The Military chaplain

Material Information

The Military chaplain
Alternate Title:
Military chaplain newsletter
Caption title:
Military Chaplains Association newsletter
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Place of Publication:
Washington, D.C
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Military chaplains -- Periodicals -- United States ( lcsh )
Armed Forces -- Chaplains ( fast )
Military chaplains ( fast )
United States ( fast )
periodical ( marc )
serial ( sobekcm )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 19, no. 1 (July-Aug. 1948)-
General Note:
Title from cover.

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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Copyright, The Military Chaplain. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
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01757475 ( OCLC )
sn 78004323 ( LCCN )
0026-3958 ( ISSN )
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Official Publication of
THE MILITARY CHAPLAINS ASSOCIATION oUR PU OS en the r C, to strenG, ore President .. --------------- Chaplain (Col.) Edward L. R. Elson, USAR 4uod o ~ a morO\ity eeoen
,,.To soiteI .,~ VI a ,-, to d-eeper Minister of The National Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C. O Onfd ete a o rend, Executive Secretary-Treasurer __ Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA to to 0oY sto r e v
STAFF the bond .wory se ind Inter d Mr. R. H. Rice Mrs. Milton D. Willis siP of. inencerus o teti Mrs. Wm. M. Green .rs a v e Co OS te Jusalways~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l atmer Heaquater Buldng Rates $15 igtfrauls 5 oro*s-*~ne o\\ n ," uphOU to Pro'
o -e s t o S t t e s ; a i l
HEADQUARTERS AND GUEST HOUSE the nJite and Goo Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Daily tne, Peace O'.
Sleeping accommodations available for Chaplains and their families. Please make reservations in advance, if possible. Plan to stay with us when you visit Washington. Only a 504 taxi ride from Union Station. Resident manager always at Headquarters Building. Rates: $1.50 a night for adults. 75 for
20 September 1950-Public Law 792-81st Congress
National Headquarters: 1710 16th St., N.W., Washington 9, D. C.
Telephone: ADams 2-1667
Vol. XXXI MARCH 1958 No.1,
Articles in this publication express the point of view of the authors
only and not necessarily those of the Association or of the Services.
Published 12 times a year by the Military Chaplains Association and
issued monthly. Editorial and Executive offices, 1710 Sixteenth St., N.W..
Washington 9, D. C. Entered as Second Class Matter at Washington, D. C., under the act of March 3, 1879 at the special rate of mailing.
This publication is mailed to all members of the Chaplains Association.
Subscriptions to all others not eligible for membership are $5.00 per calendar year. Foreign subscriptions (non-members) are $6.00 per calendar year. Special Library Rate, 3 years for $12.00. Write for details g{
on Bundle Plan. G.
POSTMASTER: If this publication is addressed to a member of the
United States Military or Naval Service, whose address has been q S
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P.O.D. Orders No. 19687 and 27851.
RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED The Military Chaplain Newsletter
1710 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington 9, D. C.
1958 o
111 U~LIi\~J~~iU!
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'MEs a, EAft.W 514 LOl .
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Chaplain (Colonel) Edward L. R. Elson, USAR
Dear Chaplain:
"ON TO NEW YORK" should be a dominating objective of all Chaplains until we
gather in the Astor Hotel April 22-24. Here will be assembled for the program, the
most significant galaxy of talented personalities in many years.
The theme of the Convention is "Faith for the Space Age". You will want to be
present for all events.
On the opening night the main address will be given by the Honorable John Foster
Dulles. The program for the Memorial Service in the same period will be provided by
the American Battle Monuments Commission under General George C.Marshall, with His
Eminence Francis Cardinal Spellman delivering the memorial tribute.
The luncheon speaker for April 23 will be Rear Admiral Lewis L.Strauss, who,
perhaps more than any other, imbues the concepts of our theme.
The speaker at the banquet will be a former President of the United States. In
between these events will go two significant panels; One on the Reserve Chaplain and his future, and the other on the Denominations and their relations with the Military
We expect this to be the greatest Convention in our history and one of the most
significant religious expressions of our day. It will be that if you are there to
enrich it and absorb its enrichment.
Register for the full period. It is a bargain.
God Bless You All.
FROM THE DESK OF Faithfully yours,
The Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA
Passover Greetings to MCA Chaplains of Jewish Faith Guest Editorial Chaplain (Lt Col) Maurice S.Kleinberg (Condensed from a tri-faith radio address)
The story of Passover is familiar to all who read the Bible. The second book of
the Old Testament takes its name, Exodus from the familiar theme of this story. This thrilling chapter in the story of the Jewish people is told dramatically in the beautiful Sedar service of Passover night. This is a home family service. Every member has his place at the table. Old and young are brought closer together. It is not only our kin of whom we are mindful in this service. In the first passage of the Sedar ritual
we extend an invitation to strangers to join our festive board. The Passover epoch
teaches us to share our blessings with all men alike. We must be generous towar the--less fortunate, the weak and oppressed. "For ye were strangers in the land of Egypt".
This festival teaches us to recognize our duty to our country, the guardian of our
freedom, to love and protect it with all out might and main. One must earn the right
to be free and stand ready to sacrifice for it, because as the Sedar ritual has it, "In every generation despots arise who plot to destroy us. We cannot stop with the
victory of battle. We must strive on beyond Pat to create a social order of justice,
peace and freedom for all the children of God....
It is the Executive Secretary's desire also at this time to extend sincere greetings to Christian chaplains of all services as the Easter season approaches. The
story of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ is the center, the hub of the Gospel.
Along the pathway which Christianity points, everything is pointless unless it concentrates attention there. Without Good Friday there could never have been an Easter
morn, when, with the rising of the sun, Christ, the Crucified, deathless and glorious,
came forth from the tomb. Thank God for the Easter victory, and the assurance of
those words, "I am the Resurrection and the Life; He who believes in Me, even if he
shall die, shall live; and whoever lives and believes in Me, shall never die".

"SPIRITUAL STRENGTH FOR THE SPACE AGE" The 1958 Command Chaplains Conference held in January at the Pentagon was reTentative Program ported to have been the most successful of the many conferences held since the
Tuesday 22 April inception of this program. Speakers included General Lyman L.Lemnitzer, Vice
10:00 AM Registration (8th floor-Astor) Chief of Staff and Secretary of the Army 1:00 PM Luncheon (denominational) Wilber M.Brucker. 3:00 PM Convention Opens (Greetings by Budget planning, personnel policies, Mayor and Governor supply management and training procedures
President's Report were the main subjects.
7:30 PM Memorial Dinner Guest Speaker In his welcoming speech,Chaplain(Major Hon. John Foster Dulles and a General) Patrick J.Ryan,Chief of Chaplains
representative of American Battle said, "We Chaplains must be ever diligent Monuments Commission. in the performance of our high mission of giving spiritual and moral guidance to
Wednesday 23 April the soldiers of America and their dependents committed to our care." He spoke of 9:30 AM Panel discussion on Reserve and the need for the clergy of America,includNational Guard Chaplains ing military chaplains, to "stand out 1:00 PM Luncheon spiritually" in a"critical period." 3:00 PM Discussion on Endorsing Committees 7:30 PM Banquet Speaker former Presi- STAFF CHAPLAINS CONFERENCE
dent Harry S.Truman. The annual conference of Staff Chaplains of the United States Air Force was Thursday 24 April held at the Sheraton Park Hotel,Washington,D.C., February 18-20. The theme of 9:30 AM Committee Reports and Election of the conference was "The Challenge to
Officers. Build".
12:00 New York Harbor Tour buffet Chaplain (Major General) Charles I.
service aboard. Carpenter, Chief of Chaplains, U.S. Air
- - - - - - Force, was presented with a plaque by
Chaplains of his staff and the Staff ChapTHE PACKAGE PLAN lains of the Air Force in recognition of
$20.00 per person "his vigorous leadership, motivated by a devoted spirit of dedicated service which This includes: 2 dinners,3 luncheons and has produced a Chaplain ministry commen2 nights lodging. surate with the mission, growth and develFor local Chaplains $15.00 per person. opment of the United States Air Force". (Same as package above less 2 nights lodging.) Chaplain (Colonel)Wallace M.Hale, of
Send $10.00 per person deposit to the office of the Chief of Army Chaplains, Chaplain Wallace S.Anderson spoke on "Character Development and Moral
Chaplains Office,V.A.Hospital Guidance of American Servicemen" at a
First Avenue & 24th Street luncheon for members of the State FederaNew York 10, New York. tion of Women's Clubs in Boston in January.
"As military chaplains we are interested Committee on relationship to Hotels in assisting each individual who comes into Chaplain Pipho,3rd Naval District the Armed Forces" Chaplain Hale stated. Chaplain Lonnie Knight,Chief of Active "We as ministers, priests and rabbis engage Duty Division,Governor's Island; in the most cooperative enterprise the Chaplain Benjamin Tintner. world has ever seen to promote religion and morality in individual and corporate lives. Committee on Luncheons Auditor, CDR We provide opportunity for worship, and
F. P. Gehring,CHC,USNR, Spiritual Director just as diligently do we seek to assist the St.John's University, New York. individual to apply this religious momentum to his daily life". 3

Chaplain (Major) Formal approval of the charter for the Nils M.Ylvisaker served OKINAWA CHAPTER, was granted at the Execuas President of the Mil- tive Committee meeting held last month at itary Chaplains Associa- National Headquarters. tion from 1938-1946. - - - - - -
At present he is pastor "Military Justice" will be the topic of the College Lutheran for the meeting of the NEW ENGLAND CHAPChurch of San Diego, TER at Army & Navy Y.M.C.A. ,Charlestown, where he has served Massachusetts. The speaker will be Rear since 1951. Chaplain Admiral Robert J.White (CHC). Ylvisaker, who has been Panel: "Disciplinary Cases I have Solved". in the military service - - - - - -
since 1925 was presented Members of the DELMARVA CHAPTER the St.Olaf's Medal by toured the Dover Air Force Base, Dover, King Haakon of Norway. His published Delaware,conducted by Major George Frum,
books include the "Service Prayer Book" 39th Air Transport Squadron. Chaplain
with printing of more than a million cop- (Major) Charles Glaise, was host for the
ies; "The Glory Road", Trumpets of God", sixteen chaplains who toured the Base.
"No Other Way" and "Faces Toward God". - - - - - -
- - - - - At a meeting of the ATLANTA AREA Chaplain (Lt Col) CHAPTER of the Military Chaplains AssociaAndrew L. Johnson is tion, Lieutenant General Thomas F.Hickey,
presently with the 52nd Third US Army Commander,received an
(FA) Group at Fort Sill, "Award of Recognition" from the Military p Chaplains Association of the United States Oklahoma. His pastorOklahoma. His pastor- of America. Chaplain James W.May, Presiates included the St.
James AME ChurchCleve- dent of the Atlanta Area Chapter, in preJames AME Church,Cleve- senting the award referred to General
Church, Ashtabula,0hio, Hickey as a man who has come to great
and Lee Chapel AME responsibility with the realization of Church, Cincinnati,Ohio. the closely interwoven, interdependent Chaplain Johnson holds relationship of "spiritual and worldly
the Army Commendation affairs."
Ribbon for outstanding service and the The radio program "Let There Be Light"
The radio program "Let There Be Light"
Bronze Star for meritorious service. His included a story of the chaplaincy in a
serve t Koe, apanin 947-948was included a story of the chaplaincy in a
service at Kobe, Japan in 1947-1948 was recent series, in which Chaplain (Major)
singularly rewarding.
singularly rewarding. Franklin T.Gosser's story as a parachute S- - chaplain was told. The story portrays the ineffective relationships of a chaplain with parachute troops before he Chaplain (Lt Col) Leslie A.Thompson, attended "Jump school" and participated
is presently serving at the Valley Forge with the men in the hazards and diffiArmy Hospital, Phoenixville,Pennsylvania. culties of their daily life, and the
His education included Drury College, change which came about as a parachute
Springfield,Missouri, Southern Baptist or "jumping chaplain".
Theological Seminary,Louisville,Kentucky
and Duke Divinity School, Durham, N.C.
He was pastor of the Baptist Church,
Forest City,Missouri during 1934 and 1935, A one day seminar for civilian clergyand did missionary work in South China dur- men and Armed Forces Chaplains was held on
ing 1935 to 1939. He entered the Army in January 27 in HAWAII. The seminar, the
1940 and was awarded the Bronze Star. first of its kind in the Territory of
(Chaplain Thompson's photograph Hawaii, acquainted Island churches with
was not available for this Newsletter) the religious programs conducted at military bases.

(The following statement was written by Second Army Command Chaplain, the Reverend John W. Thomas, The Holy (Colonel)Silas E.Decker, has returned to Cross Episcopal Church, Sanford,Florida, duty after a serious illness which in the church paper "The Envoy".) involved a sojourn both at Fort Meade Hosital and Walter Reed. As the ChapWill the noise get worse? Now that lain prepares for his new assignment in all groups at the Naval Air Station have Panama, he has the prayerful best wishes jets, the noise of planes overhead probab- of an ever grateful Association for the ly will get louder. If we are thought- trememdous support which he has continuless, small of nature, and selfish of pur- ally given. pose, we will complain. Here at Holy - - - - -
Cross we understand that these men are
protecting our country, and are not flying OUR OLDEST MEMBER? for fun. It is the policy of this parish that anytime a plane flies over the church Congratulations to during service, so that the noise drowns Chaplain Joseph Wilson out everything, we will stop (unless in a Cochran, who celebrated group action such as a hymn or the Creed) his 91st birthday on 8 and everyone in the church will bow their January,1958. head and say a silent prayer for the pilot ,4 Dr. Cochran was an and the crew. It is recommended that you 4Army Chaplain in Paris do this same thing at home when a plane during World War I, flies over your house. Just think of how served as pastor of the many people you can pray for during the Woodward Avenue Presbytime the "traffic pattern" is over your terian Church in Detroit house. A good prayer is: and was pastor of the American Church in Paris
"God bless and guide that crew. from 1923 to 1933. Last September he
Return them safe again to the flew to Paris to speak at the 100th anniground and to their family. Amen." versary of the American Church in Paris.
It was under his pastorate that the
Note to pilots: As you circle over Sanford, church was rebuilt on the Quai d'Orsay. we invite you to fly over the Episcopal To raise funds, Dr.Cochran made five trips Church and we'll pray for your safety. to America and received contributions from such philanthropists as John D.Rockefeller, Jr., Mrs.Marshall Field, Cyrus McCormick, GOSPEL MAGIC J.C.Penney and Rodman Wanamaker. When he retired as pastor of the Paris church he Chaplain (Lt.)Robert C. Anderson was presented with a golden key to the often resorts to "magic" when conducting door and the accompanying citation,"Upon services at Fort Carson,Colorado. He completion of your wonderful work as received his first taste of "wand-waving" moral architect and virtual builder of the when he was enrolled in a course called American Church in Paris." "Gospel Magic" while a student at Northern - - - - - -
Baptist Seminary in Chicago.
At first Chaplain Anderson limited A good will offering of the people his magic to its original role of atten- of the State of Israel to servicemen of tion getting for his character guidance the three faiths at Fort Belvoir,Virginia, lectures. Gradually, magic became of came recently in the form of a tree greater use in helping to illustrate and planted in front of the Post Chapel in dramatize his points. The trainees took honor of Tu Bishebat, Jewish Arbor Day. to magic and to the magician with such The Fort Belvoir Chapel is used by serviceenthusiasm and were so pleased with his men of the three faiths. illustrations, that he now occasionally - - - - - -
preaches an entire sermon to church-goers at Chapel 1, Fort Carson, around a magic Notice in a New York Taxi object lesson. If you can keep your head in all this confusion,you surely don't understand the 5 situation.

Guests at National Headquarters Guests at Hospitality House write as follows:
"It was a delightful experience for
Chaplain Floyd H.Engstrom us to have been able to stay at 1710-16th
Colorado Springs, Colorado Street N.W., during the Command Chaplains
Chaplain and Mrs. W.T.Taylor, 2 children, Conference. This was the first time we
Fort Eustis,Virginia. were guests at "our house" and I certainChaplain and Mrs.Leander R.Nease,Jr., ly hope it isn't the last time. The restFort Gordon,Georgia. ful and relaxing atmosphere of the place
Chaplain John R.Woods, makes it most inviting. I hope others
Fort Bragg,North Carolina. share in the experience we had and will
Chaplain J. F. Gough then be moved to help support the AssociaGulfport, Mississippi tion which makes this "home" possible."
Chaplain Frank C.Riley Chaplain (Col) Herman H.Heuer,USA
Fort Devens,Massachusetts Sixth U.S.Army Chaplain
Chaplain and Mrs.L.F.Uhlendorff
Fort Eustis,Virginia. "I just want to tell you how much I
Chaplain and Mrs.Carl L.Zimmerman and enjoyed the hospitality of Association
children,Fort Sheridan,Illinois. Headquarters. The Chaplains Gaertner and
Chaplain Harold H.Schulz Heuer were great company and many projects
Hq.USAREUR,APO 403, New York were discussed by the three of us in the
Chaplain and Mrs.Herman H.Heuer comfortable surroundings of the headPresidio of San Francisco. quarters.
Chaplain J.F.Gaertner Mrs.Ford was most kind, as also were
Fort McPherson, Georgia. the secretaries in the office. Altogether,
Chaplain F. W.Meehling, 3726 Lotus Drive, my stay was most happy and comfortable."
San Diego,California. Chaplain (Colonel) Harold H.Schulz
Chaplain and Mrs.Clayton E.Day and USA REUR.
children,Fort Jackson, S.Carolina. - - - - - -
Chaplain and Mrs.Robert G.Balnicky,
Union, South Carolina. Hospitality House Chapel
Chaplain Vernon Stenberg
Norfolk,Virginia. The fourth floor area used previously
Chaplain K. H. Capers, as storage has been refurbished as a
Topeka,Kansas. Chapel and Prayer Room. New flooring and
Chaplain Wilmer R.Bottoms lighting arrangements, pastel walls and a
Fort Benning, Georgia proposed air conditioner should compliment
Chaplain Logan L.Kuhns, R.D.No.2, the Chapel furniture which we propose to
Perrypolis,Pennsylvania. install.
Chaplain Monroe Drew,Jr. 202 Clinton Ave.,
Trenton 8,New Jersey.
Chaplain Ralph R.Monsen, Donaldson Air F.B.
Greenville, South Carolina Executive Secretary's Speaking
Dr. Charles J. Anderson, 542 S. Dearborn, Engagements
Chaplain Raymond E.Barry February 23 New York City. Guest
Arlington Heights,Illinois. Speaker at Calvary Baptist Church at both
Chaplain John E.Kienitz morning and evening services.
Fort Carson, Colorado. March 8 Boston,Massachusetts. Park
Mr. & Mrs. Carleton Campbell Street Church. It is anticiCranbury, New Jersey pated that over one thousand
Chaplain John R.Bain, young people will attend.
Fort MacArthur,California. March 13- Baltimore, Maryland.
Chaplain R. B. Herndon, March 28- East Orange,New Jersey,
Topeka,Kansas. Fellowship for Evangelism.
Chaplain C. H.Arnold, 1211 Throop Street, March 29- Luray,Virginia Youth Rally
Topeka, Kansas.
Chaplain Wilmer R.Bottoms
Fort Benning, Georgia.

Former president of MCA, Rear Admiral Chaplain (Lt Col) Arlington A.McCallum, M. S. Sheehy, CHC, USNR, paid a surprise Rector Emeritus of St.Paul's Episcopal visit to National Headquarters. Admiral Church, and former president of the Mili- Sheehy is serving on a Naval Selection tary Chaplains Association (1934-1938) Board in Washington,D.C. died at Soldiers Home Hospital, Washing- - - - - -
ton,D.C. on February 3, 1958. A native Rabbi Alfred J.Kolatch of Forest of London,Ontario, he was educated at St. Hills, N.Y., was elected president of the John's College,Winnipeg and Seabury Div- Jewish Chaplains of the Armed Forces at inity School in Faribault,Minnesota. In the biennial convention of the Associa1911 he was ordained a deacon and served tion in Lakewood, New Jersey. A WWII as &n assistant at Holy Trinity Church Army Chaplain, he is now president of the in Minneapolis, and as Chaplain to men at Jewish Booksellers .Association. the University of Minnesota.
Father McCallum joined the National Chaplain (Major) Robert A.Lundy of Guard as a Chaplain in 1912 and served Fresno, California,was chosen as one of overseas with the Rainbow Division from the Methodist clergymen to be assigned to 1917 to 1919. the 22 churches of that denomination in
During his Washington service he was Alaska in their preaching and visitation Chaplain to the 260th Coast Artillery evangelism program which took place from National Guard, and was active between 21 February to 5 March. the wars in the Military Order of the World Wars. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM
Dr. William Henry Jernagin, 88, The Military Chaplains Association national Negro religious leader, pastor 1710 16th Street N.W. of the Mount Carmel Baptist Church, and Washington 9, D.C. Chairman of the National Baptists,USA,
died Saturday, February 8, at a Miami I wish to become a 1958 Member and Beach hospital following an operation. to receive the magazine and Newsletter.
Among those killed in the aircraft Enclosed is $ for: collision over Norwalk,California on
February 1,1958, was Navy Chaplain (Lt. Chapel Donation to M.C.A. CDR) Peter Bol, who was enroute to wash- Annual Membership 5_.O0 ington,u.G. to receive the "Navy Chaplain Contributing Membership $10.00 of the Year" award. PERPETUAL Membership $100.00
- - - - - - Patron $1000.00
Chaplain and Mrs. Fred Sundloff will
soon be enroute to their new assignment Il Please send me a Lapel Button $2.00.... in Germany. Mrs.Sundloff will be Metal Auto Tag 1.25 remembered as "Chief Girl Friday" at MCA Headquarters for several years. Name
- - - - - .Name
Chaplain (Lt Col) Carl S.Ledbetter, (Please Print) Chaplain (Capt) Luther F.Gerhart, and Chaplain (Lt Col) Jesse L.Coburn served Address as panel members at a seminar held February 11-13 at the Pacific School of
Religion Pastors Conference.
The formal dedication of the U.S.Army Rank Current Status Chaplain School,Fort Slocum,New York, Rank Current Status was held February 10,1958. Chaplain (Col) A N AF NG VA (Circle one) James T.Wilson, is the Commandant of the AN AF NG (Circle one) school.

Army Navy
Ivan C.Whipple, Colonel, 375 Bellevue Harry C.Wood, Captain, Force Chaplain, Avenue, Oakland 10, California. Phib.Pac, San Diego 55, California.
Newell E.Taylor, Major, Hq.lst Battle Haldean S.Lindsey, P.O.Box 1347, 5th Cav.APO 24, San Francisco,California. South Bend,Indiana.
William J.Higgins, Captain, Hq.Det. Charles Kary, Lt.Jg., Hq. MCB, 25th Sig Bn. APO 164, New York, N.Y. Camp Pendleton,California.
Chester R.Lindsey, Major, Bldg.591, Mathew A.gry, DCR., Mag 14,NAAS Room 4, Fort Leavenworth,Kansas. Edenton,North Carolina.
Joseph F.Gough, Captain, Veterans Adm. Donald E.McGraw, Captain, 65 Hasell Hospital, Gulfport,Mississippi. Street,Charleston, South Carolina.
Horace Sams, Lt. Box 10072, St.Peters- Harold L.Ogden, Lt.Com.,133 Turquoise burg, 33,Florida. Avenue, Balboa Island,California.
John E.Kinney, Colonel (Ret.) Giles A.Webster, CDR., 89 Brookby Rd. 206 E.Rosewood, San Antonio, Texas. Scarsdale,New York.
Orin D. Swank, Major, Box 26, Paul W.Townsend, Captain, 1226 MaxAmagansett, Long Island. well Street, Salisbury,North Carolina.
Cletus E.Wilch, Major, Hq. Trp. 8th Edwin N.Faye, CDR., USS Forrestall, Cavalry,APO 28, New York, New York CVA 59, FPO, New York, New York.
Charles W.Meyer, 1st Lt., Hq. 25th Vernon Stenberg, Lt., Staff Com.Nav. Inv.Div. APO 25, San Francisco,Cal. Air Lant, USNAS, Norfolk 11, Virginia.
John A. Bain, Captain, 865th AAA Msl Monroe Drew, Jr., Lt., 202 Columbia Bn. (Nike) Fort MacArthur, Cal. Avenue, Trenton 8, New Jersey.
David N. Clark, Major, Leon S.Darkowski, Lt. ,MCB,pecial, Beulah Beach, Ohio. (NAF McM urdo) Navy #20,Box oll,FPO.San.F.
Robert B.Webb,Jr., Captain, Hq.3rd
ADA Grp, Norfolk A.B., Norfolk,Virginia.
William J.Fackler, Captain, 840 S. Air Force Almansor, Alhambra,California.
Stuart M. Rohre, Lt.Col., 336 Corona Eugene F.Stump, Major, Apt. 8G, Avenue, San Antonio 9, Texas. 395 Riverside Drive, New York, N.Y.
James W.McGinnis, Major, 408 Union L. C. Habetz, Hq. 14th Air Force, Street, Cary, North Carolina. Warner-Robins AFB, Georgia.
O. G. Grotefend, 7405 12th St.; N.W. Delbert C.Partin, Major, Hq.Sq.Sec., Washington,D.C. l41st Air Division,APO 994,San Francisco.
Martin J. Osborne,Captain, Hq.2nd Kenneth E.Hartman, Major, Hq.lOth Air Batt.Compat Team,APO 81, New York,N.Y. Division,APO 942, Seattle,Washington.
Karl A.Wuest, Lt.Col., Sacred Heart William Landon Allison, 1st Lt. Church, Milford Center,Ohio. APO 132, New York, N.Y.
David M. Johansson,Captain, Ath Reg. Ersmond Swaffar, Captain, 4th Air Base Combat Team, Fort Devens,Mass. Group, Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C.
Ernest F.Wentzel, 1st Lt., 2nd.Btl.
Gp, 15th Inf. APO 139, New York,N.Y. Others
Thomas E.Carter, lst Lt. U.S.A.Disciplinary Barracks,Ft.Leavenworth,Kansas. William L.Mayo, (Ret.) Episcopal
Ernest C.Klein, 1st Lt. 73 A Sicily, Church Home, 1515 32 St.N.W.Washington,D.C. Fort Bragg, North Carolina. George L.Cutton, Veterans Adm.Center,
Charles W.Jewitt, Captain, Hq.3rd Med. Bath, New York. Tk.Bn. (Patton)69th Armor,APO 25,
Grover F.Tyner, First Baptist Church,
Bremen, Georgia.
Oscar W.Schoech, Lt.Col., Advance Sec.
APO 122, New York, N.Y. (Note: Unless notified of assignment
Willis F.Youn 1st Lt. Hq.CO.,23d. and address changes as they occur,the Eng.Bn. (Armd Div) APO 165,New York, N.Y. MCA office is obliged to mail out the
Emil F.Kapusta,Captain, Hq.Div.Arty, magazine and Newsletter to addresses 2d.Armd.Div., Fort Hood, Texas. that may not reach you. Please be
Walter G.McLeod, Lt.Col., 10503 Amherst prompt in notifying us.) Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland.

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