHILD PROBLEMS DEAR PROBLEMS: Ideally, spouses are supposed to agree before spending large amounts of community assets. Marriage counseling might help you to get through to her. But if it doesnÂt, consider consulting a lawyer about protecting your assets. I agree that your wife is enabling her son, and sheÂs not doing him any favors in the long run. However, if the money sheÂs giving him is her own, you canÂt stop her from doing it. DEAR ABBY: We live down the street from my boyfriendÂs mother. Our 3-year-old daughter spends a few hours there while IÂm at work and her dad is running errands. My daughter loves her grandparents, so I donÂt mind her spending time with them. The problem I have is, my boyfriendÂs mother repeats everything I say to my daughter right after I say it when I ask her to do something! It drives me crazy. My boyfriend tells me to say something to her, but I have no idea what to say. Please help. „ ECHOED IN ALASKA DEAR ECHOED: Stop complaining. At least your mother-in-law agrees with you and reinforces what you tell your daughter. Consider it a small price you pay for free baby-sitting. ÂFor God hath not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.ÂŽ „ II Timothy 1:7. Be as quick to reject what is not of God as to receive what is from Him. Fear is not from God; therefore, turn up your faith and turn your back on fear. Father, in Jesus name, we plead his precious blood over every tormenting fear that is dragging us down and holding us back from your best. We praise you. BIBLETeenÂs suicide attempt is the signal for friend to actVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Dear Abby CHURCH BRIEFSComedian brings show to APLBCAVON PARK „ Awardwinning Christian comedian Tim Lovelace will be in concert at Avon Park Lakes Baptist Church on Saturday, March 18. LovelaceÂs unique comedy concerts will have you laughing as he shares lifeÂs lessons with humor and purpose. No admission charge; a love offering will be taken. The concert begins at 6:30 p.m. The church is at 2600 N. Highlands Blvd. in Avon Park. Trust Quartet performsLAKE PLACID „ The Trust Quartet, one of FloridaÂs “nest mixed groups, is scheduled to be in concert at Eastside Christian Church, 101 Peace Ave., at 10:15 a.m. Sunday, March 19. The exciting Trust Quartet, a Florida-based, Nashville-recorded, mixed group, will perform in concert with their close harmony and enthusiastic approach, while using a unique ministering presentation with southern gospelÂs “nest songs.Sons of Allen Witness ProgramAVON PARK „ The Mount Olive A.M.E. Church in Avon Park is hosting a Sons of Allen Witness Program at 4 p.m. Sunday, March 19. The theme is ÂTwelve Good MenÂŽ based on Joshua 3:9-13. The featured speaker is Bro. James Ewards from Allen Temple A.M.E. in Lake Wales. For information, call 863-385-4813 or 863-449-0645.Kiser in concert March 22AVON PARK „ Richard Kiser, Christian guitarist, will present a concert at Community Bible Church at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 22. His performance includes Southern Gospel, spirituals, Contemporary Christian, traditional hymns and Country Gospel. He has won more than 70 major awards as a result of his playing. In 2009, Kiser was inducted into the ÂCountry Gospel Music Assn. Hall of Fame in Branson, Missouri. KiserÂs concert schedule has consisted of more than 125 concerts a year nationwide and in Europe. The church is at 1400 County Road 17A North (truck route) in Avon Park. For further information, call 863-4525643. A free-will offering will be taken.The Wacasters at Under the OaksSEBRING „ The Wacaster Family will be featured at the Under the Oaks on Saturday nights in March. Doors open at 5 p.m. and the singing starts at 6 p.m. There will be snacks at the snack bar. Admission is $5 per person. Under the Oaks is on Beck Avenue. For information, call 863-381-1095.Grace HarmonyAVON PARK „ Grace Harmony will play at Cornerstone Christian Church, 1003 W. Pine St., at 10 a.m. Sunday, March 26. A carry-in dinner will follow. For information, call 863-453-3167. Mike and Sue Filisky of Grace Harmony will also be in concert at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, March 26 at First Baptist Church of Lorida. The church is at 1927 Blessings Ave. in Lorida. A love offering will be received. Call 863-6551878 for information. SAVE $$$$$$Shop theCla ss ified s
Saturday, March 18, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B7 www.highlandsnewssun.comVenice Gondolier readers: Look for the puzzle solution in the Our Town section Summer camp is a beloved tradition in many families. Many parents of young children fondly recall spending their summers at summer camp, where they made lifelong friends and learned the “ner points of roasting marshmallows and competing in threelegged sack races. Parents looking for the right summer camp for their kids will soon discover there are various types of summer camps, each offering youngsters something different. The following are some of the summer camp options parents can expect to encounter as they search for the right camper for their kids.Day campDay camps are not overnight camps, which means kids will return home each night rather than sleep over at camp. Day camps typically offer many of the activities people have come to associate with camps, including crafts, sports and even day-trips to experience local culture or attractions. Many day camps are co-ed, and counselors typically live within the community.Faith-based campFaith-based camps offer many of the same activities as more traditional summer camps, but do so while simultaneously offering campers the opportunity to celebrate and further explore their religious beliefs. Some faith-based camps may focus heavily on religion, incorporating faith into daily camp activities, while others may be more subtle with regard to integrating religious beliefs and lessons into camp activities. Sports campsSome summer camps focus on a particular sport, catering to young athletes who want to further develop their athletic talents. Sports camps may feature guest lectures and lessons from notable local athletes and coaches, while some camps may provide instruction from current and/or former professional athletes. Some sports camps are overnight, while others are day camps. Family campsFamily camps are opportunities for the whole family to enjoy the summer camp experience. Family camps typically tailor their activities around tasks families can complete together, with counselors providing assistance when itÂs needed. Family camps may be faith-based or secular, and families typically stay overnight, sleeping in facilities on the campsites or in lodging away from home. Special needs campsParents of children with special needs can still send their kids to summer camp, as there are many camps that cater to such youngsters. Special needs camps may cater to campers who are blind, deaf, learning disabled, or mentally or physically disabled. Staff at special needs camps typically undergoes extensive training, which helps to calm some of the fears parents may have about leaving their special needs children at camp. Facilities at special needs camps are built to accommodate needs of campers. Summer camp options aboundMETRO CREATIVE SERVICES MCCParents looking for the right summer camp for their kids will soon discover there are various types of summer camps, each oering youngsters something dierent. Many parents encourage their youngsters to volunteer in the hopes that their kids will grow up recognizing the importance of helping the less fortunate and giving something back to their communities. Depending on a youngsterÂs age, he or she may be hesitant to volunteer. Young children may be shy, while older kids may already be burdened with schedules far busier than their parents ever had to contend with. But volunteering can help kids establish a strong connection to their communities and introduce them to new people, the likes of which they may otherwise never get a chance to meet or befriend. € Nature cleanup: Whether itÂs working to remove litter from a nearby beach or pitching in to clean up a local park, a volunteering opportunity in the great outdoors is hard for adults and kids to resist. Kids likely will enjoy the idea of spending a weekend morning or afternoon at the park or beach, and parents can get some sun as they teach their kids the value of protecting the planet and pitching in to keep a community looking great. € Nursing home: Nursing homes accept volunteers of all ages, and families can go together to pitch in and brighten the days of elderly men and women. Kids can read to or play cards or other games with nursing home residents while their folks lend a helping hand in other areas around the facility. € Animal shelter: Many kids love animals, so volunteering with a local animal shelter is a great way for families to bond as they give back to their communities. Animal shelters may need help during special adoption events, or may simply need some extra hands to maintain their facilities.Family-friendly volunteering opportunitiesMETRO CREATIVE SERVICES
B8 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 LEGAL NOTICES PUBLI C N O TI C E The following storage Unit is currently PAST DUE: Building 3 #109 Mehaffie/Dennis Building 4 #4 Mehaffie/Dennis Renter will be given until March 27, 2017 to pay this past due amount in full Thus eliminating U-Lock It Storage from taking over this unit. March 16, 17, 18, 19 SPRING LAKE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL The District is seeking proposals for a rest room facility to be located in its newly created Storm Water Treatment Area and Eco Park located at 2008 Duane Palmer Blvd. The building needs to include a small storage area. There will be no electrical available for light ing, a septic system will be needed, and District water lines are available. All proposals shall meet building rules an d regulations, including ADA access. Interested bidders are invited to attend a meeting at the District office, 115 Spring Lake Blvd. on Tuesday, March 28, 2:00 p.m. to discuss various options the District is considering prior to accepting formal bids. Joe DeCerbo, District Manager March 18, 2017 NOTICE TO CREDITORS20 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. 17000073PCAXMX IN RE: ESTATE OF LOIS ANN ROGERS Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of LOIS ANN ROGERS deceased, whose date of death was November 17, 2015 ; File Number 17000073PCAXMX is pending in the Circuit Court for Highlands County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 430 South Commerce Av enue, Sebring, FL 33870. The names and addresses of the personal repre sentative and the personal representa tive's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate, on w hom a copy of this notice is required t o be served must file their claims with t his court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTIC E OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE C ODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of thi s Notice is March 18, 2017. SHERRY LYNN MCCOTTER Personal Representative 1503 Dundee Court Bel Air, MD 21014 Derek. B. Alvarez, Esquire FBN: 114278 Anthony F. Diecidue, Esquire FBN: 146528 Whitney C. Miranda, Esquire FBN: 65928 GENDERS ALVAREZ DIECIDUE, P.A. 2307 West Cleveland Street Tampa, Florida 33609 Phone: (813) 254-4744 Fax: (813) 254-5222 Eservice for all attorneys listed above: March 18, 25, 2017 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT O F THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO: PC17-108 IN RE: ESTATE OF A NGEL LUIS CALDERON Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of A NGEL LUIS CALDERON deceased, File Number PC17-108, is pending in the Circuit Court for Highlands County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 430 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida 33870. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representativeÂs attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentÂs estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, on whom a copy of t his notice is served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentÂs estate, including unmatured, contingent or unliquidated claims, must file their claims with this Court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE F IRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. fff NOTICE TO CREDITORS20 Th e d ate o f fi rst pu bli cat i on o f t hi s Notice is March 11, 2017. Personal Representative: /s/ Angel L. Calderon Jr. A ttorney for Personal Representative: / s/ Michael L. Keiber MICHAEL L. KEIBER, ESQUIRE Law Office of Michael L. Keiber, P.A. 129 South Commerce Avenue Sebring, FL 33870 V (863) 385-5188 F. (863) 471-1111 Florida Bar No. 620610 March 11, 18, 2017 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. PC 17-62 Division Probate IN RE: ESTATE OF LAWRENCE T. VIRAG Deceased. AMENDED NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of LAWRENCE T. VIRAG, deceased, whose date of death was December 23, 2016 ,is pending in the Circuit Court for Highlands County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 430 S. Commerce Avenue, Sebr ing Florida 33870. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NO TICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER TH E DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUTES 733.702 WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is March 18, 2017. A ttorney for Personal Representative: / s/ James V. Lobozzo Jr. James V. Lobozzo, Jr., Esq. A ttorney Florida Bar Number: 274178 211 S. Ridgewood Drive Sebring, Florida 33870 Telephone: (863) 402-1888 Fax: (863) 471-0751 E-Mail:jvl Secondary Personal Representative: /s/ Laura Isett 1638 Oak Avenue Lake Placid, Florida 33852 March 18, 25, 2017 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. PC 17-65 Division Probate IN RE: ESTATE OF LEROY BENTON Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of LEROY BENTON, deceased, whose date of death was February 6, 2017, and whose social security number is XXX-XX-3521 is pending in the Circuit Court for Highlands County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 4 30 S. Commerce Avenue Sebring, Florida 33870. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representative's attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF TH E FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent's estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLOR IDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT'S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is March 11, 2017. Personal Representative: /s/ Margret Mary Benton 1887 N. Egret Rd. Avon Park, Florida 33825 A ttorney for Personal Representative: / s/ David F. Lanier E-Mail Address: lanier30 Florida Bar No. 045399 DAVID F. LANIER, Attorney P.O. Box 400 A von Park, Florida 33826-0400 Telephone: (863)453-4457 March 11, 18, 2017 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. PC 17-72 IN RE: ESTATE OF DAVID A. BRUNS, SR., Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of DAVID A. BRUNS, SR., deceased, whose date of death was January 14, 2017, and whose social security number is XXX-XX-6449, is pending in the Circuit Court for Highlands County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 5 90 S. Commerce A venue, Sebring, FL 33870. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representativeÂs attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentÂs estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court WITHIN THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent dhhili NOTICE TO CREDITORS20 an d ot h er persons h av i ng c l a i ms or demands against decedentÂs estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE FOREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE A FTER THE DECEDENTÂS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this notice is March 11, 2017. Personal Representative: /s/ Melanie L. Hass 2803 Orange Grove Dr Sebring, FL 33870 Attorney for Personal Representative: / s/ Robert E. Livingston Florida Bar No. 0031259 445 S. Commerce Avenue Sebring, Florida 33870 Telephone: (863) 385-5156 March 11, 18, 2017 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION FILE NO. PC 17-88 Division Probate IN RE: ESTATE OF RUBY JEAN BRANHAM Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The administration of the estate of Ruby Jean Branham, deceased, whose date of death was January 2, 2017, is pending in the Circuit Court for Highlands County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is 590 South Commerce Avenue, Sebring, FL 33870. The names and addresses of the personal representative and the personal representativeÂs attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedentÂs estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this court ON OR BEFORE THE LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE TIME OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. A ll other creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or dem ands against decedentÂs estate must file their claims with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN FLORIDA STATUES SECTION 733.702 WILL BE F OREVER BARRED. NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER T HE DECEDENTÂS DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this not ice is March 11, 2017. Personal Representative: Venice Branham 598 Golden Trophy Trail Lexington, KY 40514 J ocelyn K. Skipper SWAINE & HARRIS, P.A. A ttorneys for Personal Representative 425 South Commerce Avenue Sebring, FL 33870 Telephone: (863) 385-1549 Florida Bar No. 0118430 E-Mail Address: j March 11, 18, 2017 NOTICE OFSALE30 IN THE C IR C UIT CO URT O F THE TENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO. 2016-CA-000440 DIVISION: 10 SUNTRUST MORTGAGE, INC. Plaintiff, vs. LANDELINO SANTIAGO, SR.; CAROL REGAN SANTIAGO a/k/a CAROL SANTIAGO; LANDOLINO SANTIAGO, JR.; UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF LANDELINO SANTIAGO, SR.; UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #1, IF LIVING, AND A LL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER AND A GAINST THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, W HETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTEREST AS SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS; UNKNOWN PARTIES IN POSSESSION #2, IF LIVING, AND ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, UNDER AND AGAINST THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE NO T KNOWN TO BE DEAD OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM AN INTE REST A S SPOUSE, HEIRS, DEVISEES, GRANTEES, OR OTHER CLAIMANTS, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to order rescheduling foreclosure sale or Final Judgment, entered in Civil Case No. 2016-CA-000440 of the Circuit Court of the Tenth Judicial Cir cuit in and for Highlands County, Flori da, wherein SUNTRUST MORTGAGE, INC., Plaintiff and LANDELINO SANTIGO, SR. are defendant(s), I, Cler k of Court, Robert W. Germaine, will sell to the highest and best bidder for cash AT THE JURY ASSEMBLY ROOM IN THE BASEMENT OF THE HIGHLANDS COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATED AT 430 SOUTH COMMERCE AVENUE, SEBRING, FLORIDA AT 11:00 A.M. on May 10, 2017, the following described property as set forth in said Final Judgment, to-wit: LOT 20, BLOCK 5, OF HIGHLANDS PARK ESTATES, SECTION P, A CCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, AT PAGE 59, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF HIGHLANDS COUNTY, FLORIDA. Any person claiming an interest in the surplus from the sale, if any, other than the property owner as of the date of the Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 days after the sale. If you are a person with a disability hddii NOTICE OFSALE30 w h o nee d s any accommo d at i on i n order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assista nce Please contact Court Administration at 430 S. Commerce Avenue, Sebring, Florida 33870, telephone (863) 5344690, within two (2) working days of receipt of this Notice; if you are hearing or voice impaired, call 1-800-9558771. ROBERT W. GERMAINE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT Highlands County, Florida By: /s/ Robyn P. Durrance DEPUTY CLERK OF COURT 16-302709 FC01 SUT March 18, 25, 2017 N O TI C E O F S ALE The following vehicles will be sold at public sale or auction at satisfy lien pursuant to chapter 713.78 (2) of the Florida State statutes at 10AM on A t 1118 Weigle Ave. Sebring FL 33870 SALE DATE: 04/21/17 2000 MERC 4M2DU86P8YUJ18384 1992 GMC 2GTEK19K1N1508094 March 18, 2017 1000REAL ESTATEÂWe Are Pledged To The Letter And Spirit of U.S. Policy For The Achievement Of Equal Housing Opportunity Throughout The Nation. We Encourage And Support An Affirmative Advertising And Marketing Program In Which there Are No Barriers To Obtaining Housing Because of Race, Color, Religion, Sec, Handicap, Familial Status Or National Origin.ÂŽ EQUAL HOUSINGOPPORTUNITY OPEN HOUSE1010 1-4pm Fri, Sat & Sun at 3805 Enchanted Oaks Ln., Sebring. 3/2/3.5 w/heated pool & spa. $355,900 863-471-2021 HOMES FOR SALE1020 3/2 Lake Placid Canal HomeDetached garage, open fl plan, corner lot & vaulted ceilings. Avail. 4/2. If you saw this home at a garage sale, HereÂs Your Chance! (do not disturb tenants). 954-647-8177 GOT TOO MUCH STUFF??Unload it FREE inHighlands News-SunFor any item $500 or less. Email to: Please include your name, address & phone number.PRIVATE PARTY ONLY FINDYOUR BESTFRIEND INTHE CLASSIFIEDS! HOMES FOR SALE SEBRING1026 S un-nL a k e 2040 sq f t 2/2/1 updated kitchen/baths, new paint, quiet area, new A.C., granite counter tops, $125,000. 863-446-2361, 863-399-2304. HOMES FOR SALE LAKE PLACID1027 REDUCEDPool Home1,800sf 2/2/2 in 55+gated comm. Open fl. plan w/lrg. rms, caged heated pool & util. rm. $164k obo. 863-840-0745 CONDOS/VILLAS FOR SALE1040 Lake Placid 2 / 2 /1 VillaAccess to Lake Grassy + activi ties. 1250 sf. New roof & fresh paint. $59k. 812-499-9790 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1090 1974; 3 yrs or Newer: AC, flooring, plumbing: sink & shower, kit counter tops, good metal roof over, appl. Lot rent $289.50, incl. water. $9800 owner finance 863-441-2897 1/1 Handyman Specialat Crystal Lake Club, 2795 S. Flamingo Rd., Avon Park, a 55+ active adult community. $1,000 Call 863-385-7727 F ranc i s I MHP (55 + ) 1bd/2ba+ x-tra space w/ Murphy bed. Only $5,000 obo! 863-382-0360(until 3/28/17) Lake Placid Alpine Village (55+) 2/1.5, wk shop, W/D, covered CP, fully furn. $8,500 obo. 863-840-0379 Selling Mobile Homes~ $1.00 in 55+park on Dinner Lake; RV Spaces for rent also. Dankally 863-273-2874 MANUFACTURED HOMES FOR SALE1095 2/2 dblwide in Crystal Lake Club, Avon Park, 55+ comm. Golf, pool, boating, fishing avail. Lrg. living rm, cathedral c., & sunroom. Trees & circ. drive. $17k. 610-763-5857 WANTED TO BUY1120 Lake PlacidCASH for Your Home! Rapid Closing; Any Condition. Must have sufficient equity. Ken 863-441-2689 Used Park Models or small mobile homes w/in 75-80 mi. of Clewiston FL. Must be able to move & $10k or under.502-803-1876 or 502-682-2403 HOMES FOR RENT1210 2/1 & 3.2 houses for rent~(Spring Lake & close to downtown) Sebring. No pets. Call863-214-6046 Apartments & Housesfor Rent in Highlands County Starting at $450. Pet Friendly! Call Mike CONDOS/VILLAS FOR RENT1240 Downtown Sebring~ 3/1.5/2 Car Carport. Huge Yard with Beautiful Fish Pond. $825/mo +sec. 561-719-2520 Sebring~ 2/2 Villa Carport & shed. Near shopping & schools. $650/mo +1st, lst & sec. Avail. 4/10/17. 863-873-3325 APARTMENTS FOR RENT1320 Free Cable TV Lg clean 1/1, central A/C, tile flrs, window treat. Quiet & Safe 1st/last sec. Sebring, 863-385-1999 Sebring Lake Front Condos & HousesNew kitchens; 1br starting at $475; 2 br starting at $625 1yr lease, NO PETS. 863-382-2221 S e b r i ng, Di nner L a k e A rea 1 bd apt. $475/mo inc. water. Fresh paint, tile floors. Gary Johnson 863-381-1861 APARTMENTS FOR RENT1320 Sebring-Furnished Studio Apt. $600/mo. includes all utilities + cable. 863-6556614 or 863-214-3591 Sebring~ 1/1 $425. Includes water, sewer & garbage. F/L/S. No Dogs.800-743-2301 Sebring~ Large 1 bd, newly renovated. CHA. Satellite service incl. $450/mo. 863-588-0303 UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS1324 Avon Park 2/1 Newly renovated! Beautiful kitchen & bath! Shed, carport & W/D hookup. $600/mo. 941-722-1533. 1BD/1BA $525/mo 2BR/2BA $625/mo Studio $425/moApp Fee: $50; Sec. Dep. $350Newly Refurbished AptsNo Pets No MotorcyclesOne Story Seniors Welcome3210 Lakeview Dr Sebring, FL 33870 863-385-2929 Mon-Fri, 8:30a-5pm SEBRING Bayside Apartments1 & BR & Studio SENIORS & 1st Time Renters Welcome to Apply No Pets Please Call/Stop by 729 Poinsettia Ave 863-385-2063 ROOMS FOR RENT1360 Looking for respectful kind roommate. Furnished master bedroom w/private bath. Quiet residential area. Prefer mature adult. Full use of kitchen & living area, patio, laundry. Utilities included. College students considered. 863-991-1390. COMMERCIAL RENTAL1392 1 600 sq f t store f ront avail. April 1. Downtown Avon Park, next to Depot Restaurant. $800+tax/ mo. Call John at 863-453-5600 Sebring *Liberty Star Plaza* Up to 12,000 ft, 3,000 ft min. for office, prof., medical. Recent build out ready now. IT & Alarm Lines in place. US 27 near SR 66. 863-471-0663 LOTS & ACREAGE1500 Lot on Lake Okeechobee Channel w/seawall & dock, 110x78, existing slab, empty septic, electr. & water hookups. $29K. 269-476-2188 or 269-506-6510 BUSINESS FOR SALE1600 LOCAL HOBBY SHOP FOR SALE as Turn-Key Business or Inventory. Call for appt.863-588-2116 FARMS/ RANCHES1650 B&J CATTLE COMPANY is looking for Cattle Grazing leases in Florida. Get Greenbelt and pay no property taxes! 100+ acres Call (863) 414-2063 for info
Saturday, March 18, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B9 2000EMPLOYMENT HELPWANTED2001 Driver WantedBarben Fruit Company hiring Class A CDL driver to haul citrus. Clean driverÂs lic a must; Exp. preferred. Call John Whitehead: 863-453-3659 Chicanes is Now Hiring: Breakfast/Lunch Servers Bar Attendants Hostess Asst. Restaurant Manager Line Cook Sous Chef Apply at 3101Golfview Rd., Sebring. 863-471-9400 Inn on the Lakes Hiring: Housekeepers Asst. Head Housekeeper Lobby Attendant Apply at 3101Golfview Rd., Sebring. 863-471-9400 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST (FT) Application deadline: 3/22/17. Please visit for detailed position announcement.863-784-7132. EA/EO VETÂS PREF. Appliance Service Person Wanted; Must be Experienced. Apply in person:ABC Appliance, 13611 Hwy 98, Sebring. Call Center RepresentativeSebring call center looking for P/T customer service representative w/call center experience, professional telephone etiquette, & basic computer skills. Applicant must be selfmotivated & organized w/ ability to multi-task in a fast-paced work environment. Available days/ nights/weekends. Apply in person: 135 E. Center Ave., Sebring DRIVER WANTED ~CDL Class A~Full-Time or Part-Timewith 3 yrs exp. Call 863-443-1518 Handyman Wanted A handyman is needed to work on rental units in Highlands Co., FL 863-2439191 (call or text); or email WORKERS NEEDED 66 workers needed for Luis A Becerra Jr. for Tobacco Cucumber and Sweet Potato harvesti ng, from 05/15/17 to 11/30/17. Workers will be paid $0.50 per 5/8 bu, but will be guaranteed $11.27 per hour. Job location is in Edgecombe County NC. This job opportunity is temporary, 36 hours per week guaranteeing at least 3/4 of the time offered. Free housing is provided to workers who cannot reasonabl y return to thei r permanent residence at the end of the work day. Transportation and subsistence expenses to the work site will be provided by the employer upon completion of 50% of the work contract. Tools, equipment and supplies will be provided at no cost. Address of Order Holding Office is PO Box 27625 Raleigh, NC 27611. Workers interested can apply for this job at the nearest State Work Agency with job o rder 10658215 Immediate Openings Across Highlands County!COMFORT KEEPERS is hiring part-time Caregivers, CNA, and HHA. We offer training and flexible scheduling for Day, Night, and Overnight shifts, 7 days a week. Apply onlineat https://cklakeland. or email: melissamedeiros@ 2013 CK Franchising, Inc. Most offices independently owned and operated. HHA#299992766 Fast Paced Landscape Company ISO Experienced Tree Trimmer Full Time~Valid DriverÂs Lic.~Must Pass Drug Test Competitive Hourly Wages Opportunity for GrowthTo Apply:Call 863-453-7300 HELPWANTED2001 SELL FOR FREE!!For items less than $500 Email to: Please include your name, address & phone number PRIVATE PARTY ONLY NOW HIRING: Mechanic/Technician: Gas/Diesel experience pref. (Pay based on experience) Service Advisor: Answer phones, customer service, etc. Call Kevin: 863-655-2120 Class A CDL/Equip. OperatorMechanical skills; clean driverÂs record. EQUIPMENT OPERATOR Hardee County BOCC Road & Bridge Dept. $23,157.46$31,922.82+ benefits. Knowledge of general practices applied in maintenance and operation of light and heavy construction equipment. HS Diploma or GED w/ valid FL Class ÂBÂŽ CDL. Job description & application @ HR, 205 Hanchey Rd., Wauchula, FL 33873. 863-773-2161. Position open until filled. 2000EMPLOYMENT PROFESSIONAL2010 Building Trades Instructor HBI is currently seeking a full-time Building Construction Technology instructor for its program in Avon Park. HS diploma or equivalent is required. Must have at least five (5) years of experience in the building trades. The ability to work with young adults aged 16-24 is needed. Competitive salary and full benefits offered, including paid leave. To view a full job description and apply, visit EOE/AA/M/F/D/V PUTCLASSFIEDS TOWORK FORYOU! FINDAJOB! BUYAHOME! BUYACAR! Are you Looking for a Career in Insurance? Commercial lines position for licensed insurance CSR. Commercial lines experience preferred but will consider candidate with personal lines experience. Job requires strong verbal and written communication skills, attention to detail, experience in MS Word and Excel, and ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Ideal candidate is self-motivated and customer ser vice oriented. Prior experience with Applied Systems a plus. Position requires 2-20 license. BachelorÂs degree preferred. Email resume to BILLING/INSURANCE REP $2,000 SIGN ON BONUS Medical Data Systems, Inc. is recruiting for an insurance representative that will be responsible to conduct telephone follow-up on previously billed hospital/physician claims and request billing of new insurance discovery. Preferred healthcare experience but willing to train. Must understand the insurance process & have good communication skills. Excellent benefits, the pay rate commensurable with experience & includes bonus. Please email resume to: or Fax to 863-3828062. PROFESSIONAL2010 Advertising Account Executive Are you looking for a career with $40,000$55,000+ earnings potential? Are you ready for a career where you can make a difference in the community? Are you a people-person that enjoys socializing and networking at community events? The Highlands News-Sun is looking for Advertising Account Executive ready to join a winning team of professionals. WeÂre looking for good people wh o want an exciting career with a growing media company. Experience is preferred, but weÂre willing to train the right person. We need people who really care about their community and the businesses that make our local economy tick. Our Advertising Account Managers work closely with the local business owners to provide powerful advertising campaigns that deliver results. We Offer:$25,000 per year salary, plus commissionsPaid Time Off (PTO)Health & Dental Insurance401(k)TrainingAdvancement OpportuntiesDonÂt miss this opportunity to interview for a career as an Advertising Account Executive at the Highlands News-Sun We are a drug and nicotine free workplace. Pre-employment drug/nicotine testing required. Send your resume to: Highlands News-Sun Attn: Ryan Danzey 207 Circle Park Drive Sebring, FL 33870or Email: ryan.danzey@highlands CLERICAL/OFFICE2020 I mme di ate f u ll -t i me open i ng for Experienced Office Manager/Secretary for small busi ness in the legal field. Must have g ood office skills, computer knowledge & be able to multi task. QuickBooks experience preferred, but willing to train. Please send resume to: Seizethesales withClassified! MEDICAL2030 OAKS AT AVON Is Hiring CNAs Full/PartTime, all shifts. Apply at 1010 Hwy 27N Avon Park or fax resume to Tammy Padilla at 863-453-5308. Dental assistant/hygenist. Are you interested in an additional paycheck? WeÂre looking for an experienced dental assistant or hygenist to work in our specialty dentist office on Saturdays from 9:30 to 4:30. Please contact Sandy at 863-414-1493 or email LPN Wanted New Pay Scale Full-Time, 11p-7a; Part-Time & PRN, all shifts. 24 bed Intermediate care facility for the mentally & physically challenged. Dynamic team environment Essential Criteria:Current Florida LPN license; Demonstrated interpersonal & written communication skills; Experience a plus but will train. Fax resume to 863-4522223: Attention to Angelina Cantera, DON; apply online at thementornet Apply in person at Florida Mentor, Avon Park Cluster, 55 E. College Dr., Avon Park. 863-453-0186 MEDICAL2030 LPN/RN All Shifts Sign-On Bonus! Apply online Oaks at Avon HIRING LPNs Full-Time & Part-Time Positions Career Advancement Opportunities All Eligible Applicants will be Interviewed Directly. Highly Competitve Salaries Readers Choice Award Facility Apply at 1010 US Hwy 27 N., Avon Park or fax resume to Tammy Padilla at 863-453-5308 Medical Assistant Needed Full-Time for busy medical practice in Sebring. AA degree preferred. Email resumes to Receptionist Needed Full-Time for busy medical practice in Sebring. Email resumes to Oaks at Avon SIGN ON BONUS New WagesReaders Choice Award Facility HIRING RNs Full-Time & Part-Time Positions Flexible Shifts Available Career Advancement Opportunities All Eligible Applicants will be Interviewed Directly. Apply at 1010 US Hwy 27 N., Avon Park or fax resume to Tammy Padilla at 863-453-5308 RESTAURANT/ HOTEL2040 Dutchers Diner Now HiringExperienced Cooks & Servers. Apply in person at 1012 W. Main St., Avon Park. SKILLED TRADES2050 WANTED: EXPERIENCED CABINET BUILDER/INSTALLER Well established Kitchen & Bath business seeking experienced cabinet builder/installer with excellent carpentry skills. Apply in person at 19 Ranier Dr., Lake Placid, call 863-4650033 or email resume to: GENERAL2100 Roofer with repair experience and own tools. Must be familiar with the Highlands County area & have valid driverÂs license with good driving record & able to pass drug test. Drug free company. Apply in person, T. M. Scott, Inc. 44 Commercial Blvd, Lake Placid. 863-465-7737. 6000 MERCHANDISE GARAGE SALES 6012 A von P ar k F r i S at 3/17 18 8 2, 514 Tulane Circle. Plants, all sizes clothes, bikes, antiques, fishing equip, something for all! A von P ar k C ommun i ty S a l e Reflections on Silver Lake Sat. Mar. 18th 8-noon at 1850 Hwy 27 S. 100Âs of residents selling 1000Âs of items! Avon Park~ 8a-? Sat Only at 990 E. Canfield St.Multi-Family; some proceeds benefit Highlands Community Church Golf cart., appliances & more L a k e Pl ac id S at 8 a 2 p, b ehind WendyÂs on Spruce St. hardwood lumber, woodworking tools, household items, clocks. GARAGE SALES 6012 CheriÂs Estate Sale 8-5 Thurs Sat, 106 Eastview Dr., Sebring. US 27 to Sebring Pkwy, left on Eastview Dr., second house on right. Sofabed, chairs, 2 full beds, hutch, drop leaf table, dry sink, click-sofa teacart, rocking chairs, flat screen TVs, rugs, pictures, mirrors, dishes, pots & pans, Roseville pottery, Royal Doulton China, antique lanterns, tools, ladder, clothes (M & W) and much more! Questions call Cheri at 863-214-3448 Lake Placid Estate Sale~ 8a-1p Fri & Sat at 479 Lake Apthorp Dr. Antiques, collectibles & furniture. Lake Placid~ 7a? S at O nly at 1813 Citadel St. Exercise equip. knick-knacks, new clothes, baby clothes, household & more! Lake Placid~ 8a-? Fri & Sat at 7 Buckskin St. Downsizing!! Furn., baby items, crafts, home decor & lots of misc! Sebring March 17-18, 3410 Hawk Street, 8am-1pm. Lots of stuff! Large popcorn machine, water cooler. S e b r i ng S at, 8 2 2002 G ar d e nia Ave. Dodge Ram parts, Po laris Ranger, electronics, homedecor, depression glass. Sebring Hills ~8a-4p ThursSat at 233 Dove Ave. Big Art Sale, home decor, clothing, jewelry, household & misc. Sebring Moving Sale!8a-2p Sat Only at 5234 Lime Rd. Appl., furn., nautical decor, and lots more! Sebring, Sat & Sun 8a -?, 718 Corvette Ave, Estate Sale entire house, all must go! S e b r i ng, S at 8 a 3 p, 1317 Oakwood Dr., garden tools, reg tools, some furniture, nicknacks, household items & more Sebring~ 7a-? Fri & Sat at 604 Crane St. Lots of household, lots of tools, some furniture and plants. Sebring~ 7am Fri & Sat at 1000 Persimmon Ave. Church Sale : housewares, hardward, kit. items, books, videos, shoes, clothes, toys, lots & lots of misc. S e b r i ng~ 8 a? F r i & S at at 1 821 Elf Dr. (off Sparta Rd). Qn matt. & bxspr., riding mower, old wheel, gas grill, ladies clothes, dishes & lots of misc Sebring~ 8a-1p Sat & Sun at 415 Dozier Ave. (Harder Hall) Household, clothes, costume jewelry & much more! Sebring~ 8a-2p Sat Only at 1603 Overlook Place (Lake Jackson Hgts). Sm appli., housewares, patio set & more. No early birds please Sebring~ 8a-3p Sat & Sun at 3233 Illinois Ave. Huge Moving Sale! Furn., tools, misc & lots of odds n ends! S e b r i ng~ 8 a-noon S at O n l y at 3813 Perugia Ave. (Sun Ân Lakes). Vacuum clnr., toaster oven, lamps, hp printer, bike etc Sebring~ 9a-4p Sat only at 541 Cottonwood Dr. (Buttonwood Bay). LOTS of Jewelry! Clothing & Something for Everyone! First Baptist of Lake Josephine Annual Sale7a-1p Fri & Sat at 111 Lake Josephine Dr., Sebring. Furn. tools, golf items & lots more! ARTS AND CRAFTS6025 100 12 x 12 s h eets mu l t i patterns and colors, good for scrap booking or making cards 10 cents each (863) 382-0310 A rt S upp li es~ use d supp li es incl. easels, books, paper, sketch pads, much much more. From $5-$50. 863-471-0568 SEWING6026 S ew i ng M ac hi ne, o ld er, i n oa k cabinet, $25.00-863-414-4734 S ew i ng M ac hi ne, Si nger, model 1411, slant needle, auto bobbin refill, may need to be serviced, $25-863-446-1009 ESTATE SALES 6028 Lake Placid Estate Sale~ 8a-1p Fri & Sat at 479 Lake Apthorp Dr. Antiques, collectibles & furniture. MOVINGSALES 6029 Sebring~ 8a-3p Thurs-Sat at 5241 Kenilworth Blvd. storage unit #200. Former antique dealer w/2 units of vintage & designer furn. Going out of business sale772-971-0707 HOUSEHOLD GOODS6030 2 N ew Fl us h M ount Li g h ts~ $30 each. 863-465-5176 Blinds, new 2 room darkening 23ÂŽ x 64ÂŽ, 2ÂŽ slatts, polar white, $10.00 ea., 863-658-1893 C onvect i on B rea d M ac hi ne, Wel Bilt, $20.00-812-945-7828 C orelle Blue Dusk Pattern sugar,creamer, gravy boat, Salt & Pepper, $25, 863-382-4375 C ore ll e Bl ue D us k P attern, 12oz. beverage glasses, like new, $15.00 863-382-4375 C roc k P ot, c l ass i c 4 quart, ne w in box, $8.00 863-414-4734 Dehydrator w/extra trays, American Harvest $50.00, 336-409-4015 Dishes with completer set. 5 2 55 pcs, new white w/green rims $40 (863) 385-4575 D resser w / m i rror d es k an d chair, nightstand, light wood $350.00 (863) 465-2375 F a b r i c S teamer w / te l escop i ng pole, lge portable, smooth out wrinkles in clothes, drapes, etc. $55.00 obo 336-409-4015 Gl asses (4) w ildlif e, no. A mer i moose, bald eagle, Amer. bison & humpback whale, never used, all for $10, 863-273-7625. J u i cer, B rev ill e mo d e l JE98XL new condition, used only 5 times, pd $119.95, selling for $50.00, 863-658-1893 Li g h t, Tiff any sty l e my d a came l pyramid accent light, 1985 series, amber glass, $140.00, 863-840-3879 Ne N SnClothing, Furn., Home Decor233 N. Ridgewood Dr. SebringT-F 10-4;Sat 10-2863-382-0551 P ower J u i cer, J ac k L a L anne $50.00 812-945-7828 R oc ki ng Ch a i r, w hi te, $50 00 (863) 465-2375 Sil ver co ff ee & tea S erver w/sugar bowl, creamer, serving tray $145. (863) 382-0310 W aterford C rystal, Lismore pattern, 6 types of glasses, retails for $72+, selling for $35 each, (812) 595-6656 W et/Dry Vac w/blower, C ra f tsman 16 gal., on wheels, all att achments incl., good condition $55.00 obo-863-441-4418 Wi c k er Ch a i r green $50 00 (865) 465-2375 HOLIDAYITEMS6031 N ew bl ow up S anta Cl aus on motorcycle. 8 ft long $40. (863) 385-4575 FURNITURE6035 4 d rawer wa l nut d resser $50 00 with matching night stand $25. 0 863-453-6510 B e d Ik ea meta l f rame w / woo d slats, twin size, $25.00 863385-6749 B e d room S et, d resser w /l arge mirror, chest & queen headboard w/frame, maple $350.00 Must See!! 863-385-3094 Bedroom S et, king HB, lge armoire, triple dresser, 2 matching nightstands, light oak wood, no bed, $499 863-273-1834 B e d room set, queen s i ze, mattress, boxsprings, headboard, frame, dresser, $150, 252-4520824. B oo k C ase, 4 s h e l ves, 12 x 30 x 48, $10.00 863-414-4734 B u ff et, v i ntage, n i ce ma h ogony, wood/glass, 5 shelves, like new $199.00, 772-971-0707 C e d ar & M a h ogany Ch est w/optional drawer, nice and big, great shape, $199.00 772 971-0707 Ch a i r f or c hild new f a b r i c, roya l blue $60 (863) 385-4575 Ch a i r, ant i que, orange w i t h arms and foot stool, $425.00 863-273-3731 C omputer d es k w /k ey b oar d pullout, letter slots, made of nice wood, $25, 863-617-2058. C orner enterta i nment center, smoked glass, like new, $25, 863-471-6277.
Saturday, March 18, 2017 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | B11 MISCELLANEOUS6260 S torage (2) ru bb er ma id 20 x 14 x 5.5 & 13 x 8.5 x 4.2ÂŽ, $10.00 863-273-3731 S u i t C ase (2) S amson i te 28 x 18 x 12, exc. cond., $60.00 863-273-3731 T a bl e l amp -s ilk s h a d e, cream/white exc. cond. like new $50 OBO (863) 414-8095. V acuum C leaner C overs ~ f it upright vacuums, 3 for $30 obo 863-441-4418 FREE MERCHANDISE6260 Bees. You come get, C all Jen (863) 444-8291 R e f r i gerator, S ears C o ld spot, 14 cu. ft., works fine, no shelves, Free 231-421-4786 WANTED TO BUY/TRADE6270 ÂBefore you Trash it, Cash it!ÂŽWanting to buyjunk cars; heavy/farm equip., trailers etc 863-445-1275 7000TRANSPORTATION AUTOMOTIVE7005 Â00 Camry 91k mi~ $3,700 Â01 Chevy S-10~ $2,500 Â02 Dodge Caravan $1,999TonyÂsNo Hassle 863-446-1186 MISC.DOMESTIC AUTOS7140 V W Jetta, 2003 G L S Wagon Loaded! 4 cyl, 120 km, cold AC, 4-air bags,new mag wheels-tires $3,995 obo 772-971-0707 AUTO PARTS/ ACCESSORIES7270 A uto E mergency Ki t, 36 pcs in case, booster cables, pliers, ratchet heads, elec., tape, etc. never used, $25-863-273-7625 Battery charger 60 /4 0 / 2 Amp 250 Amp $80 OBO (863) 386 1299 Excalibar C ar Tow Bar, rated 80000#, $50 863-465-0967 Hydraulic f loor jack, 2 ton Hein Werner $75 (863) 386-1299 I mprove gas /h orsepower. V e hicle perform programmer by Superchips Ford gas/diesel $200 (863) 243-1695 Ti res, 4 Mi c h e li n use d t i res, good thread, asking $200 firm 863-991-3786 Tool Box for P/U ~ HD aluminum w/pop-up lid and lock and keys. $300. Call 863-4414418 T oo l B oxes f or PU a l um i num, side mount $300 each, 863243-1695. TRUCKS/ PICK-UPS7300  97 D o d ge R am~ runs great, engine is perfect: new battery, new alt. & new tires. $2,000. 863-273-1782. GOLFCARTS7327 G olf C art Tires ( 4 ) w/wheels, size 18 x 8.5-8, in good cond, $40.00 for all 863-385-4125 MISC. BOATS7333 1 6 f t f iberglass boat w/galv. steel trailer, new transom... needs more work, $1500 in vested $499. (863) 385-3668 16 Sun Tracker pontoon, Merc 60hp 4 stroke eng, retractable cover, 1 yr old, anchor, radio, lights for night boating, $17,000, 330-338-4451. R u bb er ra f t3 person coca co l a motif, like new, aprox 7 x 4 $40 (863) 401-2285 MARINE SUPPLY & EQUIP.7338 B oat anc h ors, 2 l arge $10 eac h (863) 465-3426 G as B u dd y, 25 ga ll on, goo d condition, $25 863-840-0191 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! M otorgu id e T ro lli ng M otor, foot pedal, 40lb trust, bow mount, exc. cond., $175 firm 863-446-0232 CANOES/ KAYAKS7339 K aya k 16 f t. w i t h pa ddl e & j acket, $500.00 obo, text or call 309-287-0812 K aya k 17 f t., woo d h an d made by artisan, 2 seater, new, $399.00 obo-772-971-0707 Kayak, O cean Malibu, 2 XL, yellow 2-person sit on, w/plugs, 2 seats, 2 paddles, covered storage, EC, $425 863-699-0229 TRAILER & ACCESSORIES7341 6 x1 0 tilt aluminum Blizzard trlr w/removable sides, $1225. To w dolly, 2016 Master Tow, used once, $1100, 518-681-7285. CYCLES/MOPEDS/ SCOOTERS7360 2013 Y ama h a Cl ass i c S cooter, 49cc, vanilla white, only 196 miles, excellent cond, $1400, 863-699-0410 Lake Placid. S cooter, 20 11 TaoTao, $3 5 0 863-314-9912 UTV7366 Â16 UTV (Side x Side) & Â17 Utility Trailer~ Low road mi. on UTVboth like newwith extras. 863-453-7027 CAMPERS/ TRAVELTRAILERS7370 2008 Coachman Pop-Up Camper~ Many extras, too many to mention! $3,850.863-385-7958 MOTOR HOMES/ RVs7380 Â06 Jayco Designer 5th WH~ 38 with 4 slides. Cen. AC/heat New awnings. Inc. TV, DVD, CD $18,999 obo. 336-657-2116 Â08 Ameri-Camp 5th Wheel~ 36Â, rear living area, 2 A/Cs, Sleep # Bed & plenty of storage $18k obo. 863-449-1247 2000 Cameo by Carriage~ 3 slides, new awning at Reflections on Silver Lk. Good cond! $8,900. 989-965-1563 2009 F orest Ri ver Si erra 5 t h wheel 36 with 3 slides. Good condition. Motivated seller, $16,000 neg. 812-564-3078. 2012 CRUSADER 32' 5TH WHEEL3 slides, central vac., 2 tv's., DVD, Power awning, central a/cheat. $22,500 863-453-8636 Motor Home C over, 29 32 Â, class C, never used, $50.00 863-465-0967 RV/CAMPER PARTS7382 RV S urge Protector, 5 0 amp, all digital, like new, $225.00 863-655-3556 Bus i nesses & Se rvi ces 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES Commercial & Residential Mowers~Golf Carts, etc Free Est., Pick Up & Delivery! 863-381-8728 AAA Southern Cleaning Inc.Commercial & Residential Cleaning, Property Mgmt. 863-464-1138 T urnyou r trashinto cash! Advertise youryard sa l e! Precision Machine ShopIndividual Machining Jobs to Mass Production & CustomHartco 863-368-2433 Handyman; Painting; Pressure Cleaning; Sprinklers/Pump Repairs; Mowing; HaulingErrands & More!863-464-1135www.chores-n-oddjobs.comLic#HM0072 & Insured AdvertiseToday! 5000 BUSINESS SERVICES CABINETRY5030 Why Replace Aging Countertops? Refinish for a whole new look. Call Laurie at 863-368-0126. ELECTRICAL5070 Master Electrician Reliable,Quick, 25 yrs Exp. All jobs! Lic# EC13005602863-453-4513 FURNITURE REPAIR5086 Furniture Refinishing & Repair32 yrs exp. Lic/ins #HC00772863-314-0800 Y Y ouSa ouSa ve ve BigBuc BigBuc ks ks Shopping Shopping Classifieds! Classifieds! HANDYMAN/ GENERALREPAIR5089 RodÂs Handyman RepairPlumbing, Carpentry, Welding etc. 50 yrs exp. Lic.# HMO157863-449-0390 HOME / COMM. IMPROVEMENT5100 Residential & Commercial FREE Estimates Call forOur $50 off Special! 863-414-8333 LAWN/GARDEN & TREE5110 FL Lawn-WorksTree Trim/Removal, Irrigation Landscaping & More863-381-4505 J & B Lawn MaintenanceTrees Cut, Lawn Service & Power Washing. All Counties. 863-835-2559 Trees Shrubs Clean Up Flowerbeds, Pressure Washing. Any Size Job. Free Est. 863-589-2431 ASKUS HOWyoucanplaceaPICTUREofyourite m forsale inyour classifiedad! PAINTING/ WALLPAPERING5140 RON WILLIAMS PAINTING CONTRACTOR Interior & Exterior Pressure Wash. 25 Yrs. Exp. Lic/Ins. Lic #6002962 863-402-0693 PETCARE5155 In Your Home Pet GroomingDogs, Cats & Birds. 15+yrs Exp. Certified Groomer. Low Prices! 863-368-1446 PRESSURE CLEANING5180 HOUSE WASHFlat Rate Pricing & Insured 1 Story $70 / 2 Story $120 Call: 863-214-4828 SCREENING5184 Re-Screen Pools & Patios& Garage Doors~No Job Too Small! Call John or MelissaLic# 2236 863-381-4897 Pool Encl, Scrn Rooms & Small Alum Jobs. Est. Since 2004 863-381-2767Insur. lic #HM0098 ROOFING5185 NO Money Down~Repairs OnlySpecializing in Rotten Wood Shingles; Metal; Tile 35yrs exp! 863-699-0383 MISCELLANEOUS5230 Psychic Readings by Dora PalmTarot Crystal Readings Available Avon Park. 863-214-4631 BOSTON, Mass. „ Susannah Johnson, a Sebring resident, recently earned a masterÂs degree in Nursing from Simmons College. Simmons College ( is a nationally recognized private university in the heart of Boston, and is the preeminent authority on womenÂs leadership. Founded in 1899, Simmons is the only undergraduate womenÂs college in Boston, and maintains a history of visionary thinking and a focus on social responsibility. The College offers world-class coeducational graduate programs in nursing and health sciences, liberal arts, library and information science, business management, and social work.Sebring resident receives degree from Simmons CollegeSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUNLAKE PLACID „ First Presbyterian Church of Lake Placid will host a special hymn festival in their sanctuary at 4 p.m. Sunday, March 26, to celebrate some of the churchÂs favorite hymns and songs of praise. The songs were selected in a poll of the entire congregation conducted between Dec. 4 and Jan. 29. The list of pieces includes such standards as ÂHoly, Holy, Holy,ÂŽ and ÂAmazing Grace,ÂŽ and Gospel hymns such as ÂHow Great Thou Art,ÂŽ ÂIt Is Well,ÂŽ and ÂThe Old Rugged Cross,ÂŽ as well as the Gaither songs ÂBecause He LivesÂŽ and ÂThereÂs Something About That NameÂŽ and newer compositions like ÂAs the DeerÂŽ and ÂHere I Am, Lord.ÂŽ ÂWe have done several themed hymn festivals over the years,ÂŽ explains the churchÂs music director, Joshua Klatt, Âbut this year we decided to try something completely new. We thought, ÂHey, rather than picking a theme like the hymns of Fanny Crosby or the Gaithers, why donÂt we crowd-source the songs and try to build a hymn festival out of the response we get?ÂÂŽ More than 90 individual hymns, Gospel songs, and contemporary choruses were submitted for inclusion, with Klatt selecting the fourteen most popular for the program. The hymn festival covers an amazing variety of worship music stretching over 200 years congregational singing from the publication of John NewtonÂs ÂAmazing GraceÂŽ in 1779 to the present day. This variety is re”ected in the various different textures and groupings of voices and instruments to be used throughout festival, from choir, organ, and orchestra to Gospel-style piano and guitar. ÂWe hope that there is something in this event for as many different people as possible,ÂŽ Klatt explains, ÂWe want people to be encouraged and uplifted by the songs and drawn to give glory to God through His gift of music.ÂŽ The favorite songs hymn festival will be held in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian Church on Sunday, March 26, at 4 p.m. as a part of the churchÂs concert series. Sweets will be served in the churchÂs Gospel Garden beginning at 3:15 p.m., with the concert following at 4 p.m. There is no charge for the event, but a love offering will be collected to further the churchÂs music ministry. If anyone from the community is interested in participating with the choir or orchestra for this special program, they are encouraged to call the director, Joshua Klatt, for more information at 863-446-3062. First Presbyterian Church is at 117 N. Oak Ave. in Lake Placid between Dal Hall and Interlake Boulevard. Hymn festival to celebrate favorite songsSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN Playgrounds are meant to be entertaining outdoor respites and places where children can engage in some much-needed fun and exercise. But playgrounds also can be the sites of serious injury and may even contribute to child fatalities. The Consumer Product Safety Commission says that the four equipment pieces most often associated with injuries include climbers, swings, slides, and overhead ladders. To continue to make playground play safer, parents and children can: visit only those playgrounds that have safe, soft surfaces beneath the equipment, avoid clothing that has cords, drawstrings or straps, such as those on "hoodie" sweatshirts. Neck warmers are safer than scarves, ensure playground equipment is used only in the manner it was intended, supervise children at all times on the playground, and routinely inspect and maintain equipment. Did you know? Pla yg rounds are meant to b e entertainin g o utdoor res p ites and pl aces w h ere c h i ld ren c an en g a g e in some much-n ee d e d fun and e xercise. But p l aygroun d s al so can be t he sit e s o f serious in j ur y and ma y even contri b ute t o c h i ld f ata l iti e s. T he Consumer Product Safet y Commission sa y s t h at th e f our e q ui p ment p ie c es m ost o f te n assoc i ated w it h in j uries inc l u d e c limbers, swin g s, slides, a n d o v e r head ladde r s. To continu e to ma ke pl a yg roun d p l a y sa f er, p arents and children can : visit on ly t h ose p l a y g rounds that have safe, s o f t sur f ac e s be n e at h t he eq ui p ment, avoid clothin g that h as cor d s, d rawstrings or straps, such as those on hoodie sweatshirts. p p Ne c k warm e rs ar e sa fe r t h an scarves ensure pla yg round e quipment is use d on ly in t he mann e r it was intended su p ervise c h i ld ren at a ll times on the pla y g round, an d routine ly inspect an d maintain e q ui p ment. D id y ou know ?
B12 | HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN | Saturday, March 18, 2017 COURTESY PHOTOFeature Pastor The Avon Park Holiness Camp on Friday, March 24, will feature Pastor Tim Taylor, Lake Placid Church of the Nazerene, and special music with his wife, Marsha, at 7 p.m. The tabernacle is at 1001 W. Lake Isis Road, (across from Walmart and U.S. 27) in Avon Park. Did you know that advanced digital technologies can help grade school and high school students become better prepared for college and careers? From interactive platforms and applications to high-tech hardware, digital learning is empowering educators and helping prepare students for their futures. Here are a few new learning tools that are transforming education today.Do the MathGraphing calculators are getting an enhanced look and feel, enabling students to solve the most challenging equations and enhance their understanding of math. For example, cutting edge calculators, such as fxCG50, the newest model in CasioÂs calculator portfolio, offer a three-dimensional graphing function that allows students to view their graph from various angles to better analyze their shape. Other new capabilities include cross-section and zoom functions for greater analysis. Students can also plot graphs over pictures of real-life scenes on a full color textbook-style display, making math education a more visual experience.Go the DistanceThese days, classroom style learning doesnÂt always have to take place within the four walls of a physical classroom. Distance learning offers a greater number of people access to the same educational opportunities, and is made possible by new technologies. Educators and schools are embracing platforms like Blackboard and Schoology to help connect students with educational content 24 hours a day. These platforms also enhance traditional classroom learning. Known as blended learning, students still attend class, but can hone their skills and knowledge during off-hours at a personalized pace with technology-mediated instruction.Music to OneÂs EarsMusic education isnÂt what it used to be, thanks to new technology and gear. For example, Chordana Play, a new app, can be linked with several Casio electronic keyboards as a learning tool for beginners and advanced musicians. The app displays notes graphically in real time, along with the correct keyboard positions for both hands. Users are welcome to import song data into the app and expand their repertoire over time. To learn more, visit CasioMusicGear. com. As technology evolves, enhanced tools and processes are changing the way educators teach and students absorb content. And these changes also are making teachers more ef“cient, enabling greater freedom for students to bene“t from a more personalized approach to learning.How Digital Technologies Can Help Students LearnSTATE POINT MEDIALAKE WALES „ Bok Tower Gardens will present the 91st annual Easter Sunrise Service at 7 a.m. Sunday, April 16, with free admission from 6-8 a.m. An annual tradition since 1926, worshipers are invited to experience the majesty of the sun rising over the horizon atop Iron Mountain. Accessible parking, shuttle service, and seating for guests will be available. The Entrance Gate, Visitor Center and Gift Shop will open at 6 a.m. Donations are suggested. Gardens carillonneur Geert DÂhollander will begin the celebration at 6:30 a.m. with a selection of seasonal music performed on the 60-bell Singing Tower carillon. The service will feature the Lake Wales Choral under the director of Vince Treadway and an inspirational Easter message delivered by Pastor Jeffrey Kantz of First United Methodist Church The service will conclude with a half-hour carillon concert. Following the service, the Blue Palmetto Caf will offer a special buffet for $12.95 per adult; $8.95 per child under 12. Scrambled eggs, Spanish eggs, bacon, sausage, grits, home style potatoes, assorted pastries, fresh fruit, and beverages including regular and decaf coffee and FloridaÂs Natural orange juice will be served. At 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., DÂhollander will perform hymns and other seasonal carillon music for the occasion. Visitors can watch the 30-minute concerts on a video monitor in a special seating area behind the Peace Lantern near the Tower and meet DÂhollander by the Information Booth after the concerts. The Easter Sunrise Service has been an annual tradition since April 17, 1927, making it the longest continuously running event at Bok Tower Gardens. Rev. G.W.R. Cadman formally dedicated the Sanctuary during the “rst service. The son of Gardens founder, Curtis Bok, said the service Âquite literally helps the sun get over the horizon on Easter morning.ÂŽ After 8 a.m. general admission to the Gardens is $14 for adults and $5 for children ages 5-12. Members and children under 5 are admitted free. Pinewood Estate will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for an additional fee.91st annual Easter Sunrise Service offered at Bok Tower GardensSPECIAL TO HIGHLANDS NEWS-SUN State Point MediaDigital learning is empowering educators and helping prepare students for their futures. adno=3422883 Lynyrd Skynyrd A MUST SEE PERFORMANCE!TICKETS STARTING ATONLY $13!DONÂT WAIT, GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! March 20, 2017Genesis CenterLake Placid, FLAll seats reserved Show starts at 7:00pminfo@sunevents.comJoin our email list to get news and updates on our upcoming events. A TRIBUTE TO & FRYNDSOrder tickets by calling or going online:(863) 494-9362www.SunEvents.comÂ50s Â80s Rock n Roll MusicALSO ENJOY YOUR FAVORITEwith opening act California Toe Jam ENJOY SONGS SUCH AS: Sweet Home AlabamaAND MANY MORE!Many residents of FloridaÂs Heartland consider California Toe Jam to be the areaÂs most well-loved Good-Time Oldies Band. Their family-friendly shows have brought smiles to countless faces over the last three decades. Tickets also available for purchase by visiting or calling the venue at: All sales nal Tickets plus taxes & fees adno=716838 1305 US Highway 27 N, Avon Park, FL 33825 23 IN STOCK! STARTING AT (INCLUDES $ 4,800 RETAIL BONUS CASH) *Tax, Tag, and Title not Included. $2,000 Retail Customer Cash. $300 ÂEcoBoostÂŽ Bonus Customer Cash. $1,500 Bonus Customer Ca sh. $1,000 ÂF-150ÂŽ Fast Cash Certificate Program. Not all buyers will qualify for Ford Credit financing. 2.9% APR financing for 60 months. Not available for all offers, take new retail delivery from dealer stock by 4/3/17. See dealer for qualifications and complete details.$34,795*2017 FORD F-150 XLT 4X4 NO DEALER FEEES! adno=3424001
AGREEN PARTY 03.18.17 USA SNAPSHOTS Router insecuritySOURCE Intel Security survey of 13,000 adults in 14 countries including the USAMICHAEL B. SMITH AND KARL GELLES, USA TODAYof consumers never changed their router password from the default after purchase.20% MARK LENNIHAN, APWall St. wa r ms u p to Ca n ada Goose I N MO N EY P axto n Âs ÂMea n D r eams a b r av ur a pe r fo r ma n ceVERTICAL ENTERTAINMENT I N LIFEWASHINGTONThe military scandal involving sharing of sexually explicit images of troops has expanded beyond the private social media site Marines United to a slew of gay pornography Web pages with images of men wearing military uniforms engaged in sex acts, USA TODAY has learned. The broadened investigation to an increasing number of websites underscores the complexity of policing social media sites where sensitive images can be uploaded in an instant for all to see. In the case of the sites with gay pornography, military investigators will try to determine whether active-duty troops were involved in conduct that could bring discredit on their service, a potential violation of military law. The Marine Corps is not the only service aected. Images of men in the uniforms of sailors, soldiers and airmen also appear on an array of Tumblr sites. Similarly to the Marines United case, it is unclear whether men appearing in the images „ some photographed engaging in sex „ consented to have their images shared publicly. Victims of so-called revenge porn in the Marines United case have limited protection under military law if the photographs or videos were taken with their consent. The Pentagon has established ajoint military task force to handle the growing investigation, said MaryAnn Cummings, a spokeswoman for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. Navy, Marine, Army, Air Force and Coast Guard investigators have Âestablished a multiservice task force to expand the investigation,ÂŽ she said. Military ocials briefed Congress on Thursday about the MaDANIEL SLIM, AFP/GETTY IMAGESThe Pentagon is grappling with a growing scandal over the public sharing of explicit photos of troops. Images on websites show men in uniform engaging in sex acts Tom Vanden Brook@tvandenbrook USA TODAY U S A T OD A Y EXCL U SIVEv S T O R Y CO NT I NU ES O N 2B T h i s sca n dal i s o u t of co n t r ol a n d the Depa r tme n t of Defe n se n eeds to get a ha n dle o n i t i mmed i atel y .ÂŽ Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand ,D-N.Y., in a statementGay porn scandal hits militaryFor Donald Trump, being a Âcompassionate conservativeÂŽ like George W. Bush wasnÂt good enough. During his campaign, he cast himself as an uncompromising populist who would “ght for forgotten poor, rural Americans. But his budget blueprint is a betrayal of those people and his populist message, according to several former Republican budget ocials. ÂWhereÂs the populism?ÂŽ said Steve Bell, a Republican and longtime Senate Budget Committee director who blamed the conservative Heritage Foundation that has long pushed for slashing the federal government. ÂThis is almost like Trump said, ÂHey somebody get me a budget and Heritage said, ÂWeÂve got one right here,ÂÂŽ said Bell. Bell is among a number of former GOP budget ocials openly critical of the presidentÂs “rst budget outline to Congress because it fails to address the long-term drivers of the debt and appears ÂvindictiveÂŽ in eliminating programs that serve the poor and elderly. On Capitol Hill, Rep. Hal Rogers, R-Ky., former chairman of the Appropriations Committee, called the cuts Âdraconian, careless and counterproductiveÂŽ in a state-Tru mpÂs “ r st b u dget d r ops pop u l i sm, GO P foes sa yPresident fails to tackle debt, targets vulnerable, critics assert Heidi M PrzybylaUSA TODAY POOL, GETTY IMAGEST he Wh i te H o u se sa y s the b u dget r e”ects Pr es i de n t Tru mpÂs p r om i se to ta r get waste in the gove rn me n t a n d p ri o ri t i ze the sec uri t y of the n at i o n .v S T O R Y CO NT I NU ES O N 2BHundreds of thousands of onlookers reveled Friday in New YorkÂs greenest tradition: the annual St. PatrickÂs Day parade along Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. ÂOn a cold day, it warms your heart,ÂŽ Richard Grogan, a member of IrelandÂs national police service, told The Associated Press, referring to the cheering crowd. ÂItÂs a once in a lifetime opportunity.ÂŽ DREW ANGERER, GETTY IMAGESANew York City police ocer plays the tuba as he marches in the annual St. PatrickÂs Day parade Friday. ROBERT DEUTSCH, USA TODAYWith bagpipes playing, a woman and child march in front of St. PatrickÂs Cathedral. Stop obsessing over talent „ everyone can sing adno=50509511 941-777-4589 $ 99 OFF ANY DRAIN LINE REPAIR Expires 3/31/17
Page 2 The Sun / Saturday, March 18, 2017 mitment to the working class, he said the goal was to eliminate programs that showed no Âdemonstrable results. We canÂt spend money on programs just because they sound good,ÂŽ said Mulvaney, who said he was putting himself in the shoes of a steelworker in Ohio or coalmining family in West Virginia. ÂItÂs fairly compassionate to go to them and say, look, weÂre not going to ask you for your hardearned money anymore.ÂŽ The Trump budget is reminiscent of former president Ronald ReaganÂs “rst budget, said former senator Judd Gregg, who came to Washington in 1980 as a Republican House member from New Hampshire. ÂIt mirrors that budget very closely,ÂŽ said Gregg, who went on to chair the Senate Budget Committee. Reagan Budget Director David Stockman called the underlying conservative philosophy of dramatic cuts to government programs Âstarving the beast.ÂŽ Since Stockman, the share of federal expenditures that go to discretionary programs is already at its lowest level since 1962, as far back as data is available. ÂIn my years since, I concluded the Stockman budget was a mistakeÂŽ because it targeted politically popular programs instead of the real drivers of the debt, Gregg said. Entitlements including Medicare and Social Security account for 50% of the federal budget and continue to grow as the baby boom generation ages. Instead of addressing broad “scal problems, ÂWe were pecked to death by the interest groups defending these accounts,ÂŽ he said. Of Trump, Gregg said: ÂTheyÂre making a political statement that creates a lot of “re for their opposition, and itÂs ment. Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., one of TrumpÂs “rst and closest allies in Congress, said he has serious concerns about Âsigni“cant cuts to local programs, which I believe go too far.ÂŽ The budget asks for a $54 billion increase in defense spending funded by deep cuts to domestic programs. Many of these programs serve the working-class people who supercharged TrumpÂs march to the presidency over more ÂestablishmentÂŽ Republicans. Examples include cuts to jobtraining programs seen in rural strip mall storefronts where displaced workers can get new skills training; a 21% cut to the Department of Labor that enforces occupational and mine safety programs meant to protect coal miners; eliminating the LIHEAP program that subsidizes winter home heating costs for low-income Americans (many served are in Great Lakes states such as Michigan and Wisconsin that voted Republican for the “rst time in a generation); and community grant programs that support services such as ÂMeals on Wheels,ÂŽ which delivers hot meals to seniors who are poor or alone. TrumpÂs budget would also eliminate the Appalachian Regional Commission, created under President Lyndon Johnson to support the economically depressed region of the country Trump made so central to his campaign. The program provides small business loans, invests in local infrastructure and provides job training. The White House says the budget re”ects TrumpÂs promise to target waste in the government and prioritize the security of the nation. It increases spending on Veterans Aairs and Homeland Security. Yet while Trump vowed to slash federal government during his campaign, he was never speci“c about cutting social programs that bene“t low-income Americans. When Trump budget director Mick Mulvaney was asked Thursday to square the proposed cuts with TrumpÂs comnot going to win.ÂŽ The budget comes as new analyses show the GOP plan to replace Obamacare stands to disproportionately hurt those same rural, working-class portions of the nation that supported Trump. Yet unlike with health care, which Trump can pin on Republicans on Capitol Hill and House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., he has sole ownership of his budget. ÂThis shows itÂs impossible to make deep cuts to domestic priorities without hurting many of the working people and most vulnerable people that thepresident talked about helping,ÂŽ said Jacob Liebenluft, a former National Economic Council deputy director under President Obama. For Democrats targeting House Republicans who represent these areas, including deep red states such as Kentucky and Tennessee that overwhelmingly voted for Trump, the attack ads almost write themselves, said Doug Holtz-Eakin, former chief economic policy director for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. He warned the administration about Âgetting tangled upÂŽ in targeting these popular programs. The programs Trump proposes cutting Âare the places where you make genuine investment in the economy. TheyÂre the places where the founders saw the role of government, and his promise was to make that government deliver more eciently. This doesnÂt step in that direction,ÂŽ said Holtz-Eakin, also a former Congressional Budget Oce director. ÂI donÂt see these cuts going through,ÂŽ he said. Meanwhile, the Âclock keeps marching forwardÂŽ on insolvency for Social Securit y and Medicare.Experts on Trump budget: ÂWhereÂs the populism? v CONTINUED FROM 1BSHAWN THEW, EUROPEAN PRESSPHOTO AGENCYPresident TrumpÂs “rst budget asks for a $54 billion increase in defense spending funded by deep cuts to domestic programs.ÂThis shows itÂs impossible to make deep cuts to domestic priorities without hurting many of the working people and most vulnerable people that the president talked about helping.ÂŽJacob Liebenluft ,a former National Economic Council deputy director under President ObamaPRESIDENTAND PUBLISHERJohn ZidichEDITOR IN CHIEFPatty MichalskiCHIEF REVENUE OFFICERKevin Gentzel 7950 Jones Branch Dr., McLean, Va. 22108, 703-854-3400 Published by Gannett The local edition of USA TODAYis published daily in partnership with Gannett Newspapers Advertising: All advertising published in USA TODAYis subject to the current rate card; copies available from the advertising department. USA TODAYmay in its sole discretion edit, classify, reject or cancel at any time any advertising submitted. National, Regional: 703-854-3400 Reprint permission, copies of articles, glossy reprints: or call 212-221-9595 USA TODAYis a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to other news services. USA TODAY, its logo and associated graphics are registered trademarks. All rights reserved. USA TODAYis committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Standards Editor Brent Jones at 800-8727073 or e-mail Please indicate whether youÂre responding to content online or in the newspaper. Corrections & Clarifications WASHINGTONDisputing media reports that the Republican health care bill is in political trouble, President Trump said Friday he is Â100% behindÂŽ the plan and is working with skeptical conserv atives to fashion a replacement for Obamacare. ÂWe are going to have a health care plan thatÂs second to none,ÂŽ Trump said during a meeting with a group of conservatives known as the Republican Study Committee, some of whom criticized the initial House proposal as too much like President ObamaÂs Aordable Care Act. Saying he is working on possible changes to the bill, Trump said of his GOP guests: ÂThese folks were ÂnoÂs yesterday, and now every single one is a Âyes.ÂÂŽ Later in the day, in a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Trump said, ÂItÂs all coming together ... itÂs coming together beautifully.ÂŽ The president did not specify what kinds of changeshe would back, but RSC Chairman Mark Walker, R-N.C., said the bill will be revised to include work requirements for able-bodied Medicaid recipients and to ensure tax credits cannot be used to fund abortions. Getting members of the Republican Study Committee on board is not the last hurdlein the House. The House Freedom Caucus, a few dozen hardline conservatives with some overlap to the RSC, tweeted Friday morning that its members still do not support the legislation Âin its current form.ÂŽ The Freedom Caucus is expected to introduce an amendment aimed at getting enough of its members to support the current legislation while still satisfying moderate conservatives. If the amendment is not included in the “nal legislation, Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, RN.C., told reporters Wednesday that he believes there are enough votes to stop the bill from passing the House. Freedom Caucus member Rep. Gary Palmer, R-Ala., was in the meeting with Trump on Friday. Just a day before, Palmer was one of three conservatives who voted against the legislation in its current form during a House Budget Committee markup. The bill ultimately moved forward narrowly, 19-17. Four Republican governors added their voices to the chorus of opposition to the bill Friday, saying it fails to give them the ”exibility or resources they need to adequately deal with the insurance needs of lower-income Americans. Govs. Rick Snyder of Michigan, John Kasich of Ohio, Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas and Brian Sandoval of Nevada said in a letter to congressional leaders they had been ÂencouragedÂŽ by statements made by the president that he would work with the governors to help address the Âdiverse needsÂŽ of Medicaid recipients, but the House bill Âdoes not meet this test.ÂŽ ÂIt provides almost no new ”exibility to the states, does not ensure the resources necessary to ensure no one is left out, and shifts signi“cant costs to states,ÂŽ they wrote. Several Senate Republicans have also criticized the plan. Some say it would deprive too many Americans of insurance, while others say it includes too many regulations reminiscent of Obamacare. In brief remarks to reporters, Trump said part of the problem is that the Âpress has not been speaking properly about how great this (GOP plan) is going to be.ÂŽ Contributing: Eliza CollinsTrump lobbies for health care billPresident says heÂs planning changes as more critics in GOP speak out David Jackson@djusatoday USA TODAY ÂItÂs all coming together ... itÂs coming together beautifully.ÂŽ President Trumprines United scandal, in which hundreds of active-duty Marines have viewed photos of servicewomen taken without their consent and cyberbullied some of them. On some of the gay Tumblr sites, fully dressed troops appear in photos with their name tags visible. At least one such Marine did not agree for his photo to be republished amid a sea of images of men having sex, according to Lt. Col. Eric Dent, a Marine Corps spokesman. Air Force investigators also are combing through a number of websites to look for victims, said Col. Pat Ryder, an Air Force spokesman. ÂThe Air Force Oce of Special Investigations is investigating information and photographs from websites hosting inappropriate photos of service members without prior consent,ÂŽ Ryder said. ÂAs part of that ongoing criminal investigation, airmen identi“ed will be contacted directly by AFOSI to determine whether they are victims.ÂŽ Determining whether the men in the photos, many involved in group sex, are active-duty troops is possible, said a congressional source on a military oversight committee who was not authorized to speak publicly about the issue. NCIS has dedicated dozens of investigators to the matter, the source said. They can examine the photos and identify troops with the use of facial-recognition software. The revelation of the expanded investigation drew swift response from Capitol Hill. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a New York Democrat and member of the Armed Services Committee, called on Congress to intervene. This week, she blasted Marine and Navy ocials for failing to hold commanders accountable for the problem. ÂThis scandal is out of control and the Department of Defense needs to get a handle on it immediately,ÂŽ Gillibrand told USA TODAY in a statement. ÂCongress needs to demand accountability from the chain of command as to how so many service members, both women and men now, could be so easily exploited. ÂCommanders have told us for decades that they can handle these issues, clearly they cannot, and Congress should step up and do its job and bring professionalism and accountability to the military justice system that has ignored predators for far too long.ÂŽ Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller told the Senate this week that Marines need Âto commit to get rid of this perversion to our culture.ÂŽ Punishment, including court martial, is possible if active duty troops can be identi“ed on the pornographic websites, said Don Christensen, president of Protect Our Defenders, an advocacy organization for victims of sexual abuse in the military. Precedent exists for booting troops from the ranks for posing nude in menÂs magazines, said Christensen, who was also the top prosecutor for the Air Force. Court martial would be possible for troops who posted images of themselves in uniform exposing themselves or having sex. ÂThat wouldnÂt “t the image the military wants to project, especially sexual activity in uniform,ÂŽ Christensen said. There is a defense for free speech and freedom of expression, he said. But the military has wide latitude in disciplining or dismissing troops for conduct that aects good order and discipline. Photos such as these, he said, certainl y “ll that bill.Courts martial possible for those in photographsv CONTINUED FROM 1B J. SCOTT APPLEWHITE, APSen. Kirsten Gillibrand, DN.Y., right, with Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., questions Marine Corps Commandant Robert Neller at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday.
The Sun /Saturday, March 18, 2017 Page 3 IN BRIEFPANEL TO HOLD HEARING ON RUSSIAÂS ELECTION ACTIVITYThe Senate intelligence committee says it will hold a hearing at the end of the month on its investigation into Russian activities during the presidential election. The open hearing March30 will focus on ways Russia works to in”uence campaigns and public opinion. A “rst panel of witnesses will examine the history of Russian in”uence on campaigns, and a second panel will address how Russia uses cyber operations to support the activities. Former intelligence ocials and others from business and academia are scheduled to testify.HOUSE APPROVES BILL TO FILL CRITICAL JOBS AT VA CENTERSThe House unanimously passed legislation Friday by a vote of 412-0 to speed up the hiring of doctors and nurses at the Department of Veterans Aairs. The department has tens of thousands of open positions. The bill requires the VAÂs secretary to create a database of openings critical to the agencyÂs mission. It also creates opportunities for career training and advancement for current employees. Supporters say that the number of VA employees resigning or retirin g has risen every year since 2009 and that its inability to retain high-quality employees is hindering the quality of health care the VA provides.SOUTH CAROLINA JURY TO SEE VIDEO IN OFFICERÂS TRIALJurors in Charleston, S.C., will see a key piece of video evidence in the upcoming trial of a white ex-police ocer in the shooting death of a black motorist. During a hearing lasting more than an hour Friday, U.S. District Judge David Norton denied a motion by attorneys for Michael Slager to exclude the shooting video from his trial. He dismissed objections that the video only shows part of the altercation between the two men and doesnÂt include the ocerÂs perspective. The video has been the centerpiece of the case against Slager, 35, who was an ocer with the North Charleston Police Department in April 2015 when he shot Walter Scott. ALSO ... The United States struck an alQaida gathering at a mosque in northern Syria, killing dozens of militants and is investigating reports that civilians were killed, U.S. ocials said Friday. Opposition activists said about 40 people, mostly civilians, were killed. JEFF SCHRIER,APMadeline Brockberg of Birmingham, Mich., rejoices after receiving her residency placement letter. All 62 graduates of Central Michigan UniversityÂs “rst medical school class got one.A STEP CLOSER TO BECOMING A DOCTORSecretary of State Rex Tillerson warned Friday the military action Âoption is on the tableÂŽ against North Korea, an indication President Trump is prepared to confront the NorthÂs nuclear threat more aggressively. Tillerson made the comments during a news conference in Seoul after visiting the buer zone between rivals North and South Korea, the worldÂs most heavily armed border. He said the Âpolicy of strategic patience has endedÂŽ and that the United States was considering military, diplomatic and economic measures aimed at persuading North Korea to abandon its nuclear ambitions. Tillerson said the U.S. does not want to use military action, Âbut obviously if North Korea takes actions that threaten South Korean forces or our own forces that would be met with (an) appropriate response. If they elevate the threat of their weapons program to a level that we believe requires action that option is on the table.ÂŽ Trump on Friday slammed North Korea over nukes on Twitter. ÂNorth Korea is behaving very badly. They have been Âplaying the United States for years. China has done little to help!ÂŽ Tillerson is on a tour this week of China, Japan and South Korea. He vowed Thursday to take a Âdierent approachÂŽ to North Korea, saying 20 years of Âdiplomatic and other eortsÂŽ had failed to dissuade Pyongyang from developing its nuclear program. Previous U.S. administrations have held the threat of military action over North Korea in response to nuclear tests or missile launches but TillersonÂs remarks go much further. ÂNorth Korea must understand that the only path to a secure, economic propitious future is to abandon its development of nuclear weapons, ballistic missiles and other weapons of mass destruction,ÂŽ Tillerson said. North Korea conducted two nuclear test explosions and 24 ballistic missile tests last year despite tough international sanctions. Tillerson called on China, one of North KoreaÂs only allies, to refrain from economic retaliations against South Korea for deploying an advanced U.S. missile defense system „ known as THAAD „on its soil because of threats from Pyongyang. Beijing has curbed travel to South Korea and is targeting its companies on mainland China with restrictions because of the missile system. The State Department has described TillersonÂs trip to Asia as a Âlistening tour.ÂŽ Tillerson will meet with President Xi Jinping in Beijing this weekend. The demilitarized zone between North and South Korea that Tillerson visited Friday was created as a buer zone between the two countries after the Korean War armistice was signed in 1953. It is guarded on both sides with land mines, razor wire fence, tank traps and hundreds of thousands of combat-read y troops. LEE JIN-MAN, APANorth Korean soldier looks at the south side Friday as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson visits Panmunjom, which has separated the two Koreas since the Korean War. Kim Hjelmgaard@khjelmgaard USA TODAY WASHINGTONPresident Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said they had productive meetings on Friday, even as they oered contrasting visions of the United States-European relationship on issues such as trade, the European Union and the NATO defense compact. Trump told Merkel he supports a Âstrong NATOÂŽ but added that her country and other European nations must pay their Âfair shareÂŽ of the costs of the alliance. ÂMany nations owe vast sums of money from past years, and it is very unfair to the United States,ÂŽ Trump said in a joint news conference with Merkel after their meetings. ÂThese nations must pay what they owe.ÂŽ Merkel said Germany is increasing its NATO contributions, seeking to meet the organizationÂs goal of 2% of gross domestic product; she also said there are Âdierent assets and facetsÂŽ of contributing to defense security and stressed the importance of NATO missions in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Commenting on Trump meetings that touched on dierences over trade and the European Union, Merkel said: ÂIÂve always said itÂs much, much better to talk to one another and not about one another, and I think our conversation proved this.ÂŽ During a question-and-answer session, Merkel said she and Trump sought to address Âthose areas where we disagreedÂŽ and Âtry to “nd a compromise which is good for both sides, because we need to be fair with each other.ÂŽ Trump disputed a German reporterÂs suggestion that he is Âan isolationistÂŽ when it comes to trade. The president said he is believes in both Âfree tradeÂŽ and Âfair tradeÂŽ and that current global agreements have led to job losses in the United States. The president has also expressed a preference for one-on-one agreements rather than large multinational deals like ones involving the European Union. ÂThe United States has been treated very, very unfairly by many countries over the years,ÂŽ Trump said. ÂAnd thatÂs going to stop. But IÂm not an isolationist.ÂŽ The chancellor arrived at the White House after months of back-and-forth with the new president, including TrumpÂs claims that Merkel is ÂruiningÂŽ Germany by letting in too many refugees and that Germany is using the European Union as a ÂvehicleÂŽ for its own economic ambitions. Merkel, meanwhile, has questioned Trump over his criticism of the EU, NATO, free-trade agreements and other multinational agreements. Before leaving for the United States, Merkel said she would be representing Europe as well as Germany in her meeting with Trump. At the news conference with Trump, Merkel said Germany believes in ÂEuropean unity and European integration,ÂŽ and ÂI am saying it in the United States, also here in Washington in my talks with the president.ÂŽ Trump and aides sounded more conciliatory notes ahead of asummit initially scheduled for Tuesday but postponed due to a snowstorm. The president greeted the chancellor at the door of the West Wing on Friday after her motorcade pulled up. In addition to a meeting in the Oval Oce, Trump and Merkel hosted a roundtable with business leaders from both countries to discuss what the president called Âworkforce development and vocational training.ÂŽ The Friday summit between the voluble Trump and the more low-key Merkel came amid major strains in the United States-European alliance that has prevailed for decades. While Trump and aides have expressed support for the transAtlantic alliance since he took of“ce in January, the presidentÂs tart comments during last yearÂs campaign hang over his dealings with Europe, particularly Germany. Promoting what he called an ÂAmerica FirstÂŽ style of economic nationalism, Trump has often demanded that Germany and other NATO countries contribute more to the military alliance and suggested that the defense alliance is ÂobsoleteÂŽ in the face of the terrorist threat. Trump has also criticized the European Union, saying he had bad experiences with EU ocials during his years as a New Yorkbased businessman, and arguing that the unionÂs regulations are an impediment to economic growth in general. He praised Great BritainÂs vote last year to leave the European Union, which he has described as more or less a subsidiary of Germany. ÂYou look at the European Union and itÂs Germany,ÂŽ Trump told British lawmaker Michael Gove in a January interview for The Times of London ÂBasically a vehicle for Germany. ThatÂs why I thought the UK was so smart in getting out.ÂŽ During the joint news conference, Merkel said trade agreements with the U.S. have Ânot always been all that popular in Germany either,ÂŽ and the European Union is in the best position to negotiate deals on behalf of all its members. The U.S. and Germany are also at odds over relations with Russia; Trump has taken a more supportive approach, while Merkel has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of seeking to undermine the western alliance. In late 2015, Trump expressed irritation when Time magazine named Merkel its Person of the Year (Trump won the honor in 2016). Merkel has suggested disagreement with Trump policies that include a proposed travel ban „ being challenged in court „ from six majority-Muslim counties. The German chancellor said this month that cooperation with the United States should be based on Âvalues of democracy, freedom, respect for the rule of law and human dignity, regardless of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political belief.ÂŽTrump presses Merkel on NATO funds SAUL LOEB, AFP/GETTY IMAGESPresident Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel hold a news conference after meeting Friday. Merkel defended the European Union, which Trump has criticized.President, German chancellor show dierences remain on EU, trade David Jackson@djusatoday USA TODAY ÂIÂve always said itÂs much, much better to talk to one another and not about one another...ÂŽAngela Merkel, German chancellor, during news conference Friday u September 2016: Fifth, and possibly biggest, nuclear test carried out. u January 2016: Experts skeptical over North Korea claims it carried out fourth nuclear test, of a hydrogen bomb. u February 2013: New United Nations sanctions after third nuclear test staged, the first under new leader Kim Jong Un. u May 2009: Second nuclear test, also underground. u October 2006: First nuclear test conducted at an underground facility. United Nations imposes broad array of sanctions.NUCLEAR TESTS BY NORTH KOREAÂIf they elevate the threat of their weapons program to a level that we believe requires action that option is on the table.ÂŽSecretary of State Rex Tillerson on possible military action against North KoreaSecretary of State indicates U.S. is prepared to confront nuclear threatTillerson: Military action an option against North Korea
Page 4 The Sun / Saturday, March 18, 2017 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION FLAT; FACTORY OUTPUT UP U.S. industrial production was unchanged in February, but manufacturing output rose for the sixth consecutive month. Output increased 0.5% at the nationÂs factories and 2.7% in mining as both sectors were bolstered by an oil price rebound. But utility production plunged 5.7% as unseasonably warm weather reduced the need for heating. CHINA, SAUDI ARABIA SIGN $65B COOPERATION DEAL Saudi ArabiaÂs King Salman met with ChinaÂs premier Friday, a day after the nations signed a memorandum of understanding on investment cooperation valued at $65 billion. The agreement aims to boost joint efforts in “elds including energy, investment, “nance, culture and aerospace, part of Saudi ArabiaÂs drive to develop a growth strategy less dependent on oil. Beijingis rolling out a trade and investment initiative across Central Asia and the Middle East called ÂOne Belt, One RoadÂŽ that sees the desert kingdom as regional linchpin. JCPENNEY RELEASES LIST OF STORE CLOSURES JCPenneyreleased a list of 138 stores it plans to close as part of a previously announced plan to shrink its footprint. The list is at AMAZONÂS ALEXA IS COMING TO YOUR IPHONE Amazon rev ealed it will bring Alexa to the iPhone through its official app, allowing users to not only ask the voice assistant for help with shopping, but request information such as news, weather or sports scores. MONEYLINE U S A S NAP S H O T S A ppreciation disagreementSOURCE PayScale survey of 7 7 00 U .S. employers and 1 4 7 ,000 U .S. employeesJ A E YA NG A ND J A NE T LOE HR KE, U S A T OD AY 6 4%of employers say their employees feel appreciated at work, but 45% of employees feel that way.INDEXCLOSECHGNasdaq composite5901.00 x 0.24 S&P 5002378.25 y 3.13 T-note, 10-year yield2.50% y 0.04 Oil, light sweet crude$48.78 x 0.03 Euro (dollars per euro)$1.0743 y 0.0006 Yen per dollar112.70 y 0.56SOURCES USA TODAYRESEARCH, MARKETWATCH.COM DOW J O N ES IN D U S TRIAL A VG. -19.93 20, 8 00 20, 8 50 20,900 20,950 2 1 ,000 2 1 ,050 9: 3 0 a m .20,935 4:00 p m .20,915FRIDAY MARKETS M O N E Y WASHINGTONThe Treasury Department took steps to stop borrowing money Thursday as its legal authority to raise the national debt expired. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said heÂs taking Âextraordinary measuresÂŽ to keep from borrowing money, ending a 16-month congressional reprieve from the perennial debate about the debt ceiling. Among measures: suspending investments in pension funds for federal and postal employees though July. Mnuchin previously suspended a bond “nancing program for state and local governments. ÂI respectfully urge Congress to protect the full faith and credit of the United States by acting to increase the statutory debt limit as soon as possible,ÂŽ Mnuchin wrote in a letter to congressional leaders Thursday. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said this week Congress will ÂobviouslyÂŽ raise the debt limit but wouldnÂt say when. In the past, Congress has tied the raising of the debt limit to broader budget reforms. Tuesday, the national debt went up $44.5 billion „ the largest single-day increase this year. With the debt limit now frozen at WednesdayÂs level of about $19.9 trillion, the government must now subsist on whatever cash reserves it has on hand, plus tax revenue that comes in. The Bipartisan Policy Center, a think tank that tracks the debt limit, says the government can probably operate through October unless there are signi“cant changes in taxes or spending before then. Thursday also happened to be the day President Trump sent a preliminary budget proposal to Congress „ and an emergency spending request that would add $15 billion to the de“cit this year. But Oce of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said Thursday the president didnÂt yet have a long-term plan to reduce the budget de“cit. ÂItÂs a good question. ItÂs a fair question. I would just suggest to you that itÂs not the right time for the question,ÂŽ he said. ÂThe budget does not deal with the debt. It doesnÂt even deal with the deficit.ÂŽU.S. T r e a su r y sto p s i ssu ing d ebtGovernment must subsist on whatever cash it has on hand, plus tax revenue Gregory Korte@gregorykorte USA TODAY MICHELE TANTUSSI, GETTY IMAGESTreasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said heÂs taking Âextraordinary measuresÂŽ to keep from borrowing money. wore one of its jackets over a bikini on the cover of Sports IllustratedÂs swimsuit Issue. Canada GooseÂs use of fur from coyotes caused led to protests outside the NYSE from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The IPO market early in 2017 is showing signs of life after a horri“c beginning to 2016. The trends are better than a year ago: The number of companies “ling plans with regulators to issue Wall Street warmed up to Canada Goose Holdings, a seller of fancy parkas that areworn by celebs such as Homeland star Claire Danes and actor Morgan Freeman, pushing the stock price up nearly 35% in its “rst two days of trading. The pro“table start for the maker of ÂArctic luxury apparel,ÂŽ which sells its Chateau Parka with fur-lined hood for $900 and its Borden Bomber jacket for $800, helps keep the rebounding market for initial public oerings on track following a terrible stretch at the beginning of 2016. That market Âpretty much shut downÂŽ when stocks overall had their worst start to a year ever, says David Sieber, analyst at IPO expert Renaissance Capital. Shares of Canada Goose, founded in a small warehouse in Toronto almost 60 years ago, jumped $3.30, or nearly 26%, to close at $16.08 Thursday in its “rst day of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. It tacked on a 7.2% gain Friday to $17.23, up 34.8% from its oering price of $12.78 in U.S. dollars. The parka maker, which began trading two days after a huge snowstorm blanketed the Northeast U.S., trades at a rich price-toearnings ratio of 45.5, making it the priciest among luxury goods companies, according to Bloomberg. In paperwork “led to market regulators, the company, which has 1,500 employees and opened its “rst U.S. store in New York late last year, said it planned on expanding beyond parkas and jackets into footwear, hats and gloves. In an interview Friday with CNBC, Canada Goose CEO Dani Reiss said, ÂThere is tremendous opportunity in everything,ÂŽ adding that he was eyeing growth beyond Canada and the U.S. and into Europe and Asia. The companyÂs pro“le got a boost in 2013 when model Kate Upton stock to the public for the “rst time is higher; the number of companies that have priced shares and havestarted trading is up; and total proceeds raised in 2017 from these freshly minted stocks are larger, Sieber says. Through Thursday, 21 companies have started trading on U.S. exchanges in 2017, up 250% from a year ago, data from Renaissance Capital show. Overall, 28 companies have “led IPO plans, up nearly 28%. Still, the IPO market is nowhere near as robust as it was from 2013 thru 2015. This yearÂs 21 IPOs have raised $9.1 billion, including the roughly $255 million Canada Goose brought in Thursday. ÂWeÂre very much optimistic that the rebound in the IPO market will continue throughout the year,ÂŽ Sieber says. MuleSoft, a maker of business software, added to the momentum, rallying more than 45% in its “rst day of trading Friday. The market is bene“ting from better conditions, with stock indexes trading near record highs as the bull market enters its ninth year. Optimism over President TrumpÂs agenda to boost economic growth with tax cuts, deregulation of businesses and spending on infrastructure is also encouraging companiesto sell shares to the public for the “rst time, analysts say. This month, Wall Street was hot for Snap, parent company of mobile video and photo app Snapchat. The “rm raised $3.4billion, accounting for nearly athird of all IPO proceeds in 2017. It was the biggest tech IPO since Chinese online retailer Alibaba raised $25 billion in September 2014. On its “rst day of trading March 2, Snap rose 44% to $24.48 after opening at $24, $7 higher than its $17 oering price. But the exuberance faded quickly, putting a temporary blemish in the IPO marketÂs initial shine. After climbing as high as $29.44 in its second day of trading, Snap shares dropped below their “rst-day close and have been below that level since. Snap shares, which fell nearly 2% Friday to a low of $19.54, are now down 28% from a March 3 closing high of $27.09. SnapÂs descent, however, is not atrue barometer of the overall IPO market, which Siebersays is still in recovery mode.CANADA GOOSE IPO GETS ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION RICHARD DREW, APCanada Goose President and CEO Dani Reiss rings the ceremonial bell Thursday as his companyÂs IPO begins trading on the ”oor of the New York Stock Exchange.Shares jump more than 35% for maker of fancy parkas Adam Shell@adamshell USA TODAY Stoc k p e rf o rman ce s in ce IP O o n Thur s day : C ANA D A GOOSE FLYIN G HI G H S IN CE DE BUTSOURCE BloombergK AR L GELLES, U S A T OD AYThur s dayFriday $ 1 0 0 $20 $17.23 $12.78 7.15%St. PatrickÂs Day is normally known for green beer, green shamrocks „ and, in the past 20 years, stocks ”ashing green. But not this year, as the market closed slightly in the red. FridayÂs tiny 3.13 point, 0.13% drop for the Standard & PoorÂs 500 index bucked the historical trend. Stock market statistics show the luck of the Irish normally spreads its good cheer to Wall Street on March 17, a celebratory day in which the largecompany stock gauge has been up 80% of the time, LPL Financial data show. That ranks as the sixth-best day out of all trading days during the year. Ryan Detrick, senior market strategist at LPL Financial, says the stock marketÂs tendency to go up on St. PatrickÂs Day is Âpurely random.ÂŽ But investors, he sa y s, have to “nd some humor in the fact that a day that celebrates the color green is also historically a strong day for stocks. Luck of the Irish indeed!ÂŽ This year, however, wasnÂt a lucky one. WhatÂs the best day of the year? Sept. 16, which has been up 86.7% of the time in the past 20 years. March overall has been a very strong month for the S&P 500. Its average gain of 2.7% ranks No. 1 since 2007, according to LPL Financial. S T OC K S FLA S H G R EE N O N S T PATRI C K ÂS D AYSOURCE LPL researchGEO R GE PE TRA S, U S A T OD AYIn t h e pa st 20 y e ar s, stoc k s hav e fini s h e d in t h e gr ee n 8 0 % o f t h e t im e o n Mar c h 17 o r St. Pa t ri c k Âs D ay whi c h rank s 6 t h b est. H o w o f te n t h e S& P ha s b ee n high e r : Se p t. 16 July 3 Aug. 17 July 3 Dec. 2 6 Mar c h 17 86.7% 85.7% 85.7% 81.8% 81.8% 80.0%Wall Street sees some red „ not green „ on this St. PatrickÂs Day Adam Shell@adamshell USA TODAY
The Sun /Saturday, March 18, 2017 Page 5 IN-DEP T H M A RKE T S COVER A GE U S AT OD AY .COM/MONE Y T OP 10 M UTUA L F U NDSFund, ranked by size NAV Chg. 4wk 1 YTD 1 COMMODI T IESCommodities Close Prev. Chg. % Chg. % YTD T OP 10 EXCH A NGE T R A DED F U NDSETF, ranked by volume Ticker Close Chg. % Chg %YTD FOREIGN C U RRENCIESCurrency per dollar Close Prev. mo. ago Yr. ago FOREIGN M A RKE T SCountry Close Prev. Change %Chg. YTD % MOR T G A GE R AT ESType Close 6 mo ago IN T ERES T R AT ESType Close 6 mo ago 1 Â… C A PI TA L G A INS A ND DIVIDENDS R EINVES T ED Vanguard IdxAdmrl -. +.% +.% Vanguard TtlSMIdxAdmrl -. +.% +.% Vanguard InsIdxIns -. +.% +.% Vanguard TtlSMIdxInv -. +.% +.% Vanguard TtInSIdxInv +. +.% +.% Vanguard InsIdxInsPlus -. +.% +.% Vanguard TtlSMIdxIns -. +.% +.% Vanguard WlngtnAdmrl -. +.% +.% American Funds GrfAmrcA m -. +.% +.% Fidelity Contrafund -. +.% +.% Dirx Jr GoldMin Bull JNUG -. -.% +.% SPDR Financial XLF -. -.% +.% SPDR S&P ETF Tr SPY -. -.% +.% iShs Emerg Mkts EEM -. -.% +.% VanE Vect Gld Miners GDX -. -.% +.% Barc iPath Vix ST VXX -. -.% -.% Dir Dly Gold Bullx NUGT -. -.% +.% VanE Vect JrGoldMin GDXJ -. -.% +.% iShares Rus IWM +. +.% +.% Direxion GoldMinBear JDST +. +.% -.% Prime lending .% .% Federal funds .% .% mo. T-bill .% .% yr. T-note .% .% yr. T-note .% .% yr. fixed .% .% yr. fixed .% .% yr. ARM .% .% / ARM .% .% Cattle (lb.) . unch. +.% +.% Corn (bushel) . +. +.% +.% Gold (troy oz.) ,. ,. +. +.% +.% Hogs, lean (lb.) . -. -.% +.% Natural Gas (Btu.) . +. +.% -.% Oil, heating (gal.) . +. +.% -.% Oil, lt. swt. crude (bar.) . +. +.% -.% Silver (troy oz.) . +. +.% +.% Soybeans (bushel) . -. -.% +.% Wheat (bushel) . unch. +.% +.% British pound . . Canadian dollar . . Chinese yuan . . Euro . . Japanese yen . . Mexican peso . . Frankfurt ,. ,. +. +.% +.% Hong Kong ,. ,. +. +.% +.% Japan (Nikkei) ,. ,. -. -.% +.% London ,. ,. +. +.% +.% Mexico City ,. ,. +. +.% +.% DOW JONESINDUSTRIAL AVERAGEM A JOR INDEXESS&P 500STANDARD & POOR SN A SD A QCOMPOSITER U SSELLRUSSELL 2000 INDEX DJI A COMP+5.49SPX-19.93CH A NGE: -.1% YT D: +1,152.02 YT D % CHG: +5.8% CH A NGE: -.1% YT D: +139.42 YT D % CHG: +6.2% CH A NGE: +.4% YT D: +34.39 YT D % CHG: +2.5% CH A NGE: unch. YT D: +517.88 YT D % CHG: +9.6% CLOSE: 20,914.62 PREV. CLOSE: 20,934.55 R A NGE: 20,911.07-20,980.51 CLOSE: 2,378.25 PREV. CLOSE: 2,381.38 R A NGE: 2,377.64-2,385.71 CLOSE: 1,391.52 PREV. CLOSE: 1,386.03 R A NGE: 1,380.68-1,393.17 CLOSE: 5,901.00 PREV. CLOSE: 5,900.76 R A NGE: 5,890.42-5,912.61+.24 -3.13 SO UR CES: M O R NINGS TAR DOW JONES INDEXES, TH E A SSOCI AT ED P R ESS SO UR CE: B A NK RAT E.CO M Cintas (CTAS) 124.87 +5.63 +4.7 +8.1 A dobe Systems (ADBE) 127.01 +4.66 +3.8 +23.4 Wynn Resorts (WYNN) 110.19 +4.02 +3.8 +27.4 B est B uy (BBY) 45.74 +1.24 +2.8 +7.2 T iffany (TIF) 92.42 +2.44 +2.7 +19.4 Staples (SPLS) 9.00 +.24 +2.7 -.6 International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) 132.10 +3.16 +2.5 +12.1 L B rands (LB) 51.18 +1.21 +2.4 -22.3 Navient (NAVI) 14.99 +.35 +2.4 -8.8 Raytheon (RTN) 156.97 +3.31 +2.2 +10.5 Company (ticker symbol) Price $ Chg % Chg % Chg Company (ticker symbol) Price $ Chg % Chg % Chg A mgen (AMGN) 168.61 -11.50 6 .4 +15.3 Invesco (IVZ) 31.23 -1.45 -4.4 +2.9 Franklin Resources (BEN) 42.22 -1.69 -3.8 +6.7 T Rowe Price (TROW) 69.36 -2.58 -3. 6 -7.8 First Solar (FSLR) 31.83 -1.15 -3.5 -.8 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals (REGN) 380.29 -12.30 -3.1 +3.6 Nielsen Holdings (NLSN) 42.64 -1.38 -3.1 +1.6 CarMax (KMX) 61.69 -1.85 -2.9 -4.2 Chesapeake Energy (CHK) 5.29 -.16 -2.9 -24.6 Morgan Stanley (MS) 45.02 -1.31 -2.8 +6.6 YT D YT DSO UR CE: BLOO M BE R G A ND TH E A SSOCI AT ED P R ESSS&P 500ÂS B IGGES T G A INERS/LOSERSR UT LOSERS G A INERS G&K Services purchase approved. Rises on strong earnings and upbeat forecast. Maintains early jump on takeover rumors. Buy recommended, catches second wind. Shares rise on strong Asia markets. Positive company note, makes up some of loss in March. Extends winning streak to 2017 high. Stock rating raised to outperform at FBR. Positive company note, catches second wind. Projected to raise dividend next week. Shares drop on weak Repatha data. Falls as it tenders Savanna Energy Services shares. Retreats from 52-week high as rating is cut. Stock rating cut to underweight at Morgan Stanley. Shares dip ahead of S&P 500 ouster. Declines as Amgen misses expectations. Connectivity issues in data center donÂt help. Dips as it sees more pressure with Carvana IPO. Lagging sector overshadows positive note. Shares fall as market reverses gains. SO UR CE BLOO M BE R GM A RKE T PERFORM A NCE BY SEC T ORC B OE VOL AT ILI TY INDEX11.280 10 20 30 40Measures expected market volatility based on S&P 500 index options pricing: -0.03 (-0.1%)S&P 500 P/E R AT IO The price-to-earnings ratio, based on trailing 12-month ÂoperatingÂŽ earnings: 0 15 7.522.5 3021.85+0.05 (+0.4%) SEC T OR PERFORM A NCE D A IL Y YT DTechnology Health care Consumer discret. Consumer staples Industrials Utilities Materials Financials Telcom Energy 10.3% 9.0% 7.3% 6.3% 5.6% 5.5% 5.3% 5.2% 3.0% -7.3% -0.2% -0.9% -0.2% -0.8% 0.1% -0.2% 0.1% -1.3% 0.7% -0.7% A M E RI CAÂS M A RK ETSALL TH E MARK E T A C TI O N IN R E AL TIM E. M A RK ETS.USATODAY.CO M The ho u si n g market has bee n a bright spot for the eco n omy b u t some clo u ds are loomi n g. First 3 0-year “xed mortgage rates have rise n to 4. 3% from 3 .4 7% i n October. The prospect of higher i n ”atio n a n d more Federal Reserve rate i n creases co u ld p u sh u p rates a n other q u arter to half a perce n tage poi n t by the e n d of 2 01 7 That co u ld nu dge u p mo n thly payme n ts o n a $ 2 00 000 mortgage by as m u ch as $60. A n other st u mbli n g block is the limited s u pply of existi n g homes. The 3 .6-mon th i n ve n tory i n Ja n u ary was the lowest i n 1 2 years. Besides leavi n g fewer optio n s for b u yers the cr un ch drives u p prices. The S&P Core Logic Case Shiller n atio n al home price i n dex i n creased 5 8% a nnu ally i n December the largest j u mp si n ce J un e 2 014. ThatÂs good for sellers beca u se it sp u rs more of them to p u t their homes o n the market as they gai n eq u ity followi n g the mid2 000s price crash. B u t it makes homes less aordable for b u yers. So far the ho u si n g market has bee n resilie n t. I n Ja nuary existi n g home sales i n creased 3 3% a n d n ew home sales rose 3 7% B u t rece n tly mortgage applicatio n s a n d pe n di n g home sales decli n ed leavi n g eco n omists predicti n g the Natio n al Associatio n of Realtors will a nn o un ce Wed n esday that existi n g home sales dropped 1. 8% i n Febr u ary. A n d with a meas u re of homeb u ilder se n time n t dippi n g eco n omists expect the Commerce Departme n t to report Th u rsday that n ew home sales rose a more modest 0.9 % last mo n th.What to watchResilie n t ho u si n g market faces headwi n ds Paul DavidsonUSA TODAY B ay e rThe aspiri n maker reportedly wa n ts to sell its seed b u si n esses before its $66 billio n merer with Mo n sa n to beca u se of a n titr u st co n cer n s. Bayer hopes to co n cl u de the deal as q u ickly as possible before regu lators become i n volved.STO R Y STOC K S 4-WEEK T REND$100 $120 Feb. 17March 17 4-WEEK T REND$5 $6 Feb. 17March 17 4-WEEK T REND$200 $300 Feb. 17March 17 $5.46 $114.87 $261.50Cha n ge -$0.3 8 % chg -0.3 % Price: $ 114 87 DayÂs high: $ 11 5.2 8 Low: $ 114 76N o kiaThe Fi nn ish comm un icatio n s compa n y wa n ts to adapt to cha n gi n g markets a n d is creati n g a separate un it for pho n e carrier services to meet dema n d for n etwork eq u ipme n t. The split comes with some leadership adj u stme n ts as well. Cha n ge $0.0 1 % chg 0.2 % Price: $5. 46 DayÂs high: $5.50 Low: $5. 4 5 Cha n ge -$0.55 % chg -0.2 % Price: $2 61 .50 DayÂs high: $2 6 5.33 Low: $2 61 .20T es laThe electric-car maker raised $1. 2 billio n, 2 0 % more tha n i n itially so u ght from its oeri n g of shares a n d co n vertible debt as it readies for prod u ctio n of the Model 3 The compa n y mai n tai n ed the n ew modelÂs J u ly prod u ctio n despite skepticism. A PSept. Sept. March MarchSept.March DOW JONES IND U S T RI A LS N A SD A Q COMPOSI T E21,000 17,000 6,000 4,800S TA ND A RD & POORÂS 500 2,400 2,000 20,914.62 5,901.00 2, 3 78.25 High-e n d jeweler Tia n y is u sed to high sec u rity b u t the complicatio n s of havi n g its ”agship store n ext to Preside n t Tr u mpÂs reside n ce a n d oces i n New York took l u ster o its sales. For the fo u rth q u arter Tian yÂs n et ear n i n gs totaled $1 58 millio n, dow n 3 .4 % from a year earlier. O n a per-share basis that eq u aled $1. 2 6 per share missi n g S&P Global Market I n tellige n ce estimates of $1. 3 6 a share. B u t sales at the ”agship store t u mbled 14 % for the holidays d u e to disr u ptio n s i n volvi n g the n eeds of the Secret Service to cover thethe n -Preside n t-elect Tr u mp who worked m u ch of the time o u t of the Tr u mp Tower i n Ma n hatta n The store had Âa co u ple of very large o n e-o tra n sactio n sÂŽ i n Ja nu ar y that helped ease the pai n, i n vestor relatio n s exec u tive Mark Aaro n told a n alysts i n a co n fere n ce call. For the f u ll q u arter sales at the ”agship store were dow n 7% ; for the f u ll year sales were dow n 11 % ÂObvio u sly weÂre goi n g to co n ti nu e to work with the Secret Service a n d the NYPD to maximize access to the store a n d mi n imize the disr u ptio n, ÂŽ Chief Fi n a n cial Ocer Mark Erceg said. ÂB u t as yo u k n ow it is largely beyo n d o u r co n trol so weÂll do what we ca n .ÂŽ Overall n et sales fell 2 5% to $4 billio n i n the q u arter e n ded Ja n 3 1. Fo u rth-q u arter reve nu e i n creased 1. 3% to $1. 3 billio n After the compa n y rece n tly ack n owledged holiday sales were disappoi n ti n g CEO Frederic C u me n al resig n ed i n Febr u ary a n d board chairma n Michael Kowalski took over as i n terim CEO. B u t the worst co u ld be behi n d Tia n y if Frida y Âs ear n i n g s report is a n y i n dicatio n The compa n yÂs stock closed Friday at $9 3 .4 2, u p 2 .4 % or $ 2 7 1. ÂDespite macroeco n omic a n d geopolitical challe n ges i n the past year that we believe will co n ti nu e i n 2 01 7, we stro n gly believe that Tia n yÂs strategies are so un d a n d that we have mea n i n gf u l growth opport un ities ÂŽ Kowalski said i n a stateme n t. ÂO u r ma n ageme n t team is foc u sed o n accelerati n g the exec u tio n of o u r strategies to deliver extraordi n ary prod u cts comm unicatio n s a n d experie n ces that will delight o u r c u stomers aro un d the world.ÂŽT iffany e nvi s i o n s a m o r e p o li s h e d y e ar Jeweler provides some optimism after Tr u mp disr u ptio n, CEOÂs exit Nathan Bomey@Natha n Bomey USA TODAY 200 6 PH O T O BY AFP/ GE TTY IMA GES
Page 6 The Sun / Saturday, March 18, 2017 When Marathon Pharmaceuticals announced in February it would market a drug for treating Duchenne muscular dystrophy for $89,000 a year, the negative reaction was so intense that the company immediately suspended the rollout. (On Thursday, March 16, Marathon announced it was selling the drug to PTC Therapeutics for $140 million in cash and stock, plus a one-time payment of $50 million if sales reach a certain milestone.) Even the industryÂs trade group cried foul. A good part of the outrage stemmed from the fact that FDA approval of the drug simultaneously closed the door on much cheaper imports. De”azacort, a steroid which Marathon wanted to market in the U.S. under the brand name Em”aza, has been sold abroad for decades. The cost to U.S. families who imported it was only $1,000 to $1,600 a year. The outrage was intensi“ed by the nature of the patients. Duchenne muscular dystrophy predominantly affects boys, depriving them of the ability to walk by ages seven to 15 and killing them in their late teens and 20s. It strikes about one in 7,500 males between the ages of “ve and 24. The Marathon case is the latest example of what has gone wrong with the Orphan Drug Act (ODA), which was passed 34 years ago to promote development of drugs aimed at diseases that af”ict small groups, typically under 200,000 people. Marathon sought and won approval for Em”aza under ODA provisions. As health economists who study drug pricing, we see an opportunity for change.Even great ideas sometimes go awryThe ODA contains a powerful inducement for pharmaceutical “rms: New treatments for rare diseases earn seven years of market exclusivity, including protection from imports. That means the companies can price without fear of competition and sell to dependent populations. It also means patients with rare diseases have some hope that their conditions are not neglected. However, the nature of drug development has changed. The number of requests for orphan designation has quadrupled since 2000. The result has been a boom in drug sales and pro“ts. The average price of an orphan drug exceeds $100,000 a year. Orphan drugs now make up one in three drugs approved by the FDA. Sales of orphan drugs rose 12 percent in 2016 to $114 billion, compared to a rise of 2.4 percent for all other branded drugs to $578 billion. Some of the drugs developed under the ODA are lifesaving, and many are cost-effective. But over the years many other drugs, such as Em”aza, have won ODA status even if they are not new or represent a scienti“c breakthrough. For example, a cheap off-patent drug approved by the FDA for one condition, but widely prescribed as an Âoff-labelÂŽ treatment for an orphan disease, can be transformed into a big moneymaker. By putting the drug through clinical trials to document its safety and effectiveness, a pharmaceutical company can gain FDA approval for use on the disease. The accompanying seven years of monopoly status can mean large price hikes for a drug that was already in wide use. Insurers are usually stuck with the bill, but „ as should be clear to everyone by now „ these costs get passed to consumers via higher premiums. Even though Em”azaÂs price tag is relatively small compared to many orphan drugs (Biogen introduced a $750,000 drug to treat spinal muscular atrophy in December), it seemed to hit a nerve. In February, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced that he will convene a formal inquiry into potential abuses of the Orphan Drug Act.What to do?The “rst reaction is to call for government price setting. But this is not just a public payer issue, and the government doesnÂt set prices in the private insurance plans. In addition, in some ways the ODA is doing what it was designed to do: Offer temporary monopolies as an incentive for drug discovery. The FDA could factor pricing into its decision-making, but this is a slippery slope for an agency that has never explicitly factored prices into review. Something could be done, though. On the access side, patients with these diseases are costly to society, but their care is valued. This means patients with rare diseases should have guaranteed access to high-risk insurance pools „ an issue of some importance in the current Obamacare replacement debate „ and these highrisk pools cannot skimp on orphan coverage. On the pricing side, private insurers havenÂt scrutinized these orphan products enough. Traditionally, it wasnÂt worth the insurers time. While prices are high, the total costs are small when spread over the entire population, and the patient communities are vocal. (In the Duchenne example, only about 800 patients receive the drug currently.) But the world is changing. Advances in personalized medicine and genomics also demand change. We now face the prospect that more common treatments „ like cancer vaccines „ could be custom designed for each patient, and that these will be re”ected in even more orphan applications. Insurers need to hold the line with manufacturers, and make them accountable to offer value-based prices for all products, including orphan drugs. The FDA can help by insisting manufacturers collect rigorous and complete post-market surveillance data about how patients fare after taking orphans „ across all payers, private and public. We have the tools to deal with this problem. We just need to start using them. Dana Goldman is a founder and owns equity in Precision Health Economics, a health care consultancy which provides services to the life sciences industry, including some companies with orphan drugs. Jay Bhattacharya does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organization that would bene“t from this article, and has disclosed no relevant af“liations beyond the academic appointment above.Sky-high drug prices for rare diseases show why Orphan Drug Act needs reformBy DANA GOLDMANDIRECTOR, LEONARD D. SCHAEFFER CENTER FOR HEALTH POLICY & ECONOMICS, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIAJAY BHATTACHARYAPROFESSOR OF MEDICINE, STANFORD UNIVERSITY AP PHOTOThe FDA headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. SUN FILE PHOTO A Hungarian “lm titled ÂSingÂŽ recently won the Oscar for best short “lm. ÂSingÂŽ tells the story of young Zs“, who joins a renowned childrenÂs choir at her elementary school where Âeveryone is welcome.ÂŽ Soon after joining, Zs“ is told by her teacher Erika not to sing, but only mouth the words. On the face of it, she accepts her teacherÂs request stoically. But later in the movie, her anguish and pain become obvious, when she reluctantly tells her best friend what happened. The movie goes on to reveal that Zs“ isnÂt the only choir member who has been given these hurtful instructions. The choir teacherÂs defense is, ÂIf everybody sings we canÂt be the best.ÂŽ I have been a professor of music education for the past 28 years, and I wish I could say that the story of a music teacher asking a student not to sing is unusual. Unfortunately, I have heard the story many times. In fact, research shows that many adults who think of themselves as ÂunmusicalÂŽ were told as children that they couldnÂt or shouldnÂt sing by teachers and family members.All children are musicalChildren are natural musicians, as they readily sing, dance and play music from the time they are infants. People ask me all the time how they can tell if their child has musical talent. I assure them that their child „ indeed every child „ has musical ability that can be developed into a satisfying and lifelong relationship with music. However, as they get older, some children begin to get messages from peers, family members, the media and (unfortunately) music teachers that they may not be very musical „ that they donÂt have Âtalent.ÂŽThe Âtalent mindsetShows like ÂAmerican IdolÂŽ have promoted the notion that singing is a rare ability reserved for the talented few, and that those without such talent entertain us only by being ridiculed and weeded out. This Âtalent mindsetÂŽ of music runs counter to what psychologist Carol Dweck calls the Âgrowth mindsetÂŽ that is considered critical for learning: Students who view their success as a result of hard work will persevere through challenges, while students who believe their success lies with some innate ability „ like ÂtalentÂŽ „ are more likely to give up. My own research found that if children have a negative view of themselves as singers, they are much less likely to participate in music of any kind. These self-perceptions of a lack of musical talent can then become a self-ful“lling prophecy. Research shows that adults who dropped out of music as children may lose their singing skills through lack of use and opportunity. Kids who love music but do not think of themselves as musical could miss out on many of the social and cognitive bene“ts of music participation, on the experience of feeling connected to others through song. These bene“ts have nothing to do with talent.Get children singingHow can we send children the message that singing is for everyone? I argue that change could begin both at home and at school. For example, if you are a parent, you could sing the music you loved growing up and not worry about how good you sound. Having an adult in the home committed to music and singing without shame may be the most powerful in”uence on a child. You could sing with your kids from the time they are little, sing with the radio, sing in the car or sing at the dinner table. As for my fellow music teachers, I ask that you encourage all of the children in your classrooms, schools and communities to sing whenever and wherever they get a chance. The sad truth is, when we, the musical experts, discourage a child from singing, it can deliver a fatal blow to the childÂs musical self-image. Music teachers need to teach in a climate of collaboration and participation where all voices are heard and valued Â… not one of audition and competition where only the best can sing. The movie ÂSingÂŽ is actually titled ÂMindenkiÂŽ in Hungarian, which means ÂEverybody.ÂŽ ThatÂs the uplifting message that Zsfi and her choirmates teach Miss Erika in the end. Singing is not reserved for the few: Either everybody sings or nobody should. Steven M. Demorest does research in singing development across the lifespan. He has received funding for his research from the University of Washington, Northwestern University, The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS).Stop obsessing over talent „ everyone can singBy STEVEN M. DEMORESTPROFESSOR OF MUSIC EDUCATION, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY PHOTO PROVIDED BY SHUTTERSTOCK.COM
The Sun /Saturday, March 18, 2017 Page 7 ABSmCpGrA m 45.97 +.51 +30.7AMGYacktmanFocedS d 21.36 +.44 +16.9 YacktmanI d 22.89 +.28 +15.1AberdeenIntlSmCpA m 26.85 +.64 +12.4AkreFocRetail m 26.50 +.15 +14.4AlgerSmCpGrB m 5.56 +.09 +28.1AlpinedynDivInstl d 3.85 +.05 +18.7AmanaMutGrInv b 33.15 +.23 +18.6 MutIncInv b 47.80 +.28 +13.8American CenturyCptlValInv 9.17 +.02 +21.6 HYMuniInv 9.28 +.03 +.5 HeritageInv 21.74 +.14 +16.6 IntTrmTxFrBdInv 11.13 +.02 -.6American FundsAMCpA m 29.08 +.19 +17.3 AmrcnBalA m 25.76 ... +11.9 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.35 +.01 +15.5 AmrcnMutA x 38.63 -.12 +16.9 BdfAmrcA m 12.72 +.06 +1.2 CptWldGrIncA m 47.06 +.51 +15.0 CptlIncBldrA m 59.83 +.23 +7.8 EuroPacGrA m 49.18 +1.21 +12.8 FdmtlInvsA m 57.97 +.08 +20.2 GlbBalA m 30.69 +.40 +7.7 GrfAmrcA m 45.58 +.37 +22.2 IncAmrcA m 22.31 -.01 +11.9 InvCAmrcA x 38.40 +.10 +18.8 NewWldA m 56.73 +1.46 +15.8 NwPrspctvA m 38.70 +.57 +15.2 SmCpWldA m 49.80 +.91 +20.3 TheNewEcoA m 39.87 +.52 +19.0 WAMtInvsA x 42.94 -.05 +17.8BairdAggrgateBdInstl 10.70 +.05 +1.7 CorPlusBdInstl 11.04 +.05 +2.9BaronAsstRetail b 64.18 +.46 +22.8 GrRetail b 65.33 +.92 +19.2 PtnrsRetail b 41.41 +1.11 +23.8BerkshireFoc d 20.29 +.29 +23.4BlackRockAlCpEngyRsInvA m 10.56 +.08 +10.0 EqDivInstl 23.58 +.11 +21.2 GlbAllcIncInstl 19.09 +.13 +9.9 GlbAllcIncInvA m 18.98 +.13 +9.7 GlbAllcIncInvC m 17.25 +.11 +8.9 HYBdSvc b 7.70 +.02 +13.7 StrIncOppsIns 9.92 ... +6.1 TactOppsInvA m 13.37 +.07 +1.1BruceBruce 502.40 +2.67 +6.5CGMFoc 46.68 +.06 +32.5ClipperClipper 112.99 +.40 +25.9DFAEmMktsCorEqIns 19.78 +.78 +21.8 EmMktsValInstl 27.45 +1.18 +28.7 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.91 +.03 +.7 IntlCorEqIns 12.54 +.21 +14.0 IntlSmCoInstl 18.70 +.35 +14.6 IntlSmCpValIns 20.54 +.38 +17.0 USCorEq1Instl 20.38 +.12 +20.9 USCorEqIIInstl 19.51 +.12 +21.6 USLgCpValInstl 36.66 -.02 +24.2 USSmCpInstl 34.36 +.64 +25.2 USSmCpValInstl 37.15 +.65 +26.3Delaware InvestStrategicIncA m 8.22 +.03 +1.5DeutscheCorEqA m 25.19 +.09 +19.5 CorEqS 25.45 +.09 +19.8 GNMAS 13.77 +.05 +.1Dodge & CoxBal 107.79 +.31 +21.7 Inc 13.69 +.05 +5.0 IntlStk 41.79 +.78 +23.2 Stk 195.49 +.49 +30.1DoubleLineTtlRetBdI 10.61 +.05 +1.4 TtlRetBdN b 10.61 +.05 +1.1DreyfusMidCpIdxInvs 36.61 +.44 +23.1 MnBd 11.50 +.03 -.5 NYTxExBd 14.58 +.04 -.3 OppcSmCpInv 36.02 +.62 +33.6 ShrtTrmIncD 10.32 +.02 +1.1Eaton VanceDivBldrA m 14.08 +.10 +13.1 TxMgdSmCpB m 21.67 +.35 +23.9FMICommonStk 27.16 +.39 +20.5 LgCp 20.99 +.15 +17.7FPACptl d 36.14 +.46 +16.5 Crescent d 33.95 +.13 +15.0FederatedHiIncBdA f 7.55 +.02 +12.8 IntlSmMidCoA m 34.13 +.65 +4.8 KaufmannA m 5.37 +.06 +27.2 MDTMidCpGrB m 28.67 +.28 +18.4Fidelity500IdxInstl 83.61 +.24 +19.0 500IdxInstlPrm 83.61 +.24 +19.1 500IdxPremium 83.60 +.23 +19.0 AdvLgCpA m 31.80 -.07 +24.3 AdvLtdTrmBdA m 11.43 +.02 +1.5 AdvNewInsightsI 29.06 +.17 +18.3 Bal 23.18 +.09 +13.7 BlueChipGr 74.77 +.55 +20.5 Canada d 49.47 +.43 +9.9 Contrafund 108.05 +.63 +17.6 ContrafundK 107.99 +.63 +17.7 CptlInc d 10.01 +.02 +15.0 DivGr 34.06 +.02 +14.8 DiversIntl 35.90 +.61 +7.2 EmMkts d 25.25 +.92 +16.3 EmergAsia d 35.19 +1.26 +18.8 ExtndMktIdxPr 58.29 +.90 +25.3 Fidelity 43.86 +.06 +15.1 FocedStk 19.91 +.02 +15.1 FourinOneIdx 40.41 +.35 +14.9 Frdm2020 15.70 +.14 +12.4 Frdm2030 16.75 +.17 +15.7 FrdmK2020 14.62 +.13 +12.5 FrdmK2025 15.34 +.14 +13.4 FrdmK2030 15.79 +.16 +15.8 FrdmK2035 16.46 +.17 +17.4 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn Mutual Funds Interest ratesThe yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.50 percent Friday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans. NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG AGO 4.00 3.50 3.50 .88 .38 .38 PRIME RATE FED FUNDS 3-month T-bill .72 .72 ... .28 6-month T-bill .85 .87 -0.02 .47 52-wk T-bill .98 .99 -0.01 .63 2-year T-note 1.32 1.34 -0.02 .87 5-year T-note 2.02 2.05 -0.03 1.37 10-year T-note 2.50 2.54 -0.04 1.90 30-year T-bond 3.11 3.15 -0.04 2.69 NET 1YR BONDS YEST PVS CHG AGOAP Muni Bond Idx 2.73 2.78 -0.05 ... Barclays Glob Agg Bd 1.71 1.71 ... ... Barclays USAggregate 2.71 2.71 ... 2.33 Barclays US Corp 3.43 3.42 +0.01 3.44 Barclays US High Yield 5.94 6.06 -0.12 8.36 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.08 4.07 +0.01 3.81 10-Yr. TIPS .48 .51 -0.03 .29Commodities The price of U.S. crude oil rebounded Friday. Heating oil, natural gas and wholesale gasoline also eked out gains. In metals trading, gold, silver and copper moved higher.Crude Oil (bbl) 48.78 48.75 +0.06 -9.2 Ethanol (gal) 1.54 1.55 +0.19 -3.9 Heating Oil (gal) 1.51 1.50 +0.28 -11.5 Natural Gas (mm btu) 2.95 2.90 +1.59 -20.8 Unleaded Gas (gal) 1.60 1.59 +0.29 -4.0 FUELS CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD Gold (oz) 1229.80 1226.50 +0.27 +6.9 Silver (oz) 17.38 17.30 +0.48 +9.1 Platinum (oz) 963.00 958.40 +0.48 +6.8 Copper (lb) 2.68 2.67 +0.53 +7.3 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD Cattle (lb) 1.19 1.19 +0.10 +0.3 Coffee (lb) 1.41 1.40 +0.75 +2.7 Corn (bu) 3.68 3.66 +0.41 +4.4 Cotton (lb) 0.78 0.78 +0.24 +10.9 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 361.80 363.50 -0.47 +14.3 Orange Juice (lb) 1.81 1.78 +1.94 -8.7 Soybeans (bu) 10.00 10.02 -0.15 +0.4 Wheat (bu) 4.36 4.36 +0.06 +6.9 AGRICULTURE CLOSE PVS. %CHG %YTD USD per British Pound 1.2396 +.0038 +.31% 1.4482 Canadian Dollar 1.3340 +.0006 +.04% 1.2994 USD per Euro 1.0743 -.0006 -.06% 1.1316 Japanese Yen 112.70 -.56 -.50% 111.50 Mexican Peso 19.0717 -.0959 -.50% 17.3892 1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG %CHG AGO Israeli Shekel 3.6322 +.0047 +.13% 3.8498 Norwegian Krone 8.4586 -.0519 -.61% 8.3272 South African Rand 12.7223 -.0418 -.33% 15.1708 Swedish Krona 8.8296 -.0032 -.04% 8.1795 Swiss Franc .9977 +.0012 +.12% .9669 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLE EAST Australian Dollar 1.2972 -.0066 -.51% 1.3074 Chinese Yuan 6.9085 +.0111 +.16% 6.4740 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7613 -.0004 -.01% 7.7556 Indian Rupee 65.448 +.058 +.09% 66.461 Singapore Dollar 1.4014 +.0003 +.02% 1.3492 South Korean Won 1129.63 +1.57 +.14% 1152.68 Taiwan Dollar 30.57 -.09 -.29% 32.26 ASIA/PACIFICForeign Exchange The dollar strengthened versus several currencies Friday, including the euro, Swiss franc and Canadian dollar. The U.S. currency lost ground to the yen, pound and Mexican peso.YEST6 MO AGO 1 YR AGO FrdmK2040 16.49 +.17 +17.5 GNMA 11.36 +.06 +.1 GrCo 150.85 +1.66 +27.2 GrCoK 150.72 +1.66 +27.3 Independence 35.95 -.05 +16.2 IntlRlEstt d 10.05 +.20 +2.7 InvmGradeBd 11.09 +.05 +2.6 InvmGradeBdF 11.10 +.05 +2.7 JapanSmlrCo d 15.79 +.24 +14.7 LatinAmerica d 21.61 +.52 +24.9 LowPricedStk 51.65 +.48 +12.4 LowPricedStkK 51.61 +.48 +12.5 LvrgdCoStk 35.79 +.19 +19.3 Magellan 97.67 +.09 +16.6 MegaCpStk 18.27 -.03 +20.8 MidCpVal 25.80 +.25 +17.0 NYMuniInc 13.00 +.02 -.4 NewMillennium 37.99 +.33 +20.7 Nordic d 46.43 +.81 -.3 OTC 93.20 +.43 +29.3 Overseas 42.75 +.75 +9.5 Puritan 21.74 +.05 +13.1 SelEngy 43.20 +.60 +17.0 SelGold 20.77 +.74 +10.5 SelHCSvcs d 89.93 -.15 +17.4 SelLeisure d 143.11 +2.52 +9.4 SelMaterials 82.15 +1.27 +21.1 SelMdclEqpndSys 42.04 +.09 +30.8 SelNatrlGas d 26.70 +.21 +23.7 SelNatrlRes d 28.62 +.45 +15.8 SelPhrmctcls 18.18 -.04 +3.2 SelSemicons d 103.81 +.19 +44.7 SelWireless d 9.40 +.14 +20.5 SmCpGr d 22.44 +.36 +31.2 TtlBd 10.53 +.05 +4.1 TtlMktIdxPrm 68.65 +.35 +20.1 TxFrBd 11.22 +.02 -.4 USBdIdxInstlPrm 11.45 +.05 +.4 ValDiscv 27.23 +.03 +17.9First EagleGlbA m 57.36 +.82 +12.6First InvestorsGlbA m 7.92 +.12 +14.6 TtlRetA m 19.37 +.11 +10.1FirsthandTechOpps 7.29 +.17 +32.1Franklin TempletonCATxFrIncA m 7.32 +.01 +.5 EqIncA m 23.64 -.07 +15.9 FdrTFIncA m 11.96 +.01 +.2 FloridaTFIncA m 10.80 -.02 +.7 GlbBdA m 12.38 +.02 +11.3 GlbBdAdv 12.33 +.01 +11.6 GlbBdC m 12.41 +.02 +10.8 Gr,IncA m 25.12 +.36 +17.6 GrA m 83.30 +.29 +19.6 GrOppsA m 34.03 +.14 +16.0 IncA m 2.35 +.01 +17.5 IncAdv 2.33 +.01 +17.3 IncC m 2.38 +.01 +16.7 MutGlbDiscvA m 32.01 +.13 +19.9 RisingDivsA m 55.62 +.55 +16.6 TtlRetA m 9.63 +.03 +2.1 UtlsC m 18.47 +.24 +9.2GERSPUSEq 53.32 +.19 +21.5GabelliAsstAAA m 56.50 +.67 +15.6 EqIncAAA m 25.30 +.18 +14.9 Val25A m 15.71 +.17 +16.3GlenmedeSmCpEqAdv 30.04 +.52 +25.0Goldman SachsShrtDurGovtA m 9.97 +.01 +.5HarborCptlApprecInstl 62.56 +.59 +18.0 IntlInstl 63.14 +1.45 +8.2HartfordSmCoB m 13.31 +.17 +22.0HeartlandValPlusInv m 30.16 +.66 +29.2HennessyCrnrstnGrInv b 20.52 +.37 +8.5HodgesRetail m 46.65 +.41 +30.5INVESCODivIncInv b 24.30 +.06 +11.9 EngyA m 25.23 +.04 +4.1 EngyInv b 25.13 +.04 +4.1 EqandIncA m 10.85 -.03 +19.9 EuropeanGrA m 35.22 +.70 +4.7 GlbGrB m 27.34 +.33 +8.8 GrAllcA m 14.78 +.16 +13.0 PacGrB m 24.88 +.68 +12.1 QualIncA m 12.02 +.05 +.8 SmCpEqA m 14.74 +.23 +16.7 TechInv b 38.31 +.17 +25.9IntechUSCorT 19.49 +.12 +15.9IvyAsstStratB m 20.61 +.16 +2.9JPMorganCorBdR6 11.49 +.05 +.9 CorBdSel 11.48 +.05 +.6 InvCnsrvGrA m 12.61 +.07 +7.4 MidCpValL 38.08 +.25 +17.8JanusBalC m 30.55 +.06 +11.3 ContrarianT 19.93 +.02 +16.9 EntprT 101.68 +1.26 +20.9 FlexBdS b 10.26 +.03 +1.0 GlbLifeSciT 50.53 -.12 +18.4 HYT 8.46 ... +12.2 OverseasT 27.91 +.68 +13.4 RsrchT 43.69 +.17 +15.9 ShrtTrmBdT 3.02 ... +1.2 T 36.88 +.21 +15.2 VentureT 69.56 +.94 +22.4John HancockMltmgrLsBal1 b 14.90 +.13 +12.6 MltmgrLsGr1 b 15.58 +.17 +14.9LazardEMEqInstl 17.85 +.69 +25.8Litman GregoryMtrsIntlInstl 15.93 +.31 +7.1Lord AbbettShrtDurIncA m 4.30 +.01 +3.7 ShrtDurIncF b 4.29 ... +3.8MFSMAInvsTrustB m 29.42 +.10 +18.9 ValI 38.53 +.14 +19.5MainStayHYCorpBdA m 5.77 +.02 +14.7Mairs & PowerGrInv 120.96 +.84 +16.3Manning & NapierPrBlndCnsrvTrmS 13.52 +.06 +6.2 PrBlndMaxTrmS 19.62 +.13 +12.4Marsico21stCentury b 23.59 +.29 +17.5 FlexCptl b 14.65 +.09 +10.0MatthewsAsianGrIncInv 16.28 +.33 +6.8MeridianGrLegacy d 38.00 +.60 +24.8Metropolitan WestTtlRetBdI 10.51 +.04 +.9 TtlRetBdM b 10.52 +.05 +.8 TtlRetBdPlan 9.90 +.05 +1.1Midas FundsMidas m 1.25 +.06 +19.0 MidasMagic m 17.11 +.10 +15.6NeedhamGrRetail m 44.22 +.34 +14.0Neuberger BermanSmCpGrInv 30.42 +.41 +33.5NicholasNicholas 65.96 +.27 +11.6Northeast InvestorsGr 16.15 +.02 +15.7NuveenNYMnBdI 10.83 +.03 +.5Oak AssociatesEmergTech 4.85 +.06 +28.3 LiveOakHlthSci 19.72 -.17 +14.0 PinOakEq 61.10 +.39 +27.5 RedOakTechSel 21.99 +.16 +35.6OakmarkEqAndIncInv 31.94 +.21 +15.8 GlbInv 30.61 +.42 +24.1 IntlInv 24.86 +.58 +21.9 Inv 76.24 +.39 +26.0 SelInv 44.87 +.40 +28.3Old WestburyLgCpStrats 13.69 +.18 +12.7OppenheimerDevelopingMktsY 35.32 +1.18 +17.1 GlbStrIncA m 3.91 +.01 +6.9 IntlGrY 37.06 +.65 +4.5PIMCOAlAstInstl 11.64 +.17 +15.3 IncD b 12.19 +.03 +9.7 IncInstl 12.19 +.03 +10.1 IncP 12.19 +.03 +10.0 TtlRetIns 10.07 +.05 +2.7PRIMECAP OdysseyGr 31.07 -.05 +25.5ParnassusCorEqInv 41.26 +.34 +13.8PaxBalIndvInv b 23.18 +.12 +9.9PerkinsGlbValT 13.96 +.20 +9.2 MidCpValL 17.68 +.14 +21.7 MidCpValT 17.32 +.14 +21.1 SmCpValL 23.33 +.45 +26.4PioneerA m 30.98 +.12 +17.6PrincipalSAMgCnsGA m 17.51 +.17 +14.0PrudentialJsnBlndA m 19.98 +.17 +20.3 JsnUtilityA m 13.65 +.17 +11.6 QMAIntlEqC m 6.60 +.16 +12.1 QMASmCpValZ 21.60 +.38 +32.5 TtlRetBdZ 14.13 +.08 +3.7PutnamGlbUtlsB m 12.14 +.15 +.3 IntlGrB m 16.52 +.39 +6.2 SmCpValA m 17.71 +.33 +31.7RainierMidCpEqOriginal b 38.34 +.33 +15.2ReynoldsBlueChipGr b 52.26 +.32 +8.8RoyceSmCpValSvc m 9.82 +.13 +10.1RydexElectronicsInv 109.47 +1.60 +36.6 HCH b 24.90 -.12 +14.7 NASDAQ100Inv 30.53 +.13 +22.9SchwabHC 23.58 -.02 +14.3 SP500Idx 36.73 +.11 +18.9SentinelCommonStkA m 43.47 +.09 +19.3State FarmGr 74.45 +.44 +17.1Sterling CapitalStrtonSmCpVlIns 84.50 +1.24 +28.8T. Rowe PriceBal 23.16 +.16 +11.8 BlueChipGr 80.18 +.30 +20.4 CorpInc 9.44 +.05 +3.7 CptlAprc 27.68 +.14 +13.3 EMStk d 35.74 +1.34 +22.1 EqIdx500 d 64.10 +.17 +18.8 EqInc 32.79 +.14 +21.1 FinclSvcs 25.84 +.13 +32.7 GNMA 9.25 +.04 +.3 GlbTech 15.51 +.21 +34.0 GrStk 59.00 +.33 +20.7 HlthSci 66.35 -.59 +19.1 InsLgCpGr 32.32 +.13 +23.4 IntlEqIdx d 12.67 +.25 +11.6 IntlStk d 16.81 +.36 +13.3 IntlValEq d 13.71 +.23 +8.2 MdCpGr 81.70 +.92 +18.5 MdCpVal 29.98 +.17 +21.4 MediaTeleCms 82.45 +.98 +22.7 NJTFBd 11.80 +.02 -.1 NewAmericaGr 44.73 +.24 +21.4 NewAsia d 17.21 +.58 +17.7 NewHorizons 47.75 +.48 +28.3 NewInc 9.35 +.04 +1.0 OverseasStk d 9.82 +.17 +12.5 RlEstt d 28.13 +.75 +1.4 Rtr2020 21.42 +.18 +11.9 Rtr2025 16.36 +.14 +13.1 Rtr2030 23.91 +.22 +14.2 Rtr2035 17.37 +.17 +15.1 Rtr2040 24.84 +.25 +15.9 SciandTech 41.78 +.32 +32.5 SpectrumGr 22.60 +.24 +17.8 SpectrumInc 12.52 +.06 +6.7 SummitMnInc 11.65 +.03 -.2 TFShrtInterm 5.56 ... -.3 TxEfficientEq d 25.09 +.13 +17.9 Val 35.67 +.03 +17.6TIAA-CREFEqIdxIns 17.64 +.08 +20.1Third AvenueValIns d 53.33 +.28 +19.9ThompsonBd 11.41 +.01 +12.5 LgCp 60.22 +.05 +25.5ThriventIncA m 9.00 +.02 +4.7TocquevilleGold m 36.72 +1.41 +12.9TransamericaAsAlGrC m 14.50 +.16 +16.3 AsAlModC m 11.98 +.09 +9.7TurnerSmCpGr 13.10 +.29 +20.2U.S. Global InvestorGlbRes m 5.52 +.13 +12.3 GoldPrcMtls m 7.93 +.36 +16.4USAACrnrstnMod 14.72 +.13 +9.2 GrInc 23.35 +.07 +22.1 GvtSec 9.75 +.03 -.3 HiInc d 8.20 +.02 +17.9 PrcMtlsMnral 13.30 +.68 +11.2 SciTech 23.95 +.32 +24.5 TELngTrm 13.18 +.03 +.2 TrgtRet2040 13.50 +.14 +15.0 TrgtRet2050 13.51 +.15 +15.6 WldGr 29.45 +.35 +14.9Value LinePremGr b 31.15 +.16 +15.2Vanguard500IdxAdmrl 220.42 +.62 +19.0 500IdxInv 220.38 +.61 +18.9 BalIdxAdmrl 32.32 +.16 +11.9 CAIntTrmTEAdmrl 11.55 +.02 -.4 CnvrtSecInv 13.02 +.06 +12.0 CptlOppAdmrl 134.41 -.63 +26.5 CptlOppInv 58.22 -.28 +26.4 DevMIdxAdmrl 12.63 +.24 +12.0 DevMIdxIns 12.65 +.24 +12.0 DivGrInv 25.03 +.14 +12.7 EMStkIdxAdmrl 33.23 +1.22 +20.6 EqIncAdmrl 72.02 +.30 +17.4 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 76.33 +1.18 +25.4 ExtMktIdxIns 76.33 +1.18 +25.4 ExtMktIdxInsPls 188.37 +2.91 +25.4 FAWexUSIIns 94.37 +2.12 +13.8 FAWexUSIdxInv 18.89 +.42 +13.7 GNMAAdmrl 10.46 +.05 +.1 GlbEqInv 26.74 +.38 +16.6 GrIdxAdmrl 62.81 +.39 +17.9 GrIdxIns 62.81 +.39 +17.9 GrandIncInv 43.82 +.11 +18.0 HCAdmrl 86.49 -.41 +13.4 HCInv 205.04 -.99 +13.4 HYCorpAdmrl 5.85 +.01 +10.5 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 11.24 +.07 +.5 InTrInvGrdAdmrl 9.65 +.04 +2.3 InTrTEAdmrl 13.90 +.03 -.2 InPrtScAdmrl 25.65 +.18 +2.2 InsIdxIns 217.50 +.61 +19.0 InsIdxInsPlus 217.53 +.62 +19.0 InsTtlSMIInPls 53.55 +.27 +20.2 IntlGrAdmrl 75.33 +1.69 +17.3 IntlValInv 34.28 +.68 +13.1 LTInvmGrdAdmrl 9.99 +.08 +3.0 LfStrGrInv 30.52 +.33 +14.0 LfStrModGrInv 25.18 +.23 +10.6 LgCpIdxInv 44.13 +.14 +19.2 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 10.89 ... +.2 MdCpGrIdxInv 44.62 +.40 +16.3 MdCpIdxAdmrl 173.63 +1.40 +18.8 MdCpIdxIns 38.36 +.31 +18.8 MdCpIdxInsPlus 189.17 +1.53 +18.8 PrmCpAdmrl 117.95 -.16 +24.3 REITIdxAdmrl 116.81 +2.80 +3.7 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.42 +.02 +.7 STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.64 +.02 +2.2 STInvmGrdIns 10.64 +.02 +2.3 STTEAdmrl 15.76 ... +.6 SeledValInv 30.42 +.21 +22.6 SmCpIdxAdmrl 64.28 +.97 +24.0 SmCpIdxIns 64.28 +.97 +24.0 SmCpValIdxAdmrl 53.29 +.79 +25.3 SmCpValIdxIns 29.79 +.44 +25.3 StarInv 24.88 +.21 +12.3 StrEqInv 33.44 +.48 +22.8 TrgtRtr2015Inv 14.98 +.12 +8.3 TrgtRtr2020Inv 29.40 +.27 +10.1 TrgtRtr2025Inv 17.10 +.17 +11.5 TrgtRtr2030Inv 30.71 +.32 +12.7 TrgtRtr2035Inv 18.75 +.20 +14.0 TrgtRtr2040Inv 32.10 +.36 +15.3 TrgtRtr2045Inv 20.11 +.23 +15.7 TrgtRtr2050Inv 32.35 +.37 +15.7 TrgtRtrIncInv 13.08 +.08 +5.8 TtBMIdxAdmrl 10.62 +.05 +.6 TtBMIdxIns 10.62 +.05 +.6 TtBMIdxInsPlus 10.62 +.05 +.6 TtInBIdxAdmrl 21.49 +.07 +1.0 TtInBIdxIns 32.25 +.10 +1.0 TtInBIdxInv 10.75 +.04 +1.0 TtInSIdxAdmrl 26.71 +.61 +13.7 TtInSIdxIns 106.81 +2.42 +13.7 TtInSIdxInsPlus 106.83 +2.42 +13.7 TtInSIdxInv 15.97 +.37 +13.6 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 59.66 +.29 +20.1 TtlSMIdxIns 59.67 +.29 +20.1 TtlSMIdxInv 59.63 +.30 +20.0 ValIdxAdmrl 37.86 +.02 +20.7 WlngtnAdmrl 70.09 +.24 +14.0 WlngtnInv 40.58 +.14 +13.9 WlslyIncAdmrl 62.97 +.30 +7.2 WlslyIncInv 25.99 +.12 +7.1 WndsrAdmrl 73.81 +.18 +23.1 WndsrIIAdmrl 65.88 +.34 +20.0 WndsrIIInv 37.13 +.20 +19.9VictorySpecValA m 23.30 +.05 +11.1WasatchLgCpValInv d 9.72 +.03 +19.6Wells FargoDJTrgt2010Adm 12.53 +.07 +1.9Western AssetCorPlusBdI 11.48 +.07 +4.4 WAMngdMuniA 16.11 +.02 -.1Wintergreen FundInv m 16.16 +.32 +12.6delawareValInstl 20.50 +.07 +18.0 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn 12 mo Fund NAV chg %rtn Mutual Fund Footnotes: b Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f front load (sales charges). m Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA not available. p previous days net asset value. s fund split shares during the week. x fund paid a distribution during the week. Source : Morningstar and the Associated Press.(Previous and change gures reect current contract.)FLORIDA REPORT ALMANACToday is Saturday, March 18 the 77th day of 2017. There are 288 days left in the year. Today in historyOn March 18, 1937 in AmericaÂs worst school disaster, nearly 300 people, most of them children, were killed in a natural gas explosion at the New London Consolidated School in Rusk County, Texas. On this dateIn 1766 Britain repealed the Stamp Act of 1765. In 1940 Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini met at the Brenner Pass, where the Italian dictator agreed to join GermanyÂs war against France and Britain. In 1959 President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Hawaii statehood bill. (Hawaii became a state on Aug. 21, 1959.) In 1965 the first spacewalk took place as Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov went outside his Voskhod 2 capsule, secured by a tether. In 1974 most of the Arab oil-producing nations ended their 5-month-old embargo against the United States that had been sparked by American support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War. In 1990 thieves made off with 13 works of art from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston (the crime remains unsolved). One year ago: A jury in St. Petersburg, Florida, sided with ex-pro wrestler Hulk Hogan, awarding him $115 million in compensatory damages in his sex tape lawsuit against Gawker Media. (Three days later, the jury awarded $25 million in punitive damages; Gawker, which ended up going bankrupt, finally settled with Hogan for $31 million.) TodayÂs birthdaysComposer John Kander is 90. Country singer Charley Pride is 83. Nobel peace laureate and former South African president F.W. de Klerk is 81. Singer Irene Cara is 58. Olympic gold medal speedskater Bonnie Blair is 53. Rapper-actress-talk show host Queen Latifah is 47. Rock singer Adam Levine (Maroon 5) is 38. Nineteen of FloridaÂs 20 state attorneys announced Friday they would continue to seek the death penalty in cases they feel it is justified, a rebuke to the Orlando-area prosecutor who this week declared she would no longer push for capital punishment. ÂWe affirm that the responsibility of enforcing the laws of Florida is paramount to our oath of office,ÂŽ the state attorneys said in a statement. ÂThroughout 19 of the 20 circuits of Florida, the death penalty will continue to be sought in those cases which qualify for its implementation.ÂŽ On Thursday, Aramis Ayala, the newly elected state attorney in FloridaÂs Ninth Judicial Circuit, which covers Orange and Osceola counties, said she would not pursue the death penalty in any case, including the high-profile prosecution of Markeith Loyd, a man accused of killing his ex-girlfriend and the execution-style shooting of an Orlando police officer trying to capture him. AyalaÂs declaration elicited anger from others in the criminal justice community and among Republican elected officials. Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday removed her from the Loyd case, assigning it instead to State Attorney Brad King, whose district includes Hernando County. The statement from the Prosecuting Attorneys Association is the latest rebuke of Ayala „ and the most prominent bipartisan one. ÂThe victims families of Florida deserve our dedication to implement all the laws of Florida,ÂŽ the prosecutors statement continues. ÂThat is why the people of Florida have elected us.ÂŽ A spokesperson for Ayala did not immediately reply to a request for comment. At least one of the other 19 state attorneys publicly supported AyalaÂs right not to seek the death penalty: Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren. ÂThe Florida Constitution affords discretion to the constitutional officers in that locality,ÂŽ Warren told a reporter Friday. ÂMs. Ayala was exercising her discretion as the elected state attorney in her jurisdiction. SheÂs accountable to the voters in that county for the next four years.ÂŽ However, Warren said Scott was also within his right under the constitution to remove the case from her jurisdiction. ÂItÂs not a question of whether I agree with it,ÂŽ he said. ÂJust as Ms. Ayala has the discretion not to seek the death penalty in a particular case, the governor apparently has the discretion to remove her from the supervisory responsibility of prosecuting the case.ÂŽFlorida prosecutors rebuke Orlando state attorney, promise to continue seeking death penaltyBy MICHAEL AUSLENTIMES/HERALD TALLAHASSEE BUREAU AYALA | HEADLINES FROM AROUND THE STATETALLAHASSEE (AP) „ Florida is dropping all charges against an attorney accused of leading a $300 million gambling ring that led to the 2013 resignation of Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll. Jacksonville attorney Kelly Mathis was convicted in 2013 of 103 counts of racketeering, possessing slot machines and other charges and sentenced to six years in prison. But an appeals court last year ruled that Mathis deserved a new trial because his attorneys were not allowed MIAMI (AP) „ Prosecutors in Florida have found no evidence of a crime in the death of a prison inmate left for nearly two hours in a hot shower. A memo released Friday by the MiamiDade State AttorneyÂs Of“ce concludes that 50-year-old Darren Rainey died accidentally in June 2012, in part because of undiagnosed ST. PETE BEACH (AP) „ Authorities in Florida have stopped searching for a Colorado State University student and a Florida drops charges in case that shook stateÂs politics Prosecutors: No crime in Florida inmateÂs hot-shower death Search ends for student, yacht crew member in Florida watersto call certain witnesses. Statewide Prosecutor Nick Cox said in a statement the charges were dropped because his of“ce is focusing its resources on “ghting drugs and gang violence. He also noted that the stateÂs gambling laws have changed. Mathis told media outlets in Jacksonville that he had always vowed to “ght the charges to the end. yacht crew member who went missing in choppy Tampa Bay-area waters. The Coast Guard said Thursday evening that it had ended the search for 27-year-old Andrew Dillman of New York and 21-year-old Jie Luo of China. The two men had been missing since Tuesday evening. Authorities said 15 college students chartered the yacht, and Luo was among five who jumped from the boat to swim off Shell Key. Authorities said Dillman jumped into the water when he saw Luo was struggling in the swift currents. Neither man wore a flotation device. The Coast Guard said search efforts covered nearly 1,600 square miles. heart disease. The memo said he suffered no burn injuries. The investigation also found no evidence that of“cers at the Dade Correctional Institution regularly used the hot shower to punish or torture inmates, as some of them claimed after RaineyÂs death. Rainey was taken to the shower after he had smeared feces on himself, the walls of his cell and his bedsheets. He was found dead about two hours later. An autopsy ruled his death an accident. The investigation found temperatures in the shower were not excessively high.
Page 8 The Sun / Saturday, March 18, 2017 19.45 10.29 Guess .90 31 11.30 -.77 -6.6 34.67 16.05 GulfportE ... dd 16.59 -.24 -23.3 40.43 27 .61 HCP Inc 1.48 11 30.12 +.36 +1.3 17 .81 11.31 HP Inc .53f 11 17 .56 +.17 +18.3 44.18 28.62 HSBC 1.50e ... 40.91 +.33 +1.8 56.99 32.87 HainCels lf ... 19 37 .36 +1.63 -4.3 58.78 33.26 Hallibrtn .72 dd 50.78 -.13 -6.1 30.42 18.91 Hanesbds s .60f 12 20.28 +.31 -6.0 92.78 74.06 HanoverIns 2.00 23 91.07 +.63 +0.1 63.40 41.63 HarleyD 1.45f 17 62.25 +2.20 +6.7 6.18 2.51 Harmonic ... dd 5.85 ... +17 .0 4.87 1.86 HarmonyG ... ... 2.27 +.10 +2.7 15.25 5.00 Harsco .20m 52 12.45 +.35 -8.5 50.26 38.92 HartfdFn .92 15 48.78 -.94 +2.4 34.98 28.31 HawaiiEl 1.24 19 33.30 +.77 +0.7 43.65 34.51 HlthCSvc .75f 41 43.80 +1.40 +11.8 7 .64 2.57 HeclaM .01e 27 5.04 +.20 -3.8 117 .79 87 .92 Hershey 2.47 26 109.01 +.08 +5.4 53.14 17 .20 HertzGl ... ... 21.69 -.22 +0.6 24.88 15.38 HP Ent n .26f 12 22.85 +.55 -1.3 30.60 17 .91 HilltopH ... 19 27 .97 +.31 -6.1 12.00 4.88 HimaxTch .13e 36 8.60 +.85 +42.4 39.17 22.07 HollyFront 1.32 13 28.28 +.83 -13.7 149.19 119.20 HomeDp 3.56f 23 149.60 +2.75 +11.6 32.17 24.04 Honda .55e ... 31.04 -.01 +6.3 127 .52 105.25 HonwllIntl 2.66 19 127 .16 +.12 +9.8 44.68 33.18 Hormel s .68f 21 34.92 -.15 +0.3 32.63 24.24 HospPT 2.04 9 31.31 +1.31 -1.4 20.21 14.30 HostHotls .80a 12 18.44 +.53 -2.1 37 .79 22.85 HuanPwr 2.45e ... 29.54 +2.15 +13.4 125.93 97 .35 Hubbell 2.80f 23 120.45 -.34 +3.2 220.49 150.00 Humana 1.60f 25 218.90 +.97 +7 .3 14.74 8.05 HuntBncsh .32 20 13.73 -.46 +3.9 220.68 135.42 HuntgtnIng 2.40 20 213.72 +2.02 +16.0 5.87 2.01 IAMGld g ... 78 3.88 +.22 +0.8 8.81 6.30 ICICI Bk .16e ... 8.43 +.28 +12.6 153.95 72.29 IdexxLab s ... 62 151.95 +1.67 +29.6 15.66 9.26 ING .14e ... 15.45 -.11 +9.6 13.25 10.81 iShGold ... q 11.82 +.23 +6.7 40.80 24.75 iShBrazil 1.03e q 37 .23 +.11 +11.7 37 .32 29.71 iShEMU .95e q 37 .25 +.60 +7 .7 28.53 22.51 iShGerm .51e q 28.41 +.36 +7 .3 54.69 41.23 iShMexico .93e q 50.07 +2.52 +13.9 19.71 14.09 iShSilver ... q 16.47 +.32 +9.0 93.52 79.71 iShSelDiv 2.59e q 92.33 +.81 +4.2 39.40 31.04 iShChinaLC .76e q 39.14 +1.49 +12.8 39.65 31.70 iShEMkts .84e q 39.49 +1.48 +12.8 124.48 115.55 iShiBoxIG 3.87 q 116.82 +.81 -0.3 143.62 116.49 iSh20 yrT 3.05 q 118.64 +1.39 -0.4 62.13 51.93 iS Eafe 1.70e q 62.23 +1.18 +7 .8 88.37 80.68 iShiBxHYB 5.09 q 87 .08 +.78 +0.6 303.74 240.30 iShNsdqBio .09e q 295.28 -5.32 +11.3 140.86 105.74 iShR2K 1.77e q 138.46 +2.50 +2.7 85.70 76.92 iShCorHiDv 2.90e q 85.30 +.28 +3.7 40.34 36.70 iShUSPfd 2.15a q 38.46 +.56 +3.4 85.80 72.11 iShREst 2.76e q 78.20 +1.66 +1.6 83.99 69.83 Idacorp 2.20 21 82.31 +2.05 +2.2 136.02 98.32 ITW 2.60 24 135.50 +1.48 +10.6 22.40 13.42 IndBkMI .40 21 21.10 +.10 -2.8 20.47 13.42 Infosys .62e 11 15.34 -.16 +3.4 82.17 59.10 IngerRd 1.60 18 80.99 +1.50 +7 .9 140.00 104.19 Ingredion 2.00f 17 120.00 -.41 -4.0 38.45 29.50 Intel 1.04 15 35.27 -.64 -2.8 177 .93 96.63 InterceptP ... dd 125.23 -2.27 +15.3 3.55 .80 Internap ... dd 3.53 +.45 +129.2 182.79 142.50 IBM 5.60 13 175.65 -2.18 +5.8 32.07 16.65 IntlGmeT n .80 ... 24.70 +1.20 -3.2 58.86 39.24 IntPap 1.85f 17 51.36 +.66 -3.2 4.23 1.70 Intersectns ... dd 3.85 +.17 -3.5 751.43 561.02 IntSurg ... 37 749.83 +15.67 +18.2 12.92 5.42 InvenSense ... dd 12.40 +.02 -3.0 57 .00 19.59 IonisPhm ... dd 40.22 -1.62 -15.9 52.09 43.40 iShJapan rs ... q 51.83 +.49 +6.1 33.37 24.70 iSTaiwn rs ... q 33.29 +1.27 +13.3 48.08 38.86 iShCorEM 1.09e q 47 .95 +1.80 +13.0 13.65 7 .91 ItauUnibH .32e ... 12.24 -.16 +19.2J-K-L 32.47 19.51 ... dd 31.56 +.50 +24.1 93.98 57 .05 JPMorgCh 1.92 15 90.68 -.60 +5.1 63.42 40.93 JacobsEng .15p 20 55.46 -.96 -2.7 9.75 4.63 JkksPac ... dd 5.75 +.55 +11.7 23.15 14.76 JetBlue ... 9 20.16 +.12 -10.1 129.00 106.55 JohnJn 3.20 19 128.06 +1.85 +11.2 46.17 32.81 JohnContl n 1.08e 29 41.97 +.74 +1.9 18.50 11.63 KKR 1.31e 10 18.16 -.05 +18.0 100.69 79.05 KC Southn 1.32 19 84.13 -3.19 -0.8 87 .16 70.74 Kellogg 2.08 19 75.11 +.92 +1.9 7 .80 3.99 KeryxBio ... dd 5.83 +.41 -0.5 19.53 10.21 Keycorp .34 18 18.35 -.23 +0.4 138.87 111.30 KimbClk 3.88f 22 133.26 -.63 +16.8 32.24 21.46 Kimco 1.02 19 22.79 +1.15 -9.4 23.36 16.63 KindMorg .50 69 21.28 -.22 +2.8 5.82 2.88 Kinross g ... 68 3.40 +.12 +9.3 59.67 33.87 Kohls 2.20f 14 40.49 +.03 -18.0 97 .77 75.86 KraftHnz n 2.40 41 91.98 +.47 +5.3 9.19 3.75 KratosDef ... dd 8.26 +1.24 +11.6 39.22 28.29 Kroger s .48 14 29.55 +.73 -14.4 21.23 10.55 Kulicke ... ... 20.62 +.33 +29.3 88.76 47 .93 L Brands 2.40f 13 51.18 +.88 -22.3 171.24 116.97 L-3 Tch 2.80f 22 169.46 -.86 +11.4 54.20 43.17 LTC Prp 2.28f 15 46.51 +1.24 -1.0 90.80 62.13 Landstar .36 26 85.30 -.75 ... 16.47 7 .23 LaredoPet ... 27 13.46 +.26 -4.8 63.38 41.45 LVSands 2.92f 27 57 .17 +2.96 +7 .0 31.87 21.56 LaSalleH 1.80 12 29.64 +.93 -2.7 54.63 44.02 LeggPlat 1.36 20 50.58 +2.08 +3.5 60.13 44.01 Level3 ... 31 57 .47 +1.00 +2.0 5.54 4.76 LbtyASE .52e q 5.50 +.01 +6.6 42.26 31.81 LibtProp 1.60m 18 38.53 +.97 -2.5 88.42 55.91 LincElec 1.40f 30 88.47 +2.11 +15.4 4.42 2.47 LloydBkg .47a ... 3.49 +.07 +12.6 270.68 217 .14 LockhdM 7 .28 21 271.98 +3.32 +8.8 84.00 64.87 Lowes 1.40 21 83.53 +1.95 +17 .4 57 .17 44.85 Luxottica .78e ... 54.81 +.91 +2.1M-N-0 173.72 107 .01 M&T Bk 3.00f 20 162.09 -4.10 +3.6 11.65 6.34 MBIA ... dd 8.91 -.36 -16.7 31.24 20.51 MDC 1.00 15 30.21 -.07 +17 .7 29.92 18.39 MDU Res .77 23 27 .26 +.76 -5.2 30.62 20.14 MGM Rsts .39p 24 27 .58 +2.08 -4.3 9.01 7 .12 MVC Cap .54a q 8.78 -.10 +2.3 45.41 28.55 Macys 1.51 11 30.54 -.81 -14.7 47 .21 32.76 Magna g s 1.10f 9 44.04 +1.33 +1.5 7 .57 3.65 Manitowoc .08 dd 6.18 +.38 +3.3 19.52 12.55 Manulife g .74 ... 18.11 +.13 +1.6 19.28 9.65 MarathnO .20 dd 15.46 -.70 -10.7 54.59 32.02 MarathPt s 1.44 10 50.79 +.92 +0.9 91.07 60.87 MAR 1.20 24 88.33 +1.71 +6.8 25.38 15.58 MartinMid 2.00 29 19.00 +.20 +3.5 16.72 9.05 MarvellTch .24 cc 16.12 -.27 +16.2 46.14 33.38 MaximIntg 1.32 26 45.62 +.60 +18.3 107 .84 88.64 McCorm 1.72f 28 102.00 +1.68 +9.3 8.33 3.53 McDrmInt ... 21 6.59 ... -10.8 131.96 110.33 McDnlds 3.76 24 128.64 +.66 +5.7 199.43 114.53 McKesson 1.12 13 147 .93 +.26 +5.3 4.92 1.80 McEwenM .01a cc 3.08 +.02 +5.8 15.92 11.54 MedProp .96f 13 12.41 +.45 +0.9 55.28 29.48 MediCo ... dd 48.38 -4.43 +42.5 89.27 69.35 Medtrnic 1.72 18 82.23 -.81 +15.4 20.00 11.91 MelcoCrwn 1.40e 60 18.55 +2.05 +16.7 66.80 52.10 Merck 1.88 17 63.90 -1.23 +8.5 64.52 49.69 MercGn 2.49 30 59.63 +1.21 -1.0 66.25 43.85 Meredith 2.08f 15 62.40 -.30 +5.5 17 .04 6.30 Meritor ... 3 16.85 +.65 +35.7 58.09 36.17 MetLife 1.60 12 53.36 -.66 -1.0 26.23 9.35 MicronT ... dd 25.80 +.62 +17 .7 65.91 48.04 Microsoft 1.56 28 64.87 -.06 +4.4 2.37 .89 Microvisn ... dd 2.08 +.42 +65.1 150.87 99.54 Middleby ... 28 139.35 +1.64 +8.2 44.48 29.64 MdsxWatr .84 27 37 .10 +1.46 -13.6 13.50 10.89 MHowHiInc 1.39 q 13.41 +.76 +8.2 7 .01 4.16 MitsuUF J ... ... 6.69 +.01 +8.6 10.91 7 .09 MobileTele .88e ... 10.65 +.84 +16.9 61.51 33.69 Mobileye ... cc 60.51 +13.24 +58.7 35.22 8.88 Momo ... ... 35.01 +4.23 +90.5 46.40 39.21 Mondelez .76 32 44.75 +.90 +0.9 73.05 42.61 Moog A ... 21 68.49 +3.67 +4.3 47 .33 23.11 MorgStan .80 15 45.02 -1.47 +6.6 87 .55 62.76 MotrlaSolu 1.88f 19 84.72 +3.09 +2.2 50.40 33.60 Mylan NV ... 9 42.03 -1.37 +10.2 49.90 25.20 NCR Corp ... 15 44.53 -3.94 +9.8 5.35 3.03 NQ Mobile ... dd 3.75 -.13 +16.5 18.32 9.84 NRG Egy .12 22 18.06 +.20 +47 .3 18.56 13.05 NRG Yld C 1.04f 44 17 .05 +.55 +7 .9 28.43 21.96 NTT DOCO ... ... 24.18 +.82 +6.3 18.40 7 .61 Nabors .24 dd 13.49 +.05 -17 .7 61.25 47 .49 NatFuGas 1.62 26 60.37 -.46 +6.6 74.97 56.50 NatGrid 3.35e ... 61.54 +1.55 +5.5 82.53 63.65 NtHlthInv 3.80f 16 71.09 +1.58 -4.2 19.98 11.41 NektarTh ... dd 15.50 +.16 +26.3 69.09 43.79 Neogen ... 67 68.52 +3.75 +3.8 18.51 6.90 NeoPhoton ... 44 9.17 +.16 -15.2 146.50 84.50 Netflix s ... cc 145.11 +4.22 +17 .2 6.04 2.39 NwGold g ... 41 2.84 -.06 -18.9 39.95 30.46 NJ Rscs s 1.02 20 39.20 +.75 +10.4 19.89 13.95 NewMedia 1.40 22 14.84 +.13 -7 .2 55.01 33.47 NewOriEd .40e 36 55.10 +3.99 +30.9 17 .68 13.74 NY CmtyB .68 14 14.39 -.01 -9.6 7 .04 4.40 NYMtgTr .96 13 6.37 +.12 -3.5 46.07 24.59 NewmtM .20 26 32.84 -.10 -3.6 132.63 110.49 NextEraEn 3.93f 23 130.23 +.17 +9.0 26.94 21.17 NiSource s .70f 22 23.50 +.17 +6.1 65.44 49.01 NikeB s .84 25 57 .80 +1.37 +13.7 12.58 6.18 NimbleStg ... dd 12.46 -.10 +57 .3 49.67 38.45 NipponTT ... ... 43.40 +.85 +3.2 A-B-C 13.32 10.49 AES Corp .48f 11 11.46 +.31 -1.4 74.50 62.34 AFLAC 1.72 12 72.53 +.51 +4.2 11.39 3.31 AK Steel ... 29 8.31 +.63 -18.6 43.89 36.10 AT&T Inc 1.96 16 42.61 +.26 +0.2 45.84 36.76 AbbottLab 1.06 23 45.19 -.53 +17 .7 68.12 55.06 AbbVie 2.56 15 65.69 -.19 +4.9 32.51 10.91 AberFitc .80 dd 12.00 +.02 ... 6.39 4.45 Accuray ... dd 5.05 +.05 +9.8 49.70 31.57 ActivsBliz .30f 41 49.13 -.07 +36.1 76.09 39.66 Adient n .28p ... 72.82 +2.72 +24.3 69.99 31.03 AdvEnId ... 22 68.62 +3.99 +25.3 15.55 2.45 AMD ... dd 13.49 -.42 +19.0 51.23 24.85 AdvisoryBd ... 17 44.60 -.45 +34.1 40.72 26.46 Aecom ... 12 35.65 -.42 -2.0 32.44 22.16 AeroViron ... dd 29.79 +2.53 +11.0 136.50 104.59 Aetna 2.00f 18 131.80 -1.00 +6.3 17 .75 3.60 AeviGeno ... dd 5.44 -.61 +5.0 54.82 38.89 Agilent .53 31 53.31 +1.16 +17 .0 25.98 18.26 Aircastle 1.04 11 23.96 +.60 +14.9 10.41 4.86 AlamosGld .02 ... 8.21 +1.20 +20.0 1.97 1.49 AlaskCom ... ... 1.81 +.19 +10.4 162.00 109.12 Alexion lf ... 48 122.08 -5.23 -0.2 109.87 73.30 Alibaba ... 34 105.61 +2.22 +20.3 23.69 10.93 AllegTch .24j dd 18.02 +.65 +13.1 282.59 184.50 Allergan ... 17 237 .38 -3.77 +13.0 67 .79 53.47 Allete 2.14f 26 67 .38 +2.30 +5.0 26.65 11.00 AllnceRes 1.75 6 21.90 +.10 -2.4 25.13 20.75 AlliBern 1.81e 10 22.35 -.40 -4.7 40.99 34.08 AlliantEg s 1.18 21 39.56 +.95 +4.4 83.05 64.36 Allstate 1.48f 17 82.85 +.80 +11.8 23.62 14.84 AllyFincl .32p 10 21.15 -.83 +11.2 850.85 663.28 Alphabet C ... 26 852.12 +8.87 +10.4 872.71 672.66 Alphabet A ... 28 872.37 +10.97 +10.1 8.35 6.97 AlpTotDiv .69 q 8.27 +.11 +9.1 13.31 10.15 AlpAlerMLP 1.35e q 12.60 -.08 ... 76.55 59.48 Altria 2.44 25 75.16 -.68 +11.2 860.86 538.58 Amazon ... cc 852.31 -.15 +13.7 74.95 35.26 Ambarella ... 29 56.34 +3.54 +4.1 6.34 4.70 Ambev .06e 5 5.51 +.05 +12.2 2.80 .35 Amedica rs ... dd .44 +.04 -30.0 55.51 46.29 Ameren 1.76f 20 55.05 +1.16 +4.9 6.11 5.10 AFMulti .50 16 5.60 -.05 +3.7 15.95 11.02 AMovilL .66e 48 13.96 +1.46 +11.1 50.64 24.85 AmAirlines .40 6 41.72 -2.18 -10.6 71.32 57 .89 AEP 2.36 17 66.47 +1.07 +5.6 82.00 57 .15 AmExp 1.28 14 79.25 -.13 +7 .0 67 .47 48.41 AmIntlGrp 1.28 dd 62.42 -.34 -4.4 46.39 37 .28 AmStsWtr .97 28 44.92 +2.83 -1.4 85.24 67 .02 AmWtrWks 1.50 27 76.20 +.28 +5.3 50.11 40.81 Amerigas 3.76 40 44.74 -.51 -6.6 135.20 84.92 Ameriprise 3.00 14 131.71 -.39 +18.7 94.50 68.38 AmeriBrgn 1.46 15 87 .53 -.78 +11.9 55.48 43.28 Ametek .36 24 54.31 +.78 +11.7 184.21 133.64 Amgen 4.60f 15 168.61 -12.83 +15.3 71.98 54.94 Amphenol .64f 26 71.34 +.95 +6.2 84.24 52.17 AnalogDev 1.80 30 83.26 +1.06 +14.7 22.91 9.28 AnglogldA ... ... 10.81 +.80 +2.9 136.08 98.28 ABInBev 3.19e ... 111.75 +4.14 +6.0 11.29 9.83 Annaly 1.20a 9 11.00 +.03 +10.3 170.79 114.85 Anthem 2.60 18 168.27 +1.86 +17 .0 5.54 4.47 Anworth .60 10 5.54 +.12 +7 .2 69.00 46.15 Apache 1.00 dd 51.22 +.99 -19.3 6.58 5.03 ApolloInv .60 ... 6.34 +.11 +8.2 141.02 89.47 Apple Inc 2.28 17 139.99 +.85 +20.9 39.28 19.46 ApldMatl .40 19 39.28 +1.16 +21.7 35.83 28.03 AquaAm .74 24 32.07 +1.21 +6.8 33.95 14.85 ArcBest .32 40 27 .40 ... -0.9 9.37 3.88 ArcelorMit ... 10 9.03 +.66 +23.7 17 .87 13.81 AresCap 1.52 12 17 .23 -.05 +4.5 13.97 1.05 ArgosTher ... dd 1.00 -.15 -79.6 128.93 57 .89 AristaNetw ... 41 128.10 +3.93 +32.4 13.40 2.50 ArrayBio ... dd 10.56 -.43 +20.1 75.88 58.09 ArrowEl ... 10 75.35 +1.96 +5.7 4.68 2.01 AskanoG g ... ... 2.54 +.08 -17 .0 124.18 105.50 Ashland 1.56 19 124.36 +3.77 +13.8 35.04 25.55 AstraZen s 1.40e 9 30.69 +1.14 +12.3 81.97 68.51 ATMOS 1.80f 23 79.93 +2.10 +7 .8 10.54 1.74 AuriniaPh ... dd 7 .70 -.80 +266.7 105.00 84.36 AutoData 2.28 28 105.11 +.56 +2.3 82.11 68.55 AveryD 1.64f 21 80.39 -.11 +14.5 41.53 21.85 AvisBudg ... 11 32.70 -.34 -10.9 45.22 37 .78 Avista 1.43f 19 39.49 +.74 -1.3 6.96 3.52 Avon ... dd 4.43 +.15 -12.1 3.65 1.52 B2gold g ... dd 3.00 +.01 +26.6 49.88 32.22 BB&T Cp 1.20 17 46.83 -.88 -0.4 49.03 41.83 BCE g 2.73 ... 43.76 +.77 +1.2 11.85 8.18 BGC Ptrs .64 27 11.47 +.16 +12.1 37 .44 20.36 BHPBil plc .64m ... 32.97 +2.29 +4.8 38.68 28.67 BP PLC 2.40a 41 34.28 -.05 -8.3 32.95 11.29 BP Pru 2.43e 3 17 .60 +.40 -25.9 18.12 11.98 BRF SA .40e ... 11.81 -.81 -20.0 201.00 155.28 Baidu ... 12 176.62 +3.88 +7 .4 68.59 38.16 BakrHu .68 dd 58.93 +2.65 -9.3 89.50 56.60 Balchem .38f 49 85.81 +1.55 +2.3 82.24 67 .51 BallCorp .52 21 75.12 +1.38 +0.1 2.53 1.23 BallardPw ... dd 2.20 +.15 +33.3 11.25 6.10 BcoBrad s .43e ... 10.11 +.01 +16.2 6.08 3.60 BcoSantSA .23e ... 6.02 +.19 +16.2 10.20 7 .20 BankMutl .22 26 9.80 +.25 +3.7 25.80 12.05 BkofAm .30f 20 24.86 -.45 +12.5 78.00 58.24 BkMont g 3.52 ... 75.66 -.90 +5.2 49.54 35.44 BkNYMel .68 15 47 .91 -.26 +1.1 62.89 46.35 BkNova g 2.74 11 58.37 -.29 +4.8 81.00 15.97 B iPVxST rs ... q 15.81 -1.20 -38.0 251.66 194.93 Bard 1.04f 24 250.85 +1.08 +11.7 13.63 8.45 BarnesNob .60 49 9.40 +.80 -15.7 23.47 13.04 BarrickG .12f 34 18.85 +.65 +18.0 3.42 .30 BasicEnS ... dd .45 ... ... 52.33 39.87 Baxter s .52 26 51.63 -.38 +16.4 15.80 6.81 BeazerHm ... cc 12.14 +.10 -8.7 186.11 147 .74 BectDck 2.92 33 183.79 -1.52 +11.0 52.33 38.58 BedBath .50 8 39.68 +.04 -2.4 53.88 47 .22 Bemis 1.20f 19 49.22 -.10 +2.9 177 .86 136.65 BerkH B ... 18 172.82 -2.16 +6.0 49.40 28.76 BestBuy 1.36f 13 45.74 +.94 +7 .2 56.54 41.61 BigLots 1.00f 15 50.01 -1.00 -0.4 9.15 2.36 Biocryst ... dd 8.85 -.03 +39.8 333.65 223.02 Biogen ... 15 276.09 -16.15 -2.6 66.69 54.76 BlkHillsCp 1.78f 21 66.65 +1.91 +8.7 8.46 6.23 BlackBerry ... dd 7 .15 +.31 +3.8 38.54 30.82 BlkHlthSci 2.40a q 34.34 +.14 +8.2 16.09 12.96 BlkMuniast .72a q 13.85 +.22 +2.8 31.69 22.45 Blackstone 1.46 19 30.59 +1.65 +13.2 27 .73 19.18 BlockHR .88 17 24.45 +.72 +6.4 61.40 35.63 BobEvans 1.36 45 61.59 +2.93 +15.7 185.71 122.35 Boeing 5.68f 21 180.10 +1.40 +15.7 44.24 27 .52 BorgWarn .56f 13 42.76 +.97 +8.4 195.35 144.75 BostBeer ... 22 149.40 +2.80 -12.0 25.65 17 .78 BostonSci ... 48 24.43 -.21 +12.9 21.58 16.77 BoydGm ... 21 20.40 +.06 +1.1 24.19 17 .90 BrigStrat .56 30 21.92 +.61 -1.5 55.84 40.92 Brinker 1.36 14 43.36 +1.96 -12.5 77 .12 46.01 BrMySq 1.56f 34 56.29 -2.03 -3.7 65.67 52.71 BritATob s ... ... 64.20 +2.86 ... 19.42 10.65 Brookdale ... dd 12.23 -.34 -1.5 37 .38 26.07 BrkfInfra s 1.74f ... 36.75 +.86 +9.8 61.74 41.19 Brunswick .66f 18 60.97 +.41 +11.8 75.10 61.37 Bu ckeye 4.96f 18 66.67 -.44 +0.8 175.10 122.25 BuffaloWW ... 30 152.95 +.40 -0.9 37 .17 20.77 CF Inds s 1.20 62 29.29 -.13 -7 .0 46.25 38.78 CMS Eng 1.33f 27 44.71 +.57 +7 .4 9.91 6.03 CNH Indl .12 dd 9.74 +.10 +12.1 50.31 24.36 CSX .72 26 46.88 -.92 +30.5 13.25 5.50 CVR Rfng 3.12e 39 10.25 -.20 -1.4 106.67 69.30 CVS Health 2.00f 13 78.88 -1.52 ... 9.21 7 .42 CYS Invest 1.00 8 7 .99 +.30 +3.4 26.74 20.02 CabotO&G .08 dd 22.35 -.36 -4.3 55.16 35.65 Cal-Maine 2.49e cc 38.50 -.30 -12.8 11.50 9.91 CalaCvHi 1.20 q 11.26 +.25 +6.7 19.67 12.13 CalAmp ... 58 17 .35 +.79 +19.7 18.80 12.70 Calgon .20 39 14.40 +.55 -15.3 37 .60 25.42 CalifWtr .72f 33 34.75 +.30 +2.5 18.53 7 .85 CallonPet ... 54 11.86 +.33 -22.8 14.09 2.79 CalumetSp .69j dd 3.80 +.15 -5.0 90.91 75.36 CamdenPT 3.00 33 81.96 +2.56 -2.5 67 .89 52.59 CampSp 1.40 20 59.20 +.01 -2.1 18.40 15.85 CdaGoose n ... ... 17 .23 ... +7 .2 73.28 55.73 CdnNR gs 1.18 ... 72.16 -.19 +7 .1 35.28 25.08 CdnNRs gs .82 ... 32.74 +.74 +2.7 96.92 58.03 CapOne 1.60 12 88.23 -3.96 +1.1 20.85 12.65 CapSenL ... dd 13.97 -.37 -13.0 10.96 8.93 CapsteadM .84m 14 10.48 +.15 +2.8 2.70 .66 CpstnTur rs ... dd .76 +.06 +11.8 87 .85 62.70 CardnlHlth 1.80 16 83.11 +1.07 +15.5 69.11 45.06 CarMax ... 19 61.69 -2.51 -4.2 57 .79 42.94 Carnival 1.40 17 57 .64 +.43 +10.7 45.34 28.74 CarpTech .72 36 38.27 +2.88 +5.8 43.96 26.32 Carrizo ... dd 28.43 +.32 -23.9 99.46 69.04 Caterpillar 3.08 28 92.91 +.60 +0.2 69.81 56.17 CedarF 3.42f 22 68.09 -.03 +6.1 9.51 5.49 Cemex .29t ... 9.14 +.53 +13.8 3.76 1.40 Cemig pf .14e ... 3.70 +.25 +62.3 16.82 11.66 CenovusE .20 dd 12.36 +.32 -18.3 28.18 20.46 CenterPnt 1.07 22 27 .68 -.03 +12.3 33.45 22.37 CntryLink 2.16 10 23.65 +.51 -0.5 4.33 .63 Cerulean h ... dd 3.32 +1.80 +368.9 55.55 34.26 ChemFinl 1.08 20 54.00 +1.75 -0.3 35.79 5.82 Chemours n .12 cc 34.75 +1.78 +57 .3 8.20 3.53 ChesEng ... dd 5.29 +.14 -24.6 119.00 92.25 Chevron 4.32f cc 107 .68 -2.93 -8.5 41.33 26.12 ChicB&I .28 dd 29.76 -.49 -6.3 16.85 9.86 Chicos .33f 20 14.25 +.37 -1.0 481.63 352.96 Chipotle ... cc 402.58 -5.17 +6.7 53.68 42.56 ChurchDwt s .76f ... 50.10 +.07 +13.4 26.84 15.62 CienaCorp ... 30 23.78 +.12 -2.6 154.83 115.03 Cigna .04 18 151.89 -.03 +13.9 79.60 63.87 CinnFin 2.00f 21 75.18 +1.21 -0.8 64.16 31.00 Cirrus ... 15 58.43 +3.67 +3.3 34.53 25.81 Cisco 1.16 18 34.23 -.03 +13.3 29.68 16.62 CgpVelLCrd ... ... 18.27 +.23 -34.0 62.53 38.31 Citigroup .64 13 60.37 -1.12 +1.6 39.75 18.34 CitizFincl .40 19 36.62 -1.02 +2.8 87 .99 59.72 CitrixSy s ... 21 82.72 +3.19 +16.3 4.80 2.38 CleanEngy ... dd 2.47 -.13 -13.6 12.37 2.43 CliffsNRs ... 9 9.27 +.53 +10.2 140.47 111.24 Clorox 3.20 28 137 .54 -.53 +14.6 47 .13 39.88 CocaCola 1.48f 26 42.03 +.11 +1.4 14.73 11.11 CohStQIR .96 q 12.31 +.25 +0.8 28.50 24.82 CohStSelPf 2.06a q 26.80 +.72 +2.5 75.38 63.43 ColgPalm 1.60f 26 73.96 -.30 +13.0 38.44 29.32 Comcast s .63f 21 37 .46 +.14 +8.5 75.00 36.27 Comerica .92f 27 71.36 -.57 +4.8 6.33 3.87 CmpTask .24 14 5.64 +.07 +34.0 25.09 9.52 Comtech .40 12 14.91 +.56 +25.8 41.68 33.08 ConAgra .80 22 41.42 +.51 +4.7 59.26 41.71 ConnWtrSv 1.13 26 54.11 +.84 -3.1 53.17 38.19 ConocoPhil 1.06f dd 45.69 +.02 -8.9 30.23 21.85 ConsolCom 1.55 ... 24.39 +1.36 -9.2 81.88 68.76 ConEd 2.76f 20 76.68 +.70 +4.1 60.30 26.85 ContlRescs ... dd 44.84 +.85 -13.0 44.13 29.29 CooperTire .42 9 43.00 +2.35 +10.7 47 .75 30.28 CorOnDem ... dd 40.34 -.69 -4.7 28.36 18.21 Corning .62f 17 27 .24 -.32 +12.2 34.25 24.92 CorpOffP 1.10 18 34.09 +1.32 +9.2 178.71 138.57 Costco 1.80 31 167 .81 +2.44 +4.8 31.60 17 .94 Coty .50 cc 19.43 +.33 +6.1 8.82 6.80 CousPrp .32 12 8.19 +.20 -3.8 1600.00 36.09 CSVixSh rs ... q 35.35 -5.95 -62.9 24.76 2.70 CSVInvNG ... q 5.01 +.31 +65.3 72.84 20.21 CSVelIVST ... q 73.58 +5.16 +57 .4 54.89 13.66 CSVLgNG rs ... q 17 .46 -1.96 -62.2 28.30 9.29 CrestEq rs 2.40e dd 25.45 +.05 -0.4 12.54 6.26 Crocs ... dd 6.80 +.07 -0.9 57 .49 47 .73 CrownHold ... 14 53.91 -.04 +2.5 155.46 104.30 Cummins 4.10 18 154.51 +3.01 +13.1 41.18 9.25 CybrOpt ... 16 26.50 +.90 +1.5 14.05 8.02 CypSemi .44 27 13.98 +.51 +22.2 3.66 .36 CytRx h ... dd .40 -.01 +8.1D-E-F 50.57 38.39 DCT IndlTr 1.16 27 47 .16 +1.31 -1.5 19.92 12.76 DDR Corp .76 15 13.09 +.12 -14.3 10.95 9.81 DNP Selct .78 q 10.71 +.11 +4.7 102.96 84.77 DTE 3.30f 23 100.90 +1.47 +2.4 79.43 59.50 Darden 2.24 22 76.66 +2.50 +5.4 34.48 15.36 DeVryEd .36 13 33.55 +.35 +7 .5 22.31 15.69 DeanFoods .36 12 19.31 +.86 -11.3 112.18 74.91 Deere 2.40 23 110.45 +.53 +7 .2 52.76 32.60 DeltaAir .81 8 46.51 -1.40 -5.4 4.80 1.95 DenburyR ... dd 2.33 -.09 -36.7 20.94 11.19 DeutschBk .83e ... 19.03 -.60 +5.1 50.69 24.58 DevonE .24 dd 40.54 +.34 -11.2 117 .84 99.46 Diageo 3.23e ... 116.09 +3.71 +11.7 26.72 14.48 DiamOffsh .50 11 15.57 +.38 -12.0 4.97 2.11 DianaShip ... dd 4.55 +.65 +50.7 31.85 21.05 Diebold .40 dd 29.30 -.75 +16.5 14.15 8.33 DigiIntl ... 28 12.80 +.35 -6.9 113.21 85.50 DigitalRlt 3.72f 29 102.89 -.08 +4.7 88.46 51.00 Dillards .28 11 52.15 -1.00 -16.8 193.00 22.80 DirDGlBr rs ... q 31.93 -6.02 -34.0 347 .00 11.75 DxGlMBr rs ... q 14.65 -4.70 -58.3 49.36 17 .08 DxSCBear rs ... q 17 .95 -1.01 -9.6 33.29 3.77 DrGMBll s ... q 6.72 +.56 +20.4 35.80 5.51 DxGBull s ... q 8.92 +.91 +16.8 67 .17 9.33 DxBiotBear ... q 9.95 +.14 -47 .5 74.33 48.68 Discover 1.20 12 70.31 -1.21 -2.5 64.74 43.29 DishNetw h ... 31 63.86 +1.81 +10.2 112.89 90.32 Disney 1.56f 20 111.76 +.84 +7 .2 96.88 66.50 DollarGen 1.00 16 72.33 -.56 -2.3 99.93 72.55 DollarTree ... 21 75.70 +.64 -1.9 78.97 68.71 DomRescs 3.02f 20 77 .12 +1.45 +0.7 192.01 116.91 Dominos 1.84f 44 184.83 -1.44 +16.1 47 .68 30.25 Donaldson .70 28 45.12 +.59 +7 .2 64.50 47 .51 DowChm 1.84 20 64.03 +.19 +11.9 9.63 8.17 DryStrt .52 q 8.50 +.04 +1.2 81.51 61.12 DuPont 1.52 24 81.25 +.39 +10.7 9.92 9.07 DufPUC .60 q 9.18 +.04 -2.8 87 .75 72.34 DukeEngy 3.42 17 81.84 +1.20 +5.4 28.99 21.11 DukeRlty .76 26 25.62 +.37 -3.5 34.43 22.30 eBay s ... 5 33.70 +.57 +13.5 109.37 69.66 EOG Rescs .67 dd 96.43 +1.64 -4.6 74.35 54.30 Eaton 2.28 17 73.25 +.76 +9.2 13.86 12.47 EV EEq2 1.05 q 13.61 +.07 +6.3 9.05 7 .88 EVTxMGlo .98 q 8.53 +.12 +6.4 126.17 107 .83 Ecolab 1.48 29 125.41 +1.53 +7 .0 80.61 67 .44 EdisonInt 2.17 20 79.60 +.79 +10.6 121.75 81.12 EdwLfSci s ... 33 94.40 +1.66 +0.7 5.16 2.54 EldorGld g .02e dd 3.10 +.12 -3.7 86.14 64.18 EliLilly 2.08f 27 83.96 -.40 +14.2 109.99 74.11 EllieMae ... 68 98.29 -.80 +17 .5 22.25 17 .83 ElmiraSB .92 18 21.65 +.53 +5.9 24.45 3.00 EmergeES 2.68m dd 13.50 -1.33 +9.7 64.36 48.45 EmersonEl 1.92 24 60.60 +1.08 +8.7 26.37 16.86 EnbrdgEPt 2.33 29 17 .71 +.23 -30.5 45.77 36.55 Enbridge 1.66f ... 41.19 -.14 -2.2 13.85 5.36 EnCana g .06 cc 10.69 +.35 -8.9 42.60 9.82 Endo Intl ... 6 10.76 -.06 -34.7 43.50 27 .65 EngyTsfr 4.22 dd 35.61 -.49 -0.6 10.33 3.40 Enerpls g .14e 3 8.08 -.21 -14.8 20.45 9.91 EnLinkLLC 1.02 ... 19.25 -.05 +1.0 21.55 14.40 Ennis Inc .70a 15 16.80 +.50 -3.2 12.36 6.50 ENSCO .04 2 8.53 -.21 -12.2 82.09 66.71 Entergy 3.48 9 75.41 +1.80 +2.6 30.25 23.56 EntProdPt 1.64 22 27 .19 -.39 +0.6 60.44 50.56 EversrceE 1.90f 20 58.93 +1.22 +6.7 2.40 .69 EvineLive ... dd 1.36 +.03 -9.3 23.49 3.55 Exelixis ... dd 22.03 +.39 +47 .8 37 .70 29.82 Exelon 1.31f 15 36.01 +.04 +1.5 133.55 96.58 Expedia 1.12f 57 131.20 +5.44 +15.8 80.02 64.45 ExpScripts ... 11 65.09 -2.55 -5.4 95.55 80.31 ExxonMbl 3.00 36 82.00 +.39 -9.2 16.43 11.69 FNBCp PA .48 19 15.36 -.61 -4.2 140.25 106.31 Facebook ... 33 139.84 +1.05 +21.5 13.12 2.33 FairmSant ... dd 7 .32 -.08 -37 .9 52.64 37 .70 Fastenal 1.28f 30 51.87 +1.07 +10.4 201.57 145.00 FedExCp 1.60 18 194.59 +2.44 +4.5 171.08 126.02 FedRlty 3.92f 24 134.75 +7 .77 -5.2 22.93 14.03 FedNatHld .32 dd 17 .41 -.70 -6.8 69.50 38.71 Ferrari n ... ... 68.43 +2.70 +17 .7 20.85 5.04 Ferrellgs .40 dd 6.07 -.14 -10.3 11.63 5.45 FiatChrys ... ... 11.47 +.56 +25.8 38.60 30.62 FidlNatFn 1.00f 16 38.58 +1.22 +13.6 14.50 10.00 FNFV Grp ... ... 12.30 +.55 -10.2 6.32 4.31 FifthStFin .20 dd 4.59 +.17 -14.5 28.97 16.02 FifthThird .56f 14 26.35 -.81 -2.3 36.85 15.21 Finisar ... 23 27 .36 +.38 -9.6 19.15 6.04 FMajSilv g ... 31 7 .87 +.03 +3.1 74.29 28.60 FstSolar ... dd 31.83 -.57 -0.8 36.60 29.33 FirstEngy 1.44 12 31.36 +.10 +1.3 18.85 5.45 Fitbit n ... dd 5.68 -.18 -22.4 22.89 18.41 FlrtyTotR 1.63 q 20.47 +.33 +3.0 21.00 14.35 FlowrsFds .64 22 19.65 +.48 -1.6 58.37 44.05 Fluor .84 15 53.61 -1.09 +2.1 79.43 50.90 FootLockr 1.24f 16 75.67 -1.32 +6.7 14.22 11.07 FordM .60a 7 12.48 -.05 +2.9 64.47 52.05 FBHmSec .72f 22 61.04 +.97 +14.2 17 .06 8.76 FrptMcM ... dd 12.76 +.39 -3.3 5.75 2.31 FrontierCm .42 dd 2.47 -.09 -26.9G-H-I 32.10 22.86 GGP Inc .88 13 23.32 +.27 -6.6 137 .88 69.12 GW Pharm ... ... 123.08 -1.99 +10.1 21.25 17 .84 GabDvInc 1.32 q 20.96 +.21 +4.6 8.11 6.71 GabMultT .94e q 7 .96 +.16 +9.9 7 .04 5.99 GabUtil .60 q 6.64 +.06 +5.4 35.98 28.32 Gam&Lsr n 2.48f 21 31.97 +1.70 +4.4 30.74 17 .00 Gap .92 14 24.10 -.17 +7 .4 56.19 38.40 Garmin 2.04 17 52.36 +.36 +8.0 33.93 25.80 GAInv 1.15e q 33.61 +.40 +7 .8 193.17 127 .74 GenDynam 3.36f 20 193.27 +2.43 +11.9 33.00 28.19 GenElec .96 24 29.88 -.40 -5.4 72.95 58.70 GenMills 1.92 21 60.66 +.09 -1.8 38.55 27 .34 GenMotors 1.52 6 36.33 -.50 +4.3 40.90 28.50 GenesisEn 2.84f 8 32.48 -1.34 -9.8 22.11 14.66 Gentex .36 18 21.89 +.37 +11.2 5.27 2.26 Genworth .44p dd 4.16 +.10 +9.2 4.39 1.45 Gerdau .02e ... 3.93 +.18 +25.2 103.10 65.38 GileadSci 2.08f 7 69.06 +1.39 -3.6 45.58 37 .20 GlaxoSKln 2.89e ... 42.27 +.90 +9.8 28.83 19.25 GlobusMed ... 27 29.12 +1.79 +17 .4 3.28 1.73 GluMobile ... dd 2.14 +.13 +10.3 38.00 28.11 GoDaddy n ... dd 37 .18 +.60 +6.4 6.60 2.60 GoldFLtd .02e ... 3.47 +.46 +15.3 3.20 .88 GoldStdV g ... ... 2.63 +.17 +23.5 20.38 11.91 Goldcrp g .24 cc 15.32 +.52 +12.6 255.15 138.20 GoldmanS 2.60 15 243.94 -4.44 +1.9 37 .20 24.31 Goodyear .40 11 36.64 +1.18 +18.7 17 .68 7 .15 GoPro ... dd 8.57 +.60 -1.6 80.56 63.37 vjGrace .84f 29 70.76 +.89 +4.6 32.74 25.85 GtPlainEn 1.10 17 28.90 +.18 +5.7 60.55 30.39 Greif A 1.68 23 56.43 +3.13 +10.0 33.32 23.56 Griffin .30f cc 30.57 +.66 -3.7 5.94 2.92 Groupon ... dd 4.08 +.10 +22.9 33.18 20.65 GuangRy .62e ... 32.10 +.79 +5.9 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg 52-week Wk YTD Hi Low Name Div PE Last chg %chg Combined StocksFrom the New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq. Stock Footnotes: Stock Footnotes: cld Issue has been called for redemption by company. d New 52-week low. ec Company formerly listed on the American Exchange's Emerging Company Marketplace. g Dividends and earnings in Canadian dollars. h Does not me et continued-listing standards. lf Late ling with SEC. n Stock was a new issue in the last year. The 52-week high and low gu res date only from the beginning of trading. pf Preferred stock issue. pr Preferences. pp Holder owes installments of purchase price. r t Right to buy security at a specied price. rs Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50% within the past year. s Stock h as split by at least 20 percent within the last year. wi Trades will be settled when the stock is issued. wd When distributed. wt Warrant, all owing a purchase of a stock. u New 52-week high. un Unit,, including more than one security. vj Company in bankruptcy or receivership, or being reorganized under the bankruptcy law. Appears in front of the name. Stocks in bold are worth at least $5 and changed 5 percent or more in price. Underlining for 50 most actively traded stocks of the day. Dividend Footnotes: a Extra dividends were paid, but are not included. b Annual rate plus stock. c Liquidating dividend. e Amount declared or paid in last 12 months. f Current annual rate, which was increased by most recent dividend announcement. i Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dividend was omitted or deferred. k Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r Declared or paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distribution date. PE Footnotes: q Stock is a closed-end fund no P/E ratio shown. cc P/E exceeds 99. dd Loss in last 12 months.ExtraMoney & MarketsUDow industrials0.06% (wkly)s 4-wk. 1.41%s YTD 5.83%UNasdaq0.67% (wkly)s 4-wk. 1.07%s YTD 9.62%US&P 5000.24% (wkly)s 4-wk. 1.15%s YTD 6.23%US&P mid-cap1.18% (wkly)t 4-wk. -0.21%s YTD 4.25%URussell 20001.92% (wkly)t 4-wk. -0.60%s YTD 2.53% 12.19 4.45 NobleCorp .08 3 5.87 -.12 -0.8 42.03 28.82 NobleEngy .40 dd 33.86 -.21 -11.0 6.31 4.04 NokiaCp .30e ... 5.46 +.09 +13.5 16.18 7 .57 NordicAm 1.14e 21 8.14 +.30 -3.1 125.00 78.15 NorflkSo 2.44f 20 114.71 -4.95 +6.1 253.80 193.21 NorthropG 3.60 22 244.25 +.66 +5.0 19.10 13.06 NwstBcsh .64f 36 17 .70 +.24 -1.8 66.17 49.46 NwstNG 1.88 24 59.00 +1.30 -1.3 83.58 66.93 Novartis 2.75e 15 75.55 -.05 +3.7 8.49 1.16 Novavax ... dd 1.34 -.12 +6.3 57 .81 30.89 NovoNord .96e ... 34.02 +.13 -5.1 68.00 44.81 Nucor 1.51 28 64.72 +4.10 +8.7 15.97 13.19 NuvDivA .85a q 13.37 +.07 -4.2 19.89 16.00 Nv AMT-Fr .78a q 16.52 +.30 +1.6 10.56 8.72 NvPfdInco .80 q 9.80 +.16 -0.4 13.50 12.08 NuvEqtP 1.00 q 13.36 +.17 +5.0 120.92 31.57 Nvidia .56 40 106.07 +6.95 -0.6 29.99 13.49 NxStageMd ... dd 28.03 +.18 +6.9 37 .41 27 .27 OGE Engy 1.21 22 36.79 +.57 +10.0 17 .08 6.40 OasisPet ... dd 12.80 -.17 -15.5 78.48 61.01 OcciPet 3.04 dd 64.09 +1.49 -10.0 30.70 16.77 OceanFst .60 28 29.04 +.28 -3.3 11.30 4.06 Oclaro ... ... 9.56 +1.01 +6.8 7 .91 3.01 OfficeDpt .10 12 4.76 +.14 +5.3 18.95 11.51 OldNBcp .52 17 18.15 +.25 ... 21.19 16.51 OldRepub .76f 14 20.17 -.17 +6.2 33.35 15.79 Olin .80 51 33.07 +1.37 +29.1 38.09 28.11 OmegaHlt 2.48f 10 31.62 +.44 +1.2 26.99 15.90 OmegaP .05p 10 20.60 +1.10 -17 .8 16.06 8.11 OnSmcnd ... 28 15.25 +.03 +19.5 1.42 .33 OncoGnx h ... dd .53 ... +6.0 59.47 27 .35 ONEOK 3.16 32 52.82 -1.51 -8.0 57 .41 28.45 OneokPtrs 3.16 23 51.07 -1.69 +18.7 12.15 7 .13 OpkoHlth ... dd 8.12 +.17 -12.7 46.99 37 .62 Oracle .60 22 45.66 +2.98 +19.2 36.86 22.51 Orbotch ... 17 31.99 +1.11 -4.3 4.35 2.00 Organovo ... dd 3.25 +.34 -4.1 48.25 32.51 Orthofix ... 81 39.50 +4.57 +9.2 74.16 38.39 OshkoshCp .84f 21 70.28 +2.17 +8.8 42.55 27 .15 OtterTail 1.28f 24 36.55 -.05 -10.4P-Q-R 67 .13 56.39 PG&E Cp 1.96 18 66.59 +.96 +9.6 131.83 77 .40 PNC 2.20 18 124.35 -2.11 +6.3 37 .00 30.62 PNM Res .97 23 37 .30 +1.20 +8.7 65.15 40.80 POSCO ... ... 64.07 +2.92 +21.9 117 .00 89.64 PPG s 1.60 18 104.49 +2.40 +10.3 39.92 32.08 PPL Corp 1.58f 14 36.99 +.67 +8.6 70.12 48.17 Paccar .96a 47 69.52 +1.81 +8.8 165.69 113.70 PaloAltNet ... dd 115.81 -3.07 -7 .4 14.98 8.05 Pandora ... dd 11.48 -.65 -12.0 238.24 185.69 PaneraBrd ... 38 238.39 +3.48 +16.2 3.16 1.50 ParkDrl ... dd 1.60 -.10 -38.5 160.23 99.10 ParkerHan 2.64f 23 159.10 +1.78 +13.6 63.03 51.06 Paychex 1.84 29 62.84 +.46 +3.2 44.52 34.00 PayPal n ... 35 43.08 +.09 +9.1 33.24 25.12 Pembina g 1.50 35 32.02 +.02 +2.2 2.08 .96 PengthE g .04 dd 1.01 -.08 -28.9 17 .40 11.93 PnnNtGm ... 21 15.82 +.88 +14.7 2.05 .61 PennWst g ... ... 1.57 +.07 -11.3 8.68 5.83 PennantPk .72m 8 8.07 +.07 +5.4 11.73 5.85 Penney ... dd 5.99 -.37 -27 .9 56.05 29.29 Penske 1.16f 13 49.09 +.20 -5.3 66.99 50.37 Pentair 1.38f 21 62.87 +2.76 +12.1 20.13 13.80 PeopUtdF .68 20 18.82 -.12 -2.8 111.23 98.50 PepsiCo 3.01 24 111.39 +1.80 +6.5 133.93 68.69 Perrigo .64f cc 69.50 -1.72 -16.5 11.77 3.93 PetrbrsA ... ... 8.42 -.63 -4.4 12.56 4.98 Petrobras ... ... 8.91 -.47 -11.9 37 .39 29.41 Pfizer 1.28f 14 34.32 +.21 +5.7 112.95 86.78 PhilipMor 4.16 23 113.00 +2.46 +23.5 31.40 23.00 PhilipsNV .88e ... 31.45 +.98 +2.9 90.87 73.67 Phillips66 2.52 12 79.94 +1.08 -7 .5 10.13 8.50 PimIncStr2 .96 q 10.00 +.28 +5.4 83.92 70.11 PinWst 2.62 21 83.23 +1.62 +6.7 199.83 131.36 PioNtrl .08 dd 184.79 +.07 +2.6 21.81 12.41 PitnyBw .75 8 12.84 -.45 -15.5 33.95 19.76 PlainsAAP 2.20 29 31.14 -.19 -3.6 104.25 70.14 Polaris 2.32f 26 89.01 -1.19 +8.0 38.41 28.77 PolyOne .54 16 34.06 +.74 +6.3 20.27 15.21 Potash .40 16 17 .32 -.11 -4.3 23.46 22.48 PS SrLoan 1.01 q 23.25 ... -0.5 132.41 101.75 PwShs QQQ 1.52e q 131.69 +.30 +11.1 125.00 106.31 Praxair 3.15f 21 118.32 +1.37 +1.0 12.53 4.95 Pretium g ... ... 10.75 +1.28 +30.5 1775.00 1148.06 Priceline ... 42 1772.63 +18.39 +20.9 64.65 38.04 PrinFncl 1.80f 14 63.44 -.10 +9.6 63.53 47 .19 ProAssur 1.24a 25 60.70 +1.10 +8.0 640.00 16.65 PUVixST rs ... q 16.32 -2.58 ... 28.32 15.26 PrUCrude rs ... q 18.01 +.16 ... 91.89 79.10 ProctGam 2.68 24 91.00 -.07 +8.2 19.82 13.06 ProUShSP ... q 13.30 -.05 -12.0 9.58 6.72 ProspctCap 1.00 10 9.31 +.29 +11.5 114.55 66.51 Prudentl 3.00f 11 109.92 -1.14 +5.6 47 .41 39.28 PSEG 1.72f 16 44.73 +.30 +1.9 277 .60 200.65 PubStrg 6.80 28 222.49 +4.42 -0.5 6.98 .50 Pulmatrix ... dd 3.09 -.26 +423.7 24.05 16.60 PulteGrp .36 14 23.72 +.19 +29.1 8.15 6.97 PMMI .44 q 7 .26 +.10 +2.7 21.12 12.37 QEP Res .08 dd 13.16 +.25 -28.5 71.62 49.67 Qualcom 2.12 16 57 .55 -1.09 -11.7 100.00 68.91 QstDiag 1.80 21 99.06 +.28 +7 .8 114.00 75.62 RLauren 2.00 14 80.70 +.40 -10.7 46.96 26.70 RangeRs .08 dd 27 .51 ... -19.9 31.35 13.12 RavenInds .52 67 30.60 +1.30 +21.4 29.86 23.18 Rayonier 1.00 50 27 .81 -.63 +4.5 156.40 120.24 Raytheon 2.93 25 156.97 +2.59 +10.5 72.30 52.72 RltyInco 2.53f 30 59.86 +2.47 +4.1 17 .05 11.81 RedwdTr 1.12 10 16.43 +.66 +8.0 452.96 325.35 Regenrn ... 50 380.29 -7 .94 +3.6 16.03 7 .53 RegionsFn .26 17 15.05 -.08 +4.8 88.58 65.10 RelStlAl 1.80f 18 82.36 +2.10 +3.5 34.06 21.11 Replgn ... cc 34.93 +2.69 +13.3 13.73 7 .57 ResCap rs .20m dd 9.38 +1.32 +12.6 23.05 18.45 RetailOpp .75f 43 21.25 +1.04 +0.6 61.96 43.38 ReynAm s 2.04f 27 61.74 +1.16 +10.2 47 .11 26.38 RioTinto 2.27e ... 43.03 +3.64 +11.9 8.77 4.61 RiteAid ... 44 4.85 +.02 -41.1 157 .30 107 .17 RockwlAut 3.04 25 155.99 +1.68 +16.1 99.34 78.54 RockColl 1.32 18 98.55 +1.34 +6.2 90.45 51.98 Rogers ... 27 85.27 +3.00 +11.0 214.44 159.28 Roper 1.40f 32 210.94 -.43 +15.2 76.01 55.39 RoyalBk g 3.48f ... 72.59 +.05 +7 .2 97 .72 64.95 RylCarb 1.92 25 97 .80 +.55 +19.2 59.56 47 .08 RoyDShllB 3.76 85 56.00 +1.24 -3.4 56.39 46.42 RoyDShllA 3.76 80 52.70 +.96 -3.1S-T-U 39.84 23.06 S&T Bcp .80f 18 36.40 +1.36 -6.8 76.41 65.08 SCANA 2.45f 17 67 .88 +.46 -7 .4 43.09 16.24 SM Energy .10 dd 21.27 -1.13 -38.3 131.15 107 .00 SpdrGold ... q 116.99 +2.27 +6.7 240.32 198.65 S&P500ETF 4.13e q 237 .03 -.66 +6.0 37 .22 33.81 SpdrLehHY 2.30 q 36.63 +.30 +0.5 59.68 35.29 SpdrS&P RB .74e q 56.54 -.45 +1.7 48.26 39.50 SpdrRetl s .49e q 42.44 +.30 -3.7 44.97 28.50 SpdrOGEx .73e q 36.44 +.33 -12.0 35.21 19.22 SpdrMetM .49e q 30.86 +.94 +1.5 40.99 27 .75 SabnR 1.92e 17 35.30 -.51 +0.4 50.80 23.27 Saia Inc ... 24 45.65 -.10 +3.4 21.90 15.25 StJoe ... 8 17 .35 +.50 -8.7 84.48 66.43 Salesforce ... cc 83.03 -.48 +21.3 32.93 20.22 SallyBty ... 13 20.69 +.09 -21.7 8.00 4.84 SJuanB .34e 10 6.60 +.15 -0.3 44.58 36.81 Sanofi 1.58e ... 44.30 +.39 +9.5 87 .84 71.34 Schlmbrg 2.00 69 79.55 +.86 -5.2 43.64 23.83 Schwab .32f 33 42.86 +.38 +8.6 5.21 1.02 SeadrillLtd ... 1 1.49 +.25 -56.3 19.12 5.50 SearsHldgs ... dd 9.05 -.18 -2.6 19.12 6.60 Seaspan 1.50 10 6.92 -.08 -24.3 114.66 92.95 SempraEn 3.29f 23 110.76 +1.36 +10.1 23.85 15.36 SenHous 1.56 12 19.96 +.65 +5.4 316.66 239.48 Sherwin 3.40f 25 313.38 +1.48 +16.6 16.28 12.07 ShipFin 1.80 9 14.70 +.10 -1.0 31.35 15.70 SilvWhtn g .20e 27 19.90 +.60 +3.0 229.10 166.65 SimonProp 7 .00f 21 168.02 -.15 -5.4 5.53 3.74 SiriusXM .01p 41 5.36 +.17 +20.4 99.38 57 .11 SkywksSol 1.12 19 97 .93 -.25 +31.2 157 .31 122.05 Smucker 3.00f 17 138.55 -.94 +8.2 29.44 19.75 SnapInc A n ... ... 19.54 -2.53 -20.2 181.73 145.17 SnapOn 2.84f 19 172.88 +3.04 +0.9 51.25 13.29 SodaStrm ... 24 48.77 +.77 +23.6 22.54 16.87 SolarCap 1.60 9 22.22 +.02 +6.7 55.58 45.02 SonocoP 1.48 22 53.19 -.14 +0.9 34.17 23.62 SonyCp ... ... 32.09 +.38 +14.5 39.23 35.10 SourcC 1.40a q 37 .76 +.29 +5.0 35.45 26.29 SoJerInd s 1.09f 30 34.36 +1.19 +2.0 54.64 46.20 SouthnCo 2.24 18 50.67 +1.04 +3.0 59.68 35.42 SwstAirl .40 14 53.18 -2.70 +6.7 15.59 7 .02 SwstnEngy ... dd 7 .63 +.19 -29.5 9.65 3.12 Sprint ... dd 8.57 +.29 +1.8 30.00 17 .38 Sprouts ... 25 22.02 +4.17 +16.4 18.17 8.42 Square n ... dd 17 .28 +.37 +26.8 53.44 43.97 SP Matls .98e q 52.34 +.23 +5.3 76.75 65.96 SP HlthC 1.01e q 75.16 -.82 +9.0 56.02 49.98 SP CnSt 1.28e q 54.98 -.07 +6.3 78.45 59.94 SP Engy 2.04e q 69.80 -.21 -7 .3 25.30 17 .31 SPDR Fncl .46e q 24.45 -.34 +5.2 67 .19 52.78 SP Inds 1.12e q 65.68 -.16 +5.6 53.62 41.26 SP Tech .78e q 53.34 +.23 +10.3 53.02 45.33 SP Util 1.55e q 51.23 +.27 +5.5 136.90 101.18 StanBlkDk 2.32 21 131.33 +2.14 +14.5 11.37 7 .24 Staples .48 dd 9.00 +.32 -0.6 11.39 7 .67 StarGas .41 10 9.10 -.16 -15.4 61.64 50.84 Starbucks s 1.00 28 55.78 +1.25 +0.5 83.49 50.60 StateStr 1.52 15 78.61 -1.30 +1.1 40.17 20.61 StlDynam .62f 19 36.34 +2.36 +2.1 132.99 103.95 Stryker 1.70 26 132.66 +2.66 +10.7 37 .10 24.00 SubPpne 3.55 44 25.74 +1.34 -14.4 44.70 22.88 SuffolkBcp .40 25 41.80 -.09 -2.4 85.98 66.66 SunCmts 2.68f 28 80.55 +1.40 +5.1 42.00 27 .69 SunHydrl .36a 42 36.78 +.71 -8.0 33.79 25.31 Suncor g 1.28 ... 30.88 +.82 -5.5 61.69 35.10 SunTrst 1.04 16 57 .71 -1.23 +5.2 19.83 12.25 SupEnrgy .32 dd 13.40 -1.00 -20.6 6.02 3.20 Supvalu ... 6 3.48 +.17 -25.5 27 .18 14.31 SwiftTrans ... 16 20.96 +.05 -14.0 31.10 16.25 Symantec .30 8 30.70 +.67 +28.5 38.06 23.25 Synchrony .26 13 35.12 -.89 -3.2 7 .15 2.50 SynrgyPh ... dd 5.07 -.17 -16.7 73.08 45.90 Synopsys ... 32 71.14 -.69 +20.9 44.09 26.90 SynovusFn .60f 21 42.04 -.05 +2.3 65.03 46.50 TC PpLn 3.76 19 59.74 -1.69 +1.5 15.05 4.10 TG Thera ... dd 13.55 +2.15 +191.4 83.64 71.50 TJX 1.04 23 79.22 +1.04 +5.4 32.49 22.75 TaiwSemi .73e ... 32.59 +1.53 +13.4 84.14 54.12 Target 2.40 11 54.29 -1.07 -24.8 30.15 17 .18 TASER ... 73 23.39 +.76 -3.5 81.68 64.61 Taubmn 2.50f 17 66.03 +.43 -10.7 37 .09 24.00 Technip ... 25 31.69 -.01 -10.8 26.60 6.55 TeckRes g .10m ... 21.17 +1.30 +5.7 23.75 9.08 Teladoc n ... ... 23.45 +2.45 +42.1 70.96 44.55 Tenneco .25p 12 66.59 +1.96 +6.6 33.32 24.21 Teradata ... 13 30.76 -.62 +13.2 127 .00 91.07 TerraNitro 7 .08e 13 96.68 +4.09 -5.9 287 .39 178.19 Tesla Inc ... dd 261.50 +17 .81 +22.4 58.16 31.90 TevaPhrm 1.36e 12 33.64 +.25 -7 .2 82.18 55.07 TexInst 2.00 26 82.20 +1.87 +12.6 50.51 37 .23 TexRdhse .84f 27 44.15 +2.99 -8.5 17 .60 6.90 Textainer .96 dd 15.05 +.65 +102.0 50.93 34.00 Textron .08 18 47 .74 +.11 -1.7 19.76 11.59 3D Sys ... cc 14.64 +.06 +10.2 191.96 163.05 3M Co 4.70f 24 192.36 +1.15 +7 .7 92.74 56.99 Tiffany 1.80 26 92.42 +4.16 +19.4 99.29 68.97 TimeWarn 1.61 17 98.56 -.04 +2.1 46.45 28.72 Timken 1.04 21 44.95 +.40 +13.2 79.53 52.46 Torchmark .60f 18 78.63 +.29 +6.6 54.44 40.99 TorDBk gs 2.40f ... 49.50 +.48 +0.3 52.04 43.55 Total SA 2.71e ... 49.96 +.35 -2.0 123.18 97 .80 Toyota ... ... 112.21 -.45 -4.3 16.66 8.34 Transocn ... 7 12.47 +.21 -15.4 125.49 103.45 Travelers 2.68f 12 123.14 +.31 +0.6 23.70 19.53 TriContl .82e q 23.14 +.19 +4.9 54.39 47 .50 TriCntl pf 2.50 ... 50.75 +1.45 +4.7 30.17 13.12 TriNetGrp ... 44 29.62 +.39 +15.6 30.13 16.39 Trinity .44 11 27 .38 +1.43 -1.4 27 .65 16.50 TrueBlue ... 13 27 .65 +1.10 +12.2 9.00 5.74 TrstNY .26 18 8.10 +.20 -7 .4 66.90 50.43 Tuppwre 2.72 14 60.93 +1.27 +15.8 31.75 23.33 21stCFoxA .36 19 30.82 +.45 +9.9 25.25 13.73 Twitter ... dd 15.08 -.04 -7 .5 39.07 20.70 2U ... dd 38.06 -.44 +26.2 38.61 32.79 UDR 1.18 20 36.17 +1.28 -0.8 49.19 39.20 UGI Corp .95 11 49.15 +1.56 +6.7 15.30 4.95 UltraClean ... dd 15.45 +1.62 +59.3 47 .95 18.80 UndrArm s ... 33 19.38 +.12 -33.3 147 .65 104.70 UniFirst .15 24 135.95 +3.80 -5.4 49.93 38.41 UnilevNV 1.40e ... 49.75 +.72 +21.2 111.38 77 .29 UnionPac 2.42 21 105.99 -.29 +2.2 30.63 8.12 Unit ... dd 22.21 +.06 -17 .3 76.80 37 .41 UtdContl ... 8 66.79 -5.55 -8.4 120.44 100.05 UPS B 3.32f 19 108.15 +1.42 -5.7 134.28 56.01 UtdRentals ... 14 125.19 +2.24 +18.6 56.61 38.48 US Bancrp 1.12f 17 54.69 -.25 +6.5 9.74 6.28 US NGas ... q 7 .12 -.23 -23.8 12.45 8.99 US OilFd ... q 10.33 +.04 -11.9 41.83 12.77 USSteel .20 dd 37 .29 +2.41 +13.0 114.44 96.89 UtdTech 2.64 17 113.45 +1.31 +3.5 172.14 125.26 UtdhlthGp 2.50 21 169.70 -.28 +6.0 32.73 20.71 UnitGrp 2.40 15 25.64 -1.48 +0.9 83.35 52.26 UnvslCp 2.12f 17 69.95 +2.50 +9.7 50.27 29.79 UnumGrp .80f 12 47 .77 -1.04 +8.7 1.92 .69 UraniumEn ... dd 1.45 +.14 +29.5 40.80 22.87 UrbanOut ... 13 23.61 -1.56 -17 .1V-W-X-Y-Z 66.87 48.05 VF Corp 1.68 18 53.95 +1.02 +1.1 11.70 3.70 Vale SA .29e ... 10.13 +.66 +32.9 11.10 2.72 Vale SA pf .29e ... 9.64 +.73 +39.9 38.50 10.50 ValeantPh ... 4 11.03 -1.21 -24.0 71.40 46.88 ValeroE 2.80f 19 68.90 +2.33 +0.8 12.82 8.49 VlyNBcp .44 19 12.26 -.01 +5.3 31.79 18.58 VanEGold .12e q 22.67 +.94 +8.4 22.19 15.74 VnEkRus .64e q 20.89 +1.39 -1.6 36.35 25.13 VEckOilSvc .86e q 30.58 +.16 -8.3 52.50 26.33 VanE JrGld ... q 36.28 +1.59 +15.0 92.92 76.98 VangREIT 3.08e q 82.44 +2.03 -0.1 91.68 79.06 VangDivAp 1.82e q 91.44 +.57 +7 .3 40.22 32.25 VangEmg 1.10e q 40.06 +1.41 +12.0 39.34 33.01 VangFTSE 1.10e q 39.34 +.71 +7 .7 57 .93 46.52 Vectren 1.68f 23 57 .41 +1.12 +10.1 76.80 56.20 Ventas 3.10 23 60.51 +.01 -3.2 11.09 7 .99 Vereit .55 11 8.51 +.22 +0.6 91.99 74.01 Verisign ... 25 86.25 +.77 +13.4 56.95 46.01 VerizonCm 2.31 12 50.39 +1.04 -5.6 48.30 27 .96 ViadCorp .40 45 46.10 +1.50 +4.5 10.89 5.93 Viavi ... 28 10.70 +1.02 +30.8 17 .41 10.21 Vipshop ... 30 14.10 +1.08 +28.1 90.33 72.77 Visa s .66 31 90.24 +.51 +15.7 17 .00 11.53 VishayInt .25 19 16.35 +.45 +0.9 92.35 49.76 VMware ... 27 92.60 +2.70 +17 .6 34.70 24.17 Vodafone 1.53e ... 26.55 +1.28 +8.7 138.18 104.04 VulcanM 1.00f 38 116.47 -2.28 -6.9 125.00 99.32 WD 40 1.96f 31 112.00 +2.00 -4.2 66.10 53.66 WEC Engy 2.08 21 60.01 +1.29 +2.3 72.89 55.77 WP Carey 3.98f 16 62.22 +2.58 +5.3 16.17 5.80 WPX Engy ... dd 12.45 +.11 -14.6 75.19 62.72 WalMart 2.04f 16 69.89 -.21 +1.1 88.00 75.74 WalgBoots 1.50 18 85.91 +.28 +3.8 34.61 27 .65 WREIT 1.20 34 31.24 +1.00 -4.4 73.90 56.05 WsteMInc 1.70f 38 73.54 +.54 +3.7 162.53 128.75 Waters ... 24 156.59 -.35 +16.5 8.49 3.73 WeathfIntl ... dd 6.15 -.36 +23.2 57 .50 31.29 WebsterFn 1.00 25 54.03 +.19 -0.5 19.86 9.37 WtWatch ... 17 14.98 -1.63 +30.8 43.70 31.13 WeinRlt 1.54f 14 33.21 +1.84 -7 .2 59.99 43.55 WellsFargo 1.52 14 58.67 -.18 +6.5 80.19 59.39 Welltower 3.49f 15 67 .28 +1.11 +0.5 14.47 9.15 Wendys Co .28f 36 13.49 +.24 -0.2 57 .50 47 .19 WestarEn 1.60f 23 54.83 +.28 -2.7 11.75 11.09 WAstInfSc .38 q 11.28 +.06 -1.7 81.67 34.99 WDigital 2.00 17 76.87 +1.87 +13.1 22.70 18.07 WstnUnion .70f 12 20.40 +.91 -6.1 26.88 20.32 WestpacBk 1.52e ... 26.53 +.08 +13.0 56.12 35.77 WestRck 1.60f ... 52.38 +1.14 +3.2 194.10 145.91 Whrlpl 4.00 12 172.71 -5.04 -5.0 14.44 6.38 WhitingPet ... dd 9.16 +.01 -23.8 35.58 27 .67 WholeFood .56 20 29.53 +.34 -4.0 32.69 14.60 WmsCos 1.20f 48 28.57 -.35 -8.3 42.32 17 .08 WillmsPtrs 3.40 dd 39.18 -.93 +3.0 10.46 5.86 Windstm rs .60 dd 6.28 -.17 -14.3 23.95 18.65 WT India .22e q 23.73 +.83 +17 .5 72.28 49.05 Woodward .50f 23 68.84 +.75 -0.3 23.14 15.55 WldW Ent .48 49 21.09 +.95 +14.6 109.50 81.95 Wynn 2.00 33 110.19 +10.64 +27 .4 45.42 38.00 XcelEngy 1.44f 20 43.85 +.71 +7 .7 7 .69 5.72 Xerox .25m 11 7 .36 ... +28.0 62.24 41.53 Xilinx 1.32 26 60.08 +.53 -0.5 16.97 7 .91 YRC Wwde ... 97 11.65 +.04 -12.3 47 .00 33.00 Yahoo ... dd 46.59 +.61 +20.5 5.99 2.46 Yamana g .02 55 2.77 +.15 -1.4 39.85 26.54 YorkWater .64 39 35.45 +1.65 -7 .2 91.99 59.57 YumBrnds 1.20p 18 63.87 -.44 +0.9 9.67 4.71 Zagg ... dd 7 .15 +.30 +0.7 133.21 95.63 ZimmerBio .96 15 121.67 +1.59 +17 .9 56.50 40.88 Zoetis .42f 25 54.00 +.66 +0.9 13.26 10.60 ZweigFd 1.01e q 11.38 +.30 -5.9 3.08 2.13 Zynga ... dd 2.80 -.02 +8.9 STOCKS LISTING CHANGE REQUESTS WELCOME!The Sun Newspaper is tweaking the way stocks are listed in the daily paper. We will continue to run a wide range of stocks, but weÂre trying to eliminate stocks our readers donÂt want. If you do not see your stock in the paper, please let us know and we will put it in the listings. Email the name of the company and the symbol to, or call 941-206-1138. You can leave the stock name and symbol on voice mail.
The Sun /Saturday, March 18, 2017 Page 9 TODAY / TONIGHTSunny and pleasant ClearHIGH 80 LOW 540% chance of rain 0% chance of rainSunny to partly cloudy and nice81 / 515% chance of rain SUNDAY GULF WATER TEMPERATUREPleasant with plenty of sun79 / 520% chance of rain MONDAYNice with plenty of sun81 / 550% chance of rain TUESDAYSunny and beautiful84 / 6115% chance of rain THURSDAYSunshine and pleasant82 / 585% chance of rain WEDNESDAY 0-50 Good; 51-100 Moderate; 101-150 Unhealthy for sensitive groups; 151-200 Unhealthy; 201-300 Very Unhealthy; 301-500 HazardousSource : 8 a.m. 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m.The higher the UV IndexÂ’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme.RealFeel Temperature is the exclusive AccuWeather. com composite of effective temperature based on eight weather factors.UV Index and RealFeel Temperature TodayPrecipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Precipitation (in inches)Temperatures Temperatures TemperaturesSource : National Allergy Bureau CONDITIONS TODAY AIR QUALITY INDEX POLLEN INDEX WEATHER HISTORY WEATHER TRIVIAÂ’ PORT CHARLOTTE SEBRING VENICE516882868375Air Quality Index readings as of FridayMain pollutant: ParticulatesPunta Gorda through 2 p.m. Friday Sebring through 2 p.m. Friday Venice through 2 p.m. Friday24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.00ÂŽ Month to date 0.78ÂŽ Normal month to date 1.81ÂŽ Year to date 2.60ÂŽ Normal year to date 6.04ÂŽ Record 5.02ÂŽ (2005) 24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.00ÂŽ 24 hours through 2 p.m. Fri. 0.00ÂŽ Month to date 1.49ÂŽ Normal month to date 2.03ÂŽ Year to date 3.31ÂŽ Normal year to date 6.71ÂŽ Record 5.02ÂŽ (2005) High/Low 74/41 Normal High/Low 81/57 Record High 89 (2002) Record Low 40 (1988) High/Low 71/43 High/Low 72/46 Normal High/Low 77/58 Record High 87 (2012) Record Low 44 (1988)Pollen Index readings as of Friday MONTHLY RAINFALLMonth 2017 2016 Avg. Record/Year J an. 0.88 9.93 1.80 9.93/2016 Feb. 0.94 4.09 2.43 11.05/1983 Mar. 0.78 1.85 3.28 9.26/1970 Apr. 0.99 2.03 5.80/1994 May 3.46 2.50 9.45/1991 J un. 14.19 8.92 23.99/1974 J ul. 7.68 8.22 14.22/1995 Aug. 7.81 8.01 15.60/1995 Sep. 7.77 6.84 14.03/1979 Oct. 4.04 2.93 10.88/1995 Nov. 0.05 1.91 5.53/2002 Dec. 0.44 1.78 6.83/2002 Y ear 2.60 62.30 50.65 (since 1931) T otals are from a 24-hour period ending at 5 p.m. City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W FLORIDA CITIES Today Sun.Apalachicola 72 56 pc 72 51 s Bradenton 75 60 s 75 54 s Clearwater 74 61 s 74 54 s Coral Springs 79 57 pc 83 64 s Daytona Beach 76 54 s 70 52 s Fort Lauderdale 77 60 pc 81 64 s Fort Myers 82 56 s 83 54 s Gainesville 78 49 s 74 40 s Jacksonville 77 50 s 69 41 s Key Largo 76 65 pc 78 67 s Key West 77 67 pc 77 68 s Lakeland 78 54 s 79 48 s Melbourne 77 55 s 79 58 s Miami 77 59 pc 82 62 s Naples 78 58 s 78 57 s Ocala 76 52 s 75 42 s Okeechobee 77 50 s 80 50 s Orlando 79 55 s 80 49 s Panama City 72 54 pc 71 50 s Pensacola 77 54 pc 76 52 s Pompano Beach 77 59 pc 81 64 s St. Augustine 76 54 s 67 51 s St. Petersburg 75 60 s 76 53 s Sarasota 75 58 s 76 50 s Tallahassee 80 50 c 75 43 s Tampa 76 60 s 77 52 s Vero Beach 77 54 s 78 58 s West Palm Beach 76 55 s 80 60 s Punta Gorda Englewood Boca Grande El Jobean Venice High Low High Low Cape Sable to Tarpon Springs Tarpon Springs to Apalachicola Wind Speed Seas Bay/Inland direction in knots in feet chop TIDES MARINEPossible weather-related delays today. Check with your airline for the most updated schedules. Hi/Lo Outlook Delays AIRPORTToday 8:14a 2:06a 6:51p 12:54p Sun. 9:52a 3:08a 7:34p 1:18p Today 6:51a 12:22a 5:28p 11:10a Sun. 8:29a 1:24a 6:11p 11:34a Today 6:34a 9:38a 3:45p --Sun. 4:25p 12:22a ----Today 8:46a 2:35a 7:23p 1:23p Sun. 10:24a 3:37a 8:06p 1:47p Today 5:06a 9:49a 3:43p --Sun. 6:44a 12:03a 4:26p 10:13a NE 7-14 1-2 Light SSW 4-8 0-1 LightFt. Myers 82/56 sun none Punta Gorda 81/51 sun none Sarasota 75/58 sun none The Sun Rise Set The Moon Rise Set Minor Major Minor MajorThe solunar period schedule allows planning days so you will be fishing in good territory or hunting in good cover during those times. Major periods begin at the times shown and last for 1.5 to 2 hours. The minor periods are shorter. SUN AND MOON SOLUNAR TABLEForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017Last Mar 20 New Mar 27 First Apr 3 Full Apr 11 Today 12:16 a.m. 11:30 a.m. Sunday 1:06 a.m. 12:12 p.m. Today 7:34 a.m. 7:39 p.m. Sunday 7:33 a.m. 7:39 p.m. Today 11:04a 4:53a 11:27p 5:16p Sun. 11:53a 5:42a ---6:05p Mon. 12:17a 6:30a 12:42p 6:54p WORLD CITIESCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo W City Hi Lo W Hi Lo WCity Hi Lo W Hi Lo WWeather (W): s -sunny, pc -partly cloudy, c -cloudy, sh -showers, t -thunderstorms, r -rain, sf -snow flurries, sn -snow, i -ice. THE NATION Cold Warm Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow IceShown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Fronts Precipitation -10s-0s0s10s20s30s40s50s60s70s80s90s100s110sU.S. ExtremesPublication date: 03/18/17 Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun. Today Sun.Albuquerque 79 49 s 81 50 s Anchorage 22 10 pc 27 5 pc Atlanta 67 40 sh 63 41 s Baltimore 50 34 sh 50 31 pc Billings 75 47 c 51 35 r Birmingham 71 41 c 65 44 s Boise 68 47 r 60 43 pc Boston 38 30 pc 37 30 sn Buffalo 40 30 sn 42 27 c Burlington, VT 37 17 c 37 18 pc Charleston, WV 51 34 sh 48 29 pc Charlotte 70 37 sh 61 32 pc Chicago 46 29 pc 54 44 s Cincinnati 45 32 c 51 35 pc Cleveland 44 34 sn 44 33 pc Columbia, SC 72 41 sh 65 36 s Columbus, OH 45 36 sh 50 34 pc Concord, NH 39 18 pc 40 20 c Dallas 82 62 c 84 63 s Denver 79 49 s 78 46 pc Des Moines 54 36 s 69 46 s Detroit 46 31 sn 47 33 pc Duluth 37 22 pc 49 32 pc Fairbanks 9 -15 s 10 -15 s Fargo 43 33 pc 56 28 pc Hartford 40 27 sn 41 26 sn Helena 68 40 pc 54 29 pc Honolulu 82 69 s 83 72 s Houston 81 59 pc 82 59 pc Indianapolis 45 30 pc 53 39 pc Jackson, MS 73 48 c 76 53 s Kansas City 62 43 pc 78 56 pc Knoxville 65 36 pc 56 34 pc Las Vegas 90 63 s 88 65 pc Los Angeles 75 53 pc 74 54 pc Louisville 51 33 s 58 41 pc Memphis 70 43 pc 68 54 s Milwaukee 44 30 pc 46 38 s Minneapolis 44 31 pc 58 36 pc Montgomery 73 44 c 70 44 s Nashville 65 34 pc 60 43 s New Orleans 77 60 pc 76 57 pc New York City 38 30 sn 40 29 sf Norfolk, VA 58 41 sh 50 39 r Oklahoma City 76 59 s 83 63 s Omaha 57 42 s 75 45 s Philadelphia 44 34 sn 46 27 pc Phoenix 95 66 s 95 66 s Pittsburgh 45 33 r 47 29 pc Portland, ME 35 20 s 38 23 c Portland, OR 53 33 r 57 41 pc Providence 43 30 pc 40 30 sn Raleigh 66 39 sh 58 33 pc Salt Lake City 81 54 pc 72 52 c St. Louis 57 35 s 61 51 pc San Antonio 82 62 c 81 60 pc San Diego 68 56 pc 70 57 pc San Francisco 65 53 c 66 53 c Seattle 50 36 r 51 37 pc Washington, DC 54 37 sh 52 35 pc Amsterdam 54 48 r 55 47 c Baghdad 82 56 c 70 52 t Beijing 70 37 s 68 48 pc Berlin 49 33 r 50 46 r Buenos Aires 73 54 s 74 57 s Cairo 75 53 pc 70 54 s Calgary 62 21 c 44 18 pc Cancun 81 68 s 83 69 pc Dublin 55 49 sh 55 45 r Edmonton 49 23 pc 40 17 c Halifax 36 24 s 33 30 pc Kiev 44 33 sh 41 31 c London 59 52 sh 59 51 c Madrid 71 41 s 74 46 s Mexico City 73 47 pc 74 45 pc Montreal 33 12 s 34 16 s Ottawa 31 13 pc 34 14 s Paris 57 49 sh 58 46 c Regina 45 36 pc 42 26 s Rio de Janeiro 81 72 t 80 71 t Rome 62 51 pc 64 48 pc St. JohnÂs 30 21 sf 34 24 s San Juan 82 72 sh 83 72 sh Sydney 76 73 sh 79 71 sh Tokyo 55 45 pc 58 46 s Toronto 35 26 sf 40 26 pc Vancouver 48 36 sh 48 35 s Winnipeg 31 30 pc 48 29 cHigh ..................... 88 at Thermal, CALow .................... -5 at Watertown, NY(For the 48 contiguous states yesterday)64On March 18, 1925, the Tri-State Tornado hit Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. The twister killed 695 people. Q: Where do the vertical rays of the sun shift just after spring begins?A: Into the Northern Hemisphere. Port Charlotte Tampa Bradenton Englewood Fort Myers Myakka City Punta Gorda Lehigh Acres Hull Arcadia Bartow Winter Haven Plant City Brandon St. Petersburg Wauchula Sebring Lake Wales Frostproof La Belle Felda Lake Placid Brighton Venus Longboat Key Placida Osprey Limestone Apollo Beach Venice Ft. Meade Sarasota Clearwater Boca Grande Cape Coral Sanibel Bonita Springs Shown is todayÂs weather. Temperatures are todayÂs highs and tonightÂs lows. North Port 80/54 79/50 81/53 81/53 78/54 78/54 80/49 80/48 80/50 76/60 75/60 78/62 76/59 82/56 79/54 81/51 81/53 81/52 81/53 78/54 78/56 80/55 80/56 75/60 78/54 73/62 76/59 75/59 80/53 79/59 75/59 78/53 75/58 74/61 76/63 80/55 81/56 79/55 TALLAHASSEE „ Another slight change Friday to the stateÂs estimated future tax revenues did little to alter the situation facing legislative budget-writers: a tight “t for the upcoming “scal year and sizable shortfalls after that. As a result, the Republican-dominated Legislature is expected to remain cautious as House and Senate leaders roll out budget proposals over the next couple of weeks. ÂIn terms of what theyÂre facing, they pretty much have the same picture,ÂŽ said Amy Baker, head of the LegislatureÂs Of“ce of Economic & Demographic Research, which helps develop the forecasts. The projections on Friday increased by $115.2 million the revenue the state is projected to take in by June 30, 2018, when the upcoming 2017-2018 budget year ends. But the vast majority of that „ $106.8 million „ is one-time money that lawmakers wonÂt be able to rely on in future years. The infusion amounts to less than 0.2 percent of the stateÂs current annual budget. Lawmakers arenÂt expected to face a shortfall in the budget year that begins July 1. But by the following year, lawmakers could be $1.3 billion short of how much they will need to cover expected spending, with a $1.9-billion hole projected the year after that. ÂThe changes weÂve done in the revenue estimates really havenÂt improved anything in that regard,ÂŽ Baker said. Senate President Joe Negron, R-Stuart, indicated Friday that the revised forecast also didnÂt do anything to change how leaders will shape their spending plans. ÂAs we evaluate our budget priorities, it is likely that funding for new initiatives will be offset by reduced spending on projects and programs added to the budget by prior legislatures. ... I remain con“dent that working with our existing revenues, we can pass a balanced budget that meets the needs of our state and re”ects the priorities of the constituents who elected us,ÂŽ Negron said in a statement issued by a spokesperson. The House has set down an even harder line, with Appropriations Chairman Carlos Trujillo, R-Miami, saying Wednesday that a spending cut of about $1.4 billion is a Ârealistic goalÂŽ for the coming year. Trujillo made the comments after hearing the results of a budget exercise by the chairs of subcommittees overseeing speci“c areas of the budget. Those ideas included cuts in payments to hospitals, reductions in spending on universities and scaling back early-learning and other public-education programs to balance the budget under two scenarios, one more aggressive than the other. ÂI think itÂs a roadmap „ whether we decide to go down Road A or Road B „ but I think itÂs a roadmap of how weÂre going to craft our budget,ÂŽ he said.New forecast continues cloudy budget pictureBy BRANDON LARRABEETHE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA TALLAHASSEE „ As Florida lawmakers look at eliminating controversial regulations on building hospitals, a judge has sided with the HCA health care chain in an industry battle about adding a hospital in Miami-Dade County. Administrative Law Judge Robert Cohen, in an 80-page decision Thursday, said an HCA af“liate should receive what is known as a Âcerti“cate of needÂŽ to build the 80-bed Doral Medical Center. At the same time, Cohen recommended rejecting a certi“cate of need for a competing hospital that would be part of the Jackson Health System. Cohen came to the opposite conclusion of the state Agency for Health Care Administration, which in December 2015 gave preliminary approval to the 100-bed Jackson Hospital West project and turned down Doral Medical Center. Adding to the battle, hospitals in the Tenet Healthcare System and Nicklaus ChildrenÂs Hospital opposed both proposals. Â(Doral Medical Center) persuasively established need for its hospital, its ability to meet its “nancial projections, its community and physician support, and demonstrated, on balance, it better satis“ed the statutory criteria than the (Jackson) proposal,ÂŽ Cohen wrote. Under administrative law, CohenÂs recommended order will go back to the Agency for Health Care Administration for a “nal decision. The ruling came amid a high-pro“le legislative debate about the possibility of eliminating the certi“cate-of-need process for hospitals, nursing homes and hospice facilities. Under the regulatory process, the Agency for Health Care Administration must sign off before such facilities can be built „ frequently leading to legal “ghts. House leaders in recent years have sought to end certi“cates of need, saying the move would create greater competition in the health care industry and more access to care. But supporters of the regulatory process argue, in part, that its elimination would lead to a proliferation of new hospitals in af”uent areas that would draw insured patients away from established facilities. Both of the proposed hospitals in ThursdayÂs ruling would be built in Doral in western MiamiDade County. The Jackson Health System is a major provider of care to low-income residents. Cohen wrote that the Agency for Health Care AdministrationÂs preliminary approval of the Jackson Hospital West proposal was based on the systemÂs provision of care to people in the Medicaid program and indigent patients. ÂWhile (the Jackson systemÂs) service to the countyÂs underserved is vital to the health care delivery system in MiamiDade County, it is not a compelling enough reason, standing alone, to approve the (Jackson Hospital West) application over (Doral Medical CenterÂs application),ÂŽ Cohen wrote. ÂAs noted by (Doral Medical Center) and the existing providers standing in opposition to the (Jackson) proposal, the Medicaid, indigent, and charity care provided by (the Jackson system) comes at a great cost to the taxpayers of Miami-Dade County. Pulling more of those dollars away from care of the underserved population to initiate a new facility in the county is not an ef“cient use of taxpayer dollars when (the Jackson system) has signi“cant capacity at its other Miami-Dade County campuses.ÂŽJudge sides with HCA in hospital industry fightBy JIM SAUNDERSTHE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA PHOTO PROVIDEDDoral Medical Pavillion adno=50510991 428 East Olympia Avenue Punta Gorda, FL 33950 € General & Cosmetic Dentistry € Strictest Sterilization Techniques € High Quality Private Care Office We give special consideration to non-insured patients. By appointment only 941.639.8030
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Saturday, March 18, 2017 SPORTS € @SunCoastSportsINDEX | Lottery 2 | NBA 2 | NHL 2 | Baseball 3 | NCAA 4 | Scoreboard 5 | Sports Ticker 6 Day 2 dramaFull coverage of the second day of the NCAA Tournament inside, 4ORLANDO „ They out-dunked Dunk City. LetÂs start there with Leonard HamiltonÂs young, eerily talented Florida State basketball team. It was 9-2 by my count. Also by my count, FSU could make true noise in this NCAA Tournament. They opened by beating Florida Gulf Coast University, those adorable dream weavers and jam makers from Fort Myers, 86-80 in the first round Thursday. ÂThe skyÂs the limit for them,ÂŽ FGCU coach Joe Dooley said. ÂTheyÂve got depth, athleticism. They can make a deep run in this tournament.ÂŽ Or they could lose their next game, gone in the second round against Xavier on Saturday. FSU is that good, so good you sometimes wonder how they lost eight games. FSU can be that erratic, that young, that silly with mistakes.COMMENTARY: FSUErratic Seminoles capable of anything in NCAA TournamentBy JOE SMITHTampa Bay TimesTAMPA „ Lightning captain Steven Stamkos took another step towards his return Friday, encouraged with how he felt after his first full team practice since mid-November knee surgery. But coach Jon Cooper made it clear that by no means is Stamkos return imminent. And Stamkos admitted he wasnÂt sure if heÂll be back by the end of the regular season, which has 12 games left. This week marks the four month mark in the expected 4-6 month recovery, but Stamkos said the four-month expectation was out of the window right away. ItÂs somewhere in the middle. ÂWhen itÂs 100 percent, IÂll be back,ÂŽ Stamkos said Friday, his first comments since surgery. ÂItÂs a question I canÂt answer. IÂve had a lot of ups and downs in this rehab process, where it feels like itÂs never going to get better. Then you have a week where it goes through the roof in regards to how youÂre feeling. ÂIÂll be playing when it feels ready. And I canÂt say it feels ready right now. But it was a start.ÂŽ Just being back on the ice, playing on a line with Nikita Kucherov and Brayden Point, was fun for Stamkos, who is starting to feel like a hockey player again. He had been skating and traveling with the team in a limited basis the past three weeks, but did everything Friday, including light contact. Cooper quipped Stamkos skated so they could field a full team for practice, with Ondrej Palat, Jake Dotchin, Cedric Paquette and Tyler Johnson all out. Stamkos said the LightningÂs remarkable run going 12-3-3 to get back into the playoff conversation has given him a lift in his rehab. But there were some dark days, an injury more challenging than his broken leg several years ago and blood clot last spring. Stamkos had a torn lateral meniscus repaired Nov. 17 in Colorado. ÂThis has been the toughest by far,ÂŽ Stamkos said. ÂI think mentally, you know what to expect. Physically, this one was the toughest with the type of injury it was. It was a grind. There were a lot of days, especially when it happened. Hopefully thatÂs it, the string of bad luck is over.ÂŽ Stamkos knew something was wrong when he got tangled near the boards in Detroit Nov. 15. ÂYou just feel something, and are like, ÂOkay, itÂs going to release, or unclick or whatever,ÂÂŽ Stamkos said. ÂIt wasnÂt until I got the MRI and you hear that youÂre going NHL: LightningStamkos upbeat after “ rst full practice since surgeryBy BRYAN LEVINESports WriterPORT CHARLOTTE „ Being featured on SportsCenterÂs Top-10 Plays was a dream for most young athletes who grew up in the 1990s or early 2000s. The highlight segment was must-see every night for all fans. At the end of the week, ESPN would also collect the best bloopers for the Not-Top-10 Plays. That was the list athletes wanted to avoid at all costs, but Tampa Bay Rays pitcher Tommy Hunter wasted no time finding his way into the weekly lowlight reel. In the first inning of his very first-career start, Hunter made a laugh-worthy blunder. When he was with the Texas Rangers, Hunter recorded two quick outs in his debut, but the third batter didnÂt go quite as well. ÂThere was a ground ball to our first baseman (Chris Davis) and we collided at first base and they called pitcherÂs interference,ÂŽ Hunter recalled. ÂI didnÂt even know that was a thing. One way to look at it, you can only look up after that start.ÂŽ Nine years later, Hunter has a good sense of humor about it, just like he does about most situations. ÂI try to make light of things,ÂŽ Hunter said. ÂImportant things, things that most people are uncomfortable with, I try to make jokes. I try to make people laugh at my expense. ItÂs something I like doing.ÂŽ Hunter signed with the Rays one month ago yesterday, as a non-roster invitee with a minorleague deal. HeÂs no longer a starting pitcher after making the move to the bullpen in the 2013 season when he was with the Baltimore Orioles. The hard-throwing right-hander is in the middle of a tough competition for a spot in the Rays bullpen. In 75 career starts, he had a 4.88 ERA with a 29-23 record. Since becoming a reliever, he has a 3.27 ERA. As a starter, he totaled 435.1 innings pitched, yet he had 236 strikeouts and 102 walks in that span. Compare that to 275.1 innings as a reliever with 210 walks and just 57 walks. The move to the bullpen has surely extended his career. Typically, a starter will have some hesitance from what could be perceived as a demotion, but Hunter took it in stride. ÂIt was kind of the only choice I had,ÂŽ he said. ÂAt the time, things werenÂt going as well as youÂd want to as a starter. I gave up some runs. Moving to the bullpen was nothing I was uncomfortable with. YouÂre going to have some bitterness, but I live by a motto ÂDonÂt get bitter. Get better. If you donÂt like where you are, work harder. I take that mindset every day.ÂŽMLB: RaysGoing with the motionsFlorida guard Kasey Hill (0) drives up against East Tennessee State guard A.J. Merriweather (13) during the second Thursday in Orlando. Florida defeated ETSU 80-65. AP PHOTO By MARK LONGAssociated PressORLANDO „ Kasey Hill nestled into one corner of FloridaÂs locker room Friday, huddled next to an assistant coach and started watching video. Some teammates were napping, others snacking and even a couple horsing around. Hill was all business. The senior has no time for anything else. This is his last chance, a final shot in the NCAA Tournament to do something really special in his college career. Sure, Hill made the Final Four as a freshman. But he was a backup on a squad that featured Scottie Wilbekin, Casey Prather and Patric Young. This is his team, his time, his opportunity to finish an up-anddown adventure on a high note. No. 4 seed Florida (25-8) plays fifth-seeded Virginia (23-10) in the second round of the East Region on Saturday night. ÂWhen heÂs playing well, generally, we play well,ÂŽ Florida coach Mike White said. Fortunately for the Gators, Hill might be peaking at the perfect time. The speedy point guard has scored in double figures in 10 of FloridaÂs last 12 games, including four in a row. He had 14 points, six rebounds and five assists in the teamÂs opening-round win against East Tennessee State, the kind of complete game outsiders expect from Hill every night. Hill never lived up to expectations, and outside winning a national championship with the fourth-seeded Gators this season, he wonÂt. And heÂs at peace with that. ÂAll that stuff is for other people to deal with,ÂŽ Hill said. ÂThey donÂt know what goes on here, only I do.ÂŽ Hill was a high school sensation in nearby Umatilla, a McDonaldÂs All-American and canÂtmiss prospect with the skills to make a difference in college and make a living in the NBA. That was the belief, at least. The reality was considerably different.COLLEGE BASKETBALL: GatorsFloridaÂs Hill on road to redemption SEE GATORS, 4SUN PHOTO BY TOM OÂNEILTampa Bay Rays pitcher Tommy Hunter (49) faces the Boston Red Sox Wednesday at Charlotte Sports Park. Rays Hunter takes speed bumps in strideSEE RAYS, 3 SEE LIGHTNING, 2 MARTIN FENNELLY SEE SEMINOLES, 4By DOUG FERGUSONAssociated PressORLANDO„ Charley Hoffman wasnÂt expecting to be at Bay Hill until he didnÂt qualify for a World Golf Championship next week. The change in plans has worked out nicely so far. In only his fourth appearance in the Arnold Palmer Invitational over the last decade, Hoffman made seven birdies in slightly warmer conditions Friday for a 6-under 66 that gave him a oneshot lead over Emiliano Grillo of Argentina. Grillo made two eagles on his opening nine, holing a 35-yard bunker shot on the par-5 12th and chipping in from just off the green on the par-5 16th. He made birdies on the par 5s on the front nine that carried him to a 68. Matt Fitzpatrick of England had four birdies on the back nine for a 69 and was two shots behind. Hoffman was at 10-under 134. Sam Saunders, the 29-year-old grandson of Palmer, had three PRO GOLF: Arnold Palmer InvitationalChange in plans working out well for Ho man at Bay HillSEE BAY HILL, 2Stamkos
to be done for a while, and t hen you have surgery to fix it. It was frustrating. Obviously there are a lot of emotions went through your head, kind of a downward spriral for a couple days. Stamkos was playing the best hockey of his life, with 20 points in his first 17 games (nine goals) in the first year of an eight-year $68 million extension. The Lightning, preseason Stanley Cup favorites, were 10-6-1 and in the middle of a four-game winning streak. Then Tampa Bay struggled, falling dangerously out of playoff position, last place in the Eastern Conference Feb. 2. ÂThereÂs a lot of what could have been, Stamkos said. ÂBut thatÂs life. Things like that happen. You get tested in a lot of different ways. ItÂs tough to watch the guys struggle. I see the season unfold the way it has. ItÂs encouraging the way things have gone lately. It has helped me in the process as well.ÂŽ Teammates could see the difference in Stamkos during this roller-coaster of emotions. ÂHe was on such a good pace, having such a good start to the season,ÂŽ wing Alex Killorn said. Page 2 SP Saturday, March 18, 2017 / The SunLIGHTNINGFrom Page 1Florida Lotterywww.flalottery.comPICK 2Mar. 17N .........................8-1 Mar. 17D .........................5-4 Mar. 16N .........................6-0 Mar. 16D .........................8-2 Mar. 15N .........................7-9 Mar. 15D .........................9-4 D-Day, N-NightPICK 3Mar. 17N ......................3-4-7 Mar. 17D ......................4-6-0 Mar. 16N ......................4-5-2 Mar. 16D ......................9-4-6 Mar. 15N ......................5-9-9 Mar. 15D ......................8-1-9 D-Day, N-NightPICK 4Mar. 17N ...................2-5-7-7 Mar. 17D ...................4-9-3-6 Mar. 16N ...................4-5-7-2 Mar. 16D ...................2-3-5-8 Mar. 15N ...................0-5-8-6 Mar. 15D ...................0-5-5-3 D-Day, N-NightPICK 5Mar. 17N ...............5-2-6-5-2 Mar. 17D ...............4-4-0-2-2 Mar. 16N ...............5-5-1-9-5 Mar. 16D ...............9-4-0-0-3 Mar. 15N ...............3-5-0-5-9 Mar. 15D ...............5-3-2-7-7 D-Day, N-NightFANTASY 5Mar 17 ................12-4-25-2-7 Mar 16 ..............17-6-19-29-8 Mar. 15 ...........2-17-18-15-27 PAYOFF FOR MAR. 16 2..5-digit winners $101,486.09 336..4-digit winners ..$97.00 9,437..3-digit winners.. $$9.50LUCKY MONEYMar 17 ...............10-32-27-17 Lucky Ball...........................2 Mar. 14 ................9-14-38-39 Lucky Ball.......................... 9 € € € PAYOFF FOR MAR. 14 0.......4-of-4 LB ....$1,900,000 3.......4-of-4............$2,368.00 54.....3-of-4 LB .........$288.00 758....3-of-4 ................$60.00LOTTOMar. 15 .....14-45-28-20-16-9 Mar. 11 .....1-23-29-31-38-53 Mar. 8 .......6-23-25-36-43-49 Mar. 4 .......7-14-20-22-27-33 PAYOFF FOR MAR. 15 1..6-digit winners $13 million 18..5-digit winners. $6,311.50 1,152..4-digit winners ..$68.00POWERBALLMarch 15......30-16-41-48-53 Powerball .........................16 March 11........1-26-41-50-57 Powerball .........................11 € € € PAYOFF FOR MAR. 15 0...5 of 5 + PB ..$123 million 0...5 of 5 ..............$1,000,000 0...4 of 5 + PB ..........$50,000 37..4 of 5 .......................$100 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $141 millionMEGA MILLIONSMar. 17 .........11-27-31-58-60 Mega Ball......................... 10 Mar. 14 .........16-23-28-33-59 Mega Ball......................... 13 € € € PAYOFF FOR Mar. 14 0...5 of 5 + MB .$119 million 0...5 of 5 ..............$1,000,000 0....4 of 5 + MB ..........$5,000 26...4 of 5 ......................$500 ESTIMATED JACKPOT $131 million SPORTS ON TVAUTO RA CING Noon FS2 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Series, Camping World 500, practice, at Avondale, Ariz. 12:30 p.m. FS1 „ IMSA, Weathertech Sportscar Championship, 12 Hours of Sebring, at Sebring, Fla. 1 p.m. FS2 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, DC Solar 200, qualifying, at Avondale, Ariz. 2:30 p.m. FS2 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Series, Camping World 500, “ nal practice, at Avondale, Ariz. 4 p.m. FOX „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, DC Solar 200, at Avondale, Ariz. BASEBALL 3:30 p.m. MLB „ 2017 World Baseball Classic, second round, Puerto Rico vs. Venezuela, at San Diego 10 p.m. MLB „ 2017 World Baseball Classic, second round, United States vs. Dominican Republic, at San Diego COLLEGE BASKETBALL 11 a.m. ESPN „ NIT, second round, Mississippi at Syracuse 12:10 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Tournament, second round, West Virginia vs. Notre Dame, at Buffalo, N.Y. 2:40 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Tournament, second round, Villanova vs. Wisconsin, at Buffalo, N.Y. 5:15 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Tournament, second round, Gonzaga vs. Northwestern, at Salt Lake City 6 p.m. CBSSN „ NCAA, Division III Tournament, championship, Whitman-Babson winner vs. Williams-Augustana (Ill.). winner, at Salem, Va. 6:10 p.m. TNT „ NCAA Tournament, second round, Florida St. vs. Xavier, at Orlando, Fla. 7:10 p.m. TBS „ NCAA Tournament, second round, Butler vs. Middle Tennessee, at Milwaukee 7:45 p.m. CBS „ NCAA Tournament, second round, Arizona vs. Saint MaryÂs (Cal.), at Salt Lake City 8:40 p.m. TNT „ NCAA Tournament, second round, Florida vs. Virginia, at Orlando, Fla. 9:40 p.m. TBS „ NCAA Tournament, second round, Purdue vs. Iowa St., at Milwaukee COLLEGE WRESTLING 8 p.m. ESPN „ NCAA Championships, “ nals, at St. Louis DRAG RACING 11 p.m. FS1 „ NHRA, Amalie Motor Oil Gatornationals, qualifying, at Gainesville, Fla. (same-day tape) GOLF 12:30 p.m. GOLF „ PGA Tour, Arnold Palmer Invitational, third round, at Orlando, Fla. 2:30 p.m. GOLF „ Ladies European Tour, World Ladies Championship, second round, at Hainan, China (same-day tape) NBC „ PGA Tour, Arnold Palmer Invitational, third round, at Orlando, Fla. 4:30 p.m. GOLF „ Champions Tour, Tucson Conquistadores Classic, second round, at Tucson, Ariz. 7 p.m. GOLF „ LPGA Tour, Bank of Hope Founders Cup, third round, at Phoenix GYMNASTICS 8 p.m. NBCSN „ IGF World Cup, at Stuttgart, Germany (sameday tape) MIXED MARTIAL ARTS 11 p.m. NBCSN „ World Series of Fighting, at Verona, N.Y. MOTOR SPORTS 7 p.m. FOX „ AMA, Monster Energy Supercross, at Indianapolis NBA BASKETBALL 8:30 p.m. ABC „ Cleveland at L.A. Clippers SOCCER 8:30 a.m. NBCSN „ Premier League, Arsenal at West Bromwich Albion 10:30 a.m. FS1 „ Bundesliga, TSG 1899 Hoffenheim vs. Bayer Leverkusen 11 a.m. CNBC „ Premier League, Hull City at Everton NBCSN „ Premier League, Chelsea at Stoke City 1:30 p.m. NBCSN „ Premier League, Swansea City at Bournemouth SKIING 12:30 p.m. NBC „ FIS World Cup Finals, Alpine Skiing, MenÂs Giant Slalom and WomenÂs Slalom, at Aspen, Colo. SPECIAL OLYMPICS 2 p.m. ABC „ Special Olympics World Winter Games, opening ceremony, at Schladming, Austria TENNIS 2 p.m. ESPN „ ATP World Tour & WTA Tour, BNP Paribas Open, menÂs semi“ nals, at Indian Wells, Calif. WOMENÂS COLLEGE BASKETBALL 11 a.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Albany vs. UConn, at Storrs, Conn. 1:30 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Iowa St. vs. Syracuse, at Storrs, Conn. (regional coverage) 1:35 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Quinnipiac vs. Marquette, at Coral Gables, Fla. (regional coverage) 1:45 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Chattanooga vs. Louisville, at Louisville, Ky. (regional coverage) 1:45 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, New Mexico St. vs. Stanford, at Manhattan, Kan. (regional coverage) 4:05 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Florida Gulf Coast vs. Miami, at Coral Gables, Fla. (regional coverage) 4:15 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Dayton vs. Tennessee, at Louisville, Ky. (regional coverage) 4:15 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Drake vs. Kansas St., at Manhattan, Kan. (regional coverage) 6:35 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Texas Southern vs. Baylor, at Waco, Texas (regional coverage) 6:35 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Oregon vs. Temple, at Durham, N.C. (regional coverage) 6:40 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Boise St. vs. UCLA, at Los Angeles (regional coverage) 6:40 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Gonzaga vs. Oklahoma, at Seattle (regional coverage) 9:05 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, California vs. LSU, at Waco, Texas (regional coverage) 9:05 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Hampton vs. Duke, at Durham, N.C. (regional coverage) 9:10 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Montana St. vs. Washington, at Seattle (regional coverage) 9:10 p.m. ESPN2 „ NCAA Tournament, “ rst round, Penn vs. Texas A&M, at Los Angeles (regional coverage) straight bogeys around the turn and never caught up. He wound up with another 74 and missed the cut by one shot in the first Arnold Palmer Invitational since the death of the beloved tournament host last September. ÂI donÂt know, IÂve got a monkey on my back there where I just always seem to work my way toward that cut number and think about it too much,ÂŽ Saunders said. ÂItÂs all part of the learning experience, and just got to get better.ÂŽ The cut was 3-over 147. Two players who missed the cut at least provided some entertainment. British Open champion Henrik Stenson hit three balls out of the water, including two on one hole. His blast from the pond short of the 11th green barely made it out and rolled down the slope, only to be caught by a tuft of grass. His next chip rolled back down the slope and into the water, leading to a triple bogey. He also played out of the water on the 16th. Stenson shot 74.BAY HILLFrom Page 1 Associated PressAleksander Barkov scored a third-period goal and added the winner in the shootout as the Florida Panthers beat the New York Rangers 4-3 on Friday night. Jaromir Jagr had two assists and passed Hall of Famer Gordie Howe for the most points after turning 40 with 269. Jonathan Huberdeau had a goal and assist and Jussi Jokinen also scored for Florida. James Reimer made 29 saves for the Panthers, who are trying to stay in the Eastern Conference playoff race. Reimer made his seventh straight start with Roberto Luongo out because of a lower-body injury. Mats Zuccarello scored two goals and J.T. Miller also tallied for the Rangers, who were unable to hold an early 2-0 lead. Brendan Smith added two assists. Antti Raanta made his fourth consecutive start in place of the injured Henrik Lundqvist and finished with 34 saves. The Rangers have lost six straight home games (0-5-1) since beating Washington 2-1 on Feb. 19. Tied 2-2 after two periods, Barkov put the Panthers ahead at 7:23 of the third. Huberdeau entered the zone and sent a pass to Jagr, who passed to Barkov and scored his 19th of the season. Zuccarello tied it a little more than four minutes later with his 14th of the season at 11:45. Trailing 2-0 after the first period, the Panthers tied the game in the second. Alex Petrovic launched a shot from the point and Huberdeau swept in the rebound past Raanta at 1:25 for his sixth goal of the season. A little more than five minutes later, the Panthers took advantage of their power play. Jokinen made a pass to Jason Demers. Demers sent a pass to Thomas Vanek and he sent a crossice pass Jokinen, who scored into a wide-open net to make it 2-2 at 6:41. The Rangers had grabbed an early lead with two goals in a 97-second span in the first period.PENGUINS 6, DEVILS 4: Sidney Crosby scored twice to move into a tie for the NHL lead with 37, Carter Rowney added the “ rst goal of his NHL career and the shorthanded Pittsburgh Penguins beat the New Jersey Devils. Crosby added an assist to give him 640 in his career and move him into a tie with Jaromir Jagr for the secondmost in franchise history. Nick Bonino, Jake Guentzel and Phil Kessel also scored for Pittsburgh as the Penguins leapfrogged Columbus to move into second-place behind Washington in the Metropolitan Division. Matt Murray stopped 32 shots for Pittsburgh as the Penguins relied on Crosby and some fresh faces to overcome the loss of Evgeni Malkin, who is out with an upper-body injury. NHL ROUNDUPPanthers rally past Rangers in shootoutAP PHOTOFlorida Panthers right wing Jaromir Jagr, center, controls the puck between New York Rangers defenders during the first period Friday in New York. Associated PressMIAMI „ Hassan Whiteside scored 23 points and grabbed 14 rebounds, Tyler Johnson scored 23 off the bench and the Miami Heat downed the Minnesota Timberwolves 123-105 on Friday night. Goran Dragic scored 19 points and added 10 assists for Miami, which lost Dion Waiters to an ankle injury in the second quarter but moved to 23-5 in its last 28 games overall and 15-1 in its last 16 at home. James Johnson scored 17 for the Heat, who never trailed and put the game away with a 15-2 run in the fourth quarter. Karl-Anthony Towns had 31 points and 11 rebounds for the Timberwolves, who were 21 for 22 from the foul line. Andrew Wiggins scored 25 points and Ricky Rubio added 20 for Minnesota.WIZARDS 112, BULLS 107: Bradley Beal scored 24 points, John Wall dished out a career-high 20 assists to go with 14 points, and the Washington Wizards held on to defeat the Chicago Bulls 112-107 on Friday night. Playing their “ rst game since Dwyane Wade suffered a fractured elbow that will keep him out for the rest of the regular season, the Bulls rallied from 19 points down and had a chance to tie it, but Jimmy Butler missed a 3-pointer with 3.9 seconds left. 76ERS 116, MAVERICKS 74: Justin Anderson tied his career high with 19 points and Robert Covington scored 12 of his 18 points in PhiladelphiaÂs dominant third quarter, helping the 76ers rout the Dallas Mavericks. Richaun Holmes added 17 points for the 76ers, who snapped an eight-game losing streak to Dallas while spoiling Nerlens NoelÂs return to Philadelphia. Noel had nine points and “ ve rebounds in his “ rst game against his former team since being traded on Feb. 23. Dwight Powell led the Mavericks with 14 points. Philadelphia got its largest margin of victory of the season while handing Dallas its worst defeat, topping the Mavericks 128-90 setback at Cleveland on Nov. 25. CELTICS 98, NETS 95: Jae Crowder scored nine of his 24 points late in the fourth quarter, Avery Bradley had 16 overall, and the Boston Celtics edged the Brooklyn Nets. Al Horford added 14 points and eight rebounds for the Celtics, who were playing without All-Star Isaiah Thomas. BostonÂs point guard sat the “ rst game of a two-game road trip. RAPTORS 87, PISTONS 75: Serge Ibaka had 17 points and eight rebounds and the Toronto Raptors used a fourth-quarter surge to beat the Detroit Pistons. Toronto outscored Detroit 27-9 in the “ nal period to take control of a game that appeared to be slipping away. The Pistons missed their “ nal 10 shots of the game. DeMar DeRozan added 14 points, eight rebounds and six assists for Toronto, which won for the second time in “ ve games. NBA ROUNDUPHeat pull away from TimberwolvesAP PHOTOMinnesota Timberwolves Andrew Wiggins drives to the basket against the Miami HeatÂs Josh Richardson, left, and Hassan Whiteside, right, during the first half Friday in Miami.
Even though most of his career he was guaranteed his position on the roster, this new situation has altered his mindset. ÂYou donÂt want to take an approach that youÂre a shoo-in ever,ÂŽ Hunter said. ÂThatÂs when the chair gets kicked out from underneath you really quick. You have to be graceful when you fall because you have to get back up.ÂŽ ÂIt is different, but I like challenges. I accept them. You have to live every day to its fullest and let the card fall where they will.ÂŽ Something else he has accepted is the fact that he is the answer to the trivia question ÂWho allowed Ken Griffey Jr.Âs last career home run?ÂŽ ItÂs a strange thing to be proud of, but itÂs not like heÂs the only one who Griffey hit a home run off of. In fact, Hunter was the 499th pitcher Griffey took deep. ÂI got him to sign a jersey for me, and it says ÂThanks for giving up the last one with No. 630 on it,ÂŽ Hunter said. ÂI have that hanging in the house. Being a kid, playing Ken Griffey Jr. baseball, that was one of the coolest things. It was unfortunate at the time.ÂŽRays Hunter takes speed bumps in stride. The Sun / Saturday, March 18, 2017 SP Page 3RAYSFrom Page 1By BRYAN LEVINESports WriterPORT CHARLOTTE „ Shawn Tolleson continues to work his way back after early-spring back spasms. The Rays reliever appeared in just his third game of the spring in yesterdayÂs loss to the Twins, but it was his best outing yet. ÂI felt like I could command the ball around the zone a little better today,ÂŽ Tolleson said. ÂI missed a few spots, but my stuff felt a little sharper today.ÂŽ He tossed one perfect inning, with a strikeout to left-handed hitter Max Kepler, a feat he specifically wanted to accomplish with a change-up. Tolleson is a bit behind where the other relievers are as far as a workload goes, but it doesnÂt appear as if that will jeopardize his ability to be ready for opening day. He will likely play an important role for the back-end of the Rays bullpen in 2017.NO OFF DAYThursday was an off day for the Rays, but Chris Archer and Alex Cobb still needed to get in their pitches, so they threw in a pair of minor league games. They appeared in two different games against Twins minor leaguers. Archer went 4.2 innings, allowing no runs on two hits and two walks. He struck out seven batters on 74 pitches (48 strikes). Cobb was in the main stadium, with Cash watching. He tossed 4.1 innings, with three runs (two earned) surrendered off three hits and three walks. He added four strikeouts on 78 pitches (52 strikes). ÂI was really happy with the way Alex threw,ÂŽ Cash said. ÂHeÂs building up. I think he has two or three more outings left. All of his pitches, in my opinion, seem to be coming together pretty well. I really like the way he drove some fastballs in to left-handed hitters.ÂŽRASMUS CLOSEAccording to Cash, outfielder Colby Rasmus is close to returning. Rasmus his recovering from hip and core-muscle surgery, and has slowly progressed this spring. Cash says Rasmus could appear in a game next week as a designated hitter.LEADOFF MANWith a little over two weeks until Opening Day, the Rays are still unsure who will be the leadoff man come regular season. ÂI donÂt think, as it stands right now, we have a defined leadoff guy,ÂŽ Cash said. ÂWeÂre trying a couple different options. WeÂre still trying to work through. Do we have a guy versus left? A guy versus right? I know a lot of people probably donÂt like it, but theyÂll deal with it. We have to try to put the best lineup out of that given night to win games.ÂŽ Options at the leadoff position include Corey Dickerson, Kevin Kiermaier and Mallex Smith if he were to crack the Opening Day roster.CUT FOR A CURERays players, coaches and front office staff will shave their heads in support of the Pediatric Cancer FoundationÂs ÂCut for a CureÂŽ program on Sunday, prior to the Rays-Phillies game. This will be the sixth straight year the Rays shave their heads to raise awareness and pay tribute to children fighting cancer. Last year, 50 players, coaches, staff and fans shaved their heads, and more than $15,000 was raised to supports the PCF.MLB: RaysTolleson progressing wellHITTER OF THE GAME Mallex Smith, Rays: He ÂMallex-FacturedÂŽ another run with his wheels in the sixth inning. Smith placed a perfect bunt down the third-base line for a single, then stole second. He broke a little too early trying to steal third, but was safe at the base after pitcher Phil Hughes made a poor throw. He later scored on a Rickie Weeks groundout. PITCHER OF THE GAME Phil Hughes, Twins: Hughes shut down the Rays, tossing “ ve scoreless innings. He allowed just two hits, one walk and struck out four batters in the win. KEY INNING Top third: The twins struck for three runs in the innings off pitchers Erasmo Ramirez and Diego Moreno. Ramirez walked a guy and committed an error. Moreno then replaced Ramirez and surrendered a three-run shot to Brian Dozier in the “ rst batter he faced. PROSPECT WATCH Jake Bauers, Rays: Bauers continued his excellent spring, crushing his third homer and second of the week. Bauers also drew a walk to give him six free passes in the last three games. THEY SAID IT ÂI never know how hard IÂm throwing until (reporters) tell me. IÂd like to be at 100. ThatÂs how hard I would like to throw. „Rays reliever Shawn Tolleson on if his 90-91 mile-per-hour fastball is where he wants to be.TAMPA BAY (9-9-2) at TORONTO (6-12)WHEN: Today, 1:05 p.m. WHERE: Florida Auto Exchange Stadium, Dunedin SCHEDULED STARTERS: RH Chase Whitley vs. RH Mat Latos PITCHING PROBABLES RAYS: RH Chase Whitley (start), RH Austin Pruitt, RH Ryan Garton, LH Justin Marks, RH Jeff Walters. BLUE JAYS: RH Mat Latos (start), RH Jason Grilli, RH Joe Smith, RH Danny Barnes, LH Chad Girodo, LB Jeff Beliveau.ON DECKSUNDAY: vs. Philadelphia, 1:05 p.m. MONDAY: vs. Pittsburgh, 1:05 p.m. TUESDAY: at Pittsburgh, 1:05 p.m. WEDNESDAY: at Baltimore, 6:05 p.m. THURSDAY: vs. New York (AL), 1:07 p.m. Golf Directory 1350 Bobat Trail, North Port Call For Tee Times 941-429-0500 Burnt Store Golf Club 941-637-1577 PUBLIC WELCOME Visit us @ 24315 Vincent Ave., Punta Gorda off Burnt Store Road Call for directions PORT CHARLOTTE GOLF CLUB 22400 Gleneagle Ter. Pt. Charlotte 941-625-4109 The Palms 697-8118 The Links 697-8877 The Hills 697-2414 Long Marsh 698-0918 adno=710375 To place your ad here, please call 941-429-3110 5301 HERON CREEK BLVD., NORTH PORT Between US 41 & I-75 Exit 182 423-6955 € P REMIER P RACTICE F ACILITY N EW T IFEAGLE GREENS Take a tour online at: Call 625-6911 for Tee Times & Lessons ÂNice People, Great GolfÂŽ Open To The Public 27 Holes Lifetime Golf Rates 888-663-2420 TWIN ISLES CC Championship Golf Course Under Age 60 Membership $150 Mo. Accepting Non Member Play While We Fill Our Roster Golf, Seasonal, Tennis & Social Memberships 301 Madrid Blvd., Punta Gorda 941-637-1232 ext. 2 € 1/2 mile south of Burnt Store Rd. on US 41 in Punta Gorda 941-639-5440 Best Value in S.W. Florida Seminole Lakes Country Club Open to the Public A Resident owned Community 2100 KINGS HIGHWAY PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 33980 941-629-1666 € PAR 62 EXECUTIVE COURSE € A FUN GOLF EXPERIENCE € ALWAYS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION € MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE 2550 S. River Rd., Englewood 941-474-1753 Brand New Ron Garl Designed Greens 27 H OLES Executive Golf Course Walk 9 holes for $12.00 863-993-2221 or 941-764-6700 12865 SW Hwy. 17, Arcadia Located near Wal-Mart Dist. Center COURSES COURSES Great New Memberships Availablefrom$1,400Opento the Public 1-mi. East I-75 exit 170 Kings Hwy Kingsway Country Club Pure Championship Golf March Rates: $48 € $62 € $52 € $32 Twins 4, Rays 2 Minnesota Tampa Bay ab r h bi ab r h bi B.Bxton cf 3 1 0 0 Mrrison 1b 3 0 0 0 Granite ph 1 0 0 0 Gllspie 1b 1 0 0 0 B.Dzier 2b 3 1 1 3 Krmaier dh 2 0 0 0 Gnzalez 2b 1 0 0 0 Wks Jr. ph 1 0 0 1 M.Kpler rf 2 0 0 0 D.Vrona ph 1 0 0 0 T.Field rf 1 0 0 0 Lngoria 3b 3 0 0 0 Mi.Sano 3b 2 0 0 0 Leonard 3b 1 0 0 0 Rgnatto 3b 1 0 1 0 B.Mller 2b 2 0 0 0 Grssman dh 4 0 0 0 Frnklin 2b 1 0 0 0 By.Park 1b 3 0 0 0 Dckrson lf 2 0 1 0 M.Grver 1b 1 0 0 0 J.Buers lf 1 1 1 1 Polanco ss 3 1 1 1 Beckham ss 2 0 1 0 Goodrum ss 1 0 1 0 Rbrtson ss 2 0 0 0 Gimenez c 3 0 1 0 Sza Jr. rf 3 0 0 0 Rhl“ ng c 1 0 0 0 C.Csali c 2 0 0 0 D.Stbbs lf 2 1 0 0 McKenry c 1 0 0 0 D.Palka lf 1 0 0 0 M.Smith cf 2 1 1 0 Totals 33 4 5 4 Totals 30 2 4 2 Minnesota 013 000 000„4 Tampa Bay 000 001 100„2 E„Chargois (1), Ramirez (1). DP„Minnesota 0, Tampa Bay 1. LOB„Minnesota 5, Tampa Bay 4. 2B„Reginatto (3), Gimenez (1). HR„Dozier (1), Polanco (3), Bauers (3). SB„Goodrum (1), Smith 2 (4). CS„Smith (2). IP H R ER BB SO Minnesota Hughes W, 1-0 5 2 0 0 1 4 Chargois 12/3 2 2 1 0 1 Fernandez H, 2 1/3 0 0 0 0 0 Boshers H, 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Wimmers S, 1-1 1 0 0 0 2 1 Tampa Bay Ramirez L, 0-1 2 1 3 2 2 2 Moreno 2 2 1 1 0 2 Tolleson 1 0 0 0 0 1 Schultz 2 0 0 0 1 3 Wagner 2 2 0 0 0 1 Umpires„Home, John Bacon; First, Brian OÂNora; Second, Tim Timmons; Third, Ryan Blakney. T„2:36. A„4,509ASTROS (ss) 5, BRAVES 4Houston starter Dallas Keuchel threw four scoreless innings, scattering three hits. He has yet to give up an earned run this spring. Derek Fisher doubled and d rove in three runs. AtlantaÂs Matt Wisler pitched one-hit ball for four scoreless innings. Luke Jackson gave up “ ve hits and four earned runs without recording an out in the ninth.ORIOLES 8, PIRATES 6Gabriel Ynoa went 2 ‡ innings in the start for Baltimore, allowing two earned runs and “ ve hits. Trey Mancini hit his second home run of the spring and Alex Castellanos tripled. Drew Hutchison worked 3 ‡ innings for Pittsburgh, giving up six runs.ASTROS (ss) 6, RED SOX 2HoustonÂs Brad Peacock gave up four hits and a run in a three-inning start. Evan Gattis doubled and singled for the Astros. Eduardo Rodriguez struck out six over four innings, allowing just two hits and walking three. Joe Kelly took the loss in relief, giving up two runs and two hits. BLUE JAYS 7, PHILLIES 5Toronto starter Marco Estrada went 3 ‡ innings, giving up a three-run homer to Howie Kendrick. Out“ eld prospect Darrell Ceciliani homered, tripled and d rove in “ ve runs for the Blue Jays. Aaron Nola went 4 ‡ innings for Philadelphia, allowing four runs on four hits, walking four and striking out four. Aaron Altherr homered.NATIONALS 5, MARLINS 5, Washington pitching prospect Erick Fedde didnÂt make it out of the second inning, giving up “ ve runs on four hits and three walks in 1 ‡ innings. MiamiÂs Scott Copeland gave up a hit in his threeinning start. Marcell Ozuna hit his third homer of the spring. METS 16, CARDINALS 2Mets starter Steven Matz went 3 ‡ innings, allowing two hits and an earned run while walking three and striking out three. Wilmer Flores homered, doubled and d rove in six runs. Adam Wainwright was tagged for 10 runs on seven hits and four walks in 1 ‡ innings.„Associated PressSPRING TRAINING ROUNDUPAP PHOTOMilwaukee Brewers left fielder Ryan Braun (8) leaps in vain for a home run hit by Kansas City Royals second baseman Christian Colon during the second inning Friday in Phoenix. FILE PHOTOTampa Bay Rays pitcher Shawn Tolleson (38) th rows to first to hold a Detroit runner during the third inning on March 3. TWINS 4, RAYS 2
Associated PressINDIANAPOLIS „ Derrick Walton Jr. scored 26 points and Michigan made 16 3-pointers Friday to hold off Oklahoma State 92-91 in the first round of the Midwest Regional. The seventh-seeded Wolverines (25-11) set a school record for 3s in an NCAA Tournament game. They have won six straight „ five since a frightening plane mishap on the way to last weekÂs Big Ten Tournament. Juwan Evans scored 23 points to lead the 10thseeded Cowboys (20-13), who finished the season with four consecutive losses. It looked like that streak might end Friday after Oklahoma State opened the second half on a 12-5 run to take a 52-46 lead. But Michigan charged back with a relentless 3-point barrage, taking a 62-61 lead on WaltonÂs 3 with 12:26 left making three more 3s in a 14-4 run that made it 76-68. The Cowboys never led again. D.J. Wilson had 19 points and four blocks for the Wolverines. Zak Irvin and MuhammadAli Abdur-Rahkman each had 16. Jeffrey Carroll had 19 points for Oklahoma State while Phil Forte added 12 points and Leyton Hammonds had 10.RHODE ISLAND 84, CREIGHTON 72: Jeff Dowtin scored a career-high 23 points with a perfect day at the free-throw line, upstart Rhode Island answered every threat and the Rams ran right into the next round of the NCAA Tournament by stunning cold-shooting No. 6 seed Creighton 84-72 on Friday in an opener of the Midwest Region. OREGON 93, IONA 77: With star big man Chris Boucher cheering in a bulky knee brace from the sidelines, Tyler Dorsey scored 24 points to lead four players in double “ gures, and No. 3 seed Oregon beat 14th-seeded Iona 93-77 in the “ rst-round of the NCAA TournamentÂs Midwest Region. LOUISVILLE 78, JACKSONVILLE STATE 63: Mangok Mathiang scored 18 points and Deng Adel added 16 Friday to help secondseeded Louisville pull away from Jacksonville State 78-63 in the “ rst round of the Midwest Regional. KANSAS 100, UC DAVIS 62: Frank Mason III scored 22 points and had eight assists as top-seeded Kansas won its opening game of the NCAA Tournament for an 11th straight year with a 100-62 victory over UC Davis on Friday night.SOUTH REGIONARKANSAS 77, SETON HALL 71: Jaylen Barford hit the go-ahead layup with 57.8 seconds left to help Arkansas hold off Seton Hall 77-71 on Friday in the “ rst round of the NCAA Tournament. WICHITA STATE 64, DAYTON 58: Wichita StateÂs high” ying offense didnÂt get off the ground until the closing minutes, when the Shockers played like the more tournament-experienced team and pulled away to a 64-58 victory over Dayton on Friday night. NORTH CAROLINA 103, TEXAS SOUTHERN 64: Justin Jackson broke out of a shooting slump with 21 points to help top-seeded North Carolina roll past Texas Southern 103-64 on Friday in the “ rst round of the NCAA TournamentÂs South Region. KANSAS STATE 75, CINCINNATI 61: Troy Caupain scored 23 points, Kyle Washington added 16 and defensive-minded Cincinnati shot it way past Kansas State 75-61 Friday night in the South Region of the NCAA Tournament.EAST REGIONSOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 66, SMU 65: Elijah Stewart hit a late 3-pointer for No. 11 seed Southern California as the Trojans upset sixth seeded SMU 66-65 Friday in the “ rst round of the NCAA Tournament. BAYLOR 91, NEW MEXICO STATE 73: Al Freeman came off the bench to score 21 points, and No. 3 seed Baylor defeated No. 14 seed New Mexico State 91-73 in the “ rst round of the NCAAÂs East Regional. Jo Lual-Acuil scored 16 points and Johnathan Motley added 15 points and 10 rebounds for the Bears (26-7), who were upset in the “ rst round by Georgia State and Yale the previous two years. DUKE 87, TROY 65: Grayson Allen had 21 points off “ ve 3-pointers, Jayson Tatum had 18 points and 12 rebounds, and secondseeded Duke continued its perfect postseason with an 87-65 victory over Troy in the NCAA Tournament on Friday night to start the East Region. The Blue Devils (29-7) became the “ rst team to win four games on the way to the Atlantic Coast Conference Tournament crown last week. They kept up that pace in blowing past the 15th-seeded Trojans (2215). Duke will take on either No. 7 seed South Carolina or No. 10 seed Marquette and its coach, former Blue Devils point guard and assistant Steve W ojciechowski, on Sunday. Page 4 SP Saturday, March 18, 2017 / The SunÂWe get anxious at times,ÂŽ Hamilton said. But, man, are they something to watch when theyÂre on. You should have seen the Seminoles pregame warm-ups Thursday. Dunk after dunk. Style points all around. You know, it was FSU, not FGCU, that was leading the country in dunks coming into ThursdayÂs game. So ThursdayÂs pregame display was nothing unusual, Seminoles sophomore guard Dwayne Bacon said. ÂThatÂs just what we do before games,ÂŽ Bacon noted. They are all arms and legs and talent. FSU claims to be the tallest team in the country, easy to believe as it shuttles 7-1 graduate student Michael Ojo graduate student out of the lineup Â… and brings in 7-4 sophomore Christ Koumadje. HeÂs like an office tower with sneakers. There is 6-10 freshman Jonathan Isaac, who scored 17 points and had 10 rebounds against FGCU. There is 6-7 sophomore guard and shooting star Dwayne Bacon, who led the Seminoles with 25 points on 11-for-17 shooting Thursday night. There is talent on this team. NBA talent. Hamilton has always been known as a recruiter more than a tactician. Now comes the hard part. Proving otherwise. WhatÂs next? ÂWeÂre here and weÂll see,ÂŽ Hamilton said. You just never know. This FSU team can beat 11th-seeded Xavier, which knocked off Maryland in the first round. In fact, FSU can beat Arizona and Gonzaga, the only teams seeded higher than Florida State in the tournamentÂs West Region. There were times Thursday, watching these Seminoles run and jump and shoot and block, that the Final Four came to mind. Then the Seminoles would get sloppy and you forgot all that. This is a team capable of anything, good or bad. Boom or bust. Feast or famine. Hill endured growing pains and enough criticism that would make college quarterbacks cringe. But rather than wallow in pity, Hill embraced his weaknesses and focused on the road ahead. ÂItÂs definitely been a rough ride for me,ÂŽ Hill said. ÂItÂs been hard, very hard „ not playing well, coaching changes, just everything. ... ItÂs just been rough. But IÂm never going to quit. ÂThatÂs part of growth.ÂŽ While remaining a target, Hill has become one of FloridaÂs biggest threats. He improved his midand long-range shooting, got better from the free-throw line, stepped up his defense and took on a leadership role. He even spent six or seven days a week during the offseason in the teamÂs practice facility, and at times, could be found there in the wee hours of the night. ÂI definitely believe that this is my team,ÂŽ Hill said. ÂI know this is my team and the guys feed off of me and I have to go out and lead.ÂŽGATORSFrom Page 1 Associated PressJust when it seemed KentuckyÂs veterans would have to carry the load against Belmont, Maci Morris stepped up to provide one of her strengths. The Wildcats sophomore guard wasnÂt perfect from the foul line, but she was good enough to earn the Wildcats a tough victory. Morris made seven of eight free throws in the final 37 seconds, including two with 3.2 seconds remaining, to help fourth-seeded Kentucky edge No. 13 Belmont 73-70 on Friday in a first-round game of the NCAA Tournament. ÂFree-throw wise, I didnÂt want to miss,ÂŽ said Morris, a perimeter threat who also leads Kentucky at the line (88 percent). ÂIn the past I have missed some big free throws. I didnÂt want to miss. (Makayla) Epps told me after I missed one that I would make the next two.ÂŽ Wildcats seniors Epps and Evelyn Akhator did their parts before that to get Kentucky (22-10) ahead with 52 combined points that were needed to hold off the determined Bruins. Belmont (27-6) got within 69-68 on two Sally McCabe free throws with 13 seconds remaining.NOTRE DAME 79, ROBERT MORRIS 49: Marina Mabrey and Arike Ogunbowale scored 15 points each to help top-seed Notre Dame beat Robert Morris in the “ rst round. The Irish (31-3), who have won 15 straight, improved to 28-5 in seven tournament appearances as a No. 1 seed, but the 30-point margin of victory was the smallest during those games. The Irish previously had won by at least 31. It also was the smallest margin of defeat for the Colonials (22-11) in “ ve tournament games. OHIO STATE 70, WESTERN KENTUCKY 63: Kelsey Mitchell and Asia Doss each scored 15 points, Shayla Cooper grabbed a season-high 15 rebounds and Ohio State withstood a late charge from Western Kentucky. The “ fth-seeded Buckeyes (27-6) began to take control just before halftime and followed with timely baskets to keep a safe cushion against the No. 12 seed Hilltoppers. Ohio State eventually stretched a seven-point halftime advantage to 64-48 with 4:38 remaining before Western Kentucky used a 15-5 run to make it a two-possession game. N.C. STATE 62, AUBURN 48: Dominique Wilson scored 23 points and Miah Spencer added 13 to help No. 6-seed North Carolina State roll over cold-shooting No. 11 Auburn. The Wolfpack made the 1,200-mile trek to Texas peeved they werenÂt a higher seed and hosting the “ rst weekend, and quickly took out their frustrations on an Auburn team that struggled to score in the chilly air of a nearly-empty Frank Erwin Center. TEXAS 78, CENTRAL ARKANSAS 50: Brooke McCarty scored 15 points and No. 3-seed Texas overwhelmed No. 14 Central Arkansas in the “ rst half before cruising to a victory. Joyner Holmes added 12 points and nine rebounds for the Longhorns (23-8). Texas came in needing something good to happen after losing four of its “ nal six in the regular season, a disappointing “ nish after the Longhorns challenged for the Big 12 title. A rousing rout at home could be just the thing that gets them ready for another deep run into the NCAA Tournament after making it to the reginal “ nal in 2016. PURDUE 74, GREEN BAY 62: Ashley Morrisette scored 20 points, Dominique Oden added 13 and ninth-seeded Purdue beat No. 8 Green Bay. The Boilermakers (2312), playing their “ rst game since coach Sharon Versyp informed the team she was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer, made 63 percent of their shots in the “ rst quarter while holding Green Bay (27-6) to 23 percent shooting to take control and win for the eighth time in their last nine games. BRIDGEPORT REGIONMARYLAND 103, BUCKNELL 61: Shatori Walker-Kimbrough scored 28 points, Brionna Jones had 25 points and 10 rebounds, and Maryland beat Bucknell to earn its seventh consecutive trip to the second round of the NCAA Tournament. Playing at home in front of an enthusiastic crowd, the third-seeded Terrapins (31-2) built a 45-22 lead at halftime and expanded the margin to 30 points early in the third quarter over 14thseeded Bucknell (27-6). WEST VIRGINIA 75, ELON 62: Tynice Martin scored 26 points, Katrina Pardee made a pair of pivotal 3-pointers and West Virginia pulled away to a victory over 11th-seed Elon. The sixth-seeded Mountaineers (24-10) will next face Maryland on the Terrapins home ” oor Sunday. OKLAHOMA CITY REGIONMISSISSIPPI STATE 110, TROY 69: Blair Schaefer scored a career-high 21 points, Ameshya Williams added 15 and Mississippi State beat Troy. Mississippi State (30-4) used a 29-6 run in the second quarter to erase any doubt about the outcome. Schaefer was the Bulldogs unlikely star, making 6 of 9 shots, including 4 of 7 from 3-point range. DEPAUL 88, NORTHERN IOWA 67: Tanita Allen scored 25 points, Lauren Prochaska and Brooke Schulte each added 12 and DePaul beat Northern Iowa. Seventhseeded DePaul (27-7) kept up a torrid scoring pace despite fairly quiet games from Schulte and Jessica January, the teamÂs two leading scorers. Instead, it was Allen and Prochaska who were often the go-to options.STOCKTON REGIONOREGON STATE 56, LONG BEACH STATE 55: Breanna Brown scored 12 points and second-seeded Oregon State held off feisty No. 15 seed Long Beach State in the “ nal minute to eke out a victory. Mikayla Pivec and Marie Gulich each added 10 points for Oregon State (30-4), which was also seeded second last season when they made a run to the Final Four. Raven Benton had 17 points Long Beach State (23-11), which was trying to become the “ rst 15-seed to ever win a game in the womenÂs NCAA Tournament. SOUTH CAROLINA 90, UNC ASHEVILLE 50: Allisha Gray scored 22 points and had 12 rebounds to lead topseeded South Carolina to an easy win over No. 16 seed UNC Asheville. The Gamecocks (28-4) were missing Alania Coates their best rebounder and half of their twin tower frontcourt. But Gray, a 6-foot guard and transfer from North Carolina, scored 20 of her points in the paint and tied her best rebounding night of her career with eight by halftime. MISSOURI 66, SOUTH FLORIDA 64: Sierra Michaelis scored 16 points, including the game-winning basket with 0.6 seconds remaining, and No. 6 seed Missouri rallied from a 13-point halftime de“ cit to beat No. 11 South Florida. Michaelis had 13 of her points in the second half for the Tigers, who trailed 38-25 at halftime. Missouri (22-10) scored the “ rst seven points of the third quarter as part of a 12-3 run. The Tigers would eventually tie it at 50 on her 3-pointer with 7:59 remaining. Kitija LaksaÂs three-point play gave the Bulls the lead again before the Tigers took the lead on a 12-3 run. CREIGHTON 76, TOLEDO 49: Marissa Janning had 15 of her 19 points in the “ rst quarter and seventhseeded Creighton built an early lead and went on to rout No. 10 seed Toledo in the “ rst round. The Bluejays (24-7) will face second-seeded Oregon State (30-4) on Sunday. The Beavers, who advanced to the Final Four last season, held off Long Beach State and barely escaped with a 56-55 victory in the earlier game at Gill Coliseum. Sydney Lamberty added 16 for Creighton, which won a share of the Big East regular-season title and earned an at-large bid to the tournament. Mikaela Boyd had 11 points for Toledo (25-9). The Rockets had won eight straight going into the game but were outplayed by Creighton from the start and trailed by as many as 28 points. FLORIDA STATE 87, WESTERN ILLINOIS 66: Shakayla Thomas scored 23 points and third-seeded Florida State beat No. 14 Western Illinois. Thomas, who was the coaches choice as Atlantic Coast Conference Player of the Year, had 10 points in the third quarter as the Seminoles broke open a close game in the second half. Florida State (26-6) led 36-34 at halftime but went on a 14-5 run at the beginning of the third quarter to take control. Thomas also had 14 rebounds for her fourth double-double of the season. Chatrice White came off the bench to score 19 points and grab 14 rebounds while Imani Wright scored 14. WOMENÂS NCAA TOURNAMENT ROUNDUPAP PHOTOKentuckyÂs Maci Morris, middle, has to contend with her hair as well as BelmontÂs Jenny Roy, left, and Lauren Thompson during a first-round game in the womenÂs NCAA Tournament on Friday in Lexington, Ky. Kentucky won 73-70. Kentucky holds o Belmont SEMINOLESFrom Page 1 AP PHOTOMichiganÂs D.J. Wilson celebrates after hitting a 3-point basket during the second half against Oklahoma State in the menÂs NCAA college basketball tournament Friday in Indianapolis, Mo. MENÂS NCAA TOURNAMENT ROUNDUPMichigan delivers 3-point punch to knock out OSU
The Sun / Saturday, March 18, 2017 SP Page 5SCOREBOARD PRO BASKETBALLNBAAll Times Eastern EASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division W L Pct. GB Boston 44 25 .638 „ Toronto 40 29 .580 4 New York 27 42 .391 17 Philadelphia 25 43 .368 18 Brooklyn 13 55 .191 30 Southeast Division W L Pct. GB Washington 42 26 .618 „ Atlanta 37 31 .544 5 Miami 33 35 .485 9 Charlotte 29 39 .426 13 Orlando 24 45 .348 18 Central Division W L Pct. GB Cleveland 45 22 .672 „ Indiana 35 33 .515 10 Milwaukee 33 34 .493 12 Detroit 33 36 .478 13 Chicago 32 37 .464 14WESTERN CONFERENCESouthwest Division W L Pct. GB x-San Antonio 52 15 .776 „ x-Houston 47 21 .691 5 Memphis 39 30 .565 14 Dallas 29 39 .426 23 New Orleans 27 41 .397 25 Northwest Division W L Pct. GB Utah 43 26 .623 „ Oklahoma City 39 29 .574 3 Denver 33 35 .485 9 Portland 30 37 .448 12 Minnesota 28 39 .418 14 Paci“ c Division W L Pct. GB z-Golden State 54 14 .794 „ L.A. Clippers 40 29 .580 14 Sacramento 27 41 .397 27 Phoenix 22 46 .324 32 L.A. Lakers 20 48 .294 34 x-clinched playoff berth; z-clinched division titleThursdayÂs GamesCleveland 91, Utah 83 Oklahoma City 123, Toronto 102 Brooklyn 121, New York 110 Memphis 103, Atlanta 91 Denver 129, L.A. Clippers 114 Golden State 122, Orlando 92FridayÂs Games Philadelphia 116, Dallas 74 Washington 112, Chicago 107 Boston 98, Brooklyn 95 Toronto 87, Detroit 75 Houston at New Orleans, late Minnesota at Miami, late Orlando at Phoenix, late Milwaukee at L.A. Lakers, late TodayÂs Games Sacramento at Oklahoma City, 3 p.m. Portland at Atlanta, 6 p.m. Washington at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Cleveland at L.A. Clippers, 8:30 p.m. San Antonio at Memphis, 9 p.m. Utah at Chicago, 9 p.m. Houston at Denver, 9:30 p.m. Milwaukee at Golden State, 10:30 p.m. SundayÂs Games Dallas at Brooklyn, 12 p.m. Boston at Philadelphia, 1 p.m. Phoenix at Detroit, 4:30 p.m. Indiana at Toronto, 6 p.m. Minnesota at New Orleans, 6 p.m. Portland at Miami, 6 p.m. Sacramento at San Antonio, 7 p.m. Cleveland at L.A. Lakers, 9:30 p.m.COLLEGE BASKETBALL NCAA TOURNAMENTAll Times Eastern FIRST FOUR At UD Arena, Dayton, Ohio March 14Mount St. MaryÂs 67, New Orleans 66 Kansas State 95, Wake Forest 88March 15UC Davis 67, NC Central 63 Southern California 75, Providence 71EAST REGIONAL First Round Thursday At KeyBank Center, Buffalo, N.Y.Villanova 76, Mount St. MaryÂs 56 Wisconsin 84, Virginia Tech 74At Amway Center, Orlando, Fla.Virginia 76, UNC Wilmington 71 Florida 80, ETSU 65Friday At Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, S.C.Duke 87, Troy 65 South Carolina (22-10) vs. Marquette (19-12), lateAt BOK Center, Tulsa, Okla.Baylor 91, New Mexico State 73Southern California 66, SMU 65 Second Round Today At KeyBank Center, Buffalo, N.Y.Villanova (32-3) vs. Wisconsin (26-9), 2:45 p.m.At Amway Center, Orlando, Fla.Florida (25-8) vs. Virginia (23-10), 8:45 p.m.Sunday At Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, S.C.Duke (28-8) vs. South Carolina-Marquette winnerAt BOK Center, Tulsa, Okla.Baylor (26-7) vs. Southern Cal (26-9)At Madison Square Garden, New York Regional Semi“ nals March 24Second-round winnersRegional Championship March 26Semi“ nal winnersBAYLOR 91, NEW MEXICO ST. 73NEW MEXICO ST. (28-6) Chuha 5-8 1-4 11, Wilkins 2-3 0-0 5, Baker 6-18 6-7 19, Taylor 1-1 0-0 3, Huggins 7-15 2-2 19, J.Jones 2-6 0-0 4, Bhullar 2-3 0-0 4, Garza 0-1 0-0 0, Ellis 3-8 0-0 8, Haley 0-1 0-0 0, Pennie 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 28-64 9-13 73. BAYLOR (26-7) Lual-Acuil 7-10 2-4 16, Motley 7-14 0-0 15, Wainright 2-3 4-4 8, McClure 0-0 0-0 0, Lecomte 3-9 4-4 10, Davis 1-1 0-0 2, Maston 9-12 1-1 19, Omot 0-0 0-0 0, Freeman 6-10 6-6 21, Lindsey 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 35-61 17-19 91. Halftime„New Mexico St. 40-38. 3-Point Goals„New Mexico St. 8-22 (Huggins 3-8, Ellis 2-7, Taylor 1-1, Wilkins 1-1, Baker 1-4, Haley 0-1), Baylor 4-8 (Freeman 3-3, Motley 1-2, Lindsey 0-1, Lecomte 0-2). Fouled Out„Taylor. Rebounds„New Mexico St. 21 (J.Jones, Chuha 6), Baylor 38 (Motley 10). Assists„New Mexico St. 15 (J.Jones 7), Baylor 15 (Lindsey 5). Total Fouls„New Mexico St. 18, Baylor 15.SOUTHERN CAL 66, SMU 65SOUTHERN CAL (26-9) Boatwright 6-10 0-0 14, Metu 3-5 8-9 14, Melton 2-3 0-1 4, Stewart 8-15 0-0 22, McLaughlin 2-7 1-2 5, Buggs 0-1 1-2 1, Rakocevic 1-2 0-0 2, Aaron 0-1 0-0 0, Mathews 2-6 0-0 4. Totals 24-50 10-14 66. SMU (30-5) Moore 2-5 1-2 5, Ojeleye 8-20 6-6 24, Foster 3-4 1-2 8, Milton 4-12 0-0 11, Brown 7-12 0-1 17, Emelogu 0-4 0-0 0. Totals 24-57 8-11 65. Halftime„SMU 38-30. 3-Point Goals„Southern Cal 8-29 (Stewart 6-13, Boatwright 2-5, Buggs 0-1, Melton 0-1, Aaron 0-1, Mathews 0-3, McLaughlin 0-5), SMU 9-23 (Brown 3-4, Milton 3-8, Ojeleye 2-6, Foster 1-2, Emelogu 0-3). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Southern Cal 30 (Metu 7), SMU 29 (Ojeleye 10). Assists„Southern Cal 14 (McLaughlin 7), SMU 11 (Milton 5). Total Fouls„Southern Cal 16, SMU 15.DUKE 87, TROY 65TROY (22-15) Davis 0-2 0-0 0, Varnado 7-12 3-3 18, Person 5-10 3-3 15, Baker 2-9 0-0 5, Walker 2-6 2-2 6, Moreman 0-0 1-2 1, Hicks 6-9 2-2 14, Moravek 0-0 1-2 1, Ariri 0-0 0-0 0, Miller 0-0 0-0 0, Hollimon 2-9 0-0 5, Peace 0-2 0-0 0, Hopkins 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 24-59 12-14 65. DUKE (28-8) Jefferson 3-7 2-2 8, Tatum 5-13 7-10 18, Kennard 3-12 0-0 8, Jackson 5-10 2-4 14, Jones 5-7 1-1 14, Giles 0-1 0-0 0, DeLaurier 1-1 0-0 2, White 0-0 0-0 0, Vrankovic 1-1 0-0 2, Allen 6-10 4-6 21. Totals 29-62 16-23 87. Halftime„Duke 52-38. 3-Point Goals„Troy 5-23 (Person 2-5, Hollimon 1-4, Varnado 1-5, Baker 1-7, Davis 0-2), Duke 13-28 (Allen 5-9, Jones 3-5, Kennard 2-5, Jackson 2-6, Tatum 1-3). Fouled Out„Peace. Rebounds„Troy 32 (Varnado 10), Duke 33 (Tatum 12). Assists„ Troy 10 (Varnado 4), Duke 15 (Allen 4). Total Fouls„Troy 19, Duke 17. Technicals„Baker.SOUTH REGIONAL First Round Thursday At BMO Harris Bradley Center, MilwaukeeButler 76, Winthrop 74 Middle Tennessee 81, Minnesota 72Friday At Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, S.C.Arkansas 77, Seton Hall 71 North Carolina 103, Texas Southern 64At Bankers Life Fieldhouse, IndianapolisWichita State 64, Dayton 58 Kentucky (29-5) vs. Northern Kentucky (24-10), lateAt Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, Calif.Cincinnati 75, Kansas State 61 UCLA (29-4) vs. Kent State (22-13), lateSecond Round Today At BMO Harris Bradley Center, MilwaukeeButler (24-8) vs. Middle Tennessee (31-4), 7:10 p.m.Sunday At Bon Secours Wellness Arena, Greenville, S.C.North Carolina (28-7) vs. Arkansas (26-9)At Bankers Life Fieldhouse, IndianapolisKentucky-Northern Kentucky winner vs. Wichita State (31-4)At Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, Calif.UCLA-Kent State winner vs. Cincinnati (30-5)At FedEx Forum, Memphis, Tenn. Regional Semi“ nals March 24Second-round winnersRegional Championship March 26Semi“ nal winnersARKANSAS 77, SETON HALL 71SETON HALL (21-12) Nzei 2-6 2-2 6, Delgado 4-11 4-5 12, Rodriguez 4-17 1-5 10, Carrington 8-17 3-5 22, M.Jones 4-8 3-4 11, Sanogo 0-1 0-0 0, Anthony 0-0 0-0 0, Powell 4-9 0-0 10. Totals 26-69 13-21 71. ARKANSAS (26-9) D.Thomas 6-9 1-2 13, Kingsley 10-13 2-2 23, Watkins 0-3 0-0 0, Hannahs 3-8 6-6 14, Barford 8-17 4-5 20, Cook 0-1 0-0 0, Thompson 0-0 0-0 0, Macon 1-7 5-8 7, Beard 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 28-59 18-23 77. Halftime„37-37. 3-Point Goals„Seton Hall 6-17 (Carrington 3-6, Powell 2-5, Rodriguez 1-5, M.Jones 0-1), Arkansas 3-7 (Hannahs 2-3, Kingsley 1-1, Watkins 0-1, Macon 0-1, Barford 0-1). Fouled Out„Delgado. Rebounds„Seton Hall 43 (Delgado 13), Arkansas 29 (Barford 7). Assists„Seton Hall 10 (Delgado, Rodriguez, Carrington, Powell 2), Arkansas 13 (Hannahs 3). Total Fouls„Seton Hall 18, Arkansas 20.NORTH CAROLINA 103, TEXAS SOUTHERN 64TEXAS SOUTHERN (23-12) Jones 3-5 0-0 6, Jefferson 6-15 0-0 13, Scott 6-14 3-4 19, Lofton 2-11 5-6 9, McCloud 0-3 0-0 0, Bennett 0-1 0-0 0, Washington 0-0 1-2 1, Walker 2-6 2-2 6, Bynum 1-1 0-0 3, D.Robinson 2-4 2-2 7. Totals 22-60 13-16 64. NORTH CAROLINA (28-7) Hicks 8-12 1-3 17, Meeks 3-4 7-10 13, Jackson 8-13 0-0 21, Pinson 1-2 1-2 3, Berry 1-8 0-0 3, Rohlman 0-1 0-0 0, Bradley 6-8 0-0 12, Maye 4-11 2-3 10, Rush 0-0 0-0 0, White 2-6 2-2 6, Britt 3-6 2-2 10, Woods 0-2 2-2 2, B.Robinson 1-1 0-0 2, Coker 1-1 2-2 4. Totals 38-75 19-26 103. Halftime„North Carolina 52-27. 3-Point Goals„Texas Southern 7-27 (Scott 4-8, Bynum 1-1, D.Robinson 1-3, Jefferson 1-7, Walker 0-2, Lofton 0-3, McCloud 0-3), North Carolina 8-22 (Jackson 5-8, Britt 2-4, Berry 1-6, Pinson 0-1, Woods 0-1, Maye 0-2). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Texas Southern 24 (Walker 6), North Carolina 50 (Maye 9). Assists„Texas Southern 9 (Scott 3), North Carolina 18 (Britt 5). Total Fouls„Texas Southern 17, North Carolina 13.WICHITA ST. 64, DAYTON 58WICHITA ST. (31-4) Brown 4-5 1-2 12, McDuf“ e 1-8 6-6 8, Morris 4-7 2-4 10, Frankamp 1-5 0-0 3, Shamet 3-9 6-8 13, Kelly 3-5 1-3 8, Willis 1-2 2-2 4, Nurger 2-3 0-0 4, D.Smith 0-3 0-0 0, Reaves 0-1 2-2 2. Totals 19-48 20-27 64. DAYTON (24-8) Williams 1-9 1-2 3, Pollard 4-11 5-7 13, S.Smith 9-17 3-3 25, Cooke 1-10 3-4 6, K.Davis 1-1 3-4 6, Cunningham 1-3 0-0 2, Miller 1-4 0-0 3, Mikesell 0-0 0-0 0, D.Davis 0-2 0-0 0, Crosby 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 18-58 15-20 58. Halftime„Dayton 29-27. 3-Point Goals„ Wichita St. 6-20 (Brown 3-3, Kelly 1-2, Frankamp 1-3, Shamet 1-5, Morris 0-1, Reaves 0-1, D.Smith 0-2, McDuf“ e 0-3), Dayton 7-22 (S.Smith 4-10, K.Davis 1-1, Miller 1-3, Cooke 1-3, Williams 0-5). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Wichita St. 40 (Kelly 11), Dayton 24 (Williams 6). Assists„Wichita St. 11 (Frankamp, Shamet 3), Dayton 11 (S.Smith 4). Total Fouls„Wichita St. 19, Dayton 23.CINCINNATI 75, KANSAS ST. 61KANSAS ST. (21-14) Wade 4-9 0-0 9, Iwundu 5-10 6-6 19, D.Johnson 3-6 2-2 8, Brown 3-10 0-0 7, Stokes 2-10 0-0 5, Maurice 2-5 1-3 5, Sneed 0-0 2-2 2, McAtee 0-0 0-0 0, Budke 0-0 0-0 0, Winter 1-1 0-0 2, Ervin 1-3 1-2 4, Patrick 0-0 0-0 0, Schoen 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 21-54 12-15 61. CINCINNATI (30-5) Washington 5-6 6-8 16, Clark 6-10 2-4 15, Caupain 7-10 7-7 23, K.Johnson 1-3 0-1 2, Evans 4-8 0-0 9, Moore 0-0 0-0 0, Brooks 0-1 1-2 1, Cumberland 4-5 0-0 9, Jenifer 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-43 16-22 75. Halftime„Cincinnati 39-28. 3-Point Goals„ Kansas St. 7-18 (Iwundu 3-5, Ervin 1-1, Wade 1-3, Brown 1-4, Stokes 1-5), Cincinnati 5-11 (Caupain 2-4, Cumberland 1-1, Clark 1-2, Evans 1-3, K.Johnson 0-1). Fouled Out„ None. Rebounds„Kansas St. 21 (Iwundu 4), Cincinnati 28 (Caupain, Clark 7). Assists„ Kansas St. 10 (Iwundu 3), Cincinnati 10 (Evans 5). Total Fouls„Kansas St. 19, Cincinnati 12.MIDWEST REGIONAL First Round Thursday At BMO Harris Bradley Center, MilwaukeePurdue 80, Vermont 70 Iowa State 84, Nevada 73Friday At Bankers Life Fieldhouse, IndianapolisMichigan 92, Oklahoma State 91 Louisville 78, Jacksonville State 63At BOK Center, Tulsa, Okla.Kansas 100, UC Davis 62 Miami (21-11) vs. Michigan State (19-14), lateAt Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, Calif.Oregon 93, Iona 77 Rhode Island 84, Creighton 72Second Round Today At BMO Harris Bradley Center, MilwaukeePurdue (26-7) vs. Iowa State (24-10), 9:45 p.m.Sunday At Bankers Life Fieldhouse, IndianapolisLouisville (25-8) vs. Michigan (25-11)At BOK Center, Tulsa, Okla.Kansas (29-4) vs. Miami-Michigan State winnerAt Golden 1 Center, Sacramento, Calif.Oregon (30-5) vs. Rhode Island (25-9)At The Sprint Center, Kansas City, Mo. Regional Semi“ nals March 23Second-round winnersRegional Championship March 25Semi“ nal winnersMICHIGAN 92, OKLAHOMA ST. 91OKLAHOMA ST. (20-13) Hammonds 4-6 1-1 10, Solomon 4-6 0-0 8, Evans 10-26 2-3 23, Forte 4-9 3-3 12, Carroll 6-8 4-4 19, McGriff 2-2 0-0 4, Waters 0-0 3-3 3, Averette 0-0 0-0 0, Dillard 5-7 1-2 12. Totals 35-64 14-16 91. MICHIGAN (25-11) Wilson 6-12 6-6 19, Wagner 2-4 2-2 6, Walton 7-13 6-7 26, Abdur-Rahkman 6-11 1-1 16, Irvin 6-11 0-0 16, Donnal 0-0 1-2 1, Simpson 0-0 0-0 0, Robinson 2-5 2-4 8. Totals 29-56 18-22 92. Halftime„Michigan 41-40. 3-Point Goals„ Oklahoma St. 7-16 (Carroll 3-4, Dillard 1-2, Evans 1-3, Hammonds 1-3, Forte 1-4), Michigan 16-29 (Walton 6-9, Irvin 4-6, Abdur-Rahkman 3-6, Robinson 2-4, Wilson 1-3, Wagner 0-1). Fouled Out„Hammonds, Dillard. Rebounds„Oklahoma St. 34 (Solomon 8), Michigan 16 (Wilson, Walton 5). Assists„ Oklahoma St. 17 (Evans 12), Michigan 19 (Walton 11). Total Fouls„Oklahoma St. 22, Michigan 14.LOUISVILLE 78, JACKSONVILLE ST. 63JACKSONVILLE ST. (20-15) Cunningham 2-4 0-0 4, Giga 11-13 3-4 30, Tucker 3-10 2-2 11, Drumwright 4-12 2-2 12, Durham 1-1 0-0 2, Cross 0-1 0-0 0, Edwards 2-5 0-0 4, Spears 0-0 0-0 0, Statam 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 23-46 7-8 63. LOUISVILLE (25-8) Johnson 3-8 0-0 6, Adel 6-7 2-2 16, Mathiang 8-13 2-2 18, Snider 6-14 1-2 16, Mitchell 3-15 3-3 9, Mahmoud 0-1 0-2 0, Spalding 4-4 3-3 11, King 1-2 0-0 2, Hicks 0-0 0-0 0, Levitch 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 31-64 11-14 78. Halftime„Louisville 38-31. 3-Point Goals„Jacksonville St. 10-19 (Giga 5-5, Tucker 3-6, Drumwright 2-8), Louisville 5-15 (Snider 3-7, Adel 2-2, Mitchell 0-6). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Jacksonville St. 19 (Giga 9), Louisville 33 (Mitchell 10). Assists„Jacksonville St. 14 (Drumwright 6), Louisville 14 (Snider, Mitchell 5). Total Fouls„ Jacksonville St. 14, Louisville 12.OREGON 93, IONA 77IONA (22-13) Washington 10-17 2-5 22, McGill 0-3 1-2 1, Much 5-14 0-0 15, Casimir 2-4 2-2 6, Crawford 3-8 0-0 8, Bessick 0-1 0-0 0, Severe 3-7 3-4 9, Cassell 5-11 3-3 16, Svandrlik 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 28-65 11-16 77. OREGON (30-5) Bell 7-8 3-4 17, Brooks 6-11 4-4 18, Ennis 2-8 1-3 5, Dorsey 9-13 4-6 24, Pritchard 6-10 0-0 16, Sorkin 0-0 0-0 0, Bigby-Williams 1-4 2-4 4, Smith 0-1 0-0 0, Benson 4-8 0-0 9. Totals 35-63 14-21 93. Halftime„Oregon 55-37. 3-Point Goals„Iona 10-26 (Much 5-10, Cassell 3-5, Crawford 2-5, Washington 0-1, Casimir 0-1, Severe 0-2, McGill 0-2), Oregon 9-23 (Pritchard 4-7, Dorsey 2-4, Brooks 2-5, Benson 1-4, Ennis 0-3). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„Iona 28 (Washington 12), Oregon 38 (Bell 11). Assists„Iona 10 (Casimir 3), Oregon 13 (Brooks, Pritchard 4). Total Fouls„Iona 17, Oregon 14.RHODE ISLAND 84, CREIGHTON 72RHODE ISLAND (25-9) Iverson 6-13 2-2 17, Martin 6-8 0-1 12, Matthews 3-12 10-10 16, Dowtin 6-8 10-10 23, Terrell 3-8 6-6 12, Akele 0-1 0-0 0, Berry 0-0 0-0 0, Layssard 0-0 0-0 0, Langevine 1-2 0-0 2, Thompson 0-0 0-2 0, Robinson 1-5 0-0 2, Leviton 0-0 0-0 0, Garrett 0-1 0-0 0, Dadika 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 26-58 28-31 84. CREIGHTON (25-10) Huff 2-5 0-0 5, Patton 3-12 2-3 8, Thomas 4-8 0-0 10, Mintz 1-3 0-0 2, Foster 6-19 2-4 15, Hegner 2-5 2-2 7, Krampelj 1-1 0-0 2, Hanson 1-2 0-0 2, Clement 0-0 0-0 0, Harrell 4-7 7-10 15, Scurry 1-1 0-0 3, Paras 1-1 0-0 3, Zierden 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 26-65 13-19 72. Halftime„Rhode Island 33-26. 3-Point Goals„Rhode Island 4-21 (Iverson 3-8, Dowtin 1-2, Akele 0-1, Garrett 0-1, Robinson 0-2, Terrell 0-3, Matthews 0-4), Creighton 7-23 (Thomas 2-2, Scurry 1-1, Paras 1-1, Huff 1-3, Hegner 1-4, Foster 1-7, Patton 0-1, Mintz 0-1, Zierden 0-1, Harrell 0-2). Fouled Out„Patton. Rebounds„Rhode Island 38 (Martin 8), Creighton 35 (Patton, Thomas 7). Assists„ Rhode Island 10 (Iverson, Matthews, Martin 2), Creighton 11 (Harrell 4). Total Fouls„ Rhode Island 16, Creighton 20.KANSAS 100, UC DAVIS 62UC DAVIS (23-13) Adenrele 2-2 0-0 4, Moneke 8-13 4-6 20, White 2-6 0-0 4, Da.Graham 0-3 2-2 2, Lemar 4-17 6-6 17, Henn 0-2 0-0 0, Funtarov 0-1 0-0 0, Goode 1-3 0-0 2, Hennings 1-4 1-1 3, Onyebalu 0-1 0-0 0, Schneider 3-10 3-3 10. Totals 21-62 16-18 62. KANSAS (29-4) Lucas 6-10 1-1 13, Mason 8-14 3-4 22, Jackson 8-12 0-0 17, Mykhailiuk 5-10 4-4 16, De.Graham 4-7 4-4 16, Lightfoot 0-0 0-0 0, Bragg 2-3 2-2 6, Coleby 1-1 0-1 2, Vang 0-0 0-0 0, Young 0-0 0-0 0, Vick 1-6 1-2 3, Self 1-1 2-2 5. Totals 36-64 17-20 100. Halftime„Kansas 50-28. 3-Point Goals„UC Davis 4-20 (Lemar 3-8, Schneider 1-5, Henn 0-1, Hennings 0-1, Onyebalu 0-1, Da.Graham 0-1, Funtarov 0-1, White 0-2), Kansas 11-25 (De.Graham 4-7, Mason 3-7, Mykhailiuk 2-7, Self 1-1, Jackson 1-1, Vick 0-2). Fouled Out„None. Rebounds„UC Davis 25 (Moneke 9), Kansas 44 (Lucas 11). Assists„UC Davis 7 (Hennings, Da.Graham, Lemar 2), Kansas 19 (Mason 8). Total Fouls„UC Davis 19, Kansas 17. Technicals„UC Davis coach Jim Les.WEST REGIONAL First Round Thursday At KeyBank Center, Buffalo, N.Y.Notre Dame 60, Princeton 58 West Virginia 86, Bucknell 80At Amway Center, Orlando, Fla.Xavier 76, Maryland 65 Florida State 86, Florida Gulf Coast 80At Vivint Smart Home Arena, Salt Lake CityGonzaga 66, South Dakota State 46 Northwestern 68, Vanderbilt 66 Saint MaryÂs 85, VCU 77 Arizona 100, North Dakota 82Second Round Today At KeyBank Center, Buffalo, N.Y.West Virginia (27-8) vs. Notre Dame (26-9), 12:10 p.m.At Amway Center, Orlando, Fla.Florida State (26-8) vs. Xavier (22-13), 6:10 p.m.At Vivint Smart Home Arena, Salt Lake CityGonzaga (33-1) vs. Northwestern (24-11), 5:15 p.m. Arizona (31-4) vs. Saint MaryÂs (29-4), 7:45 p.m.At SAP Center, San Jose, Calif. Regional Semi“ nals March 23Second-round winnersRegional Championship March 25Semi“ nal winnersFINAL FOUR At Univ. of Phoenix Stadium, Glendale, Ariz. National Semi“ nals April 1East champion vs. West champion South champion vs. Midwest championNational Championship April 3Semi“ nal winnersNATIONAL INVITATION TOURNAMENT All Times Eastern First Round March 14Illinois 82, Valparaiso 57 Mississippi 91, Monmouth 83 Oakland 74, Clemson 69 Georgia Tech 75, Indiana 63 Colorado State 81, College of Charleston 74 Richmond 71, Alabama 64 Boise St. 73, Utah 68 CS Bakers“ eld 73, California 66 UNC-Greensboro at Syracuse, ppd.March 15Syracuse 90, UNC-Greensboro 77 Belmont 78, Georgia 69 UCF 79, Colorado 74 Akron 78, Houston 75 TCU 66, Fresno St. 59 Iowa 87, South Dakota 75 Illinois State 85, UC Irvine 71 Texas-Arlington 105, BYU 89Second Round TodayMississippi (21-13) at Syracuse (19-14), 11 a.m.SundayBelmont (23-6) at Georgia Tech (18-15), noon TCU (20-15) at Iowa (19-14), 5 p.m. Oakland (25-8) at Richmond (21-12), 7:30 p.m.MondayUCF (22-11) at Illinois State (28-6), 7 p.m. Akron (27-8) at Texas-Arlington (26-8), 8 p.m. Boise State (20-11) at Illinois (19-14), 9 p.m. CS Bakers“ eld (23-9) at Colorado State (24-11), 11 p.m.COLLEGEINSIDER.COM TOURNAMENTAll Times Eastern First Round March 13Liberty 73, Norfolk State 64March 14Saint Francis (Pa.) 78, Jacksonville 76 Campbell 98, Houston Baptist 79 Samford 78, Canisius 74March 15Fort Wayne 88, Ball State 80 UMBC 88, Fair“ eld 83 Texas A&M-Corpus Christi 80, Georgia State 64 Idaho 73, Stephen F. Austin 50ThursdaySaint PeterÂs 59, Albany (NY) 55 Furman 79, SC Upstate 57 UT Martin 89, UNC Asheville 75 Texas State 72, Lamar 58 Weber State 80, Cal State Fullerton 76Second Round March 17-20TBDCOLLEGE BASKETBALL INVITATIONALAll Times Eastern First Round March 15Utah Valley 74, Georgia Southern 49 Loyola (Md.) 73, George Mason 58 Coastal Carolina 83, Hampton 67 George Washington 73, Toledo 69 Rice 85, San Francisco 76 UMKC 92, Green Bay 82 Wyoming 91, Eastern Washington 81 ThursdayUIC 71, Stony Brook 69Quarter“ nals MondayLoyola (Md.) (16-16) at Coastal Carolina (17-17), 7 p.m. George Washington (20-14) at UIC (16-18), 8 p.m. Utah Valley (16-16) at Rice (23-11), 8 p.m. UMKC (18-16) at Wyoming (19-14), 9 p.m.WOMENÂS BASKETBALL NCAA TOURNAMENTBRIDGEPORT REGIONAL First Round Friday At College Park, Md.Maryland 103, Bucknell 61 West Virginia 75, Elon 62Today At Storrs, Conn.UConn (32-0) vs. Albany (NY) (21-10), 11 a.m. Syracuse (21-1) vs. Iowa State (18-12), 1:30 p.m.At Los AngelesUCLA (23-8) vs. Boise State (25-7), 6:30 p.m. Texas A&M (21-11) vs. Penn (22-7), 9 p.m.At Durham, N.C.Temple (24-7) vs. Oregon (20-13), 6:30 p.m. Duke (27-5) vs. Hampton (20-12), 9 p.m.Second Round Sunday At College Park, Md.Maryland (31-2) vs. West Virginia (24-10)Monday At Storrs, Conn.UConn-Albany (NY) winner vs. Syracuse-Iowa State winnerAt Los AngelesUCLA-Boise State winner vs. Texas A&M-Penn winnerAt Durham, N.C.Temple-Oregon winner vs. Duke-Hampton winnerRegional Semi“ nals March 25 At Bridgeport, Conn.Second-round winnersRegional Championship March 27Semi“ nal winnersOKLAHOMA CITY REGIONAL First Round Friday At Starkville, Miss.DePaul 88, Northern Iowa 67 Mississippi State 110, Troy 69Today At Waco, TexasBaylor (30-3) vs. Texas Southern (23-9), 6:30 p.m. LSU (20-11) vs. California (19-13), 9 p.m.At Louisville, Ky.Louisville (27-7) vs. Chattanooga (21-10), 1:30 p.m. Tennessee (19-11) vs. Dayton (22-9), 4 p.m.At SeattleOklahoma (22-9) vs. Gonzaga (26-6), 6:30 p.m. Washington (27-5) vs. Montana State (25-6), 9 p.m.Second Round Sunday At Starkville, Miss.DePaul (27-7) vs. Mississippi State (30-4)Monday At Waco, TexasBaylor-Texas Southern winner vs. LSU-California winnerAt Louisville, Ky.Louisville-Chattanooga winner vs. TennesseeDayton winnerAt SeattleOklahoma-Gonzaga winner vs. WashingtonMontana State winnerRegional Semi“ nals March 24 At Oklahoma CitySecond-round winnersRegional Championship March 26Semi“ nal winnersLEXINGTON REGIONAL First Round Friday At South Bend, Ind.Purdue 74, Green Bay 62 Notre Dame 79, Robert Morris 49At Lexington, Ky.Kentucky 73, Belmont 70 Ohio State 70, Western Kentucky 63At Austin, TexasNC State 62, Auburn 48 Texas 78, Central Arkansas 50Today At Manhattan, Kan.Stanford (28-5) vs. New Mexico State (24-6), 1:30 p.m. Kansas State (22-10) vs. Drake (28-4), 4 p.m.Second Round Sunday At South Bend, Ind.Purdue (23-12) vs. Notre Dame (31-3)At Lexington, Ky.Kentucky (22-10) vs. Ohio State (27-6)At Austin, TexasNC State (23-8) vs. Texas (24-8)Monday At Manhattan, Kan.Stanford-New Mexico State winner vs. Kansas State-Drake winnerRegional Semi“ nals March 24 At Lexington, Ky.Second-round winnersRegional Championship March 26Semi“ nal winnersSTOCKTON REGIONAL Friday At Columbia, S.C.South Carolina 90, UNC-Asheville 40 Arizona State 73, Michigan State 61At Tallahassee, Fla.Missouri 66, South Florida 64 Florida State 87, Western Illinois 66At Corvallis, Ore.Oregon State 56, Long Beach State 55 Creighton 76, Toledo 49Today At Coral Gables, Fla.Marquette (25-7) vs. Quinnipiac (27-6), 1:30 p.m. Miami (23-8) vs. Florida Gulf Coast (26-8), 4 p.m.Second Round Sunday At Columbia, S.C.South Carolina (28-4) vs. Arizona State (20-12)At Tallahassee, Fla.Missouri (22-10) vs. Florida State (26-6)At Corvallis, Ore.Oregon State (30-4) vs. Creighton (24-7)Monday At Coral Gables, Fla.Marquette-Quinnipiac winner vs. Miami-Florida Gulf Coast winnerRegional Semi“ nals March 25Second-round winnersRegional Championship March 27Semi“ nal winnersFINAL FOUR At Dallas National Semi“ nals March 31Bridgeport winner vs. Oklahoma City winner Lexington winner vs. Stockton winnerNational Championship April 2Semi“ nal winners ODDSPREGAME.COM LINECOLLEGE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENTSTodayFavorite Line Underdog West Virginia 3 Notre Dame Villanova 5 Wisconsin Florida 1 Virginia Florida St. 6 Xavier Butler 4 Middle Tennessee Purdue 1 Iowa St. Gonzaga 11 Northwestern Arizona 4 Saint MaryÂs Cal at Syracuse 7 Mississippi at UMBC 5 St. Francis Pa.Sundayat Richmond 4 Oakland at Iowa 2 TCU at Texas State Off Idaho at Georgia Tech 4 BelmontMondayat Illinois St. 6 UCF at Texas-Arlington 5 Akron at Illinois 7 Boise St. at Colorado St. 5 CS Bakers“ eld at Coastal Carolina 5 Loyola Maryland at Rice 5 Utah Valley at Wyoming 8 UMKC George Washington 5 at Ill.-Chicago UT Martin 1 at Campbell at Liberty 1 SamfordNATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATIONTodayFavorite Line O/U Underdog Utah 7 192 at Chicago at Oklahoma City 12 216 Sacramento at Atlanta 3 214 Portland at Charlotte Off Off Washington at L.A. Clippers Off Off Cleveland San Antonio 3 198 at Memphis Houston 3 238 at Denver at Golden State 11 217 MilwaukeeNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUEToday Favorite Line Underdog Line at Detroit -180 Colorado +165 Columbus -120 at NY Islanders +110 Chicago -111 at Toronto +101 Nashville -106 at Carolina -104 Washington -129 at Tampa Bay +119 at Minnesota Off N.Y. Rangers Off Montreal -109 at Ottawa -101 St. Louis -140 at Arizona +130 at Edmonton -247 Vancouver +227 at San Jose Off Anaheim OffUpdated odds available at Pregame.comTRANSACTIONSBASEBALLAmerican LeagueBALTIMORE ORIOLES „ Released RHP Logan Ondrusek. BOSTON RED SOX „ Optioned LHP Luis Ysla and RHP Kyle Martin to Pawtucket (IL). Reassigned RHP Marcus Walden to their minor league camp. KANSAS CITY ROYALS „ Optioned RHP Andrew Edwards, C Cam Gallagher, INFs Hunter Dozier and Ramon Torres and OFs Jorge Bonifacio and Bubba Starling to Omaha (PCL). NEW YORK YANKEES „ Optioned INF Jorge Mateo to Tampa (FSL) and reassigned him to their minor league camp. SEATTLE MARINERS „ Optioned RHP Chase De Jong and OF Boog Powell to Tacoma (PCL).National LeagueCHICAGO CUBS „ Optioned RHPs Pierce Johnson and Felix Pena, C Victor Caratini and OF Jacob Hannemann to Iowa (PCL). Assigned INF Chesny Young and OFs Eloy Jimenez and Mark Zagunis to their minor league camp. COLORADO ROCKIES „ Optioned RHPs Shane Carle, Rayan Gonzalez and Zach Jemiola to Albuquerque (PCL). MIAMI MARLINS „ Optioned INFs JT Riddle and Yefri Perez to New Orleans (PCL), and C Austin Nola and LHP Drew Peters to Jacksonville (SL). Reassigned LHP Kyle Lobstein to their minor league camp. MILWAUKEE BREWERS „ Optioned OFs Lewis Brinson, Ryan Cordell and Brett Phillips to their minor league camp. Reassigned RHP Forrest Snow to their minor league camp. NEW YORK METS „ Optioned C Tomas Nido to their minor league camp. PITTSBURGH PIRATES „ Optioned RHP Dovydas Neverauskas and INF Chris Bostick to Indianapolis (IL). Reassigned OF Barrett Barnes, INF Erich Weiss and C Christian Kelley to their minor league camp. WASHINGTON NATIONALS „ Optioned OF Rafael Bautista and RHP Austin Adams to Syracuse (IL).American AssociationFARGO-MOORHEAD REDHAWKS „ Released 1B Brian Humphries.Can-Am LeagueQUEBEC CAPITALES „ Sold the contract of RHP Karl Triana to Atlanta (NL).FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueARIZONA CARDINALS „ Re-signed DT Frostee Rucker to a one-year contract BUFFALO BILLS „ Signed RB Joe Banyard, CB Leonard Johnson and WR Corey Washington. CHICAGO BEARS „ Signed DL John Jenkins to a one-year contract. CINCINNATI BENGALS „ Re-signed C T.J. Johnson. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS „ Signed NT Al Woods. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS „ Signed DB Justin Coleman. NEW YORK GIANTS „ Signed DE Jason PierrePaul to a four-year contract. Re-signed OL John Jerry and QB Josh Johnson. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS „ Agreed to terms with TE Luke Willson and CB DeShawn Shead.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueWASHINGTON CAPITALS „ Reassigned C Jakub Vrana to Hershey (AHL).American Hockey LeagueMILWAUKEE ADMIRALS „ Signed F Tyler Kelleher for the remainder of the season and the 2017-18 season. STOCKTON HEAT „ Recalled G Mason McDonald and D Keegan Kanzig from Adirondack (ECHL). Announced D Ryan Culkin was reassigned to Adirondack.ECHLMANCHESTER MONARCHS „ Announced D Connor Hardowa was returned from loan by Ontario (AHL). Lent F Daniel Doremus to Syracuse (AHL).SOCCERNorth American Soccer LeagueNEW YORK COSMOS „ Signing F Eugene Starikov.COLLEGESGEORGETOWN „ Named Adam Neugebauer wide receivers and slot receivers coach.HOCKEYNHLEASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Montreal 70 39 23 8 86 191 176 Ottawa 69 39 23 7 85 184 177 Boston 71 38 27 6 82 205 188 Toronto 69 32 23 14 78 211 206 Tampa Bay 70 34 27 9 77 191 192 Florida 70 31 28 11 73 180 200 Buffalo 71 28 31 12 68 178 209 Detroit 69 27 31 11 65 172 209 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Washington 70 45 17 8 98 223 156 Pittsburgh 70 44 17 9 97 245 198 Columbus 69 45 18 6 96 221 161 N.Y. Rangers 71 44 24 3 91 228 187 N.Y. Islanders 70 33 26 11 77 208 215 Philadelphia 70 32 30 8 72 182 210 Carolina 68 29 27 12 70 175 197 New Jersey 70 26 32 12 64 163 205WESTERN CONFERENCECentral Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Chicago 70 45 20 5 95 210 174 Minnesota 69 43 20 6 92 226 170 Nashville 70 35 24 11 81 207 197 St. Louis 70 37 28 5 79 194 193 Winnipeg 71 31 33 7 69 212 226 Dallas 70 28 32 10 66 194 230 Colorado 69 20 46 3 43 134 223 Paci“ c Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA San Jose 70 42 21 7 91 195 163 Anaheim 70 37 23 10 84 183 175 Edmonton 70 37 24 9 83 205 186 Calgary 70 39 27 4 82 193 190 Los Angeles 70 34 29 7 75 173 174 Vancouver 70 28 33 9 65 161 205 Arizona 70 26 35 9 61 172 224 2 points for win, 1 point for OT/shootout lossThursdayÂs GamesCarolina 3, Minnesota 1 Winnipeg 4, N.Y. Islanders 2 Nashville 2, Washington 1, OT New Jersey 6, Philadelphia 2 Columbus 2, Florida 1 Chicago 2, Ottawa 1 Toronto 5, Tampa Bay 0 Edmonton 7, Boston 4 Dallas 4, Vancouver 2 Detroit 5, Arizona 4, SO Los Angeles 2, Buffalo 0 St. Louis 4, San Jose 1FridayÂs GamesPittsburgh 6, New Jersey 4 Florida 4, N.Y. Rangers 3, SO Dallas at Calgary, late Buffalo at Anaheim, lateTodayÂs GamesColumbus at N.Y. Islanders, 1 p.m. Colorado at Detroit, 1 p.m. Washington at Tampa Bay, 7 p.m. Chicago at Toronto, 7 p.m. Montreal at Ottawa, 7 p.m. N.Y. Rangers at Minnesota, 7 p.m. Nashville at Carolina, 7 p.m. St. Louis at Arizona, 9 p.m. Vancouver at Edmonton, 10 p.m. Anaheim at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. SundayÂs GamesFlorida at Pittsburgh, 1 p.m. Columbus at New Jersey, 1 p.m. Minnesota at Winnipeg, 5 p.m. Colorado at Chicago, 7 p.m. Carolina at Philadelphia, 7:30 p.m. Ottawa at Montreal, 7:30 p.m. Los Angeles at Calgary, 9:30 p.m.ECHLAll Times Eastern Eastern Conference North Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Reading 62 36 22 2 2 76 225 184 Brampton 61 34 20 3 4 75 225 221 Manchester 62 32 19 7 4 75 231 220 Adirondack 61 31 20 6 4 72 220 199 Wheeling 62 31 25 6 0 68 210 200 Elmira 62 14 40 7 1 36 144 235 South Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Florida 61 41 15 2 3 87 224 175 Greenville 63 35 23 4 1 75 220 219 Cincinnati 63 33 26 4 0 70 177 182 Orlando 61 30 22 6 3 69 222 215 S. Carolina 61 32 26 2 1 67 186 179 Atlanta 60 23 29 6 2 54 200 234 Norfolk 61 23 34 4 0 50 182 227 Western Conference Central Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Toledo 61 44 14 2 1 91 255 163 Fort Wayne 60 37 16 5 2 81 222 177 Quad City 61 34 23 2 2 72 192 182 Kalamazoo 63 32 27 1 3 68 185 203 Tulsa 63 26 31 5 1 58 173 208 Wichita 59 18 37 3 1 40 160 230 Indy 61 17 38 3 3 40 156 247 Mountain Division GP W L OL SOL Pts GF GA Colorado 61 41 15 2 3 87 236 177 Allen 62 40 17 3 2 85 248 178 Idaho 61 35 19 5 2 77 205 186 Alaska 61 30 22 3 6 69 197 197 Utah 61 29 25 5 2 65 188 209 Missouri 61 28 25 3 5 64 199 201 Rapid City 61 22 31 8 0 52 186 220 NOTE: Two points are awarded for a win, one point for an overtime or shootout loss. ThursdayÂs Games No games scheduled FridayÂs Games Indy 6, Kalamazoo 5 Wheeling 5, Adirondack 2 Manchester 4, Atlanta 1 Norfolk 6, Reading 1 Florida 3, Orlando 2 Fort Wayne 3, Tulsa 0 Allen 5, Wichita 3 Quad City 3, Missouri 2 Colorado at Utah, 9 p.m. Rapid City at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Cincinnati at Alaska, 11:15 p.m. SaturdayÂs Games Atlanta at Manchester, 6 p.m. Wheeling at Adirondack, 7 p.m. Orlando at Florida, 7 p.m. Brampton at Elmira, 7:05 p.m. Greenville at South Carolina, 7:05 p.m. Tulsa at Toledo, 7:15 p.m. Reading at Norfolk, 7:15 p.m. Kalamazoo at Indy, 7:35 p.m. Wichita at Allen, 8:05 p.m. Missouri at Quad City, 8:05 p.m. Colorado at Utah, 9 p.m. Rapid City at Idaho, 9:10 p.m. Cincinnati at Alaska, 11:15 p.m. SundayÂs Games Fort Wayne at Brampton, 2 p.m. Quad City at Indy, 3:05 p.m. Wheeling at Elmira, 4:05 p.m. Tulsa at Toledo, 5:15 p.m. Atlanta at Adirondack, 7 p.m.GOLFPGA TOURARNOLD PALMER INVITATIONALFridayÂs leaders at Bay Hill Lodge & Resort, Orlando, Fla. Purse: $8.7 million. Yardage: 7,419. Par: 72 (36-36) (a-denotes amateur)Second RoundCharley Hoffman 68-66„134 Emiliano Grillo 67-68„135 Matthew Fitzpatrick 67-69„136 Lucas Glover 68-69„137 Kevin Kisner 70-67„137 Marc Leishman 71-66„137 Francesco Molinari 70-68„138 Jeunghun Wang 71-68„139 Tony Finau 72-67„139 Adam Hadwin 70-70„140 Paul Casey 68-72„140 Harold Varner III 70-70„140 Greg Chalmers 69-72„141 Jamie Lovemark 72-69„141 Kyle Stanley 73-68„141 Justin Rose 71-70„141 Jason Day 70-71„141 Ryan Moore 72-69„141 Tyrrell Hatton 72-69„141 Brian Harman 72-70„142 Keegan Bradley 71-71„142 Luke List 71-71„142 Hideki Matsuyama 73-69„142 Vaughn Taylor 71-71„142 Si Woo Kim 71-71„142 David Hearn 70-73„143 Ollie Schniederjans 73-70„143 Louis Oosthuizen 70-73„143 Cameron Smith 74-69„143 Russell Henley 72-71„143 Graeme McDowell 72-71„143 Brandt Snedeker 72-71„143 Matt Every 73-70„143 Ryan Ruffels 69-74„143 J.J. Spaun 70-73„143 Charl Schwartzel 72-71„143 Michael Kim 72-71„143 Charles Howell III 72-72„144 Pat Perez 74-70„144 Alex Noren 70-74„144 James Hahn 73-71„144 Tommy Fleetwood 78-66„144 Bubba Watson 72-72„144 Martin Kaymer 73-71„144 Brandon Hagy 73-71„144 Martin Laird 77-68„145 Jim Herman 73-72„145 Rory McIlroy 74-71„145 Aaron Baddeley 70-75„145 Derek Fathauer 74-71„145 Ian Poulter 72-73„145 Tim Herron 72-73„145 Ben Martin 73-72„145 Hudson Swafford 73-72„145 Billy Horschel 72-73„145 Danny Lee 75-70„145 Zach Johnson 75-70„145 Jason Kokrak 72-74„146 John Huh 74-72„146 Byeong Hun An 76-70„146 Rickie Fowler 74-72„146 David Lingmerth 74-72„146 Kevin Chappell 72-74„146 Kevin Streelman 75-71„146 C.T. Pan 75-71„146 Fabian Gomez 74-72„146 Stewart Cink 70-76„146 Steve Wheatcroft 77-69„146 Wesley Bryan 77-70„147 Boo Weekley 75-72„147 Blayne Barber 75-72„147 Troy Merritt 76-71„147Failed to make the cutKevin Na 71-77„148 Chez Reavie 74-74„148 Greg Owen 72-76„148 Sam Saunders 74-74„148 Retief Goosen 75-73„148 William McGirt 74-74„148 Vijay Singh 79-69„148 Brooks Koepka 78-70„148 Chad Campbell 74-74„148 Roberto Castro 74-74„148 Trevor Immelman 70-79„149 Kyle Reifers 75-74„149 Billy Hurley III 75-74„149 Rod Pampling 73-76„149 Camilo Villegas 75-74„149 Daniel Summerhays 76-73„149 Henrik Stenson 75-74„149 Graham DeLaet 76-73„149 Cody Gribble 77-73„150 Brian Stuard 76-74„150 Branden Grace 75-75„150 Patton Kizzire 75-75„150 a-Matthias Schwab 74-76„150 Morgan Hoffmann 76-75„151 Ernie Els 75-76„151 Chris Kirk 76-75„151 Bud Cauley 74-77„151 John Daly 74-77„151 Anirban Lahiri 79-72„151 Mackenzie Hughes 79-72„151 Webb Simpson 75-77„152 Robby Shelton 79-73„152
Page 6 SP Saturday, March 18, 2017 / The Sun50 Number of times a 12 seed has beaten a 5 seed out of 152 games since 2007.NUMBER TO KNOW A SNAPSHOT OF THE DAY IN SPORTS: The 12-5 matchup hasnÂt been as upsetting this year. ... Logano, Kyle Busch clear air over Veg as incident.SPORTS TICKER IN BRIEFTENNISSock wins another 3-setter to reach Indian Wells semis Jack Sock is getting quite the workout at the BNP Paribas Open, with all four of his matches stretching to three sets on his way to the semi“ nals. The 24-year-old American notched his biggest singles victory yet with a 6-3, 2-6, 6-2 quarter“ nal win over Kei Nishikori on Friday. Sock “ nally broke through against a top-“ ve ranked opponent after losing his “ rst seven matches against such competition. ÂThe doubters in the past canÂt really say much anymore,ÂŽ he said. ÂI actually feel almost stronger as the tournament has gone on.ÂŽ Sock will need to keep up his strength for his semi“ nal against four-time Indian Wells champion Roger Federer. He lost to Federer in straight sets in the fourth round of the 2015 tournament. ÂWhen I played him here last and I played him in Basel a couple years ago, I donÂt think I went on the court giving myself a ton of chances of winning. ThatÂs changed, for sure,ÂŽ Sock said. ÂI am playing con“ dent tennis as well. If I go out there and play the right tennis and play the right strategy, I can give myself a shot.ÂŽNFLGeno Smith leaves Jets for GiantsNEW YORK „ Geno Smith is switching teams in the Jersey Meadowlands. The quarterback has agreed to terms with the New York Giants, pending passing a physical, a person with knowledge of the decision told The Associated Press on Friday. Like receiver Brandon Marshall last week, Smith is leaving the Jets but remaining in the same stadium. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the deal has not been announced. The 26-year-old Smith was a second-round draft choice by the Jets in 2013, but his stint with them was marred by injuries and inconsistency. He also lost his starting job in 2015 after then-teammate IK Enemkpali broke SmithÂs jaw with a punch during training camp.Jets meeting with McCownNEW YORK „ Josh McCown might be the answer „ in the short term, at least „ for the quarterback-needy Jets. The free agent QB is meeting with New York on Friday and Saturday, according to a person with direct knowledge of the situation. The Jets have just the inexperienced Bryce Petty and Christian Hackenberg on their roster, and McCown would provide a veteran presence who could potentially start and be a mentor to the youngsters. Ryan Fitzpatrick and Geno Smith are both free agents and Smith has agreed to terms with the Jets New York neighbors, the Giants, pending passing a physical.„ The Associated Press By BOB BAUMAssociated PressAVONDALE, Ariz. „ The first face-toface meeting between Kyle Busch and Joey Logano since last weekÂs post-race scuffle in Las Vegas is over. Whether the drivers feel any better about things headed into SundayÂs race at Phoenix International Raceway is as open question. The two were summoned to a 15-minute session Friday with NASCAR officials as everyone involved tried to put the pit road brawl to bed. Busch attempted to turn the attention to this weekendÂs racing at Phoenix, saying almost nothing as he emerged from the meeting. He answered every question by repeating, ÂEverythingÂs great.ÂŽ Logano initiated a phone conversation with Busch on Tuesday. He said after FridayÂs meeting it was good to sit with his former teammate and explain the ontrack incident at Las Vegas was Âan honest mistake.ÂŽ Are the two OK? ÂI guess time will tell. WeÂll see,ÂŽ Logano said. ÂI hope heÂs able to see that and know that I was sincere about it but time will tell.ÂŽ The two were racing for position Sunday at Las Vegas and Busch spun because of LoganoÂs hard racing. Busch stormed down pit road and threw a punch at Logano before crews intervened. Team Penske was not penalized for tackling Busch to the ground, even though Busch sustained a gash to his forehead in the scrum. Logano said he has tried to persuade Busch with evidence he says shows he didnÂt cause the wreck intentionally on the final lap. ÂI really just tried to explain that I made a mistake underneath him,ÂŽ Logano said. ÂThatÂs basically what it was. He asked for some data. I was able to show him that. It was pretty clear in my opinion what happened so thatÂs that.ÂŽ NASCAR senior executive Steve OÂDonnell was in the meeting. ÂThe beginning of it was really to let the drivers talk about what happened, which they did,ÂŽ he said. ÂThen we were very clear about our expectations, what we expect going forward.ÂŽ NASCAR chose not to penalize either driver for the post-race confrontation. ÂItÂs an emotional sport,ÂŽ OÂDonnell said. ÂWe still view that as true racing hard for position. If that escalates beyond to something intentional on the race track, we were very clear that weÂll react.ÂŽAUTO RACINGLogano: ÂHonest mistake led to incident at VegasNCAA TOURNAMENT UpsetsBy JIM OÂCONNELLAssociated PressThe 12 seeds had a down year in the NCAA TournamentÂs opening round. The pairing that has become famous „ or infamous „ for first-round upsets yielded just one win for 12-seeds in four games on Thursday. Since 2007, the 12s have won 50 of 152 games against No. 5s, with 2015 the only year since then a 12 didnÂt advance. ThatÂs an average of 1.5 a year. Middle Tennessee State was the 12 this year that broke up many a bracket. The Blue Raiders beat Minnesota 81-72 to advance to the second round. The 12s almost had a couple of other success stories as Princeton fell 60-58 to Notre Dame and UNC-Wilmington lost 76-71 to Virginia after leading by as many as 15 points. The fourth No. 12, Nevada, was handled by Iowa State, 84-73. Jordan Murphy of Minnesota was asked if he felt the Blue Raiders were a No. 12 seed. ÂAll in all, they determine seeding,ÂŽ he said of the selection committee. ÂWhether theyÂre a 12 seed or any number of seed, I donÂt really know how to answer that question. So, I mean, theyÂre a really good team to their credit.ÂŽ The Las Vegas oddsmakers made Middle Tennessee State a favorite against the Golden Gophers. Middle Tennessee coach Kermit Davis, who led the Blue Raiders to a win over secondseeded Michigan State last season, didnÂt think the win over the Gophers should be considered an upset. ÂWe have a lot of respect for Minnesota. Our record speaks for itself and kind of what weÂve done all year long,ÂŽ Davis said. ÂItÂs about a pick Âem game, and it was a good team but I know our players donÂt think it was an upset by any means.ÂŽ Princeton had a chance for a 12-5 upset on its final possession. After Notre DameÂs Matt Farrell missed the front end of a 1-and-1 with a 59-58 lead, Devin Cannady missed an open 3-pointer and Notre DameÂs Steve Vasturia pulled down the rebound and was fouled. ÂWe gave everybody a show, right?ÂŽ Notre Dame coach Mike Brey said. ÂWe escaped. WeÂve been in a lot of games like that where game situations need a big defensive stop. WeÂve been there. IÂm proud weÂre still alive.ÂŽ In the previous five years, half of the 12 seeds (10 of 20) have bounced No. 5 seeds. But London Perrantes of Virginia didnÂt let it happen again. ÂI think we had the last run,ÂŽ Perrantes said. ÂThe point guard made some big shots with a hand in his face. Everybody seemed to have made shots. So I kind of just knew that, hopefully, they were going to start missing and we were going to start making them.ÂŽA down year for 12 seeds in tourney openersAP PHOTOSMiddle Tennessee State players celebrate during the second half against Minnesota Thursday in Milwaukee. Minnesota head coach Richard Pitino reacts during the first half against Middle Tennessee State Thursday in Milwaukee. AP PHOTO Princeton forward Will Gladson goes up for a shot against Notre Dame Thursday in Buffalo, N.Y. Virginia guard Marial Shayok goes up for a shot against UNC Wilmington guard Chris Flemmings during the first half of a first-round NCAA Tournament game Thursday in Orlando. Pleading the 5thÂOur record speaks for itself and kind of what weÂve done all year long.Ž„ Kermit Davis, Middle Tennessee coach
JoshFunk;J.Paschke € AP Source:BerkshireHathawayannualreport Gains to date,asof12/31/2016 Billionaire Warren Buffett made his fortune by picking individual companies and stocks to invest in or buy outright, but he recommends that most investors stick to broad index funds. Buffett has long recommended that average investors avoid picking individual stocks. The Oracle of Omaha says most people will fare better by regularly buying a Standard & PoorÂs 500 Index fund and avoiding the fees investment managers charge. ÂThe unsophisticated investor who is realistic about his shortcomings is likely to obtain better long-term results than the knowledgeable professional who is blind to even a single weakness,ÂŽ Buffett said in his letter to investors in 2014. To prove his point, Buffett made a 10-year bet with hedge fund manager Protege Partners in 2008 that a low-cost index fund would beat a group of hedge funds. Nine years in, Buffett is virtually assured heÂll win the bet because the Vanguard 500 Index Fund Admiral Shares is up 85.4 percent. The hedge funds gained an average of 22.04 percent in the period that began just before the Great Recession.Advice from the oracle -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100% Total* Â16 Â15 Â14 Â13 Â12 Â11 Â10 Â09 Â08 Hedge funds compared Vanguard 500 Index Fund Admiral SharesBuffettÂs bet: The ten-year time period is about to mature and it looks like itÂs dangerous to bet against Warren Buffett. The indexed S&P 500 fund is up 85% compared to an average 22% for hedge funds. s s tick to broad index recommended that a void picking O maha says most t ter by regularly & PoorÂs 500 Index t he fees investment c ated a listic m To prove his poi 10-year bet wit h mana g er Prot e that alow-co s b eat a group N ine year virtually ass u b ecause the V a Fund AdmiralS percen t Th e a n p t Sources: FactSet; Canaccord Genuity *B ased on past 12-month results Alex Veiga; Alex Nieves € APThe prospect of rising interest rates has weighed on real estate investment trusts this year. REITs headed lower following the Federal Reserve  s decision to raise its benchmark interest rate in December and in the lead up to another hike this week. Expectations are for further Fed rate hikes later this year. The MSCI U.S. REIT Index, a broad measure of REITs, is down nearly 3.4 percent this month alone, and off 0.83 percent this year. REITs pay out most of their income as distributions to shareholders, making them favorites of yield-seeking investors. But higher interest rates drive up borrowing costs, which can translate into smaller REIT dividends. Still, Canaccord Genuity analyst Ryan Meliker says investors can overstate the impact rising rates have on REITs. He notes that REITs weathered a string of rate hikes that began in early 2004 after an initial slide. REITs will Âactually probably go up, assuming rates are rising for the right reasons,ÂŽ Meliker said. Right on REITs?Meliker says these two REITs are likely to weather rising rates better than most because of their specific niche in hotels and student housing: s this year. g the Federal b enchmark i n the lead u p e ctations a ter thi s a w n s them favorite h igher int c osts, RE o ha v weat h b egan i REITs w assuming r reasons,ÂŽ M Avg. broker ratingTarget price: $29.62SELL BUY HOLD P/FFO*: N/A5-yr P/FFO avg.*: N/AYTD change: -11.1%Dividend yield: 6.5%Park Hotels & Resorts (PK)REIT spun off earlier this year by Hilton Worldwide Holdings. Its portfolio includes 67 hotels operating under several brands, including Embassy Suites Hotels and Waldorf Astoria Hotels and Resorts.ThursdayÂs close: $26.59 Avg. broker ratingTarget price: $51.92SELL BUY HOLD P/FFO*: 19.35-yr P/FFO avg.*: 19.2YTD change: 5.4%Dividend yield: 3.6% $44 $55 52-WEEK RANGE $25 $33 52-WEEK RANGE American Campus Communities (ACC)REIT that owns, manages and develops student housing. As of the end of December 2016, the company's portfolio of owned and managed properties totaled 203 student housing properties with roughly 132,000 beds.ThursdayÂs close: $47.07 Top Weekly Exchange Traded Funds $0$550$1,100 Oil REITs Investment-grade bonds High-yield bonds Small-cap stocks Utilities stocks Gold European stocks S&P 500 Copper Asian stocks Health care stocks Emerging-market stocks Technology stocks 1-week percent change $1,000 invested at the end of last year ... ... today is worthPerformance benchmarks: industries sectors of the Standard & Poor  s 500 index; international stocks MSCI indexes; bond returns Barclays Capital and BofA Merrill Lynch indexes. Source: FactSet Data through Mar. 161.2 4.4 0.2 3.4 3.8 0.7 3.0 2.0 1.6 2.0 0.2 0.5 1.8 -1.1Stocks from emerging markets surged. Health care stocks stagnated, and oil fell. Technology stocks kept their top spot for the year to date.$1,000Derby StocksBonds Commodities% $1,123 1,119 1,102 1,099 1,069 1,069 1,066 1,065 1,057 1,024 1,020 1,000 996 907AP Global X Nigeria ETF NGE 16.03 +12.13 +311.0 +313.7 +156.4 Direx Russia Bull3x RUSL 93.16 +16.74 +21.9 -6.8 +67.8 Direx SKorea Bull KORU 35.57 +5.16 +17.0 +17.6 +60.7 Direxion EmMktBull3x EDC 74.58 +7.91 +11.9 +8.2 +57.5 Direx China Bull 3x YINN 21.09 +2.24 +11.9 +4.3 +58.3 iPath Long Extended SFLA 234.21 +24.99 +11.9 ... +29.0 Direx India Bull 3X INDL 69.36 +7.12 +11.4 +20.2 +57.8 Dir Dly Gold Bull3x NUGT 8.92 +0.91 +11.4 -27.1 -34.5 ProShs Ult Mexico UMX 22.40 +2.25 +11.1 +19.7 -6.8 PwSh Base Met DbSht BOM 12.50 +1.21 +10.7 -2.8 -43.8 PwSh Base Met DLong BDD 7.76 +0.66 +9.4 -2.6 +53.2 CS VelSh 3xInvrsNGs DGAZ 25.64 +2.14 +9.1 -5.4 +21.9 Dirx Jr GoldMin Bull JNUG 6.72 +0.56 +9.1 -41.3 -9.3 DB Agri Long AGF 11.75 +0.95 +8.8 +8.8 +5.5 GlobalX CopperMiners COPX 23.56 +1.86 +8.6 -4.7 +68.0 VanEck Vect Russ SC RSXJ 39.82 +2.94 +8.0 -4.1 +90.4 PrSh Ultra Gold Min GDXX 42.02 +3.11 +8.0 -17.8 -5.8 ProShs Ult China50 XPP 59.04 +4.38 +8.0 +3.3 +43.9 Proshares Ult Jr Min GDJJ 65.12 +4.63 +7.7 -26.3 +35.6 ProShs Ult EmergMkts EET 64.96 +4.51 +7.5 +5.2 +40.1 CS VS InvVix STerm XIV 73.58 +5.16 +7.5 +10.6 +217.2 Direxion REst Bull3x DRN 21.01 +1.45 +7.4 -5.3 +3.8 ProShs Short VIX ST SVXY 142.15 +9.57 +7.2 +10.2 +213.6 VanEck Vectors Russ RSX 20.89 +1.39 +7.1 -1.6 +28.0 Cred Suisse SP MLP MLPO 16.93 +1.10 +6.9 ... +33.8 iShs Glbl Met&Min PICK 29.21 +1.86 +6.8 -2.5 +59.0 Rex Volmx In Vx Wk F VMIN 36.71 +2.31 +6.7 +12.3 ... iShs MSCI Russia ERUS 32.44 +2.05 +6.7 -2.1 +29.3 CS VelSh 3xInvrsNGs DGAZ/O 5.01 +0.31 +6.6 -7.6 -77.8 VanEck Vector Steel SLX 42.57 +2.58 +6.5 -3.9 +83.4 Barc iPath Tin JJT 45.36 +2.71 +6.4 +3.1 +14.9 Direx Euro Bull 3x EURL 24.60 +1.45 +6.3 +9.8 +14.0 ProShs Ultra Sht NG KOLD 33.46 +1.98 +6.3 -2.6 -49.9 SPDR S&P Russia ETF RBL 19.92 +1.18 +6.3 -2.0 +32.9 UBS Velocity Hedged XIVH 51.27 +3.02 +6.3 +8.2 ... Colum India SCap SCIN 17.94 +1.05 +6.2 +8.7 +40.3 iShares SoAfrica EZA 59.25 +3.41 +6.1 +5.1 +24.5 Direx LatAm Bull 3x LBJ 110.25 +6.37 +6.1 -6.1 +93.0 CS Velocity 3x Gold UGLD 9.95 +0.56 +6.0 -2.6 -17.8 iShs MSCI Poland EPOL 22.50 +1.27 +6.0 +7.0 +17.6 $CHG PCT RETURN FUNDS TICKER FRI 1WK 1WK 1MO 1YR The jewelry retailer did better than expected in the latest quarter thanks to strong sales in China and Japan. The software company  s first-quarter profit and revenue were stronger than Wall Street expected. Investors were disappointed by results from a study of the biotech drugmaker  s costly cholesterol medication Repatha. Wall Street turned in a muted day of trading for the second day in a row Friday. The Dow Jones industrial average and Standard & Poor  s 500 index closed slightly lower. The Nasdaq composite ended flat. Even so, the three indexes eked out gains for the week. 140 160 180 $200 DM JF AmgenAMGN Close: $168.61 -11.50 or -6.4% $133.64$184.21 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 23.9m (6.3x avg.) $124.17 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 16.5 2.7% 100 110 120 $130 DM JF Adobe SystemsADBE Close: $127.01 4.66 or 3.8% $90.35$130.30 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 8.7m (3.8x avg.) $62.96 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 54.8 ... 70 80 90 $100 DM JF Tiffany & Co.TIF Close: $92.42 2.44 or 2.7% $56.99$94.00 Vol.: Mkt. Cap: 6.3m (3.3x avg.) $11.5 b 52-week range PE: Yield: 26.0 1.9% Best Stocks One MonthBEST LARGE-CAP STOCKS Mobileye NV MBLY 60.51 28.0 32.6 67.0 cc ... Incyte Corp INCY 147.96 -0.9 22.8 132.8 cc ... TAL Education Grp TAL 99.45 8.6 18.9 86.4 71 ... Vipshop Hldgs Ltd VIPS 14.10 8.3 16.0 14.5 30 ... Albemarle Corp ALB 106.21 3.4 15.5 70.8 28 1.2 Telefonica (Spain) TEF 11.36 3.3 15.1 7.7 ... 9.1 Wynn Resorts Ltd WYNN 110.19 10.7 14.9 25.3 33 1.8 Grupo Televisa TV 26.41 3.7 14.3 -0.5 ... ... Lennar Corp A LEN 52.83 0.2 13.7 14.3 13 0.3 Banco Bilb Viz Arg BBVA 7.58 3.0 13.6 12.7 ... 5.5 SK Telecom Co SKM 24.82 3.5 13.4 22.5 ... ... FEMSA FMX 89.85 4.4 12.5 -2.0 ... 0.8 Ericsson ERIC 6.66 0.6 11.7 -26.2 ... 6.9 Gpo Fin Sant Mexico BSMX 8.27 7.5 11.6 4.0 ... 3.6 New Oriental Educ EDU 55.10 7.8 11.5 62.3 36 ... Korea Electric KEP 19.77 9.7 11.0 -23.2 ... ... Bco Santander Chile BSAC 24.13 5.7 10.8 32.9 ... 4.7 China Eastern Air CEA 29.84 11.6 10.6 21.9 ... ... FRIDAY %CHG %CHG %RTN COMPANY TICKER CLOSE 1WK 1MO 1YR PE YLDBEST MID-CAP STOCKS Global Net Lease GNL 24.00 5.3 192.3 5.3 39 3.0 Kite Pharma KITE 83.98 0.0 53.6 91.1 dd ... Nutri System NTRI 53.80 9.9 47.6 171.3 45 1.3 Nimble Storage Inc NMBL 12.46 -0.8 46.9 76.6 dd ... Avexis Inc AVXS 84.00 16.8 42.0 197.3 ... ... Hutchison China Med HCM 19.00 34.2 42.0 0.0 ... ... Global Blood Thera GBT 36.90 -0.3 37.2 136.2 dd ... Community Hlth Sys CYH 9.34 -0.8 35.4 -26.3 dd ... RH RH 36.27 2.7 35.2 -6.9 23 ... Bitauto Hldgs Ltd BITA 25.28 3.3 34.8 0.2 ... ... Natl Beverage FIZZ 77.37 8.4 34.1 89.5 38 ... Foundation Medicine FMI 32.45 -1.8 33.0 92.3 dd ... Gogo Inc GOGO 12.16 1.4 31.9 5.1 dd ... Cheetah Mobile Inc CMCM 13.07 13.3 30.3 -18.1 ... ... Momo Inc MOMO 35.01 13.7 29.7 183.5 ... ... Axovant Sciences AXON 15.60 15.2 28.5 34.3 dd ... GCP Applied Tech GCP 33.85 1.2 27.5 74.7 ... ... KCG Holdings Inc KCG 18.34 33.9 27.3 56.8 6 ...BEST SMALL-CAP STOCKS Stone Energy SGY 21.11 14.2 226.3 -78.4 dd ... TG Therapeutics TGTX 13.55 18.9 191.4 67.3 dd ... Corindus Vasc Robot CVRS 1.41 30.6 128.2 25.7 dd ... Aurinia Pharma AUPH 7.70 -9.4 106.4 156.5 dd ... Internap Corp INAP 3.53 14.6 94.0 34.6 dd ... Rexahn Pharm RNN 0.48 27.0 92.0 52.4 dd ... La Jolla Pharm LJPC 35.88 -0.5 89.1 88.5 dd ... Innocoll AG INNL 1.25 56.8 83.8 -76.7 ... ... Pulse Biosciences PLSE 24.49 34.5 78.1 0.0 dd ... Strongbridge Biophm SBBP 4.35 14.5 67.3 -11.4 ... ... Concert Pharmaceut CNCE 16.64 1.9 66.1 25.4 dd ... Rocket Fuel Inc FUEL 4.10 23.1 66.0 14.7 dd ... Castle Brands ROX 1.21 22.1 57.1 35.3 ... ... Tetraphase Pharm TTPH 8.28 19.1 52.5 107.7 dd ... Corvus Pharmaceutica CRVS 20.50 17.4 52.2 0.0 dd ... Aeglea BioTherapeuti AGLE 7.74 18.5 48.3 0.0 ... ... ImmunoGen IMGN 3.58 -4.0 47.3 -49.9 dd ... Safe Bulkers Inc SB 1.90 18.8 46.2 94.4 ... 2.1Industry Rankings 1. Utilities 1.3 3.7 5.5 | 96321 5.9 2. Health Care -0.8 2.3 8.1 | 9986543 14.0 3. Technology 0.8 2.1 10.8 | 99999541 26.1 4. Consumer Goods 0.7 2.1 7.7 | 976543 7.6 5. Telecommunications 1.4 2.0 0.1 | 874 4.0 DJ Total Market index 0.4 1.0 5.3 | 999721 16.7 6. Industrials 0.7 0.7 5.0 | 9998741 19.4 7. Basic Material 1.5 0.6 5.4 | 99991 20.5 8. Consumer Services 0.6 0.1 4.0 | 9961 10.9 9. Financials -0.1 0.0 4.6 | 99998754 24.8 10. Oil & Gas 0.4 -2.6 -9.1 | 9832 7.8 PERCENT CHANGE %RTN INDUSTRY 1WK 1MO 1QTR 1YR General Retailers 0.7 0.8 3.6 (*&^%$ | 7643 13.6 RH RH +2.7 +35.2 +16.0 (*&65321 | -6.9 SP Plus Corp SP +4.6 +25.8 +21.7 (*&^%$ | 98421 +49.4 Lumber Liquidators LL +8.1 +25.6 +16.8 (*&^%$ | 9972 +72.3 Sears Holdings Corp SHLD -2.0 +20.0 -13.1 *^%@!973 | -40.6 Block H&R HRB +3.0 +19.2 +4.3 (*^%$#@6541 | -7.2 Media 0.7 0.8 8.2 (*&^%$ | 8541 19.2 Trede Desk Inc Cl A TTD -13.7 +21.9 +35.2 (*&^%$ | 0.0 Entravision Comm EVC +1.6 +15.7 -6.7 (&^#8521 | -18.4 Townsquare Media TSQ +26.5 +15.5 +25.2 (*&^%$ | 7641 +13.2 Radio One Inc D ROIAK +12.3 +14.3 +12.3 (*&^%$ | 9996 +107.2 Tribune Media Co A TRCO -3.5 +13.4 +27.0 (*&^%$ | 76521 +14.4 Travel & Leisure 0.5 -0.4 3.3 (*&^%$ | 7431 9.7 Ruby Tuesday RT +42.9 +30.2 -26.3 &%986321 | -52.9 GoldenEntertainment GDEN +18.6 +21.4 +8.6 (*&^%$ | 9852 +50.3 Monarch Casino MCRI +5.3 +21.4 +15.1 (*&^%$ | 9761 +44.2 Noodles & Co NDLS +28.2 +19.7 -5.2 987654 | -63.0 Popeyes Louis Kitch PLKI 0.0 +19.5 +26.3 (*&^%$ | 98531 +50.7 Food & Drug Retailers 0.5 -2.6 -1.3 (*^%$#!6542 | -7.3 Sprouts Farmers Mkts SFM +23.4 +15.2 +5.6 (^@!8753 | -26.6 Diplomat Pharmacy DPLO +5.0 +8.3 +18.9 *^%#@971 | -40.2 Core-Mark Holding Co CORE +7.8 +3.1 -20.9 (&^$!8432 | -17.8 Cardinal Health CAH +1.3 +3.0 +12.7 (*&^%$ | 62 +4.3 Natural Hlth Trends NHTC -2.3 +0.9 +5.2 (*!652 | -6.3Consumer Services (best performers)Excludes stocks with market values less than $100 million. Bar chart for stocks with annual returns of more than 100 percent not shown to scale. Saturday, March 18, 2017
A -:A-MarkPM Q AMRK .32f 1.7 19 22.00 14.02 22 18.79 64 18.99 17.77 +.60 -3.6 AAC Hldgs N AAC 11 24.38 6.01 96 8.58 719 9.12 8.37 -.16 +18.5sAAON Q AAON .26f .7 42 36.60 25.17 340 37.00 954 37.05 34.90 +1.60 +12.0 AAR N AIR .30 .9 31 38.75 20.95 301 34.22 701 34.34 32.83 +1.30 +3.5 ABB Ltd N ABB .76e 3.3 23.90 18.72 2655 23.27 9678 23.38 22.51 +.63 +10.4 ABM N ABM .68 1.5 26 45.03 31.20 559 44.55 1728 44.68 42.91 +1.30 +9.5 AC Immun n Q ACIU 19.97 10.36 6 12.07 114 12.59 11.61 +.26 -7.0 ACI Wwde Q ACIW 21 22.96 15.11 1009 22.78 3052 22.91 21.83 +.87 +25.5 ACNB Cp Q ACNB .80 2.6 17 32.85 21.36 122 30.95 194 32.50 30.05 +.65 -1.0 AES Corp N AES .48f 4.2 11 13.32 10.49 7679 11.46 22909 11.47 10.93 +.31 -1.4 AES pfC N AESpC 3.38 6.7 52.48 49.95 6 50.66 44 50.87 50.55 +.04 +.5 AFLAC N AFL 1.72 2.4 12 74.50 62.34 2720 72.53 9867 72.93 71.57 +.51 +4.2 AFLAC 52 N AFSD 1.38 5.5 27.48 23.55 15 25.21 108 25.29 24.91 +.21 +4.2 AG MtgeIT N MITT 1.90 10.7 23 18.85 12.42 569 17.69 1570 17.90 17.28 +.78 +3.4 AG Mtg pfA N MITTpA 2.06 8.2 26.01 23.10 3 25.08 23 25.15 24.77 +.26 +2.8 AG Mtg pfB N MITTpB 2.00 8.2 25.30 21.55 14 24.51 38 24.75 24.32 +.01 +2.9 AGCO N AGCO .56f .9 30 64.90 44.68 872 60.95 3115 61.34 58.54 +1.44 +5.3 AGNC Inv Q AGNC 2.16 11.0 7 20.43 17.30 3924 19.67 14759 19.75 19.08 +.33 +8.5 AGNC pfA Q AGNCP 2.00 7.8 26.80 24.67 10 25.67 57 25.76 25.44 +.14 +1.7 AGNC pfB Q AGNCB 1.94 7.5 26.69 24.15 7 25.90 28 26.05 25.05 +.36 +3.2 AH Belo N AHC .32 5.1 7.95 4.75 17 6.30 134 6.35 6.05 +.10 -.8 AK Steel N AKS 29 11.39 3.31 15260 8.31 65435 8.65 7.65 +.63 -18.6 ALJ Reg n Q ALJJ 5.50 3.65 59 3.74 135 3.84 3.69 -.08 -14.8 AMAG Ph Q AMAG 19 36.83 17.92 1870 23.50 4712 23.90 22.70 +.30 -32.5 AMC Ent N AMC .80 2.6 27 35.65 25.75 1692 30.60 7379 30.83 29.55 +.45 -9.1 AMC Net Q AMCX 15 70.28 46.17 797 58.21 3297 58.82 56.93 +.12 +11.2 AMCON N DIT .72 .7 11 122.90 79.00 1 99.00 11 102.95 98.00 -1.20 -14.1 AMEC FW N AMFW .30e 4.9 7.82 4.96 149 6.10 1016 6.78 6.08 +.20 +6.8 AMN Hlth N AMN 20 44.99 26.00 1022 43.20 2604 43.85 40.35 +2.40 +12.4 ANI Ph h Q ANIP 70.92 30.15 145 45.82 918 49.79 45.51 -3.12 -24.4 ARC Docu N ARC 13 5.55 3.06 261 3.91 666 4.21 3.89 -.19 -23.0 ARC Grp Q ARCW 46 5.95 1.95 16 4.15 161 4.30 4.10 -.10 -5.7 ARCAbio rs Q ABIO 4.35 2.15 66 2.60 270 2.65 2.35 +.10 -8.8 ARI Net Q ARIS 59 5.59 3.68 107 5.27 242 5.55 5.23 +.03 -2.6 ASA Gold N ASA .04e .3 17.48 9.75 145 11.81 472 12.18 11.17 +.37 +7.0sASB Bcp Q ASBB 41 33.85 24.07 44 36.95 45 37.35 33.35 +3.70 +24.2sASML Hld Q ASML 1.27e 1.0 35 127.60 90.43 983 127.90 3267 128.43 123.43 +2.90 +14.0 AT&T Inc N T 1.96 4.6 16 43.89 36.10 22174 42.61 82082 42.66 42.05 +.26 +.2 ATA Inc Q ATAI 17 6.91 2.96 25 3.66 64 3.79 3.48 -.04 -1.5 ATN Intl Q ATNI 1.36 1.8 48 87.82 62.70 173 73.93 371 74.11 68.85 +4.81 -7.7 A10 Ntwks N ATEN 10.87 5.61 430 9.25 1545 9.34 8.97 +.10 +11.3 AU Optron N AUO e 4.42 2.47 1380 3.93 9246 3.94 3.74 +.18 +11.0 AV Homes Q AVHI 3 19.13 10.61 104 16.95 211 17.35 16.00 +.50 +7.3 AVX Cp N AVX .44f 2.7 14 16.65 11.77 338 16.26 797 16.26 15.38 +.74 +4.0 AXT Inc Q AXTI 8.65 2.43 3581 5.55 8109 7.50 5.50 -1.15 +15.6 AZZ Inc N AZZ .68 1.1 24 67.98 51.20 233 59.20 506 59.95 57.29 +1.55 -7.4 Aarons N AAN .11 .4 14 34.22 20.51 939 30.07 4383 30.44 27.83 +2.09 -6.0 Abaxis Q ABAX .56 1.1 33 55.95 40.97 188 49.33 483 49.54 48.51 +.31 -6.5 AbbottLab N ABT 1.06 2.3 23 45.84 36.76 10778 45.19 37560 45.78 44.62 -.53 +17.7 AbbVie N ABBV 2.56 3.9 15 68.12 55.06 9841 65.69 31192 66.79 65.30 -.19 +4.9 AbeonaTh Q ABEO 9.44 2.27 150 5.05 959 5.75 5.05 -.05 +4.1 AberFitc N ANF .80 6.7 32.51 10.91 3985 12.00 14944 12.15 11.36 +.02 AbdAsPac N FAX .48f 9.8 5.55 4.56 676 4.91 3462 4.94 4.76 +.12 +6.0 AbdAustEq N IAF .70e 11.7 6.35 5.10 67 5.98 349 6.09 5.90 +.16 +10.3sAbdnChile N CH .58e 8.7 6.63 5.68 43 6.63 168 6.65 6.48 +.12 +11.2 AbdGlbInc N FCO .84 10.0 9.15 7.64 14 8.37 74 8.42 8.20 +.14 +5.2 AbdEMSmC N ABE .21e 1.7 12.89 10.90 8 12.52 105 12.52 12.17 +.43 +11.3sAbdGChina N GCH .03e .3 9.88 7.97 32 9.83 152 9.88 9.58 +.20 +13.1 AbdnIndo N IF .52e 6.98 5.55 11 6.88 149 6.89 6.63 +.24 +8.2 AbdnIsrael N ISL .35e 1.2 17.50 15.53 7 17.30 25 17.33 17.07 +.30 +7.6 AbdJapnEq N JEQ .07e .6 8.30 6.98 70 7.87 267 7.89 7.76 +.14 +6.9 AbdnLatA N LAQ 1.21e 2.1 23.60 17.19 9 22.43 50 22.86 22.00 +.52 +13.3sAbSingaFd N SGF 1.09e 10.4 10.55 8.61 17 10.47 121 10.55 10.25 +.20 +20.9 Ability h Q ABIL 8.00 2.20 15 2.31 45 2.82 2.23 +.11 -16.6 Abiomed Q ABMD 132.95 83.36 362 123.97 1150 124.68 120.25 +2.76 +10.0 Abraxas Q AXAS 2.99 .90 3022 1.97 17700 1.99 1.52 +.29 -23.3 AcaciaC n Q ACIA 128.73 27.05 1871 55.02 6559 55.47 50.39 +4.46 -10.9 AcaciaTc Q ACTG .50 9.1 7.68 3.47 405 5.50 2016 5.80 5.00 +.30 -15.4sAcadIBD50 N FFTY 25.75 19.78 6 25.71 34 25.76 25.04 +.46 +6.5 AcadiaHlt Q ACHC 65.00 32.54 1298 41.63 6654 43.08 41.56 -1.06 +25.8 AcadiaPh Q ACAD 42.49 18.40 1295 37.13 6127 38.36 36.64 +.30 +28.7 AcadiaRlt N AKR 1.04 3.4 22 38.01 29.23 1777 30.86 3814 31.31 29.52 +1.38 -5.6 Acasti g rs Q ACST 3.09 1.11 94 1.35 366 1.37 1.20 +.13 +8.0 AccelrDiag Q AXDX 29.40 10.87 299 23.20 1428 23.90 21.80 -.50 +11.8 Acceleron Q XLRN 41.69 22.67 599 28.16 1801 30.37 27.59 -1.86 +10.3 Accenture N ACN 2.31e 1.8 22 125.72 107.14 4372 125.22 12476 125.45 123.03 +1.29 +6.9 AccessNt Q ANCX .60 2.2 18 29.28 18.00 47 27.07 123 27.86 26.32 +.15 -2.5 AccoBrds N ACCO 15 14.45 7.95 752 13.35 2596 13.45 12.65 +.50 +2.3 Accuray Q ARAY 6.39 4.45 1547 5.05 3820 5.10 4.88 +.05 +9.8 AcelRx Q ACRX 4.08 2.40 184 3.00 658 3.26 3.00 -.20 +15.4 AcetoCorp Q ACET .26 1.7 18 25.98 14.66 309 15.22 997 15.54 14.71 +.41 -30.7sAchaogen Q AKAO 27.79 2.59 1545 22.39 9841 27.79 22.06 -4.62 +72.0 Achillion Q ACHN 10.06 3.75 2555 3.99 6546 4.15 3.93 -.15 -3.4 AclarisTh n Q ACRS 33.25 14.12 206 28.98 1063 31.72 28.70 -2.16 +6.8 AcmeU N ACU .40 1.5 16 27.35 15.37 10 26.00 26 26.85 25.10 +1.40 +1.7 AcordaTh Q ACOR 33.00 16.40 1382 26.85 4456 29.45 26.60 -1.30 +42.8 AcornInt rs N ATV 12.35 4.02 6 9.04 24 10.30 8.87 -.01 +12.9 AcreRlty N AIII 1.85 .90 18 1.25 121 1.42 1.18 -.01 +12.6 ActiniumP N ATNM 2.36 .86 256 1.38 1575 1.47 1.31 -.04 +57.7sActivsBliz Q ATVI .30f .6 41 49.70 31.57 7086 49.13 30984 49.70 48.62 -.07 +36.1 Actua Q ACTA 6 15.28 8.44 572 14.10 1182 14.25 13.70 +.25 +.7 Actuant N ATU .04 .1 29.80 20.54 907 28.60 2094 28.65 27.65 +.70 +10.2 Acuity N AYI .52 .2 27 280.89 193.06 421 208.34 2751 211.76 205.45 -3.25 -9.8 Acushnet n N GOLF 22.31 16.90 133 18.21 1299 18.35 17.41 +.16 -7.6 Acxiom Q ACXM 30.40 19.11 592 28.57 1613 28.69 27.84 +.53 +6.6 AdamasPh Q ADMS 19.50 12.07 185 17.45 639 17.76 16.78 +.35 +3.3 AdamisPh Q ADMP 10.98 2.40 208 4.55 1736 4.80 4.25 +.20 +44.4sAdaDvsEq N ADX .92e 1.1 13.84 12.07 114 13.79 645 13.85 13.67 +.08 +8.5 AdamsNR N PEO 1.38e 2.3 20.82 17.38 112 19.31 528 19.42 18.90 +.12 -4.3 AdmRsc N AE .88 2.5 58 44.27 29.64 7 34.65 30 35.56 34.23 -.45 -12.6 Adaptim n Q ADAP 11.59 3.76 114 4.75 2050 5.65 4.47 +.14 +17.3tAdcareHlt N ADK 2.70 1.17 86 1.27 246 1.34 1.17 +.01 -13.0 Adcare pfA N ADKpA 2.72 11.9 25.00 19.44 5 22.79 56 23.50 22.58 +.42 -2.3 AddusHmC Q ADUS 30 37.35 15.33 91 33.30 233 34.75 32.45 -.80 -5.0 ADDvtgTch Q AEY 4 2.31 1.60 38 1.94 213 2.00 1.80 +.15 +9.6 Adecaogro N AGRO 13.29 9.38 858 11.90 2713 12.60 11.70 -.02 +14.6tAdeptus N ADPT 1 73.44 1.34 1539 1.59 16563 2.50 1.34 -.72 -79.2 AdestoTc n Q IOTS 5.85 1.50 36 4.35 287 4.35 3.36 +.80 +135.1sAdient n N ADNT .28p 76.09 39.66 1889 72.82 6994 76.09 70.17 +2.72 +24.3 AdmaBio Q ADMA 8.85 4.34 30 4.93 128 5.05 4.55 +.44 -3.7sAdobeSy Q ADBE 55 123.60 85.84 8411 127.01 18114 130.30 120.62 +5.92 +23.4 Adtran Q ADTN .36 1.7 30 23.75 17.06 698 21.60 1833 21.65 20.95 +.35 -3.4 AduroBio n Q ADRO 16.43 7.26 705 11.40 2414 11.55 10.75 AdvAuto N AAP .24 .2 21 177.83 132.98 1080 152.40 5100 154.96 150.90 -1.57 -9.9 AdvAApp n Q AAAP 39.66 23.50 65 37.11 381 37.80 35.53 -.84 +38.7 AdvDisp n N ADSW 24.10 18.32 278 23.70 939 23.90 22.64 +.43 +6.7 AdvDrainS N WMS .24 1.1 31 28.49 18.60 355 21.80 1032 22.70 21.65 +.10 +5.8 AdvEmis n Q ADES 2 12.25 6.21 291 9.83 790 11.50 8.82 -1.00 +6.4sAdvEnId Q AEIS 22 69.99 31.03 785 68.62 2877 69.99 65.00 +3.99 +25.3 AMD Q AMD 15.55 2.45 148857 13.49 368386 14.68 13.36 -.42 +19.0sAdvSemi N ASX .25e 3.9 6.36 4.40 6307 6.46 11845 6.48 6.12 +.37 +28.2sAdvFood n N APFH .64 2.1 30.72 23.43 523 30.75 2003 30.85 29.98 +.40 +3.3 Advansx n N ASIX 30.21 14.22 459 26.46 1124 27.13 26.00 +.36 +19.5 AdvOil&Gs N AAV 22 7.88 4.97 51 5.95 484 6.18 5.75 +.05 -11.9 Advaxis wt Q ADXSW 11.70 3.49 1 4.65 11 4.91 4.50 -.10 +17.3 Advaxis Q ADXS 16.30 6.47 590 8.50 3091 9.05 8.31 -.37 +18.7 AdvClayCv N AVK 1.13 7.3 16.77 12.99 100 15.47 604 15.61 15.09 -.12 +5.4 AdvCCvII N AGC .56 9.0 6.45 5.17 191 6.21 932 6.22 5.95 +.05 +5.6 AdvClEnh N LCM .84 9.9 8.76 7.53 6 8.48 92 8.49 8.30 +.04 +2.2tAdverumBi Q ADVM 6.31 2.60 190 2.75 1064 2.80 2.60 -5.2 AdSDorWr N AADR .32e .7 46.67 36.12 50 45.99 114 46.49 44.81 +1.18 +14.5 AdvPerHY N HYLD 3.54e 10.0 36.66 31.10 15 35.52 212 35.97 35.26 -.11 -.4sAdvSh ef n N CWS 28.18 24.34 11 28.01 23 28.18 27.69 +.33 +7.8 AdvSmCap N SCAP 31.99 25.40 30.45 3 30.45 29.90 +.45 +1.4 AdvAthHiD N DIVI .72e 4.0 18.59 15.60 0 18.10 21 18.14 17.70 +.24 +.7 AdvSSage N HOLD .41e .4 103.39 95.50 0 99.42 27 99.53 99.31 +.12 +.2 AdSGldEur N GEUR .89e 14.92 11.48 3 12.20 63 12.22 12.01 +.22 +5.2 AdSGldYen N GYEN .41e 13.25 10.60 19 11.13 28 11.17 11.01 +.08 +3.9 AdvNfltMS N MINC 1.34e 2.8 49.13 48.17 24 48.61 140 48.99 48.41 +.16 +.1sAdvSStarG N VEGA 28.63 25.40 1 28.58 6 28.63 28.40 +.21 +3.4 AdvTrTabs N TTFS .41e .6 67.35 52.36 5 65.64 47 66.14 65.20 -.08 +3.3 AdvActBear N HDGE 11.30 8.73 116 8.83 1134 9.00 8.79 -.10 -4.6 AdvisoryBd Q ABCO 17 51.23 24.85 401 44.60 1671 45.95 44.25 -.45 +34.1 Aecom N ACM 12 40.72 26.46 1975 35.65 5947 36.92 34.96 -.42 -2.0 AegeanMP N ANW .08 .7 9 13.10 5.00 1260 11.45 2629 11.70 10.95 +.47 +12.8 Aegion Q AEGN 25 26.68 17.18 384 22.89 916 23.32 22.22 -.24 -3.4 AegleaBio n Q AGLE 12.75 3.66 117 7.74 609 7.99 6.43 +1.21 +77.9 Aegon N AEG .29e 5.0 6.09 3.36 1363 5.75 7553 5.84 5.65 -.01 +4.0 Aegon cap N AEH 1.59 6.2 26.69 24.67 39 25.46 274 25.55 25.26 +.18 +1.7 Aegon 6.5 N AED 1.63 6.3 26.68 24.71 10 25.95 79 26.02 25.41 +.50 +3.1 Aegon flt N AEB .77 3.1 25.39 21.85 70 25.01 119 25.05 24.13 +.81 +11.0 Aegon42 N AEK 2.00 7.7 28.38 25.67 115 25.88 264 25.89 25.76 +.11 -.7 AehrTest h Q AEHR 5.45 .95 97 5.08 525 5.34 4.38 -.16 +110.8 Aemetis Q AMTX 2.94 1.01 26 1.18 115 1.24 1.10 -.05 -15.1 AerCap N AER 7 49.66 31.45 1021 45.46 7552 45.88 44.37 +.32 +9.3 AeriePhm Q AERI 51.85 10.82 559 47.45 2011 49.45 47.10 -.60 +25.4 Aerocntry N ACY 13 11.45 8.50 1 10.50 22 10.55 9.71 -.15 +11.1tAerohiveN N HIVE 7.45 4.10 159 4.34 914 4.49 4.10 +.04 -23.9sAerojetR N AJRD 22.48 15.52 1657 22.83 3549 22.91 21.43 +.86 +27.2 AeroViron Q AVAV 32.44 22.16 519 29.79 1091 29.92 26.85 +2.53 +11.0 AEtern g rs Q AEZS 5.59 2.35 59 3.00 585 3.15 2.85 -.05 -16.7 Aethlon rs Q AEMD 9.09 3.10 35 4.17 596 5.17 3.46 +.83 -.7 Aetna N AET 2.00f 1.5 18 136.50 104.59 2585 131.80 11985 134.77 131.18 -1.00 +6.3 AeviGeno Q GNMX 17.75 3.60 568 5.44 2495 6.10 5.26 -.61 +5.0 AffilMgrs N AMG 17 179.85 130.48 742 162.81 2440 168.49 161.39 -1.09 +12.1 AffMgrs42 N MGR 1.59 6.2 27.69 24.80 32 25.57 110 25.61 25.41 +.08 +1.3 AffimedNV Q AFMD 5.00 1.65 108 2.58 1355 2.80 2.55 -.18 +43.1 Agenus Q AGEN 7.49 2.97 2099 4.04 5909 4.21 3.92 -.09 -1.9 AgileThera Q AGRX 8.65 1.82 2696 2.94 4614 3.28 2.23 +.54 -48.4sAgilent N A .53 1.0 31 54.82 38.89 1846 53.31 11201 54.82 51.96 +1.16 +17.0 Agilysys Q AGYS 12.15 8.17 379 9.73 511 9.79 8.80 +.94 -6.1 AgiosPhm Q AGIO 67.74 34.31 463 53.66 1716 54.59 50.20 +1.42 +28.6 Agnico g N AEM .40 60.10 35.00 2200 42.37 10058 44.38 39.62 +1.17 +.9 AgreeRlt N ADC 1.98 4.1 22 51.33 37.83 224 48.22 740 48.32 46.31 +1.81 +4.7 Agrium g N AGU 3.50 3.6 17 111.88 81.17 451 96.87 2384 97.74 94.78 -.62 -3.7 AgroFresh Q AGFS 6.95 1.96 393 3.39 993 3.47 2.88 +.45 +27.9 AgroFr wt Q AGFSW 1.00 .05 29 .17 80 .18 .15 +.04 -8.3 Aimmune n Q AIMT 27.31 9.77 805 22.43 2215 22.93 21.01 +.24 +9.7 Air Inds N AIRI .60 15.6 6.79 2.21 8 3.85 150 3.96 3.02 +.51 +22.2 AirLease N AL .30f .8 8 40.24 24.49 451 39.10 2522 39.47 38.44 +.37 +13.9 AirMethod Q AIRM 17 43.95 23.75 1255 43.00 14686 43.13 40.85 +1.15 +35.0 AirProd N APD 3.80f 2.7 22 157.84 129.00 2090 139.53 9193 139.61 135.88 +.76 -3.0 AirT Inc Q AIRT 26.99 17.24 3 20.75 6 21.20 20.70 -.23 -9.8 AirTrnsp Q ATSG 43 17.81 12.36 419 16.34 1690 17.06 15.84 -.66 +2.4 AirMedia Q AMCN 5.71 2.35 39 2.51 310 2.61 2.38 +.05 +2.2 Aircastle N AYR 1.04 4.3 11 25.98 18.26 463 23.96 1615 24.07 23.00 +.60 +14.9 Airgain n Q AIRG 29.30 7.36 620 14.49 1477 14.60 12.14 +1.91 +.6 AkamaiT Q AKAM 29 71.64 47.80 2691 65.00 7633 65.22 63.39 +.78 -2.5tAkariTh rs Q AKTX 19.75 6.23 191 7.00 238 8.25 6.23 +.50 -.6 AkebiaTher Q AKBA 11.07 7.00 197 9.26 1248 9.54 9.01 -.02 -11.0 AkersBios Q AKER 3.70 1.15 15 1.30 200 1.33 1.20 +.05 -31.6 Akorn Inc Q AKRX 13 35.40 17.57 1371 22.32 6208 23.04 22.13 -.34 +2.2stAkoustis n Q AKTS 9.00 7.00 10 8.50 135 9.00 7.00 +1.8 AlaPw pfO N ALPpO 1.46 5.1 30.97 25.30 1 28.87 4 28.95 28.49 +.97 +10.0 AlamoGp N ALG .40f .5 21 79.59 52.82 103 77.83 251 78.47 72.67 +4.62 +2.3 AlamosGld N AGI .02 .2 10.41 4.86 22974 8.21 44849 8.23 6.81 +1.20 +20.0 n Q ALRM 87 34.43 19.91 1069 31.21 3568 33.00 29.09 -.43 +12.1 AlaskaAir N ALK 1.20f 1.3 13 101.43 54.51 1263 93.36 7036 98.30 92.33 -3.25 +5.2 AlaskCom Q ALSK 1.97 1.49 53 1.81 757 1.86 1.60 +.19 +10.4 AlbnyIn N AIN .68 1.5 28 49.50 36.03 264 46.00 719 46.25 44.10 +1.57 -.6 AlbnyMlc Q AMRI 19.35 12.45 660 13.75 2946 14.03 13.17 +.10 -26.7sAlbemarle N ALB 1.28f 1.2 28 105.73 60.34 1333 106.21 5216 106.53 102.15 +3.48 +23.4 Albireo Q ALBO 37.69 7.83 16 22.31 89 25.27 21.66 -2.79 +25.8sAlcentra Q ABDC 1.36a 10.1 11 13.59 10.56 151 13.47 478 13.61 12.75 +.51 +12.5 Alcoa Cp N AA 39.78 20.71 3477 34.97 16437 35.99 33.77 +.44 +24.5 Alcobra Q ADHD 5.75 .83 1272 1.14 4327 1.33 1.13 -.05 -45.7 AlderBioPh Q ALDR 36.48 15.82 560 22.55 1956 24.10 22.25 -1.40 +8.4 AldeyraTh Q ALDX 8.19 3.81 21 5.30 90 5.46 5.10 +.05 -.9 Alere N ALR 51.00 31.47 1156 39.14 4342 39.85 36.60 +1.14 +.4 Alere pfB N ALRpB 12.00t 399.99 271.04 4 325.00 24 330.00 315.00 -.52 -2.4 AlexB Inc N ALEX .28 .6 46.43 32.94 428 44.97 867 45.21 42.82 +1.80 +.2 Alexanders N ALX 17.00f 4.0 20 451.99 364.01 6 427.51 36 432.76 406.00 +19.99 +.1 AlexREE N ARE 3.32 3.0 25 120.96 87.10 9636 110.27 15570 111.24 106.89 +1.46 -.8 AlxRE pfD N AREpD 1.75 5.0 37.25 28.50 3 34.95 13 35.44 34.41 -.24 +2.0 AlxRE pfE N AREpE 1.61 6.3 26.85 24.40 25.36 340 25.39 25.35 +1.1 AlexcoR g N AXU 2.54 .85 294 1.56 2058 1.64 1.41 +.14 +15.6 Alexion lf Q ALXN 48 162.00 109.12 2193 122.08 8786 126.94 121.02 -5.23 -.2sAlgonPw n N AQN .23p 9.45 7.91 64 9.42 370 9.46 9.14 +.21 +11.1 Alibaba N BABA 34 109.87 73.30 8411 105.61 56005 106.50 102.60 +2.22 +20.3 Alico Q ALCO .24 .9 31 32.66 24.67 20 26.00 47 26.60 25.65 +.30 -4.2sAlignTech Q ALGN 48 111.40 66.79 1105 111.85 3960 113.00 105.47 +6.53 +16.4 AlimeraSci Q ALIM 5.15 1.02 1177 1.53 5592 1.72 1.41 +.12 +41.7 Alkermes Q ALKS 62.50 27.14 930 59.31 4134 59.63 54.30 +2.09 +6.7 AllegCp N Y 20 667.19 478.40 330 630.67 501 646.11 628.33 -11.80 +3.7 AllegTch N ATI .24j 23.69 10.93 4413 18.02 14805 18.85 16.96 +.65 +13.1 AllgnceBc n Q ABTX 21 39.41 17.61 83 37.30 181 37.55 36.15 +.75 +3.2 AllegiantT Q ALGT 2.80 1.8 12 183.91 121.70 145 160.00 552 162.30 153.40 -.40 -3.8sAllegion N ALLE .64f .8 75.39 61.47 724 75.48 2876 75.62 73.77 +1.17 +17.9 Allergan N AGN 17 282.59 184.50 4713 237.38 14490 241.76 237.23 -3.77 +13.0 Allergn pfA N AGNpA 55.00 6.6 960.00 691.00 10 839.00 136 851.81 839.00 -10.86 +10.0 Allete N ALE 2.14f 3.2 26 67.79 53.47 591 67.38 1435 67.60 64.68 +2.30 +5.0 AlliCAMun N AKP .70 5.3 15.74 13.02 28 13.13 138 13.20 13.04 +.01 -.9 AlliData N ADS .52p 17 251.19 185.02 607 245.01 2660 249.94 241.49 -3.19 +7.2 AlliHlthC Q AIQ 9 10.50 5.73 15 10.20 40 10.30 9.78 +.35 +6.3 AlliHold Q AHGP 2.20 8.1 9 32.70 12.60 260 27.07 530 28.52 26.65 -.96 -3.7tAll MMA n Q AMMA 5.47 2.51 12 2.87 129 2.95 2.51 +.01 -21.2 AlliBNtlMu N AFB .75 5.8 15.21 12.83 115 12.97 566 13.06 12.86 +.03 -1.9 AlliOne rs N AOI 3 27.23 13.30 43 14.65 113 15.35 13.75 -23.7 AllnceRes Q ARLP 1.75 8.0 6 26.65 11.00 458 21.90 1162 22.70 21.55 +.10 -2.4 AlliBGlbHi N AWF .97a 7.8 13.03 11.25 534 12.38 1683 12.48 12.29 -.04 -1.5 AlliBern N AB 1.81e 8.1 10 25.13 20.75 297 22.35 1430 22.90 22.35 -.40 -4.7 AlliantEg s N LNT 1.18 3.0 21 40.99 34.08 5086 39.56 10944 39.81 38.41 +.95 +4.4 AlliGlCvInc N NCV .78 11.8 7.00 5.34 283 6.60 2958 6.69 6.38 -.09 +3.4 AlliGblCv2 N NCZ .69 11.7 6.27 4.73 297 5.89 2345 5.99 5.69 -.06 +3.2 AlliNFJDv N NFJ 1.20 9.3 13.37 11.91 224 12.84 1088 12.94 12.75 -.06 +1.8 AlliGlEqCv N NIE 1.52 7.9 19.80 17.46 82 19.15 380 19.23 18.95 +.03 +4.0 AllnzgDI&Cv N ACV 2.00 10.1 20.75 16.87 39 19.89 254 20.04 19.25 -.09 +5.9 AlldCap47 N AFC 1.72 6.7 26.28 25.10 7 25.82 37 25.85 25.58 +.04 +2.3 AldHlPrd rs Q AHPI 3.82 1.00 53 1.94 78 2.12 1.81 +.11 -3.1 AlliedMot Q AMOT .10 .5 23 25.19 15.54 57 20.69 456 23.68 19.10 -2.84 -3.3 AlldWldAsr N AWH 1.04 2.0 16 54.46 33.20 719 53.22 2863 53.69 53.06 +.08 -.9 Alliqua h Q ALQA 1.48 .45 489 .68 1566 .69 .51 +.08 +15.3 AllisonTrn N ALSN .60 1.6 32 38.17 25.88 1054 36.47 4381 36.79 35.48 +.47 +8.3 AllotComm Q ALLT 5.67 4.50 20 4.72 158 4.80 4.68 -.04 -1.5 AllscriptH Q MDRX 15.17 9.80 2487 12.02 9888 12.37 11.66 +.16 +17.7sAllstate N ALL 1.48f 1.8 17 83.05 64.36 2039 82.85 7920 83.09 81.72 +.80 +11.8 Allstat pfA N ALLpA 1.41 5.6 27.88 24.17 8 25.39 70 25.57 25.05 +.31 +2.6 Allstate 53 N ALLpB 1.28 4.8 28.26 24.66 12 26.66 510 26.66 25.83 +.59 +5.9 Allstat pfC N ALLpC 1.69 6.3 28.61 25.54 225 26.62 329 26.63 26.25 +.35 +3.3 Allstat pfD N ALLpD 1.66 6.1 28.71 25.54 3 27.04 80 27.04 26.30 +.47 +4.5 Allstat pfE N ALLpE 1.66 6.2 28.67 25.51 61 26.84 244 26.89 26.30 +.35 +3.7 Allstat pfF N ALLpF 1.56 5.9 29.16 25.00 7 26.63 117 26.73 25.90 +.46 +3.8 AllyFincl N ALLY .32p 1.5 10 23.62 14.84 13488 21.15 33640 22.06 20.56 -.83 +11.2 AlmadM n N AAU 1.88 .65 98 1.03 1105 1.09 .98 +.04 +6.3 AlmostFam Q AFAM 31 50.98 34.49 181 48.55 573 49.35 47.42 -.50 +10.1 AlnylamP Q ALNY 80.11 31.38 4362 55.25 8625 56.27 49.50 +4.52 +47.6 AlonUSA N ALJ .60 4.7 13.01 5.86 1447 12.77 3227 12.85 11.89 +.85 +12.2 AlonUsaLP N ALDW 3.33e 34.0 12 14.34 7.63 36 9.79 500 9.87 9.60 +.12 +2.0 AlphaOmg Q AOSL 55 23.93 10.31 135 17.72 516 18.00 17.09 +.02 -16.7 AlpUSQVal N QVAL 1.35e 5.3 26.07 20.29 1 25.38 116 25.45 25.10 +.12 +2.5sAlpValuIntl N IVAL 1.35e 4.8 28.22 20.99 5 28.25 118 28.28 27.87 +.40 +10.0 AlpMoIntQ N IMOM 26.81 22.35 24.78 134 24.78 24.33 +.50 +8.7 AlpMoUSQ N QMOM 26.70 20.50 1 25.99 96 26.07 25.31 +.55 +5.2 AlphaPro N APT 15 3.80 1.75 21 2.80 102 3.05 2.80 -.10 -20.0sAlphabet C Q GOOG 26 850.85 663.28 1616 852.12 5918 853.40 840.77 +8.87 +10.4sAlphabet A Q GOOGL 28 872.71 672.66 1662 872.37 6301 874.42 860.13 +10.97 +10.1 Alphatc rs Q ATEC 9.65 2.16 128 3.17 361 4.20 3.15 -.37 -1.2 AlpGDDiv N AGD .78 8.1 9.70 8.04 37 9.68 175 9.68 9.46 +.15 +10.4 AlpGPPrp N AWP .60 10.7 5.90 4.84 300 5.61 2259 5.61 5.40 +.17 +9.4 AlpTotDiv N AOD .69 8.3 8.35 6.97 363 8.27 1544 8.29 8.11 +.11 +9.1 AlpsETF N GRI 1.52e 3.6 47.03 40.28 3 42.83 104 42.90 41.70 +1.05 +2.8 AlpsEqSect N EQL 1.83e 2.9 64.11 54.93 15 63.39 39 63.85 62.71 +.35 +5.7 AlpsRtSec n Q SWIN 26.90 24.87 8 26.17 39 26.46 25.89 +.26 +4.4 AlpBzSoMed N BUZ 28.14 22.32 1 27.41 20 27.48 27.19 +.22 +4.7 Alps RivDiv N RFDA 28.54 24.45 3 28.11 42 28.50 27.78 +.17 +4.2 AlpRvrCare N RFCI 27.89 24.16 3 24.48 35 24.49 24.28 +.11 +.2 AlpRivUncn N RFUN 28.76 24.65 1 25.99 23 26.59 25.64 +.23 +.9 AlpSprtJG N SGDJ 49.11 27.11 11 34.26 86 36.10 31.88 +1.26 +7.9 AlpMedBrk N SBIO 27.61 19.90 19 26.34 181 26.86 25.95 +.02 +14.9 AlpSprotG N SGDM 29.85 16.89 28 19.92 309 20.74 18.71 +.80 +5.6sAlpWkplEq N EQLT .46 32.66 25.77 1 32.36 5 32.97 32.02 +.21 +7.1 AlpEDvDg N EDOG .67e 2.8 26.03 20.21 7 23.92 47 24.33 23.01 +.82 +9.9 AlpAlerEn N ENFR 1.35e 5.5 24.95 17.28 3 24.50 21 24.60 23.68 +.44 +2.8sAlpIntDvDg N IDOG 1.47e 5.8 25.44 21.28 56 25.47 188 25.61 24.75 +.53 +7.8 AlpBarr400 N BFOR .26e .7 37.05 28.66 10 36.70 45 36.77 36.03 +.41 +4.7 AlpEqHiVol N HVPW 1.52e 7.9 20.49 18.81 3 19.40 45 19.44 19.30 +.08 AlpRivStInc N RIGS .30e 1.2 25.50 24.25 42 24.99 1848 25.17 24.85 +.02 -.7 AlpsDvDog N SDOG 1.40e 3.2 44.40 37.53 786 43.64 1929 43.99 43.12 +.11 +3.7 AlpAlerMLP N AMLP 1.35e 10.7 13.31 10.15 6793 12.60 33934 12.77 12.54 -.08 Market profile NYSE MKT Nasdaq FrontierCm 151,444,500 2.47 -.04 AMD 148,856,900 13.49 -.16 Microsoft 42,999,900 64.87 +.23 Apple Inc 37,849,700 139.99 -.70 SiriusXM 36,162,200 5.36 +.03 DryShp rs 35,340,100 1.67 -.16 Comcast s 29,676,300 37.46 -.22 Intel 27,594,200 35.27 +.13 Nvidia 24,168,200 106.07 +2.26 Cisco 22,882,300 34.23 WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg2464.26 +18.97GoldStdV g 31,012,900 2.63 +.09 Globalstar 14,987,600 1.47 +.05 B2gold g 11,894,000 3.00 -.03 NwGold g 8,414,200 2.84 +.01 NovaGld g 7,264,500 5.01 -.45 AskanoG g 5,906,300 2.54 -.10 KlondexM g 5,443,600 4.65 -.45 GtPanSilv g 4,975,100 1.66 -.10 SandstG g 4,657,400 4.11 -.27 SRC Eng 4,111,800 7.75 -.02 RexahnPh 66,232,600 .48 +.10 GoldStdV g 46,878,600 2.63 +.17 B2gold g 41,796,500 3.00 +.01 NwGold g 39,666,600 2.84 -.06 Protalix 31,694,100 1.22 +.04 FrontierCm 399,838,900 2.47 -.09 AMD 368,385,900 13.49 -.42 SiriusXM 181,052,600 5.36 +.17 Intel 154,543,900 35.27 -.64 DryShp rs 145,410,400 1.67 -.17 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg 11589.01 -11.22 NYSE Advanced Declined Unchanged WEEKLY CHANGE WEEKLY CHANGE WEEKLY CHANGE BkofAm 99,462,300 24.86 -.36 DrGMBll s 82,646,900 6.72 -.69 SPDR Fncl 81,318,600 24.45 -.33 S&P500ETF 66,152,600 237.03 -1.45 iShEMkts 63,925,100 39.49 -.07 FordM 53,090,900 12.48 -.22 VanEGold 47,586,300 22.67 -.10 B iPVxST rs 40,337,900 15.81 -.19 ChesEng 38,633,100 5.29 -.16 GenElec 37,780,600 29.88 +.13 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg WEEKLY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg DrGMBll s 481,704,900 6.72 +.56 BkofAm 401,741,400 24.86 -.45 iShEMkts 399,305,300 39.49 +1.48 VanEGold 369,288,500 22.67 +.94 SPDR Fncl 337,939,600 24.45 -.34 RubyTues 2.50 +42.9 KCG Hldg 18.34 +33.9 ChOnlEd n 18.83 +32.6 EveriHldgs 4.26 +32.3 Mobileye 60.51 +28.0 ScorpBlk rs 9.70 +26.8 TownsqMda 12.81 +26.5 Mechel rs 5.45 +25.0 WEEKÂS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg WalterInv 1.10 -60.7 PatriotN n 2.25 -34.2 RubiconPrj 5.80 -33.3 Adeptus 1.59 -31.2 CypressEn 8.98 -25.1 EKodk wtA 1.05 -25.0 DxGlMBr rs 14.65 -24.3 WEEKÂS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chg Corindus n 1.41 +30.6 SnchzPP rs 15.40 +24.2 Norsat g rs 9.80 +22.5 CastleBr 1.21 +22.1 Netw1Tch 4.70 +17.5 GSE Sy 3.85 +16.7 Taseko 1.37 +16.1 Air Inds 3.85 +15.3 WEEKÂS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg GldFld 6.05 -27.5 ErinEn rs 2.30 -19.3 AltisrcAst 63.10 -16.9 CorMedix 1.80 -15.1 CKX Lands 11.65 -13.7 NobilisH n 1.75 -10.3 Paretem rs 1.32 -10.2 Cerulean h 3.32 +118.4 Innocoll 1.25 +56.8 CancerGen 2.95 +51.3 TOP Ship rs 1.97 +44.9 CatalystPh 1.54 +38.7 HighpwrInt 3.65 +37.7 Identive lf 7.21 +36.6 LifetimeBr 19.50 +34.9 Belleroph n 1.03 -39.4 GlblBrkge 1.45 -37.0 AralezPh 2.25 -36.3 ZosanoPh h 1.55 -34.0 Connecture 1.37 -31.8 CareDx 1.55 -31.1 ParkrVs rs 1.87 -29.25901.00 +.24How to read the weekend stock tables STOCK GLOSSARY „ cc: PE greater than 99. d: New 52-week low; dd: Loss in last 12 mos. g: Stock trades in U.S. money but dividend and earnings in Canadian money, and no yield or PE unless stated in U.S. money; n: New issue in past 52 weeks, with high-low range from start of trading; s: A split or stock dividend of 25 percent or more in the past 52 weeks, with the 52-week high-low adjusted. Dividend begins with the date of split or dividend; q: Closed-end fund; no PE calculated. u: New 52-week high; v: Trading halted on primary market; vj: In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized, or securities assumed by such companies; z: Sales in full, not in hundreds. SPECIAL TYPES: pf: Preferred stocks, which get priority when dividends are paid; pp: Holder owes two installments of purchase price; rs: Stock has undergone a reverse stock split of at least 50 percent within the past year; rt: Rights to buy new issues below market; un: Sold in units that may include bonds or warrants; wt: Warrants, or options granted by the company; xw: Without warrants; ww: With warrants; wd: When distributed by holder; wi: When stock is issued. DIVIDEND FOOTNOTES: a: Extra dividend(s); b: Annual rate plus stock dividend; c : Dividend from a liquidating company; e: Declared or paid preceding 12 months; f: Annual rate, increased on last declaration. i: Declared or paid after dividend or split; j: Paid this year, dividend omitted, deferred or no action taken at last meeting; k: Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears; r: Declared or paid in last 12 months plus stock dividend; m: Annual rate, reduced on last declaration. p: Initial dividend, annual rate unknown; yield not shown. t: Paid in stock in preceding 12 months, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date; X: Buyers arenÂt entitled to next dividend (ex-dividend) or rights (ex-rights); y: ex-dividend and sales in full. 1 „ Name of stock. 2 „ Market: N = NYSE, Q = NASDAQ. 3 „ Ticker Symbol company trades under. 4 „ Dividend: A distribution of the companyÂs earnings to shareholders, usually consisting of stock dividends, interest on bonds, or short-term capital gains on the sale of securities usually paid quarterly in the form of cash or stock.5 „ Div. Yield: The dividend divided by the stock price. It helps gauge how well the stock is paying, compared to other investments such as CDs, bonds or savings accounts. 6 „ Price to earnings ratio: The price of a stock divided by its earnings per share. PEs are used to gauge the relative worth of a company stock. When compared to other companies in the same industry, the companies with the lowest PEs are generally earning higher profits.7 „ Range of closing prices in last year.8 „ Trading for the day, with sales in thousands (10 = 10,000 shares), and closing price.9 „ Weekly sales volume, High, low, and change from previous weekÂs close.10 „ Percent change for the year. st Arrows, indicate new highs or lows during the week. Underline: indicates weekly volume surge equal to or more than 5%. Bold stocks designates which stocks have gone up or down 10% for the week. XYZcorp Q ABC .35m 1.3 26 32.17 22.26 2 26.97 13 28.18 24.92 +.98 -14.00 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg 2 3 1 4 5 6 FRIDAY MOST ACTIVEName Vol Last Chg NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg 7 8 9 10 Continued on next page WEEKÂS BIGGEST GAINERSName Close Chg WEEKÂS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chg WEEKÂS BIGGEST LOSERSName Close Chgqp p 1,780 1,204 95 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,079 146 21 Advanced Declined Unchanged 202 148 20 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 370 12 3 Advanced Declined Unchanged 1,658 1,160 216 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,034 169 33 Advanced Declined Unchanged 2,316 751 42 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,109 306 130 Advanced Declined Unchanged 254 121 18 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 393 28 26 Advanced Declined Unchanged 2,051 925 132 Volume (000s) New Highs New Lows 3,108 350 150 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 2 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
AltisrcAst N AAMC 7 89.12 11.40 31 63.10 52 78.95 60.10 -12.85 +17.9 Altisrce n Q ASPS 16 34.66 20.75 803 28.36 2721 29.13 26.22 +1.98 +6.7sAltisResid N RESI .60 4.0 14.70 7.81 1807 14.86 3829 14.92 13.91 +.92 +34.6 AltraIndlM Q AIMC .60 1.5 30 46.90 25.50 294 38.95 858 39.75 37.80 +.50 +5.6 Altria N MO 2.44 3.2 25 76.55 59.48 8645 75.16 37631 76.20 75.11 -.68 +11.2 AlumChina N ACH 13.85 7.22 104 12.58 230 13.25 12.55 +23.2tAmTrstFn s Q AFSI .34 1.9 6 28.48 21.16 12978 17.58 18642 21.96 17.10 -3.86 -35.8tATrFn pfA N AFSIpA 1.69 7.8 26.00 22.51 103 21.70 162 23.92 21.43 -1.07 -11.7tAmTrF pfB N AFSIpB 1.81 8.1 26.49 22.50 117 22.36 201 24.44 21.80 -.69 -10.6tAmTrF pfC N AFSIpC 1.91 8.2 26.89 23.41 65 23.25 167 24.87 23.00 -.46 -7.6tAmTrF pf F N AFSIpF 25.17 21.71 254 21.54 628 23.28 20.91 -.49 -6.7tAmTrF pfE N AFSIpE 27.40 23.51 179 23.52 333 25.27 23.12 -.62 -7.8tAmTrFn 7.5 N AFST 28.75 24.04 181 23.70 441 25.48 22.46 -1.29 -7.9tAmTrFn 55 N AFSS 1.81 7.8 26.81 23.59 163 23.16 244 25.38 22.84 -1.04 -8.3tAmTrF pfD N AFSIpD 1.88 8.2 26.91 23.26 122 23.00 251 25.08 22.85 -.43 -8.8 Amarin Q AMRN 3.65 1.37 1735 3.29 8029 3.38 3.10 +.12 +6.8 Amaya g Q AYA 17.57 10.30 141 15.25 520 15.25 14.25 +.75 +7.8 Amazon Q AMZN 860.86 538.58 2921 852.31 11309 855.69 847.11 -.15 +13.7 AmbacF wt Q AMBCW 15.50 6.25 10.00 8 10.40 9.78 -.20 -18.4 AmbacFin Q AMBC 4 27.25 14.42 394 19.44 1565 20.25 19.32 -.63 -13.6 Ambarella Q AMBA 29 74.95 35.26 823 56.34 6005 57.48 53.75 +3.54 +4.1 AmberRd N AMBR 12.30 4.50 184 7.36 859 7.41 6.84 +.50 -18.9 Ambev N ABEV .06e 1.1 5 6.34 4.70 21336 5.51 63233 5.59 5.34 +.05 +12.2sAmdocs Q DOX .88f 1.4 17 61.98 54.12 861 61.83 2438 62.10 61.02 +.68 +6.1 Amedica rs Q AMDA 2.80 .35 2062 .44 6465 .47 .39 +.04 -30.0 Amedisys Q AMED 44 55.16 34.58 312 50.25 1040 50.85 49.54 +.01 +17.9 AMERCO Q UHAL 3.00e 17 399.16 307.80 22 372.68 204 378.89 368.25 -2.78 +.8 Ameren N AEE 1.76f 3.2 20 55.51 46.29 2179 55.05 8122 55.28 53.76 +1.16 +4.9 Ameresco N AMRC 21 6.30 3.91 187 6.00 579 6.10 5.50 +.40 +9.1 AFMulti Q ATAX .50 8.9 16 6.11 5.10 334 5.60 773 5.75 5.55 -.05 +3.7 AMovilL N AMX .66e 4.7 48 15.95 11.02 3931 13.96 20713 14.06 12.45 +1.46 +11.1 AmCarM Q CRMT 15 47.75 19.49 76 34.40 352 34.82 32.60 +.65 -21.4 AmAirlines Q AAL .40 1.0 6 50.64 24.85 9092 41.72 49112 44.12 40.21 -2.18 -10.6 AmAssets N AAT 1.04f 2.5 27 46.38 37.26 1487 42.33 2490 43.08 41.36 +1.41 -1.7 AmAxle N AXL 6 21.25 12.61 1721 20.38 5438 20.77 19.54 +.82 +5.6 AmCampus N ACC 1.68 3.5 24 54.56 43.66 778 47.36 3510 47.70 45.36 +1.63 -4.8sACapSenF Q ACSF 1.16 8.6 4 13.70 9.21 84 13.50 648 13.70 12.78 +.80 +13.4 AmDGEn N ADGE .65 .22 23 .32 81 .34 .31 +.00 +14.3 AEagleOut N AEO .50 3.5 11 19.55 13.32 7183 14.29 20523 14.64 14.08 -.27 -5.8 AEP N AEP 2.36 3.6 17 71.32 57.89 3466 66.47 10399 67.00 65.33 +1.07 +5.6 AmElTech Q AETI 5.15 1.50 22 1.95 55 2.10 1.95 -.05 +25.8 AEqInvLf N AEL .24f .9 17 28.00 12.77 1075 25.44 2940 26.28 25.13 -.43 +12.9 AmExp N AXP 1.28 1.6 14 82.00 57.15 6041 79.25 20194 80.10 78.83 -.13 +7.0sAFnclGrp N AFG 1.25 1.3 16 97.00 66.78 660 95.98 1873 97.00 95.59 -.12 +8.9 AFnclG6-42 N AFW 1.59 6.2 26.96 24.98 7 25.64 42 25.72 25.50 +.18 +2.1 AFnclG8-42 N AFA 1.44 5.7 26.89 24.16 7 25.20 20 25.25 25.11 +.06 +.9 AFnclGp 54 N AFGE 1.56 6.1 28.28 24.43 20 25.60 55 25.82 24.93 +.28 +2.3 AFnclGp 55 N AFGH 1.50 5.8 28.02 23.58 11 25.97 56 25.97 25.31 +.56 +3.9 AHm4Rent N AMH .20 .9 40 23.98 15.07 3811 23.19 13006 23.21 22.12 +.95 +10.5sAHm4R pfA N AMHpA 1.25 4.4 29.37 25.62 1 28.42 34 29.37 27.80 +.06 +3.0 AHm4R pfB N AMHpB 1.25 4.4 28.89 25.61 1 28.68 21 28.74 28.00 +.44 +4.7 AHm4R pfC N AMHpC 1.38 4.9 28.31 25.75 15 28.20 67 28.20 27.27 +.63 +3.9 AHm4Rn pfD N AMHpD 1.63 6.3 27.58 22.15 35 25.72 423 26.05 25.02 +.33 +2.9 AHm4R pfE N AMHpE 1.59 6.3 26.33 22.55 14 25.10 667 25.31 24.90 +.52 +2.4 AIG wt N AIG/WS 25.26 15.50 97 21.07 586 21.71 20.77 -.20 -10.2 AmIntlGrp N AIG 1.28 2.1 67.47 48.41 13756 62.42 38069 63.47 61.81 -.34 -4.4 AmLorain N ALN 1.30 .47 21 .58 52 .59 .54 -.01 +7.4 AMidstrm N AMID 1.65 10.8 18.45 6.18 106 15.30 633 16.15 15.25 -.25 -15.9sAmerNtl Q AMNB .96 2.5 21 37.53 24.15 50 38.90 86 39.40 36.00 +2.65 +11.8 AmNatIns Q ANAT 3.28 2.8 17 131.99 107.44 47 116.94 122 119.75 115.14 -.77 -6.2 AmOutBr Q AOBC 8 31.19 17.50 1111 19.45 7247 19.73 18.94 -.07 -7.7 AmPubEd Q APEI 15 30.79 14.75 154 21.70 442 21.85 19.85 +1.20 -11.6 AmRailcar Q ARII 1.60 4.0 11 51.10 35.43 105 39.87 478 39.97 38.15 +1.26 -12.0 AmrRlty N ARL 9.85 4.20 11 7.79 33 8.00 6.30 +1.12 +50.7 AmRenAs n N ARA 29.65 16.59 168 18.03 684 18.28 16.95 +.64 -15.3 AmrRvr Q AMRB .05p 16 15.99 9.69 7 15.25 157 15.25 14.94 +.39 +.9 AmShrd N AMS 29 4.55 1.81 20 3.99 67 3.99 3.80 +.04 +19.1 ASoft lf Q AMSWA .44 4.3 32 11.94 8.56 131 10.28 318 10.52 10.16 -.11 -.5 AmStsWtr N AWR .97 2.2 28 46.39 37.28 523 44.92 1098 44.93 41.89 +2.83 -1.4 AmSupr rs Q AMSC 12.50 5.86 108 6.40 418 6.59 5.94 +.38 -13.2 AmTower N AMT 2.48f 2.1 46 118.26 98.87 2927 116.01 9795 116.28 113.21 +2.43 +9.8 ATowr pfA N AMTpA 5.25 4.8 117.25 100.01 26 109.08 139 109.41 107.25 +1.83 +4.1 ATowr pfB N AMTpB 5.50 5.1 116.74 99.45 72 107.75 203 110.21 106.25 +1.50 +3.1 AVangrd N AVD .06f .4 36 20.00 12.60 217 15.65 595 15.75 15.00 +.60 -18.3 AmWtrWks N AWK 1.50 2.0 27 85.24 67.02 1752 76.20 4392 77.46 75.24 +.28 +5.3 AWoodmk Q AMWD 22 91.70 60.80 195 88.00 562 89.40 85.15 +1.80 +16.9 Amerigas N APU 3.76 8.4 40 50.11 40.81 256 44.74 1019 45.30 44.25 -.51 -6.6 Ameriprise N AMP 3.00 2.3 14 135.20 84.92 1745 131.71 5237 134.96 130.22 -.39 +18.7 AmerisBc Q ABCB .40f .8 23 49.50 27.73 965 47.65 2049 47.75 45.25 +1.85 +9.3 Amerisafe Q AMSF .72a 1.1 16 69.40 50.02 202 66.45 404 66.75 63.93 +2.30 +6.6 AmrSvFin Q ASRV .06 1.6 13 4.05 2.90 29 3.80 162 3.90 3.70 +.05 +2.7 AmSvFn pf Q ASRVP 2.11 7.8 28.99 25.70 1 27.00 4 27.00 26.37 +.45 +3.8 AmeriBrgn N ABC 1.46 1.7 15 94.50 68.38 2150 87.53 8380 89.76 86.88 -.78 +11.9 AmesNatl Q ATLO .88f 2.7 20 37.45 23.88 55 32.05 77 32.05 30.25 +.75 -2.9 Ametek N AME .36 .7 24 55.48 43.28 1724 54.31 8728 54.40 53.18 +.78 +11.7sAmgen Q AMGN 4.60f 2.7 15 184.21 133.64 22147 168.61 37576 184.21 165.95 -12.83 +15.3 AmicusTh Q FOLD 9.83 4.41 3324 7.02 13126 7.60 6.85 -.53 +41.2 AmiraNatF N ANFI 11.23 4.71 269 5.26 742 5.30 4.94 +.16 -14.5 AmkorTch Q AMKR 16 12.48 5.08 1633 11.09 6374 11.15 10.76 +.20 +5.1 Ampco N AP .36 2.4 19.22 9.34 52 15.10 154 15.10 13.20 +1.45 -9.9 Amphastar Q AMPH 63 21.75 10.92 734 13.75 4181 14.87 12.05 -.87 -25.4sAmphenol N APH .64f .9 26 71.98 54.94 1185 71.34 6581 71.98 70.29 +.95 +6.2 AmpioPhm N AMPE 4.32 .59 271 .83 1000 .87 .80 +.03 -7.8 AmpOnRt ef Q IBUY 29.72 22.94 2 29.39 13 29.48 28.66 +.64 +8.0 AmpDivOpt N DIVO 26.79 24.88 4 26.57 33 26.61 26.44 +.17 +6.8tAmplify n N BETR 18 17.53 7.86 542 8.37 3778 8.45 7.86 -.01 -5.0 Ampliphi rs N APHB 5.22 .36 80 .52 954 .54 .46 +.04 +17.0 Amrep N AXR 9 8.14 4.04 23 5.93 103 6.33 5.88 -.03 -20.1 AmtechSys Q ASYS 7.83 3.99 19 5.75 333 6.01 5.52 +.11 +35.3 Amyris Q AMRS 1.43 .31 2104 .48 8988 .53 .45 -.02 -34.2 Anadarko N APC .20 .3 73.33 43.52 3358 63.25 20333 64.17 60.91 +1.36 -9.3 Anadrk 18 N AEUA 3.75 8.6 46.52 31.00 2 43.55 45 43.97 42.11 +.14 +5.3 AnalogDev Q ADI 1.80 2.2 30 84.24 52.17 3833 83.26 21969 83.73 82.05 +1.06 +14.7 Anlogic Q ALOG .40 .5 40 95.85 72.53 178 74.80 567 75.35 73.10 +1.40 -9.8sAnaptys n Q ANAB 27.79 15.17 237 26.52 694 27.79 23.00 +3.32 +56.0 Anavex rs Q AVXL 8.30 2.43 617 6.01 2642 6.15 5.30 +.70 +51.8 AnchBcWA Q ANCB 85 27.50 22.61 3 26.35 10 26.35 26.15 +.20 -3.1 Andersons Q ANDE .64 1.6 96 44.90 25.78 325 39.25 748 39.25 37.70 +1.40 -12.2 AngiesList Q ANGI 10.76 5.22 373 5.65 1747 5.78 5.22 +.02 -31.3 AngioDyn Q ANGO 18.18 10.64 295 17.14 734 17.40 16.61 +.36 +1.6 AnglogldA N AU 22.91 9.28 5092 10.81 21410 11.01 9.76 +.80 +2.9 ABInBev N BUD 3.19e 2.9 136.08 98.28 2292 111.75 8574 112.53 106.93 +4.14 +6.0 AnikaTh Q ANIK 20 54.96 41.38 206 43.15 747 44.59 42.37 -1.44 -11.9 Anixter N AXE 18 88.00 48.50 280 82.85 713 83.00 78.23 +4.10 +2.2 Annaly N NLY 1.20a 10.9 9 11.29 9.83 13405 11.00 44317 11.07 10.77 +.03 +10.3 Annaly pfA N NLYpA 1.97 7.7 27.00 24.51 1 25.50 33 25.51 25.09 +.40 +1.8 Annaly pfC N NLYpC 1.91 7.7 26.04 23.77 11 24.74 116 24.86 24.53 +.09 +2.7 Annaly pfD N NLYpD 1.88 7.7 26.29 23.60 119 24.26 491 24.35 24.10 +.15 +.5 Annaly pfE N NLYpE 1.91 7.7 25.88 23.95 18 24.70 143 24.88 24.34 +.25 +2.5 Ansys Q ANSS 32 108.92 81.41 574 107.29 1989 107.86 105.88 +.82 +16.0sAntaresP Q ATRS 2.85 .67 1825 2.80 9051 2.90 2.43 +.36 +20.2 AnteroMid N AM 1.12f 3.2 30 35.74 20.52 1210 34.48 2220 35.41 34.26 -.48 +11.7 AnteroRes N AR 1.00 4.3 40 30.66 23.07 2491 23.48 14692 24.31 23.35 -.32 -.7sAnthem N ANTM 2.60 1.5 18 170.79 114.85 1479 168.27 8215 170.79 163.19 +1.86 +17.0 Anthem un N ANTX 2.62e 51.05 41.00 92 50.41 1216 50.97 49.76 +.06 +7.4tAntheraP h Q ANTH 4.40 .40 5409 .43 31827 .70 .40 -.26 -33.1 Anworth N ANH .60 10.8 10 5.54 4.47 1766 5.54 4181 5.54 5.34 +.12 +7.2 Anwrth pfA N ANHpA 2.16 8.3 25.95 24.62 2 25.87 10 25.92 25.69 +.10 +2.3 Anwrth pfB N ANHpB 1.56 5.8 27.00 19.91 21 26.89 26 26.90 26.45 +.15 +5.1 Anwrth pfC N ANHpC 1.91 7.7 26.40 21.70 9 24.78 14 24.80 24.55 -.02 +.2sAon plc N AON 1.32 1.1 19 119.42 99.67 1097 118.91 5575 119.88 118.00 +1.05 +6.6 AoxnTia h rs Q ABAC 4.07 1.51 28 2.30 80 2.78 2.19 -.21 -36.4 AoxingPh N AXN 10 .94 .30 544 .40 848 .46 .38 +.02 +25.0 Apache N APA 1.00 2.0 69.00 46.15 4906 51.22 19973 52.16 49.28 +.99 -19.3 AptInv N AIV 1.44f 3.3 30 47.91 39.14 1520 44.21 9729 44.73 42.84 +.78 -2.7 AptInv pfA N AIVpA 1.72 6.5 29.47 25.29 1 26.48 130 26.97 26.25 +.05 +2.5 ApogeeE Q APOG .56f .9 21 61.00 39.48 280 59.40 675 59.50 56.03 +2.45 +10.9 ApolloCRE N ARI 1.84 10.0 9 18.47 15.43 2380 18.34 7444 18.38 17.75 +.42 +10.3 ApolCR pfA N ARIpA 2.16 8.4 26.29 24.53 6 25.81 34 25.83 25.53 +.18 +1.9 ApoCRE pfC N ARIpC 25.55 23.80 16 25.28 64 25.29 24.86 +.24 +2.0 ApollEnd rs Q APEN 32.34 9.24 10 11.40 32 12.61 11.00 +.22 -29.3 ApolloGM N APO 1.42e 6.2 23 24.00 14.25 1992 22.99 11787 23.87 22.94 +.17 +18.8stApollG pfA N APOpA 1.60 6.4 24.94 24.55 300 24.98 1097 25.04 24.55 +1.4 ApolloInv Q AINV .60 9.5 6.58 5.03 1262 6.34 5968 6.51 6.28 +.11 +8.2 Apollo 42 N AIB 1.66 6.5 26.79 24.20 4 25.57 20 25.65 25.31 +.19 +1.6 ApolloI 43 N AIY 1.72 6.6 27.41 24.78 14 26.21 40 26.23 25.50 +.41 +3.6 ApollSrFlt N AFT 1.17a 6.6 18.08 14.95 44 17.68 301 17.76 17.38 +.18 +1.6sApolloTact N AIF 1.40a 8.5 16.77 13.36 72 16.48 601 16.77 16.08 +.53 +6.6sAppFolio n Q APPF 26.05 11.69 41 25.95 389 26.10 23.95 +1.75 +8.8 AppHReit n N APLE 1.20 6.3 31 20.68 17.32 1125 19.06 4168 19.17 18.64 +.37 -4.6sApple Inc Q AAPL 2.28 1.6 17 141.02 89.47 37850 139.99 114726 141.02 138.82 +.85 +20.9 ApplRecy h Q ARCI 1.80 .80 2 1.06 69 1.08 1.00 +.02 -5.4 AplDNA wt Q APDNW 2.08 .35 1 .42 18 .48 .41 -.07 -16.0 ApldDNA Q APDN 3.74 1.40 47 1.70 193 1.85 1.70 -8.1 AppGenTc Q AGTC 13 19.86 6.08 180 7.35 616 7.90 7.28 -.30 -21.4 ApldIndlT N AIT 1.16f 1.9 25 66.65 41.11 328 62.15 955 62.35 59.30 +1.75 +4.6sApldMatl Q AMAT .40 1.0 19 39.28 19.46 10246 39.28 46493 39.38 37.78 +1.16 +21.7 ApldOptoel Q AAOI 46 56.14 8.08 1821 50.77 6387 51.55 46.61 -.15 +116.6 Approach Q AREX 4.35 1.11 2298 2.32 7012 2.69 2.11 -.07 -30.7tApptio n Q APTI 24.60 12.27 47 12.69 398 13.23 12.27 -.17 -31.5 ApricusB rs Q APRI 15.40 1.10 80 2.23 1998 2.98 1.65 -.41 +71.5 Aptargrp N ATR 1.28f 1.7 25 81.50 70.32 383 77.08 1282 77.69 75.35 +.29 +4.9 AptevoTh n Q APVO 8.29 1.69 166 1.95 1264 2.13 1.75 +.17 -20.1 AptoseB g Q APTO 3 4.30 .83 123 1.18 4684 1.37 1.11 -.01 -15.1 AquaAm N WTR .74 2.3 24 35.83 28.03 1834 32.07 4038 32.21 31.03 +1.21 +6.8sAquaMetal h Q AQMS 22.75 5.95 412 19.92 3223 22.75 18.75 +.21 +51.9tAquaB Tc n Q AQB 24.78 11.50 89 10.75 228 13.35 10.39 -2.56 -55.6 Acquavnt n N WAAS 26.33 14.30 269 18.02 1288 18.52 15.40 +2.50 -26.5 AquinoxPh Q AQXP 19.97 6.01 79 16.69 354 17.32 16.07 -.24 +1.1 ArQule Q ARQL 2.17 1.13 68 1.22 354 1.24 1.19 +.01 -3.2 Aradigm Q ARDM 7.19 1.47 21 1.83 102 1.96 1.77 -.05 +14.4tAralezPh Q ARLZ 6.80 2.05 1716 2.25 17927 3.32 2.05 -1.28 -49.0 Aramark N ARMK .41 1.1 21 38.30 31.38 1565 37.51 7298 37.55 36.12 +.99 +5.0 AratanaTh Q PETX 10.73 3.90 787 5.24 6612 7.05 5.13 -1.58 -27.0sArborRT N ABR .68f 8.5 12 8.00 6.57 221 7.97 736 8.04 7.53 +.38 +6.8 Arbor prA N ABRpA 2.06 8.0 26.48 23.69 3 25.71 14 25.71 25.13 +.48 +2.5 ArborR pfB N ABRpB 1.94 7.7 26.00 21.40 2 25.19 3 25.20 24.90 +.44 +2.5 ArborR pfC N ABRpC 2.13 8.4 26.68 23.78 1 25.40 5 25.76 25.33 +.07 +.2 ArborRT 21 N ABRN 1.84 7.2 26.15 24.25 5 25.49 23 25.49 25.30 +.14 +.7 ArbutusB g Q ABUS 5.48 2.35 3117 3.40 3726 3.45 2.60 +.70 +38.8 ArcLogist N ARCX 1.76 12.5 17 17.40 9.57 34 14.04 470 14.20 13.51 +.18 -11.9 ArcBest Q ARCB .32 1.2 40 33.95 14.85 350 27.40 870 28.20 26.70 -.9 ArcadBiosc Q RKDA 3.18 .68 44 .87 167 .88 .78 +.06 -5.4 ArcelorMit N MT 10 9.37 3.88 10546 9.03 73521 9.25 8.55 +.66 +23.7sArchCap Q ACGL 27 96.05 67.50 372 95.60 1740 96.05 94.45 +.51 +10.8tArchC pfC N ARHpC 1.69 6.7 27.65 25.02 86 25.12 180 25.16 25.02 +.04 -.2 ArchC pfE Q ACGLP 1.31 5.9 24.90 20.20 62 22.08 271 22.10 21.66 +.02 +4.5 ArchCoal N ARCH 86.47 59.05 1158 67.05 2532 70.26 64.52 +2.40 -14.1 ArchDan N ADM 1.28f 2.9 21 47.88 34.55 3846 44.72 14065 45.33 44.39 -.32 -2.0 Archrock N AROC .48 3.8 16.40 5.60 1338 12.60 3525 12.75 11.56 +.25 -4.5 ArchrkPtrs Q APLP 1.14 6.7 18.55 7.78 311 16.94 823 17.46 16.55 -.46 +5.6 Arconic N ARNC .15p 30.69 16.75 5076 27.50 15083 27.81 26.45 +.67 +48.3sArcosDor N ARCO 43 7.90 3.17 1130 7.35 6567 7.90 6.25 +1.05 +36.1 Ardelyx Q ARDX 16.30 6.36 193 14.95 642 14.95 13.45 +1.45 +5.3 ArdmoreSh N ASC .71e 8.9 9.96 5.00 370 7.95 1380 8.00 6.95 +.90 +7.4 ArenaPhm Q ARNA 2.16 1.34 3330 1.55 21251 1.70 1.42 +.07 +9.2 AresCap Q ARCC 1.52 8.8 12 17.87 13.81 1453 17.23 13802 17.46 17.12 -.05 +4.5 AresC 10-22 N ARU 1.45 5.7 26.33 25.22 16 25.65 64 25.76 25.54 +.15 +.2 AresCmcl N ACRE 1.08f 8.2 9 14.39 10.51 295 13.25 832 13.29 12.66 +.39 -3.5 AresDyCr N ARDC 1.40 8.7 16.12 13.07 49 16.05 421 16.06 15.69 +.21 +6.4 AresMgmt N ARES 1.12f 6.0 14 23.25 12.08 133 18.55 1454 19.15 18.25 -.45 -3.4 AresMg pfA N ARESpA 1.75 6.8 27.58 21.63 28 25.88 156 26.02 25.41 -.12 +3.3 Argan N AGX .70e 16 76.70 30.62 197 67.20 552 68.90 66.07 -.75 -4.7 ArgoGp42 Q AGIIL 1.63 6.4 27.43 23.60 3 25.34 44 25.62 25.13 +.13 +1.5 ArgoGpInt Q AGII 1.08f 1.6 16 69.03 49.10 279 67.20 792 68.40 66.40 -.45 +2.0tArgosTher Q ARGS 13.97 1.05 1239 1.00 2752 1.25 1.00 -.15 -79.6sAristaNetw N ANET 41 128.93 57.89 1009 128.10 4886 128.93 124.81 +3.93 +32.4sArkInnova N ARKK .47p 23.78 17.93 2 23.71 15 23.81 23.21 +.50 +18.3 ArkIndInno N ARKQ .19p 24.80 17.97 4 24.44 16 24.45 23.67 +.99 +11.3sArkGenom N ARKG 20.79 15.85 5 20.62 15 20.79 20.35 +.29 +21.8 ArkWebX.O N ARKW .53p 28.98 19.98 8 28.84 20 28.98 28.37 +.44 +14.9 Ark 3dPr n N PRNT 24.11 19.55 9 22.77 23 22.90 22.37 +.35 +7.9 ArkRst Q ARKR 1.00 3.9 17 27.02 20.00 1 25.53 11 25.94 24.76 +.53 +5.3 ArlingAst N AI 2.50 17.4 5 17.13 11.99 761 14.38 2165 14.40 13.46 +.61 -3.0 ArlingAst25 N AIC 1.69 7.3 23.99 17.84 23.00 10 23.00 21.82 +.67 +3.7 ArmadaHof N AHH .76f 5.4 15 15.50 10.65 475 13.96 1259 13.98 13.16 +.70 -4.2 ArmrR pfA N ARRpA 2.06 8.5 24.85 21.77 8 24.28 54 24.42 24.12 +.10 -.1 ArmrR pfB N ARRpB 1.97 8.5 23.98 20.01 21 23.17 117 23.19 23.11 +.11 -.2 ArmourR rs N ARR 3.39 15.3 8 23.40 18.63 665 22.14 2099 22.15 21.30 +.44 +2.1 ArmsFloor N AFI 22.96 11.77 467 19.08 1465 19.16 18.20 +.59 -4.2 ArmstrWld N AWI 21 48.00 36.33 453 46.50 3463 47.50 45.75 +.35 +11.2 Arotech Q ARTX 5.00 2.25 795 3.05 5359 4.15 3.00 -.75 -12.9 ArrayBio Q ARRY 13.40 2.50 7847 10.56 20569 11.50 10.25 -.43 +20.1 ArrisIntl Q ARRS 9 31.52 20.05 2208 25.99 13000 26.40 24.78 +.61 -13.7 ArrwDJYld N GYLD 1.59e 8.6 19.99 17.15 34 18.59 129 18.75 18.30 +.24 +.9 ArrowEl N ARW 10 75.88 58.09 787 75.35 3326 75.54 72.60 +1.96 +5.7 ArrowFn Q AROW 1.00b 2.8 18 41.70 25.06 85 35.75 156 35.80 33.77 +1.85 -11.7 ArwDWATc Q DWAT .04p 11.02 9.80 2 10.76 5 10.77 10.63 +.12 +4.4 ArrowPhm Q ARWR 8.22 1.20 615 2.05 2382 2.19 2.03 -.07 +32.3 Arrhythm N HRT 4.83 3.47 1 4.10 3 4.10 3.90 +.04 +7.9 ArtesRes Q ARTNA .91 2.7 24 35.00 25.17 33 33.66 123 34.00 31.50 +2.06 +5.4 ArtisanPtr N APAM 2.80a 10.1 14 35.00 24.48 547 27.75 2998 28.60 27.10 +.25 -6.7 ArtsWay Q ARTW .05 1.4 4.70 2.50 1 3.65 3 3.85 3.61 -.10 +7.4 AskanoG g N AKG 4.68 2.01 5906 2.54 21470 2.84 2.44 +.08 -17.0 AsburyA N ABG 10 71.00 47.50 329 61.90 1116 63.45 61.05 +.35 +.3tAscenaRtl Q ASNA 38 11.26 3.99 5171 4.17 19124 4.27 3.99 -.04 -32.6 Ascendis n Q ASND 30.57 11.92 11 29.68 152 30.00 28.41 +.19 +46.6 AscentCap Q ASCMA 26.16 11.78 169 14.96 321 15.50 14.28 -.01 -8.0 AshHPrm N AHP .64f 6.0 6 17.64 9.83 719 10.59 2681 11.10 10.09 +.47 -22.4 AshHPr pfB N AHPpB 25.42 17.70 2 20.00 116 20.14 19.57 +.50 -7.1 AshfordHT N AHT .48 7.7 7 8.23 4.79 1223 6.26 3984 6.35 5.94 +.18 -19.3 Ashfrd pfA N AHTpA 2.14 8.3 26.48 23.68 0 25.77 9 25.77 25.63 +.24 +1.5 Ashfrd pfD N AHTpD 2.11 8.2 26.00 23.15 4 25.59 25 25.63 25.33 +.25 +2.4 AshfHT pfF N AHTpF 1.84 7.5 26.33 21.86 128 24.58 228 24.75 23.59 +.24 +3.0 AshfrH pfG N AHTpG 1.84 7.7 24.99 21.69 6 23.89 58 23.92 23.43 +.18 +3.2sAshland N ASH 1.56 1.3 19 124.18 105.50 488 124.36 2034 124.88 120.35 +3.77 +13.8sAsiaPc N APB .22e 2.0 11.10 9.14 7 11.04 41 11.10 10.68 +.35 +13.6 AsiaPWire Q APWC 3.10 1.54 2 2.60 9 2.60 2.50 -.05 -7.3sAsiaTigr N GRR .16e 1.5 10.51 8.72 1 10.62 30 10.62 10.30 +.36 +15.9 AspenAero N ASPN 6.71 3.61 63 4.08 175 4.18 4.00 +.01 -1.2 AspenIns N AHL .88 1.6 24 57.80 43.27 341 54.50 1197 55.25 53.85 -.15 -.9tAspenI pfB N AHLpB 1.81 7.1 26.70 25.29 14 25.39 46 25.44 25.29 +.06 -.2 Aspen pfC N AHLpC 1.49 5.6 30.32 24.93 14 26.73 113 26.82 26.28 +.49 +5.6 AspenTech Q AZPN 31 59.82 34.28 1764 59.37 4860 59.79 57.85 +.89 +8.6sAssembBio Q ASMB 28.18 4.60 110 25.00 546 28.18 22.25 +1.67 +105.8 AscBnc pfC N ASBpC 1.53 5.9 27.90 24.49 1 25.87 8 26.08 25.69 -.13 +2.4 AsscBc pf D N ASBpD 25.45 20.55 5 23.40 56 23.63 22.95 +.21 +6.9 AsscdBanc N ASB .48 1.9 20 26.70 15.72 2179 25.10 5823 25.35 24.65 +.05 +1.6sAssocCap n N AC 39.35 27.52 94 38.15 185 39.35 37.15 -.10 +16.1 Assurant N AIZ 2.12 2.1 20 101.32 76.33 641 98.97 2024 100.11 98.05 -.67 +6.6 AssuredG N AGO .57f 1.5 10 42.94 23.43 1903 39.06 5284 40.94 39.04 -1.00 +3.4 AsdGMu01 N AGOpB 1.72 6.6 26.99 25.33 9 26.10 33 26.36 25.54 +.59 +2.2 AsdGMu02 N AGOpE 1.56 6.1 27.37 23.73 12 25.63 44 25.63 25.11 +.52 +2.6 AsdGMu03 N AGOpF 1.40 5.6 26.13 23.03 2 24.91 20 24.91 24.65 +.16 +4.8 AstaFundg Q ASFI 20 11.97 8.12 9 8.70 31 8.70 8.26 +.15 -11.2 Astec Q ASTE .40 .6 26 73.37 43.00 243 62.59 606 62.94 59.93 +1.30 -7.2 AsteriasBio N AST 5.80 2.30 147 3.20 638 3.40 3.10 +.05 -30.4 Asterias wt N AST/WS 1.00 .09 1 .41 6 .42 .35 +.01 -24.8 AstoriaF N AF .16 .8 34 21.66 14.11 2472 21.32 10167 21.60 20.66 +.14 +14.3 Astoria pfC N AFpC 1.63 6.3 27.62 24.50 9 25.66 43 25.90 25.30 +.25 +2.1 AstraZen s N AZN 1.40e 4.6 9 35.04 25.55 4233 30.69 23536 30.90 29.82 +1.14 +12.3 AstroNova Q ALOT .28 1.8 28 16.41 12.40 83 15.55 91 15.55 13.14 +2.70 +9.1 Astronics Q ATRO 17 41.03 25.93 429 30.14 1197 31.35 29.99 -.96 -10.9tAstrotch h Q ASTC 2.28 1.20 35 1.36 236 1.39 1.20 -.01 -9.3 AsureSftw h Q ASUR 13.00 4.45 194 11.44 560 11.87 9.99 +1.44 +34.4 AtHomGr n N HOME 17.02 10.19 61 15.62 429 15.94 14.20 +1.24 +6.8 AtaraBioth Q ATRA 25.73 12.45 601 20.05 2231 23.00 18.10 -.95 +41.2 Atento SA N ATTO 10.31 6.85 58 8.35 129 8.60 8.00 -.15 +9.2 athenahlth Q ATHN 143.85 90.11 489 115.01 1486 117.41 112.86 -.08 +9.4sAthene n N ATH 55.00 44.46 2878 52.12 6491 55.00 50.05 +1.23 +8.6 Athersys Q ATHX 2.90 1.02 444 1.15 3057 1.20 1.08 -24.8 AtkoreInt n N ATRK 27.30 14.17 335 26.14 1334 26.21 25.26 +.55 +9.3 AtlantAlli n Q AAPC 36.50 7.60 2 9.58 11 11.58 9.33 -.42 -2.6 AtlanAmer Q AAME .02 .5 36 5.00 3.06 0 4.00 12 4.00 3.65 +.30 -2.4 AtlCapBc n Q ACBI 33 20.20 12.89 84 18.35 254 18.50 17.85 +.15 -3.4 AtlCstFin Q ACFC 14 8.00 5.53 8 7.88 17 7.94 7.75 +.04 +15.9 AtlPwr g N AT .12 2.75 2.13 1015 2.70 2864 2.70 2.55 +.15 +8.0 AtlanticaYd Q ABY .45e 2.1 22.87 15.78 788 21.67 2620 22.00 20.80 +.49 +12.0tAtlanticus Q ATLC 3.54 2.30 0 2.54 31 2.60 2.30 +.12 -10.5 AtlasAir Q AAWW 28 59.60 34.22 278 54.70 1010 54.95 53.05 +.40 +4.9tAtlasFin Q AFH 18.67 12.15 108 13.00 658 13.68 12.15 +.15 -28.0 Atlassian n Q TEAM 90 35.16 20.51 437 29.66 2077 29.76 28.58 +.99 +23.2 ATMOS N ATO 1.80f 2.3 23 81.97 68.51 1071 79.93 2665 80.36 77.48 +2.10 +7.8 Atomera n Q ATOM 10.25 5.50 133 7.10 184 7.64 6.44 +.45 +5.2 AtossGen rs Q ATOS 6.30 1.30 61 1.46 347 1.65 1.45 -.04 +3.5 AtriCure Q ATRC 20.40 13.44 259 18.96 740 19.02 17.79 +.64 -3.1 Atrion Q ATRI 4.20 .9 32 522.05 373.11 11 469.60 23 474.00 459.05 +5.50 -7.4 Attunity Q ATTU 10.50 4.15 80 7.47 286 7.85 7.04 -.29 +24.5 AtwoodOcn N ATW .30m 3.3 2 15.37 6.12 3088 9.16 14866 9.59 8.44 -.01 -30.2 aTyrPhm n Q LIFE 6.01 2.10 60 3.80 309 4.00 3.40 +.20 +76.7 AubNB Q AUBN .92f 2.8 15 33.95 26.25 1 32.64 7 32.75 32.22 +.23 +4.2 Audentes n Q BOLD 20.74 13.06 97 15.36 299 15.77 15.06 -.16 -15.9 AudCodes Q AUDC 12 7.26 3.68 52 7.02 446 7.15 6.65 +.30 +10.6sAuriniaPh Q AUPH 10.54 1.74 6552 7.70 95419 10.54 7.51 -.80 +266.7 AurisMed Q EARS 5.45 .66 811 .91 8570 .95 .75 +.13 -15.0 AutoNatn N AN 11 54.15 39.28 1853 44.53 4594 45.73 44.30 -.31 -8.5 Autobytel Q ABTL 29 20.97 10.72 245 12.93 568 14.40 12.85 -1.25 -3.9 Autodesk Q ADSK 89.18 49.82 2259 86.22 16532 89.15 85.31 +.10 +16.5sAutohome N ATHM 36.01 19.32 1406 33.26 3363 36.01 32.50 -2.35 +31.6 Autoliv N ALV 2.32 2.2 21 126.31 93.31 651 103.16 3481 107.75 102.89 -.80 -8.8sAutoData Q ADP 2.28 2.2 28 105.00 84.36 2714 105.11 8967 105.20 103.66 +.56 +2.3 AutoZone N AZO 17 819.54 705.30 449 730.77 1896 732.09 711.33 +13.74 -7.5sAuxilio n N AUXO 5.85 3.60 154 4.64 1526 5.85 4.50 -.16 +13.2 AvadelPh Q AVDL 15.45 8.61 165 9.56 369 10.60 9.50 -.70 -8.0 AvalonHld N AWX 3.41 1.77 92 2.69 266 3.34 2.65 -.13 -8.8 AvalonBay N AVB 5.68f 3.1 23 192.29 158.32 1429 185.86 4864 186.88 177.08 +8.09 +4.9 Avangrid n N AGR 1.73 4.1 46.74 35.42 820 42.50 2764 42.87 41.86 -.07 +12.2 AveICSFd N ACP 1.44 10.5 14.60 10.73 101 13.66 529 13.78 13.30 +.08 +1.7 AVEO Ph h Q AVEO 1.23 .54 93 .88 867 .92 .80 -.02 +63.0 AveryD N AVY 1.64f 2.0 21 82.11 68.55 877 80.39 2620 80.94 79.51 -.11 +14.5sAvexis n Q AVXS 75.87 20.37 2787 84.00 4941 85.98 71.06 +12.09 +76.0 Avianca N AVH .10e 1.3 10.91 4.62 96 7.73 1971 7.79 7.27 +.44 -19.8 AviatNet rs Q AVNW 16.46 5.71 5 15.16 144 15.87 15.04 +.21 +9.6 AvidTech Q AVID 9.78 3.99 1357 4.96 5001 5.38 4.21 -.13 +12.7 Avinger n Q AVGR 14.48 2.00 231 2.00 885 2.15 2.00 -.05 -45.9 AvinoSG g N ASM 3.14 .90 216 1.83 1661 1.90 1.70 +.12 +33.6 Avirgagen Q AVIR 2.00 .56 159 .65 1025 .76 .60 -.07 -47.2 AvisBudg Q CAR 11 41.53 21.85 2400 32.70 7456 34.61 32.06 -.34 -10.9 Avista N AVA 1.43f 3.6 19 45.22 37.78 1179 39.49 2418 39.87 38.66 +.74 -1.3 AvistaHl un Q AHPAU 10.45 9.52 55 10.40 56 10.40 10.13 +.07 +2.7 Avnet N AVT .72f 1.6 12 51.50 38.16 1498 46.05 6154 46.61 45.17 +.69 -3.3 Avon N AVP 6.96 3.52 10717 4.43 31284 4.44 4.11 +.15 -12.1 Aware Q AWRE 27 6.70 3.46 48 4.80 181 5.00 4.60 -21.3sAxalta N AXTA 32.50 24.27 3805 32.61 12744 33.06 30.98 +1.39 +19.9tAxarAcq Q AXAR 10.55 9.40 9.90 3 9.90 9.40 -.08 +.5 AxarAc wt Q AXARW .15 .01 18 .08 52 .08 .08 -.00 +2.7 Axcelis rs Q ACLS 31 16.95 8.92 212 16.05 905 16.25 14.60 +1.20 +10.3 AXIS Cap N AXS 1.52f 2.2 12 71.06 51.01 666 68.27 2681 69.11 67.71 -.54 +4.6 AXIS pfD N AXSpD 1.38 5.6 27.70 21.96 11 24.34 78 24.57 23.95 +.26 +7.2 AxisCap pfE N AXSpE 24.03 21.04 79 23.35 592 23.44 22.93 +.35 +7.8 AxoGen Q AXGN 11.25 4.90 149 10.15 462 10.20 9.70 +.10 +12.8 Axovant n N AXON 17.66 10.69 368 15.60 2368 15.80 13.36 +2.06 +25.6 AxsomeT n Q AXSM 12.69 4.00 80 4.55 293 5.30 4.50 -.65 -32.6tAzurRx n Q AZRX 5.60 3.58 22 3.78 85 4.10 3.58 -.31 -20.3 AzurePwr n N AZRE 19.99 12.73 138 17.25 192 17.75 16.20 +.55 +1.5B -:B Comm Q BCOM 3.58e 27.57 17.99 1 19.51 16 20.38 19.05 -.89 -3.3 B&G Foods N BGS 1.86 4.5 22 52.84 31.81 1915 41.00 6283 42.25 38.85 -1.05 -6.4 BRileyFn Q RILY .28e .7 28 21.30 8.59 35 14.85 192 15.75 14.35 -.10 -19.5 BRileyF 7.5 Q RILYL 1.88 7.2 28.96 23.43 1 26.06 4 26.25 25.80 -.15 +1.7 B2gold g N BTG 3.65 1.52 11894 3.00 41797 3.20 2.78 +.01 +26.6 BB&T Cp N BBT 1.20 2.6 17 49.88 32.22 6489 46.83 24788 47.97 46.70 -.88 -.4 BB&T pfD N BBTpD 27.33 23.79 31 25.23 150 25.26 24.92 +.28 +2.9 BB&T pfE N BBTpE 1.41 5.6 27.24 23.05 34 24.97 267 25.06 24.71 +.20 +5.1 BB&T pfF N BBTpF 1.30 5.3 26.47 22.00 49 24.66 172 24.67 24.00 +.54 +8.3 BB&T pfG N BBTpG 1.30 5.3 27.43 22.03 23 24.76 135 24.79 24.12 +.56 +8.6 BB&T pfH N BBTpH 1.41 5.7 27.50 23.26 288 24.85 877 24.93 24.56 +.01 +2.3 BBVABFrn N BFR .48e 2.6 23.25 16.20 187 18.22 740 18.32 17.23 +.78 +4.5 BCB Bc Q BCBP .56 3.4 23 17.05 9.87 143 16.40 224 16.50 15.75 +.30 +26.2 BCE g N BCE 2.73 49.03 41.83 1303 43.76 5522 43.86 42.44 +.77 +1.2sB/E Aero Q BEAV .84 1.3 21 64.71 42.57 782 64.50 3869 64.89 64.10 +.42 +7.2 BG Staffing N BGSF 1.00 6.9 27 21.75 11.23 8 14.46 83 14.49 13.90 +.55 -7.3 BGC Ptrs Q BGCP .64 5.6 27 11.85 8.18 1500 11.47 4631 11.52 11.24 +.16 +12.1 BGCPtrs 42 N BGCA 2.03 7.9 27.39 25.41 4 25.54 26 25.57 25.49 +.01 -.6 BGE pfB N BGEpB 1.55 5.9 27.15 25.04 6 26.12 28 26.18 25.74 +.22 +2.4 BHP BillLt N BHP 2.48e 6.5 41.79 23.40 1970 38.18 16385 38.38 35.68 +2.54 +6.7 BHPBil plc N BBL .64m 1.9 37.44 20.36 1639 32.97 9274 33.19 30.70 +2.29 +4.8 BJsRest Q BJRI 21 47.55 32.24 361 39.15 1820 39.25 38.03 +1.00 -.4sBldrsAsia Q ADRA .72e 2.4 29.95 23.99 0 29.93 3 29.95 29.34 +.71 +9.4sBldrsDev Q ADRD .72e 3.4 21.31 18.10 2 21.17 9 21.31 20.80 +.29 +6.0 BldrsEmg Q ADRE .90e 2.5 37.06 29.08 14 36.54 54 36.74 35.60 +1.03 +13.3sBldrsEur Q ADRU .78e 3.8 20.59 17.82 3 20.42 28 20.59 20.00 +.16 +6.3sBMC Stock Q BMCH 35 22.60 13.28 720 22.55 7293 22.60 20.70 +.70 +15.6 BNC Bcp Q BNCN .20 .6 23 37.15 20.14 1192 35.75 1953 35.98 34.70 +.25 +12.1 BOK Q BOKF 1.76 2.2 23 85.25 51.38 419 80.22 879 81.33 78.87 -.57 -3.4 BOK 56 n Q BOKFL 1.34 5.6 26.50 21.25 14 23.80 62 24.10 23.39 +.39 +6.8 BOS Ltd Q BOSC 4.85 1.68 41 2.38 106 2.48 2.18 +.15 +12.3 BP PLC N BP 2.40a 7.0 41 38.68 28.67 4429 34.28 36411 34.39 33.28 -.05 -8.3 BP Pru N BPT 2.43e 13.8 3 32.95 11.29 319 17.60 1709 18.75 15.65 +.40 -25.9tBRF SA N BRFS .40e 3.4 18.12 11.98 9860 11.81 23557 12.91 11.77 -.81 -20.0 BRT N BRT 33 8.70 6.65 1 8.13 26 8.25 8.01 +.06 -.7 BSB Bcp Q BLMT 21 30.05 21.51 23 28.00 89 28.30 26.80 +.40 -3.3 BT Grp s N BT .99e 4.8 33.50 19.14 1285 20.80 5051 20.85 20.15 -.08 -9.7 BWX Tech N BWXT .36 .8 48.36 32.24 1010 47.00 3676 47.26 46.00 +.88 +18.4tB&W Ent n N BW 23.99 9.02 685 9.22 2860 9.64 9.02 -.18 -44.4 BabShDHi N BGH 1.84a 9.3 20.49 16.50 68 19.76 373 19.91 19.38 +.01 +2.8 BadgerMtr s N BMI .46f .4 33 39.85 29.30 355 36.55 664 36.75 34.45 +1.35 -1.1 Baidu Q BIDU 12 201.00 155.28 1897 176.62 11135 178.86 170.42 +3.88 +7.4 BakrHu N BHI .68 1.2 68.59 38.16 3464 58.93 11421 59.74 55.93 +2.65 -9.3 Balchem Q BCPC .38f .4 49 89.50 56.60 368 85.81 1027 86.14 82.22 +1.55 +2.3 BaldwLy Q BWINA 1.08f 4.6 12 26.50 22.50 0 23.70 9 23.70 23.00 -.09 -5.2 BaldLyB Q BWINB 1.08f 4.5 12 27.70 22.60 71 24.00 260 24.20 23.80 +.05 -4.8 BallCorp N BLL .52 .7 21 82.24 67.51 1292 75.12 6413 75.19 73.88 +1.38 +.1 Ballanty N BTN 46 8.10 4.21 58 6.00 179 6.50 6.00 -.20 -25.0 BallardPw Q BLDP 2.53 1.23 763 2.20 4627 2.22 2.03 +.15 +33.3 BanColum N CIB 1.27e 3.3 42.58 31.06 298 37.93 1573 38.74 36.15 +1.08 +3.4 BancCalif N BANC .52 2.5 11 23.24 10.93 1209 20.75 5807 21.35 20.40 -.02 +19.6 BcCalif pfC N BANCpC 2.00 7.5 28.39 24.60 1 26.62 10 26.95 26.31 +.14 +3.1 BcCalif pfE N BANCpE 28.69 23.00 10 25.98 47 25.99 25.00 +1.13 +4.5 BcCal pfD N BANCpD 1.84 7.0 28.29 23.00 4 26.40 45 26.92 25.50 +.75 +4.0 BncFstOK Q BANF 1.52f 1.6 21 98.35 55.05 94 94.70 226 95.00 91.10 +1.85 +1.8 BcBilVArg N BBVA .42e 5.5 7.67 5.14 2992 7.58 14729 7.66 7.20 +.22 +12.0 BcoBrades s N BBDO .32e 3.2 11.00 6.48 1 10.13 42 10.58 9.40 +.09 +14.6 BcoBrad s N BBD .43e 4.3 11.25 6.10 9787 10.11 46280 10.53 10.05 +.01 +16.2 BcoLatin N BLX 1.54 5.7 11 30.51 21.95 1211 27.16 2710 27.63 26.30 -.50 -7.7 BcoMacro N BMA 87.00 56.87 107 82.84 473 85.71 81.10 +.81 +28.7sBcoSantSA N SAN .23e 3.8 6.08 3.60 4997 6.02 31508 6.08 5.66 +.19 +16.2 BcoSBrasil N BSBR .28e 2.8 11.75 4.41 1532 10.14 6325 10.51 10.07 -.04 +14.1sBcSanChile N BSAC 1.13e 4.7 24.08 17.83 328 24.13 1608 24.22 22.76 +1.30 +10.3 BcoChile N BCH 2.98e 4.2 74.02 59.70 336 70.76 735 73.93 69.48 +1.59 +.4 Bancorp34 n Q BCTF 13.45 11.35 8 12.55 23 12.72 12.50 -.10 -.3tBncpBnk lf Q TBBK 8.20 4.71 330 5.01 937 5.04 4.71 +.08 -36.3 BcpSouth N BXS .50 1.6 22 32.40 20.19 907 31.80 2844 32.00 30.75 +.68 +2.4 Bcp NJ N BKJ .24 1.6 24 15.40 10.50 10 15.10 36 15.30 15.00 +.10 +11.9 BancrftFd N BCV 1.08e 5.1 22.67 17.58 12 21.04 89 21.25 20.56 +.28 +4.0 BankMutl Q BKMU .22 2.2 26 10.20 7.20 277 9.80 714 9.90 9.45 +.25 +3.7 BkofAm N BAC .30f 1.2 20 25.80 12.05 99462 24.86 401741 25.55 24.83 -.45 +12.5 BkAML pfI N BMLpI 1.59 6.1 26.37 24.60 387 25.93 652 25.94 25.29 +.69 +3.6 BkAML pfJ N BMLpJ 1.02 4.3 27.19 21.46 2 23.49 35 23.58 23.02 +.18 -1.2 BkAm pfD N BACpD 1.55 6.1 26.24 21.44 79 25.41 331 25.50 25.08 +.28 +1.3 BkAm pfE N BACpE 1.02 5.3 26.68 21.13 57 22.74 218 22.82 22.39 +.33 +4.2 BkAm pfI N BACpI 1.66 6.4 27.45 25.10 10 26.00 68 26.08 25.74 +.16 +2.7 BkAm pfL N BACpL 72.50 6.0 1269.47 1116.00 16 1200.25 39 1200.63 1179.44 +21.25 +2.9 BkAm pfW N BACpW 1.66 6.3 28.10 25.19 63 26.29 282 26.35 25.91 +.25 +2.3 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 3 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
BkAm pfY N BACpY 1.63 6.2 28.60 25.13 43 26.42 238 26.43 26.01 +.28 +3.5 BkAm wtA N BAC/WS/A 13.64 3.01 876 12.61 2893 13.32 12.60 -.50 +26.7 BkAm wtB N BAC/WS/B 1.55 .06 283 1.30 2300 1.51 1.26 -.18 +35.4 BkAm pfA N BACpA 27.10 24.45 110 25.62 485 25.71 25.06 +.53 +2.9 BkAm pfC N BACpC 27.24 24.75 95 25.82 389 25.87 25.36 +.40 +2.3 BkAML pfL N BMLpL 1.02 4.4 24.50 20.90 18 23.21 68 23.33 22.96 -.02 +2.5 BkAML pfH N BMLpH .77 3.6 24.22 17.55 23 21.52 117 21.54 20.60 +.78 +8.2 BkAML pfG N BMLpG .77 3.6 23.30 17.68 7 21.31 32 21.60 20.71 +.58 +6.6 Bk of But n N NTB a 34.92 23.75 274 33.02 2400 33.40 32.50 +.02 +5.0sBkCmcCA Q BOCH .12 1.1 28 10.90 6.05 121 11.00 166 11.00 9.54 +.95 +15.8 BkHawaii N BOH 2.00f 2.4 20 90.80 64.96 789 85.03 1807 85.50 82.50 +1.61 -4.1 BankMarin Q BMRC 1.08 1.6 18 75.05 47.16 64 69.40 105 69.60 67.60 +.35 -.5 BkMont g N BMO 3.52 78.00 58.24 620 75.66 2475 77.08 75.35 -.90 +5.2 BkNYMel N BK .68 1.4 15 49.54 35.44 6726 47.91 22468 48.75 47.81 -.26 +1.1 BkNYM pfC N BKpC 1.30 5.2 27.41 22.74 35 24.78 152 24.89 24.35 +.27 +7.7 BkNova g N BNS 2.74 4.7 11 62.89 46.35 594 58.37 3906 59.44 57.85 -.29 +4.8 BankSC Q BKSC .56 2.7 20 23.97 15.30 1 20.85 27 21.95 20.02 +.10 -.2 BkofJames Q BOTJ .24 1.6 15 18.50 11.56 1 15.20 4 15.20 14.00 +.81 +.2 BkOzarks Q OZRK .68f 1.3 21 56.86 33.51 1847 53.96 5149 55.49 53.65 -.49 +2.6 BankFncl Q BFIN .24f 1.6 38 15.24 11.38 92 14.82 179 14.87 14.50 +.20 Bankrate N RATE 11.90 6.91 630 10.20 2187 10.50 9.90 -.20 -7.7 BankUtd N BKU .84 2.2 18 41.00 27.85 1027 38.40 3403 39.18 38.15 -.62 +1.9 BankwellF Q BWFG .28 .8 25 34.80 19.51 65 34.58 82 34.70 30.85 +1.96 +6.4 Banner Cp Q BANR .92 1.6 22 60.97 38.77 253 58.35 604 58.72 57.06 +.63 +4.6tBanro g N BAA .48 .11 285 .13 3202 .13 .11 +.01 -31.6 Baozun n Q BZUN 18.61 5.19 621 15.19 1951 15.88 14.89 -.04 +25.8 BarHarbor N BHB 1.12 2.4 20 49.87 30.80 64 47.59 194 47.77 42.58 +4.89 +.5sBarFIEur N FEEU 102.27 66.88 4 102.62 23 102.62 97.00 +4.39 +17.1sBarcFI HY N FIGY 144.28 112.21 8 144.90 30 145.47 140.52 +3.45 +11.8 BarSelMLP N ATMP 1.17e 5.0 25.72 16.89 77 23.41 452 23.76 23.05 -.25 -.6 BiP Cmdty N DJP 25.50 20.91 109 23.41 1694 23.45 22.94 +.19 -3.4 BarcGSOil N OIL 6.85 4.79 779 5.37 13005 5.43 5.16 +.02 -15.2 BarcGsci36 N GSP 15.34 11.93 14 13.54 47 13.56 13.22 +.10 -7.6sBrcEnEu n N FLEU 122.75 94.13 5 123.15 30 123.60 117.20 +5.45 +15.1 BiPCop N JJC 32.39 22.95 63 30.84 202 30.92 29.76 +1.10 +7.2 BiPNickel N JJN 14.76 9.90 0 12.35 27 12.45 12.14 +.52 +2.1 BiP GCrb N GRN 8.24 4.36 2 6.00 11 6.19 5.94 -.08 -21.2 BiPGbpUsd N GBB 39.39 31.50 1 32.38 4 32.38 31.81 +.56 -.4 BiPAg N JJA 42.25 34.08 1 34.95 6 35.05 34.73 -.16 +.1 BiP Sugar N SGG 53.69 32.00 221 40.31 490 40.56 38.41 +.12 -7.1 BiP Cottn N BAL 51.80 37.40 5 50.97 25 51.30 49.86 +.81 +9.7sBrcIndiaTR N INP 74.49 60.12 6 73.56 43 74.49 71.99 +2.94 +17.5 BiP Coffee N JO 26.21 17.92 191 19.92 713 20.15 19.31 +.08 +1.8 BiPGrain N JJG 37.37 26.62 8 28.64 210 28.72 28.15 -.02 +1.8 BiP Cocoa N NIB 40.95 22.90 106 24.87 865 25.67 24.41 +1.02 -7.5 BarcBk prD N BCSpD 2.03 7.8 26.71 25.00 106 25.99 729 26.00 25.75 +.21 +1.8 BiPIndMet N JJM 26.88 18.88 14 25.54 17 25.55 24.50 +1.04 +7.8 BiPOpCur N ICI 41.62 37.41 40.45 6 40.45 40.05 +.16 -1.6 BiPGems38 N JEM 3.18e 11.0 29.69 27.73 29.03 4 29.20 28.66 +.47 +4.1 BiPNG N GAZ .76 .39 12 .45 72 .52 .44 -.00 -33.7 BiPLive N COW 25.07 17.38 4 22.59 77 22.84 22.04 +.30 +1.0 BiPEngy N JJE 7.02 4.33 1 5.47 11 5.47 5.32 -.36 -18.4 BarcBk prA N BCSpA 1.78 7.1 26.27 24.62 25.01 608 25.03 24.99 -.01 -1.5 BiPAsia8 N AYT 1.21e 3.0 42.72 38.30 13 40.48 84 40.98 40.09 +.08 +1.7 BiPTrLBear Q DLBS 21.53 9.62 0 20.55 11 21.40 18.66 -.69 +1.7 BiP10yTBear Q DTYS 21.98 9.95 21 19.77 214 21.08 18.76 -1.00 -.3 BiPTrSteep Q STPP 36.00 29.92 2 34.74 37 35.71 34.66 -.52 +.4 BiPUrFlat Q FLAT 65.46 57.70 5 59.17 31 60.02 58.68 +.34 +.5 BiP2yrTBear Q DTUS 33.61 26.50 1 32.15 15 33.05 32.14 -.65 -.6sBarcCAPE N CAPE 104.33 79.01 6 104.17 19 104.33 103.14 +.62 +8.5 BiPSPMLP N IMLP 1.47e 7.1 22.10 15.40 1 20.59 114 20.79 20.32 -.07 Barclay N BCS .39e 3.4 12.05 6.76 3299 11.37 13934 11.52 10.95 +.11 +3.4tB iPVxST rs N VXX 81.00 15.97 40338 15.81 195372 17.09 15.57 -1.20 -38.0tBrVxMdT rs N VXZ 47.84 27.73 144 27.53 556 28.64 27.41 -.92 -21.0 BarIvrsUST Q TAPR 29.73 14.90 28.03 5 29.63 27.74 -1.25 +1.2sBard N BCR 1.04f .4 24 251.66 194.93 568 250.85 2005 252.09 247.40 +1.08 +11.7 BaringsCp s N MCI 1.20 7.9 19.76 14.52 17 15.15 95 15.20 14.91 +.11 -2.1 BaringsPt N MPV 1.08a 7.7 15.97 13.61 4 14.08 33 14.49 14.07 -.07 -.8 BarHilc n Q BHAC 10.80 9.69 10.25 5 10.25 10.22 +.9 BarHilc wt Q BHACW .23 .04 2 .17 30 .17 .12 +.03 +32.8 B&N Ed n N BNED .15p 13.15 8.50 608 9.77 1179 9.84 9.24 +.21 -14.8 BarnesNob N BKS .60 6.4 49 13.63 8.45 1634 9.40 6625 9.75 8.55 +.80 -15.7 Barnes N B .52 1.0 21 51.97 31.13 325 51.01 884 51.44 48.93 +1.63 +7.6 Barnwell N BRN 2.70 1.31 2 2.10 11 2.24 2.07 -.02 +28.0 Barracuda N CUDA 26.69 13.82 481 23.28 2277 23.74 22.44 +.53 +8.6 BarrettB lf Q BBSI 1.00f 1.8 22 66.93 26.20 63 55.78 237 56.15 52.00 +1.91 -13.0 BarrickG N ABX .12f .6 34 23.47 13.04 14644 18.85 75749 19.50 17.70 +.65 +18.0 BasicEnS N XYZ 3.42 .30 .45 tBasicEn n N BAS 44.81 29.69 1623 36.16 3975 36.58 29.69 +4.25 +2.3 BassettF Q BSET .40a 1.5 18 33.68 22.42 60 26.85 114 27.30 26.45 +.10 -11.7 Baxter s N BAX .52 1.0 26 52.33 39.87 3331 51.63 13060 52.33 51.21 -.38 +16.4 BayBncp Q BYBK 48 8.25 4.77 222 8.10 252 8.25 7.75 +.10 +22.7tBaytexE g N BTE 7.14 3.26 2113 3.44 9484 3.61 3.26 -.08 -29.5 Bazaarvce Q BV 6.14 3.02 1030 4.45 3012 4.60 4.05 +.35 -8.2sBeacnRfg Q BECN 30 50.22 38.03 757 50.45 2975 50.61 45.98 +2.73 +9.5 BearStFin Q BSF .12f 1.3 21 10.95 8.62 133 9.38 208 9.75 9.24 -.15 -7.6 BeasleyB Q BBGI .18 1.7 26 11.50 3.51 50 10.30 99 10.95 10.20 +.15 +67.5 BeazerHm N BZH 15.80 6.81 952 12.14 3988 12.57 11.62 +.10 -8.7 BebeStr rs Q BEBE 9.10 3.13 27 6.50 128 6.74 6.04 -.03 +27.7 BectDck N BDX 2.92 1.6 33 186.11 147.74 1772 183.79 6468 185.44 180.10 -1.52 +11.0 BedBath Q BBBY .50 1.3 8 52.33 38.58 2415 39.68 9812 39.99 38.98 +.04 -2.4 BeiGene n Q BGNE 41.89 24.53 91 39.55 406 40.19 38.26 -.44 +30.3 BelFuse A Q BELFA .24 1.1 12 26.97 12.15 4 21.95 24 22.20 20.75 +.19 -13.3 BelFuseB Q BELFB .28 1.1 13 33.60 13.31 76 25.20 195 25.85 24.65 -18.4 Belden N BDC .20 .3 13 81.33 54.97 404 70.11 1203 71.24 68.70 +.46 -6.2 Bellatrix g N BXE 15 1.30 .72 318 .77 2077 .81 .75 +.00 -18.2 Belleroph n Q BLPH 4.58 .43 2185 1.03 6033 1.68 .95 -.67 +98.1 BellicumP Q BLCM 23.11 7.24 779 14.58 3201 14.86 12.72 +1.41 +7.0 Belmond N BEL 49 14.45 8.69 843 12.30 2132 12.40 11.70 +.20 -7.9 Bemis N BMS 1.20f 2.4 19 53.88 47.22 656 49.22 2425 49.74 49.03 -.10 +2.9 BenchElec N BHE 24 33.45 18.54 564 32.75 1490 32.80 30.84 +1.90 +7.4 BenefBncp Q BNCL .24 1.4 48 19.00 12.34 528 16.65 1573 16.65 15.95 +.60 -9.5 Benefitfoc Q BNFT 44.98 24.55 160 26.70 755 27.15 25.25 +.60 -10.1 Benitec wt Q BNTCW 1.22 .03 0 .30 47 .39 .27 +.03 +200.0 BenitecB n Q BNTC 4.44 1.20 16 2.28 94 2.75 2.25 -.16 +49.3sBerkley N WRB .52 .7 21 73.17 52.72 829 72.69 2211 73.17 71.85 +.66 +9.3 Berkley pfB N WRBpB 1.41 5.8 26.73 21.82 23 24.18 84 24.51 24.05 -.15 +6.9 Berkly pfC N WRBpC 27.28 21.72 14 25.43 38 25.43 24.65 +.24 +6.0 Berkly pfD N WRBpD 1.44 5.9 26.39 21.54 31 24.60 131 24.75 24.05 +.21 +7.5 BerkH B N BRK/B 18 177.86 136.65 6210 172.82 19536 175.60 172.32 -2.16 +6.0 BerkHBcp N BHLB .84f 2.4 16 37.45 24.80 486 35.00 947 35.45 34.10 +.65 -5.0 BerryPlas N BERY 21 52.97 34.12 994 50.32 3826 50.75 49.77 +.41 +3.3 BestBuy N BBY 1.36f 3.0 13 49.40 28.76 6612 45.74 21118 45.77 43.75 +.94 +7.2 Beyondsp n Q BYSI 21.91 16.55 18 19.80 57 20.00 17.01 +.55 +17.9 Big 5Sprt Q BGFV .60 3.8 20 20.35 8.15 735 15.60 2519 15.75 14.40 +.60 -10.1 BigLots N BIG 1.00f 2.0 15 56.54 41.61 923 50.01 6195 51.30 48.20 -1.00 -.4 BiglariHld N BH 35 491.74 351.46 10 422.00 20 427.26 407.00 +8.26 -10.8 BBarrett N BBG 9.38 4.30 4310 4.49 16562 4.66 4.31 +.05 -35.8tBioAmber N BIOA 6.50 2.86 1612 2.55 2396 3.32 2.23 -.60 -53.6tBioAmb wt N BIOA/WS 1.82 .06 256 .06 283 .16 .03 -.06 -92.1 Bio-Path Q BPTH 3.19 .70 320 .77 825 1.01 .74 -.11 -43.0sBioRadA N BIO 209.50 131.34 593 197.31 2650 209.50 195.02 +.06 +8.2sBioRadB N BIO/B 51 204.00 135.03 2 197.05 4 204.00 197.00 +6.30 +7.6 BioTechne Q TECH 1.28 1.2 50 117.42 91.17 306 104.81 1168 108.22 103.99 -3.27 +1.9 BioDlvry lf Q BDSI 4.00 1.50 739 1.90 1783 2.10 1.90 -.10 +8.6 BioLifeSol Q BLFS 3.58 1.43 112 2.22 317 2.28 1.95 +.12 +37.9 BioLneRx h Q BLRX 1.42 .71 526 1.20 2057 1.20 1.08 +.07 +30.4 BioanlySys Q BASI 2.42 .60 40 1.48 1811 1.87 1.44 -.08 +92.2tBioblastP Q ORPN 7.95 .81 27 .90 414 1.00 .81 -.10 -13.5 Biocept rs Q BIOC 4.95 .74 651 2.20 3866 2.22 2.01 +.12 +183.9sBiocryst Q BCRX 9.15 2.36 1621 8.85 8422 9.15 8.21 -.03 +39.8 Biogen Q BIIB 15 333.65 223.02 2917 276.09 10213 294.56 274.61 -16.15 -2.6 Biolase Q BIOL 1.98 .80 154 1.30 605 1.33 1.10 +.13 -7.1 BioMarin Q BMRN 102.49 73.45 881 90.90 5042 93.46 89.80 -1.63 +9.7 Biomeri n Q BMRA 3.38 1.53 9 2.03 104 2.22 1.93 -.15 -11.7 BiondVax n Q BVXV 7.40 3.04 9 5.53 49 5.63 5.25 -.01 +65.1 BiondVx wt Q BVXVW 1.00 .37 4 .86 33 .95 .80 -.04 +130.7 BioPhrmX N BPMX 1.50 .19 1376 .53 14389 .61 .44 +.09 +40.4 Bioptix rs Q BIOP 6.65 1.60 80 3.34 118 3.64 3.19 -.10 -13.0 BioScrip Q BIOS 3.43 .98 1723 2.03 8120 2.16 1.91 +95.2 BioSpecif Q BSTC 38 58.21 31.32 45 56.25 152 57.25 53.01 +1.70 +1.0 Biostage h Q BSTG 2.86 .29 669 .38 9096 .43 .35 +.02 -57.4 BiostrPh rs Q BSPM 7.06 1.08 40 2.12 327 2.44 2.08 +.01 -27.6sBioTelem Q BEAT 47 27.55 10.96 589 27.45 1849 27.90 26.50 +.60 +22.8 BioTime N BTX 4.01 2.26 1496 3.59 2394 3.62 3.01 +.46 -.6 BioTime wt N BTX/WS .98 .30 21 .63 55 .63 .46 +.08 -10.1 Bioverativ Q BIVV 54.20 40.00 3512 49.37 10947 52.89 48.83 -3.62 +3.9 BirksGrp N BGI 5.15 .35 10 1.59 142 1.72 1.24 -.05 +48.2 BitautoH N BITA 33.16 16.56 951 25.28 4643 26.73 24.15 +.80 +33.5tBlackBox Q BBOX .48 5.2 17.05 8.50 221 9.30 511 9.45 8.50 +.35 -39.0 BlackDiam Q BDE 6.85 3.93 99 5.45 310 5.60 5.25 +.15 +1.9sBlkHillsCp N BKH 1.78f 2.7 21 66.69 54.76 1061 66.65 3025 67.02 64.71 +1.91 +8.7sBlkHCp un N BKHU 73.45 61.75 9 73.14 176 73.86 71.69 +2.06 +6.2 BlackKnt n N BKFS 50 42.19 28.50 299 40.00 1009 40.00 38.05 +1.55 +5.8 BlkStMin n N BSM 1.15f 6.9 64 19.86 13.46 207 16.74 908 17.40 16.69 -.15 -10.9 BlackLin n Q BL 31.40 21.66 513 30.33 1173 30.49 26.72 +3.18 +9.8 BlkRkCap Q BKCC .84 11.2 9.92 6.75 524 7.47 2274 7.72 7.30 -.07 +7.3sBlckbaud Q BLKB .48 .6 68 76.72 55.88 483 76.61 1620 77.16 74.48 +2.12 +19.7 BlackBerry Q BBRY 8.46 6.23 2082 7.15 15444 7.23 6.81 +.31 +3.8 BlkhwkNet Q HAWK 39.30 28.88 449 36.10 2032 36.55 35.35 -4.2 BlackRock N BLK 10.00f 2.6 20 399.46 317.60 653 382.85 2342 392.12 381.34 -1.73 +.6 BlkBldAm N BBN 1.58 7.2 25.58 19.50 95 21.88 1011 22.02 21.49 +.04 +1.3 BlkCA18 N BJZ .33 2.2 15.30 14.93 15.08 30 15.08 15.01 +.06 +.3tBlkCAIT N BFZ .87 6.2 17.00 13.81 76 14.02 475 14.07 13.81 -.02 -3.2 BlkCorBd N BHK .85a 6.4 14.34 12.57 93 13.30 570 13.30 12.91 +.32 +2.2 BlkCpHiY N HYT .84a 7.8 11.20 9.71 538 10.76 3904 10.81 10.60 -.03 -.6 BlkCrdAllo N BTZ .97 7.5 13.70 12.05 159 12.90 1135 12.94 12.59 +.17 -.5 BlkDbtStr rs N DSU 11.75 10.17 174 11.39 1380 11.52 11.23 -.08 +.4 BlkDefOpp N BHL .70a 5.1 14.01 12.94 12 13.77 80 13.86 13.69 -.05 -.1 BlkEngyRs N BGR 1.32 9.8 15.01 12.47 63 13.50 513 13.60 13.25 +.03 -6.5 BlkEnhC&I N CII 1.20 8.4 14.56 12.59 74 14.36 513 14.42 14.26 +.01 +4.7 BlkEEqDv N BDJ .56 6.6 8.60 7.32 639 8.46 2220 8.51 8.31 +.05 +3.8 BlEnhGvIn N EGF .66 5.0 14.11 13.03 2 13.16 30 13.16 13.03 +.13 -.2 BlkFltRtInc N FRA .81 5.5 14.85 12.84 101 14.71 671 14.77 14.42 +.14 +2.1 BlkFloatR N BGT .78a 5.4 14.65 12.51 113 14.53 435 14.58 14.30 +.20 +3.2 BlkFL2020 N BFO .37 2.5 15.48 14.85 6 15.04 21 15.09 15.01 +.02 +.2 BlkGlbOp N BOE 1.16 9.4 12.45 11.19 147 12.37 782 12.41 12.11 +.17 +6.9 BlkHlthSci N BME 2.40a 7.0 38.54 30.82 15 34.34 128 34.79 34.06 +.14 +8.2tBlkIT N BKT .37 6.1 6.67 6.06 84 6.12 427 6.18 6.06 -3.3 BlkIntlG&I N BGY .59 10.2 6.13 5.36 228 5.78 1242 5.78 5.61 +.11 +4.9tBlkIQM N BKN .92a 6.6 18.30 13.92 37 14.10 323 14.16 13.92 -.02 -4.0 BlkLtdD N BLW 1.19a 7.7 16.07 14.61 96 15.45 712 15.61 15.20 -.10 +1.8 BlkLTMu N BTA .70a 6.2 13.44 10.73 30 11.31 175 11.32 11.08 +.20 +.3tBlkMDMB N BZM .65 3.9 17.00 13.81 1 14.03 13 14.03 13.81 +.10 -.6 BlkMATxE N MHE .70a 5.1 16.72 12.68 1 13.55 10 13.65 13.44 -.05 -4.7 BlkMultSec N BIT 1.40a 8.2 17.64 15.49 80 17.09 756 17.11 16.70 +.11 +3.7tBlkMuIntD N MUI .79a 5.8 15.63 13.45 78 13.65 463 13.66 13.45 +.13 -1.1tBlkMuNYInt N MNE .69 5.2 16.35 13.18 2 13.37 62 13.43 13.18 +.13 -1.5 BlkMunihCA N MUC .81a 5.8 16.35 13.53 76 13.89 441 13.94 13.76 +.12 -1.3 BlkMunHIQ N MFL .86 6.1 16.43 13.52 52 14.06 265 14.14 13.92 +.11 -.8 BlMunhNYQ N MHN .80a 6.0 15.68 13.13 23 13.36 185 13.44 13.28 +.02 -.4 BlMunhNJQ N MUJ .89a 6.3 16.48 13.56 33 14.07 418 14.08 13.88 +.04 +1.2 BlkMunihQ N MUS .81 6.3 15.59 12.66 27 12.95 140 13.04 12.83 +.03 -4.6 BlkMunHQ2 N MUE .82 6.3 15.23 12.57 62 12.99 248 13.03 12.84 +.15 -3.7 BlMunyCAQ N MCA .88 6.1 16.87 13.95 28 14.41 233 14.46 14.31 +.10 -.6 BlkMunyInv N MYF .97 6.4 17.48 14.32 15 15.10 106 15.42 14.84 +.10 +1.3 BlkMunyIQ N MFT .85 6.2 16.50 13.23 5 13.71 80 13.81 13.59 -.01 -1.6tBlkMYMIQ N MIY .83 6.2 15.69 13.17 22 13.32 248 13.38 13.17 +.08 -2.0 BlMunyNYQ N MYN .74a 5.8 14.74 12.50 49 12.70 307 12.73 12.57 +.04 +.1tBlkMunyPaQ N MPA .86 6.1 16.66 13.75 24 13.97 87 13.97 13.75 +.16 -.9 BlMunyQlty N MQY .96 6.6 17.20 14.21 32 14.57 282 14.62 14.42 +.12 -1.0 BlkMuniyQ3 N MYI .89a 6.5 15.88 13.23 96 13.67 542 13.68 13.43 +.20 +.1 BlkMuniast N MUA .72a 5.2 16.09 12.96 27 13.85 160 13.92 13.63 +.22 +2.8 Blk2018 N BPK .56a 3.7 15.45 14.93 35 15.08 173 15.09 15.01 +.7 BlkMu2020 N BKK .54a 3.4 17.18 15.16 54 15.77 154 15.84 15.60 +.10 +3.8tBlkMuBdT N BBK .90a 6.2 18.55 14.50 28 14.60 184 14.70 14.50 -.08 -4.3 BlkMuIIQ N BAF .82 5.8 16.67 13.68 21 14.20 114 14.27 14.09 -.01 -.4 BlkMunIIT N BBF .87 6.2 17.00 13.46 10 14.00 88 14.07 13.81 +.06 -.1 BlkMuIQT N BYM .86 6.3 16.38 13.50 27 13.76 193 13.79 13.64 +.01 -.9tBlkMuIT N BFK .90a 6.6 16.02 13.42 94 13.61 566 13.67 13.42 +.14 -1.7 BlkMuIT2 N BLE .95a 6.6 16.89 13.87 66 14.45 395 14.57 14.25 +.12 -.6 BlkMuTTT N BTT .96a 4.4 24.44 21.09 182 22.04 621 22.28 21.99 -.05 +1.0 BlkMunienh N MEN .73a 6.5 13.21 10.92 45 11.17 374 11.26 11.02 +.17 -.9 BlkMunihld N MHD 1.03a 6.4 19.35 15.54 15 16.11 138 16.19 15.89 +.13 -.4 BlkMunihd2 N MUH .93a 6.2 17.29 14.36 7 14.93 135 14.93 14.55 +.36 +1.6tBlkMunvst N MVF .64a 6.8 11.26 9.34 78 9.49 710 9.55 9.34 -.04 -1.2 BlkMuniv2 N MVT 1.00a 6.6 18.64 14.74 65 15.11 213 15.17 14.86 +.10 -.9 BlkMunyAZ N MZA .83 5.8 19.16 13.89 2 14.30 27 14.52 14.19 -.15 -1.2tBlMunyldCA N MYC .89a 6.0 17.89 14.44 24 14.68 235 14.75 14.44 +.10 -3.9 BlkMuniyld N MYD .92a 6.5 16.44 13.61 48 14.13 440 14.20 13.91 +.20 -.1tBlkMunyNJ N MYJ .90a 5.9 17.62 14.87 10 15.14 101 15.28 14.87 +.20 -1.2 BlMunQlt2 N MQT .80 6.4 15.06 12.31 137 12.51 689 12.56 12.35 +.07 -2.3tBlkNJMB N BLJ .83a 5.6 17.75 14.21 1 14.85 26 15.28 14.21 +.58 +2.8 BlkNJIT N BNJ .90a 6.2 16.98 14.12 4 14.52 69 14.59 14.16 +.21 +2.0 BlkNY18 N BLH .31a 2.1 15.18 14.72 12 14.86 14 14.93 14.86 +.02 +.9tBlkNYMB N BQH .74 5.3 16.39 13.56 3 13.89 51 13.99 13.56 +.30 -.9 BlkNYIQT N BSE .69 5.3 15.42 12.53 26 12.90 75 12.91 12.73 +.11 -1.6 BlkNYIT N BNY .83 5.9 16.91 13.29 21 13.92 134 14.16 13.87 -.09 +.1 BlkNYMu2 N BFY .84 5.9 18.02 14.05 9 14.21 60 14.24 14.08 +.01 -1.9 BlkRsCmdy N BCX .79 9.3 8.99 6.95 654 8.43 2910 8.46 8.16 +.22 +1.9sBlkSciTch N BST 1.20 6.0 20.13 15.80 69 20.05 393 20.20 19.72 +.28 +11.8tBlkStMT N BSD .85a 6.4 15.98 13.03 17 13.22 68 13.23 13.03 +.17 -2.0 BlkU&Inf N BUI 1.45 7.4 20.59 17.24 22 19.68 186 19.69 19.22 +.31 +6.9tBlkVAMB N BHV .83 5.4 21.50 15.06 4 15.32 30 15.37 15.06 +.12 -.5 BlkstFltRt N BSL 1.08 6.0 18.43 14.89 65 18.04 351 18.04 17.54 +.45 -.2 BlkstGSOSt N BGB 1.26 7.9 16.27 13.39 150 16.02 835 16.02 15.69 +.22 +4.4 Blackstone N BX 1.46 4.8 19 31.69 22.45 3186 30.59 28948 30.91 29.83 +1.65 +13.2 BlkstnMtg N BXMT 2.48f 8.1 12 31.53 25.98 598 30.80 2998 30.83 29.76 +.61 +2.4 BlkLSCrInc N BGX 1.18 7.2 16.52 13.36 63 16.43 319 16.43 16.10 +.35 +3.2 BlockHR N HRB .88 3.6 17 27.73 19.18 7342 24.45 21187 24.59 23.76 +.72 +6.4 BlonderT N BDR 1.10 .28 0 .67 27 .73 .62 -.02 +42.8 BloominBr Q BLMN .32f 1.7 25 19.99 15.82 2414 18.60 7654 18.78 17.47 +.60 +3.2 Blucora Q BCOR 16.70 4.69 664 16.15 2010 16.50 15.83 -.15 +9.5 BlueBird Q BLBD 18.15 9.53 281 16.85 429 16.90 15.85 +.30 +9.1 BlueBPet n Q BUFF 34 27.50 21.60 1915 23.86 5106 24.90 23.40 -.73 -.7 BlueCapRe N BCRH 1.20 6.2 12 20.83 17.01 43 19.25 123 19.55 18.60 +.55 +4.3 BlueHBcp Q BHBK .20f 1.1 42 19.73 13.36 105 18.15 281 18.35 17.70 -.10 -3.2sBluebBio Q BLUE 100.40 35.37 976 92.40 4726 100.40 87.78 +3.85 +49.8 BlueknEP Q BKEP .58 8.6 7.55 4.56 40 6.75 252 7.00 6.65 -.10 -1.5 Bluekn pf Q BKEPP .72 9.1 8.75 6.35 4 7.85 37 7.90 7.81 -.04 -.6 BlueLinx rs N BXC 5 9.70 4.00 30 8.28 185 8.33 7.59 +.68 +10.8sBlueprtM n Q BPMC 42.42 13.27 477 41.36 2892 42.42 39.29 +2.04 +47.5 BluerkRsd N BRG 1.16 9.7 33 14.77 10.20 391 12.00 1563 12.05 11.30 +.47 -12.5 BluerkRs pf N BRGpA 2.06 7.9 27.58 24.80 13 26.15 39 26.30 25.96 +.07 +.4 BluerkR pfD N BRGpD 1.78 7.2 25.17 21.85 4 24.80 24 24.85 24.45 +.25 +6.5 BdwlkPpl N BWP .40 2.2 15 18.95 13.30 1689 17.87 3873 18.21 17.74 -.21 +2.9sBobEvans Q BOBE 1.36 2.2 45 61.40 35.63 566 61.59 1715 61.78 58.38 +2.93 +15.7 Boeing N BA 5.68f 3.2 21 185.71 122.35 4588 180.10 16961 180.38 177.07 +1.40 +15.7 BofI Hld s Q BOFI 15 32.57 15.29 1588 29.00 4431 29.57 27.54 -.13 +1.6 BofI pf Q BOFIL 1.56 6.1 29.95 21.80 3 25.57 23 26.18 25.52 -.14 +2.3 Boingo Q WIFI 12.95 6.56 429 12.78 2281 12.86 11.36 +1.41 +4.8 BoiseCasc N BCC 22 29.95 17.80 577 28.30 1426 28.70 27.08 +.75 +25.8 Bojangles n Q BOJA 19 21.85 14.55 216 19.10 1172 19.15 18.40 +.40 +2.4tBonTon Q BONT .20 21.1 2.75 .95 389 .95 1349 1.22 .95 -.09 -35.4 BonanzaCE N BCEI 4.67 .60 1956 1.00 5923 1.24 .97 -2.0 BonsoElec Q BNSO 4.25 1.23 2 2.44 115 2.52 2.34 +.05 +11.4 BootBarn N BOOT 21 17.26 5.59 129 9.86 869 10.24 9.23 -.06 -21.2 BoozAllnH N BAH .68f 1.8 22 38.54 27.02 976 37.62 5525 37.69 36.72 +.85 +4.3sBorgWarn N BWA .56f 1.3 13 44.24 27.52 2045 42.76 8611 44.24 41.89 +.97 +8.4tBostBeer N SAM 22 195.35 144.75 239 149.40 1124 150.58 144.75 +2.80 -12.0 BostPrv Q BPFH .44f 2.6 21 17.88 10.77 874 17.00 1861 17.15 16.55 +.20 +2.7 BostPrv pf Q BPFHP 1.74 6.8 28.71 23.53 0 25.55 21 26.72 25.22 +.35 +1.8 BostProp N BXP 3.00f 2.3 24 144.02 113.69 775 133.19 3772 133.87 129.33 +2.76 +5.9 BosProp pfB N BXPpB 1.31 5.2 27.17 22.63 8 25.17 44 25.26 24.25 +.91 +4.7 BostonSci N BSX 48 25.65 17.78 5720 24.43 28339 24.75 24.19 -.21 +12.9 BttmlnT Q EPAY 33 31.52 18.48 544 24.65 1238 24.84 24.18 +.06 -1.5 BldrG&IFd N BIF .40a 4.2 9.59 7.67 162 9.46 874 9.47 9.33 -.01 +5.8 BlvdAcq n Q BLVD 10.05 9.54 10.00 948 10.01 9.99 +.8sBlvdAcq wt Q BLVDW .83 .25 1 .83 166 .83 .75 +.08 +55.7 BlvdAcq un Q BLVDU 10.77 9.65 0 10.47 10 10.54 10.37 +.13 +3.1 BovieMed N BVX 5.75 1.56 133 2.69 741 3.00 2.56 +.03 -25.1 Box Inc n N BOX 18.36 9.86 1400 16.55 4075 16.88 16.45 -.05 +19.4 BoydGm N BYD 21 21.58 16.77 1814 20.40 5541 20.55 20.06 +.06 +1.1 BradyCp N BRC .82f 2.1 25 40.50 25.98 793 39.50 1538 39.80 38.45 +.05 +5.2 Brainstorm Q BCLI 4.70 2.06 59 4.24 384 4.30 3.95 +.16 +66.9 Brandyw N BDN .64 3.9 13 17.05 13.20 1100 16.23 4876 16.25 15.66 +.49 -1.7 BrasilAgro N LND 4.11 2.72 3 3.79 35 3.89 3.64 -.12 +16.6 Braskem N BAK .38e 1.9 23.15 10.82 396 20.22 1884 20.60 19.08 +.72 -4.7 BravoBrio Q BBRG 9.12 3.40 214 4.80 696 5.20 4.45 +.20 +26.3 BridgeBcp Q BDGE .92 2.6 18 38.95 26.90 76 35.90 222 35.95 34.95 +.70 -5.3 Bridglne rs Q BLIN 3.47 .43 135 .85 3220 1.02 .82 -.01 +32.4 BridgptEd N BPI 58 11.58 5.38 125 10.37 493 10.42 9.38 +.72 +2.4 BridgfdFds Q BRID 13 16.00 9.82 1 11.57 3 12.37 11.57 -.16 +1.8 BrigStrat N BGG .56 2.6 30 24.19 17.90 347 21.92 975 22.08 21.00 +.61 -1.5 BrightHrz N BFAM 45 72.80 59.00 262 69.92 1086 70.00 68.32 +.51 -.1 Brightcove Q BCOV 13.80 5.68 420 9.00 996 9.30 8.10 +.85 +11.8tBrinker N EAT 1.36 3.1 14 55.84 40.92 1617 43.36 6111 43.54 40.92 +1.96 -12.5 Brinks N BCO .40 .8 56 54.98 26.86 451 52.75 2020 54.00 52.00 -.10 +27.9 BrMySq N BMY 1.56f 2.8 34 77.12 46.01 15201 56.29 58796 58.30 56.11 -2.03 -3.7 BristowGp N BRS .28 2.0 23.62 9.17 844 13.92 3108 14.30 13.27 -.07 -32.0 BritATob s N BTI 65.67 52.71 2123 64.20 10314 64.71 61.80 +2.86 BrixmorP N BRX 1.04f 4.7 13 29.14 20.66 1960 21.97 13091 22.19 20.98 +.88 -9.1sBroadcLtd Q AVGO 2.04 .9 57 227.75 139.18 4535 221.18 14250 227.75 220.85 -4.15 +25.1 BroadrdgF N BR 1.32 1.9 25 71.74 56.40 535 69.28 1973 69.45 68.19 +.78 +4.5 BroadSoft Q BSFT 70 48.40 34.62 262 41.75 1167 42.83 41.00 -.60 +1.2 BroadVis Q BVSN 8.06 4.40 4 5.70 16 5.90 5.30 +22.6 BrdwyFn h Q BYFC 6 2.50 1.42 3 1.69 40 1.72 1.55 +3.4sBroadwdE Q BWEN 6.48 2.00 243 6.26 1132 6.48 5.87 +.05 +54.8 BrcdeCm Q BRCD .22 1.8 44 12.54 7.60 3291 12.45 15537 12.45 12.36 +.06 -.3 Brookdale N BKD 19.42 10.65 2413 12.23 14351 12.68 12.14 -.34 -1.5 BrkfdAs g s N BAM .56f 1.5 19 37.52 31.80 748 36.36 3602 37.09 36.17 +.19 +10.1 BrookBus n N BBU .25f 1.0 26.87 21.72 24 25.01 74 25.67 24.92 -.11 +3.9 BrkfCda g N BOXC 2.23a 7 25.72 18.68 2 23.89 10 24.10 20.88 +.68 +21.6 BrkfDtla pf N DTLAp 1.91 7.7 25.26 18.65 3 24.90 15 24.95 24.50 +.12 +12.7 BrkGblInf N INF 1.40 10.8 14.13 10.72 67 12.98 413 13.09 12.59 +.13 +1.2 BrkfInfra s N BIP 1.74f 4.7 37.38 26.07 383 36.75 1417 36.82 35.84 +.86 +9.8 BrkfldPrp N BPY 1.18f 5.4 24.98 20.31 82 21.90 501 22.24 21.64 +.11 -.4 BrkRlAs n N RA .20p 23.45 21.54 127 22.69 482 23.19 22.65 -.21 +1.7 BrkfReEn N BEP 1.87f 6.5 31.85 26.61 39 28.79 332 29.12 28.13 +.17 -3.1 BrklneB Q BRKL .36 2.3 21 17.45 10.40 708 15.80 1390 15.85 15.25 +.40 -3.7 BrooksAuto Q BRKS .40 1.8 22.02 8.99 829 21.86 2721 21.92 20.54 +1.02 +28.1 BrwnBrn N BRO .54 1.2 23 45.77 34.23 984 43.76 2372 43.87 43.08 +.55 -2.5 BrownFA s N BF/A 29 55.31 45.17 16 47.76 87 48.34 46.97 +.39 +3.3 BrownFB s N BF/B 51.55 43.72 1958 46.79 5916 47.38 46.12 +.39 +4.2 BrukerCp Q BRKR .16 .7 24 29.85 19.58 897 23.29 4138 24.35 23.12 -.55 +10.0 Brunswick N BC .66f 1.1 18 61.74 41.19 874 60.97 4057 61.22 58.87 +.41 +11.8 BrynMawr Q BMTC .84 2.1 19 42.60 24.70 135 40.30 271 40.50 39.12 +.60 -4.4 Bsquare Q BSQR 6.62 3.80 18 5.15 126 5.55 5.00 +.05 -12.0 Buckeye N BPL 4.96f 7.4 18 75.10 61.37 1236 66.67 2783 67.88 66.10 -.44 +.8 Buckle N BKE 1.00e 5.3 9 35.02 16.50 740 18.85 3655 19.20 17.70 +1.05 -17.3 Buenavent N BVN 16.45 5.89 2637 12.78 7698 13.14 11.58 +.97 +13.3 BuffaloWW Q BWLD 30 175.10 122.25 537 152.95 2341 154.15 149.35 +.40 -.9 BldBear N BBW 28 15.85 8.05 198 8.70 522 9.05 8.55 +.15 -36.7sBldrFstSrc Q BLDR 18 15.80 9.04 1732 15.63 9371 15.85 15.06 +.36 +42.5 BungeLt N BG 1.68 2.1 18 82.66 53.50 1780 81.84 6561 82.26 80.36 +.72 +13.3tBurcon g Q BUR 2.86 1.40 10 1.59 111 1.59 1.40 +.09 -19.1 BurlStrs N BURL 30 97.94 51.19 1038 95.38 3470 96.10 92.96 +1.24 +12.5C -:C&F Fnc Q CFFI 1.32 2.9 12 53.40 37.05 6 45.45 59 46.35 43.13 -.22 -8.8stC&J Eng n N CJ 39.13 34.49 279 36.83 1180 39.13 34.49 +.53 +.4 CTrkMH23 N MLPC 1.19e 6.8 18.43 13.43 4 17.43 7 17.62 17.32 -.11 +4.4 CA Inc Q CA 1.02 3.1 14 34.99 29.12 8493 32.43 17343 32.91 32.16 +.03 +2.1 CAE Inc g N CAE .32 15.88 11.06 735 14.70 1372 15.03 14.65 -.16 +5.2 CAI Intl N CAI 21 17.92 6.75 145 14.98 428 15.32 13.57 +.73 +72.8 CAS Med Q CASM 2.15 1.38 243 1.38 420 1.55 1.38 -.09 -14.3 CASI Phr h Q CASI 1.76 .82 31 1.50 184 1.50 1.38 +.06 +30.4sCB FnSvcs Q CBFV .88 3.0 15 28.10 19.50 41 29.35 44 29.40 25.51 +2.85 +13.5 CBAK Eng Q CBAK 3.33 1.20 12 1.35 103 1.40 1.30 +.05 -4.1sCBIZ Inc N CBZ 16 14.26 9.30 202 14.10 825 14.26 13.85 +.20 +2.9 CBL Asc N CBL 1.06 11.0 8 14.30 8.86 3206 9.62 11848 9.86 9.20 +.34 -16.3 CBL pfD N CBLpD 1.84 7.6 25.60 23.23 17 24.30 437 24.53 24.23 +.14 -.6 CBL pfE N CBLpE 1.66 6.9 26.50 22.67 3 23.98 26 24.35 23.12 +.64 +4.4 CBOE Q CBOE 1.00 1.2 34 81.36 61.22 1199 80.57 5428 80.76 79.47 +.94 +9.0 CBRE GRE N IGR .60 8.2 8.80 7.06 260 7.36 1608 7.36 7.15 +.27 +.8 CBRE Grp N CBG 17 36.74 24.11 3113 36.03 11985 36.61 35.36 -.37 +14.4sCBS A N CBS/A .72f 1.1 20 69.55 49.92 9 68.25 19 69.55 68.25 -.47 +5.3 CBS B N CBS .72 1.1 17 68.59 48.88 3871 66.95 13046 68.50 66.82 -.46 +5.2 CCA Inds N CAW 19 3.99 2.25 3 3.25 15 3.25 3.00 +.15 +25.0 CDI N CDI .52 7.0 9.65 4.84 128 7.45 248 7.78 7.15 +.15 +.7 CDK Globl Q CDK .56 .8 32 67.49 43.88 1601 66.52 4205 67.25 66.16 -.02 +11.4sCDW Corp Q CDW .64 1.1 20 61.00 37.80 1549 60.36 4716 61.00 58.67 +1.16 +15.9sCEB Inc N CEB 1.65 2.1 21 79.55 47.33 347 79.30 1615 79.70 78.25 +1.22 +30.9 CEVA Inc Q CEVA 51 36.81 19.75 240 35.45 765 35.85 33.83 +1.55 +5.7 CF CpA n Q CFCO 10.25 9.60 4 10.08 33 10.08 10.02 +.06 +1.6 CF Cp wt Q CFCOW 1.70 .61 0 1.50 256 1.56 1.44 +.05 +20.0 CF Cp un n Q CFCOU 12.05 9.15 1 10.80 9 10.92 10.70 +3.2 CF Inds s N CF 1.20 4.1 62 37.17 20.77 9592 29.29 30224 29.68 28.35 -.13 -7.0tCGG rs N CGG 32.00 6.57 4 6.73 39 7.21 6.57 -.56 -52.4 CGI g N GIB 50.58 40.88 298 47.45 1047 48.11 46.71 +.24 -1.2 CH Robins Q CHRW 1.80 2.3 22 81.16 65.57 1393 78.92 4724 79.62 77.81 -.42 +7.7 CHS Inc pf Q CHSCP 2.00 6.3 34.85 28.86 19 31.94 53 31.94 30.90 +1.62 +9.1 CHS pfB Q CHSCO 1.97 6.8 31.88 27.83 15 29.02 90 29.75 28.56 +.61 +2.7 CHS pfB2 Q CHSCN 1.78 6.4 31.58 25.94 12 27.81 63 28.28 27.45 +.53 +4.9 CHS pfB3 Q CHSCM 1.69 6.2 29.78 25.36 8 27.32 100 27.57 26.07 +.82 +4.0 CHS pfB4 Q CHSCL 1.88 6.6 31.34 26.36 18 28.55 139 28.74 27.95 +.75 +5.2 CIM CmTr Q CMCT .88 5.3 45 20.27 14.54 3 16.50 6 16.50 15.91 +.27 +6.8 CIT Grp N CIT .60 1.4 41 44.10 28.33 3197 42.17 10258 42.35 41.30 +.09 -1.2 CKX Lands N CKX .12m 1.0 49 14.10 10.20 12 11.65 18 13.30 11.60 -1.85 +5.4 CM Finan Q CMFN 1.00m 10.1 6 10.50 7.75 24 9.90 184 10.50 9.65 +.15 +6.5 CME Grp Q CME 2.64f 2.1 30 127.60 89.00 2570 124.59 8013 125.60 123.59 +.86 +8.0 CMS Eng N CMS 1.33f 3.0 27 46.25 38.78 2534 44.71 8900 45.25 44.02 +.57 +7.4sCNA Fn N CNA 1.00a 2.2 15 44.88 29.38 555 44.57 1320 44.88 43.58 +.82 +7.4 CNBFnPA Q CCNE .66 2.7 17 28.43 17.05 102 24.49 236 24.76 22.85 +.93 -8.4sCNH Indl N CNHI .12 1.2 9.91 6.03 2492 9.74 9560 9.91 9.44 +.10 +12.1 CNO Fincl N CNO .32 1.6 14 21.70 14.30 2981 20.59 8699 20.62 20.02 +.30 +7.5 CNOOC N CEO 4.77e 4.1 138.36 109.30 97 117.51 576 117.92 112.96 +3.87 -5.2 CNX Coal n N CNXC .51 22.30 6.21 36 15.70 216 16.30 14.59 +1.05 -14.0 COPsync wt Q COYNW .70 .03 22 .09 42 .10 .04 +.06 -16.2 COPsync nh Q COYN 2.66 .30 722 .36 3448 .42 .31 +.04 -56.0 CPFL Eng N CPL .40t 16.75 9.70 463 16.42 1559 16.46 16.04 +.22 +6.6 CPI Aero N CVU 10 10.15 4.35 57 6.65 296 7.10 6.55 -.35 -28.1 CPI Card n Q PMTS .18 49 9.25 3.25 422 4.45 1328 4.55 4.20 +.05 +7.2 CPS Tech Q CPSH 28 2.39 1.07 5 1.40 111 1.48 1.34 +.04 -25.0 CRA Intl Q CRAI .56 1.5 24 40.00 18.44 70 36.13 211 37.07 34.44 +.94 -1.3sCRH Med N CRHM 8.70 2.80 262 8.50 2000 8.70 7.78 +.75 +61.9 CRH N CRH .74e 2.1 36.83 25.82 595 35.06 3030 35.31 34.34 -.08 +2.0 CRISPR n Q CRSP 25.00 11.63 40 20.75 290 22.64 20.12 -.40 +2.4 CSG Sys Q CSGS .79f 2.0 18 51.34 36.33 414 38.83 1284 38.96 37.65 +.76 -19.8 CSI Comp Q CCLP 1.51 15.7 13.54 4.90 114 9.59 687 9.62 8.52 +.39 -1.4 CsopChiA50 N AFTY 2.38p 14.28 12.12 13 13.72 26 14.03 13.72 -.02 +5.9 CSP Inc Q CSPI .44 4.0 21 11.95 5.55 15 10.93 288 11.14 8.52 +2.40 +3.3 CSRA n N CSRA .40 1.4 25 33.54 21.95 1809 29.26 5067 29.32 28.34 +.84 -8.1tCSS Inds N CSS .80 3.3 22 29.50 23.16 52 24.56 161 24.63 23.16 +.50 -9.3 CST Brnds N CST .19j 37 48.50 36.02 552 48.23 2265 48.35 48.10 -.06 +.2 CSW Ind n Q CSWI 42 41.85 29.25 120 36.55 299 36.90 35.25 +.75 -.8 CSX Q CSX .72 1.5 26 50.31 24.36 14538 46.88 42325 48.41 46.88 -.92 +30.5 CTI BioP rs Q CTIC 6.48 3.07 65 4.20 294 4.49 4.20 -.15 +2.9 CTI Inds Q CTIB 7.60 4.93 8 5.61 26 6.28 5.61 -.35 -4.1 CTS N CTS .16 .7 34 24.80 14.99 249 22.60 497 22.65 21.30 +1.19 +.9 CU Bncp Q CUNB 27 40.30 20.35 102 40.00 263 40.00 37.90 +1.80 +11.7 CUI Glbl Q CUI 9.19 4.01 164 5.00 543 6.09 4.90 -.96 -27.8 CVB Fncl Q CVBF .48 2.0 26 24.63 15.25 1096 23.76 2575 23.85 22.94 +.72 +3.6 CVD Eqp Q CVV 10.94 6.25 7 10.68 80 10.88 10.15 +.28 +23.0 CVR Engy N CVI 2.00 9.9 20 26.87 12.03 1301 20.16 4062 21.49 19.89 -.65 -20.6 CVR Ptrs N UAN .71e 15.8 9.75 4.05 742 4.50 2065 4.80 4.30 -.05 -25.1 CVR Rfng N CVRR 3.12e 30.4 39 13.25 5.50 302 10.25 1773 10.75 10.15 -.20 -1.4 CVS Health N CVS 2.00f 2.5 13 106.67 69.30 15133 78.88 41041 80.59 78.58 -1.52 CYS Invest N CYS 1.00 12.5 8 9.21 7.42 6213 7.99 15283 8.00 7.46 +.30 +3.4 CYSInv pfA N CYSpA 1.94 7.8 25.65 22.79 11 24.83 67 24.95 24.03 +.71 +4.5 CYSInv pfB N CYSpB 1.88 8.0 24.72 21.85 50 23.47 188 23.47 23.18 +.17 +3.4 CabGS flt34 N GYB .83 3.8 23.30 19.37 2 21.95 23 22.00 21.75 +.01 +6.0 CabcoJCP97 N PFH 1.91 11.1 21.20 16.40 9 17.23 27 17.45 16.99 +.12 -13.3 CabAT&T34 N GYC .83 3.7 25.85 20.03 1 22.38 14 23.15 21.83 +.13 +6.8 Cabelas N CAB 18 63.60 45.00 627 47.40 2040 47.56 45.83 +1.28 -19.0 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 4 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
sCableOne n N CABO 6.00 .9 39 649.79 430.21 38 645.10 138 649.79 629.90 +6.78 +3.8 Cabot N CBT 1.20 2.0 17 60.72 42.27 399 60.17 1630 60.59 57.91 +1.55 +19.1sCabotMicro Q CCMP .80f 1.1 29 71.59 38.37 566 73.51 1041 73.80 68.94 +4.31 +16.4 CabotO&G N COG .08 .4 26.74 20.02 6873 22.35 28628 23.15 22.08 -.36 -4.3 CACI N CACI 20 135.35 87.31 230 127.15 486 127.15 121.47 +4.85 +2.3sCadence Q CDNS 34 31.91 22.43 2871 31.86 9757 32.00 31.27 +.46 +26.3 Cadiz h Q CDZI 15.50 4.03 230 14.45 852 14.75 13.80 +.35 +15.6 CaesarStne Q CSTE .57e 16 43.50 26.35 116 33.65 514 34.00 31.75 +.50 +17.5 CaesarAcq Q CACQ 3 15.80 5.19 222 15.00 726 15.10 14.00 +.95 +11.1 CaesarsEnt Q CZR 10.84 5.39 1008 9.45 3693 9.60 9.10 +.30 +11.2 CafePress Q PRSS 3.95 2.80 51 3.12 186 3.33 3.05 -.01 +6.1 Cal-Maine Q CALM 2.49e 6.5 55.16 35.65 364 38.50 1452 39.20 37.55 -.30 -12.8 Caladriu rs Q CLBS 13.30 2.65 2892 5.73 3054 7.79 4.88 +.68 +102.5 CalaCvHi Q CHY 1.20 10.7 11.50 9.91 205 11.26 1164 11.28 10.92 +.25 +6.7 CalaCvOp Q CHI 1.14 10.5 11.36 9.10 139 10.86 1110 10.87 10.53 +.18 +7.6 CalaCv&Inc Q CCD 2.00 10.5 19.70 16.75 48 19.13 354 19.15 18.42 +.33 +9.1 CalaGDyIn Q CHW .84 10.9 7.82 6.56 178 7.73 1216 7.75 7.55 +.14 +10.9sCalaGTR Q CGO 1.20 10.2 11.83 10.34 37 11.76 255 11.87 11.41 +.25 +11.7 CalaStrTR Q CSQ .99 8.9 11.25 9.17 217 11.11 1755 11.12 10.84 +.10 +8.2 CalAmp Q CAMP 58 19.67 12.13 416 17.35 1062 17.39 16.38 +.79 +19.7 CalAtlantic N CAA .16 .4 11 40.94 30.18 1331 37.47 5030 38.37 36.10 +.08 +10.2 CalavoGr h Q CVGW .90f 1.5 28 71.48 48.75 365 58.30 1924 61.15 55.65 +1.20 -5.0 Caleres N CAL .28 1.0 14 36.61 21.27 2183 27.95 3740 32.01 26.81 -2.88 -14.8 Calgon N CCC .20 1.4 39 18.80 12.70 696 14.40 1895 14.48 13.20 +.55 -15.3 CalFirst Q CFNB .46f 2.9 18 16.45 12.87 9 15.65 19 15.70 15.45 CalifRes rs N CRC 25.50 8.79 2313 14.73 8643 15.96 13.77 -.30 -30.8 CalifWtr N CWT .72f 2.1 33 37.60 25.42 614 34.75 1623 35.30 34.25 +.30 +2.5sCalithera Q CALA 14.90 2.20 1138 12.40 5204 14.90 11.70 +.25 +281.5 Calix N CALX 8.20 6.15 191 7.20 496 7.25 6.88 +.25 -6.5 CallGolf N ELY .04 .4 6 12.56 8.77 1417 11.24 5971 11.26 10.67 +.31 +2.6 Callidus Q CALD 21.44 13.18 1039 20.85 2781 21.03 19.34 +1.05 +24.1 CallonPet N CPE 54 18.53 7.85 5675 11.86 23759 12.14 10.97 +.33 -22.8 Callon pfA N CPEpA 5.00 9.5 53.97 43.74 0 52.45 21 52.54 51.78 +.19 -.4 Calpine N CPN 24 16.07 10.39 3898 10.88 14592 11.24 10.57 -.13 -4.8 CalumetSp Q CLMT .69j 14.09 2.79 723 3.80 2060 3.95 3.55 +.15 -5.0tCambrE rs N CEI 7.98 .55 65 .61 572 .62 .55 +.02 -50.9 CambLrn Q ABCD 1.36 26.8 23 5.86 3.96 60 5.08 333 5.10 4.55 +.45 +1.8 Cambrex N CBM 22 62.50 38.30 465 51.30 1700 51.40 49.40 +.70 -4.9 CambriaYld N SYLD 1.42e 1.8 35.00 26.75 14 34.32 64 34.53 33.86 +.20 +5.5sCambFgnY N FYLD 1.85e 6.4 22.59 18.45 6 22.67 28 22.67 22.07 +.52 +8.2sCambGblV N GVAL .54e 2.4 22.24 17.06 38 22.30 146 22.35 21.54 +.59 +10.4 CamGblMo N GMOM .53e 2.2 24.69 22.25 14 24.55 200 24.63 23.99 +.48 +5.8 CambGlAss N GAA .55e 2.2 25.44 23.43 1 25.37 33 25.41 24.97 +.37 +3.7 CambrEmS N EYLD 32.28 24.83 2 30.03 20 30.11 28.80 +1.38 +13.3 CamDhan n N JUNE 28.00 22.78 0 26.87 4 27.04 26.65 +.07 +1.4 CamValMom N VAMO 24.64 22.09 2 23.62 31 23.73 23.20 +.28 -2.1 CamdnN s Q CAC .92f 2.1 18 45.43 26.67 68 43.82 193 43.92 42.18 +1.76 -1.4 CamdenPT N CPT 3.00 3.7 33 90.91 75.36 795 81.96 2845 82.31 78.73 +2.56 -2.5 Cameco g N CCJ .40 13.54 7.41 1776 11.06 13219 11.30 10.72 +5.6 CampSp N CPB 1.40 2.4 20 67.89 52.59 1592 59.20 7971 59.61 58.57 +.01 -2.1 CampWrl n N CWH .08p 36.60 20.45 681 34.04 1973 34.30 31.89 +2.44 +4.4sCamtek h Q CAMT 4.10 1.80 58 4.04 737 4.10 3.80 +.24 +22.8 Can-Fite N CANF 3.59 1.74 75 1.97 204 2.00 1.83 -.02 -17.2stCdaGoose n N GOOS 18.40 15.85 8892 17.23 31695 18.40 15.85 +7.2 CIBC g N CM 4.84 10 92.22 71.15 302 88.19 2174 89.18 87.70 -.43 +8.1sCdnNR gs N CNI 1.18 73.28 55.73 1291 72.16 4872 73.28 71.24 -.19 +7.1 CdnNRs gs N CNQ .82 35.28 25.08 2908 32.74 16587 33.39 30.83 +.74 +2.7 CP Rwy g N CP 1.64 157.34 119.50 496 147.18 2646 149.46 146.28 -1.25 +3.1 CdnSolar Q CSIQ 6 21.41 10.25 933 13.74 4418 14.61 13.37 +.27 +12.8 CancerGen Q CGIX 3.35 1.10 972 2.95 1454 3.15 2.00 +1.00 +118.5sCanon N CAJ 31.22 27.18 171 31.17 1191 31.23 30.22 +1.03 +10.8 CantelMed N CMD .12f .2 51 88.81 64.52 319 78.52 984 79.26 75.36 +1.16 -.3 CantbryPk Q CPHC .35e 10 11.21 9.70 0 10.25 3 10.55 10.25 -.10 +2.0 CpStarFn n Q CSTR 22.35 15.50 13 19.53 73 19.80 19.10 +.18 -11.1 CapellaEd Q CPLA 1.64 2.0 23 90.40 48.80 115 82.25 276 82.55 77.30 +4.45 -6.3sCapBkFin Q CBF .48 1.1 29 45.00 27.71 1338 44.05 3523 45.00 40.35 +3.65 +12.2 CapCtyBk Q CCBG .20 1.0 30 23.15 13.16 47 20.49 191 20.91 19.58 +.49 CapOne N COF 1.60 1.8 12 96.92 58.03 3282 88.23 11769 92.41 88.01 -3.96 +1.1 CapOne wt N COF/WS 54.80 18.84 1 46.50 14 50.00 46.48 -3.80 +2.9 CapOne pfC N COFpC 1.56 6.0 27.89 24.64 32 25.92 108 25.95 25.37 +.53 +3.2 CapOne pfD N COFpD 1.68 6.1 29.33 25.33 22 27.44 148 27.45 26.69 +.68 +5.7 CapOne pfF N COFpF 1.55 6.0 28.26 24.43 47 25.84 274 25.95 25.18 +.64 +3.1 CapOne pfB N COFpP 1.50 5.9 26.58 24.00 24 25.41 245 25.42 24.85 +.56 +3.7 CpOne pf H N COFpH 25.81 24.05 124 25.38 762 25.45 24.74 +.63 +1.9 CapOne pfG N COFpG 25.89 21.02 86 22.59 504 22.64 21.97 +.59 +4.2 CapProd Q CPLP .32f 9.5 10 4.05 2.41 414 3.36 1479 3.38 3.20 +.09 +5.7 CapSenL N CSU 20.85 12.65 407 13.97 1795 14.38 13.70 -.37 -13.0 CapSwst Q CSWC .53e 3.5 73 16.86 13.49 97 15.26 213 16.23 15.04 -.66 -5.5 CapitalaF Q CPTA 1.56 10.9 25 15.80 11.25 102 14.37 518 14.49 14.00 +.42 +11.1 Capitala 21 N CLA 1.78 7.0 26.11 24.26 5 25.35 27 25.52 25.25 -.14 -.7 CapAcIII n Q CLAC 10.10 9.52 1 10.00 288 10.05 10.00 -.05 +.5 CapFedFn Q CFFN .34a 2.3 25 17.04 12.70 1052 14.96 2945 15.03 14.63 +.24 -9.1 Capnia Q CAPN 1.75 .55 89 .69 330 .80 .69 -.02 -14.6 Capnia wt Q CAPNW .84 .02 1 .10 27 .12 .08 -.01 +23.8 Capricor Q CAPR 5.40 2.01 52 3.30 360 3.30 2.73 +.47 +24.1 CapsteadM N CMO .84m 8.0 14 10.96 8.93 2651 10.48 6626 10.57 10.29 +.15 +2.8 Capstd pfE N CMOpE 1.88 7.6 25.85 23.61 31 24.64 91 24.65 24.17 +.40 +2.5 CpstnTur rs Q CPST 2.70 .66 169 .76 597 .78 .70 +.06 +11.8 CaraThera Q CARA 19.44 4.35 1022 15.27 8165 16.50 14.55 -.57 +64.4 CarboCer N CRR 17.07 5.66 650 12.03 3567 12.14 10.31 +.99 +15.0 Carbonite Q CARB 21.50 7.27 281 20.25 1423 21.00 18.51 -.10 +23.5 CardCon hn Q CCN 14.65 8.14 128 13.60 412 14.10 13.55 -.55 +7.1 CardFnc Q CFNL .52 1.7 20 34.75 18.99 310 31.29 795 31.56 30.32 +.69 -4.6 CardnlHlth N CAH 1.80 2.2 16 87.85 62.70 2336 83.11 10794 84.88 81.71 +1.07 +15.5 Crdiom grs Q CRME 6.36 2.35 135 3.10 377 3.13 2.90 +.15 +12.3 CardiovSys Q CSII 29.70 9.07 290 27.32 878 27.80 26.18 +.36 +12.8 Cardtronic Q CATM 16 56.00 34.18 784 47.16 2541 47.45 44.54 +2.36 -13.6 CareCPrp n N CCP 2.28 9.1 31.56 22.70 1117 24.97 4025 25.11 24.00 +.75 -.1 CareTrust Q CTRE .74f 4.7 26 15.93 11.46 1149 15.88 7950 15.93 14.71 +1.02 N CRCM 50 12.30 5.78 232 11.92 2267 12.30 10.56 +1.23 +39.1tCareDx Q CDNA 6.08 1.48 149 1.55 955 2.35 1.48 -.70 -42.6 CareerEd Q CECO .30f 3.6 10.53 4.26 1240 8.37 3349 8.45 7.76 +.12 -17.0 Carlisle N CSL 1.40f 1.3 19 116.40 96.55 611 108.42 2302 108.68 105.37 +1.79 -1.7 CarlyleGp Q CG 1.55e 9.7 17.97 14.35 466 16.05 2591 16.65 15.75 +.35 +5.2 CarMax N KMX 19 69.11 45.06 4197 61.69 12850 64.37 61.23 -2.51 -4.2sCarnival N CCL 1.40 2.4 17 57.79 42.94 3706 57.64 12916 57.96 56.73 +.43 +10.7sCarnUK N CUK 1.20 2.1 56.54 43.45 477 56.60 1404 56.87 55.85 +.42 +10.6 CaroFin s Q CARO .16f .5 23 31.50 15.83 100 30.30 298 30.62 29.50 +.28 -1.6 CarolTrBk Q CART 30 12.00 5.60 2 8.15 5 8.69 8.15 -.25 +27.3 CarpTech N CRS .72 1.9 36 45.34 28.74 987 38.27 2544 39.12 34.50 +2.88 +5.8 CarrSrv N CSV .20 .7 19 29.11 20.40 92 27.06 312 27.15 26.02 +.57 -5.5 Carrizo Q CRZO 43.96 26.32 1584 28.43 7173 29.25 26.87 +.32 -23.9 CarrolsRst Q TAST 14 17.55 9.60 553 14.60 1512 14.65 13.80 +.55 -4.3 Carters N CRI 1.32 1.4 18 112.58 77.94 861 91.16 6244 91.47 87.95 +2.48 +5.5 Cartesian h Q CRTN 2.24 .50 34 1.16 327 1.20 1.07 -.04 +27.6 CarverBc lf Q CARV 36 5.99 2.87 2 3.63 41 3.63 3.11 +.53 +12.6 CascdeBcp Q CACB 33 8.52 5.27 124 8.03 577 8.15 7.94 -.02 -1.1 CascTher rs Q CASC 10.98 3.49 164 3.97 815 4.43 3.86 -.38 -7.9 CasellaW Q CWST 13.42 6.31 313 12.77 1076 12.96 12.30 +.10 +2.9 Caseys Q CASY .96 .9 24 136.22 105.17 755 111.91 3103 112.67 107.88 +2.69 -5.9 CassInfo Q CASS .92 1.4 31 74.83 45.05 52 65.69 119 66.30 62.53 +2.71 -10.7 CastleBr N ROX 1.45 .65 3120 1.21 12155 1.23 1.05 +.22 +59.2 CastlightH N CSLT 5.50 2.93 301 3.25 2156 3.45 3.20 -34.3 Catabasis n Q CATB 7.89 1.08 1390 1.55 15958 1.95 1.52 -.49 -57.1 Catalent N CTLT 34 32.24 20.94 1053 28.73 3858 29.10 28.27 +.35 +6.6tCatalstB rs Q CBIO 50.70 5.08 29 5.11 152 6.80 5.02 -1.43 -47.5sCatalystPh Q CPRX 1.77 .51 1486 1.54 32416 1.77 1.11 +.43 +46.7 CatchMTim N CTT .54f 5.0 12.58 10.05 289 10.89 1004 10.98 10.57 +.28 -3.3 Caterpillar N CAT 3.08 3.3 28 99.46 69.04 6605 92.91 26776 94.09 90.62 +.60 +.2 CathayGen Q CATY .84 2.1 18 40.83 26.27 1039 39.40 2275 39.63 38.36 +.87 +3.6tCatoCp N CATO 1.32 6.0 8 39.37 21.00 866 21.92 2202 23.05 21.00 -1.04 -27.1 CavcoInd Q CVCO 35 121.70 85.56 116 116.75 282 119.40 114.10 +.60 +16.9sCavium Q CAVM 72.59 35.90 903 72.00 3282 72.73 70.61 +.75 +15.3 CecoEnv Q CECE .26 2.6 14.88 5.60 326 10.33 1615 11.00 10.01 -.16 -25.9 CedarF N FUN 3.42f 5.0 22 69.81 56.17 61 68.09 687 68.79 67.46 -.03 +6.1 CedarRlty N CDR .20 3.8 14 8.08 4.94 1428 5.28 6103 5.33 4.96 +.27 -19.1 CedarR pfB N CDRpB 1.81 7.3 27.25 23.81 11 24.63 75 24.69 24.38 +.13 +1.2 CelSci wt N CVM/WS .25 .01 55 .03 337 .03 .02 -.00 +42.1 Cel-Sci N CVM .60 .06 2616 .09 13105 .11 .09 -.01 +34.3 Celadon N CGI .08 1.1 38 12.03 4.85 816 7.55 2025 8.35 7.55 -.60 +5.6sCelanese N CE 1.44 1.6 14 93.05 60.59 918 91.94 3675 93.05 90.27 +1.30 +16.8 Celestic g N CLS 10 14.54 8.83 230 13.83 1072 14.01 13.45 +.29 +16.7sCelgene Q CELG 33 127.44 94.39 5546 125.77 20280 127.64 123.01 +1.77 +8.7 Celgene rt Q CELGZ 1.61 .99 1 1.04 40 1.10 1.04 -.06 +1.4 Cellcom N CEL 28 11.19 5.70 7 10.44 79 10.85 10.27 -.15 +31.7 CelldexTh Q CLDX 5.13 2.85 2336 3.42 11887 3.55 3.18 -.05 -3.4 CellectBio n Q APOP 8.78 2.30 10 6.35 90 6.61 6.10 -.30 +105.5 Cellct wt rs Q CLRBW 1.48 .12 0 .31 4 .35 .27 +.00 +72.8 Celct wtA Q CLRBZ 1.88 .25 17 .90 115 .96 .80 +.10 +114.0 Cellectar rs Q CLRB 5.25 1.00 382 2.35 3808 3.07 2.22 -.30 +92.6 Cellectis n Q CLLS 34.99 16.09 128 23.91 549 24.27 22.62 +1.01 +41.1tCallularBio Q CBMG 20.98 10.05 35 11.20 81 11.70 10.05 +.10 -14.5 Celsion Q CLSN 1.78 .19 4199 .27 29307 .37 .24 -.01 -11.2 Celyad n Q CYAD 59.50 16.31 3 22.45 5 22.50 21.09 +.20 +26.4sCementos N CPAC .28e 2.6 10.69 6.85 7 10.68 26 10.85 9.62 +.83 +16.0 Cemex N CX .29t 9.51 5.49 8333 9.14 52289 9.16 8.46 +.53 +13.8sCemig pf N CIG .14e 3.8 3.76 1.40 6315 3.70 25360 3.84 3.38 +.25 +62.3 Cemig N CIG/C .14e 3.5 4.75 1.43 2 4.02 11 4.35 3.80 -.02 +58.9 Cempra Q CEMP 26.95 2.55 2582 3.85 7733 3.90 3.60 +.25 +37.5 Cemtrx wt Q CETXW 1.73 .25 2 .65 18 .67 .58 +.06 -56.4 Cemtrex rs Q CETX .02p 6 8.41 1.84 139 3.17 1348 3.63 3.17 -.35 -57.0 Cemtrx pf Q CETXP 10.03 3.13 4 6.53 22 6.96 6.11 +.28 -34.7 Cencosud N CNCO .36e 3.9 10.13 7.20 53 9.26 198 9.28 8.48 +.74 +10.2tCenovusE N CVE .20 16.82 11.66 1577 12.36 11483 12.70 11.66 +.32 -18.3 Centene s N CNC 16 75.57 50.00 1579 68.59 9968 69.70 67.42 +.16 +21.4 CntRsDvA Q CDEV 20.97 9.65 4311 18.63 9155 18.66 17.31 +1.28 -5.5 CnResDv wt Q CDEVW 9.12 .45 52 6.98 217 7.02 6.56 +.41 -17.3 CC MLPInf N CEN 1.25 10.2 13.72 8.93 60 12.26 405 12.47 12.01 -.12 +2.5sCenterPnt N CNP 1.07 3.9 22 28.18 20.46 4989 27.68 16661 28.18 27.35 -.03 +12.3sCntrStBks Q CSFL .24f .9 30 26.46 14.15 753 26.48 2274 26.62 25.20 +1.17 +5.2 CentElBr B N EBR/B 8.91 6.88 77 7.25 454 7.58 7.02 -.23 -8.0tCentElecBr N EBR 7.70 5.93 299 5.98 835 6.54 5.93 -.45 -12.8 CEurMed Q CETV 3.15 2.03 469 3.00 1432 3.13 2.85 +17.6 CnEurRusT N CEE .49e 2.4 21.70 17.48 9 20.79 102 20.79 19.89 +.83 +1.1 CentrlFedl Q CFBK 3.64 1.10 78 2.19 381 2.19 1.86 +.24 +25.1 CFCda g N CEF .01 .1 14.88 11.22 467 12.59 3661 12.72 12.20 +.11 +11.5sCentGard lf Q CENT 31 37.65 14.28 142 37.67 549 37.80 35.83 +.90 +13.8sCenGrdA lf Q CENTA 35.24 14.43 384 35.13 1060 35.35 33.52 +.73 +13.7 CenPacFn N CPF .64 2.0 21 33.12 20.15 350 31.64 756 31.73 30.31 +.98 +.7 CentSecur N CET 1.78e .8 23.79 18.73 6 23.67 68 23.74 23.48 +.15 +8.6 CntlVyCm Q CVCY .24 1.2 14 22.44 10.78 47 19.50 149 20.33 19.10 -.19 -2.3 CentrueF n Q CFCB 28 26.52 16.24 12 25.99 30 25.99 25.29 +.64 +22.0 CentrusEn N LEU 9.46 2.23 51 6.00 357 6.00 5.13 +.75 -6.0 CentAl Q CENX 16.53 5.53 2998 12.11 13488 13.43 11.70 -.26 +41.5 CntyBcMA Q CNBKA .48 .8 14 64.87 38.60 8 62.70 15 64.16 59.30 +.50 +4.5 CentCas Q CNTY 21 8.27 5.34 91 7.68 236 7.82 7.26 +.40 -6.7sCentCmtys N CCS 11 25.55 15.18 308 25.35 981 25.55 23.85 +.50 +20.7 CntryLink N CTL 2.16 9.1 10 33.45 22.37 23773 23.65 59087 23.87 23.06 +.51 -.5 Cenveo rs N CVO 8 10.50 2.80 23 5.50 106 5.68 5.31 +.15 -21.3 CeragonN Q CRNT 4.23 1.08 207 3.54 1720 3.68 3.33 +.08 +35.1 Cerecor n Q CERC 5.60 .73 289 .79 4110 1.14 .75 -.41 -10.6 Cerecor wtB Q CERCZ 1.10 .01 10 .08 64 .10 .07 -.01 +128.6 Cerner Q CERN 29 67.50 47.01 3959 56.61 12706 57.03 54.49 +1.37 +19.5 Cerulean h Q CERU 4.33 .63 9756 3.32 92744 3.58 1.85 +1.80 +368.9 CerusCp Q CERS 7.64 3.79 1015 4.21 4287 4.45 4.09 -.24 -3.2sCervecer N CCU .30e 1.2 24.24 19.31 256 24.47 1240 24.75 23.50 +.89 +16.6 CescaTh rs Q KOOL 7.39 1.85 128 3.06 3449 3.80 2.79 +.16 -11.3 Chaisma n Q CHMA 13.38 1.55 21 1.65 198 1.75 1.61 -.05 -15.4 ChampOn rs Q CSBR 4.79 1.11 92 3.00 477 3.12 2.53 -.02 +18.6sChangyou Q CYOU 11 31.47 17.43 197 31.30 1120 31.47 28.91 +.30 +47.5 ChannAdv N ECOM 15.91 10.20 596 11.05 1183 11.20 10.30 +.60 -23.0 Chantic wt Q HOTRW .57 .01 31 .08 149 .08 .08 -.01 +188.5 Chanticler h Q HOTR .90 .31 77 .40 226 .42 .36 -4.8 CharlsColv Q CTHR 1.49 .83 25 .96 371 1.00 .90 -.03 -12.6sChRvLab N CRL 21 91.57 67.20 475 90.00 2347 91.57 88.53 +.46 +18.1 ChartInds Q GTLS 37 40.87 19.03 341 35.62 1042 35.74 33.62 +1.02 -1.1 ChartCm n Q CHTR 21 341.50 214.06 1364 325.81 4401 326.89 322.48 +2.33 +13.2 CharterFn Q CHFN .24f 1.3 23 20.10 12.36 95 18.97 239 19.20 18.40 +.45 +13.8sChaseCorp N CCF .70f .7 26 95.75 47.15 56 97.90 120 98.30 91.50 +5.55 +17.2 ChathLTr N CLDT 1.32 6.7 17 24.80 16.45 283 19.84 1291 19.92 18.92 +.92 -3.5sChkPoint Q CHKP 24 102.13 74.34 1254 101.42 4641 102.24 99.33 +1.50 +20.1 CheckCap n Q CHEK 3.42 .97 26 2.17 167 2.23 2.10 -.01 -7.7 Cheesecake Q CAKE .96 1.5 23 64.41 46.93 873 63.20 2860 63.47 61.26 +1.26 +5.5 CheetahM N CMCM 18.19 8.77 1070 13.07 8163 13.40 11.15 +1.53 +36.7 ChefsWhs Q CHEF 20.79 10.31 231 14.20 1088 14.45 14.05 -.10 -10.1 Chegg N CHGG 8.57 4.03 609 8.20 1709 8.27 7.87 +.26 +11.1tChembio Q CEMI 9.40 5.05 22 5.50 280 5.65 5.05 -.10 -19.1sChemed N CHE 1.04 .6 26 186.80 124.78 182 186.11 517 186.80 182.36 +3.64 +16.0 ChemFinl Q CHFC 1.08 2.0 20 55.55 34.26 1307 54.00 2550 54.53 52.13 +1.75 -.3 ChemoCntx Q CCXI 9.10 1.92 159 7.68 586 7.88 6.52 +1.01 +3.8 Chemours n N CC .12 .3 35.79 5.82 3414 34.75 9530 35.67 33.05 +1.78 +57.3 Chemtura N CHMT 33.35 24.62 427 33.30 1522 33.35 33.15 +.05 +.3 ChemungF Q CHMG 1.04 2.8 18 39.50 26.05 97 37.38 137 39.40 36.14 -.53 +2.8 CheniereEn N LNG 50.53 31.02 1455 45.63 6917 46.34 43.96 +.08 +10.1 ChenEnLP N CQP 1.70 5.5 33.33 25.87 223 30.81 672 32.11 30.81 -.88 +6.9 ChenEnHld N CQH .08 .3 24.70 16.26 287 24.25 511 24.26 22.32 +1.05 +8.4tCherokee Q CHKE .20 2.6 15 18.65 7.80 120 7.75 360 8.90 7.70 -.95 -26.2sCherHMtg N CHMI 1.96 10.2 6 19.00 14.01 89 19.13 247 19.14 17.94 +1.39 +5.2 ChesEng N CHK 8.20 3.53 38633 5.29 169248 5.54 5.02 +.14 -24.6 ChesEn pfD N CHKpD 4.50 7.6 68.00 16.41 13 59.52 45 60.49 57.10 +1.67 +28.4 ChesGranW N CHKR .29e 11.0 2 3.85 1.81 25 2.64 512 2.85 2.55 -.21 +12.3 ChespkLdg N CHSP 1.60 6.6 16 27.08 20.81 677 24.28 1639 24.40 23.13 +.93 -6.1 ChspkL pfA N CHSPpA 1.94 7.6 27.50 25.10 4 25.69 22 25.69 25.50 +.05 +1.2 ChespkUtil N CPK 1.22 1.8 24 70.70 56.56 108 69.55 262 69.95 66.25 +2.56 +3.9 Chevron N CVX 4.32f 4.0 119.00 92.25 11872 107.68 46099 110.81 107.12 -2.93 -8.5 ChicB&I N CBI .28 .9 41.33 26.12 3011 29.76 9077 30.87 29.60 -.49 -6.3 ChiRivet N CVR .80 1.9 24 49.34 23.66 3 41.75 4 41.75 39.95 +.55 +.4 Chicos N CHS .33f 2.3 20 16.85 9.86 3264 14.25 11298 14.31 13.47 +.37 -1.0 ChildPlace Q PLCE 1.60f 1.4 22 121.15 66.92 486 118.45 1977 118.85 115.55 +.65 +17.3sChimera rs N CIM 2.00 10.1 8 19.73 13.18 2425 19.83 9136 19.87 19.05 +.62 +16.5 Chimer pfA N CIMpA 2.00 8.0 26.00 23.45 15 25.03 129 25.15 24.83 +.13 sChimer pfB N CIMpB 2.00 8.0 25.00 24.41 398 25.03 1491 25.03 24.58 +.45 +.4sChimerix Q CMRX 6.54 3.50 583 6.15 2330 6.54 5.93 -.20 +33.7 ChAdvCns Q CADC 5.68 1.50 28 2.60 65 2.80 2.50 +18.9 ChinAutLog Q CALI 4.40 .99 15 1.58 141 1.73 1.49 +.09 -53.9 ChinaAuto Q CAAS 7 7.96 3.10 93 5.43 406 5.55 4.52 +.88 +1.3tChinaBio Q CBPO 24 137.39 96.99 192 100.81 1102 102.95 96.99 +2.94 -6.2 ChinCer rs Q CCCL 6.07 2.00 6 2.18 31 2.25 2.13 -4.4 ChiCmCr h Q CCCR 3.20 .28 13 1.05 69 1.10 1.00 -4.5 ChiCBlood N CO 12 6.56 4.27 27 5.62 114 5.99 5.60 -.12 -8.2 ChiCustR n Q CCRC 22.00 5.54 116 13.33 542 14.10 12.71 -.19 -22.5 ChinaDigtl N STV 1.73 1.11 25 1.36 208 1.44 1.33 -.05 -6.8 ChinaDEd N DL .45e 10 15.46 8.97 103 10.11 283 10.38 9.88 +.26 -9.6 ChinaEAir N CEA 31.59 21.38 42 29.84 157 30.47 27.45 +3.10 +33.5 ChiFnOnl Q JRJC 5 6.05 3.01 58 3.06 255 3.20 3.03 +.03 -15.5 ChinaFd N CHN .47e 2.8 16.88 13.53 94 16.69 332 16.74 16.11 +.67 +10.9 ChinaGreen N CGA .10e 7.9 2 1.68 1.18 38 1.26 179 1.31 1.25 -.02 +5.0 ChinaHGS Q HGSH 2 3.63 1.45 22 1.64 35 1.66 1.50 +.12 -14.1 ChinInfoT h Q CNIT 1.78 .57 33 .70 139 .74 .67 +.01 -3.6 ChinaJJ h Q CJJD 2.29 1.47 27 1.78 94 1.83 1.70 -.04 +4.7 ChinLend h Q CLDC .24e 10.25 4.13 14 6.57 24 6.90 6.37 +.21 +2.7sChinaLife s N LFC .32e 2.0 16.05 10.07 303 16.04 2251 16.20 15.27 +.98 +24.6sChinaLodg Q HTHT .68p 41 63.87 30.22 178 59.98 1259 63.87 55.02 +1.98 +15.7 ChinaMble N CHL 1.87e 3.3 63.89 51.73 941 56.33 3631 56.44 53.89 +1.62 +7.4 ChinaNRes Q CHNR 5.73 1.00 4 1.98 65 2.06 1.90 -.05 -20.2 ChiNBorun N BORN 1 1.77 .97 29 1.11 183 1.16 1.04 +.04 -17.2 ChOnlEd n N COE 25.24 12.45 83 18.83 473 19.90 14.02 +4.63 +21.1 ChinaPet N SNP 3.18e 4.1 81.64 60.24 73 76.66 383 77.30 74.54 +1.71 +7.9 ChinaPhH N CPHI .35 .15 56 .25 655 .28 .22 +.01 -3.8 ChiRecy rs Q CREG 4.00 1.41 13 1.60 36 1.65 1.60 -.03 +7.3 ChinaSoAir N ZNH .67e 2.0 36.29 25.60 43 33.83 137 34.62 31.76 +2.68 +31.6 ChnaTcF rs Q CNTF 4.44 1.45 45 2.10 146 2.11 1.86 -.01 +13.5 ChinaTel N CHA 1.28e 2.6 55.85 42.29 45 49.03 213 49.18 46.05 +2.54 +6.3 ChinaUni N CHU .32e 2.4 13.26 9.89 516 13.11 2870 13.26 12.19 +.75 +13.5 ChXDPlas Q CXDC 4 5.88 2.80 127 4.95 219 5.10 4.85 +.05 +23.8 ChiXFash N XNY 3.65 .81 16 1.49 88 1.57 1.42 +.04 +13.7sChinaYuch N CYD .85e 4.5 8 18.98 9.09 78 18.88 485 18.98 17.23 +1.54 +36.7 ChinZenix N ZX 1.95 .73 42 1.73 248 1.74 1.52 +.18 +44.4tChiCache Q CCIH 10.48 1.56 125 1.64 1189 2.12 1.56 -.47 -35.9 ChinaNt rs Q CNET 2.40 .97 3 1.14 117 1.24 1.08 -.03 +14.0 ChipMOS Q IMOS 1.31e 7.8 27 20.40 13.94 1272 16.90 2347 17.25 15.71 +1.00 +19.8 Chipotle N CMG 481.63 352.96 537 402.58 3322 409.76 397.81 -5.17 +6.7sChoiceHtls N CHH .86f 1.4 27 64.00 43.61 171 63.20 733 64.00 62.08 +.95 +12.8 ChrisBnk N CBK 3.02 1.13 558 1.28 3188 1.35 1.15 -.04 -45.3 ChromaDx n Q CDXC 6.18 2.25 324 2.82 1429 3.04 2.67 +.10 -14.8 ChubbLtd N CB 2.76e 2.0 14 140.55 116.65 2717 138.10 7597 138.60 136.98 +.29 +4.5 ChungTel N CHT 1.57e 4.6 38.47 31.28 199 34.20 838 34.36 33.24 +.76 +8.4 ChurchDwt s N CHD .76f 1.5 53.68 42.56 2995 50.10 8164 50.49 49.49 +.07 +13.4 ChrchllD Q CHDN 1.32 .8 25 157.15 118.76 105 156.65 307 156.75 150.05 +4.05 +4.1 ChuysHldg Q CHUY 28 37.78 25.87 180 28.50 764 28.70 27.60 +.35 -12.2 CIBER N CBR 2.36 .22 1005 .47 23850 .66 .43 +.19 -25.6 CideraTh n Q CDTX 15.91 6.65 55 7.15 345 7.50 6.90 -.15 -31.3 CienaCorp N CIEN 30 26.84 15.62 3370 23.78 22223 23.88 22.73 +.12 -2.6sCigna N CI .04 18 154.83 115.03 1461 151.89 6683 154.83 150.89 -.03 +13.9 Cimarex N XEC .32 .3 146.96 91.34 957 120.92 6043 123.56 117.19 +1.69 -11.0 Cimpress Q CMPR 93 104.18 79.15 217 84.88 652 85.61 82.23 +2.60 -7.3 CincB pfB N CBBpB 3.38 6.8 51.47 47.33 3 49.83 18 50.13 49.10 -.40 +1.9 CinciBell rs N CBB 9 25.65 17.33 804 19.10 2108 19.40 18.35 +.30 -14.5 CinnFin Q CINF 2.00f 2.7 21 79.60 63.87 1208 75.18 3072 75.33 73.54 +1.21 -.8 Cinedigm rs Q CIDM 3.20 .90 45 1.36 234 1.45 1.35 -.03 -5.6sCinemark N CNK 1.08 2.4 20 44.33 32.60 1497 44.44 5417 44.55 43.63 +.55 +15.8 CinerRes N CINR 2.27 8.3 13 39.10 24.55 174 27.23 306 28.37 27.10 -.59 -6.1sCintas Q CTAS 1.05f .8 27 122.21 85.86 2135 124.87 3508 125.93 117.85 +5.84 +8.1 Circor N CIR .15 .3 57 72.96 43.84 134 58.90 496 59.68 56.04 +.35 -9.2 Cirrus Q CRUS 15 64.16 31.00 1396 58.43 6288 58.60 53.86 +3.67 +3.3 Cisco Q CSCO 1.16 3.4 18 34.53 25.81 22882 34.23 82598 34.48 33.84 -.03 +13.3 CitiTrends Q CTRN .24 1.3 20 22.73 14.01 239 18.64 597 19.16 18.34 -.21 -1.1sCitigp pfN N CpN 1.97 7.4 26.55 25.71 152 26.65 880 26.75 26.26 +.34 +3.2tCgpVelLCrd N UWT 29.68 16.62 2327 18.27 23954 18.70 16.62 +.23 -34.0sCgpVelICrd N DWT 32.32 20.37 1008 29.38 11777 32.32 28.70 -.58 +33.8 Citigroup N C .64 1.1 13 62.53 38.31 26586 60.37 86830 61.79 60.20 -1.12 +1.6 Citigp wtA N C/WS/A .20 .02 29 .17 449 .19 .16 -.01 +8.6 Citigrp pfC N CpC 1.45 5.7 26.61 23.90 23 25.44 127 25.50 25.05 +.19 +2.5 Citigp pfJ N CpJ 1.78 6.2 30.44 26.79 62 28.75 286 29.08 28.59 +.46 +2.8 Citigp pfK N CpK 1.72 6.0 30.10 26.14 71 28.52 405 28.59 27.85 +.48 +4.3 Citigrp pfP N CpP 2.03 7.4 29.20 26.15 4 27.50 8 27.63 27.10 +.25 -.1 Citigrp pfS N CpS 1.58 6.1 27.63 24.81 89 25.86 483 26.11 25.48 +.28 +2.2 Citigrp pfL N CpL 1.72 6.4 28.32 25.61 38 27.06 186 27.13 26.35 +.58 +3.4 Citiz&Nthn Q CZNC 1.04 4.4 18 26.57 19.40 46 23.77 114 23.85 23.04 +.36 -9.3sCtzCmtyBc Q CZWI .16f 1.2 18 13.00 8.80 2 12.97 29 13.00 12.69 +.16 +4.3 CitizFincl N CFG .40 1.1 19 39.75 18.34 11522 36.62 27748 37.87 36.42 -1.02 +2.8 CitizInc N CIA 11.93 6.40 311 8.03 862 8.08 7.01 +.49 -18.2sCitrixSy s Q CTXS 21 87.99 59.72 2251 82.72 17833 87.99 79.05 +3.19 +16.3 CtyHld Q CHCO 1.72 2.6 17 69.09 42.98 247 65.93 425 66.44 64.21 +1.22 -2.5 CityOffce g N CIO .94 7.8 18 13.93 11.01 224 11.99 989 12.07 11.43 +.09 -9.0 CityOff pfA N CIOpA 1.66 6.9 25.50 21.52 2 24.22 39 24.76 24.17 -.46 +6.2 Civeo N CVEO 3.73 1.00 692 2.73 4159 2.90 2.59 -.08 +24.1 CivistaBcsh Q CIVB .24 1.0 19 23.75 10.20 94 22.99 179 23.00 22.14 +.36 +18.3 Civista pf Q CIVBP 1.63 2.2 78.56 32.60 1 72.50 3 72.50 71.00 -.50 +18.3 CivitasSolu N CIVI 69 23.20 15.60 61 17.25 210 17.35 16.65 +.50 -13.3 ClayEng N CWEI 149.86 6.35 602 129.30 1414 132.25 127.61 -.42 +8.4 CleanDsl rs Q CDTI 5.21 1.50 30 2.85 213 2.85 2.55 +.16 +32.6 CleanEngy Q CLNE 4.80 2.38 4299 2.47 11475 2.66 2.40 -.13 -13.6 CleanHarb N CLH 59.17 43.03 400 57.48 1794 57.89 54.99 +1.67 +3.3 Cleantech Q CLNT 35 1.83 .60 13 .69 64 .71 .66 -.02 +4.5 ClearChan N CCO 7.31 4.06 421 5.60 894 6.05 5.53 -.25 +10.9 ClrBrEnTR N CTR 1.35e 10.4 14.15 9.28 174 13.04 578 13.31 12.93 -.18 +2.0 ClearOne Q CLRO .20 1.9 43 12.60 9.51 4 10.70 31 11.20 10.50 -.80 -6.1 ClrbrgMLP N CBA .80m 8.4 10.54 6.37 249 9.51 1022 9.71 9.41 -.15 +3.6 ClearEnFd N CEM 1.76f 10.7 17.96 12.46 163 16.47 801 16.74 16.20 -.24 +5.8 ClrbEOpFd N EMO 1.47e 11.2 14.29 10.18 100 13.15 449 13.38 13.02 -.09 +.3 Clearfield Q CLFD 42 21.60 14.10 58 17.35 179 17.65 16.75 +.10 -16.2tClearsBio n Q CLSD 25.08 5.44 378 6.93 1682 7.60 5.44 -.42 -22.5 ClearSign Q CLIR 6.24 3.00 141 3.55 309 3.80 3.40 -.15 +4.4 ClearS wt Q CLIRW 5.00 .65 1 1.70 5 1.75 1.49 -.03 +78.9 ClearwPpr N CLW 23 69.75 46.66 324 55.50 554 55.90 51.75 +3.00 -15.3 CleBio hrs Q CBLI 3.68 1.22 54 1.60 181 1.72 1.35 -.03 +12.7 CliffsNRs N CLF 9 12.37 2.43 12992 9.27 83118 9.92 8.65 +.53 +10.2 CliftonBcp Q CSBK .24 1.5 81 17.49 14.11 108 16.13 355 16.27 15.89 +.03 -4.7tClipRlty n N CLPR 14.24 13.27 216 13.25 383 13.92 13.25 -.30 -1.9 Clorox N CLX 3.20 2.3 28 140.47 111.24 1179 137.54 3972 139.30 137.20 -.53 +14.6 CloudPeak N CLD 8.04 1.64 2346 3.94 7649 4.15 3.68 +.04 -29.8 CloughGA N GLV 1.44 11.1 13.34 10.95 22 13.00 119 13.04 12.80 +.14 +8.0sCloughGEq N GLQ 1.38 11.3 12.29 10.16 50 12.24 250 12.29 12.01 +.15 +10.0sClghGlbOp N GLO 1.20 11.9 10.18 8.65 103 10.08 771 10.18 9.85 +.12 +12.6sClovisOnc Q CLVS 74.94 11.57 2369 71.32 17812 74.94 59.13 +8.92 +60.6 ClubCorp N MYCC .52 3.2 17.60 10.80 789 16.35 2650 16.85 16.16 -.40 +13.9 CoBizFncl Q COBZ .20 1.2 20 17.99 10.79 275 17.36 563 17.43 16.60 +.67 +2.8 CoStar Q CSGP 224.79 174.35 149 205.09 682 209.98 200.00 -.09 +8.8 Coach N COH 1.35 3.4 24 43.71 34.07 3155 39.74 16993 40.15 38.73 +.47 +13.5sCoastwayB Q CWAY 47 17.50 12.10 6 17.50 30 17.50 17.25 +.30 +11.8tCobaltIEn N CIE 3.50 .39 22164 .43 78111 .55 .39 -.08 -64.8 CCFemsa N KOF 1.81e 2.6 87.58 59.44 145 70.61 596 71.00 66.88 +2.43 +11.1sCocaBtl Q COKE 1.00 .5 26 193.78 119.80 115 194.03 1429 195.74 170.93 +22.29 +8.5 CocaCola N KO 1.48f 3.5 26 47.13 39.88 34260 42.03 95341 42.39 41.83 +.11 +1.4 CocaCEur n N CCE .97e 41.29 30.55 1836 36.07 8789 36.39 35.34 +.39 +14.9 Codexis Q CDXS 5.29 2.93 214 4.55 654 4.70 4.45 +.10 -1.1 CdrsVlly Q CVLY .54b 2.0 17 29.34 18.82 46 26.98 72 26.99 26.01 +.95 -5.7 Coeur N CDE 25 16.41 5.15 4233 7.95 18030 8.30 7.30 +.39 -12.5 CoffeeH Q JVA 6.15 3.50 12 4.70 94 4.91 4.62 +1.1 CogentC Q CCOI 1.60f 3.8 44.40 34.23 624 42.15 1858 42.20 39.65 +2.00 +1.9 Cogentix h Q CGNT 2.99 .71 65 1.99 283 2.09 1.91 +.06 -1.0 Cogint Q COGT 6.30 2.90 264 3.90 1018 3.95 3.50 +.45 +13.0 Cognex Q CGNX .30 .4 47 81.14 35.15 682 80.75 3710 81.00 78.13 +.83 +26.9 CognizTch Q CTSH 22 63.23 45.44 6339 58.56 20479 60.00 58.19 -.18 +4.5 CohSClosed N FOF 1.04 8.4 12.71 10.51 98 12.35 454 12.38 12.15 +.17 +5.6 CohStGlbI N INB 1.12 12.2 9.35 7.91 47 9.18 247 9.18 9.01 +.14 +7.6 Cohen&Str N CNS 1.12f 3.0 20 43.83 33.16 232 37.43 783 37.90 36.62 -.01 +11.4 CohStInfra N UTF 1.60 7.5 22.14 19.01 155 21.20 801 21.23 20.74 +.50 +9.5 C&SLtDP&I N LDP 1.87 7.3 26.05 22.40 57 25.63 271 25.80 25.12 +.34 +4.4 C&SIncEgy N MIE 1.32 11.9 11.96 7.53 54 11.05 394 11.21 10.95 -.05 +1.5 CohStQIR N RQI .96 7.8 14.73 11.11 203 12.31 1418 12.39 11.98 +.25 +.8 CohStRE N RNP 1.48 7.7 21.69 17.91 131 19.17 630 19.27 18.84 +.20 +.3 CohStSelPf N PSF 2.06a 7.7 28.50 24.82 31 26.80 145 26.81 25.82 +.72 +2.5 CohenStTR N RFI .96a 7.8 14.26 11.63 102 12.35 508 12.39 12.06 +.27 +2.1 Coherent Q COHR 41 200.53 81.00 2766 192.94 3907 197.08 183.02 +8.79 +40.4 CoherusBio Q CHRS 31.98 14.00 659 23.25 3491 23.55 21.20 -.20 -17.4sCohu Q COHU .24 1.4 43 17.83 10.01 249 17.70 1040 17.83 16.77 +.89 +27.3 Colfax N CFX 30 41.99 24.63 756 39.58 2457 39.92 38.11 +.77 +10.2 ColgPalm N CL 1.60f 2.2 26 75.38 63.43 4887 73.96 18646 74.27 73.33 -.30 +13.0 CllctUnv Q CLCT 1.40 5.6 23 25.60 15.06 53 24.99 168 25.51 23.68 +1.31 +17.7 Collegium n Q COLL 20.55 8.24 445 15.38 2015 16.98 15.12 -.81 -1.2 Colliers Q CIGI .10 .2 24 52.70 32.93 79 47.65 327 49.55 47.45 -1.30 +29.7 ColonyBk Q CBAN .03p 17 14.55 8.80 2 14.05 18 14.20 13.50 +.40 +6.4 ColNrthS n N CLNS 14.97 12.83 3342 13.10 11894 13.40 13.01 -.01 -9.3 ColNrth pfA N CLNSpA 2.19 8.6 25.79 25.05 3 25.36 45 25.47 25.10 +.17 -1.3 ColNrth pfB N CLNSpB 2.06 8.2 25.58 24.95 9 25.26 103 25.40 25.05 +.19 -.4 ColNrth pfC N CLNSpC 2.22 8.7 25.99 24.00 0 25.62 4 25.62 25.42 +.07 -.6 ColNrth pfD N CLNSpD 2.13 8.2 26.59 25.18 5 25.93 21 25.94 25.30 +.63 +.5 ColNrth pfE N CLNSpE 2.19 8.4 26.73 25.02 10 26.19 44 26.19 25.67 +.34 +.4 ColNrth pfF N CLNSpF 2.13 8.3 25.72 24.93 14 25.51 46 25.55 25.22 +.06 +.8 ColNrth pfG N CLNSpG 1.88 7.5 25.99 24.15 5 24.99 36 25.06 24.72 +.27 -2.0 ColNrth pfH N CLNSpH 1.78 7.1 24.98 23.75 22 24.98 85 24.98 24.21 +.53 +2.6 ColonyStar N SFR .88 2.6 24 34.51 23.92 3679 33.93 9316 34.24 33.06 +.71 +17.8 ColBnkg Q COLB .88f 2.2 23 45.68 26.17 1965 40.30 3668 40.53 38.57 +1.34 -9.8 Col Bey N BBRC .27e 1.5 16.79 14.47 4 16.18 148 16.18 15.46 +.65 +9.0 ColQualDv N HILO .99e 7.2 14.05 11.94 13.79 9 13.79 13.40 +.39 +9.2 ColEMStOp N EMDD .28e 1.5 20.24 16.51 8 18.87 35 18.87 18.24 +.79 +11.8 Col EMCns N ECON .30e 1.2 25.96 21.08 138 25.16 1236 25.23 24.35 +1.01 +13.6sCol IndiaC N INCO .03p 38.13 29.74 14 37.73 141 38.15 37.12 +1.19 +16.5sCol IndiaInf N INXX .04e .3 12.92 9.90 34 12.76 127 12.92 12.42 +.54 +20.8sCol IndSC N SCIN .08e .4 17.99 12.91 7 17.94 75 18.05 17.28 +1.05 +27.3 ColumbPT N CXP .80m 3.6 21 24.63 20.16 1133 22.10 3306 22.34 21.38 +.40 +2.3 ColSelTec N STK .58a 2.8 20.86 15.32 43 20.75 219 20.76 20.20 +.41 +10.7 ColuSprtw Q COLM .72 1.3 21 63.55 51.70 780 57.36 1714 57.73 55.35 +1.87 -1.6 Colmbus Q CMCO .16 .6 32 29.23 13.80 175 25.35 407 25.64 24.21 +.64 -6.3 CombMt rs Q CBMX 6.00 2.15 81 4.45 290 4.73 4.40 -.10 +67.9 Comcast s Q CMCSA .63f 1.7 21 38.44 29.32 29676 37.46 73579 37.99 37.14 +.14 +8.5 Comcst 61 N CCV 1.25 4.9 27.72 24.30 15 25.64 86 25.68 25.13 +.37 +2.2 Comerica N CMA .92f 1.3 27 75.00 36.27 3206 71.36 7875 72.45 70.31 -.57 +4.8 Comeric wt N CMA/WS 45.50 10.75 5 41.82 94 42.91 41.82 -.89 +7.9 ComfrtS N FIX .28 .8 23 39.67 26.05 355 36.40 817 36.65 35.40 +.25 +9.3 CommScpe Q COMM 35 40.57 25.91 2171 39.64 6921 40.15 38.82 +.70 +6.6 ComndSec N MOC 5.73 2.06 34 2.60 137 2.71 2.41 -5.5 CmcBMO Q CBSH .90b 1.5 21 60.61 40.93 1330 58.24 2785 58.70 57.13 +.43 +.7 CmcBc pfB Q CBSHP 1.50 5.9 29.85 24.72 11 25.50 35 25.76 25.35 -.19 +.2 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 5 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
CmceUnB Q CUBN .22p 22 22.99 14.41 10 21.75 18 21.75 21.27 +.25 +1.1 ComHub A Q CHUBA 17.23 11.92 37 16.48 235 16.76 16.13 +.10 +9.8 ComHub C Q CHUBK 17.37 11.90 53 16.32 352 16.57 15.84 +.18 +8.6 CmclMtls N CMC .48 2.5 73 24.64 14.58 3898 19.06 11027 20.06 18.60 +.47 -12.5 CmclVehcl Q CVGI 33 6.50 2.14 190 5.68 531 6.34 5.54 -.29 +2.7 CommSys Q JCS .16 3.4 7.79 3.41 70 4.75 130 4.99 4.35 +.34 +2.6 CmtyBkSy N CBU 1.28 2.2 25 63.04 36.61 798 58.07 1527 58.17 56.12 +1.01 -6.0sCmtyBkTr Q ESXB 19 8.25 4.72 191 8.45 311 8.50 8.00 +.30 +16.6 CmtyFinCp Q TCFC .40 1.2 25 33.98 19.50 2 33.98 5 33.98 33.01 +1.53 +17.6 CmtyHlt N CYH 17.59 4.15 4856 9.34 15652 9.73 9.03 -.08 +67.1 CmtyHlt rt Q CYHHZ .02 .00 182 .01 700 .01 .01 +.00 +140.0 CmtyHcT n N CHCT 1.55f 6.7 27 24.94 17.70 50 23.15 189 23.21 22.20 +.55 +.5 CmtyTrBc Q CTBI 1.28 2.7 17 51.35 32.99 228 47.05 379 47.10 45.20 +1.52 -5.1 CmtyWest Q CWBC .14 1.4 16 10.65 6.79 5 10.20 13 10.50 10.05 -.05 +10.4 CommVlt Q CVLT 57.55 38.28 486 50.80 1691 51.15 49.05 +1.60 -1.2 CBD-Pao N CBD .38e 2.1 19.63 11.00 605 18.36 2449 18.59 17.24 +.93 +10.9 CompDivHd N CODI 1.44 8.7 28 19.50 14.50 183 16.50 1047 16.80 16.23 -.20 -7.8 CompssMn N CMP 2.88f 4.2 19 84.40 67.05 1059 68.95 4539 73.55 68.05 -4.15 -12.0tCompugn Q CGEN 7.57 4.20 221 4.35 704 4.75 4.20 -.35 -14.7 CmptrPr Q CPSI 1.00e 3.7 48 54.15 18.25 186 27.20 471 27.35 25.95 +.90 +15.3 CompSci s N CSC 1.12f 1.7 32 71.79 31.32 2928 66.58 7111 70.01 66.34 -2.48 +12.0 CmpTask Q CTG .24 4.3 14 6.33 3.87 49 5.64 400 5.90 5.23 +.07 +34.0 Compx N CIX .20 1.5 15 16.70 9.70 5 13.20 17 14.00 12.85 -.05 -18.0 CmstkH rs Q CHCI 3.36 1.50 6 2.18 14 2.18 2.11 +.04 +21.1 ComstkMn N LODE .51 .19 242 .25 1123 .25 .24 +.01 -6.8 ComstkRs rs N CRK 13.43 2.64 942 8.29 2541 9.16 8.27 -.39 -15.8 Comtech Q CMTL .40 2.7 12 25.09 9.52 774 14.91 2873 15.25 13.65 +.56 +25.8 ConAgra N CAG .80 1.9 22 41.68 33.08 3493 41.42 13875 41.65 40.79 +.51 +4.7 ConatusPh Q CNAT 6.30 1.45 250 4.69 1646 5.01 4.42 -.02 -11.0 ConcertPh Q CNCE 18.48 7.11 214 16.64 1977 18.30 15.91 +.31 +61.7 ConchoRes N CXO 147.55 95.87 1524 130.47 7331 132.12 125.19 +3.77 -1.6 ConcdMed N CCM .99e 48 5.02 3.51 6 4.78 238 4.85 4.52 +.03 +4.0 ConcrdInt g Q CXRX .30 15.8 1 35.23 1.69 781 1.90 4150 2.27 1.81 -.23 -10.4 ConcurCptr Q CCUR .48 9.8 6.66 4.81 6 4.89 57 4.95 4.84 -.02 -8.6 CondHos rs Q CDOR 20.41 6.11 6 13.96 57 14.13 13.05 +.51 +5.3 Conduent n N CNDT 17.44 13.10 2491 15.74 10579 16.14 15.59 +.10 +5.6 ConeMidst N CNNX 1.09f 4.9 14 25.56 11.00 154 22.31 858 22.45 20.80 +.54 -5.3 Conformis n Q CFMS 13.83 4.35 1117 5.10 2197 5.54 4.99 -.06 -37.0 ConiferH n Q CNFR 9.02 6.00 5 7.35 46 7.50 6.75 +.55 -9.8 Conmed Q CNMD .80 1.9 23 50.16 37.60 193 42.94 905 43.08 39.89 +2.91 -2.8 Conns Q CONN 17.74 6.54 695 8.65 1703 9.05 7.75 +.65 -31.6 ConnectOne Q CNOB .30 1.2 16 26.65 15.09 183 24.40 530 24.60 23.35 +.75 -6.0 ConnWtrSv Q CTWS 1.13 2.1 26 59.26 41.71 88 54.11 236 54.33 52.61 +.84 -3.1 Connecture Q CNXR 3.41 1.15 27 1.37 524 2.08 1.35 -.64 -18.5 ConocoPhil N COP 1.06f 2.3 53.17 38.19 7909 45.69 38557 46.36 44.19 +.02 -8.9 ConsolEngy N CNX .04 .3 22.34 9.66 4319 15.10 13556 15.93 14.75 -.09 -17.2 ConsolCom Q CNSL 1.55 6.4 30.23 21.85 952 24.39 2307 24.40 22.73 +1.36 -9.2 ConEd N ED 2.76f 3.6 20 81.88 68.76 2603 76.68 8645 78.11 75.79 +.70 +4.1 CnsTom N CTO .08 .2 18 56.49 44.48 12 52.85 64 53.16 49.73 +2.01 -1.1 ConsolWtr Q CWCO .30 2.8 48 14.69 9.80 111 10.60 333 10.80 10.10 +.25 -2.3 ConstellA N STZ 1.60 1.0 25 173.55 144.00 1991 161.75 7083 162.92 156.16 +4.19 +5.5 Constellm N CSTM 8.85 4.02 1886 6.10 10462 6.35 5.60 -.05 +3.4 ConsuPtf Q CPSS 5 6.05 3.31 214 5.04 598 5.69 4.89 -.12 -1.6 ContainStr N TCS 10 8.34 3.75 214 4.14 1037 4.16 3.85 +.13 -34.8tContango N MCF 14.14 5.66 570 5.92 1581 6.70 5.62 -.30 -36.6sContlBldg N CBPX 24 26.53 17.92 314 26.15 1341 26.53 25.35 +.50 +13.2 ContMatls N CUO 32 30.90 11.52 2 26.85 10 27.35 26.45 -.50 +12.1 ContlRescs N CLR 60.30 26.85 2893 44.84 15755 45.96 41.28 +.85 -13.0 ContraFect Q CFRX 4.12 1.35 27 2.10 191 2.35 2.05 -.15 +20.0 ContraVir Q CTRV 2.65 .81 606 1.45 1653 1.55 1.41 -.03 +20.8 Control4 Q CTRL 21 16.02 7.01 388 15.23 1077 15.31 14.40 +.40 +49.3 Cnvrgys N CVG .36 1.7 11 30.92 20.93 1515 21.15 4199 21.54 21.00 +.01 -13.9 ConyPkA n Q CPAA 11.00 10.00 11.00 47 11.00 10.40 +.40 +7.5 ConyPkA un Q CPAAU 11.95 10.03 6 11.30 9 11.39 11.19 -.10 +4.1 CooperCo N COO .06 24 201.83 146.89 277 195.14 1318 196.00 192.24 +.82 +11.6sCooperTire N CTB .42 1.0 9 44.13 29.29 682 43.00 3729 44.13 40.70 +2.35 +10.7 CooperStd N CPS 11 118.59 70.01 196 115.98 652 116.23 110.00 +5.36 +12.2sCopaHold N CPA 2.04 1.8 23 110.00 48.57 323 110.73 1320 111.37 104.80 +5.19 +21.9sCopart Q CPRT 19 61.61 39.86 579 61.49 1702 61.70 59.71 +.93 +11.0 Copel N ELP .88e 7.9 10 11.94 6.43 441 11.13 2042 11.43 10.39 +.40 +31.3 CorbusPhm Q CRBP 10.78 1.71 1147 9.60 3978 9.85 8.85 +.10 +13.6sCorcept Q CORT 11.40 3.85 1425 9.90 7471 11.40 9.55 -.97 +36.4 CoreLabs N CLB 2.20 2.0 60 135.49 96.30 429 110.75 1920 113.37 107.16 +.81 -7.7 CoreMold N CMT 10 19.63 10.65 29 16.49 83 16.69 15.30 +.85 -3.6 CoreMrk s Q CORE .36f 1.1 29 50.00 30.17 562 33.96 1771 34.02 31.00 +2.47 -21.2 Corecivic N CXW 1.68m 5.1 15 35.33 12.99 2004 33.05 5521 33.19 31.47 +1.22 +35.1 CoreLogic N CLGX 20 43.43 32.60 707 40.00 2380 40.17 39.59 +.26 +8.6 CorEn pfA N CORRpA 1.84 7.3 26.55 18.10 3 25.07 13 25.46 24.71 +.28 +1.9 CorEnInf rs N CORR 3.00 8.8 16 37.00 16.47 202 34.02 575 34.13 31.99 +2.11 -2.5 CoreSite N COR 3.20 3.6 47 91.91 64.81 482 89.08 1650 89.46 87.01 +2.03 +12.2 CoreSR pfA N CORpA 1.81 7.0 27.30 25.05 1 25.94 137 25.94 25.60 +.25 +2.5 Corindus n N CVRS 1.80 .40 1659 1.41 16173 1.75 1.11 +.33 +102.0 Corium Q CORI 8.33 2.67 85 3.70 563 4.25 3.60 -.05 -8.9 CorMedix N CRMD 4.54 1.35 1564 1.80 1966 2.20 1.44 -.32 +17.6 CorOnDem Q CSOD 47.75 30.28 596 40.34 2173 41.56 39.99 -.69 -4.7 CrnstTotR N CRF 3.35 21.0 17.65 13.79 142 15.95 1065 16.18 15.85 -.10 +5.8 CrnrstnStr N CLM 3.40 21.2 18.48 13.75 124 16.01 1243 16.13 15.77 -.02 +5.5 Corning N GLW .62f 2.3 17 28.36 18.21 8782 27.24 32278 27.75 26.80 -.32 +12.2 CpBT JCP N JBN 1.75 11.2 19.79 15.14 5 15.64 25 15.80 15.20 +.29 -12.1 CorpOffP N OFC 1.10 3.2 18 34.25 24.92 2279 34.09 5268 34.19 32.37 +1.32 +9.2 CorpOf pfL N OFCpL 1.84 7.2 26.77 24.85 3 25.60 44 26.04 25.52 +.09 +1.3 Cort1Aon27 N KTN 2.05 6.3 34.99 30.40 1 32.75 5 32.75 32.13 +.26 +2.2 CortsJCP97 N KTP 1.91 11.1 21.99 16.40 16 17.22 64 17.55 16.94 +.15 -17.4 CortsJCP N JBR 1.75 11.1 19.98 14.68 1 15.77 7 15.99 15.16 -.47 -11.4 CortsPE N KTH 2.00 6.2 37.17 29.91 0 32.19 8 32.50 30.99 +.45 +1.7 Corvel Q CRVL 29 53.19 31.00 88 41.05 218 41.60 40.30 +12.2sCorvusPh n Q CRVS 20.86 9.63 57 20.50 327 20.90 17.50 +3.04 +43.4 Cosan Ltd N CZZ .26e 3.1 9.50 4.25 2577 8.42 7883 8.48 7.73 +.47 +12.1 Costamre N CMRE .40 5.7 11.00 5.07 1579 6.97 5029 7.06 6.07 +.82 +24.5 Costam pfB N CMREpB 1.91 8.7 23.20 16.90 1 21.94 16 21.94 21.00 +.19 +8.1 Costmr pfC N CMREpC 2.13 9.4 22.84 17.02 27 22.59 76 22.74 22.10 +.37 +4.2 Costam pfD N CMREpD 2.19 9.6 23.42 17.74 21 22.92 80 23.13 22.61 +.24 +3.2 Costco Q COST 1.80 1.1 31 178.71 138.57 3600 167.81 12487 168.35 164.10 +2.44 +4.8 Cotiviti n N COTV 41.38 17.00 403 38.95 2447 39.01 36.45 +2.22 +13.2 Cott Cp N COT .24 2.0 55 17.38 10.10 649 12.14 5709 12.38 11.58 -.14 +7.1 Coty N COTY .50 2.6 31.60 17.94 8962 19.43 23797 19.57 18.80 +.33 +6.1 CountrP rs Q CPAH 2.80 1.81 0 2.34 4 2.49 2.34 -.10 -5.8 Cntwd pfB N CFCpB 1.75 6.8 26.50 25.30 133 25.77 316 25.91 25.55 +.16 +1.2sCountyBcp Q ICBK .24f .7 20 35.89 18.80 91 32.90 207 35.89 30.01 +1.80 +22.0tCoupaSft n Q COUP 41.61 23.17 407 23.96 4474 27.10 23.17 -2.24 -4.2 CousPrp N CUZ .32 3.9 12 8.82 6.80 8180 8.19 27080 8.22 7.87 +.20 -3.8 CovantaH N CVA 1.00 6.4 17.31 13.45 1005 15.65 4321 15.70 15.23 +.30 +.3 Covenant Q CVTI 22 25.77 14.26 84 19.35 593 20.11 18.47 +.49 +.1 Covisint h Q COVS 2.48 1.50 27 1.95 202 2.05 1.75 +.05 +2.6 Cowen 21 Q COWNL 2.06 7.8 29.13 25.01 5 26.50 6 26.85 26.50 -.00 +3.1 CowenGp rs Q COWN 16.75 10.92 425 13.75 1945 14.75 13.20 +.35 -11.3 CrackerB Q CBRL 4.60 2.8 26 175.04 130.15 655 162.93 1719 163.76 158.03 +1.88 -2.4 CraftBrew Q BREW 22.40 7.50 419 14.65 947 15.10 13.15 +1.10 -13.3 Crane N CR 1.32 1.8 18 78.94 51.35 651 75.17 1774 75.49 72.82 +.98 +4.2 CrwfdA N CRD/A .28 3.4 58 10.50 5.28 24 8.17 171 8.26 7.33 +.70 -13.7 CrwfdB N CRD/B .20 2.0 72 14.37 5.63 79 10.12 234 10.39 8.88 +.85 -19.4 Cray Inc Q CRAY 90 43.40 16.10 914 20.80 1834 20.90 19.35 +.95 +.5 Credicp N BAP 2.19e 1.3 173.80 121.38 532 164.00 2167 165.10 156.17 +5.78 +3.9 CreditAcc Q CACC 15 221.10 160.63 316 202.74 729 205.94 195.01 +5.27 -6.8sCS EnEur50 N FIEU 105.82 73.67 0 106.30 9 106.36 100.19 +4.75 +16.9tCSVixMd rs Q TVIZ 74.25 23.62 12 23.19 83 25.15 23.00 -1.52 -38.2tCSVixSh rs Q TVIX 1600.00 36.09 3796 35.35 57730 41.40 34.30 -5.95 -62.9tCSVixST rs Q VIIX 143.75 27.01 222 26.72 1825 28.85 26.33 -2.03 -38.0 CSVInvN rs N DGAZ 123.80 13.50 7664 25.64 7664 26.52 25.27 +2.14 sCS FILgCG N FLGE 164.54 113.12 8 163.65 47 164.54 160.76 +1.50 +17.9 CSSilvCC Q SLVO 1.41e 16.0 10.91 8.07 95 8.80 284 8.91 8.56 +.14 +7.5 CSGoldCvC Q GLDI 1.26e 13.4 11.04 8.78 41 9.40 180 9.43 9.16 +.19 +5.1 CSVInvNG N DGAZ/O 24.76 2.70 5.01 60347 5.25 4.60 +.31 +65.3 CSVS3xInSlv Q DSLV 51.54 16.93 296 24.10 1263 26.68 23.57 -1.54 -24.9 CSVS3xInG Q DGLD 69.37 39.17 51 52.64 459 57.13 52.20 -3.45 -18.5 CS VS3xGld Q UGLD 15.06 7.79 261 9.95 2520 10.04 9.22 +.56 +19.0tCSVSVixMT Q VIIZ 16.37 9.62 2 9.56 26 9.92 9.55 -.36 -21.1sCSVelIVST Q XIV 72.84 20.21 7858 73.58 43397 74.62 68.14 +5.16 +57.4sCSVIVxMT Q ZIV 58.00 35.79 52 58.43 286 58.68 56.17 +1.86 +25.5 CS LgShLiq N CSLS 27.90 25.14 10 27.31 19 27.50 27.11 +.12 +1.5 CrSuisInco N CIK .26 8.0 3.46 2.75 75 3.30 595 3.33 3.23 +.01 +4.4 CSVLgNG rs N UGAZ 54.89 13.66 4225 17.46 30801 19.86 16.72 -1.96 -62.2 CS CrdeOil N OIIL 36.02 26.16 1 30.20 4 30.48 29.63 +.15 -11.7 CS MAsHi N MLTI 1.30e 29.58 25.60 1 28.76 12 28.76 28.25 +.41 +3.5 CS VSSilv Q USLV 29.09 10.84 569 14.25 7026 14.52 12.94 +.77 +24.7 CredSuiss N CS 1.21e 7.8 16.17 10.01 3783 15.45 19380 15.66 15.10 +.05 +8.0 CrSuiHiY N DHY .29 10.8 2.85 2.17 562 2.67 1959 2.71 2.62 +.05 Cree Inc Q CREE 31.64 20.75 816 26.83 2466 27.24 26.47 -.10 +1.7 CrescPtE g N CPG .28 2.6 18.95 10.23 807 10.74 4347 11.28 10.38 +.12 -21.0 CrestEq rs N CEQP 2.40e 9.4 28.30 9.29 266 25.45 1154 25.65 24.68 +.05 -.4 Cresud Q CRESY 20.29 9.57 114 19.38 570 19.76 18.72 +.23 +22.9 Criteo SA Q CRTO 50.95 32.83 634 50.07 2028 50.44 47.22 +.82 +21.9 Crocs Q CROX 12.54 6.26 1081 6.80 3828 6.84 6.39 +.07 -.9 CrossAmer N CAPL 2.45f 10.0 59 27.94 22.29 48 24.61 185 25.29 24.54 -.41 -2.3 CrssCtryHl Q CCRN 16.38 9.88 359 14.83 902 14.98 14.14 +.53 -5.0 CrosTim N CRT 1.07e 7.1 14 20.59 14.16 11 14.95 65 15.41 14.51 -.33 -16.8 CrossrdCap Q XRDC .60 26.1 2.74 1.47 3 2.30 22 2.38 2.27 -.05 +8.0tCrossrdS rs Q CRDS 11.80 2.60 4 2.86 79 3.21 2.60 -.32 -32.9 CrwnCstle N CCI 3.80 4.2 27 102.82 79.38 2433 89.80 12175 90.79 88.71 +.47 +3.5 CrownCfts Q CRWS .32a 4.1 13 10.24 7.05 20 7.90 152 8.10 7.65 +.13 +1.9 CrownHold N CCK 14 57.49 47.73 690 53.91 3391 54.12 53.27 -.04 +2.5 Cryolife N CRY .12 .7 38 20.15 10.21 275 16.90 996 17.00 15.98 +.60 -11.7 CryoPrt wt Q CYRXW 1.45 .34 1 1.00 10 1.30 .80 -.30 +1.0 CryoPort rs Q CYRX 4.07 1.35 44 3.58 186 3.98 3.35 -.17 +10.5 CrystalRk N CRVP .95 .63 3 .77 68 .80 .76 -.01 -5.5 s Q CTRP 83 50.37 37.36 2858 49.06 17968 49.75 48.24 +.79 +22.6 CubeSmart N CUBE 1.08 4.1 38 33.52 23.65 1150 26.39 5784 26.59 25.68 +.53 -1.4sCubic N CUB .27 .5 54.10 37.24 388 55.25 755 55.35 50.35 +4.55 +15.2 CullenFr N CFR 2.16f 2.4 20 96.62 51.43 1366 91.64 2863 92.52 89.10 +.48 +3.9 CullnF pfA N CFRpA 1.34 5.3 27.86 24.24 3 25.05 23 25.21 24.68 +.26 +1.6 Culp Inc N CFI .32f 1.0 16 37.80 24.21 67 31.95 190 32.03 30.25 +1.35 -14.0 CumbldPh Q CPIX 6.73 4.20 10 6.45 108 6.64 6.03 +.25 +17.3sCummins N CMI 4.10 2.7 18 155.46 104.30 1699 154.51 5527 155.51 149.24 +3.01 +13.1tCumMed rs Q CMLS 4.80 .48 344 .48 880 .62 .43 -.03 -52.5 Curis Q CRIS 3.72 1.42 703 2.97 3015 3.02 2.75 +.01 -3.6 CurEuro N FXE 112.90 100.46 458 104.15 4503 104.42 102.81 +.48 +1.8 CurAstla N FXA 1.02 1.3 78.30 71.64 26 77.08 69 77.16 75.50 +1.60 +6.8 CurBrit N FXB 145.60 117.48 133 120.81 769 120.90 118.36 +2.13 +.5 CurrCda N FXC .03e 79.26 72.68 12 74.06 223 74.32 73.17 +.67 +.7 CurJpn N FXY 96.75 81.33 129 85.52 634 85.56 83.85 +1.56 +3.6 CurSwed N FXS 122.77 102.80 1 109.29 3 109.40 107.26 +1.80 +2.8 CurSwiss N FXF 101.31 92.37 7 95.39 61 95.68 94.27 +1.10 +1.8 CurtisWrt N CW .52 .5 25 107.61 72.84 616 95.77 1231 97.14 94.53 +.12 -2.6 CushTRet rs N SRV 1.08 7.9 15.08 9.35 15 13.71 107 14.12 13.47 -.06 +.9 CushngRen N SZC 1.64 9.0 19.10 13.58 19 18.19 87 18.34 17.33 +.66 +4.7 CushRoy rs N SRF .62 6.8 10.14 7.08 8 9.16 76 9.21 8.93 +.06 -6.3 CustomBcp N CUBI 14 36.93 22.19 586 32.82 2382 33.60 32.08 -.49 -8.4 CustBcp 18 N CUBS 1.59 6.1 27.74 26.01 3 26.20 6 26.38 26.20 -.07 -.2 CustBc p C N CUBIpC .57p 27.74 25.25 3 26.70 18 26.73 26.34 +.10 +2.5 CustBc pfD N CUBIpD 29.11 23.68 2 26.25 4 26.83 26.17 -.48 +2.3 CustBc pfE N CUBIpE 27.13 24.69 2 26.10 29 26.55 25.71 +.10 +2.0 CustoBc pf F N CUBIpF 26.00 23.22 15 25.45 92 26.00 25.31 +.05 +1.8 Cutera Q CUTR 22.96 9.83 93 20.60 340 21.30 20.20 -.35 +18.7 Cyanotch h Q CYAN 5.80 3.32 3 3.98 18 4.25 3.70 +.03 -7.6 CybrOpt Q CYBE 16 41.18 9.25 143 26.50 770 26.70 24.70 +.90 +1.5 CyberArk Q CYBR 50 59.28 36.40 459 50.72 1577 51.23 49.42 +.60 +11.5 Cyclacel rs Q CYCC .15p 9.72 3.05 22 3.85 233 4.59 3.74 -.24 -27.2sCymaBay Q CBAY 4.44 1.02 354 4.04 1763 4.44 3.91 +.05 +133.5 Cynosure Q CYNO 86 66.65 38.01 1126 66.00 5111 66.10 65.90 -.05 +44.7 CypressEn N CELP 1.63 18.2 14.27 7.34 137 8.98 796 12.44 8.30 -3.01 -14.9sCypSemi Q CY .44 3.1 27 14.05 8.02 5848 13.98 28721 14.05 13.43 +.51 +22.2 Cyren Ltd Q CYRN 2.60 1.59 7 2.05 494 2.06 1.90 -.05 -4.7 CyrusOne Q CONE 1.52 3.0 47 57.00 38.80 1464 51.18 7867 51.26 48.70 +2.39 +14.4 CytRx h Q CYTR 3.66 .36 1072 .40 6471 .44 .40 -.01 +8.1sCytokinetic Q CYTK 41 13.70 6.00 731 12.40 2297 13.70 12.15 -.60 +2.1 CytomX n Q CTMX 17.79 9.10 279 15.18 1161 15.35 14.30 +.09 +38.1 CytoriTh rs Q CYTX 5.45 1.36 67 1.65 393 1.70 1.58 +.01 +9.3 Cytosorbnt Q CTSO 6.90 3.80 69 5.70 207 5.70 5.15 +.50 +4.6D -:DBV Tech Q DBVT 37.98 27.02 89 34.88 362 37.25 34.52 -2.09 -.7 DCP Mid N DCP 3.12 8.4 18 42.45 24.70 990 37.35 2198 37.99 36.74 +.07 -2.7 DCT IndlTr N DCT 1.16 2.5 27 50.57 38.39 725 47.16 2242 47.52 45.47 +1.31 -1.5tDDR Corp N DDR .76 5.8 15 19.92 12.76 5157 13.09 25210 13.30 12.76 +.12 -14.3 DDR pfJ N DDRpJ 1.63 6.4 26.60 24.35 4 25.35 26 25.35 25.05 +.02 +2.5 DDR pfK N DDRpK 1.56 6.2 27.13 23.66 2 25.34 49 25.34 25.00 +.19 +6.3sDGSE N DGSE 1.50 .46 36 1.51 201 1.52 1.43 +.05 +21.8 DHI Grp N DHX 12 8.43 4.35 1299 4.55 2407 4.75 4.45 -.05 -27.2 DHT Hldgs N DHT .58e 12.4 6.16 3.29 3762 4.69 8039 5.20 4.60 -.33 +13.3 DHX Mda n Q DHXM .08f 28 7.40 3.80 5 3.95 29 4.35 3.90 -.04 -24.8 DLH Hldgs Q DLHC 18 7.38 3.17 8 5.09 146 5.22 4.87 +.08 -14.3 DMC Globl Q BOOM .08 .6 17.19 5.91 97 13.20 233 13.85 12.69 -.70 -16.7sDNB Fncl Q DNBF .28 .8 18 35.00 23.05 26 35.15 35 35.15 33.10 +1.90 +23.8 DNP Selct N DNP .78 7.3 10.95 9.81 163 10.71 1188 10.72 10.54 +.11 +4.7 DR Horton N DHI .32 1.0 14 34.56 26.69 3615 33.66 19019 34.06 32.53 +.09 +23.2 Drdgold N DRD .08f 1.6 9.10 3.55 1168 5.03 3494 5.69 4.87 +.09 -4.9 DSP Gp Q DSPG 44 13.15 8.50 206 11.80 721 11.80 9.85 +1.35 -9.6 DST Sys N DST 1.40f 1.2 18 128.66 94.52 194 117.79 709 119.15 116.76 -.93 +9.9 DSW Inc N DSW .80 3.9 15 28.05 18.51 1884 20.40 20043 21.03 19.55 -.11 -9.9sDTE N DTE 3.30f 3.3 23 102.96 84.77 1484 100.90 5135 102.96 99.83 +1.47 +2.4 DTEEn 62 N DTQ 1.31 5.3 26.10 22.33 4 24.74 55 24.91 24.28 +.66 +3.3 DTE En76 n N DTJ 1.34 5.7 26.60 21.67 98 23.66 423 24.10 23.56 -.50 +5.0 DTE F76 n N DTY 1.50 5.9 26.28 24.24 17 25.44 138 25.60 25.06 +.38 -1.0 DTE En un N DTV 54.49 50.03 104 52.55 305 53.59 51.43 +.35 -.8 DTF TxF N DTF .84 5.7 17.05 14.09 30 14.67 190 15.97 14.65 -.90 +1.7 DXP Ent Q DXPE 86 40.77 12.67 181 31.98 525 33.11 30.93 +.74 -7.9 DailyJourn Q DJCO 282.48 186.54 3 206.42 13 211.75 203.66 +2.20 -14.6 Daktronics Q DAKT .28 3.0 68 11.12 5.92 337 9.47 722 9.53 9.21 +.10 -11.5 DanaInc N DAN .24 1.2 10 20.62 9.80 2636 19.53 7038 20.06 18.95 +.70 +2.9 Danaher N DHR .56f .6 20 88.01 70.07 2808 86.67 10450 87.80 85.99 -1.09 +11.3tDanaos N DAC 2 4.90 1.60 58 2.00 433 2.10 1.60 +.20 -24.5 DaqoNEn N DQ 4 27.60 16.03 122 22.10 515 24.00 22.02 -1.68 +14.5 Darden N DRI 2.24 2.9 22 79.43 59.50 1995 76.66 7236 77.07 73.81 +2.50 +5.4 DarioHlth Q DRIO 5.90 2.67 72 4.15 248 4.16 3.71 +.36 +27.7 DarioHl wt Q DRIOW 2.00 .11 1 .73 5 .79 .60 +.05 +12.3 DarlingIng N DAR 23 15.93 11.51 1920 14.51 4827 14.54 13.98 +.36 +12.4 DasanZ rs Q DZSI 10.00 4.25 38 6.20 110 6.29 5.70 +.45 +26.0tDaseke n Q DSKE 10.88 9.26 769 10.00 1681 10.19 9.26 +.08 -.8 Daseke wt Q DSKEW 1.25 .13 762 1.11 2186 1.18 .88 +.12 +30.6 Data IO Q DAIO 24 5.30 2.07 31 4.98 271 5.12 4.85 +.11 +19.1 Dataram rs Q DRAM 5.07 .81 63 1.22 279 1.25 1.10 +.06 -44.5 Datawatch Q DWCH 8.85 4.46 477 8.10 992 8.30 7.00 +.95 +47.3sDaveBuster Q PLAY 30 61.20 36.31 821 59.93 3579 61.20 57.82 +.31 +6.4 DavidsT g n Q DTEA 23 14.30 6.30 36 7.85 423 7.95 6.55 +1.25 +14.6 DavSelFn n Q DFNL 22.15 19.83 433 21.14 512 21.36 21.13 -.09 +5.2 DavSelEq n Q DUSA 21.30 19.82 20 20.54 79 20.65 20.37 +.12 +1.9sDavSelW n Q DWLD 21.28 20.00 18 21.10 72 21.28 20.74 +.36 +5.1 DaVita Inc N DVA 17 78.77 54.50 1504 67.80 5436 69.39 67.56 -.75 +5.6 DawsonGeo Q DWSN 9.00 4.00 115 6.21 321 6.72 5.78 +.11 -22.8 Daxor N DXR .04f .6 9.80 6.81 12 6.93 18 7.64 6.93 -.37 -15.9 DeVryEd N DV .36 1.1 13 34.48 15.36 999 33.55 3054 34.08 32.50 +.35 +7.5 DeanFoods N DF .36 1.9 12 22.31 15.69 4442 19.31 12018 19.36 18.10 +.86 -11.3 DeckrsOut N DECK 71 69.94 44.00 701 54.61 2786 54.83 53.72 +.48 -1.4 Deere N DE 2.40 2.2 23 112.18 74.91 3808 110.45 10689 111.32 108.64 +.53 +7.2 DelFriscos Q DFRG 24 18.50 13.01 171 17.65 853 18.10 16.70 +.50 +3.8 DelTaco Q TACO 23 15.32 8.43 516 12.36 3594 13.00 11.66 -.23 -12.5 DelTaco wt Q TACOW 5.70 1.65 3.40 25 4.15 2.88 -.35 -29.9 DE EnhGlb N DEX .90 8.5 10.75 8.91 216 10.59 369 10.59 10.37 +.14 +4.7 DelaCO N VCF .72 4.9 16.42 14.50 3 14.57 19 14.68 14.50 +.03 -2.2 DelaDvInc N DDF .62 6.1 10.52 8.82 22 10.30 72 10.32 10.09 +.10 +3.3 DelaNatl N VFL .72 5.6 14.99 12.07 12 12.79 90 12.80 12.58 +.22 -2.8 DelaMN2 N VMM .63 4.4 15.70 13.13 6 14.36 73 14.42 14.17 +.12 +5.9tDelcath rs Q DCTH 6.85 .09 7430 .10 41952 .13 .09 -.02 -88.7 DelekLogis N DKL 2.72f 9.2 13 36.05 21.30 607 29.70 1188 31.35 28.55 -1.50 +4.0 Delek N DK .60a 2.4 26.06 11.41 1613 25.44 5491 25.66 23.77 +1.69 +5.7 DellTch n N DVMT 65.78 46.64 890 64.19 5301 64.75 62.84 +.71 +16.8 DelmarPh n Q DMPI 9.90 2.88 7 4.25 59 4.68 4.10 -.04 +33.3sDelphiAuto N DLPH 1.16 1.4 16 83.23 58.04 2126 81.85 13935 83.23 78.57 +4.76 +21.5 DeltaAir N DAL .81 1.7 8 52.76 32.60 11902 46.51 58853 48.22 45.23 -1.40 -5.4 DeltaAprl N DLA 14 25.52 14.85 81 17.28 327 17.77 15.55 +1.73 -16.6 DeltaNGas Q DGAS .83 2.7 39 31.29 22.02 31 30.32 85 30.63 30.24 +.02 +3.4 DeltaTch h Q DELT 3.14 .43 1164 1.58 2586 1.66 1.31 +.20 +116.4 DeltaTc wt Q DELTW .39 .02 .06 33 .06 .06 +.00 +14.3 DeltTim N DEL .40 .5 85.49 53.21 107 79.96 240 80.42 74.35 +4.71 +3.7 Deluxe N DLX 1.20 1.6 15 75.94 58.59 417 74.42 1280 75.00 73.13 +.35 +3.9 DenburyR N DNR 4.80 1.95 31683 2.33 65320 2.53 2.24 -.09 -36.7 DenisnM g N DNN .84 .37 337 .67 2807 .69 .62 +.03 +30.1 Dennys Q DENN 48 14.25 9.59 398 12.47 1252 12.53 12.18 +.07 -2.8 Dentsply Q XRAY .35f .6 32 65.83 55.00 1728 63.26 8319 64.25 62.72 -.14 +9.6 Depomed Q DEPO 27.02 12.25 1277 15.78 4303 16.29 15.51 +.05 -12.4 Dermira Q DERM 38.75 17.42 412 34.14 1585 36.42 32.79 -1.37 +12.6sDescSys Q DSGX 72 23.75 16.68 55 22.95 190 23.75 22.15 +.55 +7.2tDestMatrn Q DEST .80 17.9 10.24 4.83 60 4.48 152 5.04 4.45 -.51 -13.3tDest XL Q DXLG 5.88 2.45 289 2.40 956 2.95 2.35 -.10 -43.5 Deswell Q DSWL .28f 15.0 1.88 1.49 16 1.87 62 1.87 1.81 +.03 +5.1 Determine Q DTRM 3.62 .82 4 3.30 27 3.45 3.16 +.13 +69.2 DeutschBk N DB .83e 20.94 11.19 6566 19.03 28664 19.70 19.02 -.60 +5.1 DBDogs22 N DOD 29.00 16.50 11 20.39 89 22.00 20.35 -1.55 +10.2 DBWMTR N WMW 27.29 21.08 1 26.75 14 27.29 26.37 +.12 +8.4 DB Cap pf N DTK 1.90 7.3 26.55 22.38 192 25.95 670 25.97 25.66 +.23 +4.0 DeutBCT2 pf N DXB 1.64 6.6 25.72 21.86 631 24.98 1347 25.00 24.70 +.18 +4.2 DeutBCT5 pf N DKT 2.01 7.5 27.00 23.01 78 26.73 481 26.78 26.41 +.28 +5.8 DBCmdDL N DYY 4.77 1.82 1 3.79 4 3.90 3.75 -.01 -2.3tDB AgriLg N AGF 13.98 9.72 11.75 5 11.75 9.72 +.95 +.4 DB AgriDL N DAG 4.98 3.18 2 3.61 36 3.79 3.54 -.03 +3.8 DBGoldSh N DGZ 15.72 12.73 8 14.31 99 14.68 14.23 -.25 -6.8 DBGoldDL N DGP 31.42 19.20 4 22.72 149 22.81 21.55 +.93 +12.9 DBGoldDS N DZZ 7.15 4.80 63 5.97 980 6.25 5.94 -.22 -12.9 Deut GlbHi N LBF .54 6.4 8.88 7.64 14 8.45 68 8.52 8.36 +.10 +1.4 Deut HiOp N DHG .72 4.9 14.88 13.03 34 14.55 176 14.58 14.38 +.12 +1.0 Deut Multi N KMM .51 5.9 8.77 7.87 19 8.62 156 8.64 8.50 +.07 +1.2 Deut Muni N KTF .84 6.4 14.82 12.52 71 13.09 572 13.16 12.83 +.24 -.2 Deut StInc N KST .66a 5.5 12.35 10.92 10 12.10 37 12.17 11.98 +.06 +1.8 Deut StMu N KSM .84 6.8 15.01 11.86 8 12.31 73 12.62 12.17 +.23 +1.4sDBXEmMkt N DBEM .64e 3.1 20.77 17.93 36 20.76 90 20.79 20.33 +.57 +7.9sDBXEafeEq N DBEF 1.00e 3.0 29.61 23.35 2920 29.58 12033 29.61 29.30 +.16 +5.4 DBXBrazEq N DBBR 2.71e 24.9 11.85 9.00 5 10.90 13 11.13 10.85 -.04 +6.0sDBXGerEq N DBGR 3.40e 12.8 26.63 20.48 38 26.61 77 26.69 26.35 +.28 +5.6tDeu HYBd n N HYLB 51.42 50.07 1 50.70 383 50.76 50.07 +.47 +.6 Dbx Tr etf N DESC 32.47 25.98 0 31.56 7 31.56 30.60 +.81 -.8 DbXR1KECo N DEUS 28.99 24.84 15 28.80 179 28.89 28.40 +.30 +6.5sDeutEmCo N DEMG 27.36 23.03 27.36 4 27.36 26.46 +1.05 +10.9sDBXJapnEq N DBJP 2.26e 3.6 38.72 29.15 1242 38.12 19684 38.72 38.06 -.38 +2.4 DbXDvxEU N DEEF 26.27 22.73 1 25.70 4 25.70 25.06 +.64 +7.6sDbxEuroHiD N HDEZ .28p 25.61 20.78 0 25.62 6 25.62 25.19 +.44 +3.3sDbxEafeHiD N HDEF .43e 1.1 24.47 21.73 24.31 15 24.47 24.24 +.09 +4.5sDbxNikk400 N JPN 25.63 21.18 3 25.55 10 25.63 25.21 +.31 +5.8sDBXGlblInf N DBIF .60e 2.3 24.51 22.32 0 24.66 5 24.66 24.24 +.35 +4.8sDBX MSCI N DBEZ 1.28e 4.5 28.39 22.01 9 28.43 47 28.49 28.03 +.33 +6.0 DeuMunInf N RVNU .73 2.8 28.30 24.89 36 25.73 58 25.83 25.51 +.12 -.1 DBX IGBd N IGIH .60e 24.92 22.68 0 24.02 14 24.72 24.02 -.14 -.7 DBXHYCpB N HYIH 1.02e 23.98 19.46 2 23.41 33 23.41 23.22 +.05 -.2 DBXChiSC N ASHS 3.46e .5 36.34 30.80 4 34.15 41 34.72 34.01 +.27 +5.8 DBXHrvChi N CN 4.34e 31.80 25.90 0 29.28 21 29.28 28.81 +.54 +11.8 DBXMexHd N DBMX 4.12e 13.7 22.56 19.28 3 20.41 5 20.41 19.81 +.43 +4.9sDBXSKorH N DBKO .03p 26.46 21.85 4 26.41 315 26.48 25.98 +.67 +7.7sDBXAWxUS N DBAW 1.33e 3.4 25.45 20.54 8 25.43 61 25.46 25.16 +.27 +6.0sDBXEurHgd N DBEU 1.28e 4.2 26.88 22.77 812 26.93 4466 26.97 26.53 +.30 +6.1 DBXHvChiA N ASHR 8.43e 1.3 26.19 22.61 552 24.96 2473 25.44 24.82 +.22 +6.4 DevonE N DVN .24 .6 50.69 24.58 4740 40.54 21340 41.27 38.69 +.34 -11.2 DexCom Q DXCM 96.38 57.68 596 78.89 3347 79.39 76.47 +.55 +32.1 DexteraS rs Q DXTR 3.88 .90 71 1.16 455 1.19 1.02 +.03 +20.8 ElevWat n N WTRX 27.04 25.00 27.01 5 27.01 26.41 +.33 +6.7 Diageo N DEO 3.23e 2.8 117.84 99.46 681 116.09 2266 116.36 112.46 +3.71 +11.7 DiamHill Q DHIL 6.00e 14 217.68 165.38 18 193.65 42 198.94 190.00 -1.02 -8.0tDiamOffsh N DO .50 3.2 11 26.72 14.48 2976 15.57 18117 16.12 14.48 +.38 -12.0 DiamRk N DRH .50 4.5 12 12.00 8.22 3628 11.19 11979 11.24 10.65 +.38 -2.9 DiambkEn Q FANG 114.00 73.12 1956 104.69 9171 105.30 96.98 +3.23 +3.6 DianaCn h rs Q DCIX 26.17 2.00 337 2.61 2840 2.93 2.36 +.01 -6.1 DianaShip N DSX 4.97 2.11 898 4.55 4169 4.67 3.81 +.65 +50.7 DianaS pfB N DSXpB 2.22 11.7 19.71 11.50 12 18.96 86 19.18 18.70 +.37 +15.5 DianaSh20 N DSXN 2.13 8.9 24.69 17.50 16 23.98 63 24.20 23.06 +.97 +16.3 DicernaPh Q DRNA 6.10 2.42 82 2.86 489 3.04 2.75 -.11 -.7 DicksSptg N DKS .68f 1.4 16 62.88 37.96 1995 48.35 14081 49.16 46.86 -.49 -8.9 Diebold N DBD .40 1.4 31.85 21.05 1551 29.30 5508 30.15 28.45 -.75 +16.5 DifferBr rs Q DFBG 8.42 1.60 1 1.86 24 1.95 1.70 +.06 -20.9 DiffusPh n Q DFFN 15.50 1.94 3004 3.16 3206 3.90 2.25 +.42 +39.8 DigiIntl Q DGII 28 14.15 8.33 205 12.80 467 12.95 12.35 +.35 -6.9 Digimarc Q DMRC 40.13 24.40 52 26.15 204 26.40 24.50 +1.25 -12.8 Digirad Q DRAD .20 3.6 7 6.15 4.15 57 5.55 350 5.55 5.30 +.30 +11.0 DigitalAlly Q DGLY 7.23 3.51 46 4.20 188 4.45 4.10 -.10 sDigitalPwr N DPW 1.75 .35 638 .83 14496 1.75 .57 +.22 +26.7 DigitalRlt N DLR 3.72f 3.6 29 113.21 85.50 1648 102.89 6965 104.85 101.85 -.08 +4.7 DigitlR pfG N DLRpG 1.47 5.8 26.75 23.05 4 25.28 168 25.38 24.83 +.44 +5.6 DigtlR pfH N DLRpH 1.84 6.8 29.49 25.90 24 27.20 116 27.31 26.64 +.71 +.2 DigitalR pfI N DLRpI 1.59 6.0 28.16 24.50 25 26.35 72 26.43 25.56 +.87 +5.1 DigitlTurb Q APPS 1.56 .56 66 .91 538 .95 .78 +.02 +33.8 DigitalGlb N DGI 35.95 16.09 563 32.20 2531 32.43 31.45 +.30 +12.4 Dillards N DDS .28 .5 11 88.46 51.00 807 52.15 2736 52.95 51.04 -1.00 -16.8 Dillard38 N DDT 1.88 7.4 27.15 25.12 12 25.31 103 25.38 25.22 -.09 -2.7 DimeCBc Q DCOM .56 2.7 9 22.48 16.10 300 21.00 853 21.10 20.45 +.10 +4.5 DimenTh n Q DMTX 10.47 1.65 228 1.95 1151 2.25 1.88 -.05 -55.2 DineEquity N DIN 3.88 7.3 9 95.12 52.02 549 53.15 2572 55.90 52.85 -1.26 -31.0 Diodes Q DIOD 77 27.17 16.75 350 24.61 902 24.79 23.97 +.13 -4.1 DipexiumP Q DPRX 17.75 1.05 30 1.30 220 1.40 1.30 -.05 -18.8 DiploPhm N DPLO 29 38.94 12.25 1452 15.76 4707 15.84 14.66 +.75 +25.1 DxChiABear N CHAD 46.91 38.73 2 39.78 29 40.20 39.11 -.46 -6.9 DrxNGBear rs N GASX 97.44 17.73 12 29.13 79 31.99 27.60 -.84 +26.8 DrxRBkBear N WDRW 1.86p 44.23 7.45 8.39 11 8.68 8.20 +.04 -15.3 DxSPOGBr rs N DRIP 76.10 10.28 387 17.73 3124 20.13 16.91 -.79 +36.0 DrxRBkBull N DPST 81.77 20.24 25 70.14 170 73.17 68.21 -1.52 +3.1 DirDGlBr rs N DUST 193.00 22.80 6587 31.93 40878 40.27 28.81 -6.02 -34.0 DxGlMBr rs N JDST 347.00 11.75 22609 14.65 125433 20.15 12.32 -4.70 -58.3 DxSPXBll s N SPUU 42.67 31.54 1 42.09 6 42.22 41.45 +.34 +13.3sDxEuFnBl N EUFL 37.82 24.51 5 36.57 10 37.82 34.50 +1.20 +15.0 DirGlMin n N MELT 35.76 22.89 1 26.44 33 28.71 25.60 -1.27 -10.2tDirxEurFin N EUFS 25.13 19.46 19.46 7 20.16 19.46 -.48 -8.8 DxHiYldBr N HYDD 23.58 17.56 1 20.46 13 20.96 20.32 -.40 -3.2sDirNsdq100 N QQQE .37e .5 77.33 58.70 5 77.09 30 77.33 75.99 +.81 +12.2 DirSPX Br N SPDN 21.10 17.25 8 17.40 61 17.54 17.32 -.04 -6.2tDirxFnBr n N FAZZ 25.84 17.49 0 17.67 8 17.67 17.49 +.04 -6.4 DrxiBillion N IBLN .21e .8 28.05 23.11 0 27.81 11 28.03 27.65 +.02 +10.8 DxRusBll rs N RUSL 114.71 47.13 166 93.16 899 93.56 76.95 +16.74 -7.8 DiEurBll3x N EURL .05e .2 24.91 14.48 29 24.60 120 24.84 22.80 +1.45 +23.1sDrxEMBll rs N EDC 75.46 40.73 358 74.58 2597 75.46 68.14 +7.91 +41.1 Dir MLPHi N ZMLP 1.60m 8.5 20.15 14.70 34 18.84 210 19.09 18.62 -.06 -.2 DxLatBll rs N LBJ 130.26 55.20 1 110.25 8 114.00 102.66 +6.37 +41.1 DxBrzBull s N BRZU 55.29 15.72 179 40.82 1015 44.59 38.90 +.11 +31.5 DxBiotBll rs N LABU 55.88 21.91 1329 51.80 8101 55.20 50.60 -1.15 +65.4sDxIndiBll rs N INDL 70.71 41.00 55 69.36 374 70.71 66.23 +7.12 +54.4 DxNGBll rs N GASL 58.12 21.53 46 31.56 573 33.33 28.79 +.41 -29.1tDrDevMBr N DPK 35.88 19.50 4 19.36 38 20.77 19.32 -1.08 -20.6 DxSPOGBl rs N GUSH 134.00 43.88 214 66.60 1731 70.00 58.64 +2.01 -34.4 DxREBear N DRV 17.37 10.45 31 12.43 414 13.57 12.31 -1.00 -1.6 DirSPBear N SPXS 16.40 8.67 2379 8.92 14514 9.13 8.76 -.05 -17.4tDrxHCreBr N SICK 44.29 25.92 7 27.00 13 27.07 25.92 +.45 -24.8 Dir20yrTBr N TYBS 22.50 18.49 21.93 14 22.41 21.69 -.14 +.5sDrxJpBull N JPNL 51.38 30.82 3 50.49 17 51.38 48.59 +1.37 +18.2 DxEnBear N ERY 24.22 8.59 872 11.44 7541 12.30 11.13 -.19 +20.0tDxEMBear N EDZ 42.31 17.02 1192 17.18 7012 18.97 17.02 -2.25 -32.0 DrxCySBull N HAKK 49.01 24.30 0 46.15 8 46.15 42.43 +1.76 +30.8sDrxSKBull N KORU 35.78 19.17 2 35.57 18 35.83 31.75 +5.16 +46.7 DxSCBear rs N TZA 49.36 17.08 7900 17.95 44209 19.54 17.83 -1.01 -9.6 DxFnBr rs N FAZ 45.92 17.00 1908 18.28 8719 18.55 17.74 +.08 -15.8 DrGMBll s N JNUG 33.29 3.77 82647 6.72 481705 8.09 5.61 +.56 +20.4 DxGBull s N NUGT 35.80 5.51 31629 8.92 213603 9.86 7.47 +.91 +16.8tDxHmbBear N CLAW 43.32 18.08 1 19.00 14 20.66 18.08 -.14 -38.4sDrxHmbBull N NAIL 41.29 20.01 8 40.41 47 41.29 36.70 +1.63 +59.2 Dx30TBear N TMV 25.75 15.03 786 23.62 6120 25.00 23.52 -.90 -1.5 DxFnBull s N FAS 51.11 21.14 2722 47.32 14811 48.85 46.72 -.26 +15.7tDxBiotBear N LABD 67.17 9.33 3103 9.95 21072 10.22 9.33 +.14 -47.5tDrxTcBr rs N TECS 30.55 12.78 29 12.87 329 13.37 12.74 -.32 -26.9 DrxACInsi N KNOW .48e .6 82.27 68.64 32 79.37 110 79.76 78.63 +.24 +3.7tDxSOXBr rs N SOXS 40.64 7.58 389 7.65 2413 8.04 7.58 -.31 -29.0 DxRsaBr rs N RUSS 21.75 5.36 1468 6.17 5640 7.58 6.14 -1.51 -.8 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 6 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
DxMCBr rs N MIDZ 41.83 18.10 11 18.99 45 20.10 18.80 -.71 -13.8tDxChiBear s N YANG 30.01 11.32 397 11.55 2589 12.58 11.32 -1.47 -31.7 Drx300Chin N CHAU 20.89 15.60 74 19.17 241 19.92 18.99 +.33 +12.9sDxHcrBll s N CURE 37.62 24.26 182 35.71 864 37.62 35.66 -.89 +29.5sDxTcBull s N TECL 67.68 31.48 94 67.20 440 67.86 64.73 +1.55 +34.6tDxRetlBll s N RETL 49.91 30.00 14 32.45 96 32.45 30.00 +1.25 -11.1sDxSOXBll s N SOXL .01e 77.94 21.10 150 77.05 1219 77.94 73.20 +2.96 +34.9tDir30TrBul s N TMF 31.58 16.87 364 17.80 1708 17.88 16.87 +.59 -1.6 Dir10TrBear N TYO 16.29 12.60 9 15.21 43 15.75 15.21 -.38 -1.5 DxMCBull s N MIDU 38.56 20.38 18 36.80 144 36.93 34.57 +1.44 +13.3 DrxREBull s N DRN 29.68 16.63 99 21.01 1440 21.21 19.36 +1.45 -2.0sDirxChiBull N YINN .07e .3 21.53 10.87 882 21.09 4787 21.53 19.44 +2.24 +40.8sDirxDMBull N DZK 55.58 33.10 6 55.82 26 56.17 51.50 +2.97 +23.9 DrxSCBull N TNA .48e 113.49 50.76 2591 107.24 13390 107.99 98.72 +5.47 +6.0 DrxSPBull N SPXL 132.76 75.33 531 128.85 4024 131.03 125.86 +.63 +19.6 DirxEnBull N ERX 44.55 21.31 1426 31.68 10344 32.59 29.53 +.28 -20.6 Discover N DFS 1.20 1.7 12 74.33 48.68 3037 70.31 10711 71.89 69.88 -1.21 -2.5 Discov pfB N DFSpB 1.63 6.3 26.96 24.91 17 25.89 158 25.89 25.54 +.23 +.8 DiscCmA Q DISCA 14 29.91 23.66 2141 28.01 11739 28.35 27.23 +.32 +2.2 DiscCmB Q DISCB 30.80 23.85 2 28.80 3 28.80 27.95 +.70 -1.2 DiscCmC Q DISCK 14 29.07 22.43 1952 27.35 8765 27.57 26.55 +.26 +2.1 DishNetw h Q DISH 31 64.74 43.29 4486 63.86 23889 64.15 61.33 +1.81 +10.2sDisney N DIS 1.56f 1.4 20 112.89 90.32 8594 111.76 30721 112.89 110.82 +.84 +7.2 Diversicre Q DVCR .22 2.3 12.82 6.41 13 9.46 34 10.72 9.40 -1.07 -9.0 DvsRealAst N DRA 1.67 10.0 17.73 15.00 36 16.68 314 16.78 16.14 +.58 +7.0 DivrsRest Q SAUC 2.20 .70 139 1.82 480 1.88 1.74 +.01 +30.0 Div&Inco N DNI 1.63 13.5 12.56 10.47 87 12.10 365 12.11 11.88 +.11 +2.1 DixieGrp Q DXYN 5.56 3.00 21 3.55 128 3.55 3.35 +.05 -1.4 DrReddy N RDY .31e .7 54.73 39.65 252 41.49 1151 42.07 40.75 +1.03 -8.4 DocuSec rs N DSS 1.64 .42 50 1.12 287 1.20 .92 +68.2 DolbyLab N DLB .56 1.1 19 55.02 39.70 259 51.84 1498 51.92 50.43 +.94 +14.7 DollarGen N DG 1.00 1.4 16 96.88 66.50 4262 72.33 25660 75.33 71.52 -.56 -2.3 DollarTree Q DLTR 21 99.93 72.55 2893 75.70 14125 76.48 73.45 +.64 -1.9 DomDmd g N DDC .40 4.0 12.65 7.92 946 9.92 1700 9.95 8.45 +1.24 +2.5 DomMidst N DM 1.04f 3.3 25 34.94 23.17 381 31.50 1855 31.70 30.20 +.15 +6.6 DomRescs N D 3.02f 3.9 20 78.97 68.71 3426 77.12 13522 78.21 75.46 +1.45 +.7sDomRes un N DCUD 51.70 48.10 289 50.93 578 54.16 50.04 +.89 +.7 DomRs76 n N DRUA 25.98 20.93 86 23.45 689 23.54 22.93 +.50 +5.6 DomRes 17 N DCUC .75 1.5 53.00 48.74 247 50.85 582 51.19 50.15 +.16 +1.6 Dominos N DPZ 1.84f 1.0 44 192.01 116.91 839 184.83 3826 187.37 183.03 -1.44 +16.1 Domtar g N UFS 1.66 4.4 20 44.58 32.74 706 38.07 2283 38.50 37.45 -.01 -2.5 Donaldson N DCI .70 1.6 28 47.68 30.25 839 45.12 2199 45.44 44.19 +.59 +7.2 DonegalA Q DGICA .55 3.0 15 18.55 13.30 192 18.10 254 18.20 16.37 +1.70 +3.5 DonegalB Q DGICB .48 2.8 16 22.88 12.56 3 17.00 3 17.00 16.40 +.87 +6.9tDonlleyRR rs N RRD .56 4.1 7 30.77 13.14 4128 13.65 10731 14.34 13.14 -.49 -16.4 DonnlyFn n N DFIN 29.00 18.03 412 20.06 1478 20.57 18.95 -.09 -12.7 DorchMin Q DMLP .90e 5.1 27 19.30 10.55 621 17.50 1304 19.10 16.40 +1.05 -.3 DorianLPG N LPG 9 12.50 5.07 242 10.67 806 11.28 10.67 -.13 +30.0 Dorman Q DORM 28 81.98 51.12 264 79.90 980 80.42 79.24 +.65 +9.4 DblEgl wt Q EAGLW .55 .20 .54 7 .54 .53 -.01 +13.8 DblEagl n Q EAGL 10.20 9.57 10.00 8 10.05 10.00 -.05 +.5 DoubIncSol N DSL 1.80a 9.1 20.46 16.55 199 19.76 2067 19.81 19.33 +.27 +4.1 DblLOppCr N DBL 2.00a 8.6 27.75 22.52 69 23.31 346 23.65 22.75 +.43 +.9 DougDyn N PLOW .96f 3.3 17 35.90 20.00 246 29.40 1042 30.55 28.75 -.41 -12.6 DEmmett N DEI .92 2.4 21 40.79 29.26 1269 38.51 3956 38.78 37.68 +.34 +5.3 Dover N DOV 1.76 2.2 24 82.56 61.64 1580 79.70 6535 79.95 75.97 +2.89 +6.4 DoverDG N DDE 35 1.21 .92 6 1.05 106 1.08 1.02 +1.9 DoverMot N DVD .05 2.4 15 2.54 2.04 15 2.10 63 2.25 2.10 -.05 -8.7sDowChm N DOW 1.84 2.9 20 64.50 47.51 10261 64.03 27277 64.50 63.46 +.19 +11.9 DrPepSnap N DPS 2.32f 2.4 22 98.80 81.05 1425 95.59 6059 96.53 94.20 +.86 +5.4 DragnW hrs Q DRWI 10.66 1.00 293 1.35 12922 2.35 1.05 +.29 -48.1 DryHYSt N DHF .35 10.4 3.60 3.07 232 3.35 1600 3.37 3.27 +.06 -.3 DrMuBdInf N DMB .75 6.0 14.70 11.96 131 12.48 351 12.48 12.19 +.21 +2.0 DryfMu N DMF .54 6.2 10.15 8.42 113 8.65 355 8.82 8.55 +.02 +.2 DryStrt N LEO .52 6.1 9.63 8.17 60 8.50 541 8.55 8.39 +.04 +1.2 DrySM N DSM .50 6.1 9.24 7.88 68 8.22 362 8.26 8.09 +.09 +2.2 Dril-Quip N DRQ 12 69.40 46.90 490 53.30 2900 54.60 52.28 -.75 -11.2 DriveShack N DS .48 11.6 2 4.88 3.69 1833 4.14 4485 4.24 4.02 -.04 +10.1 DriveS pfB N DSpB 2.44 9.6 26.71 23.29 1 25.29 6 25.38 25.28 -.04 -1.4 DriveS pfC N DSpC 2.01 8.1 27.45 19.20 3 24.67 10 24.98 24.27 -.29 -2.2 DriveS pfD N DSpD 2.09 8.4 26.30 20.24 24.80 6 24.90 24.61 -.07 -2.7 DryShp rs Q DRYS .02 1.2 1 2227.20 1.25 35340 1.67 145410 1.93 1.56 -.17 -94.3sDuPont N DD 1.52 1.9 24 81.51 61.12 6282 81.25 15534 81.54 80.11 +.39 +10.7 DuPnt pfA N DDpA 3.50 4.0 93.85 80.50 2 87.90 4 88.20 86.55 -1.82 +.5 DuPnt pfB N DDpB 4.50 4.4 111.00 95.09 1 103.30 5 103.30 101.21 +.82 +3.2 DuPFabros N DFT 2.00 4.1 28 52.03 37.54 1884 48.25 4567 50.07 47.10 +.66 +9.8 DuPFab pfC N DFTpC 1.66 6.2 28.72 24.57 5 26.76 23 26.90 25.88 +.76 +5.4 Ducomun N DCO 25 33.65 14.13 226 28.89 641 30.19 27.65 +.03 +13.0 Df&PGblUt N DPG 1.40 8.7 17.70 14.32 105 16.03 466 16.08 15.70 +.28 +3.4 DufPUC N DUC .60 6.5 9.92 9.07 19 9.18 99 9.21 9.10 +.04 -2.8 DukeEngy N DUK 3.42 4.2 17 87.75 72.34 6373 81.84 19812 82.36 80.46 +1.20 +5.4 DukeEn 73 N DUKH 1.28 5.0 27.18 23.12 26 25.56 98 25.66 25.20 +.26 +6.8 DukeRlty N DRE .76 3.0 26 28.99 21.11 4180 25.62 16630 25.81 24.82 +.37 -3.5 DuluthH n Q DLTH 24 38.19 17.02 245 18.85 1058 19.36 18.25 +.02 -25.8 DunBrad N DNB 2.01f 1.9 15 141.57 100.10 345 108.38 1374 109.01 106.24 +.58 -10.7sDunkin Q DNKN 1.29f 2.3 25 56.30 41.29 1327 56.53 4927 56.77 53.60 +2.58 +7.8 DurectCp Q DRRX 2.00 .92 459 .95 2077 1.03 .92 -.01 -29.1 Dycom N DY 18 98.47 61.10 509 93.52 2220 96.41 92.61 -2.07 +16.5 Dynagas N DLNG 1.69 9.8 17.60 8.88 480 17.32 1593 17.43 16.00 +1.12 +8.4 Dynags pfA N DLNGpA 2.25 8.7 25.99 18.45 8 25.94 44 25.97 25.65 +.15 +2.6 Dynasil Q DYSL 6 1.80 .89 47 1.21 86 1.25 1.14 -5.5 Dynatronic Q DYNT 3.35 2.29 1 3.00 3 3.05 2.90 +.10 +27.7 DynavaxT Q DVAX 23.62 3.20 745 5.75 4311 6.60 5.65 -.15 +45.6 Dynegy N DYN 22.01 7.01 4229 7.30 19634 7.93 7.11 -.60 -13.7 Dynegy wt N DYN/WS .70 .03 11 .04 20 .05 .04 -.00 +2.4tDynegy pfA N DYNpA 1.34 4.8 76.75 26.34 0 27.75 34 29.00 26.34 -1.25 -13.3tDynegy 7 N DYNC 1.75 3.1 113.10 54.95 1 55.97 163 58.52 54.95 -2.51 -9.9 DynexCap N DX .84 12.2 14 7.61 6.33 878 6.90 1830 6.96 6.71 +.18 +1.2 Dynex pfA N DXpA 2.13 8.4 25.60 23.42 5 25.43 9 25.46 25.04 +.27 +1.5 Dynex pfB N DXpB 1.91 8.0 25.09 22.00 4 23.78 53 23.78 23.41 +.28 -.5E -:ETracBDC N BDCS 1.84e 7.8 24.99 19.50 32 23.47 153 23.52 22.91 +.43 +3.5 ETrMLPSht N MLPS 16.40 10.66 11.03 14 11.29 11.03 -.07 -5.1 ETrAlerNG N MLPG 1.86e 6.9 28.23 19.56 0 26.80 10 27.00 26.13 +.01 +3.4 E-TrAlerInf N MLPI 1.88e 6.6 31.00 22.34 281 28.66 1544 29.25 28.43 -.29 +.9 ETBbgCmd N DJCI 16.99 13.64 2 15.47 27 15.49 15.19 +.15 -2.6 ETrAlerian N AMU 1.45e 7.2 21.82 15.95 45 20.02 386 20.39 19.82 -.16 +.8 ETr2xBDC N BDCL 3.52e 16.6 21.49 15.05 73 21.20 429 21.21 20.40 +.72 +7.6 E-TrcCmci N UCI 14.86 11.67 16 14.04 87 14.09 13.78 +.15 -1.1 ETrLPlat N PTM 12.94 9.21 1 10.15 8 10.20 9.82 +.29 +7.3 E-TrcSilv N USV 27.00 19.85 1 22.57 3 22.59 21.56 +.57 +7.5 E-TrLvstk N UBC 19.44 14.39 18.02 7 18.03 17.60 +.43 +7.1 E-Trade Q ETFC 18 38.61 21.52 4779 35.41 19915 36.19 35.05 +.26 +2.2 eBay s Q EBAY 5 34.43 22.30 14195 33.70 48550 33.84 32.56 +.57 +13.5 eBay56 n Q EBAYL 1.50 5.7 27.50 24.27 54 26.11 285 26.16 25.50 +.55 +.7 ECA MTrI N ECT .30e 14.1 5 2.95 1.26 32 2.13 235 2.30 2.00 -.13 -1.2 EDAP TMS Q EDAP 6 4.80 2.25 9 2.64 258 2.80 2.50 -.11 -19.5 eHealth Q EHTH 15.14 6.38 328 11.79 1187 11.86 10.83 +.88 +10.7 ELF Inc n N ELF 32.54 24.03 455 26.31 3002 27.89 25.75 -1.39 -9.1 EMC Inc s Q EMCI .84f 3.0 13 31.47 23.45 50 28.10 102 28.49 27.15 +.36 -6.4 EMCOR N EME .32 .5 22 73.44 44.27 628 63.59 2839 64.52 61.15 -.01 -10.1 ENGlobal Q ENG 7 3.10 .97 54 1.90 271 2.04 1.86 -.10 -20.5 ENI N E 2.12e 6.6 33.40 26.15 312 32.06 1412 32.26 30.50 +.74 -.6 EOG Rescs N EOG .67 .7 109.37 69.66 6369 96.43 23498 97.39 92.91 +1.64 -4.6 EP Energy N EPE 3 7.49 3.29 1913 4.19 6791 4.47 4.06 -.15 -36.0 EPAM Sys N EPAM 39 78.40 54.53 406 72.50 1297 73.84 72.21 -1.29 +12.7 EPR Prop N EPR 3.84 5.3 17 84.67 63.54 562 72.99 1918 73.11 70.53 +2.19 +1.7 EPR pfC N EPRpC 1.44 5.0 32.25 24.90 28.71 7 28.71 28.16 +.54 +.9 EPR pfE N EPRpE 2.25 6.2 39.02 33.00 3 36.02 8 36.26 35.50 +.47 +.4 EPR pfF N EPRpF 1.66 6.5 27.07 24.83 4 25.50 34 25.75 25.40 +.10 +1.5 EQT Corp N EQT .12 .2 93 80.61 56.46 2584 57.82 10950 58.97 56.79 +.74 -11.6sEQT GP n N EQGP .71f 2.6 14 28.53 21.45 154 27.08 581 28.53 26.47 -1.01 +7.4 EQT Mid N EQM 3.40f 4.4 16 82.99 69.15 545 77.58 1387 78.80 75.80 +.23 +1.2 ESSA Bcp Q ESSA .36 2.4 21 16.91 12.93 38 14.80 84 15.90 14.73 -.24 -5.9 ETF SITRis N RISE 24.09 22.17 0 23.74 60 23.97 23.71 -.12 -.1 ETF JrSil N SILJ 19.78 8.12 127 12.79 694 13.72 12.10 +.33 +6.3 ETF Cyber N HACK 29.89 22.09 220 29.11 1346 29.22 28.48 +.39 +10.1sETF MobP N IPAY 28.24 22.10 29 28.27 207 28.31 27.73 +.37 +10.5 ETF LatA N LARE 32.50 24.13 6 28.40 8 28.47 27.66 +.50 +17.3sETF M Vid N GAMR 34.06 25.83 1 34.08 8 34.08 33.65 +.30 +13.4sETFBluIsr Q ITEQ 28.43 22.46 3 28.38 46 28.43 27.95 +1.25 +13.8 ETF Clim N ETHO 29.80 24.49 29.66 28 29.73 29.13 +.47 +7.3 ETFAlpAlt N ALFA 38.64 31.75 2 38.09 15 38.15 37.68 +.25 +8.2sEtfVidentInt Q VIDI .28e 1.2 24.23 19.41 135 24.12 289 24.23 23.46 +.56 +12.3 EtfVidentEq Q VUSE .36e 1.2 30.34 23.83 22 29.68 107 29.79 29.09 +.26 +2.3 EtfVidUSB Q VBND .43e .9 52.14 48.29 16 48.84 87 48.88 48.40 +.10 +.3 ETFDeepV N DVP .53e 2.0 28.23 21.77 48 26.82 77 27.21 26.49 -.10 +1.8 PremisCap N TCTL 26.95 25.08 26.92 13 26.92 26.60 +.24 +5.0 AptBehMo N BEMO 27.67 23.91 5 26.84 83 26.98 26.42 +.03 +3.7 EtfLonCanc Q CNCR 26.47 19.56 7 24.49 41 25.01 24.24 -.25 +15.3sEtfAlpSmC Q SMCP 24.41 19.89 4 24.46 10 24.49 24.04 +.26 +9.7 EtfUSGblJ N JETS 29.77 19.60 38 27.94 382 28.60 27.19 -.51 +.3 ETF Master N HIPS 1.29 7.0 19.49 15.20 2 18.30 12 18.60 17.96 +.16 +2.2 EtfValidea Q VALX 27.72 21.98 2 26.74 11 26.85 26.25 +.38 +1.6 EtfInfcMLP N AMZA 2.08 19.0 11.93 8.01 676 10.97 3171 11.14 10.86 -.06 -3.2 EtfBioPrd Q BBP .40e 38.84 22.32 8 37.54 30 38.56 37.13 -.72 +14.6sEtfBioClin Q BBC .15e 24.17 16.33 25 23.53 137 24.17 23.00 +27.8 E TutUSCor Q TUTT 22.65 21.00 4 22.12 61 22.16 21.94 -.01 +1.9 Etf TuttInc Q TUTI .39e 1.7 23.14 21.90 2 22.79 38 22.79 22.57 +.19 +2.2 EtfNwfMSec N NFLT .08e 26.78 24.71 30 25.51 208 25.51 25.21 +.20 +1.1 EtfReavUt N UTES 33.23 28.60 0 31.40 15 31.83 31.11 +.27 +6.4sIsectPsGr ef Q PMPT 25.30 22.79 5 24.91 13 25.34 24.55 +.27 +2.3 ETF PrMtl N GLTR 70.35 56.52 14 62.11 107 62.22 60.32 +1.32 +7.9 ETFSGold N SGOL 133.68 109.18 30 119.40 111 119.69 116.31 +2.42 +6.8 ETF Pall N PALL 76.33 50.46 16 74.48 95 74.53 71.08 +2.97 +14.2 ETF Plat N PPLT 113.77 85.31 18 92.27 169 92.45 89.30 +2.07 +6.8 EV Engy Q EVEP .30m 18.0 3.59 1.50 52 1.67 765 1.68 1.51 +.11 -20.1 EXFO g Q EXFO 35 6.15 3.03 26 5.60 297 6.00 5.15 -.45 +27.3 EagleBncp Q EGBN 21 64.95 44.55 232 60.70 459 61.30 59.40 -.05 -.4 EagBcMT Q EBMT .32 1.6 26 24.00 11.99 9 20.10 57 20.60 19.25 +.80 -4.7 EagleBkS rs Q EGLE 27.60 4.06 572 5.85 1677 5.88 5.50 +.21 EagleCGr N GRF .50e 2.5 8.83 6.37 3 7.22 25 7.41 7.08 -.09 -1.7 EagleGrInc N EGIF 1.31 7.7 18.00 15.38 11 16.93 59 17.06 16.74 +.09 +4.4 EagleMat N EXP .40 .4 24 110.64 66.75 590 99.62 3405 100.69 95.74 +3.00 +1.1 EaglePhm Q EGRX 16 87.78 33.02 534 81.27 1157 82.56 78.06 +1.91 +2.4sEaglePtCr N ECC .80m 4.1 19.72 15.72 33 19.52 234 19.72 18.69 +.62 +16.8 EagleP pfA N ECCA 1.94 7.5 26.80 24.80 2 26.03 11 26.39 25.85 -.25 +1.1 EaglePt 20 N ECCZ 1.75 6.8 26.53 23.88 0 25.76 8 25.81 25.65 -.05 +.2 EaglPt pfB N ECCB 1.94 7.5 27.75 24.96 2 25.94 26 26.47 25.62 -.25 +1.9 Earthstone N ESTE 15.93 7.67 191 12.87 444 13.00 11.26 +.91 -6.3 EstWstBcp Q EWBC .80 1.5 18 56.97 31.02 1301 54.72 4510 55.60 53.96 -.10 +7.7 EastrAcq n Q EACQ 11.85 9.57 9.96 5 10.00 9.96 +.00 +1.1 EastrAc wt Q EACQW .81 .14 3 .39 18 .55 .38 -.02 +11.4 EastGvP n N DEA .96f 4.9 16 21.07 17.58 230 19.65 758 19.73 19.26 +.23 -1.8 EasternCo Q EML .44 2.2 17 21.50 15.74 4 19.80 17 20.00 19.25 +.45 -5.3 EastVaBk Q EVBS .12 1.1 24 11.10 6.60 6 10.75 32 10.99 10.45 +.09 +2.9 Eastgrp N EGP 2.40 3.3 19 76.13 56.20 464 73.01 1099 73.29 69.90 +2.57 -1.1 EastChem N EMN 2.04f 2.6 12 82.10 62.70 1292 79.17 6383 79.78 76.66 +2.05 +5.3tEKodak wt N KODK/WS 5.12 1.52 30 1.43 39 1.84 1.15 -.33 -63.3tEKodk wtA N KODK/WS/A 4.35 .95 29 1.05 131 1.29 .95 -.35 -62.8 EKodak N KODK 41 17.30 10.00 449 11.50 1698 12.25 11.35 -.15 -25.8sEaton N ETN 2.28 3.1 17 74.35 54.30 2686 73.25 10622 74.35 71.48 +.76 +9.2 EatV HiIn21 N EHT .60 6.1 10.20 9.71 34 9.90 325 9.98 9.89 -.09 -.2 EatV StkNx Q EVSTC 100.02 99.97 5 99.97 27 100.01 99.97 EV GlInBu Q EVGBC .30e 100.06 99.97 0 99.97 25 100.01 99.97 EV CAMu N EVM .68 6.1 14.23 10.83 22 11.21 249 11.33 11.14 -1.5 EVCAMu2 N EIA .62 5.4 14.27 11.30 6 11.55 29 11.58 11.40 +.03 -.5 EVCAMu N CEV .71 5.8 14.84 11.80 13 12.23 114 12.25 12.08 +.04 -.6 EatnVan N EV 1.12 2.4 21 47.83 31.78 1223 45.88 3550 47.04 45.82 -.40 +9.6 EV EnEq N EOI 1.04 7.9 13.50 11.60 85 13.11 498 13.15 12.93 +.17 +5.7 EV EEq2 N EOS 1.05 7.7 13.86 12.47 79 13.61 466 13.65 13.45 +.07 +6.3 EV FltRt N EFT .91 6.0 15.45 12.87 59 15.28 541 15.28 15.01 +.15 +2.6 EVFltRtIP N EFF 1.13 6.7 17.38 14.11 32 16.89 173 16.90 16.61 +.07 -1.5 EV LtdDur N EVV 1.22 8.7 14.25 12.82 173 14.01 1514 14.01 13.65 +.21 +2.1 EV MAMu N MAB .65 4.9 16.10 13.11 7 13.34 30 13.50 13.29 -.10 -.7 EVMAMu N MMV .69 5.2 15.82 13.05 4 13.21 18 13.27 13.17 +.7 EV MIMu N MIW .71 5.4 16.49 12.34 2 13.09 16 13.35 12.92 -.04 -2.2 EVMIMu N EMI .71 5.4 14.68 12.41 1 13.09 6 13.48 13.02 +.05 +2.0 EVMuniBd N EIM .77 6.3 14.48 12.00 209 12.20 714 12.26 12.05 +.08 -1.7 EVMuni2 N EIV .70 5.8 14.98 11.78 25 12.05 125 12.06 11.90 +.12 -2.0 EVMunTT N ETX .85 4.5 21.68 18.64 18 19.08 154 19.09 18.71 +.28 -2.7 EV MuIT N EVN .85 6.8 15.00 12.00 99 12.41 386 12.53 12.35 -.04 -1.1 EV NMuOp N EOT 1.03 4.9 23.47 20.45 35 21.02 154 21.18 20.83 -.05 +1.1tEV NJMu N EMJ .75 6.1 16.05 12.20 5 12.30 172 12.34 12.20 +.01 -4.0 EVNJMu N EVJ .73 6.2 14.85 11.51 13 11.74 115 12.01 11.62 +.05 -2.3 EVNYMu2 N NYH .69 5.9 14.50 10.43 4 11.66 24 11.80 11.52 -.14 +.2 EV NYMu N ENX .72 5.9 14.65 12.00 26 12.12 125 12.18 12.03 -.05 -1.5tEVNYMu N EVY .74 5.9 15.64 12.49 19 12.60 81 12.64 12.49 -.03 -3.4 EV 5-15Mu Q EVLMC .14e 100.06 99.94 5 99.94 26 99.94 99.94 -.1tEV OHMu N EIO .70 5.6 16.99 12.38 4 12.55 21 12.63 12.38 +.05 -6.3 EVOHMu N EVO .73 5.4 16.30 13.22 1 13.47 30 13.49 13.30 +.08 -.8 EV PAMu N EIP .77 6.2 15.50 11.65 7 12.43 28 12.51 12.34 +.05 -1.4tEVPAMu N EVP .73 6.1 13.74 11.80 3 11.91 15 11.92 11.80 +.07 -1.7 EVRiskMgd N ETJ 1.12 12.1 9.95 8.60 199 9.26 1256 9.28 9.15 +.15 +3.3sEV SrFlt N EFR .95 6.1 15.49 12.55 108 15.58 576 15.58 15.13 +.25 +5.8 EV SrInc N EVF .42 6.1 6.98 5.69 59 6.86 459 6.88 6.79 +.01 +2.7 EVShDur N EVG 1.08 7.7 14.14 12.96 32 14.04 248 14.12 13.91 +.02 +1.3tEVTxABdO N EXD 1.16 10.3 12.49 11.13 26 11.29 214 11.43 11.13 -.04 -.4 EV TxAd N EVT 1.74 8.1 22.26 18.62 129 21.41 574 21.49 21.19 +.13 +4.2 EV TxAG N ETG 1.23 7.9 15.67 13.50 170 15.63 685 15.66 15.25 +.29 +11.1sEV TxAOp N ETO 2.16 9.0 23.48 19.86 62 23.89 237 23.90 22.76 +1.02 +14.8sEV TxDiver N ETY 1.01 9.0 11.14 9.88 471 11.19 1701 11.20 10.89 +.31 +8.1 EVTxMGlo N EXG .98 11.4 9.05 7.88 911 8.53 4946 8.53 8.35 +.12 +6.4 EVTxBWIn N ETB 1.30 7.9 17.80 15.48 51 16.46 251 16.55 16.28 +.06 -.4 EVTxGBW N ETW 1.17 10.7 11.15 10.00 185 10.95 1022 10.95 10.70 +.24 +8.7sEVTxBWOp N ETV 1.33 8.6 15.49 14.08 164 15.47 744 15.54 15.16 +.23 +4.2 Ebix Inc s Q EBIX .30 .5 22 65.10 12.07 272 62.95 762 63.95 61.70 +.35 +10.3 Echelon rs Q ELON 6.15 4.17 7 5.95 29 6.01 5.82 -.05 +26.6tEchoGLog Q ECHO 50 28.90 20.20 272 21.35 1285 21.85 20.20 +.75 -14.8 EchoStar Q SATS 29 57.28 36.43 409 55.27 1329 55.65 53.20 +1.55 +7.6 EclipseRs N ECR 4.42 1.20 578 2.22 3032 2.43 2.12 -.17 -16.9 Eco-StimE Q ESES 3.38 .66 92 1.16 655 1.19 1.03 +.08 +20.8 Ecolab N ECL 1.48 1.2 29 126.17 107.83 1604 125.41 5236 125.82 123.48 +1.53 +7.0 EcologyEn Q EEI .40 4.0 11.20 8.75 3 10.00 26 10.15 9.95 -.10 -5.2 Ecopetrol N EC 1.03e 11.5 10.29 7.65 901 8.93 4559 9.07 8.51 +.09 -1.3 Edenor N EDN 35.73 13.25 37 32.27 289 32.99 31.40 +.37 +15.9 EdgeTher n Q EDGE 13.50 6.52 99 8.73 271 9.12 8.60 -.22 -30.2 Edgewater Q EDGW 9.40 6.22 85 7.27 268 7.50 6.90 +.20 -3.1 Edgewell N EPC 29 88.00 72.79 650 74.84 2867 75.88 73.16 +.01 +2.5 EdisonInt N EIX 2.17 2.7 20 80.61 67.44 3392 79.60 12298 80.04 77.89 +.79 +10.6 EditasM n Q EDIT 43.50 12.43 5707 22.30 10909 29.20 22.21 -2.76 +37.4 EducRltTr N EDR 1.52 3.8 26 48.87 38.59 897 39.91 3221 40.32 38.67 +1.01 -5.7 EducDevel Q EDUC .36 4.0 15 15.03 6.90 11 9.10 27 9.30 8.80 -8.5 EdwLfSci s N EW 33 121.75 81.12 2942 94.40 9333 95.79 91.30 +1.66 +.7 eGain Q EGAN 4.05 1.75 47 1.80 161 1.95 1.80 -.05 -14.3 EgaletCp Q EGLT 10.00 4.34 257 4.74 1455 4.87 4.54 +.07 -38.0 eHiCarSvc N EHIC 13.92 8.11 81 10.50 511 10.79 10.01 +.46 +15.9 EigerBio rs Q EIGR 23.10 10.71 31 11.20 102 12.19 11.05 -.75 -3.9 8x8 Inc Q EGHT 16.80 9.01 1464 15.30 3973 15.30 14.05 +.65 +7.0 8Point3E n Q CAFD .95f 7.5 10 17.34 12.04 303 12.70 1345 12.99 12.48 +.22 -2.2tEksoBio n Q EKSO 6.38 2.53 1662 3.26 2790 3.87 2.53 +.16 -18.1 ElPasoEl N EE 1.24 2.5 21 49.65 42.42 337 49.10 1017 49.20 47.95 +1.41 +5.6 ElPasE pf N EPpC 2.38 4.8 53.75 42.50 0 49.53 10 50.52 49.25 +.03 +1.1 ElPolLoco Q LOCO 18 14.98 10.08 754 11.65 2360 11.75 10.75 +.60 -5.3 ElbitIm rs Q EMITF 4.04 2.16 1 3.54 17 3.61 3.47 -.09 +3.8sElbitSys Q ESLT 1.60 1.3 24 120.92 86.21 43 120.77 226 121.22 118.09 +.65 +18.5 EldorGld g N EGO .02e 5.16 2.54 7130 3.10 28437 3.21 2.81 +.12 -3.7sEldorRsts Q ERI 48 19.85 10.42 567 18.85 3969 19.85 18.05 +.80 +11.2 ElectSci Q ESIO 7.56 4.50 398 6.54 623 6.89 6.50 -.03 +10.5 ElectroSen Q ELSE 12 4.60 3.05 3 4.02 7 4.10 3.87 +.12 +16.2 Electrmed N ELMD 29 6.26 3.38 43 4.91 341 5.19 4.25 +.41 +26.5sElectArts Q EA 91.82 61.10 5907 89.59 18957 91.82 88.55 -.22 +13.8 EFII Q EFII 40 50.09 38.00 494 46.88 1867 47.13 46.01 +.45 +6.9 ElectrAc n Q ELEC 10.09 9.58 2 10.00 17 10.03 9.95 -.02 +1.0 ElectAc wt Q ELECW .54 .14 0 .50 24 .52 .44 +.05 +78.6 ElevenBio Q EBIO 5.97 .28 280 1.87 1262 2.12 1.87 -.16 -2.1sEliLilly N LLY 2.08f 2.5 27 86.14 64.18 4885 83.96 19558 86.14 83.80 -.40 +14.2 Elkh LoVl n N LVHB 30.17 24.54 21 29.99 110 30.11 29.67 +.24 +5.4 ElkCmRt ef Q DWAC 26.59 23.61 0 24.32 8 24.32 23.80 +.47 -1.1 EllieMae N ELLI 68 109.99 74.11 303 98.29 1870 100.58 96.73 -.80 +17.5 EllingtnF N EFC 1.80 11.4 18.20 15.30 61 15.82 333 15.96 15.53 +.12 +1.9 EllingtRM N EARN 1.60 11.0 11 14.80 11.60 73 14.60 152 14.62 14.00 +.56 +12.2 EllswthFd N ECF .80e 9.4 8.76 7.42 31 8.53 139 8.54 8.39 +.05 +3.1 ElmiraSB Q ESBK .92 4.2 18 22.25 17.83 5 21.65 20 21.70 20.80 +.53 +5.9 EltekLtd Q ELTK 1.47 .72 0 .77 20 .79 .76 +.01 -2.5 eMagin N EMAN 3.30 1.68 38 2.45 126 2.45 2.25 +.05 +14.0 EAndinA N AKO/A .55e 2.4 22.91 15.96 11 22.48 25 22.89 21.14 +1.06 +9.5 EAndinB N AKO/B .60e 2.5 25.07 18.00 24 24.31 69 24.90 22.84 +1.21 +8.2 Embraer N ERJ .18e .8 26.66 17.06 793 23.78 4558 24.23 22.82 -.02 +23.5sEmclaireF Q EMCF 1.08f 3.4 17 31.00 23.00 2 31.50 6 31.50 28.10 +4.00 +7.7 Emcore Q EMKR 1.50e 26 10.50 3.80 315 8.90 1701 9.10 8.70 -.05 +2.3 EmergeES N EMES 2.68m 24.45 3.00 478 13.50 4634 15.04 13.05 -1.33 +9.7 EmergBio N EBS 25 44.38 24.47 511 30.47 1531 31.16 30.02 -.58 -7.2 EmersonEl N EMR 1.92 3.2 24 64.36 48.45 4351 60.60 18990 60.78 58.41 +1.08 +8.7 EmerR hs N MSN 1.33 .55 34 1.25 122 1.33 1.22 -.01 +19.0 EmmisC rs Q EMMS 2 4.33 1.92 15 2.61 154 2.78 2.45 +.16 -23.0 EmpirRst rs Q NYNY 25.19 11.38 9 22.80 24 23.00 20.90 +2.10 +.2 EmpireRes Q ERS .16 2.8 44 7.47 3.02 10 5.71 132 5.71 4.87 +.91 -15.9 EmpOPES N ESBA .34 1.7 22.19 15.31 16 20.45 118 20.56 20.03 +.30 +2.4 EmpOP60 N OGCP .34 1.7 21.99 14.77 20.25 6 20.25 20.25 -.33 +3.0 EmpOP250 N FISK .34 1.7 22.17 15.47 0 20.50 8 20.50 20.00 -.17 +2.6 EmpStRTr N ESRT .34 1.6 33 22.31 16.99 900 20.61 3160 20.68 20.15 +.32 +2.1 EmployH N EIG .36 .9 14 40.55 27.01 324 38.30 693 38.80 37.35 +.50 -3.3 EElChile N EOCC .65e 3.0 29.77 18.35 131 21.39 534 21.76 21.06 +.28 +10.0 EnLinkLP N ENLK 1.56 8.9 19.89 10.51 1407 17.61 3740 18.45 17.41 -.75 -4.4 EnableMid N ENBL 1.27 7.9 24 17.36 7.65 202 16.09 1131 16.71 15.90 +.02 +2.3 EnantaPh Q ENTA 37.32 20.79 345 28.57 866 29.73 28.11 -.75 -14.7 EnbrdgEM N EEQ 2.33t 26.53 16.47 510 17.39 1756 17.47 16.75 +.25 -32.9 EnbrdgEPt N EEP 2.33 13.2 29 26.37 16.86 3336 17.71 9870 17.87 17.22 +.23 -30.5 Enbridge N ENB 1.66f 45.77 36.55 4665 41.19 27922 41.95 40.25 -.14 -2.2 EnCana g N ECA .06 .6 13.85 5.36 7969 10.69 70816 11.14 10.10 +.35 -8.9 EncoreCap Q ECPG 11 35.93 17.66 292 31.10 1463 31.75 30.00 -.10 +8.6 EncorW Q WIRE .08 .2 29 49.75 33.70 196 47.85 462 48.00 45.00 +1.70 +10.4 EndvSilv g N EXK 5.95 2.30 4443 3.12 17678 3.57 2.96 -11.4tEndo Intl Q ENDP 6 42.60 9.82 10093 10.76 46807 11.00 9.82 -.06 -34.7 Endocyte Q ECYT 4.33 1.98 206 2.44 1259 2.62 2.38 -4.3 Endologix Q ELGX 14.50 4.78 1580 7.06 7121 7.10 6.33 +.45 +23.4 EndurIntl Q EIGI 11.55 6.55 888 8.30 3490 8.45 7.90 +.35 -10.8 EndurSpec N ENH 1.52 1.6 17 93.31 62.78 520 92.84 1687 93.18 92.37 +.04 +.5 EndSp pfC N ENHpC 1.59 6.1 28.60 25.05 8 26.19 60 26.19 25.28 +.84 +2.5 EnduroRT N NDRO .23e 6.9 9 4.55 2.37 17 3.40 82 3.50 3.20 +.05 -1.4tEnerNOC Q ENOC 7.88 4.80 407 5.55 1956 5.70 4.80 +.25 -7.5 Energen N EGN .08 .2 64.44 31.73 1530 52.26 6775 52.44 47.95 +1.52 -9.4 Energizer n N ENR 1.10 2.0 21 56.37 38.56 500 55.53 1802 56.24 54.87 +.63 +24.5 Energous Q WATT 20.55 7.36 667 16.06 2301 16.58 14.65 +1.14 -4.7 EngyFocus Q EFOI 8.54 2.95 92 3.56 236 3.73 3.13 +.42 -16.2 EnFuel grs N UUUU 2.87 1.29 440 2.21 2127 2.28 1.90 +.23 +34.8tEnrgyRec Q ERII 16.67 7.22 1485 8.34 4500 8.61 7.22 +.23 -19.4 EgyTrEq s N ETE 1.14 6.0 20 20.05 6.37 4027 18.96 17169 19.17 18.11 +.45 -1.8 EngyTsfr N ETP 4.22 11.9 43.50 27.65 2576 35.61 11169 36.54 35.45 -.49 -.6 EnrgyXXi n Q EXXI 35.96 27.00 86 27.18 324 30.00 27.00 -2.65 -16.4 EnerJexR N ENRJ .83 .22 39 .36 284 .40 .32 -.01 +24.1 Enerpls g N ERF .14e 1.7 3 10.33 3.40 1060 8.08 5121 8.40 7.86 -.21 -14.8sEnersisAm N ENIA .35e 3.5 10.08 7.02 794 10.00 4618 10.08 9.63 +.24 +21.8 EnerChile N ENIC .16p 6.66 4.25 225 5.16 1328 5.27 4.93 +.18 +13.4 EnerSys N ENS .70 .9 20 83.70 52.37 710 77.75 2032 80.19 74.73 +1.83 -.4 Engility N EGL 20 39.16 17.01 454 31.03 973 31.15 29.04 +2.16 -7.9 EnLinkLLC N ENLC 1.02 5.3 20.45 9.91 683 19.25 2146 19.50 18.65 -.05 +1.0 Ennis Inc N EBF .70a 4.2 15 21.55 14.40 151 16.80 474 16.95 15.95 +.50 -3.2 EnovaIntl N ENVA 13 15.40 5.43 364 14.20 1639 14.60 13.40 +.65 +13.1 Enphase Q ENPH 2.93 .95 518 1.40 2837 1.40 1.20 +.07 +38.6 EnPro N NPO .88f 1.3 57 69.50 42.56 207 66.80 606 67.72 63.04 +3.43 -.8 ENSCO N ESV .04 .5 2 12.36 6.50 9802 8.53 44806 8.92 8.15 -.21 -12.2 Enservco N ENSV .89 .26 98 .39 375 .47 .39 -.04 -30.4 EnsignGp s Q ENSG .17 .9 16 23.86 16.76 399 18.38 1084 18.88 18.00 -.34 -17.2 EnstarGp Q ESGR 15 209.35 148.91 88 195.00 193 197.90 190.00 +4.65 -1.4 EnSync N ESNC 1.42 .13 108 .53 345 .64 .53 -.01 -26.3sEntegraFn Q ENFC 7 23.35 17.16 107 24.10 147 24.25 22.70 +1.10 +17.0sEntegris Q ENTG 29 22.55 11.74 2013 23.35 5612 23.40 21.30 +2.00 +30.4 Entellus n Q ENTL 22.63 12.31 195 13.83 738 13.86 12.69 +.72 -27.1 Entercom N ETM .07p .5 15 16.55 10.25 227 14.25 973 14.55 13.85 +.05 -6.9 EntArk66 n N EAI 1.22 5.5 25.04 20.49 32 22.36 330 22.39 21.93 +.26 +5.6 EntArk 63 N EAE 1.19 5.2 26.30 19.35 5 23.01 26 23.10 22.48 +.61 +9.5 EntArk 52 N EAB 1.23 5.0 26.30 20.96 11 24.34 35 24.34 23.72 +.54 +11.8 Entergy N ETR 3.48 4.6 9 82.09 66.71 2235 75.41 7231 75.77 73.45 +1.80 +2.6 EntLA 66 N ELC 1.22 5.5 23.17 20.48 29 22.28 275 22.33 21.87 +.19 +5.4 EntgyLA52 N ELJ 1.31 5.2 26.74 22.92 14 25.05 74 25.25 24.60 +.28 +6.6 EntLA 63 N ELU 1.18 5.2 26.15 20.25 4 22.50 37 22.72 22.07 +.49 +9.2 EntMS FtM N EMP 25.00 20.57 36 22.59 167 22.60 22.15 +.19 +6.9 EntgyNO n N ENO 28.00 22.31 9 24.70 89 24.79 24.38 +.07 +5.8 EntgyNO 52 N ENJ 1.25 5.1 28.74 22.11 0 24.40 5 24.55 24.12 +.04 +9.3 EntgyTx64 N EZT 1.41 5.4 28.20 24.12 2 26.29 41 26.56 26.13 -.09 +4.5 EnteroM rs Q ETRM 86.80 1.75 312 6.01 5411 7.30 5.81 -.04 +200.5 EntBcpMA Q EBTC .54f 1.7 19 39.25 21.36 32 31.81 73 33.10 30.64 -.03 -15.3 EntFinSv Q EFSC .44 1.0 19 46.25 25.04 237 43.75 585 44.25 42.65 +.71 +1.7 EntProdPt N EPD 1.64 6.0 22 30.25 23.56 3613 27.19 21360 27.73 26.89 -.39 +.6 EntertG rs Q EGT 3.25 1.20 4 1.60 60 1.73 1.51 +.04 +15.1 Entravisn N EVC .13 2.0 24 8.31 4.90 692 6.25 1707 6.25 6.00 +.10 -10.7 EntreeGold N EGI .72 .22 49 .52 310 .55 .50 +.03 +63.8 Envestnet N ENV 46 41.47 24.28 379 35.35 1819 36.33 34.65 +.25 +.3 EnviroStr N EVI .20e 25.00 3.05 35 19.60 176 19.60 17.30 +.55 +35.2 EnvisnHl n N EVHC 74.19 62.52 1364 63.90 6589 67.30 63.29 -2.90 +1.0 Enviva n N EVA 2.14f 7.5 40 29.98 19.31 65 28.35 306 29.35 28.10 -.75 +5.8sEnzoBio N ENZ 7.51 4.28 528 7.51 1423 7.63 6.70 +.76 +8.2 Enzymotec Q ENZY 9.32 5.20 4 9.15 44 9.15 8.95 +39.7sEpizyme Q EPZM 17.45 7.02 374 17.10 2062 17.45 16.20 +.40 +41.3 ePlus Q PLUS 18 141.00 72.36 91 133.80 226 134.90 129.28 +3.30 +16.1 Equifax N EFX 1.56f 1.1 27 136.97 109.09 784 136.12 3446 136.17 132.54 +2.86 +15.1 Equinix Q EQIX 8.00f 2.1 391.07 309.37 1102 375.64 4552 385.78 374.78 -3.52 +5.1sEquitFin n Q EQFN .20p 10.30 8.16 15 10.30 25 10.30 10.00 +.05 +4.0 EqtyBcsh n Q EQBK 29 38.03 19.81 117 33.06 440 34.18 31.63 +1.27 -1.7 EquityCmw N EQC 32 32.02 26.92 583 31.34 3209 31.41 30.30 +.64 +3.6 EqCm pfD N EQCpD 1.63 6.4 27.48 24.73 2 25.23 28 25.36 25.15 -.12 -1.4 EqCmw 42 N EQCO 1.44 5.7 26.21 22.82 4 25.29 42 25.29 24.73 +.03 +5.9 EqtyLfPrp N ELS 1.95f 2.5 29 83.19 65.87 440 77.58 1485 78.25 75.66 +1.61 +7.6 EqtyRsd N EQR 2.16 3.4 20 75.49 58.28 2350 63.43 10841 63.98 62.00 +1.47 -1.4sEquusTR N EQS 30 2.40 1.50 51 2.40 70 2.42 2.18 +.15 +19.4 EraGroup N ERA 17.73 6.92 216 12.23 480 12.43 11.15 +.56 -27.9 Ericsson Q ERIC .46e 6.9 10.20 4.83 5733 6.66 15982 6.68 6.43 +.04 +14.2 ErieInd Q ERIE 3.13f 2.6 31 125.40 88.76 134 122.09 267 125.25 120.80 +.99 +9.3 ErinEn rs N ERN 4.10 1.24 80 2.30 338 2.95 2.28 -.55 -24.6 Eros Intl N EROS 19.87 8.85 595 10.70 2680 11.25 9.15 +.50 -18.0 Escalade Q ESCA .46f 3.6 16 14.70 9.70 33 12.95 62 13.00 12.00 +.20 -1.9 EscoTech N ESE .32 .5 35 58.95 37.19 263 58.20 526 58.40 53.80 +3.95 +2.7 Esperion Q ESPR 35.14 9.40 8946 23.67 12508 32.37 20.39 -7.43 +89.1 Espey N ESP 1.00 4.3 23 27.65 22.31 2 23.00 4 24.84 23.00 -1.00 -11.7 EssaPhm g Q EPIX 3.89 1.50 2.70 13 2.75 2.38 +.27 +23.3 Essendant Q ESND .56 3.6 12 34.99 14.41 726 15.41 1599 15.48 14.49 +.84 -26.3 Essent N ESNT 15 38.10 19.30 963 36.00 3315 36.81 34.95 +.90 +11.2 EssexPT N ESS 7.00f 3.0 31 237.50 200.01 618 233.15 1926 235.89 222.56 +8.90 +.3 EsteeLdr N EL 1.36 1.6 28 97.48 75.30 2124 85.96 7093 86.66 84.46 +.18 +12.4 Esterline N ESL 19 96.50 56.72 263 90.15 953 91.70 87.15 +1.90 +1.1 EtfSilver N SIVR 20.30 14.52 48 17.00 441 17.09 16.45 +.34 +9.0 EthanAl N ETH .76 2.4 18 38.80 27.75 567 31.45 1980 31.55 28.55 +2.45 -14.7 Etrac2xMtg N MORL 3.31e 19.7 16.90 12.15 220 16.78 1068 16.82 15.75 +.76 +7.7 Et2xDJDiv N DVYL 3.55e 5.5 66.42 49.45 2 64.56 8 64.67 62.50 +1.83 +7.2sEtr2xHomb N HOML 32.19 17.12 32.19 7 32.19 30.00 +1.58 +33.2 EtrCrdOil n N OILX 35.48 25.63 28.95 4 28.95 28.95 -4.11 -13.9 EtHiDLwV N HDLV 2.57e 7.6 35.25 27.34 42 33.79 54 33.83 32.54 +1.31 +7.2 Etr2xSPX N SPLX 43.12 29.39 42.38 3 42.49 41.88 -.17 +13.0 Etr2xCEFd N CEFL 2.88 16.8 18.83 14.82 202 17.16 1199 17.17 16.46 +.44 +2.4 EtrcDvsHi N DVHL 2.85e 12.7 23.95 15.90 29 22.50 152 22.71 21.72 +.53 +3.9 EtrWFxEn N LMLP 1.90e 14.3 14.27 8.68 7 13.33 165 13.79 13.12 +.30 +16.3 EtracReit N LRET 2.00e 7.8 33.34 22.64 0 25.80 8 25.97 24.64 +1.24 -2.7 UBS VlHdg N XIVH 55.50 25.50 0 51.27 13 51.27 48.32 +3.02 +45.3sUBS VlVIX N LSVX 30.94 25.91 2 30.99 4 30.99 30.29 +.89 +15.9sEtr EnhGl N FIHD 140.40 107.16 9 140.49 62 141.18 136.31 +3.14 +12.4 Etr MLP In N MLPQ .08p 62.03 33.34 5 54.30 16 56.15 53.59 -.98 +.7 EtrBCmdty N UCIB 16.00 12.25 0 14.07 3 14.07 13.88 -.16 -.7sEtr2xLevLg N LBDC 2.89e 13.8 28.71 15.36 20.89 6 28.71 20.38 +.38 +6.4 EtrMtgReit N MRRL 1.70e 17.60 11.00 2 16.56 16 16.71 15.76 +.61 +5.9 EtrSCHiDv N SMHD 3.06e 13.5 24.48 13.52 107 22.59 171 22.59 21.40 +.74 -.7 Etsy n Q ETSY 16.05 7.60 1897 10.37 8939 10.50 9.72 +.65 -12.0 EurasnM g N EMX 1.40 .49 42 .99 349 1.06 .98 -.01 +10.9 Continued on next page Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 7 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
EuroTech Q CLWT 4.43 1.46 3.60 10 3.85 3.52 -.25 +1.4 Euronav n N EURN 2.41e 11.73 6.65 1653 8.35 3892 8.50 7.80 +.40 +5.0 Euronet Q EEFT 24 84.81 65.33 270 83.49 1820 84.11 81.31 +.83 +15.3 EuroEqFd N EEA .17e 2.1 8.23 7.20 7 8.20 88 8.23 8.00 +.12 +6.2 Euroseas rs Q ESEA 8.07 1.04 316 1.52 2640 1.70 1.36 +.09 -10.1 EvansBc N EVBN .80f 2.1 22 40.95 22.87 54 38.30 114 40.60 37.25 -.20 +21.4 Ever-Glory Q EVK 6 3.00 1.49 1 2.71 3 2.75 2.70 -.05 +32.0 EverBank N EVER .24 1.2 16 19.52 13.37 1159 19.44 2746 19.49 19.43 -.02 -.1 EverBk pfA N EVERpA 1.69 6.7 26.55 24.91 35 25.30 52 25.74 25.27 -.08 +.4 Everbrdg n Q EVBG 20.66 11.76 347 19.72 1128 19.83 16.63 +2.17 +6.9sEvercore N EVR 1.24f 1.5 25 83.30 40.36 593 81.90 1999 83.30 80.70 +.10 +19.2 EverestRe N RE 5.00 2.1 9 240.51 169.19 231 235.99 944 236.47 233.70 +1.00 +9.1sEveriHldgs N EVRI 4.27 1.13 2349 4.26 8091 4.31 3.18 +1.04 +96.3 EversrceE N ES 1.90f 3.2 20 60.44 50.56 3134 58.93 10008 59.45 57.63 +1.22 +6.7 EvrspnTc n Q MRAM 10.28 6.15 29 8.09 169 8.61 7.49 -.42 -2.4 Evertec N EVTC .40 2.4 18.60 12.98 421 16.70 1255 16.85 16.00 +.45 -5.9 EvineLive Q EVLV 2.40 .69 203 1.36 621 1.40 1.27 +.03 -9.3 Evogene Q EVGN 8.06 4.86 1 5.31 13 5.34 5.05 +.18 +4.1 EvokePhm Q EVOK 11.11 1.35 334 3.06 1785 3.26 2.97 -.06 +51.5 EvolentH n N EVH 26.84 9.78 435 21.90 1616 22.30 20.00 +1.25 +48.0 EvolPetrol N EPM .28f 3.5 11 10.20 4.45 124 7.95 505 8.30 7.55 -.08 -20.5 EvolvgSys Q EVOL .44 8.7 18 6.00 3.10 29 5.05 116 5.05 4.70 +.30 +23.2 ExOne Q XONE 16.15 9.03 545 10.45 1082 10.45 9.25 +.42 +11.9 Exa Corp Q EXA 16.89 11.10 178 13.80 329 15.75 12.90 -1.36 -10.2 ExactSci h Q EXAS 24.50 5.36 3995 20.93 11136 21.49 20.18 -.44 +56.7 Exactech Q EXAC 29.00 18.14 69 26.65 166 26.75 24.35 +2.05 -2.4 Exar N EXAR 60 11.35 5.11 418 10.75 1098 10.88 10.35 +.45 -.3 ETYldShHi N YYY 1.92 10.1 19.80 17.62 51 19.00 432 19.00 18.65 +.20 +2.3 ExTWStFor Q FLAG .58e 1.5 42.00 30.50 0 39.18 9 39.37 38.38 +.17 +4.0sExTrRobo Q ROBO .07e .2 32.18 23.56 213 32.23 1621 32.25 31.51 +.53 +12.5 ExTTactUS N HTUS 27.21 25.71 13 26.90 96 26.92 26.64 +.14 +4.5 RxVlmxInF N VMIN 51.74 17.09 6 36.71 34 37.11 34.08 +2.31 +63.1tRxVlmxWk N VMAX 29.75 4.77 37 4.73 117 5.10 4.61 -.37 -44.2 ExTGldSP N GHS 29.49 24.06 1 28.94 4 28.96 28.12 +.75 +13.4sETEMeCmc N EMQQ .02p 28.08 21.00 17 28.12 107 28.16 27.29 +1.05 +23.1 ExcoRes N XCO .07p 1.91 .51 3074 .60 16937 .90 .56 -.01 -31.5 Exelixis Q EXEL 23.49 3.55 4720 22.03 22203 22.96 21.09 +.39 +47.8 Exelon N EXC 1.31f 3.6 15 37.70 29.82 7745 36.01 22264 36.53 35.56 +.04 +1.5 Exelon 17 N EXCU 3.25 6.6 50.97 43.00 240 49.20 916 49.58 49.06 +1.6 ExeterR gs N XRA 1.48 .54 93 1.21 1625 1.27 1.10 +.12 +60.3 ExlSvcHld Q EXLS 14 54.78 42.00 344 45.96 933 46.09 44.81 +.38 -8.9 Expedia Q EXPE 1.12f .9 57 133.55 96.58 1973 131.20 9833 132.17 125.20 +5.44 +15.8 ExpdIntl Q EXPD .80 1.4 24 57.35 46.42 1089 56.40 4990 56.92 55.73 -.19 +6.5 Exponent s Q EXPO .72 1.2 34 64.80 45.00 237 60.20 470 60.80 57.95 +1.50 -.2 Express N EXPR 12 21.57 9.03 1965 9.43 7724 9.65 9.27 -.13 -12.4tExpScripts Q ESRX 11 80.02 64.45 6313 65.09 27533 68.00 64.45 -2.55 -5.4 ExtendStay N STAY .76 4.6 78 17.87 13.00 2244 16.40 7038 16.87 16.38 -.26 +1.5 Exterran n N EXTN 34.05 10.83 521 28.23 1785 28.78 26.13 +.14 +18.1 ExtraSpce N EXR 3.12 4.1 23 94.81 68.09 893 75.36 5512 75.92 72.86 +1.40 -2.4tExtrOilGs n Q XOG 25.08 14.76 4167 17.34 10799 17.50 14.76 +.98 -13.5 ExtrmNet Q EXTR 7.11 2.94 1756 6.71 6362 6.79 6.52 +.07 +33.4 ExxonMbl N XOM 3.00 3.7 36 95.55 80.31 16956 82.00 59463 82.26 80.44 +.39 -9.2 EyegatePh Q EYEG 4.09 1.11 127 2.42 1285 2.85 2.35 -.26 +48.5 Eyegate wt Q EYEGW .85 .03 0 .17 8 .25 .17 -43.3 Ezcorp Q EZPW 12.00 2.68 852 8.10 2613 8.40 7.91 -.25 -23.9F -:sF5 Netwks Q FFIV 25 148.34 93.64 611 148.79 2683 149.11 144.20 +2.86 +2.8 FB Finl n N FBK 33.77 19.81 92 32.75 269 33.73 31.15 +1.24 +26.2 FBL Fn N FFG 1.76f 2.6 16 82.60 56.41 63 67.00 170 67.60 64.55 +.59 -14.3 FBR&Co Q FBRC .80 4.5 20.48 10.57 51 17.75 213 18.10 17.12 +.15 +36.5 FCB Fin N FCB 22 50.33 30.23 587 49.35 1454 49.80 48.00 +.65 +3.5 FLIR Sys Q FLIR .60f 1.6 30 37.44 28.26 850 36.74 2888 36.96 35.88 +.54 +1.5 FMC Corp N FMC .66 1.1 22 62.84 36.72 1298 61.19 4683 61.61 59.44 +1.14 +8.2 FNBCp PA N FNB .48 3.1 19 16.43 11.69 10075 15.36 31802 16.00 15.17 -.61 -4.2 FNB FL pfE N FNBpE 33.50 27.01 8 28.62 31 29.24 28.19 -.20 +1.2 FPL pfC N NEEpC 1.47 5.7 27.05 24.92 10 25.77 55 26.22 25.33 +.30 +2.4 FTFQAntiB N BTAL 24.47 18.06 1 19.54 11 19.56 19.37 +.17 -.8 FTFQMom N MOM 27.15 20.25 0 22.49 27 22.62 22.42 -.19 -1.2 FTFQuSize N SIZ 22.29 20.50 15 21.09 15 21.18 21.09 -.32 -4.0 FTFQHgDiv N DIVA 1.08e 2.7 26.61 24.00 25.54 9 25.55 25.45 -.07 -1.0sFqfOAsQDv N OAPH .65e 2.4 27.55 23.97 27.41 3 27.55 26.91 +.36 +5.4sFqfOAsiaDv N OASI .43e 27.61 23.50 2 27.47 9 27.65 26.76 +.59 +8.1 FqfOEuQDv N OEUH .45e 29.30 24.11 2 25.84 12 25.90 25.70 +.14 +5.1 FqfOEurDiv N OEUR .15e 24.27 20.40 7 23.09 242 23.18 22.46 +.59 +6.7 FQFO USDv N OUSA .20e 29.15 26.06 65 29.01 253 29.13 28.82 +.11 +5.6 FRP Hldgs Q FRPH 67 45.50 28.90 27 41.50 51 41.93 37.00 +4.10 +10.1 FS Bncp Q FSBW .40 1.1 10 39.70 24.32 2 36.50 9 36.69 36.11 +.35 +1.5 FS Invest N FSIC .89 8.9 26 10.80 8.03 1193 9.95 5543 10.00 9.68 +.15 -3.4 FSB Bcp n Q FSBC 14.90 12.25 0 14.84 8 14.84 14.31 +.53 +4.5 FTD Cos Q FTD 28.70 16.86 570 20.11 2665 23.59 17.76 -3.29 -15.6 FTI Cnslt N FCN 18 47.12 33.42 447 40.57 1539 41.30 39.88 +.01 -10.0 Fabrinet N FN 15 49.63 28.15 856 42.36 3974 42.50 38.44 +2.51 +5.1sFacebook Q FB 33 140.25 106.31 18586 139.84 75086 140.34 138.49 +1.05 +21.5 FactsetR N FDS 2.00 1.1 27 183.64 145.48 249 179.94 1137 180.94 176.03 +2.36 +10.1 FairIsaac N FICO .08 .1 37 133.14 99.40 261 131.69 656 132.31 128.53 +2.79 +10.5 FairmSant N FMSA 13.12 2.33 7634 7.32 32417 7.73 6.59 -.08 -37.9 FairptCom Q FRP 5 19.60 12.81 147 17.30 588 17.35 16.10 +.95 -7.5tFalconStor Q FALC 1.56 .34 243 .35 1192 .51 .33 -.08 -22.2tFDaves Q DAVE 89 6.73 4.10 30 4.45 260 4.95 4.10 -.35 -10.1 FangHldg N SFUN .20e 6.8 6.53 2.76 1444 2.96 17276 3.32 2.89 -.10 -9.8 Fanhua Q FANH 23 10.35 6.19 173 9.02 425 9.46 8.66 -.04 +8.9 FarmerBrs Q FARM 5 37.55 24.59 110 33.75 284 34.00 31.35 +2.50 -8.0 FarmCB Q FFKT .40 1.0 17 44.65 24.71 56 38.45 148 38.55 37.25 +.85 -8.6 FarmersNB Q FMNB .16 1.1 18 15.50 8.52 70 14.10 213 14.15 13.30 +.55 -.7 Farmland N FPI .51 4.8 17 11.98 10.00 355 10.72 1130 10.74 10.43 +.11 -3.9 FaroTech Q FARO 43 40.15 27.87 191 36.80 379 37.00 34.05 +2.40 +2.2 Fastenal Q FAST 1.28f 2.5 30 52.64 37.70 2775 51.87 8878 51.99 50.29 +1.07 +10.4sFateThera Q FATE 5.68 1.47 998 4.95 5841 5.68 4.39 +.15 +97.2 FedExCp N FDX 1.60 .8 18 201.57 145.00 2240 194.59 7521 196.09 190.98 +2.44 +4.5 FedAgric N AGM 1.44f 2.3 64.28 32.31 50 61.57 195 62.21 60.03 +1.12 +7.5 FAgMt pfA N AGMpA 1.47 5.8 27.97 24.63 1 25.47 7 25.47 25.17 +.07 +2.0 FAgMt pfB N AGMpB 1.72 6.4 29.50 24.71 2 26.88 11 26.88 26.30 +.22 +3.2 FedRlty N FRT 3.92f 2.9 24 171.08 126.02 1180 134.75 3507 134.90 126.99 +7.77 -5.2 FedSignl N FSS .28 1.9 21 16.65 11.68 417 14.40 1175 14.52 14.00 +.31 -7.8 FedInvst N FII 1.00 3.9 14 33.13 24.52 1212 25.97 3706 27.14 25.93 -.31 -8.2 FedNatHld Q FNHC .32 1.8 22.93 14.03 128 17.41 523 19.05 17.30 -.70 -6.8 FedPInt N FPT .67 5.2 14.99 12.55 11 12.86 47 12.91 12.59 +.13 +1.6 FedPMu N FMN .88 6.5 16.77 13.53 15 13.60 66 13.70 13.53 -.06 -2.6 FelCor N FCH .24 3.2 11 9.13 5.68 1016 7.48 3576 7.49 7.20 +.27 -6.6 FelCor pfA N FCHpA 1.95 8.0 25.65 22.82 27 24.37 162 24.55 24.35 -.13 -2.2 FemaleHlt Q FHCO 2.60 .72 63 1.00 463 1.10 1.00 -.03 +9.9 FenixPrt lf Q FENX 5.54 1.80 142 1.82 559 1.98 1.80 -.15 -35.5sFerrari n N RACE 69.50 38.71 290 68.43 2162 69.50 66.10 +2.70 +17.7 Ferrellgs N FGP .40 6.6 20.85 5.04 1074 6.07 2903 6.40 5.85 -.14 -10.3 Ferro N FOE 13 16.17 11.42 675 14.37 2018 14.60 13.56 +.66 +.3 Ferrogl n Q GSM .16 1.5 12.53 7.67 1811 10.81 3845 11.24 9.85 +.71 -.2 FiatChrys N FCAU 11.63 5.45 4956 11.47 34927 11.58 10.97 +.56 +25.8 FibriaCelu N FBR .09e 1.0 10.24 5.79 1061 8.91 7933 9.18 8.36 +.57 -7.3 Fibrocll rs Q FCSC 11.33 1.57 54 2.21 307 2.64 1.98 -.22 +16.9 FibroGen Q FGEN 27.30 14.50 558 25.00 1827 26.25 24.35 -.85 +16.8sFid&GtyLf N FGL .26 .9 9 27.65 21.10 370 27.60 1279 27.65 26.45 +.90 +16.5 FidCorpBd N FCOR 1.77e 3.6 53.57 48.23 4 49.62 24 49.63 49.28 +.26 +.5 FidLtdTm N FLTB .83e 1.7 52.59 49.66 11 50.18 108 50.23 49.95 +.18 +.4 FidTotBd N FBND 1.54e 3.1 51.26 48.05 39 49.65 181 49.68 49.18 +.23 -.3sFidCnsDis N FDIS .40e 1.2 34.56 28.92 55 34.43 185 34.56 34.10 +.30 +7.0 FidCnsStpl N FSTA .87e 2.6 33.63 30.10 37 33.11 175 33.37 32.97 +.05 +6.1 FidEnergy N FENY .53e 2.7 22.12 17.01 219 19.46 1616 19.76 19.11 -.05 -8.1 FidFinan N FNCL .60e 1.7 37.41 25.75 265 36.19 1623 36.81 36.10 -.35 +4.7sFidHlthCre N FHLC .70e 1.9 36.79 31.24 149 36.10 633 36.79 36.04 -.35 +9.8 FidIndls N FIDU .56e 1.7 34.54 27.35 68 33.91 342 34.11 33.49 +.07 +5.2 Fid Val n N FVAL 29.34 24.89 13 28.76 73 29.12 28.63 -.04 +5.3 Fid Qual n N FQAL 28.49 24.59 9 28.22 31 28.38 28.08 +.10 +7.4sFidInfoTch N FTEC .42e 1.0 41.28 30.76 216 41.12 867 41.30 40.65 +.28 +11.4 Fid Moment N FDMO 27.69 24.26 15 27.33 79 27.64 27.15 +.05 +7.0sFid LowVol N FDLO 27.57 24.30 13 27.29 52 27.57 27.13 +.09 +5.6 Fid RisR n N FDRR 28.60 24.56 34 27.96 289 28.37 27.90 -.10 +5.5 Fid CoreD n N FDVV 27.33 24.24 27 26.83 205 27.17 26.78 -.11 +2.6 FidMsciRE N FREL .86e 3.6 25.98 21.85 70 23.57 423 23.78 23.15 +.34 +.5 FidUtils N FUTY 1.21e 3.6 34.34 29.50 44 33.25 240 33.75 32.97 +.25 +5.2 FidTelecm N FCOM .76e 2.4 33.82 27.80 25 31.14 131 31.19 30.49 +.57 -3.0 FidelMatls N FMAT .53e 1.7 31.22 24.60 43 30.60 401 30.88 30.14 +.34 +6.1 FidNasdIdx Q ONEQ 1.96e .8 233.21 179.91 20 232.39 100 233.15 229.97 +1.29 +9.8sFidlNatFn N FNF 1.00f 2.6 16 38.60 30.62 1442 38.58 5956 38.65 37.04 +1.22 +13.6 FNFV Grp N FNFV 14.50 10.00 492 12.30 1335 12.50 11.65 +.55 -10.2 FidNatInfo N FIS 1.16f 1.4 21 83.86 61.95 1775 81.83 6433 82.91 81.75 -.11 +8.2 FidelSo Q LION .48 2.1 15 24.95 14.45 167 22.80 449 22.89 21.89 +.37 -3.7 FidClayOp N FMO 1.72f 11.1 17.63 10.28 112 15.47 561 15.72 15.18 -.20 +3.9 FidusInvst Q FDUS 1.56a 9.0 10 17.54 14.18 343 17.26 850 17.41 16.53 +.24 +9.7 FieldPnt N FPP 1.18 .35 24 .41 81 .56 .40 -.09 -43.2 Fieldpt wt N FPP/WS .08 .01 26 .02 244 .03 .02 -40.0 FiestaRst Q FRGI 24 37.75 19.40 728 22.60 2544 22.70 21.35 +.90 -24.3 FifthStAst Q FSAM .50f 10.1 8.45 2.91 50 4.95 306 5.15 4.83 -26.1 FifthStF 24 N FSCE 1.47 5.9 26.01 24.14 5 24.99 53 25.00 24.86 +.04 +.4 FifthSt28 Q FSCFL 1.53 6.2 26.50 23.90 2 24.82 50 25.90 24.50 -.06 +.7 FifthStFin Q FSC .20 4.4 6.32 4.31 1378 4.59 8411 4.66 4.45 +.17 -14.5 FifthStSen Q FSFR .90 10.1 11 10.37 7.25 186 8.88 905 9.20 8.80 +.05 +2.0 FifthThird Q FITB .56f 2.1 14 28.97 16.02 9291 26.35 28151 27.23 26.22 -.81 -2.3 FifthT pf Q FITBI 1.66 5.8 32.71 26.19 18 28.75 176 29.09 28.11 +.13 +5.5 51job Q JOBS 27 37.93 27.56 163 37.17 1044 37.69 35.47 +1.67 +10.0 N WUBA 61.59 27.58 1407 37.09 5217 38.20 36.70 -.68 +32.5sFinTcII un Q FNTEU 12.10 10.01 1 10.18 14 12.10 10.10 +.08 +1.3 FinclEngin Q FNGN .28 .7 65 45.75 23.56 915 42.30 2845 43.48 40.40 +.80 +15.1 FnclInst Q FISI .84 2.5 13 35.40 24.56 64 33.75 183 33.90 32.90 +.30 -1.3 Finisar Q FNSR 23 36.85 15.21 4661 27.36 37842 27.87 25.61 +.38 -9.6tFinLine Q FINL .44f 2.6 28 24.52 15.90 1676 17.22 5217 17.22 15.90 +.49 -8.5 FinjanH Q FNJN 2.35 .87 46 1.49 67 1.54 1.42 +.02 +31.5 FireEye Q FEYE 19.17 10.35 4306 10.73 19457 10.95 10.38 +.08 -9.8 FstAccept N FAC 2.40 .75 96 1.44 186 1.55 1.03 +.12 +38.5 FstAFin n N FAF 1.36 3.5 13 43.55 34.63 1055 38.66 3552 38.81 37.51 +.77 +5.5 FstBcpPR N FBP 14 7.05 2.52 4868 5.98 10759 6.15 5.70 +.04 -9.5 FstBcpME Q FNLC .92a 3.1 18 33.21 18.50 62 29.32 337 29.71 26.59 +2.24 -11.4 FtBcpNC Q FBNC .32 1.1 22 31.31 17.15 145 29.34 346 29.47 28.24 +.56 +8.1 FstBcMiss Q FBMS .15 .5 17 30.80 15.32 54 28.35 217 29.65 27.75 -.40 +3.1 FstBkNJ Q FRBA .02p 35 14.80 6.46 54 12.85 117 12.95 12.00 +.60 +10.8 FstBusey rs Q BUSE .68 2.2 22 31.91 19.00 270 30.75 928 30.98 29.67 +.92 -.1 FBusnFn s Q FBIZ .52f 2.0 15 26.47 18.76 108 25.78 182 25.78 24.70 +.56 +8.7 FstCash N FCFS .76f 1.7 20 53.95 39.80 375 45.30 1259 45.48 43.35 +1.80 -3.6 FCtzBA Q FCNCA 1.20 .3 18 384.12 229.51 106 346.50 209 357.13 342.70 -5.30 -2.4 FstCwlth N FCF .32f 2.3 22 14.61 8.33 1201 13.84 2544 13.87 13.52 +.12 -2.4 FCmtyBsh Q FCBC .64 2.6 17 31.94 18.02 78 24.86 212 25.85 24.40 -.67 -17.5 FCmtyCp Q FCCO .36f 1.6 23 23.55 13.28 59 22.70 69 23.00 19.79 +2.00 +25.8sFstCmtyFn Q FCFP 21 13.65 7.66 175 13.65 376 13.85 12.70 +.75 +16.7 FtConnBcp Q FBNK .44f 1.8 25 25.00 15.48 62 24.60 135 25.00 24.00 +.55 +8.6 1stCnstBn Q FCCY .20 1.1 16 20.85 11.70 72 19.00 108 19.00 18.00 +.75 +1.6 FstData n N FDC 16.67 9.90 4140 15.93 16639 16.35 15.75 -.14 +12.3 FstDefiFn Q FDEF 1.00f 2.0 16 52.31 34.80 38 50.96 143 50.98 48.76 +1.53 +.4 FFnclOH Q FFBC .68f 2.4 20 29.80 16.93 672 28.75 1776 28.93 27.35 +1.25 +1.1 FstFnBksh Q FFIN .72 1.7 27 46.70 27.67 717 43.30 1494 43.85 41.50 +1.48 -4.2 FstFnIN Q THFF 1.00 2.1 15 53.49 31.81 59 47.60 201 47.80 45.85 +.75 -9.8 FstFnNwst Q FFNW .24 1.2 26 21.29 12.55 71 19.40 170 20.17 19.30 -.38 -1.7 FstFound s Q FFWM 20 17.26 10.00 130 15.91 398 16.00 15.20 +.22 +11.6 FstGtyBc n Q FGBI .64b 2.7 25.91 14.95 12 23.80 17 24.17 23.00 +.80 -.5 FsHawaii n Q FHB .88f 2.8 35.47 23.00 1142 31.24 2394 31.92 30.89 -.01 -10.3 FstHorizon N FHN .36f 1.9 21 20.84 12.46 7016 19.01 15844 19.48 18.88 -.26 -5.0 FstHrz pfA N FHNpA 1.55 6.1 27.70 23.38 6 25.24 30 25.45 25.04 +.19 +1.2 FstInRT N FR .84f 3.1 21 29.75 21.63 894 26.71 3222 26.78 25.56 +.84 -4.8 FIntntBcp Q INBK .24 .8 15 33.00 22.01 19 30.35 80 30.95 29.85 -.30 -5.2sFIntBc26 n Q INBKL 1.50 5.8 27.86 16.83 10 25.65 51 27.86 25.01 +.41 +36.0 FstIntBc A Q FIBK .96f 2.3 19 45.35 26.44 903 42.05 1504 42.90 41.45 -.15 -1.2 FMajSilv g N AG 31 19.15 6.04 4120 7.87 28440 8.27 7.17 +.03 +3.1 FstMerch Q FRME .60 1.5 20 42.17 22.63 253 40.37 748 40.68 39.35 +.50 +7.2 FstMidIll Q FMBH .60f 1.8 18 36.80 22.95 34 32.85 72 33.86 32.77 -.83 -3.4 FMidBc Q FMBI .36 1.5 22 25.83 15.86 2053 24.56 9913 24.69 23.70 +.52 -2.7 FstNBC lf Q FNBC 1 26.05 3.30 724 4.20 1875 4.80 3.85 -.55 -42.5 FstNwBc n Q FNWB 55 16.75 12.42 66 15.96 174 15.99 15.47 +.23 +2.3 FstPotom N FPO .40 4.1 54 11.16 8.01 365 9.80 973 9.80 9.19 +.47 -10.7 FstRepBk N FRC .64 .7 27 97.43 63.97 2754 95.09 6662 96.56 94.27 -1.11 +3.2 FstRep pfB N FRCpB 1.55 6.1 26.73 24.74 5 25.42 30 25.70 25.28 +.23 -.5 FstRep pfC N FRCpC 1.41 5.7 27.43 22.36 7 24.75 47 24.96 24.27 +.46 +6.5 FstRep pfD N FRCpD 1.38 5.5 27.20 21.92 5 25.10 39 25.71 24.58 +.52 +9.2 FstRep pfE N FRCpE 1.75 6.4 28.45 26.32 7 27.21 75 27.43 26.90 +.24 FstRep pfF N FRCpF 1.43 5.6 28.00 22.67 1 25.54 30 25.63 25.01 +.60 +7.8 FtRpBk pfG N FRCpG 27.93 21.85 18 24.71 107 24.75 24.21 +.43 +8.6 FstSavFin Q FSFG .56f 1.2 16 50.00 32.70 4 48.67 15 48.67 47.50 +.17 +3.6 FstSolar Q FSLR 74.29 28.60 11899 31.83 20855 34.05 31.81 -.57 -.8 1stSource Q SRCE .72 1.5 21 49.11 30.32 195 47.00 463 47.60 46.58 -.02 +5.2 FstSouthB Q FSBK .14f 1.2 16 12.63 8.25 1 12.03 16 12.32 11.79 +.33 +.7sFTNDXTc Q QTEC .61e 1.0 60.25 39.81 152 60.15 1171 60.35 59.23 +.78 +14.2tFtTr 22 n N FIV 10.29 9.89 63 10.02 323 10.03 9.89 +.09 -1.0 FtTrGlob N FAM .90 7.8 11.94 10.29 27 11.47 139 11.48 11.25 +.15 +3.5 FT MCGr N FNY .15e .4 33.86 27.94 11 33.59 52 33.61 32.87 +.56 +7.0sFT AsiaPc Q FPA .99e 3.2 31.20 26.04 2 31.08 20 31.20 30.17 +.91 +14.4sFT Europe Q FEP .79e 2.5 31.91 25.09 53 31.95 908 32.02 30.91 +.94 +9.5 FT LatAm Q FLN .43e 2.0 22.76 14.34 41 21.18 152 21.68 20.65 +.49 +13.8 FT Brazil Q FBZ .41e 2.6 17.26 9.79 30 16.05 112 16.37 15.55 +.31 +17.4sFT China Q FCA .69e 3.0 23.02 17.41 2 22.80 7 23.02 22.47 +.83 +19.8sFT Japan Q FJP .41e .8 51.71 42.97 20 51.37 40 51.71 50.74 +.62 +7.9 FT SKorea Q FKO .24e 1.0 26.59 21.68 0 24.84 8 24.90 24.03 +1.38 +13.7sFT DevMkt Q FDT .78e 1.5 52.17 42.63 21 52.04 130 52.24 50.78 +1.23 +10.3sFT EmMkt Q FEM .68e 2.9 23.41 17.60 122 23.27 394 23.41 22.52 +.96 +14.6sFT Germny Q FGM .41e 1.0 39.56 32.56 4 39.53 51 39.56 38.51 +.89 +8.7 FT MCVal N FNK .40e 1.2 34.48 26.37 9 33.79 38 33.90 33.16 +.25 +2.6 FT Canada Q FCAN .62e 2.6 24.98 21.49 2 23.74 29 23.89 23.09 +.48 +2.0 FT UK Q FKU .94e 2.7 40.35 29.70 17 34.95 44 34.95 33.67 +1.29 +6.8sFT Switzld Q FSZ .39e .9 44.87 36.18 1 44.92 65 44.92 43.92 +1.00 +10.1 FT HKong Q FHK 1.01e 2.8 36.81 29.64 1 35.90 9 35.97 35.22 +.68 +11.4 FT SCGr N FYC .07e .2 36.95 28.79 13 36.75 96 36.75 35.53 +.93 +6.2sFT EmMSC Q FEMS 1.06e 2.9 36.76 27.02 62 36.44 199 36.76 35.02 +1.56 +20.9 FT SCVal N FYT .26e .8 36.08 26.81 7 34.25 113 34.26 33.24 +.74 -1.7sFT EurzAlp Q FEUZ .35e 1.0 35.60 27.26 5 35.55 6 35.60 34.68 +1.05 +9.1 FT MegaCp N FMK .44e 1.5 30.16 25.17 0 29.78 15 29.97 29.65 -.01 +6.4sFstT BICK Q BICK .35e 1.4 24.90 19.01 10 24.68 12 24.90 24.01 +1.08 +13.6 FTEurSelDv N FDD 1.09e 8.8 12.75 10.73 161 12.37 1995 12.40 12.06 +.22 +4.2 FTDJMic N FDM .49e 1.1 44.93 31.86 6 43.01 51 43.01 41.50 +1.07 -2.5 FT DynEq N FDEU 1.45 8.5 17.26 14.31 90 16.99 472 16.99 16.55 +.42 +10.3 FtTrInOp n Q FCEF 22.98 18.95 4 20.77 25 20.79 20.46 +.25 +3.7 FtTrMun n Q MCEF 20.35 17.93 18.20 4 18.21 18.11 +.10 -1.3tFtTrOpp n Q FIXD 50.68 49.71 2 50.01 225 50.02 49.71 +.17 FTNsdGrid Q GRID .41e 1.0 43.79 31.80 3 41.15 37 41.97 40.14 +.58 +1.6 FTMltAInc Q MDIV 1.37e 7.0 19.85 17.90 97 19.52 592 19.57 19.22 +.20 +2.1 FT PfdSec N FPE 1.02e 5.2 20.31 18.53 726 19.49 2968 19.53 19.36 +.09 +2.6sFTNsqTDv Q TDIV .71e 2.2 32.05 24.82 57 31.96 572 32.05 31.40 +.26 +8.0 FTLwDOpp Q LMBS 1.53 2.9 53.84 50.78 56 52.15 392 52.19 52.02 +.04 -.1 FTIntlMltA Q YDIV .80e 4.7 17.95 15.49 2 17.16 20 17.25 16.72 +.09 +7.6 FT HiInco Q FTHI .96 4.5 21.95 18.84 8 21.43 27 21.50 21.12 +.09 +.8 FT StratInc Q FDIV 1.92 3.8 53.07 47.00 26 50.82 69 50.91 50.17 +.19 +1.6 FT LwBeta Q FTLB .66 3.1 22.36 18.56 2 21.22 11 22.29 20.93 +.17 +.5 FTEnhSht Q FTSM .29e .5 60.03 59.79 86 60.02 702 60.03 59.95 +.03 +.1 FT RisDiv Q RDVY .38e 1.4 27.10 19.16 66 26.89 343 27.10 26.62 +.06 +9.0 FT SSICv Q FCVT 29.65 23.40 1 26.86 94 26.86 26.53 +.18 +3.3 FT DWF5 Q FV .18e .7 24.57 21.02 298 24.21 1742 24.31 23.78 +.23 +4.6 FT AmIndR Q AIRR .06e .3 25.28 16.58 111 23.94 328 24.05 23.20 +.22 +1.2 FT QualInc Q QINC 1.07e 4.6 24.21 21.10 7 23.46 54 23.61 23.24 +.17 +2.4 FTNsSem ef Q FTXL 25.01 19.65 7 24.92 17 24.92 24.38 +.41 +8.2 FTNasPh ef Q FTXH 20.44 18.03 0 19.94 12 20.25 19.94 -.11 +8.7sFTNaFood ef Q FTXG 20.86 19.06 0 20.87 4 20.87 20.55 +.28 +4.4 FTNsBk ef Q FTXO 28.49 19.95 28 27.03 801 27.56 26.88 -.33 +4.0 FTDorW n Q FVC 22.88 19.70 22 22.54 329 22.64 22.14 +.18 +4.4 FT DWInt Q IFV .19e 1.0 19.59 15.54 405 19.32 1578 19.48 18.83 +.43 +13.4 FT LgShEq N FTLS .16e .5 35.61 30.62 15 34.91 148 35.26 34.64 +.14 +1.2 FTEMCur Q FEMB 1.94e 4.6 46.72 38.90 1 42.05 30 42.18 41.02 +1.21 +4.8sFT RivAsia Q RFAP .32e 55.49 48.26 1 55.45 12 55.49 54.51 +1.15 +7.9sFT RivDev Q RFDI .70e 56.21 46.04 13 56.40 144 56.60 54.91 +.99 +7.4sFT RvfrDyE Q RFEM 60.96 49.05 3 60.81 16 60.96 59.10 +3.00 +15.2sFT RivEur Q RFEU .82e 56.26 45.68 56 56.39 74 56.54 54.81 +1.34 +7.7 FTEgyInco N FEN 2.32 8.6 28.48 21.90 43 26.96 268 27.08 25.92 +.68 +1.6 FTEnInfra N FIF 1.32a 7.1 20.21 14.60 50 18.63 544 19.04 17.83 +.40 +3.9 FtTrEnEq N FFA .96 6.6 14.57 12.46 34 14.45 141 14.54 14.33 +7.0sFTCapStrn Q FTCS .55e 1.2 44.19 37.98 31 44.17 187 44.27 43.70 +.40 +8.2sFTArcaBio N FBT .18e .2 107.77 81.97 49 105.41 264 107.77 104.83 -1.29 +16.0sFTDJInet N FDN 88.43 66.21 385 88.40 1357 88.57 86.98 +1.10 +10.7sFTN100ExT Q QQXT .16e .4 44.84 36.58 6 44.77 48 44.84 44.28 +.33 +10.8 FsTrGrEn Q QCLN .11e .7 17.06 13.17 14 16.77 56 16.82 16.25 +.42 +8.8 FTrTUSAlp Q TUSA .23e .8 29.63 23.54 29.22 10 29.35 28.78 +.29 +5.1 FT RNG N FCG .22e .9 28.65 3.86 186 23.65 1853 24.08 22.94 +.14 -9.6 FT ConDis N FXD .30e .8 37.74 31.82 73 36.95 469 37.14 36.34 +.26 +4.1 FT ConStap N FXG .75e 1.6 49.33 43.48 76 46.61 471 46.71 45.91 +.40 +1.9 FT Engy N FXN .33e 2.2 17.95 13.38 2322 14.93 7239 15.19 14.47 +.07 -9.6 FT Fincl N FXO .65e 2.3 29.01 21.59 334 28.23 1453 28.47 27.99 +.01 +4.4 FT HlthCr N FXH 63.42 54.00 110 62.75 403 63.22 62.23 +.06 +9.5 FT IndPrd N FXR .16e .5 35.54 25.86 149 34.59 1479 34.74 33.99 +.09 +5.2 FT Matls N FXZ .37e 1.0 38.79 30.04 78 38.08 461 38.33 37.30 +.62 +6.3sFT Tech N FXL .13e .3 42.17 30.72 490 42.08 924 42.19 41.33 +.52 +11.0 FT Utils N FXU .67e 2.4 28.00 24.60 265 27.62 1303 27.75 27.13 +.36 +3.3sFTCloudC Q SKYY .09e .2 38.92 28.23 155 38.71 1036 38.92 38.07 +.43 +12.3sFTDJGlDiv N FGD 1.42e 5.8 24.60 20.68 43 24.63 242 24.67 24.10 +.34 +5.7sFTNdqAuto Q CARZ .61e 1.7 37.13 28.79 15 36.53 61 37.13 36.52 +.05 +6.1 FT GblAg rs Q FTAG 25.00 19.26 40 24.40 44 24.68 24.09 +.10 +6.8 FT GblNRs Q FTRI .40e 3.5 11.88 9.55 1 11.28 22 11.47 10.98 +.35 -2.0 FT Cybersc Q CIBR 21.82 15.86 103 21.54 470 21.63 21.02 +.39 +10.3sFTIntlIPO Q FPXI .37e 1.3 28.37 23.36 6 28.47 20 28.74 27.73 +.89 +11.2 FT GlbRE N FFR .75e 1.7 48.19 41.29 11 43.46 58 43.74 42.11 +1.18 +2.7 FT NAEngy N EMLP .93e 3.7 25.86 21.03 272 25.23 1347 25.39 24.79 +.20 FTSenLoan Q FTSL 1.92 4.0 48.73 47.35 237 48.57 1879 48.62 48.51 +.05 FTTactHY Q HYLS 2.88 5.9 49.29 46.95 107 48.72 855 48.95 48.45 +.12 +1.0 FT GlbCmd Q FTGC 26.54 19.56 27 20.21 151 20.26 19.90 +.25 -1.0 FT HiLgSh N FSD 1.20 7.2 17.10 14.35 165 16.60 934 16.67 16.37 +.07 +3.2sFT USIPO N FPX .32e .6 57.91 47.45 66 57.77 210 57.94 57.03 +.44 +6.7sFTChnd N FNI .19e .6 31.88 25.60 68 31.73 518 31.91 31.18 +.86 +16.1sFT EngCn N FLM .58e 1.1 52.36 42.35 1 52.19 6 52.36 51.46 +.47 +6.1 FT WindEn N FAN .46e 3.7 13.76 11.07 43 12.45 181 12.49 12.12 +.19 +6.4 FT Wtr N FIW .21e .5 42.43 32.01 18 41.86 112 41.95 40.87 +.74 +5.8 FT IntPfd N FPF 1.95 8.4 23.85 20.67 84 23.16 865 23.22 22.64 +.53 +2.1 FT LCCore N FEX .58e 1.1 52.64 42.50 348 52.03 734 52.21 51.39 +.23 +6.7sFT LCGr N FTC .24e .5 53.04 47.21 34 52.98 155 53.05 52.27 +.56 +8.0 FT LCVal N FTA .82e 1.7 50.51 37.42 79 49.57 397 49.89 49.09 +.02 +5.8 FT MLP&E N FEI 1.42 8.6 17.60 12.61 109 16.42 536 16.48 15.78 +.36 +2.5 FT MgdMu Q FMB 1.38 2.7 54.39 50.56 26 51.50 177 51.51 51.14 +.15 +.6 FT MCCore N FNX .51e .9 59.80 47.51 33 58.99 405 59.12 57.79 +.73 +4.6 FTMstrDv N FDL .79e 2.7 29.47 25.19 194 29.32 1024 29.44 29.03 +.14 +5.6 FTFutStrt N FMF 57.17 44.12 1 45.74 9 45.80 45.33 -.61 -3.1 FstTrMtg N FMY 1.02 7.2 14.70 13.67 0 14.10 23 14.13 14.04 +.14 +.6 FT MultCG N FAD .20e .4 56.60 48.00 3 56.53 20 56.53 55.42 +.90 +8.0 FT MultCV N FAB .45e .9 53.14 40.06 2 52.12 55 52.39 51.29 +.33 +3.3sFTNDXEq Q QQEW .33e .6 51.75 39.42 45 51.61 278 51.75 51.02 +.38 +11.7 FT NsdABA Q QABA .54e 1.0 54.54 35.13 96 52.44 525 52.55 51.16 +.70 -.7sFTSmartph Q FONE .27e .6 46.08 34.36 1 46.21 3 46.21 44.84 +1.37 +11.4 FT MLPEn N FPL 1.26 9.5 14.50 10.91 68 13.28 328 13.38 12.90 +.05 +4.2 FT REIT N FRI .39e 1.7 25.87 21.47 46 22.99 356 23.03 22.36 +.59 -.3 FT SCCore N FYX .38e .7 55.88 43.10 36 54.73 216 54.80 53.00 +1.26 +1.7 FTSpecFin N FGB .70 9.7 8.43 5.83 37 7.22 321 7.27 6.87 +.15 +2.3 FTStrHi2 N FHY 1.32 10.2 13.23 11.03 33 12.92 129 12.98 12.51 +.27 +6.0 FTrVL100 N FVL .05e .2 22.59 18.88 8 21.54 25 21.61 20.99 +.30 -.3 FTrVLDv N FVD .57e 1.9 29.51 25.24 449 29.35 2488 29.42 28.97 +.29 +4.7 FT EmOp N FEO 1.40 9.1 16.44 13.23 45 15.40 138 15.44 14.94 +.52 +10.9 FstUSBcsh Q FUSB .08 .6 40 15.14 7.90 4 13.25 33 13.25 12.41 +.74 +19.3 FstUtdCp Q FUNC 11 16.95 9.58 3 13.40 25 13.45 13.05 +.15 -16.0 First LI s Q FLIC .56 2.0 11 29.67 17.53 149 27.90 413 28.25 26.55 +1.44 -2.3 FTrSenFlt N FCT .90 6.5 14.01 12.47 69 13.84 365 13.92 13.65 -.10 +.6 FirstEngy N FE 1.44 4.6 12 36.60 29.33 7439 31.36 21357 31.71 30.78 +.10 +1.3 FsthdTech Q SVVC 8.60 6.41 5 8.21 44 8.35 8.04 +.07 +7.0sFstSvc n Q FSV .49f .8 58.23 39.05 51 58.01 216 58.56 55.52 +.95 +22.2 Fiserv Q FISV 27 118.30 92.81 1415 117.79 4203 118.21 116.71 +.51 +10.8tFitbit n N FIT 18.85 5.45 19616 5.68 67070 6.18 5.45 -.18 -22.4 FiveBelow Q FIVE 34 52.70 35.03 1269 39.32 5216 40.02 37.21 +.84 -1.6 N WBAI 19.98 10.92 174 12.94 698 13.10 12.59 +.03 -15.6 FiveOaks N OAKS .60m 11.7 5.54 3.79 333 5.14 1157 5.16 4.52 +.24 +3.4 FiveOk pfA N OAKSpA 2.19 9.2 24.84 17.73 8 23.75 25 24.47 23.10 +.18 +3.3 FivePrime Q FPRX 60.98 31.19 747 38.91 2426 41.50 38.72 -2.37 -22.4 FiveStar Q FVE 3.04 1.65 298 2.10 452 2.30 2.10 -.05 -22.2sFive9 Q FIVN 17.20 7.50 1836 18.02 3656 18.19 16.10 +1.69 +27.0 FlagstarB N FBC 12 29.64 20.35 300 28.30 866 28.36 27.47 +.29 +5.0 F&C DynPf N DFP 1.92 7.9 25.37 21.83 51 24.40 341 24.40 23.87 +.50 +2.7 FlrtyPfdInc N PFD 1.08 7.3 16.34 12.64 21 14.70 104 14.73 13.87 +.71 +1.4 FlrtyPfdOp N PFO .88 7.5 12.81 10.30 24 11.66 55 11.71 11.30 +.29 +4.9 FlrtyPfdSc N FFC 1.63 8.1 22.25 18.18 95 20.15 555 20.15 19.45 +.63 +7.0 FlrtyTotR N FLC 1.63 8.0 22.89 18.41 50 20.47 213 20.47 19.95 +.33 +3.0sFlanign N BDL .20f .8 14 26.65 17.72 7 25.00 28 26.65 24.08 +.20 +2.7 Fleetcor N FLT 23 176.42 133.64 961 162.23 4309 164.65 156.97 +2.03 +14.6sFlex Ltd Q FLEX 16 16.99 11.39 2597 16.80 10433 16.99 16.41 +.14 +16.9 FlexPhm n Q FLKS 13.97 3.90 32 4.26 204 4.41 4.01 +.20 -19.3 FlexUSTilt N TILT 1.17e 1.2 102.51 81.23 24 101.10 129 101.51 99.77 +.64 +5.2sFlxEmgTilt N TLTE .84e 1.6 52.11 41.14 75 51.67 318 52.11 50.36 +1.65 +12.4 FlxUpstNR N GUNR 1.00e 3.4 30.66 23.32 734 29.73 5360 29.88 28.85 +.69 +3.7 Flx3yrTips N TDTT .02e .1 25.18 23.43 189 24.83 1181 24.85 24.66 +.10 +.5 Flx5yrTips N TDTF .06e .2 26.19 24.62 119 25.15 591 25.15 24.91 +.16 +.5 FlxUS Imp Q ESG 56.58 49.91 56.24 6 56.27 55.93 +.34 +6.8 FlexEMTilt N TLEH 27.98 23.10 11 27.47 42 27.91 26.90 +.62 +8.8 FlxDMTilt N TLDH 28.41 21.13 18 26.72 35 26.75 26.40 +.20 +5.2 FlxRAstAlo Q ASET 27.30 24.58 1 26.38 9 26.42 25.76 +.60 +3.4 FlxUSQLgC Q QLC 29.90 24.54 1 29.57 446 29.60 29.52 +.07 +6.5tFlxUSLgCp Q LKOR .41e 57.80 48.68 3 49.48 15 49.51 48.68 +.49 -1.1 FlxUSCpBd Q SKOR 1.24 2.5 52.23 49.57 9 50.17 14 50.17 49.74 +.33 +.4tFlxDisDur Q MBSD .62e 2.6 26.39 23.86 6 24.00 14 24.03 23.86 +.09 -.6 FlxGlbQRE N GQRE 1.33e 2.3 63.88 54.54 58 57.33 189 57.38 55.60 +1.57 +1.7 FlxGblInfr N NFRA .95e 2.1 46.08 41.46 54 45.52 454 45.61 44.66 +.62 +5.2sFlxDevTilt N TLTD 1.41e 2.3 60.33 49.52 27 60.28 312 60.52 58.97 +.86 +6.9sFlxIntDvDf N IQDE .91e 3.9 23.42 20.59 7 23.51 40 23.51 22.82 +.77 +7.8sFlxIntDvDy N IQDY .76e 2.9 25.88 21.08 1 25.96 61 25.96 25.24 +.72 +8.5sFlxIntlDiv N IQDF .94e 3.9 24.30 20.35 153 24.36 615 24.40 23.69 +.61 +8.2 FlxQDvDef N QDEF .93e 2.3 40.86 35.11 32 40.51 86 40.56 40.04 +.27 +4.5 FlxQDvDyn N QDYN 1.00e 2.5 40.86 32.86 0 40.55 16 40.65 40.13 +.30 +6.2 FlxQualDv N QDF 1.01e 2.4 41.75 34.84 76 41.32 665 41.50 40.83 +.26 +4.7 FlxRdyAcc N RAVI .82e .9 76.30 74.56 19 75.52 48 75.58 75.33 +.06 FlexSolu N FSI 10 2.41 .84 16 1.52 78 1.54 1.48 +.03 +14.3 FlexionTh Q FLXN 23.57 7.56 894 20.26 1935 21.05 19.25 -.47 +6.5 Flexstl Q FLXS .80 1.6 16 62.99 36.06 32 48.70 104 50.31 47.19 +.99 -21.0 Flotek N FTK 16.93 6.55 1013 11.63 5492 12.13 11.22 -.36 +23.9 FlowrsFds N FLO .64 3.3 22 21.00 14.35 3131 19.65 7878 19.74 18.93 +.48 -1.6 Flowserve N FLS .40m .9 18 52.50 39.13 1256 46.99 6910 47.52 44.71 +.99 -2.2 Fluidigm Q FLDM 11.05 4.31 206 4.96 956 5.38 4.75 -.07 -31.9 Fluor N FLR .84 1.6 15 58.37 44.05 1194 53.61 5795 55.42 53.22 -1.09 +2.1 FlushFn Q FFIC .72f 2.6 12 31.96 18.95 91 27.47 242 27.54 26.71 +.51 -6.5 FlyLeasing N FLY 1.00 7.4 25 14.45 9.54 166 13.45 962 14.14 13.31 -.36 +1.1 Foamix Q FOMX 11.27 5.48 181 9.19 846 9.70 9.06 +.01 -17.2 FogoChao n Q FOGO 17 17.89 10.50 47 15.00 398 15.25 13.25 +.95 +4.5 FEMSA N FMX .74e .8 100.57 73.45 429 89.85 2095 90.99 84.00 +3.75 +17.9 Fonar Q FONR 9 23.90 13.65 24 18.45 118 18.70 17.85 +.40 -3.7 FootLockr N FL 1.24f 1.6 16 79.43 50.90 2166 75.67 6712 76.79 74.75 -1.32 +6.7 FordM N F .60a 4.8 7 14.22 11.07 53091 12.48 165556 12.74 12.45 -.05 +2.9 ForestCA N FCE/A .36f 1.6 17 24.22 17.79 1327 22.00 7177 22.44 21.77 -.29 +5.6 ForestCB N FCE/B .32f 1.1 23 30.32 18.00 6 28.42 8 28.90 28.27 -.35 +5.5 Forestar N FOR 8 14.05 10.60 1266 12.80 3199 13.10 12.75 -.15 -3.8 FormsHl rs Q FH 4.05 1.48 93 2.21 452 2.30 2.13 -.02 +3.8 FormFac Q FORM 30 13.15 6.48 672 11.25 1539 11.35 10.65 +.20 +.4 ForrestR Q FORR .76f 2.0 30 44.40 30.91 101 38.85 271 39.00 37.25 +1.55 -9.5 ForsightEn N FELP .68m 10.8 8.33 1.07 99 6.27 190 7.00 6.27 -.67 -3.1 Forterra n Q FRTA 22.76 16.24 249 19.32 1156 19.71 18.73 -.03 -10.8 Fortinet Q FTNT 38.33 27.20 2705 37.13 6609 37.72 36.36 +.17 +23.3 Fortis n N FTS 1.19 3.7 33.25 29.14 1028 32.01 2032 32.31 31.48 +.44 +3.7sFortive n N FTV .28 .5 59.92 46.29 1810 59.58 7534 59.92 58.09 +1.27 +11.1 FortressBio Q FBIO 4.66 1.88 810 3.91 1418 4.14 3.42 +.36 +44.8 Fortress N FIG .32a 4.0 23 8.05 4.23 1716 7.97 13346 7.98 7.93 +.08 +64.0 FortTrInf n N FTAI 1.32 8.8 15.91 8.92 89 15.07 645 15.08 14.61 -.06 +13.3 FortunaSlv N FSM 43 9.75 3.63 4382 5.14 13372 5.77 4.99 -.05 -9.0 FBHmSec N FBHS .72f 1.2 22 64.47 52.05 1110 61.04 5170 61.67 59.56 +.97 +14.2 ForumEn N FET 26.25 12.26 891 20.35 5112 20.65 18.60 +.95 -7.5 ForwrdA Q FWRD .60 1.3 47 51.51 40.07 199 47.94 475 48.33 46.75 +.34 +1.2 Forward h Q FORD 19 2.11 1.02 30 1.11 83 1.14 1.07 +.02 -11.2 ForwdPh Q FWP 33.00 13.61 28 28.44 148 30.44 26.85 +.51 +89.6tFossil Grp Q FOSL 10 49.86 16.20 4268 16.78 10900 17.13 16.20 -.28 -35.1 Foster Q FSTR .16 1.2 20.77 9.25 136 12.90 337 14.00 12.80 -1.05 -5.1 FoundBld n N FBM 17.61 15.05 567 16.16 1596 16.93 15.11 +.23 +1.0 FndtnMed Q FMI 35.30 15.10 261 32.45 1491 33.40 31.45 -.60 +83.3 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 8 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
FourCorP s N FCPT .97 4.5 22.88 16.71 881 21.81 2174 21.86 20.82 +.81 +6.3 FoxFactory Q FOXF 26 30.15 15.18 531 27.20 1991 27.25 25.74 +.80 -2.0 Francesca Q FRAN 16 22.39 9.75 1315 16.48 4099 16.60 15.60 +.37 -8.6 FrancoN g N FNV .88f 1.4 81.16 53.31 1294 64.60 4490 65.40 60.57 +2.59 +8.1 FrankCov N FC 22.45 13.45 67 17.00 154 17.30 16.60 +.10 -15.6 FrankElec Q FELE .40 1.0 26 44.55 30.15 372 42.00 764 42.20 39.65 +2.05 +8.0 FrankFn n N FSB .21p 18 42.80 24.80 125 38.50 233 38.50 37.01 +.75 -8.0sFrankLibEm N FLQE 29.50 25.81 36 29.38 85 29.50 28.55 +1.05 +10.4sFrankLibGl N FLQD 27.79 24.77 1 27.79 12 27.79 27.40 +.41 +8.3 FrankLbGlE N FLQG 27.48 25.00 1 27.34 4 27.35 27.01 +.46 +7.8 FrnkLInvGr N FLCO 24.40 23.88 4 24.13 5 24.15 24.00 +.24 -.2sFrankRes N BEN .80 1.9 15 44.35 30.56 5448 42.22 13413 44.35 42.03 -.36 +6.7 FrkStPrp N FSP .76 6.3 15 13.27 9.82 904 11.97 2177 12.06 11.21 +.44 -7.6 FrkLtdDur N FTF .74 6.2 12.45 11.11 271 11.94 911 12.12 11.82 -.07 -.8 FrkUnv N FT .47 6.8 7.10 6.08 26 6.92 178 6.96 6.79 +.07 +3.6tFranksIntl N FI .30 2.9 17.73 9.94 962 10.21 5640 10.35 9.94 -.07 -17.1 FredsInc Q FRED .24 1.6 21.77 7.89 1979 15.20 5123 16.22 14.48 +.04 -18.1 FrptMcM N FCX 17.06 8.76 25084 12.76 105976 13.16 12.17 +.39 -3.3 FrghtCar lf Q RAIL .36 2.8 7 18.03 10.87 150 13.04 595 13.20 12.41 +.45 -12.7 FreqElec Q FEIM 11.99 8.60 39 10.93 200 11.50 10.79 -.06 +1.2 FresenMd N FMS .44e 1.0 47.52 38.05 123 42.34 547 42.62 41.99 +.11 +.3 FDelMnt N FDP .60 1.0 12 66.86 41.56 315 58.38 1255 58.84 57.30 +.64 -3.7 Freshpet Q FRPT 12.00 6.90 451 11.45 1377 11.55 10.85 +.45 +12.8 FriedmInd N FRD .04 .6 7.29 5.00 34 6.40 306 6.82 6.23 -.06 -3.9tFrontierCm Q FTR .42 17.0 5.75 2.31 151445 2.47 399839 2.59 2.31 -.09 -26.9tFrontC pf Q FTRPR 11.13 20.8 107.00 50.16 52 53.58 871 56.36 50.16 -1.41 -24.6tFrontlne rs N FRO .10 6 10.41 6.61 1180 7.06 5607 7.10 6.61 +.29 -.7 FuelTech Q FTEK 1.89 1.02 44 1.15 377 1.24 1.11 FuelCell rs Q FCEL 8.88 1.25 668 1.35 2027 1.45 1.35 -.05 -22.9 FulgentG n Q FLGT 13.90 7.59 35 11.15 157 11.80 10.38 +.10 -3.6 FulingGbl n Q FORK 3.70 1.68 4 3.14 21 3.20 2.81 +.04 +25.4 FullHseR Q FLL 2.57 1.38 141 2.50 306 2.52 2.17 +.28 +4.2sFullerHB N FUL .56 1.1 22 51.80 39.31 604 52.35 1757 52.49 49.48 +2.92 +8.4 FultonFncl Q FULT .40 2.1 20 19.75 12.66 2381 18.80 5088 19.15 18.45 +.10 tFunctnx rs Q FNCX 1 11.58 .59 542 .65 2699 .82 .59 -.11 -73.0 FusionTel Q FSNN 2.46 .96 44 1.84 257 2.02 1.65 +.18 +22.7 FutureFuel N FF .24a 1.7 11 16.58 9.77 507 14.16 778 14.67 12.86 +1.22 +1.9 FuweiF rs Q FFHL 5.20 1.48 24 3.02 64 3.29 2.85 -.04 +65.0G -:G&K Q GK 1.56 1.6 26 98.22 69.17 663 97.50 1292 97.50 94.15 +2.49 +1.1 GWilliFood Q WILC 18 6.90 3.35 5 6.30 47 6.48 6.30 -.06 +9.2 GAMCO s N GBL .08 .3 9 41.67 27.85 24 29.69 77 29.92 29.04 +.32 -3.9 GATX N GATX 1.68f 2.8 10 64.46 40.66 978 60.05 2319 60.54 57.97 +1.60 -2.5 GATX 66 N GMTA 27.19 21.55 8 25.02 89 25.26 24.55 +.38 +7.6sGCP ApT n N GCP 34.05 19.51 641 33.85 2194 34.05 32.95 +.40 +26.5 GDL Fund N GDL .64 6.5 10.15 9.55 13 9.87 95 10.00 9.82 +.04 +.3 GDLFd pfB N GDLpB 1.50 3.0 50.80 50.20 2 50.31 17 50.66 50.25 +.06 -.1 GDS Hld n Q GDS 10.76 7.54 58 8.44 908 8.52 7.61 +.75 -1.9 GGP Inc N GGP .88 3.8 13 32.10 22.86 5902 23.32 29801 23.78 22.90 +.27 -6.6 GGP Inc pfA N GGPpA 1.59 6.3 27.55 23.88 1 25.24 40 25.53 24.81 +.58 +1.7 GMAC CpT N ALLYpA 2.03 8.0 25.99 23.93 228 25.52 897 25.67 25.46 -.05 +.5sGMS Inc n N GMS 23 33.73 19.28 722 33.98 1352 34.26 32.41 +1.00 +16.1tGNC N GNC .80 10.8 3 35.90 6.87 3767 7.40 17575 7.64 6.87 -.11 -33.0 GP Strat N GPX 21 30.00 19.59 47 25.15 148 25.25 22.85 +2.15 -12.1sGSE Sy N GVP 21 3.70 2.03 37 3.85 193 3.85 3.20 +.55 +10.0sGSI Tech Q GSIT 9.12 3.50 526 9.40 2451 9.68 7.14 +2.30 +51.6 GSV Cap Q GSVC 2.76e 6.25 4.41 514 4.63 752 5.48 4.55 -.77 -8.0 GTT Comm N GTT 29.75 14.87 308 25.35 1310 25.60 23.50 +1.35 -11.8 GTY Tc un Q GTYHU 11.36 10.02 24 10.37 380 10.40 10.26 -.01 -1.2 GTY Tch wt Q GTYHW 1.36 .82 1.36 4 1.36 1.30 +36.0tG-III s Q GIII 14 55.89 23.74 1094 24.26 3100 25.44 23.74 -.17 -17.9 GTx Inc rs Q GTXI 11.19 4.51 44 5.10 209 5.55 4.89 +.10 -3.4 GW Pharm Q GWPH 137.88 69.12 245 123.08 1437 125.59 122.00 -1.99 +10.1 GWG Hldgs Q GWGH 11.56 5.75 7 9.63 31 10.55 9.47 -.22 +21.3 GabCvInc N GCV .48 9.8 5.25 4.37 80 4.92 407 5.04 4.79 +.11 +4.7 GabCv pfB N GCVpB 1.50 5.8 28.17 25.40 0 25.70 11 26.19 25.69 -.05 +.4 GabDvInc N GDV 1.32 6.3 21.25 17.84 143 20.96 788 20.98 20.65 +.21 +4.6 GabDiv pfA N GDVpA 1.47 5.7 26.98 25.02 4 25.63 11 25.87 25.55 +.25 -.1 GabDiv pfD N GDVpD 1.50 5.8 27.48 25.37 2 25.83 16 26.20 25.62 +.23 +.1 GabelliET N GAB .64e 10.7 6.15 5.13 323 5.97 2162 6.08 5.87 +.11 +8.2 GabllE pfD N GABpD 1.47 5.8 27.09 25.05 4 25.48 16 25.88 25.36 -.22 -.2 GabllE pfG N GABpG 1.25 5.2 25.79 22.17 3 23.85 45 23.86 23.31 +.60 +4.0 Gabeli pfJ N GABpJ 27.00 23.31 4 24.62 65 24.84 24.32 +.35 +2.7 GabEq pfH N GABpH 1.25 5.2 25.82 22.19 6 24.07 48 24.34 23.80 +.52 +5.3 GabGSmM N GGZ 11.47 9.84 25 11.37 73 11.38 11.16 +.19 +7.2 GabGSm pfA N GGZpA 1.36 5.5 26.23 23.41 0 24.75 24 24.75 24.12 +.33 +3.4 GabGUtil N GLU 1.20 6.7 18.71 15.21 26 17.88 57 17.95 17.50 +.26 +6.4 GabGUtil pf N GLUpA 3.00 5.9 52.25 50.70 0 50.80 4 51.31 50.80 -.05 -.1 GabHlthW N GRX .52 5.1 11.32 9.23 31 10.18 141 10.20 9.97 +.18 +7.9 GabHlt pfA N GRXpA 1.44 5.6 26.92 25.00 10 25.51 19 25.60 25.19 +.37 +1.1 GabHlt pfB N GRXpB 1.47 5.6 28.03 25.04 2 26.03 3 26.05 25.89 +.45 +2.6 GabMultT N GGT .94e 11.8 8.11 6.71 44 7.96 405 8.10 7.85 +.16 +9.9 GabMT pfB N GGTpB 1.50 5.8 27.04 25.43 0 25.71 6 26.14 25.70 -.26 +1.0 GabUtil N GUT .60 9.0 7.04 5.99 81 6.64 347 6.66 6.54 +.06 +5.4 GabUt pfA N GUTpA 1.41 5.6 26.65 24.41 1 25.25 8 25.36 25.07 +.26 +.2 Gasa SA N GFA .03e 1.9 1.99 1.01 1334 1.61 3184 1.63 1.45 +.15 +45.0 Gaiam A Q GAIA 10.08 5.06 147 8.85 498 9.05 8.50 +.30 +2.3 Gain Cap N GCAP .24f 2.9 35 8.59 4.54 342 8.37 1734 8.46 7.77 +.71 +27.2sGalapag n Q GLPG 81.12 40.86 72 81.86 312 82.14 77.48 +4.08 +27.5 Galectin wt Q GALTW .90 .04 9 .10 42 .11 .09 +.00 +83.6 GalectinTh Q GALT 3.05 .49 964 2.12 3684 2.20 1.72 +.18 +116.3 Galectin un Q GALTU 19.20 1.13 0 3.98 8 4.12 3.59 -.02 +45.8tGalenaBi rs Q GALE 49.80 .53 13590 .63 20151 .81 .53 +.04 -67.8 Gallaghr N AJG 1.56f 2.7 23 57.82 43.17 5306 56.93 8598 57.53 56.51 +.27 +9.6 GalmedPh Q GLMD 6 7.72 2.78 76 5.03 127 5.15 4.75 +.05 +43.3 GamGldNR N GGN .84 15.3 7.14 5.07 335 5.50 2140 5.55 5.39 +.07 +3.8 GamGld pfB N GGNpB 1.25 5.4 25.59 21.74 1 23.11 80 23.25 22.50 +.71 GamNRG&I N GNT .84 12.2 8.48 6.16 64 6.87 282 6.90 6.65 +.19 +3.0 GameStop N GME 1.52f 6.2 6 33.72 20.10 5362 24.64 17158 24.80 24.00 -.54 -2.5 Gam&Lsr n Q GLPI 2.48f 7.8 21 35.98 28.32 2168 31.97 4766 32.00 30.25 +1.70 +4.4 GamngPtrs Q GPIC .12e 14 12.34 8.47 48 9.95 83 10.47 9.57 +.18 -15.8 Gannett n N GCI .64 7.9 6 17.72 7.30 1572 8.10 4693 8.21 7.90 +.19 -16.6 Gap N GPS .92 3.8 14 30.74 17.00 5039 24.10 20778 24.39 23.22 -.17 +7.4 Garmin Q GRMN 2.04 3.9 17 56.19 38.40 2964 52.36 6826 52.73 51.05 +.36 +8.0 GarrisnCap Q GARS 1.12m 11.2 9 10.98 8.75 63 10.02 274 10.04 9.75 +.19 +7.2sGartner N IT 42 112.39 84.54 633 111.47 3722 112.42 108.00 +5.52 +10.3 GasNatural N EGAS .30 2.4 53 12.85 6.83 32 12.70 158 12.70 12.25 +.13 +1.2sGasLogLP N GLOP 1.96f 8.1 11 24.80 15.22 1067 24.30 1838 24.85 23.65 +.10 +18.2 GasLog N GLOG .56 3.6 17.85 9.01 534 15.35 1986 15.48 14.34 +.40 -4.7 GasLog pfA N GLOGpA 2.19 8.4 26.99 21.30 24 25.96 54 26.15 25.50 -.17 +3.3 GastarExp N GST 2.21 .80 3068 1.44 10815 1.47 1.33 +.05 -7.1 Gastar pfA N GSTpA 2.16 10.2 22.70 3.95 8 21.24 51 21.47 20.70 +.51 +17.0 Gastar pfB N GSTpB 2.69 11.4 25.05 3.28 8 23.50 84 23.62 22.53 +.11 +35.2 GazitGlobe N GZT .40e 4.0 10.97 8.30 5 10.08 43 10.33 9.84 -.31 +16.7 GeeGroup N JOB 6.89 3.61 36 4.85 118 5.15 4.61 +.20 +11.9 Gemphire n Q GEMP 13.98 7.25 50 9.01 227 9.75 8.15 -.16 +14.9 GencoSh rs N GNK 14.75 3.62 186 12.23 948 12.60 10.55 +1.56 +65.7 Gencor s Q GENC 33 16.60 8.67 43 14.10 120 14.33 13.88 +.05 -10.2 Generac N GNRC 1 44.84 32.34 396 38.46 2035 39.54 37.55 -.20 -5.6 GAInv N GAM 1.15e 1.0 33.93 25.80 13 33.61 119 33.62 33.11 +.40 +7.8 GAInv pfB N GAMpB 1.49 5.8 28.05 25.36 2 25.85 18 26.02 25.63 +.10 +.3 GnCable N BGC .72 4.1 29 20.80 10.38 670 17.65 2475 17.70 16.10 +.90 -7.3 GenComm Q GNCMA 21.74 12.26 457 20.64 953 20.68 18.22 +2.37 +6.1sGenDynam N GD 3.36f 1.7 20 193.17 127.74 1736 193.27 5662 194.00 189.33 +2.43 +11.9 GenElec N GE .96 3.2 24 33.00 28.19 37781 29.88 136008 30.26 29.47 -.40 -5.4 GECap5-53 N GEK 1.18 4.6 27.14 23.20 44 25.58 231 25.59 25.17 +.37 +4.2 GECap 1-53 N GEH 1.22 4.8 27.60 23.98 38 25.63 230 25.97 25.06 +.53 +4.4 GEC 10-52 N GEB 1.22 4.8 27.04 24.13 35 25.36 183 25.43 24.98 +.38 +3.1 GenFin Q GFN 5.90 3.99 28 5.10 66 5.15 5.05 +.05 -8.1 GenFin 21 Q GFNSL 2.03 8.3 25.48 21.00 4 24.50 13 24.75 24.35 +.02 +1.1 GenMills N GIS 1.92 3.2 21 72.95 58.70 9698 60.66 23335 61.34 60.15 +.09 -1.8 GenMoly N GMO .72 .21 291 .53 1097 .53 .47 +.04 +112.0 GenMotors N GM 1.52 4.2 6 38.55 27.34 18601 36.33 75259 37.16 36.30 -.50 +4.3 GMot wtB N GM/WSB 20.43 10.00 99 18.68 172 19.39 18.66 -.39 +8.9 Gener8M n N GNRT 4 8.75 3.52 1178 5.59 4517 5.99 5.05 +.43 +24.8 Gensco N GCO 13 74.21 47.66 300 59.15 1351 61.10 57.50 -2.15 -4.8 GenesWyo N GWR 22 80.73 52.21 566 68.71 2709 70.88 67.18 -1.48 -1.0 GenesisEn N GEL 2.84f 8.7 8 40.90 28.50 1386 32.48 3313 34.26 32.42 -1.34 -9.8 GenesisHlt N GEN .12p 4.75 1.38 369 2.73 1375 2.83 2.66 -.01 -35.8 GeneticT rs Q GENE 2.89 1.04 97 1.13 1175 1.22 1.07 +.06 +4.6 GenieEn n N GNE .24 4.0 8.48 5.07 143 6.04 287 6.18 5.85 -.05 +5.0 GenieE pfA N GNEpA .64 8.5 8.40 6.81 1 7.49 13 7.59 7.40 -.10 +.4 GeniusBr n Q GNUS 7.99 3.65 24 3.67 85 4.14 3.65 -32.2 GenMark Q GNMK 13.43 4.66 524 12.79 1383 13.04 11.83 +.54 +4.5 GenoceaB Q GNCA 8.07 3.28 194 5.65 1364 6.20 5.50 -.30 +37.1 Genomic Q GHDX 33.96 22.00 330 31.85 716 32.15 29.93 -.02 +8.4 Genpact N G .24p 17 28.52 22.58 955 24.45 4691 24.48 23.62 +.48 +.5sGentex Q GNTX .36 1.6 18 22.11 14.66 1889 21.89 8727 22.12 20.01 +.37 +11.2 Gentherm Q THRM 18 44.62 26.60 504 38.10 1139 39.25 35.70 +2.15 +12.6 GenuPrt N GPC 2.70f 2.8 21 105.97 86.61 1203 94.90 3626 95.00 92.87 +1.69 -.7 GenVec rs Q GNVC 2 14.00 2.70 48 6.58 128 7.22 6.31 -.41 +105.0 Genworth N GNW .44p 5.27 2.26 17074 4.16 39286 4.18 3.88 +.10 +9.2 GeoGrp N GEO 2.80f 6.2 20 49.42 16.26 1691 44.83 17759 45.17 43.81 +1.21 +24.8sGeoPark N GPRK 8.00 1.90 224 6.84 1218 8.00 6.26 +.74 +58.7 GaPw pfA N GPEpA 1.53 5.4 31.47 25.10 5 28.16 17 28.61 27.35 +.52 +10.1 GeospcT hs Q GEOS 24.37 11.05 156 15.61 405 15.90 14.14 +1.04 -23.3 Gerdau N GGB .02e .5 4.39 1.45 8695 3.93 47196 4.19 3.75 +.18 +25.2 GerABcp Q GABC .76f 1.6 20 54.46 30.35 65 47.61 184 48.22 45.57 +1.40 -9.5 GerNew N GF 1.23e .6 14.59 12.45 93 14.26 178 14.26 14.06 +.17 +9.1 GeronCp Q GERN 3.35 1.81 1704 2.10 6408 2.17 2.05 -.01 +1.4 GettyRlty N GTY 1.12 4.4 15 26.71 18.75 293 25.39 854 25.43 24.34 +.90 -.4 Gevo rs Q GEVO 27.20 .92 1169 1.02 6688 1.17 .92 +.03 -70.5 Gibraltar Q ROCK 32 48.05 24.12 282 42.50 899 42.50 39.25 +3.25 +2.0 GigPeak N GIG 3.11 1.63 848 3.07 3879 3.07 3.06 +.01 +21.8 GigaTron h Q GIGA 1.53 .60 51 .88 363 .94 .70 +.12 +14.0 GigaMda rs Q GIGM 8 3.64 2.31 11 3.00 113 3.12 2.87 -.02 +2.7 Gigamon N GIMO 24 61.25 28.16 2487 36.60 6932 36.98 33.40 +3.35 -19.6 GilatSatell Q GILT 6.19 3.90 1 5.25 61 5.34 5.10 +.16 +4.8 Gildan s N GIL .38f 1.4 17 32.20 23.55 672 26.39 3114 26.55 25.50 +.71 +4.0 GileadSci Q GILD 2.08f 3.0 7 103.10 65.38 16805 69.06 46484 69.88 67.40 +1.39 -3.6 GlacierBc Q GBCI .80 2.2 22 38.17 24.18 1175 35.75 2334 36.20 35.15 +.10 -1.3 GladstnCap Q GLAD .84 9.1 11 9.92 6.80 326 9.20 728 9.36 9.00 +.24 -2.0 Gladstne 21 Q GLADO 1.69 6.6 26.05 24.05 11 25.50 31 25.59 25.36 +.07 +.1 GladstnCm Q GOOD 1.50 7.5 21.09 15.68 284 20.02 752 20.19 19.12 +.65 -.4 GladCm pfA Q GOODP 1.94 7.5 26.02 25.01 1 25.70 14 25.74 25.37 +.01 +.8 Gladstn pfB Q GOODO 1.88 7.4 25.63 24.85 2 25.40 8 25.43 25.22 -.03 +1.2 GladCm pfD Q GOODM 1.75 7.0 26.99 23.00 16 25.16 43 25.20 25.02 +.19 -.4 GladstInv Q GAIN .75 8.2 13 9.36 6.65 148 9.10 747 9.12 8.69 +.41 +7.6 GladInv pfB Q GAINO 1.69 6.5 26.52 23.84 25.85 3 25.85 25.60 +.30 +.2 GldsInv pf D Q GAINM 1.56 6.1 25.80 25.00 3 25.39 25 25.63 25.30 -.14 +.3 GladstLnd Q LAND .52f 4.6 36 12.89 8.90 206 11.31 658 11.36 10.95 +.31 +.6 GladLnd pfA Q LANDP 1.59 6.2 27.05 24.62 5 25.71 11 26.10 25.60 -.08 +1.1 GlassBr rs N GLA 18.10 4.70 125 7.40 713 8.48 5.71 +1.41 Glatfelter N GLT .52f 2.4 16 25.59 17.50 287 22.07 683 22.11 20.73 +1.13 -7.6 Glaukos n N GKOS 52.49 15.18 803 48.89 3131 49.38 43.65 +2.87 +42.5 GlaxoSKln N GSK 2.89e 6.8 45.58 37.20 2353 42.27 12828 42.43 41.49 +.90 +9.8 GlenBurnie Q GLBZ .40 3.5 29 12.55 9.85 1 11.50 10 11.70 11.10 -.13 sGblBldT n Q GBT 39.65 12.24 2110 36.90 7854 39.65 35.25 -.10 +155.4 GblBrCopp N BRSS .15 .4 17 39.85 22.75 198 36.65 709 37.35 35.45 +.40 +6.9tGlblBrkge Q GLBR 17.43 1.65 128 1.45 413 2.30 1.45 -.85 -79.4tGblEagEnt Q ENT 9.85 4.00 2150 3.50 3964 4.55 3.46 -.61 -45.8 GlbIndem Q GBLI 23 40.96 20.96 43 37.07 91 38.04 34.00 +.06 -3.0 GlbIndm 45 Q GBLIZ 1.94 7.8 26.48 23.14 32 24.95 95 25.59 24.80 -.11 +.6 GlbMed n N GMRE .20p 11.38 6.73 373 8.34 733 8.53 8.01 +.13 -6.5 GlobNetL n N GNL .71 3.0 39 25.25 6.92 2960 24.00 4732 24.21 22.73 +1.21 +206.5 GblPtAcq n Q GPAC 10.50 9.46 10.09 61 10.09 9.95 +.09 +1.5 GblPAc wt Q GPACW .65 .14 0 .40 54 .40 .39 -.02 +14.3 GlobPtrs N GLP 1.85 9.8 21.95 12.28 157 18.80 455 19.70 18.38 -.60 -3.3 GlobPay s N GPN .04 34 81.56 58.54 1020 80.03 4764 80.27 78.15 +.89 +15.3 GlSlfStor n Q SELF .26 5.0 5.96 4.26 93 5.19 246 5.19 4.37 +.58 +8.8 GlbShipLs N GSL .40 26.7 4.50 1.06 122 1.50 778 1.56 1.30 +.12 GlbShip pfB N GSLpB 2.19 10.8 21.62 12.42 12 20.36 42 20.49 19.90 +.36 -.1 GlblSrcs Q GSOL 11 9.48 7.23 50 8.65 158 8.90 8.50 +.05 -2.3 GlWatRs n Q GWRS .27 3.0 9.29 6.23 84 8.99 165 8.99 8.32 +.62 -1.2 GlbXNordic N GXF .85e 4.2 22.19 18.40 5 20.33 31 20.39 19.91 +.36 +7.2 GbXSpDvE N SDEM .63e 16.30 12.44 4 16.17 35 16.22 15.59 +.68 +10.0 GbXSpdvRE Q SRET 1.24 8.4 15.85 13.05 36 14.69 168 14.69 14.25 +.31 +2.4sGbXUSRota N SCTO .12p 25.16 22.74 0 25.12 7 25.16 25.00 +.05 +4.7 GblXEffic N EFFE .16p 25.22 22.77 25.08 5 25.08 24.71 +.46 +1.7 GblXPortgl N PGAL .23p 10.50 8.77 16 9.59 37 9.60 9.39 +.03 +3.0 GblXColum N GXG .41e 4.5 10.18 8.19 135 9.20 644 9.31 8.88 +.20 +.9 GblXEmFtr N EMFM .40e 2.0 21.90 18.15 2 20.46 6 20.55 19.79 +.60 +10.8 GbXMLP&E N MLPX .60 4.2 15.54 10.84 191 14.42 730 14.59 14.18 -.04 -2.9 GblXChMat N CHIM .21e 1.2 17.96 11.61 9 17.46 35 17.86 16.95 +.56 +28.2sGblXArg N ARGT .09e .3 27.64 18.37 46 27.48 184 27.70 26.47 +1.07 +19.2 GblXSDvUS N DIV 1.93 7.7 25.90 23.36 43 25.00 326 25.00 24.55 +.25 +1.1 GblXJrMlp N MLPJ .96e 11.2 9.46 6.88 1 8.60 20 8.66 8.47 +.06 -.3 GXSupInPf N SPFF .99 7.6 13.98 12.51 88 13.06 616 13.07 12.87 +.20 +2.0 GblXGuru N GURU .28e 1.1 26.21 20.86 7 25.89 23 26.05 25.60 +.18 +7.7 GlblXPerm N PERM .23e .9 26.48 23.76 2 24.51 14 24.56 24.05 +.20 +.9 GbXGreece N GREK .13e 1.7 9.06 6.37 338 7.87 1317 7.94 7.61 -.03 +1.0sGblXChCon N CHIQ .26e 1.9 13.49 10.11 24 13.37 54 13.49 13.09 +.35 +19.3 GblXSocM Q SOCL 25.81 17.73 12 24.76 154 24.80 24.22 +.45 +14.5 GblX MLP N MLPA .90e 7.8 12.13 9.06 154 11.49 761 11.63 11.45 -.08 -.7 GblXFertil N SOIL .25e 2.7 9.87 7.99 9.29 13 9.31 9.11 +.13 +3.5 GblXSupDv N SDIV 1.42e 6.5 21.90 19.38 267 21.20 1196 21.24 20.67 +.42 +1.9 GlbXChiFn N CHIX .16e 1.1 15.01 11.15 12 14.77 132 14.92 14.37 +.61 +15.3 GbXSEAsia N ASEA .42e 3.0 14.38 12.64 3 13.96 9 14.00 13.58 +.37 +9.1 GblXAndean N AND .20e 2.4 8.81 6.82 3 8.48 39 8.57 8.20 +.16 +8.2 GblXPakist N PAK 18.36 12.97 32 17.62 141 17.81 17.51 -.31 +.7sGblXChiInd N CHII .10e .7 14.42 10.22 1 14.40 6 14.42 14.21 +.45 +21.3 GblXNorway N NORW .83e 7.2 11.91 9.51 128 11.57 373 11.61 11.14 +.31 +4.8 GlXBrazMC N BRAZ .37e 3.7 10.53 7.00 6 10.05 9 10.21 9.84 +.20 +12.9 GbXNsChiT Q QQQC .07e .3 24.60 18.88 1 23.79 5 23.79 23.09 +.97 +12.1 GlbXBrazC N BRAQ .40e 2.9 15.09 9.38 3 13.65 15 13.94 13.23 +.21 +13.3 GblXScUS n N SCIU 28.18 24.29 257 27.93 320 27.96 27.57 +.22 +5.9 GblXScEu n N SCID 24.17 20.66 1 23.92 5 23.93 23.27 +.52 +7.8 GblXScAs n N SCIX 24.54 20.94 1 23.49 3 23.49 22.92 +.53 +11.3sGblXScJp n N SCIJ 28.15 23.83 0 28.03 108 28.15 27.69 +.30 +6.2 GblXGuAct Q ACTX 15.01 12.13 2 14.78 3 14.87 14.66 +.15 +3.8sGbXNigeria N NGE .31e 1.9 7.64 3.79 48 16.03 324 16.23 3.90 +12.13 +276.3sGbX US Inf N PAVE 15.03 14.47 38 14.90 101 15.03 14.50 +.21 +1.0 GblFound n N BOSS 15.43 14.94 15.20 6 15.24 14.95 +.23 +.3sGblX SupDv Q EFAS 16.29 14.69 1 16.48 5 16.48 16.19 +.28 +4.9 GblXYldco Q YLCO .58a 5.1 11.89 10.09 1 11.44 3 11.55 11.17 +.33 +5.4sGblX Rob n Q BOTZ 17.25 14.69 190 17.27 590 17.29 16.87 +.54 +15.1 GlbXCon ef Q KRMA 17.13 14.88 3 16.96 8 17.02 16.82 +.18 +6.1 GblXMilTh Q MILN 16.63 14.40 1 16.57 10 16.62 16.32 +.17 +6.2 GbX Longv Q LNGR 16.95 14.91 16.73 5 16.95 16.73 +.03 +9.1sGlX Intrn n Q SNSR 17.99 14.49 47 17.90 167 17.99 17.58 +.52 +14.7 GblXSupdiv Q ALTY 1.25 8.1 16.58 13.96 7 15.41 46 15.42 14.98 +.25 +3.6sGlX Fintc n Q FINX 16.50 14.53 8 16.39 57 16.50 16.07 +.43 +11.8 GlbXCop rs N COPX 26.47 12.60 60 23.56 290 23.84 21.83 +1.86 +17.8 GlbXSilv rs N SIL 54.34 25.46 79 35.11 947 36.80 32.85 +1.61 +9.3 GlbXLith rs N LIT 27.40 20.64 107 27.00 342 27.21 26.20 +.93 +10.7 GbX Gold rs N GOEX 45.90 18.23 11 23.81 64 25.18 22.14 +1.30 +15.0 GbXUran rs N URA 19.33 11.68 470 16.43 2848 16.77 15.67 +.76 +27.7 GlXCatholc Q CATH 29.18 23.95 1 28.94 150 28.97 28.67 +.15 +6.6 GlblScape N GSB .06 1.6 21 4.34 3.20 105 3.71 215 3.95 3.70 -.14 -8.8 Globalstar N GSAT 13 3.00 .63 14988 1.47 30960 1.57 1.39 +.01 -7.0 GlobantSA N GLOB 47.19 28.64 142 35.78 779 37.44 35.57 -.98 +7.3 GlobusM rs Q GLBS 23.60 .52 946 6.19 4851 7.94 4.30 +1.24 +51.7sGlobusMed N GMED 27 28.83 19.25 1327 29.12 3337 29.23 27.07 +1.79 +17.4 Glowpoint N GLOW .47 .14 8 .29 29 .32 .28 -.02 +10.5 GluMobile Q GLUU 3.28 1.73 5183 2.14 24718 2.15 2.00 +.13 +10.3 GlycoMim Q GLYC 9.25 5.33 68 6.51 285 6.55 6.27 +.03 +6.7sGoDaddy n N GDDY 38.00 28.11 863 37.18 4145 38.00 36.60 +.60 +6.4 Gogo Q GOGO 13.28 7.80 839 12.16 3484 12.21 11.72 +.17 +31.9 GolLinhs rs N GOL 31.82 6.00 98 28.86 662 30.12 27.00 +.43 +111.9 GolLNGLtd Q GLNG .20 .7 29.18 14.32 1320 27.22 4592 28.10 26.12 -.11 +18.7 GolLNGPt Q GMLP 2.31 10.6 25.82 13.76 2329 21.82 5063 22.48 21.60 -.09 -9.2 GoldFLtd N GFI .02e .6 6.60 2.60 8366 3.47 42595 3.59 3.00 +.46 +15.3 GoldResrc N GORO .02m .4 8.22 2.20 1981 4.49 6583 4.87 4.08 -.09 +3.2 GoldStdV g N GSV 3.20 .88 31013 2.63 46879 2.68 2.31 +.17 +23.5 Goldcrp g N GG .24 1.6 20.38 11.91 8004 15.32 47213 15.97 14.46 +.52 +12.6sGoldenEnt Q GDEN 19 14.31 8.65 45 13.99 496 14.31 11.85 +2.19 +15.5 GoldenMin N AUMN 1.16 .31 218 .63 1318 .64 .57 +.04 +7.8sGoldenOc rs Q GOGL 8.05 3.05 612 8.17 2830 8.30 6.81 +1.38 +73.5 GoldStr g N GSS 1.13 .40 6099 .87 16337 .92 .73 +.07 +16.4 GldFld N GV 12 8.65 1.56 1739 6.05 11262 8.40 5.60 -2.30 +18.6 GoldmS pfI N GSpI 1.49 5.8 26.61 24.61 346 25.90 706 25.93 25.08 +.83 +2.6 GoldS pfJ N GSpJ 1.38 5.2 27.64 24.50 54 26.58 441 26.58 25.65 +.84 +4.8sGS BDC n N GSBD 1.80 7.1 25 25.37 19.30 130 25.43 710 25.59 24.61 +.23 +8.1sGS ActbtInt N GSIE 26.12 22.36 64 26.10 350 26.21 25.51 +.45 +7.1sGS ActEM N GEM 30.26 24.49 28 30.19 394 30.28 29.25 +1.17 +12.8sGS ActEur N GSEU .60e 27.51 23.23 0 27.65 4 27.65 26.92 +.74 +7.8sGS ActJpn N GSIY 29.05 25.05 0 28.99 9 29.05 28.68 +.31 +6.3 GS ActLgC N GSLC 47.66 40.26 72 47.29 312 47.49 46.89 +.18 +6.6 GS Indus n N GVIP 46.17 39.08 0 45.90 22 46.15 45.44 +.29 +8.5 GSCI37 N GSC 23.85 18.81 21.49 18 21.52 21.42 -.11 -7.8 GoldmanS N GS 2.60 1.1 15 255.15 138.20 5396 243.94 15654 250.28 243.86 -4.44 +1.9 GoldS pfK N GSpK 1.59 5.7 29.74 25.69 53 28.12 817 28.13 27.18 +.88 +3.6 GoldS pfN N GSpN 28.30 25.11 49 26.35 271 26.49 25.75 +.54 +1.0 GoldS pfB N GSpB 1.55 5.9 26.77 25.01 72 26.22 207 26.29 25.62 +.50 +3.1 GoldS pfC N GSpC 1.02 4.4 24.32 20.78 42 23.05 168 23.10 22.21 +.89 +5.9 GoldS pfA N GSpA .96 4.2 23.47 19.29 42 22.70 382 22.98 22.31 +.40 +2.8 GoldS pfD N GSpD 1.02 4.5 23.65 19.58 133 22.60 590 22.82 22.09 +.40 +3.6 GS MLPEn N GER .64 8.2 8.90 5.02 182 7.80 1198 7.97 7.68 -.08 +8.5 GS MLPInc N GMZ 1.38 13.3 11.58 7.22 127 10.35 566 10.45 10.10 +.06 +6.5 GolubCap Q GBDC 1.28a 6.6 15 19.76 16.70 333 19.40 1141 19.48 18.86 +.32 +5.5 GoodTimes Q GTIM 4.48 2.75 24 2.95 103 2.95 2.85 -6.3sGoodyear Q GT .40 1.1 11 37.20 24.31 3310 36.64 12728 37.20 35.48 +1.18 +18.7tGoPro Q GPRO 17.68 7.15 6234 8.57 40332 8.64 7.15 +.60 -1.6tGordmans Q GMAN 2.81 .05 1419 .07 26218 .15 .05 -.05 -90.1 GoresHl wt Q GSHTW 1.30 1.00 0 1.30 33 1.30 1.18 +23.8 GoresHl un Q GSHTU 10.49 10.15 2 10.40 157 10.40 10.35 +.05 +1.5 GormanR N GRC .46f 1.4 34 34.45 22.30 108 32.65 249 33.04 30.13 +.77 +5.5 GovPrpIT Q GOV 1.72 8.5 24.61 14.69 813 20.22 3207 20.29 18.95 +1.14 +6.1 GovPrpIT46 Q GOVNI 1.47 5.9 26.38 22.20 22 24.82 623 24.88 24.35 +.11 +5.3 vjGrace N GRA .84f 1.2 29 80.56 63.37 586 70.76 1936 71.05 69.36 +.89 +4.6sGraco N GGG 1.44f 1.5 27 95.10 69.33 630 94.25 1472 95.10 92.16 +.98 +13.4 GrahamCp N GHM .36 1.6 16 25.00 17.11 41 23.06 111 23.30 22.10 +.33 +4.1sGrahamH s N GHC 5.08 .9 21 587.50 440.55 33 588.90 104 590.90 567.75 +20.65 +15.0 Graingr N GWW 4.88f 2.0 21 262.72 201.94 690 243.97 2508 248.06 243.06 -1.19 +5.0 Grmrcy pfA N GPTpA 1.78 6.8 28.78 25.40 6 26.30 91 26.64 26.20 +.16 -.7 GrmPrTr rs N GPT .38 30.09 23.73 907 26.34 3436 26.46 25.21 +.97 -4.4 GranTrra g N GTE 3.49 2.26 1492 2.51 5937 2.64 2.45 +.04 -16.9tGranaMon N GRAM .25e 11.4 8.96 2.16 688 2.20 3060 2.62 2.16 -.41 -69.2sGrCanyEd Q LOPE 22 69.34 37.94 552 69.51 1868 69.81 66.26 +3.19 +18.9 GraniteC N GVA .52 1.1 40 62.18 40.16 1017 48.98 2131 53.08 48.28 -2.81 -10.9 GraniteRE N GRP/U 2.30 35.82 27.09 20 34.05 72 34.37 32.75 +.72 +1.8 GraphPkg N GPK .30 2.3 18 14.70 11.95 2699 12.96 13937 13.40 12.91 +3.8 Gravity rs Q GRVY 39.00 3.05 28 20.63 171 23.20 19.56 -1.02 +95.5 GrayTelev N GTN 12 15.10 7.00 1441 13.65 5018 14.80 13.35 -.45 +25.8 GrayTvA N GTN/A 19 14.05 7.05 1 12.45 3 13.19 12.45 -.50 +19.7 GrtAjax n N AJX 1.00 7.6 8 14.48 10.71 190 13.11 403 13.11 12.82 +.26 -1.2 GrElmCp n Q GECC .17e 12.37 10.35 8 10.95 48 11.04 10.95 -.13 -6.2 GrtElm 20 Q FULLL 2.06 8.0 26.25 24.77 2 25.60 10 25.64 25.24 -.07 +.8 GrElm hn Q GEC 4.10 3.15 40 3.15 208 3.38 3.15 -16.0 GrLkDrge Q GLDD 5.45 3.05 352 4.40 1042 4.65 4.10 +4.8 GtPanSilv g N GPL 2.28 .86 4975 1.66 17388 1.96 1.66 -.12 GtPlainEn N GXP 1.10 3.8 17 32.74 25.85 2475 28.90 8247 29.19 28.54 +.18 +5.7 GrtPl pfB N GXPpB 1.75 3.3 55.34 48.64 5 52.60 145 53.38 52.18 +.18 +4.0 GrtSoBc Q GSBC .88 1.7 16 56.70 34.48 38 51.75 112 52.20 50.10 +1.20 -5.3 GrtWstBcp N GWB .68 1.5 20 45.61 26.43 759 45.39 1893 45.60 43.47 +1.19 +4.1 GreenBncp Q GNBC 17.55 6.79 119 16.65 453 16.93 16.15 +.05 +9.5 GreenBrick Q GRBK 19 10.85 6.57 145 9.55 342 9.80 8.00 +.45 -5.0sGreenDot N GDOT 33.64 20.79 589 33.10 2399 33.64 30.11 +3.06 +40.6 GreenPlns Q GPRE .48 2.0 94 29.85 13.88 1170 23.50 3412 24.08 22.27 +.50 -15.6 GrnP LP n Q GPP 1.72f 8.6 21.75 12.56 24 19.90 168 20.15 19.25 -.10 +.5 GreenbCos N GBX .84f 1.9 11 49.50 24.27 721 43.15 2214 43.20 40.45 +1.45 +3.9 GrCB NY s Q GCBC .38 1.6 20 25.20 15.40 76 23.05 93 23.05 21.75 +1.30 +.7 Greenhill N GHL 1.80 5.9 16 32.45 15.62 474 30.70 2128 31.35 29.25 +.90 +10.8 Greenlight Q GLRE 15 24.10 18.79 194 22.10 707 22.30 21.40 +.50 -3.1 Greif A N GEF 1.68 3.0 23 60.55 30.39 564 56.43 1545 56.86 53.08 +3.13 +10.0 Greif B N GEF/B 2.51e 3.9 21 74.35 43.40 60 64.35 122 65.95 57.40 +5.68 -4.7 GrdsmHld n Q GSUM 18.29 9.90 64 13.06 427 13.73 11.43 +1.48 +28.2 Griffin Q GRIF .30f 1.0 33.32 23.56 2 30.57 5 30.57 29.95 +.66 -3.7 Griffon N GFF .24 1.0 30 27.15 14.69 465 24.70 930 24.75 23.75 +.80 -5.7 GrifolsSA s Q GRFS .55e 3.1 18.00 14.27 470 17.67 2312 17.91 17.24 +.15 +10.0 Group1 N GPI .96f 1.2 10 83.18 47.31 353 77.55 1067 79.93 74.65 +2.24 -.5 Groupon Q GRPN 5.94 2.92 8950 4.08 46594 4.24 3.85 +.10 +22.9 GrubHub N GRUB 52 44.58 21.41 1463 34.33 7341 34.90 33.34 +.56 -8.7 GAeroPac N PAC 2.78e 3.0 108.24 72.52 182 91.83 456 92.60 86.08 +2.89 +11.3 GpAeroCN Q OMAB 1.60e 3.9 53.58 30.05 90 40.97 341 41.14 38.86 +1.50 +18.6sGpoASur N ASR 3.31e 168.14 131.72 56 167.94 335 169.50 158.55 +4.86 +16.7 GpoAvalAc N AVAL .40 5.1 9.04 7.05 174 7.83 495 7.95 7.54 +.29 -1.4sGrpoFin Q GGAL .08e .2 35.80 23.23 372 35.20 2000 35.89 33.67 +1.35 +30.8 GpFnSnMx N BSMX .30e 3.6 10.13 6.73 1819 8.27 9005 8.33 7.68 +.58 +15.0 GpoSimec N SIM 15.20 6.53 6 13.15 34 13.79 12.64 -.08 -8.4 GpSuprvi n N SUPV 16.16 10.00 464 15.70 1343 15.85 15.00 +.52 +19.5 GpTelevisa N TV 29.34 19.69 800 26.41 5726 26.66 25.23 +.94 +26.4 GuangRy N GSH .62e 1.9 33.18 20.65 3 32.10 11 32.20 31.21 +.79 +5.9 GuarntyBc Q GBNK .50f 2.1 21 25.70 14.68 86 24.15 323 24.45 23.60 +.30 -.2 GuarFBc Q GFED .40f 1.9 16 21.95 14.90 1 20.90 9 20.90 20.01 +.59 -1.3tGuess N GES .90 8.0 31 19.45 10.29 8234 11.30 27115 12.27 10.29 -.77 -6.6 GuggBAB N GBAB 1.66 7.6 24.75 18.84 31 21.70 205 21.74 21.28 +.32 +1.4 GugCrdAllo N GGM 2.18 9.5 23.88 18.47 21 22.89 130 23.28 22.33 -.17 +2.5sGuggChina N YAO .87e 3.1 28.12 21.79 5 27.98 41 28.12 27.15 +1.02 +15.1 GugSPEW N RSP 1.31e 1.4 92.53 75.79 539 91.06 3692 91.89 90.33 +.15 +5.1sGugRus50 N XLG 3.03e 1.8 169.87 140.88 6 168.14 52 169.87 167.98 -.79 +6.7 GugSPVal N RPV 1.18e 2.0 61.67 47.72 112 59.58 522 60.39 59.35 -.37 +3.5sGugSPGth N RPG .59e .7 90.06 76.35 40 89.76 372 90.06 88.59 +.81 +7.4 GugS&P100 N OEW 32.61 25.53 0 29.42 4 29.64 29.42 -.28 +4.4 GuEqWREst N EWRE .27e 29.00 24.54 2 26.74 14 26.83 25.93 +.63 +1.6 GugMCVal N RFV .86e 1.4 65.03 48.26 6 62.82 115 63.31 61.50 +.50 +1.8 GugMC400E N EWMC 60.61 47.56 6 59.30 36 59.64 58.25 +.65 +3.0 GugSC600E N EWSC 51.38 38.94 4 49.45 11 49.47 48.18 +.87 -1.0 GugMCGth N RFG .75e .6 136.96 113.86 5 135.04 45 135.91 133.08 +.97 +4.8 GugSCVal N RZV .67e 1.0 77.26 53.30 9 69.22 108 69.47 66.97 +.95 -5.2 GugTotRet N GTO 52.94 50.10 5 51.00 25 51.07 50.79 +.09 +.8 GugUtil N RYU 3.00e 3.6 88.42 75.41 8 84.36 33 85.47 83.69 +.35 +4.4 GugSCGth N RZG .56e .6 101.13 74.87 5 100.41 33 100.41 97.37 +2.15 +4.0sGugTech N RYT 1.09e .9 121.39 88.27 92 120.87 283 121.39 119.38 +1.08 +11.4 RydxMatls N RTM 1.19e 1.3 98.04 78.68 34 95.08 55 96.03 93.63 +.81 +4.4 GugIndls N RGI .84e .8 107.78 82.94 62 105.30 120 105.88 103.98 +.20 +6.2sGugHlthC N RYH .75e .5 162.74 140.98 39 160.52 106 162.74 160.13 -.96 +10.0 GugFncl N RYF .93e 2.4 45.75 30.52 125 38.59 381 39.34 38.48 -.44 +4.8 GugEngy N RYE .79e 1.4 68.00 46.38 15 58.13 325 59.26 56.95 +.19 -9.2 GugConStp N RHS 2.05e 1.6 130.44 115.09 18 125.90 119 126.72 125.32 +.11 +5.4 GugCnsDis N RCD 1.12e 1.2 94.21 79.28 17 92.43 36 92.79 91.51 +.83 +4.7 GugEnhEq N GPM .96 11.8 8.68 7.05 116 8.11 550 8.40 8.11 -.33 +1.4 GugEEqStr N GGE 1.94 11.3 17.73 14.70 24 17.22 91 17.41 17.07 -.01 +6.6 GugChinTc N CQQQ .64e 1.5 43.39 31.82 4 41.97 46 41.97 40.69 +1.50 +19.0 GugWater N CGW .45e 1.5 31.20 27.30 56 30.68 164 30.74 29.97 +.58 +7.8 GugCdnEn N ENY .49e 5.7 9.47 7.23 15 8.64 58 8.69 8.38 +.12 -5.0 GugSPHiInf N GHII 1.03e 3.7 27.87 22.29 16 27.56 35 27.60 26.84 +.56 +6.0 GugSolar N TAN .49e 2.7 24.88 16.45 189 17.96 841 18.40 17.78 +.09 +8.4 GugShippg N SEA 1.48e 11.7 13.12 10.34 1771 12.65 1998 12.67 12.20 +.29 +10.7sGugIntMult N HGI .59e 3.7 16.07 13.55 0 16.02 11 16.09 15.55 +.36 +6.2sGugFront N FRN .20e 1.6 12.85 10.74 7 12.85 59 12.89 12.57 +.25 +11.2sGugChinSC N HAO .94e 3.7 25.70 21.08 17 25.52 169 25.70 24.68 +.89 +14.5 GugChRe N TAO .97e 4.2 23.59 17.50 37 23.18 104 23.57 22.80 +.66 +18.6 GugGTimb N CUT .35e 1.3 26.71 21.27 23 26.53 96 26.60 25.94 +.53 +7.1 Gug BRIC N EEB .48e 1.5 32.48 24.39 18 31.61 69 31.79 30.80 +.84 +9.8 Gug 26CpBd N BSCQ 20.24 18.85 28 19.04 162 19.07 18.87 +.06 -.6 Gug 24HYBd N BSJO 25.70 24.18 6 25.32 90 25.35 24.92 +.33 +.9 GugDJIADv N DJD .02p 30.87 25.42 3 30.29 6 30.43 30.03 -.01 +4.7 GugHYBd23 N BSJN .15e 26.97 25.00 8 26.47 333 26.55 26.19 +.16 +.4 GugCpBd25 N BSCP 22.15 19.93 18 20.17 218 20.18 19.96 +.13 GugInsidr N NFO .72e 1.4 53.30 45.03 1 53.19 14 53.19 52.25 +.91 +8.1 GugBlt22HY N BSJM 1.27 5.1 25.46 23.18 36 25.09 311 25.11 24.67 +.15 +.4 GugB21HY N BSJL 1.27 5.1 25.12 23.10 31 24.82 359 24.92 24.59 +.14 +.4 GugBlt24CB N BSCO .58 2.8 21.72 20.14 62 20.43 212 20.46 20.16 +.11 GugBlt23CB N BSCN .65 3.2 21.56 20.29 72 20.56 244 20.57 20.35 +.12 +.4 GugBlt22CB N BSCM .58e 2.8 21.78 20.71 477 20.98 916 20.99 20.76 +.12 +.3 GugBlt21CB N BSCL .56 2.7 21.89 20.80 177 21.06 817 21.07 20.90 +.09 +.3 ClayWilMic N WMCR .43e 1.4 30.76 23.30 1 30.08 15 30.08 29.22 +.57 +1.1 GugB20HY N BSJK 1.30e 5.2 24.76 22.63 105 24.51 604 24.56 24.21 +.14 +1.0 GugB19HY N BSJJ 1.22e 5.0 24.53 22.88 153 24.37 1233 24.40 24.16 +.14 +.9 GugB18HY N BSJI 1.28e 4.6 25.41 23.84 289 25.24 1466 25.28 25.07 +.04 +.2 GugB17HY N BSJH 1.08e 4.0 26.02 25.28 183 25.70 1337 25.74 25.67 +.01 -.5 ClyWUSRE N WREI 1.53e 3.0 52.34 43.73 2 46.43 16 46.91 45.40 +1.18 -1.0 GugMultAs N CVY 1.07e 5.1 21.03 17.88 32 20.85 656 20.87 20.45 +.32 +3.4 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 9 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
GugCpBd20 N BSCK .61e 2.9 21.79 21.07 225 21.31 1393 21.33 21.21 +.04 +.5 GugBlt19CB N BSCJ .47e 2.2 21.69 21.00 251 21.18 1902 21.20 21.14 +.02 +.2 GugBlt18CB N BSCI .40e 1.8 21.39 21.03 513 21.22 1059 21.23 21.17 +.02 +.2 GugBlt17CB N BSCH .35e 1.5 22.80 22.54 211 22.60 568 22.62 22.59 GugSpinOff N CSD 1.00e 2.2 46.32 37.17 39 45.74 75 45.96 45.07 +.49 +5.3 GugRJ SB1 N RYJ .30e .8 40.52 31.06 5 39.90 32 40.08 39.02 +.36 +3.9 GugEShDur N GSY .65e 1.3 50.23 49.79 273 50.19 1677 50.21 50.18 +.1 GugMCCre N CZA .65e 1.1 58.83 47.67 7 58.54 33 58.73 57.64 +.77 +7.6 GugGlDiv N LVL .52e 4.9 10.54 8.71 7 10.54 68 10.54 10.33 +.19 +3.8sGugDefEq N DEF 1.15e 2.8 41.79 36.25 10 41.76 68 41.88 41.27 +.41 +7.4 GuggEqlWt N GEQ 1.75 10.4 17.07 15.38 44 16.89 192 16.97 16.69 +.14 +3.2 GugStrOp N GOF 2.19 10.9 20.85 16.49 87 20.01 516 20.16 19.56 +.03 +1.9 GuidSoft h Q GUID 7.80 4.12 116 6.28 405 6.63 6.13 -.18 -11.3 Guidewire N GWRE 64.00 49.18 864 56.95 2169 58.14 56.07 -.83 +15.4 GulfIsland Q GIFI .04 .4 44 13.95 6.34 81 10.65 363 10.90 10.05 -.10 -10.5 GulfRes Q GURE 3 2.75 1.38 79 2.02 281 2.05 1.95 +.03 +3.6tGulfMrkA N GLF 7.39 .25 2085 .40 9774 .74 .25 -.25 -77.3tGulfportE Q GPOR 34.67 16.05 4085 16.59 21387 17.16 16.05 -.24 -23.3 Gyrodyne n Q GYRO 10.75p 22.90 18.15 1 20.05 7 20.50 20.00 -.45 +10.0H -:H&E Eqp Q HEES 1.10 4.3 24 27.54 12.72 407 25.42 1476 25.56 23.83 +.98 +9.3 HCA Hldg N HCA 13 88.62 67.00 2381 84.59 13960 85.98 83.05 -1.16 +14.3 HCI Grp N HCI 1.40f 3.0 19 50.93 24.35 189 46.81 530 48.70 45.80 -1.30 +18.6 HomeCh 20 N HCJ 2.00 7.9 26.55 25.17 25.39 17 25.45 25.31 +.03 -1.8 HCP Inc N HCP 1.48 4.9 11 40.43 27.61 3988 30.12 16988 30.41 29.41 +.36 +1.3 HD Supply Q HDS 16 44.73 27.86 1661 41.78 17635 42.80 40.11 -.21 -1.7 HDFC Bk N HDB .37e .5 74.04 58.00 472 72.95 3918 74.00 72.14 +1.60 +20.2 HFF Inc N HF 1.80e 16 34.39 24.84 383 30.82 748 30.91 29.58 +.92 +1.9 HMG N HMG .50e 11.50 8.44 11.00 3 11.02 11.00 -.37 +4.7 HMN Fn Q HMNF 13 18.70 11.20 2 17.75 18 18.45 17.50 +1.4 HMS Hldgs Q HMSY 35 24.00 13.02 630 18.46 1958 18.68 18.05 +.38 +1.7 HNI Corp N HNI 1.10 2.3 18 56.96 36.79 395 46.97 929 47.24 45.38 +.88 -16.0 HP Inc N HPQ .53f 3.0 11 17.81 11.31 13275 17.56 49066 17.71 17.28 +.17 +18.3sHRG Grp N HRG 19.44 12.50 2078 19.33 9044 19.50 18.43 +.80 +24.2 HSBC N HSBC 1.50e 3.7 44.18 28.62 2322 40.91 9797 41.53 40.59 +.33 +1.8 HSBC prA N HSBCpA 1.55 6.0 27.56 25.00 89 25.84 342 27.38 25.52 +.30 +2.5 HSBC Cap N HSEA 2.03 7.5 27.93 25.81 140 27.15 467 27.24 26.75 +.39 +4.6 HSBC Cap2 N HSEB 2.00 7.6 26.95 25.51 288 26.24 1118 26.31 26.06 +.21 +1.7 HSN Inc Q HSNI 1.40 3.8 14 55.16 30.75 791 36.50 2384 37.45 35.55 -.60 +6.4 HTG Mol h Q HTGM 4.45 1.20 100 2.06 521 2.40 1.98 -.22 -8.0 HV Bcp n Q HVBC 14.58 13.08 47 13.75 83 14.40 13.75 -.29 +.6 HabitRest Q HABT 55 20.38 13.20 445 15.95 1740 16.05 14.80 +.95 -7.5 HackettGp Q HCKT .26 1.3 26 20.69 13.06 156 19.46 788 19.93 18.90 +.03 +10.2 Haemonet N HAE 26 41.65 25.98 536 39.66 1706 39.78 38.49 +.69 -1.3 HainCels lf Q HAIN 19 56.99 32.87 1399 37.36 6599 37.38 35.11 +1.63 -4.3 HalconRes wt N HK/WS 3.77 1.23 4 1.54 45 1.69 1.30 +.04 -33.1tHalconRs n N HK 12.01 6.65 1118 7.70 5998 7.82 6.65 +.35 -17.6 HalladorE Q HNRG .16 1.9 20 10.40 3.95 212 8.24 820 8.50 7.54 -.06 -9.4 Hallibrtn N HAL .72 1.4 58.78 33.26 7581 50.78 44262 51.92 48.54 -.13 -6.1 HallmkFn Q HALL 16 12.09 9.50 80 11.30 185 11.37 10.44 +.33 -2.8sHalozyme Q HALO 14.75 7.52 2427 14.54 8804 15.20 13.09 +.77 +47.2 HalyrdHlt N HYH 20 41.84 26.05 609 38.94 1471 39.73 38.88 -.50 +5.3sHamilLa n Q HLNE 19.66 17.74 189 19.25 1067 19.66 18.31 +.78 +6.8 HancHld Q HBHC .96 2.0 25 49.50 20.01 2263 47.40 5152 47.73 45.20 +1.50 +10.0 HancHld 45 Q HBHCL 1.49 5.9 27.75 23.61 8 25.17 46 25.26 24.82 +.17 +3.2 HancFinOp N BTO 1.48 4.1 37.48 22.81 40 36.28 213 36.32 35.51 +.14 HanJS N JHS .87e 6.2 14.95 13.60 6 14.05 52 14.10 13.92 +.04 +.2 HanJI N JHI 1.45e 8.7 17.84 15.18 19 16.75 63 16.78 16.43 +.09 +.9 HanPrmDv N PDT 1.08a 6.8 17.59 13.22 83 15.80 405 15.85 15.15 +.58 +1.0 HanPfEq N HPI 1.68 8.0 23.32 18.91 44 20.96 227 20.99 20.40 +.59 +3.0 HanPfd2 N HPF 1.68 8.0 23.24 18.87 39 20.91 185 21.00 20.40 +.47 +3.3 HanPfd3 N HPS 1.47 8.0 20.26 16.25 47 18.31 213 18.35 17.80 +.48 +3.2 HanTxAdv N HTD 1.45 6.0 25.48 20.79 30 24.32 211 24.40 23.84 +.17 +5.4 Handy&H Q HNH 29.89 19.00 12 26.40 44 27.50 26.25 -.65 +3.3 Hanesbds s N HBI .60f 3.0 12 30.42 18.91 5749 20.28 18350 20.66 19.92 +.31 -6.0 HanmiFin Q HAFC .76 2.4 18 35.85 20.64 325 32.30 753 32.40 31.28 +.45 -7.4 HannArms N HASI 1.32f 6.9 36 25.21 18.02 785 19.20 2538 19.23 18.40 +.74 +1.1sHanoverIns N THG 2.00 2.2 23 92.78 74.06 339 91.07 1002 92.78 89.68 +.63 +.1 HanovIns53 N THGA 1.59 6.3 26.98 24.02 44 25.09 119 25.25 25.02 +.19 +.4tHanwha rs Q HQCL 17.07 7.50 100 7.31 213 8.08 7.25 -.55 -10.4 HarbrOne n Q HONE 20.19 12.53 99 19.18 190 19.34 18.42 +.58 -.8 Hardinge Q HDNG .08 .7 60 13.72 8.24 68 10.86 187 11.00 10.04 +.44 -2.0sHarleyD N HOG 1.45f 2.3 17 63.40 41.63 1420 62.25 9835 63.40 59.49 +2.20 +6.7 Harmonic Q HLIT 6.18 2.51 941 5.85 3954 5.90 5.35 +17.0 HarmonyG N HMY 4.87 1.86 10879 2.27 37535 2.53 2.20 +.10 +2.7 Harmony n Q HRMN 10.50 9.83 4 10.22 146 10.25 10.15 +.06 +1.0 Harmny wt Q HRMNW 1.00 .17 52 .41 632 .68 .23 +.15 +18.0 HarisHa Q TINY 1.97 1.18 26 1.33 214 1.37 1.30 -.05 -3.6sHarrisCorp N HRS 2.12 1.9 20 112.34 73.32 1446 112.31 4092 112.69 109.77 +1.69 +9.6 Harsco N HSC .20m 1.6 52 15.25 5.00 1260 12.45 3945 12.65 11.88 +.35 -8.5 HarteHnk N HHS .34 25.0 2.88 .85 508 1.36 748 1.54 1.29 -.06 -9.9 HartfFn42 N HGH 1.97 6.3 32.55 28.21 26 31.29 199 31.30 30.20 +1.00 +5.6sHartfdFn N HIG .92 1.9 15 50.26 38.92 3463 48.78 16311 50.26 48.37 -.94 +2.4 HrvrdBio Q HBIO 88 3.90 2.25 114 2.65 266 2.90 2.55 -13.1 HarvCapCr Q HCAP 1.35 9.4 9 14.89 10.42 27 14.40 164 14.65 14.23 +.04 +4.7 HarvCCr20 Q HCAPL 1.75 6.8 26.74 24.90 1 25.66 4 25.66 25.58 +.16 +.8 HarvNRes rs N HNR 6.96 1.67 40 6.69 151 6.81 5.65 +.01 +8.3sHasbro Q HAS 2.28f 2.3 23 100.14 76.14 1281 100.25 5353 100.55 97.27 +2.78 +28.9 Haverty N HVT .48 2.0 17 25.50 16.57 148 23.50 343 23.65 22.25 +1.10 -.8 HawaiiEl N HE 1.24 3.7 19 34.98 28.31 720 33.30 2883 33.54 32.57 +.77 +.7 HawHold Q HA 10 60.90 34.69 1503 49.90 5026 50.28 47.75 +1.70 -12.5 HawaiiTel Q HCOM 27.28 19.00 42 23.39 183 24.45 22.91 +.28 -5.6 Hawkins Q HWKN .84 1.7 22 54.80 34.00 155 49.35 269 49.55 47.75 +1.45 -8.5sHawthornB Q HWBK .24 1.0 18 20.97 13.36 61 22.95 64 23.15 19.40 +4.39 +29.7 HaynesIntl Q HAYN .88 2.3 48.37 25.53 170 38.63 330 39.30 36.35 +2.00 -10.1 Hc2 Hldgs N HCHC 7.27 2.00 322 5.84 1320 5.97 5.49 +.34 +60.4 Headwatrs N HW 24 23.99 16.05 1237 23.54 4073 23.61 23.37 +.18 +.1sHlthCSvc Q HCSG .75f 1.7 41 43.65 34.51 695 43.80 1711 43.91 42.30 +1.40 +11.8 HlthInsInn Q HIIQ 16 21.00 3.72 344 16.50 2028 17.00 16.05 +.75 -7.6 HlthcrRlty N HR 1.20 3.9 19 36.60 26.66 966 31.16 3577 31.38 30.11 +.41 +2.8 HlthcreTr N HTA 1.20 3.9 24 34.64 26.34 973 30.83 6570 31.18 29.81 +.29 +5.9 HealthEqty Q HQY 96 49.25 21.42 930 46.19 3002 46.68 41.59 +4.50 +14.0 HlthSouth N HLS .96 2.3 17 43.38 34.79 784 42.45 3109 42.95 41.30 +.60 +2.9 HlthStrm Q HSTM 28.84 19.38 250 23.90 594 24.04 22.56 +1.14 -4.6 HrtlndEx Q HTLD .08 .4 27 22.69 16.55 660 20.43 2274 20.54 19.59 +.18 +.3 HeartFn Q HTLF .44f .9 16 51.70 29.58 120 51.00 422 51.25 49.14 +.80 +6.3 HeatBiolog Q HTBX 3.35 .40 787 .88 11965 1.25 .85 -.02 +2.9 HebronTc n Q HEBT 7.02 3.01 52 3.67 238 4.40 3.56 -.40 -25.9 HeclaM N HL .01e .2 27 7.64 2.57 8914 5.04 38353 5.27 4.61 +.20 -3.8sHeico N HEI .18f .2 36 88.01 57.30 120 87.82 464 88.05 85.27 +.92 +13.8 Heico A N HEI/A .16f .2 37 75.90 44.82 154 74.95 482 75.10 73.15 +.75 +10.4sHeidrkStr Q HSII .52 2.0 32 26.30 16.23 143 26.05 516 26.30 24.05 +1.85 +7.9 HelenTroy Q HELE 14 106.18 77.50 335 96.70 717 97.10 94.12 +.40 +14.5 HeliMAn h Q HMNY 17.00 1.03 40 2.70 361 3.11 2.68 -.25 -18.2 HelixEn N HLX 11.87 4.87 2594 7.36 9793 7.70 7.07 -.25 -16.6 HelmPayne N HP 2.80f 4.1 85.78 55.75 2150 67.98 9104 69.62 65.98 +.68 -12.2 HemisMda Q HMTV 13.88 10.35 35 11.10 197 11.50 10.85 +.10 -.9 Hemisphrx rs N HEB 2.64 .39 852 .57 1181 .63 .52 +.05 -17.4tHennesAd s Q HNNA 9 26.33 16.09 21 16.57 75 17.63 16.09 +.02 -21.7 HSchein Q HSIC 27 183.00 146.23 838 171.25 2406 173.13 170.17 -.92 +12.9 Herbalife N HLF 12 72.22 47.62 1706 56.45 7521 57.18 53.12 +4.18 +17.3 HercHld n N HRI 52.96 28.66 362 48.29 1443 48.95 44.72 +1.76 +20.2 HercTGC N HTGC 1.24 8.2 20 15.47 11.21 778 15.09 2859 15.15 14.53 +.40 +6.9 HercTG 24 N HTGX 1.56 6.1 26.47 24.50 10 25.62 53 25.83 25.46 +.13 +.9 HrtgeCo Q HTBK .40f 2.9 19 14.70 9.31 239 13.99 516 14.23 13.78 +.10 -3.0 HrtgeFn Q HFWA .48a 1.9 19 26.98 16.40 203 24.95 443 24.98 23.40 +1.00 -3.1 HeritageIns N HRTG .24 1.9 5 16.48 11.25 604 12.34 1971 14.56 12.27 -2.16 -21.3 HeritOkB Q HEOP .24 1.7 28 14.44 7.22 171 13.80 510 13.89 13.30 +.22 +11.9 HeritCryst Q HCCI 33 16.75 7.58 144 14.00 407 14.10 13.25 +.30 -10.8 HernTher h Q HRTX 25.46 12.21 821 14.30 2783 15.10 14.15 -.40 +9.2 Hersha pfC N HTpC 1.72 6.8 27.92 23.97 0 25.46 7 25.60 25.25 +.29 +4.8 Hersha rs N HT 1.12 5.9 10 22.14 15.36 923 18.86 3252 19.16 18.61 +.13 -10.3 Hersha pfD N HTpD 1.63 6.6 25.75 22.26 4 24.54 60 24.54 24.00 +.33 +9.8 Hersha pfE N HTpE 24.75 22.00 17 23.91 93 23.93 23.32 +.24 +6.2 Hershey N HSY 2.47 2.3 26 117.79 87.92 986 109.01 3890 109.76 108.28 +.08 +5.4 HertzGl N HTZ 53.14 17.20 4483 21.69 11347 23.11 20.83 -.22 +.6 HerzfldCrb Q CUBA .16e 8.49 5.80 7 7.00 123 7.01 6.78 +.06 +4.2 HeskaCorp Q HSKA 65 99.98 26.26 92 93.11 342 97.93 92.43 -3.94 +30.0 Hess N HES 1.00f 2.1 65.56 45.37 2958 48.26 19167 49.31 46.15 +1.09 -22.5tHess pfA N HESpA 80.33 57.28 12 59.22 302 60.65 57.28 +1.11 -19.6 HP Ent n N HPE .26f 1.1 12 24.88 15.38 11823 22.85 56214 22.99 22.02 +.55 -1.3 Hexcel N HXL .44 .8 21 55.91 38.87 661 53.99 2405 54.46 53.19 +.38 +5.0 Hi-Crush N HCLP 23.30 4.25 783 16.65 6973 16.90 13.95 +.75 -15.9 Hibbett Q HIBB 11 45.85 27.25 529 29.65 2583 30.15 28.30 -.10 -20.5sHighpwrInt Q HPJ 8 4.00 1.65 234 3.65 1534 4.00 2.68 +1.00 +55.3 HghwyH Q HIHO .28m 6.9 4.86 3.10 21 4.05 67 4.30 4.00 +.05 +24.6 HighwdPrp N HIW 1.76 3.5 18 56.23 44.93 2120 49.70 3949 49.98 48.69 +.83 -2.6 Hill Intl N HIL 5.70 1.95 259 4.70 465 5.00 4.56 +.05 +8.0sHill-Rom N HRC .72f 1.0 25 69.84 46.56 942 70.07 2883 70.22 67.08 +2.65 +24.8 HillenInc N HI .82 2.2 18 39.00 27.89 686 36.90 1796 37.15 36.40 +.71 -3.8 HillmCT pf N HLMp 2.90 8.6 34.74 31.03 2 33.65 14 33.87 33.35 +.53 +3.9 HilltopH N HTH 19 30.60 17.91 794 27.97 1542 28.17 27.38 +.31 -6.1 HilGrVa n N HGV 33.00 24.60 811 29.03 2373 29.13 28.65 +.17 +11.7sHilton N HLT .15 22 58.80 41.83 1234 57.92 8438 58.80 56.42 +1.44 HimaxTch Q HIMX .13e 1.5 36 12.00 4.88 6478 8.60 20642 8.65 7.66 +.85 +42.4 HingmSv Q HIFS 1.28 .7 16 203.01 117.23 55 175.99 60 190.00 148.02 -7.62 -10.6 Histogenics Q HSGX 4.47 1.39 39 1.80 431 1.90 1.70 -.04 +7.8sHoeghLP N HMLP 1.65 8.3 22 20.38 15.35 170 19.95 468 20.38 19.25 +.45 +5.0 HollyEngy N HEP 2.43f 7.0 20 38.09 29.53 209 34.51 871 34.90 34.05 +.02 +7.6 HollyFront N HFC 1.32 4.7 13 39.17 22.07 4008 28.28 15379 28.74 27.21 +.83 -13.7 Hollysys Q HOLI .20e 1.1 12 23.55 15.69 582 17.75 1492 18.07 17.46 -.11 -3.1sHologic Q HOLX 27 42.97 32.64 2141 42.59 9914 42.97 41.86 +.36 +6.2 HomeBLA Q HBCP .52f 1.5 15 39.75 24.76 13 34.84 33 35.75 33.90 +.37 -9.8 HomeBcs s Q HOMB .36 1.3 22 29.69 18.32 1426 28.43 2993 28.60 27.62 +.46 +2.4sHomeDp N HD 3.56f 2.4 23 149.19 119.20 8365 149.60 21655 149.99 146.46 +2.75 +11.6 HomeStreet Q HMST 11 33.70 18.74 383 26.90 1065 27.10 25.90 +.30 -14.9 HomeTrBc Q HTBI 29 27.05 17.28 140 23.50 300 24.10 23.40 -.60 -9.3 Honda N HMC .55e 1.8 32.17 24.04 259 31.04 1781 31.35 30.70 -.01 +6.3sHonwllIntl N HON 2.66 2.1 19 127.52 105.25 3722 127.16 14799 127.52 124.12 +.12 +9.8 HongliCl rs Q CETC 7 7.69 1.66 26 2.10 118 2.24 1.80 +.19 -16.3 HookerFu Q HOFT .48 1.5 20 39.50 20.29 87 32.15 234 32.30 30.75 +.87 -15.3 HooperH rs N HH 2.70 .65 15 .85 101 .85 .70 +.10 +2.9 HopeBcp Q HOPE .48 2.3 18 22.99 13.99 1316 20.50 2811 21.11 20.23 -.23 -6.3 HopFedBc Q HFBC .16 1.1 32 15.45 10.82 34 14.96 72 14.96 14.00 +.62 +11.1 HorMan N HMN 1.06 2.6 20 44.15 30.25 393 41.20 994 42.28 40.90 +.03 -3.7 HorizBcp s Q HBNC .44f 1.7 19 28.63 15.43 118 26.57 245 26.65 25.38 +.88 -5.1 HorizGbl n N HZN 20 26.37 10.60 797 13.52 5894 15.05 13.26 -1.79 -43.7 HorizPhm Q HZNP 23.44 13.05 1930 15.13 9162 15.70 14.76 -.27 -6.5 HorizTFn Q HRZN 1.38 13.0 8 13.95 9.64 58 10.61 384 10.79 10.35 +.38 +.8 HorizTFn19 N HTF 1.84 7.2 26.42 25.20 10 25.40 14 25.45 25.23 +.03 -.4 Hor OEXcc Q QYLD 2.26e 9.7 23.34 20.77 87 23.18 148 23.34 23.13 +.01 +3.7sHorzDAX Q DAX .35e 1.3 27.01 21.51 1 27.03 14 27.11 26.44 +.43 +7.7 HorzSPCvC N HSPX 2.52e 4.0 47.97 41.85 2 47.69 7 47.96 47.31 +.18 +4.8sHorGKWld N KLDW 28.63 24.71 3 28.69 26 28.73 28.22 +.44 +8.8 Hormel s N HRL .68f 1.9 21 44.68 33.18 3376 34.92 11384 35.54 34.61 -.15 +.3 Hornbeck N HOS 12.57 3.00 1434 3.20 5533 3.66 3.05 -.34 -55.7 Hortonwks Q HDP 13.12 6.42 640 10.04 2940 10.08 9.21 +.11 +20.8 HospPT Q HPT 2.04 6.5 9 32.63 24.24 1274 31.31 3923 31.51 29.71 +1.31 -1.4 HostHotls N HST .80a 4.3 12 20.21 14.30 8805 18.44 36745 18.47 17.73 +.53 -2.1sHostessBr n Q TWNK 16.48 9.50 4511 16.05 12577 16.48 15.79 +.09 +23.5sHostess wt Q TWNKW 3.00 .16 219 2.85 2492 3.00 2.74 +.02 +62.9 HoughMH Q HMHC 21.08 9.15 2033 10.00 4451 10.20 9.40 +.45 -7.8 HoulihnL n N HLI .80f 2.4 20 34.66 20.96 525 33.46 1469 33.72 31.88 +.58 +7.5 HstnAEn N HUSA .43 .16 180 .31 837 .38 .28 -.01 +74.2 HoustWC Q HWCC .12m 1.8 8.05 5.10 102 6.70 224 6.90 6.26 +.15 +3.1 HovnEn pf A Q HOVNP 8.40 2.04 5 6.55 17 7.39 6.55 -.64 -12.6 HovnanE N HOV 30 2.96 1.41 1725 2.36 6317 2.45 2.16 +.12 -13.6 HowardBcp Q HBMD 45 19.00 12.00 16 17.90 50 18.40 17.50 -.45 +18.5 HHughes N HHC 21 123.99 98.01 285 119.00 943 119.67 115.01 +2.80 +4.3 HuanPwr N HNP 2.45e 8.3 37.79 22.85 67 29.54 358 29.67 27.34 +2.15 +13.4 HubGroup Q HUBG 21 52.50 34.35 590 46.95 1564 50.15 46.58 -3.05 +7.3 Hubbell N HUBB 2.80f 2.3 23 125.93 97.35 260 120.45 1004 122.99 118.70 -.34 +3.2sHubSpot N HUBS 66.10 39.01 1300 64.70 3620 66.10 59.40 +5.60 +37.7 HudBayM g N HBM .02 9.15 2.88 509 7.25 3104 7.65 6.60 +.40 +27.2 HudBay wt N HBM/WS 1.04 .12 2 .56 19 .61 .46 +.03 +55.0 HudsonGbl Q HSON .20 18.3 2.85 1.00 60 1.09 332 1.12 1.02 +.05 -19.9 HudsPacP N HPP 1.00f 2.8 28 36.75 26.79 2142 35.25 6344 35.29 33.49 +1.51 +1.4 HudsonTc Q HDSN 20 8.50 3.07 1068 6.47 4339 7.21 6.38 -.60 -19.2 HugotnR N HGT .06e 3.3 5 2.75 1.25 48 1.70 262 1.75 1.70 -20.9sHumana N HUM 1.60f .7 25 220.49 150.00 1398 218.90 5116 220.49 216.03 +.97 +7.3 HuntJB Q JBHT .92f 1.0 25 102.38 75.71 1323 93.95 5489 96.98 93.36 -2.70 -3.2 HuntMar un Q HUNTU 10.91 9.75 2 10.40 18 10.44 10.00 +.21 +2.5 HuntMar wt Q HUNTW .85 .68 6 .80 30 .80 .79 +.05 +6.7 HuntBncsh Q HBAN .32 2.3 20 14.74 8.05 20199 13.73 57214 14.24 13.64 -.46 +3.9 HuntBc pf Q HBANP 85.00 6.2 1500.00 1345.00 0 1367.55 5 1375.00 1363.00 -1.95 -3.4 HuntBcs pf Q HBANO 1.56 5.9 28.97 24.81 93 26.44 669 26.44 25.80 +.49 +4.5 HuntB pfC Q HBANN 1.47 5.8 27.40 22.67 5 25.28 30 25.28 24.66 +.23 +4.9 HuntgUSEq N HUSE 1.86e .6 40.92 35.78 2 37.46 10 37.50 37.32 +.18 +3.5 HuntgtnEco N HECO .47e .2 46.00 34.74 0 37.99 4 38.04 37.56 +.28 +4.0 HuntgtnIng N HII 2.40 1.1 20 220.68 135.42 1237 213.72 2492 215.51 208.21 +2.02 +16.0 Huntsmn N HUN .50 2.2 14 23.40 12.20 4354 22.88 13991 22.95 21.85 +1.12 +19.9 Hurco Q HURC .40f 1.3 20 34.55 24.80 62 30.40 147 30.75 27.30 +2.75 -8.2 HuronCon Q HURN 24 65.00 40.30 157 41.85 668 42.40 40.85 +.30 -17.4sHutChMd n Q HCM 21.77 9.80 33 19.00 626 21.77 14.50 +4.84 +40.0sHuttigBld Q HBP 7 9.02 3.56 100 8.29 841 9.02 7.50 +.54 +25.4 Hyatt N H 40 58.05 44.30 1139 53.26 3985 54.33 50.83 +1.86 -3.6 Hydrognc Q HYGS 10.33 3.90 79 6.60 288 7.10 6.18 +.45 +50.0 HysterYale N HY 1.18 2.0 22 70.19 47.25 70 58.50 209 59.10 56.19 +.81 -8.3I -:IAC Inter Q IAC 1.36 1.8 25 77.46 45.00 470 74.01 1857 74.65 73.33 +.02 +14.2 IAMGld g N IAG 78 5.87 2.01 36088 3.88 98149 4.02 3.36 +.22 +.8 ICAD Q ICAD 6.49 2.82 18 4.40 195 4.81 4.00 +.34 +36.0 ICF Intl Q ICFI 20 59.55 32.57 126 42.05 458 43.05 40.85 -.95 -23.8sICICI Bk N IBN .16e 1.9 8.81 6.30 16955 8.43 58436 8.81 8.42 +.28 +12.6sICU Med Q ICUI 44 156.05 94.15 370 158.30 971 159.05 151.50 +6.45 +7.4sID Syst Q IDSY 6.73 4.19 36 6.19 179 6.73 6.06 -.32 +14.2sIdexxLab s Q IDXX 62 153.95 72.29 2239 151.95 4741 153.95 150.19 +1.67 +29.6tIDT Cp N IDT .76 6.2 23.13 12.18 324 12.34 1793 13.31 12.18 -.61 -33.4 IEC Elec N IEC 15 5.64 3.21 26 3.47 110 3.79 3.47 -.23 -2.8 IES Hldgs Q IESC 22 23.00 11.00 76 19.95 280 20.10 18.65 +.90 +4.2 IFresh n Q IFMK 28.88 11.88 21 16.95 97 17.87 15.01 -.56 +41.3 IHS Mark Q INFO 54 41.00 28.53 4028 40.35 9851 40.98 40.11 +.23 +14.0 II-VI Q IIVI 34 41.10 17.76 1457 35.15 6120 35.60 32.60 -.28 +18.5 ILG Inc Q ILG .48 2.5 22 19.70 11.79 1998 19.26 5845 19.28 18.19 +1.02 +6.0 INC Resc h Q INCR 22 57.11 36.70 946 45.35 4089 46.50 44.25 -.20 -13.8sING N ING .14e .9 15.66 9.26 2277 15.45 13922 15.66 15.13 -.11 +9.6 ING 6.20 N ISP 1.55 6.0 26.52 23.65 33 25.95 206 26.17 25.70 +.24 +3.6 ING 6.125 N ISG 1.53 5.9 26.28 24.85 73 26.00 249 26.04 25.72 +.26 +4.0 ING 6.375 N ISF 1.59 6.1 26.79 24.79 128 25.87 290 25.98 25.50 +.36 +2.9 INTLFCStn Q INTL 13 44.71 24.91 504 36.81 818 39.87 36.71 -.97 -7.0 ION Geo rs N IO 9.65 3.87 154 5.20 376 5.20 4.25 +.70 -13.3 IPG Photon Q IPGP 25 124.27 76.22 370 121.46 1048 122.02 117.16 +1.91 +23.0tiPass Q IPAS 1.89 .98 207 1.19 2783 1.23 .98 +.01 -27.9 IQ HdgMult N QAI .39e 1.3 29.45 28.37 108 29.03 767 29.07 28.87 +.05 +1.3 IQ Hedge N MCRO .34e 1.3 25.78 22.13 0 25.27 8 25.29 25.12 +.20 +2.7 IQ CorePl n N AGGP 21.21 19.51 283 19.76 388 19.76 19.55 +.16 +.3 IQ CoreBd n N AGGE 22.70 19.17 82 19.36 126 19.36 19.23 +.12 -.9tIQHdgMNt N QMN .34e 1.4 26.61 24.70 1 24.98 4 25.02 24.70 +.11 -.6sIQ 50HgEur N HFXE 18.33 15.76 5 18.28 24 18.34 18.00 +.18 +6.2 IQ 50HIntl N HFXI 19.88 16.12 21 19.34 77 19.49 19.11 +.16 +6.7 IQ RealRtn N CPI .03e .1 27.42 25.51 6 27.12 14 27.17 27.01 +.10 +.8 IQUSReSC N ROOF 1.43e 5.3 28.94 23.87 19 26.74 120 26.74 25.81 +.80 -1.7 IQMrgArb N MNA 29.99 26.91 38 29.84 181 29.91 29.71 +.05 +1.8 IQ AustSC N KROO .88e 5.3 17.47 13.41 1 16.71 3 16.71 16.10 +.71 +7.3sIQ AgriSC N CROP .41e 1.2 33.27 28.94 0 33.33 4 33.33 32.89 +.57 +6.0 IQ CdaSC N CNDA .18e 1.1 18.49 13.40 2 16.94 29 17.15 16.29 +.55 +2.0 IQ GlbRes N GRES .35e 1.4 26.73 23.03 28 25.87 439 26.03 25.18 +.51 +3.0 IRSA N IRS 23.99 13.16 20 23.65 204 23.65 21.77 +1.00 +28.3 IRSA Prop Q IRCP .77e 1.8 54.45 32.66 1 42.60 3 43.40 41.20 -.20 -10.1 IRhythm n Q IRTC 40.48 22.16 305 37.49 649 38.00 34.75 +2.22 +25.0 iRobot Q IRBT 40 63.99 32.91 720 59.46 2585 59.54 56.14 +2.13 +1.7 iShGold N IAU 13.25 10.81 5400 11.82 27744 11.86 11.52 +.23 +6.7 iShGSCI N GSG 16.26 13.19 377 14.59 2084 14.65 14.29 +.08 -6.9siSAstla N EWA 1.23e 5.5 22.67 18.18 2235 22.49 12382 22.67 21.89 +.44 +11.2siSAstria N EWO .25e 1.4 18.39 13.22 31 18.31 234 18.39 17.87 +.19 +10.8 iShBelg N EWK .36e 1.9 19.10 16.37 52 18.98 354 19.02 18.36 +.52 +8.4 iShBrazil N EWZ 1.03e 2.8 40.80 24.75 19877 37.23 83888 38.34 36.56 +.11 +11.7 iShCanada N EWC .60e 2.2 27.92 22.79 2423 26.71 12373 27.05 26.28 +.18 +2.1siShEMU N EZU .95e 2.6 37.32 29.71 9502 37.25 35030 37.37 36.31 +.60 +7.7siSFrance N EWQ .68e 2.6 26.15 21.00 622 26.11 3264 26.18 25.50 +.31 +5.8siShGerm N EWG .51e 1.8 28.53 22.51 5663 28.41 21983 28.53 27.89 +.36 +7.3 iSh HK N EWH .49e 2.2 22.32 18.50 1808 22.19 12697 22.23 21.64 +.41 +13.9siSh SKor N EWY .66e 1.1 61.41 48.65 2442 61.29 16218 61.41 58.95 +2.93 +15.2 iShMexico N EWW .93e 1.9 54.69 41.23 4999 50.07 22119 50.26 46.75 +2.52 +13.9siShNeth N EWN .40e 1.5 26.89 21.43 108 26.89 1573 26.95 26.39 +.23 +11.3siSPacxJpn N EPP 2.08e 4.7 44.54 36.71 1073 44.46 3924 44.61 43.32 +.80 +12.4 iShSoAfr N EZA 1.37e 2.3 60.55 46.65 402 59.25 2645 59.86 56.08 +3.41 +13.2siShSpain N EWP 1.62e 5.4 29.95 22.58 780 29.88 8400 30.00 28.51 +.83 +12.7siSSwedn N EWD 1.40e 4.4 31.57 25.11 181 31.56 1243 31.70 30.76 +.79 +9.9siShSwitz N EWL .80e 2.5 32.07 27.70 406 32.11 2879 32.22 31.49 +.59 +9.0 iShFrntr100 N FM 3.58e 2.7 28.34 23.90 147 28.02 1281 28.29 27.54 +.38 +12.8 iShGlHiY bt N GHYG 2.09e 4.3 49.89 45.53 23 49.05 107 49.19 48.36 +.39 +1.2 iShxUSH bt N HYXU .92e 2.0 51.51 44.75 2 47.13 52 47.23 46.32 +.47 +2.8 iShEMCBd bt N CEMB 2.28 4.5 51.30 47.74 28 50.44 50 50.44 49.79 +.29 +1.8 iShEMkHY N EMHY 3.98 8.0 50.98 46.40 35 49.64 393 49.74 49.08 +.29 +2.0 iShAsiaPDv N DVYA 2.29e 4.7 49.00 39.41 4 48.80 68 48.95 47.87 +.67 +8.5siShEmMDv N DVYE 1.83e 4.5 40.48 30.82 171 40.32 409 40.48 39.06 +1.49 +16.6 iShGblSilv N SLVP .19e 1.7 17.10 7.90 87 11.35 481 11.86 10.68 +.51 +8.6 iShGblEnP N FILL .46e 2.4 21.26 16.73 3 19.32 43 19.45 18.75 +.26 -4.9 iShGblAgri N VEGI .55e 2.1 26.61 21.61 3 26.07 19 26.17 25.75 +.13 +4.4siShMsciWld N URTH 1.56e 2.0 78.40 65.57 10 78.12 395 78.43 77.10 +.67 +6.9siShEMAsia Q EEMA 1.23e 2.0 60.18 48.00 33 60.16 88 60.25 58.29 +2.35 +14.9siShEMktSC N EEMS 1.29e 2.8 45.85 38.67 6 45.90 278 45.90 44.50 +1.54 +13.5 iShEMkBd N LEMB .42e .9 46.35 41.68 91 45.58 303 45.64 44.37 +1.14 +6.4 iShWldMnV N ACWV 1.47e 1.9 78.24 71.80 55 77.48 752 77.61 76.30 +1.10 +6.7 iSEMMnVol N EEMV 1.42e 2.6 54.86 47.80 464 53.65 3930 53.69 52.08 +1.84 +9.7siShJpnSC N SCJ 1.23e 1.8 66.73 55.63 9 66.81 80 66.81 65.63 +1.00 +8.5 iShThai N THD 2.08e 2.7 76.95 64.01 106 76.02 891 76.48 73.55 +2.53 +5.5siShIsrael N EIS 1.07e 2.1 52.39 44.45 15 52.07 69 52.39 51.50 +1.35 +12.2siShChile N ECH .62e 1.5 42.27 34.14 359 42.31 1682 42.72 40.60 +1.76 +13.1 iShBRIC N BKF .96e 2.6 36.65 28.27 36 36.44 149 36.63 35.53 +1.19 +14.3 iShsUSA N EUSA .67e 1.3 50.75 41.61 6 50.20 180 50.45 49.54 +.61 +6.1 iShTurkey N TUR 1.10e 3.0 46.42 28.98 106 36.63 1926 36.67 34.80 +1.42 +12.8 iShSilver N SLV 19.71 14.09 2845 16.47 26570 16.57 15.94 +.32 +9.0 iShS&P100 N OEF 1.92e 1.8 106.85 88.37 537 106.08 3055 106.63 105.45 +6.8 iShMrnLV N JKF 2.46e 2.5 99.69 82.48 6 97.99 62 98.67 97.43 +.10 +4.1 iShIntlTBd Q IGOV .19e .2 102.17 88.19 39 91.01 205 91.10 89.40 +1.21 +1.3siShMrnLG N JKE 1.20e .9 132.48 111.60 6 132.07 45 132.48 131.03 +.70 +9.1 iShNewZea Q ENZL 2.01e 4.8 49.93 37.88 117 41.87 300 41.98 41.19 +.44 +5.4 iSh1-3yITB Q ISHG .20e .3 84.37 75.36 1 78.62 7 78.74 77.36 +.95 +3.1siShMrnLC N JKD 2.24e 1.6 143.66 116.19 22 142.88 97 143.66 141.85 +.04 +7.7 iShBrazSC N EWZS .40e 2.9 14.74 7.98 23 13.81 383 14.17 13.51 +.24 +25.9 iShIntlPfd N IPFF .96e 5.7 17.50 15.01 61 16.99 655 17.39 16.71 +.33 +7.9 iShSPTUS s N ITOT 55.08 45.14 675 54.58 3477 54.77 53.96 +.27 +6.4 iShSTNtMu N SUB .86 .8 106.67 104.44 60 105.45 344 105.51 105.31 -.02 +.4 iShAgcyBd N AGZ 1.81 1.6 117.44 110.31 24 112.53 157 112.78 111.85 +.19 -.1 iShSelDiv N DVY 2.59e 2.8 93.52 79.71 411 92.33 3665 92.86 90.99 +.81 +4.2siShGTimb Q WOOD .79e 1.4 58.01 42.80 15 57.74 88 58.01 56.58 +1.27 +7.7 iShTIPS N TIP .43e .4 117.55 110.90 1095 113.81 7520 113.83 112.61 +.85 +.6siShEurFn Q EUFN .74e 3.6 20.53 14.31 775 20.36 6154 20.53 19.81 +.12 +7.4siShAsiaexJ Q AAXJ 1.30e 2.1 63.04 50.53 2717 62.94 6776 63.04 61.11 +2.38 +14.6siShChinaLC N FXI .76e 1.9 39.40 31.04 13519 39.14 90753 39.40 38.05 +1.49 +12.8 iShTransp N IYT 1.70e 1.0 173.88 125.94 483 165.02 1877 167.98 163.83 -2.59 +1.3siShChinaSC N ECNS 1.28e 2.8 47.90 38.50 0 46.33 109 47.90 45.05 +1.69 +13.0 iSCorSP500 N IVV 4.38e 1.8 241.81 199.79 2516 239.59 14862 240.93 237.66 +.44 +6.5 iSMornMC N JKG 2.32e 1.4 170.02 141.07 9 168.20 74 168.75 165.72 +1.55 +6.9 iShEMInfr Q EMIF .93e 3.0 32.11 27.12 2 31.22 11 31.24 30.21 +1.01 +11.5 iShGClnEn Q ICLN .33e 3.8 9.68 7.73 81 8.71 532 8.79 8.52 +.17 +10.5 iShUSAgBd N AGG 2.65e 2.3 113.27 107.06 2210 107.89 10683 107.91 107.08 +.59 -.2siShEMkts N EEM .84e 2.1 39.65 31.70 63925 39.49 399305 39.65 38.29 +1.48 +12.8siShACWX Q ACWX 1.00e 2.3 43.58 36.36 419 43.57 1941 43.67 42.56 +.94 +8.2 iShiBoxIG N LQD 3.87 3.3 124.48 115.55 4440 116.82 21971 116.92 115.62 +.81 -.3siSh ACWI Q ACWI 1.43e 2.3 63.69 52.92 1595 63.51 9750 63.72 62.56 +.73 +7.3siSKokusai N TOK 1.37e 2.4 58.51 49.05 1 58.28 86 58.51 57.55 +.70 +7.2 iShCorUSTr N GOVT .33 1.3 26.45 24.72 510 24.89 5711 24.92 24.73 +.11 -.2 iSh2017Mu s N IBMF .23 .8 27.64 27.07 24 27.27 80 27.27 27.23 +.01 +.2siSEafeSC Q SCZ 1.24e 2.3 53.99 45.48 853 54.14 5700 54.25 52.95 +1.03 +8.6 iSGblTelcm N IXP 2.14e 3.5 64.52 55.36 12 60.51 74 60.59 58.89 +1.22 +3.0 iShEMBd N EMB 5.27e 4.7 118.14 107.74 2352 113.04 10924 113.09 111.32 +1.12 +2.6siShGblTech N IXN 1.11e .9 123.83 92.35 258 123.71 459 123.99 121.75 +1.68 +12.6 iShAaa-ACp N QLTA 1.51e 2.9 54.39 50.70 10 51.23 61 51.31 50.85 +.23 -.3 iSMrnMCG N JKH .59e .3 175.23 147.47 0 174.65 6 175.05 172.56 +1.96 +7.8 iShIndones N EIDO .38e 1.5 27.06 21.36 1162 25.62 4522 25.69 24.70 +.98 +6.2siSSP500Gr N IVW 2.03e 1.5 132.72 110.84 338 132.23 3204 132.72 130.99 +.71 +8.6 iShNYMuni N NYF 2.80 2.6 115.51 107.15 2 109.42 23 109.46 109.07 +.15 +.5 iShGblHcre N IXJ 2.72e 1.5 106.25 92.25 26 103.64 288 104.69 103.35 -.16 +9.3tiShGnmaBd Q GNMA .75e 1.5 51.33 48.97 28 49.39 212 49.50 48.97 +.12 -.6siShGblFin N IXG 1.34e 2.2 62.45 44.58 11 61.85 184 62.46 61.33 +.03 +7.0 iShUSAQlt N QUAL 1.04e 1.4 74.29 62.64 61 73.92 642 74.22 73.33 +.29 +7.0 iSSPGlbEn N IXC 1.05e 3.2 36.16 28.35 86 33.02 1062 33.23 32.14 +.24 -5.1 iShCalMuni N CMF 2.72 2.4 122.50 113.23 29 115.26 126 115.37 114.70 +.36 -.2 iSh CMBS N CMBS 1.00 2.0 53.70 50.05 13 51.08 88 51.12 50.60 +.26 iShUSASize N SIZE 1.26e 1.7 76.90 64.80 2 76.18 20 76.67 75.30 +.48 +6.1 iSGblInfra N IGF 1.17e 2.8 42.46 37.25 120 41.55 810 41.61 40.47 +.77 +6.4 iShNANatR N IGE .85e 2.5 37.62 28.67 174 34.09 1344 34.47 33.22 +.26 -5.2siSh JPXNik N JPXN 56.60 51.22 0 56.36 11 56.60 55.70 +.48 +6.3 iShUSAVal N VLUE 1.49e 2.0 75.57 58.20 67 73.78 2082 74.38 73.32 -.28 +5.1 iShLatAm N ILF .67e 2.1 33.05 23.34 1782 31.39 8462 31.88 30.52 +.66 +13.8siShUSAMo N MTUM .81e 1.0 83.04 71.38 127 82.87 739 83.12 81.92 +.71 +9.2 iShMrnMCV N JKI 2.72e 1.8 152.61 119.16 13 148.98 80 150.27 146.85 +.94 +3.1 iShPhilpns N EPHE .33e 1.0 40.48 30.43 133 34.63 1175 34.74 33.79 +.87 +6.8 iSSP500Val N IVE 2.14e 2.0 107.75 87.88 766 105.71 3794 106.50 105.04 -.15 +4.3 iShNMuBd N MUB 2.59 2.4 115.19 106.30 389 108.11 2431 108.20 107.69 +.37 -.1 iShUKSC bt N EWUS 1.38e 3.8 40.37 30.40 2 36.17 5 36.17 35.32 +.78 +6.6 iSRTop200V N IWX 1.17e 2.4 49.94 40.98 12 49.21 65 49.51 48.88 -.04 +4.7 iShIntlDev N WPS 1.16e 3.3 38.99 33.12 9 35.55 46 35.65 34.59 +.78 +5.8siShAsia50 N AIA .79e 1.5 52.72 40.24 14 52.65 168 52.72 51.08 +1.95 +13.9tiSh20 yrT N TLT 3.05 2.6 143.62 116.49 6438 118.64 41190 118.83 116.49 +1.39 -.4siSRTop200G N IWY .82e 1.3 61.92 51.37 95 61.71 370 62.05 61.27 +.22 +9.6 iSh7-10yTB N IEF 1.96 1.9 113.91 103.43 1106 104.73 8715 104.82 103.69 +.75 -.1 iShRTop200 N IWL 1.02e 1.9 54.91 45.54 6 54.59 16 54.81 54.20 +.14 +7.2siShIntSelDv N IDV 1.51e 4.4 31.45 26.40 535 31.53 3497 31.60 30.72 +.63 +6.7 iSh1-3yTB N SHY .52 .6 85.35 84.23 658 84.38 4531 84.41 84.24 +.09 -.1siS Eafe N EFA 1.70e 2.7 62.13 51.93 16588 62.23 97204 62.35 60.79 +1.18 +7.8siShGerSC bt N EWGS .69e 1.5 45.90 37.97 3 46.15 18 46.17 44.98 +.81 +11.4 iShEurRE Q IFEU .87e 2.5 39.41 31.43 5 34.18 30 34.18 32.60 +1.06 +2.7 iSRusMCV N IWS 1.59e 1.9 85.33 68.96 288 83.54 2629 83.92 82.05 +.78 +3.9 iShCrLTBd N ILTB 2.54 4.2 68.96 59.26 15 60.78 48 60.82 59.80 +.69 +.2 iSRusMCG N IWP 1.02e 1.0 104.76 88.29 183 104.43 1309 104.65 103.07 +1.02 +7.2 iShIntlRE Q IFGL 1.09e 4.0 30.99 25.78 46 27.59 517 27.64 26.79 +.66 +5.0siShEuroSC Q IEUS 1.08e 2.3 47.37 38.46 3 47.53 33 47.53 46.29 +.98 +8.5 iShNorC bt N ENOR .58e 2.5 23.45 18.33 5 22.79 45 22.83 21.99 +.65 +4.8 iShRusMid N IWR 2.85e 1.5 190.88 158.41 211 188.39 1400 189.07 185.50 +1.75 +5.3 iShMrnSC N JKJ 1.78e 1.1 162.98 127.56 3 160.00 37 160.42 156.88 +2.51 +2.4 iShIreland N EIRL .88e 1.6 41.63 33.37 4 40.48 28 40.57 39.56 +.40 +7.9 iSCorSPMid N IJH 1.89e 1.1 175.72 139.49 1518 172.72 7779 173.30 169.47 +1.89 +4.5 iSh10yCBd N CLY 2.67 4.6 64.42 57.15 46 58.62 367 58.70 57.64 +.67 -.1 iShiBxHYB N HYG 5.09 5.8 88.37 80.68 9536 87.08 69441 87.53 85.99 +.78 +.6siShFinlC bt N EFNL .51e 1.4 35.09 28.71 19 35.18 49 35.24 34.11 +.86 +6.9siShSft N IGV .12e .1 127.36 97.34 75 126.85 859 127.49 124.50 +1.90 +16.5 iShDenC bt N EDEN .81e 1.5 59.77 48.00 4 55.41 58 55.41 54.03 +1.26 +8.7siShs SOX Q SOXX 1.15e .8 136.67 84.83 610 136.34 2028 136.67 134.02 +1.82 +11.1siShIndia50 Q INDY .15e .5 32.14 25.32 129 31.92 756 32.14 31.53 +1.11 +16.8 iShNetw N IGN .25e .5 47.91 32.98 6 45.73 111 45.81 44.53 +.88 +4.8siShNATch N IGM .73e .5 138.97 104.31 28 138.34 95 138.97 136.47 +1.24 +11.7 iShNsdqBio Q IBB .09e 303.74 240.30 1653 295.28 6072 303.65 293.57 -5.32 +11.3 iShResRE N REZ 2.01e 3.2 69.29 58.02 42 62.85 185 63.19 61.08 +1.51 +1.4 iSh2019Mun N IBMH .27 1.1 25.98 25.15 34 25.44 125 25.50 25.43 -.05 +.4 iShC&SRE N ICF 2.97e 3.0 112.45 93.02 218 99.56 1159 100.02 96.90 +2.26 -.1 iShKLDSoc N DSI 1.11e 1.3 88.11 73.22 25 87.50 122 87.81 86.52 +.59 +6.2siShGbl100 N IOO 2.03e 2.5 82.18 67.40 7 82.13 67 82.25 80.84 +.80 +7.1 iSh2018Mu N IBMG .23 .9 25.72 25.29 25 25.45 103 25.51 25.45 -.04 +.2 iShConsSv N IYC 1.50e .9 161.00 136.88 10 159.98 144 160.19 158.33 +1.02 +5.9tiShMBS N MBB 3.04e 2.3 110.26 105.04 283 105.92 2523 105.96 105.04 +.51 -.4 iShGvCrBd N GBF 2.86 2.6 118.69 111.23 5 112.08 70 112.25 111.31 +.51 +.1siShIndia bt N INDA .24e .8 31.38 25.79 2824 31.12 20567 31.38 30.70 +1.07 +16.3 iSR1KVal N IWD 2.41e 2.1 118.74 97.02 1504 116.63 10461 117.41 115.54 +.13 +4.1 iSMrnSCG N JKK .87e .6 155.13 122.72 1 153.49 7 154.17 150.14 +2.58 +6.0siShPoland N EPOL .79e 3.5 22.31 16.02 1094 22.50 2798 22.56 21.38 +1.27 +24.2 iSMCGth N IJK 1.88e 1.0 194.97 157.35 93 192.34 500 192.86 189.08 +2.09 +5.6 iShIntGvC N GVI 1.99 1.8 114.00 109.01 148 109.73 523 109.87 109.18 +.34 -.1siSR1KGr N IWF 1.45e 1.3 114.70 95.45 1163 114.23 6907 114.70 113.28 +.48 +8.9 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 10 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
siSIndiaSC bt N SMIN .10e .2 41.74 29.36 21 40.66 175 41.74 39.34 +1.96 +24.4 iShCorUSCr N CRED 4.20 3.9 115.00 107.85 41 109.04 609 109.09 108.03 +.69 -.2 iSRus1K N IWB 2.36e 1.8 133.82 110.84 592 132.58 3206 133.23 131.39 +.42 +6.5 iSR2KVal N IWN 1.98e 1.7 122.47 89.54 499 119.23 4553 119.44 115.61 +2.42 +.2 iShIntCrBd N CIU 3.09 2.9 111.85 107.44 191 108.41 2096 108.44 107.81 +.44 +.2 iSh1-3CrBd N CSJ 1.52 1.4 106.12 104.50 268 105.01 1632 105.04 104.79 +.16 +.1 iSR2KGr N IWO 1.36e .8 163.50 125.97 323 162.25 1996 162.73 158.21 +2.53 +5.4 iSh10-20TB N TLH 2.99 2.3 148.75 131.10 11 132.81 136 134.69 131.16 +1.12 -.1siShFltRtB N FLOT .32 .6 50.86 50.07 670 50.85 3898 50.86 50.83 +.01 +.2 iShR2K N IWM 1.77e 1.3 140.86 105.74 26901 138.46 128953 138.73 134.56 +2.50 +2.7 iSh3-7yTrB N IEI 1.78 1.5 127.80 121.46 196 122.41 1591 122.52 121.71 +.52 -.1siShCorHiDv N HDV 2.90e 3.4 85.70 76.92 348 85.30 2012 85.70 84.54 +.28 +3.7 iSCorUSVal s N IUSV 52.19 42.04 220 51.23 2270 51.56 50.83 -.01 +4.3siSCorUSGr s N IUSG 46.75 38.84 360 46.60 2475 46.75 46.12 +.29 +8.6siShChina N MCHI 1.05e 2.1 50.50 39.24 1906 50.30 9698 50.50 49.07 +1.70 +15.0 iShShtTrB N SHV .03e 110.46 110.23 1848 110.28 4729 110.30 110.24 iShUSPfd N PFF 2.15a 5.6 40.34 36.70 1602 38.46 9188 38.48 37.87 +.56 +3.4 iSEafeMnV N EFAV 1.77e 2.7 69.07 60.63 438 65.88 3798 66.01 64.55 +1.29 +7.6 iSRus3K N IWV 2.47e 1.7 142.61 117.47 595 141.25 1911 141.83 139.76 +.63 +6.2 iSGblMatl N MXI 1.54e 2.6 60.38 45.97 10 59.63 541 59.97 57.85 +1.64 +8.8 iShUtils N IDU 4.54e 3.5 132.34 113.89 186 129.18 936 130.30 127.24 +1.77 +6.0siSUSAMinV N USMV .87e 1.8 48.41 43.05 1009 48.26 8227 48.41 47.74 +.38 +6.7 iSMrnSCV N JKL 2.98e 2.0 149.77 114.85 4 145.63 99 146.20 141.68 +2.38 +2.0 iShMCVal N IJJ 2.16e 1.4 152.99 119.92 151 149.84 896 150.32 146.71 +1.81 +3.2 iShGblUtil N JXI 1.73e 3.7 49.81 42.85 657 47.39 696 47.57 46.66 +.62 +6.0 iShTelecm N IYZ .68e 2.0 36.74 29.24 964 33.23 2621 33.30 32.21 +.85 -3.7siShTech N IYW 1.20e .9 135.26 99.51 75 134.96 1939 135.42 133.14 +1.04 +12.2 iShGblIndl N EXI 1.25e 1.6 80.84 65.42 5 80.55 75 80.74 79.05 +.84 +6.9 iShGblCStp N KXI 2.09e 2.1 101.62 89.34 7 99.61 50 100.00 98.14 +1.38 +8.2 iShREst N IYR 2.76e 3.5 85.80 72.11 10049 78.20 42578 78.43 76.20 +1.66 +1.6siSGblCnDis N RXI 1.24e 1.3 96.09 80.26 2 96.02 15 96.28 94.90 +1.01 +6.5 iSh0-5Tips N STIP 101.82 99.89 46 101.15 716 101.19 100.70 +.32 +.4siShHmCnst N ITB .09e .3 32.65 25.16 3415 32.36 15231 32.65 31.29 +.45 +17.8 iShInds N IYJ 1.65e 1.3 129.53 103.82 32 127.83 224 128.06 126.04 +.80 +6.0 iShAerosp N ITA 1.31e .9 154.46 114.97 252 152.52 1156 152.96 149.55 +2.13 +8.5siShHltcare N IYH 3.01e 1.9 160.58 137.30 123 157.95 381 160.58 157.83 -1.16 +9.6 iShFinSv N IYG 1.21e 1.1 116.22 75.41 180 112.83 851 114.55 112.72 -.87 +6.2 iShRegBks N IAT .61e 1.3 49.24 30.04 274 46.78 1122 47.48 46.49 -.40 +3.1 iShInsur N IAK .82e 1.3 62.87 47.25 15 61.60 91 62.22 61.40 -.07 +3.8 iShFincls N IYF 1.45e 1.4 109.36 80.64 463 106.41 2686 107.60 105.91 -.11 +4.9 iShBroker N IAI .65e 1.2 53.97 33.93 95 53.11 303 53.88 52.59 +.22 +7.3 iShUSEngy N IYE 1.14e 3.0 43.31 33.68 711 38.56 4279 38.89 37.62 +.15 -7.2 iShESGSel N KLD 1.14e 1.2 99.26 81.96 11 98.76 59 99.09 97.64 +.78 +7.3 iShCrSPS s N IJR 70.98 53.88 2111 69.79 15125 69.94 67.68 +1.49 siShMedDev N IHI 1.57e 1.0 152.73 118.39 47 151.65 553 152.73 150.28 +.14 +13.9siShConsGd N IYK 2.43e 2.0 120.95 107.85 7 120.51 77 121.06 119.34 +.99 +8.8 iShHltcPrv N IHF .24e .2 137.75 111.40 10 134.88 67 136.15 133.97 -.58 +7.7siShCorTInt N IXUS 1.42e 2.6 54.85 45.70 251 54.86 1915 54.94 53.51 +1.24 +8.7 iShPharm N IHE 3.11e 1.0 158.11 129.20 19 151.67 109 154.26 151.11 -1.91 +7.2 iShBasM N IYM 1.42e 1.6 90.40 71.62 90 89.48 389 89.89 87.65 +1.37 +7.6 iShPeru N EPU .34e 1.0 36.58 24.22 260 33.63 1167 33.98 32.31 +.93 +2.5siShCorEafe N IEFA 1.55e 2.7 57.77 48.33 2353 57.86 12971 57.99 56.55 +1.05 +7.9 iShOilEq N IEZ .86e 2.1 49.11 33.65 39 41.68 277 42.19 39.90 +.30 -8.3 iShDJ US N IYY 2.01e 1.7 120.51 99.15 30 119.47 131 119.98 118.25 +.49 +6.6 iShO&GEx N IEO 1.06e 1.8 70.34 49.94 80 60.15 467 60.72 58.08 +.73 -8.1siShAggrAllo N AOA .98e 2.0 50.03 43.77 50 49.99 208 50.08 49.29 +.57 +5.9 iShCrShUS s N ISTB 51.04 49.69 88 49.98 601 49.99 49.77 +.12 siShEurope N IEV 1.19e 2.9 41.71 34.52 508 41.75 4084 41.84 40.60 +.92 +7.6siShGroAllo N AOR .81e 1.9 42.36 38.54 62 42.37 452 42.41 41.80 +.45 +4.4 iSRusMic N IWC 1.08e 1.3 87.82 65.06 18 85.57 146 85.68 82.70 +1.85 -.3siShModAllo N AOM .71e 2.0 36.32 34.25 71 36.30 345 36.34 35.90 +.29 +3.0 iShMorMl bt N IYLD 1.33e 5.1 25.50 23.50 24 24.92 167 24.96 24.53 +.27 +2.5siSMsciVal N EFV 1.87e 3.7 50.34 39.87 1817 50.40 6755 50.54 49.16 +.78 +6.7 iSSCVal N IJS 1.73e 1.2 144.90 108.58 86 139.92 473 140.23 135.75 +2.88 -.1 iShConsAllo N AOK .64e 1.9 33.57 31.93 19 33.19 207 33.21 32.84 +.27 +2.0 iShEafeGr N EFG 1.37e 2.0 69.52 61.05 88 69.12 702 69.30 67.58 +1.46 +8.5 iShSCGrth N IJT 1.41e .9 155.92 118.71 84 154.37 432 154.66 149.68 +3.49 +2.9 iShB3-18xF s N IBCC 25.03 24.58 2 24.66 21 24.66 24.60 +.04 +.1 iShiB3-20F s N IBCD 25.14 24.31 11 24.61 35 24.62 24.51 +.04 iShiB3-23x s N IBCE 25.77 23.90 3 24.03 21 24.20 23.90 +.01 -.6 iShBd3-18 s N IBDB 25.86 25.52 5 25.63 103 25.65 25.60 +.01 +.1 iShBd3-23 s N IBDD 28.39 25.88 5 26.21 52 26.25 26.03 +.05 -.1 iShBd3-20 s N IBDC 27.47 25.90 8 26.14 53 26.18 26.04 +.03 +.2 iStar N STAR 19 12.83 8.67 699 11.63 1577 11.77 11.29 +.09 -6.0 iStar pfD N STARpD 2.00 8.2 25.20 21.30 1 24.49 13 24.69 24.49 +.02 iStar pfE N STARpE 1.97 8.2 24.92 20.95 4 24.14 23 24.47 24.14 -.14 -.5 iStar pfF N STARpF 1.95 8.0 24.99 20.68 0 24.39 8 24.44 24.28 +.14 iStar pfG N STARpG 1.91 8.0 24.84 20.21 4 23.75 20 24.21 23.56 -.25 -1.7 iStar pfI N STARpI 1.87 7.8 24.98 20.70 23.98 6 24.09 23.70 +.05 -.1 ITT Inc N ITT .50 1.2 22 44.00 30.06 1029 40.96 3107 41.91 40.12 +.83 +6.2 Itus Cp hrs Q ITUS 6.82 2.44 7 3.10 63 3.50 3.05 -.30 -42.6 IaoKunGrp Q IKGH .03e 10.3 4 1.74 .16 90 .29 438 .32 .27 -.02 +3.6 Iberiabnk Q IBKC 1.44 1.8 19 91.10 47.87 1191 80.80 3327 81.90 79.55 +.45 -3.5 Iberia pfB Q IBKCP 1.66 6.2 28.20 24.90 3 26.64 28 26.97 26.35 -.20 -.4 iBio N IBIO .80 .33 73 .45 666 .54 .39 -.08 +12.7 Icahn Ent Q IEP 6.00 11.4 66.92 45.42 63 52.44 393 53.47 51.67 -.33 -12.5sIchorHld n Q ICHR 19.30 9.76 380 18.95 859 19.36 17.32 +1.64 +75.1 Icon PLC Q ICLR 28 88.90 62.31 384 79.75 2203 81.43 79.04 -.93 +6.1 IconixBrnd Q ICON 8 10.80 6.26 1330 7.22 4494 7.55 7.05 -.20 -22.7 Idacorp N IDA 2.20 2.7 21 83.99 69.83 399 82.31 1088 82.72 79.90 +2.05 +2.2 IdealPower Q IPWR 6.63 2.00 66 3.49 277 3.49 2.88 +.52 +5.8sIdentive lf Q INVE 6.88 1.61 219 7.21 954 7.29 5.18 +1.93 +126.7 IderaPhm Q IDRA 3.33 1.19 2193 2.06 7274 2.08 1.79 +.13 +37.3 IDEX N IEX 1.36f 1.5 25 96.24 77.93 522 92.63 1793 93.82 91.58 +.39 +2.9 Ignyta Q RXDX 9.90 4.15 235 8.80 1095 8.93 8.05 +.25 +66.0 iKangHlth Q KANG 20 22.58 13.72 691 14.85 2613 15.94 14.37 -1.06 -14.3 Ikonics Q IKNX 13.95 9.50 9.90 3 9.90 9.74 +.10 -12.0sITW N ITW 2.60 1.9 24 136.02 98.32 2537 135.50 6332 136.02 132.72 +1.48 +10.6 Illumina Q ILMN 51 186.88 119.37 1800 160.42 5852 167.35 158.02 -6.80 +25.3 ImageSens Q ISNS 6.39 2.10 9 3.40 106 3.70 2.75 +.55 -8.1 Imax Corp N IMAX 67 35.30 26.48 1367 33.65 3322 34.03 32.55 +.50 +7.2 Immersn h Q IMMR 11.92 5.90 520 8.85 1388 8.94 8.20 +.52 -16.7 ImmuCell Q ICCC 43 8.24 4.76 3 5.60 15 5.79 5.31 +.28 -5.9 ImmuneDs Q IMDZ 16.94 4.50 209 7.15 678 7.30 6.01 +.80 +30.0 ImmuneP h Q IMNP .64 .16 1323 .16 8678 .18 .16 -.00 -9.9 ImunoCll rs N IMUC 13.60 1.83 93 2.58 250 2.67 2.42 -.02 +25.9 ImunoGn Q IMGN 9.78 1.51 2121 3.58 11755 4.06 3.37 -.15 +75.5sImunmd Q IMMU 6.65 1.95 5569 6.45 20395 6.65 6.05 +.11 +75.7tImpacMtg N IMH 4 18.50 12.55 71 12.85 254 13.10 12.55 +.21 -8.3 ImpaxLabs Q IPXL 37.20 7.75 2353 9.40 10333 9.95 8.80 +.55 -29.1 ImpOil g N IMO .60 12 36.85 29.26 243 30.92 1440 31.35 30.04 +.39 -11.0 Imperva Q IMPV 57.24 31.11 708 41.10 2246 43.00 40.95 -1.55 +7.0 Impinj n Q PI 41.91 16.36 673 28.73 2909 29.17 27.82 +.78 -18.7 ImprimisP Q IMMY 4.47 1.65 73 2.32 254 2.57 2.30 -.15 -7.2sIncyte Q INCY 153.15 60.30 3106 147.96 14570 153.15 145.29 -1.28 +47.6 IndCDrillg N ICD 7.30 3.70 298 5.40 1968 5.63 4.75 -19.4 IndepHld N IHC .12f .6 18 21.23 15.05 109 20.30 140 20.40 16.55 +3.55 +3.8 IndepRT N IRT .72a 7.7 8 10.70 6.48 970 9.32 2322 9.39 8.57 +.44 +4.5 IndBkMA Q INDB 1.28f 1.9 22 71.95 42.44 291 65.95 603 66.20 63.70 +1.60 -6.4 IndBkMI Q IBCP .40 1.9 21 22.40 13.42 132 21.10 325 21.35 20.75 +.10 -2.8 IndepBkTX Q IBTX .44f .7 23 66.85 25.50 247 66.50 620 66.70 61.96 +4.30 +6.6 IndiaFd N IFN 1.82e 1.9 26.29 20.39 52 24.46 544 24.55 23.74 +.96 +14.4 IndiaGCap N IGC .67 .19 902 .44 1680 .48 .29 +.15 +58.6 IndoTel s N TLK .67 34.65 24.69 301 30.97 1581 31.06 29.37 +1.66 +6.2 IndSvAm lf Q IDSA 3.35 1.10 93 2.05 158 2.20 1.80 +.12 +14.5 IndBach N IBA .87e 1.7 56.10 45.32 13 51.95 42 52.26 49.77 +1.40 +6.0 Infinera Q INFN 17.04 7.23 2051 11.13 9132 11.51 10.15 +.65 +31.1 InnityPh Q INFI 6.84 .84 1848 3.55 5468 3.55 2.71 +.56 +163.0 InfPrCas Q IPCC 2.32f 2.4 26 99.55 73.80 145 97.75 301 98.50 94.45 +3.35 +11.2 InfoSvcs Q III .20f 6.2 23 4.32 3.02 159 3.24 551 3.30 3.08 +.11 -11.0 InfoSonic h Q IFON 1.14 .35 24 .52 325 .60 .52 -.05 +36.8 Infosys N INFY .62e 4.0 11 20.47 13.42 15644 15.34 40578 15.91 15.22 -.16 +3.4 InfrREIT n N HIFR 1.00 5.6 17 19.50 14.59 340 17.89 850 17.91 16.75 +.81 -.1 InfuSystem N INFU 3.75 1.55 15 2.25 104 2.25 2.05 +.10 -11.8 IngerRd N IR 1.60 2.0 18 82.17 59.10 1840 80.99 6925 81.27 78.64 +1.50 +7.9sIngevity N NGVT 60.28 24.50 688 60.72 1750 60.99 58.70 +1.62 +10.7 InglesMk h Q IMKTA .66 1.5 17 52.40 33.50 99 45.20 213 45.40 42.85 +1.90 -6.0 Ingredion N INGR 2.00f 1.7 17 140.00 104.19 676 120.00 2403 121.18 118.92 -.41 -4.0 InnerWkgs Q INWK 11.00 6.84 207 9.80 675 9.85 9.30 +.46 -.5 Innocoll Q INNL 12.94 .53 3213 1.25 31894 2.58 .76 +.45 +81.2tInnodata Q INOD 2.80 1.90 17 1.95 149 2.05 1.90 -.05 -20.4 Innophos Q IPHS 1.92 3.5 22 58.22 26.61 246 54.43 587 54.65 51.70 +.43 +4.2 Innospec Q IOSP .68f 1.1 19 74.75 41.61 248 63.30 785 63.65 58.06 +1.05 -7.6 InnovInd n N IIPR 20.52 14.50 157 17.04 278 17.50 15.45 +1.54 -6.3 InnovSolu Q ISSC 63 4.36 2.49 7 3.14 67 3.22 3.06 -5.7 Innoviva Q INVA 1.00 7.7 20 14.15 8.67 1489 12.95 7366 12.98 12.30 +.28 +21.0 Innsuites N IHT .01 .5 3.09 1.58 2 2.02 12 2.15 1.85 +.19 -10.2 Inogen Q INGN 99 79.94 33.00 333 76.13 1343 76.33 71.85 +4.70 +13.3 InotekPh n Q ITEK 10.90 1.50 1047 1.88 7681 1.90 1.65 +.18 -69.3 Inovalon n Q INOV .12p 36 20.05 8.60 528 12.15 3245 12.50 11.85 +.15 +18.0 InovioPhm Q INO 11.69 5.85 1180 6.13 5344 6.88 6.04 -.55 -11.7 Inphi N IPHI 20 51.78 25.89 1318 45.57 6476 46.30 41.62 +1.86 +2.1 Inpixon rs Q INPX 11.09 2.40 20 2.96 115 3.46 2.83 -.40 -19.1 InseegoCp Q INSG 3.80 1.06 224 2.11 1302 2.44 2.08 -.28 -13.5 InsightEnt Q NSIT 19 46.00 23.31 341 43.73 1038 44.02 42.10 +1.63 +8.1stInsightS n N INSI 19.03 18.64 14 18.86 75 19.03 18.64 -.3 Insignia s Q ISIG .70e 2.13 1.23 1 1.35 38 1.47 1.27 +.09 -23.2 Insmed Q INSM 17.32 9.02 671 16.07 1798 16.36 15.58 -.26 +21.5sInsperity N NSP 1.00 1.1 25 90.55 50.61 261 89.25 666 90.55 87.25 +.45 +25.8tInspMD rs N NSPR 15.43 .85 489 .96 1771 1.23 .85 -.22 -61.6sInstlldBPd N IBP 44 52.40 24.44 360 52.45 1044 52.60 49.10 +2.80 +27.0 Insteel Q IIIN .12a .3 18 42.81 22.50 204 35.37 713 36.14 34.50 +.36 -.8 InstFnMkts N IFMI .08 6.3 7 1.65 .76 69 1.26 286 1.27 1.05 +.04 +5.9 Instructre n N INST 26.92 16.03 336 25.00 1475 25.20 22.65 +1.75 +27.9 Insulet Q PODD 48.23 26.50 423 44.57 1696 45.30 44.00 -.34 +18.3 InsysTher s Q INSY 26 21.22 8.70 799 9.97 4136 11.22 9.80 -1.13 +8.4 IntecPhm n Q NTEC 6.36 3.03 7 5.00 62 5.10 4.80 +.30 -12.3sIntegerHl N ITGR 40.20 18.10 430 40.80 975 40.95 37.10 +3.55 +38.5 IntegLfSc s Q IART 26 45.87 31.68 1043 43.32 3093 43.79 41.96 +.17 +1.0 IntgDv Q IDTI 21 26.66 18.49 2734 24.46 6913 24.58 23.80 +.60 +3.8 Intel Q INTC 1.04 2.9 15 38.45 29.50 27594 35.27 154544 36.04 34.66 -.64 -2.8 Intellia n Q NTLA 30.40 10.83 222 14.38 1026 14.95 13.08 +.27 +9.7 Intellichk N IDN 3.20 1.14 72 2.46 135 2.61 2.22 -.02 -10.5 IntellgSys N INS 4.85 3.17 0 4.70 9 4.75 4.39 +.03 +10.8 Intelliph Q IPCI 3.35 1.41 148 2.43 954 2.62 2.35 -.06 -14.4 Intelsat N I 5.87 2.12 721 4.25 2179 4.27 3.88 +.26 +59.2sIntParfum Q IPAR .68 1.8 35 37.85 26.80 214 37.35 814 37.85 33.72 +3.05 +14.0 InterXion N INXN 40.00 32.21 252 39.20 1668 39.45 38.68 +.04 +11.8 InteractB Q IBKR .40 1.1 28 41.40 31.97 501 36.35 2019 37.38 36.16 -.62 -.4 InterceptP Q ICPT 177.93 96.63 203 125.23 1357 129.84 121.65 -2.27 +15.3sIntcntlExc s N ICE 2.07e 3.4 11 61.58 45.88 4666 61.40 18190 61.98 60.02 +1.34 +8.8 IntCtlHtls N IHG 1.36e 2.8 48.64 34.63 113 48.23 597 48.30 46.49 +1.32 +8.8 InterDig Q IDCC 1.20 1.4 10 102.30 51.97 459 85.45 1792 86.80 83.40 +1.15 -6.5 Interface Q TILE .24 1.3 17 19.93 14.56 562 19.15 2318 19.45 18.95 -.15 +3.2 IntlnkEl n Q LINK 13.10 6.75 3 9.50 3 9.50 9.00 +.79 +35.4 Intermolec Q IMI 2.92 .78 76 .98 327 1.07 .90 -.06 +3.4sInternap Q INAP 3.55 .80 2340 3.53 10927 3.60 2.99 +.45 +129.2 IntlBcsh Q IBOC .58 1.5 19 42.25 22.96 669 37.95 1274 38.00 36.65 +.70 -7.0 IBM N IBM 5.60 3.2 13 182.79 142.50 5496 175.65 20168 179.00 174.75 -2.18 +5.8 IntFlav N IFF 2.24 1.7 24 143.64 111.74 1184 132.10 3432 132.24 124.62 +6.77 +12.1 IntlGmeT n N IGT .80 3.2 32.07 16.65 942 24.70 4746 24.90 23.35 +1.20 -3.2 IntPap N IP 1.85f 3.6 17 58.86 39.24 3510 51.36 14980 51.81 50.28 +.66 -3.2 IntlSeaw n N INSW 19.35 10.66 703 18.90 2114 19.19 18.53 +.42 +34.6 IntlSpdw Q ISCA .41f 1.1 22 39.95 30.05 272 36.85 699 37.00 36.00 +.60 +.1 IntTower g N THM 1.40 .28 106 .50 897 .58 .48 -8.3 IntrntGold Q IGLD 18.00 9.56 0 10.58 4 10.81 10.05 -.33 -11.1 IntrpDia rs Q IDXG 19.80 .70 303 2.25 1158 2.64 2.10 -.34 -48.9 Interpublic N IPG .72f 2.9 17 25.33 21.32 5594 24.58 15727 24.70 24.17 +.35 +5.0 IntersENT Q XENT 20.64 7.65 261 16.40 880 16.45 14.60 +1.00 +35.5 Intersectns Q INTX 4.23 1.70 18 3.85 43 3.86 3.60 +.17 -3.5 IntstP pfD N IPLpD 1.28 5.0 29.30 22.70 2 25.25 16 25.73 25.09 -.44 +3.7 inTestCorp N INTT 6.85 3.48 62 6.40 460 6.75 6.05 -.10 +39.1sIntevac Q IVAC 12.00 3.99 224 11.45 1267 12.00 10.75 +.95 +33.9 IntraCellu Q ITCI 45.20 10.43 544 15.16 2038 15.94 14.40 +.65 +.5 IntwstRsts N SNOW 23 25.30 7.80 135 23.11 589 23.34 21.86 -.36 +29.5 IntPotash N IPI 3.04 .85 2756 1.47 15507 1.70 1.24 -.18 -29.3 Intrexon N XON 25 39.49 20.20 1683 20.99 8119 23.74 20.45 -2.79 -13.6 IntriCon Q IIN 8.25 4.12 6 8.25 117 8.25 7.43 +.25 +19.6 Intuit Q INTU 1.36 1.1 37 128.45 98.71 1573 123.92 8292 125.36 123.69 -1.02 +8.1sIntSurg Q ISRG 37 751.43 561.02 562 749.83 2115 752.20 727.38 +15.67 +18.2 Inuvo N INUV 27 2.31 1.00 109 1.36 316 1.47 1.22 -.01 -18.6 Invacare N IVC .05 .4 14.06 8.00 588 12.50 1347 12.70 11.25 +.80 -4.2 InvenSense N INVN 12.92 5.42 1162 12.40 4214 12.50 12.35 +.02 -3.0tInventrgy rs Q INVT 3.30 .34 138 .36 1097 .47 .34 -.10 -52.0tInventure Q SNAK 10.15 4.73 322 4.91 880 5.08 4.73 -.01 -50.2 InvHiIn23 n N IHIT 10.50 9.94 15 10.00 165 10.05 9.96 +.01 -2.2 InvAdvMu2 N VKI .78 7.1 13.57 10.68 64 10.96 393 10.99 10.80 +.18 -2.0 Inv Bond N VBF .83a 4.5 19.54 17.85 32 18.51 150 18.51 18.17 +.26 +.1 InvCAVal N VCV .79 6.5 14.83 11.78 39 12.13 319 12.15 12.01 +.06 -.1 InvDynCrd N VTA .90 7.3 12.59 10.41 240 12.40 1560 12.44 12.19 +.16 +.8 InvHiInc2 N VLT 1.24 8.7 14.87 13.08 15 14.25 87 14.31 14.10 +.02 Invsco iim N IIM .84 5.9 17.92 14.16 212 14.26 1206 14.36 14.16 +.05 -2.5 Invesco N IVZ 1.12 3.6 14 33.46 23.02 4963 31.23 15652 32.81 31.11 -.56 +2.9 InvMtgCap N IVR 1.60 10.3 10 16.28 11.53 1670 15.51 4625 15.53 14.76 +.53 +6.2 InvMtg pfA N IVRpA 1.94 7.7 26.39 22.00 5 25.15 27 25.36 24.70 +.45 +3.4 InvMtg pfB N IVRpB 1.94 7.8 26.25 21.75 13 24.92 64 24.95 24.44 +.62 +3.5 Invsco oia N OIA .39 5.3 8.30 6.91 53 7.43 353 7.47 7.31 +.10 +3.6 InvMuOpTr N VMO .88 6.8 15.13 12.27 124 12.87 691 12.99 12.73 +.11 +1.0 InvMuniTr N VKQ .82 6.7 14.34 11.89 108 12.23 965 12.28 12.05 +.13 -.2 InvPAVal N VPV .79 6.6 14.69 11.83 55 11.96 287 12.01 11.83 +.05 -1.6 Invsco iqi N IQI .76 6.3 14.12 12.01 81 12.11 539 12.19 12.01 +.10 -2.3 InvSrInco N VVR .31 6.7 4.77 3.94 462 4.69 2594 4.71 4.63 +.02 +1.1 InvTrIG N VGM .88 6.9 14.99 12.34 97 12.79 431 12.84 12.65 +.10 +.3 InvTrNY N VTN .85 6.4 16.68 13.01 20 13.23 124 13.32 13.13 +.08 -.3sInvestar Q ISTR .08f .4 22 21.85 14.40 409 21.75 530 22.50 21.20 +.50 +16.6 InvTech N ITG .28 1.4 45 22.92 15.04 393 20.45 982 21.12 20.11 +.13 +3.6 InvestBncp Q ISBC .32 2.2 24 15.11 10.67 2950 14.59 8777 14.61 14.16 +.09 +4.6 InvRlEst N IRET .52 9.0 58 7.51 5.60 1550 5.79 3933 5.96 5.71 -.03 -18.8 InvRET pfB N IRETpB 1.99 7.8 26.54 24.96 10 25.67 48 25.67 25.50 +.03 +1.1 InvTitl Q ITIC .80 .6 13 174.10 82.13 6 128.42 20 133.70 126.47 -7.29 -18.8 Invitae n N NVTA 11.85 5.76 288 10.36 942 10.65 10.15 -.28 +30.5 InvitHm n N INVH 22.15 19.80 8057 21.60 13379 21.84 21.05 +.20 +8.0tInVivoTh rs Q NVIV 9.15 3.80 279 4.00 1165 4.10 3.80 -4.8 Invuity n Q IVTY 14.25 4.50 82 8.15 305 8.25 7.40 +.15 +41.7 IonisPhm Q IONS 57.00 19.59 2637 40.22 9903 43.57 39.32 -1.62 -15.9 iPBetaCmd N BCM 28.17 23.71 4 26.80 44 26.82 26.32 +.10 -1.7 iPBtaCocoa N CHOC 47.60 28.28 2 30.31 22 31.25 29.79 +1.65 -5.1 iPBetaCoff N CAFE 17.80 12.56 2 13.83 13 14.09 13.65 -.03 +1.3 iPBetaCrOil N OLEM 18.17 13.34 1 15.21 14 15.21 14.76 +.00 -12.4 iPBtaLvstk N LSTK 43.70 33.31 41.19 3 41.19 40.62 +.89 +4.7 iPTr5yBear Q DFVS 32.96 22.50 0 31.51 4 32.33 31.51 -.54 -2.0 iRadimed Q IRMD 11 22.53 7.85 56 8.25 234 8.70 7.90 -.30 -25.7 Iridex Q IRIX 16.64 9.60 46 13.91 164 13.95 13.08 -.10 -1.1 IridiumCm Q IRDM 10 11.54 6.80 1514 9.15 5185 9.25 8.40 +.70 -4.7 IronMtn N IRM 2.20 6.3 26 41.50 30.75 1907 35.06 6912 35.10 33.43 +1.37 +7.9 IronwdPh Q IRWD 18.53 9.06 980 17.56 7029 17.75 16.78 +.19 +14.8 iShItaly rs N EWI 25.67 19.62 1258 25.40 5480 25.53 24.36 +.72 +4.9siShJapan rs N EWJ 52.09 43.40 5238 51.83 31697 52.09 51.20 +.49 +6.1 iSMlasia rs N EWM 36.04 27.58 1158 30.58 4100 30.70 29.88 +.63 +8.9 iShSing rs N EWS 22.82 19.86 366 22.74 2923 22.78 22.22 +.41 +14.1siSTaiwn rs N EWT 33.37 24.70 3865 33.29 24265 33.37 32.16 +1.27 +13.3 iSh UK rs N EWU 33.13 27.60 1317 32.66 10250 32.73 31.63 +1.00 +6.4 iSh0-5IGCp N SLQD .79 1.6 52.09 49.91 58 50.24 196 50.29 50.11 +.05 +.1 iShCmdOpT N CMDT 39.52 32.08 0 36.02 14 36.65 35.52 +.43 -1.7 iShCvBd N ICVT .67e 51.48 42.34 4 51.22 1019 51.32 50.92 +.23 +5.3siShCorEM N IEMG 1.09e 2.3 48.08 38.86 11153 47.95 60855 48.08 46.47 +1.80 +13.0 iShColomC N ICOL .43e 3.3 14.09 11.50 1 13.22 21 13.32 12.78 +.24 +2.2siShFSIntSC N ISCF .12p 26.60 22.70 4 26.55 8 26.61 25.96 +.66 +10.7siShFacSIntl N INTF .17p 25.04 20.95 13 25.02 82 25.09 24.52 +.41 +7.7 iShFS USA N LRGF .19e 28.62 22.96 90 28.34 642 28.48 27.99 +.23 +6.1 iShFSUsaSC N SMLF .23e 36.78 28.24 3 35.85 16 35.88 35.14 +.71 +1.2 iShFacSGbl N ACWF .11p 26.18 22.27 4 25.99 16 25.99 25.46 +.68 +7.8siShMgRE rs N REM 45.17 37.10 273 45.20 1094 45.21 43.78 +.94 +7.5siShExpoTc N XT .14p 29.72 22.88 63 29.62 532 29.72 29.20 +.30 +10.6 iSh0-5HYCp N SHYG 2.38 5.0 48.04 44.44 293 47.48 1749 47.68 47.11 +.25 +.3 iShDvlValu N IVLU 24.32 18.86 54 23.52 132 23.55 23.03 +.29 +6.3 iSh 3-10yr n N IMTB 50.06 48.36 3 48.88 19 49.71 48.43 +.31 +.3 iShSaudi N KSA 25.84 19.81 1 24.56 27 24.73 23.78 +.03 -2.7 iSh MinVl n N SMMV 27.04 23.65 8 26.94 56 26.94 26.33 +.61 +3.7 iShIntDevM N IMTM .30p 27.44 23.88 5 26.80 22 26.92 26.02 +.51 +8.0siShIntDevQ N IQLT .55p 26.39 23.16 1 26.25 9 26.39 25.70 +.45 +7.1 iShLwCarb N CRBN .94p 105.98 87.26 16 104.53 49 105.51 103.07 +1.05 +8.1 iShFallAn n Q FALN 27.60 24.79 1 27.11 33 27.13 26.77 +.29 +1.3siShCHdEM N HEEM 1.26e 2.1 22.96 19.57 18 22.78 692 22.96 22.40 +.51 +7.4 iShMsciChA N CNYA 27.92 24.52 1 26.33 3 27.14 26.33 +.17 +6.6siSh ESG Opt Q ESGD 59.86 53.81 12 60.05 27 60.12 58.66 +1.11 +7.7siSh IntDvGr N IGRO 52.92 45.50 4 52.50 20 52.92 51.00 +1.24 +7.3siSh GlImp n Q MPCT .23p 51.12 45.35 4 51.32 11 51.32 50.44 +1.45 +7.5siShMultiTc N TCHF 33.70 27.20 0 33.69 4 33.70 33.25 +.34 +11.7siShMultHl N HCRF 28.02 24.50 1 27.91 8 28.02 27.77 +.12 +11.3siSh MultFin N FNCF 32.45 24.11 1 32.05 4 32.47 31.98 +.05 +6.4 iShMultiEn N ERGF 29.12 24.50 1 26.13 4 26.13 25.55 +.19 -7.0 iShIntHdHi N HYGH 4.56 5.0 92.18 81.71 5 90.50 28 91.02 89.72 +.53 +1.0 iShCTotBd s N IUSB 53.76 49.81 45 50.20 1652 50.22 49.82 +.29 -.1 iShCDivGr N DGRO .65e 2.1 31.09 25.87 309 30.89 1948 31.04 30.65 +.06 +6.9siShCHEmu N HEZU .64e 1.8 28.17 22.25 265 28.20 3463 28.26 27.74 +.35 +6.0 iShGblReit N REET .94e 3.7 28.84 24.19 70 25.39 579 25.44 24.60 +.65 +.6 iShCoreInt N IAGG 54.18 50.99 33 51.49 111 52.24 51.26 +.21 -.7siShCorePac N IPAC 1.06e 2.0 52.84 44.22 35 52.72 310 52.84 51.84 +.71 +8.0 iShEurMV N HEUV .98 4.1 25.92 21.60 23.62 42 23.62 23.47 +.10 +5.4siShCHGer N HEWG .68e 1.7 27.34 21.13 113 27.28 1186 27.37 27.06 +.24 +5.6 iShIntHdCp N LQDH 2.76 2.9 95.12 90.12 3 94.47 113 94.61 93.95 +.31 +.4 iShCHCda N HEWC 1.41e 1.8 25.88 21.44 25.45 7 25.49 25.17 +.25 +1.8 iShJpMinV N JPMV .70e 1.2 62.56 54.97 7 59.85 23 60.01 59.20 +.77 +5.2siShEafeMV N HEFV 25.68 23.89 0 25.66 7 25.68 25.53 +.18 +4.4 iShEuMinV N EUMV .67e 2.9 24.44 20.51 7 22.73 26 22.73 22.17 +.50 +7.1siShCorEur N IEUR 1.18e 2.7 43.74 36.31 254 43.78 746 43.87 42.61 +.90 +7.6 iShxJMinV N AXJV .84p 51.33 28.29 2 31.81 9 31.82 31.21 +.91 +9.5 iSh2022Mu N IBMK .09e 26.54 24.98 66 25.56 149 25.57 25.45 +.01 +.9 iSh UAE Q UAE .53e 3.2 18.00 15.34 16.81 4 16.97 16.68 +.08 +1.6 iSh Qatar Q QAT .85e 21.11 17.55 1 19.20 23 19.65 19.04 -.40 +.7 iShYdOpBd N BYLD .75 3.0 25.35 24.45 11 24.70 28 24.71 24.48 +.16 +.2 iSh2021Mu N IBMJ .07e 26.27 24.92 27 25.52 91 25.54 25.42 -.01 +.9 iSHgxUSHY N HHYX .67e 26.66 24.14 26.54 4 26.62 25.92 -.05 +1.6 iShRussia rs N ERUS 35.08 24.54 1343 32.44 3078 32.51 30.48 +2.05 -3.2siSCHeafe N HEFA .70e 1.7 27.57 22.42 646 27.55 4797 27.57 27.26 +.18 +5.5 iShCHMex N HEWW 1.41p 24.01 19.99 2 21.06 8 21.06 20.32 +.47 +3.2 iShH10yCBd N CLYH .31e 25.26 23.36 0 25.11 3 25.13 24.99 +.04 +.9siShCHSpain N HEWP .31p 22.19 16.72 5 22.27 69 22.29 21.43 +.61 +11.4 iShHEmBd N EMBH .30e 26.00 23.89 1 25.95 3 25.99 25.72 +.12 +3.1 iShCHItaly N HEWI .55p 19.59 13.45 1 15.59 12 15.61 15.23 +.39 +3.2 iShShMMu N MEAR .27e 52.06 49.65 14 49.88 21 50.00 49.87 -.09 +.2siSCHEafSC N HSCZ .19p 27.06 21.94 3 27.11 15 27.14 26.88 +.18 +6.2siShCHAcxUs N HAWX 1.38e 4.3 24.42 20.80 4 24.39 117 24.48 24.14 +.25 +5.6 iShGbMM rs N PICK 30.75 18.02 41 29.21 1522 29.55 27.36 +1.86 +13.5 iShCmdSel Q COMT .39e 1.2 35.41 27.67 8 33.23 136 33.63 32.61 +.32 -3.1 iShGblGld rs N RING 26.78 15.48 70 18.82 498 19.58 17.70 +.86 +9.9 iShTrFRBd N TFLO .07e .1 50.30 48.97 3 50.16 9 50.17 50.13 +.01 iShCH UK N HEWU .24p 26.21 21.60 23 24.00 93 24.08 23.70 +.34 +6.1siSh ESG Sl N ESGE 61.81 52.75 11 61.65 22 61.81 59.94 +2.27 +13.6siShCHSwitz N HEWL 1.43e 2.4 25.21 22.04 25.21 6 25.21 25.13 +.24 +7.1 iShEMktMV N HEMV 25.42 23.26 24.35 17 24.35 24.23 +.24 +3.1 iShLqdty bt N ICSH .25e .5 50.25 49.87 17 50.05 23 50.10 50.02 -.00 +.2 iShCHJpn N HEWJ .74e .6 29.02 22.14 826 28.52 4577 28.94 28.48 -.25 +2.6siShCHSoK N HEWY .48p 26.25 22.87 26.22 21 26.25 25.75 +.78 +7.9siShFacEmg N EMGF .13p 40.75 32.45 6 40.77 15 40.77 39.59 +1.54 +14.9 iSh iBd26 n N IBDR 25.45 23.56 5 23.78 32 23.88 23.60 +.06 -.6 iSiBd12-18 s N IBDH .30 1.2 25.49 25.04 53 25.15 355 25.17 25.11 +.01 +.1 iSiBd12-20 s N IBDL .62e 2.4 26.00 25.03 48 25.32 305 25.37 25.23 +.04 +.4 iSiBd12-17 s N IBDJ .22e 25.15 24.76 18 24.84 231 24.89 24.80 +.03 -.1 iSiBd12-19 s N IBDK .37e 25.56 24.74 46 24.95 297 24.97 24.85 +.05 +.2 iSiBd12-23 s N IBDO .56e 25.99 24.33 34 24.75 180 24.77 24.54 +.13 +.1 iSiBd12-22 s N IBDN .55e 26.00 24.43 65 24.74 238 24.81 24.58 +.13 -.2 iSiBd12-25 s N IBDQ .64e 25.99 24.08 40 24.36 121 24.45 24.16 +.13 +.1 iSiBd12-24 s N IBDP .63e 26.10 24.17 38 24.53 151 24.59 24.33 +.09 +.2 iSiBd12-21 s N IBDM .47e 25.66 24.45 42 24.70 279 24.73 24.57 +.07 sIsleCapri Q ISLE 16 26.89 11.38 299 26.22 914 26.89 25.50 +.68 +6.2 IsoRay N ISR 1.30 .48 673 .66 1275 .69 .53 +.14 +13.8 IsraelChm N ICL .27e 6.2 5.02 3.52 84 4.37 1535 4.44 4.28 -.06 +6.3 Isramco Q ISRL 129.05 72.97 7 116.90 13 116.90 107.50 +7.40 -6.0 IssuerDir N ISDR .20 1.9 34 11.50 5.20 46 10.40 155 10.65 10.00 -.10 +15.6 ItauCorpb N ITCB 2.48e 19.0 14.17 11.14 46 13.06 155 13.32 12.07 +.91 +5.0 ItauUnibH N ITUB .32e 2.6 13.65 7.91 12180 12.24 61098 12.80 12.23 -.16 +19.2 Iteris Q ITI 5.61 2.20 38 5.18 442 5.25 4.84 +.17 +42.3 Itron Q ITRI 32 66.45 39.01 711 64.00 1832 64.40 58.30 +4.35 +1.8sIturanLoc Q ITRN .86e 2.9 19 29.55 17.88 21 29.45 159 29.60 28.40 +.85 +11.1 IvyHiInOp N IVH 1.50a 10.0 15.58 12.44 115 14.96 463 14.96 14.55 +.30 +1.3 Ixia Q XXIA 19.65 9.10 2601 19.58 6475 19.64 19.50 +.03 +21.6sIxysCp Q IXYS .16 1.2 22 13.50 9.59 306 13.60 850 13.60 12.76 +.70 +14.3tIzea n Q IZEA 8.10 3.69 1 3.74 82 4.00 3.69 -.26 -17.1J -:sJ&J Snack Q JJSF 1.68 1.2 34 137.54 97.73 166 138.73 370 139.54 132.10 +5.52 +4.0 JAlexHld n N JAX 20 11.03 8.35 59 10.00 226 10.00 9.55 +.45 -7.0stJJill n N JILL 13.44 12.54 306 12.75 1919 13.44 12.50 -.20 -1.5 j2Global Q JCOM 1.46f 1.7 27 90.88 56.93 441 85.89 1923 86.87 84.06 +1.06 +5.0 JA Solar Q JASO 5 9.15 4.42 1400 5.06 4825 5.87 4.82 +.21 +6.3 Q JD 32.47 19.51 5953 31.56 27511 32.21 31.08 +.50 +24.1 JM Glbl n Q WYIG 10.05 9.55 9.95 52 10.00 9.95 +1.0 JMP Grp N JMP .36 5.8 13 7.00 4.97 29 6.21 128 6.25 6.05 +.01 +1.1 JMP Gp 23 N JMPB 2.00 7.8 25.87 22.06 3 25.53 5 25.76 25.47 +.06 +1.1 JMP Grp21 N JMPC 1.81 7.1 26.05 22.46 3 25.55 9 25.94 25.35 -.15 +1.7 JMU Ltd Q JMU 6.00 2.80 1 2.91 34 3.25 2.91 -22.6 JPMCh pfE N JPMpE 1.58 5.9 28.05 25.21 93 26.74 500 26.83 26.14 +.50 +3.0 JPMCh pfD N JPMpD 1.38 5.5 26.41 23.86 54 25.15 381 25.23 24.65 +.50 +2.2sJPMDvsRt N JPGE .96e 1.8 54.36 48.24 11 54.26 57 54.38 53.28 +.84 +6.7 JPMIntEq N JPIN 1.08e 2.1 52.85 46.27 135 52.67 320 52.76 51.41 +1.14 +7.6sJPMDvREm N JPEM 1.31p 51.47 41.30 9 51.31 58 51.47 49.85 +1.72 +10.8sJPM DREq N JPUS .26p 63.69 54.60 7 63.45 62 63.69 62.72 +.49 +7.2sJPM DivInt N JPIH 27.52 24.50 0 27.53 9 27.53 27.33 +.32 +5.0 JPM DivAlt N JPHF 30.69 25.00 36 26.02 68 26.02 25.80 +.18 +1.4 JPM USMid N JPME 58.00 50.50 0 57.64 10 57.81 57.00 +.55 +6.4 JPMorgCh N JPM 1.92 2.1 15 93.98 57.05 20036 90.68 71173 92.81 90.65 -.60 +5.1 JPMCh wt N JPM/WS 52.40 16.40 10 49.14 139 51.20 49.14 -.58 +11.0 JPMCh pfA N JPMpA 1.36 5.4 26.86 23.90 109 25.22 287 25.26 24.79 +.37 +2.3 JPMCh pfB N JPMpB 1.68 6.2 29.22 25.80 83 26.98 634 27.04 26.50 +.40 +.4 JPMAlerian N AMJ 2.29 7.2 34.41 25.30 2225 31.77 7065 32.30 31.48 -.24 +.5 JPMCh pfY N JPMpF 1.53 5.9 27.94 25.00 166 25.89 1103 26.07 25.57 +.20 +2.1 JPMCh pfG N JPMpG 1.52 5.9 27.89 24.80 77 25.90 652 25.98 25.54 +.29 +2.1 JPMCh pfH N JPMpH 1.54 5.9 28.14 25.18 58 26.09 502 26.30 25.77 +.20 +2.0sJPM China N JFC .97e 1.9 18.36 13.86 82 18.06 307 18.36 17.56 +.52 +15.9tJRJR Ntw N JRJR 1.56 .50 71 .50 474 .59 .50 -.08 -33.3sJabil N JBL .32 1.1 21 28.33 16.78 3802 28.80 15814 28.83 26.18 +2.47 +21.7sJackHenry Q JKHY 1.24f 1.3 29 95.64 79.00 524 95.10 1368 95.64 94.33 +.66 +7.1 JackInBox Q JACK 1.60 1.6 27 113.30 61.78 809 99.71 3897 101.36 96.90 +2.55 -10.7 JacobsEng N JEC .15p 20 63.42 40.93 911 55.46 4184 57.00 54.93 -.96 -2.7tJaggedPk n N JAG 15.08 11.71 2757 12.18 6038 12.93 11.71 -.39 -16.0 JaguarAH h Q JAGX 3.79 .50 718 1.01 2201 1.18 .90 -.12 +41.1 JkksPac Q JAKK 9.75 4.63 518 5.75 2580 5.80 5.04 +.55 +11.7 Jamba Q JMBA 13.62 9.08 232 9.89 833 10.44 9.38 +.50 -4.0 JHardie s N JHX .39e 2.5 73 17.30 13.04 6 15.74 78 16.00 15.44 +.19 -1.0 JRiverGrp Q JRVR 1.20 2.9 17 46.20 25.86 115 41.23 538 41.88 40.66 -.20 -.8 JanusSmC Q JSML 31.85 25.41 1 31.09 4 31.09 30.59 +.31 +1.9 JanSmMid Q JSMD 33.17 26.11 1 32.56 5 32.72 31.99 +.37 +4.0 JanLTCar n Q OLD 27.57 22.17 2 24.06 12 24.13 23.57 +.37 +2.6 JanTailRsk N TRSK .24e .8 29.58 25.98 29.44 8 29.44 29.23 +.07 +6.2sAlpVSVolLC N SPXH .51e 1.5 33.32 27.50 2 33.26 15 33.34 32.88 +.25 +8.6 JanusCap N JNS .44 3.4 15 16.62 11.96 2329 12.82 7059 13.01 12.01 +.16 -3.4 JpnSmCap N JOF .13e 1.2 10.84 9.12 126 10.55 367 10.61 10.49 +.05 +8.5 Jason Inds Q JASN 4.20 1.15 52 1.42 195 1.55 1.42 -.03 -21.1 Jason wt Q JASNW .35 .04 9 .05 39 .05 .05 -.00 -21.7 JazzPhrm Q JAZZ 21 160.00 95.80 432 134.77 2391 139.96 133.81 -.06 +23.6sJeldWen n N JELD 32.39 25.60 2689 31.86 3605 32.50 30.83 -.24 +22.3 JensynAc n Q JSYN 12.00 9.75 10.17 15 10.18 10.15 -.02 JensynAc rt Q JSYNR 1.00 .04 2 .25 101 .30 .25 +117.4 JernignC n N JCAP 1.40 6.1 12 23.19 10.10 167 23.05 404 23.10 21.68 +1.22 +9.5 JetBlue Q JBLU 9 23.15 14.76 7816 20.16 37667 20.48 19.25 +.12 -10.1 JetPay Q JTPY 3.25 1.89 39 2.45 111 2.73 2.45 -.10 +8.9 JinkoSolar N JKS 4 24.04 12.72 769 16.92 2730 17.58 15.43 +1.43 +11.1 JiveSoftw Q JIVE 4.59 3.40 451 4.40 1038 4.43 4.29 +.05 +1.1 JBeanTch N JBT .40 .4 43 93.55 51.20 296 89.05 1301 90.90 87.62 +1.00 +3.6 JHMultLgC N JHML .10p 31.29 25.69 15 31.00 106 31.13 30.69 +.15 +6.7 JH MultMdC N JHMM .08p 33.00 24.51 9 30.63 141 30.79 30.13 +.33 +6.7sJH MultCns N JHMC .07p 27.54 23.73 1 27.51 3 27.54 27.28 +.26 +5.8 JH MultFin N JHMF .08p 33.34 22.86 32 32.42 79 32.79 32.34 -.16 +5.9 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 11 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
JH MultHltC N JHMH .05p 33.88 24.50 4 28.39 17 28.69 28.39 -.14 +9.9sJH MultTch N JHMT .09p 34.42 25.31 6 34.37 17 34.47 33.97 +.33 +11.7 JH MultEn N JHME 31.57 24.40 0 28.36 5 28.45 27.68 +.26 -6.6sJH MultDev N JHMD 26.40 24.73 2 26.66 8 26.69 26.17 +.40 +7.0 JH MultInd N JHMI 30.75 24.83 1 30.30 3 30.30 29.87 +.19 +6.3 JH HedgEq N HEQ 1.50 9.0 17.00 14.27 19 16.60 136 16.75 16.35 -.10 +5.6tJH TxAdY N HTY 1.28 14.5 11.37 8.47 47 8.80 303 8.87 8.47 +.01 -9.6sJohnJn N JNJ 3.20 2.5 19 129.00 106.55 11203 128.06 41808 129.00 125.79 +1.85 +11.2 JohnContl n N JCI 1.08e 2.6 29 46.17 32.81 6503 41.97 25258 42.45 40.67 +.74 +1.9 JohnsnOut Q JOUT .36 1.0 27 45.35 20.55 94 36.33 233 37.15 34.38 +1.61 -8.5 JointCorp Q JYNT 4.74 1.85 34 4.09 272 4.10 3.88 +.24 +54.3tJonesEngy N JONE 4.91 2.30 887 2.70 5377 3.04 2.30 +.08 -41.3 JonesLL N JLL .62f .6 14 125.31 86.62 357 110.65 1585 115.26 110.51 -4.23 +9.5 JounceTh n Q JNCE 26.31 16.33 197 21.90 593 23.85 21.13 -.38 +27.0 JoyGlbl N JOY .04 .1 28.55 14.04 1522 28.20 7472 28.29 28.14 +.05 +.7tJumei Intl N JMEI 20 6.69 3.67 447 3.89 2814 4.00 3.67 -.02 -22.4 JnprNtwk N JNPR .40 1.4 17 29.21 21.18 4212 28.68 16914 28.82 27.83 +.67 +1.5 JunprPhm Q JNP 6 8.00 4.30 92 4.75 296 5.07 4.70 -.20 -15.2 JunoThera Q JUNO 49.72 17.52 2029 22.95 7804 24.35 22.18 +.47 +21.8 Jupai n N JP .08p 8 10.18 7.49 72 8.41 232 9.50 8.40 -.49 -3.4 JustEngy g N JE .41 40 6.77 4.86 153 5.96 737 6.05 5.76 +.15 +9.2tJustEn pfA N JEpA 25.05 24.05 12 24.65 96 24.65 24.05 +.57 -1.1K -:K12 N LRN 59 20.67 9.16 283 18.88 961 18.98 17.59 +.56 +10.0 K2M Grp Q KTWO 23.10 10.10 803 19.37 2401 20.05 19.01 -.43 -3.3 KAR Auct N KAR 1.28 2.8 23 47.03 35.68 996 45.64 3691 45.64 44.67 +.69 +7.1sKB FnclGp N KB 45.76 26.45 288 45.65 1126 45.86 43.82 +3.28 +29.4sKB Home N KBH .10 .5 17 19.82 12.38 2865 19.47 13964 19.82 18.32 +.83 +23.1 KBR Inc N KBR .32 2.3 17.95 12.08 1809 14.18 10869 14.82 14.01 -.50 -15.0 KBS Fash rs Q KBSF 18.00 2.16 73 4.99 132 6.26 4.65 -.96 +18.8 KCAP Fin Q KCAP .48 12.1 4.89 3.13 143 3.96 672 4.02 3.91 -.06 -.5 KCAPFn 19 N KAP 1.84 7.2 25.96 24.38 1 25.42 3 25.50 25.34 +.19 -.4sKCG Hldg N KCG 6 18.26 11.44 3228 18.34 12221 18.42 13.60 +4.64 +38.4 KEYW Hld Q KEYW 13.57 6.06 1514 10.24 3484 10.27 9.16 +1.13 -13.1sKKR N KKR 1.31e 7.2 10 18.50 11.63 2724 18.16 11155 18.50 18.09 -.05 +18.0 KKR pfA N KKR.PRA 27.63 24.85 23 26.23 150 26.24 25.59 +.48 +3.8 KKR Fn 42 N KFI 1.78 6.9 27.95 24.93 14 25.70 35 25.89 25.43 +.62 +1.3 KKRFn pfS N KFNp 1.84 7.0 27.72 25.35 9 26.18 72 26.19 25.87 +.27 +.8 KKR Inco N KIO 1.50a 8.9 17.24 13.89 56 16.86 256 16.95 16.50 +.19 +5.2sKLA Tnc Q KLAC 2.16 2.3 17 94.66 66.88 1724 94.69 5171 95.27 92.05 +1.49 +20.3 KLREn A n Q KLRE 10.65 9.90 0 10.38 4 10.39 10.25 KLR En wt Q KLREW 1.75 .15 1 1.22 118 1.22 1.05 +.12 -12.9 KLR En un Q KLREU 13.20 9.96 1 11.25 4 11.30 11.20 -.15 -9.9 KLX Q KLXI 35 52.40 28.65 822 46.45 2708 46.99 44.16 +1.25 +3.0sKMG Chm N KMG .12 .3 23 44.77 20.85 134 43.22 656 44.77 37.29 +5.87 +11.1sKT Corp N KT 17.16 12.88 1050 16.79 4483 17.16 15.79 +.25 +19.2 KVHInd Q KVHI 12.75 7.31 85 8.35 467 8.60 8.00 -.15 -29.2 Kadant N KAI .84f 1.4 20 64.75 43.10 66 61.10 273 61.40 57.40 +3.40 -.2tKadmon n N KDMN 10.48 3.10 922 3.57 1819 3.74 3.10 +.32 -33.3 KaiserAlu Q KALU 2.00f 2.5 16 96.06 69.41 467 78.49 1117 80.27 75.00 +3.12 +1.0 Kalvista rs Q KALV 20.02 6.09 166 8.50 246 8.74 7.95 +.45 +20.2 Kamada Q KMDA 7.25 3.47 1 7.10 33 7.10 6.85 +.05 +30.3 Kaman N KAMN .80f 1.6 20 53.41 40.43 226 48.74 719 48.90 48.25 +.24 -.4 KandiTech Q KNDI 9.50 3.40 441 3.85 1997 4.35 3.65 -.40 -21.4 KC Southn N KSU 1.32 1.6 19 100.69 79.05 2077 84.13 8068 88.13 84.02 -3.19 -.8 KapStoneP N KS .40 1.7 21 24.98 12.14 2341 23.74 5419 24.04 21.94 +1.73 +7.7 Karyophm Q KPTI 14.63 6.27 483 10.37 2223 11.05 9.61 -.18 +10.3 KateSpade N KATE 22 26.46 14.02 1771 23.87 8628 24.21 23.64 -.02 +27.9 KaynAEnD N KED 1.92 10.0 20.47 14.80 24 19.16 182 19.37 18.78 -.01 -1.4 KA EngTR N KYE 1.32m 10.8 13.05 7.33 76 12.21 609 12.32 11.82 +.01 +3.4 KA MLP N KYN 2.20 11.0 22.15 14.70 190 20.03 1637 20.26 19.51 -.01 +2.3 KAMLP pfF N KYNpF .88 3.5 26.01 25.06 8 25.19 19 25.32 25.17 -.5 KAMidsEn N KMF 1.80m 11.3 17.04 9.63 78 15.87 508 15.99 15.32 +.05 -.2tKeanGrp n N FRAC 22.93 14.49 3904 16.27 11467 17.32 14.49 +.67 -24.8 KearnyF s Q KRNY .12f .8 74 16.10 11.76 781 15.55 1978 15.55 14.95 +.20 Kellogg N K 2.08 2.8 19 87.16 70.74 3400 75.11 10490 75.31 73.84 +.92 +1.9 KellySA Q KELYA .30 1.3 7 23.61 16.63 265 22.25 514 22.35 21.28 +.74 -2.9 KelsoTch g N KIQ .03f 3.6 1.44 .70 1 .84 58 .87 .81 +.00 -12.5 Kemet N KEM 33 11.83 1.76 934 11.35 3738 11.74 10.83 +.20 +71.2 Kemper N KMPR .96 2.3 45.95 28.03 359 41.10 954 41.90 40.40 -.15 -7.2 Kemper 54 N KMPA 1.84 6.9 28.60 25.20 3 26.76 24 26.86 26.13 +.36 +2.3 KemPhm n Q KMPH 19.75 2.90 21 4.15 183 4.25 3.90 +.20 +40.7 Kennamtl N KMT .80 2.1 33 39.94 20.40 1073 38.81 3578 39.31 36.71 +1.43 +24.2 KennWil 42 N KWN 1.68 6.5 27.70 24.98 25.80 3 26.00 25.80 -.10 +.7 KennWils N KW .68f 3.1 21 23.77 17.29 694 21.75 1827 21.85 20.95 +.55 +6.1 KenonHld n N KEN 13.26 7.10 3 12.53 11 12.70 12.25 +.25 +7.6 KeryxBio Q KERX 7.80 3.99 2638 5.83 7586 5.87 5.29 +.41 -.5 KewnSc Q KEQU .60 2.6 14 27.60 16.20 1 23.25 8 23.45 22.85 +.40 -4.9tKeyEngy N KEG 38.00 23.36 238 25.45 662 25.98 23.36 -.06 -20.3 KeyTech Q KTEC 88 13.95 6.82 60 13.23 103 13.92 12.85 +.45 +14.4 KeyTrn Q KTCC 11 8.97 6.85 11 7.26 75 7.30 7.09 +.17 -7.2 Keycorp N KEY .34 1.9 18 19.53 10.21 15709 18.35 58228 18.75 18.12 -.23 +.4tKeycp pfG N KEYpG 7.75 6.0 139.96 128.67 11 130.21 189 132.72 128.67 -1.32 -3.5 Keycorp pfI N KEYpI 28.27 25.60 63 27.20 423 27.40 27.01 -.15 +4.0sKeysight N KEYS 16 39.36 25.49 1104 39.02 3069 39.36 38.05 +.16 +6.7 Kforce Q KFRC .48 1.9 20 26.95 15.78 131 25.00 587 25.10 23.85 +.35 +8.2 KilroyR N KRC 1.50 2.0 16 78.33 58.05 1385 73.41 3368 73.46 70.53 +2.34 +.3 Kilroy pfH N KRCpH 1.59 6.3 26.29 24.55 0 25.40 31 25.45 25.25 -.07 +1.5 KimballEl Q KE 16 19.00 9.98 199 16.00 849 16.25 15.10 +.30 -12.1 KimballInt Q KBAL .24 1.5 21 18.00 10.69 244 16.48 610 16.72 16.00 -.13 -6.2 KimbRoy n N KRP 20.89 18.06 29 19.90 197 19.95 19.26 +.51 -3.6 KimbClk N KMB 3.88f 2.9 22 138.87 111.30 4754 133.26 11149 135.22 133.04 -.63 +16.8 Kimco N KIM 1.02 4.5 19 32.24 21.46 6565 22.79 27656 23.02 21.66 +1.15 -9.4 Kimco pfI N KIMpI 1.50 5.9 26.71 24.01 12 25.46 58 25.56 24.94 +.56 +4.6 Kimco pfJ N KIMpJ 1.38 5.6 26.69 22.61 15 24.67 66 24.78 24.12 +.52 +5.5 Kimco pfK N KIMpK 1.41 5.6 26.85 22.56 6 25.19 33 25.23 24.64 +.48 +7.6 KindMorg N KMI .50 2.3 69 23.36 16.63 13263 21.28 50032 21.74 20.95 -.22 +2.8 KindrM wt N KMI/WS .07 .00 4093 .00 9467 .00 .00 -50.0 KindM pfA N KMIpA 51.40 43.21 34 48.76 479 49.19 48.02 +.16 +.2sKindredBio Q KIN 7.25 3.12 124 6.80 1034 7.25 6.10 +.60 +60.0 KindredHlt N KND .48 5.8 10 15.66 5.65 1298 8.25 5595 8.65 8.05 -.30 +5.1 KingldJw Q KGJI 1 2.84 1.00 195 1.15 762 1.18 1.05 +.01 -10.9 Kingstone Q KINS .25 1.7 15 15.55 7.82 100 15.00 369 15.45 14.75 +9.1 Kingsway N KFS 6.50 4.27 21 5.80 189 5.95 5.40 +.05 -7.2 KingtoneW Q KONE 13.85 1.15 10 3.29 127 3.57 2.97 -.01 -22.2 Kinross g N KGC 68 5.82 2.88 13042 3.40 65968 3.58 3.15 +.12 +9.3 KinsaleCp n Q KNSL .24f .7 35.08 18.00 164 32.61 310 33.20 30.36 +1.23 -4.1 KirbyCp N KEX 22 73.40 50.80 589 70.10 2635 70.90 66.35 +1.85 +5.4 Kirklands Q KIRK 1.50e 18 18.19 10.10 397 12.20 1295 12.71 11.69 +.73 -21.3sKitePharm Q KITE 88.58 39.82 2237 83.98 10036 88.58 82.28 +87.3 KiteRlty N KRG 1.21 5.6 7 30.45 19.91 1458 21.60 5456 21.63 20.08 +1.57 -8.0 KitovPh n Q KTOV 6.95 1.51 19 2.10 170 2.20 1.92 +.06 -32.5 KitovPh wt Q KTOVW 3.00 .39 22 .55 270 .58 .50 -59.0 KlondexM g N KLDX 6.03 2.60 5444 4.65 11815 5.25 4.65 -.09 -.4 KnightTr N KNX .24 .7 25 38.80 23.99 1040 33.45 3861 33.55 32.15 +.60 +1.2 Knoll Inc N KNL .60 2.5 14 28.40 19.53 1003 23.59 3022 23.64 22.19 +1.15 -15.5 KnotOffsh N KNOP 2.08 9.5 24.68 15.70 77 21.90 325 22.26 21.50 -.10 -7.2 Knowles N KN 25 19.82 12.06 1071 19.12 3522 19.21 18.08 +.79 +14.4 Kohls N KSS 2.20f 5.4 14 59.67 33.87 10854 40.49 26947 41.07 38.88 +.03 -18.0tKonaGrill Q KONA 14.44 6.00 101 6.25 320 6.40 6.00 -50.2 KongZhg Q KZ 12 7.48 4.70 267 7.36 964 7.37 7.24 +.10 +6.1sKopinCp lf Q KOPN 3.89 1.57 845 3.95 3421 3.97 3.38 +.61 +39.1 Koppers N KOP 1.00 2.4 19 45.85 21.01 220 42.25 497 42.48 40.80 +.50 +4.8 KoreaElc N KEP 28.37 17.36 1357 19.77 3876 19.78 18.41 +1.75 +7.0 KoreaEqt N KEF .30e 1.4 8.73 7.22 136 8.58 314 8.64 8.33 +.28 +15.8 KoreaFd N KF 4.50e 36.09 30.24 15 35.38 177 35.58 34.75 +.88 +11.0sKornFer N KFY .40 1.2 15 32.39 18.57 631 32.43 3208 32.52 30.60 +1.49 +10.2 KornitDig n Q KRNT 80 18.50 8.10 177 16.90 762 16.95 14.70 +2.10 +33.6 KosmosEn N KOS 7.39 4.39 3215 5.85 15107 6.06 5.79 -.02 -16.5 Koss h Q KOSS 12 3.69 1.93 2 2.21 18 2.25 2.15 +.01 -3.1 KraftHnz n Q KHC 2.40 2.6 41 97.77 75.86 5120 91.98 15431 93.67 90.67 +.47 +5.3 KraChiItnt Q KWEB .12e .3 42.91 31.80 117 42.48 937 42.69 41.15 +1.55 +22.3 KranChinA N KBA 9.93e 30.85 26.55 88 28.62 448 29.10 28.55 +.19 +7.0 KraneChCm N KCNY .22e .7 34.19 31.88 1 32.54 15 32.54 32.30 +.07 +1.9 KratonCp N KRA 21 37.50 15.37 542 29.66 1898 29.90 27.53 +1.86 +4.1 KratosDef Q KTOS 9.19 3.75 6648 8.26 16535 8.28 6.96 +1.24 +11.6tKroger s N KR .48 1.6 14 39.22 28.29 20716 29.55 59690 29.64 28.29 +.73 -14.4 KronosWw N KRO .60 3.9 42 15.80 4.70 1030 15.44 5599 15.72 14.67 +1.47 +29.3 Kulicke Q KLIC 21.23 10.55 611 20.62 2153 20.67 20.02 +.33 +29.3 KuraOnc n Q KURA 10.47 2.50 37 8.85 424 9.53 8.20 +50.0sKyocera N KYO 56.65 41.23 20 56.74 49 56.74 55.79 +.66 +14.0L -:L Brands N LB 2.40f 4.7 13 88.76 47.93 9686 51.18 23103 51.27 49.50 +.88 -22.3 L-3 Tch N LLL 2.80f 1.7 22 171.24 116.97 643 169.46 1898 171.02 167.40 -.86 +11.4 LCI Inds N LCII 2.00e 22 117.15 60.53 277 102.95 826 105.45 100.90 +1.15 -4.5 LCNB Corp Q LCNB .64 2.8 20 25.00 15.69 58 22.90 196 22.95 20.80 +1.95 -1.5 LG Display N LPL 14.36 9.84 402 12.36 1269 12.50 12.13 +.18 -3.8 LGI Homes Q LGIH 10 40.47 21.44 356 32.18 1979 32.84 30.61 -.07 +12.0 LGL Grp N LGL 50 5.83 2.86 4.99 18 4.99 4.66 -.01 -.7sLHC Grp Q LHCG 24 54.11 32.04 247 50.10 783 54.11 48.81 -3.00 +9.6 LKQ Corp Q LKQ 20 36.35 29.37 2687 30.31 11346 30.67 29.48 +.31 -1.1 LM FdgA n Q LMFA 9.50 3.87 4.11 4 4.21 4.11 +1.0 LM FdgA wt Q LMFAW 1.10 .04 .12 5 .46 .12 +.00 -44.1 LMI Aer Q LMIA 13.94 7.01 93 13.82 281 13.90 13.72 +.03 +60.3 LMP CapIn N SCD 1.24f 8.7 14.55 11.83 58 14.18 260 14.25 14.03 +.09 +6.7 LPL Fincl Q LPLA 1.00 2.5 19 42.86 20.51 869 40.31 4693 40.94 39.01 +1.11 +14.5 LRAD h Q LRAD .04 2.5 2.18 1.43 9 1.57 105 1.64 1.55 +.01 -8.2 LSB Inds N LXU 15.50 4.52 910 8.83 2266 10.15 8.81 -.53 +4.9 LSC Com N LKSD .25p 37.40 17.00 358 23.58 1263 24.84 23.26 -1.21 -20.6 LSI Ind lf Q LYTS .20 2.1 39 13.45 8.12 90 9.72 232 10.00 9.28 +.12 -.2 LTC Prp N LTC 2.28f 4.9 15 54.20 43.17 400 46.51 1183 46.58 44.93 +1.24 -1.0 LaJollaPh Q LJPC 37.67 14.24 553 35.88 2746 36.57 33.77 -.18 +104.7 LaQuinta N LQ 28 15.05 9.73 1426 13.76 7653 14.09 13.16 +.54 -3.2 LaZBoy N LZB .44 1.6 17 32.90 22.09 496 28.00 1955 28.45 26.63 +1.35 -9.8sLabCp N LH 18 145.00 112.16 605 143.75 2753 145.00 142.65 -.19 +12.0 LadderCap N LADR 1.20 8.2 10 15.53 11.29 1739 14.57 3785 14.65 13.65 +.69 +6.2 LadThalFn N LTS 2.87 1.63 536 2.35 1323 2.36 2.05 +.26 -3.7 LadTh pfA N LTSpA 2.00 8.0 25.20 22.45 27 25.06 119 25.09 24.65 +.53 +4.7sLakeldB Q LBAI .38 1.9 21 20.88 9.90 556 20.00 1506 20.88 19.85 -.05 +2.6 Lakelnd s Q LKFN .76 1.7 22 48.88 28.94 150 45.10 417 45.28 44.03 +.48 -4.8 LakeInd Q LAKE 51 12.75 8.00 6 10.10 42 10.40 9.90 +.10 -2.9sLamResrch Q LRCX 1.80 1.4 20 126.21 72.00 1770 126.48 9586 127.44 120.00 +5.88 +19.6 LamarAdv Q LAMR 3.32f 4.3 25 79.09 57.34 887 77.70 2335 77.81 74.48 +2.81 +15.6sLambWst n N LW .19p 43.47 28.75 1505 42.25 7256 43.47 41.31 +.85 +11.6 LancastrC Q LANC 2.20 1.7 28 149.30 103.13 177 133.19 380 133.52 129.59 +1.80 -5.8 Landauer N LDR 1.10 2.1 34 55.80 30.49 87 51.35 211 52.15 49.10 +1.78 +6.8 Landcad wt Q LCAHW .75 .50 .66 4 .66 .65 +.01 -5.7 Landcad un Q LCAHU 12.28 9.95 0 10.70 61 10.72 10.67 +3.0 Landec Q LNDC 36 15.50 9.65 118 12.60 293 12.80 12.20 -8.7 LandBncp Q LARK .80 2.7 11 32.40 22.91 1 30.05 9 30.25 30.00 +.05 +7.2 LandmInfr Q LMRK 1.40f 9.2 43 18.44 12.55 67 15.15 289 15.55 14.85 +.15 -.7 LandIn pfA Q LMRKP 2.00 7.8 26.41 24.01 3 25.50 5 25.50 25.20 +.08 +2.6 LndInf un B Q LMRKO 1.98 7.9 25.89 22.53 9 25.15 31 25.19 24.55 +.31 +3.5 LandsEnd Q LE 27.60 14.03 110 19.95 297 19.95 18.55 +1.00 +31.7 Landstar Q LSTR .36 .4 26 90.80 62.13 231 85.30 1027 86.50 84.20 -.75 Lannett N LCI 6 39.99 16.75 1064 21.05 3011 22.25 20.70 -.75 -4.5sLantheus n Q LNTH 15 14.25 1.82 345 12.45 3380 14.25 12.00 -.80 +44.8 Lantronix Q LTRX 3.18 .83 160 2.91 1139 3.08 2.66 +.22 +71.2 LaredoPet N LPI 27 16.47 7.23 3053 13.46 20870 13.63 12.35 +.26 -4.8 LVSands N LVS 2.92f 5.1 27 63.38 41.45 5363 57.17 22382 57.50 54.38 +2.96 +7.0 LaSalleH N LHO 1.80 6.1 12 31.87 21.56 1777 29.64 6756 29.67 28.45 +.93 -2.7 LaSalH pfH N LHOpH 1.88 7.3 26.11 24.70 1 25.64 10 25.72 25.49 +.14 +2.4 LaSalH pfI N LHOpI 1.59 6.4 26.93 23.75 32 25.00 40 25.20 24.96 -.16 +3.8 LaSalHt pfJ N LHOpJ 1.58 6.4 27.24 23.21 25 24.70 388 24.81 24.53 +.00 +6.1sLatam Air N LFL 12.02 5.81 524 11.77 2374 12.02 10.04 +1.68 +43.9 LatAmDisc N LDF .03e .3 10.94 8.32 2 10.27 54 10.36 10.05 +.19 +10.6sLattDvMkt N RODM .62e 2.4 25.46 22.09 15 25.50 81 25.55 24.86 +.50 +6.7sLattEmMkt N ROAM .43e 1.9 22.87 19.49 4 22.81 65 22.87 22.11 +.71 +10.8 Latt RE n N RORE 16.26 13.88 0 14.99 3 14.99 14.62 +.41 +.3 LattUSEqt N ROUS .39e 27.57 22.51 4 27.24 16 27.28 26.99 +.27 +5.2sLattGblSC N ROGS .57e 2.1 27.75 23.11 2 27.77 6 27.77 27.11 +.62 +7.1 Lattice Q LSCC 7.99 4.89 966 7.05 4797 7.08 6.92 +.10 -4.2sLaureatE n Q LAUR 13.55 12.19 3113 13.43 5384 13.70 12.60 +.67 +3.3 Lawsn Q LAWS 28.10 15.28 60 25.55 128 26.95 25.20 -1.10 +7.4 Layne Q LAYN 11.42 6.35 209 9.16 472 9.39 8.76 +.10 -15.7 LazGlobTR N LGI .95 6.4 15.03 12.09 7 14.93 106 14.93 14.65 +.22 +8.7sLazard N LAZ 1.52 3.4 6 47.09 26.21 7965 45.25 14788 47.09 43.86 +1.66 +10.1 LazWldDiv N LOR .69 6.6 10.54 8.54 10 10.43 57 10.49 10.21 +.13 +5.2 LeMaitreV Q LMAT .22f .9 44 27.04 13.01 123 24.20 1030 24.70 22.16 +1.67 -4.5 LeadgBr g Q LBIX 3.34 1.31 2 1.68 17 1.76 1.63 -.03 +9.8 LeafGrp N LFGR 8.35 4.94 9 7.50 76 7.95 7.50 -.30 +14.5 LeapTh n Q LPTX 10.10 6.01 64 7.70 165 9.00 7.65 -1.20 -2.0sLearCorp N LEA 2.00f 1.4 12 149.00 97.35 670 145.01 2632 149.00 144.37 +.53 +9.5 Lee Ent N LEE 8 3.92 1.69 90 2.80 1400 3.10 2.40 +.35 -3.4 LegacyRes Q LGCY .60m 29.1 3.89 .78 251 2.06 1727 2.15 1.90 -.01 -2.8 LegcyR pf Q LGCYP 2.00 21.7 12.44 2.11 5 9.21 69 9.70 8.14 -.39 +16.9 LegcyR pfB Q LGCYO 2.00 22.5 12.14 2.01 14 8.88 159 9.73 8.06 -.91 +11.8 LegacyTxF Q LTXB .60 1.4 20 44.94 17.83 403 42.36 1016 42.61 41.16 +.92 -1.6 LeggMason N LM 1.28f 3.6 37 38.99 27.54 1709 35.78 5354 37.03 35.70 -.25 +19.6 LegMas56 n N LMHA 27.87 23.51 5 26.02 134 26.36 25.33 +.69 +3.6 LegM 5,4 56 N LMHB 25.38 20.81 85 23.04 497 23.10 22.66 +.35 +6.6 LMGblInco N BWG 1.32a 10.6 14.11 11.36 92 12.45 638 12.51 12.00 +.38 +5.2 LM DevDvr Q DDBI 26.46 23.17 0 25.98 6 25.98 25.34 +.84 +7.3 LM EMDvr Q EDBI 29.49 25.12 2 28.77 9 28.84 27.79 +1.23 +11.3 LM LoVHiD Q LVHD 30.25 26.23 24 30.16 127 30.21 29.66 +.43 +5.6sLM IntLoV N LVHI 27.33 23.96 1 27.38 6 27.38 27.06 +.11 +5.4 LM Gl Inf n Q INFR 26.91 25.12 1 26.67 3 26.73 26.24 +.32 +5.6 LeggPlat N LEG 1.36 2.7 20 54.63 44.02 1841 50.58 6245 50.65 48.34 +2.08 +3.5 LehTOY21 N XKE .78 9.7 9.16 5.34 7 7.99 20 8.23 7.71 -.78 -4.9sLeidosHld N LDOS 1.28a 2.4 15 54.97 33.23 1161 53.95 4317 54.97 52.73 +1.46 +5.5 LejuHldgs N LEJU .20e 17 5.83 3.40 55 3.56 270 3.99 3.51 -.30 -25.8 LendgTree Q TREE 42 130.20 64.07 147 124.00 599 125.70 119.05 +5.10 +22.3 LendingClb N LC 9.00 3.44 3603 5.36 20524 5.62 5.15 +.05 +2.1 LennarA N LEN .16 .3 13 53.79 39.68 3241 52.83 16003 53.29 51.04 +.11 +23.1 LennarB N LEN/B .16 .4 42.66 32.09 51 42.00 199 42.51 40.19 +.30 +21.7sLennox N LII 1.72 1.0 25 172.61 130.34 337 172.03 1349 172.61 166.58 +4.73 +12.3 LeucNatl N LUK .25 .9 27.34 15.32 2655 26.34 10096 27.12 26.27 -.35 +13.3 Level3 N LVLT 31 60.13 44.01 3388 57.47 11570 57.74 56.41 +1.00 +2.0 LexiPhm rs Q LXRX 19.62 10.77 681 14.92 4257 15.94 14.85 -.95 +7.9 LexRltyTr N LXP .70 6.8 13 11.42 8.19 3939 10.27 9389 10.27 9.84 +.33 -4.9 LexRT pfC N LXPpC 3.25 6.5 53.85 47.75 1 50.21 3 50.21 50.00 +.14 +.6 LianlouSm Q LLIT 2.88 .79 9 1.53 152 1.68 1.47 +.05 +2.0 Libbey N LBY .47f 3.3 11 20.76 13.05 239 14.18 563 14.30 13.11 +.72 -27.1 LbtyASE N USA .52e 9.5 5.54 4.76 475 5.50 2303 5.51 5.42 +.01 +6.6 LbtyASG N ASG .38e 8.3 4.63 3.88 72 4.57 435 4.57 4.44 +.09 +9.3 LibBrdbdA Q LBRDA 14 87.47 52.07 124 84.45 364 85.08 83.76 +.35 +16.5 LibBrdbdC Q LBRDK 14 88.12 52.24 490 85.73 1546 86.38 85.11 +.20 +15.7sLibExpA n Q LEXEA 46.79 35.96 393 47.05 1686 47.13 43.82 +2.16 +18.6 LibtyGlobA Q LBTYA 37.69 26.16 3112 37.36 15942 37.61 35.40 +1.67 +22.1 LibtyGlobC Q LBTYK 38.74 25.86 4292 36.63 15946 37.00 34.40 +1.46 +23.3 LibGLiLA n Q LILA 42.63 19.10 393 22.69 1480 23.00 21.81 +.05 +3.3 LibGLiC n Q LILAK 44.95 19.33 689 23.25 4384 23.55 22.11 +.35 +9.8 LibQVC A Q QVCA 35 27.25 17.24 3136 20.00 14448 20.51 19.06 +.20 +.1 LibVentA Q LVNTA 12 45.17 34.26 466 44.45 1515 44.92 43.67 +.63 +20.6sLibMSirA n Q LSXMA 40.18 28.00 535 39.57 2624 40.18 38.38 +1.05 +14.6 LibMSirB n Q LSXMB 41.20 28.60 5 40.67 5 40.67 38.80 -.01 +16.4 LibMSirC n Q LSXMK 39.80 28.04 709 39.38 2617 39.78 37.99 +1.22 +16.1 LibMBrA n Q BATRA 36.00 14.23 147 22.88 838 23.27 21.94 +1.03 +11.7sLibMCFor Q FWONK 35.20 17.47 6013 34.30 7771 35.20 33.52 -.55 +9.5 LibMAFor Q FWONA 33.63 17.72 616 32.60 1665 33.42 31.73 -.52 +4.0 LibMBrC n Q BATRK 27.00 13.51 163 22.70 673 23.17 21.66 +.89 +10.2 LibtProp N LPT 1.60m 4.2 18 42.26 31.81 1405 38.53 4918 38.89 37.50 +.97 -2.5 LibertyTax Q TAX .64 4.5 14 19.99 9.95 55 14.35 173 15.05 14.10 -.40 +7.1 LibTripA A Q LTRPA 24.64 13.05 923 13.90 3671 14.15 13.45 -.10 -7.6 LifeStorg N LSI 3.80 4.5 19 118.18 77.00 427 84.84 1944 85.10 81.36 +2.35 -.5 LifePtHlth Q LPNT 19 75.70 50.60 249 62.10 1456 64.75 61.45 -1.50 +9.3sLifetimeBr Q LCUT .17 .9 19 21.20 12.03 78 19.50 904 21.20 15.65 +5.05 +9.9 Lifevant rs Q LFVN 30 15.97 4.61 119 5.11 310 5.54 4.75 +.10 -37.3 LifewayFds Q LWAY 48 18.48 8.68 20 11.11 163 11.15 10.20 +.74 -3.5 LigandPh Q LGND 139.79 87.50 491 109.50 1154 110.21 106.01 -.04 +7.8 LightPath Q LPTH 19 2.56 1.21 124 2.42 984 2.42 2.15 +.22 +57.1 Lightbrdg rs Q LTBR 3.90 .86 28 1.08 375 1.12 1.02 -5.3 LightInBox N LITB 3.59 2.30 18 2.74 72 2.90 2.72 -.09 -7.7stLilisEn n Q LLEX 5.22 4.14 79 4.50 895 5.22 4.14 +1.4 Limbach n Q LMB 16.05 12.65 82 13.50 138 14.30 13.36 -.88 -4.3 LimelghtN Q LLNW 2.90 1.17 902 2.59 5558 2.70 2.10 +.45 +2.8 Limoneira Q LMNR .22f 1.1 31 21.78 13.90 72 19.48 273 20.43 17.40 +1.60 -9.4 LincEdSv Q LINC .08 3.1 2.90 1.30 532 2.61 808 2.72 2.22 +.36 +35.9sLincElec Q LECO 1.40f 1.6 30 88.42 55.91 361 88.47 1158 88.73 85.44 +2.11 +15.4 LincNat N LNC 1.16 1.7 11 73.31 35.27 2532 67.96 8888 69.98 67.84 -1.05 +2.6 LindbladEx Q LIND 90 10.70 7.75 89 9.00 313 9.19 8.66 -.16 -4.8 Lindblad wt Q LINDW 2.63 1.50 2.08 6 2.14 1.98 +.08 -5.5 Lindsay N LNN 1.16 1.4 62 89.98 65.78 181 82.85 460 82.86 79.52 +2.80 +11.0 LineCp n N LN 51.48 30.90 91 35.77 1072 35.97 34.64 +.74 +5.2 LionBiotch Q LBIO 9.58 4.24 697 7.95 1347 8.05 7.25 +.30 +14.4tLionsGat A N LGF/A 29.03 25.21 1190 25.20 2881 26.26 25.18 -.86 -6.3tLionsGat B N LGF/B 27.14 23.23 996 23.68 2209 24.40 23.23 -.50 -3.5 Lipocine Q LPCN 12.66 2.51 515 4.50 2124 4.58 4.00 +.50 +22.3 LiqTech N LIQT .99 .42 51 .49 129 .50 .46 +.02 -23.3 Liquidity Q LQDT 11.49 4.94 294 8.00 626 8.15 7.70 +.05 -17.9 LithiaMot N LAD 1.00 1.1 13 105.32 68.70 440 92.31 1305 94.59 89.93 -.95 -4.7 Littelfuse Q LFUS 1.32 .8 32 167.21 106.26 259 161.60 733 163.15 157.48 +3.77 +6.5 LivaNova n Q LIVN 51 63.21 40.84 249 49.55 1559 50.81 49.13 +.34 +10.2 LiveNatn N LYV 30.79 21.00 1274 29.25 4625 29.40 28.26 +.98 +10.0 LiveOakB n Q LOB .07e .3 24.59 12.68 221 22.05 572 22.70 21.60 +.15 +19.2 LiveVent rs Q LIVE 4 32.98 7.98 30 14.97 136 15.33 13.76 +1.02 -37.7 LivePrsn Q LPSN 8.85 5.40 463 7.10 1306 7.10 6.70 +.40 -6.0 LloydBkg N LYG .47a 13.6 4.42 2.47 7477 3.49 116110 3.53 3.29 +.07 +12.6sLockhdM N LMT 7.28 2.7 21 270.68 217.14 2036 271.98 5222 272.18 267.13 +3.32 +8.8 Loews N L .25 .5 21 48.05 37.25 911 47.21 3931 47.75 46.75 +.01 +.8sLogitech Q LOGI .57e 1.8 66 31.59 14.36 293 31.47 2239 31.61 30.00 +1.90 +27.0 LogMeIn Q LOGM .50p 110.10 47.36 1626 97.95 4088 100.20 96.90 -1.30 +1.5 Lombard Q EVAR 1.94 .50 231 .74 1825 .77 .62 +.12 +23.3 LoneRs n Q LONE 16.00 4.48 91 5.89 274 6.00 4.96 +.88 -31.0 LI IcedT n Q LTEA 5.91 3.73 80 3.81 153 4.05 3.81 -.22 -8.6 LoralSpac Q LORL 32 42.20 32.04 106 39.20 255 39.85 39.00 +.05 -4.5 LaPac N LPX 26 24.94 15.05 1871 24.70 5992 24.85 23.52 +.89 +30.5sLowes N LOW 1.40 1.7 21 84.00 64.87 5459 83.53 23442 84.00 81.31 +1.95 +17.4 LoxoOncol Q LOXO 47.46 16.50 578 44.52 1421 44.53 41.99 +1.27 +38.6 Lubys N LUB 5.10 3.26 70 3.32 147 3.40 3.27 -.02 -22.4 lululemn gs Q LULU 31 81.81 54.00 1976 64.04 7330 65.45 62.78 -1.04 -1.5 LumberLiq N LL 20.10 11.07 1082 19.29 4091 19.36 17.35 +1.45 +22.6 Lumentm n Q LITE 63 53.70 20.80 2017 49.45 11835 49.80 42.90 +3.65 +27.9 Luminex Q LMNX .06p 21 23.75 17.64 512 18.44 1090 18.53 17.80 +.40 -8.8 LumosNtw Q LMOS .56 3.2 17.75 10.67 706 17.72 1300 17.75 17.46 +.02 +13.4 LunaInn h Q LUNA 2.33 .87 116 1.88 870 2.15 1.71 -.04 +27.9 LuxferHld N LXFR .50 4.1 13.60 9.28 44 12.11 202 12.20 11.64 +.31 +11.2 Luxoft N LXFT 28 66.18 46.58 129 58.30 759 59.65 56.55 +1.45 +3.7 Luxottica N LUX .78e 1.4 57.17 44.85 200 54.81 438 55.24 53.11 +.91 +2.1 Lydall N LDL 21 64.85 31.95 227 54.15 605 54.25 50.25 +3.55 -12.4 LyonBas A N LYB 3.40 3.8 10 97.64 69.82 2241 90.08 11902 91.40 87.90 +.29 +5.0M -:M III Aq un Q MIII 10.09 9.43 11 9.82 86 9.84 9.73 +.07 +.7sM III Aq wt Q MIIIW .35 .18 3 .33 113 .35 .30 +.01 +37.5sM III Ac un Q MIIIU 10.11 9.63 25 10.05 131 10.13 10.01 +1.8 M&T Bk N MTB 3.00f 1.9 20 173.72 107.01 2051 162.09 4976 166.73 161.45 -4.10 +3.6 M&T Bk wt N MTB/WS 99.00 35.27 91.00 4 91.00 88.64 -1.80 +9.6 MACOM Q MTSI 53.80 29.56 309 46.98 1596 47.08 45.22 +.74 +1.5 MAG Slv g N MAG 18.12 8.94 975 13.97 3390 14.87 13.25 +.21 +26.7 MAM Soft Q MAMS 21 7.77 5.10 2 6.20 21 6.28 5.91 +.01 -4.0 MB Fncl Q MBFI .76 1.7 19 48.47 30.53 1022 44.44 2303 45.26 43.59 +.21 -5.9 MB Finl pf Q MBFIP 2.00 7.6 27.97 26.35 1 26.45 15 26.46 26.38 +.09 -1.7 MBIA N MBI 11.65 6.34 3012 8.91 8180 9.43 8.91 -.36 -16.7 MBT Fnl Q MBTF .20f 1.8 17 12.25 6.96 167 10.90 353 11.15 10.55 +.25 -4.0sMCBC n Q MCFT 4.30e 14 16.23 8.71 200 15.96 723 16.23 15.44 +.19 +9.5sMDC N MDC 1.00 3.3 15 31.24 20.51 1069 30.21 3072 31.24 29.44 -.07 +17.7 MDC Pr gs Q MDCA .84 9.4 23.90 2.75 470 8.90 2060 9.10 8.35 +.25 +35.9 MDU Res N MDU .77 2.8 23 29.92 18.39 2993 27.26 6131 27.33 26.43 +.76 -5.2 MEI Phrm Q MEIP 2.28 1.13 82 1.63 732 1.72 1.60 -.08 +13.2tMER Tele Q MTSL 1.45 .63 5 .69 107 .78 .63 -.08 -24.2 MFA Fncl N MFA .80 9.9 11 8.14 6.54 2577 8.09 9091 8.11 7.89 +.10 +6.0 MFA Fn42 N MFO 2.00 7.8 27.87 24.80 3 25.59 13 25.60 25.35 +.17 -.4 MFA pfB N MFApB 1.88 7.5 26.09 23.36 12 24.96 53 24.99 24.43 +.27 +3.0 MFC Bcp N MFCB 2.43 1.56 7 1.94 72 1.96 1.85 +.02 -.5 MFRI Q MFRI 9.30 6.06 3 7.90 116 8.30 7.10 +.65 -2.5 MFS CAMu N CCA .60 5.3 14.99 11.05 9 11.31 29 11.42 11.07 +.10 +.4 MCR N MCR .72a 8.5 8.75 8.00 108 8.47 579 8.49 8.30 +.06 -.6tMGF N MGF .41 8.4 5.51 4.84 36 4.89 294 4.99 4.84 -.04 -3.0 MFS HInM N CXE .30 6.0 5.59 4.70 100 4.98 327 5.12 4.87 +.06 +1.6 MFS HYMu N CMU .28 6.1 5.19 4.27 55 4.55 207 4.60 4.50 +.03 +2.9 MFS IHI N CIF .25 9.7 2.68 2.30 89 2.56 434 2.60 2.54 -.8tMIN N MIN .42 9.9 4.69 4.21 336 4.25 1725 4.32 4.21 -4.3 MFS InvG N CXH .50 5.3 10.77 9.09 9 9.54 147 9.63 9.43 +.12 +1.8 MMT N MMT .52 8.6 6.29 5.62 438 6.01 1214 6.05 5.93 -.8 MFM N MFM .38 5.6 7.63 6.51 85 6.83 365 6.92 6.77 +.02 +3.0 MFV N MFV .58 9.9 5.99 5.22 30 5.81 101 5.84 5.57 +.14 +4.3 MGC Diag Q MGCD .70e 10.60 5.20 7 9.10 18 9.35 8.10 +.60 +15.3 MGE Engy Q MGEE 1.23 2.0 30 66.85 47.90 191 62.60 503 63.20 60.35 +.95 -4.1 MGIC Inv N MTG 11 11.35 5.36 4160 10.63 15887 10.95 10.46 +.06 +4.3 MGMGrPr n N MGP .65 27.89 21.75 243 26.31 1640 26.41 25.20 +.54 +4.0 MGM Rsts N MGM .39p 24 30.62 20.14 15181 27.58 50751 27.60 25.56 +2.08 -4.3sMGP Ing Q MGPI .16f .3 30 54.35 21.44 399 54.54 1074 56.17 49.53 +4.53 +9.1 MI Acq n Q MACQ 10.25 9.80 1 10.07 15 10.07 9.95 +.07 +.7 MI Acq wt Q MACQW .48 .17 .32 4 .35 .30 -.03 +29.0sMI Acq un Q MACQU 10.32 9.97 1 10.22 29 10.32 10.20 +.6 MI Homes N MHO 13 26.70 17.00 392 25.04 1221 26.04 24.73 +.16 -.6 MI Hm pfA N MHOpA 26.05 24.03 1 25.58 18 25.68 25.33 +.1sMKS Inst Q MKSI .70f 1.0 23 69.55 34.23 618 69.70 1712 70.20 66.13 +3.50 +17.3 MMA Cap Q MMAC 3 22.75 14.15 14 22.00 88 22.28 21.00 -.05 +15.8sMOCON Q MOCO .48f 2.1 26 21.10 13.02 94 22.75 108 22.75 19.80 +2.70 +16.7 MPLX LP N MPLX 2.06f 5.8 39.43 25.98 2117 35.75 5190 36.84 35.75 -.40 +3.3 MRC Glbl N MRC 22.52 11.50 1254 18.06 5170 18.75 17.10 -.06 -10.9 MRV Com Q MRVC 13.09 7.05 9 10.80 96 10.95 9.90 +.65 +32.5 MSA Safety N MSA 1.28 1.8 27 74.64 44.16 455 71.20 1232 71.52 67.33 +2.21 +2.7 MSB Fin Q MSBF 17.00 12.52 2 16.75 10 16.80 16.55 +.15 +13.9 MSC Ind N MSM 1.80f 1.8 27 105.70 67.74 580 102.04 2754 102.91 100.67 -.03 +10.4sMSCI Inc N MSCI 1.12 1.2 34 109.29 70.27 1109 97.33 10098 109.29 94.68 +2.46 +23.5 MSG Netw N MSGN 10 23.95 14.73 519 23.05 2128 23.33 22.60 +.15 +7.2 MTGE Inv Q MTGE 1.80f 10.7 19 17.77 13.78 984 16.75 1828 16.85 15.75 +.75 +6.7 MTGE pfA Q MTGEP 2.03 7.9 26.24 23.50 2 25.74 8 25.74 25.10 +.54 +3.1 MTS Q MTSC 1.20 2.2 26 62.27 41.53 175 54.30 339 55.15 53.80 +.15 -4.2 MV OilTr N MVO .42e 6.8 5 7.35 3.90 9 6.21 157 6.57 6.05 -.34 -.3sMVC Cap N MVC .54a 6.2 9.01 7.12 20 8.78 144 9.01 8.77 -.10 +2.3 MVCCap 23 N MVCB 1.81 7.0 26.00 23.87 2 25.80 5 25.80 25.37 +.38 +2.4 MYOS Q MYOS 6.98 1.02 297 2.85 1230 3.59 2.83 -.27 +141.5 MYR Grp Q MYRG 19 43.77 21.84 162 40.68 659 43.00 38.56 -1.26 +8.0tMabVxTh n Q MBVX 6.05 2.35 48 2.60 239 3.00 2.35 -.27 -23.1 MacQUtlDv N MFD 1.20 9.9 13.34 10.81 13 12.18 120 12.19 11.81 +.37 +6.8 MacQGInf N MGU 1.48 6.7 23.12 18.33 17 21.96 113 22.00 21.48 +.50 +11.3 Macatawa Q MCBC .16f 1.6 21 10.67 6.03 82 10.05 305 10.12 9.67 -.03 -3.5 Macerich N MAC 2.84 4.4 20 94.51 62.48 2137 64.15 6171 65.23 62.71 +.65 -9.4 MackCali N CLI .60 2.2 12 29.70 21.85 766 27.40 2343 27.46 26.47 +.63 -5.1 MackFn Q MFNC .40 3.0 18 14.07 10.00 13.50 3 13.64 13.50 -.07 +.2 Macquarie N MIC 5.24f 6.6 41 85.45 62.82 1705 79.80 3426 80.07 76.27 +2.95 -2.3 MacroGen Q MGNX 33.30 14.90 358 18.97 1133 20.08 18.33 -.82 -7.2 Macys N M 1.51 4.9 11 45.41 28.55 11179 30.54 36971 31.75 29.75 -.81 -14.7 MadCatz g N MCZ .29 .06 622 .07 6224 .08 .07 -52.4 MadCvCall N MCN .72 9.0 8.21 7.22 35 7.98 194 8.16 7.85 +.03 +3.6sMadSqGd n N MSG 206.24 156.01 164 198.72 1321 206.24 197.98 -3.50 +15.9sMadStSec N MSP 1.04 8.6 12.42 10.92 16 12.06 43 12.42 11.98 -.04 +1.4 MadrigP rs Q MDGL 18.24 6.60 8 15.74 38 16.04 15.55 +.01 +5.6 Magal Q MAGS 7.90 4.08 225 7.30 957 7.68 6.76 +.41 +44.0 MagellnHlt Q MGLN 17 84.71 49.50 259 67.85 712 68.80 65.95 +.05 -9.8 MagellMid N MMP 3.42f 4.4 23 81.77 63.40 1862 77.65 4660 78.48 76.67 +.36 +2.7sMagicSft Q MGIC .19e 2.4 20 7.95 6.35 8 7.95 142 7.95 7.75 +.20 +19.2sMagicJack Q CALL 8.73 5.27 250 8.90 1479 8.90 7.20 +1.40 +29.9 Magna g s N MGA 1.10f 2.5 9 47.21 32.76 1221 44.04 5432 44.72 42.70 +1.33 +1.5 MagnaChip N MX 9.17 4.71 652 8.35 2184 8.45 7.35 +.95 +34.7 MagneGas Q MNGA 1.36 .40 142 .49 586 .50 .47 +.01 +7.5 MaidenH Q MHLD .56 3.9 45 18.95 11.64 1312 14.50 3308 15.18 14.30 -.10 -16.9 Maiden prA N MHpA 2.06 8.0 26.90 25.25 6 25.64 34 25.79 25.55 -.07 -.8 Maiden pfC N MHpC 1.78 6.9 27.08 23.76 16 25.69 83 25.93 25.40 +.21 -.5 MaidenHld n N MHLA .60 2.3 28.60 24.34 10 25.55 85 25.65 25.35 +.20 +.9 MaidHld42 N MHNB 2.00 7.9 26.83 24.83 7 25.32 42 25.39 25.17 +.12 -.3 MaidHld 43 N MHNC 1.94 7.2 27.80 24.51 6 27.11 20 27.30 26.58 +.31 +.4sMainStCap N MAIN 2.22a 5.9 19 37.72 30.33 348 37.72 1527 37.75 36.96 +.95 +2.6 MainStC 23 N MSCA 1.53 5.8 26.93 25.24 1 26.17 8 26.40 26.13 -.05 +1.7 MainSrce Q MSFG .64 1.9 19 35.64 19.98 167 34.54 367 34.77 32.88 +1.40 +.4 MainSDTMu N MMD 1.18 6.3 20.99 17.96 82 18.64 309 18.76 18.44 +.05 +1.9 Majesco n N MJCO 6.50 4.50 13 5.06 30 5.07 4.96 +.07 -16.8 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 12 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
sMMyTrip Q MMYT 36.65 13.69 1261 35.70 4684 36.85 31.53 +4.05 +60.8 MalibuBoat Q MBUU 18 22.95 11.38 195 21.51 556 22.14 20.68 +.57 +12.7 Mallinckdt N MNK 85.83 42.67 1836 46.90 7329 49.95 46.85 -2.49 -5.9sMalvernBc Q MLVF 27 21.50 15.00 75 22.00 86 22.00 20.05 +1.45 +4.0 MamEngy n Q TUSK 24.54 11.91 114 19.29 433 19.99 17.71 +.43 +26.9 ManTech Q MANT .84 2.3 24 45.52 29.43 613 36.14 1368 37.05 35.54 +.32 -14.5 MgdDInvG N MZF .74 5.7 15.03 12.75 11 12.99 91 13.04 12.86 -1.0 ManchUtd N MANU .36 2.2 17.83 13.30 29 16.65 100 16.70 16.34 +.10 +16.8 ManhAssc Q MANH 29 68.57 46.11 665 51.00 2812 51.84 49.71 +1.20 -3.8 ManhBrCa Q LOAN .40 6.5 18 7.65 4.04 24 6.20 324 6.20 5.10 +.35 -18.4 Manitex Q MNTX 9.89 4.98 107 8.31 460 8.57 7.52 +.56 +21.1 Manitowoc N MTW .08 1.3 7.57 3.65 2983 6.18 8428 6.35 5.34 +.38 +3.3 MannKd rs Q MNKD 11.20 1.74 4458 2.22 9214 2.35 1.90 +.27 -30.3 Mannatech Q MTEX .13e .8 8 24.49 15.99 5 17.00 28 18.00 16.35 -.60 -16.3tManngNap N MN .32m 5.8 20 10.34 5.60 248 5.55 808 5.95 5.50 -.30 -26.5sManpwrGp N MAN 1.72 1.7 16 103.41 57.26 571 103.61 2338 103.90 100.43 +2.77 +16.6 Manulife g N MFC .74 4.1 19.52 12.55 1270 18.11 9553 18.57 17.93 +.13 +1.6 MarathnO N MRO .20 1.3 19.28 9.65 11472 15.46 76930 16.25 14.61 -.70 -10.7tMaraPatnt Q MARA 3.44 1.22 137 1.07 364 1.40 1.07 -.25 -37.8 MarathPt s N MPC 1.44 2.8 10 54.59 32.02 4970 50.79 28115 52.24 49.67 +.92 +.9 MarchxB Q MCHX 4.60 2.46 228 2.64 567 2.64 2.51 +.10 -.4 MarcusMill N MMI 16 30.31 22.93 109 26.20 554 26.65 25.69 -.20 -1.9 Marcus N MCS .50f 1.6 23 32.60 18.20 149 31.85 319 32.40 30.76 +1.00 +1.1 MarinSoft N MRIN 3.29 1.45 79 1.85 468 1.85 1.60 +.25 -21.3 MarPet Q MARPS .33e 7.6 9 6.00 2.91 4.31 16 4.31 4.05 +.11 -1.8 MarineP N MPX .28f 2.4 28 14.87 7.19 129 11.54 268 11.64 10.00 +1.52 -16.8 MarineMx N HZO 23 23.50 15.10 238 22.45 841 22.95 21.90 +.10 +16.0 MarinusPh Q MRNS 6.76 .82 344 1.56 3961 1.75 1.50 +54.5 Markel N MKL 31 992.00 811.05 29 980.17 130 984.80 973.43 +4.21 +8.4 MktAxess Q MKTX 1.32f .7 57 200.90 117.60 229 190.05 709 192.99 189.59 -1.45 +29.4sMarlinBs Q MRLN .56 2.1 19 26.65 13.70 76 26.35 252 26.70 25.10 +1.20 +26.1 MAR Q MAR 1.20 1.4 24 91.07 60.87 2423 88.33 10534 88.50 86.25 +1.71 +6.8 MarriotVac N VAC 1.40 1.5 20 99.53 56.33 268 95.42 630 95.76 91.37 +3.20 +12.5 Marrone Q MBII 2.79 .60 49 1.91 136 2.01 1.80 -.05 -10.7sMarshM N MMC 1.36 1.8 23 74.76 59.11 2330 75.14 7992 75.23 73.51 +1.47 +11.2 MartenTrn Q MRTN .10 .4 24 27.05 16.90 191 24.60 432 24.60 23.55 +.75 +5.6 MartMM N MLM 1.68 .8 32 243.98 150.75 552 211.95 2805 215.22 209.19 -.86 -4.3 MartinMid Q MMLP 2.00 10.5 29 25.38 15.58 1572 19.00 2822 19.35 18.25 +.20 +3.5sMarvellTch Q MRVL .24 1.5 16.72 9.05 4793 16.12 28784 16.72 15.96 -.27 +16.2 Masco N MAS .40 1.2 23 37.38 29.11 3783 34.66 15991 34.77 33.40 +.73 +9.6sMasimo Q MASI 17 96.68 37.29 5342 93.22 9744 96.68 91.05 -2.15 +38.3sMasonite g N DOOR 81.95 55.60 408 80.50 1115 81.95 79.95 -.55 +22.3 MastThera N MSTX .71 .07 4629 .10 19359 .12 .10 -.01 +16.1 Mastec N MTZ 34 41.90 19.13 714 39.35 3359 40.50 37.80 -.45 +2.9 MastechD N MHH 8 8.35 5.82 66 6.88 169 6.98 6.20 +.62 +1.0sMasterCrd N MA .88 .8 32 112.97 86.65 3700 112.83 15756 113.50 110.13 +1.62 +9.3 MatadorRs N MTDR 28.51 17.54 1780 23.10 7133 24.01 22.22 -.22 -10.3 Match n Q MTCH 19.74 10.06 689 16.35 3441 16.97 16.31 -.43 -4.4 Materialise Q MTLS 9.50 6.07 28 8.86 205 8.86 7.95 +.84 +15.4 Materion N MTRN .38 1.1 25 41.23 22.36 265 33.45 532 34.10 32.35 +.10 -15.5tMatinasB n N MTNB 3.92 2.87 254 3.24 1725 3.61 2.87 -.35 -13.1sMatlnPrt un Q MPACU 10.08 10.00 17 10.05 478 10.08 10.01 +.04 +.4 MatrixSv Q MTRX 15 23.45 14.07 348 15.90 967 16.03 15.10 +.25 -30.0 Matson N MATX .72f 2.2 18 43.00 28.79 600 32.63 1550 32.88 32.02 +.25 -7.8 Mattel Q MAT 1.52 5.9 24 34.76 24.92 5859 25.66 19934 25.78 25.00 +.12 -6.9 Mattersight Q MATR 4.65 3.00 20 3.75 130 3.75 3.55 +.10 +1.4 MatthInt Q MATW .68 1.0 24 77.85 47.50 317 70.00 709 70.45 66.25 +3.45 -8.9sMauiLand N MLP 16 11.90 5.23 12 11.20 152 11.90 10.36 -.25 +55.6sMaximIntg Q MXIM 1.32 2.9 26 46.14 33.38 3361 45.62 10837 46.14 44.94 +.60 +18.3sMaximus N MMS .18 .3 21 62.18 43.69 823 62.22 2147 62.35 60.43 +1.64 +11.5 MaxLinear N MXL 39 27.50 15.31 2453 26.36 4181 26.70 25.83 -.06 +20.9 MaxPoint n Q MXPT 11.94 1.45 64 6.70 430 6.85 5.41 +1.19 +11.7 MaxwellT Q MXWL 6.72 4.20 1720 5.78 2220 5.88 5.20 +.57 +12.9 MazorRbt Q MZOR 26.55 9.66 84 23.50 373 23.70 22.44 +1.03 +7.2 McClatch rs N MNI 19.77 9.67 30 10.50 48 11.01 10.41 -.22 -20.3 McCorm vot N MKC/V 1.88f 1.8 108.26 89.14 4 101.86 7 102.00 100.07 +1.67 +9.4 McCorm N MKC 1.72f 1.7 28 107.84 88.64 759 102.00 3178 102.27 99.88 +1.68 +9.3 McDrmInt N MDR 21 8.33 3.53 3948 6.59 15987 6.74 6.23 -10.8 McDnlds N MCD 3.76 2.9 24 131.96 110.33 10860 128.64 23828 129.98 127.35 +.66 +5.7 McGrathR Q MGRC 1.04f 3.0 22 39.86 22.40 347 34.55 696 34.64 33.32 +.78 -11.8 McKesson N MCK 1.12 .8 13 199.43 114.53 1837 147.93 8595 150.31 146.22 +.26 +5.3 McEwenM N MUX .01a .3 4.92 1.80 12889 3.08 35880 3.52 2.95 +.02 +5.8 MeadJohn N MJN 1.65 1.9 26 94.40 69.25 2099 87.63 11069 87.88 87.63 -.10 +23.8 Mechel pf N MTLp 1.35 .19 30 1.16 218 1.16 1.01 +.12 +3.6 Mechel rs N MTL 6.83 1.46 517 5.45 1311 5.46 4.54 +1.09 -4.9 MedalFin Q MFIN .20 9.1 3 10.00 1.60 335 2.20 1007 2.20 2.00 +.17 -27.2 MedalF 9 21 Q MFINL 2.25 12.2 28.40 13.20 1 18.40 9 18.40 17.60 +.20 -.4 Medequit n N MRT 12.05 10.28 275 11.06 669 11.10 10.65 +.21 -.4 MedProp N MPW .96f 7.7 13 15.92 11.54 5541 12.41 22488 12.54 11.90 +.45 +.9tMedTrBil h Q MTBC 1.33 .60 1 .63 56 .77 .60 -.02 -13.1 MedTBill pf Q MTBCP 2.75 10.8 40.03 23.46 1 25.50 9 25.50 25.13 +.23 +.1sMediCo Q MDCO 55.28 29.48 19720 48.38 25325 55.28 38.85 -4.43 +42.5 MediciNova Q MNOV 10.16 5.44 89 5.98 188 6.33 5.71 -.8 Medidata Q MDSO 88 58.77 34.25 489 57.90 1563 58.49 55.85 +1.30 +16.6 Medifast N MED 1.28 2.9 24 46.36 28.30 159 43.58 634 43.83 41.29 +1.37 +4.7 Medigus rs Q MDGS 32.50 4.10 11 7.15 476 8.60 6.21 -.93 +26.5 MediWound Q MDWD 8.90 4.25 25 5.95 52 6.10 5.55 -.15 +29.9 MedleyCap N MCC .88 11.5 8 8.06 6.16 735 7.64 1992 7.66 7.47 +.18 +1.7 MedleyC 23 N MCV 1.53 6.1 26.24 23.26 4 25.20 14 25.45 25.20 -.12 +.8 MedleyC 21 N MCX 1.63 6.3 26.25 23.69 2 25.96 9 26.20 25.70 +.31 +1.4 Medley n N MDLX 24.84 22.93 8 24.50 56 24.50 23.91 +.43 +1.8 Medley24 n N MDLQ 25.75 24.73 40 25.21 107 25.34 25.03 +.16 +1.3 MedleyMgt N MDLY .80 9.6 24 10.65 5.10 74 8.35 242 9.40 8.00 -1.00 -15.7 Mednax N MD 19 76.96 59.36 779 70.55 3181 71.26 69.60 +.59 +5.8 Medovex h Q MDVX 2.48 1.00 33 1.41 305 1.42 1.27 +.11 +6.0 Medov wt h Q MDVXW 1.10 .02 3 .17 24 .17 .14 +.03 +97.6 Medpace n Q MEDP 58 38.94 26.51 301 27.66 785 28.72 27.65 -.86 -23.3 Medtrnic N MDT 1.72 2.1 18 89.27 69.35 11043 82.23 27205 84.00 81.61 -.81 +15.4 MeetMe Q MEET 15 8.11 2.71 2033 5.19 13613 5.34 4.88 +.13 +5.3 MelcoCrwn Q MPEL 1.40e 7.5 60 20.00 11.91 7539 18.55 21776 18.64 16.36 +2.05 +16.7 Mellanox Q MLNX 36 55.80 38.75 584 51.60 3026 52.60 50.00 +1.20 +26.2 MelroseBn Q MELR 64 18.10 14.60 23 16.60 36 17.40 16.45 +.15 -7.5 MemorialP Q MEMP .12 109.1 3.07 .10 887 .11 3678 .13 .11 -12.0sMentorGr Q MENT .22 .6 26 37.20 18.79 2145 37.24 8072 37.29 37.10 +.18 +.9 Menus n Q MRUS 33.63 7.26 54 29.98 249 30.78 29.00 -.04 +42.0 MercadoL Q MELI .60 .3 56 216.70 110.87 464 211.29 1886 215.96 209.55 +35.3 MercBank Q MBWM .72f 2.1 18 38.68 21.05 77 34.15 345 34.27 31.32 +2.33 -9.4 MercerIntl Q MERC .46 4.1 21 12.98 7.03 329 11.20 1180 11.55 11.10 -.05 +5.2 MerchBsh Q MBVT 1.12 2.2 21 54.80 28.16 33 50.50 72 50.60 49.30 +.50 -6.8 Merck N MRK 1.88 2.9 17 66.80 52.10 13957 63.90 54442 65.29 63.89 -1.23 +8.5 MercGn N MCY 2.49 4.2 30 64.52 49.69 623 59.63 1235 61.49 58.41 +1.21 -1.0sMercSys Q MRCY 51 39.65 16.33 962 39.82 2106 40.01 37.93 +1.66 +31.8 Meredith N MDP 2.08f 3.3 15 66.25 43.85 2132 62.40 4521 63.15 61.55 -.30 +5.5 MeridBcp Q EBSB .16f .9 29 20.55 13.41 287 18.70 665 18.85 18.15 +.09 -1.1 MeridBio Q VIVO .50m 3.7 17 21.49 10.75 551 13.60 1572 13.60 12.95 +.35 -23.2 MeridWs wt Q MRDNW .71 .39 9 .58 18 .70 .54 -.09 -10.8 MeridWs n Q MRDN 3.45 2.50 104 2.70 261 3.20 2.70 -.20 -16.9 MeritMed Q MMSI 40 31.60 17.13 455 31.35 1056 31.50 29.80 +1.50 +18.3 Meritage N MTH 11 41.22 29.70 539 38.25 2458 39.25 36.05 +1.20 +9.9sMeritor N MTOR 3 17.04 6.30 1103 16.85 3565 17.15 15.99 +.65 +35.7 MerL pfK N MERpK 1.61 6.3 27.00 24.65 65 25.65 276 25.73 25.47 +.10 +2.1 MerL pfP N MERpP 1.84 7.1 27.88 24.05 75 26.04 193 26.08 25.65 +.25 +1.3 ML CZN46 N PIY 2.09 7.9 32.44 25.08 4 26.42 24 26.65 25.62 +.66 +2.4 MLRRD29 N PYS 1.58 6.6 26.20 20.35 0 23.95 21 24.08 22.59 +1.51 +13.0 MLGS flt N PYT .76 3.6 21.32 18.70 1 20.81 10 20.99 20.18 +.35 +6.5 MLIdxPl33 N IPB 1.51 5.7 29.80 26.10 4 26.60 5 26.76 26.60 -.05 +.6 MerrimkP Q MACK 9.02 2.83 4641 3.21 13638 3.44 3.08 +.06 -21.3 MerusLb hg Q MSLI 1.76 .70 3 .91 48 .99 .90 +.04 +5.1 MesaLabs Q MLAB .64 .5 34 137.20 87.04 30 123.61 62 125.00 117.58 -.22 +.7 MesaRoyl N MTR .76e 6.5 11 14.40 6.95 4 11.65 23 11.70 11.05 +.45 +6.9 Mesab N MSB .64e 49 17.42 5.59 39 15.30 269 15.75 13.55 +.85 +43.0 Mesoblast n Q MESO 10.89 3.50 34 8.11 124 8.29 7.47 +.75 +51.6 MetaFincl Q CASH .52 .6 26 106.90 43.14 161 91.35 334 91.80 85.95 +5.05 -11.2 Metaldyne N MPG .37 1.6 14 24.00 12.55 328 23.60 1043 23.80 23.20 +.40 +2.8 Methanx Q MEOH 1.10 2.4 53.35 26.83 1013 46.60 3753 48.40 45.00 -.02 +6.4sMethode N MEI .36 .8 19 45.95 27.04 361 46.30 1280 46.35 42.90 +3.45 +12.0 MetLife N MET 1.60 3.0 12 58.09 36.17 6359 53.36 26337 54.40 53.12 -.66 -1.0 MetLfe pfA N METpA 1.02 4.1 25.96 23.09 37 24.69 164 24.93 24.22 +.25 +6.1 MettlerT N MTD 34 489.92 332.04 209 481.83 868 488.85 478.08 -5.07 +15.1 MexcoEn N MXC 5.61 2.08 3 3.73 97 4.00 3.13 -.07 -25.4 MexEqt N MXE 1.62e .1 11.44 8.69 4 10.21 31 10.24 9.71 +.42 +11.3 MexicoFd N MXF .70e 4.4 18.24 13.28 42 16.00 237 16.00 15.08 +.79 +6.5 MKors N KORS 9 58.63 34.92 2397 37.83 12685 38.16 36.72 +.98 -12.0 Michaels Q MIK 12 31.37 19.00 1132 22.20 8644 22.82 21.59 +.07 +8.6 Microbot rs Q MBOT 39.85 2.97 41 6.15 264 6.34 5.90 -.02 +.8 Microchp Q MCHP 1.44 1.9 76.50 46.98 3133 74.28 10324 74.90 73.68 +.33 +15.8sMicronT Q MU 26.23 9.35 17073 25.80 103154 26.23 24.94 +.62 +17.7 MicronetE Q MICT 2.80 1.14 71 1.31 119 1.35 1.19 +.11 -1.5 Micronet wt Q MICTW .72 .05 14 .18 55 .20 .18 -.00 +114.3 MicroSemi Q MSCC 57.97 29.68 1182 52.64 3466 53.06 51.19 +.61 -2.5 Microsoft Q MSFT 1.56 2.4 28 65.91 48.04 43000 64.87 122281 65.24 64.15 -.06 +4.4 MicroStr Q MSTR 24 207.28 161.90 92 191.86 264 193.00 186.10 +4.89 -2.8 Microvisn Q MVIS 2.37 .89 2256 2.08 5707 2.12 1.57 +.42 +65.1 MidPenn Q MPB .52 1.8 16 28.95 14.70 37 28.95 42 28.95 26.55 +1.25 +21.5 MidAApt N MAA 3.48f 3.4 19 110.01 85.04 1828 101.78 5923 102.74 96.71 +4.63 +3.9 MidConEn Q MCEP 4.05 1.32 327 2.34 855 2.74 2.32 -.14 -10.0 Midatech n Q MTP 5.44 2.40 4 2.80 22 2.90 2.68 +.04 +1.4 MidcstEn N MEP 1.43 18.0 9.89 4.33 17 7.95 433 8.00 7.90 +12.8 MiddlbgF Q MBRG .52 1.5 31 37.17 19.87 36 35.57 81 35.80 35.06 +.38 +2.4 Middleby Q MIDD 28 150.87 99.54 269 139.35 1366 142.00 136.76 +1.64 +8.2sMiddlefldB Q MBCN 1.08 2.4 13 42.50 31.19 31 44.75 37 44.75 41.25 +3.55 +15.6 MdsxWatr Q MSEX .84 2.3 27 44.48 29.64 202 37.10 374 37.41 35.41 +1.46 -13.6 MidlStBc n Q MSBI .80f 2.3 16 37.58 20.80 36 34.38 160 34.67 33.53 +.38 -5.0 MidsthBcp N MSL .36 2.6 21 15.25 7.37 37 13.75 85 14.35 13.20 +.04 +1.1 MidstPet N MPO 23.25 17.01 36 18.20 98 19.49 17.64 -1.04 -12.2 MidWOne Q MOFG .66f 1.9 14 39.20 25.49 772 34.64 864 38.00 34.20 -1.68 -7.9 Milacron n N MCRN 19.32 12.43 365 18.42 867 18.47 17.56 +.91 -1.1 MilestnSci N MLSS 3.20 1.10 6 1.60 27 1.60 1.45 +.10 +14.3 MillerHer Q MLHR .68 2.3 14 36.46 26.99 916 30.15 2099 31.15 30.10 -.80 -11.8 MHowHiInc N HIE 1.39 10.4 13.50 10.89 44 13.41 240 13.48 12.65 +.76 +8.2 MillerInds N MLR .72f 2.9 14 28.85 19.09 63 24.50 163 24.60 22.80 +.50 -7.4 Mimecast n Q MIME 24.60 7.08 504 20.52 1148 20.70 19.15 +1.24 +14.6 MiMedx Q MDXG 44 10.02 6.64 1536 8.85 5221 8.98 8.38 +.16 -.1 Mind CTI Q MNDO .27m 11.2 11 2.68 1.74 32 2.42 420 2.45 2.27 +.02 +10.6sMindbody n Q MB 28.05 11.91 477 27.60 1917 28.15 26.15 +1.35 +29.6 MinTech N MTX .20 .3 18 83.85 51.29 258 75.45 831 75.70 72.15 +2.50 -2.3 MinervaN Q NERV 15.84 3.45 223 8.15 763 8.90 8.15 -.55 -30.6 Miragen rs Q MGEN 18.00 1.80 63 12.10 218 14.63 11.53 -1.86 +141.5 MiratiTher Q MRTX 24.43 4.40 176 5.45 716 5.70 5.15 +.20 +14.7 MirnaTh n Q MIRN 5.27 1.12 25 2.30 219 2.33 2.13 +.11 +27.8sMisonix Q MSON 43 12.00 3.83 16 11.55 61 12.00 11.36 +.20 +10.5tMissP pfD N MPpD 1.31 5.2 27.90 25.10 2 25.25 9 25.88 25.10 +.05 -3.3 Mistras N MG 26 26.47 19.62 385 20.39 690 22.74 20.05 -1.84 -20.6 Mitcham Q MIND 5.14 2.65 15 4.77 123 4.97 4.24 +.05 +14.9 Mitchm pfA Q MINDP 2.25 9.7 24.99 22.21 23.25 4 23.58 23.25 -.75 +1.2 MitekSys Q MITK 65 9.49 5.26 306 5.85 1213 6.08 5.65 -.15 -4.9 MitelNet g Q MITL 8.52 5.81 313 7.01 1881 7.19 6.79 +.01 +3.1 MitsuUFJ N MTU 7.01 4.16 704 6.69 3757 6.77 6.63 +.01 +8.6 MiX Tele N MIXT .22e 8.14 3.71 28 6.90 205 7.12 6.60 +.06 +11.5 MizuhoFn N MFG 3.87 2.69 164 3.78 917 3.79 3.70 +.04 +5.3 MobileMini Q MINI .91f 2.9 28 38.13 23.40 394 31.35 1211 31.50 29.50 +.80 +3.6 MobileTele N MBT .88e 8.3 10.91 7.09 9751 10.65 23440 10.70 9.85 +.84 +16.9 MobileIron Q MOBL 5.00 2.56 521 4.60 1519 4.65 4.03 +.40 +22.7sMobileye N MBLY 61.51 33.69 12616 60.51 143443 61.51 60.01 +13.24 +58.7 Model N N MODN 13.98 6.98 121 10.50 429 10.55 9.80 +.45 +18.6 Modine N MOD 15 16.35 8.45 460 11.60 1705 11.95 11.10 +.25 -22.1tModSysIntl Q MDSY 2.25 .62 66 .75 211 .80 .62 -16.7 ModusLink Q MLNK 2.08 1.05 159 1.87 1623 1.95 1.64 +.22 +28.1 Moelis&Co N MC .94a 2.5 21 39.90 21.91 332 38.00 1095 38.98 37.00 +.25 +12.1 Mohawk N MHK 19 233.70 175.52 563 230.20 2288 233.57 228.53 -.19 +15.3 Moleculin n Q MBRX 9.58 .95 150 1.02 1292 1.20 1.02 -.13 -55.3tMolinaHlth N MOH 67.87 43.91 1317 45.86 5634 46.02 43.91 +.13 -15.5 MolsCoorB N TAP 1.64 1.7 31 112.19 89.40 1491 98.38 5391 99.37 96.65 +1.28 +1.1 Momenta Q MNTA 19.90 7.86 1327 13.75 4046 14.30 13.40 -.40 -8.6sMomo Q MOMO 35.22 8.88 3698 35.01 27820 35.73 30.52 +4.23 +90.5sMonarCas h Q MCRI 22 29.04 18.50 86 29.00 245 29.24 27.43 +1.45 +12.5 Mondelez Q MDLZ .76 1.7 32 46.40 39.21 13615 44.75 44024 45.12 43.55 +.90 +.9sMoneyGrm Q MGI 45 16.50 5.61 1457 16.29 12107 16.52 12.65 +3.64 +37.9 MonRE N MNR .64 4.5 19 15.36 11.15 505 14.32 1746 14.45 13.71 +.47 -6.0 MonRE pfB N MNRpB 1.97 7.8 27.25 25.24 1 25.34 11 25.59 25.30 -.05 -1.1 MonRE pfC N MNRpC 1.53 6.3 26.50 23.00 9 24.35 190 24.45 24.00 +.38 +3.2 MonogRes N MORE .30 3.0 34 10.97 9.45 1392 10.09 4388 10.19 9.94 +.11 -6.7sMonPwSys Q MPWR .80 .9 74 93.58 58.74 432 92.96 1405 93.58 89.00 +3.71 +13.5 Monotype Q TYPE .45f 2.3 34 25.37 17.31 525 19.90 1224 20.30 19.20 +.40 +.3 MonroMuf Q MNRO .68 1.3 27 73.86 52.05 587 54.35 2355 56.23 53.95 -1.00 -5.0 MonroeCap Q MRCC 1.40 8.9 10 16.37 13.08 214 15.75 709 15.99 15.45 +.50 +2.4 Monsanto N MON 2.16 1.9 23 116.04 84.79 4645 112.76 13816 114.45 111.92 -1.30 +7.2 MonstrBv s Q MNST 39 55.50 40.30 3501 46.47 11036 47.21 45.95 -.35 +4.8 MnstrDg wt Q MSDIW 2.39 .12 0 .17 4 .23 .15 -.03 -54.1 MonsterDg n Q MSDI 4.15 .95 48 1.29 204 1.46 1.29 -.06 -26.3 MonTNAPpl N TPYP .45p 30.26 18.24 7 23.93 47 24.15 23.55 +.02 +1.0 Moodys N MCO 1.52f 1.4 23 114.03 87.30 931 111.94 4104 113.80 111.43 +.01 +18.7 Moog A N MOG/A 21 73.05 42.61 305 68.49 602 68.85 64.13 +3.67 +4.3 MorgStan N MS .80 1.8 15 47.33 23.11 13071 45.02 47153 46.75 44.93 -1.47 +6.6 MorgSt pfE N MSpE 1.78 6.1 30.78 27.07 73 29.05 293 29.22 28.35 +.57 +3.3 MorgSt pfF N MSpF 1.72 6.1 30.17 25.65 45 28.39 254 28.48 27.94 +.31 +5.0 MorgSt pfI N MSpI 1.59 5.8 28.72 25.49 63 27.44 557 27.52 27.00 +.35 +6.6 MorgS pfG N MSpG 1.66 6.3 28.23 25.33 33 26.53 278 26.55 26.06 +.40 +3.9 MorgSt pfK N MSpK 26.12 24.95 492 25.65 1460 25.74 25.07 +.38 +.9 MS Asia N APF .14e .9 15.34 12.69 32 15.02 205 15.05 14.66 +.33 +11.3 MS China N CAF 13.33e 19.73 16.40 103 18.45 558 18.70 18.33 +.19 +8.6 MS CushHi N MLPY 1.28e 16.4 8.47 5.89 3 7.81 13 8.00 7.66 -.03 -3.7 MS EMD N MSD .57e 6.1 9.98 8.70 64 9.41 301 9.41 9.23 +.11 +3.4 MSEMDDbt N EDD .80m 10.3 8.51 6.94 144 7.76 1032 7.76 7.47 +.25 +8.2 MSEmMkt N MSF .05e .3 14.93 12.52 39 14.57 323 14.60 14.13 +.42 +10.5 MS icb N ICB .54a 3.0 18.99 17.29 9 17.71 34 17.71 17.54 +.01 -1.3sMS India N IIF .04e 30.71 23.30 12 30.61 175 30.71 29.47 +1.52 +19.5 MSJCP97 N HJV 1.75 11.3 20.50 15.03 1 15.50 12 15.99 15.25 -.13 -13.1 MkVRMB N CNY 43.00 38.05 1 40.95 27 41.11 40.45 +.28 +4.9sMkVRupee N INR 40.14 37.05 5 40.28 6 40.68 39.96 +1.21 +6.1 MSDSEur N DRR 65.79 52.57 1 61.39 15 63.00 58.20 -.21 -5.6 MorgSt pfA N MSpA 1.01e 4.3 24.40 19.84 50 23.72 525 23.88 22.97 +.71 +3.1 Mornstr Q MORN .92f 1.1 21 89.44 67.74 58 80.03 219 81.10 79.42 -.30 +8.8 Mosaic N MOS 1.26f 4.3 34.36 22.77 4333 29.17 16797 29.44 28.46 -.02 -.5 MoSys rs Q MOSY 9.00 1.82 41 2.34 396 2.39 2.11 +.07 +1.7 MotifBio n Q MTFB 6.69 5.15 14 6.19 17 6.19 5.93 +.28 MotifBi un Q MTFBW 1.50 .72 3 1.48 6 1.48 1.44 +.04 +14.7 MotorcarP Q MPAA 14 38.78 21.75 238 27.98 634 29.00 27.48 +.12 +3.9 MotrlaSolu N MSI 1.88f 2.2 19 87.55 62.76 1398 84.72 8254 86.23 81.12 +3.09 +2.2 MtnPDia g Q MPVE 5.53 3.35 120 3.75 384 3.75 3.50 +.15 -25.7 Movado N MOV .52 2.2 13 31.95 19.14 520 23.60 1379 24.00 21.80 +1.00 -17.9 Moxian n Q MOXC 4.39 2.55 12 3.04 106 3.20 3.00 +.05 -4.4 Mueller N MLI .40 1.2 20 43.96 27.98 675 33.96 1787 34.06 32.51 +.78 -15.0 MuellerWat N MWA .16f 1.3 26 14.20 9.26 2391 12.08 9524 12.37 11.75 -.09 -9.2 MultiPkg n N MPSX 17.95 11.00 281 17.89 1172 17.94 17.86 +.02 +25.5 MultiColor Q LABL .20 .3 22 81.20 48.78 121 72.20 339 73.65 71.65 -.60 -7.0 MurphO N MUR 1.00 3.7 37.48 23.04 3589 27.23 15776 27.53 25.23 +.66 -12.5 MurphUSA N MUSA 13 80.44 56.92 1015 70.12 3025 72.50 66.57 +3.50 +14.1 MutualFst Q MFSF .64 2.0 19 36.75 24.12 17 32.60 33 33.10 31.00 +1.20 -1.5 MySize n Q MYSZ 16.70 2.25 39 2.44 298 2.57 2.30 -.06 -55.2 MyersInd N MYE .54 3.5 34 15.86 11.35 240 15.60 548 15.65 13.60 +1.89 +9.1 Mylan NV Q MYL 9 50.40 33.60 5593 42.03 23566 43.50 41.94 -1.37 +10.2 MyoKard n Q MYOK 22.83 8.45 132 14.45 1029 14.90 12.90 +1.65 +11.6 Myovant n N MYOV 14.27 10.25 35 12.23 123 12.93 12.04 -.42 -1.7 MyriadG Q MYGN 22 39.74 15.15 2666 19.05 7329 19.90 18.83 -.26 +14.3N -:NBT Bcp Q NBTB .92 2.3 23 42.56 25.67 370 40.52 743 40.60 39.10 +1.06 -3.2 NCI BldSy N NCS 24 18.10 12.97 536 16.40 2189 16.55 15.85 +.20 +4.8 NCI Inc Q NCIT .15e 15 15.31 10.98 28 14.70 80 15.00 13.78 -.05 +5.4 NCR Corp N NCR 15 49.90 25.20 2401 44.53 25821 47.89 42.05 -3.94 +9.8 NETgear Q NTGR 21 60.82 38.25 585 54.15 1418 54.50 52.50 +.80 -.4 NF EngSv Q NFEC 2.19 .64 22 1.02 144 1.09 1.00 +17.9 NGL EnPt N NGL 1.56 6.9 32 25.80 7.00 1306 22.60 3137 22.80 21.10 +.85 +7.6stNI Hldg n Q NODK 15.00 14.00 133 14.45 1882 15.00 14.00 -2.0 NIC Inc Q EGOV .73e 26 25.90 16.77 826 21.55 2508 21.65 20.50 +.50 -9.8 NICE Ltd Q NICE .64 1.0 15 70.84 59.07 85 67.13 866 68.18 65.72 -1.17 -2.4 NII Hldg n Q NIHD 5.72 1.20 2792 1.50 6534 1.58 1.40 +.15 -30.2 NL Inds N NL 20 9.60 2.12 79 6.50 388 7.25 6.05 +.65 -20.2sNMI Hldg h Q NMIH 11 12.00 4.56 456 11.80 2398 12.40 10.85 +.85 +10.8sNN Inc Q NNBR .28 1.2 32 23.25 11.19 326 24.20 866 24.30 22.15 +1.85 +27.0 NQ Mobile N NQ 5.35 3.03 383 3.75 1351 3.98 3.74 -.13 +16.5sNRG Egy N NRG .12 .7 22 18.32 9.84 11050 18.06 44006 18.56 16.79 +.20 +47.3 NRG Yld A N NYLD/A 1.00f 6.0 34 17.78 12.47 375 16.70 1236 16.97 15.81 +.76 +8.7 NRG Yld C N NYLD 1.04f 6.1 44 18.56 13.05 803 17.05 2112 17.35 16.35 +.55 +7.9 NTN Buzz rs N NTN 23.70 4.00 71 7.75 278 8.16 7.05 +.69 -8.8 NTT DOCO N DCM 28.43 21.96 98 24.18 644 24.24 23.53 +.82 +6.3 NV5 Global Q NVEE 28 41.80 23.06 109 36.10 285 37.55 34.25 -.80 +8.1 NVE Corp Q NVEC 4.00 5.0 31 88.34 52.16 32 80.62 111 83.88 80.01 -1.17 +12.9sNVR N NVR 20 2081.96 1478.04 36 2059.05 140 2081.96 1990.00 +17.03 +23.4 NXP Semi Q NXPI 107.54 73.62 3085 103.27 14940 104.45 102.91 -.95 +5.4 Nabors N NBR .24 1.8 18.40 7.61 5619 13.49 29986 13.88 12.80 +.05 -17.7 Nabriva n Q NBRV 12.75 3.52 20 11.50 79 12.25 11.00 -.01 +93.0 NACCO N NC 1.07f 1.4 10 99.55 49.80 74 74.65 136 76.53 69.05 +5.80 -17.6 NakedBr n Q NAKD 4.75 .82 669 2.40 6544 2.69 2.11 +.22 +140.0 NamTai N NTP .28f 3.9 9.59 5.19 73 7.15 213 7.68 7.10 -3.4 NanoDim n Q NNDM 9.40 5.10 29 7.19 84 7.59 5.84 +1.24 +20.8 NanoString Q NSTG 23.45 11.89 329 18.96 797 19.21 17.93 +.22 -15.0 NanoViric N NNVC 3.44 1.03 80 1.11 415 1.28 1.10 -.01 +3.7sNanomtr Q NANO 17 29.55 13.58 427 29.28 1374 29.55 28.22 +1.04 +16.8tNantHlth n Q NH 18.79 3.86 1215 5.51 2543 6.43 3.86 +1.18 -44.6tNantKwst n Q NK 10.26 3.44 818 3.64 2597 4.19 3.44 -.42 -36.4sNapco Q NSSC 33 10.95 5.57 60 10.70 314 10.95 10.10 +.65 +25.9 Nasdaq Q NDAQ 1.28 1.8 20 72.52 61.19 1474 70.88 5272 71.46 70.36 +.24 +5.6 Natera n Q NTRA 13.80 7.55 616 8.76 1357 8.87 8.00 +.76 -25.2 Nathans s Q NATH 25.00e 39 66.80 40.04 22 61.80 60 62.35 58.40 +2.20 -4.8sNatAmUnv Q NAUH .18 6.8 2.77 1.20 4 2.66 37 2.77 2.50 +.19 +36.4 NatBkHldg N NBHC .28 .8 41 34.10 19.17 330 33.34 646 33.35 32.25 +.58 +4.5 NatlBnksh Q NKSH 1.16e 3.0 18 45.35 32.32 14 38.15 39 39.20 36.25 +1.35 -12.2sNatlBevrg Q FIZZ 38 76.83 39.14 362 77.37 1778 78.67 71.03 +6.00 +51.5 NatCineM Q NCMI .88 6.9 31 16.10 11.52 651 12.72 2596 13.33 12.33 -.05 -13.6 NatlCmce n Q NCOM 23 39.99 21.37 52 37.45 171 37.50 35.00 +1.15 +.8sNatFuGas N NFG 1.62 2.7 26 61.25 47.49 847 60.37 2936 61.25 59.33 -.46 +6.6 NatGenHld Q NGHC .16f .7 15 26.99 18.04 631 23.35 1162 24.30 23.06 -.67 -6.6 NatGnH pfA Q NGHCP 1.88 7.6 26.95 24.61 20 24.80 28 25.50 24.80 -.20 -1.1 NatGnH pfB Q NGHCO 1.88 7.6 26.96 24.12 69 24.78 194 25.40 24.65 -.24 -.1 NatGnH pfC Q NGHCN 1.88 7.5 26.49 24.12 155 24.94 203 25.25 24.76 +.05 -.2 NatGnH 55 Q NGHCZ 1.91 7.8 26.59 23.99 104 24.56 141 25.16 24.38 -.45 -1.9 NatGrid N NGG 3.35e 5.4 74.97 56.50 1349 61.54 3533 61.81 59.88 +1.55 +5.5 NtHlthInv N NHI 3.80f 5.3 16 82.53 63.65 189 71.09 849 71.45 68.96 +1.58 -4.2 NHltcre N NHC 1.80 2.5 23 78.99 59.12 100 73.19 173 75.55 69.61 -.14 -3.4 NatlHld wt Q NHLDW 1.21 .28 2 .69 4 .90 .65 -.01 -8.1 NatlHld rs Q NHLD 3.88 1.80 34 3.00 156 3.22 2.84 -.15 +11.9 NatInstrm Q NATI .84f 2.6 40 32.91 25.90 922 32.50 2213 32.77 32.09 +.20 +5.5 NOilVarco N NOV .20 .5 30 43.63 26.86 5068 39.31 20531 40.29 36.44 +1.52 +5.0 NatPresto N NPK 1.00a 1.0 18 112.00 81.38 122 100.10 186 100.90 92.40 +6.65 -5.9 NatResh A Q NRCIA .40 2.1 33 20.15 12.53 35 19.05 113 19.60 17.60 +1.30 +.3 NatlReshB Q NRCIB 2.40 6.0 18 46.37 32.18 2 40.00 12 40.65 39.05 +.50 -4.0 NatRetPrp N NNN 1.82 4.1 21 53.60 39.86 1777 44.36 6066 44.45 42.05 +2.03 +.4 NRetP pfE N NNNpE 1.43 5.9 27.13 22.75 49 24.35 135 24.58 24.17 -.01 +5.4 NtRetP pfF N NNNpF 1.30 5.8 24.84 20.65 52 22.54 321 22.57 21.99 +.43 +4.4 NSecGrp Q NSEC .20f 1.2 9 20.84 14.33 2 16.99 5 17.60 16.50 +.23 -4.3 NatlStor n N NSA .96 4.0 31 24.86 18.81 1224 23.88 2729 24.19 22.80 +.69 +8.2 NatWstnLf Q NWLI .36 .1 12 331.70 184.60 19 316.61 60 323.84 303.04 -4.33 +1.9 NtWst pfC N NWpC 1.94 7.4 26.90 25.42 75 26.22 116 26.80 25.71 +.47 +2.3 Nationstar N NSM 10 19.83 9.29 508 16.22 2037 16.82 16.07 -.52 -10.2tNaturlAlt Q NAII 5 14.50 8.25 40 8.75 207 8.85 8.25 +.15 -22.6 NatGsSvcs N NGS 45 34.50 19.82 71 26.40 228 26.76 25.40 +.20 -17.9tNatrlGroc N NGVC 25 22.20 10.00 106 11.03 431 11.06 10.00 +.69 -7.2 NatHlTr n Q NHTC .32f 1.2 6 38.98 20.59 83 27.15 404 29.00 27.00 -.65 +9.3 NatRsPt rs N NRP .23 .7 5 45.60 6.89 129 38.90 307 40.00 37.55 -.30 +20.4 NaturesSun Q NATR .40 4.0 84 16.45 8.50 21 10.10 105 10.20 9.65 +.20 -32.7 NatusMed Q BABY 30 44.39 29.54 477 38.95 1376 39.18 36.63 +2.10 +11.9sNatuzzi N NTZ 2.88 1.39 38 2.81 222 2.89 2.60 +.19 +24.3 Nautilus N NLS 16 24.99 14.28 708 17.05 2245 17.25 16.20 +.75 -7.8 NavideaBio N NAVB 1.51 .26 366 .63 2972 .65 .56 -.9 NavCpi18 Q ISM .86 3.4 27.86 22.41 17 25.36 28 25.50 25.06 +.24 +.4 Nav43 Q JSM 1.50 6.6 24.92 17.67 14 22.62 119 23.01 21.83 +.19 +2.0 Navient Q NAVI .64 4.3 8 17.95 11.01 5403 14.99 13624 15.02 14.14 +.47 -8.8 NavigCons N NCI 18 27.86 14.81 383 23.43 1059 23.45 22.21 +1.17 -10.5 NavigatrH N NVGS 17.11 6.47 359 13.15 1200 13.35 12.60 +41.4 NavgGp s Q NAVG .04p 21 62.04 40.08 219 54.35 467 55.45 52.70 -.35 -7.7 NaviosAcq N NNA .20 11.6 4 2.11 1.19 987 1.72 3224 1.78 1.65 +.05 +1.2 Navios pfG N NMpG 2.19 17.6 14.63 2.82 13 12.44 28 12.44 11.50 +.81 +65.0 Navios N NM 2.40 .57 1200 1.81 6629 1.85 1.61 +.10 +28.4 NavMH pfH N NMpH 2.16 17.8 12.90 2.76 12 12.14 68 12.21 11.18 +.66 +73.4 NavMMid N NAP 1.69 14.6 14.20 9.07 57 11.56 258 11.62 10.75 +.56 +7.2 NaviosMar N NMM 1.27f 57.6 7 2.94 1.12 866 2.21 8958 2.66 2.12 -.27 +56.7 Navistar N NAV 33.46 10.30 712 27.49 3538 27.80 25.20 +1.49 -12.4 NeenahP N NP 1.48f 1.9 17 90.23 60.92 186 76.90 464 77.10 73.70 +2.60 -9.7 NeffCorp N NEFF 12 16.90 6.53 103 16.10 424 16.75 14.60 +.85 +14.2 NektarTh Q NKTR 19.98 11.41 1937 15.50 5399 15.84 14.96 +.16 +26.3 Nelnet N NNI .56f 1.3 9 55.01 31.49 319 44.08 640 45.42 42.64 +1.00 -13.1 Neogen Q NEOG 67 69.09 43.79 375 68.52 695 68.86 64.14 +3.75 +3.8 NeoGenom Q NEO 72 9.88 6.15 330 7.91 1619 8.09 7.75 -.05 -7.7 Neonode Q NEON 2.26 .96 171 1.55 1039 1.70 1.40 +.08 -15.8tNeoPhoton N NPTN 44 18.51 6.90 1629 9.17 25272 9.78 6.90 +.16 -15.2 NeosTher n Q NEOS 11.50 4.85 533 7.40 2760 7.90 6.55 +26.5 Neothetics Q NEOT 1.98 .53 97 1.41 345 1.63 1.41 -.16 +25.9 Neovasc g Q NVCN 4.68 .37 2014 1.77 11517 1.88 1.32 +.45 +2.3 NeptuneT g Q NEPT 1.53 .86 68 1.02 354 1.05 .99 -.01 +4.4 Net1UEPS Q UEPS 8 13.81 8.37 237 13.16 809 13.40 12.92 -.01 +14.6 NetElem rs Q NETE 4.60 .70 143 .89 550 .89 .83 +.02 +18.7 NetApp Q NTAP .76 1.8 38 43.14 22.50 3697 42.06 14811 42.44 41.75 -.09 +19.3 NetEase Q NTES 3.30e 1.1 21 308.66 130.82 1300 291.50 4725 292.00 282.92 +2.10 +35.4sNetflix s Q NFLX 146.50 84.50 5665 145.11 26414 146.50 140.32 +4.22 +17.2tNetlist Q NLST 2.19 .90 105 .99 380 .99 .90 +.07 -2.9 NtScout Q NTCT 38.40 18.81 1129 37.35 2540 38.25 36.45 +.60 +18.6 NetSolTch Q NTWK 7.46 4.35 6 5.15 82 5.25 5.10 -1.0sNetw1Tch N NTIP 4.75 1.90 351 4.70 3023 4.75 3.82 +.70 +38.2tNBCAInt N NBW .74 5.4 17.66 13.68 5 13.82 75 13.94 13.68 +.01 -3.9 NeuB HYld N NHS .96 8.2 12.20 10.32 43 11.70 266 11.74 11.41 +.19 +.3 NBIntMu N NBH .90 6.1 17.64 14.37 30 14.82 215 15.16 14.65 +.08 -8.9 NBNYInt N NBO .58 4.7 15.16 12.13 6 12.24 58 12.30 12.13 -.04 -2.2 NBRESec N NRO .36 6.9 6.00 4.86 124 5.21 881 5.23 5.07 +.15 -2.9 Neuralst rs Q CUR 13.00 2.47 107 5.80 1215 6.15 5.00 +.63 +63.4 NeuroDerm Q NDRM 30.45 12.74 195 25.80 1090 27.80 25.60 -.25 +16.2 NeuM wt rs Q NUROW .40 .01 20 .05 20 .05 .04 -28.6 NeuroMx rs Q NURO 2.36 .58 65 .68 379 .68 .60 +.08 -8.0 Neurcrine Q NBIX 55.15 32.35 860 44.50 4016 47.43 44.10 -1.81 +15.0 NeuStar N NSR 7 34.40 21.10 705 32.95 3979 33.40 32.95 -.35 -1.3 NevGCas N UWN 31 2.21 1.55 56 2.17 180 2.17 1.93 +.07 +17.3 NevroCorp N NVRO 106.93 53.15 359 94.02 1346 94.69 91.27 +.30 +29.4 Nevsun g N NSU .04m 1.7 24 3.80 2.29 1423 2.39 6054 2.52 2.33 -.05 -22.7sNewAgeB n Q NBEV 4.50 3.50 100 4.49 403 4.50 4.06 +.24 +15.7 NewAmHi N HYB .78a 8.5 9.66 7.84 41 9.23 280 9.31 9.03 -.01 -.3 NewConcEn N GBR 23 6.10 .75 10 1.16 83 1.24 1.10 -.02 -46.3 NwGold g N NGD 41 6.04 2.39 8414 2.84 39667 2.89 2.61 -.06 -18.9 NewHome N NWHM 10 12.79 8.62 157 10.50 398 10.85 10.30 -.13 -10.3 NwIreland N IRL 2.15e 1.2 13.74 10.96 9 12.90 34 12.99 12.52 +.23 +7.8 NJ Rscs s N NJR 1.02 2.6 20 39.95 30.46 963 39.20 2570 39.40 37.75 +.75 +10.4sNewLink Q NLNK 22.92 9.23 340 21.75 1558 22.92 20.83 +.35 +111.6 NewMedia N NEWM 1.40 9.4 22 19.89 13.95 651 14.84 2023 15.03 14.62 +.13 -7.2 NwMtnFin N NMFC 1.36 9.2 16 14.93 12.10 557 14.75 2718 14.90 14.55 +.34 +4.6sNewOriEd N EDU .40e 36 55.01 33.47 896 55.10 4383 55.68 50.67 +3.99 +30.9 NewRelic N NEWR 40.10 23.45 492 36.51 1477 37.48 36.44 -.12 +29.2sNewResid N NRZ 1.92f 11.2 9 17.09 11.29 5441 17.08 19809 17.12 16.48 +.38 +8.7 NewSenInv N SNR 1.04 10.3 8 12.68 9.02 566 10.05 3292 10.10 9.46 +.47 +2.7 NY&Co N NWY 4.15 1.34 321 2.24 567 2.35 2.10 -.07 -1.3 NY CmtyB N NYCB .68 4.7 14 17.68 13.74 8101 14.39 27516 14.55 14.28 -.01 -9.6 NYCmty un N NYCBpU 3.00 6.0 51.44 48.50 2 50.24 12 50.67 49.96 +.05 +.8 NYMtgTr Q NYMT .96 15.1 13 7.04 4.40 3381 6.37 6960 6.46 6.15 +.12 -3.5 NYMtT pfB Q NYMTP 1.94 8.1 24.39 19.41 7 23.92 22 24.19 23.70 +.16 +.8 NYMtT pfC Q NYMTO 1.97 8.2 24.24 19.50 16 23.89 50 23.99 23.39 +.20 +4.3 NY REIT N NYRT .46 4.8 11.07 8.79 2350 9.62 10785 9.79 9.57 -.06 -4.9 NY Times N NYT .16 1.1 26 16.35 10.60 1653 14.70 3620 14.85 14.45 +.05 +10.5 NewStarFn Q NEWS .02p 18 11.37 6.53 465 10.87 966 11.04 10.32 +.21 +17.5 NewellRub N NWL .76 1.6 20 55.45 42.58 3208 48.42 17557 49.19 47.91 -.25 +8.4 NewfldExp N NFX 30 50.00 30.88 3865 34.48 17108 35.60 33.07 +.17 -14.9sNewMarket N NEU 7.00f 1.5 23 453.44 381.04 174 453.36 349 454.68 434.31 +16.78 +7.0 NewmtM N NEM .20 .6 26 46.07 24.59 10606 32.84 38796 34.49 32.15 -.10 -3.6 NewpkRes N NR 8.75 3.74 2138 7.60 5074 7.65 6.40 +.85 +1.3 NewsCpA Q NWSA .20 1.6 14.68 10.54 2250 12.65 9035 13.07 12.20 +.37 +10.4 NewsCpB Q NWS .20 1.5 15.22 10.90 491 12.95 1884 13.05 12.50 +.25 +9.7 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 13 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
sNewtekBsn Q NEWT 1.53e 9.0 17.58 11.72 176 16.97 1224 17.58 16.91 +.23 +6.7 Newtek 22 Q NEWTZ 1.88 7.0 27.40 24.55 26.72 4 26.85 26.31 +.39 +2.4 Newtek21 n Q NEWTL 1.75 6.9 25.96 24.65 1 25.35 23 25.55 25.35 +.16 -.7 Nexeo Sol Q NXEO 10.39 7.13 27 9.19 456 9.38 8.84 +.02 -1.3 Nexeo wt Q NXEOW .98 .30 37 .75 202 .78 .65 +7.1 NexPtCr rs N NHF 2.88 12.6 23.93 17.60 43 22.90 194 22.96 22.46 +.20 +.6 NxPtRsT n N NXRT .88f 3.8 24.43 12.14 115 23.41 525 23.76 22.28 +.40 +4.8 NexstarM Q NXST 1.20f 1.8 24 73.90 41.91 715 68.25 2255 70.95 67.65 -1.75 +7.8sNxtEraLP N NEP 1.37f 4.1 18 33.25 23.90 235 33.51 1178 33.86 30.52 +2.89 +31.2 NextEC3-72 N NEEpG 26.73 23.32 17 25.09 126 25.09 24.65 +.37 +3.4 NextEC6-72 N NEEpH 1.41 5.6 26.46 22.76 9 25.08 58 25.08 24.42 +.42 +5.2 NextEra 72 N NEEpI 1.28 5.4 26.54 21.11 25 23.77 132 23.94 23.43 +.20 +8.1 NextEra 73 N NEEpJ 1.25 5.2 26.34 20.82 21 24.07 124 24.12 23.47 +.53 +10.5 NextEra76 N NEEpK 25.95 21.04 107 23.44 497 23.64 23.24 +.06 +6.2 NxtEra pfQ N NEEpQ 3.19 5.3 64.78 54.44 4 60.10 55 61.00 59.84 +.10 +5.0sNextEraEn N NEE 3.93f 3.0 23 132.63 110.49 4207 130.23 11630 132.63 129.45 +.17 +9.0 NxtEra pfR N NEEpR 52.70 46.80 5 50.94 45 52.20 50.91 -.57 +4.0 Nexvet n Q NVET 5.70 2.61 3 3.89 64 4.00 3.60 +.01 +4.3 NiSource s N NI .70f 3.0 22 26.94 21.17 3549 23.50 15077 24.25 23.27 +.17 +6.1 NiaM pfB N NMKpB 3.60 3.8 104.75 87.12 94.17 17 94.17 94.17 -.43 -1.9 NiaM pfC N NMKpC 3.90 4.0 113.82 90.25 0 97.11 82 97.11 96.70 -1.43 +.3 NichFncl h Q NICK 9 12.50 8.56 106 10.83 268 10.89 10.10 +.58 -8.9 NicoletBc n Q NCBS 49.75 33.20 43 49.09 118 49.40 47.66 +.67 +2.9 Nielsen plc N NLSN 1.24 2.9 24 55.94 40.28 4579 42.64 13038 44.24 42.05 -1.06 +1.6 NikeB s N NKE .84 1.5 25 65.44 49.01 10269 57.80 46595 58.01 56.11 +1.37 +13.7 NimbleStg N NMBL 12.58 6.18 12805 12.46 24630 12.56 12.46 -.10 +57.3 NipponTT N NTT 49.67 38.45 516 43.40 1922 43.54 42.75 +.85 +3.2 Nivalis n Q NVLS 9.35 2.00 292 3.02 7580 3.63 2.81 +.22 +34.8 NoahHldgs N NOAH 16 29.73 21.33 36 27.29 448 28.40 27.06 -.78 +24.4tNobilisH n N HLTH 4.66 1.25 1246 1.75 7470 1.80 1.25 -.20 -16.7 NobleCorp N NE .08 1.4 3 12.19 4.45 10522 5.87 56390 6.13 5.52 -.12 -.8 NobleEngy N NBL .40 1.2 42.03 28.82 5489 33.86 24015 34.59 33.24 -.21 -11.0 NobleMid n N NBLX .43p 53.29 26.90 91 48.96 312 50.74 46.59 +1.03 +36.0 NokiaCp N NOK .30e 5.5 6.31 4.04 9043 5.46 38834 5.50 5.30 +.09 +13.5 NomadF n N NOMD 12.97 7.85 502 11.44 2924 11.61 11.18 -.02 +19.5 Nomura N NMR 6.80 3.33 241 6.69 647 6.71 6.53 +.05 +13.4 Noodles Q NDLS 13.38 3.16 217 4.55 1713 4.65 3.55 +1.00 +11.0 Norbord n N OSB .23e 30.49 17.94 6 28.71 50 29.38 27.95 +.12 +13.7 NordAngEd N NORD 50 25.00 19.83 94 24.21 452 24.31 23.91 +.23 +3.9 NordicAOff N NAO .18 15.0 5.69 1.05 2089 1.20 4079 1.20 1.05 +.05 -56.4 NordicAm N NAT 1.14e 14.0 21 16.18 7.57 1165 8.14 4432 8.18 7.71 +.30 -3.1sNordson Q NDSN 1.08 .9 28 127.50 72.71 586 126.22 1435 127.50 124.06 +1.94 +12.6 Nordstrm N JWN 1.48a 3.4 14 62.82 35.01 3094 43.92 11392 44.83 43.37 -.53 -8.4 NorflkSo N NSC 2.44f 2.1 20 125.00 78.15 4519 114.71 14820 120.26 114.21 -4.95 +6.1sNorsat g rs N NSAT 25 8.75 5.01 131 9.80 159 9.95 7.95 +1.80 +24.1 NorSys Q NSYS 5.52 1.69 21 3.47 116 3.75 3.35 -.29 -10.8 NortelInv N NTL .64e 2.5 30.78 18.08 1 25.31 3 25.82 24.93 +.06 -2.9 NoAmEn g N NOA .08 5.70 1.90 170 4.50 854 4.80 4.35 -.20 +16.9tNoAtlDrl rs N NADL 8.08 1.21 135 1.41 354 1.43 1.21 +.09 -55.5 NEurO N NRT .66e 9.1 8 9.90 6.11 11 7.29 65 7.29 7.00 +.18 +10.4 NoWestCp N NWE 2.10f 3.6 18 63.75 53.85 1849 57.75 4905 58.51 56.08 +1.68 +1.5sNorestB Q NBN .04 .3 16 15.90 10.31 18 15.75 126 15.90 14.75 +.70 +20.2 NDynMn g N NAK 3.45 .28 3862 1.35 25522 1.36 1.06 +.16 -34.8 NthnO&G N NOG 13 5.85 1.55 1651 2.40 4331 2.75 2.30 -.20 -12.7sNthnTech Q NTIC 15.85 10.00 17 19.30 26 19.30 15.50 +3.85 +40.4 NorTrst Q NTRS 1.52 1.7 21 91.14 61.32 1636 88.68 5575 90.67 88.55 -.62 -.4 NthnTr pfC Q NTRSP 1.46 5.6 28.12 24.84 11 25.98 204 26.19 25.42 +.59 +3.7 NorthfldBc Q NFBK .32 1.7 30 20.59 14.31 361 18.44 675 18.56 17.72 +.28 -7.7 Nthrim Q NRIM .80 2.7 14 33.00 22.50 77 29.10 159 29.15 28.10 +1.05 -7.9 NorthropG N NOC 3.60 1.5 22 253.80 193.21 1166 244.25 4208 244.73 239.72 +.66 +5.0 NStREur n N NRE .60 4.9 13.04 8.50 1055 12.15 3002 12.44 11.76 +.51 -3.3 NwstBcsh Q NWBI .64f 3.6 36 19.10 13.06 921 17.70 2368 17.76 17.24 +.24 -1.8 NwstNG N NWN 1.88 3.2 24 66.17 49.46 364 59.00 876 59.80 57.45 +1.30 -1.3 NwstPipe Q NWPX 19.55 8.37 183 15.53 503 17.23 15.40 -1.33 -9.8 NorwCruis Q NCLH 20 55.59 34.16 1176 51.31 5310 51.85 50.40 +.21 +20.6 NorwoodFn Q NWFL 1.28f 3.3 20 40.00 26.53 1 38.32 5 38.35 37.23 +.31 +15.6 NovaLfstyl Q NVFY 45 5.15 .38 89 1.79 457 1.91 1.57 +.12 -7.3 NovaMeas Q NVMI 17 18.28 9.94 53 17.00 300 17.10 16.75 +.22 +29.2 NovaBay rs N NBY 5.29 1.90 40 3.80 125 4.13 3.78 -.20 +15.2 Novadaq g Q NVDQ 13.22 6.00 403 7.81 3771 8.50 7.45 +.46 +10.2 NovaGld g N NG 7.29 3.79 7265 5.01 19393 5.64 4.86 +.05 +9.9 Novan n Q NOVN 30.90 3.52 119 6.55 608 7.33 6.21 -.33 -75.8sNovanta Q NOVT 33 26.70 12.83 353 27.50 688 27.55 25.85 +.95 +31.0 Novartis N NVS 2.75e 3.6 15 83.58 66.93 1732 75.55 13259 75.98 74.59 -.05 +3.7 Novavax Q NVAX 8.49 1.16 17131 1.34 34311 1.46 1.33 -.12 +6.3 Novelion rs Q NVLN 13.80 5.51 56 11.09 575 12.12 10.30 -.88 +31.7 NovoNord N NVO .96e 2.8 57.81 30.89 2063 34.02 7855 34.23 33.43 +.13 -5.1 NovoCure n Q NVCR 17.00 5.95 716 7.55 1928 7.60 6.75 +.55 -3.8 Novogen h Q NVGN 2.85 1.39 23 1.48 193 1.53 1.40 +1.0 NOW Inc N DNOW 23.53 15.77 2319 16.83 8577 17.40 16.35 -.43 -17.8 NuSkin N NUS 1.44f 2.7 24 66.04 36.10 2337 52.46 6204 53.53 49.23 +3.33 +9.8 NuVasive Q NUVA 84 76.28 44.02 907 75.36 2811 75.58 73.40 +.47 +11.9 NuanceCm Q NUAN 63 20.11 13.44 1651 16.95 12785 17.43 16.85 +.04 +13.8 Nucor N NUE 1.51 2.3 28 68.00 44.81 5890 64.72 18461 66.00 60.01 +4.10 +8.7tNumerex Q NMRX 9.01 4.30 113 4.66 264 5.32 4.30 -.62 -37.0tNush EnhYl N NUAG 25.26 23.98 7 24.18 127 24.24 23.98 +.08 -.4 NushSmCap N NUSC 27.07 24.17 3 25.65 10 25.67 25.20 +.45 +4.1 NustarEn N NS 4.38 8.6 40 55.64 37.15 485 50.67 1004 51.79 50.32 -.81 +1.7 NustEn pfA N NSpA 27.50 26.13 28 26.55 241 26.58 26.14 +.01 -1.6 NustarGP N NSH 2.18 7.6 22 31.50 19.27 40 28.70 275 29.45 28.36 -.05 -.7 Nustar 43 N NSS 1.91 7.3 26.70 21.27 38 26.26 132 26.62 26.20 -.08 +1.8tNutanix n Q NTNX 46.78 20.00 719 20.41 3584 21.39 20.00 -.89 -23.2 Nutractl Q NUTR .13 .4 17 37.90 22.03 30 33.40 125 33.75 31.80 +.43 -4.4sNutriSyst Q NTRI .70 1.3 45 52.95 18.65 648 53.80 2865 53.95 47.65 +4.85 +55.3 Nuvectra Q NVTR 11.64 4.02 72 6.35 564 6.79 5.76 -.11 +26.2 Nuv Mun21 N NHA 10.51 9.48 18 9.86 127 10.00 9.60 +.26 -.6stNuv Pf22 n N JPT 25.29 24.90 25 24.98 90 25.29 24.88 +.05 +.2 NvHiInDc19 N JHD 10.50 9.95 78 10.23 229 10.30 10.11 +.10 +1.2 Nuv RE In N JRS 12.08 9.87 93 11.03 574 11.07 10.56 +.32 +2.4 NuvMO Pr N NOM 16.60 14.36 1 15.40 6 16.00 15.24 -.51 +2.6 NuvAllCEn N JMLP 1.37 13.6 10.86 6.20 56 10.08 299 10.26 10.05 -.11 +.3 NuvAZ N NAZ .80 5.9 17.80 13.33 8 13.58 82 13.60 13.40 +.03 -3.0 NuvBldAm N NBB 1.34 6.6 23.30 19.80 63 20.48 384 20.48 20.06 +.38 -.7 NBldAmOp N NBD 1.30 6.2 23.49 19.80 16 21.02 86 21.02 20.49 +.38 +.4 NCaAMTFr N NKX .86 6.0 17.35 13.78 63 14.30 404 14.37 14.10 +.13 -.1 NCADvA N NAC .91 6.5 17.20 13.75 188 14.10 1481 14.14 13.93 +.15 -.3 NCalMunV N NCA .47 4.7 11.50 9.84 48 9.92 283 10.02 9.89 -.11 -4.9 NuvCASel N NXC .63a 4.2 17.97 14.25 7 14.89 37 15.21 14.84 -.13 +1.3 NCTPI N NTC .68a 5.7 14.45 11.97 15 12.05 81 12.10 11.98 -.03 -1.8 NuvCorEqA N JCE 1.21a 8.7 14.75 12.69 27 13.97 167 13.99 13.80 -.17 +6.8 NvCredStr N JQC .62 7.0 9.06 7.71 339 8.87 2095 8.87 8.68 +.12 +.2 NvDvrsDiv N JDD 1.04 8.8 12.48 10.50 52 11.85 372 11.94 11.52 -.19 +6.1 NuvDivA N NAD .85a 6.4 15.97 13.19 347 13.37 2234 13.39 13.22 +.07 -4.2 NvDow30DO N DIAX 1.06 6.7 16.25 13.71 78 15.85 490 15.98 15.64 -.23 +5.7 NuEnMLP N JMF 1.35 10.2 14.55 9.32 140 13.18 579 13.45 12.95 -.11 -2.7tNEnhMuV N NEV .96a 7.0 17.28 13.56 83 13.75 417 13.79 13.56 +.09 -1.8 NuvFlxInv N JPW 1.42a 8.5 17.54 15.05 7 16.78 44 16.93 16.65 -.03 +.8 NuvFloat N JFR .72 6.3 12.34 9.84 589 11.36 7141 11.89 11.13 -.47 -2.7 NuvFltOp N JRO .76a 6.3 12.93 9.67 177 11.94 1095 12.10 11.55 -.05 -2.1tNvGADiv2 N NKG .64a 5.1 14.88 12.50 21 12.60 85 12.72 12.50 -.13 -1.0 NuvGblHIn N JGH 1.58 9.7 16.89 13.44 53 16.25 506 16.30 15.68 +.08 +1.6 NuvHi2020 N JHY .68 6.7 11.15 9.99 11 10.14 102 10.27 10.13 -.12 -.7 NuvHIDec18 N JHA 10.48 10.00 71 10.07 401 10.17 10.05 -.02 +.1 NuvEnhMu N NVG 16.59 13.85 324 14.28 1849 14.30 14.04 +.24 -1.2 NNYAmtF N NRK .70 5.5 14.62 12.44 121 12.67 609 12.70 12.51 +.11 -1.1 NuvAmtFr N NEA .75a 5.7 15.22 12.94 644 13.15 3041 13.15 12.94 +.15 -1.4 NuvIntMu N NID .68 5.4 14.34 12.19 249 12.63 779 12.84 12.55 +.09 -.6 NvIntQMu N NIQ .57 4.6 13.96 12.13 43 12.32 191 12.42 12.20 +.06 +.2tNMDPI N NMY .67a 5.4 14.66 12.20 40 12.34 383 12.47 12.20 +.09 -.8 NvMAP N NMT .71a 5.3 16.19 12.93 15 13.34 56 13.97 13.34 -.20 +1.5tNMIQI N NUM .74 5.7 15.80 12.90 24 13.05 245 13.09 12.90 +.14 -2.2 NuvMNMu N NMS .80 4.8 18.22 15.08 4 16.68 33 16.75 16.04 +.37 +6.3 NuvMtgOp N JLS 1.52 6.2 24.86 22.40 12 24.60 154 24.68 24.23 +.30 +2.2 NuMtgOp2 N JMT 1.53 6.5 23.76 21.52 7 23.63 23 23.69 23.17 +.33 +2.0 NuvMultM N JMM .48 6.5 7.64 6.95 13 7.38 73 7.38 7.16 +.14 +1.1 NvMuI N NMI .50a 4.4 13.50 10.90 5 11.42 46 11.50 11.28 +.16 +1.8 NuvMuVal N NUV .39a 4.0 10.88 9.34 554 9.73 1710 9.73 9.49 +.21 +1.8 Nv AMT-Fr N NUW .78a 4.7 19.89 16.00 14 16.52 139 16.53 16.16 +.30 +1.6sNvNq100Dy Q QQQX 1.40 6.6 21.25 16.91 254 21.08 785 21.58 20.66 -.10 +13.6 NuvNJDiv N NXJ .82a 6.2 15.63 12.90 41 13.10 379 13.11 12.95 +.13 -.5 NuvNJMV N NJV .59a 4.0 17.03 14.36 1 14.74 6 14.98 14.56 +.05 -10.9 NNYDvA N NAN .80a 6.0 15.95 13.13 40 13.33 206 13.35 13.22 +.08 -.7 NNYMV N NNY .39a 4.1 10.69 9.26 4 9.59 87 9.68 9.50 -.01 +1.1 NuvNYSel N NXN .55 4.1 14.85 12.92 3 13.35 32 13.54 13.20 +.19 +.9 NNCPI N NNC .59a 4.6 15.04 12.67 3 12.75 165 12.76 12.67 +.07 -1.4 NOHQI N NUO .80 5.5 17.16 14.27 20 14.53 116 14.60 14.41 +.05 tNvPA N NQP .81a 6.3 15.66 12.67 65 12.80 321 12.86 12.67 +.10 -2.1 NuvPaMV N NPN .62a 4.0 17.67 15.12 0 15.78 10 15.80 15.55 +.03 -7.2 NuvPf&Inc N JPI 1.95a 8.2 25.27 21.93 52 23.73 223 23.80 23.20 +.31 +3.5 NvPfdInco N JPC .80 8.2 10.56 8.72 158 9.80 1403 9.81 9.58 +.16 -.4 NuvQPf2 N JPS .70 7.3 9.74 8.21 289 9.53 2155 9.53 9.23 +.22 +2.4 NuvREAst N JRI 1.49a 8.8 18.00 14.91 31 16.90 147 17.19 16.71 +.14 +7.4 NuvEqtP N BXMX 1.00 7.5 13.50 12.08 257 13.36 1202 13.36 13.13 +.17 +5.0 NEqPrmG N SPXX 1.04 6.9 15.71 12.93 29 15.17 454 15.58 15.13 -.27 +5.3 NvSMM N NIM .31a 3.1 11.01 9.49 57 9.86 137 9.95 9.62 +.26 +1.1 NSTFI N NXP .55a 3.9 15.93 13.50 34 14.11 267 14.15 13.74 +.35 +1.5 NSTFI2 N NXQ .53a 4.0 15.18 12.82 25 13.34 132 13.34 13.14 +.13 +.2 NSTFI3 N NXR .55a 3.9 15.98 13.73 10 14.06 144 14.14 13.83 +.16 -.8 NuvSnIn N NSL .42 6.0 7.16 5.75 193 6.98 946 7.00 6.84 +.03 +2.8 NuShDCrd N JSD 1.16a 6.4 18.55 14.82 25 18.06 208 18.09 17.73 +.09 +3.3 Nv TA Div N JTD 1.23 8.3 15.36 13.38 26 14.79 160 14.81 14.56 +.15 +6.2 NvTxATR N JTA 1.04 8.6 12.56 10.81 27 12.04 182 12.04 11.80 +.17 +6.4 NTXQI N NTX .65 4.6 15.90 13.29 4 14.12 28 14.14 13.87 +.17 +2.9tNVAPI N NPV .65a 5.1 15.23 12.55 22 12.76 109 12.77 12.55 +.06 -1.6 Nvidia Q NVDA .56 .5 40 120.92 31.57 24168 106.07 84464 106.12 99.51 +6.95 -.6 NxStageMd Q NXTM 29.99 13.49 619 28.03 1815 28.72 27.60 +.18 +6.9 Nxt-ID wt Q NXTDW .40 .11 1 .19 7 .20 .17 -.01 -28.5tNxt-ID rs Q NXTD 6.70 1.70 26 1.89 206 2.03 1.70 -.11 -31.3 NymoxPh Q NYMX 5.79 1.62 110 3.31 283 3.57 3.21 -.12 +24.0O -:O2Micro Q OIIM 2.80 1.37 110 2.34 269 2.39 2.11 +.18 +30.0sOCI Ptrs N OCIP .59e 5.9 10.20 4.95 29 10.00 279 10.25 9.75 +.25 +19.8 OFG Bncp N OFG .24 2.0 14.48 6.26 714 12.15 1523 12.30 11.75 +.15 -7.3 OFG pfA N OFGpA 1.78 7.5 25.42 17.39 4 23.64 11 24.22 23.64 -.11 -7.0 OFG pfB N OFGpB 1.75 7.4 25.13 17.20 2 23.65 6 23.99 23.54 -.16 -5.9sOFG pfD N OFGpD 1.78 7.4 24.33 17.27 3 24.05 19 24.33 23.90 +.08 +1.4sOFS Cap Q OFS 1.36 9.3 15.22 11.83 71 14.62 259 15.22 14.31 -.33 +6.3 OGE Engy N OGE 1.21 3.3 22 37.41 27.27 2808 36.79 7268 37.07 36.14 +.57 +10.0tOHA Inv Q OHAI .08m 5.1 3.41 1.49 190 1.57 1861 1.81 1.49 -.21 -9.2 OM AsstM N OMAM .32 2.2 15.52 11.98 486 14.70 1957 15.17 14.55 -.33 +1.4 ONEGas N OGS 1.68f 2.5 25 67.35 55.98 365 66.26 1126 66.59 64.34 +1.55 +3.6 OReillyAu Q ORLY 25 292.84 248.02 1224 274.20 5385 276.75 268.69 +4.57 -1.5 OSI Sys Q OSIS 50 81.55 48.76 184 72.93 1016 73.98 71.55 +.98 -4.2 OakVlyBcp Q OVLY .24e 1.7 15 15.28 9.27 2 14.25 29 14.25 13.81 +.25 +13.5 OaktreeC N OAK 2.32f 5.1 20 49.65 36.95 171 45.35 837 45.65 43.85 +.95 +20.9 OasisPet N OAS 17.08 6.40 9789 12.80 40931 13.52 12.18 -.17 -15.5 OasmiaPh n Q OASM 5.25 1.39 5 1.80 11 1.85 1.65 +.01 -35.9 ObalonT n Q OBLN 15.88 8.27 139 10.69 601 10.75 9.19 +1.50 +20.8 ObsEva n Q OBSV 14.70 10.57 23 12.28 56 13.53 12.28 -1.12 +5.4 OcciPet N OXY 3.04 4.7 78.48 61.01 6584 64.09 31436 65.21 61.80 +1.49 -10.0 OceanBio Q OBCI .06e 4.92 2.02 3 4.37 40 4.79 4.14 -.13 +16.2 OceanPw rs Q OPTT 15.65 1.37 324 2.34 1262 2.35 1.90 +.17 -20.7tOceanRig Q ORIG 3.38 .64 2786 .80 8270 .82 .64 +.13 -53.9 Oceaneerg N OII .60 2.3 27 36.92 22.47 1223 25.93 5630 26.62 25.23 +.05 -8.1 OceanFst Q OCFC .60 2.1 28 30.70 16.77 154 29.04 606 29.51 28.50 +.28 -3.3 OceraTher Q OCRX 3.74 .52 1180 1.43 14454 1.65 1.31 +.03 -31.9tOch-Ziff N OZM .87e 36.4 4.78 2.42 1780 2.39 5229 2.65 2.29 -.17 -27.8 Oclaro Q OCLR 11.30 4.06 15444 9.56 71378 9.69 8.02 +1.01 +6.8 OcularTher Q OCUL 14.50 4.04 1178 9.50 6193 10.07 8.16 +1.03 +13.5 OcwenFn N OCN 6.15 1.29 3107 4.87 11653 4.95 4.41 +.42 -9.6 OdysMr rsh Q OMEX 9.36 1.85 27 3.73 157 4.11 3.32 +.29 +9.1 OfficeDpt Q ODP .10 2.1 12 7.91 3.01 7247 4.76 24856 4.82 4.49 +.14 +5.3 OhioValB Q OVBC .84 3.0 17 29.50 21.40 3 28.05 10 28.75 28.05 -.05 +3.1 OhrPharm Q OHRP 4.05 .74 579 .86 1396 1.04 .78 +.07 -42.7 Oi SA C N OIBR/C 9.19 1.01 33 8.10 138 8.35 7.54 -.38 +104.0 OilStates N OIS 41.75 27.07 714 32.70 2862 33.00 30.25 +.65 -16.2 Oil-Dri N ODC .84 2.2 26 40.94 29.89 18 37.58 68 38.00 34.34 +3.29 -1.6 OldDomFrt Q ODFL .10p 25 94.97 56.74 720 87.35 2361 89.99 86.85 -2.10 +1.8 OldLnBc Q OLBK .32f 1.1 23 29.26 17.11 81 28.33 182 28.88 26.61 -.10 +18.1 OldNBcp Q ONB .52 2.9 17 18.95 11.51 1392 18.15 3860 18.25 17.75 +.25 OldPoint Q OPOF .44f 1.5 22 29.70 18.30 6 29.25 25 29.25 28.01 +.93 +17.0 OldRepub N ORI .76f 3.8 14 21.19 16.51 2520 20.17 6647 20.41 20.04 -.17 +6.2 OldSecBc Q OSBC .04 .4 21 11.64 6.37 130 11.10 336 11.45 10.80 +.20 +.5 OlScCTrI pf Q OSBCP .78 7.5 10.87 10.05 10.38 5 10.38 10.28 +.05 +2.0sOlin N OLN .80 2.4 51 33.35 15.79 4930 33.07 11746 33.35 31.36 +1.37 +29.1 Ollies n Q OLLI 39 33.45 20.89 767 32.50 1939 32.65 31.00 +1.30 +14.2 OlympStl Q ZEUS .08 .4 31.19 14.41 240 22.25 1015 22.61 19.36 +3.03 -8.2 Om Asst 31 N OMAA 1.28 5.7 25.29 20.15 7 22.65 87 22.73 22.13 +.52 +4.3 OmegaFlex Q OFLX .85e 30 64.91 31.53 20 44.25 53 44.37 41.87 +.97 -20.6 OmegaHlt N OHI 2.48f 7.8 10 38.09 28.11 2314 31.62 8977 31.95 30.77 +.44 +1.2 OmegaP N OME .05p 10 26.99 15.90 331 20.60 1096 20.60 19.35 +1.10 -17.8 Omeros Q OMER 16.62 7.20 1423 10.54 2939 12.00 10.52 -.88 +6.3 Omnicell Q OMCL 40.50 25.06 507 39.90 1528 40.30 37.00 +2.75 +17.7 Omnicom N OMC 2.20 2.6 18 89.66 75.61 1539 84.94 8269 85.44 84.00 +.45 -.2 Omnova N OMN 19 10.42 5.14 295 9.30 716 9.40 8.51 +.60 -7.0 OnAssign N ASGN 21 49.12 32.04 414 48.41 1168 48.70 46.40 +1.20 +9.6 OnDeckCap N ONDK 8.94 3.64 632 4.75 2544 4.93 4.58 -.12 +2.6 OnSmcnd Q ON 28 16.06 8.11 6164 15.25 53132 15.51 14.98 +.03 +19.5 OnTrack Q OTIV 2.09 .80 107 1.71 914 1.78 1.47 +.15 -1.7 OncoMed Q OMED 15.49 7.41 178 10.01 929 10.42 9.22 +.61 +29.8 Oncobio n Q ONS 5.49 1.80 11 3.25 87 3.40 2.90 +.46 +8.0 Oncobi wtA Q ONSIW 1.09 .05 0 .64 23 .75 .58 +.06 +238.6 Oncobi wtB Q ONSIZ 1.90 .15 9 .44 40 .44 .24 +.26 -44.3 OncoCyte n N OCX 7.95 3.10 11 5.50 90 5.90 4.95 +.45 -22.0 OncoGnx h Q OGXI 1.42 .33 107 .53 436 .55 .50 +6.0 Onconva rs Q ONTX 8.17 2.11 40 2.96 256 3.05 2.79 +.21 +30.4 OncoSec rs Q ONCS 3.49 1.03 148 1.24 1048 1.43 1.21 -.11 +.8 OneGpHosp Q STKS 6 3.43 1.47 7 1.79 36 1.84 1.73 +.05 -19.4 OneHoriz h Q OHGI 1.27 .22 19 .27 177 .30 .27 -.02 -10.0 OneLibrty N OLP 1.72f 7.2 13 25.89 21.13 54 23.87 187 23.89 22.56 +1.30 -5.0 1800Flowrs Q FLWS 25 11.40 6.74 366 10.25 1027 10.67 9.30 +.60 -4.2 OneBeacon N OB .84 5.4 18 17.12 12.04 155 15.43 447 15.96 15.18 -.18 -3.9 OneMain N OMF 10 33.31 16.03 876 26.52 2733 27.48 26.07 -.45 +19.8 ONEOK N OKE 3.16 6.0 32 59.47 27.35 7814 52.82 21407 54.47 51.99 -1.51 -8.0 OneokPtrs N OKS 3.16 6.2 23 57.41 28.45 1667 51.07 4536 52.89 50.44 -1.69 +18.7 Ooma n N OOMA 10.50 5.81 308 9.65 1672 9.78 9.00 +.60 +7.2 OpenText s Q OTEX 26 35.07 23.96 475 34.47 2997 34.86 33.70 +.86 +11.5 OpexaTh wt Q OPXAW .14 .01 187 .02 1701 .02 .02 -.00 -10.0 OpexaTh rs Q OPXA 4.93 .50 65 .89 700 .93 .73 -.01 -3.8 OpGen n Q OPGN 4.65 .87 633 1.03 2197 1.11 .99 +.01 -10.4tOpGen wt Q OPGNW .68 .06 8 .08 98 .09 .06 +.01 -48.0tOphthotech Q OPHT 65.96 3.43 2713 3.61 7964 3.80 3.43 -.14 -25.3 OpkoHlth Q OPK 12.15 7.13 7670 8.12 33945 8.54 7.85 +.17 -12.7 OppLgCap N RWL .72e 1.6 46.43 38.69 48 45.84 346 46.07 45.46 +.13 +5.5 OppMidCap N RWK .59e .7 58.04 45.22 15 56.05 85 56.21 54.68 +.76 +3.6 OppSmCap N RWJ .48e .6 69.74 51.80 39 67.23 174 67.23 64.96 +1.48 +.2 OppUltDiv N RDIV 1.15e 3.3 35.66 29.11 78 35.21 409 35.34 34.61 +.32 +2.7 OppenFin N RWW .58e 1.0 62.51 42.57 3 60.82 15 61.52 60.77 -.47 +5.6 OppenHldg N OPY .44 2.6 19.65 13.63 69 16.95 183 17.40 16.40 +.45 -8.9 Optibase Q OBAS 10 9.80 5.75 0 7.95 9 8.25 7.05 +.25 +2.6 OptCable Q OCC .08 2.4 3.80 2.14 3 3.35 49 3.55 3.30 -.05 +11.1 OpusBank Q OPB .80f 4.1 19 38.19 18.21 785 19.75 1966 20.35 19.50 -.45 -34.3sOracle N ORCL .60 1.3 22 46.99 37.62 30041 45.66 133918 46.99 42.41 +2.98 +19.2 Oragenics N OGEN 1.12 .33 17 .49 342 .52 .43 -.06 -9.3 OramedPh Q ORMP 10.51 5.70 17 6.03 104 6.23 5.97 -1.5 Orange N ORAN .73e 4.6 17.78 13.98 623 15.87 2889 15.97 15.33 +.17 +4.8 OraSure Q OSUR 31 12.07 5.57 761 10.86 2650 11.58 10.85 -.60 +23.7 Orbcomm Q ORBC 10.98 7.15 691 9.42 2443 9.47 9.12 +.19 +13.9sOrbitATK N OA 1.28f 1.3 19 102.52 67.04 503 102.11 1735 102.72 98.92 +2.64 +16.4 Orbotch Q ORBK 17 36.86 22.51 213 31.99 1562 32.13 30.67 +1.11 -4.3 OrchidIsl N ORC 1.68 16.7 6 12.60 9.23 1518 10.04 4491 10.05 9.40 +.42 -7.3 OrchidsPP N TIS 1.40 5.3 17 36.31 23.14 87 26.41 400 26.50 25.76 +.10 +.9 Orexign rs Q OREX 8.30 1.65 182 4.10 1068 4.46 4.05 -.08 +135.6 Organovo Q ONVO 4.35 2.00 1972 3.25 5301 3.25 2.85 +.34 -4.1 OrientPap N ONP .02 1.9 3 1.54 .97 0 1.05 29 1.10 1.04 -.03 -9.5 OriginAg Q SEED 3.19 1.24 20 1.96 317 2.05 1.85 +.10 -16.9 OrigoAc wt Q OACQW .43 .03 21 .11 187 .13 .08 +.02 -64.7 OrigoAc rt Q OACQR .50 .05 2 .20 170 .20 .12 +.06 -52.9 OrionEngy Q OESX 2.57 1.04 31 1.96 191 2.10 1.94 -.09 -9.7sOrionECarb N OEC .72 22.20 13.49 128 21.05 630 22.20 20.85 +.20 +11.7 OrionGpHl N ORN 11.11 4.57 302 8.16 1169 8.52 7.67 -.20 -18.0 Oritani Q ORIT 1.03a 6.1 17 19.00 15.27 561 17.00 965 17.10 16.60 +.25 -9.3 Orix N IX 82.58 61.38 113 76.68 264 78.04 75.46 +.57 -1.5 OrmatTc N ORA .28 .5 26 59.63 39.99 252 57.99 1525 59.50 55.88 +.79 +8.1 OrrstownF Q ORRF .40f 1.9 23 23.75 16.95 19 21.40 40 21.60 20.20 +1.10 -4.5 Orthox Q OFIX 81 48.25 32.51 341 39.50 4719 39.95 34.56 +4.57 +9.2 OshRusS n N OUSM 25.85 24.95 19 25.55 95 25.55 25.04 +.44 -.8 OshkoshCp N OSK .84f 1.2 21 74.16 38.39 581 70.28 2697 71.14 66.58 +2.17 +8.8 OsiskoGl n N OR .16f 14.74 8.88 2600 10.94 6141 11.48 10.63 +.30 +12.6 OssenInn rs Q OSN 10 3.54 1.92 3 2.01 24 2.07 2.01 -.05 -2.4 Otelco Q OTEL 4 7.15 3.76 0 6.37 107 6.50 6.20 +.17 +.2 Otonomy Q OTIC 19.38 10.50 420 13.45 1133 13.75 12.15 +.30 -15.4 OttawaBc n Q OTTW .04e .3 13.99 11.00 8 12.74 13 13.90 12.74 -1.16 +.1 OtterTail Q OTTR 1.28f 3.5 24 42.55 27.15 224 36.55 530 37.00 35.90 -.05 -10.4 OutfrontM N OUT 1.44f 5.4 13 27.89 20.00 1506 26.74 4606 26.77 25.85 +.92 +7.5 OvaScience Q OVAS 11.66 1.30 645 1.56 6498 1.68 1.46 +.08 +2.0 OverSh rs N OSG 5.66 2.69 638 4.35 2595 4.58 4.25 -.19 +13.6 Overstk Q OSTK 37 20.50 13.05 110 18.05 289 18.20 17.05 +.65 +3.1 OwensMin N OMI 1.03f 3.0 17 41.48 30.43 2151 34.84 5391 36.50 34.69 -.50 -1.3sOwensCorn N OC .80 1.3 18 62.79 45.46 811 62.02 4285 62.79 60.59 +.67 +20.3 OwensIll N OI 9 20.74 15.07 1152 20.39 6975 20.51 19.19 +1.02 +17.1 OwensRM N ORM .32 1.8 11 19.16 14.94 31 17.34 103 17.68 16.11 +1.09 -6.4sOxbridge Q OXBR .48 7.4 15 6.90 4.38 6 6.45 50 6.90 6.36 -.12 +7.5 Oxbrdge wt Q OXBRW .96 .16 0 .62 10 .65 .40 -.03 +90.8sOxfordImm Q OXFD 15.76 7.73 246 15.71 681 15.82 14.45 +.76 +5.1 OxfordInds N OXM 1.08 1.9 15 77.44 51.35 236 56.86 1177 57.26 51.55 +4.46 -5.4 OxfordLn Q OXLC 2.40 22.3 11.80 7.53 238 10.76 2011 11.45 10.40 -.03 +2.4 Oxford 23pf Q OXLCO 1.88 7.4 25.85 24.44 2 25.35 30 25.47 25.27 +.02 -.8 Oxford 24pf Q OXLCN 2.03 7.9 26.05 24.74 1 25.61 9 25.80 25.56 +.26 -1.1P-Q:P&F Inds Q PFIN .20a 2.4 4 11.85 6.69 1 8.42 5 8.53 8.42 +.01 +1.8 PAM Q PTSI 7 31.94 14.75 23 17.40 57 18.62 17.05 -.23 -33.0 PB Bncp Q PBBI .12 1.1 10.85 8.20 115 10.50 179 10.60 10.50 +6.1 PBF Engy N PBF 1.20 5.5 14 35.68 19.47 2045 21.90 10234 22.93 21.83 -.18 -21.4 PBF Logist N PBFX 1.80f 8.6 10 23.49 17.45 63 20.90 374 21.35 20.75 -.15 +14.8 PC Cnnctn Q CNXN .34e 16 29.74 21.59 163 29.27 370 29.63 27.58 +1.72 +4.2 PC-Tel Q PCTI .20 3.4 6.22 4.36 61 5.81 281 6.05 5.81 +8.0 PCM Fund N PCM .96 9.3 10.59 9.05 38 10.27 259 10.34 10.01 +.12 +2.7 PCM Inc Q PCMI 18 29.85 7.73 91 27.85 609 28.15 26.11 +.55 +23.8 PDC Engy Q PDCE 84.88 50.12 967 64.65 6012 66.01 61.97 +.99 -10.9 PDF Sol Q PDFS 56 24.44 12.04 196 22.21 636 22.35 21.34 +.64 -1.5 PDL Bio Q PDLI .20 9.0 4 3.84 1.93 2733 2.21 9080 2.24 2.11 +.06 +4.2sPG&E Cp N PCG 1.96 2.9 18 67.13 56.39 2819 66.59 11048 67.13 65.27 +.96 +9.6 PGT Inc N PGTI 23 12.49 9.38 845 10.80 2066 10.88 10.35 +.40 -6.1 PHH Corp N PHH 16.80 9.73 531 12.56 3429 12.95 12.52 -.23 -17.2tPHI vtg Q PHII 21.70 12.35 1 12.80 3 13.77 12.08 -.95 -28.3tPHI nv Q PHIIK .20 1.6 22.79 12.22 50 12.73 395 14.49 12.22 -1.25 -29.4 PICO Hld Q PICO 16.20 8.47 152 14.35 673 14.80 13.60 +.75 -5.3tPIMCO1-3Tr N TUZ .34a .7 52.58 50.19 47 50.61 113 50.74 50.19 +.05 -.1 Pimc1-5Tip N STPZ .25e .5 53.10 51.94 63 52.64 342 52.69 52.34 +.22 +.3 Pim15TIPS N LTPZ .42e .6 72.58 62.52 11 65.09 67 65.21 63.69 +.83 +.2 PimBrdTIPS N TIPZ .31e .5 60.68 56.33 3 57.75 13 57.78 57.20 +.44 +.5 PimLwDur N LDUR 2.82e 2.0 103.00 99.09 8 100.43 38 100.66 100.35 +.12 +.1 PimDvsInc N DI 2.90e 5.8 51.82 46.49 4 49.78 20 49.92 49.38 +.27 +1.3 PimcoTR N BOND 6.13e 5.9 108.25 102.11 137 104.67 663 104.70 103.85 +.58 +.5 Pim0-5HYCp N HYS 5.21e 5.2 101.56 92.03 500 100.20 4345 100.71 99.36 +.78 +.3 PimInfLkd N ILB .82e 1.9 43.93 39.38 2 43.38 10 43.38 41.66 +1.03 +3.7 PimIGBd N CORP 3.12a 3.1 107.50 99.85 38 102.26 158 102.29 101.38 +.73 PimShMat N MINT .82e .8 101.61 100.63 496 101.55 5638 101.58 101.51 +.04 +.2 PimIntMu N MUNI 1.26 2.4 55.48 51.73 25 52.50 155 52.61 52.27 +.05 +.2 PimSTMun N SMMU .47e .9 50.87 48.75 3 49.91 71 50.13 49.90 +.00 +1.0tPim25yrZro N ZROZ 3.07e 2.8 143.05 105.32 7 108.22 87 108.45 105.32 +2.03 -.4 PJT Part n N PJT .20 .5 25 38.86 19.96 392 37.51 704 38.79 37.35 -.46 +21.5 PLDT Inc N PHI 1.60e 5.2 46.13 25.50 87 30.61 445 30.82 29.35 +.94 +11.1 PNC pfP N PNCpP 1.65 5.8 30.88 26.50 48 28.49 315 28.50 27.82 +.54 +4.4 PNC pfQ N PNCpQ 1.34 5.4 26.37 23.01 31 24.86 148 24.86 24.28 +.47 +5.2 PNC N PNC 2.20 1.8 18 131.83 77.40 4953 124.35 12928 126.88 124.35 -2.11 +6.3 PNC wt N PNC/WS 64.30 14.80 2 58.00 34 59.39 57.34 -1.08 +17.6sPNM Res N PNM .97 2.6 23 37.00 30.62 1260 37.30 3075 37.48 36.00 +1.20 +8.7sPOSCO N PKX 65.15 40.80 251 64.07 1367 65.15 60.06 +2.92 +21.9 PPG s N PPG 1.60 1.5 18 117.00 89.64 2528 104.49 8126 105.00 101.45 +2.40 +10.3 PPL Cap 73 N PPX 1.48 5.7 27.75 24.01 9 25.70 41 25.75 25.08 +.38 +2.8 PPL Corp N PPL 1.58f 4.3 14 39.92 32.08 4820 36.99 15959 37.20 36.19 +.67 +8.6 PRA Grp Q PRAA 19 42.70 21.93 695 34.05 2691 35.38 32.60 +.70 -12.9 PRA Hlth Q PRAH 58 61.92 39.25 1309 59.40 2414 60.29 58.41 -.30 +7.8 PRGX Glbl Q PRGX 6.59 4.25 31 6.25 152 6.48 6.18 -.05 +5.9 PS BusPk N PSB 3.00 2.7 31 121.81 94.88 257 113.03 811 113.14 108.97 +2.39 -3.0 PSBPk pfT N PSBpT 1.50 6.0 26.89 23.88 13 25.17 240 25.40 24.80 +.20 +3.5 PSBPk pfU N PSBpU 1.44 5.9 26.37 22.85 24 24.37 132 24.55 24.32 +.07 +4.7 PSBPk pfV N PSBpV 1.42 5.9 26.70 22.79 10 24.42 40 24.60 24.23 +.23 +4.9 PS BsPk pfW N PSBpW 23.29 20.58 17 22.43 131 22.70 22.05 +.38 +4.0sPTC Inc Q PTC 49 56.73 30.76 936 56.19 3607 56.73 55.20 +.97 +21.4 PTC Thera Q PTCT 16.50 4.03 3676 9.06 12037 11.01 8.56 -1.58 -17.0 PVH Corp N PVH .15 .2 11 115.40 82.10 1156 94.65 5213 95.19 90.06 +3.53 +4.9 PacWstBc Q PACW 2.00 3.6 19 57.53 35.28 3100 55.81 5661 57.08 54.25 +.44 +2.5 Paccar Q PCAR .96a 1.4 47 70.12 48.17 4960 69.52 10940 69.61 66.64 +1.81 +8.8 PcrTrnd750 N PTLC 25.98 21.17 88 25.42 496 25.52 25.15 +.10 +6.8 PcrTrnd450 N PTMC 28.70 22.94 57 27.96 202 28.08 27.40 +.33 +5.2sPcrTrnd100 N PTNQ 25.74 19.66 15 25.53 63 25.74 25.31 +.12 +11.6sPacrTrendp N PTEU 25.84 22.00 11 25.86 29 25.89 25.10 +.44 +7.9 Pacholder N PHF .60 7.8 7.93 6.31 29 7.74 164 7.83 7.65 -.07 +7.5 PacBiosci Q PACB 10.75 3.76 822 4.59 3443 4.84 4.56 -.21 +20.8 PacifCstOil N ROYT .26e 16.9 4 2.21 .87 78 1.54 596 1.65 1.42 -.03 +43.9 PacifCntl Q PCBK .44 1.7 27 26.85 14.35 480 25.15 1712 25.36 24.25 +.70 +15.1tPacDrill rs N PACD 11.56 1.82 464 2.50 1223 2.53 1.82 +.39 -38.4 PacEthanol Q PEIX 10.95 3.67 1979 6.80 5112 7.35 6.50 -.45 -28.4 PacGE pfA N PCGpA 1.50 4.8 33.70 28.89 2 31.43 8 31.49 30.95 +.47 +2.6 PacGE pfB N PCGpB 1.37 4.8 33.00 26.25 1 28.59 4 28.81 28.45 -.86 +1.4 PacGE pfC N PCGpC 1.25 4.8 30.00 24.94 3 26.09 5 26.09 25.61 +.45 +4.5 PacGE pfD N PCGpD 1.25 4.8 27.50 24.74 0 26.01 12 26.50 26.00 +.01 +1.1 PacGE pfI N PCGpI 1.09 4.4 25.99 23.31 0 24.88 3 24.93 24.83 +.37 +4.8 PacMerc Q PMBC 7.91 5.30 62 7.70 196 7.70 7.30 +.10 +5.5 PacPreBc Q PPBI 27 41.90 20.05 624 39.90 1194 40.20 38.50 +.55 +12.9 PacSpec n Q PAAC 13.00 9.97 10.30 12 10.40 10.30 -.05 -.5 PacSpec rt Q PAACR .55 .09 .50 36 .55 .45 -5.7 PacSpec wt Q PAACW .51 .05 1 .34 11 .34 .30 +.05 +21.4 PaciraPhm Q PCRX 65.64 29.95 1427 47.40 4843 49.55 45.50 +.75 +46.7 PackAmer N PKG 2.52 2.7 19 96.87 57.01 2238 92.36 5077 93.44 91.33 +.81 +8.9 PainTher h Q PTIE 3.00 .51 266 .70 4468 .83 .65 +.04 +22.1 PalatinTch N PTN .90 .33 949 .33 7187 .36 .33 -.01 -34.5 PaloAltNet N PANW 165.69 113.70 1604 115.81 7480 119.75 115.56 -3.07 -7.4 PampaEng N PAM 50.22 19.45 287 48.71 1217 49.50 46.33 +2.43 +39.9 PanASlv Q PAAS .10f .6 33 21.59 9.78 2499 17.03 10993 17.63 15.90 +.77 +13.0 Pandora N P 14.98 8.05 7298 11.48 38691 12.42 11.44 -.65 -12.0sPaneraBrd Q PNRA 38 238.24 185.69 420 238.39 1492 239.00 233.50 +3.48 +16.2 PangaeaL Q PANL 3 4.44 2.22 20 3.36 176 3.67 3.26 +.11 -1.2 PanhO&G N PHX .16 .9 27.70 15.34 59 18.75 141 19.70 18.00 +.50 -20.4 PapaJohns Q PZZA .80 1.1 30 90.49 53.23 731 76.00 2119 77.66 75.37 +.21 -11.2 PapaMurph Q FRSH 12.96 3.56 219 4.14 1370 4.56 3.88 +.18 -1.9 ParPetrol N PARR 20.00 12.18 577 16.23 1521 16.38 15.35 +.87 +11.6sParTech N PAR 22 7.10 4.30 46 7.20 215 7.25 6.35 +.68 +29.0sParagCm n Q PBNC 54.20 33.65 65 54.03 103 54.20 52.70 +1.01 +23.6 ParaGold n N PZG 2.93 1.26 28 1.63 202 1.75 1.57 -.02 -8.4 ParamtGp N PGRE .38 2.3 76 18.28 14.58 6242 16.66 11327 16.78 16.13 +.33 +4.2 ParatekPh Q PRTK 18.92 9.80 455 16.55 2994 17.15 16.06 +.10 +7.5tParetem rs N TEUM 6.25 1.26 73 1.32 869 1.60 1.26 -.15 Parexel Q PRXL 22 72.32 51.16 1716 63.13 7942 65.31 62.54 -2.16 -3.9 ParkCity Q PCYG 92 17.00 8.30 51 13.85 273 14.15 12.75 +1.00 +9.1 ParkEl N PKE .40a 2.1 33 20.24 13.76 142 19.09 297 19.14 18.17 +.70 +2.4 ParkHot n N PK .43p 33.40 25.40 2242 26.63 7053 26.91 25.55 +.63 -10.9 ParkNatl N PRK 3.76 3.4 21 122.88 85.35 58 109.63 153 109.99 106.65 +2.51 -8.4 ParkOh Q PKOH .50 1.4 14 47.00 23.21 85 36.15 280 37.40 35.70 -15.1 ParkStrlg Q PSTB .16 1.3 32 12.37 6.41 320 12.13 805 12.19 11.49 +.55 +12.4sParkeBcp Q PKBK .40f 1.8 10 21.65 12.52 45 21.75 72 21.75 21.30 +.30 +7.9tParkDrl N PKD 3.16 1.50 1037 1.60 4539 1.75 1.50 -.10 -38.5sParkerHan N PH 2.64f 1.7 23 160.23 99.10 1658 159.10 5454 160.23 156.14 +1.78 +13.6 ParkrVs rs Q PRKR 8.18 1.84 475 1.87 3397 2.35 1.85 -.77 +1.6 Parkway n N PKY 23.17 16.39 871 19.61 1735 19.89 19.11 +.11 -11.9 ParsleyEn N PE 39.82 21.01 4265 31.76 20640 31.79 29.49 +1.41 -9.9 PrtnrCm Q PTNR 53 6.41 4.00 3 5.86 10 5.91 5.65 -.06 +24.8 PartRe pfF N PREpF 1.47 5.9 27.48 22.95 8 25.07 38 25.24 24.52 +.31 +3.0 PartRe pfG N PREpG 1.63 6.2 30.33 25.32 9 26.29 36 26.45 25.88 +.28 +1.4 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 14 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
PartRe pfH N PREpH 1.81 6.5 32.40 25.02 40 28.00 262 28.16 27.59 +.11 +2.6 PartRe pfI N PREpI 1.47 5.8 28.94 22.97 6 25.13 67 25.24 24.35 +.63 +6.8 PartyCity n N PRTY 19.10 12.05 456 13.85 3174 14.50 13.35 -.60 -2.5tPatheon n N PTHN 32.95 23.72 1458 27.29 9064 31.79 23.72 -3.59 -4.9 PathfdBcp Q PBHC .20 1.4 21 15.19 10.76 9 14.70 11 14.90 14.55 +.15 +9.0 PatrkInd s Q PATK 20 86.10 42.28 332 70.00 1229 72.45 69.25 -1.75 -8.3tPatriotN n N PN 2.50e 6 9.95 2.04 421 2.25 2820 3.42 2.04 -1.17 -51.6 PatriotTr n Q PATI 15 27.32 17.89 1 23.07 7 23.07 21.10 +1.57 +5.2 PatternEn Q PEGI 1.63f 8.0 25.13 17.70 869 20.41 4280 20.52 19.51 +.68 +7.5 Patterson Q PDCO 1.04f 2.3 22 50.40 36.46 982 45.48 4154 46.13 44.49 +.91 +10.8 PattUTI Q PTEN .08 .3 29.76 16.06 3329 25.68 17232 26.41 24.01 +.44 -4.6 Pavmed n Q PAVM 15.24 4.50 15 5.95 29 6.50 5.80 +.83 -13.8sPaychex Q PAYX 1.84 2.9 29 63.03 51.06 1865 62.84 7101 63.03 62.08 +.46 +3.2 PaycomSft N PAYC 76 57.31 32.42 728 56.47 2440 56.80 55.26 +.29 +24.1 Paylocity Q PCTY 49.65 29.02 269 36.84 762 37.02 35.80 +.53 +22.8 PayData rs Q PYDS 3.80 1.01 12 1.30 103 1.48 1.30 -.15 -29.7 PayPal n Q PYPL 35 44.52 34.00 11755 43.08 31398 43.30 41.74 +.09 +9.1 pdvWirelss Q PDVW 43.04 18.60 44 23.75 113 23.85 21.00 +2.60 +5.3 PeakRsts Q SKIS .07e 6.20 2.60 32 5.75 317 6.05 5.60 -.15 +3.6 PeapkGl Q PGC .20 .7 21 33.30 16.46 60 30.05 145 30.59 29.58 -.03 -2.7 Pearson N PSO .80e 9.9 13.20 7.04 4705 8.09 8368 8.20 7.87 -.11 -19.0 Pebblebrk N PEB 1.52 5.3 15 31.85 23.46 980 28.53 4023 28.56 27.26 +1.06 -4.1 Pebbleb pfD N PEBpD 2.09 8.3 29.15 23.50 3 25.15 33 25.41 24.93 +.33 +6.5 Pedevco N PED .41 .09 54 .10 272 .11 .10 -.00 -8.0 Pegasyst Q PEGA .12 .3 98 45.50 23.80 501 43.30 1755 44.35 43.20 -.25 +20.3 Pembina g N PBA 1.50 35 33.24 25.12 238 32.02 1277 32.50 31.50 +.02 +2.2 Pendrell rs Q PCO 7.61 4.80 225 6.09 536 7.43 5.90 -1.15 -9.8tPengthE g N PGH .04 2.08 .96 634 1.01 6884 1.12 .96 -.08 -28.9 PnnNtGm Q PENN 21 17.40 11.93 1359 15.82 4871 15.92 14.89 +.88 +14.7tPennVa n Q PVAC 61.97 43.40 59 44.80 176 48.48 42.50 -2.47 -8.6 PennWst g N PWE 2.05 .61 2300 1.57 11902 1.70 1.42 +.07 -11.3 PennantPk Q PNNT .72m 8.9 8 8.68 5.83 907 8.07 2616 8.13 7.94 +.07 +5.4 PennPk 25 N PNTA 1.56 6.2 26.20 23.06 1 25.28 3 25.39 25.23 +.02 +.7 PenPkFR Q PFLT 1.14 8.2 13 14.22 11.36 181 13.90 957 13.95 13.51 +.15 -1.5tPenney N JCP 11.73 5.85 14152 5.99 78442 6.39 5.85 -.37 -27.9 PennsWd Q PWOD 1.88 4.2 17 52.65 37.26 40 44.81 84 46.13 43.81 -1.47 -11.3tPennaRE N PEI .84 5.6 10 25.67 14.33 982 14.90 6851 15.37 14.33 +.33 -21.4 PenRE pfA N PEIpA 2.06 8.2 26.50 24.80 2 25.17 17 25.17 25.11 +.04 -.5 PenRE pfB N PEIpB 1.84 7.3 26.71 22.46 6 25.05 81 25.10 24.91 +.15 +.2sPenRE pfC N PEIpC 1.80 6.8 27.03 24.72 4 26.60 66 27.03 25.67 +.69 +5.8 PennTex n Q PTXP 1.18 7.2 28 18.00 9.01 60 16.29 263 16.42 15.86 +.42 +8.7 PennyMFn N PFSI 6 19.35 10.96 252 17.35 788 17.80 17.20 -.30 +4.2 PennyMac N PMT 1.88 11.0 16 17.38 12.99 729 17.14 2173 17.17 16.50 +.50 +4.7stPenny pfA N PMTpA 2.03 8.1 24.90 24.66 156 24.94 431 25.05 24.66 +.8 Penske N PAG 1.16f 2.4 13 56.05 29.29 247 49.09 1404 50.37 48.14 +.20 -5.3 Pentair N PNR 1.38f 2.2 21 66.99 50.37 1331 62.87 8266 63.20 59.41 +2.76 +12.1sPenumbra n N PEN 84.15 43.68 1784 82.45 2743 84.80 76.20 +2.20 +29.2 PeopUtdF Q PBCT .68 3.6 20 20.13 13.80 4513 18.82 13919 19.11 18.53 -.12 -2.8 PeopUtd pf Q PBCTP 28.20 24.06 15 26.00 113 26.25 25.51 +.19 +.6 PeBcOH Q PEBO .80f 2.4 19 33.56 18.43 78 32.99 255 33.10 31.71 +.96 +1.6sPeopBNC Q PEBK .48f 1.6 18 29.94 18.41 34 30.00 55 30.23 28.25 +.62 +19.7 PplsFnMS Q PFBX .20 1.4 16.40 8.90 0 14.50 9 15.32 14.50 -.05 -10.2 PeopFSvc Q PFIS 1.24 3.0 16 50.54 35.26 15 40.99 47 41.45 39.89 +1.20 -15.8 PeopUtah n Q PUB .32 1.2 22 27.85 14.73 81 27.10 213 27.25 26.05 +.45 +.9sPepsiCo N PEP 3.01 2.7 24 111.23 98.50 5754 111.39 21884 111.52 109.03 +1.80 +6.5 Percptr Q PRCP .15 1.8 8.87 4.18 53 8.40 242 8.59 7.64 +.42 +26.5sPeregrinP Q PPHM .77 .28 4656 .70 21967 .77 .62 +.05 +127.6 PeregP pfE Q PPHMP 2.63 12.3 23.98 9.75 1 21.43 29 22.25 20.99 +.50 +7.6 Perficient Q PRFT 26 22.66 14.15 287 18.15 841 18.51 17.78 +.18 +3.8 PerfFood n N PFGC 23 28.13 19.95 1096 23.35 3278 23.50 22.45 -.05 -2.7tPerformnt Q PFMT 4.07 1.50 29 1.65 205 1.65 1.50 +.07 -29.8tPerfuman lf Q PERF 3.00 1.30 6 1.25 40 1.41 1.25 -.15 -16.7 PerionNwk Q PERI 2.56 .94 166 1.92 465 1.93 1.75 +.16 +35.2sPerkElm N PKI .28 .5 21 57.28 45.35 1095 57.27 3928 57.35 55.22 +1.68 +9.8 PermaFix Q PESI 5.64 2.85 4 3.00 52 3.10 2.90 +.05 -23.1 Prmian N PBT .44e 4.8 26 9.77 5.69 61 9.19 444 9.47 8.95 +.11 +19.2 PernixT rs Q PTX 17.10 1.83 167 3.86 790 3.97 3.52 +.01 +99.0tPerrigo N PRGO .64f .9 133.93 68.69 2673 69.50 8163 71.22 68.69 -1.72 -16.5 PerryEllis Q PERY 19 29.00 16.24 149 23.92 407 24.00 21.93 +1.30 -4.0 PershGld rs Q PGLC 5.02 2.67 75 2.98 504 3.05 2.83 +.06 -8.9 PetMed Q PETS .76 3.7 19 23.78 17.17 329 20.56 986 20.57 19.39 +1.17 -10.9 PetChina N PTR .70e .9 81.80 61.81 76 74.83 580 75.18 72.17 +1.80 +1.5 PetroArg N PZE .07e 10.29 4.66 18 9.90 164 9.99 9.25 +.54 +41.0 PetrbrsA N PBR/A 11.77 3.93 10705 8.42 39402 9.12 8.38 -.63 -4.4 Petrobras N PBR 12.56 4.98 35423 8.91 137747 9.46 8.82 -.47 -11.9 PtroqstE rs N PQ 4.75 1.71 152 2.79 844 3.20 2.76 -.27 -15.7 Pfenex N PFNX 11.35 5.79 112 6.70 500 7.43 6.60 -.18 -26.1 Pfizer N PFE 1.28f 3.7 14 37.39 29.41 35284 34.32 112375 34.70 33.91 +.21 +5.7tPFSweb Q PFSW 93 15.87 6.50 191 7.45 610 7.90 6.50 -.21 -12.4 PhrmAth N PIP 2.91e 1 3.50 .47 1823 .83 21509 1.08 .76 -.05 -74.6 Pharmerica N PMC 11 28.72 19.20 447 22.50 1080 23.05 22.00 -.50 -10.5 PhaseRx n Q PZRX 5.77 .96 50 1.63 285 1.80 1.50 -.10 +5.1 PhlpsSelEn N DSE 1.26 16.7 8.59 4.92 68 7.54 396 7.66 7.41 -.03 -.5 PhibroAH Q PAHC .40 1.4 14 30.85 16.80 223 28.40 506 28.55 27.00 +.45 -3.1sPhilipMor N PM 4.16 3.7 23 112.95 86.78 7761 113.00 21858 114.46 110.39 +2.46 +23.5sPhilipsNV N PHG .88e 2.8 31.40 23.00 1861 31.45 6552 31.53 30.41 +.98 +2.9 Phillips66 N PSX 2.52 3.2 12 90.87 73.67 2621 79.94 12005 80.28 78.16 +1.08 -7.5 Phill66LP N PSXP 2.23f 4.4 24 66.81 42.47 846 50.91 2321 53.16 50.44 -1.82 +4.7 PhxNMda N FENG 18 4.65 3.11 93 3.58 504 3.77 3.50 -.12 +14.0 PhotMdx rs Q PHMD 5.60 .90 44 1.84 889 2.04 1.75 +.07 -16.4 PhotrIn Q PLAB 28 12.10 8.20 505 11.10 952 11.10 10.50 +.40 -1.8 PhysRltTr N DOC .90 4.7 24 22.03 17.12 1535 19.02 16836 19.08 18.18 +.12 +1.5 PiedmOfc N PDM .84 3.9 13 23.08 18.61 1186 21.68 4089 21.78 20.91 +.49 +3.7 Pier 1 N PIR .28 4.0 21 9.68 3.73 2470 7.04 7772 7.17 6.61 +.09 -17.6 PierisPhm Q PIRS 3.09 1.30 125 2.73 1430 2.86 2.51 -.12 +94.3 PilgrimsP Q PPC 2.75e 12 26.50 17.15 1121 21.79 5276 21.93 21.29 +.27 +14.7 PimcoCA N PCQ .92 5.8 17.53 14.75 23 16.00 186 16.18 15.77 +.10 +2.0 PimcoCA2 N PCK .65 6.7 11.25 9.05 19 9.57 172 9.60 9.39 +.10 +3.8 PimcCA3 N PZC .72 6.2 13.11 10.67 11 11.70 200 11.78 11.54 +.07 +3.2 PimcoCp&I N PCN 1.35 8.6 16.28 12.64 129 15.67 801 15.80 15.06 +.27 +6.0 PimCpOp N PTY 1.56a 10.1 15.88 13.20 134 15.46 1329 15.48 14.88 +.29 +8.0 PimDyCrd N PCI 1.97 9.4 21.23 17.19 432 21.00 3167 21.04 20.41 +.46 +3.9 PimDyInco N PDI 2.65a 9.2 29.29 25.86 122 28.67 818 28.68 27.88 +.67 +3.5 PimcIncStr N PFL 1.08 9.7 11.24 9.32 80 11.08 481 11.08 10.73 +.26 +4.8 PimIncStr2 N PFN .96 9.6 10.13 8.50 184 10.00 1121 10.03 9.65 +.28 +5.4 PimStPls N PGP 2.20 12.7 20.96 13.82 28 17.30 203 17.35 16.67 +.24 +23.0 PimcoHiI N PHK 1.24 14.4 10.15 8.26 443 8.63 3309 8.69 8.33 +.01 -5.9 PimIncOpp N PKO 2.28a 9.2 25.20 20.28 33 24.73 370 24.89 23.91 +.54 +6.8 PimcoMuni N PMF .98 7.5 17.43 12.74 84 13.00 615 13.11 12.80 +.21 -9.7 PimcoMu2 N PML .78 6.3 14.08 11.57 56 12.40 426 12.44 12.21 +.14 +1.5 PimcMu3 N PMX .75 6.8 13.05 10.82 75 11.15 443 11.18 11.00 +.04 -1.9 PimcoNY N PNF .68 5.6 14.40 11.49 15 12.16 78 12.30 11.99 +.04 +1.9 PimcoNY2 N PNI .80 7.0 14.61 11.13 9 11.30 89 11.35 11.13 +.06 -5.9 PimcNY3 N PYN .63 6.8 12.29 9.26 21 9.33 90 9.47 9.29 -.04 -6.9 PimcoStrIn N RCS .96 10.3 10.56 8.12 66 9.30 843 9.41 8.93 +.14 +5.8 PingtanM Q PME .04 1.0 5.18 .84 553 4.08 2111 4.72 4.00 -.55 +134.5sPinnclEnt Q PNK 18.49 9.72 728 18.53 2133 18.67 17.22 +.96 +27.8 PinnaclFn Q PNFP .56 .8 23 71.85 44.61 994 68.65 1770 68.80 66.45 +.95 -.9sPinnaclFds N PF 1.14f 1.9 28 59.11 40.43 1051 58.96 5766 59.11 57.48 +1.11 +10.3sPinWst N PNW 2.62 3.1 21 83.92 70.11 849 83.23 3363 83.92 81.30 +1.62 +6.7 PionDvrsHi N HNW 1.38 8.6 16.83 15.01 18 16.00 235 16.00 15.61 +.26 -.1 PionEnSvc N PES 7.20 1.88 3329 4.35 7925 4.68 3.90 -.20 -36.5sPionFltRt N PHD .72 5.8 12.41 10.92 82 12.36 350 12.44 12.18 +.12 +4.1 PionHiIn N PHT 1.14 11.7 10.75 9.36 160 9.76 618 9.83 9.58 +.05 -4.4tPioMuAdv N MAV .84 7.8 14.25 10.61 94 10.76 531 10.77 10.61 +.08 -8.9tPioMunHi N MHI .84 7.4 14.76 11.31 123 11.38 459 11.46 11.31 -4.1 PioNtrl N PXD .08 199.83 131.36 1791 184.79 10443 186.23 177.00 +.07 +2.6 PioneerPw Q PPSI 18 9.40 3.68 46 7.20 216 7.37 6.55 +.70 +21.0 PiperJaf N PJC .31p 19 81.85 35.36 186 67.80 595 69.00 66.45 -.75 -6.5 PitnyBw N PBI .75 5.8 8 21.81 12.41 12570 12.84 22408 13.50 12.84 -.45 -15.5 PitnyBw 43 N PBIpB 1.67 6.5 27.73 25.11 11 25.84 68 26.20 25.57 -.03 +1.0sPixelwrks Q PXLW 4.70 1.55 700 4.84 1684 4.89 4.26 +.39 +72.9 PlainsAAP N PAA 2.20 7.1 29 33.95 19.76 1696 31.14 6653 31.88 30.50 -.19 -3.6 PlainsGP rs N PAGP .55 60 36.55 20.62 988 31.39 4846 32.17 30.83 -.19 -9.5 PlanetFit n N PLNT 42 22.13 13.07 1254 20.19 4309 20.63 20.00 -.32 +.4 PlanetP h Q PLPM 8 4.97 2.75 250 3.79 1028 3.80 3.53 +.08 -7.1 Plantron N PLT .60 1.1 18 57.79 36.48 310 54.46 771 55.31 53.37 +.34 -.5 PlatfmSpc N PAH 32 13.96 6.85 2908 13.09 10253 13.20 12.54 +.24 +33.4 PlatGpM rs N PLG 4.04 1.40 548 1.67 4430 1.74 1.45 +.22 +16.8stPlayaHot n Q PLYA 12.00 10.32 180 10.48 872 12.00 10.30 -1.6 Plexus Q PLXS 20 58.74 36.77 378 57.92 900 58.10 54.96 +2.65 +7.2 PlugPowr h Q PLUG 2.28 .83 8002 1.20 23477 1.20 .96 +.19 PlumasBc Q PLBC .20 1.1 15 19.50 8.60 3 17.85 13 18.10 17.65 +.40 -6.1 PluristemT Q PSTI 5 1.85 1.04 1143 1.25 1786 1.27 1.14 +.11 -12.6sPlyGem N PGEM 18 19.65 12.50 307 19.60 1726 20.00 18.15 +1.40 +20.6 PoageBksh Q PBSK .32 1.6 23 20.90 15.50 1 19.50 9 19.65 19.50 +.25 +3.7 PointrTel h Q PNTR 15 9.75 5.23 12 8.90 68 9.35 8.75 -.15 +30.9 PointsInt g Q PCOM 9.99 6.50 71 6.93 300 7.34 6.56 -.30 -9.3 PolarPwr n Q POLA 11.50 7.09 333 7.64 1015 9.36 7.50 -1.26 -14.6 Polaris N PII 2.32f 2.6 26 104.25 70.14 955 89.01 3958 91.34 86.20 -1.19 +8.0 Polarity rs Q COOL 8.98 2.61 173 8.44 1083 8.96 6.30 +1.66 +160.5 PolyMet g N PLM 1.14 .71 234 .77 1135 .80 .74 +.02 +3.8 PolyOne N POL .54 1.6 16 38.41 28.77 685 34.06 1785 34.13 33.02 +.74 +6.3sPool Corp Q POOL 1.24 1.0 35 120.03 81.35 273 120.95 1052 121.31 117.81 +2.87 +15.9 PopeRes Q POPE 2.80 4.0 88 71.00 53.60 1 70.33 5 71.00 69.40 +.28 +6.0 PopeyLaK Q PLKI 41 79.16 49.11 421 78.99 2685 79.04 78.92 -.01 +30.6 Popular Q BPOP 1.00f 2.5 20 45.96 26.49 766 40.77 3393 41.16 40.09 +.12 -7.0 Popular pf Q BPOPN 1.68 7.0 24.60 19.80 3 24.09 33 24.20 24.01 +.10 +.4 PopCpII pf Q BPOPM 1.53 6.8 24.42 18.25 5 22.50 42 22.71 22.04 +.19 +.3 PorterBc rs Q PBIB 13.75 5.55 0 9.29 25 9.65 9.14 +.15 -24.6 PortGE N POR 1.28 2.8 21 46.05 37.77 903 45.00 2805 45.24 43.84 +.98 +3.9sPortolaPh Q PTLA 41.27 15.68 1451 39.44 5577 41.27 37.66 +1.21 +75.8 PostHldg N POST 46 89.00 67.29 831 85.45 4031 86.04 82.56 +1.37 +6.3 Potash N POT .40 2.3 16 20.27 15.21 6359 17.32 26807 17.50 16.96 -.11 -4.3 Potbelly Q PBPB 41 14.99 11.58 213 13.20 655 13.40 12.70 +.25 +2.3 Potlatch Q PCH 1.50 3.4 45.50 28.64 416 44.70 1531 45.00 42.98 +1.65 +7.3 PowellInds Q POWL 1.04 3.1 23 47.24 26.22 83 33.30 174 33.75 31.98 +.83 -14.6 PwrInteg Q POWI .56f .8 36 72.65 44.81 286 67.15 762 67.45 64.00 +2.95 -1.0 PowrREIT N PW 9.46 4.30 2 6.33 24 6.70 6.25 -.26 -9.8 PowerSolu lf Q PSIX 20.97 2.76 140 5.58 383 6.05 5.39 -.16 -25.6 PSActUSRE N PSR 2.33e 2.0 83.62 71.29 1 76.10 7 76.13 74.22 +1.73 +3.7 PS SPXDn N PHDG .41e 1.5 25.58 21.43 17 25.26 48 25.54 25.18 -.02 +5.3 PS VarRate Q VRIG 25.24 24.97 14 25.10 186 25.16 25.08 -.03 +.4 PSCrudeDS N DTO 211.56 100.28 4 127.82 52 132.50 125.84 -1.10 +21.8 PSBMetDL N BDD 8.25 4.53 7 7.76 21 7.83 7.25 +.66 +21.5 PSBMetDS N BOM 24.46 7.96 1 12.50 3 12.50 11.80 +1.21 -10.1 PSCrudeLg N OLO 6.09 3.76 0 4.19 8 4.30 4.12 -.18 -12.2 PwshDB N DBC 16.08 12.78 1159 14.99 12251 15.02 14.70 +.08 -5.4 PwShCurH N DBV 26.03 22.97 4 25.12 76 25.30 23.99 +.03 +1.2 PS Engy N DBE 14.01 9.75 69 12.11 805 12.18 11.91 -.04 -12.3 PS PrcMet N DBP 42.74 34.22 3 37.32 66 37.45 36.33 +.74 +7.1 PS Silver N DBS 32.84 23.43 0 27.04 28 27.04 26.18 +.56 +8.8 PS Agri N DBA 23.01 19.62 415 20.15 3833 20.20 19.95 +.17 +.9 PS Oil N DBO 9.91 7.22 219 8.51 1638 8.60 8.37 -12.1 PS Gold N DGL 44.84 36.22 12 39.38 31 39.48 38.43 +.72 +6.3 PS BasMet N DBB 16.75 12.01 183 16.53 1238 16.56 15.85 +.59 +10.8 PS USDBull N UUP 26.83 23.96 1765 25.89 10026 26.28 25.86 -.26 -2.2 PS USDBear N UDN 22.83 20.18 30 20.86 220 20.88 20.53 +.19 +2.0sPShPuLgGr N PXLG .42e 1.1 37.28 31.20 2 37.15 25 37.28 36.85 +.24 +10.6 PSOpYCmd Q PDBC 18.45 14.85 100 16.36 886 16.42 16.08 +.07 -5.3 PShPuLVal N PXLV .76e 2.1 36.75 28.27 7 35.90 63 36.20 35.73 -.06 +4.5 PSAerDef N PPA .50e 1.1 45.00 34.73 86 44.61 572 44.72 43.85 +.61 +6.9 PwShBio N PBE .57e 1.3 44.43 34.41 29 42.77 157 44.00 42.44 -1.12 +10.2 PS BldCns N PKB .03e .1 29.78 23.97 66 29.37 492 29.51 28.70 +.31 +5.4 PwSGDrChi Q PGJ .20e .6 34.43 26.57 6 34.07 47 34.17 33.16 +1.00 +19.2 PwSClnEn N PBW .07e 1.8 4.29 3.41 96 3.96 401 4.01 3.85 +.08 +7.6 PwShDiv Q PFM .50e 2.1 24.15 20.49 24 23.96 209 24.07 23.77 +.09 +4.7 PS EnEx N PXE .50e 2.4 24.92 18.79 20 20.91 51 21.12 20.23 +.29 -9.4 PwSFoodBv N PBJ .41e 1.2 34.74 31.53 18 33.47 114 33.49 32.79 +.50 PwShHiYD Q PEY .51 3.0 17.46 13.21 241 17.05 2527 17.16 16.84 +.01 +.7 PwSIntlDv Q PID .65e 4.4 15.19 12.56 219 14.90 847 14.93 14.57 +.22 +3.4sPwSLgCG N PWB .21e .6 34.59 29.86 18 34.54 94 34.63 34.15 +.30 +8.2 PwSLgCV N PWV .69e 1.9 36.44 29.23 75 35.58 610 36.03 35.48 -.26 +5.5 PwShLeis N PEJ .15e .4 41.57 31.84 11 40.50 78 40.69 39.88 +.01 +1.2 PowShMkt N PWC .97e 1.2 84.72 67.84 1 83.71 28 83.82 82.63 +.84 +3.7 PwShMda N PBS .27e 1.0 28.12 23.29 11 27.63 61 27.79 27.39 +.16 +5.4sPwSMidGr N PXMG .19e .6 34.13 27.73 2 34.13 14 34.19 33.61 +.32 +10.0 PwSMidVal N PXMV .64e 2.0 32.53 25.75 5 31.28 245 31.42 30.70 +.26 +.4 PwShNetw N PXQ 44.09 31.74 1 43.58 15 43.67 42.39 +1.08 +8.0 PS OilSv N PXJ .28e 2.4 14.18 10.14 11 11.67 69 11.68 11.03 +.26 -8.6sPwSNsdMo Q DWAQ .06e .1 85.47 66.68 1 85.26 8 85.47 83.80 +1.35 +8.9 PwSPharm N PJP 3.84e 4.6 69.24 53.55 59 59.11 306 60.61 58.51 -1.09 +5.5 PS Retail N PMR .34e 1.0 38.86 33.52 4 35.30 4 35.30 34.48 +.73 -1.8 PwSSmGr N PXSG .27e 1.0 27.50 21.58 1 27.39 214 27.49 26.81 +.33 +5.3 PwSSmVal N PXSV .60e 2.1 31.42 22.28 13 29.18 86 29.20 28.20 +.56 -3.7sPwSSemi N PSI .04e .1 41.29 23.93 49 41.37 395 41.42 40.23 +1.02 +14.6sPwShSoft N PSJ .10e .2 51.63 40.28 3 51.85 21 51.93 50.62 +1.17 +9.9 PwS Utils Q PUI .63e 2.3 28.17 23.35 4 27.14 22 27.40 26.77 +.36 +5.9 PSS&PQlty N SPHQ .38e 1.4 27.73 23.63 95 27.62 1316 27.69 27.31 +.17 +6.3 PwSWtr Q PHO .18e .7 26.45 20.36 77 26.10 213 26.20 25.59 +.28 +6.1 PwSZMicro N PZI .15e .8 19.45 14.38 0 18.28 4 18.66 18.16 +.03 -2.1sPSNasIntnt Q PNQI 94.43 72.03 15 94.46 63 94.60 93.10 +1.46 +14.3 PSMoment Q PDP .11e .2 45.75 38.74 58 45.44 470 45.54 44.96 +.34 +8.2 PSWHPrgE N PUW .17e .7 27.08 19.30 0 26.02 4 26.02 25.45 +.34 +.9sPSPrivEq N PSP .66e 5.6 11.95 9.47 133 11.84 1257 11.95 11.73 +.08 +6.5 PSFinPf N PGF 1.11 6.0 19.56 17.65 282 18.53 1394 18.54 18.27 +.20 +3.2sPSCleantch N PZD .44e 1.2 35.41 28.18 4 35.37 24 35.41 34.55 +.59 +8.2 PSBuybk Q PKW .52e 1.0 53.41 42.53 47 52.35 262 52.55 51.83 +.02 +3.7sPSh Tech Q PTF .26e .6 44.29 34.76 2 44.39 47 44.40 43.36 +.92 +11.2sPSh Hlthcr Q PTH 54.87 39.54 0 54.23 16 54.87 53.36 +.36 +13.0 PSh Inds Q PRN .19e .4 53.30 42.18 2 52.50 34 52.50 51.45 +.85 +5.1 PSh Fincl Q PFI .14e .4 32.78 28.16 5 31.84 57 31.97 31.48 +.25 +3.9 PSh Engy Q PXI .69e 1.8 47.35 28.28 7 38.08 127 38.64 36.33 +.24 -12.5 PSh CnsStp Q PSL .67e 1.1 59.15 52.31 3 59.03 19 59.11 57.78 +1.22 +10.1 PSh CnsCyc Q PEZ .30e .7 44.89 39.37 3 43.62 9 43.62 43.06 +.43 +3.5 PSh BasM Q PYZ .61e 1.0 65.30 44.97 7 62.66 52 63.23 60.68 +2.10 +5.8 PSR2KEqW N EQWS .41e 1.0 40.50 30.22 2 39.20 17 39.34 37.93 +.96 -.6 PSRslMdC N EQWM .49e 1.1 44.28 36.64 1 43.72 7 43.72 43.02 +.58 +4.8 PSRussl200 N EQWL .80e 1.7 46.78 38.06 1 46.43 16 46.67 45.98 +.26 +7.5 PwShSMid Q PRFZ 1.30e 1.1 119.83 90.18 23 116.74 236 116.92 113.28 +2.26 +1.3 PS US1K N PRF 1.91e 1.8 105.36 85.56 129 103.34 876 103.99 102.32 +.22 +3.8 PSDvMom Q PIZ .26e 1.1 24.17 21.02 112 23.27 254 23.31 22.71 +.49 +8.8 PSEmMom Q PIE .12e .7 16.76 14.22 152 16.60 411 16.65 15.96 +.69 +12.6 PS EmgInf N PXR .50e 1.4 36.98 27.35 63 36.00 74 36.61 33.50 +1.60 +17.4 PS SC High N XSHD 27.33 24.20 0 24.85 17 24.99 24.27 +.46 -3.8 PS LowVRot N DWLV 27.08 24.09 1 26.97 3 26.99 26.47 +.56 +5.6 PShTact n Q DWIN 28.86 25.11 14 27.67 121 27.75 27.13 +.20 +1.1 PSBldABd N BAB 1.31 4.5 32.33 28.75 99 29.12 785 29.20 29.00 +.05 +.1 PS Rs1KLB Q USLB 28.62 24.94 1 28.57 34 28.57 28.21 +.33 +5.3 PS IntlLB Q IDLB 26.23 23.45 1 25.99 35 26.03 25.55 +.46 +6.2 PS DWAtac Q DWTR 26.00 22.96 20 24.82 155 24.85 24.19 +.39 +2.4 PS SC CnDs Q PSCD .35e .7 55.75 45.02 5 52.18 32 52.18 50.54 +1.14 -.2 PSEuCurLV N FXEU .35e 25.20 20.50 0 21.72 8 21.79 21.42 +.25 +4.3 PS LowVol N XRLV .46 1.5 29.92 25.91 24 29.87 97 29.91 29.56 +.22 +7.0 PSR1KEqW N EQAL .39e 1.4 28.70 23.74 71 28.28 472 28.41 27.82 +.24 +5.1 PS VarPfd N VRP 1.20 4.7 26.05 23.60 459 25.33 1732 25.34 24.94 +.13 +2.9 PS SC CnSt Q PSCC 1.34e 2.0 70.99 56.02 8 68.43 22 68.48 66.53 +1.82 -.9sPS IntBybk Q IPKW .29e .9 31.17 24.69 12 31.06 44 31.17 30.46 +.49 +9.8 PS SCLowV N XSLV .73e 1.7 44.20 33.91 144 43.32 696 43.32 42.04 +1.17 -.2 PS MCLwV N XMLV .64e 1.5 43.25 35.80 124 42.59 578 42.69 41.91 +.63 +4.9 PS SPX HiD N SPHD 1.30 3.2 41.21 35.60 445 40.64 2182 40.89 40.20 +.22 +3.7 PS EMLwV N EELV .60e 2.6 23.62 20.47 81 23.17 239 23.18 22.45 +.80 +10.9 PS IntLwV N IDLV 1.11e 3.6 31.46 27.95 109 30.58 428 30.65 29.97 +.53 +7.4 PS GlbAgr Q PAGG .74e 2.9 26.05 21.86 0 25.13 13 25.34 24.67 +.13 +2.2 PS SC Egy Q PSCE .14e .8 22.69 13.75 40 17.48 979 17.61 16.46 +.24 -16.8 PSShTHYB N PGHY 1.08 4.4 28.83 22.98 57 24.48 277 24.62 24.41 -.15 +.2 PSKBWRgB Q KBWR .79e 1.4 58.72 36.17 10 55.86 88 56.29 54.96 +.17 -.1 PS SmCMo Q DWAS .07e .2 42.46 32.69 10 40.98 64 41.00 39.58 +.82 +1.4 PS KBWBk Q KBWB .58e 1.2 51.45 30.84 83 49.12 630 50.11 49.05 -.79 +3.9 PS YuanDS N DSUM .77 3.5 23.50 21.36 2 21.97 16 22.08 21.70 +.17 +1.9 PS FdIGBd N PFIG .67 2.6 26.94 24.98 1 25.21 61 25.24 25.06 +.03 PS SrLoan N BKLN 1.01 4.7 23.46 22.48 7291 23.25 22207 23.31 23.24 -.5 PS P&CIns Q KBWP .69e 1.1 58.86 46.20 17 57.86 81 58.84 57.38 -.05 +4.0sPS SP LwV N SPLV .85 1.9 43.99 39.57 1376 43.85 8076 44.01 43.45 +.29 +5.5 PSKbwHiDv Q KBWD 1.92 8.0 24.49 19.10 86 23.90 339 23.90 23.23 +.57 +4.0 PS SC Fin Q PSCF .97e 1.7 54.16 39.09 9 52.44 63 52.50 51.07 +1.03 +.3 PSKbwReit Q KBWY 1.92 5.2 38.94 29.16 52 36.94 273 36.95 35.64 +1.11 -1.9 PS SP HiB N SPHB .49e 1.3 38.81 27.17 146 37.37 1253 37.88 36.84 -.03 +2.1 PS IntlBd N PICB .57 2.3 27.41 23.86 46 24.70 231 24.77 24.31 +.22 +.9 PS SC Util Q PSCU 1.21e 2.5 50.88 43.10 3 48.36 37 48.36 46.17 +1.94 +1.1 PS CEFInc N PCEF 1.91 8.3 23.50 21.14 72 22.95 652 22.97 22.60 +.08 +2.4 PS SCMatl Q PSCM .41e .9 51.32 30.34 5 47.64 67 47.64 45.70 +1.75 -.2 PS SC Info Q PSCT .08e .1 74.79 51.75 24 73.51 211 73.68 71.09 +2.07 +5.5 PS GlbGold Q PSAU .10e .5 27.14 15.80 170 19.40 255 19.84 18.10 +.91 +10.4 PS SC Ind Q PSCI .44e .8 57.92 42.31 12 56.53 314 56.59 54.66 +1.38 +2.2 PS SC HCre Q PSCH 79.67 61.47 7 78.87 40 79.16 77.57 +.77 +8.0 PSVrdoTF N PVI 25.01 24.89 44 24.94 75 24.94 24.90 +.04 PShCalMu N PWZ .80 3.2 27.29 24.80 59 25.19 184 25.25 25.08 +.04 -.6 PShNYMu N PZT .86 3.6 25.74 23.37 2 23.72 25 23.86 23.70 -.01 -.8 PShNatMu N PZA .87 3.5 26.64 24.41 168 24.84 1436 24.87 24.72 +.04 -.2 PSh1-30Tr Q PLW .67 2.1 35.81 31.40 10 31.75 51 31.79 31.46 +.22 -.4 PSHYCpBd N PHB .84 4.5 19.00 17.67 796 18.72 5079 18.80 18.57 +.10 -.4 PwShPfd N PGX .86 5.8 15.50 13.96 1023 14.69 6161 14.71 14.52 +.14 +3.2 PShEMSov N PCY 1.50 5.2 30.96 27.71 943 28.84 5515 28.85 28.39 +.21 +2.1 PShGClnEn N PBD .17e 1.5 11.44 9.83 7 11.13 55 11.17 10.90 +.21 +7.1 PShGlbWtr Q PIO .34e 1.5 22.63 19.32 35 22.36 82 22.47 21.91 +.31 +7.5 PSEmgMkt N PXH .49e 2.5 20.71 14.64 235 20.00 1063 20.31 19.52 +.57 +10.2sPSDvMxUSs N PDN .53e 1.8 29.25 24.47 24 29.28 215 29.32 28.54 +.56 +8.4sPSDvxUS N PXF 1.11e 2.8 40.19 32.21 76 40.10 422 40.21 39.14 +.74 +6.8 PShIntlDev N IDHQ .33e 1.6 20.94 18.71 4 20.74 12 20.78 20.28 +.42 +8.0sPSAsxJ N PAF 1.91e 3.5 54.49 41.80 46 54.09 55 54.49 52.70 +1.81 +14.3sPSIndia N PIN .12e .5 22.79 18.26 255 22.52 1599 22.79 22.34 +.65 +16.8sPwShs QQQ Q QQQ 1.52e .9 132.41 101.75 18133 131.69 83173 132.41 130.76 +.30 +11.1 PSS&PBW N PBP 1.07e 3.3 22.17 20.00 43 22.08 574 22.14 22.05 +3.8 PranBio rs Q PRAN 6.69 1.52 11 2.27 105 2.38 2.17 +.02 +39.3 Praxair N PX 3.15f 2.7 21 125.00 106.31 2041 118.32 8237 119.19 115.99 +1.37 +1.0 PrecDrill N PDS .28 6.25 3.51 938 4.60 8925 4.75 4.33 +.05 -15.6 PfdAptCm N APTS .88f 6.6 15.39 11.69 252 13.24 994 13.28 12.42 +.53 -11.2 PfdBkLA Q PFBC .72f 1.3 22 58.12 27.07 160 56.48 399 56.70 53.56 +2.13 +7.7 PrefrmdLn Q PLPC .80 1.7 16 61.21 34.78 7 46.25 23 46.73 44.94 +1.00 -20.4 PremFin Q PFBI .60 3.0 13 21.24 13.27 75 19.86 194 19.93 18.20 +1.60 -1.2 Premier Q PINC 35.11 28.27 298 31.10 1827 31.58 30.56 +.25 +2.4tPresbia n Q LENS 5.50 3.01 22 3.17 180 3.22 3.01 +.03 -9.6sPresidio n Q PSDO 14.67 13.26 227 14.54 1888 14.67 14.01 +.29 +2.0 Prestige N PBH 25 58.09 44.64 423 57.21 1736 57.82 55.91 -.38 +9.8 Pretium g N PVG 12.53 4.95 11006 10.75 31351 10.87 8.93 +1.28 +30.5 PriceTR Q TROW 2.28f 3.3 15 79.00 62.97 3979 69.36 9718 72.42 69.33 -1.42 -7.8 PrSmrt Q PSMT .70 .8 31 94.86 75.80 226 93.15 470 93.50 86.80 +4.55 +11.6sPriceline Q PCLN 42 1775.00 1148.06 405 1772.63 1704 1775.00 1754.94 +18.39 +20.9 PrimBio rs Q PBMD 4.09 1.68 35 2.40 170 2.44 2.10 -.01 +2.6 Primerica N PRI .76f .9 18 84.15 42.74 537 82.30 1633 83.95 80.80 +.90 +19.0 Primero g N PPP 2.63 .52 2955 .55 10523 .63 .53 -30.1 PrimoWtr Q PRMW 15.39 8.80 380 14.03 1255 15.29 13.71 -.30 +14.3 Primoris Q PRIM .22 .9 46 29.19 16.13 266 23.74 857 24.24 23.25 -.21 +4.2 Prin US SC Q PSC 29.99 23.66 1 28.45 3 28.45 27.90 +.63 +3.0sPrinFncl N PFG 1.80f 2.8 14 64.65 38.04 1370 63.44 5613 64.65 62.74 -.10 +9.6 PrincREstI N PGZ 1.74 10.4 18.56 15.47 18 16.69 100 16.93 16.56 +4.6 PrivateB Q PVTB .04 .1 23 58.30 34.00 1007 58.03 2636 58.22 56.93 +.77 +7.1 PrvtBncp42 N PVTD 1.78 6.8 27.98 25.45 7 26.00 35 26.01 25.72 +.06 -1.1 PrivBcp pf Q PVTBP 2.50 9.3 28.59 25.52 2 26.88 14 26.99 26.73 +.18 +1.2 ProAssur N PRA 1.24a 2.0 25 63.53 47.19 362 60.70 1003 60.80 59.33 +1.10 +8.0 ProDex Q PDEX 79 6.68 3.10 10 4.75 42 4.80 4.55 -.05 +1.1 ProLogis N PLD 1.76f 3.5 22 54.87 41.68 4677 50.98 16597 51.43 48.80 +2.02 -3.4 ProPhaseL Q PRPH 2.45 1.08 4 2.03 34 2.16 1.96 +.02 +1.5 ProQRTher Q PRQR 8.70 3.55 37 4.55 292 5.00 4.50 -.45 -7.1 ProShtDow N DOG 22.46 17.69 95 17.89 2773 18.00 17.81 -6.0 ProShtMC N MYY 15.98 12.28 3 12.47 185 12.74 12.47 -.20 -5.0 PrUltDow s N DDM .79e .8 96.17 61.70 156 93.99 832 94.75 92.88 +.09 +12.5 ProUltMC N MVV .11e .1 105.88 67.35 7 102.44 445 102.70 98.50 +2.43 +8.7sPrUltQQQ s N QLD .09e .1 106.97 63.78 449 106.20 2974 106.97 104.37 +.80 +23.3 ProUltSP s N SSO .40e .5 87.64 59.70 1036 85.94 10665 86.94 84.60 +.29 +12.9 ProShtHY N SJB 28.11 23.91 22 24.26 447 24.59 24.07 -.23 -1.5 ProUShBM N SMN 31.52 17.91 10 18.21 30 19.01 18.04 -.64 -14.5 Pro20 yrT N UBT 1.13e 1.6 107.05 68.50 8 72.52 69 72.80 70.19 +1.52 -.7 PrUShtMex N SMK 32.79 20.45 21.42 10 23.60 21.24 -1.73 -22.1 Pro7-10yrT N UST .42e .7 65.74 54.55 9 56.09 328 56.18 54.91 +.75 PrUltBio s Q BIB 52.80 33.97 422 48.88 1864 51.75 48.31 -1.90 +22.5 ProSShOG N DDG 30.17 21.82 1 24.76 9 25.20 24.44 -.18 +7.7 ProSShFn N SEF 17.94 12.90 15 13.23 60 13.32 13.12 -.03 -5.2 ProLCCre s N CSM .67e 1.1 59.19 48.42 29 58.78 218 59.13 58.16 +.30 +6.4 ProUltTl s N LTL 69.71 42.44 1 53.80 11 53.85 50.90 +2.57 sProHdgRep N HDG 43.81 41.10 13 43.95 37 43.95 43.29 +.55 +2.4sProUltEM N EET 65.95 42.25 28 64.96 39 65.99 61.76 +4.51 +26.1 ProRafiLS N RALS .62e 1.6 41.26 38.39 4 38.91 18 39.10 38.78 -.14 -2.8 ProUSL7-10T N PST 23.25 19.56 10 22.42 169 22.88 22.39 -.35 -.7tProShtEafe N EFZ 36.11 29.61 20 29.54 63 30.26 29.54 -.58 -7.5tProShtEM N EUM 29.03 21.95 220 22.02 1576 22.73 21.95 -.90 -11.8 PrURgBk s N KRU 94.80 32.87 2 82.45 23 85.62 81.53 -1.92 sProUltEafe N EFO 100.62 70.81 1 101.13 13 101.19 96.81 +3.67 +15.7 ProUMex N UMX 27.87 15.49 9 22.40 32 22.48 19.48 +2.25 +28.4sProUEurop N UPV 42.71 29.80 1 42.85 7 43.00 40.86 +1.85 +15.1tProUltSEM N EEV 22.68 12.65 353 12.74 1813 13.57 12.65 -1.07 -22.4 ProUltRE N URE .84e .7 138.82 98.62 97 117.39 272 118.06 111.74 +4.72 +2.7 ProUltFin s N UYG .51e .5 107.59 58.35 50 101.18 409 103.49 100.32 -.26 +9.5 ProShtRE N REK 18.99 16.25 2 17.09 28 17.50 17.07 -.38 -2.1 ProShtChi50 N YXI 32.00 23.48 8 23.71 24 24.44 23.55 -1.03 -11.8sProUltSem s N USD 78.10 36.00 1 77.65 16 78.10 75.39 +.70 ProUltUt s N UPW 46.21 34.10 2 44.30 7 44.61 42.53 +1.63 +13.6sPrUltTech s N ROM .09e .1 122.42 66.93 2 122.58 33 122.61 118.71 +2.82 +26.4sProUltJpn N EZJ 98.79 68.98 1 97.56 3 98.79 97.56 +1.94 +11.5 ProUltO&G N DIG .46e 1.2 46.90 28.99 42 37.10 532 37.79 35.40 +.21 -14.9 ProUltInd s N UXI 56.09 35.65 0 54.48 15 54.60 52.73 +1.09 +12.9sPrUltHCr s N RXL .63e .9 74.43 54.41 2 72.05 50 74.43 71.63 -.92 +19.8 PrUCnsGd s N UGE 123.99 34.49 0 44.13 8 44.29 42.73 +.95 +18.3 ProUBasM N UYM .15e .3 57.80 36.64 4 56.49 47 57.00 54.31 +1.70 +15.1 PrUltPR2K N URTY 133.00 59.36 171 125.88 745 126.65 115.81 +6.47 +6.1 PUltM400 s N UMDD .03e 93.03 47.97 3 88.25 32 89.16 83.82 +2.77 +12.7 ProUltSC s N SAA 86.87 51.31 2 81.85 10 82.00 78.21 +3.31 +.7 ProUPD30 s N UDOW .13e .1 117.04 60.12 155 113.04 988 114.58 111.07 +.16 +19.2sPrUltPQ s Q TQQQ 87.92 40.90 1431 86.99 9207 87.92 84.72 +1.10 +36.7 ProUltR2K N UWM .19e .2 120.88 69.14 137 116.59 1080 117.00 110.21 +4.14 +4.6 ProSht20Tr N TBF 24.49 20.29 334 23.89 1796 24.35 23.86 -.29 PUltSP500 s N UPRO .21e .2 100.82 57.00 1049 97.82 6569 99.55 95.62 +.40 +19.6sProUChin50 N XPP 59.73 36.20 6 59.04 32 59.73 55.93 +4.38 +26.8 PrUSSilv s N ZSL 53.53 25.08 48 31.77 350 34.02 31.32 -1.39 -18.0tPUVixST rs N UVXY 640.00 16.65 21698 16.32 109013 19.07 15.83 -2.58 PrUCrude rs N UCO 28.32 15.26 5107 18.01 46268 18.28 16.89 +.16 tProVixST rs N VIXY 67.00 13.32 2065 13.19 11360 14.23 12.98 -.99 -38.0 PrUltYen rs N YCL 77.14 53.50 8 59.04 16 59.18 56.86 +2.03 +6.3 PrSUltNG rs N BOIL 20.34 9.30 84 10.88 901 11.83 10.58 -.78 -42.6tPVixMTFut N VIXM 58.00 33.64 8 33.40 178 34.72 33.26 -1.09 -21.1 PrUltSilv N AGQ 57.26 30.20 102 37.64 741 38.16 35.32 +1.41 +17.3 PrUltShN s N KOLD 75.03 21.44 28 33.46 137 34.35 31.07 +1.98 +45.2 ProUShGld N GLL 95.07 64.91 16 78.42 246 82.75 77.94 -3.39 -13.4 PrSUShAus N CROC 58.37 47.79 1 48.06 8 49.76 48.06 -2.03 -13.0 PrUltShYen N YCS 82.60 58.96 109 74.17 491 77.12 74.09 -2.82 -7.6 ProSUltGold N UGL 48.27 31.67 23 37.30 276 37.62 35.47 +1.35 +12.3sProShtVix N SVXY 140.85 39.43 2103 142.15 11057 144.28 131.83 +9.57 +56.2 PrUShCrd s N SCO 75.70 30.12 962 38.89 11791 41.45 38.29 -.46 ProShtEuro N EUFX 45.85 41.16 3 44.21 11 44.75 44.14 -.29 -2.0 ProUltEuro N ULE 17.35 13.50 4 14.44 34 14.56 14.10 +.13 +2.5 ProUShEuro N EUO 28.02 22.45 182 26.01 1633 26.71 25.87 -.29 -4.0sProctGam N PG 2.68 2.9 24 91.89 79.10 27381 91.00 55599 92.00 90.73 -.07 +8.2 ProDvrs h rs Q IPDN 13.90 2.32 255 12.40 1129 13.70 10.25 +1.98 +13.6sProfirEng Q PFIE 1.72 .85 65 1.60 551 1.72 1.47 +.05 +15.9sPrognicsPh Q PGNX 70 11.72 3.80 1592 11.13 5705 11.72 10.90 -.35 +28.8 ProgrsSoft Q PRGS .13p 25 32.47 22.57 616 28.91 1333 29.41 28.71 -.21 -9.5sProgsvCp N PGR .69e 1.7 23 40.32 30.54 3507 40.31 13110 40.47 39.46 +.77 +13.5 Proofpoint Q PFPT 88.00 46.58 707 80.94 2146 82.03 78.72 +2.04 +14.6 ProsHldg N PRO 25.66 10.61 270 23.67 1037 23.85 21.98 +1.05 +10.0tProShtQQQ N PSQ 55.89 42.30 130 42.46 1132 42.83 42.30 -.17 -10.2 ProShSP rs N SH 41.82 33.98 1056 34.31 6752 34.58 34.11 -.06 -6.1 ProUShSP N SDS 19.82 13.06 3843 13.30 27972 13.52 13.16 -.05 -12.0 PrUShDow N DXD 19.79 12.25 736 12.54 5059 12.69 12.42 -11.6 PUShtMdC N MZZ 38.98 22.66 0 23.40 8 24.26 23.33 -.88 -9.8tPUShtQQQ N QID 33.54 19.14 1066 19.28 7623 19.62 19.14 -.16 -19.4 PrShRs2K rs N SRTY 129.24 45.15 498 47.42 3564 51.62 47.12 -2.74 tPShtQQQ rs Q SQQQ 87.40 37.29 1505 37.72 9728 38.71 37.29 -.45 -27.6 PrUShD3 rs N SDOW 67.92 32.79 539 33.90 3905 34.54 33.45 -.09 PUltShtF rs N FINZ 44.18 12.45 2 13.44 5 13.46 12.91 +.30 PrSUlhGM rs N GDXS 44.04 11.93 16 16.58 202 19.19 15.53 -1.86 -22.3 ProUShL20 N TBT 42.72 29.45 1973 40.55 12413 42.14 40.40 -1.06 -.7 PrShR2K rs N RWM 64.95 46.70 340 47.48 2492 48.85 47.40 -.88 -3.0 PrUShHC rs N RXD 53.75 37.73 37.99 5 38.33 37.96 -1.30 -18.2 PrUShRE rs N SRS 42.74 31.21 117 34.21 568 36.05 34.01 -1.50 -4.1 PUShtR2K N TWM 42.51 21.54 1420 22.26 7683 23.57 22.18 -.85 -6.2 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 15 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
tPUShChi50 N FXP 49.05 26.09 39 26.43 366 27.99 26.09 -2.19 -22.4 PrShtSmC N SBB 52.13 38.04 1 38.67 4 39.78 38.67 -.85 -1.6 PUPShtMC N SMDD 31.78 13.86 2 14.52 43 15.35 14.44 -.70 -12.9 PrSh K1 n N OILK 22.94 18.36 2 19.68 20 19.81 19.11 +.13 -12.1tPUShtEur N EPV 68.19 44.01 8 43.98 75 46.42 43.74 -2.00 -14.5 PUShtSPX N SPXU 30.88 16.41 2579 16.85 17391 17.28 16.59 -.12 -17.4 PrUOGEx rs N UOP 41.31 18.20 27.11 3 27.53 25.94 +.71 -22.7tPUShtJpn N EWV 57.95 36.41 0 36.62 5 37.52 36.41 -.76 -11.7 PrUJMin rs N GDJJ 152.62 41.36 21 65.12 111 73.39 57.27 +4.63 +21.7sProSPDvA N NOBL 1.00e 1.8 57.08 51.23 140 56.94 1074 57.08 56.22 +.46 +5.6 PrUlNBio rs Q UBIO 33.01 17.37 88 28.22 433 30.76 27.78 -1.72 +33.7 PrUGMin rs N GDXX 93.85 29.50 12 42.02 91 44.70 37.33 +3.11 +13.8 PrUltBra rs N UBR 85.26 34.01 3 70.50 14 74.86 68.55 +.38 +22.2 ProGblInf N TOLZ 1.63e 4.0 42.14 36.42 6 41.20 25 41.39 40.50 +.40 +5.3 PUltShOG N DUG 65.26 34.86 41 42.83 521 45.03 42.09 -.39 +14.5sPrGPrEq bt N PEX 1.53e 3.8 40.67 32.06 0 40.72 3 40.72 39.78 +1.22 +4.4 ProEurDiv N EUDV .15p 39.98 33.67 2 37.11 10 37.11 36.00 +.68 +5.5 PHYIntH bt N HYHG 3.16 4.6 70.19 61.64 13 68.81 118 69.13 68.15 +.05 +.5sProSPxTch N SPXT .23p 47.67 41.29 47.67 4 47.67 47.08 +.52 +4.9 ProMerger N MRGR .12e .3 37.50 34.74 35.07 3 35.24 35.06 -.25 -1.6 ProSPxEgy N SPXE .22p 49.69 41.11 0 49.63 16 49.63 49.15 +.20 +7.9 PrUltPFn N FINU .29e .4 136.29 53.54 15 73.30 68 77.21 73.24 -2.45 -41.9 PrIGIntH bt N IGHG 2.15 2.8 77.35 71.71 24 75.99 196 76.14 75.85 +.06 -.4 ProSht7-10y N TBX 29.45 26.94 1 28.96 456 29.25 28.92 -.14 -.4tProUNShBio Q ZBIO 46.25 15.25 21 16.59 147 16.95 15.25 +.82 -30.8 PrUShBrz s N BZQ 45.39 11.90 324 13.87 1664 14.47 13.11 -.21 -23.9 PrSPMCDv N REGL .65e 1.2 53.04 42.17 96 52.38 286 52.72 51.55 +.57 +4.0 ProSR2KDv N SMDV .47e 54.95 41.98 47 53.56 256 53.62 52.02 +1.18 -.3tPrUShtUtl N SDP 39.62 28.15 2 28.47 31 29.99 28.15 -1.07 -12.0 PrUShtFn N SKF 50.78 26.17 26 27.58 203 27.81 26.98 +.06 -9.9 PrUSDCvBd N COBO 2.19 2.2 107.41 97.02 2 100.59 3 101.38 100.45 -.57 +.6tProUShBio Q BIS 51.07 26.10 446 27.62 943 27.94 26.10 +.95 -21.1tPUShtSem N SSG 45.37 18.45 1 18.29 177 18.65 18.25 -.70 -14.7 ProMornAlt N ALTS .38e 1.0 39.15 37.23 8 39.13 17 39.13 38.57 +.35 +1.3 Pro30BEI N RINF .50e 1.7 29.80 26.33 30 29.48 60 29.66 28.75 +.49 +1.4 PS EMkDv N EMDV 51.95 42.89 1 51.45 9 51.45 49.44 +2.39 +12.3 ProGermSv N GGOV .06e .2 38.16 33.20 0 35.19 4 35.20 34.81 +.21 +.8 ProspctCap Q PSEC 1.00 10.7 10 9.58 6.72 2914 9.31 10550 9.33 9.02 +.29 +11.5 ProsCap 24 N PBB 1.56 6.0 26.11 22.11 7 25.82 104 26.03 25.27 +.44 +2.9 ProspBcsh N PB 1.36f 1.8 19 77.87 43.28 1214 73.52 3125 74.17 70.62 +1.70 +2.4 ProtagTh n Q PTGX 26.36 10.02 45 13.09 183 14.17 12.30 -.63 -40.5sProtalix N PLX 1.52 .26 3330 1.22 31694 1.52 1.10 +.04 +174.2 ProtLf5-42 N PLpC 1.56 6.2 26.94 24.42 18 25.32 76 25.38 25.21 +.05 -.4 ProtLf9-42 N PLpE 1.50 5.9 26.90 24.61 7 25.37 24 25.40 25.22 +.08 +.7 ProteonTh Q PRTO 11.63 1.40 152 1.70 1232 2.15 1.58 -10.5 Proteos n Q PTI 20.63 6.61 109 12.41 667 13.30 11.76 +.05 +1.2 Prothena Q PRTA 68.18 32.69 451 53.89 1846 56.34 52.53 -1.06 +9.6 ProtoLabs N PRLB 31 82.06 43.10 315 52.05 1114 52.50 51.00 +.10 +1.4 ProvidSv Q PRSC 10 55.28 34.88 166 45.59 628 47.24 44.18 +.76 +19.8sProvidBc n Q PVBC 19.95 12.92 135 21.00 175 21.40 18.40 +2.65 +17.3 ProvFnH Q PROV .52 2.7 21 20.66 16.81 57 18.94 106 18.99 18.55 +.21 -6.3 ProvidFS N PFS .76f 2.9 20 28.92 18.59 545 26.60 1148 26.65 25.82 +.62 -6.0sPrudntlBcp Q PBIP .12a .7 45 17.95 13.80 99 18.00 126 18.22 16.76 +.97 +5.1 Prudentl N PRU 3.00f 2.7 11 114.55 66.51 2351 109.92 8964 112.27 109.85 -1.14 +5.6 Prudentl18 N PFK .65 2.5 27.22 25.12 3 26.13 15 26.38 25.90 -.25 +3.0 PrudFn 52 N PJH 1.44 5.7 27.31 23.87 15 25.47 144 25.56 25.16 +.25 +2.9 PrudtlF 53 N PRH 1.43 5.6 28.04 24.10 23 25.48 195 25.73 25.00 +.33 +3.0 PruSDHiY N GHY 1.32 8.9 15.52 14.15 100 14.83 637 14.87 14.64 +.11 -.4 PruUK pf N PUKp 1.69 6.4 27.98 25.35 11 26.35 44 26.35 25.80 +.42 +3.5 PruUK pfA N PUKpA 1.63 6.2 28.06 25.22 9 26.06 64 26.18 25.69 +.35 +3.0sPrud UK N PUK 1.49e 3.4 43.53 29.14 392 43.63 2087 44.11 40.79 +3.41 +9.7 PruShHiY N ISD 1.32 8.6 16.53 14.65 45 15.36 485 15.41 15.04 +.10 -.8 pSivida Q PSDV 4.25 1.50 193 1.70 740 1.76 1.64 -.6 PsychmCp Q PMD .60 3.0 23 27.46 10.81 23 20.18 85 20.96 20.00 -.34 -18.2 PSEG N PEG 1.72f 3.8 16 47.41 39.28 3432 44.73 12348 45.49 44.27 +.30 +1.9 PubStrg N PSA 6.80 3.1 28 277.60 200.65 1338 222.49 4429 225.63 215.63 +4.42 -.5 PubSt pfS N PSApS 1.48 5.9 26.15 24.30 19 25.13 148 25.17 24.87 +.31 +1.8 PubSt pfT N PSApT 2.88 11.5 26.48 23.47 21 24.98 121 25.00 24.46 +.47 +2.9 PubSt pfU N PSApU 1.41 5.7 26.95 22.99 9 24.92 59 24.93 24.31 +.45 +5.9 PubSt pfV N PSApV 1.34 5.5 27.25 21.91 29 24.42 161 24.42 23.64 +.73 +8.1 PubSt pfW N PSApW 1.30 5.2 26.64 21.26 15 24.79 110 24.85 24.12 +.66 +6.6 PubSt pfX N PSApX 1.30 5.3 26.84 21.91 12 24.69 65 24.97 24.08 +.46 +6.9 PubSt pfY N PSApY 1.59 6.0 29.23 25.51 40 26.60 111 26.77 26.07 +.53 +1.7 PubSt pfZ N PSApZ 1.50 5.7 29.13 24.75 11 26.37 54 26.41 25.69 +.63 +4.2 PubSt pfE N PSApE 1.23 5.6 22.62 21.28 46 22.09 279 22.13 21.48 +.51 +2.3 PubSt pfD N PSApD 1.24 5.6 25.98 20.61 32 22.37 312 22.37 21.67 +.58 +5.5 PubSt pfC N PSApC 27.00 21.01 63 23.72 293 23.90 22.82 +.74 +8.8 PubSt pfB N PSApB 27.20 22.07 44 24.83 173 24.83 23.89 +.93 +9.7 PubSt pfA N PSApA 1.47 5.7 28.85 23.35 12 25.63 65 25.68 25.03 +.60 +3.2 Pulmatrix Q PULM 6.98 .50 20455 3.09 25510 3.77 2.27 -.26 +423.7sPulseBio n Q PLSE 25.15 4.03 442 24.49 3123 25.15 18.42 +6.28 +276.8sPulteGrp N PHM .36 1.5 14 24.05 16.60 6517 23.72 31614 24.05 22.87 +.19 +29.1 PumaBiotc Q PBYI 73.27 19.74 1588 44.15 5882 45.20 39.80 +4.10 +43.8 PureCycle Q PCYO 5.93 4.29 19 5.40 131 5.61 5.35 -.10 -1.8 PureStrg n N PSTG 15.35 9.12 2066 10.20 5016 10.49 10.05 -.21 -9.8 PutHiInSec N PCF .37 4.3 8.79 7.18 30 8.61 201 8.70 8.46 +.03 +5.0 PMMI N PMM .44 6.0 8.15 6.97 72 7.26 449 7.30 7.16 +.10 +2.7sPMIIT N PIM .31 6.6 4.78 4.29 171 4.70 1051 4.78 4.65 +.01 +2.0 PMOT N PMO .71 6.0 13.69 11.57 66 11.93 303 11.99 11.79 +.10 -.2sPPrIT N PPT .31 5.8 5.37 4.60 418 5.35 2860 5.37 5.27 +.08 +7.6 PyxisTnkr Q PXS 4.27 1.41 0 2.31 11 2.34 2.20 +.01 -11.2 PzenaInv N PZN .41e 4.3 22 11.85 7.06 179 9.55 309 9.77 9.20 +.07 -14.0 Q2 Hldgs N QTWO 37.58 21.51 694 36.00 1372 36.15 34.50 +.80 +24.8 QAD Inc B Q QADB .24 1.1 26.20 13.79 1 21.75 3 24.77 21.38 -3.20 -14.9 QAD A Q QADA .29 1.1 31.10 18.35 41 27.35 150 29.16 26.85 -1.95 -10.0 QCR Hld Q QCRH .20f .5 19 45.00 22.75 60 43.80 169 44.05 42.25 +1.15 +1.2tQEP Res N QEP .08 .6 21.12 12.37 5364 13.16 22592 13.67 12.37 +.25 -28.5sQIAGEN Q QGEN 30.25 19.94 712 29.38 3784 30.25 29.11 -.63 +4.9sQIWI plc Q QIWI 1.16e 7.0 16.99 10.42 508 16.66 3099 16.99 15.31 +1.18 +30.5 QTS RltTr N QTS 1.56f 3.2 24 59.41 43.01 1345 48.01 3878 49.09 47.27 -.32 -3.3sQorvo Q QRVO 69.12 43.79 2072 67.42 7858 69.12 66.80 +.31 +27.9 QuadGrph N QUAD 1.20 5.0 23 29.50 11.83 551 24.20 1855 25.37 23.43 -.85 -10.0 QuakerCh N KWR 1.38 1.0 31 139.92 81.12 109 133.78 301 133.95 128.42 +4.23 +4.6 Qualcom Q QCOM 2.12 3.7 16 71.62 49.67 10090 57.55 40077 59.04 57.51 -1.09 -11.7 QuaCare N QCP 24.05 11.57 1517 17.70 2691 18.55 17.55 -.70 +14.2 QualitySys Q QSII .70 4.6 15.90 10.61 605 15.18 2216 15.37 14.63 +.31 +15.4sQualstar rs Q QBAK 10.00 2.16 360 7.29 1563 10.00 6.51 -1.11 +149.7 Qualys Q QLYS 59 39.67 23.77 866 35.10 1858 35.75 33.75 +.20 +10.9 QuanexBld N NX .16 .8 25 21.90 15.41 483 20.40 1297 21.15 19.35 +.99 +.5 QuantaSvc N PWR 24 38.82 21.60 1562 37.26 6059 38.00 36.63 -.05 +6.9sQuantenn n Q QTNA 24.93 13.75 511 24.62 2110 25.46 21.76 +2.61 +35.8 QntmDSS N QTM 85 1.08 .35 3001 .85 4573 .93 .85 -.05 +2.3sQuaInsp n N ISMD 25.49 24.14 24 24.79 49 25.49 24.25 +.65 +1.3 QuaInsLg n N BLES 26.03 25.01 38 25.68 65 25.79 25.22 +.43 +1.5 QuanDyn n N XUSA 25.96 24.63 25.01 7 25.06 25.01 -.18 sQstDiag N DGX 1.80 1.8 21 100.00 68.91 1473 99.06 4899 100.00 98.13 +.28 +7.8 QuestRes rs Q QRHC 5.60 1.60 9 2.21 118 2.38 2.15 -.02 -9.8 QuickLog h Q QUIK 2.48 .75 786 2.34 2759 2.38 2.07 +.27 +68.3 Quidel Q QDEL 23.94 15.15 225 21.27 1381 21.60 20.43 +.29 -.7 QuinStreet Q QNST 4.32 2.61 331 3.63 557 3.87 3.15 +.44 -3.5 QuinAcq2 n Q QPAC 10.24 9.73 10 10.02 14 10.03 9.97 +.04 +.7 QuinAc2 wt Q QPACW .71 .10 28 .55 440 .62 .50 -.05 +172.5 QuintIMS N Q 21 83.04 61.21 3454 81.51 10858 81.99 79.56 +.81 +7.2 Qumu Cp Q QUMU 5.50 1.80 17 2.45 490 2.68 1.90 +.56 +2.9 QuormHl n N QHC 13.52 3.75 718 8.03 1819 8.29 7.15 +.30 +10.5 Quotinet Q QTNT 12.96 3.75 11 6.63 68 6.73 6.28 +.14 +37.0 QuotientTc N QUOT 14.36 9.45 664 11.30 1703 11.45 10.80 +.25 +5.1 Qwest 54 N CTV 1.72 6.8 27.85 24.11 136 25.29 465 25.33 25.06 +.20 +4.5 Qwest 9-51 N CTW 1.88 7.4 26.68 24.96 93 25.37 311 25.49 25.17 +.20 +1.3 Qwest 4-52 N CTX 1.75 6.9 26.64 24.55 31 25.44 163 25.44 25.07 +.30 +3.0 Qwest 7-52 N CTU 1.75 6.8 27.26 24.48 63 25.70 130 25.73 25.25 +.45 +4.7 Qwest53 N CTY 1.53 6.3 25.97 21.99 41 24.46 231 24.52 23.71 +.67 +7.8 Qwest 25 N CTZ 1.66 6.6 26.84 23.21 51 24.99 224 24.99 24.51 +.34 +6.3 Qwest 56 N CTAA 27.98 24.88 25 26.00 96 26.29 25.59 +.34 +3.4R -:stR1 RCM n Q RCM 2.99 2.58 206 2.90 588 2.99 2.58 +7.4 RAIT pfA N RASpA 1.94 9.2 23.07 16.09 1 21.00 17 21.18 20.71 +.11 +3.6 RAIT pfB N RASpB 2.09 9.2 24.10 16.90 5 22.70 22 22.70 22.42 +.21 +6.8 RAIT pfC N RASpC 2.22 9.5 25.21 17.97 2 23.47 11 23.70 23.36 -.12 +4.1 RAIT Fin N RAS .36 12.3 3.91 2.41 723 2.92 2562 3.05 2.80 +.02 -13.1 RAIT Fn 24 N RFT 1.91 7.8 24.88 19.30 3 24.36 22 24.50 24.09 +.07 +4.9 RAITFn 19 N RFTA 1.78 7.1 25.34 22.35 4 25.05 13 25.22 25.00 -.02 +2.5 RBC Bear Q ROLL 31 99.92 67.98 170 92.55 552 93.35 88.70 +1.54 -.3 RCI Hosp Q RICK .12 .7 12 18.00 8.47 58 17.00 156 17.10 16.27 +.63 -.6tRCM Q RCMT 1.00e 36 7.23 4.84 8 4.99 53 5.10 4.84 -.14 -21.5 RELX NV s N RENX .45e 2.5 18.34 14.92 139 18.03 479 18.07 17.66 +.28 +7.6 RELX plc s N RELX .41e 2.1 19.84 16.19 126 19.26 801 19.29 18.89 +.29 +7.2 RF Inds Q RFIL .08 5.3 4.24 1.40 11 1.50 71 1.60 1.45 +.05 -14.3sRGC Res s Q RGCO 28 21.48 14.00 63 22.50 83 22.51 18.60 +3.50 +35.1 RH N RH 23 46.87 24.41 1313 36.27 9247 36.49 32.70 +.95 +18.1 RLI Corp N RLI .80 1.3 27 71.46 54.27 459 60.21 1002 60.27 57.73 +1.96 -4.6 RLJ Ent rs Q RLJE 3.63 1.09 62 2.45 846 2.80 2.12 +.07 +53.1 RLJ LodgT N RLJ 1.32 5.7 9 25.10 18.86 1656 23.08 4609 23.26 22.23 +.73 -5.8 RMG Net h Q RMGN 1.30 .59 74 .80 202 .90 .80 -.06 +11.9 RMR Gp h Q RMR 1.00 1.9 29 54.95 23.64 85 52.00 246 52.15 48.80 +2.45 +31.6 RPC N RES .20 1.1 23.36 13.08 3540 18.32 10580 19.18 17.77 -.18 -7.5sRPM N RPM 1.20 2.1 41 56.28 45.35 1047 56.26 3989 56.40 53.75 +2.47 +4.5 RPX Corp Q RPXC 28 12.67 8.60 653 12.38 1733 12.45 11.84 +.19 +14.6 RSP Perm N RSPP 46.92 27.14 2300 39.72 9750 40.00 37.76 +.54 -11.0 RTI Surg Q RTIX 4.65 2.50 351 3.85 919 3.85 3.65 +.20 +18.5sRXI Ph wt Q RXIIW .34 .11 17 .18 505 .34 .18 -.02 -10.0 RXI Phr rs Q RXII 3.27 .60 856 .77 8350 .90 .75 -.02 +7.6 RaPhrm n Q RARX 24.12 12.05 127 21.96 630 23.11 20.60 +.93 +44.6 RadNet Q RDNT 35 7.98 4.66 189 5.65 679 5.90 5.25 +.30 -12.4 RadaElc rs Q RADA 1.78 .53 46 1.20 263 1.22 1.13 +.04 +3.4 Radcom Q RDCM 61 22.35 11.11 15 18.30 102 18.54 17.90 +2.8 RadiSys Q RSYS 5.81 3.43 188 3.88 839 4.08 3.72 +.08 -12.4 RadianGrp N RDN .01 .1 15 19.87 9.29 2094 18.74 7041 19.30 18.58 +.02 +4.2 RadiantLog N RLGT 5.96 2.45 611 5.46 1903 5.50 4.74 +.26 +40.0 RadioOne Q ROIA 3.57 1.25 17 3.20 21 3.35 2.80 +.45 +8.5 RadioOneD Q ROIAK 3.56 1.26 260 3.20 411 3.35 2.85 +.35 +10.3 RadiusHlth Q RDUS 59.88 28.00 1393 37.94 5713 42.05 37.75 -2.91 -.2 Radware Q RDWR 16.53 10.02 290 15.96 1210 16.29 15.71 -.09 +9.5 RLauren N RL 2.00 2.5 14 114.00 75.62 1506 80.70 4910 81.65 78.87 +.40 -10.7tRamacoRs n Q METC 14.78 9.95 256 9.78 841 10.83 9.55 -.71 -27.8 Rambus Q RMBS 74 14.50 11.13 1298 13.24 3112 13.29 12.83 +.11 -3.8 RamcoG N RPT .88 6.3 10 20.24 13.65 1208 14.01 6107 14.49 13.74 +.39 -15.5 RamcG pfD N RPTpD 3.63 6.7 72.57 53.09 3 53.78 16 55.92 53.55 +1.14 -12.2tRandCap Q RAND 22 4.70 2.83 16 3.03 141 3.08 2.83 -.03 -4.1tRandLog h Q RLOG 2.95 .59 99 .63 605 .73 .59 -.01 -24.1 Randgold Q GOLD .66f .8 38 126.55 67.54 950 87.41 4421 90.44 83.82 +3.31 +14.5 RandBcp n Q RNDB 16.50 12.11 22 15.60 37 15.72 15.25 +.35 -3.2 RangeRs N RRC .08 .3 46.96 26.70 4322 27.51 21479 28.25 27.08 -19.9 Rapid7 n Q RPD 19.29 10.63 437 14.96 1057 15.45 14.81 +.01 +22.9 RaveRest Q RAVE 5.86 1.66 36 2.16 157 2.21 2.00 +.10 +14.9 RavenInds Q RAVN .52 1.7 67 31.35 13.12 389 30.60 1031 30.80 28.95 +1.30 +21.4 RJamesFn N RJF .88f 1.1 21 81.92 44.22 13164 77.90 18644 80.39 76.73 -1.40 +12.5 RayAdvM N RYAM .28 2.1 8 17.38 8.65 503 13.23 1715 13.73 12.89 +.15 -14.4 Rayonier N RYN 1.00 3.6 50 29.86 23.18 3733 27.81 4974 29.09 27.65 -.63 +4.5sRaytheon N RTN 2.93 1.9 25 156.40 120.24 2107 156.97 7303 156.97 152.89 +2.59 +10.5 ReadIntlA Q RDI 40 17.18 11.12 96 16.04 178 16.51 15.16 +.52 -3.4tRealGSol rs Q RGSE 511.80 1.21 819 1.42 3872 1.50 1.21 +.01 -80.4tRealIndust Q RELY 9.63 3.35 357 3.60 2862 4.55 3.35 -.85 -41.0 RealNetwk Q RNWK 5.45 3.97 96 4.78 184 4.87 4.61 +.13 -1.6 RealityETF N DIVY .46p 26.95 22.64 8 26.26 121 26.62 26.26 -.27 +4.0sRltDvcDiv N LEAD 27.82 23.84 2 27.75 15 27.82 27.44 +.30 +7.4 Realogy N RLGY .27p .9 18 37.33 21.43 2955 29.27 5898 29.39 26.72 +1.87 +13.8sRealPage Q RP 51 37.40 19.17 446 36.80 2850 37.40 34.60 +2.05 +22.7 RltyInco N O 2.53f 4.2 30 72.30 52.72 3894 59.86 11352 59.95 57.38 +2.47 +4.1 ReataPh n Q RETA 41.60 11.03 67 28.16 198 29.00 26.82 +.43 +29.0 ReavesUtl N UTG 1.82 5.6 34.41 28.18 112 32.36 578 32.37 31.34 +.56 +5.4 ReconTech Q RCON 2.22 .86 85 1.28 279 1.41 1.28 -.03 -1.5 RecroPhm Q REPH 12.50 5.59 247 8.07 1092 8.88 7.73 +.23 +.1 RedHat N RHT 43 85.01 68.54 1228 83.65 6334 84.63 81.65 +1.44 +20.0 RedLionH N RLH 9.40 6.23 52 6.90 178 7.15 6.60 -.10 -17.4 RedRobin Q RRGB 42 67.23 40.85 522 53.25 1954 54.15 52.50 -.30 -5.6 RedRkRs n Q RRR .40 1.8 24.67 18.25 874 22.19 1961 22.24 21.28 +.56 -4.3 RedhillBio Q RDHL 16.54 8.78 27 10.23 377 10.82 10.20 -.11 -2.2 RedwdTr N RWT 1.12 6.8 10 17.05 11.81 1346 16.43 3009 16.49 15.86 +.66 +8.0 Reeds N REED 5.50 2.25 42 3.90 113 4.00 3.75 +.10 -4.9 RegalBel N RBC .96 1.3 17 77.20 51.57 447 75.25 1437 76.95 73.65 -.90 +8.7 RegalEnt N RGC .88a 3.9 22 24.79 19.35 1604 22.48 7633 22.88 22.09 -.31 +9.1 RgcyCtrs N REG 2.04f 3.0 24 85.35 61.90 3999 66.91 13518 67.24 62.51 +4.33 -3.0 RgcyC pfG N REGpG 1.50 5.9 27.13 23.37 0 25.28 26 25.51 25.04 +.23 +4.3 Regenrn Q REGN 50 452.96 325.35 2719 380.29 5416 399.72 370.68 -7.94 +3.6 RegnxBio n Q RGNX 24.55 7.07 464 22.10 1475 22.55 19.55 +1.95 +19.1 RegnlMgt N RM 10 27.56 13.11 244 19.88 468 20.26 19.38 +.08 -24.4 RegionsFn N RF .26 1.7 17 16.03 7.53 29148 15.05 94279 15.35 14.75 -.08 +4.8 Regions pfA N RFpA 1.59 6.2 27.23 24.65 11 25.67 90 25.74 25.11 +.43 +2.0 Regns pfB N RFpB 1.59 5.7 30.10 25.16 24 27.85 72 28.15 27.10 +.63 +5.0 Regis Cp N RGS 16.12 10.96 315 12.18 771 12.22 11.50 +.23 -16.1 RegulusTh Q RGLS 8.90 .94 489 1.28 6120 1.45 1.15 +.03 -43.3 ReinsGrp N RGA 1.64f 1.3 14 132.79 90.17 480 129.91 1691 130.33 127.25 +2.11 +3.2 ReinsGp42 N RZA 1.55 5.5 31.23 25.69 21 28.03 142 28.09 27.54 +.23 +3.9 ReinsG56 n N RZB 1.44 5.3 29.52 24.30 68 27.38 144 27.39 26.51 +.41 +4.2tReis Inc Q REIS .68 3.7 76 26.59 16.90 48 18.20 176 18.50 16.90 +.40 -18.2 RelStlAl N RS 1.80f 2.2 18 88.58 65.10 626 82.36 3207 85.24 80.25 +2.10 +3.5 Reliv In rs Q RELV 55.37 3.84 2 5.08 79 5.35 4.96 -.10 +9.5 RELM N RWC .09p 26 5.83 4.26 32 5.10 231 5.15 4.70 +.20 +7.4 RemarkMd Q MARK 5.00 2.86 74 3.01 350 3.16 2.90 +.02 -23.2 RemaxHld N RMAX .72f 1.3 43 63.35 33.20 146 57.60 396 57.80 54.50 +2.40 +2.9 RenaisIPO N IPO .02e .1 22.86 17.93 2 22.65 8 22.69 22.30 +.20 +9.6 RenaisRe N RNR 1.28f .9 14 150.74 107.27 332 148.09 1087 150.36 146.92 -.65 +8.7 RenRe prE N RNRpE 1.34 5.5 27.39 21.96 11 24.31 72 24.36 23.95 +.14 +8.1 RenRe prC N RNRpC 1.52 6.0 26.37 24.45 9 25.40 31 25.42 25.00 +.28 +1.2 Renasant Q RNST .72 1.7 19 44.65 30.21 1263 41.16 1893 41.52 40.21 +.46 -2.5 ReneSola rs N SOL 7.55 2.15 167 2.52 339 2.70 2.23 +.22 -21.3 RenewEn Q REGI 8 10.60 7.90 511 10.50 1535 10.50 9.41 +1.00 +8.2 RennFund N RCG 1.52 .85 25 1.33 84 1.42 1.28 -.04 +9.0 RennovH wt Q RNVAZ .12 .01 273 .03 884 .03 .02 -.00 +8.3 Rennova rs Q RNVA 34.80 1.41 227 1.78 3473 2.31 1.76 -.49 -28.5 Renren rs N RENN 17.80 7.55 174 7.95 699 8.15 7.80 +.04 RentACt Q RCII .32 3.4 12 16.37 7.76 2250 9.33 11591 9.62 8.73 +.46 -16.5tRentech rs Q RTK 4.15 .55 1101 .52 7730 .84 .51 -.20 -79.0sReplgn Q RGEN 34.06 21.11 655 34.93 1418 35.36 31.87 +2.69 +13.3 ReprosTh Q RPRX 3.48 .81 87 1.25 429 1.32 1.20 +.03 -5.3 RepBncp Q RBCAA .84 2.4 16 40.74 24.36 34 34.51 89 34.77 33.76 +.50 -12.7 RepFBcp Q FRBK 83 9.15 3.70 611 8.30 1466 8.45 8.00 +.30 -.6sRepubSvc N RSG 1.28f 2.0 30 63.84 45.56 1672 63.37 6321 63.84 62.49 +.60 +11.1tRschFrnt Q REFR 5.03 1.40 34 1.46 261 1.63 1.40 -.14 -19.8 ResMed N RMD 1.32f 1.8 29 73.46 55.13 802 71.64 2793 71.96 70.86 +.20 +15.5 ResolEn rs N REN 49.14 2.35 905 41.61 6059 42.50 33.29 +4.99 +1.0 ResoluteF N RFP 6.95 3.70 996 4.60 1927 4.85 4.45 +.15 -14.0 Resonant Q RESN 6.76 1.84 12 4.81 106 5.00 4.72 -.18 -4.8sResCap pfA N RSOpA 2.13 8.7 24.51 16.00 1 24.50 18 24.51 23.77 +.40 +.8sResCap pfB N RSOpB 2.06 8.7 23.59 15.90 8 23.67 88 23.69 22.65 +1.05 +5.4sResCap pfC N RSOpC 2.16 8.9 24.50 16.45 10 24.36 81 24.50 23.51 +.68 +5.9 ResCap rs N RSO .20m 2.1 13.73 7.57 2590 9.38 7523 9.71 8.01 +1.32 +12.6 ResConn Q RECN .44 2.6 25 19.80 12.30 387 17.20 776 17.25 16.33 +.75 -10.6 RestBrnds N QSR .72f 1.3 37 57.98 37.24 877 54.45 4493 54.99 53.63 -.16 +14.2 RetailOpp Q ROIC .75f 3.5 43 23.05 18.45 1639 21.25 5192 21.27 20.13 +1.04 +.6 RetailProp N RPAI .66 4.5 22 17.78 13.88 7289 14.62 15348 14.81 14.03 +.68 -4.6 RetlPr pfA N RPAIpA 1.75 7.0 27.50 22.77 24 25.15 60 25.52 25.01 +.11 +.6 RetailMNot Q SALE 12.93 6.69 355 8.25 1113 8.50 7.95 -.15 -11.3 RetractTc N RVP 2.90 .88 79 1.06 137 1.06 .97 +.05 +14.0 Retrophin Q RTRX 24.57 11.60 491 18.71 1560 19.80 18.63 -.97 -1.2 RevGp n N REVG .05p 29.29 24.87 1466 27.27 2232 27.79 25.44 +1.35 +6.3 RevanceTh Q RVNC 24.30 12.35 273 20.10 1094 20.95 18.00 +.75 -2.9 Revlon N REV 24 37.96 27.20 317 29.85 646 30.15 28.30 +.95 +2.4sRevolutL rs Q RVLT 7.61 5.16 197 7.76 573 7.92 6.11 +1.61 +41.1tReWalkRob Q RWLK 10.79 1.85 37 1.95 304 2.05 1.85 -30.4 RexAmRes N REX 22 102.59 50.20 104 80.14 252 80.54 76.41 +2.63 -18.8 RexEngy Q REXX 1.95 .23 1886 .47 5814 .56 .47 -.07 -.8sRexahnPh N RNN .56 .13 3572 .48 66233 .56 .39 +.10 +238.0 RexfordIR N REXR .58f 2.6 42 24.39 17.37 847 22.11 1945 22.19 21.34 +.46 -4.7 RexfdIn pfA N REXRpA 26.19 21.60 2 23.82 59 23.85 23.38 -.00 +5.6sRexnord N RXN 20 24.36 15.80 2032 24.28 8041 24.55 22.96 +1.29 +23.9sRexnrd pfA N RXNpA 56.81 48.52 31 56.74 925 56.90 54.31 +2.46 +15.8sReynAm s N RAI 2.04f 3.3 27 61.96 43.38 12988 61.74 44354 62.05 60.45 +1.16 +10.2 RiceEngy N RICE 29.36 11.54 2678 20.86 17426 21.39 19.89 +.81 -2.3sRiceMidstr N RMP 1.00f 3.9 17 26.25 13.84 8656 25.45 12770 26.42 24.78 +.02 +3.5 RiceBr wt Q RIBTW .49 .12 .14 6 .14 .14 -.00 -44.0 RiceBran Q RIBT 2.19 .74 15 .75 156 .83 .75 -.03 -27.0 RichrdElec Q RELL .24 3.9 7.24 5.08 34 6.08 198 6.28 5.79 +.19 -3.5 RigelPh Q RIGL 4.38 1.88 1057 2.82 5771 3.00 2.67 +.14 +18.5 Rightside Q NAME 12.85 7.17 75 9.63 213 9.78 8.34 +1.13 +16.4 RigNet Q RNET 23.90 10.86 78 20.95 357 21.25 18.06 +1.90 -9.5sRingCentrl N RNG 27.85 13.88 572 27.45 2997 28.00 25.93 +.90 +33.3 RingEngy N REI 14.10 4.77 918 10.38 2175 11.78 9.75 +.60 -20.1 RioTinto N RIO 2.27e 5.3 47.11 26.38 3093 43.03 24410 43.48 39.93 +3.64 +11.9 RitchieBr N RBA .68 2.1 28 39.96 24.99 373 31.71 1704 31.88 31.00 +.17 -6.7 RiteAid N RAD 44 8.77 4.61 31797 4.85 125777 5.15 4.62 +.02 -41.1 RitterPh n Q RTTR 3.75 1.03 122 2.26 1160 3.14 2.21 -.74 -16.6 RivrnOpp n N RIV 1.68 8.6 20.92 17.78 2 19.62 51 19.72 19.35 +.26 +3.8 Riv/Doubl n N OPP 20.25 18.00 61 18.48 328 18.76 18.30 -.08 +.2 RivrvwBcp Q RVSB .08 1.0 26 8.16 4.20 150 7.68 278 7.75 7.25 +.04 +9.7 RoadrnTrn N RRTS 11 13.65 6.49 1016 6.95 2224 7.20 6.54 +.03 -33.1 RobtHalf N RHI .96f 1.9 18 50.98 34.34 840 49.54 3827 49.62 47.80 +1.33 +1.6sRocketFuel Q FUEL 4.06 1.70 2073 4.10 6235 4.25 3.25 +.77 +139.8sRockwlAut N ROK 3.04 1.9 25 157.30 107.17 878 155.99 4166 157.30 151.07 +1.68 +16.1sRockColl N COL 1.32 1.3 18 99.34 78.54 1368 98.55 7309 99.34 97.25 +1.34 +6.2 RockwllM Q RMTI 10.58 3.55 379 6.06 1962 6.20 5.37 +.19 -7.5 RockyBr Q RCKY .44 4.0 13.95 9.95 56 10.90 112 11.45 10.80 +.10 -5.6 RkyMChoc Q RMCF .48 4.2 13 12.17 9.50 5 11.30 58 11.66 11.28 -.04 +10.9 RogCm gs N RCI 1.57 15 45.50 37.03 995 42.25 2718 42.99 41.35 +.40 +9.5 Rogers N ROG 27 90.45 51.98 198 85.27 443 85.37 81.06 +3.00 +11.0tRokBio h rs Q ROKA 16.00 3.62 62 3.58 585 4.37 3.55 -.68 -15.6 Rollins s N ROL .46f 1.2 49 37.29 26.21 1317 36.90 3053 37.10 36.28 +.43 +9.2 Root98 n Q RTNB 11.50 5.31 83 5.97 171 7.00 5.50 +.48 -44.2sRoper N ROP 1.40f .7 32 214.44 159.28 670 210.94 2973 214.44 209.89 -.43 +15.2tRosettG rs Q ROSG 18.60 4.80 173 4.00 1307 5.64 3.73 -1.40 -20.6sRosettaStn N RST 9.34 6.51 186 9.43 992 9.48 7.52 +1.84 +5.8 RossStrs s Q ROST .54 .8 24 69.81 52.00 3027 67.65 10235 67.95 66.54 +.69 +3.1 Rowan N RDC .40 2.7 7 21.68 12.00 2865 15.00 14883 15.89 14.98 -.64 -20.6 RoyalBcPA Q RBPAA 24 4.66 1.90 793 3.86 1178 4.07 3.83 -.11 -7.0 RBCda pfS N RYpS 1.38 28.64 24.72 3 25.26 36 25.32 24.83 +.26 +.2 RoyalBk g N RY 3.48f 76.01 55.39 894 72.59 5594 73.52 71.71 +.05 +7.2 RBScotlnd N RBS 7.60 3.91 940 6.04 5205 6.12 5.66 +.03 +9.2 RBSct prF N RBSpF 1.91 7.2 27.53 25.00 12 26.48 59 26.80 26.18 +.38 +2.5 RBSct prH N RBSpH 1.81 7.0 26.19 24.64 8 25.79 81 25.92 25.30 +.41 +1.9 RBSct prL N RBSpL 1.44 5.7 25.85 21.00 373 25.15 578 25.20 24.61 +.28 +5.7sRBSct prS N RBSpS 1.65 6.5 27.32 24.07 35 25.35 978 27.32 25.15 +.24 +1.2sRylCarb N RCL 1.92 2.0 25 97.72 64.95 1649 97.80 5470 98.46 95.44 +.55 +19.2 RoyDShllB N RDS/B 3.76 6.7 85 59.56 47.08 1412 56.00 8718 56.19 53.74 +1.24 -3.4 RoyDShllA N RDS/A 3.76 7.1 80 56.39 46.42 2578 52.70 15862 52.95 50.75 +.96 -3.1 RoyGld Q RGLD .96 1.5 87.74 45.53 1029 64.84 2977 66.18 61.58 +1.89 +2.4 RoyceGVal N RGT .10e 8.79 7.12 32 8.63 82 8.66 8.47 +.06 +7.4 RoyceMC N RMT .63e 7.6 8.63 6.75 95 8.24 465 8.25 8.01 +.17 +1.0 Royce N RVT 1.20e 8.6 14.50 11.24 215 14.03 1168 14.03 13.62 +.37 +4.8tRubiconPrj N RUBI 20.37 5.75 3476 5.80 15108 8.76 5.65 -2.90 -21.8 RubicnTc h Q RBCN .99 .46 319 .65 1352 .69 .55 +.09 +8.3 RubyTues N RT 5.48 1.69 2511 2.50 15814 2.50 1.73 +.75 -22.6 Rudolph N RTEC 24 24.90 12.84 348 22.45 864 22.50 21.25 +.90 -3.9 RushEntA Q RUSHA 34 36.14 16.54 520 34.21 1834 34.52 32.77 +.44 +7.2 RushEntB Q RUSHB 31 33.32 16.47 23 31.65 65 31.85 30.28 +.84 +2.5sRuthsHosp Q RUTH .36f 1.8 21 19.75 13.74 644 19.80 1996 20.00 18.45 +1.05 +8.2 Ryanair Q RYAAY 1.55e 1.8 89.67 66.09 644 84.78 2740 85.48 80.01 +2.38 +1.8 Ryder N R 1.76 2.3 14 85.42 56.98 636 75.23 2916 76.87 73.32 -.94 +1.1 RyersonH N RYI 18 19.71 4.35 479 11.85 2101 12.50 9.40 +2.30 -11.2 RymanHP N RHP 3.00 4.7 12 67.97 47.16 1513 63.61 2997 64.13 61.90 +2.17 +1.0S -:sS&P Glbl N SPGI 1.64f 1.3 22 133.08 95.07 2042 129.99 7198 133.08 128.92 -1.70 +20.9 S&T Bcp Q STBA .80f 2.2 18 39.84 23.06 285 36.40 532 36.54 34.59 +1.36 -6.8 S&WSeed Q SANW 5.35 4.06 12 4.50 77 4.55 4.40 +.10 -2.2sSAP SE N SAP 1.31e 1.3 97.44 71.39 1181 97.36 5083 97.77 94.62 +2.18 +12.6 SB FinGp Q SBFG .26 1.5 13 20.75 10.10 47 17.75 78 17.90 17.50 +.07 +10.6 SBA Com Q SBAC 118.57 92.62 3403 115.65 8816 118.20 115.19 -2.15 +12.0 SCANA N SCG 2.45f 3.6 17 76.41 65.08 1589 67.88 5876 69.06 67.20 +.46 -7.4 SCE TrV n N SCEpK 30.81 24.57 28 26.78 73 27.19 26.24 +.37 +6.0 SCETr pfF N SCEpF 1.41 5.7 26.61 23.17 17 24.77 86 25.07 24.52 +.23 +6.2 SCE II prG N SCEpG 1.28 5.2 26.63 20.89 19 24.54 81 24.63 24.14 +.30 +10.7 SCE Tr pfH N SCEpH 1.44 5.5 31.75 24.98 21 26.27 40 27.04 26.03 +.03 +3.1 SCETr pfJ N SCEpJ 1.34 5.1 29.90 23.42 12 26.25 45 26.56 25.56 +.64 +6.4sSEI Inv Q SEIC .56f 1.1 26 52.60 38.58 909 52.25 3187 52.60 51.26 +.57 +5.9tSGOCO rs Q SGOC 5.12 2.11 1 2.70 42 3.00 2.11 +.43 -28.0 SI Fincl Q SIFI .20f 1.3 16 16.23 12.30 87 14.95 132 14.95 13.52 +.75 -2.9 SJW N SJW .87f 1.8 24 56.93 31.38 132 48.85 287 48.89 46.55 +1.46 -12.7sSK Tlcm N SKM 25.21 18.93 971 24.82 4206 25.21 23.79 +.84 +18.8 SLGreen N SLG 2.88 2.6 16 120.63 92.51 1167 109.31 3686 110.08 105.28 +2.63 +1.6 SL Grn pfI N SLGpI 1.63 6.3 27.53 24.69 3 25.81 15 25.84 25.65 +.01 +3.5 SLM Cp Q SLM 23 12.60 5.56 4259 12.28 16753 12.40 11.53 +.44 +11.4 SLM Cp pfA Q SLMAP 1.74 3.4 51.77 50.00 4 50.84 7 51.14 50.50 +.01 -.4 SLM Cp pfB Q SLMBP 66.11 61.01 65.03 8 65.35 64.01 -.47 -.3 SM Energy N SM .10 .5 43.09 16.24 4286 21.27 20911 22.66 20.01 -1.13 -38.3 SMTC hg Q SMTX 1.85 1.18 14 1.36 38 1.36 1.32 +.01 -11.1 SORL Q SORL 4 5.05 1.50 128 3.20 279 3.25 2.95 +.14 +5.3 SP Plus Q SP 27 38.55 20.41 179 35.55 557 35.60 32.35 +1.55 +26.3 SPAR Grp Q SGRP 1.60 .85 10 1.02 44 1.10 1.02 -.07 +2.0 Spd LgGl n N GLDW 126.71 120.87 1 122.49 6 122.66 121.03 +1.62 -1.6 SpdrDJIA N DIA 3.98e 1.9 211.59 170.37 2784 208.86 17414 210.17 207.98 -.29 +5.7 SpdrGold N GLD 131.15 107.00 4273 116.99 36517 117.29 114.02 +2.27 +6.7sSpdrStxx50 N FEU 1.24e 3.9 32.17 27.43 26 31.98 184 32.17 31.35 +.43 +7.0 SpdrNoANR N NANR 36.49 28.14 32 32.95 315 33.25 32.10 +.41 -1.6 SpdrSPIntDv N HDWX 43.57 37.02 43.22 5 43.22 42.68 +.43 +2.0sSpdrEur50 N HFEZ 1.03e 37.96 29.47 3 37.76 15 37.96 37.37 +.16 +5.7sSpdrLwCbn N LOWC 1.69e 2.1 80.43 66.75 1 80.39 5 80.69 79.11 +1.23 +7.5sSpdrEuro50 N FEZ 1.18e 3.3 36.12 28.60 1883 35.99 10139 36.12 35.10 +.46 +7.6sS&PEAsia N GMF 1.22e 1.4 86.18 69.17 41 85.87 151 86.18 83.82 +2.89 +14.3sSpdrSpnS N QESP 2.04e 4.5 45.09 35.92 0 45.04 8 45.09 43.21 +1.06 +11.1sSpdrJpnS N QJPN .85e 1.2 68.55 59.86 29 69.10 29 69.10 68.94 +.82 +5.8 SpdrCdaS N QCAN 1.61e 2.9 56.40 48.50 3 54.61 22 55.01 53.74 +.43 +2.1sSpdrAustS N QAUS 2.47e 4.7 52.46 43.82 4 52.18 10 52.46 50.76 +.89 +9.9sSpdrEuSmC N SMEZ 1.15e 2.2 51.10 40.77 1 51.26 13 51.26 49.76 +1.06 +10.0sS&PChina N GXC 1.30e 1.6 83.27 64.79 25 82.82 363 83.27 80.89 +2.79 +14.9sSpdrEMQu N QEMM 1.31e 2.3 56.09 46.96 3 56.07 41 56.09 54.37 +1.94 +11.8 SpdrEafeSt N QEFA 1.62e 2.8 59.99 49.94 12 57.89 34 57.94 56.46 +1.14 +7.8sSpdrGblDv N WDIV 3.11e 4.0 65.46 57.39 5 65.16 71 65.46 63.95 +.86 +5.4 SpAcwiIMI N ACIM 1.28e 1.8 75.00 58.04 4 69.34 28 69.93 68.45 +.65 +5.8sS&PEMkts N GMM 1.33e 2.1 64.79 51.61 6 64.51 68 64.79 62.62 +2.31 +12.6sSpdrEMDv N EDIV 1.68e 5.5 30.48 24.47 95 30.34 456 30.48 29.17 +1.24 +14.7 SpdrGlbNR N GNR 1.30e 3.0 44.20 33.70 86 42.83 352 43.00 41.37 +1.11 +4.2 SpdrSPRus N RBL .67e 3.4 21.24 14.94 6 19.92 36 19.92 18.71 +1.18 -2.0 S&PEEuro N GUR 1.09e 3.8 29.33 23.50 6 28.99 29 28.99 27.49 +1.45 +4.5 SpdrIUtil N IPU .63e 4.0 17.07 14.20 1 15.60 74 15.70 15.32 +.25 +5.1 SpdrITelec N IST .78e 3.2 26.30 21.86 6 24.21 21 24.21 23.50 +.54 +6.8sSpdrIntTech N IPK .27e .7 38.49 28.78 1 38.54 12 38.54 37.63 +1.16 +13.3 SpdrIMatls N IRV .49e 2.2 22.39 16.82 2 22.02 625 22.04 21.23 +.71 +9.2sSpdrIIndus N IPN .54e 1.7 32.19 26.35 1 32.14 10 32.19 31.42 +.64 +8.8 SpdrIHlthC N IRY .73e 1.6 50.14 41.38 3 46.69 69 47.05 46.43 +.10 +7.3 SpdrIFncl N IPF .63e 3.0 21.25 15.76 3 20.78 12 20.78 20.27 +.25 +7.3 S&PLatAm N GML 1.25e 2.5 52.15 38.81 7 50.54 15 51.16 48.94 +.66 +13.8 SpdrIEngy N IPW .75e 4.1 19.30 15.35 2 18.07 42 18.22 17.62 +.15 -3.3 SpdrICnStp N IPS .78e 1.8 44.98 38.26 0 42.87 15 42.87 41.92 +.96 +8.4sSpdrICnDis N IPD .75e 2.0 38.12 31.52 1 38.08 10 38.12 37.40 +.62 +5.8 SpdrDJ RE N RWO 1.57e 3.4 52.60 44.74 245 46.84 1841 47.08 45.73 +.85 sSpdrEMSmC N EWX 1.17e 2.6 45.43 36.78 134 45.31 267 45.44 44.13 +1.41 +14.1sSpdrIntDiv N DWX 2.22e 5.9 37.97 32.42 197 37.81 841 37.97 37.11 +.54 +4.9sSpdMS xUS N CWI .81e 2.4 34.12 28.36 576 34.11 1360 34.20 33.33 +.72 +8.3 SpdrSPGbl N GII 1.37e 2.9 48.87 42.95 15 47.59 73 48.00 46.37 +.54 +5.8 SpdrIntRE N RWX 1.25e 3.4 43.15 35.12 317 37.27 2861 37.39 36.29 +.69 +3.3 SpdrIntlSC N GWX 3.63e 1.6 31.63 27.57 52 31.42 405 31.48 30.73 +.58 +8.3sSpdrWldxUS N GWL .75e 2.7 27.69 23.32 72 27.65 445 27.73 27.05 +.48 +7.6 SP Mid N MDY 2.94e .9 320.48 254.33 919 314.22 6390 316.07 309.13 +2.67 +4.1 S&P500ETF N SPY 4.13e 1.7 240.32 198.65 66153 237.03 310762 239.44 236.19 -.66 +6.0 SpdrRRtn N RLY .44e 1.8 25.54 22.79 16 24.43 47 24.53 23.85 +.40 +.1 SpdrIncAll N INKM 1.08e 3.4 32.15 30.07 1 31.50 71 31.55 30.49 +.47 +3.4 SpdrGblAll N GAL 1.04e 2.9 34.66 32.47 13 34.59 76 34.62 34.05 +.47 +4.8 SpdrSenLn N SRLN 1.96 4.1 47.65 46.19 277 47.49 1465 47.58 47.45 +.01 SpdrUShBd N ULST .16 .4 41.14 39.87 5 40.23 19 40.29 40.22 +.01 +.1 SpdrDblTac N TOTL 1.17e 50.28 48.14 399 48.69 1718 48.70 48.28 +.26 +.6sSpdrGroEq N SYG 1.85e .9 69.15 55.55 2 68.55 18 69.15 68.09 -.09 +8.4sSpdrBiot s N XBI .44e .6 72.58 47.88 5218 71.02 19131 72.58 70.45 -.48 +20.0 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 16 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
Spdr Div N SDY 3.80e 2.1 89.92 78.27 572 88.96 2947 89.66 88.08 +.49 +4.0sSpdrGbDow N DGT 1.52e 2.0 75.44 60.52 1 74.60 12 75.44 73.58 +.72 +6.7sSpdrHome N XHB .15e .4 37.75 30.92 1669 37.44 9520 37.75 36.57 +.43 +10.6 SpdrS&PBk N KBE .53e 1.2 47.00 28.01 2316 44.59 9506 45.28 44.23 -.34 +2.6 SpdrS&PCM N KCE .91e 1.9 48.73 33.92 3 47.40 42 48.53 47.20 -.12 +5.6 SpdrS&PIns N KIE 1.24e 1.4 89.51 66.23 312 86.99 794 88.01 86.52 -.27 +4.9 SpdrRus1K N ONEK 1.79e 1.6 112.85 93.02 1 111.47 9 112.32 110.89 +.11 +6.0sSpdrLCapG N SPYG 1.49e 1.3 114.72 96.04 13 114.05 124 114.72 113.16 +.33 +8.3 SpdrLCapV N SPYV 2.39e 2.1 117.09 95.15 5 113.90 38 115.24 113.63 -.52 +4.0 Spd SP1000 N SMD 3.97e 1.5 93.57 73.11 3 91.25 14 92.03 89.91 +.59 +2.8 SpdrMCpG N MDYG 2.19e 1.0 142.23 114.93 15 140.13 98 140.66 137.93 +1.16 +5.3 SpdrMCpV N MDYV 3.45e 3.6 99.22 78.07 24 97.02 193 97.37 95.03 +1.08 +3.3sSpdrMSTch s N MTK .41e .6 68.62 50.00 20 68.38 101 68.72 67.23 +.83 +13.0 SpdrSemi s N XSD .16e .3 61.81 40.60 17 60.48 220 60.88 59.41 +.62 +7.8 SpdrSCapG N SLYG 8.53e 1.0 216.39 164.98 21 214.15 133 214.26 207.66 +4.72 +2.9 SpdrSCapV N SLYV 7.98e 1.4 124.31 93.47 45 118.70 278 118.88 115.51 +2.12 -.3 SpdrRus3K N THRK 3.24e 1.8 181.41 146.61 2 177.40 11 178.54 175.97 +.55 +6.0 SpdrWilRE N RWR 2.90e 3.2 104.34 86.90 574 91.79 2235 92.56 89.79 +1.62 -1.7 SpdrShTTr N SST .27 .9 31.39 29.82 40 30.04 240 30.04 29.92 +.08 SpFcStIn n N XITK 64.85 50.67 8 64.30 30 64.58 63.13 +1.07 +10.1 SPDR SrTr N XTH 70.15 52.08 69.01 9 69.01 67.88 -.64 +9.4sSpdr1500VT N VLU 4.85e 1.9 96.00 74.73 1 92.13 6 96.00 91.71 -.32 +4.5 SpdrScored N CBND .99 3.1 33.26 31.20 3 31.68 18 31.71 31.44 +.20 +.4 SpdrIntCBd N IBND .14e .4 34.03 30.10 94 31.29 252 31.32 30.67 +.33 +1.3 SpdrIGFlt N FLRN .20 .7 31.03 30.31 871 30.67 3547 30.74 30.64 -.02 +.2 SpdrHYMu N HYMB 2.55 4.5 59.93 54.00 61 56.36 255 56.44 56.00 +.28 +.7 SpdrWFPf N PSK 2.59e 5.9 47.67 41.35 54 43.67 335 44.00 43.35 +.22 +4.1 SpdrBarITB N BWZ .06e 32.32 28.93 18 30.27 173 30.28 29.69 +.39 +3.4 SpdrBarcCv N CWB 3.55e 4.7 48.27 42.29 646 47.67 2330 47.77 47.15 +.34 +4.4 SpdrLTBd N LWC 1.81 4.6 43.81 38.57 80 39.50 187 39.61 39.00 +.35 -.9 SpdrITBd N ITR .92 2.7 35.02 33.64 325 33.94 1627 33.98 33.76 +.13 +.1 SpdrBarMBB N MBG .83 3.2 27.36 25.30 36 26.16 237 26.18 25.89 +.16 -.5 SpdrEMBd N EBND 31.51 25.45 19 28.14 136 28.14 27.44 +.57 +5.9 SpdrShTHiY N SJNK 1.58 5.7 28.17 25.58 1092 27.80 12455 27.90 27.62 +.11 +.4 SpdrLehHY N JNK 2.30 6.3 37.22 33.81 12535 36.63 95589 36.84 36.20 +.30 +.5 SpdrSTCpBd N SCPB .40e 1.2 30.84 30.43 251 30.53 1472 30.54 30.47 +.03 SP IntTip N WIP .41e .3 57.71 51.41 13 54.12 107 54.50 53.22 +.48 +4.0 SPLIntTB s N BWX 29.34 25.52 326 26.45 1591 26.47 25.90 +.45 +1.8 SpdrTrans s N XTN .25e .5 57.43 40.57 29 53.81 210 54.68 53.17 -.68 -.3 SpdrTelcm N XTL .68e 1.0 74.28 54.61 11 71.02 86 72.92 68.89 +1.52 +2.4 SpdrHCSv s N XHS .61e .2 60.15 47.50 6 57.89 104 58.36 57.31 -.06 +10.3sSpdrHCEq s N XHE 3.22e .1 56.02 40.56 23 55.97 147 56.08 54.77 +.90 +12.6sSpdrSf&Sv s N XSW .19e .3 59.29 45.73 5 59.18 45 59.35 58.33 +.78 +8.5 SpdrMLCrs N CJNK 1.01e 3.8 27.40 24.61 2 26.04 22 26.09 25.82 +.19 +.6 SpdrAerDf s N XAR 1.70e 1.4 69.94 51.29 139 68.46 729 68.75 67.11 +.95 +8.0tSpdrLehAgB N BNDS 1.48 2.6 59.85 56.38 50 56.82 545 56.82 56.38 +.33 -.2 SpdrBarcTip N IPE .01e 58.93 55.10 39 56.52 207 56.55 55.85 +.41 +.6tSpdrLehLTT N TLO 1.82 2.7 82.40 67.44 26 68.63 210 68.70 67.44 +.85 -.4 SpdrLehIntTr N ITE .74 1.2 61.96 59.24 20 59.59 245 59.64 59.31 +.22 -.1 SpdrLe1-3bll N BIL 45.74 45.68 358 45.72 3736 45.72 45.70 +.01 SpdrS&P RB N KRE .74e 1.3 59.68 35.29 10585 56.54 37614 57.48 56.01 -.45 +1.7 Spdr1500MT N MMTM 1.61e 1.6 100.50 86.14 0 99.42 22 99.88 99.15 +.06 +6.0 SpdDorWrF Q DWFI 26.91 23.61 40 24.96 51 24.98 24.63 +.30 +3.1 SpdrRetl s N XRT .49e 1.2 48.26 39.50 6385 42.44 26125 42.66 41.54 +.30 -3.7 SpdNuBMu s N TFI 50.98 46.81 242 47.48 1627 47.50 47.21 +.17 +.1 SpdrPhm s N XPH 3.00e .9 47.82 36.58 85 41.13 488 42.16 40.81 -.47 +5.2 SpdrOGEx N XOP .73e 2.0 44.97 28.50 11198 36.44 84426 37.13 35.00 +.33 -12.0 SpNuBST rs N SHM 49.25 47.67 331 48.25 1787 48.32 48.20 +.02 +.6 SpdrGendr N SHE 66.98 59.80 2 65.77 22 66.51 65.68 -.21 +5.2 SpdrOGEq N XES .49e 2.5 24.58 16.08 465 19.59 4815 20.00 18.66 -.02 -12.3sSpdR1KLVF N ONEV 70.10 60.63 1 69.45 6 70.10 69.45 +5.5 SpdrMetM N XME .49e 1.6 35.21 19.22 3959 30.86 23525 32.02 29.70 +.94 +1.5 SpdrR1KMo N ONEO 69.45 58.00 10 68.50 26 68.93 67.71 +.51 +5.7 SpdSPXHiD N SPYD 36.75 31.25 49 35.38 236 36.05 35.06 +1.5 SpdrFosFFr N SPYX 58.18 47.72 6 57.55 36 57.91 57.21 -.08 +7.5 SpdrR1KLV N LGLV 5.40e 2.0 86.39 75.55 3 85.79 24 86.15 85.00 +.21 +6.8 SpdrUsaSt N QUS .54e 69.66 58.79 105 68.94 123 69.16 68.49 +.21 +6.4 Spd SP600 N SLY 3.97e 1.2 127.00 96.90 30 121.90 126 122.37 119.00 +2.01 +.9 SpdrSPXBbk N SPYB .41e 55.67 43.73 8 55.13 26 55.42 54.91 +.18 +5.1 SpdrRus2K N TWOK 1.49e 1.8 83.25 62.77 7 81.66 45 81.78 79.67 +1.41 +2.6 Spdr1-10Tip N TIPX .08e .4 20.25 19.21 15 19.62 98 19.62 19.41 +.13 +1.4 Spdr0-5yTip N SIPE .03e .2 20.01 19.48 3 19.83 21 19.94 19.65 +.13 -.2 SpdrR2KLV N SMLV 2.16e 2.3 96.38 73.31 7 92.85 46 92.85 90.48 +2.11 -.6 SPI Eng n Q SPI 9.79 1.10 88 1.45 394 1.50 1.10 +.33 -23.4 SPS Cmce Q SPSC 86 74.85 38.35 468 56.87 1020 58.41 54.36 +2.28 -18.6 SPX Cp N SPXC 21 28.13 13.34 475 24.73 1201 24.91 23.66 +.17 +4.3 SPX Flow n N FLOW 36.83 22.34 509 33.21 1146 33.69 32.00 +1.23 +3.6 SRC Eng N SRCI 10.38 5.34 4112 7.75 12199 8.05 7.32 +.36 -13.0 SS&C Tch s Q SSNC .25 .7 32 37.48 26.15 569 36.14 3718 36.71 35.75 -.37 +26.4sSTMicro N STM .40 2.6 46 15.74 5.11 1776 15.62 15807 15.74 14.86 +.42 +37.6 SVB II pf Q SIVBO 1.75 6.6 26.84 25.41 2 26.40 5 26.48 25.73 +.62 +2.4 SVB FnGp Q SIVB 27 198.83 82.90 2224 197.19 3834 197.97 190.27 +3.67 +14.9 Saban un Q SCACU 11.25 10.02 70 10.60 288 10.69 10.53 +.05 +1.9 SABESP N SBS .06e .6 11.22 6.01 2603 10.20 8242 10.57 9.93 +.12 +17.5 SabnR N SBR 1.92e 5.4 17 40.99 27.75 21 35.30 134 36.45 34.20 -.51 +.4 SabraHltc Q SBRA 1.68 6.2 12 27.65 18.80 586 27.25 2244 27.36 25.72 +1.28 +11.6 SabraH pfA Q SBRAP 1.78 6.9 27.57 23.28 2 25.70 19 25.84 25.50 -.14 +2.2 SabreCorp Q SABR .56f 2.6 19 29.76 20.89 1927 21.82 9122 22.17 21.64 +.02 -12.5stSachemC n N SACH 5.25 4.79 53 4.94 127 5.29 4.79 -.06 -.8 SAExplr rs Q SAEX 151.20 4.41 82 5.97 588 6.15 5.09 +.77 -18.2 SafeBulk N SB .04 2.1 2.38 .58 890 1.90 3223 1.90 1.61 +.30 +65.2sSafeBlk pfB N SBpB 2.00 7.8 25.90 21.50 8 25.63 63 25.90 25.00 +.33 +6.1 SafeBlk pfC N SBpC 2.00 11.4 18.33 10.77 8 17.61 43 17.75 17.20 +.46 +27.1 SafeB pfD N SBpD 2.00 11.5 18.38 10.25 18 17.43 111 17.69 17.12 +.26 +28.9 SafegdSci N SFE 14.75 10.60 101 12.55 285 12.55 12.20 +.25 -6.7 SaftyInsGr Q SAFT 2.80 3.9 19 75.05 54.43 168 71.70 426 72.50 69.21 +1.95 -2.7 SagaComm N SGA 1.20 2.5 16 51.25 36.70 33 48.95 58 51.13 48.25 -1.30 -2.7 SageThera Q SAGE 70.98 26.28 654 67.33 1863 70.73 66.27 -1.09 +31.9 Saia Inc Q SAIA 24 50.80 23.27 341 45.65 1070 45.95 44.10 -.10 +3.4 StJoe N JOE 8 21.90 15.25 359 17.35 1435 17.40 16.60 +.50 -8.7 Sajan Q SAJA 5.60 3.08 3 3.80 23 3.81 3.38 +.25 +1.3 SalemMda Q SALM .26 3.5 18 8.17 4.78 85 7.45 322 7.50 6.90 +.42 +19.2 Salesforce N CRM 84.48 66.43 6338 83.03 19538 84.00 82.73 -.48 +21.3 SalMidMLP N SMM 1.30 10.0 14.32 7.18 50 12.96 287 13.05 12.51 +.07 -4.6 SalisbryBc Q SAL 1.12 2.9 14 40.95 29.50 0 38.70 7 39.43 38.50 +.10 +3.2 SallyBty N SBH 13 32.93 20.22 1544 20.69 8114 21.13 20.41 +.09 -21.7 SamsO&G s N SSN 1.10 .50 160 .60 321 .64 .53 +.04 -17.2 SJuanB N SJT .34e 5.2 10 8.00 4.84 98 6.60 405 6.60 6.26 +.15 -.3 SanchezEn N SN 14.39 4.70 3706 9.57 16516 10.37 9.22 -.54 +6.0 SnchzPP rs N SPP 1.72f 11.2 15.93 9.51 392 15.40 823 15.50 12.40 +3.00 +30.5 SanderFm Q SAFM .96 1.0 11 99.40 74.07 308 94.72 1522 95.61 92.37 +.79 +.5 SandRidge N SD 26.85 15.75 449 17.70 1117 18.06 17.11 +.02 -24.8 SandRMiss N SDT .29e 20.9 1 3.75 1.20 72 1.37 501 1.39 1.31 +.01 +5.4 SandRMs2 N SDR .56e 38.6 1 2.90 1.31 126 1.45 723 1.50 1.40 -.01 +2.8 SandRdgP N PER .34e 11.3 3 4.00 2.28 332 3.05 907 3.13 2.80 +.20 +3.4 SandstG g N SAND 6.75 3.01 4657 4.11 14078 4.58 4.09 -.04 +5.4 SndySpr Q SASR 1.04 2.4 22 44.57 26.38 101 43.06 343 43.12 41.86 +.57 +7.7 Sanfilp Q JBSS 2.00e 23 72.84 40.75 79 66.68 266 66.94 63.68 +2.20 -5.3 SangTher Q SGMO 7.60 2.65 382 4.20 2046 4.50 4.20 -.15 +37.7 Sanmina Q SANM 15 41.25 20.95 845 40.50 2802 41.03 38.05 +1.90 +10.5sSanofi N SNY 1.58e 3.6 44.58 36.81 1272 44.30 4347 44.58 43.52 +.39 +9.5 Sanofi rt Q GCVRZ .50 .09 3 .43 63 .44 .41 +13.2 SantCUSA N SC 7 15.47 8.60 1667 14.01 4362 14.62 13.97 -.23 +3.8 SantFn pfA N SANpA 1.70 6.6 26.40 24.55 4 25.91 15 25.97 25.68 +.16 +2.0 SantFn pfB N SANpB 1.03 4.2 24.97 19.29 11 24.63 309 24.70 24.13 +.36 +3.5 SantFn pfC N SANpC 1.63 6.3 26.73 24.65 16 25.80 25 25.96 25.40 +.24 +2.8sSantFn pfI N SANpI 1.60 6.1 28.02 21.82 8 26.25 58 28.02 26.03 +.05 +4.8 Santand pfC N SOVpC 1.83 6.9 27.08 23.47 1 26.29 3 26.29 26.10 +.12 +2.2 Sapiens Q SPNS .20e 32 15.98 10.86 79 13.41 208 13.54 12.99 +.16 -6.5 SaratogaI N SAR 1.84f 8.2 23.78 15.32 14 22.40 159 23.67 22.37 -.74 +8.7 SareptaTh Q SRPT 63.73 8.00 1956 30.30 8498 32.95 29.50 -2.33 +10.5 Sasol N SSL 1.41e 4.9 33.31 24.85 330 28.62 1486 28.80 27.28 +1.42 +.1 SaulCntr N BFS 2.04f 3.2 21 68.75 50.31 103 64.19 188 64.22 60.47 +3.08 -3.6 SaulCtr pfC N BFSpC 1.72 6.8 27.00 24.65 10 25.30 22 25.60 25.30 +.10 +.4 ScanSource Q SCSC 16 44.95 29.05 270 40.60 698 40.70 39.55 +.85 +.6 Schlmbrg N SLB 2.00 2.5 69 87.84 71.34 7961 79.55 35304 80.59 77.30 +.86 -5.2 Schmitt h Q SMIT 4.49 1.37 2 1.50 52 1.58 1.48 -.07 -8.0 Schnitzer Q SCHN .75 3.4 30.60 14.83 490 21.90 2356 23.15 20.90 +1.05 -14.8 Scholastc Q SCHL .60 1.3 31 49.38 34.76 381 46.57 756 46.57 44.12 +2.14 -1.9 Schulmn Q SHLM .82 2.5 32 37.70 19.58 407 32.60 1102 32.95 31.80 +.30 -2.5 SchwUSMkt N SCHB .96e 1.7 58.17 47.67 664 57.61 2979 57.85 56.99 +.25 +6.3 SchwUSLgC N SCHX .98e 1.7 57.32 47.19 553 56.86 2926 57.10 56.32 +.22 +6.8 SchwLCGr N SCHG .63e 1.0 61.16 49.78 162 60.80 1121 61.05 60.25 +.26 +8.9 SchwLCVal N SCHV 1.14e 2.3 50.96 42.42 250 50.44 1435 50.68 49.95 +.11 +4.9 SchwMCap N SCHM .59e 1.2 48.24 39.37 195 47.65 919 47.76 46.79 +.51 +5.5 SchUSSmC N SCHA .76e 1.2 64.46 49.99 367 63.35 1692 63.45 61.74 +1.02 +3.0sSchwEMkt N SCHE .68e 2.8 24.26 19.45 908 24.17 4073 24.26 23.42 +.90 +12.1 SchEMLgC N FNDE .32e 1.2 26.92 19.43 410 26.65 1453 26.75 25.68 +1.10 +11.5sSchIntSmCo N FNDC .41e 1.3 30.60 25.65 111 30.63 977 30.67 29.96 +.57 +7.9sSchIntLgCo N FNDF .47e 1.8 26.74 22.04 251 26.73 1774 26.78 26.08 +.47 +6.5 SchUSSmCo N FNDA .36e 1.0 35.55 27.64 442 34.81 1467 34.87 33.94 +.56 +2.1 SchUSLgCo N FNDX .54e 1.6 34.45 28.73 261 33.99 2415 34.15 33.63 +.12 +4.2 SchUSBrd N FNDB .61e 1.8 34.39 28.55 33 33.91 123 34.04 33.48 +.18 +4.2 SchwUSDiv N SCHD 1.13e 2.5 45.38 39.39 552 45.22 2135 45.36 44.80 +.17 +3.8sSchwIntEq N SCHF .84e 2.8 29.82 25.33 1418 29.82 7838 29.88 29.16 +.54 +7.7tSchwAggBd N SCHZ 1.09 2.1 54.10 51.10 388 51.44 1618 51.47 51.10 +.25 -.1 SchwREIT N SCHH .89e 2.2 45.59 38.03 598 40.65 4250 40.78 39.38 +.99 -1.0 SchIntUSTr N SCHR .86 1.6 56.23 52.89 52 53.30 747 53.33 53.00 +.25 -.1tSchSTUSTr N SCHO .35 .7 50.99 50.28 289 50.38 2045 50.44 50.28 +.06 -.1 SchUSTips N SCHP 57.48 54.14 131 55.13 1090 55.15 54.58 +.42 +.5 SchwIntSC N SCHC .75e 2.4 31.27 27.20 143 31.19 690 31.25 30.41 +.64 +7.2sSchwab N SCHW .32f .7 33 43.64 23.83 8103 42.86 34900 43.65 42.13 +.38 +8.6 Schwb pfB N SCHWpB 1.50 5.8 27.27 24.77 24 25.83 189 25.89 25.27 +.58 +2.2 Schwb pfC N SCHWpC 1.50 5.8 28.31 24.52 29 26.07 220 26.17 25.40 +.64 +3.2 Schwb pfD N SCHWpD 28.00 24.35 145 26.00 487 26.01 25.32 +.68 +4.0 SchwitMau N SWM 1.68 4.0 13 47.01 30.02 342 42.49 710 42.60 40.34 +2.13 -6.7 SciClone lf Q SCLN 19 15.03 8.55 584 9.55 1372 9.80 9.45 -.15 -11.6 SciApplic N SAIC 1.24 1.4 28 89.87 46.20 603 87.55 1557 88.82 85.21 +1.26 +3.2 SciGames Q SGMS 23.05 7.90 1222 21.50 4268 21.93 20.29 +1.00 +53.6 ScorpioB19 N SLTB 1.88 7.9 24.00 13.90 13 23.85 71 24.00 23.70 +.10 +6.7sScorpBlk rs N SALT 9.15 2.64 2790 9.70 10464 9.95 7.80 +2.05 +92.1 ScorpioTk N STNG .04m .8 6.70 3.50 7353 4.76 17875 4.79 3.89 +.76 +5.1 ScorpioT 20 N SBNA 1.69 7.0 24.91 21.51 13 24.31 40 24.47 24.00 +.31 +8.3 ScorpioT17 N SBNB 1.88 7.3 26.00 24.65 1 25.52 6 25.55 25.50 +.02 +.9 Scotts N SMG 2.00 2.2 23 98.82 65.80 482 92.23 1470 92.80 90.98 +.40 -3.5 ScrippsNet Q SNI 1.20f 1.5 16 83.42 58.73 604 79.14 3573 80.25 78.11 -.23 +10.9 ScrippsEW N SSP 1.03e 29 24.15 12.16 801 22.97 3016 23.29 22.50 +.17 +18.8 Scynexis Q SCYX 5.51 1.74 390 3.00 2467 3.24 2.68 +.32 -6.0 SeaChange Q SEAC 5.72 2.05 371 2.25 499 2.46 2.16 -.18 -2.2 SbdCp N SEB 3.00 16 4545.00 2590.00 4 4162.50 6 4246.23 3850.00 +293.74 +5.3 SeabGld g N SA 15.88 7.35 1782 10.95 5415 11.45 9.90 +.70 +34.4 SeacstBkg Q SBCF 24 25.13 14.61 916 23.57 1850 23.94 23.32 -.21 +6.8 SeacorHld N CKH 76.32 45.49 285 66.76 788 67.04 63.88 +.36 -6.3 SeadrillLtd N SDRL 1 5.21 1.02 9131 1.49 59780 1.56 1.24 +.25 -56.3 Seadrill N SDLP .40 11.9 6.45 2.85 319 3.37 2908 3.47 3.00 +.34 -19.8 SeagateT Q STX 2.52 5.4 12 49.79 18.42 5983 46.87 19542 47.71 46.01 -.41 +22.8 SealAir N SEE .64 1.4 23 52.83 42.01 1231 46.06 8239 46.16 44.61 +.85 +1.6tSeanrgM rs Q SHIP 8.65 .75 516 .83 3832 .98 .75 -.13 -27.8 Seanrgy wtA Q SHIPW .35 .18 0 .23 3 .23 .19 -.01 -33.8 SearsCda g Q SRSC 3.92 1.25 6 1.30 70 1.40 1.25 -.10 -23.5 SearsHldgs Q SHLD 19.12 5.50 1857 9.05 6915 9.51 8.64 -.18 -2.6 SearsH wt Q SHLDW 6.32 .51 4 2.85 29 3.00 2.53 -.05 -19.7 SearsH&O Q SHOS 7.25 3.05 143 3.85 384 3.85 3.25 +.50 -18.1 Seaspan N SSW 1.50 21.7 10 19.12 6.60 2765 6.92 7852 7.22 6.65 -.08 -24.3 Seaspn pfE N SSWpE 2.06 10.0 26.50 17.72 28 20.63 141 20.67 19.75 +.31 +.7 Seaspan 19 N SSWN 1.59 6.3 26.46 23.50 5 25.09 66 25.20 24.90 -.01 -.3 Seaspn pfD N SSWpD 1.99 9.6 26.90 16.19 7 20.73 87 20.88 19.47 +.23 +1.9 Seaspn pfH N SSWpH 25.75 17.50 17 20.00 99 20.08 19.16 +.18 +2.7tSeaSpine n Q SPNE 15.66 6.32 15 7.25 306 7.32 6.31 +.59 -8.2 SeattGen Q SGEN 75.36 31.23 858 66.72 3897 68.86 65.75 -1.24 +26.4 SeaWorld N SEAS .40m 2.2 21.85 11.77 4081 18.12 7307 18.89 17.95 -.52 -4.3tSecndSight Q EYES 6.05 1.12 778 1.24 3100 1.44 1.12 -.20 -37.1 SecWkA A n Q SCWX 16.23 10.15 498 11.63 1324 12.08 11.11 +.78 +9.8 SecNtl lf Q SNFCA .34t 8 7.62 4.05 19 7.30 99 7.45 6.40 +.55 +17.9sSelectBc lf Q SLCT 19 11.12 7.78 14 11.22 24 11.22 10.89 +.26 +13.9 SelCmfrt Q SCSS 22 28.34 17.40 1114 24.47 3174 24.90 23.67 +.62 +8.2 SelIncREIT Q SIR 2.04 7.9 10 27.97 20.45 809 25.82 2187 25.92 24.69 +1.17 +2.5 SelMedHld N SEM 16 15.15 10.08 2946 12.70 7539 13.20 12.15 -.35 -4.2 SelectaB n Q SELB 28.00 10.26 103 12.30 215 14.16 12.29 -1.68 -28.3sSelectvIns Q SIGI .64 1.3 17 49.05 33.60 1206 48.45 2586 49.05 46.95 +1.20 +12.5 SelctIns 43 N SGZA 1.47 5.9 26.82 23.07 10 25.11 37 25.25 24.71 +.21 +5.1 SemGroup N SEMG 1.80 5.2 43.20 20.06 817 34.60 2762 34.95 32.75 +.70 -17.1 SemiMfg N SMI 17 7.74 3.84 76 6.89 538 6.94 6.63 +.36 -9.6 SmLEDS rs Q LEDS 11.35 1.36 5 2.92 129 3.28 2.00 +.20 -16.8 SempraEn N SRE 3.29f 3.0 23 114.66 92.95 1186 110.76 4053 111.83 108.85 +1.36 +10.1 Semtech Q SMTC 42 37.35 20.09 713 34.55 2580 34.80 33.55 +.20 +9.5 SenecaA Q SENEA 14 42.65 27.03 80 38.90 182 39.25 35.62 +2.20 -2.9 SenesTc n Q SNES 10.69 7.05 52 8.30 170 9.46 8.27 -.14 +1.8 SenHous Q SNH 1.56 7.8 12 23.85 15.36 3683 19.96 10262 20.14 19.13 +.65 +5.4 SenHous 42 Q SNHNI 1.41 5.8 28.66 21.74 17 24.34 98 24.40 23.49 +.90 +4.4 SenHous 46 Q SNHNL 1.56 6.1 26.92 23.35 30 25.61 142 26.00 25.43 -.20 +4.7 Senomyx Q SNMX 4.85 .78 91 .99 929 1.15 .96 -.09 +2.6sSensataT N ST 18 45.30 32.07 1515 44.00 10132 45.30 41.68 +2.18 +13.0 Sensient N SXT 1.20 1.5 25 83.38 61.53 342 81.72 759 81.88 78.79 +2.78 +4.0 SensusHlt n Q SRTS 6.69 3.61 1 4.42 11 4.73 4.42 -.27 -15.8 SensusHl wt Q SRTSW 1.50 .43 0 .60 8 .62 .60 -.02 +20.0 SequansC N SQNS 3.02 1.60 84 2.68 1058 2.95 2.60 -.23 +43.3 SeqentialB Q SQBG 48 9.14 3.30 481 3.83 1535 4.03 3.40 +.35 -18.2 SeresTh n Q MCRB 35.98 8.05 845 12.04 5476 13.32 9.01 +2.71 +21.6 Seritage n N SRG 1.00 2.3 57.31 39.60 363 44.42 1379 45.04 43.55 -.42 +4.0 ServiceCp N SCI .52 1.7 25 32.21 22.86 1278 31.01 3623 31.07 30.61 +.33 +9.2 ServiceMst N SERV 29 41.49 32.41 668 40.85 3465 41.09 39.85 +.71 +8.4 ServcNow N NOW 94.72 59.77 997 88.71 5406 89.47 86.68 +.68 +19.3 SvcSource Q SREV 6.25 3.52 350 3.83 1320 3.88 3.66 +.11 -32.6 ServiFst s Q SFBS .16 .4 27 42.66 18.73 1467 39.26 2356 41.06 39.18 -.74 +4.9 Servotr N SVT .30e 2.6 13.15 7.35 3 11.49 34 12.10 10.62 +.98 +14.1 Sevcon Q SEV 17.54 7.69 35 14.38 91 14.92 12.95 +.86 +68.4 SevernBc Q SVBI 33 8.08 5.05 7 7.35 40 7.50 7.10 +.25 -7.0tShakeShk n N SHAK 98 42.94 30.36 1303 32.45 4155 32.61 30.36 +1.03 -9.3 Sharps Q SMED 6.30 3.32 88 4.75 196 4.75 4.34 +.12 +24.0 SharpSprg Q SHSP 5 6.30 3.06 76 4.74 198 5.50 4.45 -.51 -10.1 ShawCm g N SJR 1.18 21.84 17.92 392 20.60 1831 20.74 20.33 +.02 +2.7 ShellMidst N SHLX 1.11f 3.5 25 38.49 25.42 729 31.51 1671 32.24 31.13 -.59 +8.3 ShndTele s Q SHEN .25f .9 42.66 22.05 549 27.00 1048 28.15 26.10 +.85 -1.1 Sherwin N SHW 3.40f 1.1 25 316.66 239.48 690 313.38 2466 313.90 308.26 +1.48 +16.6 Shiloh Q SHLO 40 16.69 4.61 138 14.17 753 14.99 13.08 -.31 +105.1 Shineco n Q TYHT 34.88 3.02 16 4.10 90 4.15 3.81 +.27 -2.4sShinhanFn N SHG 43.98 30.57 68 43.46 371 43.98 42.51 +2.29 +15.5 ShipFin N SFL 1.80 12.2 9 16.28 12.07 839 14.70 3512 14.85 14.10 +.10 -1.0 Shire Q SHPG .91e .5 209.22 150.05 721 177.53 4525 181.96 176.74 -2.31 +4.2 ShoeCarnvl Q SCVL .28 1.1 17 31.79 21.16 145 26.59 387 26.65 25.28 +.81 -1.4sShopify n N SHOP 65.30 24.96 1494 66.99 4614 67.39 63.08 +2.84 +56.3 ShoreBcsh Q SHBI .20 1.2 22 17.92 10.23 44 16.86 284 16.97 16.25 +.37 +10.6 ShoreTel Q SHOR 8.56 5.83 764 6.05 2261 6.35 5.90 -.25 -15.4 Shutterfly Q SFLY 54.60 41.91 644 47.32 2119 47.41 46.37 +.72 -5.7 Shutterstk N SSTK 52 65.16 32.97 731 40.80 6138 41.54 39.75 +.50 -14.1 SibanyeG N SBGL .40e 4.8 20.97 6.16 3237 8.42 10997 8.68 7.42 +.89 +19.3 SiderurNac N SID .14e 4.1 4.24 1.73 2946 3.38 13303 3.65 3.34 +4.6 SiebertFn Q SIEB .10a 3.3 3.75 .86 39 3.00 156 3.16 2.43 +.22 +.7 Sientra Q SIEN 10.37 5.60 186 9.13 1279 9.86 8.61 -.16 +7.2 SierraBc Q BSRR .56f 2.0 21 29.50 15.61 82 27.38 303 27.90 25.94 -.12 +3.0 SierOnc g n Q SRRA 8.24 1.31 166 1.47 1971 1.55 1.44 -.02 -1.3 SierraWr Q SWIR 42 29.84 12.30 259 27.90 1659 28.40 26.85 +.40 +77.7 Sifco N SIF 11.75 6.25 1 8.30 78 8.93 7.60 +.30 +8.5 SifyTech Q SIFY .01e 1.6 1.45 .71 21 .90 237 .93 .83 +.05 +23.4 SigmaDsg Q SIGM 8.60 5.20 472 6.00 1002 6.20 5.85 +.05 SigmaL wt Q SGLBW 1.50 .55 1 1.01 59 1.10 .91 +.04 +43.3 SigmaLb n Q SGLB 4.00 3.30 3 3.32 122 3.72 3.31 -.28 -10.0 Sigmatr Q SGMA 10 7.44 4.01 14 4.98 220 5.13 4.05 +.96 +5.3 SignatBk Q SBNY 21 164.23 113.53 894 154.63 2898 159.59 153.29 -4.07 +2.9 SignetJwlrs N SIG 1.04 1.5 9 125.45 62.10 1774 68.25 6868 70.26 67.49 -1.56 -27.6sSilganHldg Q SLGN .72f 1.2 22 61.13 47.16 510 61.20 1594 61.38 59.29 +2.06 +19.6 SilcLtd Q SILC 1.00 2.6 21 44.00 25.48 47 38.80 131 39.01 37.81 +.12 -5.6 SilcnLab Q SLAB 34 75.60 42.63 454 73.20 1665 73.45 70.70 +2.30 +12.6 SilicnMotn Q SIMO .80f 1.8 14 56.25 33.60 480 44.32 2107 45.26 43.70 -.68 +4.3 Slcnware Q SPIL .58e 7.3 18 8.36 6.60 89 7.93 483 7.98 7.75 +.20 +8.6sSilvBayRT N SBY .56 2.4 52 21.56 13.95 436 21.70 2989 21.73 21.44 +.25 +26.6 SilvrSpNet N SSNI 15.40 10.18 361 10.71 2020 11.14 10.58 -.42 -19.5 SilvStd g Q SSRI 14 15.84 5.20 3854 10.41 14863 11.26 9.98 +.42 +16.7 SilvWhtn g N SLW .20e 1.0 27 31.35 15.70 4968 19.90 21428 20.63 18.89 +.60 +3.0 Silvercrest Q SAMG .48 3.5 21 14.50 11.01 32 13.80 83 14.00 12.60 +1.05 +4.9 SimmnsFst Q SFNC 1.00 1.7 18 67.00 42.02 471 57.90 810 58.30 55.80 +1.00 -6.8tSimonProp N SPG 7.00f 4.2 21 229.10 166.65 2594 168.02 11774 172.98 166.65 -.15 -5.4 Simon pfJ N SPGpJ 4.19 6.4 81.50 65.00 1 65.68 7 66.22 65.10 +.51 -2.5 SimpsnM N SSD .72 1.7 26 48.41 36.11 365 43.44 883 43.61 42.12 +1.05 -.3 Simulations Q SLP .20 2.0 33 10.75 6.74 13 10.10 102 10.25 10.05 -.05 +4.7 Sina Q SINA 43 85.24 44.57 495 71.86 2903 72.75 69.56 +2.60 +18.2 Sinclair Q SBGI .72 1.8 21 43.05 24.15 2377 39.90 10936 41.70 39.35 -1.35 +19.6 SinoGlobl Q SINO 14.20 .50 836 2.88 6337 3.38 2.50 +.28 -7.1 SinopcShg N SHI 64.80 42.64 41 56.76 116 57.70 55.75 +.85 +4.9 Sinovac h Q SVA 6.47 5.25 48 5.92 237 6.01 5.84 -.04 +.3sSiriusXM Q SIRI .01p 41 5.53 3.74 36162 5.36 181053 5.53 5.19 +.17 +20.4sSiteone n N SITE 45.00 25.49 1033 45.32 3136 45.87 39.97 +5.26 +30.5 SitoMobl rs Q SITO 6.08 1.71 308 2.42 612 2.48 2.02 +.28 -34.4 SixFlags N SIX 2.56f 4.3 33 62.69 47.61 622 59.38 2321 60.57 58.46 -.32 -1.0 Skechers s N SKX 18 34.20 18.81 3356 27.92 12528 28.29 26.14 +1.68 +13.6 SkySolar Q SKYS 6.52 1.12 5 1.97 86 2.04 1.92 +.01 -11.7 SkyWest Q SKYW .32f .9 39.60 18.46 681 36.00 2214 36.95 34.20 +.20 -1.2 Skyline N SKY 17.35 5.51 91 8.58 305 9.29 7.27 +.23 -44.4 SkylinMd rs Q SKLN 7.25 1.52 210 2.13 2440 2.42 2.03 +.02 -23.9 SkyPFtJc lf Q SPU 3 20.95 1.62 13 5.83 162 5.90 5.40 +.19 -11.7sSkywksSol Q SWKS 1.12 1.1 19 99.38 57.11 2191 97.93 9119 99.38 97.51 -.25 +31.2 Smart&Fnl N SFS 28 16.68 10.65 735 12.10 3020 12.41 10.65 +1.05 -14.2 SmartFn rs Q SMBK 23.20 14.21 26 20.70 109 21.50 18.25 -.43 +11.5 SmartSnd n Q SND 21.99 10.30 2429 15.91 5993 16.82 12.51 +2.58 -3.9 Smith&N N SNN .61e 2.0 55 35.38 26.97 565 31.23 2524 31.32 30.35 +.53 +3.8sSmithAO s N AOS .56f 1.1 29 52.24 36.90 1225 52.17 3985 52.26 49.89 +2.08 +10.2tSmthMc rs Q SMSI 3.20 1.11 41 1.15 353 1.23 1.10 -26.8 Smucker N SJM 3.00f 2.2 17 157.31 122.05 1176 138.55 5983 140.04 138.10 -.94 +8.2tSnapInc A n N SNAP 29.44 19.75 33228 19.54 123502 22.15 18.90 -2.53 -20.2 SnapOn N SNA 2.84f 1.6 19 181.73 145.17 328 172.88 1765 173.75 168.90 +3.04 +.9sSnydLance Q LNCE .64 1.6 72 40.52 28.92 704 40.56 2219 40.67 39.62 +.62 +5.8tSocilRltyA n Q SRAX 8.95 2.04 13 2.06 100 2.25 2.04 -.08 -66.4 SocQ&M N SQM .99e 2.9 34.84 19.46 917 33.80 2696 34.31 32.85 +.81 +18.0 SocketM n Q SCKT 4.90 2.39 16 4.74 133 4.84 4.39 -.09 +23.4 SodaStrm Q SODA 24 51.25 13.29 347 48.77 1098 49.40 47.11 +.77 +23.6 h Q SOHU 53.31 32.60 215 42.01 744 42.65 40.87 +.30 +24.0 SolarCap Q SLRC 1.60 7.2 9 22.54 16.87 104 22.22 592 22.35 21.90 +.02 +6.7 SolarCap 42 N SLRA 1.69 6.7 26.37 23.77 5 25.25 23 25.28 24.80 +.16 +.3sSolarSCap Q SUNS 1.41 7.8 10 17.75 13.78 238 18.06 494 18.46 17.35 +.67 +9.9 SolarEdg n Q SEDG 9 28.99 11.35 458 14.00 2067 14.60 13.50 +.05 +12.9sSolignx wt Q SNGXW .89 .26 1 .50 31 .89 .50 -.05 +19.0 Soligenix n Q SNGX 3.10 1.90 89 2.70 718 3.08 2.50 +.09 +20.0 Solitario N XPL .95 .43 224 .80 324 .82 .73 -.00 +29.7 SonicAut N SAH .20 1.0 10 27.45 16.08 407 20.80 1218 21.20 20.10 +.20 -9.2 SonicCorp Q SONC .56 2.4 19 36.34 21.12 809 23.78 3441 24.01 23.18 +.23 -10.3 SonicFdry Q SOFO 8.51 3.75 2 4.82 27 5.20 4.82 -2.6 SonocoP N SON 1.48 2.8 22 55.58 45.02 2198 53.19 3527 53.89 52.81 -.14 +.9sSonomaPh Q SNOA 8.00 3.57 37 7.91 444 8.00 6.90 +.79 +56.9 Sonoma wt Q SNOAW .66 .14 23 .65 269 .65 .47 +.13 +70.0 Sonus rs Q SONS 10.00 5.51 1503 6.71 3793 6.89 6.30 +.28 +6.5 SonyCp N SNE 34.17 23.62 414 32.09 2625 32.18 31.29 +.38 +14.5 Sophiris Q SPHS 8.55 .80 210 2.55 3119 2.89 2.46 +.13 -8.9tSorrentoTh Q SRNE 8.35 3.90 412 4.25 1523 4.45 3.90 +.05 -13.3 Sothebys N BID .40 .8 28 49.87 24.20 776 47.58 2754 48.39 45.85 +.98 +19.4 SotherlyH Q SOHO .40f 6.2 40 7.66 4.65 114 6.46 356 6.76 6.25 +.19 -4.9 SothrlyH pf Q SOHOB 2.00 7.8 26.90 23.76 25.68 6 25.76 25.45 +.17 +.8 Sotherly 19 Q SOHOM 1.75 6.8 26.52 25.00 25.81 3 25.86 25.65 -.03 -.5 SouMoBc s Q SMBC .40 1.2 16 37.00 21.31 18 32.99 47 33.71 31.78 +.15 -6.8 SoundFin Q SFBC .40f 1.3 17 31.90 22.05 7 30.90 13 30.95 29.85 +1.15 +10.4 SourcC N SOR 1.40a 3.7 39.23 35.10 26 37.76 161 37.79 37.05 +.29 +5.0 SoJerInd s N SJI 1.09f 3.2 30 35.45 26.29 1461 34.36 3490 34.42 32.70 +1.19 +2.0 SouthState Q SSB 1.32f 1.5 20 93.40 61.83 465 90.25 753 90.50 87.55 +1.40 +3.3sSthcrssEn N SXE 3.70 .62 112 3.38 879 3.70 3.23 -.16 +150.4 SCEd pfD N SCEpD 1.08 4.3 26.85 22.40 0 25.16 3 25.16 25.00 +.16 +3.4 SCEd pfE N SCEpE 1.20 4.8 27.00 22.52 1 25.05 13 25.05 24.80 +.08 -.4 SouthnCo N SO 2.24 4.4 18 54.64 46.20 8711 50.67 24433 50.95 49.53 +1.04 +3.0 SouthCo 75 N SOJA 1.56 5.9 28.93 25.00 50 26.50 248 26.77 25.91 +.41 +1.5 SouthCo ef N SOJB 25.32 21.28 114 23.82 678 23.87 23.01 +.38 +9.2 SthnCopper N SCCO .23e .6 36 39.50 24.90 1047 36.13 4294 36.76 34.89 +.74 +13.1 SthnFstBsh Q SFST 19 38.55 22.30 63 35.90 89 36.60 32.20 +3.20 -.3 SoNatBcVa Q SONA .32 1.9 20 17.50 11.60 145 16.71 282 17.08 16.45 +.10 +2.3 SsdeBTX Q SBSI 1.00 2.9 18 38.99 23.46 650 34.65 1272 34.73 33.26 +.86 -8.0 SwstAirl N LUV .40 .8 14 59.68 35.42 6178 53.18 39195 56.18 51.82 -2.70 +6.7 SwstBc Q OKSB .32 1.2 29 29.70 14.46 119 26.85 199 27.05 26.15 +.35 -7.4 SwtGas N SWX 1.98f 2.4 26 86.65 62.75 1335 82.25 3720 82.91 80.11 -.41 +7.3 SwGA Fn N SGB .44 2.0 16 25.00 14.00 13 22.00 28 24.00 21.85 -1.95 +10.1 SwstnEngy N SWN 15.59 7.02 13690 7.63 58492 7.88 7.22 +.19 -29.5 SwEn dpfB N SWNC 3.13 16.1 36.14 17.97 176 19.43 615 19.99 18.59 +.49 -23.7 SpanAm Q SPAN .64 3.0 14 21.98 16.92 1 21.16 10 21.85 21.05 +.19 +16.0 SparkEngy Q SPKE 1.45 5.0 31 35.63 17.70 107 29.05 532 29.05 27.06 +1.60 -4.1 SparkNet N LOV 2.78 .83 38 .97 133 1.01 .94 +.02 +15.5 SparkTh n Q ONCE 65.99 28.38 343 57.93 1354 59.99 56.22 +.30 +16.1 SpartnMot Q SPAR .10 1.3 28 10.50 3.71 471 7.45 1465 7.70 6.65 +.45 -19.5 SprtnNash Q SPTN .66f 2.0 18 40.38 25.29 603 33.72 1325 33.82 31.12 +2.35 -14.7 Sparton N SPA 20 26.43 17.10 93 22.48 350 22.79 21.83 +.54 -5.7 SpdDbShDu N STOT 50.59 49.24 4 49.56 14 49.56 49.28 +.19 +.1 SpecOpps N SPE 1.19e 2.4 15.13 12.80 7 14.38 55 14.50 14.14 +.06 +5.3 SpcOpp pfB N SPEpB .88 3.4 25.56 6 25.56 25.37 SpectraEP N SEP 2.76f 6.4 14 50.43 40.19 635 43.08 2479 43.39 42.50 +.03 -6.0sSpectranet Q SPNC 29.00 13.40 429 28.60 1285 29.00 27.56 +.55 +16.7sSpectrmB N SPB 1.68f 1.2 32 142.42 105.16 365 142.32 2316 143.20 137.47 +4.80 +16.3 SpectPh Q SPPI 7.74 3.21 1873 6.57 5967 6.67 6.21 +.20 +48.3 SpeedM N TRK .60 3.1 23 22.29 16.62 66 19.32 168 19.37 18.43 +.45 -10.8 Spher3D gh Q ANY 1.55 .18 1397 .31 6498 .34 .28 +.03 +4.0 Spherix rs Q SPEX 4.69 .83 41 1.11 260 1.22 1.09 +.02 +6.7 Spire N SR 2.10 3.1 20 71.21 59.54 705 67.25 1501 68.10 64.15 +2.40 +4.2 SpiritAero N SPR .10 13 62.90 41.27 876 59.38 3949 60.06 58.43 -.28 +1.8 SpiritAir Q SAVE 13 60.40 37.17 658 50.91 4692 52.63 48.29 -1.10 -12.0tSpiritRltC N SRC .72 7.0 12 13.97 9.97 3451 10.35 18962 10.38 9.97 +.24 -4.7 Splunk Q SPLK 66.46 45.07 1282 62.37 5942 62.85 60.20 +1.63 +21.9 SpokHldgs Q SPOK .50a 2.7 27 22.60 16.04 446 18.40 890 18.50 17.45 +1.03 -11.3 SportsWhs Q SPWH 6 14.18 4.18 905 4.56 4209 4.70 4.20 +.27 -51.4 SpragueRs N SRLP 2.31f 8.2 72 30.35 18.15 194 28.05 356 28.20 25.25 +2.00 -.2 SprBkPh n Q SBPH 13.25 6.31 57 10.41 121 10.73 9.32 +.65 +30.3 Sprint N S 9.65 3.12 12363 8.57 52689 8.75 8.27 +.29 +1.8 SprottSilv N PSLV 8.01 5.90 323 6.58 2012 6.63 6.37 +.12 +8.2 SprottFoc Q FUND .40e 5.4 7.71 5.80 15 7.35 148 7.35 7.14 +.16 +5.9 SprottGold N PHYS 11.43 9.19 397 10.13 2496 10.15 9.84 +.27 +7.9 SprottPPP N SPPP 8.21 6.16 19 7.67 88 7.69 7.35 +.24 +11.2 Sprouts Q SFM 25 30.00 17.38 13711 22.02 35765 22.15 17.76 +4.17 +16.4 Square n N SQ 18.17 8.42 5569 17.28 26363 17.34 16.64 +.37 +26.8 StaarSur Q STAA 11.50 4.98 310 9.90 563 9.95 9.45 +.20 -8.8 Staff360 rs Q STAF 4.76 .54 36 .62 294 .65 .56 +.03 -20.4 STAG Indl N STAG 1.39 5.6 35 26.24 19.01 1181 24.79 3198 24.84 23.98 +.45 +3.9 STAG pfB N STAGpB 1.66 6.7 26.70 24.55 13 24.93 39 25.45 24.88 -.34 -.1 StageStrs N SSI .60 25.2 8.64 1.80 1383 2.38 3561 2.38 2.06 +.19 -45.5 Q STMP 17 136.00 68.82 478 128.80 1543 134.00 127.40 -1.20 +12.3 SP Matls N XLB .98e 1.9 53.44 43.97 5114 52.34 24668 52.83 51.75 +.23 +5.3sSP HlthC N XLV 1.01e 1.3 76.75 65.96 9816 75.16 45195 76.75 75.12 -.82 +9.0 SP CnSt N XLP 1.28e 2.3 56.02 49.98 16378 54.98 57509 55.50 54.90 -.07 +6.3sSP Consum N XLY 1.12e 1.3 87.75 74.18 4696 87.36 20246 87.75 86.77 +.51 +7.3 SP Engy N XLE 2.04e 2.9 78.45 59.94 13721 69.80 89813 70.93 68.62 -.21 -7.3 SPDR Fncl N XLF .46e 1.9 25.30 17.31 81319 24.45 337940 24.97 22.00 -.34 +5.2 SP Inds N XLI 1.12e 1.7 67.19 52.78 10837 65.68 59770 66.15 65.05 -.16 +5.6sSP Tech N XLK .78e 1.5 53.62 41.26 6729 53.34 39989 53.62 52.84 +.23 +10.3 SpdrRESel N XLRE 34.82 29.07 2376 31.10 11112 31.45 30.60 +.38 +1.1 SP Util N XLU 1.55e 3.0 53.02 45.33 14663 51.23 79139 52.14 50.86 +.27 +5.5 StdMotor N SMP .76f 1.5 19 55.37 32.66 193 49.06 402 49.22 46.80 +2.12 -7.8 Standex N SXI .64 .7 22 99.80 74.35 82 98.10 161 99.05 94.70 +3.05 +11.7sStanBlkDk N SWK 2.32 1.8 21 136.90 101.18 1625 131.33 5710 136.90 129.21 +2.14 +14.5 StanB&D 52 N SWJ 1.44 5.7 26.96 23.95 44 25.09 311 25.15 24.71 +.24 +3.1 StanlFrn Q STLY 1.25e 2.95 .76 7 .88 47 .88 .78 +.08 -1.9 Stantec g N STN .45f 28.05 21.50 13 25.60 57 26.15 25.35 -.20 +1.4 Staples Q SPLS .48 5.3 11.37 7.24 10797 9.00 35035 9.01 8.44 +.32 -.6 StarBulk19 Q SBLKL 2.00 8.6 23.40 6.39 16 23.30 65 23.38 23.00 +.30 +7.5sStarBulk rs Q SBLK 11.36 2.61 591 11.53 2804 11.54 9.28 +1.72 +125.6 StarGas N SGU .41 4.5 10 11.39 7.67 98 9.10 404 9.25 9.02 -.16 -15.4 Starbucks s Q SBUX 1.00 1.8 28 61.64 50.84 14587 55.78 48287 56.13 54.09 +1.25 +.5 Starret N SCX .40 3.6 36 12.89 8.77 4 11.20 30 11.50 11.00 +.05 +20.4 Startek N SRT 9.80 3.74 12 8.63 181 9.00 8.00 +.56 +2.1 StarwdPT N STWD 1.92 8.5 16 23.46 18.18 3029 22.46 12001 22.58 22.12 +.07 +2.3sStatAutF Q STFC .40 1.4 27.84 18.69 90 27.81 200 27.89 26.75 +.80 +3.7 StateBkFn Q STBZ .56 2.1 32 28.25 18.65 317 26.80 552 26.99 25.97 +.39 -.2 StateNatl Q SNC .24 1.7 12 14.61 9.90 220 14.51 842 14.61 13.91 +.37 +4.7 StateStr N STT 1.52 1.9 15 83.49 50.60 3367 78.61 12764 80.96 78.35 -1.30 +1.1 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 17 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
StateSt pfC N STTpC 27.25 23.01 25 24.62 136 24.69 24.18 +.25 +5.3 StateSt pfD N STTpD 29.54 24.79 28 27.08 206 27.19 26.35 +.53 +4.7 StaStCp pfG N STTpG 27.89 24.25 60 26.30 259 26.39 25.80 +.30 +5.1 StateSt pfE N STTpE 28.70 25.05 26 26.79 210 26.83 25.77 +.93 +5.9 Statoil ASA N STO .88e 5.0 19.27 14.50 3092 17.50 12626 17.65 16.69 +.36 -4.1 SteadyM n Q STDY 5.21 2.25 9 4.30 110 4.40 3.75 +.50 +65.4 StealthGas Q GASS 5.18 2.65 33 4.14 190 4.29 4.01 +.04 +22.5 StlDynam Q STLD .62f 1.7 19 40.17 20.61 4549 36.34 15835 37.30 33.65 +2.36 +2.1sSteelPtrs N SPLP 4 18.91 13.70 25 18.70 134 18.91 18.00 +.40 +20.6 SteelPr pfA N SPLPpA 24.00 22.08 2 22.44 14 22.65 22.30 -.16 -3.1 Steelcse N SCS .48 2.9 11 18.14 12.67 720 16.80 2259 16.90 16.30 +.30 -6.1tSteinMart s Q SMRT .30 10.2 9.23 2.57 1252 2.94 3893 3.00 2.57 +.08 -46.4sStellrAcq n Q STLR 10.20 9.88 10.20 7 10.20 10.12 +.02 +2.0 StellAcq wt Q STLRW .60 .15 1 .36 4 .36 .32 +80.0 StellarB rs Q SBOT 5.98 1.47 56 1.73 442 2.05 1.63 +.10 -14.8sStellusCap N SCM 1.36 9.3 12 14.50 9.62 182 14.57 654 14.82 13.67 +1.10 +20.8 StellusC 19 N SCQ 1.63 6.4 26.25 24.38 2 25.60 3 25.81 25.55 +.08 +.3 StemlineTh Q STML 14.60 4.06 1065 9.50 2137 10.30 8.31 -.25 -11.2 Stepan N SCL .82 1.0 21 87.00 53.37 175 79.98 551 80.02 75.28 +2.75 -1.8 Stericycle Q SRCL 32 128.94 71.52 994 84.15 3454 84.68 81.49 +2.33 +9.2 Stericyc pf Q SRCLP 5.25 7.3 100.79 60.37 51 72.34 83 72.50 70.00 +2.29 +14.3 Steris plc N STE 1.12f 1.6 19 74.63 63.26 1081 68.72 3212 69.63 67.88 +.15 +2.0 SterlingBc N STL .28 1.1 22 25.85 14.55 4259 24.70 11970 25.15 24.00 +5.6 SterlCons Q STRL 10.92 4.19 190 9.65 611 10.06 9.60 -.27 +14.1 SMadden Q SHOO 19 40.55 31.68 729 38.00 2497 38.30 37.40 -.15 +6.3 Stewrdshp Q SSFN .12 1.3 12 10.20 5.51 8 9.25 15 9.25 8.60 +.60 -5.6 StewInfo N STC 1.20 2.7 19 48.60 32.68 238 44.26 788 44.40 42.09 +1.36 -3.9 StifelFin N SF 20 56.62 27.33 842 52.90 2159 54.26 52.44 -.50 +5.9 Stifel pfA N SFpA 1.56 6.0 28.46 24.33 11 26.11 41 26.19 25.26 +.74 +5.0 StillwtrM N SWC 17.50 9.02 1983 17.36 6696 17.46 17.03 +.31 +7.8 StockYBc s Q SYBT .76 1.7 24 48.05 24.45 150 43.70 267 43.75 42.06 +.90 -6.9 StoneEng rs N SGY 27.77 2.70 325 21.11 1326 21.75 17.01 +2.62 +195.2 StoneHEM N EDF 2.16 13.7 16.68 12.30 136 15.82 596 16.18 15.61 +.28 +8.1sStonHEmM N EDI 1.81 11.7 15.72 11.78 31 15.43 275 15.72 15.10 +.42 +12.2sStoneCastle Q BANX 1.48 7.4 14 20.74 15.95 34 19.97 128 20.74 19.50 -.02 +6.8 StoneMor N STON 1.32 13.7 26.90 7.74 127 9.64 708 9.89 9.05 +.16 +8.2sStonegteBk Q SGBK .32 .7 22 47.99 29.06 130 48.40 360 48.53 47.03 +1.24 +16.0sStonegtMtg N SGM 7.92 3.16 96 7.85 193 7.92 7.85 -.02 +31.5sStonerdg N SRI 14 19.50 13.42 224 18.90 756 19.50 18.72 +.25 +6.8tStoreCap N STOR 1.16 4.9 26 31.44 22.27 2775 23.64 9848 23.67 22.27 +1.16 -4.3 StrPathCm N STRP 51.50 15.06 177 32.96 567 33.50 26.89 +1.86 -2.8 StrataSk h Q SSKN 1.20 .43 44 .58 120 .63 .58 -.01 +31.8 Stratasys Q SSYS 30.46 16.38 682 20.26 3772 20.44 18.74 +1.55 +22.5sStratGS33 N GJS .32 1.7 19.00 17.35 1 18.55 7 19.00 18.45 +.12 +1.6 StratNWS95 N GJV 1.75 6.8 26.86 25.06 25.91 3 25.94 25.63 +.14 +3.0 StratPG34 N GJR .27 1.3 21.21 19.21 1 20.38 3 20.50 20.33 -.17 -1.6 StratUSM N GJH .64 6.5 11.21 9.58 3 9.89 4 10.00 9.89 -.08 Strattec Q STRT .56 1.9 21 60.38 27.80 41 29.30 129 31.65 28.05 +1.14 -27.3 StratusPrp Q STRS 1.00e 34 36.06 15.75 22 26.55 59 28.55 24.70 +.15 -18.9 Strayer Q STRA .25 25 83.92 43.50 99 80.47 332 81.49 75.88 +.17 -.2tStreamHlth Q STRM 2.11 .93 43 1.03 294 1.16 .93 -.12 -17.6 StrgbrBio n Q SBBP 6.39 2.00 88 4.35 263 4.69 3.65 +.55 +81.3sStryker N SYK 1.70 1.3 26 132.99 103.95 1939 132.66 7533 133.02 129.59 +2.66 +10.7 StudentTrn Q STB .44 8.0 6.08 4.66 151 5.48 941 5.55 5.42 -2.0 SturmRug N RGR 1.96f 3.7 12 77.16 47.15 432 53.55 1778 53.65 51.70 +1.84 +1.6 SubPpne N SPH 3.55 13.8 44 37.10 24.00 515 25.74 2256 25.87 24.20 +1.34 -14.4 SucampoPh Q SCMP 26 17.55 9.59 973 10.55 4411 10.95 10.15 +.05 -22.1 SuffolkBcp N SCNB .40 1.0 25 44.70 22.88 111 41.80 282 42.34 41.38 -.09 -2.4 SumitMitsu N SMFG 8.30 5.43 448 7.59 2943 7.63 7.49 -.01 -.7 SummerInf Q SUMR 2.44 1.22 32 2.04 124 2.06 1.86 +.20 +2.0 SumFWV Q SMMF .44f 2.1 13 30.06 12.62 36 20.89 91 21.59 20.04 +.36 -24.1 SummitHtl N INN .65 4.2 12 16.40 10.99 3731 15.60 6928 15.89 15.18 +.39 -2.7 SumtH pfB N INNpB 1.97 7.7 27.05 25.31 5 25.58 26 25.59 25.49 +.08 -.6 SumtH pfC N INNpC 1.78 7.0 28.19 24.85 1 25.34 5 25.72 25.34 +.10 +.1 SummtH pfD N INNpD 1.61 6.5 27.00 22.45 4 24.95 31 25.15 24.45 +.45 +5.9 SumtMtls n N SUM .29t 24 26.46 17.27 2351 23.20 6510 24.27 22.86 -.87 -2.5 SummitMP N SMLP 2.30 10.0 26.50 14.74 274 23.10 980 23.38 22.30 +.15 -8.2 SmtStB s Q SSBI 16 15.28 10.48 7 12.95 49 14.50 12.95 -.45 +7.9 SumTher n Q SMMT 19.75 4.26 38 13.21 74 13.21 11.95 +.81 +54.3 SunBcpNJ Q SNBC .04 .2 8 26.80 20.27 48 24.75 160 25.25 24.55 -.10 -4.8 SunCmts N SUI 2.68f 3.3 28 85.98 66.66 527 80.55 1423 81.07 78.88 +1.40 +5.1 SunCm pfA N SUIpA 1.78 6.9 26.83 23.38 0 25.95 15 26.00 25.43 +.22 +3.0 SunHydrl Q SNHY .36a 1.0 42 42.00 27.69 328 36.78 670 37.43 35.40 +.71 -8.0 SunLfFn g N SLF 1.68f 4.5 40.57 30.38 316 36.97 1630 37.43 36.20 +.33 -3.7 SunCokeE N SXC 32 13.14 5.14 4952 8.96 10273 10.40 8.29 +.66 -21.0 SunCokeEn N SXCP 2.38 15.2 7 21.95 6.75 803 15.60 1540 17.75 14.87 +.70 -19.0 Suncor g N SU 1.28 33.79 25.31 5235 30.88 23839 31.07 29.39 +.82 -5.5tSundEng n Q SNDE 17.99 8.53 10 9.30 36 10.06 8.53 -.11 -41.6 SunesisP rs Q SNSS 6.30 2.63 60 4.24 207 4.40 4.10 +.11 +17.1 SunLink N SSY 1.90 .43 4 1.54 65 1.60 1.47 +.01 +27.7 SunocoLP N SUN 3.30 13.4 37.25 21.01 440 24.66 2089 24.94 23.68 +.75 -8.3 SunocoLog N SXL 2.08f 8.7 25 31.49 22.07 2818 23.84 9549 24.50 23.81 -.36 -.7 SunOpta Q STKL 7.70 3.16 557 7.10 2748 7.40 7.00 -.20 +.7 SunPower Q SPWR 25.00 6.00 3263 6.98 15088 7.47 6.81 -.10 +5.6 Sunrun n Q RUN 8 8.45 4.15 1595 4.95 6057 5.18 4.79 -.11 -6.8sSunshnBcp Q SBCP 20.00 13.85 64 20.34 151 20.47 18.96 +1.28 +18.7tSunshHrt rs Q SSH 48.60 3.30 108 3.18 389 3.88 3.13 -.61 -69.7 SunstnHtl N SHO .20 1.3 12 16.05 11.26 3307 14.94 10427 15.10 14.27 +.62 -2.0 SunstHt pfE N SHOpE 28.44 24.29 10 25.62 23 26.07 25.44 +.02 +1.1 SunstHt pfF N SHOpF 1.61 6.5 26.65 23.82 2 24.96 6 25.00 24.55 -.30 +.4 SunTrst N STI 1.04 1.8 16 61.69 35.10 7044 57.71 22348 59.30 57.52 -1.23 +5.2 SunTr wtB N STI/WS/B 18.34 2.94 15.57 13 16.00 15.25 -.95 +17.2 SunTr pfA N STIpA 1.50 6.1 25.00 21.41 9 24.66 48 24.74 24.11 +.63 +5.1 SunTr pfE N STIpE 1.47 5.8 26.84 24.07 20 25.29 153 25.30 24.88 +.36 +1.8tSunworks n Q SUNW 10 3.43 1.42 381 1.35 1446 1.55 1.34 -.35 -32.5 SuperMicro Q SMCI 21 34.69 18.60 473 25.30 1262 25.55 24.70 +.35 -9.8 SuperCom Q SPCB 13 4.86 2.44 25 2.95 266 3.14 2.50 +.26 -13.0 SupercdT rs Q SCON 4.50 1.04 2293 1.15 3154 1.35 1.08 +.02 -6.5 SupDrillg N SDPI 2.72 .77 7 .91 144 1.03 .85 -.03 -31.1 SupEnrgy N SPN .32 2.4 19.83 12.25 4443 13.40 22011 14.43 13.06 -1.00 -20.6 SuperiorInd N SUP 1.00f 3.9 16 32.12 21.53 282 25.65 725 26.45 25.35 -.10 -2.0 SupUnifm s Q SGC .35 1.9 19 21.02 15.53 86 18.24 164 18.43 16.77 +1.25 -7.0 Supernus Q SUPN 17 30.37 13.42 796 28.90 2901 29.00 26.24 +2.55 +14.5tSupvalu N SVU 6 6.02 3.20 4978 3.48 16733 3.49 3.20 +.17 -25.5 rs Q SPRT 3.00 1.89 10 2.05 167 2.13 2.00 -.03 -20.5 SuprmInd N STS .14a .7 18 21.00 8.23 167 19.73 446 20.26 19.40 +.08 +25.7 SurgPtrs n Q SGRY 22.85 11.76 493 19.90 1905 20.45 18.48 +1.05 +25.6 SurgCare h Q SCAI 53 57.44 37.51 347 56.60 2567 56.75 56.47 -.02 +22.3 Surmodic Q SRDX 34 30.75 17.45 100 24.85 232 25.30 23.75 +.85 -2.2sSussxB Q SBBX .16 .6 28 25.25 12.10 14 24.90 76 26.45 23.85 +.60 +19.1sSuthrlAs n N SLD 1.52 10.9 14.25 12.40 634 13.95 1067 14.25 13.35 +.50 +3.7 SwEGrain23 N GRU 4.98 3.64 1 3.85 26 3.88 3.80 -.03 +1.7 SwRCmETR N RJN 2.77 1.94 2.38 269 2.40 2.33 -12.5 SwRCmMTR N RJZ 8.32 6.78 4 8.11 16 8.11 7.88 +.22 +8.4 SwRCmATR N RJA 7.02 6.04 28 6.47 277 6.53 6.38 +.03 +2.5 SwERCmTR N RJI 5.35 4.42 56 5.05 1477 5.07 4.96 +.04 -2.7 SwiftTrans N SWFT 16 27.18 14.31 2703 20.96 11131 21.47 20.11 +.05 -14.0sSwisHelv N SWZ .64e .3 11.32 9.75 112 11.48 335 11.54 11.09 +.37 +12.4 SykesEnt Q SYKE 18 31.37 25.77 403 29.01 1010 29.12 28.24 +.61 +.5sSymantec Q SYMC .30 1.0 8 31.10 16.25 6702 30.70 30756 31.10 30.04 +.67 +28.5 Synacor Q SYNC 3.98 1.33 239 3.35 850 3.35 3.05 +.30 +8.1 Synalloy Q SYNL .30 2.7 12.40 6.56 6 11.30 94 11.30 10.05 +1.05 +3.2 Synaptics Q SYNA 26 90.91 47.09 714 50.71 2918 51.28 49.07 -.32 -5.4tSynchron Q SNCR 60 49.94 25.33 788 26.25 3882 26.59 25.33 -.05 -31.5 Synchrony N SYF .26 13 38.06 23.25 9880 35.12 28569 36.18 34.86 -.89 -3.2 SyndaxP n Q SNDX 18.03 6.31 47 14.71 491 15.70 13.30 +1.47 +105.2 SynrgyPh Q SGYP 7.15 2.50 16536 5.07 34899 5.39 4.99 -.17 -16.7 Syneron Q ELOS 10.85 6.18 299 10.40 1596 10.50 9.95 +.35 +23.8 Syngenta N SYT 2.33e 2.6 89.13 74.52 881 88.28 2258 88.73 87.49 +1.00 +11.7 Synnex N SNX 1.00f .8 18 129.24 77.54 257 119.90 771 121.76 115.82 +2.95 -.9 Synopsys Q SNPS 32 73.08 45.90 2287 71.14 37513 72.28 69.42 -.69 +20.9 Synovs pfC N SNVpC 1.97 7.0 30.46 26.26 2 28.03 19 28.12 27.32 +.46 +1.8 SynovusFn N SNV .60f 1.4 21 44.09 26.90 1136 42.04 3983 42.53 41.32 -.05 +2.3tSyntel Q SYNT 15.00e 33.01 17.11 560 17.64 2355 17.79 17.11 +.10 -10.9 SynthesEn Q SYMX 1.45 .71 546 .98 1379 .98 .80 +.15 -1.9 SynthBiol N SYN 2.74 .73 2355 .77 4074 .80 .74 +.00 +1.0sSynutra Q SYUT 5.95 3.25 284 5.95 1323 5.95 5.85 +.05 +11.2 Sypris Q SYPR .08 9.1 4 1.49 .75 23 .88 40 .92 .85 +.01 SyrosPhar n Q SYRS 21.50 8.16 137 15.94 417 16.74 11.96 +3.61 +31.1 Sysco N SYY 1.32 2.5 24 57.07 45.19 8764 52.74 19791 53.03 51.42 +.58 -4.7 Systemax N SYX .10 1.2 50 9.72 7.31 249 8.03 412 8.52 7.75 +.03 -8.4T -:T-MobileUS Q TMUS 38 65.41 36.26 4123 63.50 18389 63.79 61.12 +2.02 +10.4 T-Mob pfA Q TMUSP 1.38 1.3 106.98 61.53 6 103.23 233 103.41 99.79 +3.01 +9.3sTAL Educ N TAL 71 96.56 47.69 542 99.45 2088 99.97 91.54 +7.88 +41.8 TAT Tch h Q TATT .34e 3.8 20 9.25 6.60 9.00 32 9.20 8.80 +.20 +2.9 TC PpLn N TCP 3.76 6.3 19 65.03 46.50 172 59.74 706 61.74 59.51 -1.69 +1.5 TCF Fncl N TCB .30f 1.7 11 20.03 11.62 7960 17.44 12254 17.72 17.25 +.01 -11.0 TCFFn pfB N TCBpB 1.88 7.4 27.20 25.17 7 25.47 24 25.54 25.40 +.07 -.5 TCF F pfC N TCBpC 1.61 6.4 26.45 24.60 0 25.35 7 25.35 24.95 +.24 +1.4 TCP Cap Q TCPC 1.44 8.4 12 17.31 13.50 250 17.14 1016 17.23 16.76 +.35 +1.4 TCW Strat N TSI .21 3.7 5.59 5.12 79 5.55 314 5.55 5.44 +.07 +4.1 TD Ameritr Q AMTD .72 1.8 25 47.41 26.37 5138 40.29 15644 40.43 38.89 +.87 -7.6sTE Connect N TEL 1.48 1.9 17 76.77 54.54 1631 76.13 7535 76.77 74.09 +1.52 +9.9 TESSCO Q TESS .80 5.6 62 18.18 9.75 15 14.20 98 14.25 13.15 +.90 +9.2 TFS Fncl Q TFSL .50 2.9 60 19.89 16.35 720 17.38 1295 17.82 16.70 +.59 -8.7sTG Thera Q TGTX 15.05 4.10 1791 13.55 21395 15.05 11.30 +2.15 +191.4 THL Credit Q TCRD 1.08m 11.0 7 11.84 8.75 366 9.78 1545 10.00 9.46 +.17 -2.3 THL Crd21 N TCRX 26.80 24.46 1 25.61 13 25.64 25.45 +.19 +1.1 THLCred22 N TCRZ 1.69 6.6 26.49 24.52 5 25.80 31 25.82 25.55 +.32 +1.6 THLCSenL N TSLF 1.32 7.2 18.77 15.25 26 18.25 143 18.26 17.81 +.22 -2.6 TICC Cap Q TICC 1.16 16.0 4 8.19 4.50 479 7.25 2567 7.49 7.06 +.22 +9.7sTIM Part N TSU .28e 1.7 16.46 9.15 1291 16.28 6300 16.52 15.40 +.84 +38.0 TJX N TJX 1.04 1.3 23 83.64 71.50 4878 79.22 16730 79.65 77.61 +1.04 +5.4tTOP Ship rs Q TOPS 8.40 1.03 8642 1.97 37555 2.50 1.03 +.61 -12.4 TOR Min Q TORM 49 7.95 3.16 0 6.92 8 7.20 6.70 +.17 +13.4sTPG SpLnd N TSLX 1.56 7.8 13 20.20 15.78 209 20.10 1116 20.20 19.76 +.04 +7.6 TPI Co n Q TPIC 23.30 11.31 172 17.40 388 17.79 16.11 +.73 +8.5 TRC Cos N TRR 21 11.83 5.79 101 11.10 244 11.20 10.60 +.50 +4.7 TSR Inc Q TSRI 29 9.50 3.37 17 5.15 87 5.35 4.75 -.05 -10.4 TTM Tch Q TTMI 21 17.86 6.08 1866 16.21 4686 16.42 15.68 +.17 +18.9 TableauA N DATA 62.53 41.33 802 49.10 4658 49.87 48.17 +.27 +16.5 Tabula n Q TRHC 16.85 10.39 64 13.40 396 14.34 12.26 -.38 -10.5 TactSys n Q TCMD 22.29 10.00 246 17.94 955 20.80 17.67 -2.72 +9.3tTahoeRes N TAHO .24 3.2 14 17.01 7.12 4257 7.45 17496 7.94 7.12 +.10 -20.9 TailorBr N TLRD .72 4.7 30 28.76 10.90 1941 15.21 9895 15.40 14.14 +.28 -40.5 Taitron h Q TAIT .03e 2.1 1.69 .73 1 1.17 28 1.19 1.15 -2.5 Taiwan N TWN 17.89 13.93 45 17.70 119 17.72 17.15 +.54 +9.9sTaiwSemi N TSM .73e 2.2 32.49 22.75 6192 32.59 27169 32.76 31.20 +1.53 +13.4 TakeTwo Q TTWO 60.20 33.06 11116 58.01 16499 59.96 57.99 -.99 +17.7 Talend n Q TLND 34.49 21.02 300 30.05 3000 31.39 26.78 +2.30 +35.4 TallgEGP n N TEGP 1.11f 4.0 31 29.30 16.10 141 27.76 606 28.05 26.77 +.49 +3.6 TallgrsEn N TEP 3.26f 6.2 23 55.50 34.89 412 52.51 1087 53.41 52.15 +.42 +10.7 TandemD Q TNDM 11.30 1.60 168 2.05 845 2.25 1.95 -.15 -4.7 TandyLthr Q TLF 11 8.26 6.57 14 7.75 664 7.80 7.15 +.40 -4.3 TangerFac N SKT 1.30a 4.0 15 42.20 30.98 1453 32.54 4179 32.73 31.17 +1.31 -9.1 Tantech n Q TANH 6.00 1.39 101 1.54 347 1.67 1.45 -.01 -23.8 TanzRy g N TRX 1.49 .21 128 .48 824 .51 .44 +.02 -3.4 Tapimmu n Q TPIV 5.72 3.32 73 4.86 531 5.35 4.40 +.47 +25.3sTarena Q TEDU .16f 28 18.80 9.68 127 18.23 1356 18.80 18.00 +.13 +21.6 TargaRes N TRGP 3.64 6.4 61.83 26.46 4045 56.47 11190 57.25 53.94 +.75 +.7 TargaR pfA N NGLSpA 2.25 8.2 28.18 22.24 4 27.43 39 27.70 27.14 +.31 -.3tTarget N TGT 2.40 4.4 11 84.14 54.12 13187 54.29 41544 55.61 54.12 -1.07 -24.8 TaroPhrm N TARO 10 152.30 92.28 78 112.02 591 117.29 111.11 -2.00 +6.4 Taseko N TGB 1.63 .41 441 1.37 3690 1.43 1.21 +.19 +60.8 TASER Q TASR 73 30.15 17.18 1213 23.39 4175 23.48 22.50 +.76 -3.5 TataMotors N TTM 44.79 26.97 1187 36.40 6539 36.98 35.42 +1.24 +5.8tTaubmn N TCO 2.50f 3.8 17 81.68 64.61 643 66.03 2564 67.00 64.61 +.43 -10.7 Taub pfJ N TCOpJ 1.63 6.5 26.94 24.50 2 25.07 187 25.22 24.89 +.23 +1.9 Taub pfK N TCOpK 1.56 6.2 26.58 24.00 3 24.98 12 25.06 24.89 +.07 +1.0 TaylrDv Q TAYD 12 20.45 13.10 0 14.19 5 14.44 14.15 +.02 -6.6sTaylorMH N TMHC 15 21.80 13.15 1579 21.63 4352 22.06 20.28 +.90 +12.3 Team N TISI 39.70 23.53 409 24.90 1388 26.85 24.80 -1.40 -36.6tTearLab rs Q TEAR 9.10 2.95 33 3.34 277 3.85 2.95 -.33 -35.8sTechData h Q TECD 16 96.14 61.99 363 94.99 1461 96.14 93.10 +1.36 +12.2 TechComm Q TCCO 7.75 2.10 1 2.35 21 2.50 2.35 -.09 -4.1 Technip N FTI 25 37.09 24.00 10762 31.69 22676 32.13 30.96 -.01 -10.8 TechTarg Q TTGT 9.43 6.73 84 9.01 330 9.23 8.75 +.19 +5.6 TeckRes g N TECK .10m 26.60 6.55 3832 21.17 23006 22.20 19.75 +1.30 +5.7 Tecnoglass Q TGLS .50 4.5 12 13.68 10.20 49 11.09 228 11.85 10.82 +.23 -9.5 Tecogen Q TGEN 6.50 3.50 5 3.85 32 4.04 3.75 +.08 -8.3 Teekay N TK .22 2.4 11.85 5.45 1168 9.04 5945 9.65 8.70 -.45 +12.6 TeekLNG N TGP .56 3.2 19.90 9.47 1330 17.35 3135 18.20 16.14 +.20 +20.1sTeekLN pfA N TGPpA 2.25 8.9 25.45 22.66 38 25.20 171 25.45 25.00 +.07 +7.3 TeekOffsh N TOO .44 8.8 7.25 4.06 6846 5.00 13416 5.22 4.76 -1.2 TeekOf pfA N TOOpA 1.81 9.1 21.94 14.50 3 19.94 37 20.00 18.83 +1.06 +7.2 TeekOf pfB N TOOpB 2.13 9.6 23.20 16.12 13 22.22 78 22.45 21.55 +.44 +10.8 TeekayTnk N TNK .21 9.3 4.16 1.90 2073 2.26 6720 2.29 2.20 +.04 Tegna N TGNA .56 2.1 12 26.65 17.91 2200 26.07 8012 26.39 25.85 -.16 +21.9 TejonRnch N TRC 27.99 19.37 66 22.46 214 23.09 21.54 +.88 -11.7 TeklaHlth N HQH 2.85e 11.8 27.35 19.92 145 24.07 507 24.48 23.81 -.12 +13.9 TeklaHcrOp N THQ 1.35a 7.8 18.42 14.72 165 17.23 628 17.45 17.09 -.02 +11.0 TeklaLfSci N HQL 1.95e 10.1 19.98 15.85 61 19.28 328 19.60 19.15 -.12 +13.5 TeklaWH n N THW 1.40 9.7 15.61 12.64 101 14.49 554 14.60 14.15 +.34 +12.9 TelInstEl N TIK 15 6.25 3.30 3 4.45 31 4.95 4.45 -.50 +1.1 Teladoc n N TDOC 23.75 9.08 1113 23.45 3571 23.65 20.55 +2.45 +42.1 TlcmArg N TEO .71e 3.1 23.99 16.57 156 22.93 594 23.50 22.25 +.53 +26.2 TelItalia N TI 11.79 6.95 58 8.69 282 8.73 8.17 +.33 -2.2 TelItaliaA N TI/A .30e 4.2 9.69 5.61 26 7.10 104 7.18 6.64 +.30 -2.6 Teledyne N TDY 25 135.89 85.29 369 131.46 799 133.03 128.41 +1.91 +6.9 Teleflex N TFX 1.36 .7 40 198.89 136.53 456 196.12 1295 197.66 193.31 +2.53 +21.7 TelefBrasil N VIV .73e 4.9 15.69 11.28 994 14.82 8707 15.20 14.16 +.49 +11.7 TelefEsp N TEF 1.03e 9.1 11.43 8.15 1831 11.36 9207 11.39 10.75 +.36 +23.5 Telenav Q TNAV 10.15 4.47 230 8.55 762 9.00 8.35 +.25 +21.3 TelData N TDS .62f 2.4 69 32.98 24.12 1234 26.35 4004 26.50 25.55 +.43 -8.7 TelData45 N TDI 1.66 6.5 28.80 23.60 1 25.62 23 25.66 25.01 +.26 +5.2 TelData 61 N TDA 1.47 6.0 26.26 22.22 6 24.45 56 24.72 23.73 +.63 +9.0 TelData60 N TDJ 1.75 6.9 26.34 24.46 66 25.28 115 25.39 25.03 +.25 +.8 TelData59 N TDE 1.72 6.8 26.48 24.15 14 25.35 50 25.48 25.01 +.30 +2.4 TeleTech Q TTEC .44f 1.4 44 31.97 24.45 209 30.90 591 31.00 28.90 +1.05 +1.3 Teligent Q TLGT 8.66 4.46 340 7.57 1798 7.75 7.24 +.30 +14.5 Tellurian rs Q TELL 21.74 .80 3929 11.41 12452 13.08 9.85 +1.43 +1.4 Telus gs N TU 1.45 34.12 30.31 329 32.17 1525 32.31 31.42 +.47 +1.0 TmpDrgn N TDF 4.00e 2.7 19.62 16.00 69 18.18 362 18.24 17.88 +.28 +11.0sTmpEMF N EMF 1.28e 2.2 14.01 10.40 51 13.92 338 14.01 13.43 +.60 +15.1 TmpEMI N TEI .80a 7.0 11.75 9.95 245 11.37 1126 11.69 11.10 -.24 +4.2 TmpGlb N GIM .30 4.5 6.72 6.01 262 6.60 1528 6.67 6.54 +1.9 TempurSly N TPX 13 82.32 41.11 1475 45.89 5970 46.68 44.43 +.48 -32.8 Tenaris N TS .75e 2.3 37.21 22.96 1220 32.62 8881 32.82 30.80 +1.26 -8.7 TenaxTher Q TENX 2.94 .42 1834 .65 4730 .77 .63 -.09 -66.5 TenetHlth N THC 17 34.08 14.06 2443 17.95 14060 19.47 17.47 -1.27 +21.0 Tengsco N TGC 1.60 .14 30 .52 54 .54 .43 +.06 -25.7 Tennant N TNC .84 1.1 29 76.80 49.62 202 73.70 442 73.95 68.90 +3.55 +3.5 Tenneco N TEN .25p 12 70.96 44.55 708 66.59 2892 67.93 63.92 +1.96 +6.6 TVA 28 N TVC .96 3.8 26.46 24.71 6 25.38 60 25.57 25.13 +2.5 TVA 29 N TVE .84 3.3 26.20 23.54 8 25.11 36 25.23 24.95 -.05 +2.3 Teradata N TDC 13 33.32 24.21 989 30.76 8918 31.51 30.58 -.62 +13.2sTeradyn N TER .28f .9 22 30.98 18.07 1806 30.83 9835 31.08 29.68 +1.09 +21.4 Terex N TEX .32f 1.0 37 33.87 18.91 2547 31.15 8285 31.62 29.31 +.90 -1.2 Ternium N TX .90e 3.4 76 28.04 15.32 292 26.62 1712 27.57 25.53 +.94 +10.2 TerraNitro N TNH 7.08e 7.3 13 127.00 91.07 37 96.68 141 96.68 92.48 +4.09 -5.9 TerraVia Q TVIA 3.15 .75 1011 .91 2909 .92 .78 +.10 -21.3 TerraFm lf Q GLBL 1.10 22.9 4.95 1.92 3093 4.80 10849 4.95 4.80 -.15 +21.5 TerrFmP lf Q TERP 1.40f 11.2 14.69 7.23 1295 12.50 3656 12.57 12.24 +.17 -2.4 TerrenoRlt N TRNO .80 2.9 45 29.08 21.87 345 27.83 2539 28.02 26.48 +.86 -2.3 Terreno pfA N TRNOpA 1.94 7.7 27.24 24.72 2 25.25 8 25.37 25.20 +.03 TerritBcp Q TBNK .80f 2.5 18 34.00 24.96 71 32.25 121 32.81 30.89 +1.16 -1.8 Tesaro Q TSRO 192.94 36.68 1544 149.99 11829 175.96 141.47 -23.31 +11.5 TescoCp Q TESO .20 2.6 9.77 5.72 394 7.75 1029 8.00 7.40 -.15 -6.1 Tesla Inc Q TSLA 287.39 178.19 6019 261.50 28684 265.75 242.78 +17.81 +22.4 Tesoro N TSO 2.20 2.6 13 93.50 69.49 1729 85.34 8816 85.78 82.01 +3.39 -2.4 TesoroLog N TLLP 3.64f 6.8 23 60.14 41.22 613 53.59 1542 54.72 53.25 -.48 +5.5 TetraTc Q TTEK .36 .9 24 44.85 27.84 958 39.60 2657 40.90 38.85 -1.00 -8.2tTetraTech N TTI 7.75 3.46 2383 3.83 8270 4.03 3.46 -.03 -23.7sTetraphase Q TTPH 7.98 3.11 1506 8.28 5571 8.69 6.96 +1.33 +105.5 TeucrCorn N CORN 23.69 17.68 72 19.16 284 19.16 18.77 +.14 +2.4 TeucrSug N CANE 15.04 9.78 45 12.63 114 12.63 12.24 -.04 -2.8 TeucrWht N WEAT 9.67 6.69 66 7.11 1033 7.15 7.00 -.09 +3.3 TeucrSoyb N SOYB 21.95 17.71 37 18.93 167 19.04 18.76 -.07 -.9 TevaPhrm N TEVA 1.36e 4.0 12 58.16 31.90 4354 33.64 27192 34.52 32.92 +.25 -7.2 TexCapB 42 Q TCBIL 1.63 6.4 28.76 23.91 4 25.25 21 25.50 25.01 -.20 -.4 TexCapB pf Q TCBIP 1.63 6.4 27.17 22.60 10 25.37 37 25.40 25.10 +.07 +1.1 TxCapBsh Q TCBI 28 93.35 34.54 1128 86.95 3241 89.05 84.15 +.50 +10.9sTexInst Q TXN 2.00 2.4 26 82.18 55.07 8713 82.20 26545 82.44 80.18 +1.87 +12.6 TexPacLd N TPL .29f .1 58 336.83 143.00 16 282.21 116 286.43 259.00 +9.61 -4.9 TexRdhse Q TXRH .84f 1.9 27 50.51 37.23 1803 44.15 7294 44.52 40.28 +2.99 -8.5 Textainer N TGH .96 6.4 17.60 6.90 330 15.05 1113 15.35 14.03 +.65 +102.0 Textron N TXT .08 .2 18 50.93 34.00 1976 47.74 6123 48.08 46.79 +.11 -1.7tThai N TTF .25e 8.67 6.86 86 7.84 149 7.86 6.86 +.19 +3.2 The9Ltd Q NCTY 2.71 .94 7 1.03 50 1.05 1.00 -.01 -17.6 TherapMD N TXMD 9.29 4.39 2429 7.06 8649 7.10 6.58 +.39 +22.4 TheravBio Q TBPH 38.92 15.00 442 32.79 1036 32.89 29.88 +1.51 +2.9sThermoFis N TMO .60 .4 27 161.66 137.40 2469 157.89 10569 161.66 156.38 -1.29 +11.9 Thermon N THR 38 21.87 16.50 199 20.55 609 20.69 19.64 +.80 +7.6 TheStreet Q TST .10 13.3 1.47 .61 107 .75 547 .81 .68 -11.8 ThirdPtRe N TPRE 49 13.03 10.77 994 12.35 4064 12.55 12.10 +.20 +6.9 1347PrpIns Q PIH 7.90 5.32 12 7.75 119 7.75 7.10 +.65 -.6 ThomsonR N TRI 1.38f 3.2 20 45.68 38.23 1168 43.46 4380 44.14 43.04 +.27 -.7 Thor Inds N THO 1.32 1.3 17 115.74 60.05 1075 98.24 6443 99.61 94.58 -1.32 -1.8 3D Sys N DDD 19.76 11.59 1671 14.64 8849 14.86 13.83 +.06 +10.2s3M Co N MMM 4.70f 2.4 24 191.96 163.05 3964 192.36 11725 192.36 189.11 +1.15 +7.7 ThrshdPh Q THLD 1 1.48 .30 17188 .68 21778 1.07 .59 +.08 +54.2sTiGenix n Q TIG 16.27 10.77 10 16.00 93 16.27 15.37 +.25 +9.7tTidwtr N TDW 1.00 105.3 9.37 .81 2462 .95 8894 1.00 .81 -.03 -72.1 TierREIT n N TIER .72 4.1 18.80 12.88 356 17.38 1165 17.41 16.77 +.44 -.1sTiffany N TIF 1.80 1.9 26 92.74 56.99 5941 92.42 14340 94.00 88.29 +4.16 +19.4 TileShop Q TTS .05p 43 21.40 13.48 453 19.50 1404 19.50 18.10 +1.20 -.3 TillCap n Q TIL 5.00 2.76 0 3.96 5 3.99 3.91 -.03 -5.7 Tillys N TLYS 21 15.29 5.49 251 9.05 2769 10.16 8.76 -1.21 -31.4 TmbrlndBc Q TSBK .44f 2.1 14 22.75 12.31 13 21.00 31 21.34 20.83 -.12 +1.6 Time Inc N TIME .76 4.0 20.40 12.50 2661 19.15 7633 19.65 18.85 +.05 +7.3 TimeWarn N TWX 1.61 1.6 17 99.29 68.97 4018 98.56 14384 99.11 98.16 -.04 +2.1 Timken N TKR 1.04 2.3 21 46.45 28.72 795 44.95 3739 46.00 43.75 +.40 +13.2 TimknSteel N TMST 23.00 8.03 730 19.50 2688 20.37 18.08 +.97 +26.0 Timmins g N TGD 1 .63 .21 783 .37 3795 .40 .35 +.03 +18.8 Tiptree Q TIPT .12f 1.8 8 7.15 4.74 138 6.55 288 7.00 6.31 +.10 +6.5 Titan Intl N TWI .02 .2 14.23 4.80 1226 10.59 5876 12.47 10.20 -1.51 -5.5 TitanMach Q TITN 15.93 8.68 161 14.24 438 14.56 13.29 +.73 -2.3tTitanPh rs Q TTNP 16 8.74 3.55 128 3.65 501 3.95 3.55 -8.8 TivityHlth Q TVTY 30.55 9.53 988 29.00 2789 29.30 27.25 +1.40 +27.5 Tivo Cp Q TIVO .18p 23.40 15.06 1969 18.60 4232 18.70 18.05 +.15 -11.0 TokaiPhm Q TKAI 8.80 .73 410 .82 895 .94 .79 -.01 -16.2sTollBros N TOL .08p 17 37.28 25.29 2262 36.67 10139 37.28 35.40 +.38 +18.3 Tompkins N TMP 1.76f 2.0 22 96.70 61.84 119 86.51 277 87.25 81.50 +2.94 -8.5tTonixPh rs Q TNXP 37.70 3.30 342 4.12 10599 5.40 3.30 -.78 -12.3 TootsieR N TR .36b .9 35 40.44 32.29 191 38.45 428 39.05 37.80 +.45 -.4 TopImage Q TISA 2.47 1.17 55 1.23 147 1.28 1.20 +.01 sTopBuild n N BLD 24 48.33 28.61 519 47.49 2068 48.33 44.02 +3.01 +33.4 Torchlght Q TRCH 1.88 .55 271 1.41 1057 1.45 1.25 +.05 +19.5 Torchmark N TMK .60f .8 18 79.53 52.46 711 78.63 2196 79.05 77.94 +.29 +6.6 Torchmk52 N TMKpB 1.47 5.8 26.70 24.34 1 25.33 37 25.45 24.67 +.61 +1.8 Trchmk pfC N TMKpC 27.99 24.03 20 25.93 123 26.16 25.29 +.48 +2.7 Toro Co s N TTC .70f 1.1 29 62.49 40.43 752 61.62 2052 61.71 60.39 +1.09 +10.1 TorDBk gs N TD 2.40f 4.8 54.44 40.99 1287 49.50 10786 50.16 49.05 +.48 +.3tTortWat n N TBLU 25.91 24.78 1 25.33 5 25.35 24.78 +.53 +.7 TortEnInd N NDP 1.75 11.3 17.43 10.68 30 15.55 349 15.78 14.88 +.26 -5.8 TortEnInf N TYG 2.62 8.0 37.11 22.52 153 32.64 917 32.94 31.55 +.96 +6.4 TortMLP N NTG 1.69 8.5 21.84 15.33 124 19.78 759 19.94 19.31 +.30 +3.7 TortPplE N TTP 1.63m 7.9 22.51 13.64 21 20.69 140 20.86 20.24 +.05 -4.0 TortPw&E N TPZ 1.65 7.6 23.46 16.35 32 21.69 117 21.89 21.03 +.08 -2.2 Total SA N TOT 2.71e 5.4 52.04 43.55 1149 49.96 6786 50.48 48.84 +.35 -2.0 TotalSys N TSS .40 .7 19 56.54 44.71 1363 53.40 5168 54.98 53.40 -1.55 +8.9 TowerIntl N TOWR .44 1.6 15 29.05 18.75 183 28.15 808 29.00 27.50 +.30 -.7 TowerSemi Q TSEM 11 23.50 11.03 410 22.92 4362 23.20 22.35 -.14 +20.4 TownSprts Q CLUB 13 4.20 1.70 28 3.70 267 4.10 3.35 -.20 +48.0 TowneBank Q TOWN .52f 1.6 24 34.55 17.87 1111 32.95 1671 33.00 31.78 +.60 -.9sTownsqMda N TSQ 13 12.61 7.30 275 12.81 759 13.01 10.16 +2.68 +23.1 Toyota N TM 123.18 97.80 358 112.21 997 113.96 112.01 -.45 -4.3 TraconPh n Q TCON 7.90 3.60 39 4.50 453 4.70 4.00 +.40 -8.2 TractSupp Q TSCO .96 1.3 22 97.25 61.50 1975 71.37 8943 73.13 70.22 -1.14 -5.9sTradDsk A n Q TTD 46.21 22.00 621 39.51 2717 46.21 38.67 -6.28 +42.8tTrnWEnt Q TWMC 6 4.21 2.42 28 2.35 94 2.75 2.35 -.30 -28.0 TransAct Q TACT .32 3.9 17 8.98 5.90 13 8.30 185 8.70 7.84 +.40 +25.8 TrCda g N TRP 2.50f 19 49.77 36.76 765 45.89 3696 46.54 45.16 -.10 +1.6 TransEntx N TRXC 6.10 1.03 873 1.21 4194 1.22 1.09 +.08 -6.9 TransUn n N TRU 44 38.46 26.03 1020 37.94 4007 38.07 37.51 -.06 +22.7 Trnsalta g N TAC .23 6.25 3.75 34 5.25 200 5.50 5.23 -.10 -4.5 TrnsatlPet N TAT 1.52 .60 43 1.15 347 1.22 1.04 +3.6 Transcat Q TRNS 20 14.05 8.26 112 12.95 153 13.00 12.20 +.70 +19.9 TrnsRty N TCI .20p 21.50 8.38 1 21.37 5 21.40 20.16 +1.42 +77.8 TransDigm N TDG 24.00 20 294.38 214.65 1429 240.05 7572 243.10 228.53 +8.68 -3.6tTransGlb Q TGA .20 12.5 2.25 1.50 136 1.60 729 1.66 1.50 -.04 -5.3sTrnsMont N TLP 2.84f 6.0 22 49.31 35.30 52 47.73 253 49.31 46.13 +1.47 +7.8 Transocn N RIG 7 16.66 8.34 10390 12.47 80530 13.18 11.88 +.21 -15.4sTrGasSur N TGS 14.06 5.54 377 14.09 1404 14.34 12.95 +1.09 +56.2 TravelCtrs Q TA 9.58 5.65 146 5.85 657 5.98 5.75 +.10 -17.6 TravCtrs 28 Q TANNI 2.06 8.1 26.28 24.49 2 25.46 10 25.71 25.27 +.18 +.8 TravelC 29 Q TANNL 2.00 7.9 26.00 23.75 25.21 14 25.40 25.00 -.15 -.4 Travelct 30 Q TANNZ 2.00 7.9 26.27 23.42 8 25.46 54 25.57 25.03 +1.5 Travelers N TRV 2.68f 2.2 12 125.49 103.45 2845 123.14 7091 123.52 121.75 +.31 +.6 Travelport N TVPT .30 2.5 15.15 11.28 1215 12.12 5430 12.31 12.04 +.01 -14.0 Travelzoo Q TZOO 18 13.27 7.43 114 8.35 228 9.40 8.30 -.60 -11.2 TrecoraRs N TREC 14 14.80 8.17 69 11.20 213 11.30 10.55 +.25 -19.1 Tredgar N TG .44 2.4 27 25.60 14.66 252 18.15 458 18.40 17.45 +.61 -24.4 TreeHseF N THS 31 104.53 62.64 820 86.84 2179 87.05 84.51 +1.34 +20.3 TremorVid N TRMR 2.76 1.45 68 2.12 201 2.17 2.08 +.01 -14.9 Trevena Q TRVN 9.49 3.50 822 3.68 4383 3.89 3.59 +.01 -37.4 Trex N TREX 33 78.16 39.74 308 72.74 1226 73.28 70.26 +1.93 +13.0 TriPointe N TPH 10 14.20 10.35 6734 12.73 13757 13.37 12.36 -.23 +10.9 TriContl N TY .82e 3.5 23.70 19.53 76 23.14 320 23.34 23.10 +.19 +4.9 TriCntl pf N TYp 2.50 4.9 54.39 47.50 3 50.75 6 51.01 49.02 +1.45 +4.7 TrianglCap N TCAP 1.80 9.5 21.35 16.00 370 18.94 1570 19.04 18.32 +.48 +3.3 Triangle 22 N TCCA 1.59 6.3 26.29 24.35 1 25.40 12 25.52 25.16 +.16 -.2 TriangC 22 N TCCB 1.59 6.1 26.71 24.60 0 26.06 12 26.10 25.66 +.12 +2.5 TriangPet N TPLM 1.03 .13 1002 .24 2894 .25 .21 -.01 +1.3 TribMda A N TRCO 1.00a 2.7 40.00 24.98 2271 37.40 9684 39.05 37.10 -1.37 +27.4 TriCoBsh Q TCBK .60 1.6 19 37.45 23.51 92 36.40 271 36.61 35.02 +.98 +6.5 TrilliumTh Q TRIL 17.70 4.50 101 6.70 355 6.90 5.90 +.70 +18.6 TrilogyMtl N TMQ .86 .33 91 .53 526 .53 .45 +.08 +4.5 TriMas h Q TRS 18 24.25 15.63 288 21.40 869 21.75 20.90 +.20 -8.9 Trimble Q TRMB 61 32.19 22.69 2069 31.72 4738 32.11 31.12 +.24 +5.2 TrimShrk n N TTAC 28.87 24.36 1 28.59 6 28.61 28.15 +.45 +5.7sTriNetGrp N TNET 44 30.17 13.12 381 29.62 2029 30.17 28.91 +.39 +15.6tTrinityBio Q TRIB .88 16.1 14 13.68 5.20 109 5.48 471 5.97 5.20 -.20 -20.8 Trinity N TRN .44 1.6 11 30.13 16.39 2970 27.38 7415 27.43 25.14 +1.43 -1.4 TrinityPlce N TPHS 10.37 6.36 88 7.33 467 7.43 6.91 +.68 -20.9 Trinseo SA N TSE 1.20 1.7 72.60 33.89 361 71.05 2026 71.95 68.55 +2.10 +19.8 TrioTch N TRT 12 4.48 2.60 2 4.07 27 4.09 3.82 +.09 +22.8 TripAdvis Q TRIP 54 71.69 40.45 1978 43.27 8705 44.00 41.94 -.33 -6.7sTriplePtV N TPVG 1.44a 10.3 10 13.87 9.80 122 13.99 827 13.99 13.06 +.84 +18.8 TripPtV20 N TPVZ 1.69 6.5 25.96 24.39 0 25.85 14 25.94 25.61 +.25 +1.4tTriple-S N GTS 31 27.70 16.60 254 17.18 1069 18.13 16.60 +.01 -17.0 TriStCap Q TSC 23 24.90 11.65 193 23.50 470 23.78 22.95 +6.3 TritonInt n N TRTN 1.80 7.0 27.84 11.50 679 25.83 3133 26.35 22.21 +3.82 +63.5 TriumphBc Q TBK 23 27.95 14.40 103 26.80 204 26.90 25.10 +1.15 +2.5 TriumphGp N TGI .16 .6 5 40.09 22.40 988 25.40 3354 25.45 23.60 +1.05 -4.2 Trivago n Q TRVG 14.20 10.88 348 12.13 1997 12.60 11.81 -.35 +3.2 Tronc Q TRNC 17.93 6.74 236 14.12 505 14.20 12.79 +.82 +1.8 Tronox N TROX .18 1.1 19.99 3.84 1919 16.86 5281 17.08 15.44 +.86 +63.5tTrovaGn wt Q TROVW 5.10 .15 19 .18 86 .33 .15 -.08 -68.2tTrovagne Q TROV 6.67 1.25 663 1.30 3662 1.90 1.25 -.50 -38.1sTrueBlue N TBI 13 27.65 16.50 597 27.65 1786 27.85 26.10 +1.10 +12.2 TrueCar Q TRUE 15.26 5.05 957 14.93 4866 15.14 14.16 +.44 +19.4 TruettHrst Q THST 3.73 1.18 4 2.14 155 2.25 1.88 -.09 +20.2 TrstNY Q TRST .26 3.2 18 9.00 5.74 670 8.10 1292 8.15 7.75 +.20 -7.4 Trustmk Q TRMK .92 2.8 20 36.79 21.93 2017 32.84 3439 32.85 31.47 +.81 -7.9 Tsakos N TNP .20 4.1 6.67 3.92 1468 4.89 2719 4.91 4.32 +.43 +4.3 TsakE pfB N TNPpB 2.00 7.8 25.83 22.94 4 25.69 9 25.69 25.43 +.08 +1.7 Tsakos pfC N TNPpC 2.22 8.7 26.15 23.86 2 25.64 8 25.81 25.61 +.04 +1.1 Tsakos pfD N TNPpD 2.19 8.8 25.10 21.20 4 24.98 33 25.01 24.71 +.14 +2.3 T2 Biosys Q TTOO 11.30 4.89 211 6.06 413 6.29 5.60 +15.2 Tucows grs Q TCX 33 52.75 21.47 77 49.60 362 50.60 46.25 +2.60 +40.7 TuesMrn Q TUES 9.23 3.35 765 3.90 2014 3.93 3.35 +.40 -27.8 Tuniu Q TOUR 12.13 7.62 138 8.57 816 8.67 8.26 +.06 -2.1 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 18 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
Tuppwre N TUP 2.72 4.5 14 66.90 50.43 1312 60.93 3589 61.46 59.93 +1.27 +15.8 Turkcell N TKC 10.87 6.35 299 8.62 1658 8.63 8.09 +.44 +24.9 Turksh N TKF .15e 1.8 9.63 6.13 46 8.39 596 8.44 7.72 +1.16 +23.7 TurnPtBr n N TPB 16.14 6.46 65 14.84 327 15.24 13.30 +1.59 +21.1 TurqHillRs N TRQ 17 3.80 2.44 1991 3.22 14294 3.31 3.05 +.09 -.3 TurtleBch Q HEAR 2.00 .83 278 1.02 2602 1.12 .95 -.04 -22.1 TutorPerini N TPC 16 33.00 14.35 648 30.20 1886 31.80 29.25 -.10 +7.9 21stCFoxA Q FOXA .36 1.2 19 31.75 23.33 9092 30.82 31494 31.03 30.32 +.45 +9.9 21stCFoxB Q FOX .36 1.2 16 31.30 23.88 3045 30.27 10332 30.48 29.78 +.49 +11.1t21Vianet Q VNET 21.12 5.20 605 5.83 5868 5.85 5.20 +.23 -16.8 22ndCentry N XXII 1.71 .71 305 .93 2121 1.02 .92 -.02 -14.7 Twilio n N TWLO 70.96 23.66 4380 31.03 13229 32.67 30.34 -.20 +7.6 TwinDisc lf Q TWIN .36 2.0 21.75 8.50 54 18.11 127 18.68 17.30 -.40 +24.0 Twitter N TWTR 25.25 13.73 10561 15.08 65101 15.58 14.85 -.04 -7.5sTwoHrbInv N TWO 1.00f 10.4 11 9.59 7.56 4647 9.63 15901 9.66 9.19 +.35 +10.4sTwoRvrBc Q TRCB .16b .9 17 18.19 8.57 111 18.13 296 18.20 17.53 +.19 +27.6s2U Q TWOU 39.07 20.70 469 38.06 1453 39.07 37.73 -.44 +26.2 TylerTech N TYL 50 175.77 120.33 224 156.35 1142 158.00 154.27 +.75 +9.5 Tyson N TSN .90 1.5 14 77.05 55.72 3968 61.84 15867 63.93 61.21 -1.71 +.3 Tyson eq un N TSNU 2.38 3.5 84.37 61.55 2 67.48 576 69.06 66.94 -1.52 -.2U -:US AutoPts Q PRTS 4.49 2.40 7 3.32 245 3.36 3.06 +.22 -5.7sUS Concrte Q USCR 71.32 42.82 475 70.35 1973 71.35 68.00 +1.90 +7.4tUBS 3xLCr N WTIU 24.20 15.65 6 17.04 100 17.50 15.65 +.23 -28.9sUBS 3xInvC N WTID 35.78 24.12 18 32.69 83 35.78 32.02 -.72 +32.3sUBS FILCG N FBGX 163.87 113.51 3 163.19 25 163.87 160.47 +1.78 +17.8 UBS2xSPDiv N SDYL 3.40e 4.7 73.94 56.44 72.96 4 73.38 71.36 +1.29 +7.3 UBS Grp N UBS .80f 5.0 17.44 11.93 2100 16.04 11144 16.28 15.80 +.02 +2.4 UCP N UCP 9 12.75 6.35 31 10.65 119 10.75 9.70 +.40 -11.6 UDR N UDR 1.18 3.3 20 38.61 32.79 1759 36.17 6837 36.34 34.93 +1.28 -.8 UFP Tch Q UFPT 23 27.50 20.40 54 25.55 161 26.30 24.90 -.25 +.4sUGI Corp N UGI .95 1.9 11 49.19 39.20 1425 49.15 4335 49.34 47.18 +1.56 +6.7 UMB Fn Q UMBF 1.02f 1.3 23 81.55 48.49 1290 77.05 2504 80.04 75.75 +.45 -.1 UMH Prop N UMH .72 5.0 19 15.50 9.53 178 14.37 723 14.47 13.76 +.46 -4.5 UMH pfA N UMHpA 2.06 8.0 26.50 25.05 3 25.83 5 25.98 25.54 +.28 +.5 UMH pfB N UMHpB 2.00 7.5 28.40 25.35 2 26.60 13 26.78 26.42 +.20 -.7 UQM Tech N UQM .90 .42 14 .45 341 .50 .45 -.02 +4.7 USEcology Q ECOL .72 1.4 32 54.00 38.00 228 50.10 592 50.40 44.96 +1.50 +1.9 US FdsHl n N USFD 27.94 22.19 771 26.94 4551 27.30 26.71 -.32 -2.0 US Geoth rs N HTM 26 5.40 3.66 31 4.17 280 4.20 4.01 +.14 +2.0 USGlobInv Q GROW .03 1.9 2.33 1.25 11 1.60 147 1.65 1.40 +.02 +17.6 USPhysTh N USPH .68 1.0 37 78.00 45.76 183 68.15 483 74.20 66.00 -4.35 -2.9 US Silica N SLCA .25 .5 61.49 20.24 2847 46.52 14464 48.47 42.56 +.02 -17.9 USA Cmp N USAC 2.10 12.5 56 19.78 10.28 138 16.76 487 17.22 16.33 +.02 -3.1 USA Tech h Q USAT 5.81 3.50 167 4.15 756 4.25 3.90 +.15 -3.5 USA Trk Q USAK 21.46 6.85 149 8.40 353 9.23 8.40 -.70 -3.6 USANA s N USNA 15 75.00 54.03 73 58.60 280 58.85 56.75 +1.00 -4.2 USCFStkSp N TOFR .81e 1.3 17.12 14.77 0 16.67 29 16.70 16.49 +.26 +1.8 USD Ptrs N USDP 1.32f 10.3 17.50 7.90 32 12.85 166 13.50 12.25 -.50 -18.7 USG N USG 19 34.67 23.15 847 34.11 4618 34.53 32.95 +1.07 +18.1 UTStarcm Q UTSI 32 2.27 1.59 71 1.89 178 1.90 1.72 +.08 -5.5 Ubiquiti Q UBNT .17 .3 18 64.62 31.13 682 51.41 2949 52.77 50.07 +1.55 -11.1sUltaBeauty Q ULTA 44 289.13 186.60 621 288.81 3354 289.27 283.71 +2.39 +13.3 UltimSoft Q ULTI 224.07 174.01 341 194.65 1081 198.13 192.36 -2.02 +6.7sUltraClean Q UCTT 15.30 4.95 981 15.45 3133 15.64 13.83 +1.62 +59.3 Ultragenyx Q RARE 91.35 46.52 672 84.61 2105 88.95 82.53 -1.36 +20.3 Ultralife Q ULBI 24 6.15 3.73 24 5.50 113 5.80 5.50 -.05 +11.1 Ultrapar N UGP .43e 1.9 24.50 18.38 775 22.37 3481 22.47 21.44 +.84 +7.9sUltratech Q UTEK 58 29.51 19.52 306 29.48 912 29.56 28.88 +.38 +22.9 Umpqua Q UMPQ .64 3.5 16 19.50 14.61 3356 18.28 8136 18.43 17.96 +.13 -2.7 UndrArm s N UAA 33 47.95 18.80 5315 19.38 19592 19.94 18.85 +.12 -33.3 UnAr C wi N UA 46.53 17.37 3626 18.08 14613 18.34 17.40 +.33 -28.2 UniPixel Q UNXL 2.88 .65 419 .88 1920 .94 .85 -.04 -10.9 UniQure Q QURE 15.00 5.25 82 6.20 418 6.43 6.01 -.15 +10.7 UnicoA Q UNAM 12.39 8.64 9 10.00 23 10.00 9.35 +.50 -7.0 Unifi N UFI 15 34.70 20.71 117 28.08 271 28.23 26.82 +.50 -13.9 UniFirst N UNF .15 .1 24 147.65 104.70 182 135.95 392 136.55 131.10 +3.80 -5.4sUnilevNV N UN 1.40e 2.8 49.93 38.41 2638 49.75 12530 50.01 48.41 +.72 +21.2sUnilever N UL 1.40e 2.8 50.11 38.58 1440 49.92 7044 50.22 48.69 +.78 +22.7 Unilife lf Q UNIS 9.40 1.58 76 1.90 353 2.00 1.65 +.21 -17.4 UnionBkVA Q UBSH .80 2.2 20 39.37 22.49 209 36.10 491 36.35 35.19 +.25 +1.0 UnionBkVT Q UNB 1.12 2.5 24 50.15 28.25 49 45.55 64 45.80 40.30 +5.00 +.2 UnionPac N UNP 2.42 2.3 21 111.38 77.29 10851 105.99 25768 106.79 104.10 -.29 +2.2 UniqueF n N UFAB .60 5.1 15.93 10.40 21 11.71 64 11.73 10.77 +.94 -19.8 Unisys N UIS 15 16.70 6.72 650 14.85 2977 15.15 13.95 +.65 -.7 Unit N UNT 30.63 8.12 1121 22.21 4694 23.16 19.52 +.06 -17.3 UnBnOH Q UBCP .44a 3.7 17 15.25 8.72 10 12.00 60 12.70 10.20 -.55 -11.1 UtdBOH Q UBOH .44 2.0 12 23.78 17.18 25 21.70 52 22.47 19.45 +1.35 +1.3 UBSI Q UBSI 1.32 3.0 22 49.35 34.50 2014 44.25 3817 44.63 43.00 +.70 -4.3 UtdCmtyBc Q UCBA .24 1.4 28 17.70 13.60 4 17.70 18 17.70 17.50 +.25 +6.0 UtdCmBks Q UCBI .36f 1.2 20 30.47 17.07 1930 28.92 3637 29.28 28.27 +.47 -2.4 UCmntyFn Q UCFC .12 1.4 22 9.50 5.53 143 8.65 382 8.80 8.45 +.15 -3.2 UtdContl N UAL 8 76.80 37.41 5731 66.79 40738 72.70 64.32 -5.55 -8.4 UtdFnBcp Q UBNK .48 2.8 17 18.66 12.00 213 17.25 550 17.40 16.76 -5.0 UtdFire Q UFCS 1.00 2.3 23 50.75 37.54 197 43.55 455 44.13 42.33 +.85 -11.4 UtdInsur Q UIHC .24 1.5 10 19.73 9.52 376 15.93 1023 17.47 15.58 -.36 +5.2 UtdMicro N UMC .09e 4.6 2.14 1.74 1682 1.97 4122 2.02 1.94 +12.6 UtdNtrlF Q UNFI 18 52.18 33.16 632 44.32 4222 44.48 41.27 +2.55 -7.1 UPS B N UPS 3.32f 3.1 19 120.44 100.05 3983 108.15 14931 108.97 106.31 +1.42 -5.7 UtdRentals N URI 14 134.28 56.01 913 125.19 7823 128.46 119.30 +2.24 +18.6 USecBcCA Q UBFO .08t 17 8.25 4.42 11 7.30 41 7.85 7.30 -.40 -5.8 USNatGas N UNL 11.93 8.50 1 10.13 34 10.47 10.01 -.27 -13.3 US12MoOil N USL 20.89 15.18 66 17.97 315 18.46 17.29 +.05 -11.9 USAntimny N UAMY .60 .17 85 .47 542 .52 .41 +.05 +87.3 US Bancrp N USB 1.12f 2.0 17 56.61 38.48 6282 54.69 31608 55.60 54.57 -.25 +6.5 US Bcp pfA N USBpA 35.49e 4.1 904.95 781.50 0 867.97 3 867.97 835.00 +26.10 -.2 US Bcp pfH N USBpH .89e 3.8 25.05 20.63 31 23.26 217 23.38 22.76 +.16 +7.9 US Bcp pfM N USBpM 1.63 5.6 31.43 27.64 52 29.07 252 29.25 28.48 +.55 +2.8 US Bcp pfO N USBpO 1.29 5.0 27.65 23.63 15 25.58 119 25.64 25.40 +.13 +5.5 US Brent N BNO 16.09 11.42 79 14.07 653 14.18 13.68 +.09 -10.3 US Cellular N USM 68 46.01 33.30 240 37.15 754 37.40 35.93 +1.16 -15.0 US Cellu60 N UZA 1.74 6.9 27.05 24.34 80 25.34 178 25.47 25.10 +.17 +1.4 US Cellu 63 N UZB 1.81 6.9 27.85 24.43 90 26.15 145 26.64 25.42 +.49 +2.9 US Cell64 N UZC 1.81 6.9 27.70 24.43 29 26.18 92 26.48 25.77 +.11 +2.2 USCmdtyFd N USCI 43.86 38.21 31 39.06 202 39.13 38.44 +.43 -2.3 USDslHtOil N UHN 17.05 11.41 17 14.49 95 14.56 13.51 +.01 -13.6 US Engy rs Q USEG 2.84 .75 74 .91 284 .93 .75 +.14 -28.9 US GasFd N UGA 32.03 21.94 24 25.83 157 26.00 25.25 +.03 -17.5 USCoppFd N CPER 19.00 13.00 4 17.59 24 17.59 16.91 +.64 +7.6 USLime Q USLM .54f .7 25 79.50 50.75 15 78.24 42 78.74 76.09 +1.00 +3.3 US NGas N UNG 9.74 6.28 4758 7.12 53368 7.42 7.00 -.23 -23.8 US OilFd N USO 12.45 8.99 14695 10.33 145572 10.43 10.02 +.04 -11.9 US ShrtOil N DNO 91.77 60.41 2 69.02 35 71.15 68.69 -.49 +11.4 USSteel N X .20 .5 41.83 12.77 11276 37.29 65594 38.41 34.39 +2.41 +13.0 UtdTech N UTX 2.64 2.3 17 114.44 96.89 6368 113.45 17422 113.95 111.55 +1.31 +3.5 UtdTherap Q UTHR 11 169.89 97.52 1100 142.08 3799 151.16 137.07 -7.37 -.9 UtdGrdian Q UG .75e 5.1 30 22.99 13.52 1 14.75 7 15.70 14.75 -.25 -4.8sUtdhlthGp N UNH 2.50 1.5 21 172.14 125.26 5402 169.70 16833 172.14 168.50 -.28 +6.0 UnitGrp Q UNIT 2.40 9.4 15 32.73 20.71 1514 25.64 7097 27.35 25.23 -1.48 +.9 UNITIL N UTL 1.44f 3.2 23 46.98 35.37 73 44.57 198 44.93 43.54 +1.00 -1.7 UnityBcp Q UNTY .20 1.2 11 18.00 9.42 50 16.40 158 17.55 16.40 -.95 +4.5 Univar n N UNVR 33.15 16.06 1196 31.37 3996 31.81 30.66 +.09 +10.6 UnvAmr N UAM .75e 10.13 6.66 546 9.97 1108 9.98 9.96 +.01 +.2 UnvslCp N UVV 2.12f 3.0 17 83.35 52.26 663 69.95 1662 70.00 66.35 +2.50 +9.7 UnivDisp Q OLED .03p 84 88.50 47.88 615 85.50 3423 86.51 81.55 +2.43 +51.9 UnvElc Q UEIC 38 80.42 52.90 123 68.05 306 68.15 65.25 +1.55 +5.4 UnivFor Q UFPI .90f .9 21 110.97 76.11 174 100.06 520 100.51 92.88 +5.57 -2.1 UnvHR N UHT 2.62f 4.2 37 66.85 51.95 118 62.85 251 63.16 59.96 +3.12 -4.2 UnivHlthS N UHS .40 .3 17 139.77 99.72 792 120.08 3191 122.53 119.23 -1.74 +12.9 Univ Insur N UVE .69 2.8 7 29.20 16.32 426 24.30 1220 25.40 23.80 -.80 -14.4 UnvLogist Q ULH .28 2.1 10 18.31 11.09 47 13.65 86 14.60 13.50 -.25 -16.5 UnvSecInst N UUU 4.63 2.85 20 2.97 51 3.10 2.90 -.03 -23.8 UnvStainls Q USAP 17.56 9.00 11 13.37 47 14.69 12.22 -.43 -1.0 UnivTInst N UTI .08 2.2 5.38 1.42 777 3.69 1168 3.79 3.43 +.23 +26.8 UnivstPa Q UVSP .80 2.8 31.50 18.81 179 28.20 523 28.30 26.55 +1.35 -8.7 UnumGrp N UNM .80f 1.7 12 50.27 29.79 1841 47.77 7014 48.71 47.59 -1.04 +8.7sUplandSoft Q UPLD 14.40 6.10 41 14.46 432 14.50 12.08 +2.42 +61.6 Ur-Energy N URG .91 .41 487 .79 2344 .80 .69 +.10 +47.8 UraniumEn N UEC 1.92 .69 1361 1.45 6917 1.56 1.28 +.14 +29.5 UranmRs rs Q URRE 4.00 .97 540 1.88 4206 1.88 1.65 +.06 +37.2 UrbnEdg n N UE .80 3.1 21 30.29 24.10 1043 26.11 3669 26.60 24.50 +1.22 -5.1 UrbanOut Q URBN 13 40.80 22.87 10470 23.61 25060 25.20 23.38 -1.56 -17.1tUrstdBid N UBP .94f 5.4 17 22.37 15.95 2 17.36 21 17.39 15.95 +.95 -9.1tUrsBidA N UBA 1.04f 5.0 20 25.43 19.67 290 20.78 755 20.89 19.67 +.29 -13.8 UrsBid pfF N UBPpF 1.78 6.9 27.70 25.18 4 25.62 20 25.67 25.53 -.01 +.5 UrsBid pfG N UBPpG 1.69 6.6 28.72 25.25 1 25.80 5 26.17 25.80 -.20 +.8 UtahMed Q UTMD 1.06 1.7 19 75.00 56.30 21 60.60 72 62.65 59.45 -.13 -16.7V -:sVBI Vac n Q VBIV 6.60 2.75 107 5.85 1251 6.60 5.77 -.31 +88.5sVCA Inc Q WOOF 33 91.58 53.81 1005 91.43 4209 91.64 91.19 +.21 +33.2 VF Corp N VFC 1.68 3.1 18 66.87 48.05 7265 53.95 20592 54.52 52.68 +1.02 +1.1 VOC EnTr N VOC .32e 9.0 8 4.29 2.48 19 3.54 90 3.56 3.30 +.13 +11.3 VOXX Intl Q VOXX 5.90 2.47 159 5.10 477 5.21 4.50 +.50 +8.5 VSE Corp s Q VSEC .24 .6 16 42.69 26.16 32 39.43 107 39.76 36.95 +2.13 +1.5 VTTI Engy N VTTI 1.34f 7.1 21.74 15.40 37 19.05 1042 19.20 18.85 +.05 +18.0 VWR Q VWR 19 31.75 23.94 669 28.17 4209 28.38 26.84 +.37 +12.5 VaalcoE N EGY 1.43 .70 609 .95 2708 1.08 .88 -.12 -9.0 VailRsrt N MTN 4.21f 2.2 43 194.05 124.00 623 189.00 2469 190.32 185.19 +.11 +17.2 Vale SA N VALE .29e 2.9 11.70 3.70 23255 10.13 144264 10.80 9.57 +.66 +32.9 Vale SA pf N VALE/P .29e 3.0 11.10 2.72 9515 9.64 78542 10.22 9.05 +.73 +39.9tValeantPh N VRX 4 38.50 10.50 33611 11.03 183723 12.55 10.50 -1.21 -24.0 ValeroE N VLO 2.80f 4.1 19 71.40 46.88 9232 68.90 25615 69.20 66.51 +2.33 +.8 ValeroEPt N VLP 1.63f 3.5 18 51.09 38.90 225 46.55 596 47.54 46.00 -.06 +5.2 Valhi N VHI .08 2.4 43 4.10 1.07 146 3.40 732 3.54 3.01 +.29 -1.7 Validus N VR 1.52f 2.7 13 58.76 44.23 248 56.67 1639 57.33 56.33 -.42 +3.0 Validus pfA N VRpA 25.99 21.50 5 24.56 43 24.60 24.00 +.48 +9.1 VlyNBcp N VLY .44 3.6 19 12.82 8.49 5465 12.26 14368 12.47 12.10 -.01 +5.3sVlyNB wt18 N VLY/WS .40 .03 6 .40 23 .40 .30 +.05 +81.8 VlyNBc pfA N VLYpA 1.56 5.6 30.85 24.86 6 27.75 23 27.75 26.40 +.66 +7.1 Valmont N VMI 1.50 1.0 24 165.20 117.10 299 153.45 838 154.75 150.70 -.30 +8.9 Valspar N VAL 1.48 1.3 24 111.84 97.62 949 111.51 2865 111.67 111.04 +.01 +7.6 ValueLine Q VALU .68 3.9 16 25.25 14.05 7 17.64 10 17.89 17.45 +.02 -9.5 Valvoline n N VVV .05p 24.98 18.30 976 24.03 3220 24.31 22.32 +1.71 +11.8 VanEMGold N OUNZ 13.61 11.12 45 12.14 189 12.18 11.84 +.23 +6.6 VanEGold N GDX .12e .5 31.79 18.58 47586 22.67 369289 23.45 21.26 +.94 +8.4stVanE Grn n N GRNB 24.93 24.91 1 24.95 3 24.97 24.91 +.1 VnEkSteel N SLX 1.16e 2.7 45.39 23.04 60 42.57 383 43.80 40.27 +2.58 +12.6 VnEkHiIn rs N YMLP 28.12 19.00 14 25.71 159 25.96 25.23 +.03 -1.8 VanE Env N EVX 1.05e 1.3 78.61 62.62 0 78.03 3 78.03 76.45 +1.37 +3.3 VanE EMHi N HYEM 1.57 6.4 24.84 22.61 40 24.48 2922 24.57 24.25 -.02 +1.8 VanEHiYM N HYD 1.45 4.8 32.42 28.33 505 30.30 2889 30.35 29.97 +.34 +2.1 VnEkShHY N SHYD .81 3.4 25.50 23.03 40 23.86 380 23.94 23.76 +.03 +.3 VnEkTrHYld N THHY 1.09e 4.6 24.32 21.28 23.69 3 23.70 23.56 +.00 +.1 VnEkRus N RSX .64e 3.1 22.19 15.74 9633 20.89 59236 20.91 19.55 +1.39 -1.6 VanE BDC N BIZD 1.47e 7.7 19.27 15.86 51 19.09 198 19.09 18.75 +.29 +6.0 VEckPfSec N PFXF 1.24e 6.2 21.77 18.96 93 19.92 904 19.95 19.63 +.25 +3.2 VanE FallA N ANGL 1.63e 4.6 29.63 25.50 938 29.21 2329 29.34 28.75 +.38 +1.5 VanE IntHY N IHY 1.26 5.1 25.00 23.12 109 24.48 218 24.62 24.26 +.07 +2.8 VanE Reit N MORT 2.36e 8.1 23.45 19.26 17 23.34 94 23.37 22.61 +.45 +6.7 VnEkCfMun N XMPT 1.35 5.2 29.96 25.10 48 25.77 107 25.77 25.44 +.32 -.2 VanE IGFlt N FLTR .15e .6 25.36 24.53 68 25.18 294 25.20 25.16 +.02 +.7 VanE EMBd N EMLC .98 5.3 19.40 16.98 862 18.50 3699 18.50 17.99 +.44 +5.1 VanEAltEn N GEX .11e .2 55.48 46.50 2 54.81 17 54.85 53.18 +1.40 +8.6 VEckMun N PRB .15e .6 24.76 24.12 24.36 3 24.36 24.31 -.04 +.7 VnEkSMu N SMB .20 1.2 17.80 16.99 36 17.35 303 17.41 17.35 -.06 +.6 VanE LgMu N MLN .62 3.2 21.18 18.66 28 19.32 149 19.34 19.22 +.04 -.2 VanEIntMu N ITM .54 2.3 24.94 22.74 272 23.25 1797 23.26 23.11 +.09 +.3 VnEkHiInInf N YMLI 1.20 7.7 17.35 10.62 73 15.58 97 15.78 15.44 -.09 -1.0 VanE GenDr N GNRX 26.56 21.20 0 22.82 3 22.93 22.50 +.31 +6.3sVanE OilR N CRAK 22.58 17.66 22.48 15 22.58 21.87 +.61 +7.9sV IntMoat N MOTI 30.98 24.70 6 31.05 22 31.22 30.28 +.86 +11.8 VEckNucl N NLR 1.27e 2.6 51.10 44.80 48.42 12 49.22 48.10 +.46 +2.1 VnEkGlSpin N SPUN 23.30 17.21 0 22.29 4 22.29 21.48 +.43 +5.5 VanEChAMC N CNXT 35.69 28.32 9 30.22 43 30.73 30.00 +.22 +4.8sVanE Israel N ISRA .74e 1.0 29.63 25.31 2 29.29 29 29.63 28.92 +.62 +9.2 VanEWMoat N MOAT .42e 1.1 38.31 30.14 169 37.76 588 38.07 37.58 -.12 +8.4 VanE UncOG N FRAK .29e 1.8 19.94 13.26 43 16.18 159 16.38 15.60 +.23 -11.2sVnEkSemi N SMH .63e .8 79.06 50.88 2050 79.01 9247 79.22 77.52 +1.08 +10.3 VnEkRtl] N RTH .29e .4 82.00 73.15 5 78.98 29 79.10 78.21 +.53 +4.2 VanE GenD Q GNRX 62.22 23.42 26 55.73 136 56.35 55.39 -.04 +6.1 VanE Agri N MOO 1.69e 3.1 54.74 45.37 45 53.84 260 54.15 53.20 +.22 +4.9 VEckOilSvc N OIH .86e 2.8 36.35 25.13 3966 30.58 28637 31.14 29.35 +.16 -8.3sVanE VecBi Q BBH 123.15 95.77 41 119.40 217 123.15 118.92 -2.88 +11.0 VnEkRusSC N RSXJ .41e 1.0 42.10 21.00 104 39.82 462 39.85 37.06 +2.94 +4.5 VEckVcREr N REMX .50a 2.7 20.97 13.76 45 18.41 275 18.61 17.97 +.43 +8.2 VEckChina N PEK 1.41e 1.3 41.33 35.62 7 39.07 33 39.73 38.97 +.23 +5.8sVnEkIndSC N SCIF .44e .9 51.28 36.79 60 50.80 452 51.28 49.36 +2.31 +24.6 VanE Egyp N EGPT 2.76e 9.7 41.80 24.72 16 28.34 84 28.41 27.38 +.36 +7.3sVEckPoland N PLND .80e 4.9 16.35 12.22 2 16.44 21 16.45 15.67 +.89 +22.6 VanE JrGld N GDXJ 52.50 26.33 28263 36.28 177258 38.57 33.79 +1.59 +15.0 VanE Coal N KOL .37 2.7 14.74 7.20 129 13.68 391 13.71 12.99 +.72 +11.6 VnEk Viet N VNM .51e 3.7 15.72 12.50 145 13.68 786 13.71 13.35 +.21 +4.9 VanEBrzSC N BRF .89e 4.4 20.80 11.66 12 20.01 262 20.45 19.43 +.43 +25.9 VanEIndo N IDX .50e 2.2 24.10 18.75 45 22.63 238 22.70 21.80 +.88 +6.6 VanENatRs N HAP .85e 2.5 34.25 27.59 3 33.45 90 33.50 32.55 +.74 +3.4 VanE VAfr N AFK .76e 3.6 22.17 18.30 8 21.17 58 21.31 20.36 +.85 +7.0 VanE Gam N BJK 1.88e 5.1 37.89 30.14 1 36.98 21 36.99 35.71 +1.31 +9.3 VandaPhm Q VNDA 18.00 6.95 631 14.35 2441 15.13 13.85 -.60 -10.0 VangLTBd N BLV 3.92e 4.2 101.24 87.22 98 88.86 1178 88.87 87.37 +1.01 -.3 VangIntBd N BIV 2.17a 2.6 88.58 82.17 679 83.05 3351 83.10 82.30 +.51 VangSTBd N BSV 1.08e 1.2 81.14 79.17 1044 79.50 10041 79.51 79.25 +.16 +.1 VangTotBd N BND 2.06e 2.3 84.92 80.02 1292 80.58 11858 80.61 80.02 +.37 -.3 VangExDur N EDV 4.81e 3.2 145.60 106.00 31 109.26 153 109.52 106.52 +1.79 -.1sVangMegG N MGK 1.19e 1.2 96.27 79.42 86 95.89 438 96.27 95.05 +.54 +10.1 VangMegV N MGV 1.53e 2.2 70.81 58.32 52 69.75 393 70.29 69.34 -.16 +4.0 VangMega N MGC 1.47e 1.8 82.19 67.86 25 81.51 150 81.89 80.95 +.13 +6.8 VanHiDvY N VYM 2.10e 2.7 79.62 67.88 721 78.93 5013 79.27 78.19 +.19 +4.2sVangIntHi Q VYMI 1.36e 2.2 61.09 49.75 28 61.05 151 61.19 59.51 +1.33 +7.8 VangIntDiv Q VIGI .56e 1.0 58.36 51.50 58 57.62 395 57.91 56.35 +1.27 +9.1 VangEMGv Q VWOB 3.64 4.6 82.08 75.31 96 79.10 309 79.19 78.07 +.74 +2.0 VangEMI N VXF 1.13e 1.1 101.94 79.60 450 100.58 2406 100.75 98.33 +1.49 +4.9sVangGrth N VUG 1.38e 1.1 122.49 101.87 536 121.96 3258 122.49 120.88 +.66 +9.4 VangLgCp N VV 1.84e 1.7 110.19 90.89 1238 109.25 2219 109.79 108.32 +.31 +6.7 VangMidC N VO 1.76e 1.3 141.61 116.51 347 140.19 2637 140.74 138.24 +1.09 +6.5 VangSmCp N VB 1.63e 1.2 136.38 107.22 622 133.98 4871 134.39 130.96 +1.88 +3.9 VangSCG N VBK 1.19e .8 142.73 113.83 74 141.06 651 141.26 137.87 +2.09 +5.9 VangSCV N VBR 1.96e 1.6 126.68 98.44 232 123.94 2614 124.34 121.08 +1.73 +2.4 VangTSM N VTI 2.17e 1.8 123.73 101.51 1955 122.57 9922 123.04 121.24 +.53 +6.3 VangValu N VTV 2.05e 2.1 98.50 80.43 799 97.01 7154 97.59 96.25 -.02 +4.3 VangSP500 N VOO 3.81e 1.7 220.66 182.27 1516 218.56 9291 219.85 216.89 +.39 +6.5 VangMCVal N VOE 1.76e 1.7 104.31 83.98 519 102.75 1661 103.17 101.24 +.71 +5.7 VangMCGr N VOT .82e .7 113.98 96.13 74 113.49 533 113.86 112.03 +.98 +7.4 VangREIT N VNQ 3.08e 3.7 92.92 76.98 4379 82.44 24659 82.70 80.07 +2.03 -.1 VangDivAp N VIG 1.82e 2.0 91.68 79.06 708 91.44 3203 91.65 90.52 +.57 +7.3 V exUSRE Q VNQI 2.57e 4.8 57.58 48.61 175 53.31 1720 53.43 51.94 +1.27 +7.5sVangAllWld N VSS 2.64e 2.6 102.10 87.83 87 102.07 706 102.29 99.60 +2.05 +8.6sVangTotW N VT 1.53e 2.3 65.81 54.75 368 65.69 3421 65.85 64.61 +.81 +7.7sVangAllW N VEU 1.34e 2.8 47.99 39.96 1411 47.98 7515 48.07 46.83 +1.05 +8.6sVangEmg N VWO 1.10e 2.7 40.22 32.25 17388 40.06 90025 40.22 38.88 +1.41 +12.0sVangPacif N VPL 1.37e 2.2 63.70 52.81 193 63.44 932 63.70 62.30 +.99 +9.2sVangEur N VGK 1.71e 3.3 51.58 42.73 2040 51.63 16344 51.76 50.23 +1.11 +7.7 VangTEBd N VTEB .28e 52.88 49.32 179 50.27 1030 50.28 50.08 +.14 sVang500Gr N VOOG 1.62e 1.4 119.04 99.52 40 118.61 225 119.04 117.47 +.71 +8.6 Van500Val N VOOV 2.01e 2.0 103.78 84.75 25 101.87 148 102.54 101.23 -.07 +4.4 VanSC600V N VIOV 1.24e 1.0 125.02 93.48 8 120.60 52 120.76 116.90 +2.57 +.1 VanSC600G N VIOG 1.11e .8 133.67 102.03 8 132.29 51 132.36 128.24 +3.00 +3.0 VangSC600 N VIOO 1.25e 1.0 128.59 97.61 17 126.33 117 126.57 122.54 +2.67 +1.5 VanMC400V N IVOV 1.47e 1.3 116.19 91.08 17 113.73 75 114.14 111.39 +1.36 +3.2 VanMC400G N IVOG 1.03e .9 120.03 96.90 13 118.46 70 118.76 116.47 +1.25 +5.7 VanMC400 N IVOO 1.36e 1.2 118.45 93.99 32 116.50 126 116.86 114.30 +1.29 +4.7tVanShTGv Q VGSH .59a 1.0 61.44 60.57 65 60.69 419 60.70 60.57 +.09 -.4 VanSTCpB Q VCSH 1.68 2.1 81.18 78.94 1012 79.46 7219 79.52 79.23 +.17 +.1 VangR3K Q VTHR 1.94e 1.8 110.46 90.70 3 109.56 30 109.90 108.31 +.60 +6.1 VanR2KGr Q VTWG 1.07e .9 118.55 91.48 2 117.83 18 117.88 114.85 +1.94 +5.6 VanR2KV Q VTWV 1.62e 1.6 106.10 77.77 5 103.39 41 103.39 100.30 +2.24 +.3 VangR2K Q VTWO 1.38e 1.2 112.82 84.63 66 110.95 368 111.11 107.86 +2.06 +2.8sVanR1KGr Q VONG 1.59e 1.4 117.59 97.57 43 117.16 175 117.59 116.19 +.56 +9.0 VanIntTGv Q VGIT 1.04a 1.6 67.45 63.42 50 63.92 304 63.99 63.50 +.30 VanR1KV Q VONV 2.34e 2.3 103.67 84.87 18 101.95 415 102.54 100.96 +.23 +4.3 VangR1K Q VONE 1.94e 1.8 110.33 91.03 22 109.33 128 109.84 108.37 +.38 +6.5tVanMtgBSc Q VMBS 1.09a 2.1 54.01 51.82 257 52.21 1537 52.23 51.82 +.24 -.2 VanLTCpB Q VCLT 4.08 4.6 97.64 86.60 96 88.75 762 88.88 87.36 +.96 -.7tVanLTGvB Q VGLT 2.03 2.8 87.92 72.09 32 73.33 548 73.37 72.09 +.87 -.5 VanIntCpB Q VCIT 2.81 3.3 90.14 84.64 596 85.73 4591 85.77 84.95 +.58 VangSTInfl Q VTIP .37e .8 49.76 48.49 596 49.33 2174 49.39 49.11 +.12 +.3sVangFTSE N VEA 1.10e 2.8 39.34 33.01 7935 39.34 46973 39.44 38.46 +.71 +7.7 VanTIntBd Q BNDX .55a 1.0 56.31 53.56 769 53.73 5703 53.96 53.59 +.07 -1.0sVanTIntStk Q VXUS 1.34e 2.7 49.81 41.60 620 49.76 3344 49.88 48.62 +1.00 +8.5sVangCnD N VCR 1.62e 1.2 138.21 115.66 50 138.01 278 138.22 136.26 +1.55 +7.3 VangCnS N VDC 3.29e 2.3 143.71 129.24 69 142.49 423 143.25 141.16 +.93 +6.3 VangEngy N VDE 2.64e 2.7 109.08 82.84 138 96.60 1660 97.65 94.16 +.37 -7.7 VangFncl N VFH .90e 1.4 64.20 44.25 1139 62.36 6450 63.21 62.20 -.37 +5.1sVanHC Etf N VHT 1.62e 1.2 141.68 120.38 154 139.43 1396 141.68 139.37 -.81 +10.0 VangIndl N VIS 1.96e 1.6 127.63 100.03 61 125.30 376 125.62 123.34 +.49 +5.1sVangInfT N VGT 1.39e 1.0 136.12 101.46 284 135.79 1597 136.30 133.96 +1.06 +11.8 VangMat N VAW 2.17e 1.8 121.70 96.00 74 119.83 360 120.35 117.45 +1.83 +6.6 VangUtil N VPU 3.41e 3.0 115.81 99.85 125 113.37 515 114.33 111.59 +1.63 +5.9 VangTel N VOX 2.98e 3.1 104.36 87.29 137 97.67 521 97.75 94.97 +2.33 -2.5 Vantiv N VNTV 40 66.24 50.52 1628 65.01 5535 65.21 62.98 +.93 +9.0 VarexImag Q VREX 35.96 25.00 672 30.59 2684 31.99 29.89 -1.09 +8.7 VarianMed N VAR 22 94.49 68.34 1233 91.52 4598 91.90 87.67 +3.68 +15.1 Varonis Q VRNS 32.05 17.05 1131 29.50 2784 29.75 27.65 +2.10 +10.1 VascoDta Q VDSI 25 19.30 12.40 424 13.55 1109 13.58 12.83 +.45 -.7 VascuBio Q VBLT 7.58 3.03 37 5.80 431 6.50 5.60 -.45 +19.6 VectorGp N VGR 1.60b 7.6 39 23.24 19.33 1754 21.06 4965 21.62 20.65 -.44 -7.4sVectren N VVC 1.68f 2.9 23 57.93 46.52 938 57.41 3211 57.93 55.95 +1.12 +10.1 Vectrus N VEC 11 34.98 12.50 155 23.75 521 24.00 21.26 +1.39 -.4sVedantaLtd N VEDL .26e 1.6 16.37 5.00 597 16.11 2198 16.37 15.07 +1.37 +29.7 VeecoInst Q VECO 30.45 15.53 656 29.60 1909 29.70 28.35 +1.20 +1.5sVeevaSys N VEEV 82 49.42 23.88 1742 49.79 9277 49.83 45.10 +4.65 +22.3 Ventas N VTR 3.10 5.1 23 76.80 56.20 2111 60.51 10853 61.21 58.96 +.01 -3.2 VentasR 43 N VTRB 1.36 5.4 28.30 23.27 8 25.18 30 25.18 23.90 +.98 +4.9 VBradley Q VRA 17 20.69 8.40 440 9.44 1520 9.48 9.00 +.04 -19.5 Veracyte Q VCYT 9.61 4.21 142 9.22 738 9.25 8.47 -.19 +19.1 Verastem Q VSTM 1.93 1.05 690 1.50 4444 1.62 1.29 +.26 +33.9 Vereit N VER .55 6.5 11 11.09 7.99 4627 8.51 30031 8.60 8.21 +.22 +.6 Vereit pf N VERpR 1.68 6.6 27.42 24.65 46 25.55 329 25.70 25.19 +.37 +1.0 VeriFone N PAY 14 29.73 14.94 1858 19.00 9766 19.77 18.81 -.09 +7.2 Vericel Q VCEL 6.69 1.96 316 2.90 2249 2.95 2.75 +.05 -3.3sVerintSys Q VRNT 41.15 29.80 1094 40.50 2811 41.35 38.93 +1.10 +14.9 Verisign Q VRSN 25 91.99 74.01 1137 86.25 4344 87.58 85.62 +.77 +13.4 Verisk Q VRSK 22 87.40 75.03 1180 81.19 5281 81.27 79.09 +1.25 Veritex Q VBTX 25 29.43 13.04 172 28.25 377 28.54 27.24 +.80 +5.8sVeritiv N VRTV 40 62.60 34.10 1440 52.40 1890 62.60 50.85 -.70 -2.5 VerizonCm N VZ 2.31 4.6 12 56.95 46.01 18978 50.39 61064 50.43 49.13 +1.04 -5.6 VerizonC 54 N VZA 1.48 5.6 28.47 25.22 55 26.14 280 26.32 25.90 +.26 +.2 VermilnE g N VET 1.91 44.95 26.50 116 36.98 637 37.76 35.55 +.23 -12.3 Vermillion Q VRML 2.85 .76 112 2.33 599 2.46 2.04 -.07 +145.3 Versar N VSR 3.25 .90 43 1.12 81 1.12 1.02 +.08 -18.2 Versartis Q VSAR 24.00 6.28 1340 19.10 3298 20.00 17.92 -.70 +28.2 Verso Cp N VRS 13.60 4.37 243 6.14 1228 7.45 5.99 -.84 -13.5 Versum N VSM 31.31 22.18 1559 29.84 3206 30.28 29.44 +.30 +6.3 VertexEn Q VTNR 2.20 .90 19 1.15 148 1.22 1.10 -.01 -12.2 VertxPh Q VRTX 103.73 71.46 2228 91.92 6290 95.00 91.70 -2.06 +24.8 VestRMII h Q VRTB 3.75 1.20 17 2.57 38 2.73 2.42 -.02 +15.2 ViaSat Q VSAT 82.19 63.00 811 65.04 4153 65.84 64.74 -.55 -1.8 ViacomA Q VIA .80 1.8 13 50.81 37.90 39 45.55 171 46.40 44.50 +.15 +18.3 ViacomB Q VIAB .80 1.8 12 46.69 33.94 5233 43.40 17592 44.15 42.87 -.13 +23.6 ViadCorp N VVI .40 .9 45 48.30 27.96 200 46.10 467 46.15 44.30 +1.50 +4.5 Viavi Q VIAV 28 10.89 5.93 7837 10.70 25632 10.75 9.52 +1.02 +30.8 Vical rs Q VICL 4.80 2.05 64 2.19 1326 2.47 2.15 -.09 -4.8 Vicon N VII 1.80 .35 8 .42 159 .46 .36 +.03 -28.3 Vicor Q VICR 16.65 8.75 144 16.40 266 16.65 15.20 +.80 +8.6 Vict500VW Q CFA .44e 1.0 43.36 35.27 97 43.10 312 43.25 42.62 +.33 +6.9 VictDisEnV Q CSF .38e .9 41.72 31.71 2 40.80 33 40.83 39.87 +.69 +.5 Vict500EV Q CFO .47e 1.1 43.30 35.26 57 43.07 241 43.19 42.59 +.33 +6.9 VictDevVol Q CIZ .01j 31.82 26.07 3 30.40 48 30.67 29.70 +.40 +6.7 VictIncEV Q CDC 1.09e 2.5 43.44 36.58 52 43.28 213 43.40 42.73 +.42 +4.8 VictSCVol Q CSA .16e 42.44 32.21 1 41.75 21 41.75 40.85 +.74 +.5 VicEmMkt Q CEZ 27.52 23.90 0 26.64 4 26.66 26.39 +.43 +9.1 VictLCHiDv Q CDL .44e 42.30 35.67 16 42.17 65 42.28 41.63 +.42 +5.0sVictSCHiD N CSB .60e 43.71 33.50 20 40.45 76 43.71 39.75 +.68 -2.5 VictIntHiD Q CID .33e 33.65 28.81 5 33.33 16 33.33 32.44 +.63 +6.2sVideocon n Q VDTH 11.16 6.42 185 11.00 815 11.22 10.46 +.50 +33.8 ViewRay n Q VRAY 6.44 2.64 1089 6.02 5661 6.43 5.31 +.49 +92.3 VikingTh n Q VKTX 2.89 .90 68 1.21 709 1.35 1.18 -.12 +1.7 VikngTh wt Q VKTXW .65 .05 0 .27 270 .32 .21 -.01 -40.0 VillSupMkt Q VLGEA 1.00 3.7 16 36.42 23.30 66 27.22 169 28.01 26.26 +.36 -11.2 VimpelCm Q VIP .04 .9 4.51 3.12 2632 4.10 18454 4.14 3.95 +.12 +6.5 VinaConc N VCO .66e 2.0 36.45 30.61 2 32.74 14 33.43 32.30 -.38 -.7 VinceHldg N VNCE 48 7.34 1.30 379 1.45 2023 1.60 1.30 +.05 -64.2 ViperEPt h Q VNOM .80e 4.5 84 20.25 13.53 91 17.73 862 18.12 17.06 +.35 +10.8 Vipshop N VIPS 30 17.41 10.21 4496 14.10 31009 14.42 13.02 +1.08 +28.1 Virco Q VIRC 14 4.94 3.02 3 4.15 54 4.20 3.90 +.20 -3.5 VirnetX N VHC 6.50 2.10 284 2.15 812 2.30 2.15 -.05 -2.3 VirtuFin n Q VIRT .96 5.8 17 23.97 12.35 1084 16.50 5120 17.80 16.00 -.40 +3.4 VirDynCr n N BLHY 26.98 23.01 25 25.02 97 25.09 24.60 +.06 ZweigTR N ZTR .97 8.4 12.49 11.00 95 11.57 469 11.60 11.32 +.28 -3.9 VirtGblMSc N VGI 1.87 11.7 16.37 13.85 49 16.03 309 16.03 15.85 +.17 +4.6 VirtusInv Q VRTS 1.80 1.7 17 128.10 66.12 87 108.60 566 111.15 104.05 +1.65 -8.0tVirtusIn pf Q VRTSP 104.50 97.00 2 99.80 84 100.63 97.00 +1.70 -1.7 VirtusTRet N DCA .40 8.9 4.75 4.00 84 4.48 1166 4.66 4.41 -.12 +.2 Virtusa Q VRTU 69 38.31 18.03 567 31.66 3208 34.92 31.14 -.46 +26.0sVisa s N V .66 .7 31 90.33 72.77 8302 90.24 38718 90.63 89.24 +.51 +15.7 VishayInt N VSH .25 1.5 19 17.00 11.53 1283 16.35 5098 16.40 15.65 +.45 +.9 VishayPrc N VPG 21 19.45 11.75 49 15.85 178 16.32 15.10 +.30 -16.1 VistaGold N VGZ 2.09 .44 285 1.02 1789 1.09 .98 +.04 +6.7 VistaOutd n N VSTO 53.07 19.72 4217 20.89 7889 20.93 19.91 +.18 -43.4 VistaGn n Q VTGN 4.69 1.98 34 2.10 309 2.29 1.98 -.07 -43.7sVisteon s N VC 2 103.20 63.04 548 99.52 2774 103.20 94.95 +5.97 +23.9 VitalThera Q VTL 9.73 3.85 72 4.60 137 4.70 4.28 +.25 +5.7tVitaminSh N VSI 9 32.31 18.65 585 19.55 1556 19.70 18.65 +.45 -17.7tViveveMd n Q VIVE 10.00 3.75 1969 5.25 2298 5.25 3.75 +1.26 +1.9 VivintSolar N VSLR 4.06 2.16 2130 2.75 4118 3.15 2.75 -.05 +7.8 Vivopwr n Q VVPR 7.34 3.99 0 4.67 4 4.75 4.49 +.37 -15.1 Vivus Q VVUS 5 1.85 .93 860 1.16 3798 1.18 1.09 +.03 +.9sVMware N VMW 27 92.35 49.76 1369 92.60 6593 93.00 89.13 +2.70 +17.6sVoceraCm N VCRA 23.76 10.46 317 24.44 1294 24.46 22.38 +1.97 +32.2 Vodafone Q VOD 1.53e 5.8 34.70 24.17 4922 26.55 31330 26.60 25.17 +1.28 +8.7 VolarisAv N VLRS 21.90 11.33 568 12.84 2808 13.05 12.03 +.39 -14.6 VolitionRX N VNRX 5.86 3.05 24 4.42 72 4.71 4.31 -.07 -3.3 VoltInfoSci N VISI 8.75 5.50 39 7.30 164 7.35 7.00 +.05 +6.6 Vonage N VG 20 7.88 3.82 6057 6.60 17860 6.63 6.05 +.52 -3.6 Vornado N VNO 2.84f 2.7 14 111.72 86.35 1015 105.13 4553 105.89 101.94 +1.93 +.7 Vorndo pfG N VNOpG 1.66 6.5 26.34 24.98 5 25.42 28 25.47 25.21 +.21 +1.0 Vorndo pfI N VNOpI 1.66 6.5 26.45 24.89 8 25.38 31 25.50 25.21 +.10 +1.3 Vorndo pfK N VNOpK 1.43 5.8 26.98 22.51 8 24.60 99 24.72 24.17 +.34 +4.4 Vorndo pfL N VNOpL 1.35 5.6 26.46 21.46 22 23.94 133 24.12 23.42 +.36 +6.6tVoxeljet N VJET 6.50 2.80 48 2.92 161 3.01 2.80 +.09 +1.7 VoyaAsPcD N IAE 1.02 10.3 9.98 8.04 36 9.93 211 9.93 9.68 +.24 +14.0sVoyaEmHi N IHD .92 10.7 8.54 6.92 47 8.61 245 8.61 8.29 +.35 +15.6 VoyaFincl N VOYA .04 .1 15 42.96 22.75 2404 39.94 9452 41.26 39.85 -.61 +1.8 VoyaGlAdv N IGA 1.12 10.7 10.47 9.34 42 10.43 273 10.43 10.27 +.13 +6.1 VoyaGlbDv N IGD .91 12.6 7.32 6.50 267 7.24 1372 7.25 7.12 +.07 +6.8sVoyaInfra N IDE 1.46 10.2 14.18 11.63 332 14.29 602 14.33 13.84 +.39 +10.1 VoyaIntHD N IID .83 12.1 7.78 6.03 30 6.83 125 6.83 6.66 +.11 +5.7 VoyaPrRTr N PPR .29 5.3 5.62 4.94 280 5.51 1924 5.51 5.43 +.05 -.5 VoyaNatRs N IRR .81 13.0 7.18 5.25 134 6.23 539 6.26 6.01 +.09 -2.7 VoyagerT n Q VYGR 18.25 8.30 198 11.11 493 12.57 10.34 -1.12 -12.8 vTvThera n Q VTVT 7.50 4.65 28 6.01 91 6.12 5.67 +.20 +24.4 VulcanM N VMC 1.00f .9 38 138.18 104.04 1697 116.47 7790 119.73 115.83 -2.28 -6.9 Vuzix Q VUZI 9.80 4.30 881 7.10 1825 7.65 6.20 -.25 +4.4W -:W&T Off N WTI .40 14.1 3.47 1.31 1799 2.83 7863 2.94 2.53 +.15 +2.2 WBI TacGr N WBIA .03e .1 24.40 20.45 4 24.03 43 24.04 23.63 +.29 +3.5 WBI TactV N WBIB .08e .3 25.96 20.56 5 25.06 93 25.15 24.68 +.22 +2.0 WBI TacYd N WBIC .28e 1.3 22.63 19.36 8 22.28 67 22.29 21.90 +.23 +1.8 WBI TacSel N WBID .05e .2 23.75 19.62 6 23.47 46 23.55 23.17 +.21 +3.5sWBI LCTG N WBIE .25e 1.1 23.86 20.16 5 23.76 49 23.86 23.58 +.15 +6.4sWBI LCTV N WBIF .22e .9 25.96 19.54 6 25.77 48 25.96 25.55 +.13 +5.5 WBI LCTY N WBIG .31e 1.4 22.29 18.75 10 22.20 70 22.23 21.93 +.17 +6.4 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Continued on next page Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 19 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
A -ACNB Cp ACNB 30.95 -.15 ARC Grp ARCW 4.15 -.05 ARCAbio rs ABIO 2.60 +.05 ARI Net ARIS 5.27 -.10 AbeonaTh ABEO 5.05 -.05 Abraxas AXAS 1.97 +.09 Acasti g rs ACST 1.35 +.01 AccelrDiag AXDX 23.20 AdamisPh ADMP 4.55 +.10 AdestoTc n IOTS 4.35 +.05 AdmaBio ADMA 4.93 +.01 AMD AMD 13.49 -.16 Advaxis ADXS 8.50 -.31 AehrTest h AEHR 5.08 +.43 AEtern g rs AEZS 3.00 +.05 Aethlon rs AEMD 4.17 -.12 Agenus AGEN 4.04 -.12 AgroFresh AGFS 3.39 +.19 Airgain n AIRG 14.49 +.47 AkariTh rs AKTX 7.00 +.51 AkersBios AKER 1.30 +.05 Akoustis n AKTS 8.50 +.73 All MMA n AMMA 2.87 +.23 Alliqua h ALQA .68 +.08 Amedica rs AMDA .44 +.02 Anavex rs AVXL 6.01 +.03 AntaresP ATRS 2.80 -.02 ApldDNA APDN 1.70 -.10 ApricusB rs APRI 2.23 AptoseB g APTO 1.18 AquaMetal h AQMS 19.92 -.01 AquaB Tc n AQB 10.75 -1.27 Aradigm ARDM 1.83 +.02 AssembBio ASMB 25.00 -1.04 Astrotch h ASTC 1.36 -.01 AsureSftw h ASUR 11.44 -.03 Athersys ATHX 1.15 AtlasFin AFH 13.00 +.25 Atomera n ATOM 7.10 +.11 AtossGen rs ATOS 1.46 -.08 Attunity ATTU 7.47 -.17 Autobytel ABTL 12.93 -.38 AxoGen AXGN 10.15 +.10B -BNC Bcp BNCN 35.75 +.40 BOS Ltd BOSC 2.38 +.03 BankMarin BMRC 69.40 +.05 BayBncp BYBK 8.10 +.15 BebeStr rs BEBE 6.50 +.04 Bio-Path BPTH .77 -.03 BioDlvry lf BDSI 1.90 -.10 BioLifeSol BLFS 2.22 -.02 BioLneRx h BLRX 1.20 +.06 BioanlySys BASI 1.48 -.01 Biocept rs BIOC 2.20 +.08 Biolase BIOL 1.30 +.08 Biomeri n BMRA 2.03 +.01 Bioptix rs BIOP 3.34 -.22 Biostage h BSTG .38 -.02 BiostrPh rs BSPM 2.12 -.02 BonsoElec BNSO 2.44 -.06 BlvdAcq n BLVD 10.00 BlvdAcq wt BLVDW .83 -.01 Brainstorm BCLI 4.24 +.02 Bridglne rs BLIN .85 -.03 BroadwdE BWEN 6.26 +.24C -CAS Med CASM 1.38 -.12 CASI Phr h CASI 1.50 +.12 CF Cp wt CFCOW 1.50 -.01 COPsync nh COYN .36 -.06 CPS Tech CPSH 1.40 +.00 CTI BioP rs CTIC 4.20 -.18 CU Bncp CUNB 40.00 +.70 CUI Glbl CUI 5.00 +.05 Caladriu rs CLBS 5.73 +.63 CambLrn ABCD 5.08 +.03 CancerGen CGIX 2.95 +.45 CapAcIII n CLAC 10.00 Capnia CAPN .69 -.08 Capricor CAPR 3.30 +.06 CpstnTur rs CPST .76 Crdiom grs CRME 3.10 +.04 CaroFin s CARO 30.30 -.13 Cartesian h CRTN 1.16 -.01 CascdeBcp CACB 8.03 -.07 CatalstB rs CBIO 5.11 -.29 CatalystPh CPRX 1.54 +.03 Celct wtA CLRBZ .90 +.05 Cellectar rs CLRB 2.35 -.04 Celsion CLSN .27 -.03 Cemtrex rs CETX 3.17 -.15 CntRsDvA CDEV 18.63 +.42 CnResDv wt CDEVW 6.98 +.17 CentrlFedl CFBK 2.19 +.14 CntlVyCm CVCY 19.50 +.12 CentCas CNTY 7.68 -.01 Cerecor n CERC .79 -.00 CescaTh rs KOOL 3.06 -.22 ChampOn rs CSBR 3.00 -.04 Chantic wt HOTRW .08 Chanticler h HOTR .40 +.01 CharterFn CHFN 18.97 -.03 CheckCap n CHEK 2.17 +.05 Chembio CEMI 5.50 +.20 ChinAutLog CALI 1.58 -.01 ChinaAuto CAAS 5.43 +.08 ChiCustR n CCRC 13.33 -.51 ChinaNt rs CNET 1.14 +.04 ChromaDx n CDXC 2.82 -.19 Citiz&Nthn CZNC 23.77 +.18 CivistaBcsh CIVB 22.99 +.41 CleanDsl rs CDTI 2.85 +.09 ClearSign CLIR 3.55 CleBio hrs CBLI 1.60 +.03 Cogentix h CGNT 1.99 -.01 CombMt rs CBMX 4.45 -.05 CmtyBkTr ESXB 8.45 +.35 ContraFect CFRX 2.10 +.05 ContraVir CTRV 1.45 +.02 Corcept CORT 9.90 +.02 CrownCfts CRWS 7.90 -.05 CryoPort rs CYRX 3.58 -.02 CumMed rs CMLS .48 -.10 Cyclacel rs CYCC 3.85 -.11 CymaBay CBAY 4.04 -.21 Cyren Ltd CYRN 2.05 +.05 CytRx h CYTR .40 -.02 CytoriTh rs CYTX 1.65 +.03 Cytosorbnt CTSO 5.70 +.25D -DLH Hldgs DLHC 5.09 DarioHlth DRIO 4.15 +.20 DasanZ rs DZSI 6.20 +.20 Daseke n DSKE 10.00 +.02 Daseke wt DSKEW 1.11 +.05 Data IO DAIO 4.98 +.01 Dataram rs DRAM 1.22 +.02 Datawatch DWCH 8.10 +.18 DelTaco TACO 12.36 +.27 Delcath rs DCTH .10 +.01 DeltaTch h DELT 1.58 +.18 Dennys DENN 12.47 +.03 DexteraS rs DXTR 1.16 +.02 DiffusPh n DFFN 3.16 +.71 DigitalAlly DGLY 4.20 +.05 DigitlTurb APPS .91 +.01 DipexiumP DPRX 1.30 -.05 DivrsRest SAUC 1.82 +.07 DragnW hrs DRWI 1.35 -.10 DryShp rs DRYS 1.67 -.16 DynavaxT DVAX 5.75 -.15E -ENGlobal ENG 1.90 -.04 EagleBncp EGBN 60.70 +.15 Eco-StimE ESES 1.16 eGain EGAN 1.80 -.05 EksoBio n EKSO 3.26 +.48 EmpireRes ERS 5.71 -.00 Energous WATT 16.06 +.11 EngyFocus EFOI 3.56 +.18 EnteroM rs ETRM 6.01 -.15 Euroseas rs ESEA 1.52 -.02 EvokePhm EVOK 3.06 +.03 EvolvgSys EVOL 5.05 +.30 ExactSci h EXAS 20.93 +.49 EyegatePh EYEG 2.42 -.01F -FairptCom FRP 17.30 +.30 FalconStor FALC .35 +.01 FarmersNB FMNB 14.10 FemaleHlt FHCO 1.00 -.05 Fibrocll rs FCSC 2.21 -.04 FstCmtyFn FCFP 13.65 +.45 First LI s FLIC 27.90 -.05 FiveStar FVE 2.10 -.10 Fonar FONR 18.45 FormsHl rs FH 2.21 +.02 FortressBio FBIO 3.91 +.30 FullHseR FLL 2.50 +.14 Functnx rs FNCX .65 +.02 FusionTel FSNN 1.84 -.03G -GSV Cap GSVC 4.63 -.72 GTY Tc un GTYHU 10.37 +.01 GTx Inc rs GTXI 5.10 -.16 GalectinTh GALT 2.12 -.01 GalenaBi rs GALE .63 +.01 GalmedPh GLMD 5.03 +.03 GeneticT rs GENE 1.13 -.02 GenVec rs GNVC 6.58 -.02 Gevo rs GEVO 1.02 -.03 GigaTron h GIGA .88 +.04 GigaMda rs GIGM 3.00 GblEagEnt ENT 3.50 -.59 GlSlfStor n SELF 5.19 +.71 GlobusM rs GLBS 6.19 -.55 GoodTimes GTIM 2.95 +.05 GoresHl un GSHTU 10.40 +.04 Gravity rs GRVY 20.63 -.94 GreenBrick GRBK 9.55 -.15 GrpoFin GGAL 35.20 -.38H -HalladorE HNRG 8.24 +.24 Harmony n HRMN 10.22 +.02 Harmny wt HRMNW .41 +.01 HeatBiolog HTBX .88 -.08 HebronTc n HEBT 3.67 -.22 HeliMAn h HMNY 2.70 -.08 HeritOkB HEOP 13.80 +.33 HernTher h HRTX 14.30 -.50 HerzfldCrb CUBA 7.00 +.04 HeskaCorp HSKA 93.11 -2.03 HongliCl rs CETC 2.10 +.13 HostessBr n TWNK 16.05 -.02 Hostess wt TWNKW 2.85 -.06 HudsonTc HDSN 6.47 -.15 HuttigBld HBP 8.29 +.32I -ICAD ICAD 4.40 +.20 IFresh n IFMK 16.95 -.25 IaoKunGrp IKGH .29 +.01 IdealPower IPWR 3.49 +.43 Identive lf INVE 7.21 +.46 IderaPhm IDRA 2.06 +.07 Ignyta RXDX 8.80 +.25 ImageSens ISNS 3.40 +.10 ImmuneP h IMNP .16 ImprimisP IMMY 2.32 -.07 IndSvAm lf IDSA 2.05 +.15 InfoSonic h IFON .52 -.03 Inpixon rs INPX 2.96 -.10 Intelliph IPCI 2.43 +.02 IntrpDia rs IDXG 2.25 +.13 Inventrgy rs INVT .36 -.02 iRadimed IRMD 8.25 -.10 Iteris ITI 5.18 +.14J -JaguarAH h JAGX 1.01 -.07 Jason Inds JASN 1.42 -.08 JensynAc rt JSYNR .25 -.02 JetPay JTPY 2.45 -.20 JointCorp JYNT 4.09 +.10K -KBS Fash rs KBSF 4.99 -.02 KLR En wt KLREW 1.22 +.02 KeryxBio KERX 5.83 +.30 KindredBio KIN 6.80 -.25 KingldJw KGJI 1.15 +.01 Kingstone KINS 15.00 KingtoneW KONE 3.29 -.01 KitovPh n KTOV 2.10 -.06 KitovPh wt KTOVW .55 +.02L -LCNB Corp LCNB 22.90 +.60 LRAD h LRAD 1.57 -.02 LaJollaPh LJPC 35.88 +1.11 LandsEnd LE 19.95 +.40 Lantronix LTRX 2.91 -.08 WBI LCTS N WBIL .04e .2 24.90 20.58 8 24.82 51 24.85 24.58 +.11 +7.0 WBI PwFact N WBIY 25.39 23.87 9 24.71 43 24.76 24.46 +.03 +.2 WBITacRot N WBIR 24.86 23.13 5 24.38 26 24.42 24.01 +.42 +4.7 WBI TacInc N WBII .26e 1.0 25.60 21.36 30 25.07 172 25.10 24.81 +.10 +1.1 WBI THiInc N WBIH .45e 1.9 24.34 23.00 32 24.21 167 24.24 23.87 +.11 +1.7 WCF Bcp n Q WCFB .20 2.0 10.30 8.15 0 9.94 5 9.99 9.76 +.17 -.6 WD 40 Q WDFC 1.96f 1.8 31 125.00 99.32 124 112.00 328 113.25 109.55 +2.00 -4.2 WEC Engy N WEC 2.08 3.5 21 66.10 53.66 3122 60.01 11482 60.64 58.57 +1.29 +2.3 WEX Inc N WEX 26 122.91 78.95 296 106.81 1873 108.73 104.18 +.71 -4.3 WGL Hold N WGL 1.95 2.4 26 84.08 58.66 698 82.57 1753 83.55 82.17 -1.01 +8.2 WMIH Q WMIH 2.50 1.05 2036 1.40 5540 1.50 1.08 +.30 -9.7 WNS Hldg N WNS 19 32.82 24.82 97 28.04 779 28.50 27.43 -.06 +1.8 WP Carey N WPC 3.98f 6.4 16 72.89 55.77 378 62.22 1561 62.29 59.66 +2.58 +5.3 WPCS Int rs Q WPCS 1.96 1.13 33 1.49 64 1.55 1.39 +.09 +17.3 WPP plc Q WPPGY 3.34e 3.2 121.55 96.94 164 104.41 827 105.62 103.69 +.59 -5.6 WPX Engy N WPX 16.17 5.80 6399 12.45 29567 12.73 11.61 +.11 -14.6 WPX pfA N WPXp 1.56 2.7 71.83 32.35 42 56.94 52 57.53 54.15 +.53 -13.3 WSFS s Q WSFS .28 .6 22 48.20 30.56 245 46.75 573 46.80 44.45 +1.70 +.9 WSI Inds Q WSCI .16 5.2 3.99 2.73 52 3.10 73 3.30 2.81 +.30 +3.3 WVS Fn Q WVFC .24f 1.6 23 15.50 10.73 0 14.92 8 14.98 14.78 -.24 +1.3 Wabash N WNC .06 11 22.21 10.74 1032 21.14 4199 21.23 20.11 +.43 +34.1 WABCO N WBC 28 118.50 84.48 345 117.00 1754 118.14 114.41 +2.00 +10.2 Wabtec N WAB .40 .5 22 89.18 65.54 844 77.33 4253 78.43 76.59 -.22 -6.9 WaddellR N WDR 1.84 10.7 9 24.94 15.02 5993 17.21 10313 18.75 17.21 -.68 -11.8sWageWrks N WAGE 80.45 47.76 352 80.20 1083 80.50 76.40 +3.50 +10.6 WalMart N WMT 2.04f 2.9 16 75.19 62.72 12312 69.89 44800 71.21 69.71 -.21 +1.1 WalgBoots Q WBA 1.50 1.7 18 88.00 75.74 6725 85.91 19689 86.25 84.63 +.28 +3.8sWalkerDun N WD 12 42.48 19.87 387 42.60 1128 42.73 40.08 +1.72 +36.5tWalterInv N WAC 8.51 .85 1487 1.10 10413 2.90 .85 -1.70 -76.8 WashFed Q WAFD .60f 1.8 18 35.95 21.63 1180 33.50 2649 33.75 32.45 +.35 -2.5 WashPrGp N WPG 1.00 11.9 23 14.15 7.90 3904 8.39 13561 8.66 8.02 +.36 -19.4 WashPr pfH N WPGpH 1.88 7.4 26.45 24.04 14 25.40 190 25.46 25.26 +.10 -.7 WashPr pfI N WPGpI 1.72 6.7 26.68 24.04 1 25.52 6 25.52 25.00 +.48 +2.9 WREIT N WRE 1.20 3.8 34 34.61 27.65 928 31.24 2493 31.33 29.90 +1.00 -4.4 WshTrst Q WASH 1.52f 2.9 20 58.30 34.59 119 53.15 238 53.85 51.80 +.35 -5.2 WashFstBk Q WFBI .28f 1.0 23 30.58 18.57 28 28.50 97 28.51 27.25 +1.33 -1.7 WasteCon N WCN .72 31 88.59 58.40 459 87.60 2425 87.89 86.61 +.55 +11.5sWsteMInc N WM 1.70f 2.3 38 73.90 56.05 3120 73.54 8392 73.90 72.67 +.54 +3.7 Waters N WAT 24 162.53 128.75 570 156.59 2246 158.81 154.20 -.35 +16.5 WaterstnF Q WSBF .48f 2.6 19 19.40 13.50 133 18.50 325 18.60 17.95 +.30 +.5 Watsco N WSO 4.20 2.8 29 159.55 127.66 555 147.91 1664 149.07 145.53 +.15 -.1 WattsWtr N WTS .72 1.2 23 71.05 52.86 360 61.75 959 62.55 61.10 -.05 -5.3 WaveLfSc n Q WVE 40.15 11.99 141 26.45 480 27.25 25.50 +.10 +1.1 Wayfair N W 49.34 27.60 933 38.81 4228 38.97 36.05 +2.71 +10.7 WayneSvg Q WAYN .36 2.0 27 18.75 11.91 4 18.00 12 18.26 17.80 +.20 +9.1 WaysideT Q WSTG .68 3.6 9 19.38 16.00 10 18.75 56 19.05 17.85 +.20 +.3 WeathfIntl N WFT 8.49 3.73 14281 6.15 119462 6.57 5.82 -.36 +23.2 Q WEB 7 22.50 12.90 464 20.65 1420 20.85 19.60 +1.05 -2.4 WebMD Q WBMD 26 67.55 48.10 967 51.11 3849 52.80 50.89 -1.14 +3.1 WebsterFn N WBS 1.00 1.9 25 57.50 31.29 1468 54.03 3680 55.08 53.16 +.19 -.5 WbstF pfE N WBSpE 1.60 6.3 26.90 24.96 3 25.33 68 25.45 25.11 +.18 +.3 WecastNtw Q WCST 2.43 1.10 35 2.10 334 2.13 1.90 +.11 +70.7 WeiboCorp Q WB 58.79 17.05 1017 51.10 6416 52.50 47.84 +3.26 +25.9 WtWatch N WTW 17 19.86 9.37 1770 14.98 5899 17.15 14.88 -1.63 +30.8 WeinRlt N WRI 1.54f 4.6 14 43.70 31.13 1667 33.21 6721 33.22 31.39 +1.84 -7.2 WeisMk N WMK 1.20 2.0 25 68.88 41.97 373 61.10 621 61.31 58.00 +2.18 -8.6 Welbilt N WBT 19.91 13.76 678 19.25 3798 19.72 18.81 +.31 -.4 Wellcare N WCG 24 151.93 86.75 364 144.73 1799 145.36 138.77 +3.55 +5.6 WelleslyBc Q WEBK .16 .6 22 28.25 19.00 3 27.00 3 27.70 23.70 -.70 -2.7tWellsF pfJ N WFCpJ 2.00 7.7 28.43 26.10 207 26.14 943 26.24 26.10 -.04 -1.1 WellsF pfL N WFCpL 75.00 6.1 1381.10 1161.10 6 1220.00 53 1223.97 1199.33 +16.00 +2.5 WellsF pfN N WFCpN 1.30 5.3 26.49 22.61 59 24.44 251 24.54 23.75 +.54 +5.7 WellsF pfO N WFCpO 1.28 5.3 26.48 22.49 38 24.26 222 24.29 23.62 +.39 +5.5 WellsF pfP N WFCpP 1.31 5.4 26.94 22.58 86 24.47 276 24.62 23.83 +.53 +6.9 WellsF pfQ N WFCpQ 1.46 5.5 28.88 23.58 100 26.49 584 26.58 25.81 +.56 +5.0 WellsF pfR N WFCpR 1.66 5.7 32.54 26.45 61 28.87 218 29.11 28.23 +.25 +6.5 WellsF pfT N WFCpT 1.50 5.8 27.89 24.72 23 25.88 125 26.00 25.34 +.41 +3.2 WellsFargo N WFC 1.52 2.6 14 59.99 43.55 19787 58.67 80201 59.41 58.25 -.18 +6.5 WellsF wt N WFC/WS 26.45 11.67 17 25.19 175 25.85 24.77 -.19 +18.1 WellsF pfX N WFCpX 27.00 22.16 153 24.16 1747 24.24 23.76 +.17 +5.5 WellsF pfW N WFCpW 27.24 22.84 115 24.88 655 26.27 24.37 +.35 +5.2 WellsF pfV N WFCpV 28.33 24.39 43 25.94 324 25.98 25.23 +.72 +3.5 EvgGlbDiv N EOD .54m 9.5 6.34 5.13 165 5.68 850 5.71 5.51 +.13 +4.2 WFAdvInco N EAD .82 9.8 8.68 7.39 156 8.33 1478 8.35 8.18 +.03 -1.8 WFAdMSec N ERC 1.16 8.7 13.48 11.79 66 13.27 435 13.27 12.98 +.31 +3.4 WFREI pf N WFEpA 1.59 6.2 28.50 25.05 41 25.81 170 26.13 25.62 -.05 +2.5 WFAdUtlHi N ERH .90 7.3 13.85 11.20 8 12.41 73 12.50 12.09 +.31 +3.8 Welltower N HCN 3.49f 5.2 15 80.19 59.39 3156 67.28 10892 67.93 65.26 +1.11 +.5 Welltwr pfI N HCNpI 3.25 5.3 71.19 56.71 8 61.09 102 61.63 59.76 +.84 +1.5 Wendys Co Q WEN .28f 2.1 36 14.47 9.15 3769 13.49 11652 13.55 13.10 +.24 -.2 WernerEnt Q WERN .24 .9 25 29.05 21.35 900 27.35 3387 27.80 26.63 +1.5 Wesbanc Q WSBC 1.04f 2.7 18 44.19 28.08 318 38.87 671 39.10 38.07 +.20 -9.7tWescoAir N WAIR 13 15.78 11.25 1020 11.90 2284 12.00 11.25 +.45 -20.4 Wesco Intl N WCC 17 76.15 49.67 384 69.80 1769 69.90 66.50 +1.25 +4.9 WestBcp Q WTBA .68 3.0 16 25.05 17.33 65 22.80 162 23.00 22.00 +.55 -7.7 WestCorp Q WSTC .90 3.6 9 25.85 18.55 418 24.86 1171 24.97 24.20 +.32 +.4 WestMar Q WMAR 37 11.42 7.77 110 9.36 349 9.42 8.68 +.21 -10.6 WestPhrm N WST .52 .6 43 88.30 64.75 470 82.71 1533 83.21 80.99 +1.33 -2.5 WAmBcp Q WABC 1.56 2.7 25 65.34 45.62 719 57.54 1124 57.70 55.49 +1.14 -8.6 WestarEn N WR 1.60f 2.9 23 57.50 47.19 922 54.83 3946 55.00 54.46 +.28 -2.7 WstbryBcp Q WBB 20 23.00 18.80 1 20.60 9 20.70 20.25 +.05 -.5 WestellT h Q WSTL 1.30 .44 50 .66 372 .70 .65 -.02 +1.2 WstnAlliB N WAL 20 53.84 29.72 1276 52.01 2894 52.25 50.75 +.93 +6.8 WstnAll56 N WALA 1.56 6.3 26.94 22.13 32 24.90 122 25.17 24.29 +.17 +3.9 WstACpLn N TLI .87 7.4 12.10 9.58 8 11.76 94 11.84 11.63 +.06 +4.5 WAstEMkt N EMD .84 5.5 15.63 9.96 201 15.37 912 15.39 15.11 +.11 +4.5 WsADefOp N GDO 1.36 7.8 17.97 16.34 18 17.36 172 17.37 17.08 +.10 +1.4 WAstGlbHi N EHI 1.16 11.5 10.43 8.86 122 10.06 708 10.07 9.78 +.11 +2.3 WstAstHI2 N HIX .80 12.1 7.46 6.40 258 7.25 1022 7.27 7.05 +.11 +2.4 WAHiInOp N HIO .43 8.5 5.22 4.60 507 5.04 1901 5.07 4.99 +1.0 WAstHYOp N HYI 1.32 8.7 15.75 13.72 49 15.16 323 15.22 14.94 +.07 +.8 WstnAsst N PAI .69 4.9 15.98 13.23 32 14.13 117 14.20 13.93 +.08 -1.3tWstnAsInt N SBI .48 5.1 10.77 9.30 21 9.36 121 9.45 9.30 +.01 -1.6 WAstDefOp N IGI 1.20 5.9 23.39 19.49 26 20.23 159 20.23 19.65 +.40 -.8 WAMgdMu N MMU .78 5.7 15.60 13.03 120 13.69 442 13.69 13.38 +.25 -.2 WstAstMtg N WMC 1.38e 13.7 7 11.18 8.71 760 10.05 1869 10.06 9.50 +.43 -.2 WAMtDOp N DMO 2.82a 11.6 24.99 20.95 71 24.21 285 24.21 23.50 +.40 +6.2 WA MunDef N MTT 1.01a 4.5 25.96 21.44 7 22.23 87 22.69 21.68 +.49 +3.0 WstAMunHi N MHF .34 4.7 8.47 7.00 36 7.13 181 7.17 7.07 +.04 -.6 WAMunPrt N MNP .87 5.8 19.25 14.51 21 14.99 79 15.07 14.96 +.02 +.6 WAstBdF N WEA 1.08 8.1 14.26 12.26 21 13.36 194 13.36 12.99 +.18 +3.2sWstAVari N GFY .93 5.5 16.94 15.17 3 16.96 52 16.98 16.38 +.63 +5.5 WAstInfSc N WIA .38 3.4 11.75 11.09 48 11.28 284 11.34 11.12 +.06 -1.7 WAstInfOpp N WIW .40 3.6 11.40 10.67 135 11.15 497 11.17 10.97 +.09 +.1 WstC&G gs N WRN 1.80 .44 137 1.32 857 1.38 1.23 +.05 -4.3 WDigital Q WDC 2.00 2.6 17 81.67 34.99 3060 76.87 13218 77.87 74.47 +1.87 +13.1 WstnGasEq N WGP 1.85f 4.0 30 47.82 29.60 125 45.72 454 46.29 44.06 +.10 +8.0 WstnGasPt N WES 3.44f 5.6 35 67.44 38.51 1790 60.94 3387 61.40 59.39 +.44 +3.7 WstNwEnB Q WNEB .12 1.1 44 10.65 7.35 148 10.65 328 10.65 10.10 +.35 +13.9 WstnRefin N WNR 1.52 4.1 30 40.09 18.14 1396 36.75 6204 36.91 35.33 +1.33 -2.9 WstRefLog N WNRL 1.75f 7.0 20 26.58 18.85 1388 25.00 2267 25.70 24.45 +.20 +17.1 WstnUnion N WU .70f 3.4 12 22.70 18.07 4665 20.40 32265 20.58 19.53 +.91 -6.1sWestlkChm N WLK .76 1.1 22 67.38 39.48 763 67.21 3792 68.08 63.60 +2.85 +20.0 WestlkCLP N WLKP 1.38f 5.6 16 26.25 17.63 84 24.65 260 25.10 24.05 -.50 +13.9 Westmrld Q WLB .80 6.1 19.92 6.15 964 13.03 2170 13.95 11.58 +.86 -26.3 WestmRs s N WMLP .53 10.9 6.90 4.42 7 4.89 43 5.20 4.74 +.17 -13.3sWestpacBk N WBK 1.52e 5.7 26.88 20.32 228 26.53 711 26.88 26.17 +.08 +13.0 WstptFuel g Q WPRT 3.09 .82 381 .83 1413 .87 .82 +.01 -26.3 WestRck N WRK 1.60f 3.1 56.12 35.77 2620 52.38 7134 52.84 50.58 +1.14 +3.2 WestwdH N WHG 2.28 4.1 12 63.99 49.01 37 55.69 121 57.16 54.05 +.92 -7.2 WeycoGp Q WEYS .84 3.0 18 32.30 23.75 43 27.72 106 27.82 24.50 +3.32 -11.4 Weyerhsr N WY 1.24 3.7 28 34.37 26.55 4771 33.20 16434 34.00 32.95 -.08 +10.3 Wheeler Q WHLR .21 11.8 1.95 1.10 305 1.78 1313 1.78 1.67 +.09 +4.7 Wheeler wt Q WHLRW .10 .02 12 .05 85 .05 .04 +.00 Wheelr pfB Q WHLRP 2.25 9.7 24.89 18.48 0 23.29 14 24.35 23.04 +.16 +5.1 Wheelr pfD Q WHLRD 2.19 8.6 30.00 23.01 1 25.53 4 25.65 25.35 +.16 +8.6 Whrlpl N WHR 4.00 2.3 12 194.10 145.91 1173 172.71 4511 180.11 171.29 -5.04 -5.0 WhtMtIns N WTM 1.00 .1 948.94 747.20 15 907.17 92 925.70 901.98 -13.83 +8.5 WhiteWave N WWAV 46 56.82 38.34 3217 54.58 7356 54.90 54.49 -.36 -1.8sWhiteHFin Q WHF 1.42 10.5 13 13.30 9.63 93 13.49 327 13.70 12.81 +.56 +10.8 WhitestnR N WSR 1.14 8.4 16 16.30 11.96 157 13.53 686 13.60 12.97 +.54 -5.9 WhitingPet N WLL 14.44 6.38 13396 9.16 76471 9.56 8.47 +.01 -23.8 WholeFood Q WFM .56 1.9 20 35.58 27.67 4920 29.53 21371 29.58 28.43 +.34 -4.0 Wi-LAN g Q WILN .05 11 3.04 1.27 50 1.79 323 1.82 1.74 +.02 +9.8 WidePoint N WYY .96 .37 246 .59 745 .65 .59 -.04 -27.2tWildhRs n N WRD 16.48 11.01 2049 11.56 4263 12.34 11.01 -.43 -20.8 WileyJA N JW/A 1.20 2.2 19 58.86 46.59 368 53.95 1053 54.35 52.00 +1.00 -1.0 WileyJB N JW/B 1.20 2.2 19 58.99 46.53 0 53.95 5 53.95 52.31 +1.30 -1.3 Wilhelmina Q WHLM 34 14.12 6.00 2 8.47 3 8.47 7.10 +1.22 -3.2 WillmValV Q WVVI 21 9.00 6.84 7 7.99 49 7.99 7.77 +.13 -.2 Willbros N WG 3.84 1.42 425 2.83 979 2.89 2.36 +.28 -12.7sWilldan Q WLDN 34 36.39 8.40 325 32.21 1503 36.39 30.95 -1.09 +42.6 WLyonHm N WLH 14 21.92 12.14 485 21.06 1429 21.14 19.42 +.69 +10.7 WmsCos N WMB 1.20f 4.2 48 32.69 14.60 9170 28.57 31857 29.11 28.09 -.35 -8.3 WillmsPtrs N WPZ 3.40 8.7 42.32 17.08 1485 39.18 5132 40.60 38.96 -.93 +3.0 WmsSon N WSM 1.56f 3.1 15 61.97 45.96 2536 49.60 14292 50.58 46.80 +1.51 +2.5 WillisLFn Q WLFC 13 28.06 20.85 47 25.30 220 26.65 24.20 -.60 -1.1 WillisTwW Q WLTW 2.12f 1.6 20 133.40 112.59 814 129.96 3532 130.91 127.80 +1.98 +6.3tWindstm rs Q WIN .60 9.6 10.46 5.86 6453 6.28 23128 6.52 5.86 -.17 -14.3 WindtreeT h Q WINT 4.42 1.15 75 1.25 500 1.34 1.23 -.01 Wingstop n Q WING 2.00p 50 33.42 19.57 516 26.65 2218 26.73 25.43 +.77 -9.9 Winmark Q WINA .40 .4 22 133.08 91.26 8 112.75 21 113.40 111.50 +1.50 -10.6 Winnbgo N WGO .40 1.3 18 39.30 20.03 458 29.80 1720 30.40 28.60 +.80 -5.8 WinsFin Q WINS 465.00 9.00 4 269.99 9 281.00 260.00 -10.10 +50.0 Wintrust Q WTFC .56f .8 20 76.71 40.16 1100 72.78 2343 73.23 71.00 +.91 +.3 Wintrst pfD Q WTFCM 1.64 6.0 30.61 25.43 8 27.23 25 27.64 26.75 -.09 +5.2 Wipro N WIT .09e .9 13.08 9.00 1078 10.03 4444 10.26 9.73 +.08 +3.6 WirelessT N WTT 30 1.99 1.23 13 1.49 282 1.65 1.31 -.06 -22.0 WT IntQua N IQDG 26.32 23.20 26.00 13 26.00 25.77 +.25 +8.7 Continued from previous page NYSE and Nasdaq Exchanges Nasdaq small cap Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg sWT EmMDv N DVEM 29.66 24.15 4 29.70 10 29.70 28.75 +1.27 +10.9sWT G exMx N XMX 26.01 25.46 1 26.03 5 26.04 25.77 +.32 +1.9 WT DyCEu N DDEZ 26.94 23.13 0 26.94 4 26.94 26.94 +3.4sWT DyInEq N DDWM 27.94 22.98 27 27.98 340 28.04 27.56 +.28 +5.8sWT DyInSm N DDLS 28.68 24.30 1 28.82 4 28.83 28.52 +.40 +7.4 WTBearEq N DYB 25.30 23.37 1 25.21 4 25.21 25.10 +.22 +1.1 WisdTrMdE Q GULF 1.10e 6.3 18.42 15.28 17.53 19 17.74 17.28 -.25 +5.0sWT LgSEq N DYLS 29.19 25.23 20 29.10 45 29.19 28.76 +.29 +6.1 WT SCDiv N HGSD 24.88 19.86 2 24.49 6 24.63 24.22 -.20 +2.0 WT GlSmC N GSD 31.04 25.29 2 30.61 8 30.73 29.91 +.60 +3.8 WT UncBd Q UBND 1.80 3.6 50.22 47.25 2 49.44 4 49.87 49.24 -.69 -.4sWT StrDl n N EMSD 26.70 22.67 15 26.78 16 26.78 26.08 +1.12 +13.1sWTStDUSE N USSD 29.89 23.49 29.75 10 29.89 28.60 +.53 +9.8 WTUSEnYd N AGGY 1.44 2.9 53.41 49.01 8 49.51 58 49.55 49.08 +.29 -.1sWTIntSCDv N HDLS .37e 25.98 20.78 8 26.06 13 26.06 25.85 +.18 +6.3sWTIntHgEq N HDWM 26.40 21.51 0 26.50 4 26.53 26.26 +.10 +5.0sWTEurSmC N EUSC .53e 27.69 21.78 21 27.80 170 27.86 27.28 +.45 +7.6 WT PutStr N PUTW 29.27 25.35 26 28.28 107 28.44 28.22 +.03 +3.5sWT JpDvG N JHDG 25.42 19.87 0 25.20 24 25.42 25.20 -.04 +3.6sWTIntHDv N IHDG .70e 1.5 28.45 24.01 45 28.49 987 28.55 28.23 +.26 +8.1sWT EurDiv N EUDG .51e 2.2 23.00 19.81 1 23.14 4 23.14 22.59 +.47 +9.5 WT SCQDv Q DGRS .66e 2.0 35.07 26.78 16 33.41 70 33.45 32.46 +.67 -1.7sWT USQDv Q DGRW .59e 1.6 36.03 29.98 94 35.86 1238 36.03 35.56 +.14 +7.8sWT EurHdg N HEDJ 3.51e 2.4 61.92 47.27 980 62.02 10364 62.17 60.87 +.87 +8.0sWTChixSte Q CXSE 1.54e 2.7 57.42 43.40 57.34 8 57.42 56.75 +1.91 +18.7 WTEMCpBd Q EMCB 3.18 4.5 71.91 66.01 20 71.05 54 71.37 70.33 +.26 +2.1 WT AsiaDb N ALD 1.02 2.3 46.30 42.29 1 44.04 5 44.17 43.60 +.48 +3.4 WTEmLDbt N ELD 1.74 4.6 38.95 34.57 24 37.65 105 37.74 36.67 +.83 +5.3 WT GRRtn N RRF .81e 1.0 41.92 38.23 68 39.87 335 40.79 39.71 +.22 +.6 GrnHCmdty N GCC 20.80 18.25 35 19.28 194 19.34 19.02 +.14 -.3 WisdomTr Q WETF .32 3.5 24 13.32 8.00 2286 9.04 10419 9.52 8.88 +.06 -18.9sWT Diefa N DWM .74e 1.5 49.81 41.51 37 49.92 206 50.03 48.77 +.88 +7.6sWT DefaEq N DTH 1.75e 4.3 40.51 33.54 10 40.59 87 40.65 39.56 +.69 +6.5 WTDv exF N DTN 2.48e 3.0 84.05 72.40 16 83.46 69 83.78 82.33 +.61 +3.9sWTEurEq N DEW 1.75e 3.9 45.40 39.37 7 45.40 27 45.47 44.54 +.59 +4.5 WTEurSC N DFE 1.48e 2.5 59.61 47.40 168 59.11 453 59.34 57.45 +1.35 +8.2 WT EqInco N DHS 2.10e 3.0 69.74 61.82 36 69.10 165 69.36 68.32 +.42 +2.7 WTIntD exF N DOO 2.01e 5.0 40.14 34.58 21 39.81 247 39.87 38.58 +.95 +6.5sWT IntLC N DOL 1.69e 3.7 45.54 38.28 14 45.61 141 45.71 44.52 +.85 +6.5sWTIntMC N DIM 1.53e 2.5 60.15 49.14 9 60.30 92 60.40 58.84 +1.21 +8.9sWTIntSC N DLS 1.16e 1.8 65.59 53.16 101 65.76 471 65.92 64.33 +1.21 +9.6 WTGxUSDv N DNL .99e 2.0 50.63 44.35 8 50.25 30 50.25 48.72 +1.63 +9.1sWTJpnSC N DFJ .70e 1.0 67.61 52.49 31 67.61 1021 67.70 66.61 +.75 +9.2sWTJpHedg N DXJ 2.98e 1.5 52.38 37.05 3840 51.56 13225 52.38 51.49 -.58 +4.1 WT LCD N DLN 1.84e 2.2 84.49 72.04 35 83.72 189 84.21 83.12 +.17 +4.8 WT MCD N DON 2.28e 2.3 99.26 83.38 95 98.20 535 98.30 96.11 +1.51 +4.0 WTAustDiv N AUSE 1.46e 2.6 57.01 45.43 2 56.96 9 57.00 55.34 +1.04 +10.7sWTAsiaPxJ N AXJL 2.22e 3.5 64.01 53.39 0 64.00 7 64.06 62.34 +2.50 +11.6 WT SC N DES 1.92e 2.4 84.36 65.70 73 81.07 487 81.20 78.71 +1.66 -2.0 WT TotDv N DTD 2.05e 2.4 85.70 72.88 5 85.00 62 85.15 84.04 +.65 +4.6tWT MgdFut N WDTI 43.27 39.42 15 39.74 301 39.74 39.42 +.08 -4.1 WT EmCur N CEW 18.46 17.21 1 18.29 25 18.31 17.92 +.32 +4.6sWTIndRup N ICN 22.84 19.45 0 22.65 36 22.84 21.75 +.08 +5.1 WTChiYuan N CYB .10e 25.17 22.89 3 24.16 23 24.17 23.93 +.11 +3.9 WTAuNZDb N AUNZ .30 1.7 19.10 16.89 0 18.15 6 18.22 17.85 +.37 +6.3 WTBrzReal N BZF 18.85 13.94 3 18.46 67 18.54 18.00 +.28 +8.3sWTESCDv N DGS 1.29e 2.9 45.19 35.70 131 45.07 895 45.19 43.68 +1.63 +15.2sWT EmEq N DEM 1.80e 4.4 41.29 32.66 518 41.29 1651 41.33 39.77 +1.75 +10.6 WTEMQDv Q DGRE .67e 2.9 23.90 19.76 13 23.33 41 23.55 22.69 +.64 +10.5 WTGxUSRe N DRW 1.22e 4.3 29.68 24.84 14 28.19 113 28.44 27.50 +.75 +11.6 WT UKHEq Q DXPS 1.09e 3.1 27.15 22.27 21 24.84 26 24.89 24.41 +.39 +6.5 WT JpCapG N DXJC 3.43e 2.1 25.85 17.63 5 25.67 8 25.85 25.62 -.17 +5.3 WT NegAB Q AGND .78 1.8 44.62 41.42 2 44.11 6 44.38 44.03 -.38 -.6sWT KorHgd Q DXKW .11e .5 23.30 18.92 3 23.15 14 23.30 22.66 +.70 +5.2 WT IntHdg Q AGZD .84 1.7 48.41 46.64 5 48.15 12 48.27 48.08 +.07 -.3 WT NegHY Q HYND .90e 4.2 23.28 18.10 13 21.28 114 21.39 21.21 +.03 -1.0sWT India N EPI .22e .9 23.95 18.65 2120 23.73 23474 23.95 23.38 +.83 +17.5 WT IntHY Q HYZD 1.02 4.2 26.10 20.81 20 24.02 212 24.20 23.85 +.03 +.6 WTGermH Q DXGE 1.39e 2.4 29.96 23.08 21 29.91 110 29.96 29.58 +.30 +5.0 WT JpHFn N DXJF 3.48e 1.1 25.70 15.65 7 24.86 95 25.34 24.80 -.41 +3.6 WTUSDBull N USDU 1.78e 28.53 25.61 26 27.25 200 27.80 27.22 -.33 -2.6sWT JpTMT N DXJT 2.15e 1.9 28.56 22.02 28.43 6 28.56 28.39 +.24 +6.3sWT JpSCEq Q DXJS 1.10e .6 38.78 27.26 10 38.34 134 38.78 38.20 -.25 +5.9 WTEMCnG Q EMCG .59e 2.6 23.51 19.48 6 22.48 14 22.70 21.68 +1.00 +11.6 WT LowPE N EZY .90e 1.3 71.99 59.52 1 71.38 8 71.50 70.77 +.42 +5.5tWT SCErn N EES .95e 2.9 100.17 31.41 90 32.33 286 32.34 31.41 +.57 -66.9 WT MCEr s N EZM 36.05 28.71 69 35.58 333 35.74 34.92 +.45 WT Ern500 N EPS 1.36e 1.6 83.33 66.23 2 82.76 12 82.99 82.09 +.36 +7.1 WT TotErn N EXT 1.49e 1.8 85.76 67.99 1 84.54 6 85.07 84.19 +.21 +6.0 WT JpnRE N DXJR 2.14e 3.3 27.23 13.40 7 13.56 56 13.71 13.56 -.02 Q WIX 71.10 19.07 406 68.60 2912 71.10 65.15 +2.70 +54.0 WolvBcp Q WBKC 1.60e 4.7 24 35.00 25.37 0 33.90 3 34.32 30.61 +2.85 +7.3 WolvWW N WWW .24 .9 19 26.41 16.44 1048 25.44 3919 25.49 24.79 +.25 +15.9 Woodward Q WWD .50f .7 23 72.28 49.05 487 68.84 1166 69.43 67.32 +.75 -.3sWooriBank N WF 38.30 23.77 2 36.99 47 38.30 35.96 +1.16 +15.6 Workday N WDAY 93.35 65.79 1616 84.96 6677 86.32 82.19 +2.31 +28.6tWorkhrs rs Q WKHS 11.70 2.14 186 2.35 1066 2.83 2.14 -.33 -66.7 Workiva N WK 19.04 11.00 282 16.00 1250 16.05 14.85 +.85 +17.2 WldAccept Q WRLD 6 68.83 32.40 151 52.25 446 52.53 49.39 +1.60 -18.7 WorldFuel N INT .24 .6 15 51.01 35.67 664 36.98 3165 37.50 35.73 +.54 -19.5 WldPntTm N WPT 1.20 7.3 16 17.90 13.00 18 16.33 263 17.07 15.61 -.67 -1.3 WldW Ent N WWE .48 2.3 49 23.14 15.55 759 21.09 1959 21.15 20.09 +.95 +14.6 Worthgtn N WOR .80 1.5 17 62.44 34.21 507 51.96 3134 52.95 48.84 +3.56 +9.5sWrightMed Q WMGI 29.47 15.52 964 29.30 3792 29.47 28.71 +.38 +27.5 WrightM rt Q WMGIZ 2.67 1.15 1 1.52 3 1.55 1.51 +.01 +14.8 Wyndham N WYN 2.00 2.4 17 86.72 62.60 1329 84.26 5204 84.74 81.16 +2.19 +10.3sWynn Q WYNN 2.00 1.8 33 109.50 81.95 3804 110.19 16821 110.31 101.50 +10.64 +27.4X-Y-Z:xG Tech rs Q XGTI 10.10 .68 2802 1.49 4393 1.73 1.39 -.01 +10.4 XL Grp N XL .88f 2.2 10 41.39 30.33 2394 40.21 8254 40.42 39.65 -.02 +7.9 XO Group N XOXO 37 20.99 14.99 313 17.21 853 17.62 16.81 -.15 -11.5 XOMA rs Q XOMA 3 19.00 3.96 138 5.35 655 6.28 5.27 -.70 +26.8 XPO Logis N XPO 50 54.70 22.23 1051 49.45 4548 51.07 48.79 -.60 +14.6 XTL Bio rs Q XTLB 7.85 1.93 11 2.57 216 2.73 2.50 -.03 -19.1 Xactly n N XTLY 16.10 5.76 211 12.35 1293 12.50 11.50 +.60 +12.3 XBiotech n Q XBIT 25.00 7.96 256 16.28 599 16.79 14.55 +.97 +60.9tXcelBrnds Q XELB 10 6.75 3.50 11 3.70 70 3.96 3.40 -15.9 XcelEngy N XEL 1.44f 3.3 20 45.42 38.00 2733 43.85 13360 44.30 43.03 +.71 +7.7 Xcerra Q XCRA 9.25 5.14 335 9.15 1267 9.19 8.63 +.55 +19.8 Xencor Q XNCR 43 29.38 10.80 449 24.11 1324 24.96 23.28 -.71 -8.4 XeneticB n Q XBIO 5.75 3.31 11 3.90 26 4.19 3.33 +.12 -9.3 XeniaHtls n N XHR 1.10 6.4 10 19.87 14.49 746 17.10 2210 17.24 16.31 +.52 -11.9 XenithB rs Q XBKS 3 30.13 16.70 63 25.19 242 25.76 24.06 +.37 -10.7 XenonPhm Q XENE 8.95 5.65 56 8.10 513 8.65 8.00 -.25 +5.2 Xerium N XRM 20 9.16 4.15 148 4.73 222 5.28 4.68 -.38 -15.8 Xerox N XRX .25m 3.4 11 7.69 5.72 9718 7.36 57472 7.45 7.21 +28.0 Xilinx Q XLNX 1.32 2.2 26 62.24 41.53 2920 60.08 9469 60.81 58.92 +.53 -.5 XinyuanRE N XIN .40 8.8 4 7.06 4.00 198 4.55 973 4.81 4.49 -.19 -8.3 Xperi Q XPER .80 2.2 28 45.95 28.57 745 35.80 2254 35.90 33.70 +2.10 -19.0 XploreTch Q XPLR 4.30 1.82 19 2.09 154 2.19 2.03 +.03 +3.5 XtantMed N XTNT 3.70 .29 2487 .64 5589 .69 .45 +.07 +16.0 Xunlei Ltd Q XNET 7.49 3.51 83 4.15 922 4.20 3.60 +.59 +7.5 Xylem N XYL .72f 1.5 24 54.99 38.93 1777 49.16 6742 49.30 47.73 +.90 -.7sYPF Soc N YPF .14e .6 23.60 15.00 976 23.30 12494 23.82 20.54 +2.69 +41.2 YRC Wwde Q YRCW 97 16.97 7.91 613 11.65 2223 11.97 11.25 +.04 -12.3 YY Inc Q YY 13 63.96 31.07 2805 51.01 14477 51.84 45.74 +4.20 +29.4sYahoo Q YHOO 47.00 33.00 5419 46.59 23697 47.00 45.90 +.61 +20.5 Yamana g N AUY .02 .7 55 5.99 2.46 19090 2.77 90292 2.87 2.52 +.15 -1.4 Yandex Q YNDX 25.00 13.94 1719 23.62 9273 23.98 22.45 +.59 +17.3 Yatra n Q YTRA 10.68 7.71 108 8.70 185 8.79 8.25 +.32 -7.0 Yelp N YELP 43.41 18.65 1211 34.11 7513 34.88 33.35 -.41 -10.5 Yld10Bios s Q YTEN 2.25 .25 29 .42 106 .42 .35 +.05 +19.7tYingliGr rs N YGE 5.30 2.11 349 1.88 511 2.34 1.85 -.39 -27.7sYintechIn n Q YIN 21.45 10.92 272 20.63 998 21.47 18.51 +1.90 +25.8 Yirendai n N YRD 42.34 8.62 1726 23.32 5918 30.50 23.15 -4.94 +12.5 YorkWater Q YORW .64 1.8 39 39.85 26.54 167 35.45 311 35.60 33.10 +1.65 -7.2 YulngE lfn Q YECO 5.10 .83 19 .92 94 .99 .91 -.05 +5.1 YumBrnds N YUM 1.20p 1.9 18 91.99 59.57 6008 63.87 15147 64.60 63.25 -.44 +.9 Yum China N YUMC 30.37 23.79 2783 26.28 11096 26.67 25.53 -.07 +.6 YumaEn rs N YUMA 4.50 .02 16 2.50 58 2.50 2.06 +.30 -26.5 YuMe N YUME 4.36 3.11 592 3.62 784 3.67 3.55 +.01 +1.1 ZTO Exp n N ZTO 18.45 11.14 2018 12.69 17519 13.19 11.31 +1.46 +5.1 Zafgen Q ZFGN 8.28 2.89 189 4.34 961 4.54 4.16 -.11 +36.5 Zagg Q ZAGG 9.67 4.71 329 7.15 1449 7.25 6.80 +.30 +.7 Zais Grp Q ZAIS 1.60 70.2 7.25 1.29 50 2.28 415 2.60 2.16 +.01 +55.1 ZayoGrp N ZAYO 35.65 23.25 4257 33.29 12628 33.44 31.57 +.85 +1.3 ZebraT Q ZBRA 93.61 46.13 359 90.75 1484 92.07 87.91 +1.47 +5.8 Zedge n N ZDGE 7.85 2.56 77 3.28 175 3.62 3.28 -.16 +4.8 ZeltiqAes Q ZLTQ 56.18 23.18 1164 55.88 5071 55.98 55.47 -.01 +28.4 Zendesk N ZEN 31.88 18.98 780 27.62 4114 28.00 27.21 +.29 +30.3 Zhaopin N ZPIN 31 18.36 13.70 4 17.50 39 17.50 17.10 +.03 +15.8 ZillowA s Q ZG 39.99 20.87 223 36.04 1438 36.68 34.92 +1.05 -1.1 ZillowC n Q Z 39.88 19.63 585 36.36 3483 36.97 35.42 +1.06 -.3 ZimmerBio N ZBH .96 .8 15 133.21 95.63 2181 121.67 6863 122.09 118.47 +1.59 +17.9 ZionO&G Q ZN 2.00 1.07 174 1.23 469 1.25 1.19 +.03 -10.2 Zions pfA N ZBpA 1.02 4.3 25.99 21.52 2 23.69 16 23.69 23.23 +.42 +2.0 Zions pfF N ZBpF 27.33 25.37 9 25.41 35 25.42 25.38 +.01 -.9 Zions pfG N ZBpG 1.60 5.8 33.00 25.44 11 27.43 145 27.46 26.79 +.39 +2.8 ZionsBcp Q ZION .32 .7 22 48.33 23.02 4124 43.76 12932 45.35 43.54 -1.15 +1.7 ZionsB wt20 Q ZIONW 15.03 1.62 6 12.50 18 13.32 12.50 -.86 +6.4 ZionBc 28 N ZBK 1.74 5.9 31.99 27.20 0 29.43 10 29.46 29.01 +.41 +5.6 ZionBc pfH N ZBpH 1.44 5.8 26.41 23.30 8 24.97 50 25.05 24.85 +.08 +3.8 Ziopharm Q ZIOP 9.19 4.45 1268 6.35 5445 6.95 6.20 -.54 +18.7 Zix Corp Q ZIXI 34 5.41 3.55 869 5.07 2091 5.25 4.76 +.05 +2.6tZoesKitchn N ZOES 41.76 16.39 1056 16.66 2221 17.45 16.39 -.60 -30.6 Zoetis N ZTS .42f .8 25 56.50 40.88 4214 54.00 14941 54.82 53.06 +.66 +.9 Zogenix rs Q ZGNX 13.70 7.33 264 10.70 1581 11.20 9.80 -.10 -11.9 ZosanoPh h Q ZSAN 3.54 .45 10486 1.55 17085 2.32 1.55 -.80 +98.7 Zumiez Q ZUMZ 22 26.55 13.50 483 17.95 2350 18.45 17.25 -.45 -17.8 ZweigFd N ZF 1.01e 8.9 13.26 10.60 170 11.38 714 11.40 11.04 +.30 -5.9 Zynerba n Q ZYNE 23.75 6.02 376 18.97 1745 21.43 18.86 -1.30 +21.7 Zynga Q ZNGA 3.08 2.13 6871 2.80 29099 2.87 2.73 -.02 +8.9 Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg Exch. 52-week Vol Friday Vol Weekly YTD Name Market Symbol Div Yield PE High Low 1000s Last 1000s High Low Chg % Chg MONEY & MARKET$Page 20 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
LianlouSm LLIT 1.53 +.02 Lifevant rs LFVN 5.11 -.17 LightPath LPTH 2.42 +.01 Lightbrdg rs LTBR 1.08 -.02 LilisEn n LLEX 4.50 +.05 Limbach n LMB 13.50 -.61 LindbladEx LIND 9.00 +.10 Lipocine LPCN 4.50 +.37 LiveVent rs LIVE 14.97 -.11 LunaInn h LUNA 1.88 +.01M -M III Aq wt MIIIW .33 -.01 M III Ac un MIIIU 10.05 -.03 MEI Phrm MEIP 1.63 -.02 MER Tele MTSL .69 -.05 MYOS MYOS 2.85 -.09 MabVxTh n MBVX 2.60 +.01 MagneGas MNGA .49 -.00 ManhBrCa LOAN 6.20 +.40 Manitex MNTX 8.31 -.07 MaraPatnt MARA 1.07 -.15 Marrone MBII 1.91 +.01 MatlnPrt un MPACU 10.05 -.03 Medigus rs MDGS 7.15 +.33 Medovex h MDVX 1.41 +.01 MeetMe MEET 5.19 -.06 MeridWs n MRDN 2.70 -.25 Microbot rs MBOT 6.15 +.04 MicronetE MICT 1.31 +.03 MiMedx MDXG 8.85 +.19 Miragen rs MGEN 12.10 -.07 MiratiTher MRTX 5.45 MitekSys MITK 5.85 -.20 ModSysIntl MDSY .75 +.10 Moleculin n MBRX 1.02 -.05 MonsterDg n MSDI 1.29 -.02 MoSys rs MOSY 2.34 +.06 Moxian n MOXC 3.04 +.03 MySize n MYSZ 2.44 +.07N -NF EngSv NFEC 1.02 -.02 NI Hldg n NODK 14.45 -.30 NV5 Global NVEE 36.10 NVE Corp NVEC 80.62 -.14 NakedBr n NAKD 2.40 +.10 NatlHld rs NHLD 3.00 +.13 NatHlTr n NHTC 27.15 -.29 NaturesSun NATR 10.10 -.10 NeoGenom NEO 7.91 +.04 Neonode NEON 1.55 +.12 Neovasc g NVCN 1.77 +.15 NeptuneT g NEPT 1.02 +.01 NetElem rs NETE .89 +.04 Netlist NLST .99 +.07 Neuralst rs CUR 5.80 -.10 NeuroMx rs NURO .68 +.04 NewAgeB n NBEV 4.49 +.20 Nexeo Sol NXEO 9.19 +.06 Nexeo wt NXEOW .75 NicoletBc n NCBS 49.09 +.15 NorSys NSYS 3.47 -.08 Novogen h NVGN 1.48 -.01 Nxt-ID rs NXTD 1.89 +.11 NymoxPh NYMX 3.31 O -OceanPw rs OPTT 2.34 +.33 OdysMr rsh OMEX 3.73 -.10 OhrPharm OHRP .86 -.13 OldLnBc OLBK 28.33 +.58 OnTrack OTIV 1.71 -.02 OncoGnx h OGXI .53 -.01 Onconva rs ONTX 2.96 -.05 OncoSec rs ONCS 1.24 -.07 OneHoriz h OHGI .27 -.01 OpexaTh wt OPXAW .02 OpexaTh rs OPXA .89 -.00 OpGen n OPGN 1.03 OpGen wt OPGNW .08 +.01 OramedPh ORMP 6.03 OrigoAc wt OACQW .11 +.01 OrigoAc rt OACQR .20 OrionEngy OESX 1.96 -.03 Otelco OTEL 6.37 -.04P-QPB Bncp PBBI 10.50 -.03 PacEthanol PEIX 6.80 +.15 PangaeaL PANL 3.36 -.07 ParagCm n PBNC 54.03 +.83 ParkCity PCYG 13.85 +.10 ParkrVs rs PRKR 1.87 -.07 PayData rs PYDS 1.30 -.00 pdvWirelss PDVW 23.75 +1.35 Pendrell rs PCO 6.09 -.32 PeopUtah n PUB 27.10 +.55 PeregrinP PPHM .70 +.02 PFSweb PFSW 7.45 +.76 PhaseRx n PZRX 1.63 +.02 PhotMdx rs PHMD 1.84 -.02 PierisPhm PIRS 2.73 -.04 PingtanM PME 4.08 -.19 PioneerPw PPSI 7.20 -.05 PlanetP h PLPM 3.79 +.05 PlugPowr h PLUG 1.20 +.08 PluristemT PSTI 1.25 +.10 PointsInt g PCOM 6.93 +.01 PolarPwr n POLA 7.64 -.47 Polarity rs COOL 8.44 -.10 PowerSolu lf PSIX 5.58 -.47 PranBio rs PRAN 2.27 ProDvrs h rs IPDN 12.40 -.34 ProfirEng PFIE 1.60 +.05 ProvidBc n PVBC 21.00 +1.50 PulseBio n PLSE 24.49 -.35 PureCycle PCYO 5.40 +.05 Qualstar rs QBAK 7.29 -1.03 QuestRes rs QRHC 2.21 +.04 QuinAc2 wt QPACW .55 -.01R -R1 RCM n RCM 2.90 +.15 RLJ Ent rs RLJE 2.45 +.08 RMG Net h RMGN .80 -.06 RMR Gp h RMR 52.00 +1.30 RXI Ph wt RXIIW .18 -.03 RXI Phr rs RXII .77 -.04 RadaElc rs RADA 1.20 Radcom RDCM 18.30 +.10 RadioOneD ROIAK 3.20 +.05 RandCap RAND 3.03 +.07 RandLog h RLOG .63 -.04 RaveRest RAVE 2.16 +.03 ReadIntlA RDI 16.04 +.54 RealGSol rs RGSE 1.42 +.10 ReconTech RCON 1.28 -.10 RecroPhm REPH 8.07 +.10 RedhillBio RDHL 10.23 -.26 RemarkMd MARK 3.01 +.03 RennovH wt RNVAZ .03 Rennova rs RNVA 1.78 -.03 Rentech rs RTK .52 -.07 ReprosTh RPRX 1.25 RschFrnt REFR 1.46 -.04 Resonant RESN 4.81 +.08 RevolutL rs RVLT 7.76 +.91 RexEngy REXX .47 -.03 RiceBran RIBT .75 -.01 RitterPh n RTTR 2.26 -.05 Root98 n RTNB 5.97 -.54 RosettG rs ROSG 4.00 -.80 RubicnTc h RBCN .65 -.02S -Saban un SCACU 10.60 Sapiens SPNS 13.41 +.03 SeanrgM rs SHIP .83 -.01 SearsH&O SHOS 3.85 +.40 SecndSight EYES 1.24 +.03 SmLEDS rs LEDS 2.92 +.04 SenesTc n SNES 8.30 -.56 SeqentialB SQBG 3.83 -.12 Sharps SMED 4.75 +.15 SharpSprg SHSP 4.74 -.16 SiebertFn SIEB 3.00 +.23 SigmaLb n SGLB 3.32 -.03 Sigmatr SGMA 4.98 +.11 Simulations SLP 10.10 -.05 SinoGlobl SINO 2.88 -.24 SitoMobl rs SITO 2.42 +.24 SkylinMd rs SKLN 2.13 SmartFn rs SMBK 20.70 -.43 SmthMc rs SMSI 1.15 +.02 SocilRltyA n SRAX 2.06 -.09 SocketM n SCKT 4.74 +.22 Soligenix n SNGX 2.70 -.28 SonomaPh SNOA 7.91 -.01 Sonoma wt SNOAW .65 +.01 Sophiris SPHS 2.55 +.01 SorrentoTh SRNE 4.25 +.15 Spher3D gh ANY .31 +.01 Spherix rs SPEX 1.11 -.02 SprBkPh n SBPH 10.41 +.99 Staff360 rs STAF .62 +.03 StateBkFn STBZ 26.80 +.14 StellarB rs SBOT 1.73 -.02 StemlineTh STML 9.50 -.65 StrataSk h SSKN .58 -.04 StreamHlth STRM 1.03 +.01 SummerInf SUMR 2.04 +.01 SunesisP rs SNSS 4.24 +.04 SunshnBcp SBCP 20.34 +.40 SunshHrt rs SSH 3.18 -.13 Sunworks n SUNW 1.35 -.12 SuperCom SPCB 2.95 +.07 SupercdT rs SCON 1.15 +.04 rs SPRT 2.05 -.04T -TG Thera TGTX 13.55 -.35 TOP Ship rs TOPS 1.97 -.23 Tantech n TANH 1.54 +.06 Tapimmu n TPIV 4.86 -.24 TearLab rs TEAR 3.34 +.20 Tecnoglass TGLS 11.09 +.19 Tellurian rs TELL 11.41 +.61 TenaxTher TENX .65 -.02 ThrshdPh THLD .68 +.07 Tiptree TIPT 6.55 -.15 TitanPh rs TTNP 3.65 -.15 TopImage TISA 1.23 -.02 Torchlght TRCH 1.41 +.06 TrilliumTh TRIL 6.70 Trovagne TROV 1.30 TruettHrst THST 2.14 -.05 Tucows grs TCX 49.60 +.05U -US Concrte USCR 70.35 +.45 UFP Tch UFPT 25.55 -.05 USGlobInv GROW 1.60 +.01 UniPixel UNXL .88 -.01 UtdInsur UIHC 15.93 -.18 US Engy rs USEG .91 +.03 UranmRs rs URRE 1.88 +.04V -VascoDta VDSI 13.55 +.10 Vericel VCEL 2.90 +.03 Vermillion VRML 2.33 +.13 VertexEn VTNR 1.15 -.02 Vical rs VICL 2.19 -.04 VikingTh n VKTX 1.21 VikngTh wt VKTXW .27 -.03 VistaGn n VTGN 2.10 -.08 ViveveMd n VIVE 5.25 +1.00 Vuzix VUZI 7.10 -.10W -WMIH WMIH 1.40 WashFstBk WFBI 28.50 +.39 WecastNtw WCST 2.10 +.10 WestellT h WSTL .66 -.02 Wheeler WHLR 1.78 +.07 WindtreeT h WINT 1.25 -.03 Workhrs rs WKHS 2.35 +.06X-Y-ZxG Tech rs XGTI 1.49 +.07 XTL Bio rs XTLB 2.57 +.02 XploreTch XPLR 2.09 -.05 Yatra n YTRA 8.70 +.15 Yld10Bios s YTEN .42 +.05 Zais Grp ZAIS 2.28 -.02 Ziopharm ZIOP 6.35 -.14 ZosanoPh h ZSAN 1.55 -.17 Money FundsAARP MM ... ... ... AAdvGovP ... ... ... AAdvMMPlat ... ... ... ABN AmroGvtS ... ... ... ABN Amro GvtI ... ... ... ABN AmroPrY ... ... ... ABN AmroPrYS ... ... ... ABN Amro TrsI ... ... ... ABN AmroInvN ... ... ... AIM MMCshRes 837 50 .05 .05 AIMMMInv 127 50 .20 .20 AZMunCTIns ... ... ... ActAsInsGv 5657 35 .52 .52 ActAsInst 8 1 .31 .31 ActiveAstGv ... ... ... ActiveAstMny ... ... ... AdvGovLiquid ... ... ... AdvPrimLiq p ... ... ... AlBernExRK p 52 ... .16 ... AllBrnExRsv I 10 ... .19 ... AlliBernExRsvA 153 ... .09 ... AlliBernExRsAd 90 ... .09 ... AlliBernExRsvB 2 ... .05 ... AlliBernExRsC 16 ... .08 ... ABGovMMSel 1433 30 .57 .57 ABMMktMile ... ... ... Ambassador ... ... ... AB MMktSel ... ... ... AmC CapPr 2215 55 .18 ... AmC Prime 1266 48 .39 ... AmCentUSGv 2085 40 .19 ... AmCPrime t 25 48 .40 ... AmPrfInstTrs ... ... ... American A 12405 ... ... ... BBH MM Inst 1901 49 .32 .32 BBH MMkt 61 49 .10 .10 BLFMuniDlr 44 .28 .28 BMOGov I p 2425 15 .41 .41 BMO Gov Y 887 15 .16 .16 BMOPrimeI p 213 14 .65 .65 BMO Prime Y 219 14 .40 .40 BNYMellon M 729 33 .37 .30 BR TFdCsMg 50 .02 .02 BRSummCR A 55 ... ... ... BRSumCR B p 16 ... ... ... BT InvMMkt ... ... ... BofAGvPRTr ... ... ... BdfdMM ... ... ... BishopGvMMI ... ... ... BishopStTrea ... ... ... BL FedTrDlr 50 .21 .21 BLFTrCsMg 50 .01 .01 BLFT Adm 50 .39 .39 BCF Insti I 57 24 .69 ... BLFFedFDlr 49 .27 .27 BLFedFdPCS p 49 .04 .04 BLFFedFnd 49 .52 .52 BRInst 27 .92 .92 BLCAMunPrem 6 .02 .02 BLFCASel p ... ... ... BLFedFdPS 39 .01 .01 BLFedFdSel p 49 .02 .02 BLMunFdPS 19 .02 .02 BLMunFdSel ... ... ... BLFTempFdSel 31 .08 ... BLFTempFdPS ... ... ... BLF FedTr 50 .46 .46 BLF TrsTr 50 .46 .46 BLFTrsTrDlr 50 .21 .21 BLFT FundDlr 50 .24 .24 BLFMunCsh 1 29 .23 ... BRInvB p 27 .04 .04 BRInvest 27 .56 .57 BROHMuniInvA p ... ... ... BLNYMfPCS p 6 .01 .01 BRSvc 27 .64 .65 BLFTempFdPCS 1 31 .40 ... BRUSTr ... ... ... BRUSTI ... ... ... BRUSTS ... ... ... BRLiqTrsTAd 50 .36 .36 BLFM MuniCsh 2942 29 .48 ... BLF TempFd 12198 31 .90 ... BLFTmpDlr 94 31 .65 ... BLFTmCsDlr 25 24 .44 ... BLFedTrAd ... ... ... BLCAMunPC p 13 .01 .01 BlkrkLqTmpAd 15 31 .80 ... BLFNYCshM ... ... ... BRNJMunInstl ... ... ... BlkNJMuniA ... ... ... BROHMunSvc ... ... ... BRLiqTmpCR 3 31 .50 ... BLMuAdm 44 .43 .43 BLF TmpCsh 170 24 .69 ... BLFT TrFund 50 .49 .49 BLFedAdm 49 .42 .42 BLFCADlr 6 .05 .05 BLMuCshMg 44 .03 .03 BLFTmCshMg 799 31 .40 ... BofACRLiq ... ... ... BofACRsDly ... ... ... BofACRsTr ... ... ... BofACRsCap ... ... ... BACshRsInv2 ... ... ... BofACResInv ... ... ... BofACResAdv ... ... ... BofACsRsInst ... ... ... BofADlyCshRes ... ... ... BofAGovPlsCp ... ... ... BofAGResAdv ... ... ... BofAGRsDly p ... ... ... BofAGovRInst ... ... ... BofAGvRsLq p ... ... ... BofAGvRsTr ... ... ... BofAGvtPlsAdv ... ... ... BofAGRCap ... ... ... BofAGvRsInst ... ... ... BofAMMRsInst ... ... ... BofAMMRsTr ... ... ... BofAMMRInst ... ... ... BofAMMRsAdv ... ... ... BofAMMRsCap ... ... ... BofAMRsTr ... ... ... BofAMRsDly p ... ... ... BofAMuRsInst ... ... ... BofAMunRsLiq ... ... ... BofAResGvInv ... ... ... BofAMRsInv ... ... ... BofARsLiq ... ... ... BofATrRsAdv ... ... ... BofATrRsDly ... ... ... BofATrRsInv2 ... ... ... BofATrRsCap ... ... ... BofATrRsInv ... ... ... BofATrRsInst ... ... ... BofATrResLq ... ... ... BofATrsRsTr ... ... ... BofAGvPlsInst ... ... ... BurnhamMM ... ... ... BurnhamUSTrs ... ... ... CNIGovtA p 3684 35 .05 .05 CNIPrimeSvc ... ... ... CapOneCshA ... ... ... CapOneUSTr ... ... ... CapResFd p 7991 47 .08 .08 CashAcct Prem ... ... ... CashMgtInst 2303 28 .35 ... CashMgtA ... ... ... CashMgtB t ... ... ... CashMgtInv ... ... ... CashResInst 901 28 .41 ... CavanalCshAd 728 20 .11 .11 CavanalTrAdm 911 28 .01 .01 CentnGv ... ... ... Centen ... ... ... CitiznSelPrB 8 27 .67 .61 CitizensSelPrC p ... ... ... CitiznSelTreA 190 30 .43 .41 CitiznSelTreB 88 30 .23 .21 CitizenSelPrA 5 27 .82 .76 CityNaRoGv p 887 35 .05 .05 CityNRoPrN p ... ... ... CityNRoPrS p ... ... ... CityNRochGv 1020 35 .07 .07 ClassicUSTr ... ... ... ColPrResAdv ... ... ... ColPrResInst ... ... ... ColRsSv ... ... ... ColumbGvtA ... ... ... ColumbGvtB ... ... ... ColumbiaA 811 19 .01 .01 ColumbiaB t 19 .01 .01 Columbia I 19 .29 .29 Columbia Z 194 19 .01 .01 ColmPrRsCp ... ... ... CG CapGov ... ... ... DIFTrInst ... ... ... DWSMSerMgd 9815 28 .52 ... DWSMSerInst 9815 28 .52 ... DWS MMkt 563 32 .41 ... DIF MM Retl ... ... ... DIF MuniRtl ... ... ... DIFMuInvSv ... ... ... DIF TreasInv ... ... ... DIF USGvtRtl ... ... ... DIF MMktInv ... ... ... DIF MMInvSv ... ... ... DIF TrsInvSrv ... ... ... DavisGvtA 252 ... ... ... DelaCashA ... ... ... DAD Gvt ... ... ... DryBasic 139 47 .56 .51 DryInsPfGHm 1357 21 .54 .46 DryInsPfGvP 186 21 .29 .21DryInstResGv ... ... ... DryRsTrsPm ... ... ... DryTrsAgcyC 296 17 .24 .15 DryInPfGClas 2 21 .06 .01 DryResInst 3252 21 .59 .51 DryInstAdv ... ... ... DryInstAdvPls ... ... ... DryResInv ... ... ... Dry100 US ... ... ... DryfLA 472 38 .19 .13 DryInTrAgcHm 208 17 .49 .40 DryInstAdv ... ... ... DryResR ... ... ... DryTrAgcyCC 2 17 .03 .01 DryTrPmCsh I 579 44 .44 .40 DryfGenTrPrA 3811 43 .01 .01 EV USGovA ... ... ... EdwJones IS 15961 43 .02 .01 EdwJonesRS ... ... ... ElfunMM 1087 ... ... ... ExcelsiorGvt ... ... ... ExcelsrMnyIn ... ... ... ExcelsiorTry ... ... ... FFI Govt 1667 44 .17 ... FFI Inst 1946 41 .34 ... FFIPremInst 6672 41 .46 ... FFI Treas 2162 46 .36 ... FIMMDom I 796 20 .85 .83 FIMMDomII 31 20 .70 .68 FIMMDomIII 8 20 .60 .58 FIMMGov I 32613 42 .48 .46 FIMMGovII 909 42 .33 .31 FIMMGovIII 2855 42 .23 .21 FIMMMMkt I 7374 24 .93 .93 FIMMMMktII 15 24 .78 .78 FIMMMMktIII 92 24 .68 .68 FIMMTrOnlyII p 154 44 .27 .26 FIMMTrOnly3 973 44 .17 .16 FIMMTrOnly I 7872 44 .42 .41 FIMMTry I 8162 36 .45 .43 FIMMTryII 372 36 .30 .28 FIMMTryIII 2555 36 .20 .18 FITPrMMII ... ... ... FedAutCshCII ... ... ... FedAutCashK ... ... ... FedCAMuniII 7 20 .05 .04 FedCAMunCS p 58 20 .01 .01 FedCAMunCap 35 20 .35 .34 FedCshPr ... ... ... FCTMuCS p 54 30 .01 .01 FedGovCash ... ... ... FedGovOblCp 2724 43 .37 .35 FedGovOb IS 26419 43 .49 .47 FedGovOblSv 8994 43 .23 .22 FedMMEagle 7 30 .57 .56 FedNJMuCS p 84 45 .01 .01 FedNYMun WS 78 40 .45 .43 FedPAMu WS 12 33 .28 .27 FedPrCshObCp 171 41 .76 .75 FedPrVlObSv 242 44 .63 .63 FedPrVlOblCp 26 44 .78 .78 FedPrVluObl 2938 44 .88 .88 FedPrCshOblIS 2573 41 .86 .86 FdPrCshObSv 1268 41 .61 .60 FedPriOb IS 829 36 .74 .73 FedPrObSvc 35 36 .51 .50 FedTrstUSTr 295 47 .46 .44 FedTreasCsh ... ... ... FedTrsOb IS 22341 46 .46 .45 FedTreasObSv 4325 47 .21 .19 FedTrsOblCp 1939 46 .36 .35 FedUSTCshSv 2166 49 .21 .21 FedUSTrsIns 14321 49 .46 .46 FedVaMuCsCS p 95 9 .01 .01 FederMuni p 243 ... ... ... FedMstr 9 18 .75 .75 FedMIMuCsh WS 3 9 .27 .25 FidTrAdvC t 121 39 .01 .01 FidTrAdvB t ... ... ... FidGovPortS 676 42 .43 .41 FidCashRes 137012 37 .29 .28 FidGvRes ... ... ... FidPrimeDlyI ... ... ... FidRetGov 2754 39 .26 .24 FidRetMM 9728 39 .27 .26 FidSpGov 63913 35 .23 .21 FidSpMM 2196 24 .70 .69 FidSpUSTr 3840 44 .20 .19 FidMMPortS 12 24 .88 .88 FidPrime CR ... ... ... FidSelMM 3414 ... ... ... FidTrPortsS 265 36 .40 .38 FidTrsyCR 1249 39 .01 .01 FidTryDly M 3595 39 .01 .01 FThrdUSTrPf ... ... ... FInvTrUSGvI ... ... ... FInvTrUSTrs ... ... ... FinSqFed 8399 32 .45 ... FinSq Gov 83225 35 .48 ... FinSq POF 821 33 .86 ... FinSqTrsy 47688 33 .47 ... FinSq TOF 16004 34 .45 ... FinSq MMF 1614 31 .86 ... FITPrMonMktI ... ... ... FstAmGvObD 3389 41 .03 ... FstAmGvObY 7900 41 .18 ... FstAmTrObD 1488 43 .03 ... FstAmGvObA p 501 41 .01 ... FstAmPrObA ... ... ... FstAmPrObY 341 24 .47 ... FstAmPrObD ... ... ... FstAmTrObA p 260 ... ... ... FstAmTrObY 2734 43 .18 ... FirstCshRsvI ... ... ... FirstCshRsvC ... ... ... FtInvCs 133 ... ... ... First Muni I ... ... ... First USGv ... ... ... FrnkIFT 44 .22 .22 FrkMnyC ... ... ... FrkMny 44 .04 .04 FstAmGvObZ 14668 41 .45 ... FsAmGvObII 1556 41 .33 ... FstAmTrObII 539 43 .33 ... FsAmISTrII 35 38 .31 ... FstAmPrObZ 230 24 .72 ... FstAmPrObl 107 24 .52 ... FsAmPrObII 72 24 .62 ... FstAmTrObZ 4725 43 .46 ... FstAmTreResA 97 ... ... ... GEInvMMInst ... ... ... GEInvMM ... ... ... GEMnyMktA ... ... ... GabelliUST 1760 54 .52 .52 GartmrMMPr 358 37 .04 ... GnAMTFrMu B 1 7 .08 .02 GnCAMuB 19 21 .01 .01 GnTrsAgcy A 216 15 .05 .01 GnTrsAgcy R 83 15 .21 .12 GnGvSec 90 19 .01 .01 GeneralB p 8356 33 .04 .01 GnGovB p 2519 19 .01 .01 GnMMkt 1233 33 .27 .20 GSILFdI ... ... ... GSILGvI ... ... ... GSILMMI ... ... ... GSILTrsOblgI ... ... ... GSILPOI ... ... ... GSILTrsInstI ... ... ... GlenGovtCash ... ... ... GovTxMgSvc 2862 49 .22 .22 GovObTR 1313 43 .02 .01 GovTxMgIS 3232 49 .47 .47 GovResFd P 12106 39 .01 .01 GtHall Prime ... ... ... HSBCInvPrm A ... ... ... HSBCPrime D ... ... ...HSBCPrime I ... ... ... HSBCPrime Y ... ... ... HSBCUSGov A 1 27 .03 .03 HSBCUSGov D 1704 27 .16 .16 HnHrzGInstSwp ... ... ... HnHrzGovTr ... ... ... HanHzPrMMIns ... ... ... HancHrzTGovA ... ... ... Harbor 149 39 .60 .63 HarrisGvMMS ... ... ... HarrisMMktS ... ... ... Harris TE S ... ... ... HartfordR4 p ... ... ... HeritAdm 96 20 .64 .64 HeritInst 806 20 .76 .76 HtgCshA ... ... ... HewittMM p ... ... ... HmestdDly 45 .01 ... HuntgtnUST I ... ... ... ING MM A 157 37 .02 .02 ING MM I 39 37 .02 .02 IFT CashRes ... ... ... InvescoA5 102 50 .05 .05 InvescoB5 p 50 .01 .01 InvescoC5 p 4 50 .01 .01 InvCshTrTrs 1923 40 .53 ... IvyMonyyC t 30 16 .01 ... IvyMnyA 162 16 .01 ... IvyMM B ... ... ... JHanUS ... ... ... JPMGvMMAg 14518 36 .42 .42 JPMLqAsB ... ... ... JPMLqAsR 8 19 .35 .35 JPMGvPrem 7902 36 .23 .23 JPMGvCap 85032 36 .50 .50 JPMTrPlInv 72 36 .14 .14 JPMTrPlRs 105 36 .01 .01 JPMorg100 Agcy 1801 51 .40 .40 JPM100 SecP 855 51 .21 .21 JPM100 TrInst 10659 51 .45 .45 JPMorgan100 1291 51 .07 .07 JPMLqAstP 165 19 .60 .60 JPMCAMuEtr 2 ... .01 ... JPMorganFed 49 45 .07 .07 JPMorFedAgcy 158 45 .40 .40 JPMorgFedPr 102 45 .21 .21 JPMLqAstAg 45 19 .79 .80 JPMLqAstC p 31 19 .08 .08 JPMLqAstMrg 153 19 .46 .46 JPMLqAstInst 431 19 .84 .85 JPMMuEtrde p 3 ... .01 ... JPMMunInst 296 6 .48 .48 JPMMuMorg 309 6 .10 .10 JPMNYMuEtr ... .01 ... JPMNYMuR p 2 6 .01 .01 JPMOhMuMrg ... ... ... JPMPrCshMgt 18 .01 ... JPMorgPrm 538 23 .58 .58 JPMorgPrAgcy 962 23 .84 .84 JPMorgPrmPr 714 23 .65 .65 JPMTreasC t 592 45 .01 ... JPMTrsPlusP 646 36 .20 .20 JPMTrsPlsMrg 267 36 .06 .06 JPMTrsPlsInst 14879 36 .44 .44 JPMTrsPlsAg 855 36 .39 .39 JPMTrsSecR p 77 51 ... ... JPMUSGvInst 36644 36 .47 .47 JPMUSGvtR p 121 36 .02 .02 JPMUSGvtMrg 2405 36 .09 .09 JPMLqAsInv 3 19 .54 .54 JPMFedInst 2636 45 .45 .45 JPMPrInst 6568 23 .89 .89 JPMPrRsv 102 23 .40 .40 JanusGovt 38 .11 .11 Janus MM 23 .02 .02 JHan MMB 4 ... ... ... JHanMMA 487 ... ... ... LMPtrExRsC ... ... ... LMPtrExRxB ... ... ... LiqCshTr ... ... ... LordAbGvScC 54 .02 ... LordAbUSGB ... ... ... LordAbbUS A 54 .02 ... MFS CashA 120 ... ... ... MFSCashC p 44 ... ... ... MFSMonMkA 343 ... ... ... MS PrimAdv 342 24 2.46 ... MS PrimInv 173 4 .15 ... MS TFInst 56 6 .44 ... MTBInsPrMM ... ... ... MTB MM S p ... ... ... MoneyMktA2 ... ... ... MTB MM I ... ... ... MTB TrsMMI ... ... ... MainStay A 218 31 .22 .22 MainStay B 48 31 .07 .07 ManagersMM ... ... ... MarshalPrA ... ... ... MasMuPrMML ... ... ... MasMuPrMMS 330 ... ... ... Meeder Instl ... ... ... MeederRetl 37 51 .47 .47 ML CMAGv 242 ... ... ... ML CMAMn 5407 ... ... ... ML CMATr 1636 ... ... ... ReadyAstUSA 69 ... ... ... MilestnTOInst 440 42 .35 .35 MilestnTOInv 31 42 .35 .35 MHLIRSel ... ... ... MMktGS2 45 .49 .49 MMktGS4 45 .24 .24 MMktProFdInv 390 28 .02 ... MMktProFdSvc 20 28 .02 ... MStanLqPrIn 16825 19 .91 ... MorStLqTrIn 19149 30 .47 ... MrStLqGvInv 24 39 .39 ... MS InstlLiq 4596 20 .94 ... MrStLqGvIns 35537 39 .49 ... MS LiqAst 108 1 .02 .02 MS USGvt 1285 35 .11 .11 NatixisCMTA ... ... ... NatixisCMTB ... ... ... NatnwdMMInst 365 37 .19 ... NeubCashInstl ... ... ... Nicholas ... ... ... NorthInstGovSel 23229 44 .43 .43 Northern 163 11 .68 .68 NorthernGvSl 3268 47 .29 .29 NorthInstDivAst 7898 46 .40 .40 NorthInstGovt 5355 40 .38 .38 NorthInstPrObSv 43 .80 .81 NthnInstPrObSh 1705 40 .80 .81 NorthInstTreas 10715 44 .49 .49 NorthernUSGv 16568 43 .28 .28 OneGrpMuni A ... ... ... OppCshResN t 150 ... .03 .03 OppenhCshB p 6 ... .03 .03 OppenhCshC p 217 ... .03 .03 OppCshRes 404 ... .03 .03 OppMMFd A 1934 ... .04 .04 PIMCO MM ... ... ... PNC AdvMM I ... ... ... PNC Gov A 559 40 .50 .50 PNC Gov I 9395 40 .50 .50 PNC MM A ... ... ... PNC MM I ... ... ... PNC TrA p 138 39 .44 .44 PNC Tr I 1004 39 .44 .44 PW PACE P 162 43 .04 .03 PfCapUSG SS ... ... ... PaxWldInv p ... ... ... PaxWrldMMInst ... ... ... PaxWMMAPrax ... ... ... PaydenCshRs 462 36 .44 ...PhoeInsMM ... ... ... PhoxInsgGvA ... ... ... PhoxInsgMMA ... ... ... PhoenixMM A ... ... ... PhoxInsgMME ... ... ... PhoeInsgGvI ... ... ... PIMCO MM P ... ... ... PiInsMM 1 ... ... ... PiInsMM 3 ... ... ... PiInsMM 2 ... ... ... PionrCs 243 ... .01 .01 PremGvtMP 37 41 .49 .47 PremierPort 32 20 .81 .81 PrimeObTR 1 36 .24 .23 PrinCapPresJ ... ... ... PrincipalInstl ... .14 ... PrincipalMMB ... ... ... PrincMMktA 465 ... ... ... PrincMMktJ t 260 ... ... ... PrincpMMktI ... ... ... PruMMartD 457 29 .01 ... PruMMrtZ 95 29 .01 .01 PruGovMM D ... ... ... PruInstMM I ... ... ... PruInstMM A ... ... ... Putnm MMA 806 23 .37 ... PutnmMMC t 24 23 .01 ... RBCGvRBCI1 47 .52 .52 RBCPrRBCI1 ... ... ... RS MMktVIP ... ... ... ReadyAssetPr 3205 ... ... ... ReadyAstUST 289 ... ... ... RegMorKeegA ... ... ... RegMorKeeg I ... ... ... RegionsTreTr ... ... ... ResrvCA II ... ... ... ResrvFL ... ... ... ResPri15 ... ... ... ResPri25 ... ... ... ResPriTT ... ... ... ResrveUSTrs ... ... ... ResUSTrsTT ... ... ... ResrveFdGvtR ... ... ... ReserveFdR ... ... ... Ret1 2556 ... ... ... RetII p 55 ... ... ... RidgeWCshMgt ... ... ... RidgeWPrQualA ... ... ... RidgeWPrQualI ... ... ... RidgeWUSGvt ... ... ... RidgeW USGovA ... ... ... RidgeWUSGvI ... ... ... RidgeWUSTrsI ... ... ... RydexUSGvC ... ... ... RydexUSGv ... ... ... SEIDITGovC ... ... ... SEIDITGvIIC ... ... ... SEIDITGvSwp ... ... ... SEI DIT MMA ... ... ... SEIDITMMSw ... ... ... SEIDITPrC ... ... ... SEIDITPSwp ... ... ... SEIDITTrIIC ... ... ... SEIDITTrsB ... ... ... SEIDITTrSwp ... ... ... SEI DITGovA 7896 48 .43 .43 SEI DIT MMC ... ... ... SEI DlIncGvB ... ... ... SEI DailyTr C ... ... ... SEI DITGvIIA 2133 50 .43 .43 SEI LqPr ... ... ... SEI DITPrmA ... ... ... SEI DITPrmB ... ... ... SEI DITTrsA 118 50 .43 .43 SEI DITTrIIA 557 55 .41 .41 SEI DITTrIIB ... ... ... SEIDITPrmH ... ... ... SSgAMMA f ... ... ... SSgAPrm ... ... ... SSgAUSGvtA ... ... ... SSgAUSTry ... ... ... STI CshRes ... ... ... SansomSt ... ... ... SaratgUSGvI 11 3 .01 ... SchwbACR-Pr 11557 39 .46 .45 SchwbACR 4147 39 .39 .38 SchwbCshRes 39635 38 .40 .39 SchwbInv 617 37 .49 .48 SchwbRetAdv 236 39 .54 .53 SchbValAdv 8360 39 .58 .57 SchwValAdUlt 2437 39 .79 .78 SchbVlAdvSl 2263 39 .68 .68 SchbValAPrm 1859 39 .76 .75 SchwbGv 30783 37 .01 .01 SchbMM 8960 37 .34 .33 Schb UST 18527 50 .08 ... ScudCshAARP ... ... ... SecurityCsh ... ... ... SentinelGov A ... ... ... ShTrInUS ... ... ... SignalMM I ... ... ... SmBarPRDlyLiq ... ... ... StFrmMMLgA 141 36 .05 .05 StStInstLRS 7974 25 .78 .79 SunAmMMA 113 7 .01 .01 TAIDXTAmA p 26 .01 ... TAIDEXTAmB t 26 .01 ... TCW GalileoI ... ... ... TDAMMMInv 440 49 .20 .20 TDAMMMkPr 62 49 .20 .20 TDAMUSGv 870 44 .03 .03 TIAA-Cref Life ... ... ... TIAA-CREF Inst 454 51 ... ... TIAA-CREF MM ... ... ... TIAACREF Ret 321 51 ... ... TIAA-CREF Ret 111 51 ... ... TRowSumCR 37 .48 ... TRowPRF 52 .20 ... TRowUST 46 .20 ... TargetUSGvt ... ... ... Thriv MM Inst 79 32 .17 .17 Thriv MMk A 360 ... ... ... Touchstone Inst ... ... ... TouchstoneMM ... ... ... TouchstnMMS ... ... ... TouchstoneSTGvt ... ... ... TreasObTR 874 46 .02 .01 TCU MMP ... ... ... UBS RMA ... ... ... UBS RMA US ... ... ... UBS Retire ... ... ... UPW Cash ... ... ... US Tr Am ... ... ... US Treas Tr 52 ... ... ... USAA Mutl 4769 28 .25 ... USAA Treas 2528 19 .14 ... VALIC MMktI 343 10 .01 .01 VALIC MMkII 137 10 .01 .01 VangAdmTry 14805 52 .51 .50 VangFdl 72334 49 .53 .51 VangPr 87421 39 .80 .80 VangPrInst 12244 39 .86 .86 VicFedMMI ... ... ... Vic Fed MMS ... ... ... VictoryFRF ... ... ... VictGvtResSel ... ... ... VictGvtResTr ... ... ... VictoryInstInv ... ... ... VictoryInstS ... ... ... VictoryNY ... ... ... VictoryPrOb ... ... ... W&RAdCsMB 15 .02 ... W&RAdCsMC ... ... ... W&R AdvCshM A 1425 15 .16 ... WeissTreasury ... ... ... WeitzGvMM ... ... ... WellsFargo A 527 18 .33 .33 WFCashInvAd 111 18 .65 .65 WFCashInst 660 18 .78 .78 WFGovAdm 472 44 .32 .32 WFGvtMMA 270 44 .05 .05WellsFargoI 100 3304 53 .11 .11 WellsFargoInsCsh 207 18 .49 .49 WellsFargoInsGv 2943 44 .15 .15 WellsFargoInv ... ... ... WellsF100TrA 344 ... ... ... WellsFargo TrsyS 1477 46 .19 .19 WellsFargoTrsyA 1431 46 .03 .03 WellsFargo TrsyI 11798 46 .44 .44 WFGvMMInst 22439 44 .45 .46 WA GvtRsvA 923 49 .06 .04 WAInstGvInst 16989 49 .51 .49 WstnUSTrN 621 55 .06 ... WstnInstCshL 14 .83 ... WstnInstCshS ... ... ... WstnInstLqRsI 908 21 .86 .84 WstnLiqResN 27 21 .27 .25 WstnPrmLiq 24 21 .57 .55 WstnInstUSTR 7792 55 .44 .44 WstnPrmUSTR 105 55 .18 .18 Wilm GovSel 3728 39 .25 .25 Wilm MM Sel ... ... ... Wilm PriAdm ... ... ... Wilm TrAdm 510 39 .03 .03 Wilm TrSvc 39 .01 .01 Wilm GovAdm 1686 39 .02 .02 WilmPriMM ... ... ... WilmUSGov 386 39 .35 .35Tax ExemptABN Amro TxEI ... ... ... ABN AmroTxExS ... ... ... AIMTx 30 13 .04 .04 ActAsCal ... ... ... ActAstTx ... ... ... AdvCATExLq ... ... ... AdvMuLiq p ... ... ... AlpineMuni ... ... ... AmC CATF 176 17 .27 ... AmC TF 136 13 .29 ... BBH TxEx ... ... ... BMO TaxF I p 292 17 .48 .48 BMO TaxF Y 85 17 .23 .23 BNYMelNMuM 562 5 .39 .33 BLMunFdPCS p 44 .05 .05 BRLM Muni 44 .53 .53 BRMuInst ... ... ... BRMuSv ... ... ... BR NC ... ... ... BRNJSv ... ... ... BRF NYMuni 6 .46 .46 BROHInstl ... ... ... BRPASv ... ... ... BRVAInst ... ... ... BRFCAMuni 13 .45 .45 BR PA Instl ... ... ... BR PA Invest ... ... ... BofACATERsIn ... ... ... BofACATERsA p ... ... ... BofACATERsCp ... ... ... BofACATERsD p ... ... ... BofACATERsIn ... ... ... BofACATERsL ... ... ... BofACATERsTr ... ... ... BofAMRsAdv ... ... ... BofAMRCap ... ... ... BofANYTEIn ... ... ... BofANYTxTr ... ... ... BofANYTERCp ... ... ... BofATERsAdv ... ... ... BofATERInv ... ... ... BofATERDaly ... ... ... BofATxExRsCp ... ... ... BofATEResG ... ... ... BofATxERsInst ... ... ... BofATEResLiq ... ... ... BofATERTr ... ... ... CalDalyA ... ... ... CA TF MM ... ... ... CalDlyB ... ... ... CashActTxEMgd 59 35 .24 ... Centn NY ... ... ... Centn CA ... ... ... CentenTx ... ... ... CityCATxEx I ... ... ... City CAMM S ... ... ... CityCATE N p ... ... ... CT DlySel ... ... ... DWSNYInsTxF ... ... ... DailTxA c ... ... ... DryNYAMTCs ... ... ... DryBasicNJ ... ... ... DryCTMu ... ... ... DreyCalTx ... ... ... DRPA Mun ... ... ... EVTxFrResvs ... ... ... ExcelsiorNY ... ... ... ExcelsiorTxE ... ... ... FFI Inst TE 1436 ... ... ... FIMMTxExII 27 .37 .36 FIMMTxEx3 4 27 .27 .26 FIMMTxExI 2228 27 .52 .51 FedALMuni ... ... ... FedCAMuniSv 151 20 .20 .19 FedCAMu WS 96 20 .45 .44 FedCTMuSvc 22 30 .02 .01 FedFLMunCS p 59 24 .01 .01 FedFLMu WS 29 24 .17 .16 FedGAMuCsh 91 9 .21 .20 FedMAMuCS p 65 20 .01 .01 FedMAMuniSv 58 20 .08 .06 FedMDMuCsh ... ... ... FedMNMuCsh 14 44 .01 .01 FedMuniCsh ... ... ... FedMuObl A 638 34 .61 .60 FedMuOblCap 281 34 .51 .50 FedMunOblSv 405 34 .36 .35 FedNCMuCsh 97 37 .08 ... FedNJMuCsSv 8 45 .13 .13 FedNJMu WS 5 45 .28 .28 FedNYMuCSv 42 40 .23 .21 FedNYMuCS p 155 40 .01 .01 FedNYMuCsII 8 40 .02 .01 FedOHMuCsh 16 45 .01 .01 FedOHMuCsSv 10 45 .03 .02 FedOHMu WS 28 45 .23 .22 FedPAMuniCS 54 33 .01 .01 FedPAMuCsSv 33 33 .08 .07 FedTaxFObWS 2042 34 .53 .52 FedTxFrObSv 239 34 .28 .27 FedVAMu WS 3 9 .19 .18 FedMuniSvc 112 9 .04 ... FedMIMuCsSv 30 9 .11 ... FedMNMu WS 40 44 .41 .40 FedTxF c 235 7 .51 .50 FidCA 3504 24 .24 .23 FidCT 901 44 .25 .24 FidMA 3400 23 .23 .22 FidMI 532 35 .17 .15 FidMuMM 12842 36 .35 .34 FidNJ 1303 51 .27 .26 FidNY 2778 32 .25 .24 FidOH 539 44 .24 .23 FidPA 374 22 .22 .21 FidSpCA 319 27 .40 .39 FidSpMA 204 22 .39 .37 FidSpNJ 142 48 .42 .41 FidSpNY 293 29 .40 .40 FidTEDly M 140 32 .02 .01 FidAZ 171 40 .25 .24 Fid TECR 99 32 .01 .01 FidTxEx MM 3859 32 .27 .26 FidTaxExPortS 27 .47 .46 FinSq TEF 944 31 .49 ... FstAmTFA 37 10 .10 ... FstAmTxFY 323 24 .22 ... FstAmTxFrD ... ... ... FstMunC p ... ... ... FtInvTax ... ... ... FedFLMuCshII 3 24 .01 .01 FrkCal ... ... ... FrkNYTE ... ... ... FsAmTxFObII 1 24 .37 ... FstAmTFObZ 48 24 .47 ... GnAMTMu R ... ... ... GenNJMun 104 26 .01 .01 GenNYMuB 113 8 .03 .01 GnMuB p 466 10 .01 .01 GnNYMuB p 75 8 .01 .01 GnCalMu 72 21 .01 .01 GlenTaxExemt ... ... ...GSITNYI ... ... ... GSITCAI c ... ... ... GSITDvI c ... ... ... HSBC CalMMD ... ... ... HSBC NYTFA ... ... ... HSBCInv CA ... ... ... HtgCshMunA ... ... ... IMCT NewYork p ... ... ... JPMMuMMP 29 6 .24 .24 JPMMuMMR 6 .02 .02 JPMorganCA 6 7 .07 .07 JPMorganNY 318 6 .07 .07 JPMorganTF 11 15 .08 .08 JPMorg TFPr 1543 15 .22 .22 JPMTxFrR p 2663 15 .01 .01 JPMorgTFAgcy 427 15 .41 .41 JPMTxFrInst 10757 15 .46 .46 LMPNYMuO ... ... ... MTB NYTF ... ... ... MTB TFMM A ... ... ... ML CMA Cal 1221 ... ... ... ML CMA CT 235 ... ... ... ML CMA MA 170 ... ... ... ML CMA NJ 630 ... ... ... ML CMA NY 949 ... ... ... ML CMA OH 114 ... ... ... ML CMA TE 3345 ... ... ... MnyMgtPlus ... ... ... MS CalTF 31 6 .02 .02 MS NYMMM 19 6 .03 .03 MS TFDly 61 6 .03 .03 NYTxFrMMI ... ... ... NJDlyMuSel ... ... ... NorthernCA ... ... ... NorthInstTxEx ... ... ... NortnInstMuni 208 6 .42 .43 NorthernMun 241 5 .61 .61 PATxFrMMI ... ... ... PNC TE I ... ... ... PNC TxExA ... ... ... PhoxInsgTEN ... ... ... PhoxInsgTEI ... ... ... PremierTxEx 10 9 .46 .45 PruTax ... ... ... PutnamTE ... ... ... RBCTFRBCI1 ... ... ... ResIntTE TT ... ... ... ResrvMA ... ... ... ResrvNJ ... ... ... RsrvConn ... ... ... ResrvIntR ... ... ... ResrvNY ... ... ... RidgeW TxExA ... ... ... RidgeWTxExI ... ... ... RidgW VaTxFrA ... ... ... RidgeWVaTxFrI ... ... ... RussellTxFree ... ... ... SEI InTFA ... ... ... SEIInsTxFB ... ... ... SEITxEInstC ... ... ... SEITxFrA ... ... ... SSgATFA ... ... ... SchwAMTTxF 2788 22 .10 .09 SchwbCAAMTVl ... ... ... ShwbCAValu 811 18 .24 .23 SchwMAMuSw 469 11 .02 .01 SchwMuniPrm 2337 22 .47 .46 SchwMuniSel 557 22 .37 .36 SchwNJMuSw 614 30 .02 ... SchwNYMuVA 224 20 .25 .23 SchwNYMuSw 1512 20 .04 ... SchwPAMuni 398 20 .05 ... SchwTxFValAd 534 24 .27 .26 ShwbTE 9428 22 .13 .11 SchwabTxEx 539 22 .27 .25 Schwb CA 5942 16 .09 .08 ScudTECshInst 39 35 .51 ... TDAMCAMu 165 35 .04 .04 TDAMMuni 404 24 .05 .05 TDAMNYMu 101 9 .04 .04 TRowSumMu 47 .27 ... TRowCA c 40 .24 ... TRowNY c 47 .15 ... TRowTE c 46 .17 ... TxExCAPrem ... ... ... TxFrMnyPrm ... ... ... TE Mny MkA ... ... ... TaxFrMMSvc ... ... ... TaxFrMMInv ... ... ... TouchstnFITF ... ... ... TouchstnOhTF I ... ... ... TouchstnOhTFR ... ... ... TouchstoneTF ... ... ... UBS RMA CA ... ... ... UBS RMA NJ ... ... ... UBS RMA NY ... ... ... UBS RMA TxFr ... ... ... USAA Cal 244 9 .06 ... USAA FlTxF ... ... ... USAA NY 67 14 .12 ... USAATxEx 2041 25 .19 ... USAA VA 138 11 .01 ... VangNJ 1242 47 .51 .49 VangCA 3711 18 .50 .48 VangOH ... ... ... VangPA 1963 18 .50 .48 VangNY 2175 27 .53 .51 VangTxEx 16936 24 .55 .53 VictoryOH ... ... ... Victory TF ... ... ... WFAMuCshM 296 6 .51 .51 WFA MuCsMSv 23 6 .26 .26 WFA NJMuA ... ... ... WFANYMuA p ... ... ... WFA PASvc ... ... ... WFA PAMuA ... ... ... WellsFargo CA ... ... ... WellsFCATFS ... ... ... WellsFargoMnMM ... ... ... WFNatInstMM 104 6 .48 .48 WFNtTFMMSv 73 6 .23 .23 WellsFargoNat 157 6 .38 .38 WellsF NTFA 134 6 .04 .04 WAInstAMTMu ... ... ... WAMassA ... ... ... WstnCATxF N 2 15 .01 .01 WstCCTTxF N ... ... ... WstnFTxR N 13 18 .02 .02 WstnInstTxFR 347 18 .50 .49 WstnNYTxR N 37 11 .01 .01 Wilm TESel ... ... ... Wilm TEAdv ... ... ... Money Markets Avg Avg Comp Fund Assets Mat Yld Yld Nasdaq small cap Continued from previous page Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Friday Name Ticker Last Chg Avg Avg Comp Fund Assets Mat Yld Yld Avg Avg Comp Fund Assets Mat Yld Yld Avg Avg Comp Fund Assets Mat Yld Yld Avg Avg Comp Fund Assets Mat Yld Yld Avg Avg Comp Fund Assets Mat Yld YldMONEY & MARKET$Page 21 The Sun/Saturday, March 18, 2017
U.S. Treasury Bonds and Notes .50 Mar 17 p 99.31 100.00 .76 1.00 Mar 17 p 100.00 100.01 .87 3.25 Mar 17 p 100.02 100.03 -0.01 .68 .13 Apr 17 f 100.10 100.11 -0.01 .88 Apr 17 p 100.00 100.01 .82 .50 Apr 17 p 99.31 100.00 .78 .88 Apr 17 p 100.00 100.01 .73 3.13 Apr 17 p 100.08 100.09 -0.01 .73 .88 May 17 p 100.00 100.01 .76 8.75 May 17 k 101.07 101.08 -0.02 .78 4.50 May 17 p 100.18 100.19 -0.01 .75 .63 May 17 p 99.31 100.00 .76 2.75 May 17 p 100.12 100.13 .78 .88 Jun 17 p 100.00 100.01 -0.01 .75 .63 Jun 17 p 99.30 99.31 .79 .75 Jun 17 p 99.31 100.00 .78 2.50 Jun 17 p 100.15 100.16 .81 .88 Jul 17 p 100.00 100.01 .80 2.63 Jul 17 f 101.20 101.21 -0.01 .50 Jul 17 p 99.28 99.29 .81 .63 Jul 17 p 99.29 99.30 .81 2.38 Jul 17 p 100.18 100.19 .81 .88 Aug 17 p 100.00 100.01 .85 4.75 Aug 17 p 101.18 101.19 -0.01 .87 8.88 Aug 17 k 103.08 103.09 -0.02 .85 .63 Aug 17 p 99.28 99.29 .86 1.88 Aug 17 p 100.14 100.15 .86 1.00 Sep 17 p 100.01 100.02 .88 .63 Sep 17 p 99.27 99.28 +0.01 .90 1.88 Sep 17 p 100.16 100.17 .90 .88 Oct 17 p 99.31 100.00 .93 .75 Oct 17 p 99.28 99.29 +0.01 .94 1.88 Oct 17 p 100.18 100.19 +0.01 .95 .88 Nov 17 p 99.30 99.31 +0.01 .97 4.25 Nov 17 p 102.04 102.05 .97 .63 Nov 17 p 99.24 99.25 +0.01 .98 .88 Nov 17 p 99.29 99.30 .99 2.25 Nov 17 p 100.27 100.28 .99 1.00 Dec 17 p 100.00 100.01 +0.01 1.00 .75 Dec 17 p 99.25 99.26 +0.01 1.01 1.00 Dec 17 p 99.31 100.00 1.00 2.75 Dec 17 p 101.11 101.12 1.01 .88 Jan 18 p 99.28 99.29 +0.01 1.02 1.63 Jan 18 f 102.05 102.06 .75 Jan 18 p 99.24 99.25 +0.01 1.04 .88 Jan 18 p 99.27 99.28 1.04 2.63 Jan 18 p 101.11 101.12 1.05 1.00 Feb 18 p 99.30 99.31 +0.01 1.06 3.50 Feb 18 p 102.06 102.07 1.07 .75 Feb 18 p 99.22 99.23 1.06 2.75 Feb 18 p 101.18 101.19 1.07 1.00 Mar 18 p 99.29 99.30 1.08 .75 Mar 18 p 99.20 99.21 1.09 .88 Mar 18 p 99.24 99.25 1.10 2.88 Mar 18 p 101.26 101.27 1.10 .13 Apr 18 f 100.28 100.29 .75 Apr 18 p 99.19 99.20 1.11 .63 Apr 18 p 99.14 99.15 +0.01 1.12 .75 Apr 18 p 99.18 99.19 1.13 2.63 Apr 18 p 101.20 101.21 1.13 1.00 May 18 p 99.27 99.28 +0.01 1.13 3.88 May 18 p 103.05 103.06 -0.01 1.09 9.13 May 18 k 109.07 109.08 -0.01 1.06 .88 May 18 p 99.21 99.22 +0.01 1.15 1.00 May 18 p 99.26 99.27 +0.01 1.15 2.38 May 18 p 101.14 101.15 1.16 1.13 Jun 18 p 99.30 99.31 1.17 .63 Jun 18 p 99.09 99.10 1.17 1.38 Jun 18 p 100.08 100.09 1.17 2.38 Jun 18 p 101.16 101.17 1.17 .88 Jul 18 p 99.19 99.20 1.17 1.38 Jul 18 f 103.12 103.13 -0.01 1.38 Jul 18 p 100.08 100.09 +0.01 1.19 2.25 Jul 18 p 101.14 101.15 1.18 1.00 Aug 18 p 99.23 99.24 +0.01 1.20 4.00 Aug 18 p 103.30 103.31 1.16 .75 Aug 18 p 99.11 99.12 +0.01 1.21 1.50 Aug 18 p 100.13 100.14 +0.01 1.21 1.00 Sep 18 p 99.21 99.22 1.22 .75 Sep 18 p 99.08 99.09 1.23 1.38 Sep 18 p 100.07 100.08 +0.01 1.22 .88 Oct 18 p 99.13 99.14 1.24 .75 Oct 18 p 99.06 99.07 1.25 1.25 Oct 18 p 100.00 100.01 +0.01 1.24 1.75 Oct 18 p 100.26 100.27 +0.01 1.24 1.25 Nov 18 p 99.31 100.00 1.25 3.75 Nov 18 p 104.02 104.03 1.25 1.00 Nov 18 p 99.17 99.18 1.26 1.25 Nov 18 p 99.31 100.00 +0.01 1.27 1.38 Nov 18 p 100.05 100.06 1.26 1.25 Dec 18 p 99.30 99.31 +0.01 1.28 1.00 Dec 18 p 99.29 99.30 +0.01 1.29 1.38 Dec 18 p 100.05 100.06 +0.01 1.29 1.50 Dec 18 p 100.11 100.12 1.29 1.13 Jan 19 p 99.22 99.23 +0.02 1.30 2.13 Jan 19 f 105.10 105.11 +0.01 1.13 Jan 19 p 99.21 99.22 +0.01 1.31 1.25 Jan 19 p 99.29 99.30 +0.02 1.30 1.50 Jan 19 p 100.11 100.12 +0.01 1.31 .75 Feb 19 p 98.29 98.30 +0.01 1.32 2.75 Feb 19 p 102.23 102.24 +0.02 1.30 8.88 Feb 19 k 114.15 114.16 -0.01 1.18 1.13 Feb 19 p 99.20 99.21 +0.01 1.32 1.38 Feb 19 p 100.03 100.04 +0.01 1.32 1.50 Feb 19 p 100.10 100.11 +0.01 1.32 1.00 Mar 19 p 99.11 99.12 +0.02 1.34 1.50 Mar 19 p 100.09 100.10 +0.01 1.35 1.63 Mar 19 p 100.17 100.18 +0.01 1.35 .13 Apr 19 f 101.16 101.17 +0.02 .88 Apr 19 p 99.00 99.01 +0.02 1.36 1.25 Apr 19 p 99.24 99.25 +0.02 1.37 1.63 Apr 19 p 100.17 100.18 +0.02 1.37 .88 May 19 p 98.29 98.30 +0.02 1.38 3.13 May 19 p 103.21 103.22 +0.01 1.38 1.13 May 19 p 99.14 99.15 +0.02 1.38 1.50 May 19 p 100.07 100.08 +0.01 1.39 1.00 Jun 19 p 99.03 99.04 +0.03 1.41 1.63 Jun 19 p 100.15 100.16 +0.02 1.41 .75 Jul 19 p 98.15 98.16 +0.02 1.42 1.88 Jul 19 f 106.09 106.10 +0.01 .88 Jul 19 p 98.23 98.24 +0.02 1.43 1.63 Jul 19 p 100.14 100.15 +0.02 1.42 .75 Aug 19 p 98.12 98.13 +0.03 1.44 3.63 Aug 19 p 105.05 105.06 +0.02 1.43 8.13 Aug 19 k 115.25 115.26 1.43 1.00 Aug 19 p 98.28 98.29 +0.02 1.46 1.63 Aug 19 p 100.13 100.14 +0.02 1.45 .88 Sep 19 p 98.17 98.18 +0.02 1.47 1.00 Sep 19 p 98.26 98.27 +0.02 1.48 1.75 Sep 19 p 100.22 100.23 +0.02 1.47 1.00 Oct 19 p 98.24 98.25 +0.03 1.49 1.25 Oct 19 p 99.11 99.12 +0.02 1.50 1.50 Oct 19 p 99.31 100.00 +0.02 1.50 1.00 Nov 19 p 98.21 98.22 +0.02 1.51 3.38 Nov 19 p 104.28 104.29 +0.02 1.49 1.00 Nov 19 p 98.20 98.21 +0.02 1.52 1.50 Nov 19 p 99.29 99.30 +0.02 1.53 1.38 Dec 19 p 99.18 99.19 +0.03 1.54 1.13 Dec 19 p 98.28 98.29 +0.02 1.54 1.63 Dec 19 p 100.07 100.08 +0.03 1.54 1.38 Jan 20 f 105.12 105.13 +0.02 1.38 Jan 20 f 99.16 99.17 +0.03 1.56 1.25 Jan 20 p 99.03 99.04 +0.02 1.57 1.38 Jan 20 p 99.14 99.15 +0.02 1.58 3.63 Feb 20 p 105.26 105.27 +0.02 1.57 8.50 Feb 20 k 119.23 119.24 +0.01 1.54 1.38 Feb 20 p 99.11 99.12 +0.03 1.601.25 Feb 20 p 98.31 99.00 +0.02 1.61 1.13 Mar 20 p 98.16 98.17 +0.02 1.63 1.38 Mar 20 p 99.08 99.09 +0.02 1.62 .13 Apr 20 f 101.13 101.14 +0.01 1.13 Apr 20 p 98.13 98.14 +0.02 1.65 1.38 Apr 20 p 99.04 99.05 +0.02 1.66 3.50 May 20 p 105.20 105.21 +0.01 1.65 8.75 May 20 k 121.25 121.26 +0.01 1.64 1.38 May 20 p 99.01 99.02 +0.02 1.68 1.50 May 20 p 99.13 99.14 +0.02 1.69 1.63 Jun 20 p 99.24 99.25 +0.03 1.70 1.88 Jun 20 p 100.19 100.20 +0.03 1.69 1.25 Jul 20 f 105.26 105.27 +0.02 1.63 Jul 20 p 99.21 99.22 +0.03 1.73 2.00 Jul 20 p 100.28 100.29 +0.02 1.72 2.63 Aug 20 p 102.30 102.31 +0.03 1.73 8.75 Aug 20 k 123.06 123.07 +0.01 1.71 1.38 Aug 20 p 98.24 98.25 +0.03 1.75 2.13 Aug 20 p 101.08 101.09 +0.03 1.75 ACERUSPHARMAC 170470 .11 .10 .11 ... ARCResources 249036 19.48 18.88 18.88 -.40 AZMiningInc 140850 2.57 2.25 2.57 +.28 AgnicoEagle 171583 57.27 56.09 56.50 +.07 AirCdaV VV 277335 13.80 13.53 13.53 -.19 AlacerGoldJ 695996 2.89 2.70 2.78 -.08 AlamosGoldA 440389 10.98 10.22 10.89 +.64 AlimntatnBSV 307019 60.00 59.15 59.43 -.47 ArgonautJ 432512 2.37 2.30 2.33 +.02 AsankoGoldo 247993 3.67 3.40 3.45 -.14 AthabascaOil 226522 1.50 1.42 1.43 -.04 B2GoldCorpo 714018 4.05 3.86 3.98 -.05 BCE Inc 841033 58.48 57.63 58.30 +.73 BarrickGold 891456 25.60 25.01 25.14 -.07 BaytexEnergy 433510 4.74 4.51 4.63 -.04 Bk NS 1095120 78.84 77.79 77.79 -.66 BkMontreal 574656 101.95 100.75 100.96 -.53 BlackberryLtd 324874 9.64 9.53 9.53 -.03 BombardirBSV 1510710 2.15 2.09 2.11 ... BonavistaEgy 124764 3.45 3.24 3.24 -.17 BoralexClA 264837 20.94 20.70 20.75 +.01 BrookfldALV 510153 49.03 48.47 48.47 -.40 CADGOOSEHOLD 152319 23.50 22.02 23.00 +1.47 CGIGrpASV 252449 63.84 63.25 63.27 -.30 CIBC 401679 118.60 117.55 117.64 -.52 CIFinancial 159409 27.25 26.63 26.66 -.53 CamecoCorp 306517 15.06 14.70 14.73 -.16 CanaccordFin 225968 5.42 5.11 5.30 +.02 CanopyGrowth 839251 11.19 10.66 10.66 -.42 CapstoneMngo 275310 1.57 1.40 1.56 +.13 CdnNatRail 557514 97.03 96.22 96.30 -.03 CdnNatRes 774258 44.17 43.56 43.66 -.15 CdnUtilANV 161388 39.10 38.64 38.80 +.07 CenovusEngy 564155 16.76 16.42 16.50 -.15 CenterraGld 282714 7.21 6.84 6.86 -.27 ChartwellRet 148507 15.29 14.62 14.82 -.41 ChinaGoldo 321802 3.10 2.64 2.69 -.42 ConcordiaInt 162665 2.59 2.49 2.53 -.10 ContlGoldo 377071 4.59 4.10 4.16 -.35 CorusEntBo 291434 13.05 12.89 12.99 +.03 CrescentPnt 584561 14.79 14.20 14.31 -.30 DREAMSVWI 120859 6.82 6.49 6.55 ... DetourGoldo 237562 16.13 15.08 15.18 -.96 DundeePrec 119144 3.12 2.67 2.68 -.38 EldoradoGld 587102 4.19 4.05 4.09 -.03 ElementFin 398523 13.07 12.84 12.85 -.14 EmeraInc 256915 46.20 45.76 46.14 +.41 EmpireANV 146224 18.69 18.08 18.57 +.47 EnCanaCorp 1149231 14.62 14.25 14.25 -.15 EnbridgeInc 1255988 55.85 54.91 54.96 -.74 EnerplusCorp 189546 11.10 10.76 10.76 -.22 FirstQntumo 783490 15.11 14.33 14.41 -.20 Fortis Inc 378735 42.95 42.60 42.84 +.20 FortunaSilver 152199 7.35 6.79 6.79 -.52 Franco Nevada 139599 87.05 85.88 86.06 -.22 GeneNewso 185201 .53 .45 .45 -.01 GildanActive 208141 35.33 34.95 35.18 +.01 GoldcorpInc 639311 20.74 20.35 20.43 -.06 GoldenStar 190756 1.19 1.09 1.15 -.05 GranTierrao 139495 3.46 3.34 3.34 -.08 |