Official Publication of
President --------------- Chaplain (Col.) Edward L. R. Elson, USAR aeOuard an to r deepen
Minister of The National Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C. O a O n t e te tO nf jorceS o pefP~ 5indin ofuExecutive Secretary-Treasurer __ Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA os to pefuee ieon ~ presoerve
STAFF the boo see a n ine a ed Mr. R. H. Rice Mrs. Milton D. Willis snipP o.itu if1Cuee os of tn et of 0 rSIPrl ok teCon's t-tution o Mrs. Win. M. Green o" abers d t omote jusHors eot to up 0 d Ono Promote orces; e States a \\
HEADQUARTERS AND GUEST HOUSE the ~nle o Go Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Daily ,lce, Pace Sleeping accommodations available for Chaplains and their families. Please make reservations in advance, if possible. Plan to stay with us when you visit Washington. Only a 50g taxi ride from Union Station. Resident manager always at Headquarters Building. Rates: $1.50 a night for adults. 754 for
20 September 1950-Public Law 792-81st Congress
National Headquarters: 1710 16th St., N.W., Washington 9, D. C.
Telephone: ADams 2-1667
Vol. XXX DECEMBER1957 No.12
Articles in this publication express the point of view of the authors
only and not necessarily those of the Association or of the Services.
Published 12 times a year by the Military Chaplains Association and
issued monthly. Editorial and Executive offices, 1710 Sixteenth St., N.W..
Washington 9, D. C. Entered as Second Class Matter at Washington, D. C., under the act of March 3, 1879 at the special rate of mailing.
This publication is mailed to all members of the Chaplains Association.
Subscriptions to all others not eligible for membership are $5.00 per
calendar year. Foreign subscriptions (non-members) are $6.00 per cal- M E r
endar year. Special Library Rate, 3 years for $12.00. Write for details S
on Bundle Plan.
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SA Salute
Tenth Year
The festive season of Chanukah marks a jubilant occasion for the friends of Israel the world over. We recall that this is the tenth year of Israel's independence-a decade of growth and development to cancel out a horrifying decade of persecution in Europe. Ten years of fulfillment after 2000 years of prayer and hope.
The Military Chaplains Association of the United States, on behalf of the Chaplains of the Armed Forces pays heartfelt tribute to Israel's phenomenal achievement record.
In this meaningful season of the year, to Chaplains of all faiths, we honor the spirit of Chanukah, which is the spirit of "Israel's Tenth Year of Independence."
"Have we not all one Father?
Hath not one God created us?" (MALACHI 2:10)
SEASONS GREETINGS from the desk of
The Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA
May I express here my sincere wish and prayer that the anniversary of the Savior's Navitity may be a holy and blessed day for you and your loved ones.
During the black plague death which swept over Europe years ago, "Men", we are
told, "fled in terror of their fellow men in fear of their breath or touch and for weeks sustained a strange siege of solitude".
On Christmas Eve in the year 1353, in Goldberg, Silesia, a man, thinking himself to be the only survivor, went forth in the dead of night singing, "To us this d a y a Child is born, God with us!"
As his voice rang into the still of the night another voice was heard in response to his own as a man joined him in the street. Together they sang into the quiet of the midnight hour, the first songs that had been sung since the terror of pestilence had entered the city. The songs brought strange echoes, and from living tombs twenty-five all that were left in the town came forth and with new courage marched through death-stricken streets singing, "God with us Against us,who dare be!"
And with what comfort in this strange day, with eyes of faith, we are sustained as we kneel again before the Christ Child in the assurance that God is for us against us who dare be!
"And without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness; God was manifest
in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached to the Gentiles and believed on in the world, received up into glory." I Timothy 3:16.
Mrs.Alfred C.Oliver,Jr.,of Ocean City, April 22-24
New Jersey, has presented to the Military Chaplain (Cantain) Chaplains Association, a gift of $100.00 Joshua L. Goldberg, CHC, as a Perpetual Membership in memory of her USN,District Chaplain, late husband,Chaplain (Colonel) Alfred C. Third Naval District, Oliver,Jr. and Staff Chaplain.
Chaplain Oliver's tours of duty included Eastern Sea Frontier, service in the Artillery AEF during World is an outstanding memWar I, Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, ber of the American D.C., and Hawaii. During World War II, he rabbinate, who for many served in the Philippines and was captured years has taken a leadand imprisoned, ing role in Jewish affairs, and is the
Chaplain Oliver served the Army Chap- first Rabbi commissioned as a Naval Chaplaincy long and well, and in his devotion lain in World War II. He is also the to duty reflected great credit upon the first Jewish Chaplain ever to be appointed military service and himself. as District Chaplain in the U.S.Navy.
He came to the United States in November,
1916, and shortly thereafter volunteered
in the Army, and served with the American
Chaplain (Colonel) Wallace M. Hale, Expeditionary Forces in France. He is Chief of the training division in the credited with five major engagements in Office of the Chief of Chaplains,USA,who World War I. For his service in World addressed the Protestant churchmen at War II he received Citation, with conmmenWashington,D.C., told the newly-formed dation ribbon, from the Secretary of the Churchmen's Commission for Decent Publica- Navy. tions that "Chaplains are playing a large Upon his return to civilian life after role in carrying out the directive of the World War I, he taught Hebrew and in 1926 Secretary of Defense that indecent maga- was graduated from the Jewish Institute zines be removed from post exchanges and of Religion. From there he was called military bases". He emphasized that all to serve as Rabbi of the Astoria Center departments of the Armed Forces are cooper- of Israel, where he remained until 1942, ating in a unified approach to moral devel- when he joined the Naval Service. He was opment and stated that "There can be no elected Rabbi Emeritus in 1950. doubt that the military intends to make In civilian life,Captain Goldberg unavailable to servicemen, any printed served as Chaplain of the Department of or pictoral matter that is obscene". Hospitals of New York City; trustee of the Queensboro Public Library; member,
Executive Council, Queens Council, Boy
SOn November 3,1957, the unusual All- couts of America; State Chaplain, AmerFaiths Chapel at Naval Ordnance Test-- ican Legion. He is Vice President of the CenterChina LakeCalifornia, was dedica- Queens College Association and Grand Chapted, This chapel seats 600, has a lain of the Grand Lodge,Free and Accepted smaller morning chapel seating 60-70 and Masons,New York, National Chaplain,Jewish includes office space for Chaplainsg 60-70 and War Veterans of the United States,National includes office space for Chaplains and Cali.eev fiesAscain church leaders. It represents years of Chaplain,Reserve Officers Association. church leaders. It represents years of H passxlnugs n swdl working and hoping by religious groups in He speaks six languages, and is widely China Lake. known as an international traveler and lecturer, and as an active participant in
NAT- O Good Will movement between Jews and nonNATO "BOUQUETS OF PEACEn Jews. In 1953 Chaplain Goldberg was
The 38 Naval Chaplains representing 14 appointed a member of the Committee on NATO nations who recently visited the Moral and Spiritual Resources of the United States, sent "Bouquets of Peace" United States Information Agency. He is in a gesture of international good-will a feature writer of "Gems of Faith" for to the heads of their respective govern- Newhouse Publications (Sunday magazine ments made up of national flowers of each section) of the 14 NATO countries. Convention Site Sheraton-Astor Hotel-New York City 3
"The Hospital Chaplain" will be the ) topic of the next meeting of the New England Chapter to be held January 15, 1958, at Veterans Administration Hospital 150 Huntington Street, Boston. A panel discussion will be held on "Hospital Counseling."
The Golden Gate Chapter reports the following officers for 1958:
President Chaplain Herman Schnurr, USN, Treasure Island,California.
Secretary Chaplain (Lt.Col) John R. A N D B E S T W I S H E S F O R Strevig, Hq.6th RAAD Com.Fort Baker,Cal.
Treasurer Chaplain (Major) (NG)
Albert H.Olson, 587 Santa Barbara Road, A HAPP Y NE W YEAR
HEADQUARTERS STAFF The Atlanta Area Chapter report the following newly elected officers:
President Chaplain James W.May,956 Clifton Road,N.E,Atlanta 7, Georgia. Tribute To Military Chaplains Secretary Chaplain Robert C.Pooley, Jr., P.O.Box 1301, Rome,Georgia.
"Missionaries go to the farthest parts Treasurer Chaplain James W.Sosebee,
of the globe to carry God's message - 200 Pryer St.,S.W. Atlanta,Georgia.
and into the back regions of our own - - - - -
countries to carry the good news to our
own unsaved. These devoted people need Between Thanksgiving and Christmas our prayers and support. this year, many people throughout the
There is another type of missionary of world will be reading the same passage in
whom we seldom hear enough mentioned. the Bible each day. Now spread to 50
This is the Chaplain in the various armed countries, the idea started 14 years ago forces of the nations. He wears a uniform, when a lonely Marine on Guadalcanal wrote but his uniform is distinguished by a cross home with an inspiring request. He asked
on its collar. his mother to have the family join him
But more than a cross on the collar of across the distance of continents by readhis uniform distinguishes this man; there ing with him the same passages in the
is the never fading smile, the kind word, Bible each day. His mother relayed the
the wise counsel. Equally at home in pul- idea to the American Bible Society in
pit or on battlefield, the Chaplain Philadelphia, which adopted the program ministers to numerous needy men in the and chose the Thanksgiving to Christmas
world. "The harvest truly is plenteous, period for the readings. This year
but the labourers are few." This mission- President Eisenhower is honorary chairman
ary, the Chaplain, needs the support of of the sponsoring committee.
our prayers. - - - - -
Prayer The Brooklyn Army Terminal Gatehouse Chapel has a very unique revolving altar. Our Father, we thank Thee for those A speedy change of the chapel is effected
who so ably minister to those in uniform. for Catholic,Jewish or Protestant services Bless them as they minister sometimes by turning the three-sided altar each side
against immeasurable odds, even at the set with its own religious appointments.
cost of their lives. May their example
lead us to a more dedicated life for Thee. Air Force Staff Chaplains Conference
(Condensed from The Upper Room) Sheraton Park Hotel,Washington,D.C. February 1., 19, 20, 1958.
BOOK REVIEW Book Review (Continued)
HOLY BIBLE FROM THE PESCHITTA The Chaplains will find Dr.Lamsa's translation most informative and different,
authorized Bible of the Church of the East. nation most informative and different, and the renderings of the texts to be most Publishethor George M.Lamsa lman $1250. illuminating. While a bit more expensive than the average translation, it will give h new orientation to one's pulpit craftmanThe lauditory reception which Dr. Lamsa ship. received for the translation of the Gospels and later of the New Testament and of William Golder. the Psalms, prompted the publisher to pro- NEW HOLY DAY RECORDS duce the complete translation of the Bible
from the Peschitta. A new chapter in religious history has
Dr.Danel Polingformer President of just been added to the Catholic,Protestant and Jewish faiths with publication of the Military Chaplains Association and Mrs. three new long-play, hi-fidelity records Poling used portions of this manuscript in ce n ong te their daily devotions. The translation is covering, in narration and song, the their daily devotions. The translation is story of Ten Holy Days of each faith. fromstory of Ten Holy Days of each faith. from the language that Jesus and his The three new albums,each one hour in earlier followers spoke and it is unques- length, have full church approval. They tionably true that documents in Aramaic est ar frs irlo were drawn on by writers of the New Testa- are said to mark a first in religious history for, prior to now, nothing of this ment,then became the inspired form of the nature has been composed or recorded. Christian message. This translation gives ris n ms e o record new meaning to the inspired message of the Lrics and music of each of the records
le andingt nspir d mese ote are by Gerald Marks,one of America's foreBible, and its spirit and scholorship are
'. most author-composers. Music is under of the highest order. the direction of Howard Barlow,renowned
symphonic orchestra conductor, with Ray Of the book, Dr.Elson, our President, Middletonstar of best loved musicals, has said, "In this new translation,George Middletonstar of best loved musicals, Lamsa has again brought new light and life narrating aound of musi nging against a back-n to the record. As with his earlier records, The new records, bearing the Candle I have found this translation an illumina- Record lable, are available now from ting and clarifying commentary on the more Hammond Organ dealers. familiar translations. It will receive a wide reception and grow in usefulness and A unique experiment in Sunday School
apprciaton ith he pssig oftheA unique experiment in Sunday School appreciation with the passing of the education using closed circuit teleyears."
Following the introduction to the to vision was made recently at the Naval the volume there is an extended list of Training Center,Bainbridge,Md. The Aramaic words illustrating the differences experiment was planned and directed by
Aramic ord illstrtin thedifereces Chapla-in John A.Hammond of the United encountered by the earlier translators in Chaplain John A.Haond of the United
translating Aramaic into Greek. For Presbyterian Church. Chaplain Richard example : A.Hancock of the Southern Baptist Church, example: i ueitneto h udySho
King James Version "And the Lord said is superintendent of the Sunday School unto Moses, take all the heads of the which serves the families of men working people and hang them up before the Lord at the Naval Training Center. against the sun."
Peschitta Version "And the Lord said to Moses, take all the chiefs of the
people and expose them before the Lord in At the 1957 International Convention
the daylight." (Deut. 27:16) of the Disciples of Christ held recently in Cleveland,Ohio, Chaplain (Colonel) King James Version "And again I say Loren Jenks,Army; Chaplain (Lt. Chester unto you, it is easier for a camel to go Weber, Navy; Chaplain (Major) George through the eye of a needle . ."
Puhtta Veon n I sy u. Fisher, Air Force, and Chaplain DeLoss
Peschitta Version "Again I say unto Marken, V.A., were on hand to answer Marken, VA., were on hand to answer
you, it is easier for a rope to go through an many an inquiry and interpret their
the eye of a needle . ." (Math.9:24) branch of the chaplaincy favorably.
branch of the chaplaincy favorably.
Guests at National Headquarters PERSONALS...
Chaplain J. H. Woods, We regret to report the death of ChapFort Bragg, North Carolina lain (Captain) William Phillips Williams, Chaplain 0. E.Scott, a Navy Chaplain for thirty years, who
Fort Slocum, New York. died of a heart attack on 13 November, in Chaplain and Mrs. W. K. Anderson and Aruba, Dutch West Indies, where he was
children, Fort Slocum,New York. visiting his daughter, Mrs.John Vernon. Chaplain and Mrs. Harold L.Ogden and Chaplain Williams, who retired in 1946,
daughter, Albany, New York. had been a resident of the Washington,D.C. Chaplain William J.Reid, area since 1955. He is also survived by
Fort Hamilton,New York. his wife, Alice and a son, David. Chaplain and Mrs. Richard M.Harding and - - - - - - -
daughter,Camp Kilmer,New Jersey. Chaplain Herman H.Heuer, until recently Chaplain and Mrs. William Owen, Staff Chaplain in Okinawa and now at the
Fort Story,Virginia. Presidio San Francisco, will continue to
Chaplain Joseph Gallagher and mother, write his column for the Lutheran Chaplain.
USS Bon Homme Richard,FPO, S.F. A most interesting installment appears in Chaplain and Mrs. J.L.George, 3610th Nav. the November issue of that journal entitTrg.W. Harlingen A.F.Base, Texas. led "Dateline Hong Xong". Chaplain Allen F.Bray, U.S.Naval MCB #6, - - - - - -
FPO, New York, N.Y. Chaplain Bruce H.Williams, Lt.CHC,USN, Chaplain A. M. Witwer, 3046 N.Fifth St. of the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing,FPO,San
Philadelphia, Pa. Francisco, has an interesting inter-serChaplain Charles A.O'Neill, Fordham Univer- vice relationship in that he is attached
sity, Bronx, New York 58, N.Y. to a Marine Air Group,working in an Army Reverend and Mrs. Frederic Witmer Chapel and serves Navy, Marine, Army and
Jersey Shore,Pa. Japanese personnel. Chaplain and Mrs. James T. Fish,Donaldson pronl
Air Force Base,Greenville, S.C. Chaplain (Lt.Col.) John M.Hughes, has Chaplain Emanuel Carlson, been assigned to Scott Air Force Base,
Fort MacArthur, California. Illinois, as Deputy Wing Chaplain,having S- arrived there from Elmendorf AFB,Alaska.
Lauds Soldier Morality He served as a Chaplain with the Army
Lauds Soldier Morality during World War II in the South Pacific.
He transferred to Air Force while staAmerica's soldiers now are "fine
tioned in Tokyo. At Elmendorf he was
ambassadors wherever they go," and are ta in o edr h a staff chaplain for Headquarters 10th Air
actually more religious than civilians, Division. the Army Chief of Chaplains said here
last week.
In an address at the Woman's National Rear Admiral E.B.Harp,Jr.,CHC,USN,was Democratic Club, Msgr. (Major General) made an honorary member of the InterPatrick J.Ryan said the soldiers repre- Service Club of Arlington,Virginia,at the sent "the cream of the crop," and he Inter-Service annual council luncheon attributed this for the most part to the meeting held 27 November,1957. Among
character guidance program of the Army. the organizations represented in the InterMonsignor Ryan, who visited the Army Service Club are Kiwanis,Rotary,Sonta and posts all over the world, said the Army's Business and Professional Women's Club. religious program has never been so strong. - - - - - -
"A young man who goes into the service Chaplain (Colonel) Simpson B.Daugherty, today," he stated, "will return to his USAR,has been elected Superintendent of community as good or better than when he the Evangelical United Brethren Church, went in, if he will only take advantage the highest office within the gift of the of the opportunities." Conference. His last pastorate was at
- - - - - - - - Grace Church,Carlisle,Pa., to which he
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour was assigned immediately following his of God,that ye may be able to withstand separation from extended active duty in in the evil day. .Ephesians 6:13. World War II.
Chaplain William Golder, MCA Executive Best Wishes of the Military Chaplains
Secretary, again visited with Canadian Association are extended to the Navy ChapChaplains who conduct religious services lains Corps, on its 182nd Anniversary, for combined Canadian and American mili- which was 28 November. tary personnel and their dependents at
Fort Churchill on Hudson Bay. He enjoyed speaking in the Episcopal Church in the "The October Directory Issue just town of Churchill and renewed fellowship arrived in the Islands. . The Index with the wonderful Chaplains and Mission- of Current and Pertinent Regulations is aries of Roman Catholic and Protestant particularly helpful." faith in that 501 below area. Chaplain (Major) Deane F.Babbit, USAR
Chaplain Aryeh Lev of Brooklyn, N. Y.
director of the National Jewish Welfare The October Directory issue of THE Board, Commission on Jewish Chaplaincy, MILITARY CHAPLAIN just arrived and it is will accompany Chaplain Charles I.Carpen- a beautiful piece of work! Congratulater, Air Force Chief of Chaplains, on a tions to you on another extra-ordinary flying mission to Europe to study adminis- job. But that is the way you always do
trative problems of overseas chaplains. things." Air Force installations in Spain,Germany Chaplain Myrwood K.Guy, Altus AFB and England will be visited.
Chaplain Joseph FParker,USN, Senior "You have honored me in asking me to
Chaplain of the U.S.Naval Hospital in become a member. Enclosed find my memberPhiladelphia, has recently published a ship application and five dollars." second printing of "Prayers at Sea"which Chaplain Alister C. Anderson. has a wide circulation among Naval,Coast
Guard,and Merchant Marine ships and units. "Let me congratulate you on your work as secretary. The outstanding and eyeA well known Scottish preacher and pleasing job you did on the October Directevangelist, the Rev.Walter J.Main, has ory is also most commendable." joined the staff of Moody Bible Institute. Chaplain (Col) H.H. Schulz,USA Mr.Main has a keen interest in world
missions. He serves on the boards of the Idlewild Airport Chapel Africa Inland Mission, Baptist Missionary Plans to establish a Protestant chapel Society, Sudan Interior Mission and Sam- at Idlewild Airport were approved by the besi Mission. General Assembly of the Protestant Council of the City of New York. The chapel,
Chaplain (Lt.Col) Ralph Zumwalt,of the expected to cost about $250,000 will be
Brooklyn Army Terminal, recently super- the second house of worship at the airport. vised the packing of 500 pounds of winter A roman Catholic chapel was opened there clothing,which was donated by Terminal in 1955. The Reverend Daniel M. Potter, personnel and shipped to Pusan,Korea,for executive director of the council, said Korean orphans. the proposed building would be similar in
Chaplain (Captain)Cornelius McLaughlin, structure to the 300 seat Catholic chapel. of Sioux City Air Force Base,Iowa, is the
only Chaplain to have been ejected from a At an exhibit held in Cambridge,Mass., jet. sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in cooperation with the
Air Force, six prominent religious leadERATTA ers and two leafing architectural educaChaplain Jesse H.Garrett, 15115 Devon- tors strongly endorsed the design of the shire St.,San Fernando,Cal., was mistaken- Air Force Academy Chapel during a special ly listed as Chaplain James H. Garrett in showing of the Chapel scale model. It the Directory issue. was the first New England showing of the Chapel scale model.
Our sincere apologies to Rear Admiral
Robert J.White,who was inadvertently 1958 MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE PAYABLE NOW
omitted from the Perpetual Membership list published in October.
Army Charles Kary, Lt.Jg., Hq. Marine Corps
Harold B. Lawson, Major, Hq.lst ARB, Base, Camp Pendelton, California. 51st Inf., APO 28, New York, N. Y. Harry C.Wood, Captain, U.S.Navy John C.Ruback, Captain, Hq. 2d Armd.Rif. Hospital, San Diego 34, California.
Bn. 46th Inf.3rd Armd.Div. APO 39, New York. C.Pardee Erdman, CDR, 2690 Sycamore Albert W. Nickel,Lt.Col.,U.S.Army Gar.NA, Canyon Road, Santa Barbara,California. Giessen,APO 169, New York, N.Y. F. W. Meehling, Captain, (Ret.) William D.Froeschner,lst Lt., 3rd Bn. 236 W.Juniper Street, San Diego 1, Cal.
20th Inf.Reg., Fort Davis, Canal Zone. W. R. Catton, LCDR,First Congregational Walter H. Ruth, Colonel, 210 N.Wise St., Church, 164 Main St., Harrison, Michigan. North Canton, Ohio. Air Force Robert W.Williams, Major, 1733 Merritt Air Force
Drive, Clarksville,Tennessee. Charles A.Lack, Parks Air Force Base, Edward A.Kozlowski, Major, Fort Gulick, California.
Canal Zone. Robert W.Tindall, Major, 1028 N.Pegram William M.Frost, Lt.Col., 597 Sylvan St., Alexandria,Virginia.
Place, Haworth, New Jersey. Robert P.Taylor, Colonel,Chief of A.F.
James W.Miller, Captain, Fort Myer, Chaplains,.Hq.USAF,Washington 25, D.C. Arlington 8, Virginia. - - - - - -
Horace M. Taylor, Lt.Col., USAR, 1422 PLEASE NOTIFY US PROMPTLY OF Elm Street, Lebanon, Pennsylvania. YOUR CHANGE OF ADDRESS!
Robert C.Pooley,Jr., Major, 322 Brookwood Avenue, Rome, Georgia.
APO 46, New York, N.Y. M ERSHIP APPLICATION FORM John E. Green, 1st Lt.,Hq. 46th Field
Artillery Grp., Fort Bliss, Texas. The Military Chaplains Association Alister C.Anderson, 1st Lt.,2nd Recon. 1710 16th Street,N.W. Squad,15th Cav.4th Arm.Div.APO 696-3,N.Y. Washington 9, D.C.
Frank M. Caughey, Lt.Col. 1321 Unami
Avenue,Wanamasa (Asbury Park) New Jersey. I wish to become a 1958 Member and Norris S.Lazaron, Major, 30 E.71lst, to receive the magazine and Newsletter. Apt.7B, New York City 21, N.Y.
Richard G.Cook, 1st Lt., 14th Armored Enclosed is $ for: Cav.Reg. APO 800, New York, N.Y.
Owen L.Mullet, Major, 3450th Tech.Tng. Chapel Donation to M.C.A.
Wing, Francis E.Warren AFB, Wyoming. Annual Membership $5.
Clayton C.Shepherd, Major, 1400 Mill Contributing Membership $10. Avenue, Temple, Arizona. PERPETUAL Membership $100.
Simpson B. Daugherty, Col.(Ret) 43 No. Patron ,1000. Keesey Street, York, Pennsylvania. Sponsor Gene W. Marshall, 1st Lt. Hq.3rd Bn.
14th Arm.Cav.Reg.,APO 171,New York, N.Y. Please send me a Lapel Button $2.00 John E.Batterson, Major, MAAG, Taiwan, Metal Auto Tag $2.00 APO 63, San Francisco,California.
Bernard D.Killeen, St.Mary's Church,
70 Gulf Street, Milford, Connecticut. Name Walter M.McCracken, Lt.Col., Staunton (Please Print) Military Academy, Staunton, Virginia.
William J. Fackler, Captain, 210 No. Address Lincoln Avenue, Monterey Park, Cal.
Boniface E.Moll, Lt.Col., Hq. Fourth
U.S.Army, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Leonard F.Stegman, Captain, U.S.A.Arty. Denomination & Missile Center,Box 1317, Fort Sill,Okla.
Joseph MacCarroll, 18 Allwood Drive, Rank Current Status Trenton 8, New Jersey. A N AF NG VA (Circle one)