
Material Information

Uniform Title:
Ames Astrogram (Online)
Added title page title:
The Ames Astrogram
Place of Publication:
Moffett Field, CA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Ames Research Center
Publication Date:
Quarterly[May 2012-]
Monthly[ FORMER Mar. 11, 2002-]
Biweekly[ FORMER Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 24, 1958)-Feb. 25, 2002]


Subjects / Keywords:
Astronautics ( lcsh )
Technology transfer -- United States ( lcsh )
Astronautics ( fast )
Technology transfer ( fast )
United States ( fast )
periodical ( marc )
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federal government publication ( marcgt )
periodical ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Print began with vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 24, 1958).

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University of Florida
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University of Florida
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February 2007 Page 2 Page 3 Page 5 Page 10 Page 11 On the Inside . Ames transformation called amazing by center management continued on page 7 NASAs drive to return astronauts to the moon and later probe deeper into space achieved a key milestone proved critical elements of a moon impact mission scheduled to launch in October 2008. NASAs unmanned Lunar Crater Observation and Sens ing Satellite, known as LCROSS, will strike the moon near its south pole in January 2009. It will search for water and other materials that astronauts could use at a future lunar outpost. Scott Horowitz, associate admin istrator of the agencys Exploration Systems Mission Directorate, led recently approved the detailed plans, instrument suite, budget and risk fac tor analysis for the satellite. NASA Ames Research Center, Mof fett Field, Calif., manages the mission. The mission is valued at $79 million, excluding launch costs. The mission will help NASA gain a new foothold on the moon and prepare for new jour neys to Mars and beyond. rized continuation of the lunar impac tor project and set its cost and sched ule. Another mission milestone, the critical design review, is scheduled for NASA Moon-Impactor mission passes major review continued on page 3 NASA Ames is beginning to show strength and its future looks optimis tic, according to Ames Deputy Direc tor Marvin Chris Christensen. The agencys FY08 budget shows a 3.1 percent increase, a clear mandate of administration support of NASA, climate. NASA Ames forecast holds the promise of many new opportuni ties, Christensen assured a apacity crowd gathered Feb. 7 in the main auditorium for an all-hands meet ing to discuss the state of the center. The Innovative Partnerships Program and the Small Business Innovative Research program are going strong, and Ames is recognized for its new role as the small satellite lead and its space portal entrepreneurship, he said. People should be proud to work at NASA Ames Research Center, Christensen said. Due to a lot of hard work by a number of dedicated peo ple, its an extremely strong center. The thermal support program (TSP) remains critical to the agency, and Ames excellence in aeronautics and information technology is unsur passed, said Christensen. By making our programs more relevant, our institution is moving to the next state of readiness, he noted. Our workforce is becoming realigned to take on meaningful work, and the restructured organization is beginning Turning to mission directorate funding issues, he said the Science Mission Directorates (SMD) budget represents about 31 percent of the overall NASA budget. Its successes include gaining national attention for Earth sciences, and funding the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission as a new start. He reported that the Hub ble Space Telescope will be serviced in are still expected to launch. Christensen pointed out that although Ames lost the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy lier this year, negotiations are under way at Headquarters to allow Ames


2 Astrogram February 2007 The Aviation System Monitor ing and Modeling (ASMM) Project team was recognized by Ames Center Director S. Pete Worden in January for receiving a second Space Act Award from the NASA Inventions and Contributions Board for the in vention and commercialization of the Morning Report Atypicality Tool For Analysis of Aircraft Flight Data. Morning Report automatically Worden recognizes Morning Report for Space Act Award during a selected period of time. It deemed atypical in a multivariate statistical analysis, with respect to data, to the safety analysts attention. ASMM project team members present at the ceremony included Dr. Irving Statler and retired United Airlines Captains Robert E. Lawrence and Robert E. Lynch. The cash Space Act Board Award was distributed among the inventors. Morning Report has been commercialized within the airline industry and a patent is pending. It has been recognized by contribution to the achievement of proactive management of safety risk by demonstrating its capability to identify unexpected, operation could compromise aviation safety. As NASA goes forward in the Vision for Space Exploration, research remains an ever-present element in the past six months, exploration was conducted to determine the biodi versity of high-altitude lakes and in coral reefs to determine bio-health and diversity. Just as astronauts work un derwater to practice their EVA proce dures, researchers work underwater as a laboratory for data gathering. Conducting aquatic research is only possible through learning the techniques of skilled and safe div ing. With this in mind, the talents of personnel came forward for the guidelines established by the Ameri can Academy of Underwater Scientists (AAUS) and provides full technical support for the de velopment of diving protocols, diver train required. To facilitate the research community, a full range of diver training is available. Classes range from skill classes such as deep water and highaltitude diving. Safety classes range from diver-rescue training to the development of emergency rescue plans. All of these become vital elements in assuring safe and greatest available access to natures aquatic laboratories. erators who are available to research projects to reduce training time and funding to develop unique skills with has an inventory of diving equipment and small portable boats that can be made available to the researcher. BY RANDALL BER THOLD is conducted in a manner that will observation and a means of collect ing data that are available through no other means, in a safe manner. The level of recognized structure and com petency that allows research teams to interact with national and internation al marine research organizations. Projects currently being supported include the Remote Sensing and Spectral Analysis of Coral Reef Health and Biodiversity and the Astrobiology High Lakes Project. In summary, the Diving Safety ates to expand their potential research programs to support exploration initiatives and emerging earth sciences provides may not only support and promote the Earth sciences programs but could play a lead role in support ing water analog activities to more fully understand future activities in the microgravity and 1/3 gravity environments of exploration. For additional information, contact 4-3408 or at e-mail the author at Ran


3 Astrogram February 2007 late February. That review will exam ine the detailed Lunar Crater Obser vation and Sensing Satellite system de sign. After a successful critical design review, the project team will assemble the spacecraft and its instruments. The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite project represents being cost capped, schedule con strained and risk tolerant, said Daniel Andrews, project manager at Ames for the lunar impactor mission. The lunar impactor will share a rocket ride into space with a second satellite, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. After the orbiter separates from the Atlas V launch vehicle for its own mission, the LCROSS will use the spent Centaur upper stage of the rocket as a 4,400-pound lunar impac tor, targeting a permanently shadowed crater near the lunar South Pole. According to scientists, the Cen taurs collision with the moon will ex cavate about 220 tons of material from the lunar surface. The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite will observe the plume of material with a suite of six instruments to look for water ice and examine lunar soil. The also impacting the lunar surface. That second impact will be observed from Earth. The prime contractor for the satel lite is Northrop Grumman Space Tech nologies of Redondo Beach, Calif. For information about the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite on the Web, visit: http://lcross.arc.nasa. gov BY JOHN BLUCK NASA Moon-Impactor mission continued from front page In search of renowned computer engineer Jim Gray and his 40-foot outside San Franciscos Golden Gate aircraft, similar to a U-2, took off from NASAs Dryden Flight Research Cen ter, Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., in the morning of Friday, Feb. 2. carried a 16-megapixel digital camera that took near-infrared and visible light images, which can show details in easy-to-spot false colors. Gray had been en route to the Farallon Islands to scatter his moth ers ashes. He was reported missing Sunday, Jan.28, by his wife. The Coast Guard had stopped its search Thurs day, Feb. 1. Organizers at NASA Ames wor ried that the search area could be mostly cloud-covered, but the weather was better than expected, though there was some cloud cover. Water could be seen between the clouds. The pilot, David Wright of Dryden, lower than normal, to get a better view tracks three miles apart extending to about 30 miles off the coast from about Carmel to Pt. Reyes, Calif. The camera took pictures at 29-second intervals except when the aircraft was over of the area searched. Also, a video camera in the nose of the ER-2 ran all the time to help pinpoint locations. to Dryden, an F-18 jet carried the imaging data (on tapes and discs) from Dryden, north to NASA Ames. Imaging experts at NASA Ames geospatially registered and processed the images. Then volunteers began to examine hundreds of images and hours of video in search of the missing man and his watercraft. BY JOHN BLUCK Alonso gives


4 Astrogram February 2007 Mounting evidence suggests that gas and aerosol pollutants are routine ly transported by winds across and between continents and can affect the air and climate of areas far from their source. Scientists studying atmospheric changes have observed smoke plumes forests of Alaska and Canada that were carried as far as parts of Europe, Africa and the Arctic. Satellite imag research that used weather ferent aircraft and the ship Ronald H. Brown to sample the air above North America and the Atlantic Ocean. most extensive characteriza tion of the North American troposphere to date, said Hanwant Singh, project sci entist at NASA Ames. We investigat ed the transport and transformation of gases and aerosols on intercontinental scales. Pollution plumes from Asia and North America were intercepted and analyzed as they were transported over the North American continent and the Atlantic. Singh led the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment North America (INTEXA) campaign that studied the chemical composition and processes of atmo spheric changes over North America. Changes in atmospheric composi tion and climate have been attributed to rapid industrialization and the related energy consumption. Fossil fuels are the main source of energy. Studies have shown that air pollutants from carbon-based fuels include such contaminants as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and other harmful gases and particles. Any substance introduced into the atmosphere has the potential to circle BY RUTH DASSO MARLAIRE experiments have documented the Typically, the transport of Asian pollution to North America peaks in plumes were observed at lower atmospheric levels crossing North America in the summer. When plumes ings showed fewer human-produced pollutants (such as carbon dioxide) and more biogenic trace gases, which occur naturally from microbial activity in soil (such as nitrous oxide and nitric oxide) and wetlands, swamps and rice paddies (such as methane.) We found that air quality across the North American continent was Alaska and Canada and strong winds from Asia, explained Singh. While scientists witnessed air pol Asia, they also observed air pollution because the days were longer, vegeta were at their peak. To sample air coming across the Atlantic, four air craft, each carrying different weather instruments, were strategically based in New Hampshire, Faial (Azores) and Creil (France). Alaska and Canada were detected by several satellites and affected areas thousands of miles away. Smoke removal of particles. Recep tor sites along the path way showed an increase in ozone and decrease in carbon monoxide in the upper troposphere over the Atlantic. Data also showed relatively little direct Asian United States, but a sizable ozone. Ozone can be both bene Earth. In the stratosphere, it prevents most of the harm ful ultraviolet rays from reaching the Earths surface. But in the troposphere, near the Earths surface, the ozone is a pollutant. Surface ozone forms when nitrogen oxides and vola tile organic compounds react in the presence of sunlight. the air quality over North America, and North Americas pollution affects European air, studies also show that ozone and other oxidants travel to northeast Asia from Europe and North America. These and related studies ap peared in the American Geophysical Union issues of the Journal of the Geophysical Research, 2006. For further information, please visit: tex-na/


5 Astrogram February 2007 Gilena Monroe of Ames, Code AFA, was recently selected to receive the Most Promising in Government Award from the Black Engineer of the Year selection panel. She received her award at the 21st Annual Black Engi neer of the Year Awards Conference on Feb. 17 in Baltimore, MD. The selection panel for this award included the Council of Engineer ing Deans of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Daimler Chrysler Corporation and US Black Engineer & Information Technology Magazine. Monroe has a masters degree in industrial and systems engineer ing from North Carolina A&T State University and a bachelors degree in computer science from Kentucky State University. She joined the Aviation Systems Division in 2004 under the Federal Career Intern Program and was as signed as a project engineer on the Surface Management System (SMS) re search and development team. She has been conducting data analyses of SMS Monroe selected as Most Promising in GovernmentBY KATHARINE LEE performance to evaluate its predictive accuracy, and her work is helping to form the basis for a solid understand will contribute directly to the future concepts of surface operations in the National Airspace System. Monroe co-authored a paper on the accuracy and impact of SMS ment Advisor decision support tool; the paper was presented at the AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations conference in September of the NASA Honor Award in Group Achievement for the SMS Project team. Monroe has been an active partici pant in diversity and equal bpportu nity activities, including her partici pation in the Blacks in Government National Training Conference, Black History Month activities, working with students through NASAs Smart Skies educational outreach, and tutor ing students at the 100% College Prep Institute in San Francisco. Monroe is a member of the National Society of Black Engineers, the Society of Women Engineers and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. The Ames African-American Advisory Group celebrated Na tional African-American History month this month in several ways. The national theme for 2007 was From Slavery to Freedom: The Story of Africans in the Americas. Vendors sold African attire and art in the Mega Bites Cafeteria and the cafeteria also provided traditional soul food on their Tuesday menu during the month of February. On Feb. 28, the program A Patchwork Quilt was presented, which provid ed an oration of stories to give you a glimpse of the lives of some promi nent and lesser-known people who were instrumental in the formation of African American history. African-American patchwork quilts were made of cloth and provided a narra tive of family history. Their creators used the technique of applique to literally paste their fam ily album onto a lasting fabric. Stories were told through quilts and they provided visual records of family events such as birth, marriage, geo graphical locations and spiritual dedication. The program concluded with a reception in the lobby of Building 200 that featured a selection of baked spe cialty desserts prepared by Brown Girl Kitchen.


6 Astrogram February 2007 Ames Research Center would like to acknowledge and recognize employees who achieved their Length above years of service during the The contributions of these employees many years of service to our country and in helping NASA achieve its many goals is greatly appreciated. 25 Years of Service Albert J. Ahumada Jr. Guadalupe M. Armendariz (Retired) Gary J. Atkins Rhonda O. Baker David M. Bergner I-Chung Chang Denny S. Chaussee Ronald L. Chinnapongse Mary Chow Kenneth L. Christensen Rudy P. Cotillon Robert J. Dolci Laura W. Doty Stephen R. Ellis Robert L. Finnie Ronald C. Fong Peter T. Goldsmith Janice S. Gonzaga Andrew A. Gonzales Karen L. Gundy-Burlet David J. Hollenbach Stephen A. Jacklin Sheila A. Johnson Rosalyn Y. Jung Eric A. Kristich Robert M. Kufeld Mark J. Leon Jane A. Leyland Miguel S. Lopez Mark E. Mc Kelvey William J. McDermott Beverly C. Mesa (Retired) Suzanne C. Meyer Randall L. Peterson Terrence K. Rager Thomas L. Roellig Glen E. Sasaki John A. Segreto Sally A. Shaw Merle Simbe Martha A. Smith Charles A. Smith Jr. Donald I. Soloway Michael R. Stock Lynn D. Thomas Rosa M. Tonarelli (Retired) Donna M. Washington Sandra G. Williams (Retired) 30 Years of Service Frank J. Aguilera Roger W. Ashbaugh John G. Bluck Tony R. Caringello Dennis R. Cauterucio Patricia S. Cowings Douglas A. Denham David J. Des Marais Theodore J. Forsyth (Retired) Linda L. Franklin James R. Freel Danielle J. Goldwater Paul R. Grams John W. Hines Terry L. Holst Richard L. Jaffe Eric H. James Susan A. Kalb George H. Kidwell Jr. Knowlen F. Knowles Jr. Sylvia S. Longchamps Marshal L. Merriam (Retired) Michael J. Ospring Nellie M. Powell Patti P. Powell Dennis E. Ray (Retired) Catherine H. Schulbach Betty W. Silva James H. Stevenson Anthony W. Strawa Scott R. Torok Thomas N. Trower Mary C. Valleau (Retired) 35 Years of Service Jeffrey V. Bowles Joseph T. Camisa Horacio Chavez Jr. Sanford S. Davis Vivienne D. Gallo (Retired) Ronnee R. Gonzalez Karl Grundmann Leonard C. Hee Gail E. James Oscar Jung Diane M. Kanally Michael R. Landis Reynaldo E. Manila Eugene S. Moses (Retired) Thomas J. Moyles (Retired) Lawrence E. Olson Mary E. Perez Katherine C. Sablan Adrian L. Smith 40 Years of Service Anthony R. Gross Linda L. Jahnke Everett A. Palmer III Rick J. Serrano Edward L. Tindle (Retired) John Zuk 45 Years of Service James P. Connolly


7 Astrogram February 2007 continued from front page BY RUTH MARLAIRE On Jan. 31, a Directors Colloqui um entitled New explorations of the USS Macon using advanced marine technology was presented at Ames by Chris Grech and Steve Rock. Grech was the leader of the recent expedi tion to the Macon. In September 2006, researchers from NOAAs National Marine Sanctuary program and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research In stitute in Moss Landing (MBARI) led Ames transformation called amazing by center management an archeological expedition off the Big Sur coast at the submerged wreck site of the rigid airship USS Macon. The Macon crashed on Feb. 12, observatorys science work. A decision is expected in March. He also reminded everyone that the Kepler mission remains a high priority, and that other opportunities may arise in the future. The future looks promising for the Aeronautics Mission Directorate as well, according the Christensen. Starting in FY08, it shows a stable budget increase in FY07. Congress also is showing support for its program budget, he said. Addressing Ames future in aero nautics, he said we have restored agement at Headquarters and, con sequently, Ames will be given more responsibilities and approval for new hires. However, the Space Exploration Mission Directorates future was less certain. Its FY08 budget showed a set back, and depending on the outcome of the FY07 continuing resolution, the schedule for the Crew Exploration Vehicle/Crew Launch Vehicle may be in jeopardy, he said. Presently, the Orion and Ares 1 procurements are on schedule, and the Launch and Range Operations (LRO) and the Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satel lite (LCROSS) are still set to launch in FY2008, Christensen reported. Christensen warned that these cutbacks could impact the advanced in the human research and perfor mance and PharmaSat areas. Ames may use the money Aeronautics gave it for new hires to protect these highly skilled jobs, he said. While these reductions may affect the Ames Constellation work, the up side is that Ames has other possibili ties and options, he said. Christensen also announced the creation of a new organization at Ames, the Engineering Directorate (Code R), to separate program and project responsibility from engineer ing support by moving current Code P engineers into the new organization. Laura Doty will lead the new director ate. He concluded by noting that Ames is moving to the next state of readiness and that our program mix is increasingly moving to a position of relevance to the agency. Staff realign ment and organizational restructuring for programmatic and operational abilities and management at NASA Headquarters. In the end, its all about the people at Ames. If you do good work, people will notice, and youll be rec ognized for the quality of your work, Christensen concluded. base, in Hangar One at Moffett Field. Grech and Rock gave an overview of the expedition to the Macon along with stunning photographs of the airship and discussed the meth ods used to remotely operate the Tiburon, an underwater vehicle they used to compile a mosaic protrait of


8 Astrogram February 2007 NASA Research Park partner Changene, Inc. was granted patent # discovery of nacrein from Pinctada margaritifera, a black pearl oyster Nacrein is a naturally occurring biological molecule that regulates calcium crystals during pearl forma tion. The mechanism of building biominerals in shells is similar to bone formation in humans. Studies show that nacreous substances extracted from Pinctada species demonstrated activities in mammalian models. Changene is investigating nacrein for space missions as a countermea sure for bone mass loss in the micro gravity environment, said Frank Chang, Changene CEO. In space, many bones that aid movement on Earth are not subjected to the same stresses as they were on Earth. Over time, calcium normally stored in the bones breaks down and is released into the bloodstream, causing a de crease in bone density, or bone mass, he said. few days in space at an average rate of 1.6 percent per month. This drop in density, known as disuse osteoporosis, leaves bones weak and less able to support the bodys weight and move ment upon return to Earth, putting the astronaut at a higher risk of fracture. Osteoporosis and low-bone den sity are also major health concerns for the worlds aging population. Data London, forecasts osteoporosis market sales would reach $10.4 billion for consumers in 2010. Chang said Changene collabo rated with NASA Ames Advanced Supercomputing Division for ongoing studies, applying molecular dynamic simulation on the nacrein molecule and deciphering its tertiary structure. that research and development pro cesses take many years; however, with the known structure and subsequent in silico studies, scientists are able to speed up R&D processes.


9 Astrogram February 2007 Predicting Climate Change with a Hazy Crystal Ball The Effects of Aero sols on Climate, presented by Dr. A.W. Strawa Date: March 1, 2007 Time: 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Place: NASA Ames Conference Center, Bldg. 3, Patio Room As part of the Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures, Astronaut/ Scientist Janice Voss of Ames will give a non-technical, illustrated talk on: Searching for Earth-like Planets: NASAs Kepler Mission Date: March 7, 2007 Time: 7 p.m. Place: Smithwick Theater Foothill College, El Monte Road and Freeway 280, Los Altos Hills Cost: Free and open to the public. Parking on campus costs $2. 949-7888 for more information and driving directions. Climate change has received consider able attention by the media recently. One of the largest sources of uncertainty in assessing climate change is the effect that aerosols have on climate. This seminar will provide a frame work for understand ing the role of aerosols based on basic concepts of climate change. Strawa, an atmospheric scientist in the Earth Science Division at Ames who been studying the effects of aerosols and clouds discuss what aerosols are, their sources and trends, how they affect climate, and climate. Finally, he will discuss some strate gies for controlling aerosols emissions and the effect these have on future climate conditions. Strawa has over 30 No background in science will be required for this talk. Background information: The more than 200 planets discovered around other stars so far are all Jupi ter-like planets, big and most likely made of gases and liquids. Naturally, astronomers are eager to identify smaller solid planets, resembling our own Earth. In No vember 2008, NASA is scheduled to launch the Kepler mission, to search for Earth-like planets around distant stars. director for the project, will describe the design and expected results from the four-year mission. Voss has advanced degrees in electrical engineering and aero nautics/astronautics, and has also done research in space physics. She became an astronaut in 1991, and She has logged over 49 days in space, traveling 18.8 million miles in 779 Earth orbits. As part of the evening, she will also discuss her experiences as a sci entist in space and her perspective on the space program. She will take questions from the audience at the end of the talk. The lecture is co-sponsored by NASA Ames, the Foothill College Astronomy Program, the SETI Insti tute and the Astronomical Society of Planetary scientist and veteran shuttle astronaut Tom Jones (in photo graph at right) will present a Directors Colloquium at Ames on March 13, from 10 a.m. -11 a.m. in N-201, the Main Auditorium. In addition, Jones will deliver a free public lecture March 13 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Bldg. 943, the Eagle Room. Jones will discuss his new book, Skywalking: An Astronauts Memoir, detailing his experiences as mission spe cialist and payload commander aboard copies of his book after the lecture.


10 Astrogram February 2007 Ames emergency announcements To hear the centerwide status record tion announcements and emergency instructions for Ames employees. You can also listen to 1700 KHz AM radio for the same information. Ames Ongoing Monthly Events Calendar Safety Data NASA-Ames Occupational Illness-Injury Data for Calendar Year-to-Date 2007 Jan. 1, 2007 Jan. 31, 2007 Civil Contractors Servants First aid cases 1 1 Lost Workday cases 0 0 Recordable cases 0 0 Restricted duty days 0 0 Above data are as of 01/08/07. May be subject to slight adjustment in the event of a new case or new information regarding an existing case. Security/Law Enforcement Activity Fire Protection Activity A statistical summary of activities of the Protective Services Divisions Security/Law Enforcement and Fire Protection Services units for the month of January 2007 is shown below. Ames Amateur Radio Club, third Thursday of each month, 12 noon, N-T28 (across from 4-6262. Ames Ballroom Dance Club Classes on Bldg. 944, the Rec. Center. POC: Helen Hwang at, ext. 4-1368. Ames Bicycling Club Every 3rd Wednesday of the month. The meeting location is Build ing 19, Conference Room 1083 and the meeting time is 12 noon 1 p.m. Contact Julie Nottage at, ext. 4-3711. Bylaws of Ames Bicycling Club can be found at; the link is right under the picture. Ames Bowling League Homestead Lanes on Thursday nights at 6:20 p.m. Seeking substitute bowlers. Questions to sign up: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132. Ames Child Care Center Board of Directors Mtg every other Tuesday in N-229/Rm 117 from 12 1:30 p.m. POC: Julie Schonfeld, ext. Ames Contractor Council Mtg day each month, 11 a.m., N-200, Committee 8017. Ames Federal Employees Union (AFEU) Mtg third Wednesday of ea. month, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., Bldg. 221, Rm 104. Guests welcome. Info at: POC: Marianne Ames Mac Support Group Mtg, third Tuesday of ea. month, 11:30 1 p.m., Bldg. N262, Rm 180. POC: Tony ext. 4-0340. Ames Model Aircraft Club, trolled aircraft at the north end of Parsons Ave. on weekend mornings. POC: Mark Sumich, ext. 4-6193. Ames Sailing Club Mtg, second Thursday of ea. month (March through Nov), from 12:00 p.m. -1:00 p.m. in Bldg. N-262, Rm 100. URL: POC: Becky Hooey, ext. 4-2399. Environmental Forum other month, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Bldg. qe/events/EHSseries/ POC: Stacy St. Louis at ext. 4-6810. The Hispanic Advisory Committee for Excel lence (HACE) Mtg Leon at ext. 4-6498. Jetstream Toastmasters Mondays, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m., N-269/Rm.179. POC: Miwa Hayashi at ext. 4-1397,, Web: Native American Advisory Committee Mtg fourth Tues each month, 12 noon to 1 p.m., Bldg. 19, Rm 1096. POC: Mike Liu at ext. 4-1132.


11 Astrogram February 2007 Exchange Information Beyond Galileo Gift Shop N-235 in the cafeteria 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-6873 Dont forget to purchase your baby shower, birth day, holiday gifts at Ames two gift shops! Mega Bites Cafeteria N-235, 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., ext. 4-5969/Catering ext. 4-2161 Visitor Center Gift Shop N-943 M-F, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., ext. 4-5412 NASA logo merchandise, souvenirs, toys, gifts and educational items. Vacation Opportunities Information about products, services and oppor tunities provided to the employee and contractor community by the Ames Exchange Council. Visit the web site at: NASA Lodge (N-19) 603-7100 Tickets, etc... N-943 outside the main gate, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., ext. 4-5412 and Beyond Galileo, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. ext. 4-6873 See daily menu at: Miscellaneous The pool is heated year round! The pool is cur rently available for lap swim, pool parties and special events. POC -Chana Langley, Pool Manager ships: $40/yr. Family memberships: $60/yr. After purchasing a membership, there is an entrance fee: daily entrance fee $3/day or lap pass fee $40 for 20 uses. Platinum membership $360/yr. (no daily fee). Special events: include military training, swim team events, kayak role practice, etc. The cost for Ames Swim Center (N-109) 603-8025 Astrogram deadlines Please submit articles, calendar and no later than the 10th of each month. If this falls on the weekend or holiday, then the following business day becomes the deadline. For Astrogram questions, contact Astrid Olson at the aforemen tioned e-mail address or ext. 4-3347. Ads for the next issue should be sent to astrogram@ and must be resubmitted for each issue. Ads must involve personal needs or items; (no commercial/third-party ads) and will run on a spaceavailable basis only. First-time ads are given priority. Ads must include home phone numbers; Ames exten sions and email addresses will be accepted for carpool and lost and found ads only. Due to the volume of material received, we are unable to verify the accuracy of the statements made in the ads. Caveat emptor! homes for cats trapped at Moffett. They range from feral to abandoned/lost pets. Tested, if you or someone you know are interested in fostering or adopting a cat. Sleeper Sofa Bed like new. Beige/brown unat tached pillows across back $100. Call (408) Lake Tahoe-Squaw Valley Townhse, 3bd/2ba. View cleaning fee. Two night minimum. Includes linens, Vacation rental, Bass Lake, 4 mls south of Yosemite. Big Sur vacation rental, secluded 4bd/2ba house in canyon setting. Fully eqpd kitchen. Access to priv. beach. Tub in patio gdn. Halfway between 328-4427. Pine Mountain Lake vacation home. Access to golf, tennis, lake, swimming, horseback riding, walk to beach. Three bedrooms/sleeps 10. $100/night. Call Incline Village, Forest Pines, Lake Tahoe condo, 3 stereo w/CD player, microwv, W/D, jacuzzi, sauna, outdoor pool. Walk to lake. Close to ski areas. Visit web site for pictures: in 24 hour security bldg. overlooking Washington Square Park, $2,000/wk or $3,000/mo. negotiable. Quarter, Notre Dame and Lie-St. Louis., $1,400/wk. Santa Cruz townhouse, 2 bedrooms plus study, 2 baths, decks, totally furnished, 3 blocks from beach, available July, August, September; $1,600 per month. Lake Tahoe cabin rental in Agate Bay, North Shore. deck, sleeps 10. Closest skiing is Northstar, Alpine Florida west coast vacation in St. Petersburg, beauti ful 2bd/2ba condo, fully equipped kitchen and fur nished, sunset views, 1/4 mile from St. Pete Beach, monthly or 2 week minimum rentals only. Call (703) 299-8889 or e-mail: Maui luxury oceanfront resort one-bedroom condo and questions. Monterey Bay vacation rental at Pajaro Dunes, 20 miles south of Santa Cruz, 3bd/2ba beach house with distinctive architecture. Beautiful ocean and tennis courts. $700/wkend, $2,100/wk including cleaning by the maid service when you depart. Call South Lake Tahoe Large cabin surrounded by protected forest, 8 miles from Stateline Sleeps 12 South Lake Tahoe Cozy home backs up to large open meadow, 1 mile from Heavenly Valley. Sleeps RV Lots Available Call to reserve a space at (650) 603-7100/01. Where to stay when youre too tired to drive home? What about the lodge?! Two types of rooms: Bldg. adult) Moffett Field Golf Club with Tee minus 1 Grill and Sports Bar. Call (650) 603-8026. A Construction Safety Best Practices Course is scheduled. Date: May 1 and 2, 2007 Place: NASA Ames, Bldg. 943 The course consists of 12 hours presentation followed by a 4-hour work shop and will be held in Bldg. N-943 conference room. Civil servants and contractors engaged in facility construction are encour aged to attend. Point of contact is Clarence Smith of Facilities Engi


12 Astrogram February 2007 National Aeronautics and Space Administration PLEASE RECYCLE Printed on recycled and recyclable paper with vegetable-based ink. FIRST-CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 85 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA Ames Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Editor, Layout and Design..............Astrid Olson Astrogram Web site: ters/ames/astrogram/2007/07astrograms.html Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000