The Military chaplain

Material Information

The Military chaplain
Alternate Title:
Military chaplain newsletter
Caption title:
Military Chaplains Association newsletter
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Place of Publication:
Washington, D.C
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Military chaplains -- Periodicals -- United States ( lcsh )
Armed Forces -- Chaplains ( fast )
Military chaplains ( fast )
United States ( fast )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marc )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 19, no. 1 (July-Aug. 1948)-
General Note:
Title from cover.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Rights Management:
Copyright, The Military Chaplain. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
Resource Identifier:
01757475 ( OCLC )
sn 78004323 ( LCCN )
0026-3958 ( ISSN )
UH23 .A15 ( lcc )

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Army and Navy chaplain

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Full Text
1959 Directory
4TES 61
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Ho w?
Not an Indian greeting, but a question from the President of the M.C.A.
Years ago, in the old Palace Theatre on Broadway, there was a vaudeville act in which a dozen tourists, visiting a coal mine, were trapped by an explosion. After their first frantic efforts to escape, one of their number quieted them down with the suggestion that they should organize for greater effectiveness. So they all sat down on boxes, chose a temporary chairman, appointed a committee to bring in a constitution, adopted it with
amendments, elected permanent officers, The chaplains would wish for this and when the president stood up to spirit and our Association is one means make his inaugural address, he couldn't toward making it practical. think what the purpose of the organ- To all this there would be general ization was! It was before World War I agreement, but a harder question still Chaplain C. Leslie Glenn that I first saw this act and I have never remains: how do we do it? forgotten it. 1. An Association is necessary even latch, Major General Patrick Ryan,
So it never bothers me when mem- before this question can be asked with former Chief of Army Chaplains, and bers of the M.C.A. do not know what any hope of getting answers. We exist Dr. Edward L. R. Elson, immediate it is for, or when non-members (those to ask questions, to get answers, to past President, are a committee to begin rascals) ask, "Why should I join?" or adopt some of them, and put them this task through the M.C.A. even when I can't remember myself into effect. It is true that the members what we are trying to do. We are down are never all together in one place to 4. Every parish minister cares about in a coal mine, all right, and we will talk, but we have a magazine and news- what is happening to his young people soon enough be reminded of our objec- letter, local chapters, visits of officers in uniform, but what can he do about tive. But the puzzle is How? and regional conferences. And we urge it? How can he help? He ought to be
Chaplains all have the same purpose every member to send in questions and shown the opportunity in the Reserves,
-to deepen the religious life of those ideas. so that he will have at least some prepin the armed services. It is obvious we 2. We need the help of the civilian aration for active service if there should ought to take counsel together and co- ministry and they need ours. The be an emergency. Here is where the operate. Across denominational lines church and synagogue in civilian life active duty chaplains can stir up their and across service lines we do, and the must give a lot of time to education brothers to a greater participation in a M.C.A. simply tries to extend this and consolation, because they deal with military ministry right now. The piccooperative effort. Chaplains have the young and the old. The enormous tures on the cover represent an opporalwas ben a nitd cops, o ~ the young and the old. The enormous tures on the cover represent an opporalways been a united corps, so the numbers that have to be kept under tunity under fire that every minister Association expresses what exists already. It is a unique organization, arms are under the ministrations of the would covet, but this cannot be done at inter-faith and inter-service, whose military chaplains, but they are the the last minute by clergymen hastily purpose, grandly and truly stated, is to same people who once were children recruited from civilian life who have bring God to the men and women in and later will return to civil life. It is never trained in the Reserves. uniform, all one task, for which our Association The immediate task of the M.C.A.
Our object is not to get better uni- could unite the efforts of civilian and is skull work. The question is not what forms for the chaplains, or more rank, military clergy, can chaplains get out of the Associaor larger fringe benefits. Every chap- 3. Rabbi Alfred Kolatch has pro- tion? but what specifically can we do lain joins up to serve the men, not help posed specifically that the M.C.A. through united efforts to increase our himself, and that's what their Associa- spearhead a drive to teach moral values, usefulness? tion is for. It is not a defensive move following the programs of our recent On the opposite page are the names for our rights. If they are infringed, we conventions. We have excellent char- of the chaplains who form the Execuhave our superiors in each Corps and acter guidance material in all three tive Committee, according to the conour own Churches to help us. Our As- branches of the Armed Services which stitution, plus a few others. In their sociation does not protect us like a the young people might respond to present jobs, military and civilian, they labor union or manufacturers' asso- partly because it is used by their friends are scattered around the world so that ciation. under arms. every one is near one on this list or
There's a familiar story of a nursing Many of our military leaders, like knows a few of them. Please tell your nun doing hard and dirty work when Thomas S. Gates, Jr., Deputy Secre- ideas to a friend or write to headquara patient said to her, "Sister, I wouldn't tary of Defense, have given character ters. do what you are doing for a million guidance their powerful support, and We don't need to be reminded that dollars!" now the clergy, in and out of the Serv- we want to get out of the coal mine.
"Neither would I," she said. ices, can carry this further. Rabbi Ko- The question is How?
2 The Military Chaplain

Organized 25 April 1925
I CHARTERED BY THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS 20 September 1950-Public Law 792-81st Congress S NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS: 1710 16th ST., N.W., WASHINGTON 9, D. C.
Telephone: ADams 2-1667
"To safeguard and to strengthen the forces of faith and morality of our nation; to perpetuate and to deepen the bonds of understanding and friendship of our military services; to preserve our spiritual influences and interest in all members and veterans of the armed forces; to uphold the Constitution of the United States; and to promote Justice, Peace and Good Will."
IVAN L. BENNETT Page ALVA BRASTED How?..................... ....................................................C. Leslie Glenn 2
JOHN F. DANIELS Remember We're Americans ............................. ........................... George A. Rosso 4
GILBERT DARLINGTON National Day of Prayer............................... IWilber M. Brucker & Frank A. Tobey 6
CLIFFORD M. DRURY Oliver W endell Holmes.......................................................................Max Lerner 7
HAROLD G. ELSAM Army Chaplains' Anniversary Offerings ........................................ ......................... 9
EDWARD L. R. ELSON Directives, Air Force, Army and Navy ............................................ ......................... 9
C. PARDEE ERDMAN A Memorable Celebration.................................................................................... 12
One of the Forgotten Men ................................ ...........................Roy J. Honeywell 12
JOSHUA L. GOLDBERG MCA Membership, 1959 ....................................................... 14
WILLIAM P. GOLDER Christmas in a German Prison Camp...........................................Gilbert P. Symons 35
EDWARD J. KROENCKE of the MCA. First published in 1930.
EDWARD J. KROENCKE Only publications reporting exten- ofce Manager
PHILIP LIPIS sively on religious activities of the Mrs. M. D. Willis
ROY R. MARKEN 3 Military Services-VA and the 3 Secretary
EDWARD A. McDONOUGH major faiths. Valuable organs for Mrs. W. M. Green
HARRY A. McKNIGHT active duty, reserve and national
PATRICK A. NOLAN guard chaplains, of interest to local Financial Secretary
DANIEL A. POLING church groups and Seminary stu- R. H. Rice
WILLIAM J. REISS dents, and to parents of service per- Custodians
FREDERICK C. REYNOLDS sonnel. Circulated to all MCA mem- Mr. and Mrs. William Ford
GEORGE F. RIXEY bers and "sponsor" members.
MILLARD G. ROBERTS COVER: Chaplain Allen Newman holds comWILLIAM F. ROSENBLUM munion service in Korea.
GEORGE A. ROSSO On le Shima, a chaplain says mass on the 1960 MEMBERSHIP DUES
PATRICK J. RYAN battle field. ARE PAYABLE NOW Chaplain Samuel Sobel conducts services
Articles in this publication express the point of view of the authors only and not necessarily EDMUND W. WEBER those of the Association or of the Services.
ROBERT J. WHITE Published 12 times a year by the Military Chaplains Association and issued monthly. Editorial
GLENN J. WITHERSPOON and Executive offices, 1710 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington 9, D. C. Second class postage paid at MAURICE M. WITHERSPOON Washington, D. C. This publication is mailed to all members of the Chaplains Association.
Subscriptions to all others not eligible for membership are $5.00 per calendar year. Foreign NILS M. YLVISAKER subscriptions (non-members) are $6.00 per calendar year. Special Library Rate, 3 years for $12.60. October, 1959 3

Remember W e're quicker than a Navy man to recognize A me r Aic ns, pretense and falsehood in our ministry.
They, too, can readily reflect on the
by REAR ADMIRAL GEORGE A. Rosso, CHC, USN. words of Him who said: "He who is Chief of Chaplains, United States Navy not with me is against me."
It is our task to come to know every
Military history is replete with mem- such total commitment than the chap- one of our men to the degree humanly orable words of those who rallied lain? Who should be more dedicated possible-to know them by name and their men in the most critical moments to our beloved nation, and all the moral background, to know their joys and of battle. From John Paul Jones' "I and spiritual values it embodies? Who sorrows and hopes and dreams and have not yet begun to fight", to Far- should be more consecrated to the con- problems. And it is our task to serve ragut's "Damn the torpedoes-full cept of the worth of human souls? them, not theirs to serve us-our task speed ahead!", battle crews have been Who should be prepared to make to serve them humbly-grateful for the inspired with incredible spirit when the greater sacrifices than he who swears tremendous privilege that is ours. odds were greatest against them. But by oath to serve his country in a voca- The privilege of being Navy chapnot too well known are words that I tion to which he believes he has been lains is a privilege given to a cornthink should be enshrined in the hearts personally called by Almighty God? parative handful of men. Of the thouand minds of every officer and petty Remember, we're Americans-and sands upon thousands in our own counofficer in the United States Navy-and there was only one torpedo. Who has try alone who have lived and died as particularly in the soul of every Navy a greater responsibility than the chap- clergymen, but a fraction have served chaplain. It happened aboard the old lain to calm the hearts and minds of in the uniform of the United States USS MOUNT VERNON. The crew men, to dispel their fears, to bring Navy. As Moses selected one man of a had been well instructed that it would quiet and order into their lives, to help hundred to help him judge the probtake more than one torpedo to sink the them overcome the spiritual panic that lems of his people and minister to their ship. Then one day she was running so often stampedes through their souls? needs, as Joshua chose but a fraction of off the coast of France, while a number There was only one torpedo. Is it diffi- thousands to do battle with the enemyof her men were at mess, in a compart- cult to look back through some 1900 so have we our small band of brothersment deep beneath the water line. Sud- years to the One who was roused from the Chaplain Corps of the United denly, the world seemed to explode-a His slumbers to calm a panic stricken States Navy-to serve God's people in submarine had found her mark. There crew of sailors and to remind them: uniform above and beneath the oceans was an impulsive rush for the hatch- "Why are you fearful, O you of little themselves, and in the farthest-flung the only exit to an open deck. But faith?" corners of the earth. This is indeed a a petty officer sprang to his feet, Was it merely the words of this privilege. wedged himself between his men and petty officer of the MOUNT VERNON But even yet, we have not exhausted the hatch, and cried out in ringing that so electrified his men? Did the the meaning of the petty officer's words; tones: "Remember we're Americans- words alone remind them of their re- "Remember, we're Americans and and there was only one torpedo!" The sponsibilities as American sailors, so there was only one torpedo." Because effect was electrifying! Instantaneously, that immediately all their resourceful- even his dedication and authority would disorder disappeared and confusion was ness and courage came flooding back to not have saved the day had not his men dispelled. In quiet deliberation each them? Obviously, words alone did not been long since trained daily in disciman proceeded to his battle station- accomplish this. Rather, it took the pline and teamwork. With such disciand eventually brought the ship safely sight of their petty officer and the au- pline and teamwork, it took only his to port. thoritative sound of his voice to turn action to restore order. Without such
Why do I say these words should be every last man into a hero. discipline and teamwork, try as he the battle cry of every Navy chaplain? No more so will your words alone might, his own efforts would undoubtFor several reasons, turn your men into spiritual heroes- edly have been futile.
First of all, they signify complete strike in their hearts the chords of Once again, who better should iland total commitment. We are Ameri- goodness and decency, faithfulness and lustrate in his own life the meaning of cans. No holding back here-no loyalty, and love of God and man. discipline and teamwork than the chapreservations-no conditions. We are Rather, they will look at him who lain? Why does he wear the Tablets Americans-men of honor and integ- speaks these words-they will listen to of the Law or the Cross of Christ exrity, men of passionate devotion to a his voice only as they recognize in him cept to proclaim for all the world that cause, to decency and justice, men who the authority of a man who believes in his whole lif e is one of sacrifice and believe in the dream called freedom what he says, who lives it to the hilt. self-denial, of the spiritual ruggedness and the priceless worth of every human And moreover, as the men of the and relentless determination that only soul. We are Americans, whose loyal- MOUNT VERNON were transformed constant self-discipline can produce and ties can never be questioned, who know by the sight-not simply of a petty maintain? What greater expression of our job and do it, who struggle and sac- officer, but of their petty officer, so will the purest meaning of discipline than rifice and die, if need be-but who your men be the men they should be the Law and the Cross? Is it necessary never run away from the job we know only when they recognize you as their for us to discuss the indispensable need is ours. chaplain-consecrated to their welfare, of self-discipline in the life of the chapWho, more than anyone else in the to their service, to their temporal good lain? Is there any alternative? Could United States Navy, should exemplify and eternal salvation. No one is (Continued on page 7)
4 The Military Chaplain

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October, 1959 5

National Day of Prayer, 7 October 1959
In the Pentagon courtyard, Secretary To that end the Presidential Procof the Army Wilber M. Brucker gave lamation calls us to prayer. the following message: Following this, Maj. Gen. Frank A.
It is an inspiring experience to re- Tobey, Chief of Chaplains, U. S. Army spond to the Presidential summons to spoke:
join in massive intercession for peace You have heard our President's hison earth; to lift our concordant voices toric "Call to Prayer," so eloquently in thanksgiving to Almighty God for read by our esteemed Secretary of the the bounty of His providence and for Army. You have heard our Secretary's the heritage of a great people in a great cryptic description of our sustaining land. Christian heritage and his challenge to
In this crucial era when all our reli- commit our way to the Lord and to gious, social and political ideals are chal- pray as a nation for our great land of lenged, our national life and institu- liberty and of blessing. tions threatened, it is incumbent upon You have been encouraged to gather The Hon. Wilber M. Brucker us to seek the guidance of God. here, as millions are doing this very
There is an absolute antithesis be- hour across our country, and in whattween the American dream of democ- ever land our people may be across the perative. For the scriptural language racy and the obscene thing which men- seas-to offer your prayers, individually of prayer is never conditional; it is aces every value we hold dear-the and collectively, for the peace of the never equivocal. Our Lord invariably sacredness of personality, world brother- world, the liberation of the captive, says, "Pray", and always He makes the hood, liberty, and justice. and the salvation of all mankind, end result of prayer final and concluAs Elijah long ago summoned the Before we make our individual in- sive within the encompassing wisdom people of Israel with the challenge: tercession this day and offer our per- and will of Almighty God. "How long halt ye between two opin- sonal supplications to God Almighty, It is, perhaps, a sad commentary on ions? If the Lord be God follow Him, there is Another's voice that should be the faith of our generation which, while but if Baal, then follow him." So we heard. This is not the voice of our it reaches for the moon and the stars are called upon today to make our honored ancestors, who have carved does not reach for God who lives choice. There is a positive moral issue out our land of Christian freedom from beyond them! When we sometimes feel in the choice between God and Baal. providential wilderness. This is not as though our God is beyond the reach It is a life-and-death struggle, and our the voice of our esteemed Secretary, of our prayers then the stunning words destiny as a people depends upon its nor the voice of our beloved President. of St. James apply to us when he says: outcome. Neither is it the voice of your chaplain "You have not because you ask not!"
The French visitor, DeTocqueville, a who is the insignificant choice of God For it is an historic truth that where century ago, in his Democracy in for His ministry among men. faith is limited, the results of prayer America, after seeking in vain the se- It is the Master's voice-the voice of are restricted. cret of the greatness of this nation in Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of "According to your faith it shall be her resources, her schools, her consti- God, which speaks to you now down done unto you!" Our Lord bids us tution and her democratic Congress, across the mountain tops of time. And "Pray!"-to pray for our welfare and writes: "Not until I went into the what He has to say is startling! It is that of our Country, for peace among churches of America and heard her tremendous within the framework of men, and for concord among nations. pulpits flame with righteousness did I our generation, which has cast off the "Pray", says Jesus, "And when you understand the greatness and genius of bonds of the known world and seeks, pray, believe that I will answer your America. America is great because now, the vast freedom of the unknown prayer. And I will!-according to America is good. If America ever universe, your faith." On this "Day of Prayer" ceases to be good America will cease And what is it He says-listen for let us really pray in faith, even now to be great." He speaks to you and to me-"Ask as our chorus sings the prayer our
Throughout the years of struggle and and you shall receive; seek and you Lord Himself taught His disciples. triumph, great religious faith has been shall find; knock and it shall be opened our guiding light. It is my overpower- unto you." Again He speaks: "What- My Personal Prayer ing conviction that if America is to ever you ask in My name, that I will My God, excelling in earth's every part, survive, to retain her stature among do!" Yet again He speaks: "If you ask Let Thy Name excel within my heart. nations, and fulfill her Divine destiny, anything in My name, I will do it!" Tender Heart, giving pulse to live, we, the people, must, without reserva- And once more He speaks: "What- May my heartbeat tenderness give. tion, renew our dedication to Almhnighty soever things you desire, when you Light of ife, in every darkness shining, Let my life beam, and cease repining,
God and our commitment to the ideals pray, believe that you receive them, Inspire to kind and lifting thought that have made us great. America's and you shall have them!" Like unto that Thy mind has wrought. urgent need in this generation is a new His voice is not stilled with these few Sensitive One, by whom no hurt is unfelt, and dynamic spiritual awakening; a quotations; for they can be multiplied Let no pain by me be dealt; Let me repeat Thy quickening feeling,
revival of the Faith of our Fathers in many times over. In all of these state- Thy concern for humanity's healing. every home and every heart in the land. ments you must note the Divine Im- CHAPLAIN ED FAYE
6 The Military Chaplain

life in obedience to a blindly accepted
ME duty, in a cause which he little under4 stands, in a plan of campaign of which he has no notion, under tactics of which
he does not see the use.
I may say of (my comrades in arms).
... "They were very gentle. They cared
Nothing for their lives." High breeding, romantic chivalry-we who have
seen these men can never believe that
the power of money or the enervation
. s of pleasure has put an end to them.
We know that life may still be lifted
into poetry and lit with spiritual charm.
. . "Unmarshalled save by their own
deeds, the armies of the dead sweep
before us, wearing their wounds like
(Continued from page 4)
we afford for a single moment a single
indiscretion, the smallest semblance of
misbehavior, of dishonesty, disloyalty,
OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES compromise? The chaplain may more than once find himself completely
In Arlington National Cemetery, the grave of the great jurist is marked, as he lone, when it would be so easy to had directed, with his military rank placed first in the position of honor. yield on a principle. The timid always
Max Lerner writes in his move in crowds-the brave in single biography of Holmes; FROM JUSTICE HOLMES' file.
He had been increasingly troubled NOTEBOOKS: At the same time, the chaplain must by noting among the young secretaries I have heard the question asked discipline himself not to fight windwho came to him from the Law School, whether our war was worth fighting, mills, not to ride off quixotically in ten part of whose job was to read aloud to after all. There are many, poor and directions at once, not to find evil him and with whom he discussed life rich, who think that love of country is where there is none, or insist in every as well as law, an increasing skepticism an old wife's tale, to be replaced by case that his own personal judgment of patriotic values. He had scant belief interest in a labor union, or, under the is the beginning and end of all things, in this "experimenting in negations." name of cosmopolitanism, by a root- refusing to listen to any counsel, of his And yet it is characteristic of him that less self-seeking search for a place where military superiors, his senior chaplains, while with the outbreak of the war he the most enjoyment may be had at the or his colleagues. The greatest tragedy had far fewer words to eat and fewer least cost. possible, perhaps, is the tragedy of attitudes to erase than anyone else, he littleness. When we are too small to see did not go as far as others in uncritical the worth in any opinion but our own, glorifications of the war. . Who of us could endure a world, too little to trust any judgment but
A decade ago the American reader although cut up into five-acre lots and ours, too tiny to yield to a matter of might have said it runs too close to the having no man upon it who was not personal pride-then we are far too militarist. But a generation that has well fed and well housed, without the little for the great mission which is seen democracies go down through divine folly of honor, without the sense- ours. This is where teamwork comes pacifism and passivity, through the less passion for knowledge outreaching in. No one of us can do the job alone. smug materialism of wealth and the the flaming bounds of the possible, It is only with God's help and the codenigration of both fighting and faith, without ideals the essence of which is operative efforts of our fellow chaphas learned to take this phase of Holmes that they never can be achieved? I do lains and officers that we can adequately seriously. He liked to quote: not know what is true. I do not know do our jobs. And if we don't do our Let others celebrate our high endeavor, the meaning of the universe. But in the jobs? Let us never forget that in the When peace once more her starry flag midst of doubt, in the collapse of creeds, battle for souls there is no second prize!
shall fling there is one thing I do not doubt, that Of our Corps it can certainly be said, Wide o'er the land our arms made free no man who lives in the same world as it was said of the brave men of Iwo
forever; with most of us can doubt, and that is Jima-in its 184 years, uncommon valor We do in silence what the world shall that the faith is true and adorable has been a common virtue. We expect
sing. which leads a soldier to throw away his nothing less of you.
October, 1959 7

1710 Sixteenth Street, M.C.A. Headquarters is also called Hospitality House, because chaplains and their families are welcome to stay. The charge is $2.00 per adult per night. $1.00 for children. There are several convenient restaurants nearby. Of course, the chaplain must be a member. We are privileged to quote Rear Admiral E. B. Harp, Jr., former Chief of Chaplains, USN, and one of our valued Perpetual Members, that Hospitality House is one of the pleasantest places to stay in Washington. It is the club for all military chaplains. Herewith a list of guests this summer:
Ames, Kenneth L. and family 4 Baumgaertner, M. W.
Bradley, Earl K. and wife
Bray, Allen F. and family
Burgreen, Charles L. and family Clark, David N.
Combs, Richard L.
Curnett, Elton E.
Day, Clayton E. and family
Deffner, E. G. and wife
Drew, Monroe
Eanes, Edward W. Chaplain Edward B. Harp Eggleston, Herbert J. and family Pasco, John C.
EstesW. B.Pasco, John C. Estes, W. B.
Enz, Clark S. Reardon, David and family Redman, E. F.
Fahringer, Frederick H. Redman, E. F. M.C.A. National Headquarters Goldthwaite, G. G. Roller, Lawrence E.
Gohwae, . Salango, James and family Greenlaw, E. D. and family Same, Horace, Jr. and family Hanford, James A. and family Schweitzer, Gordon M. and family PEACE and WAR Hannemann, Eugene and wife Shoemaker, Harold D. and family
When I reflect upon the majority Hay, W. D. Smith, Aubrey and family views which dominate certain Vet- Harp, E. B., Jr. Sobel, A. and wife Heman, James E. Sobevi, A.oan wif erans' organizations, of which I am a Hiebertman, Samuel L. andStrevig, John R. Chaplain as well, I realize that we had Thornton, Robert F. and family failed to motivate the membership after Jeffrey, F. E. and wife Thurston, Horace G. and family the wars, a duty as sacred as ministra- Kuhn, W. and wife Tietjen, O. H. and family tions during war. It's wonderful per- McCrory, W. E. Townsend, Paul W. and wife haps to be able to tell a dying man McGinnis, James W. and family Vannis, St. Clair that God will take him in His arms, McKain, Herbert A. and family Weidler, E. R. and family but, if this be heresy, then I am indeed Mitchell, Ray M. and family Winslade, C. C. a heretic and will remain so; it is more Mullins, G. E. and family Wintersteen, P.B. and family our business to see that God takes him Nelson, M. C. Witherspoon, M. M. in His arms while he is able to appreciate the warmth and the love of GOLDEN RULES FOR PUBLIC SPEAKING His embrace in this living world. And by CHAPLAIN GEORGE F. TITTMANN by CHAPLAIN GEORGE. F. TLTTMANN until we are able to convince men that 1. Be clear God draws no color or creed line for 2. Be brief 2. Be brief
His love, that it is open to all in places of peace and not only on the bloody 3. Beware of platitudinous ponderosity; let your communications, your utterance,
fields of war, we as chaplains will not verbal intercourse, allocutions, lingual declamations and eloquent verbalizations, have carried out our principal work your particularizations, monitions, annunciations and promulgations possess cov alescent consistency, homogeneity and concatenated cogency and succinctness; nor lived up to our noblest aims. In- eschew all flatulent garrulity, loquaciousness and asinine affectation, pretentiosity, cidentally, this is NOT a warm-up for mauvaise honte and artificiality; concentrate on intelligibility and veraciousness my Holy Day sermons! without rodomontade or thrasonical bombasity; and above all, avoid prolixity
CHAPLAIN WILLIAM F. ROSENBLUM and psittaceous vacuity.
8 The Military Chaplain

The Military Chaplains Association counts heavily on special gifts made to it Air Force Cooperation with Explorer Prothrough the efforts of our members. At the following bases and stations, offerings gram of Boy Scouts of America, AFR 46-2,
3 November 1954, 46-2A, 2 July 1956
were taken or gifts were made from the Chaplains' Fund. This includes donations received through October 8. Air Force Reserve Inactive Duty Training Pay and Allowances, AFR 45-10, 21 May 1957;
ALABAMA TEXAS 45-10A, 11 April 1958
Post Chapel, Fort McClellan (P & C) Headquarters Camp Wolters Assigning and Training Individuals in Ready Mineral Wells (C) & (P) Reserve Mobilization Programs, AFR 45-3, ARIZONA 5 Feb 58-superseded 28 July 1959
Yuma Test Station, Yuma (P) UTAH
Yuma Test Station, Yuma (P) UTAH Assistance to Air Force Reserve and Air NaCOLORADO USA Chemical Corps. Pry. Ground tional Guard Recruiting Programs, AFR
Headquarters, Fort Carson Dugway (C) 39-35, 29 Nov 54-superseded 17 August 1959
GEORGIA Chaplain Activities: Headquarters, Fort Gordon (P) Headquarters USA Trans. Tr. Command AFR 165-3, 12 Nov 57; 165-3A, 20 March
Hq. 2nd Inf. Div., Fort Benning Fort Eustis (P) 58
ILLINOIS Headquarters Tr. Comm. Fort Lee (P) Chaplain Appointments:
Office of Protestant Chaplain WASHINGTON Auxiliary cdvilan-AFR 165-9, 13 Dec
Fort Sheridan (P) 5th Art. Grp. Air Defense & Camp Apit e e i t
Hanford, Camp Hanford (P) Appointment of Officers in the USAF or as KANSAS Reserves of the AF, AFM 36-5, 1 July 55;
1st Battle Grp. 5th Inf. WASHINGTON, D. C. 36-5A, 1 Aug 56
Fort Riley Headquarters Fort Lesley J. McNair (P) Regular Air Force-AFR 36-19, 13 Sept 56;
MARYLAND 36-19A, 7 April 58-superseded 9 April
Army Chemical Center
Hq. 3d Msl. BtI. 562 Art., Suitland Headquarters Giessen Post, APO 169 Chaplain Funds:
USA Ordnance, Aberdeen Proving Ground (C.& P.) AFR 176-16, 9 Oct 56; 176-16A, 22
(P) Headquarters 3D. Arm. Div. Trains, 45th July 57
Fort Holabird, Baltimore 19 Med. Battalion, APO 39 (P) Chaplains Quarterly Report, RCS: AF-W5 MacArthur Road Chapel Hq. 40th Artillery Grp. APO 185 and Individual Records-AFR 165-8, 8
Fort George G. Meade (P) Feb 57-superseded 12 August 59
8th Street Chapel Headquarters 8th Inf. Div. APO 111 (P) Feb 57-superseded 12 August 59
Fort George G. Meade (P) Hq. Combat Command "A" Chaplain Trainee Candidate Program-AFR Post Chaplains Fund 3rd Arm. Div. APO 39 (P) 165-10, 4 Feb 57---superseded 5 Aug 59 Fort George G. Meade (C) Community Relations Program, AFR 190-20, APO SAN FRANCISCO 8 May 57 MICHIGAN
MICHIGAN Hq. USATG. 7.2 APO 187 Conduct of AF Funerals-AFM 34-8, 1 June
Headquarters 2d Gun Batt. 68th Art.
Camp Lucas, Sault Ste Marie Hq. U.S. Army Japan, APO 343 55; 34-8A, 15 March 58
Headquarters 3d Msl. Btn. 55th Art., Hq. 508th USA Sec. Agency Gp. Discharge for Homosexual Acts or TendenDetroit 17 APO 301 (P. &C.) cies-AFR 35-66, 23 July 56, superseded 17 March 59
MISSOURIHq. 7th Div. Art. APO 7
MISSOURI Hq. 7th Div. Art. APO Dynamics of Moral Leadership Lecture ProHeadquarters U.S.A. Trg. Ctr. Eng. (P) Hq. Tripler USA Hosp. APO 438 gram, AFR 165-7, 30 July 57
Fort Leonard Wood (P-Protestant--C-Catholic) Electric and/or Electronic Organs, AFR 165-6, 31 July 56
NEW MEXICO (When indicated by donors, denomino- E l on
Headquarters Sandia Base tions, Catholic (C), Jewish (J) and Pro- Elimination or Release from AD by Reason of Albuquerque testant (P) are listed.) Unfitness, Unacceptable Conduct, or Inefficiency-AFR 36-2, 8 November 57
NEW YORK Military Personnel Assignments Manual (OfHq. Camp Drum, Watertown, New York ficers, Warrant Officers, Airmen) AFM
Post Chapel THANK YOU 35-11, 15 July 1958
Fort Totten 59, N.Y. To the Chaplains' Wives' Club of Service and Dress Uniforms for AF PersonU.S.A. Garrison, Fort Hamilton The Greater Washington Area for the nel-AFM 35-10, 1 February 1956; Brooklyn 9, (P) 35-10A, 15 July 1957, superseded 15
Post Chaplains' Fund donation received in honor of the mem- May 1959
Post Chaplains' Fund
Fort Slocum ory of Mrs. J. C. Naughton. The Air Force Chaplain-AFM 165-3, 3 June 1956
Visits of Civilian Religious Representatives
to Overseas Areas-AFR 165-4, 27 March
The Military Chaplains Association has been benefited annually with Four Things
Four Things
special birthday chapel offerings. These offerings are permissible under
Four things a man must learn to do
existing regulations. If you have not heretofore responded, your participation If he would make his record true.
in this worthy project will be greatly appreciated. Send contributions to To think without confusion clearly, To love his fellow-men sincerely,
Association Headquarters, 1710 16th St., N.W., Washington 9, D.C. To act from honest motives purely, To trust in God and heaven securely.
October, 1959 9

Index of Current Regulations Pertinent to Army Chaplains
These regulations can be re- Chapels Dishonorable and bad conduct, AR 635quested through normal supply Authorization and use of, SR 210-10-50 204 Janitorial services for, AR 420-81 General provisions, AR 635-200 channels. If you are in a hurry, they Master Planning, AR 210-20 Hardship, AR 615-362 can be purchased directly from the Post commanders to provide facilities for Inaptitude or unsuitability, AR 635-209 Supt. of Documents, Washington 25, use as, AR 210-10 Minority, AR 615-362 D. C. Repairs and utilities, AR 420-10 Misconduct (fraudelent entry, AWOL, deSpace allowances, AR 415-31 sertion, convicted by civil court) AR Surplus, disposition of, AR 405-80, AR 635-206
Abbreviations, authorized, of military terms, 405-90 Pregnancy, AR 615-361
AR 320-5, AR 320-50 Chapel equipment, AR 165-40 Unfitness, AR 635-208
Absence, administrative, semi-official duty, Chaplain Board, AR 15-5 Discipline, military, AR 165-15
AR 210-10 Chaplain School Ecclesiastical Indorsement
Administrative chaplains Mission, organization, function, AR 350- Army of the United States, AR 140-100
AR 165-15, SR 210-10-50 116 Army Reserve, AR 140-100 American Red Crss Chaplains Regular Army, AR 601-126 AR 940-10, AR 615-362, SR 40-610-20 Chaplain Activities-DA Integrated Struc- Withdrawal, causes, separation, Army Reture, AR 1-11 serve, AR 140-175 Appointment of chaplains Chaplain's Assistant, AR 611-201 Education and Training
Army Reserve, AR 140-100 Chaplain and chapel facilities, TA 20-93 Chaplain School, AR 350-116
Physical standards for appointment, AR Duties, FM 16-5, AR 165-15 Civilian institution, attendance of RA offi40-500 Detail in other branches prohibited, AR cers, AR 350-200
Regular Army, AR 601-100, AR 601-126 614-100 Extension courses, AR 350-60
Army Emergency Relief Exercise of command, AR 600-20 Courses, programs of instruction at Army
Administration, Fiscal procedures, AR 910- Organization and function, AR 10-5 Service Schools, SR 350-110-1
10 Organization and equipment authorization Short tours of active duty, AR 140-220
Authorization, organization, operation, tables, SR 310-30-15 Equipment, AR 165-40
AR 910-10 Participation in activities of private asso- Efficiency reports
Funds availability, AR 910-10 ciations, AR 1-210 Rendered by chaplains, AR 623-105 Army Regulations, index of, DA Pam 310-1 Ratio to troops, SR 310-30-1 Flags
Army Reserve eports, AR 165-15 Listing and requisition (for use by chapArmy Reserve Responsibilities, guardhouse, stockade, etc., loins) TA 20, AR 165-40
Assignments and attachments, AR 140-100 AR 210-181 lains), TA 20, AR 165-40
Appointment, chaplains, AR 140-100 Signature, AR 600-6 Description and use, AR 840-10, SR 840Category statements, AR 135-215 Table of organization and equipment, AR 10-1
Civilian Components, retirement, AR 135- 310-34 Forms, chaplains, AR 165-15
180 Title, AR 165-15 Funds
Component identification, AR 140-8 Transfer from basic branch forbidden, AR Chaplains funds, SR 210-50-50
Entry on extended active duty, SR 135-210- 614-100 Chief of Chaplains, Department of the
1 Character Guidance, AR 600-30 Army, AR 230-5, SR 210-50-50
Extended active duty, application for recall, Discussion Topics, DA Pam 16-5 thru 16-10 Nonappropriated, administration of, AR
SR 135-210-1
General provisions, AR 140-305 Repression of prostitution, AR 190-90 230-10
-35Nonappropriated, basic regulation, AR Maximum age in grace, AR 135-215 Chief of Chaplains 230-5
Organization of Army Reserve, AR 140- Authorization, AR 10-5 Nonappropriated Funds and related activi305 Efficiency reports rendered by, AR 623-105 ties, AR 230-8
Pay and allowances, AR 37-104 Collections Oversea movement-procedures regarding
Physical examinations, AR 140-120 Authority for, SR 210-50-50 funds, SR 55-720-1
Procedure, benefits in case of death or Command, exercise of Protection of deposits in banks, AR 230-10
injury in LOD, SR 140-180-15 By Chaplains, AR 600-20 Protection of nonappropriated funds and
Promotion, AR 135-155
Reserve duty training, AR 135-31 8 Commanding Officers, responsibility activities, AR 230-8
Relief fromdu active dutyn AR 1353 For auxiliary chaplains, AR 165-35 Withholding tax, wages of employees, SR
Retirement point credits, AR 140-3 For chaplain assistants, AR 165-15 35-240-16
recent itFor character guidance, AR 600-30 Funerals (see also cemeteries)
Schools, USAR, AR 140-353 For indorsement of chaplain's monthly re- Burials outside continental U.S., AR 638-30
Separation of officers, AR 140-175 ports, AR 165-15 Chaplain responsibility for, AR 165-15
Short tours of active duty, AR 140-220 For provision of chaplain equipment, AR National cemeteries, AR 290-5
Staff Specialist Branch, AR 150-7 165-15, AR 165-40 Order of troops in procession, FM 22-5, AR
Transfers and details, AR 140-160 For provision of chaplain transportation, 600-25
AR 165-15 Personal effects, handling of, AR 643-55 Assignments, Details and Transfers For religious services, AR 165-15 Post cemeteries, AR 210-190
Foreign Service, AR 614-30 For supervision of military activities of Gratuity pay upon death, AR 37-104
Assistant Chaplains, AR 165-15 chaplains, AR 165-15 Graves registration, FM 10-63, AR 638-30 Auxiliary Chaplains, AR 165-35 Communications Hospital visitation, AR 165-15 Baggage allowances, SR 55-720-1 Privileged, AR 165-15 Identification tags
Household goods, Joint Travel Regulations Confinement, AR 600-10, AR 210-181 Entry of religious preference, AR 606-5
Oversea movement, personal and house- Correspondence, AR 340-15 Index
hold goods, AR 55-71 Signatures, chaplains, AR 600-6 Forms, blank, DA Pam 310-2
Personal baggage, special shipment, AR Staff chaplains, AR 165-15 Manuals, field, DA 310-1, DA Pam 310-3
Travel by air, SR 55-750-5 Conscientious objectors, AR 614-260 Manuals, supply, QM, DA Pam 310-30
Baptism, AR 165-15 Counseling, AR 165-15 Manuals, technical, DA Pam 310-4
Baptism, AR 165-15 Military publications,- administrative, DA Books, purchase of, SB 10-507 (QM) Courts-Martial, MCM Pam 310-1 Bulk allotment, chaplains, basis for comput- Chaplains not available as members, AR Information and Education
ing, SR 310-30-1 165-15 General provisions, AR 355-5 Cemeteries Decorations, AR 672-5-1 Troop information, AR 355-5
Memorial Day ceremonies, AR 165-15 Denominations groups, AR 165-15 Troop education, AR 355-5
National, AR 290-5 Discharge of enlisted men Insignia
Post, AR 210-190 Convenience of Government, AR 635-205 Chaplains, AR 670-5 Ceremonies, AR 600-25 Dependency, AR 615-362 Inspections, AR 20-1
10 The Military Chaplain

Insurance Records and reports NAVY CHAPLAINS
Government Life, AR 608-5 Disposition of chapel and chaplain records,
Interview AR 345-250, AR 345-203, AR 345-292 DIRECTIVES
Chaplain reception and processing of EM, Records, administration, AR 345-265, AR
AR 165-15, AR 612-200 345-292 Dependents of Naval Personnel-BuPers InLeadership, FM 22-10 Religious coverage, AR 165-15 struction 1620.1B Leave, AR 630.5 Religious education Ecclesiastical Equipment-BuSandA Manual, SChaplain responsibility for, AR 165-15 Paras. 22475 and 33225 Legal Assistance, AR 600-103 Equipment and supplies, AR 165-40 Fitness Reports-BuPers Instruction 1611.5 Mail Religious preference incorporated in BuPers Manual, Art.
Address for persons en route overseas, AR Entry on identification tags, AR 606-5 B-2203 (Change 25)
65-61 Entry on soldiers qualification cards, AR Material Requirements-BuPers Instruction
Marriage 640-203 1743.5 being revised, will be released
Chaplain, responsibility for, AR 165-15 Religious services November 1959 as BuPers Instruction
In oversea commands, AR 600-240 Responsibility for, AR 165-15 1743.5C
Responsibility of commanding officer, AR Officers Preference and History Cards-BuMedical care, general provisions, AR 40-103 165-15 Pers Instruction 1301.25 Monthly reports, AR 165-15 Requisition for officers, AR 614-185 Overseas Duty-BuPers Instruction 1300.15C
Morale Resignation, AR 635-120 Professional Fitness for Promotion-BuPers
Basic responsibility, AR 165-15 Retirement Instruction 1416.1E
National Guard Civilian components, with pay, AR 135-180 Transfer and Assignment of Enlisted Personnel
Appointment, promotion, general provi- National Guard, AR 135-180 for Humanitarian Reasons-BuPers Instrucsions, AR 130-15 Retirement of officers, AR 635-130 tion 1306.24B and Enlisted Transfer ManPhysical examination, AR 40-500 Rites, AR 165-15 ual, Chapter 18
Retirement with pay, AR 135-180 Sacraments, AR 165-15 Moral Leadership-General Order 21 and
Separation of officers, AR 635-5 Safeguarding military information, AR 380-5 BuPers Instruction 1000.14
Organs Scarf, chaplain, T/A 10-100, AR 670-5 Renovation and Remodeling of ChapelsElectric (issue, use and disposition), AR Secular duties prohibited, AR 165-15 BuPers Instruction 1743.7
165-40 Postgraduate Educational Program-BuPers
Electric, maintenance, TM 11-4703 Separation, demotion, elimination of officers, Notice 1520 issued annually.
AR 635-105A, AR 635-105B
Oversea movement Civilian components, AR 635-105 Regular Navy Augmentation Program-BuDependents, travel, AR 55-46 Discharge and release, AR 635-205 Pers Instruction 1120.12G
Foreign service, AR 614-30 Homosexuals, AR 635-89
Mail service for individual en route, AR Release from extended active duty, AR Naval Reserve
65-61 135-173 Active Duty-BuPers Instruction 1331.4A
Preparation for oversea replacements-in- Separation criteria, EM, AR 635-5
dividuals, AR 612-35 Chaplain Corps Program-BuPers Instruction
Preparation for (units), SR 55-720-1 Signature, chaplains, AR 600-6 1743.1A
Supplies and equipment (see also tables of a. Assignment Policies-BuPers InstrucPastoral visiting, AR 165-15 allowances) tion 1301.27
Pay Chapel and chaplains; Basic regulation, b. Pay Status-BuPers Instruction 7220.9
Advance payment of travel allowances, listing, basis of issue requisitioning dis- Ensigns Probationary-Recruiting Service InAR 35-3100 position, AR 165-40 struction 566.5
Allotments of, AR 37-104 Oversea movement, units-chaplain equip- Fitness Reports-BuPers Instruction 1611.9
Emergency, AR 37-104 ment, SR 55-720-1
Allowance, quarters, AR 37-104 Table of allowances Pay Units of the Naval Reserve-BuPers InAllowances, travel, Joint Travel Regulations Index of, DA Pam 310-7 struction 1300.3C
For Army Reserve and Army of the Chaplain and chapel facilities, T/A 20-93 Promotion-BuPers Instruction 1412.1D United States, AR 37-104 Expendable, T/A 10-100 Retirement-BuPers Instruction 1820.1B
Payment of military personnel on active Post, camps and stations, T/A 20 Uniforms-Navy Uniform Regulations-Nayduty, AR 37-104 Temporary duty at no expense to the Govern- Pers 13665
Prisoners of war, FM 19-10 ment, AR 210-10 a. Uniform Allowances-BuPers Manual,
Personal Affairs Transportation Part H-1906
Paternity Claims, AR 608-99 Motor vehicles, SR 700-2300-1 b. Assignment Policies-BuPers InstrucVehicles, allowance for chaplains, AR 165- tion 1301.27 Physical examination, miscellaneous, AR 40- 40 Instruction Governing Appropriate Duty and
50Administration of Specialist-BuPers InEvaluation boards, AR 635-40 A & B Transports strucAdministration 5400.1of Specialist-BHPers nSeparation for physical disability, AR 635- Accommodations aboard, SR 55-730-1 struction 5400.1
40A Active Duty Agreements for Reserve OfficersTravel BuPers Instruction 1120.22B Property Allowances, Joint Travel Regulations Extension of and Release from Active Duty,
Accountability cand responsibility, AR 735- Dependents, travel overseas, AR 55-46 Naval Reserve Officers-BuPers Instruction
5, AR 735-10, AR 165-40 Member of family as attendant of de- 1926.1C
Allowances of Quartermaster Expendable ceased, AR 55-50
Supplies, T/A 10-100 Professional equipment allowances, Joint Policies on Retention and Release of Naval
Lost, damage, or destroyed accounting for, Travel Regulations Reserve Officers BuPers Instruction
AR 735-11 Stateroom--oversea movement-altar kit, 1926.2A
Nonappropriated fund accountability, AR SR 55-720-1
230-20 Travel of individuals, general provisions,
Oversea movement-nonappropriated fund AR 55-50 Nothing is here for tears, nothing to
property, SR 55-720-1 Travel Orders, AR 310-25 Nothing is here for tears, nothing to
Processing requisitions, AR 725-5 Uniformswail
Reporting of station and technical service Uiom
excess personal property, AR 755-6 service Decorations, description and wearing, SR Or knock the breast; no weakness, no 672-5-1
Public Relations Service, officers and enlisted men, AR 670- contempt,
General Policies, AR 360-5 5 Dispraise, or blame; nothing but well
Organizations, questionable and subver- Insignia, SR 670-5 Dispraise, or blame; nothing but well
sive, AR 604-45 Vestments, AR 670-5 and fair,
Release of military information, SR 360-5- Vestments, AR 670-5
2, AR 360-5 Veterans Administration And what may quiet us in a death so Reception and processing of recruits Organization, functions and addresses, AR noble.
Chaplain, activity in, AR 612-200, AR 165- 930-10
15 YMCA, AR 405-80 -John Milton (from Samson Agonistes)
October, 1959 11

A MEMORABLE CELEBRATION lege and Lane Theological Seminary.
Soon after his ordination in 1848 he
The Rev. P. B. "Tubby" Clayton, Ri was married to Nancy Rankin, a gradPadre-Founder of Toc H, Vicar of All 'uate of a mission school in Illinois, and Hallows, London, celebrated the Holy .. was sent to the Sioux mission by the Communion in our newly constructed American Board. chapel, Sunday, October 4. One of the .. For twenty-three years the Adamses great chaplains of World War I in the worked among the Sioux and pioneers British Army, he was brought to of the region, at first in the mission and America soon after by Bishop Brent, a boarding school and later through orSenior Chaplain of the A.E.F., and ganized churches. first President of the M.C.A. There is During the summer of that year no space here to describe his work in Adams visited several Army posts on Toc H, or the Winant Volunteers, a the upper Missouri. Many soldiers, grou of mercan choo an colegethe upper Missouri. Many soldiers, group of American school and college General Custer among them, spoke of men who work each summer in the the need for religious ministrations. slums of London. President Eisenis o ondoa President End M This led him to request an appointment hower is Honorary President, and Mr. as a chaplain and assignment in that Clayton had come to Washington .to area. A year later Colonel Miles spereport to him. He is shown in the pic- cifically asked that he be stationed in ture with Robert Anderson, U.S. Sec- Montana because of his knowledge of retary of the Treasury, another Ameri- the Sioux language. He was appointed can sponsor of this work. The purpose in February of 1876 by direct order of of this is to announce that Talbot President Grant but was assigned to a House, Trinity Square, near the Tower N post in the Indian Territory. He seems of London, is an address where Ameri- to have hoped that his acquaintance can chaplains of all faiths will always bers that our chapel is open for chap- with the Sioux might enable him to find a warm welcome. lains to hold their own services, at any with the Sioux might enable him to
A further purpose is to remind mem- time, and is always available for prayer. promote a better understanding between the races in the regions where
tension was greatest. It is an intriguing
ONE OF THE volunteer forces at Mankato. He did thought that he might have done someFORGOT N M N not know as he drove his horse and thing to forestall the tragedy on the LitFORGOTTEN MEN buggy along the rough frontier road tle Big Horn had he been with Custer
By Roy J. HONEYWELL that he was being watched by two In- that spring.
dian scouts. Long afterward one of Appointed on his fifty-fourth birththem told him that he would have been day, Chaplain Adams served exactly killed if he had been driving two horses, ten years on posts in Colorado and InBoth of them wanted mounts, but they dian Territory. In those days when the decided to wait until they could get Army was very little in the public eye two horses at once. and most of the few chaplains authorFor several nights this pioneer min- ized by law were stationed far from the ister, whose name was Moses Newton
r, soos e ar oes owon centers of population, they were indeed Adams, stood guard over his own house
forgotten men.
and the refugees who had fled there for
shelter. Then he joined a party of sol- From the Chaplain's reports, prediers hastening to the defense of the served in the National Archives, settlers. Years afterward he wrote that glimpes of life on the frontier can be most of the survivors escaped because gained. At Fort Gibson he established the Christian Indians risked the yen- a school for children in the afternoons geance of the hostile tribesmen by lead- and for men in the evenings. The texting them to safety. He gave his horse books included such classics as Barnes' and buggy to the military force for use history and McGuffy's reader. He made as an ambulance and served as their one request for transfer to a post in MOSES NEWTON ADAMS chaplain. As soon as the hostile Sioux Dakota where he could preach to the
U. S. Army Chaplain, 1876-86 moved away, he went with a party of Indians in their own language, but
One night during the first days of troops through the devastated area, there was no vacancy.
Onthe Sioux War of 1862 ing the first carriedys o seeking out the bodies of the slain and After retirement for age, he returned the Sioux War of 1862 that carried
massacre and fire across a wide area in giving them honorable burial. In this to the Indian country, and carried on Minnesota, a Presbyterian missionary informal way he gained his first ex- religious work for several years. He who had been in the territory for four- perience as a military chaplain, died in Buffalo, N.Y., where he had teen years carried a message from Gov- Moses Adams was a native of south- gone for medical treatment, on July ernor Ramsey to the commander of the eastern Ohio, a graduate of Ripley Col- 23, 1902, and was buried in St. Paul. 12 The Military Chaplain

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October, 1959 13

Official MCA Membership, 1959
List Compiled 5 October 1959
Arranged Alphabetically by Surname*
A Goodyear, Colonel A. S., 1630 Missouri Av- Maisonet, Thomas, Box 3047, San Juan, Puerto Arnold, William R., 30 East 51st Street, New enue, N.W., Washington, D. C. Rico
York 22, N. Y. H Mark, Julius, 1 E. 65th Street, New York 21, Austill, William E., 299 Weston Road, Wel- Habetz, Leonard C., Hq. 14th Air Force, N. Y.
lesley, Mass. Warner Robins Air Force Base, Ga. Mayo, William L., Episcopal Church Home, Ayers, Stephen E., East 1003, 20th Avenue, Hance, Mr. Percy L., 1120 Fifth Avenue, 1515 32d Street, N.W., Washington 7, D. C.
Spokane 35, Wash. New York, N. Y. McClellan, Harvey H., 201 E. Cedar Street,
B Harp, Edward B., Jr., District Chaplain, Hq., Olathe, Kan. Bauer, Edwin T., 2221 South Hennepin, Sioux 11th N. D., San Diego 30, Calif. Menster, William J., St. Patricks, Monona,
City 6, Iowa Heather, Fred, Jr., 4951 Mansfield St., San Iowa
Bennett, Ivan L., 2806 Farm Road, Alexandria, Diego, Calif. Miller, Robert E., Colonial and Lexington
Va. Herndon, Robert B., Post Chaplain, Fort Car- Roads, Woodlawn, Md.
Boeding, A. A., Box 454, Sanatorium, Texas son, Colo. Muter, Alfred J., 1758 North Mason Avenue, Borneman, John K., 722 Mills Building, Wash- Hohenstein, R. C., Commander Naval Forces, Chicago 39, III.
ington, D.C. Japan, FPO, San Francisco, Calif. N
Brasted, Alva J., 204 MacArthur Road, Alex- Honeywell, Roy J., 4422 Rosedale Avenue, Nealis, M. J., Military Ordinariate, 6214 S.
andria, Va. Bethesda 14, Md. Sangamon Street, Chicago 21, Ill.
C Hunter, Wayne L., Office of the Commandant, Nern, William F., 6924 W. Lisbon Ave., MilCampbell, John F., 1119 41st Street, Brooklyn U. S. Army Chaplain School, Fort Slocum, waukee 10, Wisc.
18, N. Y. N.Y. 0
Carlsen, Emanuel, Chaplain Section, Fort Mac- Oliver, Alfred C., Jr.,* 4204 Central Avenue,
Arthur, Calif. Ocean City, N. J. Casey, Francis J., Box 502, Rock Island, Ill. *In Memorium
Cay, Francs J.,.Boa5h liRokt Iand O'Neill, James R., 89 Ridge Street, Newark, Cronin, Patrick L., Catholic Rectory, Selden, N. J.
Darkey, Karl L., 70 Post Avenue, Battle Henry Darlington Pagan, Jose H., Box 323, Yauco, Puerto Rico
Creek, Mich. Palmer, Gordon, Box 4447, Village Station, Darlington, Gilbert, 450 Park Avenue, New Gilbert Darlington Los Angeles, Calif.
York 22, N. Y. Partin, Delbert C., Office of the Chaplain, DeWeerd, James A., P.O. Box 6733, Chicago Patrick L. Cronin Eglin AFB, Fla. 9th Infantry Division,
7, Ill. Paul, William E., Hq. 9th Infantry Division, Dickins, Curtis H., 724 Bon Air Street, La Military Order Office of the Chaplain, Fort Carson, Colo.
Jolla, Calif. of the World Wars Poling, Daniel A., 27 East 39th Street, New Dieffenwierth, Daniel G., 513 Laura Lee Av- Po ClitYork R., VA Hospital, Montrose, N. Y.
enue, Tallahassee, Fla. !, Pond, Clifton R., VA Hospital, Montrose, N. Y. Donnelly, Augustine P., Deputy Army Chap- Prudell, H. O., U. S. A. Garrison (5021), Fort
lain, Headquarters First Army, Fort Jay, Riley, Kan. R
Governors Island, N. Y. Jaeger, Vernon P., Office of the Chaplain, Reynolds, Frederick C., 3900 16th Street, Drinan, Raymond B., St. Simon's Rectory, 106 Hqs. U. S. Army Japan, APO 343, San N.W., Washington, D. C.
East Foster Street, Ludington, Mich. Francisco, Calif. Rixey, George F., 3831 Macomb Street, N.W., Durand, Henry L., Chaplain Section, Hqs. 8th Johnson, Andrew L., Office of the Post Chap- Washington 16, D. C.
Infantry Division, APO Il, New York, N. Y. lain, Patton Hall Bldg., 801, Fort Riley, Ryan, Patrick J., 3839 Massachusetts Avenue,
E Kan. N.W., Washington, D. C. Elson, Edward L. R., National Presbyterian K S
Church, Connecticut Avenue and N Street, Kapica, Francis A., Hq. Trains. 1st AD, Fort Salisbury, Stanton W., "White Sands," 7450
Washington, D. C. Hood, Texas Olivetas Street, La Jolla, Calif.
Erdman, C. Pardee, 495 Valley Club Road, Kendall, John T., Wakley Terrace, R.R. 3, Bel Schulz, Harold H., Hq. Third U .S. Army, Fort
Santa Barbara, Calif. Air, Md. McPherson, Ga.
Evans, Luther W., 165 Bernard Road, Fort Knier, A. M., 1619 S. 31st Street, W., Mil- Sheehy, Maurice S., The Church of The ImMonroe, Va. waukee, Wis. maculate Conception, Cedar Rapids, Iowa F Koch, Joseph R., 6301 12th Avenue, Brooklyn Sherry, R. J., St. Gregory Seminary, 6616 Fay, Patrick B., 142 East 29th Street, New 19, N. Y. Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati 30, Ohio
York 16, N. Y. Kozak, Edwin J., Office of the Post Chaplain, Spellman, Francis Cardinal, Archbishop of Fisher, Eugene LA, Walter Reed Army Hos- Fort Carson, Colo. New York, 422 Madison Avenue, New York,
pital, Washington, D. C. Kraabel, A. M., National Lutheran Council, N. Y.
G 327 South LaSalle Street, Chicago 4, III. Stone, William E., Center Street, Wolcott R.D.
L 4, Waterbury 12, Conn.
Gannon, John E., The Hospital Chapel, Fort Lev, Aryeh, Jewish Welfare Board, 145 East Sugg, Walton G., Jr., Hq. Western Area ComGeorge G. Meade, Md. 32nd Street, New York, N. Y. mand, APO 227, New York, N. Y.
Gans, Milton P., Post Office Box B, Sterling, Lewis, Samuel A., 217 W. 115th Street, New Summers, Harold D., Qtrs. 1253 Sulten Road,
Okla. York 26, N. Y. Ft. Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas Gerhart, Luther F., District Chaplains Office, Liesinger, Rudolph O., U. S. VA Hospital, T
12th Naval District, Federal Office Building, 3495 Bailey Avenue, Buffalo 15, N. Y. Taylor, George O., Hq. 72d Signal Bn. (Spt.),
San Francisco 2, Calif. Lindner, Kenneth M., 9405 Higbeen Court, Ft. Huachuca, Ariz.
Gillenwaters, Henry L., 107 Sunset Lane, Tena- Adelphi, Md. Thomas, William N., Box 474, Lake Junaluska,
fly, N. J. Lindquist, John O., 392 Madison St., Wilkes N. C.
Glenn, C. Leslie, 16 Kalorama Circle, N.W., Barre, Pa. Thompson, Lesile A., Hq. BASEC USAREUR
Washington 8, D. C. M COMZ, APO 44, New York, N. Y. Goldberg, Joshua L., 90 Church Street, #1413, MacCarroll, Joseph, 18 Allwood Drive, Tren- U
New York 7, N. Y. ton, N. J. Urban, Charles H., Church of St. John the Golder, William P., Hq. USAG Wurzburg MacLeod, Harry C., VA Hospital, San Fer- Evangelist, Third and Reed Streets, Phila(NA), APO 800, New York, N. Y. nando, Calif. delphia 47, Pa.
14 The Military Chaplain

W Anderson, Robert M., 211 Maple Road, Gar- Barnston, Alfred J., 460 Montgomery Street, Walters, Grover C., 5145 Central Avenue, den City, Chester, Pa. San Francisco, Calif.
Ocean City, N. J. Andresen, Soren H., USS Sierra (AD 16) FPO, Barr, Lincoln H., HQ 1st Infantry Brigade, White, Robert J., 8 Parcher Avenue, Old New York, N. Y. Fort Benning, Ga.
Orchard, Maine Andress, Gene B., Chaplains Office Bldg., Barrett, Benson C., U. S. Naval Mine Depot, Williams, George W., Hq. 48th Transportation 1411, USNTC, Great Lakes, III. Yorktown, Va.
Gp. (Trk.), Fort Eustis, Va. Andrew, William H., Box 647, Bryan, Texas Barrett, W. D. Shakespeare, 61 Payson Lane, Workman, Robert D., 240 Coast Boulevard Andrews, H. A., 25 Outlook Rd., Swamp- University Heights, New Brunswick, N. J.
(Apt. 3-A), La Jolla, Calif. scott, Mass. Barrett, William P., 1507 West Pikes Peak y Andrews, Joseph R., U. S. Army Chaplains Avenue, Colorado Springs, Colo. Ylvisaker, N. M., Carlsbad-by-the-Sea, Carls- School, Fort Slocum, N. Y. Barron, Stephen F., 3835 Balboa Street, San
bad, Calif. Angelo, Walter L., R.F.D. 1, Woodstown, N. J. Francisco, Calif.
Anthony, Albert J., 14 York Street, Honeoye Barry, Harold G., 126 Camban Drive, San Regular Members Falls, N. Y. Francisco 27, Calif.
Appelgate, Joseph M., 9550 Crenshaw Blvd., Barry, James J., Box 424, Half Moon Bay, A Inglewood 4, Calif. Calif. Abbott, H. P., 6510 Cantrell Road, Little Appelquist, Albin R., Chaplaincy Services, Barry, Raymond E., enroute overseas.
Rock, Ark. American Baptist Convention, 164 Fifth Bates, Ralph L., Hamilton Ave. Methodist Abucewicz, John A., USNS, Navy 1506, Box Avenue, New York 10, N. Y. Church, Trenton 10, N. J.
31, FPO, New York, N. Y. Applebaum, Karl, 136-80 71st Road, Flush- Batterson, John E., TBC USTOC/MAAG, APO Ackiss, Ernest L., Home Mission Board, 161 ing 67, N. Y. 63, San Francisco, Calif.
Spring St., N.W., Atlanta, Ga. Arendt, Eric H., Force Chaplain, FMF PAC, Bauer, Frank J., 8 Ellington Road, Quincy 70, Adams, Arlin H., 219 Pease Court, Janesville, FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Mass.
Wisc. Armburst, John W., 5436 Kirk Road, Youngs- Baumgaertner, M. W., Office of the Base Adams, B. H., Jr., 480 Grand Ave., West town 11, Ohio Chaplain, Langley AFB, Va.
Trenton, N. J. Armfield, John S., 18 Old Post Road, N., Baumgart, Sylvester J., 97th General HasAdams, Charles W., Navy Station Navy 961, Croton-On-Hudson, N. Y. pital, APO 757, New York, N. Y.
FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Armstrong, Ernest W., Hq. 3rd Armd. Div. Beal, Frank P., 1118 54th Street, Brooklyn, Adams, Francis P., US Naval Station Navy # Trains., 45th Med. Bn., APO 39, New York, N. Y.
537, FPO, New York, N. Y. N. Y. Bean, James C., Chaplains Division, Hq. 2nd Adams, Noel T., Box 8, Lawson, Mo. Armstrong, James M., 7813 Gateway Blvd., Logistical Command, Fort Ord, Calif. Adams, Roland F., Charlestown Armed Serv- District Heights, Washington 28, D. C. Bearse, T. LeBaron, 22 Concord Terrace,
ices YMCA, 32 City Square, Charlestown 29, Askine, Irvin, 1601 Sunnyvale Avenue, Wal- Springfield, Mass.
Mass. nut Creek, Calif. Beasley, Joseph H., Chaplain Section, U. S. Adams, Rowland C., Chief of Chaplains Auerswald, Charles G., 2026 South 4th St., Army Engineer Section, Ft. Belvoir, Va.
Office, Washington 25, D. C. Springfield, Ill. Beatty, Charles D., U. S. Naval Air Station, Adler, Joe J., Chaplain Section, Fort Leonard Averitt, Erwin L., 1654 Cowling Avenue, Jacksonville, Fla.
Wood, Mo. Louisville, Ky. Beatty, Donald C., Box 183-A, RFD 1, Vienna, Agnew, James F., Marine Corps Recruit De- Avrech, Abraham, 1420 Ocean Parkway, Va.
pot, Parris Island, S. C. Brooklyn 30, N. Y. Beck, Max G., Chaplains Office, Naval ReAgre, Oscar W., 212 Koch Street, Ann Arbor, ceiving Station, Washington, D. C.
Mich. B Bedenbaugh, Kenneth W., P.O. Box 1652, Ahl, Kenneth H., 2633 16th Street, N.W., Babbitt, Deane F., 1st BGp, 35th Infantry, Loris, 5. C.
Washington 9, D. C. APO 25, San Francisco, Calif. Beecher, David R., 8202 Tarkington Drive, Akins, Racy L., 1st Med. Tank Bn., 32nd Art., Bachmann, Charles, 1272 Delaware Avenue, Richmond 27, Va.
APO 39, New York, N. Y. Buffalo 9, N. Y. Belanger, Rene A., Office of the Catholic Albert, Francis L., 86 Royal Palm Drive, Baergen, John, 1216 Fleming, Artillery Vil- Chaplain, Camp Wolters, Texas
Ormond Beach, Fla. lage, Fort Sill, Okla. Bell, Clifton, RFD 4, Springdale, Ark.
Albrecht, Herbert C. W., Naval Air Station, Bagley, James H., Valley Falls R.D. No. 2, Bell, Roscoe E., 78th Fighter Wing, Hamilton
Navy 943, FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Pittstown, N. Y. Air Force Base, Calif.
Albright, Charles A., 15 No. Brockway Ave., Bailes, Ira J., 5832 Woodward, Merriam, Kans. Bellingham, John C., 914th Aircraft Control
Youngstown 9, Ohio Bailey, Howard L., 206 W. North Street, Knox- & Warning Sqd., Armstrong, Ontario, Can. Albus, Leslie P., USA Hq. Pusan Area Cam- ville, Ill. Bender, Fred A., 1st MTB 35th Armor 4th AD,
mand, APO 59, San Francisco, Calif. Bailey, Irwin C., Jr., Mexico, Pa. APO 66, New York, N. Y.
Alcorn, Wallace A., 945 Kalamazoo Ave., Bain, John A., ELM MAAG, APO 63, San Bengtson, Bethel N., P.O. Box 17, Hilmar,
S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Francisco, Calif. Calif.
Alexander, Harry W., Vet. Adm. Hosp., Lex- Baker, G. W., P.O. Box 257, Rockford, Iowa Benner, Herman N., Otis 112-B, Carlisle Barington, Ky. Baker, James B., Box 533, Edgewood, Md. racks, Pa.
Allan, James B., 456 Pine Ridge Road, Pe- Ball, Kenneth B., 417 East Fourth Street, Belle, Bennett, Erwin D., 443 Porter Avenue, Buffalo
tersburg, Va. W. Va. 1, N. Y.
Allen, Carlton C., 588 North Church Street, Bamberg, Robert K., 2nd Armored Cavalry, Bennett, S. B., Com. Nay. Air Pac., Box 1210
Bound Brook, N. J. APO 696, New York, N. Y. NAS, San Diego 25, Calif.
Allender, Byron E., VA Hospital, Livermore, Banks, Edwin B., Combat Command A, 1st Benson, William B., VA Hospital, Gulfport,
Calif. Armd. Division Trains., Fort Hood, Texas Miss.
Alley, J. A., USS Ticonderoga, CVA, 14, FPO, Barber, George R., 1521 Los Angeles Avenue, Bentley, Frank E., 1st Btl. Gp. 7th Cavalry,
San Francisco, Calif. Montebello, Calif. 1st Cavalry Division, APO 24, San FranAllison, William L., The American School, Barclay, David W., Westfield, Wisc. cisco, Calif.
APO 132, New York, N. Y. Bard, James T., 4870 Lindsay Road, Balti. Berg, Milton E., Pirmasius S. Area, APO 189, Almond, George W., Office of the Post Chap- more 29, Md. New York, N. Y.
lain, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. Bare, Paul W., 515 W. Second Avenue, Park- Bergen, Willis, 5217 Augusta Street, Glen Ames, Kenneth L., USA ADGRU Korea, APO ersburg, Pa. Mar Park 16, D. C.
102, San Francisco, Calif. Barish, Louis, 703-A, Fort Hamilton, Brooklyn Berger, Herbert, HQ 13th Air Force, APO 74, Ammerman, Elmer H., Hq. 101st Airborne 9, N. Y. San Francisco, Calif.
Division, Fort Campbell, Ky. Barnard, Lloyd W., 1226 12th Avenue, Mo- Bergquist, Joseph E., First and Mulberry, Amundson, James M., 1017 84th Street, line 12, Ill. Ogden, Iowa
Brooklyn 28, New York Barnes, E. R., Hdqs. Eighth Naval District, Bergquist, Otto Ludwig, 47 Marshal Street, Andersen, Ralph M., Carversville, Pa. U. S. Naval Station, New Orleans 12, La. North Quincy, Mass. Anderson, Alister C., 2nd Recon Squadron, Barnett, Beverly J., Hq. Sq. 837 AB Gp., Berman, Morton M., P.O. Box 323, Jerusalem,
15th Cavalry, 4th Armd. Division, APO P.O. Box 571, Shaw AFB, S. C. Israel
Ane696-3, New York, N. Y 287, Warrendale, Barnett, Ike C., Jr., 507th Communications Bermel, Charles J., Chapel No. 2, Fort MonAnderson, Clarence F., Box 287, Warrendale, Control Group, Shaw Air Force Base, S. C. mouth, N. J. Pa.
Anderson, Frank A., 120 Midland Street, Barney, John A., 1st Cay. Div. Arty., APO 24, Bermingham, Thomas P., 815 N. Lake Street,
Bridgeport 5, Conn. San Francisco, Calif. Aurora, Ill.
Anderson, Robert C., 6209-A, Fort Carson, Barney, William V., 1845 Walbridge St., Red Bernardin, Joseph B., Box 388, Maryville,
Colo. Bluff, Calif. Tenn.
October, 1959 15

Berzinec, George G., 214 Warwick Street, Boyd, Dudley Q., 970 Paseo Del Mar, Son Burgreen, Charles L., Hdqs. 2nd Armd. DiviNewark 5, N. J. Pedro, Calif. sion, Fort Hood, Texas
Bettinger, Edmund G., Chaplains Div. Berlin Boyd, Le Roy, Box 143, V. A. Hospital, Fort Burns, Raymond C., 1000 West Tenth Street,
Command, APO 742, New York, N. Y. Lyon, Colo. Littlefield, Texas
Bidne, Arvid E., 3209 E. 17th Street, Sioux Boyd, William A., Office of the Chaplain, Burrus, L. G., 232 Los Banos Avenue, Walnut
Falls, S. Dak. 5010 A. B. Wg., APO 937, Seattle, Wash. Creek, Calif.
Bienvenu, Clay A., Church Point, La. Braa, Henry T., 4053 13th Avenue So., Minne- Burton, Charles S., 400 W. 57th Street, KanBigart, William D., 13909 Hartwell, Detroit apolis, Minn. sas City 13, Mo.
27, Mich. Bradley, Earl K., Veterans Administration Busby, Hugh C., 622 LS Lauman, Fort Sill, Bingaman, G. C., 131 N. 8th Street, Shamo- Hospital, Marion, Ind. Okla.
kin, Pa. Bradley, W. Roy, 138 Blossom Drive, San Bush, Sargent, 118 Church Street, Little SilBirdsall, John M., Church of St. John The Antonio 9, Texas ver, N. J.
Evangelist, 816 Adams Street, Rapid City, Brady, Lawrence K., Hq. and Hq. Co. 24th In- Butler, Robert W., 51 S. 9th Street, Hamilton,
S. Dak. fantry Div., APO 112, New York, N. Y. III.
Bishop, James H., Thatcher Street, Frankford, Branyan, William H., Post Chapel, Fort Lee, Byrd, Charles E., HQ Bangor Air Defense SecDel. Va. tor, HQ Topsham Air Force Station, Maine Bissler, Thomas I., c/o St. Josephs Rectory, Bratcher, Marion E., 2621 Hillegass, Berkeley Buza, John F., 525 Dover Center Road, Bay
2427 Tuscarawas Street, West, Canton 8, 4, Calif. Village, Ohio
Ohio Bray, Allen F. III, Culver Military Academy, C
Blackler, Carl E., P.O. Box 166, Gladstone, Culver, Ind. Cagle, John F., Hohenfels Station, APO 173,
Ore. Breger, Marcus, 2302 E. 9th, Tucson, Ariz. New York, N. Y.
Blackman, Fremont L., 615th ACWRON, Box Brennan, Thomas A., 57 Parsons Street, Cahill, Raymond P., 4646 Hawthorne Lane,
5, APO 132, New York, N. Y. Brighton 35, Mass. N.W., Washington 16, D. C.
Blade, Robert E., 2328 N. 4th Street, Phila- Brenner, Arthur E. K., Hanscom Field, Mass. Calbert, Wm. E., Hq. 29th Arty. Gp. (AD),
delphia, Pa. Brewer, David L., 522 18th Street, West Palm Travis Air Force Base, Calif.
Blanchard, Henry N., P.O. Box 733, Nokomes, Beach, Fla. Callahan, Elias R., 240 Crescent Ridge Road,
Fla. Brickey, Riley A., TUSLOG Det. 3, APO 324, Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Blitch, Eugene A., 3301st Pilot Training Group, New York, N. Y. Cameron, Bede D., 159 Washington St.,
Moore Air Force Base, Mission, Texas Bristow, Henry C., HQ 13th AF, APO 74, San Brighton, Mass.
Blok, James, 524 Benjamin Avenue, S.E., Francisco, Calif. Camp, Richard Peter, 713 River Road, Fair
Grand Rapids, Mich. Brittain, N. H., 839th AB Group, Sewart AFB, Lawn, N. J.
Blom, John O., HQ 14th Armored Cavalry Tenn. Campbell, Calvin H., Office of the Chaplain,
Regt., APO 26, New York, N. Y. Brock, John D., Chaplains Office Bldg. 1311, 483rd ABGP, APO 75, San Francisco, Calif. Blomstrom, Thomas J., Hqs. 1st Bat Gp., 23rd USNTC, Great Lakes, Ill. Campbell, Harry G., Jr., USAIC Chaplain SecInfantry, APO 949, Seattle, Wash. Brooks, Joseph H., 531 Warrior Trail, Jack- tion, Fort Benning, Ga.
Blouch, Herbert R., 356 Vine Street, Sunbury, son, Miss. Cappell, Samuel S., 400 Fifth Street, Mebane,
Pa. Brooks, Roelif H., 580 Park Avenue, New York N. C.
Blucher, Donald, 71-B Wherry Housing, Ft. 21, N. Y. Card, Solomon A., HQ 65th Engineer BatCampbell, Ky. Brooks, W. E., Jr., Chaplains Department, talion, APO 25, San Francisco, Calif.
Boardman, William A., 3970th Air Base Gp. ADCOM NTC, San Diego, Calif. Carey, John J., 10 Elm St., Middleton, Conn.
(SAC), Box 3913, APO 283, New York, Brosius, George R., U. S. Naval Station, Treas- Carlock, Freddie W., Air Force Academy,
N. Y. ure Island, San Francisco, Calif. Colorado Springs, Colo.
Boernhoeft, Theodore, 117 Spencer Road, Brown, Charles E., Jr., Hqs. Seventh Army, Carlson, Kenneth W., 1st Mar. Brigade, FMF
Basking Ridge, N. J. APO 46, New York, N. Y. PAC, FPO,.San Francisco, Calif.
Bohman, Oscar F., 250 East Ash St., Canton, Brown, Edward G., St. Andrews Episcopal Carpenter, Dr. Alfred, 161 Spring St., N.W.,
III. Church, Morehead City, N. C. Atlanta, Ga.
Bohmfolk, B. H., Box 688, Ingleside, Texas Brown, Frank M., 421 E. Wadsworth Ave., Carpenter, Malcolm A., Naval Receiving StaBohn, Martin J., 6th Msl. Bn. 6th Arty., Fin- Philadelphia 19, Pa. tion, U. S. Naval Base, Philadelphia, Pa.
leyville, Pa. Brown, Herbert S., 12 Walnut Street, Newark, Carruth, Hal D., 165 Wilson Street, Sierra Bollinger, Oran E. A., 1090 Talmage Road, N. J. Madre, Calif
Ukah Cli. ronJ. C. Jr., Norfolk Naval Shipyards, Madre, Calif.
Ukiah, Calif. Brown, J. C. Jr., Norfolk Naval Shipyards, Carruthers, John E. B., 905 Hill Crest Place, Boozer, Jack, Dept. of Bible and Religion, Portsmouth, Va. Pasadena 2, Calif.
Emory University, Atlanta 22, Ga. Brown, Monte B., P.O. Box 174, Kentfield, Carson, Edward G., 2nd MSL Bn. 51st Arty., Borleis, J. H. August, Office of the Post Chap- Calif. 681 Barberry Lane, San Raphael, Calif.
lain, Fort Sam Houston, Texas Brown, Norman R., P.O. Box 113, Fort Leon- Carson, H. Carlyle, 324 Zara Street, PittsBosch, Edmund A., 71 West 23rd Street, New ard Wood, Mo. burgh 10, Pa.
York 10, N. Y. Brown, W. E., Office of the Chaplain, Fort Carson, Raymond P., 1819 Lyndover Road, Bost, Raymond M., 409 Prospect Street, New Leavenworth, Kans. Richmond 22, Va.
Haven 11, Conn. Brown, William J., HQ COMD U. S. Army Carter, Donald F., Office of the Chaplain, Boston, James A., Veterans Administration Elm SHAPE, APO 55, New York, N. Y. U. S. Army Armor Center, Ft. Knox, Ky.
Hospital, Coral Gables, Fla. Brundick, W. T., Woodstock, Va. Carter, Julius C., 104-16 164th Street, JBostrom, E. W., Executive Secy. Armed Serv- Brunk, Richard E., 8 Herbst Road, Corapolis, maicarter, Julius C., 104-16 164th Street, Ja-Y.
ice YMCA, 320 Marion Street, Seattle 4, Pa. maiCarter, N.Thomas M., 410 Elizabeth Street, Wash. Bruns, Bruno, 30-59 31st Street, Long Island Albionrter, Thomas M., 410 Elizabeth Street, Bottemiller, Harold, 834 Nectarine Avenue, City, N. Y. Cartylbion, Richard ., USAIC Chaplains Section,
Sunnyvale, Calif. Bryan, Oscar E., Jr., Office of the Chaplain, CaForty, Richard, USAIC Chaplains Section,
Bottoms, Wilmer R., 2717 King Street, Co- Kirtland Air Force Base, N. M. Casey, Horace C., 502 West Maine Street,
lumbus, Ga. Bryant, Wylie R., USS Valley Forge (CVS 45), Enid, Okla.
Bouchey, Wilfred J. Sacred Heart Rectory, FPO Bu New York, .612 Byeforde Road, Casey, Walter E., Post Chapel, Fort Belvoir,
Lake George, N. Y. Buchwalter, Omar R., 9612 Byeforde Road, Va.
Bousum, Jacob S., 178-40 137th Avenue, BuKensington, s Md., 5115 Avenue F, Austin, Cassaday, Kermit R., USS Thetis Bay (CVHA I)
Springfield Gardens 13, N. Y. TexBuck, Charles M., 5115 Avenue F, Austin, FPO, San Francisco, Calif.
Springfield ~~~~~Texas CsilJs 4Wlim tet adn
Bowen, Glenn T., WAH Hospital, Fort Bragg, Buck, Wesley J., Hdqs. 6143d AB GROUP, Castillo, Jose M., 64 Williams Street, Malden,
N. C. APO 929, San Francisco, Calif. Mass.
Bower, Howard, 13th Field Hospital, U. S. Buckingham, Herbert W.,' Mare Island Ship- Caughey, Frank M., 1321 Unami Avenue,
Army Engineer Section, Fort Belvoir, Va. yard, Vallejo, Calif. Wanamassa Asbury Park, N. J.
Bowling, Herley C., Methodist Commission on Budimlic, George A., Veterans Administration Caughey, Frank M., Jr., Box 215, Boston Post
Chaplains, 100 Maryland Avenue, N.E., Hospital, Brecksville, Ohio Road, Westbrook, Conn.
Washington 2, D. C. Bundrant, John W., 2705 13th Street, N.E., Causey, Calvin G., 7404 Luray Place, WashBoyd, Carl M., 222 So. Downey Avenue, Washington, D. C. ington 28, D. C.
Indianapolis, Ind. Burant, Felix F., 101 East 7th Street, New Cernohlavek, James Wesley, 5757 So. UniBoyd, Cauthion T., HQ 4th MSL. Bn., 3rd Arty., York 3, N. Y. versity Avenue, Chicago 37, III.
26400 West II Mile Road, Birmingham, Burcham, Hugh David, 638 Haddon Road, Chabot, Rene Henri, La Salette Seminary,
Mich. Oakland 10, Calif. Attleboro, Mass.
16 The Military Chaplain

Chace, Henry E., 5004 Morgan Avenue, South, Cooper, George H., 219 West Evergreen
Minneapolis 19, Minn. Street, Wheaton, Ill. REACH OF EVERY Challman, Merrill O., Hqs. 1st Bn. 2d Army Cooper, R. A., HQ Special Troops, Fort Bliss,
Cavalry Regt., APO 114, New York, N. Y. Texas 6ROWIN HURCH! Chandler, Chester E., Winfield, Iowa Cooper, William David, U. S. Naval Station, Chapdelaine, A. J., HQ 7th Corps, Chaplain Annapolis, Md. Magnificent New
Section, APO 107, New York, N. Y. Cooper, W. L., 111 Jeannete Drive, San AnChapman, Morris B., 1031 Arlington Ave., N., tonio 12, Texas
St. Petersburg, Fla. Corbin, John C., 36 Watchung Avenue, Upper A m e r c a n a Chase, Richard Hunt, 40 Hampshire Road, Montclair, N. J.
Wellesley Hills 82, Mass. Cordill, Tunis S., Staff Chaplain Tenth Air
Chase, William J., 952 Fifth Avenue, New Force, Selfridge Air Force Base, Mich. B e lls
York 21, N. Y. Corpening, Albert N., 1900 West Greenleaf
Cheatham, Richard B., Hq. Sixth Army, Chap- Avenue, Chicago 26, III. by Schulmerich*
lains Section, Presidio of San Francisco, Courage, Maxwell B., 96th AAA Bn, APO 949,
Calif. Seattle, Wash. Today, more than ever, Chilton, Claude L., Hqs 30th Air Division Covington, Daniel A., HQ 2nd BG 12th Cay- pastors recognize the vital
(SAGE), Truaxfield, Madison 7, Wis. airy, 1st Cavalry Division, APO 24, San
Chomsky, Samuel W., 456 N. Bowling Green Francisco, Calif. role bells play in helping
Way, Los Angeles 49, Calif. Covington, Ross L., 198 West 1st North, Logan, a church to grow-to Cirami, Anthony A., Our Lady of Pompel Utah reach out and attract new
Church, 95 Palisade Street, Dobbs Ferry, Cowles, Sidney W., 30 Gibbon Avenue, PetersN. Y. burg, Va. members. So here's good Clark, David N., Beulah Beach, Ohio Cox, Billy H., U. S. Army Training Center, news! Schulmerich now Clark, Earl B., 14352 Texaco Avenue, Para- Fort Chaffee, Ark. makes it inexpensive and
mount, Calif. Cox, Roy H., 110 North Caldwell Avenue,
Clark, John A., 216 Grant Avenue, Cliffside Eagle Grove, Iowa practical for your church
Park, N. J. Craig, John G., 725 North Linn Street, Iowa ...regardless of size... Clark, William L., Air Force Chaplains Board, City, Iowa to have the unbelievably
Office of Secretary of Defense, Washington Crandall, Frank B., 29 Winter Island Road, beautifulAMERICANA
25, D. C. Salem, Mass.
Clarke, Robert H., 30 Beal Place, Scituate, Cranford, James H., Hqrs., Fifth Army, 1660 Bells...the greatest
Mass. East Hyde Park Boulevard, Chicago 15, III. advance in carillon music Clay, William A. L., 5434 Girard Avenue, Craven, John H., Office of the Chaplain, U. S. since the bell itself
Philadelphia 31, Pa. Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, Va. since the bell itself!
Claypool, James V., 283 Maple Street, New Creamer, Boyce H., Chaplain Section, Fort Richer! More inspiring!
Bedford, Mass. Eustis, Va. An ideal donor's gift. Cleaves, Richard D., USS Franklin D. Roose- Crew, William R., 2603 McCarey Street, Any make carillon accepted
velt, FPO, New York, N. Y. Chester, Pennsylvania
Cleland, Gail, 924 Cragmont Avenue, Berkeley Cronin, R. S., 1076 W. Roosevelt Road, Chi- in trade. Ask for thrilling
8, Calif. cago 8, III. free demonstration. Clemens, Cleetis C., Sharpe General Depot, Cropp, Frederick W., Jr., San Marina CamLathrop, Calif. munity Church, 1750 Virginia Road, San S C H U L E RI C H Clements, Albert J., Box 153, Sidney, Iowa Marino, Calif. Clifford, William J., NAS Glynco, Brunswick, Crossett, Jesse H., 221 Rivercliff Apartment, CARILLO N S, INC.
Ga. Little Rock, Ark. 17109 CARILLON HILL SELLERSVILLE, PA. Cochran, Joseph W., Anna Maria, Fla. Crouch, Alfred C., 2820 E. 76th Street, Chi- produced lS rc lo Inc. Coddington, David L., 912 South 16th Street, cago 49, Ill. Tradenark of Bell Insrments produced by Stbulmorich Carillons, 1nM
Newark, N. J. Crownson, James C., 613 S. Mariposa, Los Cohen, Donald N., Office of the Jewish Chap- Angeles, Calif.
lain, Fort Huachuca, Ariz. Crummev, D. Clifford, Grace Methodist
Cole, Howard T., HQ 4th Missile Bn (NIKE Church, 1625 No. Lincoln Street, Stockton world's most
HERC), 65th Arty., Van Nuys, Calif. 4, Calif. orlds most
Coleman, James V., Hqs., 77th Special Forces Crumpton, Sidney R., Post Chaplains Office, honored
Gr Airborne, Fort Bragg, N. C. Fort Belvoir, Va. name in Coleman, Victor S., Hq. 1st BT GP 11th In- Cullom, Peter E., 1930 K Street, N.W., Washfantry, Ft. Benning, Ga. ington, D. C. Carillons, Collins, Dean S., 164 North Euclid Street, Cummins. George W., 411 Wimbledon Road, Bells,
Pasadena 1, Calif. N.E., Atlanta 9, Ga.
Collins, William E., 160 North End Boulevard, Cunningham, Roland, Ha. and Hq. Co. 2nd Chimes
Salisbury, Mass. B/G 4th Cavalry, APO 24, San Francisco, Colson, James T., 3920th ABGP SAC, APO 147, Calif.
New York, N. Y. Curd, John T., Post Chapel, Fort Huachuca, Colwell, Hollis J., 1035 Chatauqua Boulevard, Ariz.
Pacific Palisades, Calif. Curnutt. Elton E., HQS 1st MTB, 67th Armor Combs, Richard L., 611 E. 37th Street, Min- 2nd AD, Fort Hood, Texas
neapolis, Minn. Current, Robert W., Frostburg, Md.
Compton, Earl D., Headquarters V Corps, Curry, Matthew A., 8021 Kirbyhaigh Circle,
Office of the Chaplain, APO 79, New York, Norfolk 3, Va.
N. Y. Curtis, Ralph A., Naval Air Station N #14, Conerty, Thomas I., St. Anne's Church, Brent- FPO, San Francisco, Calif.
wood, N. Y. Curtis, Theodore E., 1670 Oxford Street, Connelly, George R., O. M. S. 968, Laredo Berkeley, Calif.
AFB, Laredo, Texas Cuthriell, W. F., Staff Headquarters 4th ND, Connelly, John K., Hqs., Fifth U. S. Army U. S. Naval Base, Philadelphia 12, Pa.
Chicago 15, III. Cutton, George L., First Baptist Church, Cooke, Don A., 2118 6th Avenue, W., Braden- Youngstown 3, Ohio
ton, Fla. D
Cooke, Raymond W., Shady Side, Md. Dahlquist, Arnold J., 113 Alden Street, CranCookson, Rodman M., 507 South Missouri, ford, N. J.
Roswell, N. Mex. Daib, W. C., 42-21 74th Street, Elmhurst 73, Cooley, William E., 5939 S. McGinnis Circle, N. Y.
Norfolk 2, Va. Daley, Thomas F., Central Catholic Chapel, Coombs, Robert F., St. Josephs Rectory, Sani- Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
taria Springs, N. Y. (Continued on page 20)
October, 1959 17

I' ; i; 'i,..... ..... .
Executive Committee members meet in the living room. Reading from left to right: Chaplains Mrs. M. D. Willis (left), Mrs. W. A. Green (right) in the front office.
E. J. Kroencke, C. L. Glenn, P. J. Ryan, A. J. Kolatch, H. A. McKnight, E. L. R. Elson and G. F. Rixey.
Headquarters Building., and Hospitality House
. . . .. .. . ........ ...... .

Dalin, William Z., 1563 24th Avenue, San Dougherty, A. Edward, 302 Lakeview Avenue, Elsam, Harold G., 6219 Hampton Drive, North,
Francisco, Calif. Milford, Del. St. Petersburg 10, Fla.
Dana, Joe, 618 Morgan Street, Carlinville, Ill. Doyle, James J., 194 East 33rd Street, Pater- Ely, W. B., 2217 Madison Street, Chester, Pa. Daniels, John F., Apt. A-295, 3881 Porter son, N. J. English, Michael I., Loyola Academy, 1100 N.
Street, N.W., Washington 16, D. C. Drake, Dayton D., Chaplain Section HQ Laramie Ave., Wilmette, Ill.
Danner, Rev. Bernard L., Falkensteiner Strasse USAREUR, APO 403, New York, N. Y. Engstrom, Floyd H., Apt. 14A, Barton Road,
61, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Drew, Monroe, 202 Columbia Avenue, Tren- Manor Heights, Port Deposit, Md.
Darkowski, Leon S., U. S. Naval Post Grad- ton, N. J. Ensrud, Joseph O., c/o F. W. Sigmund, 982
uate School, Monterey, Calif. Dreyfus, Alfred S., 2920 Avenue 01/2, Gal- Duke Drive, Alexandria, Va.
Daugherty, Simpson B., 43 North Keesey veston, Texas Erickson, Paul F., VA Hospital, Ft. Lyon, Colo.
Street, York, Pa. Driscoll, Roland D., 920 W. Belden Avenue, Ernstmeyer, M. S., USS Des Moines CA 134, Davidson, Norman L., Box 587, Quincy, Fla. Chicago 14, Ill. FPO, New York, N. Y. Davidson, Ole K., Stanwood, Wash. Drury, Clifford M., 25 Via Hermosa Green- Eskin, Herbert S., 19339 Lauder Avenue, DeDavis, Donald G., 170 South Virgil Avenue, brae, San Rafael, Calif. troit 35, Mich.
Los Angeles 4, Calif. Dryden, Dean W., First Methodist Church, Esser, Gilbert F., Regina Heights, Dayton 16, Davis, Herman F., Box 392, Fair Bluff, N. C. Box 515, Coldwater, Kan. Ohio Davis, James M., Director International Center, Dryer, Richard E., Palace of Justice, APO 245, Essrog, Seymour L., 694 Montgomery Street,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. New York, N. Y. Brooklyn 13, N. Y.
Davis, James W., 6313th Air Base Wing, DuBrau, Richard T., California Concordia Col- Estersohn, Nathan, 745 North Laurel, Los
APO 239, San Francisco, Calif. lege, Oakland 5, Calif. Angeles 46, Calif.
Davis, Jay M., Hdqs. 86th Engr. Bn., Camp Duehren, Joseph A., St. Mary's Church, 12th Estes, Arthur J., Office of the Division ChapWaolters, Texas and Jefferson, Carlyle, Ill. lain, Hqs., 101st Airborne Division, Fort Davis, Jefferson E., 408th Fighter Group (AD), Duffy, Francis R., Sociology Department, Du- Campbell, Ky.
Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, Ore. quesne University, Pittsburgh 19, Pa. Eure, Otho A., 7062 Blue Lake Drive, Tucson, Davis, Joe A., Staff COMPHIBRON 4, FPO, Duffy, John J., COMSERURON-2, FPO, New Ariz.
New York, N. Y. York, N. Y. Evans, Albert L., 1639 Hough Street, Fort Davis, Willard G., Staff Chaplains Office, 14th Duggan, John P., Hq. 30th Air Div. (SAGE), Myers, Florida
Air Force, Robins Air Force Base, Ga. Truax Air Force Base, Wis. Evans, Ferdinand A., U. S. A. Europe (7890Day, Clayton E., 312-3 3rd Street, Fort Leaven- Duhl, Arthur L., Hq. Seine Area Command, 04), APO 403, New York, N. Y.
worth, Kan. U. S. Army Communications Zone, APO 163, Evans, Garrett H., 302 12th Ave., Huntington, Day, Howard C., 729 Gonzales Drive, San New York, N. Y. W. Va.
Francisco 27, Calif. Dumas, John, 68068 Main Street, Richmond, Evans, John T., Jr., Office of the Chaplain, Dayton, Merritt W., 69C Sicily Drive, Fort Mich. McGuire Air Force Base, N. J.
Bragg, N. C. Dunford, James E., St. Cecilia Rectory, Estey Ewell, Cecil D., 9059 S. Damen, Chicago 20, Dean, Gerald C., USA Garrison (4006) Ft. Street, Ashland, Mass. Ill.
Sam Houston, Texas Dungee, John R., 439 W. Rock Spring Street, F
Decker, Silas E., The Staff Chaplain, Hq. Henderson, N. C. Fabian, Anton S., Hardin, Ill.
USARCARIB, APO 834, New Orleans, La. Dunn, Edward J., 3rd Service Bn., 3rd Marine FahI, James C., 112 Forest Avenue, Rockville, Deese, Frank E., 2411 Benjamin Parkway, Division, FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Md.
Greensboro, N. C. Dunn, Eldon K., Box 1544, Lackland Air Fahringer, F. H., 1792 Creek Drive, San Jose Deffner, Edward G., VA Hospital, Madison, Force Base, Texas 25, Calif.
Wis. Dunn, John A., Office of the Chaplain, Head- Farness, Ray H., 3149 Waverly Street, Palo Degi, Joseph, Jr., 41st Signal Battalion, Fort quarters, Fort Devens, Mass. Alto, Calif.
Ord, Calif. Dunne, Joseph A., St. Stephens Church, 142 Faye, Edwin, Southern High School, Warren Deibert, Ralph C., Mounted Route, Willowdale East 29th Street, New York 16, N. Y. Avenue and Williams Street, Baltimore 30,
Road, Kennett Square, Pa. Dutcher, Henry G., Post Chaplains Office, Md.
Deinstadt, Leslie G., 2875 Pine Drive, Chey- Fort Riley, Kan. Feather, Raymond O., Box 22000, Fort Worth,
enne, Wya. Dwyer, James G., St. Pauls, Hamler, Ohio Texas
Dekker, Harold, 1139 Prince Street, S.E., Dymmel, Elmer J., 604 1st Air Base Group, Fenstermacher, Harry F., U. S. Naval Hospital,
Grand Rapids 7, Mich. APO 994, San Francisco, Calif. Camp Lejeune, N. C.
deLattre, Elie E., 1411 Jessup Avenue, New E Fenton, Bernard J., Apt. 619, Dominion Plaza,
York 52, N. Y. Eanes, Edward W., Chaplains Division, Fort 1200 South Courthouse Road, Arlington, DeMars, Edward J., 5930 Woodward Avenue, Eustis, Va. Va.
Detroit 2, Mich. Early, Tracy, Hq. 1 GM Brigade, Fort Bliss, Ferguson, Warren E., 319 Azalea Way, VacaDemsher, Ferdinand B., U. S. Army Garrison Texas ville, Calif.
-Garmisch SACOM, APO 172, New York, Eberhardt, Charles R., Little Hills, Monkton, Ferreri, Peter J., Sub Base 128, FPO, San
N. Y. Md. Francisco, Calif.
Dennis, Arthur W., USS Oriskany (CVA 34), Edel, Dr. William W., 7 Neapolitan Lane, Ferris, James S., Chaplain's Office NAS, Navy
FPO, San Francisco, Calif. West, Naples, Long Beach, Calif. #14, FPO, San Francisco, Calif.
Detwiler, Garrett, 285 Roseville Avenue, Edens, Allen C., 2nd Battle Group 8th Inf., Fiedorczyk, Alphonse J. V., Hqs. Sixth U. S.
Newark, N. J. Fort Riley, Kan. Army, Presidio of San Francisco, Calif.
DeVoto, W. J., U. S. A. Garrison 3160, Fort Edge, Herbert S., Tripler Army Hospital, APO Fierman, Morton C., Temple Beth Sholem, 200
Campbell, Ky. 438, San Francisco, Calif. East Eighth Street, Santa Ana, Calif.
DiBenedetto, Austin N., 2205 S. 13th Avenue, Edwards, H. Scudder, 4 East 89th Street, New Fine, Alvin I., Congregation Emanu-EI, ArguelBroadview, Ill. York 28, N. Y. Io Blvd. and Lake Street, San Francisco, Dickey, Charles L., Box 901, Denton, Texas Edwards, James B., VA Hospital, 130 West 18, Calif. Diener, John E., Office of the Chaplain, U. S. Kingsbridge Rd., New York 68, N. Y. Finke, John P., 3130 AB Wing, APO 10, New
Army Garrison, Fort Stewart, Ga. Edwards, Norman E., 408 O'Keefe Street, York, N. Y.
Dillenburg, Walter J., 1414 West 5th Street, Menlo Park, Calif. Finley, Everett F., Our Lady of the Valley
Marshfield, Wis. Edwards, Norman O., 237 St. Nicholas Av- Church, Ysleta, Texas
Dodson, Furlon G., General Delivery, Morenci, enue, Brooklyn 37, N. Y. Finnegan, Arthur M., Headquarters USAREUR,
Ariz. Eggert, Edward F., 316 Lambeth Lane, St. APO 403, New York, N. Y.
Dolan, Francis J., USA Garrison, Fort McPher- Louis 23, Mo. Finnegan, G. J., St. Johns Church, Beach,
son, Ga. Eggleston, Herbert J., Kahulu Maui, Hawaii N. Dak.
Donaghy, William R. S., 304 Fontaine Street, Eichhorn, David M., 85-14 66th Avenue, Rego Fish, James T., 4563 Gardena Drive, Riverside,
Alexandria, Va. Park 74, L. I., N. Y. Calif.
Donahue, Edward T., 734 Hawthorne, Kansas Ellett, Lertis R., 4111 W. 147th Street, Lawn- Fisher, Jacob A. S., Box 144, U. S. Naval Com.
City 22, Mo. dale, Calif. Station, Navy 926, FPO, San Francisco, Donald, Samuel E., Nolensville, Tenn. Ellingson, Richard H., 413 North 2nd Avenue, Calif. Donahue, Thomas E., 7101 Brownsboro Road, Clear Lake, Iowa Fitzgerald, William R., Office of the Chief of
Louisville 7, Ky. Elliott, Calvin H., Chaplains Office-Bldg. 117, Chaplains, Department of the Army, WashDonovan, Harold F., Hdq 2nd U. S. Army, U. S. Naval Station, Newport, R. 1. ington 25, D. C.
Fort George G. Meade, Md. Ellis, Ivan, 836 So. Elm Street, Siloam Springs, Fitzpatrick, Francis J., USS Forrestal CVA 59, Dooley, Howard P., 1516 So. 58th Street, Ark. FPO, New York, N. Y.
Omaha, Nebr. Elmore, Harold T., Hq. 503d Military Police Fitzpatrick, Patrick, Lebanon Veterans HosDoty, Lloyd A., 1607 4th St., Marysville, Wash. Bn., Fort Bragg, N. C. pital, Lebanon, Pa.
20 The Military Chaplain

Fleming, Binion G., 385th MP BN, APO 154, Gatlin, H. G., 8625 Irvington Avenue, Be- Gilmer, Max, Hq. 7th Army, Chaplain Section,
New York, N. Y. thesda 14, Md. APO 46, New York, N. Y.
Fleming, Clyde A., 2347 ARFC, Long Beach Geary, Joseph M., District Chaplains Office, Giuliano, Annielilio H., 538th Engineer BatAir Force Base, Long Beach, Calif. 14th Naval District, Navy 128, FPO, San talion, Fort Knox, Ky.
Floyd, Emmett O., 1496 N. Amanda Circle, Francisco, Calif. Glaize, Charles H., HQ 6487th Sup Sq., APO
N.E., Atlanta 6, Ga. Gebauer, Paul, P.O. Box 1, BAMENDA, South- 915, San Francisco, Calif.
Fogleman, Charles W., Box 82, McNeese Col- ern Cameroons, West Africa Glenn, R. W., 12 Mill Road, Glen Head, L. I.,
lege, Lake Charles, La. Gehring, Frederic P., Our Lady of Lourdes N. Y.
Folensbee, Bradley J., 21 Lyon Avenue, Al- Rectory, 3412 Denison Road, Baltimore 15, Glynn, Francis J., 221 W. 107th Street, New
bany 4, N. Y. Md. York 25, N. Y.
Foley, Francis J., 414 State Street, Traverse George, J. L., 3535th NAVTRAWG, Mother Godfrey, George D., 151 St. Andrews F. W.,
City, Mich. AFB, Sacramento, Calif. Biloxi, Miss.
Foley, Louis A., 97 Sig Bn (Opn), APO 46, Gerber, Joseph I., 3300 N. Twelve Oaks Goe, W. Charles, 118 Wyman Street, S.E.,
New York, N. Y. Drive, Peoria, III. Altanta 17, Ga.
Folkers, Norman G., Hqs 4060th Air Base Gerecke, Henry F., 1056 George Street, Goebel, Luther C., 326th Fighter Group AD,
Group, Dow Air Force Base, Bangor, Maine Chester, Ill. Paine Air Force Base, Wash.
Ford, Francis J., 3215 Army Street, San Fran- Gerhart, J. L., 818 Laurent Street, Santa Goewey, James H.,9330 TU Redstone Arsenal,
cisco 10, Calif. Cruz, Calif. Huntsville, Ala.
Ford, Martin M., Harmony, Minn. Gerkan, Walter C., P.O. Box 53, 1003 W. Gaff, Ralph A., 2nd ABN. Battle Group, 503rd Forni, Alfred R., 247 North Street, New Bed- University Drive, Rochester, Mich. Inf. 82nd ABN. Div., Fort Bragg, N. C.
ford, Mass. Gilbert, Bertram C., 87th Engr. Battalion Goldie, William V. V., 2914 Monroe Street, Forsberg, Paul O., 41st Arty. Group, Fort (Const.), Fort Belvoir, Va. Columbia, S. C.
Sill, Okla. Gillaspie, Roy E., P.O. Box 545, Bellflower, Goldman, Meyer J., Box 93, West Brentwood, Forsyth, Charles L., 904 14th Street, Boulder, Calif. N. Y.
Foss, Carl L., 2111 North 46th Street, Seattle
3, Wash.
Foss, Henry A., Box 10738, Mail Room No. 7,
Chanute Air Force Base, Ill.
Fox, Lee V., 2nd Artillery, APO 165, New
York, N. Y.
Fracosso, Anthony M., c/o Mrs. Anthony M.
Fracasso, 91 Carlisle Street, New Haven,
Frain, Joseph E. X., U. S. A. Disc. Barracks
5025, Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
Francis, John C., St. Cornelius Chapel, Gov- f an a
ernors Island, New York 4, N. Y.
Francoeur, J. A., 666 Thompson Street, Watertown, N. Y. s.
Franklin, John Shade, 81 Kensington Road,
Bronxville 8, N. Y. ______Fraser, Harry C., 1032 Wiladonda Drive, La .
Canada, Calif. L Fredine, Allan R., 333 So. Glebe Road, Ar-
lington, Va. -Freedlund, Carl 0., 8008 S. Jeffery Boulevard,
Chicago 17, III. /Freehof, Solomon B., Ruskin Apartments,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Freund, Hirsch L. E., 408 First Avenue, New i
York 10, N. Y. Fristoe, Kenneth W., Ist Logistical Command,
Fort Bragg, N. C.
Froiland, S. Philip, 610 Mansfield Street,
Chippewa Falls, Wis. Standard Graded Lessons are delightFrothingham, Richard, 603 West 111th Street, fully new (two years now ready-third
Apt. 3W, New York 25, N. Y.
Frye, Leo W., Office of the Chief of Chaplains, year to come October 1960), more inDepartment of the Army, Washington 25, teresting, helpful, understandable. And
D. C. most important ... all are true-to-the- r--------- ------Fulfer, George W., 212 Wonsan Drive, Ocean- Bible! Mail coupon for complete in- I MC-10
side, Calif. formation. New lessons in four age USE THIS COUPON Furlong, Bishop Philip J., 65 East 89th Street,
New York 28, N. Y. levels: Preschool, Primary, Junior, Jun- I STANDARD PUBLISHING, Cincinnati 31, Ohio
G ior -ligh; each with take-home paper. Please send FREE brochure on Standard Graded Gaertner, John F., U. S. Army Chaplain Board, For each study, a teachers' quarterly, I Lessons and samples of Take-home Story Papers
Fort George G. Meade, Md. classroom visual aids teaching packet, I A;n Interested in Graded Lessons for Garabedian, William E., 186 Commonwealth
Avenue, Boston,l Mass. and pupils' activity material are pro- I ] Nursery O Junior Dept.
Gardner, Marvin 0., P.O. Box 6, Hamilton vided. Junior course is a three-year I EJ Preschool Dept. ] Junior High Dept.
Air Force Base, Calif. through-the-Bible study, and features I] Primary Dept. [] Advanced Youth Garman, W. O. H., 1919 Beech Street, Wilkins- memory works projects for the pupil. Interested in Take-home Story Papers checked:
burg, Pa. ] Four and Five E] Sunday Storytime Garner, Calvin H., Hq. 13th Cavalry, Fort NEW TAKE-HOME STORY PAPERS I Junior Life O Straight
Polk, La. Additional Bible teachings to carry I
Garner, Kenneth A., 7004 Cherry Street, Ta- home each week. Papers in full color. I Name-------------......................------....----------------coma 99, Wash. Four and Five . For preschoolers; Bible Address...............-------------------------Garrell, Hugh, HQ 41st Engineers, 2nd Inf. art, stories; things to do. GarDiv., Fort Benning, Ga.0 Big Basin Way, Sunday Storytime . Simple; large type; City----------.................--------- State--------------................
Garrity, Joseph F., 14660 Big Basin Way, frpiay
Saratoga, Calif. for primary.
Gast, William L., 470 Carl Street, Platteville, Junior Life ... Full of stories and activities Position in church---------------------.................................------Wis. that fascinate and teach. Name of church .................................----Gatlin, G. Weldon, 417 North Scoville, Oak Straight... For teenagers; their language;
Park, Ill. challenging; pocket size. Average Sunday-school attendance-------------..................
October, 1959 21

beautify your order of service and announcements with
This convenient and inexpensive service affords visual references for all
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folder for every Sunday of the year.
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CHURCH WORLD PRESS, INC., 2969 West 25th St., Cleveland 13, Ohio
serving working churches and chaplains for over 35 years
Goldring, Norman C., Lake Avenue at Stutson Griffin, James G., 2852 Air Base Wing (AMC), Halverson, Morris R., 101 Bay Ridge Parkway, Street, Rochester 12, N. Y. McClellan Air Force Base, Calif. Brooklyn 9, N. Y. Goldthwaite, George C., 1546 Broadway, Griffin, Johnson L., 2431 Young Drive, Au- Hamel, Henri A., 1002nd Inspector General Boulder, Colo. gusta, Ga. GP, Norton AFB, Calif. Golisch, Clarence F., Route 6, 637 Milford Griffin, Robert F., Holy Angels Church, West- Hammer, E. W., Veterans Administration, Street, Watertown, Wis. ville, N. H. Northport, L. I., N. Y. Gomke, Edwin, 618 Orchid Avenue, Corona Grotefend, O. G., 7405 12th Street, N.W., Hammond, John A., 6025 Margerido Drive, Del Mar, Calif. Washington 12, D. C. Oakland 18, Calif. Goodley, George W., Newport Methodist Gruss, Gilbert H., 78 Harrison Street, Cold- Hampe, Philip R., 5040 AC & W. Gp., APO Church, 117 E. Market Street, Wilmington water, Mich. 942, Seattle, Wash. 4, Del. Gudmunsen, Orin S., 698 Lookout Avenue, Hanks, Francis A., Office of the Chaplain, Gordon, Harold H., New York Board of Rab- Prineville, Ore. 823rd Combat Support Group, Homestead
bis, 10 East 73rd Street, New York 21, N.Y. Guild, Milo A., Frankfurt Central Chapel, Hq. AFB, Fla.
Gosser, Franklin T., USA Ch Bd (8791), Ft. Frankfurt Subarea, APO 757, New York, Hanley, Frederick V., 36 Sanborn Street,
George G. Meade, Md. N. Y. Reading, Mass.
Gough, Joseph F., VA Hospital, Brockton, Guin, Howell G., 3700 Military Wing, Lack- Hannan, James E., 55 E. Haverhill Street,
Mass. land Air Force Base, Texas Lawrence, Mass.
Grady, Richard F., 4 Ridge Row, Scranton 3, Gunhus, Harms J., USAG SAG, Oberam- Hannemann, Eugene E., Hq. 354 AB Gp. Box
Pa. mergau Station, APO 172, New York, N. Y. 27, Myrtle Beach Air Force Base, S. C. Graf, John F., Staff Chaplains Office, HQ 15th Gunst, George A., 517 North Tyler Avenue, Hannum, William J., 101 Cherry, Bluffton,
AF, March AFB, Calif. El Monte, Calif. Ohio
Graham, Richard, Deputy Staff Chaplain, H Hannusch, William K., Lahoma, Okla.
Ninth Air Force, Shaw Air Force Base, S. C. Haas, C. J. C., 909 Walker Avenue, Memphis Hanrahan, P. F., 697 Central Avenue, PawGrattarola, Alex J., VA Hospital, San Fer- 6, Tenn. tucket, R. I.
nando, Calif. Hackley, Virgil V., 426 Buck Street, Whites- Hanson, Hjalmar F., Dinamarca 54, Apt. 102, Grau, William C., 206 Ridge Road, Lacka- town, Ind. Mexico 6, D. F.
wanna, N. Y. Hafner, Theodore P., 16 Clara Street, Dover, Harbert, Jason T., 501 Grace Street, SevierGraves, Ned R., Division Chaplain, HQTRS Del. ville, Tenn.
7th Infantry Division, APO 7, San Fran- Hahn, Hubert C., Box 53, Walnut, Kan. Hardegree, Wm. P., 607 N. Wood Street,
cisco, Calif. Hale, Wallace M., Stu. Det. USAWC, Carlisle Gladewater, Texas
Gray, Charles E., 602 West Dean Avenue, Barracks, Pa. Harden, Jesse D., 251 Del Mar Avenue, San
Killeen, Texas Hall, Edwin F., Hdqs. 35th Artillery Group, Clemente, Calif.
Green, Philip L., 340th Air Base Squadron, APO 281, New York, N. Y. Hardin, Harvey M., Main Chapel, Aberdeen
Whitman Air Force Base, Mo. Hall, Hernando M., 615 Avenue C, Fort Dodge, Proving Grounds, Aberdeen, Md.
Greene, Barry H., Division Chaplains Office, Iowa Harding, Richard M., 4th Armd. Division,
First Marine Division FMF, Camp Pendleton, Hall, John, 608 Superior Avenue, Decatur, Ga. Zirndorf, Germany, APO 696, New York,
Calif. Hall, Percy G., 550 Mendocino Rd., Santa N. Y.
Gribbon, James F., 2500th Air Base Gp., Rosa, Calif. Harkin, Edward James, Leon, Iowa
Mitchel Air Force Base, Hempstead, N. Y. Hally, Michael A., 465 S. Franklin Street, Harley, James L., Georgetown University, Griffes, James S., Hqs. Vint Hill Farms Sta- Wilkes Barre, Pa. Washington 7, D. C.
tion, Warrenton, Va. Halsell, Aubrey C., 398 North Highland, Harmon, Lloyd V., 2610 North 48th Terrace, Griffin, Frank W., March Air Force Base, Calif. Memphis, Tenn. Kansas City, Kan.
22 The Military Chaplain

Harms, Erhard H., Hdqs 1st Battle Group, 15th Hiebert, Samuel L., Post Chaplain, Fort Bragg,
Infantry 3d Inf. Div., APO 139, New York, N. C.
N. Y. Higgins, Clarence J., 409 W. Clark St., Cham- M essen g er Haroldson, George E., U. S. Naval Hospital, paign, Ill.
Great Lakes, 111. Higgins, Daniel G., 37 West Main St., CrisHarrell, Ralph E., 1st Battle Group, 29th Inf., field, Md.
Fort Benning, Ga. Higgins, William J., 4th Missile Bn., Fort Harriman, Robert B., 140 West Florida Avenue, Hancock, N. J.
Youngstown, Ohio Hill, James D., McGormick Theological SemiHarris, Thomas A., U. S. Army Chaplain nary, 2330 N. Halstead Street, Chicago 14,
School, Ft. Slocum, N. Y. Ill.
Harrison, Ira A., 1116 Lloyd Drive, Oklahoma Hill, Lester L., Gridley, Ill.
City 10, Okla. Himes, John R., Nurnberg 20th Station HosHart, Oliver J., 202 W. Rittenhouse Square, pital, APO 696, New York, N. Y. FOR ALL DENOMINATIONS
Philadelphia 3, Pa. Hinderer, George M., USS Tanner, FPO, New FOR ALL DENOMINATIONS
Harter, Richard L., Winter VA Hospital, To- York, N. Y. These beautiful inspirational religious
peka, Kan. Hindman, Lloyd S., Presbyterian Mission, APO calendars are welcomed everywhere. Hartman, Kenneth E., 5040th ACW GP, APO 301, San Francisco, Calif. Authentic, suitable, editions for Pro942, Seattle, Wash. Hirshberg, Maurice A., Camp Horseshoe, testant, Catholic and Jewish. Each Haselkorn, Abraham, 41 Young Drive, Salinas, Minong, Wis. edition compiled
Calif. Hixson, George S., 1017 North 25th Street, by a prominent Hataway, Harry R., Post Chapel, U. S. Army Kansas City, Kan. leader in each
Garrison, APO 958, San Francisco, Calif. Hochstedler, Richard M., 1 Corps Artillery, group. Hatch, Roscoe C., Port O Call, Park Place, APO 358, San Francisco, Calif.
Hyde Park on Hudson, N. Y. Hockman, J. D., P.O. Box 61, Blue Ridge Messenger Calendars Haverfield, Ross M., 212 Bloomingdale Av- Summit, Pa. made at Auburn, Indiana, are first and
enue, Wayne, Pa. Hodge, Ray K., Route 7, Raleigh, N. C. foremost with a 45 Hawley, Quinn L., 419 N. Platten St., Green Hodgens, Hubert W., Veterans Administration, year record of fine,
Bay, Wis. Los Angeles 25, Calif. outstanding reproHay, Kenneth M., 542 Peavey Road, Dallas Hodgkins, La Forest E., 135 Main Street, ductions. Large size
18, Texas Terryville, Conn. 93/8 x 16,-13 full Hayes, Andrew F., 217 East McKinley Street, Hoffman, Peter J., 201 Park Street, Detroit color religious pir-ati PomnaCalf.tures, inspirational Pomona, Calif. Lakes, Minn. daily Bible Verses Hayes, H. H., Naval Shipyard, Boston, Mass. Hoffman, R. P., Jr., 70th Eng. Bn., Fort and many other feaHayes, James F., Chapel No. 2, Fort Mon- Campbell, Ky. tures.
mouth, N. J. Hoffman, William H., NTC, Great Lakes, Ill.
Hayes, Quentin O., HQ 7th AAA Group, APO Hoffmeyer, William T., USA Garrison, Sandia Popular and
23, New York, N. Y. Base, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Uplifting Hayman, Victor C., 1035 Weber Street, Po- Hogevoll, Wilbur S., First Christian Church, Successfully used by
mona, Calif. Hagerstown, Md. Successfully used y
Hayward, Richard B., Office of the Wing Holliday, Joseph V., Jr., Queenstown, Md. Chaplains for many yer :People reChaplain, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas Holliday, R. R., Rt. 1, Waupaca, Wis. spond naturally to Heard, Dow H., 1917 Carroll Drive, Apt. 2, Hollis, William F., Jr., Force Chaplains Office, their beauty and inHouston 25, Texas Commander Destroyer Force, U. S. Atlantic spiration. Ideal for Hearn, William M., USS Bushnell (AS 15), Fleet, Newport, R.I. gifts or fund raising
FPO, New York, N. Y. Holt, Maurice R., Office of the Staff Chaplain, projects. Heath, Robert, NAS Rota, Spain, Navy No. HQ USAFE, APO 633, New York, N. Y.
537, FPO, New York, N. Y. Holtrop, Elton J., 5139 Maple Ridge Drive, Prices: Single copy, Heflin, Rankin W., Post Chapel, Fort Gordon, Kalamazoo, Mich. 450; 3. $1.25; 12,
Ga. Homiston, Robert M., Hdqs. Fourth Army, $4.50; 25, $7.75; 50, Robet 1, 30 ChrchStret, .E. Homsto,5.00 ; 100, $27.00. Hegnauer, Robert L., 306 Church Street, S.E., 4000 SU, Fort Sam Houston, Texas Prices in larger
East Canton, Ohio Hoop, George E., 29th Air Division, Office of quantities upon reHeindl, Elmer W., Scipio Center, N. Y. the Staff Chaplain, Malstrom Air Force -quest. Church imHeinicke, Martin W., Box 387, Ashton, Idaho Base, Great Falls, Mont. print, inside page Heinlein, Arthur A., Box 313, Yucaipa, Calif. Hoover, Paul R., 1410 Clifford Avenue, 3p; front cover onlypages Helfer, Frederick W., Christian Temple of Rochester 21, N. Y. 1/. No business
Baltimore, Edmondson Ave. at Academy, Hopkins, Clarence L., Office of the Post Chap- imprints accepted.
Baltimore 28, Md. lain, Camp Wolters, Texas
Helsel, Frank E., 2nd U. S. Army Support Hopkinson, Arthur, Jr., 732 Ostrom Avenue, Christmas Card Assortments
Element, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Syracuse 10, N. Y. Messenger also offers "distinctive" Protestant and Catholic Christmas Cards. See our
Hemann, James E., Office of the Chaplain, Hord, Frank T., 4555 Cathedral Avenue, N.W., "Christian Classics" (Protestant)-Box of 21
Fort Gordon, Ga. Washington 16, D. C. Bible Verse Cards. Inspired art work, rich Hendricks, Ralph R., Elba Methodist Church, Hotaling, E. G., 68 Bradford Street, Needham glowing colors with gold bronze and embossElba, Ala. 92, Mass. ing. Price only $1.00.
Henry, F. Bernard, USARHAW, APO San Also "Cathedral Classics" assortment-Box of Henry, F. Bernard, USARHAW, APO 957/, San Houghtaling, Lester J., 101-A Madden Avenue, 21 Catholic cards of beauty and
Francisco, Calif. Fort Benning, Ga. distinction. Reproduced in full Hentz, Richard J., 3223 Linwood Road, Cin- Howard, C. W., Box 74, Social Circle, Ga. color with envelopes. French cinnai 26,Ohiofold size 41/ x 6 Price cinnati 26, Ohio Howard, Harold B., 817 Air Base Group, only $1.00. Herget, John F., 2714 Hampshire Ave., Cin- Pease AFB, N. H. . . . .
cinnati 8, Ohio SN a tto Nv# Howard, James M., 2606 Sunrise Boulevard, MESSENGER CORPORATION Herrick, C. W., U S Naval Station, Navy # Fort Pierce, Fla. A ubrEIniGER DpRP.RATIO 11,FO e ok .Y Auburn, Indiana Dept. MC He117hn, thFPO, New York aN.Yace Street, Red Howard, Wmin. R., Office of the Chaplain, s t once quantity desigat Hershon, Arthur H., 114 Wallace Street, Red Marine Air Gp. 16, 1st Marine AC Wing, Please send at once quantity designated of IBank, N. Messenger's Religious Art Calendars for Hertz, Richard FPO, San Francisco, Calif. 1960.
HeWoodward at Gladstone, Detroit 2, BethMich Howard, Willis T., 900 Baltimore Avenue, Protestant Quantity WodwrdatGldsoeDerot ic. Albertville, Ala. Catholic .-..................-.
Herzog, John L., 701 West Third Street, Mer- AlbertviI Jewishe a Ca i
cedes, Texas Howland, Barker C., U. S. Naval Station, 495 J
Hett, William R., 5th AAA Group, Camp Han- Summer Street, Boston 10, Mass. I Christmas Card Assortments:
ford, Wash. Hay, W. Ivan, 5881 S.W. 52nd Terrace, Cathedral Classics (Cath.) Boxes----------o C h r is t ia n C la s s ic s ( P r o t .) B o x e s ... . . .
Heuer, Ernest E., 21 Ambleside Road, Lock- Miami 55, Fla.Enclosed is remittance for $
port, N. Y. Hoyle, E. M., Box 625, Candler, N. C.
Heuer, Herman H., Headquarters, 6th Army, Hughart, Thomas A., The Manse, Bedford Name -... ----------Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. Presbyterian Church, Bedford Village, N. Y. j Address .-- ........ ...--- -. .--- -------Hickey, John J., Chaplain Section, U. S. Army Hults, Chester L., MSTSNORPAC Pier 91, Seat- City __ ._State
Engineer Section, Ft. Belvoir, Va. tIe 99, Wash. ...................................................
October, 1959 23

Jones, John L., 15 East 59th Street, Jacksonville, Fla.
J ones, Joseph W., Hq. 2nd Armd. Cay. Regt.,
For the Best in Quality Jon 696, New Yr. Ca. Regt.,
Jones, Robert Q., N.O.T.S., China Lake, Calif.
Jongewaard, Lawrence H., Post Chaplain,
and Fit-W ard Tailored Army Chemical Center, Md.
Jordan, Joseph M., 321 East 65th Street,
New York, N. Y.
CLERICAL CASSO CKS, Jordon, Marvin E., 110 S. 3rd, Dayton, Wash.
Jorgensen, Dan B., 208 N. Galveston Street,
GOWNS, SURPLICES Arlington 3, Va.
AND STO LES Kabele, David R., Naval Hospital, San Diego C34, Calif.
CATALOG FEATURING A COMPLETE Kantor, M. M., Sinai Reform Temple, 39
Kantowicz, B. J., 912 West 32d Place, ChiSENT FREE ON REQUEST cago 8, 111.
Kapalczynski, Eugene J., COM PHIB LANT,
Please state items of interest U. S. Naval Base, Norfolk 11, Va.
Kapusta, Emil F., U. S. Army Chaplain School,
The CEWARD Company Ft. Slocum, N. Y.
The C. Karpowicz, B. P., HEDRONSEG 6313th Air NEW LONDON, OHIO Base Wing, APO 239, San Francisco, Calif.
Karsten, Ernst W., 98th General Hospital,
APO 34, New York, N. Y.
Kary, Charles C., 7301 W. 74th Street, Argo,
Humphreys, David M., USS Randolph CVA 15, Jehn, Ernst J. C., 2029 Geneva Street, Racine, Ill.
FPO, New York, N. Y. Wis. Kasel, Joseph T., 2431 So. 27th Street, ArlingHumphreys, Flynn G., Box 66, Veterans Hos- Jenkins, Frank R., c/o R. S. Jenkins, RFD 1, ton 6, Va.
pital, Nashville, Tenn. Clayton, Ohio Kaufman, Robert A., 3 Edgelawn Street, Humphreys, John M., Director of Chaplaincy Jenkins, John M., 1405 Pittsburgh Street, Wheeling, W. Va.
Services, Oregon State Hospital, Salem, Ore. Cheswick, Pa. Kautz, George W., Veterans Administration Hundley, Maury, Jr., Benjamin Franklin Vil- Jenkins, Robert E., 3544 Utah Street, San Center, Box 204, Dayton, Ohio
lage Chapel, APO 28, New York, N. Y. Diego, Calif. Kautz, William K., U. S. Army Training Hunsberger, Herbert H., 39 Annabelle Av- Jenks, Loren T., Chaplain Section, Fort Jack- Center, Engineer Units, Fort Leonard Wood,
enue, Trenton 10, N. J. son, S. C. Mo.
Hunsberger, Paul, Berlin Command USARG, Jennings, E. T., Howe Military School, Howe, Keefe, Anselm M., Biology Dept., St. Norbert
APO 742, New York, N. Y. Ind. College, West Depere, Wis.
Hunt, F. O., 1107 Ellen Avenue, Falls Church, Jessen, Arne, 920 22nd Avenue, S., Minneap- Keeler, Waldo F., VA Hospital, Oteen, N. C.
Va. olis 4, Minn. Kehrlein, Oliver D., Headquarters Task Group Hunter, Jackson D., Camp S. D. Butler USMC, Jewell, Fred J., HQ. U. S. Army Garrison, APO 7.2, APO 187, San Francisco, Calif.
H & S Co., c/o FPO, San Francisco, Calif. 958, San Francisco, Calif. Keilty, John P., 770 Mt. Auburn Street, WaterHunter, William M., U. S. Naval Auxiliary Air Jewitt, Charles W., HQ. 25th Division Artil- town, Mass.
Station, Mayport, Fla. lery, APO 25, San Francisco, Calif. Kelleher, Joseph, St. Charles Rectory, 50 Taylor Huntington, Park W., 715 W. 37th Street, Joensuu, Mathias N., Fair Havens, Inc., Marion Street, Waltham, Mass.
Wilmington, Del. Road, Middleboro, Mass. Keller, G. Paul, Comm. Naval Forces, MariHuntley, William W., HQ. 809th ENG. BN. Johnson, C. H., Box 145, Fort Meade, S. D. anas, Navy #926, FPO, San Francisco, Calif.
(HVCON), APO 334, San Francisco, Calif. Johnson, Edward C., 5223 Auth Road, S.E., Kelley, Byron E., Box 1896, Williamson, W. Va. Hustin, Raymond L., U. S. Navy Mine Defense Washington 23, D. C. Kelley, Haven C., Jr., 2330 North Halstead
Lab., Panama City, Fla. Johnson, Eugene T., U. S. Army Training Street, Chicago 14, III.
Hutchins, Paul D., U. S. Army QM Depot, Center, Armor, Fort Knox, Ky. Kellogg, Hamilton H., 1805 S. Logan Avenue,
APO 258, New York, N. Y. Johnson, Harvey E., 568 Auburn Ave., N.E., Minneapolis 5, Minn.
Hyatt, Alexander J., 750 S. 46th Street, Atlanta, Ga. Kelly, Oliver H., Office of the Chaplain, Valley
Richmond 6, Calif. Johnson, Philip, 3729 Chili Avenue, Rochester Forge Army Hospital, Phoenixville, Pa.
Hyatt, Gerhardt, Staff and Faculty, U. S. 24, N. Y. Kelly, Orris E., 2nd BG 1st Inf. 1st Inf. Div.,
Army Chaplain School, Fort Slocum, N. Y. Johnson, Robert E., 415 5th Avenue, S.W., Fort Riley, Kan.
I Great Falls, Mont. Kemp, C. Donald, 645 Batchelor Street, Toms IIlobrea, Mario R., Apartado 303, Iquitos, Peru Johnson, Sumner W., 992 Worthington Ridge, River, N. J. Imrie, Matthew H., U. S. Army Armor Center, Berlin, Conn. Kendall, Ernest P., P.O. Box 270, Barnesville,
Fort Knox, Ky. Johnson, Winfield V., 810 West Arlington Ga.
Ingvoldstad, Orlando, Jr., 24 W. Spring Street, Avenue, St. Paul 17, Minn. Kendle, Ernest F., Walter Reed Army Hospital
Alexandria, Va. Johnsoy, Norman C., TUSLOG Detachment 30, Center, Washington, D. C.
Irish, Edward B., 6114 Eighth Avenue, North APO 254, New York, N. Y. Kennard, William E., 934 Michigan Avenue,
St. Petersburg, Fla. Johnston, Master Sgt. Clarence H., 5669 Raf- Evanston, III.
Irons, Timothy H., 42111 Winans Road, Fort ferty Avenue, North Highlands, Calif. Kennedy, Douglas W., 19 Walden Street,
Huachuca, Ariz. Jones, Atwood J., Jr., 13574 Brookgreen West Hartford 14, Conn.
Isbell, Arthur, HQ. 1st Battle Group, 5th In- Drive, Dallas, Texas Kenny, S. E., 7th Infantry Division, APO 7,
fantry, Fort Riley, Kan. Jones, David A., 420 West Candy Street, San Francisco, Calif.
Isbell, Jefferson F., 1437 Glen Garden Drive, Denison, Texas Kensta, F. L., USNS UPSHUR T-AP 198, FPO,
Fort Worth 4, Texas Jones, Emmett G., 521st Engineer Group, New York, N. Y.
Ivers, Victor J., USS Ticonderoga (CVA 14), APO 227, New York, N. Y. Keys, Clifford E., Jr., 1st Abn. Bat. Gp., 501
FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Jones, Francis M., 259 West Newton Street, Infantry, Fort Campbell, Ky.
Boston 16, Mass. Kicklighter, E. H., 9225 Ft. Hamilton Parkway, J Jones, Gerald E., USA Gen. Depot, Nancy Brooklyn 9, N. Y. James, Herbert R., 820 No. La Salle Street, 3964, APO 204, New York, N. Y. Kieber, Lavern E., 335 Grider St., Buffalo
Chicago, III. Jones, Guy C., 7117 W. Hood Avenue, Chi- 15, N. Y.
Jamieson, George T., R.D. 4, Wilmington 8, cago 31, III. Kieffer, Robert E., 33 N. 10th St., Lebanon, Pa.
Del. Jones, James G., 1275 Grizzly Peak Boulevard, Kienitz, John E., 447 Sig. Bn.., APO 189, New Janes, B. Franklin, 631 D St., Taft, Calif. Berkeley, Calif. York, N. Y. Jarvis, Dwight C., 1794 Hewitt Avenue, St. Jones, James L., Jr., 216 St. Marks Square, Kilcoyne, John T., Letterman Army Hosp.,
Paul 4, Minn. Philadelphia 4, Pa. Presidio of San Francisco, Calif.
Jasinski, A. J., P.O. Box 1705, Highland, Ind. Jones, John H., 1060 N.E. 92nd Street, Miami Kildall, Wayne F., Hqs. 3rd Med. Tank Bn.,
Jeffrey, Francis E., 840 Eastview, Rantoul, III. 38, Fla. 69th Armor, APO 25, San Francisco, Calif.
24 The Military Chaplain

Killeen, Bernard D., 70 Gulf Street, Milford, Kuykendall, William F., 10522 Palatine AveConn. nue, Seattle 33, Wash. Kilp, Alfred J., 7101 W. 80th St., Los Angeles L
45, Calif. Labovitz, Stanley A., 6 Oakledge Road, Kinchla, John E., 55 West Broadway, South Swampscott, Mass.
Boston, Mass. Laffey, Howard J., Box 116, Chicora, Pa.
King, George B., 1328 Sherwood Drive, Con- Laing, Robert, 320 Crest Avenue, Charlerol,
cord, Calif. Pa.
Kingman, David, Trinity Church, 304 North Lake, Walter J., District Secretary, American
Main Street, Elmira, N. Y. Bible Society, 701 Walnut Street, PhiladelKinney, Don W., Hdq. 2nd Bat. Gp., 38th phia, Pa.
Infantry, APO 36, New York, N. Y. Lam, Alfred P., Hq. Det. Division Trains, SecKippenbrock, Michael J., P.O. Box 51, Val- and Infantry Division, Office of the Chapdosta, Ga. lain, Fort Benning, Ga.
Kirchenbauer, Harold A., 205 East Mason Lamb, Frederick G., Jr., Veterans AdministraStreet, Cadillac, Mich. tion Hospital, Sepulveda, Calif.
Kirkpatrick, Win. P., 607 W. Ennis Avenue, Lambert, Edward J., Hdqs. 1st Cavalry DiviEnnis, Texas sion, APO 24, San Francisco, Calif.
Kirtley, Edwin L., Post Chapel; Fort Lewis, Lambrides, John G., 2004 37th Street, N.W.,
Wash. Washington 7, D. C.
Kitterman, Henry O., Office of the Chaplain, Lampson, Mert M., 976 West Robin Road,
Hdqs. 4th Armd. Div. Arty., APO 696, New Radcliff, Ky.
York, N. Y. Land, Clifton E., Headquarters Company, 3rd Klaas, Francis J., Chaplains Office, Second U. S. Army Missile Command, Fort Bragg,
Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, N. C. N. C.
Klausler, Alfred P., 875 North Dearborn Lanford, Conway B., Office of the Staff ChapStreet, Chicago 10, III. lain, 27th Air Division, Norton Air Force Klein, Ernest C., 26 N. 14th St., Belleville, Ill. Base, Calif. Klein, Isaac, 71 Admiral Road, Buffalo 16, Lang, Cecil H., 1023 Guin, Tyler, Texas
N. Y. Lang, Neunert F., HQ 317th ABGRO Box 33, Kleinberg, M. S., 407 Eisner St., Silver Spring, APO 253, New York, N. Y.
Md. Lapp, Ernest D., Office of the Chaplain, Fort Kleinhaus, Theodore J., 53 Fighter Group, Sheridan, Ill.
Sioux City Air Base, Iowa Latta, William M., Louisburg, N. C.
Kloner, William, 1010 Ocean Avenue, Brook- Lauby, Glenn D., HQ Yukon Command, APO
lyn, N. Y. 731, Seattle, Wash.
Kmiecik, Joseph A. M., 3700 Military Train- Laughner, J. Howard, 14402 Stahelin, Detroit
ing Wing, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas 23, Mich.
Kneis, Herman E., 2633 16th Street, N.W., Laurie, George C., Chaplain Section, Second
Washington 9, D. C. Training Regiment, Fort Jackson, S. C.
Knight, Lonnie W., Hq. 24th Infantry Division, Lauriola, Francis J., 12701 Viers Mill Road,
APO 112, New York, N. Y. Rockville, Md.
Knights, Ward A., P.O. Box 148, Apple Creek, Lavelle, Richard B., 86-13 55th Avenue, ElmOhio hurst 73, N. Y.
Koch, G. A., Peacham, Vt. Lawrence, William R., Box 396, Clarendon,Y D A Y S Koehler, Robert C., 4727 Linden Avenue, N.E., Texas
Canton 5, Ohio Lawson, Harold B., Post Chapel, Hq. USA Daily devotions help to fulfill the Christian's Koepke, Theodore V., Hq. Eighth U.S. Army, Garrison, Fort Myer, Arlington 11, Va. spiritual needs,for the holiday season. When
Chaplain Section, APO 301, San Francisco, Lazaron, Morris S., 201 Delra Lane, Palm used over the preceding weeks, devotions Calif. Beach, Fla. lead into a meaningful observance of Kolatch, Alfred J., 68-30 Selfridge Street, Leamrning, Vaughn F., Hq. Div. Trains, 1st Inf. Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Forest Hills, L. I., N. Y. Div., Fort Riley, Kans.
Kolb, E. J., Box 2, RFD 1, Bethalto, Ill. Ledbetter, Carl S., Office of the Chaplain, The November-December number of The Kolek, Charles W., 1637 AIIport Street, Chi- Hq. 5th Region, USARADCOM, Ft. Sheridan, Upper Room is written especially for the
cago 8, II. III. holiday season. You and your family will Koopman, Peter G. II, Sinclair, Wyo. enjoy sharing, day by day, these Scripture Korn, Bertram W., 332 Rices Mill Road, Wyn- selections, prayers and meditations.
cote, Pa.
Kosa, Ernest M., Hq. 2d Battle, 4th Inf. 3rd. The Upper Room's Thousands of churches supply The Upper
Div., APO 139, New York, N. Y. 25th Anniversary Room regularly to every family. If your Kowalski, John V1 Hq. st Bat. Gp 35th In- 25th A ierary church is not doing so now, try this plan by fantry, APO 25, San Francisco, Calif. The Upper Room, the world's most fethe Novemer-December number as a Kozlowski, Edward A., Office of the Chap- feature of your holiday observance.
lain, U. S. Army Garrison, Fort Clayton, widely used devotional guide, will cele- The Braille and Talking Book editions of The
Canal Zone. brate its 25th Anniversary with its Upper Room make especially thoughtful Kraak, Peter J., Decatur, Mich. March-April issue next year. gifts to help the visually handicapped enjoy Kraft, Jacob, 910 West 23rd Street, Wilming- This devotional guide is familiar to the holidays. ton 2, Del. This devotional guide is familiar to
Kregel, Herman J., Command Chaplain, almost all chaplains and most service- Place your order for the holiday Northern Area Command, APO 757, New number of The Upper Room NOW.
Northern Area Command, APO 757, New men. Many chaplains write The Upper Ten or more copies to one address,
York, N. Y. 70 per copy. Individual subscriptions Krempa, Walter J., 2944 East 88th St., Chi- Room saying that next to the Bible, this (by mail) $1 a year, S years for $2.
Air mail edition for service men and
cago 17, III. devotional guide is requested most. youth, same price. Order romen and Kreuzer, Lewis H., 32nd Tact. Squadron, Minot The Air Mail edition is a familiar AFB, N. Dak. sight to servicemen all over the world, Kreymer, Donald M., St. Andrews Church, 11
East Ninth Avenue, Emporia, Kans. as is the regular edition that goes into Kroencke, Edward J., 5922 Wilmett Road, many hospitals. Bethesda, Md. Circulation of The Upper Room has Kucia, John J., 122 21st Street, Barberton,
Ohio reached over three million copies per
Kuhn, Wesley J., 2020 Robinwood Drive, Fort issue and goes to countries all over the The world's most widely used devotionalguide Worth, Texas world in thirty-seven editions and 37 Editions 31 Languages Kuhns, Logan J., RFD 2, Box 9, Perryopolis, thirty-one languages.
Pa. thirty-one languages. 1908 G RAND AVE. NASHVILLE 5,TENN.
October, 1959 25

Limkemann, August, BAMC Box 106, Fort Sam Maier, Joseph J., 919 Indiana Ave., Coeur Houston, Texas D'Alene, Idaho Lindemann, Gordon O., Bethlehem Lutheran Mall, Carlton, Office of the Chaplain, 168th Church, Box 342, Los Alamos, N. M. Engineer Battalion C, APO 46, New York, Lindquist, Loren M., U. S. Coast Guard Station, N. Y. Government Island, Alameda, Calif. Malone, Henry O., 1012 Brown Drive, Fort Lindsay, Chester R., Staff, USA Chaplains Worth, Texas School, Fort Slocum, N. Y. Maltby, Leon M., 510 Watchung Avenue, Lindstrom, Carl E., First Baptist Church, 206 Plainfield, N. J. 7th Street, Lyndon, Wash. Manney, William L., 3140 Schultz Drive, LanLindvall, John A., HQ 85th Evac. Hospital, sing, Ill. MEMORIAL WINDOWS Ft. Hood, Texas Manson, William T., 133 Valley Street, N.E., Lineaweaver, Paul G., Office of the Division Abingdon, Va. SILVER + BRASS 4+ HANGINGS Chaplain, Second Marine Div. FMF Lant, Mantel, Hugo, 73 Beals Street, Brookline,
CUSHIONS FURNITURE Camp Lejeune, N. C. Mass.
Lipis, Philip, 1154 Lincoln Avenue, South, Marceau, Paul F., 833 39th Street, N.W., CanALL CHURCH CRAFTS Highland Park, III. ton 9, Ohio
Lipsey, R. C., 2nd Region, USAC ADCOM, Markle, George L., Route 3, Box 286, Carmel, Fort George G. Meade, Md. Calif.
Little, Gene M., Hqs. 16th Arty. Gp. (AD), Marken, R. R., District Chaplain Office, HDQS Fort Sheridan, III. 9th Navy District, Great Lakes, Ill. Lively, Carlos J., 28 Art. Group, Selfridge Air Marks, James R., Naval Air Test Center, Pa.
Force Base, Mich. tuxent River, Md. Lock, Gregory J., Post Chaplain, U. S. Military Marler, David W., V. A. Center, Martinsburg, Academy, West Point, N. Y. W. Va.
Loesch, Russell T., 287 Fourth Avenue, New Morley, Cecil V., U. S. Naval Retraining ComYork, N. Y. mand, Portsmouth, N. H. Logan, John D., Hqs. 11th Engr. Gp., APO Marsh, Arthur H., 321 Grimes, Fort Bragg, 403, New York, N. Y. N. C.
Ledebuhr, Albert F., 1/17 Inf., APO 7, San Loper, Joseph N., 65 Grove Avenue, Glen Marshall, Frank W., St. Peters School for Boys,
Francisco, Calif. Falls, N. Y. Peekskill, N. Y.
Lee, Donald G., RFD 6, Dacorah, Iowa Lorenz, Orville A., Hdqs. 3d Infantry Division, Marshall, Warren M., Jr., Bells Ferry Road, Leibert, J. A., 1403 Escalon Drive, Santa Cruz, APO 36, New York, N. Y. R. 2, Rome, Ga.
Calif. Lorge, E. M., 4850 N. Bernard, Chicago 25, Martens, Warren G., 8 Hollyhock Road, LevitLeMay, Harold, RDF 1, Eliot, Maine Ill. town, N. Y. Lemke, Roland K., 524 Notre Dame Avenue, Louttit, Henry I., P.O. Box 597, Winter Park, Martin, Edward R., 25 Prospect Drive, Yonkers
Chattanooga, Tenn. Fla. 5, N. Y.
Leonard, Arlice B., Jr., 327 FGP Truax Field, Lovin, Charles W., 2547 Ridgewood Terrace, Martin, George L., Coast Guard Train. Station,
Madison, Wisc. N.W., Atlanta 18, Ga. Groton, Conn.
Letten, Lloyd W., 532 Roland Drive, Norfolk, Lovseth, Percival C., HQ 40th Arty. Gp., APO Martin, James H., P.O. Box 286, Nixon, N. J.
Va. 185, New York, N. Y. Martin, James S., U. S. Army Garrison, Fort Leverenz, Edwin W., HQ 4th Armored Division, Lowe, Arnold H., Nicollet at 12th Street, George C. Meade, Md.
APO 326, New York, N. Y. Minheapolis 3, Minn. Masalewicz, Edward A., St. Mary CzestoeLew, Edward L., St. Ambrose College, Daven- Lowe, Benjamin I., 5803 Granby Street, Nor. howa, Route 3, Stanley, Wisc.
port, lowa folk, Va. Massegee, Jasper C., Chaplains Section POE, Lewis, Alexander L., Office of the Chaplain, Ludden, Paul W., Second U. S. Army, Office APO 69, New York, N. Y.
HQS U. S. Army Hawaii, 25th Inf. Div., of the Army Chaplain, Fort George G. Massengale, Robert G., 1241 Woodley Rd.,
APO 957, San Francisco, Calif. Meade, Md. Apt. 2A, Montgomery, Ala.
Lewis, Arnold M., Box 345, Salina, Kans. Luecke, Gerhard L. G., 135 S. Hartley, York, Massey, Charles M., Jr., Hdqs. Southern Area Lewis, Estes L., 4923 Crittendon Lane, Glen- Pa. Command, APO 47, New York, N. Y.
dale, Ariz. Lundy, Robert A., 500 Miller Avenue, South Mast, Jacob W., 144 Meredith Avenue, HampLewis, Francis R., Chaplain Section, U. S. A. San Francisco, Calif. ton, Va.
Eng. Section 91st Cons. Bn., Fort Belvoir, Va. Lunn, Charles E., 1201 E. Delmar, Springfield, Matthias, Charles B., 6400 Julian Street, Lewis, R. L., 112 Main Street, Groveville, N.J. Mo. Springfield, Va. Lewis, Willis M., Office of the Staff Chaplain, Lynch, Joseph P., Le Moyne College, Syracuse Mattison, Ernest N., 2212 First Street, N.W.,
Hqs. Central Air Defense Force, Box 357, 3, N. Y. Washington 1, D. C.
Richard Gebauer AFB, Mo. Lynch, Kenny E., HQ Port of Whittier, APO Maurer, Paul H., Federal Electric Corporation, Lieberman, Alvin I., 1456 Markan Drive, N.E., 987, Seattle, Wash. P.O. Box 487, Fairbanks, Alaska
Atlanta, Ga. Lyons, E. Vaughan, Jr., Box 14, Navy #510, May, James W., 956 Clifton Road, N.E., AtLieberman, Morris, 7401 Park Heights Ave- FPO, New York, N. Y. lanta 7, Ga.
nue, Baltimore 8, Md. Lyons, Pitser M., III, Colonial Heights Pres- May, Lynde E., Ill Chaplains Office, NAAS, Lief, Joseph H., V.A. Hospital, Northport, byterian Church, Kingsport, Tenn. Kingsville, Texas
N. Y. Mayer, William J., Headquarters, 36 FA Lifshutz, Oscar M., 181 Arty. Post, Fort Sam M Group, APO 162, New York, N. Y.
Houston, Texas Maas, Edwin H., 212 Art. Grp., APO 165, Mayo, Harold E., New York Port Society, 524 Liggett, Francis A., HQ 1st Bat. GRP. 8th Cay- New York, N. Y. West 42nd Street, New York 36, N. Y.
airy, APO 24, San Francisco, Calif. MacArthur, James R., P.O. Box 205, Coventry, McAlpine, Donald A., 3925 88th Avenue S.E., Conn. Mercer Island, Wash. MacCombie, Herbert E., 440 West College McAndrew, Nilus F., Chaplains Office, OakStreet, Granville, Ohio land Army Terminal, Oakland, Calif. MacGregor, John M., Quarters 131, West McCalmont, Daniel W., Hq. 28th Air Division, Point, N. Y. Hamilton Air Force Base, Calif. Machemer, P. A. G., 577 Kromer Avenue, McCanon, Rupert L., VA Hospital, Excelsior Berwyn, Pa. Springs, Mo. MacKelvey, Charles R., 126 West Larwill McCaskill, Ralph E., P.O. Box 443, Cairo, Ga. Two fact-filled, illustrated brochures Street, Wooster, Ohio McClain, Herbert L., 424 Adams Street, BufMadara, Guy H., Apartment E-2, 241 East falo 12, N. Y. tell how to publish your book, get Main Street, Bergenfield, N. J. McClelland, George H., 133 Cooper Drive, 40% royalties, national advertising, Madsen, C. C., Box 548, Dana College, Blair, New Rochelle, N. Y. publicity and promotion. Free edi- Nebr. McConchie, James K., Hq. 508th U. S. Security trial appraisal. Write Dept. MC Madsen, Spencer D., 3d Med. Tk. Bn. 34th Gp. 7309, Office of the Chaplain, APO 301, Armor, APO 29, New York, N. Y. San Francisco, Calif. Magalee, John E., 4739 E. Prichard Place, McCracken, Walter H., Staunton Military Ft. Knox, Ky. Academy, Staunton, Va. SU N Maginnis, Edward D., 807 Washington Street, McCrea, William E., 6006 Nyanya Park Dr., Santa Clara, Calif. Tacoma 99, Wash.
26 The Military Chaplain

McCrory, Walter E., Kagnew Station, APO Miller, Elwin A., 243 Sauk Trail, Park Forest,
843, New York, N. Y. Ill. SAT McCullers, Paul, 2200 N. E. 7th, Gainesville, Miller, Harry R., De Luz Housing 213-A Won- SN MON TUS
Fla. san Drive, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
McDonald, James F., 2020 Foster Ave., Brook. Miller, Hugh M., 366 West Blackwell Street, MII ST
lyn 10, N. Y. Dover, N. J. M-- I ISTER S
McDonough, Edward A., 1711 Mass. Avenue, Miller, James C., 303 Wapello Street, AltaN.W., Washington, D. C. dena, Calif.PRAYER B O K
McEldowney, Morris G., 165 Locust Street, Miller, James W., 130 Lynmoor Drive, Silver PRAYER BK
Dover, N. H. Spring, Md. Compiled b McGee, C. Lincoln, 1807 W. Berks Street, Miller, John H. K., 4238th Combat Support m I
Philadelphia 21, Pa. Group, Barksdale Air Force Base, La. JOHN W. DOBERSTEIN McGeehon, Carl W., Office Chief of Air Force Miller, K. Palmer, 82 Stanworth Drive, PrinceChaplains, Hdqs. USAF, Washington 25, ton, N. J. A unique breviary for the enD. C. Miller, Lewie H., Jr., 203 Fleetwood Drive,
McGinnis, James W., 408 Union Street, Cary, Magnolia Acres, Greenville, S. C. tire church year, special days
N. C. Miller, Luther D., 3811 Jenifer Street, N.W.,
McGovern, Francis W., Naval Auxiliary Air Washington 15, D. C. and saints' days. Provides the
Station, Saufley Field, Fla. Miller, Richard D., Base Chapel, 1611th Air
McGowan, John J., Jr., Office of the Base Transport Wing, McGuire Air Field Base, plan and materials for the
Chaplain, HQ 329th FTRGRU (ADC), Stew- N. J.
art AFB, N. Y. Miller, Stanley D., Office of the Post Chap- minister's daily devotionsMcGuire, Ambrose E., Office of the Catholic lain, Box 31, Naval Air Station #520,
Chaplain, Hqs. 7th Division Artillery, APO FPO, San Francisco, Calif. revolving about the seven
7, San Francisco, Calif. Miller, T. E., 338 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn,
McGuire, Edward A., 434 Vine St., Paso N. Y. themes of the minister's callRabies, Calif. Miller, Thornton C., Brandywine, W. Va.
Mclnnes, William G., 150 Winnacunett Street, Mills, Arthur E., 3807 USAG Munich, APO 407, ing and life, distributed over
Hampton, N. H. New York, N. Y.
McKain, Herbert A., 243 Canterbury Drive, Mills, Charlie S., Hq. Btry. 57th Arty. Gp., the seven days of the week.
Chester, Pa. 2nd USAMC (M), Fort Carson, Colo.
McKee, W. A., 3202 Middlesex Road, Orlando, Mines, Marshall G., P.O. Box 3218, Daly City, Nothing comparable to
Fla. Calif.
McKenney, Ora H., Jr., Hq. 3d Tng. Regt., Ft. Mitchell, Ray M., Office of the Base Chaplain, this book exists for
Dix, N. J. 7310th Support Group, APO 57, New York,
McKnight, Alvie L., Hdqs. Wurzburg Sub N. Y. PTotestant pastors.
Area, APO 800, New York, N. Y. Mize, Edward M., HQ USARYIS IX Corps,
McKnight, Harry A., Jr., 4711 Jamestown APO 31, San Francisco, Calif. Cloth, $3.75; leather, $6.00
Road, Washington 16, D. C. Moench, Leo G., 581 West Street, Burlington, McKnight, Wm. J., 29 Ackerman Avenue, Ora- Wisc.
dell, N. J. Mohline, Richard, 508 East Seminary, Whea- Atyour denominationalbook store McLaughlin, John R., 100 Maryland Avenue, ton, III.
N.E., Washington, D. C. Molander, Raymond J., P.O. Box 892, Roches- MUHLENBERG PRESS McLoughlin, Anthony L., St. Pius Rectory, Troy, ter, Minn.
Ind. Moll, Boniface E., Office of the Chaplain, HQ McMahon, James J., Hq. USAREUR, APO 403, Fourth U. S. Army, Fort Sam Houston, Texas
New York, N. Y. Monsen, Ralph R., 914th Sq., Armstrong AF Morton, Norris T., Hq. 801st Air Division McManus, Harold L., 1472 Adams Street, Station, Armstrong, Ontario, Canada (SAC), Lockbourne Air Force Base, Ohio
Macon, Ga. Montgomery, Dean R., 208 E. Walnut St., Morton, Paul C., Naval Hospital, Oakland, McManus, Thomas H., Box 314, Bradford, Vt. Hillsboro, Ohio Calif. McMillan, Robert C., Chaplains Office, U. S. Moody, Joseph N., St. Paul's, Congers, N. Y. Mosley, Ronald A., Bar Harbor CongregaNaval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. Mook, Milo M., Box 524, Lake City, Pa. tional Church, Bar Harbor, Maine
McMurry, George J., 711 Lee Street, Kerr- Moore, Harmon D., Office of the Chaplain, Moss, Arthur B., 185 Clinton Avenue, Brookville, Texas M.D.W., Gravelly Point T-7, Washington 25, lyn 5, N. Y.
McNabb, Talmadge F., Hq. Detachment, APO D. C. Mottin, Charles A., Sacred Heart Church,
288, New York, N. Y. Moore, Raymond W., Qtrs. 987 Perry Drive, Festus, Mo.
McQuaid, Arthur F., Staff Destroyer Force, USN CBC, Port Hueneme, Calif. Mouw, Gerritt E., 2610 8th Street, Monroe,
U. S. Atlantic Fleet, Newport, R.I. Moorfield, Claude F., 1465 Mandolin, New Wisc.
McRae, Leslie, 825th Sqdron., Kamloops, B. C., Orleans 22, La. Mueller, Edward M., Hqs. 2nd BG 2d InfanCanada Moran, William J., Office Chief of Chaplains, try, 24th Infantry Division, APO 112, New Meacham, Benjamin F., 6431st Air Base Dept. of the Army, Washington 25, D. C. York, N. Y.
Group, APO 235, San Francisco, Calif. Morash, T. W., 201 Marathon Road, Altadena, Muldoon, John E., 2039 New Hampshire Ave., Meder, Lambert F., St. Francis Church, 1112 Calif. N.W., Washington 9, D. C.
26th St., Sacramento, Calif. Morden, Roy A., Headquarters 2nd Region, Mullaney, John J., 19 Beverly Avenue, LockMehring, Ralph A., 805 Eighth Street, Monett, U. S. Army Air Defense Command, Ft. port, N. Y.
Mo. George G. Meade, Md. Mullett, Owen L., Quarters 14, F. E. Warren Meier, Kermit I., Chaplains Office, U. S. Naval Moreau, Aurelien L., 163 County Street, New Air Force Base, Wyo.
Hospital, Portsmouth, Va. Bedford, Mass. Mullins, Gaylord E., Box 789, Jasper, AlaMeltzer, David J., 67-29 170 Street, Flushing Morgan, Clifton M., 408 Lincoln Avenue, bama
Heights, N. Y. Pittsburgh 6, Pa. Murdock, Robert F., Eden Theological SemiMercier, Harold A., Community Church, Walk- Morissette, Armand, 725 Merrimac Street, nary, Webster Groves 19, Mo.
er, Minn. Lowell, Mass. Murphy, Charles J., Student Detachment, U. S. Meredith, Archel R., Box 225, Wadsworth, Morreale, Samuel O., Hdqrs., Special Weap- Army War College, Carlisle, Pa.
Kans. ons Command, Albuquerque, N. M. Murphy, James B., Office of the Chaplain, Merkel, Francis J., Sacred Heart Church, 529 Morrill, Giles D., U. S. Naval Hospital, Navy Hq. Eighth U. S. Army, APO 301, San
Stephenson Street, Duryea, Pa. 926 FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Francisco, Calif.
Merrill, C. C., 722 Avalon Road, Whittier, Morrill, James W., 1st USA Msl. Comd. (Med.), Murphy, James J., Catholic Chaplains Office,
Calif. APO 221, New York, N. Y. Box 457, Fort Rucker, Ala.
Merrill, John F., 215 First Avenue, Joliet, Ill. Morris, James E., Headquarters, Third Army, Murphy, Kenneth, 26 South Center Street, Fort McPherson, Ga. Springfield, Ohio Messing, Joseph B., The Chaplain School, Fort Morrison, James H., Division Chapel, 101st Murrell, Benjamin N., 11343 S. Loomis Street,
Slocum, N. Y. Airborne Division, Fort Campbell, Ky. Chicago 43, I11.
Michael, William C., c/o St. Patricks Rectory, Morse, Frederick E., Post Chaplains Office, Myers, Thomas E., 4600th Air Base Group,
Epworth, Iowa Fort Dix, N. J. Ent Air Force Base, Colo.
Midboe, Engebert O., 6227 N. 22d Street, Morton, Frank R., Office of Senior Chaplain, Myers, William H., 2028 10th Ave. S., NashArlington 5, Va. NATTC NAS, Jacksonville, Fla. ville, Tenn.
October, 1959 27

Nadich, Judah, 863 Park Avenue, New York 21, N. Y.
Nagata, William M., HDQS 73rd AAA BN
(AW) (SP) USAREUR, APO 164, New York,
Nalley, Garrett A., USAG Orleans, APO 58, S.New York, N. Y.
c. Nance, Ellwood C., 4301 Swann Avenue, Tampa, Fla.
N IE Ww Naughton, Gabriel J., Naval Air Station, Patuxent River, Md.
Nease, Leander R., Jr., Woods Methodist Church, Box 410, Rt. 5, Petersburg, Va.
Nelson, Charles W., P.O. Box 4, Andover, i N. H.
* Nelson, Elmore P., 1254th Air Transport
C 0 ol00gical Story of the Life of Christ Group, Washington Nat'l Airport, WashTnslated into Modern English from Original Greek and Hebrew Scriptures Nelson, Everett B., 125 Chojin Circle, Oceanside, Calif.
Makes the Bible More Easier to Follow! Nelson, Harold E., Qtrs. 6201-D, Fort Carson, Makes the Bible More Meaningful, Easier to Follow! Colo. Students, teachers, parents, pastors.., everyone Nelson, Robert G., Box Q, Albrook Air Force
finds this simplified version of the Gospels ideal for Base, Canal Zone
general reading as well as Biblical reference and Nelson, Vincent E. M., Letterman Army Hospital, San Francisco, Calif.
study. Nesvig, Arnold T., McConnell Air Force Base, 'HRIST OF THE GOSPELS Wichita, Ka.
CHRIST OF THE GOSPELS Neyman, Clinton A., 3783 Roxton Avenue, by William F.Beck Los Angeles 18, Calif. by William F. Beck Nichols, Charles R., Hdqs. 3d Division ArNew, complete translation and harmony of the tillery, APO 36, New York, N. Y.
books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Reor- Nicholson, R. H., Box 738, Waynesville, N. C.
ganizes the piecemeal accounts of the life of Christ Nickel, Albert W., Hq. U. S. Army Language
gneSchool, Presidio of Monterey, Calif.
into a continuous, chronologically arranged story. Nicholas, William H., 13 Arlington Street,
Makes the Biblical account of Christ's life easier to Cambridge 40, Mass.
follow, more interesting. Gives a new understanding Niermann, F. E., HQ 75th Station Hospital,
and perspective to the entire New Testament. Metic- APO 154, New York, N. Y.
ulously translated from the original Greek and Nilles, John I., 113 Kort Street, Rothschild, Hebrew Scriptures to bring their exact meaning to Nims, Charles F., Oriental Institute, Univerthe reader in simple, modern English. 224 pages. sity of Chicago, Chicago 37, Ill.
Cloth. $3.00 Nix, Billy, Chaplain Section, U. S. Army EnBe '~a Hew..el n g t sdn gineer Section, Fort Belvoir, Va. Dr. Beck...pastor, teacher, student Nolan, Patrick E., 2609 Park St., Jacksonof psychology and scholar of Greek ville, Fla. and Hebrew ... is well known as a Northen, Ernest E., Post Chaplain, Fort HamBible translator. ilton, Brooklyn 9, N. Y.
At All Book Stores Norton, Edwin W., 34th General Hospital, APO 58, New York, N. Y.
Nunan, Thomas R., 1252 Wortham Drive, Greenville, Miss.
Nusbaum, Guy G., 3d and Main Streets, Schaller, Iowa
Nussbaum, Perry E., Box 4766, Fondren Station, Jackson 6, Miss.
falo, N. Y.
ICMO NE OFEERTNG YASOFRRLIYOUUPBLSHIG 'uwr, Rmicanl D., 333 Gulfrdo Street, BufPUBLISHING HOUSE 3558 S. Jefferson St. Louis 18, Mo. Nybro, Richard, Hq. and Hq. Co., 23 Trans.
BN, Ist Cay. Div., APO 24, San Francisco, Calif.
O'Brien, Francis X., 44 2nd Avenue, New York 3, N. Y.
MONEY FOR YOUR O'Brien, Michael D., 88 Vernon Street, OakTREASURY land 10, Calif.
O'Brien, Victor C., St. Francis DeSales Church, Over 2,000,000 15 Exchange Street, Albany, N. Y.
In the Spirit O'Connor, William B., Catholic Chaplains Sunflower Dish Cloths of Worship office, Navy 943, FPO, San Francisco, Calif.
O'Connor, William T., St. Ambrose College, Were sold in 1958 by members A complete selection Davenport, Iowa
of approved pulpit Odell, R. W., Staff Chaplains Office, U. S. of Societies, Clubs, Groups, etc. robe styles in a wide Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Va.
They enable you to earn money range of carefully O'Donnell, Daniel P., 2701 Fenkell Avenue,
for your treasury, and make selected fabrics. Write Detroit 38, Mich.
friends for your organization, today for FREE Odor, William H., 511 E. Broadway, McLeansSample FREE to Official. catalog P-12. boro, Ill.
O'Gorman, George A., 291 Pacific Ave., Jersey ACity, N. J. SANGAMON MILLS O'Hara, Christopher F., Hdqs. 3d Army, Fort
Established 1915 8-75 Cohoes, N.Y. OMcPherson, Atlanta, Ga.
Olander, Paul H. W., 245 S. Grandview Ave366__ __ _ FfAe 28.ale.14NC gBvI nue, Dubuque, Iowa
28 The Military Chaplain

Oldham, John, Jr., Jerome, Idaho Penn, William W., 2710 Bannif View Rd., DalOlds, Corwin H., 210 North Second Street, las 16, Texas
Campbell, Calif. Pennekamp, Victor F., P.O. Box 1153, Craig Evreux Chapel Herald Olsen, Oscar W., 13 Roxy Building, Fargo, Air Force Base, Ala.
N. Dak. Pennell, Edward N., Jr., 60 Maywood Drive, Ondo, Michael A., National Naval Medical San Francisco 27, Calif.
Center, Bethesda, Md. Pennington, Henry C., Staff Chaplains Office, O'Neill, Charles A., Fordham University, New Hdqs. 15th Air Force, March Air Force Base,
York 58, N. Y. Calif.
Oosternink, Dick J., Jr., 52 Summer Street, Perkins, Kenneth D., Senior Chaplains Office,
Passaic, N. J. Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, Santa Opsal, Bernt C., 7544 12th Avenue So., Min- Ana, Calif.
neapolis 23, Minn. Perry, J. L., U. S. Naval Station, Green Cove Orr, J. Edwin, 11451 Berwick Street, Los Springs, Fla.
Angeles 49, Calif. Peterman, James A., 1414 King Street, WilOrzel, John F., Office of the Catholic Chap- mington, Del.
lain, Fort McClellan, Ala. Petersen, Adolph S., 306 South Division, WauOsberg, John W., 408 Church Street, Elm- paca, Wisc.
burst, III. Petric, Paul M., 1466 W. Federal St., YoungsOsborne, Martin J., Catholic Chaplains Office, town, Ohio
3rd Armd. Cavalry, Fort George Meade, Md. Petzold, Milton H., RFD #2, Newark Valley, Ostrander, Donald H., 955 Pepperhill Road, Tioga County, N. Y.
Pasadena 8, Calif. Phibbs, Andrew F., 205 W. Carolina Avenue, Ostrovsky, Jack, Office of the Jewish Chap- Draper, N. C.
lain, Post Chapel, Fort Belvoir, Va. Phillips, Admiral N., Box 128, Kidder, Mo. Outlaw, Guy D., Homer G. Phillips Hospital, Phillips, Daniel P., Box 205, Good Thunder,
2601 No. Whittier, St. Louis 13, Mo. Minn. MAGIC IN THE Owens, Theodore R., Post Chapel, Fort Lee, Phillips, George M., Chaplains Section, Hq.
Va. Base Comz., APO 44, New York, N. Y. PRINTED W ORD p Phillips, Mitchell W., U. S. Army Air Defense Pag r n H., Bldg. 7233, Apt. A, Fort Center, Fort Bliss, Texas As if there were magic in the impress of Page, Franklin H., Bldg. 7233, Apt. A, Fort Phillips, Randolph E., Chaplain Section, U. S. type, the printed word conjures vital inCarsone, CoElmer, 1449 4th Street, Louisville Army Engineer Section, Fort Belvoir, Va. terest. To most folk "I saw it in print", Palmer, Elmer, 1449 S. 4th Street, Louisville Pinckney, Walter B., 3964 48th Street, Long has stirring significance. As the printed
Parce, rthur M., 4 Cedar Drive, Henderson- Island City, N. Y. word crystallizes creative thought, so is lParce, Arthur M., 4 Cedar Drive, Henderson- Pittman, William F., U. S. Army Garrison, it a dynamic force in influencing thought villParker, N.Arthur W., 1306 Brook Ave., No. 2, Headquarters Area Command, APO 164, -and arousing action. Parker, Arthur W., 1306 Brook Ave., No. 2, New York, N. Y.
Bronx 56, N. Y. Plitt, Edward T., Veterans Administration Hos- Let the PrintedWordReinforce Your Efforts Parker, John T., 2131 W. Simpson Ave., pital, Kecoughtan, Va. Publicity through printers' ink can work
Fresno, Calif. Poch, Martin C., Pilgrim Lutheran Church, wonders in your chapel.
Parker, Roy H., 207 Ft. Williams Pkwy., Alex- 1500 Massachusetts Ave., Bethesda, Md. A Chapel Magazine of Your Own!
andria, Va. Podbielski, S. B., 10418 Granger Road, Cleve- Put one to work for you. Let it go to Parkinson, William W., Chaplains Division, land 25, Ohio every member of your Base. It not only
Bupers, Navy Annex, Washington, C. Polhemus, David W., Hdqs. 5th MSL BN, 7th tells the people what your chapel has Parris, Louis, 6449 N. Sydenham, Philadelphia Army, Tappan, N. Y. done and plans to do, spiritually and
26, Pa. Poling, Charles, Box 49, Broadway Station, socially, but it makes them think, talk, Parrish, E. C., 123 Elm Street, Lakemont, Newport, R. 1. plan, and work with you. It extends your
Altoona, Pa. Pooley, Robert C., Box 1301, Rome, Ga. influence, the grace and power of your Pasco, John C., 73 G. Wherry, Ft. Campbell, Porter, Harvey C., VA Hospital (Staff), Gulf- chapel. It is helpful in your endeavors to
Ky. port, Miss. el t he lpfuldom o u ed. Patacsil, Ambrosio M., 119-11 190th Street, Potter, Aidah R., 155 Market Avenue, Mem- enlarge the kingdom of God.
St. Albans 12, N. Y. phis 5, Tenn This Company prints magazines for more Patenaude, Gilbert A., P.O. Box 347, Auburn, Powell, William T., 425 Montgomery Ferry than 400 different organizations located
Maine Road,N.E., Atlanta, Ga. all over the world. Here are the names Patrick, Melvin E., 802 N. Railroad Street, Powers, Robert M., 611 Linden Place, DeKalb, of a few Bases for which we print magaPalmyra, Pa. Ill. ins: Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.; Chanute Patrick, William E., RFD 1, Box 232-B, Carpin- Pratt, Charles, Jr., 315 Augusta Street, Aber- Air Force Base, Ill.; Evreux-Fauville Air
teria, Calif. deen, Md Base, France; Goose Air Base, Labrador; Paul, Harold J., Hdqs. 13th Artillery Group, Pressey, Herbert E., 84 Havermeyer Lane, Old Lincoln Air Force Base, Nebr.; March Air
Pasadena Area Support Center, Pasadena, Pressey, Herbert E., 84 Havermeyer Lane, Old Force Base, Calif.; 15th Fighter Group,
Calif. Greenwich, Conn.
Propst, Cecil L., HDQS ARDC, Andrews Air Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Sheppard Air Force Paul, James W., 3703 La Cresta Drive, San Field Base, Washington 25, D.C. la Tx s; ondrestrom Air Base, GreenDiego, Calif. Pruden, Joseph D., Post Chapel, Fort George bland;e Thule Air Base, Greenland; 1st AirPaulson, Stanley M., U. S. Naval Station, G. Meade, Md. Une Battle Group, Fort Campbell, Ky.;
Treasure Island, San Francisco, Calif. United States Air Force Academy, ColoPaxson, Alexander L., HQ 1st Ord. Battalion, R rado.
Ft. George G. Meade, Md. Radlinski, J. C., The Rittenhouse #516, 6101 Send the Coupon Now!
Paznonskas, Leonard J., TUSLOG, Detach 4 16th Street, N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Information as to how you may run a
(7223), APO 254, New York, N. Y. Radtke, Ralph R., Office of the Staff Chaplain, successful magazine for your chapel at Peak, Sanford N., Newton D. Baker, V. A. Mitchell Air Force Base, N. Y. little trouble and cost will be sent by reHospital, Martinsburg, W. Va. Rafos, Otto T., 8023 South Artesian Avenue, turn mail. The plan is well worth your Pearson, George C., 760 South Spring Street, Chicago 29, III. serious consideration.
Ukian, Calif. Raley, F. W., Box 291, Healdsburg, Calif. ... USE THIS COUPON '.***** Pearson, William E., St. Joseph Hospital, Raley, LeRoy W., Post Chapel, Fort Ord, Calif. Please send The Manual, sample Chapel
Asheville, N. C. Randall, Louis C., Delmar, Del. magazines, and full particulars regarding Pease, Paul M., U.S. Army Garrison, Hdqrs. Rasmussen, James F., 1000 College Avenue, yourmag azines, and full partic.ulars regarding
Co., Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. Des Moines 14, Iowa your Standardized Service. Pedersen, Lars G. C., Chaplain's Office, Vet- Rassmussen, Halbert J., Jr., 209 South Wille Address-------------------------erans Administration Hospital, Tomah, Wisc. Street, Mt. Prospect, III. Cit Ze t
Pederson, Laurits H., 2317 So. 50th Street, Rayburn, Robert G., Box 143, Clayton, St. City.------- Zone... State...
Omaha 6, Nebr. Louis 5, Mo.
Pegram, Charles F., 1041 Bayview Blvd., Nor- Raynis, Edgar A., Office of the Post Chaplain, THE NATIONAL RELIGIOUS PRESS
folk 3, Va. Fort Dix, N. J. 523 Ottawa Ave. Pendleton, Charles L., 515 Yale Avenue, New Raynor, Paul J., Code 814, Naval Shipyard, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.
Haven, Conn. San Francisco, Calif.
October, 1959 29

Read, Charles E., HQ SARYIS IX Corps, Robinson, Nathan L., Route 1, Box 128, Eunice, APO 331, San Francisco, Calif. La. PULPIT ROBES Reagan, Ernest M., NATTC NAS, Jacksonville, Robinson, Paul V., 4646 Lowell Avenue, La Fla. Crescenta, Calif. Reardon, David 'M., Hq. USACONAC, Fort Roche, Martin A., 242 South Main Street, Vestments to Aid The Clergy Monroe, Va. Mansfield, Pa.
Reaser, Clarence L., Burkholder Post, APO 34, Rogers, Howard, 219 E. Jackson Street, Cassocks Surplices New York, N. Y. Paulding, Ohio
Reaves, James E., 4906 Aurora Drive, Ken- Rogers, Michael J., 620 North Court Street, Albs Stoles sington, Md. Ottumwa, Iowa
Choir Vestments Reaves, James M., 11th Trans. Term. Comd. Rohre, Stuart M., 336 Corona Avenue, San B, APO 21, New York, N. Y. Antonio, Texas Redfern, Edgar F., 2 Keane Road, East Na- Rolf, Robert F., 2525 Otsego Avenue, Fort Quality and Workmanship have been tick, Mass. Wayne, Ind.
a tradition with us for over 121 years. Redman, Emil F., Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Ronne, Lowell A., W. 3128 Garland, Spokane San Diego 40, Calif. 14, Wash. Redmond, Paul J., 2140 N. Cedar Avenue, Rosenblum, William F., Temple Israel, 210 COX SONS & VINING INC. Fresno 3, Calif. West 91st Street, New York, N. Y.
Reed, John E., Bldg. 245, Apt. 3, Fort Man- Ross, Chester W., 47th Air Division SAC, 131 East 23rd St., New York 10 roe, Va. Walker Air Field Base, N. M.
Reed, Robert W., 44 W. Main Street, Middle- Ross, Robert E., 3486 Pierce Street, Gary, Ind. town, Del. Rosso, George A., Chief of Chaplains Office, Reed, Willis A., 270 East Chicago Street, Elgin, Department of the Navy, Washington 25, III. D. C. Rees, Gomer S., Office of the Chaplain, Fort Ruback, John C., Office of the Chaplain, HQ INEXPENSIVE . Ritchie, Md. 21st Infantry, APO 29, New York, N. Y.
SRehm, Everett R., HQ Inf. Div. Trains, 25th Inf. Ruditsky, Benjamin D., 212 Broadway, YoungsCHURCH Division, APO 25, San Francisco, Calif. town 4, Ohio Reilly, George C., 487 Michigan Avenue, N.E., Ruggieri, Joseph P., 4th Arm. Division, APO W INDOW Washington 17, D. C. 326, New York, N. Y.
- PC Reinking, Harold C., 212 South Claire Drive, Ruhl, Edward U., St. Ambrose College, DayREPLICAS Panama City, Fla. enport, Iowa P L Reiss, P. G., B.O.Q., U. S. Marine Corps Re- Rupp, Paul B., 1609 W. Magnolia Avenue, Faith is brought comfortingly near when cruit Depot, San Diego 40, Calif. San Antonio, Texas plain-glass windows are inexpensively conplaverted with LITHOP HA inexpensively c.n- Reiss, William J., HQ Fourth U. S. Army, Fort Ruth, Walter H., 309 No. Lindy Lane, North No skills nor tools required. Only minutes Sam Houston, Texas Canton 20, Ohio to apply. Its permanent. Send window dia- Reiter, Carl C., 202 South Wingate, Green- S grams, we supply Free Layouts, Free Samples. ville, S. C. Seger, A. R., Jr., 29 Rosedale Avenue, BarIsinglass Valance Co., Dept. US-i Remark, Philip B., Hg 2nd MSH BN, 517th rngton, R. I.
Arty., Carleton, Mich. rntn .1
5206 Tilden Avenue, Brooklyn 3, N. Y. Re Carliaton, Michaplains Office, U.S. Salyer, Oswald B., Minlant Minecraft Base, 520 Tlde Aenu, rooly 3,N.Y. Rennie, William A., Chaplains Office, U. S. Charleston, S. C.
Naval Air Station, Brunswick, MaineChretn ..
ReNzv Frdi station BunAcr oa Breck Sams, Horace, Jr., 469A Craig Drive, Custis Renz, Ferdinand J., 9327 Avery Road, Breck- Terrace, Fort Benning, Ga. ville, Ohio Sanders, Harold G., First Baptist Church, Reynolds, Homer B., Avenida 9, No. 68-60, Tallahassee, Fla. Maracaibo, Venezuela Sanders, John S., Puntzi Mt. Air Station, Wile DOSSAL Reynolds, Michael E., U. S. Army Personnel liams Lake, British Columbia, Canada
Center, Oakland 14, Calif. Sandhaus, Morris A., 1455 Roxanna Rd., CURTAINSRhea, John I., Office of Area Chaplain, N.W., Washington, D. C.
USASAC, APO 301, San Francisco, Calif. Sandrow, Edward T., Broadway & Woodlane, Rhine, Raymond O., 2nd General Hospital, Woodmere, L. I., N. Y. APO 180, New York, N. Y. Sargent, Gerald W., Chaplain's Office NAS, PULPIT, Rice, Albert D., P.O. Box 84, Burke, Va. Norfolk, Va.
LECTERN an Richardson, Carl H., 901 Strong Avenue, Elk. Saunders, Edward J., Hq. Seventh Army hart, Ind. (Chaplain Section), APO 46, New York, ALTAR COVERS Rickard, Harry C., USA Chemical Center, Dug- N. Y.
way, Utah Schade, Paul G., Hq. 7127th Support Group, Rickel, Elihu H., 812 Catalina Blvd., San APO 130, New York, N. Y. Diego, Calif.
" STOLES and Ricker, Richard W., USS Saratoga (CVA 60), Schadeberg, Henry C., 383 Emerson Street, FPO New York, N. Y. Burlington, Wisc. BIBLE MARKERS Riggs, A. Wayne, USN MCB NINE CBC, Port Schaeffer, John F., USS Duxbury Bay, AVP 38, Huenema, Calif. FPO, New York, N. Y. RigHuene, Harold, St. Gregory's House of Stud- Schalk, Kurt W., Veterans Administration, RALTARBRASSie, Harewod St Ggos Ho erof SAmerican Lake, Wash.
ALTAR BRASS ies, Halewood Road, Woolton, Liverpool, Scharlemann, Martin H., 1 Seminary Terrace, EnglandLouis 5, Mo.
WARE Riley, Frank C., Student Detachment, Men- u Krl ., 946 Bryden Road, Columninger Foundation, Topeka, Kans. cheufler, Karl W., 946 Bryden Road, ColumRippe, Robert W., 2220 North Corona, Cola- bus 5, Ohio Ria do Springsrth Coron CoCol- Schindler, C. Myddleton, 2700 Richmond, El Risser, Richard A., 1419 North Paso, Texas Rissev chard A., 1419 North 17th Street, Schliesser, Luther G. H., 217 Illinois Street, Belleville, Ill. Park Forest, III. K A N E L Rives, R. R., Box 928, Garden City, Mich. Schmiechel, Roy B., 1719 Laurel Avenue, Eau Roberts, Millard, Office of The President, Par- Claire, Wisc.
sons College, Fairfield, Iowa C aie W RBRO THERS berts, Stacy L., U. S. Naval Station Navy Schmid, Paul J., Saint Margaret Hospital,
BROTHERS #230, c/o PM, Seattle, Wash. Hammond, Ind.
Robinson, Daniel S., 3640 Homeland Drive, Schmoeder, MaL. R.,e Division Chaplains Office, Los Angeles 8, Calif. Second Marine Division, Camp Lejeune, P.O. Box 2254 Robinson, Herbert K., 38 Rider Avenue, N. C.
Schnake, Albert H., 1435 9th Avenue, St.
Patchogue, N.Y Cloud, Minn. NORTH CANTON, OHIO Robinson, Lyle W., Post Chapel, Fort Lewis, Schneck, Robert J., Chaplain's Office, US Wash. Naval Submarine Base, New London, Conn. Robinson, Monroe L., 1820 North Street, Schnedler, Wilfred J., 3108 Lillie Street, Fort Logansport, Ind. Wayne 5, Ind.
30 The Military Chaplain

Schneider, Andrew J., 501 S. Broadway, Scott- Sides, Joseph C., Hq. Iceland Air Defense Spohn, Arnold P., 10609 Baldwin Avenue,
dale, Pa. Force, APO 81, New York, N. Y. N.E., Albuquerque, N. M.
Schneider, Clemens, Our Lady of Lourdes Sidler, Earl R., 2800 Graham Blvd., Pitts- Spradling, David E., U. S. Naval Hospital,
Church, Violet, La. burgh 35, Pa. Great Lakes, Ill.
Schoech, Oscar B., HQ 4th Log. Command, Siegel, Reaven, 751 Gerard Avenue, Bronx, Sprague, Frank W., Jr., 312 West 7th Street,
APO 122, New York, N. Y. N. Y. Wewoka, Okla.
Scholl, F. C., 220 E. 38th St., Covington, Ky. Silseth, Martinus E., 2209 S. 92nd St., West Sprinkle, Henry C., 32 Washington Square, Scholl, Richard T., 219 S. George Street, Allis 14, Wisc. West, New York 11, N. Y.
Charles Town, W. Va. Simmermon, Jesse R., 1620 Hoyt Avenue, In- Stadsklev, Julius, 3d Recon. Squadron, 8th Scholten, Howard B., 7030th Support Group, dianapolis 3, Ind. Cavalry, APO 28, New York, N. Y.
APO 12, New York, N. Y. Simon, Edward A., 429 E. Poppyfields, Alta- Stafford, George J., Veterans Administration Schoning, John B., 836th Air Division TAC, dena, Calif. Hospital, Dublin, Ga.
Langley Air Field Base, Va. Sims, George W., 666 N. 13th Street, East Stahnke, Herbert H., 515 North 16th Street, Schotanus, William M., 403 N. Bayshore Blvd., St. Louis, III. Clarinda, Iowa
Jacksonville, N. C. Singleton, Francis X., 2814 Mariposa Street, Stamey, Henry C., Demorest, Ga.
Schrader, Albert J., MCB 3, FPO, San Fran- Fresno, Calif. Stanford, James A., Chaplain Division, Fort
cisco, Calif. Slattery, Edward A., Staff Amphibious Force, Eustis, Va.
Schreiner, Harry Z., Post Chapel, USAG, Fort U. S. Pacific Fleet, Coronado, Calif. Starnes, William B., HQ. 1st Msl. Battalion
George Meade, Md. Slejzer, Ferdinand E., 567 Summer Street, N. H., 562nd Artillery, Fort George G. Schrope, Paul W., 2560 N.E. 19th, Pcompano Lynn, Mass. Meade, Md.
Beach, Fla. Smith, B. L., 1111 Turner, Dallas 8, Texas Steele, Ralph C., 5809 West Augusta BouleSchumacher, Charles P., St. Anthony Parish, Smith, Charles M., 25 Stockton Circle, Fort yard, Chicago 51, Ill.
Athens, Wisc. Stewart, Ga. Steen, Frederick T., 231 S. Third Street, Rogers Schwartz, Walter, West 96th Street, Zionsville, Smith, Cortland V., HQ 802nd ABGRU, Schil- City, Mich.
Ind. ling Air Force Base, Kans. Stegman, L. F., 627-2 McClellan Ave., Fort Schweitzer, Gordon M., Post Chaplains Office, Smith, Donald G., 3304 Dartmouth Ave., Dal- Leavenworth, Kans.
Fort Bragg, N. C. las 5, Texas Steinmeier, William R., 3656 Manola, St. Schwenk, Elwood, 412 Maraga Ave., Pied- Smith, E. Charles, 467 Orchard Spring Road, Louis, Mo.
mont 11, Calif. Pittsburgh 20, Pa. Stemley, Carey D., 1057 Madison Ave., CoSchwyhart, R. M., Center Chaplain, Adminis- Smith, Ernest G., 1st B. Group 5th Cavalry, lumbus 5, Ohio
trative Command, U. S. Naval Traing. Cen- APO 24, San Francisco, Calif. Stemme, Fred E., Pres. Burton College & Semter, Great Lakes, Ill. Smith, Herrick A., 32 Amity Street, Spencer- inary, Manitou Springs, Colo.
Scott, Simon H., Jr., PCS 317th Troop Carrier, port, N. Y. Stempel, Earl C., Office of the Post Chaplain,
APO 253, New York, N. Y. Smith, James H., P.O. Box 230, Lindsberg, Presidio of San Francisco, Calif.
Sedam, O. W., 650 Cajon St., Redlands, Calif. Kans. Stenberg, Vernon E., U. S. Naval Air Station, Seibert, Luther Y., 258 Oak Street, Elmhurst, Smith, James L., 410 Lincoln Street, Linden, Memphis, Tenn.
Ill. N. J. Stephenson, Marion O., COMAIRLANT, Naval Sellers, Ovid R., 793 Camino Poniente, Santa Smith, James R., 1423 N. Glebe Road, Ar- Air Station, Norfolk, Va.
Fe, N. M. lington, Va. Stevens, Leland R., 15th Fighter Group (AD), Senninger, Bernard A., Guadalupe Church, Smith, Mahlon H., Jr., Arcola Methodist Niagara Falls Municipal Airport, Niagara
3820 San Isidro Road, Albuquerque, N. M. Church, Paramus Road, Paramus, N. J. Falls, N. Y.
Sersen, Michael T., 214 Artillery Group, Box Smith, Maurice W., 1116 Starr Street, Crock- Stevenson, Dean T., 717 N. 2nd Street, Em1317, Fort Sill, Okla. ett, California maus, Pa.
Sessums, Richard C., 2nd Med. Tank Bn. 40th Smith, Ralph E., Rt. 1, Box 2558, Sweet Home, Stevenson, James P. F., 905 W. 2nd St., ClarksArmor, APO 7, San Francisco, Calif. Ore. dale, Miss.
Sexton, Hardigg, Miami University, Oxford, Smith, Raymond K., 655 Sunnydale Avenue, Stewart, Francis G., 1st Presbyterian Church,
Ohio San Francisco 24, Calif. 711 South Pittsburgh Street, Connellsville, Sharp, David A., Jr., First Marine Brigade FMF Smith, R. Clyde, 102 North Main St., Cedar- Pa.
Pac., FPO, San Francisco, Calif. ville, N. J. Stewart, James E. W., U. S. Army General Sharp, John L., 1317 Elm Avenue, Lawton, Smith, Roderick L., 5435 31st St., N.W., Wash- Depot, Braconne, APO 211, New York, N. Y.
Okla. ington, D. C. Stewart, Warren E., U. S. Army Trng. CenShay, Russell L., 2100 Hill Street, Lebanon, Smith, Taylor C., First Baptist Church, Moores- ter (1401 Inf.), Fort Dix, N. J.
Pa. ville, N. C. Stillpass, Leo J., 1440 Mary Drive, JohnsShea, Daniel P., Post Chaplain's Office, Fort Snape, W. Harold, 4116 Standford Street, town, Pa.
Huachuca, Ariz. Chevy Chase, Md. Stipek, Charles W., 6000th Support Wing Shea, Ralph C., 955 Westmont Avenue, S.W., Sneary, Earl D., Naval Air Station, Alameda, PACAF, APO 925, San Francisco, Calif.
Atlanta 1, Ga. Calif. Stockhammer, Joseph F., Guardian Angel Sheehan, John J., 13 Sargent Street, Cam- Snyder, John S., HQ. CO. 3d Training Regt., Church, Allendale, N. J.
bridge, Mass. USATCA, Fort Knox, Ky. Storaasli, Gyntner, Military Chaplaincy Com., Sheffield, Lexington, Route 1, Box 430C, Snyder, Lyle O., VA Hospital, Wilkes-Barre, 421 S. 4th Street, Minneapolis 15, Minn.
Dover, Fla. Pa. Stover, Arnold C., 2530-D, Fort Eustis, Va. Sheldahl, M. J., 1204 6th St. So., Moorhead, Snyder, Nevin D., Hdqs. Ist Armored Rifle Stover, Earl F., Combat Com. C 3rd Armd.
Minn. Batt., 54th Infantry-4th Armored Division, Div., APO 39, New York, N. Y.
Shelton, Whitaker W., Bloxom, Va. APO 176, New York, N. Y. Strevig, John R., HQ US Army Garrison (InShepherd, David M., 702 Westside Drive, Sobel, Samuel, 8639 Devon Street, Norfolk 3, active), Indiantown Gap Military ReservaAurora, Ind. Va. tion, Annville, Pa.
Sherry, Martin F., St. Aloysius Rectory, 66 Sokol, Anthony J., U. S. Army Air Defense Stultz, Irving W., 1761 Preston Road, AlexFleming Avenue, Newark, N. J. Center, Fort Bliss, Texas andria, Va.
Shiery, Floyd W., P.O. Box 194, Arriba, Colo. Soliday, Wayne E., Staff, U. S. Army Chap- Sullivan, F. V., Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Shilling, John H., Force Chaplain, Cruiser De- lains School, Fort Slocum, N. Y. Mass.
stroyer Force, Pacific, FPO, San Francisco, Sosebee, James W., 1678 North Rock Springs Sullivan, Francis X., 507 Appleton Street,
Calif. Road, Atlanta, Ga. Holyoke, Mass.
Shinn, Benjamin J., 4138 Combat Support Southard, Harry D., 4414 Underwood Road, Sullivan, Gregory N., Chaplain's Office, VetGroup, Turner AFB, Ga. Baltimore 18, Md. erans Administration Hospital, Long Beach, Shoffstall, Elvin H., 846 Grandview Boule- Sovik, Ansgar E., 12 Lincoln Lane, Northfield, Calif.
yard, Lancaster, Pa. Minn. Sullivan, John J., Student Detachment, George Shontz, R. A., 44 Union Avenue, New Hol- Sparks, J. W., The Chaplain School, Fort Washington University, Washington, D. C.
land, Pa. Slocum, N. Y. Sullivan, Joseph C., 3620 Jefferson St., Gary, Shrum, Reuben W., Ortega P. O., Jacksonville, Spears, Raymond E., 132 Clement Avenue, Ind.
Fla. West Roxbury, Mass. Sullivan, Mark P., Naval Air Station, Oceana, Shulman, Nisson E., 33 Westfield Avenue, Spence, Edward L., Hqs. 3d Training Regt., Va.
Bridgeport, Conn. USATCA, Fort Knox, Ky. Sullivan, P. U., The Chaplain School, Fort Shuman, James R., 551 West Thorain Blvd., Sperring, David H., 1st Logistical Command, Slocum, N. Y.
San Antonio 12, Texas Fort Bragg, N. C. Summers, A. C., Box 1009, De Bary, Fla.
Shure, William C., Hqs. I Corps, Chaplain Splaine, Edward F., Post Chapel, Army Chem- Summey, Thomas A., Jr., 206 West Greenway,
Section, APO 358, San Francisco, Calif. ical Center, Md. South, Greensboro, N. C.
October, 1959 31

Sundloff, Frederick D., 7533d Air Base Sqd., Taylor, Richard F., 174 West Main Street, Tufft, John R., 315 Gain Street, Anaheim,
APO 196, New York, N. Y. Orange, Va. Calif.
Sutton, Gerald H., USVA Domiciliary, Clinton, Taylor, Robert P., Chief of Chaplains Office, Tulley, Edward M., Naval Training Center,
Iowa Department of the Air Force, Washington Great Lakes, Ill.
Swaffar, Ersmond, 4th Air Base Group, Sey- 25, D. C. Tupy, Richard R., Jr., Hq. 304th Signal Bn.
mour Johnson Air Force Base, N. C. Taylor, Rodney T., 267 North Main Street, (Pryov), APO 301, San Francisco, Calif.
Swager, Robert G., HQ. 1st BG 60th Infantry, Chambersburg, Pa. Turgeon, Joseph A., 5 Church Street, Gorham,
Fort Carson, Colo. Taylor, W. T., 44th Art. 2nd Bn. Fort Lewis, N. H.
Swank, Orin D., Box 274, Ocean Grove, N. J. Wash. Turner, Alexander J., Post Chaplains Office, Swanson, George, Naval Radio Station, STOP Teichart, A. E., 1768 Barr Avenue, Pittsburgh Fort Jackson, S. C.
174, Washington, D. C. 5, Pa. Turner, Halcott M., Fort Story, Va.
Swasko, Andrew N., 2418 S. Harvey Avenue, Terry, James H., Hq. 1st Infantry Division, Tuttle, Wildan R., 936 4th Street, Nevada,
Berwyn, Ill. Fort Riley, Kan. Iowa
Sweet, Malcolm S., P.O. Box 2186, Juneau, Testa, Michael P., Presbyterian Theological Tweeten, S. M., 5520 Park Avenue, MinneAlaska Seminary, Carcavelos, Portugal apolis 17, Minn.
Swenson, W. R., 4192 Harriet Road, Bethpage Teyssier, Emil G., 217 Washington Street, Twitchell, Martell H., 354 Hanover Drive,
L. I., N. Y. Cumberland, Md. Costa Mesa, Calif.
Swets, William A., Naval Air Station, Olathe, Theobald, D. K., 10 Danner Avenue, Harrison, Tyner, Grover F., First Baptist Church, Bremen,
Kansas N. Y. Ga.
Swift, Charles H., Jr., 3rd Marine Division, Theobald, Walter M., 222 West Main Street, U
FMF, FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Clinton, Ill. Ufer, Karl A., 1503 Ruby Street, Pullman, Swinson, Jesse L., Bldg. 130, Great Lakes, Ill. Thomas, Barry W., Desron #24, FPO, New Wash. Swygert, Luther L., RFD 2, Box 436-B, Savan- York, N. Y. Uhlendorff, Lewis F., 4330 River Road, N.W.,
nah, Ga. Thomas, Norman E., 228 South Main Avenue, Washington 16, D. C.
Symons, Harold F., U. S. Marine Corps Air Albany 8, N. Y. Unger, Orville T., 4083rd Air Base Wing, APO
Station, Cherry Point, N. C. Thomas, Walter S., 240 Taylor Street, Staun- 23, New York, N. Y.
Synan, Edward A., Seton Hall University, ton, Va. Urch, Cecil C., 215 South Tyron Street, WoodSouth Orange, N. J. Thompson, Ernest E., 424 South Church, Jack- stock, Ill.
sonville, Ill. V T Thompson, F. M., Box 486, Pinehurst, N. C. Valenta, Marcus A., St. Mary's Church Praha, Taggart, Earl, Apt. T-712, Arlington Towers, Thompson, Mark R., 816 Olive Street, Scran- Flatonia, Texas
Arlington 9, Va. ton, Pa. VanCleaf, Robert Edwin, 2921 Tatnall St., Tashnick, Walter, HQ. Sqdn. Sec. 3320th Thompson, Thomas B., 6274 Fourth Avenue, Wilmington 2, Del.
Tech. Trng. Wing, Amarillo A.F.B., Texas South, St. Petersburg, Fla. Vangerud, Richard D., First Lutheran Church, Tavel, Henry, 1st Logistical Command, Fort Thomson, Henry Sears, 1457 Scenic Drive, Bottineau, N. Dak.
Bragg, N. C. Pasadena 3, Calif. Vanholme, F. B., Staff Chaplain SETAF, APO Taylor, Horace M., 1422 Elm Street, Lebanon, Thoresen, William A., 37 Spinning Rd., Day- 168, New York, N. Y.
Pa. ton 31, Ohio Vann, L. R., R.F.D. 8, Box 381, Roanoke, Va. Taylor, Newell E., 6th Region U. S. Army, Air Thorne, Ennis P., VA Center, Bay Pines, Fla. Vannix, St. Clair L., VA Center, Hot Springs,
Defense Command, Fort Baker (Sausalito), Thornton, Robert F., Post Chaplain, Fort Sheri- S. Dak.
Calif. dan, 111. VanVorce, Herbert J., R.F.D. 1, Binghamton, Thurston, Horace G., 320 West 7th St., Royal N. Y. Oak, Mich. Vavrin, Frank O., 506 Searight Drive, Fort Tietjen, Ottomar H., 7304 Tanager Street, Bragg, N. C.
Springfield, Va. Vayhinger, John M., Garrett Biblical Institute, Tillman, T. J., 738 Calhoun Street, Hayward, Northwestern University Campus, Evanston, Compliments Calif. III.
Timperly, John R., Hdqs. 503d Infantry, 1st Veazie, William D., 34 Tremont Street, Portof Airborne Battle Group, Fort Bragg, N. C. land, Maine Tindall, Robert W., Quarters 511C, Maxwell Venable, William H., Jr., 610 Park Place, S Air Force Base, Montgomery, Ala. Pittsburgh 37, Pa.
Tinklenberg, Anthony A., 727 E. 154th Place, Versailles, Edward P., Veterans AdministraSouth Holland, III. tion, Northport, L. I., N. Y.
Tinklenburg, R. J., VA Hospital, Iowa City, Vincent, William G., Hdqs. Combat ComIc Iowa mand, 4th Armored Division, APO 35, New Titley, Richard K., Qtrs. 392 D NCS, Quantico, York, N. Y. Va. Vinson, William H., Infantry Training Regt., Titus, Charles E., 226 North Union St., Olean, Camp Lejeune, N. C. Church Goods N. Y. Visscher, Donald A., 120 E. Fifth Street, Mt.
Tivenan, J. J., 3476 East 152nd Street, Cleve- Carmel, Pa. Religious Articles Vestments land 20, Ohio Vittoria, Theodore J., Queen of Apostles Tobey, Frank A., 4520 N. 32d Road, Arling- Seminary, Derby, New York Prayer Books School Books ton 7, Va. Vogel, C. Donald, 820 Milliken Avenue, WhitTower, Hansel H., CNATRA Staff Bldg. 624, tier, Calif. U.S.A. Liturgical Editions NAS, Pensacola, Fla. Vogel, Joseph J., 4226 Seneca Street, BufTowle, George, 1229 Vermont St., Lawrence, falo 24, N. Y.
Publications Kan. VonAlmen, Adelberta, 400 East 11th Street, Townsend, Paul W., 1226 Maxwell Street, Rome, Ga.
Salisbury, N. C. Vosseler, Lawrence C., Chaplains Office, Box Treat, Kenneth, 53-A Hatchee Road, Eglin Air 14, Navy 115, FPO, New York, N. Y.
Force Base, Fla.
Catalogue of Publications Trenery, Robert M., 317 Boston Avenue, Kala- W
mazoo, Mich. Wahlquist, Carl Arthur, 5440 Noble, Arlingor Church Goods sent Trett, Edward L., 725 Palmhaven Avenue, San ton, Calif.
upon request. Jose 25, Calif. Wahlstrom, Peter C., 2158 Sixth, Bay City, Treude, Harry K., William Beaumont Army Mich. 6-8 BARCLAY ST., NEW YORK 8 Hospital, El Paso, Texas Wakefield, John F., Hq. 7th U. S. Army, TTC, Trewolla, James A., 334 Burdick Street, Lib- APO 114, New York, N. Y.
ertyville, Ill. Wallace, Aldred P., 447 Grand Street, MorganTrower, Ross H., U. S. Naval School (OCS), townc, W.nt y T., U. S. Naval Hospital, Newprt, 1.Wallace, Anthony T., U. S. Naval Hospital, CHICAGO 6 CINCINNATI 1 Newport, R. Portsmouth, Va.
Troy, Catejan J., Hq. Third Training Regiment, Wallace, Francis X., P.O. Box 2325, Fort BOSTON 10 SAN FRANCISCO 3 Fort Dix, N. J. Benning, Ga.
Trumbo, Warren D., U. S. Naval Station, Navy Wallace, Raymond L., 505 Elizabeth Avenue, 103, FPO, New York, N. Y. Apt. 405, Newark, N. J.
32 The Military Chaplain

Walley, Aubrey C., Box 371, Pascagoula, Weedon, Herschel, 2101st SU Post Chapel, 2500 Items Miss. Ft. George G. Meade, Md. Nf Church, Walsh, Emmett L., Hq. U. S. A. Ryukyus, APO Wehking, Elmer E., Office of the Base Chap331, San Francisco, Calif. lain, Chennault Air Force Base, Lake Sunday School, Walsh, Michael J., Sacred Heart Monastery, Charles, La. Home
Bernharts, Reading, Pa. Weidler, Edwin R., 4006 Marion Circle, Corpus Walsh, Patrick J., Post Chapel, Fort George Christi, Texas G. Meade, Md. Weise, John W., Staff Chaplain, COMSTS, Walther, James A., 731 Ridge Ave., Pittsburgh Department of the Navy, Washington 25,
12, Pa. D. C.
Walter, Louis W., Post Chaplains Office, Fort Wentzel, Ernest F., Hq. 34th Eng. Group,
Lewis, Washington Fort Ord, Calif. A A L Walters, L. V., 301 S. Main Street, Sebastopol, Werner, Martin E., 409 13th Street, South, Calif. Great Falls, Mont. Wampler, D. Delos, St. Peter's Rectory, Hobart, Wessman, Willis W., The Post Chaplain, Fort The most complete list of supplies
N. Y. Leslie J. McNair, Washington, D. C.
Ward, Leo D., USS Bennington (CVA-20), West, Edward N., Cathedral Heights, New ever offered. Yours without cost or FPO, San Francisco, Calif. York 25, N. Y. obligation. Washer, Wm. J., 2480 Woodward Avenue, Westendorf, F. J., 501 W. Ridge Road, Gary, Gifts that will be cherished
Detroit 1, Mich. Ind. Bibles ... Testaments Watt, James, 1213 30th Street, N.W., Wash- Westlake, MacDonald H., 4424 Euclid Av- Films and projectors
ington 7, D. C. enue, Tampa 9, Fla. Christ-centered Sunday School Watterson, Joseph V., 4th U. S. Army Support Wheaton, John K., Naval Hospital, Chelsea, lessons
Element, White Sands Missile Range, Mass. Visual aids Bible-study helps N. Mex. Wheeler, Wendell, 3686 Mural Drive, Clare- Church & classroom equipment Watts, John E., Jr., Naval Station, Guam, mont, Calif. Stationery and greeting cards Navy 926, FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Whipple, Ivan C., 375 Bellevue Avenue, Oak- Stationery and greeting cards Wayland, John E., Jr., Cornelius, N. C. land 10, Calif. Cradle Roll courses Weaver, Gerald R., 3118 St. Vincent Avenue, White, Clarence D., 4475 Lindell Street, St. Bible Camp course St. Louis 4, Mo. Louis 8, Mo. Music, records Weaver, William N., 1358 E. 58th Street, White, Frank L., OMR Box 294, Keesler Air Attendance-builders Chicago 37, III. Force Base, Miss. Handcraft supplies Webb, Robert B., Jr., Hq. 3d ADA Gp., Nor- White, Louis A., U. S. A. Terminal Center, folk Army Base, Norfolk, Va. Fort Mason, Calif. O MAIL THE COUPON TODAY Weber, Arthur M., 366 Hawthorne Terrace, Whiteside, Robert J., Box 98, Fort Meade, Mount Vernon, N. Y. S. Dak. Weber, Chester R., Chaplains Office, USS Whitmire, Thomas Q., Office of the Chaplain, SCRIPTURE PRESS, WHEATON, ILLINOIS Amphion (AR 13), FPO, New York, N. Y. Hq. U. S. Army ASCOM Area Command, Name Weber, Edmund W., 205 N. Napoleon Street, APO 20, San Francisco, Calif. Street (RFD) Valparaiso, Ind. Whitsitt, Earl C., 3022 Poplar Avenue, Mem- City State Webster, Harry W., Hqs. U. S. A. Trans. Term. phis 11, Tenn. Church Dept. MCC-109 Command, Pacific, Office of the Post Chap- Whitt, Joseph P., 343d Fighter Gp. (ADEF), lain, Fort Mason, San Francisco, Calif. Municipal Airport, Duluth, Minn.
The Prophet Motive
The "Prophet Motive" is the fixed star by which the Fund has steered
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PRESBYTERIAN MINISTERS' FUND send me full details.
Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia 3, Pa. I Name -- .
ALEXANDER MACKIE, President Address -16 Branches Coast to Coast Texas to Ontario I Date of Birth ----------------------October, 1959 33

Wirt, Williston, P.O. Box 1148, EWA, Oahu, Clayton, Walter B., Jr., Village Chapel BuildHawaii ing 902, Bainbridge, Maryland Witherspoon, Glenn J., Dept. of Chaplain Cooney, William J., 2802 Cadiz Street, San Services, 122 Maryland Avenue, N.E., Wash- Diego 10, Calif. ington 2, D. C. Dodson, Leonard W. Jr., 3605 Texas Street, Witherspoon, M. M., 71 West 23d Street, New San Diego 4, Calif. AYork 10, N. Y.
O ALTAR SETS Witmer, Frederic, D & 7th Street, Baltimore Dixon, Joseph J., P. O. Box 562, Litchfield,
SCHALICES 19, Md. Minnesota
0 CIBORAS Wittkofski, Joseph N., 509 Sixth Street, English, Earl D., Box 57, Liberty, N. C.
O CANDELABRA Charleroi, Pa. Ferniund, Calvin E., Hq. 3d Msl. Bn. 55th 1] CANDLES Witwer, Albert M., 3046 N. Fifth Street, Art., 6301 W. Jefferson Avenue, Detroit
O LECTERNS Philadelphia 33, Pa. 17, Michigan
0 COMMUNION SUPPLIES Wohlert, W. Kurt, Staff Com. Des. Ron, USS Finkle, J. J., P. O. Box 26, Newport News,
S SANCTUARY FURNITURE Barton (DD722), FPO, New York, N. Y. Virginia
] MEMORIAL PLATES Wolf, Earl E., Tripler Army Hospital, APO Geary, Joseph F., Naval Station 1005, FPO,
WE FURNISH EVERYTHING FOR THE CHURCH 438, San Francisco, Calif. New York, N. Y. FREE CATALOG ON REQUEST Wolf, Warren L., NAS, Quonset Point, R. Goodman, Garson, Naval Station, Treasure Wood, David P., 6431 N. Newark, Chicago Island, San Francisco, California PLEASE INCLUDE NAME OF YOUR CHURCH 31, III. Island, San Francisco, California
WITH REQUEST FOR CATALOG Wood, Harry C., Fotce Chaplain COMPHIB- Gosnell, Harold C., 320 Park Hill Drive, San PAC, San Diego 32, Calif. Antonio 12, Texas Wood, Robert J., Staff and Faculty, The Chap- Hailperin, Herman, Wilkins & Shady Avenues, lain School, Ft. Slocum, N. Y. Pittsburgh 17, Pennsylvania SWoods, John O., .XVIII Abn. Corps, Fort Hastings, J. E., Box 248, Eight Mile, Alabama Bragg, N. C. Junker, Curtis W. V., Rector, Trinity Church, Wright, Dewitt E., Chaplains Office, U. S. 501 S. Cincinnati, Tulsa 3, Oklahoma Whittington, Max S., Office of the Chaplain, Naval Air Station, North Island, San Diego, Katz, Reuben M., 239 Grand Avenue, FreeWhittingtan, Max S., Office of the Chaplain, Calif. port, L. I., New York
Personnel Center, Fort Jackson, S. C.
Wichmanowskl, Walter F., 718 Franklin Ave-C. Wright, George A., Assistant District Chap- Kelley, Thos. W., Staff Chaplain, COM PHIB Wnue, Pittsburgh 21, Pa. lain, Eleventh Naval District, San Diego 30, RON 5, FPO, San Francisco, Calif.
Wickersham, Raymond G., Box 3185, Port Calif. Krizin, Stephen E., Btessed Virgin Church, Wlckersham, Raymond G., Box 3185, Port Clf
Neches, Texas Wright, John R., 919 14th Street, Pacific 22nd & Lincoln Ave., Northampton, Pa. Wickman, Irving G., 130 Manchester Terrace, Grove, Calif. Lambert, Robert S., 311 Magnolia Drive,
Springfield, Mass. Wright, Ross C., 505th Signal Grp., Fort Clearwater, Florida
Wigfield, George D., 451 Fourth St., Toledo Huachuca, Ariz. Levy, Theodore S., 490 Farmington Avenue,
5, Ohio Wright, Wendell T., 28th General Hospital, Waterbury 10, Connecticut
Wiggins, William A., 535 South Senaca, Day- APO 219, New sYork, N. Y. Lineberger, Ernest R., Jr., MCAF New River,
tono Beach, Fla. Wright, William C., 300 S. Western Avenue, Jacksonville, N. C.
Kan.Wilch, Cletus E., Division Trains, Fort Riley, Los Angeles 5, Calif. Lumpkin, William W., 1159 Winthrop Drive, Kan.
Wilcox, Perry O., 3033 Dumas Street, San Wurm, Urban V., U. S. Army Garrison, Fort Rock Hill, South Carolina
Diego 6, Calif. Leavenworth, Kan. MacColl, James R., St. Thomas Church, WhiteWilder, Frank A., 180 College Drive, Ventura, Wylie, Samuel J., Jr., 1317 Oak Street, Grand marsh, Pennsylvania
Calif. Prairie, Texas McPhee, Peter R., 2617 Reynolds Drive, BayWildman, Albert, Hdqs. U. S. Army Infantry y side, Va.
Center, Fort Benning, Ga.
Willetts, Benjamin D., 816 North Highland Yaggi, Harry G., 150 King Avenue, Lan- O'Connor, Leslie, USNAAS, Prt Isobel, Texas
Avenue, Fayetteville, Ark. caster, Ohio Parsons, Preston D., U. S. Naval Air Station, Williams, Charles S., 210 Mullin Street, Water- Yeagle, Lloyd R., 3 Maple Road, Oxford, Mass. Willow Grove, Pa.
town, N. Y. Yohe, Clair F., 7200 Ridge Boulevard, Brook- Pierce, George D., 116 Kentucky Avenue, S.E., Williams, Robert W., Quarters 1482B, Fort lyn, N. Y. Washington 3, D. C.
Campbell, Ky. Youngs, John B., Post Chaplains Office, Ft. Power, B. S., 415 Vista Way, Chula Vista, Williams, Thomas M., Jr., Office of the Chap- Stewart, Ga. Calif.
lain, 7500 ABRON South Ruislip, London, Raynall, Charles E., Jr., Fort Hill Presbyterian
APO 125, New York, N. Y. Z Church, Clemson, South Carolina
Williams, W. C., 3303 Santiago Street, Tampa Zemites, Joseph F., Office of the Chaplain, Schapiro, Asher, 303 Newton Avenue, River9, Fla. NAAS Chase Field, Beeville, Texas head, New York
Williamsen, T. 0., 3rd Battle Group 6th In- Zimmerman, Carl A., Box 73, Rush City, Minn. Silman, Irving, 5001 15th Avenue, Brooklyn
fantry, APO 742, New York, N. Y. Zimmerman, John D., Dist. Chap. PRNC, 19, New York Williamson, John, Box 240, Route 3, Loveland, Naval Gun Factory, Washington 25, D. C. Stewart, Kenneth A., 4835 E. Anaheim, Long
Ohio Stewart, Kenneth A., 4835 E. Anaheim, Long Williamson, William B., 848 West Fourth Zimmerman, Leslie F., Hdqs. Western Air De- Beach, Calif.
Street, Williamsport, Pa. fense Force, Hamilton Air Force Base, Calif. Stirling, James, Box 2246, West Palm Beach,
Wilson, Albert W., Catholic Chaplain, Hq. Zinter, Reinhold H., U. S. Army Garrison Post Florida
2d BG 21st Infantry, APO 25, San Fran- Chaplain, Ft. Lawton, Wash. Talley, William O., Route 1, Nebo, Kencisco, Calif. Zumwalt, Ralph H., Chaplains Office, Fort tucky
Wilson, Daniel O., Office of the Post Chap- Leonard Wood, Mo. Taxon, Jordan I., 1711 23rd Avenue, Rock
lain, Ft. Monmouth, N.J. Island, Illinois Wilson, Frank R., 2022 Columbia Road, N.W., Ta, Ein
Washington 9, D.C. Thayer, Edwin B., 595 High Street, Denver 19, Wilson, James T., Office of the Chaplain, Hq. NEW 1960 MEMBERS Colorado
5th U. S. Army, 1660 E. Hyde Park Blvd., Alexander, Robert L., First Presbyterian Tittmann, G. F., 872 Church Road, Lake
Chicago 15, Ill. Church, Greenwood, South Carolina Forest, Illinois Wilson, Robert K., U. S. Naval Air Station,
Cecilon, RoFielrt d K., U. S. Naval Air Station Barnes, R. W., Christ Church, La Plata, Md. Truesdale, Carl M., 24 East Main Street,
Wine, Sherwin T., 10641 Santa Maria, De- Berent, David, 12 Bardwell Street, Lewiston, Morris, New York
troit 21, Mich. Maine Weaver, John J., 1725 Burns, Detroit, MichiWingerd, Mark A., VA Hospital, Pittsburgh Blackwood, Andrew W., 301 South Olive gan
40, Pa. Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida Wilkins, William A., 316 West Hill Street, Winslow, Paul E., 366 North Avenue, High- Bluhm, Arthur, 2506 Polk Street, Amarillo, Charlotte 6, North Carolina
land Park, III. Texas
Wintersteen, Prescott B., MCRD, Parris Island, Carty, Demzil A., 465 Makubin Street, St. *The title "Chaplain" has been omitted
S. C. Paul 3, Minnesota before each name.
34 The Military Chaplain

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