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June 2013 A Quarterly Publication www.nasa.gov NASA's Kepler Mission has re cently discovered two new planetary systems that include three superEarth-size planets in the "habitable zone," the range of distance from a star where the surface temperature of an orbiting planet might be suitable for liquid water. planets; 62b, 62c, 62d, 62e and 62f. The Kepler-69 system has two planets; 69b and 69c. Kepler-62e, 62f and 69c are the super-Earth-sized planets. Two of the newly discovered planets orbit a star smaller and cooler than the sun. Kepler-62f is only 40 percent larger than Earth, making it the exoplanet closest to the size of our planet known in the habitable zone of another star. Kepler-62f is likely to have a rocky composition. Kepler-62e, orbits on the inner edge of the habitable zone and is roughly 60 percent larger than Earth. The third planet, Kepler-69c, is 70 percent larger than the size of Earth, and orbits in the habitable zone of a star similar to our sun. Astronomers are uncertain about the composition of Kepler-69c, but its orbit of 242 days NASA's Kepler discovers its smallest 'habitable zone' planets to date BY MICHELE JOHNSON continued on page 5 Relative sizes of all of the habitable-zone planets discovered to date alongside Earth. Left to right: Kepler-22b, Kepler-69c, Kepler-62e, Kepler-62f and Earth (except for Earth, these are artists' renditions). Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech. around a sun-like star resembles that of our neighboring planet Venus. Scientists do not know whether life could exist on the newfound planets, but their discovery signals we are similar to Earth around a star like our sun. "The Kepler spacecraft has cer tainly turned out to be a rock star of science," said John Grunsfeld, associ ate administrator of the Science Mis sion Directorate at NASA Headquar ters in Washington. "The discovery of these rocky planets in the habitable a place like home. It is only a matter of time before we know if the galaxy is home to a multitude of planets like Earth, or if we are a rarity." The Kepler space telescope, which simultaneously and continuously NASA Administrator Charles Bolden visits AmesNASA Administrator Charles Bolden (far left) visited Ames May 24, 2013, to view demonstrations of Ames contributions to the PhoneSat nanosatellite mission and 3D printing activity and to meet with local news media. U.S. Congressman Mike Honda, 17th Congressional District, California, (third from left) and Ames Research Center Director S. Pete Worden (second from left) were at the site of PhoneSat and additive manufacturing dem onstrations. Demonstrating the 3D printing technology was Sarah Hovsepian (far right) SpaceShop manager. Additive manufacturing, also known as 3D printing, is a critical part of President Obamas push for building a strong American manufacturing sector. The PhoneSat program recently launched three small satellites built from off-the-shelf cellular phone technology. NASA photo by Dominic Hart
2 Astrogram June 2013 Airborne imaging technology NASA developed and transferred to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service (USFS) in 2012 is being tested to prepare for this year's States. The Autonomous Modular Sen sor (AMS) is a scanning spectrometer designed to help detect hot-spots, and USFS engineers installed it on a Cessna Citation aircraft that belongs to the Forest Service. The USFS plans and measurement. The western United States is expected to have continued droughts this year resulting in increased po the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) in Boise, Idaho. To help miti capabilities. by Ruth Dasso Marlaire data communication, aircraft systems, advanced sensing systems and realhave coalesced into the operational use that supports national needs in Ambrosia, principal investigator of the continued on page 7 NASA-developed ing technology transferred to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service (USFS) has onboard a Forest Service aircraft in preparation for season in the western United States. Image credit: USFS Partnership project and a senior re search scientist at Ames and Califor nia State University, Monterey Bay. Developed by NASA's Airborne Sciences Program, the Autonomous Modular Sensor acquires high-reso lution imagery of the Earth's features The Ames Contractor Council (ACC) recently held its annual Excellence Awards Ceremony in the Syvertson Auditorium. This event celebrates and acknowledges the contributions that both individuals and teams have made to Ames activities. This year, Length of Service awards were added for con tractor staff with 20 or more years of service at Ames. The event was hosted by Mas ter of Ceremonies Neill Callis, ACC President; presentations were made by Gregory Hite, ACC Vice President, and Lewis S. G. Braxton III, Deputy Center Director. A total of 18 individuals and 12 teams were recognized for their outstanding performance over the past year. A total of 210 contractors were recognized for their length of service. The ACC also presented its Safety Excellence Award at the event, recognizing Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, Inc., for their best-of-class safety performance at NASA Ames during 2012.Ames Contractor Council hosts 2013 Excellence Awards ceremony BY PATRICIA ELSON Ames Deputy Center Director Lewis Braxton (right) congratulates contractor staff in attendance with 40 or more years of service to NASA Ames: Back row, left to right: Doug Pearson (55), Fred Witteborn (54), Herbert Finger (42) and Rick Serrano (47). Front row, left to right: John Humbert (49), Vera Vizir (40) and Lynn Albaugh (40).NASA photo by Dominic Hart
3Astrogram June 2013 Transmissions from all three PhoneSats have been received at multiple ground stations on Earth, indicat ing they are operating normally. The PhoneSat team at Ames will continue to monitor the satellites. The satellites are expected to remain in orbit for as long as two weeks. "It's always great to see a space technology mission make it to orbit -the high frontier is the ultimate testing ground for new and innovative space technologies of the future," said Michael Gazarik, NASA's associate administrator for space technology in Washington. "Smartphones offer a wealth of potential capabilities for lites for atmospheric or Earth science, communications, or other space-born applications. They also may open space to a whole new generation of commercial, academic and citizenspace users." Satellites consisting mainly of the smartphones will send information about their health via radio back to Earth in an effort to demonstrate they can work as satellites in space. The spacecraft also will attempt to take pictures of Earth using their cameras. Amateur radio operators around the world can participate in the mission by monitoring transmissions and retriev ing image data from the three satel lites. Large images will be transmitted in small chunks and will be recon structed through a distributed ground station network. More information can found at: http:// www.phonesat. org NASA's offthe-shelf Phone Sats already have many of the systems needed for a satellite, including fast processors, versatile operating systems, multiple miniature sensors, high-resolution cameras, GPS receivers and several radios. NASA engineers kept the total cost of the components for the three prototype satellites in the PhoneSat project between $3,500 and $7,000 by using primarily commercial hardware and keeping the design and mission objec tives to a minimum. The hardware for this mission is the Google-HTC Nexus One smartphone running the Android operating system. NASA added items a satellite needs that the smartphones do not have -a larger, external lithium-ion bat tery bank and a more powerful radio for messages it sends from space. The smartphone's ability to send and receive calls and text messages has been disabled. Each smartphone is housed in a standard cubesat structure, measuring about four inches square. The smartphone acts as the satellite's onboard com puter. Its sensors are used for attitude determination and its camera for Earth observation. The PhoneSat project is a technol ogy demonstration mission conceived of at Ames and funded by NASAs Space Technology Mission Direc -NASA successfully launches three smartphone satellitesby Ruth Dasso Marlaire The PhoneSats are approximately the size of a coffee cup. torate at NASA Headquarters. The directorate is innovating, developing, future science and exploration mis sions. NASAs technology investments provide cutting-edge solutions for our nations future. The PhoneSat family of systems is part of an overall Ames effort to assess commercial grade technologies for use in smalland nano-spacecraft systems to save development costs and leverage industry investments in high-quality, mass-produced compo nents. Ames has successfully complet ed and delivered eight nanosatellites for launch since 2006. "Smartphones' ability to tolerate vigorous use makes them able to with stand the launch and space environ ment; and their compact, modern elec tronics components make them work in the vacuum of space more easily. After we realized this, we set out to explore whether smartphones can be used as the core components of a satellite," said Jim Cockrell, PhoneSat project manager at Ames. For more about information about NASA's Small Spacecraft Technology Program and the PhoneSat mission, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/smallsats For more information about NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/ spacetech. PhoneSat 1.0 hanging from a high-altitude balloon. PhoneSat 1.0 during high-altitude balloon test.NASA photos by Ben Howard
4 Astrogram June 2013 NASAs Ames has won the 2012 NASA Government Invention of the Year for a tiny sensor that can detect chemicals in the air. High Sensitive, Low Power and Compact Nano Sensors for Trace Chemical Detection was invented by Jing Li and Meyya Meyyappan of NASA Ames, and Yijang Lu of the Uni versity of California, Santa Cruz. The invention includes methods and systems for estimating one or BY JESSICA CULLER A multiple-channel silicon-based sensing chip, consisting of 64 nanosensors and is less than one square centimeter, is the winner of the 2012 NASA Government Invention of the Year. NASA photo by Dominic Hartmore unknown parts of a gas using carbon nanotubes. The electronic sensors developed from these car bon nanotubes are inexpensive, light-weight and consume very little power. A typical sensor device based on this concept includes a set of comb-shaped metal microelectrodes fabricated by photolithography on an electrically insulating substrate. The sensors have been deployed by NASA to detect trace gases in the crew cabin on the International Space Station. Other federal agencies are using sensors based on this technol ogy to detect trace gases in various for which the innovative sensors have been tested and used include trace chemical detection in planetary explo ration, air monitoring, leak detection and hazardous agent detection using cell phones. Potential future applica tions may include environmental moni toring, industrial process monitoring and control and biomedical diagnosis. Were very pleased to have Ames inventiveness recognized with this award for the third consecutive year, said S. Pete Worden, NASA Ames center director. With this invention, our people have basically created the insides of a tricorder, and based on the uses weve already demonstrated, I cant wait to see the fantastic applica tions that NASA and industry are going to devise for it. nominations for the awards, which are evaluated by NASAs Inventions and Contributions Board. The board determines which nominations qualify for each category, ranks the nominees, and makes recommendations to the for review and approval. This year Ames also won a Com mercial Invention of the Year runBeverage, a patented water-electrolyte greater body hydration levels than similar beverages available on the market. Invented by Ames John Greenleaf, it has been used by astronauts before, missions to the International Space Station, and by athletes who require rapid rehydration after strenuous exercise. Ames previously earned the NASA Government Invention of the Year award in the following years: 2007, for low-density, lightweight heat shield materials 2008, for a high-speed 3-D la ser scanner with real time processing 2010, for software that creates scenarios 2011, for a low-cost, lightweight, two-piece, thermal protection system for use on space vehicles dur ing atmospheric re-entry at hypersonic speed Ames also won NASA Commercial Invention of the Year in 2010 for the Powder Handling Device for Analytical Instruments.California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. joined more than 500 world-renowned researchers and scientists May 23, 2013, to release a groundbreaking call to action on climate change. The event was held in the NASA Research Park and marked Sustainable Silicon Valleys fourth annual Water, Energy and Smart Technology (WEST) Summit and Showcase of Solutions for Planetary Sustainability at NASA's Ames Research Center. From left to right, California Governer Jerry Brown, Daniel Rasky, Waleed Abdalati, James Hansen, Anthony Barnosky and Banny Bannerjee. NASA photo by Dominic Hart
5Astrogram June 2013 measures the brightness of more than capable of detecting Earth-size plan ets around stars like our sun. Orbiting its star every 122 days, Kepler-62e orbital period of 267 days, was later found by Eric Agol, associate profes sor of astronomy at the University of Washington and co-author of a paper about the discoveries published in the journal Science. The size of Kepler-62f is now mea sured, but its mass and composition are not. However, based on previous studies of rocky exoplanets similar in size, scientists are able to estimate its mass by association. of planets is an enormously collab orative effort of talent and resources, and requires expertise from across these tremendous results," said Wil liam Borucki, Kepler science principal investigator at Ames and lead author of the Kepler-62 system paper in Sci ence. "Kepler has brought a resur gence of astronomical discoveries and we are making excellent progress toward determining if planets like ours are the exception or the rule." The two habitable zone worlds orbiting Kepler-62 have three compan ions in orbits closer to their star, two larger than the size of Earth and one about the size of Mars. Kepler-62b, Kepler-62c and Kepler-62d, orbit every making them very hot and inhospitable for life as we know it. dwarf, measuring just two-thirds the bright. At seven billion years old, the star is somewhat older than the sun. It is about 1,200 light-years from Earth in the constellation Lyra. A companion to Kepler-69c, known as Kepler-69b, is more than twice the size of Earth and whizzes around its star every 13 days. The Kepler-69 planets' host star belongs to the same class as our sun, called G-type. It is 93 percent the size of the sun and 80 percent as luminous and is located approximately 2,700 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. "We only know of one star that hosts a planet with life, the sun. Find ing a planet in the habitable zone around a star like our sun is a sig Earth-like planets," said Thomas Barclay, Kepler scientist at the Bay Area Sonoma, Calif., and lead author of the Kepler-69 system discovery published in the Astrophysical Journal. When a planet candidate transits, or passes in front of the star from the spacecraft's vantage point, a percent age of light from the star is blocked. The resulting dip in the brightness of the starlight reveals the transiting planet's size relative to its star. Using the transit method, Kepler has detected 2,740 candidates. Using various analysis techniques, ground telescopes and other space assets, Early in the mission, the Kepler telescope primarily found large, gas eous giants in very close orbits of their stars. Known as "hot Jupiters," these are easier to detect, due to their size and very short orbital periods. Earth would take three years to accom plish the three transits required to be accepted as a planet candidate. As Kepler continues to observe, transit NASA's Kepler discovers its smallest 'habitable zone' planets to datecontinued from front page Kepler-69 and the Solar System The diagram compares the planets of the inner solar system to Kepler-69, a two-planet system about 2,700 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. The two planets of Kepler-69 orbit a star that belongs to the same class as our sun, called G-type. Kepler-69c, is 70 percent larger than the size of Earth, and is the smallest yet found to orbit in the habitable zone of a sun-like star. Astronomers are uncertain about the composition of Kepler-69c, but its orbit of 242 days around a sun-like star resembles that of our neighboring planet Venus. The companion planet, Kepler-69b, is just over twice the size of Earth and whizzes around its star once every 13 days. The artistic concepts of the Kepler-69 planets are the result of scientists and artists collaborating to help imagine the appearance of these distant worlds. The Kepler space telescope, which simultaneously and continuously ing Earth-size planets around stars like our sun. Image credit: NASA Ames/JPL-Caltech signals of habitable zone planets the size of Earth orbiting stars like the sun will begin to emerge. Ames is responsible for Kepler's ground system development, mission operations, and science data analysis. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., managed Kepler mission development. Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. in Boulder, Colo., developed the sion operations with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado in Boulder. The Space Telescope Science In stitute in Baltimore archives, hosts and distributes Kepler science data. Kepler is NASA's 10th Discovery Mission and was funded by the agency's Science Mission Directorate. For more information about the Kepler mission and to view the digital press kit, visit: http://www.nasa.gov/ kepler
6 Astrogram June 2013 Ames' Sustainability Base was selected a winner in the category of Sustainable Built Environment. Sustainability Base (http://www .nasa.gov/sustainability-base) advances dual goals of providing a healthy, productive work environment, while pushing the envelope of high-performing buildings by incorporating technologies from NASA's aeronautics and space exploration missions into its built environment. Acterra (www.acterra.org) is a NASA Ames Sustainability Base wins again!NASA photo by Jon-Pierre Wiens NASA photo by Eric JamesJaiwon Shin, NASAs Associate Administrator for Aeronautics Research, recently visited Ames and spoke to Ames employees during an All Hands. He discussed the proposed budget for the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) portfolio and the ARMD Strategic Implementation Plan. He also presented ARMD Associate Administrator Awards to Ames recipients.Shin showcases aeronautics
7Astrogram June 2013 from its vantage point aboard research aircraft. The sensor transmits nearly real-time data to ground disaster man agement investigators for analysis. platforms, including NASA's Ikhana remotely piloted aircraft, a Predator-B on the Ikhana and NASA's B-200 King Air to demonstrate sensor capabilities, support national and state emergency its operational readiness. was used to develop and test algo monitor changes in environmental conditions, assess global change and respond to natural disasters. The Autonomous Modular Sensor throughout the United States, provid ing an unprecedented amount of data communities. USFS also will use the sensor to support other agency objec tives, such as vegetation inventory analysis, and water and river mapping. "I see tremendous opportunity for my agency and other land manage application of NASA-developed tech nology," said Everett Hinkley, national continued from page 2remote sensing program manager with USFS in Monterey, Calif. "The AMS expands our current capabilities remote-sensing applications, including tions." NASA will continue to support the Forest Service's use of the Autonowith NASA and other agencies will have access to the data and can request mission use through partner ships. For more information about Autonomous Modular Sensor, visit: http:// airbornescience.nasa.gov/instrument/ AMS. All civil servant and support service contractors, who in the performance of their tasks complete secretarial, administrative or clerical duties, were invited to attend Administrative Professionals Day, April 25, 2013. Those who attended are shown at left. This was an interactive workshop geared toward the recognition and apprecia tion of the secretarial, administrative support professionals and clerical support community during Administrative Professionals Week at Ames. This year, secretaries and administrative support staff were recognized for their integral role at Ames with the workshop theme of Taking a Stand. This theme highlighted and recognized all the administrative support professionals at Ames and their work supporting the NASA mission. Administrative support professionals were shown some self-defense tactics and learned how to react to a hostile situation (lower right photo).Ames honors support staff on Administrative Professionals Day NASA photos by Dominic Hart
8 Astrogram June 2013 BY NICK VERONICO Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) have captured the most detailed mid-infrared images yet of a massive star condensing within a dense cocoon of dust and gas. The star is G35.20-0.74, commonly known as G35. It is one of the most massive known protostars and is located relatively close to Earth at a distance of 8,000 light-years. Until now, scientists expected the formation process of massive stars would be complicated by the turbulent, chaotic environments in the centers of new star clusters where they form. But observations of G35 suggest this giant star, more than 20 times the mass of our sun, is forming by the same orderly process as do stars with the same mass as the sun. Stars most like the sun are understood to form by simple, symmetric collapse of interstel lar clouds. "The focus of our study has been to determine how massive stars actu ally form," said Yichen Zhang of the University of Florida. Zhang is lead author of a paper about the discovery published April 10, 2013 in the Astrophysical Journal. "We thought the G35 protostar's structure would be quite complicated, but instead we found it is simple, like the cocoons of protostars with the sun's mass." The observations of G35 were made in 2011 with a special cam era aboard SOFIA, a aircraft that can carry a telescope with an effective diameter of 100 inches (2.5 meters) to altitudes as high as 45,000 feet (13,700 meters). G35 was an ideal target for investiga tions because it is in an early stage of develop ment. But infrared light coming from G35 is so strong it prevented in frared space telescopes from making detailed images. Also, the protostar is embedded so deeply in its natal cloud that it cannot be detected by optical tele scopes observing from the ground at visible wavelengths. Flying high above the light-blocking water vapor in Earth's atmosphere, the airplanemounted Faint Object Infrared Camera enabled astronomers to see G35 where it hides -inside a dark, dense, interstellar dust cloud -by collecting infrared light escaping the cloud. Uniquely suited for this work, detected faint details next to bright structures at wavelengths inaccessible to any other telescope on the ground or in space. "Massive stars, although rare, are important because there is evidence they foster the formation of smaller stars like our sun, and because at the ends of their lives they create and distribute chemical elements that are the basic building blocks of Earth-like planets," said co-author James De Buizer, a SOFIA staff scientist with the search Center. Images of G35 may be viewed on NASA's SOFIA site: http://www.nasa. CAST images of G35 at wavelengths of 31 and 37 microns. Figures 2a and 2b respectively present G35 images obtained by NASAs Spitzer Space Telescope and the Gemini-North telescope at Mauna Kea, Hawaii, also used in this study. Figure 3 shows computer model images intended to match characteristics of the central and 1b. The model images show greatly especially in the SOFIA images: a luminous protostar heating a dense interstellar cloud from the inside while simultaneously expelling cone-shaped jets of gas toward the tops and bot cone appears brighter because it is directed toward us and there is less obscuring material along the line of sight. The high resolution of the images showcases the capability of modern Figures 1a and 1b show the G35 protostar at wavelengths of 31 and 37 microns taken by the FORCAST instrument on the SOFIA observatorys infrared telescope in 2011. (Zhang et al. 2013, Astrophysical Journal) Figures 2a (left) and 2b (right) present G35 protostar images obtained by NASAs Spitzer Space Telescope and the Gemini-North telescope at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. (Zhang et al. 2013, Astrophysical Journal) continued on page 9
9Astrogram June 2013 The staff of NASA's Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) gathered April 11, 2013 on the ramp outside the Dryden Aircraft Operations Facility in Palmdale, Calif., to mark Frequencies (GREAT) spectroscopic receiver. GREAT works like a very high frequency radio receiver that detects light waves rather than light particles. The GREAT instrument was devel oped by a consortium of German research institutes led by the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany. NASA photo by Tom Tschida Figure 3 shows computer model images intended to match characteristics of the central regions of the images of the G35 protoThe model images show of what is revealed in the images taken by the FORCAST instrument on the SOFIA observatory's infrared telescope: a lu minous protostar heating a dense interstellar cloud from the inside while simultaneously expelling cone-shaped jets of gas toward the tops and bot toms of the frames. The brighter because it is directed toward us and there is less obscuring material along the line of sight. (Zhang et al. 2013, Astrophysical Journal)infrared detector arrays when used on an airborne platform and gives scientists hope that data gathered in this way substantially will ad vance their understanding of the Milky Way galaxy. led by Terry Herter of Cornell Uni versity in Ithica, N.Y. Co-authors of the Astrophysics Journal paper in clude scientists from the University of Florida in Gainesville; University of Wisconsin in Madison; University of California at Berkeley; Louisiana the Arcetri Observatory in Florence, staff at Ames. SOFIA is a joint project of NASA and the German Aerospace Center. SOFIA is based and managed at NASAs Dryden Aircraft Operations Facility in Palmdale, Calif. NASAs Field, Calif., manages the SOFIA science and mission operations in quartered in Columbia, Md., and the German SOFIA Institute at the University of Stuttgart. man SOFIA Institute, visit NASAs SOFIA site and click on SOFIA Science Center. continued from page 9
10 Astrogram June 2013 town was Philadelphia, Pa. He com pleted undergraduate and graduate University in Cleveland, Ohio. His ested in the physics of H II regions interstellar clouds of gas ionized by nearby hot stars. He ignited in Bob an interest in such objects that endured the rest of his life. Bobs thesis included a detailed model for the photoionization and thermal structure of an H II region. curately incorporate radiative transfer of the ionizing photons, and, conse quently, Bob's continually updated NEBULA code has been used ex tensively ever since. After receiving his PhD in 1967, Bob took postdoc Astronomy Observatory and then at the University of Illinois, after which he taught for several years at Cal State Fullerton. In 1980, Bob moved to NASA Ames where he began modeling H II regions to interpret measurements of far infrared emission made from the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO) by Ed Ericksons group. For example, combined with the groups data, the models established gradients as a function of distance from the Galactic Center in the abundances of nitrogen, oxygen, neon, and sulfur relative to hydrogen, and provided evidence for the previously unsuspected presence of hot stars in the vicinity of the Galactic Center. To further our understanding of the structure and composition of ion ized nebulae, Bob conceived observ ing programs to measure spectral lines from galactic and extra-galactic sources to compare with his models. to deduce the unobservable extreme ultra-violet spectral energy distribu tions of hot stars that are critical to the relevant physics in these nebulae. Via successful proposals, he obtained data on both H II regions and plane tary nebulae with various radio tele scopes, the KAO, the Hubble Space Telescope, the Infrared Space Obser vatory, the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Herschel Space Observatory, and most recently, SOFIA. Bob consistently supported his research at Ames with such proposals, funded by NASA through his personal venture named for his favorite, signa -Bob Rubin, astrophysicist and student mentor, passes awayture nebula Orion Enterprises: http://spacescience.arc.nasa.gov/ staff/robert-rubin and http://space science.arc.nasa.gov/~rubin/ of Bob's legacy is the many students that he mentored over the years. He always involved students in his re search activities, attracting them both from local high schools and through various Ames programs that support college students for a semester or a summer. Often Bob included them as co-authors on his papers, deserv edly for their efforts and in gratitude for their help. Many of his high school students have gone on to study at toprated American universities. In his younger days, Bob enjoyed piloting planes, running and hiking. He was an avid fan of competitive was enthusiastic about any team from Philadelphia. Bobs Door collection of some 200 non-astronomy Orion references was a favorite hobby: http://www-space.arc.nasa.gov/~rubin/ door8.html He valued and spoke often of his collaborators and friends, both from Ames and elsewhere. The latter ODell (Vanderbilt U.), Ben Zuckerman (UCLA), Pat Palmer (U. Chicago), and others all over the world. It is a credit to NASA Ames that it accommodates dedicated, accomplished and produc Bob passed away on March 3, 2013. He will be missed and well-re membered by his many colleagues. Edie Watson began her career at Ames in 1945, when it was part of NACA, working in the Electrical Section. Her husband, William Sput Watson, was stationed as a U.S. naval moved back to their hometown of Shellman, Ga. Soon after, Sput was the Bay Area. As she was lunching with old friends at Ames, she ran into Deputy Director Jack Parsons, who asked her to return to work at Ames. From 1946 to 1954, she worked for Harvey Allen in the High Speed phone and directing correspondence for such aerospace luminaries as Walter Vincenti, Dean Chapman and berger, head of the new design group for the national Unitary Plan Wind Tunnels lured Watson away to support his division, where she worked for a decade. When Harvey Allen became director in October 1965, he asked Watson to manage the directors suite. When Hans Mark arrived as director in February 1969, Watson stayed on and introduced him to how things got done at NASA. As the top professional secretary at Ames, she set both for the Centers administrative staff. Her direct staff of three handled the directors calendar, all international travel, and all correspondence for the research projects. She was, then, the collected an important set of docu ments. Edie was the friendly face of Ames, always caring, remembers Jack Boyd, who also came to rely upon her. She was the soul of professionalism and honored to be part of the NACA and NASA mission. She was a devoted friend and always will ing to help the Ames family as well as the newcomers on Center. Following 30 years of govern ment service, Watson retired in June 1975. The Ames Golf Club perpetually awarded her as the Most Congenial Golfer and, in retirement, she worked on her golf game and volunteered with the Navy League. She survived three loving husbands. Sput died in 1976, Harvey Kuhr in 1996, and William Blackman in 2005. Born just three days after NACA, she died April 21, at the age of 98. Robert H. Rubin Edie Watson
11Astrogram June 2013 homes for cats trapped at Moffett. They range from feral to abandoned/lost pets. They are tested, altered and inoculated. Call Iris at ext. 4-5824 if you or someone you know are interested in fostering or adopting a cat.Ames Cat Network Ames Ongoing Monthly Events CalendarAfrican American Advisory Group (AAAG) Mtg., last Tuesday of each month, 12 1 p.m., 4-3442. Moffett Aikido Club, Monday and Wednes day evenings, 6:30 p.m., Bldg. 944. Aikido is a non-competitive, defensive martial art known as the Way of Harmony. POC: Diane 787-1007, email: mfaikido@aol.com Ames Amateur Radio Club, third Thurs., of each month, 12 noon, N-T28 (across from N-255). POC: George Tucker, at ext. 4-2200. Ames Bluegrass Club, every Tuesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Bldg. 944. Players of all instruments and all levels are welcome, but we are particularly interested in experienced play ers willing to help improve the groups musical skills. POC: Bob Haberle at ext: 4-5494 or email: robert.m.haberle@nasa.gov Ames Bocce Ball Club, Ames newest Exchange-sponsored club is seeking members. POC: Mike Lindsay email: michael.c.lindsay@ nasa.gov Ames Bowling League Homestead Lanes Thursdays at 6 p.m. Need substitute bowl ers. Sign up questions: Steve Howard at ext. 4-4884. Ames Contractor Council Mtg of each month, 11 a.m., Bldg. N-200, CommitAmes Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Mtg, third Wednesday of each month, noon. Check for occasional schedule changes at: http://www.afeu.org. POC: Paul K. Davis, ext. 4-5916. Ames Golf Club Members have the opportu nity to play approximately 13 tournaments per year at a variety of 18-hole golf courses in the Bay and Monterey Area. POC: Barry Sullivan: Barry.T.Sullivan@nasa.gov. Ames Green Team (formerly the Green Ames 101, from 10-11 a.m. For information, call Management Division, ext. 4-5660. http://environmentalmanagement.arc.nasa. gov/reports/eo-13514.html The Hispanic Advisory Committee for Excellence (HACE) Mtg each month, 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m., Bldg. jeanette.zamora-ortega-1@nasa.gov. Ames Jazz Band Club, Bldg. 944, 5:30 ralph.e.bach@nasa.gov Jetstream Toastmasters Mondays, 12 p.m. Steiger, ext. 4-0195, tim.steiger@nasa.gov. Web: http://jetstream.freetoasthost.com Ames Nimble Knitters Club, every Tuesday nasa.gov Ames Roller Hockey Club, meets daily from noon to 1 p.m. at rink on north end of the 80-foot-by-120-foot wind tunnel, Players should have experience skating and must wear protective equipment. Ames Safety Committee third Thursday of each month, 10 a.m. 11 a.m., Bldg. N-237, mail.arc.nasa.gov, ext. 4-3243. Wednesday of each month, Bldg. 241 room 237, 11:30 12:30 p.m., POC: Elena Serna, elena.serna@nasa.gov Ames emergency announcementsTo hear the centerwide status recording, call (650) 604-9999 for information announcements and emergency instructions for Ames employees. You also may listen to 1700 KHz AM radio for the same information. Exchange InformationBeyond Galileo Gift Shop N-235 in the cafeteria, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-6873 Mega Bites Cafeteria N-235, 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-5969/Catering ext. 4-2161 Barcelona Caf Bldg. 3, 6:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-4948/Catering ext. 4-4948 See daily menus at: http://exchange.arc. nasa.gov/cafe/menu.html Visitor Center Gift Shop (Exploration Center), Tues-Fri, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sat. Sun, 12 4 p.m., ext. 4--5412 and holiday gifts at Ames two gift shops! Information about products, services and opportuni ties provided to the employee and contractor com munity by the Ames Exchange Council. Visit our web site at: http://exchange.arc.nasa.govNASA Lodge (N-19) (650) 603-7100The swimming pool is now open. Hours of operation are as follows: Lap swim only: MWF 10 a.m.1 p.m. MWF 3 p.m.-6 p.m. TTH 10 a.m.-1 p.m. TTH 4 p.m.-7 p.m. The pool is heated year round. The pool normally is available for lap swim, pool Pool Manager (650) 603-8025. Memberships: single memberships: $60/yr. Family memberships: $80/yr. After purchasing a membership, there is an entrance fee: daily entrance fee $3/day or lap pass fee $50 for 20 uses. Platinum membership $380/ yr. (no daily fee). Special events: include military training, swim team events, kayak role practice, etc. The cost for special events is $75/hr, or $50/hr for military. Exchange Basketball Gym is now open, Bldg. 2 (650) 603-9717 Hours of operation: M-F 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. M-F 4 p.m.-7 p.m.Ames Swim Center (N-109) (650) 603-8025 RV Lots available. Call to reserve a space at (650) 254-1808.Where to stay when youre too tired to drive home? What about the lodge?! Two types of rooms: Bldg. 19 (43 rooms), rate: $65/night ($5 ea addl adult); Bldg. 583 A&B (150 rooms), rate: $55/night ($5 ea. addl adult); B547 rate $60/night (for large groups)Moffett Field Golf Club with Tee minus One Grill and Sports Bar Catering avail able. Call (650) 603-8026. Extended Happy Hour Thursdays, $5 and $6 pitchers of beer starting at 4 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Civilian/Contractors, $50/mo; military $25/mo Chase Park reservations call ext. 4-4948 NACA Park reservations call ext. 4-4948 Orphanage Without Borders Mtg., Mondays, Buiding 211, a.m.-12:30 p.m. The mission of Orphanage Without Borders (OWB) is to improve the lives of children living in orphanages and abandoned children. Our goal is to create a network of organizations that work together to provide children worldwide with the accept able standards of life such as education, health, hygiene, discipline, affection, respon sibility, hope of future, shelter, nutrition, clean water, joy and safety. We aim to apply these standards universally, meaning that they will be independent of the nationality, religion, culture, race, political opinion or social class of the children or orphanage location. For additional information contact Miguel at mvcharcos@orphanagewithoutborders.org or Ames annual 100 percent wall-to-wall physical inventory for NASA tagged, bar-coded property is proceeding as scheduled. As a reminder, all controlled equipment documented on a NASA Form 892 Employee Property Pass/Loan their NF 892 up to date. Employees are en couraged to bring in that property for scanning. Property passes are assigned to those people authorized to carry government equipment on questions, contact Nelson Japlit at ext. 4-3428. Physical Inventory Underway
12 Astrogram June 2013 Space Administration. Managing Editor......................Michael Mewhinney Editor, Layout and Design..................Astrid Terlep @mail.arc.nasa.gov or by phone at (650) 6043347. Astrogram Web site: http://www.nasa.gov/ ames/astrogram.National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationPLEASE RECYCLE Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink.FIRST-CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PERMIT NO. 85 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 A statistical summary of activities of the Protective Service Divisions Security/Law Enforcement and Fire Protection Services units for the three-month period ending April 2013 is shown below.Protective Services monthly activitySecurity/Law Enforcement Activity Fire Protection ActivityNASA photoRecently, Chris Simpson (Code I) shown above, bowled a perfect 300 game in the All Ames Bowling league. The Ames Bowling League plays at the Homestead Lanes Thursdays at 6 p.m. For sign up questions, contact Steve Howard at ext. 4-4884. Simpson bowls 300