A Ford Cortina automobile driving on a dirt road in Seville, Jamaica

Material Information

A Ford Cortina automobile driving on a dirt road in Seville, Jamaica
Uniform Title:
The Bryant Slides Collection
The Bryant Slides Collection, Jamaica
Unknown ( Photographer )
Publication Date:
Physical Description:
35 mm


Subjects / Keywords:
Seville (Jamaica) -- Description and travel
Columbus, Christopher -- Travel -- Jamaica -- Seville
Historic sites -- Jamaica -- Seville -- 1970-1980
Cortina automobile -- Jamaica -- Seville -- 1970-1980
Dirt roads -- Jamaica -- Seville -- 1970-1980
Palms -- Jamaica -- Seville -- 1970-1980
Spatial Coverage:
Jamaica -- Caribbean region -- Seville, Saint Ann


General Note:
The slides were taken on collecting trips sponsored by the William L. Bryant Foundation, where books, music and art indigenous to the regions were gathered. The are organized by geographical location.
General Note:
A Ford Cortina automobile driving on a dirt road towards the Maima-Seville Heritage Park, Jamaica. Christopher Columbus spent over a year marooned in Seville, Saint Ann after his fourth voyage to the New World in 1503. In 1509, Diego Columbus, Christopher Columbus's son and Governor of the Indies, appointed Juan de Esquivel Lieutenant in Jamaica. Upon his arrival, de Esquivel established the first European settlement and first capital in Jamaica called Sevilla la Nueva, now known as Seville. Slide labeled Jam. Seville near where Col. landed.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Central Florida Libraries
Holding Location:
University of Central Florida
Rights Management:
All rights to images are held by the respective holding institution. This image is posted publicly for non-profit educational uses, excluding printed publication. For permission to reproduce images and/or for copyright information contact Special Collections & University Archives, University of Central Florida Libraries, Orlando, FL 32816 phone (407) 823-2576, email:
Resource Identifier:
CFM1972_01a ( Sheet 63: 13 )