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Uniform Title:
News-herald (Panama City, Fla. : 1970)
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Panama City News Herald
Place of Publication:
Panama City, Fla
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30.166847 x -85.665513


Dates or Sequential Designation:
Vol. 1, no. 1 (May 1, 1970)-

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Source Institution:
University of Florida
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Copyright Halifax Media Group, Tim Thompson - Publisher, Mike Cazalas - Editor. Permission granted to University of Florida to digitize and display this item for non-profit research and educational purposes. Any reuse of this item in excess of fair use or other copyright exemptions requires permission of the copyright holder.
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** Business .........................A7 Diversions .....................C7 Local & State ...............B1-7 Obituaries ......................B3 Sports.........................C1-5 Viewpoints ....................A6 MONDAYClearing 75 / 61SUNDAYClouds, sun 73 / 58TODAYMostly sunny 69 / 50 Panama City News Herald Want to subscribe? Call 850-747-5050 SPORTS | C1PREP BASEBALLBay downs Rutherford in extra-inning clash LOCAL & STATE | B1FEDERAL COURTHOUSE IN P.C.Sen. Nelson says I will advocate for you BUSINESS | A7FAKE FOODSIs fake milk spoiling the dairy industrys image? Saturday, March 4, 2017 PANAMA CITY @The_News_Herald ¢ By Zack McDonald747-5071 | @PCNHzack zmcdonald@pcnh.comPANAMA CITY BEACH „ A Texas man has been arrested after he allegedly distracted a woman and walked away with $60,000 cash from inside her hotel room, according to arrest reports.Casey Evan McCorkle, 31, appeared in court Friday on a charge of grand theft between $20,000 and $100,000. He was arrested days earlier after a woman staying at the Executive Inn, 9424 Front Beach Road, reported he took $60,000 in cash she had concealed under a pile of clothes while she was not looking.McCorkle is accused of then going on a spending spree, with officers recov-ering onlyabout $42,000.The Bay County Sheriffs Office (BCSO) responded to the hotel about 5:30 a.m. Tuesday, where a woman named Camilla Stanfield reported the theft.She said a man she didnt know had come to her room earlier that morning, knocked on the door and asked for $15 to get something to eat. Stanfield said she asked him to turn around while she got the money from a concealed stack of cash and gave it to him, BCSO reported.After obtaining the money from the victim, (McCorkle) asked her if she had any toothpaste that he could use,Ž officers wrote. She turned her back and checked by the bathroom, but told him that she didnt have any. The victim advised that (the man) then left the room and walked off.ŽWhen she checked to see if the $60,000 in cash was BCSO: $60K stolen from womans roomMcCorkle By Justin BachmanBloombergFew have noticed, but U.S. airport security work-ers long had the option of using five different types of physical pat-downs at the screening line.Now, however, those options have been eliminated, replaced instead with one universal approach „ and this time, you will notice.The new physical touch-ing for those selected to have a pat-down will be more invasive in what the federal agency describes Airport pat-downs about to get more invasiveA TSA employee checks documents for passengers in line at a security checkpoint at Logan International Airport in Boston in 2010. Pat-downs will become more intrusive, TSA of“ cials said. [JOSH REYNOLDS/ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE] Casey McCorkle charged with grand the By Katie Landeck522-5114 | @PCNHKatieL klandeck@pcnh.comPANAMA CITY „ A handful of the palm trees on Harrison Avenue has escaped the ax.After community outcry about a plan to cut down all of the palm trees along Harrison Avenue as part of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) streetscape project, city officials have found a compromise."We will incorporate the existing Washingtonia palm trees into areas where they make sense,Ž CRA Director Jared Jones said of the existing tall palms. The areas are the Sixth Street gateway and the Fourth Street intersection."Leading the charge to keep the palm trees was local art dealer Larry Clemons, who always hasbelieved the trees are beautifulŽ and a part of the areas identity. He said he was excited about the compromise, recognizing it wasnt possible to keep all of them and do the streetscape project. I think it would have been unfairŽ to keep all of them, he said. It would have been attempting to do the impossible.ŽThe trees, which were planted in the late 1990s, originally wereexcluded from the new streetscape for a number of reasons. They arent native to Florida. Stud-ies show they dont hold up well to hurricanes. They are hard to maintain because of their height and the amount of debris they shed. And most importantly, their trunks were in the way of the expanded sidewalks meant to make it easier for businesses to add outdoor seating or shopping.As a result, they had been cut from the design plan with-out fanfare „ until Clemons noticed their absence last August. He launched a publicity campaign to save the palms,Ž posting on social media, hanging fliers and getting the backing of marina developer Robert Sonnen-blick. The height and beauty of these trees, he said, made them worth keeping despite the listed drawbacks.When the CRA offered to add shorter, native sabal palms to the design, he pushed back, saying he wanted to keep the trees, which even Sonnenblick has called majestic.Ž Now, both sabal and Washingto-nia palms are part of the plan, Jones said.People told me you cant fight City Hall,Ž Clemons said. Well, no one is Some palm trees to stay downtownThe palm trees along Sixth Street and at Fourth Street on Harrison Avenue no longer will be cut down for the new streetscape. [PATTI BLAKE/THE NEWS HERALD] Existing palms were cut from Harrison streetscape planSee TREES, A4 See AIRPORT, A4 See THEFT, A4


** A2 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News Herald PICTURE PERFECT We want your photos: Post your photos to the News Herald Facebook page with your name, city of residence and information about the photo. You can email photos to CATCH OF THE DAYWe want to see your catch of the day: Post your photos to the News Herald Facebook page with your name, city of residence and information about the photo. Email photos to FEEDBACK TODAY IN HISTORYGO AND DOHAPPY BIRTHDAY YOUNG ARTIST NEWSROOM DIRECTORY Tim Thompson, Publisher .....................................850-747-5001 Mike Cazalas, Editor ..............................................850-747-5094 Shane Spence, Regional Operations Director .....850-747-5078 Robert Delaney, Regional Controller ....................850-747-5003 Eleanor Hypes, Regional Human Resources .......850-747-5002 Roger Underwood, Regional Circulation Director ... 850-747-5049 CIRCULATION Make the Panama City News Herald a part of your life every day. Home delivery: Subscribe to 7-day delivery and get unlimited access to our website and digital edition of the paper. Customers who use EZ Pay will see, on their monthly credit card or bank statement, the payment has been made to Halifax Media Florida. Online delivery: Take The News Herald with you when you go out of town, or go green by subscribing to an online replica edition of The News Herald and get unlimited access to our website. Go to to subscribe to digital only. Print delivery available within the newspaper distribution area only. By submitting your address and/or email, you understand that you may receive promotional offers from GateHouse Media and its related companies. You may opt out of receiving any such offers at any time by calling 850-747-5050. An additional one-time $5.95 activation fee applies. Due to the size and value of premium editions, there will be up to a $2.00 surcharge on each date of publication of any premium edition. However, rather than assess an extra charge for premium editions, we will adjust the length of your subscription, which accelerates the expiration of your subscription, when you receive these premium editions. There will be no more than 12 premium editions per calendar year. ADVERTISING To place a display ad, call 850-747-5030 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To place a classi“ ed ad, call 850-747-5020. SINGLE COPIES Daily, 75 cents; Sunday, $1.50. DID WE MISS YOU? If we missed you, we want to correct the oversight. For redelivery: Call The News Herald at 850-747-5050 between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m. Monday through Friday and 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. Saturday and Sunday. COPYRIGHT The entire contents of The News Herald, including its logotype, are fully protected by copyright and registry and cannot be reproduced in any form for any purpose without written permission from The News Herald. Published mornings by The Panama City News Herald (USPS 419-560), 501 W. 11th St., Panama City, FL 32401. Periodicals postage paid at Panama City, FL. Postmaster: Send address changes to The News Herald, P.O. Box 2060, Panama City, FL 32402Setting it straight It is the policy of The News Herald to correct all errors that appear in news stories. If you wish to report an error or clarif y a story, call 747-5070.P.O Box 1940 Panama City, FL 32402 501 W. 11th St. Panama City Fl, 32401 Phone: 850-747-5000 WATS: 800-345-8688 Online: PANAMA CITY CELEBRATE COMMUNITYToday is Saturday, March 4 the 63rd day of 2017. There are 302 days left in the year. Todays Highlight in History: On March 4, 1917 Republican Jeannette Rankin of Montana took her seat as the “ rst woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, the same day President Woodrow Wilson took his oath of of“ ce for a second term (it being a Sunday, a private ceremony was held inside the U.S. Capitol; a second, public swearing-in took place the next day). On this date: In 1789 the Constitution of the United States went into effect as the “ rst Federal Congress met in New York. (The lawmakers then adjourned for lack of a quorum.) In 1791 Vermont became the 14th state. In 1797 John Adams was inaugurated the second president of the United States. In 1837 the town of Chicago was incorporated as a city with a population of 4,170. In 1925 President Calvin Coolidges inauguration was broadcast live on 21 radio stations coast-to-coast. In 1940 Kings Canyon National Park in California was established. In 1960 an explosives-laden French freighter, La Coubre, exploded in Havanas harbor, killing at least 75 people. In 1977 some 1,500 people were killed in an earthquake that shook southern and eastern Europe. In 1987 President Ronald Reagan addressed the nation on the Iran-Contra affair, acknowledging his overtures to Iran had deterioratedŽ into an arms-forhostages deal. In 1998 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that sexual harassment at work can be illegal even when the offender and victim are of the same gender. These Florida lotteries were drawn Thursday: Fantasy 5: 04-08-16-18-29 Mega Millions: estimated jackpot $83 million Pick 2 Evening: 2-6 Pick 2 Midday: 2-3 Pick 3 Evening: 4-6-8 Pick 3 Midday: 4-8-8 Pick 4 Evening: 9-4-7-3 Pick 4 Midday: 7-3-2-0 Pick 5 Evening: 2-5-5-4-9 Pick 5 Midday: 8-4-6-6-3 Powerball: estimated jackpot $68 millionFLORIDA LOTTERYHailey Anderson Kindergarten Oscar Patterson Elementary School Energy Secretary Rick Perry is 67. Singer Chris Rea is 66. Actress Kay Lenz is 64. Actress Catherine OHara is 63. Rapper Grand Puba is 51. Gay rights activist Chaz Bono is 48. Jazz musician Jason Marsalis is 40. TV personality Whitney Port is 32. Actress Jenna Boyd is 24. To submit birthdays, email with birthdayŽ in the subject line, or drop off a current photo and “ ll out a birthday form at the front desk of The News Herald, 501 W. 11th St. The deadline is noon two business days prior to the birthday. Birthday announcements must include the persons “ rst and last name, city and age. The photo is a mug shot and must be a clear photo. Wayne Kendall Parsons Jr. on a woman wanted for animal abuse after deputies said she left her deaf and blind dog alone in a hot car: I keep a window breaker/ seatbelt cutter/” ashlight combo tool next to my drivers seat, as a just in case. I have no problems breaking someones car window to save their dog from their owners stupidity.Ž Debbie Rowlee: Poor, poor baby. Im glad someone called about the car or hed be dead. When will we make tough animal laws? Christ!Ž Barbara Cooke: Put that person in the car at the same temperature.Ž Ron Gambrell on a Letter to the Editor from someone going through beach withdrawalŽ after leaving town: We thought about walking down to the beach and having a glass of wine while watching the sunset but we will probably just sit on the deck rather than becoming March criminals.Ž (Alcohol is not allowed on the sandy beach during the month of March). Tom Schmid: When the morality police stop treating everyone like criminals, well be there. But for now, our money will be spent in St. Andrews. See ya in April PCB.Ž Randall Sharp: Just make sure you dont put your private chair in front of rental chairs.Ž Larry Martin: Just bring a bottle of grape juice, “ ll it up and have a great sunset!Ž Michael Mutt Casey: We got ours in before March 1.Ž Lisa Lemieux: I have beach withdrawals. I need my vitamin D!Ž Cynthia Monroe Miller: I have my favorite spot, I will be there soon!Ž Richard Weber on a letter to the editor saying women who are pro-choice are being deceived: This is a not-so-veiled attempt to force their religious views on others! The writer has interjected lies about Planned Parenthood in hopes of causing outrage, just like the bogus “ lm that was presented as being an actual abortion. A womans body is hers, its not to be legislated, and Roe v Wade ensures that! If the writer really wants the termination of unwanted pregnancies to slow, then she should become an advocate for adoptions. Unfortunately a conservative doesnt care about the welfare other humans, only about themselves!Ž Robin Holland posted this picture on the Panama City Fishing Facebook page, writing, I can not wait to see these girls on the beeliners this summer! They are at the perfect age to slay them.Ž 1 JURIED CRAFT AND ART SHOW: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Panama City Beach Senior Center, 423 Lyndell Lane, Panama City Beach. Sponsored by the Womens Civic Club of Panama City Beach. Free admission. Details, womenscivicclub@aol.com2 GET TO KNOW FTA HIKE: 9 a.m. meetup across from the SweetBay Welcome Of“ ce, 3204 Heartleaf Ave. East, Panama City, for an easy beginners hike with the Florida Trail Association. Wear comfortable, closedtoe shoes and bring water, sunscreen and a hat as about half the hike is without shade. Details, hiking-central-panhandle/ events3 RENAISSANCE FAIR AND SCOTTISH GAMES: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Frank Brown Park, 16200 Panama City Beach Parkway, Panama City Beach. The Northwest Florida Fantasy Fair and the Panama City Scottish Festival and Highland Games come together for a day “ lled with medieval reenactments, street performers, storytellers, a human chess game, traditional food and drink and more. Details, 850-252-38214 EMERALD COAST BOAT & LIFESTYLE SHOW: Ladies DayŽ is 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tickets $10 for adults, and free for children 12 and younger. Two-day passes $15.5 CHILI COOK-OFF: noon at Hofbrau Beer Garden in Pier Park. Open to the public. Free to enter; $5 to taste. Grand prize $100.6 RUSSIAN SEASONS: 7:30 p.m. at the Marina Civic Center, 8 Harrison Ave., Panama City. Featuring a celebration of international dance as part of the Panama City Music Associations 75th season. Details, 850-236-1260 or Peggy Swanson sent us this picture, writing, We go back to Indiana soon and had to get a picture of this beautiful morning. Theres no place like this and weve loved it.Ž


** The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 A31162957 TOLOCATEASTORENEARYOU,VISITUSONLINEAT ROOMSTOGO.COM OR ROOMSTOGOKIDS.COM Scantolocate astorenearyou.OnpurchasesmadewithyourRoomsToGocreditcardthrough4/3/17.EqualMonthlyPaymentsRequireduntilApril2022.* Monthlypaymentsshownareonlyapplicablewiththisspecial“nancingoffer. RoomsToGorequiresNoMinimumPurchaseandNoDownPaymentexceptamountequaltosalestaxanddelivery. NOCREDIT PAYOPTIONS INTERESTFOR 6O MONTHS*NO NOMINIMUM PURCHASEExceptamountequaltosalestax&delivery. NODOWN PAYMENTLookforour ROOMSTOGO26THANNIVERSARYSALECircular in todayspaper!Its“lledwithbeautiful furnitureand extraordinaryvalues.AMAZING PRICES & GREAT SELECTION!Withover6Oconvenientshowrooms throughoutFloridaandover15Oacrossthecountry,RoomsToGo capturesFloridasuniquestyleand offersthe largestfurnitureinventoryin theSouth... pricedright,easy-to-buy, anddeliveredfast! 12786_FL_2017_3_4_SeePP *PromotionalOfferappliesonlytosingle-receiptqualifyingpurchases.Nointerestwillbechargedonpromopurchase(includingrelatedoptional creditinsurance/debtcancellationcharges) andequalmonthlypaymentsarerequiredequaltoinitialpromopurchaseamountdividedequallybythenumberofmonthsinpromoperioduntilpromoispa idinfull.Theequalmonthly paymentwillberoundedtothenexthighestwholedollarandmaybehigherthantheminimumpaymentthatwouldberequiredifthepurchasewasanon-promo tionalpurchase.Anymonthly paymentsshowninconnectionwiththispromotionalofferexcludetaxesanddeliveryandshouldallowyoutopayoffthepromotionalpurchasewithinth epromoperiodif(1)youmakeyour paymentsbytheduedateeachmonthand(2)thisistheonlybalanceonyouraccountduringthepromoperiod.Ifyouhaveotherbalancesonyouraccount,th ismonthlypaymentwill beaddedtotheminimumpaymentapplicabletothosebalances.Regularaccounttermsapplytonon-promotionalpurchases.Fornewaccounts:PurchaseA PRis29.99%. MinimumInterestChargeis$2.Existingcardholdersshouldseetheircreditcardagreementfortheirapplicableterms.Subjecttocreditapproval.


** A4 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News HeraldThe Washingtonia palms over the downtown Panama City gateway sign will be retained under a compromise reached among the city, developer, residents and business owners. [PATTI BLAKE/THE NEWS HERALD] supposed to fight City Hall. Youre supposed to talk, have communi-cation and see what you can do.ŽOthers also havesaid they are relieved some of the palm trees will be kept.They add scale to the building,Ž said Kim Griffin White, the direc-tor of the Center for the Arts. They make up the skyline.ŽJones said construction on the new streetscape is expected to start in June or July. The work will be done block by block to minimize disruption to businesses. TREESContinued from A1as a more comprehen-siveŽ physical screening, according to a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) spokesman.Denver International Airport, for example, notified employees and flight crews Thursday the more rigorousŽ searches will be more thorough and may involve an offi-cer making more intimate contact than before.ŽI would say people who in the past would have gotten a pat-down that wasnt involved will notice that the (new) pat-down is more involved,Ž TSA spokes-man Bruce Anderson said Friday. The shift from the previous, risk-based assessment on which pat-down procedure an officer should apply was phased in over the past two weeks after tests at smaller airports, he said. The TSA screens about 2 million people daily at U.S. airports. The agency doesnt track how many passengers are subject to pat-down searches after they pass through an imaging scanner. People who decline to use the screening technology are automatically subject to physical searches.While passengers might find the process more intrusive than before, the new screening procedure isnt expected to increase overall airport security delays. However, for the person who gets the pat-down, it will slow them down,Ž Anderson said.And TSA officials didnt immediately address whether the new universal pat-down protocol will mandate touching of passengers genitals.The change is partly the result of the agencys study of a 2015 report that criticized aspects of TSA screening procedures. That audit, by the Department of Homeland Securitys Inspector General, drew headlines because airport officers had failed to detect handguns and other weapons. Another change prompted by the report was the TSA deci-sion to end its managed inclusionŽ program by which some everyday travelers were allowed to use PreCheck lanes to speed things up at peak times.Physical screening long has been one of the trav-eling publics s trongest dislikes related to airport security protocols. The TSA conducts all pat-downs with an offi-cer of the same sex and allows for a passenger to request a private area for the screening and to have a witness. Likewise, the traveler can request the pat-down occur in public view.The new policy also applies to airline pilots and flight attendants, classified as known crew membersŽ who generally receive less scrutiny at checkpoints. The TSA conducts random searches of these employees, and airlines this week had inquired about whether their employees would be subject to more frequent pat-downs. The number of random searches for airline crews isnt changing, Anderson said, although airport employees may face more random checks.Sometimes its random; sometimes theyre consistent based on the door you enter,Ž he said of the searches of workers with airport ID badges. Sometimes those measures call for a pat-down.ŽIn their notice, Denver airport officials said employees are subject to search at random locations. If a pat-down is required as part of the operation, badged employees will be required to comply with a TSA officers request to conduct a full-body pat-down.ŽIn December, a CNN political commentator, Angela Rye, posted an article online describing her humiliationŽ about a TSA agents search. Rye wrote in graphic detail about the pat-down of her genitals during a search at the Detroit Airport before a flight to New York. AIRPORTContinued from A1still there, Stanfield dis-covered it was missing, officers reported.McCorkle was caught on video leaving the room, and offic ers used the footage to find another resident of the motel who had given him a ride to work the previous day. They learned McCorkle had been staying at the motel and obtained the drivers license infor-mation he had given the motel clerk.Officers arrested McCorkle while he was arriving to work in a Dodge Ram pickup he recently had bought. Several people were inside, they reported, andMcCorkle had $11,689 in cash on him.The passengers in the truck said they had met up with McCorkle the night before at Coyote Ugly to hang out, and he was flush with cash.They also advised that (McCorkle) was spending a large amount of money while at the bar, estimating it to be several thousand dollars buying alcohol and giving money to various people,Ž officers wrote. The passengers also advised that (McCorkle) pur-chased food for them ƒ and that he continued to pay for everything while they were with him.ŽOfficers then went to another hotel where McCorkle had rented a room. There they found three $10,000 money bands. The money was packaged and in similar denominations to that described by the victim, officers reported.He was taken to the Bay County Jail, where he is being held without bond. THEFTContinued from A1 NATION IN BRIEFTrump accuses Schumer of Putin ties President Donald Trump, his administration under siege for contacts with Russian officials, is calling for an immediate investigationŽ into Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumers own tiesŽ to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Trump tweeted a photo Friday of Schumer at an event with Putin in New York in 2003. The photo shows the two with doughnuts in their hands. The president called for a probe into Schumers ties to Russia and PutinŽ and called the New York senator A total hypocrite!Ž Schumer responded on Twitter a short time later, writing that he would happily talkŽ under oath about his meeting with Putin, which took place in full view of press and public.Ž He then challenged Trump to do the same. Oil companies sued in tribal court OKLAHOMA CITY „ An Oklahoma-based Native American tribe filed a lawsuit in its own tribal court system Friday accusing several oil companies of triggering the states largest earthquake that caused extensive damage to some near-centuryold tribal buildings. The Pawnee Nation alleges in the suit that wastewater injected into wells operated by the defendants caused the 5.8-magnitude quake in September and is seeking physical damages to real and personal property, market value losses, as well as punitive damages. The Associated Press 1171301 10916528 TheFamilyFunPackGiveawayWinnerof (4)roundtripvouchers,$500Visa/MCgiftcard, andanewtwopieceluggageset. CourtesyofAllegiantAirandthe Destin-FortWaltonBeachAirport. DailyNews LeahNash WERAMPEDITUP! 10924297


** The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 A5 PROPELMARKETING.COMDELIVERYOURMESSAGEtotheRIGHTCUSTOMERSattheRIGHTTIME Partneredwith MAXIMIZEYOURADVERTISING DOLLARSBYTARGETINGTHOSE WHOMATTERMOST.CALLTODAY!850.747.5004Amplifyyourmessageandextend yourreach.Withtargeteddisplay advertising,yourbusinesscan micro-targetcustomersbyage, gender,income,zipcode,andmore! Femalewithchildren within20miles searchedfordentalcare 1169557


** A6 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News HeraldWRITE TO US: Letters should not exceed 300 words and include the writers name, address and phone number for veri“ cation. Letters may be edited for clarity and brevity. Guest columns of up to 600 words may be submitted as well. Write: Letters to the editor, The News Herald, 501 W. 11th St., Panama City, FL 32401 Email: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR SQUALL LINE ANOTHER VIEWTim Thompson | Publisher Will Glover | Managing Editor Mike Cazalas | Editor PANAMA CITY VIEWPOINTS In recent years, weve heard a lot about the rising number of millennials who never bother to learn how to drive. What used to be a ritual of passage for nearly all teens, the culmination of many hours of drivers education, practice driving, learning permits, etc., is now not seen as being that big of a deal for more teens than ever. Even though Panama City isnt home to a developed mass transit system, Uber is coming, kids know what it is, and they just, as a whole, dont seem as interested as their parents and grandparents were in getting behind the wheel. Its likely to lose even more appeal as mass transit becomes more common and the promise of self-driving vehicles grows. If millennials want to lessen their carbon footprint by slacking their lust for buying and owning cars, more power to them, though its not happening as fast here as youll find in the larger metropolitan areas. The problem, as they say, is more with those who still do drive. According to a report by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, in a survey of 2,511 millennial drivers, 88.4 percent between 19 and 24 admit to texting while driving. Drivers between 16 and 18 are at 69.3 percent. The stupidity and recklessness doesnt stop there. Millennial drivers also admit to running red lights even if they could have stopped safely, and speeding in both highway and non-highway situations. Attitudes are almost as bad as actions. Twelve percent of millennials surveyed said they dont believe theres anything wrong with going 10 mph above the posted speed limit in a school zone. Only 5 percent of non-millennials try to justify such behavior. Were afraid to ask what people think about going 10 mph over the speed limit on a highway; we may all have let them one become too common. In 2015, the number of U.S. traffic deaths rose 7 percent from the previous year to 35,092. This represents the biggest one-year increase in half a century. Millennials with their distracted driving habits, unfortunately, are a big part of that deadly mix. It isnt just a problem for millennials. Seventy-five percent of those aged 40-59 admitted to driving just as recklessly as millennials. Those between 60 and 74 admitted to driving as poorly as their young counterparts 67.3 percent of the time. The over 75-year-old drivers had a slightly higher rate at 69.1 percent. None of this is acceptable. The parody of an old person screaming at young people usually involves an old man standing on his porch shaking his fist at the neighborhood kids and saying: Get off my lawn.Ž That cliche isnt appropriate here because millennials and non-millennials are both guilty of violating their civic responsibilities and putting us all in danger while behind the wheel. (This editorial originally appeared in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)Careless drivers, young and old, are a menaceThe punditry remains obsessed over Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller and their alleged boss, Donald Trump. Whos controlling whom? And the worlds still fascinated by Trumps appalling and entertaining antics „ as confusion runs riot in the executive branch. At a certain point, though, we have to ask, Whats in it for the American people? The Trump administration is now in its second month, and its done almost nothing. It hasnt even put forth coherent plans to do what the president says he wants to do. Trump says one thing and then the opposite, sometimes hours apart. Trump didnt sound plum crazy in his address before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday, and for that we are grateful. Many applauded the optimistic tone and restrained nastiness. But weve seen these interludes of sobriety before, notably during the campaign. His supporters did backflips on the rare occasions their man sounded presidential.Ž Given Trumps passion for rousing his die-hards with lies designed to frustrate the fact-based fancy folk, its highly unlikely that the seriousness will continue, though one can hope. Consider Obamacare. Trump said in the speech that he wants the Affordable Care Act repealed and replaced. During the campaign, he repeatedly vowed that Obamacare would be repealed on day one of his administration. Day one! Its not repealed, and Trump has no replacement plan. House Republicans dont have one, either, despite voting over a dozen times to kill the health reforms (when Barack Obama was there to veto their bills). Trump recently explained the lack of progress as follows: Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.Ž (That had them rolling in the aisles.) The problem for Republicans is that theyre afraid to confront the voters with an alternative that meets their ideological requirements. Of course, they could work with Democrats to fix problems in Obamacare, but thats not fun. Immigration. On Monday, the administration was rounding up undocumented immigrants lacking any criminal record and threatening to deport millions more. On Tuesday, Trump was telling television anchors hed consider legalizing the presence of millions of undocumented immigrants. Jobs. Trump proposes a $1 trillion program to rebuild infrastructure. Solid idea. Bridges and roads are falling apart. Construction workers need the work. Do recall how Republicans threw pitchforks of umbrage at Obamas less ambitious stimulus program „ and at a time of deep recession. Despite the obstacles, Obama signed a $787 billion package of spending and tax cuts 28 days into his administration. Trump is well past his first four weeks, and where is his infrastructure program? Budget hawks in Congress might give him a hard time, but he hasnt given them anything to work with. By the way, factory employment was already rising in Obamas last six years in office. One doesnt expect Trump to improve that record much, unless he plans to deport the robots. One bright spot for Trump has been the stock market. Stock prices have risen about 10 percent since the election. Such exuberance, however, must be tempered by history. The Dow Jones industrial average rose by about 25 percent in the same weeks after the election of Herbert Hoover. Eight months later, on Oct. 24, 1929, the bottom fell out. Heres to bad things not happening in the Trump era. And heres also to Trump actually doing something for the people. Follow Froma Harrop on Twitter @FromaHarrop. She can be reached at What has Trump done for the American people? Froma Harrop Progressive rage What progressives need to defeat Trump is outreach, but all they have is outrage. They staged a Day Without ImmigrantsŽ which was a big bust even thought it was aimed to completely shut down business and commerce but the only one who cared was the media who tried to build it up as if it were on the same scale as the D-Day Invasion. Now the progressive organizers have in mind a general strikeŽ called the Day without a Woman.Ž In a manifesto published in The Guardian on Feb. 6, the brains behind the movement are calling for a new wave of militant feminist struggle.Ž The document was coauthored by, among others, Rasmea Yousef Odeh, a convicted terrorist. She spent 10 years in prison for her crimes. She then managed to become a US citizen in 2004 by lying about her past but was subsequently convicted, in 2014, of immigration fraud. However, she won the right to a new trial by claiming she had been suffering from PTSD at the time she lied on her application. People you cant make this stuff up. You can see why shes a hero to the left. Another co-author, Angela Davis, is a Stalinist professor and longtime supporter of the Black Panthers. Davis is best known for being involved with a 1972 trial after three guns she bought were used in a courtroom shootout that resulted in the death of a judge. For the life of me I cant see how anyone with half a brain cant see this for what it is, Anti-American rhetoric. They all scream Trump is another Hitler. Well, if memory doesnt fail me the first thing Hitler did was take away the guns and then take over the healthcare system. Sound familiar? Wasnt that what Obama and Hillary had on their agenda as priority one? The liberal uprisings are yet another indicator that liberals are increasingly willing to justify violence in the name of opposing Trump. After the Berkeley campus erupted in flames and violence two charter members of the Hollywood Brain Trust, Debra Messing and Sara Silverman both tweeted their support. All of these demonstrations are about denouncing enemies, and making themselves feel better about the November defeat by gathering publicly with those who share their rage. The progressives dont have a monopoly in preaching to the choir but they have taken it to a new level.William C. Meadows Parker I would kill for a Barrel of Monkeys again. If churches pay taxes it means they can influence government. You want mosques making decisions for us? No? Thats why theyre tax free. Spring Breakers out of town, taxes will go up! Police do your job instead of making stupid rules! Police dont make rules, councils and commissions do. Boat show could use a beer tent and brats. Putt putt! At least the CNG refueling station has the potential to pay for itself. In war, truth is the first casualty. All you American self professed experts on Canadian health care show how little you really know by calling it free. Its paid by taxes. Poor South Walton, no parking, traffic mess, ruts in sand, stay off my beach, no trespassing, no franchises, Zika virus. They can have it.


** The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 A7 BUSINESS By Candice ChoiThe Associated PressNEW YORK „ Is fake milkŽ spoiling the dairy industrys image?Dairy producers are calling for a crackdown on the almond, soy and rice milksŽ they say are masquerading as the real thing and cloud the mean-ing of milk. A group that advocates for plant-based products, the Good Food Institute, countered this week by asking the Food and Drug Administration to say terms such as milkŽ and sausageŽ can be used as long as theyre modified to make clear whats in them.Its the latest dispute about what makes a food authentic, many of them stemming from developments in manufacturing practices and diets.DiGiornos frozen chicken wyngzŽ were fodder for comedian Stephen Colbert. An eggless spread provoked the ire of egg producers by calling itself mayo.Ž And as far back as the 1880s, margarine was dismissed as counterfeit butterŽ by a Wisconsin lawmaker. The U.S. actually spells out the required characteristics for a range of products such as French dressing, canned peas and raisin bread. Its these federal standards of identity that often trigger the food fights.FOOD FIGHTS BRIEFCASEUS services “ rms expanding quicklyWASHINGTON „ U.S. services companies expanded in February at the fastest pace since October 2015.The Institute for Supply Management, a trade group for purchasing managers, said Friday that its services index rose to 57.6 last month from 56.5 in January. Anything above 50 signals growth.The services sector has now expanded for 86 straight months.Production, new orders and hiring grew faster in February. Sixteen services industries reported growth in February, led by utilities companies and mines. Only real estate and information services reported a contraction in business.MARKET WATCHDow 21,005.71 2.74 Nasdaq 5,870.75 9.53 S&P 2,383.12 1.20 Russell 1,394.13 1.53 NYSE 11,598.37 22.46COMMODITIES REVIEWGold 1,225.50 6.40 Silver 17.697 .008 Platinum 994.10 4.20 Copper 2.6870 .0075 Oil 53.33 .72THE DOW 30COMPANY CLOSE CHG 3M $189.31 -0.58 Am. Express $79.88 -0.22 Apple $139.78 +0.82 Boeing $182.18 -0.81 Caterpillar $95.12 +0.76 Chevron $113.55 +0.19 Cisco $34.29 -0.10 Coca-Cola $42.48 +0.01 DuPont $79.60 -0.13 Exxon $82.46 -0.84 Gen. Electric $30.12 -0.07 Goldman Sachs $252.89 +1.83 Home Depot $147.81 -0.14 Intel $35.90 -0.01 IBM $180.05 -0.48 J&J $123.79 +0.16 JP Morgan $92.80 +0.66 McDonalds $127.90 -0.33 Merck $66.58 +0.50 Microsoft $64.25 +0.24 Nike $56.70 -1.10 P“ zer $34.52 +0.01 Proc. & Gamble $90.50 -0.41 Travelers $124.13 -0.39 United Tech $112.34 -0.35 Verizon $50.09 +0.11 Walmart $70.03 -0.73 Walt Disney $111.24 +0.65 United Health $168.20 +0.89 Visa $88.79 +0.26 COMPANY CLOSE CHG AT&T $42.01 -0.06 DARDEN RESTS $75.11 -0.36 GEN. DYNAMICS $189.65 -1.40 HANGER INC $13.76 -0.12 HANCOCK HLDG $47.40 +0.45 HOME BANCS $28.94 +0.16 ITT CORP $41.46 -0.03 THE ST JOE $17.20 +0.85 KBR INC $14.55 -0.46 L-3 COMMS $167.55 -0.07 OCEANEERING $27.80 -0.54 REGIONS $15.36 +0.04 SALLIE MAE $11.96 +0.05 SOUTHERN $50.37 +0.05 SUNTRUST $60.05 +0.32 WESTROCK CO $ 54.04 -0.01 INGERSOLL-RAND $79.96 -0.06 ENGILITY HOLDS $31.49 -0.11 Source: Matt Wegner Financial Advisor The Edward Jones Co., Panama City, 769-1278STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST FOREIGN EXCHANGEU.S. $1.00 = Canadian 1.34 U.S. $1.00 = Mexican peso 19.57 U.S. $1.00 = Euro 0.94 U.S. $1.00 = British Pound 0.81 Arbor Wealth advisers to address Irelands Trinity CollegeSANDESTIN „Local investment advisersMar-garet R. McDowell and Patrick R. McDowell have been invited to address graduate students at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, on March 13.Margaret will deliver Part I of the presentation, Client Service is Key: Building an Investment Advisory Firm,Ž and Pat-rick will present Part II, Modern Strategies in Portfolio Manage-ment and Asset Allo-cation.Ž Mar-garet has 22 years experience in wealth man-agement and founded the first fee-only, fiduciary registered investment advisory firm in the Destin area 17 years ago. Assets under management at Arbor Wealth have grown from under $22 million to over $180 million during the last seven years, and the firm now manages group retirement plans as well as private wealth portfolios. Margarets Arbor OutlookŽ weekly syndicated economic column appears in 25 newspapers in three states.Established in 1592, Trinity College is widely renowned as one of Europes leading universities. M. McDowell P. McDowell BRIEFCASE Dear Dave,When it comes to making a will, would it suffice to sit down and write it all out on a piece of paper, then have it notarized? „ Joyce Dear Joyce,I would never advise someone to write their ownwill, unless, of course, theyre an attorney in that state. Laws can vary from state to state, and some states may not look upon a document like that as being official under law. Some even require witnesses, and a notary might not be good enough. If youre trying tosave moneyby doing it this way, I would strongly urge you to look at involving a lawyer as an investment. In most cases, having a reputable lawyer draw up a legally correct, state-specific will doesnt cost a lot of money. At the very least, go online to They have all kinds of state-specific legal forms, including wills. Your last will and testament is one of the most important legal documents youll ever be part of. Please dont try to do this yourself, Joyce. Ive run into so manyfamilieswho, in the midst of grieving the loss of a loved one, were handed a handwritten piece of paper that wouldnt hold up in court. That kind of thing just adds more stress to an already heartbreaking situation. „ Dave Not ready for a house Dear Dave,Im thinking about getting a secured credit card to help rebuild my credit score, because Id like to buy a house. Do you think this is a good start toward getting my credit back on track and taking control of my finances? I make $50,000 a year, and I have $3,500 in debt and $2,100 in savings.„ Maria Dear Maria,No, getting a securedcredit cardis not a good idea. Let me tell you a couple of things. Number one, your income is your most powerful wealth building tool. If you dont have any payments, you have the ability to build wealth and be generous. When you have debt, all you do is send money out the door to make payments. So,being in debtis a guaranteed way to stay broke. Number two, you can get a home mortgage with no credit score through a manual underwriting. Just make sure you have a good, long history of paying other things on time, like your rent and utilities. You would also need to have all your debts paid off completely, and the accounts closed for at least six months. I want you to become debtfree before you buy a home, Maria. I also want you to save anemergency fundof three to six months of expenses and a down payment before you buy a home. Buying a house when youre broke and in debt is a really bad idea. „ Dave DaveRamsey is CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover,Ž and The Dave Ramsey ShowŽ is heard by more than 12 million listeners each week. FollowDaveon the web atdaveramsey.comand on Twitter at @DaveRamsey.What will wont work? Dave RamseyThis photo provided by Nestle USA shows a package containing DiGiorno pizza and boneless Wyngz. DiGiorno owner Nestle said it initially wanted to call the boneless chicken pieces wings,Ž since it believes people understand that boneless wingsŽ are not whole wings. The company says the USDA instead proposed wyngz.Ž [NESTLE USA] Cow, nut, beanThough soy milk and almond milk have become commonplace terms, milks standard of identity says it is obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy cows.Ž Thats a point the dairy industry is now emphasizing, with the support of lawmakers who last month introduced legislation calling for the FDA to enforce the guidelines. Mammals produce milk, plants dont,Ž said Jim Mulhern, president of the National Milk Producers Federation. The federation says it has been trying to get the FDA to enforce the standard since at least 2000 and that the lack of enforcement has led to a proliferation of imitators playing fast and looseŽ with dairy terms.Edible, but egglessThe little-known Association for Dressing and Sauces showed its might in a 2014 mayonnaise melee. The group repeatedly complained to the FDA that an eggless spread was calling itself Just Mayo, noting that under the federal rules mayonnaise is de“ ned as having eggs. Hellmanns mayonnaise maker Unilever, one of the associations members, had sued Just Mayos maker citing the same issue. That lawsuit was dropped after the company faced blowback from the vegan spreads supporters. The dressings and sauces group wasnt the only one upset by Just Mayos name. The CEO of the American Egg Board also tried unsuccessfully to stop the sale of Just Mayo at Whole Foods.Straining for yogurtIt was a milk protein concentrate at issue in a lawsuit over Yoplait Greek. That ingredient isnt listed in the FDAs standard of identity for yogurt. Whats more, the suit said General Mills relied on the ingredient to thicken its yogurt, rather than straining it the way other Greek yogurts are made. Not only was it not Greek yogurt, it wasnt yogurt at all,Ž said Brian Gudmundson, the Minnesota lawyer who “ led the suit. The case was ultimately dismissed by the judge, who said the matter would be better handled by the FDA. Gudmundson said he reached out to the agency afterward, but nothing came of it. Arti cial dairy causes controversy


** A8 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News Herald BAYSELLSFORLESS!ALLDAY€EVERYDAY*W.A.C.Plustax,taganddealerfees.Pricessubjecttochange.SeeDealerfordetails. 641W.15thSt€PanamaCIty,FL HYUNDAILINCOLNMITSUBISHICHRYSLER JEEPDODGE&FORDinBLOUNTSTOWN! 785-1591 M1101A 2016MITSUBISHI LANCERES $ 18 888 TITANIUM-PA4992 2016FORD FIESTA $ 16 888 CONVERTIBLE-PA5042 2016FORD MUSTANG $ 26 888 CARSFORLESS! TRUCKSFORLESS! SUVSFORLESS! LUXURYFORLESS! VANSFORLESS!17HYUNDAISANTAFESPORTAuto,PC5052..........................................................$22,88817JEEPCOMPASSLATITUDEPA5077...............................................................$18,88816FORDEXPEDITIONELXLTAuto,3rdRow,Leather,AllPower,Nav,HeavyDutyTowPkge,PA5031.............$39,88816JEEPGRANDCHEROKEEPC5039...............................................................$37,88816FORDEXPLORERXLT4X4PA5088..............................................................$33,88816FORDEXPLORERLIMITEDLeather,AllPower,HtdSeats,RemoteStart,PowerLiftgate,PA5032...............$33,88816DODGEDURANGOLIMITEDLeather,AllPower,PA5064...............................................$32,88816FORDFLEXLIMITED2AVAILABLE!.........................................................$30,88816JEEPWRANGLERSAHARA4X42DrSoftTop,PA4741....................................................$29,88816FORDEDGETITANIUMLeather,AllPower,PwrSeats,PC4934........................................$27,88816GMCTERRAINSLTPC5057..............................................................$25,88816FORDESCAPESE4WDAutomatic,EcoBoost,PC4919...............................................$21,88815JEEPCHEROKEETRAILHAWKN0633B..............................................................$28,88815MITSUBISHIOUTLANDEROnly8kMiles,PA5051....................................................$18,88814FORDEXPLORERXLTPC4689...............................................................$24,88814FORDEDGESELAuto,V6,PA4718.......................................................$23,88812JEEPLIBERTYAuto,Leather,AllPower,ChromeWheels,HtdSeats,N0108A.......................$17,88812HYUNDAISANTAFECruise,PowerWin&Locks,PwrMirrors,M0940A.................................$10,88811FORDEXPEDITIONM0691A..............................................................$20,88811FORDEXPEDITIONAuto,V8,M0987B.........................................................$17,88816HYUNDAIVELOSTERTURBOLeather,33MPG,AllPower,Nav,Sunroof,PA5017...............................$27,88816DODGECHALLENGERSXTPA5005..............................................................$26,88816FORDTAURUSLIMITEDLeather,AllPower,Nav,Htd/CldSeats,PA5029...............................$25,88816TOYOTACAMRYSE35MPG,PA5024..........................................................$17,88816HYUNDAISONATA2.4PA4994...............................................................$16,88815DODGECHALLENGERSRTAuto,6.4LV8,Hemi,KeylessStart,Leather,Nav,M1238B.......................$40,88815CHRYSLER200SAuto,Leather,PushStart,PA5001...........................................$16,88815KIAOPTIMALXPA5023...............................................................$16,88815HYUNDAIACCENTSE4DrSedan,36MPG,PA4987...............................................$14,88815CHEVROLETSONICLTHATCHBACKPA5022...............................................................$13,88815FORDFOCUSSE36MPG,PA4904..........................................................$11,88814CHEVROLETCORVETTESTINGRAYLT6.2LV8,Leather,BOSESoundSystem,ChromeWheels,PC5015.................$46,88814TOYOTACAMRYXLEAuto,Only11kMiles,PC4902..............................................$19,88814MINICOOPERPC4929...............................................................$18,88813TOYOTAVENZALEM1169A.................................................................$19,88813HYUNDAISONATA2.0TURBOAuto,Leather,AllPower,Nav,PushStart,PH10013...............................$17,88813HYUNDAIELANTRAGTHATCHBACK,PA4818....................................................$16,88812CHRYSLER300LIMITEDLOADED!PC5048.......................................................$18,88812VOLKSWAGENPASSATSEN0698A...............................................................$15,88812TOYOTAPRIUSTWO51/48MPG,N0592A.....................................................$13,88809HONDAACCORDM1027B...................................................................$8,88807PORSCHE911CARRERA4S2DrConvertible,Leather,AllPower,Nav,RainSensingWipers,PA4847A...............$37,88805FORDTHUNDERBIRD50THANNIV.CONVERTIBLE,Leather,AllPower,M0945A...................................$16,88805MERCEDESGRANDMARQUISPC4693B1.................................................................$9,88816RAM2500SLTPC5059..............................................................$38,88816TOYOTATUNDRADOUBLECABM1236C...............................................................$37,88816CHEVROLETCOLORADOZ71Auto,Leather,4Dr,TowPkge,PC5055......................................$29,88816FORDF150XLTAuto,V8,4Dr,PC4999...................................................$28,88816RAM1500SLTPC4871..............................................................$26,88816CHEVROLETCOLORADOEXTCABAuto,N0598B............................................................$21,88815GMCSIERRA15004x4Auto,V8,PC5054.....................................................$39,88814RAM1500EXPRESSAuto,V8Hemi,PC4870B.................................................$25,88813FORDF150XLT4X4Auto,Ecoboost,4Dr,PA5081..............................................$33,88813RAM1500TRADESMANV8Auto,PA4838.............................................................$17,88810TOYOTATUNDRA4DRTowPkge,Auto,Bedliner,PC4663A.........................................$16,88805FORDF350SUPERDUTYSRW4X4Lariat,M1088A...........................................................$12,88804CHEVROLETSSRLSLeather,AllPower,VortecV8,PC4858B.......................................$21,88802TOYOTATUNDRAN0632A...............................................................$10,88816LINCOLNNAVIGATOR4X4PA5036..............................................................$52,88816LINCOLNMKXSELECTPA5046..............................................................$39,88816CADILLACXTSLUXURYLeather,Navigation,AllPower,PC4998......................................$32,88814MERCEDESBENZCLA250Auto,Leather,AllPower,Sunroof,BackupCam,HtdSeats,Nav,38MPG,N0193A....$20,88813HYUNDAIGENESISCOUPE2.0Turbo,PA4657...........................................................$17,98813LINCOLNMKZPA5045..............................................................$24,88807LINCOLNMKXPA4712A..............................................................$10,88801PLYMOUTHPROWLERCONVERTIBLELeather,AllPower,Only8kMiles,BeautifulClassic!K0118A1.....................$29,888 $ 27 988 2016RAM1500 BIGHORN4X45.7LV8HEMI,4Dr,PC4826 AUTO,PC4963 2016CHEVROLET EQUINOXLT $ 21 888 2AVAILABLE! 2016JEEP COMPASSSPORT $ 13 998 AUTO,3AVAILABLE! 2016MITSUBISHI OUTLANDER $ 18 998 LEATHER,ALLPOWER,PA5040 2016 LINCOLNMKS $ 31 888 PA4991 2016HYUNDAI GENESIS 3.8 $ 31 888 TOURING,LEATHER,ALLPOWER,PA5003 2016CHRYSLER TOWN&COUNTRY $ 23 988 12PASSENGER,PA4995 16CHEVROLET EXPRESSLT $ 25 888 15PASSENGER,PC4908 15FORD TRANSITVAN $ 22 888 Leather,AllPower,BackupCam,PA5070 17CHRYSLER PACIFICATOURINGL $ 32 8881170702


** By Collin Breaux747-5081 | @PCNHCollinB CollinB@pcnh.comLYNN HAVEN „ A local veterans group is looking to give back to wounded service members.The American Legion Post 356 Aux-iliary Unit in Lynn Haven will host a fundraiser March 18 for the Fisher House Foundation, a nonprofit based in Maryland that provides free hous-ing for military families while a service member undergoes medical treatment.Bay County does not house any Fisher Houses, but a home at Eglin Air Force Base is among the 71 situated on military bases or at VA facilities across the country. The homes offer anywhere from 8 to 21 suites, accom-modating up to 42 family members. They are intended to feel like home, with a kitchen, laundry facilities, toys and decorated living space.Families can stay as long as they need to. As long as the member is receiving The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 B1 LOCAL & STATE LIFES A BEACH | B4-5WHO NEEDS SUMMER?White sand and spring-like temperatures beckon FAITH | B8THE COMPASSION EXPERIENCEGuided tour to demonstrate living in child poverty CELEBRATE COMMUNITY Celebrate Community is a partnership between The News Herald and local businesses to highlight the things that make this area unique. Email story ideas to Stephanie Nusbaum at C C E By Tom McLaughlin315-4435 | @TomMnwfdn tmclaughlin@nwfdailynews.comDeFUNIAK SPRINGS „ The window is closing on Walton Countys deadline to respond to the findings of what one commissioner called an embarrassingŽ county audit.Floridas Auditor Generals Office took the County Commission to task last monthfor its planning departments money management and hiring practices, along with failure to implement past suggestions to improve the way it does business.A report summarizing preliminary findings of an operational audit lists 11 specific administrative deficiencies the county must correct. That number could drop if Walton officials can convince the auditors no remedial action is needed in one or more of the areas cited.The county was given 30 days to respond to the pre-liminary and tentative audit findings,Ž which were mailed Feb. 7 from the Auditor Generals Office in Tallahas-see. A final report will follow.Nine of the adverse findings will fall to the County Commission to fix. The vast majority of the procedural shortcomings were discovered in the countys planning department, the agency the Auditor General Auditor general critical of Walton CountyNipper Alford County knocked for fee collection, hiring, record keeping The entire family su ers when service members su erA family enters the Fisher House of the Emerald Coast, at Eglin Air Force Base. Fisher House provides free lodging for military families while service members are undergoing medical treatment. [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS HERALD] WANT TO GO?What: Fisher House Fundraiser, featuring auctions, food and entertainment When: 5-11 p.m. March 18 Where: American Legion Post 356 Auxiliary, 400 Aberdeen Parkway Cost: FreeLegion Post 356 to raise funds for local Fisher HouseBy Collin Breaux747-5081 | @PCNHCollinB CollinB@pcnh.comPANAMA CITY „ Bay County Chamber of Commerce officials want to keep a federal courthouse in Panama City, and theyre calling on Sen. Bill Nelson to help.The Chamber met with Nelson on Friday afternoon to hash out possible solutions.The lease on the current federal courthouse, 30 W. Government St. in Panama City, will not be renewed when it expires in December 2018, according to Federal District Court Chief Judge M. Casey Rodgers, who recently called the facility com-pletely unacceptable.Ž With the end of the lease, the court system is considering moving the federal courthouse out of the county and abolishing the Nelson: I will advocate for youSenator pledges to ght for federal courthouse in Panama CitySen. Bill Nelson, D-Miami, speaks with local of“ cials Friday at the Bay County Chamber of Commerce. [PATTI BLAKE/THE NEWS HERALD] INSIDEBill Nelson Q&A on B7See NELSON, B7 See COMMUNITY, B2 See WALTON, B31163624 CARS


** B2 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News Herald WEATHER 6 a.m Noon6 p.m Low Hazard Medium Hazard High Hazard Water closed to public Dangerous Marine Life High Low 68/49 69/53 69/43 67/49 67/51 66/49 69/43 69/45 69/41 62/37 70/45 67/43 71/43 69/52 69/53 70/50 71/46 69/5073/5875/6176/5873/51Nice with times of sun and clouds Breezy with clouds yielding to sun Mostly cloudy, a shower in the p.m. Mostly cloudy with a thunderstorm6942666050Winds: ESE 8-16 mph Winds: SE 10-20 mph Winds: SSE 8-16 mph Winds: NNE 6-12 mph Winds: ENE 6-12 mphBlountstown 8.32 ft. 15 ft. Caryville 9.59 ft. 12 ft. Clairborne 35.40 ft. 42 ft. Century 12.12 ft. 17 ft. Coffeeville, AL 10.23 ft. 29 ft. Through 7 a.m. Fri.Apalachicola 9:16a 2:19a 7:16p 1:18p Destin 2:32p 12:14a ----West Pass 8:49a 1:52a 6:49p 12:51p Panama City 2:17p 12:17a ----Port St. Joe 3:01p 1:03a ----Okaloosa Island 1:05p ------Milton 4:45p 2:35a ----East Bay 3:49p 2:05a ----Pensacola 3:05p 12:48a ----Fishing Bend 3:46p 1:39a ----The Narrows 4:42p 3:39a ----Carrabelle 7:51a 12:06a 5:51p 11:05aForecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. 2017FirstFullLastNew Mar 5Mar 12Mar 20Mar 27Sunrise today ........... 6:05 a.m. Sunset tonight .......... 5:43 p.m. Moonrise today ...... 10:27 a.m. Moonset today ............... none Today Sun. Today Sun.Clearwater 75/59/s 77/60/pc Daytona Beach 70/55/pc 71/58/pc Ft. Lauderdale 76/68/pc 75/67/pc Gainesville 72/47/s 72/53/pc Jacksonville 67/46/pc 70/53/pc Jupiter 76/65/pc 75/64/pc Key Largo 76/67/pc 76/66/pc Key West 78/69/pc 79/69/s Lake City 70/46/s 72/51/pc Lakeland 76/54/s 75/56/pc Melbourne 72/59/pc 73/60/pc Miami 76/66/pc 75/66/pc Naples 80/60/s 79/63/pc Ocala 72/49/s 74/54/pc Okeechobee 74/60/pc 74/60/pc Orlando 74/55/s 75/58/pc Palm Beach 77/67/pc 74/67/pc Tampa 77/57/s 78/60/pc Today Sun. Today Sun.Baghdad 67/48/sh 69/47/pc Berlin 60/42/pc 53/38/pc Bermuda 62/52/pc 57/51/sh Hong Kong 73/66/pc 74/66/pc Jerusalem 58/43/pc 61/46/s Kabul 51/24/s 51/28/pc London 52/41/pc 50/39/r Madrid 49/37/r 58/46/c Mexico City 73/50/pc 73/49/pc Montreal 12/4/s 22/15/s Nassau 82/68/pc 81/68/pc Paris 50/40/r 52/41/r Rome 61/47/t 57/48/r Tokyo 55/43/pc 56/43/pc Toronto 24/9/s 31/27/pc Vancouver 44/30/sh 41/31/r Today Sun. Today Sun.Albuquerque 68/41/s 68/42/pc Anchorage 18/6/s 17/0/s Atlanta 61/40/s 66/50/pc Baltimore 40/15/s 40/23/s Birmingham 65/42/s 66/54/pc Boston 21/10/pc 33/19/s Charlotte 56/30/s 59/35/s Chicago 42/33/sn 54/48/c Cincinnati 44/29/pc 62/47/pc Cleveland 32/18/pc 50/41/pc Dallas 63/53/c 67/61/sh Denver 68/38/pc 68/36/s Detroit 34/23/pc 46/40/pc Honolulu 82/70/sh 80/68/sh Houston 66/59/r 72/64/r Indianapolis 47/31/sn 60/48/pc Kansas City 70/49/s 66/54/c Las Vegas 76/53/s 67/43/pc Los Angeles 68/54/pc 61/46/r Memphis 68/46/s 63/54/c Milwaukee 38/33/pc 51/44/c Minneapolis 45/37/pc 59/49/pc Nashville 64/39/s 68/53/pc New Orleans 68/58/pc 73/63/sh New York City 31/15/s 38/26/s Oklahoma City 63/49/pc 65/53/pc Philadelphia 36/16/s 40/26/s Phoenix 80/56/s 75/50/pc Pittsburgh 32/16/pc 47/37/pc St. Louis 68/46/s 64/52/c Salt Lake City 60/43/pc 54/28/r San Antonio 65/57/r 76/63/c San Diego 64/56/pc 63/52/sh San Francisco 60/47/r 55/44/sh Seattle 46/35/r 42/34/sh Topeka 70/51/s 67/57/c Tucson 81/53/s 78/45/pc Wash., DC 42/22/pc 43/32/sSundayMondayTuesdayWednesday Gulf Temperature: 66 Today: Wind from the eastnortheast at 6-12 knots. Seas 2-4 feet. Visibility clear. Wind east at 6-12 knots. Seas 3-6 feet. Partly cloudy. Tomorrow: Wind from the east-southeast at 8-16 knots. Seas 4-7 feet. Visibility clear to the horizon.Mostly sunny today. Winds east-northeast 6-12 mph. Becoming cloudy tonight. Winds east-northeast 6-12 mph.High/low ......................... 69/46 Last year's High/low ...... 68/47 Normal high/low ............. 69/49 Record high ............. 78 (2000) Record low ............... 29 (1998)24 hours through 4 p.m. .. 0.00" Month to date .................. 0.16" Normal month to date ...... 0.57" Year to date ................... 10.33" Normal year to date ....... 10.57" Average humidity .............. 37%through 4 p.m. yesterdayHigh/low ......................... 69/44 Last year's High/low ...... 70/51 Normal high/low ............. 66/50 Record high ............. 80 (1955) Record low ............... 19 (1980)24 hours through 4 p.m. .. 0.00" Month to date .................. 0.00" Normal month to date ...... 0.55" Year to date .................... 11.14" Normal year to date ....... 10.92" Average humidity .............. 41%PANAMA CITY Port St. Joe Apalachicola Tallahassee Perry Quincy Monticello Marianna Chipley DeFuniak Springs Pensacola FORT WALTON BEACH Crestview Destin Carrabelle Mobile Bainbridge ValdostaFLORIDA CITIESCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W WORLD CITIESCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W NATIONAL CITIESCity Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W TODAY FIVE DAY FORECAST FOR NORTHWEST FLORIDAHigh LowREGIONAL WEATHERWeather(W): ssunny, pcpartly cloudy, ccloudy, shshowers, tthunderstorms, rrain, sfsnow ” urries, snsnow, iice. Shown is todays weather. Temperatures are todays highs and tonights lows.Shown are todays noon postions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.TIDESMARINE FORECASTBEACH FLAG WARNINGSThe higher the UV Index’ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection.0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme10 a.m.Noon2 p.m.4 p.m.UV INDEX TODAYALMANACSUN AND MOON MOON PHASESRIVER LEVELS Offshore Northwest Florida Flood Level StageApalachicola Choctawhatchee Alabama Escambia Tombigbee Temperatures PrecipitationPanama CityTemperatures PrecipitationFort Walton BeachA woman cooks dinner at the Fisher House of the Emerald Coast at Eglin Air Force Base. Fisher House offers free lodging for family members of wounded service members undergoing treatment. [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS HERALD] care the family can stay,Ž said Fisher House vice president of communications Kerri Childress.The entire family suffers when ser-vice members suffer.ŽChildress compared the homes to Ronald McDon-ald House Charities and said families usually stay an average of 10 days, though the longest stay lasted three years. There are houses throughout America and even one in England.And despite the lack of housing in Bay County, the Post 356 Auxiliary Unit is still happy to help. This is the second year Post 356 has held a Fisher House fundraiser, with last years raising over $4,000. They hope to match or exceed that this year with proceeds going to the Eglin house, said Auxiliary Unit Presi-dent Chris Stanford.And that money matters, because all of Fishers Houses funding comes entirely from donations.We could not do what we do without the generosity of people throughout the country,Ž Childress said. It is in appreciation for the sacrifices families make.ŽBut beneath the serious intent, Post 356 also plans to have fun at their fundraiser. There will be cake walks, karaoke and a representative from Eglin on hand.March 18 is our biggest fundraiser,Ž Stanford said. We have silent auctions, well have dinners.ŽThe fundraiser starts at 5 p.m. at the post, 400 Aberdeen Parkway. The auctions end at 9 p.m., and karaoke goes on until 11. COMMUNITYContinued from B1 A wounded service member holds a child while staying at the Fisher House of the Emerald Coast at Eglin Air Force Base. [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS HERALD] Coming Soon....Health Expo 2017MarkyourCalendar forSaturdayMarch25th Seeusatthe PanamaCityMall Broughttoyouby1171153


** The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 B3Guidelines and deadlinesObituary notices are written by funeral homes and relatives of the deceased. The News Herald reserves the right to edit for AP style and format. Families submitting notices must type them in a typeface and font that can be scanned into a computer. Deadline for obituaries is 3 p.m. daily for the following days newspaper. Obituaries may be e-mailed to or delivered to The News Herald, 501 W. 11th St., Panama City. View todays obituaries and sigh the online guest books of your loved ones at OBITUARIES Urania S. Elmore, 91, of Panama City, Florida, died Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2017, at a local care center. Services will begin at 2 p.m. today, March 4, 2017, at Kent-Forest Lawn Funeral Home. Interment will follow at Evergreen Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from 1-2 p.m. at the funeral home.URANIA S. ELMORE Mariah D. Andrews, 19, of Panama City Beach, Florida, died Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2017. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today, March 4, 2017, in the Rutherford High School auditorium. Funeral services will begin at 1 p.m. andinterment will follow at Lynn Haven Community Cemetery. To extendcondolences, visit www. D. ANDREWS Billy J. Webb, 83, of Panama City, Florida, died Wednesday, March 1, 2017. A memorialservice will begin at 11 a.m. today, March 4, 2017, at Heritage Funeral Home. Toextend condolences, visit www. J. WEBBNancy R. Barsanti, 78, of Panama City, Florida, died Thursday, March 2, 2017. Agraveside service will begin at 10 a.m. today, March 4, 2017, at Lynn HavenCemetery. Those wishing to extendcondolences may do so at www. R. BARSANTIMarlene Crowe, 75, of Panama City, Florida, died Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2017. A celebration of life willbe announced at a later date. Those wishing to extend condolences may do so atwww. CROWEJohn Wesley Maddox, III, age 68, of Starke, Fla., passed away on Feb. 6, 2017, at his residence. He was born in Port St. Joe, Fla., on May 15, 1948, to the late John Wesley Maddox, Jr. and Evelyn Willette Thompson Maddox. John grew up in Port St. Joe, where he graduated from Port St. Joe High School. He later earned his Bachelors Degree from Troy State University and found his longtime career with the State of Florida. John was employed as a Social Worker in the Payments Division for forty years. Following his retirement, John continued to serve people as a Winn-Dixie Associate in the Starke location. He was an avid Gator sports fan who held season tickets for football and basketball. He was preceded in death by his parents and his nephew, Tom Hardenburg. John was one of nine cousins who is survived by his sister, Jean (Jim) Hardenburg of Lynn Haven, Fla.; his niece, Emily Paul; two great-nephews; one great-niece; and eight cousins. A Graveside Service will be held on Friday, March 17, 2017, at 11 a.m. at Evergreen Memorial Gardens in Bay County, Fla. In lieu of flowers, please make donations to St. Marks Episcopal Church, Post Office Box 487, Starke, FL 32091. Arrangements are under the care and direction of V. Todd Ferreira Funeral Services and Archie Tanner Memorial Chapel, Starke, Fla., 904-964-5757. Visit to sign the familys guest book.JOHN WESLEY MADDOX, IIIGeorge Richard Ivanoff, 85, of Panama City Beach, Florida, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 28, 2017. He was born the son of Milan and Erma Florence Ivanoff on March 11, 1931, in Boston, Mass. Mr. Ivanoff earned his bachelors degree in Fine Arts. He served loyally and faithfully in the United States Navy for 20 years and the Merchant Marines for 27 years. His travels took him to Hawaii, Key West and Connecticut where he met many wonderful friends. He was also a dedicated member of Fleet Reserve Chapter 346 in Panama City Beach. He is preceded in death by his parents, two sisters and three brothers. He is survived by his wife, Dean Ivanhoff; children, Timmy Ivanoff (Debbie), Greg Ivanoff, Tanya Black, Jeff Ivanoff (Amanda); 20 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren; sister, Ann Brobston; and a host of other loving relatives and friends. A Memorial Service will held at 5 p.m. Saturday, March 4, 2017, at Kent-Forest Lawn Funeral Home.The family will receive friends one hour prior to services at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Boy Scouts of Panama City Beach. Arrangements by KentForest Lawn Funeral Home and Cemeteries.Kent-Forest Lawn Funeral Home 2403 Harrison Ave. Panama City, FL 32405 850-763-4694www.kentforestlawn.comGEORGE RICHARD IVANOFFGail (Gelia Keith) Marie Hummel, 79, of Panama City, Florida, passed away peacefully March 1, 2017. Gail had a beautiful spirit and a heart of gold. Her love, compassion and kindness touched the lives of everyone she knew and likewise those she did not. Gail was preceded in death by her husband, Jeryl D. Hummel, Ret. USMC and Bay County School Board; son, Warren Scott Hummel; and daughter, Robin Marie Hummel. She is survived by her loving son, Brian Dale Hummel (wife Sandy and family); her beloved sister, Jean; grandsons, Johnathan Holt and Glenn Engel and great-grandchildren; nieces, Karen and Kim and family; nephews, Keith and Curt and family; and many lifelong friends. Gail will be missed by all but we know she is forever at peace with God. The family will receive friends from 12:30-1:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 5, 2017, at Sims Funeral Home, 201 W. Pennsylvania Ave., Bonifay, Florida. Graveside services will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 5, 2017, at Noma Cemetery with the Rev. Curt Davis officiating. Interment will follow at Noma Cemetery with Sims Funeral Home directing.Sims Funeral Home P.O. Box 686 Bonifay, Fla. 32425 850-547-3841GAIL (GELIA KEITH) MARIE HUMMEL was specifically called upon to investigate in July 2015.Asked which of the findings she found most discouraging, newly elected County Commis-sioner Melanie Nipper responded, Ill take E, for all of the above.Its embarrassing for the county; as a citizen Id be mad,Ž Nipper said. As a county com-missioner, I look at it and say weve got to review it and set deadlines to get things fixed.ŽTwo areas of concern also were uncovered in the countys Clerk of Courts Office. Clerk of Court Alex Alford said he concurs with both findings and is moving to rectify each one.I believe the state comes back in after 18 months to review,Ž Alford said. I assure you the Clerks Office will be in compliance.Ž Assessing, collecting feesThe auditors found the planning department struggled when it came to assessing and collecting fees.Preserva-tion fees and recreational plat fees were not always calculated correctly,Ž the report said. It highlighted one occa-sion in 2008 when the county failed to collect $613,636 in recreational fees and a second time the same year that another $185,000 went uncollected.When looking at preservation fees „ fees assessed so developers can remove more vegetation than the countys development code allows „ auditors found one occasion in which a developer was over-assessed by almost $27,000 and other cases in which developers were under-assessed thou-sands of dollars.Auditors noted county records did not demonstrate an effort on the part of staff to review and approve preservation fee assessments. Absent such review and approvals, there is an increased risk of errors or fraud without timely detection,Ž it read.They also found devel-opment orders were issued in some cases before preservation fees were collected.The report found county proportionate share contribution (PSC) fees „ fees assessed to developers for the wear and tear their projects put on a given road „ were calculated based on outdated statutory provisions.Ž Auditors said the county staff failed to perform a cost-benefit analysis to determine whether it would be more economi-cal ... to assess a PSC fee or an impact fee.ŽAuditors noted three occasions in which PSC fees were not collected. In each case, once dis-covered, the county was able to obtain payment.State investigators also found the county had failed to properly safeguard letters of credit and surety bonds required from developers to ensure projects with infrastructure components, such as stormwater retention areas, are satisfactorily completed.ŽOne surety bond for $469,983 was located in a project file. A planning department employee had placed it there rather than turning it over to the Clerk of Court to be placed in a vault for safekeeping, the report said.Additionally, due to an oversight, department personnel did not create a record of the bond,Ž the report said.Absent established policies and procedures for safeguarding the securities submitted ... there is an increased risk that the security may be lost, stolen or destroyed.Ž Residents voice concernsCounty residents, many of whom long havebeen critical of county government, wondered after viewing the Auditor Generals report if all the planning departments misman-agement was accidental.There is no rational explanation to account for this crooked manage-ment culture,Ž resident Mary Nielson said in an email.County Attorney Mark Davis originally denied citizen efforts to obtain the report via a public record request. The auditors also were critical of the arbitrary nature by which both the county and the Clerk of Courts Office collect administrative fees from the countys Tour-ist Development Council (TDC).Alford said his office historically hadcollected a 3 percent administrative fee from the TDC because that was the maximum fee allowable.Its never been looked at and calculated whether were charging too much,Ž he said.Alford said he intends to tabulate actual costs of services his office renders to the TDC and charge that amount. I think were going to find weve been collect-ing more than we spend,Ž he said.Other than Nipper, who was elected last year, no county commissioner would comment on the Auditor Generals find-ings. Commissioner Sara Comander, who has been in office for 10 years, communicated through a staff member that it would not be appropri-ateŽ to comment before commissioners had an opportunity to discuss the report.Commission Chairwoman Cecilia Jones, who is serving her second term on the commission, responded to a phone call with an email and declined comment. Vet-eran Commissioner Bill Chapman also declined comment.Newly elected Commissioner Tony Anderson did not respond to a request for comment.The report also questioned the countys hiring practices and the way it selects vendors to perform professional services.ŽAuditors found that, in hiring, applicant work experienceŽ was not always verified and hiring officials at times relied upon common knowledgeŽ of a persons employment history rather than seeking documentation.The BCC (Board of County Commissioners) should enhance procedures to ensure that, before individuals are selected to fill position vacancies, verification that the individuals meet the education and expe-rience requirements for the positions are performed,Ž the auditors said. Additional shortcomingsInvestigators also found the county did not always follow its own rules for competitive selection of vendors and that it needed to clarify its policies and proce-dures and firm up rating criteria and instructions for reviewing and evaluating RFQ responses.ŽThe report makes it clear that administrative procedures in Walton County are inconsistent, sloppy and often outdated,Ž former TDC board member Art Miller said in a letter to News Herald sister paper the Northwest Florida Daily News. Policies and procedures in Walton County are like Forrest Gumps box of chocolates; you never know what youre gonna get.ŽThe report also points out that in 2004 a comprehensive study of department operationsŽ found numerous improvements that could be made in the planning department.However, as of September, 2016, the Department had not implemented several of the improvements recommended,Ž the report said.The report did note the county had taken steps to address several of the issues raised by the Auditor Generals Office. The vast majority of those efforts, the report states, were undertaken after then-state Sen. Don Gaetz asked the Auditor General to investigate the department.Gaetz proposed the review in October 2015 after a grand jury investigated the Planning Department and decided to indict former Director Pat Blackshear on perjury charges.The charges stemmed from allegations Blacks-hear lied to investigators about her knowledge of missing recreation fees. Blackshear pleaded no contest to the charges in September 2016.The planning departments most recent director, Wayne Dyess, announced his decision to leave the agency in a letter to County Admin-istrator Larry Jones dated Dec. 13.Dyess cited an oppor-tunity for employment near my familyŽ as his reason for leaving. WALTONContinued from B1Its embarrassing for the county; as a citizen Id be mad. As a county commissioner, I look at it and say weve got to review it and set deadlines to get things xed.ŽCounty Commissioner Melanie Nipper


** B4 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News Herald LIFES A BEACH PHOTOS BY HEATHER HOWARD | THE NEWS HERALDLogan Peters and Brianna Stimson video chat with a friend at the M.B. Miller County Pier. Calvin Carter casts a line at the M.B. Miller County Pier. Tyasia Humphrey, 9, scoops a jar of salt water at the M.B. Miller County Pier. Jesse Lenard takes a photo of the sunset at the M.B. Miller County Pier. A trio of “ shermen walks the M.B. Miller County Pier. Jesslynn Daily, 1, plays in the sand at the M.B. Miller County Pier. 1157505


** The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 B5 LIFES A BEACH PHOTOS BY HEATHER HOWARD | THE NEWS HERALDVanessa Rodriguez, 4, digs in the sand at the M.B. Miller County Pier. Laurie Sandhagen, left, and Pam Grubb walk along the beach at the M.B. Miller County Pier. Frank Alexander and Anne Miller take a sel“ e while relaxing in a hammock at the M.B. Miller County Pier. Skye Abbott and Michaela Shearod take a sel“ e at the M.B. Miller County Pier. Seth Gilmore, left, and Matt Shouse relax by an umbrella at the M.B. Miller County Pier. Eric Kennerly takes a photo of Leidy Valencia and Danny Caceres at the M.B. Miller County Pier. 1157504


** B6 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News Herald PANAMA CITYSuspicious Craigslist post leads to grand theft arrest An investigation into a suspicious posting on Craigslist has led to the arrest of a Bay County man, according to the Bay County Sheriffs Office. BCSO received a complaint Thursday about a suspicious Craigslistposting of a boat trailer being offered for sale. The post was made on the Tallahassee Craigslist site, but the photograph of the trailer was taken at a storage property in Panama City Beach. When contacted by the complainant, the person who was selling the trailer said he did not have title to the trailer, would not provide contact information and eventually blocked further communication with the complainant, according to a BCSO report. Investigators located the actual owner of the trailer, who said he was not selling the trailer and had not authorized anyone to sell it for him. Investigators began surveillance on the trailer and brokered a deal to purchase it. A short time later, Roger Belcher, 44, of Panama City, showed up where the trailer was stored, removed the hitch lock and the Florida tag, and began preparing to connect the trailer to take it with him, BCSO reported. Investigators confronted Belcher and took him into custody. They reported a search of Belcher revealed he was in possession of crystal methamphetamine and syringes for the injection of the drug. Belcher was charged with grand theft, possession of methamphetamine and possession of drug-related paraphernalia. He also wasfound to have outstanding warrants from Okaloosa County for violation of probation in reference to charges of dealing in stolen property.PANAMA CITYBay man gets 7 years for distributing child porn A Bay County man has been sentenced to seven years in federal prison for distributing child porn, according to official reports. Gerald Michael Ward, 31, of Panama City, was sentenced Thursday to 84 months in prison and a lifetime of supervised release. He pleaded guilty Dec. 15 to receipt and distribution of child pornography. In September 2016, law enforcement officers traced child pornography posted in an online chat room to Ward. A search of Wards email accounts and electronic devices revealed dozens of images and videos of child pornography, including a girl as young as 2 years old, bound by her wrists and tied to a bed, in addition to the discovery of images of infants being sexually assaulted, according to court records. Ward also distributed at least 160 images of child pornography online to others engaged in the trafficking of child pornography. Children deserve to be protected from online exploitation, and my office and our law enforcement partners are committed to pursuing child predators who target innocent children,Ž U.S. Attorney Christopher P. Canova said. Seeing this criminal behind bars is a satisfying outcome for HSI special agents, who work diligently to identify child sexual predators and bring them to justice,Ž said Susan L. McCormick, special agent in charge of Homeland Securities Investigation Tampa. The sexual exploitation of children is a despicable crime, and there are serious consequences. HSI remains committed to working with all of our law enforcement partners, as in this case with the Bay County Sheriffs Office, to aggressively pursue those who victimize the most vulnerable members of our society, our children.ŽPANAMA CITYMunicipal Super Tuesday vote-by-mail ballots to be sent out Vote-by-mail ballots are being mailed out starting Tuesday for the following cities:Lynn Haven,Mexico Beach,Panama City Ward 1 andParker. Election day is April 18. To request a ballot, call 784-6100 or visit CITYSchool Choice application window open through March 31 The School Choice window for application for the 2017-18 school year now is open. School Choice applications will be accepted through 4:30 p.m. March 31. School Choice applications are taken online. Applicants should go to https://focus.bayschools. net/focus/, log in to the Parent Portal account and follow the instructions provided there. Parents must have a Parent Portal account with accurate home address information to view student information and to submit a School Choice application. Parents who need to set up a Parent Portal account should go to Parents/Portal.aspx or get information at the students zoned school. A School Choice application is required from any parent whose student meets one of the following criteria: € student has moved out of the current school zone this school year, but wishes to remain at current school (Parent Portal must be updated with the new address, and two proofs of new address provided at the students current school before proceeding with the School Choice application.); € wants to change students current school; € has a child entering kindergarten for the first time and wishes to attend a school other than the zoned school (pre-K students entering kindergarten must register at the zoned school before completing the application); € has a child entering Bay District Schools for the first time in grades 1 through 12, and wishes to attend aschool other than the zoned school. (Must register at zoned school before completing the School Choice application). The following schools are closed to out-ofzone School Choice for the 2017-2018 school year:Breakfast Point (K-fifth grade),Cedar Grove,Deer Point,Lynn Haven,Northside,Patronis,Tyndall and Waller elementary schools;Merritt Brown andMowat middle schools. Regarding high school advanced academic programs, currently enrolled Bay District students who have been accepted into a high school advanced academic program do not need to submit a School Choice application. High school students who have not been previously enrolled in a Bay District School, but have been accepted into an advanced academic program, can enroll directly at the host school for the advanced academic program. Out-of-county students are not eligible for School Choice. They are required to apply annually to attend Bay District Schools. The out-of-county packet will be available online at in June, with notification being sent in August before the start of school. For additional assistance, parents should contact the students zoned school or the School Choice Office at 767-4328.SPRINGFIELDMan charged with selling drugs to undercover cops A local man has been arrested after police said he sold drugs to undercover officers. The Springfield Police Department on Friday announced the arrest of Corey Michael Hunt, 20, on charges of felony sale of a controlled substance. SPD said Hunt used social media on Thursday to announce he had the drugs for sale. Officers responded to the posts and met Hunt in the parking lot of a Springfield business, where they reported he sold them five 10-mg Diazepam pills. Diazepam is a schedule 4 controlled substance, which requires a medical prescription to obtain and possess. SPD reported he also was found to have in his possession 67 acetaminephin/ codeine tablets and nine more Diazepam tablets. Hunt was arrested and charged with sale of a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a church. He also was charged with two counts of possession of a controlled substance with the intent to distribute. He was transported to the Bay County Jail to await a first appearance before a local judge.BAY COUNTYWater main break cuts off Lynn Haven, county customers Several Lynn Haven and Bay County residents are temporarily without water after a water main break at State 390 and Transmitter Road. The water line ruptured about 8 a.m. Friday, cutting off water to customers in the College Point and Derby Woods neighborhoods; from Transmitter Road to East Avenue; along Transmitter Road from State 390 to U.S. 231; in Lynn Haven subdivisions The Landings and The Meadows; and on College Boulevard. The pipe break also affected traffic on State 390. Once water service is returned, the affected areas will be under a precautionary boil water notice until bacteriological surveys can be completed. News Herald staff reportsAREA BRIEFS A “ re dest royed this mobile home at 4200 W. 19th St. in St. Andrews early Friday. Four Panama City Fire Department vehicles and 15 “ re“ ghters, including Batallion Chief Daniel Snapp, responded to the home just before 2 a.m. Friday. They found the home already pouring smoke and “ re from all areas.Ž The homeowner and his dog escaped the home, which PCFD reported sustained heavy heat, smoke and “ re damage and was a total loss. PCFD of“ cials determined the “ re was started by combustible materials kept too close to a “ replace being used as a heat source. [ANDREW WARDLOW/THE NEWS HERALD] ENTERDAILYBETWEENFEBRUARY26TH„MARCH12THENTERAT:NEWSPAPERS.COM/CONTESTS GRANDPRIZEINCLUDES: OV ER A $4,000 VALUE WINTHISVIPEXPERIENCE ATTHE DAYTONATURKEYRUN! LO CAL PRIZESAV AILABLE FourticketstotheeventandVIPparking TwonighthotelstayattheQualityInnDaytona, AKENWOODin-carentertainmentsystemvaluedat$3,000 PersonalmeetandgreetwithMikeHenryandRyanEvans Paradelaparoundthetrack Classiccarphotoshootwithprofessionalphotographer WhiteDiamondandRust-Oleummerchandisekit TheTurkeyRunisthelargestparticipantbasedautoshowintheUSwithmorethan 50,000participants,2,000carsand700vendors.Aworldclassswapmeet,custom carshowandcarcorralinonehugevenueattheDaytonaInternationalSpeedway. MARCH24„26,20171164077


** The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 B7By Lois SwobodaThe Apalachicola TimesALLIGATOR POINT „ Franklin County is eyeing RESTORE funds to repair a portion of roadway badly damaged by Hur-ricane Hermine.At a meeting last month, Franklin County RESTORE Coordinator Alan Pierce told commis-sioners several designs are under consideration to repair storm-damaged roads on Alligator Point. Alligator Drive is the only road connecting Alligator Point to the mainland.For starters, an 1,100foot section of Alligator Drive from George Vause Road to Tom Roberts Road will be a single project.The county has proposed two alternate plans to return the road to pre-storm condition.One design would be to place conventional sheet pile along the road at a cost of about $2.2 million. An alternative plan is to rebuild the rock revetment along the road using very large stones, at an estimated cost of $4 million.The county would have a matching requirement of 11.5 percent, which means it would need to supply $250,000 for the sheet pile or $450,000 for the rock revetment.The matching funds would deplete the Bald Point Trust Fund that has provided matches for repairs on the penin-sula for the past 20 years, though Pierce said it was possible the state would issue a waiver for the match.He said the cost of the projects would probably trigger an environmental assessment and cost/benefit analysis by FEMA, which would add three to six months to the permanent repair process.Pierce said the damaged road from Tom Roberts Road to Chip Morrison Road will be dealt with as a separate project. He said asphalt and concrete rubble will be removed from that site and the original rock revetment repaired. Alternatives proposed for Alligator Point roads BILL NELSON Q&ADuring his meeting Friday with the Bay Chamber of Commerce, Sen. Bill Nelson also took time to answer questions on national issues. ON JEFF SESSIONS POSSIBLE TIES WITH RUSSIA: Well, it doesnt look good. As a matter of fact, Jeff, who I know as a personal friend, I told him that I thought he was gonna have some problems. I did not vote for his con“ rmation, and now that all of this has come down, it really doesnt look good because he should have had the discretion to know not to have several meetings, unless it was just completely innocent conversation. But then to mislead the Senate Judiciary Committee when he was under oath ... And already we know it is substantiated Russians tried to in” uence the election and clearly did, by hacking the emails and then fake news, and the dribbling out of the emails. We know that. Now the question is what was the contact, if any, between the Trump campaign and the Russians? That we need to know because that could be a very serious thing.Ž ON CALLS FOR SESSIONS RESIGNATION: I think its premature to ask for his resignation until we know more. I think he did the right thing recusing himself, but now we need to get to the bottom of it with an independent commission or a special prosecutor.Ž ON ALLEGATIONS VICE PRESIDENT MIKE PENCE USED A PRIVATE EMAIL FOR STATE BUSINESS: It was back when he was governor, and I dont know what the laws of Indiana are, so I cant comment.Ž ON TRUMPS FIRST SPEECH TO CONGRESS: Well I was there. He stuck pretty much to the teleprompter, and therefore I think it was much better received than a lot of previous times where he has gone off script and gone off on different subjects.Ž ON WHETHER TRUMP WILL FOLLOW THROUGH ON PROMISES: He made a lot of promises (during his speech), and I sure hope the promise that he made not only in the speech but back in the campaign on a trillion-dollar infrastructure bill ... Look how much is needed at the Port of Panama City. Look at the needs of our roads and highway s. In Florida alone, there are 200 bridges that the Florida Department of Transportation says are structurally de“ cient. What about all the needs of the airport? What about the needs of getting broadband out into the rural areas so a child in a rural area can get access to broadband just like a child in the city? All of those are urgent, urgent, expensive infrastructure needs, and I certainly agree with that suggestion. As a matter of fact, I “ led a bill for exactly that. Now the question is, lets see if theyll cooperate in paying for it. Thatd be, over 10 years, $100 billion a year. Really would help our industry.ŽPanama City Division of Floridas northern district.Such a move would force those in need of a federal courthouse to travel to Tallahassee or Pensacola.Chamber CEO and Pres-ident Carol Roberts said Panama City has offered up property at Sixth Street and Mulberry Avenue as a possible site for a new courthouse and has talked with the private sector about constructing a facility with a lease.Another option on the table is making space in the old county courthouse.I will try to help you,Ž Nelson said, although he addedhe no longer is able to request an allocation for a federal courthouse because of other politicians abusing the ability to earmark. The old courthouse here is in pretty decrepit condition,Ž Nelson said. So is Pensacolas courthouse, as a matter of fact. They are covered up with mold and mildew, so were having to get a whole new courthouse in Pensacola.ŽDespite a new building appealing to those who might wish to shut-ter Panama Citys division, Nelson said the $10.5 billion contract Eastern Shipbuild-ing Group recently landed with the Coast Guard might help keep the courthouse herebecause of the estimated 2,000 people it will bring to the area.When you start getting more of a major population coming in, with all of the ancillary businesses and families, thats gonna cause there to be a lot more federal action in court, which ulti-mately will demand more of a federal presence,Ž he said.Roberts said closing the courthouse could take away from the county govern-ments income derived from housing federal inmates at the Bay County Jail and lead to long trips outside the area for people involved in court cases.The loss would have a tremendous economic impact on those involved in cases that would have to travel 100 miles in either direction and in most cases would involve overnight or longer stays,Ž she said. This not only affects the legal community but jurors, witnesses and investigators.ŽOne roadblock is the lack of a federal judge in Bay County after the retirement of Judge Richard Smoak in January 2016. Other judges who preside are based in Pensacola or Tallahassee, so Nelson said filling Smoaks spot would relieve a lot of pressure and help keep the courthouse here.Other concerns for Nelson are that courthouses must be secure with holding rooms and enclosed garages for judges because of possible threats against them. Those requirements are now standard procedures and a marked change from past courthouses, he added.Doug Smith, chairman of a Chamber task force to save the courthouse, said Panama City could see its courthouse shut down despite having a higher caseload than in Gainesville.Theres no talk about shuttering Gainesville, the smallest one in the whole district,Ž he said. Its a strange situation.ŽNelson said if the courthouse was moved out of Panama City, the next step would be up to the General Services Administration, an U.S. government agency, and a panel of judges to allo-cate resources depending on caseloads.We are trying to figure out what are the allocation of resources and take care of the federal presence right here in downtown Panama City.Ž News Herald reporter Katie Landeck contributed to this report. NELSONContinued from B1 WHATS HAPPENINGTodayPHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT: at The Light Room, 306 Harrison Ave., Panama City, through March 11. Featuring art by photographers Kathleen Horton, Rich Brooks and Ray Wishart. For details, ANNUAL GIRL SCOUT 5K & FUN RUN: registration opens at 6:30 a.m. at Sharon Shef“ eld Park, Ninth Street and State 77, Lynn Haven. 5K race begins at 8 a.m., followed by the one-mile fun run. Register at the event. For details, or 850-873-3999 BREAKFAST COOKED TO ORDERŽ: 7-11 a.m. at St. Agathas Episcopal Church, 150 Circle Drive, DeFuniak Springs. Menu includes pancakes, eggs, grits, home fries, sausage, bacon, biscuit, yogurt, oatmeal juice, milk, coffee and more. $7.25 for adults; $4 for children under 10. Take-out available. Proceeds bene“ t the church and its historic properties. For details and reservations for large parties, 850-830-7663 20TH ANNUAL RUMMAGE SALE: 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Panhandle Pioneer Settlement, 17869 NW Pioneer Settlement Road, Blountstown. One of the settlements largest rummage sales yet, featuring arts and craft supplies, dishes, kitchenware, lawn and garden tools, electronics, baby items, kids toys and clothes, furniture, bedding, decorations, house hold items, clothes, books and more. For details, 850-674-2777 THE DISTRICT FARMERS MARKET: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The District Theatre, 441 Grace Ave., Panama City. For details, 850-691-2800 JURIED CRAFT AND ART SHOW: 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Panama City Beach Senior Center, 423 Lyndell Lane, Panama City Beach. Sponsored by the Womens Civic Club of Panama City Beach. Free admission. For details, womenscivicclub@ TEACH-A-RAMA: 8:30-11 a.m. at Rosenwald High School, 924 Bay Ave., Panama City, in the Multi-Purpose Room. National Sorority Phi Delta Kappa hosts its annual community education program for K-5 and middle school students and parents. The program is designed to motivate students and encourage parents to partner with schools in support of their childrens educational needs. This years theme is "Getting to the Heart of the MatterŽ with sessions including Building Stronger Home to School Connections; Make and Take Me Home in Math and Reading; Con” ict Resolution; and Self-Care for Me. Event is free; open to the public. Continental breakfast, door prizes and healthy snack packs provided. For details, 850-767-4580 VITA: 8:30 a.m. to noon at A.D. Harris Learning Village, 819 E. 11th St., Panama City. Free income tax “ ling assistance for individuals and families who earned less than $64,000 last year. Bring a copy of last years tax return and Social Security cards for everyone in your household. For details, 850-381-4988 or ST. ANDREWS WATERFRONT FARMERS MARKET: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Smith Yacht Basin beside the Shrimp Boat Restaurant, 12th Street and Beck Avenue. Rain or shine. Vendors, live music, Kids Craft table. For details, or 850-872-7208 RALLY FOR LIZ: registration opens at 8 a.m. before a 9 a.m. shotgun start at Holiday Golf Club, 100 Fairway Blvd., Panama City Beach. $100 per player with prizes for women and men, four-player scramble, food, goodie bags, special contests, raf” es and more. Proceeds support Holidays LPGA Assisstant Golf Professional Liz Kasey, who needs a kidney transplant. For details and registration, elizabeth.kasey05@gmail. com GET TO KNOW FTA HIKE: 9 a.m. meetup across from the SweetBay Welcome Of“ ce, 3204 Heartleaf Ave. East, Panama City, for an easy beginners hike with the Florida Trail Association. Wear comfortable, closedtoe shoes and bring water, sunscreen and a hat as about half the hike is without shade. For details, hiking-central-panhandle/ events GRAND LAGOON WATERFRONT FARMERS MARKET: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Capt. Andersons on Thomas Drive. Enjoy the regions “ nest makers, bakers and growers at PCBs year-round farmers market. Live music, free tastings and family fun. For details, or 850-763-7359 RENAISSANCE FAIR AND SCOTTISH GAMES: 9 a.m to 9 p.m. at Frank Brown Park, 16200 Panama City Beach Parkway, Panama City Beach. The Northwest Florida Fantasy Fair and the Panama City Scottish Festival and Highland Games come together for a day “ lled with medieval reenactments, street performers, storytellers, a human chess game, traditional food and drink and more. For details, 850-252-3821 SEASIDE FARMERS MARKET: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Seaside Amphitheatre. Fresh produce, baked goods, dairy products and other unique offerings, cooking demos and activities. For details, 2017 NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY CAVE DIVING SECTION WINTER WORKSHOP: 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at Citizens Lodge, 4574 Lodge Drive, Marianna. Speakers and workshops throughout the day. Lunch provided. Details and registration, Submit an eventEmail pcnhnews@pcnh. com with Whats HappeningŽ in the subject line. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday events: Due by 5 p.m. Wednesday before Wednesday events: Due by 5 p.m. Monday before Thursday events: Due by 5 p.m. Tuesday before 1166182 1163978 YourKitchenCan BloomAgain! AffordableCustomCabinets! 1DayWoodRestoration CustomCabinets CabinetRefacing&Redooring &MuchMore 850.277.0135 "Callnowforafreequote"Visitusatkitchentuneup.comKitchenTune-UpisLocallyOwned&Operated. 1171982 DiabeticFootCare DiabeticFootwear ChildrensFeet Heel/Archpain Sores&Ulcers ArchSupport SportsInjuries IngrownNails AnkleInjuries BurningFeet GlucoseTesting FracturedToes Hammertoes MusclePain Corns/Warts BoneSpurs Neuromas Calluses Arthritis GoutPhysicians&SurgeonsoftheFootandLeg NewPatientsAlwaysWelcome!PanamaCityOce 850-784-9787 2424FrankfordAve MariannaOce 850-526-3668 30256thStreet www.feitzfootclinic.netDanielE.Feitz,DPM,MS NominatedforNationsTopPodiatrist 20YearsInARow. 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** B8 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News Herald FAITHStephanie Nusbaum, Faith editor, 850-747-5073 Calendar submissions: pcnhnews@pcnh.comBy Mark Berman and Matt ZapotoskyThe Washington PostAuthorities investigat-ing recent bomb threats against Jewish institu-tions nationwide arrested a former journalist Friday morning and said he was behind at least some of the threats, describing them as part of the mans campaign to harass a woman.The arrest in St. Louis appears to be the first made in response to a recent wave of bomb threats at Jewish centers and schools across the country in recent days. Headstones also have been vandalized at Jewish cemeteries in Missouri, Pennsylvania and, most recently, upstate New York.But officials said Friday they dont believe the man „ Juan Thompson, 31 „ was behind all of the calls or the vandalism.The bomb threats against Jewish centers and schools in January and February„ including another string of such calls Monday that evacuated schools in Maryland and Virginia, among other places„ brought the total number of incidents to 100 across dozens of states, according to the Jewish Community Center Association of North America. The threatening behavior, arriving at a time of increased anxi-ety about anti-Semitism, has prompted frenzied evacuations and forced people to scramble from schools, offices and day-care facilities, sometimes pushing cribs carrying young children.Last month, a bomb threat was called in to the Anti-Defamation Leagues (ADL) headquarters in New York. Police said a search did not turn up a bomb.The FBI arrested Thompson on Friday morning in St. Louis, according to the U.S. Attorneys Office in the Southern District of New York.Thompson is a journalist who was fired from The Intercept, an investigative journalism website, for fabricating quotes and misleading colleagues to cover his tracks. In an editors note last year, the publica-tion said Thompson had engaged in a pattern of deceptionŽ and created fake email accounts to impersonate people.We were horrified to learn this morning that Juan Thompson, a former employee of The Intercept, has been arrested in connection with bomb threats against the ADL and multiple Jewish Community Centers in addition to cyberstalk-ing,Ž Charlotte Greensit, The Intercepts managing editor, said in a statement Friday. These actions are heinous and should be fully investi-gated and prosecuted.ŽGreensit said Thomp-son worked at The Intercept from November 2014 until he was fired in January 2016.An FBI spokeswoman said Thompson is not believed to be responsible for all the threats to Jewish community centers across the coun-try. He was arrested in St. Louis, not far from a Jewish cemetery in suburban University City, Missouri, where 150 headstones recently were vandalized, but the spokeswoman said he is not believed to be responsible for that incident. Man charged with threats against Jewish facilitiesCongresswoman Carolyn Maloney, center, a member of Congress bipartisan task force combating antiSemitism, speaks during a news conference Friday addressing bomb treats against Jewish organizations and vandalism at Jewish cemeteries. [BEBETO MATTHEWS/ASSOCIATED PRESSS FILE] By Collin Breaux747-5081 | @PCNHCollinB CollinB@pcnh.comPANAMA CITY „ A poverty simulation expe-rience coming to Panama City will offer a glimpse into life in Third-World conditions from aschool in Uganda to a slum in Kenya and an African prison.Its all part of the Compassion Experience, a traveling simulation illustrating life through the eyes of a child endur-ing third-world poverty, and its next stop will be in Panama City.Northstar Church, 2355 St. Andrews Blvd. in Panama City, will host the Compassion Experience in its parking lot from March 10-13.The tour realistically depicts living conditions in struggling countries, right down to the hardened bread on the tables.When people think of Christians or followers of Jesus, its unfortunately people who dont do things,Ž said North-star campus development pastor Roy Mansfield. But Jesus talked a lot about the marginalized and needy and about people who didnt have the basic needs in their life. Really, as followers of Jesus its about how we treat people in need.ŽIt is the churchs first time hosting the interac-tive event, which tours the country in what it labels a mission trip on wheels,Ž setting up in a truck and attached tent.The event came about through Northstars work with Compassion International, a ministry which gives an opportunity for people to sponsor needy children to help them get out of poverty and con-tribute to the community. Sponsors and donors can help by directly sponsor-ing a child, supporting a child survival center, helping fund education for future leaders and donating needed supplies.The ministry began in the 1950s and aims for children to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults, according to its website.Bay County has stepped up to the challenge, Man-sfield said. Volunteer spots for the event filled quickly, with church members and others in the community helping out with everything from setting up the sim-ulation to guiding people through.The tour, which isclimate-controlled and wheelchair-accessible, is split into two or three experiences, each of which takes about 15 minutes. Participants are guided through a childs daily life through headphone narration and spending time in simu-lated homes and schools.The experience can accommodate groups of up to about 25, and children are encouraged to attend.Depending on how the event goes, Northstar will see about holding it next year, but church officials are confident people will come out and place themselves in the shoes of someone less fortunate.Its an opportunity for people to walk through this experience,Ž Mansfield said. Its a simulation of what a child living in poverty goes through.ŽThe Compassion ExperienceThe Compassion Experience, an interactive simulation of Third World child poverty, will come to Panama Citys Northstar Church from March 10-13. [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS HERALD] People enter a room of the Compassion Experience, which simulates life in developing countries. [SPECIAL TO THE NEWS HERALD] Guided tour to demonstrate living in child poverty Submit your events by emailing pcnhnews@pcnh. com with Church CalendarŽ in the subject line. Saturday, March 4 Day Retreat: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with Mass at 9 a.m. at Our Lady of the Rosary Parish on U.S. 231, sponsored by the East Central Deanery Council of Catholic Women. The theme is Gods Mercy: Loves Response to Sin through the Sacrament of Confession.Ž Speakers: Fr. Richard Schamber and Fr. Kevin McQuone, with two talks and a light lunch served, with confessions at 2 p.m. Details: 763-1821 NCCA Ushers Ministry Annual Black History Program: 3 p.m. at H.C. McCray Building, 209 Detroit Ave. Details: Bro. Copeland 624-6033 Sunday, March 5 A Touch of Faith, Women In Red: 3 p.m. at St. John Baptist Church, 1021 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Panama City. Details: 763-7222 Armand & Angelina: 11 a.m. at Unity of Panama City, 1764 Lisenby Ave., Panama City, with Celebration Message at 1 p.m. International performers and recording artists Armand and Angelina They offer an uplifting message full of humor, passion for life and love for each other with a blend of rock and opera incorporating Native American ” ute. Come see them and learn a new twist on giving and receiving. Plan to stay for the Flute Playshop, $20, after the Celebration Service. Details:, unitypc” or 850-769-7481 Thursday to Saturday, March 9-11 Revival: 7 p.m. nightly March 9-11 at Holy Vessel Outreach Ministry, 142 Claire Ave., Spring“ eld. Conducted by Bishop Tommy and Prophetess Barbara Bell, who invite the community to come celebrate and fellowship with them. Details: 561-379-4084 Saturday, March 11 Pack-a-Pew Program: 6 p.m. at Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, 1047 E. 13th Court, Panama City. Details, 850-628-2173 Sunday, March 12 Sister to Sister Day: 11 a.m. at The Greater Bethel AME Church, 829 Hamilton Ave, Panama City. In honor of Womens History Month, the church will have a special celebration, You are MY SISTER: God Calls US to Know Him and YOU.Ž The keynote speaker is Sis. Carolyn J. Smith, Mt. Zion AME Church, Dade City. All are invited to come and enjoy the fellowship. Details: 904327-9559 or 850-785-9612 Friday, March 17 Brothers United of Bay County in Concert: 7 p.m. at Rutherford High School, 1000 School Ave. Panama City, featuring The Gospel Imperial of Huntsville, Ala., Willie Lawrence & the Spiritual Five of Eufaula, Ala. Advance tickets: $15, at door $20, and may be purchased at Wilson Brothers Barber Shop, Shirleys Blessed Tress Salon or any Brothers United of Bay County Member. Details: 276-4719 Appreciation Service: 7:30 p.m. at The Body of Christ Jesus Church, 106 Harbor St., Port St. Joe. An Appreciation Service for Pastor/ Overseer Wilhelmina Williams. Details, 850-229-2646 or 850-541-4474 Saturday, March 18 Appreciation Service: 7:30 p.m. at The Body of Christ Jesus Church, 106 Harbor St., Port St. Joe. An Appreciation Service for Pastor/ Overseer Wilhelmina Williams. Details, 850-229-2646 or 850-541-4474 FAITH CALENDARWANT TO GO?What: The Compassion Experience, an interactive simulation of Third World child poverty When: March 10, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; March 11, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.; March 12, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; March 13, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Where: Northstar Church Panama City campus, 2355 St. Andrews Blvd. Cost: Free Details: cts.compassion. com/events/620 AreaEpiscopalChurches WelcomeYou HOLYNATIVITY747-4000 222NorthBonitaAve.,PanamaCity32401(IntheCove) HolyEucharist8:00am&10:30am,Chr.Ed.9:15am Formoreinfowww.holy-nativity.orgSTANDREWS763-7636 1620W.BeachDr.,PanamaCity32401 HolyEucharist10:00am Formoreinfowww.standrewsbythebay.orgST.PATRICKS769-1188 4025E.Hwy98,PanamaCity32404(EastofTransmitter) HolyEucharist10:00am Formoreinfowww.stpatrickspanamacity.orgGRACE235-4136 9101PanamaCityBeachPkwy,PanamaCityBeach32407(Hwy98) HolyCommunionSun@8:00am&10:30am,Chr.Ed.,9:15am HolyCommunionWed.5:45pm Formoreinfowww.gracespirit.orgSTTHOMASBYTHESEA, LAGUNABEACH234-2919204081stAve.andWisteriaLane,PanamaCityBeach32413(PCBPkwyExitL) Sunday8:30amAdultChr.Ed.&9:30amHolyEucharistFormoreinfowww.stthomasbytheseapcb.org1163650


** The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 C1 SPORTS BASKETBALL | C3COLLEGE HOOPSMens and womens college basketball roundups COMBINE | C2NUMBERS GAMECollege receivers, quarterbacks and running backs have been putting up gaudy stats in wide-open o enses. But how do those big numbers actually translate to the NFL? By Pat McCann The News HeraldSPRINGFIELD „ This much was learned Friday night in Bays 5-4 win in eight innings over host Rutherford.Perhaps reinforced is a better term for it.Rutherford right-hander Trace Mills is one tough hombre. Bays Marquez Oates received an object lesson to always bring along his protective cup, even if he is scheduled to pitch instead of catch.So of course it was Oates, who in a previous at-bat had been laid out by fouling off a pitch that bounced up and caught him below the belt, who drilled a run-scoring double in the eighth to score Dawson Erbacher with the winning run.Erbacher, who relieved on Tuesday night and couldnt find home plate with GPS, was the winning pitcher with two strong innings on the mound.It was pretty wild,Ž Ruth-erford coach Cody Chizmar said. Then he summed up the effort of Mills, who two weeks earlier was in the emergency room after being struck in the face with a thrown ball and had to undergo plastic surgery.He was only cleared to play yesterday,Ž Chizmar said. Hes one of the toughest kids Ive ever been around.ŽMills pitched into the sev-enth inning, leaving with a runner on second and one out. Nolan Gildea relieved and stranded the runner, but the Rams (1-3) couldnt answer in the bottom half. Erbacher was hit by a pitch with one out in the eighth and Rashard Lucas walked inten-tionally after Amilcar Torres bunted Erbacher to second.That brought up Oates, who when leading off the seventh was in obvious pain while stretched out on the infield grass for nearly 5 minutes.Its like I told my coach, I live for this moment,Ž Oates said of coming to the plate with the potential winning run on second. Hey, a win is a win.Ž Even a painful one. Oates pitched five innings, then was forced behind the plate when starting catcher Sam Clement was ejected for what apparently was ruled a malicious tag at home plate following a rundown that produced the final out of the fifth inning.Bay coach Andrew Starr BAY WINS IT IN EIGHTHRutherfords Nolan Gildea is out at home during a key play in the “ fth inning on Friday. Sam Clement applies the tag for Bay. [PATTI BLAKE/THE NEWS HERALD] Rutherfords Trace Mills pitched into the seventh inning just two weeks after suffering a serious injury. [PATTI BLAKE/THE NEWS HERALD] ByPaul NewberryThe Associated PressHAMPTON, Ga. „ Kevin Harvick knows he can go fast at Atlanta Motor Speedway.Now he wants to win the race.Harvick took the pole for the second race of the NASCAR Monster Energy Cup season on Friday, turning a lap of 190.398 mph in the third round of qualifying.Harvick has led more laps than anyone at each of the last three Atlanta races, a total of 442 laps in all. He failed to win any of them.Its frustrating,Ž he said. Hopefully this year we can close it out.ŽRyan Newman will start on the outside of the front row Sunday after posting a speed of 189.870. They were followed by Kyle Busch (189.850), Ricky Stenhouse Jr. (188.854) and Brad Keselowski (188.783).That was good,Ž said Newman, who is looking to bounce back from a disappointing 2016 season. Harvick just slipped in there and beat us.ŽKurt Busch, who captured the seasonopening Daytona 500, was 13th. Two-time defending Atlanta race winner Jimmie Johnson settled for the 18th spot.Five cars did not pass inspection in time to get on the track. Michael McDowell, Cole Whitt, Jeffrey Earnhardt, Der-rike Cope and Cody Ware were not able to attempt a lap in the first round of qualifying, but no one will be sent home with only 39 entries for the 40-car field.Unlike the previous Harvick captures the pole at Atlanta Motor SpeedwayKevin Harvick holds the trophy after winning the pole for the NASCAR Monster Energy Cup. [JOHN AMIS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] The News HeraldGulf Coast pitchers yielded 14 hits and the Commodores made four errors behind them as the teams 14-game winning streak ended on Friday with a 7-3 loss to Chattahoochee Valley in junior college baseball in Phenix City, Alabama.Gulf Coast ended its pre-conference schedule with a 19-3 record.Starting pitcher Trey Leonard gave up 10 hits in five innings and reliever Greg Loukinen surrendered two insur-ance runs in the bottom of the eighth inning to the Pirates, 14-3.The Commodores trailed throughout after Chattahoochee Valley scored twice in the bottom of the first inning. Gulf Coast scored all of its runs in the top of the fourth against starter and winner Pierce Smith to get within 4-3 before the Pirates pulled away.Jordan Tylski had two hits for Gulf Coast and Eli Taylor drove in two runs. For Chattahoochee Valley, Jaylen Smith had a single, two doubles and two runs batted in and John Foster had a single, home run and three RBIs.Gulf Coast is idle until hosting Northwest Flor-ida State on Tuesday in the Panhandle Confer-ence opener. SoftballPayton Carpenter kept to a minimum the damage of giving up eight hits and Kynadi Tipler had two hits and two RBIs as Gulf Coast defeated Mississippi Gulf Coast 5-1 Friday in its first game of the Jimmy Stewart Classic GC men fall short, women take twoSee BAY, C4 See GC, C4 See NASCAR, C4


** C2 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News Herald SPORTS TICKER IN BRIEFGOLFMcIlroy feels better, takes 2-shot leadMEXICO CITY „ Rory McIlroy holed out from the 14th fairway for eagle on his way to a 6-under 65 on Friday to build a twoshot lead at the Mexico Championship.McIlroy got 14 hours of sleep to help overcome a stomach virus and said he was feeling better.His game looked better than ever.In his first tournament in seven weeks because of a rib injury, McIlroy made six birdies and an eagle. He missed a 3-foot birdie on the last hole, but still led by two over Phil Mickelson, Justin Thomas and Ross Fisher. Thomas had a 66, and Mickelson and Fisher each shot 68.LPGA: Inbee Park made a birdie on the last hole Friday to take a one-stroke lead over Michelle Wie and two others after two rounds of the LPGAs Womens Champions tournament. Park lost her place atop the leaderboard when she made a double-bogey on the 12th hole, her only blemish in two rounds at the Sentosa Golf Club, but regained her composure with birdies on the 14th and 18th holes. European Tour: Alexander Bjork kept a share of the lead and was joined on 10 under by Scott Jamieson on Friday after two rounds of the Tshwane Open. They lead James Morrison by one stroke, with three players a shot further back in a tie for fourth.NFLJets release veteran WR MarshallNEW YORK „ Brandon Marshall is on the move again „ and the New York Jets roster purge of big-name players with big salaries continues.The Jets on Friday released the well-traveled wide receiver and cleared $7.5 million on the salary cap.Marshall is the latest star to be cut by the Jets, who have also parted ways with Darrelle Revis, Nick Mangold, Nick Folk and Breno Giacomini this offseason. New York has cleared nearly $46 million in cap space during the past few weeks.TRACK & FIELDFredericks turns himself over to IOC ethics commissionLONDON „ Former Olympic sprinter Frankie Fredericks has turned himself over to the IOC ethics commission following a French news-paper report linking him to a payment from a man who has been banned for life from track and field for corruption.The payment of $299,300 to an offshore company linked to Fred-ericks came in 2009 on the day that Rio de Janeiro was awarded hosting rights for the 2016 Olympics, French newspaper Le Monde reported Friday.Fredericks, a Namibian sprinter who won silver medals in the 100 and 200 meters at both the 1992 and 1996 Olym-pics, is a member of the International Olympic Committee and currently the head of the evaluation commission for the 2024 Olympics. „ The Associated Press By Michael MarotThe Associated PressINDIANAPOLIS „ East Carolinas Zay Jones came to the NFLs annual scouting combine with some pretty lofty credentials.The son of three-time Super Bowl champion Robert Jones finished college as the FBS career receptions leader. Here, in Indianapolis, hes just another guy in a crowded room of record-breaking players.A few spaces to his right is Eastern Washingtons Cooper Kupp, who caught more balls than Jones. Western Michigans Corey Davis, the FBS career yardage leader, spoke in the pre-vious group. Jones knows both and is thrilled just to be included in the crowd.Cooper and Corey are great players and its phenomenal to be around them,Ž Jones said with a smile. You know what people sometimes forget is that Im a football fan as well, so when I get to see them here its fun.ŽThe numbers indicate theyve had some fun playing football over the past four or five years, too.Jones set a singleseason FBS record with 158 receptions in 2016 and finished his career with 399 catches for 4,279 yards at the only school that offered him a scholarship.Davis had 331 catches for 5,278 yards and 52 touchdowns after taking a chance on a first-year coach who made a late recruiting pitch.Kupp, a four-time All-American, wound up with 423 receptions, 6,464 yards and 73 touchdowns after a late growth spurt helped him become a pro-totypically sized receiver at 6-foot-2, 205 pounds.But in a league where coaches and general managers crave produc-tivity these video game like numbers are viewed skeptically.In those evaluative opportunities, whether its in a game situation or here at the combine, youve got to determine what youre looking for and what youre going to ask the guy to do,Ž Houston Texans general manager Rick Smith said. Then youve got to project in some instances, especially when youre talking about spread offenses or things guys are doing that arent nec-essarily indicative of what youre going to ask him to do in your scheme.ŽIt sounds strange in a league where numbers often dictate everything from a coachs fate to Pro Bowl selections to who gets drafted.The problem is that the rise of spread offenses a longer schedule and the implementation of over-time has rendered some of the old measuring tools sticks obsolete.Patrick Mahomes II, the son of a former Major League Baseball pitcher, led the FBS with 5,052 yards last season and didnt even set a Texas Tech single-season record. League struggles to make sense of crazy college statsBy John MarshallThe Associated PressThe Big East has been strong at the top, led by defending national champion Villanova.The second-ranked Wildcats (23-3, 14-3 Big East) won the regular-season conference title and will be the No. 1 seed in next weeks Big East Tournament regardless of what happens today against Georgetown.No. 13 Butler (23-6, 12-5) is in good shape for the NCAA Tour-nament and Creighton (23-7, 10-7) should be as well despite dropping out of the AP Top 25 this week.The other four Big East teams on the NCAA bubble may still have some to work to do „ or at least avoid a bad loss.Seton Hall (19-10, 9-8) avoided a misstep in one of those cant-lose games by beating Georgetown. The Pirates can help their resume by beating No. 13 Butler, but still should be in good NCAA shape barring a quick exit in the conference tournament.Providence (19-11, 9-8) had a similar win by beating DePaul this week, but cant afford losing to St. Johns today or an early confer-ence tournament exit. The Friars already lost to St. Johns once this season, one of several bad losses already on their resume.Marquette (18-11, 9-8) has proven it can score and has a win over then-No. 1 Villanova on its resume. The Golden Eagles have trouble on the defensive end, though, which has put them on the bubble. Marquette beat fellow bubble team Xavier on Tuesday and has a big potential booster today, facing Creighton in Milwaukee.Xavier (18-12, 8-9) was once among the elite teams in the conference. Then point guard Edmond Sumner went down with a torn ACL, sending the Muske-teers into a tail spin.Xavier also had to play without Trevon Blueitt in two games and had its losing streak stretched to six with the loss to Marquette. The Musketeers end the season against DePaul, a game they cant afford to lose.Takin care of bid-nessOn the riseNorthwestern: The Wildcats long wait to “ nally reach the NCAA Tournament may be over. Northwestern (21-9, 10-6 Big Ten) had a rough go two weeks ago with losses to Illinois and Indiana, but followed that up with a win over fellow bubbler Michigan. Still, when youve never been to the big dance, the wait is going to be nerve-wracking. Nevada: The Wolf Pack (24-6, 13-4 MWC) have bounced back from two losses in three games with a “ ve-game winning streak. They face a big game against Colorado State and may have to hope the Mountain West is a two-bid conference if they dont win the MWC Tournament. Michigan State: Even with a loss to Illinois this week, the Spartans (18-12, 9-7 Big Ten) appear to be in decent shape in a season that looked lost early. A loss to Maryland today and an early exit in the conference tournament could change that. Wake Forest: The Demon Deacons (17-12, 8-9 ACC) were in dire need of a marquee win and got one on Wednesday, knocking off No. 8 Louisville 88-81. A win over Virginia Tech today could help even more.Fading hopesCalifornia: The Bears (19-10, 10-7 Pac-12) were already teetering on the bubble and a 30-point loss to Utah Thursday night is not going to push the needle forward. Cal may need to beat Colorado and a deep Pac-12 Tournament run to reach the dance. VCU: The Rams (23-7, 13-4 A10) appeared to be a lock, then last week happened. Losses to Rhode Island and Dayton put a lot more importance on todays home game against George Mason; they still appear to be on the right side of the bubble thanks to a strong RPI, but cant afford to lose this one. Houston: The Cougars (20-9, 11-6 AAC) failed on a chance for a resume-boosting win this week, losing 65-47 to No. 18 Cincinnati. Now Houston likely has to avoid losing to East Carolina and make a deep run in the conference tournament to have a shot. Tennessee: The Vols (15-15, 7-9 SEC) may need to win the SEC Tournament after losing six of their last eight games, including LSU on Wednesday. Big East eyeing 7 NCAA Tournament berthsMarquettes Jajuan Johnson goes up to dunk against Xavier Wednesday. [JOHN MINCHILLO/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] From left, Butler, Villanova and Creighton all are in good position to make the NCAA Tournament. The Big East may get as many as seven teams in the Big Dance. [ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTOS]


** The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 C3 The News HeraldEBRO „ The Grade II Fountain of Youth Stakes and Grade III Gotham Stakes highlight racing around the nation today with both traditional lead-up races for the Kentucky Derby simulcast at Ebro Greyhound Park.The Fountain of Youth is run at Gulfstream Park while the Gotham will be decided at Aqueduct.Unbeaten Irish War Cry will be featured in the Fountain Of Youth following his victory in the Holy Bull. In the $300,000 Gotham, El Areeb is on a four-race win streak and is 6-5 on the morning line.So Conflated may have the best chance to beat him El Areeb and Practi-cal Joker could go off as the favorite in the Fountain of Youth.Gulfstream will have nine stakes with the undercard including the Grade II Davona Dale and Grade II Mac Diarmida. The Aqueduct support card features the Heavenly Prize Invitational.Santa Anita will have a feature race double today and Sunday with the Grade III Santa Ysabel Stakes and Grade III Las Flores Stakes the highlights.Greyhounds: The finals of the Derby Lane Sprint Classic tops the grey-hound simulcast offering. The 10th race of the evening card has Bella Gigan coming off three consecu-tive elimination wins, the most recent by 5 lengths in the top elimination time of 30.51 seconds. Kentucky Kat, second by a head on Wednesday, likely will go off the favorite with eight wins in 11 starts. Barts Mr Peabody has been getting better every round and edged Kentucky Kat their last start.Bs Mayor Maynot won by 7 on Wednesday and is 8-13 out of the 1 hole in the evening sixth. Lego Andrew has made eight quinielas in 12 starts and has the 1 box for the matinee sixth race.At Orange Park, GS Carrie should supply the early speed for the evening 15th, but TLKs Wisteria has won three of five, WW Blair is four of eight including a win in Grade A and Pat C Hartie has made six consec-utive trifectas. LN Michaels has won three straight and four of six entering the evening 11th against Bocs Queen Lady, three of her last six. Bocs Andross is 15-16 in the trifecta for the evening ninth and Lee Raven is 12-15 in the quiniela in the same race.Pat C Faro comes into the matinee 12th at Palm Beach with four wins in her last six and is 11-22 over-all. FF Moorea has won three straight to return to Grade A. At Sarasota, Ls Lissie has won three of her last six heading into the matinee 10th and is 8-26 overall. Mega Glenda Girls has made six consecutive trifectas.Top payoffs: Top 10 payoffs, $304,179.78, $60,751.60, $39,192.80, $34,820.40, $25,522.80, $21,516.30, $18,058.80, $14,569.80, $13,620.20, $13,175.10.Fountain of Youth headlines simulcast o ering The Associated PressCONWAY, S.C. (AP) „ Keyona Hayes and Adrienne Motley each scored 12 points to help No. 16 Miami hold off eighth-ranked Florida State 56-54 on Friday night in the ACC Tourna-ment quarterfinals.The Hurricanes (23-7) will face Duke or Syracuse in the semifinals today. Seventh-seeded Miami led 54-45 midway through the fourth quar-ter before Florida State rallied to 56-54 on Leticia Romeros 3-pointer with 1:53 left.After both teams came up empty on offensive possessions, Laura Cor-nelius runner for Miami rimmed out with 55.5 sec-onds left.Florida State (25-6) got four chances in the final 30 seconds to tie the game, but shot after shot wouldnt drop. The final opportunity came when Ivey Slaughter was fouled with 4.9 seconds left, but she missed both free throws the second on purpose. Miami corralled the rebound and ran out the clock.Romero led the second-seeded Seminoles with 14 points, and Shakayla Thomas added 13.Miami led 20-18 in the second quarter before scoring five straight points, including a 3 by Cornelius. Hayes scored all seven points during a 7-2 run to extend the lead to 11.The Hurricanes led 33-25 at halftime and the teams traded baskets for most of the second half before Miami had its 54-45 advantage. Notre Dame 76, Virginia 59CONWAY, S.C. „ Arike Ogunbowale scored 19 points and Brianna Turner added 16 to help No. 3 Notre Dame beat Virginia.Lindsay Allen had 12 points and 10 assists, breaking the conferences all-time assist record, for the top-seeded Irish (28-3). Notre Dame will face No. 14 Louisville today in the semifinals.With the game tied at 30 late in the second quarter, the Irish scored 16 of the next 20 points spanning the half to take a 12-point lead. Ogunbowale scored the final five points of the burst with her 3-pointer making it 46-34 with 6:40 left in the third quarter.The eighth-seeded Cavaliers (19-12) couldnt get closer than six the rest of the game.Breyana Mason scored 13 points to lead Virginia. Louisville 59, N.C. State 58CONWAY, S.C. „ Asia Durr scored 28 points to help No. 14 Louisville beat 17th-ranked North Carolina State.The fifth-seeded Cardinals (27-6) advance to the semifinals for the third consecutive season.Trailing 58-57 with 19.4 seconds left Myisha Hines-Allen hit two free throws for the Cardinals.N.C. State had a final chance but Miah Spencer missed a shot in the lane and DD Rodgers follow was no good.Louisville held N.C. State without a basket for 5 minutes going up 57-53 on Mariya Moores basket midway through the final period. Chelsea Nelson made two free throws and Dominique Wilson hit a 3-pointer with 1:35 left to give the Wolfpack (22-8) a 58-57 lead, ending the long field goal drought.After both teams had empty possession, Hines-Allen was fouled with 19.4 seconds left.Women: Miami edges Florida State 5654 The Associated PressATLANTA „ Kyrie Irving scored 43 points, LeBron James had 38 and the Cleveland Cavaliers set the NBA regularseason record with 25 3-pointers as they turned back Atlantas late rally to beat the Hawks 135-130 on Friday night.After Paul Millsaps baseline jumper over James cut Clevelands lead to 124-123, Kyle Korver „ who was traded from Atlanta to the Cavaliers on Jan. 7 „ hit the record-breaking 3-pointer to pad the lead.Cleveland made 25 of 46 3s to break a record that stood less than three months. Houston made 24 treys in a 122-100 win over New Orleans on Dec. 16.Tim Hardaway Jr. made five of nine 3-pointers and led the Hawks with a career-high 36 points. Millsap had 27 points.The Cavaliers set the high-scoring pace by scoring 39 points in the first period. The Hawks also shot well, making 55.6 percent of their shots in the first half, but still trailed 77-60 at the break.It was an impressive showing by Cleveland, which signed free-agent center Andrew Bogut on Thursday. Bogut has not yet joined the team.Hardaways breakaway jam cut the Cleveland lead to six points at 121-115, but James answered with a 3-pointer.Hardaway had too little scoring help for the Hawks to keep pace with the Cavaliers.The Cavaliers made 14 of 23 3-pointers in the first half. Cleveland finished four points shy of their season high before halftime. It had 81 points in the first half of a 137125 win over Portland on Nov. 23.RAPTORS 114, WIZARDS 106: DeMar DeRozan scored 32 points, including a key 3-pointer late, and grabbed 13 rebounds in Torontos victory over Washington. Norman Powell added a season-high 21 points, including 14 in the fourth quarter, to help the Raptors pulled back into a tie with the Wizards for third place in the Eastern Conference. Toronto also secured a 2-1 victory in the season series, a potential tiebreaker for playoff seeding, two days after losing to Washington 105-96 in the “ rst game of a home-and-home set. John Wall scored 30 points, and Bradley Beal added 27 for Wizards. 76ERS 105, KNICKS 102: Justin Anderson made the go-ahead basket with 24.3 seconds left and matched his career high with 19 points in Philadelphia victory over New York. Acquired from Dallas last week in the deal that sent Nerlens Noel to the Mavericks, Anderson hit his “ rst seven shots and forced Knicks star Carmelo Anthony into 5-for-18 shooting. Dario Saric had 12 of his 21 points in the fourth quarter, and Robert Covington added 16 points. The 76ers snapped a three-game losing streak, winning their “ rst game since announcing Wednesday that Joel Embiid was done for the season with a knee injury. Lance Thomas had a season-high 21 points for the Knicks. MAGIC 110, HEAT 99: Nikola Vucevic scored 25 points and Aaron Gordon had 21 points and 10 rebounds to help Orlando beat Miami. The Magic beat the Heat for the third straight time to win the season series 3-1. After trailing by as many as 19 points in the second half, Miami made it interesting with Wayne Ellington and James Johnson coming off the bench to hit some big shots. But with starting guards Goran Dragic and Dion Waiters struggling from the “ eld, the comeback attempt fell short. James Johnson led Miami with 19 points. BUCKS 112, CLIPPERS 101: Giannis Antetokounmpo had 24 points and eight assists, and Milwaukee squandered an early 23-point lead before “ nishing strong to hold off turnover-prone Los Angeles. Greg Monroe also had 24 points for the Bucks. They watched their early edge dwindle to 77-74 late in the third quarter following four 3s in the period by Chris Paul. The Bucks reasserted control with a 15-2 run for a 92-76 lead with about 9 minutes left. Paul and Blake Grif“ n each had 21 points for the Clippers. They had a season-high 23 turnovers.Cavs make regular-season record 25 3s, top HawksAtlanta Hawks forward Paul Millsap (4) defends against the shot of Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James (23) in the “ rst half Friday in Atlanta. [BRETT DAVIS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] 1169587 1036267


** C4 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News Herald The News HeraldKISSIMMEE „ Arnold sent three of its five wrestlers into the semifinals with two wins in their weight class on Friday in the Class 1A state wrestling championships at Silver Spur Arena.They were joined by Burley Parker of Wewahitchka, who posted two impressive wins at 152 pounds to also move on.Arnolds William Pickren (132), Richie McClanahan (138) and Cole Maddox (170) inched closer to the medals podium at their weight class.The Marlins Ethan Pickren, who placed second at state as a freshman, was not as fortunate as he split his two matches at 126 pounds. Pickren earned a 5-2 deci-sion in his opener, but fell into wrestlebacks with a 2-0 loss to Gabriel Ramirez of Immokalee in the quarterfinals.Also losing in his quarterfi-nal match at 152 pounds was region champion Drew St. Amant of Arnold. St. Amant won his opening match 9-2, then was edged 4-3 by Adonis Concepcion of Cardinal Gibbons.The only other area wres-tler to win a match on Friday was Maximilliano Martinez of Marianna, who split two matches at 152 pounds.William Pickren and Richie McClanahan each have medaled three times at state and McClanahan won a state title as a sophomore in 2015. Maddox is attempting to medal for the first time in his second experience at state. Ethan Pickren and St. Amant, as well as Martinez, will have to journey through wrestlebacks to mount the podium Saturday.Semifinals begin at 8:30 a.m. CSTSaturday and championship matches are scheduled for 5:30 p.m.Parkers Wewahitchka teammates Jackson Vines (160) and Malachi Daven-port (182) were eliminated on Friday with two defeats.Also eliminated were Gabe Meyers of Bay at 120 pounds, Yakeif Duncan of Rutherford at 182 and Garrett Hester of North Bay Haven at 195.Results of area wrestlers, by weight class, follow: 120 „ Gabe Meyers, Bay dec. by Alexander Prunonski, Clearwater Central Catholic 11-5. Dec. by Vincent Menozzi, Lake Highland Prep 7-0. 126 „ Ethan Pickren, Arnold dec. Jake Wheeler, Bishop Moore 5-2. Dec. by Gabriel Ramirez Immokalee 2-0. 132 „ William Pickren, Arnold pinned Max Manning, St. Stephens Episcopal School 0:55. Pinned Dakota Ellerbee of Hernando 3:04. Semi“ nals vs. Solen Sheppard of Gulf. 138 „ Richie McClanahan, Arnold pinned Oscar Lacayo, Key West 2:27. Pinned Daylon Hutchins Dunbar 0:34. Semi“ nals vs. Frankie Talshahar of American Hertigae Delray Beach. 152 „ Drew St. Amant, Arnold dec. Marcus Stanley, Dunbar 9-2. Dec. by Adonis Concepcion Cardinal Gibbons 4-3. Maximilliano Martinez, Marianna dec. Marlon Moreta, Lely 6-3. Dec. by Max Cosmides Lake Highland Prep 7-1. Burley Parker, Wewahitchka maj. dec. Jovon Cine, Sarasota Military Academy 16-6. Pinned Nestor Nunez Mater Lakes Academy 3:50. Semi“ nals vs. Max Cosmides Lake Highland Prep. 160 „ Jackson Vines, Wewahitchka pinned by Jake Brindley, Lake Highland Prep 2:50. Dec. by Jamal Wesley, Fivay 8-1. 170 „ Cole Maddox, Arnold maj. dec. Prince Hall, Jupiter Christian 13-2. Dec. Wilber Thomas, Apopka 11-7. Semi“ nals vs. Nick Benton, Somerset. 182 „ Yakeif Duncan, Rutherford maj. dec. by Raul Gierbolini, Somerset 16-3. Dec. by Foster Hawthorne, Brooksville Central 11-7. Malachi Davenport, Wewahitchka tech. fall by Michael Lopouchanski, Cardinal Gibbons 15-0. Pinned by Harry Williams, Hernando 1:21. 195 „ Garrett Hester, North Bay Haven maj. dec. by Zaqueri Viers, Space Coast 19-7. Maj. dec. by Eric Chavarria, Booker 13-4.Area quartet reaches 1A semi nals The News Herald BOYS WEIGHTLIFTINGBay takes Arnold meetPANAMA CITY BEACH „ Bays boys won a six-team weightlifting meet at Arnold High School, finishing with 60 points, followed by Arnold with 53, Bozeman with 38, Mosley with 32, North Bay Haven with 25, and Rutherford with 12.Individual results: 119: 1. Alexander Zapata A 175-140-315, 2. Patrick Taylor B 170-135-305, 3. Silas McWaters Boz 120-130250, 4. Josh Smith A 115-120-235, 5. Tavian Levy M 130-100-230, 6. Dylan Crawford Boz 115-105-220. 129: 1. Damien Stayer B 200-195-395, 2. Johnathon Hurley A 205-185-390. 3. Michael Thompson M 190-185-375, 4. Brian Zerr Boz 160-180-340, 5. Grant Lord N 180145-325, 6. Kameron Merritt A 165-145-310. 139: 1. Gavyn Collins B 250-225-475, 2. Chandler Mulholland A 235-190-425, 3. Austin Bradley A 210-190-400, 4. David Brownlee Boz 175-180-355, 5. Jakell King B 185-165-350, 6. Trevor Fincher N 185-165-350. 154: 1. Jacob Abbott 280-245-525, 2. Malik Gibson R 235200-435, 3. Gemerious Smith B 235-195-430, 4. Caleb Cortez A 215-205-420, 5. Cody Meeks N 205-185-390, 6. Triston Tiller Boz 195-185-380. 169: Julio Pineiro Boz 1. 260-230-490, 2. Cam Butler B 215-205-420, 3. Hunter Kruger Boz 195-205-400, 4. Jake Lashbrook A 200-195-395, 5. Liam Fisher A 115-120-235, 6. Adam Knight N 0-190-190. 183: 1. Chris Creel M 325-275-600, 2. John Miller M 305-225-530, 3. Cameron Hofmeister Boz 265-265-530, 4. Alex Davis B 285-235-520, 5. Jack Pask A 255-200-455, 6. Tyler Pegnataro N 230-220-450. 199: 1. Dalton Lykins A 275-265-540, 2. Nick OBrien M 275-245-520, 3. Matt Giese N 260-250-510, 4. Houston Hutto Boz 240-255-495, 5. Danterius Ghant B 260-225-485, 6. Deshawn Gipson B 235-230-465. 219: 1. Joe Boehm B 280-265-545, 2. Demond Ross B 245235-480, 3. Colton Denham N 240-210-450, 4. Jay May Boz 210-225-435, 5. James Cancilla Boz 230-205-435, 6. Mike Gazia A 235-195-430. 238: 1. Justin Pippin B 305-250-555, 2. Will Dempsey M 275-225-500, 3. Trey Egert N 220-210-430, 4. Matt Stephenson M 200-210410, 5. Ethan Conrad N 155-145-300, 6. Coby Lopanec A 45-45-90. UNL: 1. Travaries Williams R 310-275-585, 2. Derrien Brown B 320-265-585, 3. Vincent Weaver N 315-235-550, 4. Cason Henagen Boz 295-240-535, 5. Jarrett Dutton A 285-245-525, 6. Seth Easton M 285-225-510.BASEBALLArnold 10, Walton 0 (5)DEFUNIAK SPRINGS „ The Marlins improved to 4-0 with the victory. Ryan Pettys got the decision for Arnold, going four innings and allowing one walk and one hit while striking out 11 and hitting one batter. Cole Caldwell closed the game out with a scoreless fifth inning and struck out two.Arnold had 11 hits as a team led by Nick Schalers three, including a home run and two RBI. Lucas Dunn also homered, doubled, and had two RBI, with Dawson Redd getting two hits, including a home run, and two RBI.The Marlins next play Bay at home Tuesday. Blountstown 16, Wewahitchka 3BLOUNTSTOWN „ The Tigers improved to 4-1 overall in their District 2-1A opener, with Alex Buggs picking up the win for two innings of relief in which he allowed one hit and struck out three.Jackson Ridley was 3 for 3 and Jacob Yon was 2 for 4. Bryson Horne and Tyreek Sumner each had a home run. Blountstown next plays at home Tuesday against Cottondale. LATE RESULTSNBH 11, Port St. Joe 8LYNN HAVEN „ North Bay Haven took a victory over Port St. Joe in baseball action Thurs-day night to improve to 3-1. The Tiger Sharks suffered their first loss of the season and fell to 3-1.Brendan Lake was the winning pitcher, while Connor Vann led the Buccaneers offen-sively going 2 for 3 with a double and a single. Lake and Billy Weltlin each added a double. NBH next plays Tuesday at Taylor County, while Port St. Joe is at Bozeman on Tuesday. Holmes County 13, Graceville 1GRACEVILLE „ The Blue Devils earned the District 2-1A victory to in their league opener and improved to 1-3 overall. Shane Sellers got the win after allowing one earned run on five hits with six strikeouts in five innings.Caleb Cooley was 3 for 3 with four RBI and two runs, with Tristen Cooper going 2 for 4 with two RBI and two runs. Austin Medley had two hits, two runs, and two RBI, while Tyler Lee was 1 for 2 with two runs and an RBI. Silas Drummond and Sellers each had a hit, a run, and an RBI. Holmes County next plays at Sneads on Tuesday. SOFTBALLBay 8, Port St. Joe 7PORT ST. JOE „ Amber Loving struck out 11 for Bay, 2-3.Caitlin Koller, Mariah Deaton, Kamryn Wood and Kia Patillo all had two hits for the Tornadoes.On Monday, Bay lost to vis-iting North Bay Haven 6-2. Loving was the losing pitcher and Koller, Deaton and Vale-ria Veras each had two hits for Bay.Madison Hamilton and Mela-nie Brock each had two hits for North Bay Haven.WEIGHTLIFTINGWewahitchka 47, Liberty County 14The Gators won the dual meet Thursday afternoon.Individual results: 119: 1. Parker W 105-85-190, 2. Wooten W 80-85-165, 3. Gibbs W 75-85-160. 129: 1. Rardin W 185-165-350, 2. T. Hensley W 185-165-350, 3. Clark L 155-135-290. 139: 1. M. Hensley W 265-225-490. 154: 1. Sutler L 185-185-370, 2. B. Clark L 155-140-295. 169: 1. Daulton W 255-190-445, 2. Wymes W 255-175-430, 3. Destin L 185-185-370. 183: 1. Tharpe L 225-195-420, 2. Jenson W 145-125-270. 199: 1. Edwards W 280-185-465, 2. Shockley W 190-180-370. 219: 1. Quick W 290-250540, 2. Johnson L 260-205-465, 3. Thomas W 175165-340. 238: 1. Gainnie W 35-175-410, 2. Foster W 225-175-400. HW: 1. Sims W 330-285-615, 2. Harrison W 340-265-605, 3. Tiller W 275-230-505.Prep: Bay takes rst at Arnold meet being hosted by Northwest Florida State in Niceville.Carpenter yielded one run through five innings and Brittany Lee pitched the sixth and seventh.The Lady C ommodores also got two hits and an RBI from Alexis Marchozzi and Annsley Brown and Courtney Schweinsberg each knocked in a run.The Lady Commodores cruised past Lansing 13-1 in the second game of the day to improve to 14-7 on the season. Brittney Lee pitched five innings and struck out five to get the win, while Alexis Marchozzi led the offense with three hits and five RBI. Kynadi Tipler also had three hits and Bailey Pelkey added two.GC resumes tournament playSaturday with two games against LSU-Eunice and one against Southern Union. GCContinued from C1said that inserting Erbacher to start the seventh after Spencer Sandlin had pitched a scoreless sixth fit the theme of a next man up mentalityŽ that will be necessary for Bay all season.I believe in all my guys,Ž Starr said.Bay (2-1) scored in the first inning on Clements RBI single, and Rutherford tied it with an unearned run in the bottom half. The Tornadoes went ahead 2-1 when Lucas sacrifice fly brought in Austin Childree in the second.Rutherford had three sin-gles in the third off Oates, but the Rams needed an error by shortstop Lucas to score two of their three runs in the inning. That made it 4-2.Bay squared it in the fifth when it had four hits, including Clements second RBI single. The tying run didnt score, however, until Mills wild pitch while strik-ing out Childree with the bases loaded.I thought we got too caught up with all the mouth talk,Ž Chizmar said of the oldest county rivalry. Weve got to let that go and not make the little mistakes.ŽOates and Clement each had two hits for Bay. Steven Martin had two hits for Rutherford.Bay 110 020 01 „ 5 8 3 Rutherford 103 000 00 „ 4 6 2 Oates, Sandlin 6, Erbacher (W) 7, and Clement, Oates 6; Mills, Gildea (L) 7 and Peck. LOB: Bay 9, Rutherford 7. E: Sandlin, Lucas, Larry, Peck, S.Martin. S: Oates 2, Sandlin, Torres, Murphy, Smith. SF: Lucas. CS: B roxson, by Clement. 2B: Gildea. WP: Oates 2, Mills. HBP: by Mills (Lucas), by Gildea (Erbacher). BAYContinued from C1The Associated PressMORGANTOWN, W.Va. „ Daxter Miles Jr. tied a career high with 23 points to lead No. 10 West Virginia to an 87-76 victory over No. 24 Iowa State on Friday night.Nathan Adrian added 16 points for the Mountaineers (24-7, 12-6 Big 12), who clinched the second seed in next weeks conference tour-nament behind top-ranked Kansas.Iowa State (20-10, 12-6) can earn the third seed if No. 11 Baylor loses at Texas on Saturday.Naz Mitrou-Long led the Cyclones with 22 points. Monte Morris and Deonte Burton scored 17 apiece, and Matt Thomas had 16.Miles scored 16 of his teams 18 points during an eight-minute stretch spanning both halves.No. 21 WICHITA STATE 82, BRADLEY 56: Darral Willis Jr. scored 17 points and Rashard Kelly added 14 as Wichita State overpowered Bradley in the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament quarter“ nals. The second-seeded Shockers (28-4) shook off a slow start to beat Bradley (13-20) for the 16th straight time. Bradley, the No. 7 seed, hasnt beaten Wichita State since Feb. 24, 2010. Darrell Brown led the Braves with 18 points, and Antoine Pittman had 13. Wichita State shot 37.1 percent from the “ eld (23 for 62) but outrebounded Bradley 51-37. The Shockers closed the “ rst half with a 28-6 run and led 42-16 at the break.West Virginia clinches second seed with winWest Virginia guard Daxter Miles Jr. (4) dunks off an inbound play during the “ rst half Friday against Iowa State in Morgantown, W.Va. [RAYMOND THOMPSON/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS] year, when the inspection line was plagued by delays, NASCAR officials said every car was able to get through at least 45 minutes before the start of qualifying.However, under new rules for this season, any car that fails even one part of the inspection protocol has to go through the entire process again.The garage has asked us to stay consistent, stay the course, and theyll get it fixed. Thats what were going to do,Ž said Elton Sawyer, NASCARs vice president of officiating and technical inspection. NASCARContinued from C1


** The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 C5 EBRO ScheduleMONDAY Matinee : Thoroughbred simulcast: Parx 11:25 a.m. Greyhound simulcast: Derby Lane 11:30 a.m., Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Palm Beach noon. Evening : Greyhound simulcast: Jacksonville6:45 p.m. Dania Jai Alai 7 p.m.TUESDAYMatinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Parx 11:25 a.m. Greyhound simulcast: Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Palm Beach noon.WEDNESDAYMatinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Tampa Bay 11:25 a.m. Greyhound simulcast: Derby Lane 11:30 a.m., Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Jacksonville 11:35 a.m., Palm Beach noon. Evening: Greyhound simulcast: Derby Lane 6:30 p.m., Jacksonville 6:45 p.m. Dania Jai alai 7 p.m.THURSDAYMatinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Gulfstream 11:35 a.m., Aqueduct 12:20 p.m., Santa Anita 3 p.m. Greyhound simulcast: Derby Lane 11:30 a.m., Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Palm Beach noon. Evening: Greyhound simulcast: Jacksonville 6:45 p.m. Dania Jai alai 7 p.m.FRIDAYMatinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Aqueduct 12:20 p.m., Tampa Bay 11:25 a.m., Gulfstream 11:35 a.m., Santa Anita 3 p.m. Greyhound simulcast: Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Derby Lane 11:30 p.m., Palm Beach noon. Evening: Greyhound simulcast: Palm Beach 6 p.m., Derby Lane 6:30 p.m., Sarasota 6:30 p.m., Jacksonville 6:35 p.m. Dania Jai alai 7 p.m.SATURDAYMatinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Gulfstream 11 a.m., Aqueduct 11:20 a.m., Tampa Bay 11:25 a.m., Santa Anita 2:30 p.m. Greyhound simulcast: Derby Lane 11:30 a.m., Sarasota 11:30 a.m., Jacksonville 11:35 a.m., Palm Beach noon. Evening: Greyhound simulcast: Palm Beach 6 p.m., Derby Lane 6:30 p.m., Sarasota 6:30 p.m., Jacksonville 6:45 p.m. Dania Jai-Alai 7 p.m.SUNDAYMatinee: Thoroughbred simulcast: Gulfstream 11 a.m., Aqueduct 11:20 a.m., Tampa Bay 11:25 a.m., Santa Anita 2:30 p.m. Greyhound simulcast: Palm Beach noon, Jacksonville 12:30 p.m. POKER ROOM … (Ext. 180) Open 9 a.m. to 3 a.m. Monday through Friday and 24 hours on weekends and holidays. LOCATION … Intersection of State 79 and State 20. INFORMATION … 234-3943. NBA STANDINGSAll Times Central EASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division W L Pct. GB Boston 39 22 .639 „ Toronto 37 25 .597 2 New York 25 37 .403 14 Philadelphia 23 38 .377 16 Brooklyn 10 49 .169 28 Southeast Division W L Pct. GB Washington 36 24 .600 „ Atlanta 34 27 .557 2 Miami 28 34 .452 9 Charlotte 26 35 .426 10 Orlando 23 39 .371 14 Central Division W L Pct. GB Cleveland 42 18 .700 „ Chicago 31 30 .508 11 Indiana 31 30 .508 11 Detroit 29 32 .475 13 Milwaukee 27 33 .450 15WESTERN CONFERENCESouthwest Division W L Pct. GB San Antonio 46 13 .780 „ Houston 43 19 .694 4 Memphis 36 26 .581 11 Dallas 25 36 .410 22 New Orleans 24 37 .393 23 Northwest Division W L Pct. GB Utah 37 24 .607 „ Oklahoma City 35 26 .574 2 Denver 28 33 .459 9 Portland 25 35 .417 11 Minnesota 25 36 .410 12 Paci“ c Division W L Pct. GB x-Golden State 50 11 .820 „ L.A. Clippers 36 25 .590 14 Sacramento 25 36 .410 25 L.A. Lakers 19 42 .311 31 Phoenix 19 42 .311 31 x-clinched playoff berthFridays GamesCleveland 135, Atlanta 130 Orlando 110, Miami 99 Philadelphia 105, New York 102 Toronto 114, Washington 106 Milwaukee 112, L.A. Clippers 101 Dallas 104, Memphis 100 Brooklyn at Utah, late Oklahoma City at Phoenix, late San Antonio at New Orleans, late Boston at L.A. Lakers, lateTodays GamesDetroit at Philadelphia, 5 p.m. Cleveland at Miami, 7 p.m. Toronto at Milwaukee, 7 p.m. L.A. Clippers at Chicago, 7:30 p.m. Charlotte at Denver, 8 p.m. Memphis at Houston, 8 p.m. Minnesota at San Antonio, 8 p.m. Brooklyn at Portland, 9 p.m. COLLEGE BASKETBALL FRIDAYS RESULTSEASTBrown 88, Columbia 68 Buffalo 80, Bowling Green 68 Dartmouth 76, Penn 74 Delaware 81, Hofstra 76 Monmouth (NJ) 84, Niagara 59 Princeton 73, Harvard 69 West Virginia 87, Iowa St. 76 Yale 90, Cornell 63 SOUTHCampbell 66, Radford 50 Jacksonville St. 65, Belmont 59 Samford 79, VMI 61 The Citadel 78, W. Carolina 72 Drexel at James Madison, lateMIDWESTBall St. 87, N. Illinois 82 Illinois State 80, Evansville 69 Milwaukee 85, Detroit 60 Ohio 69, Miami (Ohio) 55 S. Illinois 55, Loyola of Chicago 50 Toledo 60, E. Michigan 56 W. Michigan 88, Cent. Michigan 80 Wichita St. 82, Bradley 56 Youngstown St. at Cleveland St., late Akron at Kent St., late Missouri St. at N. Iowa, lateFAR WESTPaci“ c at Pepperdine, late Portland at San Diego, late THE AP WOMENS TOP 25 SCHEDULE/RESULTSFridays GamesNo. 3 Notre Dame 76, Virginia 59 at Co nway, S.C. No. 4 Maryland 92, Minnesota 80 at Bankers Life Fieldhouse No. 5 South Carolina 72, Georgia 48 at Greenville, S.C. No. 6 Mississippi State 78, LSU 61 at Greenville, S.C. No. 6 Oregon St. 65, California 49 at Seattle No. 16 Miami 56, No. 8 Florida State 54 at Conway, S.C. No. 9 Ohio State 99, Northwestern 68 at Bankers Life Fieldhouse No. 10 Stanford 66, Washington State 36 at Seattle No. 11 Washington vs. Oregon-Arizona winner at Seattle, late No. 13 Duke 68, No. 21 Syracuse 46 at Conway, S.C. No. 14 Louisville 59, No. 17 N.C. State 58, at Conway, S.C. No. 15 UCLA 77, Arizona State 68, at Seattle No. 20 Kentucky 65, Alabama 55, Greenville, S.C. Texas A&M 62, No. 23 Missouri Todays GamesNo. 1 UConn vs. Tulsa at Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Conn., 1 p.m. No. 2 Baylor vs. Texas Tech or TCU at Chesapeake Energy Arena, Oklahoma City, TBA No. 3 Notre Dame vs. No. 14. Louisville, TBA No. 4 Maryland vs. Michigan or Michigan State, TBA No. 5 South Carolina vs. No. 20 Kentucky, TBA No. 6 Mississippi State vs. No. 23 Missouri or Texas A&M No. 6 Oregon State vs. No. 15 UCLA, TBA No. 9 Ohio State vs. Purdue, TBA No. 12 Texas vs. Oklahoma State or Kansas at Chesapeake Energy Arena, Oklahoma City, TBA No. 16 Miami vs. No. 13 Duke or No. 21 Syracuse, TBA No. 19 Oklahoma vs. West Virginia at Chesapeake Energy Arena, Oklahoma City, TBA No. 22 Drake vs. Wichita State, TBA No. 24 Kansas State vs. Iowa State at Chesapeake Energy Arena, Oklahoma City, TBA No. 25 Temple vs. Houston at Mohegan Sun Arena, Uncasville, Conn., TBA TRANSACTIONS BASEBALLAmerican LeagueCHICAGO WHITE SOX „ Requested waivers on INF Brett Lawrie for the purpose of granting his unconditional release. CLEVELAND INDIANS „ Promoted Dave Miller to special assignment scout, Chris Gale to international crosschecker and Trey Hendricks to international crosschecker.National LeagueNEW YORK METS „ Agreed to terms with OF Wuilmer Becerra, INF Gavin Cecchini, OF Michael Conforto, RHP Chris Flexen, LHP Sean Gilmartin, RHP Erik Goeddel, RHP Robert Gsellman, INF Ty Kelly, RHP Seth Lugo, LHP Steven Matz, RHP Marcos Molina, RHP Rafael Montero, C Tomas Nido, OF Brandon Nimmo, C Kevin Plawecki, INF Matt Reynolds, INF T.J. Rivera, RHP Hansel Robles, INF Amed Rosario and LHP Josh Smoker. Renewed the contract of RHP Noah Syndergaard.Can-Am LeagueNEW JERSEY JACKALS „ Traded OF Cory Vaughn to Southern Maryland for a player to be named.BASKETBALLNational Basketball AssociationPHILADELPHIA 76ERS „ Signed F Justin Harper to a 10-day contract.FOOTBALLNational Football LeagueNEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS „ Released T Sebastian Vollmer. NEW YORK GIANTS „ Promoted Rob Leonard to assistant defensive line coach. Named Bobby Blick defensive assistant and Pratik Patel director of performance nutrition/assistant strength and conditioning coach. NEW YORK JETS „ Released WR Brandon Marshall.Canadian Football LeagueWINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS „ Signed FB Mike Miller.HOCKEYNational Hockey LeagueANAHEIM DUCKS „ Signed F Logan Shaw to a one-year contract extension through the 2017-18 season. CAROLINA HURRICANES „ Assigned F Andrej Nestrasil to Charlotte (AHL). CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS „ Recalled G Jeff Glass from Rockford (AHL). DALLAS STARS „ Recalled LW Remi Elie from Texas (AHL).SOCCERMajor League SoccerLOS ANGELES GALAXY „ Signed G Jon Kempin.COLLEGESNCAA „ Announced Southland Conference Commissioner Tom Burnett, Richmond Director of Athletics Keith Gill and Northwestern Vice President for Athletics and Recreation Jim Phillips were appointed to the Division I Mens Basketball Committee, beginning Sept. 1. ARKANSAS „ Announced the resignation of womens basketball coach Jimmy Dykes. PITTSBURGH „ Dismissed mens freshman basketball G Justice Kithcart for conduct detrimental to the team. SOUTHERN CAL „ Announced the resignation of womens basketball coach Cynthia Cooper-Dyke. TUSCULUM „ Announced the resignation of mens basketball coach Mike Jones. HOCKEY NHL STANDINGSAll Times Central EASTERN CONFERENCEAtlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Montreal 65 36 21 8 80 179 164 Ottawa 62 34 22 6 74 163 163 Boston 64 33 25 6 72 177 168 Toronto 63 28 21 14 70 192 188 Florida 63 29 23 11 69 159 176 Tampa Bay 63 29 26 8 66 177 179 Buffalo 64 27 26 11 65 162 184 Detroit 61 25 26 10 60 153 180 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Washington 63 43 13 7 93 208 134 Columbus 62 40 16 6 86 200 146 Pittsburgh 63 39 16 8 86 219 177 N.Y. Rangers 64 41 21 2 84 209 169 N.Y. Islanders 63 30 22 11 71 186 188 Philadelphia 63 30 26 7 67 163 188 New Jersey 63 25 26 12 62 145 181 Carolina 61 25 26 10 60 153 179WESTERN CONFERENCECentral Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Minnesota 62 41 15 6 88 209 148 Chicago 64 41 18 5 87 193 161 Nashville 64 32 23 9 73 189 179 St. Louis 63 31 27 5 67 173 182 Winnipeg 65 29 30 6 64 192 205 Dallas 64 25 29 10 60 180 208 Colorado 62 17 42 3 37 122 205 Paci“ c Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA San Jose 63 38 18 7 83 176 147 Edmonton 64 34 22 8 76 183 167 Anaheim 63 32 21 10 74 162 161 Calgary 64 34 26 4 72 171 178 Los Angeles 64 31 27 6 68 158 160 Vancouver 63 26 30 7 59 146 182 Arizona 64 23 34 7 53 156 208 2 points for win, 1 point for OT/shootout lossFridays GamesPittsburgh 5, Tampa Bay 2 Arizona 4, Carolina 2 Winnipeg 3, St. Louis 0 Chicago 2, N.Y. Islanders 1, SO Detroit at Calgary, late Toronto at Anaheim, lateTodays GamesColumbus at Ottawa, 6 p.m. Colorado at Winnipeg, 6 p.m. New Jersey at Boston, 6 p.m. Tampa Bay at Buffalo, 6 p.m. Montreal at N.Y. Rangers, 6 p.m. Dallas at Florida, 6 p.m. Philadelphia at Washington, 6:30 p.m. Chicago at Nashville, 7 p.m. Vancouver at Los Angeles, 9 p.m. Detroit at Edmonton, 9 p.m. FRIDAYS SUMMARY PENGUINS 5, LIGHTNING 2Tampa Bay 0 1 1 „ 2 Pittsburgh 0 2 3 „ 5 First Period„None. Penalties„Cole, PIT, (holding), 10:28. Second Period„1, Tampa Bay, Erne 1 (Namestnikov, Paquette), 6:18. 2, Pittsburgh, Malkin 27 (Kessel, Schultz), 8:39 (pp). 3, Pittsburgh, Malkin 28 (Cole, Kessel), 16:49. Penalties„Hedman, TB, (tripping), 8:33; Kuhnhackl, PIT, (high sticking), 19:14. Third Period„4, Tampa Bay, Kucherov 28 (Hedman, Drouin), 1:10 (pp). 5, Pittsburgh, Streit 6 (Crosby, Malkin), 2:38. 6, Pittsburgh, Schultz 10 (Crosby, Streit), 16:37 (pp). 7, Pittsburgh, Kuhnhackl 4 (Bonino), 19:00. Penalties„Namestnikov, TB, (holding), 4:09; Kuhnhackl, PIT, (tripping), 8:16; Sustr, TB, (hooking), 15:40. Shots on Goal„Tampa Bay 9-8-12„29. Pittsburgh 9-15-11„35. Power -play opportunities„Tampa Bay 1 of 3; Pittsburgh 2 of 3. Goalies„Tampa Bay, Budaj 27-21-3 (34 shots-30 saves). Pittsburgh, Murray 24-8-3 (29-27). A„18,640 (18,387). T„2:24. BASEBALL SPRING TRAINING All Times Central AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pct. Los Angeles 7 0 1.000 New York 7 2 .778 Seattle 5 2 .714 Tampa Bay 5 2 .714 Kansas City 5 2 .714 Chicago 4 2 .667 Oakland 4 3 .571 Minnesota 3 4 .429 Baltimore 3 5 .375 Boston 3 5 .375 Cleveland 2 4 .333 Detroit 3 6 .333 Houston 2 5 .286 Toronto 2 5 .286 Texas 2 6 .250NATIONAL LEAGUE W L Pct. Pittsburgh 6 2 .750 St. Louis 6 2 .750 New York 5 3 .625 Washington 5 3 .625 Los Angeles 5 3 .625 Colorado 5 3 .625 Arizona 4 4 .500 Philadelphia 3 3 .500 San Diego 3 4 .429 San Francisco 3 6 .333 Chicago 2 5 .286 Atlanta 2 5 .286 Miami 2 5 .286 Milwaukee 2 5 .286 Cincinnati 2 6 .250Fridays GamesPittsburgh 5, Baltimore 2 Boston 9, Atlanta 1 Tampa Bay 5, Detroit 2 Minnesota 4, Philadelphia 3 St. Louis 2, Washington (ss) 1, 10 innings Washington (ss) 8, Miami 5 Toronto 3, N.Y. Yankees 2 N.Y. Mets 11, Houston 3 Cincinnati 8, Chicago Cubs 4 Colorado 16, Cleveland 7 Kansas City 7, L.A. Dodgers (ss) 2 Oakland 6, San Francisco 1 Texas 8, Seattle 2 Arizona 15, L.A. Dodgers (ss) 3 L.A. Angels 6, Milwaukee 5 Chicago White Sox vs. San Diego at Peoria, Ariz., lateTodays GamesAtlanta (ss) vs. Philadelphia at Clearwater, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Baltimore vs. Tampa Bay at Port Charlotte, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Boston vs. Pittsburgh at Bradenton, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Miami vs. Atlanta (ss) at Kissimmee, Fla., 12:05 p.m. N.Y. Mets vs. Houston at West Palm Beach, Fla., 12:05 p.m. N.Y. Yankees vs. Detroit at Lakeland, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Toronto vs. Minnesota at Fort Myers, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Washington vs. St. Louis at Jupiter, Fla., 12:05 p.m. Cleveland vs. Oakland at Mesa, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. Kansas City (ss) vs. Cincinnati at Goodyear, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. L.A. Angels vs. Chicago White Sox at Glendale, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers vs. Chicago Cubs at Mesa, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. San Francisco vs. Kansas City (ss) at Surprise, Ariz., 2:05 p.m. Texas vs. Milwaukee at Phoenix, 2:05 p.m. Arizona vs. San Diego at Peoria, Ariz., 2:10 p.m. Seattle vs. Colorado at Scottsdale, Ariz., 2:10 p.m. AUTO RACING NASCAR MONSTER ENERGY CUPFOLDS OF HONOR QUIKTRIP 500Fridays qualifying at Atlanta Motor Speedway Hampton, Ga. Lineup for Sundays race. (Car number in parentheses) 1. (4) Kevin Harvick, Ford, 190.398 mph. 2. (31) Ryan Newman, Chevrolet, 189.870. 3. (18) Kyle Busch, Toyota, 189.850. 4. (17) Ricky Stehnouse Jr., Ford, 188.854. 5. (2) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 188.783. 6. (22) Joey Logano, Ford, 188.738. 7. (1) Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet, 188.591. 8. (42) Kyle Larson, Chevrolet, 187.722. 9. (78) Martin Truex Jr., Toyota, 187.716. 10. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 187.652. 11. (24) Chase Elliott, Chevrolet, 187.589. 12. (88) Dale Earnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 187.089. 13. (41) Kurt Busch, Ford, 186.988. 14. (21) Ryan Blaney, Ford, 186.623. 15. (6) Trevor Bayne, Ford, 186.604. 16. (20) Matt Kenseth, Toyota, 186.428. 17. (27) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 186.397. 18. (48) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, 186.309. 19. (3) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 186.165. 20. (47) AJ Allmendinger, Chevrolet, 185.084. 21. (19) Daniel Suarez, Toyota, 185.028. 22. (32) Matt DiBenedetto, Ford, 185.022. 23. (77) Erik Jones, Toyota, 184.107. 24. (10) Danica Patrick, Ford, 182.705. 25. (14) Clint Bowyer, Ford, 186.522. 26. (13) Ty Dillon, Chevrolet, 186.121. 27. (34) Landon Cassill, Ford, 185.300. 28. (37) Chris Buescher, Chevrolet, 185.245. 29. (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 185.090. 30. (43) Aric Almirola, Ford, 184.591. 31. (23) Gray Gaulding, Toyota, 182.362. 32. (83) Corey LaJoie, Toyota, 181.188. 33. (15) Reed Sorenson, Chevrolet, 180.604. 34. (38) David Ragan, Ford, 13.126. 35. (33) Jeffrey Earnhardt, Chevrolet, 0.000. 36. (95) Michael McDowell, Chevrolet, 0.000. 37. (72) Cole Whitt, Chevrolet, 0.000. 38. (55) Derrike Cope, Chevrolet, 0.000. 39. (51) Cody Ware, Chevrolet, 0.000. GOLF INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF PGA TOURS WORLD GOLF CHAMPIONSHIPSMEXICO CHAMPIONSHIPFridays leaders at Club de Golf Chapultepec, Mexico City Purse: $9.75 million. Yardage: 7,330. Par: 71.Second RoundRory McIlroy 68-65„133 Phil Mickelson 67-68„135 Ross Fisher 67-68„135 Justin Thomas 69-66„135 Andy Sullivan 71-65„136 Daniel Berger 70-66„136 Dustin Johnson 70-66„136 Roberto Castro 69-68„137 J.B. Holmes 69-68„137 Tyrrell Hatton 70-67„137 Fabrizio Zanotti 68-69„137 Thomas Pieters 68-69„137 Jon Rahm 67-70„137 Martin Kaymer 70-67„137 Matthew Fitzpatrick 71-67„138 Joost Luiten 71-67„138 Lee Westwood 67-71„138 Rickie Fowler 69-69„138 Charl Schwartzel 71-68„139 Byeong Hun An 73-66„139 William McGirt 72-67„139 Bill Haas 70-69„139 Matt Kuchar 68-71„139 Sergio Garcia 68-71„139 Tommy Fleetwood 69-70„139 Pat Perez 68-71„139 Kevin Kisner 72-68„140 Ryan Moore 67-73„140 Mackenzie Hughes 70-70„140 Jason Dufner 70-70„140 Gary Woodland 73-67„140 Rafa Cabrera Bello 72-69„141 Marcus Fraser 71-70„141 Jimmy Walker 67-74„141 Chris Wood 68-73„141 Hideto Tanihara 75-67„142 Branden Grace 73-69„142 Justin Rose 70-72„142 Sean OHair 71-71„142 Jhonattan Vegas 69-74„143 Brandt Snedeker 75-68„143 Bernd Wiesberger 73-70„143 Jordan Spieth 71-72„143 Francesco Molinari 71-72„143 Sam Brazel 75-68„143 Zach Johnson 75-69„144 Hideki Matsuyama 72-72„144 Kevin Na 75-70„145 Louis Oosthuizen 73-72„145 Scott Piercy 72-73„145 Brendan Steele 74-71„145 Brooks Koepka 76-69„145 Bubba Watson 73-72„145 Paul Casey 74-71„145 Mike Hendry 71-74„145 Si Woo Kim 71-75„146 David Lipsky 73-73„146 Soren Kjeldsen 75-71„146 Pablo Larrazabal 73-73„146 Scott Hend 76-71„147 Roberto Diaz 71-76„147 Russell Knox 73-74„147 Alexander Noren 76-71„147 Patrick Reed 71-76„147 Jim Furyk 77-71„148 Danny Willett 76-72„148 Kevin Chappell 71-77„148 Adam Scott 73-76„149 Yuta Ikeda 75-74„149 Emiliano Grillo 72-77„149 Brandon Stone 76-73„149 Thorbjorn Olesen 73-77„150 Jeunghun Wang 73-77„150 K.T. Kim 78-75„153 Richard Sterne 76-79„155 Matthew Grif“ n 78-77„155LPGA TOURHSBC WOMENS CHAMPIONSFridays leaders at Sentosa Golf Club (Tangjong Course), Singapore Purse: $1.5 million. Yardage: 6,683. Par: 72 (36-36)Second RoundInbee Park 67-67„134 Mi Jung Hur 68-67„135 Ariya Jutanugarn 67-68„135 Michelle Wie 66-69„135 Suzann Pettersen 69-67„136 Sung Hyun Park 68-68„136 Sei Young Kim 70-67„137 Ha Na Jang 70-67„137 Charley Hull 69-68„137 Lydia Ko 69-68„137 Anna Nordqvist 67-70„137 Brooke M. Henderson 67-70„137 Shanshan Feng 70-68„138 Paula Creamer 68-70„138 Mo Martin 67-71„138 Beatriz Recari 73-67„140 Angela Stanford 71-69„140 Eun-Hee Ji 70-70„140 Chella Choi 70-70„140 Minjee Lee 69-71„140 Danielle Kang 69-71„140 Jodi Ewart Shadoff 71-70„141 Jessica Korda 71-70„141 Karine Icher 70-71„141 Pornanong Phatlum 70-71„141 Alison Lee 70-71„141 Moriya Jutanugarn 69-72„141 Morgan Pressel 69-72„141 Hyo Joo Kim 69-72„141 Stacy Lewis 68-73„141 Mirim Lee 74-68„142 Lizette Salas 74-68„142 Catriona Matthew 73-69„142 Amy Yang 71-71„142 Gerina Piller 71-71„142 In Gee Chun 70-72„142 Caroline Masson 69-73„142 Brittany Lincicome 73-70„143 So Yeon Ryu 73-70„143 Haru Nomura 72-71„143 Ryann OToole 68-75„143 Austin Ernst 73-71„144 Pernilla Lindberg 72-72„144 Mi Hyang Lee 76-69„145 Su Oh 76-69„145 Kim Kaufman 75-70„145 Sarah Jane Smith 74-71„145 Carlota Ciganda 72-73„145 Jennifer Song 71-74„145 Megan Khang 71-74„145 Lee-Anne Pace 75-71„146 Na Yeon Choi 73-73„146 Christina Kim 72-74„146 Lexi Thompson 70-76„146 Brittany Lang 77-70„147 Karrie Webb 75-72„147 Candie Kung 74-73„147 Azahara Munoz 73-74„147 Amanda Tan 76-73„149 Alena Sharp 75-74„149 Cristie Kerr 77-73„150 Hee Young Park 74-76„150 Jenny Shin 74-76„150 TENNIS ATP TOUR/WTA TOURABIERTO MEXICANO TELCELFriday at The Princess Mundo Imperial, Acapulco, Mexico Purse: ATP, $1.49 million (WT500); WTA, $226,750 (Intl). Surface: Clay-OutdoorWomens Singles Semi“ nalsKristina Mladenovic (2), France, def. Christina McHale (5), United States, 7-5, 4-6, 6-2.Womens Doubles Semi“ nalsDarija Jurak, Croatia, and Anastasia Rodionova (3), Australia, def. Dmemi Schuurs, Netherlands, and Renata Voracova, Czech Republic, 7-5, 7-6 (4).THURSDAYS RESULTS Mens Singles Second RoundMarin Cilic (3), Croatia, def. Steve Johnson, United States, walkover. Rafael Nadal (2), Spain, def. Yoshihito Nishioka, Japan, 7-6 (2), 6-3. Sam Querrey, United States, def. Dominic Thiem (4), Austria, 6-1, 7-5. Nick Kyrgios (6), Australia, def. Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, 7-6 (9), 7-5.Womens Singles Quarter“ nalsChristina McHale (5), United States, def. Monica Puig (4), Puerto Rico, 6-2, 6-2. Kristina Mladenovic (2), France, def. Kirsten Flipkens, Belgium, 6-4, 6-3. Lesia Tsurenko (7), Ukraine, def. Jelena Ostapenko (3), Latvia, 6-3, 7-6 (5). Mirjana Lucic-Baroni (1), Croatia, def. Pauline Parmentier, France, 6-2, 6-3.Mens Doubles Quarter“ nalsJohn Isner, United States, and Feliciano Lopez, Spain, def. Raven Klaasen, South Africa, and Rajeev Ram (2), United States, 6-2, 7-5. Philipp Petzschner, Germany, and Aisamul-Haq Qureshi, Pakistan, def. Santiago Gonzalez, Mexico, and David Marrero, Spain, 6-4, 6-2. Oliver Marach, Austria, and Fabrice Martin, France, def. Radu Albot, Moldova, and Mischa Zverev, Germany, 7-5, 6-7 (1), 11-9. Jamie Murray, Britain, and Bruno Soares (1), Brazil, def. Scott Lipsky and Sam Querrey, United States, 6-1, 6-3.Womens Doubles Quarter“ nalsDemi Schuurs, Netherlands, and Renata Voracova, Czech Republic, def. Eugenie Bouchard, Canada, and Kirsten Flipkens, Belgium, wal kover. Darija Jurak, Croatia, and Anastasia Rodionova (3), Australia, def. Madison Brengle and Nicole Gibbs, United States, 6-2, 2-6, 10-6. Asia Muhammad and Taylor Townsend, United States, def. Danka Kovinic, Montenegro, and Alicja Rosolska, Poland, 6-2, 6-3. Veronica Cepede Royg, Paraguay, and Mariana Duque-Marino, Colombia, def. Chuang Chia-jung, Taiwan, and Christina McHale (4), United States, 4-6, 6-4, 10-5. SCOREBOARD ON THE AIR AREA EVENTS College softballGulf Coast vs. LSU-Eunice (Niceville) 9 a.m., Gulf Coast vs. Southern Union 1 p.m., Gulf Coast vs. LSU-Eunice 3 p.m.SoftballFlorida-USA Softball Challenge, Frank Brown Park.Track and “ eldSeahawks Invitational at South Walton 10 a.m.WrestlingClass 1A championships, Kissimmee TODAYAUTO RACING8 a.m. FS1 NASCAR, X“ nity Series, Rinnai 250, qualifying, at Hampton, Ga. 9:30 a.m. FS1 NASCAR, Camping World Truck Series, Active Pest Control 200, qualifying, at Hampton, Ga. 11 a.m. FS1 NASCAR, Monster Energy Cup Series, Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500, “ nal qualifying, at Hampton, Ga. 1 p.m. FS1 NASCAR, X“ nity Series, Rinnai 250, at Hampton, Ga. 3:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR, Camping World Truck Series, Active Pest Control 200, at Hampton, Ga.COLLEGE BASKETBALL11 a.m. CBS Kentucky at Texas A&M ESPN Indiana at Ohio St. ESPNU Illinois at Rutgers FOX Villanova at Georgetown FS2 Providence at St. John's noon ESPNEWS Texas Tech at Kansas St. SEC Alabama at Tennessee 1 p.m. BTN Michigan St. at Maryland CBS Notre Dame at Louisville ESPN Florida at Vanderbilt ESPN2 Georgia at Arkansas FSN Xavier at DePaul 1:30 p.m. FOX Seton Hall at Butler FS2 Creighton at Marquette 2 p.m. ESPNEWS TCU at Oklahoma 2:30 p.m. CBSSN Missouri Valley Tournament, “ rst semi“ nal, Evansville-Indiana St. winner vs. S. Illinois-Loyola of Chicago winner, at St. Louis SEC Missouri at Auburn 3 p.m. CBS Arizona at Arizona St. ESPN Baylor at Texas ESPN2 Memphis at SMU 5 p.m. CBSSN Missouri Valley Tournament, second semi“ nal, Wichita St.-Bradley winner vs. N. Iowa-Missouri St. winner, at St. Louis ESPN Kansas at Oklahoma St. ESPN2 Oregon at Oregon St. SEC LSU at Mississippi St. 7 p.m. CBSSN Dayton at George Washington ESPN2 Ohio Valley Tournament, championship, Belmont-Jacksonville St. winner vs. UT Martin-Murray St. winner, at Nashville, Tenn. 7:15 p.m ESPN Duke at North Carolina 7:30 p.m. SEC South Carolina at Mississippi 8:30 p.m. ESPNU Washington St. at UCLA 9 p.m. CBSSN San Diego St. at New Mexico ESPN2 West Coast Tournament, third quarter“ nal, Gonzaga vs. PepperdinePaci“ c winner, at Las Vegas 11 p.m. ESPN2 West Coast Tournament, fourth quarter“ nal, Saint Mary's vs. San DiegoPortland winner, at Las VegasGOLF11 a.m. GOLF PGA Tour, WGCMexico Championship, third round, at Mexico City 2 p.m. NBC PGA Tour, WGC-Mexico Championship, third round, at Mexico City 9:30 p.m. GOLF LPGA Tour, HSBC Women's Champions, “ nal round, at SingaporeGYMNASTICSnoon NBC AT&T American Cup, at Newark, N.J. 11:30 p.m. NBCSN Nastia Liukin Cup. at Newark, N.J. (taped)MOTOR SPORTS9 p.m. FS1 AMA, Monster Energy Supercross, at Toronto (same-day tape)MLB noon MLB Spring training, Boston vs. Pittsburgh, at Bradenton, Fla.NBA7:30 p.m. ABC L.A. Clippers at ChicagoRUGBY2:30 p.m. NBCSN English Premiership, Bath vs. Wasps (same-day tape) 4:30 p.m. NBCSN HSBC Sevens World Series, Day 2, at Las VegasWOMEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL11 a.m. ESPN2 ACC Tournament, “ rst semi“ nal, NC StateLouisville winner vs. Notre Dame-Virginia winner, at Conway, S.C. FSN Big 12 Tournament, “ rst quarter“ nal, Kansas St. vs. Iowa St., at Oklahoma City 1:30 p.m. ESPNU ACC Tournament, second semi“ nal, Florida St.-Miami winner vs. Duke-Syracuse winner, at Conway, S.C. FSN Big 12 Tournament, second quarter“ nal, Baylor vs. Texas Tech-TCU winner, at Oklahoma City 3 p.m. BTN Big Ten Tournament, “ rst semi“ nal, Ohio St.Northwestern winner vs. Indiana-Purdue winner, at Indianapolis 4 p.m. ESPNU SEC Tournament, “ rst semi“ nal, South Carolina-Georgia winner vs. Kentucky-Alabama winner, at Greenville, S.C. 6 p.m. ESPNU SEC Tournament, second semi“ nal, Mississippi St.-LSU vs. Missouri-Texas A&M winner, 7:30 p.m., at Greenville, S.C. FSN Big 12 Tournament, third quarter“ nal, Texas vs. Oklahoma St.-Kansas winner, at Oklahoma City 8:30 p.m. FSN Big 12 Tournament, fourth quarter“ nal, Oklahoma vs. West Virginia, at Oklahoma City


** C6 Saturday, March 4, 2017 | The News Herald TV LISTINGS SATURDAY MORNING C COMCAST W WOW! S1 DISH NETWORK S2 DIRECTV MARCH 4 C W S1 S27 AM7:308 AM8:309 AM9:3010 AM10:3011 AM11:3012 PM12:30 WJHG (7) 3 3 7 7 (6:00) Today Rossen Reports. Paid ProgramPaid ProgramThe VoyagerWild-VetJourneyNaturally, SeoGive (N) Heart-ChampGymnastics American Cup. (N) CW (7.2) 99 9 8 8 Calling Dr. PolCalling Dr. PolDog WhispererDog WhispererDog WhispererDog WhispererSave-ShelterVaca-CreationDinner SpinnerSave t o WinFacelift!Paid Program WMBB (13) 2 2 13 13 Good Morning America Jack HannaOcean TreksSea RescueWildlife DocsRock the ParkOutback AdvPaid ProgramPaid ProgramLarry KingPaid Program METV (13.2) 209 133 2 TrackdownTrackdownHave Gun ...Have Gun ...Maverick StampedeŽ Wagon TrainCollege Basketball Pittsburgh at Virginia. (N) (L) WECP (18) 4 4 4 18 CBS This Morning: SaturdayLucky Dog (N) Dr. Chris-VetInnovation NatThe InspectorsHidden HeroesOpen RdCollege Basketball Kentucky at Texas A&M. (N) (L) MNT (18.2) 227 13 Brain GamesDog Town USAExped. WildHatched (N) Ocean Mys.Recipe RehabMissing (N) Amer. AthleteThink BigPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid Program WPGX (28) 8 8 28 28 Paid ProgramLive Life-WinPaid ProgramAdvanced DLifeLockCopper ChefDarkspotsHoops Tip-OffCollege Basketball Villanova at Georgetown. (N) (L) WFSG (56) 11 11 56 56 SplashLove QuiltingSewing With Nancy Doodle Stitching Dr. Perlmutters Whole Life Plan Holistic lifestyle program. Rick Steves Europe: Great German Cities A&E 34 43 118 265 Flipping Vegas Skate HouseŽ Flipping Vegas (N) Zombie House Flipping Zombie House Flipping Good SpiritsDuck DynastyDuck DynastyDuck Dynasty AMC 30 62 131 254 The RiflemanThe RiflemanThe RiflemanThe RiflemanThe Rifleman ‰‰‰ Two Mules for Sister Sara (70) Shirley MacLaine, Clint Eastwood. ‰‰‰ Crocodile Dundee (86) ANPL 46 69 184 282 Epic Log Homes Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Treehouse Masters Insane Pools: Deep End BET 53 46 124 329 House/PayneHouse/PayneHouse/PayneHouse/PayneHouse/Payne (:40) The Man in 3B (15) Lamman Rucker, Christian Keyes, Brely Evans. Tyler-Temptatn COM 64 53 107 249 Crank YankersSouth ParkSouth ParkSouth Park (:14) South ParkSouth Park (:20) FuturamaFuturama (:20) FuturamaFuturama Half Baked DISC 36 39 182 278 Dirty Jobs Glass MakerŽ Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Toilet CrusherŽ Dirty Jobs Concrete FinisherŽ Dirty Jobs Gold Rush E! 63 57 114 236 ‰‰ Miss Congeniality (00) Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine. E! News Weekend (N) ‰‰ Monster-in-Law (05) Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda, Michael Vartan. Frnds-Benefits ESPN 9 23 140 206 SportsCenter (N) (L) SportsCenter (N) (L) SportsCenter (N) (L) College GameDay (N) (L) College Basketball Indiana at Ohio State. (N) (L) ESPN2 47 24 144 209 O.J.: Made in America (:03) NFL LiveCrunch TimeSportsCenter (N) (L) Womens College Basketball FOOD 38 45 110 231 Brunch at Bob.Southern HeartFarmhousePioneer Wo.Pioneer Wo.Trishas Sou.The Kitchen (N) Valerie HomeGiada Enter.Kids Baking Championship FREE 59 65 180 311 (6:00) ‰‰‰ Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (01) Daniel Radcliffe. ‰‰‰ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (02) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. FS1 24 27 150 219 NASCAR RacingNASCAR RacingNASCAR RacingNASCAR RacingRaceDay FX 45 51 136 248 How I MetHow I MetHow I MetHow I MetTwo/Half MenTwo/Half MenTwo/Half MenTwo/Half Men ‰‚ Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance (12) Nicolas Cage. HALL 23 59 185 312 The Middle The Middle Golden GirlsGolden GirlsGolden GirlsGolden GirlsBridal Wave (15) Arielle Kebbel, Andrew W. Walker. A Novel Romance (15) HGTV 32 38 112 229 Fixer UpperFixer UpperFixer UpperFixer UpperFixer UpperProperty Brothers HIST 35 42 120 269 Swamp People Blood MoonŽ Swamp People (N) Swamp People (N) Swamp People (N) Swamp People Swamp People The PhantomŽ LIFE 56 56 108 252 Paid ProgramDiet 2017IT CosmeticsPaid ProgramPaid ProgramCindys SkinBringing Up BallersTil Death Do Us Part (14) Haylie Duff, Ty Olsson. SPIKE 28 48 241 241 Paid ProgramTry Total Gym ‰‰‰ X-Men (00) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen. ‰‰‰ X2: X-Men United (03) Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen. SUN 49 422 656 Florida SportONeill Outsideto Do FloridaGeorgia TechBig EastMike MartinFlorida StateSports Mag.Ins. LightningIns. LightningIns LightningInside HEAT SYFY 70 52 122 244The Magicians (:06) The Magicians (:06) The Magicians (:07) The Magicians (:06) ‰‰‰ Source Code (11) Jake Gyllenhaal, Vera Farmiga. TBS 31 15 139 247 (6:00) ‰‰ Daddys Little Girls ‰‰ Tyler Perrys Madeas Big Happy Family (11) Tyler Perry. ‰‰ Tyler Perrys Madea Goes to Jail (09) Tyler Perry. ‰‰‚ Step Up 2 the Streets TCM 25 70 132 256 Madame Curie ‰‰‰‚ Edison, the Man (40) Spencer Tracy, Rita Johnson. ‰‰‚ Maisie (39) Robert Young. ‰‰‰ Raintree County (57) Montgomery Clift, Elizabeth Taylor. TLC 37 40 183 280 Say YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay Yes TNT 29 54 138 245 Law & Order AcidŽ Law & Order Bible StoryŽ Law & Order Family FriendŽ Law & Order ‰‰‚ The Librarian: Curse of the Judas Chalice (08) USA 62 55 105 242 Paid ProgramIT CosmeticsNCIS Ducky is kidnapped. NCIS UntouchableŽ NCIS Broken BirdŽ NCIS Double IdentityŽ NCIS A murder at a college fair. WGN-A 13 239 307 PiYo Craze!LifeLockM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*H SATURDAY LATE NIGHT C COMCAST W WOW! S1 DISH NETWORK S2 DIRECTV MARCH 4 C W S1 S21 AM1:302 AM2:303 AM3:304 AM4:305 AM5:306 AM6:30 WJHG (7) 3 3 7 7 Forensic FilesPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramOn the MoneyPaid ProgramPaid ProgramHomeowner CW (7.2) 99 9 8 8 (12:00) ‰‰‰ Loves Kitchen TravisTummy TuckPaid ProgramKRILLW CoQCopper ChefSkin SecretsKRILLW CoQTummy TuckPaid ProgramPaid Program WMBB (13) 2 2 13 13 (:04) Blue Bloods (:03) Castle RecoilŽ Paid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramHouseSmartsGood Morning America (N) METV (13.2) 209 133 2 Time TunnelLost in SpaceVoyage to Bottom of SeaPlanet of the Apes The CureŽ Family AffairFamily AffairMystery Hnt.Mystery Hnt. WECP (18) 4 4 4 18 RaceWeekForensic FilesPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid Prog ramPaid Program MNT (18.2) 227 13 Explore Bella Luce Jewelry Featuring Gold (N) Bella Luce Jewelry Under $100LatiNationAmer. LatinoPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramP. Allen Smith WPGX (28) 8 8 28 28 American Ninja WarriorTwo/Half MenHow I MetPaid ProgramPaid ProgramBest Pan Ever!Paid ProgramBest Pan Ever!Paid ProgramPaid Pro gramJack Van Impe WFSG (56) 11 11 56 56 Ed Slotts Retirement Roadmap 2017 Planning for retirement. You Are the Universe With Deepak ChopraSid ScienceDinosaur TrainSesame StreetDaniel Tiger A&E 34 43 118 265 (12:00) Live PD Riding along with law enforcement. Facelift in Min.BISSELLMore SexPaid ProgramGrillMakeup!Criminal Minds AMC 30 62 131 254 (12:30) ‰‰‰ Crocodile Dundee (86) ‰‰‰ Two Mules for Sister Sara (70) Shirley MacLaine, Clint Eastwood. (:05) M*A*S*H (:35) M*A*S*H (:05) M*A*S*H (:35) M*A*S*H ANPL 46 69 184 282 Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetThe ZooK-9 Cops Meet the EliteŽ K-9 Cops RookiesŽ BET 53 46 124 329 Scandal Hunting SeasonŽ The Game Get Up, Stand UpŽ Paid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramDerek GrierRon Carpenter COM 64 53 107 249 RENO 911!RENO 911!RENO 911!RENO 911!RENO 911!Com. CentralAmazing AbsRelieve painTai ChengPerricone MDTry Total GymPiYo Craze! DISC 36 39 182 278 Fast N Loud GMG takes wing. Valley Uprising Generations of rock climbers. Ultimate HomesUltimate Homes MountainŽ Ultimate Homes EscapesŽ E! 63 57 114 236 (12:00) ‰‰‰ Sex and the City (08) Sarah Jessica Parker. ‰‰‚ Cruel Intentions (99) Sarah Michelle Gellar.‰‰‰ Sex and the City (08) Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall. ESPN 9 23 140 206 SportsCenter (N) (L) SportsCenterNBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at Chicago Bulls. SportsCenterSportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 144 209 BasketballBasketballSEC StoriedSportsCenter (N) SportsCenter30 for 3030 for 30 FOOD 38 45 110 231 Kids Baking ChampionshipKids Baking ChampionshipPiYo Craze!Stay FitIT CosmeticsPaid ProgramFeelSexyTry Total GymHeaton PartiesT rishas Sou. FREE 59 65 180 311 PiYo Craze!Paid ProgramPaid ProgramQuickstartPaid ProgramRegrow HairThick HairZ. LevittBobby SchullerSunday MassHarry Potter-Az kaban FS1 24 27 150 219 UFC 209: Woodley vs. Thompson 2 PrelimsUFC Post Fight ShowNASCAR RacingWomens Soccer FX 45 51 136 248 (12:41) Legion Chapter 4Ž(1:58) Louie (:28) Legion Chapter 4Ž FXM PresentsMidnightHurricane SpinTop CookerGrillMike & MollyUnderworld HALL 23 59 185 312 FrasierFrasierFrasierFrasierCheersCheersI Love LucyI Love LucyI Love LucyI Love LucyI Love LucyI Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229 Log Cabin LvnLog Cabin LvnProperty BrothersPiYo Craze!Perricone MDTry Total GymBest Pan Ever!Paid ProgramCindys SkinHouse Hunt ers Renovation HIST 35 42 120 269 (:03) Detroit Steel (:03) Gangland UndercoverPaid ProgramCoinCoinCoinCoinBest Pan Ever!Search for the Lost Colony LIFE 56 56 108 252 Custody (16)(:35) His Double Life (16) Emmanuelle Vaugier. Cindys SkinRegrow HairThick HairPaid ProgramHollywood BtyPaid ProgramIn Touch W/Charles Stanley SPIKE 28 48 241 241 JailJailJailJailHallOatesPaid ProgramQuickstartWorry FreeAccidents cau.PiYo Craze!Paid ProgramTry Total Gym SUN 49 422 656 College Baseball TCU vs Texas A&M. From Minute Maid Park in Houston. (Taped) Paid ProgramPaid ProgramBest Pan Ever!Arthritis Pain?Paid ProgramBISSELL SYFY 70 52 122 244 ‰‚ The Legend of Hercules The MagiciansThe Magicians Cheat DayŽ The MagiciansPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPiYo Craze!Paid Program TBS 31 15 139 247 (12:00) Step Up 2 the Streets ‰‚ Something Borrowed (11) Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate Hudson. New GirlSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeldSeinfeld TCM 25 70 132 256 (:15) Belladonna of Sadness (73) Voices of Tatsuya Nakadai. ‰‰‰ Fantastic Planet (73) (:15) When You Grow Up (73) ‰‰‰ Sweethearts (38) Jeanette MacDonald, Nelson Eddy. TLC 37 40 183 280 Say YesSay YesIsland MediumIsland MediumIsland MediumIsland MediumLong Island MediumSay YesSay YesSay YesSay Yes TNT 29 54 138 245 (12:52) ‰‰‰‰ Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (80) Mark Hamill. TNT PreviewLaw & Order MagnetŽ ‰‰‰ The Bourne Supremacy (04) Matt Damon, Brian Cox. USA 62 55 105 242 NCIS: Los AngelesLaw & Order: Criminal IntentLaw & Order: Criminal IntentLaw & Order: Criminal IntentNCIS: Los Angeles PurityŽ Amazing FactsJeremiah WGN-A 13 239 307 EngagementEngagement ‰‚ What a Girl Wants (03) Amanda Bynes, Colin Firth. SupernaturalPaid ProgramBack PainAmazing FactsSearch--WayYour World SATURDAY AFTERNOON C COMCAST W WOW! S1 DISH NETWORK S2 DIRECTV MARCH 4 C W S1 S21 PM1:302 PM2:303 PM3:304 PM4:305 PM5:306 PM6:30 WJHG (7) 3 3 7 7 Gymnastics American Cup. (N) PGA Tour Golf WGC Mexico Championship, Third Round. (N) (L) Jeopardy! Nightly NewsNewsWheel Fortune CW (7.2) 99 9 8 8 HollywoodMakeup!KingKingRookie Blue Rookie Blue Honor RollŽ Cops Rel.Cops Rel.Cheaters WMBB (13) 2 2 13 13 World of X Games (N) Skating & Gymnastics Spectacular Larry King Sp.Paid ProgramPaid ProgramWorld NewsNewsThe Middle METV (13.2) 209 133 2 Bonanza The Tall StrangerŽ College Basketball Miami at Florida State. (N) (L) The RiflemanThe RiflemanThe Wild, Wild WestIncredible Hulk WECP (18) 4 4 4 18 College Basketball Notre Dame at Louisville. (N) (L) College Basketball Arizona at Arizona State. (N) (L) Paid ProgramCBS NewsPaid ProgramInside Edition MNT (18.2) 227 13 Paid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramPaid ProgramLarry King Sp.Advanced DLast-StandingLast-StandingMike & MollyMike & Molly WPGX (28) 8 8 28 28 College HoopsCollege Basketball Seton Hall at Butler. (N) (L) College HoopsWomens Soccer England vs United States. (N) (L) Two/Half Men WFSG (56) 11 11 56 56 Rick Steves28 Day Metabolism MakeoverBrainFit: 50 Ways to Grow Your Brain With Daniel Amen, MDLawrence Welks TV Treasures A&E 34 43 118 265 The First 48 The First 48 60 Days In The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 AMC 30 62 131 254 (12:00) Crocodile Dundee (86) ‰‰‰‚ Lethal Weapon (87) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey. ‰‰‰‚ Lethal Weapon 2 (89) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci. ANPL 46 69 184 282 Insane Pools: Deep EndInsane Pools: Deep EndDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Ve tDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet BET 53 46 124 329 (12:30) ‰‚ Tyler Perrys Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor (13) Lance Gross(3:48) ‰‰‰ Baby Boy (01) Tyrese Gibson, Omar Gooding, A.J. Johnson. COM 64 53 107 249 (12:25) ‰‚ Half Baked (98) Dave Chappelle. ‰‰‰ Napoleon Dynamite (04) Jon Heder, Jon Gries. South ParkSouth Park (:45) South Park T.M.I.Ž South Park DISC 36 39 182 278 Gold Rush Gold Rush Viking VoyageŽ Diesel Brothers Diesel Brothers Truck NorrisŽ Diesel Brothers Fast N Loud (Part 2 of 2) E! 63 57 114 236 (12:30) ‰‰‰ Friends With Benefits (11) Justin Timberlake. ‰‰ No Strings Attached (11) Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher. ‰‰‰ Wedding Crashers (05) Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn. ESPN 9 23 140 206 College Basketball Florida at Vanderbilt. (N) (L) College Basketball Baylor at Texas. (N) (L) College Basketball Kansas at Oklahoma State. (N) (L) ESPN2 47 24 144 209 College Basketball Georgia at Arkansas. (N) (L) College Basketball Memphis at Southern Methodist. (N) (L) College Basketball Oregon at Oregon State. (N) (L) FOOD 38 45 110 231 Pollys CakesGuilty Pleas.Worst Cooks in AmericaWorst Cooks in AmericaWorst Cooks in AmericaDiners, DriveDiners, DriveDiners, D riveDiners, Drive FREE 59 65 180 311 Harry Potter ‰‰‰ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (04) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. ‰‰‰ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (05) Daniel Radcliffe. FS1 24 27 150 219 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Rinnai 250. (N) (L) NASCAR RacingPost RaceUFC Prefight Show (N) (L) FX 45 51 136 248 ‰‰ Underworld: Awakening (12) Kate Beckinsale. ‰‰‰ X-Men: First Class (11) James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Rose Byrne. ‰‰‚ The Wolverine (13) HALL 23 59 185 312 (12:00) A Novel Romance (15) For Better or for Worse (14) Lisa Whelchel, Kim Fields. Surprised by Love (15) Hilarie Burton, Paul Campbell. Stop the Wedding (16) HGTV 32 38 112 229 Property BrothersProperty BrothersProperty BrothersProperty BrothersProperty BrothersProperty Brothers HIST 35 42 120 269 Counting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting C arsCounting CarsCounting Cars LIFE 56 56 108 252 Evil Nanny (17) Lindsay Elston, Matthew Pohlkamp. Deadly Lessons (17) Christie Ann Burson, Christina Cox. Nanny Seduction (17) Wes Brown, Erin Cahill, Valerie Azlynn. SPIKE 28 48 241 241 X2: X-Men Uni. ‰‰‚ X-Men Origins: Wolverine (09) Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber. Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops SUN 49 422 656 College Basketball Xavier at DePaul. (N Subject to Blackout) Inside HEATCollege Basketball Wake Forest at Virginia Tech. (N) (L) Inside HEATInside HEATPregame SYFY 70 52 122 244 (:08) ‰‰‚ Robin Hood (10) Russell Crowe. Robin and his men battle the Sheriff of Nottingham.(:09) ‰‚ Jonah Hex (10) Josh Brolin, John Malkovich. ‰‚ The Legend of Hercules TBS 31 15 139 247 (12:00) Step Up 2 the StreetsFriends Friends Friends Friends 2 Broke Girls2 Broke Girls2 Broke Girls2 Broke Girls2 Broke GirlsBig Bang TCM 25 70 132 256 (11:00) ‰‰‰ Raintree County ‰‰‰ A Summer Place (59) Richard Egan, Dorothy McGuire, Sandra Dee. ‰‰‰ Oceans Eleven (60) Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr. TLC 37 40 183 280 Say YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay YesSay Yes to the Dress TNT 29 54 138 245 (12:55) ‰‰ Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (99) Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor.(3:53) ‰‰‚ Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (02) Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman. USA 62 55 105 242 NCIS Playing With FireŽ NCIS Up in SmokeŽ NCIS Till Death Do Us PartŽ NCIS Extreme PrejudiceŽ NCIS PhoenixŽ NCIS DetourŽ WGN-A 13 239 307 M*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*H SATURDAY EVENING C COMCAST W WOW! S1 DISH NETWORK S2 DIRECTV MARCH 4 C W S1 S27 PM7:308 PM8:309 PM9:3010 PM10:3011 PM11:3012 AM12:30 WJHG (7) 3 3 7 7 Chicago Fire DeathtrapŽ Chicago P.D.Chicago Justice FakeŽ News (:29) Saturday Night Live (N) Old House (:32) Hometime CW (7.2) 99 9 8 8 Family GuyFamily GuyBobs BurgersBobs BurgersFamily GuySeinfeldEngagementEngagementRaising HopeRaising Hope ‰‰‰ Loves Kitchen (11) WMBB (13) 2 2 13 13 NBANBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at Chicago Bulls. (N) (L) NewsThe Middle (:05) Entertainment Tonight (N)(12:05) CSI: Miami F-T-FŽ METV (13.2) 209 133 2 Wonder Woman (Part 2 of 2) Star Trek The Way to EdenŽ Svengoolie Werewolf of LondonŽ BatmanBatmanLand of the Giants WECP (18) 4 4 4 18 Ransom Girl on a TrainŽ (N) Boxing Premier Boxing Champions. (N) (L) Modern FamilyOutdoorsmanElementaryScandal MNT (18.2) 227 13 Rizzoli & IslesBones2 Broke Girls2 Broke GirlsAngerAngerModern FamilyModern FamilyJerry Springer Tutu Much!Ž WPGX (28) 8 8 28 28 24: Legacy 4:00 PM-5:00 PMŽ APB Personal MattersŽ InsuranceBig BangMasterChef (Part 2 of 2) TMZ (N) Xtreme OffTruck Tech WFSG (56) 11 11 56 56 Roy Orbison: Black & White Night 30Rock Rewind: 1967-1969 (My Music)Travis Tritt: A Man and His GuitarRock Rewind: 1967-1969 (M y Music) A&E 34 43 118 265 The First 48Live PD Live PD -03.04.17Ž Riding along with law enforcement. (N) (L) The First 48Live PD Live PD -03.04.17Ž AMC 30 62 131 254 ‰‰‰ Lethal Weapon 3 (92) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci. ‰‰ Lethal Weapon 4 (98) Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci. Crocodile Dun. ANPL 46 69 184 282 Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetThe Zoo (N) Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetDr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain VetThe Zoo BET 53 46 124 329 ‰‚ Addicted (14) Sharon Leal, Boris Kodjoe, Tasha Smith. Being Mary Jane (:11) Being Mary Jane Getting HomeŽ(:35) Being Mary Jane Getting JudgedŽ COM 64 53 107 249 (6:50) ‰‰‚ Liar Liar (97) Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney. ‰‰‚ Fun With Dick & Jane (05) Jim Carrey, Ta Leoni.(:05) ‰‰‚ Liar Liar (97) Jim Carrey, Maura Tierney. DISC 36 39 182 278 Fast N Loud: Revved Up 1 to 100Ž (N) Fast N LoudFast N LoudFast N LoudFast N Loud E! 63 57 114 236 Wedding ‰‰‰ Wedding Crashers (05) Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn. ‰‰‚ Cruel Intentions (99) Sarah Michelle Gellar. ‰‰‰ Sex and the City (08) ESPN 9 23 140 206 (:15) College Basketball Duke at North Carolina. (N) (L)(:15) College Basketball Washington State at UCLA. (N) (L)(:15) SportsCenter (N) (L) SportsCenter (N) (L) ESPN2 47 24 144 209 College Basketball Ohio Valley Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. College Basketball WCC Tournament -TBA vs Gonzaga. (N) College Basketball WCC Tournament -TBA vs Saint Marys. FOOD 38 45 110 231 Kids Baking ChampionshipKids Baking ChampionshipKids Baking ChampionshipKids Baking ChampionshipKids Baking ChampionshipKids Ba king Championship FREE 59 65 180 311 Harry Potter-Goblet of Fire ‰‰‰ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (09) Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson. Tom Felton Meets the Superfans FS1 24 27 150 219 UFC 209: Woodley vs. Thompson 2 Prelims (N) (L) Motorcycle Racing Monster Energy Supercross: Toronto. From Rogers Centre in Toronto. UFC Post Fight Show (N) (L) FX 45 51 136 248 (6:00) ‰‰‚ The Wolverine (13) Hugh Jackman. Legion David contemplates the voices he hears.(:31) Legion Chapter 2Ž(:38) Legion Chapter 3Ž(:41) Legion HALL 23 59 185 312 (6:00) Stop the Wedding (16) Summer Villa (16) Victor Webster, Hilarie Burton. Golden GirlsGolden GirlsGolden GirlsGolden GirlsFrasierFrasier HGTV 32 38 112 229 Property BrothersProperty BrothersHouse Hunters Renovation (N) Log Cabin LvnLog Cabin LvnProperty BrothersHouse Hunters Renovation HIST 35 42 120 269 Counting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting Cars (:01) Detroit Steel (N)(:03) Gangland UndercoverCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting CarsCounting Cars LIFE 56 56 108 252 Custody (16) Viola Davis, Hayden Panettiere, Catalina Sandino Moreno.(:33) His Double Life (16) Emmanuelle Vaugier.(:02) Custody (16) Viola Davis, Hayden Panettiere. SPIKE 28 48 241 241 CopsCopsCopsCopsCopsCopsCops TexasŽ CopsCopsCopsJailJail SUN 49 422 656 NBA Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers at Miami Heat. (N) (L) PostgameInside HEATInside HEATAfter Midnight with the HEAT From Mar. 4, 2017. SYFY 70 52 122 244 (6:00) The Legend of Hercules ‰‰ Pompeii (14) Kit Harington, Carrie-Anne Moss. ‰‚ Land of the Lost (09) Will Ferrell, Anna Friel. ‰‚ The Legend of Hercules TBS 31 15 139 247 Big BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangBig BangFull FrontalThe DetourConan ‰‰‚ Step Up 2 the Streets TCM 25 70 132 256 ‰‰‰‚ A Thousand Clowns (65) Jason Robards.(:15) ‰‰‰ Family Plot (76) Bruce Dern, Karen Black, Barbara Harris. ‰‰ Second-Hand Hearts (80) Robert Blake. TLC 37 40 183 280 Say Yes to the Dress Grammy-nominated Elle King arrives.(:06) Four Weddings (:07) Say Yes to the Dress Grammy-nominated Elle King arrives.(12:09) Four Weddings TNT 29 54 138 245 ‰‰‰ Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (05) Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman.(:06) ‰‰‰‰ Star Wars: A New Hope (77) Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher. USA 62 55 105 242 NCIS So It GoesŽ NCIS 16 YearsŽ NCIS ScopeŽ Colony Good IntentionsŽ Suits Character and FitnessŽ NCIS: Los Angeles RedŽ WGN-A 13 239 307 M*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HM*A*S*HOutsiders Kill or Be KilledŽ Breaking FreeEngagement


** The News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 C7ARIES (March 21-April 19) „ Problems get solved today by devoting full attention to them in a creative way. An intense focus without any new ideas wont work. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) „ It will be liberating to be around people who dont have a lot of rules attached to their friendship. Seek the company of those who are accepting, unthreatened by your talents and assets, undaunted by your shortcomings. GEMINI (May 21-June 21) „ If you let your thoughts wander today, theres a tendency to brood. Its human nature, which has a strong negativity bias, exacerbated by the current cosmic lineup. CANCER (June 22-July 22) „ Youll bene“ t from thinking of the selfŽ you show the world as verb instead of a noun „ as a manner of assembling the attributes and opinions handed to you early on. Also, you can arrange this differently whenever you want to. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) „ Some of the humans youll interact with today are so sensitive to emotion and tone that you may wish you were interacting with a robot who responds to speci“ c commands without attaching any emotional baggage. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) „ Trying to hide what youre feeling will lead to energy blockages that inhibit your performance. However youre feeling, its right. Let energy ” ow through you so that it can either dissipate or activate your intention. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) „ We live in a world of symbols, very few of which stand for what they actually are. Your thought into what things symbolize will help todays interactions. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21) „ Of all the tests you could be offered, its the tests of patience that will do the most to expand your consciousness and mature your soul. To breathe, relax and be reasonable when the tension is high „ this is evolution. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) „ As you move quickly through a problem, the rest may seem to lag behind. Theres much to be gained from honoring the pacing of others. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) „ Can there be thoughts without a thinker? Some say its possible, even optimal. And though they condemn the ego, you can bet theres much in yours that would be missed were you to join the ranks of the enlightened today. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) „ Youll project yourself rather cleverly and be well accepted. If you also happen to be having fun with this, and are not too concerned about what others are thinking, youre winning all around. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) „ More art than science, history is colored by the values and beliefs of the teller. What you believe about the past will direct the future. Be open to hearing more than one account of what happened.HOROSCOPES BY HOLIDAY MATHIS DIVERSIONSTrivia FunŽ with Wilson Casey, Guinness World Record Holder from Woodruff, S.C., is published in more than 500 newspapers across the country. Comments, questions or suggestions? WC@TriviaGuy.com1. Former FriendsŽ star Matthew Perrys mother was whose press aide? Richard Nixon, Pierre Trudeau, Mahatma Gandhi, Robert Kennedy 2. Who/what debuted in the 1930 Disney cartoon Chain GangŽ? Pluto, Goofy, Winnie, Donald 3. What is the capital city of the Keystone StateŽ? Tallahassee, Des Moines, Harrisburg, Madison 4. Whose secret identity is Steve Rogers? Spider-man, Captain America, Green Arrow, Batman 5. Where is the U.S. airport with the code MCOŽ? Memphis, Milwaukee, Seattle, Orlando 6. Growlers are what type of chunks? Pineapple, Chocolate, Data, Ice ANSWERS: 1. Pierre Trudeau, 2. Pluto, 3. Harrisburg, 4. Captain America, 5. Orlando, 6. Ice ACES ON BRIDGE: BOBBY WOLFF (Answers Monday) COURTINPUTSWAMPYBUNDLE Yesterdays Jumbles: Answer: When teaching her students how to chop garlic, the chef didnt „ MINCE WORDS Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAMEby David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. HYYLS NILGF MASOCI GETWIH 2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. Check out the new, free JUSTJUMBLE app SUDOKUAnswer to yesterdays sudokuDEAR ABBYTeen with multiple problems needs helpDEAR ABBY: Im a 13-yearold female and I cant find a job. My mom is cheating on my stepdad. I feel like I have to be as independent as possible right now, otherwise I wont be able to do things. I need to raise money for a camera. Photography is my passion. Its all I want in life. Its the only thing Ill ever love, besides my grandma, who is 72 with dementia. Please help. Im in a very big pickle. Is there any point to living? How do I get a job at 13? How do I confront my mother? Why cant my grandma be cured? Why is my life the worst thing about me? Please help me. „ ANONYMOUS TEEN IN THE MIDWESTDEAR TEEN: Youre very young and its clear you are experiencing a lot of turmoil. But right now, you already have a job, and its to concentrate on your studies. The better your grades are, the stronger your chances will be of completing your education and becoming an independent adult. Good grades will better your chances of qualifying for financial aid to accomplish that goal. What may seem overwhelming right now „ including your sadness about your grandmothers illness „ can be overcome by staying physically active. Im sorry youre experiencing all this at such a tender age, but it would be good for both of you if you give her as much love, patience and understanding as you can. Although there may be no cure for her illness right now, the worldwide scientific community is searching for an answer. If you have the courage, talk to your mother privately about your concerns because you may be mistaken about her cheating. It would be healthier than bottling up your feelings as you have been doing. P.S. For extra money, consider dog-walking, baby-sitting and odd jobs such as doing yard work for neighbors.DEAR ABBY: How do you know if a guy likes you? „ ASHLEY IN NORTH CAROLINADEAR ASHLEY: If a guy pays attention to you or tries to get your attention, then the odds are pretty good that he likes you. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. Jeanne PhillipsWORD SCRIMMAGE: JUDD HAMBRICK Wilson Casey




CLASSIFIEDSThe News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 C C 9 9 Cust Svc/Client CareNo Experience Necessary Blue Island Beach Company now hiring retail sales assistants/ cashiers for women’s swimwear & apparel stores at multiple locations. Great Starting Pay! Call Terri for appt 850-234-6278 or email Web ID 34369531 Food Svs/HospitalityThe closest you’ll get to being paid to watch sports and eat wings.B-Dubs in Pier Park is hiring Cooks, Servers, and GreetersApply in person or search www to apply online .Come, join our team today!Web ID#: 34368062 HospitalityPT Groundskeeper and FT Front Desk ClerkExperience with V-12 required for Front Desk position. Call for interview 850-234-3720. Ask for Anthony or Debbie. Continental Condominiums, 15413 Front Beach Rd. Web ID#: 34369640 Installation/Maintenance/RepairFLEET MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Public WorksSalary: $21.20 Hourly The Washington County Board of County Commissioners is currently accepting applications for a Fleet Maintenance Supervisor position in the Public Works Shop. This position performs highly skilled mechanical work in the maintenance, repair and overhaul of automotive and heavy equipment as well as supervising and overseeing the shop. Minimum Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited high school or possession of an acceptable equivalency diploma. Basic computer skills. Must have a minimum of six (6) years of experience as a mechanic repairing both gasoline and diesel engines, light and heavy equipment repair and maintenance, and welding experience or any equivalent combination of training and experience which provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. At least four (4) years of the required experience must be in diesel mechanics. Must possess and maintain a valid Florida drivers’ license with an acceptable driving record. Must obtain and maintain a valid CDL license, Class A, within one (1) year of hire. Note: ASE Heavy truck and other industry recognized certifications are highly desired, i.e., c ertifications from MACK Truck, Caterpillar, John Deer, etc Applications may be accessed on-line at Applications and job descriptions may also be obtained at the Washington County Board of County Commissioners’ office located at 1331 South Boulevard, Chipley, FL 32428. All interested applicants MUST submit an Employment Application to the Human Resources Department in the Washington County Board of County Commissioners’ office by 4:00 PM on March 16, 2017. All questions regarding this position or other vacancies should be directed to the Human Resources Department, 850-415-5151. The selected applicant will be subject to a pre-employment background check. Veteran’s Preference is accepted in accordance with FS 295.08. Equal Opportunity/Drug-Free Workplace Web ID#: 34367745 14080 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR BAY COUNTY, FLORIDA PROBATE DIVISION File Number 17-95-CP IN RE: ESTATE OF EDGAR EARL LARAMORE Deceased. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The administration of the estate of EDGAR EARL LARAMORE, deceased, whose date of death was December 25, 2016, is pending in the Circuit Court for Bay County, Florida, Probate Division, the address of which is Bay County Courthouse, P.O. Box 2269, Panama City, Florida 32402. The name and address of the personal representative and the personal representative’s attorney are set forth below. All creditors of the decedent and other persons having claims or demands against decedent’s estate on whom a copy of this notice is required to be served must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THE LATER OF THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE OR THIRTY (30) DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. All other creditors of the decedent and persons having claims or demands against the decedent’s estate must file their claims with this Court WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. ALL CLAIMS NOT FILED WITHIN THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH IN SECTION 733.702 OF THE FLORIDA PROBATE CODE WILL BE BARRED NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME PERIODS SET FORTH ABOVE, ANY CLAIM FILED TWO (2) YEARS OR MORE AFTER THE DECEDENT’S DATE OF DEATH IS BARRED. The date of first publication of this Notice is February 25, 2017. Personal Representatives: Glynnis Lanier P.O. Box 706 Wewahitchka, FL 32465 Attorney for Personal Representative: Charles A. Costin Post Office Box 98 Port St. Joe, FL 32457 Phone: (850) 227-1159 email:ccostin@costin law .com Fla. Bar # 0699070 Pub: Feb. 25, March 4, 2017 ADOPTION:Attorney/Dancer & Professor/Musician, Outdoor Adventures, Travel, LOVINGLY await 1st baby. 1-800-552-0045 Joanne & Bob FLBar42311 Expenses pd Alternative To BoardingHouse N PetSitting Svs. Licensed Bonded 265-0278 Seeking Male PomeranianIn Panama City area. Call 850-319-3147. Text FL69707 to 56654 Black leather sofa and loveseat recliners, only a year old. Very nice condition. $800 Call 850-319-8510 Text FL69620 to 56654 DIABETIC TEST STRIPS NEEDEDWill buy sealed, unexpired boxes (850)710-0189 For Sale: 1 burial plot at Garden of Memories -Together Forever Garden. Section 118-6, space #3. $2,000. Linda 850-272-3447 Text FL69433 to 56654 MUST SELL2 Burial Plots @ Kent Forest Lawn Cemetery in the Statue of Christ section. Sold as a set. Valued at $8,000, will take $2,950 each. 850-276-1548 Text FL69288 to 56654 EducationChild And Youth Center NAVY BASEThe Child and Youth Center at Naval Support Activity is recruiting for summer temp and permanent positions. To perform a variety of duties in support of programs for ages infant to 4, 5-12 & Teen Program for ages 13-18. Duties include the supervision of children and youth with indoor & outdoor activities and implementing & leading planned activities. Pay ranges from is $11.48 for entry level to $17.31 for Lead position. Must successfully pass drug test & all background checks. Apply at Visitors Reception Center, Thomas Drive gate or online at www .navymwrpanamacity .co m/jobs For more info call 235-5737. Web ID#: 34369523 Experienced Framers & Laborers850-866-7879 Food Svs/HospitalitySignal Hill GolfSnack Bar AttendantFull Time & Part time Positions available. Year round employment (Golf Benefits) Apply in person only 9615 Thomas Dr. Web ID#: 34369366 HospitalityAll PositionsCome to work for a great company! Hampton Inn, 2909 Thomas Drive. Great benefits. Apply in person, no phone calls. Web ID#: 34346468 Medical/HealthExp. Vet TechF/T Experience is a must, flexible hrs. Pay to commensurate with experience. Please fax resume 850-785-4272. Web ID#: 34213737 Install/Maint/RepairInstallerLearn A New Trade in aluminum construction. Install screen rooms & Florida rooms. Must have good driver’s license. Call Wayne @ 850-215-2110. Web ID #: 34369468 Logistics/TransportCDL Class A Driver26 ft. flatbed w/ piggyback. 50 hrs/wk -M-F. Must be able to pass random drug screenings. $14/ hr. Apply at Baker Metal Works, 18601 Hwy 231 in Fountain, FL, or call 850-722-6882. Web ID 34369292 Logistics/TransportCDL Class A Drivers & Team DriversHand delivery, strenuous labor required. Apply at Webbs Seafood Trucking at 12603 Highway 231 Youngstown or call office 850-722-9598. DFWP. Must be at least 25 years of age. Web ID#: 34369222 Medical/HealthFT LPN & PT Medical AssistantNeeded for busy doctors office. Positions requires ability to multitask, great customer service, and patient care skills. Fax resume to 850-769-7002. Web ID # 34369402 Medical/HealthReceptionist Insurance ClerkFull time position with full benefits package. Bring resume to the North Florida Obstetrics and Gynecologic Center, 1937 Harrison Ave, Panama City, FL. Web ID# 34369645 PT CaretakerSeeking caretaker for daily help. Resota Beach Rd area. Call (850) 265-2507. BARGAIN CORNER PANAMA CITY NEWS HERALD FREE ADS FOR ITEMS $250 OR LESSUP TO 4 ITEMS PER AD € PRICE MUST BE IN THE AD VIEW ADSONLINEALL WEEK! MAIL TO: THE NEWS HERALD € BARGAIN CORNER € P.O. BOX 1940 € PANAMA CITY, FL 32401PLACE ADS ONLINE AT WWW.NEWSHERALD.COM € CLICK ON CLASSIFIEDSŽ Men’s clothes (pants, shorts sz 36/38x30, coats, shirts sz XL, etc.) $2-$10. Misc furniture and workout equipment, best offer. 850-348-2698 Peavey 100watt guitar amp, Bandit 112, new! $250. Hondo electric guitar with soft case, Brand new! $250. Cigar boxes, $3 each, 10 for $20, 50 for $50, 100 for $75. New Wave Oven, never used $75/OBO. Call Jack (850) 654-5539 or 974-6594 Queen Bedroom Set Headboard, chest, dresser, nightstand. Sage & white. $100 firm. Call (850) 785-8220 King bedspread and 3 pillow shams $25. 5th ave crystal shot glass checker set $25. 7 pc set home interior oval & square mirrors $11. Queen size hand made afghan $11. 850-249-0994 Free scrap metal. Two mobile homes to be removed from property. Free to anyone. Must be removed. Call 850-525-9545 for information 8 place settings of Nicco China, 53 pieces, in exc condition, $25. “Provincial” Design. Call 850-522-8208 Small kitchen apps set blender, toaster, electric can opener, food chopper, $13. 15 pc champagne party set vases & fluters, $12. Olympus 6.0 megapixel camera $45. 2 pc grey roll-on 48 in luggage set $35. Call 850-238-0614 If you didn’t advertise here, you’re missing out on potential customers. Call To Place An Ad In Classifieds. 747-5020 ActionTree.NetBest Prices in Town Lic/Insured, Firewood, Call/Text 850-527-7017 Any Time Tree Removal!850-265-9794Text FL69248 to 56654 BJs Lawn and Tree ServicesMonthly specials! 15% off all ServicesAffordable rates. Accepting all major credit cards. Full tree removal, tree trimming & lot clearing. Licensed & insured. Call 850-596-4642 Creamer’s Tree ServiceCall Jason @ (850)832-9343 Pearce Tree & Stump Service“We go out on a limb for you!” Lic. & Ins. 850-596-5067 p anamacitytree YARDEDGE 625-3942 ‘Spring Cleanup’ Regular Lawn Service 596-6293 Lic/Ins Best Oriental Massage Health & Harmony Nice Professional QUALITYTOUCH! 914-9177.Lic #9026 Home Painting Pro’ s Residential/ Commercial/Interior & Exterior Painting & Pressure Washing Free Estimates 850-276-0606 $2999-NEW METAL ROOF for the Doublewide!! (up to 28x60) Licensed & Insured. Guyson Construction & Roofing (850) 258-5856 CALLTODAYText FL65996 to 56654 America’s LandscapersFlower beds, mulch, sod, lawn mowing and cleaning, palm and shrub trimming, pressure washing. Senior and Military Discount 850-532-4522txt FL66079 to 566544 Complete Lawn CareSenior & Military Disc.Call Steven: 850-624-8798 Cell 850-235-2212 Office Have It Your Way! Int/Ext Painting, Clean-Ups/Sod, Epoxy Floors, Rock/Flower Beds. Drainage Systems. Lot Clearing, Haul Offs. Weeding. Tree Trimming, Pressure Washing. Service Calls 850-303-8526 850-381-7960 Save 10-20%! Roy Smiley Jr. 24 Hr. Response !!Bob’s Home Repairs!!R oof repairs,Soffet and Facia, Also drywall, etc.35 Years Experience850-235-3769Leave Message. Don’s Home RepairPainting, Tile, Windows, Doors, General Carpentry, Metal Roofs, Pressure Washing, Plumbing. Insured. 850-630-9690 Home Repairs Any Job, Large Or Small. New Installs, Kitchens, Baths Paint, Tile, Woodrot, Electric, Plumbing. Robert 850-832-7972 Able Lawn SvcWe Show Up!Mulch, cleanups, pine straw, palms, leaf removal, trimming 596-4383/258-5072 KIPPLE & SON CONCRETE & POOL REPAIR Pool refinish, driveways & patios, 27 Yr’s Exp. Lic/Ins, Free Estimates 850-851-4015 WHITE’S CONCRETE Serv. Bay Co. 22 Yr 874-1515 / 896-6864 Accept Credit Cards Elderly Care Exp. caregiver for your loved ones. 15 yrs exp. Call Betty. 850-814-2726 Text FL68440 to 56654 Take Care Of Your Loved OnesIn Your Home, Refs, 20 Years Exp,850-960-1917 SEATILE Tile & Wood All Types of Tiles & Wood Flooring installed. Bath & Kitchens Too! Free Est: Kenneth 850-532-4251 ACLASSIC TOUCH AHonest Person To Clean Your Home, Office Or Condo, Lic/Ins, 18yrs exp, Free Est Call Lauri 774-3977 txt FL68092 to56654 Golden Touch Cleaning Services Residential/Condos Insured Free Estimates Sherie @ 814-4002 Dianne @ 704-0514 Happy House Detail CleaningLic, bonded, insured850-258-1204 Duncan ConcreteExp. & Ins. Driveway & Patio Specialist Now accepting all major credit cards 850-896-1574 If you didn’t advertise here, you’re missing out on potential customers. Classifieds work!


CLASSIFIEDSC C 1 1 0 0 Saturday, March 4, 2017| The News Herald Admin/ClericalOffice Manager/BillerPhysician’s office is seeking an experienced medical office manager/biller with 3-5 years of experience for a full time position. Qualifications: *Three to five years experience in medical office management *Three to five years of experience in medical billing *CPT and ICD 10 Coding *Experience with Insurance Authorizations, Data Entry and Insurance Claims *Set up payment plans, billing, processing of claims and collections Ideal candidate must be detail oriented and able to multitask. Excellent benefits package. Salary to commensurate with experience. Please send resume to Web ID#: 34367684 Customer SupportAlvin’s Island Now HiringEnergetic & hardworking people. Apply in person at any Alvin’s Island location. No phone calls, please. Web ID#: 34368669 Install/Maint/RepairLandscape Installation LaborMotivated, hardworking individual with the ability to install plants, sod, irrigation and mulch. Full time/ year round position with 15-20 hours per week in overtime (optional). Starting pay $12-14/ hour with time and a half for overtime. Serious inquires only: send resumes to Fax 850-230-9892, or or visit the employment link at www .bay Web ID # 34369269 Install/Maint/RepairLandscape Installation Crew LeaderMotivated, hardworking individual with driver’s license, the ability to read plans, layout materials, irrigation knowledge, good customer service skills and willingness to advance. Full time/ year round position with 15-20 hours per week in overtime (optional). Starting pay $15-20/ hour with time and a half for overtime. Serious inquires only: send resumes to fax 850-230-9892, or or visit the employment link at www .bay Web ID # 34369272 Medical/HealthCertified Nursing Assistants/CNAs! $2000.00 Retention Bonus!Bay Center is currently offering an Retention Bonus Plan for Certified Nursing Assistants. Retention Terms: $500 paid after 90 days of employment $500 paid after 6 months of employment $500 paid after 9 months of employment $500 paid after 12 months of employment Payment will be on first full payroll cycle following each retention milestone. To be eligible to receive payment, employee must: o Have no written disciplinary actions on file o Not be in resignation period. o Must be employed of time of payout. Bay Center is a not-for-profit facility, has served the area for more than 30 years, and offers its residents and staff a beautiful environment in a desirable location. Please apply in Person Bay Center Health & Rehab 1336 St. Andrew’s Blvd Panama City, Florida Web ID#: 34369657 Sales/Business DevelopmentTelemarketingOption to work from home. Permanent work. Possible full time. Main responsiblity would be setting appointments for sales representatives. EXPERIENCE preferred. Contact Allison at 850-914-0054 or email prof t Web ID # 34369115 SecurityUNARMED SECURITY OFFICERS NEEDED IMMEDIATELY!!!Hiring Security Officers for a Panama City Hospital Florida D security license required Pay $12.00/hr. plus benefits Send resume to JobsT (888) 925-3363 x 2959 Web ID#: 34369381 3451 CHERRY RIDGE IN HAMMOCK’s 4BR 3BA W/POOL & ENCLOSURE2033 sqft split floor plan, fenced back yard, with lots of updates, well-kept home! $249,900 MLS 652073 Call or Text Mike Werner, Keller Williams at 850.814.6266 Sales/Business DevExperienced• Managers •Asst Managers •Sales PersonnelHeatwave & Purple Haze Now Hiring FT/PT -year round. Great pay. Great work environment. Apply at 10015 Front Beach Rd. Or fax to 850-234-9911 Web ID#: 34369265 Sales/Business DevHy’s ToggeryNow Accepting Applications for Sales Associates Full and Part TimeNo phone calls or emails. Apply in person only, at Hy’s Toggery Pier Park next door to Tootsie’s. Web ID#: 34369573 Other Emerald Falls 8602 Thomas Dr. Cobra Adventure Park 9323 Front Bch Rd.Now Hiring Ride Attendants Cashiers Multiple PositionsPick up applications at Emerald Falls or Cobra Adventure Park Web ID: 34369544 Commercial BuildingAt nice location. Ready for business! Call 850-960-0752 or 258-2611 for details. Text FL68496 to 56654 Whse w/office & docks 2500-5000-7500 up to 20k sqft 850-785-3031panamacitywarehouse.netBrokers Protected 2 br, 1 ba CH/A, Total elec., No pets/smoke env., $550 -600/mo. 850-871-4827 Gatewood Apartments2BR HC & non-HC Apts. 7100 Noel Rd, Panama City, FL 32404 850-784-9893 TDD/TTY 711. This institution is an equal opportunity provider & employerTxt FL69354 to 56654 Lynn Haven Duplex 3bd/2ba, W/D hookup, CH/A, Clean, $900 Mo. $900 Dep, $900 Last Mo. 1 yr. lease, No Pets. 850-871-6195 Publisher’s NoticeAll real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on a equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Pier Park: Furn. Effic All utils, cbl/phn, laundry. From $200/wk. long term. 527-5085 Forest Park : 3bd/2ba, fenced backyard, corner lot, great location. $925 + dep. Subject to credit & bckgrnd check. 850-832-4673 Text FL69530 to 56654 Lynn Haven 2 & 3 Br’s starting at $640 mnth, W/D Hookup, CH/A, No Pets. 850-624-6552 P.C. 1br 1ba upstairs apartment w/ garage, no pets, $425 + $400 dep. Call 785-7341 or 814-3211 Text FL68833 to 56654 $169,900 PCB30 days to completion on 2 new units. 2 story free standing townhouses. 1500 sqft 3br 2 1/2 ba beautifully finished with 9’ ceilings, stainless appliances, real granite countertops and vanity tops. Google Mimosa Place, Panama City Beach to see. Located on the east end of the beach in Mimosa Place, a private community of only 30 homes. Corner of Laird St and Anne Ave one block South of Front Beach Rd. All outside maintenance included in $50/mo. Association dues for carefree living. Pet park, grill and paved 2 car parking spaces. For sale by Developer with $3000 buyer closing cost allowance. Realtor coop @ 3%. 850 258-7792 ‘’Arts-and-Crafts’’ Style luxury home. 2900+ sq ft with a fabulous water view of Grand Lagoon in Bay Point. 3 Bdrm, 2.5 baths $479,000.Bay Point Real EstateHope Abbott (850) 596-7653 BEACH FRONT OFFICE 7205 Thomas Drive MLS # 652342 $365K 2 offices, full kitchen 1.5 baths & storage ERA Neubauer Real Estate HOLLI PERSALL, Realtor (850) 866-8195 FSBO -Beach fixer upper, 6321 Causeway Rd. 2br/2ba, 79x112 lot, water & sewer available. $63.500 Call 850-625-5778 Text FL69598 to 56654 Executive Home in one of the most prestigious gated neighborhoods in Panama City Beach, Trieste. Nestled in the back of the Colony Club neighborhood & just a short bike ride from beaches. 4BR 2 BA Bay Point Real EstateHope Abbott (850) 596-7653 3.5 ACRE MOUNTAINTOP HIDEAWAY ONLY $15,900 Over 500 ft on trout stream – fish from your porch! Great location, just steps to National Forest! Unbeatable mountain views and beautiful waterfall and pond. MUST GO! Call (727) 314-3001 txt FL69469 to 56654 BUILD YOUR HOME on the West End of Panama City Beach Only 3 Blocks to the white sandy beaches On a very quiet cul de sac street 320 K Court Lot size 125x75 $65kBay Point Real EstateHope Abbott (850) 596-7653 Panama City: 2002 Pioneer 3 br/2ba New carpet, fresh paint, clean. In mobile home park. Asking $22k. Call (850)-691-3730 Lynn Haven : 4042 Kristanna Dr. Candlewick Sat. 3/4, 6am-12Huge Rummage Sale to Benefit Relay For LifeMulti-family, lots of items! Text FL69396 to 56654 Panama City: 2501 Michigan Ave Fellowship Baptist Church Saturday March 4th 7:30 am-NoonMission Trip Fundraiser Yard Sale!Text FL69680 to 56654 Panama City: 2922 US BUS 98 On Business Hwy 98 between East and Everitt Ave Friday 3/3, 10-5 Saturday 3/4, 9-3Bag Sale!Time for another bag sale at Catholic Charities Thrift Store. Don’t forget to come by this weekend and fill a bag up of clothes for a very good price! Text FL69473 to 56654 Panama City: 309 E 11th St. Sat. 3/4, 8am-5pmLarge Household Downsizing ItemsHome interior, Denim Days Collection, Snowbunnies Collection, furniture -Rocker dinette, formal dining, complete set of Phalfgraffz dishes, complete set of Christmas China & much more! Text FL69529 to 56654 Panama City: 7202 Ranier St Off John Pitts 03/04, 7:30am-2:30pmMoving SaleLast day, Household items, furniture, tables, chairs, Crystal dishes, Antiques, Tools, Electronics, Exercise equip. Books, and lots lots more. Everything must go! Text FL69623 to 56654 Panama City: Heritage Village First right On Panama City Beach Parkway. Between Panama City Golfcarts and the Shell Gas Station. 3/4, 7AM -12pm No early Birds!!! Entire Neighborhood Yard Sale Too many to list, nice assortment to cherish forever!!! Text FL69621 to 56654 PCB East End: 1649, 1657, and 1676 Acre Circle March 4th 7:30am-2:00pmGreenwood Acres Community Yard Sale!Clothes, books, & much more! Text FL69355 to 56654 The Cove: 302 Clair Dr Friday & Saturday March 3rd & 4th 8:00 am-2:00 pmEstate of Juanita Allen3br. Nice furniture, kitchen items, garage, VCR tapes, books, art, patio, antique living room suite & lots of small items! No early sales!Txt FL69612 to 56654 Forest Park: 2330 Lisenby Avenue Sunday, March 5th and Monday March 6th Sunday 7am-Noon, Final sale; Dining room table and china cabinet, TV’s, night stands, books, desks, linens, spoon racks, coffee pots, glassware, wall hangings, woman’s clothing, and other treasures. Text FL69700 to 56654 Lynn Haven: 121 Landings Drive Mar 4, 9am -2pmMOVINGFurniture, exercise equip, fridge, freezer to silk plants. All must go. MUST SEE! Text FL69331 to 56654 Lynn Haven: 1506 Louisiana Ave. Sat. 03/04, 9am-?Estate SaleEverything must go! Text FL69471 to 56654 Lynn Haven: 303 Harvard Blvd Thursday noon-4pm Friday 9am-4pm Saturday 9am-12pmAll Types of ItemsFurniture, some antiques, ceramic & glassware, clothes, etc! Text FL69420 to 56654 Mexico Beach: The corner of 5th and 15th St Fri & Sat, 9am-2pm20% Percent off all FurnitureSide by side front-load Maytag W/D, several dining room sets, patio furniture, home furnishings galore! Text FL69429 to 56654 Panama City: 127 Gayle Ave Sat. 3/4, 8am-Noon 2 FAMILY SALE-RAIN OR SHINE NO EARLY BIRDS PLEASE!!! Household items, crib, high chair, vibrating baby seat, boys clothes size 3 months -3T, boys shoes size infant to size 7, crib bumper set, baby toys. This is only the beginning! Text FL69553 to 56654 Panama City: 12804 MERIAL GREENSWARD PATH From Lynn Haven head north on 77 about 10.7 miles, turn right onto Lake Merial Blvd., then 2nd left onto Merial Greensward Path, 3rd house on right with the dark green shutters. Sat. 3/4 & Sun 3/5, 8-4 A one of a Kind Moving Sale, All kinds of collectibles, all types of jewelry, new James Patterson books, tons of perfume, crystal, glassware, McCoy, Roseville, old planters, plant stands, CDs, kitchen and household items, electric lawn mower and trimmer. Everything priced to sell. Text FL69474 to 56654 Cove: 203 S. Claire Dr. Friday March 3rd and Saturday March 4th 8am-2pmNice Cove Home Estate SaleA variety of items for sale: dining furniture, bedroom furniture, sofas, chairs, small tables, linens, glassware, kitchenware, stove, dishwasher, microwave, lamps, pictures and more. Friday March 3rd and Saturday March 4th. 8am -2pm. Bring bags and paper to wrap small items. Bring help to load large items. All items sold as-is, where is. No returns. Text FL69622 to 56654 Cove: 510 South Bonita Ave. Turn south onto South Bonita Avenue off of Cherry Street Sat. 3/4, 7am-12pm YARD SALE SATURDAY Furniture, kitchen and household items, girls’ toys, children’s books/chapter books, men’s/women’s/girls’ clothing, American Girl doll bed x 2, and more. Text FL69614 to 56654 Downtown PC: 201 Harrison Ave Corner of Oak. Saturday Mar 4th 7 am -1 pm Years of collecting. Antiques, stereo equipment, jewelry, traffic lights, records, and lots of cool stuff!Text FL69511 to 56654 ESTATE SALE 1601 Wilmont Ave. Fri & Sat, 3/3 & 3/4 8:00am til 3:00pm Selling contents of home -Household items, Kitchen items, Home decor, Books/magazines, Linens, Tools & yard items, Some furniture. Cash only, all sales final. Text FL69335 to 56654 Beach West End: 16820 Innocente Ave From Back Beach Road turn south on Hwy. 79. Turn left on Innocente Av (between pink Church and red brick Church) Saturday, March 4th 8 AM to noon INSIDE/OUTSIDE SALE Moving/downsizing. Come inside to see furniture, dishes, linens. pictures. Outside items -Mower, spreader, pressure washer, wheel barrow tools, freezer, plants etc. Text FL69510 to 56654 Callaway: 7517 Sara Lane Fri & Sat, 8am til 1pmGarage Super Sale!Lots of stuff! Text FL69654 to 56654 Callaway: 840 Plantation Drive, Callaway, Fl 32404 Follow Star Avenue and take a Left on Old Bicycle, then Turn Right on Plantation Drive, AT the Y, stay to the Right and it’s the 3rd House on the Right Friday, Saturday and Sunday -March 3rd, 4th and 5th 6am -3pmWaterfront Garage SaleFine Art, 30A Dressers, 30A End Tables, Coastal Dining Room Tables, high back chairs, Offshore Fishing Poles, Tackle, Lures, Indoor furnishings, Outdoor Bar, French Room Divider, Frames, Kitchen Items, Gas Oven, Women Clothes, Young Girl Clothes Age 11-13, Printer, Samsung Virtual Reality Headset New in Box with all attachments, and much, much more! Text FL69169 to 56654 Cherokee Heights 4938 McCalm Ln. Friday and Saturday 7 am until 12 pmGarage SaleShelves, furniture, box spring, etc. Too much to list! Web ID # 34369599 Beach East End 156 & 158 Boca Lagoon Dr. Saturday, 8am -1pm No early sales!!!Multi Family SaleBar top height table and chairs, wine rack and fridge, clothing (incl. baby’s, mostly 18 mo), child booster seat, household items, books, and misc. Text FL69532 to 56654 Beach East End,1219 Thomas Dr. Emerald Pointe Resort Clubhouseacross from Navy Base SATURDAYONLY! March 4th 8am-12pm *Rain Or Shine* txt FL69076 to56654 Beach East End: 116 Rusty Gans Dr. (off N Lagoon) Sat. 7-11AMGarage SaleLarge variety of items!Text FL69586 to 56654 Beach East End: 2511 Thomas Dr. Sat. 3/4, 8am-?Multi-Family YardsaleText FL69541 to 56654 Beach East End: 2610 Dade Ave Off of Magnolia. Friday and Saturday 7 am-2pmHuge Yard Sale!Text FL69653 to 56654 Callaway5610 Boat Race Road and Tyndall Parkway Saturday Only 8AM -12PMGOOD SHEPHERD LUTHERAN Share Ministry THRIFT SHOPCLOTHING SALE!! Bed railing, hospital bed, dining table w/ chairs, TVs, K size bed, houshold items, softball equipment, futon bed, electric stove, remote control bed & over the stove microwave. Free BOOKS!Text F69518 to 56654 Bay Harbour: WOODLAWN DRIVE: Over 200 Homesstraight on Woodlawn or right onto bayshore; community wide sale! Woodlawn Drive: at the West foot of Hathaway Bridge; Just off 98/Back beach Road; between Taco Bell and marina landing condos Sat. March 11 (Rain Date is Sunday the 12th) 8 a.m. till 1 p.m. (rain day 12-4 Sun.) ANNUAL WOODLAWN COMMUNITY SALE Indoor and outdoor furniture, boating and fishing equipment, electronics, TVs, records, DVDs, CDs, tools and construction material, exercise equipment, appliances, antiques, clothing, and numerous other items. -BE sure to travel the entire neighborhood to find the best deals: Woodlawn, Bayshore, Carolyn and adjoining streets are all part of the Woodlawn community; over 200 homes.Txt FL69611 to 56654 Beach East End 6711 Harbour Blvd. Friday & Saturday 8 am -3 pm Gates open at 7:30!Bay Heritage Estate Sale sLots of clean and contemporary furniture. Baby & children items. Collectibles. Household items. Details & photos at Txt FL69589 to 56654 Need a helping hand? Advertise in the Help Wanted Section in the Classifieds! 747-5020


CLASSIFIEDSThe News Herald | Saturday, March 4, 2017 C C 1 1 1 1 Automotive Today 1080471 FINDNEWANDUSEDCARSYOULIKEPartneredwith 1166173 1166168 1166174 1166176 Wanted: Boat TrailerSmall enough for 12 foot kayaks. Call Vic 407-538-1389 Boat Storage Wet or dry. Near Hathaway Bridge. $35 daily. $150 weekly. $10.50 a ft. monthly. $9.70/ft per year. Free flush and wash. 850-234-7650 Text FL67428 to 56654 Dock side wet slip ELECTRIC /WATER. $130 monthly. (No liveaboard) 850-571-5828 Text FL69247 to 56654 05 DODGE RAM -4-DOOR $6300 DEALER 215-1769 05 FORD F150 -4-DOOR $7100DEALER 215-1769 06 CHEVY SILVERADO $7400 DEALER 215-1769 Ford F-150 2005 4dr 4x4. Nvr off road. Low miles. $8,000 obo! 850-624-4441 Text FL68845 to 56654 Ford E250 2007 147k miles. Shelves included if needed $6000. Call 850-763-3098 or 850-832-2742 Ram ProMaster 1500, ‘16, auto, v6, leather, #554, $21,992! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. 40 ft Navy Boat671-N Detroit Diesel, twin disc gear, 2 to 1. Hynautic steering. Trim cabins. Sacrifice $18, 900 OBO 850-785-9146 or 850-814-2763 Text FL57148 to 56654 Jeep Compass, ‘16, manual, 4 cylinder, #053, $12,993! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981 Jeep Grand Cherokee, ‘14, auto, v6, leather, #111, $25,993! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Jeep Wrangler, ‘06, manual, I6 cyl, #144, $15,991! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Chevy Tahoe, ‘03, auto, v8, #351, $7,995! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981 Chevy Tahoe, ‘12, auto, V8, leather, #512, $29,991! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Hyundai Veracruz, ‘11, auto, v6, #692, $16,993! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Buick Encore, ‘13, auto, 4 cyl., bluetooth, #075, $17,991! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Cadillac SRX ‘14, auto, leather, #114, $29,991! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-2505981. Cadillac SRX, ‘16, auto, Hard loaded, #144, $34,990! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Subaru WRX, ‘16, manual, 2.5L turbo, #423, $32,993! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Toyota Avalon, ‘16, auto, v6, bluetooth, #002, $26,993! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Volkswagen Golf R, ‘16, 3,847 miles, #003, $36,990! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Buick Enclave, ‘12, auto, v6, leather, #549, $20,993! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Mitsubishi i MIEV 2012: All electric vehicle. $6,000. 850-784-0474 Text FL68811 to 56654 Chevy Impala, ‘09, auto, v6, #396, $11,995! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Chevy SSR, ‘06, auto, V8, #041, $19,990! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Chrysler Town and Country, ‘16, V6, auto, #491, $20,995! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Hyundai Accent, ‘16, auto, 4 cyl, #089, $11,992 Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Hyundai Elantra, ‘13, auto, 4 cyl, #135, $11,991! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. 2009 Cadillac CTS 6cyl, 4 brand new steel belted Michelin tires, 78,308 orig. miles, exc. condition, fully loaded, 3yr bumper to bumper warranty incl. w/free car cover. $19,995 Firm. Cash Only 850-381-7448 Text FL69535 to 56654 Chevy Camaro, ‘15, auto, v6, sunroof, #226, $25,992! Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Chevy Impala Limited, ‘15, auto, v6, bluetooth, $15,991! #138, Bill Cramer GM, Panama City 850-250-5981. Classifieds work! If you didn’t advertise here, you’re missing out on potential customers.


CLASSIFIEDSC C 1 1 2 2 Saturday, March 4, 2017| The News Herald 1164081


FX series recounts a legendar y Hollywood Feud Susan Sarandon (left) and Jessica Lange star in Feud: Bette and Joan, premiering Sunday on FX. Saturday, March 4, 2017 BAY BY THE NUMBERS 5 places for a snack and coffee PAGE 4


Legend BY JAY BOBBINThe Feud between Hollywood icons Bette Davis and Joan Crawford fuels FX seriesB ette D avis. J oan C rawford. T wo iconic actresses ... one legendary feud. H aving worked his creative magic for FX on such series as A merican H orror S tor y and The P eople v. O.J. S impson: American C rime S tor y, producer R yan M urphy turns his attention with ample assistance from modern, O scar-winning acting staples S usan S arandon and J essica Lange to a famous H ollywood rivalry in Feud: B ette and J oan, premiering S unday, Ma r ch 5. The saga largely revolves around C rawford (Lange) and D avis (Sarandon) work in the classic 1962 thriller What Ev er H appened to Ba by J ane?, a major v ehicle for both of them when their decades-spanning stardom was on the wane. The r esult was competition and mistrust between them that escalated to an epic level, thus ensuring the sort of drama that qualifies for a limited-run (eight-episode) television series. I wasn t r eally interested in doing anything that was campy or a camp fest, M urphy maintains. I was interested in something a little deeper and a little bit more emotional and painful. I think ultimately what happened to both women is ve ry painful. I got to know B ette D avis. I had a ve ry minor r elationship with her and got to spend time with her, and ... y ou go into something like that expecting a larger-than-life camp figure, which I think she helped propagate. And she told me when I talked to her that she felt that she was never going to be anybody unless somebody could impersonate her, so in the public vie w, she rarely turned that off. S he felt that was important for her survival, but when I got across from her one-on-one and I got to spend four hours talking with her one day, she was not that person at all. S he was not camp. S he was not broad. S he was ve ry emotional and r eal, and all of those things were in the water when we began to write the sho w. S arandon says she found the good news and bad news with playing someone w ell-known is that there are so many pieces of film and TV appearances and interviews and r ecordings and everything, so we just hunkered down. F or the first six w eeks, we w ere just getting as much as we could but when R yan first talked to me about it, I said, Im just terrified. I am so scared. And he said, W ell, Im scared, too. It will be OK. And that r eally helped me a lot. M uch C rawford material also was available to Lange, who r easons, When (Crawford) was in public, she was performing, so it was ve ry hard to find a moment where y ou could like r eally discern what the heart and soul of that character was. As an actor, y ou go back to, OK, w ell, this is what happened to her in her childhood, what determined who she was: the physical abuse, sexual abuse, the po ve rt y, all these things she was constantly fighting against for the r est of her life. Susan Sarandon (left) and Jessica Lange1/4 page Ad PAGE 2 page page page page 18 page 24 page 26 page 28 page 32 page 34 page 36 rrfr n t b b b r t n r t b r f n tf b n


Full page Ad PAGE 3 Since 1940, Beltone has of fer ed simply the best in hearing car e. For the past 75 years, we have always prided ourselves on one thing: .to ourAt Belton e, you always ge t mor e: YEA RS Y YE www .beltone.comWi th over 75 year s of expe ri ence an d a 95 % pa tient sa tisf action rat ing, yo u kn ow Be lt one is th e name you ca n tr ust. Aw ar d-winning technology with legendary Beltone sound Exclusive BelCar elifetime car e pr ogram Fr ee annual hearing evaluations 2-year hearing loss change pr otection And, so much mor e! hearin g scr eening & in-of ce trial Among adu lts over 50. *Disco unt of f MSRP $XXX of f single Be ltone XX he aring ai d. Ca nnot be combine d with ot her of fers, co upon s or insurance plans. Pr evious pur chase s exclud ed. Pa rticipatio n may va ry. Bene ts of he aring aid s vary by typ e and degr ee of hear ing loss, no ise envir onment, ac curacy of hear ing ev aluation and pr oper t. Bel tone He aring Car e Centers ar e indep endently owned and operated. 2015 Belt one(D ispense r Impri nt and W or k ar ea) Why ? C C C C C C a a a a l l l l l l l l l l l l T T T T T T O O O O O O D D D D D D A A A A A A Y Y Y Y Y Y f f f f f f o o o o r r r r y y y y y y o o o o u u u u r r r r a a a a p p p p p p p p p p p p o o o o i i i i i i n n n n t t t t t t m m m m e e e e n n n n t t t t t t . Most trusted name in hearing car e $10 00of fLimited time of fer .a set of our latest technology Shar on & Gr eg Yo rd on HAS; BC HIS; MS Panama City 1031 W. 23r d Str eet, Suite AAcross from TGI FridaysPanama City Beach 12234 Panama City Beach PkwyIn Healthpoint Medical Tu esdays850-250-1990Chipley 1611 Main Str eet #4850-260-0436 With over 76 years of experience and a 95% patient satisfaction rating, you know Beltone is the name you can trust. Most Insurance plans accepted Let us check your coverage! Among adults over 50. *Discount of f MSRP $500 of f single aid of 17 Channel hearing aids. Cannot be combined with other of fers, coupons or insurance plans. Pr evious pur chases excluded. Participation may vary Benets of hearing aids vary by type and degr ee of hearing loss, noise envir onment, accuracy of hearing evaluation and pr oper t. Be lt on e He a ring Car e Centers ar e independently owned and operated. 2017 Beltone 76WERE IN YO UR NEIGHBORHOOD!Financing Av ailable. WA C Over 80 models to choose fr omStarting at$795See stor e for details


LOCAL CONTENT LOCAL CONTENT PAGE 4 THE NEWS HERALD SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 2017 5 places for coffee and a snack 1 Finns Barista Bar, 7220 Thomas Drive, Panama City Beach at Mr. Surfs Surf Shop. Here you can nd everything from a fresh cup of coffee or latte to a kombucha or smoothie. Local honey sits on shelves and you can view and learn about acai powder, maca powder, goji berries and more. 2 Amavida Coffee and Tea St. Andrews, 2997 W. 19th St., Panama City. Google reviewer Anita Baird might have said it best: The decor and vibe of the place is awesome! Located near the bottom of Beck Avenue on 10th Street, Amivida, the brainchild of Dan Bailey, is known for its specialty coffee roasting. Bailey speaks of coffee like someone talking about a ne wine, and it shows when you taste any of the bevy of offerings. 3 Wild Root, 707 Richard Jackson Blvd., Panama City Beach. If youre looking for connection with nature, this is your place with a coffee and yoga studio, plenty of snacks, even some kale or other unique item that will keep your senses busy. 4 Willows British Tea Room, 461 Harrison Ave, Panama City. The shop has been open for a half-dozen years now after Linda Smith, making visits from England to see her daughter here, decided to make Panama City her home. Here youll nd coffee, tea and a menu that includes shepherds pie and quiche, and even has a Royal Afternoon Tea. 5 St. Andrews Coffee House, 1006 Beck Ave., Panama City. The shop has changed ownership but the coffee remains strong, both in quality and avor. They also feature more than just a ne cup of coffee, the menu includes fresh-baked pastries, breakfast and a favorite, the smoked salmon plate with a toasted bagel and cream cheese. Along with a freshly made cappuccino, it is a ne way to start a day. St. Andrews Coffee House ABOVE: Willows British Tea Room LEFT: Amavida Coffee and Tea


1/2 page Ad 1/2 page Ad PAGE 5 A Tast e of Harrison!Exper ience A Va ri ety Of Atmospheres & Wo nderful Fo ods! Cano Sugar Boog ers r Cano s Ar mando Lechonera Comida Puer tor iquearr fn t b Ta tiana sC af &C ater ing Ta tiana s Caf & Cater ing Millies Caf r r To m s Hot Dogs rbbr The Place Do wnto wn r bbr Mose y s Do wnto wn Tu esday Friday 10:00am 6:00pm Satur day 9:00am 1:00pm 1328 W. 15 th St Pa nama Ci ty FL 32401 (850) 763-0765 www www Brands We Carr y: New Ya maha and Pramber ger Acoustic Pi anos, New Ya maha Digital Pianos & a selection of Pr e-Owned Pian os Our Brands W e Carr y: Pr oud to be a local business in Bay County r f n nt Pet Salon THE DOWNTOWN Pet Pet Salon Salon Pet Salon Pet Pet Salon Pet Salon Donna Wa ddell (850) 769-9786 547 Grace Av enue Panama City FL 32401We Lo ve Yo ur PETS Like Ou r Ow n!


PAGE 6 A J S V A C E S J U E P K A V S G U H V P B O W M A N E N N R B Q W A U R V A P U X I R I P P E R N R Z C U J T R E F M J P Z S T R H R E W O N F A V A L W A Z I P V A D N I C A R U S E V N P J U R H N H X K S P P L E E E S I P R W P E J A N E L R L V G U B O N R Z R S Z U S K L U R W A N L O E P T W A R P E S V J P I Q D N U R C O P Z U B O W N C E M A J O W E C I Z H X F V L I D U G M V H T R N J D R A E Z N E J A X A H W A Y C H A S E P I O S Time After Time on ABC(Words in parentheses not in puzzle) (H.G.) Wells John (Stevenson) Jane (Walker) Vanessa (Anders) Griffin (Monroe) (Freddie) Stroma (Josh) Bowman (Genesis) Rodriguez (Nicole Ari) Parker (Will) Chase (Time) Machine (Jack the) Ripper Pursuit Adventure Chronicles Zap2it ACROSS 1. American __ 8. Snakes greeting 9. American __ 10. Dr. Robert Bordens portrayer on Blindspot (2) 14. Guilty or Not guilty 15. Rebeccas husband on Breaking Amish 16. Sinatras third 17. My Name Is __ 18. Linear measurements: abbr. 19. Helper: abbr. 20. __ Burn; 2005 movie for Ray Liotta 24. ...FDR, __, DDE, JFK, LBJ... 27. __ Comes the Boom; 2012 Kevin James film 28. Give __ __ go; try 29. Steiger or Serling 32. Actor Richard 33. __ __ Live! 36. Space flight agcy. 37. Somerhalder and McKellen 38. Role on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2)DOWN 1. Outdoorsmen 2. Patton __; Spences portrayer on The King of Queens 3. Take advantage of 4. Bird on a __; 1990 Mel Gibson/Goldie Hawn movie 5. Whatll __ __; Irving Berlin song 6. Full of lather 7. Charlton Heston classic (2) 8. Island dances 11. __ Law 12. Initials for composer Berlin 13. Olympus __ Fallen; 2013 Gerard Butler film 14. Tiny veggie 20. Actor Moore 21. I Am __; 2007 Will Smith movie 22. Exams given before a panel 23. Ming-Na __ 24. File drawer, perhaps 25. The __; Best Picture Oscar winner starring Newman & Redford 26. Singer and TV personality __ Braxton 29. Tatums dad 30. Positive response 31. Most famous 1981 bride 34. Monogram for Marys portrayer on Little House on the Prairie 35. __ Farrow CROSSWORD The identity of the celebrity is found within the answers in the puzzle. In order to take the TV Challenge, un-scramble the letters noted with asterisks in the puzzle.Solution on page 47.


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PAGE 9 Sportszone T he Boston Celtics are once again a team of relevance in the NBA s Eastern Conference and it s no coincidence their surge in the standings has echoed the productivity of I saiah Thomas, who is among the league s top five scoring leaders. Thomas and the Celtics will be tested when they head to the We st coast for a contest with S tephen Cu rr y and the Golden S tate W arriors, W ednesday Ma rch 8 on ESPN. Thomas joined the Celtics mid-season in 2015 and has no w made the team his o wn. Right out of the gate this season he began averaging ov er 20-points per game but is no w much closer to 30, placing him among the likes of J ames Harden and Ru ssell W estbrook. He s been especially dominant in the fourth quarter literally taking ov er games and putting the team on his shoulders. Although his first name is spelled differently Thomas is named after NBA Hall-of-F amer I siah Thomas to whom he is not related. A standout for the W ashington H uskies in college, Thomas was drafted in 2011 as the 60th ov erall pick by the S acramento Kings, where he played three seasons before being traded to the Phoenix S uns in 2014. The S uns then traded him to Boston where he has become part of a proud and historic franchise that appears to be again in the process of building a winning team. Sh ould the Celtics winning ways continue, Thomas and company could give the Cleveland Cavaliers a run for their money not only in the playoffs, but perhaps for the top seed in the East. BY DAN LADD AUTO RACINGSaturday 8:00 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Rinnai 250, Qualifying. (Live) 9:30 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Camping World Truck Series: Active Pest Control 200, Qualifying. (Live) 11:00 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500, Final Practice. (Live) 12:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR RaceDay (Live) 1:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Rinnai 250. (Live) 3:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Camping World Truck Series: Active Pest Control 200. (Live) 5:30 p.m. FS1 NCWTS Post Race Show (Live)Sunday11:30 a.m. FS1 NASCAR RaceDay (Live) 1:00 p.m. FOX Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Pre-Race (Live) 1:30 p.m. FOX NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500. (Live) 10:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Folds of Honor QuikTrip 500.Tuesday 4:30 p.m. NBCSN NASCAR America (Live) 5:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Race Hub (Live)Wednesday 6:30 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Camping World Truck Series: Active Pest Control 200.Friday 1:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Kobalt 400, Practice. (Live) 2:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Race Hub Weekend Edition (Live) 3:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Boyd Gaming 300, Practice. (Live)Saturday11:00 a.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Kobalt 400. (Live) 12:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Boyd Gaming 300, Qualifying. (Live) 1:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Race Hub Weekend Edition (Live) 1:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing Monster Energy Cup Series: Kobalt 400, Final Practice. (Live) 2:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR RaceDay (Live) 3:00 p.m. FS1 NASCAR Racing XFINITY Series: Boyd Gaming 300. (Live) 5:30 p.m. FS1 NASCAR XFINITY Series Post Race (Live)BASEBALLSunday 1:30 p.m. SUN Shriners Hospitals for Children Classic Mississippi vs. TCU. (Live)BASKETBALLSaturday11:00 a.m. CBS Kentucky at Texas A&M. (Live) FOX Villanova at Georgetown. (Live) THIS Pittsburgh at Virginia. (Live) ESPN Indiana at Ohio State. (Live) ESPN2 Womens College (Live) 1:00 p.m. CBS Notre Dame at Louisville. (Live) FOX FOX College Hoops Extra (Live) ESPN Florida at Vanderbilt. (Live) ESPN2 Georgia at Arkansas. (Live) SUN Xavier at DePaul. (Live) 1:30 p.m. FOX Seton Hall at Butler. (Live) 2:00 p.m. THIS Miami at Florida State. (Live) 3:00 p.m. CBS Arizona at Arizona State. (Live) ESPN Baylor at Texas. (Live) ESPN2 Memphis at Southern Methodist. (Live) 3:30 p.m. FOX FOX College Hoops Extra (Live) SUN Wake Forest at Virginia Tech. (Live) 5:00 p.m. ESPN Kansas at Oklahoma State. (Live) ESPN2 Oregon at Oregon State. (Live) 7:00 p.m. ABC NBA Countdown (Live) ESPN College GameDay (Live) ESPN2 Ohio Valley Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) SUN Cleveland Cavaliers at Miami Heat. (Live) 7:15 p.m. ESPN Duke at North Carolina. (Live) 7:30 p.m. ABC Los Angeles Clippers at Chicago Bulls. (Live) 9:00 p.m. ESPN2 WCC Tournament, Third Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 9:30 p.m. SUN HEAT Live! Postgame (Live) 11:00 p.m. ESPN2 WCC Tournament, Fourth Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live)Sunday11:00 a.m. CBS Cincinnati at Connecticut. (Live) 12:00 p.m. ESPN Big South Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 Womens College (Live) 1:00 p.m. CBS MVC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:30 p.m. FS1 Womens College (Live) 2:00 p.m. ABC NBA Countdown (Live) ESPN Atlantic Sun Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:30 p.m. ABC Golden State Warriors at New York Knicks. (Live) 3:30 p.m. CBS Purdue at Northwestern. (Live) FS1 FS1 College Hoops Extra (Live) 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 Womens College (Live) FS1 Womens College (Live) 6:00 p.m. ESPN2 Womens College (Live) 6:30 p.m. ESPN NBA Countdown (Live) 7:30 p.m. ESPN Oklahoma City Thunder at Dallas Mavericks. (Live) 8:00 p.m. ESPN2 Womens College (Live) 10:00 p.m. ESPN2 College Basketball Live (Live)Monday 3:00 p.m. FS1 Womens College (Live) 5:00 p.m. FS1 FS1 College Hoops Extra (Live) 5:30 p.m. FS1 Womens College (Live) SUN HEAT Live! Pregame (Live) 6:00 p.m. ESPN Southern Conference Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 Womens College (Live) SUN Miami Heat at Cleveland Cavaliers. (Live) 7:00 p.m. TNT Indiana Pacers at Charlotte Hornets. (Live) 7:30 p.m. FS1 FS1 College Hoops Extra (Live) 8:00 p.m. ESPN WCC Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 MAAC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) FS1 Womens College (Live) 8:30 p.m. SUN HEAT Live! Postgame (Live) 9:30 p.m. TNT Boston Celtics at Los Angeles Clippers. (Live) 10:00 p.m. ESPN2 College Basketball Live Scoreboard (Live) FS1 FS1 College Hoops Extra (Live)


PAGE 10 Sports zone 10:30 p.m. ESPN2 WCC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live)Tuesday 9:00 a.m. SUN Miami Heat at Cleveland Cavaliers. 11:00 a.m. THIS ESPN2 ACC Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:00 p.m. THIS ESPN2 ACC Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:00 p.m. ESPN NBA: The Jump (Live) 6:00 p.m. THIS ACC Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN Horizon League Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 NEC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) SUN Miami Heat at Cleveland Cavaliers. 8:00 p.m. ESPN WCC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 Summit League Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 10:00 p.m. FS1 FS1 College Hoops Extra (Live)Wednesday 11:00 a.m. THIS ESPN ACC Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:00 p.m. THIS ESPN ACC Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:00 p.m. ESPN2 NBA: The Jump (Live) 3:30 p.m. ESPN2 Big Ten Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:00 p.m. THIS ACC Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN NBA Countdown (Live) ESPN2 ACC Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) FS1 Big East Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:30 p.m. SUN Charlotte Hornets at Miami Heat. (Live) 7:00 p.m. ESPN Detroit Pistons at Indiana Pacers. (Live) 8:00 p.m. THIS ESPN2 ACC Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) FS1 Big East Tourament Bridge Show (Live) 8:30 p.m. FS1 Big East Tournament, First Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 9:30 p.m. ESPN Boston Celtics at Golden State Warriors. (Live)Thursday 9:00 a.m. SUN Charlotte Hornets at Miami Heat. 10:30 a.m. FS1 Big East Tournament Pregame Show (Live) 11:00 a.m. THIS ESPN ACC Tournament, First Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) FS1 Big East Tournament, First Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) NBCSN Atlantic 10 Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 11:30 a.m. ESPN2 Big 12 Tournament, First Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:00 p.m. THIS ESPN ACC Tournament, Second Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) FS1 Big East Tourament Bridge Show (Live) 1:30 p.m. ESPN2 Big 12 Tournament, Second Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) FS1 Big East Tournament, Second Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 5:30 p.m. ESPN2 Big Ten Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:00 p.m. THIS ESPN ACC Tournament, Third Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) FS1 Big East Tournament, Third Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 7:00 p.m. TNT San Antonio Spurs at Oklahoma City Thunder. (Live) 7:30 p.m. ESPN2 Big Ten Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:00 p.m. THIS ESPN ACC Tournament, Fourth Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) FS1 Big East Tourament Bridge Show (Live) 8:30 p.m. FS1 Big East Tournament, Fourth Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 9:30 p.m. TNT Los Angeles Lakers at Phoenix Suns. (Live) 10:30 p.m. ESPN Pac-12 Tournament, Fourth Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live)Friday11:00 a.m. ESPN Big Ten Tournament, First Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 AAC Tournament, First Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) NBCSN Atlantic 10 Tournament, First Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:00 p.m. ESPN Big Ten Tournament, Second Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 AAC Tournament, Second Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 1:30 p.m. NBCSN Atlantic 10 Tournament, Second Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 4:00 p.m. NBCSN College Basketball Update (Live) 5:00 p.m. FS1 Big East Tournament Pregame Show (Live) NBCSN Atlantic 10 Tournament, Third Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 5:30 p.m. FS1 Big East Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:00 p.m. THIS ESPN ACC Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 Big 12 Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 7:30 p.m. FS1 Big East Tourament Bridge Show (Live) NBCSN Atlantic 10 Tournament, Fourth Quarterfinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:00 p.m. THIS ESPN ACC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 Big 12 Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) FS1 Big East Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 10:30 p.m. ESPN Pac-12 Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live)Saturday10:00 a.m. ESPN2 America East Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 11:30 a.m. CBS Inside College Basketball (Live) 12:00 p.m. CBS Big Ten Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN SEC Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 MEAC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:00 p.m. ESPN SEC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN2 AAC Tournament, First Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 2:30 p.m. CBS Big Ten Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 4:00 p.m. ESPN2 AAC Tournament, Second Semifinal: Teams TBA. (Live) 5:00 p.m. CBS Mountain West Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) ESPN Big 12 Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 6:30 p.m. ESPN2 MAC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 7:00 p.m. ESPN College GameDay (Live) SUN Toronto Raptors at Miami Heat. (Live) 7:30 p.m. ABC Golden State Warriors at San Antonio Spurs. (Live) 8:00 p.m. ESPN ACC Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 8:30 p.m. ESPN2 Southland Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 10:00 p.m. ESPN Pac-12 Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) 10:30 p.m. ESPN2 Big West Tournament, Final: Teams TBA. (Live) GOLFSaturday 1:30 a.m. GOLF WGC-Mexico Championship, Second Round. 4:00 a.m. GOLF Tshwane Open, Third Round. (Live) 10:00 a.m. GOLF Golf Central Pregame (Live) 11:00 a.m. GOLF WGC-Mexico Championship, Third Round. (Live) 2:00 p.m. NBC WGC Mexico Championship, Third Round. (Live) GOLF HSBC Womens Champions, Third Round. 5:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (Live) 6:00 p.m. GOLF WGC-Mexico Championship, Third Round. 9:30 p.m. GOLF HSBC Womens Champions, Final Round. (Live)Sunday 1:30 a.m. GOLF WGC-Mexico Championship, Third Round. 4:00 a.m. GOLF Tshwane Open, First Round. (Live) 10:00 a.m. GOLF Golf Central Pregame (Live) 11:00 a.m. GOLF WGC-Mexico Championship, Final Round. (Live) 1:00 p.m. NBC WGC Mexico Championship, Final Round. (Live) GOLF HSBC Womens Champions, Final Round. 5:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (Live) 6:00 p.m. GOLF WGC-Mexico Championship, Final Round.Monday12:00 a.m. GOLF WGC-Mexico Championship, Final Round. 10:00 a.m. GOLF HSBC Womens Champions, Final Round. 12:00 p.m. GOLF WGC-Mexico Championship, Final Round. 5:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (Live)Wednesday11:30 p.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, First Round. (Live)Thursday 1:30 a.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, First Round. 3:00 a.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, First Round. (Live) 8:00 a.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, First Round. 12:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central Pregame (Live) 1:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, First Round. (Live) 5:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (Live) 6:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, First Round. 10:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, First Round. 11:30 p.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, Second Round. (Live)Friday 1:30 a.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, Second Round. 3:00 a.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, Second Round. Paul George and the Indiana Pacers oppose the Detroit Pistons Wednesday on ESPN.


Sportszone 8:00 a.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, Second Round. 12:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central Pregame (Live) 1:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Second Round. (Live) 5:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (Live) 6:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Second Round. 10:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Second Round.Saturday 1:30 a.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, Third Round. (Live) 8:00 a.m. GOLF Hero Indian Open, Third Round. 11:00 a.m. GOLF Golf Central Pregame (Live) 12:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Third Round. (Live) 2:00 p.m. NBC Valspar Championship, Third Round. (Live) 5:00 p.m. GOLF Golf Central (Live) 6:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Third Round. 11:00 p.m. GOLF Valspar Championship, Third Round.HOCKEYSunday 7:00 p.m. NBCSN St. Louis Blues at Colorado Avalanche. (Live) 9:45 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live) 10:30 p.m. NBCSN NHL Sunday Shootout: The Week in Review (Live)Monday 6:30 p.m. NBCSN Dallas Stars at Washington Capitals. (Live) 9:15 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live)Tuesday 6:30 p.m. NBCSN Philadelphia Flyers at Buffalo Sabres. (Live) 9:15 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live)Wednesday 6:00 p.m. NBCSN NHL Live (Live) 7:00 p.m. NBCSN Detroit Red Wings at Boston Bruins. (Live) 9:45 p.m. NBCSN NHL Overtime (Live)Thursday 6:30 p.m. SUN Minnesota Wild at Tampa Bay Lightning. (Live)SOCCERSaturday 8:30 a.m. NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) 8:55 a.m. NBCSN English Premier League Soccer Leicester City FC vs Hull City AFC. (Live) 11:00 a.m. NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) 11:25 a.m. NBCSN English Premier League Soccer Liverpool FC vs Arsenal FC. (Live) 1:30 p.m. NBCSN Premier League Goal Zone (Live) 3:00 p.m. UNI MLS Soccer FC Dallas at Los Angeles Galaxy. 4:00 p.m. FOX Womens Soccer SheBelieves Cup England vs. United States. (Live) 7:00 p.m. UNI Ftbol Mexicano Primera Divisin Club Leon vs Club America. 9:00 p.m. UNI Ftbol Mexicano Primera Divisin CD Guadalajara vs Deportivo Toluca FC. Sunday 7:25 a.m. NBCSN English Premier League Soccer Tottenham Hotspur FC vs Everton FC. (Live) 8:00 a.m. FS1 Bundesliga Match Day (Live) 8:30 a.m. FS1 Bundesliga Soccer Eintracht Frankfurt vs SC Freiburg. (Live) 9:30 a.m. NBCSN Premier League Live (Live) 9:55 a.m. NBCSN English Premier League Soccer Sunderland AFC vs Manchester City FC. (Live) 12:00 p.m. NBCSN Premier League Goal Zone (Live) UNI Mexico Primera Division Soccer Universidad Nacional vs Club Santos Laguna. Fe4:00 p.m. ESPN MLS Soccer New York City FC at Orlando City SC. (Live) 6:30 p.m. FS1 MLS Soccer New York Red Bulls at Atlanta United FC. (Live)Monday 4:00 p.m. NBCSN Premier League Goal Zone (Live)Tuesday 1:00 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League Pregame (Live) 1:30 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League Soccer Arsenal FC vs FC Bayern Munich. (Live)Wednesday 1:00 p.m. FS1 UEFA Champions League Pregame (Live)Saturday 6:25 a.m. NBCSN English Premier League Soccer Manchester City FC vs Stoke City FC. (Live) 8:55 a.m. NBCSN English Premier League Soccer Teams TBA. (Live) 11:30 a.m. NBC English Premier League Soccer Arsenal FC vs Leicester City FC. (Live) 1:30 p.m. NBC Premier League Goal Zone (Live) 7:00 p.m. UNI Ftbol Mexicano Primera Divisin Tigres UANL vs CD Guadalajara. rf nt b bb t f f r f t ff t ftt f r rf r tr f Mo ving Po rtable Ofces, Sheds, Carports, Lar ge Box es & Mor e! SHED MOVING rfn tb Marie s Fa brics CUST OM SEWING PROFESSIONAL AL TERA TIONS MONOGRAMS & EMBROIDER Y r f n tb t t


PAGE 12 No w that he s turned The Pr ofit, Ma r cus Lemonis has a need for The Pa r tner. O ne of the staples of CNBC s primetime lineup launches a ne w competition T uesday Ma r ch 7, as the self-made millionaire and entrepreneur seeks someone to help him manage the businesses he accrued through The Pr ofit ... with the winner also getting an equity stake in Lemonis portfolio and a $500,000 contract. The ten finalists who ultimately w ent to Chicago to vie for the P artner job spanning the countr y f r om California to Ne w Yo r k, were chosen from thousands of entrants. At the end of the five-episode sho w, the winner is someone who must match as Lemonis puts it his ow n drive and passion, which has seen him invest more than $40 million of his money in companies. I t was more emotional for me than I thought it was going to be, he says of making the new sho w, because I r ealized ho w much I was missing internally what v oid I had and why I was struggling. I was surprised by who I chose. I thought I would choose someone who was like me, and I ended up choosing someone who wasn t like me at all. BY JA Y BOBBIN Marcus Lemonis CNBC s Ma r cus Lemonis seeks The Pa rtner to help run his businesses J ames P ickens Jr is an actor horseman, r oper and philanthropist, who can curr ently be seen on G re y s A natomy on ABC.JAMESPICKENS JR.He was born October 26, 1954 in Cleveland, Ohio. While attending college at Bowling Green State University Pickens began pur suing an interest in acting. He graduated from BGSU with a Bachelor of Fine Ar ts in 1976. Pickens began work on the stage at the Roundabout Theater in New Y ork City During his time on stage, he starred in the Negro Ensemble Company s production of A Soldier s Play with Denzel W ashington and Samuel L. Jackson. He appeared in the soap opera Another W orld from 1986-1990. Pickens went on to have recurring roles on X-Files, Curb Y our Enthusiasm, The W est W ing, Roseanne, Beverly Hills, 90210, JAG and Six Feet Under . Throughout his extensive work on television, Pickens is best known as Dr Richard W ebber on Grey s Anatomy . In film, Pickens has had the for tune of working with Oscar -winning director Bar ry Levinson in the following films: Jimmy Hollywood (1994), Sleepers (1996), Sphere (1998) and Liber ty Heights (1999). -He also got to work with Steven Soder bergh in the early 2001 drama T raffic, which won several Academy A wards that year .DID YOU KNOW Marie s Fa brics CUST OM SEWING PROFESSIONAL AL TERA TIONS MONOGRAMS & EMBROIDER Y r f n tb t t Tu esday Friday 10:00am 6:00pm Satur day 9:00am 1:00pm 1328 W. 15 th St Pa nama Ci ty FL 32401 (850) 763-0765 www www Brands We Carr y: New Ya maha and Pramber ger Acoustic Pi anos, New Ya maha Digital Pianos & a selection of Pr e-Owned Pian os Our Brands W e Carr y: Pr oud to be a local business in Bay County r f n nt


GardenSaturday6 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers 7 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers 8 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers 10 p.m. HGTV Log Cabin Living (N) 10:30 p.m. HGTV Log Cabin Living (N) 11 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers Sunday6 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop 6:30 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop 7 p.m. HGTV Beachfront Bargain Hunt (N) 7:30 p.m. HGTV Beachfront Bargain Hunt (N) 10:30 p.m. HGTV Tiny House Hunters 11 p.m. HGTV Love It or List It Tuesday6 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper7 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper A 8 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper A (N) 9 p.m. HGTV House Hunters A (N) 9:30 p.m. TRU Hack My Life: Like a Boss (N) 10 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper A 11 p.m. HGTV Fixer Upper A Wednesday6 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers 6:30 p.m. TRU Hack My Life: Like a Boss 7 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers 8 p.m. HGTV Caribbean Life (N) 8:30 p.m. HGTV Caribbean Life (N) 9 p.m. FOX Open House (N) HGTV Island Life (N) 9:30 p.m. HGTV Island Life A (N) 10 p.m. HGTV House Hunters 11 p.m. HGTV Caribbean Life 11:30 p.m. HGTV Caribbean Life Monday7 p.m. HGTV Love It or List It 8 p.m. HGTV Love It or List It (N) 9 p.m. HGTV House Hunters A (N) 10 p.m. HGTV Tiny House Hunters 8 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers (N) 9 p.m. HGTV House Hunters 10 p.m. HGTV Property Brothers 11 p.m. HGTV Property BrothersThursday6 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop6:30 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop A 7 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop A 7:30 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop A 8 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop A (N) 8:30 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop 9 p.m. HGTV House Hunters A (N) 10 p.m. HGTV Joined at the Flip (N) 10:30 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop A 11 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop A 11:30 p.m. HGTV Flip or Flop Friday6 p.m. HGTV Beachfront Bargain Hunt6:30 p.m. HGTV Beachfront Bargain Hunt 7 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home 7:30 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home8 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home(N) 8:30 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home 9 p.m. HGTV House Hunters A 10 p.m. HGTV House Hunters 11 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home 11:30 p.m. HGTV My Lottery Dream Home


PAGE 14 nite laughs Betsy De Vo sLate Night with Seth MeyersVice President Mike Pence today cast the tie-breaking vote to confirm controversial education secretar y nominee Betsy DeV os. And if you don t know what that means, youre probably Betsy DeV os. Billionaire Richard Branson recently released a video of former President Obama kite-sur fing with him in the Virgin Islands. Hey man, I get that you don t have to deal with all this anymore, but could you not rub it in? This is why people un-friend their exes on Facebook.The T onight Show Starring Jimmy FallonT oday the Senate of ficially confirmed Betsy DeV os as education secretar y, with a vote of 51 to 50. Or as T rump calls that, a landslide. It was actually a 50-50 tie vote that was broken by the vice president. Which makes the vote for education secretar y the only place where a 51 is a passing grade.The Late Show With Stephen Colber tSteve Bannon is Donald T rump s senior strategist. A lot of people are saying that he s the guy really running the White House, but Im not sure I believe that, because there s no proof that anyone s running the White House right now The Senate confirmed Education Secretar y Betsy DeV os. Now there are 100 senators. She got the votes of only half of them. So her first act is to make 50 count as a passing grade.Jimmy Kimmel LiveIt is a holiday in Boston because the quar terback for the New England Patriots, T om Brady declared it a holiday I did not know he had the power to do that. He gave ever yone the day of f today I don t think the mayor s even allowed to give people has an athlete ever over thrown a city government before? What if he decides to use his powers for evil? Y ou know T om Brady is gluten-free, what if he makes ever yone go glutenfree? Y ou order a lobster roll, you get a handful of seafood. Send questions of general interest via e-mail to tvpipeline@tribune. com. W riters must include their names, cities and states. Personal replies cannot be sent. Will Lady Gaga leave football fans Bowled over again?Q: I really enjoyed Lady Gaga s Super Bowl halftime show W ould she ever be asked back to do another one? Jill Parks, via e-mail A: It s always the National Football League s choice who to ask to per form, and an encore by any ar tist isn t out of the question, though the NFL generally likes to spread the wealth around a little. If she does a reprise, it probably wouldn t be for a few years, or as a guest in a halftime show in which someone else is the headliner ... as with Bruno Mars, who starred in the 2014 edition, then joined Coldplay Beyonc and others in the 2016 show It isn t likely Gaga would mind being asked back, especially given the immediate economic results of her per formance. As is typical for most Super Bowl halftime stars, digital sales of her music rose immediately and dramatically to the tune of more than 1000 percent and it didn t hur t that she had included such past hits as Poker Face, Bad Romance and Born This W ay in her 13-minute set. BY JA Y BOBBIN Lady Gaga A sk P aul R ust ho w he created his character of nice guy G us Cr uickshank on N etflix s r elationship comedy Lo v e and yo u ll likely get a long pause. I t s a character who ... if I myself was not in therapy that s sort of what the character is, the 35-year-old Io wa native says with a laugh. ... F or a decade before this I was playing sort of ner dy parts and I got ex cited by the idea of What if we took a character like that, that you see all the time in mo vies and TV sho ws but then use the TV sho w and the format of streaming television as a way to kind of I guess, deepen a character like that? And a lot of times, characters like that are sor t of presented as these cuddly E wok, dork types, he continues. And in my experience, a lot of times those people can have a r eal chip on their shoulder sort of a darkness to them and that became interesting, (the idea) of H ow can we sho w that as opposed to him just being this like slightly clichd sweet ner d and tr y to do something different? As S eason 2 drops F riday Ma r ch 10, G us and wildchild pal M ickey D obbs (G illian J acobs) have finally kissed but no w are unsure of ho w to proceed. M ickey especially is war y of embarking on any r elationship given her addictions to sex and lo ve. And G us is willing to giv e her her space and be just friends at least for no w. We ll see ho w that goes. I t s about the sort of space after y ou started dating somebody y ou like each other but y ou haven t said yo u re a r eal-deal couple, R ust, also a writer and ex ecutive producer of the series, explains. S o it s befor e that period of two people who want to tr y to make something work and so they r e not just working on the r elationship but their o wn personal lives. Full name: Paul Rober t Rust Bir th date: April 12, 1981 Bir thplace: Le Mars, Iowa Residence: Los Angeles Education: University of Iowa Family ties: Married Lesley Ar fin, also a writer and executive producer of Love, in October 2015 Other talents: Stand-up comedy, improvisation (per forms at the Upright Citizens Brigade in Los Angeles), bass guitar TV credits include: Drake & Josh, The Ve ry Funny Show , The Sarah Silverman Program, The Suits, The Back Room, Mr Sunshine, The Intern, The Life & Times of Tim (voice), Animal Practice, Parks and Recreation, TRON: Uprising, Super Fun Night, Comedy Bang! Bang!, UCB Comedy Originals, Bob s Burgers (voice) Movie credits include: Semi-Pro (2008), Inglourious Basterds (2009), I Love Y ou, Beth Cooper (2009), Pee-wee s Big Holiday (2016) Checking in with PA UL RUST BY GEORGE DICKIE


BY KA TE WIGHT @ZAP2IT .COM Though we know Season 9 of RuPaul s Drag Race is coming out sometime in 2017, we still don t have an exact release date. W ere super -psyched by RuPaul s new album but that s still not enough. We crave all the things Drag Race ser ves us: The ar tistr y of drag makeup, the camaraderie between the queens, the relationship drama intense competition brings out. To that end, weve been binge-watching shows that scratch our metaphorical itch, and they may just sur prise you. If you miss Drag Race as much as we do, here are some shows to distract yourself with, while you wait for its assuredly triumphant return! Skin W ars For those of us (ahem) who can barely apply lipgloss, the sheer transformative power of drag makeup is always mesmerizing. The eyebrows! The contouring! Skin W ars takes that to a whole new level, as professional body painters create incredible illusions by painting full bodies, even multiple bodies, to create fantasies you can barely believe are real. The ar t is gorgeous, the shade is plentiful... And Mama Ru herself is a judge, so you know it s high quality Skin W ars airs W ednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on GSN. All three seasons (plus the spin-off, Skin W ars: Fresh Paint) are streaming on Hulu. Face Off This Syfy standby just kicked off its eleventh season, and it s as engaging as ever This competition features up-and-coming visual ar tists competing to create the best movie-ready aliens, horror movie villains, and other fantasy characters using makeup and prosthetics. Because by necessity the sculpting and molding take multiple days to complete, there is no arbitrar y time restriction which allows the contestants to push the boundaries of visual ar tistr y. Theyre also some of the most interesting people, fun to watch and get to know ever y season, when someone gets inevitably gets into a jam with a stuck mold or a prosthetic, you know the rest of the contestants will immediately jump in to lend a hand. As enter taining as Drag Race is when the queens are reading each other we love the camaraderie that develops between the unlikeliest of competitors. Face Off gives you all those warm fuzzy feelings, alongside incredible visual feats. Face Off Season 11 is airing now T uesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Syfy WERE MISSING RUP AUL S DRAG RACE TOO HERES HOW WERE GETTING THROUGH ITRuPaul Ba yt ow n De nt al Ce nt er We lc om esto ou r pr ac ti ce .Dr Am ja d He id am i, D. M. D.Dr A. He id am i wa s ra is ed in Pa na ma City an d we ar e gr at ef ul to ha ve hi m ba ck to se rv e th e co mm un it y.We no w of fe r De nt al Im pl an t se rv ic es to re pl ac e mi ss in g te et h or su pp or t de nt ur es FR EE SEC ON D OP IN IO NSMe mb er of th e In te rn at io na l De nt al Im pl an t Ass oc ia ti on AD A, FD A, NWD DA 23 26 Fr an kf or d Av e Pa na ma Ci ty FL 32 40 5 (8 50 ) 76 914 49 r Ca ll us to da y fo r Fr ee I mp la nt Co ns ul ta ti on s Vi si t ou r we bs it e at ba yt ow nd en tal ce nt er .c om


PAGE 16 Susan Sarandon Susan Sarandon and Jessica Lange star as Hollywood icons and rivals Bette Davis and Joan Crawford in Feud: Bette and Joan, premiering Sunday on FX. Find out more at www H.G. W ells (Freddie Stroma) pursues Jack the Ripper (Josh Bowman) from late-1800s England to present-day San Francisco in T ime After Ti me, an update of director Nicholas Meyer s popular 1979 fantasy drama that premieres Sunday on ABC. Go to A giant gym bag enables two college employees to travel back in time to Colonial Massachusetts and change histor y in Making Histor y , premiering Sunday on Fox. Click on www .fox. com/making-histor y After killing her abusive ex, Brooklyn detective Harlee Santos (Jennifer Lopez) worries about being found out as the second season of Shades of Blue gets going Sunday on NBC. Find clues to what s in store at www Los Angeles friends Gus and Mickey (Paul Rust, Gillian Jacobs) consider what to do next after their kiss as the second season of Love begins streaming Friday on Netflix. W atch it at www Self-made tycoon Marcus Lemonis seeks someone to manage the businesses he acquired in The Profit in the unscripted series The Par tner , premiering T uesday on CNBC. Learn more at www tner/ My Na me is Behind Ev er y Sa le850-8665950|Ea gleAmeric anRealt yGr oup .c om James Fi sherBr ok er850-8665950Co mmer cial Sa les Le asing & Managemen t Pr oper ty En titlemen t La nd De ve lopmen t Residen tial Sa les & Pr oper ty Managemen t


CookingSaturday6 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 6:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and Dives 7 p.m. FOOD Kids Baking Championship 8 p.m. FOOD Kids Baking Championship 9 p.m. FOOD Kids Baking Championship 10 p.m. FOX MasterChefFOOD Kids Baking Championship Sunday6 p.m. FOOD Guys Grocery Games TRAV Food Paradise 7 p.m. FOOD Guys Grocery Games (N) TRAV Food Paradise (N) 9:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and Dives10 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 10:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and DivesTRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations Tuesday6 p.m. FOOD Chopped TRAV Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern 7 p.m. FOOD Chopped TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations VH1 Martha & Snoops Potluck Dinner Party 7:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations VH1 Martha & Snoops Potluck Dinner Party 8 p.m. FOOD Chopped 8 p.m. FOOD Worst Cooks in America (N) 9 p.m. FOOD Cake Wars Four (N) 10 p.m. FOOD Bakers vs. Fakers Monday6 p.m. FOOD Kids Baking ChampionshipTRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 6:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 7 p.m. FOOD Kids Baking Championship (N) TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations7:30 p.m. TRAV Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations8 p.m. FOOD Cake Wars Four TRAV Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern 9 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives VH1 Martha & Snoops Potluck Dinner Party (N) TRAV Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern (N) 9 p.m. FOOD Chopped (N) 10 p.m. FOOD ChoppedTRAV Bizarre Foods America Wednesday6 p.m. FOOD Chopped Junior 7 p.m. FOOD Chopped Junior (N) 8 p.m. FOOD Cooks vs. Cons 9 p.m. FOOD Bakers vs. Fakers (N) 10 p.m. FOOD Bakers vs. Fakers Thursday6 p.m. FOOD Chopped7 p.m. FOX MasterChef (N) FOOD Chopped 8 p.m. FOOD Chopped 9 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay (N) 9:30 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay 10 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay 10:30 p.m. FOOD Beat Bobby Flay Friday6 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 6:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and Dives 7 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 7:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and Dives 8 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (N) 9 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 9:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and Dives 10 p.m. FOOD Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 10:30 p.m. FOOD Diners, DriveIns and Dives Do n t Tr ash It Re st or e It Before Af ter (850) 763-5603102 E. 4th St re et Pa nama Ci ty Fl orida 32401 r f n tn b Stev e Ri cha rd son 850-867-5603 Locally owned and operated since 1982850.763.0331 www .ridgeac.comLic. CAC058107


PAGE 18 SATURDAY EVENING MARCH 4, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News The Middle NBA Countdown (N) NBA Basketball: News The Middle (:35) Entertainment Tonight NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune Chicago Fire: Chicago P.D.: Chicago Justice: News Saturday Night Live : CBS 4 4 4 18Paid Program Inside Edition Ransom:Boxing: Modern Family Outdoorsman Elementary: IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Wm. Soccer Two and a Half Men 24: Legacy: APB:Insurance Wars Big Bang Theory MasterChef TMZ (N) PBS 11 11 56 Lawrence Welks TV Treasures Roy Orbison: Black & White Night 30 Rock Rewind: 1967-1969 (My Music) Travis Tritt: A Man and His Guitar Rock Rewind CW 99 9 8 8Cheaters:Family Guy Family Guy Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers Family Guy Seinfeld Engagement Engagement Raising Hope Raising Hope THIS 209 133 Incredible Hulk: Wonder Woman Star Trek: Svengoolie: Batman BatmanCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265The First 48 The First 48 Live PD The First 48 AMC 30 32 131 254Lethal Weapon 2 Lethal Weapon 3 Lethal Weapon 4 ANPL 46 69 184 282Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV The Zoo (N) Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV BET 53 46 124 329Baby Boy Addicted Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane (:11) Mary Jane CNN 39 32 200 202CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) The History of Comedy The History of Comedy Anthony Bourdain Parts Anthony Bourdain Parts CMT 98 47 166 327Failure to Launch (5) Happy Gilmore Paul Blart: Mall Cop S. Austin COM 64 53 107 249South South (:18) Liar Liar Fun With Dick & Jane Liar Liar DISC 36 39 182 278Diesel Brothers Fast N Loud: Revved Up: Fast N Loud Fast N Loud Fast N Loud DISN 22 64 172 290Stuck Cali Style K.C. Under. Bizaardvark Brave K.C. Bizaard Jessie Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236Wedding Crashers (5) Wedding Crashers Cruel Intentions ESPN 9 23 140 206Basketball College Basketball: SportsCenter (:15) (N) SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209Basketball College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball FNC 42 35 205 360Fox Report (N) Watters World (N) Justice With Jeanine The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters World (N) Justice With Jeanine FOOD 38 45 110 231Diners Diners Kids Baking Kids Baking Kids Baking Kids Baking Kids Baking FREE 59 65 180 311Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince FeltonFS1 24 27 150 219UFC Prefight Show (N) UFC 209: Woodley vs. Thompson 2 Prelims (N) Motorcycle Racing: FX 45 51 136 248The Wolverine Legion: Legion (:31) Legion (:38) GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: LPGA Tour Golf: HALL 23 59 185 312Stop the Wedding While You Were Dating Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers House Hunters Reno Log Cabin Log Cabin Property Brothers HIST 35 42 120 269Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cars Cnt. Cars Detroit Steel Gangland Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars LIFE 56 56 108 252Deadly Lessons (5) Custody His Double Life Custody MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends MTV Special Pitch Perfect NATGEO 109 60 186 276Savage Kingdom: Continent 7: Antarctica Continent 7: Antarctica Continent 7: Antarctica Drugs, Inc. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Rgby Swimming FIS Alpine Skiing Track and Field: Gymnastics NICK 58 68 170 299Henry Henry Thunder Game Henry Danger Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 279Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor For Peetes Sake (N) Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor Neighbor SCI 110 102 193 284Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science Hacking the Wild Acts of Science Acts of Science SPIKE 28 48 241 241Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops SUN 49 422 653Inside Pregame NBA Basketball: Postgame Inside Inside After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244The Legend of Hercules Pompeii Land of the Lost TBS 31 15 139 247Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal The Detour Conan TCM 25 70 132 256Oceans Eleven A Thousand Clowns Family Plot SecondHand TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes to the Dress Say Yes to the Dress Four Weddings Say Yes to the Dress TNT 29 54 138 245Star Wars: Att (3:53) Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Star Wars: A New Hope TRAV 65 44 196 277Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files (N) The Dead Files Ghost Adventures TRU 55 58 242 246Carbonaro Carbonaro Hack Hack Hack Hack Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Hack Hack TVL 19 66 106 304Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402Crnicas de Sbado (N) Ftbol Mexicano Primera Divisin Ftbol Mexicano Primera Divisin Durmiendo Noticiero USA 62 55 105 242NCIS: NCIS: NCIS: NCIS: Colony Suits VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta WGN-A 13 107 239 307M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H OutsidersPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Baby Mama (5:15) X-Men: Apocalypse 24/7: Golovkin Big Little Lies:Big Little Lies: MAX 320 330 310 515Eraser Changing Lanes Pearl Harbor Our Brand SHO 340 320 318 545Billions: Billions: Out of the Furnace Triple 9 STARZ 370 370 350 525Black Sails (5:31) The Shallows Jaws Black Sails: The Missing TMC 350 340 327 553Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Saw III Saw IV Saw V (11:35) (R) MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS 850.215.7961 233 WEST 14 TH ST PA NA MA CI TY FL 32401We le al l insur an ce ca rriers for yo ur mast ec to my pro duc ts!MA ST ECT OM Y BO UT IQ UE BREAST PR OSTHE SIS BR AS CA MISOLES LY MPHEDEM A SLEE VES


SATURDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 4, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 CSI: Miami: Blue Bloods: Down the Castle: Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program HouseSmarts NBC 3 3 7 Old House Hometime Forensic Files Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program On the Money Paid Program CBS 4 4 4 18Scandal: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang RaceWeek Forensic Files Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Xtreme Off Road Truck Tech American Ninja Warrior Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Best Pan Ever! Paid Program Best Pan Ever! Paid Program PBS 11 11 56 Rock Rewind: 1967-1969 Ed Slotts Retirement Roadmap 2017: You Are the Universe With Deepak Chopra: The Sid the Science Kid Dinosaur Train CW 99 9 8 8Loves Kitchen Paid Program Tummy Tuck Paid Program KRILLW CoQ Copper Chef Skincare Secrets KRILLW CoQ Tummy Tuck THIS 209 133 Land of the Giants: Time Tunnel: Lost in Space:Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea Planet of the Apes: The Family Affair Family AffairCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Live PD Facelift Paid Prog. More Sex Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Makeup! AMC 30 32 131 254Lethal 4 Crocodile Dundee Two Mules for Sister Sara M*A*S*H M*A*S*H ANPL 46 69 184 282The Zoo Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV Dr. Jeff: RMV The Zoo K-9 Cops BET 53 46 124 329Being Mary Jane Scandal The Game Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. CNN 39 32 200 202Anthony Bourdain Parts Anthony Bourdain Parts Anthony Bourdain Parts CNN Newsroom Live CNN Newsroom Live New Day Sunday CMT 98 47 166 327S. Austin Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Paid Prog. FREE! Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249Liar Liar RENO 911 RENO 911 RENO 911 RENO 911 RENO 911 Comedy Fab Abs Walk Fit Tai Cheng Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Fast N Loud Fast N Loud Valley Uprising: Ultimate Homes Ultimate Homes DISN 22 64 172 290Bizaardvark Girl Meets Best Fr. Austin Austin Jessie Stuck Good Luck Good Luck Elena PJ Masks Sofia E! 63 57 114 236Sex and the City Cruel Intentions Sex and the City ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter NBA Basketball: SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209College Basketball Basketball SEC Storied SportsCenter SportsCenter 30 for 30 FNC 42 35 205 360The Greg Gutfeld Show Watters World Red Eye-Shillue Justice With Jeanine Fox Report FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Kids Baking Kids Baking Kids Baking PiYo Craze! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311Tom FeltonPiYo Craze! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Hair Loss Z. Levitt Schuller Mass FS1 24 27 150 219UFC Post Fight Show UFC 209: Woodley vs. Thompson 2 Prelims UFC Post Fight Show NASCAR Racing FX 45 51 136 248Legion Legion: Louie Legion FXM Pres. Paid Prog. Hurricane Top Cooker Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218LPGA Tour Golf PGA Tour Golf: European PGA Tour Golf HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229House Hunters Reno Log Cabin Log Cabin Property Brothers PiYo Craze! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. BestPan! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. HIST 35 42 120 269Cars Cnt. Cars Detroit Steel Gangland Paid Coin Coin Coin Coin BestPan! LIFE 56 56 108 252Custody His Double Life Paid Paid Hair Loss Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Pitch Perfect Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish Bring It On NATGEO 109 60 186 276Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc. Drugs, Inc.: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Gymnastics Premier Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fish Oil Paid Prog. Match of the Day NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 279For Peetes Sake Neighbor Neighbor The Nate Berkus Show Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil SCI 110 102 193 284Hacking the Wild Acts of Science How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made SPIKE 28 48 241 241Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Worry Free Paid Prog. PiYo Craze! SUN 49 422 653After Midnight College Baseball: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Arthritis? SYFY 70 52 122 244The Legend of Hercules The Magicians The Magicians The Magicians Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TBS 31 15 139 247Step Up 2 the Streets Something Borrowed New Girl Seinfeld Seinfeld TCM 25 70 132 256Second-Hand Hearts Belladonna of Sadness Fantastic Planet When You Grow Up Sweethearts TLC 37 40 183 280Four Weddings Say Yes Say Yes Medium Medium Medium Medium Long Island Medium Say Yes Say Yes TNT 29 54 138 245Star Wars: A Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Preview Law & Order The Bourne Supremacy TRAV 65 44 196 277The Dead Files The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Top Cooker BestPan! Paid Prog. Bloated? TRU 55 58 242 246Hack Hack Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Fab Abs Facelift PiYo Wor. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Foot Pain TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris Chris UNI 96 270 402Estrellados Desmadrugados LAnzate! Juego Estrellas Durmiendo Noticiero El Chavo El Chavo USA 62 55 105 242NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI NCIS: Los Angeles VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta WGN-A 13 107 239 307Free Rules Rules Rules What a Girl Wants Supernat. Paid Prog. Back Pain AmazingPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501X-Men: Apocalypse Crashing Girls VICE : The Happening Grumpy Old Men MAX 320 330 310 515Our Brand Is Crisis Emelie The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Dog Day Afternoon SHO 340 320 318 545Billions: Billions: Axe initiates a Homeland: Penn & Teller Love the Coopers Dead Heat STARZ 370 370 350 525Safe Men Black Sails: Jerry Maguire Waynes World TMC 350 340 327 553Saw V Saw III Saw IV The Lucky Ones MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS r rf n tn b r f


PAGE 20 SUNDAY MORNING CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV MARCH 5, 2017 CC W D1 D2 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Good Morning America (N) Good Morning America This Week With George Stephanopoulos (N) Hiland Park Baptist Church Catholic in America St. Dominics Catholic Church First Baptist Church NBC 3 3 7 Paid Program Todays Homeowner Sunday Today With Willie Geist (N) Springfield Community Church Meet the Press (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CBS 4 4 4 18Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Face the Nation (N) Bill Purvis Ministries College Basketball: IND 7 7 46 Fun and Sun Sneak Prevue : FOX 8 8 28 Paid Program Jack Van Impe Presents (N) The Force of Faith Broadcast New Bethel Baptist High Praise Paid Program City Church at Northside FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace (N) Paid Program Paid Program PBS 11 11 56 Sesame Street Daniel Tigers Neighborhood Splash and Bubbles Curious George Cyberchase SciGirls Local Routes-Fl Footprints Capitol Update Florida Crossroads Florida Face to Face Age Reversed With Miranda Esmonde-White CW 99 9 8 8Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Key of David Campmeeting: Inspiration Ministries Christian Worship Hour Seventh Day Adventist Church Paid Program THIS 209 133 Mystery Hunters Mystery Hunters Beakmans World Beakmans World Bill Nye the Science Guy Bill Nye the Science Guy Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell Saved by the Bell The Brady Bunch The Brady BunchCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Criminal Minds Criminal Minds: Criminal Minds: Criminal Minds: Criminal Minds Intervention: AMC 30 32 131 254M*A*S*H (:05) M*A*S*H: M*A*S*H: M*A*S*H:M*A*S*H (:05) M*A*S*H M*A*S*H (:05) M*A*S*H M*A*S*H:M*A*S*H Lethal Weapon 3 ANPL 46 69 184 282K-9 Cops: Animal Cops Phoenix Animal Cops Phoenix (N) North Woods Law: North Woods Law North Woods Law BET 53 46 124 329Derek Grier Ron Carpenter Paid Program Abundant Life Joyful Noise (N) Lift Voice Soul Men CNN 39 32 200 202New Day Sunday (N) Inside Politics (N) State of the Union (N) Fareed Zakaria GPS (N) Reliable Sources (N) State of the Union CMT 98 47 166 327CMT Music CMT Music Hot 20 Countdown: Sun Records COM 64 53 107 249Paid Program PiYo Craze! Com. Central Ways to Die Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Napoleon Dynamite DISC 36 39 182 278Ultimate Homes: Ultimate Homes: Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid: Bugged Out DISN 22 64 172 290Doc McStuffins The Lion Guard RoadsterRacers RoadsterRacers Elena of Avalor Zhu Zhu Pets Gravity Falls Star vs. Forces Stuck/Middle K.C. Under. Brave E! 63 57 114 236Sex and the City Friends With Benefits Hes Just Not That Into You ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter Outside Lines Spo. Reporters SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 20930 for 30 (5:00) 30 for 30 SportsCenter Outside Lines Spo. Reporters Cheerleading 30 for 30 FNC 42 35 205 360FOX and Friends Sunday (5:00) (N) Sunday Morning Futures MediaBuzz (N) Americas News Headquarters FOOD 38 45 110 231Heaton Parties Trishas Sou. Bfoot Contessa Bfoot Contessa Guys Big Bite Valerie Home Trishas Sou. Pioneer Wo. Pioneer Wo. Farmhouse Giada Enter. Brunch at Bob. FREE 59 65 180 311Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire FS1 24 27 150 219Womens Soccer: Match Day Bundesliga Soccer: Monster Jam (N) RaceDay FX 45 51 136 248Mike & Molly Underworld: Awakening X-Men: First Class The Wolverine GOLF 48 26 401 218European PGA Tour Golf: Morning Drive Golf Central Pregame PGA Tour Golf HALL 23 59 185 312I Love Lucy I Love Lucy The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Perfect on Paper HGTV 32 38 112 229House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation HIST 35 42 120 269Roanoke: Search for the Lost Colony The Men Who Built America: The Men Who Built America: LIFE 56 56 108 252In Touch W/Charles Stanley Amazing Facts David Jeremiah Joel Osteen Paid Program The Pop Game The Pop Game My Best Friends Wedding MTV 50 49 160 331Bring It On Pitch Perfect MTV Special NATGEO 109 60 186 276Top Cooker Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Monster Fish of the Congo Explorer: Destination WILD The 400 Million Dollar Emerald NBCSN 20 28 159 220Premier (5:00) Premier League Live (N) English Premier League Soccer (:25) Premier League English Premier League Soccer: NICK 58 68 170 299Alvinnn!!! and Alvinnn!!! and Ninja Steel Ninja Steel Teenage Mut. SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Bunsen, Beast! Loud House OWN 21 109 189 279Dr. Phil: T.D. Jakes: T.D. Jakes T.D. Jakes Super Soul Sunday T.D. Jakes SCI 110 102 193 284How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made SPIKE 28 48 241 241Paid Program Paid Program Body Beast! Paid Program Xtreme Off Engine Power Truck Tech Detroit Muscle TIME: The Kalief Browder Story Bar Rescue SUN 49 422 653Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Golf America Mount. Report Golf Dest. Golf Life Endless Golf Inside Valspar Florida Bask. GatorZone SYFY 70 52 122 244PiYo Craze! Paid Program The Magicians The Magicians: The Magicians Robin Hood TBS 31 15 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Just Like Heaven A Walk to Remember TCM 25 70 132 256Sweethearts Jezebel The Maltese Falcon Saboteur TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress TNT 29 54 138 245The Bourne Supremacy Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Star Wars: A New Hope TRAV 65 44 196 277Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Bizarre Foods America TRU 55 58 242 246Paid Program Paid Program PiYo Craze! Fried Foods Top Cooker Amazing Abs Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Court Pranks Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304New Adv./Old Christine Golden Gold Girls Golden Girls Gold Girls The Golden Girls Golden Gold Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls UNI 96 270 402Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Como Dice el Dicho (N) Al Punto (N) Netas Divinas (N) Ftbol Central (N) USA 62 55 105 242Amazing Facts David Jeremiah In Touch Joel Osteen Suits: Chrisley Knows Chrisley Knows Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta WGN-A 13 107 239 307Search--Way Your World Peter Popoff Key of David Herbie: Fully Loaded Outsiders Outsiders: (:02) PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Grumpy Old Men Grumpier Old Men 24/7: Golovkin/ Jacobs Eagles of Death Metal: Nos Amis (Our Friends) Central Intelligence MAX 320 330 310 515Dog Day Afternoon (5) Welcome to Mooseport Definitely, Maybe The Pianist (R) SHO 340 320 318 545Dead Heat Hoop Dreams Meet the Browns STARZ 370 370 350 525Waynes World Safe Men (R) Jaws Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo Black Sails: TMC 350 340 327 553The Lucky Ones Fargo Freedom Who Gets the Dog? As I AM: The Life and Times MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


SUNDAY AFTERNOON CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV MARCH 5, 2017 CC W D1 D212 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program NBA Countdown (N) (Live) NBA Basketball:ABC World News Tonight News 13 at 5:30 (N) NBC 3 3 7 PGA Tour 2017: Arnold Palmer (N) PGA Tour Golf: NewsChannel 7 at Five (N) NBC Nightly News Holt CBS 4 4 4 18College Basketball: College Basketball: College Basketball: CBS Weekend News (N) IND 7 7 46 Destination Network : A Destination Network : A Emerald Coast Real Estate Prime Dining : FOX 8 8 28 Xtreme Off Road Paid Program Monster Energy NASCAR Cup NASCAR Racing: How I Met Your Mother PBS 11 11 56 Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise:: Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise: :I Miss Downton Abbey! CW 99 9 8 8Paid Program Insurance Wars Mommie Dearest The Next Three Days THIS 209 133 The Brady Bunch The Brady Bunch Gilligans Island Gilligans Island Happy Days Laverne & Shirley I Love Lucy: I Love Lucy: The Love Boat: The Love Boat: CABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Intervention: Intervention: Erin Intervention: Intervention: Hoarders: Hoarders: AMC 30 32 131 254Lethal Weapon 3 Lethal Weapon 4 The Walking Dead: : A new ANPL 46 69 184 282North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law BET 53 46 124 329Soul Men Baby Boy Addicted CNN 39 32 200 202Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CMT 98 47 166 327Shallow Hal Happy Gilmore Home Alone COM 64 53 107 249Napoleon South Park South South Park South Pk South Park South Park South Park Were the Millers DISC 36 39 182 278Naked and Afraid: Bugged Out Naked and Afraid: Bugged Out Naked and Afraid: Bugged Out Naked and Afraid: Bugged Out Naked and Afraid: Bugged Out Naked and Afraid: Bugged Out DISN 22 64 172 290Brave Descendants: Wicked Cali Style Bunkd Bizaard K.C. L&M:Cali Style Stuck/Middle Stuck/Middle K.C. Under. Bunkd E! 63 57 114 236Hes Just Not Bridesmaids Bridesmaids ESPN 9 23 140 206College Basketball: College Basketball: MLS Soccer: ESPN2 47 24 143 209Womens College Basketball: Womens College Basketball: Womens College Basketball FNC 42 35 205 360Americas News Headquarters Fox News Sunday The Journal Editorial Report Americas News Headquarters The Greg Gutfeld Show Americas News Headquarters FOOD 38 45 110 231The Kitchen Kids Baking Championship Kids Baking Championship Chopped Junior Kids Baking Championship Worst Cooks in America FREE 59 65 180 311Harry Potter-Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 FS1 24 27 150 219NASCAR RaceDay Inside Big East Womens College Basketball Hoops Extra Womens College Basketball FX 45 51 136 248The Wolverine X-Men: Days of Future Past GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf LPGA Tour Golf: Golf Central (N) (Live) HALL 23 59 185 312Recipe for Love The Sweeter Side of Life Appetite for Love HGTV 32 38 112 229Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop HIST 35 42 120 269The Men Who Built America: The Men Who Built America: American Pickers American Pickers LIFE 56 56 108 252My Best Friends Wedding Sex and the City 2 Movie MTV 50 49 160 331MTV Special MTV Special Friends Friends NATGEO 109 60 186 276Explorer Narco State Explorer: Explorer Explorer Explorer: The Cult of Mary NBCSN 20 28 159 220Goal Zone Premiership Rugby: Rugby: Track and Field: NICK 58 68 170 299Loud House Loud House SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Loud House Loud House Loud House Loud House Henry Danger Game Shakers OWN 21 109 189 279T.D. Jakes Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss Undercover Boss The Haves and the Have Nots SCI 110 102 193 284How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made How Its Made MythBusters: MythBusters SPIKE 28 48 241 241Bar Rescue: Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue: Bar Rescue Bar Rescue SUN 49 422 653Inside Lightning Inside Lightning The Game 365 College Baseball: Inside Lightning Inside HEAT Inside HEAT SYFY 70 52 122 244Robin Hood Tremors 5: Bloodlines Land of the Lost Pompeii TBS 31 15 139 247Walk Knocked Up Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang TCM 25 70 132 256Saboteur A Shot in the Dark The Major and the Minor Critics Choice TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Who Do You Think You Are? Who Do You Think You Are? Who Do You Think You Are? Who Do You Think You Are? TNT 29 54 138 245Star Wars: A New Hope Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Star Wars: Return of the Jedi TRAV 65 44 196 277Bizarre Foods America Delicious Honeymoon Delicious Delicious Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Greatest Ever Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba: Reba UNI 96 270 402Mexico Primera Division Soccer Repblica Deportiva (N) Pequeos Gigantes USA: Durmiendo Noticiero USA 62 55 105 242Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta WGN-A 13 107 239 307Outsiders: Outsiders: Outsiders: Outsiders: Blue Bloods Blue Bloods:PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Central Intelligence Real Time With Bill Maher VICE:UConn: The March to Madness The Sixth Sense Now You See Me 2X-Men: Apocalypse MAX 320 330 310 515The Pianist Mission: Impossible 2 Trapped Lara Croft: Tomb Raider SHO 340 320 318 545Spy Game Pel: Birth of a Legend Trumped: Inside the Greatest Political Upset of All Time STARZ 370 370 350 525Black Sails: The Missing : Jerry Maguire Jaws TMC 350 340 327 553As I AM: The Life and Times of DJ AM Fargo The Preppie Connection Orange County MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


PAGE 22 SUNDAY EVENING MARCH 5, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Americas Funniest Home Videos (N) Once Upon a Time: Tougher Than the Rest Time After Time:: Wells pursues Stevenson to the future. News Law Call (:35) Christ Center Branson Ctry (:36) NBC 3 3 7 Little Big Shots: Little Big Shots: Were Chicago Justice:Shades of Blue:given News Outdoorsman Person of Interest: CBS 4 4 4 1860 Minutes (N) NCIS: Los Angeles: Old Madam Secretary: Labor of Love (N) Elementary: Wrong Side of the Road (N) Bones: Elementary: Know IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: events. Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Bobs Burgers Bobs Burgers (N) The Simpsons (N) Making History Family Guy (N) Last ManEarth Open House (N) Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Graham Bensinger American Ninja Warrior PBS 11 11 56 I Miss Downton Abbey! Mercy Street: The Greens Victoria on Masterpiece: A threat BrainFit: 50 Ways to Grow Your Brain With Daniel Amen, MD and Tana Amen, RN Black America CW 99 9 8 8Breakin All the Rules Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Family Guy Seinfeld Facelift in a Flash! Cops Reloaded Heartland: Ties of the Earth THIS 209 133 Mayberry R.F.D. Mayberry R.F.D. Columbo:: Kolchak: The Night Stalker The Honeymooners The Odd Couple Cheers Bob NewhartCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Hoarders Hoarders Hoarders Overload (N) To Be Announced Cold Case Files Hoarders AMC 30 32 131 254The Walking Dead: New The Walking Dead (6:52) The Walking Dead: Say Talking Dead The Walking Dead: Say Comic Men Walking Dead (:32) ANPL 46 69 184 282North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Lone Star Law (N) North Woods Law North Woods Law BET 53 46 124 329Addicted Get On Up Paid Prog. Paid Prog. CNN 39 32 200 202CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) Finding Jesus Believer with Reza As Finding Jesus Finding Jesus CMT 98 47 166 327Home Alone Paul Blart: Mall Cop Home Alone S. Austin COM 64 53 107 249Were the Millers Fun With Dick & Jane Were the Millers A. Schum. DISC 36 39 182 278Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid Naked and Afraid DISN 22 64 172 290Stuck Cali Style K.C. Under. Bizaardvark How to Build a Better Boy K.C. Bizaard Jessie Girl Meets Best Fr. E! 63 57 114 236Bridesmds Fifty Shades of Grey The Arrangement Fifty Shades of Grey ESPN 9 23 140 206MLS NBA Countdown (N) NBA Basketball: SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr ESPN2 47 24 143 209Womens College Basketball Womens College Basketball Basketball Nine for IX ESPN FC FNC 42 35 205 360Fox Report Watters World Justice With Jeanine Fox News Sunday Watters World Justice With Jeanine FOOD 38 45 110 231Guys Grocery Games Guys Grocery Games Worst Cooks in America Cake Wars (N) Bakers vs. Fakers Worst Cooks in America FREE 59 65 180 311Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 J. Osteen Jeremiah FS1 24 27 150 219World Cup MLS Soccer: Motorcycle Racing NASCAR NASCAR Racing FX 45 51 136 248Gone Girl Feud: Bette and Joan Feud: Bette and Joan: Legion (:23) GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312All of My Heart When Calls the Heart Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Beach Beach Caribbean Caribbean Island Life Island Life Hunters Hunt Intl Caribbean Caribbean HIST 35 42 120 269American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers LIFE 56 56 108 252Two Weeks Notice The Proposal Two Weeks Notice MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Wild/Out Wild/Out NATGEO 109 60 186 276Explorer Explorer Inside North Korea Wicked Tuna (N) Explorer Inside North Korea NBCSN 20 28 159 220Track NHL Live NHL Hockey: NHL Overtime NHL Sun. Rugby NICK 58 68 170 299Nicky Thunder Crashletes Jagger Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 279The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots Black Women The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots SCI 110 102 193 284MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters SPIKE 28 48 241 241Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue (N) Bar Rescue Bar Rescue SUN 49 422 653Sport Ship Shape Sportsman Florida Fins/Skins Fishing Animals Waves College Baseball SYFY 70 52 122 244Pompeii (5) A Knights Tale The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian TBS 31 15 139 247Big Bang Big Bang 2017 iHeartRadio Music Awards (N) (Live) 2017 iHeartRadio Music Awards The Detour Knocked TCM 25 70 132 256Critics Choice (5) Deathtrap The Last of Sheila Ducks and Drakes TLC 37 40 183 280Long Island Medium Long Island Medium (N) Long Lost Family Who Do You Island Medium Long Lost Family TNT 29 54 138 245Star Wars: R 2017 iHeartRadio Music Awards (N) (Live) 2017 iHeartRadio Music Awards Star Wars: Return of the TRAV 65 44 196 277Food Paradise Food Paradise (N) BigRV BigRV Boat Boat Beachin Beachin BigRV BigRV TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers 2017 iHeartRadio Music Awards (N) (Live) 2017 iHeartRadio Music Awards Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304Reba Reba Reba Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402Notanserio Univision (N) Su Nombre Era Dolores (N) Aqu y Ahora (N) Durmiendo Noticiero Repblica Deportiva (N) USA 62 55 105 242Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta WGN-A 13 107 239 307Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods: Blue Bloods Free Bones BonesPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501X-Men: Apocalypse Big Little Lies: Living the Girls (N) Crashing (N) Last Week To. Big Little Lies: Living the Crashing MAX 320 330 310 515Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Vacation Spy Pan SHO 340 320 318 545Billions: Homeland: a stand. Homeland:Billions: Billions: Homeland:STARZ 370 370 350 525Black Sails: XXXIII. The Missing: Black Sails: Flint are separated. The Missing: Black Sails: The Missing: TMC 350 340 327 553Sleeping With Other People What Women Want The Preppie Connection MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS r rf n tn b r f


SUNDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 5, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Branson Ctry CSI: Miami : Reality stars murder. Blue Bloods : Linda returns to work. ABC World News Now America Morning News 13 This Morning NBC 3 3 7 Person of Interest: Root Path Scandal: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Paid Program Paid Program Shepherds Chapel AgDay Early Today NewsChannel 7 Today CBS 4 4 4 18Modern Family Forensic Files CBS Overnight News Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Detroit Muscle Engine Power Big Bang Theory Friends Friends Judge Judy Paid Program Paid Program Best Pan Ever! Paid Program The Outdoor Show PBS 11 11 56 Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise : The struggle for black equality. Black America Since MLK: And Still I Rise: : Americas changing racial landscape. Cat in the Hat Arthur CW 99 9 8 8Loves Kitchen Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program GoodGREAT Paid Program Paid Program THIS 209 133 Mary Tyler Moore Taxi Get Smart Sledge Hammer! Bob Newhart Dobie Gillis Car 54, Where... Phil Silvers Show Our Miss Brooks The Donna Reed Show Mister Ed I Love LucyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Hoarders Over. To Be Announced Cold Case Files Paid Makeup! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Walk:Dead Talking Dead Comic Men The Walking Dead: Say Talking Dead Comic Men Comic Men Paid Program Paid Program ANPL 46 69 184 282Lone Star Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Lone Star Law Big Cat Big Cat BET 53 46 124 329Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Mercy Ships Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Suffering CNN 39 32 200 202Believer with Reza As CNN Newsroom Live CNN Newsroom Live Early Early Chris and Alisyn CMT 98 47 166 327S. Austin Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Cops Rel. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249A. Schum. Tosh.0 Work. Detroit Jeff Kroll Review Comedy Sex Toys Arthritis? Transform Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Afraid Naked and Afraid Rusted Development Rusted Development Rusted Development Rusted Development DISN 22 64 172 290Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Bizaardvark Stuck Jessie Jessie Bunkd Bunkd Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 23650 Shades The Arrangement Hes Just Not That Into You The Arrangement The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter NBA Basketball: Warriors at Knicks SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209ESPN FC NBA Basketball: SportsCenter 30 for 30 Mike & Mike FNC 42 35 205 360Fox Report Fox News Sunday MediaBuzz Fox Report FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Cake Wars Bakers vs. Fakers Guys Grocery Games Best Pressure Cooker! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311Robison Paid Program Paid Prog. Facelift PiYo Craze! Makeup! Paid Prog. Prince Robison J. Meyer J. Hagee FS1 24 27 150 219NASCAR Racing Motorcycle Racing: NASCAR TMZ Sports NASCAR FX 45 51 136 248Legion Feud: Bette and Joan: Mike Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fab Abs Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Island Life Island Life Hunters Hunt Intl Beach Beach Paid Prog. PiYo Craze! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Welcome HIST 35 42 120 269Amer. Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Paid Paid Prog. Prostate Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252The Proposal Paid Paid Fab Abs Paid Paid Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Wild n Out Wild/Out Wild/Out Wild n Out Wild n Out Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. 16 and Pregnant NATGEO 109 60 186 276Explorer Drugs, Inc. Inside: Secret America Inside: Secret America Inside: Secret America Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Sports Sports Cycling Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Arthritis? Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 279Black Women The Haves, Nots 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. Dr. Phil Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284MythBusters MythBusters Unexplained Files Unexplained Files Unexplained Files Ancient Secrets SPIKE 28 48 241 241Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Sex Toys SkinCare Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Bathroom SUN 49 422 653College Baseball Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fins/Skins Ship Shape SYFY 70 52 122 244Prince Caspian Tremors 5: Bloodlines Killer Mountain Lavalantula TBS 31 15 139 247Knocked Up Just Like Heaven Raymond Raymond Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256Ducks and The Smart Set Babettes Feast Gertrud luck with men prompts solitary reflection. TLC 37 40 183 280Who Do You Island Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium What Not to Wear TNT 29 54 138 245Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Arrow: TRAV 65 44 196 277Boat Boat Beachin Beachin Food Paradise Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Makeup! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Paid Prog. BodyBeast BestPan! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Paid Prog. Prostate UNI 96 270 402Al Punto Netas Divinas Pequeos Gigantes USA: Durmiendo Noticiero Como Dice el Dicho USA 62 55 105 242The Arrangement Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta WGN-A 13 107 239 307Bones How I Met Raising Raising Herbie: Fully Loaded Supernat. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Girls Last Week To. Big Little Lies: Living the Dream Girls Crashing The Village Midnight Special MAX 320 330 310 515Pan In America Fantastic Four Run Fat Boy Run SHO 340 320 318 545Billions: Homeland: ceives bad news. Lost Highway Meet the Browns STARZ 370 370 350 525Black Sails: Vantage Point The Shallows Money Monster TMC 350 340 327 553Phat Beach Jimi Hendrix: Electric Church: The art Public Enemy: Live From Metropolis In the Shadows Girl on the Edge MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


PAGE 24 WEEKDAY MORNING CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV CC W D1 D2 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 This Morning Good Morning America LIVE with Kelly The View WMBB Midday News NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 Today Today Todays Take Today NewsChannel 7 at 11am CBS 4 4 4 18Business First Morning News CBS This Morning Lets Make a Deal The Price Is Right The Young and the Restless IND 7 7 46 Fun and Sun Fun and Sun Sneak Prevue FOX 8 8 28 Ask Auto Tech Paid Program Paid Program Var. Programs Best Pan Ever! Paid Program Judge Mathis The Peoples Court The Peoples Court PBS 11 11 56 Wild Kratts Ready Jet Go! Nature Cat Curious George Daniel Tiger Daniel Tiger Splash-Bubbles Sesame Street Dinosaur Train Peg Plus Cat Super Why! Thomas & Fr. CW 99 9 8 8King of the Hill King of the Hill Cheaters Cops Reloaded The Steve Wilkos Show The Steve Wilkos Show Jerry Springer Jerry Springer THIS 209 133 Brady Bunch Bev. Hillbillies Beaver Beaver Perry Mason Matlock Diagnosis Murder College BasketballCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Parking Wars Parking Wars Bounty Hunter Var. Programs Bounty Hunter Varied Programs AMC 30 32 131 254MPaid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Three Stooges The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! Three Amigos! TAirplane! Knight and Day WM*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Walk the Line ThMarked for Death The Matrix FM*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Alien vs. Predator Matrix Reload ANPL 46 69 184 282Dogs 101 Bad Dog! Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet BET 53 46 124 329MJoseph Prince Joyce Meyer House/Payne House/Payne Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Martin Martin Martin MartinT WThMartin Martin Martin Martin ATL State PropertyFHouse/Payne House/Payne Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Martin Martin Martin Martin CNN 39 32 200 202New Day With Chris and Alisyn New Day With Chris and Alisyn CNN Newsroom With John CNN Newsroom With John At This Hour With Kate Bolduan Inside Politics CMT 98 47 166 327MCMT Music CMT Music Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne RoseanneT WThThrowback ThursdayFCMT Music COM 64 53 107 249MPiYo Workout! Paid Program PiYo Workout! Paid Program Just Friends Archer Archer ArcherTPaid Program Com. Central Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0WPaid Program Napoleon Dynamite South Pk South South PkThWaiting... Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0FPolice Academy Detroit Chappelle DISC 36 39 182 278Varied Programs DISN 22 64 172 290MK.C. Under. Stuck/Middle PJ Masks Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Roadster The Lion Guard Elena of Avalor Sofia the First Doc McStuffins The Lion GuardTDoc McStuffinsWDoc McStuffinsThFRoadster Roadster Roadster Roadster Roadster Roadster Roadster E! 63 57 114 236MThe Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The KardashiansTE! NewsWThF ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter First Take College Basketball ESPN2 47 24 143 209 Mike & Mike SportsCenter SportsCenter Varied Programs FNC 42 35 205 360 FOX and Friends Americas Newsroom Happening Now Outnumbered FOOD 38 45 110 231MPaid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Pioneer Wo. The Kitchen: Kids Baking Championship Kids Baking ChampionshipTPiYo Workout! Trishas Sou. Trishas Sou. Trishas Sou. Trishas Sou. Trishas Sou. Trishas Sou.WPaid Program Farmhouse Farmhouse Farmhouse Farmhouse Farmhouse FarmhouseThCupcake Wars Cupcake Wars Cupcake WarsFGiada at Home Giada at Home Giada at Home Giada Enter. Contessa Contessa FREE 59 65 180 311MBaby Daddy Gilmore Girls: Gilmore Girls 700/Interactive The 700 Club Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-StandingT WThF FS1 24 27 150 219MNASCAR Racing: Skip and Shannon: Undisputed The Herd with Colin CowherdTNASCAR Racing: The Herd with Colin CowherdWInside Big East NASCAR RacingThMotorcycle Racing: Skip and Shannon: Undisputed Pregame College BasketballFBasketball NHRA Drag Racing Monster Jam Skip and Shannon: Undisputed The Herd with Colin Cowherd FX 45 51 136 248MLife of Pi X-Men: Days of Future Past TParanormal Activity 3 Paranormal Activity 4 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men How I Met How I MetWBroken City The Equalizer Two/Half MenThDistrict 9 The Forgotten Two/Half Men Two/Half Men How I MetFThe Forgotten Hellboy GOLF 48 26 401 218MMorning Drive Morning Drive LPGA Tour Golf:TFeherty The Golf FixWFehertyThEuropean PGA Tour Golf: FEuropean PGA Tour Golf: MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


WEEKDAY MORNING CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV CC W D1 D26 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30CABLE CHANNELS CONTD HALL 23 59 185 312MI Love Lucy I Love Lucy Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Home & Family (N) Home & FamilyT WThF HGTV 32 38 112 229MWelcome Back Welcome Back Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop House Hunters RenovationTTexas Flip H Hunt. Intl House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Hunters IntlWYard Crashers House Crasher Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property Brothers: Buying Property BrothersThVacation Half-Price Par. Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Flip or Flop Flip or FlopFBuilding Hawaii Hawaii Life Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper House Hunters Hunters Intl HIST 35 42 120 269Varied Programs LIFE 56 56 108 252Joyce Meyer Var. Programs To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced How I Met How I Met MTV 50 49 160 331Varied Programs NATGEO 109 60 186 276Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Varied Programs NBCSN 20 28 159 220Pro Football Talk The Dan Patrick Show Varied Programs NICK 58 68 170 299SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Team Umiz. Team Umiz. PAW Patrol Shimmer, Shine Bubble Bubble Blaze, Monster Blaze, Monster PAW Patrol OWN 21 109 189 279Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil SCI 110 102 193 284Varied Programs SPIKE 28 48 241 241MPaid Program Paid Program Body Beast Paid Program Bar Rescue: A western bar. Bar Rescue: Bar Rescue Bar RescueTWorlds Wildest Police Videos Worlds Wildest Police Videos Cops Cops Cops CopsWTransform Thor ThPaid Program RoboCop Van Helsing FProstate Health Gangland Gangland: Gangland Gangland: SUN 49 422 653Paid Program Varied Programs Ins. Lightning Varied Programs SYFY 70 52 122 244MLavalantula Swamp Volcano Apocalypse L.A. KiteTHeebie Jeebies Dark Haul Case 39 WAnnihilation Earth Megafault ThirstThWes Cravens New Nightmare Drag Me to Hell Lake Placid vs. AnacondaFCSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Let Me In TBS 31 15 139 247Married... With Married... With Married... With Married... With King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Cleveland Cleveland American Dad American Dad TCM 25 70 132 256MDont Bet on Blondes Rich Man, Poor Girl Babbitt Earthworm Tractors This Time for Keeps TB.F.s Daughter His Brothers Wife The Woman in Red Executive SuiteWAlexander Wings Girlfriends La Pointe Courte Wanda ThTwo Girls on Broadway Tish Son of Lassie Bad Bascomb FMurder Bureau of Missing Persons Harper The Thin Man TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Varied Programs Hoarding: Buried Alive Hoarding: Buried Alive My 600-Lb. Life TNT 29 54 138 245Charmed Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural TRAV 65 44 196 277Paid Program Paid Program I Live There I Live There Varied Programs TRU 55 58 242 246Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Varied Programs TVL 19 66 106 304Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Andy Griffith Griffith The Andy Griffith Show Bonanza Gunsmoke UNI 96 270 402Despierta Amrica! Amor bravo Noticiero Hoy USA 62 55 105 242Varied Programs VH1 51 50 162 335Varied Programs The Parkers The Parkers The Parkers The Parkers Varied Programs WGN-A 13 107 239 307Paid Program Joyce Meyer Paid Program Creflo Dollar Walker, Ranger Var. Programs Heat of Night Var. Programs Heat of Night Var. Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*HPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501MMidnight Special Marley & Me Live Free or Die Hard Matchstick MenTHeartbreakers The Offseason: Kevin The Brothers Grimm X-Men: Apocalypse WMiss You Can Do It (NR) Sydney White The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Point Break ThThe Tuxedo The Glass House The Legend of Tarzan REAL SportsFPeanuts Blast From the Past Suffragette Minority Report MAX 320 330 310 515MNecessary Roughness Me and Earl and the Dying Girl One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Heartburn TThe Great Outdoors Mr. Deeds Deceived The Bourne UltimatumWThe Arrival Leatherheads Definitely, Maybe I Love You, Man ThBiker Boyz Lara Croft: Tomb Raider Michael Clayton (R) FrequencyFWelcome to Mooseport The X-Files: I Want to Believe MI-5 Pale Rider SHO 340 320 318 545MThe Final Cut Lucky Numbers Amigo Undead Poltergeist II: The Other Side TKellys Holly Sister Rugrats in Paris: The Movie Down to Earth Love ActuallyWArthur & Merlin Cinderella Man What Women WantThDudes & Dragons The Hurricane Madonna: Rebel Heart Tour: Blue CrushFLucky Numbers The Forger Dean Smith Hoops U SXSW Comedy STARZ 370 370 350 525MBlack Sails: You Dont Mess With the Zohan The Shallows Black Sails: MissingTPride You Dont Mess With the Zohan Truth Ghostbusters WThe Devils Rejects Friday After Next (R) Risen Halloween II ThOur Sister Double Jeopardy Along Came a Spider Dodgeball: A True Underdog StoryFMonsters, Inc. Robots Keeping Up With the Steins Black Sails: The Shallows TMC 350 340 327 553MGirl on the Edge Coffee and Cigarettes The Alamo Big EyesTBig Eyes Arthur and the Invisibles (PG) The Lucky Ones Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans WThe Boston Strangler The Death of Superman Lives Manglehorn TrinidadThSong One Ginger & Rosa The Alamo Miss Potter FLovesick In the Shadows In a Perfect World... The Lucky Ones MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


PAGE 26 WEEKDAY AFTERNOON CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV CC W D1 D2 12 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Chew General Hospital Hot Bench Hot Bench The Dr. Oz Show Dr. Phil News World News NBC 3 3 7 Days of our Lives Rachael Ray The Doctors Harry Family Feud Jeopardy! News Nightly News CBS 4 4 4 18News at Noon Bold/Beautiful The Talk Be a Millionaire Be a Millionaire Family Feud Family Feud The Ellen DeGeneres Show Jeopardy! Local 18 News IND 7 7 46 Network Kids on the Kids on the Coast Emerald Coast Real Estate Prime Dining FOX 8 8 28 Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Maury Crime Watch Daily Steve Harvey ThisMinute ThisMinute Judge Judy Judge Judy PBS 11 11 56 Martha Speaks Dinosaur Train Splash-Bubbles Curious George Nature Cat Ready Jet Go! Odd Squad Odd Squad Wild Kratts Capitol Update PBS NewsHour CW 99 9 8 8Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Judge Alex Judge Alex The Robert Irvine Show Cops Reloaded Cleveland American Dad American Dad THIS 209 133 Basketball Var. Programs College Basketball The Rifleman The Rifleman CHiPs MacGyver Mamas Family Mamas FamilyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Varied Programs The First 48 The First 48 AMC 30 32 131 254MThree Amigos! Airplane! Knight and Day Avatar TKnight and Day Walk the Line Titanic WWalk the Line The Fugitive The Matrix ThThe Matrix Batman Begins Inception FThe Matrix Reloaded The Dark Knight ANPL 46 69 184 282Varied Programs BET 53 46 124 329M2016 BET Awards Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Meet, Browns Meet, BrownsTNew Jack City Takers WThe Quad The New Edition Story The New Edition Story The New Edition StoryThState Property Set It Off ATL FThe Players Club Addicted CNN 39 32 200 202Wolf CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom The Lead With Jake Tapper Situation Room With Wolf Situation Room With Wolf CMT 98 47 166 327MReba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-Standing Last-StandingT WThF COM 64 53 107 249MArcher Archer Archer Archer Archer South Pk South Pk South Pk Futurama Futurama:TTosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0WSouth Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk South Park:ThTosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0FChappelle Chappelle Chappelle Key Key & Peele DISC 36 39 182 278Varied Programs DISN 22 64 172 290MPJ Masks PJ Masks Suite Life Suite Life Phineas, Ferb Star vs. Forces Jessie Girl Meets Liv and Maddie L&M:Cali Style Bunkd BizaardvarkT WThFDescendants Toy Story Toy Story 2 Frozen E! 63 57 114 236MThe Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The KardashiansT WThF ESPN 9 23 140 206Basketball Var. Programs Basketball Varied Programs Questionable Around/Horn Interruption SportsCenter W/Michael ESPN2 47 24 143 209Basketball Varied Programs Around/Horn Interruption FNC 42 35 205 360Happening Now Americas News Headquarters Shepard Smith Reporting Your World With Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report With Bret Baier FOOD 38 45 110 231MKids Baking Championship Kids Baking Championship Kids Baking Championship Kids Baking Championship Kids Baking Championship Kids Baking ChampionshipTPioneer Wo. Pioneer Wo. Chopped Chopped: Chopped Chopped ChoppedWChopped Junior Chopped Junior Chopped Junior Chopped Junior Chopped Junior:ThBeat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Chopped ChoppedFDiners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive FREE 59 65 180 311MReba Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 TReba Reba Reba The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Twilight-DawnWCinderella StorThA Cinderella Story The Prince & Me FThe Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Because I Said So FS1 24 27 150 219MThe Herd with Colin Cowherd Monster Jam Womens College Basketball Hoops Extra Wm. BasketballTHerd UEFA UEFA Champions League Soccer: Speak for Yourself NASCAR Race HubWUEFA Champions League Soccer:ThCollege Basketball Bridge Show College Basketball PostgameFHerd NASCAR Racing Race Hub NASCAR Racing UFC Weigh-In Pregame Basketball FX 45 51 136 248MHow I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Gone Girl TThe Equalizer WTwo/Half Men Lucy ThHow I Met Captain America: The Winter Soldier FMike & Molly Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Madagascar 3: Wanted GOLF 48 26 401 218MPGA Tour Golf: Golf CentralTTin Cup Tin Cup WInside PGA Learning School of Golf Inside PGA Golf Academy Feherty Inside PGA Golfing WorldThGolf Central Pregame PGA Tour Golf: FPGA Tour Golf: MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


WEEKDAY AFTERNOON CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV CC W D1 D212 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30CABLE CHANNELS CONTD HALL 23 59 185 312MHome & Family Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Last-Standing Last-StandingT WThF HGTV 32 38 112 229MHouse Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters Renovation House Hunters RenovationTFixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer UpperWProperty Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers Property BrothersThFlip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or FlopFBeach Bargain Beach Bargain Beach Bargain Beach Bargain Beach Bargain Beach Bargain Beach Bargain Beach Bargain Beach Bargain Beach Bargain Beach Bargain Beach Bargain HIST 35 42 120 269Varied Programs Amer. Pickers Var. Programs LIFE 56 56 108 252Greys Anatomy Greys Anatomy Greys Anatomy Varied Programs MTV 50 49 160 331Varied Programs Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Friends Friends NATGEO 109 60 186 276Varied Programs Wicked Tuna Hell on the Highway Border Wars Border Wars Varied Programs NBCSN 20 28 159 220Varied Programs NICK 58 68 170 299Rusty Rivets PAW Patrol PAW Patrol PAW Patrol SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Loud House Loud House Henry Danger Henry Danger OWN 21 109 189 279Dr. Phil Varied Programs SCI 110 102 193 284Varied Programs SPIKE 28 48 241 241MThe Rundown The Waterboy The Hangover TCops Jail Cops Cops Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight Cops CopsWThor The Mummy The Mummy Returns ThVan Helsing The Dark Knight Rises FGangland: Gangsters: Americas Most Evil Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight Beyond Scared Straight Cops Cops SUN 49 422 653Varied Programs SYFY 70 52 122 244MKite The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian A Knights Tale TOz the Great and Powerful Face Off: Face Off Face Off:WDrag Me to Hell Lake Placid vs. Anaconda Resident Evil: Retribution ThSnowpiercer Zombieland Volcano FLet Me In The Faculty Volcano Ghost Rider TBS 31 15 139 247American Dad American Dad Family Guy Family Guy New Girl New Girl Friends Friends Friends Friends Seinfeld Seinfeld TCM 25 70 132 256MBabes in Arms Three Loves Has Nancy Mama Steps Out Whistling in Dixie Sunday PunchTExecutive Suite East Side, West Side The Gay Sisters My ReputationWWanda Wind Across the Everglades Party Girl Rebel Without a Cause ThBad Basc The Cockeyed Miracle Her Husbands Affairs The Fuller Brush Man Lust for Gold FBad Day at Black Rock The Gazebo Lady in the Lake Rope TLC 37 40 183 280My 600-Lb. Life Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress TNT 29 54 138 245Supernatural Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones TRAV 65 44 196 277Varied Programs TRU 55 58 242 246Varied Programs Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Varied Programs TVL 19 66 106 304Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Var. Programs Gunsmoke Var. Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Griffith Griffith UNI 96 270 402 Hoy A Que No Me Dejas Como Dice el Dicho El Gordo y la Flaca Primer Impacto Hotel Todo Noticiero Univ. USA 62 55 105 242Varied Programs VH1 51 50 162 335Varied Programs WGN-A 13 107 239 307Varied ProgramsPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501MMatchstick Men Lady in the Water UConn: The March to Madness The Mothman Prophecies TX-Men Last Week To. The Brothers Bloom Minority Report Real Time, BillWPoint Break Tickled Central Intelligence Unbreakable ThSports Hairspray The Visit X-Men: Apocalypse FMinority Marley & Me The Divergent Series: Allegiant Baby Mama MAX 320 330 310 515MHeartburn The Sweetest Thing Keeping the Faith Monsters Ball TThe Bourne Ultimatum Changing Lanes Scent of a Woman HardballWI Love You, Man GhostThFrequency Body of Lies Hostage EraserFPale Rider The Good Shepherd The Bourne Ultimatum Fantastic Four SHO 340 320 318 545MPoltergeist III Last Girl Standing L Word Mississippi: Hate the Sin Love the Coopers TLove Actually Ordinary People Forsaken Prison FightersWWhat Wm The Ladies Man I Love You Phillip Morris You Can Count on Me ThBlue Crush The Hurt Locker The Imitation Game Bridge of SpiesFSXSW Natasha Leggero Love Actually Meet the Browns Crash STARZ 370 370 350 525MMissing The Family Fang Money Monster You Dont Mess With the Zohan TGhostbust The Meddler Black Sails: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Black Sails:WHalloween II The Missing: For Love of the Game Friday After Next Get a Job ThStep Brothers The Shallows Double Jeopardy Along Came a SpiderFShallows The Perfect Guy The Game Plan Ghostbusters TMC 350 340 327 553MBig Eyes The D Train Anesthesia The Alamo TThe Next Hit Tiny Furniture No Escape Sweet MickyWTrinidad Public The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? As I AM: The Life and Times of DJ AM BeyondThDennis Rodmans Big Bang in Pyongyang Stolen The Alamo Blackway FVeronika Decides to Die Tiny Furniture One & Done: Ben Simmons Star Trek III: Search-Spock MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


PAGE 28 MONDAY EVENING MARCH 6, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 at 6 (N) Ent. Tonight The Bachelor (N) The Bachelor: News 13 at 10 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:35) Nightline NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune (N) The Voice:: continue. (N) Taken:News The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers CBS 4 4 4 18CBS Evening News Inside Edition (N) Big Bang Theory Man With a Plan Superior Donuts (N) Kevin Can Wait Scorpion: Modern Family The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (:35) James Corden IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: events. Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory 24: Legacy: APB: Two and a Half Men TMZ (N) Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen Steve Harvey PBS 11 11 56 World News Roy Orbison: Black & White Night 30 Rocktopia Live in Budapest: A Classical Evolution Rock Rewind: 1967 Capitol Update Charlie Rose (N) Rocktopia Live CW 99 9 8 8Family Guy Family Guy Supergirl: Exodus (N) Penn & Teller: Fool Us Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of Queens The King of Queens Engagement Engagement THIS 209 133 M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Mayberry R.F.D. Mayberry R.F.D. MacGyver: Hogans Heroes Hogans Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason The Twilight ZoneCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265The First 48 The First 48 Cold Case Files (N) Bates Motel (N) The First 48 The First 48 AMC 30 32 131 254Avatar Humans: Humans: Avatar ANPL 46 69 184 282Last Alaskans Last Alaskans Last Alaskans Last Alaskans Last Alaskans Missouri Mountain BET 53 46 124 329Martin Martin Martin Martin Takers Daily Show The Game CNN 39 32 200 202Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CMT 98 47 166 327Last Man Last Man A Time to Kill Steve Austins S. Austin COM 64 53 107 249Fturama Fturama South South Archer Archer South Park South Park Daily Show At Mid. High Crt South DISC 36 39 182 278Fast N Loud Fast N Loud Fast N Loud (N) Diesel Brothers (N) Fast N Loud Diesel Brothers DISN 22 64 172 290K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunkd Bunkd Jessie Jessie Girl Meets Best Fr. E! 63 57 114 236E! News (N) Easy A The Arrangement E! News (N) ESPN 9 23 140 206College Basketball College Basketball SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209Womens College Basketball College Basketball Basketball College Basketball FNC 42 35 205 360The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor Tucker Carlson Tonight FOOD 38 45 110 231Kids Baking Kids Baking Cake Wars Diners Diners Diners Diners Cake Wars FREE 59 65 180 311Harry Potter Shadowhunters (N) Edward Scissorhands The 700 Club The Final Girls FS1 24 27 150 219Womens College Basketball Hoops Womens College Basketball Hoops Skip and Shannon: Undisputed FX 45 51 136 248Gone Girl Fast & Furious 6 Fast & Furious 6 GOLF 48 26 401 218The Golf Fix Feherty Feherty (N) Feherty Golf Central Feherty HALL 23 59 185 312Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229House Hunters Reno Love It or List It Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Tiny House Tiny House Love It or List It HIST 35 42 120 269American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Pawn Pawn (:33) Pawn Pawn (:33) American Pickers LIFE 56 56 108 252My Sisters Keeper (5) The Devil Wears Prada The Pop Game Devil-Prada MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 (N) Teen Mom Teen Mom OG (:32) Teen Mom OG Teen Mom NATGEO 109 60 186 276The Story of God The Story of God Origins of Humankind Explorer: Origins of Humankind Explorer: NBCSN 20 28 159 220NHL Live NHL Hockey: NHL Overtime Hockey Blazers Manchester Mondays NICK 58 68 170 299Henry Danger Thunder Game Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 279Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN (N) Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? Secrets of the Under What on Earth? What on Earth? SPIKE 28 48 241 241The Hangover The Waterboy The Hangover Rundown SUN 49 422 653NBA Basketball: Postgame Inside Inside Game 365 Spotlight After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244A Knights Tale Oz the Great and Powerful Case 39 TBS 31 15 139 247Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Conan (N) Broke Girl Conan TCM 25 70 132 256Sunday Punch My Cousin Rachel Prince of Players The Desert Rats TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes Say Yes My Big Fat Fabulous Life: My Big Fat Fabulous Life TNT 29 54 138 245Bones NBA Basketball: NBA Basketball: TRAV 65 44 196 277Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Booze Traveler (N) Delicious Delicious Bizarre Foods/Zimmern TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Pranks Pranks Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304Griffith Griffith Andy Griffith Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402La Rosa de Guadalupe Pequeos Gigantes Vino el Amor (N) El color de la pasin (N) Impacto Noticiero Contacto Deportivo (N) USA 62 55 105 242Mod Fam Mod Fam WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (Live) Friday Night Tykes Chrisley Chrisley VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta The Breaks (N) Dinner Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta The Breaks Dinner WGN-A 13 107 239 307We Are Marshall We Are Marshall Free How I MetPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Last Week To. VICE News Tonight (N) The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma & the Silk Road Ensemble The Cider House Rules Big Little Lies: MAX 320 330 310 515Monsters Ball Michael Clayton Body of Lies SolarisSHO 340 320 318 545Love the Coopers (5) Homeland:Billions: Homeland:Billions: Crash STARZ 370 370 350 525Outlander: Black Sails: The Missing: The Shallows Black Sails: The Missing (:33) TMC 350 340 327 553The Alamo The Illusionist Blackway High Tension MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS r rf n tn b r f


MONDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 6, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Middle Judge Karen Judge Karen ABC World News Now America Morning News 13 This Morning NBC 3 3 7 Seth Meyers Last Call/ Daly Harry The Bankruptcy Hour Shepherds Chapel AgDay Early Today NewsChannel 7 Today CBS 4 4 4 18James Corden Modern Family Ac. Hollywood The Insider CBS Overnight News Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Friends Friends Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Maury: Paid Program Profit Speak Best Pan Ever! The Outdoor Show PBS 11 11 56 Rocktopia Live in Budapest-Classical BrainFit: 50 Ways to Grow Your Brain With Daniel Amen, MD and Tana Amen, RN Rick Steves Europe: Great German Cities:Cat in the Hat Arthur CW 99 9 8 8Raising Hope Cheaters Cheaters Paid Program Skincare Secrets Paid Program Amazing Abs Paid Program Top Cooker Paid Program Skincare Secrets THIS 209 133 Alfred Hitchcock Hour Mannix: Ironside: 77 Sunset Strip: Jeff Our Miss Brooks The Donna Reed Show Mister Ed I Love LucyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Cold Case Files Bates Motel The First 48 Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Avatar Humans: Comic Book Men Comic Book Men Comic Book Men Peter Popoff Paid Program ANPL 46 69 184 282Missouri Mountain Last Alaskans Top Hooker Top Hooker Top Hooker Big Cat Big Cat BET 53 46 124 329The Game The Game Wendy Williams Show The Real Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Abundant Paid Prog. Suffering CNN 39 32 200 202Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Early Early Chris and Alisyn CMT 98 47 166 327S. Austin Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249South Daily At Mid. South Chappelle Key Half Hour Comedy Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Fast N Loud Fast N Loud Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Dual Survival DISN 22 64 172 290Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Bizaardvark Stuck Jessie Jessie Bunkd Bunkd Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236Easy A The Arrangement Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209Basketball Basketball Jalen NFL Live Nacin ESPN Jalen Mike and Mike: ICYMI Mike & Mike FNC 42 35 205 360Hannity The First 100 Days Red Eye-Shillue Special Report FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Diners Diners Diners Diners Kids Baking Guys Grocery Games Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311The Final Girls Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The 700 Club Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prince Robison J. Meyer Drenda FS1 24 27 150 219Skip TMZ Sports Womens College Basketball NASCAR Racing Beyond the Wheel 2017 FX 45 51 136 248Fast & Furious 6 Feud: Bette and Joan Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218Feherty The Golf Fix Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunt Intl Tiny House Tiny House Love It or List It Menopause Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Texas Flip HIST 35 42 120 269Amer. Pickers Pawn Pawn Pawn Pawn Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252The Devil Wears Prada The Pop Game Paid Fab Abs Paid Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Music Feed Jersey Shore NATGEO 109 60 186 276Cradle of the Gods Atlantis Rising Known Universe Known Universe Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Premier League Cycling Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 279Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dr. Phil Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284Secrets of the Under What on Earth? Universe Works Universe Works Universe Works Universe Works SPIKE 28 48 241 241The Rundown Tenants Tenants Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Body Beast Paid Prog. SUN 49 422 653After Midnight Arthritis? Great Sex! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Florida ONeill Out. SYFY 70 52 122 244Heebie Jeebies Face Off Prostate Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Face Off TBS 31 15 139 247Conan Seinfeld 17 Again New Girl New Girl Married Married Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256The Desert Rats Sea Wife The Robe MGM Parade A Lost Lady TLC 37 40 183 280Fat Fabulous Say Yes Say Yes Dr. G: Medical Examiner Dr. G: Medical Examiner What Not to Wear What Not to Wear TNT 29 54 138 245Inside the NBA NBA Basketball: Preview Law & Order Arrow TRAV 65 44 196 277Booze Traveler Delicious Delicious Delicious Delicious Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Pranks Pranks Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Billy-Street Billy-Street Billy-Street Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Chris Old Christine Rose. Rose. Rose. How I Met How I Met Paid Prog. Paid Prog. UNI 96 270 402Vino el Amor A Que No Me Dejas P. Luche Hotel Todo El Gordo y la Flaca Impacto Noticiero Como Dice el Dicho USA 62 55 105 242CSI: Cri. Scene CSI: Crime Scene Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Black Ink Crew Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta T.I.-Tiny T.I.-Tiny T.I.-Tiny T.I.-Tiny My Wife My Wife WGN-A 13 107 239 307How I Met How I Met Rules Rules Parks Parks Law & Order Supernat. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Last Week To. Hitman Sarah Silverman: We Are Miracles Dallas Buyers Club Heartbreakers MAX 320 330 310 515SolarisThe Sweetest Thing Vigilante Diaries Pitch Black SHO 340 320 318 545Crash Blue Velvet Woman in Gold Kellys Hollywood STARZ 370 370 350 525The Missing The Interpreter White Noise Pride and Prejudice and Zombies TMC 350 340 327 553Capsule The Illusionist Blackway Big Eyes MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS James Fi sherBr ok er850-866-5950James Fi sher Br ok erMy Na me is Behind Ev er y Sa leEagleAmeric anR ealt yGr oup .com Co mmer cial Sa les Le asing & Managemen t Pr oper ty En titlemen t La nd De ve lopmen t Residen tial Sa les Pr oper ty Managemen t


PAGE 30 TUESDAY EVENING MARCH 7, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 at 6 (N) Ent. Tonight The Middle (N) American Housewife Fresh Off the Boat The Real ONeals (N) People Icons: News 13 at 10 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:35) Nightline NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune (N) The Voice:This Is Us: (N) Chicago Justice: News The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers CBS 4 4 4 18CBS Evening News Inside Edition (N) NCIS: (N) Bull: NCIS: New Orleans: Modern Family The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (:35) James Corden IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory New Girl The Mick Bones Two and a Half Men TMZ (N) Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen Steve Harvey PBS 11 11 56 World News Ken Burns: Americas Storyteller: Hamiltons America:Capitol Update Charlie Rose (N) Age Reversed CW 99 9 8 8Family Guy Family Guy The Flash: DCs Legends of Tomorrow (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of Queens The King of Queens Engagement Engagement THIS 209 133 College Basketball: MacGyver: Hogans Heroes Hogans Heroes Carol Burnett Perry Mason The Twilight ZoneCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Intervention: Intervention Intervention Intervention: Cold Case Files Intervention (:03) AMC 30 32 131 254Titanic Titanic ANPL 46 69 184 282River Monsters River Monsters Wild Australia River Monsters River Monsters BET 53 46 124 329Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane Being Mary Jane (N) Being Mary Jane Daily Show The Game CNN 39 32 200 202Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CMT 98 47 166 327Last Man Last Man Twister Sun Records Twister COM 64 53 107 249Fturama Fturama Tosh Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Detroiters Daily Show At Mid. High Crt Tosh.0 DISC 36 39 182 278Moonshiners Moonshiners: Outlaw Moonshiners Killing Fields Moonshiners Killing Fields DISN 22 64 172 290K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunkd Bunkd Jessie Jessie Girl Meets Best Fr. E! 63 57 114 236E! News The Arrangement Maid in Manhattan E! News ESPN 9 23 140 206College Basketball College Basketball SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209College Basketball College Basketball Tennis: FNC 42 35 205 360The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor Tucker Carlson Tonight FOOD 38 45 110 231Chopped: Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Chopped Chopped FREE 59 65 180 311The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1 (5:30) Switched at Birth (N) Shadowhunters The 700 Club Abduction FS1 24 27 150 219Womens Soccer: Womens College Basketball Hoops Speak for Yourself Undisputed FX 45 51 136 248The Equalizer Lucy The Americans The Americans Legion: GOLF 48 26 401 218School of Golf Seve: The Movie Honour Seve: The Movie HALL 23 59 185 312Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Fixer Upper (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper Fixer Upper HIST 35 42 120 269Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Counting Cars Forged in Fire Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars LIFE 56 56 108 252Little Women: LA Little Women: LA (N) Little Women: LA (N) The Pop Game Little Women: LA Little Women: LA MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Teen Mom 2 The Challenge: Invasion Stranded-Mill. Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV NATGEO 109 60 186 276Inside Combat Rescue Inside the Vietnam War: Uncensored Inside Combat Rescue NBCSN 20 28 159 220NHL Live NHL Hockey: NHL Overtime Off Script Poker After Dark NICK 58 68 170 299The Thundermans Thunder Game Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 279The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots SCI 110 102 193 284Universe Works Universe Works What on Earth? Secrets of the Under To Be Announced What on Earth? (:08) SPIKE 28 48 241 241Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail SUN 49 422 653NBA Basketball: Inside Inside Lightning Lightning Florida Keys Fleet of 1715 SYFY 70 52 122 244Face Off Face Off Face Off (N) Resident Evil: Retribution Face Off TBS 31 15 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang The Detour Big Bang Conan (N) The Detour Conan TCM 25 70 132 256My Reputation (5) The Night of the Iguana Anne of the Thousand Days TLC 37 40 183 280Fat Fabulous My Big Fat Fat Fabulous Shes in Charge Fat Fabulous Shes in Charge TNT 29 54 138 245Journey 2-Myst (5) Edge of Tomorrow Paycheck TRAV 65 44 196 277Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Delicious Delicious Bizarre Foods/Zimmern GuySpain Adventure Bizarre Foods America Bizarre Foods/Zimmern TRU 55 58 242 246Jokes Jokes Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Hack Hack Hack Hack Carbonaro Carbonaro TVL 19 66 106 304Griffith Griffith Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Teachers Throwing King King King King UNI 96 270 402La Rosa de Guadalupe Pequeos Gigantes Vino el Amor (N) La Piloto (N) Impacto Noticiero Contacto Deportivo (N) USA 62 55 105 242Chrisley Chrisley WWE SmackDown! Chrisley Chrisley Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam VH1 51 50 162 335The Breaks Dinner Dinner Black Ink Crew Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Stomp the Yard WGN-A 13 107 239 307Cops Cops Cops Cops Outsiders (N) Outsiders Outsiders OutsidersPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Real Time, Bill (5:30) VICE News Tonight (N) X-Men: Apocalypse Crashing Girls REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel Aliens vs. Predator MAX 320 330 310 515Hardball Harold & Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay Head of State Ghost World SHO 340 320 318 545Prison Fighters: Rounds to Freedom (5:30) 60 Minutes Sports (N) Billions: 60 Minutes Sports Homeland:Traffic STARZ 370 370 350 525Ghostbusters Black Sails: Friday After Next Halloween II TMC 350 340 327 553Sweet Micky for President (5:30) (NR) Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee One & Done: Ben Simmons Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS James Fi sherBr ok er850-866-5950James Fi sher Br ok erMy Na me is Behind Ev er y Sa leEagleAmeric anR ealt yGr oup .com Co mmer cial Sa les Le asing & Managemen t Pr oper ty En titlemen t La nd De ve lopmen t Residen tial Sa les Pr oper ty Managemen t


TUESDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 7, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Middle Judge Karen Judge Karen ABC World News Now America Morning News 13 This Morning NBC 3 3 7 Seth Meyers Last Call/ Daly Harry The Bankruptcy Hour Shepherds Chapel AgDay Early Today NewsChannel 7 Today CBS 4 4 4 18James Corden Modern Family Ac. Hollywood The Insider CBS Overnight News Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Friends Friends Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Maury:Paid Program Let the Prophet Best Pan Ever! The Outdoor Show PBS 11 11 56 Age Reversed With Miranda The Fast Metabolism Revolution With Haylie Pomroy: Eat Fat, Get Thin With Dr. Mark Hyman: Cat in the Hat Arthur CW 99 9 8 8Raising Hope Cheaters Cheaters Arthritis Pain? Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Healthy Fried Food Miracle Makeup! Paid Program THIS 209 133 Alfred Hitchcock Hour Mannix: Ironside: Jackals 77 Sunset Strip:Our Miss Brooks The Donna Reed Show Mister Ed I Love LucyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Intervention Intervention Cold Case Files Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Titanic The Wedding Planner Humans: The Three Stooges Paid Program Paid Program ANPL 46 69 184 282River Monsters River Monsters River Monsters Wild Australia Big Cat Big Cat BET 53 46 124 329The Game The Game Wendy Williams Show The Real Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Abundant Paid Prog. Suffering CNN 39 32 200 202Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Early Early Chris and Alisyn CMT 98 47 166 327Twister Steve Austins Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249Detroit Daily At Mid. South Chappelle Key Half Hour Comedy Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cebria Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Moonshiners Moonshiners Gangsters Code Gangsters Code Gangsters Code Gangsters Code DISN 22 64 172 290Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Bizaardvark Stuck Jessie Jessie Bunkd Bunkd Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236The Arrangement Maid in Manhattan Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209Jalen NFL Live Jalen 30 for 30 Mike and Mike: ICYMI Mike & Mike FNC 42 35 205 360Hannity The First 100 Days Red Eye-Shillue Special Report FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Chopped Chopped Chopped Guys Grocery Games Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311Abduction Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The 700 Club Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prince Robison J. Meyer J. Hagee FS1 24 27 150 219Undisputed TMZ Sports Womens Soccer: Womens College Basketball FX 45 51 136 248The Americans Mike FXM Pres. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218Seve Honour Inside PGA Learning Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Inside PGA Golf Acad. Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunt Intl Fixer Upper Fixer Upper Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kit. Crash HIST 35 42 120 269Counting Cars Forged in Fire Cnt. Cars Cnt. Cars Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252Little Women The Pop Game Little Women: LA Paid Paid Fab Abs Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Stranded-Mill. Music Feed Parental Parental Parental Parental NATGEO 109 60 186 276Battleground A Drugs, Inc. Locked Up Abroad Locked Up Abroad Locked Up Abroad Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Poker After Dark Cycling Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 279The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots The Haves, Nots Dateline on OWN Dr. Phil Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284Secrets of the Under To Be Announced What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? What on Earth? SPIKE 28 48 241 241Jail Jail Jail Jail Wildest Police Videos Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SUN 49 422 653Game 365 Spotlight Great Sex! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Secrets Hair Loss? Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Florida Fishing SYFY 70 52 122 244Lake Placid 3 Snakehead Swamp Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Magicians TBS 31 15 139 247Conan Seinfeld Role Models New Girl New Girl Married Married Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256Look Back in Anger Bitter Victory Alexander the Great TLC 37 40 183 280My Big Fat Fat Fabulous Dr. G: Medical Examiner Dr. G: Medical Examiner What Not to Wear What Not to Wear TNT 29 54 138 245Major Crimes The Librarians The Librarians The Librarians Law & Order Arrow TRAV 65 44 196 277GuySpain Adventure Bizarre Foods America Delicious Delicious Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Carbonaro Carbonaro Hack Hack Hack Hack 10 Things 10 Things 10 Things Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Teachers Throwing Chris Chris Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne How I Met How I Met Paid Prog. Walk Fit UNI 96 270 402La Mujer del Vendaval A Que No Me Dejas P. Luche Hotel Todo El Gordo y la Flaca Impacto Noticiero Como Dice el Dicho USA 62 55 105 242Chrisley Chrisley Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU House: VH1 51 50 162 335Stomp Dinner Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Black Ink Crew Black Ink Crew Black Ink Crew Prince Prince WGN-A 13 107 239 307Free How I Met How I Met How I Met Raising Raising Law & Order: Supernat. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem 24/7: Golovkin Bullet to the Head Making: Race Gloria: In Her Own Words (Off Air) MAX 320 330 310 515Ghost Wld According to Spencer Pearl Harbor The Arrival SHO 340 320 318 545Traffic The Best Man The Hurricane STARZ 370 370 350 525Halloween III: Season of the Witch Grandma (Off Air) Philadelphia TMC 350 340 327 553Spoonful of Sex Scorned Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee One & Done: Ben Simmons MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


PAGE 32 WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH 8, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 at 6 (N) Ent. Tonight The Goldbergs (N) Speechless (N) Modern Family (N) blackish Designated Survivor: Warriors (N) News 13 at 10 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:35) Nightline NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune (N) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chicago P.D.: Dont Read the News News The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers CBS 4 4 4 18CBS Evening News Inside Edition (N) Survivor: The Stakes Have Been Raised: A castaway Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: Lost Souls Modern Family The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (:35) James Corden IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Lethal Weapon: A Prob(N) Star: (N) Two and a Half Men TMZ (N) Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen Steve Harvey PBS 11 11 56 World News Nature: High-speed cameras capture hummingbirds. Il Volo Notte Magica: Il Volo performs in Rock Rewind: 1968 Capitol Update Charlie Rose (N) Ken BurnsStoryteller CW 99 9 8 8Family Guy Family Guy Arrow: The 100: The fate of the world is revealed. Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of Queens The King of Queens Engagement Engagement THIS 209 133 College Basketball: Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball: Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Carol Burnett Perry Mason The Twilight ZoneCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Jep (:32) Jep Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. AMC 30 32 131 254The Matrix Inception Ellen Page. A thief enters peoples dreams and steals their secrets. Batman Begins ANPL 46 69 184 282Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Animal Nation BET 53 46 124 329New Edition The Quad The Quad The Quad: Kalief Browder Daily Show The Game CNN 39 32 200 202Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 CMT 98 47 166 327Last Man Last Man Gridiron Gang Steve Austins Gridiron Gang COM 64 53 107 249Fturama Fturama South South South Park South Park Work. Jeff Daily Show At Mid. High Crt South DISC 36 39 182 278Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush: Off Grid Alaskan Bush People Bering Sea Gold (N) Alaskan Bush People Bering Sea Gold DISN 22 64 172 290K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunkd Bunkd Jessie Jessie Girl Meets Best Fr. E! 63 57 114 236E! News (N) So Cosmo So Cosmo (N) So Cosmo E! News (N) ESPN 9 23 140 206NBA Countdown (N) NBA Basketball: Detroit Pistons at Indiana Pacers. (N) (Live) NBA Basketball: ESPN2 47 24 143 209College Basketball College Basketball SportCtr SportsCenter (N) (Live) FNC 42 35 205 360The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor Tucker Carlson Tonight FOOD 38 45 110 231Chopped Junior Chopped Junior Cooks vs. Cons Bakers vs. Fakers (N) Bakers vs. Fakers Cooks vs. Cons FREE 59 65 180 311A Cinderella Story The Prince & Me The 700 Club Beth Cooper FS1 24 27 150 219College Basketball Bridge College Basketball Postgame Speak for Yourself FX 45 51 136 248Captain America: The Winter Soldier Legion: David faces a new threat. Legion: Americans GOLF 48 26 401 218Golf Acad. Learning Inside PGA PGA Tour Golf Golf Central Euro PGA HALL 23 59 185 312Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Property Brothers HIST 35 42 120 269American Pickers To Be Announced SIX: End Game To Be Announced LIFE 56 56 108 252Little Women: Atlanta Little Women: Atlanta Little Women: Atlanta Bringing Up Ballers Little Women Little Women MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Catfish: The TV Show Are You the One? Are You Catfish: The TV (:33) Catfish: The TV Show Catfish NATGEO 109 60 186 276Lockdown Lockdown Inside Maximum Secu Lockdown Origins of Humankind Surviving Alcatraz NBCSN 20 28 159 220NHL Live (N) (Live) NHL Hockey: Detroit Red Wings at Boston Bruins. (N) (Live) NHL Overtime Sports Sports Sports NICK 58 68 170 299The Thundermans Thunder Game Full House Full House Full House Full House Friends Friends Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 279Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf Greenleaf SCI 110 102 193 284Acts of Science Acts of Science Acts of Science Hacking the Wild Acts of Science Acts of Science SPIKE 28 48 241 241Mummy Thor Kalief Browder The Mummy SUN 49 422 653Pregame NBA Basketball: Postgame Inside Inside Inside After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244Zombieland The Magicians (N) The Expanse (N) Lake Placid 3 TBS 31 15 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Conan (N) Broke Girl Conan TCM 25 70 132 256Rebel Without a Cause (5) Cleopatra Egyptian queens tragic love affair. The Taming of the Shrew TLC 37 40 183 280My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life: Tanisha wants to survive for her kids. (N) My 600-Lb. Life: Tanishas Story TNT 29 54 138 245Bones Major Crimes Major Crimes (N) Major Crimes Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 TRAV 65 44 196 277Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown (N) Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown TRU 55 58 242 246Hack Hack Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro TCE Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro TVL 19 66 106 304Griffith Griffith Andy Griffith Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402La Rosa de Guadalupe Pequeos Gigantes Vino el Amor (N) La Piloto (N) Impacto Noticiero Contacto Deportivo (N) USA 62 55 105 242NCIS John Wick Kickboxer: Vengeance NCIS: Los Angeles VH1 51 50 162 335Black Ink Crew Black Ink Crew (N) Black Ink Crew Americas Next Model Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta Americas Next Model WGN-A 13 107 239 307Underground: Graves Underground Underground Underground Underground UndergroundPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Unbreakable VICE News Tonight (N) Point Break UConn: March Big Little Lies: Living the Dream The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma & the Silk Road Ensemble MAX 320 330 310 515Ghost Fantasy) Legend Gone in 60 Seconds Transformers SHO 340 320 318 545Billions: buying an NFL team. What Women Want Showgirls dancer makes a bid for Las Vegas success. (R) Billions STARZ 370 370 350 525Get a Job (R) The Missing: Statice Along Came a Spider Double Jeopardy The Missing (:35) TMC 350 340 327 553Beyond the Sea Wristcutters: A Love Story Christmas Eve Drama) Patrick Stewart. (PG) Dressed to Kill MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


PAGE 33 WEDNESDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 8, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Middle Judge Karen Judge Karen ABC World News Now America Morning News 13 This Morning NBC 3 3 7 Seth Meyers Last Call/ Daly Harry The Bankruptcy Hour Shepherds Chapel AgDay Early Today NewsChannel 7 Today CBS 4 4 4 18James Corden Modern Family Ac. Hollywood The Insider CBS Overnight News Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Friends Friends Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Maury: Paid Program Paid Program Best Pan Ever! The Outdoor Show PBS 11 11 56 Ken Burns: Americas Storyteller 28 Day Metabolism Makeover With Dr. Amy Myers Deepak Chopra: The Future of God: Cat in the Hat Arthur CW 99 9 8 8Raising Hope Cheaters Cheaters Paid Program Paid Program Best Pan Ever! Paid Program Skincare Secrets Paid Program Amazing Abs Paid Program Arthritis Pain? THIS 209 133 Alfred Hitchcock Hour Mannix: Ironside: 77 Sunset Strip: A statue Our Miss Brooks The Donna Reed Show Mister Ed I Love LucyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Duck D. Jep Jep Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Batman Begins The Fugitive The Three Stooges The Three Stooges Peter Popoff Paid Program ANPL 46 69 184 282Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Pit Bulls and Parolees Big Cat Big Cat BET 53 46 124 329The Game The Game Wendy Williams Show The Real Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Abundant Paid Prog. Suffering CNN 39 32 200 202Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Tonight CNN Tonight Early Early Chris and Alisyn CMT 98 47 166 327Gridiron Gang Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249Work. Daily At Mid. South Chappelle Key Half Hour Comedy Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Dungeons of Alcatraz Filthy Cities Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs DISN 22 64 172 290Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Bizaardvark Stuck Jessie Jessie Bunkd Bunkd Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236So Cosmo Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian Kardashian ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter NBA Basketball: SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209Jalen E:60 NBA Basketball: SportsCenter SportsCenter Mike & Mike FNC 42 35 205 360Hannity The First 100 Days Red Eye-Shillue Special Report FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Bakers vs. Fakers Bakers vs. Fakers Chopped Junior Restaurant: Impossible Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311Beth Cooper Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The 700 Club Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prince Robison J. Meyer Grace FS1 24 27 150 219Skip and Shannon: Undisputed TMZ Sports College Basketball TMZ Sports NHRA in 30 Motorcycle FX 45 51 136 248Americans Legion: Feud: Bette and Joan The Americans FXM Pres. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218European PGA Tour Golf European PGA Tour Golf European PGA Tour Golf: HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers Property Brothers Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Vacation HIST 35 42 120 269TBA SIX: To Be Announced Paid Prostate Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252Little Women Bringing Up Ballers Little Women Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Catfish: The TV MTV Special Wild n Out Music Feed Ridiculous. Ridiculous. NATGEO 109 60 186 276Alcatraz: Living Hell Drugs, Inc. Russias Prisons Surviving Maximum Se Explorer Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Sports Mecum Cycling Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 279Greenleaf Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dr. Phil Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284Hacking the Wild Acts of Science To Be Announced Unexplained Files Unexplained Files How/Made How/Made SPIKE 28 48 241 241The Mummy R.I.P.D. Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Walk Fit SUN 49 422 653After Midnight Hair Loss? Secrets Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sportsman Sport SYFY 70 52 122 244Snakehead Swamp Thirst Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Twi. Zone Nightmare TBS 31 15 139 247Conan Seinfeld Duplex New Girl New Girl Married Married Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256The Taming of the Shrew Doctor Faustus Elizabeth Taylor: An Intimate Portrait Fathers Little Dividend TLC 37 40 183 280My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life Mystery Diagnosis Mystery Diagnosis What Not to Wear What Not to Wear TNT 29 54 138 245Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 Law & Order Arrow TRAV 65 44 196 277Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro TCE Carbonaro Carbonaro Carbonaro truInside Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Chris Chris Roseanne Rose. Rose. Mother Mother Paid Prog. Paid Prog. UNI 96 270 402La Mujer del Vendaval A Que No Me Dejas P. Luche Hotel Todo El Gordo y la Flaca Impacto Noticiero Como Dice el Dicho USA 62 55 105 242NCIS: Los Angeles Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Colony VH1 51 50 162 335Selena Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Wayans Wayans WGN-A 13 107 239 307Underground Rules Rules Raising Raising Law & Order Supernat. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Next Friday UConn Real Time With Bill Maher Race Witness MAX 320 330 310 515Transformers Our Brand Shoot Em Up The Good Shepherd Biker Boyz SHO 340 320 318 545Billions Don Jon The Presidio Penn & Teller: Bulls...!: Dudes & Dragons STARZ 370 370 350 525The Missing Step Brothers McFarland, USA Our Little Sister TMC 350 340 327 553Dressed to Kill Double D Dude Ranch The Descent: Part 2 Public Enemy: Live From Metropolis Studios Song One MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS James Fi sherBr ok er850-866-5950James Fi sher Br ok erMy Na me is Behind Ev er y Sa leEagleAmeric anR ealt yGr oup .com Co mmer cial Sa les Le asing & Managemen t Pr oper ty En titlemen t La nd De ve lopmen t Residen tial Sa les Pr oper ty Managemen t


PAGE 34 THURSDAY EVENING MARCH 9, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 at 6 (N) Ent. Tonight Greys Anatomy: War (N) Scandal: The Catch: News 13 at 10 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live Nightline NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune (N) Superstore Powerless (N) Chicago Med: The Blacklist: Redemption (N) News The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers CBS 4 4 4 18CBS Evening News Inside Edition (N) Big Bang Theory Great Indoors Mom (N) Life in Pieces (N) Training Day: (N) Modern Family The Late Show With Stephen Colbert James Corden IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory MasterChef (N) Kicking & Screaming Two and a Half Men TMZ (N) Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (N) Steve Harvey PBS 11 11 56 World News Coastal Dune Lakes: Jewels of Floridas Emerald Coast Roy Orbison: Black & White Night 30 Rock Rewind: 1969 Capitol Update Charlie Rose (N) Coastal Dune Lake CW 99 9 8 8Family Guy Family Guy Supernatural: Riverdale:Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of Queens The King of Queens Engagement Engagement THIS 209 133 College Basketball:College Basketball:Carol Burnett Perry Mason The Twilight ZoneCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265The First 48 The First 48 (N) 60 Days In (N) Nightwatch Cold Case Files The First 48 AMC 30 32 131 254Inception The Dark Knight The Matrix Reloaded ANPL 46 69 184 282Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law Lone Star Law BET 53 46 124 329ATL The Players Club Daily Show The Game CNN 39 32 200 202Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 The History of Comedy CNN Tonight CNN Tonight CMT 98 47 166 327Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man Nashville (N) Sun Records (N) Nashville Sun Records COM 64 53 107 249Fturama Fturama Tosh Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 South Park South Park Daily Show At Mid. High Crt South DISC 36 39 182 278Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush: Pay Dirt (N) Gold Rush: DISN 22 64 172 290K.C. Under. Good Luck Stuck Good Luck Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Bunkd Bunkd Jessie Jessie Girl Meets Best Fr. E! 63 57 114 236E! News (N) The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians E! News (N) ESPN 9 23 140 206College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball ESPN2 47 24 143 209College Basketball College Basketball SportsCenter SportsCenter FNC 42 35 205 360The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor Tucker Carlson Tonight FOOD 38 45 110 231Chopped Chopped Chopped: Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Chopped: FREE 59 65 180 311The Prince & Me Because I Said So The 700 Club Another Cinderella FS1 24 27 150 219College Basketball Bridge College Basketball Postgame Speak for Yourself FX 45 51 136 248Capt Amer Iron Man 2 Baskets (N) Baskets Baskets Iron Man 2 GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: PGA Tour Golf Euro PGA HALL 23 59 185 312Last Man Last Man Last Man Last Man The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Hunters Hunt Intl Joined/Flip Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop HIST 35 42 120 269Swamp People Swamp People Swamp People (N) Gangland Swamp People Swamp People LIFE 56 56 108 252My Best Friends The Proposal What Happens in Vegas The Proposal MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Wild n Out Wild n Out Wild n Out Wild n Out Wild/Out MTV Special NATGEO 109 60 186 276Kingdom of the Apes Kingdom of the Apes Mountain Gorilla Wild Congo Mystery Gorillas Clever Monkeys NBCSN 20 28 159 220College Basketball College Basketball Grudge Grudge Grudge Grudge NICK 58 68 170 299Nicky, Ricky The Parent Trap Nashville (N) Friends Friends OWN 21 109 189 27920/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on ID 20/20 on ID 20/20 on OWN 20/20 on ID SCI 110 102 193 284Unexplained Files Through the Wormhole Through the Wormhole Unexplained Files Through the Wormhole Through the Wormhole SPIKE 28 48 241 241Lip Sync Caraoke The Dark Knight Rises RoboCop SUN 49 422 653Pregame NHL Hockey: Lightning Lightning Lightning Lightning After Midnight SYFY 70 52 122 244Volcano Ghost Rider The Faculty TBS 31 15 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Broke Girl Broke Girl Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) Broke Girl Conan TCM 25 70 132 256Lust for Gold Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? The V.I.P.s Sandpiper TLC 37 40 183 280My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized: Skin Tight: Transformed My 600-Lb. Life: Supersized TNT 29 54 138 245Bones NBA Basketball: NBA Basketball: TRAV 65 44 196 277Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Jokes Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304Griffith Griffith Andy Griffith Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402La Rosa de Guadalupe Pequeos Gigantes Vino el Amor (N) La Piloto (N) Impacto Noticiero Contacto Deportivo (N) USA 62 55 105 242John Wick Captain America: The First Avenger Colony: Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Basketball Above the Rim Love & Basketball WGN-A 13 107 239 307Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Outsiders Cops CopsPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501X-Men: Apoc VICE News Tonight (N) Resident Evil 24/7: Golovkin REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel Big Little Lies: Crashing Friday MAX 320 330 310 515Eraser The Darkness Emelie Cirque du Freak: The Vampires Assistant SHO 340 320 318 545Bridge of Spies Billions: Homeland:Gigolos Dark Net Billions: STARZ 370 370 350 525Along Came A Night at the Roxbury The Shallows Step Brothers Black Sails: TMC 350 340 327 553Blackway Tears of the Sun Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen Fight ValleyMOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS 850.215.7961 233 WEST 14 TH ST PA NA MA CI TY FL 32401We le al l insur an ce ca rriers for yo ur mast ec to my pro duc ts!MA ST ECT OM Y BO UT IQ UE BREAST PR OSTHE SIS BR AS CA MISOLES LY MPHEDEM A SLEE VES


PAGE 35 THURSDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 9, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Middle Judge Karen Judge Karen ABC World News Now America Morning News 13 This Morning NBC 3 3 7 Seth Meyers Last Call/ Daly Harry The Bankruptcy Hour Shepherds Chapel AgDay Early Today NewsChannel 7 Today CBS 4 4 4 18James Corden Modern Family Ac. Hollywood The Insider CBS Overnight News Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Friends Friends Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Maury: Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program The Outdoor Show PBS 11 11 56 Coastal Dune Lakes: Emerald Coast Nature: Meditation for All of Us Dr. Perlmutters Whole Life Plan: HoCat in the Hat Arthur CW 99 9 8 8Raising Hope Cheaters Cheaters Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Top Cooker Miracle Makeup! Paid Program THIS 209 133 Alfred Hitchcock Hour Mannix: Ironside: 77 Sunset Strip: An abanOur Miss Brooks The Donna Reed Show Mister Ed I Love LucyCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 26560 Days In Nightwatch Cold Case Files Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254The Matrix Reloaded Alien vs. Predator Humans: Comic Book Men Paid Program Paid Program ANPL 46 69 184 282Lone Star Law Lone Star Law North Woods Law North Woods Law North Woods Law Big Cat Big Cat BET 53 46 124 329The Game The Game Wendy Williams Show The Real Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Abundant Paid Prog. Suffering CNN 39 32 200 202The History of Comedy CNN Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Early Early Chris and Alisyn CMT 98 47 166 327Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249 South Daily At Mid. South Chappelle Key Half Hour High Crt Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush Gold Rush: Gold Rush Gold Rush DISN 22 64 172 290Austin Austin Jessie Jessie Dog Bizaardvark Stuck Jessie Jessie Bunkd Bunkd Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236The Kardashians Kardashian Kardashian The Kardashians Kardashian The Kardashians Kardashian The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206Basketball SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209SportCtr Jalen Basketball Jalen 30 for 30 Jalen Mike and Mike: ICYMI Mike & Mike FNC 42 35 205 360Hannity The First 100 Days Red Eye-Shillue Special Report FOX and Friends First FOX and Friends FOOD 38 45 110 231Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Beat Bobby Chopped My. Diners My. Diners Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 311Another Cinderella Paid Program The 700 Club Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Prince Robison J. Meyer J. Hagee FS1 24 27 150 219Skip and Shannon: Undisputed TMZ Sports College Basketball College Basketball FX 45 51 136 248Iron Man 2 Baskets FXM Pres. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218European PGA Tour Golf European PGA Tour Golf European PGA Tour Golf: HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunt Intl Joined/Flip Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Flip or Flop Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Bld Hawaii HIST 35 42 120 269Swamp People Gangland Swamp People Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252The Proposal What Happens in Vegas Fab Abs Paid Paid Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Special Get Rich or Die Tryin Music Feed True Life True Life NATGEO 109 60 186 276Kingdom of the Apes Kingdom of the Apes Mountain Gorilla Wild Congo Mystery Gorillas Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Grudge Grudge Cycling Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NICK 58 68 170 299Friends Friends Prince Fresh Prince Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 27920/20 on ID 20/20 on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dr. Phil Dateline on OWN SCI 110 102 193 284Unexplained Files Unexplained Files Worlds Strangest Worlds Strangest Worlds Strangest Worlds Strangest SPIKE 28 48 241 241RoboCop Kalief Browder Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Walk Fit Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SUN 49 422 653After Midnight Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Best Pan Ever! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Why Pressure Cooker? SYFY 70 52 122 244Wes Cravens New Nightmare Let Me In CSI: Crime Scene TBS 31 15 139 247Conan Seinfeld Envy New Girl New Girl Married Married Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256The Sandpiper The Comedians Carson on TCM Murder, My Sweet TLC 37 40 183 280Skin Tight My 600-Lb. Life Mystery Diagnosis Mystery Diagnosis What Not to Wear What Not to Wear TNT 29 54 138 245Inside the NBA NBA Basketball: Preview Law & Order Arrow: TRAV 65 44 196 277Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Jokes Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Fameless Fameless Fameless Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Chris Chris Roseanne: Rose. Rose. Mother Mother Paid Prog. Walk Fit UNI 96 270 402La Mujer del Vendaval A Que No Me Dejas P. Luche Hotel Todo El Gordo y la Flaca Impacto Noticiero Como Dice el Dicho USA 62 55 105 242Colony Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU Chrisley Captain A VH1 51 50 162 335Love & Basketball Coach Carter Prince Prince WGN-A 13 107 239 307Cops Cops Rules Rules Raising Raising Law & Order Supernat. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Friday UConn: March The Sixth Sense Gloria: In Her Own Words Making-Sisters The Peanuts Movie MAX 320 330 310 515Halloween: Resurrection Hellboy II: The Golden Army Tron Welcome to Mooseport SHO 340 320 318 545Homeland:The Hurt Locker Bridge of Spies Lucky Nbr STARZ 370 370 350 525Lakeview Terrace Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Signs Monsters, Inc. TMC 350 340 327 553Fight Valley High Tension Breaking Point The Lucky Ones Lovesick MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS James Fi sherBr ok er850-866-5950James Fi sher Br ok erMy Na me is Behind Ev er y Sa leEagleAmeric anR ealt yGr oup .com Co mmer cial Sa les Le asing & Managemen t Pr oper ty En titlemen t La nd De ve lopmen t Residen tial Sa les Pr oper ty Managemen t


PAGE 36 FRIDAY EVENING MARCH 10, 2017 CC W D1 D26 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 News 13 at 6 (N) Ent. Tonight Last Man Standing Dr. Ken (N) Shark Tank 20/20 News 13 at 10 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (:35) Nightline NBC 3 3 7 NewsChannel 7 at Six Wheel of Fortune (N) Grimm: Dateline NBC (N) News The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Seth Meyers CBS 4 4 4 18CBS Evening News Inside Edition (N) MacGyver: Hawaii Five-0: Blue Bloods: Modern Family The Late Show With Stephen Colbert (:35) James Corden IND 7 7 46 Prime Dining Nightlife: Night Waves FOX 8 8 28 Big Bang Theory Big Bang Theory Rosewood: Sleepy Hollow:Two and a Half Men TMZ (N) Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (N) Steve Harvey PBS 11 11 56 World News FSU Headlines Washington Week (N) Charlie Rose Ed Slotts Retirement Roadmap 2017: Capitol Update Charlie Rose (N) MeditationAll CW 99 9 8 8Family Guy Family Guy The Vampire Diaries: The Vampire Diaries: I Seinfeld Seinfeld The King of Queens The King of Queens Engagement Engagement THIS 209 133 College Basketball:College Basketball:Carol Burnett Perry Mason The Twilight ZoneCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265The First 48 The First 48 Live PD:: The First 48 AMC 30 32 131 254Planet of the Apes Beneath the Planet of the Apes The Walking Dead: Talking Dead ANPL 46 69 184 282Tanked Tanked Tanked: Unfiltered (N) Tanked: Tanks Tanked Tanked BET 53 46 124 329Precious Being Mary Jane The Quad The Game The Game CNN 39 32 200 202Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper 360 CNN Special Program CNN Tonight CNN Tonight CNN Special Program CMT 98 47 166 327Last Man Last Man Home Alone Home Alone COM 64 53 107 249Fturama Fturama South South South Park South Park Hot Tub Time Machine A. Schum. DISC 36 39 182 278Gold Rush Gold Rush: Pay Dirt (N) Gold Rush (N) Gold Rush DISN 22 64 172 290Frozen Tangled Before Stuck Cali Style Tangled Before Jessie Jessie Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. E! 63 57 114 236E! News (N) Mean Girls The Arrangement E! News (N) ESPN 9 23 140 206College Basketball College Basketball College Basketball ESPN2 47 24 143 209College Basketball College Basketball SportsCenter FNC 42 35 205 360The First 100 Days (N) The OReilly Factor (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight Hannity (N) The OReilly Factor Tucker Carlson Tonight FOOD 38 45 110 231Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners, Drive Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners, Drive FREE 59 65 180 311Because I Said So (5) If I Stay The 700 Club 13 Going on 30 FS1 24 27 150 219College Basketball Bridge College Basketball Postgame UFC Weigh-In Undisputed FX 45 51 136 248Madagascar 3 (5) Penguins of Madagascar Penguins of Madagascar The Green Hornet GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: PGA Tour Golf HALL 23 59 185 312Last Man Last Man Home Imp. Home Imp. The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls Gold Girls HGTV 32 38 112 229Beach Beach Dream Dream Dream Dream Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Dream Dream HIST 35 42 120 269American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers LIFE 56 56 108 252Bring It! Bring It! (N) Bring It! (N) The Rap Game The Pop Game Bring It! MTV 50 49 160 331Friends Friends Ridiculous. Ridiculousness Ridic. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridic. Ridic. NATGEO 109 60 186 276Nasca Lines Secrets of the Druids Origins of Humankind Explorer: Origins of Humankind Explorer: NBCSN 20 28 159 220College Basketball College Basketball Shotgun Mecum Mecum NICK 58 68 170 299Henry Danger Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Friends Friends Friends Friends Prince (:33) OWN 21 109 189 27920/20 on OWN 20/20 on OWN 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 48 Hours: Hard Evid. 20/20 on OWN 48 Hours: Hard Evid. SCI 110 102 193 284MythBusters MythBusters Acts of Science Acts of Science MythBusters Acts of Science SPIKE 28 48 241 241Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail SUN 49 422 653Triathlon Pro-Am Inside Inside Lightning Lightning XTERRA World Champi Xterra Spotlight Game 365 SYFY 70 52 122 244Ghost Rider (5) Underworld The Magicians The Expanse TBS 31 15 139 247Seinfeld Seinfeld Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb Hall Pass TCM 25 70 132 256Rope Where Eagles Dare Staircase Villain TLC 37 40 183 280Ghost Brothers Ghost Brothers Ghost Brothers Ghost Brothers TNT 29 54 138 245Castle: Tammy Blended Something TRAV 65 44 196 277Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown TRU 55 58 242 246Carbonaro Carbonaro Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Greatest Greatest Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304Griffith Griffith (:36) Andy Griffith Show Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond King King King King UNI 96 270 402La Rosa de Guadalupe Dale Replay (N) Vino el Amor (N) La Piloto (N) Impacto Noticiero Contacto Deportivo (N) USA 62 55 105 242Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam VH1 51 50 162 335Back to the Future Back to the Future Part II Back-Future III WGN-A 13 107 239 307Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest Person of Interest How I Met How I Met How I Met How I MetPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Baby Mama VICE (N) American Psycho Real Time With Bill Maher VICE Jerrod Carmichael: Love at the Store VICE MAX 320 330 310 515Fantastic Four Everest Trapped Changing Lanes SHO 340 320 318 545Crash Billions: Perfect in (N) Boxing: STARZ 370 370 350 525Lakeview Terrace Outlander: Black Sails: The Missing: Friday After Next TMC 350 340 327 553Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (5) The Original Kings of Comedy Hoodlum Internal Affairs MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


FRIDAY LATE NIGHT MARCH 10, 2017 CC W D1 D212 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 2 AM 2:30 3 AM 3:30 4 AM 4:30 5 AM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 The Middle Judge Karen Judge Karen Open House Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Open House Insurance Wars Down Home NBC 3 3 7 Seth Meyers Last Call/ Daly Harry Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Small Town Big Deal Paid Program CBS 4 4 4 18James Corden Modern Family Ac. Hollywood The Insider Paid Program Inside Edition Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program IND 7 7 46 Nightlife: Reviews of local events. Late Night : FOX 8 8 28 Friends Friends Two and a Half Men How I Met/ Mother Paid Program Paid Program Maury: Paid Program Paid Program Healthy Fried Food Paid Program PBS 11 11 56 MeditationAll BrainFit: 50 Ways to Grow Your Brain With Daniel Amen, MD and Tana Amen, RN Ed Slotts Retirement Roadmap 2017: Festive Europe Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder CW 99 9 8 8Raising Hope Cheaters Cheaters Key to the Kingdom Miracle Makeup! Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Best Pan Ever! Paid Program Amazing Abs THIS 209 133 Alfred Hitchcock Hour: Mannix:Ironside: 77 Sunset Strip: Gomer Pyle Gomer Pyle Abbott, Costello Abbott, CostelloCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Live PD:: Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. AMC 30 32 131 254Talk Dead Scream 4 The Walking Dead: Comic Men Comic Book Men The Rifleman The Rifleman ANPL 46 69 184 282Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked Tanked: Tanks My Cat From Hell BET 53 46 124 329The Game The Game Wendy Williams Show The Real Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. CNN 39 32 200 202The History of Comedy The History of Comedy The History of Comedy CNN Newsroom Live CNN Newsroom Live New Day Saturday CMT 98 47 166 327Steve Austins Steve Austins Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Raising Raising CMT Music CMT Music COM 64 53 107 249A. Schum. Rachel Feinstein Half Hour Half Hour Half Hour Half Hour High Crt Sex Toys Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. DISC 36 39 182 278Gold Rush Gold Rush MythBusters MythBusters MythBusters Dirty Jobs DISN 22 64 172 290Bizaardvark Girl Meets Best Fr. Austin Austin Jessie Stuck Good Luck Good Luck Elena Roadster Roadster E! 63 57 114 236Mean Girls The Arrangement The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206Basketball SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN2 47 24 143 209SportCtr Jalen SEC Storied 30 for 30 30 for 30 30 for 30 FNC 42 35 205 360Hannity The First 100 Days Red Eye-Shillue Special Report FOX and Friends First FOX & Friends Saturday FOOD 38 45 110 231Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Burgers Burgers Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FREE 59 65 180 31113 Going on 30 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The 700 Club Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. FS1 24 27 150 219Undisputed TMZ Sports UFC Weigh-In UFC Main Event UFC Unleashed UFC Weigh-In FX 45 51 136 248The Green Hornet Feud: Bette and Joan Mike Mike FXM Pres. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf European PGA Tour Golf: HALL 23 59 185 312Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Cheers Cheers I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy I Love Lucy HGTV 32 38 112 229Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Dream Dream Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. HIST 35 42 120 269Amer. Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Paid Coin Coin Coin Coin Paid Prog. LIFE 56 56 108 252Bring It! The Rap Game The Pop Game Paid Fab Abs Paid Paid Paid Prog. Paid Prog. MTV 50 49 160 331Ridiculousness Ridic. Ridic. Ridiculous. Yes Man Catfish: The TV Show NATGEO 109 60 186 276Lockdown Drugs, Inc. Lockdown Lockdown Lockdown Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NBCSN 20 28 159 220Truck Tech Detroit Cycling Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Preview Blazers NICK 58 68 170 299Prince Prince Prince George Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez Lopez George George George OWN 21 109 189 27948 Hours: Hard Evid. 20/20 on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dr. Phil Dr. Phil SCI 110 102 193 284Acts of Science MythBusters How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made How/Made Shredders Shredders SPIKE 28 48 241 241Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Knife Knife Knife Knife Paid Prog. Paid Prog. SUN 49 422 653Lightning Lightning Paid Prog. Great Sex! Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Hair Loss? SYFY 70 52 122 244Children of the Corn Warm Bodies The Magicians Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TBS 31 15 139 247Hall Pass Tower Heist New Girl New Girl Raymond Raymond Married Married TCM 25 70 132 256Villain Equus The Private Life of Henry VIII The Four Feathers TLC 37 40 183 280Ghost Brothers Ghost Brothers Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme Extreme TNT 29 54 138 245Something Borrowed Hawaii Five-0 Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order: TRAV 65 44 196 277Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TRU 55 58 242 246Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Greatest Greatest Greatest Greatest Greatest Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. TVL 19 66 106 304Raymond Raymond Teachers Throwing Roseanne Rose. Rose. Rose. Rose. Roseanne Rose. UNI 96 270 402La Mujer del Vendaval A Que No Me Dejas P. Luche Hotel Todo El Gordo y la Flaca Impacto Noticiero El Chavo El Chavo USA 62 55 105 242The Arrangement NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Burn Notice VH1 51 50 162 335Back to the Future Part III Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters WGN-A 13 107 239 307How I Met How I Met Rules Rules Raising Raising Raising Raising Singsation Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog.PREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Forgetting Sarah Marshall Steve Jobs The Offseason: Kevin Durant Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie MAX 320 330 310 515Changing Lns Babylon A.D. The Amityville Horror D.O.A.: Dead or Alive Tremors 4: The Legend Begins SHO 340 320 318 545Billions: Homeland:Perfect in Nick Cannon: Stand Up, Dont Shoot Penn & Teller Meet the Browns STARZ 370 370 350 525Friday After Next The Cable Guy Army of Darkness The Game Plan Beethoven TMC 350 340 327 553Internal Affairs Good Kill Pound of Flesh The Yes Men MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS 850.215.7961 233 WEST 14 TH ST PA NA MA CI TY FL 32401We le al l insur an ce ca rriers for yo ur mast ec to my pro duc ts!MA ST ECT OM Y BO UT IQ UE BREAST PR OSTHE SIS BR AS CA MISOLES LY MPHEDEM A SLEE VES


PAGE 38 SATURDAY MORNING CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV MARCH 11, 2017 CC W D1 D2 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Good Morning America (N) Good Morning America Jack Hannas Countdown Ocean Treks With Jeff Sea Rescue (N) The Wildlife Docs (N) Rock the Park (N) Outback Adventures Paid Program Paid Program NBC 3 3 7 Today (N) Paid Program Paid Program Heart of a Champion The VoyagerJosh Garcia Wilderness Vet (N) Journey With Dylan Dreyer Naturally, Danny Seo (N) Give (N) English Premier League Soccer CBS 4 4 4 18CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) Lucky Dog: Dakota (N) Dr. Chris: Pet Vet (N) Henry Fords Innovation Nation The Inspectors (N) Hidden Heroes (N) The Open Road With Dr. Chris Road to the Final Four (N) Inside College Basketball (N) IND 7 7 46 Fun and Sun Fun and Sun Fun and Sun Sneak Prevue : Restaurants and night life. FOX 8 8 28 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Live Life and Win! Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program PBS 11 11 56 Daniel Tigers Neighborhood Daniel Tigers Neighborhood Splash and Bubbles Fons & Porters Love of Quilting 28 Day Metabolism Makeover With Dr. Amy Myers: Healing and supporting the thyroid. The Energy Weight Loss Solution With Neal Barnard, MD: Losing weight and gaining energy. Suze Ormans Financial Solutions for You CW 99 9 8 8Paid Program Paid Program Calling Dr. Pol Calling Dr. Pol Dog Whisperer With Cesar Dog Whisperer With Cesar Dog Whisperer With Cesar Dog Whisperer With Cesar Save Our Shelter Vacation Creation Dinner Spinner Save to Win THIS 209 133 The Little Rascals The Little Rascals Trackdown: The Kid Trackdown: Guilt Have Gun -Will Travel Have Gun -Will Travel Maverick: Woman needs fake husband. Wagon Train: The wagon train runs low on water. College BasketballCABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265Flipping Vegas Flipping Vegas Flipping Vegas Zombie House Flipping Zombie House Flipping Good Spirits The First 48 AMC 30 32 131 254The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Rifleman The Quick and the Dead ANPL 46 69 184 282My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell My Cat From Hell: Fat Elvis BET 53 46 124 329Paid Program Paid Program House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne House of Payne Precious CNN 39 32 200 202New Day Saturday (N) New Day Saturday (N) Smerconish (N) (Live) CNN Newsroom/ Blackwell CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CMT 98 47 166 327CMT Music CMT Music Hot 20 Countdown (N) Nashville: Fire and Rain COM 64 53 107 249Paid Program Paid Program South Park South Pk South Park South Pk South Park South Park South Park (:33) South Park South Park (:38) DISC 36 39 182 278Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Dirty Jobs Street Outlaws Street Outlaws Street Outlaws DISN 22 64 172 290RoadsterRacers RoadsterRacers RoadsterRacers RoadsterRacers Elena of Avalor Zhu Zhu Pets Gravity Falls Star vs. Forces Stuck K.C. Descendants: Wicked E! 63 57 114 236The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians E! News Weekend (N) The Arrangement: Pilot The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) College GameDay (N) (Live) ESPN2 47 24 143 20930 for 30 30 for 30 Cheerleading College Basketball: FNC 42 35 205 360FOX and Friends Saturday Bulls and Bears Business Forbes on FOX Cashin In (N) Americas News Headquarters FOOD 38 45 110 231Guilty Pleas. 5 Restaurants Brunch at Bob. Southern Heart Farmhouse Pioneer Wo. Pioneer Wo. Trishas Sou. The Kitchen: Easy Does It (N) Valerie Home Giada Enter. FREE 59 65 180 311Guess Who John Tucker Must Die If I Stay FS1 24 27 150 219FA Cup Soccer: Bundesliga Soccer: NASCAR Race NASCAR Racing FX 45 51 136 248Ellen Madagascar 3: Europes Most Wanted Mike & Molly Mike & Molly Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Green Hornet GOLF 48 26 401 218Morning Drive (N) (Live) European PGA Tour Golf: Golf Central Pregame (N) (Live) HALL 23 59 185 312I Love Lucy I Love Lucy The Middle The Middle Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Love in Paradise HGTV 32 38 112 229Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It HIST 35 42 120 269Swamp People: The Phantom Swamp People Swamp People (N) Swamp People (N) Swamp People (N) Swamp People: LIFE 56 56 108 252Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Little Women: Atlanta The Wrong Girl MTV 50 49 160 331Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 Stranded With a Million Dollars Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NATGEO 109 60 186 276Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Smoky Mountain Money Alaska State Troopers Smoky Mountain Money Rocky Mountain Law NBCSN 20 28 159 220Premier League English Premier League Soccer: Premier League English Premier League Soccer: Premier League Grudge Race NICK 58 68 170 299SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBob SquarePants SpongeBob SpongeBob Bunsen, Beast! Alvinnn!!! and Loud House Loud House Loud House OWN 21 109 189 279Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Home Made Home Made The Hero Effect The Hero Effect For Peetes Sake For Peetes Sake SCI 110 102 193 284Meg-Shredders Meg-Shredders Meg-Shredders Meg-Shredders Meg-Shredders Meg-Shredders Meg-Shredders Meg-Shredders Meg-Shredders Meg-Shredders They Do It? They Do It? SPIKE 28 48 241 241Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Hercules Wrath of the Titans SUN 49 422 653Paid Program Reel Animals Florida Sport ONeill Outside to Do Florida Georgia Tech Inside Big East Florida State Florida State Sports Mag. Inside HEAT Inside HEAT SYFY 70 52 122 244Paid Program Paid Program Twilight Zone Face Off: Dead Still Children of the Corn TBS 31 15 139 247Blades of Glory Death at a Funeral Premiere. Hall Pass TCM 25 70 132 256The Four Feathers Soldiers Three Congo Maisie The Enemy Below TLC 37 40 183 280Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Shes in Charge TNT 29 54 138 245Law & Order: Avatar Law & Order: Home Sweet Law & Order: Law & Order Law & Order: Profiteer Law & Order: TRAV 65 44 196 277Wild Things With Dominic Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Expedition Unknown Bizarre Foods/Zimmern TRU 55 58 242 246Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Inside Jokes Hack My Life Hack My Life TVL 19 66 106 304Roseanne: Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne: Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne UNI 96 270 402Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Planeta U (N) Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Programa Pagd Programa Pagd USA 62 55 105 242Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Kickboxer: Vengeance G.I. Joe: Retaliation VH1 51 50 162 335Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Cheaters Who Framed Roger Rabbit Back to the Future WGN-A 13 107 239 307Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Amer. Funniest Home Videos Amer. Funniest Home Videos Amer. Funniest Home Videos Amer. Funniest Home VideosPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Mighty Morphin Power Stuart Little 2 Sesame Street (N) Sesame Street The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma & Silk Road Ensemble MAX 320 330 310 515Tremors 4: The Legend Begins According to Spencer Magnolia Spy SHO 340 320 318 545Meet the Browns Spy Kids 60 Minutes Sports Perfect in Spy Game STARZ 370 370 350 525Beethoven The Cable Guy Delta Farce Black Sails: : and Flint are separated. The Missing :TMC 350 340 327 553Capsule Bang Bang Baby The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened? Killing Season pense) Robert De Niro. (R) MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


PAGE 39 SATURDAY AFTERNOON CC-Comcast W-WOW D1-Dish Network D2-DirecTV MARCH 11, 2017 CC W D1 D212 PM 12:30 1 PM 1:30 2 PM 2:30 3 PM 3:30 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30BROADCAST CHANNELS ABC 2 2 13 Paid Program Paid Program World of X Games (N) SEC Storied Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program ABC World News Tonight NBC 3 3 7 English Premier League Soccer: Premier League Goal Zone (N) PGA Tour Golf: Jeopardy! NBC Nightly News Holt CBS 4 4 4 18College Basketball: College Basketball: College Basketball IND 7 7 46 Destination Network : A Destination Network : A Emerald Coast Real Estate Prime Dining : FOX 8 8 28 Must Love Dogs How I Met Your Mother Two and a Half Men Southern Weekend Special Big East Pregame College Basketball PBS 11 11 56 Suze Ormans Financial Solutions for You Meditation for All of Us: Age Reversed With Miranda Esmonde-White: Re Nature:: Daniel ODonnell: Back Home Again CW 99 9 8 8Amazing Abs Cindy Cs Skincare Secrets Made in Hollywood Why Pressure Cooker? The King of Queens The King of Queens Rookie Blue: Rookie Blue: Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded THIS 209 133 College Basketball Bonanza:: Rawhide:: Wanted: Dead or Alive Wanted: Dead or Alive The Rifleman: The Rifleman The Wild, Wild West: CABLE CHANNELS A&E 34 43 118 265The First 48 The First 48 60 Days In 60 Days In: The First 48 The First 48 AMC 30 32 131 254The Quick and the Dead Planet of the Apes Beneath the Planet of the Apes Escape From Planet of Apes ANPL 46 69 184 282My Cat From Hell Funniest Animal Commercials Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet BET 53 46 124 329Precious The Quad The Quad Baggage Claim CNN 39 32 200 202CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Sanjay Gupta CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) CNN Newsroom (N) Smerconish CMT 98 47 166 327Invincible The Blind Side Invincible COM 64 53 107 249Dude, Wheres My Car? Dazed and Confused Hot Tub Time Machine DISC 36 39 182 278Street Outlaws Fast N Loud Fast N Loud Fast N Loud Fast N Loud Diesel Brothers DISN 22 64 172 290Tangled Before Ever After Frozen Toy Story Toy Story 2 Frozen E! 63 57 114 236The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians The Kardashians ESPN 9 23 140 206College Basketball: College Basketball: Basketball College Basketball ESPN2 47 24 143 209College Basketball: College Basketball: College Basketball FNC 42 35 205 360Americas News HQ Americas News Headquarters The Journal Editorial Report Americas News Headquarters Americas News Headquarters Americas News Headquarters FOOD 38 45 110 231Kids Baking Championship Worst Cooks in America Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives FREE 59 65 180 311If I Stay What a Girl Wants Shes All That 10 Things FS1 24 27 150 219NASCAR Racing Race Hub NASCAR Racing RaceDay NASCAR Racing: XFINITY Post FX 45 51 136 248The Green Hornet Men in Black 3 Iron Man 2 GOLF 48 26 401 218PGA Tour Golf: Tin Cup Golf Academy Golf Central HALL 23 59 185 312Daters Handbook Ms. Matched Love on a Limb HGTV 32 38 112 229House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters HIST 35 42 120 269Swamp People Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars LIFE 56 56 108 252The Wrong Girl The Wrong Roommate Evil Nanny Nanny Seduction MTV 50 49 160 331Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Yes Man Friends Friends NATGEO 109 60 186 276Rocky Mountain Law Life and Death Row Rocky Mountain Law Rocky Mountain Law Rocky Mountain Law Rocky Mountain Law NBCSN 20 28 159 220Timbersports (N) Reno Air Races (N) Equestrian FIS Alpine Skiing Mecum Top 10 Shotgun NICK 58 68 170 299Loud House Loud House The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie Sponge. Loud House Loud House Loud House Loud House Henry Danger OWN 21 109 189 279For Peetes Sake For Peetes Sake For Peetes Sake For Peetes Sake For Peetes Sake For Peetes Sake SCI 110 102 193 284They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? They Do It? SPIKE 28 48 241 241Wrath of the Titans Clash of the Titans Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops SUN 49 422 653Inside Lightning Inside Lightning Pro-Am Classic Island House XTERRA World Championship Inside Lightning The Game 365 In the Spotlight to Do Florida Inside HEAT SYFY 70 52 122 244Children From Dusk Till Dawn Warm Bodies Underworld TBS 31 15 139 247Tower Heist Friends Friends Friends Friends 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls 2 Broke Girls TCM 25 70 132 256The Enemy Below Shenandoah The Last Sunset Ride the High Country TLC 37 40 183 280Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress TNT 29 54 138 245Die Hard 2 Die Hard With a Vengeance Tower Heist TRAV 65 44 196 277Delicious Delicious Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Food Paradise Ghost Adventures TRU 55 58 242 246Hack My Life Hack My Life Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Court Pranks Court Pranks Greatest Ever Greatest Ever Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers TVL 19 66 106 304Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls UNI 96 270 402El Juego de Las Estrellas (N) LAnzate! (N) Recuerda y Gana (N) Los Gonzlez Nosotros los. Como Dice el Dicho (N) Durmiendo Noticiero USA 62 55 105 242Red Red 2 Captain America-Avgr VH1 51 50 162 335Back to the Future Back to the Future Part II Back to the Future Part III WGN-A 13 107 239 307In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Blue Bloods Blue BloodsPREMIUM CHANNELS HBO 302 300 300 501Music-Stranger Fools Gold Live Free or Die Hard Neighbors 2 X-Men: Apocalypse MAX 320 330 310 515Spy (R) American Pie The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Pitch Black (R) SHO 340 320 318 545Congo Southpaw Homeland:: Billions:: STARZ 370 370 350 525Ghostbusters Friday After Next The Missing : Black Sails: : Face/Off TMC 350 340 327 553Killing Season As I AM: The Life and Times of DJ AM Christmas Eve What Women Want MOVIES SPORTS KIDS BESTBETS


PAGE 40 BY JA Y BOBBIN JACKIE With as many actresses as have played Jacqueline Kennedy Natalie Por tman makes the role her own having earned an Oscar nomination for it in director Pablo Lorrain s drama about the former first lady s life and times in the immediate aftermath of her president husband s assassination. Few expected her to be a sor t of steel magnolia, but she cemented her own legacy with the manner in which she compor ted herself, at least in public. Billy Crudup plays a journalist (clearly modeled on the real Theodore H. White) who inter views her with Peter Sarsgaard as Rober t F. Kennedy and John Carroll L ynch as L yndon Johnson, but the film ver y obviously belongs to Por tman. The script is by Noah Oppenheim, who also is NBC News president now DVD extras: making-of documentar y; audio commentar y by Por tman and Lorrain; photo galler y. (R: AS, P, V) (Also on Blu-ray and On Demand) Natalie Por tman MOANA Making its home-video debut on top of its Oscar nomination for best animated feature, this Disney attraction of fers as its title character the daughter of a Polynesian island s ruler (voice of Aulil Cravalho) tr ying to reverse a curse that could seal the fate of her homeland. She sets sail on a mission to find the apparent solution, a ver y special stone, but the demigod who possesses it (voice of Dwayne Johnson) fears handing it over because of the potential trouble it could inspire. T emuera Morrison, Jemaine Clement, Nicole Scherzinger and Alan T udyk (Powerless) also are in the voice cast, and Hamilton mentor Lin-Manuel Miranda is among the creators of the film s music. (PG: AS) (Also on Bluray and On Demand) INCARNA TE Screen stories of exorcisms are nothing new but Aaron Eckhar t s presence does much to elevate this one. The actor stars as a self-styled savior of victims of possession, the latest being a youngster por trayed by Gotham co-star David Mazouz ... and in mind-melding with the boy the scientist played by Eckhar t realizes he has a past with the demon in question. A notable, well-handled undercurrent of the stor y sees Eckhar t s alter ego able to reinvent himself in the psyches of others. Catalina Sandino Moreno (The Af fair) and Keir ODonnell also add to the per formance caliber here. (PG-13: AS, P, V ) THE AMERICANS: THE COMPLETE FOURTH SEASON Family strife impacts Elizabeth and Philip s (Keri Russell, Matthew Rhys) cover t missions as the much-acclaimed FX drama series continues. A major concer n for the couple is their daughter Paige (Holly T aylor), who lets the true nature of their work be known to her pastor (T im AuCoin) ...and the information then goes elsewhere. Bioweapons cause additional concerns for the spies, par ticularly when the inherent dangers star t having direct ef fects on them. Noah Emmerich, Dylan Baker and Richard Thomas also star and Margo Mar tindale (who has two Emmys for her work on the show) and Frank Langella reprise their roles. (Not rated: A, P, V ) ST AR TREK: VOY AGER THE COMPLETE SERIES The four th live-action series in the scifi franchise broke some barriers on its own, one of the most notable being in its casting of Kate Mulgrew as a starship captain. Kathr yn Janeway proves as commanding in more ways than one as any of her male counterpar ts in the other shows, with a crew consisting in par t of Rober t Beltran, T im Russ, Rober t Picardo, Jeri Ryan (as the exotic Seven of Nine) and two cast members who would become frequent directors of series television, Rober t Duncan McNeill and Roxann Dawson. Basically spun of f from Star T rek: Deep Space Nine, the show boasts guest stars including Jason Alexander Dwayne Johnson, Joel Grey Michael McKean and Sarah Silverman. (Not rated: AS, P, V ) NO SPECIALS, NO CARD NEEDED, NO ROLLBACKS NEEDED Cost Plus 10%PA NAMA CITY FL1380 WEST 15TH STREET IN PA NAMA PLAZA PHONE: 850-818-0601 We Accept Most All Major Cr edit Car ds, EBT & WICSTORE HOURS MON.-SA T. 7AM-10PM SUN. 7AM-9PM rf nt b f rf tt f r r r


In case y ou don t think y ou can connect to M ars via the I nternet, no w there is The S pace B etween Us to pr ov e you wrong. It takes y oung adult lo ve stories interplanetar y, and yo u ll probably enjo y it ... if yo u happen to be 16 or under Pa rticularly if yo u re o v er that age, it s a guarantee that yo u ll have to make some credibility leaps as big as the r ed planet itself Asa B utterfield who also w ent into the cosmos in Ender s G ame plays a y oung man conceived on Earth but born elsewhere, thanks to his astronaut mother (J anet M ontgomer y, of television s S alem and This Is U s ). Once he gro ws older he links via the I nternet to an Earth girl (B ritt Ro bertson, of TV s Life U nexpected and U nder the D ome, who also was in the fantasy r ealm in T omorro wland ), and it soon becomes clear that these two simply must meet. That happens when the leader of the space-bound scientists (Gar y Ol dman, typically giving heft to even the flimsiest logic) includes the b oy in a mission back to his native planet. The y outh quickly goes AW OL t o find his new friend on terra firma, and once he does, they take it on the lam together Yo u might r e-label The S pace B etween Us as The F ault Fr om Our S tars, and y ou wouldn t b e wrong. Su r e, the idea may appeal to y oung viewers who are happy to swoon ov er an intergalactic lo ve affair but others may need more than its bubble-gum-wrapper level of supposed complexity To b e fair one must consider the pictur e s target audience, and the casting certainly is targeted to that appropriately ... though it s to Ro bertson s advantage that she still can play y oung as she approaches the farther edge of a certain age categor y for actors. The cast includes such other good performers as Carla G ugino and BD Wo ng, but they have to kno w they r e in ser vice of B utterfield and Ro bertson; the supporting players have their moments, but ther e s never a question of who the stars are meant to be here. As good as its intentions may be, it s unfortunate that T he S pace B etween Us directed by P eter Chelsom, who also made the charming S hall We D ance? and S erendipity also describes the size of the plot holes that abound in the mo vie. In the end, those are likely to be too tough for older filmgoers to get around. BY JA Y BOBBINInterplanetar y friends bridge The Space Between UsAsa Butter field Tinker T ailor Soldier Spy (2011): Oldman received a well-earned Oscar nomination as retired, reinstated MI6 agent George Smiley in novelist John Le Carre s espionage tale.The Dark Knight (2008): Though he played Gotham City police leader Gordon previously in Batman Begins, Oldman and vir tually ever yone else in the series hit high marks in this chapter .The Contender (2000): A great Oldman plays a slimy politician who schemes again a possible vice-presidential nominee (Joan Allen).Lost in Space (1998): Oldman s interpretation of the deceitful Dr Zachar y Smith is a bit on the hammy side, yet enjoyably so in this variation on the classic TV sci-fi series.Air Force One (1997): Making a terrific villain, Oldman plays a terrorist who leads a takeover of the U.S. president s (Harrison Ford) plane.Immor tal Beloved (1994): Not one to shy away from por traying iconic figures, Oldman makes a great Ludwig van Beethoven in this profile of the composer .T rue Romance (1993): A frighteningly ef fective Oldman plays a pimp who s visibly unhappy with an employee s (Patricia Ar quette) decision to follow her hear t.Dracula (1992): Oldman successfully redefines the vampire in director Francis Ford Coppola s depiction of the Bram Stoker horror novel.State of Grace (1990): As a friend it might not be smar t to keep, Oldman makes an impact as a buddy of a Hell s Kitchen returnee (Sean Penn).Sid and Nancy (1986): Oldman made his first big movie mark as punk rocker Sid Vicious in this stunningly stark biography GAR Y OLDMANS TOP 10 MOVIESBY JA Y BOBBIN Pet Salon THE DOWNTOWN Pet Pet Salon Salon Pet Salon Pet Pet Salon Pet Salon Donna Wa ddell (850) 769-9786 547 Grace Av enue Panama City FL 32401We Lo ve Yo ur PETS Like Ou r Ow n! rrfr n t b b b r t n r t b r f n tf b n


PAGE 42 Movies A Airplane! AMC Mon. 1 p.m., Tue. 8:30 a.m. Alexander the Great TCM Wed. 4 a.m. American Pie MAX Sat2. 1:45 p.m. American Psycho HBO Fri. 7:15 p.m. Anne of the Thousand Days TCM Tue. 9:15 p.m. Avatar AMC Mon. 5:30 p.m., Mon. 11 p.m. B Babbitt TCM Mon. 8:15 a.m. Babes in Arms TCM Mon. 12 p.m. Babettes Feast TCM Mon. 2 a.m. Baby Boy BET Sun. 12:25 p.m. Back to the Future VH1 Fri. 6 p.m., Sat2. 10:30 a.m. Back to the Future Part III VH1 Fri. 11 p.m., Sat2. 3:30 p.m. Back to the Future Part II VH1 Fri. 8:30 p.m., Sat2. 1 p.m. Bad Day at Black Rock TCM Fri. 12:15 p.m. Batman Begins AMC Wed. 10 p.m., Thu. 1 p.m. Beneath the Planet of the Apes AMC Fri. 8:30 p.m., Sat2. 3:30 p.m. The Best Man SHO Wed. 1:30 a.m. Big Eyes TMC Mon. 11:30 a.m., Tue. 4:55 a.m. Blades of Glory TBS Sat2. 6 a.m. The Blind Side CMT Sat2. 2:30 p.m. Blue Velvet SHO Tue. 1 a.m. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benet Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan COM Tue. 8:20 a.m. The Bourne Supremacy TNT Sun. 5 a.m. The Bourne Ultimatum MAX Tue. 10:55 a.m., Fri. 3:15 p.m. Brave DISN Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m. Bridesmaids E! Sun. 1 p.m., Sun. 4 p.m. Bridge of Spies SHO Thu. 5:30 p.m., Fri. 3:10 a.m.CCaptain America: The First Avenger USA Thu. 6:30 p.m., Fri. 5:30 a.m., Sat2. 5 p.m. Captain America: The Winter Soldier FX Wed. 6 p.m., Thu. 3:30 p.m. Changing Lanes MAX Sat. 7 p.m., Tue. 12:50 p.m., Fri. 10:55 p.m. The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian SYFY Sun. 10 p.m., Mon. 1 p.m. The Cider House Rules HBO Mon. 8:45 p.m. Cinderella Man SHO Wed. 8 a.m. Cleopatra TCM Wed. 7 p.m. Coach Carter VH1 Thu. 3 p.m., Fri. 2 a.m. Crash SHO Mon. 11 p.m., Fri. 5 p.m. Crocodile Dundee AMC Sun. 12:30 a.m.DDallas Buyers Club HBO Tue. 3 a.m. The Dark Knight AMC Thu. 7 p.m., Fri. 2:30 p.m. The Dark Knight Rises SPIKE Thu. 2 p.m., Thu. 7 p.m. Dazed and Confused


Movies COM Sat2. 2:10 p.m. Deathtrap TCM Sun. 7 p.m. Deceived MAX Tue. 9:05 a.m. Denitely, Maybe MAX Sun. 8:55 a.m., Wed. 8:50 a.m. The Desert Rats TCM Mon. 10:45 p.m. The Devil Wears Prada LIFE Mon. 7 p.m., Mon. 11:02 p.m. Die Hard 2 TNT Sat2. 12 p.m. Die Hard With a Vengeance TNT Sat2. 2:30 p.m. District 9 FX Thu. 6 a.m. Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story STARZ Thu. 10:15 a.m., Fri. 2:02 a.m. Dog Day Afternoon MAX Sun. 5 a.m. Don Jon SHO Thu. 12:30 a.m. Double Jeopardy STARZ Wed. 9:47 p.m., Thu. 6:41 a.m., Thu. 2:58 p.m. Drag Me to Hell SYFY Wed. 12 p.m., Thu. 8 a.m. Dressed to Kill TMC Wed. 10:35 p.m.EEasy A E! Mon. 7 p.m., Tue. 12 a.m. Edge of Tomorrow TNT Tue. 7 p.m. Edward Scissorhands FREE Mon. 8:01 p.m. Emelie MAX Sun. 1:35 a.m., Thu. 8:35 p.m. The Enemy Below TCM Sat2. 11 a.m. Enter the Dragon MAX Thu. 2:35 a.m. Equus TCM Sat2. 1:15 a.m. Escape From the Planet of the Apes AMC Sat2. 5:30 p.m. Everest MAX Fri. 7 p.m. Executive Suite TCM Tue. 11 a.m.FFace/Off STARZ Sat2. 5:39 p.m. The Family Fang STARZ Mon. 12:29 p.m. Family Plot TCM Sat. 9:15 p.m. Fantastic Planet TCM Sun. 3 a.m. Fargo TMC Sun. 6:30 a.m., Sun. 1:30 p.m. Fathers Little Dividend TCM Thu. 4:30 a.m. The Final Girls FREE Mon. 11 p.m. Forgetting Sarah Marshall HBO Sat2. 12 a.m. The Four Feathers TCM Sat2. 5:30 a.m. Frequency MAX Thu. 11 a.m. Friday HBO Thu. 11:45 p.m. Friends With Benets E! Sun. 8 a.m. Frozen DISN Fri. 5:15 p.m., Sat2. 4:45 p.m. The Fugitive AMC Wed. 1 p.m., Thu. 1 a.m.GThe Gazebo TCM Fri. 1:45 p.m. Gertrud TCM Mon. 4 a.m. Get On Up BET Sun. 7 p.m. Ghost MAX Wed. 5 p.m. Ghost World MAX Tue. 10:25 p.m. Ginger & Rosa


PAGE 44 Moviesteenagers dissolves after one TMC Thu. 6:30 a.m. Gone Girl eck. A man reports that his wife has gone missing on their fth FX Sun. 6 p.m., Mon. 4 p.m. Good Kill Hawke. An Air Force drone pilot from the safety of his post in Las TMC Sat2. 1:05 a.m. Grandma A misanthropic poet takes her granddaughter across Los Ange les in search of the money she needs to terminate her unwanted STARZ Wed. 1:40 a.m. H Hairspray a local dance program called The HBO Thu. 12:30 p.m. The Hangover men must nd their missing friend SPIKE Mon. 4:30 p.m., Mon. 9 p.m. Harper man. A rich woman hires gumchewing Los Angeles private eye Lew Harper to look for her missing TCM Fri. 8:15 a.m. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hal lows: Part 1 the secrets to Voldemorts power FREE Sun. 4:30 p.m., Mon. 12:30 p.m. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hal lows: Part 2 Radcliffe. As his showdown with have to make the ultimate sacrice. FREE Sun. 8 p.m., Mon. 4 p.m. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Signs of Voldemorts return emerge as Harrys friends help him prepare for a tournament with Europes FREE Sun. 9:10 a.m. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince FREE Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 12:50 p.m. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Radcliffe. The young wizard and a fugitive with ties to Harrys past. FREE Sun. 6 a.m. Hellboyman. The son of the devil helps a top-secret organization investigate and destroy paranormal creatures. FX Fri. 8 a.m. Hellboy II: The Golden Army and his team face an underworld prince who plans to awaken a lethal army and use it to reclaim Earth for his magical kindred. PGMAX Fri. 1:20 a.m. Home AloneCMT Sun. 4:30 p.m., Sun. 9 p.m., Fri. 7 p.m., Fri. 9:30 p.m. Hoop Dreams Filmmakers chronicle more than SHO Sun. 7:15 a.m. The Hurricane onment for murders he did not SHO Wed. 3:30 a.m., Thu. 7 a.m. The Hurt Locker face increasingly perilous situations as their tour-of-duty winds SHO Thu. 1:15 p.m., Fri. 1 a.m.II Love You, Man it threatens his relationship with MAX Wed. 10:45 a.m. I Love You Phillip Morris and meets the love of his life. R SHO Wed. 2:15 p.m. The Illusionist Eisenheim vies with the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire to TMC Mon. 7 p.m., Tue. 1:35 a.m. The Imitation Game Alan Turing helps crack Germanys government for illegal homosexual SHO Thu. 3:30 p.m. In America and their two daughters emigrate from Ireland and search for sucMAX Mon. 12:40 a.m. Inceptionpeoples dreams and steals their secrets gets a shot at redemption when he is given the dangerous task of planting an idea in someAMC Wed. 7 p.m., Thu. 4 p.m. Internal Affairs Richard Gere. A Los Angeles policeman toys with the mind of a division investigator on his case. TMC Fri. 11:10 p.m. The Interpreter Nicole Kidman. A Secret Service translator who overheard a plot to assassinate an African leader. PGSTARZ Tue. 12:34 a.m.JJaws shark hunter and a scientist have a showdown with a huge white shark. STARZ Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 8:01 a.m., Sun. 3:54 p.m. Jerry Maguire nds love with a pretty accountant after an attack of conscience costs STARZ Sun. 2:36 a.m., Sun. 1:33 p.m. Jezebel TCM Sun. 7 a.m. John Wick a former assassin as he hunts destroyed everything he held dear. USA Wed. 7 p.m., Thu. 4:30 p.m.KKeeping the Faith MAX Mon. 2:55 p.m. Keeping Up With the Steins ents caught up in preparations for STARZ Fri. 8:30 a.m. Knocked Up TBS Sun. 12:30 p.m., Sun. 11:30 p.m.LThe Last Sunset Rock Hudson. A Texas lawman follows a eeing outlaw headed to TCM Sat2. 3 p.m. Legend two of the most infamous gangMAX Wed. 7 p.m. Let Me In SYFY Fri. 2:30 a.m., Fri. 10 a.m. Lethal Weapon 3 detectives crush a guns-to-gangs operation with a wild woman from AMC Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 11:05 a.m. Life of Pi Sharma. After the freighter theyre FX Mon. 6 a.m. Live Free or Die Hard grapples with a villain who plans HBO Mon. 9 a.m., Sat2. 2:30 p.m. Love Actually others deal with relationships in


Movies SHO Tue. 11:30 a.m., Fri. 1 p.m. Love & Basketball Sanaa Lathan. From childhood to VH1 Thu. 6 p.m., Thu. 11 p.m. Loves Kitchen CW Sun. 12 a.m., Mon. 12 a.m. LucyFX Tue. 7 p.m., Wed. 4 p.m.MMagnolia MAX Sat2. 8:30 a.m. The Major and the Minor TCM Sun. 3 p.m. The Maltese Falcon TCM Sun. 9 a.m. Marley & Me HBO Mon. 7 a.m., Fri. 12:45 p.m. Matchstick Men HBO Mon. 11:10 a.m. The Matrix AMC Wed. 4 p.m., Thu. 10 a.m. The Matrix Reloaded AMC Thu. 10:30 p.m., Fri. 11:30 a.m. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl MAX Mon. 7:40 a.m. Mean Girls E! Fri. 7 p.m., Sat2. 12 a.m. The Meddler STARZ Tue. 12:21 p.m. Michael Clayton MAX Mon. 7 p.m., Thu. 9 a.m. Midnight Special HBO Mon. 5 a.m. Minority Report HBO Tue. 3 p.m., Fri. 10:15 a.m. Mission: Impossible 2 MAX Sun. 1:20 p.m. Monsters Ball MAX Mon. 5:05 p.m. Monsters, Inc.STARZ Fri. 5:25 a.m. Murder, My Sweet TCM Fri. 5 a.m. The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma & the Silk Road Ensemble HBO Mon. 7 p.m., Wed. 10:30 p.m., Sat2. 10:55 a.m. My Best Friends Wedding LIFE Sun. 11 a.m., Thu. 5 p.m. My Cousin Rachel TCM Mon. 7 p.m.NThe Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad! AMC Mon. 8:30 a.m. Napoleon Dynamite COM Sun. 10:15 a.m., Wed. 8:15 a.m. The Negotiator A&E Tue. 10 a.m. New Jack City BET Tue. 12 p.m. The Night of the Iguana TCM Tue. 7 p.m.OOne Flew Over the Cuckoos NestMAX Mon. 9:25 a.m. Ordinary People SHO Tue. 1:45 p.m. Our Little Sister STARZ Thu. 4:31 a.m. Out of the Furnace SHO Sat. 8 p.m.PPale RiderMAX Fri. 10:25 a.m. The Parent Trap plot to reunite their divorced parNICK Thu. 7 p.m. The Peanuts Movie HBO Fri. 5 a.m. Philadelphia STARZ Wed. 3:50 a.m. The Pianist MAX Sun. 10:50 a.m. Pitch Perfect MTV Sat. 10 p.m., Sun. 7:30 a.m. Planet of the Apes AMC Fri. 6 p.m., Sat2. 1 p.m. Precious BET Fri. 6 p.m., Sat2. 11 a.m. The Private Life of Henry VIII TCM Sat2. 3:45 a.m.RRebel Without a Cause TCM Wed. 5 p.m. Ride the High Country TCM Sat2. 5 p.m.


PAGE 46 MoviesThe Robe TCM Tue. 2:15 a.m. Robots STARZ Fri. 6:59 a.m. Role Models TBS Wed. 1 a.m. Rope TCM Fri. 5:30 p.m. Rugrats in Paris: The Movie SHO Tue. 8:30 a.m. The Rundown SPIKE Mon. 12 p.m., Mon. 11:30 p.m. S Sabotage USA Thu. 6 a.m. Saboteur TCM Sun. 11 a.m. The Sandpiper TCM Thu. 11:45 p.m. Scent of a Woman MAX Tue. 2:30 p.m. Sea Wife TCM Tue. 12:30 a.m. Selena VH1 Thu. 12 a.m., Thu. 12 p.m. Set It Off BET Thu. 2 p.m. Sex and the City E! Sun. 12 a.m., Sun. 5 a.m. Shenandoah TCM Sat2. 1 p.m. A Shot in the Dark TCM Sun. 1 p.m. Signs STARZ Fri. 3:36 a.m. The Sixth Sense HBO Sun. 3:30 p.m., Fri. 1:50 a.m. Snowpiercer SYFY Thu. 12 p.m. Solaris MAX Mon. 11:10 p.m. The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie NICK Sat2. 1 p.m. Spy MAX Sun. 8:40 p.m., Sat2. 11:40 a.m. Spy Kids SHO Sat2. 6:30 a.m. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan TMC Sat. 6 p.m. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock TMC Fri. 5 p.m. Star Wars: A New Hope TNT Sat. 10:06 p.m., Sun. 10:28 a.m. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi TNT Sun. 4 p.m., Sun. 11 p.m. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith TNT Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 7:23 a.m. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back TNT Sun. 12:52 a.m., Sun. 1:14 p.m. Steve Jobs HBO Sat2. 1:55 a.m. Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans TMC Tue. 10:15 a.m., Tue. 10:15 p.m. Stuart Little 2 HBO Sat2. 6:40 a.m. Suffragette HBO Fri. 8:25 a.m. Sweethearts TCM Sun. 5 a.m.TThe Taming of the Shrew TCM Wed. 11:15 p.m. The Thin Man TCM Fri. 10:30 a.m. 13 Going on 30 FREE Fri. 11 p.m. Thor SPIKE Wed. 10 a.m., Wed. 6:30 p.m. A Thousand Clowns TCM Sat. 7 p.m. Tickled HBO Wed. 1:15 p.m. A Time to Kill CMT Mon. 7 p.m. Tin Cup


A J S V A C E S J U E P K A V S G U H V P B O W M A N E N N R B Q W A U R V A P U X I R I P P E R N R Z C U J T R E F M J P Z S T R H R E W O N F A V A L W A Z I P V A D N I C A R U S E V N P J U R H N H X K S P P L E E E S I P R W P E J A N E L R L V G U B O N R Z R S Z U S K L U R W A N L O E P T W A R P E S V J P I Q D N U R C O P Z U B O W N C E M A J O W E C I Z H X F V L I D U G M V H T R N J D R A E Z N E J A X A H W A Y C H A S E P I O S Movies GOLF Tue. 12 p.m., Tue. 2:30 p.m., Sat2. 2 p.m. Tiny Furniture TMC Tue. 2 p.m., Fri. 1:35 p.m. Titanic AMC Tue. 4 p.m., Tue. 8:30 p.m. Toy Story DISN Fri. 2:05 p.m., Sat2. 1:35 p.m. Toy Story 2 DISN Fri. 3:35 p.m., Sat2. 3:05 p.m. Trafc SHO Tue. 11 p.m. Truth STARZ Tue. 8:14 a.m. Twister CMT Tue. 7 p.m., Tue. 10:30 p.m. Two Mules for Sister Sara AMC Sun. 2:30 a.m.WWalk the Line AMC Tue. 1 p.m., Wed. 10 a.m. Wanda TCM Wed. 11:30 a.m. Wedding Crashers E! Sat. 7:30 p.m. Where Eagles Dare TCM Fri. 7 p.m. Who Framed Roger Rabbit VH1 Sat2. 8 a.m. Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf? TCM Thu. 7 p.m.XX-Men: Days of Future Past FX Sun. 2:30 p.m., Mon. 8:30 a.m. X-Men: First Class FX Sun. 8:30 a.m.YThe Yes Men TMC Sat2. 4:45 a.m. You Can Count on Me SHO Wed. 4 p.m.ZZombieland SYFY Wed. 6 p.m., Thu. 3 p.m. r f n t b t rfn t b n t f n t f n t b n b Ou r mission at Simpl y Yo u Mast ec to my Bo utique is to pr ov ide ex ce ptional ser vic e to wo men by helping them lo ok and f eel be autiful af te r br east sur ger y!Da wn Hanc ock is the ow ner of Si mply Yo u Ma st ec to my Bo utique and has a passion fo r helping wo men look good and fe el bett er about themselv es by tti ng th em wi th br east pr osthesis and br as Da wn has 20 ye ars of ex perienc e in the medic al eld Sh e is a loc al to Pa nama Cit y, Fl orida and enjo ys vo lun te ering fo r loc al non-pr ot or ganiza tions r fr r nt b We le all insur anc e ca rriers for yo ur mast ec to my pr od uc ts!


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