
Material Information

Uniform Title:
Ames Astrogram (Online)
Added title page title:
The Ames Astrogram
Place of Publication:
Moffett Field, CA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center
Publication Date:
Quarterly[May 2012-]
Monthly[ FORMER Mar. 11, 2002-]
Biweekly[ FORMER Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 24, 1958)-Feb. 25, 2002]


Subjects / Keywords:
Astronautics ( lcsh )
Technology transfer -- United States ( lcsh )
Astronautics ( fast )
Technology transfer ( fast )
United States ( fast )
periodical ( marc )
serial ( sobekcm )
federal government publication ( marcgt )
periodical ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Print began with vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 24, 1958).

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
University of Florida
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This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not subject to copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.
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67989914 ( OCLC )
2006230703 ( LCCN )

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April 2015 A Quarterly Publication The team in charge of NASA's Kepler or exoplanets for short. More than 1,000 of Milky Way galaxy -one that is teeming with planets. planets like Earth can form. These explosion 10,000 years ago contains Ithaca, New York. SOFIA data reveal warm dust (white) surviving inside a supernova remnant. The SNR Sgr A East cloud is traced in X-rays (blue). Radio emission (red) shows expanding shock waves colliding with surround ing interstellar clouds (green). BY NICHOLAS VERONICO continued on page 8 continued on page 21 BY MICHELE JOHNSON photo by NASMGeneral John Jack R. Dailey (center front right), director of the National Air and Space Museum, presents the 2015 Current Achievement Trophy Award to William Borucki (center front left) and NASAs Kepler Mission by NASA/CXO/ Herschel/VLA/Lau et al


2 Astrogram April 2015 Right photo: Gary Martin, Partnerships director, (standing far right) chats with Terry Fong and others at the 2014 Ames Technology Transfer Awards Katie Smyth.NASA photos by Dominic HartLeft photo: Acting Center Director Chuck Smith (left) presents David Kinney (center) and Loc Huynh (right) with a 2014 Western Region Federal Laboratory Consortium Outstanding Commercialization Aerodynamics during the recent 2014 Ames Technology Transfer Awards ceremony. The event honors those who won the NASA 2014 Software of the Year and the 2013 Government Invention of the Year awards, submitted and issued patents, authored articles for NASA Tech Briefs magazine, released software and/or were recognized by the NASA Inventions and Contributions Board or the Federal Labora tory Consortium. national Space Station. The sixth comDragon spacecraft car ries Microbial Tracking1B, which seeks to characterize airborne International Space microgravity. at the center spoke with researchers at informa station. Cape Canaveral Air Force Station NASA photo by Donald Richey Visitors at the center in B152 April 13 waiting to watch a live broadcast of a Falcon 9 rocket of SpaceX from Kennedy Space Centers Cape Canaveral. This mission carried two sciences pay loads designed at Ames.The launch was delayed to the following day. NASA photo by Dominic Hart NASA photo by Dominic Hart


3Astrogram April 2015 spacecraft are getting a facelift--a phenolic, in the past on the space tect it from the on planetary exploration on the 10-inch compression Orion space in space on its in December Mars, engineers material to NASA Ames in collaboration with Space Technology Mission Directorate from investigation of the basic concept testing in the severe thermal envi missions. BY MARIA ALBERTY at Ames. resins. cool. also vertically (i.e., To make the material, 5,000 woven together, making a 50-layer the material into its samples of the electricity at air particles so fast the Orion program for its next mission's continued on page 7 A Three-Dimensional Multi-Functional Ablative Thermal Protection (3D-MAT) sample after an arc jet test at NASA Ames. The sample shows the charred layer from the extremely hot, high pressured test; below the charred layer is unaffected 3D-MAT material. photo by NASA Ames


4 Astrogram April 2015 NASA Ames Center Director, Dr. came to Ames after retiring from the Missile Systems Center, Air Force Force Base, California. cost-effective small satellite missions. Year. more time with his wife Nancy, family BY KAREN BRADFORD NASA photos by Dominic Hart Colleagues and friends at Ames during the retirement luncheon, March 27, 2015 for Center Director S. Pete Worden. Center Director S. Pete Worden hands at Ames, March 27, 2015 (photos left). During the all hands, he shared his thoughts about the bright future for the center as he closed out his tenure as director.


5Astrogram April 2015 NASA photos by Dominic Hart Ames with more than 150 of his NASA, with two special events, a search Center. As he was planning in the Ames Financial Management his career at Ames. management chain; evolving into an general management, strategic plan California. In the near term, he plans forgotten. BY PHIL FLUEGEMANN Above photo: Lew Braxton, deputy center director (right) seen here during his retirement luncheon held at Ames Jan. 23, 2015.


6 Astrogram April 2015 -NASA photos by Dominic Hart Left photo: Paul Henderson, deputy chief of staff and public safety director for the Mayor of the City of San Francisco and Judge Shelyna Brown, Santa Clara County Superior Court, responding to audience questions during the recent Black History month colloquium/panel held at Ames in February 2015. Reverend R.G Moore III, (above right photo) also was a member of the discussion panel during the event. an African-American male attorney. criminal matters in San Jose.


7Astrogram April 2015 mal protection systems technology, from a challenge to overcome into a months, we are celebrating this tech continued from page 3 While in space, Wiseman Mobile Transporter when mov ing between worksites. For the NASA photo by Dominic Hart NASA photo by Dominic HartCongressman John Culberson, Chairman, Commerce, Justice and Science Subcommittee, House Appropriations Committee visited NASA Ames Jan. 30, 2015. Here hes seen during his visit to the Hyperwall at the center. that will allow the station to ac crew vehicles. ing remarkable photos, per Space Station. To follow Wise man on twitter visit: https://twit


8 Astrogram April 2015 science as the principle investigator for the Kepler Mission. NASA photos by Dominic Hart Center employees for their national or inter of its own employees for research excellence. activity in planetary atmospheres ozone layer. principal investigator for the Kepler near the habitable zones of other ing planet. The Kepler mission also of whether or not we are alone in the The Kepler space telescope infers the existence of an exoplanet, by mea when it passes or transits in front of planet. mission, K2, to observe a series of where the familiar constellations of the for even more exoplanets, as well as continued from front page its new mission. events/trophy. NASA's Ames manages the Kepler ence Mission Directorate. NASA's Jet


9Astrogram April 2015 -Interactive maps with the ability "There's nothing like seeing some as a portal to an immersive experience NASA's Dawn spacecraft is con closely with the Dawn mission. BY SHARON LOZANO even skim the surface of Vesta. Science Division of NASA's Science Exploration Systems program in erations Mission Directorate, at NASA Steve Zornetzer, acting deputy center director (left), presents Jack Lissauer (right) with the H. Julian Allen Award March 31, 2015. The award is truly one of NASA Ames Research Centers highest honors. In 2014, it was awarded to Lissauer for his paper Models of Jupiters growth incorporating thermal and hydrodynamic Jupiter gives information to the dynamic formation of our solar system and insights to extra-solar systems.This paper documents a body of work that contributes to NASA Ames pioneering research in planetary sciences. Lissauer has contributed greatly to our understanding of the development of Jupiter as a gas planet. His semi NASA photo by Dominic HartNASA photo


10 Astrogram April 2015 tive, the NASA Speaker Series, which University Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Schools professionally. The MESA program connects with San Jose. This collaborative effort 15 teachers, who participate in the lege, being low-income, or being in an BY MARIA C. LOPEZ Dr. Enid J. Conts, of Code SCB, (center, sixth from left) with the MESA students from Joseph George Middle School. photos courtesy of Silver Creek High and Joseph George Middle SchoolsGeorge Gorospe, of Code TI, (center, eigth from left) with the Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) students from Silver Creek High School. The NASA Speaker Series began tion Technology Directorate, Sci Technology Directorate. Each speaker memorate the special engagement. worthwhile.


11Astrogram April 2015 central to protein synthesis, roles. DNA, non-biologically in scientist at NASA Ames. We are showing that these laboratory processes, which space, can make several Earth. then recombine to form new com thymine. NASA Ames scientists have been of chicken wire. which makes them somewhat wimpy. a space science researcher at Ames. BY RUTH DASSO MARLAIRE continued on page 24 NASA photo by Dominic HartLeft to right: Ames scientists Michel Nuevo, Christopher Materese and Scott Sandford reproduce uracil, cyto sine and thymine, three key components of our hereditary material, in the laboratory. is frozen in ice mostly consisting of be if it were in the gas phase in open


12 Astrogram April 2015 members, representing the govern Flight Test Unit (Armstrong Flight NACA facility. challenges. NASA photo by Donald RicheyFormer Ames employees (above) who worked at Ames during the NACA era gathered March 3, 2015 to mark the 100th anniversary of the day Congress passed legislation establishing the NACA. Afterwards, they enjoyed a slice of birthday cake in the Cafe, sponsored by the Ames Exchange. Also to mark the day, Bill Warmbrodt of Code AV organized a barbeque in the parking lot near Cooper Loop where Ames aeronau to mark the NACA Centenary. Left to right: Kristine Clevenger, Hank Cole, Mary Boldt, Leroy Presley, Carolina Rudisel, Richard Kurkowski, George Cooper and Jack Boyd.


13Astrogram April 2015 nations. The NACA Main Committee was always at the heart of the NASA photo performance. Dr. Charles Marvin, chief of the U.S. not shown in the photograph, was Dr.


14 Astrogram April 2015 celebrate the lives of the brave women NASA photo by Dominic HartJean-Pierre Harrison, the husband of Kalpana Chawla, reminisces about her and the rest of the Columbia crew during the Ames Day of Remembrance Ceremony, Jan. 28, 2015. We also honor all others who memorials at the Arlington National exploration. NASA photo by Dominic HartDonald James, formerly the director of Strategic Communications and Education Director ate, Code V at Ames and now the Associate Administrator of Education for NASA, visited the center in January 2015 conducting a workshop discussing the future of NASA education.


15Astrogram April 2015 NASA photos by Dominic HartRight photo: Members of the Ames community who contributed a banner signed by hundreds of Ames employees in support of EFT-1. In March 2015, Orion program leaders from NASA and Lockheed Martin recognized Ames researcher Jeremy Vander Kam (second a nationwide Thank you tour to facilities that contributed to the Orion program manager; Jeremy Vander Kam, (Ames thermal protection system manager for Orion); Mark Kirasich, NASA Orion deputy program manager; and Mike Hawes, Lockheed Martin Orion program manager. The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation at the John F. Kennedy School of Govern NASA Research Park (NRP) as part of the 2015 Bright Ideas program. Above photo is an aerial view of NRP. The NRP is a world-class, shareduse R&D and education campus for government, a center for innovation and entrepreneurship with a unique community of scientists, engineers, students and educators with a shared mission. For more information about the award, visit: http://www.ash. Press-Releases/Harvard-s-AshCenter-Announces-124-Bright-Ideasin-Government For more information about the NASA Research Park, visit: researchpark/home/index.html NASA photo by Dominic Hart


16 Astrogram April 2015 the Spitzer Space Telescope. history. BY GLENN BUGOS to serve as a principal investigator with was becoming the benchmark for the by the Earth's atmosphere. -like the crash of Comet ShoemakerAmes astrochemists including Farid Salama and Lou Allamandola have long relied on data from the Hubble Space Telescope. In this image reddened stars with high dust abundances are embedded in the Cygnus OB2 dense cloud. From this obser vation target they obtained new spectra from the Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph, in 1997 and in 2001, to search for structure in the ultraviolet interstel lar extinction curve, with particular emphasis on a search for absorption features produced by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Today Salama, for example, continues to search for the signature of organic molecules in the translucent clouds that represent a middle ground between the diffuse and dense interstellar medium, using the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph on the Hubble. NASA photo


17Astrogram April 2015 tems, robotics, spacecraft operations, missions. a research psychologist from NASA in space, the greater the effects. On a before leaving the planet. extent these aspects of a Mars misBY MARIA ALBERTY tion space travel affect crew members. For example, a person can learn remember, not the generalizable skill Astronauts train in the Neutral Buoyancy Facility at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas NASA photo ask whether we are excessively train even more importantly, are we are BY JESSICA CULLER view of an exciting imaging mission continued on page 19


18 Astrogram April 2015 Bacterial pathogens can contaminate space. Station on Jan. 10, 2015, to help gies for preventing or treating intesti orbiting laboratory to become hosts to infection with a bacterial pathogen, physiology that are common between ing for Space Biology comes from the Operations Mission Directorate at also was the principal investigator, monitoring, allowing researchers on Not only will the researchers com gravity, they also will analyze the effect tects the worms from infection. They If this proves to be effective, then a infections. on Earth at nearly the same time as mechanisms by which changes in interaction of a living host with an Space is an exciting frontier for environment of the space station. of biological systems come when we newest extreme environment available for biologists to explore. BY GIANINE M. FIGLIOZZI Expedition 42 Flight Engineer Terry Virts sets up the Microgravity Science Glovebox for the Micro-5 experiments. NASA photo


19Astrogram April 2015 Media visit during the State of NASA event at Ames, Feb. 2, 2015.NASA photos by Dominic Hart travel. Following the showcase, agency continued from page 17 Dr. Jaiwon Shin, Associate Administrator for Aeronautics, visited Ames April 8, 2015 to present an all-hands address to Ames employees. In his address, he provided an update about the ARMD budget roll-out and plans for the coming year. Shin also presented the ARMD Associate Administrator Awards to Ames recipients. NASA photo by Dominic Hart Agnew. information are available online at:


20 Astrogram April 2015 later on Iwo Jima where many brave closely following innovation in After retirement, Albert enCemetery, Santa Clara, Saint Albert P. Garavaglia Virginia I. Palumbo 2015, after a very brief illness. She Company). There she was close to Yosemite, U. S. Army in Japan as a civilian. She nese than American. After a brief stay in the U.S., she ian for the Air Force. She spent three U.S. ornaments for local schools. She was nephew, who live in Texas. Conservancy. NASA photo by Roger Brimmer


21Astrogram April 2015 James Connolly explosions of early massive stars, galaxies billions of light years away, scientist at Ames. carries a telescope with an effective Center. The aircraft observatory is California. NASA Ames is home to the SOFIA Science Center, which is mancontinued from front page The Ames family notes with sad ness the passing of James P. Connol ly who died unexpectedly at his home in San Jose, Feb. 2, 2015. He was 76. To those privileged to work with Jim prior to his retirement in 2013, we lost a friend, mentor, phenomenal leader, gifted colleague and exceptional engineer. Jim joined the Peace Corps in 1964, and spent two years working on road and building projects in Tanzania. He graduated from Santa Clara University with an masters degree in electrical engineering in 1972, while working full time at NASA. During his 49-year career with research was surpassed only by his consistent ability to maintain an even keel. From Biocosmos to the space shuttle and the International Space Station, Jim led engineering and In 1976, following his leadership of the successful Space Lab Mission Development Simulation, Jim led the that enabled advanced research on 1982, he led the engineering team in developing space biology hardware and support equipment for a number ments. From the late 1980s through the late 1990s, Jim led the Ames Space Life Sciences engineering team working on SpaceLab Life Sciences 1, SpaceLab Life Sciences 2, the International Microgravity Laboratory, NASA/NIH Neurolab mission. shuttle/SpaceLabs, he also managed several joint US/Soviet biosatellite missions that provided US scientists with access to space when access was limited during the aftermath of the Challenger accident. Later, Jim became the Project Management division chief, Code PX, at Ames. He provided leadership and mentoring to project managers on a variety of high visibility missions including the Stratospheric Observa tory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environ ment Explorer (LADEE), Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and the Kepler Mission. NASA and Ames are simlong, dedicated and exemplary NASA career. He is survived by his loving wife Sharon L. Connolly, who works in the Acquisition Division at Ames, his son Liam; his son Thad; his son Michael their children Quinn and Harper; also by his sisters Virginia, of Eureka, California and Jeanette, of Carson City Nevada.


22 Astrogram April 2015 The Department of Commerce, mercial Service, in cooperation with NASA photos by Dominic Hart in global markets, U.S. companies mental elements of this conference. Assistant Secretary of ComThe view from NASA. Ames Fitness Center hosted an open house, (above photos) in January 2015, providing a tour of the gym and to introduce employees to group organized weight loss programs, personal/group training, walking programs, walking clubs, monthly fun runs/walks, etc.NASA photos by Dominic Hart


23Astrogram April 2015 Ames Cat Network Ames ongoing monthly events calendarAfrican American Advisory Group (AAAG) Mtg., Moffett Aikido Club Ames Amateur Radio Club, Ames Bluegrass Club Ames Bocce Ball Ames Bowling League Ames Contractor Council Mtg Ames Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Mtg. Ames Golf Club Ames Green Team 101, from 10 11 a.m. Ames Environmental http://environmentalmanagement.arc.nasa. The Hispanic Advisory Committee for Excellence (HACE) Mtg Ames Jazz Band Club Jetstream Toastmasters Native American Advisory Committee (NAAC) Bi-Monthly Meeting, of the month beginning March 5, 2015, 11:00 For more information contact Anita Abrego at Ames Nimble Knitters Club Ames Roller Hockey Club, Ames Safety Committee Ames emergency announcements Exchange InformationBeyond Galileo Gift Shop N-235 in the cafeteria, Mega Bites Cafeteria N-235, Barcelona Caf, Bldg. 3, Visitor Center Gift Shop (Exploration Center), web site at: http://exchange.arc.nasa.govNASA Lodge (Bldg. 19) are as follows (lap swim only): MWF 10 a.m. 1 p.m. team events, kayak role practice, etc. The cost for Exchange basketball gym is now open, Bldg. 2 Ames Swim Center (N-109) RV lots available. Call to reserve a space Moffett Field Golf Club with Tee Minus One Grill and Sports Bar Catering avail Civilian/Contractors, $50/mo; military $25/mo Chase Park reservations NACA Park reservations


24 Astrogram April 2015 PLEASE RECYCLE Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink.FIRST-CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 85 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 living organisms on Earth. researcher at NASA Ames who has been working on these experiments. continued from page 11