** Butch Patrick, who played Eddie Munster in ÂThe Munsters,ÂŽ gestures to a Munsters Koach tribute car he owns during Emerald Coast Cruizin on Friday at Aaron Bessant Park. Patrick „ and the car „ will be back from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today. AT LEFT: A hood ornament for a 1937 Packard is seen Friday. [PATTI BLAKE PHOTOS/THE NEWS HERALD]TodayÂs events8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Car & Auction Registration, 600 Pier Park Drive, across from event site 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Event site opens at 600 Pier Park Drive for show, vendors, music and more; KOTO show at event site 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: Meet Butch Patrick (ÂEddie MunsterÂŽ); vehicle on display at event site 10 a.m.: Collect Car Auction on grounds at event site Noon: Georgia Clay band on main stage at event site 4:30 p.m.: Awards and giveaways on main stage at event site Panama City News Herald Want to subscribe? Call 850-747-5050 LOCAL & STATE | B1I, ROBOTSPanhandle students compete, prep for STEM careers at SeaPerch Saturday, March 11, 2017 PANAMA CITY @The_News_Herald ¢ www.newsherald.comRoy Fansler dusts off his 1940 Ford convertible Friday at Emerald Coast CruizinÂ. Business incentives also eliminatedBy Zac AndersonGateHouse FloridaTALLAHASSEE „ Joining together in a big, bipartisan show of opposition to taxpayer support for corporations, the Florida House defied the dire warn-ings of Gov. Rick Scott about potential job losses and voted Friday to abolish the stateÂs economic development agency and numerous busi-ness incentives.House Speaker Richard Corcoran has led an ideologi-cal blitzkrieg against business incentives, which have drawn critics in both parties who say they unfairly give advantage to some companies over others, often donÂt deliver the promised jobs, frequently go to the well-connected instead of the most deserving and generally are a misuse of gov-ernment funds.ÂThe lionÂs share of the job creators in this state will work hard their entire lives, pay taxes, play by the rules Florida House votes to kill agencyClassic cars, tricked-out trucks and even the famed Munster Koach and Drag-u-la were among the sights at Aaron Bessant Park on Friday, the second day of the Emerald Coast Cruizin Spring Show. The show, a gathering of all things auto, is in its 12th year, but this is the first time an event has been hosted in the spring.Cruizin concludes today, running from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Aaron Bessant Park, 600 W. Pier Park Drive in Panama City Beach. Admission, $12,covers admission for the show, vendor area, auto auction and all music shows/concert for the day. Parking is free, and chil-dren under 12 are free with a paid adult.Classic car show continues today at Aaron Bessant Park Cruize on in Business .........................A7 Diversions .....................C7 Local & State ...............B1-7 Obituaries ......................B3 Sports.........................C1-5 Viewpoints ....................A8 COLLEGE SPORTS | C1WOMENÂS HOOPSGulf Coast, Chipola to battle for state title BUSINESS | A7CITRUS FORECAST DIPSNew variety of greening con rmed in Franklin County MONDAYRain 68 / 50SUNDAYRain 72 / 54TODAYMostly cloudy 72 / 54 See AGENCY, A9 Set your clocks forwardDaylight saving time begins overnight. DonÂt forget to set your clocks ahead one hour at 2 a.m. By John Henderson522-5108 | @PCNHjohn jhenderson@pcnh.comPANAMA CITY „ Bay Countians and visitors who needed a ride Friday afternoon could tap for an Uber once again. After a vote by the Panama City Beach City Council that established a regulatory framework for ride-sharing service companies like Uber, the company announced late Thursday it was restarting service all over Bay County at noon Friday.For months, the Beach council and other local governments had been trying to craft laws regulating ride-sharing companies that would convince the companies to once again do business here. Companies such as Uber and Lyft never were banned from Bay County, but Uber pulled out after an incident on the Beach in March 2015 when an Uber driver was arrested and charged with operating a taxi without a permit.The company decided to restart business in Bay County even though legislation is moving through the state Legislature that, if passed, would regulate ride-sharing companies and supersede local laws.ÂWe appreciate local Bay County officials welcom-ing ride sharing to the area,ÂŽ Luke Marklin, Uber Florida general manager, said in a news release. ÂUber is thrilled to bring safe, affordable Uber restores Bay County serviceSee UBER, A9
** A2 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News Herald PICTURE PERFECT We want your photos: Post your photos to the News Herald Facebook page with your name, city of residence and information about the photo. You can email photos to CATCH OF THE DAYWe want to see your catch of the day: Post your photos to the News Herald Facebook page with your name, city of residence and information about the photo. Email photos to FEEDBACK TODAY IN HISTORY GO AND DOHAPPY BIRTHDAY FLORIDA LOTTERY YOUNG ARTIST NEWSROOM DIRECTORY Tim Thompson, Publisher .....................................850-747-5001 Mike Cazalas, Editor ..............................................850-747-5094 Shane Spence, Regional Operations Director .....850-747-5078 Robert Delaney, Regional Controller ....................850-747-5003 Eleanor Hypes, Regional Human Resources .......850-747-5002 Roger Underwood, Regional Circulation Director ... 850-747-5049 CIRCULATION Make the Panama City News Herald a part of your life every day. Home delivery: Subscribe to 7-day delivery and get unlimited access to our website and digital edition of the paper. Customers who use EZ Pay will see, on their monthly credit card or bank statement, the payment has been made to Halifax Media Florida. Online delivery: Take The News Herald with you when you go out of town, or go green by subscribing to an online replica edition of The News Herald and get unlimited access to our website. Go to to subscribe to digital only. Print delivery available within the newspaper distribution area only. By submitting your address and/or email, you understand that you may receive promotional offers from GateHouse Media and its related companies. You may opt out of receiving any such offers at any time by calling 850-747-5050. An additional one-time $5.95 activation fee applies. Due to the size and value of premium editions, there will be up to a $2.00 surcharge on each date of publication of any premium edition. However, rather than assess an extra charge for premium editions, we will adjust the length of your subscription, which accelerates the expiration of your subscription, when you receive these premium editions. There will be no more than 12 premium editions per calendar year. ADVERTISING To place a display ad, call 850-747-5030 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To place a classi“ ed ad, call 850-747-5020. SINGLE COPIES Daily, 75 cents; Sunday, $1.50. DID WE MISS YOU? If we missed you, we want to correct the oversight. For redelivery: Call The News Herald at 850-747-5050 between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. COPYRIGHT The entire contents of The News Herald, including its logotype, are fully protected by copyright and registry and cannot be reproduced in any form for any purpose without written permission from The News Herald. Published mornings by The Panama City News Herald (USPS 419-560), 501 W. 11th St., Panama City, FL 32401. Periodicals postage paid at Panama City, FL. Postmaster: Send address changes to The News Herald, P.O. Box 2060, Panama City, FL 32402Setting it straight It is the policy of The News Herald to correct all errors that appear in news stories. If you wish to report an error or clarif y a story, call 747-5070.P.O Box 1940 Panama City, FL 32402 501 W. 11th St. Panama City Fl, 32401 Phone: 850-747-5000 WATS: 800-345-8688 Online: PANAMA CITY CELEBRATE COMMUNITYMichele Seda Romanach on a story about Bay District Schools considering adding 15 minutes to the day to give students more time in class: ÂAdding 15 minutes to the school day will do little to help the REAL problems plaguing this countyÂs school system. When a school board is more concerned with a multi-milliondollar sports stadium than the performance of students in schools, failure happens. A LOT of failure. #prioritiesBayÂŽ Penni Gaddy-Wells: ÂThis makes absolutely no sense! Why keep kids tied up in school all day? IsnÂt 7 hours enough? ThatÂs like an entire work day! They are still kids. Even high schoolers deserve their childhood! Just another pretend bandaid on a broken system!ÂŽ Carl Wood: ÂThey should be in school year round as they do in Japan.ÂŽ Michele Seda Romanach: ÂThey could keep them in school 20 hours a day. That wonÂt help at all when parent involvement (or should I say lack of) is the main reason the school system is so terrible here.ÂŽ Johnny Tapia: ÂLonger than 7 hours. Especially for those in programs like IB where I go home and still have a 1500 word essay to right and a homework packet for each, class due the next day. I stay up till 1 in the morning at times and wake up at 6. Also some students have 0 periods, or a class before school really starts.ÂŽ Stacey Brannen: ÂItÂs 15 minutes earlier! That is not life changing or asking too much of them! People get a grip and stop babying the kids. This is why kids think they are owed everything and nothing is their fault! They already start school so late. And I agree with Carl we need to have year around schools! LetÂs vote that in!ÂŽ Terrie Lyon Zuleger on the idea that year-round schools would keep students in school much longer than now: ÂNo it would not! You get long breaks between semesters. You also donÂt have to do long reviews at beginning of new year because of summer breaks. Your education is always continuing!ÂŽ Today is Saturday, March 11 the 70th day of 2017. There are 295 days left in the year. The Jewish holiday Purim begins at sunset. Daylight sa ving time returns at 2 a.m. Sunday local time. TodayÂs Highlight in History: On March 11, 1942 as Japanese forces continued to advance in the Paci“ c during World War II, U.S. Army Gen. Douglas MacArthur left the Philippines for Australia, where he vowed on March 20, ÂI shall returnÂŽ „ a promise he kept more than 2 years later. On this date: In 1861 the Constitution of the Confederate States of America was adopted by the Confederate Congress in Montgomery, Alabama. In 1888 the Blizzard of Â88, also known as the ÂGreat White Hurricane,ÂŽ began inundating the northeastern United States, resulting in some 400 deaths. In 1957 Charles Van DorenÂs 14-week run on the rigged NBC game show ÂTwenty-OneÂŽ ended as he was ÂdefeatedÂŽ by attorney Vivienne Nearing; Van DorenÂs take was $129,000. In 1977 more than 130 hostages held in Washington, D.C., by Hana“ Muslims were freed after ambassadors from three Islamic nations joined the negotiations. In 2004 10 bombs exploded in quick succession across the commuter rail network in Madrid, Spain, killing 191 people in an attack linked to al-Qaida-inspired militants. In 2011 a magnitude-9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami struck JapanÂs northeastern coast, killing almost 20,000 people and severely damaging the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station. In 2012 16 Afghan villagers „ mostly women and children „ were shot dead as they slept by U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, who later pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison without parole.12017 BBIA HOME AND GARDEN EXPO: through Sunday at the Bay County Fairgrounds, corner of Sherman Avenue and U.S. 98 in Panama City. Free admission. Seminars, activities for children, vendors, food, and UF Master Gardeners will sell plants. Details, 850-784-02322EMERALD COAST CRUIZIN SPRING SHOW: at Aaron Bessant Park, 600 Pier Park Drive, Panama City Beach. Details, EmeraldCoastCruizin.com3AUCTION FOR THE ANIMALS: registration opens at 8:30 a.m. at Humane Society of Bay County Thrift & Gift Store, 1408 Harrison Ave., Panama City. Auction features new and used items including antiques, designer handbags, vintage home decor, appliances, collectibles, hunting supplies, gift certi“ cates, baked goods, toys, furniture and more. Proceeds bene“ t the Humane Society. Details, AdoptMe. org or 850-215-71204TIP-A-COP: 5-9 p.m. at SonnyÂs Barbecue, 2240 S. State 77, Lynn Haven. The Lynn Haven Police Department and SonnyÂs partner to raise money for the Special Olympics. Of“ cers work as ÂcelebrityÂŽ servers and tips bene“ t Special Olympics Florida.5MUSCLE SHOALS SWAMPERS: 7 p.m. at The Hub 30A, 24 Hub Lane, Watersound Beach. A rare performance by music royalty Jimmy Hall, Jimmy Johnson, David Hood, Spooner Oldham and NC Thurman featured on the albums of The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Aretha Franklin, Neil Young and more. Come early for happy hour and a showing of the Muscle Shoals movie at 4 p.m. Details, Hub30A.com6PANAMA CITY POPS: 7:30 p.m. at the Marina Civic Center, 8 Harrison Ave., Panama City. ÂOnly in America,ÂŽ featuring GershwinÂs ÂRhapsody in Blue,ÂŽ GrofeÂs ÂGrand Canyon SuiteÂŽ and selections from Broadway. Details and tickets, MarinaCivicCenter. com Media mogul Rupert Murdoch is 86. Former ABC News correspondent Sam Donaldson is 83. Movie director Jerry Zucker is 67. Former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. D-Ill., is 52. Singer Lisa Loeb is 49. Actor Terrence Howard is 48. Singer LeToya is 36. TV personality Melissa Rycroft is 34. Actor Rob Brown is 33.To submit birthdays, email with ÂbirthdayÂŽ in the subject line, or drop off a current photo and “ ll out a birthday form at the front desk of The News Herald, 501 W. 11th St. The deadline is noon two business days prior to the birthday. Birthday announcements must include the personÂs “ rst and last name, city and age. The photo is a mug shot and must be a clear photo. Dustin Shirley posted this picture on the Panama City Fishing Facebook page Monday, writing, ÂThe wind was tough but managed a good box of “ sh!! Get em while u can!!ÂŽ Sharon Arkins sent us this picture, writing, ÂThe Sunset was so beautiful that even our Terrier Herbie had to take time to enjoy it!ÂŽThese Florida lotteries were drawn Thursday: Cash4Life: 01-08-23-56-58, Cash Ball 3 Fantasy 5: 09-20-25-29-30 Pick 2 Evening: 7-7 Pick 3 Evening: 2-6-5 Pick 3 Midday: 2-7-5 Pick 4 Evening: 4-7-4-3 Pick 4 Midday: 7-4-0-1 Pick 5 Evening: 4-1-9-0-4 Pick 5 Midday: 2-5-6-9-0 Powerball: estimated jackpot $104 million Mega Millions: estimated jackpot $106 million Aspen Sims Grade 4 Oakland Terrace Elementary School
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 A3 ENDSMARCH31!|850-387-0204959West15thStreet,PanamaCity,FL32401Allvehicleswithapprovedcredit.Excludestax,tags,registration,titleand$689.50indealerfees.Seedealerforfulldetails,termsandrestric tions.Notcombinablewithanyotheroffers.Dealerisnot responsiblefortypographicalerrors,photosforillustrativepurposesonly.Offersexpire3/31/17. 2010ToyotaTundra Stk#191817B 2012ToyotaCamryLE Stk#165999A 2013HyundaiElantraGLS Stk##214972A 2007Toyota4RunnerSR5 Stk#280875A 2011NissanAltima2.5S Stk#292424A 2006ToyotaTacoma Stk#132928A 2010HondaAccordEX-L Stk#241758C BUY FOR BUY FOR BUY FOR BUY FOR BUY FOR BUY FOR BUY FOR$14,998$8,870$9,888$13,879$10,976$16,888$9,775 2004LincolnLS Stk#191874A BUY FOR$7,988 2012VolkswagenPassatS Stk#264716A BUY FOR$9,667 2011ToyotaPriusII Stk#181452A BUY FOR$9,998 2007LexusIS250 Stk#264722B BUY FOR$9,995 2008ToyotaCamryLE Stk#191864A BUY FOR$6,995 2004MiniCooper Stk#202199A BUY FOR$8,947 2010HondaCivicSdnEX Stk#292391B BUY FOR$7,988 2011BuickLaCrosse Stk#165929A BUY FOR$9,979 55KMiles 1169558
** A4 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News Herald The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 A51162933 6OMONTHSINTERESTFREE* *PromotionalOfferappliesonlytosingle-receiptqualifyingpurchases.Nointerestwillbechargedonpromopurchase(includingrelatedoptional creditinsurance/debtcancellationcharges)andequalmonthlypaymentsarerequiredequaltoinitialpromopurchaseamount dividedequallybythenumberofmonthsinpromoperioduntilpromoispaidinfull.Theequalmonthlypaymentwillberoundedtothenexthighestwholedo llarandmaybehigherthantheminimumpaymentthatwouldberequiredifthepurchasewasanon-promotional purchase.Anymonthlypaymentsshowninconnectionwiththispromotionalofferexcludetaxesanddeliveryandshouldallowyoutopayoffthepromotio nalpurchasewithinthepromoperiodif(1)youmakeyourpaymentsbytheduedateeachmonthand(2)thisistheonly balanceonyouraccountduringthepromoperiod.Ifyouhaveotherbalancesonyouraccount,thismonthlypaymentwillbeaddedtotheminimumpaymentap plicabletothosebalances.Regularaccounttermsapplytonon-promotionalpurchases. Fornewaccounts:PurchaseAPRis29.99%.MinimumInterestChargeis$2.Existingcardholdersshouldseetheircreditcardagreementfortheirapplic ableterms.Subjecttocreditapproval. NOCREDIT PAYOPTIONS OnpurchasesmadewithyourRoomsToGocreditcardthrough4/3/17.EqualMonthlyPaymentsRequireduntilApril2022.*Mo nthlypaymentsshownareonlyapplicablewiththisspecial“nancingoffer. RoomsToGorequiresNoMinimumPurchaseandNoDownPaymentexceptamountequaltosalestaxanddelivery. NEXTDAYDELIVERY!Salemustbewrittenby2PMthedaybeforeforNEXTDAYDELIVERYonmattresses.NodeliveriesonSundaysorholidays.Seestorefordetails. MATTRESSSETS +LOWMONTHLYPAYMENTS 8 years FREEINTEREST Expertshavesaidyoushould replaceyourmattress every8years. Nowyoucan... INTERESTFREE! GettheworldÂsmosthighly recommendedmattress. FREEINTERESTÂTILAPRIL2O25 NOINTERESTUNTIL APRIL 2O25 OnTempur-PedicMattressSetpurchasespricedat$25OOandupmadewithyourRoomsToGocreditcardthrough4/3/17. EqualMonthlyPaymentsRequireduntilApril2O25.2O%Downpaymentoftotalorder,includingsalestaxanddelivery,required.ÂÂOfferappliesonlytosingle-receiptqualifyingTempur-PedicMattressSetpurchasesof$25OOandupthru4/3/17.Nointerestwillbechargedonpromopurchaseandequalmonthlypaymentsarerequiredequal toinitialpromopurchaseamountdividedequallybythenumberofmonthsinpromoperioduntilpromoispaidinfull.Theequalmonthlypaymentwillbero undedtothenexthighestwholedollarandmaybe higherthantheminimumpaymentthatwouldberequiredifthepurchasewasanon-promotionalpurchase.Regularaccounttermsapplytonon-promotiona lpurchases.Fornewaccounts:PurchaseAPRis29.99%; MinimumInterestChargeis$2.Existingcardholdersshouldseetheircreditcardagreementfortheirapplicableterms.Subjecttocreditapproval.O fferavailableonTempur-PedicMattressSetsonly. ONLYDURINGOUR26THANNIVERSARYSALE SERTA PERFECTSLEEPER CLOSEOUT! CAPETOWN CoolTwist GelMemor yF oamQUEENMATTRESS $388 Kingmattressalsoavailable. ECHOSPRINGS CoolTwist GelMem or yF oam2-PCQUEENSET $598 3-PcKingsetalsoavailable. LARGOVISTA CoolAction GelMemo ry F oam2-PCQUEENSET $655 3-PcKingsetalsoavailable. MISTYFALLS EverCoolGFX Memor yF oam2-PCQUEENSET $755 3-PcKingsetalsoavailable. 26THANNIVERSARYSALESAVEONMATTRESSESDURINGOURANNIVERSARYSALE! FREEREMOVALofoldbeddingwithdeliveryoption. WESTCHESTER FOAMENCASED POCKETEDCOILS AMAZINGPRICE! 2-PCQUEENSET $497 3-PcKingsetalsoavailable. GRANDBURY 8ÂŽGEL MEMORYFOAM INCREDIBLEVALUE! QUEENMATTRESS $299 Kingmattressalsoavailable. SUMMERDAY4GREATBRANDS! SETSSTARTINGAT $699 3-PCKINGSET OR 2-PCQUEENSETSealySummerDay, TherapedicMcKinley, SertaSecludedOaks OR BeautyrestSilver IntercoastalGray GETAKING MATTRESSFORTHEPRICE OFAQUEEN SECLUDEDOAKSINTERCOASTALGRAY MCKINLEY NEXTDAYDELIVERY availableatselect ROOMSTOGOKIDS stores. NEXTDAYDELIVERY notavailableatRoomsToGoOutletCenters.Purchasemustbemadebefore2pm.Limitedavailabilityonpeakdays.Appliestoin-stockmerchandiseonly Somemerchandiseisnotondisplayatallstores.Seestorefordetails. DELIVERYCHARGEADDITIONAL.REGIONALPICKUPAVAILABLE. NOTRESPONSIBLEFORTYPOGRAPHICALERRORS.OPENMondaythruSaturday1OamÂtil9pm€Sunday11amÂtil6pmTOLOCATEASTORENEARYOU,VISITUSONLINEAT ROOMSTOGO.COM OR ROOMSTOGOKIDS.COM 12806_FL_2017_3_11_MattressDT Scantolocate astorenearyou.
** A6 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News HeraldBy Chelsea Harvey and Chris MooneyThe Washington PostWASHINGTON „ A proposed White House budget for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) could put coastal communities throughout the nation at a major disadvantage as they struggle to adapt to threats from sea-level rise, severe storms and other climate-related events, scientists and other experts said.ThatÂs because the budget targets a handful of programs that provide important resources to help coastal states prepare for rising seas.The programs in the crosshairs include NOAAÂs Coastal Zone Manage-ment grants and Regional Coastal Resilience grants, which come to $75 million combined, according to the document; its $10 million in Coastal Eco-system Resiliency grants; the National Estuarine Research Reserve System, an annual investment of about $23 million; and its $73 million Sea Grant program.Experts think the pro-posed cuts not only would disarm the coasts in the face of rising seas and the growing storm threats that come with them, but they would disadvantage coastal states in dealing with threats they are likely to face.ÂMost people live near coastlines in our country and around the world, and need to be able to support their economy „ and to try to prevent again the kind of devastation that we saw in Katrina and other storms,ÂŽ said Vicki Arroyo, executive director of the Georgetown Climate Center.To see how the proposed NOAA cuts disadvantage coasts and coastal communities, take the proposed cuts to the Coastal Zone Management grants. The grants are part of a partnership between the federal government and all coastal states.ÂIn many cases itÂs local governments or state governments that have the responsibility, and most „ especially the local governments „ donÂt have the wealth of information that the federal government does, and they donÂt have immediate access to experts or resources to do a lot of the planning that they need to do,ÂŽ said Jane Lubchenco, an environmental scientist at Oregon State University and former NOAA administrator under Pres-ident Barack Obama. ÂSo through the Coastal Zone Management grants, a lot of that information and expertise is made available to them.ÂŽOr consider the proposed cuts to Regional Coastal Resilience grants, which deal more specifically with bracing communities for adverse climate and weather events. These programs Âbuild resilience of coastal communities to the negative impacts from extreme weather events, climate hazards and changing ocean conditions,ÂŽ according to a recent NOAA presentation.Much like these are the Coastal Ecosystem Resiliency Grants, which are more focused on restoring ecosystems so they can adjust to changing conditions in a way that also benefits humans. Wetlands, when healthy, can help keep pace with sea-level rise. They also can help weaken hurricane storm surges.Also proposed for the chopping block are several research and education initiatives that provide valuable information to help coastal communities plan for the future. The National Estuarine Research Reserve System is a group of 29 sites through-out the coastal United States „ including spots along the East and West coasts, the Gulf Coast, the Great Lakes, Hawaii and Alaska „ that have been set aside specifically for the study of estuarine sys-tems, or the areas where rivers flow into the sea. The program produces sci-entific data on these unique ecosystems and provides training and education for local communities and policymakers on protecting and managing them.ÂItÂs not a basic science program,ÂŽ said Don Boesch, who directs the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. ÂItÂs pretty applied to management of those research reserves and areas they represent throughout the whole state.ÂŽScientists: Cuts would harm coastal areasScientists are blasting proposed cuts to NOAA programs that help coastal communities adapt to rising seas. [CHRISTOPHER GOODNEY/BLOOMBERG] ComingSoon....Health Expo 2017 MarkyourCalendar forSaturdayMarch25th Seeusatthe PanamaCityMallBroughttoyouby 1171154 1170216 DiabeticFootCare DiabeticFootwear ChildrenÂsFeet Heel/Archpain Sores&Ulcers ArchSupport SportsInjuries IngrownNails AnkleInjuries BurningFeet GlucoseTesting FracturedToes Hammertoes MusclePain Corns/Warts BoneSpurs Neuromas Calluses Arthritis GoutPhysicians&SurgeonsoftheFootandLeg NewPatientsAlwaysWelcome!PanamaCityOce 850-784-9787 2424FrankfordAve MariannaOce 850-526-3668 30256thStreet www.feitzfootclinic.netDanielE.Feitz,DPM,MS NominatedforNationsTopPodiatrist 20YearsInARow. FEITZ FOOT CLINIC*WeCaterToCowards 1169587
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 A7 BUSINESS MARKET WATCHDow 20,902.98 44.79 Nasdaq 5,861.73 22.92 S&P 2,372.60 7.73 Russell 1,365.26 5.15 NYSE 11,500.77 43.13COMMODITIES REVIEWGold 1,200.70 1.70 Silver 16.883 .110 Platinum 938.20 1.00 Copper 2.5865 .0165 Oil 48.49 .79 COMPANY CLOSE CHG 3M $191.21 +1.31 Am. Express $79.38 +0.08 Apple $139.14 +0.46 Boeing $178.70 -1.87 Caterpillar $92.31 +0.92 Chevron $110.61 +0.57 Cisco $34.26 +0.19 Coca-Cola $42.29 +0.26 DuPont $80.86 +0.38 Exxon $81.61 -0.06 Gen. Dynamic $30.28 +0.62 Goldman Sachs $248.38 -1.80 Home Depot $146.85 +0.23 Intel $35.91 +0.09 IBM $177.83 +0.65 J&J $126.21 +0.26 JP Morgan $91.28 -0.29 McDonaldÂs $127.98 -0.16 Merck $65.60 -0.29 Microsoft $64.93 +0.20 Nike $56.43 +0.07 P“ zer $34.11 +0.06 Proc. & Gamble $91.07 +0.73 Travelers $122.83 +0.93 United Tech $112.14 +0.21 Verizon $49.35 +0.07 Walmart $70.10 +0.24 Walt Disney $110.92 -0.11 United Health $169.98 +1.97 Visa $89.73 +0.62THE DOW 30 STOCKS OF LOCAL INTERESTCOMPANY CLOSE CHG AT & T $42.35 +0.41 Darden Rests $74.16 -1.06 Gen Dynamics $190.84 +0.50 Hanger Inc $13.75 +0.01 Hancock Hldg $45.90 -0.45 Home Bancs $27.97 -0.26 Itt Corp $40.13 +0.59 The St Joe $16.85 +0.20 Kbr Inc $14.76 +0.02 L-3 Comms $170.32 +0.51 Oceaneering $25.88 -0.27 Regions $15.13 -0.07 Sallie Mae $11.84 +0.29 Southern $49.63 +0.13 Suntrust $58.94 -0.38 Westrock Co $51.24 +0.31 Ingersoll-Rand $79.49 +0.89 Engility Holds $28.87 +0.43Source: Matt Wegner Financial Advisor The Edward Jones Co., Panama City, 769-1278 U.S. $1.00 = Canadian 1.35 U.S. $1.00 = Mexican peso 19.61 U.S. $1.00 = Euro 0.94 U.S. $1.00 = British Pound 0.82FOREIGN EXCHANGE BRIEFCASEFlorida Realtors name Dyer District 9 vice presidentTeresa Dyer, broker-owner with Realty One of Northwest Florida in Panama City Beach, has been installed as District 9 vice president of Florida Realtors. Florida Realtors District 9 encompasses Bay, Walton, Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Gulf and Franklin counties.Dyers is a member of the Bay County Association of Realtors and served as president in 2015. She has been honored as Broker of the Year, Citizen of the Year and has received a humanitarian award. In addition to having served as a director the state association, she also pre-viously served in the position of district vice president.As district vice president, Dyer will focus on enhancing Florida Realtors support, ser-vices and advocacy programs for real estate professionals. News Herald staff reportDear Dave,I know youÂre big on bargains and saving money. How do you feel about warehouse clubs, like Costco and SamÂs Club?„ JessicaDear Jessica,We have both of those in our neighborhood, and IÂm a big fan. There are definitely some good buys and great bargains to be had in places like that. To be honest, my wife is probably a bigger fan than I am. I suspect we save more money from her trips than mine to those spots. I will advise you to watch your spending carefully in warehouse clubs. Most people overbuy in situations like that, especially those of us who are spenders by nature. Believe it or not, IÂm a spender by nature. To this day, if IÂm not careful, IÂm still bad about buying things I donÂt need „ or too much of the things I do need „ in warehouse clubs. Have fun in there, and make sure you find some steals on smart things you can stock up on. Just donÂt go crazy and wreck your budget by overspending!„ DaveNo magic number Dear Dave,IÂm 26, and IÂve been running my own business as sole proprietor for a year and a half. My gross revenues are about $94,000, and my personal net worth is around $68,000. Is there an asset level you recommend reaching before moving to LLC status?„ MeghanDear Meghan,ThereÂs not really a magic number for this kind of thing. In your case, I wouldnÂt go to the trouble for an LLC right now. You donÂt need the hassle of extra paperwork and the expense of processing and filing fees. Just make sure you have normal, liability-type insurance in place. That shouldnÂt cost a lot of money. The main reason you would consider shifting to an LLC is if you had reached a point in life as a business owner where you were afraid you might have a target on your back. By that, I mean you would want protection in the event of a lawsuit if your company had grown to sizable proportions and you had begun to accumulate substantial personal assets. At this stage, I donÂt think anyoneÂs going to bother you.„ Dave Dave Ramsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million listeners each week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Follow Dave on the web at and on Twitter at @DaveRamsey.DAVE SAYSBeware of overspending Dave RamseyThe News Service of FloridaTALLAHASSEE „ The Florida Department of Citrus is hoping for a better second half of the growing season after the latest decline in projec-tions for the stateÂs orange and grapefruit harvest.Meanwhile, Agricul-ture Commissioner Adam Putnam said a 4 percent drop from February to March in the forecast from the U.S. Department of Agriculture is another sign of the effects of deadly citrus greening disease.ÂUntil a long-term solu-tion is discovered, which some of our stateÂs bright-est minds are working on, we must support FloridaÂs multibillion-dollar citrus industry and the more than 60,000 jobs it supports,ÂŽ Putnam said in a statement. He is asking lawmakers to include money in next yearÂs state budget as part of the continuing battle against citrus greening.In nearby Franklin County, a new type of disease, ÂYellow Dragon,ÂŽ has been confirmed in citrus collected in Car-rabelle and Apalachicola.ÂMany scientists and citrus lovers alike had hopes that our Panhandle location would be spared due to our cooler climate and the fact that an insect, the Asian citrus psyllid, is the primary vector for the disease,ÂŽ county UF/ IFAS extension agent Erik Lovestrand wrote last week. However, that was not to be, with area trees showing leafy yellow blotches and the diseaseÂs signature green-tinged fruit.The March crop forecast, released Thursday, showed the state on pace to produce enough oranges to fill 67 million 90-pound boxes during the current crop season. That is down from a Feb-ruary projection of 70 million boxes.The state once produced enough oranges to fill more than 200 boxes a year.Shannon Shepp, execu-tive director of the Florida Department of Citrus, noted that two-thirds of the reduction is based on early and mid-season varieties that already have been harvested.ÂWhile news of a decrease is never welcome, the sweet scent of citrus blossoms floating on the breeze brings back fond memories and reminds us that spring is a time of renewal,ÂŽ Shepp said in a statement. ÂGrowers are optimistic that the strategies they are implementing now will pay off in the future and that, as an industry, we will overcome.ÂŽMeanwhile, grapefruit production dropped from 9 million 90-pound boxes in February to 8.9 million boxes in the March forecast. The outlook for grapefruit started the current season at 9.6 million boxes, down from 10.8 million boxes filled in 2015-2016.State citrus forecast takes another dipNew variety of greening con rmed in Franklin CountyThe green lower half of early ripening fruit is where citrus greening gets its name. ÂYellow DragonÂŽ greening has been con“ rmed in Apalachicola and Carrabelle in Franklin County. [ERIK LOVESTRAND/SPECIAL TO THE APALACHICOLA TIMES] Earl Brooks looks over swamp sun” owers Friday at The Great American Home & Garden Expo at the Bay County Fairgrounds, 2230 E. 15th St. The expo continues Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admission is free. Watch a related video at [PATTI BLAKE/THE NEWS HERALD] Home & Garden Expo returns By Marley JayThe Associated PressNEW YORK „ Led by technology companies, U.S. stocks rose Friday after a strong February jobs report. Most parts of the market moved higher as investors wait for the Fed-eral Reserve to meet next week. The central bank is almost universally expected to raise interest rates.The jobs report was a bit better than investors expected, but they had assumed it would show employers are adding jobs at a solid clip. They had also anticipated since last week that the Fed will raise inter-est rates next Wednesday, and the data did nothing to challenge that. Technology, industrial and health care companies climbed while energy companies missed out on the rally as oil prices continued to fall.ÂIt was a solid report all around that reinforces that the economy is on solid foot-ing,ÂŽ said Sameer Samana, a strategist for the Wells Fargo Investment Insti-tute. Samana said investors are glad to see continued hiring but theyÂre also glad the economy isnÂt gaining strength too quickly. That might force the Fed to raise interest rates faster, with uncertain effects on the economy.ÂIf they go too quickly or raise rates too many times, thereÂs a risk weÂll find ourselves in a down-turn,ÂŽ he said.The Standard & PoorÂs 500 index rose 7.73 points, or 0.3 percent, to 2,372.60. The Dow Jones industrial average gained 44.79 points, or 0.2 percent, to 20,902.98. The Nasdaq composite added 22.92 points, or 0.4 percent, to 5,861.73. Stocks rise after jobs report; tech leads
** A8 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News HeraldWRITE TO US: Letters should not exceed 300 words and include the writerÂs name, address and phone number for veri“ cation. Letters may be edited for clarity and brevity. Guest columns of up to 600 words may be submitted as well. Write: Letters to the editor, The News Herald, 501 W. 11th St., Panama City, FL 32401 Email: LETTER TO THE EDITOR SQUALL LINE ANOTHER VIEW Tim Thompson | Publisher Will Glover | Managing Editor Mike Cazalas | Editor PANAMA CITY VIEWPOINTSHave you ever wondered what it would be like to travel around the moon? Next year, two people will reportedly be taking this trip of a lifetime. What they will see and experience on the mythical celestial object that orbits our earth is anyoneÂs guess. Until now, only highly trained astronauts have done it. This incredible excursion is the brainchild of Elon Musk. The world renowned engineer/inventor is one of the co-founders, and current CEO, of Tesla Inc. HeÂs also helped start up several other businesses, including „ which later merged with Confinity in 2000, and became PayPal. MuskÂs company, SpaceX, has worked hand-in-hand with NASAÂs Commercial Crew Program to develop the Dragon 2 spacecraft that will take these two people around the moon. (NASA provided most of the funding for this part of the project.) The spacecraft will use the Falcon Heavy rocket, which has already been successfully tested on several occasions, including Feb. 19 at Kennedy Space Center. According to SpaceX, next yearÂs lift-off will occur at ÂKennedy Space CenterÂs historic Pad 39A near Cape Canaveral „ the same launch pad used by the Apollo program for its lunar missions.ÂŽ This trip, it says, Âpresents an opportunity for humans to return to deep space for the first time in 45 years and they will travel faster and further into the Solar System than any before them.ÂŽ SpaceX has been mum about the identities of the two space travelers-to-be. This trip sounds (and will be) out of this world, but is the whole venture believable? Based on MuskÂs impressive track record, especially with TeslaÂs electric cars that run on lithium-ion batteries, itÂs pretty hard to bet against him. And yes, because SpaceX is a private company, Musk must ultimately obtain a license from the Federal Aviation Administration before sending Dragon 2 into orbit. The FAA is within its rights to say Âno,ÂŽ but based on the excitement this unique project has generated, its answer will probably be a resounding Âyes.ÂŽ If this excursion comes to fruition, and is successful, it would radically transform the way space travel is conducted. While the cost per individual would be astronomical at this point, as more people take this trip, it could gradually become economical. The rich would get to see what other humans can only imagine, and have the greatest boast yet about what they did on their vacation. Private space flight could also increase the possibility of setting up a Moon colony, giving human beings a chance to live on this astronomical body for short or long periods of time, and enhance scientific study and exploration of our solar system. Finally, this promised flight could prove that a private company has the technology, creativity and ability to move us further ahead in the modern space race than we ever thought possible.A destination for tourists thatÂs out of this world Arsenic was a poison favored by Victorian mystery writers. The victims would be fed small amounts, not suspecting the cause of their increasing discomfort. At a certain point, the arsenic buildup would send them into organ failure and death. The Republican House health care plan would apply a similar slow-working toxin to the Affordable Care Act. In this case, many of the millions enrolled in Obamacare would not realize whatÂs happening to their health care until itÂs too late. House Speaker Paul RyanÂs approach has drawn fire from conservative groups that want to basically repeal the whole thing. They scorn the American Health Care Act as ÂObamacare Lite,ÂŽ hardening an entitlement. These conservatives deserve points for honesty. Their fix for Obamacare is a beheading „ quick and efficient. Everyone would know itÂs dead. That said, the conservatives are giving Ryan and his colleagues too little credit. Their plan also sets up Obamacare for collapse „ and again, with the advantage of keeping its beneficiaries in the dark. For starters, they would maintain current funding for the Medicaid expansion until 2020. Thus, many of the 11 million lowand moderateincome working families receiving subsidies wouldnÂt appreciate the consequences for several years. ThatÂs when the tax credits would shrink to a shadow of what they are under Obamacare. Rural areas would get hit hardest. Many have complained about high deductibles, and understandably so. However, Obamacare does offer some financial assistance for such out-of-pocket costs. That would be gone under the House plan. The bill would provide $15 billion to the states for Âhighrisk poolsÂŽ covering sick people private insurers donÂt want to touch. But in 2020, that federal subsidy would shrivel to $10 billion. The bill would end the individual mandate requiring everyone to obtain insurance or pay a fine. That would encourage the young and healthy to drop coverage, leaving a weakened insurance pool heavy with expensively ill patients. Yes, the plan also would impose a 30 percent surcharge on those who drop their insurance but later want to sign on. Makes sense until you ask, who would later sign on? The answer is people whoÂve suddenly discovered they have a serious medical condition and need the coverage. After all, insurers still could not charge more to those with pre-existing conditions. Seeing as the penalty would probably be far lower than the costs the patients are facing, theyÂd surely want to secure coverage. In sum, getting rid of the mandate this way would encourage the healthy to leave and the unhealthy to join. Subsidies would be tied to age. A 60-year-old would receive $4,000 in tax credits, and a 25-year-old $2,000. That sounds somewhat OK, given that older people tend to have more health issues. However, the proposal would let insurers charge 60-yearolds rates up to five times more than they bill young people (versus three times now). More bad incentives. Many people ages 60 to 64 who are in relatively good shape might drop coverage, wagering that in the event of a health crisis, they could crawl across the age 65 line and into the promised land of Medicare. Those with already-high health costs would stay in the Republican plan, further burdening the program. President Trump has given the House plan his blessing. But given the squads of Republicans, never mind Democrats, arrayed against it, the House bill seems destined for an early demise. And it would be no mystery why. Follow Froma Harrop on Twitter @FromaHarrop. She can be reached at plot to poison ObamacareWe need to work together Those who wanted Hillary to win the presidency just canÂt seem to get over the fact that Donald Trump is now our president. ItÂs obvious that reality really sticks in their craw, and many of them are saying very nasty thins about President Trump. Since they canÂt get rid of him (at least for four years), TrumpÂs detractors spout off on TV and in the newspapers calling him unfit, bad, illegitimate, and so on. From a Harrops diatribe against Trump in Saturdays News Herald (Feb. 11), is an example of how hateful and vicious the opposing political party can be when the election doesnÂt go their way. Ms. Harrop, in her article, accuses Trump of being lazy and questions his mental competence. In addition, Carol PhilpÂs letter in the same paper is, in itÂs entirety, a very harsh criticism of every thing President Trump has done since he has become our president. Unfortunately, our elections in this country have become more hateful and violent in recent years. Eight years ago after ObamaÂs election as our president, I donÂt recall the opposing political party writing in newspapers that he was lazy and his mental capacity was in question. I also, donÂt recall riots in the streets and on college campuses involving destruction of private property when Obama was elected as has happened with President Trump. We in this country are all Americans. In some elections, our candidate will win. In others, our candidate will not. But somehow as Democrats and Republicans, we need to stop name calling and learn to work together for the good of the country.Harriet Rosborough Panama CityI am a property owner and voter in PCB and do not miss anything about Spring Break.Love, love, love the Spring Break beaches now. No wor-ries about being here during this time. So nice.Could somebody please leak TrumpÂs golf score from Mar Largo? The nation deserves to know!So those kids wonÂt be back, but what about families and communities bad press?I have the solution for saving downtown „ move it to 23rd Street.I do believe in miracles and I saw one today. A PCB Police-man had someone pulled over on Back Beach Road.Obviously Spring Break is NUKED. Immediate action should be taken to abolish harshest rules that are crush-ing working locals.I donÂt understand the mechanics of choral music, but am Oh so thankful that some do and share it with the rest of us! Thank you Comcast/Xfin-ity for the timely repair to the damaged cable in LH today. Your customers really appre-ciate it. Froma Harrop
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 A9and never receive one dollar of taxpayer-funded subsidies,ÂŽ said Rep. Paul Renner, the GOP lawmaker who carried the legislation for Corcoran.The bill eliminating Enterprise Florida passed the House 87-29, giving Corcoran a veto-proof majority to overturn Scott if the measure makes it to his desk and gets axed. It was a big victory for the speaker „ who has engaged in a months-long feud with Scott on the issue „ and one that demonstrated he has tapped into an issue with deep resonance on both the right and left.Among House Republicans who voted, 62 favored the bill „ including Rep. Halsey Beshears, R-Monticello „ and 14 were against it, including Rep. Brad Drake, R-Euch-eeanna. Among House Democrats, 25 voted in favor and 15 were opposed. Rep. Jay Trumbull, R-Pan-ama City, did not vote, according to state Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith noted that it often was mentioned in the debate that Âthis is an idea where Bernie Sanders progressives can align with Ted Cruz conservatives.ÂŽÂIÂll just say that spoke to my true progressive heart,ÂŽ he added.The issue has been espe-cially divisive for Florida Republicans, with two of the stateÂs most prominent GOP leaders on opposing sides. It has exposed an ideological rift with the party over the involvement of government in the pri-vate sector.Scott strongly defends the incentive programs as a critical component of his efforts to grow and diver-sify the stateÂs economy.ÂToday, politicians in the Florida House passed job-killing legislation,ÂŽ Scott said in a statement after the vote, adding that lawmakers were Âdecimating FloridaÂs economic toolkit and the very programs which are directly tied to the creation of thousands of jobs for Florida families.ÂŽBusiness groups such as the Florida Chamber of Commerce are ardently opposed to the effort to eliminate economic incentives, making the debate particularly vexing for some business-friendly Republicans who normally are aligned with the Chamber.The Chamber of Commerce „ a major player in GOP politics„ sent an Âaction alertÂŽ to its mem-bers Friday saying the House legislation Âwould end economic diversifica-tion efforts in Florida.ÂŽGOP Rep. Jay Fant, a corporate executive from Jacksonville, said the incentives debate raised legitimate questions about the proper role of government, but for him the practical implications of generating fewer jobs for Floridians trumped the philosophical argument.ÂI understand the philosophy, but I fear killing this program will hurt people,ÂŽ he said. ÂI will not be a part of this.ÂŽThe House also approved legislation reforming Visit Florida, the stateÂs tourism marketing agency. The bill puts new restrictions on travel and other expenses at the agency.Visit Florida and Enter-prise Florida have been the subject of unflatter-ing news reports in recent years detailing questionable spending, the most notable example being a $1 million Visit Florida contract with the rapper Pitbull to promote the state.Both agencies also have been criticized as lacking accountability and transparency.Despite CorcoranÂs zeal for the issue, itÂs unclear where it goes next. Senate leaders have shown little interest so far in joining CorcoranÂs crusade. The speaker could try to force Senate leaders into acting by holding Senate legislative priorities hostage, refusing to move them without action on the incentives bills.Corcoran has indicated a willingness to take the two-month session „ which kicked off Tuesday„ into overtime rather than back down on key issues.Asked Friday whether the incentives debate has a chance of gaining traction in the Senate, Corcoran said Âabsolutely.ÂŽÂTo say on week one that a House priority where we believe firmly weÂre right on the policy, weÂre right on the principle doesnÂt have life in the Senate is not remotely in the ballpark of true,ÂŽ he said. AGENCYContinued from A1transportation options and flexible work opportunities to this community. In the coming weeks, we look forward to continuing to work with local and state leaders on a regulatory framework for ride shar-ing so that riders and driver partners across Florida have permanent access to Uber.ÂŽThroughout the day Friday, people interested in driving jobs talked with Uber officials at a job fair at the Courtyard by Mar-riott in Panama City.Mary Costley, a retired real estate broker, was among them. She said she could use the income from Uber to cover her expenses.ÂIÂm retired and I live on Social Security, so (the extra income) will help tremendously,ÂŽ she said. ÂI need to have a little extra $200 to $300 to pay light bills.ÂŽShe said she has a friend who lives in northern Bay County who drives for Uber in Walton County and makes a solid part-time income.ÂShe says she sometimes makes as much as $200 a day part time,ÂŽ Costley said. Costley said she registered with Uber about a year ago and was waiting for the company to return here. Uber started in Silicon Valley in 2009 as a phone app that connects people to rides and has since grown into one of the largest tech startups in the world, operating in 66 countries. ItÂs similar to a taxi service, except the drivers „ who go through a background check with Uber „ use their own per-sonal cars and the fares often are significantly cheaper.Tina Bouchard, who also attended the job fair for Uber on Friday, said she has been trying to get a driving job with Uber in Bay County for six months and is pleased she can now earn some extra money.ÂFrom what IÂm under-standing ... it will help you make a pretty goodpiece of change,ÂŽ she said.She cleans offices at night and said the flexible Uber hours will work with her schedule.ÂWhen I was visiting Arizona, Uber is very big out there,ÂŽ she said. ÂIt seems like when you get a customer in your car, it seems like they just want you to keep taking them (for rides). It is a steady business.ÂŽJeff Clark said he has been commuting each day from Panama City to Destin to work a part-time job at a catering business.ÂI leave (for work) at 6:30 every morning,ÂŽ he said during FridayÂs Uber job fair. ÂIÂve been putting miles on my car every day.ÂŽHe said the Uber job would allow him to get paid for driving long distances.ÂIÂve been trying to find extra income in town,ÂŽ he said.Justin Wilson, owner of Beach Boys Shuttle service, a taxi and shuttle company on the Beach, said he will continue to operate a traditional taxi service and might adjust rates if necessary now that Uber is here. He said his rates were dictated by local govern-ments in the past. ÂIÂll take it day to day,ÂŽ he said. ÂWeÂve got all local drivers who have been taking care of customers 24/7 for the past seven years, and weÂre just going to keep doing what weÂre doing. If we need to adjust prices, we will.ÂŽ UBERContinued from A1 1171332 1171323 LimitedSpacesAvailable HighTrafcAreaCALL850-381-6416 FarmersMarket Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday VENDORSNEEDED 1171126 PUBLICANNOUNCEMENT NOHIDDENCHARGES:Itisourofficepolicythattherighttorefusetopay, cancelpaymentorbereimbursedforpaymentforanyotherservices,examinationor treatmentwhichisperformedasaresultofandwithin72hoursofrespondingtothe advertisementforanyfree,discountedfeeorreducedfeeservice,examinationortreatment. AndrewKortz,M.D.BoardCertified EyePhysicianand CataractSurgeon CorneaFellowshipTrained ToddRobinson,M.D.BoardCertified EyePhysicianand CataractSurgeon JulieWolf,O.D.BoardCertified Optometric Physician SPONSOREDBYMULLISEYEINSTITUTE1600JenksAvenue€PanamaCity,FL TheBoardCertifiedEyePhysiciansandSurgeons attheMullisEyeInstitutearedonatingtheirtimeand facilitiestoprovidedeservingpersonswiththeGiftofSight.OneofourBoardCertifiedSurgeonAssociates willperformtheirbriefandpainless no-stitchcataractsurgery. Location:MULLISEYEINSTITUTE 1600JenksAvenue,PanamaCity,Florida Logistics:Patientswillbesenthome afewhoursaftertheprocedureandcan resumemostnormalactivitiesimmediately. Freetransportationisavailable. ToQualify:FREECATARACTSURGERYisavailable toPanhandleresidentsinmedicalneed whocannotaffordcataractsurgery. Call:ForaFREEEVALUATIONforNewPatients62andOlder763-6666or1-800-227-5704 FREECATARACT SURGERYPROGRAM CHANGE YOURCLOCKTimeofDay 763-1701
** A10 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News Herald BAYSELLSFORLESS! $ 32 998 785-1591 BRANDNEW ALLDAYEVERYDAY RAMLARAMIECREWCAB 636W.15thSt. PanamaCity,FL www. BayDodge .net DODGE CHARGER BRANDNEW Stk#M0866 N0191 NEW2017JEEP COMPASSLATITUDE $ 20 998 JEEPS€JEEPS€JEEPS RENEGADE SPORT $ 19 798STK#M1218 BRANDNEWJEEP DonÂt missout! $ 31 998 BRANDNEW2017 CHRYSLER300LIMITED N0437200LXBRANDNEWCHRYSLERTHISISNOTALEASE! $ 279 PERMO *WAC.PlusTax,Tag,andDealerFees.Allrebatesappliedincludingmilitary.Seedealerfordetails. Auto,34MPG,Cruise,Bluetoothw/VoiceCmd, 17ÂŽAlloys,HalogenHeadlamps,M0113 $ 16 998 DARTSERALLYE BRANDNEWDODGE M1137 $ 20 998 JOURNEYSXT BRANDNEWDODGE $ 27 998 BRANDNEW2017 CHRYSLERPACIFICALX N0281 0 % APRM0906 N0224 NEW 2017 JEEP PATRIOTSPORT $ 18 788 ORIGINALLIST $ 51,340 $ 39 940 N0629 BRANDNEW2017 RAMSTEXPRESS QUADCAB $ 29 988 BAYDISCOUNT-$ 11 400 LOADED! 20 % OFF!1170708
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 B1 SENATE BUDGET | B3EDUCATION SPENDINGFloridaÂs state colleges cry foul over proposed cuts UNANIMOUS JURIES | B7BIPARTISAN SUPPORTFloridaÂs death penalty x heads to Gov. Scott CELEBRATE COMMUNITY Celebrate Community is a partnership between The News Herald and local businesses to highlight the things that make this area unique. Email story ideas to Stephanie Nusbaum at C C E Shannon Richmond, left, and Allison Smith, founder of Simply Self Esteem, look at items donated by a local dentist in Panama City Beach on Friday. Richmond helped set up dropboxes for the hygiene supplies the nonpro“ t distributes. [ANDREW WARDLOW/THE NEWS HERALD] Want to go?WHAT: Simply Self Esteem Paint Party Fundraiser WHEN: 6-8 p.m. March 21 WHERE: Palms Conference Center, 9201 Front Beach Road, Panama City Beach FEE: $35 per person, all supplies included RSVP: Simply Self Esteem Paint Party on Facebook MORE INFO: 850-381-3584 or visit www.simplyselfesteem.orgBy Gina FarthingSpecial to The News HeraldPANAMA CITY BEACH „ On March 21, the Palms Conference Center in Panama City Beach will host the first public fundraiser for Simply Self Esteem. The fundraiser, a painting party, will help provide hygiene kits to local teens in need.It might seem a little odd that a teen would be in need of hygiene items. It was an idea Simply Self Esteem founder Allison Smith hadnÂt heard of either.But about five years ago, Smith heard that the Gulf Coast ChildrenÂs Advocacy Center was in need: Thirteen teens Christmas wish lists had not been distributed to Paint party to help boost teenagers self-esteem, worth LOCAL & STATEBy Zack McDonald747-5071 | @PCNHzack zmcdonald@pcnh.comPANAMA CITY „ Six men were taken into custody earlier this week in what immigration author-ities called Âtargeted law enforcement actions,ÂŽ offi-cials reported.The Bay County Sher-iffÂs Office (BCSO) assisted in the Tuesday arrests of the six men, whose ages range from 21 to 41. All are being detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to await deportation hear-ings, officials reported.Details of the arrests were limited because of ICEÂs privacy policies toward discussing individuals immigration status. How-ever, Tamara Spicer, public affairs officer for Northern Florida division of ICE, said ICE arrests 6 in Bay County By Collin Breaux747-5081 | @PCNHCollinB CollinB@pcnh.comItÂs amazing how mankind went from living in huts to building machines that can do anything.At least thatÂs how Garrette Hammond, a 16-year-old student at Rosenwald High School, sees it. Garrette reflected a bit on technology after competing at FridayÂs second annual SeaPerch regional competi-tion, an underwater robotics tournament right up science-minded GarretteÂs alley.The competition at the Gulf Coast State College indoor pool saw about 70 teams from middle and high schools across the Panhandlesteering remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) they built themselves through obstacle courses and other challenges, with the two highest-scoring teams going on to compete at the national competition in Atlanta in May. Organizers called the event a playful way to get kids thinking about education and making a career out of their I, robotsStudents compete, prep for STEM careers at SeaPerchABOVE: Roulhac Middle School students Jamara Davis, 15, and Ellie Smith, 13, maneuver their robot through the obstacle course during the SeaPerch Regionals Competition at Gulf Coast State College on Friday. LEFT: The Palm Bay Prep Academy team puts the “ nishing touches on its robot before competing at Gulf Coast State College on Friday. [ANDREW WARDLOW PHOTOS/THE NEWS HERALD] RangelCobos RamirezSosa LopezHernandez SolisTeltez MaldonadoLopez RangelAlarcon See ROBOTS, B2 See ICE, B2 See PAINT, B21163624 CARS NeuroMedicalResearchCenterThe
** B2 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News Herald WEATHER 6 a.m Noon6 p.m Low Hazard Medium Hazard High Hazard Water closed to public Dangerous Marine Life High Low 71/49 72/53 74/47 69/53 70/55 72/52 75/53 75/53 74/49 63/43 76/53 74/52 77/51 72/56 71/56 72/55 77/55 72/5472/5468/5069/4464/40Rain, then a couple of showers Rain and drizzle in the morning SunshinePlenty of sunshine7252706354Winds: E 7-14 mph Winds: N 7-14 mph Winds: W 7-14 mph Winds: NNW 8-16 mph Winds: SE 6-12 mphBlountstown 7.98 ft. 15 ft. Caryville 8.13 ft. 12 ft. Clairborne 35.80 ft. 42 ft. Century 10.95 ft. 17 ft. Coffeeville, AL 17.56 ft. 29 ft. Through 7 a.m. Fri.Apalachicola 2:22a 9:50a 4:05p 9:39p Destin 10:16p 6:45a ----West Pass 1:55a 9:23a 3:38p 9:12p Panama City 9:50p 6:07a ----Port St. Joe 12:25p 3:27a 11:54p 2:56p Okaloosa Island 8:49p 5:51a ----Milton --9:06a ----East Bay 11:33p 8:36a ----Pensacola 10:49p 7:19a ----Fishing Bend 11:30p 8:10a ----The Narrows --10:10a ----Carrabelle 12:57a 7:37a 2:40p 7:26pForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017FullLastNewFirst Mar 12Mar 20Mar 27Apr 3Sunrise today ........... 5:57 a.m. Sunset tonight .......... 5:48 p.m. Moonrise today ........ 5:09 p.m. Moonset today ......... 5:23 a.m. Today Sun. Today Sun.Clearwater 81/66/pc 77/64/t Daytona Beach 73/60/pc 74/59/r Ft. Lauderdale 83/70/pc 80/68/sh Gainesville 77/54/pc 71/54/r Jacksonville 69/52/pc 70/53/r Jupiter 81/68/pc 80/65/pc Key Largo 79/72/pc 78/70/pc Key West 80/71/pc 81/72/pc Lake City 76/52/pc 70/52/r Lakeland 82/61/pc 80/62/t Melbourne 79/65/pc 78/62/r Miami 82/68/sh 80/67/pc Naples 83/65/pc 81/65/pc Ocala 78/55/pc 73/57/t Okeechobee 81/61/pc 80/60/t Orlando 82/62/pc 79/61/t Palm Beach 80/69/pc 78/67/t Tampa 83/65/pc 78/64/t Today Sun. Today Sun.Baghdad 82/52/pc 82/58/s Berlin 48/30/pc 46/31/pc Bermuda 63/57/pc 61/58/pc Hong Kong 71/66/c 73/67/pc Jerusalem 59/49/pc 66/46/r Kabul 46/21/s 52/29/pc London 62/48/c 56/42/c Madrid 76/45/pc 64/41/pc Mexico City 73/52/pc 70/50/pc Montreal 9/1/pc 13/3/pc Nassau 84/68/pc 85/72/pc Paris 60/41/pc 59/44/sh Rome 62/38/s 59/44/s Tokyo 51/38/pc 50/44/pc Toronto 20/10/sf 22/7/pc Vancouver 48/42/r 50/43/r Today Sun. Today Sun.Albuquerque 73/40/s 70/43/pc Anchorage 28/13/s 28/12/s Atlanta 60/41/pc 52/37/sh Baltimore 36/20/pc 41/21/s Birmingham 57/38/c 58/41/c Boston 25/10/pc 28/13/s Charlotte 54/31/pc 48/27/pc Chicago 32/16/pc 38/27/pc Cincinnati 38/18/c 40/24/pc Cleveland 28/19/pc 30/18/pc Dallas 71/42/r 58/46/c Denver 56/39/r 65/32/pc Detroit 31/15/pc 33/23/pc Honolulu 83/71/sh 83/68/pc Houston 69/51/t 61/50/c Indianapolis 35/18/pc 39/25/pc Kansas City 35/18/sn 46/33/pc Las Vegas 83/60/pc 85/61/s Los Angeles 83/60/pc 87/62/s Memphis 47/32/r 52/38/pc Milwaukee 31/15/pc 33/25/pc Minneapolis 26/10/c 26/19/sn Nashville 45/28/pc 52/32/pc New Orleans 70/55/t 61/55/r New York City 31/20/pc 33/20/s Oklahoma City 51/32/r 55/38/s Philadelphia 33/21/pc 37/21/s Phoenix 89/61/pc 89/62/s Pittsburgh 26/14/pc 30/15/pc St. Louis 36/23/sn 47/33/pc Salt Lake City 61/42/pc 60/39/pc San Antonio 68/53/t 64/47/c San Diego 73/57/pc 74/58/pc San Francisco 67/50/pc 66/49/s Seattle 52/46/r 54/47/r Topeka 37/19/sn 48/33/pc Tucson 89/56/s 88/55/s Wash., DC 39/25/pc 43/25/sSundayMondayTuesdayWednesday Gulf Temperature: 69 Today: Wind from the east-southeast at 7-14 knots. Seas 1-3 feet. Visibility clear to the horizon. Tomorrow: Wind from the north-northeast at 7-14 knots. Seas 2 feet or less. Visibility less than 2 miles at times in showers.Rather cloudy today. Winds north-northeast 6-12 mph. A couple of showers and a thunderstorm late tonight. Winds light and variable.High/low ......................... 73/66 Last year's High/low ...... 78/66 Normal high/low ............. 71/50 Record high ............. 87 (1974) Record low ............... 25 (1996)24 hours through 4 p.m. ... trace Month to date .................. 0.23" Normal month to date ....... 1.92" Year to date ................... 10.40" Normal year to date ........ 11.92" Average humidity .............. 85%through 4 p.m. yesterdayHigh/low ......................... 83/68 Last year's High/low ...... 74/67 Normal high/low ............. 67/52 Record high ............. 83 (1985) Record low ............... 24 (1996)24 hours through 4 p.m. .. 0.00" Month to date .................. 0.64" Normal month to date ....... 1.83" Year to date .................... 11.78" Normal year to date ....... 12.20" Average humidity .............. 77%PANAMA CITY Port St. Joe Apalachicola Tallahassee Perry Quincy Monticello Marianna Chipley DeFuniak Springs Pensacola FORT WALTON BEACH Crestview Destin Carrabelle Mobile Bainbridge ValdostaFLORIDA CITIESCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W WORLD CITIESCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W NATIONAL CITIESCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W TODAY FIVE DAY FORECAST FOR NORTHWEST FLORIDAHigh LowREGIONAL WEATHERWeather(W): ssunny, pcpartly cloudy, ccloudy, shshowers, tthunderstorms, rrain, sfsnow ” urries, snsnow, iice. Shown is todayÂs weather. Temperatures are todayÂs highs and tonightÂs lows.Shown are todayÂs noon postions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.TIDESMARINE FORECASTBEACH FLAG WARNINGSThe higher the UV IndexÂ’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection.0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme10 a.m.Noon2 p.m.4 p.m.UV INDEX TODAYALMANACSUN AND MOON MOON PHASESRIVER LEVELS Offshore Northwest Florida Flood Level StageApalachicola Choctawhatchee Alabama Escambia Tombigbee Temperatures PrecipitationPanama CityTemperatures PrecipitationFort Walton Beachthe arrests were not part of a larger operation in the area.ÂThese are individually targeted law enforcement actions,ÂŽ she said. ÂIt was not a raid in any form.ÂŽSpicer said ICEÂs operational tempo has remained the same during thepast months. Starting in January, however,President Donald Trumpannounced a series of executive orders that provideICE with additional resources, tools and person-nel to Âcarry out the critical work of securing our borders, enforcing our immigration laws, and ensuring that indi-viduals who pose a threat to national security or public safety cannot enter or remain in our country,ÂŽ according to ICE officials. Each of the men was alleg-edly wanted in connection with criminal convictions. Those details, likewise, were not released. Their countries of origin also were not available. Spicer said each of the men had Ânot yet encountered the immigra-tion system,ÂŽ and their cases would be turned over for review by an immigration judge.The men listed as being held for ICE by BCSO were Humberto Solis-Teltez, 32; Sergio MaldonadoLopez, 29; Marvin Omar Rangel-Alarcon, 30; Jose Ramirez-Sosa, 41; Jose Martin Rangel-Cobos, 25; and Isaac Lopez-Hernandez, 21. While details of the arrests are closely guarded by ICE officials, family members or friends seeking information about the status of immigration proceedings can be found online with ICE.govÂsdetainee locator. ICEContinued from B1tech skills.ÂThis event promotes STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education,ÂŽ Bay District School Board Chairman Ginger Lit-tleton said. ÂIt reinforces all the teamwork and problem solving the kids know and love.ÂŽAl McCambry, Gulf Coast Workforce Development dean, advised students to learn about robotics by asking their teachers and other adults a lot of questions during the competition. ÂMy job is to make sure the private sector is going to hire you,ÂŽ McCambry said. ÂThe good thing about today is youÂre going to have fun, but at the end of the day, that skill set will get you a job that can make you a lot of money.ÂŽFurther encouragement came from Naval Surface Warfare Panama City Division (NSWC PCD), which sent some of its scientists to help coordinate the event and mentor the students. Daniel Flisek, a physicist at NSWC PCD, said the courses were similar to last year.ÂThis is a fantastic outreach opportunity for the Navy since this is underwater ROVs, which we do,ÂŽ Flisek said. ÂIt teaches kids the same skills and talents they would need for ROV operations. This is a great way to deal with STEM robotics concepts.ÂŽSome students came into the event already intrigued by robotics. Palm Bay Prep Academy student Taylor Hill, 15, said itÂs a hobby of his and a way to create different vehicles. The possibilities for robots are endless, he added, including getting underwater footage by strapping a camera to one.But for others who didnÂt share his passion, he said SeaPerch still was a cool way to spur an interest in STEM.ÂItÂs very unique,ÂŽ Taylor said. ÂItÂs a good way to intro-duce robotics to students.ÂŽ ROBOTSContinued from B1volunteer givers. Smith and a friend decided to chip in for one girl.ÂThe first thing on her list was Âpretti clothes,ÂŽ Smith said. ÂThat caught my attention, how she spelled it with an ÂiÂ. The next thing on the list was Âmy own toothbrush and deodorant. I couldnÂt believe it.ÂŽCAC told Smith teenagers often need hygiene items because no one buys them for the youth, who sometimes have never seen any such products.ÂThat first year I reached out to all my Facebook friends for donations,ÂŽ Smith said. She got enough to make 42 bags of hygiene products.The next year saw 95 bags given away. This past Christmas, more than 400 bags were distributed.Stephanie Holbrook, a family advocate at CAC, said the children would go without if it were not for the efforts of Simply Self Esteem, SmithÂs nonprofit.ÂWe usually have two to four cases per day that have the need,ÂŽ Holbrook said of CACÂs infant to 18-year-old program. She also gives the kits to adults in the sexual assault program if there is a need or to people going to a shelter.ÂEach year, the need increases,ÂŽ Holbrook said. ÂItÂs about 50 families a month now typically.ÂŽSmithÂs goal is to have enough hygiene kits at a momentÂs notice. ÂI want to be a point of contact for the community,ÂŽ she said.This monthÂs fundraiser will let participants create a paint-ing of their choice at Palms Conference Center. It costs $35 to participate, which includes supplies and instruction.Helen Balance, of Beach Arts Group and Palms Conference Center, said she was happy to help with the fundraiser.ÂOnce they decide what they want to do, I can tell them how to do it. We per-sonalize the party and keep it simple,ÂŽ said Balance, an art instructor. ÂIt is pretty easy.ÂŽFor more information on the paint party or Simply Self Esteem, call 850-381-3584 or visit PAINTContinued from B1A robot approaches an obstacle during the SeaPerch Regionals Competition at Gulf Coast State College on Friday. [ANDREW WARDLOW/THE NEWS HERALD]
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 B3Guidelines and deadlinesObituary notices are written by funeral homes and relatives of the deceased. The News Herald reserves the right to edit for AP style and format. Families submitting notices must type them in a typeface and font that can be scanned into a computer. Deadline for obituaries is 3 p.m. daily for the following dayÂs newspaper. Obituaries may be e-mailed to pcnhobits@ or delivered to The News Herald, 501 W. 11th St., Panama City. View todayÂs obituaries and sigh the online guest books of your loved ones at OBITUARIES LOCAL & STATE Funeral services for Carl E. Carlson will begin at 11 a.m. today, March 11, 2017, at First Presbyterian Church of Lynn Haven. Interment will follow at Evergreen Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 10-11 a.m. todayat the church.CARL E. CARLSON ROBERT JAMES POPEMarvin Morgan, 79, of Lynn Haven, Florida, died Thursday, March 9, 2017. Funeral services will begin at 3 p.m. today, March 11, 2017, at Kent-Forest Lawn Funeral Home. The family will receive friends from 2-3 p.m. at the funeral home.MARVIN MORGANDeacon Robert J. Pope was called home on March 5, 2017. Robert was born in Panama City, Florida, to the late Raymond and Nancy Lee Pope on March 28, 1946. Robert rededicated his life to Christ in 1999 and became a faithful member of Free Spirit Community Church, where he served proudly as an usher and deacon until his homegoing. He worked at Johnson Brothers Meat Company for 28 years. Robert leaves to cherish his memory his beloved wife, Barbara J. Pope; his children, Tony (Corina) Wells, Theresa (Gregory) Curry, T. Deon (David) Hagander and Kelvin (Erin) Gary; treasured grandchildren, Darion, Zora, Dante, Zevon, Sterling, Shania, Maya, Micah, Santana, Kayla and Jordan; greatgrandson, Gabriel; and dear brothers, Gary (Maxine), Albert (Diane), Nathan (Cynthia), William (Ollie) and Holdredge Pope. He will be missed by his many relatives not mentioned and friends within the community. Public visitation will be held from 1-8 p.m. Saturday, March 11, 2017, at Battle Memorial Funeral Home, 1123 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Panama City, FL 32401. The funeral is set for 2 p.m. Sunday, March 12, 2017, at Free Spirit Community Church, 3706 E. 11th St., Panama City, FL 32401. TIMOTHY EARL KOLMETZGraveside services for Timothy Earl Kolmetz, 56, of Callaway, Florida, who died Tuesday, March 7, 2017, will begin at 10 a.m. today, March 11, 2017, in Live Oak Cemetery in New Hope, Florida. Wilson Funeral Home is handling arrangements. Memorial services for Tondala Rue Davis, who died Feb. 27, 2017, will begin at 1 p.m. today, March 11, 2017, at Wilson Funeral Home.TONDALA RUE DAVISTisha Marie Merchant, 46, of Panama City, Florida, died Wednesday, March 8, 2017. Memorialization will be by cremation. Those wishing to extend condolences may do so at www. MARIE MERCHANTBradley ÂBradÂŽ Kent Bowker, 64, formerly of Panama City, Florida, died Wednesday, March 8, 2017. Visitation will be from 2 p.m. until time of Moose services and funeral services at 6 p.m. Sunday, March 12, 2017, at Wojstrom Funeral Home & Crematory. Online information and guestbook may be found at www. ÂBRAD KENT BOWKER Lula L. Oliver, 88, of Panama City, Florida, died Thursday, March 9, 2017. The family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. Monday, March 13, 2017, at Heritage Funeral Home. Funeral services will begin at 11 a.m. Tuesday, March 14, 2017, at The Salvation Army Church. Interment will follow at Brown Cemetery. Those wishing to extend condolences may do so at www. L. OLIVER Jacqualyn Lee Jechort, 87, of Panama City, Florida, died Wednesday, March 1, 2017. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Wilson Funeral Home is handling arrangements.JACQUALYN LEE JECHORTA celebration of life service for Mrs. Dorris (Dorbre) Hammond McMullen, 86, of Panama City, Florida, will begin at 11 a.m. Monday, March 13, 2017, at Holy Nativity Episcopal Church. A reception will follow at the church. Southerland Family Funeral Home is handling arrangements.DORRIS (DORBRE) HAMMOND MCMULLEN By Lloyd DunkelbergerThe News Service of FloridaTALLAHASSEE „ State college presidents on Friday expressed dismay the 28-school system is being targeted for three-quarters of the cuts in the Florida SenateÂs initial plan to trim $131 million in higher-education spending.ÂIt is of great concern that the first thing out of the chute is a 74 percent reduction impacting the Florida college system and it is directed at programs that support our most at-risk student populations,ÂŽ said Ed Meadows, president of Pensacola State College and the chairman of the Council of Presidents, which represents all state colleges.The suggested cuts include a $55 million reduction in remedial edu-cation, the suspension of $30 million in performance funding for the colleges and the suspension of $10 million in incentive funds aimed at producing more students with technical and industry certifications.College presidents also were concerned their sys-temÂs cuts represented more than 74 percent of the $131 million total,while the state university reduc-tions represented 10 percent and the private college cuts represented 5 percent.But Meadows noted the budget process is still in its early stages.ÂWe hope to work with the Senate in the coming weeks to lessen the impact it could have on our abil-ity to serve our students,ÂŽ he told the other presidents Friday during their monthly meeting.The budget cuts were revealed Wednesday by the Senate Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee. Sen. Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, who heads the panel, said the proposal is the start of the SenateÂs budget deliberations.ÂWe just finished the first week and there is a lot to discuss, and thatÂs why I sent my initial proposed list to the committee,ÂŽ Galvano said.The Senate higher-education panel, like other budget subcommittees, has been methodically reviewing annual expenditures and had asked program advocates to file reports justifying the funding. Some of the advocates did not respond to the Senate.ÂMany of the cuts are based on no response at all and others are based on very weak responses,ÂŽ Galvano said.Not all of the proposed cuts will be included in the SenateÂs final highereducation spending plan, but Galvano said program advocates Âare going to have to make a new case for them or (the cuts) will stand.ÂŽThe largest cut isnÂt a matter of program justification but instead is centered on a complex debate over the role of remedial, or developmen-tal, education in the state college system. Four years ago the Leg-islature enacted a law that sought to limit the number of remedial courses being offered by the colleges, with the intent of moving more students into college-credit classes and eventually on to a degree.The law has had an impact on the system, with the latest estimate show-ing a head count of 14,000 students in state college remedial classes, down a third from 21,000 in the 2014-15 academic year.With the 2013 law taking full effect, Galvano said, the expectation is the funding for remedial classes should be dropping, reflecting the proposed $55 million cut.But the college presidents said the proposed reduction represents about half of their remedial funding.Edwin Massey, presi-dent of Indian River State College, said while the 2013 law has resulted in lower head counts for remedial students, Âthe number of students coming to us that need developmental edu-cation has not declined.ÂŽHe said the student whose math skills might be lacking is enrolled in an algebra class but also given extra support with tutors, counseling and technical tracking.ÂThat really adds up to additional costs rather than less costs,ÂŽ Massey said.He also said many of the students needing remedial help are older students who have been out of school for a while, noting 41 percent of the remedial students on his campus are 25 or older.The college presidents also raised questions about any cuts affecting work-force initiatives, including the suspension of a $10 million incentive program designed to increase the number of students earn-ing technical and industry certifications.Meadows said the incentive money is used to pay for such things as covering the cost of an industry certification test for a student who is in line for a local job.ÂItÂs going to have a negative impact on the availability of skilled workers in our local com-munities,ÂŽ he said.Jim Murdaugh, president of Tallahassee Community College, said he did not understand a $181,000 cut in a truckdriver training program launched at his school after local businesses said they were Âdesperately look-ingÂŽ for drivers.ÂWhatÂs the rationale behind cutting a program that puts people to work?ÂŽ he asked.The remedial educa-tion courses, the industry certifications and other initiatives on the chopping block provide Âopportunities to students who are not necessarily above average,ÂŽ Murdaugh said.ÂWe are their hope and we are their opportunity,ÂŽ Murdaugh said. ÂThe impact (of the cuts) is to slam the door on opportunity. I hope that is not the intention.ÂŽFlorida colleges balk at budget cutsA student walks through campus at FSU Panama City. College presidents are incensed about suggested budget cuts that include a $55 million reduction in remedial education, the suspension of $30 million in performance funding for the colleges and the suspension of $10 million in incentive funds aimed at producing more students with technical and industry certi“ cations. [NEWS HERALD FILE PHOTO] ÂIt is of great concern that the rst thing out of the chute is a 74 percent reduction impacting the Florida college system and it is directed at programs that support our most at-risk student populations.ÂŽ Ed Meadows, president of Pensacola State College and the chairman of the Council of Presidents
** B4 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News Herald LIFEÂS A BEACH PHOTOS BY HEATHER HOWARD | THE NEWS HERALDBOTTOM RIGHT: Lacee Swope plays ladder golf in St. Andrews State Park. Saun and Sara Arredondo hang out in St. Andrews State Park. BOTTOM LEFT: Kenlea Marchi, 5, plays in the sand in St. Andrews State Park. Emily Vanblaracom walks the shore with James, 6, left, and Robert, 5, in St. Andrews State Park. Walter Kittrell ” ies a kite with Devin White, 7, in St. Andrews State Park. Penny Breen and Mike Hager search for shells in St. Andrews State Park. StellaRaye Burr, 1, checks out a surfboard in St. Andrews State Park. Marin Rankin, 2, walks the shore with Annette Osburn in St. Andrews State Park. 1157505
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 B5 LIFEÂS A BEACH PHOTOS BY HEATHER HOWARD | THE NEWS HERALDKyle Swope plays ladder golf in St. Andrews State Park. David and Tisha Senn share a kiss immediately after reciting their wedding vows in St. Andrews State Park. Tanya Gregson and Amy Sharp hang out in St. Andrews State Park. Owen Kuerbitz, 4, checks out the sunset in St. Andrews State Park. From left, Olga, Govany, Ruby and Alberto Torres visit St. Andrews State Park. Breanna Rowsw ell enjoys the view in St. Andrews State Park. Audra and Brooks Rankin enjoy the beach in St. Andrews State Park. 1157504
** B6 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News HeraldWHATÂS HAPPENINGToday6TH ANNUAL 30A WINE FESTIVAL: through Sunday in Alys Beach. Featuring wine tasting seminars throughout the day, followed by an afternoon grand tasting on Kelly Green. Join the Alys Foundation in celebrating renowned vintners and culinary favorites. Proceeds bene“ t ChildrenÂs Volunteer Health Network. For details and tickets, 30AWineFestival. com 2017 BBIA HOME AND GARDEN EXPO: through Sunday at the Bay County Fairgrounds, corner of Sherman Avenue and U.S. 98 in Panama City. Partnering with the Red Cross. Free admission. Seminars, activities for children, vendors, food, and UF Master Gardeners will sell plants. For details, 850-784-0232 EMERALD COAST CRUIZIN SPRING SHOW: at Aaron Bessant Park, 600 Pier Park Drive, Panama City Beach. For details, PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT: “ nal day at The Light Room, 306 Harrison Ave., Panama City. Featuring art by photographers Kathleen Horton, Rich Brooks and Ray Wishart. For details, 20TH ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE: 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Panhandle Pioneer Settlement, 17869 NW Pioneer Settlement Road, Blountstown. Sale features arts and craft supplies, dishes, kitchenware, lawn and garden tools, electronics, baby items, kids t oys and clothes, furniture, bedding, decorations, house hold items, clothes, books and more. For details, 850-674-2777 THE DISTRICT FARMERS MARKET: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The District Theatre, 441 Grace Ave., Panama City. For details, 850-691-2800 ST. ANDREWS WATERFRONT FARMERS MARKET: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Smith Yacht Basin beside the Shrimp Boat Restaurant, 12th Street and Beck Avenue. Vendors, live music, Kids Craft table. For details, market or 850-872-7208 VITA: 8 a.m. to noon at A.D. Harris Learning Village, 819 E. 11th St., Panama City. Free income tax “ ling assistance for individuals and families who earned less than $64,000 last year. Bring a copy of last yearÂs tax return and Social Security cards for everyone in your household. For details, 850-381-4988 or AUCTION FOR THE ANIMALS: registration opens at 8:30 a.m. at Humane Society of Bay County Thrift & Gift Store, 1408 Harrison Ave., Panama City. Auction features new and used items including antiques, designer handbags, vintage home decor, appliances, collectibles, hunting supplies, gift certi“ cates, baked goods, toys, furniture and more. Proceeds bene“ t the Humane Society. For details, or 850-215-7120 ASANA YOGA: 9 a.m. at Unity Spiritual Center, 1764 Lisenby Ave., Panama City. Facilitated by Jill Jordan. For details,, unitypc” or 850-769-7481 GRAND LAGOON WATERFRONT FARMERS MARKET: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Capt. AndersonÂs on Thomas Drive. Live music, free tastings and family fun. For details, or 850-763-7359 SEASIDE FARMERS MARKET: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Seaside Amphitheatre. Fresh produce, baked goods, dairy products and other unique offerings, cooking demos and activities. For details, THE 54TH BAY ANNUAL: Exhibit runs through April 14 at Panama City Center for the Arts, 19 E. Fourth St., Panama City. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Free admission. For details, BLOOD DRIVE: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Harley-Davidson, 14700 Panama City Beach Parkway, Panama City Beach. CulverÂs PCB partners with Harley-Davidson of PCB, American Family Care and OneBlood for ÂGive a Pint, Get a Pint.ÂŽ FREE WINE TASTING: 1-4 p.m. every Saturday at Carousel Supermarket, 19440 Front Beach Road in Panama City Beach. For details, 850-234-2219 TIP-A-COP: 5-9 p.m. at SonnyÂs Barbecue, 2240 S. State 77, Lynn Haven. The Lynn Haven Police Department and SonnyÂs partner to raise money for the Special Olympics. Of“ cers work as ÂcelebrityÂŽ servers and all tips bene“ t Special Olympics Florida. MUSCLE SHOALS SWAMPERS: 7 p.m. at The Hub 30A, 24 Hub Lane, Watersound Beach. A rare performance by music royalty Jimmy Hall, Jimmy Johnson, David Hood, Spooner Oldham, and NC Thurman featured on the albums of The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Aretha Franklin, Neil Young and more. Come early for happy hour and a showing of the Muscle Shoals movie at 4 p.m. For details, Hub30A. com PANAMA CITY POPS: 7:30 p.m. at the Marina Civic Center, 8 Harrison Ave., Panama City. ÂOnly in America,ÂŽ featuring GershwinÂs ÂRhapsody in Blue,ÂŽ GrofeÂs ÂGrand Canyon SuiteÂŽ and selections from Broadway. For details and tickets, MarinaCivicCenter.comSunday6TH ANNUAL 30A WINE FESTIVAL: in Alys Beach. ÂRose and CrocquetÂŽ with ros tastings, brunch and the croquet tournament (croquet whites encouraged.) Join the Alys Foundation in celebrating renowned vintners and culinary favorites. Proceeds bene“ t ChildrenÂs Volunteer Health Network. For details and tickets, 2017 BBIA HOME AND GARDEN EXPO: at the Bay County Fairgrounds, corner of Sherman Avenue and U.S. 98 in Panama City. Free admission. Seminars, activities for children, vendors, food, and UF Master Gardeners will sell plants. For details, 850-784-0232 SHADDAI SHRINE CLOWNS ÂALL YOU CAN EATÂŽ PANCAKE BREAKFAST: 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 1101 W. 19th St., Panama City. Pancakes, sausage and beverage for $5 (adults) and $2.50 (children under 12). 30A FARMERS MARKET: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on North Barrett Square in Rosemary Beach. Each Sunday, community event features fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, cheese, preserves, sauces, bread, sweets, prepared foods to go and more. For details, GRAND LAGOON WATERFRONT FARMERS MARKET: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Capt. AndersonÂs on Thomas Drive. Enjoy the regionÂs “ nest makers, bakers and g rowers at PCBÂs year-round farmers market. For details, or 850-763-7359 THE DISTRICT FARMERS MARKET: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at The District Theatre, 441 Grace Ave., Panama City. For details, 850-691-2800 GRAND SQUARE ROUNDS: 2:30-5:30 p.m. at Grand Square Hall, 1105 Bob Little Road, Spring“ eld. Ballroom dance lesson until 3:30 p.m., followed by dancing. $10 per couple. For details, 850-265-9488 or 850-814-3861 50TH ANNUAL AZALEA TRAIL: 2 p.m. at the Panama City Garden Club, 810 Garden Club Drive, Panama City. The ceremony introduces the young ladies, wearing their antebellum gowns and hats, competing for the title of Azalea Queen 2017. After the ceremony, the court and their escorts stand on designated lawns to greet the public following marked trail signs along Beach Drive and through the Cove neighborhood. Refreshments served at the clubhouse. AMERICANA CAFE SUNDAYS: 3 p.m. at Roberts Hall, 831 Florida Ave., Lynn Haven. Admission $5. Top touring Americana musicians perform weekly concerts starting at 4 p.m., preceded by an open mic at 3 p.m. Scheduled performers, FULL MOON CLIMB: 7:30 p.m. at St. George Lighthouse Park on St. George Island. Climb to the top of the Cape St. George Light to watch the setting sun and the rising moon. Light hors dÂoeuvres are accompanied by a sparkling cider toast to the full moon. Reservations recommended, 850-927-7745MondaySENIORS IN MOTION: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Lynn Haven Senior Center, 905 Pennsylvania Ave., Lynn Haven. Classes offered throughout the week. Activities include yoga, tai chi, Zumba, chair exercise, mahjong, bridge, dominoes, book club, Spanish class and more. For details and schedule, 850-277-2730 SENIOR ACTIVITIES: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Panama City Beach Senior Center, 423 Lyndell Lane, Panama City Beach. Classes offered throughout the week on a variety of activities including yoga, strength and chair exercises, carving, cribbage, bocce, card games and more. For details and schedule, 850-233-5065 VITA: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at A.D. Harris Learning Village, 819 E. 11th St., Panama City. Free income tax “ ling assistance for individuals and families who earned less than $64,000 last year. Bring a copy of last yearÂs tax return and Social Security cards for everyone in your household. For details, 850-381-4988 or STORY MORNINGS AT THE MALL: 10 a.m. at the Panama City Mall, 2150 State 77, Panama City. Bay County Public Library Outreach presents an interactive reading experience with books, music, and art in the Panama City Mall play area. For details, Heather Ogilvie, 850-522-2103 or BAY BOOMERS ACTIVITY PROGRAM: 12:30-4 p.m. at the Bay County Council on Aging, 1116 Frankford Ave., Panama City. Cards and Dominos. For details, Robin Khalidy, 850-769-3468 FREE TUTORING: 3:15-8 p.m. at Bellamy-HinesBautista Learning Center, 2335B State Ave., Panama City. Tutoring for ages 13 and up. For details, Andre Goss, 850-818-0976 IRISH STEP DANCE: 4 p.m. at CityArts Cooperative, 318 Luverne Ave., with Teresa Kane. For details, 850-769-0608, MINDFUL YOGA: 5:15 p.m. at Unity of Panama City, 1764 Lisenby Ave., Panama City. A new yoga class facilitated by Jill Jordan. $5 per person. For details, 850-769-7481 or BIG FAB MEETUP & DANCE NIGHT: 6-9 p.m. at Grand Square Hall, 1105 Bob Little Road, Panama City. Socialize, show off your dance moves and sample the free food bar. Beginner instruction starts at 6:30 p.m. $3 per person. For details, Linda, 850-236-5835; Gloria, 850-234-5605 REIKI SHARE AND MEDITATION: 7 p.m. at Capstone House, 1713 Beck Ave., Panama City. For details, 850-747-9224Submit an eventEmail pcnhnews@pcnh. com with ÂWhatÂs HappeningÂŽ in the subject line. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday events: Due by 5 p.m. Wednesday before Wednesday events: Due by 5 p.m. Monday before Thursday events: Due by 5 p.m. Tuesday before PENSACOLAMan faces 190 years for illegal machine gun sales A 29-year-old Pensacola man could be sentenced to up to 190 years in prison for possessing and selling unregistered machine guns. Gregory Williams wasconvicted this week of 19 counts of firearm-related offenses, including possession of amachine gun, possession of an unregistered machine gun and making false statements to a firearms dealer. According to court documents, Williams knowingly sold dozens of auto searparts to undercover law enforcement officers. Auto sears are conversion parts designed tomodify semiautomatic firearms into fully automatic firearms. They are defined underfederal law as machine guns. Williams never registered his auto sears in the National FirearmsRegistration and Transfer Record, as required by law. On nine occasions in 2016, Williams communicated with the undercover officers via textmessage and then shipped the firearms or met the officers in person. When law enforcement officers searched Williams residence, they seized an additional auto sear. Williams faces a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison on each count. He is beingdetained at the Santa Rosa County Jail. The sentencing hearing will take place at a later date at the UnitedStates Courthouse in Pensacola.PANAMA CITYMan gets 25 years for molesting 8-year-old A Bay County man has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for molesting his an 8-year-old staying in a neighboring motel room, according to court records. Marlon Edgardo Lara-Castillo, 46, was sentenced Friday after being found guilty in February of lewd and lascivious molestation. The molestation occurred in March 2016 at the Castle Motel, 20417 Panama City Beach Parkway, where Lara-Castillo inappropriately touched an 8-year-old staying in an adjacent motel room, according to court records. He then told the child the authorities would believe him instead of her if she told anyone. When deputies went to speak with LaraCastillo, they reported he had his clothes in tow and was leaving from the backside of the motel. A jury convicted Lara-Castillo during a one-day trial.PANAMA CITYLive auction today to bene“ t Humane Society The Humane Society of Bay County will hold a live auction today raising money to support the animals in the shelter with food, shots, medical needs and general caretaking. There will be a wide variety of items auctioned, including antiques, designer handbags, vintage home decor, appliances, collectibles, hunting supplies, baked goods, toys, furniture and gift certificates. The auction will be from 8:30 a.m. to noon at the Thrift and Gift Store, 1408 Harrison Ave., Panama City. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. and the auction will begin at 9 a.m.AREA BRIEFSLara-Castillo PLEASE RECYCLE THIS PAPER CC 1169586 1036267 EmeraldCoast Rheumatology&InfusionCenter NowAcceptingNewPatients! State-Of-e-Art InfusionCenter AymenA.Kenawy,M.D. UniversityofFlorida&ShandsHospital-TrainedPhysician Dr.KenawyisoneoftheareaÂsleading specialistsandisBoard-Certiedin RheumatologyandInternalMedicine. 850-215-64003890JenksAvenue|LynnHaven,FL32444Monday-ursday:8:00am-5:00pm|Friday:8:00am-12:00pm 1170518
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 B7By Brendan FarringtonThe Associated PressTALLAHASSEE „ Florida will require a unanimous jury recom-mendation before the death penalty can be imposed under a bill lawmakers sent to Gov. Rick Scott on Friday.Lawmakers rushed to get the bill passed on the fourth day of their legislative session in hopes of fixing a death penalty law thatÂs been found unconstitutional twice since January 2016. ItÂs been seen as a better-thannothing option for death penalty proponents as well as opponents. The House approved the measure 112-3 the day after the Senate unanimously passed it, a rare case of bipartisan support for a death penalty bill „ not that everyone was pleased with it. Many Republicans prefer allowing the jury to have a simple majority to condemn a murder convict, while many Democrats want to abolish the death penalty.But Republican lawmak-ers believe the unanimous jury bill is better than risk-ing the death penaltyÂs abolition, and Democrats believe it will lead to fewer executions. ScottÂs office said he still is reviewing the bill, but itÂs unlikely he would veto legislation that addresses problems that brought executions to a halt last year. The state has executed 23 prisoners under Scott, more than any other governor since capital punishment was reinstated in Florida in 1979. A 24th inmate was scheduled for lethal injection before the courts stopped the execution.Lawmakers sentiments are reflected in two people who had vastly different experiences in cases involving the death penalty.Herman Lindsey was on death row for two years before the state Supreme Court released him in a unanimous 2009 decision, finding there wasnÂt enough evidence to convict him of a 1994 Broward County murder. Lindsey wants the death penalty abolished. Chris CrowleyÂs sister Angie was murdered in 1986 and her killer, Wil-liam Happ, was executed in 2013 based on a 9-3 jury recommendation. Crowley would prefer a simple majority jury recommen-dation to impose the death penalty. But he and Lindsey will accept the bill even though itÂs not exactly what they want.Under the bill going to Scott, Happ would have received life without parole. Crowley fears murderers sent to jail for life still have a chance, however slim, of going free through future changes in law, court decisions or a prison escape.ÂItÂs gone too far the other way,ÂŽ Crowley said. ÂI donÂt like it. I think itÂs a slap in the face to the victims, but itÂs better than nothing.ÂŽAnd thereÂs something Crowley believes never would have happened if Happ hadnÂt been executed: his confession. Happ never admitted to the crime until he was strapped to a table in FloridaÂs death chamber and offered the chance to speak one last time. Crowley watched the con-fession from behind glass just before the lethal injec-tion began. He says Happ would have kept silent if he wasnÂt faced with death.ÂHe did it to try to and save his soul,ÂŽ Crowley said.Lindsey sees it differently, after facing the prospect of dying in the same chamber. While he knows the Republicandominated Legislature wonÂt abolish the death penalty, he wishes law-makers would at least take a pause.ÂJust like theyÂre passing this bill, it wonÂt take much to do a moratorium „ take a stop and review the whole death penalty,ÂŽ Lindsay said. ÂFor them to say, ÂLetÂs improve the jury, thatÂs a patch. IÂm standing here in front of you with the experience of being on death row, falsely accused, and who did it? The jury.ÂŽFloridaÂs death penalty x heads to ScottSpecial to Gatehouse FloridaMEXICO BEACH „ The inaugural Reefs for Military Benefit raised well over $10,000 for the Mexico Beach Artificial Reef Association.ÂWe had wonderful weather, and hundreds of people attended the event with over $13,500 raised to build the first phase of a perpetual honorary reef to be started in 2017,ÂŽ Committee Chairman Terry Wilson said.The benefit kicked off with an opening ceremony by Neal James and the Port St Joe Jr./Sr. High School Reserve Officers Training Corps, followed by a day of live musicians and bands, barbecue and cold beverages.Over 50 merchants and sponsors donated raffle prizes and goods, including a guitar autographed by country star Luke Bryan that raised over $1,500 and was won by visiting Canadian snowbirds Hippie and Flower.ÂThis was a great turnout with the local community showing its strong support for those that served and still serve today,ÂŽMBARA President Bob Cox said.Cox, a 30-plus-year vet-eran of the U.S. Air Force, knows first-handthe sacrifices our troops make throughout their military careers. Looking at the list of reef shares sold to recog-nize 113 military members at this yearÂs benefit, Cox recognized some names of troops that have continued to serve our country and local community as active community volunteers of charities. MBARA sinks artificial and memorial reefs both to honor loved ones lost and to create habitats for marine life, thereby boosting local fishing, diving and tourism opportunities. The MBARA committee already isplan-ning the second benefit for Feb. 25, 2018.Anyone interested in making donations to the Reefs for Military project or donating goods and/or services for next year should contact Terry at 724-846-9613, Carol at 850-381-7407, Cheryl at 850-819-5677 or Sandi at 229-425-1702.Event raises $13,500 for honorary military reefBy Eryn Dion522-5069 | @PCNHErynDion edion@pcnh.comPANAMA CITY „ Facing teacher shortages in a variety of subjects, Bay District Schools is diversifying its recruiting methods to attract „ and keep„ new teachers.Nine subjects are seeing a Âcritical short-age,ÂŽ according to Human Resources Executive Director Sharon Michalik. A critical shortage area is an area that attracted five or fewer qualified appli-cants in the past year. The district offers onetime bonuses of $5,000 for new hires who have certification in a critical shortage field, and a $1,000 bonus for current teachers who obtain a certificate in a critical shortage area.The critical shortage areas are: autism, Latin, secondary math, secondary reading, visually impaired, biology, chemistry, physics and hearing impaired. A poten-tial recruit doesnÂt need to have a bachelorÂs degree in that field to become a teacher.ÂA bachelorÂs degree in almost anything can be parlayed into a teaching certificate,ÂŽ Michalik said. ÂA bachelorÂs in environ-mental science can become a teaching certificate in any of the sciences.ÂŽIn fact, MichalikÂs motto when recruiting is „ ÂOK, we can do that.ÂŽ ThereÂs always a path to becoming a teacher, she says, although it might not always be easy.ÂI havenÂt met one yet I canÂt work with,ÂŽ she said.Michalik said the dis-trict will send attachments to surrounding colleges for recruitment fairs and soon she will be heading to Florida State University Panama City to meet with math and science students „ not those in the educa-tion program „ to get them to try teaching.ÂIt might not be their dream job, but it will work for a few years,ÂŽ she said.There also are a number of benefits that come with teaching, such as partial student loan forgiveness for those who teach at a Title I school for five years, or programs that will help pay for them to continue their education as long as theyÂre teaching.ÂIf they pick the right job at the right school, it could be a big weight off their shoulders,ÂŽ Michalik said.Often the biggest barrier to recruiting teachers is a lack of understanding. Michalik said many believe they already need a teaching certificate to apply. The stateÂs website isnÂt exactly clear in that regard, and she said many people end up being discouraged.The stateÂs required exams also are an obstacle in keeping new hires, Michalik said. New teach-ers are required to pass three state exams within their first year: a professional knowledge exam, a subject area test and a general knowledge exam. That general knowledge exam, which covers everything from math to grammar and writing, can be difficult, especially for older recruits who havenÂt had to take a test like that in a long time. Michalik said the exam has about a 32 percent pass rate and costs $200 each time they take it.ÂWhat we see is really good people in the classroom struggling to pass that exam,ÂŽ Michalik said. ÂWe had to let some good teachers go.ÂŽTo help address that issue, Michalik said the district has started a free general knowledge test boot camp, bringing together teachers from each subject on the exam to help shore up their new recruits. She said they have seen great success, and that probably about 80 to 90 percent of the teachers who go through the boot camp pass their general knowledge test.Michalik said now is a great time for anyone looking to get their feet wet as a substitute teacher and get experience ahead of the districtÂs big hiring push in May and June. Anyone interested in becoming a teacher, or anyone wondering if they can become a teacher can call Michalik at 850-767-4278.Bay District opens path to teaching due to shortage 1164069 1170933 March 10thand11th 9:30-6:00SUNSETSHOES758W.23rdStreet PanamaCity,FL32405 850-785-6014 CHANGE YOURCLOCKTimeofDay 763-1701
** B8 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News Herald FAITHStephanie Nusbaum, Faith editor, 850-747-5073 Calendar submissions: pcnhnews@pcnh.comFAITH CALENDARSubmit your events by emailing pcnhnews@pcnh. com with ÂChurch CalendarÂŽ in the subject line. Pack-a-Pew Program: 6 p.m. at Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, 1047 E. 13th Court, Panama City. Details, 850-628-2173 Revival: 7 p.m. at Holy Vessel Outreach Ministry, 142 Claire Ave., Spring“ eld. Conducted by Bishop Tommy and Prophetess Barbara Bell, who invite the community to come celebrate and fellowship with them. Details: 561-379-4084 Sunday, March 12 Sister to Sister Day: 11 a.m. at The Greater Bethel AME Church, 829 Hamilton Ave, Panama City. In honor of WomenÂs History Month, the church will have a special celebration, ÂYou are MY SISTER: God Calls US to Know Him and YOU.ÂŽ The keynote speaker is Sis. Carolyn J. Smith, Mt. Zion AME Church, Dade City. All are invited to come and enjoy the fellowship. Details: 904-327-9559 or 850-785-9612 March 15-17 Sunday Conventions: 7 p.m. nightly at GodÂs Servants Ministries, 1304 Roosevelt Drive, Panama City. Climax service at 10 a.m. Sunday, March 19, with great speakers and great praise and worship. Details: 819-5535 or 769-6481 Friday, March 17 Brothers United of Bay County in Concert: 7 p.m. at Rutherford High School, 1000 School Ave. Panama City, featuring The Gospel Imperial of Huntsville, Ala., Willie Lawrence & the Spiritual Five of Eufaula, Ala. Advance tickets: $15, at door $20, and may be purchased at Wilson Brothers Barber Shop, ShirleyÂs Blessed Tress Salon or any Brothers United of Bay County Member. Details: 276-4719 Appreciation Service: 7:30 p.m. at The Body of Christ Jesus Church, 106 Harbor St., Port St. Joe. An Appreciation Service for Pastor/ Overseer Wilhelmina Williams. Details, 850-2292646 or 850-541-4474 St. PatrickÂs Day Celebration: 6 p.m. at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, Beck Ave. at 14th ST. in the Fellowship Hall. Activities include, live music by the Grand Junction Band, Irish, Blue Grass and Gospel Music an Irish-themed covered dish dinner and door prizes. Suggested donation of $10 at the door. Details: 785-8358 Saturday, March 18 Appreciation Service: 7:30 p.m. at The Body of Christ Jesus Church, 106 Harbor St., Port St. Joe. An Appreciation Service for Pastor/ Overseer Wilhelmina Williams. Details, 850-2292646 or 850-541-4474 Visitors Day: 10:15 a.m. and afternoon meetings at Seventh Day Adventist Church, 2700 Lisenby Ave., Panama City. Guest speakers: Jim and Carolyn Sutton, speaking on family life (Women Overboard) and (Man to Man). Free vegetarian meal after church service. Details: 747-9090 or 896-0723 Sunday, March 19 Pancakes & Praise: 10:30 a.m. at Four Winds Church PC, 2629 W. 10th St., Panama City. Leadership team will serve a pancake breakfast, free of charge, in addition to a casual service. All are welcome to come and give Four Winds a try. Appreciation Service: 7:30 p.m. at The Body of Christ Jesus Church, 106 Harbor St., Port St. Joe. An Appreciation Service for Pastor/ Overseer Wilhelmina Williams. Details, 850-2292646 or 850-541-4474 105th Church Anniversary: 3 p.m. at St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church, 1500 Fountain Ave., Panama City. Guest Pastor S.L. Thigpen of Beulah First Missionary Baptist Church of Fort Walton Beach and his congregation will be in charge of the service. Dinner will be served immediately after the program. Details, 850-769-4195 Homecoming 2017 Service: at Bayou George Assembly of God, 5715 U.S. 231. Speaker: The Rev. Jeff Dubose By Bob StraussLos Angeles Daily NewsFresh off her Oscar-nominated turn in the hit historical drama ÂHidden Figures,ÂŽ Octavia Spencer hosted ÂSaturday Night LiveÂŽ and played God and ... Wait, what? ThatÂs what some fundamental-ist Christians are saying about the new movie ÂThe Shack,ÂŽ though not as jauntily. Based on the controversial, best-selling novel by William Paul Young, the film, like the book is coming under attack from certain quarters .In December, The Washington Post quoted a Christian News Network interview with the Rev. Joe Schimmel in which he said, ÂYoungÂs pretentious caricature of God as a heavy set, cushy, nonjudgmental, African-American woman called ÂPapa (who resembles the New Agey Oprah Winfrey far more than the one true God revealed through the Lord Jesus Christ „ Hebrews 1:13), and his depiction of the Holy Spirit as a frail Asian woman with the Hindu name, Sarayu, lends itself to a danger-ous and false image of God and idolatry.ÂŽStatements such as that lend themselves, of course, to charges of racism and sexism. Spen-cer, however, is having none of that. ÂAfter they see the film and still have questions, then they need to search their own hearts for why they have a problem with it,ÂŽ she said of the movieÂs harsher critics. ÂThe ShackÂŽ tells the story of Mack Phillips, played in the film by Sam Worthington. Beaten and bullied so badly by his father as a child that he did a terrible thing, Mack nonetheless grew up to establish a loving family. But after the youngest of his three children is kidnapped and later murdered, Mack becomes despondent.(Warning: Spoilers ahead.) Then he gets a letter from Papa to meet at the mountain shack where the last traces of his daughter were found. H e goes to the location, only to find it the hub of a kind of Eden populated by SpencerÂs terrific cook, a Middle-Eastern carpen-ter named Jesus (Israeli actor Avraham Aviv Alush), and that ethereal Holy Spirit Sarayu (Japanese actress Sumire). Oh, and sometimes God is a Native American .ÂIt is an element of the story,ÂŽ Spencer said of her divine manifestation. ÂMack, when he was a young boy, was basically betrayed by the one man that should have been his savior and protector. He was abused by his father, and the one person who showed him kindness was this woman that I played. So, in order for him to receive the healing that he needed to receive and find his way back to his faith, God gave him what he needed, which was love in the shape and form of the woman who gave him so much kindness as a child.ÂŽ Spencer unphased by controversy over  The ShackÂBy Julie ZauzmerThe Washington PostBOSTON „ For two years, Terrell Hunt was a Christian without a church.At the church in the Washington area where he had grown up, Hunt worried the leaders lec-tured about good behavior but didnÂt act as they preached. He heard mem-bers talking badly about one another. One day, a member preaching about toxic habits addressed his sermon to one young woman, causing her to burst into tears in embarrassment. Hunt became convinced this church just wasnÂt for him.Every day, he prayed on his own. He read the Bible. It was a lonely faith.ÂIt was really, really hard. It made me feel like, if this place isnÂt for me, is any place really for me? Am I ever going to feel com-fortable again?ÂŽ said Hunt, 27. ÂI just felt a really deep sense of hurt.ÂŽThatÂs when he found Community of Love Chris-tian Fellowship „ a church where Hunt joined a com-munity of other lost souls just like him.Pastor Emmett Price has a term for what a lot of people went through before they came to his congrega-tion: Âchurch hurt.ÂŽ The term, which refers to the pain sometimes inflicted by religious institutions is an increasingly prominent topic of discussion among Christian clergy.Publishers Weekly featured four books on the topic published within a five-month span, with titles including ÂWounded in the ChurchÂŽ and ÂHurt-ing in the Church.ÂŽIn these books and in conversations with fellow clergy, ministers offer a variety of suggestions for treating church hurt. Price goes about this work in a variety of subtle, tangible ways.He tries to keep his services low on jargon and ritual, opting instead for simple songs and a sermon in the sunny, wood-floored multipurpose room of a larger church in BostonÂs unpretentious Allston neighborhood. At the start of every service, Price says, ÂWelcome to Community of Love Christian Fellow-ship, where God loves you and we do, too.ÂŽAt Community of Love, some members were pre-viously put off by a stuffy or cliquey church. Or maybe they were upset by a pastor who demonized them for their behavior or their family situation or their sexuality. In at least two cases, they were sexu-ally abused by clergy.One way or another, many were traumatized by the church, the very insti-tution they thought would guide and comfort them.Price, a pastor with a background in African American Baptist churches who founded this small nondenominational church five years ago, said that sometimes healing comes slowly. He admires the people who return to his church over and over, trying to repair their rela-tionship with religion. ÂI cry when they are able to call me ÂPastor, Ž he said.Shannon Collins, a member, has heard these stories, too. She called Community of Love a sort of hospital for injured souls. ÂItÂs not a coinci-dence that we all ended up here,ÂŽ she said. ÂWe all got hurt.ÂŽ Carol Howard Merritt, a Presbyterian minister who in February published one of those books on church-inflicted trauma, said a congregation such as this one is common, but PriceÂs response to it is not.ÂCertainly any clergy that has their door open for pastoral care will hear these stories,ÂŽ she said. ÂWhatÂs difficult about it is because you are representing the church, you feel like you need to defend the church.ÂŽDefensive responses, she said, leave people hurting who still yearn for a religious community in their lives but feel they canÂt go back to a church that has treated them badly. She says there has been a growing wave of people hurt by churches in the past 20 years, leading to the sudden swell of books on the topic. Among the apparent causes, Merritt said, are many churches lack of caring during the AIDS crisis, revelations of widespread clergy sexual abuse and churches intensification of their opposition to gay equality.Although Price doesnÂt usually put it this way for fear of stigmatizing his approximately 65 congre-gants, he says his church is in some sense Âthe place for recovering Christians.ÂŽÂWe do have those large, glaring situations,ÂŽ includ-ing sexual abuse, as well as smaller concerns in the congregation, he said. ÂWe have the whole bandwidth of situations.ÂŽWhen Hilary Davis first walked in, she was a semi-nary student angry with God. She sat down alone, thinking of her recent struggles and weighed down by the years of hypocrisy and dishonesty she had witnessed in church. And then, sitting among strangers, she heard the voice of God.ÂI heard God say, ÂI know you love me, Hilary. And I have received the sacrifice of your life, Ž she said. As the melody of the soloist leading the hymn washed over her, Davis wept.Unbeknown to Davis, that soloist was hearing the voice of God in that moment, too. Brittany Wells wasnÂt a believer when she first came to Community of Love Chris-tian Fellowship. Singing hymns before the congre-gation was simply a paying job, and she treated it like a serious musician.But that day, during the same hymn that moved Davis so profoundly, Wells found herself choking the words out, missing entire lyrics.ÂMy heart exploded. My body temperature got really, really warm. And I just started crying,ÂŽ Wells said. ÂI just felt like I was connected to God. He was using me to deliver a mes-sage. He was using me to minister.ÂŽFixing the Âchurch hurtÂPastor attempts to mend Christians relationship with God Terrell Hunt, third from left, thanks members at Community of Love Christian Fellowship for their prayers, and Cynthia Ellison, left of Hunt, praises his spiritual growth. [JULIE ZAUZMER/THE WASHINGTON POST] Spencer AreaEpiscopalChurches WelcomeYou HOLYNATIVITY747-4000 222NorthBonitaAve.,PanamaCity32401(IntheCove) HolyEucharist8:00am&10:30am,Chr.Ed.9:15am Formoreinfowww.holy-nativity.orgSTANDREWÂS763-7636 1620W.BeachDr.,PanamaCity32401 HolyEucharist10:00am Formoreinfowww.standrewsbythebay.orgST.PATRICKÂS769-1188 4025E.Hwy98,PanamaCity32404(EastofTransmitter) HolyEucharist10:00am Formoreinfowww.stpatrickspanamacity.orgGRACE235-4136 9101PanamaCityBeachPkwy,PanamaCityBeach32407(Hwy98) HolyCommunionSun@8:00am&10:30am,Chr.Ed.,9:15am HolyCommunionWed.5:45pm Formoreinfowww.gracespirit.orgSTTHOMASBYTHESEA, LAGUNABEACH234-2919204081stAve.andWisteriaLane,PanamaCityBeach32413(PCBPkwyExitL) Sunday8:30amAdultChr.Ed.&9:30amHolyEucharistFormoreinfowww.stthomasbytheseapcb.org1163650 1169053 HallofFellowshipat St.Andrews PresbyterianChurch3007W14thStreetatBeckAve InHistoricStAndrews€850-785-8358RecommendedDonationof$10 AnIrishBlessingtoYouthis March17at6pmYouÂllEnjoyLiveMusicby:GRANDJUNCTIONBANDandanIrish-themedCoveredDish Dinnerwithfeaturedmaindishes, Fabulousdessertsandmore!
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 C1 SPORTS PREP ROUNDUP | C3SOFTBALL TO LIFTING Find out how your favorite high school team fared MENÂS COLLEGE HOOPS | C4 CONFERENCE TOURNEYSDuke takes down North Carolina in ACC semi nal NASCAR | C2STILL ROLLINGKeselowski on pole for Las Vegas stop, Truex second By Dustin Kent747-5065 | @PCNHDustinKent dkent@pcnh.comOCALA „ Going into the FCSAA State Basketball Championships, Gulf Coast coach Roonie Scovel knew her team could have an especially tough road to the title with potential matchups against two of the top nine teams in the nation in Tallahassee and Chipola.Through the first two rounds of competition, however, the road has been pretty clear for the No. 3 Lady Commodores (29-2), who registered their second straight lopsided victory Friday afternoon with a 99-69 blowout of No. 9 Tallahassee (23-9) in the tournament semifinals.With the win, Gulf Coast advances to todayÂs championship game against No. 5 Chipola at 4 p.m. CST. The Lady Indians earned their spot in the title round with a 67-47 semifinal victory over Santa Fe.Taylor Emery scored 35 points to lead GulfCoast, with Maria Castro adding 24 and nine rebounds, and Shayla Bennett 22 points, five rebounds, and four assists, as the Lady Commodores shot a scorching 55 percent from the field for the game and made 9 of 20 from the 3-point line.Gulf Coast also limited TCC Gulf Coast advances to title gameLEFT: Gulf CoastÂs Head Coach Roonie Scovel coaches from the bench in the second half of FridayÂs 99-69 victory over Tallahasse e in the state semi“ nal in Ocala. The Lady Commodores will face Chipola in the title game today at 4 p.m. CST. RIGHT: Gulf CoastÂs Taylor Emery ” ies high for a layup against TallahasseeÂs Japonica James in the “ rst half of FridayÂs state semi“ nal game in Ocala. [DOUG ENGLE/OCALA-STAR-BANNER PHOTOS] NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) „ Riley LaChance scored five of his 18 points in overtime, and Vanderbilt topped No. 17 Florida 72-62 Friday night in the Southeastern Conference Tournament quarterfinals.The Commodores (19-14) beat the Gators for the third time this season and second in seven days to earn a berth in todayÂs semifinals against Mississippi or Arkansas. First-year coach Bryce Drew has Vanderbilt in the semifinals for the first time since 2013 with a win that should push his Commodores firmly into the NCAA Tournament for a second straight year.Florida (24-8) fought back from an eight-point deficit to force overtime thanks to KeVaughn Allen, who made a tying 3 with 1:42 left. The Gators had the ball with the game tied at 58 but missed two shots in the final seconds of regulation.Vanderbilt scored the first seven points of OT, with LaChanceÂs jumper with 4:02 to go putting the Com-modores ahead to stay.Luke Kornet had 12 points and 10 rebounds for Vanderbilt, and Jeff Roberson finished with 16 points. Matthew Fisher-Davis added 11 points.Allen and Kasey Hill each finished with 16 points for Florida. The Gators missed out on what would have been their first trip to the semifi-nals since 2014.The SECÂs best 3-point shooters, fresh off beating Texas A&M for a third time this season, had the advantage from beyond the arc Vandy upsets No. 17 FloridaFlorida players leave the court with head coach Mike White after they were upset by Vanderbilt 72-62 in the Southeastern Conference tournament Friday in Nashville, Tenn. [MARK HUMPHREY/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] See TITLE, C3 See FLORIDA, C3 NEW YORK (AP) „ Steve Vasturia and Bonzie Colson each scored 18 points and No. 22 Notre Dame knocked off No. 16 Florida State 77-73 on Friday night to advance to the Atlantic Coast Confer-ence tournament title game.The third-seeded Fighting Irish (25-8) will face fifth-seeded and No. 14 Duke tonight for the ACC Tournament championship at Barclays Center.Notre Dame has eliminated Duke from the tournament each of the past two seasons, including a semifinal victory in 2015 on the way to the IrishÂs first conference tournament championship. Notre Dame 77Colson 7-13 4-6 18, Beachem 2-9 1-1 6, Vasturia 7-13 0-0 18, P” ueger 2-3 2-3 8, Farrell 6-15 0-1 15, Geben 0-0 0-0 0, Ryan 4-5 0-0 11, Torres 0-0 1-2 1, Gibbs 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 28-59 8-13 77.
** C2 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News Herald The Associated PressToronto Blue Jays reliever T.J. House was taken off the field in an ambulance Friday after being hit on the head by a line drive in the ninth inning of a spring training game against the Detroit Tigers.House was talking before the ambulance left the field in Lakeland, Toronto man-ager John Gibbons said.Tigers manager Brad Ausmus said HouseÂs injury was among the scariest things he has witnessed in a baseball game. ÂWhen I went out there, his face was in his glove,ÂŽ Ausmus said. ÂThere was blood on his face, blood in the glove „ everything.ÂŽThe pitcher was hit on the back of the head by a ball off the bat of John Hicks. The ball ricocheted about 30 feet into the air before being caught by catcher Mike Ohlman.ÂBefore he even caught it, people were signaling for the trainers to come out. You could tell the infielders were shaken by what they saw,ÂŽ said Nick Brzezinski, who works for the Blue Jays Class A Lansing Lugnuts and was watching from the first-base line.House fell to his stomach and was face down on the mound for almost 20 min-utes while being tended to by trainers. House was put onto a stretcher and gave a thumbs-up to the crowd as he was placed into an ambulance for transport to a hospital.Gibbons said the 27-year-old House had feeling in all of his extremities.ÂI couldnÂt get near him,ÂŽ Gibbons said. ÂThey were working on him. ItÂs scary, you know. He was talking, he could feel every-thing, so, hopefully, thatÂs a good sign.ÂŽ On leaveOakland Athletics man-ager Bob Melvin left spring training to tend to a per-sonal matter.A timetable for MelvinÂs return to Arizona was unclear, the club said Friday. Bench coach Mark Kotsay will manage the AÂs during MelvinÂs absence.The 55-year-old Melvin is beginning his fifth season managing Oakland after previous managerial stints with Seattle and Arizona. CutsClint FrazierÂs flowing locks of red hair are gone, replaced by a short, curly look after a barber visited the Yankees spring train-ing clubhouse about 7:15 a.m. The touted prospect made the decision after meeting Thursday with manager Joe Girardi.ÂI just felt like it had become somewhat of a focus at camp for him, becoming a distraction and I didnÂt want it to be anymore,ÂŽ Girardi said. ÂWe have rules in place. In reality, when he was on the field, he met the criteria. I think he made a wise decision because he understands he wants the focus to be on how he plays, not how he looked.ÂŽThe Yankees have had rules since the early 1970s banning long hair and most facial hair, a policy put in place by owner George Steinbrenner. Frazier cut his hair after the Yankees acquired him from Cleveland on Aug. 1 in the Andrew Miller deal, then let it grow during the offseason.ÂAfter thinking to myself and talking to a few people, I finally came to the agreement that itÂs just time to look like everyone else around here,ÂŽ Frazier said. ÂI like my hair but I love playing for this organization more.ÂŽ Blue Jays 6, Tigers 2Justin Upton went 2 for 2 with a two-run homer for the Tigers and starter Jordan Zimmermann gave up five runs, five hits and a walk in 1 innings.Braves 5, Mets (ss) 2In his first appearance for the Mets in two years following his recovery from Tommy John surgery, Zack Wheeler reached 94 mph and allowed one run „ Matt TuiasosopoÂs third spring training homer „ in two innings. Wheeler gave up two hits and a walk.AtlantaÂs Brandon Phillips went 2 for 2 with a home run, and Adonis Garcia added a two-run drive. Astros 7, Mets (ss) 6Tim Tebow went 0 for 4 with a strikeout, and New YorkÂs Matt Harvey gave up one run in three innings „ a long home run by Reid Brignac.Lucas Duda hit his first home run since May 4 and is 5 for 10. Mets reliever Addison Reed allowed six runs and six hits „ including homers by Colin Moran and A.J. Reed „ and got two outs.Houston starter Joe Musgrove struck out four in three scoreless innings.Yankees 5, Phillies 0Chase Headley hit a three-run homer off Phil-adelphiaÂs Clay Buchholz, and Aaron Judge hit his second spring training home run.Yankees starter Chad Green allowed two hits and three walks in two innings.Buchholz struck out six in 3 innings but gave up three runs and four hits. Twins 8, Marlins 2 John Ryan Murphy and Byung Ho Park homered, and Twins starter Tyler Duffey gave up one run and three hits in three innings.Miami starter Wei-Yin Chen allowed two runs and four hits in three innings. Reliever Kyle Barraclough walked four and gave up two runs in one inning. Cardinals 7, Nationals 1St. Louis starter Mike Leake retired his first 11 batters before Bryce HarperÂs fourth spring training homer.Eric Fryer hit a two-run single in the Cardinals five-run fourth.Gio Gonzalez gave up one run and four hits in three innings for the Nationals. Pirates 4, Rays 1Edwin Espinal hit a game-ending, three-run homer off Ryne Stanek.Pirates starter Drew Hutchison gave up one run in four innings, strik-ing out five.Tim Beckham homered for the Rays. White Sox 4, Brewers (ss) 3Yoan Moncada hit a two-run double in the ninth inning, and Jose Abreu drove in two with a single in the third for Chi-cago. White Sox starter Reynaldo Lopez struck out four in 4 shutout innings.Brewers starter Tommy Milone gave up two runs and four hits in innings.Indians 7, Giants 6Adam Moore hit a tworun double for Cleveland in the eighth inning, and Trevor Bauer pitched four innings of three-run ball.San Francisco ace Madi-son Bumgarner pitched four innings and was charged with two unearned runs. Jimmy Rollins hit a tworun homer for the Giants, Brandon Belt connected for a solo shot. Mariners 11, Cubs 10D.J. Peterson doubled in a run to spark a threerun ninth inning for Seattle. The first baseman was SeattleÂs 2013 first-round draft pick.Starter Chris Heston tossed three shutout innings, allowing two hits. Nick Vincent gave up three runs and four hits in one inning.Cubs starter Kyle Hendricks pitched three scoreless innings, striking out four. Ian Happ went 3 for 4 with a three-run homer and an RBI double. Diamondbacks 6, Brewers (ss) 3Arizona right-hander Taijuan Walker, who was acquired in an offseason trade with Seattle, struck out eight in four no-hit innings. Oswaldo Arcia homered for the Diamondbacks, and Chris Iannetta doubled in a run. Nick Ahmed went 2 for 3 with a two-run triple.Kirk Nieuwenhuis homered for the Brewers and prospect Brett Phil-lips had a two-run single. Chase Anderson gave up an unearned run in three innings. Padres 4, Angels 2San DiegoÂs Hector Sanchez hit a three-run homer in the first and Jabari Blash connected for his fourth spring homer in the fourth. Clayton Richard allowed two runs „ one earned „ and two hits in three innings.Angels slugger Albert Pujols grounded out twice and walked while serving as the designated hitter for his spring debut. Pujols had surgery on his right foot in December.House leaves in ambulance after taking liner o headPlayers and staff watch as Toronto Blue Jays reliever T.J. House is tended to by emergency personnel after he was struck in the head by a line drive Friday in Lakeland. [NICK BRZEZINSKI VIA AP] LAS VEGAS (AP) „ Brad Keselowski will begin his bid for a third victory in the past four NASCAR Cup races at Las Vegas Motor Speedway from the pole after topping qualifying Friday night. Keselowski, who also won last weekÂs race at Atlanta, made up ground in the final two turns and posted a top seed of 193.68 mph in his No. 2 Ford for his 13th career pole. He won at the 1.5-mile track last year and in 2014.ÂWe found some things we really liked here about three or four years ago and weÂve been able to kind of roll with that,ÂŽ Keselowski said.Martin Truex Jr., who was the fastest in the midday practice, will join him on the front row Sunday in the 400-mile race thanks to a speed of 193.458 mph in his No. 78 Toyota.ÂWe were really strong in practice and thought it would pick up quite a bit of speed tonight and it really didnÂt,ÂŽ Truex said. ÂSo that threw us for a little bit of a curve and kind of hurt our setup. But it was a good recov-ery. We made a lot of changes throughout qualifying and got better at the end.ÂŽRyan Blaney will start third in his Ford, and Matt Kenseth qualified fourth on his 45th birthday.Kyle Larson was fifth, followed by Joey Logano, Kasey Kahne, rookie Erik Jones, Las Vegas native Kyle Busch and Jamie McMurray.Daniel Suarez will start 11th and Chase Elliott 12th.Keselowski believes the new stage racing format this season has boosted qualifyingÂs importance in the race weekend. The first seg-ment Sunday ends on the 45th lap.ÂNow it matters more than ever because it gives you a prime opportunity to win that first stage and collect those points both for the season and for the playoffs,ÂŽ Keselowski said.Daytona 500 champion Kurt Busch failed to get out of the second qualifying round and will start 17th. His Stewart-Haas Racing teammate and series points leader Kevin Harvick struggled and will begin 19th.Clint Bowyer (13th) just missed getting into the last round. Defend-ing series champion Jimmie Johnson will start 16th and teammate Dale Earnhardt Jr. 18th.Kyle Busch was the fastest in the first qualifying round and Danica Patrick (28th) was among those outside the top 25 who failed to advance. AJ Allmendinger knocked out his teammate Chris Buescher by posting a faster lap seconds before the 20-minute session endedÂI thought AJ and I were better friends than that,ÂŽ joked Buescher, who will start 25th.With only 39 cars entered, open drivers Corey LaJoie (34th), Derrike Cope (38th) and Timmy Hill (39th) all made the field.Keselowski takes Vegas pole, Truex secondBy Mike CranstonThe Associated PressLAS VEGAS „ Kurt Busch brought up front-end geometry, serpentine systems and aerodynamic balance.The Daytona 500 champion was trying to explain FordÂs superiority in first two weeks of the NASCAR Cup season.ÂWe upgraded in in all categories at Stewart-Haas,ÂŽ Busch said Friday. ÂSo itÂs really neat to see everything come out of the box strong.ÂŽStewart-Haas RacingÂs switch from Chevrolet has paid off early, with Busch winning the circuitÂs big-gest race and teammate Kevin Harvick leading the most laps through two races and sitting atop the points standings.Plus, Team Penske and Ford driver Brad Keselowski won at Atlanta last weekend.ÂItÂs great for Ford,ÂŽ said Keselowski, the defending champion heading into SundayÂs race Las Vegas Motor Speedway. ÂTheyÂre putting a lot of time and money into the sport of NASCAR, and to be rewarded is something you always want to see when someone makes an investment. TheyÂve really brought in a strong leadership group that embraces motorsports with a passion.ÂŽFord appears to have adjusted the best to NAS-CARÂs 2017 rules package that included reduced downforce. Harvick led for 50 laps at Daytona and a race-high 292 last Sunday before a late pit road speeding penalty knocked him from the top spot.Ford a cut above Chevy, Toyota early in Cup seasonBrad Keselowski stands by the award after winning the pole during qualifying for the NASCAR Cup at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway on Friday in Las Vegas. [STEVE MARCUS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS]
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 C3to just 32 percent from the field for the game, including 8 of 33 from deep. Scovel said FridayÂs performance ranks as one of if not the best of the season for the Lady Commodores.ÂYeah, I would say so, especially with it coming against a very good team like Tallahassee,ÂŽ she said. ÂWe played well, shot well; to beat them by that much was outstanding.ÂŽGulf Coast wasted little time seizing control of the game, using a 29-point first quarter to race out to an early 17-point advantage. Castro set the tone early with 12 first quarter points on three 3-pointers, putting GC ahead for good with her first to make it 5-2, and making it 23-7 with her third. She later added a conventional three-point play after a nice spin move in the paint to put the lead at 26-10.The Lady Commodores cooled off somewhat in the second quarter and Tal-lahasseeÂs Lawriell Wilson heated up, putting in 19 of her 25 first-half points with an array of drives to the basket, pull-up jump-ers, and 3-pointers, as Gulf Coast struggled to find any answers in defending the Panhandle ConferenceÂs Player of the Year.Unfortunately for Wilson, who finished with 29 points, she didnÂt get much help from her teammates early on, with Jas HillÂs five points and Japonica James one the only other TCC scores in the first half.The Lady Eagles briefly got the deficit down to 12 with 7:33 to halftime after a pull-up jumper by Wilson, but a driving basket by Bennett and consecutive mid-range jumpers by Emery quickly pushed the lead back to 16 at 37-21.The margin was 15 at halftime and the Lady Commodores stretched the lead out further in the third quarter, with five straight points by Bennett and a three from Castro making it 60-39 with 6:10 left in the quarter. TCC got it back to 65-50 on a basket by Shaigna Wentz, but GulfCoast closed the third quarter with six straight points on an offensive putback by LaSonja Edwards, a driving layup by Ty Purifoy, and a steal and layup at the buzzer by Bennett to make it 71-50.CastroÂs fourth 3-pointer of the day made it 78-55, with a basket by Bennett, and then a three-point play and baseline jumper by Emery putting GC up 85-57 with 6:08 to play. Emery made 14 of 20 shots from the field to post her season-best 35 points, but Scovel said it was the all-around play of Castro that may have been most important to FridayÂs win.ÂMaria was big. She may have been the MVP of the game because she had to do so many things,ÂŽ Scovel said. ÂTaylor did her normal thing, which is hitting shots and scoring a lot of points, but Maria was huge. She had to handle the ball, get big rebounds, and she scored. She just did a great job.ÂŽEdwards also had nine points and seven rebounds for GulfCoast, with Hill adding 17 points and James 14 for TCC.Up next for the Lady Commodores is another conference rival in the Lady Indians, who beat them 72-62 in Panama City in their last meeting Feb. 11. Chipola plays a more physical brand of defense than TCC and Scovel said her players will have to be mentally and emotionally ready for the challenge in their third game in four days.ÂWe played well Wednesday and even better today, so hopefully weÂve got a little something left,ÂŽ she said. ÂI donÂt know if we do; we had to expend a lot of energy today. ItÂs going to be emotional. Whether weÂve got enough physical energy to finish it off, I donÂt know. WeÂre just going to go play and see what weÂve got left. If we go play well like we did today, then weÂll have a chance to win.ÂŽTALLAHASSEE (69) Murphy 0 0-0 0, Jenije 1 0-0 2, Hill 6 0-0 17, James 6 2-4 14, Daniels 0 0-0 0, Wilson 10 7-8 29, John 0 0-0 0, Wentz 3 0-0 7, Gaines 0 0-0 0, Ulbe 0 0-0 0. Totals: 26 9-12 69. GULF COAST (99) Fox 0 0-0 0, Purifoy 2 0-0 4, Emery 14 5-7 35, OÂNeal 1 0-0 2, Bennett 8 4-4 22, Castro 9 1-1 24, Dunlap 1 1-2 3, Edwards 3 3-6 9. Totals: 38 14-20 99. Tallahassee 12 19 19 19 „ 69 Gulf Coast 29 17 25 28 „ 99 3-point “ eld goals: Gulf Coast 9 (Castro 5, Bennett 2, Emery 2), Tallahassee 8 (Hill 5, Wilson 2, Wentz). Total fouls: Tallahassee 20, Gulf Coast 14. Fouled out: none. Technical fouls: none. TITLEContinued from C1Gulf CoastÂs Ty Purifoy (20 drives to the basket for a layup in the second half of FridayÂs game. [DOUG ENGLE/ OCALA-STAR-BANNER] against the second-seeded Gators. The Commodores, who matched a season low with only five made 3s against the Gators last Sat-urday, went 11 of 27 (40.7 percent) from 3 compared to 6 of 23 (26.1 percent) by Florida. The Commodores led 33-28 at halftime and were up by eight a couple times, the last with 3:27 left.The Gators, who lost the regular-season series by a combined four points, tied it up with eight straight points, with AllenÂs 3 help-ing force overtime. The big pictureVanderbilt: Drew now has beaten Mike White, the SEC coach of the year, three times in his inaugural season. He also has two more wins in the SEC tournament than his predecessor, Kevin Stallings, managed during the past three seasons. Florida: Other losses during the past few days should keep the Gators a No. 4 seed in the NCAA Tournament along with a chance to open in Orlando. The best thing the Gators can hope for is not to see Vanderbilt anywhere in their bracket once the pairings are announced Sunday. White is 0-5 against Vanderbilt. Up nextVanderbilt: Ole Miss or Arkansas in the semi“ nals today. Florida: NCAA Tournament. FLORIDAContinued from C1 The News Herald will publish announcements of area interest concerning meetings or events. An-nouncements, which must be dated and contain contact information, can be mailed to the Sports De-partment, P.O. Box 1940, Panama City, FL 32402 or emailed to sports@pcnh. com. Break Even Junior Golf There will be a nine-hole Break Even Junior Golf event Saturday, March 11 at Holiday Golf Course (Par 3) with tee times starting at 10 a.m. Cost for boys and girls 12-under is $8 plus tax payable at the Par 3 clubhouse. Contact: Call or text Lee Anderson 850-3489431 to enter golfer name and age. Tee times obtained by calling Holiday Golf Par 3, 234-3879, Friday, March 10 after noon. Pilot Club 5K The Pilot Club 5K run for brain-related injuries will be held 8 a.m. Saturday, March 18 at Frank Brown Park. Registration begins at 7 a.m. and is $20 early, $15 for the 1-mile fun run. Otherwise registration is $25, $18. Contact: Barbara Prentiss 233-9921, 381-2950 or or Sue Krauss 233-6247, 258-1573 or mssuekrauss@ aol.comANNOUNCEMENTS The News HeraldSOFTBALLArnold 9, Mosley 5PANAMA CITY BEACH „ Danielle Lee was 3 for 4 with four runs batted in for Arnold, 8-3. Rosie Red scattered 11 hits while striking out eight and walking two for the Marlins, and also had a double and two RBIs.Alex Smith was 2 for 3, Jaidyn Fountain had a hit and RBI and Ashley Allgood was 2 for 3 with an RBI.For Mosley, McKenzie Johnson was 3 for 4 and scored three runs. BASEBALLBozeman 8, Vernon 3VERNON „ Winning pitcher Kyle Gilmore surrendered five hits and one earned run in six innings as Bozeman won its district opener. Cade Parker pitched the seventh for the Bucks, 2-5 overall.Ryan Harvey had a two-run single for Boz-eman, Dalton Messick and Noah Gustason had RBI singles and Parker scored two runs.Bozeman hosts West Gadsden on Monday. BOYS WEIGHTLIFTINGDistrict 1-1APANAMA CITY BEACH „ Results of the district meet hosted on Thursday by Arnold. The top six lifters in each weight class qualified for the region meet. Wewahitchka was the district team champion.Team: 1. Wewahitchka 52, 2. Arnold 37, 3. Bozeman 34, 4. North Bay Haven 27, 5. Bay 26, 5. Mosley 26, 7. Port St. Joe 11, 8. Frankllin County 5, 9. Rutherford 3. 119: 1. Alexander Zaputa A 165-135-300, 2. Silas McWaters Bz 125-140-265, 3. Josh Smith A 125-130-255, 4. Levy Tavion M 135-100-235, 5. Orlando Trevino NBH 95-125-220, 6. Justin Davis M 115-80-195. 129: 1. Damien Stayer B 200-195-395, 2. Tyler Hensley W 185-170-355, 3. Jeremiah Rardin W 175-175-350, 4. Grant Lord NBH 175-150325, 5. Jordan Schuman M 145-150-295, 6. Mikel Register FC 150-145-295. 139: 1. Michael Hensley W 260-200-460, 2. Chandler Mulholland A 230-185-415, 3. Triston Tiller Bz 185-185-370, 4. David Brownlee Bz 170-180-350, 5. Darian Vaughn M 185-155340, 6. Todd Harris NBH 150-150-300. 154: 1. Jacob Abbott A 260-225-485, 2. Caleb Cortez A 220-210-430, 3. Victor Azueta NBH 215-175-390, 4. Cody Meeks NBH 215-175390, 5. Jacob Curcie PSJ 190-190-380, 6. Alex Noble M 195-160-355. 169: 1. Julio Pineiro Bz 270-235-505, 2. Daniel Wymes W 255-185-440, 3. Joshua Daulton W 255-170-425, 4. Cam Butler B 220-205-425, 5. Hunter Cruger Bz 200-215-415, 6. Jacob Lashbrook A 210-195-405. 183: 1. Chris Creel M 325-275-600, 2. Alex Davis B 290-255-545, 3. Cameron Hofmeister Bz 265-255-520, 4. Tyler Pegnataro NBH 220225-445, 5. Jasmine Thomas PSJ 235-205-440, 6. Andrew Luzny B 225-215-440. 199: 1. Nick Obrien M 274-245-520, 2. Matt Giese NBH 260-250-510, 3. Danterius Ghant B 275-230-505, 4. Dalton Lykins A 255-245-500, 5. Houston Hutto Bz 240-240-480, 6. Alex Edwards W 275-180-455. 219: 1. Chester Quick W 295-270-565, 2. Justin Pippin B 310-250-560, 3. Cash Creamer FC 245-235-480, 4. Jay May Bz 215-245-460, 5. Colton Denham NBH 240-215-455, 6. James Cancilla Bz 230-210-440. 238: 1. Colby Gainnie W 245-185-430, 2. Coby Lopanec A 255-175-430, 3. Trey Egert NBH 220-195-415, 4. Matt Stephenson M 200-210410, 5. Gene Quinn PSJ 215-185-400, 6. Jarrett Browning PSJ 220-170-390. Unl: 1. Blake Harrison W 350-255-605, 2. Kendrick Sims W 330-265-595, 3. Alvin Dempsey PSJ 325-265-590, 4. Travaries Williams R 310-250-560, 5. Cason Henagen Bz 310-250-560, 6. Dylan Robinson B 305-250-555.PREP ROUNDUP ENTERDAILYBETWEENFEBRUARY26TH„MARCH12THENTERAT:NEWSPAPERS.COM/CONTESTS GRANDPRIZEINCLUDES: OV ER A $4,000 VALUE WINTHISVIPEXPERIENCE ATTHE DAYTONATURKEYRUN! LO CAL PRIZESAV AILABLE FourticketstotheeventandVIPparking TwonighthotelstayattheQualityInnDaytona, AKENWOODin-carentertainmentsystemvaluedat$3,000 PersonalmeetandgreetwithMikeHenryandRyanEvans Paradelaparoundthetrack Classiccarphotoshootwithprofessionalphotographer WhiteDiamondandRust-Oleummerchandisekit TheTurkeyRunisthelargestparticipantbasedautoshowintheUSwithmorethan 50,000participants,2,000carsand700vendors.Aworldclassswapmeet,custom carshowandcarcorralinonehugevenueattheDaytonaInternationalSpeedway. MARCH24„26,2017 ENTERDAILYBETWEENFEBRUARY26THMARCH12THENTERAT:NEWSHERALD.COM 1164077
** C4 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News HeraldBy Barry WilnerThe Associated PressIt looks like Mike Glen-non has a starting job in the NFL. Robert Griffin III no longer has any job.The Bears finalized their deal with Glennon, the former Tampa Bay quarterback, on Friday, one day after cutting Jay Cutler. Glennon wasnÂt about to beat out Jameis Winston with the Buccaneers, and he got a three-year contract in Chicago.ÂI havenÂt played in two-plus years, but I was playing when I was 23, 24,ÂŽ Glennon said. ÂIÂm 27 now and I feel like IÂm a much better player.ÂIÂve grown physically, IÂve grown mentally. IÂm more confident in my abilities.ÂŽRG3 spent one injury-filled year with the Browns, who released him less than 24 hours after trading for Houston QB Brock Osweiler. Not that Osweiler is certain to be staying in Cleveland, which has stockpiled draft picks for the next two years and could be bargaining for the likes of New England backup Jimmy Garoppolo.Griffin thanked Browns fans on Twitter, posting a photo of him holding his jersey. ÂThank you, #DawgPound,ÂŽ Griffin wrote. ÂAll love. #TheWorkContinues. #IÂmHungry.ÂŽMeanwhile, the highest-profile quarterback who soon figures to become available, Dallas Tony Romo, was still a Cowboy.Julius Peppers is a Panther once again. CarolinaÂs career sacks leader and No. 5 on the NFLchart left Green Bay to return to the team that drafted him second overall in 2002. The 37-year-old Peppers has 143 sacks during 15 NFLseasons. He played eight of those seasons for the Panthers (2002-2009) and was a two-time All-Pro. Carolina then dealt DE Kony Ealy to New England, which also signed cornerback Stephon Gilmore. The Panthers kept busy as they signed three other free agents: wide receivers Russell Shepard from Tampa Bay and Charles John-son from Minnesota and safety Mike Adams from Indianapolis.The Patriots lost cornerback Logan Ryan to Tennessee, and TE Mar-tellus Bennett, who went to Green Bay. He was a solid sidekick to star tight end Rob Gronkowski last season, but when the Patriots traded for Dwayne Allen this week, it was clear Bennett was heading elsewhere.College quarterback turned NFLreceiver Ter-relle Pryor left Cleveland for Washington for a one-year contract worth up to $8 million. The Redskins lost their two top receivers on Thurs-day in free agency, Pierre Garcon and DeSean Jackson.Veteran linebacker Lawrence Timmons of the Steelers joined the Dolphins for $12 million over two years.Also on the move on the second day of free agency were several more offensive linemen as NFLteams look at the crop of blockers in this yearÂs draft and shudder. So big bucks were handed out to Andrew Whitworth by the Rams, Russell Okung by the Chargers, Riley Reiff and Mike Remmers by the Vikings, Ricky Wagner by the Lions, and Manelik Watson by the Broncos.Cincinnati re-signed cornerback Dre Kirkpatrick, while Dallas brought back receiver Terrance Williams.One player who was franchise-tagged got a long-term deal as LB Chandler Jones re-upped with Arizona for five years and $82.5 million, with $53 million guaranteed. Arizona also added kicker K Phil Dawson on a two-year contract and LB Karlos Dansby on a one-year contract.The Cardinals acquired Jones before the 2016 season from the Patriots and he had 11 sacks last season, along with four forced fumbles, two fumble recoveries and 15 tackles for loss.ÂEvery interview that IÂve had since IÂve been here, everyoneÂs asked me ÂHow long are you going to be here? Are you going to be a free agent? Are you going to test the market?  he said. ÂItÂs all over. TodayÂs been a great day.ÂŽIt was not such a great day for Dolphins safety Isa Abdul-Quddus, Bills safety Corey Graham, Colts CB Patrick Robinson and four Rams: center Tim Barnes, tight end Lance Kend-ricks, defensive lineman Eugene Sims and running back Tre Mason. They joined RG3 on the unemployment line.Glennon gets Bears job, RG3 gets walking papersNew Chicago Bears quarterback Mike Glennon walks past a mural of the Bears at Halas Hall in Lake Forest, Ill., on Friday. [TERRENCE ANTONIO JAMES/CHICAGO TRIBUNE] The Associated PressJayson Tatum scored 24 points and No. 14 Duke rallied past No. 6 North Carolina with another lightning-fast surge in the second half, taking advan-tage of foul trouble for Tar Heels point guard Joel Berry II and beating its fierce rival 93-83 on Friday night in the Atlantic Coast Conference semifinals.Luke Kennard had 20 points and Grayson Allen added 18 off the bench for the Blue Devils (26-8), who will play for the title Saturday night in Brooklyn against No. 16 Florida State or No. 22 Notre Dame.By winning the second game between the teams in seven days, fifth-seeded Duke took two of three in the season series against the top-seeded Tar Heels (27-7). It was their first ACC Tournament matchup since the Blue Devils won the 2011 championship game.The rubber match this year was settled on the streets of New York City rather than Tobacco Road, some 500 miles from the Dean Dome and Cameron Indoor Stadium as the ACC took its postseason show-case to the Big Apple for the first time. Big 12NO. 23 IOWA STATE 84, TCU 63: Deonte Burton scored 22 points, Monte Morris had 15 and No. 23 Iowa State routed TCU to reach its third Big 12 Tournament title game in the past four seasons. The fourth-seeded Cyclones (22-10) clearly werenÂt impressed „ or intimidated „ by the Horned Frogs victory against top-ranked Kansas in the quarter“ nals. Iowa State used two big “ rst-half runs to assume control, and then stretched its advantage to 26 points midway through the second. That gave coach Steve ProhmÂs group, which has won eight of its last nine, plenty of time to rest for Saturday nightÂs title game against No. 11 West Virginia or Kansas State.SECNO. 8 KENTUCKY 71, GEORGIA 60: After recently struggling to start or sometimes “ nish games effectively, No. 8 Kentucky opened tournament play by taking control and maintaining it against one of its toughest foes. Isaiah Briscoe and DeÂAaron Fox each scored 20 points, Bam Adebayo added 13 and the Wildcats led Georgia throughout for a victory in the quarter“ nals of the Southeastern Conference Tournament. Coming off a double bye as the No. 1 seed, the wellrested Wildcats started both halves quickly and steadily pulled away for a double-digit win over the Bulldogs after two close victories against them. Kentucky (27-5) offset 38 percent shooting by holding Georgia to 19 of 57 from the “ eld (33 percent) and leading by as many as 18. ALABAMA 64, SOUTH CAROLINA 53: Braxton Key had 18 points, Riley Norris added 12 and Alabama made 10 of 12 free throws down the stretch to lead Alabama past South Carolina in a Southeastern Conference Tournament quarter“ nal. Key made 3 of 4 from the line during the critical stretch that “ nally gave the Crimson Tide space from the Gamecocks in a tense contest. The Tide (19-13) scored the gameÂs “ nal 10 points to earn their second straight win over the Gamecocks, who missed their “ nal seven shots. They also controlled the boards 42-27 and shot 45 percent to move on to SaturdayÂs semi“ nals against topseeded Kentucky.Big TenMICHIGAN 74, NO. 13 PURDUE 70, OT: Two days after its airplaneÂs scary abandoned takeoff, MichiganÂs wild journey carried right on into the Big Ten semi“ nals with a overtime upset of 13th-ranked Purdue behind D.J. WilsonÂs 26 points. The eighth-seeded Wolverines (22-11) got 13 points from Zak Irvin, including their “ rst four of the extra period, against the No. 1 seed Boilermakers (25-7). It was a back-andforth afternoon affair, the most engaging game of the week so far. The teams combined for 14 ties and 17 lead changes in regulation alone, and they headed to overtime tied at 66 after Zak Irvin pulled Michigan even on a layup with 4.2 seconds left, before Wilson blocked a 3-point attempt at the buzzer. NO. 24 WISCONSIN 70, INDIANA 60: Showing signs that its late-season swoon might be over, No. 24 Wisconsin slowed IndianaÂs offense and used Ethan HappÂs 14 points and 12 rebounds to beat the Hoosiers in the Big Ten quarter“ nals Friday night. Bronson Koenig scored 16 points to lead “ ve Badgers in double “ gures. No. 2 seed Wisconsin (24-8) dropped “ ve of six games down the stretch but now has won two in a row, including its conference tournament opener against 10th-seeded Indiana (18-15), which scored so easily a night earlier while beating Iowa.No. 14 Duke races past No. 6 UNC in ACC semiDuke forward Jayson Tatum (0) and Duke forward Amile Jefferson (21) double team North Carolina forward Isaiah Hicks as he passes off the ball during the semi“ nals of the Atlantic Coast Conference tournament Friday in New York. [JULIE JACOBSON/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] By Jim LitkeThe Associated PressDocuments unsealed in a lawsuit by 1,800 former NFL players pro-vide a behind-the-scenes glimpse at how team and league medical personnel plied players with power-ful painkillers for years, often in apparent violation of federal drug laws. The lawsuit being heard by U.S. District Court Judge William Alsup in the northern district of California has been moving through the court system for more than two years. Alsup ruled last July to begin discovery, allowing plaintiffs lawyers to inter-view potential witnesses and gather documents such as emails and memos from the teams related to the case.The documents appear to show a cavalier attitude toward the storage, transport and distribution of controlled substances, as well as prescription medicines, which the law-suit contends were often obtained illegally. ÂHere is week 17Âs fiasco,ÂŽ began a Jan. 17, 2008 email from Minnesota Vikings head trainer Eric Sugarman to team doctors and medical personnel. ÂThe following items did not match up this week. ...ÂŽHis email goes on to detail how medications like Ambien, a sedative, and Toradol, a post-surgical painkiller, were distributed to players and not accurately tracked by the teamÂs dispensing records.Â1. Total of 16 Ambien given out was recorded however only 11 Ambien were missing from the kit. 2. Total of 21 Toradol shots were recorded however only 20 Toradol shots were missing from the kit. 3. Total of 1 Diphenhydramine shots were missing with no record of dispensing.ÂŽNFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in an email to The Washington Post which obtained a copy of the documents before they were unsealed, that the Âclubs and their medical staffs are all in compliance with the Controlled Substances Act. ... Any claim or suggestion to the contrary is simply wrong.ÂŽYet several of exhibits gathered by the plaintiffs lawyers regarding past behavior by the teams appear to contradict the leagueÂs statement. ÂCan you have your office fax a copy of your DEA certificate to me?ÂŽ Paul Sparling, the Cincin-nati Bengals head trainer wrote in a 2009 email. ÂI need it for my records when the NFL Âpill coun-ters come to see if we are doing things right. DonÂt worry, IÂm pretty good at keeping them off the trail!ÂŽThe number of painkillers and other prescription-strength medications given to players during 2012, according to a March 2013 league document from NFL medical adviser Lawrence Brown, would average out to six or seven pain pills or injections per player per week. Brown concluded the average team prescribed nearly 5,800 doses of nonste-roidal anti-inflammatory drugs and 2,200 doses of controlled medications to its players. ÂThe documents, emails and testimony ref-erenced in the complaint are the tip of the iceberg,ÂŽ lead plaintiffs attorney Steve Silverman said.In addition to alleging repeated violations of the federal Controlled Substances Act, the lawsuit contends players were routinely given drugs without information or regard for their long-term health. ÂAnd they achieve their ends through a business plan in which every Club employee general managers, coaches, doc-tors, trainers and players has a financial interest in returning players to the game as soon as possible,ÂŽ the lawsuit claims. ÂEveryoneÂs job and salary depend on this simple fact.ÂŽThe lawsuit also notes that NFL officials made a number of efforts to bring teams into compliance with federal law. The league warned them to exert strict control over distribution of medications and tighten-up record-keep-ing procedures, hiring an independent agency called SportPharm to pro-vide auditing standards and manage the process.ÂPhysicians should prescribe controlled substances in a manner that is consistent with the standard of the medi-cal community ... not the NFL medical community,ÂŽ then-league medical adviser Dr. Ellliot Pellman wrote in a Sept. 20, 2010 email to the trainers of the Steelers and Broncos.The NFL also consulted on several occasions with the federal Drug Enforce-ment Administration, which staged a surprise game-day investigation of at least a half-dozen visiting teams in 2014 to learn whether those teams medical staffs were travelling with con-trolled substances. None were found in violation of federal laws, though the lawsuit contends a DEA employee tipped the teams off in advance.But the court documents also reveal doubts raised by team and league physicians and medical staff about the serious-ness of those efforts even before the DEA surprise search. ÂI expect no immediate guidance from Dr. Brown or Dr. Pellman,ÂŽ longtime Packers trainer Pepper Burruss wrote his Steelers counterpart in May 2010, Âother than Âcover your own behind.ÂŽÂEx-players: NFL teams use of painkillers illegal
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 C5 SCOREBOARD ON THE AIR AREA EVENTS College baseball Gulf Coast at Northwest Florida State (2) 1 p.m. College softball Gulf Coast vs. Central Alabama (Columbus, Ga.) 9 a.m. Gulf Coast vs. Wabash Valley 2 p.m. Track and “ eld Aggie Invitational, Pensacola Softball North Bay Haven at Florida High 1 p.m. Today AUTO RACING 11 a.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Kobalt 400, practice, at Las Vegas noon FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, Boyd Gaming 300, qualifying, at Las Vegas 1:30 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Kobalt 400, “ nal practice, at Las Vegas 3 p.m. FS1 „ NASCAR, X“ nity Series, Boyd Gaming 300, at Las VegasBASEBALL 11 a.m. MLB „ 2017 World Baseball Classic, “ rst round, Colombia vs. Canada, at Miami 2 p.m. MLB „ 2017 World Baseball Classic, “ rst round, Venezuela vs. Italy, at Jalisco, Mexico 5:30 p.m. MLB „ 2017 World Baseball Classic, “ rst round, United States vs. Dominican Republic, at Miami 8:30 p.m. MLB „ 2017 World Baseball Classic, “ rst round, Puerto Rico vs. Mexico, at Jalisco, Mexico 11:30 a.m. MLB „ 2017 World Baseball Classic, second round, teams TBA vs. Israel, at Tokyo (same-day tape)BOXING 10 p.m. HBO „ David Lemieux vs. Curtis Stevens, for LemieuxÂs NABO middleweight title; Yuriorkis Gamboa vs. Rene Alvarado, junior lightweights, at Verona, N.Y.COLLEGE BASKETBALL 10 a.m. ESPN2 „ America East Tournament, championship, Albany at Vermont noon CBS „ Big Ten Tournament, “ rst semi“ nal, Purdue-Michigan winner vs. Minnesota-Michigan St. winner, at WashingtonCBSSN „ Atlantic 10 Tournament, “ rst semi“ nal, Dayton-Davidson winner vs. Rhode Island-St. Bonaventure winner, at PittsburghESPN „ SEC Tournament, “ rst semi“ nal, Kentucky-Georgia winner vs. South Carolina-Alabama winner, at Nashville, Tenn. ESPN2 „ MEAC Tournament, championship, N.C. CentralMd.-Eastern Shore winner vs. Norfolk St.-Howard winner. at Norfolk, Va. 12:30 p.m. ESPNU „ Ivy League Tournament, “ rst semi“ nal, Penn vs. Princeton, at Philadelphia 2 p.m. ESPN „ SEC Tournament, second semi“ nal, Florida-Vanderbilt winner vs. Arkansas-Mississippi winner, at Nashville, Tenn.ESPN2 „ AAC Tournament, “ rst semi“ nal, SMU-East Carolina winner vs. UCF-Memphis winner, at Hartford, Conn. 2:30 p.m. CBS „ Big Ten Tournament, second semi“ nal, Wisconsin-Indiana winner vs. Maryland-Northwestern winner, at WashingtonCBSSN „ Atlantic 10 Tournament, second semi“ nal, VCUGeorge Mason winner vs. Richmond-George Washington winner, at PittsburghESPNU „ Ivy League Tournament, second semi“ nal, Harvard vs. Yale, at Philadelphia 4 p.m. ESPN2 „ AAC Tournament, second semi“ nal, Cincinnati-Tulane winner vs. Houston-UConn winner, at Hartford, Conn. 4:30 p.m. FOX „ Big East Tournament, championship, VillanovaSeton Hall winner vs. Xavier-Creighton winner, at New York 5 p.m. CBS „ Mountain West Tournament, championship, Nevada-Fresno St. winner vs. Colorado St.-San Diego St. winner, at Las VegasESPN „ Big 12 Tournament, championship, Iowa St.-TCU winner vs. West VirginiaKansas St. winner, at Kansas City, Mo. 5:15 p.m. ESPNU „ SWAC Tournament, championship, Texas Southern-Grambling St. winner vs. Alcorn St.-Southern winner, at Houston 6:30 p.m. ESPN2 „ MAC Tournament, championship, Akron-Ball St. winner vs. Ohio-Kent St. winner, at Cleveland 7:30 p.m. CBSSN „ Conference USA Tournament, championship, Middle Tennessee-UTEP winner vs. Louisiana Tech-Marshall winner, at Birmingham, Ala. ESPNU „ Big Sky Tournament, championship, North Dakota-Idaho winner vs. E. Washington-Weber St. winner, at Reno, Nev. 8 p.m. ESPN „ ACC Tournament, championship, North Carolina-Duke winner vs. Florida St.-Notre Dame winner, at Brooklyn, N.Y. 8:30 p.m. ESPN2 „ Southland Tournament, championship, Sam Houston St.-New Orleans winner vs. Texas A&M-CCStephen F. Austin winner, at Katy, Texas 10 p.m. ESPN „ Pac-12 Tournament, championship, Oregon-California winner vs. Arizona-UCLA winner, at Las VegasESPNU „ WAC Tournament, championship, CS Bakers“ eld-Utah Valley winner vs. New Mexico St.UMKC winner, at Las Vegas 10:30 p.m. ESPN2 „ Big West Tournament, championship, UC Irvine-Long Beach St. winner vs. UC Davis-CS Fullerton winner, at Anaheim, Calif.GOLF noon GOLF „ PGA Tour, Valspar Champion, third round, at Palm Harbor, Fla. 2 p.m. NBC „ PGA Tour, Valspar Champion, third round, at Palm Harbor, Fla. MOTOR SPORTS 6 p.m. FS2 „ AMA, Monster Energy Supercross, at Daytona Beach, Fla.NBA7:30 p.m. ABC „ Golden State at San AntonioWOMENÂS COLLEGE BASKETBALL 10 a.m. CBSSN „ MAC Tournament, championship, W. Michigan-N. Illinois winner vs. Buffalo-Toledo winner, at Cleveland EBRO SCHEDULEMonday Matinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Parx 11:55 a.m. Greyhound simulcast: Derby Lane 11:30 a.m., Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Palm Beach noon. Evening: Greyhound simulcast:Jacksonville6:45 p.m. Dania Jai Alai 7 p.m. Tuesday Matinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Parx 11:55 a.m. Greyhound simulcast: Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Palm Beach noon. Wednesday Matinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Tampa Bay 11:25 a.m., Gulfstream 11:35 a.m. Greyhound simulcast: Derby Lane 11:30 a.m., Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Jacksonville 11:35 a.m., Palm Beach noon. Evening: Greyhound simulcast: Derby Lane 6:30 p.m., Jacksonville 6:45 p.m. Dania Jai alai 7 p.m. Thursday Matinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Gulfstream 11:35 a.m., Santa Anita 3 p.m. Greyhound simulcast: Derby Lane 11:30 a.m., Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Palm Beach noon. Evening: Greyhound simulcast: Jacksonville 6:45 p.m. Dania Jai alai 7 p.m. Friday Matinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Aqueduct 12:20 p.m., Tampa Bay 11:25 a.m., Gulfstream 11:35 a.m., Santa Anita 3 p.m. Greyhound simulcast: Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Derby Lane 11:30 p.m., Palm Beach noon. Evening: Greyhound simulcast: Palm Beach 6 p.m., Derby Lane 6:30 p.m., Sarasota 6:30 p.m., Jacksonville 6:35 p.m. Dania Jai alai 7 p.m. Saturday Matinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Gulfstream 11:35 a.m., Aqueduct 11:50 a.m., Tampa Bay 11:25 a.m., Santa Anita 2 p.m. Greyhound simulcast: Derby Lane 11:30 a.m., Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Jacksonville 11:35 a.m., Palm Beach noon. Evening: Greyhound simulcast: Palm Beach 6 p.m., Derby Lane 6:30 p.m., Sarasota 6:30 p.m., Jacksonville 6:45 p.m. Dania Jai-Alai 7 p.m. Sunday Matinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Gulfstream 11 a.m., Aqueduct 12:20 a.m., Tampa Bay 11:25 a.m., Santa Anita 2:30 p.m. Greyhound simulcast: Palm Beach noon, Jacksonville 12:30 p.m. POKER ROOM Â… (Ext. 180) Open 9 a.m. to 3 a.m. Monday through Friday and 24 hours on weekends and holidays. LOCATION Â… Intersection of State 79 and State 20. INFORMATION Â… 234-3943. ODDS PREGAME.COM LINENATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATIONTodayFavorite Line O/U Underdog at Oklahoma City Off Off Utah at LA Clippers 12 216 Philadelphia at Detroit 6 211 New York at Charlotte 2 202 New Orleans at Orlando Off Off Cleveland at Miami 5 203 Toronto at Milwaukee 2 203 Minnesota at San Antonio Off Off Golden State at Dallas 7 215 Phoenix at Memphis 5 202 Atlanta at Portland 2 226 Washington at Sacramento Off Off DenverCOLLEGE BASKETBALLConference Tournaments TodayFavorite Line Underdog Rhode Island 3 Davidson SMU 9 UCF Princeton 5 at Pennsylvania Harvard 2 YaleNATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUEToday Favorite Line Underdog Line at Boston -205 Philadelphia +185 at San Jose -150 Nashville +140 at Buffalo Off Columbus Off at Winnipeg -114 Calgary +104 at Carolina -110 Toronto +100 Ottawa -153 at Colorado +143 at Tampa Bay Off Florida Off at St. Louis -115 NY Islanders +105 at Arizona -105 New Jersey -105 Pittsburgh -190 at Vancouver +175 Washington -108 at Los Angeles -102Updated odds available at HOCKEY NHLEASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Montreal 68 38 22 8 84 185 171 Ottawa 66 38 22 6 82 178 171 Boston 67 35 26 6 76 188 175 Toronto 66 30 22 14 74 201 197 Tampa Bay 66 31 26 9 71 183 182 Florida 66 29 26 11 69 166 190 Buffalo 68 27 29 12 66 172 200 Detroit 66 26 29 11 63 165 198 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Washington 66 44 15 7 95 214 143 Columbus 66 43 17 6 92 211 152 Pittsburgh 65 41 16 8 90 230 184 N.Y. Rangers 68 43 23 2 88 219 179 N.Y. Islanders 66 32 23 11 75 196 197 Philadelphia 66 31 27 8 70 172 197 Carolina 64 27 27 10 64 160 186 New Jersey 67 25 30 12 62 149 192WESTERN CONFERENCECentral Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Minnesota 66 43 17 6 92 221 159 Chicago 67 42 20 5 89 200 169 Nashville 67 32 24 11 75 197 191 St. Louis 66 34 27 5 73 182 186 Winnipeg 68 30 32 6 66 204 216 Dallas 67 27 30 10 64 188 216 Colorado 66 19 44 3 41 129 217 Paci“ c Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA San Jose 66 40 19 7 87 184 154 Anaheim 68 35 23 10 80 176 172 Edmonton 66 35 23 8 78 188 174 Calgary 67 37 26 4 78 184 182 Los Angeles 66 32 28 6 70 164 166 Vancouver 67 28 30 9 65 156 192 Arizona 66 23 35 8 54 159 213 points for win, 1 point for OT/shootout lossThursdayÂs GamesCarolina 4, N.Y. Rangers 3 Toronto 4, Philadelphia 2 Tampa Bay 4, Minnesota 1 Anaheim 1, Chicago 0 Colorado 3, New Jersey 2 Calgary 5, Montreal 0 Ottawa 3, Arizona 2, OT N.Y. Islanders 4, Vancouver 3, OT Los Angeles 3, Nashville 2, OT San Jose 4, Washington 2FridayÂs GamesColumbus 4, Buffalo 3 Minnesota 7, Florida 4 Detroit 4, Chicago 2 St. Louis 4, Anaheim 3 Pittsburgh at Edmonton, lateTodayÂs GamesPhiladelphia at Boston, 12 p.m. Nashville at San Jose, 3 p.m. Calgary at Winnipeg, 6 p.m. Columbus at Buffalo, 6 p.m. Ottawa at Colorado, 6 p.m. Toronto at Carolina, 6 p.m. Florida at Tampa Bay, 6 p.m. New Jersey at Arizona, 7 p.m. N.Y. Islanders at St. Louis, 7 p.m. Pittsburgh at Vancouver, 9 p.m. Washington at Los Angeles, 9:30 p.m. PRO BASKETBALL NBAAll Times Central EASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division W L Pct. GB Boston 41 24 .631 „ Toronto 38 27 .585 3 New York 26 39 .400 15 Philadelphia 23 41 .359 17 Brooklyn 11 52 .175 29 Southeast Division W L Pct. GB Washington 39 24 .619 „ Atlanta 36 29 .554 4 Miami 31 34 .477 9 Charlotte 29 36 .446 11 Orlando 24 42 .364 16 Central Division W L Pct. GB Cleveland 42 21 .667 „ Indiana 33 32 .508 10 Detroit 32 33 .492 11 Milwaukee 31 33 .484 11 Chicago 31 34 .477 12WESTERN CONFERENCESouthwest Division W L Pct. GB x-San Antonio 50 14 .781 „ Houston 45 21 .682 6 Memphis 36 29 .554 14 Dallas 27 36 .429 22 New Orleans 25 40 .385 25 Northwest Division W L Pct. GB Utah 41 24 .631 „ Oklahoma City 36 29 .554 5 Denver 29 35 .453 11 Portland 28 35 .444 12 Minnesota 27 37 .422 13 Paci“ c Division W L Pct. GB x-Golden State 52 13 .800 „ L.A. Clippers 39 26 .600 13 Sacramento 25 39 .391 26 Phoenix 21 44 .323 31 L.A. Lakers 20 45 .308 32 x-clinched playoff berthThursdayÂs GamesDetroit 106, Cleveland 101 L.A. Clippers 114, Memphis 98 Oklahoma City 102, San Antonio 92 Portland 114, Philadelphia 108, OT L.A. Lakers 122, Phoenix 110FridayÂs GamesCharlotte 121, Orlando 81 Atlanta 105, Toronto 99 Houston 115, Chicago 94 Milwaukee 99, Indiana 85 Minnesota 103, Golden State 102 Boston at Denver, late Brooklyn at Dallas, late Washington at Sacramento, lateTodayÂs GamesUtah at Oklahoma City, 2 p.m. Philadelphia at L.A. Clippers, 2:30 p.m. New York at Detroit, 4 p.m. Cleveland at Orlando, 6 p.m. New Orleans at Charlotte, 6 p.m. Minnesota at Milwaukee, 7 p.m. Toronto at Miami, 7 p.m. Golden State at San Antonio, 7:30 p.m. Atlanta at Memphis, 8 p.m. Phoenix at Dallas, 8 p.m. Washington at Portland, 9 p.m. Denver at Sacramento, 9:30 p.m. COLLEGE BASKETBALL THE AP TOP 25 RESULTSAll Times Central ThursdayÂs GamesTCU 85, No. 1 Kansas 82 No. 2 Villanova 108, St. JohnÂs 67 No. 3 UCLA 76, Southern California 74 No. 5 Oregon 80, Arizona State 57 No. 6 North Carolina 78, Miami 53 No. 7 Arizona 92, Colorado 78 Kansas State 70, Baylor 64 No. 14 Duke 81, No. 10 Louisville 77 No. 11 West Virginia 63, Texas 53 No. 16 Florida State 74, Virginia Tech 68 Xavier 62, No. 18 Butler 57 No. 22 Notre Dame 71, No. 21 Virginia 58 No. 23 Iowa State 92, Oklahoma State 83FridayÂs GamesNo. 2 Villanova 55, Seton Hall 53 at New York (Madison Square Garden) No. 3 UCLA vs. No. 7 Arizona at Las Vegas, late No. 5 Oregon vs. California at Las Vegas, late No. 14 Duke 93, No. 6 North Carolina 83, at New York (Barclays Center) No. 8 Kentucky 71, Georgia 60 at Nashville, Tenn. No. 11 West Virginia vs. Kansas State at Kansas City, Mo., late No. 12 SMU 81, East Carolina 77 at Hartford, Conn. Michigan 74, No. 13 Purdue 70, OT at Washington No. 15 Cincinnati 80, Tulsa 61 at Hartford, Conn. No. 16 Florida State vs. No. 22 Notre Dame at New York (Barclays Center), late Vanderbilt 72, No. 17 Florida 62 at Nashville, Tenn. No. 23 Iowa State 84, TCU 62 at Kansas City, Mo. No. 24 Wisconsin 70, Indiana 60 at Washington Northwestern 72, No. 25 Maryland 64, at WashingtonCONFERENCE TOURNAMENTSAll Times Central AMERICA EAST CONFERENCE Championship at Higher Seed TodayAlbany at Vermont, 10 a.m.AMERICAN ATHLETIC CONFERENCE At The XL Center, Hartford, Conn. First Round ThursdayEast Carolina 80, Temple 69 Tulsa 66, Tulane 60 UConn 77, South Florida 66Quarter“ nals FridaySMU 81, East Carolina 71 UCF 84, Memphis 54 Cincinnati 80, Tulsa 61 Houston vs. UConn, lateSemi“ nals TodaySMU vs. UCF, 2 p.m. Cincinnati vs. Houston-UConn winner, 4:30 p.m.ATLANTIC COAST CONFERENCE At The Barclays Center, Brooklyn, N.Y. Quarter“ nals ThursdayNorth Carolina 78, Miami 53 Duke 81, Louisville 77 Florida State 74, Virginia Tech 68 Notre Dame 71, Virginia 58Semi“ nals FridayDuke 93, North Carolina 83 Florida State vs. Notre Dame, lateChampionship TodayDuke vs. Notre Dame, 8 p.m.ATLANTIC SUN CONFERENCE Championship at Higher Seed March 5Florida Gulf Coast 77, North Florida 61ATLANTIC 10 CONFERENCE At PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh Second Round ThursdayDavidson 82, La Salle 73 St. Bonaventure 73, UMass 60 George Mason 82, Fordham 71, OT George Washington 53, Saint Louis 46Quarter“ nals FridayDavidson 73, Dayton 67 Rhode Island 74, Saint Bonaventure 63 VCU 71, George Mason 60 Richmond 70, George Washington 67Semi“ nals TodayDavidson vs. St. Bonaventure, 12 p.m. VCU vs. Richmond, 2:30 p.m.BIG EAST CONFERENCE At Madison Square Garden, New York Quarter“ nals ThursdayVillanova 108, St. JohnÂs 67 Seton Hall 82, Marquette 76 Xavier 62, Butler 57 Creighton 70, Providence 58Semi“ nals FridayVillanova 55, Seton Hall 53 Xavier vs. Creighton, lateChampionship TodayVillanova vs. Xavier or Creighton, 4:30 p.m.BIG SKY CONFERENCE At The Reno Events Center, Reno, Nev. Quarter“ nals ThursdayNorth Dakota 95, Portland State 72 Idaho 81, Montana 77 Eastern Washington 89, Sacramento State 70 Weber State 90, Southern Utah 70Semi“ nals FridayNorth Dakota 69, Idaho 64 North Dakota vs. Eastern Washington or Weber State, 8:30 p.m.Championship TodaySemi“ nal winners, 7:30 p.m.BIG SOUTH CONFERENCE Championship March 5Winthrop 76, Campbell 59BIG TEN CONFERENCE At The Verizon Center, Washington Second Round Thursday Michigan 75, Illinois 55 Michigan State 78, Penn State 51 Indiana 95, Iowa 73 Northwestern 83, Rutgers 61 Quarter“ nals Friday Michigan 74, Purdue 70, OT Minnesota 63, Michigan State 58 Wisconsin 70, Indiana 60 Northwestern 72, Maryland 64 Semi“ nals TodayMichigan vs. Minnesota, 12 p.m. Wisconsin vs. Northwestern, 2:30 p.m.BIG 12 CONFERENCE At The Sprint Center, Kansas City, Mo. Quarter“ nals ThursdayIowa State 92, Oklahoma State 83 TCU 85, Kansas 82 West Virginia 63, Texas 53 Kansas State 70, Baylor 64Semi“ nals FridayIowa State 84, TCU 63 West Virginia vs. Kansas State, lateChampionship TodayIowa State vs. West Virginia or Kansas State, 5 p.m.BIG WEST CONFERENCE At The Honda Center, Anaheim, Calif. First Round Thursday UC Davis 66, Cal Poly 55 Cal State Fullerton 81, CS Northridge 68 UC Irvine 76, UC Riverside 67 Long Beach State 73, Hawaii 62 Semi“ nals Friday UC Irvine vs. Long Beach State, lateUC Davis vs. Cal State Fullerton, lateChampionship TodaySemi“ nal winners, 10:30 p.m.COLONIAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION At North Charleston Coliseum, N. Charleston, S.C. Championship March 6UNC Wilmington 78, College of Charleston 69CONFERENCE USA At Legacy Arena at the BJCC, Birmingham, Ala. Quarter“ nals ThursdayMiddle Tennessee 86, UTSA 70 UTEP 86, Rice 76 Louisiana Tech 69, UAB 57 Marshall 64, Old Dominion 63Semi“ nals FridayMiddle Tennessee 82, UTEP 56 Marshall 93, Louisiana Tech 77Championship TodayMiddle Tennessee vs. Marshall, 8:30 p.m.HORIZON LEAGUE Championship March 7Northern Kentucky 59, Milwaukee 53IVY LEAGUE At The Palestra, Philadelphia First Round TodayPenn vs. Princeton, 12:30 p.m. Harvard vs. Yale, 3 p.m.Championship SundaySemi“ nal winners, 11 a.m.METRO ATLANTIC ATHLETIC CONFERENCE Championship March 6Iona 87, Siena 86, OTMID-AMERICAN CONFERENCE At Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland Quarter“ nals ThursdayAkron 79, Eastern Michigan 62 Ball State 66, Western Michigan 63 Ohio 67, Toledo 66 Kent State 68, Buffalo 65Semi“ nals FridayAkron 74, Ball State 70 Kent State 68, Ohio 66Championship TodayAkron vs. Kent State, 6:30 p.m.MID-EASTERN ATHLETIC CONFERENCE At Scope Arena, Norfolk, Va. ThursdayHoward 68, Morgan State 65 Maryland-Eastern Shore 68, Hampton 66Semi“ nals FridayN.C. Central 77, Maryland-Eastern Shore 49 Norfolk St. vs. Howard, lateChampionship TodaySemi“ nal winners, 12 p.m.MISSOURI VALLEY CONFERENCE Championship March 5Wichita State 71, Illinois State 51MOUNTAIN WEST CONFERENCE At The Thomas & Mack Center, Las Vegas Quarter“ nals ThursdayNevada 83, Utah State 69 Fresno State 65, New Mexico 60 Colorado State 81, Air Force 55 San Diego State 87, Boise State 68Semi“ nals FridayNevada vs. Fresno State, late Colorado State vs. San Diego State, lateChampionship TodaySemi“ nal winners, 5 p.m.NORTHEAST CONFERENCE At Higher-Seeded Schools Championship March 7Mount St. MaryÂs 71, Saint Francis (Pa.) 61OHIO VALLEY CONFERENCE Championship March 4Jacksonville State 66, UT Martin 55PACIFIC-12 CONFERENCE At MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas Quarter“ nals ThursdayOregon 80, Arizona State 57 California 78, Utah 75 Arizona 92, Colorado 78 UCLA 76, Southern California 74Semi“ nals FridayOregon vs. California, late Arizona vs. UCLA, lateChampionship TodaySemi“ nal winners, 10 p.m.PATRIOT LEAGUE Championship WednesdayBucknell 81, Lehigh 65SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE At Bridgestone Arena, Nashville, Tenn. Second Round ThursdayGeorgia 59, Tennessee 57 Alabama 75, Mississippi State 55 Vanderbilt 66, Texas A&M 41 Mississippi 86, Missouri 74Quarter“ nals FridayKentucky 71, Georgia 60 Alabama 64, South Carolina 53 Vanderbilt 72, Florida 62, OT Arkansas vs. Mississippi, lateSemi“ nals TodayKentucky vs. Alabama, 12 p.m. Vanderbilt vs. Arkansas-Mississippi winner, 2:25 p.m.SOUTHERN CONFERENCE Championship March 6ETSU 79, UNC Greensboro 74 SOUTHLAND CONFERENCE At The Leonard E. Merrell Center, Katy, TX Second Round ThursdaySam Houston State 63, Houston Baptist 59 Stephen F. Austin 75, Lamar 59Semi“ nals FridayNew Orleans 75, Sam Houston State 63 Texas A&M-Corpus Christi vs. Stephen F. Austin, lateChampionship TodaySemi“ nal winners, 8:30 p.m.SOUTHWESTERN ATHLETIC CONFERENCE At The Toyota Center, Houston Semi“ nals FridayTexas Southern 62, Grambling State 57 Alcorn State vs. Southern, lateChampionship TodayTexas Southern vs. Alcorn State-Southern winner, 5:30 p.m.SUMMIT LEAGUE Championship March 7South Dakota St. 79, Omaha 77SUN BELT CONFERENCE At Lakefront Arena, New Orleans Quarter“ nals FridayTexas-Arlington 74, Coastal Carolina 51 Texas St. 63, Louisiana-Monroe 51 Georgia State 86, Louisiana-Lafayette 76 Georgia Southern vs. Troy, lateSemi“ nals TodayTexas-Arlington vs. Texas State, 11:30 p.m. Georgia State-Louisiana-Lafayette winner vs. Georgia Southern-Troy winner, 2 p.m.WEST COAST CONFERENCE Championship March 7Gonzaga 74, Saint MaryÂs (Cal.) 56WESTERN ATHLETIC CONFERENCE At Orleans Arena, Las Vegas First Round ThursdayUtah Valley 65, Seattle 53 New Mexico State 67, Chicago State 53 UMKC 82, Texas Rio Grande Valley 78, OTSemi“ nals FridayCal State Bakers“ eld vs. Utah Valley, late New Mexico State vs. UMKC, lateChampionship TodaySemi“ nal winners, 10 p.m. GOLF PGA TOURVALSPAR CHAMPIONSHIPFridayÂs leaders at Innisbrook Golf Resort (Copperhead Course), Palm Harbor, Fla. Purse: $6.3 million. Yardage: 7,340. Par: 71 (36-35)Second RoundAdam Hadwin 68-64„132 Jim Herman 62-71„133 Tyrone Van Aswegen 69-65„134 Dominic Bozzelli 67-68„135 Russell Henley 64-71„135 Henrik Stenson 64-71„135 Wesley Bryan 68-68„136 Bryson DeChambeau 67-70„137 Blayne Barber 70-67„137 Hudson Swafford 68-69„137 James Hahn 65-72„137 Luke List 68-69„137 Patrick Cantlay 71-66„137 Charles Howell III 67-71„138 Alex Cejka 68-70„138 Matt Kuchar 69-69„138 Jamie Lovemark 69-69„138 Lucas Glover 68-70„138 Soren Kjeldsen 68-70„138 Nick Watney 70-69„139 Jason Dufner 68-71„139 Hunter Mahan 71-68„139 Ian Poulter 72-67„139 Kevin Streelman 71-68„139 J.T. Poston 69-70„139 Rod Pampling 70-69„139 J.J. Henry 72-67„139 Tony Finau 67-72„139 Jason Kokrak 68-71„139 John Huh 69-70„139 Keith Mitchell 69-70„139 Ben Crane 74-66„140 Stewart Cink 69-71„140 Jonas Blixt 69-71„140 Lee McCoy 72-68„140 Chad Campbell 71-69„140 Kyle Stanley 69-71„140 Chez Reavie 72-68„140 Charl Schwartzel 70-70„140 Keegan Bradley 67-73„140 Seamus Power 66-74„140 Michael Kim 70-71„141 Cameron Smith 74-67„141 Ryan Moore 69-72„141 Gary Woodland 71-70„141 Ryan Blaum 68-73„141 Danny Lee 72-69„141 Kyle Reifers 69-72„141 Robert Garrigus 71-70„141 Byeong Hun An 69-72„141 Morgan Hoffmann 69-72„141 Harris English 77-65„142 Ryo Ishikawa 69-73„142 Graham DeLaet 71-71„142 Nick Taylor 72-70„142 Webb Simpson 67-75„142 Graeme McDowell 75-67„142 Bill Haas 70-72„142 Scott Stallings 72-70„142 Kelly Kraft 72-70„142 Charlie Danielson 71-71„142 Bud Cauley 70-72„142 David Hearn 68-74„142 Ben Martin 75-67„142 David Lingmerth 70-72„142 Patrick Reed 70-72„142 Jim Furyk 69-73„142 Brian Stuard 70-72„142 Tim Wilkinson 70-72„142 Sean OÂHair 72-70„142 BASEBALL MLBSPRING TRAINING All Times Central AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pct. New York 12 3 .800 Los Angeles 9 4 .692 Seattle 9 5 .643 Minnesota 7 4 .636 Oakland 7 4 .636 Chicago 8 5 .615 Kansas City 7 5 .583 Baltimore 7 6 .538 Tampa Bay 6 6 .500 Cleveland 6 7 .462 Boston 6 7 .462 Houston 5 6 .455 Toronto 4 8 .333 Detroit 3 11 .214 Texas 2 9 .182NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct. Pittsburgh 11 3 .786 St. Louis 10 4 .714 Colorado 7 5 .583 New York 8 7 .533 Milwaukee 8 7 .533 Arizona 7 7 .500 Philadelphia 6 7 .462 San Diego 6 7 .462 Los Angeles 6 7 .462 Washington 5 7 .417 Cincinnati 5 8 .385 Chicago 4 7 .364 San Francisco 5 9 .357 Atlanta 4 10 .286 Miami 3 8 .273ThursdayÂs GamesMinnesota 10, Colombia 7 Houston 3, St. Louis 0 Miami 2, Washington 2 N.Y. Yankees 8, Atlanta 7 Pittsburgh 10, Tampa Bay 8 Toronto 6, Philadelphia 4 Boston 7, United States 5 Detroit 5, N.Y. Mets 5 Chicago White Sox 4, Arizona 2 Oakland 12, Cincinnati 5 L.A. Angels 5, Cleveland 4 Seattle 8, Chicago Cubs 6 Venezuela 6, Texas 4 Milwaukee 8, San Diego 2
** C6 Saturday, March 11, 2017 | The News Herald SATURDAY MORNING C COMCAST W WOW! S1 DISH NETWORK S2 DIRECTV MARCH 11 C W S1 S27 AM7:308 AM8:309 AM9:3010 AM10:3011 AM11:3012 PM12:30 WJHG (7) 3 3 7 7 (6:00) TodayPaid ProgramPaid ProgramHeart-ChampThe VoyagerWild-VetJourneyNaturally, SeoGive (N) Premier League Goal Zone (N) Alpine Skiing CW (7.2) 99 9 8 8 Calling Dr. PolCalling Dr. PolDog WhispererDog WhispererDog WhispererDog WhispererSave-ShelterVaca-CreationDinner SpinnerSave t o WinAmazing AbsPaid Program WMBB (13) 2 2 13 13 Good Morning America Jack HannaOcean TreksSea RescueWildlife DocsRock the ParkOutback AdvPiYo Workout!Paid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid Program METV (13.2) 209 133 2 TrackdownTrackdownHave Gun ...Have Gun ...Maverick ÂThe Jeweled GunÂŽ Wagon TrainThe Big Valley ÂEarthquakeÂŽ Gunsmoke ÂQuaker GirlÂŽ WECP (18) 4 4 4 18 CBS This Morning: SaturdayLucky Dog (N) Dr. Chris-VetInnovation NatThe InspectorsHidden HeroesOpen RdInside College Basketball (N) College Basketball MNT (18.2) 227 13 Brain GamesDog Town USAExped. WildHatchedOcean Mys.Recipe RehabMissing (N) Amer. AthleteThink BigPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid Program WPGX (28) 8 8 28 28 Paid ProgramLive Life-WinPaid ProgramRegrow HairPaid ProgramPaid ProgramCopper ChefLifeLockPaid ProgramPaid Program ‰‰‚ Must Love Dogs (Â05) WFSG (56) 11 11 56 56 SplashLove Quilting28 Day Metabolism MakeoverEnergy Weight Loss Solution With NealSuze OrmanÂs Financial Solutions for You A&E 34 43 118 265 Flipping Vegas Flipping Vegas (N) Zombie House Flipping Zombie House Flipping Good SpiritsThe First 48The First 48 ÂUnderworldÂŽ AMC 30 62 131 254 The RiflemanThe RiflemanThe RiflemanThe RiflemanThe RiflemanThe RiflemanThe Rifleman ‰‰‚ The Quick and the Dead (Â95) Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman. ANPL 46 69 184 282 Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Insane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep End BET 53 46 124 329 House/PayneTyler PerryÂs House of PayneHouse/PayneHouse/PayneHouse/PayneTyler PerryÂs House of Payne (10:48) Being Mary Jane (11:53) The Quad ÂMuleboneÂŽ COM 64 53 107 249 (:15) South ParkSouth ParkSouth ParkSouth ParkSouth ParkSouth ParkSouth ParkSouth ParkSouth Park (:10) Dude, WhereÂs My Car? DISC 36 39 182 278 Dirty Jobs ÂSled Dog BreederÂŽ Dirty Jobs ÂAnimal RelocatorÂŽ Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws (Part 1 of 2) Street Outlaws (Part 2 of 2) E! 63 57 114 236 The KardashiansThe KardashiansE! News Weekend (N) The Arrangement ÂPilotÂŽ The KardashiansThe Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206 SportsCenter (N) (L) SportsCenter (N) (L) College GameDay (N) (L) College Basketball ESPN2 47 24 144 209 30 for 30Cheerleading (N) College Basketball: America East Tournament College Basketball FOOD 38 45 110 231 Brunch at Bob.Southern HeartFarmhousePioneer Wo.Pioneer Wo.TrishaÂs Sou.The Kitchen ÂEasy Does ItÂŽ (N) Valerie HomeGiada Enter.Kids Baking Championship FREE 59 65 180 311 (6:00) ‰‰‚ Guess Who (Â05) Bernie Mac. ‰‚ John Tucker Must Die (Â06) Jesse Metcalfe, Ashanti. (:35) ‰‰ If I Stay (Â14) Chlo Grace Moretz, Mireille Enos, Jamie Blackley. FS1 24 27 150 219 FA Cup Soccer: Boro vs Citizens Bundesliga Soccer FC Bayern Munich vs Eintracht Frankfurt. NASCAR RaceNASCAR RacingNASCAR Racing FX 45 51 136 248 (6:30) Madagascar 3: EuropeÂs Most WantedMike & MollyMike & MollyTwo/Half MenTwo/Half MenTwo/Half MenTwo/Half Men ‰‰ The Green Hornet (Â11) Seth Rogen. HALL 23 59 185 312 The Middle The Middle Golden GirlsGolden GirlsGolden GirlsGolden GirlsLove in Paradise (Â16) Luke Perry, Emmanuelle Vaugier. DaterÂs Handbook (Â16) HGTV 32 38 112 229 Love It or List ItLove It or List ItLove It or List ItLove It or List ItLove It or List ItBet the HouseHouse Hunters HIST 35 42 120 269 Swamp People Swamp People (N) Swamp People (N) Swamp People (N) Swamp People ÂOnce BittenÂŽ Detroit Steel: Behind LIFE 56 56 108 252 The DietPaid ProgramDarkspotsPaid ProgramRegrow HairCindyÂs SkinLittle Women: AtlantaThe Wrong Girl (Â15) Jamie Luner, Kirsten Prout, Sarah Grey. SPIKE 28 48 241 241 Paid ProgramPaid Program ‰‰‚ Hercules (Â14) Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane, Rufus Sewell. ‰‚ Wrath of the Titans (Â12) Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson. SUN 49 422 656 Florida SportOÂNeill Outsideto Do FloridaGeorgia TechThe Game 365Florida StateFlorida StateSports Mag.Inside HEATInside HEATIns LightningIns. Lightning SYFY 70 52 122 244 Twilight ZoneFace Off ÂPuppet MastersÂŽ Dead Still (Â14) Ben Browder, Gavin Casalegno, Ray Wise. ‰‰ Children of the Corn (Â09) David Anders, Kandyse McClure. From Dusk TBS 31 15 139 247 (6:00) ‰‰‰ Blades of Glory ‰‰ Death at a Funeral (Â10) Keith David, Loretta Devine. ‰‰ Hall Pass (Â11) Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis. ‰‰‚ Tower Heist (Â11) TCM 25 70 132 256 Four Feathers ‰‰‚ Soldiers Three (Â51) Stewart Granger, Walter Pidgeon. ‰‰ Congo Maisie (Â40) Ann Sothern. ‰‰‰ The Enemy Below (Â57) Robert Mitchum, Curt Jurgens. TLC 37 40 183 280 Extreme CouExtreme CouExtreme CouExtreme CouExtreme CouExtreme CouExtreme CouExtreme CouSheÂs in Charge Say YesSay Yes TNT 29 54 138 245 Law & Order ÂHome SweetÂŽ Law & Order ÂFear AmericaÂŽ Law & Order Law & Order ÂProfiteerÂŽ Law & Order ÂIn Vino VeritasÂŽ ‰‰‰ Die Hard 2 (Â90) USA 62 55 105 242 Paid ProgramCindyÂs Skin ‰‰ Kickboxer: Vengeance (Â16) Dave Bautista, Gina Carano. ‰‰ G.I. Joe: Retaliation (Â13) Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis. ‰‰‚ Red (Â10) Bruce Willis. WGN-A 13 239 307 PiYo Craze!LifeLockAmer. Funniest Home VideosAmer. Funniest Home VideosAmer. Funniest Home VideosAmer. Funniest Home VideosIn t he Heat of the Night SATURDAY LATE NIGHT C COMCAST W WOW! S1 DISH NETWORK S2 DIRECTV MARCH 11 C W S1 S21 AM1:302 AM2:303 AM3:304 AM4:305 AM5:306 AM6:30 WJHG (7) 3 3 7 7 Forensic FilesPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramOn the MoneyPaid ProgramPaid ProgramHomeowner CW (7.2) 99 9 8 8 (12:00) ‰‰‚ White Lion (Â10) Paid ProgramTummy TuckPaid ProgramFried FoodsPaid ProgramWrinkles!Paid ProgramPaid Program WMBB (13) 2 2 13 13 (:04) Blue BloodsPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramHouseSmartsGood Morning America (N) METV (13.2) 209 133 2 Lost in SpaceVoyage to Bottom of SeaPlanet of the ApesFamily AffairFamily AffairMystery Hnt.Mystery Hnt. WECP (18) 4 4 4 18 RaceWeekForensic FilesInside EditionPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramTummy TuckPaid ProgramJuice Cleanse MNT (18.2) 227 13 Sterling Moments Jewelry (N) LatiNationAmer. LatinoPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramP. Allen Smith WPGX (28) 8 8 28 28 American Ninja WarriorTwo/Half MenHow I MetPaid ProgramPaid ProgramFried FoodsPaid ProgramPaid ProgramJack Van Impe WFSG (56) 11 11 56 56 28 Day Metabolism MakeoverKentuckyÂs Story ÂEarly KentuckyÂŽ To Be AnnouncedSesame StreetDaniel Tiger A&E 34 43 118 265 (11:00) Live PDPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramNo SmokeGrillPaid ProgramStorage WarsStorage Wars AMC 30 62 131 254 (12:00) Escape From the Planet of the ApesHumans Mia and Ed get closer. M*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*H ANPL 46 69 184 282 Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetThe Zoo ÂMoving DayÂŽ K-9 Cops Fleeing car. K-9 Cops ÂViolent CrimeÂŽ BET 53 46 124 329 The GameThe GamePaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramDerek GrierRon Carpenter COM 64 53 107 249 Tosh.0Tosh.0ReviewKroll ShowPaid ProgramRelieve painPiYo Workout!GoodGREATTry Total GymPiYo Craze! DISC 36 39 182 278 Street OutlawsNorth AmericaThe Great Barrier Reef ‰‰‰ Racing Extinction (Â15) E! 63 57 114 236 The KardashiansThe KardashiansThe KardashiansThe KardashiansThe Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206 NBA Basketball Golden State Warriors at San Antonio Spurs. SportsCenterSportsCenterSportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 144 209 SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) 30 for 3030 for 30 FOOD 38 45 110 231 Diners, Drive-Ins and DivesBest Pan Ever!NuWaveCindyÂs SkinPaid ProgramIT CosmeticsTry Total GymHeaton PartiesTrishaÂs Sou. FREE 59 65 180 311 Paid ProgramQuickstartPaid ProgramMenopauseCook FastZ. LevittBobby SchullerSunday Mass ‰‚ John Tucker Must Die FS1 24 27 150 219 UFC Post Fight ShowNASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Boyd Gaming 300. College Basketball Big East Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. FX 45 51 136 248 Sex & Drugs & (:42) Louie (:12) LouieSex & Drugs &Sex & Drugs &FXM PresentsQuickstartTry Total GymEllenEllen HALL 23 59 185 312 FrasierFrasierCheersCheersI Love LucyI Love LucyI Love LucyI Love LucyI Love LucyI Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229 Property BrothersPiYo Craze!Try Total GymAmazing AbsPiYo Craze!Paid ProgramPaid ProgramFlea Market Flea Market HIST 35 42 120 269 Detroit SteelArthritis?CoinCoinCoinCoinMore SexThe Presidents Â1849-1865ÂŽ LIFE 56 56 108 252 A Deadly Affair (Â17) Valerie Azlynn, Luke Edwards, Alan Powell. Paid ProgramPaid ProgramFeelSexyHollywood BtyIn Touch W/Charles Stanley SPIKE 28 48 241 241 JailJailPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramAccidents cau.Paid ProgramPiYo Workout!PiYo Craze! SUN 49 422 656 Hurricane SpinCook SmartPaid ProgramPaid ProgramCountry Heat!Paid ProgramBISSELLArthritis Pain?LifeLockGrill SYFY 70 52 122 244 Dead Still (Â14) Ben Browder, Gavin Casalegno, Ray Wise. Dark Matter Paid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid Program TBS 31 15 139 247 ‰‰‰ Blades of Glory (Â07) Will Ferrell, Jon Heder, Will Arnett. Love-RaymondLove-RaymondMarriedMarriedSeinfeldSeinfeld TCM 25 70 132 256 (11:00) ‰‰‰ Force of Arms (Â51) Nancy Olson(:45) ‰‚ Hard Ticket to Hawaii (Â87) Ronn Moss, Dona Speir. ‰‰‰ On Approval (Â44) Clive Brook. TLC 37 40 183 280 Say Yes to the DressIsland MediumIsland MediumIsland MediumIsland MediumSay YesSay YesSay YesSay Yes TNT 29 54 138 245 (12:15) ‰‰‰‚ Casino (Â95) Robert De Niro, Sharon Stone, Joe Pesci. Law & Order ÂReleaseÂŽ Law & Order ÂDeadlockÂŽ USA 62 55 105 242 NCIS: Los Angeles ÂImpactÂŽ Law & Order: Criminal IntentLaw & Order: Criminal IntentNCIS: Los Angeles ÂOmniÂŽ Amazing FactsJeremiah WGN-A 13 239 307 EngagementEngagementRaising HopeRaising HopeSupernaturalDanny DavisThick HairAmazing FactsSearch--WayYour World SATURDAY AFTERNOON C COMCAST W WOW! S1 DISH NETWORK S2 DIRECTV MARCH 11 C W S1 S21 PM1:302 PM2:303 PM3:304 PM4:305 PM5:306 PM6:30 WJHG (7) 3 3 7 7 Alpine SkiingPGA Tour Golf Valspar Championship, Third Round. (N) (L) Jeopardy! Nightly NewsNewsWheel Fortune CW (7.2) 99 9 8 8 HollywoodArthritis Pain?KingKingRookie Blue Rookie Blue ÂBig NickelÂŽ Cops Rel.Cops Rel.Cheaters WMBB (13) 2 2 13 13 World of X Games (N) SEC StoriedPaid ProgramLarry King Sp.Paid ProgramWorld NewsNewsThe Middle METV (13.2) 209 133 2 Bonanza ÂJack KnifeÂŽ Rawhide ÂDamonÂs RoadÂŽ Wanted ...Wanted ...The RiflemanThe RiflemanThe Wild, Wild WestIncredible Hulk ÂDeathmaskÂŽ WECP (18) 4 4 4 18 College BasketballCollege Basketball Big Ten Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) College Basketball MNT (18.2) 227 13 Paid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramJuice CleansePaid ProgramPiYo Workout!Country Heat!Hurricane SpinLast-StandingLast-Standing Mike & MollyMike & Molly WPGX (28) 8 8 28 28 (12:00) ‰‰‚ Must Love Dogs How I MetTwo/Half MenSaints and SinnersPregameCollege Basketball (N) (L) Postgame WFSG (56) 11 11 56 56 Meditation for All of Us Age Reversed With Miranda Esmonde-WhiteNature ÂSuper HummingbirdsÂŽ Daniel OÂDonnell: Back Home Again Rock Rewind A&E 34 43 118 265 The First 48 ÂLester StreetÂŽ 60 Days In 60 Days In ÂTruth or DareÂŽ The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 ÂCold BetrayalÂŽ AMC 30 62 131 254 ‰‰‰‰ Planet of the Apes (Â68) Charlton Heston, Roddy McDowall. ‰‰‰ Beneath the Planet of the Apes (Â70) James Franciscus. ‰‰‰ Escape From the Planet of the Apes ANPL 46 69 184 282 Insane Pools: Deep EndDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mount ain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet BET 53 46 124 329 (:02) ‰‚ Addicted (Â14) Sharon Leal, Boris Kodjoe, Tasha Smith. ‰‚ Baggage Claim (Â13) Paula Patton, Derek Luke, Taye Diggs. COM 64 53 107 249 (12:10) Dude, WhereÂs My Car? (:10) ‰‰‰ Dazed and Confused (Â93) Jason London, Wiley Wiggins.(:25) ‰‰‚ Hot Tub Time Machine (Â10) John Cusack, Rob Corddry. DISC 36 39 182 278 Fast N Loud (Part 1 of 2) Fast N Loud Fast N Loud Fast N Loud Diesel Brothers Diesel Brothers E! 63 57 114 236 The KardashiansThe KardashiansThe KardashiansThe KardashiansThe KardashiansHeÂs Just Not That Into You ESPN 9 23 140 206 College BasketballCollege Basketball SEC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) (L) BasketballCollege Basketball Big 12 Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (N) ESPN2 47 24 144 209 College BasketballCollege BasketballCollege Basketball AAC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (N) (L) Basketball FOOD 38 45 110 231 Worst Cooks in AmericaDiners, Drive-Ins and DivesDiners, Drive-Ins and DivesDiners, Drive-Ins and DivesDiners, Drive-Ins and Di vesDiners, Drive-Ins and Dives FREE 59 65 180 311 (:05) ‰‚ What a Girl Wants (Â03) Amanda Bynes, Colin Firth, Kelly Preston. (:35) ‰‰ SheÂs All That (Â99) Freddie Prinze Jr. (:40) ‰‚ 10 Things I Hate About You (Â99) FS1 24 27 150 219 Race HubNASCAR RacingRaceDayNASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Boyd Gaming 300. (N) (L) XFINITY PostUFC Prefight Show (N) (L) FX 45 51 136 248 (11:30) ‰‰ The Green Hornet ‰‰‚ Men in Black 3 (Â12) Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin. ‰‰‚ Iron Man 2 (Â10) Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle. HALL 23 59 185 312 (12:00) DaterÂs Handbook (Â16) Ms. Matched (Â16) Alexa PenaVega, Shawn Roberts. Love on a Limb (Â16) Ashley Williams, Trevor Donovan. Love Blossoms (Â17) HGTV 32 38 112 229 House HuntersHouse HuntersHouse HuntersHouse HuntersHouse HuntersHouse HuntersHouse HuntersHouse HuntersHouse HuntersHouse Hunt ersHouse HuntersHouse Hunters HIST 35 42 120 269 Detroit Steel: BehindCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCo unting CarsCounting Cars LIFE 56 56 108 252 The Wrong Roommate (Â16) Eric Roberts, Vivica A. Fox. Girls Night Out (Â17) Mackenzie Mauzy, Katherine Barrell. From Straight AÂs to XXX (Â17) Haley Pullos, Judd Nelson. SPIKE 28 48 241 241 ‰‰ Clash of the Titans (Â10) Sam Worthington, Liam Neeson. Cops ÂAtlantaÂŽ Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops SUN 49 422 656 Pro-AmIsland HouseXTERRA World Championship Ins. LightningThe Game 365Spotlightto Do FloridaInside HEATInside HEATPregame SYFY 70 52 122 244 (12:30) ‰‰‚ From Dusk Till Dawn (Â96) Harvey Keitel. ‰‰‚ Warm Bodies (Â13) Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer. ‰‰‚ Underworld (Â03) Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman. TBS 31 15 139 247 (12:00) ‰‰‚ Tower Heist Friends Friends Friends Friends 2 Broke Girls2 Broke Girls2 Broke Girls2 Broke Girls2 Broke GirlsBig Bang TCM 25 70 132 256 ‰‰‰ Shenandoah (Â65) James Stewart, Doug McClure. ‰‰‰ The Last Sunset (Â61) Rock Hudson, Kirk Douglas. ‰‰‰‚ Ride the High Country (Â62) Randolph Scott. TLC 37 40 183 280 Say YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay Yes to the Dress TNT 29 54 138 245 (12:00) ‰‰‰ Die Hard 2 (Â90) Bruce Willis. ‰‰‰ Die Hard With a Vengeance (Â95) Bruce Willis, Jeremy Irons. ‰‰‚ Tower Heist (Â11) Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy. USA 62 55 105 242 (12:00) ‰‰‚ Red (Â10) Bruce Willis. ‰‰‚ Red 2 (Â13) Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker. ‰‰‰ Captain America: The First Avenger (Â11) Chris Evans. WGN-A 13 239 307 In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods ÂFresh StartÂŽ SATURDAY EVENING C COMCAST W WOW! S1 DISH NETWORK S2 DIRECTV MARCH 11 C W S1 S27 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:3012 AM12:30 WJHG (7) 3 3 7 7 The VoiceTaken ÂPilotÂŽ Saturday Night LiveNews (:29) Saturday Night Live (N) Old House (:32) Hometime CW (7.2) 99 9 8 8 Family GuyFamily GuyBobÂs BurgersBobÂs BurgersFamily GuySeinfeldEngagementEngagementRaising HopeRaising Hope ‰‰‚ White Lion (Â10) WMBB (13) 2 2 13 13 NBANBA Basketball Golden State Warriors at San Antonio Spurs. (N) (L) NewsThe Middle (:05) Entertainment Tonight (N)(12:05) CSI: Miami METV (13.2) 209 133 2 Wonder WomanStar Trek ÂThe Cloud MindersÂŽ Svengoolie ÂPhantom of the OperaÂŽ BatmanBatmanLand of the Giants WECP (18) 4 4 4 18 Ransom ÂThe ArtistÂŽ (N) NCIS: Los Angeles48 Hours (N) Modern FamilyOutdoorsmanElementaryScandal MNT (18.2) 227 13 Rizzoli & IslesBones2 Broke Girls2 Broke GirlsAngerAngerModern FamilyModern FamilyJerry Springer WPGX (28) 8 8 28 28 24: Legacy Â5:00 PM-6:00 PMÂŽ APB ÂHate of ComradesÂŽ InsuranceBig BangMasterChefTMZ (N) Xtreme OffTruck Tech WFSG (56) 11 11 56 56 Rock Rewind: 1967-196970s Soul Superstars (My Music) Motown, R&B, soul and disco artists. BrainFit: 50 Ways to Grow Your BrainAge Reversed With Miranda A&E 34 43 118 265 The First 48 ÂThe Other WifeÂŽ Live PD ÂLive PD -03.11.17ÂŽ Riding along with law enforcement. (N) (L) Live PD Riding along with law enforcement. AMC 30 62 131 254 Escape From Planet of Apes ‰‰‚ Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (Â72) Don Murray ‰‰ Battle for the Planet of the Apes (Â73) Roddy McDowall. Escape From Planet of Apes ANPL 46 69 184 282 Dr. Jeff: Extra DoseDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetThe Zoo ÂMoving DayÂŽ (N) The Zoo ÂHandle With CareÂŽ Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetThe Zoo ÂMoving DayÂŽ BET 53 46 124 329 ‰‰‰ Dear White People (Â14) Tyler James Williams. (:02) Being Mary Jane (:06) The Quad ÂMuleboneÂŽ Tyler PerryÂs House of PayneHouse/PayneHouse/Payne COM 64 53 107 249 (6:55) ‰‚ Billy Madison (Â95) Adam Sandler, Darren McGavin. ‰‰ 50 First Dates (Â04) Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore. ‰‚ Billy Madison (Â95) Adam Sandler, Darren McGavin. DISC 36 39 182 278 Diesel Brothers: Trucked Out ÂChuckÂs TruckÂŽ (N) Street OutlawsStreet OutlawsStreet Outlaws E! 63 57 114 236 (6:00) ‰‰ HeÂs Just Not That Into You (Â09) The Arrangement ÂPilotÂŽ ‰‰ HeÂs Just Not That Into You (Â09) Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston. The Arrangement ÂPilotÂŽ ESPN 9 23 140 206 College GameDay (N) (L) College Basketball ACC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (N) College Basketball Pac-12 Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (N) SportsCenter (N) (L) ESPN2 47 24 144 209 College BasketballCollege Basketball Southland Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. College Basketball Big West Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. E:60 FOOD 38 45 110 231 Diners, Drive-Ins and DivesDiners, Drive-Ins and DivesDiners, Drive-Ins and DivesDiners, Drive-Ins and DivesDiners, Drive-Ins a nd DivesDiners, Drive-Ins and Dives FREE 59 65 180 311 10 Things I (:45) ‰‰‰ Grease (Â78) John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing.(:25) ‰‰ How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (Â03) Kate Hudson, Adam Goldberg. FS1 24 27 150 219 UFC Fight Night: Belfort vs. Gastelum Prelims (N) (L) UFC Fight Night: Belfort vs. Gastelum (N) (L) UFC Post Fight Show (N) (L) FX 45 51 136 248 ‰‰‰ Iron Man 3 (Â13) Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow. A powerful enemy tests Tony StarkÂs true mettle. Feud: Bette and Joan ÂPilotÂŽ Mike & MollyMike & MollySex & Drugs & HALL 23 59 185 312 (6:00) Love Blossoms (Â17) Love at First Glance (Â17) Amy Smart, Adrian Grenier. Golden GirlsGolden GirlsGolden GirlsGolden GirlsFrasierFrasier HGTV 32 38 112 229 Property BrothersProperty BrothersHouse Hunters Renovation (N) Log Cabin LvnLog Cabin LvnProperty BrothersHouse Hunters Renovation HIST 35 42 120 269 Counting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsDetroit Steel (N)(:02) Counting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting Cars LIFE 56 56 108 252 The Wrong Student (Â17) Jessica Morris, Jason-Shane Scott. A Deadly Affair (Â17) Valerie Azlynn, Luke Edwards, Alan Powell. The Wrong Student (Â17) Jessica Morris, Jason-Shane Scott. SPIKE 28 48 241 241 CopsCopsCopsCopsCopsCopsCopsCopsCopsJailJailJail SUN 49 422 656 NBA Basketball Toronto Raptors at Miami Heat. (N) (L) PostgameInside HEATInside HEATAfter Midnight with the HEAT From Mar. 11, 2017. SYFY 70 52 122 244 Underworld ‰‰‰‚ Skyfall (Â12) Daniel Craig. James Bond must track down and destroy a threat to MI6. ‰‚ Repo Men (Â10) Jude Law, Forest Whitaker, Liev Schreiber. TBS 31 15 139 247 Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangFull FrontalThe Detour ‰‰ Death at a Funeral (Â10) Keith David, Loretta Devine. TCM 25 70 132 256 ‰‰ The Quick and the Dead (Â64) Larry Mann.(:45) ‰‰‰‚ A Walk in the Sun (Â46) Dana Andrews, Richard Conte. ‰‰‰ Force of Arms (Â51) William Holden, Nancy Olson. TLC 37 40 183 280 Say Yes to the Dress Jamiee and fiance Lisa shop together.(:04) Four Weddings (:04) Say Yes to the Dress ÂThe Shay WayÂŽ(12:04) Four Weddings TNT 29 54 138 245 ‰‰ The Family (Â13) Robert De Niro, Tommy Lee Jones, Michelle Pfeiffer. ‰‰‰‚ Silver Linings Playbook (Â12) Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence.(12:15) ‰‰‰‚ Casino (Â95) USA 62 55 105 242 Capt. America ‰‰‚ X-Men III: The Last Stand (Â06) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart.(9:53) ‰‰‰ Captain America: The First Avenger (Â11) Chris Evans. Chrisley WGN-A 13 239 307 Blue BloodsBlue Bloods ÂFriends in NeedÂŽ Blue BloodsUnderground ÂContrabandÂŽ How I MetHow I MetHow I MetEngagement TV LISTINGS
** The News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 C7ARIES (March 21-April 19) „ The perfect thing for you now is a system that allows you to operate freely within it „ even break out of it „ because you know itÂs a loose guide and not a stone tablet gospel. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) „ The key to being ÂonÂŽ in the moment when it matters may be in being ÂoffÂŽ before it matters. All that you do to rest and recharge today will count toward next weekÂs success. GEMINI (May 21-June 21) „ YouÂll deal with the dif“ cult people again, because youÂre often the only one in your group who can. Just remember, the loudmouths are usually trying to project a bigger sense of themselves to hide deep insecurities. CANCER (June 22-July 22) „ The meditator aims to master the mind by emptying it. Logically, it would seem that fewer thoughts would be easier to manage. Another, perhaps easier, way to have fewer thoughts will be to lose yourself in your favorite activity. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) „ ItÂs like youÂre given a key today „ just one, but one is all you need. The same key will open the door to a few different opportunities, some of them most enjoyable, some terrible. So go with caution, testing things out along the way. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) „ When you think you understand but donÂt really, itÂs worse than knowing youÂre clueless. The latter is an invitation for learning, the former an invitation for mistakes. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) „ Stick too close to the tradition, routine or plan and the result will have less life in it than the zingy unpredictability of your inspired whims. Surround yourself with people who get this. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) „ The Zen proverb says, ÂThe wild geese do not intend to cast their re” ections. The water has no mind to receive their images.ÂŽ Unintended validation, beauty and grace will be part of your day. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) „ In all matters of life, from choosing a mate to choosing a teacher (home-repair person, tour guide, babysitter or any role at all that needs “ lling in your life), what matters is not that itÂs a perfect match but that itÂs a good “ t. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) „ No matter how much money a person has, there will always be options that cost more. So donÂt wish for wealth as you face todayÂs “ nancial decisions; wish for wisdom. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) „ To seek ÂtheÂŽ truth may be a waste of the day, as there are thousands of informational bits to sort through, held together by only the most tenuous threads of the stuff. Instead seek ÂyourÂŽ truth (also dif“ cult, but less so). PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) „ Your fortunes will be augmented when you are sweet to your family for an hour, unless you are too busy: Then your fortunes will be augmented when you are sweet to your family for two hours.HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY MATHIS DIVERSIONSÂTrivia FunÂŽ with Wilson Casey, Guinness World Record Holder from Woodruff, S.C., is published in more than 500 newspapers across the country. Comments, questions or suggestions? 1. When was the designated hitter rule adopted by baseballÂs American League? 1973, 1979, 1985, 1991 2. What does the Arctic tundra have the worldÂs heaviest concentration of? Seaweed, Mosquitoes, Snow geese, Caribou 3. Whose lunch as president often was cottage cheese smothered in ketchup? Coolidge, Nixon, Ford, Reagan 4. In 1907, who became the first referee in a boxing ring? Hans Schmidt, Mike Wood, James Clampett, Eugene Corri 5. How many U.S. states legally allow second cousins to marry? 9, 18, 26, 50 6. Where is composer MozartÂs random grave? France, England, Austria, Germany ANSWERS: 1. 1973, 2. Mosquitoes, 3. Nixon, 4. Eugene Corri, 5. 50, 6. AustriaTRIVIA BY WILSON CASEY ACES ON BRIDGE: BOBBY WOLFF (Answers Monday) GIANTSOUPYSPRAWLBUTANE YesterdayÂs Jumbles: Answer: The Medieval tailor created armored outfits for knights. It was his „ STRONG SUIT Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAMEby David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. CUPOH NITLF SOOCSM CURDEE 2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. Check out the new, free JUSTJUMBLE app Answer here: SUDOKUAnswer to yesterdayÂs sudokuDEAR ABBYSingle life gives woman perspectiveDEAR ABBY: I have been with my boyfriend for two years. Until recently, we were inseparable and I loved his company. I got a job that required me to temporarily relocate and be on my own, so we saw each other only every other week. During that time, I gained a better understanding of who I am and how I want to spend my time. Since then, I have realized that my boyfriend and I may not be as compatible as I once thought. We discussed it, and heÂs willing to do anything to make it work. But some things canÂt be changed, such as his interests and small quirks he has. IÂm having a hard time because I want to break things off, but then I worry that he could be Âthe one that got away.ÂŽ Any advice would be appreciated. „ LOOKING FOR THE ONEDEAR LOOKING: As you have found, distance doesnÂt always make the heart grow fonder. Keeping someone around not because youÂre crazy about him, but because youÂre afraid if you donÂt he will be the one who got away is NOT a reason to continue the relationship. Your breather has shown that he may not be Âthe oneÂŽ after all. ThatÂs a GOOD thing, and not something to be afraid of. So do the kind thing and let him go. That way he can find someone who loves him „ quirks and all „ and so can you.DEAR READERS: While IÂm on the subject of getting up in the morning, this is my annual reminder to those of you living where daylight saving time is observed: DonÂt forget to turn your clocks forward one hour tonight at bedtime. Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. tomorrow. I love this ritual because it signals the coming of spring! Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby. com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Jeanne PhillipsWORD SCRIMMAGE: JUDD HAMBRICK Wilson Casey
CLASSIFIEDSThe News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 C C 9 9 STEAKPITREOPENINGMARCH20thTAKINGAPPLICATIONSMON.MAR.6TH SAT.MAR.11TH MON.MAR.13TH TH.MAR.16TH 11:00AM-5:00PMFrontDoorEntrance€SaleSperSonfor theGeneralStore €ServerSEXPERIENCED€hoSt/hoSteSSeS €BuS&Set-up(MUSTBE16YRSOLD)€Kitchenprep €DiShwaSherS €SteaKcooKSEXPERIENCED€cooKShelperS €caShierS €MeatcutterPORTIONCUTTINGEXPERIENCE RATEOFPAYDEPENDSONEXPERIENCEnophonecallSpleaSe9527FrontBeachRoad PanamaCityBeachEOEM/F/D/V1162584 Accounting/FinanceBay Point Community Association Accountant Position Manages system to account for all financial transactions by establishing a chart of accounts Maintains subsidiary accounts by verifying, allocating, reconciling, and posting financial transactions Interfaces with CPA firm in the completion of the annual financial audit Prepares financial reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing account information and trends Complies with federal, state, and local legal requirements by studying requirements; enforcing adherence to requirements; filing reports; advising management on needed actions Prepares and supervises the timely reconciliation of 20 bank accounts Maintains all records for 6 HOAÂ’s Maintains employee files, set up new hire drug screens, new hire packets and benefits Accounts payable, including approval and payments Accounts receivable to include all billing and aging Prepares payroll Complete Estopple requests Place office supply orders Monitors performance to budget, provides report and analysis to management Experience: Requires little direct supervision, self-starter Handling multi-million dollar business Daily interactions with homeowners Presentation skills to management and board members QuickBooks experience necessary Managing multiple business accounts Team player and participant Education: Accounting degree Prefer notary CPA not required Previous HOA administration a plus Salary : Commensurate with experience WebID #: 34369719 Accounting/Finance NOW HIRING The City of Wewahitchka, seeks a full-time Worker to fill the position ofUtility Billing Clerk .Must be responsible for taking money Send utility bills, receive and post payments. If you are interested: request application email: please send resume and completed employment application to City Hall, Attention: City Clerk, Connie Parrish, PO Box 966, Wewahitchka, FL 32465, or by email. Web ID # 34369790 Admin/Clerical Dermatology SouthEast is now hiring! We are looking for dynamic and talentedOffice Manager & Front OfficeExcellent Pay and Benefits. Drug-Free Workplace To apply send resume to Web ID # 34369432 Admin/ClericalOffice Manager/BillerPhysicianÂ’s office is seeking an experienced medical office manager/biller with 3-5 years of experience for a full time position. Qualifications: *Three to five years experience in medical office management *Three to five years of experience in medical billing *CPT and ICD 10 Coding *Experience with Insurance Authorizations, Data Entry and Insurance Claims *Set up payment plans, billing, processing of claims and collections Ideal candidate must be detail oriented and able to multitask. Excellent benefits package. Salary to commensurate with experience. Please send resume to Web ID#: 34367684 Banking/RE/MortgageFSR I -Entry Level PositionInnovations Federal Credit Union is seeking motivated, ambitious and member service oriented individuals with excellent organiztional and customer service skills. If you have a positive attitude, a high standard of integrity, and you are a team player, we would like to talk with you about becoming a part of the exciting success and growth of this dynamic and innovative full service financial institution. We currently have openings for an FSR I -Entry Level Teller Position. Please submit your resume to: Innovations FCU, PO Box 15529, Panama City, Florida 32406, Attn: Human Resources, or email us at Bay County Association of REALTORS The Bay County Association of REALTORS Inc. is seeking an MLS/Internal Technology Manager to run itÂ’s Multiple Listing Service operations & service staff IT needs. BCAR serves more than 1300 REALTORS in Panama City and surrounding counties. Must be proficient in all areas of technology IE: Phone systems, Microsoft 365 administration and Share Point, Computer equipment set up & trouble shoot. Analytical and problem solving skills. Ability to teach technology and desire to learn MLS software. Must be personable and customer service oriented. Please send questions & or resume to CEO@bcaor .com. Web ID#: 34370113 Cust Svc/Client CareNo Experience Necessary Blue Island Beach Company now hiring retail sales assistants/ cashiers for womenÂ’s swimwear & apparel stores at multiple locations. Great Starting Pay! Call Terri for appt 850-234-6278 or email Web ID 34369531 Customer SupportAlvinÂ’s Island Now HiringEnergetic & hardworking people. Apply in person at any AlvinÂ’s Island location. No phone calls, please. Web ID#: 34368669 HospitalityPT Groundskeeper and FT Front Desk ClerkExperience with V-12 required for Front Desk position. Call for interview 850-234-3720. Ask for Anthony or Debbie. Continental Condominiums, 15413 Front Beach Rd. Web ID#: 34369640 Install/Maint/RepairB & C Fire Safety Fire Sprinkler Fitter/Foreman/Apprentice Fire Alarm Technician Admin Assistant (with contract exp.) Apply in person at: 823 Navy St, FWB or call 850-862-7812. Web ID#: 34370082 Install/Maint/RepairDriver – Water Truck Operator – Class A CDL With Air Brakesmust be dependable/ hard working – job responsibilities will include watering various job sites across northwest Florida with a 2,000 gallon tanker truck. $16.00-21.00/ hour plus 1.5x for overtime. Send resume to fax 850-230-9892 or, or visit the employment link at www .bay Web ID # 34369918 Install/Maint/RepairResort Vacation Properties of SGI Inc.Looking for dependable professionalHousekeepers/Independent Contractorsto perform departure cleans and deep cleans for vacation homes. Must have experience and references. Must carry liability insurance and workerÂ’s compensation insurance if required by Florida Law. Weekend work is required. Call 850-670-1266 or visit us in person at 25 Begonia Street, Eastpoint, FL Web ID # 34369793 Installation/Maintenance/RepairFLEET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Public WorksSalary: $21.20 Hourly The Washington County Board of County Commissioners is currently accepting applications for a Fleet Maintenance Supervisor position in the Public Works Shop. This position performs highly skilled mechanical work in the maintenance, repair and overhaul of automotive and heavy equipment as well as supervising and overseeing the shop. Minimum Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited high school or possession of an acceptable equivalency diploma. Basic computer skills. Must have a minimum of six (6) years of experience as a mechanic repairing both gasoline and diesel engines, light and heavy equipment repair and maintenance, and welding experience or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. At least four (4) years of the required experience must be in diesel mechanics. Must possess and maintain a valid Florida driversÂ’ license with an acceptable driving record. Must obtain and maintain a valid CDL license, Class A, within one (1) year of hire. Note: ASE Heavy truck and other industry recognized certifications are highly desired, i.e., c ertifications from MACK Truck, Caterpillar, John Deer, etc Applications may be accessed on-line at Applications and job descriptions may also be obtained at the Washington County Board of County CommissionersÂ’ office located at 1331 South Boulevard, Chipley, FL 32428. All interested applicants MUST submit an Employment Application to the Human Resources Department in the Washington County Board of County CommissionersÂ’ office by 4:00 PM on March 16, 2017. All questions regarding this position or other vacancies should be directed to the Human Resources Department, 850-415-5151. The selected applicant will be subject to a pre-employment background check. VeteranÂ’s Preference is accepted in accordance with FS 295.08. Equal Opportunity/Drug-Free Workplace Web ID#: 34367745 Logistics/Transport Anderson Columbia Co., Inc. has a position of:Experienced Dump Truck DriverWith Class A or B license. Drug free environment / EOE/ Medical Benefits & 401K Please Call Scott Christy 850-573-1208 between 8am and 5pm only Web ID#: 34369823 Logistics/TransportClass A CDL DriversNeeded Immediately Local Mossyhead and surrounding areas $2,000 Retention Bonus Dump Trailer Drivers Home Nights Apply online only at: www Perdido Trucking Service, LLC251-470-0355 Web ID#: 34367981 Medical/Health Dermatology SouthEast is now hiring! We are looking for dynamic and talented LPNÂ’s/MAÂ’s and a Histologist. Excellent Pay and Benefits. Drug-Free Workplace To apply send resume to Web ID # 34370135 Medical/HealthOPHTHALMIC TECHNICIANThe Eye Center of North Florida, Bay CountyÂ’s leader in eye care providers, is now accepting applications for a full-time Experienced Ophthalmic Technician. Duties are directing and testing patients as well as working closely with the doctors. Prior experience is required. Successful candidates will have a kind disposition, excellent people and communication skills, patience and a positive attitude. Eye Center of North Florida is an EOE. Please send resume to: Kathi Nichols, Business Operations Manager, The Eye Center of North Florida, 2500 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Panama City, Florida 32405, fax to (850) 522-9829 or stop by to complete an application. Web ID# 34369780 Medical/HealthRadiation TherapistHope Radiation Cancer Center is seeking an ARRT; Florida licensed Radiation Therapist to join a private practice in Panama City, Florida. Panama City is located on beautiful quartz crystal white sand beaches and emerald green waters. Our office uses the latest state of the art Varian Linac IX for treatment. The office is equipped with a GE CT Simulator, EMR and highly professional staff. We offer competitive salary and an excellent benefit package. An ideal candidate is an AART with a Florida license with a minimum of three (3) years experience. CT Simulation experience preferred. Must be a team player. Email your resume to Web ID#: 34369782 SecurityUNARMED SECURITY OFFICERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!!!Hiring Security Officers for a Panama City Hospital Florida D security license required Pay $12.00/hr. plus benefits Send resume to JobsT (888) 925-3363 x 2959 Web ID#: 34369381 Security/Protective ServicesAdministratorJackson County Correctional Facility Graduation from high school supplemented by specialized courses in jail management, BS in Criminal Justice preferred, and 6 to 9 years of progressively responsible experience as a correctional supervisor; individual with state certification as a correctional officer preferred; or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. Salary Range: $56,349 to $66,349/yr Complete job descriptions may be viewed on our web site www Deadline to apply: 04/10/2017 Submit Jackson County employment application to: Human Resources Dept., 2864 Madison St, Marianna, FL 32448 EEPO/ADA/AA VetPref/Drug Free Workplace Web ID # 34369789 ADOPTION:Attorney/Dancer & Professor/Musician, Outdoor Adventures, Travel, LOVINGLY await 1st baby. 1-800-552-0045 Joanne & Bob FLBar42311 Expenses pd Lost CatWhite, short haired cat, brown spot on hip, black and brown tail, one brown ear. Lost at Pinnacle Apts on Minnesota Ave. If found please call Sophie at (850) 387-3961. Found pair of black prescription eyeglasses in St. AndrewÂ’s area on 3/7/2017. Call Cris at (850) 276-9625. 2 Westie Brothers 6/moÂ’s old, groomed, neutered, non-shedding, great with kids. $490ea. 850-687-1598 Text FL70127 to 56654 Alternative To BoardingHouse N PetSitting Svs. Licensed Bonded 265-0278 CleanRoom & Fab Equip For Sale20 YearsÂ’ worth of inventory & equipment for sale from a high pressure piping fabrication business. Inventory: stainless steel piping, tubing & hardware, hose material, high pressure fittings & components Equipment: Welding, cleanroom, pipe (cutting threading bending), hose-making, shop & office fixtures March 14, 15, & 16, 9-5 7518 McElvey Road, Panama City Beach, FL For detailed item list email Cemetery Spaces Kent Forest Lawn Located at the Arch & Cross section. Priced at $1,000 each. Located in Lot 12 D in spaces 3 and 4. If interested, contact 850-747-8957 or 850-819-4836. Text FL70114 to 56654 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS NEEDEDWill buy sealed, unexpired boxes (850)710-0189 For Sale: 1 burial plot at Garden of Memories -Together Forever Garden. Section 118-6, space #3. $2,000. Linda 850-272-3447 Text FL69433 to 56654 Hot tub Free, come get it. 5125 Douglas Street. Text FL70059 to 56654 For SaleCustom Made Guitars Dobro-Fiddle Call(850)-722-5411 Text FL69936 to 56654 Admin/ClericalAdministrative AssistantNeeded for medical office. 2(+) years exp in doing prior authorization for specialty drugs, especially for infusions. CPT coding and ICD 10 experience needed. FT with benefits. Email resumes to: or fax to 850-215-3024 Web ID # 34369701 Exp. CarpentersDLneeded. Own transportation. 850-381-4454. Food Serv/HospKitchen/Deil HelpApply in person, Modica Market: 109 Central Square, Seaside, Florida Web ID # 34370086 Install/Maint/RepairHouse CleanersEarthShine Cleaning is looking for housecleaners and condo cleaners. Part time, possible full time. Exp preferred but will train successful candidate. Valid driverÂ’s license with reliable transportation. Saturdays a must. Call 850-215-8339 for an appointment. Web ID#: 34369815 BARGAIN CORNER PANAMA CITY NEWS HERALD FREE ADS FOR ITEMS $250 OR LESSUP TO 4 ITEMS PER AD € PRICE MUST BE IN THE AD VIEW ADSONLINEALL WEEK! MAIL TO: THE NEWS HERALD € BARGAIN CORNER € P.O. BOX 1940 € PANAMA CITY, FL 32401PLACE ADS ONLINE AT WWW.NEWSHERALD.COM € CLICK ON ÂCLASSIFIEDSÂŽ Bay Leaves cookbook, mint condition, $10. Life Magazine 20th Anniversary Special -Aug 1989, $5. Call 850-763-9909 Free scrap metal. Two mobile homes to be removed from property. Free to anyone. Must be removed. Call 850-525-9545 for information Peavey 100watt guitar amp, Bandit 112, new! $250. Hondo electric guitar with soft case, Brand new! $250. Cigar boxes, $3 each, 10 for $20, 50 for $50, 100 for $75. New Wave Oven, never used $75/OBO. Call Jack (850) 654-5539 or 974-6594 1 king size bed, complete with head board and frames $200. Call Gene @ 277-0028. Rain Beatles Tribute Concert, 2 stage seats 4th row center Row D seats 17 & 18. Marina Civic Center, April 7th, 8PM. Selling for cost $120.00 for both. Call 850 387-6051 ActionTree.NetBest Prices in Town Lic/Insured, Firewood, Call/Text 850-527-7017 Any Time Tree Removal!850-265-9794Text FL69248 to 56654 BJs Lawn and Tree ServicesMonthly specials! 15% off all ServicesAffordable rates. Accepting all major credit cards. Full tree removal, tree trimming & lot clearing. Licensed & insured. Call 850-596-4642 CreamerÂ’s Tree ServiceCall Jason @ (850)832-9343 Pearce Tree & Stump Service“We go out on a limb for you!” Lic. & Ins. 850-596-5067 p anamacitytree Best Oriental Massage Health & Harmony Nice Professional QUALITYTOUCH! 914-9177.Lic #9026 Home Painting ProÂ’ s Residential/ Commercial/Interior & Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing Free Estimates 850-276-0606 $2999-NEW METAL ROOF for the Doublewide!! (up to 28x60) Licensed & Insured. Guyson Construction & Roofing (850) 258-5856 CALLTODAYText FL65996 to 56654 Complete Lawn CareSenior & Military Disc.Call Steven: 850-624-8798 Cell 850-235-2212 Office Have It Your Way! Int/Ext Painting, Clean-Ups/Sod, Epoxy Floors, Rock/Flower Beds. Drainage Systems. Lot Clearing, Haul Offs. Weeding. Tree Trimming, Pressure Washing. Service Calls 850-303-8526 850-381-7960 Save 10-20%! Roy Smiley Jr. 24 Hr. Response YARDEDGE 625-3942 ‘Spring CleanupÂ’ Regular Lawn Service 596-6293 Lic/Ins !!BobÂ’s Home Repairs!!R oof repairs,Soffet and Facia, Also drywall, etc.35 Years Experience850-235-3769Leave Message. DonÂ’s Home RepairPainting, Tile, Windows, Doors, General Carpentry, Metal Roofs, Pressure Washing, Plumbing. Insured. 850-630-9690 Home Repairs Any Job, Large Or Small. New Installs, Kitchens, Baths Paint, Tile, Woodrot, Electric, Plumbing. Robert 850-832-7972 Able Lawn SvcWe Show Up!Mulch, cleanups, pine straw, palms, leaf removal, trimming 596-4383/258-5072 KIPPLE & SON CONCRETE & POOL REPAIR Pool refinish, driveways & patios, 27 YrÂ’s Exp. Lic/Ins, Free Estimates 850-851-4015 WHITEÂ’S CONCRETE Serv. Bay Co. 22 Yr 874-1515 / 896-6864 Accept Credit Cards Elderly Care Exp. caregiver for your loved ones. 15 yrs exp. Call Betty. 850-814-2726 Text FL68440 to 56654 SEATILE Tile & Wood All Types of Tiles & Wood Flooring installed. Bath & Kitchens Too! Free Est: Kenneth 850-532-4251 Golden Touch Cleaning Services Residential/Condos Insured Free Estimates Sherie @ 814-4002 Dianne @ 704-0514 Duncan ConcreteExp. & Ins. Driveway & Patio Specialist Now accepting all major credit cards 850-896-1574 If you didnÂ’t advertise here, youÂ’re missing out on potential customers. Call To Place An Ad In Classifieds. 747-5020 These tiny ads sell, hire, rent and inform for thousands of families each week.Let a little Classified ad do a big job for you. The News Herald Classified 747-5020 If you didnÂ’t advertise here, youÂ’re missing out on potential customers.
CLASSIFIEDSC C 1 1 0 0 Saturday, March 11, 2017| The News Herald WHYJOINTHECOUNTSREALESTATETEAM?WHENITCOMESTOTHETOOLSANDSUPPORTSTAFFTHATIS AVAILABLETOYOU,WHATSTANDSOUTTHEMOST?Countsanditsreputablenamecaughtourattentionseveral yearsagoaswetooknoticeoftheirsignseverywhere.We knewthenweneededtondoutmoreaboutCountsReal Estateandwhattheyhavetooffer.Oncewesatdownand spokewiththeBroker,heexplainedthepowerfulmarketing toolstheyprovide.Wehadnodoubtthisisthecompany andworkenvironmentwewantedtobeapartof.TheStaff supportisphenomenalandalwayswillingandreadytohelp. Eventodaythecompanyremainscommittedtomaintaining thebestuptodatemarketingtoolsfortheiragents.Making thischoicehasbeenthebestdecisionfortheLopezReal EstateTeam!Ruth&CharlesLopez, Realtors CountsRealEstateGroup3009Hwy77,SuiteH PanamaCity,FL32405 Ofce:850-248-3615 Fax:850-248-3624 E X P E R I E N C E C O U N T S E X P E R I E N C E C O U N T S E X P E R I E N C E C O U N T S C C C O U N T S O U N T S O U N T S R R R E A L E A L E A L E E E S T A T E S T A T E S T A T E . C O M C O M C O M FollowUs! PIERPARK 600PierParkDr.,#122 PanamaCityBch,FL 850.234.0336 THOMASDRIVE 2104ThomasDrive PanamaCityBeach,FL 850.249.3615 30-A 4987Hwy.30-AEast SantaRosaBeach,FL 850.231.1483 PANAMACITY 3009Hwy77,SuiteH PanamaCity,FL 850.248.3615 WESTEND 21901PCBPkwy PanamaCityBeachFL 850.249.1414 Relocating? PANAMACITY 3009Hwy77,SuiteH PanamaCity,FL 850.248.3615 THOMASDRIVE 2104ThomasDrive PanamaCityBeach,FL 850.249.3615 30-A 4987Hwy.30-AEast SantaRosaBeach,FL 850.231.1483 WESTEND 21901PCBPkwy PanamaCityBeachFL 850.249.14141159840 100PierParkDr.,#115 Install/Maint/RepairMercury Marine Test Boat Driver40 hrs a week, Permanent contract position, $15per hr + more for highly qualified individuals. Apply online at using 34369726. Install/Maint/RepairPlumber and Plumbers Helper, New ConstructionCall Frank Wood Plumbing. 850-234-2168 Web ID: 34370039 Install/Maint/RepairUtility Technician Right of Way (ROW) CrewGulf Coast Electric Cooperative is accepting applications for the position of Utility Technician working out of the Wewahitchka, FL office. Applicants must have a Class A CDL or the ability to obtain them within 6 months of starting. Must also have working knowledge or experience with electrical/ water distribution systems. Equipment Operator experience is preferred as well as previous line crew experience. You may apply at Career Source Gulf Coast Center, located at 625 Highway 231, Panama City, through Friday March 17, 2017 at 4:00 p.m. For more information visit our website at Equal Opportunity Employer Web ID#: 34369771 Medical/HealthMA/LPNBusy specialty practice needs experienced MA/LPN. Must be computer literate and a fast learner. Flexible hours, 401K, benefits, Salary DOE. Send resumes to Blind Box 3689 c/o The News Herald, P.O. Box 1940, Panama City, FL 32402 Web ID#: 34344783 PT CaretakerSeeking caretaker for daily help for 2 hours only. Resota Beach Rd area. Call (850) 265-2507. Other Emerald Falls 8602 Thomas Dr. Cobra Adventure Park 9323 Front Bch Rd.Now Hiring Ride Attendants Cashiers Multiple PositionsPick up applications at Emerald Falls or Cobra Adventure Park Web ID: 34369544 Sales/Business DevExperienced• Managers •Asst Managers •Sales PersonnelHeatwave & Purple Haze Now Hiring FT/PT -year round. Great pay. Great work environment. Apply at 10015 Front Beach Rd. Or fax to 850-234-9911 Web ID#: 34369265 Sales/Business DevHy’s ToggeryNow Accepting Applications for Sales Associates Full and Part TimeNo phone calls or emails. Apply in person only, at Hy’s Toggery Pier Park next door to Tootsie’s. Web ID#: 34369573 Commercial BuildingAt nice location. Ready for business! Call 850-960-0752 or 258-2611 for details. Text FL68496 to 56654 Whse w/office & docks 2500-5000-7500 up to 20k sqft 850-785-3031panamacitywarehouse.netBrokers Protected P.C. 1br garage apartment, new carpet & paint, no pets, $425 + $400 dep. 785-7341 or 814-3211 Text FL68833 to 56654 Gatewood Apartments2BR HC & non-HC Apts. 7100 Noel Rd, Panama City, FL 32404 850-784-9893 TDD/TTY 711. This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employerTxt FL69354 to 56654 Panama City: 1 bd duplex, one person, $700/mo + electricity. Call 605-342-8777 Publisher’s NoticeAll real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on a equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. 6218 Pine Tree Ave 1br/ 1ba Beach East End. Tiled throughout. Newly painted. W/G are incl. $675/ mo.+dep 706-662-1711 Available now! Text FL69870 to 56654 Quiet Cove House for Rent: 3bd/2ba On water with dock, recently remodeled, all new appliances, hardwood floors, nice deck overlooking the water, large den/office. 20x30 block storage building/workshop. $1500/mo + $1500 dep call (229) 977-8157 Beautiful BR and BA. W/ large closet! On N. Lagoon in PCB, furnished, $500mo. Call only 850-832-2644 Lynn Haven 2 & 3 Br’s starting at $640 mnth, W/D Hookup, CH/A, No Pets. 850-624-6552 Mobile home for rent: 2bd/2ba, 16x82, sitting on 10 acres of property in Fountain. $500/mo 205-388-0367 Day 205-388-5643 Night Text FL69810 to 56654 $1000 Down Home Buyer Grant puts you in this ALL NEW 3/2 In St Andrew OPEN Sat. 12-2pm 1611 Lake Ave Coldwell Banker Carroll 850 960 2502 $169,900 PCB30 days to completion on 2 new units. 2 story free standing townhouses. 1500 sqft 3br 2 1/2 ba beautifully finished with 9’ ceilings, stainless appliances, real granite countertops and vanity tops. Google Mimosa Place, Panama City Beach to see. Located on the east end of the beach in Mimosa Place, a private community of only 30 homes. Corner of Laird St and Anne Ave one block South of Front Beach Rd. All outside maintenance included in $50/mo. Association dues for carefree living. Pet park, grill and paved 2 car parking spaces. For sale by Developer with $3000 buyer closing cost allowance. Realtor coop @ 3%. 850 258-7792 ‘’Arts-and-Crafts’’ Style luxury home. 2900+ sq ft with a fabulous water view of Grand Lagoon in Bay Point. 3 Bdrm, 2.5 baths $479,000.Bay Point Real EstateHope Abbott (850) 596-7653 Executive Home in one of the most prestigious gated neighborhoods in Panama City Beach, Trieste. Nestled in the back of the Colony Club neighborhood & just a short bike ride from beaches. 4BR 2 BA Bay Point Real EstateHope Abbott (850) 596-7653 GULF ACCESS 12:30-3PM SUN 708 2nd St. Lynn Haven 100’ Beachfront on 2 lots, 2000sq, 4bd/2.5ba Coldwell Banker Carroll Realty 850 960-2502 kmiller@kmiller .biz Senior CommunityOnly 55 park in bay County 1647 Acre Circle-PCB 2100 Sq. Feet 3 bd/ 2 ba plus-shop, 3 porches, storage, own land, corner lot-119K Open House-Sun 2-4 pm Call 1-417-766-3787 3.5 ACRE MOUNTAINTOP HIDEAWAY ONLY $15,900 Over 500 ft on trout stream – fish from your porch! Great location, just steps to National Forest! Unbeatable mountain views and beautiful waterfall and pond. MUST GO! Call (727) 314-3001 txt FL69469 to 56654 Panama City: 228 Harrison Ave Next To Millie’s. Saturday. March 11th 9 AM till ??? vintage items, home decor, clothes, 20 years of collectibles, books, video games & more! Text FL70145 to 56654 Panama City: 3124 Wood Valley Rd Mar. 11, 7:30am-12:00Multi-HouseholdHousehold items and electronics. Infant to child clothes, toys, etc. Text FL69826 to 56654 Southport: 12808 Merial Waters Pass Sat 3/11, 9am-NoonMoving Sale4pc King size Oak bedroom set, 5pc antique 2 twin bedroom set, Oak dining room set, dishes, clothes, tools, Weber grill, antique bassinet, men’s 3G bicycle & more! Text FL70152 to 56654 Southport : 1830 Callahan St. off Highway 77 Sat. Mar. 11th 8:00am -1pmTrinity Holiness ChurchBenefit Sale!Hot dogs, drinks, and Car Wash (donations)A Variety of Things From Clothes to appliances! All donations go to Building Fund for new sanctuary! Text FL70092 to 56654 Springfield: 1001 Huntington Dr. Fri 3/10-12, 7am-5pmMoving SaleElectric hospital bed & misc. items. Text FL69857 to 56654 Springfield: 1407 Ridgewood Ave Saturday Mar 11th 7 am -2 pmDownsizing To The Max!Adult clothing, electronics, freshwater fishing lures, boat engine speed props, boat accessories, furniture—some wicker. Text FL70032 to 56654 Springfield: 2525 Naples Ave Near Ten Acre and Transmitter Rd. Sat. March 11 8 a.m.Good Stuff Gotta Go Garage SaleGOOD condition Toys (tons of Hot Wheel tracks, sports items), small restaurant and kitchen accessories, used and new cash register, used tools, misc housewares. Text FL69769 to 56654 Springfield: 509 Jennings Ave Saturday, March 11th 8 amYard SaleMiscellaneous Furniture. Text FL69883 to 56654 The Cove: 722 Bunkers Cove Rd. Saturday, March 11th 8am-3pmEstate Sale in the GarageAquariums-30, 55, 125 gal, linens/household items, books/computer games, glassware/col lectibles/a ntiques, sewing machine/serger & thread, jewelry and more! Cash only, no checks! Text FL69862 to 56654 Yard SaleEscape the ordinary! 505 E. 7th St. Sat. & Sun. @ 8 am Bargains galore! Text FL70030 to 56654 Lynn Haven: 201 W 14th St Lot #10 -Mobile home park directly behind Walgreens, Florida Ave. Sat 3/11, 7am-4:30pmGarage SaleBooks, kitchen items, household, fishing poles, queen bed set, and more! Text FL69981 to 56654 Panama City 119 Harrison Place March 11th TODAY 7:00 am-???Estate/Garage SaleFurn., household items, grandfather clock, bedroom sets, tables, chairs, kitchen, glassware, collectibles, appliances, linens, TVs, misc.Text FL69864 to 56654 Panama City: 12804 MERIAL GREENSWARD PATH From Lynn Haven head north on 77 about 10.7 miles, turn right onto Lake Merial Blvd., then 2nd left onto Merial Greensward Path, 3rd house on right with the dark green shutters. Sat. 3/11 am-4pmEVERYTHING MUST GO MOVING SALEStill packing boxes so new items added including tall vases, plant stands, silver jewelry, lead crystal, glassware, CDs, glasses, bowls, collectables, household items, small shelves, blue and white plates, baskets, yard decorations, foot stool, electric lawn mower and trimmer. Text FL69985 to 56654 Panama City: 4259 Dairy Farm Rd. N. On Hwy 231 right on pipeline across from Sonic in Bylsma Manor. Saturday March 11th 6AM-1PM House Renovation Sale! Flat screen TV’s, TV mounts, DVD Players, furniture (Couch W/ Sleeper, love seat, coffee table & side tables, accent chair, dining set bar height W/ 8 chairs, child’s desk, crib, mattress, child’s playground, and child’s kitchen). clothes, shoes, and custom sewn pillowcase dresses. Toys for girls ages 2-6. Jewelry & watches. Fabric and sewing supplies. Stand alone storage shelving units. Outdoor furniture set (Needs cushions), excellent condition bikes, 4 bike storage rack, fishing poles, guitars/instruments and all the other garage/yardsale items you might expect. Text FL70025 to 56654 Port St. Joe: 1405 Constitution Dr. Thurs – Sun Mar 9-12 9 AM – 4 PM ESTLiving Estate SaleHigh quality items from consolidation of estates in Georgia, Alabama, and Florida. Numerous antiques and items from all over the world including: Roll top desk, king size bed, 2 x twin beds, leather futon, easy and rocking chairs, fainting couch, very old china cabinet, mirrors, dishes, tables, rugs, large Bud Light neon, crystal and leaded glass chandeliers, Reagan memorabilia, victrola, cast iron stove & pots, organ, Cypress Garden skis, collectibles, bronze statue, old tools, horse collar, rare WWI and other military stuff, pictures and much more! Rain or shine. Text FL69706 to 56654 Cedar Grove: 2417 W Game Farm Rd Saturday March 11th 8am-???No Sale Before 8 AM!Furniture, medical equipment, household items. Text FL70035 to 56654 Downtown PC: 310 Harrison Ave Garage behind building, across from McKenzie Park Saturday Mar 11th 8 am -2 pmBenefit Estate & Rummage Sale!Margaret K. Lewis Senior Class Trip!Geminhardt Flute, Sorelli jewelry, new clothing, paintings, new Vans shoes, round oak table, and much, much more!Text FL69912 to 56654 Downtown PC: 746 Grace Ave Sat Mar. 11, 7-27th Annual Pregnancy Resource Center YS FundraiserKitchen Appliances, Furniture, Exercise Equip., Electronics Home Decor, Books, Movies, Kid Toys, Baby Gear, Wooden Cradle, Linens, & Much More! Text FL69880 to 56654 Forest Park: 2807 Malone Dr Between State & Stanford Sat. March 11th 7am-1pmSaturday’s Best!Largest Selection of Quality Items A must stop on your yard sale journey! Housewares Galore! Text FL69791 to 56654 Fountain: 11908 Owenwood Rd. Saturday 8am-2pm.Huge Multi Family Yard SaleFurniture, toys, tools, gas grill and smoker, antiques, collectibles, clothes home decor, kitchenware, and small appliances, pet supplies, workout equip. DVDs video games, clothes & much, much more! Text FL69748 to 56654 Lynn Haven 1604 New Jersey Ave 3/11/17 at 7:30amStuff you can shabbyTypical yard sale items + clothes & stuff you can shabby. A few steps to climb onto porch. Text FL69922 to 56654 Lynn Haven 604 Florida Ave. Saturday, 7am-2pmYard SaleLots of stuff! Text FL69913 to 56654 Lynn Haven : 414 and 407 Pennsylvania Ave from HWY 77 going N take a right on 5th Street and immediate left on Pennsylvania 4th house on the left 2nd on rightMULTI -FAMILY YARD SALEFEATURING: coke machine, weight bench, ladies clothes, kitchen aide mixer, computer desk, portable ice maker, queen comforter, sheets, twin bed frame/boards, kitchen items, golf clubs, and much more. ONE DAY ONLY. Text FL69770 to 56654 Bay Harbour ANNUAL WOODLAWN COMMUNITY CLUB YARD SALES, PCB, FL 32407: Over 200 Homes-straight on Woodlawn or right onto Bayshore; community wide sale! Woodlawn Drive: at the West foot of Hathaway Bridge; Just off 98/Back Beach Road; between Taco Bell and Marina Landing Condos Saturday March 11th (Rain Date is Sunday the 12th) 8 a.m. till 1 p.m. (rain day 12-4 Sun)ANNUAL WOODLAWN COMMUNITY SALE-Boats, indoor and outdoor furniture, boating and fishing equipment, electronics, TVs, records, DVDs, CDs, tools and construction material, exercise equipment, appliances, antiques, clothing, and numerous other items. -BE sure to travel the entire neighborhood to find the best deals: Woodlawn, Bayshore, Carolyn and adjoining streets are all part of the Woodlawn community; over 200 homes. txt FL69987 to 56654 Bayou George 6137 Lake Shore Dr. Saturday, 8 am -?Yard SaleBooks, dishes, clothes, and more! Bayou George Creek Run & Pecos Ct 231 to CR 2301 to Bayhead Rd (CR 2303) to Creek Run. Saturday, 7 am -2 pmMulti-Family Saturday OnlyFurniture, household items, yard items, clothing, car parts and much much more. Text FL70115 to 56654 Callaway: 140 H LSudduth Drive Highway 98, turn on Cherry Street Saturday, March 11 7am -11amGreat Yard Sale!Household items, plus size clothing, picture frames, Christmas items, jewelry, Cabbage Patch Dolls and much more! Come early for the best stuff! Text FL69911 to 56654 Callaway: 7035 Benton Drive (Due to construction at the end of Wallace Rd, from Wallace turn east on E. Park Rd and travel through Callaway Bay Apartments to S. Berthe Ave. Left on S. Berthe, then turn right into Callaway Point.) 3/11/17 at 7:00am Authentic Purses-Iman, 2 Coach, Dooney & Bourke, Fossil. Kitchen items, Carpets, Ladies Clothes Size 8-14, Boys Clothes 10-14, Men’s Clothes L&XL, Bed ensemble, Fishing reels, lots of Misc. Text FL69820 to 56654 Corner Stone Baptist ChurchWoodlawn Subdivision 213 Carolyn Ave Friday & Saturday 8 am-3 pm Bake sale and yard sale both days.Fish Fry Saturday!10 am-sold out Furniture, household items, clothes, christmas items, fishing gear, bedding and much more! txt FL69861 to 56654 If you didn’t advertise here, you’re missing out on potential customers.
CLASSIFIEDSThe News Herald | Saturday, March 11, 2017 C C 1 1 1 1 PlantationinprestigiousCollegePointhasitall withgatedandopenhomesites,greenspace andaplayground.BuiltbyBrianBaberof ArthurRutenbergHomes,theneighborhood continueshistraditionofquality.Excellence andEleganceatanaffordableprice.Hostedby St eveRichmond,Realtor 850.358.0908 atBeachyBeachRealEstate 221MartingaleLoop4bedrooms, 3bathrooms, 2,283SqFt217MartingaleLoop4bedrooms, 2.5bathrooms, 2,594SqFt $369,900 $389,900 Satday 10to4 313RoseLn.PCB4br/3.5ba,3BlocksFromBeachAccess #82.Separateentranceforpossible motherinlawsuite.$319,900.Textor callforappointment850-814-9642 1163299 FORSALEBYOWNER BUILD YOUR HOME on the West End of Panama City Beach Only 3 Blocks to the white sandy beaches On a very quiet cul de sac street 320 K Court Lot size 125x75 $65kBay Point Real EstateHope Abbott (850) 596-7653 Panama City: 2002 Pioneer 3 br/2ba New carpet, fresh paint, clean. In mobile home park. Asking $22k. Call (850)-691-3730 Automotive Today 1080471 FINDNEWANDUSEDCARSYOULIKEPartneredwith 1164084 2007ToyotaTundraNiceTruck,Clean,#973 SalePrice:$19,992 BillCramerGM.comOver200UsedPartialListBelow Plustax,title,license,$50electronic lingfee,and$595dealerprepfee.2251West23rdSt.-PanamaCity,FL850-250-5489877-361-1815 2003ChevyTahoe Auto,V8,#351 SalePrice:$7,995 2011HyundaiVeracruz Auto,V6,#692 SalePrice:$16,9932013InfinityQX56Auto,V8,Moonroof,#482 SalePrice:$39,9952012BuickEnclaveAuto,V6,Leather,#549 SalePrice:$20,993 2016ChevySilverado1500 AutoV8,Leather,#566 SalePrice:$46,992 2009ChevyImpala Auto,V6,#396 SalePrice:$11,995 ShopHERE2014CadillacSRX Auto,V6,Leather,#114 SalePrice:$29,991 2015SubaruWRX Manual,2.5LTurbo#423 SalePrice:$32,993 2016JeepCompass Manual,4Cyl,#053 SalePrice:$12,993 2005ChevyCorvette Manual,V8,#320 SalePrice:$23,993 2013ChevySuburban Auto,V8,Bluetooth,#582 SalePrice:$21,991 2015ChevyCamaro Auto,V6,Sunroof,#226 SalePrice:$25,992 2015ChevyTraverse Auto,V6,Bluetooth,#084 SalePrice:$23,991 2013KiaSorento Auto,4Cylinder,#290 SalePrice:$13,9912015DodgeChallengerSRTHELLCAT!#162 SalePrice:$51,995 1164085 1169589 Dodge Grand Caravan R/T, 2016, blue, 33k miles, lthr, backup cam, pwr seat, Bluetooth & more! Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars Ford E250 2007 147k miles. Shelves included if needed $6000. Call 850-763-3098 or 850-832-2742 Honda 1300VTXC 200520k miles, $3,000 OBO Call 850-896-7276 Pontiac Parts70-81 Trans Am, GTO, engine parts. In storage. (850)866-0928. Text FL69818 to 56654 40 ft Navy Boat671-N Detroit Diesel, twin disc gear, 2 to 1. Hynautic steering. Trim cabins. Sacrifice $18, 900 OBO 850-785-9146 or 850-814-2763 Text FL57148 to 56654 1980 Sliverline 22’ Hardtop Cuddy Cabin New engine/drive. Needs TLC. $6,000. 770-231-3573 Text FL69855 to 56654 19ft Glasstream Bowrider. Trailer & 175hp Evinrude motor. Needs work. $900. 850-769-8496 Text FL69811 to 56654 Wanted: Boat TrailerSmall enough for 12 foot kayaks. Call Vic 407-538-1389 Boat Storage Wet or dry. Near Hathaway Bridge. $35 daily. $150 weekly. $10.50 a ft. monthly. $9.70/ft per year. Free flush and wash. 850-234-7650 Text FL67428 to 56654 1976 One owner 31 foot AirstreamNew bedding and hardwood floors, ex. cond. Many extras, $9,000 OBO. Call Joseph at (850) 326-7298 or (850) 722-0679. Must see! Text FL70026 to 56654 Jeep Wrangler, 2015, 2dr soft top, 4x4, manual, Sahara, $31,998 Call Sandro 832-9071 @ Bay Cars Lincoln Navigator, 2016, black, white, or burgundy. Low miles! LOADED! Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars 01 FORD F150 -4-DOOR $4800 DEALER 215-1769 04 DODGE RAM -4-DOOR $5700 DELAER 215-1769 05 CHEVY SILVERADO $6800 DEALER 215-1769 2008 Ford Ranger, EXT.Cab, sport pkg, 1 owner, 69K miles, V6, A/T, extra clean offer at $12,995, call Jack 850-307-3476 Chevrolet 1500 High Country, 2014, 4x4, pearl white, brown lthr, nav, backup cam, htd/cld seats, and more! Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars Chevy Colorado, 2016, silver, 2dr, under 17k miles! Great deal! Very well taken care of! Send a friend & earn a $300 referral! Call Chris Witt 850-866-6852 @ Bay Cars For Cars, Trucks, SUVs, & Vans, Call Gary Fox @ Bay Mitsubishi 338-5257! Home of the $9888 OR LESS! Too many to put in the ads! Vehicles come in everyday and I’m HERE FOR YOU! Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars Ram 1500 Big Horn, 2013, crew cab, blk, 33k miles, Runs & looks great! Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars Ram 2500, 2015, SLT, Crew Cab, Diesel, 20k miles, maroon, Ram boxes, 4x4, backup cam, Like new! Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars Chrysler Town & Country, 2016, white, black, burgundy or silver! All low miles! LOADED! Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars Ford Mustang, 2007, red, V6, 95k miles, Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars Monte Carlo 197769k miles, drives like new, all original, 350 v8, a/c, ps, pb, all service manuals and records, last of the “big bodies”! $8900. Call (404) 583-0936. Text FL69804 to 56654 Porsche 911 Carrera S, 2007, local trade, black on black on black, auto w/ trip tronic, nav, high intensity lights, staggered wheels, Only 51k miles! $42,888 Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars 2012 Buick Enclave, CXL, 1 owner, 46K miles, LTHR, 3rd row seating, immaculate offer at $22,495, call Jack 850-307-3476 2012 GMC Terrain SLT, V6, 62K miles, LTHR, NAV, immaculate offer at $17,995, call Jack 850-307-3476 2015 Buick Enclave, Premium Pkg., 1 owner, 19K miles, NAV, LTHR, heated/cooled seating, $34,995, call Jack 850-307-3476 2016 Ford Explorer XLT, 1 owner, 7K miles, like new, NAV, LTHR, 3rd row seating, save at $30,995, call Jack 850-307-3476 Buick Rainier CX, 2006, local trade, good mileage, 1 owner, Only $6995! Send a friend & earn a $300 referral! Call Chris Witt 850-866-6852 @ Bay Cars Dodge Durango Limited, 2016, blue, tan lthr, nav, htd/cld seats, backup cam, and more! Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars Hyundai Santa Fe Sport, 2016, very nice SUV! Only $19,998! Very well taken care of! Send a friend & earn a $300 referral! Call Chris Witt 850-866-6852 @ Bay Cars Jeep Wrangler, 2010, 4dr, soft top, 4x4, Sahara, $22,998 Call Sandro 832-9071 @ Bay Cars Jeep Wrangler, 2012, 4dr, hard top, 4x4, auto, Sahara, $32,988 Call Sandro 832-9071 @ Bay Cars Jeep Wrangler, 2012, 4dr, hard top, 4x4, auto, Sahara, $32,988 Call Sandro 832-9071 @ Bay Cars Chevy Cruze LT, 2013, local trade, non-smoker, auto, sunroof, CD, alloys, all pwr, Beautiful car! $9888 Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars Chevy SSR, 2004, low miles, very clean, auto, LOADED! $21,998 Call Sandro 832-9071 @ Bay Cars Chrysler 300, 2010, local trade, non-smoker, char grey, lthr, auto, V6, all pwr, dual climate ctrl, only 82k miles! $7888 Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars Chrysler 300C, 2016, white, pano sunroof, lthr, nav, htd/cld seats, 24k miles, Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars Dodge Challenger SRT, 2015, blk, nav, backup cam, lthr, only 8k miles! Looks like new! Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars Ford Fusion SE, 2010, local trade, auto, sunroof, all pwr, rear spoiler, Nice car! $5988 Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars Ford Fusion SEL, 2012, pearl white, tan lthr, sunroof, pwr seat, 30k miles, Impeccable vehicle! Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars Hyundai Elantra, 2010, local trade, non-smoker, tan, tan cloth, all pwr, CD, cold air, Great on Gas! Only $5888! Hurry, won’t last! Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars Hyundai Veloster, 2012, 1 owner, non-smoker, blk/blk, auto, all pwr, alloys, Only 20k miles! Under warranty! Beautiful car! $13,888 Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars Mercedes Benz E350, 2011, convertible, red w/ blk top, backup cam, nav, Call Victor 850-348-1038 @ Bay Cars BMW 328is, 1999, local trade, lt blue, grey lthr, all pwr, non-smoker, alloys, Nice car! $3488 Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars Chevy Cobalt LT, 2010, local trade, burg, blk int, auto, all pwr, alloys, only 39k miles, $7988 Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars Chevy Corvette Stringray, 2014, yellow, 2LT, under 17k miles! Gorgeous car! Very well taken care of! Send a friend & earn a $300 referral! Call Chris Witt 850-866-6852 @ Bay Cars 2008 Lexus IS250, low miles, NAV, LTHR, SUNROOF, extra clean offer at $12,995, call Jack 850-307-3476 2013 BMW 328i, 31K miles, LTHR, NAV, certified warranty to 100K, value at $21,995, call Jack 850-307-3476 2013 Cadillac CTS, 1 owner, 46K miles, V6, LTHR, warranty, new tires, exceptional offer at $18,495, call Jack 850-307-3476 2014 Cadillac CTS, 1 owner, 27K miles, NAV, LTHR, warranty, value priced at $29,995, call Jack 850-307-3476 BMW Z4, 2005, convertible, local trade, red, tan lthr, all pwr, non-smoker, CD, alloys, Beautiful car! $7988 Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars Buick Lacrosse CXS, 2011, local trade, cashmere pearl white, tan lthr, auto, dual climate ctrl, htd/cld seats, all pwr, alloys, only 80k miles! $11,888 Gary Fox 338-5257 @ Bay Cars 2005 Mercedes CLK, convertible, 69K miles, NAV, LTHR, super nice offer at $11,995, call Jack 850-307-3476 2009 Cadillac CTS 6cyl, 4 brand new steel belted Michelin tires, 78,308 orig. miles, exc. condition, fully loaded, 3yr bumper to bumper warranty incl. w/free car cover. $19,995 Firm. Cash Only 850-381-7448 Text FL69535 to 56654 Turn to classified! You can bank on our bargains! If you didn’t advertise here, you’re missing out on potential customers. SELL ALL YOUR ITEMS through classified.CALL 747-5020 Spot Advertising works! 1164088 1164087
CLASSIFIEDSC C 1 1 2 2 Saturday, March 11, 2017| The News Herald 1169563
John Lithgow and T rial & Err or send up true-crime shows John Lithgow stars in T rial & Error , premiering T uesday on NBC Saturday, March 11, 2017 BAY BY THE NUMBERS 4 excellent runs/walks PAGE 4
Legend Its a case of Trial & Error for John Lithgow in NBC true-crime satireBY JAY BOBBINJ ohn Lithgow has been seen making a murderer before, but a new spoof of true-crime shows poses the question, Is he or isn t he? The five-time E mmy winner for projects including rd R ock Fr om the Su n honored r ecently with a Screen A ctors G uild A ward for his Winston Churchill portrayal in N etflix s The Crown r eturns to series duty in NBCs sitcom T rial & Erro r, p r emiering with back-to-back episodes T uesday, Ma r ch 14. Pr eviously lethal as the T rinity Killer on Dexte r, Lithgow now plays small-town poetry professor Larr y H enderson, suspected of slaying his wife ... which draws murder-case-novice J osh S egal (Nicholas DAgosto, Gotham), an attorney from Ne w Yo r k, to S outh Carolina to defend him. The lawyer doesn t get much help from his client, whose quirks only make him look increasingly culpable of the crime. S herri S hepherd ( The View ) and S teven Bo y er (Orange Is the Ne w B lack) play S egal s assistants, though their help often is questionable, and Glee alum J ayma M ays co-stars as a prosecutor eager to send H enderson up the river. The suspect s daughter (Krysta R odriguez, Smash) and S egal develop a r omantic interest in each other, complicating the case even more. F ilmed in the style of a documentar y, T rial & Erro r appealed to Lithgow from the start. I loved the whole idea, the pleasant actor, musician and children s-book author says. It was so completely original. I mean, primetime true-crime documentary series were completely teed up for a great satire, a great parody. N obody has done this y et, and it was brilliantly written. And I loved the challenge of playing a part who at any given moment could completely, plausibly have committed or not committed this crime. This seemed to me a wonderful kind of magic trick to pull off, and I lo ve challen g es like that. They created a character for which this trick can work, adds Lithgo w. He s completely driven by his id. It s completely unedited. He has no sense of priority or proportion. The tiniest things have absolutely as much importance to him as the crime of murder, and y ou see it in the very first moment of the series, in that 911 call. The cable guy and the death of his wife are equal emergencies. This is the stuff of just fantastic comedy, very much like D ick S olomon in rd R ock from the S un. He was driven by his id, too, and y et they are ver y, v ery different characters. T rial & Erro r c r eator and executive producer J eff Astrof (G r ound F loor, The Ne w Ad ventures of O ld Christine) explains that a murder-trial documentary titled The S taircase was the inspiration for the new sho w, and W arner Br os. T elevision suggested partnering him with drama-series veteran M att M iller (Lethal W eapon, Forever). Nicholas DAgosto (left) and John Lithgow 1/4 page Ad PAGE 2 page 6 page 6 page 6 page 18 page 24 page 26 page 28 page 32 page 34 page 36 rrfr n t b b b r t n r t b r f n tf b n
Full page Ad PAGE 3 Since 1940, Beltone has of fer ed simply the best in hearing car e. For the past 75 years, we have always prided ourselves on one thing: .to ourAt Belton e, you always ge t mor e: YEA RS Y YE www .beltone.comWi th over 75 year s of expe ri ence an d a 95 % pa tient sa tisf action rat ing, yo u kn ow Be lt one is th e name you ca n tr ust. Aw ar d-winning technology with legendary Beltone sound Exclusive BelCar elifetime car e pr ogram Fr ee annual hearing evaluations 2-year hearing loss change pr otection And, so much mor e! hearin g scr eening & in-of ce trial Among adu lts over 50. *Disco unt of f MSRP $XXX of f single Be ltone XX he aring ai d. Ca nnot be combine d with ot her of fers, co upon s or insurance plans. Pr evious pur chase s exclud ed. Pa rticipatio n may va ry. Bene ts of he aring aid s vary by typ e and degr ee of hear ing loss, no ise envir onment, ac curacy of hear ing ev aluation and pr oper t. Bel tone He aring Car e Centers ar e indep endently owned and operated. 2015 Belt one(D ispense r Impri nt and W or k ar ea) Why ? C C C C C C a a a a l l l l l l l l l l l l T T T T T T O O O O O O D D D D D D A A A A A A Y Y Y Y Y Y f f f f f f o o o o r r r r y y y y y y o o o o u u u u r r r r a a a a p p p p p p p p p p p p o o o o i i i i i i n n n n t t t t t t m m m m e e e e n n n n t t t t t t . Most trusted name in hearing car e $10 00of fLimited time of fer .a set of our latest technology Shar on & Gr eg Yo rd on HAS; BC HIS; MS Panama City 1031 W. 23r d Str eet, Suite AAcross from TGI FridaysPanama City Beach 12234 Panama City Beach PkwyIn Healthpoint Medical Tu esdays850-250-1990Chipley 1611 Main Str eet #4850-260-0436 With over 76 years of experience and a 95% patient satisfaction rating, you know Beltone is the name you can trust. Most Insurance plans accepted Let us check your coverage! Among adults over 50. *Discount of f MSRP $500 of f single aid of 17 Channel hearing aids. Cannot be combined with other of fers, coupons or insurance plans. Pr evious pur chases excluded. Participation may vary Benets of hearing aids vary by type and degr ee of hearing loss, noise envir onment, accuracy of hearing evaluation and pr oper t. Be lt on e He a ring Car e Centers ar e independently owned and operated. 2017 Beltone 76WERE IN YO UR NEIGHBORHOOD!Financing Av ailable. WA C Over 80 models to choose fr omStarting at$795See stor e for details
LOCAL CONTENT LOCAL CONTENT PAGE 4 THE NEWS HERALD SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 2017 4 EXCELLENT RUNS/WALKS 1 Anglers on the Run 2017: Get to Deer Point Elementary School, 4800 Highway 2321 Saturday morning at 7 a.m. to participate in a 1-mile, 5K or 10K walk/run for the seventh annual run along one of the most beautiful courses in the Panhandle, according to The route includes gorgeous views of Deer Point Lake, and is an ofcially chip-timed race. Registration in advance is encouraged at running/distance-running-races/anglerson-the-run-2017 2 Beach Drive from Florida Avenue to Calhoun Avenue and back : While a walk, jog or run along Beach Drive in Panama City always presents a unique view during exercise, this 3.2-mile stretch is best enjoyed if you time your workout around sunset, which is about 5:48 p.m. today. 3 St. Andrews State Park, 4607 State Park Lane off Thomas Drive : If you dont mind paying a $2 pedestrian fee, try a jog around State Park Circle in St. Andrews State Park. During the 2 miles from the entrance around the circle and back you will pass plenty of trails, go by Gator Lake, pass the entrance to the jetties and dont be surprised if you cross paths with a deer or other animal meandering around. 4 Gayles Trails, 100 Conservation Drive, Panama City Beach : Gayles Trails offers a variety of walking/ jogging routes as short as a mile and pretty much as long as you would like it to be. One route begins at the conservation center on Osprey Trail to Buck Pond Trail, to Conservation Drive and back to Osprey Trail and covers 2 miles. St. Andrews State Park ABOVE: Anglers on the Run LEFT: Beach Drive
1/2 page Ad 1/2 page Ad PAGE 5 A Tast e of Harrison!Exper ience A Va ri ety Of Atmospheres & Wo nderful Fo ods! Cano Sugar Boog ers r Cano s Ar mando Lechonera Comida Puer tor iquearr fn t b Ta tiana sC af &C ater ing Ta tiana s Caf & Cater ing Millies Caf r r To m s Hot Dogs rbbr The Place Do wnto wn r bbr Mose y s Do wnto wn Tu esday Friday 10:00am 6:00pm Satur day 9:00am 1:00pm 1328 W. 15 th St Pa nama Ci ty FL 32401 (850) 763-0765 www www Brands We Carr y: New Ya maha and Pramber ger Acoustic Pi anos, New Ya maha Digital Pianos & a selection of Pr e-Owned Pian os Our Brands W e Carr y: Pr oud to be a local business in Bay County r f n nt Pet Salon THE DOWNTOWN Pet Pet Salon Salon Pet Salon Pet Pet Salon Pet Salon Donna Wa ddell (850) 769-9786 547 Grace Av enue Panama City FL 32401We Lo ve Yo ur PETS Like Ou r Ow n!
PAGE 6 R E Q S P M K Q A S R A Z E R I A D S A Z L Q Y K P Z P R O Z A Q M S U I C A R O L O A L G I U L L S T V O W X L U P O M S I A Z E H F C Q L R I S O N F R E S S G N Z E O F T L M E R K L O S O J R U F O O A F Y Z Y G U Z W C I R A D Y Q E I N A M E B I Z L D H S U C Z A X M D I Z D R P E G S H E P H E R D I I Q B I R M I Q Y P R S E N G A R X J E S P U Z A H E G N D Y T O P R O F E S S O R O N J N S U V Q U A Z E F Y X Z E U H E Z A K T A I R S Trial & Error on NBC(Words in parentheses not in puzzle) Larry (Henderson) Josh (Simon) Carol (Anne Keane)Summer (Henderson)Anne (Flatch) (John) Lithgow (Nicholas) DAgosto (Jayma) Mays (Krysta) Rodriguez (Sherri) Shepherd (Accused) Murderer (Poetry) Professor Rollercizing Prison Quirky Zap2it ACROSS 1. One of the boys on Home Improvement 5. Cold __ 9. 1942 Disney classic 10. Sesame Street character 12. __ Given Sunday; 1999 Al Pacino movie 13. Promised __ (1996-99) 16. __ __ Girl Watcher; hit song of the 1960s 17. Initials for the portrayer of John Walton Sr. 18. Dawn of the __ of the Apes; 2014 film 20. Life Goes __ (1989-93) 21. Family __ (1982-89) 23. The West __ 25. __ a Little Tenderness; Otis Redding song 26. Very long time 27. Trumps opponent, for short 28. Get __; 2009 Robert Duvall/ Sissy Spacek film 29. Emmy winner for Best Comedy Series 30. Small bottle 32. __ All Night 33. Actor Peter __ 38. Sabrina __ Beauf 39. Actor Gulager 41. Actor Calhoun 42. __ out a living; get by 43. __ la vista, baby 45. Tomorrow __ Dies; 1997 James Bond thriller 47. McHales __ 48. Within reach DOWN 1. Matt LeBlanc sitcom (4) 2. Judging __ 3. Initials for Lizs Burton 4. __ Bill: Vol. 1; 2003 Uma Thurman movie 5. __ Black 6. __ the World Turns 7. Chem. or biol. 8. Actor on Chicago Fire (2) 9. Homers boy 11. You __?; Lurchs line on The Addams Family 14. Battery size 15. Noltes initials 18. 1960 Alfred Hitchcock horror movie 19. Number of seasons for NYPD Blue 22. Goofs 24. __ Arabian Nights; Mr. Magoo movie 29. The Man Who Knew Too __; James Stewart film 31. Malicious look 34. Cafeteria patrons item 35. Initials for Popeyes love 36. Word in the title of Howie Mandels game show 37. Actress Redgrave 40. McFarland, __ 2015 Kevin Costner movie 42. Eddies Green Acres costar 44. The __ Set; 2006 David Duchovny/Sigourney Weaver film 46. Emilios initials CROSSWORD The identity of the celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, un-scramble the letters noted with asterisks in the puzzle.Solution on page 47.
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PAGE 9 Sportszone T he Gonzaga B ulldogs are as ready as can be for the NCAA Me n s College B asketball T ournament AKA Ma rch M adness and should enter as a top seed out of the W est Coast Conference thanks in part to the productive play of point guar d N igel WilliamsGoss. The Zags and Williams-Goss will have high expectations as they begin tournament play either Thursday Ma rch 16 or F riday Ma rch 17. Those are the dates for the first round, or round of 64, which will air on CBS, TNT TBS and Tr uTV Gonzaga has played in 19 straight NCAA To urnaments dating back to 1999 and made their first appearance in 1995. Ho weve r, they v e never advanced past the E lite 8 despite entering as the No .1 seed in 2013 and a No 2 in 2015. Then, this season along came Williams-Goss as a red shirt J unior transfer from W ashington who along with fello w transfer Jo r dan M athews from California wasted no time buying into Coach Ma rk F ew s scheme. The Zags not only climbed atop the AP P oll in Fe bruar y but are among the leaders in nearly ever y offensive categor y, including field goal percentage with Williams-Goss being their leading scorer and averaging ov er 30 minutes on the court per game. The challenge for Williams-Goss and crew entering the NCAA To urnament is maintaining the same level of play in a one-and-done situation; something they v e not been able to do in the recent past. P erhaps Williams-Goss and the rest of this version of the B ulldogs can finally crack the F inal F our BY DAN LADD FULL NAME: Nigel WilliamsGoss BORN: Sept. 16, 1994 BIRTHPLACE: Happy V alley Oregon HEIGHT/WEIGHT : 6 foot 3 inches/195 p ounds POSITION: Point Guard NO.: 5 TEAMS: Gonzaga Bulldogs, 2016-17, W ashington Huskies, 2013-15 HONORS AND ACHIEVEMENTS: Pac-12 AllFreshman T eam, 2014; McDonald s All-American, 2013 AUTO RACINGSaturday12:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Boyd Gaming 300, Qualifying. (Live) 1:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Race Hub Weekend Edition (Live) 1:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Kobalt 400, Final Practice. (Live) 3:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Boyd Gaming 300. (Live)Sunday11:00 a.m. ABC IndyCar Racing Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg. (Live) 11:30 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Kobalt 400, Final Practice. 2:00 p.m. FOX Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Pre-Race (Live) 2:30 p.m. FOX NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Kobalt 400. (Live) 9:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Kobalt 400. Monday 5:30 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Kobalt 400. Tuesday 5:00 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Boyd Gaming 300.Friday12:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: DC Solar 200, Practice. (Live) 1:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: CampingWorld 500, Practice. (Live) 2:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Race Hub Weekend Edition (Live) 3:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: DC Solar 200, Practice. (Live) 4:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Race Hub Weekend Edition (Live) 5:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: DC Solar 200, Final Practice. (Live) 6:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Race Hub Weekend Edition (Live) 6:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: CampingWorld 500, Qualifying. (Live) 11:00 p.m. FS1 NHRA Drag Racing Amalie Motor Oil Gatornational, Qualifying. (Same-day Tape)Saturday 2:30 a.m. FS1 NHRA Drag Racing Amalie Motor Oil Gatornational, Qualifying. 3:30 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: CampingWorld 500, Practice. 5:00 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: DC Solar 200, Practice. 6:00 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: DC Solar 200, Final Practice. 7:00 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: CampingWorld 500, Qualifying. 11:30 a.m. FS1 IMSA Racing Weathertech Sportscar Championship: Sebring International Raceway. (Live) 2:30 p.m. FOX NASCAR XFINITY Series Prerace (Live) 3:00 p.m. FOX NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: DC Solar 200. (Live) 5:30 p.m. FOX NASCAR XFINITY Series Post Race (Live) 10:00 p.m. FS1 NHRA Drag Racing Amalie Motor Oil Gatornational, Qualifying. (Same-day Tape)BASEBALLFriday 8:00 p.m. FS1 West Virginia at Baylor. (Live)Saturday12:00 p.m. SUN Virginia at Clemson. (Live)BASKETBALLSaturday10:00 a.m. ESPN2 America East Tournament Albany (N.Y.) at Vermont. (Live) 12:00 p.m. CBS Big Ten Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN SEC Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 MEAC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:00 p.m. ESPN SEC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 AAC Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:30 p.m. CBS Big Ten Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 AAC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 4:30 p.m. FOX College Basketball (Live) ESPN College Basketball Live Scoreboard (Live) 5:00 p.m. CBS Mountain West Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN Big 12 Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:30 p.m. ESPN2 MAC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) SUN HEAT Live! Pregame (Live) 7:00 p.m. ABC NBA Countdown (Live) ESPN College GameDay (Live) SUN Toronto Raptors at Miami Heat. (Live) 7:30 p.m. ABC Golden State Warriors at San Antonio Spurs. (Live) 8:00 p.m. ESPN ACC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:30 p.m. ESPN2 Southland Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 9:30 p.m. SUN HEAT Live! Postgame (Live) 10:00 p.m. ESPN Pac-12 Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 10:30 p.m. ESPN2 Big West Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live)Sunday11:00 a.m. CBS Inside College Basketball (Live) ESPN College Basketball Live (Live) ESPN2 Ivy League Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 11:30 a.m. CBS Atlantic 10 Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 12:00 p.m. ESPN SEC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:00 p.m. ESPN2 Sun Belt Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:00 p.m. ABC NBA Countdown (Live) CBS Big Ten Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN College Basketball Live Scoreboard (Live) 2:15 p.m. ESPN AAC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:30 p.m. ABC Chicago Bulls at Boston Celtics. (Live) 3:00 p.m. ESPN2 College GameNight (Live) 4:30 p.m. CBS NCAA Basketball Championship Selection Show(Live) SUN HEAT Live! Pregame (Live) 5:00 p.m. SUN Miami Heat at Indiana Pacers. (Live) 6:00 p.m. ESPN Bracketology (Live) 7:30 p.m. SUN HEAT Live! Postgame (Live)
PAGE 10 Sports zone 8:00 p.m. ESPN Cleveland Cavaliers at Houston Rockets. (Live) ESPN2 Bracketology (Live)Monday 9:00 a.m. SUN Miami Heat at Indiana Pacers. 1:00 p.m. ESPN College Basketball Live (Live) 6:00 p.m. ESPN NCAA Womens Selection Special (Live) 7:00 p.m. ESPN Tournament Challenge Special (Live) TNT Atlanta Hawks at San Antonio Spurs. (Live) 9:00 p.m. ESPN College Basketball Live (Live) 9:30 p.m. TNT Los Angeles Lakers at Denver Nuggets. (Live) 10:00 p.m. ESPN2 Tournament Challenge Special (Live)Tuesday 11:00 a.m. ESPN Tournament Challenge Special (Live) 12:30 p.m. ESPN Tournament Challenge Special (Live) 2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) 3:30 p.m. ESPN2 Tournament Challenge Special (Live) 5:30 p.m. TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Four: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:00 p.m. ESPN ESPN2 NIT Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:00 p.m. ESPN ESPN2 NIT Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Four: Teams TBA. (Live) 10:00 p.m. ESPN2 NIT Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live)Wednesday 2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) 5:30 p.m. TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Four: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:00 p.m. ESPN NBA Countdown (Live) ESPN2 NIT Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) SUN HEAT Live! Pregame (Live) 6:30 p.m. SUN New Orleans Pelicans at Miami Heat. (Live) 7:00 p.m. ESPN Portland Trail Blazers at San Antonio Spurs. (Live) 8:00 p.m. ESPN2 NIT Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Four: Teams TBA. (Live) 9:30 p.m. ESPN Milwaukee Bucks at Los Angeles Clippers. (Live)Thursday 9:00 a.m. SUN New Orleans Pelicans at Miami Heat. 11:00 a.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 11:30 a.m. TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 12:00 p.m. TNT 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 12:30 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:30 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:50 p.m. TNT 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 3:20 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 5:45 p.m. TNT 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:00 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:15 p.m. TBS TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:15 p.m. TNT 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:30 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:45 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:55 p.m. TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live)Friday11:00 a.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 11:30 a.m. TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 12:00 p.m. TNT 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 12:30 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:30 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:00 p.m. TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:50 p.m. TNT 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 3:20 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 5:45 p.m. TNT 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:00 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:15 p.m. TBS TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:30 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 7:00 p.m. SUN Minnesota Timberwolves at Miami Heat. (Live) 8:15 p.m. TNT 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:30 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:45 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:55 p.m. TRU 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live)Saturday 9:00 a.m. ESPN2 College GameDay (Live) 10:00 a.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 11:00 a.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN NIT Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 12:30 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:30 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 3:00 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 4:00 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) TNT NCAA Tip-Off (Live) 5:00 p.m. TNT 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 5:30 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:00 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:30 p.m. CBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 7:00 p.m. ABC NBA Countdown (Live) 7:30 p.m. ABC Cleveland Cavaliers at Los Angeles Clippers. (Live) TNT 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:00 p.m. ESPN2 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:30 p.m. TBS 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live)GOLFSaturday11:00 a.m. GOLF Golf Central Pregame (Live) 12:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Third Round. (Live) 2:00 p.m. NBC Valspar Championship, Third Round. (Live) 5:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (Live) 6:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Third Round. 11:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Third Round.Sunday 5:00 a.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, Final Round. (Live) 6:30 a.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Third Round. 11:00 a.m. GOLF Golf Central Pregame (Live) 12:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Final Round. (Live) 2:00 p.m. NBC Valspar Championship, Final Round. (Live) 5:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (Live) 6:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Final Round.Monday10:00 a.m. GOLF Asian Tour: ISPS Handa New Zealand Open, Third Round. (Sameday Tape) 12:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Final Round. 5:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (Live)Tuesday10:00 a.m. GOLF Asian Tour: ISPS Handa New Zealand Open, Final Round. (Sameday Tape)Wednesday 4:00 p.m. GOLF Arnold Palmer Invitational Pro-Am. (Live) 7:30 p.m. GOLF Arnold Palmer Invitational Pro-Am.Thursday 5:00 a.m. GOLF Arnold Palmer Invitational Pro-Am. 1:00 p.m. GOLF Arnold Palmer Invitational, First Round. (Live) 5:00 p.m. GOLF Bank of Hope Founders Cup, First Round. (Live) 8:30 p.m. GOLF Arnold Palmer Invitational, First Round.Friday10:00 a.m. GOLF Golf Central Pregame (Live) 1:00 p.m. GOLF Arnold Palmer Invitational, Second Round. (Live)
Sportszone 5:00 p.m. GOLF Bank of Hope Founders Cup, Second Round. (Live) 8:30 p.m. GOLF Champions: Tucson Conquistadores Classic, First Round. (Same-day Tape) 10:30 p.m. GOLF Arnold Palmer Invitational, Second Round.Saturday11:30 a.m. GOLF Arnold Palmer Invitational, Third Round. (Live) 1:30 p.m. NBC Arnold Palmer Invitational, Third Round. (Live) GOLF Ladies European Tour Golf World Ladies Championship, Second Round. (Sameday Tape) 4:00 p.m. GOLF Champions: Tucson Conquistadores Classic, Second Round. (Live) 6:00 p.m. GOLF Bank of Hope Founders Cup, Third Round. (Live) 9:00 p.m. GOLF Arnold Palmer Invitational, Third Round.HOCKEYSunday11:00 a.m. NBC NHL Pregame Show (Live) 11:30 a.m. NBC Minnesota Wild at Chicago Blackhawks. (Live) 5:00 p.m. NBCSN NHL Live (Live) 6:00 p.m. NBCSN New York Rangers at Detroit Red Wings. (Live) 8:45 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) 9:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Sunday Shootout: The Week in Review (Live)Monday 5:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Live (Live) SUN Lightning Live! Pregame (Live) 6:00 p.m. SUN Tampa Bay Lightning at New York Rangers. (Live) 6:30 p.m. NBCSN Carolina Hurricanes at New York Islanders. (Live) 8:30 p.m. SUN Lightning Live! Postgame (Live) 9:15 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live)Tuesday 9:00 a.m. SUN Tampa Bay Lightning at New York Rangers. 5:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Live (Live) 6:00 p.m. SUN Lightning Live! Pregame (Live) 6:30 p.m. NBCSN Chicago Blackhawks at Montreal Canadiens. (Live) SUN Tampa Bay Lightning at Ottawa Senators. (Live) 9:00 p.m. SUN Lightning Live! Postgame (Live) 9:15 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live)Wednesday 9:00 a.m. SUN Tampa Bay Lightning at Ottawa Senators. 5:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Live (Live) 6:30 p.m. NBCSN Pittsburgh Penguins at Philadelphia Flyers. (Live) 9:00 p.m. NBCSN Detroit Red Wings at Colorado Avalanche. (Live) 11:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live)Thursday 6:00 p.m. SUN Lightning Live! Pregame (Live) 6:30 p.m. SUN Toronto Maple Leafs at Tampa Bay Lightning. (Live) 9:00 p.m. SUN Lightning Live! Postgame (Live)Saturday 6:00 p.m. SUN Washington Capitals at Tampa Bay Lightning. (Live)SOCCERSaturday 6:00 a.m. FS1 FA Cup Soccer Middlesbrough FC vs Manchester City FC. Sixth Round. (Live)Sunday 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 MLS Soccer Atlanta United FC at Minnesota United FC. (Live) 6:00 p.m. FS1 MLS Soccer Portland Timbers at LA Galaxy. (Live)Monday 3:00 a.m. FS1 MLS Soccer Portland Timbers at LA Galaxy. 2:30 p.m. FS1 FA Cup Soccer Chelsea FC vs Manchester United FC. Quarterfinal. (Live)Tuesday 2:00 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League Pregame (Live) 2:30 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League Soccer Leicester City FC vs Sevilla. Round of (Live)Wednesday 2:00 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League Pregame (Live) 2:30 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League Soccer AS Monaco FC vs Manchester City FC. (Live)Thursday 1:00 p.m. FS1 UEFA Europa League Soccer Besiktas JK vs Olympiacos FC. Round of (Live)Saturday 8:00 p.m. UNI Ftbol Mexicano Primera Divisin Club Leon vs Deportivo Toluca FC. (En Vivo) 10:00 p.m. UNI Ftbol Mexicano Primera Divisin CD Guadalajara vs CD Tiburones Rojos de Veracruz. (En Vivo)TENNISThursday 1:00 p.m. ESPN2 ATP Tennis BNP Paribas Open, Quarterfinals. (Live) 7:00 p.m. ESPN2 ATP Tennis BNP Paribas Open, Quarterfinals. (Live)Friday 2:00 p.m. ESPN ATP Tennis BNP Paribas Open, Quarterfinals. (Live) 9:00 p.m. ESPN2 ATP Tennis BNP Paribas Open, Womens Semifinals. (Live)Saturday 1:00 p.m. ESPN ATP Tennis BNP Paribas Open, Semifinals. (Live) rf nt b bb t f f r f t ff t ftt f r rf r tr f Mo ving Po rtable Ofces, Sheds, Carports, Lar ge Box es & Mor e! SHED MOVING rfn tb Marie s Fa brics CUST OM SEWING PROFESSIONAL AL TERA TIONS MONOGRAMS & EMBROIDER Y r f n tb t t
PAGE 12 An old adage says that the two happiest days of a boat o wner s life are when they buy a boat and when they sell it. If y ou r e a candidate to fall into the former categor y, T ravel Channel has a series for y ou. In the S unday series Boat B uyers, prospective boat o wners go shopping for the watercraft of their dreams or at least one that fits their budget and level of experience ranging from the humble used pontoon boat with a price tag of $12,000 all the way up to the $800,000 cabin cruiser that sports three staterooms, two heads and a galley (that s three bedrooms, two baths and a kitchen to yo u landlubbers), an 870-horsepo w er engine and 43 1/2 feet of length. Along the way our shoppers and hence viewers get an education on the latest in marine bells and whistles while testdriving these v essels in some idyllic boating destinations, including M ackinac I sland, M ichigan, Annapolis, Ma r yland, G alveston, T exas, Lake Lanier G eorgia, and v arious locations in F lorida. In the end, someone makes their choice from among three or four candidates and writes a check or takes out a second mortgage. W e just looked for buyers who were enthusiastic and r epresented a bunch of different viewpoints, explains Courtney White, senior vice president of programming at T ravel Channel. W e didn t have people who were so advanced in their boat buying that they wouldn t ask sort of the basic questions that would help somebody who doesn t kno w about boats r eally learn something in the sho w. S o the r eal advanced expert boat buyers or boat o wners were n t r eally what we w ere looking for .BY GEORGE DICKIE Mackinac Island, MI T rav el Channel s Boat Bu y ers offers up a primer on water craft M ilo V entimiglia is an actor and producer who can curr ently be seen on This Is U s o n NBC.MILOVENTIMIGLIAHe was born on July 8, 1977 in Anaheim, California. His father is of Italian/Sicilian descent, and his mother has English and Scottish ancestr y. He attended El Modena High School in Orange, Calif., and graduated in 1995. V entimiglia was first seen on Gilmore Girls then moved on to American Dreams, Bedford Diaries and Heroes. Known for darker films Pathology and The Divide, he also spent time on That s My Boy and Grown Ups 2 with Adam Sandler He can also be seen in Killing Season alongside Rober t De Niro and John T ravolta. V entimiglia produced the web series Chosen for Sony s Crackle. He directed digital projects for American Eagle Outfitters, Cadillac, GQ and Liber ty Mutual.DID YOU KNOW 1/4 page Ad 1/4 page Ad Marie s Fa brics CUST OM SEWING PROFESSIONAL AL TERA TIONS MONOGRAMS & EMBROIDER Y r f n tb t t Tu esday Friday 10:00am 6:00pm Satur day 9:00am 1:00pm 1328 W. 15 th St Pa nama Ci ty FL 32401 (850) 763-0765 www www Brands We Carr y: New Ya maha and Pramber ger Acoustic Pi anos, New Ya maha Digital Pianos & a selection of Pr e-Owned Pian os Our Brands W e Carr y: Pr oud to be a local business in Bay County r f n nt
GardenSaturday6 p.m. HGTV House Hunters A 6:30 p.m. HGTV House Hunters 7 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers 8 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers 10 p.m. HGTV Log Cabin Living (N) 10:30 p.m. HGTV Log Cabin Living (N) 11 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers Sunday6 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper7 p.m. HGTV Beachfront Bargain Hunt(N) 7:30 p.m. HGTV Beachfront Bargain Hunt (N) 9 p.m. HGTV House Hunters 10 p.m. HGTV Tiny House Hunters 10:30 p.m. HGTV Tiny House Hunters 11 p.m. HGTV Love It or List It Tuesday6 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper 7 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper8 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper (N) 9 p.m. HGTV House Hunters (N) SPIKE Adam Carolla and Friends Build Stuff Live (N) 10 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper 11 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper Wednesday6 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers: Buying & Selling 8 p.m. HGTV Caribbean Life (N) 8:30 p.m. HGTV Caribbean Life (N) 9 p.m. FOX Open House (N) HGTV Island Life (N) 9:30 p.m. HGTV Island Life A (N) 10 p.m. HGTV House Hunters A 11 p.m. HGTV Caribbean Life 11:30 p.m. HGTV Caribbean Life Monday6 p.m. HGTV Love It or List It 7 p.m. HGTV Love It or List It 8 p.m. HGTV Love It or List It 7 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers 8 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers (N) 9 p.m. HGTV House Hunters A 10 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers 11 p.m. HGTV Property BrothersThursday6 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop 6:30 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop A 7 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop 7:30 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop A 8 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop (N) 8:30 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop A 9 p.m. HGTV House Hunters (N) 10 p.m. HGTV House Hunters A 11 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop 11:30 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop A Friday6 p.m. HGTV Tiny House Hunters 6:30 p.m. HGTV Tiny House Hunters 7 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home 7:30 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home 8 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home (N) 8:30 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home9 p.m. HGTV House Hunters A 10 p.m. HGTV House Hunters 11 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home 11:30 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream HomeLocated at the foot of the Hathaway BridgeAcross from Gulf Coast State CollegeOpen 7 days a weekHappy Hour 3-6pm DailyThe Locals are Lovin it! www 5505 Sun Harbor Rd. 850.640.0900 Same Great Access To Entrance During Construction!
PAGE 14 nitelaughs I sraeli P rime M inister Benjamin N etanyahuLate Night With Seth MeyersIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said today that there is no greater suppor ter of the Jewish state than President T rump. Said T rump, Absolutely I love Florida. Fantastic Jewish state. Defense of ficials are repor ting that a Russian spy ship has been spotted patrolling 30 miles of f the coast of the United States. Said one U.S. of ficial [shows photo of T rump], Oh, that s my Uber .The T onight Show Starring Jimmy FallonThe big stor y is that last night, The New Y ork T imes published a bombshell repor t that President T rump s campaign was in contact with Russian intelligence since 2015. When asked if it was true, T rump said, Nyet! I mean, no! T rump went on T witter this morning and said that MSNBC and CNN are unwatchable. Then he said, And I know because I spend ALL DA Y watching them.The Late Show With Stephen Colber tWe just learned from multiple intelligence sources that T rump aides were, quote, in constant touch with senior Russian of ficials during the campaign. Constant T ouch, by the way is also T rump s Secret Ser vice code name. T rump held a press conference today because in the middle of all this insanity Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited the White House. As a cour tesy T rump asked his staf f to put a 24-hour hold on retweeting neo-Nazis. That s just good manners.Jimmy Kimmel LiveCongratulations are in order for a German shepherd by the name of Rumor Rumor the German shepherd won best in show at the W estminster Kennel Club. This is a huge honor that the dog has no idea it received. Those of you who have kids, or if youre a weirdo adult with a dollhouse, probably know there s a new American Girl Doll on the way For the first time ever this American Girl is a boy His name is Logan Everett [shows doll photo]. I already don t like him. He looks like the football player who joins the drama club just to pick up chicks. Q: I heard that Queen Latifah is bringing Living Single back to TV When will that happen? Amanda Holly Columbus, Ohio A: She made the remark while promoting her current Fox series Star on Bravo s W atch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen, and she noted that the reboot still is in its early stages, without a network attached to it (though the original also ran on Fox from 1993 to 1998). She didn t rule out the show possibly going to Netflix, as other series revivals such as Fuller House and One Day at a T ime have nor that she might be a producer as well as a star of the sitcom revival. Nothing was definite at the time of this writing, but as is said often in T elevision Land, stay tuned.BY JA Y BOBBIN Will Queen Latifah be Living Single again? Queen Latifah Send questions of general interest via e-mail to tvpipeline@tribune. com. W riters must include their names, cities and states. Personal replies cannot be sent. C harles M ichael Davis has a definite do-it-yourselfer streak. F or instance, when the 32-year-old actor got tired of running to Ikea to buy furniture, he made his o wn bookcase and table. When he didn t want to pay for artwork, he created his o wn paintings with acr ylics and canvas. H is penchant for tr ying his hand at things that pique his curiosity extends to his profession, where this season he directs an episode of his CW series The Originals, which returns for its fourth season F riday Ma rch 17. The people that I admire really like looking at mapping careers, the actor who plays charismatic vampire Ma rcel explains. I read a book by P eter Dr ucker M anaging Oneself , and he says you should look 10 years ahead and start deciding who you want to be, what you want to be doing and then start training on it no w and give yourself a 10-year head start. So I started to look at careers and the people I really admired Ma rk W ahlberg for producing and B rad P itt for producing and Clint Eastwood for writing and directing and Denzel W ashington for directing as well and so I thought I would lo ve to have that opportunity . Davis started shado wing directors and writers on his sho w and in other productions. He talked to other actors, including castmate P aul W esley about their experiences directing and even watched Y ouT ube videos. Ev entually the po wers that be at The Originals recognized he was serious, and after two years he was given his o wn episode, the seventh of this season. He says that while it was a lot of multitasking and a lot of politicking, among other things, he lo ved directing and would be open to more such opportunities. F rom here on out, I can call myself a director especially as long as I keep paying my DGA fees, Davis says with a laugh. Full name: Charles Michael Davis Bir th date: Dec. 1, 1984 Hometown: Dayton, Ohio Alma mater: Miami (Ohio) University (where he was a decorated track athlete) TV credits: Noah s Arc, That s So Raven, Switched at Bir th, The Game, The Client List, The V ampire Diaries, Grey s Anatomy Movie credits: The Big Match (2008), Thanksgiving Seconds (2009), Night and Day (2010), The Proposal (2013), The Learning Cur ve (2014), Battle Scars (2015) Checking in with CHARLES MICHAEL DA VIS BY GEORGE DICKIE
BY LINDSA Y MACDONALD @ZAP2IT .COMNetflix s next great Mar vel adventure is Iron Fist, the stor y of a billionaire who comes back to life after disappearing in a plane crash with his parents as a child. His struggle to reconnect with old friends and reclaim his family s company are only half the stor y, however as he uses the secret skills he learned while away to fight crime. On top of that ver y familiar origin stor y, Danny Rand (Finn Jones) has more in common with Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) than expected. After returning to reclaim his old life, it becomes apparent that Danny is no longer the kid he used to be, given that he s mastered mar tial ar ts and committed to a mission to save his city from crime. Ever y good hero needs a mysterious backstor y, and Oliver and Danny s tragic tale of victim turned vigilante is tried and true in the comic book world. Danny also has a childhood friend, Joy Meachum (Jessica Stroup), who will ser ve as his confidant and probable love interest, despite being completely unaware of his new double life. Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) took on this role for Oliver though admittedly the dynamic was different, given that Oliver disappeared later in life while he was already romantically attached to Laurel. Another female character Colleen W ing (Jessica Henwick), helps Danny on his crimefighting mission, and she seriously reminds us of Diggle (David Ramsey). Gruff and blunt and completely awesome, Colleen makes for a per fect sidekick, and like Diggle, we expect shed probably punch you if she ever heard you call her that. Iron Fist will also apparently feature flashbacks to Danny s time away after his plane crash, which is a major element of Arrow as well. One can only hope that the Iron Fist flashbacks will be better received by fans than Oliver s various island flashbacks. Finally Iron Fist fits into the preestablished MCU of Netflix in ver y much the same way that Arrow fits into the DC universe currently on The CW W ith Jessica Jones, Daredevil and Luke Cage all available for crossovers with Iron Fist, we can t wait to see how this new show fits into the shared universe and what similarities or differences we notice from the CWs Ar row-verse. Despite these somewhat over whelming similarities, there are some key differences were excited to see Iron Fist tackle. Danny didn t just pick up mar tial ar ts on his travels, he picked up a superpower along the way too. The ability to call on the Iron Fist, which puts him a cut above Oliver Queen. The addition of this new ability and how and where he got it will obviously take the show in different directions than Arrow . Iron Fist premieres Friday March 17th at 3 a.m. ET/12 a.m. PT on Netflix. IRON FIST IS KIND OF REMINDING US OF ARROWFinn Jones Ba yt ow n De nt al Ce nt er We lc om esto ou r pr ac ti ce .Dr Am ja d He id am i, D. M. D.Dr A. He id am i wa s ra is ed in Pa na ma City an d we ar e gr at ef ul to ha ve hi m ba ck to se rv e th e co mm un it y.We no w of fe r De nt al Im pl an t se rv ic es to re pl ac e mi ss in g te et h or su pp or t de nt ur es FR EE SEC ON D OP IN IO NSMe mb er of th e In te rn at io na l De nt al Im pl an t Ass oc ia ti on AD A, FD A, NWD DA 23 26 Fr an kf or d Av e Pa na ma Ci ty FL 32 40 5 (8 50 ) 76 914 49 r Ca ll us to da y fo r Fr ee I mp la nt Co ns ul ta ti on s Vi si t ou r we bs it e at ba yt ow nd en tal ce nt er .c om r fn f tb
PAGE 16 Steven Boyer (left), John Lithgow Kr ysta Rodriguez, Nick DAgosto and Sherri Shepherd T rue-crime documentaries get satirical treatment as John Lithgow Nicholas DAgosto and Sherri Shepherd star in T rial & Error , premiering T uesday on NBC. Find out what it s all about at www or A Mexican man finds near-slave labor on an American farm after traveling illegally to the U.S. to find his missing son in American Crime, which begins its third season Sunday on ABC. Learn more at shows/american-crime A gang of young Londoners find themselves tangling with mobsters after stumbling upon a truckload of stolen gold bullion in Snatch, which begins streaming Thursday on Crackle. Check it out at www Klaus, Elijah (Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies) and the others return as The Originals begins its four th season Friday on The CW Find past episodes, trailers and other video extras at www cwtv .com/shows/the-originals/ Julie Andrews helps puppet kids create their own per forming ar ts show in the original preschool series Julie s Greenroom, which drops Friday on Netflix. W atch it at www .netflix. com/title/80113090 March Madness, other wise known as the NCAA Men s Basketball T ournament, gets going with the First Four T uesday and W ednesday on truTV Find out who s in and when theyre playing at www My Na me is Behind Ev er y Sa le850-8665950|Ea gleAmeric anRealt yGr oup .c om James Fi sherBr ok er850-8665950Co mmer cial Sa les Le asing & Managemen t Pr oper ty En titlemen t La nd De ve lopmen t Residen tial Sa les & Pr oper ty Managemen t JERR Y PYBUS Electric, Inc. rf nt b f t tn EC #0 000 51 0
CookingSaturday6 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 7 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 8 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10 p.m. FOX MasterChef FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Sunday6 p.m. FOOD Guys Grocery Games TRAV Food Paradise 7 p.m. FOOD Guys Grocery Games (N) TRAV Food Paradise (N) 8 p.m. FOOD Spring Baking Championship (N) 9 p.m. FOOD Spring Baking Championship (N) 10:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 11 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives TRAV Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern Tuesday6 p.m. FOOD Chopped TRAV Bizarre Foods America 7 p.m. FOOD Chopped TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 7:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 8 p.m. FOOD Chopped TRAV Bizarre Foods (N) 9 p.m. FOOD Chopped (N) TRAV Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern 10 p.m. FOOD Chopped TRAV Bizarre Foods America 10 p.m. FOOD Bakers vs. Fakers Monday6 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 6:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 7 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 7:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 8 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives TRAV Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern 9 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 11 p.m. FOOD Chopped TRAV Bizarre Foods Wednesday6 p.m. FOOD Chopped Junior 7 p.m. FOOD Chopped Junior (N) 8 p.m. FOOD Cooks vs. Cons 9 p.m. FOOD Bakers vs. Fakers (N) 10 p.m. FOOD Spring Baking Championship 11 p.m. FOOD Cooks vs. Cons Thursday6 p.m. FOOD Chopped 7 p.m. FOX MasterChef (N) FOOD Chopped 8 p.m. FOOD Chopped 9 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay (N) 9:30 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay 10 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay 10:30 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay 11 p.m. FOOD Chopped Friday6 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 7 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 7:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and Dives 8 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (N) 8:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and Dives 9 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and Dives 10 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and Dives 11 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Do n t Tr ash It Re st or e It Before Af ter (850) 763-5603102 E. 4th St re et Pa nama Ci ty Fl orida 32401 r f n tn b Stev e Ri cha rd son 850-867-5603 Locally owned and operated since 1982850.763.0331 www .ridgeac.comLic. CAC058107
PAGE 18 SATURDAY EVENING MARCH 11, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News The Middle NBA Countdown (N) NBA Basketball: Golden State Warriors at San Antonio Spurs. From News The Middle (:35) Entertainment Tonight NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune The Voice Taken Saturday Night Live News Saturday Night Live : Host Scarlett Johansson; Lorde performs. CBS 4 4 4 18College Basketball Ransom: An art thief kidnaps a gallery staffer. NCIS: Los Angeles: Ex change Rate 48 Hours (N) Modern Family Outdoorsman Elementary: T-Bone and the Iceman IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Basketball Big East Postgame 24: Legacy: APB: Robbers kill a security guard. Insurance Wars Big Bang Theory MasterChef TMZ (N) PBS 11 11 56 ODonnell Rock Rewind: 1967-1969 (My Music) 70s Soul Superstars (My Music): artists. BrainFit: 50 Ways to Grow Your Brain With Daniel Amen, MD CW 99 9 8 8Cheaters Family Guy Family Guy Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers Family Guy Seinfeld Engagement Engagement Raising Hope Raising Hope THIS 209 133 Incredible Hulk: Deathmask Wonder Woman Star Trek: Svengoolie: Phantom of the Opera Batman BatmanCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265The First 48 The First 48 Live PD:: Live PD AMC 30 32 131 254Escape From the Planet of the Apes Conquest of the Planet of the Apes Battle for the Planet of the Apes ANPL 46 69 184 282Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: Extra Dose Dr. Jeff: RMV The Zoo (N) Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV BET 53 46 124 329Baggage Claim (4) Dear White People Being Mary Jane The Quad House of Payne CNN 39 32 200 202CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The History of Comedy The History of Comedy The History of Comedy The History of Comedy CMT 98 47 166 327Invincible The Blind Side Steve Austins COM 64 53 107 249Hot Tub Mach. Billy Madison 50 First Dates Billy Madison DISC 36 39 182 278Diesel Brothers Diesel Brothers: Trucked Out: Street Outlaws Street Outlaws DISN 22 64 172 290Frozen Tangled Before The Incredibles Stuck Cali Style Jessie Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236Hes Just Not That Into You The Arrangement Hes Just Not That Into You ESPN 9 23 140 206Basketball College GameDay (N) College Basketball College Basketball ESPN2 47 24 143 209Basketball College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball FNC 42 35 205 360Fox Report (N) Watters World (N) Justice With Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show (N) Watters World FOOD 38 45 110 231Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive FREE 59 65 180 31110 Things I Hate About You Grease How to Lose FS1 24 27 150 219UFC Prefight Show (N) UFC Fight Night: Belfort vs. Gastelum Prelims UFC Fight Night: Belfort vs. Gastelum FX 45 51 136 248Iron Man 2 Iron Man 3 Feud: Bette and Joan Mike GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: PGA Tour Golf HALL 23 59 185 312Love Blossoms Love at First Glance Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunters Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Reno Log Cabin Log Cabin Property Brothers HIST 35 42 120 269Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cars Cars Detroit Steel (N) Counting Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars LIFE 56 56 108 252Movie The Wrong Student A Deadly Affair Wrong Student MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Like Mike Beauty Shop Ridiculous. NATGEO 109 60 186 276Rocky Mountain Law Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna NBCSN 20 28 159 220Speed Skating Speed Skating Curling: Premier League Match of the Week (N) NICK 58 68 170 299Henry Henry Nickelodeons 2017 Kids Choice Awards (N) Nickelodeons 2017 Kids Choice Awards Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 279Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor For Peetes Sake (N) Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor SCI 110 102 193 284Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science SPIKE 28 48 241 241Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail SUN 49 422 653Inside Pregame NBA Basketball: Postgame Inside Inside After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244Underworld Skyfall Repo Men TBS 31 15 139 247Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal The Detour Death at a Funeral TCM 25 70 132 256Ride the High Country The Quick and the Dead A Walk in the Sun Salerno beach and take a farmhouse from Nazis. Force of Arms TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress: The Shay Way (N) Four Weddings Say Yes to the Dress: TNT 29 54 138 245Tower Heist (5) The Family Silver Linings Playbook TRAV 65 44 196 277Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures (N) The Dead Files (N) The Dead Files Ghost Adventures TRU 55 58 242 246Carbonaro TCE Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Pranks Pranks Carbonaro Carbonaro TVL 19 66 106 304Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402Crnicas de Sbado (N) Ftbol Mexicano Primera Divisin Ftbol Mexicano Primera Divisin Durmiendo Noticiero USA 62 55 105 242Captain America-Avgr (5) X-Men III: The Last Stand Captain America: The First Avenger VH1 51 50 162 335Beverly Hills Cop White Chicks Malibus Most Wanted Beverly Hills Cop WGN-A 13 107 239 307Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Underground Mother How I MetPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501X-Men: Apocalypse Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising Jerrod Carmichael: 8 (N) Boxing: MAX 320 330 310 515Pitch Black Science Fiction) Constantine Hardball Everest SHO 340 320 318 545Billions: Axe initiates a Billions: Axe considers buying an NFL team. No Country for Old Men Billions: Optimal Play Congo Action) (PG-13) STARZ 370 370 350 525Face/Off Blood Father Black Sails: Flint are separated. The Missing: Statice (:31) About Mary TMC 350 340 327 553Drug War I Survived a Zombie Holocaust The Bleeding I Survived a Zombie Holocaust 1/5 page Ad MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS 850.215.7961 233 WEST 14 TH ST PA NA MA CI TY FL 32401We le al l insur an ce ca rriers for yo ur mast ec to my pro duc ts!MA ST ECT OM Y BO UT IQ UE BREAST PR OSTHE SIS BR AS CA MISOLES LY MPHEDEM A SLEE VES
SATURDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 11, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 CSI: Miami: Internal AfBlue Bloods: Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program HouseSmarts NBC 3 3 7 Old House Hometime Forensic Files Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program On the Money Paid Program CBS 4 4 4 18Scandal: RaceWeek Forensic Files Inside Edition Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Tummy Tuck IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Xtreme Off Road Truck Tech American Ninja Warrior Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Healthy Fried Food Paid Program PBS 11 11 56 Age Reversed With Miranda Esmonde-White 28 Day Metabolism Makeover With Dr. Amy Myers Kentuckys Story: Early Kentucky To Be Announced CW 99 9 8 8White Lion Paid Program Tummy Tuck Copper Chef Healthy Fried Food Paid Program Tips for Great skin! THIS 209 133 Land of the Giants: Six Hours to Live Lost in Space: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Planet of the Apes: Liberator Family Affair Family AffairCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Live PD Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Escape From the Planet of the Apes Humans: closer. M*A*S*H M*A*S*H: M*A*S*H: ANPL 46 69 184 282The Zoo Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV The Zoo K-9 Cops BET 53 46 124 329Payne Payne The Game The Game Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. CNN 39 32 200 202The History of Comedy The History of Comedy CNN Newsroom Live CNN Newsroom Live New Day Sunday CMT 98 47 166 327Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249Billy Madison Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Review Kroll Show Paid Prog. Walk Fit PiYo Wor. Great Sex! DISC 36 39 182 278Street Outlaws Street Outlaws North America The Great Barrier Reef Racing Extinction DISN 22 64 172 290Bizaardvark Girl Meets Austin Jessie Stuck Good Luck Good Luck Elena Roadster Roadster E! 63 57 114 236The Arrangement The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter NBA Basketball: SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209Basketball E:60 SportsCenter SportsCenter 30 for 30 30 for 30 FNC 42 35 205 360The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters World Red Eye-Shillue Justice With Jeanine FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Diners, Drive Diners, Drive BestPan! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311How to Lose Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Menopause Paid Prog. Z. Levitt Schuller Mass FS1 24 27 150 219UFC Post Fight Show UFC Post Fight Show NASCAR Racing College Basketball FX 45 51 136 248Mike Sex & Sex & Louie Louie Sex & Sex & FXM Pres. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf European PGA Tour Golf: European PGA Golf HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229House Hunters Reno Property Brothers Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. HIST 35 42 120 269Cars Cars Detroit Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Coin Coin Coin Coin More Sex LIFE 56 56 108 252Wrong Student A Deadly Affair Paid LifeLock Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Catfish NATGEO 109 60 186 276Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc.: Drugs, Inc. Never Fear Hurricane NBCSN 20 28 159 220Cycling Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Premier Premier NICK 58 68 170 299Friends Friends George Lopez George Lopez Lopez Lopez George George OWN 21 109 189 279For Peetes Sake Neighbor Neighbor 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Dr. Phil SCI 110 102 193 284Acts of Science How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made SPIKE 28 48 241 241Jail Jail Jail Jail Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SUN 49 422 653After Midnight Hurricane Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Country Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Arthritis? SYFY 70 52 122 244Repo Men Dead Still Dark Matter Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TBS 31 15 139 247Death at a Funeral Blades of Glory Raymond Raymond Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256Force of Arms Thrashin Hard Ticket to Hawaii MGM Parade On Approval TLC 37 40 183 280Four Weddings Say Yes, Dress Medium Medium Medium Medium Say Yes Say Yes TNT 29 54 138 245Casino Law & Order TRAV 65 44 196 277The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Range Never Fear Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Carbonaro Carbonaro Pranks Pranks BodyBeast SEXY at 50! PiYo Wor. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Transform TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris UNI 96 270 402Estrellados LAnzate! Recuerda y Gana Durmiendo Noticiero El Chavo El Chavo USA 62 55 105 242Captain A Chrisley NCIS: Los Angeles Law Order: CI Law Order: CI NCIS: Los Angeles VH1 51 50 162 335Beverly Hills Cop Life Black Ink Crew WGN-A 13 107 239 307How I Met Rules Rules Rules Raising Raising Supernat. Dan Davis Paid Prog. AmazingPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 5012 Days: Roman Jerrod Carmichael: 8 Crashing Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising Jerrod Carmichael: 8 MAX 320 330 310 515Everest Dog Day Afternoon Mean Streets SHO 340 320 318 545Congo Homeland: 60 Minutes Sports Penn & Teller Dead Heat STARZ 370 370 350 525Theres Something About Mary Black Sails: Blood Father Delta Farce TMC 350 340 327 553I Survive The Bleeding It Follows Bang Bang Baby MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS r rf n tn b r f
PAGE 20 SUNDAY MORNING CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV MARCH 12, 2017 CC W D1 D2 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Good Morning America (N) Good Morning America This Week With George Stephanopoulos (N) Hiland Park Baptist Church Catholic in America St. Dominics Catholic Church IndyCar Racing: Firestone Grand Prix of St. Petersburg. (N) (Live) NBC 3 3 7 Paid Program Todays Homeowner Sunday Today With Willie Geist: Singer Jon Bon Jovi. Springfield Community Church Meet the Press (N) Paid Program Paid Program NHL Pregame Show (N) (Live) NHL Hockey CBS 4 4 4 18Paid Program Organic Juice Cleanse Paid Program Hurricane Spin Scrubber CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Bill Purvis Ministries Inside College Basketball (N) College Basketball IND 7 7 46 Fun and Sun Sneak Prevue : Restaurants and night life. FOX 8 8 28 Paid Program Jack Van Impe Presents (N) The Force of Faith Broadcast New Bethel Baptist High Praise Paid Program City Church at Northside FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace (N) Million Dollar Baby PBS 11 11 56 Sesame Street Daniel Tigers Neighborhood Splash and Bubbles Curious George Cyberchase A SciGirls Going Green Born to Explore-Wiese Capitol Update Florida Crossroads Florida Face to Face FSU Headlines American Masters CW 99 9 8 8Paid Program Paid Program Tomorrows World In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley (N) Key of David Campmeeting: Inspiration Ministries Christian Worship Hour Seventh Day Adventist Church Paid Program THIS 209 133 Mystery Hunters Mystery Hunters Beakmans World Beakmans World Bill Nye the Science Guy Bill Nye the Science Guy Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell The Brady Bunch The Brady BunchCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars AMC 30 32 131 254M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H: Lt. Radar OReilly M*A*S*H: The Nurses M*A*S*H M*A*S*H: Dear Sigmund M*A*S*H:hys War M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H: ExorM*A*S*H ANPL 46 69 184 282K-9 Cops: Animal Cops Phoenix Animal Cops Phoenix (N) Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law BET 53 46 124 329Derek Grier Ron Carpenter Paid Program Abundant Life Joyful Noise (N) Lift Voice (:04) Meet the Browns (:35) The Quad: The Quad (:35) CNN 39 32 200 202New Day Sunday (N) Inside Politics (N) State of the Union (N) Fareed Zakaria GPS (N) Reliable Sources (N) State of the Union CMT 98 47 166 327CMT Music CMT Music Hot 20 Countdown:: Sun Records COM 64 53 107 249Paid Program PiYo Craze! Ways to Die Ways Die (:40) Futurama Futurama (8:48) Futurama (:22) Futurama (9:56) Clerks II DISC 36 39 182 278Racing Extinction (5) Gold Rush: Gold Rush: Final Fury: A fist fight ends in a resignation. Buying Hawaii Buying Hawaii Buying Hawaii Buying Hawaii DISN 22 64 172 290RoadsterRacers RoadsterRacers RoadsterRacers RoadsterRacers Elena of Avalor Zhu Zhu Pets Gravity Falls Star vs. Forces Stuck/Middle K.C. Under. The Incredibles E! 63 57 114 236The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (Live) Outside Lines Spo. Reporters SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball Live (N) ESPN2 47 24 143 20930 for 30 (5:30) Bassmasters (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Outside Lines Spo. Reporters Cheerleading Cheerleading College Basketball FNC 42 35 205 360FOX and Friends Sunday (5:00) (N) Sunday Morning Futures MediaBuzz (N) Americas News Headquarters FOOD 38 45 110 231Heaton Parties Trishas Sou. Bfoot Contessa Bfoot Contessa Guys Big Bite Valerie Home Trishas Sou. Pioneer Wo. Pioneer Wo. Farmhouse Giada Enter. Brunch at Bob. FREE 59 65 180 311John Tucker Must Die How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days What a Girl Wants FS1 24 27 150 219College Basketball (5:00) Scottish Premier League Soccer: FA Cup Soccer: Empty Cup NASCAR FX 45 51 136 248Ellen Ellen Ellen How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Men in Black 3 GOLF 48 26 401 218Euro PGA (5:00) PGA Tour Golf: Morning Drive (N) (Live) Golf Central Pregame (N) (Live) HALL 23 59 185 312I Love Lucy I Love Lucy The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Portrait of Love HGTV 32 38 112 229Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market HIST 35 42 120 269The Presidents: The Presidents: The Presidents: The Presidents: The Presidents: Trump: Path to the White House LIFE 56 56 108 252In Touch W/Charles Stanley Amazing Facts David Jeremiah Joel Osteen Paid Program For Colored Girls MTV 50 49 160 331Catfish (5:30) Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show (:35) Like Mike NATGEO 109 60 186 276Paid Program PiYo Workout! Paid Program Cooking Made Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna: Help Wanted Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna NBCSN 20 28 159 220Premier League Match of the Week (5:30) Premier League Match of the Week Premier League Premier League Live (N) (Live) Premier League Soccer NICK 58 68 170 299Alvinnn!!! and Alvinnn!!! and Ninja Steel SpongeBob SpongeBob Bunsen, Beast! The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Sponge. 2017 Kids Choice Awards OWN 21 109 189 279Dr. Phil T.D. Jakes T.D. Jakes: T.D. Jakes Super Soul Sunday Family That Preys SCI 110 102 193 284How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made SPIKE 28 48 241 241Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Xtreme Off Engine Power Truck Tech Detroit Muscle Bar Rescue Bar Rescue SUN 49 422 653LifeLock Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Golf America Mountain Golf Dest. Golf Life Endless Golf Jimmy Hanlin GatorZone Focused (N) SYFY 70 52 122 244Paid Program Paid Program Twilight Zone Night of the Wild From Dusk Till Dawn TBS 31 15 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Friends Sky High TCM 25 70 132 256On Approval They Met in Bombay Detour The Sundowners TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress TNT 29 54 138 245Law & Order: Law & Order: Law & Order Law & Order: Law & Order: Law & Order: TRAV 65 44 196 277Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum National Parks National Parks TRU 55 58 242 246Paid Program LifeLock Best Pressure Cooker! PiYo Craze! Best Pan Ever! Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304New Adv./Old Christine Golden (6:48) Gold Girls (:24) Golden Girls Gold Girls (:36) The Golden Girls Golden (9:48) Gold Girls (:24) Golden Girls Golden Girls UNI 96 270 402Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Netas Divinas (N) Al Punto (N) Pequeos Gigantes USA: USA 62 55 105 242Amazing Facts David Jeremiah In Touch Joel Osteen Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows X-Men III: The Last Stand VH1 51 50 162 335Black Ink Crew Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Life Malibus Most Wanted WGN-A 13 107 239 307Search--Way Your World Peter Popoff Key of David Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops CopsPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Midnight Special Boxing: 2 Days: Roman Gonzalez Shanghai Noon MAX 320 330 310 515One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest True Story Ghost World SHO 340 320 318 545Dean Smith 60 Minutes Sports Blue Crush Chicago STARZ 370 370 350 525Delta Farce Face/Off Anaconda Safe Men TMC 350 340 327 553Bang Bang Baby (4:50) (NR) Arthur and the Invisibles Ping Pong Summer Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Star Trek V: Frontier MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
SUNDAY AFTERNOON CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV MARCH 12, 2017 CC W D1 D212 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 IndyCar Racing: NBA Countdown NBA Basketball: ABC World News Tonight News 13 at 5:30 NBC 3 3 7 NHL Hockey: PGA Tour Golf: NewsChannel 7 at Five NBC Nightly News Holt CBS 4 4 4 18College Basketball: College Basketball: NCAA Basketball Championship Selection Show IND 7 7 46 Destination Network : A Destination Network : A Emerald Coast Real Estate Prime Dining : FOX 8 8 28 Million Dollar Baby Monster Energy NASCAR Cup NASCAR Racing: PBS 11 11 56 American Masters: : 28 Day Metabolism Makeover With Dr. Amy Myers: The Energy Weight Loss Solution With Neal Barnard, MD: BrainFit: 50 Ways to Grow Your Brain With Daniel Amen, MD CW 99 9 8 8Paid Program Insurance Wars Ali Mystic Pizza THIS 209 133 The Brady Bunch: The Brady Bunch Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Happy Days Laverne & Shirley I Love Lucy I Love Lucy The Love Boat: The Love Boat: CABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars American Pickers American Pickers AMC 30 32 131 254M*A*S*H The Fugitive The Walking Dead: : The Walking Dead: ANPL 46 69 184 282Lone Star Law: Lone Star Law Lone Star Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law BET 53 46 124 329The Quad: Baggage Claim Dear White People CNN 39 32 200 202Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CMT 98 47 166 327O Brother, Where Art Thou? Twister O Brother, Where Art Thou? COM 64 53 107 249Clerks II Police Academy South Park: South Park South Pk The Wedding Ringer DISC 36 39 182 278Buying Hawaii Buying Hawaii Buying Hawaii Buying Hawaii Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid DISN 22 64 172 290The Incredibles Tangled Before Ever After Cali Style Bunkd Stuck K.C. Bizaard Cali Style Bunkd Bizaardvark E! 63 57 114 236The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206College Basketball: College Basketball: SportsCenter With Scott Van Pelt ESPN2 47 24 143 209College Basketball College Basketball: College GameNight MLS Soccer: FNC 42 35 205 360Americas News Headquarters Fox News Sunday The Journal Editorial Report Americas News Headquarters The Greg Gutfeld Show Americas News Headquarters FOOD 38 45 110 231The Kitchen: Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Chopped Junior Kids Baking Championship Worst Cooks in America FREE 59 65 180 311What a Girl Wants Shes All That 10 Things I Hate About You Grease FS1 24 27 150 219NASCAR NASCAR RaceDay Motorcycle Racing: Monster Jam FX 45 51 136 248Iron Man 2 Iron Man 3 GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: Tin Cup Golf Academy Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312Autumn in the Vineyard Walking the Dog October Kiss HGTV 32 38 112 229 Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper HIST 35 42 120 269Trump: Path Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars LIFE 56 56 108 252Love by the 10th Date Tyler Perrys Good Deeds Just Wright MTV 50 49 160 331Like Mike Beauty Shop Friends Friends NATGEO 109 60 186 276Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna: Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna: Wicked Tuna: Wicked Tuna NBCSN 20 28 159 220Premier League Soccer Goal Zone Premier League Sports Sports Sports Speed Skating NHL Live NICK 58 68 170 2992017 Kids Choice Awards Loud House Loud House Loud House Loud House SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Nicky, Ricky Nicky, Ricky OWN 21 109 189 279Tyler Perrys the Family That Preys Meet-Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf: Greenleaf: SCI 110 102 193 284How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made SPIKE 28 48 241 241Bar Rescue: Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue: Paradise Lost Bar Rescue: Bar Rescue SUN 49 422 653MLB Preseason Baseball: Baseball Begin Inside Lightning Inside HEAT HEAT Pregame NBA Basketball: SYFY 70 52 122 244Repo Men Skyfall November Man TBS 31 15 139 247The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TCM 25 70 132 256The Sundowners Anastasia Seven Brides for Seven Brothers King Solomons Mines TLC 37 40 183 280Long Lost Family Long Lost Family Long Lost Family Long Lost Family Long Island Medium Long Island Medium TNT 29 54 138 245The Longshots Rudy The Replacements TRAV 65 44 196 277National Parks National Parks Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise: Guy Fieris Spain Adventure Food Paradise TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba UNI 96 270 402Ftbol Central Ftbol Mexicano Primera Divisin Repblica Deportiva Como Dice el Dicho Durmiendo Noticiero USA 62 55 105 242Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU VH1 51 50 162 335Malibu White Chicks Love & Basketball WGN-A 13 107 239 307Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Outsiders:PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Shanghai Noon Real Time With Bill Maher VICE UConn: March to Madness Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins Unbreakable MAX 320 330 310 515Pearl Harbor Eraser Body of Lies SHO 340 320 318 545Burnt Out of the Furnace The Hurt Locker STARZ 370 370 350 525Black Sails: : The Missing : Blood Father Face/Off TMC 350 340 327 553Star Trek V: The Final Frontier The Illusionist Blackway Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
PAGE 22 SUNDAY EVENING MARCH 12, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Americas Funniest Home Videos (N) Once Upon a Time:Time After Time: Time (N) American Crime (N) News Law Call (:35) Christ Center Branson Ctry (:35) NBC 3 3 7 Little Big Shots: Back Little Big Shots: Chicago Justice: Shades of Blue: News Outdoorsman Person of Interest: CBS 4 4 4 1860 Minutes (N) NCIS: Los Angeles: Madam Secretary: Elementary: Bones: Elementary: IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers (N) The Simpsons (N) Making History (N) Family Guy (N) Last ManEarth Open House (N) Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Graham Bensinger American Ninja Warrior PBS 11 11 56 BrainFit: 50 Ways to Grow Your Brain Magic Moments: The Best of 50s Pop: Suze Ormans Financial Solutions for You: Meditation for All of Us CW 99 9 8 8Cruel Intentions Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Family Guy Seinfeld Paid Program Cops Reloaded Heartland: THIS 209 133 Mayberry R.F.D. Mayberry R.F.D. Columbo:: Kolchak: The Night Stalker The Honeymooners The Odd Couple Cheers Bob NewhartCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers AMC 30 32 131 254The Walking Dead The Walking Dead: Say The Walking Dead: Talking Dead The Walking Dead: Comic Men Walking Dead (:42) ANPL 46 69 184 282North Woods Law North Wo. Law North Woods Law (N) Lone Star Law (N) North Woods Law North Woods Law BET 53 46 124 329Dear White Ppl Think Like a Man Browns Paid Prog. Paid Prog. CNN 39 32 200 202CNN Newsroom Finding Jesus Finding Jesus Believer With Finding Jesus Finding Jesus CMT 98 47 166 327O Brother, Where Art Thou? (5) Twister Steve Austins Steve Austins COM 64 53 107 249Wedding Ring (4:25) 50 First Dates The Wedding Ringer Funny (:25) DISC 36 39 182 278Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid (N) Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid DISN 22 64 172 290Stuck Cali Style K.C. Under. Bizaardvark Teen Beach Movie K.C. Bizaard Jessie Girl Meets Best Fr. E! 63 57 114 236The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Arrangement The Kardashians The Arrangement ESPN 9 23 140 206Bracketology NBA Basketball: SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209College Track and Field Bracketology SportCtr E:60 ESPN FC (N) FNC 42 35 205 360Fox Report Watters World Justice With Jeanine Fox News Sunday Watters World Justice With Jeanine FOOD 38 45 110 231Guys Grocery Games Guys Grocery Games Spring Baking Spring Baking Bakers vs. Fakers Spring Baking FREE 59 65 180 311Grease Mrs. Doubtfire J. Osteen Jeremiah FS1 24 27 150 219MLS Soccer: NASCAR NASCAR Racing: FX 45 51 136 248American Hustle Feud: Bette and Joan Feud: Bette and Joan Feud: Bette and Joan GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312A Royal Winter When Calls the Heart Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Fixer Upper Beach Beach Caribbean Caribbean Island Life Island Life Hunters Hunt Intl Caribbean Caribbean HIST 35 42 120 269Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Navy SEALs: Americas Secret Warriors:: Navy SEALs LIFE 56 56 108 252Madeas Witness Protection Bringing Up Ballers Madeas Witness Protection MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridic. Catfish NATGEO 109 60 186 276Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Wicked Tuna Port Protection Alaska Origins of Humankind Wicked Tuna NBCSN 20 28 159 220NHL Hockey: NHL Overtime (:45) (N) NHL Sun. Sports Sports Match of the Day NICK 58 68 170 299Thunder Henry Crashletes Jagger Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 279Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf SCI 110 102 193 284MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters SPIKE 28 48 241 241Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (N) Kalief Browder Kalief Browder SUN 49 422 653NBA Basketball Postgame Inside Inside Animals XTERRA World Champi Inside After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244The November Man Dredd Doom TBS 31 15 139 247Hobbit: Desolation Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb Sky High TCM 25 70 132 256King Solomons Mines Carmen Jones Bright Road Snow Gets The Brides Play TLC 37 40 183 280Long Island Medium Long Island Medium (N) Long Lost Family Who Do You Island Medium Long Lost Family TNT 29 54 138 245Replacements Thor The Campaign Replacemt TRAV 65 44 196 277Food Paradise Food Paradise (N) BigRV BigRV Boat Boat BigRV BigRV BigRV BigRV TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Impractical Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Impractical Impractical Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304Reba Reba Reba Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402Notanserio Univision (N) Su Nombre Era Dolores (N) Aqu y Ahora (N) Durmiendo Noticiero Repblica Deportiva (N) USA 62 55 105 242Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Colony: Mod Fam Mod Fam VH1 51 50 162 335Black Ink Crew Black Ink Crew Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Basketball WGN-A 13 107 239 307Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Bones BonesPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Unbreakable (4:25) Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising Big Little Lies: Girls:Crashing Last Week To. Big Little Lies: Crashing MAX 320 330 310 515Body of Lies Our Brand Is Crisis Hellboy II: The Golden Army Dark Water SHO 340 320 318 545Homeland:Billions: Homeland: Billions: Billions: Homeland: STARZ 370 370 350 525Black Sails: The Missing:Black Sails: The Missing:Black Sails: The Missing:TMC 350 340 327 553Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (5) (PG) The Alamo Stolen Blackway MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS r rf n tn b r f
SUNDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 12, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Branson Ctry CSI: Miami: Blue Bloods: ABC World News Now America Morning News 13 This Morning NBC 3 3 7 Person of Interest: Scandal: Paid Program Paid Program Shepherds Chapel AgDay Early Today NewsChannel 7 Today CBS 4 4 4 18Modern Family Forensic Files CBS Overnight News Paid Program Hurricane Spin IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Detroit Muscle Engine Power Big Bang Theory Friends Friends Judge Judy Paid Program Paid Program Healthy Fried Food Best Pan Ever! Paid Program The Outdoor Show PBS 11 11 56 The Energy Weight Loss Solution With Neal Barnard, MD 70s Soul Superstars (My Music): Age Reversed With Miranda Esmonde-White Cat in the Hat Arthur CW 99 9 8 8Sam Steele and the Junior Detective Agency Paid Program The Hard Truth Paid Program Paid Program Tummy Tuck Skincare Secrets Paid Program Tips for Great skin! THIS 209 133 Mary Tyler Moore Taxi: Get Smart Sledge Hammer! Bob Newhart Dobie Gillis Car 54, Where... Phil Silvers Show Our Miss Brooks The Donna Reed Show Mister Ed I Love LucyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Amer. Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254The Walking Dead: Talking Dead Comic Men The Walking Dead: Talking Dead Comic Men More Sex Paid Program ANPL 46 69 184 282Lone Star Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Lone Star Law Big Cat Big Cat BET 53 46 124 329Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Mercy Ships Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Suffering CNN 39 32 200 202Believer With CNN Newsroom Live CNN Newsroom Live Early Early Chris and Alisyn CMT 98 47 166 327Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249Funny Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Detroit Work. Jeff Comedy Sex Toys SEXY at 50! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper American Chopper DISN 22 64 172 290Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Bizaardvark Stuck Jessie Jessie Bunkd Bunkd Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236The Kardashians The Arrangement The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter NBA Basketball: SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209NBA Basketball: ESPN FC SportsCenter SportsCenter Mike & Mike FNC 42 35 205 360Fox Report Fox News Sunday MediaBuzz Fox Report FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Spring Baking Bakers vs. Fakers Guys Grocery Games Best Pressure Cooker! PiYo Wor. FREE! Paid Prog. Wrinkles! FREE 59 65 180 311Robison Paid Prog. Paid Prog. PiYo Craze! PiYo Wor. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prince Robison J. Meyer J. Hagee FS1 24 27 150 219Monster Jam Monster Jam NASCAR TMZ Sports MLS Soccer: NASCAR NASCAR FX 45 51 136 248Feud: Bette and Joan Mike FXM Pres. Paid Prog. Hard Truth Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Darkspots Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Island Life Island Life Hunters Hunt Intl Beach Beach Relief Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Welcome HIST 35 42 120 269Navy SEALs: Americas Secret Warriors: Arthritis? Paid Prog. Darkspots BestPan! Paid Prog. More Sex LIFE 56 56 108 252Madeas Bringing Up Ballers Paid Paid Paid LifeLock Paid Paid Paid Prog. LifeLock MTV 50 49 160 331Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Teen Mom 2 NATGEO 109 60 186 276Port Protection Alaska Drugs, Inc. Inside: Secret America Inside: Secret America Underground Poker Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Cycling: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LifeLock LifeLock NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 279Greenleaf Greenleaf 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Dr. Phil Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284MythBusters MythBusters Hacking the Wild Hacking the Wild Hacking the Wild Secrets of the Under SPIKE 28 48 241 241Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prostate SUN 49 422 653After Midnight Never Fear Paid Prog. Hurricane Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Darkspots Paid Prog. Fins/Skins Ship Shape SYFY 70 52 122 244Doom Oculus Chupacabra vs. the Alamo Twi. Zone Expanse TBS 31 15 139 247Sky High The Time Machine Matilda Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256The Red Mill Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles Christopher Strong TLC 37 40 183 280Who Do You Island Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium What Not to Wear TNT 29 54 138 245The Replacements Law & Order: Law & Order Law & Order Arrow: TRAV 65 44 196 277Boat Boat BigRV BigRV Food Paradise Paid Prog. Never Fear Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Impractical PiYo Wor. BodyBeast Makeup! Paid Prog. Bosley Hair Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Raymond Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls LifeLock Walk Fit UNI 96 270 402Al Punto Netas Divinas Pequeos Gigantes USA: Durmiendo Noticiero Como Dice el Dicho USA 62 55 105 242Chrisley Chrisley Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Black Ink Crew Black Ink Crew T.I.-Tiny T.I.-Tiny T.I.-Tiny T.I.-Tiny My Wife My Wife WGN-A 13 107 239 307Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Supernat. Paid Prog. Bosley Hair Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Girls: Last Week To. Big Little Lies: Girls: Crashing Sisters High Crimes MAX 320 330 310 515Dark Water Shoot Em Up Johnny Handsome Bad Santa Far From the Madding Crowd SHO 340 320 318 545Billions:: Crash Chicago STARZ 370 370 350 525Black Sails: Bull Durham The Family Fang Get a Job TMC 350 340 327 553Blackway Saw III Fight Valley Wristcutters: A Love Story Who Gets Dog? MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
PAGE 24 WEEKDAY MORNING CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV CC W D1 D2 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 This Morning Good Morning America LIVE with Kelly The View WMBB Midday News NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 Today Today Todays Take Today NewsChannel 7 at 11am CBS 4 4 4 18Business First Morning News CBS This Morning Make a Deal Var. Programs The Price Is Right The Young and the Restless IND 7 7 46 Fun and Sun Fun and Sun Sneak Prevue FOX 8 8 28 Ask Auto Tech Paid Program Paid Program Var. Programs Best Pan Ever! Paid Program Judge Mathis The Peoples Court The Peoples Court PBS 11 11 56 Wild Kratts Ready Jet Go! Nature Cat Curious George Daniel Tiger Daniel Tiger Splash-Bubbles Sesame Street Dinosaur Train Peg Plus Cat Super Why! Thomas & Fr. CW 99 9 8 8King of the Hill King of the Hill Cheaters Cops Reloaded The Steve Wilkos Show The Steve Wilkos Show Jerry Springer Jerry Springer THIS 209 133 Brady Bunch Bev. Hillbillies Beaver Leave-Beaver Perry Mason Matlock Diagnosis Murder The Big ValleyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Parking Wars Parking Wars Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Varied Programs AMC 30 32 131 254MNewsWatch Paid Program Wrinkles! LifeLock Snakes on a Plane The Fugitive TPaid Program Paid Program Paid Program M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Alien WM*A*S*H Into the Storm ThPredator 2 FM*A*S*H M*A*S*H Rocky III ANPL 46 69 184 282Dogs 101 Bad Dog! Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Life at Vet U Life at Vet U BET 53 46 124 329MPaid Program Joyce Meyer House/Payne House/Payne House/Payne House/Payne House/Payne House/Payne The Man in 3BTMartin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin A Madea Christmas WJamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Wayans Bros. Wayans Bros. Wayans Bros. Love Dont Cost a Thing ThSteve Harvey Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Steve Harvey Space Jam FFamily Matters Family Matters Family Matters Family Matters Family Matters Family Matters Soul Men CNN 39 32 200 202New Day With Chris and Alisyn New Day With Chris and Alisyn CNN Newsroom With John CNN Newsroom With John At This Hour With Kate Bolduan Inside Politics CMT 98 47 166 327MCMT Music CMT Music Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne RoseanneT WThThrowback ThursdayFCMT Music COM 64 53 107 249MPiYo Workout! Paid Program PiYo Workout! Paid Program Com. Central Clerks II Archer: ArcherTPaid Program Austin Powers in Goldmember Tosh.0: Tosh.0WPaid Program Workaholics Workaholics Workaholics Workaholics Workaholics WorkaholicsThRoad Trip South Park South ParkFBeerfest Tosh.0 Chappelles DISC 36 39 182 278Varied Programs DISN 22 64 172 290MK.C. Under. Stuck/Middle PJ Masks Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Roadster The Lion Guard Elena of Avalor Sofia the First Doc McStuffins The Lion GuardTDoc McStuffinsWDoc McStuffinsThDoc McStuffinsFRoadster Roadster Doc McStuffins E! 63 57 114 236MThe Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The KardashiansTE! News: Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian KardashianWThe Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The KardashiansThThe Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The KardashiansFParks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter First Take SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209 Mike & Mike SportsCenter SportsCenter The Dan Le Batard Show FNC 42 35 205 360 FOX and Friends Americas Newsroom Happening Now Outnumbered FOOD 38 45 110 231MPaid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program PiYo Workout! Pioneer Wo. The Kitchen The Kitchen The Kitchen:TPaid Program Trishas Sou. Trishas Sou. Trishas Sou. Trishas Sou. Trishas Sou. Trishas Sou.WFarmhouse Farmhouse Farmhouse Farmhouse Farmhouse FarmhouseThCupcake Wars Cupcake Wars Cupcake Wars:FGiada at Home Giada at Home Giada at Home Giada Enter. Contessa Contessa FREE 59 65 180 311MBaby Daddy Gilmore Girls Gilmore Girls: 700/Interactive The 700 Club Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-StandingT WThF FS1 24 27 150 219MNASCAR Racing: Skip and Shannon: Undisputed The Herd with Colin CowherdTNASCAR Racing Monster JamWUFC Event UEFA Champions League Soccer:ThSoccer UEFA Champions League Soccer UFC TonightFLeague Draw UEFA Europa League Soccer Beyond the Wheel 2017 FX 45 51 136 248MChronicle In Time How I Met How I Met How I MetTIn Time The Counselor Two/Half Men Two/Half MenWThe Counselor Taken 2 Two/Half Men How I MetThGullivers Travels The Green Hornet FThe Green Hornet Ted Two/Half Men GOLF 48 26 401 218MMorning Drive Morning Drive Golf:TGolf:WMasters Inside PGA Learning Inside PGAThMorning Drive Golf Central Pregame FPGA Tour Golf: Morning Drive Golf Central Pregame MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
WEEKDAY MORNING CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV CC W D1 D26 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30CABLE CHANNELS CONTD HALL 23 59 185 312MI Love Lucy I Love Lucy Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Home & Family (N) Home & FamilyT WThF HGTV 32 38 112 229MProperty Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property BrothersTTexas Flip H Hunt. Intl House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Hunters IntlWYard Crashers House Crasher Good Bones Good Bones Good Bones Good Bones Property Brothers: BuyingThVacation Half-Price Par. Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It, Too Flip or Flop Flip or FlopFBuilding Hawaii Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market House Hunters Hunters Intl HIST 35 42 120 269Varied Programs LIFE 56 56 108 252Joyce Meyer Balancing Act To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced How I Met How I Met MTV 50 49 160 331Varied Programs NATGEO 109 60 186 276Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Varied Programs NBCSN 20 28 159 220Pro Football Talk The Dan Patrick Show Alpine Skiing Var. Programs NICK 58 68 170 299SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Team Umiz. Team Umiz. Mutt & Stuff Shimmer, Shine Bubble Bubble Blaze, Monster Blaze, Monster PAW Patrol OWN 21 109 189 279Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil SCI 110 102 193 284Varied Programs SPIKE 28 48 241 241MPaid Program Paid Program Paid Program LifeLock Worlds Wildest Police Videos Worlds Wildest Police Videos Cops Cops Cops CopsTPaid Program The Mummy X-Men WRelieve pain Worlds Wildest Police Videos Worlds Wildest Police Videos XXX ThPaid Program 2 Fast 2 Furious FRelieve pain Gangland: Gangland: Gangland Gangland SUN 49 422 653Paid Program Varied Programs Lunch with the Lightning SYFY 70 52 122 244MExpanse Robocroc Beast of the Bering Sea Oculus TFace Off Face Off: Face Off: Face Off: Face Off: Dark RelicWPiranhaconda Finders Keepers Cabin Fever: Patient Zero ThInfected Tracers My Soul to Take FLeprechauns Revenge Leprechaun: Origins Leprechaun 4 in Space TBS 31 15 139 247Married... With Married... With Married... With Married... With King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Cleveland Cleveland American Dad American Dad TCM 25 70 132 256MChristpher The Little Minister Spitfire Sylvia Scarlett TTrail 98 The Gold Rush The Silver Horde There Goes the Groom Petticoat FeverWWoman in Too Late for Tears Out of the Past The Maltese Falcon Big Sleep ThThe Barkleys of Broadway Chasing Rainbows Words and Music April Showers FIrene The Daughter of Rosie OGrady Three Cheers for the Irish Finians Rainbow TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Varied Programs Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive My 600-Lb. Life TNT 29 54 138 245Charmed Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural TRAV 65 44 196 277Paid Program Paid Program Lonely Planet Lonely Planet Varied Programs TRU 55 58 242 246Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Varied Programs TVL 19 66 106 304Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Andy Griffith Griffith The Andy Griffith Show Bonanza Gunsmoke UNI 96 270 402Despierta Amrica! Amor bravo Noticiero Hoy USA 62 55 105 242Varied Programs VH1 51 50 162 335My Wife & Kids My Wife & Kids Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Jamie Foxx Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Varied Programs WGN-A 13 107 239 307Paid Program Joyce Meyer Paid Program Creflo Dollar Walker, Ranger Var. Programs Heat of Night Var. Programs Heat of Night Varied ProgramsPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501MHigh Crimes The Divergent Series: Allegiant Tickled Race RaceTSuffragette The Conspirator The 33 WRabbit Hole The Village Powder 24/7: Golovkin Max ThShanghai Noon To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything Baby Mama Sydney White FMadagascar 2 Fools Gold 2 Days: Roman Hairspray The 33 MAX 320 330 310 515MFar From the Madding Casanova Legend Gone inTRobin Hood Vacation Criminal Activities Executive Decision WCaptain Ron Inventing the Abbotts Head of State In America ThField of Dreams Hardball Unfriended Changing Lanes FStar Adam Jem and the Holograms Le Divorce Mr. Woodcock SHO 340 320 318 545MArthur & Merlin The Forger Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector Salvation TThe Imitation Game Cinderella Man Lucky Numbers WBlue Crush Red Corner Dudes & DragonsThKellys Hollywood Shopgirl (R) Pride Woman in Gold FThe Imitation Game Ordinary People Dead Heat STARZ 370 370 350 525MGet a Job Outlander: Miracles From Heaven Monsters, Inc. Waynes WorldTMe Irene Waynes World Step Brothers A Night at the Roxbury Blood Father WMoney Monster The Shallows Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story The Night Before ThThe Game Plan Jumanji Zathura: A Space Adventure Theres Something About Mary FReign of Fire Truth Black Sails: Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 TMC 350 340 327 553MWho Gets the Dog? Fargo Orange County Paranoia TParanoia Paper Planes Life of a King Walking on Sunshine PreppieWBeyond the Sea Girl on the Edge Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans Blood SandThStolen The Boston Strangler Safelight Wristcutters: A Love Story Hot Rod FPaper Planes Arthur and the Invisibles The Alamo Public MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
PAGE 26 WEEKDAY AFTERNOON CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV CC W D1 D2 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Chew General Hospital Hot Bench Hot Bench The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Phil News World News NBC 3 3 7 Days of our Lives Rachael Ray The Doctors Harry Family Feud Jeopardy! News Nightly News CBS 4 4 4 18News at Noon Bold/Beautiful The Talk Var. Programs Be a Millionaire Be a Millionaire Family Feud Family Feud The Ellen DeGeneres Show Jeopardy! Local 18 News IND 7 7 46 Network Kids on the Kids on the Coast Emerald Coast Real Estate Prime Dining FOX 8 8 28 Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Maury Crime Watch Daily Steve Harvey ThisMinute ThisMinute Judge Judy Judge Judy PBS 11 11 56 Martha Speaks Dinosaur Train Splash-Bubbles Curious George Nature Cat Ready Jet Go! Odd Squad Odd Squad Wild Kratts Capitol Update PBS NewsHour CW 99 9 8 8Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Judge Alex Judge Alex The Robert Irvine Show Cops Reloaded Cleveland American Dad American Dad THIS 209 133 Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza The Rifleman The Rifleman CHiPs MacGyver Mamas Family Mamas FamilyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Varied Programs The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 AMC 30 32 131 254MFugitive Alien Batman Begins TBatman Begins Sherlock Holmes WAlien vs. Predator Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows InceptionThBeneath the Planet of the Apes Planet of the Apes Avatar FRocky III Rocky IV Escape Plan Gladiator ANPL 46 69 184 282Varied Programs BET 53 46 124 329MThe Man in 3B Think Like a Man Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Meet, BrownsTA Madea Christmas Love Dont Cost a Thing WLove Dont Cost a Thing Brotherly Love Dear White People ThSpace Jam Dear White People Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Meet, BrownsFSoul Men Blue Streak CNN 39 32 200 202Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead With Jake Tapper Situation Room With Wolf Situation Room With Wolf CMT 98 47 166 327MReba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-StandingT WThF COM 64 53 107 249MArcher Archer Archer Archer Archer Archer South Park South Park South Park Futurama FuturamaTTosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0WWorkaholics Workaholics Workaholics South Park South Park South ParkThSouth Park South Park South ParkFChappelles Chappelles Chappelles Chappelles Chappelles Chappelles DISC 36 39 182 278Varied Programs DISN 22 64 172 290MPJ Masks PJ Masks Suite Life Suite Life Phineas, Ferb Star vs. Forces Tangled Before Ever After Liv-Mad. L&M:Cali Style Bunkd BizaardvarkTJessie Girl MeetsWTangled Before Ever AfterThSuite Life Suite Life Tangled Before Ever AfterFL&M:Cali Style L&M:Cali Style E! 63 57 114 236MThe Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The KardashiansTKardas Kardashian Kardashian The Kardashians KardashianWThe Kardashians Wedding Crashers The Arrangement: The Arrangement:ThThe Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The KardashiansFParks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat ESPN 9 23 140 206Outside Lines NFL Insiders NFL Live NBA: The Jump SportsNation Questionable Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter W/Michael ESPN2 47 24 143 209First Take Varied Programs FNC 42 35 205 360Happening Now Americas News Headquarters Shepard Smith Reporting Your World With Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report With Bret Baier FOOD 38 45 110 231MPioneer Wo. Pioneer Wo. Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and DivesTChopped: Chopped: Chopped Chopped ChoppedWChopped Junior: Chopped Junior Chopped Junior: Chopped Junior Chopped JuniorThBeat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Chopped Chopped:FDiners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives FREE 59 65 180 311MReba Reba Reba Reba The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Mrs. Doubtfire TThe Middle The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 WThe Middle The Middle The MiddleThBed StoriFHome Alone 2: Lost in N.Y. FS1 24 27 150 219MThe Herd with Colin Cowherd World Cup FA Cup Soccer: Speak for YourselfTUEFA UEFA Champions League Soccer:WUEFA Champions League Soccer:ThWorld Cup UEFA Europa UEFA Europa League Soccer: UEFA Europa League Soccer NASCAR Race HubFNASCAR Racing NASCAR Racing Race Hub NASCAR Racing NASCAR Race Hub Weekend NASCAR Racing FX 45 51 136 248MHow I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Mike & Molly Mike & Molly American Hustle TTaken 2 WJack Reacher ThMike & Molly Mike & Molly The Maze Runner FMike & Molly Mike & Molly Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Lets Be Cops GOLF 48 26 401 218MPGA Tour Golf: Golf CentralTThe Golf Fix Arnie Arnie Arnie PGA Tour ClassicWArnie Inside PGA Golfing World PGA Tour GolfThGolf Central Pregame PGA Tour Golf: LPGA Tour Golf FPGA Tour Golf: LPGA Tour Golf MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
WEEKDAY AFTERNOON CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV CC W D1 D212 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30CABLE CHANNELS CONTD HALL 23 59 185 312MHome & Family Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Last-Standing Last-StandingT WThF HGTV 32 38 112 229MLove It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List ItTFixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer UpperWProperty Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: BuyingThFlip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or FlopFTiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House Tiny House HIST 35 42 120 269Varied Programs Amer. Pickers Var. Programs Amer. Pickers Var. Programs Amer. Pickers Var. Programs LIFE 56 56 108 252Greys Anatomy Greys Anatomy Greys Anatomy Varied Programs MTV 50 49 160 331Varied Programs Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Jersey Shore Friends Friends NATGEO 109 60 186 276Varied Programs Wicked Tuna Highway Thru Hell Frontier Force Frontier Force Varied Programs NBCSN 20 28 159 220 Skiing Varied Programs NASCAR America NHL Live NICK 58 68 170 299Rusty Rivets PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Loud House Loud House Henry Danger Henry Danger OWN 21 109 189 279Dr. Phil Varied Programs SCI 110 102 193 284Varied Programs SPIKE 28 48 241 241MCops Jail Cops Cops Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight Cops CopsTX-Men Clash of the Titans Wrath of the Titans WXXX 2 Fast 2 Furious The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Th2 Fast The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Fast Five FGangland: Gangsters: Americas Most Evil Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight Cops Cops SUN 49 422 653Lunch with the Lightning Morning Line Varied Programs SYFY 70 52 122 244MOculus The November Man Doom TDark Relic Shutter Island Jonah Hex WMy Soul to Take The Darkest Hour Jeepers Creepers 2 ThA Knights Tale Pompeii Drive Angry FLeprechaun in the Hood Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood Leprechaun TBS 31 15 139 247American Dad American Dad Varied Programs TCM 25 70 132 256MQuality Street Without Love The Sea of Grass HepburnTPetticoat Fatal Glass Tugboat Annie Sails Again Chain Lightning The Great Race WThe Big Sleep Scarlet Street Jeopardy Angel Face ThApril The Band Wagon Ziegfeld Girl Till the Clouds Roll ByFFinians Rainbow Odd Man Out Young Cassidy The Informer TLC 37 40 183 280 My 600-Lb. Life Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Varied Programs Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress TNT 29 54 138 245Supernatural Varied Programs TRAV 65 44 196 277Varied Programs TRU 55 58 242 246Varied Programs TVL 19 66 106 304Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Var. Programs Gunsmoke Var. Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Griffith Griffith UNI 96 270 402 Hoy A Que No Me Dejas Como Dice el Dicho El Gordo y la Flaca Primer Impacto Hotel Todo Noticiero Univ. USA 62 55 105 242Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Varied Programs Law & Order: SVU Law & Order Varied Programs VH1 51 50 162 335Varied Programs Black Ink Crew Varied Programs WGN-A 13 107 239 307Varied Programs Blue Bloods Var. Programs Blue Bloods Var. Programs Blue Bloods Var. ProgramsPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501MRace Beautiful Creatures UConn: March Point Break TLast Week The Princess Diaries The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Lady in the WaterWMax Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma The Sixth Sense Live Free or Die HardThCentral Intelligence 2 Days 24/7: Golovkin Grumpy Old Men Grumpier Old MenFThe 33 The Sixth Sense 24/7: Golovkin 2 Days: Roman The Legend of Tarzan MAX 320 330 310 515MGone in 60 Seconds Trapped MI-5 InsomniaTMonsters Ball The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford Keeping the FaithWWe Are Your Friends Ghost World The Amityville Horror Hellboy II: The Golden ArmyThMistress America Spy Our Brand Is Crisis TrappedFDog Day Afternoon Under Siege 2: Dark Territory The Darkness Dark Water SHO 340 320 318 545MThe Salvation Miami Vice Meet the Browns Congo TTenderness Pel: Birth of a Legend The Imitation Game WA Perfect Day Internal Affairs Blue Crush EnemyThWoman in Gold The Forger Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector Trumped: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All TimeFSouthpaw The Imitation Game Congo STARZ 370 370 350 525MWayne Black Sails: The Missing Surfer, Dude The Devils Own TBlood The Devils Own Black Sails: Step Brothers Black Sails WNightThe Shallows The Missing Reservoir Dogs Seven Pounds ThMary You Dont Mess With the Zohan Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2 Lakeview TerraceFPaul B 2 Hot Shots! Part Deux Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Private Parts TMC 350 340 327 553MParanoia No Escape Good Kill Gringo: The Life of John McAfee Fargo TThe Preppie Connection Freedom Life of a King What Women Want WBlood Nightlight Medium Raw Bloodsucking Bastards It FollowsThHot Rod Christmas Eve Gangs of New York Drug War FThe D Train Fargo The Architect Miss Potter MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
PAGE 28 MONDAY EVENING MARCH 13, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 at 6 (N) Ent. Tonight The Bachelor (sfin) (N) The Bachelor: After the News 13 at 10 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:35) (N) Nightline NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune (N) The Voice:: The blind auditions continue. (N) Taken : A suspected terrorist is taken. News The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (:34) Seth Meyers CBS 4 4 4 18CBS Evening News Inside Edition (N) Kevin Can Wait (N) Man With a Plan (N) Superior Donuts (N) 2 Broke Girls (N) Scorpion: Modern Family The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (:35) James Corden IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory 24: Legacy: APB : Gideons fa ther gets into trouble. Two and a Half Men TMZ (N) Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen Steve Harvey PBS 11 11 56 World News My Music: Country Pop Legends: charts. The Highwaymen Live at Nassau Coliseum Capitol Update Charlie Rose (N) Country Pop CW 99 9 8 8Family Guy Family Guy Howie Mandel All-Star Comedy Gala: performances. Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of Queens The King of Queens Engagement Engagement THIS 209 133 M*A*S*H: M*A*S*H: George Mayberry R.F.D. Mayberry R.F.D. MacGyver: Indians battle for sacred land. Hogans Heroes Hogans Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason The Twilight ZoneCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265The First 48 The First 48: Dealings Cold Case Files (N) Bates Motel: Hidden The First 48 The First 48 AMC 30 32 131 254Sherlock Holmes Humans: Humans: nects with Leo. ANPL 46 69 184 282Yukon Men AlaskaLast Frontier AlaskaLast Frontier AlaskaLast Frontier Lone Star Law Yukon Men BET 53 46 124 329Browns Browns Browns Browns A Madea Christmas Daily Show The Game CNN 39 32 200 202Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Report (N) CNN Tonight CNN Tonight CNN Special Report CMT 98 47 166 327Last Man Last Man The Wedding Date The Wedding Date Cowboys Cheerleaders COM 64 53 107 249Futurama Futurama South Park South Park Archer Archer South Park South Park Daily Show At Midnight South Park DISC 36 39 182 278Fast N Loud: Revved Up (N) Street Outlaws (N) Diesel Brothers (N) Street Outlaws Street Outlaws DISN 22 64 172 290K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunkd Bunkd Jessie Jessie Girl Meets Best Fr. E! 63 57 114 236E! News (N) The Kardashians The Arrangement The Arrangement E! News (N) ESPN 9 23 140 206NCAA Selection Tournament Challenge Special (N) (Live) College Basketball Live SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209SportsCenter (N) (Live) 30 for 30 Shorts SportsCenter (N) (Live) Tournament Challenge Special (N) (Live) FNC 42 35 205 360The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor Tucker Carlson Tonight FOOD 38 45 110 231Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive FREE 59 65 180 311Mrs. Doubtfire (4) Young Daddy A Cinderella Story: If the Shoe Fits The 700 Club Fan Girl FS1 24 27 150 219NASCAR Race Hub (N) UFC Main Event UFC Main Event UFC Main Event (N) UFC Main Event (N) Speak for Yourself FX 45 51 136 248American Hustle (4) Star Trek Into Darkness Star Trek Into Darkness GOLF 48 26 401 218The Golf Fix Feherty Feherty (N) Feherty Golf Central Feherty HALL 23 59 185 312Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Hunters Hunt Intl Tiny House Tiny House Love It or List It HIST 35 42 120 269American Pickers American Pickers American Pick. Pawn Pawn (:33) Pawn Pawn (:33) American Pickers LIFE 56 56 108 252Sex and the City 2 (4) Rumor Has It... Ghosts of Girlfriends Past Rumor Has It... MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 (N) Teen Mom Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom NATGEO 109 60 186 276The Story of God Origins of Humankind Origins of Humankind Explorer: Origins of Humankind Explorer: NBCSN 20 28 159 220NHL Live NHL Hockey: NHL Overtime Premier Premier League Review Premier NICK 58 68 170 299Hunter Hunter The Thundermans Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 279The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots SCI 110 102 193 284What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? Secrets of the Under What on Earth? What on Earth? SPIKE 28 48 241 241Cops Cops Cops Cops Campus PD Campus PD Cops Cops Campus PD Campus PD Cops Cops SUN 49 422 653NHL Hockey: (N) Lightning MLB Preseason Baseball: After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244Dredd Zombieland Jonah Hex TBS 31 15 139 247Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Conan (N) Broke Girl Conan TCM 25 70 132 256Katharine Hepburn: All About Me (5:45) Take a Giant Step seeks his manhood in confusing world. Hand in Hand Let No Man Write My Epitaph TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes Say Yes My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life: My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life TNT 29 54 138 245Bones NBA Basketball: Atlanta Hawks at San Antonio Spurs. (N) NBA Basketball: Los Angeles Lakers at Denver Nuggets. (N) TRAV 65 44 196 277Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Booze Traveler (N) Delicious Delicious Bizarre Foods/Zimmern TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Impractical Pranks Pranks Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304M*A*S*H MASH M*A*S*H Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402La Rosa de Guadalupe Pequeos Gigantes Vino el Amor (N) La Piloto (N) Impacto Noticiero Contacto Deportivo (N) USA 62 55 105 242Mod Fam Mod Fam WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (Live) Friday Night Tykes Chrisley Chrisley VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Hip Hop Hip Hop The Breaks (N) Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Hip Hop Hip Hop WGN-A 13 107 239 307The Last Samurai Underground Mother How I Met How I Met How I MetPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Last Week To. VICE News Tonight (N) The Nice Guys an enforcer search for a missing woman. (R) Cries From Syria Big Little Lies: Push MAX 320 330 310 515Insomnia Suspense) Al Pacino. (R) The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Mission: Impossible 2 National Treasure SHO 340 320 318 545Congo Homeland: Alt.Truth Billions: Homeland: Alt.Truth Billions: Nick Cannon: Stand Up, Dont Shoot STARZ 370 370 350 525Outlander: (5:58) Black Sails: The Missing: Step Brothers Black Sails: The Missing (:45) TMC 350 340 327 553Fargo No Escape Death Warrant The Accidental Spy MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS r rf n tn b r f
MONDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 13, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Middle Judge Karen Judge Karen ABC World News Now America Morning News 13 This Morning NBC 3 3 7 Seth Meyers Last Call/ Daly Harry The Bankruptcy Hour Shepherds Chapel AgDay Early Today NewsChannel 7 Today CBS 4 4 4 18James Corden Modern Family Ac. Hollywood The Insider CBS Overnight News Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Friends Friends Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Maury Paid Program Paid Program Healthy Fried Food The Outdoor Show PBS 11 11 56 My Music: Country Pop Legends : BrainFit: 50 Ways to Grow Your Brain With Daniel Amen, MD and Tana Amen, RN 28 Day Metabolism Makeover With Dr. Amy Myers Cat in the Hat Arthur CW 99 9 8 8Raising Hope Cheaters Cheaters Paid Program Amazing Abs Regrow Hair 10 Ways to Help Pain Arthritis Pain? Darkspots Best Pan Ever! The Hard Truth Firm Your Aging Neck THIS 209 133 Alfred Hitchcock Hour: Off Season Mannix: Ironside: 77 Sunset Strip: Ten Our Miss Brooks The Donna Reed Show Mister Ed I Love LucyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Cold Case Files Bates Motel The First 48 Wrinkles! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LifeLock Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Humans Surrogates Humans: Peter Popoff Paid Program ANPL 46 69 184 282Yukon Men Yukon Men North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Big Cat Big Cat BET 53 46 124 329The Game The Game Wendy Williams Show The Real Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Abundant Paid Prog. Suffering CNN 39 32 200 202Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Early Early Chris and Alisyn CMT 98 47 166 327Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249South Park Daily Show At Midnight South Park Chappelles Key Kevin Hart High Court Sex Toys KRILLW Paid Prog. Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Extreme Loggers: Ice Extreme Loggers: Ice Extreme Loggers: Ice Moonshiners DISN 22 64 172 290Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Bizaardvark Stuck Jessie Jessie Bunkd Bunkd Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236The Kardashians The Arrangement Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Mike & Mike ESPN2 47 24 143 209Tournament Challenge Special Jalen & Jacoby Mike & Mike FNC 42 35 205 360Hannity The First 100 Days Red Eye-Shillue Special Report FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Guys Grocery Games Paid Prog. New Looks! PiYo Wor. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311Fan Girl PiYo Wor. Paid Prog. The 700 Club Paid Program Prince Robison J. Meyer Drenda FS1 24 27 150 219Skip and Shannon: Undisputed TMZ Sports UFC Main Event UFC Main Event TMZ Sports NASCAR Racing FX 45 51 136 248Star Trek-Dark. Feud: Bette and Joan Paid Prog. Paid Prog. 24 Ladders Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218Feherty The Golf Fix Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunt Intl Tiny House Tiny House Love It or List It Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Menopause Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Texas Flip HIST 35 42 120 269American Pick. Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. New Looks! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252Rumor Has It... Ghosts of Girlfriends Past LifeLock Darkspots Fab Abs Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Teen Mom Teen Mom Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Music Feed 16 and Pregnant NATGEO 109 60 186 276Earths Core Journey to the Edge of the Universe Known Universe Known Universe Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Premier League MOTW Premier Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. PiYo Wor. LifeLock Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 279The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dr. Phil Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284Secrets of the Under What on Earth? Unexplained Files Unexplained Files Unexplained Files NASAs Unexplained SPIKE 28 48 241 241Jail Jail Jail Jail Wildest Police Videos Sex Toys Paid Prog. Sex Please Worry Free Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SUN 49 422 653After Midnight Darkspots Paid Prog. Hurricane Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Worry Free Paid Prog. Florida ONeill Out. SYFY 70 52 122 244Shutter Island Prostate Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Face Off TBS 31 15 139 247Conan Seinfeld Mr. 3000 New Girl New Girl Married Married Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256Let No Man 13 West Street Reach for Glory Innocent Sinners The Trail of TLC 37 40 183 280My 600-Lb. Life Say Yes Say Yes Mystery Diagnosis Mystery Diagnosis What Not to Wear What Not to Wear TNT 29 54 138 245Players Only Postgame NBA Basketball: Preview Law & Order Arrow: TRAV 65 44 196 277Booze Traveler Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Paid Prog. Worry Free Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Impractical Pranks Pranks Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Late Snack Late Snack Late Snack LifeLock Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Chris Old Christine Rose. Rose. Rose. How I Met How I Met Paid Prog. Paid Prog. UNI 96 270 402La Mujer del Vendaval A Que No Me Dejas P. Luche Hotel Todo El Gordo y la Flaca Impacto Noticiero Como Dice el Dicho USA 62 55 105 242CSI: Cri. Scene CSI: Crime Scene Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta The Breaks Hip Hop Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Black Ink Crew My Wife My Wife WGN-A 13 107 239 307How I Met How I Met Rules Rules Parks Parks Law & Order: Supernat. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Last Week To. The Revenant REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel Grumpy Old Men MAX 320 330 310 515National Treasure Changing Lanes The Bourne Ultimatum Robin Hood: Men in Tights SHO 340 320 318 545Traffic Dreamcatcher Congo STARZ 370 370 350 525The Missing: Blood Father The Devils Own Me, Myself & Irene TMC 350 340 327 553Tears of the Sun Hoodlum Paranoia MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS James Fi sherBr ok er850-866-5950James Fi sher Br ok erMy Na me is Behind Ev er y Sa leEagleAmeric anR ealt yGr oup .com Co mmer cial Sa les Le asing & Managemen t Pr oper ty En titlemen t La nd De ve lopmen t Residen tial Sa les Pr oper ty Managemen t
PAGE 30 TUESDAY EVENING MARCH 14, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 at 6 (N) Ent. Tonight The Middle (N) American Housewife Fresh Off the Boat The Real ONeals People Icons: Heroes & Survivors (N) News 13 at 10 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:35) (N) Nightline NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune (N) The Voice: The blind auditions conclude. (N) This Is Us: Jack heads to Trial & Error Trial & Error (N) News The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (:34) Seth Meyers CBS 4 4 4 18CBS Evening News Inside Edition (N) NCIS: NCIS: New Orleans: NCIS: New Orleans: the Dragon (N) Modern Family The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (:35) James Corden IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory New Girl (N) The Mick Bones : An aspiring director is killed. Two and a Half Men TMZ (N) Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen Steve Harvey PBS 11 11 56 World News Patsy Cline: American Masters: The John Denver: Country Boy: Life and Best Of... Capitol Update Charlie Rose (N) Suze Ormans CW 99 9 8 8Family Guy Family Guy The Flash: the speed force. DCs Legends of Tomorrow: Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of Queens The King of Queens Engagement Engagement THIS 209 133 M*A*S*H: M*A*S*H Mayberry R.F.D. Mayberry R.F.D. MacGyver: terrorist in a raid. Hogans Heroes Hogans Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason: is charged in murder. The Twilight ZoneCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Juvenile Lifers Behind Bars Kids Behind Bars: Lost for Life 60 Days In 60 Days In Kids AMC 30 32 131 254Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows Inception ANPL 46 69 184 282River Monsters River Monsters Wild Brazil River Monsters River Monsters BET 53 46 124 329Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane (N) Being Mary Jane Daily Show The Game CNN 39 32 200 202Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CMT 98 47 166 327Last Man Last Man Paul Blart: Mall Cop Steve Austins Paul Blart: Mall Cop COM 64 53 107 249Futurama Futurama Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Detroiters Daily Show At Midnight Tosh.0 DISC 36 39 182 278Moonshiners: Outlaw Moonshiners (N) Moonshiners (N) Killing Fields (N) Moonshiners Moonshiners DISN 22 64 172 290Tangled Before Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunkd Bunkd Jessie Jessie Girl Meets Best Fr. E! 63 57 114 236E! News (N) Wedding Crashers Botched E! News (N) ESPN 9 23 140 206College Basketball College Basketball SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball FNC 42 35 205 360The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor Tucker Carlson Tonight FOOD 38 45 110 231Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Chopped FREE 59 65 180 311Twilight Saga-2 (4:30) The Fosters (N) Big Daddy The 700 Club Bruce Almighty FS1 24 27 150 219NASCAR Race Hub (N) UFC Main Event (N) Boxing: UFC Main Event Speak for Yourself FX 45 51 136 248Jack Reacher The Americans (N) The Americans Legion: GOLF 48 26 401 218School of Golf Arnie Arnie Arnie Arnie and Me Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper Fixer Upper HIST 35 42 120 269Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Counting Cars Forged in Fire Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars LIFE 56 56 108 252Little Women: LA Little Women: LA (N) Little Women: LA (N) The Pop Game Little Women: LA Little Women: LA MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Teen Mom 2 The Challenge: Invasion Stranded-Mill. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridic. (:05) Ridic. (:40) NATGEO 109 60 186 276National Parks National Parks Water & Power: A California Heist Water & Power: A California Heist National Parks NBCSN 20 28 159 220NHL Live NHL Hockey: NHL Overtime (N) Poker After Dark Poker After Dark NICK 58 68 170 299Hunter Thunder Thunder Game Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 279The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots SCI 110 102 193 284What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? Secrets of the Under What on Earth? (:06) What on Earth? (:08) SPIKE 28 48 241 241Wrath (4) Hercules Adam Carolla Hercules SUN 49 422 653Pregame NHL Hockey: Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244Zombieland Face Off (N) The Legend of Hercules Face Off TBS 31 15 139 247Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang The Detour Big Bang Conan (N) The Detour Conan TCM 25 70 132 256The Great Race Klute The French Connection Night Moves Suspense) TLC 37 40 183 280Fat Fabulous My Big Fat Fat Fabulous Shes in Charge Fat Fabulous (:04) Shes in Charge (:04) TNT 29 54 138 245Con Air (5) Thor Godzilla TRAV 65 44 196 277Bizarre Foods America Delicious Delicious Bizarre Foods (N) Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Bizarre Foods America Bizarre Foods TRU 55 58 242 2462017 NCAA Basketball Tournament (5:30) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Inside March Madness Pranks TVL 19 66 106 304Griffith Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Teachers Throwing King (:03) King King King UNI 96 270 402La Rosa de Guadalupe Pequeos Gigantes Vino el Amor (N) La Piloto (N) Impacto Noticiero Contacto Deportivo (N) USA 62 55 105 242Chrisley Chrisley WWE SmackDown! (N) (Live) Chrisley Chrisley Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam VH1 51 50 162 335The Breaks Hip Hop Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Black Ink Crew Black Ink Crew WGN-A 13 107 239 307Cops Cops Cops Cops Outsiders: Healing Outsiders: Healing Outsiders OutsidersPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Lady (4:40) VICE News Tonight (N) Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising 2 Days: Roman (:35) Girls: Gummies Crashing Boxing: MAX 320 330 310 515Keeping the Faith I Love You, Man Pitch Perfect 2 Towelhead SHO 340 320 318 545No Country for Old Men Billions: Homeland: Alt.Truth Billions: Lost Highway Drama) Premiere. (R) STARZ 370 370 350 525Black Sails Reservoir Dogs Black Sails: XXXV. Blood Father Anaconda TMC 350 340 327 553What Women Want The Preppie Connection Separated (:40) Rivers Edge The Riot Club MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS James Fi sherBr ok er850-866-5950James Fi sher Br ok erMy Na me is Behind Ev er y Sa leEagleAmeric anR ealt yGr oup .com Co mmer cial Sa les Le asing & Managemen t Pr oper ty En titlemen t La nd De ve lopmen t Residen tial Sa les Pr oper ty Managemen t
TUESDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 14, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Middle Judge Karen Judge Karen ABC World News Now America Morning News 13 This Morning NBC 3 3 7 Seth Meyers Last Call/ Daly Harry The Bankruptcy Hour Shepherds Chapel AgDay Early Today NewsChannel 7 Today CBS 4 4 4 18James Corden Modern Family Ac. Hollywood The Insider CBS Overnight News Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Friends Friends Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Maury Paid Program Let the Prophet Healthy Fried Food The Outdoor Show PBS 11 11 56 Suze Ormans Financial Solutions for You You Are the Universe With Deepak Chopra: The Energy Weight Loss Solution With Neal Barnard, MD Cat in the Hat Arthur CW 99 9 8 8Raising Hope Cheaters Cheaters Best Pan Ever! Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Amazing Abs Firm Your Aging Neck Paid Program THIS 209 133 Alfred Hitchcock Hour Mannix: Ironside:77 Sunset Strip: Our Miss Brooks The Donna Reed Show Mister Ed I Love LucyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Kids Kids Behind Bars: Lost for Life 60 Days In Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Alien vs. Predator Humans: Comic Book Men Comic Book Men Paid Program Paid Program ANPL 46 69 184 282River Monsters River Monsters River Monsters Wild Brazil Big Cat Big Cat BET 53 46 124 329The Game The Game Wendy Williams Show The Real Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Abundant Paid Prog. Suffering CNN 39 32 200 202Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Early Early Chris and Alisyn CMT 98 47 166 327Steve Austins Roseanne Roseanne Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249Detroiters Daily Show At Midnight South Park Chappelles Key Kevin Hart High Court Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Moonshiners Inside the FBI DISN 22 64 172 290Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Bizaardvark Stuck Jessie Jessie Bunkd Bunkd Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209Jalen Basketball Jalen NFL Live 30 for 30 Mike and Mike: ICYMI Mike & Mike FNC 42 35 205 360Hannity The First 100 Days Red Eye-Shillue Special Report FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Chopped Chopped Chopped Guys Grocery Games Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311Bruce Almighty Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The 700 Club Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prince Robison J. Meyer J. Hagee FS1 24 27 150 219Skip and Shannon: Undisputed TMZ Sports Boxing: UFC Main Event UFC Event FX 45 51 136 248The Americans Mike FXM Pres. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218Masters Highlights Inside PGA Learning Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Inside PGA Golf Acad. Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Transform Paid Prog. Kit. Crash HIST 35 42 120 269Counting Cars Forged in Fire Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252Little Women The Pop Game Little Women: LA Paid Thick Hair Paid Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Ridiculousness Ridic. Ridic. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Music Feed Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show NATGEO 109 60 186 276Lawless Oceans Drugs, Inc. Locked Up Abroad Locked Up Abroad Locked Up Abroad Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Poker After Dark Poker After Dark Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 279The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots Dateline on OWN Dr. Phil Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284Secrets of the Under What on Earth? Universe Works Universe Works Universe Works Universe Works SPIKE 28 48 241 241Hercules Clash of the Titans Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SUN 49 422 653After Midnight Secrets Great Sex! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Why Pressure Cooker? Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Florida Fishing SYFY 70 52 122 244Cabin Fever: Patient Zero The Darkest Hour Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Magicians TBS 31 15 139 247Conan Seinfeld Hit & Run New Girl New Girl Married Married Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256Night Moves Shaft Shafts Big Score! The Woman on the Beach TLC 37 40 183 280My Big Fat Fat Fabulous Mystery Diagnosis Mystery Diagnosis What Not to Wear What Not to Wear TNT 29 54 138 245Major Crimes The Librarians The Librarians The Librarians Law & Order: Arrow: TRAV 65 44 196 277Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Bizarre Foods America Delicious Delicious Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Pranks Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Billy-Street Billy-Street Billy-Street Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Teachers Throwing Chris Chris Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne How I Met How I Met Paid Prog. Walk Fit UNI 96 270 402La Mujer del Vendaval A Que No Me Dejas P. Luche Hotel Todo El Gordo y la Flaca Impacto Noticiero Como Dice el Dicho USA 62 55 105 242Chrisley Chrisley Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU House VH1 51 50 162 335Hip Hop Hip Hop Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Above the Rim Black Ink Crew My Wife My Wife WGN-A 13 107 239 307Mother How I Met Rules Rules Raising Raising Law & Order Supernat. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 5012 Days: Roman 24/7: Golovkin Friday Making-Sisters The Cider House Rules Rabbit Hole MAX 320 330 310 515Towelhead Constantine Executive Decision Captain Ron SHO 340 320 318 545Lost Highway Requiem for a Dream: Unrated Paid in Full Hoops U STARZ 370 370 350 525Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid Reservoir Dogs Thirteen Days TMC 350 340 327 553The Riot Club High School The Life and Mind of Mark DeFriest Ginger & Rosa Beyond the Sea MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
PAGE 32 WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH 15, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 at 6 (N) Ent. Tonight The Goldbergs (N) Speechless (N) Modern Family (N) blackish Designated Survivor (N) News 13 at 10 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:35) (N) Nightline NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune (N) The Voice: Best of the Blind Auditions: Highlights of the blind auditions. (N) Chicago P.D.: News The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (:34) Seth Meyers CBS 4 4 4 18CBS Evening News Inside Edition (N) Survivor: Survivor Jackpot (N) Criminal Minds: Assistance Is Futile (N) Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: Modern Family The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (:35) James Corden IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Lethal Weapon:Star: (sfin) (N) Two and a Half Men TMZ (N) Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen Steve Harvey PBS 11 11 56 World News Magic Moments: The Best of 50s Pop: Best Of... Capitol Update Charlie Rose (N) Best Of... CW 99 9 8 8Family Guy Family Guy Arrow: Helix seeks a favor The 100: We Will Rise (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of Queens The King of Queens Engagement Engagement THIS 209 133 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Mayberry R.F.D. Mayberry R.F.D. MacGyver: Obsessed Hogans Heroes Hogans Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason The Twilight ZoneCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. TBA Duck D. Jep Jep Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. TBA (:33) AMC 30 32 131 254Inception A thief enAvatar Planet of the Apes ANPL 46 69 184 282My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell Animal Nation BET 53 46 124 329Dear White People (4) The Quad The Quad: The Quad (N) Kalief Browder Daily Show The Game CNN 39 32 200 202Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CMT 98 47 166 327Last Man Last Man O Brother, Where Art Thou? O Brother, Where Art Thou? COM 64 53 107 249Futurama Futurama South Park South Park Work. Jeff Daily Show At Midnight South Park DISC 36 39 182 278Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush: Off Grid Alaskan Bush People Bering Sea Gold (N) Alaskan Bush People Bering Sea Gold DISN 22 64 172 290K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunkd Bunkd Tangled Before Girl Meets Best Fr. E! 63 57 114 236E! News (N) The Kardashians So Cosmo (N) So Cosmo E! News (N) ESPN 9 23 140 206NBA Countdown (N) NBA Basketball: Portland Trail Blazers at San Antonio Spurs. NBA Basketball: ESPN2 47 24 143 209College Basketball College Basketball: SportCtr SportsCenter (N) (Live) FNC 42 35 205 360The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor Tucker Carlson Tonight FOOD 38 45 110 231Chopped Junior Chopped Junior (N) Cooks vs. Cons Bakers vs. Fakers Spring Baking Cooks vs. Cons FREE 59 65 180 311Big Daddy Bedtime Stories The 700 Club Bringing Down FS1 24 27 150 219NASCAR Race Hub (N) UFC Tonight (N) UFC Main Event (N) UFC UFC UFC Tonight Speak for Yourself FX 45 51 136 248Reacher The Maze Runner Legion: Legion: Americans GOLF 48 26 401 218Golf Acad. Learning Inside PGA PGA Tour Golf PGA Tour Golf Golf Ctral HALL 23 59 185 312Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Buying and Selling Property Brothers Property Brothers (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Property Brothers HIST 35 42 120 269American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers LIFE 56 56 108 252Little Women: Atlanta Little Women: Atlanta Little Women: Atlanta Bringing Up Ballers Little Women Little Women MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Catfish: The TV Show Are You the One? (N) Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show NATGEO 109 60 186 276Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Uncensored Drugs, Inc. NBCSN 20 28 159 220NHL Live NHL Hockey: NHL Hockey: NHL NICK 58 68 170 299Hunter Thunder Thunder Game Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 279Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf SCI 110 102 193 284Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science Hacking the Wild Acts of Science Acts of Science SPIKE 28 48 241 241Fast Five Kalief Browder The Fast and the Furious SUN 49 422 653Pregame NBA Basketball: Postgame Inside Inside Inside After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244Pompeii The Magicians (N) The Expanse: The Magicians The Expanse: TBS 31 15 139 247Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Conan (N) Broke Girl Conan TCM 25 70 132 256Angel Face Annie Get Your Gun Blithe Spirit The Fallen Idol TLC 37 40 183 280My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life: My 600-Lb. Life: TNT 29 54 138 245Bones Major Crimes Major Crimes (N) Major Crimes Animal Kingdom Animal Kingdom TRAV 65 44 196 277Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown (N) Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown TRU 55 58 242 2462017 NCAA Basketball Tournament 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: Inside March Madness Carbonaro TVL 19 66 106 304Griffith Griffith Andy Griffith Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402La Rosa de Guadalupe Pequeos Gigantes Vino el Amor (N) La Piloto (N) Impacto Noticiero Contacto Deportivo (N) USA 62 55 105 242NCIS: Shiva NCIS NCIS: NCIS: Incognito Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam VH1 51 50 162 335Black Ink Crew Black Ink Crew (N) Hip Hop Hip Hop Black Ink Crew Hip Hop Hip Hop The Breaks WGN-A 13 107 239 307Person of Interest Fast & Furious Underground (N) Underground UndergroundPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Live FreeDie VICE News Tonight (N) Forgetting Sarah Marshall UConn: March Big Little Lies: Push Jerrod Carmichael: 8The Happening (R) MAX 320 330 310 515Hellboy II: The Golden Army Scarface Everest SHO 340 320 318 545Enemy at the Gates ers face off during the Battle of Stalingrad. (R) The Hateful Eight hunters and a prisoner encounter four strangers. (R) Billions: STARZ 370 370 350 525Seven Pounds (4:54) The Missing: A third suspect enters the case. Money Monster The Shallows The Missing:TMC 350 340 327 553It Follows Saw III Saw IV Saw V MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
PAGE 33 WEDNESDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 15, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Middle Judge Karen Judge Karen ABC World News Now America Morning News 13 This Morning NBC 3 3 7 Seth Meyers Last Call/ Daly Harry The Bankruptcy Hour Shepherds Chapel AgDay Early Today NewsChannel 7 Today CBS 4 4 4 18James Corden Modern Family Ac. Hollywood The Insider CBS Overnight News Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Friends: Pilot Friends Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Maury:Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program The Outdoor Show PBS 11 11 56 Best Of... Cat in the Hat Arthur CW 99 9 8 8Raising Hope Cheaters Cheaters Paid Program Miracle Makeup! Paid Program Skincare Secrets Paid Program 10 Ways to Help Pain Paid Program Best Pan Ever! THIS 209 133 Alfred Hitchcock Hour Mannix: Ironside: 77 Sunset Strip: A novelOur Miss Brooks The Donna Reed Show Mister Ed I Love LucyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Duck D. Jep Jep Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Planet of the Apes Beneath the Planet of the Apes Comic Book Men Comic Book Men Peter Popoff Paid Program ANPL 46 69 184 282My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell Big Cat Big Cat BET 53 46 124 329The Game The Game Wendy Williams Show The Real Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Abundant Paid Prog. Suffering CNN 39 32 200 202Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Early Early Chris and Alisyn CMT 98 47 166 327Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249Work. Daily Show At Midnight South Park Chappelles Key Kevin Hart High Court Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Flying Wild Alaska Airplane Repo DISN 22 64 172 290Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Bizaardvark Stuck Jessie Jessie Bunkd Bunkd Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter NBA Basketball: SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209Jalen E:60 NBA Basketball: SportsCenter SportsCenter Mike & Mike FNC 42 35 205 360Hannity The First 100 Days Red Eye-Shillue Special Report FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Bakers vs. Fakers Spring Baking Chopped Junior Restaurant: Impossible Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311Bringing Down Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The 700 Club Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prince Robison J. Meyer Grace FS1 24 27 150 219Skip and Shannon: Undisputed TMZ Sports UFC UFC UFC Main Event UEFA Champions League Soccer FX 45 51 136 248Americans Legion: Feud: Bette and Joan The Americans FXM Pres. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218Ctrl PGA Tour Golf Golf Acad. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Golf Central PGA Tour Golf HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Property Brothers Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Vacation HIST 35 42 120 269Amer. Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Paid Prostate Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252Little Women Bringing Up Ballers Little Women Paid Paid Paid Thick Hair Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Music Feed Ridiculous. Ridiculous. NATGEO 109 60 186 276Underworld, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld, Inc. Underworld Inc. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Sports Sports Sports Sports Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 279Greenleaf Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dr. Phil Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284Hacking the Wild Acts of Science To Be Announced Unexplained Files Unexplained Files How/Made How/Made SPIKE 28 48 241 241Fast A Man Apart Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prostate SUN 49 422 653After Midnight Hair Loss? Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Healthy Fried Food Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sportsman Sport SYFY 70 52 122 244Jeepers Creepers 2 Tracers Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Expanse: TBS 31 15 139 247Conan Seinfeld Disturbia New Girl New Girl Married Married Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256The Fallen Idol Nothing Sacred Les Maudits MGM Parade The Barkleys of Broadway TLC 37 40 183 280My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life Mystery Diagnosis Mystery Diagnosis What Not to Wear What Not to Wear TNT 29 54 138 245Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Law & Order: Arrow: TRAV 65 44 196 277Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Those Who Those Who Those Who Those Who Those Who Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Chris Chris Roseanne Rose. Rose. Mother Mother Paid Prog. Paid Prog. UNI 96 270 402La Mujer del Vendaval A Que No Me Dejas P. Luche Hotel Todo El Gordo y la Flaca Impacto Noticiero Como Dice el Dicho USA 62 55 105 242NCIS: Los Angeles Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Colony: VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Black Ink Crew Hip Hop Hip Hop T.I.-Tiny T.I.-Tiny My Wife My Wife WGN-A 13 107 239 307Underg. Underground Rules Raising Raising Law & Order Supernat. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501The Happening UConn: March Real Time With Bill Maher Blues Brothers 2000 Conchords Shanghai Noon MAX 320 330 310 515Jennifer Eight Body Parts Not Another Teen Movie Field of Dreams SHO 340 320 318 545Triple 9 Hard Candy Garm Wars: The Last Druid Kellys Hollywood STARZ 370 370 350 525Lakeview Terrace Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star Keeping Up With the Steins The Game Plan TMC 350 340 327 553Bloodsucking Bastards The Bleeding Scar Tissue Stolen MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS James Fi sherBr ok er850-866-5950James Fi sher Br ok erMy Na me is Behind Ev er y Sa leEagleAmeric anR ealt yGr oup .com Co mmer cial Sa les Le asing & Managemen t Pr oper ty En titlemen t La nd De ve lopmen t Residen tial Sa les Pr oper ty Managemen t
PAGE 34 THURSDAY EVENING MARCH 16, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 at 6 (N) Ent. Tonight Greys Anatomy (N) Scandal: Extinction The Catch: The Hammer (N) News 13 at 10 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:35) (N) Nightline NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune (N) Superstore (N) Powerless (N) Chicago Med: The Blacklist: Redemption (N) News The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (:34) Seth Meyers CBS 4 4 4 182017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: (N) (Live) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: (N) (Live) Modern Family Colbert (:35) IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Reviews of local Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory MasterChef (N) Kicking & Screaming (N) Two and a Half Men TMZ (N) Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (N) Steve Harvey PBS 11 11 56 World News Florida Crossroads The Last Waltz Capitol Update Charlie Rose (N) Best Of... CW 99 9 8 8Family Guy Family Guy The Vampire Diaries: I The Vampire Diaries: Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of Queens The King of Queens Engagement Engagement THIS 209 133 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Mayberry R.F.D. Mayberry R.F.D. MacGyver:Hogans Heroes Hogans Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason The Twilight ZoneCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265The First 48 First 48 First 48 60 Days In (N) Nightwatch The First 48 1st 48 1st 48 (:33) AMC 30 32 131 254Avatar Escape Plan Rocky III ANPL 46 69 184 282Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law BET 53 46 124 329Being Mary Jane The Quad Soul Men Daily Show The Game CNN 39 32 200 202Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 The Messy Truth The History of Comedy CNN Tonight The Messy Truth CMT 98 47 166 327Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Sun Records (N) Sun Records Roseanne Roseanne COM 64 53 107 249Futurama Futurama Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Review Tosh.0 Daily Show At Midnight High Court South Park DISC 36 39 182 278Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws DISN 22 64 172 290K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunkd Bunkd Jessie Jessie Girl Meets Best Fr. E! 63 57 114 236E! News (N) The Arrangement The Kardashians The Kardashians E! News (N) ESPN 9 23 140 206College Wrestling: SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 20930 for 30 ATP Tennis: E:60 Jalen FNC 42 35 205 360The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor Tucker Carlson Tonight FOOD 38 45 110 231Chopped Chopped Chopped Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Chopped FREE 59 65 180 311Bedtime Stories Home Alone 2: Lost in New York The 700 Club Cinderella Story FS1 24 27 150 219UFC Tonight UFC Reloaded UFC Main Event Undisputed FX 45 51 136 248The Maze Runner Lets Be Cops Baskets (N) Baskets Baskets Ted GOLF 48 26 401 218LPGA Tour Golf Golf Ctral PGA Tour Golf: HALL 23 59 185 312Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Flip or Flop Flip or Flop HIST 35 42 120 269Swamp People Swamp People Swamp People (N) Gangland Swamp People Swamp People LIFE 56 56 108 252Movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith Bringing Up Ballers Mr. & Mrs. Smith MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Wild n Out Wild n Out Wild n Out Wild n Out Wild/Out 2017 Woodies (N) (Live) Lottery Ticket NATGEO 109 60 186 276Secrets of Wild India Secret Life of Tigers Secret Life of Tigers Secret Life of Tigers Secrets of Wild India Secrets of Wild India NBCSN 20 28 159 220Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge NICK 58 68 170 299Hunter Thunder The Last Airbender Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 27920/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on ID 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made SPIKE 28 48 241 241Lip Sync Caraoke The Fast and the Furious XXX SUN 49 422 653Pregame NHL Hockey: Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244Drive Angry (5) Independence Day Independence Day TBS 31 15 139 2472017 NCAA Basketball Tournament 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament (:45) Conan TCM 25 70 132 256Till the Clouds Roll By Follow Me, Boys! Hound That Thought He Was a Raccoon All in a Nutshell The Incredible Journey TLC 37 40 183 280My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized: Skin Tight: Transformed My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized TNT 29 54 138 2452017 NCAA Basketball Tournament (5:45) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Animal Kingdom Animal TRAV 65 44 196 277Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum TRU 55 58 242 2462017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Madness TVL 19 66 106 304Griffith Griffith Andy Griffith Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402La Rosa de Guadalupe Pequeos Gigantes Vino el Amor (N) La Piloto (N) Impacto Noticiero Contacto Deportivo (N) USA 62 55 105 242Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Colony (N) Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta White Chicks White Chicks Hip Hop Hip Hop WGN-A 13 107 239 307Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Outsiders: Cops CopsPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Grumpier Men (4:45) VICE News Tonight (N) Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates Jerrod Carmichael: 8 (:45) Big Little Lies: Crashing (:45) 2 Days: Roman Bullet MAX 320 330 310 515Trapped Tremors Tremors II: Aftershocks Tremors 3: Back to Perfection SHO 340 320 318 545Out of the Furnace Billions: Homeland: Gigolos Dark Net Billions: STARZ 370 370 350 525Jumanji The Game Plan You Dont Mess With the Zohan Black Sails (:44) TMC 350 340 327 553Drug War (5) War Good Kill Flyboys MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS 850.215.7961 233 WEST 14 TH ST PA NA MA CI TY FL 32401We le al l insur an ce ca rriers for yo ur mast ec to my pro duc ts!MA ST ECT OM Y BO UT IQ UE BREAST PR OSTHE SIS BR AS CA MISOLES LY MPHEDEM A SLEE VES
PAGE 35 THURSDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 16, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Middle Judge Karen Judge Karen ABC World News Now America Morning News 13 This Morning NBC 3 3 7 Seth Meyers Last Call/ Daly Harry The Bankruptcy Hour Shepherds Chapel AgDay Early Today NewsChannel 7 Today CBS 4 4 4 18Colbert Late Late Show With James Corden Modern Family Ac. Hollywood The Insider Inside Edition Millionaire CBS Overnight News Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Friends Friends Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Maury Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program The Outdoor Show PBS 11 11 56 Best Of... Cat in the Hat Arthur CW 99 9 8 8Raising Hope Cheaters Cheaters Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Top Cooker Firm Your Aging Neck Paid Program THIS 209 133 Alfred Hitchcock Hour Mannix: Ironside: 77 Sunset Strip: Our Miss Brooks The Donna Reed Show Mister Ed I Love LucyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 26560 Days In Nightwatch The First 48 Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Rocky III Rocky IV Humans: Paid Program Paid Program ANPL 46 69 184 282Lone Star Law Lone Star Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Big Cat Big Cat BET 53 46 124 329The Game The Game Wendy Williams Show The Real Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Abundant Paid Prog. Suffering CNN 39 32 200 202The History of Comedy CNN Newsroom Live CNN Newsroom Live Early Early Chris and Alisyn CMT 98 47 166 327Roseanne Roseanne Steve Austins Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249South Park Daily Show At Midnight South Park Chappelles Key Kevin Hart High Court Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Street Outlaws Street Outlaws MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters How Beer Saved-Wrld DISN 22 64 172 290Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Bizaardvark Stuck Jessie Jessie Bunkd Bunkd Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 20930 for 30 NFL Live SC Featured Jalen Mike and Mike: ICYMI Mike & Mike FNC 42 35 205 360Hannity The First 100 Days Red Eye-Shillue Special Report FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Chopped My. Diners My. Diners Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Range FREE 59 65 180 311Cinderella Story Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The 700 Club Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prince Robison J. Meyer J. Hagee FS1 24 27 150 219Undisputed TMZ Sports UFC Reloaded UFC Tonight SportsMo. FX 45 51 136 248Ted Baskets FXM Pres. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Golf PGA Tour Golf: PGA Tour Golf HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Bld Hawaii HIST 35 42 120 269Swamp People Gangland Swamp People Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252Mr. & Mrs. Smith Bringing Up Ballers Paid Paid Thick Hair Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Lottery Ticket Wild n Out Wild n Out Wild n Out Music Feed Wild n Out Wild n Out Wild n Out Wild n Out NATGEO 109 60 186 276Secret Life of Tigers Secret Life of Tigers Secret Life of Tigers Secrets of Wild India Secrets of Wild India Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 27920/20 on ID 20/20 on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dr. Phil Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made To Be Announced Worlds Strangest Worlds Strangest Worlds Strangest SPIKE 28 48 241 241XXX Predators Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prostate Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SUN 49 422 653After Midnight Best Pan Ever! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Healthy Fried Food SYFY 70 52 122 244Independence Day Independence Day-saster Infected Face Off TBS 31 15 139 247Conan Collateral Married Married Married Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256Incredible Jungle Cat Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar Napoleon and Samantha Irene TLC 37 40 183 280Skin Tight My 600-Lb. Life Mystery Diagnosis Mystery Diagnosis What Not to Wear What Not to Wear TNT 29 54 138 245Animal Preview Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Arrow TRAV 65 44 196 277Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Madness Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Knockout Knockout Knockout Knockout Knockout Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Chris Chris Roseanne Rose. Rose. Mother Mother Paid Prog. Walk Fit UNI 96 270 402La Mujer del Vendaval A Que No Me Dejas P. Luche Hotel Todo El Gordo y la Flaca Impacto Noticiero Como Dice el Dicho USA 62 55 105 242Colony Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU Narnia: Prince Caspian VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Black Ink Crew Freedom Writers Hip Hop My Wife My Wife WGN-A 13 107 239 307Cops Cops Rules Rules Raising Raising Law & Order Supernat. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Bullet to the Head UConn: March Bulletproof Jerrod Carmichael: 8 Swimfan Madagascar 2 MAX 320 330 310 515Tremors 4: The Legend Begins Unfriended Enter the Dragon Starring Adam West SHO 340 320 318 545Homeland: Showgirls Penn & Teller Pride STARZ 370 370 350 525Black Sails: Army of Darkness Pride and Prejudice and Zombies The People vs. Larry Flynt TMC 350 340 327 553Flyboys Gangs of New York The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? Paper Plan MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS James Fi sherBr ok er850-866-5950James Fi sher Br ok erMy Na me is Behind Ev er y Sa leEagleAmeric anR ealt yGr oup .com Co mmer cial Sa les Le asing & Managemen t Pr oper ty En titlemen t La nd De ve lopmen t Residen tial Sa les Pr oper ty Managemen t
PAGE 36 FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 17, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 at 6 (N) Ent. Tonight Last Man Standing Dr. Ken (N) Truth and Lies: The Family Manson (N) News 13 at 10 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:35) Nightline NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune (N) Grimm: Where the Wild Things Were (N) Dateline NBC (N) News The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon (:34) Seth Meyers CBS 4 4 4 182017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: First Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Modern Family Colbert (:35) IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Rosewood: Sleepy Hollow: The Way (N) Two and a Half Men TMZ (N) Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (N) Steve Harvey PBS 11 11 56 World News R. Steves Europe Washington Week (N) Charlie Rose Best Of... Capitol Update Charlie Rose (N) Best Of... CW 99 9 8 8Family Guy Family Guy The Originals: Gather up the Killers Reign: Lord Darnley must prove his loyalty. Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of Queens The King of Queens Engagement Engagement THIS 209 133 M*A*S*H: O.R. M*A*S*H Mayberry R.F.D. Mayberry R.F.D. MacGyver: Two plot to murder a film star. Hogans Heroes Hogans Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason The Twilight ZoneCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265The First 48 The First 48 Live PD (N) (Live) The First 48 AMC 30 32 131 254Gladiator A fugitive general becomes a gladiator in ancient Rome. Hero reveal a warriors battles with assassins. The Walking Dead: Bury ANPL 46 69 184 282Tanked: Tank Madness Tanked: Tank Madness Tanked: Tank Madness Tanked: Tank Madness Tanked Tanked BET 53 46 124 329Browns Browns Browns Browns Blue Streak The Game The Game CNN 39 32 200 202Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight The History of Comedy CMT 98 47 166 327Tooth Fairy Tooth Fairy Steve Austins COM 64 53 107 249Futurama Futurama South Park South Park Liar Liar Gabriel Iglesias: Aloha Fluffy G. Iglesias DISC 36 39 182 278Gold Rush: Pay Dirt: Final Fury (N) Gold Rush (N) Bering Sea Gold Gold Rush Gold Rush DISN 22 64 172 290K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Tangled Before Cali Style Cali Style Stuck Bunkd Jessie Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236E! News (N) The Lucky One Kardashian E! News (N) ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Wrestling: SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) ESPN2 47 24 143 209Update 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament Update ATP Tennis: FNC 42 35 205 360The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor Tucker Carlson Tonight FOOD 38 45 110 231Diners, Drive Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners FREE 59 65 180 311Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (5) Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian The 700 Club Alice in Wonderland FS1 24 27 150 219Race Hub NASCAR Racing College Baseball: West Virginia at Baylor. (N) (Live) NHRA Drag Racing FX 45 51 136 248Lets Be Cops (5) The Heat The Heat GOLF 48 26 401 218LPGA Tour Golf Golf Ctral PGA Tour Golf PGA Tour Golf HALL 23 59 185 312Last Man Last Man Home Imp. Home Imp. The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Tiny House Tiny House Dream Dream Dream Dream Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Dream Dream HIST 35 42 120 269American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers LIFE 56 56 108 252Bring It! Bring It! (N) Bring It! (N) The Rap Game The Pop Game Bring It! MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Ridiculous. Ridiculousness Ridic. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. NATGEO 109 60 186 276Chinas Megatomb Revealed Origins of Humankind Explorer: Origins of Humankind Explorer: NBCSN 20 28 159 220Curling: Curling: Curling: NICK 58 68 170 299Hunter Thunder Thunder Game Megamind Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 27920/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN Vanity Fair Confidential 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 20/20 on OWN Vanity Fair Confidential SCI 110 102 193 284Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science SPIKE 28 48 241 241Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail SUN 49 422 653Inside Pregame NBA Basketball: (N) Postgame Inside Inside After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244Leprechaun 2 Leprechaun 3 Leprechaun in the Hood TBS 31 15 139 2472017 NCAA Basketball Tournament 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament (:45) Edge of Tomorrow TCM 25 70 132 256The Informer The Rising of the Moon The Quiet Man Girl With Green Eyes TLC 37 40 183 280Ghost Brothers Ghost Brothers Ghost Brothers (N) Ghost Brothers TNT 29 54 138 2452017 NCAA Basketball Tournament (5:45) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Animal Kingdom Animal TRAV 65 44 196 277Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown TRU 55 58 242 2462017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: (N) 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament Madness TVL 19 66 106 304Griffith Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402La Rosa de Guadalupe Dale Replay (N) Vino el Amor (N) La Piloto (N) Impacto Noticiero Contacto Deportivo (N) USA 62 55 105 242Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law & Order: SVU VH1 51 50 162 335Varsity Blues The Longest Yard Ghostbusters WGN-A 13 107 239 307Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest How I Met How I MetPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Tarzan VICE Unbreakable Real Time With Bill Maher (N) (Live) VICE (N) Animals: Rats. Real Time With Bill Maher MAX 320 330 310 515Dark Water Lights Out Pitch Black Halloween: Resurrection The Arrival SHO 340 320 318 545Billions: new strategy. Love the Coopers SXSW Comedy With Natasha Leggero Part 2 (N) Billions: new strategy. Homeland STARZ 370 370 350 525Jaws Outlander: The Way Out Black Sails: The Missing: A third sus pect enters the case. Private Parts TMC 350 340 327 553Miss Potter The D Train Sleeping With Other People Just Let Go: Lenny Kravitz Live (:45) MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
FRIDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 17, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Middle Judge Karen Judge Karen Open House Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Open House Insurance Wars Down Home NBC 3 3 7 Seth Meyers Last Call/ Daly Harry Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Small Town Big Deal Paid Program CBS 4 4 4 18Colbert Late Late Show With James Corden Modern Family Ac. Hollywood The Insider Inside Edition Be a Millionaire Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Friends Friends Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Maury:Paid Program Paid Program Healthy Fried Food Paid Program PBS 11 11 56 Best Of... Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder CW 99 9 8 8Raising Hope Cheaters Cheaters Paid Program Arthritis Pain? Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Miracle Makeup! Paid Program 10 Ways to Help Pain THIS 209 133 Alfred Hitchcock Hour Mannix:Ironside:waite 77 Sunset Strip: Gomer Pyle Gomer Pyle Abbott, Costello Abbott, CostelloCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Live PD Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Talking Dead Jet Lis Fearless The Walking Dead: Stooges The Rifleman The Rifleman ANPL 46 69 184 282Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked Pit Bulls and Parolees BET 53 46 124 329The Game The Game Wendy Williams Show The Real Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. CNN 39 32 200 202The History of Comedy Anthony Bourdain Parts Anthony Bourdain Parts CNN Newsroom Live CNN Newsroom Live New Day Saturday CMT 98 47 166 327Steve Austins Roseanne Roseanne Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249Iglesias Beerfest Kevin Hart Kevin Hart High Court Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Gold Rush Gold Rush Shipwreck Men Shipwreck Men Curiosity Dirty Jobs DISN 22 64 172 290Bizaardvark Girl Meets Best Fr. Austin Austin Jessie Stuck Good Luck Good Luck Elena PJ Masks Sofia E! 63 57 114 236The Arrangement Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks Parks ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209ATP Tennis College GameDay NFL Live College GameDay College Wrestling FNC 42 35 205 360Hannity The First 100 Days Red Eye-Shillue Special Report Hannity FOX & Friends Saturday FOOD 38 45 110 231Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Burgers Burgers Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311Alice-Wonder. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The 700 Club Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FS1 24 27 150 219Skip and Shannon: Undisputed TMZ Sports NHRA Drag Racing NASCAR Racing NASCAR Racing FX 45 51 136 248The Heat Feud: Bette and Joan The Purge: Anarchy Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf Golf Ctral PGA Tour Golf PGA Tour Golf HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Dream Dream Range Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. HIST 35 42 120 269Amer. Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Paid Coin Coin Coin Coin Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252Bring It! The Rap Game The Pop Game Paid Paid Paid Thick Hair Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Ridiculous. Ridiculous. American Pie Presents: Band Camp American Pie Presents: Beta House Ridiculous. Ridiculous. NATGEO 109 60 186 276Breakout Drugs, Inc. Breakout Breakout Breakout Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Xtreme Off Engine Indy Lights Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Premier Down NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 27948 Hours: Hard Evid. 20/20 on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dr. Phil Dr. Phil SCI 110 102 193 284Acts of Science Acts of Science What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? SPIKE 28 48 241 241Jail Jail Jail Jail Wildest Police Videos Knife Knife Knife Knife Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SUN 49 422 653After Midnight Paid Prog. Great Sex! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Secrets SYFY 70 52 122 244Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood Leprechaun 4 in Space Killjoys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TBS 31 15 139 247Edge of Tomorrow The Replacements Raymond Raymond Seinfeld Seinfeld TCM 25 70 132 256Girl-Green Eye Ryans Daughter Little Nellie Kelly TLC 37 40 183 280Ghost Brothers Ghost Brothers Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings TNT 29 54 138 245Animal Preview Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order TRAV 65 44 196 277Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Madness Knockout Knockout Jokes Jokes Jokes Greatest Greatest Greatest Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Teachers Throwing Roseanne Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Roseanne Rose. UNI 96 270 402La Mujer del Vendaval A Que No Me Dejas P. Luche Hotel Todo El Gordo y la Flaca Impacto Noticiero El Chavo El Chavo USA 62 55 105 242Law & Order: SVU NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Burn Notice VH1 51 50 162 335Ghostbusters Pulp Fiction Cheaters Cheaters WGN-A 13 107 239 307How I Met How I Met Rules Rules Raising Raising Raising Raising Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501VICE Animals: Rats. Sisters Beautiful Creatures Space Chimps MAX 320 330 310 515The Arrival True Story Run Fat Boy Run Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen SHO 340 320 318 545Homeland Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Ordinary People Forsaken STARZ 370 370 350 525Private Parts Hot Shots! Part Deux Get a Job Theres Something About Mary TMC 350 340 327 553Kravitz The Alamo Public Enemy: Live From Metropolis Life of a King McQueen MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS 850.215.7961 233 WEST 14 TH ST PA NA MA CI TY FL 32401We le al l insur an ce ca rriers for yo ur mast ec to my pro duc ts!MA ST ECT OM Y BO UT IQ UE BREAST PR OSTHE SIS BR AS CA MISOLES LY MPHEDEM A SLEE VES
PAGE 38 SATURDAY MORNING CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV MARCH 18, 2017 CC W D1 D2 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Good Morning America (N) Good Morning America Jack Hannas Countdown Ocean Treks With Jeff Sea Rescue The Wildlife Docs Rock the Park Outback Adventures Paid Program Paid Program NBC 3 3 7 Today (N) Paid Program Paid Program Heart of a Champion The VoyagerJosh Garcia Wilderness Vet Journey With Dylan Dreyer Naturally, Danny Seo Give FIS Alpine Skiing CBS 4 4 4 18CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) Lucky Dog: Dr. Chris: Pet Vet Henry Fords Innovation Nation The Inspectors Hidden Heroes The Open Road With Dr. Chris 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament IND 7 7 46 Fun and Sun Fun and Sun Fun and Sun Sneak Prevue : FOX 8 8 28 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Live Life and Win! Paid Program Paid Program LifeLock Protection Paid Program GOODBYE DARK SPOTS! Copper Chef Paid Program Paid Program PBS 11 11 56 Daniel Tigers Neighborhood Daniel Tigers Neighborhood Splash and Bubbles Best Of... CW 99 9 8 8Paid Program Paid Program Calling Dr. Pol Calling Dr. Pol Dog Whisperer With Cesar Dog Whisperer With Cesar Dog Whisperer With Cesar Dog Whisperer With Cesar Save Our Shelter Vacation Creation Dinner Spinner Save to Win THIS 209 133 The Little Rascals The Little Rascals Trackdown Trackdown Have Gun -Will Travel Have Gun -Will Travel Maverick: Wagon Train: The Big Valley: CABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Flipping Vegas Flipping Vegas Flipping Vegas Zombie House Flipping Zombie House Flipping Good Spirits Duck Dynasty AMC 30 32 131 254The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story Hero ANPL 46 69 184 282Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees BET 53 46 124 329Paid Program Paid Program Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Martin Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane CNN 39 32 200 202New Day Saturday (N) New Day Saturday (N) Smerconish CNN Newsroom/ Blackwell CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CMT 98 47 166 327CMT Music CMT Music Hot 20 Countdown (N) Gridiron Gang COM 64 53 107 249Paid Program Paid Program Com. Central Jackass Jackass Jackass Futurama: Futurama Futurama Futurama DISC 36 39 182 278Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold Bering Sea Gold DISN 22 64 172 290Doc McStuffins The Lion Guard RoadsterRacers RoadsterRacers Elena of Avalor Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie E! 63 57 114 236Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat Parks/Recreat The Arrangement: E! News Weekend (N) The Kardashians The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter College Basketball ESPN2 47 24 143 20930 for 30 30 for 30 College GameDay 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament FNC 42 35 205 360FOX and Friends Saturday Bulls and Bears Business Forbes on FOX Cashin In (N) Americas News Headquarters FOOD 38 45 110 231Guilty Pleas. 5 Restaurants Brunch at Bob. Southern Heart Farmhouse Pioneer Wo. Pioneer Wo. Trishas Sou. The Kitchen: Valerie Home Giada Enter. FREE 59 65 180 311Young-Hungry Alice in Wonderland Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs How to Train Your Dragon FS1 24 27 150 219NASCAR Racing NASCAR Racing NASCAR Race Match Day Bundesliga Soccer IMSA Racing FX 45 51 136 248Ellen Ellen Tron: Legacy Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Purge: Anarchy GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: Morning Drive Golf Central Pregame PGA Tour Golf HALL 23 59 185 312I Love Lucy I Love Lucy The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls I Married Who? HGTV 32 38 112 229Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying HIST 35 42 120 269Swamp People: Swamp People Swamp People (N) Swamp People (N) Swamp People (N) To Be Announced LIFE 56 56 108 252Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Little Women: Atlanta Dont Wake Mommy MTV 50 49 160 331Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Teen Mom 2: NATGEO 109 60 186 276Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Chasing Ice Water & Power: A California Heist Lockdown: NBCSN 20 28 159 220Premier League League Preview Premier League English Premier League Soccer: Premier League English Premier League Soccer: NICK 58 68 170 299Regal Academy SpongeBob Kuu Kuu Har. SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Bunsen, Beast! Alvinnn!!! and Loud House Ninja Steel Ninja Steel OWN 21 109 189 279Dr. Phil: Dr. Phil Home Made Home Made Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life SCI 110 102 193 284What on Earth? What on Earth?: Outrageous Acts of Science Outrageous Acts of Science Outrageous Acts of Science Outrageous Acts of Science SPIKE 28 48 241 241Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program The Goonies Beetlejuice SUN 49 422 653Paid Program Paid Program Florida Sport ONeill Outside to Do Florida ACC All-Access Focused Florida State Inside Lightning Sports Mag. Inside HEAT Inside HEAT SYFY 70 52 122 244Paid Program Paid Program Leprechaun Leprechaun 2 Leprechaun 3 TBS 31 15 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld The Incredible Burt Wonderstone Kicking & Screaming The Pacifier TCM 25 70 132 256Escape Me Never Many Rivers to Cross Gold Rush Maisie David and Bathsheba TLC 37 40 183 280Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings Four Weddings TNT 29 54 138 245Law & Order: Law & Order: Law & Order: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides TRAV 65 44 196 277Wild Things With Dominic Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Expedition Unknown Bizarre Foods America TRU 55 58 242 246Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Hack My Life Hack My Life Hack My Life Hack My Life Hack My Life Hack My Life TVL 19 66 106 304Roseanne: Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne (:36) Roseanne: Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne UNI 96 270 402Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Planeta U (N) Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Programa Pagd USA 62 55 105 242Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program NCIS: NCIS: NCIS: NCIS: VH1 51 50 162 335Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Ghostbusters Ghostbusters II WGN-A 13 107 239 307Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Amer. Funniest Home Videos Amer. Funniest Home Videos Amer. Funniest Home Videos Amer. Funniest Home VideosPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Space Chimps The Peanuts Movie Sesame Street (N) Sesame Street Catch That Kid Grumpy Old Men MAX 320 330 310 515Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Cirque du Freak: The Vampires Assistant Mission: Impossible 2 Gone in 60 Seconds SHO 340 320 318 545Forsaken Meet the Browns Pel: Birth of a Legend Bridge of Spies STARZ 370 370 350 525Private Parts Jaws Black Sails : The Missing:TMC 350 340 327 553Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans Paranoia The Illusionist Preppie Conn MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
PAGE 39 SATURDAY AFTERNOON CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV MARCH 18, 2017 CC W D1 D212 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Paid Program Paid Program 2017 Special Olympics World Games: Austria:Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program ABC World News Tonight NBC 3 3 7 FIS Alpine Skiing:PGA Tour 2017: Arnold Palmer PGA Tour Golf: Jeopardy! NBC Nightly News Holt CBS 4 4 4 182017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: 2017 NCAA Basketball Tournament: IND 7 7 46 Destination Network : A Destination Network : A Emerald Coast Real Estate Prime Dining : FOX 8 8 28 (500) Days of Summer How I Met Your Mother NASCAR Prerace NASCAR Racing: XFINITY Series Post Race PBS 11 11 56 Best Of... Best Of... CW 99 9 8 8Paid Program Paid Program Made in Hollywood Miracle Makeup! The King of Queens The King of Queens Rookie Blue: Rookie Blue:: Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded THIS 209 133 Gunsmoke:: Bonanza: Rawhide::Wanted: Dead or Alive Wanted: Dead or Alive The Rifleman The Rifleman The Wild, Wild West: CABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48: The First 48: AMC 30 32 131 254Hero Gladiator The Matrix ANPL 46 69 184 282Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet BET 53 46 124 329Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Beyond the Lights CNN 39 32 200 202CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Smerconish CMT 98 47 166 327Gridiron Gang Tombstone Gridiron Gang COM 64 53 107 249South Park South Park South Park Dinner for Schmucks Office Space DISC 36 39 182 278Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid DISN 22 64 172 290Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie Liv and Maddie E! 63 57 114 236The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Lucky One ESPN 9 23 140 206College Basketball ATP Tennis: ESPN2 47 24 143 209NCAA Update 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament NCAA Update 2017 NCAA Womens Basketball Tournament NCAA Update Womens Tour. FNC 42 35 205 360Americas News HQ Americas News Headquarters The Journal Editorial Report Americas News Headquarters Americas News Headquarters Americas News Headquarters FOOD 38 45 110 231Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Spring Baking Championship Diners, Drive Diners, Drive FREE 59 65 180 311Dragon Shrek Forever After Ice Age Ice Age: The Meltdown FS1 24 27 150 219IMSA Racing: FX 45 51 136 248The Purge: Anarchy Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Riddick GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf Ladies European Tour Golf: PGA Tour Golf HALL 23 59 185 312Wedding Bells A Dash of Love Birthday Wish HGTV 32 38 112 229Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop HIST 35 42 120 269Detroit Steel: Behind the Wheel Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars LIFE 56 56 108 252Dont Wake Mommy Mommys Secret Killing Mommy Mommys Little Girl MTV 50 49 160 331Teen Mom Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2: Teen Mom 2: Teen Mom 2 Friends Friends NATGEO 109 60 186 276Lockdown Lockdown: Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown NBCSN 20 28 159 220Premier League English Premier League Soccer: Premier League Goal Zone Premier League Equestrian: FIS Alpine Skiing NICK 58 68 170 299Loud House Loud House Loud House SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Loud House Loud House Loud House Thundermans Thundermans OWN 21 109 189 279Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life Iyanla, Fix My Life SCI 110 102 193 284Outrageous Acts of Science Outrageous Acts of Science Outrageous Acts of Science They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? SPIKE 28 48 241 241Beetlejuice Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops SUN 49 422 653College Baseball: to Do Florida Pro-Am Classic XTERRA USA Championship Inside Lightning Lightning Pre. SYFY 70 52 122 244Leprechaun 3 Hanna Underworld: Rise of the Lycans Zombieland TBS 31 15 139 247 The Pacifier Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang TCM 25 70 132 256David and Bathsheba Road to Morocco Topaz Five Million Years to Earth TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress TNT 29 54 138 245King Kong NCAA Tip-Off Basketball Tourn TRAV 65 44 196 277Delicious Delicious Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise: Ghost Adventures TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Carbonaro Eff. Court Pranks Court Pranks TVL 19 66 106 304Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls UNI 96 270 402El Juego de Las Estrellas LAnzate! Recuerda y Gana Los Gonzlez Nosotros los. Como Dice el Dicho Durmiendo Noticiero USA 62 55 105 242NCIS: NCIS: NCIS: NCIS: NCIS: NCIS: VH1 51 50 162 335Ghost II Malibus Most Wanted Varsity Blues The Longest Yard WGN-A 13 107 239 307In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Blue Bloods: Blue Bloods:PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Grumpy Old Men Unlocking the Cage The Divergent Series: Allegiant 24/7: Golovkin/ Jacobs 2 Days: Roman Gonzalez Marley & Me MAX 320 330 310 515Gone in 60 Seconds MI-5 The Bourne Ultimatum The X-Files: I Want to Believe SHO 340 320 318 545Bridge of Spies The Hurt Locker Out of the Furnace Homeland:STARZ 370 370 350 525The Shallows Jaws The Missing : Black Sails : Jerry Maguire TMC 350 340 327 553The Preppie Connection Internal Affairs Blackway Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS
PAGE 40 BY JA Y BOBBIN Family V iewing RatingsAS Adult situations P Profanity V Violence N Nudity GV Graphic Violence FENCES Denzel W ashington and How to Get A way With Murder star Viola Davis earned easily justifiable raves and Academy A ward nominations for bringing their earlier stage per formances in the August Wilson work to the screen, in a version also directed by W ashington. Also Oscar-nominated for best picture, the entr y in the playwright s Pittsburgh Cycle casts the clearly sterling stars as a 1950s couple beset by numerous problems, some financial, others about personal goals not met, and still others about the strife that can develop between parents and children ... and spouses. (PG-13: AS, P) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) Denzel W ashington and Viola Davis P ASSENGERS Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, who repor tedly pulled down ver y hefty paydays for their work here, are sent into deep space in director Mor ten T yldum s (The Imitation Game) imaginative sci-fi drama. The stars characters respectively a writer and an engineer are among the 5,000-plus travelers aboard a starship on a 120year journey to another planet. When the man accidentally is awakened from hibernation early his loneliness prompts him to bring the writer out of her sleep ... and they grapple with issues of mor tality and intergalactic sur vival, intensified by the damage done to the vessel by an asteroid. (PG-13: AS, N, P) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) ELLE A recent Oscar nominee for the film, veteran actress Isabelle Hupper t earned a Golden Globe A ward as did the movie itself, as best foreign langage film for director Paul V erhoeven s (Basic Instinct) controversial drama about a company executive whose cavalier attitude toward personal relationships changes after she is assaulted in her home. She becomes driven to avenge the attack, but being on a course that s so unchar ted for her could foretell even more peril for her Hupper t also won honors for the picture from a number of critics groups across the U.S., including the National Society of Film Critics and the New Y ork Film Critics Circle. (R: AS, N, P, V) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) COLLA TERAL BEAUTY Will Smith has alternated ver y commercial movies with much more personal tales throughout his career and this underrated, all-roads-connect-themed drama qualifies as one of the latter He plays an ad man whose daughter s death drives him to the brink, and as his actions threaten the future of his company several colleagues (Kate Winslet, Edward Nor ton, Michael Pena) seek evidence about his mental health that they hope will put them in control of the firm s future. Their own backgrounds are revealed as they work with three actors (Helen Mirren, Keira Knightley Jacob Latimore) enlisted in the quest. (PG-13: AS, P) (Also on Bluray and On Demand) SOLACE He s not Hannibal Lecter in this case, but Anthony Hopkins does play a par t bearing the title Doctor in this melodrama. The character here is a psychically skilled FBI consultant (Anthony Hopkins) enlisted by an agent (Jef frey Dean Morgan) with whom he has a past, since finding a serial killer (Colin Farrell) evidently will take more than standard procedure. (R: AS, N, P, V) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) NO SPECIALS, NO CARD NEEDED, NO ROLLBACKS NEEDED Cost Plus 10%PA NAMA CITY FL1380 WEST 15TH STREET IN PA NAMA PLAZA PHONE: 850-818-0601 We Accept Most All Major Cr edit Car ds, EBT & WICSTORE HOURS MON.-SA T. 7AM-10PM SUN. 7AM-9PM rf nt b f rf tt f r r r
When an actor has been typed as one kind of character it can be tough for him to redefine himself but that has not stopped Keanu R eeves from tr ying, again and again. And with a good deal of success. Consider that onehalf of the goofy B ill and Te d became the grounded action hero of S peed, then the fantastical center of The M atrix, and even a younger man-older woman romantic lead in S omething s G otta Gi ve . Lately R eeves has scored with the character J ohn Wick, a morose ex-hit man drawn back into action by enemies who won t leave him alone. He r eprises that role in J ohn Wick: Chapter 2, which mounts a stor y around the killer s debt to a criminal who wants to make a po wer grab by having his sister taken out. (B lood does not run thicker than water in this case.) The plot allo ws for some nice I talian scener y, since it s set largely in R ome ... but for whatever external details there are, as with the first J ohn Wick, R eeves really is the sho w here (reteamed with director Chad S tahelski and writer Derek Ko lstad, two more good reasons the feel is so familiar here). He s totally dedicated to playing the ve ry particular personal integrity of Wick, even when he s doing nasty things and if yo u re a M atrix fan, ther e s an added kick in seeing R eeves reunited with Laurence F ishburne. Also welcome are co-starring turns by Common, Thomas S adoski (Life in P ieces ) and returnees I an Mc S hane, J ohn Leguizamo and B ridget Mo ynahan (B lue B loods ). As colorful as any other performer might be here, though, the heaviest lifting wisely is left to R eeves. F or anyone unfamiliar with the saga s origins, ther e s a sufficient recap offered by Chapter 2. S till, with that said, it s worth checking out the initial film just to see ho w true the main creative forces stay to the premise. It s no myster y that a sequel sometimes (actually make that often ) can go off the rails in tr ying to do too much to top what came before, but the W ick team is smart enough to keep things at the same level, explaining why the follo w-up works so well. Like its forerunner J ohn Wick: Chapter 2 could be just another forgettable action mo vie if its star didn t have such command of the material. As it stands, R eeves sets W ick on fire. Again. BY JA Y BOBBIN Keanu Reeves catches fire as John Wick again Knock Knock (2015): A real change of pace for Reeves, this drama of an on-his-own family man who makes the mistake of opening his door to strangers is completely harrowing.John Wick (2014): Reeves is ef fectively moody as a former hit man who dusts of f his skills to seek revenge against those who viciously attacked him.Something s Gotta Give (2003): Reeves rises to the occasion opposite some old pros, playing a young doctor who becomes Jack Nicholson s unlikely romantic rival for Diane Keaton.The Matrix (1999): One of the blockbusters in Reeves career thus far the filmmaking W achowskis hugely original fantasy makes his character the hero of an alternate, high-tech world.The Devil s Advocate (1997): Just for enduring Al Pacino s nonstop home-stretch yelling, Reeves deser ves credit for this melodrama about an attorney who discovers his boss s true identity .Speed (1994): Here s the other Reeves blockbuster a smar tly plotted thriller that sets up his L.A. cop against a vengeful bomber (Dennis Hopper) whose device will destroy a passenger-packed bus if it goes slower than 50 mph.My Own Private Idaho (1991): Reeves and River Phoenix are solidly intense as male hustlers.Point Break (1991): Reeves is per fect as an athlete-turned-FBI agent sent to infiltrate the gang of a bank-robbing sur fer (Patrick Swayze).Bill & T ed s Excellent Adventure (1989): Y ou may not expect to find this goofy comedy on the list, but Reeves and Alex Winter are downright iconic as the dim-bulb time travelers.River s Edge (1986): Several talents including Reeves, Crispin Glover and Ione Skye were launched by this drama of murder among friends KEANU REEVESTOP 10 MOVIESBY JA Y BOBBIN Pet Salon THE DOWNTOWN Pet Pet Salon Salon Pet Salon Pet Pet Salon Pet Salon Donna Wa ddell (850) 769-9786 547 Grace Av enue Panama City FL 32401We Lo ve Yo ur PETS Like Ou r Ow n! rrfr n t b b b r t n r t b r f n tf b n
PAGE 42 Movies A Ali CW Sun. 1 p.m. Alice in Wonderland FREE Fri. 11 p.m., Sat2. 6:30 a.m. Alien AMC Mon. 12:30 p.m., Tue. 9:30 a.m. American Hustle FX Sun. 6 p.m., Mon. 4 p.m. American Pie Presents: Band Camp MTV Sat2. 1 a.m. Anastasia TCM Sun. 1 p.m. Annie Get Your Gun TCM Wed. 7 p.m. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford MAX Tue. 2:10 p.m. Avatar AMC Wed. 8 p.m., Thu. 4:30 p.m. B Bad Santa MAX Mon. 3:40 a.m. The Band Wagon TCM Thu. 12:30 p.m. The Barkleys of Broadway TCM Thu. 5 a.m. Batman Begins AMC Mon. 3 p.m., Tue. 12 p.m. Beetlejuice SPIKE Sat2. 10:30 a.m. Beneath the Planet of the Apes AMC Thu. 2 a.m., Thu. 12 p.m. Beverly Hills Cop VH1 Sat. 11 p.m. Beyond the Lights BET Sat2. 4 p.m. The Big Sleep TCM Wed. 11:45 a.m. Blades of Glory TBS Sun. 1 a.m. The Blind Side CMT Sat. 8 p.m. Blithe Spirit TCM Wed. 9 p.m. Blood Father STARZ Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 4 a.m., Sun. 2:06 p.m., Tue. 12:46 a.m., Tue. 11:09 a.m., Tue. 9:02 p.m. The Bourne Ultimatum MAX Tue. 3 a.m., Sat2. 3:10 p.m. Bridge of Spies SHO Sat2. 10:15 a.m. Bull Durham STARZ Mon. 1:08 a.m.CCaptain America: The First Avenger USA Sat. 9:53 p.m. Carmen JonesTCM Sun. 7 p.m. Casanova MAX Mon. 7:15 a.m. Casino TNT Sun. 12:15 a.m. Changing Lanes MAX Tue. 1:20 a.m., Thu. 10:10 a.m. Chicago SHO Sun. 10 a.m., Mon. 4 a.m. Chronicle FX Mon. 6 a.m. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian USA Fri. 5 a.m. The Cider House Rules HBO Wed. 2:50 a.m. Cinderella Man SHO Tue. 8 a.m. Collateral TBS Fri. 1 a.m. CrashSHO Mon. 2 a.m.DDavid and Bathsheba
PAGE 43 Moviesward. Biblical King David secures the ark of the covenant and sends TCM Sat2. 11 a.m. Dawn of the Planet of the Apes soon both sides are brought to the FX Sat2. 1:30 p.m. Dear White People between blacks and whites at a to a head when the staff of a huBET Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 3:50 p.m., Wed. 4 p.m., Thu. 1 p.m. The Devils Own Irish houseguest is an IRA terrorist STARZ Mon. 4:04 p.m., Tue. 2:19 a.m., Tue. 12:40 p.m. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story STARZ Wed. 9:13 a.m. Dog Day Afternoon MAX Sun. 1 a.m., Fri. 11:55 a.m. Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story AMC Sat2. 9 a.m. Drug War TMC Sat. 6:10 p.m., Thu. 5 p.m.EEdge of Tomorrow who was killed in action gets the closer he gets to discovering TBS Fri. 11 p.m. Enter the Dragon MAX Fri. 3:15 a.m. Escape From the Planet of the ApesAMC Sun. 12 a.m. Everest MAX Sat. 10:55 p.m., Wed. 9:55 p.m. Executive Decision air assault upon a hijacked plane MAX Tue. 10 a.m., Wed. 2:45 a.m.FFace/OffSTARZ Sun. 6:40 a.m., Sun. 3:37 p.m. The Fallen Idol TCM Wed. 11 p.m. The Family Fangactress and her brother investigate artists known for their elaborate STARZ Mon. 3 a.m. Far From the Madding Crowd thias Schoenaerts. A headstrong MAX Mon. 5:15 a.m. Fargo pregnant police chief probes the TMC Mon. 7:15 a.m., Mon. 5:30 p.m., Fri. 2 p.m. Field of Dreams MAX Thu. 5:05 a.m. Finians Rainbow TCM Fri. 10:30 a.m. (500) Days of Summer FOX Sat2. 12 p.m. Five Million Years to Earth spaceship unearthed in the London TCM Sat2. 5:15 p.m. Force of Arms TCM Sat. 11 p.m. Forgetting Sarah Marshall Hawaii struggling to get over a bad HBO Wed. 7 p.m. Freedom Writers A dedicated Los Angeles teacher inspires her class of at-risk stuVH1 Thu. 12:30 p.m., Fri. 2 a.m. The French Connection TCM Tue. 9 p.m. Friday Angeles resident hangs out on his front porch with a pal who owes HBO Wed. 1 a.m. The FugitiveAMC Sun. 12:30 p.m., Mon. 9:30 a.m.GGangs of New York vengeance on the vicious gangster TMC Thu. 2:05 p.m., Fri. 1 a.m. Ghost World lives of best friends diverge after high-school graduation and their MAX Sun. 9:55 a.m., Wed. 1:35 p.m. Ghostbusters VH1 Fri. 11 p.m., Sat2. 7:30 a.m. Ginger & Rosa between two teenagers dissolves after one seduces the others TMC Wed. 4 a.m. Girl With Green Eyes TCM Fri. 11 p.m. Gladiator AMC Fri. 5:30 p.m., Sat2. 1:30 p.m. The Gold Rush TCM Tue. 6:45 a.m. Good Kill TMC Mon. 2:05 p.m., Thu. 8:45 p.m. The Goonies SPIKE Sat2. 8 a.m. GreaseFREE Sat. 7:45 p.m., Sun. 5:20 p.m. The Great Race Leslie and sinister professor Fate TCM Tue. 4:15 p.m.
PAGE 44 Movies H Hairspray HBO Fri. 9:30 a.m. Hand in Hand TCM Mon. 9 p.m. Hanna SYFY Sat2. 1 p.m. The Hateful Eight SHO Wed. 8 p.m. Hellboy II: The Golden Army MAX Sun. 8:50 p.m., Wed. 5 p.m. Hero AMC Fri. 9 p.m., Sat2. 11:30 a.m. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug TBS Sun. 3:30 p.m. Hot Shots! Part Deux STARZ Fri. 12:41 p.m., Sat2. 12:53 a.m. How to Train Your Dragon FREE Sat2. 10:25 a.m. The Hurt Locker SHO Sun. 3:45 p.m., Sat2. 12:45 p.m. II Love You, Man MAX Tue. 7 p.m. Ice Age FREE Sat2. 2:40 p.m. The IllusionistTMC Sun. 1:30 p.m., Sat2. 9:30 a.m. The Imitation Game SHO Tue. 6:05 a.m., Tue. 4 p.m., Fri. 6 a.m., Fri. 2:05 p.m. In America MAX Wed. 10:10 a.m. Inception AMC Tue. 9 p.m., Wed. 5 p.m. The Incredible Journey TCM Thu. 11 p.m. The Incredibles DISN Sat. 7:35 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. Independence Day SYFY Thu. 7 p.m., Thu. 10 p.m. The Informer TCM Fri. 5:15 p.m. Innocent Sinners TCM Tue. 3:30 a.m. Insomnia MAX Mon. 5 p.m. Internal Affairs SHO Wed. 2 p.m.; TMC Sat2. 1 p.m. Iron Man 3 FX Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 2:30 p.m. It Follows TMC Sun. 4 a.m., Wed. 5:15 p.m.JJaws STARZ Fri. 5:54 p.m., Sat2. 7:52 a.m., Sat2. 1:30 p.m. Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles TCM Mon. 1:45 a.m. Jerry Maguire STARZ Sat2. 5:39 p.m. Jet Lis Fearless AMC Sat2. 1:05 a.m.KKeeping the Faith MAX Tue. 4:50 p.m. Keeping Up With the Steins STARZ Thu. 3:46 a.m. King Kong TNT Sat2. 12 p.m. King Solomons Mines TCM Sun. 5 p.m. Klute TCM Tue. 7 p.m.LThe Last Samurai WGN-A Mon. 6 p.m. The Last Waltz PBS Thu. 7 p.m. Legend
PAGE 45 Movies MAX Mon. 9:10 a.m. Let No Man Write My Epitaph TCM Mon. 10:30 p.m. The Life and Mind of Mark DeFriest TMC Wed. 2:10 a.m. The Little Minister TCM Mon. 6:45 a.m. Live Free or Die Hard HBO Wed. 4:20 p.m. Love & Basketball VH1 Sun. 2:55 p.m., Sun. 9 p.m.MMadagascar: Escape 2 Africa HBO Fri. 5:35 a.m. The Maltese Falcon TCM Wed. 10 a.m. Marley & Me HBO Sat2. 5:05 p.m. Matilda TBS Mon. 3 a.m. The Matrix AMC Sat2. 5 p.m. Mean Streets MAX Sun. 4:05 a.m. Megamind NICK Fri. 8 p.m. Midnight Special HBO Sun. 6:05 a.m. Million Dollar Baby FOX Sun. 11 a.m. Mission: Impossible 2 MAX Mon. 9 p.m., Sat2. 9:20 a.m. Mistress America MAX Thu. 11:50 a.m. Monsters Ball MAX Tue. 12:15 p.m. Monsters, Inc. STARZ Mon. 9:21 a.m. Mrs. Doubtre FREE Sun. 8 p.m., Mon. 4 p.m. The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma & the Silk Road Ensemble HBO Wed. 12:50 p.m. Mystic Pizza CW Sun. 4 p.m.NThe Nice Guys HBO Mon. 7 p.m. Night Moves TCM Tue. 11 p.m. No Country for Old Men SHO Sat. 8 p.m., Tue. 5:55 p.m. Nothing Sacred TCM Thu. 1 a.m.OO Brother, Where Art Thou? CMT Sun. 12 p.m., Sun. 5 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m., Wed. 9:30 p.m. Odd Man Out TCM Fri. 1:15 p.m. On Approval TCM Sun. 5:30 a.m. One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest MAX Sun. 6 a.m. Ordinary People SHO Fri. 8 a.m., Sat2. 2:45 a.m. Out of the Furnace SHO Sun. 1:45 p.m., Thu. 6 p.m., Sat2. 3 p.m. Out of the Past TCM Wed. 8:15 a.m.PThe Peanuts Movie HBO Sat2. 6:30 a.m. The People vs. Larry Flynt STARZ Fri. 3:58 a.m. Planet of the Apes AMC Wed. 11:30 p.m., Thu. 2 p.m. Pride SHO Thu. 9 a.m., Fri. 3:45 a.m. Private Parts STARZ Fri. 4:02 p.m., Fri. 11:01 p.m., Sat2. 5:58 a.m. Pulp Fiction VH1 Sat2. 1:30 a.m.
PAGE 46 Movies Q Quality Street TCM Mon. 12 p.m. The Quiet Man TCM Fri. 8:30 p.m.R Rabbit Hole HBO Wed. 5 a.m. Racing Extinction DISC Sun. 5 a.m. Requiem for a Dream: Unrated SHO Wed. 1:15 a.m. Reservoir Dogs STARZ Tue. 6:18 p.m., Wed. 1:44 a.m., Wed. 3:12 p.m. The Revenant HBO Tue. 12:30 a.m. The Rising of the Moon TCM Fri. 7 p.m. Rivers Edge TMC Tue. 9 p.m. Road to Morocco TCM Sat2. 1:15 p.m. Rocky III AMC Thu. 10:30 p.m., Fri. 10:30 a.m. Rudy TNT Sun. 2 p.m.SThe Salvation SHO Mon. 11:25 a.m. Scarface MAX Wed. 7 p.m. Scarlet StreetTCM Wed. 2 p.m. The Sea of Grass TCM Mon. 3:30 p.m. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers TCM Sun. 3 p.m. Shaft TCM Wed. 1 a.m. Shanghai Noon HBO Sun. 10:40 a.m., Thu. 5:05 a.m. Silver Linings Playbook TNT Sat. 9:30 p.m. The Sixth Sense HBO Wed. 2:30 p.m., Fri. 1:40 p.m. Skyfall SYFY Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2:30 p.m. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs FREE Sat2. 8:25 a.m. Spitre TCM Mon. 8:45 a.m. The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie NICK Sun. 9 a.m. SpyMAX Thu. 1:15 p.m. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan TMC Sun. 9:40 a.m., Sun. 5 p.m. Star Trek Into Darkness FX Mon. 7 p.m., Mon. 10 p.m. Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans TMC Wed. 9:15 a.m., Sat2. 5:45 a.m. Suffragette HBO Tue. 6 a.m. The Sundowners TCM Sun. 10:30 a.m. Sylvia Scarlett TCM Mon. 10:15 a.m.TTed FX Thu. 10:30 p.m., Fri. 8:30 a.m. Theres Something About Mary STARZ Sat. 11:32 p.m., Thu. 10:42 a.m., Sat2. 3:54 a.m. Thirteen Days STARZ Wed. 3:35 a.m. ThorTNT Sun. 7 p.m., Tue. 7 p.m. Tickled HBO Mon. 9:10 a.m. Till the Clouds Roll By
R E Q S P M K Q A S R A Z E R I A D S A Z L Q Y K P Z P R O Z A Q M S U I C A R O L O A L G I U L L S T V O W X L U P O M S I A Z E H F C Q L R I S O N F R E S S G N Z E O F T L M E R K L O S O J R U F O O A F Y Z Y G U Z W C I R A D Y Q E I N A M E B I Z L D H S U C Z A X M D I Z D R P E G S H E P H E R D I I Q B I R M I Q Y P R S E N G A R X J E S P U Z A H E G N D Y T O P R O F E S S O R O N J N S U V Q U A Z E F Y X Z E U H E Z A K T A I R S MoviesSongwriter Jerome Kern recalls his career on the opening night of TCM Thu. 4:45 p.m. Tin Cup GOLF Sun. 2 p.m. Tombstone CMT Sat2. 2 p.m. Topaz TCM Sat2. 2:45 p.m. Trafc SHO Tue. 12:05 a.m. The Trail of TCM Tue. 5:15 a.m. Truth STARZ Fri. 7:54 a.m. Twister CMT Sun. 2:30 p.m., Sun. 7:30 p.m.UUnlocking the Cage HBO Sat2. 12:20 p.m.WA Walk in the Sun TCM Sat. 8:45 p.m. Wedding Crashers E! Tue. 7 p.m., Wed. 1:30 p.m. Without Love TCM Mon. 1:30 p.m. The Woman on the Beach TCM Wed. 5 a.m. Words and Music TCM Thu. 8:30 a.m.XX-Men SPIKE Tue. 11 a.m.YYoung Cassidy TCM Fri. 3:15 p.m.ZZathura: A Space Adventure STARZ Thu. 8:58 a.m. Ziegfeld Girl TCM Thu. 2:30 p.m. Zombieland SYFY Mon. 8 p.m., Tue. 6 p.m., Sat2. 5:30 p.m. r f n t b t rfn t b n t f n t f n t b n b Ou r mission at Simpl y Yo u Mast ec to my Bo utique is to pr ov ide ex ce ptional ser vic e to wo men by helping them lo ok and f eel be autiful af te r br east sur ger y!Da wn Hanc ock is the ow ner of Si mply Yo u Ma st ec to my Bo utique and has a passion fo r helping wo men look good and fe el bett er about themselv es by tti ng th em wi th br east pr osthesis and br as Da wn has 20 ye ars of ex perienc e in the medic al eld Sh e is a loc al to Pa nama Cit y, Fl orida and enjo ys vo lun te ering fo r loc al non-pr ot or ganiza tions r fr r nt b We le all insur anc e ca rriers for yo ur mast ec to my pr od uc ts!
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