The Military chaplain

Material Information

The Military chaplain
Alternate Title:
Military chaplain newsletter
Caption title:
Military Chaplains Association newsletter
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Place of Publication:
Washington, D.C
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Military chaplains -- Periodicals -- United States ( lcsh )
Armed Forces -- Chaplains ( fast )
Military chaplains ( fast )
United States ( fast )
periodical ( marc )
serial ( sobekcm )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 19, no. 1 (July-Aug. 1948)-
General Note:
Title from cover.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
Copyright, The Military Chaplain. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
Resource Identifier:
01757475 ( OCLC )
sn 78004323 ( LCCN )
0026-3958 ( ISSN )
UH23 .A15 ( lcc )

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Army and Navy chaplain

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Through the courtesy of the Superintendent of West Point, Major General W. S. Westmoreland, and Chaplain T. C. Speers, who spoke to us last April at our convention in Annapolis, we have been invited to hold our convention at West Point in May.
The Convention will begin Tuesday morning at 10 A.M., 2 May, and run until noon, Thursday, 4 May. Headquarters will be the Thayer Hotel.
If anyone wants to arrive on Monday, there will be a parade in the late afternoon which all chaplains are invited to attend. There will also be registration, and the Executive Committee will meet Monday evening. Anyone having matters to present to the Committee will be welcome at its deliberations. Please send to headquarters any ideas you would like the Committee to consider.
A POSSIBLE PURPOSE They stand behind their chaplains, providing supPsychiatrists say that if you know who "they" plies, pension assessments not covered by governare, you will never have a nervous breakdown. ment salaries, and strong moral support. But no "They ought to do thus and so." "They ought to church can compel its clergy to enter the military change this," right up to "They ought to be doing service. Only a persuasive influence is exercised by more for religion in the Armed Forces." such leaders as Dr. Alfred Carpenter for the SouthWe are they in regard to this last. It is impossible ern Baptists, Cardinal Spellman for the Catholic to pass the buck; the Government has done its part Church, and Rabbi Aryeh Lev for the Jewish Welby providing chaplaincies in all the armed services, fare Board. "They" and their opposite numbers in paid by taxes, in sufficient numbers, and with sup- other churches cannot do any more. port and facilities. If the situation fifty years ago Bishops, superintendents, vestries, trustees, and is compared with today, it is obvious how mag- laymen do not like to lose a good clergyman to the nificently the United States has enlarged its efforts military "because there is so much to be done at to make chaplaincies available to ministers, priests home." But, if the pastor suggests it first, they and rabbis. But it cannot draft the clergy, are willing to see him go into uniform. However,
The churches have set up boards for screening no deacon ever told his minister he ought to go into and endorsing their own clergy, the General Com- the chaplaincy unless he was dissatisfied with him. mission for Protestants, the Military Ordinariate for And "they" are not going to change this natural Catholics, and the Jewish Welfare Board for Jews. human tendency. Everyone thinks there must be

some minister or priest in the next parish who could be more easily spared.
So "they" who might do more are ourselves, chaplains and former chaplains, united in the Military Chaplains Association. This is the objective we must concentrate on. Spelled out, it means keeping the military chaplaincy constantly before civilian clergy so there will be a due supply of men offering themselves; it means increasing the understanding between ship, chapel and home church, all ministering to the same person at different periods of his life; and it means giving the military chaplain the personal as well as the official support of his fellow clergymen.
These goals belong uniquely to the MCA. Our call is like David's, "No one else went out to fight Goliath, so David did."
And that is why other good purposes, lately suggested, may have to be postponed:
1. That the MCA raise money for school scholarships for children of enlisted personnel.
2. That the MCA build monuments to chaplains in all national cemeteries.
3. That we try to introduce the study of patriotism and religion into the public school curriculum.
4. That we send out trios of Protestants, Catholics and Jews to teach cooperation. OUR NEWEST PERPETUAL MEMBE
5. That we have a religious device approved for WITH THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF" the robes of Navy and Air Force chaplains similar Chaplain Gordon Gale is a graduate of BaldNi to the authorized Army device. Wallace College, Berea, Ohio, and of the Theologia
6. That we give awards of one kind or another. School of Emory University. He held pastorates' 7. That we ask the President to proclaim Military Georgia from 1953 to 1956 and entered on aci Chaplain Week. duty in the Navy in 1957. He spent 2% years t Destroyer Squadron Twenty and was abroad TEI Others have been proposed, all good, of greater SULLIVANS, DD-537, in the landings at Beir or lesser urgency. In the meantime, the one thing Lebanon. Here he is with President Eisenhowen the MCA is peculiarly fitted to do cries for atten- the Officer Candidate School, Newport, Rh tion. We have had a personal experience which Island. neither the government, nor our church boards nor any mysterious "they" have had and, therefore, we For the blessing of the colors in St. Tho can be the bridge between the needs of the men in Church, New York, under the auspices of t uniformand the. answers ot eachurchas.. M.O.W.W., these verses were written by Chaph
Just by existing, our Association fills one pur- Gilbert Darlington:
pose: maintaining a fellowship of men who have God of our Fathers, bless these honored flags been through a common experience. So those who bear them may make wars to cW
I marched with Balboa, I fought in those battles: Till armed aggression and unjust attack
What to others are mere chronicles Are less rewarding than the paths of peace.
Are the shape of my own life. May we be worthy of their thirteen stripes
In addition, we have a headquarters in Washing- Baptized in blood by those who madeus free. ton which is a club for chaplains and their families And may we keep the honor of each star coming to the city, and this fulfills a second good Pure, white and clean through all eternity.
purpose. Grant that these flags may only be unfurled purpose. To stop aggression and uphold Thy law, Now, through our local chapters and through our Till for mankind there dawns that Holy Day coming convention at West Point, let us address When brotherhood and justice banish war. ourselves to one possible great purpose.
SEASON'S GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES To the New York Chapter of the Military Ord FOR A BLESSED NEW YEAR. of the World Wars for their generous check'

Former Chiefs of Army Chaplains with the present Chief were honored at a luncheon in Washington, D. C., Ft. Lesley J. McNair Officers' Club, 24 October 1960.
Left to right: Chaplains A. J. Brasted, R. N. Parker, L. D. Miller, P. J. Ryan, F. A. Tobey, the present Chief of Army Chaplains, W. R. Arnold, and I. L. Bennett.
$500. # To the US Army Chaplain School, Fort Slo- Los Angeles, Calif.; E. C. Stempel, Presidio of San curn, N. Y. for an offering of $25.50. # To the Rev. Francisco; R. W. Williams, Fort Campbell, Ky.; Frederick Ward Kates for sending us a picture A. J. Clements, Sidney, Iowa; J. M. Howard, Ft. now in headquarters of our first president, Chaplain Pierce, Fla.; Neil Buif, Ft. Huachuca, Ariz.; Abbott Charles Henry Brent. Mr. Kates is the Rector of Peterson, Seattle, Wash.; D. W. Dryden, Coldwater, St. Paul's Parish, Baltimore, Maryland and a biog- Kans.; H. G. Thurston, Royal Oak, Mich.; E. C. rapher of Bishop Brent. Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa.; W. R. Howard, El Toro,
..NOW HEAR THIS.. ,, ._. Santa Anna, Calif,Land ,WilliamL .Chase, N ew NW York, New York.
Our recent member reading test was a success. Thirteen of the winners won an additional $5 beWe are grateful to more than one hundred who cause they put the initials IRTMCFSTF on their wrote in. The editorial staff of the magazine is still entry. (See page 8 of the October Directory.) basking in the glow of kind comments sent their Among those who read every word of the MILLway. TARY CHAPLAIN was Chaplain Glenn's daughter, The wealthy lady who offered to pay for the 10 Margaret, who demanded five dollars. But the fine whining memberships a so eed w r the print, which she did not read because we forgot spon hmemhe was o pleased with the re- to print it, said no one could enter the contest who sponse that she told us to pick 10 more. wsarltv ftesaf was a relative of the staff.
SO, here are the winners whose dues are paid for Chaplain Lukens added a poem: 1961 as a result: This noon it came
This noon it came
Chaplains M. J. Osborne, Ft. Meade, Md.; J. R. This noon I read it
Timperly, Ft. Bragg, North Carolina; C. O. Freed- Send that five, same as page one said it. lund, Chicago, Ill.; J. E. Hastings, Eight Mile, Though thin the soup Alabama; B. H. Bohmfalk, Ingleside, Texas; J. C. Ex-chaptains serve Ruback, Ft. Sill, Okla.; C. S. Burton, Kansas City, I'm jst the goop Mo.; A. M. Lukens, Denver, Colo.; D. S. Robinson, To praise their nerve.

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Chaplains Bernard J. Fenton, Charles E. McGee Chaplain-in-Chief, A.E.F., 1917
and Henri Hamel have been named by the Pope as The love and homage that a company pays to Domestic Prelates with the title of Right Rev. Mon- of its noblest banner-bearers is in itself a h signor, thing. He embodies the ideal they do not rea Chaplain Patrick J. Ryan, MCA Perpetual Mem- strive as they will. And when he departs, they ber, has been appointed Director of the National out against oblivion, "Keep his memory green Catholic Decency in Reading Program. a further nobleness ensues: they know now tha Chaplain Cecil L. Propst recently retired after a was not just theirs. Proud though they are tha 33-year military career. Commissioned in the In- was born of them, they are purged of their po fantry Reserve he became a Colonel in the Air Force siveness. They let him go. He belongs to all and now has a pastorate at M. Vernon, Va. kind. The Executive Committee has appointed Chaplain Charles Henry Brent was more than an ornam Monroe Drew, Jr., 20 South Dean Ave., Trenton, to his own Church. Only the angels can count New Jersey, editor of THE MILITARY CHAP- myriad lives his great loving soul released f LAIN. He will be assisted by Chaplains Roy J. the slavery of their own sins, and, above all, of Honeywell, 4422 Rosedale Ave., Bethesda, Mary- sins of others. The stars in his crown are dark a land, and Morton M. Kanter, 39 Brentwood Rd., Bay tawny faces, glad because of him though they nev Shore, New York. knew his name. He is our saint because he wv: Please submit material and articles for publica- their deliverer. The glory is God's.
tion to the new editor. Gilbert P. Symo SDr, Alfred Carpenter, the distinguished Director oi es e o
of the Chaplaincy Division, Southern Baptist Con- sc a
vention, is retiring January 1, and will be succeeded The prophets of old were patriots, and from th by iDr. George W. Cummins, the former Associate fact came half their power. Director.
We regret to announce the death of Chaplain The future development of democracy is at 1i
Frank R. Wilson, associate rector of St. John's Teftr eeomn fdmcayi tti EpiscpalChurch, WashoingtoneD.C.ews rector juncture only just hinted at, but it is safe to 51 Episcopal Chudrch, Washington, D.C. He was rector that it aspires to control the fortunes of mankie of President Roosevelt's church in Hyde Park, New It cannot rest in circumscribed areas. It is a for9 York, and later served as a Navy Chaplain in the working for social coherence, and for a vast ui European Theater. without devitalizing lesser permanent group-Ulit
The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations such as the nation. has bestowed upon Chaplain Frank A. Tobey, its National Citation Award, for "his outstanding and
inspiring contribution to the fostering of the spirit Do not set me down as one who believes in of religiosity, tolerance and brotherhood in the advocates peace at all costs. Such a one is an Armed Forces of the USA." vertebrate-less than a man. Sometimes we ri fight, and when we do, it should be with wei PAY YOUR 1961 DUES NOW! tempered weapons, and we should strike to wifl.

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