Ali times

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Ali times
United States -- Air Force. -- Air Expeditionary Group, 407th
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Ali Air Base, Iraq
407th Air Expeditionary Group
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September 29, 2006 T T T T T able of contentsMost important element of safety Safety Chief emphasizes safety begins with you. Page 2 Prime Minister visits Ali Prime Minister of Iraq here for transfer of authority ceremony. Page 3 Around the Air Force Airmen warned about credit theft. Page 4 Nutrition and weight management ItÂ’s a matter of balance. Page 5 Movies and more Event schedules. Pages 7-10


Page 2 Ali Times / September 29, 2006 Cover Photo This funded newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military services overseas. Contents of the Ali Times are not necessarily the views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the Department of the Air Force. The content is edited, prepared and provided by the public affairs office of the 407th Air Expeditionary Group. All photographs are U.S. Air Force photographs unless otherwise indicated. The Ali Times accepts stories, photographs and commentaries, which may be submitted to the public affairs staff — located in the group headquarters building—or can be sent directly to the newspaper at Deadline for publication is 7 p.m. Monday before the week of publication. For more information, call 445-2318, or e-mail the editor.ColJames C. Moulton Commander, 407 AEG Lt ColRoy-Alan C. Agustin Deputy Commander, 407 AEG CaptJames Kelley Copy Editor Vol. 4, Issue 35 Sep 29, 2006 TSgtRyan Mattox Editor/Chief, Public AffairsThe 407th Air Expeditionary Group hosted the Prime Minister of Iraq, Nouri Maliki, during his visit to preside over the transfer of authority of the Dhi Qar region from the Italian Army to the Iraqi Army Sep 21. See page 4. Photo by Staff Sgt Rasheen Douglas Safety by definition is the condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury or loss. This is how Webster’s Dictionary defines the word, but to me that definition leaves out an important element. You! Everyone at Ali Base needs to be in the safety definition. It’s as simple as taking a moment to ensure your seatbelt is fastened to wearing the proper personal protective equipment for the job you’re doing. We need to ensure a safe living and working environment for the entire AEF team. Let’s start with your living areas. Have you checked the fire extinguisher in your tent to make sure it’s serviceable? Have you made sure you’re not ‘daisy-chaining’ the power strips? Take an extra moment while in your quiet and cozy, (alright so it’s dusty too!) accommodations and make sure you don’t have any bare wiring. Just these few simple things will increase the safety margin for everyone. Let’s face it folks, one uncontrolled flame in our ‘neighborhood’ could bring back memories of the great Chicago fire of 1871, caused by Mrs. O’Leary’s cow, and I don’t think anyone wants to be lumped into the same category as old ‘Bessie’. Now let’s check into the work environments. We all do the best we can with the amount of office space we have, but have you eliminated the tripping hazards in your areas? Have you read the job guide, operating instruction or procedures to make sure you have the proper gear and are using it? When transporting individuals in the back of a pickup are you making sure they are seated flat in the bed, not on the wheel-wells and not leaning against the tailgate? And not to keep making old ‘Bessie, look bad, but have you bothered to check the fire detectors to ensure they are operating by pressing the test button? These might seem like rather simple things, but by taking that extra second or two you can increase the safety margins not only for yourself, but your coworkers as well. If a problem in your area can’t be fixed on the spot or is just too big then up-channel through your chain of command. Start with your supervisor, the First Sergeant, and then Commander or bring it to our attention here at the 407th Safety Office. I can speak from first-hand knowledge and dealings with Colonel Moulton, Lt. Colonel Agustin and Chief Master Sergeant LaForgia that not only are they committed to keeping your combat edge, they are also adamant about your well-being and safety. They need all of us. During AEF 3/4 we are the frontlines of defense for our nation and for each other, but YOU are always the frontline of defense in safety. Stay smart, stay safe. MSgt Robert Einhiple By Master Sgt Robert Einhiple 407 AEG Safety Chief Most important element of safety is you For the latest Air Force News — go online at


Page 3 Ali Times / September 29, 2006 The men and women of the 407th Expeditionary Group collectively put their best foot forward and greeted their distinguished guest as he arrived for an important event in Iraqi history at Ali Base Sep 21. The Prime Minister of Iraq, Nouri Maliki was here to preside over the transfer of authority of the Dhi Qar region from the Italian Army to the Iraqi Army. To ensure the transfer of authority was successful, the 407th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron and the 407th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron provided contingency security and logistics support to the Prime Minister and his staff of approximately 30 personnel, while they waited for the Italian Air Force to transport them to the Italian Camp. The visit also created a large spike of unusual air traffic. The 407th Expeditionary Operations Support Squadron had to handle their regularly scheduled traffic and hundreds of overflyers with care. “Transient Alert and Air Traffic Control handled a lot of unusual, and unbriefed, and unscheduled traffic that day — attack choppers, etc,” said Lt Col Dave Cowan, 407 EOSS Commander. “The ATC professionals had to use judgment to deal with situations not in the regulations, and TA had to deal with more aircraft on the ground than we can handle. But everyone handled it as if it happened every day. All this was done with most operators very early in their rotation. Transient Alert even fixed a broken C-130 — avoiding calling for a Maintenance Recovery Team from another base. There were just too many opportunities for error — and I was very proud of the 407 EOSS as they handled a very unusual day as if it were the usual.” During the ceremony, Dhi Qar Governor Aziz Kadum Alwan Al Ogheli officially took over governmental and security responsibility for Iraq’s southern Dhi Qar province from British and Italian forces at an Iraqi Army base near Ali Base. “It is a great day,” Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki said. “It holds the message of the future handover of security control in all Iraq.” Indeed, the handover was another milestone in the road to Iraqi self-reliance known as Provincial Iraqi Control, or PIC. It places full security responsibility with the Provincial Governor and his local Iraqi police force, which now numbers some 10,000. The governor also coordinates with national police and Iraqi Army forces, whose 10th Division, 3rd Brigade has two battalions in the region. The handover marks the second of Iraq’s 18 provinces returned to local control. British forces transferred security responsibility for neighboring Muthana province in July. In a joint statement issued by Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad and Gen. George W. Casey Jr. on the transfer of Dhi Qar province, the statement said, Prime Minister visits Ali Base Photo by Staff Sgt Rasheen Douglas Col James Moulton, 407th Air Expeditionary Group Commander, welcomes Prime Minister of Iraq Nouri Maliki to Ali Base. Prime Minister Maliki was here for the Dhi Qar province transfer of authority of ceremony Sep 21. By Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox 407th Air Expeditionary Group Public AffairsPhoto by Tech Sgt Ryan Mattox Prime Minister Maliki and his staff of more than 30 personnel leave the flightline for the Provincial Iraqi Control ceremony. Continued on page 6: Visit


Page 4 Ali Times / September 29, 2006 Around the Air Force SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFPN) — When Lt. Col. Michael Welsh and his wife sat down for breakfast last year in New York City, he was expecting to pay around $30. Unfortunately the eggs, toast and coffee were about to drastically go up in price ... to the tune of $6,500. “It was just a little visit to a restaurant,” said Colonel Welsh, staff judge advocate for the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing. “I never thought it was going to happen to me. I was shocked when it happened.” Colonel Welsh, like thousands of people each year, had his identity stolen. Identity theft occurs when someone uses another person’s name, Social Security number or credit card number to commit fraud. He suspects an employee at the restaurant either copied his credit card number and loaded it into a machine to make a duplicate, or swiped it through a memory machine to record the card’s 16 digits. The colonel knows it was someone from the restaurant because it was the only place he used the card on the weekend trip to New York City. Two weeks later he received a call from his credit card company saying someone took a $6,500 cash advance from the card at a New York bank. Turns out the perpetrator used his credit card number and a phony California driver’s license to withdraw the cash. “If you go to a restaurant and give up your credit card to the waiter, there’s not much you can do,” he said. “It was agony trying to convince the bank I wasn’t the person who made the withdrawal. It was a long, painful process and took months to get it cleared. I was the victim and I had to prove I didn’t do it.” Colonel Welsh said identity theft is a growing problem not confined to any borders. All it takes is one act of carelessness or meeting up with a crooked employee and a person’s identity can be quickly stolen. There are important steps to immediately take if military members suspect their identity has been stolen. First, call your credit card company to report if the card is lost or stolen. This will prevent any future purchases from being charged to the card, Colonel Welsh said. Next, place a fraud alert on your credit, which freezes the account for 90 days. During the initial 90-day period you can still use your credit cards, however, you’ll be asked to produce additional identification before making purchases with the credit cards. Fraud alerts also help prevent an identity theft from opening any new accounts in your name. “It’s a little more hassle for you to use your credit cards, but it will be a little bit more hassle for crooks, too,” the colonel said. “It’s an added layer of security that does make a difference.” After 90 days the fraud alert can be extended in one-year increments. Airmen need to act fast when identities are stolen By Tech Sgt Steve Staedler 379 AEW Public Affairs How identity thieves get your personal information: Stealing your mail (bank and credit card statements). Rummage through your trash. Steal your credit or debit card numbers by capturing the information in a data storage device in a practice known as “skimming.” Steal your wallet or purse. Complete a “change of address form” to divert your mail to another location. Steal personal information from you through e-mail or phone by posing as legitimate companies and claiming they have a problem with your account. How identity thieves use your personal information: They may open new credit card accounts in your name. When they use the credit cards and don’t pay bills, the delinquent accounts are reported on your credit report. They may establish phone or wireless service in your name. They may open a bank account in your name and write bad checks on that account. They may authorize electronic transfers in your name, and drain your bank account. They may get identification such as a driver’s license issued with their picture, in your name. Immediate steps to take if you’re a victim of identity theft: Initiate a fraud alert on your credit Equifax: 1-800-525-6285; Experian: 1-888-397-3742; TransUnion: 1-800-680-7298; Close the accounts that you know, or believe, have been tampered with or opened fraudulently. File a report with local police or the police in the community where the identity theft took place. File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. (Source: Federal Trade Commission)What can you do?Continued on page 6: Theft


Page 5 Ali Times / September 29, 2006 Weight management — the gaining, losing or maintaining of body fat and muscle — is not just a matter of eating more or less calories. It means eating the right balance of foods in the appropriate proportions to your body’s fuel requirements. It is a lifestyle commitment to providing your body with low fat and healthy carbohydrate foods. You are what you eat. If you eat junk, it will be reflected in your health. If you don’t exercise, you will lose muscle mass and calcium density in your bones. The top 10 causes of illness and death in the U.S. have a nutrition component and many have a lack of exercise component as well. Controlling your weight is one of the best ways to reduce your risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Body Weight Whether you want to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight, it’s important to understand the connection between the energy your body takes in (through the foods you eat and the beverages you drink) and the energy your body uses (through the activities you do). To lose weight, you need to use more calories than you take in. To maintain a healthy weight, you need to balance the calories you use with those you take in. No matter which results you want, eating a healthy diet and being physically active can help you reach your goal. If your weight is above the healthy range, if you have excess abdominal fat, a weight-related medical problem, or a family history of such problems, you may need to lose weight. A healthy diet, along with exercise that results in a 1 to 2 pound loss each week, is considered the safest and most effective approach to weight control. A loss of just 5-10 percent of your weight may reduce risk for disease and improve overall health. Don’t forget to exercise! Becoming healthier isn’t just about eating healthy — it’s also about physical activity. Regular physical activity is important for your overall health and fitness. It also helps you control body weight by balancing the calories you take in as food with the calories you expend each day in exercise or normal daily activity. Be physically active, at a moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes most days of the week. Increasing the intensity or the amount of time that you are physically active can have even Nutrition and weight management – It’s a matter of balance Courtesy photo Just like this Airman attempting a pullup, becoming healthier isn’t just about eating healthy – it’s also about physical activity. Regular physical activity is important for your overall health and fitness. Continued on page 6: Weight Quick T ips for A wareness and Preparation : 1. Personnel are reminded to heighten personal awareness. 2. Be watchful for suspicious individuals around the installation. 3. Always think OPSEC don’t talk about sensitive information in outside areas. (DFAC, PX, ect...) 4. Report all suspicious activity to the Military Police Desk (911 emergency, 833-1327 nonemergency) or the Base Cluster Operations Center (833-1317). If you have any questions or concerns, call the 407 AEG/ATO at 445-2077.


Page 6 Ali Times / September 29, 2006 Military members can also sign up for credit monitoring. This service allows people to set a certain purchase limit on their credit cards. When a purchase being made to the credit card exceeds the pre-determined limit, the monitoring service will contact the military member to verify his or her identity and validate the purchase. Colonel Welsh said many firms offer credit monitoring services, but recommends only going with a large, reputable firm. By virtue of being deployed, servicemembers can also place a special deployed alert on the credit that “The transfer of security responsibility in Dhi Qar province from the Multi National Force–Iraq (MNF-I) to the Government of Iraq and civilian controlled Iraqi Security Forces (ISF) is another sign of progress toward a stable and secure Iraq. General Casey and Ambassador Khalilzad also said, “After decades of dictatorship and oppression, the Iraqi people have taken another step toward security self-reliance. With the steadfast greater health benefits and may be needed to control body weight. About 60 minutes a day may be needed to prevent weight gain. The psychological benefits of exercise can be enormous. Studies show that on the days people exercise they eat healthier foods. Fueling up and working out will get you to your goal and then let you maintain your body’s optimum performance weight, making your body fit and trim! Weight Maintenance To maintain your weight, eat the same amount of calories you burn. Weight control is a matter of balancing moderate amounts of highfat foods with lower-fat choices. Suggestions for balancing your support of the Coalition, Iraq is on a path to national unity, improved security, and increasing prosperity that benefits all its citizens.” Dhi Qar is the second of Iraq’s 18 provinces transferred to provincial Iraqi control. With the change in status, Coalition security forces are helping local police and the Iraqi military take full control of security in the region. Coalition officials and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki say they hope to have all 18 of the country’s provinces under Iraqi control by the end of will ask them to produce additional identification at the point of purchase when using their credit card. All major credit cards offer this service to military members. Family members back home using the credit cards will also have to produce additional identification at the point of purchase. Colonel Welsh said to avoid any e-mail correspondence that seeks personal information. Identity thieves send out authentic-looking messages saying they are from banks or other corporations, requesting information to “update” their accounts. “Take steps now to protect your identity. Most people think it’s not going to happen to them. But if you wait until you are a victim you’re too late.” daily food intake include: Substitute lowor nonfat alternatives. Prioritize your foods. If you want to eat a favorite high-fat food frequently, such as ice cream, then balance it by eating a smaller amount. If you want to eat large portions of a high-fat food, then balance it by eating it less often. Steps Toward Better Weight Management Balance your day! If your breakfast is bacon and eggs, choose a low fat lunch and dinner. Balance your week! If one or two days are high in fat, try balancing the rest of the week. Avoid skipping meals or restricting calories too much. This may lower your metabolism and also lead to overeating later. Continue to eat regular meals throughout the day, but watch your fat and portion sizes. Cut back your servings by 25 33 percent. Maintain focus! Don’t be too rigid in implementing your plan. Expect set backs, and be flexible. Expect the 80/20 Rule: 80 percent of the time eat healthy, 20 percent indulge. Check with your health care provider before starting any exercise and weight loss plan. If you have any questions, contact the EMEDS Clinic at 445-2267; Nutritional Medicine at 833-1602. next year. “Today we received the security file for the province of Dhi Qar which follows the handover of AlMuthanna,” al-Maliki said during the handover ceremony. Dhi Qar, with 1.8 million residents, has three times the population of Muthanna. It includes the city of An Nasiriyah and a stretch of Route 8 — known to coalition forces as Major Supply Route Tampa-which runs north to Baghdad. (Staff Sgt James Sherrill 124th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment contributed to this story.} Visit From page 3........................................ Theft From page 4............................................................................. Weight From page 5........................................ (Information provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine.)


Page 7 Ali Times / September 29, 2006 Can you identify this movie?Name That Film? RIGHT EXIT10 days prior to departure: Review the Right Exit Briefing on the PERSCO Intranet site. Go to the main page go to the “Air Expeditionary Group” Click on the PERSCO button. In the right column under “Useful Links” select “Right Exit Briefing” to open or save. See your Unit Redeployment Manager (URM). They will make sure your information is in the Virtual Out-processing Database and Functional Representatives may begin signing you off. You must visit: Medical – after you complete the online health questionnaire located on their “Medical Services” intranet page. Library if you have a library card. Any location you have not returned equipment, games, videos, and/or have vehicle or custodial accounts with. 24 hours prior to departure: Bring your completed checklist from your URM to your First Sergeant for a tent inspection 1. Billeting Turn in linens and pick up your AF Form 245. PERSCO 2. Bring your completed out-processing checklist we will verify appropriate initials are signed off. **Do not bring an incomplete checklist.** 3. Bring your AF Form 245 received from Billeting 4. Bring your “signed” Right Exit Certificate. 5. Drop off your Quick Reference Emergency card (if you have one). PERSCO will sign you off and give you a pass to turn into the PAX terminal. Do not try to get on the plane without it.SrA Matthew Goff If you can identify the movie, e-mail the paper at with “Name That Film” in the subject block by noon Monday Be specific! The winner will receive their choice of a prize from the 407 AEG/PA prize box. Last week’s movie was “Meet Me in St. Louis.” Deployed Unit: 407th Expeditionary Communications Squadron Job Title at Ali: Unit Redeployment Manager Home Unit and Base: 374th Communications Squadron/Yokota Air Base, Japan. Why other Airmen think he’s a warrior: Senior Airman Goff has been working almost 16 hours a day, including days off, making sure people are getting in and out of Ali as smoothly as possible. Instead of waiting for people to complete their inprocessing and getting the info off their checklists, he took the initiative to get emergency contact data for all personnel turned in to PERSCO. He also volunteered and trained to be the squadron mail clerk. In addition to this, he tracked the civil engineer work requests for the squadron and was able to expedite the HESCO barrier closure in the compound. Why did you join the Air Force? For educational opportunities and to try something new. What inspires you? My mother. What is your most memorable Air Force experience? Working as a Logistics Readiness Squadron augmentee, sending out Air Expeditionary Force deployments and humanitarian missions last year…only to find myself on the other side of the process this year. Hobbies: Spending time with my family and reading Family: Married


Page 8 Ali Times / September 29, 2006 Ali Sports Hot Spot EventsSep. 29 — Morning Bingo at 8 a.m., Variety Music at 7:30 p.m. Sep. 30 — Karaoke at 8 p.m. Oct. 1 — Spades at 2 p.m., NFL games at 7 p.m. Oct. 2 — 9-Ball at 8 p.m. Oct. 3 — Texas Hold’em at 8 p.m. Oct. 4 — 8-Ball at 8 p.m., Texas Hold’em at 8 a.m. Oct. 5 — Texas Hold’em at 8 p.m. For more information about activities at the Hot Spot, call 445-2306.Muscle Beach Fitness CenterOct. 1 — Bench Your Weight Competition at 6:30 p.m. Oct. 2 — 1-mile Fun Run at 7:30 a.m. Oct. 3 — Pull up Competition at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 4 — Dodgeball at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 5 — Tug of War at 7:30 p.m. For more information about fitness events at Muscle Beach Fitness Center, call 445-2136.


Page 9 Ali Times / September 29, 2006 Tuesday Shaun of the Dead............1 a.m. Firewall..............................3 a.m. 16 Blocks...........................5 a.m. Underworld Evolution........7 a.m. Independence Day.............9 a.m. Swimfan...........................11 a.m. The Rundown....................1 p.m.South Park Season: Disc 2..3 p.m. Twins..................................5 p.m. Friends Season 3: Disc 3...7 p.m.Friends Season 3: Disc 4.........9 p.m. The Terminal....................11 p.m. Wednesday Sweet Home Alabama.......1 a.m. Liar Liar.............................3 a.m. The Sum of All Fears.........5 a.m. Million Dollar Baby.............7 a.m. House of Wax....................9 a.m. Shaun of the Dead..........11 a.m. Firewall..............................1 p.m. 16 Blocks...........................3 p.m. Underworld Evolution........5 p.m. Independence Day.............7 p.m. Swimfan.............................9 p.m. The Rundown..................11 p.m. ThursdaySouth Park Season: Disc 2..1 a.m. Twins.................................3 a.m. The Terminal......................5 a.m. Sweet Home Alabama.......7 a.m. Liar Liar.............................9 a.m. The Sum of All Fears.......11 a.m.Million Dollar Baby..................1 p.m. House of Wax....................3 p.m. Shaun of the Dead.............5 p.m. Band of Brothers: Part 6 Bastogne...........................7 p.m. Band of Brothers: Part 7 The Breaking Point............9 p.m. Band of Brothers: Part 8 The Last Patrol................11 p.m. F F F F F r r r r r ida ida ida ida ida y y y y y 11 a.m., Catholic Confessions: Oasis1 p.m., Muslim prayer/ service: (TCN)7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis6:30 p.m., Jewish Service: ARAC7:30 p.m., Gospel Choir Rehearsal: APC Satur Satur Satur Satur Satur da da da da da y y y y y 5 p.m., Catholic Confessions: Oasis8 p.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis Sunda Sunda Sunda Sunda Sunda y y y y y 8 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis9:30 a.m., Traditional Protestant Service: Oasis10 a.m., Protestant Service: APC10 a.m., Latter Day Saints Service: ARAC11 a.m., Church of Christ: Oasis3:30 p.m. Church of Christ: APC7 p.m., Contemporary Worship Service: Oasis Monda Monda Monda Monda Monda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis7:30 p.m., Gospel Choir Rehearsal: APC T T T T T uesda uesda uesda uesda uesda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis7 p.m., Catholic Choir Practice: Oasis7:30 p.m., Word of Faith Bible Study: APC W W W W W ednesda ednesda ednesda ednesda ednesda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis7 p.m., Iraq in the Bible Study: OA7 p.m., Spanish Bible Study: ARAC7 p.m., WomenÂ’s Bible Study: Army Hospital7:30 p.m., Protestant Worship Service/Bible Study: APC Thur Thur Thur Thur Thur sda sda sda sda sda y y y y y 7 a.m., Roman Catholic Mass: Oasis6:30 p.m., Ladies Bible Study: ARAC7:30 p.m., MenÂ’s Bible Study: APC TodayÂ’s times and movie descriptions for the weekW orship is at the 407th Air Expeditionary Group Oasis of Peace chapel, and at the Army Post Chapel. The Oasis is open 24 hours a day for prayer and reflection. For details on worship opportunities, or directions to worship locations, please call 445-2006.Saturday House of Wax.......................1 a.m. Shaun of the Dead...............3 a.m. Firewall.................................5 a.m. 16 Blocks.............................7 a.m. Underworld Evolution...........9 a.m. Independence Day.............11 a.m. Swimfan...............................1 p.m. The Rundown.......................3 p.m. South Park Season: Disc 2..5 p.m. Friends Season 3: Disc 1.....7 p.m. Friends Season 3: Disc 2.....9 p.m. Twins..................................11 p.m. Sunday The Terminal........................1 a.m. Sweet Home Alabama.........3 a.m. Liar Liar................................5 a.m. The Sum of All Fears...........7 a.m.Million Dollar Baby........................9 a.m. House of Wax.....................11 a.m. Shaun of the Dead...............1 p.m. Firewall................................3 p.m. 16 Blocks.............................5 p.m. Band of Brothers: Part 3 Carentan..............................7 p.m. Underworld Evolution...........9 p.m. Independence Day.............11 p.m. Monday Swimfan...............................1 a.m. The Rundown.......................3 a.m.South Park Season: Disc 2..........5 a.m.Twins.....................................7 a.m. The Terminal........................9 a.m. Sweet Home Alabama.......11 a.m. Liar Liar................................1 p.m. The Sum of All Fears...........3 p.m. Million Dollar Baby...............5 p.m. Band of Brothers: Part 4 Replacements......................7 p.m. Band of Brothers: Part 5 Crossroads..........................9 p.m.House of Wax........................11 p.m.Oasis = Air Force Chapel/Bedrock OA = Oasis Annex ARAC = Army Religious Activity Center APC = Army Post Chapel TCN = Third Country Nationals living area by DFACIndependence Day (1996), 1 a.m., Will Smith, Bill Pullman, action, adventure; Swimfan (2002), 3 a.m., Jesse Bradford, Erika Christensen, thriller, sports; The Rundown (2003), 5 a.m., The Rock, Seann William Scott, action, adventure; South Park Season Disc 2 (1997), 7 a.m., Trey Parker, Matt Stone, animation, comedy; Twins (1988), 9 a.m., Arnold Schwarzenegger, Danny DeVito, comedy, romance; The Terminal (2004), 11 a.m., Tom Hanks, Catherine Zeta-Jones, comedy, romance; Sweet Home Alabama (2002), 1 p.m., Reese Witherspoon, Josh Lucas, comedy, romance; Liar Liar (1997), 3 p.m., Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney, comedy; The Sum of All Fears (2002), 5 p.m., Ben Affleck, Morgan Freeman, action, adventure; Band of Brothers: Part 1 Currahee (2001), 7 p.m., Damien Lewis, Donnie Wahlberg, action, adventure; Band of Brothers: Part 2 Day of Days (2001), 9 p.m., Damien Lewis, Donnie Wahlberg, action, adventure; Million Dollar Baby (2004), 11 p.m., Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, drama, adaptation


Page 10 Ali Times / September 29, 2006 Friday 8 a.m. Morning Bingo : Big Top 7 p.m. Toning: HOP 7 p.m. Spinning: Muscle Beach (I) 7 p.m. 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament : B-ball courts 7:30 p.m. Bingo and Variety Music Night : Big Top 8 p.m. Spinning: Muscle Beach (I) 8 p.m. Step Aerobics : HOP Saturday 6:30 p.m. Spinning : HOP 7:30 p.m. Hip Hop : ACC 8:00 p.m. Karaoke : Big Top Sunday 10 a.m. Spinning : HOP 2 p.m. Spades: Hot Spot 5 p.m. Bench Your Own Weight Competition: Muscle Beach 7 p.m. NFL Games: Hot Spot 7 p.m. Spinning : HOP 7 p.m. Spinning : Muscle Beach (I) 7 p.m. Darts : ACC 8 p.m. Spinning: Muscle Beach (I) Monday 7:30 a.m. 1-mile Fun Run : Muscle Beach 7 p.m. Toning : HOP 7 p.m. Ping Pong : ACC 8 p.m. 9-Ball : Hot Spot 8 p.m. Spinning : Muscle Beach (I) Tuesday 7 p.m. Abs Class: Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Pull up Competition: Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : HOP 8 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : Muscle Beach (I) 8:30 p.m. Salsa : ACC Wednesday 8 a.m. Texas Hold’em: Hot Spot 6 p.m. Bench Press Competition: Muscle Beach 7 p.m. Toning : HOP 7 p.m. Spades : ACC 7:30 p.m. Intramural Volleyball : Volleyball courts 8 p.m. Step Aerobics : HOP 8 p.m. Spinning : Muscle Beach (I) 8 p.m. 8-ball: Hot Spot Thursday 7 a.m. Spinning : Muscle Beach (I) 7 p.m. 8/9-Ball : ACC 7 p.m. Abs Class: Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Tug of War: Muscle Beach 7:30 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : HOP 8 p.m. Texas Hold’em: Hot Spot 8 p.m. Tae Kwon Do : Muscle Beach (I) 8:30 p.m. Salsa : HOP Bedrock and beyond... (I) —Instructor (DVD) — DVD TNY —Tournament HOP —House of Pain, Army Fitness Center ACC —Army Community CenterCall the 407th Expeditionary Services Squadron with ideas for activities at 445-2696; f or information about the House of Pain, Army fitness center call 833-1709. For information about Army morale, welfare and recreation activities call 833-1745. The 407th ESVS also offers Ziggurat tours Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Check with the Hot Spot staff for details.