
Material Information

Uniform Title:
Tower (Gainesville, Fla.)
Abbreviated Title:
Tower (Gainesv. Fla.)
University of Florida
Place of Publication:
Gainesville, FL
Tower Staff
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
v. : ill. ; 32 cm.


Subjects / Keywords:
Students ( fast )
yearbook ( aat )
serial ( sobekcm )
yearbook ( marcgt )


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. l (1983)-
General Note:
Prepared by students of the University of Florida.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
UF Special Collections
Rights Management:
Copyright Board of Trustees of the University of Florida
Resource Identifier:
10664089 ( OCLC )
86648028 ( LCCN )
0748-0563 ( ISSN )
LD1798.3 .T69 ( lcc )
378.759/79 ( ddc )

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Opening 2 Academics 24 Sports 62 Greeks 110 Organizations 150 People 160 Closing 230

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Proving himself a true Gator, President and Mrs. Lornbardi ride down University Drive in the Homeconing Parade. Althoiugh he did not ride in this years parade, Lombardi was definitely missed.

After ten long years the notice of President Lombardi's resignation left many in shock and dismay. although it can be said that we don't want him to go, we will never forget his smiling face and true Gator spirit.

With sparkling eyes
Lombardi demonstrates
the kindness with which
he has led our school to

When looking at the University of Florida we must take into account the great leaders who brought us to the level of excellence we are at today. This year however, we must bid farewell to one of the greatest, President John Lombardi. Although he will not be leaving the University, President Lombardi will be stepping down as President in order to pursue other interests. After a decade long reign as President, Lombardi gave the University the encouragement and support it needed to go from being nationally ranked in athletics, to becoming nationally ranked academically. Although we have always had pride in our sports as Gators, we are now being recognized for our smarts. Lombardi, being the modest man he is, gives all the credit to the staff, faculty, and students. He says he was here to guide the way, but it was each individual who actually made the University the first rate school it has become. So now that Gators can be heard growling across the fifty states throughout numerous Gator Clubs, what comes next? Well according to Lombardi, the best is never good enough. Although he is no longer in office, President Lombardi hopes to see the school rise up to its full potential by the new millennium. As we see him go we realize what a great leader the University has had and cherish every moment he was here, but as he said life is a six-month cycle and as the new year approaches a new cycle begins for him and the school. No one knows what the future has in store, but as long as we are at the University of Florida it is up to us to achieve the highest level of excellence possible.

Accepting her crown, the homecoming queen smiles with happiness.

Exploding with spirit the Gator Growl festivities come to an end.

Props in hand Carrot Top entertains the crowd. With cases of jokes, C-Top produced
a barrel of laughs.

Brightening the night with spirit the football field was transformed for the annual homecoming celebration.


Playing fireman, Albert the Alligator shows his homecoming spirit.

CarrotTop basking in the homecoming festivities scopes out the crowd prior to his performance.

Alberta cruising in style. This was just one of the many homecoming floats in this year's parade.

Smokin' with excitement this homecoming float terrified the opposing team.




Participating in the festivities, enthusiastic
Dance Marathon members try to stay awake.


A Dance Marathon
- employee records a yo-yo score. Students
were able to pick up
application in the
student activity center
at the Reitz Union.

We have all heard about Dance Marathon and the commitment of so
many individuals who year after year pull off the most successful .
student run philanthropy in the state.
Dance Marathon began at the University of Florida in 1994 benefiting
Shand's Children's Hospital through the Children's Miracle Network. Funds raised are used to help purchase medical equipment, sponsor educational programs, fund research, and purchase materials for the children's enjoyment.
Other universities across the nation have started similar programs. Last year UF raised over $114.000. This year the goal is to raise much more, a goal that is attainable through devotion and undertaking of so many involved.
All this money and all this dedication came from those individuals who were willing to donate 32 hours of dancing, games, swimming, music and much more. Staffers and dancers make time fly by with all sorts of activities.
Dance Marathon is a community philanthropy that invites all to participate and support. Being a community project, funds raised are for a local cause. This huge event is open to not just those who can dance, but all with a keen interest in their community, the university, Children's Miracle Network, and most importantly, a smile on the faces of those children and their families whom they are helping.


This is your brain on
school! Although
many students were able to relax on the weekends, others found no free time and were quickly burnt out by hours of endless study.

It may be a little over dramatized, but a lot of times
students found themselves piled high in homework and reading assignments.

College, a time of studies, stress, excitement, relationships, and most of all memories which last a lifetime. Welcome to Gainesville, you filled out the application and were shipped away to school at the notice of acceptance. The entire time thoughts and expectations allowed you to picture college as a place to make friends, have fun, and party. Unfortunately, all the while before you arrived on campus the actual concept of doing work and studying hadn't kicked in; this set you up for a fall. Early morning classes were a dread to anyone having a test later that day. This meant you stayed up all night over dosing on caffeine either through the divine power of coffee, Mountain Dew, or Vivarin. At first, your heart begins to beat faster and you develop a slight tremble in your hand that before long overtakes your studies. With eyes wide open, you realize that you have taken in way too much caffeine and the terrible thought that you won't be able to sleep for days becomes a harsh reality. The immense effort you put into studying was all done in order to make up for the reading you said you were going to keep up with since the first day, but never did. Or maybe, you put off writing that ten-page paper until the last possible minute. No matter what the circumstance, many students found themselves under the influence of these arbitrators of the midnight hours, or in most cases the early morning hours. Sleep has now become a thing of the past as well as a weekend luxury, but nothing more. Waking up past two in the afternoon is no longer an option to most. However, in the end the late night hours became our allies and a majority found that their schedule quickly became routine and easily adapted.

e hope of being the star on one of the university's athletic
teams is that of many. But in reality we all can't be stars, at
east not on that level of competition. So the university offers intramural sports of every kind to those whose deep-down desire is to be the star or for those who are just out there, on the court or the field to have a good time.
Teams and players, male, female, and coed, from across campus gather almost every night to play their respective sport. Organizations and individuals are welcomed to sign up and give it their all. But remember this is all in good fun, sportsmanship is key (plus sportsmanship points are extremely important when moving up in the brackets for your sport).
Sports are arranged semester by semester with interests in flag football, volleyball, tennis, soccer, basketball, track, swimming, golf, and pretty much anything else. In addition to the regular seasons, there is a competitive framework that leads to an intramural champion. There are also tournaments such as the Swamp Bowl and Billy D 3-on-3, where players and teams from pretty much everywhere are invited to compete. And as a new addition
to the intramural program, sand volleyball courts were
built next to the Southwest Recreation Center. Initial
tournament play begins in November.
So if you have an interest in pretty much any sport,
intramurals are your ticket to having a good time.
Making friends, enjoying the competition, celebrating victory, feeling the heartache of defeat, succeeding at personal goals, pride in your performance, and getting down and dirty is all a part of intramurals at UE Take
advantage of it.


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Intramurals were played all over campus in any available field.


Although many dorms
have gotten new furniture, others were stuck with leftovers. Luckily though Hume Hall is in its last year. As the largest dorm on
campus falls we can only wonder where the university will put all the incominf freshmen.


Although sharing a room with a complete stranger sounds like a horrible nightmare many students found Dorm life to be fLn and made everlasting friendships. Who wouldn't want to experience dorm life for at least one semester? For those of us who have, it is hard to forget. You know, remember how each floor had its own particular smell and how the carpet in your room was more or less crawling with bugs, that is if you even had carpeting. Above all. who could forget that wonderful community bathroom experience. What is it that they say'? Oh yes! That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger, well if you survived dorm life, then you are a superhero! Granted some dorms offer the luxuries of full kitchens and clean bathrooms, a majority did not. All in all the dorm life was interesting and unique, but I wonder why so many students opted to get apartments after their first year'?


Watching her child's
______ things, this mother takes a break from walking up three flights of stairs. Moving caused fatigue on all, but it is always interesting to see how much you can fit into a two door coupe.

.... ... .

Parking became a problem during times of check in and check out. However, many students got creative and made their own parking spaces.

It always happens this way; the school year begins slowly as thousands of students return to their studies after a long summer vacation. Getting back into the swing of things was rather difficult and the count down until the closest holiday soon began. Holidays not only provided a release from school, but also proved just as stress relieving as a night on the town. In windows across campus and all over town, decorations celebrating the upcoming event could be seen. The opportunity to decorate a dull dorm room was taken up by a large number of festive individuals. Whether it be a giant spider web for Halloween, a fat turkey for Thanksgiving, or one of many decorations for the month of December, students took their decorating seriously. Although college allowed everyone to get away from home for awhile, going back for a weekend of mom's cooking could not be beat. The roadways became nothing short of the worst gridlock, with bumper too bumper traffic the entire trip. For some reason though, the annual migration of Christmas break was worth the ride. Whether it be the gifts, being with family, orjust relaxation going home proved totally fulfilling. However, all good things must come to an end, and that holiday break you were looking forward to was over before it had begun. In the end, students returned to Gainesville, but only until the next three-day weekend that allowed them a release from school.

Paint brush in hand, a resident of Hume Hall prepares for the annual
haunted house. All students were invited to
participate and candy was given to the brave Tricker Treaters.


Playing Easter Bunny, a Hume resident places gifts to surprise her roommate. Many times g students found exchanging presents for the Holidays helped alleviate tension between roommates and built greater
0 friendships.



Riding a bike to nowhere, students found the campus gym located behind the Florida Gym a convenient location to burn off calories.

Running is always a popular form of excercise on campus. Many individuals found stadium climbs a bigger challenge; they could be seen at all hours of the day.

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John Lombardi joins in at the ground-breaking ceremony at the College of Architecture.

From Tower edition to Tower edition of years' past, the biography of Dr. John V. Lombardi has been published a brief look into his education. He received his bachelor's degree from Ponoma College and his masters and doctoral from Columbia.
He also attended the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico and UCLA.
Lombardi has been the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at John Hopkins University from 1987 through 1990. From 1967-1987, he taught at Indiana University, where he was the director of Latin American studies, Dean of International Programs, and Dean of Arts and Sciences.
Lombardi likes to travel from Florida coast to Colorado to his hometown in Southern California.
At the Annual University of Florida Homecoming football game, President Lombardi showcased his talent of playing the clarinet in the alumni band.
Lombardi resigned in the fall of 1999. He still is working at the University of Florida teaching classes.

President Charles Young, left, poses at Graduation with members of the College of Education.

Dr. Charles Young took over the office of President when Dr. Lombardi resigned in the fall of 1999 on an interim basis.
Young was born in Highland, California. Two days after her got married to his wife, Sue, Young left to serve in the United States Air Force during the Korean War. After he returned from Korea, he enrolled at University of California at Riverside and graduated in 1955 with honors He then went to UCLA where he earned his masters and doctoral degrees in political science.
After he graduated from UCLA, he started to work there. He helped With expanding its facilities, enhancing its faculty and establishing a quality athletic department. When the chancellor stepped down at UCLA, he recommended Young for the position. Young became the chancellor of UCLA when he was 36, where he was the youngest leader piloting any major U.S. university.
Young served as chancellor for 29 years and retired in 1997 from UCLA. He was a longtime member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association Presidents Commission, which was a leader in reforming intercollegiate athletics. He also was a former chairman of the prestigious Association of American Universities.
Chuck and Sue have two children, Charles and Elizabeth, and seven grandchildren.

Formerly known as the College of Agriculture, the college changed it's name to the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) to better represent the myriad of programs offered at the college. The college is a member of UF's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) and constitutes the academic programs of IFAS. The CALS offers 20 B.S. degree programs, 21 graduate degree programs and over 50 specializations. New degree options available this year to students include the a new B.S. degree in Packaging Sciences, a new M.S. degree in Human Resource Development, and a new doctoral degree in Plant Medicine, Undergraduate minors in Plant, Molecular and Cell Biology, Agricultural Law, Agricultural Communications, Poultry Science, and Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences were also established. Over the past 10 years, undergraduate enrollment has increased by 230% and graduate enrollment rose 17%. Women now constitute 57% of the undergraduate enrollment and 38% of the graduate. The CALS is well positioned for the future with the restructuring of degrees available. The college has taken a much greater role in providing general education courses for all students at UF and by collaborating with other colleges on campus.

In the department of Animal Sciences, professor Mike Fields and student Sekoni Noel examine research findings to improve reproductive efficiency in Florida cattle. photo by Eric Zamora.

The programs in the college are very competitive. Students work on a flower project in an agriculture class.

Through the course of the day, many agriculture students have classes at Fifield Hall.

UF graduate researcher Cosandre Hochreiter checks on a barn owl nest site at UF's Everglade Research and Education Center. The five owlets were among several babies and theirparents in this abandonedbam. Researchers are trying to boost the amount of bam owls because they kill rodents. Rodents can cause up to $30 million worth of damage per yearto sugar cane while the owls can eat almost 3000 rodents in a year. photo Eric Zamora

The College of Architecture was established at the University of Florida in 1925, and has since grown to be one of the largest design, planning and construction sites in the country. There are many different professional disciplines offered in the college. At the undergraduate and graduate levels, these include architecture, building construction, interior design and landscape architecture, and urban and regional planning at the graduate level. There are also Ph.D. programs available in architecture, building construction, and urban and regional planning.
The college emphasizes a global perspective to broaden student's point of view, so a graduate from the college can find employment anywhere they desire. Technology is also becoming extremely important in the Architecture student's life, ranging from access to forgeographic information systems to a personal computer.

Group work is a good for students to meet other people in their respective colleges. Trying to complete a survey project, students confer.

Scale models are a good way for students to see what the completed project would look like. Working on a scale model of a classroom, an architecture adds a scale person to the room.

The College of Architecture

Blueprints are needed for construction students to guide how to build a building. Judging a blueprint, a student decides how to begin work at the site.

The College of Business Administration was founded in 1927, and, in 1996, after receiving an endowment from 1958 business alumnus Al Warrington was renamed in his honor. The college has approximately 4000 students enrolled in a variety of degree programs: undergraduate, doctoral and graduate professional, including Internet MBA degrees. There are more then 1,200 graduate students enrolled in the college, pursuing advanced degrees in six specialized master's programs and seven MBA programs. More then 100 electives and 16 concentrations are offered to MBA students. Master's programs include: Master of Science in decision and Information Sciences; Master of Arts in International Business; Master of Arts in Real Estate; Master of Science in Management; Master of Accounting; and a newly created Master of Science in Finance. There are also over 100 doctoral students in the college's Ph.D. program, which leads to a Ph.D. in business administration. Students largely direct campus life, and there are more then a dozen student organizations run by and for business students.
The faculty is widely recognized for it's excellence, with the Department of Finance ranked among the top 25 of all business schools by US News and World Report. US News also ranked the faculty in marketing, management, and accounting in the top 20. The bachelor and master's program in accounting is regularly regarded as one of the top twelve in the nation. Superior research is also a hallmark of the finance faculty, as recognized by the Journal of Finance: UF ranked number one in the Highest Numbers of Authors Published in 1997, and ,in 1998, ranked in the top 20 in Total Influence in topic areas of Corporate Finance and Financial Institutions. The Warrington College takes pride in it's ability to deliver high quality business education to the high number if students on campus. From its fine undergraduate program, to professional degrees, to Internet programs, the Warrington College strives to seek its constituency in the ever-changing business climate.

Computers play an integral part in a business student's life. In a computer lab, students work to complete assignments.

When students get to their upper-level classes, class sizes become much smaller. Students pay close attention in a class at Matherly.

The Emerson Courtyard and Bryan Hall

Students dream of the day when they will receive their diploma. A dean congratulates a new graduate.



The college of Dentistry was established in the late 1960s and admitted it's first class in 1972. In this short amount of time, the college has been recognized for it's rigorous teaching programs, for extensive research activities that help further the understanding of oral diseases, develop new treatments and procedures for oral diseases, and for quality clinical programs that provide for superior patient care.
The dental school is located in the Health Science Center, which also includes the Colleges of Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Health Professions, Veterinary Medicine, and with Shands Hospital at UF. Together, the compromise a health center campus which encourages a sharing of knowledge across disciplines.
The college is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association, which offers a four year program that culminates in a D.M.D. degree. Graduates from this program are well rounded in both dental and biological sciences and provide their patients with comprehensive care.

Student Cindy Haug observes Associate Professor Carl Hansen, D.D.S., perform a prosthodontics procedure in the clinic.

An important skill that a dentist needs is the ability to read X-rays. Students and a teacher look over sample X-rays for practice.


The college has a preclinical simulation laboratory. A student observes while a teacher demonstrates a procedure.

A college student looks at a jaw muscle under a high-powered microscope.

Established in 1905, the College of Education has played a major role in the educational community for nearly a century. Under the leadership of former dean, James W. Norman, the college helped establish the RK Yonge Laboratory School. P.K. Yonge is a place for education majors to receive practical training.
Currently, the college produces educators through it's ProTeach program. This intensive five-year program culminates in a Masters of Education. The college also offers counseling, school psychology, and educational leadership programs at the graduate levels. ProTeach prepares future educators to work in early education, special education, and secondary education.
The college ranks among the top three teacher education programs in the Southeast, with more than 300 students graduating per year. Alumni include one national Teacher of the Year and numerous state Teacher of the Year award winners.

An elementary education works on an art project in one of her classes.

Children from Baby Gator Child Development Center where college students tutor and complete practium requirements in Early Childhood education.

College of Education at Norman Hall

Student Aaron Deal works with a middle school student during the summer to help improve the academic achievements during the school break.


The College of Engineering changed leadership in 1999 when engineering's Associate Dean of Research M. Jack Ohanian became interim dean of the college on July 1. He replaced former Dean Winfred Phillips, who became UF's vice-president for research and the Dean of the Graduate School. In other changes, the Civil Engineering (CE) and Civil and Coastal Engineering (COE) departments merged to create a new Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering, with CE professor Marc Hoit the interim chair. John J. Warwick, who came to UF from the University of Nevada, Reno, became the chair of the Environmental Engineering Sciences in August 1999.
Some long time college icons gained recognition this year, The Steel Teaching Sculpture, a fixture outside Weil
Hall since 1986, was moved to a new location next to the North-South Drive entrance to the building and dedicated for the first time. The sculpture has been copied at 80 other universities across North America. The UF training nuclear reactor, in the Nuclear and Engineering Sciences department, had it's 40th anniversary in May, 1999. The reactor was the first of it's kind built in Florida.
College students interested in the computer graphics job market received good news during the year. A new program, Digital Arts and Science, was launched for engineering and art students wanting careers in computer-generated graphic arts and music.
The college also showed its winning spirits at several contests this year. UF aerospace engineers won the 3rd annual Micro Aerial Vehicle Competition with a plane less than 12 inches in size. The UF Steel Bridge Team took first place for the fourth year in a row at the American Society of Civil Engineers Southeast regional student competition. Subjugator, the robot submarine built by electrical engineering students in the Machine Intelligence Lab took 2nd place in a contest sponsored by the UF office of Naval Research. Finally, the formula racecar built by UF mechanical engineering students placed in the top 10 at the national Formula SAE competition.

Much work goes into these projects including hours of research and physical labor.

The Biomedical Engineering group spends an afternoon on their Homecoming float down University Avenue

The College of Engineering is one of the most demanding schools that UF has to offer. Who would have thought that a class called Ceramics could have been so hard?

Engineering majors worked hard on their float this year and their hard work paid off. Just look at those happy Gators!

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The College of Fine Arts was officially established in 1975 when the College of
Architecture and Fine Arts divided to form two colleges, the College of Architecture and the College of Fine Arts. The college provides instruction for students desiring a
job in the arts.
The college is made up of the School of Art and Art History, the School of Music,
the Department of Theatre and Dance, New World School of the Arts in Miami, the
Center for World Arts, the Center for the Arts and Public Policy, the University Galleries, the Visual Arts Resources Center, and the Center for Performing Arts.
The college offers programs in art studio areas, graphic design, creative photography, art education and art history; music composition, music theory, music history,
music education, music performance, sacred music, and music pedagogy; theater production, theater performance and dance. About 700 students are enrolled in the
college and there is a student-teacher ratio of 9:1.


Some fine arts students spend a pleasant afternoon working on a mural. Many students feel the need to be outdoors in Gainesville when the weather is nice in Gainesville, these students add creativity to their outdoor pastimes.

One student works on his piece of the mural while a passerby looks on appreciatively.

The college of Fine arts provides students with a place to express themselves and learn more about the art they love.

Students from the College of Fine arts put on plays throughout the year. These performances provide students with a valuable learning experience as well as a chance to play dress up.

Since Earth Day in 1970, environmental technology has become one of the largest sectors of the U.S. economy. Environmental industries employ more than one million people in the U.S.
University of Florida offers many specialized disciplines to respond to the challenge of this growing field. The college offers a multidisciplinary degree in environmental science, which was designed by the college's affiliated faculty. The degree offers access to over 260 courses in 56 departments, which unites substantial portions of the entire university's academic programs in future-oriented liberal science.
The first two years' study lay a foundation for building expertise. Students need to know the natural sciences of physics, chemistry and biology. Microeconomics and macroeconomics is required to understand the human economy.
Most students seek the Bachelor of Science, which offers specializations in environmental science and natural resource management. Some, however, will prefer the Bachelor of Arts, with specializations in environmental policy, education or business.


Luis Rosado and Jennifer Cohen, seniors majoring in wildlife ecology, use a linear transect to measure plant diversity in a pond at the Natural Area Teaching Laboratory. photo by Thomas Wright

Field work is an important part of getting an education. Studying a forest, students get a better idea of what they are learning about in class.

The college offices are housed in NewinsZiegler Hall.

Student perform an experiment at a local pond.

- ~


The College of Health and Human Performance has a myriad of degree programs
designed to protect, maintain, and improve health. The college also prepares graduates to continue studies in medicine, physical therapy, hospital administration, and other health professions.
After graduation with a degree from the College, there are a range of jobs a student can get, such as, teachers, coach, athletic trainers, exercise specialists, directors of parks, manger of recreation centers, stadium manager, sports marketing, and tourist attractions to name a few.
The Department of Exercise and Sports Science Center offers programs that explore the immediate and lasting effects of exercise. Some students are allowed to work in the state-of-the-art Exercise Science Center. The Department of Health Science Education prepares students to enter the field of health education. This department works closely with Living Well, the university's employee wellness program. The Department of Recreation, Parks, and Tourism focuses on the role and impact of leisure services and activities on individuals, society and the environment.

An instructor shows her class that health can be a fun subject.

These Gators lost no time on their Homecoming Float. And boy are they proud of it!

The Florida Gym used to actually be a gym. Now it is the home of the College of Health and Human performance.
Students enjoy a lecture at the college.

The Florida Gym houses most of the courses for the College, and many students spend a lot of time in the lecture halls that used to be bleachers.

The College of Health Professions, established in 1958, is one of the largest
and most diversified health institutions in the country. The college was the
first in the United States dedicated solely to educating students in the health
professions and served as a model for other universities.
There are six departments that make up the college; clinical and health
psychology, communicative disorders, health services administration, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and rehabilitation counseling. With more than 500 students, the college offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral
Students are trained to work in a variety of health situations through the
college, ranging from acute and subacute, outpatient, to long-term care. To
achieve such diverse training, the college has affiliations with Shands Hospital, Alachua General Hospital, and the VA Hospital.


Members of the college adjust a hearing device on a local man.

Students get personalized attention from professors.

A student performs therapy on a patient's hand.

A child plays with a toy at a therapy session with a member of the college.

The College of Journalism is one of the largest and most respected in journalism colleges in the United States. The college is housed in Weimer Hall, which contains five professional newsrooms, seven computer labs, three television studios, a photojournalism lab, two desktop publishing graphic labs, an interactive media lab and the Brechner Center for Freedom of Information.
The college has four departments: Advertising, Journalism, Public Relations, and Telecommunication. The college offers degree programs in advertising, journalism (reporting, editing, magazines, and photojournalism), public relations, technical communications, and telecommunication (news, production, and operations). The college also offers a masters and doctoral degree in mass communication.
Students gain practical experience through working at the college's four radio stations, two television stations and web site, as well as working with the independent student newspaper and the local daily newspaper. Students also are active in dozens of national and international internships. Through hard work and dedication, journalism students have managed to win many national awards.
The college has one of the largest permanent endowments of any school or college in the field of journalism in the nation with more then $25 million. With this industry support, current students receive professional expertise, scholarships, internships and jobs.

Meeting deadlines are crucial in Journalism careers. Trying to meet a deadline for the 5:30 p.m. news, a student types frantically.

The college is housed in Weimer Hall, which contains five professional newsrooms, seven computer labs, three television studios, a photojournalism lab, two desktop publishing graphic labs and an interactive media lab.

College of Journalism and Communications

Computer skills are an asset that Journalism students must possess.

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A record performance- in teaching, research and service- is a goal for the College of Law.
Since the college's establishment in 1909, the University of Florida's law school has been educating leaders for law, business, education and government. The college is accredited by the American Bar Association and is a member is the Association of American Law Schools. No other law school has produced as many presidents of the American Bar Association in the last 20 years as the University of Florida, no as many Florida Bar presidents. Dozens of alumni currently serve as federal and states judges and justices, and heads of states in major state and national organizations and government agencies.
In addition to graduation with a Juris Doctor degree from a one of the nation's prominent law
schools, UF law students now can earn certification in a particular area of law, such as environmental law or estates and trusts, which gives a UF graduate an edge in the job market and the world of practice. In the area of tax law, the college's graduate program is considered one of the best in the nation. Florida's LL.M. program in Comparative Law politics is attracting lawyers from around the world.

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The sculpture in the courtyard of the law school is a popular place to meet people after class.

Students take notes at an information meeting at the College of Law.


Levin College of Law

The Bailey Courtroom at the College of Law is the site of intramural competitions of the UF Trail Team and lectures by distinguished practitioners.

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is the largest college at the University of Florida and stands at the heart of academic life at UF. The college offers an academic environment where students learn how to communicate more effectively, to reason independently, and to comprehend the institutions that have shaped the world. The main goal of the college is to prepare students as citizens and empower them to be leaders in the community around them.
The college tries to prepare students for an increasingly complex and interconnected world. The college attempts to have cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity among students and faculty. This is evident in some of the myriad of highly rated programs offered through the college which include, African studies, Latin-American studies, chemistry, anthropology, and gerontology. The college's Jewish studies is the largest of its kind in the South. Over 200 National Merit Scholars are among the talented graduates and undergraduates who have chosen study in the college. The college faculty is award winning with awards in Guggenheim Fellowships, Fulbright scholars, and other recognition on the national level. Alumni from the college go on to lead major corporations, write nationally known books, serve in public office and even work at NASA as an astronaut.

Anthropology is a popular major offered in the college. A student looks at fossils for a project.

Liberal Arts students work closely with other colleges. Some students work with the College of Agriculture.

A bulk of the Liberal Arts and Sciences classes are found at Turlington Hall.

Plaza of Americas is a popular place for students to spend the gap they might have between classes.

The College of Medicine is committed to the education and training of compassionate
caregivers. In over 40 years history, the college has educated over 3,000 physicians, most of whom have provided for Florida citizens their expertise in both general and specialized health care. The college has one of the most effective medical student education programs, and UF medical students consistently score high on licensing examinations. More than 75 percent of graduates are ranked in the top third of their residency program.
The college is a national leader in the area of medical informatics, including widespread use of technology such as interactive laser disks, use of the Internet and CD-ROMs. In fact, electronic tools developed at the college are now being used by more then half of the medical schools in the nation.
The college's Ph.D. program has now become an interdisciplinary program (IDP). The IDP allows for medical students to receive broad training in their first year with more specialized training in the following years at the college. This program helps to integrate clinical and basic science training with the education process.
The home for a bulk of the college's activity is the Health Science Center. Also located near this center is the Brain Institute, which deals with all aspects of the neurobiology system. This institute is an international resource which has collaborating researchers at more then 65 universities throughout the US and at least 15 foreign countries.

Students must have a good background in biology before going into medical school. A student performs an experiment on an earthworm.

Students go over the parts in the digestive system.

Shands hospital is good for medical students because it allows for internships and experience.

Students perform a chemical experiment in one of their classes.

The College of Nursing goal is to help prepare students to become practitioners and scientist whom can care for a diverse society and to help address health care needs. The college is one of six colleges located in the Health Science Center. With the establishment of the college within the framework of the Health Science Center, nursing students are awarded an opportunity to receive collegial and professional development in a University setting. Shands Hospital is home to outpatient clinics, a psychiatric unit and a hospital unit for students to earn professional practice. The VA medical center also offers a place for students to practice their field of nursing under supervised observation.
In addition to its programs in Gainesville, the college has campuses in Jacksonville and Orlando to help provide urban access for graduate students.
Nursing graduates can enter professional positions in primary, secondary, and tertiary care
settings with clients of all ages or they can farther their education at the graduate level in the college. The College of Nursing degree program is accredited by the National League for Nursing and is approved by the Florida State Board of Nursing. Degrees that offered through the college are available at both the undergraduate and graduate level and include a bachelor of science in science, a
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A nurse works in the neonatal unit at Shands.

A patient plays with a nursing student's stethoscope.

Nurses must know the appropriate amount of medicine to give to a patient.

A nurse from Shands visits a local home.

As the healthcare environment changes, so does the pharmacy industry. Today, pharmacists run ambulatory clinics, control medication dosage, order lab tests, perform basic physical assessments , supervise home health activities, implement health education activities, and work with the health care team to ensure that medication produces the desired outcome. Pharmacists are the most available health care practitione rs. In a variety of healthcare settings, they provide advice on prescription and nonprescription drug therapy, health aids, herbal and nutritional supplements, and disease state information. Pharmacists are rated by the public as one of the most trusted professions.
The College's research efforts contribute significantly to improvements in healthcare. Research in drug delivery systems, the neurobiology of aging and new drug development keep the college at the forefront of graduate research institutions. The faculty has been very productive in obtaining research support and communicating their findings through presentations and publications.
In an effort to ensure the most modern and clinical and administrative skills, the college implemented a new six year Doctoral program, which stresses patient interaction through the curriculum. Students not only learn about pharmaceutical sciences but also how to take care of patients. They learn how to apply the principles of communication, management, clinical assessment and teamwork. The college also offers three combined degree programs: the Doctor of Pharmacy and Master's of Business Administration degree program; Doctor of Pharmacy and Master's of Physician Assistant Studies degree program; and the Doctor of Pharmacy and Doctor of Philosophy in the Pharmaceutical Sciences degree program.
The college also provides continuing education programs for practicing pharmacists. The working Professional Pharm.D. program is a distance education program rated among the most innovative in healthcare education. Pharmacists in many states can access a rigorous program that will enhance their knowledge of skills. The Work- ing Professional Pharm.D program allows pharmacists to train on a part-time basis to meet requirements for the Doctor of Pharmacy degree over nine semesters.

Pharmacy students receive a lot of hands-on training to help prepare them for their future careers.

In a demanding class two students study together to get the most out of their learning experience. Many students find it helpful to quiz each other before a big exam.

Collaboration on research and intense faculty help are part of what make the College of Pharmacy a success.

In their off hours this fall students worked hard to make their Homecoming float the best it could be. What a ferocious gator!



The state's only veterinary school, the College of Veterinary Medicine is recognized internationally for it's wildlife program and for it's research in the area of infectious diseases. Wildlife veterinarians at UF serve as a vital resource to referring veterinarians, the pet-owning public, and many private zoos and animal rehabilitation groups. Infectious disease scientists with the college have developed vaccines for a variety of tick-borne diseases threatening livestock from subtropical Africa and in some areas of the Caribbean.
Founded officially in 1978, the college offers a four year professional (D.V.M.) degree program, as well as graduate studies to students who wish to further their education with a master of sciences degree or a Ph.D. Students who receive their veterinary degrees from the college typically go on to work in private practice, either on their own or with established veterinary firms, in the state of Florida or elsewhere. Most UF veterinary alumni choose to remain in state after graduation.
In 1982, the UF veterinary college became the first in the country to establish a neonatal intensive care unit for foals. A handful of other veterinary colleges have since started similar units, looking to UF's as a model. UF continues to contribute to provide quality diagnostic and treatment care to many valuable thoroughbred and Arabian horses of all ages from the Ocala area, one of the country's primary breeding and training locales.

Dr. Jan Shearer, extension veterinarian for dairy cattle, with Dr. Adrian Gonzales Sagues of Spain at a Trenton dairy farm during a Master Hoof Trimmer course now available through the college.

Oncology nurse Tammy Shelley and Dr. Leslie Fox, associate professor of small animal, prepare chemotherapy drugs for using during "chemo day" at the college.

Dr. Huisheng Xie, veterinary acupuncturist, administers acupuncture treatment to Pam Sebree' s dog, Rose, at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital.

Dr. Michael Schaer and Dr. Cynda Crawford with veterinary tech Julie Hadsock and student Erik Daly work with an injured cat in the ICU at the small animal hospital.


The Gators entered the 1999 season against Western Michigan. Standout quarterback Tim Lester led Western Michigan in a game that saw the talented QB light up 00 Florida's Defense for 405 yards. Gary Darnell, who was Florida's interim coach before Steve Spurrier arrived in "now Gainesville, coached the Broncos. Several times Darnell took plays right out of Spurrier's book, including the opening play in which the coach had his team lineup in a version of the
Emory &Henry formation.
The young Florida defense didn't have a starter remaining from the lineup that opened last season. The team's youth showed as the game was close in the second half as John Capel mishandled the second half kickoff that led to the Broncos scoring from three yards out to make the score 31-26.
However the Florida offense prevailed with Doug Johnson leading the way with 277yards on 20-38 attempts with four touchdowns and Earnest Graham ran for 158 yards. Though Spurrier had to survive a little scare up until early in the second half, his offense functioned smoothly collecting 624 net yards. However the Gators defense would have to improve if they were to compete once SEC competition started.



Doug Johnson threw four touchdown passes in under a 9:47 span that bridged the first and second quarters to shut down the Golden Knights of the University of Central Florida. UCF entered the game (0-2), but did manage to score first with a touchdown early in the game. However UF soon opened up its office scoring 58 of the next 65 points opening a 44-point lead over the Knights.
Johnson completed 15-of-23 passes for 271 yards and four touchdowns, all in the first half. Doug Johnson, who played only in the first half, moved past Steve Spurrier to number six on the school's all-time passing yards list. The Defense continued to struggle against the passing game, allowing Vic Penn to throw for 379 yards on 34-of-55 passing. The defense looked lost and confused as the Gators finished up their "warm-up" part of the season.
The Gators next play against the defending national champions, the Tennessee Volunteers. The Gators welcome the Vols to "The Swamp," with the winner having the inside track to the East Division title of the Southeastern Conference as well a better position for the Bowl Championship Series. The Gators have the longest current home winning streak in the nation, at 29 games.



Florida waited a long year to prove that it was better then the national champs, and with a defensive end that couldn't be stopped, the Gators just did make their case. Florida entered their third game of the season 2-0, and snapped Tennessee's 14-game winning streak.
The Gators kept alive two equally impressive streaks of its own. The Gators won their 30th straight game at The Swamp and stayed undefeated at home against the Volunteers (1-1,0-1) since 1971, when Phil Fulmer played offensive line and Steve Spurrier was a backup quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers. Most importantly, the victory provided healing to a team that was haunted all last year in the 20-17 defeat to Tennessee. In that game, Florida committed five turnovers and missed a chip shot in overtime to give the victory to the Volunteers. Tennessee went on to when the SEC East and eventually won the national championship by defeating the Florida State Seminoles. Just like last year, Florida tried to give the game away. This time though, Tennessee wouldn't take it.
Florida was led by defensive end Alex Brown, who seemed unstoppable.
Brown was in Tee Martin's face most of the night, sacking the quarterback five times. Doug Johnson threw for 338 yards and two scores. However, he did throw two interceptions that hurt the Gators.



Despite losing Earnest Graham to a deep thigh bruise on the second play of the game, the Gators (4-0, 2-0 Southeastern Conference) had little difficulty extending their winning streak over the Wildcats (2-2, 0-1) to 13 games. Florida jumped to a 28-0 halftime lead and coasted, rolling up 476 total yards of offense. Though Johnson burned the Wildcats badly on a couple pass plays, Florida's running game did the most damage. The Gators offensive line opened wide holes for Bo Carroll and Robert Gillespie who had little trouble picking up for the injured Graham.
Doug Johnson played a solid game throwing for 241 yards and a pair of touchdowns in a 38-10 victory over Kentucky. Robert Gillespie fan for 108 yards and a pair of scores as No. 3 Florida played with a balanced offensive attack to beat the wildcats. Gillespie keyed Florida's first touchdown with a short catch that he broke for a 47-yard gain. That set up Carroll's 14-yard scoring run with 10:22 left in the first quarter. On the next Florida scoring drive, it was Carroll again running up a seam in the Kentucky defense for 25 yards. John Capel then gained 14 yards on a go around which set up Johnson's play-action fake and deep throw to Darrell Jackson who streaked 49 yards to the end zone. The rest was history.







Alabama coach Mike DuBose knows all about second chances. Florida coach Steve Spurrier knows all about overtime kicks. Alabama kicker Chris Kemp got a second chance at an extra point in overtime to lift No.21 Alabama to a 40-39 victory over the Gators. This snapped No. 3 Florida's 30-game winning streak at The Swamp and put the tumult that has overrun the Crimson Tide (4-1, 3-0 Southeastern Conference) on the back burner.
Kemp got his second chance after the left side of Florida's line jumped
offsides following Shaun Alexander's 25-yard touchdown run on the first play of Alabama's overtime possession.
Florida again was the victim of turnovers and sloppiness as the Gators
watched their home win record slip away. And, like last year, it was the kicking game that nailed their coffin shut.
Florida received the ball first in overtime and scored a touchdown when quarterback Doug Johnson found Reche Caldwell in the end zone for a 6-yard strike. UF kicker Chris Chandler jogged on for the kick, but missed, marking the second time in a year Florida has missed a key chip shot in overtime. Chandler won the kicking job last year when Collins Cooper missed a short field in a 2017 overtime loss to Tennessee.
Like that loss, this one severely hinders Florida's shot at a national title, although the SEC title still seems within reach. The Gators still own the tiebreaker over Tennessee and could play in the SEC title game - against Alabama, possibly - by winning the rest of its conference games.



The Gators overcame the rain and a hostile crowd in Baton Rouge to beat LSU and improved to 4-1 overall and 2-1 Southeastern Conference. The Gators were led by Robert Gillespie, who two years ago was on the sidelines cheering for LSU when it upset the Gators. Gillespie, who once planned to attend LSU, scored two touchdowns for the Gators in route to a 3 1-10 victory over the Tigers. Gillespie gained 108 yards on 21 carries in the slop, including 66 in the second half.
A pounding rain fell for much of the second quarter and halftime, turning Tiger Stadium field into a flooded, muddy swamp in the second half. That alone prevented a Florida blowout but did not completely stop Steve Spurrier's high-powered offense.
Florida's offense has averaged more than 500 yards a game in the first four games of the season. However, the dismal conditions forced the Gator offense to gain just 345 yards, while the conditions and the Gator defense held LSU to 165 total yards.
It took only 20 seconds for Florida to erase any lingering
memories of their last visit to Tiger Stadium when LSU knocked them from their No. I ranking and snapped a 25-game SEC winning streak. Two plays into the game the Gators were ahead 70 as Johnson hit Darrell Jackson for a 73-yard gain and Gillespie scampered untouched another 7 yards to score. By the end of the first quarter Florida was up 10-0 and never looked back.


The Gators victory against Auburn might not have been pretty, but it was enough to handle the Tigers. This was Florida's 70"' Southeastern Conference victory this decade and helped improve the Gator record to 6-1, 4-1 in the conference. It was also Spurrier's 99" win at Florida, which moved him past former Oklahoma coach Barry Switzer for the most victories by a coach in the first 10 years at a Division I-A school.
But this was hardly the effort Spurrier wanted from the Gators, who angered him so much in last week's 3 1-10 victory over LSU he threatened to make them run as a punishment. Tie Gators seemed to shut down on both sides of the ball after taking a 25-point lead. Robert Gillespie scored on a one-yard touchdown run to seal a 32-14 win.
The Gators were able to move the ball up the field at will against the Tigers in the first half rolling up 319 yards total offensive. However five trips to the red zone ended with four field goals and a Doug Johnson interception in the end zone. Florida led just 19-0 in the first half.
Florida opened the second half by scoring on its first possession-a 62-yard touchdown run by Bo Carroll that extended the lead to 25-0. After that, the Gators seemed to shut down. They had just 80 yards of offensive in the third quarter, 62 on Carroll's run.
The Gators managed to hold on to this gYame but showed plenty of weaknesses. The Gators have their bye week coming up and Spurrier is sure to have plenty to talk about as they prepare for the big showdown with Georgia at Jacksonville.





Steve Spurrier did his Vince Dooley impression against the 10th ranked
Bulldogs. It worked, and Spurrier earned his 100th victory as the Gator's head coach in the most fitting way possible.
Not only did the 30-14 win come against Georgia (6-2, 4-2 Southeastern Conference), the team he loves to beat the most, but it came in the same manor that the Bulldogs use to stick it to the Gators for all those years. His defense shut down Georgia in the second half and used an offense more suited to the ground than the Fun "N Gun that made him famous throughout the 90's. With the win, Florida made it their ninth out of the last 10 meetings in this series and took control in the highly competitive SEC East. If the Gators (7-1, 5-1) beat Vanderbilt at home next week and South Carolina on the road the following week, they'll be heading back to the SEC title game in Atlanta for the first time since 1996.
However first they will celebrate a victory in one the nation's storied rivalries, best known as "The World's Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party." This year's version was a watered-down affair. A game bogged down by steady rain in the first half, sputtering offense in the second, and enough stupid penalties and stalled drives to last the rest of the season. The Gators continue to roll through the heart of their SEC schedule. However, if they are to contend for a national title, they had better shape up before the big showdown in the Swamp on November 20 when the Seminoles come visiting.


The Gators received outside help in its quest for its second national title in the 90's when Minnesota upset second ranked Penn State. This upset would probably move the Gators up a spot from number 5 to 4 in .N.. the polls.
So how did the Gators respond to such good luck? They
responded with a performance that made such a goal as a national title seem laughable. The Gators fought for a 13-6 victory over Vanderbilt, yes Vanderbilt. The win did keep the Gators (8-1, 6-1) in line for the SEC title game in December.
What it couldn't have done, however, was impress many people, although it came against an improved Vandy (5-4, 2-4) team.
Commodore quarterback Greg Zolman completed a 44-yard pass to Tavarus Hogans with less then a minute left in the game and set up a first and ten on the Gators 19-yard line. The Gators held Vanderbilt and escaped against a team they had learned to take for granted over the years.
Doug Johnson completed just 14-24 passes for 143 yards and came to the sideline for a number of all-too-familiar confrontations with frustrated coach Steve Spurrier. When Spurrier wasn't arguing with Johnson, he was in conference with offensive line coach Jimmy Ray Stephens, trying to figure a way to stop a Vanderbilt pass rush that totaled five sacks and forced a couple of Johnson fumbles. There were few bright spots on the day for the Gators, with running back Earnest Graham being one of them. Graham came of the bench and rushed for 124 yards on 16 carries. While Graham was out grinding the 1 football on the ground, the other Gator players seemed to be absent.

With a new quarterback at the helm, Florida did no better with Jessie Palmer then they had did with Doug Johnson, but still managed to push past winless South Carolina 20-3. Palmer, brought in when Johnson couldn't move the club against Vanderbilt, was erratic and off target in his first start of the season. He threw a touchdown pass to Darrell Jackson and kept the Gators (9-1, 7-1 Southeastern Conference) out of trouble the rest of the game.
Florida's victory against the Gamecocks meant a SEC Eastern Division crown and a trip to the league title game for the sixth time in eight years. The victory also kept alive any chance the Gators have for a national championship. They play No. 1 Florida State next week in The Swamp to close their regular season.
Nevertheless, this couldn't have been what Coach Spurrier wanted after benching Johnson, a senior, for Palmer. And it sure won't impress the Bowl Championship Series, in which the Gators are now forth behind FSU, Tennessee, and Virginia Tech.
The Gators looked lost and confused while on the field. Palmer finished 15-33 for 161 yards and one touchdown. Also adding to the problem were Gator receivers. Travis Taylor dropped a pass in the end zone and Darrell Jackson let a ball go off his fingertips after getting behind the secondary. A *
If the Gators are to compete against Florida State- much less a national
title- they will need to get the offense in gear or they might be in for some L IT O SH E PPA R D long nights.



The Gators finally found that all those speed bumps in the road turned into a wall when Florida State entered Florida field in a showdown for state and national supremacy. The Gators (9-2) lost for just the forth time at home in ten years under Steve Spurrier.
For the past seven years, this series has turned into a sort of playoff-elimination game, and the Gators weren't knocked out until the very end. With the Gators on the FSU 40, Jessie Palmer threw a desperation pass into the end zone, where a half-dozen players were waiting for the ball. It was tipped by several Florida State defenders and fell to the ground before Brian Haugabrook had a chance to grab it.
The Seminoles raced to midfield and began the celebration, their helmets to
the air and stomping on the turf where they last won in 1993 .... the year they won a national championship.
A little bit of Warrick and Weinke, along with a little bit of Janikowski and a whole bunch Florida State defense has FSU playing for the national title instead of the Gators. Peter Warrick ran for one touchdown and set up another with a 38-yard catch. Sebastian Janikowski kicked three field goals, one being from 54 yards, as Florida lost two in a row to the Seminoles.
Florida must regroup and get ready for a rematch with Alabama in the SEC Championship game. The Crimson Tide have already knocked the Gators off once this season and will look to do it again. Spurrier has to get his players ready if they are going to salvage what's left of the season


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The Gators entered the SEC championship game with something to prove.
They had lost one game in overtime already to Alabama, at The Swamp. They ST EV E SPU R R IE R had just lost a game to state rival FSU when Jessie Palmer's pass fell incomplete in the end zone, at The Swamp. So when the Gators still had a chance to obtain their biggest goal of the season in form of a SEC championship, Steve Spurrier knew that his team had something to fight for.
Too bad he forgot to tell his team all this. The Gators showed an effort that
would have made the Bad News Bears proud. The results of the game resembled what was left of Custard's charge. Florida suffered one of the worst nights of the Steve Spurrier era. There was no fun in the "Fun 'n Gun" offense for Florida, which managed only 114 yards and six first downs in the worst performance since Spurrier arrived back in 1990.
The Crimson Tide thoroughly dominated the fifth ranked Gators for a 34-7 victory in Southeastern Conference championship game, clinching its first title since 1992.
The game went completely Alabama's way in the fourth quarter. Freddie
Milons broke lose for an electrifying 77-yard touchdown run with 11:54 remaining. Increasing Alabama's lead to 22-7. Less then 18 seconds later, on Florida's very next position, defensive end Reggie Grimes picked off a deflected pass and returned the interception 38 yards for another TD.
The Gators next match up will be at the Citrus Bowl when Michigan State
makes its way down south. If the Gators are to salvage this season, they had best perform like the Gators of old rather then the Gators of new






The Gator offense finally found their way onto the field. It's just too bad the defense couldn't join them. Travis Taylor caught 11 passes for 156 yards and three touchdowns, but it wasn't enough as Michigan State defeated Florida 37-34 on a field goal as time expired. The Gators were playing in the Citrus Bowl for the second time in three years.
You could see the difference in the two teams throughout the game. After the game winning kick sailed through the uprights, the Spartans charged onto the field, celebrating their first 10-victury season since 1965 and a victory in their first New Year's Day bowl appearance in 11 years.
The Gators on the other hand could not have been to thrilled to be there. What had once become a Payton Manning joke as king of the Citrus Bowl, Florida is quickly finding its name associated with the bowl game that's held in Orlando.
The Gators fought hard all the way. They took a 21-20 lead into halftime, and after the two teams went scoreless through most of the third quarter, the excitement began. The two teams battled back and forth trading touchdowns with each other. The difference maker though was Plaxico Burress. Burress set a school record with 13 receptions, including three for touchdowns. He helped coach Bobby Williams join George Perles as just the second Michigan State coach to win in his debut.
The Gators finished the season with three straight losses. They lost two at the swamp matching the previous 8 years under Steve Spurrier. UF will try to regroup and come out strong next season.


With one arm high, this cheerleader raises spirit during a half time break.

Pom-poms shaking, this UF cheerleaders does the Gator Chomp!

Performing a half-time show, these Dazzlers excite the crowd.

Watch Out! With legs and arms flying in all direction, the Dazzlers completed routines in perfect unison.





Coach Wise traveled Europe with former UFf players as they furthered their volleyball careers.

With words of advice, Coach Wise tries to get the teams attention.

The 1999-2000 Gator Volleyball Season was as easy to win as dig...set..spike. With the SEC championship being a tradition, it seemed only natural that in 1999 the Gators be returned their title. Everything was in place, two returning All-American seniors who promised to surpass their previous records. The rest of the team was ready and the anticipation could be felt by all. Once on the court a fire was started and there was no stopping the Gators. From game to game teams across the country fell to the prey of the Florida Gators. It seemed as if an unbeatable force had been set loose. The SEC championship was theirs, then it was on to the National Championships, but first the Semifinals. Of course no one thought it could happen, but it did. In the first round of the Semifinals the Gators lost control and all hopes of a National Championship. To the mercy of Pacific, Florida fell, but in their fall something else was rising. The hopes for next year had already begun as if this year had never existed. 2000 promises to be one of the best Gator Volleyball seasons yet.



Now in its second season under Head Coach Jill Briles-Hinton, the University of Florida women's golf team began the 1999-2000 Season at the Lady Razorback Invitational in Rogers, Ark, finishing in second place with a score of 617. The Lady Gators feature two returnees: junior Dana von Louda and sophomore Lauren Shniderman accompanied by three freshman: Jeanne Cho, Paul Marti, and Brittany Straza. Freshman Paula Marti tied for second place. Marti was followed by fellow freshman Brittany Straza who tied for ninth place, and Jeanne Cho who tied for 16th place. Sophomore Lauren Shniderman tied for 22nd place, while junior Dana von Louda concluded the tournament in 44th place.
Brittany Straza became the first Lady Gator freshman golfer to win a tournament since Riko Higashio in 1996, as she captured the Lady Buckeye Fall Invitational at Ohio State with a score of 8-over-par 224. The team finished in
eighth place. Straza was followed by fellow freshmen Jeanne Cho, who tied for 30th place over par and Sam Zausner White, who tied for 38th place in her first collegiate tournament. Lauren Shniderman tied for 50th place. Freshman Sarah Coleson, also playing in her first collegiate tournament, tied for 50th place. Junior Dana von Louda finished in 60th place.
In the final day of the Mercedes-Benz Women's Collegiate Championships, hosted by the University of Tennessee, Lady Gator Golfer Jeanne Cho shot a 4-over-par 76. Cho finished in a tie for seventh place, the best tournament of her young career. The team finished in 16th place after Brittany Straza withdrew due to a lower back sprain. Lady Gator freshman Paula Marti finished in a tie for 43rd place, Sam Zausner White tied for 76th place, and Lauren Shniderman finished in 86th place.
For the second consecutive tournament, freshman Jeanne Cho posted a top 10 finish, tying for sixth place in the Lady Paladin Invitational, hosted by Furman University. The 24th-ranked Lady Gators finished in 11 th place. Paula Marti
finished in 17th place. Sam Zausner White finished in a tie for 88th place, Dana von Louda shot a 12-over-par 84, tying her for 104th place. Freshman Brittany Straza shot a 7-over-par 79 on Sunday, after she withdrew from the second round on Saturday.
The Lady Gators participated in their final tournament of the fall season when they traveled to Kaiwah Island, SC to participate in the Palmetto Intercollegiate Tournament, hosted by the College of Charleston. The Lady Gators
shot an 18-over-par 306 in the final round to finish in 12th place with a threeround total of 935. Jeanne Cho shot a 1-under-par 71 in the final round finish in a third place tie with a 5-over-par 221. Sam Zausner White shot a 2-over par 74 in the final round to finish in a tie for 33rd place with 232. Brittany Straza shot a 4-over-par 76 to finish in a tie for 36th place with 233 . Sophomore Lauren Shniderman fired an 85 in the final round, finishing in a tie
for 82nd place with 249. And Sarah Coleson also shot 85 in the final round, finishing in a tie for 95th place with a 257.



ace after race, stride after stride, cross-country is truly a sport that requires perse

verance, a key characteristic of all University of Florida Athletes. This year how ver, Doug Brown, the men's head cross-country coach is looking to go that extra mile and place the team in the top three at regionals and to qualify for the NCAA Championships. Following their 1998 performance of finishing in the top three of the SEC this goal is going to take dedication, but it is definitely within the team's reach. Junior runner, Rob Evans is expected to lead the team to victory. Evans demonstrated his leadership ability by becoming the first Gator, under Coach Brown, to earn and individual qualifying spot in the national meet. No runner had met this goal since Mike Mykytok in 1991. This was merely the beginning; Evans went on to lead the team to four top-10 finishes. It began with the Nike Twi-light invitational in which the Gators obtained a perfect score. The team went on to finish in the Sam Bell Invitational with 8th place. Later at the Gator Invitational, UF beat out 18 other teams. The true test came when UF ran in the SEC Championships. After hours of training and practice the Gators would not be easily beaten. Unfortunately, the team took fourth at the SEC race, which meant they would not be going to the NCAA championships. With dismay in their hearts, the team could do nothing but look forward to next year with much more vigor than before. This year however, Coach Brown was proud of the team and their efforts. No matter what the team feels, the Gators are behind them 100 percent.




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Freshmen Hilary Thompson matched the Florida beam record of

Front Row: Jenny Carow, Hilary Thompson and Kelly Hesbeens. Second Row: Lindsey Miner, Gabby Fuchs, Maryann Esposito and Teal Chiabotti Standing: Chrissy Van Fleet, Jacqui Williams and Krissy Dreger.
Ted Crom Gymnastics Studio at the O'Connel I Center.

Head Coach: Becky Burleigh


Front Row: Andi Sellers, Keisha Bell, Abby Wambach, Whitney Singer, Daniel Bass, Regan Weisemann Second Row: Karyn Hall, Christie Brady, Andrea Velasco, Erica Schubert, Kristen Fisher, Kara Rao, Kristen Chapman, Daniel Rust, Daniel Murphy Third Row: Renee Reynolds, Angie Olson, Sara Yohe Manager: Janet Goslin Athletic Trainer: Brian Hatzel Manger: Benny Hsu Head Coach: Becky Burleigh Athletic Trainer: Tracy Brown, Dr. Tom Kaminiski Assistant Coach: Vic Campbell Third Row: Heather Mitts, Jill Stevens, Erin Gilhart, Jordan Kellgrin Fourth Row: Coach Steve Springthorpe Volunteer Coach: Matthew Mitchell

Preparing for a shot, Freshman Donnell harvey aims high. With the background of being the nations no. 1 recruit, Harvey has proved himself a valued asset to the
Gator team.


Billy Donovan

Three years later who would have thought Billy Donovan could have taken the Gators to the NCAA finals? For most this goal seemed far off, yet with Coach Donovan's great dedication to the team the goal was an easy one. Donovan bulldozed the Florida Basketball team and has rebuilt a stronger, more powerful team with champinships in the future. 1,-%k,

Reaching for the ball Sophomor Teddy Dupay, attempts to catch a rebound. As a guard Dupay has excelled on the team and made his mark. Although height is normally a benefit in basketball, Dupay proves that a 5'10" player can be a true

MN 'S asset to the team.


The University of Florida's Mens basketball program entered its fourth season of the Billy Donovan era and had one of its most successful seasons in school history. The Gators for only the second time in school history won a share of the coveted SEC title. Bolstered by a new freshmen class and the return of many key players from the prior years run to the Sweet Sixteen in the NCAA tournament, expectations for the 1999-2000 team was very high. The freshmen class, which many deemed one of the top five recruiting classes for the second year in a row, included: Matt Bonner from Concord, New Hampshire; Justin Hamilton, from Sarasota; Donnell Harvey, from Shellman, Georgia; and Brett Nelson from St. Albans, West Virginia. With the return of sophomores Mike Miller, Teddy Dupay, and Udonis Haslem these young Gators led UF to a 29-8 season as well as a 12-4 SEC season. Many knew the Gators with their talented underclassmen would one day make a big impact on Gator basketball, but how quickly they were able to do it was surprising. The Gators as a team broke or tied many school records. They tied a school record with 23 regular season wins, led the SEC in 3 offensive categories, made the most field goals in school history with 1,104, most free throws in school history with 628, and forced 19.54 turnovers per game to name a few. The team also set a new high point game total in the lopsided victory over New Hampshire, 131-72.
The upperclassmen, juniors Major Parker and Brent Wright and senior Kenyan Weaks, were elected captain of the youth-dominated squad. Kenyan Weaks, made a school record 33 consecutive free throws and his free throw percentage of 89.8% was best for a UF senior in school history. Brent Wright was named to the SEC Goodworks team and Teddy Dupay was named to the SEC All-Academic team.
Warming the Bench
the Florida Gators
stare on in hopes of
win. Team support
was a big part of the
game and even thouh
they were no playing,
words of encouragement coul be heard
from th sidelines.
With the help of
thousands of screaming fans in the background the Florida
.. Gators knew they
- were everyones favorite.

Staring on in content this little Gator fan proves size doesn't matter. As our team made its way through the sweet sixteen and final four, all true fans could be seen glued to TV sets and screaming loud the sounds of pride in the teams accomplishments.

Practice played a ket role in helping the Gators reach th championship. The team showed great dedication the entire year and was certainly rewarded. Mike Miller was even darfted by the Orlando Magic as a sophomore, and although he will be missed we are proud of his Gator career.

One bad night can't ruin a season. Especially, not the kind of season the Florida Gators had. After a buzzer-beater shot against up start Butler by Mike Miller, the fifth seeded Gators advanced to play against former head coach Ron Kruger and his Illinois Fighting Illini. Current head coach, Billy Donovan, succeded Kruger in 1996. Donovan and the Gators beat the Illini 93-76 and advanced o the second consecutive sweet sixteen for the first time in school history. In the sweet sixteen the Gators faced the number one seed in the East, Duke University. The Gators' 87-78 victory over Duke was the first time in history the Gators beat a number one seed. Florida out scored Duke 13-0 in the final four minutes of the game. The victory over Duke advanced Florida to the Elite Eight where it faced third seeded Oklahoma St. Oklahoma St. was lead by seven seniors in contrast to the seven underclassmen in UF's ten man rotation. Oklahoma St. fell to UF 77-65 and the Gators stormed on to the Final Four for only the second time in school history. In that game Florida faced UNC Chapel Hill. The Gators used the same game plan which included a ten man rotation, the full court press, and balanced scoring which lead to the 71-59 victory over UNC. Leaving UNC behind, the Gators faced the championship game, the first ever in history, against Michigan State. Michigan State stepped up after it beat Wisconsin 53-41 in the other Final Four game. Unfortunately the momentum the Gators had came to a halt and they lost to Michigan St. 89-76. However, Udonis Haslem had a season high of 27 points for the Gators. Brent Wright laid out a recorded double-double with 18 points and 10 rebounds. Haslem was named to the Final Four team. Mike Miller, Brett Nelson, and Haslem were all named to the East Regional team. In response to the game Haslem said, "It's been a great season. You hate it to end like this." The team returned the day after the championship game to an airport full of supporters. The Gators also had a celebration in their honor in remembrance of their wonderful NCAA tournament run.

One of the greatest of the Gator team this year, other than the excellent coaching of Billy Donovan, was their effort to work as a team. With such a large amount of underclassmen it is hoped that this young team will only become a more driving force within the next year or two. Without a doubt a championship title is within our grasp.



Preparing to block a shot, Senior CoCaptain Kelly Freeman concentrates on the game. As a forward Freeman has avast knowledge of the game, making her a fundamental player.

L Carol Ross

In her ninth year, Coach Coach Ross was deterCarol Ross led the Lady mined to prove Gator
Gators to the National Greatness. With all this
Championships. Despite against her team the
the fact that she lost three Lady Gators still
of her high ranked seniors reached their goals.
Ross has made the best of
the season. Coupled by Am
one of the toughest schedules in program history,


The 1999-2000 Lady Gator Basketball team returned its top four scorers, its four top rebounders and eleven of twelve letter winners from the previous season for another successful season. Although the Gator's bid for an eighth consecutive trip to the NCAA tournament was left unfilled, the Lady Gators still competed in the National Invitational Tournament where they were the runners-up falling to Wisconsin, 75-74. Without the help of starting point guard Brandi McCain for the bulk of the season due to injuries, many players had to step up their game. This season's team was led by four seniors: Tiffany Travis, Tonya Washington, Kelly Freeman, and Erin O'Neil. At the season's completion, Travis and Washington were drafted into the WNBA after a strong senior campaign. Due to McCain's injury, junior Tombi Bell stepped into the starting lineup to fill the position. Coach Carol Ross commented on Bell before te season started saying that "Tombi brings very good energy to the court. She can electrify her teammates." Junior Tamara Stocks also played a significant role on the team and was a part of the Lady Gator inside game. Out of this year's sophomores, Brandi McCain made the biggest impact during her freshman season. She was the first Lady Gator freshman in history to make the All-SEC first team. McCain was elected a co-captain of this year's squad due to her great work ethic. Fellow sophomores Naomi Mobley and Monique Cardenas also continued to show improvement on their skills from their freshman seasons. For the 1992000 season, the Lady Gators welcomed 3 new players: Shona Rucker, Nikki Tibbs, and Jameelah Trimble. The schedule, as always, was difficulf for the Lady Gators. They managed to post a 4-13 record for the season, however. The schedule featured 19 teams who played in a post season tournament the previous year. The Lady Gators also traveled to the 1998-1999 National Champion's Purdue in November.

Senior Erin O'Neal makes a dviving pass. Part of her Gatore career has been her excellent rebound record. With great intensity she attacks each game with enormous dedication. O'Neal proves herself a valued assest time and again on the team.

Women's Basketball: Front Row: (1 to r) Kelly Freeman, Tiffany Travis, Tombi Bell, Talatha Bingham, Brandi McCain, Monique Cardenas; Back Row: (1 to r) Naomi Mobley, Erin 0' Neil, Tamara Stocks, Candace Cunningham, Tonya Washington, Misty Knight.

1999, Coach Gregg Troy took over the men's and women's swimming and diving teams.
After the terrific season the women's swimming and diving team had last year under Coach
Lroy's guidance, it returned prepared to improve on last year's feat. The women's swimming and diving team has expanded its roster this season. Not only is the team larger, it is also younger.
Thirteen freshmen joined the team this season.
In preparation for their championship run, the women's swimming and diving team traveled
to non-conference powerhouse Michigan and attended the Early Bird Invitational at which the team finished first. Lead by senior captains Jenny DeLoach, Julie Holmes, Bradley Gracy and Caroline Vaughn, the tenth nationally ranked team placed 3rd in the SEC Championship and 19th
at the NCAA Championship.
At the NCAA Championship held in Indianapolis, Indiana, freshman Mary Beth Mounce from
Plano, Texas finished 11 th in the 200 meter backstroke touching the wall with a time of 2:12.00 earning an All American honorable mention. Also picking up an All American honorable mention accolade was the 400 meter freestyle team touching the wall at 3:46.43 for a 13th place finish. The team consisted of junior Nicole Duggan, freshman Diane Tennison, freshman Laura Cross, and sophomore Leah Martindale. Junior Sharon Rzadkowolsky placed 16th in the 1,500 meterfreestyle with a time of 16:40.55, also, earning an All American
honorable mention status.
The women's team is no stranger to success. Last year it was ranked 8th in the NCAA National
Championships. It has also had many Lady Gators go to the Olympics and receive medals.


Stroke after stroke, Senior Jenny Deloach reaches for the finish. As a swimmer Jenny competes in the 50 and 100 yard freestyle. In 1999 she aided her team in the SEC championships with a career best of 23.30.


Free Falling, Kelly Floyd performs a perfect dive. As a Junior at the University of Florida Floyd has already finished thid in SEC on the threemeter competition and seventh on the threemeter board. With one year to go Floyd is in top condition to lead the Gator diving team to excellence.

-- -- - -- - -

Gator swimming and Diving Coach Greeg Troy completes his first year as head coach and already he has lead the

team to greatness. Moving the Gators up seven spots in the NCAA, the biggest one year jump in the schools history. With a history of coaching Olympic athletes it is no doubt that Coach Troy has big plans for the University of Florida Swimming team.


Womens Team Picture: Front Row(l to r): Katie McCown, Jenny Deloach, Robyn Grimes, Denise Merk Megan Melgard, Margaret Colley, Bradley Gracy, Sarah Massey, Student Trainer D.J. Amadio. Second Row (1 to r): Melissa Pavlik, Cara Teague, Natali Nickson, Michelle Smith, Kim Ecott, Caroline Vaughn, Kelly Floyd, Nicole Schreiber, Anna Chapman, Jamie Johnson, Katie West, Student Trainer Julia Berry, Volunteer Assistant Coach Buddy Baarcke.
Back Row (I to r): Trainer Barbara Grooms, Head Coach Gregg Troy, Diving Coach Donnie Craine, Assistant Coach Anthony Nesty, Manager Susan Hansen, Julie Morrison, Morgan Hughes, Julie Holmes, Kim Wodka, Kelin Holmes, Ashley Whitney, Mary Beth Mounce, Laura Cross, Andrea Bennett, Diane Tennison, Leah Martindale, Jen Fras, Sharon Rzadkowolsky, Desiree Frega, Assistant Coach Martyn Wilby and Assistant Coach Brian Schrader.




Jason Dill

Matt Heath


With words of encouragment Coach brandi convinces Jessica Lehnhoff that victory is not far off. Although at times macthes could get discouraging, Brandi always had he words to make his Gators revive and win.

Andy Brandi-For the past fifteen years *2
the University of
Florida women's tennis . . team has dominated due
to the supreme coachingof Coach Brandi. He
has become one of four
distinct Coaches to reach 400 career victories in just fifteen sea- earned All-SEC honors sons. Every freshmen during their careers. member Brandi had W i t h s u c h coached since 1985 has momentumand talnet, the Gator's future is
looking very bright.

e team returned many key players from last year's squad. Only losing one senior from the
previous year's squad, the Gators had a very strong base for this years campaign. The team
. contained two seniors, Baili Camino, and Traci Green. Both players met milestones through
the course of the season. Camino won her 100th career match this season, while playing the fourth
seed. Green was named to the SEC first team for the fifth-seeded player.
Juniors on the squad included Whitney Laiho and Stephanie Hazlett. Laiho, the number one seed
for the Gators, briefly considered giving up her final year of eligibility and turning pro, but she will be back for her senior year. She was named to the 2000 USA Tennis Collegiate Team, which contains the top players in the nation. Hazlett had an upset in NCAA tournament single play, when she beat the 3rd seeded player. Both Hazlett and Laiho were named to the SEC Academic Honor Roll.
Underclassmen also played an integral part for the team. Sophomore Jessica Lenhoff played the number two position this year. The final spot was up for grabs, and both sophomore Erin Boisclair and
freshman Julia Scaringe tried to earn it throughout the course of the season.
A highlight of the season was when the Gators won the SEC tournament by beating Georgia 5-1.
The title was the Gators 10th overall SEC championship in the tournaments 13 year history. Led by coach Andy Brandi, the Gators team went deep in the NCAA tournament until they lost to SEC foe Georgia 5-2, which was ranked number two in the nation. With the level of talent that is returning and
94 the leadership of Brandi, the Gators are poised to only improve next season.

1999-2000 University of Florida Women's Tennis Team: (1 to r): Whitney Laiho, Erin Boisclair, Julia Scaringe, Stephanie Hazlett (kneeling), Jesscia Lehnhoff, Traci Green, Baili Camino

Junior Stephanie Hazlett slams the ball back at her opponent provingthat messing with Gators on our home turf is a mistake. With a player as aggressive as Hazlett many opponents became frightened quickly and the match was over before it began.


Ian Duvenhage
l_ - - - - - - - - - .

A twelve year veteran of the team, Coach Duenhage hasn't stopped leading the Gators to victory. Every time the Gators take to the courts the attitude with which they play the game comes straight from Coach Duvenhage's unique style of coaching. Positive thinking and having

After slamming his final point to obtain victory in the NCAA singles, Jeff Morrison falls down in amazement. In his Junior year Morrison has become the first Gator History to win 30 or more singles matches in back-to-back seasons.

fun are the main thoughts going through the team's mind. Year after year he proves Gator greatness for everyone.

1999-2000 University of Florida Men's Tennis Team: Front Row(l to r): Try Adcock, Dylan Mann, Will Brown, Jeff Morrison.
Back Row (I to r): Justin 0' Neal, Nathan Overholser, Matt Behrmann, Marcos Asse. Not Pictured: Troy Hahn, Olivier Levant.

The Gators entered the season with the goal of winning the team NCAA tournament. However, falling a tad short of their goal, the team had a very successful year. Losing in the National Semifinals to the eventual champion, Stanford, was the Gators best team finish in the NCAA tournament in school history. The Gators ended the season with a 28-4 record.
A high point of the Gators team season was winning the SEC tournament against their foe Georgia, 4-3. The 1999-2000 team returned seven out of the top eight players from the previous year, including 1999 NCAA singles champion Jeff Morrison and fellow All-Americans Justin O'Neal and Nathan Overholser. With three returning All-Americans, UF has the most returning All-Americans of any school in the nation. Morrison, O'Neal, and Overholser played the top three singles spots.
The other three spots were not as set in stone. Seniors Trey Adcock and Dylan Mann enter their final campaign with expectations. Other returnees from the previous year's squad include Marco Asse and Will Brown. Adcock, Brown, Mann, and Overholser were all named to the SEC tennis academic honor roll.
At the completion of the season, the team was ranked in the final collegiate tennis ranking poll, number 2. This is the highest the Gators have ever been in a season ending poll. Jeff Morrison was ranked number 1 in the final poll, the first time a Gator completed the year in the top spot.
Coached by Ian Duvenhage, the team had one of the best years in history. Duvenhage, a South African native, has been with the program since 1989. Under his tenure, the Gators have been to the NCAA tournament the last nine years.

Senior Justin
O'Neal finishes off
his Gator Career
with a two-time
All-American in
singles. O'Neal
also won All-SEC
and SEC Academic
Honor Roll. Overall O'Neal has
been an excellent
Gator and true
assest to the team.

The 1999 recruiting class is considered to be one of the best in
the history of the University of Florida.


Jill Briles-Hinton


Freshmen Paula Marti lines up a shot in order
to sink a put.

Now in its second season under Head Coach Jill Briles-Hinton, the University of Florida women's golf team began the 19992000 season at the Lady Razorback Invitational in Rogers, Ark, finishing in second place with a score of 617. The Lady Gators feature two returnees: junior Dana von Louda and sophomore Lauren Shniderman accompanied by three freshman: Jeanne Cho, Paul Marti, and Brittany Straza. Freshman Paula Marti tied for second place. Marti was followed by fellow freshman Brittany Straza who tied for ninth place, and Jeanne Cho who tied for 16th place. Sophomore Lauren Shniderman tied for 22nd place, while junior Dana von Louda concluded the tournament in 44th place.
Brittany Straza became the first Lady Gator freshman golfer to win a tournament since Riko Higashio in 1996, as she captured the Lady Buckeye Fall Invitational at Ohio State with a score of 8-over-par 224. The team finished in eighth place. Straza was followed by fellow freshmen Jeanne Cho, who tied for 30th place over par and Sam Zausner White, who tied for 38th place in her first collegiate tournament. Lauren Shniderman tied for 50th place. Freshman Sarah Coleson, also playing in her first collegiate tournament, tied for 50th place. Junior Dana von Louda finished in 60th place.
In the final day of the Mercedes-Benz Women's Collegiate Championships, hosted by the University of Tennessee, Lady Gator Golfer Jeanne Cho shot a 4-over-par 76. Cho finished in a tie for seventh place, the best tournament of her young career. The team finished in 16th place after Brittany Straza withdrew due to a lower back sprain. Lady Gator freshman Paula Marti finished in a tie for 43rd place, Sam Zausner White tied for 76th place, and Lauren Shniderman finished in 86th place.
For the second consecutive tournament, freshman Jeanne Cho posted a top 10 finish, tying for sixth place in the Lady Paladin Invitational, hosted by Furman University. The 24th-ranked Lady Gators finished in 11 th place. Paula Marti finished in 17th place. Sam Zausner White finished in a tie for 88th place, Dana von Louda shot a 12-over-par 84, tying her for 104th place. Freshman Brittany Straza shot a 7-over-par 79 on Sunday, after she withdrew from the second round on Saturday.
The Lady Gators participated in their final tournament of the fall season when they traveled to Kaiwah Island, SC to participate in the Palmetto Intercollegiate Tournament, hosted by the College of Charleston. The Lady Gators shot an 18-over-par 306 in the final round to finish in 12th place with a three-round total of 935. Jeanne Cho shot a 1-under-par 71 in the final round finish in a third place tie with a 5-over-par 221. Sam Zausner White shot a 2-over par 74 in the final round to finish in a tie for 33rd place with 232. Brittany Straza shot a 4-over-par 76 to finish in a tie for 36th place with 233. Sophomore Lauren Shniderman fired an 85 in the final round, finishing in a tie for 82nd place with 249. And Sarah Coleson also shot 85 in the final round, finishing in a tie for 95th place with a 257.

1999-2000 Lady Gator Golf Team

Left to Right: Sam Zausner White, Jeanne Cho, Joy Stephenson, Brittany Straza, Paula Marti, Lauren Shniderman, Dana Von Louda, Assistant Coach Mary Moan, Head Coach Jill Briles-Hinton

Head Coach:




Nick Gilliam

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