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Ali times
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407th Air Expeditionary Group
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November 17, 2006 T T T T T able of contentsAli Airmen highlight GeneralÂ’s visit 332 AEW Commander impressed by Airmen, mission, work areas at Ali. Page 2 Election Days past, present signal rights of freedom ESFS NCO remembers past events that shape the right to vote. Page 3 332 AEW Commander tours Ali Wing Commander gets good look at Bedrock and workcenters. Page 4 Fallen Airman remembered at AirmenÂ’s Memorial Security Forces Airman honored for service and sacrifice.Page 5Failure in Iraq would affect region, world Failure to create a peaceful and unified country would be catastrophic Page 6 Movies and more... Event schedules and standings. Pages 7-10407th Air Expeditionary Group, Ali Base, Iraq


Page 2 Ali Times / November 17, 2006 Cover Photo This funded newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services overseas. Contents of the Ali Times are not necessarily the views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Air Force. The content is edited, prepared and provided by the public affairs office of the 407th Air Expeditionary Group. All photographs are U.S. Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated. The Ali Times accepts stories, photographs and commentaries, which may be submitted to the public affairs staff — located in the group headquarters building — or can be sent directly to the newspaper at Deadline for publication is 7 p.m. Monday before the week of publication. For more information, call 445-2318, or e-mail the editor. Vol. 4, Issue 42 Nov 17, 2006 Brig Gen Robin Rand, 332d Air Expeditionary Wing Commander, greets firefighters at the Ali Base Fire Department during his visit to Ali Base, Iraq Nov 15-16. See Page 4. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox) By Col James Moulton 407th Air Expeditionary Group Commander Ali Airmen highlight General’s visit Col James C. Moulton Commander, 407 AEG Lt Col Roy-Alan C. Agustin Deputy Commander, 407 AEG Capt James Kelley Executive Officer, 407 AEG CMSgt John Laforgia Superintendent, 407 AEG TSgt Ryan Mattox Editor/Chief, Public AffairsCol James Moulton I wanted to thank every single member of the 407th for your outstanding work in support of General Rand’s visit to Ali Base. From beginning to end, the General and Chief Master Sergeant Dearduff were extremely impressed. They noted that the facilities and equipment were in great shape, and at every stop throughout the visit both the General and the Chief commented on the attention to detail, rendering of proper customs and courtesies, and professionalism you demonstrated. And just as importantly, both leaders noted the great attitudes they saw in every one of you. They were incredibly impressed with the positive spirit, enthusiasm, and teamwork you demonstrated everywhere, whether it was at the DFAC, in Bedrock, or in one of your workplaces. I was thrilled to have the chance to show the 332d AEW Commander all that you’ve accomplished in your short time here in Iraq, and I hope that you are as proud of what you’ve achieved here as I am of you. Take care, carry yourselves with pride, and thank you for your service to our country. Brig Gen Robin Rand, 332d Air Expeditionary Wing Commander, talks to firefighters at the Ali Base Fire department during his visit to Ali Base, Iraq, Nov 15-16. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox)


Page 3 Ali Times / November 17, 2006 By Tech Sgt Dwayne Allen 407th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Election Days past, present signal our rights of freedomTech Sgt Dwayne Allen When the polls opened on Election Day, every citizen over the age of 18 had a right to cast a vote. It is a right we take for granted, one that defines our nation as a democracy. Two hundred years ago, you had to be white, male, and wealthy in order to vote. The Voting Rights Act, adopted initially in 1965, is generally considered the most successful piece of civil rights legislation ever adopted by the United States Congress. The Act codifies and effectuates the 15th Amendment’s permanent guarantee that, throughout the nation, no person shall be denied the right to vote on account of race or color. Susan B. Anthony was one of the strongest advocates of Women’s rights in the mid-19th century. In 1872 she was arrested after casting an ‘illegal’ vote in the presidential election. She was fined $100 but refused to pay. Abraham Lincoln best described democracy as “government of the people, by the people, and for the people.” For that government to be “by the people,” however, requires that the people decide who shall be their leaders. Without free and fair elections, there can be no democratic society, and without that constant accountability of government officials to the electorate, there can, in fact, be no assurance of any other rights. The right to vote, therefore, is not only an important individual liberty; it is also a foundation of free government. But because Americans often take this right for granted, it has not always been exercised as fully as it should be. With nearly 200 million citizens eligible to vote, too many people think their individual ballot will not count. The closeness of the presidential election of 2000 serves as a reminder that every vote does count. A few more votes from service members stationed overseas could swing the results in battleground states such as Florida, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Just 537 votes divided President Bush and Al Gore in Florida in 2000, a spread easily covered by military ballots. Not only is voting important at home, its importance can be seen throughout the world, the right to vote has not only been a growing pain in America those same pains can be seen in other places around the world. Today, in Iraq, Iraqis in this country now have a voice in the rebuilding of their country. A voice never heard before. Their votes have been key in the steps this nation has taken in building a free and democratic society and the way their government will be setup. “The vote” is a human right. It is seen as an American right. In a democracy there is nothing more fundamental than having the right to vote on election day. APO to CONUS Priority and First Class letters/cards: Addressed from 093XX locations: Dec 6 Addressed from 098XX locations: Dec 10 Parcel Post/Space Available Mail (SAM): Nov 192006 Holiday Mailing DeadlinesCONUS to APO Priority and First Class letters/cards: Addressed to 093XX locations: Dec 4 Addressed to 098XX locations: Dec 9 Parcel Airlift (PAL): Dec 2 Parcel Post/Space Available Mail (SAM): Nov 13


Page 4 Ali Times / November 17, 2006 By Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox 407th Air Expeditionary Group Public AffairsOn Nov 15-16, Airmen of the 407th Air Expeditionary Group put their best foot forward and welcomed the Commander of the 332d Air Expeditionary Wing, Brig Gen Robin Rand to Ali Base, Iraq. During his visit, the General toured various living and work areas; and spoke with Airmen about their missions, service and morale here at Ali and at home. “Ali Base is important, and what you do matters. We have great airman doing great things here; you should be proud of yourself,” said Brig Gen Robin Brig Gen Robin Rand, 332d Air Expeditionary Wing Commander, talks to Airmen from the 732d Expeditionary Mission Support Group Redistribution Property Assistance Team during his visit to Ali Base, Iraq, Nov 15-16. (U.S. Air Force photos/ Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox)332 AEW Commander tours Bedrock, GroupBrig Gen Robin Rand, 332 AEW Commander, Staff Sgt Rosylnn Winston, and Capt Robert Byrom, both from the 407th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, look at items found during inspections done by the 407 ESFS. Rand, 332d Air Expeditionary Wing Commander. “They were incredibly impressed with the positive spirit, enthusiasm, and teamwork you demonstrated everywhere, whether it was at the DFAC, in Bedrock, or in one of the workplaces,” said Col James Moulton, 407th Air Expeditionary Group Commander. “I am motivated by their service, commitment and excellence,” said Chief Master Sgt Scott Dearduff, 332 AEW Command Chief Master Sergeant. “The Airmen of the 407th are highly motivated and displayed great professionalism in their duties and knowledge of the mission.”


Page 5 Ali Times / November 17, 2006 By Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox 407th Air Expeditionary Group Public Affairs Fallen Airman honored at Ali memorial service Fellow Security Forces and Ali Airmen gathered Nov 11 to honor the life and sacrifices of Airman 1st Class Lee Bernard Chavis with a ceremony at the AirmenÂ’s Memorial in Bedrock. The ceremony consisted of Airman ChavisÂ’ name and the Air Force Security Forces Specialty Badge placed on the AirmenÂ’s memorial, a 21-gun salute, playing of taps, and closing remarks by senior leadership. Airman Chavis, assigned to the 732d Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, was killed Oct. 14 in the line of duty while performing duties as a turret gunner with his security forcesÂ’ team while on joint patrol with the Iraqi police in the vicinity of Baghdad, Iraq. During the ceremony, Airman Chavis was remembered for his service and sacrifices made. Airman Chavis, originally from Hampton, Va., entered the Air Force on March 31, 2004 and served two tours in Iraq. During his recent deployment to Baghdad, Airman Chavis conducted 37 patrols as a lead vehicle gunner, wile contributing to training of more than 200 Iraqi policemen. For the sacrifices Airman Chavis made for his country, he was posthumously awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. His burial was Oct. 24 at Arlington National Cemetery. The 732d ESFS is part of the 732d Expeditionary Mission Support Group under the 332d Air Expeditionary Wing, headquartered at Balad Air Base, Iraq. (Airman 1st Class Eric Schloeffel, 23rd Wing Public Affairs, contributed to this story) The 407th Air Expeditionary Group Honor Guard renders a salute during the AirmenÂ’s Memorial Ceremony for A1C Lee Bernard Chavis on Nov 11. (U.S. Air Force photos/ Tech Sgt Al Petrie) (Above) Airman 1st Class Lee ChavisÂ’s name and Air Force Specialty badge are placed on the AirmenÂ’s Memorial. (Pictured left) Airman Brandon Allen and Senior Master Sgt. Sandra Rebelo, both from the 407th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron, remove a sheet from the AirmenÂ’s Memorial during the ceremony.


Page 6 Ali Times / November 17, 2006 For the latest Air Force News — go online at (AFPN) — Failure of the coalition and Iraqi government to create a unified, peaceful Iraq would be catastrophic for that country and the region, and would embolden terrorists throughout the world, the directors of the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency said here Nov. 15. Testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Gen. Michael V. Hayden, director of the CIA, and Army Lt. Gen. Michael D. Maples, director of the DIA, said that the coalition presence in Iraq is what’s keeping the country together, and an early withdrawal would cause a significant rise in violence. “We are all acutely aware that Iraq today is far from peaceful,” General Hayden said during his testimony. “Let me say that no single narrative is sufficient to explain all the violence we see in Iraq today. There remains in Iraq today an active insurgency. There remains in Iraq today a broad and vicious al Qaeda offensive targeting us and innocent Iraqis. In Iraq today there is criminality and lawlessness on a broad scale. In Iraq today there are rival militias competing for power.” The conflict in Iraq has shifted to become increasingly a sectarian struggle for power, General Maples said. The perception of unchecked violence in Iraq has created an environment of fear and divisiveness, which empowers militias and decreases confidence in government forces, he said. The only way to deal with the problem of sectarian violence is for the Iraqi government to unite and create a non-sectarian security force and work on national reconciliation, both generals agreed. “I believe that, in fact, the parties have to be brought together and it has to be a political approach,” General Maples said. “And the government of Iraq has to be in the lead in doing that.” Enabling Iraq’s leaders to be successful is one responsibility of the coalition, General Maples said, but the coalition must also be forceful with the government and make its expectations known. GenFailure in Iraq would affect region, world By Army Sgt Sara Wood American Forces Press Serviceeral Hayden pointed out that the new Iraqi leaders face a complex challenge, as they are all being asked to overcome their personal histories and work together to reach compromises. “It’s going to require, as General Maples suggests, all the tools we have to motivate them to make decisions that are clearly in their best interest for the long term,” General Hayden said. The situation in Iraq is grave, and al Qaeda has capitalized on the sectarian environment to increase its attacks, but there are still opportunities for success, the generals both said. An overwhelming majority of Iraqis want to live in peace, General Hayden said, and there have been positive improvements. The recent verdict against Saddam Hussein, government efforts to move along the de-Baathification process, increased cooperation between Sunni tribes and the Anbar government, and arrest warrants for Ministry of Interior personnel accused of abuses are all signs of progress, General Maples said. The Iraqi security forces also continue to grow and develop capability, he said. Despite the differences that still separate them, the different factions of Iraqi society did work together to create a constitution that provides the structure for them to settle their differences, General Hayden noted. Iraqi leaders from all factions need to cooperate and fill out the government to fulfill the intent of that document, he said. Although ultimately, victory in Iraq will have an Iraqi face, not an American face, the coalition presence is still vital right now to ensure stability, the generals said. Withdrawing U.S. troops now would only cause a rise in violence and embolden terrorists throughout the region, they said. “Failure in Iraq — failure to create a viable Iraqi state — I think, would embolden the worst of our enemies, certainly al Qaeda,” General Hayden said. “It would provide them with a safe haven rivaling the one they had in Afghanistan prior to October of 2001. I think it would also embolden other adversaries in the region, particularly Iran, whom I would suggest to you right now, not totally warranted, seems to be conducting a foreign policy with a feeling of almost dangerous triumphalism. And I think that would make that even worse.”


Page 7 Ali Times / November 17, 2006 Ali Sports Standings Intramural BasketballTeamsWinsLosesECS40 EOSS50 AEG/HC22 ESFS32 FIRE DEPT22 ECES 122 HOT STICKS13 ELRS14 ARMY (Dropped out)0**8 In the Nov 16 games, EOSS (5-0) moved into first place, beating ELRS (1-4) by the score of 3221. In the second game, ECES (2-2) won its game by the score of 30-29 over ESFS (3-2). The top four teams make the playoffs. Current as of Nov 17Intramural VolleyballTeamsWinsLosesEOSS60 ECES 150 ELRS 151 FIRE 351 FIRE 241 FIRE 142 ESFS43 ECS32 PISTONS33 ESVS25 ECES 223 ELRS 215 STAFF 106 HOT STICKS06 ECES 306 In the Nov 15 games: FIRE 3 (5-1) won the third game 15-2 beating Staff 1 (0-6) They split the first two games. In the second game: EOSS (6-0) won in two straight games against Hot Sticks (0-6) 25-18 and 25-18. In the third game: PISTONS (3-3) won the rubber match 15-11 beating ESVS (2-5). They split the first two games. In the last game: ESFS (4-3) knocked ELRS 1 (5-1) from the ranks of the unbeaten, winning the third and final game 15-6. The top eight teams make the playoffs. Current as of Nov 15 World Series of Poker Championship Last week, the Texas HoldÂ’em Tournament came to an end with the championship game were the top five finishers were: Tony Pihlgren, 407th Expeditionary Communications Squadron, placed 1st; Omar Estrada, 407th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron, placed 2nd; The ArmyÂ’s Troy Scott placed 3rd; Brian Belk, 407th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron, placed 4th; and 5th place went to Ruben Garcia, 407th Expeditionary Services Squadron. Fantasy Football LeagueNameWeek 9Total1SSgt Weppel86119761 2SSgt Simmons126129753 3Amn Centeno116100713 4TSgt Goldammer11594694 5MSgt Nilo113100673 6MSgt Skeldon71169668 7TSgt Pihlgren11293664 8SSgt Isarraraz108138640 9A1C Terrill103131630 10TSgt Holdredge10395628 11Amn Ko12280615 12TSgt Gab10489610 13Capt Swain63107590 14A1C Cabrera6596581 15SrA Hudson66148575 16SSgt Orola90109569 17SSgt Sharp10278559 18SSgt Estrada8087557 19TSgt Borden7873520 20A1C Valdez47107507 21SSgt Falch11382507 222nd Lt Hodgson5483504 23SSgt Britten106103502 24A1C Sprinz46120466 25SSgt Lardino4578453 26MSgt Weymouth64109438 27A1C Oraha4263420 28SrA Rose4361411


Page 8 Ali Times / November 17, 2006 SSgt William GamboaDeployed unit: 407th Expeditionary Communications Squadron Job title at Ali: Configuration Management Technician Home unit and base: 95th Communications Squadron/ Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. Why other Airmen think he’s a warrior: When the video teleconferencing system in the 407th Air Expeditionary Group conference room was experiencing problems, he began troubleshooting and discovered the equipment was misconfigured on our end of the communication link. He corrected the settings and the video teleconferencing has been operating magnificently ever since. Additionally, Sergeant Gamboa was our ‘go-to’ technician during the Network Operations Support Center directed Network Health Assessment. He helped a seven-person assessment team run a 152-item checklist against current network operations and configurations. The networks were compliant on 139 items and nine items were attributable to the NOSC. He then spearheaded a team making adjustments to 113 network devices twice in a 48-hour period. His efforts optimized network performance, sped user data access speeds, and assisted network standardization. Why did you join the Air Force? I joined the Air Force for the opportunity to better myself and to provide a foundation for my future. What inspires you? My inspiration comes from many individuals throughout my career who have always pushed me to better myself and those around me. What is your most memorable Air Force experience? As an Airman 1st Class, I was put in charge of a six-person security forces team guarding a Missile Alert Facility. At the time, I was astounded that our Lieutenant would allow a new Airman to control six other individuals and a whole missile alert facility. This allowed me to grow as an Airman, instilling the idea that the Air Force believed in my leadership. Hobbies: Weightlifting, video games, and fishing. Family: MarriedSo now you’re here. Well you might as well tell the world! In just a few short minutes you can make sure your family, friends and neighbors are aware of your journey here and what you are doing at Ali Base. Here are a few achievements that you may want publicized: promotions, deployments, awards and decorations for individual achievement, reenlistments, retirements, receipt of college degree, competitions, assumption of command at all levels, and Airmen or non-commissioned officer of the month, quarter, or year. The information you provide will be sent to your hometown news outlets and could be published or broadcasted in your hometown. The process normally takes from one week to a month, The DD Form 2266 allows you to notify up to four major markets where friends and relatives live, in addition to high school and college locations. Please help us help you get noticed for the good things you do! To file a Hometown News Release contact the 407th Air Expeditionary Group Public Affairs Office at 445-2318 or by email at to fill out a DD Form 2266 (Hometown News Release). Hometown News Releases Can you identify this movie?Name That Film!If you can identify the movie, e-mail the paper at with “Name That Film” in the subject block by noon Monday Be specific! The previous week’s movie was “Gattaca”


Page 9 Ali Times / November 17, 2006 Tuesday American Wedding...............1 a.m. Monday Night Football (Live).....................................3 a.m. Monday Night Football (Live).....................................5 a.m. Blade 2.................................7 a.m. Dreamcatcher.......................9 a.m. The Ring.............................11 a.m. The Ring 2............................1 p.m. Bad Santa.............................3 p.m. The Transporter....................5 p.m. Friends Season 10: Disc 3 ...................................7 p.m. Friends: Season 10: Disc 4 ...................................9 p.m. Resident Evil Apocalypse..11 p.m. Wednesday 24 Season 1: Disc 4.............1 a.m. American Wedding...............3 a.m. Blade 2.................................5 a.m. American Wedding...............7 a.m. Blade 2.................................9 a.m. 2 Fast 2 Furious.................11 a.m. Dreamcatcher.......................1 p.m. The Ring 1............................3 p.m. The Ring 2............................5 p.m. Bad Santa.............................7 p.m. 24 Season 1: Disc 5...............9 p.m.The Transporter..................11 p.m. ThursdayResident Evil Apocalypse......1 a.m.American Wedding...............3 a.m. Blade 2.................................5 a.m.American Wed ding...................7 a.m.Blade 2.................................9 a.m. 2 Fast 2 Furious.................11 a.m. Dreamcatcher.......................1 p.m. The Ring...............................3 p.m. The Ring 2............................5 p.m. Bad Santa.............................7 p.m. 24 Season 1: Disc 6.............9 p.m. The Transporter..................11 p.m. F F F F F r r r r r ida ida ida ida ida y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis1 p.m., Muslim prayer/ service: (TCN)6:30 p.m., Jewish Service: ARAC7:30 p.m., Gospel Choir Rehearsal: APC Satur Satur Satur Satur Satur da da da da da y y y y y 8 p.m., Roman Catholic Vigil Mass: Oasis Sunda Sunda Sunda Sunda Sunda y y y y y 7:30 a.m., Traditional Protestant Service: APC8 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis9:30 a.m., Traditional Protestant Service: Oasis10 a.m., Latter Day Saints Service: ARAC10:30 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Camp Cedar1 p.m., Gospel Service: APC7 p.m., Contemporary Worship Service: Oasis Monda Monda Monda Monda Monda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis7:30 p.m., Gospel Choir Rehearsal: APC T T T T T uesda uesda uesda uesda uesda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis7:30 p.m., Word of Faith Bible Study: APC W W W W W ednesda ednesda ednesda ednesda ednesda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis7 p.m., Iraq in the Bible Study: OA7 p.m., Spanish Bible Study: ARAC7 p.m., WomenÂ’s Bible Study: Army Hospital7:30 p.m., Protestant Worship Service/Bible Study: APC 7:30 p.m., Iraq in the Bible study: OasisThur Thur Thur Thur Thur sda sda sda sda sda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis6:30 p.m., Ladies Bible Study: AWRAC7:30 p.m., MenÂ’s Bible Study: APC TodayÂ’s times and movie descriptions for the weekW orship is at the 407th Air Expeditionary Group Oasis of Peace chapel, and at the Army Post Chapel. The Oasis is open 24 hours a day for prayer and reflection. The Buddhist Prayer Alcove is open 24 hours a day. For details on worship opportunities, or directions to worship locations, please call 445-2006.Saturday 24 Season 1: Disc 2...............1 a.m. Dreamcatcher.........................3 a.m. The Ring.................................5 a.m. The Ring 2..............................7 a.m. Bad Santa................................9 a.m. The Transporter....................11 a.m. Resident Evil Apocalypse......1 p.m. American Wedding.................3 p.m. Blade 2...................................5 p.m. Friends: Season 10: Disc 1......................................7 p.m. Friends: Season 10: Disc 2......................................9 p.m.American Wedding................11 p.m. Sunday 24 Season 1: Disc 3...............1 a.m. Blade 2...................................3 a.m. 2 Fast 2 Furious.....................5 a.m. Dreamcatcher.........................7 a.m. The Ring.................................9 a.m. The Ring 2............................11 a.m. Bad Santa...............................1 p.m. The Transporter......................3 p.m. Resident Evil Apocalypse......5 p.m. American Wedding.................7 p.m. Blade 2....................................9 p.m. NFL Football (Live)...............11 p.m. Monday NFL Football (Live).................1 a.m. NFL Sunday Night Football (Live)....................................3 a.m. NFL Sunday Night Football (Live).......................................5 a.m. American Wedding.................7 a.m. Blade 2...................................9 a.m. 2 Fast 2 Furious....................11 a.m. Dreamcatcher.........................1 p.m. The Ring.................................3 p.m. The Ring 2..............................5 p.m. Bad Santa...............................7 p.m. The Transporter.......................9 p.m. Resident Evil Apocalypse.....11 p.m.Oasis = Air Force Chapel/Bedrock OA = Oasis Annex ARAC = Army Religious Activity Center APC = Army Post Chapel TCN = Third Country Nationals living area by DFAC24 Season 1: Disc 1 (2001), 1 a.m., Keifer Sutherland, Carlos Bernard, action, drama; American Wedding (2003), 3 a.m., Jason Biggs, Seann William Scott, comedy, romance; Blade 2 (2002), 5 a.m., Wesley Snipes, Kris Kristofferson, action, adventure; 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003), 7 a.m., Paul Walker, Tyrese Gibson, action, adventure; Dreamcatcher (2003), 9 a.m., Morgan Freeman, Thomas Jane, science fiction, thriller; The Ring (2002), 11 a.m., Naomi Watts, David Dorfman, suspense, horror; The Ring 2 (2005), 1 p.m., Naomi Watts, Simon Baker, suspense, horror; Bad Santa (2003), 3 p.m., Billy Bob Thornton, Bernie Mac, comedy, crime; The Transporter (2002), 5 p.m., Jason Statham, Shu Qi, action, adventure; Resident Evil Apocalypse (2004), 7 p.m., Milla Jovovich, Sienna Guillory, action, adventure; Thanksgiving services There is a Ecumenical Service of Thanksgiving 7:30 p.m. Nov 22 at the Ali Chapel.


Page 10 Ali Times / November 17, 2006 Saturday 10 a.m. Hapkido : Muscle Beach 4:30 p.m. Yoga : Muscle Beach 6:30 p.m. Spinning : HOP 7 p.m. Abs Class : Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Hip Hop : ACC 7:30 p.m. Dance Night : Big Top 7:30 p.m. Basketball Intramurals : Muscle Beach Sunday 10 a.m. Spinning : HOP 10 a.m. Hapkido : Muscle Beach 2 p.m. Spades: Hot Spot 4:30 p.m. Yoga: Muscle Beach 7 p.m. Spinning : HOP 7 p.m. Darts : ACC 7:30 p.m. Basketball Intramurals : Muscle Beach 8 p.m. Spinning: Muscle Beach (I) Monday 7 p.m. Hapkido : Muscle Beach 7 p.m. Toning : HOP 7 p.m. Ping Pong : ACC 7:30 p.m. 501 Double-in/Double-out: Hot Spot 7:30 p.m. Tug of War: Muscle Beach 8 p.m. Spinning : Muscle Beach (I) Tuesday 7 p.m. Abs Class: Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Around the World Basketball: Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : HOP 8 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : Muscle Beach (I) 8 p.m. Texas Hold’em: Big Top 8:30 p.m. Salsa : ACC Wednesday 1:30 a.m. Yoga : Muscle Beach 7 p.m. Toning : HOP 7 p.m. Spades : ACC 7:30 p.m. Volleyball intramurals: Muscle Beach 8 p.m. Step Aerobics : HOP 8 p.m. Spinning : Muscle Beach (I) 8 p.m. 9-Ball: Hot Spot Thursday 7 p.m. 8/9-Ball : ACC 7 p.m. Abs Class: Muscle Beach 7 p.m. Yoga: Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Pull-up Competition: Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : HOP 8 p.m. Texas Hold’em: Big Top 8 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : Muscle Beach (I) 8:30 p.m. Salsa : HOP Friday 7 p.m. Toning: HOP 7:30 p.m. Volleyball Intramurals : Muscle Beach 8 p.m. Spinning: Muscle Beach (I) 8 p.m. Step Aerobics : HOP 8 p.m. Bingo : Big Top Bedrock and beyond... (I) —Instructor (DVD) — DVD TNY —Tournament HOP —House of Pain, Army Fitness Center ACC —Army Community CenterCall the 407th Expeditionary Services Squadron with ideas for activities at 445-2696; f or information about the House of Pain, Army fitness center call 833-1709. For information about Army morale, welfare and recreation activities call 833-1745.

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