Panama Canal Organizational Directories

Material Information

Panama Canal Organizational Directories
Panama Canal Commission
Panzer, Pat
16 x 22 inches


federal government publication ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Panama -- Panama Canal Zone


This set of organizational directories covers the years from 1975-1998 and lists names and phone numbers of various employees in administrative departments.
General Note:
52 pages
General Note:
This gift was made in memory of Bob Panzer.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not protected by copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.

Aggregation Information

Panama and the Canal
University of Florida
Documents of the Panama Canal
Panama Canal Museum Inventory


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ALAugust 1996




OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights

ALBERTO ALEMAN ZUBIETA, Administrator (AD)............................. 272-3169
Maria Luisa Langman-Spencer, Executive Assistant........................... 272-3100
JOSEPH W. CORNELISON, Deputy Administrator (DA) ......................... 272-3103
Vicky R. Wong, Executive Assistant ...................................... 272-7914
Anna L. Pescod, Staff Assistant to the Administrator, Room 225 (ADSA) ......... 272-7870/3536

JAMES E. FERRARA, Director (AE) ............................................ 272-3519
Jacqueline E. Carlson, Secretary ............. ............................ 272-3519
Thomas C. Duty, Deputy Director .......................................... 272-7601
Assistant Director, Policy and Programs (AEPD) ................................ 272-3122
Diana I. Williams, Assistant to Director, Board Matters (AEBD).................... 272-7697
Jaime A. Bocanegra, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator (AA) .............. 272-3305

International Square
1825 1 Street NW., Suite 1050 Washington, DC 20006-5402
(202) 634-6441 Fax: (202) 634-6439
Internet E-Mail: PanCanalWO@AOLCOM
JOHN A. MILLS, Secretary,
Panama Canal Commission (WO) ............... 272-3050
Kelly Dawson, Secretary ....................... 272-3050
Lmnda R. Tower, Administrative Services Officer ........ 272-3050 Virginia Allen, Assistant to the Secretary for
Board Affairs.--............................ 272-3050
Barbara Fuller, Assistant to the Secretary for
Commission Affairs ......................... 272-3050
Barbara Bonanno, Assistant to the Secretary for
Financial Affairs............................272-3050
David Ballenger, General Attorney/Assistant to the
Secretary for Congressional Affairs............. 272-3050
Rooms 230-233, Administration Building
RICHARD A. WAINIO, Director (EP) .................272-7961
Priscilla L Hernandez, Secretary.................-272-3417
Richard B. Home, Deputy Director (EPXD) ........... 272-5115
William S. Hinkle, Assistant to Director (EPXP) ......... 272-7806
Robert H. Emerick, U.S. Co-chairman,
Ports and Railroad Committee (EPPR)............ 272-3228
Gladys C. de Dominguez, Administrative Officer (EPXA) 272-3108 ECONOMIC RESEARCH
Ivette Ng de Jan, Chief (EPEM) ................... 272-3586
Economic Research Branch (EPER) ................. 272-3370
Staff ........................................ 272-1609
Market Development Branch (EPED) ................ 272-7898
Staff ........................................ 272-1631
Room 266
Alexander Gianareas. Chief (EPMP)................. 272-3383
Stephen S. Belok, Chief, Industrial Engineering
Branch (EPMI) ............................. 272-3463
Staff ........................................272-7715
Walter T. Luchsinger, Chief, Management Analysis
Branch (EPMA) ............................ 272-7742
Staff ........................................ 272 7742
Dr. David C. Baerg, Chief (EPCI) ................... 272-7508
Agustin A. Arias, Senior Industrial Engineer (EPCS) ..... 272-7897 Rafael E. Vlsquez, Capital Program Coordinator (EPCP) 272-3340 Juan H. Diaz, Environmental/Energy Control Officer (EPCE) 272-7830
Rodolfo R. Sabonge, Chief (EPTP) .................. 272-7734
Staff ........................................ 272-7734
Room 233, Administration Building, Balboa Heights
WILLIAM S. HINKLE, Ombudsman (OM) ............. 272-7806
PCC Hotline ................................... 272-7474
Room 338, Administration Building
JOHN L. HAINES, Jr., General Counsel/
U.S. Representative to the Coordinating
Committee (GC) . . ..................... 272-7511
Emilie D. Holness, Supervisory Legal Technician ..... 272-7511 Theodore G. Lucas, Deputy General Counsel/
Procurement Executive (PE) .................. 272-7511
Lydia R. Visquez, Assistant General Counsel ...... . 272-7511 Jay Sieleman, Assistant General Counsel ............. 272-7511
Albert J. Joyce, Competition Advocate (CA) ........... 272-7511
Attorneys..................................... 272-7511
Room 326, Administration Building
Marine Accident/Miscellaneous General Claims (GCCL) 272-3505 Lily F. Sagel, Supvry. Gen. Claims Examiner...........272-3505
General Claims Examiners ........................ 272-3231
Room 311, Administration Building
John T. Bowman, Treaty Affairs Officer (GCTA) .........272 7511
Room 113, Administration Building
James N Doyle, Asst. Procurement Executive (PE)...... 272-7511

Room 254, Administration Building
Carolyn H. Twohy, Chief (AM) ..................... 272-7757
Berta E. Briceflo, Administrative Officer (AMXA) ...... 272-7991
Janice A. Surgeon, Budget Officer,
Room 269 (AMXB) .......................... 272-3178
Thomas E. Pierce, Chief, Staff Support Branch,
Room 254 (AMSA) .......................... 272-7995
FOIA/PA Staff, Room 279 (AMSF) ................ 272-7520
M. Jeanne Hinek, Chief, Records Management Branch,
Room 14-B (AMRM)......................... 272-7767
Current Records Section (AMRS) .................272-3118
Vital Statistics Unit, Room 2 (AMRV)..............272-7854
Mail System, Room 143 (AMRP).................. 272-7681
Agency Records Center, Bldg. 42-D, Diablo Hs. (AMRC) . . 272-3575 Agency Microfilm Unit, Bldg. 42-D, Diablo Hts. (AMRA) .. 272-3313 Sofia Villalaz, Chief, Language Services Branch,
Room 14-A (AMLS)........................... 272-3488
Gladys Diaz-Saarinen, Supervisor, Lands Management
Unit, Room 273 (AMCL) ...................... 272-7823
Ellen W. Anderson, Chief, Transportation Services
Branch, Employee Services Bldg. 5140,
Diablo Hts. (AMTR)..........................272-3325
Employee Documentation, Pacific (AMTE)..........272-3238
Employee Documentation, Atlantic, Bldg. 215, Gatun 443-7213

Building 632, Balboa Heights
MICHAEL N. STEPHENSON, Director (IR) ............ 2723109
C. T. Smith, Deputy Director (IRDI) ............ 272-3186/3341
Labor Relations Specialists .................. 272-3186/3341

Room 103, Administration Building
WILLIE K. FRIAR, Director (PA) ...............
Gina M. Tapiero, Secretary ......................
Ana Maria de Troitifio, Administrative Officer .......... Janet Len-Rios, Associate Director, International
Media/Publications .........................
Franklin D. Castrell6n, Associate Director, Local
Media/Community Relations ..................
Jennifer Jones, Spillway Editor ...................
Melvin D. Kennedy, Chief, Graphic Branch (PAGF) ...... Antonio Grenald, Supervisor, Orientation Service,
Miraflores Locks ..........................
For official tours of Miraflores Locks:
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays .............

272-3165 272-3165 272-3521


272-3202 272-3202 272-3217


272-3187 272-5463

OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Employee Relations Center, Building 37, Balboa
TILCIA R. McTAGGART, Director (E) ............... 272-3101
Blanca Hauke, Secretary ....................... 272-3638
Dr. Raymond A. George, Special Emphasis
Programs Manager/EEO Investigator ............ 272-3233
Vielka Sowley, EEO Specialist/EEO Investigator ........ 272-7415

PETER A. LIEHR, Inspector General (IG) ............ 272-3142
ltzel E. Krapfl, Secretary ....................... 272-3142
William C. Forbes, Deputy Inspector General ........ 272-3142 Joan Ohman, Assistant to Inspector General for
Resource Management ...................... 272-3142
Shirley E. Maduro, Administrative Officer (IGXA)
Room 238, Admin. Bldg ..................... 272-7636
Ronald F. Keeney, Audit Manager .................. 272 3142
Elsa M. Jaramillo, Audit Manager ................... 272-3142
Auditors...................................... 272-3142
Basement, Building 6529, Corozal
Harry R. Harris, Assistant Inspector General for
Investigations ............................... 272-3142
Investigators .................................. 272-3142
FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE HOTLINE ............ 272 7801

Room 236, Administration Building
NORBERT E. KRAEGEL Chief Financial Officer (FM) .... 272-3194
Myrna 1. Castillero, Admin. Staff Asst............ 272-7906
Duane A. Rigby, Deputy Chief Financial Officer ....... 272-3580 Shirley E Maduro, Adminisbaive Officer, Room 238 (FMXA) .. 272-7636 SYSTEMS DIVISION
Building 6529, Corozal
Victoria E. Beare, Chief (FMSS) ................. 272-3650
Edward J. McAleer, Supervisory Systems Accountant... 272-7956 Annabella K. Ibafiez, Supervisory Systems Accountant.. 272-7956 Hercilia de Chen, Supervisory Management Analyst .... 272-7956 Staff ................................... 272-3501
Chart of Accunts/FSM Procedures ...............272-3471
Building 725, Balboa
John F. Hemrn, Jr., Chief Accountant (FMAC)......... 272-4727
Assistant to Chief Accountant................... 2724727
Ilya E. de Marotta, Valuation Engineer ............ 272-4741
Charles R. Eckerte, Reports and Analysis Staff (FMAR) ..2724701 Eva Chen, General Ledger Branch (FMAD) .......... 2724737 Regina Morris, Agents Accts. Branch (FMAA) ......... 272-4300
W. E. Hattabaugh, Payroll Branch (FMAP) ........... 2724333
Gisela Calvo, Typing Unit (FMAT) ................ 272 4728
Building 725, Balboa
Robert Q. Won, Treasurer (FMTR) ................272 4725
Louis A. Vogel, Jr., Assistant Treasurer ............ 272-4725
Ronald D. Walton, Assistant to Treasurer, Pacific ...... 272 4725 Administration Building Vault ...................272-3249
Sofia Yhap, Assistant to Treasurer, Atlantic,
Treasury Branch, Building 206, Gatun (FMTA) .... 443-5400
Room 102-104, Administration Building
Patricia Chan, Chief (FMFP) ................... 272-3137
Marilyn V. Young, Rates and Analysis Branch/
Cost Control Officer (FMFR) ................. 272-3287
Valentine 0. Lynch, Tolls and Special Studies (FMFT) ... 272-7434
Room 106, Administration Building

Chief (FMBD) .............................
Amanda K. O'Meally, Supervisor, Budget Formulation... Mark Saunders, Supervisor, Budget Execution ....... Staff ..................................
Manpower ..............................

272-3444 272-3444 272-3334 272-7909

Room 145, Administration Building
Alan D. Gordon, Chief (FMIS) .................. 272-3460
Lou Ellen Gibson, Information Systems Security
Officer (FMIO) ......................... 272 4630
Room 145, Administration Building
Maria D. Allen, Chief (FMIT) ..................272-7446
Nonta P. Scott, Office Automation.................272-3655
End-UserComputing Support Center (FMSC).. 272-7559/7207 PROFS User Assistance ....................... 272 3997
Luis A. Moscoso, Equipment Analyst .............. 272 7671
Room 146, Administration Building
Chief (FMDP) .............................. 272 3550
James A. Brewer, Systems Maintenance............ 272-7952
Francisco Loaiza, TRS/Payroll Systems ............ 272-4629
Building 721, Balboa
Systems Design ............................ 272 4811
Development Staff ...................... 272-7151/4812
Building 628, Balboa Heights

Mary H. West, Systems Design .................
Felix Camargo, Systems Design ..................
TRS Training Facility.........................
Room 146, Administration Building
James C. Gibbs, Chief (FMCO)................
Henry E. Sanchez, Assistant Chief/Central
Computer Operations Branch (FMCC) .......... Rodolfo G. Smith, Data Entry and Controls Branch,
Room 16 (FMCD) .......................
Carmen Pimentel, Network Analyst ...............
Network Control Center-On-Line Help Desk (FMCN) ... Systems Development Computer Facility,
Building 721, Balboa .....................

272-1916 272-1367 272-4816


272-3424 272-3162 272-1937 272-7777 272-7093

Room 243, Administration Building
GEORGE A. MERCIER, Personnel Director (PR) ....... 272-3277
Dagmar de Bolivar, Secretary................. 272-3277
Mary K. Vidaurri, Deputy Personnel Director ........ 272-3351 Glenda Smith, Budget Officer, Room 247 (PRXB) ...... 272 3558 Anita J. Oberholtzer, Personnel Reference Unit, Bldg. 365,
Ancon (PRXR) ......................... 272 7900
Room 243, Administration Building
Mario A. Rodriguez S., Associate Director (PRXP)..... 272:3466 Policy and Programs Staff ..................... 272 3466
Ana Maria Arias, Administrative Officer,
Room 251 (PRXA) ....................... 272 3544
Thomas V. Bright, Incentive Awards Unit, Bldg. 287,
Ancon (PRXI) .......................... 272 7965
Building 0602, Balboa Heights
Pamela W. de Garcia, Associate Director (PRHR)...... 272 4177 Rdolfo J. Lammie, Employee and Management
Development Branch (PRHM) .............. 272-4163
Receptionist (General Information) ............... 272-4182
Special Programs and Contracted Training .......... 272 4155 In-House Training Programs .................... 272-4170
Language Training..-......................272-4171
Multimedia Center, Bldg. 717, Balboa ........... 272 1376
Microcomputer Lab, Bldg. 717, Balboa........... 272-7448
Gatun Training Center, Bldg. 206, Gatun.......... 443-5224
Chief, Industrial Training Branch,
Bldg. 2A-3, Balboa (PRHI).................. 272-4190

F6ix A. Fil-6sRemotti, Chief (PROP) ............. 272-3335
Receptionist (General Information) ............. 272-7595
Kari K. Mcllvaine, Adverse Actions Branch,
Bldg. 287, Ancon (PROD) .................. 272-4393
Debt Counseling......................... 272-3934
Carmen A. McSween, Employment & Placement Br. (PROE) 272-3583
E&C Bureau and Staff Units ..................272-3583
General Services and Marine Bureaus ........... 272-3583
Special Placement ....................... 272-3583
Melvina Y. Bourne, Pers. Recds.-Admin. Br. (PROR) .... 272-3311
Jaime Chang C., Coordinator, Pers. MgmL Syst,
Bldg. 365, Ancon (PROM) ............... 272-3120
Personnel Data Control .................. 272-3254
Induction ............................. 272-3522
Personnel Actions ......................... 272-3311
Personnel Files.......................... 272-3376
David J. Niedzialek, Position Classification Br. (PROW) . 272-3336
E&C Bureau and Staff Units.................. 272-3176
General Services and Marine Bureaus ........... 272-3454
Walter C. Bottin, Retirement & Insurance Branch,
Bidg. 287, Ancon (PROS) .................. 272-7831
Insurance .............................. 272-7831
Retirement ............................ 272-3160
Dr. Maria A. Antoniadis, Chief (PRDH) ............ 272-7968
Dr. Alfredo Pascal, Chief, Clinical Services
Branch (PROS) ......................... 272-7968
Physical Examination Center (Pacific) ....... 272-7108/4815
Dr. James A. Denham, Occupational Health Officer
(Atlantic) Bidg. 5130, MtL Hope ............. 443-7336
Physical Examination Center (ML Hope) ........ 443-7336
Karen Coffey, Supvry. Occupational Health Nurse (PRON) 272-7108
Javier C6rdoba, Work Hardening Program,
Apt. 711-B, Balboa ...................... 272-7603
Barbara B. Ledezma, Chief, Employee Assistance
Branch (PRDX) ........................ 272-7968
Deniam Pimentel, Employee Counseling Coordinator,
Bldg. 288, Ancon (PRDR)...................272-7885
Alida Dos Santos, Chief, Workers' Compensation/
CSS Claims Assistance Office (PROC) ..........272-3431
Building 365, Ancon
William H. M. Brunner, Chief (PRSF) ............. 272-3385
Receptionist (General Information) ............... 272-3289
Lorena M. de Adames, Admin. Svcs. Asst. (PRSA)...... 272-3344
Alfonso E. Regis, Chief, Industrial Hygiene
Branch (PRSI), Bldg. 715, Balboa ............ 272-7713
Richard S Zornes, Chief, Safety Operations
Branch (PRSO) ......................... 272-3353
David Dempsey, Crane/Diving Safety ..........272-7809
Bryant W Teale, Chief, Safety Training
Branch (PRST) ........................ 272-7529
Charles M. Monaghan, Safety Programs (PRSP) ....... 272-3356
ROBERT H. RUPP, Executive Director (PB).......... 272-7890
Maria Gabriela Avila, Secretary.................272-7890
Robert T. Russell, Special Assistant for Treaty
Implementation Planning/Personnel ........... 272-3292
Margie A. Alvarez, Manager (PBCE) .............. 272-7682
Teresita A. de Richa, Secretary................ 272-7682
Maritza M. Chan, Assistant Manager .............. 272-7682
Examining and Certification;
Records/Federal Job Information Center........ 272-3584
Open Registers-English ............. 272-3587/443-7204
Open Registers-Spanish ............ 272-7077/443-4846

Marine Bureau Building 729, Second Floor, Balboa
Capt. G. T. HULL, USN (Ret.) Director (MR) .........2724500
Maty Jain, Secretary ......................272-4500
C. A. Alvarado, Deputy Director (MRXD) ........... 272-4500
Administrative Unit:
Loraine L. Foster, Administrative Officer (MRXA) .... 272-4516 Frank Alberga, Employee Relations Specialist (MRXL) .... 272-4516 Marta de Gracia, Administrative Services Officer (StafI) .... 272-4516 Resource Management Unit:
William 0. Cofer, Assistant to Director
(Resources) (MRXR) .................... 272-4500
Fiscal Section:
Vicki L Boukalis, Budget Officer (MRXB) ........ 272-4517 Budget Analyst ................... ..... 272-4517
Eduardo Smith, Locks Budget Analyst ........... 272-4517
Yariela de Brandao, Nay. Svcs. Budget Analyst ..... 272-4517 Engineering Section:
James R. Freeman, Staff Engineer (MRXE) ........ 272-4531 Vicente A. Shields, Industrial Engineer (MRXI)...... 272-4531 Computer Management Section:
Gabriel 0. Mouynes, Supvry. Management Analyst (MRXM) 2724526 Personnel Programs Section:
Virginia E. Lee, Management Analyst (MRXS)....... 2724990 MARINE SAFETY UNIT
Building 998, La Boca
Capt. Dean L. Harder, Special Assistant to
Director (MRRM)........................272-4243
Floating Equipment Inspection ............2724229/3005
Capt. M. M. Fanning, Chairman (MRBL) ...........272-3403
Marine Bureau Building 729, Third Floor, Balboa
Capt. 0. Allard, Chief (MRMT) .................. 2724550
Assistant Chief............................. 272-4550
Julieta Lavalas, Admin. Svcs. Asst. ............... 272-4550
Training Coordinator........................ 272-4550
Capt M. T Collazos, Seamanship and Towboat
Training Officer ....................... 272-4550
Capt E. Samaniego, Asst. Seamanship and Towboat Tng. Officer 272-4550
Capt. G. A. Markham, Canal Operations Captain (MRCO) 2724211 Capt. William B. Huff, Jr., Asst Canal Opns. Captain .... 272-4211 Canal Port Captains, Southern District, Bldg. 910, La Boca 272-4211 Canal Operations Unit, Northern District,
Bldg. 1000, Cristobal..................... 443-2201

Building 726, Balboa
Capt. James R. Kaufman, Chief Pilot (MRCP) ........ 272-4230
Capt. Chet M. Lavalas, Assistant Chief ............. 272-4230
Matilde P. Guardia, Administrative Services Officer .... 2724230 R. V. Barnett, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling Unit (MRPR) 272-4235
Marine Bureau Building 729, First Floor, Balboa
J. M. Eberenz, Director (MRAM) ................. 272-4567
J. A. Melgar, Chief Admeasurer.................. 272-4567
M. A. Le6n, Administrative Services Assistant ........ 272-4567
Supervisory Admeasurers .................... 272-4570
Billing/Ship Data Bank Section ................. 272-4530
Admeasurement Office, Building 1000, Cristobal ...... 443-2293 LOCKS DIVISION
Marine Bureau Building 729, First Floor, Balboa
J. L Quijano, Chief (MRLC) ................... 2724255
H. Escoffery, Chief, Engineering and Planning
Section (MRLE) ......................... 2724255
LA. Boseman, Administrative Officer ............. 272-4255
Roberto A. De Gracia, Plant Engineer ..............272-4255
Juan A. Hun, Industrial Engineer.................272-4255
Jorge Vasquez, Major Projects Manager ............ 272-4255
F. Sucre, Overhaul Engineer....................272-4255
Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks
H. Acevedo, Superintendent (MRLP) ............. 272-8215
Ivan A. Lasso, Assistant Superintendent .......... 272-8214
Anna M. Cofer, Supvry. Admin. Svcs. Asst.L......... 272-8214
Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks
Noris E. Lopez, Superintendent (MRLA) ............ 443-8700
R. Alvarez, Assistant Superintendent ............. 443-8700
Alexandra Wong, Supvry. Admin. Svcs. Asst. ........ 443-8776
Sam H. Mann, Chief (MRTM) ...................272-4220
Eric N. Espino, Assistant Chief...................272-4220
M. L. Tutzauer, Chief, Sys. Support Br. (MRTS) ....... 272-4245
Georgette B. Aguina, Supvry. Admin. Svcs. Asst. ...... 272-4220
Marine Traffic Control Center General Information ..... 272-4200
Building 6007, Diablo Heights
R. M. Spalding, Chief (MRCS) .................. 272-4591
C. A. Cockburn, Assistant Chief.................. 272-4591
C. L Cedefio, Administrative Officer ............... 272-4597
N. W. Watkins, Fleet Engineer ................. 2724597
Capt. A. R. Briem, Fleet Master .................. 272-4597
C. R. Simpson, Superintendent, Towboat Branch,
Bldg. 6000, Diablo Hts. (MRCT) ............. 272-4548
T. Rowe, Port Engineer, Bldg. 5082, MtL Hope ........ 443-7437
Capt. W. R. Boggs, Towboat Manager, Northern District
Bldg. 14, Gatun ........................ 443-5642
V. E. Tomlinson, Engineer Manager, Northern Shore
Station, Bldg. 14, Gatun .................. 443-5643
Capt S. E. Jimenez, Towboat Manager, Southern District,
Bldg. 6000, Diablo Hts .................... 272-4285
R. A. Roscoe, Engineer Manager, Southern Shore Station,
Bldg. 6000A, Diablo Hts. ................ 272-4294
D. P. Konawicz, Superintendent, Launch/Linehandling
Branch, Bldg. 6007, Diablo Hts. (MRCL) ........ 2724549 Chief, Launch/Linehandling Northern District,
Bldg. 14, Gatun ........................ 443-5365
F. D. Hoover, Chief, Launch/Linehandling Southern
District, Bldg. 43-A, Balboa ................. 272-1381
Room 318, Administration Building
N. H. VASQUEZ, Director (EC) .................. 272-7684
Kelly Santos, Secretary..................... 272-3527
M. T. Anaya, Administrative Officer (ECXA) .......... 272-3375
Programs and Budget (ECXB)................... 272-3485
L D. Patton, Capital ...................... 272-3485
R. Jemmott, Operations .................... 272-3485
L. M. Drennan, Locks Coordinator (ECXL) ........... 272-7028
F. Martinez, Special Studies (ECXC)............... 272-3543
George Berman, Cut Widening Program Coordinator
(ECXW) Bldg. 630, Balboa Heights ............ 272-7418
Building 37, Balboa
J. J. Hannigan, Chief (ECCN) .................272-7205
Main Office ............................... 272-7927
Administrative Services Assistant ................ 272-7205
Contract Management Teams:
G. Schatan, Locks/Northern District Contracts ......272-7826 E. Isaza, Southern District Contracts ............ 272-3517
R. Wallace, Housing/Job Order Contracts ......... 272-3957
B. Delgado, Solicitations/Claims................272-4241
Northern District Inspectors
Bldg. 119-A, Gatun .................... 443-5461
Building 33, Gamboa
A. E. Diaz, Chief (ECDR) ......................276-6232
Main Office ...............................276-6681
Ivett Jules, Administrative Officer (ECDA) ...........276-6221
Liriola de Sandoval, Chief, Engr. Plans and Programs
Section (ECDE)......................... 276-6340
Raul Ricord, Chief, Control Section (ECDC) .......... 276-6640
J. R. Rodriguez, Chief, Operations Branch (ECDO) ..... 276-6264 Chief, Drilling and Blasting Branch (ECDB) .......... 276-6265
Luis Santanach, Chief, Repair Branch (ECDM) ........ 276-6885 D. Broce, Chief, Support Branch (ECDS)............ 276-6867
C. Von Chong, Chief, Aquatic Vegetation and Oil Pollution
Management Branch (ECDV) ............... 276-6481
Building 66A, Balboa
E. D. Schnack, Chief (ECLE)-................... 272-4410
Main Office ............................... 272-4421
Vera Riba, Administrative Officer (ECLA) ........... 272-4401
C. H. Harrill, Jr., Chief, Comm. Br. (ECLC) ........... 272-4428
Daniel H. George, Chief, Elec. Interior Br. (ECLI) ...... 272-4442 Lorenzo Chan, Chief, Elec. Exterior Br. (ECLO) ........ 272-4417
Manuel E. Benitez, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP).......... 272-4416
Chief, Electronics Br. (ECLX) ................... 272-4101
Room 343, Administration Building
T. W. Drohan, Chief (ECEG)/Deputy EC Director ...... 272-7585 J. E. Cordovez D., Assistant Chief ................ 272-3180
V. Nevarez, Administrative Officer (ECEO) ........... 272-7982
A. Ponce P., Chief, Architectural Branch (ECEA) ....... 272-3556 C. A. Kiamco, Chief, Civil Branch (ECEC)............272-3619
A. Raven, Chief, Electrical Branch (ECEE)...........272-3419
L. D. Alfaro, Chief, Geotechnical Br. (ECET)..........272-3389
D. J. McKeon, Chief, Mechanical Branch (ECEM) ...... 272-7895 R. J. Hauser, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX)......... 272-1705
J. A. Brady, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECEH) ......... 272-1729
R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Branch, Bldg. 9212, Pedro Miguel (ECEV) ..................... 272-8162

Building 5082, Mount Hope
C. P. CorrigPn, Chief (ECIN).................
H. A. Laatz, Administrative Officer (ECIA)...........
D. S. Miller, Chief, Support Branch (ECIS)...........
R. A. Rankin, Chief, Production/Planning Branch (ECIP)
C. A. Harwood, Chief Planner ................
A. Cohen, Chief, Engineering Branch (ECIE) .........
E. E. Sanchez, Chief (ECME) ...................
Receptionist (General Information) ...............
Danaliz Angelkos, Administrative Officer (ECMA) ...... E. G. Saenz, Utilities Maintenance Branch (ECMU) ..... R. M. FernAndez, Interior Maintenance Branch (ECMI) .... Exterior Maintenance Branch (ECMO) .............

443-7392 443-7472 443-7234 443-7256 443-7382 443-7426

272-4003 272-4005 272-4005 272-4121 272-7917

General Services Building 28, Second Floor, Balboa
R. VAN HOORDE, Director (GS) ................. 272-4061
Elsa de Ramirez, Secretary .................. 272-4061
Charles Morris, Deputy Director ................ 272-4061
Henry Stec, Chief Contracting Officer (GSCO) ........ 272-4075 Vivian Diaz, Labor Relations Officer (GSXL) ..........272-4061
Vielka L Maturell, Administrative Officer (GSXA) ...... 272-4068 Viodelda J. Miller, Budget Officer (GSXB) ........... 272-4060
Enrique Gualde, Management Analyst (Computers) (GSXM) 272-7075
General Services Building 28, First Floor, Balboa
Jacinto Wong, Chief (GSCP)....................272-4646
James S. Kraemer, Assistant Chief ............... 2724646
J. A. Escala, Chief, Pacific Branch (GSCC)........... 272-7541
Pacific Guard Operations ..................... 272-3669
A. T. Malcolm, Chief, Atlantic Branch, Bldg. 40,
Gatun (GSCG) ......................... 443-5298
Atlantic Guard Operations .................... 443-5294
Building 745, Balboa
Chief (GSSD) ............................. 272-3577
M. I. Lopez, Assistant to Chief .................. 272-3577
Sybil Ameer, Administrative Officer, Bldg. 744, Balboa .. 272-7921 Sandra Goulburn, Budget Officer, Bldg. 744, Balboa ... 272-3288 Richard Linton, Chief, Housing and
Buildings Branch (GSSO-HB), Bldg. 741, Balboa... 272-3133
Housing Office, Bldg. 741, Balboa .............. 272-3384
Buildings Office, Bldg. 5051-X, Diablo ........... 272-3685
Housing and Buildings Office, Bldg. 215, Gatun ..... 443-5648 Furniture Pool, Bldg. 78, Balboa .............. 272-7882
Josd C. Ja6n, Chief, Employee Fitness Branch, Employee
Services Building 5140, Diablo Hts. (GSSF) ...... 272-3634 Roberto Sarmiento, Chief, Technical Resources Center
Bldg. 38, Balboa (GSST) .................. 272-4920
Information Desk ......................... 272-4929
Luis F. Perez B., Chief, Sanitation and Grounds Branch,
Bldg. 6531, Corozal (GSSG) ................ 272-7605
Dr. M. M. Boreham, Entomology Unit, Bldg. 6534,
Corozal (GSSE) ........................ 272-7984
Grounds Office, Bldg. 6531, Corozal............. 272-3319
Sanitation Office, Bldg. 6529, Corozal ........... 272-3243
Grounds Office, Bldg. 42, Gatun ............... 443-5253
Sanitation Office, Bldg. 5116, Mt. Hope .......... 443-7279
Rodman F. Brayton, Chief (GSFI) ................ 272-4638
A. Gonzalez, Assistant Chief ................... 272-7735
Z. White, Administrative Officer ................. 272-4638
B. Quir6s, Assistant Chief, S. D., Bldg. 560, Corozal .... 272-3286 H. Wallace Teal, Asst Chief, N. D., Bldg 12, Gatun......443-7282 J. Narvaez, Fire Protection Engineer ............... 272-7000
Capt. M. Avila, Jr., Training Officer, Bldg. 754, Balboa .. 272-3691
General Services Building 28, Third Floor, Balboa
Internet Web: http:/
Enrique B. Marquez, Chief (GSLS) ............... 272-4650
Maria T. de Chirino, Assistant Chief ............... 272-4650
Elida C. de Arias, Administrative Officer ............ 272-4672
G. Russell, Budget Officer .................... 272-4670
H. Womble, Chief, Inventory Mgt. Br. (GSLI) ........ 272-4620
Chief, Purch. and Cont. Branch (GSLP) ............ 272-4687
A. Ceballos, Chief, Warehousing Branch, Bldg. 5 (GSLW) .. 272-7785
Storekeeper, Bldg. 5086, Mount Hope ........... 443-7393
Excess Disposal, Bldg. 42 (GSLE) ................ 272-3062
G. P. Risberg, Chief, New Orleans Branch,
4400 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, LA 70146-6800
(GSNO) [(504)678-5299] .................. 272 6652
Chief (GSMT) ...........................272-3563
R. Eisenmann, Assistant Chief Southern District.......272-7990 R. Bermldez, Assistant to the Chief ............... 272-3937
Mrs. J. G. Holder, Administrative Officer ............ 272-7731
Dispatcher, Southern District ..................272-3301
Driver Examiner .......................... 272-7822
Short Trip Service ......................... 272-3429
W. Seeley, Superintendent, Northern District ........ 443-7246 Dispatcher, Northern District ................... 443-7358
Building 5140, Diablo Heights
Rolando E. Winberg, Chief Liaison Officer (GSLO) ..... 272-3324 Liaison Office, Pacific ........................ 272-3324
Liaison Office, Atlantic, Bldg. 206, Gatun (GSLA) ...... 443-4200 24-HOUR ON-CALL SERVICE ....... 272-3324/443-4200/113
Building 911, La Boca
Timothy J. Corrigan, Chief (GSPO) ............... 272-3237
Allan A. Howell, General Foreman ................ 272-3237
Arnoldo Cevallos M., Printing Specialist ............ 272-7579
Ivonee A. Le6n, Requisitions ................... 272-3237



MAIL-PANAMA: BALBOA, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA Published by the Records Management Branch


FACSIMILE: (507) 272-2122



Full Text


xN6AL August 1996 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL OPERATIONS DIVISION PL.T DIVISION INDUSTRIAL DIVISION Room 236, Admnstraion, Building Bulding 366, Apcon Building 726, Balboa Bulding 5082, Mount Hope NORBERT E. KRAEOEL, Chief Finncal Officer (FM). 2723194 FilI A. Fls-Rmott,. Chief (PROP) .272 -3335 Capt. Jam s R. K f .Chief Plot (MRCP) .272-4230 CP r dhfE N 443 MyrAa A A7A"'st"" AdmisSta" Asst. 2727906 Receptiis (Gera Information)r. 2727575 CaDt Chet V (44,0As777t7 CR. 272-4230 H.6P_ CAr ins, Cie (DCIV).EA. 443-7392 DPA A A. Rigby, Deputy Chief47a4ffc7 .272-3580 BsdK 87, AOfficPRe,.7. ..R P Chif,0 i 7t7ta n .1h77714 U R 272-4230 A (. A3rChe4ppt Branch (ElA). 4437724 -Sh E.y E Mdu, Adinisr Off Room 238 (FM ..272-7636 Debt Counsi7ng. .....2.7. ..6.6. 272-3934 ADMEASUREMENT DIVISION R. A. Rankin, Chief, Production/Planning Branch ECIP) 443-7256 BALBOA, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA SYSTEMS DIVISION Carmen A McS1, Employment & Placement Br. (PROE) 272.3583 MarIne Buraun Building 729 First Floo, Balboa C. A. Harw4od, Chief Planner .4437382 BuAking 6529, CorDol E&C Bureau and Staff Units .272-3583 A. Co Chief, Engineering Branch (EIE) ..443-7426 B. he (MS) .....72360 General Services and Marine Bureaus .7138 ...n .ieco .M .2.222-456 77777274Z6320,7777. 7 .(. ..272-3583 J A. Melgar, Chief AdesurAr. .2.5.6.C.R.R. 272D4567CD ___ ~ ~ 4777447744. R[M~y (7717(703). ..27 3652 R717 P4 4. .223583 7 .0(4 hIA4so ..7.57MAINTENANCE DIISION dward 0747117 Supervsoy Systm 0777774)44. 272-7356 M l Y B Prs Ruds.3Adm 87 (PROR) .272-3311 M. A. Loo, Administrative Servis Assistant . .2724567 ATabe K. b 7 04, Supervisory Systems Accountant ..72-7956 Jaime Chang C, Cordnator, Pars. Mgmt Syst, Supervisory Adm s477s ..22 570 77.7 ...8, 77 Hersl4 d1 Chn Supervisory Management Analyst .27277956 Bldg. 365, Acon (PROM) .272-3120 Bllug/Ship Data Bank Section ..272 4530 .E Sa Chief (CME) .2724003 Staff ,* .* .*. .272 3501 Prs 0nel Data Control ....272 3254 Admeasurement Office, Building 1 77,7Crst5o4l .4432293 Receptionist (General information) ..2724005 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Crif Acco tsSMProved r .P :.:. 2723471 63477ci4. 2723522 LOCKS DIVISION D(naiz Angelkls AdministrativeOfficer(ECMA). 272-4005 PI,77. 272 3000 Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights ACCOUNTING DIVISION Pso"4 1 .1. ..2-0 37776 Marne Bu7eau Building 729, First Floor, Ba01a E G 077177 Maintenance Branch (ECMU) .2724121 Building 725, Ba b0a David J. IN de, osit o Cassificatn 7r (PROW) ..272 3336 J. L Quij Chief (MRLCL) ...272-4255 R. M Ferninde, Interior Maintenance Branch (ECMI) .272-7917 ALBERTO ALEMAN ZUBIETA, Administrator (AD). 272-3169 jo, F. H1,4.,4Chief Accountant FMAC). 2724727 E&C 7ura 4and 4Staff Unit. 272-3176 .D47 ry, 1he, Engneermigand Plannng22 Exterior Maintenance Branch (ECMO) .272-4042 Maria Luisa Langman-Spencer, Executive Assistant ..................272-3100 Afour to Chief Accountant. 2724727 Walter 0e71e na BurMe4a .272 3454 1. A B (seman Adm20nstrative Officer ....272-4255 GENERALERVCEBUEAU JOSEPH W. CORNELISON, Deputy Administrator (DA) ....................272-3103 Charles R 7 ar Re nd ne .41722 .a 287 7474 "(PRO ~-. '~ 272~ Idti RAgnee A .s P 0 .2724255 GeNErAl Serv ICes Building28, second Ro, Balboa Vicky R. Wong, Executive Assistant .272-7914 Ea Chen, General Ledger Branch (FMAD) .272-4737 Retirement ......272-3160 Jorge Vasquez, Major Proects Manager ...2724255 R.VAN HOORDE, Director IS) .2724061 Anna L. Pescod, Staff Assistant to the Administrator, Room 225 (ADSA). 272-7870/3536 Reg36 07riso Agents Accts. Branch FMAA). .2724300 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH' DIVISION F P. ucr, Overhau P Eineer .....El de Ramirez, Secretary ...272-4061 W E. H4att ugh, Payroll Branch (FMAP). ..7.(.3. 27274333 0714 id7 srinedn (Bra P). 272-8275 1 s,47k4 ..... .272-4061 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION AND TRANSITION COORDINATION Gisela Cal Typing Unit (FMAT) .2724728 rO .Maria A. Antoi Chief (PROH) .27277968 v44 A. Lss., Assisnt Superintendent .).1. 27221 4 Henry S7, Chief C1ntr2t2ig Officer GSCO) .2724075 Ro s 20 212, Ad77strat7o Building, Balbo Heights TREASURER'S OFFICE Or Alfredo Pascl, Chief, Cin al Services Anna M. Co7e7, Sup ry. Ad .Svcs. Asst. .0. .2728214 Vivian D7a, Labor Relations Officer (G ) .2724061 Building 725, Balboa Branch (PRDS) ...272-7968 Alnti Branch, Gan Locks Vi0l 7 L Mandell, Adm state Officer (GSXA) ..272-4068 JAMES E. FERRARA, Director (AE) ..........................................4272-35019 Robert Q. Won. Treasurer F6MTR). .....272-4725 Phys0al Exanation Center (Pacific) .6. 0.27-7108/4815 Noris E Lopez, Superintendent 2MRLA) ...4438700 Viodeld7a 1. Miller, Budget O Jacqueline E. Carlson, Secretary .........................................272-3519 L.u2s A3 Vogel, Jr Assistant Tresrr ....2724725 Or James A De ham, O c7pational Health Officer R. Al Assistant Superintendent ..443-8700 Enrique Galde, Manage07 7 1nt Ana"y (Computers) (GSXM) 272 7075 Thomas C. Duty, Deputy Director ...........................................7272-7601 Ao7d 7 7a4ton, Ai7n 1t 2723 7245 877ys7ic) E mdg 5110, Mt Hope ) ...443-7336 AexAFFra Vong S A4n 0A7 0 ..4477776C 773urlas Hodn Vaul 7776477. .2(2 32289 Pysra xrno 77e77044 (477 Ho(M ) 4.443-7336 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT DIVISIONCALPRTTINDVSO Assistant Director, Poicy and Programs (AEPD) ................................272-3122 SoPr o rhad Assistant to Tre.s.7674 AtL777 4 Ka7r474 Coff y, Supry Occupational Health Nose PRDN) 272-7108 Building 910, LA Ba Genera Serices Building 28, First Floor, Balboa Diana 1. Williams, Assistant to Director, Board Matters (AEBD) .....................b272-7697 Tr0sury Branch, Building 206, Gatin (FMT A) .443-5400 Ja er Cordoba, Work Hardening Pogrm,. .......H.0 M2nn, Chi As ef .0) ....272 amis K mns, Chief u.SOPA ...2724646 Apt (116B ao 847074. .272 7600 rcN 0777677,4, As4477)44)Cpf. .27277220 144470S Kraemer, AssistantChif.272 4446 Jaime A. Bocanegra, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator (AA) ..........272-3305 FINANCIAL PLANNING DIVISION Barbara B. L(47 Chief, Employee Assistance M L Ttzae, Chief, Sys Support Br. (MRTS) .2724245 J1 A. Esc7la, Chief, Pacific Branch (GSCC) ..272-741 Rod. 102104, Ann station Building Br h PRDX) .....1.7.). .272-7968 Gorg te Agu n, Supry. A .Svcs. Ast .2724220 P ifi Grard Operation .P.).5. . 272 3669 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Ptri7 a Cha .Chief ( FMFP) ..272 3137 D a Pimenste Emp77ReCounseling Coorinat, Marine Traffic Control Center GenraInformation .272 4200 A T Malcolm, Chief, A n7c Branch, Bldg. 40, r r4 st dMarlyn V. Yng, Rates and Anlyss Branch/ 4l3dg D2s07477788s 7c, rk C0. ..2727875 CANAL SERVICES DIVISION Ga7n GSCG) .(.(.1( ..4435298 1825 1 Sre, NW, spite 1050 Cst C25trol Officer (FMFR) ..". 2 .CSS Cnims Assstace Office (PRDC) 272 3431 Ou'ding 6007, DablHghts Atlantic G7a7d Operations ..7.5.7.r.i.i.7.0. 443-5294 Was ngton, DC 20006-5402 Carly4 H. Tmy, Chief (AM) ....272 7757 Valentine D Lynch, Tolls and Specal S7des (FMFT) .272-7 4 ( 3 R. M. Spading. Chif (MRCS) ..0.(.7.4. 2721 (202)(634-6441 Fax (202)(6346439 Berta E.Bri, 0 Administrative Officer (AMXA) 272-7931 AGET MANAGEMENT iVISiON SAFETY DIVISION C. A.1C54kburnAsst)ChI. ..272-4591 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT ANS SUPPORT DIVISION Internet E-Mail: PanCan(WO(@AOLCOM Jhorce A. Singon, BdgtOfcr om16Amnsrt Budge Ofie, Building 365, An-o C. eeo dmnsrtv fie 272-4597 Building 745, Balboa J08N A. MILLS, 017717 7 Room 269 (AMXB) ..-.(. 272-3178 P si6im ,4 M. Bu r Chief PRSF) .272-3385 VW W ki4 Hs t Eg4 r ..272 4597 JOHN A. Mill SecretaryThomas E. Pierce, Chief, Stafn Suport Branch, OChif (FMBD) ........' 7276' e"1 tini27G23289nfrm tin).a .It.,. .A ..R7232Bropom, .rimFFlout ser. .a. ...r2 2-.9.e (G ..........42 2-57 74 440 P171 1771) S)7S777087447 7471001 .....72 07 17,74 (47777(47777). ..223207ptioini6st,10 1.04)4,.In27r7597(ion(000). ...27.357 c commission (0O) ..272 3050 Ro m 254 AMSA) .....272 7995 Amanda K O'444ally, Supervisor, Budget For0m4 la3i 4 2 723444 Lor a M d3 Adame, Admn. Svs Asst (PRSA) ..272-3344 C R. Si Superintendent, 3owb44 BC6rnS, 47 7)437 M7 8 Lope Assistant to Chief .272 3577 Kelly son, 5rt ...27235 FOIA/PA Staff, Room 27 (AMSF) .27207520 Mark Sad, Budget Execution .....272347 As E. 6477 4i) 437477r47 647171 Bd. 6000,4 67H (ARC)).272-4040 ybi 4m417, 03774, 777447, Bldg. 704 4644 b .272-7921 (7346 R74 7747o747014 4707statv Ii'sOf. .27230000 0 7444743(7)677404744 749 7). ..272 3038 674nc DPSI 7107 0 715,Blo 874.272 7710 T 674, Pr7 0444147r 837g 5082,M 07p 6771 .43 7437 044374 (44(5r, 0udget)0774cer Bldg 744, Balboa 27232877 Virina RTowe, Admean 1sthie Secretarys foir ...2 23 5 M.Jeanne Hurnek, Chief, Records Management Branch, Staff ..723 3 rnh(R ).g.,B.b. 7 -7 3 .R w ,Pr ngneBd .58 t oe. 4 -4 7 adaG ub rBugtOfcr ld.74 aba. .2.2.2. 847ia7A 7, s. .2723050 440Rom 14B (AMRM) .._ .272 7767 Manp7 wer ......272 7909 Richard S. Zones, Chief, Safety Operations Capt. .R Boggs, Towboat Manager, Northern District, Richard Libo4, Ch) f, Housing and Bar Aist .(71 614773 047 77( 70 ..) 21 ..22 7118 MNAGEMENT INFOAMATION SYSTEMS 77Branh 7PRGO) .1 .07. ...272 753 Bldg 14, Gatun ...443-5642 Buildings Branch (GSD-H ), Bldg 741, Balboa 7. 272-3133 B b 1n Ass)s4774777he47crery1o Via Statistics Unit, Room 2 (AiV ..272-7854 0473 047 sy ri4 Safey .04 4) .2727009 V 0 T s E r 9, 4 Housing Office0 9 Bldg. 741, B o .272-3384 CI mmssion Afar ...............272 3050 RoomSste ,145m,4 (A RPu.h ..t.o ....2 2-681Rom 15,A.dinstrtin B ilmg rynt LTa SafCety Sfe TrTai ingningo dg u, G tf .ld.g.4450531uiXns Dfiibld.o5 5.D.b. ..27. 2 .322 858 477a7478 74r A7e R o C 4 2 b H ( ..2727 0781 A4in G4F. ..-r .......2 C dM rD 243 5643 674 77707 A707747) 04444)740 717477(7 0444)n4731774 Bdg 420 D,476 ColdHt IMBC 272 3S7S 47440D.044444n, Chi7 (FMS 0. .272(7760 67) rc 76 ST 747 .04)477 777 4744 Mngr Suhrns" unigra ifil .7477 o eI. yI, 272 3050 77 (1 .272 7525 (44 5d 0(44 700194)44777,7774407 8473) 077 Bl.2248 ouigdSdigfeBdg 50510 04074 272. 4385 F04 446 077 .577 ....Agency Microfilm Unit, Bldg 42-0, Di4o Hs. (AMRA) 2723313 Lou E G m y y Chr4 M M4444444 04)47) 1r7gr4m (PROP .-272-3356 Bldge 600t47r7 r.tation F2r0IteP4 4 g 0 7 8, Bsba ...272 7882 David Ballger, G14477 A o / s)t67 7 (947 (7447444 04777) 1747 0harl 47ieV ..M.n. ..F. .S. ......7. 27234637 6 674171 044 b14 H4s 2M294 0904 SJse 13,4Ja hi Blg 70y 04414s B2 Secretary for ngr4on7 Affairs 272 3050 Som (A ). .272-348e MIE E PANAMA AREA PERSONNEL ROARS Bldg. P. A04(767 p ,i .n/.1 2724294 074e C/ e484 B(i9d 07747147) ib47s. BF, 8,0 7oo 47ATML).7 .~ 2738 MIS TECHNICAL SEAVICES STUFF PAAAAE0ESONLBAD D P,6447 3771ec ,744 (uerntndnt 1(710443744n 0477744s Buding4540 0744776 (1001)SF .27203634 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Gladys On7sarn4e Super, sor, Lands Management Room 145, Administration Ui Bulding 6531, Crozal Branch, Bldg. 6007, DClo Ht. RCL .272-4549 Roberto Sarmiento, Chief, Technical Resources Center Roos 202332r Admnstr4, or Budding Unit, Room 273 (AMCL) .......-272 7023 ....A.le., (.n .FA2T) ..A C 272-7446 ROBERT H. RUPP, Executive Director (PB) .....272 7890 Chief, Lau (ch/Lin44handing Northern Distict, Bldg 38, Balboa (GSST) .2724920 RICHARD A. WAINIO, Direct.r (EP). ....212-761 Ellen W And rs on, Chief, Transportato evcsN rt .SotOfc nation ......27 -3 5 Maria Gabrielia Avila, Secetr ..272-7890 Bldg.14, Gabon .443-5365 Ifr ainD s ..., ........2 24 2 RiCRARS~~Srvce BldgO0477 07 ...22791 04 417,1,774 7 5774047 977771 070 07on 4071c Auto7477. ._. 202 3650 Mob,, (4740 4,0174747 .uy 7890f Bldgtmthnflr 777t 147 .nopo ek. .8306 4444, 47,,,,,,,,,,,,. 27240329 or 77r~ I. 647744344 Secretary. ..272 3417 974447 007074 477l ..01770l~ett Pann r nl. ....7-22 Dsrct lg 3A am .....221 Rica 8 H)e, De77) 00ectr 0177 .0.4.020. 2 272 3325 End User Comp 7ing Sppt Center FM ) ...272 7559/7207 674400 6 Rs 74 P 77/P7s, 7 y 2 F 6 r, 1s rz B, Chief, Sanitation and Grounds Branch, 2 0. r2 5175 PRF Bldg. 6531, Corozal (GSSG). .......272-7605 W4 S. Hik Assistant to0,74 (EPXP) .2727006 m447)4oc4077e3444)747 P477i (80707 G. 2 U A 7ss, 7p A ..272 3997 7 4 7 CENTRAL EXAMINING OFFICE 0 E2GNEER lg AND .STRU.T. 272 1 r. .M1 1h, En4,74g7Ui)30d47434, 044)4 0447477777 7(77 ldg27 (77 78(21 4 A Voso, Eq033777447447)47 ._. 272 76771ETO XMIIGOFC ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION BUREAU 07, 0 A 0471444 Entomology Uni, Bldg 6034, Robert 4. U.7._C_-_ __irman, 84,7din3 263 Acon 6447308, Adsrn U77 (07074 71000) ................272 7904 1orts uni R7 rd Committe (06) ..272 3228 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION MBgIinA. 0744444, 0447447 (147 ..272-7682 N. 0. VASQUEX. 07r)7 707 ...272 73379 G Ys C Do. ogre Administrve Officer (EPXA) 27233108 OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Room 146, Ad r to B d8 Trs, a A d Rich Secretary .7 .272 7682 Kelly antu, Secretary .272-3027 4477474407 Bdg 6029 (774za7 .272-0283 ECONOMIC RESEARCH 0 ig632 03777 sChief (FMDP) ..2( 7550 047 4M. Cha Assitnt Manage .272 7682 M T. A 0ay 0, Administrative O ((ECXA) .272 3375 Grounds office, Bd .42, Ga n .443-5253 AND MARKET DEVELOPMENT DIVISION M dC, lHLJames A. Systems Ma int n. .272-7952 Em ningand Cerifition; Programs ad Budget (ECXB ....22 73485 Sanitation Office, Bldg. 5116, M Hope .443 7279 R. 310 MICHAELII. STEPHENSON, Directdr HR) ..272-3109 Francisco Lcarza, TRS/Payrml Systems .272-4629 Records/FedealJob Information Genter. 272-3584 L, D.Paton, C tal ...2723485 CT. Smith, Deputy Director (IRDI). 272 3186/3347 B7di 721, B 074 4 Open R 4g4sters-Englsh .272 3587/443-7204 R. J0o17 4 operations .272 3485 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DIVISION 434tte Ng do Jn44. Chief E ...72-3586 Labbr Rotations Specasts .272-3186/334 -Spanish .L M. Drennan, Locks Coordinator ECX) .272-7028 Economic Research Branch EPER) ...2723370 Sys47s Design ..272 4811 07 1 74e 044 .F 272 7Martinez, SpeV6al Studies Ecx ). 272-3543 7u(d(7 752, 272702 staff 272 1609 Devo pm, Staff ..272 7151/4812 MARINE BUREAU Gorge Berman, Cut Widening Program Coordinator Rod an F. B .Chief (GSF( .....272-4638 Market Development Branch E0 ..27' -7898 OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Building 728 3 Balboa I7ghts Vi 0ure Building 729 Second F07 84 (ECXW) Bldg. 630, Balboa Heights .272 7418 A Gonzalez, Assistant Chief ..272 7735 Staff ...21631 Rd 103, Ad37,)str7)747 87dig MAry H. West, Systems Design ..272-1916 Capt. G T HULL UI (R, ) Director (MR) .272 4500 CONSTRUCTION DIVISION Z White Administrative Office ...272 4638 MANAGEMENT AND PRODUCTIVITY WILEK FIR P2236 eIxI, Camar-go, Sysutm Design ..........272-1367 Msty Jaen, Secretary .........272-4500 Running 37, Balboa B. Qpudrs Assistant Chief, S D., Bldg. 560, Corol ...272-3286 STUDIES DIVISION MILLIE I Director ( A) .71 .272 31635 14. C. A. Alar2a7, d7 Deputy Director MRX. ..272 4500 J. J. Ha0nign, Chief (ECCN) ...272-7205 H. Wllace Tea, Ast Chief, N D, Bldg 12, a4 7 ..443 7282 Ro 266 G4 M 7 rapiers, Secretary .047,47. .272-7160 7657777417 F y. ..272 401 1 up 4744st 34, U437 0 7A. .2 0 30 4 .9. (DCCV ..272 720 6 aVaez, Fo Pot 18717,7 0 Bd 72 1 ..4 27202 7727 M77i77 0t7) Finds o0ISONdouba,,Untai ,Ofie ._. ..272-7927 J 64,4417 F,71 17771tio Engin40444 .272 7000 Alexander Gi4na7 7as, Chief 7EPMP) ....272-3383 A ar-a d r ,, Admintrative Office .272 3521 COMPUTER OPERATIONS DI Loraine L Foster, Administrative Officer XA .4516 037 224516 Adinistrtive Services Assistant .272-7205 Cat M. Avila, Jr., Training officer, Bldg. 754, Balboa 272-3691 Stephen S. Belrk, Chief, industrial Engineering (0 101-R sso at, D20r2t3, 4t6rnat48na27 Ro. 146, Ad stra B7on0ding Frank A0777 7 Employee Relatons Specaist (MRX ...272-4516 CO ac Mn agement learns 8ranc 9710 .,. 272-3763 0434 o~on ,7 _777777 ...223763 aesC 34444 0,00,184 LFMl .272 7778 8077(77, do ,4744177 A Cruia Adiitt SevcsOfie Si .27240016 G. 0014744, 1774Nothi Distric Cont)Cracts -. 2)2 7026 LOGISTICAL SUPPORT DIVISION 7. .S70 Frankin D Castrell Associate Director, Local Hr.n AsUE sa, Southern Distrct Contracts ..272-3517 Gr Srvces Building 28, Third Flor, alb Waler Luchsinge, Che7, Mpangmet Analysis Med,(/Comn y Rtn ...6)744 4 ..272 3202 Computer Operations Branch (FMCC) .407774iMm 4. 4ferAs to0r74r7 3 0s/ s4nrat ..272 351 3424r York 0hCor:/wwAssi28,st t31/usco04704 B0,h 970100 ..272.7772.,.1.077744)ll 27,y.Editor-22023202 .777407477 7,67,79 10( ,., 27D74e,70l74gado4070,47,6 470, 643444 1460,347(44)74474. .2724 90 Enrique ) 077 lin z 4117474S .01 27274650 Braff 272-7742 0n r w (. 2721 32) 2 Rodof G. Smith, Data Entry and Controls Branch, Rs rces) (M ) .2 7 27b2lDistrict Inspectors '. ''.Enr.43e47.743(74ez, 744)181) .272-460 Staff~ ......., ..., ....27 -7 2 M li Kennedy, Chief, Graphic Branch(PAGF). 27 -2 B oom 16(IFMCD) .212-3162 FLscal Section. Bldg 119-A, Gabon ._. ..443-5461 MariaT de Ch rn, AssistantChief. .....272-4650 CANAL IMPROVEMENTS DIVISION Antnm Grn d, SUPe r Orientation S(74, Carm, 70int7l, N0tw4rk A7alyst .. 22-1937 Vick, I k9is, Bude Officer MRXB) ..272-4517 ida C de Arias, Administrative Officer .272-4672 R44 307 Miaflr L ks ....2725463 Network Control Cn r -7 Line Help Desk (MCN) ..272-7777 Bdg,, Ayls oc. ......272 1 7 DREDGING DIG SION G Russell, Budget Oficer .0.r.i.7.7.7. .272 4670 Dr, David C. Batting, Chief (EPCI) ...........272-7508 For official fours of Miraflnres Lcksses D vlp etC m .e aiiy Edardc Smrith, ,ok Budget Analyst .272-4517 A. E. Diaz.Chie (ECOR)8. udf.n .3.3,C ro .....276-6232 H. Womble, Chief, Inventory MT. Br. (GSLI) .....272-4620 7Z Systemsg,('77P e,,,. 27,708In 7,,,7)" Facity _70.7.4)CifPrhan7,r4Bac GS .2248 Ast, A. Arias, Senior 2i7l Engineer (EPCS) .202-7890 Modyr ....272 3187 B77d7 ( 270B77b447272777374Yar7e7a d7 B, Nv Sv7s.7Budget A. 272457 0777 737743 30-0441 63747 87rg. an7Con. P. .272 467 B,7,374721 8740lb7o009.7.473. 27222407093744r(01 (OOR) ,d,,,,,,,,,,. 76 232 045,0.hlBudget'706A8n7((7,t.272.272462 17 E4 V sq7 z, Capital Program (oord4in4tr (EPCP) 272 3340 Saturdays, Sundays and Hoidays 272-5463 7 4440g r 0477o Sectin: Cabal me, .msrv ferED2766681 19,4) Chief, Warehousing Branch, Bldg. 5 GSLW). .2727785 J4an H Do,, E 4n rmetal/Enegy Control Officer (EPCE) 272 7830 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION James R. 1r7man, Staff Engineer (MRXE) .272-4531 7rl( dues, Adn ltrativ Ch ie, (E0A0 .2766221 A, t5r7ke177r, V Bldg 5. ...4 770 T RAN ITION PLANNNG DIISIONOFFIC OF E UAL O PORTU ITY Rom23 Adm itation Buldi. cente A Shreds, fndostual Engineer (MRXI) ..272-4531 LvpaSt ona C hfE rror ...ln 276con34ctE xss Daisupos Bldg. 4286 GsLE) .op ......44373932 TRANSITION PLANNING DIVISION OFFICE OF EQEAL OPPERTUNITT 874724 A. 74)770737Personnel Director PR7 .7.7. 272 3277 R77717474 Ricrd, 77,7 1447 E) ..2-4 G.R Bdg 0006 07347 Br4, 00010cti. MERDiE 1474. 74 .7.1.22027 77447447.7 00~ (( 276-6040 077470 Disp7774 Bldg 2(3(0) .272 3062 Rudolf. R. Sabpong., Chief EPTP ......272-7734 Emoy, Retains Cable,, Runnding 37 Balboa Dagmhar do Bolfv Secretary ........2723277 P aers 0, P rya s, Sec vry Management Analyst (MRXM) 272-4526 J.r d.rg Ch ef,~. etion BrnECD 0) ....276-664 440P DisorphieS, New Or easc, A 7 46 6007 278 1n~am 6eto 6737(7340C (17 ton 077477774 677770(0) .2766244 44000437077577039440Ne374fer(04L 70146-6800 Staff ....272 7734 TILCIA R. McTAGGAR. Director (0) .272 3101 Mary K.Vidaur7, Deputy Personnel Director ...2 3351 Virgina E Le, Mangm t Analyst (MRXS) .272 4990 Chief, D l 7g and Blasting Branch (EC B) .276-6265 (GSN0) (504)678 5299) .272 6652 OFFICE OF OMBUDSMAN 077ay4aHauk 0e0er7 .E .272 3638 enda Smth budget Off8c7r4 R07r7 8AC B 27 71170 .22 35 41 047)44470 (i, 647747 Banch 0(00. 276 6803 Rupm 233. Admi-mstr ,o Buipdi Balboa Heights rgRa m sM ngr/E vstgt .,.223 3 Anond APX). .erg .pca .mhai .ut ..bcfz, .t Reeec .n .A IN SA ET .NI 2D-70 Bruin 98 oaceo Co Chief, utBanch Vegeato .d .276o 6867n MOORTR NSOR AIO A IVISIO 77grur 472243477777)70 67773743to 0373678).74704710044.74 272 3233 An. 7768 ...g.5 2(2 7300 64773774398 048074 C, Von (7rng (9717, 03777u 44)7(7i30 1eettonad 7OPoluinuldn 07426254, Anon WLL2AM S. HINKLE, Ombdsmn GM) .__. ..27 7PRO VN LkP Sowley, LE SpecADlRst/EE0 TFFgor. 272 7415 PERSONNEL POLICY AND PROGRAMS STAFF apt DLarder SpeIl Assistant to 2 4 Management Branch ECDV) ...2766481 Cri GSM T ...272-3563 _ mI ._____ ., .7 7474 ..__ ..4A s.nVi 272 4243 ELECTRICAL DIVISION R Eisnm Assistant Chief Sothe4 District .272 7990 8077 Rum243 427,777,377, Bod,,g Chqut ., .2 72 4209/1372 07773g 66A, 037074 6 774777734 7sisan 7 o 77478 Chief 7. .272 3937 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Mi A. Roz S, Acate Dector RXP) ...272 3466 floating Equ pnsp77t4o .272-4229/3005 E 5. 044, Chief (ECLd As. .d.g. 2-A, 272-4131 Ropom 338, A dministration Buldong 2 Mdrs63, 1. PGcyan rormsSaf .Ho.lle.r,. .27A4dmiARnistCratiPCveSMan fic -42 rsa.r.r.r.ficr. ..2 E 8777in 2380 C-17ot47o Booih, 877377 0532n (74037 17773 .._ 2(2 1466 BAURD SF LOCAL INSPECTORS Main Office.,,. ..-42 Disathe 0 c h 1 itrc .34 34 77747 ..272 37 JOHN L HAINES, Jr. General s Ara Mas Arias, Administrative Office, Building 996, t Bo. Vera Rib, Admnttv Office0 7ECLA) .6.7. 272 4401 0 ...272 1S Represe7ative to the Coord tng PETER A. LiEHR, Inspector G al (7 ....272-3142 Room 251 PRXA) ...44 147) 4 .644744 hama (MRB .272 3403 C. H. 647,,0 .Harrill, Jr, Chief, Comm .ECLC) ......2727822 Comm4 (GC) 1 ....272-7511 Itel E Kro Secretary .....,272-3' 42 Tho I Bright Incentive Awards Unit Bldg 287 4Danel H. G4er Chief, Elc. Inter Br (1ECL7 .272-4442 Short Trip Service ...272 3429 Emilie .Honess, Supervisory Legal 8ch4ci4n 272 7511 William C. Forbes, Deputy Inspector General .272342 A X ) 2 2 7565 MA RITIME T RAINING UNIT Lrnz4Chn, C8,l E07 xi rB. (E1 0 0) ..272-4417 W. Seeley, Superintendent, Nothern Dstrit ..443 7246 Theodore G. Lucas, Deputy General Counsel/ Joe, Ohman, Assistant to lanspecthr General for Marin Buildni 72 Third Fluor, Balboa Manuel E. Benitez, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP) ...._ ..272-4416 dispatcher, Northern District ...........443 7358 Procurement xeci (1E ..272 7511 Resource Management .272 3142 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT STAFF Cat. 0. Allard, Chief 4RMT) .2724550 Chief, Electronics B.(ECX 070() .272 4101 Lyd3 R Vasq At Genera Counsel .272 7511 Shrley E. Madr, Administrative Officer GXA) Bng 0602, Balboa H ghts Ant Cher .....272 4550 ENGINEERING DIVISION LIAISON OFFICE y S4lman, Assist4nt General Counsel ..272-7511 Room 238, Admin. Bldg .272 7636 Pamela W. 7e Garcia, As 7c1 .e Director (PRHR) .272-4177 J( eta Lavalas, Ad 0in S77. Asst .272 4550 Ro7 343, Admnistraton Bldg B 73oding 5140, D7b77067747s) Abert J Joyce, Cmpetitin Advocate CA) .272 7511 AUDITS Rodclfc J Lammi Employee and Management Training Cordnt(r .( ...2724550 T. V.Doi6n, Ch f (ECEG)/Deputy EC Director .272-7585 Rolando E. Winberg, Chief Lson Officer (GSLO) ..272 3324 iAttrny ...,.,. ...212-751' Ronald F. Keeney, Audit Manager .....272-3142 Development Branch (PR H M) ......272 4163 Ca pt M. T Collazos, Sem ni p and Towboat J. E. Coud v D, Assistant Chief ........272-3180 Liaison Office. Pacific .............272-3324 Rod. 326, Admnsuthration Building Elsa M. Jaramillo Audit Manager 2.4.p.nit(enrl nomain). ..)34 eealfila n ......272-4182 Trammig Officer ..............272-4550 V. Noerez, Administrative Officer (ECEO) ......272-7982 Liaison Onfce, Atlantic, Bldg. 206, Gatun (GSLA) ...443 4200 Maine Accident/Miscellaneous Genera( Claims (GCCL) 272-3505 Auditors ...212-3142 Sphorn] Programs and Conracted T raining ........272-4155 Cast. E. Samarnigo, Asst. Seamanship and Towboat Fork. Off .r 272 4550 A. Fir. P., Chief, Architecturl Branch (ECEA) ....272-3556 24-HOUR ON-CALL SERVICE ...272-3324/443-4200/113 Lily F. Sage, Supvy. Gen. Claims Examiner. ....272 3505 In-House Training Programs ...........272-4170 CANA L OPERATIONS UNIT C. A. Kai o Chef, Civil Branch (ECEC). .......272-361 General Claims Examuners .......272-3231 INVESTIGATIONS A HavenTai Cg.hi.e.f.,. ......B22anchBu dig ECLaBoa A.Rven B2nh2(CE) ...RI.NT.2I234G POFFIGCEIC L.L D. A4f7r., Chief, Gentehi Br ECE) .272-3389 Building 911, Lo B22 Ro64 8 1 311, Ad4n3s77a0o7 Bu47d g Basement, Bud 6529, C 2 34al Mutimedia Center, Bldg. 717, Botba .272 1376 Capt. G. A. Markham, Cnal Operations Captain (MRCGO) 272-4211 .J. McKeon, Chief, M1ch7n7cl Branch (ECEM) ....272 7895 JAnc T. Bowmacr Treaty Affairs Officer (GCTA A .272-7511 Harry R. Harris, Assistant Inspector General for Microcom puter Lab, Bldg. 717, Ballbo .......272-7448 Capt. William B Huff, Jr. Asst. Canal Opns. Captain ...272-421 R. J. Hauser, ChefSpei .& Est Br (ECEX) .....272 1 705 Timothy J. Corrigan, Chief (GSPO) ........272-3237 0 .4ions ..7. . ..,. 272 3142 6 a4 rn Training Cente, Bldg. 206, Gat7 .7. .443-5224 C 7 4al P 7rt Cap s, Son Dstric, Bidg 9 La Boca 22-4211 J A. Brady, Chief, Met. and Hyd Br (ECEH ..272 1729 Ala A. Howell, General Fo (ma 7 7 ..272 3237 Room 113, A7d47n4s47 ation Building investigators ........37. 272 3142 Chief, Industrial Training Branch, Canal Operations Unit, Northern District, R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Branch, Bldg. 9212, Arold Cevall22s M Printing SpcI alCE t .272 7579 0444INOnl 037,)tPoueetEeho (14 47 7 4 ,4 ,. 272 0500 FAD AT .-.1 7 46D 7lh 47777 3 o ,.,. ..272-4770 Blg10,CN AL OPERATIONS .UNIT 20 1 77 Pedro Miguel (74,8)7 ..272 31619 ou ~,Riiriiu ..,. ,.2233 NOTE: IF YOU RECEIVE A COLLECT CALL DIRECT FROM A U.S. OR OVERSEAS OPERATOR, POLICY REQUIRES THAT YOU HAVE THE OPERATOR REDIRECT THE CALL THROUGH THE COMMISSION OPERATOR AT (507) 263-6354. FROM U.S.A. TOLL FREE: 1(800) 62 CANAL (622-2625) PCC OPERATOR WILL ANSWER, GIVE LOCAL OFFICIAL TELEPHONE NUMBER. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESSES MAI7-PANAMA: BALBOA, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA MAIL-UNITED STATES: UNIT 2300,APO AA 34011-2300 FACSIMILE: (507) 272-2122 TELEX: 3034 PCCAMRM PG CABLE: PANCANALCO-PANAMA Published by the Records Management Branch

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