June 2010 A Quarterly Publication The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, or SOFIA, achieved a major milestone May 26, Astronomers call this event for a new home base at the Aircraft Operations telescope performance data at con BY CATHY WESELBY The stability and precise point will be available online and in hard copy format and mailed to onsite with photos and captions for the be posted on InsideAmes at: http:// continued on page 14 Its primary mirror covered by a protective sun shade, the German-built infrared telescope NASA photo by Jim Ross This composite infrared image of Jupiter was made by Cornell Universitys FORCAST camera Visible image Anthony Wesley/IR image NASA/SOFIA/FORCAST Team
2 BY RUTH DASSO MA R LAI R E Artist conception of asteroid 24 Themis and two small fragments of this dynami cal family, which resulted from a large Note that one of the small fragments is inert (as most asteroids are) and the other has a comet-like tail, produced by the sublimation of water ice from its Servicio MultiMedia, Instituto de as well as comets, were the water car The research paper titled, "Water the presence not only of frozen water, that asteroids and comets probably these materials and water arrive on the warm Earth, the conditions for the Alonso is one of a small band of BY ADR IAN BR O W N Videos are available at: they are presented at noon at the Although conditions in asteroids are not favorable for life, primitive asteroids may have
3 INTE R VIE W BY RUTH DASSO MA R LAI R E city called Oviedo, in northern Spain, and specialized in astronomy and as trophysics at the University of La La and the International Observatory of El Question: You are the co-author of a research paper titled, "Water ice and organics on the surface of asteroid 24 Themis," recently published in the British-American important? Question: Is it possible to estimate vations to estimate the size of the support simple life-forms? that asteroids and comets may have are not favorable for life; however, izers" for life, may become an area of Question: What type of laboratory experiment did you perform to make your discovery? My doctoral thesis was on icy observed spectra matched the spectra Question: What inspired you to the world as a reference for astro
4 BY RUTH DASSO MA R LAI R E year history of the award has been Ames researchers: demia, has more Worden, director of of his many pio lar dynamics, and cosmochemistry, observational astronomer, planetary theoretician, and planetary modeler one of the most respected, admired, Trained as a radio astronomer, with lected as Interdisciplinary Scientist for the possibly chaotic dynamics of the F rence Sperry Award, In the early early protoplan three dimensional medal, and was elected Fellow of the NASA photo by Dominic Hart
5 ber of a Masters Invitational Technical Masters Invitational Technical Forum which The Silicon Valley Education Foundation and the Hispanic Founda tion of Silicon Valley have embarked on a journey to collaborate with NASA that is a perfect marriage between the three organizations. All three organizations are striving to achieve the same thing stimulat ing students with an interest in Sci ence, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM). To celebrate this collaboration, a group of young 20 Hispanic students from ACE Charter School, San Jos, Calif. attended an event in the Ames Exploration Encounter on June 1, 2010. This school is uniquely quali because its mission is to help middle school students with a history of poor grades change their academic path towards success. At the event, Ron Gonzales, Foundation of Silicon Valley, talked about his parents driving by NASA Ames every day and how he always was fascinated by NASA. Today is the Ames. The students here today are very lucky to have the opportunity to visit this center, smiled Gonzales. Lew Braxton, Ames deputy center director, marveled at the Smart Skies software, which is at the core of this collaboration. This is a great NASA product and by collaborating with these two wonderful foundations we are getting it into the hands of the BY KA R EN JENVEY continued on page 11 photo by Jack Boyd
6 as well as teachers from the United Earth, life on land lives on water from desert on Earth where the rain aver While Earth is a planet of rain, Desert is possibly the best location in the arid core of the Atacama, which stones in arid des In the Ata that the coloniza tion of stones dropped off to essentially zero colonized near the people both scientists and teachers typical colonized stone is shown in the school teacher from the United States tor these stones to see if they become scientists traveled to a school in Wind More information on Spaceward BY CH R IS MCKAY The team of Spaceward Bound scientists and teachers who investigated the role of fog in sup NASA photos by Matthew Reyes
7 learned how an infrared camera world commemorated the anniver The celebration had more than BY CATHY WESELBY The Ames Bicycle Club hosted an energizer station during the morning of Bike to Work Day, May 13, 2010. During the morning, 115 people joined thousands of other bike com Clara County, participation was up by 12.5 percent since last year. Most of the bike commuters at Ames stopped by to chat and pick up some refresh ments and prizes. People rode in from all over. Vince Chan and Richard Kolyer each rode 30 miles. James Snow had the shortest ride at two miles. The aver age bike commute was 13 miles. The of biking to work were evident in the riders. People talked about their rideseven the bikers who plowed through swarms of insects on the Bay Trailhad a good time. Bike Club has hosted a Bike to Work station and the ninth year that Julie Nottage has coordinated or helped with the event. This year, she was assisted by her husband, Richard Nottage, John Scarboro, Crystal Lee, BY JOHN SC A R BO R O tion on biking at Ames, see the Ames Bicycle Club page at http://ames. For more informa tion about biking to work and Bike to Work Day, see http://www.youcan NASA photo
10 or Mathematics and Science depart was to be enrolled in the aforemen Overall, the event drew more than For additional information relat NASA photos by Dominic Hart BY HE RM AN SANTOS, GE R AL D DEPE R IO, AN D JEANETTE ZA M O R A
11 Braxton. Braxton isnt the only fan of Smart Skies. NASAs Smart Skies software is a fun and challenging way to get kids to learn how math and science can help them pursue their dreams, said Gonzales. Just ask Teodolinda Aguirre, one of the students from ACE Charter School continued from page 5 that game again, she said enthusiasti cally peering towards the computers. The software will be featured in SVEFs Stepping Up to Algebra program. The Silicon Valley Education Foundation strives to prepare students such as NASAs Smart Skies, which we are proud to include in our Step Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, held an all-hands address on Tuesday, June 8, in NASA photo by Dominic Hart and Debris Transport for the Space ping Up to Algebra program, is an ex excited about science, technology, engineering and math, said Muham of the Silicon Valley Education Foun dation.
12 The 2010 Presidential Rank and NASA Honor Awards Ceremony for Ames was held June 9, 2010, in the Main Auditorium (N201). Ames management presented Presidential Rank and NASA Honor Awards to 48 employees who were selected for indi vidual awards, and to 31 groups which were selected for the NASA Group Achievement Award. The names of the honorees are listed below. Mark B. Tischler David Morrison Eugene L. Tu Eric A. Kristich Khaled Galal Michael R. Haas David R. Hunt David G. Koch Benton H. Lau Natalie R. Lemar Millie G. Lo Patti P. Powell Cheryl M. Quinn John E. Robinson Michael M. Rogers George C. Tung Susan C. Nelson Robin A. Beck William G. Bousman David W. Schwenke Aaron Zent Bryan A. Biegel Kenneth R. Hamm Ronald M. Hovland Michael R. Landis Marjorie J. Pierre Terrence K. Rager Vivian Torres Jon Jenkins Wayne R. Johnson Daniel R. Andrews William J. Borucki Daniel M. Bufton Anthony Colaprete James P. Connolly Charles W. Duff Roger Hunter Kelly J. James Francis J. Kmak Parimal H. Kopardekar Mary E. Livingston B. D. McNally Piyush Mehrotra Ethiraj Venkatapathy William G. Warmbrodt Steven F. Zornetzer Advanced Aircraft Hardware Development Team Ames Environmental Sustainability Report 2009 Ames Facility Study Team Ames HSPD-12 Team Ames Negotiation Team for UA Lease CEV Orion Launch Abort Motor Test Measurement Team CEV TPS Advanced Development Project ESMD HEC Prioritization Team Human Vibration Team Project Team Jules Verne Team Kepler Launch and Commissioning Team Kepler Science Operations Center Kepler Science Team Simulation Team LCROSS Science and Payload Team Lunar Regolith Excavation Challenge OCAMS Design, Develop, Test, and Eval Team Orion Re-entry Handling Qualities Simulation Team PharmaSat Team Pleiades Supercomputer Team Robotic Recon Experiment Team Scheduling, Training Admin and Records (STAR) Team Simulation Assisted Risk Assessment (SARA) Team Solar Array Constraint Engine (SACE) Team TPS Model Processing and Fabrication Team Project Team VMS Space Shuttle Visual Database Development Team XSearch Design, Development, Test & Eval Team and/or photo for consideration, please email them to Astrid Olson
13 Ames Ongoing Monthly Events Calendar Ames Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Ames emergency announcements Exchange Information ties provided to the employee and contractor com available for lap swim, pool parties and special Grill and Sports Bar
14 trapped since the formation of the a clear infrared view by water vapor more than 99 percent of that water FIA science and mission operations in continued from front page Administration Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink. U.S. POSTAGE Ames Research Center
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