The Military chaplain

Material Information

The Military chaplain
Alternate Title:
Military chaplain newsletter
Caption title:
Military Chaplains Association newsletter
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Place of Publication:
Washington, D.C
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Military chaplains -- Periodicals -- United States ( lcsh )
Armed Forces -- Chaplains ( fast )
Military chaplains ( fast )
United States ( fast )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marc )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 19, no. 1 (July-Aug. 1948)-
General Note:
Title from cover.

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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Copyright, The Military Chaplain. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
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01757475 ( OCLC )
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0026-3958 ( ISSN )
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Official Publication of
President --------------- Chaplain (Col.) Edward L. R. Elson, USAR edua 0d a d morl'tY eepen
Minister of The National Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C. 1- ji i c\c te od end Executive Secretary-Treasurer __ Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA o sa t oe e n ng ', reserve naot.on; ds "o. underSt"" .e- t o PT~ In STA FF the b on oS r m ilia y s ef c d enter ored \o u, suence the -Mr. R. H. Rice Mrs. Milton D. Willis ship virtual 'iweteros eion e of Mrs. Wm. M. Green ou s h'ers ant. he Cou te jusall neto Upholo t e to Promoe u s
Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Daily ae Ped d Sleeping accommodations available for Chaplains and their families. Please mbke reservations in advance, if possible. Plan to stay with us when you visit Washington. Only a 500 taxi ride from Union Station. Resident manager always at Headquarters Building. Rates: $1.50 a night for adults. 750 for
20 September 1950-Public Law 792-81st Congress
National Headquarters: 1710 16th St., N.W., Washington 9, D. C.
Telephone: ADams 2-1667
Vol. XXX NOVEMBER 1957 No. 11
Articles in this publication express the point of view of the authors
only and not necessarily those of the Association or of the Services.
Published 12 times a year by the Military Chaplains Association and issued monthly. Editorial and Executive offices, 1710 Sixteenth St., N.W..
Washington 9, D. C. Entered as Second Class Matter at Washington, Chapa.i E. H0US1
D. C., under the act of March 3, 1879 at the special rate of mailing.
This publication is mailed to all members of the Chaplains Association. 68 Bradford Street,
Subscriptions to all others not eligible for membership are $5.00 per
calendar year. Foreign subscriptions (non-members) are $6.00 per cal- Needham 92, ass,
endar year. Special Library Rate, 3 years for $12.00. Write for details
on Bundle Plan.
POSTMASTER: If this publication is addressed to a member of the
S United States Military or Naval Service, whose address has been
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RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED The Military Chaplain Newsletter
1710 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington 9, D. C.
NOV. o
1957 o
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Chaplain (Colonel) Edward L. R. Elson, USAR
Dear Chaplain:
Since our last National Convention many changes have occurred in the international situation occasioned by scientific revelations. Some of the factors are sensational and have generated in some people hysteria and in others a solemn concern for the future.
As Sputnik goes sputtering through space and new dimensions are added to
our concepts we inquire as to the meaning of it all for religion. Religion deals in eternal and elemental concerns. The God we worship is the Sovereign Ruler of a moral universe. Although man's comprehension of his universe may expand and man's exploitation of its powers advances, our God is still God, infinite, eternal and unchangeable
--big enough for any age-- and we are still finite men. New insights ought to bring us new humility and loftier views of God and religion. It ought to be clearer to us than before that our ultimate hope of security, serenity and survival-is in the eternal God.
As we approach the next annual Convention, let us ask ourselves how our
vocations as chaplains fits the new revelations and the new demands, and how we may be qualified for this ministry. What are your suggestions for the Convention theme? Write them down now. We want your ideas and we need them now.
Fraternally yours,
The Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA
Once again Thanksgiving Day approaches and Chaplains in many places will be calling upon the citizens of our land to express their gratitude for our manifold national blessings. What the Psalmist said of the Promised Land will rightly apply to our own country O,America, "The-Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee." Ours is the distinction of living in a country in which the horn of divine plenty has been poured out in a truly unparalleled degree. We have the shortest working hours and the largest employment of any nation on earth. With only 1/15 of the population, America produces of all the manufactured goods of the world. In the past century our population increased 6 times, but our production increased 29 times. America's production has doubled every 20 years for the past century. We have become a nation of middle class people owning our own homes and anything else we really want. The price tag consideration is secondary to the desire. But a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things he possesses nor does a nation's.
It is said of St. Felix that when something was given for his monastery he always replied "Deo Gratias", not thinking of the giver but the God who prompted him to give. He said it so often the boys on the street began to call him "Brother Deo Gratias",and he has passed into history with that name. A better one could not have been given.
On this Thanksgiving Day let there be reciprocal relations between God and ourselves. Let us enjoy the day after the manner of the American traditions. And in the'midst of reviving old customs,doing justice to the festive board and renewing old acquaintances, may there also be ample time to say with the Psalmist
"I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High
I will remember Thy wonders of old
I will meditate also upon all Thy works
And muse upon Thy doings".

Place -Sheraton-Astor Hotel,New York City NATO NAVAL CHAPLAINS, representing Date April 22-24, 1958. 14 nations and 5 major religions arrived General Chairman -Chaplain Joshua Goldberg in New York on October 24, to begin the Finance Chairman and final phase of their 18 day conference Public Relations -Chaplain M.M.Witherspoon in the United States. During their four Treasurer- Chaplain Wallace S.Anderson day stay the conferees toured New York Chapter President City and the Brooklyn Navy Yard, and New York MCA Chaplain Edmond A.Bosch visited the United Nations. On Saturday October 26, the Chaplains were honored
at a formal dinner at the Hotel Plaza,at
which time Chaplain (Captain)Joshua L.
The Chaplains conducted Divine servChaplain (Major (Ceneral) Patrick J.Ryan, ices in various churches throughout the Chief of Chaplains,U3 Army, recently city on Sunday October 27, in many cases returned from a month-long trip to Europe, preaching in their native tongues. where he visited almost every US Army Working sessions of the conference installation and talked with nearly every were held at the Marine Corps Schools at Army Chaplain. Chaplain Ryan reports Quantico,Virginia. Following these that the religious program being carried sessions, the group toured the Naval on in the military chapels is being con- installations in the area., and on Sunday ducted with a very high level of participa- October 20,conducted services on ships tion on the part of the military personnel and shore facilities. The delegates and their dependents, but at the same time then went to San Francisco where they he warned against the trends which may were guests of the city for three days. well rob religion of its vitality. By visiting San Francisco and New York
During his tour, Chaplain Ryan they had the opportunity to see how the addressed a dinner meeting at Kaiserslau- people of this country live in close tern, Germany, and emphasized that a harmony despite differences in religious "serious enthusiasm for our way of life" and cultural backgrounds. and a "living faith" are needed for reli- The purpose of the conference was to gious and moral leadership by America. strengthen the spiritual bonds between
In his speech Chaplain Ryan described navies of the NATO nations and to provide those steps which the Army is taking to a seminar on professional topics of develop the "fine, healthful power of interest to all chaplains. moral leadership" in its ranks --particu- Countries represented among NATO Chaplarly the emphasis being given to the Code lains include: Belgiam, Canada, Denmark, of Conduct and the Character Guidance France,Germany, Greece, Italy, The NetherProgram. He spoke of the "significant lands,Norway,Portugal,Turkey, the United influence which officers and enlisted men Kingdom and the United States. Spain, can exert in this important sphere," although not a member of NATO was represtating that "each can himself be a leader sented by observers. in character guidance by setting a high
standard of conduct in every possible area of personal example." CHAPLAINS ANONYMOUS"
"The great principle of life is still Chaplains are sometimes called 'The Lord thy God shalt thou adore and a "regular guys" because they go along
Him only shalt thou worship, an "regular guys" because they go along
Him only shalt thou worship,' "Chaplain with the crowd, or make like the three Ryan said. "If we really believe the Ten monkeys who speak, see and hear no evil. Commandments and obey them, then we will Popularity won at the cost of conscience, live a moral life -- then we will have a or Christian standards, is not worth the
or Christian standards, is not worth the
true religious and moral leadership -- price. Far better if we can win the and then the victory over the forces of respect of our fellows by being patient, dictatorship will be assured." understanding, slow to judge, quick to
forgive,but nevertheless "A living rebuke
to anything false."

Chaplain (Captain) The following Camp donations, in William Edward Stone, response to the 1957 Army Anniversary of Wolcott,Waterbury 12, the Chaplains Corps, were received too Connecticut. late to be published in the October direcMinister of the Wal- tory issue.
cott Congregational
Church,Chaplain Stone Central Catholic Chapel, Aberdeen received his Proving Ground, Maryland. from Brown University, Protestant Chaplains Fund, Hdq.USA 1945, his B. D. from Seoul Area,APU 301,San Francisco, Cal. Andover Newton Theolo- Hdq. 24th Infantry Division,APO 24, gical School in 1952. Chaplain Stone is San Francisco, California. with the National Guard and received his commission 23 May,1955.
The eighth annual series of overseas Chaplain (Lt.Col.) Maury Hundley, Jr. preaching missions was held this Fall for received the commendation ribbon with personnel of the U.S.Air Force. In metal pendant, Second Oak Leaf Cluster announcing the schedule, Chaplain (Major for his contribution to the morale of General) Charles I.Carpenter, Chief of the 3rd Armored Division during "OperaChaplains,U.S.A.F. said: tion Gyroscope".
"The Preaching Missions provided our
personnel -of all faiths are one of the Chaplain (Colonel) Herman E.Knies, most important services made available by 15th Staff Chaplain,was presented the our USAF'Chaplain Six-Point Program. The Commendation Ribbon recently by Major Missions contribute to the spiritual devel- General Archie J.Old,Jr. The Chaplain opment of our personnel through their re- retired after 16 years of active service. affirmation of their religious obligations."
The Catholic Preaching Mission Team of Chaplain (Commander) John C.Craven, Chaplains will conduct five-day missions CHC, USN, Senior Chaplain of the Naval at USAFE installations in England and Scot- Air Station,Atsugi,Japan, received the land, October through December. distinguished alumni citation by William
Jewish Torah Convocations will be con- Jewell College, Liberty, Mo., this month. ducted at Air Force Bases in England, He is one of five chosen for the award France, Germany and Morocco during November. at the Achievement Convocation at the
Protestant missions have already been college.
conducted in the Alaskan Air Command. - - - - -
In Europe Protestant Preaching Missions The Reverend Dr. W. H.Jernagin,Pastor are being held as well as in North Africa. of Mt.Carmel Baptist Church, Washington,
In addition, Protestant and Catholic D.C. was recently honored on his 88th Preaching Missions and Jewish Torah Convo- birthday at a testimonial dinner at cations will be held at installations of Howard University. The dinner also Caribbean Air Command and Military Air celebrated Dr. Jernagin's 65th year as Transport Service (Atlantic Division) dur- a pastor. ing this fiscal year. Dr. Jernagin is president of the National Sunday School and Baptist Training Union Congress, an organization of
Chaplain (LTJG) John J. Duffy, NAAS more than two million young people, chairKingsville, Texas, while serving in AW man of the Executive Board of the NationKingsvilleG 17, Texaswkuni, Japan, while servingelped in 1MAWthe al Fraternal Council of Churches, repreNMSG 17, Iawkuni, Japan, helped in the senting 15 negro denominations and a
removing of a mountain-top in order for seating 15 negro denominations and a a new orphanage to be built for 80 member of the Executive Board of the children of Hiroshima. National Council of Churches.

Lt.CDR Peter Bol,USNR
Book of the Month Selection Protestant Chaplain
November, 1957. for the U.S.Naval Con"EARLY SITES OF CHRISTIANITY"struction Battalion
. struction Battalion
by Peter Bamm Center, Port Hueneme,
Pantheon,Publisher $4.50 California, has been
For new readers of the Bible, for the named "Navy Chaplain For new readers of the Bible, for the of the Year". Selectraveler or would-be traveler, we recom- tion for the award is mend "Early Sites of Christianity". based on accomplishThe book conveys most vividly the fas- ment and is made from the ranks of Cathocination of places rich in historical and lic, Protestant and Jewish Chaplains now theological association. It carries its on active duty with the Navy. Arrangeknowledge weightlessly and presents it en- ments for the citation presentation are tertainingly and conversationally, but is under the direction of the RONS Washingnontheless full of startling and stimula- ton Navy Chapter of the Reserve Officers ting perspectives. It is rich in illus- Association of the U.S. The ceremonies trations. have been set by the Navy Department to take place November 28, in Washington,D.C.
A Golden Chalice from Pope Pius XII
presented to St.Peter's Catholic Chapel Chaplain (Lt.Col.) M. A. LANNING of on the Philadelphia Naval Base,was first 18th Air Force Headquarters recently used in a Mass offered by Chaplain James presented a worship service "Magnify the presented a worship service "Magnify the
W. Conte on October 6,1957. Church" that will eventually be seen and
The Pope sent the chalice with a heard around the world.
special blessing to all those who parti- Chaplain Lanning spoke at the special cipated in the restoration of the chapel television worship service broadcast by and historic altar which were destroyed the Air Force on Station OP TV in Washthe Air Force on Station WTOP TV in Washin a fire several months ago. ington,D.C. Motion pictures in kinescope
The altar destroyed was one from which covered the entire service,including Pope Pius offered Mass at sea aboard the
S.S.Conte Grande,an Italian liner in 1936. hmCopies of this sound film will be dis-sung by an Air Force choir. The ship was taken over by the United trCopies of this sroughoundt the world, to bedisStates when war broke out with Italy and shown on the "Air Force Chapel of the Air" renamed the USS Monticello. The altarChapel of the Air" was taken off the ship at the Philadelphia program. In extremely remote areas not was taken off the ship at the Philadelphia serviced by TV,films will be shown on Shipyard and was installed in St.Peter's motionpicturescreens.
motion picture screens.
Chapel when it was built in 1942.
- - Chaplain C. W. Howard,Jr. recently rejected a promotion to Commander in the
The beautiful memorial display of Naval Reserve to become a lieutenant JG "Stars and Crosses" used at the Chicago in the Chaplain Corps. Currently a convention was on exhibit at Fort Myer student at the Chaplains Indoctrination during the week of Oct.27 to Nov.3rd, at School,Newport,R.I.,Chaplain Howard the Exhibit of the Association of the AUS. recently returned to active duty in the Navy for the third time.
What two years of careful research Reverend Feltham S.James,(MaJor)USAR, failed to do,the Army did in half an hour. pastor of the Bethel Methodist Church, An Army expert,using a mine-detector, Charleston, S.C. was unanimously elected found the exact location of the corner- national chaplain of the American Legion stone of Holy Trinity Church,Winnipeg, at its 34th annual convention. Chaplain Canada. The detector pin-pointed a metal James prepared and taught the first box encased in the stone laid in 1883 by course on "The Army Chaplain" in Officer the then Arch Bishop of Tupert's Land. Candidate School, Fort Belvoir,Va.

Guests at National Headquarters Film Information
Chaplain and Mrs. Barry W. Thomas, The following films are now available
124Chaplain and Mrs. Barry W. Thomasgo,Illinois to Reserve and National Guard Chaplains,
124 N.Albany, Chicago,Illinois who may requisition them through their Chaplain and Mrs.Charles C.Ourrie and 3 whUnit Advisor, or through througe Chief of their
daughters,Fort Bragg, N.C. Unit Advisor, or through the Chief of the Chaplain and Mrs.R.G.Balnicky and 2 Military District:
children, Union, S. C. ARE YOU READY FOR SERVICE?
Chaplain A. M. Witwer, 3046 N. 5th St., (10 Min.) "What It's All About"
Philadelphia 3, Pa. (10 Min.) "Getting Ready Morally" Chaplain Roland D.Driscoll, 920 W.Belden, (10 Min.) "Military Life and You"
Chicago 14,Illinois. (13 M.) "y You" Chaplain James H.Fiser,
Fort Carson, Colorado. These films are also for use by ChapFort Carson, Colorado.
Chaplain Harold A.MacNeill and family, lains and other personnel concerned with
Anacostia 25, D.C. adjustment of recruits to military service.
Anacostia 25, D.C.
Chaplain Donald R.Kruse and family,USNTC,
Great Lakes,Illinois.
Chaplain and Mrs.Oliver H.Kelly, VA Hosp. The President's Example
Phoenixville,Pa. "The churchgoing practice of President Chaplain Edgar A.Day and daughters' Eisenhower and other government leaders
Patuxent River, Md. has helped greatly in the revival of
Chaplain and Mrs. Merritt W. Dayton and 4 religion in America",Archbishop Michael,
children, Fort Bragg, N. C. head of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Chaplain Paul W.Townsend, North and South America, said in an interSalisbury, N. C.
Chaplain Duncan C.Stewart, view at Montreal.
Chaplain Duncan C.Stewart, "The good example of the President in
Camp Gary, San Marcos, Texas. going to church each Sunday with his
Chaplain Robert B.Webb,Jr. and family family has more influence on the people
3rd AAA Gp. Norfolk 3,Virginia. faiyhsmrinleconteppe
Chaplain Georges Lecocq, Caserne, Thiry,ginia. than one might think at first",said the
Chaplain Georges Lecocq, Caserne, Thirye. archbishop who came here from his New Chaplain James R. Smith,ance. York headquarters in connection with a
Chaplain James R. Smith,
Fort Bragg, N. C. fund-raising campaign.
Chaplain Benion G. Fleming, "His example, and that of other
Chaplain Benion G. Flemingrsey. leaders, influences people to attend
Chaplain Fort Dix, New Jersy.16th AAA p. church and think about their religion". Chaplain Douglas F.Hall, 16th AAA Op. War Cry
Fort Sheridan, Illinois. War Cry Chaplain Willard W.Bartlett,Jr.
Jacksonville, Florida. In the death of Chaplain Edward J.
Chaplain Gene W.Marshall Draus, who died October 15,1957, the MCA
1020 Scott Avenue,Stillwater,Okla. lost a faithful member and friend.
Chaplain Wreford J.Devoto, Chaplain Draus was born in PhiladelFort Campbell, Kentucky. phia in 1914, and after graduation from
Chaplain Elmer H.Ammerman, Roman Catholic High School,he prepared
Fort Campbell, Kentucky. for the priesthood at St.Mary's College Chaplain F. Vanholme, Orchard Lake,Michigan, and SS Cyril and
Fort Totten, New York. Methodius Seminary. He was ordained in Chaplain E. A.Raynis, Fort Wadsworth, St.Mary's Cathedral,Trenton,May 3,1939.
New York Joining the Army Chaplaincy in 1943, he Chaplain's Assistant Roger Matter, served until 1947. At the time of his
Nancy, France. death he was honorary Chaplain of Adam Reverend and Mrs.Arthur D.Zahniser, Kowalski Post,American Legion,Manayunk.
Evanston,Illinois. He also was Chaplain of the PolishMr. Richard Zahniser,Warrenton, Ohio. American Club of Central New Jersey. Reverend Frederic Witmer, - - - -
Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania. Cherishing memories that are forever Rabbi and Mrs.Nathan M.Landman, Walter
Reed Nied.Center, Washington,D.C. sacred, sustained by a faith that is
6. Reedstronger than death.
6. srne hndah

Chaplain W. Harold Snape (USN Res.) Chaplain (Col.) Anselm M.Keefe,USA(Ret) President of the Washington Chapter of read the following prayer on September 29, MCA and Executive Director of the Good- 1957 before 32,000 at the dedication of will Industries, Washington office, was the new Green Bay Packers Stadium: recently named a Director of the Good
Will Industry of America at its Biennial "We pause, Almighty God, to render Delegate Assembly in Denver,Colorado. unto Thee, our prayer of grateful homage
Chaplain Snape has headed the Davis Memor- for these spacious grounds. Grant in Thy ial Goodwill Industries since 1936. all-wise Providence,that as the years
- - - - - roll on,they may never be profaned by anyChaplain (Lt.Col.) Augustine P. thing which would discriminate against
Donnelly,USA, was recently assigned to Thy children because of race or color or the First U.S.Army Chaplain Section as creed. Bless, we beseech Thee, this Chief of the Reserve Forces Division. He stadium that it may always be a symbol has served as an-Army Chaplain since 1940, of our unity under Thee in the wrestling and is a Perpetual Member of M.C.A. which is not against flesh and blood,but
- - - - - - against princedoms and powers, against
The many friends of former Chief of the rulers of the world of darkness, Chaplains,Alva J.Brasted, will be happy to against the spirits of wickedness in learn of his continued physical recovery, high places. As we trust in Thee, we ask He contemplates a return to the Washington it in Thy holy name. Amen."
area in the near future and has indicated - - - - - -
his desire to address chapel and church congregations. Requests pertinent to the
Chaplain's desire may be submitted to EMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM MCA headquarters for itinerary clearance.
Chaplain J.R.McGrath, on the occasion The Military Chaplains Association of a farewell party in his honor aboard 1710 16th Street,N.W. the USS Albany in Gauntanamo Bay,Cuba, Washington 9, D.C. was presented with an ALBANY Plaque. He was relieved by Chaplain Stanley R.Reiber. I wish to become a 1958 Member and S- to receive the magazine and Newsletter.
Guests have expressed their pleasure Enclosed is $ for: and appreciation recently for the "New Look" at HOSPITALITY HOUSE". The once Chapel Donation to M.C.A. drab walls now appear in fresh colors of Annual Membership $5.
Wedgewood Blue, Appleblossom Pink and Contributing Membership $10. Melody Green. PERPETUAL Membership $100.
The Office Staff also appreciate the Patron 01l000. new "Mist Green" color scheme of their Sponsor office quarters.
- - - - - Please send me a Lapel Button $2.00
Metal Auto Tag $2.00
Werner G. Keucher. A long illness
claimed the life of Chaplain Werner G. Name Keucher,44, at his home in Chicago on 18 (Please Print) September. Between pastorates in Illinois and Connecticut, Chaplain Keucher
served in Southwest Pacific and in the Z.I. From 1953 until his illness he was President of Chicago's. Baptist Missionary Training School. Denomination
Now, the laborer's task is o'er,Now Rank Current Status the battle day is past,Now, upon the far- A NAF NG VA (Circle one) ther shore lands the voyager at last. 7

(Note: Unless notified of assignment George W. Fulfer,Lt., 2411 W.Boston St.
and address changes as they occur,the Seattle 99, Washington.
MCA office is obliged to mail out the Arthur R. Anderson, CDR,MSTS,Pacific,
magazine and Newsletter to addresses Fort Mason, San Francisco, California.
that may not reach you. Please be John Shilling, CDR, Cruiser-Destroyer
prompt in notifying us.) Force,Pac., FPO, San Francisco, Cal.
Army David A.Sharp,Jr.,CDR,lst Marine Brig.
FMFPac, FPO, San Francisco, Cal.
Herbert E.Saxman, Captain, 2989 Kermit I.Meier,CDR, Navy 214, Box 7, Dickerson Avenue, Detroit 15, Michigan. FPO, New York, N.Y.
Gordon Gale,Lt.Jg.,USS Barry (DD-933) G. J. Naughten, CDR, 1st Marine Air FPO New York, N.Y. Wing,FPO, San Francisco, Cal.
Albert L. Evans, Col., 1639 Hough St., Henry Page White, CDR, P.O.Box 177, Fort Myers,Florida. Lafayette, California.
Robert F.Coombs, Major, St.Joseph's Robert C.McMillan, LCDR, U.S.N.AirFae-. Rectory, Sanitoria Springs, New York. #510 FPO, New York,-N.Y.
James W.Morrill, Captain, Hq.2d Abn. George L. Markle, Captain, (Ret.) Bat.Gp.,501st Inf. Fort Bragg, N. C. Box 286, Route 3, Carmel, California.
Clement P.J.Krug, Major, Hdq. 7th Inf. Leo V. Stilloass, Lt., 700 Indiana St. Div.,APO 7, San Francisco,California. Johnstown, Pennsylvania.
Harold A.Mercier,Major. Pacific School
of Religion,1798 Scenic Ave.,Berkeley,Cal.
Carl H. Richardson, Major, 901 Strong
Avenue, Elkhart,Indiana.
Samuel A.C.Grove,Major, Methodist
Church, Castle Rock,Colorado. Air Force
Edward M.Mueller,lst Lt.,Hqs.34th Sig.
Bn.APO 107, New York,N.Y. Russell L. Shay,Lt.Col., 2100 Hill St.
Aidan R.Potter,Major, 155 Market Ave., Lebanon,Pennsylvania.
Memphis 5, Tennessee. Edward P. Versailles, Major, 551 AEW &C
Ralph E.Smith, Major, 835 7th Avenue, Wing,Otis AFB, Falmouth, Massachusetts. Sweet Home, oregon. John B. Schoning,Captain, Hq.Sec.354,
Edward A.Masalewicz, Major, St. Mary AB Grp.Box 40, Myrtle Beach AF Base,S.C.
Czestochowa Church,Rt.3,Stanley,Wisconsin. James F. Gribbon, Captain, Box 7,Det.30,
Charles F.Pegram, Major, Eutaw Community TUSLOG, APO 254, New York, N. Y.
Church, Stamper Rd.Fayetteville,N.C. Ike C.Barnett, Captain,6102 AB Wing,
Oliver D.Kehrlein, Major, Box 821, APO 328, San Francisco,California.
Fort Huachuca, Arizona. Lewis H. Kreuzer, 1st Lt., 32 FITDAYRON,
Newell E. Taylor, Major, Hq. 21st Inf. APO 292, New York, N. Y.
Reg. APO 24, San Francisco,California. Ralph R. Bailey, 6000 Support Wing,
Aubrey C.Walley, Major, P.O.Box 67, APO 925 San Francisco, California.
Wiggins, Mississippi. James T.Fish,Major, Donaldson Air Force
John C. Radlinski, Lt.Col., #516, Base, Greenville, South Carolina.
6101 Sixteenth St.N.W.,Washington ll,D.C. Jeremiah E. Sullivan, Lt.Col.Randolph
Frank 0. Vavrin, Captain, Hdq.2nd Abn. Air Force Base, Texas.
Bat Grp. 503 Inf., Fort Bragg, N.C. Eugene A.Blitch,Jr., Captain, 1820th
Charles L.Burgreen, Captain,Washington AACS Grp., APO 12, New York, N.Y.
Hts.Chapel,Reg.Camp Tokyo, APO 500, Joseph W.Pridgen, Captain, 7519th Sup. San Francisco,California. Squadron, APO 126, New York, N.Y.
Augustus C. Summers,Lt.Col., Richard B.Hayward, Captain, Hqs. General Delivery, DeBary,Florida.. Manzano Base, Albuquerque,New Mexico.
Willis F. Young, 1st Lt., 43D AA BN Victor Pennekamp, Captain, 2225th Pers. (A WPNS SP) APO 66, New York, N. Y. Proc.Grp. Manhattan Beach AF Station,
Eric Eastman, Major, Office of the Brooklyn 36, N.Y.
Chaplain, Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Veterans Administration Edward M. Mize, Lt.Col., Student Det. Donald C.Beatty, Box 183 A, Route 1,
USA War College,Carlisle Barracks,Pa. Vienna,Virginia.

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