MCA Pushes For Major Expansion In All Services
'Letters to Thousands of Potential Members; Target is "Complete Cross-Section"
Thanks to the influence of our MCA President, Major General Patrick J. Ryan, former Chief of Army Chaplains, up-to-date lists of active, inactive, a and retired chaplains of the Army, Navy, and Air S Force have been made available to our Association.
Letters of invitation to join our unique fraternity / are being sent from our National Headquarters in / Washington, D. C. to thousands of clergymen of all faiths who should be actively sharing our concern Chaplain Hale Receives UN Salute for the spiritual and moral welfare of our nation, Chaplain (Col.) Wallace M. Hale (right), long- particularly through the ministry of chaplains to time member of the MCA, recently received the members of the military services and their families. United Nations Command Salute from Gen. Guy S. The Armed Forces of the United States represent Meloy, Jr., Commander-in-Chief, United Nations a large potential if the MCA were to confine itself Command in Korea. The occasion was his transfer only to the Regular and Reserve components in from the post of Chaplain of the Combined UN seeking member-chaplains. But it is the strong Command and of the Eighth U. S. Army (and conviction of the Executive Committee that only as advisor for chaplains of the Republic of Korea Army) a true and balanced representation is obtained from to become Chaplain of the Second United States the entire group of those having served at any time Army, with Headquarters at Fort George G. Meade, as chaplains will the Military Chaplains Association in Md. serve as it should. This distinguished chaplain is a most worthy Reactions received to date from Chaplain Ryan's example of the active-duty portion of the Military recruiting letter" are good. A new awareness of Chaplains Association. For ten years he has been the contributions we can all make, from chaplaina member of the Audio-Visual Committee, Division in-training to chaplain-in-retirement, to the "good of Christian Education, in the National Council of of the order" is coming into being. Churches and has served in a liaison capacity with the World Council of Churches in Geneva. He has also served in this capacity with the Vatican. 1962 CONVENTION, May 8-10 A Senior Parachutist and qualified Jumpmaster, Don't Miss the Air Force Academy Meeting! Chaplain Hale has been Chaplain of the 82nd Air- The Antlers Hotel at Colorado Springs offers us borne Division, and the Infantry Center at Fort a "Package Deal" hard to beat: Benning, Georgia. For a single room for two nights including lunch In World War II Chaplain Hale served with the and dinner on Tuesday, May 8, breakfast and a 88th Infantry Division in Italy, and following the banquet on Wednesday, May 9 and breakfast war he was instrumental in organizing a Chaplain and lunch on Thursday, May 10 . the total Corps for the 460,000 German Prisoners of War price will be $30.78. The per person charge for held in the Mediterranean Theater. double occupancy rooms; $4.00 less. Hale is a Texan, a graduate of Baylor University
and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also a graduate of the Army War College and the Do all YOU can to help Command and General Staff School. He helped MCA grow; "DUE" it Now! build the Korea Military Academy Chapel.
Troops Build Chapel on Soviet Border Thank You:
Prot. Chapel Fund, Hdqs., Ft. MacArthur$26.03.
Catholic Chaplains Fund, Ft. MacArthur $74.08.
Prot. Chaplains Fund, U. S. Army Armfr Center, Fort Knox--$100.00.
Prot. Chapel Fund, U. S. Army Hospit( Munich-14.13.
Roman Catholic Chapel Fund, U. S. Arg Hospital, Munich-$12.36.
Prot. Chapel Fund, Berlin Command-$15Z Prot. and Jewish Chapel Fund, Heidelberg. $88.00.
German civilians and American soldiers have built Prot. Chapel Fund, Hq., 34th Gen. Hospit(
a house of God along the border separating religious APO 58, New York-$90.00.
freedom from atheistic communism. Chapel Fund, U. S. Army Support Center,
The idea originated a year ago as a project of 1660 East Hyde Park Blvd., Chicago-$25 the Protestant Men of the Chapel from the 3rd Prot. Chapel Fund, Post Chapel, Fort Le ......... the -Protestant Men- of -the--Chapel -from-the -3rd .... s-~ -I00 .......
Recon Squardron, stationed only 5 kilometers from Chaplains' Wives Club, Washington, D. C,
the Czech Border near Rotz, West Germany, but Memory of Chaplain N. E. Lindner-$5.00.
the chapel was built for and by both Protestants Prot. and R. C. Chapel Fund, Camp D)rum,
and Catholics. And it was financed completely from Watertown, N. Y.-$49.40.
gifts of money collected from all the troops in the
area, with the 619th Engineers laying the foundation Chaplain Ernest L. Ackiss Dies
and the cinder block walls. Materials were procured
at cost from the German townsfolk, and some of it Captain Ernest L. Ackiss, CHC, USN (Ret.),a was even donated. Basic construction took nine MCA member and one of the most effectivecla months, and finishing touches are still being made. lains of the U. S. Navy, succumbed suddenly
rChaplain (Capt.) War- leukemia on September 17th, the day after his7
ren H. Withrow, one of birthday.
our newest MCA mem- Ackiss was born in Oceana, Va., was a gradui bers, Chaplain for the of Massey Business College and Richmond Colcy 3rd Recon Sq., super- Richmond, Va., Southern Baptist Theological Se vised the ambitious un- nary, Louisville, Ky., and the Divinity School oftl dertaking. Local Catholic University of Chicago. He also did graduatewdi priests joined with other at Union Theological Seminary and ColumbiaUn citizens of Rotz to help versity, New York City, and at the University the soldiers and their Pennsylvania.
chaplain. The priests He entered the Navy as a chaplain in 1918a
-were -present for -the-dedi-. served for 3-3-years on-active duty- until his-ret
cation, along with their ment in 1950. During his military career his w1 Chaplain W. H. Withrow burgomeister. included such important assignments as the assist
Following the dedication service, denominational directorship of the Chaplains Division of the Navy
services were held in the new chapel, after which Bureau of Naval Personnel, writing the first chapel refreshments were served in the border camp mess school textbook, "The Navy Chaplain", and resp5 hall to the dependents and guests. sibilities in the fields of moral education and resead
Colonel George M. Seignious II is Commanding Much of the preliminary planning and research
Officer of the 11th Armed Cavalry Regiment, and the present Moral Leadership Program of thelsNa Lt. Col. Henry C. Bowden, Jr. is CO of the 3rd was done by Chaplain Ackiss, and he was recognl Recon. Squadron. Chaplain (1st Lt.) Clifford T. as one of the most progressive thinkers inth
Weathers also participated in the project. chaplaincy.
The MCA salutes all who built these walls in For the past eight years Chaplain Ackiss se>
such great contrast to the wall guarded now so his Southern Baptist denomination in its Atlati belligerently by the Soviets and their slaves. May Ga. Headquarters as Secretary of Ministries toI this little church in the greenwood be a great tower tary Personnel. The Military Chaplains Associati of strength to our countrymen who serve "beyond mourns its loss and expresses sympathy to his l the seas"! and three children, including an Army officer S
An Air Force "'First" MCA Chapter News
The New England Chapter, meeting at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 21, 1961 at the Officers Club,
-L. G. Hanscom Field, will honor Chaplain, Major
e ~General Patrick J. Ryan, USA (Ret.), President of the MCA and former Chief of Army Chaplains; Chaplain, Major General Frank A. Tobey, USA, 9Chief of Army Chaplains; and Rear Admiral George A. Rosso, CHC, USN, Chief of Navy Chaplains. The meeting will be presided over by Chaplain, Lt. Col. F J. Sullivan, USAF. Reservations should be made with Chaplain Sullivan at Hanscom Field,--or by phoning CR 4-6100, Ext. 2111 by Friday, Nov. 17.
The Milwaukee Chapter reports that it was instrumental in providing extensive religious support during Armed Forces Week, 1961. A letter was sent to 500 pastors and 350 organizations requesting that prayers be said for the Armed Forces, and on Sunday, Chaplain Eugene J. Beckley 21 May, 1961, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish Divine Services were held simultaneously for an Army Chapel news of an interdenominational nature, Reserve unified drill. Many other effective activities followed by moments of spiritual mediation are now aired over AFRS Radio at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. were carried out by the MCA Chapter, and a pattern is the first religious broadcast of its kind in Turkey! established which could be adapted and followed by Itisthe first religious broadcast of its knd in Turkey! other MCA Chapters. Write to Chaplain (Capt.) Chaplain (Capt.) Eugene J. Beckley conducts the Martinus Silseth, USAR, Public Relations Director, weekly program over the local airways on a station Lutheran Welfare Society of Wisconsin, 3126 West whose voice is heard only as far as the limits of the Highland Blvd., Milwaukee, for further details on base. Predominantly Protestant in flavor, the pro- this project. gram includes local and world news of all faiths, followed by a few moments of meditation based on the Bible. The twenty-five voice base chapel choir 47 New Jewish Chaplains Needed provides a soft musical setting for portions of the A nationwide campaign to recruit immediately 47 program. rabbis for active duty has been launched by the The Catholic chaplain, Chaplain (Capt.) Mar- National Jewish Welfare Board's Commission on cellus Oser, will broadcast messages to his own Air Jewish Chaplaincy to meet an urgent need in the Force parishioners on a separate schedule. current military buildup. Chaplain Beckley, a 1941 graduate of Ashland The new total Armed Forces quota for Jewish Seminary, Ashland, Ohio, is ordained in the Brethren Chaplains is 90. There are now 75 on active duty and Church. An Air Force chaplain since 1953, he served 15 more are needed immediately. An additional 32 in Korea and at lonely BEWS (Ballistic Missile will be needed to replace those who will complete Warning Sites) in northern Greenland before coming their tours of duty before July 1, 1962. to southern Turkey. Of the 47 to be recruited, 28 will be assigned to the The chaplain describes his working philosophy by Army, 15 to the Air Force and 4 to the Navy. At saying, "I use the best tools at my disposal wherever present, an additional 260 civilian rabbis serve as I am stationed, to fulfill my part of the . Great part-time chaplains in the United States. In this way Commission." Jewish relihgious coverage is in effect at more than 900 installations at home and abroad.
Corresriondents Active Since 1940, nearly one-third -of the 2,100 EnglishIn addition to Chaplain (Lt. Col.) A. E. K. Bren- speaking, college-educated and American ordained ner, our European Correspondent, who has already rabbis in the United States have served in uniform alerted 132 Air Force Chaplains like himself . and as chaplains. Nearly 700 have been on active duty almost 200 Army chaplains concerning our desire for at one time or another. news, we now have V. A. Hospital Chaplain William The 47 new Jewish chaplains will come on duty E. Austill (member of the MCA Executive Com- during the 100th anniversary of the Jewish military r11ittee), serving as MCA Chapter Correspondent. chaplaincy. The MCA will indeed welcome them!
Do You Know About This?
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter.
FREE "KING OF KINGS" FILMSTRIP: A 55- Day Saints, while sometimes called "Mormons",ar frame filmstrip in full color, utilizing still pictures properly designated "Latter-Day Saints." They d from the new religious motion picture, "King of not classify themselves as "Protestants," and thc Kings," is now available to churches and chaplains seldom, if ever, attend other religious services. without obligation. This rapidly growing religious body is now pr
The new filmed story itself, recently released na- viding an excellent program to serve the needs i tionally by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc., makes use their adherents among service personnel. Supervisor of the many modern advances in motion picture Chaplains have been asked to give their full coope technology and the art of acting. An eight million ation to local L.D.S. officials (called "Stake Pri dollar production, it has a distinguished cast and was dents" or "Ward Bishops") in the interest of t filmed completely in Spain, the country selected as program. most nearly resembling the Holy Land of Jesus' day. It is asked that opportunity be given and pr
The full-color filmstrip features still pictures that visions made for the separate worship of LDi were shot when the motion picture was made. Cap- servicemen. These groups, composed of mil, tions tell the.story of the life and times of Jesus in a personnel and their dependents, provide their moving, memorable manner. leadership ad conduct their own service
Reverent treatment, without denominational bias, Leaders are Church appointed lay ministers provides unique religious instructional material for have authority from the Church to preach, t6 use in church school, youth and adult groups, and conduct worship and educational services, bapti Bible classes. confirm persons into the Church, ordain to c
The filmstrip is distributed exclusively by Society in the priesthood, administer communion, adminlse for Visual Education, Inc. Free prints are available to the sick, and counsel their fellow members in ii to church leaders while the supply lasts. Merely spiritual matters. indicate your name and title, church or service All accredited Group Leaders receive a "certii location, denomination and address, and send your cate of appointment" from the Church which should request to SVE, 345 Diversey Parkway, Chicago 14, be accepted and recognized by chaplains, and 1i Ill., Attn: Promotion Dept. terpreted to others as proper authorization for thle
FREE "SELECTED" ARMED FORCES personnel to hold services and perform other dut FILMS, available for public non-profit showing of their office. (even on television) are listed in a recently pub- It is asked that chapels and other facilities i lished booklet also free for the asking, from the Office military installations be made available for L.DI of Public Affairs, Department of Defense, Washing- use, especially where large groups of them exist, Al ton 25, D. C. Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine any rate, convenient rooms should be provided Corps films are quite adequately described, together an office or building or ship. Chapels, as such,RR with their accurate running time. The differing not essential to the worship or religious study methods and places for obtaining them are all Latter-Day Saints. (How much do you know described. the beliefs of the L.D.S., chaplain?)
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