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Uniform Title:
Ames Astrogram (Online)
Added title page title:
The Ames Astrogram
Place of Publication:
Moffett Field, CA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center
Publication Date:
Quarterly[May 2012-]
Monthly[ FORMER Mar. 11, 2002-]
Biweekly[ FORMER Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 24, 1958)-Feb. 25, 2002]


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Astronautics ( lcsh )
Technology transfer -- United States ( lcsh )
Astronautics ( fast )
Technology transfer ( fast )
United States ( fast )
periodical ( marc )
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federal government publication ( marcgt )
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Print began with vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 24, 1958).

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA April 2008 BY KELLY HUMP H RIES, DELIA SANTIAGO AN D KAT H LEEN BURTON continued on page 8 The largest Yuris Night celebra tion on the planet drew an estimated 7,000 people to the tarmac at NASAs Ames on Saturday, April 12, 2008, as young-minded people celebrated space exploration with music, dance, technology and art. The celebration the largest of 178 held around the world commemorat space shuttle mission and NASAs golden anniversary. Ames co-hosted the event with the Space Generation Advisory Council. When humans go into space, we take with us not just our science and Yuris Night Bay Area 2008 wows all technology but our hopes, our dreams, our art and our personal interactions, said Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden. At Yuris Night 2008, we celebrated all of these, and the enthu siasm of our guests was gratifying and reinvigorating. A standing-room-only crowd squeezed into the Ames main audito rium on April 1, 2008, to hear Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden deliver a center update bubbling over with optimism. Worden began his presenta tion by coyly setting a bottle of cham pagne on the podium and saying, I think were on our way to opening this. Wordens wide-ranging all-hands meeting outlined where Ames stood two years ago, what Ames has ac complished since then and what his near-term goals are for the center. Looking back back at the challenges Ames has over come since he became center director in April 2006. Ames was labeled a and it seemed that NASA was going to be cutting back a lot of aspects of research. Citing NASAs goals and missions, Worden noted the 2006 curtailment of life science efforts, cuts in astrobi ology funding, and how Ames has Worden marks progress, envisions bright future for Ames withstood a reduction of 800 full-time employees. Worden reminded the audience that he had become captain of what some considered a sinking ship. There was widespread conjecture that Ames was going to be closed not a good thing, Worden said shak ing his head. A lot has changed since then. Why the champagne? I think weve made great prog ress, Worden said proudly. its 2006 goals to advance the Vision for Space Exploration and to direct Ames expertise in Information Technology, Thermal Protection Systems and life science to support the Constellation program. The shift in focus was a stra tegic priority at a time when Ames was considered tangential to the agencys goals, Worden said. "Now we are the agency lead for small spacecraft and direct the world in Thermal Protection Systems for all the missions the agency does," Worden declared. He also noted that Ames is success fully expanding public and private partnerships which offer a potential for growth, and currently has six Ames employees working at NASA headquarters, which he said will make BY RAC H EL PRUCEY continued on page 7 Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden responds to audience questions during the recent all-hands meeting held at Ames. NASA photo by Dominic Hart NASA photo by Kyle Cavallaro From left to right, James Green, director of the Planetary Science Division at NASA Headquarters; U.S. Rep. Michael Honda, D-Calif 15th District; Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin; Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden; and David Morrison, interim director of the NASA Lunar Science Institute are shown here cutting the ribbon for the dedication of the new NASA Lunar Science Institute at Ames on April 11, 2008. For full story, see page 2. Ames Lunar Science Institute opens Page 2 Ames dedicates NASA Lunar Science Institute Page 2 Ames, UCSC sign historic agreement Page 3 NASA launches Arctic study Page 8 9 Yuris Night photographs Page 14 Ongoing monthly events On the Inside .


2 Astrogram April 2008 Thirty-eight years ago, NASA launched the Apollo 13 mission to the moon. On April 11, NASA launched the new Lunar Science Institute to lead the agencys research activities for future missions to the moon related to NASAs exploration goals. Managed by NASAs Ames, the NASA Lunar Science Institute is modeled after the successful NASA Astrobiology Institute, also managed by Ames, and features teams of sci entists across the country collaborat ing in lunar science and future lunar exploration. This is an exciting day for NASA as we unveil our new Lunar Science Institute, said Ames Research Cen ter Director S. Pete Worden. This dynamic virtual institute is now the center for lunar science, not only for the United States, but also for the world and will bring together some of the best and brightest scientists to help lead NASAs future missions to the moon. The new institute is supported by the NASA Science Mission Directorate and the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters and will be funded by the Lunar Science Project. Initially, NASA will grants of $1 million to $2 million each for four year terms. By the end of this scientists could be working in collabo ration with the new institute. In addition to basic lunar sci ence, these new research teams will be conducting investigations in biology, astronomy, solar and Earth science that could be performed on the moon, said David Morrison, interim director of the NASA Lunar Science Institute. Teams will focus on one or more aspects of lunar science, includ ing investigations of the moon, from the moon and on the moon. For the investigations of the moon, scientists will study the nature and history of the moon, including research on lunar samples, to learn about the moon and gain insights into the evolution of the solar system. Research teams focused on science to be conducted on the moon will study the lunar environment of ter restrial life and the equipment needed to support lunar habitats. Scientists conducting investiga BY MIC H AEL MEW H INNEY NASAs Lunar Science Institute opened at Moffett in Building 17 on April 11. The institute will feature teams of scientists across the U.S. who will be collaborating in lunar science and future lunar exploration. NASA photo by Kyle Cavallaro Ames, UCSC sign historic agreement Photo at right: University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Chancellor George Blumenthal (left, seated) pens his name to the Letter of Intent among NASA Ames, UCSC and its aca demic associates to formally initiate joint planning and evalu ation efforts toward establishing a world-class, integrated research, education and innovation community in NASA Research Park in support of NASAs missions and to advance higher education and economic development throughout the Research Centers Director William Berry (standing) and Steve Zornetzer, Ames associate director for Institutions and Research (right, seated) look on approvingly. From left to right: Martha Kanter, chancellor, Foothill-De Anza Community College District; Jim Morris, dean, Carnegie Mellon University, West Coast Campus; George Blumenthal, chancellor, University of California, Santa Cruz; Steve Zornetzer, associate director for Institutions and Research, NASA Ames; and Father Paul Locatelli, president, Santa Clara University pose together after signing an agreement on March 24 to collaboratively plan and evaluate opportunities to create a new major research and education center in the Ames-based NASA Research Park. NASA photos by Eric James Ames dedicates NASA Lunar Science Institute tions from the moon will learn how to use the moon as a platform for per will also consider how observations of the Earth and other celestial phe nomena can be accomplished from the lunar surface. A national search for a director of the new institute is underway. Since it will be a virtual institute, most of the research will be conducted elsewhere, including other NASA centers, univer throughout the nation and around the world. For information about the NASA Lunar Science Institute, visit: http://


3 Astrogram April 2008 This month, NASA began the to investigate the chemistry of the Arctic's lower atmosphere. The mission is poised to help scientists identify how air pollution contributes to climate changes in the Arctic. Managed by Ames Earth Science -the Arctic Research of the Composi tion of the Troposphere from Aircraft will use aircraft and NASA satellites to probe the arctic atmosphere, sampling gaseous and particulate pollution to on climate across the region. "We haven't looked at pollution transport in a comprehensive fash ion," said Hanwant Singh, an ARC TAS project scientist at Ames. "We can see Arctic haze coming in but we dont know its composition or how it got there. One goal of ARCTAS is to provide a comprehensive understand ing of the aerosol composition, chem istry and climate effects in the Arctic region." The recent decline of sea ice is one indication the Arctic is undergoing related to climate warming. NASA and its partners plan to investigate the atmosphere's role in this climatesensitive region. BY DEBORA H ROBIN CROFT "It's important that we go to the Arctic to understand the atmospheric contribution to warming in a place that's rapidly changing," said Jim Crawford, manager of the Tropospher ic Chemistry Program at NASA Head quarters in Washington. "We are in a position to provide the most complete characterization to date for a region that is seldom observed but critical to understanding climate change." The campaign began this month in Fairbanks, Alaska. NASA's DC-8, P-3 and B-200 aircraft served as airborne laboratories for three weeks, carrying instruments to measure air pollution gases and aerosols and solar radiation. Of particular interest is the formation of the springtime "arctic haze." The return of sunlight to the Arctic in the spring fuels chemical reactions of pol lutants that have accumulated over the winter after travelling long distances from lower latitudes. "The Arctic is a poster child of global change and we don't under stand the processes that are driving that rapid change," said Daniel Jacob, an ARCTAS project scientist at Har vard University, Cambridge, Mass. "We need to understand it better and that's why we're going." ARCTAS is NASA's contribution to an international series of Arctic International Polar Year. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra tion and the Department of Energy Fairbanks this month in collaboration with NASA. The wealth of data collected also will improve computer models used to study global atmospheric chemis try and climate. This ultimately will provide scientists with a better idea of how pollutants are transported to and around the Arctic and their impact on the environment and climate. The new aircraft observations also will help researchers interpret data from NASA satellites orbiting over the Arctic, such as Aura, Terra, and CloudInterpreting satellite data can surfaces from snow and ice, and cold surface temperatures. For example, satellite data and distinguish between NASA launches airborne study of Arctic temperature, pollution "NASA has invested a lot of resources in satellites that can be of value for diagnosing effects of climate change, Jacob said. "Satellites orbit over poles with good coverage and good opportunity, but you really need to have aircraft observations support ing those to make good interpretations of what satellites are telling you." The new airborne view of the Arc tic atmosphere combined with satellite data will provide scientists with a bet ter understanding of the atmospheric side of the climate question. "We're interested in data that will help models better characterize the current state of the atmosphere, to set a benchmark for them so we can gain future warming in the Arctic," Craw ford said. A second phase of the ARCTAS campaign takes place this summer from Cold Lake in Alberta, Canada, Researchers want to know how the in the region compares to the pollu tion associated with human activity at lower latitudes. Understanding the to predictions of the Arctic's future climate. For more information about the project Web site: http://www.nasa. gov/mission_pages/arctas You can also visit the ESPO Web site: http:// Low-altitude pass over the Bering Sea shows the ing the Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites ARCTAS mission. NASA photo by Eric James


4 Astrogram April 2008 begin the process of settling the solar system." LADEE is a cooperative effort with NASA's Ames, Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and Mar shall Space Flight Center in Hunts ville, Ala. The total cost of the space NASA sets sights on lunar dust exploration mission able to all civil servants, contractors and informal channel of communica cerns that you perceive could impact safety, organizational performance or mission success. for conducting informal inquiries, raising issues of concern to appropri tion with an existing administrative system, such as the Inspector General, Diversity, Ames Federal Employees Union, Procurement Ombuds, Chief Counsel and Human Resources. The Ombuds power rests on its objectivity, tact and respectful concern for the welfare of all individuals of the NASA community and for the wellbeing of the agency. John Boyd continues to serve as Ames Ombuds and Geoffrey Briggs continues to serve as the alternate Ames Ombuds. Building 200, Room 216, Mail Stop 200-1A. Boyd can be reached at ext. Geoffrey Briggs, alternate Ames Ombuds. John Boyd, Ames Ombuds NASA photos Briggs can be reached at ext. 4-0218 or The Ombuds web site is http:// craft is expected to be approximately $80 million. Ames will manage the mission, build the spacecraft and perform mis sion operations. Goddard will perform environmental testing and launch BY JAC K BOY D BY DEBORA H ROBIN CROFT NASA is preparing to send a small spacecraft to the moon in 2011 to assess the lunar atmosphere and the nature of dust lofted above the surface. Called the Lunar Atmosphere and the mission will launch before the agency's moon exploration activities accelerate during the next decade. LADEE will gather detailed informa tion about conditions near the surface dust. A thorough understanding of understand how future exploration may shape the lunar environment and how the environment may affect future explorers. "LADEE represents a low-cost approach to science missions, en abling faster science return and more frequent missions," said Ames Cen ter Director S. Pete Worden. "These insight into the lunar environment, and give our explorers a clearer under standing of what they'll be up against continued on page 12 Dr. Jaiwon Shin held an all-hands meeting April 2 at the center. This was an opportunity to hear directly from the associate administrator about the state of aeronautics within NASA, and to gain perspective on his priorities for the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. As associate administrator, Shin is responsible for managing the agencys aeronautics research portfolio and guiding its strategic direction. This portfolio includes research in the nations airspace system. Aeronautics chief visits Ames NASA photo by Eric James


5 Astrogram April 2008 Students, teachers and scientists discover similarities between the Mojave desert and the planet Mars BY RAC H EL PRUCEY In early April, NASA hosted the Spaceward Bound expedition at the California State University Desert Research Station in Zzyzx, Calif. This years team trekked into the Mojave science research expedition aimed at studying how the Mojave is similar to Mars and the moon and search for life in extreme environments. The expedition offered teachers and students an opportunity to col laborate with scientists, help con Mojaves unique geologic formations, and learn more about the extremophil es, or supremely adapted microbes, which live there. Spaceward Bound was developed by the Education Branch at Ames and is funded by the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate at NASAs Head quarters in Washington. The project is tied directly to NASAs goal of engag ing Americans in its missions through participatory educational activities This years Mojave program was in partnership with the California State Francisco State University and the California State University Desert Research Station. NASA photo by Dominic Hart From left to right: Jonathan Trent, GREEN Team, NASA Ames; Bill Collins, head of the Climate Science Department at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Steve Hipskind, chief of the Earth Science Division, NASA Ames; James Boyd, visiting professor at Stanford University; and Patrick Hogan, NASA World Wind project manager, NASA Ames. For information about the NASA Spaceward Bound Project and this years Mojave participants, visit: spacewardbound sored GREEN Seminar took place on Thursday, April 17 and featured four Earth science experts discuss ing new ways of Monitoring and Modeling the Life Support Systems of Planet Earth. The presenters ideas ranged from designing a virtual Dashboard -like the one on our computers--to relay real-time data about our environment and then New ways of looking at Mother Earth discussed be able to predict events like famine, ing economic tools that can measure intangible aspects of nature, like the value of a beautiful view or a swim in a mountain lake. Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden gave the opening remarks for the seminar by announcing how important Ames collaboration with Google is and that this particular colloquium addressed serious ques BY DEBORA H ROBIN CROFT tions about Human stewardship of the environment on Earth and how to apply that knowledge and lessons learned to establishing sustainable human life support systems on other planets as we settle the solar sys tem. Worden added that, in an elec tion year, whoever wins, well see a lot of attention to climate change and what NASA can do to help. photos by Rachel Prucey AmesChris McKay gathers crust samples in the dry Silverlake bed during the science expedition in Zzyzx, Calif. Scientists Jay Nadeau (left) and Henry Sun (right) examine the crust characteristics of the Mojave desert during the Spaceward Bound expedition in Zzyzx, Calif.


6 Astrogram April 2008 Wednesday, March 12, 2008 be gan like any other school night, but turned into an evening of adventure, learning and science, when Ed Har ris Middle School, Elk Grove, Calif., opened its doors to its students, their tiny kid-brothers and big older sis ters, curious parents and even their smiling grandparents. Nearly 300 participants crowded around tables decorated with signs that boasted, Playing with Polymers, Crystal Growing, and UV Ra diation and squeezed onto benches eager to see what each activity had to offer. Those seated at Baggy Chemistry donned bright green goggles to protect their eyes from plastic sealable lunch bags that would pop as they shook together calcium chloride, Polymers gave people a chance to stir white craft glue died green with food coloring in paper cups with wooden craft sticks until it turned into a sticky goop. A Glimpse of Distant History provided future paleontologists an opportunity to walk through the mechanics of fossil records and allowed their curious hands to explore the textures of common minerals. Jazzy Sounds had kids giggling as they built miniature twanging guitars out of rubber bands and wooden sticks. UV Radiation featured a demonstration of ultra violet light using a black light and glowing neon beads that the young students strung around their wrists, necks, and in some cases, their ponytails. Discovery night transforms middle school into science playground BY RAC H EL PRUCEY -UV radiation, polymers and astronaut food oh, my! Event volunteers gently coaxed nervous children to taste strawberryaround for seconds and thirds. Par ents eyes widened when told they were allowed to touch the astronaut switches, turned the dials on the gers as they tried on the astronauts space suit gloves. A few nearby classrooms featured instructor-led activities, such as Rockets 101 with NASAs Ames, Calif., education specialist, Tony Leavitt, in which he quickly guided attendees to make a paper rocket out of a piece of white paper, a small circle of pink construction paper and a few strips of adhesive tape. Leavitt ended the class with a boisterous Baddabingbaddaboom! then helped launch his young stu sound of their enthusiastic shouts, NASA rocks! NASA photos by Eric James


7 Astrogram April 2008 it easier to sell ourselves and show ourselves. Aim for the moon Worden then turned to his upcom ing goals, such as restoring Ames to a wants to get Ames centrally involved, he said. He proudly pointed out the onbudget and on-schedule Lunar CRa ter Observation and Sensing Satel October as part of a NASA Exploration Mission Directorate project in search of water on the moons south pole, as the noting that with this mission, Ames is back into spacecraft missions in a big way. Worden mentioned that Ames and NASAs Jet Propulsion Labora Atmosphere and Dust Environment to launch in 2010. Worden explained LADEE will skim a few kilometers over the surface of the moon to mea sure residual atmosphere and lunar dust. He noted that Ames part in this mission is a direct result of a lot of impressive work. Worden also highlighted the new which will focus on science of the moon its history and characteristics; man exploration; and from the moon as an observational platform. Understanding the Earth better, leads to us understanding other planets, Worden said. He predicted the NLSI will make Ames the focal point for lunar science in the world, and will lead NASAs research activities related to lunar science and exploration. Shoot for the stars Worden shifted his focus to a fantasy mission concept, which would use a featherweight orbiter to rendezvous with a Near Earth Object. our future efforts, Worden said. He noted that Ames has developed con cepts for human missions to asteroids utilizing the Ares family of rockets. and human concern, Worden said, Its pretty exciting we have the ability to send people and hardware. Worden lauded GeneSat-1, part of the cube satellite family, for success fully completing its biology experi ment and for continuing to perform that Ames can do biological science... We are planning to launch quite a few nano-satellites, so stay tuned, he intimated. Worden explained how the Amesdeveloped modular bus architec ture plays a part in making Ames use components. As an example, he mentioned CheaptSat, that permits low-cost, expedited prototyping and the use of off-the-shelf parts. Why pay JPL prices when you can get them at Costco? Worden joked. He then emphasized that off-the-shelf parts will revolutionize space access, if we can make it work. Worden said Ames was awarded responsibility for the Mars Science Lab in 2009, which will gather and store samples until a future mission, in ap proximately 2020, can bring them to Earth for analysis. Think bigger Ames is the IT center; were damn good at operational software, Worden said, glowing over Ames part in the Solar Array Constraint Engine, which will determine the safety of Communications Adapter Mirroring System, which can automate some ISS work. When Ames and its partners won a competition in 2007 to host the Army High-Performance Computing Re search Center, Ames supercomput ing resources doubled, Worden said. Our high-end computing remains among the top dozen in the world and we intend to keep it so, he declared. In addition, the National FullScale Aerodynamics Complex re turned to operation earlier this year, allowing Ames to help the rest of the agency design and build technolo gies that focus on entering planetary atmospheres, Worden explained. Worden said the NanoSail-D will launch this June and demonstrate, for lant-less propulsion technology. He said Ames is working with Marshall on this project; it is a very positive partnership, I want to keep emphasiz ing positive partnerships with other NASA centers. Worden then focused on complet ing current science projects, such as the universe for habitable, Earth-like planets. Worden emphasized that Ames, JPL and Ball Aerospace worked together to get Kepler back on sched ule and on budget. Another example of positive cooperation with other NASA cen ters Worden cited is the partnership with Dryden Flight Research Cen ter, Edwards, Calif., which restored one of the great observatories, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared telescope is installed, the SOFIA team expects to start science operations in 2009. Worden explained SOFIA will enable us look back in time and study star formation processes not accessible on the ground. New Ventures Worden described several new ties, such as the Small Explorers, 12 of which Ames is a participant. Five will be selected later this year. New Earth science campaigns have been formed, such as the 2007 TC-4 mission to monitor tropical cloud and climate composition, and the 2008 Arctic Research of the Composition of the Troposphere from Aircraft and Satellites mission to study pollution New thrusts in biological sci ences, aligned with the agencys strategic interests in advanced life support, radiation technologies, lunar dust and biofuels, offer increased opportunities for reimbursable uses of Ames Earth science expertise Worden asserted. Worden concluded his presen workplace culture. We need to expand the workforce skills, he said. Worden said center management will re-examine how Ames operates to optimize infrastructure, prioritize continued from front page continued on page 11 Worden marks progress, envisions bright future for Ames


8 Astrogram April 2008 More than 20 speakers, includ ing Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and SimCity game creator Will Wright, addressed participants and demon strated cutting edge technologies. Musical acts including Telstar, a new trio led by former Grateful Dead basist Phil Lesh and DJ phenomenon Amon Tobin of Montreal performed on four stages. A trio of American and Soviet-era aircraft demonstrated aerobatics over Moffett Field, and San Franciscos interdisciplinary dance company Capacitor displayed human acrobatics. All 12 hours of the celebration were webcast live on the Ames web site. For more information and images from Yuris Night Bay Area 2008, visit: YNBA/ partners contributed to the event. The NRP Exploration Lecture at Yuris Night was delivered by Uni modal, a company currently nego tiating with NASA to build a dem onstration track to test SKYTRAN, a next-generation, sustainable people mover. NRP tenant Photozig hosted an duced a real-time internet slideshow montage of Yuris Night images. Ecliptic Enterprises Corps CEO Rex Ridenoure presented a video compilation of RocketCams Great est Hits, which showed a sampling of onboard launch-to-orbit video Mars Institute CEO Pascal Lee and three scientists from the Haugh ton Mars Project team -Brian Glass, Hans Utz and Darlene Lim, all of Ames -discussed how to prepare for the future of Mars exploration here on Earth. Inform Art/Gary Air presented Share a Ride and Sustain the Earth, whose centerpiece was a Cessna sin with state-of-the-art air taxi avionics, allowing ride sharing by air. NRP tenant Makani Power pro vided a model of its wind-powered hydrofoil boat, developed by found er Don Montague. Yuris Night Bay Area 2008 wows all at huge celebration NASA photo by Paul Langston NASA photo by Kyle Cavallaro NASA photo by Paul Langston NASA photo by Kyle Cavallaro NASA photo by Paul Langston


9 Astrogram April 2008 Astronaut Buzz Aldrin shown speaking at Yuris Night Bay Area 2008. NASA photo by John Schultz NASA photo by Paul Langston NASA photo by John Schultz NASA photo by John Schultz NASA photo by John Schultz NASA photo by Kyle Cavallaro NASA photo by Paul Langston NASA photo by Paul Langston Chris Kemp (left) with Center Director S. Pete Worden during Yuris Night Bay Area 2008.


10 Astrogram April 2008 The Ames Contractor Council nization whose membership consists of representatives from the contractor companies performing work at NASA Ames. The council strives to improve the productivity and enhance the qual ity of contractors' services and prod ucts for the overall success of Ames Research Center. Any company with an active contract at Ames is invited to send its representative to the monthly ACC Wednesday of the month, 11 a.m. 12 noon, in Bldg. 200, in the Committee Room. The deputy center director or his agenda with an update about center and agency activities. This update is followed by presentations from vari ous guest speakers, including topics such as HSPD-12, security, safety, environmental concerns and NASA procurement. In addition to leveraging contrac tor management talent, the ACC also has numerous active committees that ample, through successful fundraising tion contributes to education outreach and other worthy programs. To learn more about the ACC and how it actively supports the Ames community, visit its web site at: www. Ames co-hosted along with NASA Langley Research Center the Software held at the NASA Ames Conference Center. This workshop brought to gether representatives agency-wide as well as others who support software release. The workshops goal was to share lessons learned and best prac tices in the current responsibilities of the SRA. This collaboration provided the opportunity to share valuable feedback to each of the SRAs. Software release begins with an inventor requesting authorization to release software and ends with the center SRAs approval or rejection of the request for the software release. Since NASA technology is a valuable asset to the agency overall, it is the responsibility of the SRA to assess the software and determine its proper release. The centers SRA manages and directs the software release process. In release requests, the SRA ensures that the proper steps are taken to maximize Software Release representatives meet at Ames workshop BY JULIE RIVERA (Perot Systems); Herb Finger, treasurer (Unisys); Kathleen Starmer, president (SAIC); and Mike Weiss, vice president (Jacobs Technology). photo by Karol Bo Bobko BY DOREEN CO H EN If you are eligible for membership in the ACC, you are also eligible to be included in the online list of companies under the About section of the web site. This list links directly to each companys web site, where company information and job opportunities may be found. Software Release Authority Workshop participants, left to right, front row: Stuart Pendleton, LaRC; Martha Del Alto, Ames; Kathy Kerrigan, GRC; Kaprice Harris, GRC; Robin Orans, Ames; Jane Fox, JSC; Sandra Gerlach, GRC; and Evelyn Hill, MSFC. Left to right, back row: Jason Hanna, GRC; Kathy Acuna, JSC; Mary Dickerson, JSC; Kim Chrestenson, Ames; John Lansaw, SSC; and Laura A. Schoppe, Fuentek/ NASA Headquarters. taxpayer. Especially, since NASAs investment in Software Technology Transfer is meant to achieve greater, balanced returns on investment Their vision aims to improve the effectiveness of existing collaborations and leveraging in the government re lease process in general. Overall, this workshop was highly successful from an exchange and participatory point of view. For more information on Software Release, visit http://software.arc.nasa. gov/release. photo by Shirley Fauth


11 Astrogram April 2008 employee support, make promotions transparent and pursue diversity. He also said he had assembled a special team to conduct a NASA employee culture study. He promised to build employees trust in NASA leadership. You have my commitment to doing this, Worden emphasized. In closing, Worden composed a short poem describing his manage ment style that underscored his idea for a new way of doing business centered around information sharing with a can do attitude. You aint seen nothin yet, Worden concluded. A luncheon/social event provided by the Ames Exchange immediately followed the all-hands meeting. continued from page 7 In December 2008, NASA Ames will induct a new class of honorees into its Hall of Fame. The induc tion ceremony will mark the end of start of NASA Ames' 70th anniversary year. class of 12 was inducted. The Hall will recognize those people whose contri butions have had the most sustained direction and mission of NASA Ames, and/or whose work at NASA Ames has generated fundamental advance Nominations being accepted for NASA Ames Hall of Fame Nominees may be anyone who has worked at NASA Ames, and is now re tired or resigned. Included are former civil servants, contractors and IPAs. Also included are those now working in emeritus or Ames Associate posi tions. Nominators must be somehow civil servant, contractor or retiree. Nominations consist of two docu ments. First, a nomination form avail able as a Word document will establish the eligibility of nominee and nomi nator. Second, nominators should career and why their contributions are worth honoring. Nominations must be received by July 1, 2008, for consider ation by aselection committee. The nomination form, informa tion on the nomination process, and biographies of the current members of the Hall of Fame can be found at: ames_hall_of_fame.htm Nominations or questions should be sent to Glenn, or contact him at ext. 4-6436. NASA photos by Dominic Hart NASA employees enjoy a free hotdog luncheon provided by the Ames Exchange outside the Mega Bites Cafeteria after the all-hands on April 1, 2008. Worden marks progress, envisions bright future for Ames Chris McKay of Ames, shown speaking at the recent 24th annual CONTACT conference at Ames. The 24th annual CONTACT con ference and workshop held in April and was an interdisciplinary gathering of scientists, artists and writers. For more than 20 years, it has explored human futures in fact and a fascinating line up of speakers and a broad spectrum of symposia and activities. The keynote speaker at the ban quet was scientist and artist Carlo Sequin from University of California at Berkeley. His subject was Model ing our Universe and Other Things. In addition to Sequin, this years Scientists, artists and writers gather at CONTACT 2008 conference NASA photo by Dominic Hart presenters also included musician Phillip Aaberg, artist Darrel Ander son, researchers Chris McKay, Carol Stoker, Bill Clancey, Penny Boston, Michael Bolte, Michael Sims and SETI scientist Seth Shostak. CONTACT is highly interdisci plinary and includes anthropolo gists, psychologists, sociologists, historians, philosophers, teachers, sicians in the program.For additional background and details about this and past CONTACT conferences, see the web site at:


12 Astrogram April 2008 continued from page 3 NASA sets sights on lunar dust exploration mission STS-125 Commander Scott Altman, Pilot Greg Johnson and Flight Engineer Megan McArthur practice landings in the Vertical Motion Simulator during a training visit to Ames on April 23. Drew Feustel (not pictured) joined the trio of astronauts using the simulators unique capabilities to get ready for the fourth Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission. Astronauts Michael Good, John Grunsfeld and Michael Massimino round out the Atlantis crew The mission is targeted for launch Aug. 28, 2008. Astronauts experience ups, downs before Hubble mission NASA photo by Eric James NASA photos by John Schultz Ames, students make building robots a piece of cake The "Space Cookies," a team of Bay Area high school girls scouts and the "Cheesy Poofs," an all-boys team from Bellarmine Preparatory School, San Jose, Calif., competed in this year's 16th annual For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Robotics Competition, which took place March 13 to 15, 2008, at San Jose State University. The Cheesy Poofs won the General Motors Industrial Design Award, the Silicon Valley Regional and also walked away Division Finalists at the FIRST Championship, held April 17 19, 2008, in Atlanta, Ga. vehicle integration. The mission will be established within Marshall's newly Marshall will draw upon experience gained from managing a larger suite of low-cost, small satellite missions through NASA's Discovery and New Frontiers Program. secondary payload on the Discovery mission called Gravity Recovery and designed to take ultra-precise grav Current plans call for the GRAIL and LADEE spacecraft to launch together on a Delta II rocket and separate after they are on a lunar trajectory. LADEE will take approximately four months to travel to the moon, then undergo a month-long checkout phase and begin 100 days of science operations. LADEE is one of many activities to support lunar exploration planned by NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Last year, NASA also established a lunar science institute at Ames. Research teams will address current topics in basic lunar science and possible astronomical, solar and Earth science investigations that could be performed from the moon. In addition, NASA is preparing for planned launch later this year of the After a 30-year hiatus, LRO represents humans to the moon.


13 Astrogram April 2008 Above photo: Paul Espinosa (left) and Stan Phillips (right) on board the 40-foot racing yacht, the Malachite (photo on right), which they raced on in the Heineken Ragatta in the fourth place. Ames Sailing Club members participate in Caribbean Regatta BY PAUL ESPINOSA NASA photo by Dominic Hart In celebration of National Library Week, the Ames Library sponsored a talk by Google Search Quality and User Happiness researcher Dr. Daniel M. Russell on April 16 at Ames, seen here speaking during the event. Russell demonstrated advanced features of the Google search engine that facilitates to search more effectively to improve their Google search experience. Russell is a research scientist at Google, where he works in the area of search quality, with a focus on understanding what makes Google users happy in their use of web search. He studies how people do their searches, trying to understand the most common traps and pathways to successful Google use. Ames employees learn how to Google like an expert In March, two NASA Ames Sailing Club members, Stan Phillips and Paul Espinosa, participated in the Heineken Regatta, an international sailing race held on the Caribbean island of Saint Martin. Sailing against top-level competitors in the spinnaker racing class, Phillips and Espinosa sailed on a chartered 40-foot racing yacht named Malachite. An account of their ad venture will be presented at the May meeting of the NASA Ames Sailing Club. The club provides a forum for all Ames employees interested in the art and sport of sailing. Meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month, from March through November, from 12 noon to 1 p.m., in Bldg N-260, Room 113. To prepare for the race, Phillips and Espinosa participated in many of the Ames Sailing Club-sponsored races during 2007. They also practiced almost every week with their team for four months prior to the regatta. Through a lucky connection made at an Ames Sailing Club meeting, they were able to get Dawn Riley, an Americas Cup skipper and around the world Whitbread race veteran, to coach the team. She organized prac tice sessions in the Bay Area and in Saint Martin. Each race day, crew members had work assignments to prepare or improve the boat. At the anchor up deadline, the crew was on board, ready to race. On the way to the start tions, crew positions, plan of the day, race course description, plus weather prediction and race strategy. Then they raced. There were multiple races each day. Each race was an exciting, highly-competitive challenge. Shorter races were only a little over an hour long, while the longest, all the way around the island for a total of 37 nau tical miles, took more that four hours to complete. Results demonstrated Their best race was on the last day. place, even beating last years class winner. Both Phillips and Espinosa look forward to a return for an excit ing challenge in the 2010 Heineken Regatta. More information about the Ames Sailing Club can be found at http://


14 Astrogram April 2008 Ames emergency announcements To hear the centerwide status record tion announcements and emergency instructions for Ames employees. You can also listen to 1700 KHz AM radio for the same information. Ames Ongoing Monthly Events Calendar Security/Law Enforcement Activity Fire Protection Activity A statistical summary of activities of the Protective Services Divisions Security/Law Enforcement and Fire Protection Services units for the month of March 2008 is shown below. Protective Services monthly activity Safety Data NASA-Ames Occupational Illness-Injury Data for Calendar Year-to-Date 2008 Jan. 1, 2008 March 31, 2008 Civil Contractors Servants First aid cases 6 2 Lost Workday cases 1 0 Recordable cases 0 3 Restricted duty days 0 2 Above data are as of March 31, 2008. May be subject to slight adjustment in the event of a new case or new information regarding an existing case. third Thurs., of POC: Michael Wright, KG6BFK, at ext. 4-6262. Classes on Bldg. 944, the Rec. Center. POC: Helen Hwang every third Wednesday, ext. 4-3711. Homestead Lanes on Thursday nights at 6:20 p.m. Seeking substitute bowlers. Questions to sign up: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132. Mtg. every other Monday, 1 2:30 p.m., Bldg. day of ea. month, 11 a.m., Bldg. N-200, Commit other month, 9 a.m. 10 a.m., T20-G conference Rm. 129. URL: http://q/qe/events/EHS series/ POC: Stacy St. Louis, ext. 4-6810. Bldg. N-247, Rm. 109. Beginning 2008, third Wednesday each month, same location. Guests welcome. Info at: POC: The Hispanic Advisory Committee for Leon, ext. 4-6498. Jetstream Toastmasters Mondays, 12 p.m. 1 p.m., Bldg. N-269/Rm.179. POC: Miwa gov. Web: Ames Mac Support Group third Tuesday of each month, 11:30 1 p.m., Bldg. N-262, Rm 180. POC: Tony ext. 4-0340. trolled aircraft at the north end of Parsons Ave. on weekend mornings. POC: Mark Sumich, ext. 4-6193. Native American Advisory Committee Mtg. fourth Tuesday each month, 12 noon 1 p.m., Bldg. 19, Rm 1096. POC: Mike Liu, ext. 4-1132. every Tuesday at 11:30 a.m., Bldg. N-241/Rm 237. POC: Alexander at ext. 4-3140. URL: http://knit.arc. third Thursday of each month, 10 a.m. 11 a.m., Bldg. N-237,, ext. 4-3243 or Terry Reichert, second Thursday of 12 p.m. 1 p.m., Bldg. N-260, Rm. 113. URL: POC: Clif Horne,


15 Astrogram April 2008 homes for cats trapped at Moffett. They range from feral to abandoned/lost pets. Tested, altered and inoculated. Call Iris at interested in fostering or adopting a cat. Ames Cat Network Researcher with family of three looking for housing for six months near NASA Ames. 2bd/1 ba downstairs apartment in Sunnyvale counter tops, stove, refrigerator, microwv, stor age area and back yard. Located a few blocks Looking for car pool possibilities from Half Moon Bay area. Trying to save some fuel! Con com Chihuahua/Terrier mix puppies for sale. Exchange Information Beyond Galileo Gift Shop N-235 in the cafeteria 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-6873 Dont forget to purchase your baby shower, birth day, holiday gifts at Ames two gift shops! Mega Bites Cafeteria N-235, 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-5969/Catering ext. 4-2161 Visitor Center Gift Shop N-943 M-F, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., ext. 4-5412 NASA logo merchandise, souvenirs, toys, gifts and educational items. Ongoing Vacation Opportunities Information about products, services and oppor tunities provided to the employee and contractor community by the Ames Exchange Council. Visit the web site at: NASA Lodge (N-19) 603-7100 Tickets, etc... N-943 outside the main gate, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., ext. 4-5412 and Beyond Galileo, 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. ext. 4-6873 See daily menu at: The pool is heated year round! The pool is cur rently available for lap swim, pool parties and special events. POC -Chana Langley, Pool Manager ships: $40/yr. Family memberships: $60/yr. After purchasing a membership, there is an entrance fee: daily entrance fee $3/day or lap pass fee $40 for team events, kayak role practice, etc. The cost for Ames Swim Center (N-109) 603-8025 and must be resubmitted for each available basis only. First-time ads are given priority. Ads must include home phone numbers; Ames exten sions and email addresses will be accepted for carpool and lost and found ads only. Due to the volume of material received, we are unable to verify the accuracy of the statements made in the ads. Caveat emptor! RV Lots Available Call to reserve a space at (650) 603-7100/01. Where to stay when youre too tired to drive home? What about the lodge?! Two types of rooms: Bldg. Moffett Field Golf Club with Tee minus 1 Grill and Sports Bar. Call (650) 603-8026. Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley Townhse, 3bd/2ba, Bass Lake vacation rental, 4 mls south of Yosemite. Big Sur vacation rental, secluded 4bd/2ba house in canyon setting. Fully eqpd kitchen. Access to priv. beach. Tub in patio gdn. Halfway between Pine Mountain Lake vacation home. Access to golf, tennis, lake, swimming, horseback riding, walk to beach. Three bedrooms/sleeps 10. $100/night. Incline Village, Forest Pines, Lake Tahoe condo, 3 stereo w/CD player, microwv, W/D, jacuzzi, sauna, outdoor pool. Walk to lake. Close to ski areas. Visit web site for pictures: http://www. apt. in 24 hour security fbldg. overlooking Washington Square Park, $1,000/week or Quarter, Notre Dame and Lie-St. Louis, $1,400/ Santa Cruz townhouse, 2 bedrooms plus study, 2 baths, decks, totally furnished, 3 blocks from beach, available July, August, September; $1,600 Lake Tahoe cabin rental in Agate Bay, North Shore. deck, sleeps 10. Closest skiing is Northstar, Alpine Florida west coast vacation in St. Petersburg, beautiful 2bd/2ba condo, fully equipped kitchen and furnished, sunset views, 1/4 mile from St. Pete Beach, monthly or 2 week minimum rentals only. Monterey Bay vacation rental at Pajaro Dunes, 20 miles south of Santa Cruz, 3bd/2ba beach house with distinctive architecture. Beautiful ocean and tennis courts. $700/wkend, $2,100/wk including cleaning by the maid service when you depart. South Lake Tahoe large cabin surrounded by protected forest, 8 miles from Stateline Sleeps 12 South Lake Tahoe cozy home backs up to large open meadow, 1 mile from Heavenly Valley. Sleeps 06 Lincoln Towncar, light French silk clear coat, Transportation Car Pool Housing Porsche 944, maroon red exterior, 4 door, good cond., well-maintained, fun to drive, gives tenance records since 1998 when we bought it Miscellaneous


16 Astrogram April 2008 When a high bay door in the Building N-243 Rotunda broke and crashed last year in front of Shirley Burek, it took nearly a year to fabricate a new roll-up door. Finally complete, the new door needed a paint job. So with a little negotiation between the people involved, it was decided a NASA meatball would be painted on the outside of the 16-foot high door. Painted by contractor Tom Rodrigues in three days, its addition will nearby tarmac. Come view the completed and newest meatball on campus in years! photo by Shirley Burek Ames Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Managing Editor......................Michael Mewhinney Editor, Layout and Design...................Astrid Olson Astrogram Web site: ames/astrogram. Astrogram deadlines Please submit articles, calendar than the 10th of each month. If this falls on a weekend or holiday, then the following business day becomes the deadline. For Astrogram questions, contact Astrid Olson at the aforemen tioned e-mail address or ext. 4-3347. Whats on InsideNASA . NASA Deputy Administrator Shana Dales corner on InsideNASA this month features an article en titled, "Climate Science. This feature describes NASAs Earth sciences activities. NASA drives innovation, creating real less than six-tenths of one percent of the overall federal budget. NASAs Earth Science Program, with $1.37 billion requested for FY 2009, is the worlds largest, interdisciplin ary Earth science research program of the causes and effects of climate change. To learn more about what NASAs wide-ranging and balanced Earth science activities include, visit: stories/April_Climate_Science.html Effective on June 1, 2008, the new 2007 California Building Code, CCR Title 24 building codes will be en forced for all permitted construction at Ames. Projects started prior to June 1, 2008 and are not issued an approved building permit by that date, may be allowed to follow the previously enforced code. Each case will be evaluated to de termine if, by following the new 2007 CBC codes, the projects completion will be delayed beyond the required date or that a budget increase may jeopardize the project. Effective im mediately, there will be an additional stipulation added to the building permit form as follows: Permit is valid for the duration of this project, provided construction be gins within 180 calendar days from the date the permit is issued and, upon Ames implements California building code On March 27, the Aeronautics Technical Seminar, Analyzing Future Concepts for Managing Air tem, was presented at Ames by Robert Windhorst (shown above). The Airspace Concept Evaluation System (ACES) is a computer program designed to perform fast-time, gate-to-gate simulations of the United States air transportation system. ACES is used for developing new concepts and technologies and analyzing their contributions toward the goals of accommodating future growth of operations, ability of arrival times and minimizing the impact of weather and other disruptions. Windhorst presented the program design, validation study and concept analyses for ACES. commencement, is diligently and continuously prosecuted in a safe and code-compliant manner to completion. If the construction of this project does not commence within that 180 day period after permit issuance, then this permit shall automatically terminate. Before any construction on this project Airspace Concept Evaluation System discussed at Ames NASA photo by Eric James can begin, again, project plans must go through the Ames permit review pro cess and new permits must be issued. Contact the Ames Chief Building Of can be reached at ext. 4-6180 or at Theres a new meatball in town!

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