The Role of Art in Facilitating Greek Language Acquisitions and Cultural Education in an After School Program

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The Role of Art in Facilitating Greek Language Acquisitions and Cultural Education in an After School Program
Pizza, Vicky
University of Florida
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1 online resource

Thesis/Dissertation Information

Degree Grantor:
University of Florida
Committee Chair:
Tillander, Michelle
Committee Co-Chair:
Roland, Craig


Subjects / Keywords:
Art education ( jstor )
Art museums ( jstor )
Arts ( jstor )
Classrooms ( jstor )
College students ( jstor )
Educational research ( jstor )
Foreign language learning ( jstor )
Learning ( jstor )
Second language learning ( jstor )
Visual arts ( jstor )


The purpose of this study is to determine how studying visual art and making art can enhance fourth grade student experiences in learning Greek as a second language in an after school program. Based on scholarly reports that agree on the similarities between visual art and language, such as those by Moore, Kohler, Arago, and Bassano, I conducted action research in my after school classroom exploring the correlation between art and language by engaging in mental, emotional, and physical levels. My action research includes eight lessons in art that are relevant to Greek history and culture. The experiences with art that the children had throughout this study improved their Greek language communication skills and learning of their culture.
General Note:
Art Education terminal project

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University of Florida Institutional Repository
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University of Florida
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Copyright Vicky Pizza. Permission granted to the University of Florida to digitize, archive and distribute this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
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INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 2 Summary of Capstone Project Presented to the College of the Arts of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degr ee of Master of Arts THE ROLE OF ART IN FACILITATING GREEK LANGUAGE ACQUISITIONS AND CULTURAL EDUCATION IN AN AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM By Vicky Pizza December 2014 Chair: Michelle Tillander Ph.D. Member: Craig Roland Ph.D. Major: Art Education


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 3 Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine how studying visual art and making art can enhance fourth grade student experiences in learning Greek as a second language in an after school program. Based on scholarly reports that agree o n the similarities between visual art and language, such as those by Moore, Kohler, Arago, and Bassano, I conducted action research in my after school classroom exploring the correlation between art and language by engaging in mental, emotional, and physic al levels. My action research includes eight lessons in art that are relevant to G reek history and culture. The experiences with art that the children had throughout this study improved their Greek language communication skills and learning of their cult ure.


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 4 Table of Contents Title Page ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 1 Summary of Capstone Project ................................ ................................ ............................ 2 Abstract ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................... 3 Table of Contents ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 4 Introduction ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 5 Literature Review ................................ ................................ ................................ ................ 6 Methodology ................................ ................................ ................................ ..................... 14 Data Collection Procedures ................................ ................................ ............................... 17 Data Analysis ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... 17 Significance ................................ ................................ ................................ ....................... 18 Limitations ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 18 Findings ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................. 18 Conclusion ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................ 19 References ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... 21 Timeline ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ 23 Appendix ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... 24 Acknowledgments ................................ ................................ ................................ ............. 29


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 5 Introduction My interest of integrating art with teaching Greek as a second language began when I brought whole fruits to my classroom as a snack to have during the break. The colors, shapes, and fragrances of the fruits were so appetizing to students that I used them as an incentive for the students to finish their work before I sliced and distributed the fruits among them. I placed the whole fruits on a pedestal to create a s till life. We had an art and Greek language lesson at the same time. The students made an artwork of fruits and learned to write and pronounce the names and colors of the fruits. After they tasted the fruits they went back and added different adjectives of flavors on their papers. That was one of the most pleasant lessons we had. Art Integration with a language has been a topic of many scholarly works. Scientific studies and observations have shown that art and a language are similar because both requ ire engagement in mental, emotional, and physical levels. They are parallel in the way t hey are taught and they assist one another. If art integrated with language helps students learn the language faster and easier, why is it not used in after school programs teaching Greek as a second language? In my study I examined the role of art in facilitating Greek as a second language acquisition and culture education in an after school program. My goal was to develop a curriculum that integrates visual art, the Greek language, and culture. My research question was h ow can art be used in facilitating Greek as a second language in an after school program ? Additional questions that were considered include: What kind of art corresponds to lessons in writing, r eading, and speaking Greek? culture while improving linguistic skills?


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 6 My investigation was conducted by action research . To gather and interpret data I used the qualitative method. My study was conducted in my classro om with my fourth grad e students who are Greek descendants and their first language is English. The purpose was for them to improve their skills in Greek as a second language through art and connect to the Greek culture. The data was collected through ob servation , taking notes, and photos of projects . My assumptions were that art should be used to teach a language . Also, I believe d the students and parents would answer interview questions truthfully because I already have repoire with them . Limitations of this study are related to class time , absences of students , and this is a small study . Literature Review In several decades professionals and scholars in art education have been interested in interdisciplinary teaching programs that integrate art with other subjects. Many books and articles have been written about the connection between visual art, writing, reading, and the cognitive and affective variables between art and language. However, the problem is that art is not facilitated in many scho ol curriculums. In this literature review the emphasis is placed on why integrated visual art in teaching a second language and culture must be implemented in educational settings. Existing studies have shown that there have been successful programs inte grating art in teaching Spanish as a second language in collaboration between schools and museums and between schools and university art galleries. There are no studies showing that there is art integrated in after school programs that teach Greek as a se cond language. This is important because there are many after school programs teaching the Greek language and culture across America.


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 7 Definition of Terms Cognition is the knowledge and ability to understand. Affect is the experience of a feeling or emotion. Intercultural competence is the knowledge, communication skills, and personal attributes needed to live and work in a diverse world (Byram, 1997, p. 5). Linguistic skill is developing, comprehension, and vocabulary of a language (Basano & Christ ison, 1982). Linguistic cultural awareness is knowing that language learning is often culture learning and that cultural competence is an integral part of communicative competence (Vazquez, (1981). Intonation means: uttering tones, pronunciation means: spe aking correctly (Vazquez, 1981). ESL is the abbreviation for English as a Second Language. Connection between Visual Art, Writing, and Reading Many authors agree that art and language are parallel in the way they are taught, they assist one another (M oore, Koller, & Arago, 1994; Basano & Christison, 1982; Franklin, 1989). Visual art engages creative activities and tells a story, just as reading and writing consist of creative development of a story (Moore, et al., 1994). Both activities require engag ement in mental, emotional, and physical levels. Basano & Christison (1982) and Franklin (1989) agree that creating visual art and writing assists students in learning English as a second language because creativity helps develop comprehension and vocabul ary of the new language. Students who start with making art develop linguistic skills easier and faster than those who do not (Basano & Christison, 1982). While students are involved with making and studying art, the process of learning a language comes naturally when they find meaning in their activity (Vazquez, 1981).


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 8 Producing images makes language vocabulary and pronunciation easier to acquire. According to Moore et al. (1994) art and language developed at the same time in early civilization. Now it is incorporated in more creative ways. Artwork and language share the same characteristic of expression of thoughts, feelings, and spontaneity of the student. no t clear. Also, when an image is not clear, a written message can make it understood. Therefore, language and art complement each other. It is important for teachers to understand that visual art and verbal expression are connected so they can use art ac tivities to promote oral skills, such as: pronunciation and intonation. For example, students learn to read a word better when they see an image next to the word. According to Gardner (1985) and Boyer (1985) human development and artistic process have a lot in common. One can understand the human mind better by examining the artistic process as a form of intelligence. When combined with other knowledge, such as language, it helps the child to develop full mental potential. Therefore, integrating art with other subject creates a holistic learning approach. Holistic means: being concerned with the complete system rather than individual parts (Mish, 2007). Stanford University conducted a study to measure the correlation between art and reading in child ren (New York State Education Department, 2014). They compared the brain structure of reading skills of students who had art in their curriculum and those who did not. The parts of the brain connecting the two hemispheres called, communicating cables , we re measured and the findings showed significant difference between the two groups. The arts help the children develop stronger reading skills than the children who were not exposed to an art curriculum (New York State Education Department, 2014).


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 9 Art, Se cond Language, and Culture Integration by Museums and Schools Besides classrooms, lately, museums offer programs to local communities implementing curriculums to integrate art and second language. Getty Museum has developed a program called, Art : A s ESL Enrichment Curriculum , to teach the Spanish speaking population English as a second language (J. Paul Getty Museum Educators, 2014). According to the author, visual art is a universal language, which is used by the Spanish speaking newcomers adjust to their new home environment and connect with the new culture. The lessons were designed according to learning levels with activities beginning by viewing artworks from the museum, ongoing research on the Internet, and l earning about the artists of the images. Another museum that recognized the importance of the integration of art, second language, and culture was the Museum Folkang that works in cooperation with the University of Duisburg Essen. The purpose is to he lp students from migrant backgrounds with the acquisition of the German language and culture in order for them to succeed as university students ( Stiftung M ercat or , 2014). Stiftung Mercator is a foundation organization that supports the program in which a rts are used to promote language learning inside and outside schools. The students engaged in art and language by viewing artworks form the museu m, paint or draw, and re enact what they see in the images. The projects were facilitated in a fun manner to assist foreign students to break down the barriers of the different language and culture. Watt (2004) argued that images from contemporary art can be used in teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to advanced classes of adolescents or adults. The


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 10 co ntemporary art is the type of art that generates many questions and discussions. While the students engage in the topic, they improve their speaking skills. In regards to teaching adolescents Vazquez (1981) discussed an added benefit. By shifting the fo cus from the student to an object, everyone participates, therefore eliminating a certain degree of self consciousness. Both Vazquez and Watt agree that university art galleries provide guided or virtual tours to students and teachers. Vazquez used examp les of prints from Yale University Art Gallery and Watt from the University of Ottawa National Gallery. According to Watt (2004), advanced classes can discuss paintings from the social economic point of view. Who would buy contemporary art? Who is willi ng to pay that much? Is it worthwhile? Byram (1997) argued that when students learn a second language they also learn aspects of cultures of others using it as an opportunity to critique and improve aspects of their own culture and identity. They become inter culturally competent. Vazquez (1981) suggested that when a teacher designs a lesson integrating art and English as a second language, first the concept/skill to be taught must be defined. Second, the appropriate painting must be selected to assist in teaching and learning, for example: in order to teach geometric forms (rectangles, triangles, squares, ovals, and circles) she believed that modern art from impressionism to abstract is a good example for images with geometric shapes. Third, the activi ties can be prepared. The instructions must be transmitted according to the level of the ESL class. The students can be asked to use adjectives, describe objects, use action words , and use the possessive case. Also, they are taught how to use the proper form of verbs, past or present, and singular or plural


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 11 other. By describing the painting they can go beyond a textbook. For example, instead of learning blue or gre en, they can learn values of hues and build their vocabulary to be able to give a complete description. Visual art enhances the language by showing anatomy, family members, and home life (Vazquez, 1981). The purpose of such a lesson is to develop a vocab ulary. Too much information may be more harmful than helpful to ESL students; in this case art is used only as a tool. The experience of integrating art with a language must be pleasant for both teachers and students. Special lesson plans are needed to achieve this. Lesson Plan Examples of Integrating Art and Language Vazquez (1981) prepared lessons integrating art and ESL for adolescents. In this lesson the objective is for students to learn the names of facial and body parts, names of family members because looking at art makes learning about vocabulary easier by association. Appropriate reproduction artworks from Yale University Art Gallery were used for the lesson: Portrait of a Young Woman by Amadeo Modigliani, Lady Jean by George Bellows, Interio r by Jean Edouard Vuillard, First Steps by Pablo Picasso, and Self Portrait by Andy Warhol. Through viewing, discussing, and making their own artworks corresponding to the subject matter of the paintings, students learn ed pronuncia tion and spelling of n ew vocabulary. They wrote sentences and learned characteristics of cultures represented in the paintings. In another lesson the fine arts department of a university collaborated with an elementary and middle school to study Native American culture throu gh art (Damm, 2002). The students learned about Indian cultures in various geographical regions and


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 12 made and decorated masks. They also made rattles out of gourds and decorated them. Music, dances, and Indian foods that Native Americans used in differen t regions were learned as well. Students improved their research skills, writing, and reading in the English language. As well as, some verbal expressions of different Indian tribes. However, there was no curriculum implemented to teach the Indian langu age in depth. Differing Opinions Even though authors agree about the benefits of integrating art in learning a second language, some disagree about the depth of art students should engage in during the lessons. Watt (2004) and Vazquez (1981) agree that teachers should use art only as a teaching tool and a response to learn a second language and culture. Vazquez says that the underlined meaning of the artwork does not matter in this case. It is like we study a boat sailing and not the ocean under it. Watt also argues that teachers do not have to be art experts and not to teach students about art, but to put the emphasis on the personal response of the students. Whereas Ferrante Fernandes (1981) argues about the importance of teaching great artists of all times, all art movements and periods, help the students appreciate art before they go on to writing skills. For example: when studying the Stone Age the teacher must emphasize the meaning behind the painting of the animals, which was superstitious, an d what it means to students in the current time. Fernandes, 1981, pp. 3 4). In order to make lessons comprehens ible and more powerful Ferrante Fernandes suggested that teachers have ESL students watch videos and movies, as well as take trips to museums.


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 13 What a bout Greek as a Second Language? The following article shows how the Greek language is typically taught with the lack of art in the lesson. Psaltou Joycey (2008) conducted a study in regards to using various strategies with multicultural and multilingual university students, learners of Greek as a second language. The strategies were social, metacognitive, cognitive, comprehension, memory and a ffect. The culture played the most important part of the However, there was no use of art in the lesson plans or classroom. Also, the study was conducted at Aristotle University of Thesaloniki, Greece, where the visiting students were from multicultural and multilingual backgrounds. This proves to me that there is a need for art in the Greek language curriculum. My study is concerned about using art in my methods of teaching Greek as a second language to Greek decent students in the United States who all share the same cultural background for multiage children. Extensive research has been done regarding art integration with teaching a second language (Moore, Koller, & Arago, 1994; Basano & Christison, 1982; Franklin, 1989). In the current review there are findings of art integration in the US with English as a second language in American schools, collaboration with museums, and university art galleries. Also, in Germany Stiftung Mercador created a program with art integration with German as a second language. Research has been done in Greece with university students learning Greek as a second language. However, no studies have been found regarding integrating art and learning Greek as a second language and culture in an


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 14 afternoon program in the United States for children between the ages of eight to thirteen years old. Since art integration has positive results in teachin g other languages it should be utilized in assisting Greek decent children whose first language is English to learn the Greek la nguage and culture. I took into consideration what the children were most interested in learning about, including the example l esson plans of the above research to create a curriculum integrating art, Greek language, and culture. The purpose of this study was for the children to connect to and preserve their Greek language and culture, develop an appreciation of Greece in the pas t and present, and build on their existing knowledge. The lessons were made relevant and meaningful in order for them to learn to write, read, speak, and understand, while they view ed and created art. Thus, the aim of the current study was to investigate whether children who participate in an integrated art and Greek language/culture curriculum acquire linguistic skills faster and more concretely than without art integration. Methodology The methodology for my capstone project was conducted through action research in my educational setting, which is an afterschool program teaching Greek as a second language. The participants were English speaking Greek descendant fourth grade students. I studied how art integration with Greek language curriculum ensures the studied how I can improve my professional development. Hewitt & Little (2004) assert that teaching is not enough, but the student learning is what counts. Therefore the teachers need to assess the ir own teaching abilities. The study was conducted during regular Greek School hours for the


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 15 duration of 8 weeks. This took place in the beginning of the school year of 2014 2015. Action research is used in educational practices as professional developme nt for the was suitable to my research because it t ook place in the same classroom as the lessons usually take place in. Changes can occur within a familiar interaction, as Kurt Le win, the founder of action research in 1964 stated (Ferrance, 2000). A curriculum with four lessons in each of the two units, each unit included a virtual search to find and see artworks relevant to our lessons and students engaged in a discussion . Releva nt vocabulary (reading, writing, pronunciation, and grammar) in the Greek language were taught as well as teaching art in class. The students worked individually and collaboratively with one another. The prerequisite for these lessons was for the student s to know the symbols of the Greek alphabet, diphthongs, to be able to read and write in Greek. Lessons in this study concentrate d mostly on grammar: tenses of verbs (past, present, and future), the possessive case of nouns and adjectives, and advanced vo cabulary. These lessons include d cultural events and traditions, such as: Greek Independence Day, Ancient Greek Pottery, and Greek War Heroes . The lessons address ed my instr uctional methods. The lessons can be found at the following website:!capstone/cu4r . In my approach , new ideas were implemented to integrate art wit h the Greek language teaching , and to consider the impact that this has on the students learning experiences . I obtained IRB approval (Appendix). Parents received a letter explaining . S tudents and parents provided consent and assent by signing


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 16 the forms. The process of my action research was in a systematic manner (Hine, 2013) through participation to understand what was happening in my classroom through collecting data for the purpose of inquiry. Collecting and analyzing dat a was through qualitative methods. Data was collected by direct observation that is clearer since it happens in a natural setting, rather than the observation that takes place by instruments (Leech & Onwuegbuzie, 2007). Notes were taken during observatio n, as well as photographs of their finished artworks. Spelling, grammar, and comprehension of the Greek language was recorded. Also, the verbal abilities of the students were checked by speaking to them directly. In addition, the relevance of the studen subject in the corresponding language lesson were be observed. All of the data was documented and analyzed. According to Hine (2013) action research is a cyclical process of look, think, and act. The look stage is when one collects the data, the think stage is analysis of data, and the act stage is making new plans. According to Koshy (2005) data gathering should use the triangular method as the basic principle: observation, interview, and analysis. Data analysis of my research wa s done systematically after the data was collected and after the completion of each assignment. All forms were written and answered in the English findings are more easily understood. Parents filled out a questionnaire regarding their curriculum. This was doing Greek school ho mework. The students were coded by numbers and no names and faces were revealed in the photos or reports according to the IRB for their privacy and


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 17 protection. All notes are kept in a locked filing cabinet in my classroom library where only I have access to the key. Data Collection Procedures completing the assignments and documented by keeping a journal, which includes photos of their work. I evaluated them according to ten topi cs: how well they learned about the new art and artists, how they read the new vocabulary in each lesson during class discussions, how much they improved with their speaking after repeating words and phrases, how well they spelled the new words, how accura tely they completed the exercises of the grammar section in the worksheet, the ir level of motivation to participate, completion of artwork on time, their willingness to take the unfinished work home, how well they used the new vocabulary to describe the im age/artwork , and how well they performed on the final quiz . Data Analysis to previous lessons in each chapter. Since the format was the same in each lesson, students were ex pected to improve regarding reading, writing, and pronouncing the new Greek words as well as improving their ability to discuss what they saw in each image. Also, the behavior was analyzed by observing their level of attention to my instructions and to ea At the


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 18 end of the eight weeks the students took a final exam and had the opportunity to show th eir creativity during the exam as well. Significance The significance of my study is to teach Greek as a second language in a more contemporary and holistic method than the traditional methods of teaching. For students to have new opportunities to study art and Greek at the same time in an after school program. The new curriculum ma kes learning more fun and enhance s their creativity, enthusiasm, and motivation to learn their second language and appreciate their culture. This study also help s me with my professional development and to update my school curriculum. Limitations My research was conducted during our usual Greek School hours. Class only takes place once a week for two hours. Our time was very limited and we had to complete one lesson during each class meeting. Also, some of the information in the material was extensive , therefore, making it condensed enough for our time limit was difficult without losing important information and meaning of the lesson . Findings The students showed signifi cant improvement in expressing curiosity and enthusiasm when the artworks were presented to them to view and to discuss. They displayed high level of willingness to participate in the discussions and more specifically in making art. Writing the vocabular y was easier by relating each word to the composition of the artworks. However, pronouncing and memorizing many of the new


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 19 words was difficult because of the long names of the figures and places. Students also learned about the Greek culture because of t he visual art and its meaning in each lesson . The most noticeable change was the willingness to take some unfinished work home. The emotional state of the students seemed to be more pleasant and their thinking process was more positive by the way they co mpleted their projects . Overall, the experience of integrating art with Greek produced positive results. Even though our time was used wisely it was not enough for much repetition of the new words that could have helped better in pronunciation and memori zation. The aspect of discussing and making of art in the lesson was the most enjoyable. The students were excited to be able to use their creativity in the classroom. Conclusion The purpose of my action research was to determine if integrating visual art with Greek as a second language and culture works in an after school program. Based on literary research of integration of art with other languages , I found that art and the Greek ability to discuss and crea te art, as well as to speak the Greek language with more confidence . Action research was used because it is appropriate for my classroom setting. The students were in a familiar environment and felt more comfortable to participate and data was easily col lected. According to my data collection and interpretation of findings, the students are more motivated and interested in completing their work when visual art is paired with the Greek language in the lessons. Students were excited to have the opportun ity to be able to show creativity in the Greek School classroom, something I did not use before. They


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 20 also learned about the Greek culture more in depth due to the visual information i n the lessons. I realized that visual art should be u sed to teach Gree k as a second language in an after school setting.


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 21 References Bassano, S. K. & Christison, M. A. (1982). Drawing out: Using art experience in ESL . TESL Talk, 12 (3). Boyer, E. (1985). . Los Angel es, CA: Getty Center for Education in the Arts. Byram, M. (1997). Defining and describing intercultural communicative competence. In M. Byram . Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence (pp. 7 22). Toronto: Multilingual Matters. Damm, R . J. (2006). Education through collaboration: Learning the arts while celebrating culture. Music Educators Journal, 93 (2), 54 58. Ferrance, E. (2008). Action research . Themes in Education . Retrieved from alliance/files/pu blications/act_research.pdf Ferrante Fernandes, L. (1981). Teaching a second language through art using the Yale Art Gallery. Yale New Haven Teachers Institute . Retrieved from Franklin, A. (1989). Encouraging and understanding the visual and written works of second language children. In P. Riggs & G. Allen (Eds.), English: Integratin g the ESL student in regular classroom (pp. 77 95). Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English. Gardner, H. (1985). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligence . New York, NY: Basic Books. Hewitt, R., & Little, M. (2004). Leading action res earch in the schools. Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Education.


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 22 Hine, G. (2013). The importance of action research in teacher education programs. Issues In Educational Research , 23 (2), 151 163. J. Paul Getty Museum Educators. (2014). Language thro ugh art: An ESL enrichment curriculum (beginning level). Retrieved from Koshy, V. ( 2005) Action research for improving practice . A practical guide . London: Paul Chapman Publishing. Leech, N. L., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2007). An array of qualitative data analysis tools: A call for data analysis triangulation. School Psychology Quarterly, 2 2 (4), 557. Moore, C., Koller, J., & Arago, M. (1994). The role of art in language learning. The Journal of the Imagination in Language Learning and Teaching, 2 . Retrieved from l/vol2/moore.html New York State Education Department. (2010). Art as a tool for teachers of English language learners . New York City, NY: Ruiz, P. Retrieved from Psaltou Joycey, A. (2008). Cross cultural differences in the use of learning strategies by students of Greek as a second language. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural development , 29(4), 310 324. Stiftung Mercator. (2014). Language through art. Retrieved fr om stuftung Vazquez, D. (1981). Teaching second language through art. Yale New Haven Watt, D. (2004). Using modern art to teach language and culture to ESL students. The Internet TESL Journal, 10 (10). Retrieved from ModernArt.html


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 23 Timeline March 10, 2014 Choosing committee members, appointing chair Fall 2014 Completing an independent study course relat ed to research April 20, 2014 Completing forms and applying for permission to conduct research via the UF IRB April 7, 2014 Getting email permission from school administration (Irene Koutouzis) April 25, 2014 Presenting research proposal to Capstone Committee Spring 2014 Take the Capstone Research c ourse Fall 2014 Conducting Research Fall 2014 Defending research December 2014 Graduation December 2014, after graduation Celebrating


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 24 Appendix IRB Protocol and Forms UFIRB 02 Social & Behavioral Research Protocol Submission Form This form m ust be typed. Send this form and the supporting documents to IRB02, PO Box 112250, Gainesville, FL 32611. Should you have questions about completing this form, call 352 392 0433. Title of Protocol: The Role of Art in Facilitating Greek as a second Lan guage Principal Investigator: Vicky Pizza UFID #: 4938 0286 Degree / Title: Master of Art in Art Education Mailing Address: 509 Venetian Villa Drive New Smyrna Beach, FL 32168 Email: Department: School of Art and Art History Telephone #: 386 402 6468 Co Investigator(s): UFID#: Email: Supervisor (If PI is student) : Michelle Tillander UFID#: 1449 1870 Degree / Title: PhD Mailing Address: College of Fine Arts 101 FAA PO Box 115800 Gainesville FL 32611 5800 Email : Department: School of Art and Art History Telephone #: 757 619 4444 352 392 9977 Date of Proposed Research: Fall, 2014 : August 2014 December 2014 Source of Funding NONE


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 25 Scientific Purpose of the Study: To develop a curri culum integrating art facilitating language and cultural education in and afterschool program. The language to be taught will be Greek as a second language to English speaking fourth grade students Describe the Research Methodology in Non Technical La nguage: I will conduct my research through action research us ing qualitative methods to collect and interpret data. Data will be collected through observations, interviews, and note taking. Describe Potential Benefits: The benefits of this research to art education will be both the documentation of the impact of the use of art to improve linguistic skills (reading, writing, and speaking) the Greek language. Describe Potential Risks: All participants will remain anonymous for the study, unless otherwi se noted by the participants. No risk factors are associated with participating in this research. Describe How Participant(s) Will Be Recruited: Participants will be recruited from my current Greek School Class. Maximum Number of Participants (to be approached with consent) 10 Age Range of Participants: 9 12 Amount of Compensation/ course credit: No compensation Describe the Informed Consent Process. Student data will only be collected if participants voluntarily consent through an assent form as w ell as a parental consent form. (Please see attached ). If students choose not to sign these forms there will be no penalty, and their data will not be used or collected (SIGNATURE SECTION) Principal Investigator(s) Signature: Date: 4/18/14 Co In vestigator(s) Signature(s): Date: Date: 5/30/2014 Department Chair Signature: Date:


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 26 Letter to Parents Consent to Participate in Study Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s), I am currently enrolled in the Online Master of Art in Art Education Program at the University of Florida. In preparation for my graduation I am going to conduct a research study for my capstone/thesis project. I will study how art integrated with Greek as a second language and culture can be conducted at the usual time in our usual classroom with the addition of two trips to the local museums accompanied by the parents. This study hopes to assist students to learn Greek as a second langua ge to connect to and preserve the Greek culture through learning and making art. I will provide visual art related to the Greek language lessons, which students will observe, reflect, learn new vocabulary and grammar, as well as translation between Greek and English. They will make individual and collaborative art in the classroom related to the language lessons. I will collect and interpret data through observations, informal questionnaires, and keeping a journal to compare pre and post art integrated l earning. There are no risks associated with this study and no direct benefits to you for participating in this study all times. Your participation is voluntary and you have the right to wi thdraw from the study at anytime with out penalty . If you have any questions please feel free to contact me through e mail or phone: and (386) 402 6468. Or you may contact my faculty supervisor Dr. Elizabeth Delacruz at Questions about IRB02 office, Box 112250, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, phone (352) 392 0433. Sincerely, Vicky Pizza I have read the procedure s described above, I voluntarily give my consent for my child, incorporating art with Greek language learning. _________________________________________ _____________ _______ Parent Signature Date


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 27 Assent Form To the students at St. Demetrios Greek School: I ( ), Mrs. Pizza, your Greek schoolteacher, am a graduate student at the University of Florida. A requirement for graduation is to do a research project and write a paper about it . I would like to conduct my study in our classroom at the usual sc hool time. I will be using art education at the same time we are learning the Greek language and culture. You will be asked to review artworks, have discussions, and make art that corresponds to Greek language lessons for grammar and vocabulary. In addi tion, we will take two trips to the local art museums accompanied by your parents. Your identity will be confidential/anonymous , I will not use your name in my paper . You r participation is voluntary and you may withdraw your consent at anytime without pe nalty . I already your name and date below. Student Signature _______________________ Date_____________ Participate? Yes No


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 28 Author Biography Vicky Patrikakos Pizza started drawing as a child in Greec e where she was born and raised . After she immigrated to the United S tates s he earned her first Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Montclair State University in New Jersey. When Vicky moved to Florida she e arned her second Bachelor of Art degree in Studio Art from the College of Visual and Performing Arts at the University of South Florida. Currently Vicky is a Graduate Student in the Online Master of Art in Art Education Program at the University of Florid a. Vicky is a multi media artist, but she predominantly works with oil on canvas . She also enjoy s painting murals and creating sculptures. Her approach to painting is to capture nature in a moment of time. Her work is influenced by social justice iss ues, her Greek background, love for nature , children , and water . She pays particular attention to reflections , light, shadow, facial expressions, and gentle movements. Vicky works freelance and by commission.


INTEGRATING ART WITH GREEK AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 29 Acknowledgments I would like to express my deepest appreciation to everyone who supported me throughout the development of my capstone/thesis: Professor Dr. Michelle Tillander the committee chair, Dr. Craig Roland committee member, and Dr. Elizabeth Delacruz who initiall y suggested the topic of my capstone paper. I am thankful for their aspiring guidance, constructive criticism, and advice. Also, I would like to thank my family members for their lov e and support: my husband and especially my daughter, Nicole, for her te chnical support. Also, the Greek school for giving me the opportunity to conduct my action research in my classroom. Not to forget my dog, Turbo, who pulled out the articles from the printer. Most of all I thank God for all of his blessings.