October 1, 2009 Vol. 14, No. 74 Atlantis getting ready for next week's rollover to VAB New crew members, one guest on way to ISS Shuttle Update : In OPF-1, Atlantis' payload bay doors were closed Sept. 25, the aft and midbody were closed out and LESS carrier panels were i nstalled. Forward closeouts continue. ISS Update: The next residents of the International Space Station -NASA astronaut Jeff Williams, Russian cosm onaut Max Suraev and spaceflight partic ipant Guy Laliberte -launched into orbit aboard a Soyuz spacecraft Wednesday from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in K azakhstan at 3:14 a.m. EDT. Future Exp edition 22 Commander Williams, Soyuz Commander Suraev and Laliberte are scheduled to dock with the station at 4:37 a.m. Friday. Laliberte, a Canadian cit izen and the founder of Cirque du Soleil, is flying to the station under an agre ement between the Russian Federal Space Agency and Space Adventures Ltd. He will spend nine days aboard the orbiting laboratory. On Oct. 10, Expedition 20 Co mmander Gennady Padalka will transfer command of the station to ESA's Frank De Winne, who will become commander of the next station mission, designated Expedition 21. Padalka, NASA astronaut Michael Barratt and Laliberte will land in Kazakhstan at about 12:29 a.m. EDT Oct. 11. Padalka and Barratt have been aboard the orbiting laboratory since March 2009. Hispanic Heritage Month Lunch & Learn To commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month, a brown bag luncheon with speaker Miguel Rodriguez, Ma nagement Engineering Directorate deputy director, is being held Friday in the Mi ssion Briefing Room from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Rodriquez will speak about the community and educational outreach and the importance of mentor sh ip as it relates to the national theme, "Embracing the ational theme was taken in part from the I have a Dream" speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This lunch and learn is presented to you by the newly formed Hispanic Outreach and Leadership A lliance team and the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity. Beverages and a sampling of traditional Hispanic desserts will be provided. Seating is limited. Please register through SATERN. Seasonal Influenza Vaccine 2009 2010 The Occupational Health Facil ity has received a limited supply of se asonal influenza vaccine for the 2009-10 flu season. The vaccine is be ing admini stered on a first-come, first-served basis during normal clinic hou rs : OHF/KSC Industrial Area, Mo nday through Friday, 7 a.m. 5 p.m.; and the Launch Area Clinic/KSC LC-39 Area, MFF Facil ity Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. 3 p.m. If you have any questions about the vaccine, please call OHF at 8673346. KEA-49: SMA Technical Exce llence Program (STEP ) Dr. Nat Ja mbulingam, discipline lead for Reliability and Maintainability Engineering at the NASA Safety Center, or NSC, will present an overview of the SMA Techni cal Excellence Program, called STEP. Dr. Jambulingam will make his presentation today from 10 to 11 a.m. at the KSC Training Auditorium. STEP is an agencylevel, career-oriented, professional deve lopment program for NASA SMA. F ocused on improving the development of pe rsonnel, processes and tools needed for the safe and successful achievement of NASA's strategic goals, STEP comes u nder HQ Office of Safety and Mission A ssurance. NASA and KSC contractor personnel are invited to attend. Questions and comments should be sent to To view future listings or video/PDF ve rsions of past KEA events, please visit: Use Your Smartcard to Access Your Desktop Computer In Nove mber KSC will be implementing the use of Smartcards for desktop login to Wi ndows systems. The PIV badge, or Smar tcard, that you use to gain entrance to KSC, and the PIN you selected when you received your Smartcard, may be used to access your desktop. If you have forgo tten your PIN, you will be able to go to a location near you to have your PIN reset by a volunteer PIN resetter starting in November. The locations and hours will be published when this will be available. For more information, visit the new Web site: Countdown is published every Tuesday & Thur sday for NASA KSC employees. Deadlines are 9 a.m. Mondays & Wednesdays. E-mail news to For que stions or information, e-mail or call 867281 4. You can also find PDF issues of Countdown at: ntdown/countdown_toc.html
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