The Military chaplain

Material Information

The Military chaplain
Alternate Title:
Military chaplain newsletter
Caption title:
Military Chaplains Association newsletter
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Place of Publication:
Washington, D.C
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Military chaplains -- Periodicals -- United States ( lcsh )
Armed Forces -- Chaplains ( fast )
Military chaplains ( fast )
United States ( fast )
serial ( sobekcm )
periodical ( marc )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 19, no. 1 (July-Aug. 1948)-
General Note:
Title from cover.

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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Copyright, The Military Chaplain. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
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01757475 ( OCLC )
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0026-3958 ( ISSN )
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Army and Navy chaplain

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Full Text
Official Publication of P OS
President ----------------R. Adm. Maurice S. Sheehy, ChC, USNR 1,~o safeg toon 6a o M li depend
S Executive Secretary-Treasurer Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA forces o perpetuoie and riena noti on; to ,derst O, .i to preserve
STAFF onds o0 ent s ceorest in Mr. R. H. Rice Mrs. Milton D. Willis shiP of ou ifiuenCe as o he ned Mrs. W. Byrn Boswell ou 0 e rsuu el e Con jus____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____ _0_ _me ~ er s O 01~ i te m~S ote Jus* HEADQUARTERS AND GUEST HOUSE tre ite co eill\"
Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Daily Pe ece O Sleeping accommodations available for Chaplains and their families. Please make reservations in advance, if possible. Plan to stay with us when you visit Washington. Only a 400 taxi ride from Union Station. Resident manager always at Headquarters Building. Rates: $1.50 a night for adults. 750 for
20 September 1950-Public Law 792-81st Congress
National Headquarters: 1710 16th St., N.W., Washington 9, D. C.
Telephone: ADams 2-1667
Vol. XXX MAY 1957 No. 5
Articles in this publication express the point of view of the authors
only and not necessarily those of the Association or of the Services.
Published 12 times a year by the Military Chaplains Association and
issued monthly. Editorial and Executive offices, 1710 Sixteenth St., N.W..
Washington 9, D. C. Entered as Second Class Matter at Washington, D. C., under the act of March 3, 1879 at the special rate of mailing.
This publication is mailed to all members of the Chaplains Association. Chalan E. G. tal g
Subscriptions to all others not eligible for membership are $5.00 per
calendar year. Foreign subscriptions (non-members) are $6.00 per cal- 6 Bradtord Str t,
endar year. Special Library Rate, 3 years for $12.00. Write for details
on Bundle Plan. W am 92, A
POSTMASTER: If this publication is addressed to a member of the United States Military or Naval Service, whose address has been changed by official orders, it may be forwarded without additional postage. See Par. 10, Sec. 769, P. L. & R. Mailed in conformity with
P.O.D. Orders No. 19687 and 27851.
RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED The Military Chaplain Newsletter
1710 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington 9, D. C.
1957 o
o X
t-~ -1 FRAN Of MEN LORD Os TE ayatnNG
o E 1

Rear Admiral M. S. Sheehy, ChC, USNR
When this letter reaches you, many Chaplains will be on their way to the Annual Convention of our Association in Chicago. We are confident this will be the most successful Convention in The Military Chaplains Association's history. The enthusiastic cooperation of the Chicago Chaplains and the Citizens' Committee, has made it possible to plan our Convention on a rather extensive scale. The bonds of fraternity which will draw hundreds of Chaplains to Chicago are most significant of the good will and tolerance manifest by Chaplains of all faiths and of all branches of the Service.
Your President, because of pressure of other activities, has asked to be relieved of his office after the Annual Convention. He bespeaks for his successor continued cooperation. The horizons of service to our Association are limited only by the sacrifices we are willing to make.
Thank you and, in Navy parlance, Carry On'
to the MILITARY CHAPLAINS ASSOCIATION OF THE USA 1710 16th Street, N.W., Washington 9, D. C.
$5 Membership 1 Calendar Year
You can count on me- $10 Contributing Membership
Here is my contribution for 1957 $100 Perpetual Membership $1000 Patron*
*Become a Life Patron by remembering the MCA in your will.
Name (Please print)......... ..... ..............................................
A ddress .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . ... .. .. .. . .. . .. . ... . ... .. . . .. . . . .
D enom ination ................................................. Form er M em ber ..... ........
Rank............... Serial No............. .......................... A, N, AF, VA (circle one)
All dues are payable annually-1 JanuaryWe are writing this as we are preparing to FROM THE DESK OF depart for the Chicago Convention. The program and all the facilities, the entertainment arranged The Executive Secretary-Treasurer for the delegates and their wives and friends, are the accomplishment of the Chairman, Chaplain (Cdr.) Chaplain (Lt.Col.)WilliamGold,USA Philip Lipis, and the members of the hard-working Convention Committee.
As we turn our attention to the Hotel Sherman at Chicago, and the dates May 7 9,
may we also direct our thinking to the supreme business of the Chaplain and his calling. To quote Dr. Poling on the occasion of his Presidential address to the Convention assembled at Fort Slocum in 1952, "Our calling is not with things, it is with life the life of youth. It is not with plans and programs, it is with the eternal destinies of the soul." In short, may we never forget that we are clergymen in uniform with the God-given mission "To bring God to man and man to God."
If we have been aggressive in the matter of promotional letters and appeals for
annual dues, it has been because of our belief that The Military Chaplains Association has a tremendous obligation of leadership today that only Chaplains, and former Chaplains, can fulfill. The men whose names will be solemnly called at the Memorial Convocation were not men of little faith. They knew that the things they were willing to die for were worthy of that cause. May we be worthy of the precious fruits of their devotion. This is in keeping with the stated purpose of our Association.

The organization in March 1917 of the CHAPLAINCY
General Commission on Army and Navy Chap- About a quarter of lains (now the General Commission on a century ago, the Chaplains and Armed Forces Personnel) was writer was commissioncelebrated by a banquet at the Carlton ed in the Chaplains' Hotel in Washington the evening of 3 April, Reserve Corps, and the with more than 200 Chaplains of all Servic- duties seemed to re- Chaplain Stemme es, active and reserve, and other guests, semble too much those in attendance, of a welfare officer rather than a minister
Speakers included Gen. Cyrus A. Dolph, of the Gospel. Recently, I visited at an Deputy Director of the Joint Chiefs of Army Post in Texas to take part in the Staff, Dr. Samuel McCrea Cavert, Executive Sunday morning Chapel service. Four other Secretary, World Council of Churches, and Chaplains participated and I was spiritDr. Fred S. Buschmeyer, Chairman of the ually thrilled when the Post Chaplain General Commission. called us for a Circle of Prayer before
Gen. Dolph asserted that it is the entering "The Holy Place."
Chaplain who stands at the centre of our In the newspaper this week the Post concern for the Armed Forces. Youngsters Chaplain of a Colorado fort is making entering the Services, he said, stand alone request for the prayers of the public, unless the churches and home communities while simultaneously prayer services are follow them with their interest in giving being conducted for the preservation of them the best spiritual ministry they have the life of a daughter of a Colonel on the to offer. The military service period is Post. This little child is in Fitzsimons a time of testing which will drastically Army Hospital with an incurable disease. affect the character of American youth. Hence, the Chaplain of today is emphasiThe 40-year history of the Commission zing the value of prayer. More than twenty was outlined by Dr. Cavert. Starting, as years ago I was sorely criticized for it did, with the almost complete indiff- speaking to the constituency on the purpose erence of the public and the churches and power of prayer in the individual life. toward the Chaplaincy, before and during Hence, from our Commander in Chief down, the First World War, through a revolution- we are finding a newer sense of spiritual ary change of thinking to the time when a values, and let us all accept the challreally stable support of Chaplains by the enge to be spiritual, even if it hurts. denominations is now given. There is a temptation for popularity and
Dr. Buschmeyer pointed out that more and also for participation in certain pracmore the churches are strengthening their tices which do not harmonize with the guidance through the 37 denominations now dignity of a man called from God to Church forming the Commission. He stated that 23 and country. percent of inductees representing these The Chaplaincy, like every vocation, has affiliated churches have made profession its advantages and disadvantages. To hear of faith. He concluded by saying that, at Chaplains talk of retirement benefits, the age of forty, the Commission is in the military promotion and other advantages, prime of life, and ready to receive the gives the impression they are materially birthday wish of Bowie's daughter, "Dear minded and have lost their spiritual Daddy, I hope you will live all the days sense. While the former is very practical of your life." and needful, a Chaplain, like a civilian
The Military Chaplains Association was clergyman, must remember the words of the represented at this significantly important Captain and File Leader of our Faith, Who meeting by its Executive Secretary, Chaplain said, "Seek ye first the Kingdom." (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA.
- - - - Fred E. Stemme, U.S. Army Reserve
THE MONTH OF MAY BRINGS MOTHER'S DAY President, Burton College & Seminary Mother, the one whom we love and revere, Manitou Springs, Colorado Generous, loyal, devoted, sincere;
Your name we honor, your love we hold dear, Now, on your Day, and throughout the year. "Life has no obstacles, only challenges."

The Chief of Navy Chaplains has announc- Now studying at Drew University until ed that Chaplains have already received June 1957, Chaplain Dall B. Chung, of the orders to active duty to fill 27 of the ROK Navy, is preparing a report, with current vacancies, leaving 21 billets to recommendations, for the Korean Ministry of be filled prior to 1 July 1957. Denomina- Defense. Chaplain Chung completed, not long tional quotas will not necessarily be ago, a tour of the United States Naval and considered, as it is desired that adequate Marine installations. At the request of coverage be given all Commands, the Korean government, the Chief of all Chaplains in grades of Lieutenant (with Korean Chaplains on the national defense less than three years in grade) and Lt.JG, level, was given invitational orders by the are eligible for these vacancies. U.S. Navy to visit posts and stations in
- - - - the interest of international friendship
CHAPLAIN SCHOOL COURSES ARMY and goodwill. Chaplain Chung talked with the U.S. Army numerous Chaplains in a position to discuss The Command ChaplainScol at thre anthe key ideas of religion and morality of Chaplain School, Fort Monroe, announces western culture. He had conferences with resident courses at the School for the
period May to August 1957. This should be the three Chiefs of Chaplains, and with the of interest to Reserve Component Chaplains Executive Secretary of The Military Chapnof inexterdest tve C lains Association, on subjects relating to
not on extended active duty.
not n exende actve dtyhis special Korean interests. In addition
The course for Associate Chaplain Offi- his special Korean interests. In addition
to his concern for learning the organization cer Advanced is eight weeks, with a capacity of fifty; begins 6 May and ends 2 and scope of the U.S. Military Chaplaincy, July. The course for Associate Chaplain Chaplain Chung had been given the task of July. The course for Associate Chaplain deloigaeuctnlprrmfr Company Officer is six weeks and starts developing an educational program for 15 July, terminating 27 August. Capacity democracy among the Korean troops, by the 15 July, terminating 27 August. Capacity ROK Minister of Defense. is fifty.
Those qualified for these courses should He made visits to the Naval Academy, seriously consider the special opportunity Camp Lejeune, the Naval Training Station advancement of profess- at Bainbridge, Maryland, and the Naval Air
they provide for advancement of professthey rovid forStation at Patuxent River, Maryland.
ional standing and qualification for Station at Patuxent River, Maryland.
od tion. Chaplain Chung supervises the activities promotion' of the 350 Protestant and Catholic Korean
More than 120 clergymen of all faiths Chaplains in his homeland. toured Carswell Air Force Base, Texas, CHAPLAIN YLVISAKER REPLIES recently and participated in discussions
with Base Chaplains. A worthy example of "Dear Chaplain Golder: My mail on cooperation which could well be followed Saturday the 23rd, brought me an unexpected with advantage to all concerned by groups birthday surprise as I turned the pages of in other localities, your MILITARY CHAPLAIN Newsletter. I have
- ---imagined, of course, that long since I was CHAPLAINS' WIVES MEET the forgotten man of the Chaplains' service, as it is already almost ten years since I
The Vice-President of the United Council relinquished the Presidency which, because of Church Women, Mrs. Birdsall Calkins, of the exigency of war years, I had held so was the guest speaker at the luncheon of o e co yr d s ad the Chaplains' Wives Club on 2 April at long. Now comes your display column and the Chaplains' Wives Club on 2 April at your fine birthday greeting, even though the Walter Reed (Washington) Officers' you had no way of knowing it was my birthClub. Her theme was "Christian Women of day. Thank you so much and God bless you. Asia." "You are doing an excellent job with
Chaplain (Captain) Vincent J. Gorski, your double publicity in Newsletter and
who retired from the Navy April ist after magazine. The Letter alone is of immeasure37 years active duty, has been elevated to able service to the Chaplaincy. rank of Monsignor in the Roman Catholic "I am sorry I can't be with you at ChiChurch. Chaplain Gorski has been in the cago. Have a good Convention and greet those Service since 1930. Before entering his who may still remember me." Navy career, hemas pastor of the Church of the Resurrection, Germantown, New York.

The Department of the Army has again FORT DIX
petitioned the Congress for legislation to Sunday, 5 May, was raise the salary of the civilian Chaplain observed as USO Armed at the United States Military Academy at Forces Religious EmphaWest Point and provide him with a civilian sis Day in Philadelphia. assistant. Several thousand personThe suggestion has been made by some nel of various military groups including the MCA, that the civil- installations located in ian Chaplaincy at the Academy be abolished the Philadelphia area and it is urged that military Chaplains be attended Divine Worship assigned to West Point on the same rotat- at local churches. Chaplain Connelly ing basis that Navy Chaplains are appoint- Following religious ed to the Naval Academy at Annapolis and services, they were luncheon guests 'obf the Air Force Academy in Colorado. No members of the congregations. action was taken on the Army's request by The observance was planned by Chaplain the 83rd Congress or by the 84th in 1955. (Colonel) John K. Connelly, Post Chaplain
- - - - at Fort Dix. The occasion stemmed from the
The annual Chaplains' Day was observed highly successful "Clergy Day" program
February 28th by the New Orleans Seminary which Chaplain Connelly instituted one year with the Director of the Southern Baptist ago when 400 clergymen from the northeast Convention Chaplains' Commission and the States, at his invitation, visited Fort Dix Veterans' Administration, Dr. Alfred to observe the religious and cultural Carpenter, participating. Dr. Carpenter, opportunities of that installation. Chaplain who heads the Southern Baptist Convention Connelly recently reported that the vigorous program, had invited Chaplains from the program projected toward giving the troops New Orleans area to the Seminary campus a greater awareness of their moral responfor the observance. Dr. Dow H. Heard, sibility was made possible through the assistant to the Director of the Veterans' cooperation of Post Commander, Maj. Gen. Administration Chaplaincy Service, also Earl C. Bergquist, which left nothing to participated. The Chaplains conducted be desired. For nearly two years, a part interviews with prospective candidates for of which Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William the Chaplaincy, and addressed various Golder, MCA Executive Secretary, was priclasses at the Seminary. vileged to serve under his leadership, Chaplain Connelly has been the prime impetus EASTER SERVICES Pentagon and Bolling undergirding the religious program at Dix.
Dr. Clarence W. Cranford, pastor of the His conscientious and untiring efforts in Calvary Baptist Church, Washington, who his present assignment are characteristic 2 of those tours of duty during his enviable conducted preaching missions for the Air of those tours of duty during his enviable Force in the Far East, had a busy Lenten career as an Army Chaplain.
In addition to the satisfaction -of a job program, both civilian and military. In don t h eaif tinfa addition to the full schedule of Calvary well done, Chaplain Connelly's distinctive Church, he addressed the Good Friday Inner recognitions for service rendered include Court Pentagon Services, and conducted the the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star with
early morning Easter Sunrise Service at five Oakleaf Clusters, Soldiers Medal for early morning Easter Sunrise Service at
Bolling Air Force Base. heroism beyond the call of duty, and the
- -- --Purple Heart. .
In proclaiming Armed Forces Day as May CHAPLAINS' SEMINAR
18th henceforth, President Eisenhower has Wing Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Merlin urged that representatives of all religi- McGladney Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Carl S. ous faiths take part in the ceremonies Ledbetter and Chaplain (Captain George "in order that the interdependence of the LebteanChpin(pan)Gog "in order that the interdependence of the Markle, 12th Naval District, recently joined deep and abiding religious faith of in presenting a seminar in conjunction with Americans, and our security, may be the 35th Annual Pastoral Conference sponrecognized." sored by the Berkeley, California, Pacific School of Religion.

CHAPEL N E W S "Preparing For Military Service"
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Carl S. Ledbetter, This is the film, suitable for conferExecutive Office, Sixth Army, participated ences of a pre-induction nature, which is in the formal ground-breaking ceremonies available through MCA headquarters for a for the new Regimental Chapel for Fort fee of $5. per week, plus postage both Lewis, Washington. Located in the new ways to and from Washington. 22nd Regimental area, the $190,000 Chapel Now using the films are: is scheduled for completion in November.
is scheduled for completion in November. First Presbyterian Church, Bluffton, Ohio.
The Naval Advanced Base, Bremerhaven, The Rev. William J. Hannum. Chaplain
Germany, is to lose its Chapel as a result Hannum expects to show the film to junior of the phasing out of the Base. Hitherto, and senior boys of the High School. Chaplains at the Base have had opportunity Knoxville Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh. to meet persons from some fifteen countries The ReKnoxvil H. Carlyle Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh. and several allied military services in a Carson has it scheduled for several churches normal month of activity. The Chaplain Carson has it scheduled for several churches has had contact with personnel from all the in surrounding communities, and has exU.S. Armed Forces, the Royal Air Force, the tended an open invitation to members of the Royal Navy, the Norwegian Navy, German various churches involved. Navy and the Ethiopian Navy.
A six-month effort by volunteers and the Chaplain (LCDR) Donald K. Theobald,
staff of the Mount Alto Veterans Hospital, writes: "Dear Chaplain Golder: Please Washington, D.C., has succeeded in trans- find enclosed my 1957 membership. May I forming a plain old quonset hut into a congratulate you on your fine work, and modern Chapel. It is the first Chapel particularly your Newsletters. there since the VA bought the hospital 37 "I am particularly interested in the Preyears ago. induction Program which you are sponsoring.
An interfaith Chapel, services are con- As a Reserve Chaplain who just came off
ducted by Chaplains John F. Lambrides, active duty, I feel very strongly about the John P. Murphy and Chain Williamowsky. need, particularly in the churches. I find
my brethren very luke-warm and yet I know
Nearing completion is the new Post there are men leaving each week from our Chapel at Branch US Disciplinary Barracks, churches totally unprepared for their Lompoc, California. This Chapel has com- lrys ally rer military service, especially in regard to
plete Sunday School facilities. Chaplain their spiritual life. There are parents (Lt. Col.) John J. Nagle, the Post Chap- who could help their sons think through
lai hed te fist erviceson astr. who could help their sons think through lain, held the first services on Easter, their obligations, but because of ignortheir obligations, but because of ignor"BY THEIR FRUITS. ......" ance, just keep still and hope for the best.
I do have your large booklet, but I would
"For what it is worth from an Airman be most interested in the implementations First, each day in many different little as worked out in other churches and ways, the Service and the Chaplains whom communities." - - - I have known have strengthened my belief As a result of an address by MCA Executhat 'all things do work together for good tive Secretary, Chaplain Golder, before the to them that love God'. Daily we see the Christian Women's Club of America, we have wedding of reality and religion by the the following from the Secretary: dynamic ministry of our dedicated "On behalf of the Christian Women's Club Chaplains." - - - of America, Washington Branch, we want to INVITATION: express our sincere thanks to you for your
Chaplains and their families who attend very challenging and inspiring message the American Baptist Convention in Phila- delivered at the YWCA. delphia this year are again invited to be "We wish we could share with you the many the guests of the American Baptist Home expressions of blessings received from those Mission Societies at the Home Missions at our meeting. May the Lord continue to dinner, 30 May at 5:30 PM, in the Town Hall use you in a mighty way in the work He has (lower hall), Philadelphia. called you to undertake among the military in our nation's capital."

PERSONALS . Guests at National Headquarters
The Wing Chaplain of the 3600th Combat Chaplain Richard E. Robinson, Fort Slocum, Crew Training Wing (Fighter) (ATC), Luke New York Air Force Base, Chaplain (Major) Howard Chaplain and Mrs. R.E. Gilmore, Theological Scholten, writes us: "Thank you for the Seminary, Westminster, Maryland Newsletter. It is a very worthwhile and Chaplain and Mrs. William Huntley, Walter practical addition to our program. We, Reed Army Hospital, Washington out in the field, appreciate what you are Chaplain W.M. Schotanus, 2213 Hermitage doing for us in the matter of information Street, Kingsport, Tennessee and assistance. The Newsletter enhances Chaplain and Mrs. H .J. Rasmussen and son, the rapport with your office and amongst Mount Prospect, Illinois the member Chaplains." Chaplain William C. Burlin, 540 State
Chaplain (Captain) Roy E. Bishop has Street, Vanport, Pennsylvania been assigned to duty as the new District Chaplain Bernard W. Gerdon, 519 East Captain, First Navalt District, Boston. Vermont Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Chaplain, Birst Naval District, Boston. Chaplain and Mrs. Barker C. Howland, en
Chaplain Bishop has been serving as route to Naples, Italy Atlantic Fleet Chaplain, COMSERVLANT, at Chaplain Peter S. Gowing, COMARLANT, Norfolk.
Norfolk, Virginia
The new Command Chaplain of Hdqrs. Crew Chaplain Theodore W. Mansen, Des Moines, TAF, Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, is Iowa Chaplain (Colonel) Leslie F. Zimmerman, Chaplain and Mrs. Harold F. Damon, Huntwho succeeds Chaplain (Colonel) Eugene J. ington, L.I., New York Graebner who has left for the 2nd Air Chaplain Dick J. Oostinink, Jr., Fort Ord, Force, Barksdale AFB, Louisiana. Chaplain California Zimmerman's prior assignment was at Hdqrs. Chaplain and Mrs. Richard G. Cook, three 3rd Air Force, London. children and Mrs. S.J. Lloyd,
To honor the departing Chaplains Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Graebner, Robert P. Holdt and Wesley J. Chaplain William T. Hoffman, Sandia Base, Buck, and to welcome Chaplain Zimmerman, Albuquerque, New Mexico the Protestant Chapel Guild at Randolph Chaplain and Mrs. E.C. Klein and two childheld a Pot Luck Supper in the Chapel ren, Fort Bragg, North Carolina Annex. Chaplain and Mrs. Ray Cook, two children,
Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Edward M. Mize, of 1112 Rock Bridge Ave.,Norfolk,Va. the Office of the Chief of Chaplains of Chaplain and Mrs. W.D. Cooper and son, the Army, has been assigned to the United Norfolk, Virginia States Army War College, at Carlisle Chaplain and Mrs. N.G. Folkers, and two Barracks, Pennsylvania, children, Dow AFB, Bangor,Maine
- -ensy-anaChaplain O.B. Salyer, US Naval Air Station,
A non-profit association open to regular Chaplain Edmund A. Bosch, Babylon, Long enlisted personnel of all branches of the Island, New York Service has recently been organized, Chaplain and Mrs. Raymond 0. Rhine and two created to advance and safeguard the eco- children, Fort Wadsworth, N.Y. nomic interest of Service personnel in all Chaplain and Mrs. Ivan C. Whipple, Army War parts of the world. College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.
"The Armed Forces Enlisted Personnel
Benefit Association" will initially offer From a New Member its members emergency loan provisions, "Your personal note was irrisistible. scholarship credits to deserving children Hence, this usually dilatory person 'comes of members, and low cost group life
insurance. across' with the dues, not too late, I
Information may be obtained by writing hope...Such efforts as yours should be crowned with success."
the Association at 422 Washington Building, crowned with success. Washington 5, D.C. Chaplain (Captain) Jacob Kraft

(Note: Unless notified of assignment Benson C. Barrett, CDR, 9th Marines, and address changes as they occur, the Third Marine Division, FPO, S.F. MCA office is obliged to mail out the Lloyd S. Hindman, CDR, 321 Kirkwood magazine and the Newsletter to addresses Boulevard, Davenport, Iowa that will not reach you. Please be J. Heydon lg, CDR, USS WISCONSIN prompt in notifying us.) (BB-64) FPO, New York Army Hugh David Burcham, CDR, 638 Haddon Edward T. Donahue, Colonel, Hdqrs. Road, Oakland 10, California SETAF, APO 168, New York Paul C. Hammerl, Lieut., Catholic
Thomas G. Akeley, Major, Church of The University, Washington 17, D.C.
Advent, Devil's Lake, North Dakota John L. Curtis, LCDR, Naval Supply
Sylvester J. Baumgart, Lt. Col., Letter- Depot, Bayonne, New Jersey
man Army Hospital, San Francisco Richmond A. Hancock, Lieut., 18A Henley Earl R. Stemple, Major, 1819 Delaware Parkway, Port Deposit, Maryland Street, Saginaw, Michigan Elwin A. Miller, LCDR, 243 Sauk Trail,
Francis C. Ford, Captain, U.S. Army Park Forest, Illinois
Garrison, Fort Devens, Massachusetts T.J. Tillman, CDR, 1545 Calhoun Street,
Henry L. Gillenwaters, Lt. Col., 206 Hayward, California
Chesapeake Avenue, Annapolis, Maryland Peter Bol, LCDR, 9941 Pepper Glen Drive, William T. Hoffmeyer, Lt. Col., U.S. Arcadia, California Army Garrison, Albuquerque, New Mexico Stacy L. Roberts, Jr., Lieut., 1749
Francis J. Dolan, Captain, Hdqrs., 1st Loretta Street, Oceanside, California Combat Group, 35th Inf., APO 25, S.F.
James H. Terry, Lt. Col., Hdqrs.,Munich
SubArea, APO 407, New York Air Force
Ira J. Bailes, Major, 5832 Woodward, Neunert F. Lang, Lieut., Hdqrs. 4465th Merriam, Kansas Troop Carrier Wing, Med. USAFE, APO 253, Wilmer R. Bottoms, Major, 2717 King New York Street, Columbus, Georgia Francis A. Hanks, Captain, 6110th U.S.
James R. MacArthur, Major, P.O. Box 205, A.F. Hospital, APO 710, San Francisco Coventry, Connecticut Charles E. Byrd, Major, Hdqrs. 3345th
Herbert S. Edge, Captain, Tripler Army Tech. Trng. Wing, Chanute AFB, Illinois Hospital, APO 438, San Francisco Russell L. Shay, Lt. Col., 1019 Church
Mathias N. Joensuu, Lt. Col., 425 Reed Street, Lebanon, Pennsylvania
Avenue, Monessen, Pennsylvania Ray H. Saathoff, Lieut., Hdqrs. 49th
Horatio W. Ogden Captain, U.S. Army Fighter Bomber Wing, APO 919, S.F.
Garrison, Fort Shafter, APO 958, S.F. Herschel H. Day, Major, 3389th T.T.W.,
Erwin J. Kolb, Captain, Route 1, Box 2, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
Bethalto, Illinois Laurence E. Saul, Captain, Hdqrs. 17th
Edmund G. Bettinger, Major, Hq.& Hq. Co. Air Force, APO 231, New York
8th Inf. Regt., 3rd Inf. Division, Fort Theodore M. Tang, Lieut., 51st Fighter
Benning, Georgia Wing, APO 235, San Francisco
Joseph V. Watterson, Major, U.S. Army Charles W. Stipek, Major, 26th Air Div., Engr. Supply Ctr.,FE, APO 403, New York (Defense) Roslyn AFB, New York
Arthur 0. Hoppe, Lt. Col., Fort John P. Dugg, Lt. Col., Hdqrs. 30th Benjamin Harrison, Indiana Air Division, Willow Run AFB, Michigan
Dean W. Dryden, Major, Tokyo U.S. Army Arthur E.K. Brenner, Major, 6607th Air Hospital, APO 500, San Francisco Base Wing, APO 23, New York
Guy H. Madara, Lt. Col., 241 East Main Nathaniel H. Brittain, Major, 314th
Street, Bergenfield, New Jersey Troop Carrier Wing, Sewart Air Force Base, Robert A. Kaufman, Lieut., Post Chaplain, Tennessee Fort Bragg, North Carolina Jeremiah E. Sullivan, Lt. Col., Hdqrs.,
Clifford A. Egert, Lt. Col., Box 344, Air Training Command, Scott AFB, Illinois Lone Tree, Iowa Ersmond Swaffar, Captain, 5001st Air
Harold D. Summers, Lieut., 49th AAA Base Group, APO 31, Seattle, Washington Missle Bn. (Nike) Hegewisch Station,
Chicago 33, Illinois

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