Panama Canal Organizational Directories

Material Information

Panama Canal Organizational Directories
Panama Canal Commission
Panzer, Pat
16 x 22 inches


federal government publication ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Panama -- Panama Canal Zone


This set of organizational directories covers the years from 1975-1998 and lists names and phone numbers of various employees in administrative departments.
General Note:
52 pages
General Note:
This gift was made in memory of Bob Panzer.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not protected by copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.

Aggregation Information

Panama and the Canal
University of Florida
Documents of the Panama Canal
Panama Canal Museum Inventory


This item has the following downloads:

Full Text

"The Panama Canal-Serving World Shipping for Over 75 Years"

"El Canal de Panamd-Sirviendo a la Navegaci6n Mundial por mds de 75 Aijos"

NAL November 1991




Room 220, Administration. Building, Balboa Heights

GILBERTO GUARDIA F., Administrator (AD) ................................. 52-3169
Maria Luisa Langman, Secretary ........................................ 52-3100
RAYMOND P. LAVERTY, Deputy Administrator (DA) ..............................52-3103
Mrs. Thelma L. De La Mater, Secretary .................................... 52-7914
Anna L. Pescod, Staff Assistant to the Administrator, Room 225 (ADSA).........52-7870/3536

Rooms 205, 206, 210, Administration Building, Balboa Heights

Joseph J. Wood, Director (AE) ............................................. 52-3519
Mrs. Jacqueline E. Carlson, Secretary ...............................52-3519

James E. Ferrara, Deputy Director .......................................... 52-7601
Thomas C. Duty, Assistant Director, Policy and Programs (AEPD) ................... 52-3122
Diana 1. Williams, Assistant to Director, Board Matters (AEBD) ...................... 52-7697
Marc Quinn, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator (AA) .................... 52-3305
Jaime A. Bocanegra, Associate Administrative Assistant to the Administrator .......... 52-3305

2000 L Street NW., Suite 550 Washington, DC 20036-4996 (202) 634-6441
MICHAEL RHODE, Jr., Secretary,
Panama Canal Commission (WO) ................
Kelly Dawson, Secretary .......................
Linda R. Tower, Administrative Services Officer ......... Virginia Allen, Assistant to the Secretary for
Board Affairs .............................
Barbara Fuller, Assistant to the Secretary for
Commission Affairs .........................
Barbara Sanders, Assistant to the Secretary for
Financial Affairs............................
Roger H. Sullivan, Assistant to the Secretary for
Congressional Affairs.......... .........

Room 310, Administration Building
RICHARD A. WAIN10, Director (EP).................
Priscilla Hernandez, Secretary ...................
William S. Hinkle, Chief, Market Development ......... Melba A. Raven, Chief, Economic Research ...........
Staff .....................................
Robert H. Emerick, U.S. Co-chairman,
Ports and Railroad Committee, Room 309 (EPPR) ...
Room 266
Carlos L Linares, Deputy Director (EPMD)..............
Richard B. Horne, Chief, Industrial Engineering ........ Steve S. Belok, Chief, Management Analysis......... Staff ........................................

52-3050 52-3050 52-3050 52-3050 52-3050 52-3050 52-3050

52-7961 52-3417 52-7806 52-3370 52-7898


52-3586 52-3463 52-7734 52-7742

Room 230, Administration Building
GUILLERMO VAN HOORDE, Jr., Director (CI) .......... 52-7508
Mrs. Elodie C. de Salterno, Secretary.-.............52-7508
Mrs. Gladys C. de Dominguez, Administrative Officer,
Room 303 (CIXA)----------------------52-3108
Gustavo De La Guardia, Senior Industrial Engineer
Room 233 (CIPS)............... -............ 52-7897
Charles R. Lavallee, Capital Program Coordinator
Room 231 (CICP) ........................... 52-3340
Dr. David C. Baerg, Environmental/Energy Officer,
Room 303 (CIEE)........................... 52-7830
Staff, Room 303........................... 52-3687/3697

Room 338, Administration Building
JOHN L. HAINES, Jr., General Counsel/Procurement
Executive/U.S. Representative to the Coordinating
Committee (GC) ............................
Miss Emilie P. Daniel, Supervisory Legal Technician . Patricia Undley-Dominguez, Deputy General Counsel...... Theodore G. Lucas, Competition Advocate (CA) ........ Attorneys .....................................
Room 326, Administration Building
Marine Accident/Miscellaneous General Claims (GCCL) ... Lily F. Sagel, Supvy. Gen. Claims Examiner.........
General Claims Examiners.......... .........
Room 311, Administration Building
John T. Bowman, Treaty Affairs Officer (GCTA) .........
Room 113, Administration Building
James N. Doyle, Asst. Procurement Executive (PE)......

52-7511 52-7511 52-7511 52-7511 52-7511

52-3505 52-3505 52-3231



Employee Relations Center, Building 37, Balboa
MICHAEL N. STEPHENSON, Director (IR).-...-........52-3109
C. T. Smith, Deputy Director (IRDI)............52-3186/3341
Labor Relations Specialists..................52-3186/3341

Room 254, Administration Building
Carolyn H. Twohy, Chief (AM).....................-52-7757
Berta E. Briceto, Administrative Officer (AMXA) ......52-7991 Margaret Ender, Budget Officer, Room 269 (AMXB) ... 52-3178 Thomas E. Pierce, Chief, Staff Support
Branch, Room 254 (AMSA) ................... 52-7995
FOIA/PA Staff, Room 279 (AMSF) ................52-7520
Document Control, Room 112 (AMSC) ............. 52-3595
M. Jeanne Hinek, Chief, Records Management
Branch, Room 14-B (AMRM) ..................52-7767
Current Records Section (AMRS) .................52-3118
Vital Statistics Unit, Room 15-A (AMRV)............ 52-7854
Telecom Message Center, Room 2 (AMRT) ..... 52-3482/3591

Mail System, Room 143 (AMRP) .................
Agency Records Center, Bldg. 42-D, Diablo Hts. (AMRC) ..
Agency Microfilm Unit Bldg. 42-D, Diablo Hts. (AMRA) . . Sofia Magall6n, Chief, Language Services Branch,
Room 14-A (AMLS)...........................
Gladys Diaz-Saarinen, Supervisor, Lands Management Unit,
Room 275 (AMCL) ............................
Ellen W. Anderson, Chief, Transportation Services Branch,
Employee Services Bldg. 5140, Diablo Hts. (AMTR) .. .
Employee Documentation, Pacific (AMTE)(..........
Employee Documentation, Atlantic,
Building 1105, Room 105, Cristobal.............

52-7681 52-3575 52-3313 52-3488 52-7823 52-3325 52-3238 43-7213

Rooms 201-205, Administration Building, Balboa Heights
MARC QUINN, Ombudsman (OM) .....-.............52-3305
Maria Lourdes Bottin, Secretary.....-....-.........52-3305
Jaime A. Bocanegra, Assistant to Ombudsman......... 52-3305
PCC Hotline..................................52-7474

OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Room 103, Administration Building
WILLIE K. FRIAR, Director (PA) ....................
Myrna 1. de Acevedo, Secretary..............
Administrative Officer ...........................
Janet Len-Rios, Associate Director, International
Media/Publications .........................
Franklin D. Castrell6n, Associate Director, Local
Media/Community Relations ..................
Jennifer Jones, Spilway Editor ...............
Melvin D. Kennedy, Chief, Graphic Branch (PAGF .. Antonio Grenald, Supervisor, Orientation Service,
Miraflores Locks.......................
For official tours of Miraflores Locks:
Monday-Friday .....................
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays..........

Employee Relations Center, Building 37, Balboa
TILCIA R. McTAGGART, Director (ED)............
Alcira Arauz, Secretary ........................
Dr. Raymond A. George, Special Emphasis
Programs Manager...... ..............
Ingeborg Kincaid, EEO Investigator .................

PETER A. LIEHR, Inspector General (IG) .............
Mrs. Itzel E. Krapfl, Secretary ...................
William C. Forbes, Deputy Inspector General ......... Shirley E. Maduro, Administrative Officer (IGXA)
Room 238, Admin. Bldg . .....................
Ronald F. Keeney, Audit Manager ..................
Gary M. McLean, Audit Manager ...................

52-3165 52-3165 52-3521


52-3202 52-3202 52-32 17


52-3187 52-5463

52-3101 52-3638

52-3233 52-7415

52-3142 52-3142 52-7776

52-7636 52-7419 52-7419 52-7801

Room 236, Administration Building
NORBERT E. KRAEGEL, Chief Financial Officer (FM) .... 52-3194
Mrs. Emperatriz Lavecchia, Admin. Staff Asst........52-7906
Duane A. Rigby, Deputy Chief Financial Officer ........52-3580 Assistant Chief Financial Officer .................52-7906
Shirley E Maduro, Administrative Officer, Room 238 (FMXA).. 52-7636 SYSTEMS DIVISION
Building 6529, Corozal
Burton F. Mead, Chief (FMSS)(.................. 52-3650
Gerald H. Allen, Assistant Chief .................. 52-7956
Victoria E. Beare, Supervisory Systems Accountant . . . . 52-7956 Charles M. Umnuss, Supervisory Systems Accountant . . . 52-7956 Staff .................................. 52-3501
Chart of Accounts/FSM Procedures ...............52-3471
Building 725, Balboa
John F. Hern, Jr., Chief Accountant (FMAC) ..........52-4727
Patricia Chan, Assistant to Chief Accountant ..........52-4727
James N. Farnsworth, Valuation Engineer ...........52-4727
Charles R. Eckerle, Reports and Analysis Staff (FMAR) . . 52-4701 Ms. Eva Chen, General Ledger Branch (FMAD)........ 52-4737 Mrs. Regina Morris, Agents Accts. Branch (FMAA) ..... 52-4300 W. E. Hattabaugh, Payroll Branch (FMAP)...........52-4333
Mrs. Gisela Calvo, Typing Unit (FMAT)............. 52-4711
Building 725, Balboa
Robert Q. Won, Treasurer )FMTR(................52-4725
Louis A. Vogel, Jr., Assistant Treasurer ............. 52-4725
Administration Building Vault................... 52-3249
Ms. Sofia Yhap, Treasury Branch, Atlantic,
Building 206, Gatun (FMTA)................ 43-5400
Room 102-104, Administration Building
Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) ...............52-3137
Ms. Marilyn V. Young, Rates and Analysis Branch/
Cost Control Officer (FMFR)................ 52-3287
Tolls and Special Studies (FMFT) ................ 52-7434
Room 106, Administration Building
Thomas L. Matthews, Chief (FMBD).............. 52-7690
Joan Ohman, Supervisor, Budget Formulation .........52-3444 Mark Saunders, Supervisor, Budget Execution ........52-3444 Staff .................................... 52-3334
Manpower ................................52-7909
Room 145, Administration Building
C. J. Goodwin, Chief (FMIS) ................... 52-3460
Room 145, Administration Building
Raymond W. Engle, Chief (FMIT) ................ 52-7446
H. D. Phelps, Equipment Analyst................. 52-7671
Room 146, Administration Building
Alan D. Gordon, Chief (FMDP) .................. 52-3550
James A. Brewer, Systems Maintenance............ 52-7952
Mrs. Mary H. West, Systems Design ...............52-3655
Ms. Norita P. Scott, Office Automation ............. 52-3655
End-User Computing Support Center (FMSC) .... 52-7559/7207 PROFS User Assistance ....................... 52-3997
Building 721, Balboa
Mrs. Maria D. Allen, Systems Design .............. 52-4810
Systems Development Staff ................ 52-7151/4812

Building 628, Balboa Heights
Ms. Lou Ellen Gibson, Systems Design .............
TRS Training Facility .........................
Room 146, Administration Building
James C. Gibbs, Chief (FMCO)................
Rodolfo G. Smith, Data Entry and Controls Branch,
Room 16 (FMCD)....................
Henry E. Sanchez, Central Computer Operations
Branch (FMCC).........................
Carmen Pimentel, Network Analyst ...............
Network Control Center-On-Line Help Desk (FMCN) ... Systems Development Computer Facility,
Building 721, Balboa .....................

52-4630 52-4816

52-7468 52-3162

52-3424 52-3070 52-7777 52-7093

Room 243, Administration Building
GEORGE A. MERCIER, Personnel Director (PR) ........52-3277
Dagmar de Bolivar, Secretary.................52-3277
Mary K. Vidaurri, Deputy Personnel Director........52-3351 Glenda Smith, Budget Officer,sRoom 247 (PRXB).......52-3558 Anita Oberholtzer, Personnel Reference Unit, Bldg. 365,
Ancon (PRXR) ........................52-7900
Room 243, Administration Building
Carlos A. Williams, Associate Director (PRXP)........ 52-3466 Dolores A. Eskildsen, Administrative Officer,
Room 251 (PRXA)....................... 52-3544
Thomas V. Bright, Incentive Awards Unit, Bldg. 287,
Ancon (PRXI) .......................... 52-7965
Building 0602, Balboa Heights
Ricardo R. Varela, Associate Director (PRHR).........52-4177
Training Center Information Desk ................ 52-4182
Employee and Management Development Branch (PRHM) . . 52-4163
Language Training........................ 52-4171
Microcomputer Lab, Bldg. 717, Balboa (PRHC . 52-7448 Special Employee Development Programs .........52-4155 Edilberto A. Yee, Industrial Training Branch,
Bldg. 2A-3, Balboa (PRHI).................. 52-4190
Felix A. Fil6s-Remotti, Chief (PROP) ..............52-3335
General Information/Job Letters-Pacific ...........52-7595
General Information/Job Letters-Atlantic ..........52-3376
Kan K. McIlvaine, Adverse Actions Branch,
Bldg. 287, Ancon (PROD) .................. 52-4393
Debt Counseling, Bldg. 287, Ancon.............. 52-3934

Edilma M. Rodriguez, Employment & Placement Br. (PROE) 52-3583 E&C Bureau and Staff Units .................. 52-3583
General Services and Marine Bureaus ............52-3583
Special Placement........................ 52-3583
Alicia W. Chen, Pers. Recdls.-Admin. Br. (PROR)....... 52-3311
Mario A. Rodriguez, Coordinator, Pers. Mgmt. Syst.,
Bldg. 365, Ancon (PROM) ................ 52-3120
Personnel Actions ........................ 52-3311
Personnel Files .........................52-3376
Personnel Data Control, Bldg. 365, Ancon ..........52-3254
David J. Niedzialek, Position Classification Br. (PROW) . . 52-3336 General Services and E&C Bureaus .............52-3176
Marine Bureau and Staff Units ................ 52-3454
Walter C. Bottin, Retirement & Insurance Branch,
Bldg. 287, Ancon (PROS) .................. 52-7831
Insurance .............................. 52-7831
Retirement ..............................52-3160
Building 365, Ancon
Dr. Richard A. Cheville, Chief (PRDH).............52-7968
Barbara B. Ledezma, Asst. to Chief/Drug Progam
Coordinator (PRDX) ...................... 52-7968
Dr. Maria Antoniadis, Occupational Health Officer
(Pacific) ............................. 52-7968
Physical Examination Center .............52-7108/3104
Alfonso E. Regis, Chief Industrial Hygienist (PRDI) ..... 52-7713 Denia Pimentel, Employee Counseling Coordinator,
Bldg. 288, Ancon (PRDR) .................. 52-7885
Alida Dos Santos, Chief, Workers' Compensation
Office/CSS Claims Assistance (PRDC)........... 52-3431
Karen Coffey, Supvy. Occupational Health Nurse (PRDN) 52-7108 Dr. Lorna Engleman, Ocupational Health Officer (Atlantic)
Rm. 3-1, U.S. Army Health Clinic, Coco Solo .. 89-5680/5681
Physical Examination Center .................89-5680
Building 365, Ancon
William H. M. Brunner, Chief (PRSF) ..............52-3289
Lorena do Adames, Admin. Servs. Assistant (PRSA( .... 52-3289 Richard S. Zornes, Safety Operations (PRSO ........52-3289 Charles M. Monaghan, Safety Programs (PRSP)........52-3289 Bryant W. Teale, Safety Training (PRST)............ 52-7529
David Dempsey, Crane/Diving Safety ............. 52-3289
Building 6531, Corozal
ROBERT H. RUPP, Executive Director (PB) .......... 52-7890
Elvira 1. Arias. Deputy Executive Director.......... 52-7682
Robert T. Russell, Personnel Management Specialist.. 52-3292
Pearl T. Atherly, Personnel Assistant.............52-3292
Elvira 1. Arias, Manager (PBCE)................. 52-7682
Margie A. Alvarez, Assistant Manager.............. 52-7682
Examining and Certification;
Records/Federal Job Information Center .........52-3584
Open Registers-English ..............52-3587/43-7204
.ppen Registers-Spanish ............ 52-7077/43-4846
Marine Bureau Building 729, Second Floor, Balboa
Capt. G. T. HULL, USN (Ret.) Director (MR)..........52-4500
Maty Jaen, Secretary..................... 52-4500
C. A. Alvarado, Deputy Director (MRXD)............52-4500
Administrative Unit:
Beverly B. Wood, Administrative Officer (MRXA) ..... 52-4516 Frank Alberga, Employee Relations Specialist (MRXL) .... 52-4516 Loraine L Foster, Administrative Services Officer (Staff).... 52-4516 Resource Management Unit:
William 0. Cofer, Assistant to Director
(Resources) (MRXR)..................... 52-4500
Fiscal Section:
Vicki L. Boukalis, Budget Officer (MRXB)..........52-4517
Olga E. Ferrara, Budget Analyst................ 52-4517
Forest Robberson, Locks Budget Analyst .......... 52-4517
Eduardo Smith, Nav. Svcs. Budget Analyst .........52-4517
Engineering Section:
James R. Freeman, Staff Engineer (MRXE).........52-4531
Vicente A. Shields, Industrial Engineer (MRXI)(.......52-4531 Computer Management Section:
Gabriel 0. Mouynes, Management Analyst (MRXM)... 52-4526 Personnel Programs Section:
Virginia E. Lee, Management Analyst (MRXS)........52-4990 MARINE SAFETY UNIT
Marine Bureau Building 729, Third Floor, Balboa
Capt. Vernon 0. Eschenburg, Special Assistant to
Director (MRRM)...................52-4243/4217
Hazardous Cargo.....................52-4219/4242
Floating Equipment Inspection ............ 52-4229/3005
Employee Services Building 5140, Diablo Heights
Capt. M. M. Fanning, Chairman (MRBL)............52-3403
Marine Bureau Building 729, Third Floor, Balboa
Capt. 0. Allard, Chief (MRMT)..................52-4550
Assistant Chief...........................52-4550
Julieta Lavalas, Admin. Serves. Assistant............52-4550
M. C. McMillan, Training Coordinator..............52-4550
Capt. M. T. Collazos, Seamanship and Towboat
Training Officer ........................ 52-4550
Capt. Guillermo Manfredo, Jr., Assistant Seamanship
and Towboat Training Officer ...............52-4550
Building 910, La Boca
Capt. G. A. Markham, Canal Operations Captain (MRCO) 52-4211 Canal Port Captains, Southern District, Bldg. 910, La Boca 52-4211 A. E. Rainey, Senior Canal Port Captain, N.D..........43-7370
Canal Port Captains, N.D., Bldg. 1105, Cristobal........43-7637
Building 726, Balboa
Capt. D. P. Garrido, Chief Pilot (MRCP)............ 52-4230
Matilde P. Guardia, Administrative Services Officer .... 52-4230 R. V. Barnett, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling
Unit (MRPR) .......................... 52-4235

Marine Bureau Building 729, First Floor, Balboa
J. M. Eberenz. Director (MRAM) ................. 52-4567
J. A. Melgar, Chief Admeasurer .................. 52-4567
M. A. Ledn, Administrative Services Assistant .........52-4567
Supervisory Admeasurers ..................... 52-4570
Billing/Ship Data Bank Section .................52-4530
Admeasurement Office, Building 1105, Cristobal .......43-7293 LOCKS DIVISION
Marine Bureau Building 729, First Floor, Balboa
J. L. Quijano, Chief (MRLC) .................... 52-4255
H. Escoffery, Chief, Engineering and Planning
Section (MRLE) ..........................52-4255
Silvia M. Glasscock, Administrative Officer ...........52-4255
R. Sabonge, Plant Engineer .................... 52-4255
Nons Andrade, Industrial Engineer ...............52-4255
F. Sucre, Overhaul Engineer ...................52-4255
Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks
G. A. McArthur, Superintendent (MRLP) ............ 52-8215
A. Gianareas, Assistant Superintendent .............52-8214
Anna M. Cofer, Administrative Services Assistant .........52-8214
Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks
H. Acevedo, Superintendent (MRLA)..............43-8700
R. Alvarez, Assistant Superintendent .............. 43-8704
Alexandra Wong, Administrative Services Assistant ..... 43-8776
Sam H. Mann, Chief (MRTM).................. 52-4220
Eric N. Espino, Assistant Chief..................52-4220
M. L. Tutzauer, Chief, Sys. Support Br. (MRTS) ........52-4245
Terri Krapfl, Administrative Services Assistant .........52-4223 Marine Traffic Control Center General Information ..... 52-4200
Building 6007, Diablo Heights
R. M. Spalding, Chief (MRCS) .................. 52-4591
C. A. Cockburn, Assistant Chief .................. 52-4591
Phyllis C. Magee, Administrative Officer............52-4597
W. D. Ritchie, Acting Fleet Engineer ............... 52-4597
A. R. Briem, Fleet Master ...................... 52-4597
N. W. Watkins, Acting Superintendent, Towboat Branch,
Bldg. 6000, Diablo Hts., (MRCT).............. 52-4548
C. R. Simpson, Port Engineer, Bldg. 5082, Mt. Hope .... 43-7437 W. R. Boggs, Towboat Manager, Northern District,
Bldg. 14, Gatun ........................ 43-5642
T. Rowe, Engineer Manager, Northern Shore Station,
Bldg. 14, Gatun........................ 43-5643
S. E. Jimenez, Towboat Manager, Southern District,
Bldg. 6000, Diablo Hts. ...................52-4285
R. A. Roscoe, Engineer Manager, Southern Shore Station,
Bldg. 6000A, Diablo Hts. .................. 52-4294
R. J. Bjorneby, Superintendent Launch/Linehandling
Branch, Bldg. 6007, Diablo Hts., (MRCL) .........52-4549
R. D. Dunlap, Chief, Launch/Linehandling N. D.,
Bldg. 14, Gatun ........................ 43-5365
W. Kirkland, Chief, Launch/Linehandling S. D.,
Bldg. 43-A, Balboa ...................... 52-3572


Room 318, Administration Building
Col. JOHN J. PLUNKETT, USA (Ret.) Director (EC) .....
Secretary ..............................
Administration (ECXA)........................
E B. MArquez, Programs and Budget (ECXB) ........ L. M. Drennan, Locks Coordinator (ECXL)(...........
F. Martinez, Special Studies (ECXC)...............
E. E. Sanchez, Chief (ECCN)(...................
Main Office...............................
Vicky Wong, Administrative Services Assistant........ Contract Management Units:
G. Schatan, Locks/Northern District Contracts ......
Southern District Contracts ..................
R. Wallace, Housing Contracts ................
Northern District Inspectors
Bldg. 119-A, Gatun ......................
Building 33, Gamboa
A. E. Diaz, Chief (ECDR) ......................
Main Office ..........................
Monica Wruck, Administrative Officer (ECDA) ........ Linola de Sandoval, Chief, Engr. Plans and Programs
Section (ECDE) .........................
Chief, Control Section (ECDC)...................
J. R. Rodriguez, Chief, Operations Branch (ECDO) ..... Chief, Drilling and Blasting Branch (ECDB)......... R. T. Hayes, Chief, Repair Branch (ECDM).........
D. Broce, Chief, Support Branch (ECDS( .......... '*
C. Von Chong, Chief, Aquatic Vegetation and Oil Pollution
Management Branch (ECDV).............
Building 66A, Balboa
E. D. Schnack, Chief (ECLE) ...................
M ain Office...............................
Vera de Riba, Administrative Officer (ECLA) ......... C. H. Harrill, Jr., Chief, Comm. Br. (ECLC)...........
J. P. Bradley, Chief, Elec. Interior Br. (ECLI) .........
N. Salamina, Chief, Elec. Exterior Br. (ECLO) .........
J. J. Hannigan, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP)............
N. Kraemer, Chief, Electronics Br. (ECLX)...........
Room 343, Administration Building
N. H. Visquez, Chief (ECEG)/Deputy EC Director ..... J. E. Cordovez, Assistant Chief ..................
M. T. Anaya, Administrative Officer (ECE)..........
A. Ponce P., Chief, Architectural Branch (ECEA) . .. C. A. Kiamco, Chief, Civil Branch (ECEC)..........
J. T. Alemin, Chief, Electrical Branch (ECEE) ........ G. Berman, Chief, Geotechnical Br. (ECET) ..........
D. J. McKeon, Chief, Mechanical Branch (ECEM) ...... R. J. Hauser, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX) .........
J. A. Brady, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECEH)(.........
R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Branch, Bldg. 9212,
Pedro Miguel (ECEV) .....................

52-7684 52-3527 52-3375 52-3485 52-7028 52-3543

52-7205 52-7927 52-7205

52-7826 52-3517 52-3957


56-6232 56-6681 56-6221

56-6340 56-6640 56-6264 56-6265 56-6885 56-6867


52-4410 52-4421 52-4401 52-4428 52-4442 52-4417 52-4416 52-4101

52-7585 52-3180 52-7982 52-3556 52-3619
52-3419 52-3389 52-7895 52-1705 52-1729


Building 5082, Mount Hope
C. P. Corrigan, Chief (ECIN) ...................
H. A. Laatz, Administrative Officer (ECIS) ...........
D. S. Miller, Chief, Support Branch (ECIS)...........
W. A. Rankin, Chief, Production/Planning Branch (ECIP)... A. Cohen, Chief, Engineering Branch (ECIE) ......... G. F. Patton, Chief Planner .....................
T. W. Drohan, Chief (ECME)....................
Main Office ...............................
D. Angelkos, Administrative Officer (ECMA)(..........
G. R. Gohde, Utilities Maintenance Branch (ECMU) .... R. M. Fernindez, Interior Maintenance Branch (ECMI) .... Exterior Maintenance Branch (ECMO) .............

43-7472 43-7234 43-7256
43-7426 43-7382

52-4003 52-4005 52-4806
52-4121 52-7917

General Services Building 28, Second Floor, Balboa
R. VAN HOORDE, Director (GS) .................52-4061
Elsa de Ramirez, Secretary .................. 52-4061
Deputy Director ............................ 52-4061
M. K. Baker, Chief Contracting Officer .............52-4075
G. E. McElroy, Labor Relations Officer .............52-4061
Vivian Diaz, Employee Relations Officer ............ 52-4070
Vielka L. Maturell, Administrative Officer (GSXA) .......52-4068 Viodelda J. Miller, Budget Officer (GSXB) ............52-4060
Enque Gualde, Management Analyst (Computers) (GSXM) ... 52-7074 CANAL PROTECTION DIVISION
General Services Building 28, First Floor, Balbo?
Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP) ................... 52-4646
R. F. Brayton, Assistant Chief ................... 52-4646
E. V. Amason, Assistant to Chief for Physical Security ... 52-4646 J. A. Escala, Chief, Pacific Branch (GSCC) ........... 52-7541
Pacific Guard Operations, Bldg. 6534 Corozal .........52-3669
J. S. Kraemer, Chief, Atlantic Branch (GSCG) .........43-5294
Atlantic Guard Operations, Bldg. 40, Gatun..........43-5295
Physical Security Unit, Bldg. 715, Balboa (GSCX) ... 52-3481 Training Unit, Bldg. 11-Y, Balboa (GSCA) ............52-3694
COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION Building 635, Balboa Heights
Ernesto Cordovez D., Chief (GSCS) ...............52-3577
Assistant Chief...........................52-3577
Administrative Services Assistant................52-7921
Richard Linton, Chief, Housing &
Buildings Branch (GSCS-HB) ................ 52-3133
Housing Office, Balboa ..................... 52-3384
Buildings Office, Bldg. 5051-X, Diablo ............52-3685
Housing Office, Bldg. 215, Gatun............... 43-5648
Buildings Office, Bldg. 215, Gatun .............. 43-5604
Furniture Pool, Bldg. 78, Balboa ...............52-7882
Jos6 C. Jakn, Chief, Employee Fitness Branch, Employee
Services Building, 5140, Diablo Hts. (GSCF) . . . 52-7967/3634 Mania Nita, Chief, Technical Resources Center
Bldg. 38, Balboa (GSCT) ................... 52-4920
Information Desk-......................... 52-4929
Building 752, Balboa
Jaye D. Deitz, Chief (GSFI).................... 52-4638
Z. White, Administrative Officer ................. 52-4638
B. Quirds, Assistant Chief, S. D., Bldg. 560, Corozal .... 52-3286 H. Wallace Teal, Asst Chief, N. D., Bldg. 7029, Mt Hope ... 43-7282 A. Gonzalez, Assistant to the Chief ................ 52-7735
J. Narvaez, Fire Protection Engineer............... 52-3857
Training O iicer, Bldg 754, Balboa ...............52-3691
General Services Building 28, Third Floor, Balboa
J. Martino, Chief (GSLS)...................... 52-4650
H. Stec, Assistant Chief....................... 52-4650
Administrative Officer.......................52-4672
G. Russell, Budget Officer..................... 52-4670
S. Valley, Procurement Analyst.................52-4693
H. Womble, Chief, Inventory Mgt. Br. (GSLI) ..........52-4620
M. I. Lopez, Chief, Purch.and Cont. Branch (GSLP) .... 52-4687 Chief, Warehousing Branch, Bldg. 5 (GSLW) ..........52-7785
Storekeeper, Mount Hope ...................43-7456
Excess Disposal, Bldg. 42 (GSLE) ................ 52-3062
G. P. Risberg, Chief, New Orleans Branch,
4400 Dauphine Street New Orleans, LA 70146-6800
(GSNO) .......................... (504)948-5299
E. B. Hickman, Chief (GSMT) ................... 52-3563
R. Bermudez, Assistant to the Chief............... 52-3937
Mrs. J. G. Holder, Administrative Officer............52-7731
Superintendent, Southern District ................ 52-7990
Dispatcher, Southern District ................... 52-3301
W. Seeley, Superintendent, Northern District......... 43-7246
Dispatcher, Northern District ................... 43-7358
Driver Examiner ........................... 52-7822
Short Trip Service...........................52-3429
Building 5140, Diablo Heights
Rolando E. Winberg, Chief Liaison Officer (GSLO).. 52-3324 Liaison Office, Pacific ........................ 52-3324
Liaison Office, Atlantic, Bldg. 206, Gatun (GSLA) .......43-4200 24-Hour On-Call Service ............... 113 PCC Operator
Building 911, La Boca
Timothy J. Corrigan, Chief (GSPO) ...............52-3237
T. L. Peta, Printing Specialist ................... 52-3237
Arnoldo Cevallos M., Requisitions ................ 52-7579
W. S. Sweeney, Chief (GSAN) ................... 52-7605
Sybil B. Ameer, Admin. Services Asst.............. 52-3661
L. F. Perez, Chief, Grounds Branch (GSAG) ...........52-7466
District Grounds Office, Telfers Island .............43-5253
R. R. Salazar, Chief, Sanitation Branch (GSAS).........52-3464
District Sanitation Office, Bldg. 5116, Mt. Hope ........43-7279
Dr. M. M. Boreham, Entomology imt, Bldg. 6534 (GSAE) 52-7984


Compiled by the Records Management Branch.



FACSIMILE: (507)52-2122


Full Text


"The Panama Canal-Serving World Shipping for Over 75 Years" "El Canal de Panamd-Sirviendo a la Navegaci6n Mundial por mds de 75 Aflos" o A0 November 1991 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Edma M. Rodrgu, Employment & Placement Br (PRCE) 52-3583 ADMEASUREMENT DIVISION INDUSTRIAL DIVISION R.m 236, Administration blding E&C Bureau and Staff Units ..523583 Marine Bureau Building 729, First Floor, Bahi Building 5082, Mount Hope NORBERT E. KRAEGEL, Chief Financal Officer (Fill .0. 52-3194 General Services and Marine Bureaus ...523583 J. M.Er, Or (MRAM) .52-4567 C. P. Corrigan, Chief (ECIN). .43-7392 A A ANA .COM S iJN Mtrs Empseratriz L S.e.9ch3, P m R Am. rRR 523583 A. Mgr, Ch2 0 Adm s. ..52-4567 H A, A, Adinstrative Officer (ECS) .43-7472 PANAM A. Rigby, C MptyI CAlto FChenni, PnfiA. ..' M. A. Len, Administrative Services Assistant .. 52 4567 D. S. Miller, Chief, Suppor Branch (ECIS). ......S)43 7234 Assistant Chief Financial Officer .........52-7906 Marof A. Rodriguez, Coordinator, Pers. Mgmt. Syst Supervisory Adomeasurrs. ........52-4570 W. A. Rankin, Chief, Podmction/Planning Branch (ECIP). .43-7256 s o, s t .52736 Bdg 365, A n (PROM) .523120 Bing/Ship Data Bank Section ..524530 A Cohen, Chief, Engineering Branch (ECIE) .43-7426 ~~~~~~~~~~Sik PAAM S55yMadorn, AdmnirativeOffi4cRom 238~44 .l 52 7636 lodui 6. 52 3522 4 g5pO7 ,skSoo .250 4(h ~OEgosgRt S )402 AACA BALBOA, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA SYSTEMS DIVISION Personnel Ation ----Admearent Office, Building 1105, Cristobal .43-7293 G. F. Paton, Chief Pamer .43-7382 Building6529, Corozal P1rsnneles ..6. ..52-376 LOCKS DIVISION MAINTENANCE DIVISION BOrton F Mead, Chief (FM0) ..52-3650 Prso Data ,Cotr, Bldg. 36, Aon .523254 Marine Bureau Building 729, First Flor, Balboa Building 8, Barod Gerald H Alln, Assistant Chief .527956 David J. Niedialek, Position Classification Br. (PROW) .523336 J. L Quijano, Chief MRC) .52-4255 T. W. Drctum, Chief (ECME) ..524003 O R G A N IZ A T IO NVictoria E. Beare, Suervisory Systems Accountant .52-7956 General Services and E&C Bureaus .52-3176 H, Escoffery, Chief, Engineering and Planning Main Office ...524005 Chardes M. Umnuss, Supervisory Systems Accountant ...52-7956 Marine Bureau and Staff Units .........52-3454 Section (MIRLE) .............52-4255 D, Angelkns, Administrative Officer (ECMA) ......52-4806 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR .....52-3501 Walter C Boin, Retirement & Insurance Branch, Svia M, Glasscock, Administrative Officer .524255 G R. Ghd, Utities Maintenance Bnch (ECMU) ....524121 Chart of A,ccnts/FSM Procedures .52-3471 Bldg 287, Asi (PROS) .52-7831 R Sabonge, Plant Engee ...52-4255 R M Ferid, Interio Maintenance Branch (ECMI) .52-7917 Room 220, Administration. Building, Balboa Heights ACCOUNTING DIVISION Insurance .....52-7831 Nors Andrade, I8nd0ustrial Engineer .......52-255 Exferior Maintenance Branch (ECMO) ..524042 fl ding 725, 6asboa Retirement ...............52-3160 F. Sucre, 0verhaul Engin ...........52-4255 GILBERTO GUARDIA F., Administrator (AD). ..................................52-3169 John f. Hern, Jr., Chief Accountat (FMAC) .52-4727 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks GENERAL SERVICES BUREAU Maria Luisa Langman, Secretary. .....................................52-3 00 Patricia Chan Assistant to Chief Accountant .52-4727 Building 365, Accom G. A. McArthr, Superintendent (MRLP) .......52-8215 General Services Building 28, Second Fluor, &slow James N. Farnsworth, Valuation Engineer .524727 or Richard A Chevlle Chief (PRDH ..52 7968 A. Ganares, Assistant Superintendent .....52-8214 R. VAN HOORDE, Director (GS) ..524061 RAYMOND P. LAVERTY, Deputy Administrator (DA) .............................52-3103 Charles N Erud, Reports and Analysis Staff (FMAR) ..52-4701 Barbara S. Ledema, Asst to Chief/Drg Pog -An M. Cooer, Administrative Services Ast.528214 Ea, de Rami, Secretary .524061 Mrs. Thelma L. De La Mater, Secretary ...52-7914 Ms Eva Chen, General Ledger Branch (FMAD) .524737 Coordinator (PRDX) .52-7968 Aissin Brch, Gaton Looks Deputy Director .524061 Ms, Regins Mors, Agents As. Branch FMAA) ..52-4300 Dr. Maria Antoniads, Occupation Health Officer H Acevedo, Superintendent (MRLA). 43-8700 M K Baker, Chief Contracting Officer .52-4075 Anna L. Pescod, Staff Assistant to the Administrator, Room 225 (ADSA) .........52-7870/3536 W E Hattabsgt, Pysll Branch (FMAP) ..524333 (Pacific) ..52-7968 R Alvarez, Assistant Superintendent .43-8704 G E. McElroy, Labor Relations Officer .52-4061 Mrs. Gisela Cav, T yping Unit (FMAT) .524711 Physical Examinaion Cents ...52-7108/3104 Atexaodra Wtng, Administrativ Servs, Assistant .43-8776 Vivian 0ur, Employee Relations Officer ..52-4070 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION TREASURER'S OFFICE Alftso E Regis, Chief Industrial Hygienist (PRDI) .527713 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT DIVISION Velka C Matres, Administrative Office SXA) ..3. 524068 Rdstd205, 206, 210 Adosmstist, ttiding Batboa Hergts tunding 725, Batlbo Dona Ptmente, Employee Counseling Courdinatr, Videlds Jd Mile,, Budget Officer GSXB) .524060 2,2,2,disa n, bHtRobert Won. Treasurer FMTR 524725 Bldg. 288, Act, (PRDR) ..52-7885 Bldtg 910, La Bca Euncne Goalde, Management Analyst (Computers) (G0) ...527074 J p J ................-92 Ada Dos Sants, Chief, Workers' compensation Sam H. Mannr Chief (MRTM .524220 Joseph J. Wood, Director (AE) .52-3509 Os A ,6 Atss t ..52-4725 Off/CSS Clams Assistance (PRDC) .52-3431 Eric N Espo., Assistant Chief ...52-4220 CNAL PROtECTION Adms,,tration tuding Vaut ....0029 88.t.t.yOo~~t8(O8t ,t(RN 527108 Aae Cofy 7,Ogtys Ctsld~brt Heyti Nurse0 tsDN 527150448~ts,0s~~o8sdsg2 ~~F~~ Mrs. JaCqoSlinR E. Canlson, SeCretary. ............52-3509 Adstra(5 ti5,o t si di sgVaulh ..t .t .2-29,a COs y,,, Spvy. tccptona Heth 0Nse (PRDN)so 5271 8sM. Lsgter Ahif, s. Sppot~ 8r MR ,tgt. .52-4224C5 sg8g,,g tnt (GrvCPs( ...524646rs Foo, al MsJaqeieECaloSceay. ...................................519 Ms. Sofia Yhap, Treasury Branch, Atlantic, Mr LIn nlmn cptoa elhOfcr(tatc Terr Krpf dirtivey SpprIcs AMRS)tn ....52-4223 CheresM ral Seies GlC,) .M .is .hd Rati.o ..5244 James E. Ferrara, Deputy Director .....................................32420052-7601 Budng 206, Grn FMTA) .43-5400 Rm. 3-1, U.S. Army Hi Clinic, Co. Solo 89 5680/5681 Marine Traffic Control Center General Information .52C4200 R F. Brayton Assistant Chief ........ Thomas C. Duty, Assistant Director, Policy and Programs (AEPD) .52-3122 FINANCIAL PLANNING DIVISION Physical Examiation Center ..895680 CANAL SERVICES DIVISION E V Amason, Assistant to Chief for Physical Security ...524646 .Room 102-104, Adomitration Building SAFETY DIVISION Bidn60, olaHghsJ. A. Escala, Chief, Pacific Branch (GSCC) ........52-7541 Diana 1. Williams, Assistant to Director, Board Matters (AtEBD) ........H t .....C ....2.7.972-yron Ayr SchA. eder, Chie, Chietg.FP).I. (MRCS)6.,.H.h.s5Pa4591c1GSaKdaeperatCins,,BAtg.nt5c4Branch l ...4325294 Marc Quinn, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator [AA) ....................52-3305 Ms. Marlyn V tYoung, Rates and A t5lysis Branch/ William H. M. Brunner, Chief (PRSF) ..52-3289 C A Cokrn Assst Ci) ..524591 Jt.g. 52K51, Atlantic Brg. 40GCG) ..43-5295 ost Cantral Officer (FMFR). .2. .2. 52h287efrn. e.Aa.e.Am.n .ge,2Am4nstrtivAOficen. ..G.a52d59 P peratiScurty sni B Blg g74, alGas u SC) 4. 522348 Jaime A. Bocanegra, Associate Administrative Assistant to the Administrator ..........52-3305 Tolls ad Special Studies (FMFT) ....52-7434 Achrd S oes Safety o ais (PRSA) .....d 0,,, At tiP) 5 89 Phyg C 8e B A d strt Ofer. ...----524597 i Unit, Blt Cot Bldg. 715,Ab (OC ) ..523481 BUDGET MANAGEMENT DIVISION Charles M Monaghan, Safety Programs (PRSP) .52-3240 4 U nst,, Bldt MstY B. ..b G .524.97 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Room 106, Administration Building Bryant W. Teale, Safety Training POST) .0. 52-7529 N W Watkins, Acting Superintendent, Towboat Branch, COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION 2000 L Street W., Spite 550 Oo 254 Adintsttato)dng Thomas L Matthews, Chief (FMBD) .52-7690 David ,y, Cs,/,ong Safety .52-3289 Bldg. 6000, DiablO Hts, (MRCT). ..524548 Btoldng 635, Balbot Heights 0so,, 2C 2mnsr4996 Joan Ohm, Supervisor Budget Formulation .52-3444 PANAMA AREA PERSONNEL BOARD C R SoPr Engm Bdg.5082, 8. HO .4 Ernesto Condove D., Chief (GCS). ..52-3577 nb,,t 8,,,8,,, 0r Dsrc A, ass Chif. ...0523577 Wshigton, DC 200364996Carolyn H, Twohy, Chief (AM) .52.7757 Mark Saundrs,,ps, ,s. Budget Execution .52-3444 BW.d, R.653, Cst) Bdgg14s, atm .g,. ..4305642 8 tS A assistant .....52-7921 (202) 634-6441 Berta E. Brice , Administrative Officer (AMXA) 527991 Stall ...52-3334 Buydn dg 4 an ....4 Ad MICHAEL RHODE, d, Secretary Margaret Ender, Budget Officer, Room 269 (AMXB) ..523178 Manpower .....527909 ROBERT H. RUPP, Executive Director (PB) ...527890 T R n M g, t O tt, E Dissto .ty S8tOstts 52 7082 80g. p 14 .C. ..43 5643 Rchard Cinto, ChinS, Housing& P m Canal Comisso (WO) ...52-3050 Thomas E. Pierce, Chief, Staff Support MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Evira 1. Arias, Deputy Esetutivei to S ..523292 0 d0 Gtn 8. ..4-4 B gt Branch (GSCS-HB) .52-3133 Kly Dawson, Secretary .523050 Branch, Room 254 (AMSA) ..527995 0,,,, 145 dnagestrto ldRment Specaist .5. 322 .E. h Towtoat Manage, Southern District, Housing Office Balboa .52-3384 Linda R Tower, Administrative Services Officer .52-3050 F01A/PA Staff, Room 279 (AMSF) ..52 7520 C. J. Goodwin, Chief FMIS) .52-3460 5 E OFFICE R A. Roscoe, Engineer Manager, Southern Shore Station, Buldngs Office, Bldg. 5051X Diablo .52-3685 Virginia Allen, Assistant to the Setary for Document Control, Ro 112 (AMC) ..52 3595 MIS TECHNICAL SERVICES STAFF CENTRAL EAMiNING OFFICE 6000 ...524294 O g0ff Bldg 25,t.435648 BtrdAffs ... .52-3050 M. Joanne Hign, Chief, Records Management Ro, 145 Adsminstrtitst Buding AIRJngbt2y, Superintendent, La60 nch/Line07ndg Budings Office, Bldg. 215, Gatun .....43-5604 B bstra Folef, Assistant to the Secretary for Branch, Room 14 8 (AMRM) .52-7767 rans 8. EgO Chi, )Elvira 1. Aras, Manager (PBCE) .527682 0 ch, Bldg. 6007, Diablo His, (MRCL) ..524549 Furniture Pool, Bldg. 78, B b .C.). 52-7882 Comssi n Affairs ..52-3050 Current Records Section (AMRS) .52-3118 y Margin A. Alvarez, Assistant Manager ..527682 0 D Donlan, Chod, Launch/Lineandfing N D, Jose C, Jen, Chief, Employee Fitness Branch, Employee Barbara Sinder, Assistant to the Secretarsy for Vil Statistics Unit, Room 15A (AMRV) .52-7854 H. D. Phelps, Equipment Analyst .52771 Examining and Coification; Bldg 14, Gain ..435365 Services B Idi 5140, Diablo ts. (GSC ...527967/3634 Fancl is ..52-3050 Teleom Message Center, Ron 2 (AM) .52-3482/3591 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION Reords/Federal Job Information Center. .523584 W. Kirkland, Chief, Launch/sinerhandlng S. D, Mania Nita, Chief, Technical Resources Center Roger H .lcam, Assistant to the Secretary for Mail System, Room 143 (AMRP) ...52-7681 Room 146, AdminsSratis Building Open Registers-English ..52-3587/43 7204 Bldg. 43A, ABs ...523572 Bldg. 38, Balbsa (GSCT) ....524920 Congs s,,al Affair, ...5.3. -.t.o. 52 3050 Agency Records Center, BdC 42 D, Diablo HAsP (AMRC) ..52 3575 Alan D. Gordon, Chief (FM .P). ..52-3550 -open RgstersSpanish ...52-7077/434846 Information Dsk ..524929 Agency MicroflmUnit, Bldg 420, DDiablo His,8(AMRA. 52-3313 James A Br,,,w System Maintenance.0. 527952 MARINE BUREAU ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION BUREAU FIRE DIVISION OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Sofia Magall6 Chief, Language Services Branch, Mrs. Mary H. W s, Systems Design .52-3655 Mar, Bureau Building 729, Second Fluor Balboa Rep. 318, A dmnstrtsoS, Buding BSlding 752, Balboa Room 310, Administration Building Room 14A (AMLS) ....52-3488 Ms. Nort P. Scott, Office Automation ..52-3655 Col. OHN J. PLUNKETT, USA (Ret.) Director (EC) .52 7684 Jaye D. Deitz, Chief GSFI) ...524638 RICHARD A. WAINIO, Directur JEP) ...52-7961 Gladys DNaz-Saren, Supervisor, Lands Management UnI, End-Usr Computing Support Centsr(FMSC) (0800 .2709/7207, y ULL1(05 (e) Jienorcr86)y524500 SCr 108880 P108.880,008 .n. .(.5274 1,n 0.itS Cmnt COf)). ..02-4634 Prisclla ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ RF Heranez Assirtanry ....o .e' ..5-3 4R1m2.D(M ) .23 PR.Usr.sss.n.2-99 C5.2 3r52,De7t irctrZMRD).hi.te., .A2-dmidmnnirstraECAt.iv.e .2335 .r.,.sss.n.h.,B.56, 52463.8 5-38 Prscia O,,,,,nte Scrstasy ...0523817 6,o, 275)88MCC). .0727823 P.00.,o ....-523997 C Avrd, Dep~ty ircor(X. ...52 4500 Adiitrto (EXA ....52375 0 80,7, AdsisttsChi,SDr lg56 -Ott, ...2438 W8i ,%S. Hinkle, Chief, Market Development .52-7806 Ellen W. Andersn, Chief, Transportation Services Branch, Bldsg 721, Batbe Admiistrative Unit: E. .Marquez, Prtgras and Budget (ECXB) .52-3485 H. Wallace Teal Ass Chief, N D, Bdg. 7029, Mt Hope ..43-7282 Meb A. Raven, Chief, Economic Research ..523370 Employee Services Bldg. 5140, Diablo Hts (AM ) ...52-3325 Mrs. Maria D Allen, Systems Design .52-4810 Beverly B. Wood, Administrative Officer (M X .52-4516 .M. srem, Looks Coo Cditu r( C) ....52-7028 A Gozlez, Assistant to the Chief .52-7735 S ...52 7898 Employee Documentation, Pacifio (AMT ) 52-3238 Systems Devetpment Staff ...52-7151/4812 Frank Afbrga, Employee Relations Specalist (MRXL) ....524516 F Martinez, Special Studies (ECXC) .523543 J Narvs, Fire Protection Egeer .0. 523857 Robert H Enerick, U S. o-chairman, Employee Documentation, Atlti BoIdi 628, Balbo, Heights urue L FOster, Admnstrative Seis Officer (Staf ..524516 CONSTRUCTION DIVISION Training Gi-s, Bldg 754, Bbo0 .52-3691 Ports and Railroad Committee, Room 309 (EPPR) .523228 Buldng 1105, Room 105, Cristobal. 43)7213 .Lou Ell n GbsOn, System, Design .52-4630 Resource Management Unit: Building 37, Balboa LOGISTICAL SUPPORT DIVISION Room 266 TIRS Training Fa0lty .52 4816 Wiam 0. Cofer, Assistant to Director E. B Sahez, Chief (ECCN) .52-7205 Geai SevCes Bolding 28, Third Floor, Balbt Carols L L,s, Depty Dircor (EPMD) .523586 OFFICE OF OMBUDSMAN COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION (Rtsonres (MRXR) .524500 Ma, 0ff one. ..027927 J. MartsC (0000). 528650 Richrd 8 Horne, Chief, Industrial Engineering .52-3463 Rooms, 201205, Addumtstratoin Buldng, Bltboa Heghts Room 146, A administration Building I kSetos Vicky Wong, Administrative Services Assistant .52-7205 H. Stec, Assistant Chief .524650 Viki C Btrk, ,08 0udge Offce (8618) .524517 (8557r,07 ManageTmTnt 08,ts Adsinistrtive, Offocer .,.,. 3084672 Ste S Belk, Chief, Management Analysis ..5.2. 527734 MARC QUINN, Ombudsman (O) .523305 .C.b.00573FCOames C. Gibbs, Chief (FMC5O2746 ..S. ...52-7468 Olga E0 Ferrara, Budget Analystt. ..C. 52-4517 CGn 5atMem tcgs/Northern District Contracts .2 Staff ....52-7742 Mars Lourdes Bohsn, sy ..523305 e m Ott C FMCt ) 0 675.8 F-r-s R.b.s, s BgtmS Aats .ntr .n .C.t 07 .rn,2451) tthr 0isi7 Cntr ....23517 0 ud PO fme.tA yt. 52-4693 Jme A. Bocanegra, A tant to Ombudsman ...523305 H oom 16 (ACS) E. 3162h, Co Ed r o L N.s. Budget Analyst .0.t.8.0.8. 524517 .Wluhe, Hsi Contracts ....S. 52V3907 H. Wble, ChOSe ntry Mgs (GOl). .52-4620 OFFICE OF CANAL IMPROVEMENTS PCC Hotline ...52-7474 Branch (FMCC) .....523424 Engineering Section: Northern District nspect A M.Is Lopez, Chief, P .and Cont. Branch (GSP) .524687 Rosn 230, Administration Bnding Carmen Pimetes, Network Analyst .523070 0 Fr0man, Staff Engineer (MRXE) .524531 Bldg. 119NA, GaDSn .435461 Chief, Warehousing Branch, Bldg. 5 (GSLW) .527785 GUILLERMO VAN HOORDE, Jr., Director (CI) .52 7508 OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Network Control Cter-OLine Help D (FMCN) .52-7777 Vcene A. Sheds, Indi Engineer (MRXI ..52 4531 DREDGING DIVISION reaper, Mount Hope ..43-7456 8 r, C, do Salo Secretary .0. 527508 Room103, Adn-taston Buildtg Systems Development Computer Facility, 0brie 0.8,g5588 A ement Ayt (858) 024026 Building 33, Gaba Excess Disposal, Bldg. 42 (GSLE) .52-3062 Ms, Grady, C. de O Admnistat80e r 68188 ,, ttr (PA)-02,3100 8Hlding 721, Blb. 027093 P. Gbrsnelr se A. A. 0,8,, C87 6) ...66232 GC P. Rsbe(g, Chief, New 0,,i Branch, 8871108 Pgas SctonMi Offic 07 ,. ..56-6661 44000808555n0StreetNw,0as, LA 7004&6800 Gustavo 303(.Guadoa, Senior IMtral Engineery) dAC do, s y. ..5206 OFFICE OF FPERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 00i ELMrAmi Officet (0rs O (4) .0. 06200 (SNO)p .r eN rs,,.A.,. (504(948 5299 R 233 (CIPS) ...527897 ....32 Room 243, Adnstratn, Building MARINE SAFETY UNIT Lol de Sandoval, Chief, Engr Plans and Programs MOTOR TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Charls R Lavalled, Capil Program C,,ordnatoJ, GEORGE A. MERCIER, Pon Direct.r PR) .52-3277 Marine Bureau Building 729, Third Flo, Balboa (566340 Building 062A, Ann Room 231 (CICP) ......52-3340 Mda/Pbltictn .-. .52-3165 Dagmar de Bolivar, Secretary .2 -PR) .523277 Capt. Vernon 0. Eschenburg, Special Assistant to Chief Control Section (ECDC) ....566640 Dr. David C. Baerg, Environmental /Energy Officer Franklin D. Castrellon, Associate Director, Local Ma K. Vdaurri Dpt Pesn l D irecto 52 3351 Direct.r PMRRMA) ..........52-4243/4211 J, R. Rodriguez, Chief, Operations Branch (ECDO) ....56-6264 E. 8. Hickman, Chief (GSMT) ..........52-3563 d R0s 5232 2 y ty. ..stnn. 5r ., ......Chief, Drilling and Blasting Branch (ECD ....566265 R Bermudez, Assistant to the Chief. ..523937 S a l R oom 30 3 ...5 2 8 3 3 8 8 0 ,, C tKen ed .h R .api r ...G F 5 2 A n ita O be rholtzer, P ers n ne l R reference U nit, B ld g 3 65 floating g Eq u ip m e nt Inspection ......52 4 20 9E.424"I Glood.n,7s~,, Smi4h 8,u078 --0220 O f f i a,, Ro.24 RB).5 360 8 Hazrdsar~o .00124200 R T. 0, Chief, Repair Branch (0(08) .066880 Mrst 1. 0 Holde, 808initrtive Offico,,, .527731 07877n Ketedy 303 ..0238769 0rpi rnh(AE). 231 Bsoron CBief, SupportBranch (0(00) .96-6867 Superintendn, Sou8thern Distrit. .527990 0---Aco (PRXR) ..,. 527900 BOARD OF LOCAL INSPECTORS C Von Chong, Chief, Aquatic Vegetation and Oil Pollution Dispatcher, Southern District ..523301 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL Antonio Grald Supervisor, Orientation Service, PERSONNEL POLICY AND PROGRAMS STAFF Employ, Services Bolding 5140, iab heights Management Branch (ECDV) ..566481 W Seeley, Superintendent, Northern District .43-7246 Bfinial tours of Mirnflonres oocks ---5 5463 om 243, Admnstraton Building Capt. M.88. Fanning, Chairman (RB) .52-3403 ELECTRICAL DIVISION Dispath,, Northern District .437358 JOHN L. HAINES, Jr., General Counsed/Procuremn MnayFidy5238 lis A. Wiiams, Associate Direct., (PRXP) ....52-3466 MARTM ANN NTBuilding 66A, Bab. Driver Examiner ..............52-7822 Ets5n (0).270 .~dy Sdyo80,,5 -2043 t 0 P8). 034 M ARsTIM Bos INms UNITdsn 729r 7BsSt ,Oo80ShR h8 S(). .581 Trip Sersice .52 3429 ExectiveU.S Repesetatie totheCoorinaing Monudays Fri day s .2-.543 Dolores A. Eskirdsen, Administrative Officer' Marine Bores, Building 729, third For, Balboa E. D. Schnuck, Chief (ECLE) ..........52-4410 SotTi evc 232 Committe (C) .....52-7511 Room 251(UPRXA). .52-3544 MainOffice ..............52-4421 LIAISON OFFICE 8,ss m le P Daniel, Supervisory Legal Technician .52 -7511 Thomas V Bright, Incentive A 0ards Unit, Bldg 287' ss 0 A5rA Ct.n. Ver dRb. 028007 8870)708 ..52-4401 Building 5140, Diablo Feight Patricia Lindley-Domingugg Deputy General Couns. 52 7511 OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Aon, (PRXI) .52-7965 J At Laas Assistant .2-.C.H.Hari.Jr Chief, 80mmr. .(.). 524400 R4dE0bgChi Hisbf dO rGS 20,878s 8a88ta Admin, Sn,,s Asst 7. .524000 (0C Haril 05,8 Coms,,. (SCOC) .02 4428 RtoladoE VsSnsgg Chief Liastn Ofcet(Os)00. 02-3324 Theodore G. locas, CampTitin Advocate (CA).52-7511 Employee Rltont Centrs Building 37, Blbra HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT STAFF M C McMllan, Training Coordat, ......240 J P Bradley, Chief, Elec Interior Br ECLI .524442 Csn 8 Office, Pafi ...52-3324 Attorneys ....527511 TiCIA R. MdTAGGART, Director JED) .5231G Building 0602, SalbO Heights Capt. M T C oazs, Seamanship a d Towboat N. S in, Chief, Ele Exttrr r. (ECLO) ..524417 Liaison Office, Atlantic, Bldg 206, Gatu (GSLA) .434200 Room 326, Adnistraton Building Alor Araz, Secretary ...52-3638 Ricardo R. Vaa, Associate Director (PRHR) ..524177 rning Office ...524550 J Hannigan, Chief, Power 8, (ECLP) .524416 24Hour OnCall Service ..113 PCC Operator Marine Accident/Misellanesus General Claims (GCCL) .523505 r, Raymond A George, Special Emphasis Trainmng Center Information Desk ...524182 Capt. Gulfrmd Maud, Jr, Assistant Seamtasipt N. Kraemer, Chief, Electronics Br. (ECLX) ..524101 PRINTING OFFICE L )ly F. Sagel, SupyGen, Caims Examiner .02-3505 Programs Manager.8.0. 52-3233 Employeeand ManagementDevelopmentBranch (PRHM) 52-4163 and Towbdat Training Officer. .52 4550 ENGINEERING DIVISION Building 911, rIsBoc2 General Claims Examiers ..12 3231 Ingebtorg Kincaid, EEO Investigator .-. .52-7415 Language npr a b B. ..d ._7 .b .(PR4171 CANAL OPERATIONS UNIT Ron. 343, Administration Building Timothy J. Corrigan, Chief (GSPO) .52-3237 R. 311, Admn stra, ooolding pecal Employee Development Programs ..524155 Bunlding 910, La Boca N. H. Visq, Cliff (ECEG)/Depty EC Creits ..527585 S, Pe, Printing Opiistt ..52-3237 J8n 888885, 'n,7eat A 055887 (GCTA) -02700 OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL Ei8rto A. you, I 7dstral Traiing Branch, Capt. G. A. Markham, Canal Operations Calptas (8RC0) 52-4011 J.E Ctrdvt AsttC ...003180 Arnoldo Cnvalls M, Requisitions .527579 Room113, Adinnoisdrato Boodsng Building6530, Crza Bldg. 3 280-B, s (PRHI). 524190 CanalPrt Caputs, tSouthernDistrict, Bldg 910, La Boca 52-4211 M. T. A y Adminrstra e ranch ) SANITATION AND GROUNDS DIVISION James N Doyle, Asst. Procurement Executive (PE). 52-7511 PETER A 1HI inspector GeerAl IG) .52 3142 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS DIVISION A E R.m8y, .s N,8, P0rt NO .43C7370 8A Pnc P., Chief, Architcrl Branch ( EC4) ... 520088 8880 CGROU Mrs_______________________ (58) E, apt, Secretary ---. 57 3042 Buff(osgOB 366, (855 5,70,Prtap),n, NtD BOBg 1105, (ritoal. 8437637 C B Kng,, (hie, Cii BranchO )CC. 52 3609 Buildng 631, Ccs-g .T A em Chief, El 7rical Branch (ECEE) .52 3419 W. S. Sweeney, Chief ( GSAN) ......52-7605 OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS William C. Forbes, Deputy Inspector General ...52-7776 Fix A. Fles-Ramtti, Chef (PROP) ..523335 PIOT DIVISION G Bermant Chief, Gctechn,80l Br. (ECET) .5273389 Sybil Ammer, Admin. Services Asst. .....523661 Shirley E. Maduro, Administrative Officer (IGXA) General Information/Job Letters-Pacific .......52-7595 Building 726, Saibd. D. J. McKeon, Chief, Mechanical Branch (ECEM) ...52-7895 L F. Petrz Chief, Grounds Branch (GSAG) ......52-7466 Employee Relations Center, Bildng 37, Balboa Room 238, Admin. Bldg. ..52-7636 General nfrmatuiJb Letters-Atlantic ..52-3376 Capt. D. P. Garrido, Chief Pilot (MRCP) .524230 R. J. Hauser, Chief, Specst & Es r ECEX) ..5201705 District Grounds Offic, Tellr Island .43-5253 MICHAEL N STEPHENSON, Director (R) ..523109 F. Keny, Audit Manage .-. ..52-7419 Kri K. MoI).,, Adverse Actions Bra ch, Matlde P. Guardian, Administrative Services Officer .52-4230 J. A Brady, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. 6ECEH) .52-1729 R R, Salazar, Chief, Sanitation Branch (GSAS). .....523464 C. T. Smith, Deputy Director (IRD) ...52-3186/3341 Gary M McLean, Audit Manager ...52-7419 Bldg. 287, Ascon (PROD) .52-4393 5 V. Ba t, Chi8, (8 PItRo ion and Schedulng R S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Branch, Bldg 9212, District Sanitation Office, Bldg. 5116, 8T Hope .43 7279 Labor Relations Specialists .-. 52 3186/3341 Auditors8.3.7.7 .I. I. ..52-7801 Debt Cou i g Bldg.287, Ancon .523934 Unit (MRPR) .52-4235 Pedro Mg8,l (ECEV) .52-8162 Dr. M. M Bosham, Entomology 1i, Bldg. 6534 (G ) 527984 NOTE: IF YOU RECEIVE A COLLECT CALL DIRECT FROM A U.S. OR OVERSEAS OPERATOR, POLICY REQUIRES THAT Y0 HAVE THE OPERATOR REDIRECT THE CALL THROUGH THE COMMISSION OPERATOR AT (507) 63-6354. FROM U.SA. TOLL FREE: 1(800) 62 CANAL(622-2625) PCC OPERATOR WILL ANSWER, GIVE LOCAL OFFICIAL TELEPHONE NUMBER. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESSESPANAMA: BALBOA, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA UNITED STATES: UNIT 2300, APO AA 34011 FACSIMILE: (507)52-2122 TELEX: 3034 PCCAMRM PG CABLE: PANCANALCO-PANAMA Compiled by the Records Management Branch

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