November 2007 Page 2 Return to the Moon Family Night attracts thousands Page 3 NASAs Remotely piloted plane Page 4 NASA MULEs help move large objects on moon Page 14 Ames Ongoing Events On the Inside . In an upbeat talk to a crowd that Moon work Life Sciences Worden gives upbeat message about future work for Ames continued on page 5 BY JOHN BLUCK BY MICHAEL MEWHINNEY NASA Ames to establish nationwide lunar science institute continued on page 12 NASA photo NASA photo by Eric James Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden responds to a question during the recent upbeat talk he gave to the center about the future of Ames.
2 Astrogram November 2007 Conference held on exploration of moons Phobos and Deimos Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden speaking at the First International Conference of Photos and Deimos held recently at the center. NASA photo by Dominic Hart Return to the Moon Family Night attracts thousands BY RACHEL PR UCEY Participants at the recent Ames Return to the Moon Fam ily Night held at the center got to try hand. Kids got the chance to operate remote-controlled rov ers (top photo); to look through telescopes at the moon, Comet Holmes (middle left photo) and other ce lestial objects (middle photo); and experience other computer-simu lated displays (bottom right photo.) NASA photos by Dominic Hart
3 Astrogram November 2007 BY JOHN BLUCK Thermal-infrared imaging sensors on NASAs Ikhana remotely piloted research aircraft acquired this image at in the afternoon on Oct. 25 over the Harris Fire in San Diego County in Southern California. The colorized image shows a mosaic of fronts are in yellow and red, while hot, previously burned areas are in shades of dark red and purple. Unburned areas are shown in green hues. photo by NASA and U.S. Forest Service In late October, a team of six scientists and Arctic residents told their personal stories of life and research in polar regions, supported help the rest of of the audience get a feel for life on the worlds icy edges. Photo at right shows a penguin used to help explain Arctic life to the children in the audience. The program, POLAR-PALOOZA, Stories from a Changing Planet, seeks to inspire diverse audiences across America to better appreciate the many ways the rapidly changing Arctic and Antarctic affect the health and function ing of the entire Earth system. Scientists teach audience about Arctic NASA photos by Eric James
4 Astrogram November 2007 NASA MULEs help move large objects on moon would haul the lander BY JOHN BLUCK The "Mobile Utility for Lunar Exploration" (MULE), Is a single utility vehicle type which will move several different lunar surface system elements, perform site preparation and enable mining for in-situ resource utilization. NASA
5 Astrogram November 2007 continued from front page continued on page 9 Worden gives upbeat message about future work for Ames Computer work Space missions, Science and Astrobiology
6 Astrogram November 2007 Code C puts the IT in diversity BY ROSE KING and Ames hosts low-carbon economy seminar BY APR IL NEILSON Panelist Dr. Carl Pechman of Power Economics (left) explains how customer response to power network conditions can help balance out intermit tent renewable resources, as Ben Tarbell with SolarCity looks on. A captivated audience raptly listened to Ames Earth Science Division Deputy Chief Ed Sheffners report on the effects of C02 in the atmosphere. NASA photos by Dominic Hart
7 Astrogram November 2007 NESC honors Ames employee for technical excellence BY KEITH HEN R Y From left to right: NESC Deputy Director for Safety and NESC Chief Astronaut Ken Cameron; recipient of the NESC Engineering Excellence Award Ian Fernandez; and the NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC) Director Ralph Roe, sduring the NESC leadership meeting and awards ceremony at NASA Langley. NASA photo Ames honors 21 employees for improving safety Supercomputing Team Code TH Safety Team
8 Astrogram November 2007 BY RAY M OND OBR IEN photos by John Stebel Above photo: Armando Jimenez (ISSI) of Ames is enrolled for the new NASA HSPD-12 badge by Art Gonzales, personal security specialist (Maden Technologies). Left photo: During the enrollment process for the new NASA HSPD-12 prints scanned by Gonzales. continued on page 12 New badges are to be issued by the end of the year. For further information, visit the HSPD-12 Web site at:
9 Astrogram November 2007 Small Satellite development and missions Aeronautics work Partnerships continued from page 5 Worden gives upbeat message about future work for Ames Edwin W. Lewis Jr., a NASA Dryden Flight Research Center research pilot, died in a Cessna Crash on Nov. 8, 2007. Lewis with another person, who also died, when the plane crashed southwest of Las Vegas. The crash is under investigation by the Na tional Transportation Safety Board. Lewis served as a NASA Dryden research pilot since 1997. He previously served as a pilot for eight years at NASA Ames. Former Ames research pilot dies NASA photo by Tom Trower
10 Astrogram November 2007 BY ANN SULLIVAN Ames Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team marks 20th anniversary The NASA Ames Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (DART) seen here during various emergency service drills at Ames, celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. NASA photo by J.T. Heineck NASA photo by Tom Trower NASA photo by Dominic Hart
11 Astrogram November 2007 Employees had the chance to test drive a hybrid and ride a collapsible bike, among other alternative vehicles, seen here during the recent commute alternatives fair held at Ames. The Ames Exchange held its annual Halloween Costume Contest on Oct. 31. Prizes were awarded to the best costumes and the Ames Exchange provided complimentary refreshments. Ames holds commute alternatives fair Creative costumes win cool prizes at Halloween contest PM Challenge 2008 is now open NASA photos by Dominic Hart NASA photos by Eric James
12 Astrogram November 2007 continued from page 8 New HSPD-12 badge enrollments Disability advocates discuss their inspiring work Ralf Hotchkiss of Whirlwind Wheelchair Interna tional recently spoke at Ames for National Disability Employment Awareness Month. NASA to establish nationwide lunar science institute continued from front page
13 Astrogram November 2007 BY VIVIAN TO RR ES Frances Busby sings the National Anthem at the recent 5th Annual Hispanic Heritage Golf Tournament held at the Moffett Golf Course and hosted by the Ames Hispanic Advisory Committee for Employees. Annual Hispanic Heritage Golf Tournament held, despite the rain Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden at the recent annual golf tournament at Moffett. NASA photos NARFE annual holiday party set On Sept. 19, Ames Research Center and the Ames Fire Department recognized 96 young artists at an ice cream social in the Ames Mega Bites Caf. Each of these artists, between the ages of 3 18, contributed artwork for the 2008 Ames Safety Calendar. Calendars will be distributed centerwide, via your mail stop, in December. Ames young artists honored NASA photos
14 Astrogram November 2007 Ames emergency announcements Ames Ongoing Monthly Events Calendar Security/Law Enforcement Activity Fire Protection Activity Protective Services monthly activity Safety Data NASA-Ames Occupational Illness-Injury Data for Calendar Year-to-Date 2007 Jan. 1, 2007 Oct. 31 2007 Civil Contractors Servants First aid cases 12 12 Lost Workday cases 0 2 Recordable cases 2 3 Restricted duty days 0 0 Above data are as of Oct. 31, 2007. May be subject to slight adjustment in the event of a new case or new information regarding an existing case. Ames Amateur Radio Club, Ames Ballroom Dance Club Ames Bicycling Club Ames Bowling League Ames Child Care Center Board of Directors Mtg. Ames Contractor Council Mtg Environmental Forum Ames Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Mtg The Hispanic Advisory Committee for Excellence (HACE) Mtg. Jetstream Toastmasters Ames Mac Support Group Mtg., Ames Model Aircraft Club, Native American Advisory Committee Mtg. Ames Nimble Knitters Club Ames Safety Committee, Ames Sailing Club Mtg.,
15 Astrogram November 2007 Exchange Information Beyond Galileo Gift Shop N-235 in the cafeteria 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-6873 Mega Bites Cafeteria N-235, 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-5969/Catering ext. 4-2161 Visitor Center Gift Shop N-943 M-F, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., ext. 4-5412 Ongoing Vacation Opportunities NASA Lodge (N-19) 603-7100 Tickets, etc... N-943 outside the main gate, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., ext. 4-5412 and Beyond Galileo, 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. ext. 4-6873 Ames Swim Center (N-109) 603-8025 RV Lots Available Call to reserve a space at (650) 603-7100/01. Moffett Field Golf Club with Tee minus 1 Grill and Sports Bar. Call (650) 603-8026.
16 Astrogram November 2007 PLEASE RECYCLE Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink. FIRST-CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 85 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000 BY JEFF R EY MCCANDLESS AND GAYE GR AVES Inventor of the computer mouse returns to Ames need to develop a photos by Gaye Graves Dr. Douglas Engelbart shares memories of his early days at Ames with HumanComputer Interaction (HCI) researcher Jack Li after the Directors Colloquium. Dr. Bernard Adelstein (right) demonstrates advances in haptic computer input software to the inventor of the computer mouse, Dr. Douglas Engelbart.
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