Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00028428/00045
Material Information
- Title:
- Panama Canal Organizational Directories
- Creator:
- Panama Canal Commission
- Donor:
- Panzer, Pat
- Language:
- English
- Measurements:
- 16 x 22 inches
- Genre:
- federal government publication ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- Panama -- Panama Canal Zone
- Abstract:
- This set of organizational directories covers the years from 1975-1998 and lists names and phone numbers of various employees in administrative departments.
- General Note:
- 52 pages
- General Note:
- This gift was made in memory of Bob Panzer.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not protected by copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.
Aggregation Information
- PCM:
- Panama and the Canal
- IUF:
- University of Florida
- Documents of the Panama Canal
- Panama Canal Museum Inventory
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"The Panama Canal-Providing passage into the twenty-first century"
"El Canal de Panamd-Asegurando el paso hacia el siglo veintiuno"
March 1995
Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights
GILBERTO GUARDIA F., Administrator (AD)................................... 52-3169
Maria Luisa [angman-Spencer, Secretary ................................. 52-3100
RAYMOND P. LAVERTY, Deputy Administrator (DA) .............................52-3103
Thelma L. De La Mater, Secretary .................................52-7914
Anna L. Pescod, Staff Assistant to the Administrator, Room 225 (ADSA)......... 52-7870/3536
Rooms 201-212, Administration Building, Balboa Heights
JAMES E. FERRARA, Director (AE) ........................................
Jacqueline E. Carison, Secretary .........................................
Thomas C. Duty, Deputy Director .........................................
Assistant Director, Policy and Programs (AEPD) ...............................
Diana 1. Williams, Assistant to Director, Board Matters (AEBD) .....................
Jaime A. Bocanegra, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator (AA) ............
International Square
1825 I Street NWW, Suite 1050 Washington, DC 20006-5402 (202) 634-6441
MICHAEL RHODE, Jr., Secretary,
Panama Canal Commission (WO).....-...-.......52-3050
Kelly Dawson, Secretary....................... 52-3050
Linda R. Tower, Administrative Services Officer..-......52-3050
Virginia Allen, Assistant to the Secretary for
Board Affairs .............................. 52-3050
Barbara Fuller, Assistant to the Secretary for
Commission Affairs.. -....................... 52-3050
Barbara Bonanno, Assistant to the Secretary for
Financial Affairs. .. -......................... 52-3050
David Ballenger, General Attorney/Assistant to the
Secretary for Congressional Affairs ............. 52-3050
Rooms 230-233, Administration Building
RICHARD A. WAINIO, Director (EP).....-............52-7961
Priscilla L. Hernandez, Secretary.................52-3417
Deputy Director (EPXD) ......................... . 52-3586
William S. Hinkle, Assistant to Director (EPXP).........52-7806
Robert H. Emerick, U.S. Co-chairman,
Ports and Railroad Committee (EPPR) ............52-3228
Gladys C. de Dominguez, Administrative Officer (EPXA) 52-3108 ECONOMIC RESEARCH AND MARKET DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Room 310
Ivette Ng de Jan, Chief (EPEM)..............
Economic Research Branch (EPER).............
Staff ..............................
Market Development Branch (EPED)............
Staff ........................................
Room 266
Richard B. Horne, Chief (EPMP) .................
Steve S. Belok, Chief, Industrial Engineering
Branch (EPMI) .............................
Staff ..................................
Rdolfo R. Sabonge, Chief, Management Analysis Branch (EPMA) Staff ... ............. ........................
52-3586 52-3370 52-1609 52-7898 52-1631
52-3463 52-77 15 52-7734 527742
Dr. David C. Baerg, Chief (EPCI) ................. 52-7508
Gustavo De La Guardia, Senior Industrial
Engineer (EPCS)........................... 52-7897
Rafael E. Vasquez, Capital Program Coordinator (EPCP) 52-3340 Juan H. Diaz, Environmental/Energy Control Officer (EPCE) 52-7830
Room 233, Administration Building, Balboa Heights
WILLIAM S. HINKLE, Ombudsman (OM)......-.......52-7806
PCC Hotline ................................... 52-7474
Room 338, Administration Building
JOHN L. HAINES, Jr., General Counsel/
U.S. Representative to the Coordinating
Committee (GC)-----------------------52-7511
Emilie D. Holness, Supervisory Legal Technician ..... 52-7511 Theodore G. Lucas, Acting Deputy General Counsel/
Procurement Executive (PE)................. 52-7511
Lydia R. Vasquez, Assistant General Counsel..........52-7511
Jay Sieleman, Acting Assistant General Counsel--------52-7511 Albert J. Joyce, Competition Advocate (CA)-----------.52-7511
Attorneys------------------------------..... 52-7511
Room 326, Administration Building
Marine Accident/Miscellaneous General Claims (GCCL) 52-3505 Lily F. Sagel, Supory. Gen. Claims Examiner----------..52-3505
General Claims Examiners.-................ . .... 52-3231
Room 311, Administration Building
John T. Bowman, Treaty Affairs Officer (GCTA).........52-7511
Room 113, Administration Building
James N. Doyle, Asst. Procurement Executive (PE)-......52-7511
Room 254, Administration Building
Carolyn H. Twohy, Chief (AM)..................
Berta E. Briceho, Administrative Officer (AMXA).
Janice A. Surgeon, Budget Officer,
Room 269 (AMXB) .....................
Thomas E. Pierce, Chief, Staff Support Branch,
Room 254 (AMSA)(.......................
FOIA/PA Staff, Room 279 (AMSF)....... ......
M. Jeanne Hinek, Chief, Records Management Branch,
Room 14-B (AMRM) .........................
Current Records Section (AMRS).............
Vital Statistics Unit, Room 2 (AMRV)...........
Mail System, Room 143 (AMRP) ..................
Agency Records Center, Bldg. 42-D, Diablo Hts. (AMRC . .
Agency Microfilm Unit Bldg. 42-D, Diablo Hts. (AMRA) . . Sofia Villalaz, Chief, Language Services Branch,
Room 14-A (AMLS)....... .....................
Gladys Diaz-Saarinen, Supervisor, Lands Management
Unit, Room 273 (AMCL)(...................
Ellen W. Anderson, Chief, Transportation Services
Branch,HEmployee Services Bldg. 5140,
Diablo Hts. )AMTR --. -. -...................
Employee Documentation, Pacific (AMTE)........
Employee Documentation, Atlantic, Bldg. 215, Gatun
52-3519 52-3519 52-7601 52-3122 52-7697 52-3305
52-7757 52-7991 52-3178 52-7995 52-7520 52-7767 52-3118 52-7854 52-7681 52-3575 52-3313 52-3488 52-7823
52-3325 52-3238 43-7213
Employee Relations Center, Building 37, Balboa
MICHAEL N. STEPHENSON, Director (IR)............52-3109
C. T. Smith, Deputy Director (IRDI)............52-3186/3341
Labor Relations Specialists----------------..52-3186/3341
Room 103, Administration Building
WILLIE K. FRIAR, Director (PA) ..................
Secretary ...................................
Ana Maria de Troitito, Administrative Officer ........ Janet Len-Rios, Associate Director, International
Media/Publications ...................
Franklin D. Castrell6n, Associate Director, Local
Media/Community Relations ..................
Jennifer Jones, Spillway Editor.................
Melvin . Kennedy, Chie, Graphic Branch (PAGF) . . Antonio Grenald, Supervisor, Orientation Service,
Miraflores Locks ............ ... .........
For official tours of Miraflores Locks:
Monday-Friday .........................
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays ..............
52-3165 52-3165 52-3521
52-3202 52-3202 52-32 17
52-3187 52-5463
OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Employee Relations Center, Building 37, Balboa
TILCIA R. McTAGGART, Director (ED) ............... 52-3101
Blanca Hauke, Secretary..-............-.........52-3638
Dr. Raymond A. George, Special Emphasis
Programs Manager/EEO Investigator-.--- ''--.52-3233 Vielka Sowley, EEO Specialist/EEO Investigator--------.52-7415
PETER A. LIEHR, Inspector General (IG) .............
Itzel E. Krapfl, Secretary........ ..........
William C. Forbes, Deputy Inspector General ........ Joan Ohman, Assistant to Inspector General for
Resource Management .................
Shirley E Maduro, Administrative Officer (IGXA)
Room 238, Admin. Bldg...................
Ronald F. Keeney, Audit Manager ..................
Elsa M. Jaramillo, Audit Manager ..............
Auditors ................................
Basement, Building 6529, Corozal
Charles L. Ellis, Assistant Inspector General for
Investigations ..............................
Investigators ............. .... ............
52-3142 52-3142 52-3142
52-3142 52-3142 52-3142
52-3142 52-3 142 52-780 1
Room 236, Administration Building
NORBERT E. KRAEGEL, Chief Financial Officer (FM).. . . 52-3194
Myrna 1. Castillero, Admin. Staff Asst............. 52-7906
Duane A. Rigby, Deputy Chief Financial Officer....... 52-3580 Assistant Chief Financial Officer ................. 52-7906
Shirley E Maduro, Administrative Officer, Room 238 (FMXA) 52-7636 SYSTEMS DIVISION
Building 6529, Corozal
Patricia Chan, Chief (FMSS)................... 52-3650
Edward J. McAleer, Supervisory Systems Accountant ... 52-7956 Hercilia de Chen, Supervisory Management Analyst .... 52-7956 Annabella K. lbahez, Supervisory Systems Accountant . . 52-7956 Stuff............. -.....................52-3501
Chart of Accounts/FSM Procedures...............52-3471
Building 725, Balboa
John F. Hern, Jr., Chief Accountant (FMAC) ..........52-4727
Victoria Beare, Assistant to Chief Accountant......... 52-4727 Ilya E. de Marotta, Valuation Engineer............ 52-4741
Charles R. Eckerle, Reports and Analysis Staff (FMAR) . . 52-4701 Eva Chen, General Ledger Branch (FMAD) ...........52-4737
Regina Morris, Agents Accts. Branch (FMAA)......... 52-4300
W. E. Hattabaugh, Payroll Branch (FMAP) ...........52-4333
Gisela Calvo, Typing Unit (FMAT) ................ 52-4728
Building 725, Balboa
Robert Q. Won. Treasurer (FMTR) ................ 52-4725
Louis A. Vogel, Jr., Assistant Treasurer.............52-4725
Ronald D. Walton, Assistant to Treasurer, Pacific .......52-4725 Administration Building Vault ................... 52-3249
Sofia Yhap, Assistant to Treasurer, Atlantic,
Treasury Branch, Building 206, Gatun (FMTA) .... 43-5400
Room 102-104, Administration Building
Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) ............... 52-3137
Marilyn V. Young, Rates and Analysis Branch/
Cost Control Officer (FMFR)................dF 52-3287
Valentine D. Lynch, Tolls and Special Studies (FMFT) . .. 52-7434
Room 106, Administration Building
Thomas L. Matthews, Chief (FMBD) .............. 52-7690
Amanda K. O Meally, Supervisor, Budget Formulation ... 52-3444 Mark Saunders, Supervisor, Budget Execution ........52-3444 Staff ................................52-3334
Room 145, Administration Building
C. J. Goodwin, Chief (FMIS) ................... 52-3460
Room 145, Administration Building
Maria D. Allen, Chief (FMIT) ................... 52-7446
H. D. Phelps, Equipment Analyst ................. 52-7671
Room 146, Administration Building
Alan D. Gordon, Chiefl(FMDP).................. 52-3550
James A. Brewer, Systems Maintenance ............ 52-7952
Lou Ellen Gibson, Systems Design ................ 52-4630
Norita P. Scoff, Office Automation ................ 52-3655
End-User Computing Support Center (FMSC) .... 52-7559/7207 PROFS User Assistance ....................... 52-3997
Building 721, Balboa
P. Vincent Lopez, Systems Design ................ 52-4811
Systems Development Staff ................ 52-7151/4812
Building 628, Balboa Heights
Mary H. West, Systems Design ..................
TRS Training Facility.........................
Room 146, Administration Building
James C. Gibbs, Chief (FMCO) ..................
Rodolfo G. Smith, Data Entry and Controls Branch,
Room 16 (FMCD) .......................
Henry E. Sanchez, Central Computer Operations
Branch )FMCC) ......................
Carmen Pimentel, Network Analyst ...............
Network Control Center-On-Line Help Desk (FMCN) ... Systems Development Computer Facility,
Building 721, Balboa .....................
52-1916 52-4816
52-7468 52-3162
52-3424 52- 1937 52-7777 52-7093
Room 243, Administration Building
GEORGE A. MERCIER, Personnel Director (PR) ........52-3277
Dagmar de Bolivar, Secretary .................52-3277
Mary K. Vidaurri, Deputy Personnel Director .........52-3351
Glenda Smith, Budget Officer, Room 247 (PRXB) .......52-3558 Anita J. Oberholtzer, Personnel Reference Unit, Bldg. 365,
Ancon (PRXR) ......................... 52-7900
Room 243, Administration Building
Alicia W. Chen, Associate Director (PRXP)...........52-3466
Policy and Programs Staff....................52-3466
Dolores A. Eskildsen, Administrative Officer,
Room 251 (PRXA) ....................... 52-3544
Thomas V. Bright, Incentive Awards Unit, Bldg. 287,
Ancon (PRXI)...........................52-7965
Building 0602, Balboa Heights
Edilberto A. Yee, Associate Director (PRHR) ..........52-4177
Pamela W. de Garcia, Employee and Management
Development Branch (PRHM)............... 52-4163
Receptionist (General Information)...............52-4182
Special Programs and Contracted Training.......... 52-4155
In-House Training Programs .................... 52-4170
Language Training........................- 52-4171
Multimedia Center, Bldg. 717, Balboa ............52-1376
Microcomputer Lab, Bldg. 717, Balboa........... 52-7448
Gatun Training Center, Bldg. 206, Gatun .......... 43-5224
Rodolfo J. Lammie, Industrial Training Branch,
Bldg. 2A-3, Balboa (PRHI).................. 52-4190
Flix A. Fil6s-Remotti, Chief (PROP) ..............52-3335
Receptionist (General Information) ............... 52-7595
Kari K. Mclvaine, Adverse Actions Branch,
Bldg. 287, Ancon (PROD) .................. 52-4393
Debt Counseling........................52-3934
Mario A. Rodriguez S., Employment & Placement Br. (PROE) 52-3583
E&C Bureau and Staff Units .................. 52-3583
General Services and Marine Bureaus ............52-3583
Special Placement .......................52-3583
Carmen A. McSween, Pers. Recds.-Admin. Br. (PROR). .. 52-3311
Jaime Chang C., Coordinator, Pers. Mgmt. Syst.,
Bldg. 365, Ancon (PROM) ................ 52-3 120
Personnel Data Control, Bldg. 365, Ancon..........52-3254
Induction............................ 52-3522
Personnel Actions ..........................52-3311
Personnel Files .......................... 52-3376
David J. Niedzialek, Position Classification Br. (PROW) . . 52-3336
General Services and E&C Bureaus............. 52-3176
Marine Bureau and Staff Units ................ 52-3454
Walter C. Bottin, Retirement & Insurance Branch,
Bldg. 287, Ancon (PROS) .................. 52-7831
Insurance .............................. 52-7831
Retirement ..............................52-3160
Dr. Maria A. Antoniadis, Chief (PRDH)............. 52-7968
Katia Paredes, Supvry. Clerical Assistant ..........52-7968
Dr. Alfredo Pascal, Chief, Clinical Services
Branch (PROS) ......................... 52-7968
Physical Examination Center (Pacific)........ 52-7108/4815
Dr. Lorna Engleman, Occupational Health Officer (Atlantic)
Bldg. 5130, Mt. Hope .................... 43-7336
Physical Examination Center (Atlantic) ..........43-7336
Karen Coffey, Supvry, Occupational Health Nurse (PRDN) 52-7108 Barbara B. Ledezma, Chief, Employee Assistance
Branch (PRDX) ......................... 52-7968
Denia Pimentel, Employee Counseling Coordinator,
Bldg. 288, Ancon (PRDR) .................. 52-7885
Alida Dos Santos, Chief, Workers' Compensation/
CSS Claims Assistance Office (PRDC)...........52-3431
Building 365, Ancon
William H. M. Brunner, Chief (PRSF)..............52-3385
Receptionist (General Information) ...............52-3289
Lorena M. de Adames, Admin. Svcs. Asst. (PRSA) ...... 52-3344
Alfonso E. Regis, Chief, Industrial Hygiene
Branch (PRSI), Bldg. 715, Balboa .............52-7713
Richard S. Zornes, Chief, Safety Operations
Branch (PRSO)....................... 52-3353
David Dempsey, Crane/Diving Safety........... 52-7809
Charles M. Monaghan, Safety Programs (PRSP)(........52-3356 Bryant W. Teale, Chief, Safety Training
Branch (PRST) ......................... 52-7529
ROBERT H. RUPP, Executive Director (PB) .......... 52-7890
Maria Gabriela Avila, Secretary .................. 52-7890
Robert T. Russell, Special Assistant for Treaty
Implementation Planning/Personnel...........52-3292
Margie A. Alvarez, Manager (PBCE).............. 52-7682
Assistant Manager ......................... 52-7682
Examining and Certification;
Records/Federal Job Information Center........ 52-3584
Open Registers-English ............. 52-3587/43-7204
Open Registers-Spanish ............ 52-7077/43-4846
Marine Bureau Building 729, Second Floor, Balboa
Capt. G. T. HULL, USN (Ret.) Director (MR)..........52-4500
Maly Jakn, Secretary..................... 52-4500
C. A. Alvarado, Deputy Director (MRXD ............ 52-4500
Administrative Unit:
Loraine L. Foster, Administrative Officer (MRXA) . . . . 52-4516 Frank Alberga, Employee Relations Specialist (MRXL).... 52-4516 Marta de Gracia, Administrative Services Officer (Staff) .... 52-4516 Resource Management Unit:
William 0. Cofer, Assistant to Director
(Resources) (MRXR) .....................52-4500
Fiscal Section:
Vicki L. Bo ukalis, Budget Officer (MRXB)(..........52-4517
Olga E. Ferrara, Budget Analyst................ 52-4517
Eduardo Smith, Locks Budget Analyst ............52-4517
Yariela de Brandao, Nav. Svcs. Budget Analyst ..... 52-4517 Engineering Section:
James R. Freeman, Staff Engineer (MRXE).........52-4531
Vicente A. Shields, Industrial Engineer (MRXI).......52-4531 Computer Management Section:
Gabriel 0. Mouynes, Supvry. Management Analyst (MRXM) 52-4526 Personnel Programs SectionVirginia E. Lee, Management Analyst (MRXS)(........52-4990 MARINE SAFETY UNIT
Building 998, La Boca
Capt. Donald E. Bodron, Special Assistant to
Director (MRRM)...................52-4243/4244
Hazardous Cargo.................... 52-4219/1312
Floating Equipment Inspection ............ 52-4229/3005
Capt. M. M. Fanning, Chairman (MRBL)............52-3403
Marine Bureau Building 729, Third Floor, Balboa
Capt. 0. Allard, Chief (MRMT).................. 52-4550
Assistant Chief ..............................52-4550
Julieta Lavalas, Admin. Svcs. Asst. ...............52-4550
Training Coordinator ........................ 52-4550
Capt. M. T. Collazos, Seamanship and Towboat
Training Officer....................... 52-4550
Capt E. Samaniego, Asst.Seamanshipand Towboat Tng. Officer 52-4550
Building 910, La Boca
Capt. G. A. Markham, Canal Operations Captain (MRCO) 52-4211 Capt. William B. Huff, Jr., Asst. Canal Opns. Captain .... 52-4211 Canal Port Captains, Southern District, Bldg. 910, La Boca 52-4211 Canal Operations Unit, Northern District,
Bldg. 1000, Cristobal ..................... 43-2201
Canal Port Captains, Northern District,
Bldg. 1000, Cristobal..................... 43-2201
Building 726, Balboa
Capt. James R. Kaufman, Chief Pilot (MRCP) ........ Assistant Chief ....... ........
Matilde P. Guardia, Administrative Serces Officer ... R. V. Barnett, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling Unit (MRPR)
Marine Bureau Building 729, First Floor, Balboa
J. M. Eberenz, Director (MRAM).................
J. A. Melgar, Chief Admeasurer ..................
M. A. Le6n, Administrative Services Assistant ........ Supervisory Admeasurers .....................
Billing/Ship Data Bank Section .................
Admeasurement Office, Building 1000, Cristobal ......
Marine Bureau Building 729, First Floor, Balboa
J. L. Quijano, Chief (MRLC)....................
H. Escoffery, Chief, Engineering and Planning
Section (MRLE).........................
Silvia M. Glasscock, Administrative Officer ..........
Ivan A. Lasso, Plant Engineer ...................
Noris Lopez, Industrial Engineer ...............
Jorge Vasquez, Major Projects Manager ............
F. Sucre, Overhaul Engineer ...................
Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks
H. Acevedo, Superintendent (MRLP) ..............
Assistant Superintendent......................
Anna M. Cofer, Supvry. Admin. Svcs. Asst...........
Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks
A. Gianareas, Superintendent (MRLA)...........
R. Alvarez, Assistant Superintendent............
Alexandra Wong, Supvry. Admin. Svcs. Asst........
Sam H. Mann, Chief (MRTM)................
Eric N. Espino, Assistant Chiefl..................
M. L. Tutzauer, Chief, Sys. Support Br. (MRTS) .......
Georgette B. Aguina, Admin. Svcs. Asst.............
Marine Traffic Control Center General Information .....
Building 6007, Diablo Heights
R. M. Spalding, Chief (MRCS)..................
C. A. Cockburn, Assistant Chief ..................
Phyllis C. Magee, Administrative Officer ............
N. W. Watkins, Fleet Engineer ..................
Capt. A. R. Briem, Fleet Master ..................
C. R. Simpson, Superintendent, Towboat Branch,
Bldg. 6000, Diablo Hts. (MRCT) ..............
Port Engineer, Bldg. 5082, Mt. Hope ..............
Capt. W. R. Boggs, Towboat Manager, Northern District,
Bldg. 14, Gatun ........................
T. Rowe, Engineer Manager, Northern Shore Station,
Bldg. 14, Gatun ........................
Capt. S. E. Jimenez, Towboat Manager, Southern District,
Bldg. 6000, Diablo Hts....................
R. A. Roscoe, Engineer Manager, Southern Shore Station,
Bldg. 6000A, Diablo Hts . ..................
D. P. Konawicz, Superintendent, Launch/Linehandling
Branch, Bldg. 6007, Diablo Hts. (MRCL) ........ R. D. Dunlap, Chief, Launch/Linehandling Northern District,
Bldg. 14, Gatun......................
Chief, Launch/Linehandling Southern District,
Las Cruces Landing..................
52-4230 52-4230 52-4230 52-4235
52-4567 52-4567 52-4567 52-4570 52-4530
52-4255 52-4255 52-4255 52-4255 52-4255 52-4255
52-8214 52-8214
43-8700 43-8700 43-8776
52-4220 52-4220 52-4245 52-4220 52-4200
52-4591 52-4591 52-4597 52-4597 52-4597
52-4548 43-7437
Room 318, Administration Building
N. H. VASQUEZ, Director (EC)................
Vicky R. Wong, Secretary ....................
M. T. Anaya, Administrative Officer (ECXA).........
Programs and Budget (ECXB)...................
L. M. Drennan, Locks Coordinator (ECXL) . . . . . . . . . . .
F. M artinez, Special Studies (ECXC). . . . . . . . .. .. .*.
Building 37, Balboa
J. J. Hannigan, Chiefl(ECCN)................
Main Office ...............................
Kelly Santos, Administrative Services Assistant ....... Contract Management Units:
G. Schatan, Locks/Northern District Contracts ......
E. Isaza, Southern District Contracts ............
R. Wallace, Housing Contracts ................
Northern District Inspectors
Bldg. 119-A, Gatun....................
Building 33, Gamboa
A. E. Diaz, Chief (ECDR) ......................
Main Office............................
Iveff Jules, Administrative Officer (ECDA......... Liriola de Sandoval, Chief, Engr. Plans and Programs
Section (ECDE).........................
Raul Ricord, Chief, Control Section (ECDC)........ J. R Rodriguez, Chief, Operations Branch (ECDO) ..... Chief, Drilling and Blasting Branch (ECDB).......... Luis Santanach, Chief, Repair Branch (ECDM) ........ D. Broce, Chief, Support Branch (ECDS) .... ..... . ..
C. Von Chong, Chief, Aquatic Vegetation and Oil Pollution
Management Branch (ECDV)................
Building 66A, Balboa
E. D. Schnack, Chief (ECLE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Main Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vera Riba, Administrative Officer (ECLA) . . . . . . . . . . .
C. H. Harrill, Jr., Chief, Comm. Br. (ECLC)...........
J. P. Bradley, Chief, Elec. Interior Br. (ECLI) .........
Lorenzo Chan, Chief, Elec. Exterior Br. (ECLO) ........ Manuel E. Benitez, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP)(..........
N. Kraemer, Chief, Electronics Br. (ECLX) ...........
Room 343, Administration Building
T. W. Drohan, Chief (ECEG/Deputy EC Director.. J. F. Cordovex 0., Assistant Chief ...............
V. Nevarez, Administrative Officer (ECEO)......... A. Ponce P., Chief, Architectural Branch (ECEA).. C. A. Kiamco, Chief, Civil Branch (ECEC) ...........
A. Raven, Chief, Electrical Branch (ECEE) ...........
L. D. Alfaro, Chief, Geotechnical Br. (ECET) ..........
D. J. McKeon, Chief, Mechanical Branch (ECEM) ...... R. J. Hauser, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX).......
J. A. Brady, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECEH).........
R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Branch, Bldg. 9212,
Pedro Miguel (ECEV) .....................
52-7684 52-3527 52-3375 52-3485 52-7028 52-3543
52-7205 52-7927 52-7205
52-7826 52-3517 52-3957
56-6232 56-668 1 56-622 1
56-6340 56-6640 56-6264 56-6265 56-6885 56-6867
52-4410 52-4421 52-4401 52-4428 52-4442 52-4417 52-4416 52-4101
52- 7585 523180 52-7982 52-3556 52-36 19
52-3419 52-3389 52-7895 52-1705 52-1729
Building 5082, Mount Hope
C. P. Corrigan, Chief (ECIN)................
H. A. Laatz, AdministrativeNOfficer (ECIA) .........
D. S. Miller, Chief, Support Branch (ECIS).........
R. A. Rankin, Chief, Production/Planning Branch (ECIP)
Chief Planner ............................
A. Cohen, Chief, Engineering Branch (ECIE) .........
E. E. Sanchez, Chief (ECME)...................
Receptionist (General Information) ...............
Danaliz Angelkos, Administrative Officer (ECMA) ...... E. G. Saenz, Utilities Maintenance Branch (ECMU) ..... R. M. Fernindez, Interior Maintenance Branch (ECMI) .... G. Berman, Exterior Maintenance Branch (ECMO) .....
43-7472 43-7234 43-7256 43-7382
52-4003 52-4005 52-4005 52-4121 52-7917
General Services Building 28, Second Floor, Balboa
R. VAN HOORDE, Director (GS) ................. 52-4061
Elsa de Ramirez, Secretary .................. 52-4061
Charles Morris, Deputy Director ................ 52-4061
M K. Baker, Chief Contracting Officer (GSCO) .........52-4075
Vivian Diaz, Labor Relations Officer (GSXL).......... 52-4061
Vielka L. Maturell, Administrative Officer (GSXA) .......52-4068 Viodelda J. Miller, Budget Officer (GSXB)............ 52-4060
Enrique Gualde, Management Analyst (Computers) (GSXM) 52-7075
General Services Building 28, First Floor, Balboa
Jacinto Wong, Chief (GSCP) ...................52-4646
James S. Kraemer, Assistant Chief...............52-4646
J. A. Escala, Chief, Pacific Branch (GSCC) ........... 52-7541
Pacific Guard Operations...................... 52-3669
A. T. Malcolm, Chief, Atlantic Branch, Bldg. 40,
Gatun (GSCG)........................43-5294
Atlantic Guard Operations ..................... 43-5294
Building 635, Balboa Heights
Ernesto Cordovez D., Chief (GSSD)...............52-3577
M. I. Lopez, Assistant to Chief..................52-3577
Sybil Ameer, Administrative Officer...............52-7921
Mario Barboza, Budget Officer..................52-3288
Richard Linton, Chief, Housing and
Buildings Branch (GSSD-HB)................ 52-3133
Housing Office, Balboa....................... 52-3384
Buildings Office, Bldg. 5051-X, Diablo .............52-3685
Housing and Buildings Office, Bldg. 215, Gatun ........43-5648 Furniture Pool, Bldg. 78, Balboa .................52-7882
Jose C. Jaen, Chief, Employee Fitness Branch, Employee
Services Building 5140, Diablo Hts. (GSSF).......52-3634 Roberto Sarmiento, Chief, Technical Resources Center
Bldg. 38, Balboa (GSST) ................... 52-4920
Information Desk ......................... 52-4929
Luis F. Perez B., Chief, Sanitation and Grounds Branch,
Bldg. 6531, Corozal (GSSG)................. 52-7605
Dr. M. M. Boreham, Entomology Unit, Bldg. 6534,
Corozal (GSSE)........................52-7984
Grounds Office, Bldg. 6531, Corozal .............. 52-3319
Sanitation Office, Bldg. 6529, Corozal ..............52-3243
Grounds Office, Telfers Island .................. 43-5253
Sanitation Office, Bldg. 5116, Mt. Hope ............ 43-7279
Rodman F. Brayton, Chief (GSFI)................ 52-4638
A. Gonzalez, Assistant to the Chieft................ 52-7735
Z. White, Administrative Officer .................52-4638
B. Quirs, Assistant Chief,S. D., Bldg. 560, Corozal .... 52-3286 H. Wallace Teal, Asst. Chief, N. D., Bldg. 12, Gatun .......43-7282
J. Narvaez, Fire Protection Engineer............... 52-3857
Training Officer, Bldg. 754, Balboa ...............52-3691
General Services Building 28, Third Floor, Balboa
Henry Stec, Chief (GSLS) .....................52-4650
E. Marquez, Assistant Chiet...................52-4650
Elida C. de Arias, Administrative Officer ............ 52-4672
G. Russell, Budget Officer.................... 52-4670
H. Womble, Chief, Inventory Mgt. Br. (GSLI)..........52-4620
M. Chirino, Chief, Purch. and Cont. Branch (GSLP) ..... 52-4687 A. Ceballos, Chief, Warehousing Branch, Bldg. 5 (GSLW) . . 52-7785
Storekeeper, Mount Hope ...................43-7456
Excess Disposal, Bldg. 42 (GSLE) ................ 52-3062
G. P. Risberg, Chief, New Orleans Branch,
4400 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, LA 70146-6800
(GSNO) [(504)948-5299] .................. 52-6652
E. B. Hickman, Chief (GSMT)................
R. Eisenmann, Assistant Chief/Superintendent,
Southern District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
R. Bermodez, Assistant to the Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mrs. J. G. Holder, Administrative Officer . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dispatcher, Southern District................
Driver Examiner .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....
Short Trip Service......................
W. Seeley, Superintendent, Northern District. Dispatcher, Northern District. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...
52-7990 52-3937 52-7731 52-3301 52-7822
52-3429 43-7246 43-7358
Building 5140, Diablo Heights
Rolando E. Winberg, Chief Liaison Officer (GSLO) ..... 52-3324 Liaison Office, Pacific........................ 52-3324
Liaison Office, Atlantic, Bldg. 206, Gatun (GSLA) ...... 43-4200 24-Hour On-Call Service ............ 52-3324/43-4200/113
Building 911, La Boca
Timothy J. Corrigan, Chief (GSPO)............... 52-3237
Allan A. Howell, General Foreman ................ 52-3674
Arnoldo Cevallos M., Requisitions ................ 52-7579
Compiled by the Records Management Branch.
UNITED STATES: UNIT 2300, APO AA 34011-2300
5, 5, 5', 5,' 5,'
FACSIMILE: (507)52-2122
Full Text |
"The Panama Canal-Providing passage into the twenty-first century" "El Canal de Panamd-Asegurando el paso hacia el siglo veintiuno" March 1995 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL OPERATIONS DIVISION PILOT DIVISION INDUSTRIAL DIVISION & QReem 236, Administrator, Boling biding 366, Amocon Building 726, Balboa Building 5082, Men Hope r NORBERT E. KRAEGEL, Chief Financial office, (FM) ...523194 FEix A. Fil6 s-Renmot, Chief (PROP) .523335 Capt. James R. Kaufman, Chief Pilot (MRCP) ..524230 1 P C Chief CI 437392 Reepiois (General 43frmaion .46.296.44)7) 5)) 5)0) ...52 7595 Asitn 7he ....524230 *P 7)f(6() .4 39 PA N A IA C A N A. dn-Sa at. 5296 Kr Lo e CAdverse Actions Branch fbde P, Guara, Adiitaie Servces Office, 543 1A Lazrrgdministrative Officer (ECO ) .43 7472 dPA NA M A CA NA L CO M M ISSIO N 04 y.Anson (PROD) .524393 R, V Barnett Chief, Eict Rotation and Scheduling Unit (MRPR) 524235 D S Mller, ChiefSlppr Branch (EC I S) .4.4.5.).0.0. 43-7234 A sistant Ch(of Financial Officer ...527906 5d g 5243934 R A Back,,, Chief, Pro7d6ton/Planig Branch (ECIP) 43 7256 Starkey E Mar Administrative Office, Room 238 (FM6 ) 52-7636 Marebt .unsring .m. e. .52-3 3 ADMEASUREMENT DIVISION Chiet Pano ..6 .....43-7382 CA7 BALBOA, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA 704 E e YSE A. E&C iu7ez Sn d tafU t ......52-3583 Marine Burea Building 729, F st Floor, Daf A. Cohen Chief, Engineering Br43 .n 5ECIE) . 43-7426 SYSTES DIISIO E&7Be,. 744n7 Staff4 Unit 04 74. ..5273583 2.4M. Eb.oni, 0)rec04) (4644) ..524567 Building 6529, Cormzal Geeral Srvi)s and Marine Borealis .).0.).0.4.(. 52-3583 2 g Ch ) Adm r ..52456) MAINTENANCE DIVISION 6C4 Cha4 Chief (FMi) .....523650 7sPe)al Placement .523583 M 4A. (eP,6 ) 07777 Adm47 4 s4r464 v norvis As. 52-4567 744~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~os Assistant)444044)74y 575 04744744404P)4M)0) Soo 444)). .52457 Edward J. MrAl3, Supervisory Systems Agco t 2! an A. MCSWeen, ReOdsAdmin. Br PROR) .52 3311 Supersr Admurer ....524570 Bon)ding 8, s) lb.5 HRGrNZ A T IO dIE T R e Chim, Soupervisory Management Analyst .2. 2 527956 Jaime lan C, Coonficalor. ers. Mzgmt. ys So32t.iligShpviaor nky etin. .....2-53 E .h.E.E. 5-40 A)7ab64 K Iba6 ez, Supe r y Systems Acco a .52 B756 64)44444 0Dat 7RO4, B .d ...52-324 dmesurement Office, B32ding 1000, Cristobal ..).).(. 43-2293 Receptionist (General Information) .52-4005 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR -.......523501 Inducton ..52-3522 LOCKS DIVISION D440iz Angels, Admn)atie Office, (ECMA) .52-4005 7har of Accounts/FSM Procedures. .7 ..523471 Personnel Actions ...52-3311 Marine B rea Building 729, Frst Fsh,, Baba E. G S ,,, Utities Maintenance Branch ECMU) . 524121 Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights ACCOUNTING DIVISION Personnel Fips ...52-3376 J L Qija Chief ( .4.P.5.2. 52-4255 R. M Fernandez, interior Maintenance Branch (ECMI) ....52-7917 Buldn 75,BlbaDavid J. Nhed-10le, Position Classification Br. (PROWN) ..52-3336 H. Escoffery, Chiet, Engineering and Planning G. Berman, Exterior Maintenance Branch(ECMO) ...52-4042 GILBERTO GUARDIA F., Administrator (AD). ................................52-351369 336un t 5 ....2 7 Gen al Services andE&C B re7 . 52 3176 Section (MR) .4.4. 52 4255 4 5247 Main4Breu4 n 040 S 446 Unit 6).52 3176 Svia (4666)fA. ,t~tOfie.52-4255 GERASRVCSBEU Maria Luisa Langman-Spencer, Secretary ..................................52-3100 V o i Beare, Assistant to Chief Accountant ..2 W C Bottin, Retirement & insurance Branch, Ivan A. Lss., Plant E er . .G.4.6.6.). 42-424 en0l ices Building 28, second O R CEr, Balboa RAYMOND P. LAVERTY, Deputy Administrator (DA). ............................52-3103 Ilya E. d3 Marotta Valuation Egner ....524727 Bldg 287, A co (PROS) ...52-7831 Nos Lopez, Industral Engineer ..5.(.4. .24255 Thelma ..................................52-79 E4 Chcre GEneray deort anh(FMAD)t.r. 52-47 7 Rimarem n .52-731 F.g rsyue, r a d EP r st ....52-4255 Es dA Ram ire ct ry .524061 52790 144n '644 a4) LodgorBrnc 8466460).524737 Reirmet7,744 .)). 523060 1.40 0 64e04440 ngn ..52-4255 Pls 464 Raioz Secreary74)4 .4.524060 Anna L Pescod, Staff Assistant to the Administrator, Room 225 (ADSA). 52-7870/3536 Begins Morris, Agents Accrs. Branch (FMAA). 524300 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION Pacific Branch, 64d) Miguei Looks Charles Morris, Deputy Director ..52-4061 W E Hattabaugh, Payroll Branch (FMAP). .52-4333 Building 365, A4ccn H. Acved, Supe64ri nt FMRLP) .52-8215 M. K, Bke, Chief Contracting Offic(. (GSCO) .4.K. 52-4075 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION AND TRANSITION COORDINATION Gisela Calv T4yping Unit (FIAT) ..52-4728 Dr. Mari A. A 4t4oniads, Chief (PRDH) .527668 7Ass.stt (4 pernt dent. ....52-8214 Vivian Diaz, Labor R atins Officer 0 GS) 4 XL. 524061 4Tm 20-262 Admins7ra474677(d7ng B4(644 7478) rREASURER'S OFFICE Katia Paredes, Sp4ry Clerical As6(sta4t .27968 )7A 4 M. Cf4r, Spry. Admin. Sys. Asst .52-8214 Velka L Mature, Administrative Officer (GSXA) ..524068 Rod 0122,Adoym traer Bdifin, Blba HigtsBuidang 725, Balbur Dr. Alfred. Pascal, Chief, Clinical Services A tlantic Brooch, Gation Locks Viodelda JI Miller, Budget Officr (GSXB) ......52-4060 JAMES E. FERRARA, Director (AE) ...........................................52-35F1R9 BArn PRD) .D.c. .52796g A. Gi r Superintendent (RLA) .0.4.d.g.0.0. 43 8700 Erqe Guald, Management Analyst (Computrs) (GSXM) 52 7075 (07, 646 ..625 647 PRclExmnonS ..Paiic ...5 .9 7 444744 Aarz Asstn uperintenden (47. 43 8700 6)4 43 *44 6o)7 00 76) 577 Jacqueline E. Carlson, Secretary .........................................52-3519 Lou A ogel' r Ass san(FTr re Dy L a Ex a Oation a Healt icer (Atlantc) / Alexana Ason Sup7 64d entc Ass CANAL PROTECTION DIVISION Thomas C. Duty, Deputy Director .........52-7601 Ronald D. Win, Assistant to Treasurer, Facifi ..52-4725 Bldg. 5130, Mt. Hope .43-7336 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT DIVISION General services Sending28, F)st6Fluor Balboa ardsPnograms,(ALPy)n.P.g.m.(.ED .-322.d.s.at.B.g52-3022.)6)644344ldinE.m523249.ryA4.).4.(54u3249. 4,7336c8Jc(t74mgCh(46G4P34.)440.4444,7644(.P .524-44 Assistant Director, Policy and 44 6 ................................52471 2 S67 Yh7p, Assistant to Tr0 44)a6, Atlantic,4y. p 4H N (PRDN) 52B704 044 4444, R) 4o524220 J s Kr e (As s. .s t 524646 Diana 1. Williams, Assistant to Director, Board Matters (AEBD) .....................52-7697 Treasury Branch, Building 206, Gain (FMTA) .43-5400 Barbara B Ledezma, Chief, Employee Assistance Eric N Espin, Assistant Chief ....524220 J A Escal, Chief, Pac0fic Branch (GSCC) ..52-7541 Jaime A. Bocanegra, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator (AA) ..............52-3305 FINANCIAL PLANNING DIVISION Branch (PRDX) ..52-7968 M L Tt4 ONO, 6 ys, Support B. (MRTS) ..524245 Pacific Guard Operations .....52-3669 Room 102104, Admsr atic-on Buin drig Dena P4mentl, Employee Cos ing Coordinator, Georgtte B. Agia, Admi Svs. Ass(. ....524220 A. T Malcolm, Ch )f Atnti0 Branch, Bldg. 40, Bldg. 288, Ac46 (6RR) ..52-7885 Marine Trothf, Co oto( Center ((r4al information .524200 Gat n (SG) .....45294 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION 7.on A. Schroeder,Chief(Fn s .52-3137 Aici 0 Simoms Ch4ef 04Wor4ers Compensation/ 2A CA G r 844m4254,2,, (40444844(244 Bu47in y 0 Ymin Rates 4)2 Analysi Branch/ 7 744im A-4 Off0)4 4(6607). .52 3436 CANAL SERVICES DIVISION Atlati Guard4)2044)4)6). ..435294 l(tenioal Suare 64,4r4BdCost Curtin] office FM6R ) ...52 3287 SAFETY 0181410ON Buiding 607 Diablo Hoihts 6825 fStroNO, ,Surge 1050 Carolyn H. T44y, Chief (AM) .( .) .52-7757 Valentine D, Lynch, Tells and Special Studies (FMFT) .527434 R. All. Spalding, Chief MRCS) ....524591 FACiLITIES MANAGEMENT AND SUPPORT DIVISION as6ingto 0C 200065402 64746 8770) 6 )4) Am is 007 ) (AMXA) 5279963 C A Cockb n, A4ss7766 t Chief ...524591 Biding 635, Baba Heights (202) 634-6441 47744 07 )4044po dget Officer 0)) 4 .R G N T I4 BUDGET MANAGEMENT DIVISION William H44404 824(6)74)40007 n.52-4590 6444s44644rd4400 D.he 50.)52-3577 MICHAEL RHODE, Jr., Secretary, R44 269 (AMXB) .....52 3178 Rom 106, Adminstrati Buildig Re)p4i(nf (4ne 4a Information) .(.7.4. 523249 .k. .4.4.) .26697 4. 66onsss, tu Chief ). ..52-3577 6000040444 4440 .523660, WO)06o~~ro .74o7 52440 44 lt 46 .26 Loa4aM. daAddi 62 a 007r 67(66) .52 364 N,)6 670 40644007orEniner. 524530 Paam Cna om isio WO .....5-3050 Thomas E. Pierce, Chief, Staff Support Branch, Thomas L. Matthew Chief TENMBD) ...1 527111 oeaM eAdm s d i.Ses st PS). 234 Capt. A. R. Briem, Fleet Master ......52-4597 S b lpe, Adsstn to Cief ......52-3772 Ky Dawson, Scetry. ...523650 6444 74 (AMSA. ....52-7995 Amand2 K. 'l l, Supevis Budget Frmn).) .523 44 ) A 66 6 Ch 6d 4 Hyg3 4 7 6 4s Sepried 0 ) Bmer minister Offyic6 7 ..52 7327 Tyd 6 y 74B 464 0,6)4)0 047070) 07d 7 [ 5260 604o~ Pmeo) 6427(40)57 6 44 424,44 64)00 )7 .234 6 647(6 0566 .5200(13 Bldg 6000, 04767)6t (4677) .524548 447ne 6 4 Budget 0))is 0. ..52 3288 L-3050 FO oA/PA St (4, Room 279 (AMSF) ...55227520 Mark Sa64d76, S(665o03 Budget Ex i .7 Bd 6 .i.b. Hs (M1 .4i .h .4 ario dg 4 in a. 6046444 646074 74,44004570 "Bihr ,CheSft prtin nie lg ,58,MHp .4L. ...435642 440)446 .536 VignaAllen, Assistant to the Secretary for M. Jeanne Hinek. Chief, Records Management Branch Staff ...............2-3334 r anch PS ..s _hef .e7y 3p353n Con, EngnR B g .082V,t Mana. Hop e m itit .Bu .373 i dLingsBn, h hie, H BI .......523 3 Barbara Ed [er, Assistant to the Secretary tor Current Records Section (AMRS) ........521111 -~--~--~--David Demipsey, Crane/Diving Safety ...27 0 Bldg. 14, GCohn ...........43 5642 Housing Office, Balba .........52-3384 Commis4 Affi .....52-3050 Vital Statistics Unit, Room 2 (AMR6 0 4467) .52-7854 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Chrles M. Monaghan Safety Programs PRSP) .523356 0 Ro, Engineer Manager, Northern Shore Station, Buildings Office Bldg. 5051-X, Diablo ...52-3685 Barbara B4a), A s act .the Secretary for Ma( ( System, Room 143 (AMRP) ...52-7681 Room L 4l 4 Amn 4strat on d dn Bryat W. T044, Chief, Safety Training Bldg 14, Gat n _. ...43-5643 Husng and B4 ld447 gs Office dg 2(5 Gt. ...435648 600074 4744 ....52 3056 Agency7727440 626dsCrtr Bd420 047(467oH (AMRC) 52 3505 C.7G.6ookd7Chef)4 ) .236 omh(R ..26 6)7467 5207523 hn,&F oia 46)ger Sothr 40706)44407)64 Funiur 6*040 Bldg0 654l. .527882 David Ballenger, Gene'ral Attorney/Assistant to the Agency Microfilm Unit, Bldg.42-D, Diobde His. (AMIRA) .52-3313 PANAMA AREA PERSONNEL BOARD Bldg. 6000, Diablo HIs. .52 4285 Jose C. Jaen, Chief, Employee Fitness Branch, Employee Secretary or o rsional Aff r ......2 ..3 Sofia Vilala, Chief, Language S0 64 Branch, MIS TECHNICAL SERVICES STAFF PAiN M 653AE CoRN al R. A. Roscoe, Engineer Manager, Southern Shore S0ae, Services Building 5140 iable Hs, (GSSF) .52 3634 Rom 14A (AMLS) ....52 3488 Room 145, Administrato Bu di g RORERT H, R PP, Exe4Btive Diretr (PS) .52-780 B g. 6CI A, DiTld Ht. ..52-4294 Roberto Sm7 iet Chie Technical Res rces Center OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Gladys Dia-Sarnen, S prvior, L nd Management Maia 0 Allen Chief (FMI) ...5207446 Maria Gab la Avia, Secretary ..K w Superintendent, Lanh/Lehandl6ng Bldg. 38, b26 GSS) ..6.0.).0. .).3.B.7.524920 Ro6 s 230-233, Ad-m sraon Blooding Unit, Room 273 (AMCL) ._ .52-7823 H .PO elps, E4 men n ..52-7671 Rbert T .6 177 Sp ial Assitnt for Treaty Branch, Bldg 6007, Di bl H s (MRC .r24549 I mi n Drk ....52-4929 RICHARD A. WAIN10, Director (EP) ...527 Ellen W Anderson Chief, Transportation Services DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION Implem ton Plaoong/Pemnel. ..222 R D Dunap, Chief, Laou40h/3i6e4a4dl4ng Northern District L F. P Chief Sanitation and Gr4u4ds Brac7 L7( Hernandez ,orol "I 5246 Ii Employ4 0)44.Bd.54,. .'i iC '"nd~ghI43 5365 or id 653), 764a 707). ..527605 Priscilla 7 S retsy .52 86417 0a64h, Emy(AM R) .r. B3 667 46dg ...5, 3 CENTRAL EXAMINING OFFICE 76 d0.740 4 .43 r3 B4d4.3 C oolgy U. .6265Deputy Director (EPXD) ......1 .1 5 -586 Dibo Hs A T ). .....5 -325 Room 146, Administration Building Bulig3 3 no he, Launch/Inehandling Southern District, r .M oea ,Etm lg nt lg 5 4 Eo ,k, 40400) 08 286 64640 470,46 4(46 52 3238 4(400D Gordon, Chie) (PP ..52 3556 672,74 36347 a 70 c Lending 70 .2 ....76764-700 ..5298 William S. Hickle, Assstart to Director (EPXP). 52-7806 Em ployed Documentation, Pacific (AMTEM ...-. 232.A.G.d.,.e CMDo.ms.at. ..2-55SasCEcs a d.g.2.2.r.a GE). ...52 ..98.4-7 8 Robert H. Em 7rick, U.&. C chairman, 6m lee D )mn i Atlantic Bldg. 215, Gabon 437213 James A Brewer, Systems Maintenance .52-0652 Ma A. Alinz, Manager (PBCE) .52 682 As0sis4274444ta6)n22840t74 )774 .1376Oo Mooge o .5207682 ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION BUREAU Comn 42ic 0)4dg,2 603) ChI.052-3369 PPrtn andRan,, ad R mmttee(EPC)o.mitte.e. .P .) ..22.L52E 322G8s no ysElslesng .i. .ys.t.m. .ei.b.2.4 3.Ex.m.i.g.d.C.fc52 n4630 3SaAditastronon ufling ani Btldgffce, 29dg.6529 Cooz ...._ .5. 32224 Gladys C. de D7 mge, Administrative Office (EPX 0) 52-308 OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS rta P Sch, Offic Autom .52-365oo Re.o.dr Co. 52-3684 Grounds) ffd Combr 6s52nd R66u. ....45233 64676/cd~ Joob Inforat0) (70)40.52354N 4. VASQUEZDrco 6404(0). 5207644 7)643nd ((0704(0 47fsIsad,._43-5263 ECONOMIC RESEARCH Employ 6, Relations Center, Run(ing 37, Balboa End Usr Ccm puting Supper[ Center (FMSC) .52 7559/ o207 ...43 1204 Vicky R. W0 4g, Secretary .52-3527 SandalOffice Bldg 5116 Mf. Hope .43-7279 66 S 6 s, 7 NAm 4467 .(2 39174,, : :2 Sdi, ..539 poRg47 074627077,4364846 4, T Aoya, 624nstatv Officer 0)) 040 .66) ..52 3375 FiE04 EMR NC SRVESDIIO AND MARKET DEVELOPMENT DIVISION MICHAEL N. STEPHENSON, Director (IR) ..3s ../ 44 A 33y0 Addinv Ofie ( ) ...2 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SERVICES DIVISION C. T. Smith, Deputy Director (FRED .52-3186/3341 A an Budks Crd t (E .XL) 52-7482 Ive6t Ng de Ja4n, Chief (EPEM) 52-3586 0667Laos Rlato Sp a.is.s 52-316/3341 P.Vm.nt Lopez, Systems Design ..7 6 47 ...524811 MARINE R-REAU M 4 0 4 7 2 .52026 B 752 Economic Research Branch (EPER) 0 6 ...523370 Systems Dvl4 on S ff ...52 7151/4812 CPG. o6U47 d g 7294 4 second F06 6 3 r Balboa F Mart Sc al Studies (EC ) .52-3543 Rodman F. 4r 4on, Chief GSF) ..524638 Sto ...52(609 6 434* 628, Balba Heights Cap. G. 7 H' 4( 604) 0 06t 46). 608600 CONSTRUCTION DIVISION A, Gnz76 z, Assistant To th, Chief ..52 7735 44ark 00 .pm .6 .(EPE .521094 OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Mary H. West SystmsDsgn ...52 1916 C. AyJo So 44ry .5. 5d2g 656 0 .ht, A (0)0 ....74638 MANAGEMENT AND PRODUCTIVITY WILLIE K. FRIAR, Di7to0 (PA) ..523165 rin L Fs 4 Adis tv 0774 (4R4) ...5245(6 Ao ....520520 H W( 44 64 Ch) N 0 BOdg. D2, 7 7 .3-7282 ST ES DIVISION ..523165 COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION n A, p o 4 ). 524 6 y m saive Services Assistant .52 7205 J. Nr Fie Proeti Engineer .._ 52-3857 Ana M a de Tro to, Administrative Officer 52352) omidomme v 46m stivr4ic4s Officer (Stff) .5245(6 otact Management Units: Tra ing Offi r, Bldg 754, Balboa .023691 04406 66Roo.()40 )4 0640.464 0 40 .5 466 60 ,744440 4 G 0764)40 I4 rNorhr D ito tat ..5207826 Ro 2 JHomeCe PM ,ant LeRis, Associate Diretor, InternatFonal James C. Gibbs, Chief (FMCO .5. .2.6.5. .52 7468 Resac Management Unit G. S40 o0 thenn District Contract s 44 .5 3517 LOGISTICAL SUPPORT DIVISION Steve S. Belok, Chief, Industria Engineering 04)ki)4D. atr, sso 6 i) 6 6 (F ........52 3(62 (Ror ) G(M ) .....5264566 D8. 7 (y H 7 4 ) .B. .52395 G7n7r74 0,*c 67 0 28, Tr F B Franklin4( D .243 M dG 40ool s o232 Ho*~c, Lo R o 16ho D .5 12 (eore)(R ). 5 47(04 674(4 Wallace Hoin Conrac .744 .57)5740447S -odig2B hrdfor o Stf)Brnc0 TEM. ...5200(5eyESnhz CnrlCuslrOeatosfsa ~tc r ititIsetr 6 6Branch (EoP M o 44.4 .4 B ( ..52 7340 Mdia/Communty Relations ....52-3202 674 E 7 .r Cm52 per7i7s644s 64n Ns G o rs ..4365461 Henry Stec, Chief GSLS) ...524650 RBr~bne hefM m e tA a nyss hr TEPM ) 52-73 MJennifer Jones Sp ia Editor ...AGF) 3 rae Pn NFM r) An. s .l E .........232 ik Frukals Budget Officer (MRXB) ....52 45EG17 BldgIO d1-A Ai .a st .._ .r 62 ,ood 780 770 B'o oa e 6671)tok nlst,. 52 074 01bA0 937 Ogo 00477006424)64naly6). ..5286717 DREDGING DIVSIO 2E 44 86rque 444)7rl~r .5284672 Staf .2-742 Antonio Greond, Supervisor, Onrinaon Servie NetO rk Conrel Centr-On-Line Help pesk (FMCN) ..52 7777 Eduar d iLcks Buidget Analyst .....52-4517 Buoding 33, GSc ohuselBd~tOfcr 247 CANALMiraflores Locks ......52-5463 systems Developmn t Computer Facility, e an Nav Svcs. Budget Analyst .524517 A. E. Diaz, Chief (ECDR) ...06-6232 6 Wumbl B vet g. ..(0L .) .524670 6647372~~~~~~~I i604460444 6C674) (07unhi fa4 Br (EST~. .273 1)7474) .oo ..66 667 46))067. .5204620 Room 303 For cffucial ionis of Perafltres Lucks:,idn 2 ,B lo 52 709, Engineering Section, Mainf Eogf, (MRXE). .-.tatv Ofce E D hii ,C68.Pr1h adCntBanh(G L). .524 0r.0David7. Rickeg, Chio)(6PC. .52 0501 Ao ryI ..52 10 474 Pooooo Po)ogo (46) .253.0.04.(o4 ) y ..06622)1 4 774 646 .548 Gustavo De La Guardia, Senior Industrial Saturdays, Sundays and Holiday04664 s .4 ..5 OFFICE OF PERONNEL ADMINISTRATION Vicent A (2emds, Intio n ..4 S46n0. 0663 7)4(4 E E) ..., ..P .on .egai. 63 tr5 k pr, Moun gp ....l. ..5) (. ) ..52 7785 Engine,_._2_54_3ComputrManaement_____n Section044404440.47.4 50.(7.6700 ..56 6360 StoekeperMont op4. 6437456 E FgEE (6 ) ....527897 Room 243, Administration s ing Gabel 0. Moyne, Sp y. Management An5alst (MRXM 524526 Raul Ricord, Chief, Control Section 7ECDC) ...56-664o Excess Dispsa Bldg 42 (GSLE) ..52 3062 Ra4al E. Vas ), Capital Program Cood at4r 6EPCP) 5203340 OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY GEORGE A. MERCIER, Poo nne Director (PR) .52-3277 Prso.n. Programs Section J R Rodriguez, Chief Operations Branch (ECDO) .56 6264 G P Risberg, Che, New Orleans Branch Juan H, Diaz, En ronmental/Enrgy Control Offer (EPCE) 52-7830 47 ,Dag47r d( Boi64r, Secretary .52-3277 Virginia Le,, Management Alyst rX .52-4990 Chif, Dring and Blasting Branch (ECDB) ...56-6265 4400 Dauphine Stree, New Or s 1A 70146 6800 EmFFoCE ReaFon Cate BUlin 3, ANoi Mary K. Vidaurri, Deputy Pesrsonl Director ..._. 52-3351 MA RINE SAFETY UNIT ILhis Saintansch, Chief, Repair Branch (ECDM) .....56-6885 (GSNO) [(504)948 52991 ..........52-6652 OFFICE OF O D MAN TILCIA R MTAGGART, Director E0) ..523101 Gondo Smith, Budget Offi6, Room 247 (PRXB) .5233558 buINing 998 La B Ta D. Broce, Chief, Support Branch 6(DS) ...5.65(. .._. 5666867 Ro4 233, Administration Building, Balboa Hrios Bla70* Hak0, Secretary ..52 3638 Anid J OberhOlte, Eo n nel 4 Unit, Bldg6 9 4 0 Von Chong, Chief, Aquatic Vegetation and O( l 0l 6 MOTOR TRANSPORTATION DIVISION WlllAM .HINKE, O budman(OM .......52-806 Dr. aym nd .Gorge Spcia Em hasi Anon PRX ) ..C.ap.t. D.o.l. .a.ct.io.n,527pinDirlto (M R M ...t.M.an.ag.em.en.t ..5-423/444 M n.gm.n.B.h.E.D).56. .481 ...56-481Bu 062n5A62Ammoo MILLIAM S. HINRLE, 04602., (ON 04).52066O6 Dr 604)6426 7074 04070e 64164Ephsi A~m(R 52 6464ieco (T. 4(4(6). 524243. 5 424444 g44 74 ( 7. .607 7dg7244 PCC Hotline .0. b2-1474 Prok a m 60 ca7 /EE v s 400 4). 52766 PERSONNEL POLICY AND PROGRAMS STAFF Hazardous Cargo .52-4219/1312 ELECTRICAL DIVISION E. B. Hickman, e7 (GSM ...52-3563 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL 64Room 243 Adinstaton Building Flo 7 g Equipment Inspection .52 4229/3005 B4ding 66A, Babo R. Esnmnn Assistant Choef/o6 O po rinenden4t, Rep. 338, Ad6 mnta4 Burnding OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Al W C4h. 4 s4 sate Director PRXP) ...466 OAR OF LOCAL INSPECTORS E. .Schrock, Cief (ECLE) 0. 044.4 Southr Ditrict t ...52 7 8644 228 HAINES, ,6 Jr,44 OFFICEl OFnsl INSPECTORrmsSaf ..5236 874(3ing 996024 4o4407,Ofie0 .....52442) .Brmdz Ass2istant) o the Chief ...52 3937 H L HA E/ Budng 6530, Crz Dolores A. Eskldse, Administrative Officer, Capt. M. M. Fanning, Chairman (MRBL) .6.4.2. 523403 V )era Rb0, Admiistrative Officer (ECLA) ..524401 Vrs. J G. Hold r, Administrative .ffi7r. 52-7731 .Rep r ntative to the Coordinating C. H. H il J., Chief, Citmnm. Br. ECLC) 52-4428 Dospaldhe,, So utherni Disdtr ........52-3301 C4mmi,440 (77) .....52-7611 PETER A. LEHR, Inspector Georl (I) .5263142 Ro .251 PRXA) ...52-3544 MARITIME TRAINING 0UNIT 6 Bradley, Che) EU 6 6. Interior 60r. (ECLI) ..524442 D E 527822 Emie D Hole s prviso ry Legal 7 nicia .52561 6 helE.Krapfi,S.crony .....52-3142 Thomas Bright, Incentive Awards Unit, Bldg 287, Hari Be Building729, ThirdFve',Baboa Lorenzo6Cha(, ChiefEl. Extil o, 0 ECL) .524417 0hr Tri .....523429 Theodore G, 7Luca a tolg Dainty Generoo 64WMiim C. 604444, Deputy Inpco Genrloo 523102 60co 46644. ...52 /965 Capt. 0. Aliard, 0400f (4647). ...524556 a al E 8 0 764 6hef Pooer 0776)I. 524416 4040 .532 Procurement Execitivo (PE) .52 751G7no4410 fo r HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT STAFF 1rUE F C ....714 ....52-4500 N.6oo r Cof .oi. (0776). .57464 6 r00 ri7(0)2D s 7)r 1s 024 Lydoo ~ 1 61444 760)440600 .1'. 5270 6540 4 4000 .03142 4(444t 00007m 4247n Soc, 6a 4. 526550ENIEiGDVSON6o)N)oO474 .335 Lydia R Vsasque, Ass.sfact General Counsel ......527 1 eo rMaagenmn ....5 -12Building 0602, Balboa Heights J itaLv asAd n.vs.ss. 2-5 ENGIN EERING DIVISION 6704 4077 067 Shorloy 7770 ((780s 674434747672v 644670, 6oIg Traini447Coo340060 .....524550 64 4 3,,04,46(o Jay Sileman, Ash Assistant General Counsel .5275266 ry .d ,d sr.i-Grnnmd3. ...45m3 A inding LIAISON OFFICE Albert J Joyce, Competition Advocate (CA) .275 Rom 23 Admin Bldg ....527636 64(4e6 4.4e, Ess o Dioeo dM E ..52-4177 C44) T Colazs Suamanship and T6wb0at. 2 E Crdove 6 0 7Af 47 )EG)/ uty EC Direct44 .0. 52 5 5 Bonding 0140, 24ab4 tHeghts 4007044y,. ._5207516 AUDITS PmeaoWde 47470a Employee ad Moagenmi00,4 Ooun 746707r. ..545561ECofne 6 2404 st00 Chie. 52(8 Ro0 326, Adm stra4 i Building Ronald .Keeney, Adi Angoo ..52-3642 6an0040644 (Boo ) 0 (6 ...520163 CpE Sam ig, As mo shrpo IdnTowboatTig) 07707. 5234558 .R8and E. Wbg, Cif Liaison (ffi.e5 (GSLO .52 3324 444,04~~~~~ 47 3040 476(4404 70)4)4ON 704T (77 6256 6, 44ie goo 4hi)Ae400 ...5 102ra)ch4 7E400 )40. .2416.CANA OPEATIOS 0410 46 oP76,0)64).4.o.o6)070) .52355.7.000.607 ....2332 MarinaSAm, dnt/is elanC ims GExmc eCaims (GCCL) 5 355 di s arairmild Audit Manager .op. _n s.nr.noma n). .,5 CA A 1PER4A L Spe alNI AProgramsfA itct and ContEA)e Tunn .52 41 .d.0 GLu GN iI, ogo Sopoo Goo Caim Exoo(0 57 3566 Auors.,. ...52 3142 4060in 676470 Lai~ooo 4444 5215 6C,3, 961446 C Koo ,oCh, 00IBrnh(6767). .5231 0000), 60ami, Bl63 206oo 776,(SI. .434260 Gersoral Claimes E xme s .....I2n3-IV S IA I N House Training Programs ...........-24 7 Capt. G. A. Mlarkham,' Canal Operations Captain (MRCO) 52-4211 A. Rover, Chief, Electcal Brand, (ELCEE) ......52-3419 24 Hour 0,-CAIl Sevce ..._. 52-3324/43-4200/113 .yo.g0 r2 323.1 INVESTIGATIONS 4 ......524 100 Cap1 .William B. H 4, Jr, Asst. Caal Op s. Captain .52-4211 L o Alflo, Chief, Go0en al Br .(ECET) ......0.3. 52 3389 2 40470 b. 560 Cop) I(o 64)0) 1i s 4700er 4itit lg0 aBo0 .5204211 660) 760 7440n Chef Mchnia Brac (667 .5236895 Reenm 311, Administration Boing Basement, BunldmIn6529, Coroa utmdaCneBd.77 alo 217 al Port Cspttes CenhtneDstr, Bldg. 911, Babo B.2-421 .J. M1en CheMca"aaBac EE). 279 PRINTING OFFICE John T. Bowman, Treaty Affairs Officer (GCTA) .....52-7511 Charles L Ellis, Assistant Inspector Genri for Micro mp4 r Lab, Bldg 717, B bo .0 .4. ..0.0.0. 7448 Cnal Operations Unit, Northern District, R. J. Hauser, Chief, S4ci. & Est Br ECEX) ..52-1705 Building 911, La Bc Roomes3tigations .t .n u.n.n .n.I.es .i.ti .n ..._ .......52-3142 Gain Training Centel, Bldg. 206, Golon ......43-5224 Bldg. 1000, Cristobal ...........43 2201 J. A Brady, Chef, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECE H) ....52-1729 Timothy J. Corrigan, Chief (GSPO) ...........52-3237 Room 13, A minisrationBuild g -nv sttrs ...............52-3142 Rodolf J. Larmme, Industrial Training Branch, Canol Part Capais, Neithern Duist, R. S Fishbough, Chief, Corveys Branch, Bldg. 9212, Alto,, A Howell, Ge a .F. oremn ........52-3674 James N Doyle, Asst Procurement Executive (PE) ...527511 FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE HOTLINE ...52-7801 Bldg 2A 3, Balboa PR H .5.6. .0.2. 524190 Blg 1000, Cristobal ....43-2201 Pedro Migue (ECEV) ..52-8162 Arnold Cevalles M requisitions .......52-7579 NOTE: IF YOU RECEIVE A COLLECT CALL DIRECT FROM A U.S. OR OVERSEAS OPERATOR, POLICY REQUIRES THAT YU HAVE THE OPERATOR REDIRECT THE CALL THROUGH THE COMMISSION OPERATOR AT (507) 63-6354. FROM US.A. TOLL FREE: 1(800)62 CANAL(622-2625) PCC OPERATOR WILLANSWER, GIVE LOCAL OFFICIAL TELEPHONE NUMBER. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESSES-PANAMA: BALBOA, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA UNITED STATES: UNIT 2300, APO AA 34011-2300 FACSIMILE: (507)52-2122 TELEX: 3034 PCCAMRM PG CABLE: PANCANALCO-PANAMA Cop44ed by the Reords Management Branch
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