- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00032330/00007
Material Information
- Title:
- The Digital Humanities Certificate Committee, Draft Update, April 2017
- Abbreviated Title:
- DH Certificate Preliminary Course Listing, Fall 2016 (Flier)
- Creator:
- Digital Humanities Graduate Certificate Committee
Dale, Elizabeth
Harpold, Terry
Stenner, Jack
Brooks, Emily
Huet, Hélène
Bozia, Eleni
Sanford, Whitney
Taylor, Laurie N.
- Place of Publication:
- Gainesville, FL
- Publisher:
- George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, UF Center for the Humanities & the Public Sphere, UF
- Publication Date:
- 4/2017
- Language:
- English
- Physical Description:
- Documentation
- Subjects / Keywords:
- Digital Humanities
Digital Scholarship Digital Curation Digital Libraries Alt-ac Curriculum Humanities
- Abstract:
- Poster promoting the new, graduate-level interdisciplinary certificate in Digital Humanities (DH), offered through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, beginning in 2015-2016.
- General Note:
- Poster to promote the UF DH Graduate Certificate.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- University of Florida
- Rights Management:
The author dedicated the work to the Commons by waiving all of his or her rights to the work worldwide under copyright law and all related or neighboring legal rights he or she had in the work, to the extent allowable by law.
DH Certificate memo, meeting notes: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/l/AA00032330/00006/allvolumes DH Certificate Committee site: http://digitalhumanities.group.ufl.edu/dh graduate certificate/dh graduate certificate committee/ The Digital Humanities Certificate Committee Draft Update, April 2017 The DH Certificate Committee is comprised of seven faculty members, one graduate student, and up to two ex officio members. In order to ens ure that the Digital Humanities Certificate remains interdisciplinary no more than two facul ty members of the Committee can come from the same department, and at least one faculty member on the Committee will come from the Library. Current Committee faculty members will select new members, based on faculty, student, and program involvement in the D H Certificate The Digital Humanities Committee will oversee curricular matters relating to the certificate including but not limited to approving t he addition of courses to the certificate, and oversee ing decisions to include additional departments or centers or colleges in the certificate, and approving student petitions for exceptions to the requirements and petitioning for modifications to the C ertificate as needed by the addition of suitable courses. The Committee will certify students who have complete d their certificates in Digital Humanities at the end of every semester. The Committee will appoint the graduate student member at the start of t he Fall semester each year. The graduate student member will be chosen from the pool of all graduate students who are actively pursuing a certificate in Digital Humanities or gradu ate students who completed the Certificate in Digital Humanities the previou s academic year. The Committee may also appoint up to two nonvoting ex officio representatives for program operations, with those representatives filling these roles: one representative with proper system roles who approves Certifications, updates SLOs, a nd admits students; one representative with proper system roles who gathers course information every semester and publishes to the website, and who contacts faculty with certificate courses to share with their students that the course is covered by the cer tificate. Each year, one faculty member and the graduate student may rotate off the Board. The next rotation discussion will be in Spring 2018. The Board does not impose limitations on service by prior members of the Board.
DH Certificate memo, meeting notes: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/l/AA00032330/00006/allvolumes DH Certificate Committee site: http://digitalhumanities.group.ufl.edu/dh graduate certificate/dh graduate certificate committee/ HISTORICAL INFORMATION FOR REFE RENCE/COMPARISON As detailed in the Memo establishing the Certificate ( http://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00032330/00001 ), the Certificate Committee began in AY20 14 2015 as an Interim Committee of five faculty members who helped put together the Digital Humanities Certificate proposal: Laurie Taylor, Library representative; Ter ry Harpold, English Department; Elizabeth Dale, History Department; and Jack Stenner, College of Ar t, and Dhanashree Thorat, graduate stu dent in the English Department. Version on page 4, 5 representatives: Beginning in AY 201520 16, the Digital Humanities Graduate C ertificate will be managed by a Committee comprised of five elected faculty members and one appointed graduate student. Facult y members will serve staggered three year terms (in 20152016, the people elected to the committee will draw straws: two will get three year terms, two will get a two year term, and one will get a one year term). The graduate student will serve a oneyear term. Faculty members on the Committee will be elected from faculty in the Digital Human ities Working Group and will be elected by members of the working group. In order to ens ure that the Digital Humanities Certificate remains interdisciplinary no more th an two facul ty members of the Committee can come from the same department, and at least one faculty member on the committee will come from the library. All interested faculty at the University of Florida are invite d to participate in the Digital Humanities Working Group. Faculty interested in joining the group are asked to apply by submitting a statement of interest and a CV to the working group at its website. All members of the Working Group will have voting privileges, should be available to offer course s that count towards the Digital Humanities graduate certificate, and are re sponsible for ensuring graduate students' compliance with the requirements of the certific ate. One of the elected faculty members will serve as chair of the Committee each ye ar. The Committee will appoint the graduate student member at the start of the Fall semester each year. The graduate student member will be chosen from the pool of all graduate students who are actively pursuing a certificate in Digital Humanities or graduate students who completed the Certificate in Digital Humanities the previous academic year.
DH Certificate memo, meeting notes: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/l/AA00032330/00006/allvolumes DH Certificate Committee site: http://digitalhumanities.group.ufl.edu/dh graduate certificate/dh graduate certificate committee/ The Digital Humanities Committee will approve the addition of courses to the certificate; oversee decisions to include additional departments or centers or colleges in the certificate; and approve student petitions to receive credit for courses in the certificate. The Chair of the Committee will certify students who have completed their certificates in Digital Humanities at the end of every semester. Version on page 8, six representatives: Beginning in AY 20152016, the Digital Humanities Graduate Certificate will be managed by a Committee comprised of six elected faculty members and one appointed graduate student. Faculty members will serve staggered three year terms ( in 20152016, the people elected to the committee will be randomly assigned to 1, 2 or 3 year terms, as follows: two will get three year terms, two will get a two year term, and two will get a one year term). The graduate student member of the committee with always serve a oneyear term. Faculty members on the Committee will be elected from faculty in the Digital Humanities Working Group and will be elected by members of the working group. In order to ensure that the Digital Humanities Certificate remains i nterdisciplinary membership on the Committee will be as follows: One faculty member will come from the staff of the George A. Smathers Libraries, Two faculty members will be assigned to or affiliated with one of the Humanities departments and centers in CLAS One faculty member will be assigned to or affiliated with a department or center in CLAS that offers a course which counts towards the Digital Humanities Graduate Certificate. The home department of this faculty member may be, but need not be, in the Humanities, One faculty member will be assigned to or affiliated with a department or center outside of CLAS that offers a course which counts towards the Digital Humanities Graduate Certificate. Each year, at the first meeting of the Fall semester, one of the elected faculty members will be chosen by the Committee to serve as Chair for the next twelve months. Each year, at the first meeting of the Fall semester, the Committee will select the graduate student member who will serve for the next twelve months. The graduate student member will be chosen from the pool of all graduate students who are actively pursuing a certificate in Digital Humanities or who completed the Certificate in Digital Humanities during the previous academic year. T he Digital Humanities Committee will oversee curricular matters relating to the certificate (including but not limited to approving exceptions to the requirements and petitioning for
DH Certificate memo, meeting notes: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/l/AA00032330/00006/allvolumes DH Certificate Committee site: http://digitalhumanities.group.ufl.edu/dh graduate certificate/dh graduate certificate committee/ modifications to the certificate as needed by the addition of suitable co urses); and oversee decisions to include additional departments or centers or colleges in the certificate. The Chair of the Committee will certify students who have completed their certificates in Digital Humanities at the end of every semester. All inte rested faculty at the University of Florida are invited to participate in the Digital Humanities Working Group. Faculty interested in joining the group are asked to apply by submitting a statement of interest and a CV to the working group. All members of t he Working Group will have voting privileges, should be available to offer courses that count towards the Digital Humanities graduate certificate, and are responsible for ensuring graduate students compliance with the requirements of the certificate