The Military chaplain

Material Information

The Military chaplain
Alternate Title:
Military chaplain newsletter
Caption title:
Military Chaplains Association newsletter
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Place of Publication:
Washington, D.C
Military Chaplains Association of the United States
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Military chaplains -- Periodicals -- United States ( lcsh )
Armed Forces -- Chaplains ( fast )
Military chaplains ( fast )
United States ( fast )
periodical ( marc )
serial ( sobekcm )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 19, no. 1 (July-Aug. 1948)-
General Note:
Title from cover.

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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Copyright, The Military Chaplain. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
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01757475 ( OCLC )
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0026-3958 ( ISSN )
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Official Publication of
THE MILITARY CHAPLAINS ASSOCIATION oUR pUPOS then the I _,.,u an'c 6~ morO\itv 0'oe
President ----------------R. Adm. Maurice S. Sheehy, ChC, USNR ,o so r i'o deepen
0.o o h ,. _, o n to -,, ven-" Executive Secretary-Treasurer Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA ,orces to oPe t a-ng on reserve nojo; ,s o urderstOn to pvs ". STAFF the b ds oi ary served itere ed Mr. R. H. Rice Mrs. Milton D. Willis shiP of Io iuenc s of the .a oi Mrs. W. Byrn Boswell o sIu vet e Co-U~ jOnus0 11e8 ers and %h pCotsl 3 o \ \ ; t to u e , t o p r o m o t e
jorceSi e, stao es; od / \
Office Hours: 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Daily tc pec Sleeping accommodations available for Chaplains and their families. Please make reservations in advance, if possible. Plan to stay with us when you visit Washington. Only a 400 taxi ride from Union Station. Resident manager always at Headquarters Building. Rates: $1.50 a night for adults. 75 for
20 September 1950-Public Law 792-81st Congress
National Headquarters: 1710 16th St., N.W., Washington 9, D. C.
Telephone: ADams 2-1667
Articles in this publication express the point of view of the authors
only and not necessarily those of the Association or of the Services.
* Published 12 times a year by the Military Chaplains Association and
issued monthly. Editorial and Executive offices, 1710 Sixteenth St., N.W..
Washington 9, D. C. Entered as Second Class Matter at Washington, D. C., under the act of March 3, 1879 at the special rate of mailing.
This publication is mailed to all members of the Chaplains,Assoeiatoni.
Subscriptions to all others not eligible for membership are $5.00 per
calendar year. Foreign subscriptions (non-members) are $6.00 per cal- Ch li G o n
endar year. Special Library Rate, 3 years for $12.00. Write for details Cha ln G. Hotal g on Bundle Plan. 68 Bradford Street,
POSTMASTER: If this publication is addressed to a member of the Needham 92, Mass.
United States Military or Naval Service, whose address has been changed by official orders, it may be forwarded without additional postage. See Par. 10, Sec. 769, P. L. & R. Mailed in conformity with
P.O.D. Orders No. 19687 and 27851.
RETURN POSTAGE GUARANTEED The Military Chaplain Newsletter
1710 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington 9, D. C.
1956 o
0 0 CHAp1
0 T S
0 -~ InS uv*~

At this holy season of the year THE PRESIDENT'S COLUMN when our hearts and minds are turned Rear Admiral M. S. Sheehy, ChC, USNR Heavenward, I wish to extend the Season's Greetings to all members of The Military Chaplains Association.
At Christmas we are inclined to think of what we can give to others. The generosity of its members made 1956 a glorious year of achievement for the Association. Our membership has doubled, we have no financial obligations, and, with a carefully watched budget, we face the future unafraid of the tasks before us.
Our Association, through its magazines, hopes to present to many readers a report on the achievements of the clergymen in uniform. Today the work of a Chaplain is better understood and appreciated than at any time in our history. From President Eisenhower to the Commanding Officer of lesser rank, the Chaplains as a whole are receiving enthusiastic and wholehearted support.
We again dedicate this Association to carry on its major objectives, as stated
in "Our Purpose".
to the MILITARY CHAPLAINS ASSOCIATION OF THE USA 1710 16th Street, N.W., Washington 9, D. C.
$5 Membership 1 Calendar Year
You can count on me--- $10 Contributing Membership
Here is my contribution for 1957 $100 Perpetual Membership $1000 Patron*
*Become a Life Patron by remembering the MCA in your will.
N ame (Please print) .......................................... ..... ........................
Address .....
Denomination.................................. .... ........ Former Member .............
Rank ................ Serial No..................................... A, N, AF, VA (circle one)
FROM THE DSK OF All dues are payable annually-i JanuaryFROM THE DESK OF
The Executive Secretary-Treasurer In presenting this, the first edition of The Chaplain (Lt. Col.) William Golder, USA Newsletter, we want our readers to know it is not a substitute for THE MILITARY CHAPLAIN magazine, which will continue to'be published. In the interest of getting news items and other material to our members earlier than would be possible with the magazine, and in the interest of economy representing a saving of several thousands of dollars, it was decided in Executive Committee session to reduce the number of magazines for the time being. At the same time, we will continue, on an even more current basis, news media that will keep our Chaplains constantly informed on such matters as indicated in-.this first Newsletter. Suggestions will be welcomed relative to format and content of this new venture.
As we approach once more that time of year when Christian Chaplains and ministers are busy in the tradition of those who, in that early century, "Made haste to see where the Christ Child was", may I extend the warm fraternal greetings of National Headquarters to you and your loved ones. Your kindnesses and cooperation of the past months incline my heart toward that Pauline expression, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."

The Military Chaplains Association owes much to Chaplain Stanton W, Salisbury, RADM, USN, Ret., for his generous and unselfish support throughout the years, and on 8 October 1956 honored him at a luncheon meeting of the Executive Committee held at the Army and Navy Club in Washington. The following citation was presented to Chaplain Salisbury by MCA President, Monsignor M.S. Sheehy:
"A native of Nebraska and a graduate of the University of Omaha, Chaplain Salisbury volunteered as a Chaplain in the U.S. Army in World War I, serving in combat areas in Europe. After two years Chaplain (Colonel) Roy J, Honeywell as associate minister of the Trinity has completed writing a History of the Presbyterian Church in San Francisco, he Army Chaplaincy which is now in the was appointed Chaplain in the U.S. Navy process of publication. on May 13, 1921. His long and distinguished career as a Navy Chaplain led to his selection as Chief of Navy Chaplains Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Horace N, Taylor in 1949, and his promotion to the rank USA, District Chaplain, Pennsylvania of Rear Admiral. Military District, upon whose invitation
"As Chief of Navy Chaplains, he won the Executive Secretary addressed the the respect and confidence of clergymen annual fall conferences of Chaplains in of all faiths, initiated the Navy's Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, wrote: "I character education program, and con- take this opportunity to express my tributed greatly to the recognition of appreciation, and that of my fellow the Chaplain's role in the Armed Services Chaplains, for your good help in making as well as to the religious and moral the recent conferences the great success life of Navy men. A strong and courage- they were. Many of the Chaplains claimed ous leader, he, after retirement, has that we had the best conferences yet." given himself to the work of the Presbyterian Church in recruiting and training - - men for the Chaplaincy in all branches of the Armed Forces." We have word that Civil Air Patrol Chaplains now are required to receive the endorsement of their denominations President Sheehy travelled by air for appointment to that service as do to Wexford, Ireland, this fall to assist candidates for other Services. The in the ceremonies dedicating the statue General Commission on Chaplains offers of Commodore John Barry, founder of the this assistance for 26 denominations. American Navy. Other denominational agencies are: The National Lutheran Council, The National
- - - Association of Evangelicals, The American Council of Christian Churches, and 27 Chaplain William L. Mayo, one of independent agencies.
our long-time PERPETUAL members, has been An amendment to the Constitution of carried on our roles since 1950 as The Military Chaplains Association will Captain. He has registered a protest and be submitted to the Chicago Convention in wishes to sail under his true colors May 1957, as voted May 1956, to authorize henceforth. Chaplain Mayo says he never CAP Chaplains to qualify as members of attained the high rank we gave him, and the Association. should be designated only as "Retired, U.S. Veterans Administration."

FALL ITINERARY (Partial) of the PERSONALS . Executive Secretary: Sympathy is expressed to Chaplain (Colonel) William J. Moran and his entire Sept, 25th Reserve Chaplains Train- family in the passing of the Chaplain's ing Conference, Schuylkill Arsenal, father, who resided at 724 Clayton Philadelphia Avenue, San Francisco.
Sept, 27th Reserve Chaplains Training Conference, Army Reserve Center, Chaplain (Captain A.F.) and Mrs. F. Pittsburgh Star Mothers D. Sundloff, active participants in The
Sept. 30th Gold Star Mothers Obser- Military Chaplains Association program, vance, The Amphitheatre, Arlington announced the arrival on September 14th National Cemetery of Glenn Frederick. Chaplain Sundloff is
Oct. 7th Swanson High School, an officer of the Washington Chapter of Arlington, Virginia the MCA.
Oct. 12th Annual Fall Conference,
Ohio Military District, Fort Hayes Chaplain (LCDR) Jesse D. Harden,
Oct, 14th 21st North Dakota Assistant Base Chaplain, MCB, Camp
Grand Forks, Fargo, Lisbon, Powers Lake LeJeune, on 27 June had the unique priNov, 16th 18th- Visitation Evan- vilege of swearing in his son, Midhipman gelism Crusade, Huntington, Long Island, Don David Harden, who has entered the New York Fourth Class of 1956, United States
Nov, 22nd Address at Fort Lesley Naval Academy. J. McNair, Washington, D.C.
Reported by Chaplain (CDR) Frank F.
The Executive Secretary recently had Smart. Jr., in his October 1, 1956 letter the opportunity to address a group of to MSTSLANT Chaplains Afloat is the over 100 high school students at the following: "Ten out of sixteen MSTSLANT Westover Church in Arlington, Virginia. Chaplains have had previous service in His theme was a challenge to them on the the Armed Forces as enlisted men. Their subject of world missions, the supreme total service in the ranks adds up to 28 responsibility of every Christian. years! We can boast ex-ArmyAir Forces,
RECENT PERPETUAL MEMBERS WELCOMED U.S. Marine Corps, Army and Navy veterans.
The ten Chaplains concerned are: Gould
Chaplain (Major) Samuel A. Lewis, Hancock, Huneycutt, MacPherson, Hustin, of the United Lutheran Church, 2406th Schneider, Smith, Lawson, Haroldsen and Engineer Bn. (Cons.) Fort Knox,Kentucky Perry.
Chaplain (Colonel) Harold H. Schulz Chaplain (Lieut.) Fred A. Bender, (American Lutheran) now the USAREUR with the Ath Armored Division at Fort Chaplain, APO 403, New York Hood, Texas, in sending a check from his Chaplains Fund, writes: "We are sending Chaplain (Colonel) Roy J, Honeywell this to you in recognition of the out(Methodist) 4422 Rosedale Avenue, standing work which you are doing for Bethesda, Maryland the benefit of personnel in the Armed Forces." The MCA greatly values this
evidence of interest, as well as the
All Membership Dues for 1957 thoughtful words of appreciation from
are payable January 1st Chaplain Bender.
Save Time Money and Receive Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Paul E, Winslow,
Income Tax Exemption Army Chemical Center, Maryland, recently presented pins to four children of the
BECOME A LIFE MEMBER Post Chapel Sunday School for eight years of perfect attendance. They are the
children of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fisher Patricia, Susan, Jeanie and Philip, Jr.

Chaplain (Major) Fred H, Heather, Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Lloyd V. Harmon, until recently Associate Secretary and Ret., at the last Department of Kansas Treasurer of The Methodist Commission on Convention held in Wichita, was elected Chaplains, is leaving Washington after Department Chaplain. He is also Chaplain eight years to become Associate Pastor of his local Post of the American Legion, of the Wilshire Methodist Church in Los also of the Third District, Department Angeles. Chaplain Heather was honored of Kansas. with a "recognition dinner", presided
over by Bishop Bromley Oxnam, before his Col, F.H. Kohloss, Executive departure for his new field of service. Secretary of the Society of American Chaplain Heather is a PERPETUAL MEMBER Military Engineers, comments: "It has of the MCA. been a long time since I have read as moving a story as that by Father Sheehy, Chaplain (Major) William F. Kautz, "Farewell to a Chaplain" in your Augustof the U.S. Army Hospital, 8169th A.U., September issue. APO 343, New York, made a tape recording "Congratulations to the author, and at AFKN in Seoul, Korea, of six morning you, on a very fine piece of writing." devotions for broadcast Mondays through
Wednesdays, and writes: "Every Wednesday Late in October the Jewish Welfare night over Station AFKN there is a five- Board announced the election of Chaplain minute period called 'Meet the Chaplain'. (Major) Morris Lieberman as the new I had the privilege of making a tape chairman of the National Jewish Welfare recording for that and I gave the Board's Commission on Chaplaincy. The listeners my idea of how to spend their new chairman is the first World War II leisure time over here by reading and Chaplain to head the Commission. studying the Bible."
Currently serving as Chaplain of
the 2nd Motor Transport and 2nd Medical
Bn., at Camp LeJeune, Chaplain (Lieut.)
Bernard N. Morris rewrites well-known Guests at National Headquarters church hymns in an effort to make them
more attractive to many young people of Chaplain John R. Strevig, Fort Baker, his 200 member Paradise Point Sunday California School. Not to do anything half-way, the Chaplain F.S. VanHolm and son, Fort Chaplain plays these lively variations Totten, New York on his trumpet. Chaplain Morris won Chaplain Augustine P. Donnelly, Fort state honors in music during his senior Sheridan, Illinois year in high school and continued his Chaplain Charles Pratt, Jr., Aberdeen music studies at Philadelphia's Hamilton Proving Grounds, Maryland SchQol of Music following his graduation. Chaplain and Mrs. Cletus E. Wilch, 28th During his three-year pastorate of the Inf. Regt., APO 176, New York Fellowship Baptist Church at Clifton, Chaplain Edwin L. Kirtley, Headquarters, New Jersey, he attended Upsala College Colorado Springs, Colorado and later became associated with the net- Chaplain and Mrs. Robert A. Kaufman, work radio program "Word of Life". A Fort Bragg, North Carolina highlight of this later work came when Chaplain John E. Peterson, Fort Bragg, he played some of his hymn variations North Carolina before 28,OOC persons at the "Word of Chaplain Andrew W. Hampton, Keesler AFB, Life" annual encampment in Madison Biloxi, Mississippi Square Garden, New York. Chaplain and Mrs. Paul R. Fine, 554th
Eng. Bn., Fort Wood, Missouri
Chaplain Newell E. Taylor, Chaplain
"Not the lack of fear, but the School, Fort Slocum, New York
capacity to ignore it, is the sign Chaplain Earl E. Wolf, The Chaplain
of courage." School, Fort Slocum, New York

"Preparing For Military Service" Among others who have used the film in recent weeks are:
This is a film issued by the MCA and
suitable for meetings of a pre-induction Chaplain Charles W. Jewitt, Broughton,Pa. nature. The film is available for $2. a Chaplain Karl A. Ufer, Pullman, Washington week, plus postage both ways from Wash- Chaplain William C. Shure, Fort Leonard ington to the user's address and return. Wood, Missouri Chaplain S.H. Andresen, U.S. Naval HospiThe Signal Corps has notified tal, Pensacola, Florida
various Army Headquarters that this film Chaplain William E. Austill, Veterans "PREFABING FOR MILITARY SERVICE" is Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts cleared for showing to Reserve and Chaplain Bernard W. Gerdon, National National Guard Chaplains not on active Chaplain, The American Legion, duty and public non-profit showings, when Indianapolis, Indiana properly requisitioned through appropriate Unit Advisor, or through the Chief of the - - Military District or his authorized representative where no Unit Advisor is Seemingly, no greater emphasis in available. these days could be projected than the
The film is intended for showings in current interest related to the precertain communities to acquaint young men induction counselling of young men who, and women going into military service with by virtue of the fact that they are the duties and responsibilities of this qualified American males, will be donning career, the uniform of their country for military service. It is our desire to reach these
- - - men prior to their induction with strong pastoral-Chaplain emphases concerning
Our film has travelled to several the religious and cultural opportunities States during recent weeks. It was used available to men in the Armed Forces. It at St, John's Lutheran Church, Winters, is obvious that if this influence is to Texas, to conclude a study course for be properly utilized, it must go to the the congregation's young men, soldier, sailor and air-man before he is inducted.
The Rev. Clyde P. Miller, minister
of St. John's Lutheran Church, Celina, - - Ohio, requested the film for use at his Planning for the 1957 Convention Conference meeting in September.
The M.C.A. National Convention will be
The Youth Group of the Melwood held at the Hotel Sherman in Chicago, United Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, May 7 9, 1957. and a Naval Reserve Chaplains meeting,
both held in October by Chaplain C. All former Chaplains will have a Donald Vogel, USNR, and minister of the very special opportunity to meet old church, were shown the film. friends in the Chaplaincy and to make new ones when the Convention is held, as we Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Herbert AMcKain expect some 500 former and present
of Chester, Pennsylvania, used the film Chaplains to attend. We hope you will in connection with a Methodist Ministers all be present. meeting in Philadelphia early in November.
In October, MCA President Sheehy
S- attended a meeting of the Convention Committee in Chicago and conferred with The Chief of Chaplains of the Army officers of the Chicago Chapter, MCA, has authorized point credit for Reserve concerning matters relative to the Chaplains showing of the film to advancement of the Association's work in students. that area.

BOOK REVIEWS .. From Chaplain (LCDR) Richard R,
Rives: "This note is a word of appreci"They Met at Gettysburg" Edward J. ation for the splendid suite I was Stackpole. Eagle Books, Publisher. privileged to occupy with my family during my recent tour in Washington. The
The battle of Gettysburg has pro- accommodations at such a reasonable price vided material for hundreds of stories, were such a great favor to us that they none of them dull. The vivid factual added greatly to our Washington visit. and objective account in this fine Enclosed is a check for $5. for membervolume is interspersed with enlightening ship in the Association for one year." interpretations reflecting the author's
military background. He paints a pano- AIR FORCE CHAPLAINS attending the rama that highlights the important action November 5 30 Conference in Washington without confusing details. There are reserved full house accommodations at nineteen maps and 124 illustrations, the National Headquarters for that period. nearly all contemporary with the battle. One room was kept for emergency calls for overnight guests.
"I Was Chaplain on THE FRANKLIN" The following was received from Chaplain Joseph P. O'Callahan, S.J. Chaplain (Lieut.) Charles Pratt, Jr,, after his stay with us: "Dear Chaplain
The USS FRANKLIN was bombed by Jap- Golder: It was certainly a great
anese aircraft. Two of the bombs pene- pleasure to see you again and to visit trated the hangar deck, killing everyone for the first time the Headquarters of inside. The planes on the Flight Deck the MCA. were knocked into the air, their whirling "I had to write as soon as possible props smashing gas tanks which spilled to thank you for your trouble, courtesy 7,000 gallons of gasoline. Fires raged and hospitality. Your 'trouble' because from stem to stern on three decks. For I failed to make my reservation ahead of four interminable hours, explosions time (had already decided that some hotel rocked the FRANKLIN until all communi- or 'Y' would have to be my resting place cations, firemains and power were gone. for the night, provided there were no Father O'Callahan tells of his own ex- vacancies at the Guest House), and you perience, recapturing the perilous and called there for me. Your 'trouble and heroic drama of the FRANKLIN. The reader courtesy because you led me all the is led by the Chaplain through blazing way back there when I am sure it would decks to observe gallant engineers, have been more convenient for you to go pharmacists, doctors and men at battle home directly from the hotel. And your stations. For his conspicuous gallantry, 'courtesy and hospitality' for helping above and beyond the call of duty, the me to get parked and set up with a room author Chaplain won the only Congress- nd even readingmateial. In this day ional Medal of Honor ever awarded a Navy and time when the Good Samaritan is oftChaplain. His inspired account of the times forgotten, I could not help saying, FRANKLIN's travail is more than a story 'Haven't I imposed enough already?' of the heroism of war and men, it is a "I am taking this way of expressing powerful story of faith, my appreciation and gratitude to you. I had a very pleasant and convenient stay,
AWARDS and I accomplished my mission the AW D r following day. You may be sure that the
Two requests were presented at a next time I come to Washington I shall recent meeting of the Executive Committee plan to stay at the Guest Rouse, and for approval for Awards of Appreciation. that my reservation will be made WAY IN the Boston Chapter, MCA, is planning to ADVANCE." present the Award to Maj. Gen. Bryan L.
Milburn, Fort Devens. The Association
will present the Award to Lt. Gen. Will- "The opportunity to practice iam K. Harrison. Both Awards commemo- brotherhood presents itself every rate retirement from military service. time we meet a human being."

(Note: Unless notified of assignment George D. Godfrey, Major, 151 St. and address changes as they occur, the Andrews FW, Biloxi, Mississippi MCA office is obliged to mail out the John F. Graf, Major, 58th FB Wing, magazine and the Newsletter to addresses APO 970, San Francisco that will not reach you. Please be Ralph R. Bailey, Major, 2306 West prompt in notifying us.) Beach Boulevard, Biloxi, Mississippi Harry A. McKnight, Jr., Lt. Col.,
Army 4711 Jamestown Road, Washington 16, D.C.
o U.S. Army B Norris T. Morton, Major, 2710th Air William F. Kautz, Major, U.S. Ary Base Wing, FEAF, APO 323, San Francisco Hospital, 8169th AU, APO 343, S.F. Conrad C. Baldwin, Major, 502nd TAC
David H. Sperring, Major, 1008 CON Group, APO 970, San Francisco
Mohawk Drive, Fayetteville, C. Albert L. Gamble, Captain, 3450th
Samuel A.C. Grove, Major, 585 Center Tech. Wgn. Wg., F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming Street, Manchester, Connecticut
Dayton D. Drake, Major, Hdqrs., 6th
Army, Presidio of San Francisco
John T. Kilcoyne, Colonel, -Hdqrs.
Southern Area Comd., APO 407, New York
Edwin J. Kozak, Lt. Col., Hdqrs., OTHERS 9th Inf. Div., Fort Carson, Colorado
John V. Kowalski, Captain, 551 Alva J. Brasted, Colonel, 2717 South Oliver Street, North Tonawanda, N.Y. Walter Reed Drive, Arlington, Virginia
William H. Branyan, Jr., Lt. Col., S.W. Salisbury, RADM, 7450 Olivetas Sta. Comp., 2154th SU, Fort Lee, Va. Street, La Jolla, California
Milo A. Guild, Lt. Col., 1316 Oak Richard Frothingham, Lieut., 40 West Ridge Road, Falls Church, Virginia 96th Street, New York 25, New York
George E. Fort, Captain, H. & S. Co. James H. Smith, Captain, First 73rd Tank Bn., APO 7, San Francisco Baptist Church, Lindsberg, Kansas
Herman J. Kregel, Lt. Col., 8th Inf. Dominic P. Dohanyos, Major, St. Division, APO 111, New York Joseph's Friary, Flint 5, Michigan C.A. Goss, Captain, Menninger Foundation, 3617 W. 6th Street, Topeka, Kansas Navy Edward B. Irish, Captain, 6114 8th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida
Calvin H. Elliott, LCDR, USS
Dwight F. Zeller, Lieut., US Naval
Hospital, Oakland, California
Bernard N. Morris, Lieut., 2nd
Medical Bn., 2nd Mar. Div., FMF, Camp CHAPTER N E W S LeJeune, North Carolina
William H. Vinson, Lieut., Navy The ATLANTA CHAPTER of the MCA was Mobile Construction Bn. #1, FPO, N.Y. formed in October when a group of active
LeRoy A. Bevan, Lieut.,USNS GENERAL duty and Reserve Chaplains met at Fort M.M. PATRICK (T-AP 150) San Francisco McPherson. The officers elected are:
Raymond W. Moore, LCDR, USNS GEN. Chaplain (Lt. Col.) James W. May, PresiH.B. FREEMAN (T-AP 143) San Francisco dent; Chaplain (Maj. Air NG) Robert C.
Chester L. Hults, CDR, Staff Pooley, Secretary; Chaplain (Army Reserve) Chaplains Office, Pier 37, Seattle James W. Sosebee, Treasurer.
James V. Claypool, Captain,Trinity Chaplain Harold G. Sanders, National Methodist Church, New Bedford, Mass. V.F.W. Chaplain and Area Vice-President, MCA, was the guest speaker at the organizational meeting of this newest of our Chapters. The next meeting will be on 8
January when our film, "Preparing for Military Service", will be shown.

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