Ali times

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Ali times
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407th Air Expeditionary Group
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December 22, 2006 T T T T T able of contents‘Tis the season for service before self During holiday season Air Force core value has special meaning. Page 2 Our military mission is the gift of freedom CENTAF Commander says freedom is the best gift. Page 3 There are ways to minimize holiday blues Services Commander gives tips to keep busy during holiday season. Page 4 Ali’s Got Talent Show Participants show off talents at Big Top. Page 5 EOSS clobbers ECS in championship game Both squads duke it out in Intramural championship game. Page 6 Movies and more... Event schedules and standings. Pages 7-10407th Air Expeditionary Group, Ali Base, Iraq


Page 2 Ali Times / December 22, 2006 Cover Photo This funded newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services overseas. Contents of the Ali Times are not necessarily the views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Air Force. The content is edited, prepared and provided by the public affairs office of the 407th Air Expeditionary Group. All photographs are U.S. Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated. The Ali Times accepts stories, photographs and commentaries, which may be submitted to the public affairs staff — located in the group headquarters building — or can be sent directly to the newspaper at Deadline for publication is 7 p.m. Monday before the week of publication. For more information, call 445-2318, or e-mail the editor. Vol. 4, Issue 47 Dec 22, 2006 SrA Mitch Nairn, 407th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron goes in for a layup during Dec 19 Intramural Championship Game. 407 EOSS beat 407th Expeditionary Communications Squadron 4716. See Page 6. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox) By Col James Moulton 407th Air Expeditionary Group Commander‘Tis the season for service before selfCol James C. Moulton Commander, 407 AEG Lt Col Roy-Alan C. Agustin Deputy Commander, 407 AEG Capt James Kelley Executive Officer, 407 AEG CMSgt John Laforgia Superintendent, 407 AEG TSgt Ryan Mattox Editor/Chief, Public Affairs For the latest Air Force News — go online at T his week I wanted to come right out and thank everyone for their service and sacrifice during this holiday season. One of the Air Force’s core values is service before self, and there is no time of the year when this hits home (or “away from home” might be more accurate). While separations from family and friends are always hard, the Christmas season can be even harder, since this is the time of year when so many of us make plans for visiting — or being visited by — loved ones. But I’d ask that you keep this in mind: the reason most Americans back home are able to enjoy this holiday season is because of the sacrifices you, and others in uniform just like you, are making on their behalf. Throughout our nation’s history, most Americans have been free to enjoy and celebrate Christmas freely and peacefully because a select few were willing to temporarily set aside their own individual celebrations to serve the nation. This weekend, you are part of that selfless tradition. Be proud of your sacrifices, and take heart in knowing that your service matters. And I’d also ask you to remember our brothers and sisters in-arms who are, and will be, standing in harm’s way throughout this holiday season. Take care, God bless, and Merry Christmas. Col James Moulton, 407th Air Expeditionary Group Commander, visits with Santa Claus during his visit at Ali Base. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox)


Page 3 Ali Times / December 22, 2006 By Lt Gen Gary North 9th Air Force/USCENTAF Commander Our military mission — Gift of FreedomLt Gen Gary North As the holiday season approaches, we look forward to spending time with family and friends throughout the world and enjoying the festivities of the season. Whether we celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, this season is traditionally a time for togetherness and sharing with each other. Due to our military mission, many of us are away from our families this year as we contribute to the greatest gift that military members continue to “give” to our nation – the military support to our highest calling to our American people, that of supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States…said another way, preserving the gift of freedom. Those military members who are deployed can take heart in knowing that our loved ones at home understand our sacrifices, and are proud and respectful of the calling that has you deployed during this period of time. Additionally, your military is providing gifts to others throughout the world as we continue the fight against terrorism. United States military members are in the forefront in helping the people of Iraq and Afghanistan as they grow as sovereign nations. As we enjoy our holiday times, whether deployed or at home, we will continue to stand side-by-side with our Coalition partners in training Iraqi and Afghan forces to support, defend, and protect themselves and their families. To all the families of those at home and abroad, I especially thank you for the sacrifices you continue to make each and every day. As we go about our busy schedules, please remember to Christmas Day take time in your celebrations this joyous season and reflect on all the gifts we share as people in a free country. It is this very reason that many of our service men and women are deployed around the world today, to support, protect, defend, and to provide those same very promises for freedom that formed our nation so many years ago. Best wishes for a happy holiday season and a prosperous New Year. Christmas DayRoman Catholic services Christmas Eve Mass midnight at Adder Chapel Christmas Mass 8 a.m. at Ali Chapel Christmas Service 10:30 a.m. at Cedar II Chapel Singing 4 p.m. at Adder Chapel Christmas Mass 5 p.m. at Adder Chapel Protestant services Joint Protestant Christmas Service 9 a.m. at Adder Chapel Christmas Service 10 a.m. at Ali Chapel For more information, call the 407th Chapel Office at 445-2006. Christmas EveRoman Catholic services 4th Sunday of Advent 8 a.m. at Ali Chapel 4th Sunday of Advent 10:30 a.m. at Cedar II Christmas Eve 8 p.m. at The Big Top Midnight Christmas Mass 12 a.m. at Adder Chapel Protestant services Traditional Worship 9:30 a.m. at Ali Chapel Church of Christ 11 Ali Chapel Christmas Eve 7 p.m. at Adder Chapel Ecumenical Carol Sing 7 p.m. at The Big Top Christmas Eve 8 p.m. at Ali ChapelChristmas Eve and Day Worship Schedule Dec 24-25


Page 4 Ali Times / December 22, 2006 By Capt Gordon Swain 407th Expeditionary Services Squadron CommanderThe holiday season is fast approaching, and for many of us here at Ali Base it is a time when we most sharply feel the pain of being away from loved ones. As many do this time of year, I cannot help but reflect upon Christmases past, and I recall that this will be my third time deployed overseas during the holidays. It has never been easy, but I have found that there are ways to minimize the “holiday blues.” One thing that has always sustained me is the support that I have received from home. Each and every one of you should realize that everyone at home is proud of you and the sacrifices that you have made. No doubt many of you have already received many e-mails, letters, cards, and care packages from friends and family eagerly awaiting your return. It is their warm wishes, as well as the support from patriotic Americans everywhere, that enable us to endure another holiday season away from home. Another thing that I have come to realize is that while nothing can replace the role of friends and family during the holidays, I can appreciate the impact of Air Force Services and USO sponsored events. As a young Airman in the first Gulf War, I was lucky enough to see numerous USO special events while deployed. I was able to see venerable wartime comedian Bob Hope, baseball hall-of-famer Johnny Bench, and country music superstar Aaron Tippin. Of course more recently I was able to see the 2006 CMA Female Vocalist of the Year, Carrie Underwood, right here at Ali. Events like those go a long way to improve morale, especially at this time of the year. As Commander of the 407th Expeditionary Services Squadron, I hope that you can see us as your family away from home as we try to make this time apart from your loved ones as easy as possible. Fortunately, we have plenty of events scheduled over the next few weeks to celebrate the season. Here is a quick preview of what the Services Squadron has in store for everyone this holiday season. To start off, there will be an Ecumenical service on Dec 24 from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Big Top. This service will include singing Christmas carols and candle-lighting. On Christmas Day, the Australian Army will be playing host as they provide a Top 40 band for musical entertainment at the Big Top. Then to bring in the New Year, Dec 31, we are having an Ali Rockin’ Eve Party from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Music will be provided by one of Ali’s own DJs, M2. There will be party favors and door prizes given out every half hour. I sincerely hope you are all able to come out and join in on the fun we have planned for you. There are ways to minimize the holiday bluesCapt Gordon Swain Santa arrivesCol James Moulton, 407th Air Expeditionary Group Commander, discusses Santa Claus’ flight plan for Christmas, as Santa’s helper does a preflight check of the sleigh. Santa was visiting Ali to do a site survey and to get a vehicle pass for Bedrock for a possible landing on Christmas. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox)


Page 5 Ali Times / December 22, 2006 AliÂ’s Got Talent Show rocks the Big TopAli Talent show judges add up their score sheets to decide the winner of the show. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Al Petrie) AliÂ’s own Tae Kwon Do class demonstrate their techniques to the crowd Dec 16 at the Big Top. Performances ranged in variety from a drum solo by 3rd place winner SrA Max Wallin, 407th Expeditionary Communications Squadron to break dancing by Staff Sgt Robert Isarraraz, 407th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron. First place went to Master Sgt Daniel Riley, 407th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, playing an acoustical version on Nothing Else Matters by Metallica, and 2nd place went to Staff Sgt Nikki Purvis, 732d Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron Redistribution Property Assistance Team, singing an a cappella version of the song My Help. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Al Petrie) Staff Sgt Rebecca Church dances to the beat of AliÂ’s musical performers. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox) Captain Dale Malleck, 134th BSB, sings and plays his guitar at the talent show. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox)


Page 6 Ali Times / December 22, 2006 Staff Sgt Terry Williams, 407th Expeditionary Communications Squadron attempts a layup in this yearÂ’s Ali Intramural Basketball Championship game. The 407th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron dominated the 407th Expeditionary Communications Squadron during the Game, beating them 47-16. The 407 EOSS squad finished the season with a perfect record of 10-0 and 407 ECS finished with a 6-4 record. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox)OSS clobbers Comm 47-16 in championship gameMaj James Hoskins, 407 ECS, attempts a shot during the Dec 19 championship game. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Al Petrie) Capt Barry Roche, 407 ECS, takes an outside shot during the championship game. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox)


Page 7 Ali Times / December 22, 2006 Staff Sgt Rebecca ChurchDeployed unit: 407th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron Job title at Ali: Weather flight Home unit and base: 60th Operations Support Squadron/ Travis Air Force Base, Calif. Why other Airmen think she’s a warrior: Sergeant Church is an extremely motivated NCO who enjoys challenging and demanding situations. She provides outstanding daily weather forecasting support to more than 220 combat and airlift aircraft operating over 50,000 square miles of Iraqi airspace. She is the epitome of unwavering commitment to duty as she has worked 98 consecutive days since her arrival. Being a well-rounded person of many interests she still finds the time to volunteer her service to assist at the post office, organize squadron morale boosting activities, complete the NCO Professional Development Seminar, volunteer for multiple base details, take Tae-kwon-do classes, earn six credits towards her Bachelor’s degree and practice her bass guitar. Rebecca’s devotion to duty and support of our organization is infectious and has been an inspiration for her entire unit.Why did you join the Air Force? I joined the Air Force for the experience and many opportunities, such as learning a marketable skill, traveling to foreign countries, and experiencing different cultures. What inspires you? I’m deeply inspired by the relationship with my family, especially my mom. What is your most memorable Air Force experience? Being assigned to Korea Hobbies: Guitar, reading and Tae-kwon-do. Family: MarriedWASHINGTON (AFPN) — Servicemembers will receive an average 3.5 percent boost in their basic allowance for housing compensation benefit in 2007, a Defense Department officials said Dec. 18. The planned BAH increase starting Jan. 1 works out to about $300 million more than what was paid in 2006, officials said. “The continued improvement in housing allowances represents our commitment to the preservation of a compensation and benefit structure which will provide members with a suitable and secure standard of living that will sustain a trained, experienced and ready force in the future,” said Cynthia Smith, a DOD spokesperson. Officials said military housing allowances are computed according to three key criteria: median current market rent; average utilities to include electricity, heat and water/sewer costs; and average renter’s insurance. BAH rates also are based on dwelling type and number of bedrooms in a given area and then calculated for each pay grade, both with and without family members. For servicemembers with family members, average increases in the BAH are approximately $44 per month. For example, a typical E-4 will receive about $34 more in BAH than in 2006, while an E-8 will receive about $42 more than this year. The BAH rate system has built-in protections to ensure that an individual servicemember in a given location won’t see his or her BAH rate decrease. Some areas’ housing costs have remained relatively stable, while others continue to rise. Most of the costliest housing in the United States with the highest BAH rates are clustered on or near the East and West coasts, and the state of Hawaii. For more information about military pay and housing allowances, visit http:// Military housing rates boosted 3.5 percent overall By Gerry J. Gilmore American Forces Press Service


Page 8 Ali Times / December 22, 2006 Ali Sports Standings Intramural VolleyballTeamsWinsLosesEOSS110 FIRE 193 ECES 182 FIRE 383 FIRE 283 ECS74 ESFS74 ELRS 165 ECES 255 PISTONS55 ESVS39 HOT STICKS29 STAFF 1210 ELRS 2110 ECES 3111 In the 1915 game: ECES 1 (8-2) won in two straight games, beating ESFS (7-4) 25-23 and 2511. In the 2015 game: Pistons (5-5) won by forfeit over ELRS 2 (1-10) In the 2115 game: Staff 1 (2-10) won in two straight games, beating ECES 3 (1-11) 25-21 and 25-16. In the 2215 game: Fire 2 (8-3) won in two straight games, beating Fire 3 (8-3) 25-20 and 2512. The top eight teams make the playoffs. Current as of Dec 21 Fantasy Football LeagueName Week 15Total1SSgt Simmons1171351 2Amn Centeno1311296 3TSgt Pihlgren1171251 4SSgt Weppel681245 5TSgt Goldammer1231240 6MSgt Nilo1231231 7MSgt Skeldon721220 8TSgt Holdredge1191175 9SSgt Isarraraz951156 10SrA Hudson751148 11A1C Terrill641120 12TSgt Gab1031097 13A1C Cabrera841081 14Capt Swain791076 15Amn Ko1251075 16SSgt Estrada981075 17SSgt Orola751008 18SSgt Sharp104967 19SSgt Britten63924 202d Lt Hodgson76923 21SrA Falch55903 22A1C Valdez81885 23TSgt Borden73856 24A1C Sprinz33854 25A1C Oraha58821 26MSgt Weymouth40804 27SrA Rose71778 28SSgt Lardino108725


Page 9 Ali Times / December 22, 2006 Polar Express......................11 p.m. Tuesday 24 Season 2: Disc 5..............1 a.m. Monday Night Football (Live)................................4:30 a.m. Monday Night Football (Live)......................................5 a.m. The Recruit............................7 a.m. Boogeyman...........................9 a.m. The Others...........................11 a.m. Super Troopers......................1 p.m. Saw........................................3 p.m. Jarhead..................................5 p.m. The Sum of All Fears............7 p.m. Big MommaÂ’s House.............9 p.m. American Outlaws...............11 p.m. Wednesday 24 Season 2: Disc 6..............1 a.m. Face of Terror.........................3 a.m. Taking Lives...........................5 a.m. Saw........................................7 a.m. Jarhead..................................9 a.m. The Sum of All Fears..........11 a.m. Big MommaÂ’s House.............1 p.m. American Outlaws.................3 p.m. The Recruit............................5 p.m. Boogeyman...........................7 p.m. The Others................................9 p.m.Super Troopers....................11 p.m. Thursday The Recruit............................1 a.m. Boogeyman...........................3 a.m. The Others.............................5 a.m. Super Troopers......................7 a.m. Saw........................................9 a.m. Jarhead................................11 a.m. The Sum of All Fears............1 p.m. Big MommaÂ’s House.............3 p.m. Anerican Outlaws..................5 p.m. Face of Terror.........................7 p.m. Taking Lives...........................9 p.m. The Recruit...........................11p.m. F F F F F r r r r r ida ida ida ida ida y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis1 p.m., Muslim prayer/ service: (TCN)6:30 p.m., Jewish Service: ARAC7:30 p.m., Gospel Choir Rehearsal: APC Satur Satur Satur Satur Satur da da da da da y y y y y 8 p.m., Roman Catholic Vigil Mass: Oasis Sunda Sunda Sunda Sunda Sunda y y y y y Monda Monda Monda Monda Monda y y y y y See page 3 for Christmas worship schedule. T T T T T uesda uesda uesda uesda uesda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis7:30 p.m., Word of Faith Bible Study: APC W W W W W ednesda ednesda ednesda ednesda ednesda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis7 p.m., Iraq in the Bible Study: OA7 p.m., Spanish Bible Study: ARAC7 p.m., WomenÂ’s Bible Study: Army Hospital7:30 p.m., Protestant Worship Service/Bible Study: APC 7:30 p.m., Iraq in the Bible study: Oasis Thur Thur Thur Thur Thur sda sda sda sda sda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis6:30 p.m., Ladies Bible Study: AWRAC7:30 p.m., MenÂ’s Bible Study: APC TodayÂ’s times and movie descriptions for the weekW orship is at the 407th Air Expeditionary Group Oasis of Peace chapel, and at the Army Post Chapel. The Oasis is open 24 hours a day for prayer and reflection. The Buddhist Prayer Alcove is open 24 hours a day. For details on worship opportunities, or directions to worship locations, please call 445-2006.Saturday 24 Season 2: Disc 2.............1 a.m. 24 Season 2: Disc 3.............3 a.m. American Outlaws................5 a.m. Face of Terror........................7 a.m. Taking Lives...........................9 a.m. The Recruit.........................11 a.m. Boogeyman..........................1 p.m. The Others............................3 p.m. Super Troopers.....................5 p.m. Saw.......................................7 p.m. Jarhead.................................9 p.m.The Sum of All Fears...........11 p.m. Sunday 24 Season 2: Disc 4.............1 a.m. 24 Season 2: Disc 4 (cont.)..3 a.m. NFL Saturday Night Football (Live).....................................5 a.m. NFL Saturday Night Football (Live)................................7:30 a.m. Big MommaÂ’s House............9 a.m. American Outlaws..............11 a.m. Face of Terror........................1 p.m. Taking Lives..........................3 p.m. The Recruit...........................5 p.m. Boogeyman..........................7 p.m. NFL Football (Live)...............9 p.m. NFL Football (Live).............11 p.m. Monday NFL Football (Live)...............1 a.m. NFL Sunday Night Football (Live).....................................3 a.m. NFL Sunday Night Football (Live).....................................5 a.m. A Christmas Story............7:30 a.m. The PreacherÂ’s Wife.............9 a.m. EveÂ’s Christmas..................11 a.m. Jingle All the Way.................1 p.m. Christmas comes to Willow Creek.........................3 p.m. The Christmas Shoes...........5 p.m. Miracle on 34th Street..........7 p.m. Christmas with the Cranks....9 p.m.Oasis = Air Force Chapel/Bedrock OA = Oasis Annex ARAC = Army Religious Activity Center APC = Army Post Chapel TCN = Third Country Nationals living area by DFAC24 Season 2: Disc 1-2 (2001), 1 a.m., Keifer Sutherland, Carlos Bernard, action, drama; The Recruit (2003), 9 a.m., Al Pacino, Colin Farrell, action, adventure; The Boogeyman (2005), 11 a.m., Barry Watson, Emily Deschanel, suspense, horror; The Others (2001), 1 p.m., Nicole Kidman, Fionnula Flanagan, suspense, horror; Super Troopers (2002), 3 p.m., Jay Chandrasekhar, Kevin Heffernan, comedy; Saw (2004), 5 p.m., Leigh Whannell, Cary Elwes, suspense, horror; Jarhead (2005), 7 p.m., Jake Gyllenhaal, Jamie Foxx, drama, war; The Sum of All Fear (2002), 9 p.m., Ben Affleck, Morgan Freeman, action, thriller; Big MommaÂ’s House (2000), 11 p.m., Martin Lawrence, Nia Long, comedy, action; American Outlaws (2001), 5 a.m., Colin Farrell, Scott Caan, action, adventure; Face of Terror (2005), 7 a.m., Rick Schroder, Paulina Galvez, thriller, crime; Taking Lives (2004), 9 a.m., Angelina Jolie, Ethan Hawke, thriller, crime;


Page 10 Ali Times / December 22, 2006 Saturday 11 a.m. Hapkido : Muscle Beach 6:30 p.m. Spinning : HOP 7 p.m. Abs Class : Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Hip Hop : ACC 7:30 p.m. Karaoke : Big Top 7:30 p.m. Basketball Intramurals : Muscle Beach Sunday 10 a.m. Spinning : HOP 11 a.m. Hapkido : Muscle Beach 2 p.m. Chess : Hot Spot 7 p.m. Spinning : HOP 7 p.m. Darts : ACC 7:30 p.m. Basketball Intramurals : Muscle Beach 8 p.m. Spinning: Muscle Beach (I) Monday 6:20 a.m. Spinning : Muscle Beach (I) 4:30 p.m. Doubles Horseshoes: Hot Spot 7 p.m. Hapkido : Muscle Beach 7 p.m. Toning : HOP 7 p.m. Ping Pong : ACC 7:30 p.m. Tug of War : Muscle Beach 8 p.m. Spinning : Muscle Beach (I) Tuesday 6:20 a.m. Spinning : Muscle Beach (I) 6 p.m. Yoga: Muscle Beach 7 p.m. Abs Class: Muscle Beach 5 p.m. Pull-up Competition : Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : HOP 8 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : Muscle Beach (I) 8 p.m. Texas Hold’em: Big Top 8:30 p.m. Salsa : ACC Wednesday 7 p.m. Hapkido : Muscle Beach 7 p.m. Toning : HOP 7 p.m. Spades : ACC 7:30 p.m. Volleyball intramurals: Muscle Beach 8 p.m. Step Aerobics : HOP 8 p.m. Spinning : Muscle Beach (I) 8 p.m. 8-Ball Doubles: Hot Spot Thursday 7:30 a.m. 1.5 Mile Fun Run: Muscle Beach 7 p.m. 8/9-Ball : ACC 7 p.m. Abs Class: Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : HOP 8 p.m. Texas Hold’em: Big Top 8 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : Muscle Beach (I) 8:30 p.m. Salsa : HOP Friday 7 p.m. Toning: HOP 7:30 p.m. Volleyball Intramurals : Muscle Beach 8 p.m. Spinning: Muscle Beach (I) 8 p.m. Step Aerobics : HOP 8 p.m. Bingo : Big Top Bedrock and beyond... (I) —Instructor (DVD) — DVD TNY —Tournament HOP —House of Pain, Army Fitness Center ACC —Army Community CenterCall the 407th Expeditionary Services Squadron with ideas for activities at 445-2696; f or information about the House of Pain, Army fitness center call 833-1709. For information about Army morale, welfare and recreation activities call 833-1745.

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