Official Publication of ...-.
President --------------- Chaplain (Col.) Edward L. R. Elson, USAR saeguar a to de" oeepe
Minister of The National Presbyterian Church, Washington, D. C. To o h oe end S Executive Secretary-Treasurer __ Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA frs p o perIe e(I preserve
STAFF the bOnsr' mi itar'y se d inter'er e1 Mr. R. H. Rice Mrs. Milton D. Willis s~p irituajo ".veteras ~oeton Of Mrs. W. Byrn Boswell ou embers O a the con omote Jusoj me t0 uPhUo -,na to Pr,, forces, to Stotes; aO f\" HEADQUARTERS AND GUEST HOUSE the United cd Good Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Daily ce Peoce G Sleeping accommodations available for Chaplains and their families. Please make reservations in advance, if possible. Plan to stay with us when you visit Washington. Only a 40 taxi ride from Union Station. Resident manager always at Headquarters Building. Rates: $1.50 a night for adults. 75 for
20 September 1950-Public Law 792-81st Congress
National Headquarters: 1710 16th St., N.W., Washington 9, D. C.
Telephone: ADams 2-1667
Vol. XXX SEPTEMBER 1957 No. 9
Articles in this publication express the point of view of the authors
only and not necessarily those of the Association or of the Services.
Published 12 times a year by the Military Chaplains Association and
issued monthly. Editorial and Executive offices, 1710 Sixteenth St., N.W..
Washington 9, D. C. Entered as Second Class Matter at Washington, Chaplain E. G. Hotaling
D. C., under the act of March 3, 1879 at the special rate of mailing.
This publication is mailed to all members of the Chaplains Association. 68 Bradford Street
Subscriptions to all others not eligible for membership are $5.00 per
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endar year. Special Library Rate, 3 years for $12.00. Write for details
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* SEPT. o
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Chaplain (Colonel) Edward L. R. Elson, USAR
Dear Chaplains:
There were many observances of the 182nd anniversary of the Army
Chaplaincy. I had the honor of cutting a birthday cake at one such observance in the presence of a number of Chaplains in Stuttgart, Germany. We ought to make more of such anniversaries and the occasion should be signalized in Churches throughout the land, as well as in military organizations.
For three days I was in Washington during mid-August following a tour
of ten Middle Eastern nations where I met religious leaders and titular heads of nations and their ministers. The experience was very revealing. Everywhere we were received with utmost courtesy. On a people to people basis there are areas of friendship which transcend the strains of official policies, or the tactical maneuvers of diplomacy. In most of the nations, America is popular and President Eisenhower has tremendous prestige as a person and exponent of peace with justice.
There is more than one Middle East. There is the Middle East of the Northern Tier, or Baghad ,countries, the Middle East of the Arab States, and the unique new State of Israel. To understand this area one must encompass a vast geographical land area as diverse in many ways as Europe. This area is important in today's world because it is the middle area between the two great compelling poles of power. Anyone who wants to understand the forces at work in our world will have to come face to face with this complex area.
We are now enjoying several weeks of rest, study and writing at our summer home on Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
Fraternally yours,
The Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA
This is the last issue of the Newsletter prior to the publication of the
DIRECTORY ISSUE. All donors to the annual Chaplains Anniversary Offering will be listed. Urgent request is made, therefore, for immediate notification with respect to anticipated Chapel Offerings. Certainly, we are delighted with the response thus far, and the importance cannot be minimized when one realizes that the only source of income for this non-profit, fraternal organization is the $5. membership fee, more than half of which goes back to the member in our publications The genuine response in this matter will help substantially to offset tremendous overhead expenses relatedto salaries of offiepersonnel, the complete refurbishing and decoration of National Headquarters and continued operating expenses.
The stated purpose of the MCA "to safeguard and to strengthen the forces of faith and morality of our nation, to perpetuate and to deepen the bonds of understanding and friendship of our military service and to preserve the spiritual forces with the military" is not lacking in definition. These tenets are being interpreted daily by faithful and consecrated Chaplains in every status. Neither can we overlook the fraternity which draws us together in a common bond of service that stretches beyond denominational conviction and our respective arm of Service.
We believe the strength of the forces we serve as Chaplains is essential, not only to the defense of our nation, but to the freedom of our world. And we would predicate this upon an even stronger conviction, the strengthening of spiritual forces by helping and encouraging men in uniform to stand alone, sustained by the words given to the Prophet centuries ago, "I, even I, am He that comforteth you: who art thou that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the son of man which shall be made as grass; and forgettest the Lord, thy Maker, that hath stretched forth the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth." (Isaiah 51:12-13) Cordially,
Chaplain (Captain) George 0. Taylor, USA, Chaplain (Captain, USN) Hdqrs. llth Airborne Division Artillery, Maurice M. Witherspoon, APO 112, New York. is a living exponent of
A minister of the Lutheran Church, Miss- today's trend. It takes ouri Synod, Chaplain Taylor attended Con- more than one career to cordia College, graduating in 1945 with live a life. Called by B.A. He served Christ Lutheran Church in a famous columnist "One Indianapolis before entering on active of the Navy's most popduty with the Army in 1951. ular Chaplains", Capt.
Chaplain Taylor has served at the Army Witherspoon, following Hospital, Fort Sill, 187th Abn. RCT, Far Chaplain his retirement, has made East, 508th Abn ROT and 11th Abn. Div., Witherspoon a success of public reFort Campbell, Kentucky, and now is with lations with the Grand the 11th Airborne Division Artillery, Lodge of New York, F. and A. Masons. In one USAREUR. month he was responsible for publicity for
His awards and decorations include the five conventions; a fraternal order of
Parachutist Badge, Senior Parachutist 300,000; .a veterans' organization, and an Badge, Republic of Korea PUC, National international church group and the largest Defense Ribbon, United Nations Ribbon and national college fraternity. Korean Ribbon with two combat stars. In guiding veterans to satisfactory adS- - justments in civilian life, as Director of a fraternal veterans' service, Chaplain
NAVY CHAPLAIN GETS A COOL CHAPEL Witherspoon has shown his genius for organA Navy Chaplain was named "King For a ization. He has trained a staff in his
Day" on a network radio show and his Aloha philosophy of personalized service, and has Chapel will be the cooler for it for a long established a placement clinic that finds time to come. "I think we will have the jobs, and the right men for them. only air-conditioned military Chapel on Highly original in imagination and methods, Oahu", said Chaplain Garson Goodman. Chaplain Witherspoon has an impressive list
The other day he answered his telephone of "firsts" to his credit. He originated and found himself talking to Hollywood. the "Education-by-Air" program for Naval It was Jack Bailey of the American Broad- Air Transport Service, which furnished night casting Company's "Queen for a Day" show. schools for sailors and marines from MaryBailey told him he had been made "King" on land to China. As an educational officer the nomination of Mrs. Harry M. Green, of in the Alaskan sector, he set up the first Honolulu. Mrs. Green was "Queen for a Day" college in the Aleutian chain and the first and requested that Chaplain Goodman be university in Alaska for the Armed Forces. awarded two air-conditioners for his He also set up an off-hours training proChapel. "Mrs. Green has visited our Chapel gram for officers and enlisted men at the a number of times", said the Chaplain. Naval Air Station in Pensacola, which has "It gets pretty hot in here, especially since been adopted by all Naval Air Stawhen its crowded. I guess she was as un- tions throughout the country. comfortable as everyone else. We are cer- In Nicaragua, Chaplain Witherspoon was tainly grateful that she thought of us." given the Presidential Medal of Merit for his betterment of human relations, and was
Long Beach FAMILY CHAPEL cited by the Archbishop for his charities.
Chaplain (LCDR) Ward D. McCabe, USNR, In the Aleutian chain he was awarded the
who retired from active Navy service in Bronze Star Medal for his morale-building Junwho retired from activharge Navyof the work at the n program. In Pennsylvania he was made a June, has taken charge of the lork at the Doctor of Divinity by his Alma Mater, WashNavy Family Chapel, 2015 West Hill Street, ington and Jefferson College. Captain WithLong Beach, California, an Episcopal erspoon is a noted citizen of the world, Diocesan affiliated institution serving dynamic in personality, forceful in delivery families of servicemen, of his forward-looking ideas.
The late Chaplain Truman P. Riddle, USN, As an active member of our NEW YORK CHAPwas the founder of the Family Chapel. TER, Chaplain Witherspoon is invaluable to
- - - - The Military Chaplains Association.
Profound sympathy of The Military TIDEWATER CHAPTER Chaplains Association went out during the
month to two honored Chaplains on the A luncheon meeting has been called for deaths of their devoted Christian 18 September at the Officers' Beach Club, companions, Fort Monroe. This meeting will be conducted by Chaplain (Colonel) Luther W.
Mrs. F.C. Reynolds, wife of Chaplain Evans, CONARC Chaplain at Fort Monroe. (Brig. Gen.) Fred C. Reynolds, died on 1 Invitations to 60 active and Reserve August at Sibley Hospital, Washington. Chaplains have been issued. Mrs. Reynolds was nationally known as a Needing someone to "revitalize" the Methodist church worker, group, the Chapter Secretary has asked the
Mrs. A.J. Brasted, wife of the beloved MCA Executive Secretary to be present and former Chief of Army Chaplains, Colonel to have MDA Headquarters publicize the Alva J. Brasted, and prominent Woman's meeting. All three Services will be reMissionary Union worker of the Southern presented; Langley Air Force Base, Navy Baptist Convention, was killed in an auto- installations at Norfolk and Portsmouth, mobile accident near Valparaiso, Indiana, plus several Army and Antiaircraft inon 7 August. stallations in the area.
Chaplain Brasted was seriously injured, A discussion relative to the program of suffering fracture to all ribs on his right The Military Chaplains Association will be side, and a fractured left hip, cuts and led by the MCA Executive Secretary. bruises. He is at present a patient at The attendance of all active and Reserve Walter Reed Hospital, and a late report Chaplains is encouraged, not only to formindicates the Chaplain, with the same fort- ulate plans for the future, but for the itude that has characterized more than half pleasure of meeting together in good a century of Christian service, is making fellowship and with God's blessing on the a remarkable recovery, execution of His work.
Commander Hugh C. Embry, ChC, USN, a
Chaplain on the USS FORRESTAL at Norfolk, Evaluating Chaplain Golder's visit to the was killed in an accident aboard the ship Fort Worth Area (Texas) Council of Churches 17 August. He fell from the flight deck conference on 16 July, Dr. Louis A. Saunders, through the #1 elevator shaft. Executive Secretary, wrote the Commanding
Chaplain Embry was ordained a Methodist General, Military District of Washington:
minister in 1941 at Daytona Beach, Florida. "On behalf of the Council of Churches and In 1942 he was commissioned LtJG in the the community, I am writing to thank you Navy Chaplain Corps. Following his indoc- for making it possible for Chaplain Golder trination at the Chaplain School, Fort to come to our town this week and help us Schuyler, New York, he was assigned to the in a Pre-induction Conference for boys Naval Air Station at Pensacola. His other facing military service. We had a fine World War II assignments included duty at response from the boys and we feel that they the 14th Naval District Headquarters, were tremendously helped in becoming preHawaii, the Naval Air Stations at Norfolk pared to make their military service a time and Elizabeth City, N.C., the USS MONTPEL- of growth toward mature Christian citizenIER and the USS HORNET. ship.
His wife and family now live at "Chaplain Golder was of invaluable serFredericksburg, Virginia. vice in this Conference. His knowledge of the subject, his concern and dedication for President Eisenhower has appointed Rabbi the boys, his ability to talk their language, Aryeh Lev, Director of the Commission on his appreciation for the Armed Forces and Jewish Chaplaincy, to the newly-formed his vitality, helped to make his contribuPresident's Citizens Advisory Committee on tion very outstanding." the Fitness of American Youth, established - - - to "consider and evaluate existing and pros- "We cannot break the Ten Commandments; pective governmental and private measures we can only break ourselves against them." conducive to the achievement of a happier
and more completely fit American youth." Cecil B. Deille
Protestant Chaplains are reminded of the The Rt. Rev. Harry S. Kennedy, Episcopal forth-coming World-Wide Communion Sunday, Bishop of Honolulu, has returned to Hawaii 6 October, which is increasingly used as after two months of visiting his far-flung an occasion for the receipt of special diocese. As a representative of the Armed offerings for missionary causes. The Forces Commission of the Episcopal Church, National Council of Churches has prepared Bishop Kennedy visited Chaplains and pera series of materials, including bulletin sonnel at Guam, Formosa, Okinawa, Japan and covers, for use on that occasion. Samples Korea. In conference with Chaplain (Col.) and order blanks may be obtained by re- Matthew H. Imrie, Bishop Kennedy issued a quest to the P. and D. Department, National statement from which we quote, in part: Council of Churches, 120 East 22nd Street, "My first visit to the 8th Army in Korea New York 10, New York. was in 1951. I recall vividly the devast- - - - ation of Seoul, which had been fought over CONGRATULATIONS four times, and the desperate conditions under which our men were fighting. Seoul has At the 30th Annual Convocation, Burton arisen out of fire and ashes like the fabled College and Seminary, Manitou Springs, phoenix, thanks to the prodigious feats of Colorado, four Army Chaplains received UNKRA, AFKA, the 8th Army and the Korean degrees. They are: Chaplain (Major) people themselves..... Charles Paul Carlson, Th. D., 4102nd S.U. "My visits to Chaplains and servicemen Fort Sam Houston, Texas; Chaplain (Major) afforded me opportunities to observe facilDavid Morris Reardon, Th. D., Hdqrs., 4th ities and living conditions and to share Army, Fort Sam Houston; Chaplain (Lt. Col.) many conversations and confidences. Horace M. Taylor, Th. D., Indiantown Gap "Certainly, I was thrilled with the morale Military Reservation, Pa.; Chaplain (Col.) of our men. Frankly, the situation in Korea Robert M. Homiston, Ph. D., Hdqrs., 4th tests the heart, the mind and body of a Army, Fort Sam Houston, Texas. soldier. The terrain and weather call for rugged manhood. The separation from family
CONVENTION and RETREAT for a 16-month tour calls for disciplined
Disciples of Christ Chaplains are noti- and understanding manhood.....
fied that the International Convention is "I would be remiss were I not to mention fied that the International Convention is tehg efrac f8hAm hpan to be held in Cleveland, Ohio, 11 16 the high performance of 8th Army Chaplains October. A Disciples Chaplains' Retreat and the whole-hearted support they receive will be held in connection with the Con- from the Command. Evidences such as vention near Indianapolis, 8 11 October. attractive Chapels, the large number of men Interested Chaplains should contact the attending services and the completeness of Rev. Carl M. Boyd, 222 South Downey Ave., pastoral programs supported the Command's Indianapolis 7. Indiana. enthusiastic endorsement of the Chaplains' contributions to the success of the 8th
Army' s mission.
OKINAWA CHAPLAINS' ASSOCIATION "Inasmuch as questions are raised concernThis Chapter of the MCA is in the form- ing morals as well as morale, I will mention ative stage, with a starting potential the subject. The ethical standards of membership of thirty-five. Chaplain Christianity and Judaism are basic to the (Lieut.) James C. Blanchard, the present ideology of the American way of life and are Secretary-Treasurer, The Machinato Chapel, cherished by our men in uniform as they are US Army Ryukyu Islands, APO 331, San cherished by their neighbors and families Francisco, has written concerning the back home...The whole process of growing to granting of a National Charter. Additional maturity involves embracing the truth that
information on future plans, organization obedience to law, moral and physical, is reand objectives of this group will be in a quired for freedom and powerful performance. later issue of this paper. ...The clergy serving in the Army, the officers discharging their responsibilities
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO MEMBERS as 'father of their men', the family-churchschool background of the individual, and the Address changes to be included in our letters from home contribute assistance and OCTOBER DIRECTORY issue must be received guidance in personal decisions. In general, at National Headquarters by 15 September. the conduct of our men in Korea is as good as their conduct at home."
Guests at National Headquarters "Preparing For Military Service"
Chaplain Clifford B. Spears, 1056 West (This is the film, suitable for confer80th Street, Los Angeles, Calif. ences of a pre-induction nature, which is Chaplain and Mrs. Gustave A. Zoch, 707 available through MCA Headquarters for a
Sloan Street, Taylor, Texas fee of $5. per week, plus postage to and Chaplain and Mrs. Monroe Drew and 2 sons, from Washington.)
202 Columbia Ave., Trenton, N.J.
Chaplain Harry C. Hand, The Post Chapel, Dr. Luther Holcomb, pastor of the LakeWhite Sands Proving Grounds, N.M. wood Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, proChaplain and Mrs. Andrew F. Phibbs and two vides us with a viewer's evaluation of our
children, Draper, North Carolina film by quoting from a letter to him:
Chaplain Edgar M. Kirschenmann and family, "I thoroughly enjoyed this film which you
5020 Grand Avenue, Omaha, Nebr. were able to secure for our viewing. I Chaplain John L. Herzog, 701 West Third believe that the showing of this film was
Street, Mercedes, Texas beneficial to both our Training Union and Chaplain Maurice M. Witherspoon, 71 West the Evening Worship Service.
23rd Street, New York 10, N.Y. "I enjoyed the film for a variety of
Chaplain and Mrs. Jason T. Harbert, 501 reasons. So many films of this type tend
Grace Street, Sevierville, Tenn. to talk down to the audience; that is, they Chaplain and Mrs. Ivan C. Whipple, appear to be based on the premise that the
Carlisle Barracks, Pennsylvania majority of the people are not right bright
Chaplain Arthur M. Finnegan, USA Training and therefore would not understand the purCenter, Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. pose of the film unless it were boiled down Chaplain and Mrs. Luther G. Schliesser and to its most elementary form. The film was
children, Fort Campbell, Kentucky well produced, and it did not have the
Chaplain and Mrs. Augustus C. Summers, The 'amateurish' style so often associated with
Post Chapel, Fort Gordon, Georgia this type of production. The acting, diChaplain and Mrs. Leo M. Thornton and two recting, sets, and writing were all well
children, Fort Slocum, New York above average. This film had very definite
Chaplain and Mrs. Richard Nybro, Chapel #1, points to make and went directly about making
Fort Monmouth, New Jersey those points in a way that ws interesting Chaplain and Mrs. George W. Baker and and informative.
daughter, First Methodist Church, "This film would seem to me to bear its
Rockford, Iowa greatest fruits when -shomn before high
Chaplain and Mrs. H.J. Rasmussen, 209 South school groups. The very nature of the film
Wille Street, Mt. Prospect, Ill. is directed toward young people, yet it Chaplain and Mrs. Eugene T. Johnson and 3 enables the viewing parent to better see
children, Fort Slocum, New York the problems and questions faced by the
Chaplain George J. Berzinec, 241 Warwick younger generation. A very definite value
Street, Newark 5, New Jersey is had when parents view this film with the Chaplain and Mrs. Eugene W. Friesen and 2 idea of looking over the youngsters' shoulchildren, Fort Bragg, N.C. ders to see what is on their minds.
Chaplain Ralph H. Nicholson and family,207 "I highly recommend this film and trust
Academy Street, Waynesville, N.C. that as similar productions are available Chaplain and Mrs. Frank 0. Vavrin, 82nd we shall be able to secure them. I firmly
Airborne Div., Fort Bragg, N.C. believe that 'a picture is worth a thouChaplain Patrick F. Hanrahan, RING, 285 sand words' and that a film of this type
Broad St., Valley Falls, R.I. is one of the most effective ways of Chaplain and Mrs. William J. Wright and 2 getting the message to an audience."
children, NTC, Great Lakes, Ill.
Chaplain and Mrs. Francis R. Lewis, 91st FILM Now in Use by:
Engr. Bn. (C), Fort\Belvoir, Va. Chaplain (Lt. Col.) George W. Goodley, Chaplain and Mrs. James M. Reaves, Fort USAR, minister, First Methodist Church,
Leonard Wood, Missouri Denton, Maryland Chaplain James W. Sosebee, 81st Division,
USAR, Atlanta, Georgia The Rev. W. Stanley Pratt, First Baptist Chaplain and Mrs. Charles W. Stipek, Ros- Church, 56 Center Street, Bangor, Maine.
lyn AFB, Long Island, New York (Full month of October). Chaplain James L. Smith, 202 Bishop Street,
S Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Chaplain (CDR) Henry E. Austin, who last Retreats for Protestant Chaplains in the served aboard the Cruiser LOS ANGELES, has Far East will be held in Japan and Korea taken over as Protestant Chaplain at Moff- in September. Chaplain (Major) Daniel A. ett Field, California, Naval Air Station. Poling, Editor of The Christian Herald and Chaplain Austin conducted the first Pro- a long-time supporter of all Chaplain testant service atop Mt. Suribachi on Iwo activities, is scheduled to conduct a reJima the day the American flag was raised, treat in Japan 9 13 September, and one
Chaplain (CDR) George A. Wright, who has in Korea 16 20 September.
been at Moffett Field NAS for the past two The retreats for Catholic Chaplains will years, has been assigned to the Far East be held in Japan 7 11 October, and in Naval Forces. Korea 14 18 October, conducted by the Rev. Walter LeBeau, of St. Paul, Minnesota.
"In order to keep you in (Air Force)
blue and out of the red, I am sending my DAY OF PRAYR 1957 dues, as duly suggested. The Newsletter DAY OF RAYER 197 and magazine is the best production the President Eisenhower has designated MCA has produced since I have been ac- Wednesday, 2 October, this year as National quainted with it. Continue the News media Day of Prayer. In a proclamation calling because it is a good way to keep inter- on all Americans "to unite in prayer and service relations." meditation on that day", the President said,
Chaplain (Major) George C. Fisher "Let us pray with eager expectation that we may be inspired to sacrifice, at home and We regret to write of the death on 5 abroad, to achieve a life worthy of the April 1957 of Chaplain (Captain) John W. children of God, for all men everywhere." Lind, Hdqrs. 852nd AAA Missle Battalion, He urged prayers for "wisdom and strength" Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Chaplain Lind was in seeking "a just and lasting peace a minister of the American Baptist Con- across the face of the earth." vention, and his family lives at 5525 No. Teutonia Avenue, Milwaukee 9, Wisconsin. EBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Edward J. Burns, now The Military Chaplains Association serving at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 1710 16th Street, N.W. has been elevated to the rank of Domestic Washington 9, D.C. Prelate by Pope Pius XII. The formal ceremony took place on 4 August in Chapel I wish to become a 1957 Member and to #2 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and was foll- receive the magazine and Newsletter. owed by a reception at the Officers' Club, Enclosed is $ for: where many of the Chaplain's Army associ- Annual Membership $5. ates and former church members were present. Contributing Membership $10.
PERPETUAL Membership $100.
The Greek Orthodox Archbishop Athenagoras Patron $100.
Patron $1,000.
of Western and Central Europe had as his SPONSOR $ escort on his Far Eastern trip, Chaplain (Lieut.) Nick S. Karras, USN. Chaplain Please send me a Lapel Button $2. Karras accompanied him when he visited Camp Metal Auto Tag $2. Zama and conferred with the Deputy Commanding General and Chief of Staff, US Name Army Japan, Maj. Gen. Albert Pierson. Please print Chaplain (Colonel) William J. Moran, US Army Japan, also participated in the Address conferences.
LUKE 6:38 "GIVE, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and Denomination Denomination
shaken together, and running over."
"The deepest principle in human nature Rank Current Status is the craving to be appreciated."
William James AN AF NG VA (circle one)
(Note: Unless notified of assignment C. Leslie Glenn Captain, 2650 Heather and address changes as they occur, the C A Ab a MCA office is obliged to mail out the Way, Ann Arbor, Michigan
mCa iand the Newsletter to addresses Otto D. Herrmann CDR, Naval Air Station, magazine and the Newsletter to addresses New Orleans, Louisiana that will not reach you. Please be Joseph F. Zemites, LtJG,Naval Air Station,
prompt in notifying us.) North Island, San Diego, California
Army Richard T. Scholl, LCDR, 5024 Gwynn Oak
William H. Branyan, Lt. Col., The Post Avenue, Baltimore 7, Maryland
Chapel, Fort Lee, Virginia Giles Morrill, Lieut., Naval Air Station,
J.H. August Borleis, Colonel, Brooke Brunswick, Maine
Army Medical Center, Ft. Sam Houston, Tex. William H. Vinson, Lieut., USS MAURY,
Andrew H. Beahm, Major, 6th Armored (AGS-16), FPO, New York
Cavalry Regiment, Fort Knox, Kentucky James W. Marlin, 206 North Locust Street,
Herbert J. VanVorce, Captain, 36th AAA Jefferson, Iowa
Missle Bn., Fort Meade, Maryland Kenneth S. Jones, LtJG, BOQ 2-47, USN
Charles M. Massey, Major, US Army Garri- Receiving Station, Washington 25, D.C. son, Dachau, Germany, APO 108, New York John R. Thomas, LCDR, Austin State
Earl D. Compton, Colonel, Hdqrs., Fifth Hospital, Austin, Texas
Corps, APO 79, New York Harold F. Symons, LtJG, US Marine Corps
Paul W. Ludden, Major, Hdqrs., Southern Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina Area Command, USAG, SAG, APO 407, New York Kenneth D. Killin, LCDR, Brookings,
Theodore E. Curtis, Lt. Col., US Army Oregon
Garrison,Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. Roy B. Thornberry, 10753 Palatine Avenue,
James A. Wood, Major, 38th AAA Missle Seattle 33, Washington
Battalion, Norfolk, Virginia Robert H. Warren, LtJG, Naval Housing
Vernon P. Jaeger, Colonel, Hdqrs., US Area #1, 313 4th St., Honolulu, Hawaii Army, Japan, APO 343, San Francisco
Albert S. Marchiano, Major, US Army
Garrison-Paris, APO 163, New York Air Force
Erhard H. Harms, Major, Hdqrs. 1st Battle
Gp., 15th Inf.,3rd Inf.Div., Ft. Benning Howard L. Bailey, Major, Hdqrs., 7227th
Raymond 0. Rhine, Major, 2nd General Supply Group, APO 251, New York
Hospital, APO 180, New York Thomas M. Williams,Jr., Lieut., 406th
John E. Diener, Major, US Army Garrison, Fighter Interceptor Wing, APO 198, New York NA Giessen, APO 169, New York Frank W. Griffin, Major, March Air Force
John E. Simpson, Major, Hdqrs., 2nd Base, California
Battle Gp.,39th Inf., Fort Lewis, Wash. John H.K. Miller, Major, 3977th Air Base
Joseph B. Messing, Major, U.S. Army Group, APO 284, New York
Chaplain School, Fort Slocum, New York John H. Hoyt, Captain, 3750th Training
Edwin W. Norton, Lt. Col., 34th General Wing, Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls, Texas
Hospital, APO 58, New York Guy W. Mayfield, Lt. Col., Via Dalmazia 9,
Ernest F. Wentzel, Lieut.,97th Signal Ciampino (Rome), Italy
Bn. (OPN), APO 46, New York Oscar E. Bryan, Jr., Lt. Col., Lowry Air
Gordon E. Hutchins, Captain, AFAR, US Force Base, Colorado
Army Garrison, APO ll, New York Henri A. Hamel, Colonel, Air War College,
Joseph W. Pridgen, Captain, Det. 2, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama
47th SUPPRON, APO 210, New York John W. Horton, Lieut., 23 Dogwood Lane,
Wallace A. Alcorn, Lieut., The Chaplain Tenafly, New Jersey
School, Fort Slocum, New York Palmer P. Pierce, Colonel, Hdqrs. EADF,
Richard I. Cart, Captain, USA Inf. Trg. Stewart Air Force Base, Newburgh, New York Center, Fort Benning, Georgia Sumner W. Johnson, Captain, 992 WorthTimothy H. Irons, Major, Hdqrs. 6th USA ington Ridge, Berlin, Connecticut
Supply Element, Fort Huachuca, Arizona Eramond Swaffer, Captain, 83rd Fighter
Charles E. Gray, Lieut., Hdqrs., 2nd Day Wing, Seymour-Johnson AFB, N.C.
Armored Division Trains, APO 42, New York Daniel B. Jorgensen, Major, Mulzer Blvd.,
Francis Ciesielski, Major, Hdqrs. 6th Maxwell Heights, Montgomery, Alabama Army, Presidio of San Francisco, Calif. - - -