Citation |
- Permanent Link:
- http://ufdc.ufl.edu/AA00028428/00030
Material Information
- Title:
- Panama Canal Organizational Directories
- Creator:
- Panama Canal Commission
- Donor:
- Panzer, Pat
- Language:
- English
- Measurements:
- 16 x 22 inches
- Genre:
- federal government publication ( marcgt )
- Spatial Coverage:
- Panama -- Panama Canal Zone
- Abstract:
- This set of organizational directories covers the years from 1975-1998 and lists names and phone numbers of various employees in administrative departments.
- General Note:
- 52 pages
- General Note:
- This gift was made in memory of Bob Panzer.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- University of Florida
- Holding Location:
- Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida
- Rights Management:
- This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not protected by copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.
Aggregation Information
- PCM:
- Panama and the Canal
- IUF:
- University of Florida
- Documents of the Panama Canal
- Panama Canal Museum Inventory
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April 1987
Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights
D. P. McAULIFFE, Administrator (AD) ....................................... 3169
Maria Luisa L. Charles, Secretary ........................................ 3100
FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA).................... .. 3103
Patricia Salterio, Secretary.................................. . . . . . . . . . ... 7914
Anna L Pescod, Staff Assistant to the Administrator, Room 225 (ADSA) ........ 7870/3536
Rooms 205-207, Administration Building
Joseph J. W ood, Director (AE) .............................................
Mrs. Eileen S. Boyd, Secretary ...........................................
James E. Ferrara, Deputy Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
K. E. Goldsberry, Assistant Director, Policy Development...................
Marc Quinn, Assistant to Director, Board Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Clarence C. Payne, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator (AA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2000 L Street NW, Suite 550 Washington, DC 20036-4996
MICHAEL RHODE, Jr., Secretary,
Panama Canal Commission (WO) ........ (202)634-6441
Virginia Allen, Assistant to the Secretary for
Board Affairs ........................ (202)634-6441
Barbara Fuller, Assistant to the Secretary for
Commission Affairs................... (202)634-6441
Roger H. Sullivan, Assistant to the Secretary
for Congressional Affairs...............(202)634-6441
OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Rooms 230-233, Administration Building
R. P. LAVERTY, Director/U.S. Representative
to Coordinating Committee (EP).............
Mrs. Thelma L. De La Mater, Secretary ...........
Donald G. Schmidt, Deputy Director .................
Charles A. McArthur, Assistant Director-Treaty Affairs . John T. Bowman, Treaty Affairs Specialist, Room 302 . Robert H. Emerick, U.S. Cochairman,
3588 3588 3561 7666 3362
Ports and Railroad Committee, Room 309 (EPPR) ... 3228 Room 206
Guillermo Van Hoorde, Jr., Chief, Canal Improvements
Division (EPCI) .............................. 7897
Gustavo De La Guardia, Senior Industrial Engineer ...... 7508 Charles R. Lavallee, Capital Program Coordinator........ 3340 Mrs. Gladys Dominguez, Budget Officer ............... 3108
Dr. David C. Baerg, Environmental/Energy Control Officer,
Room 303 ................................. 3687
Staff-Room 303 ............................ 7830/3697
Room 266
Carlos L. Linares, Chief, Management Division (EPMD)... 3586 Richard B. Horne, Chief, Industrial Engineering Branch .... 3463 Chief, Management Analysis Branch.................. 7742
Room 310
Richard A. Wainio, Chief, Economic Research and
Market Development Division (EPEM).......... William S. Hinkle, Marketing Specialist...........
Dr, Victoriano Moreno, Economist ..............
Melba A. Raven, Economist ........................
Room 338, Administration Building
JOHN L. HAINES, Jr., General Counsel (GC).........
Miss Emilie P. Daniel, Lead Legal Technician......... Jess K. Totten, Deputy Generals el Counsel..........
Patricia Lindley-Dominguez, Assistant General Counsel William R. Kerivan, Competition Advocate (CA). Attorneys................ ..............
Room 112, Administration Building
7961 7806 3370 3370
7511 7511 7511 7511 7511 7511
Attorneys . .. -................................... 7511
Room 326, Administration Building
Marine Accident-Miscellaneous General Claims (GCCL) ... 3505 Edward J. Donohue, Supvy. Gen. Claims Examiner-...... 3505 General Claims Examiners.........................3231
Room 110, Administration Building
TILCIA R. McTAGGART, Director (EO)................
Alcira Aradz, Secretary..........................
Employee Relations Center, Building 37, Balboa
Investigative Unit (EDIU) ..........................
Dr. Raymond A. George, Special Emphasis
Programs Manager................ .....
Ingeborg Kincaid, EED Investigator ..................
3101 3101
3638 3233
3519 3519 7601 3122
7697 3305
Administration Building
Thomas C. Duty, Chief, Room 254 (AM) .............. 7757
Staff Support, Room 254 (AMSA)...............7995
Official Translator, Room 14-A (AMST) ............ 3488
Budget Officer (AMXB) .......................... 3178
Frank R. Turman, Chief, Transportation Services Branch,
Employee Services Bldg 5140, Diablo Hts. (AMTR) . . 3325
Employee and Cargo Documentation, Pacific (AMTE) ... 3238
Employee and Cargo Documentation, Atlantic,
Building 1105, Room 105, Cristobal .......... 46-7213
Carolyn H. Twohy, Chief, Records Management
Branch, Room 14-8 (AMRM)................7767
Current Records Section )AMRS)---------------3118
FOIA/PA Staff, Room 112 (AMRF).................7520
Telecom Message Center, Room 2 (AMRT) ........... 3482
Mail System, Room 143 (AMRP)..................7681
Agency Records Center, Bldg. 42-D, Diablo Hts (AMRC) ..... 3575
OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Room 103, Administration Building
ANEL E. BELIZ, Director (PA)....................... 3165
Miss Myrna A. Iglesias, Secretary-.......... ....... 3165
Willie K. Friar, Deputy Director..................... 3165
Diane M. Morris, Public Affairs Specialist.............3165
Mrs. Flor D. de Aguilar, Administrative Services Officer ... 3521 Franklin D. Castrell6n, Press Officer.................. 3202
Jennifer Jones, Spillway Editor------------------3202
Cleveland C. Soper. Chief, Graphic Branch (PAGF) - 3217 Antonio Grenald, Supervisor, Guide Service,
Miraflores Locks. .... . . . .......... 52-5463
For official tours of Miraflores Locks call:
Monday-Friday, 52-3187/3521
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, 52-5463
Employee Relations Center, Building 37, Balboa
BRUCE A. QUINN, Ombudsman (OM)................7474
Maria Lourdes Bottin, Secretary................... 7474
Dr. Lilia Sibauste, Associate Ombudsman.............7563
Atlantic Area Office (lst and 3d Wed of each month). 43-5447 Administrator's Information Center.................3412
RESIDENTS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE LIAISON Gatun Community Center, Building 206, Gatun
Gilbert Sollas, RAC Liaison Officer--------------43-5430
Mrs. Muriel D. Mizrachi, Secretary..............43-5430
OFFICE OF GENERAL AUDITOR Building 6530, Corozal
JAMES A. MATHIS, General Auditor (GA)...........
Mrs. Itzel E. Krapfl, Secretary ...............
Peter A. Liehr, Deputy General Aaditor ............
Pauline E. Fulop, Audit Manager...............
Eileen Angle, Audit Manager .......................
A uditors .......................................
3142 3142 7776
7419 7419 7801
Employee Relations Center, Building 37, Balboa
MICHAEL N. STEPHENSON, Director (R) ............. 3109
Mrs. Elsa de Ramirez, Secretary .................. 3109
Edsel A. Wong, Deputy Director (IRDI)..........3186/3341
Labor Relations Specialists ...... ...... .. ..... 3186/3341
Rooms 235-240, Administration Building
R. 0. BURGOON, Chief Financial Officer (FM) ........
Mrs. Emperatriz Lavecchia, Secretary ..............
William J. Joyce, Deputy Chief Financial Officer ....... Duane A Rigby, Assistant Chief Financial Officer........ Mrs. Jolie A. Seeley, Administrative Officer (FMXA) ......
Building 6529, Corozal
Barton F. Mead, Chief (FMSS). ...............
Supervisory Systems Accountants................
Staff . .. .. .. .. .... . ... ... . ... . .... .. .. ... . .....
Chart of Accounts/FSM Procedures........ .....
Building 725, Balboa
Chief Accountant (FMAC)........................... 4727
John F. Hern, Jr., Assistant Chief Accountant . . . . . . . . . . 4727
Patricia Chan, Assistant to Chief Accountant . . . . . . . . . . . 4727
Charles R. Eckerle, Reports and Analysis Staff (FMAR) ... 4701 Carlos Mantovani, General Ledger Branch (FMAD). . . . . . . 4737 Gilberto Young, Agents Accts Branch (FMAA)...-. ......4300
T. J. Kaliszczak, Payroll Branch (FMAP)............... 4333
Mrs. Dorothy A. Meissner, Typing Unit.....-...........4711
Building 725, Balboa
Robert Q. Won, Treasurer (FMTR)................... 4710
Carlos A. Payne, Assistant Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4715
Administration Building Vault...-.................... 3249
Ms. Sofia Yhap, Treasury Branch, Atlantic,
Building 8153, Margarita (FMTA) .............46-7399
FINANCIAL PLANNING DIVISION Rooms 102-106, Administration Building
Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP)..................3137
Robert J. Boatwright, Budget Branch (FMFB)...........3334
Manpower (FMFM)..........-................... 3374
Kenneth L. Morris, Rates and Analysis Branch/
Cost Control Officer (FMFR)........ -............ 3287
William C. Forbes, Tolls and Special Studies (FMFT) ..... 7434
Room 145, Administration Building
C. J. Goodwin, Jr., Chief (FMIS)....................3460
Room 145, Administration Building
Raymond W. Engle, Chief (FMIT)....................
Room 146, Administration Building
Abraham E. Espino, Chief (FMDP).......-............3550
James A. Brewer, Systems Maintenance...-....-.......7952
Alan D. Gordon, Systems Design ........... ......... 3655
Maria D. Allen, Systems Design ........ ............. 7924
Gerald R. Smith, Systems Design (Bldg. 628A, Balboa Hts ) . . 3399 End-User Computing Support Center (FMSC)-...... 7559/7207
Room 146. Administration Building
Ms. Norita P. Scott, Chief (FMCO)... -....... -........ 7468
Albert G. Mootoo, Assistant Chief/
Chief, Data Entry and Controls Branch, Room 16 (FMCD) 3162 Henry E. Sanchez, Central Computer Operations
Branch (FMCC).. -....... -..................... 3424
Network Control Center.....................-.... 7777
On-Line Service Assistance ..................... 7685
Room 243, Administration Building
RONALD L. SEELEY, Personnel Director (PR)........
Elba L. de Gonzalez, Secretary....................
George A. Mercier, Deputy Personnel Director .........
3277 3351
Room 243, Administration Building
Mary K. Vidaurri, Associate Director (PRXP)........... 3466
Carolina 1. Sellhorn, Budget Officer, Room 247 (PRXB) ... 3558 Myra N. Perscky, Administrative Officer, Room 251 (PRXA) . 3544 Anita Oberholtzer, Personnel Reference Unit, Bldg. 780,
Balboa (PRXR).............................. 7900
Yolanda A. Canfield, Incentive Awards Unit,
Bldg. 716-B, Balboa (PRXI) .................... 7965
Building 0602, Balboa Heights
Ricardo R. Varela, Associate Director (PRHR)---------4177 Training Center Information Desk.................... 4182
Judith A. Baerg, Employee and Management
Development Branch (PRHM)................... 4163
Language Training .. -.............................4171
Microcomputer Lab, Bldg. 719-D, Balboa (PRHC)(....... 7448 Special Employee Development Programs ............. 4155
Edilberto A. Yee, Industrial Training Branch,
Bldg. 2A-3, Balboa (PRHI) ..................... 4190
F1ix A. Fil6s-Remotti, Chief (PROP)........ .....
Receptionist/Job Letters ........................
Kari K. Mcllvaine, Adverse Actions Unit, Bldg. 779-B,
Balboa (PROD) .......................
Anthony E. Scottino, Pers. Mgmt. System,
Bldg. 363, Ancon (PROM) .....................
Carlos A. Williams, Empl. and Plcmt. Br. (PROE) ........
General Services and Marine Bureaus..... .....
E&C Bureau & Staff Units .......................
Special Placement ........................... ..
3335 7595
3120 3171 7996 3583 3868
3194 7906 3580 7906 7636
3650 7956 3501
ROBERT H. RUPP, Executive Officer (PB)..........
Pearl T. Atherley, Personnel Assistant...........'- '
Elvira 1. Arias, Manager (PBCE) ....................
Administrative Section ..........................
Testing; Examining and Certification;
Records/Federal Job Information Center ..........
Applicant Suitability ............................
Marine Bureau Building 729, Second Floor, Balboa
Capt. G. T. HULL, USN (Ret.) Director (MR) ........
Ms. Zenia Stratmann, Secretary ...................
Capt. J. J. Bonanno, Deputy Director (MRXO).........
William 0. Cofer, Assistant to Director (Resources) (MRXR) .. Douglas C. Schmidt, Executive Assistant (MREX) ........ Mrs Beverly B. Wood, Administrative Officer (MRXA)..... Resource Management Unit: Fiscal Section:
Vicki L. Boukalis, Budget Officer (MRXB)...........
June A. Stevenson, Budget Analyst ................
Budget Analyst (Locks)..........................
Eduardo Smith, Supvy. Budget Analyst
(Canal Services) .............................
Engineering Section:
James R. Freeman, Staff Engineer (MRXE)........ AIN Section:
Management Analyst .......................
MARINE SAFETY UNIT Building 910, La Boca
Capt. J. P. DeLeonardis, Special Assistant to
Director (MRRM)......... ........ .....
Hazardous Cargo Risk Management Team.........
Employee Services Building 5140, Diablo Heights
Capt. M. M. Fanning, Chairman (MRBL)..............
Marine Bureau Building 729, Third Floor, Balboa
Capt. G. A. Markham, Chief (MRMT) .................
Capt. T. Kirkby, Assistant Chief, Pilot Training........ Training Coordinator..............................
Seamanship and Towboat Training Officer,
Bldg 29-X, Balboa ...........................
D. Lipman, Marine Engineer Training Officer,
Bldg. 29-X, Balboa ........................
7890 3292
7682 7682
3584 3251
4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4516
4517 4517 4517
4243 4243
4550 4550 4550
Canal Operations Captain (MRCO) ................... 4211
Canal Port Captains, Northern District,
Bldg. 1105, Cristobal.................... 46-7637
Canal Port Captains, Southern District,
Bldg. 910, La Boca .......................... 4212
Building 910, La Boca
Capt. D. P. Garrido, Chief Pilot (MRCP)............
R. V. Barnett, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling
Unit (MRCR)................ .................
4230 4235
David J. Niedzialek, Position Classification Br. (PROW) ... .. 3336
General Services and E&C Bureaus ................ 3176
Marine Bureau & Staff Units ....................3454
Edilma M. Rodriguez, Pers. Recds.-Admin. Br. (PROR). . 3311
Personnel Actions....................... .....3279
Personnel Data Control.......................... 3254
Personnel Files .............................3376
Employee Induction/Debt Counseling ............. 3522
Walter C. Bottin, Retirement & Insurance Branch,
Bldg. 5553, Diablo Heights (PROS) ................7831
Retirement......................... 3160/3229
Insurance................................ 7831
Disability Relief ............................... 7828
Atlantic Personnel Office, Building 7998,
Margarita (PROA)
Receptionist and General Information ........... 46-7329
Employment & Placement.................. 46-7218
Position Classification....................46-7482
Building 721, Balboa
Dr. Richard A. Cheville, Chief (PRDH) ................7968
Dr. Maria Antoniadis, Occupational Health Officer
(Pacific) .............................. 3842/3274
Physical Examination Center ..................... 7108
Dr. Dalisla Soto, Occupational Health Officer
(Atlantic) ........................... 89-5680/5681
Physical Examination Center.................89-5680
Alfonso E. Regis, Chief Industrial Hygienist (PROI).....7713 Denia Pimentel, Employee Counseling Service (PRDR). . .. 7968 William E. Dodd, Injury Claims (FECA) Unit,
Bldg. 780, Balboa (PRDC) ..................... 3431
Building 721, Second Flour, Balboa
William H. M. Brunner, Chief (PRSF).......... 3289/7883
Richard S. Zornes, Safety Operations............ 7726/7883
Charles M. Monaghan, Safety Programs,
Bldg. 719-A, Balboa ...................... 3612/7809
Bryant W. Teale, Safety Training,
Bldg. 719-C, Balboa ....... ................... 7529
David Dempsey, Crane/Diving Safety,
Bldg. 719-C, Balboa .......................... 7730
Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks
G. A. McArthur, Superintendent (MRLP)............
H. Escoffery, Assistant Superintendent ............
Miss Lourdes A. Baseman, Administrative Services Assistant
52-8214 52-82 13
Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks
D. F. Bullinger, Superintendent (MRLA)............-43-8700
R. Alvarez, Assistant Superintendent..............43-8703
Mrs. Alexandra Wong, Administrative Services Assistant. 43-8704
B. G. Sanders, Chief (MRTM)....................... 4220
D. Wagner, Assistant Chief ........................ 4220
Marine Traffic Control Center General Information....... 4200
Building 6007, Diablo Heights
J. L. Ransom, Chief (MRCS)-.......................4591
Assistant Chief............ **'* ............ 4591
Mrs. Phyllis C. Magee, Administrative Officer..........4599
Fleet Engineer ............................4299
Fleet Master .............................4299
Superintendent, Towboat Branch (MRCT), Bldg. 6000,
Diablo Hts................... -............... 4548
Overhaul Engineer, Bldg. 5082, Mt. Hope .......... 46-7437
Towboat Manager, Northern District, Bldg. 14, Gatun . 43-5642 Engineer Manager, Northern Shore Station,
Bldg. 14, Gatun ... .-...................... 43-5360
Towboat Manager, Southern District, Bldg. 6000A,
Diablo Hts.................................. 4285
Engineer Manager, Southern Shore Station, Bldg. 6007,
Diablo Hts.... .... ........................ 4294
Superintendent, Launch/Linehandling Branch (MRCL),
Bldg. 43-A, Balboa ........................... 3572
Assistant Superintendent, Launch/Linehandling......... 3572 R. J. Borneby, Chief, Launch/Linehandling N. D.
Bldg. 13, Gatun .......................... 43-5348
W. Kirkland, Chief, Launch/Linehandling S. D.,
Bldg. 43-A, Balboa .............................. 3572
Room 318, Administration Building
Col. JOHN J. PLUNKETT, USA (Ret.) Director (EC) ...... 7684
Julieta Arosemena, Secretary.....................3527
R. E. O'Connor, Administration (ECXA) ................ 3375
E. B. MArquez, Programs and Budget (ECXB) .......... 3485
L. M. Drennan, Locks Coordinator (ECXL).............. 7863
F. Martinez, Special Studies........................ 3543
R. W. Adams, Chief (ECCN)........................ 7205
Main Office-.......-...... ... -..... -........... 7927
R. Wilde, Administrative Officer ..................... 7927
Inspection Unit, Southern District................... 3517
Inspection Unit, Northern District.
Bldg. 122, Gatun ......................... 43-5461
Building 33, Gamboa
A. E. Diaz, Chief (ECDR) ....................... 56-6681
H. V. Archibold, Administrative Officer (ECDA) ....... 56-6681 Chief, Engr. Plans and Programs Section (ECDE) ..... 56-6681 B. Ross, Chief, Control Section (ECDC)............. 56-6648
J. R. Rodriguez, Chief, Operations Branch (ECDO) .... 56-6681 R. K. Ng, Chief, Drilling and Blasting Branch (ECDB).... 56-6681 R. T. Hayes, Chief, Repair Branch (ECDM) .......... 56-6612
D. Broce, Chief, Support Branch (ECDS)............ 56-6691
C. Von Chong, Chief, Aquatic Weed & Pollution Control
(ECDV) ................................. 56-6646
Building 66A, Balboa
Chief (ECLE).......... ........ ... ... .. ... 4421
Mrs. D. Eskildsen, Administrative Officer (ECLA)-........ 4421
N. Salamina, Chief, Elec. Ext. Br. (ECLO)..............4421
W. Nickisher, Chief, Elec. Int. Br. )ECLI)-..............4414
E. Schnack, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP) ................. 4421
C. H. Harrill, Chief, Comm. Br. (ECLC) ..............4421
Room 343, Administration Building
N. H. Vdsquez, Chief (ECEG) ....................... 7585
L. G. Archuleta, Assistant Chief.....................3180
F. Alberga, Administrative Officer....................7982
J. Cordovez, Chief, Architectural Branch (ECEA)........ 3556 C. A. Kiamco, Chief, Civil Branch (ECEC)............3619
J. T. Alemdn, Chief, Electrical Branch (ECEE)........... 3419
D. J. McKeon, Chief, Mechanical Branch (ECEM)........7895 R. J. Hauser, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX) .......... 7949
W. B. Shaw, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECEH) .......... 7716
R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Branch, Bldg. 9212,
Pedro Miguel (ECEV) ......................... 3163
Marine Bureau Building 729, First Floor, Balboa
J. M. Eberenz, Director (MRAM)....................4567
J. A. Melgar, Chief Admeasurer-............. -........ 4567
Supervisory Admeasurers.......................... 4570
Ship Data Bank ..... ............................ 4572
Billing Section . -....... -.......................... 4530
Admeasurement Office (Building 1105, Cristobal) . . . . 46-7293 LOCKS DIVISION
Marine Bureau Building 729, First Floor, Balboa
C. A. Alvarado, Chief MRLC).......... .......... 4255
J. L Quiianu, Chief, Engineering and Planning
Section (MRLE)-.............................4255
Mrs. Silvia M. Glasscock, Administrative Officer.........4255
Hernan Acevedo, Plant Engineer... -......... -........ 4255
T. J. Hannigan, Overhaul Engineer...................- 4255
General Services Building 28, Second Floor, Balboa
R. D. Morgan, Director (GS)/Procurement Executive (PE) ... R. Van Hoorde, Deputy Director ....................
M. S. Klipper, Chief Contracting Officer ...............
James N. Doyle, Asst. Procurement Executive.........
G. E. McElroy, Labor Relations......................
Mrs. A. M. Azcarraga, Employee Relations...........
Staff Support (GSXA) .............................
Ms. J. M. Joly, Budget Officer (First Floor) (GSXB) .......
4061 4061 4073 4073 4061 4070 4068 4060
General Services Building 28, First Floor, Balboa
Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP)...-...................4646
R. F. Brayton, Assistant Chief....................... 4646
Edward V. Amason, Security Officer, Bldg. 11-Y,
Balboa (GSCX)-------------------------4436
W. S. Robison, Pacific Branch Chief, Bldg. 6534,
Corozal (GSCC).............................. 7541
J. S. Kraemer, Atlantic Branch Chief, Bldg. 40, Gatun
(GSCG)....... ..................... 43-5296
Building 635, Balboa Heights
R. J. Saarinen, Chief (GSCS) ....................... 3577
J. L. DesLondes, Assistant Chief ..................... 3577
R. McNatt, Chief, Housing Management Branch (GSCH) . . . . 3133 District Housing Office, Bldg. 215, Gatun ........... 43-5648
Richard Linton, Chief, Buildings Management Branch,
Bldg. 5051-X, Diablo Hts. (GSCB)................3685
Jose C. Jaen, Chief, Employee Fitness Branch, Employee
Services Building, 5140, Diablo Hts. (GSCF) ........ 7967 Chief, Technical Resources Ctr. Bldg. 0610, Ancon (GSCT) .. 7884
Information Desk-..............................7761
General Services Building 28, First Floor, Balboa
Jaye D. Deitz, Chief (GSFI) .. ...................... 4638
B. Quiros, Assistant Chief, Southern District ...........3286
H. Wallace Teal, Assistant Chief, Northern District ..... 46-7282
General Services Building 28, Third Floor, Balboa
G. P. Lavecchia, Chief (GSLS) ...................... 4650
J. Martino, Assistant Chief.....................4650
E. Ho, Panama Procurement Coordinator------------4600
H. Womble, Chief, Inventory Mgt. Br. (GSLI)----------4620
M. K. Baker, Chief, Purch. and Cont. Branch (GSLP).- 4687 R. P. Rivet, Chief, Warehousing Branch, Bldg. 5 (GSLW) 7785
Furniture and Equipment Pool.................7882
Storekeeper, Mount Hope..................... 46-7456
R. Koyner, Chief, Excess Dispusal, Bldg. 42 (GSLE) ...... 7683 G. P. Risberg, Chief, New Orleans Branch,
4400 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, LA 70146-6800
(SNO)---- - ---'--- ---- -(504(948-5299
E. B. Hickman, Chief (GSMT)....................... 3563
J. H. Wheeler, Assistant Chief ...................... 3420
Mrs. J. G. Holder, Administrative Officer .............. 7731
R. Bermudez, Superintendent, Southern District ........ 7990 Dispatcher, Southern District ....................... 3301
D. Rowell, Superintendent, Northern District ........ 46-7246 Dispatcher, Northern District.......... -........ .. 46-7358
Driver Examiner ...........................7822
Short Trip Service....................3429/46-7358
General Services Building 28, First Floor, Balboa
Edward M. Chism, Director of Area Coordination (GSAC).... 4696 Rolando E. Winberg, Chief of Operations-..............7213
Area Coordination Unit, Pacific, Employee Services
Bldg. 5140, Diablo Hts. ....................... 3324
Area Coordination Unit, Atlantic, Bldg. 8576, Margarita . . 46-4200
Building 911, La Boca
H. W. Dempsey, Jr., Chief (GSPO)...................
J. J. Reid, Assistant Chief ..........................
Mrs. T. L. Peha, Requisitions .......................
3237 7579 7579
W. S. Sweeney, Chief (GSAN) ...................... 7605
E. Cordovez D., Assistant Chief...................... 7423
L. F. Perez, Chief, Grounds Branch (GSAG)-............7466
District Grounds Office, Telfers Island-...............43-5253
F. T. Hardegree, Chief, Sanitation Branch (GSAS)..........3464
District Sanitation Office, Bldg. 5116, Mt. Hope-......-46-7279
Dr. M. M. Boreham, Entomology Unit Bldg. 6534 (GSAE) ... 7984
Compiled by the Records Management Branch.
FACSIMILE: (507)52-2122
INDUSTRIAL DIVISION Building 5082, Mount Hope
C. P. Corrigan, Chief (ECIN) .................... 46-7392
D. S. Miller, Chief, Support Branch (ECIS)..........46-7234
W. A. Rankin, Marine Maint. General Foreman (ECIP) ... 46-7256 A. Cohen, Chief, Engineering Branch (ECIE) ......... 46-7606
K. H. Willis, General Foreman, Salvage Depot, Gatun ... 43-5289
Building 8, Balboa
R. R. Toledano, Chief )ECME(------------------...4003
Miss V. Diaz, Administrative Officer-.... .... .... 4005
T. Drohan, Chief, Pacific Maintenance Work Branch (ECMW). . 4005 F. Call, Chief, Tow Track Maintenance Branch (ECMT) ..... 4005 Ramon Fernandez, Chief, Utilities Maint. Branch (ECMU) ... 4005
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A6 April 1987 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT David J. Niedalkff Poide, Classification Br. (PROW) .3336 ADMEASUREMENT DIVISION INDUSTRIAL DIVISION Rott 235-240, Admatt t ode General Services and E&C Bureaus .3176 Mar,,, Burea Bilding 729, First Floor, Balboa BISdng 5082, Mount Hope R. 0. BURGOON, Chief Financial Office (FM) .3194 Marine Bureau & Staff Units .3454 J. M. Ebern, Director (MRAM) ...456 P C g, hf ECIN). 467392 IT Mrs Emperat riz t F v chi, Secretary ....7906 Edlma M. Rodrigue P, P e RedsAdmin. At (PROR) .3311 J. A. Mlgar, Chief Admeasurer .4567 D. S Miller, Chief, Support Branch (EIS) ..467234 -PANAM CANAL CO I SI O William J. Joyce, Deputy Chief financial f .3580 P Actions ..0. 3279 supervisory Adtmes.rr. 4570 W. A. Rankin, Marine Maint. General Foreman (ECIP) .46-7256 Duane A Rigby, Assistant chief Financial Officer. ..906 Persrnnel Data Contrl ..3254 Ship Data Bank ...4572 A. Cohen Chief, Engineering Branch (ECIE) ..46-7606 MtJ A. .y A it.tv. .Ot FMX ....636 r. ....306 Atg ft. ....4530 K H. Wis, General Foreman, Salvage Depot, itn ..43-5289 BALBOA, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA Si44Employee Indti/d b C4nseing. .3522 Adm4easuent Office (Building 1105, Cit0bal) ..467293 SYSTEMS DIVISION Wait,, C. Bon, Retirement & Insurance Branch LOCKS DIVISION MAINTENANCE DIVISION Btordi 4023 C Bldg 5553, Dld Heights (PROS) .7831 Marine Buraout Building 729, First Floor, Balboa Building 8, albo R G A N Z A T Meet t R E T YFM Retirernent ...3160/0229 J. A Ardo, Chief RLC ..4255 s V a Adm sCME) .R. ..4003 fcprtftY ystm 4coutat 40ff ...7956 Inuac ....04830 ues C~fhft EngineeringandPlanning 404s 40ffaz AdinitrtiveOttffr. ..4005 O R G A N IZ A T IO N D IR E C T O R Staff ...30 st f .782 Section (MRLE) .4255 0 Do Chief, Pacific Maintenance Work Branch (ECMMW. .4005 Craft of Aconts/FSM Pr ao urs. ....3471 Atlantic Personnel Office, Building 7998, Mrs. Silvia M. Glasscack, Administrative Officer. 4255 .Call, Chief, To. Track Minenance Branch (ECMT) .4005 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR ACCOUNTING DIVISION Margarita (PROA) Herman Adc0d9, Plant E4g4 4 ...4255 Ram n Fernandez, Chief, Utilities Maint. Branch (ECMU .4005 Room 220, Administration BU ding, Balboa Heights Sricing 725 Balboa Receptionist and General Information .04112' T .Hannigan,Overhaul Engineer,44 .44.4444 4 ...4255 D. P. MCAULIFFE, Administrator (AD) .......3169 Chi Acountnt4FMAC). ...P.s.4 4C ss. .4746 2 P40 Btash PFfr4 .4.4 4 GENERAL SERVICES BUREAU JonF. Hemn Jr., Assistant Chief Accountant .....4727 G. A. McArthur, Somperintendent (MRLP) ..52-8215 General Services Bonlding 28, Second Floor, Balboa Maria [uisa L. Charles, Secretary ......30 ft .44.44. 4444.42 COAT A .ELO .440 ..4 4464 0444444 040).24 0444 fF. 44 44(44 28 Sf44 .(4 .4.)4400 MPri4 Chasr Ls C r 4, r y .......r .44 .44727 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION H Escoffery, As nt Superintendent .528214 R. D. Morgan, Director (GS)/Procurm4ft Executive (4E) .4061 FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA) ........................3103 Charles R. E4kfrle, Reports and Analysis Staff (FMAR) ..4701 Building 721, Balboa Miss Lourdes A Bsman, Administrative Services Assistant 52-213 F Van H4d4e, Deputy Director ...4.0.0. 4061 Patricia Salterio, Secretary ..............................................7914 Carlos Ma4nvn, General Ledger Branch FMAD) .4737 Dr. Richard A. Chevtle, Chief (RDH) .7968 Atlantic Branch, Gain Locks M S. Kipper, Chief Contracting Officer ....4.4. 4. 4073 Anna L. Pesod, Staff Assistant to the Administrator, Room 225 (ADSA). 7. .....7870/3536 Glberto Young, Agents Ats. Brach FMAA .4300 Dr Marla Aonidis, Occupational Health Officer 3D. F B4i4n4r, Superitndent (MRLA) ..43-8700 James N. Doyle, Asst. Procurement Executive .4073 T J. Kalisz. zak, Payroll Branch FMAP) .4333 Paiffi) ..42 24 R Alvarez, Assistant Superintendent .43-8703 G. E. M cElroy, Labor Rflftions. .4061 Mrs Dorothy A. Messner, Typing Unit. 411 Physical Examination Center ..7108 Mrs. Alexandra Wong, Administrative Services Assistant. 43-8704 Mrs, A. M. Azcarraga, Employee Relations .4070 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION TREASURER'S OFFICE Dr. D44o So4., 04o4at4ol Health Officer TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT DIVISION Staff Support GSXA ..4068 fissms 205-207, Adimiisralion BodlnBudig 72 Baba(Atlantic) ..........89-5680/5681 Bulig90 aBoca Ms. J. M. Joly, Budget Officer (First Floor (GSXB) ..4060 44442544 ..hsca xmnainCetr. .86A0 6A T RAFFi g MAAGMETD0, A 044L443400a. 46 Joseph J. W ood, Director (AE) .......3519 Robert Q. Won, Tr su r (FMTR). 4710 AfP ysRegs Ch f Industral Hygienist 4 4 .4.8 19 3 B. G.Sanders, Chief MRT ) ..4220 CANAL PROTECTION DIVISION Mrs. Eleen S. Boyd, Secretary ..! ...3519 Carlos A. Payne Assistant Treasurer ....4715 De4 4a Pim0en4Fl Emplfye4 Coneing S rvice (PRDR .7968 D. Wagner, Assistant Chief .4220 G4.44)S44fices Buiding28, First Floor, Bth. James E. Ferrara, Deputy Director ..........................................7601 Administration Building Vault. 3249 W4liffm E. Dodd, Injury Caims (FECA) Unit, Marine Traffic Control Center General Information. .4200 Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP) .4646 K. E. Goldsberry, Assistant Director, Policy Development. ....3122 Ms Sefia Yhap, Treasury Branch, Atlantic Bldg.780, Bddbns PROC) ..3431 CANAL SERVICES DIVISION R F Brayton, Assistant Ci4. 4646 Marc Quinn, Assistant to Director, Board Matters .........................80440444SAFETY DIVISION J044 64.44 H034hFs E MRCS A 444444 044444, B4dg.4-Y 335 FINANCIAL PLANNING DIVISION StO 4204F 54554 ..LR4ns4m,0 Ch4f(MRC0) ...4090 B44b44 (000fX). .4496 Clarence C. Payne, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator (AA) .4. 3305 FINsN2-AL ANNIN DIN Brinn Second Fluor Balb 2 sstnt Chief .40 .9. .* f* ..--W. S. R46444 P40iic Banch Chief Bldg 6534 Rooms 002 006 3244sto Buidin Wila H. 44444 Bord44444, fhief 004 4, .4289/83 r Phyi 044 Mae Admnsrtv Office 4 .4.044 .40994 0 44ff C .000 .....07540 My4 4 A. Schroeder, Chief 4FMFP) .3137 Richard S. Zores, Safety Operations. 4. 4. 7726/7883 Fleet Engineer ..f. ..4299 C ( 8 44444. ...... SF0104 OF TOE SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Rber J. Boatwright, Budget Branch FME). 3334 Cirles M. Monaghan, Safety Programs4 F4444 M4stFr .4299 J S. K mr A B C4 B4dg .04 4444A 4. 4452409 2000 1. Strt NW, Sent, 550 Administratn Bulding M F ....4 g ...2f., Towboat Branch MRCT, Bdg 6000, Wingto, DC 200364996 Thomas C. Duty, Chief, R.m 254 (AM) .7 Kenneth L. Morrs Rates and Analysis Branch/ Bryant W. Teal, Safety Training, Diablo Hs. ........4548 COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION MICHAEL RHODE Jr, Secretary Staff Support Room 254 (AMSA) 495 Cst Control Officer 4FMFR4 .........3287 Bldg 719-C, Balboa ..7529 Overhaul Engineer, Bldg. 5082, Mt. Hope .46-7437 Bulding 635, Balboa Heights Panama Canal Commission (WO) .(202)634-6441 Official Translator, Room 14-A (AMST) .....3488 noria C. Forbes, Tells and Special Studies (FMFT) ..7434 David Dempsey, Crane/Diving Safety, Towboat Manager, Northern District, Bldg. 14, Gappn .43-5642 R. J. Saarinen, Chief (GSCS) .3577 Virginia Allen, Assistant to the Secretary for Budget Officer (AMXB). ...3178 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Bldg. 719-C, Balboa .7730 Engineer Manager, Northern S ore Station, J. L Desod Asit4 nt Ch .3577 Board Affairs .(202)634-6441 Frank R Tr n, Chief, Transportation Services Branch, Room 145, Administration Building 0ld. 14, Goon ..43-5360 R. McNat, Chief, Ho ing Management Branch (GSCH) .3133 Barbara Fuller, Assistant to the Secretary for Employee Services Bldg. 5140, Diablo Hs. (AMT .3325 C J. Goodwin, Jr., Chief (MIS) .....346 PANAMABAREA PERSONNEL BOARD To44bat Manage,, S4e Districtg 60004, 44 District Housing office, Bldg. 215, Gat .43-5648 Cmm44s4 on Affairs .(202)634-6441 Employee and Cargo Dooom fton, P ifi (444AMTE) .3238 MIS TECHNICAL SERVICES STAFF 40440 H 4 0 E vO f c Diablo Ht. .4285 Richard Linton, Chief, Budings Management Branch, RoerH.Sulian Asitat oth Scrtay mpoye ndCrg Dcuenaton AlatiRoom 145, Administration Runnding ROBEaRT H. ARP P rone Ast,,Osistn 3292. Engineer Manager Southern Shore Station, Bldg. 6007, Bldg. 5051-X, Diablo Hs. (GSCB) .3685 for Congressional Affairs .). (202)634-6441 Building 1105, Room 105, Cristobal .46-7213 Raymond W. Engle, Chief (FMIT) .7446 PDiablo Hs. ..4294 Jose C. J444, Chief, Employee Fitness Branch, Employee CaOO Tyn 04444, 4h44,4 443 ManagemeM0 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION CENTRAL EXAMINING OFFICE Superntendent, L404Ch/lieMMhandNing Branch MR) Services Building, 5140, Diablo Hs. (GSCF) .7967 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING B any, Chef Re4rd A M angement Room 146, Adminirationu Bulding uld 363, Ancin Bldg. 43-A, Balboa ..352 Chief, Technical Resources Go. Bldg. 0610, Ancin (GSCT) .7884 Ros 230-233, Adminisrat Bidng o t Record Section AMRS ..46 3118 Abraham E. EspiF Chief FMDP) .35CE 4 434 434rBfendt / ..302 0 information Desk ...7761 R. P LAVERTY, Otr/U.S Representative aes 44 r4 40 44 4 (40). ...38 M e 04 Ad0i40istative Section .4.6. 7682 R. J. B0orn4b4 Chief, Luch.i.e4hand4ing N. D. tf Coriaig omte (EPt. ..P) .58 F PA Staft, Rf4on. 12b ...4750 Testingt 04min 4444 Cetiictin 4. .44 044 004444 DIVIS44IONh 080 Mt 44444dia0404 Cmtfe (EP)444 3588 A 40, R 4 2 (82 (AM R .44 .2 Jlams .Bor, Systems i ..5 tft Bldg 13 t ..435348 FIRE DIVISIN Mrs. Thelma I. Be L M4ter, Secretary ..3040 .44444 4f4 r 443 AMO MRT .3 Sys/Fderal Job Information Center .3584 W4 K4rkland, Ch03f, La0nch/Lin04 handling S D, 04444a Services Building 28, P4rt P4er, Balboa Om G. Schmidt, Deputy .3561 Mal System, Rodm 143 (AMRP) .y. .-. 1V 7681 aria l Systems Grsig ..3542 Applicant Suitability .3251 Bldg. 43-A, Bab .....3572 Jays D. Deitz, Chief (GSFI) ...4638 04a4l .Mchmtdu, Dspity Director. ..A. ..376 Agency Re46 rds Center, Bdg. 42-D, 044 (3 (04 AMRC) .3575 Gerald R. Smith, Syst 04s Design (ldg 628A, BN4b.4 Hs.) ..43399 B irs,44 Assistant Chief, Southern District. 3286 CharlesA. Mchur,_ssist Dr-TrayAfrs.4404 End-Us.r Computing Support Center (FMSC) .7559/7207 MARINE BUREAU ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION H Wallace Teal, Assistant Chef, Northern District 467282 4o4 4 4 mar treaty Affair Specaist, Room 302 .3362 COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION Marine 404440 Building 29, 5n 4ab BUREA LOGISTICAL SUPPORT DIVISION Rorts En R .Sd Cmitteom OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Rop. 146. Adminstra4 o Building Capt. G. T. HULL UN (Ret.) Director (MR) ..4500 Ro4 318, Administration Building GT 4IC4 BLdng2, Thd 54 4O PftsRRoom 103, Adm st4 4 ratn Building s. Norta P. Scott, Chief FMCO) .7468 M, Zae St44rmn, Secretary ..4500 Col. JOHN J. PLUNKETT, USA (R4) Director EC) ..7684 Ger c e h i ng 8) .boa 4204 ANEL E. BI OZdirAto)PA. 3165 Albert G. Mo4t 44, Ass 04t Chf Capt. J J Boanno, Deputy Director (4RX0) .4500 J4e Arsemna, Secretary .3527 J. Main4 Assista t Chief ....4650 Guillermo Van Hoards, Jr., Chief, Canal Improvements Miss Myrna A. Iglesias, Secretary .....3165 CDoor Data Entry and CU nril Branch, Reaom 16 (FMCD) 3162 WAllenm 0. Cofer, Assistant to Director (Resources) (MRXR) ..4500 R. E. O'Connor, Administration (ECXA) .3375 .H ,Pa ma rcrm ntC rd t 4 0 division (EPCI .....7897 rlie K. Friar, Deputy 4e4r. 3165 Henry E. anchez, Central Ccmputer Operations Douglas C Sch Excuve Assistant (MREX) .4500 E B. Marquez, Programs and Budget (ECXB) .3485 H W m ceentoritr (G ..) 460 Gustavo Be La Guardia, Senior Industrial Engineer .7508 Diane AT Morris, Public Affairs Specialist ....3165 Branch (FMCC) ......3424 Mrs. Beverly B. Wood, Administrative Officer (MRXA) .4516 L M. Drennan, Locks Coordinator EOXIL). .7863 H .bler Chief, Invntry Mndgt, Br nc (GSLP). ...4620 Charles R. Lavalle Capital Program Coordinator .3340 Mrs. Floor D. de Aguilar, A in stra t Services Officer ..3521 Network Control Center .......7777 Resource Management Unit: F Martinez, Special Studies .3543 40 .Rke, Chief, Porch. 4sng e Branch d GSL) .7. 464 Mrs. Gladys 0 o,0 g Budget Officer .3108 Frankin D. Castrll, Press Officer. .3202 On-Line Service Assistance. .7685 Fiscal Section: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT BRANCH Fo fffurand Equipment Pool .4 4. .782 or, David C. Baerg, Environmental/Energy Control Officer, Jennifer Jones, Spillway Editor ..........3202 Vicki L Bdui s Budget Officer (MRXB) ..4517 Budlding 37, Balboa tr n q im n ....... Room 303 4 .4 ....3687 Cleveland 4Soper Chief, Ga rand (PAGF) .32 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION 3Jnf A. S 4 40s04n, Budget Analyst.4. .4517 R. W. Adams, Chief (ECCN ..7205 Storekeepe Mount Hope ....46 St-Room 303 ..7830/3697 Ant4F GrF d 0 _p44ff 3 4ide4. 243, Ad 44m4sato dg 44 0 4). ..4504 4. ....2 R yner, 44 f excess al, dg. 2 GLE) .46 Ro 266 ....25463 RONALD L SEELEY, P0 el Director (PR). ..3277 Eduardo Smith, Supy. Budget Analyst R. Wiode, Administrative Officer .4. 7927 G Risrg, Chief, New Orleans Branch, Carlos L Linares, Chief, Management Division (EPMD). 3586 For r44 rff 4ks. 4. ..4c .....2.4 Elba 3. de Gh li Secretary .3277 (Cans ..4517 Inspection Unit, Southern District .3517 4400 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, LA 70146-6800 4 Richard B. Horne, Chief, Industrial Engineering Branch .3463 Monday Friday, 52-3187/3521 George A. Mercer, Deputy Personnel DirAcfr .335, Engmeermg Section: Inspection Unit, Northern District, (OS -.'''.'. ..( 504(044 299 Chief, Management Analysis Branch .442 520463 PERSONNEL POLIC AND P TFF 0 Freeman, Staff Engineer MRXE). 4512 Bldg. 122, Gu ..435461 MOTOR TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Room 300 44d 4 243 40, 444444440 A ND r o PRO GAMS AIN Section. .A. 4 2 DREDGING DIVISION Bo dupg 0625A Acon ardA. ,hef,E m 0444,443 May K.dRf, As 4 d4Frtor 00). 3466 ngmnt nys .B1 33, Gath E. B. Hickman, Chief (GSMT). 3563 Market Develdpent Di4i4n EPEM) .7961 OFFICE OF OMBUDSMAN Carolina Selhor, Budget Officer, Ro 247 (PRXB) .3558 MARINE SAFETY UNIT A. E. Di, Chief (ECDR) ..56-6681 J H. Whaler, Assistant Chief .3420 William S. H4l4, Marketing Spi4aist .7806 Employ Relations Center, Building 37, Balboa Myra N. Perscky, Administrative Officer, Room 251 PRXA) .3544 Building 910, L 4 Boo H V. Archibold, Administrative Offier (ECDA) .56-6681 Mrs J. G. Holder, Administrative Officer .7731 0r Victoria. Moving, Economist ..3370 BRUCE A. QUINN, Ombudsman (OM). 4 .7474 Anita Oberholtzer, Personnel Reference Unit, Bldg 780, Capt. J. P. Deleon ar Special Assistant to Chief, Engr. Plans and Programs S0ctif (ECDE) .56-6681 R Bermudez, Superintendent, Southern District .7990 Melba A Raven, Economist ....3370 Maria Lourdes B4i4, Secretary. .7474 Balbo O PRXR) .7900 Director (MRRM) .4243 B Ross, Chief, COr Section (ECDC) ...566648 Dispatcher, Southern District .4 .4 ..3301 ..r. Llia Sib s Associate mbdsa 6. 7563 Yolanda A. C4nfi4ld, Incentive Awards Unit Hazardous Cargo Risk Management Trem .4243 J. R. Rodriguez, Chief, Operations Branch (ECD0) .566681 D.Rowe, Superintendent, Northern District .46-724: OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL Allntic Arc Office l 0st and 3d Wed. of each month). 43-5447 Bldg 716-0B B 04 (PRXI ..7965 BOARD OF LOCAL INSPECTORS R. K. Ng, Chief, Drilling and BsOtg Branch (ECDB). 56 6681 Dispatcher, Northern District .46735 Room 338 Administration Building R8 T4 Hayes, ie, Repair Branch ECDM) .56 6612 Driver Examiner 44404444 ....7822 JOHN L HAINES, Jr., General Counsel (GC) .7511 Administrator's Information Center ..3412 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT STAFF Emp oy4 S44v4ces Building 5140, Diablo Heights D. gros4, Chief, Support Branch (ECDS). 566691 Short Trip S i e ..3429/467358 Miss Emie P. Daniel, Lead Legal Technician. .7511 BdIng 0602, Bad. Heights Capt. M. M. Fanning, Chairman (MRBL) .3403 C Von Chong, Chief, Aqa0t4 c Weed & Pollution Control K 44 0 G 0 C 44 4 RESIDENTS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE LIAISON Ricardo R. Va4l4, Associate Director (RHR) ...4177 MARITIME TRAINING UNIT (ECDV) ...56-6646 OFFICE OF AREA COORDINATION Jes K. Totn Depty General Co040444 04, .4001 Gu Community Center, Building 206, Gan Information D44sk .4182 Marine 4re Buloing 729, Third F4420 Balboa ELECTRICAL DIVISION en4ral Services Building 28, First Floor, Balboa 0atricia Lndfey tfo fguez, A G4444 C .500 Gilbert Sol A Liaison Officer ..43-5430 4 .Edward M. Chism, Director of Area CoordiiO (OSAC). 4696 Wiam R. K 04van, Competition Advocate (CA) .7511 r r44r3 J A. Baer Employ. and Management Capt. G. A. Markham, Chief MRMT) ..4550 Building 66A, Balboa0R444d00E.W4h p.23 Attorneys ......7511 Mrs Mu ie D. 'a Se rta y ....43 5430 Develpement Branch (PRHM). ........4163 Capt. T. Kirkby, Assistant Chif Pilot Training ..4550 Chief (ECLE) ..4421 Rland C E.rd int ng U ief ofi mptoyes ....es1 ..Language Training .4171 Training Coordinator. 4550 Mrs D. Esildsen, Administrative Officer (ECLA) .442 A 4444 2 A .....O f L Microcomputer Lab, Bldg. 719-D, Balboa (PRHC) .7448 Seamanship and Towboat TrinFing Officer N. Sal 04mina, Ch Elec. Ext. St .044L ) .4421 Bldg. 5140, Diablo Hs. .3324 ttrys ......450 OFFICE OP GENERAL AUDITOR 4t 4r4ga .4155 Bdg 29-X, Bab ..3112 W. Nickisher, Chief, Elec. Int.r ECLI) .4414 Area Coordination Unit, Atlantic, Bldg.8576, Margarita .46-4200 R44 326, Administration Building Building 6530, Corozal D. Lipman, Marine Engineer Training Officer, E. S04h4a44k, C044, Power Br, CfP) .4421 PRINTING OFFICE Marine Aid4nt Miscellaneous G 4 Cacs 0GCCL) .3505 JAMES A. MATHIS, General Auditor (GA) .3142 ldg. A44 B44b4 a 4 rHi) .44444 ...0 ., BAba .h, .044 ...0 H. 0444f, 84)00EC). ..4424 PINING OFFIC 0443M0444r44.040s4 444, 30 Ie 4F. 4 Scpetar 04.4444 ...0.342 Bldg. 20-3 044d 4 I 0064 ...4090 Bldg 294X 644444 ...3102 C.0 Haril Chifom 044444 4 )0.4420 804444n4 34, 548444a e44a 4J.44 44n4ne, 444.G. m Ex.m.n.r .30 Pe.r it eput rrAditor. .7746 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS DIVISION CANAL OPERATIONS UNIT ENGINEERING DIVISIAN 4. mpsy, 2r., 044 (000). .323 G.utine E Fl4 Audit Manage r .7419 Building 366, Acn Bondig 910, 54 B4 Room 343, Adminstratn Belli J. J. Raid Asstt Chief .0. 7579 OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Eleen Ang Audit Manager ...7419 F4lix A. Fi s-R motti, Chief PROP) .3335 Canal Operations Captain (MRCO) .4211 N. H. 844 Chief (ECE ). 7585 Mrs. L, Pa0 Requisitions .7579 Room 110, Administration Bedtding Auditors .7801 Re p o ist/Job Letters ..7595 Canal Port Coptains, Northern District, L. G. Archuleta, Assistant Chief .3180 SANITATION AND GROUNDS DIVISION TILCIA R. MoTAGGART, Director (E) .3101 Kari K. Mc 4lvane, Adverse Actions Unit, Bldg. 779-B, Bldg 1105, Cristobal .467637 F Alb rg, Administrative Officer. .06 f. 0 ..7982 Building 6531, Corozal Alor Ar, Secretary. 3101 Balboa (PROD) .....3224 Canal Port Captains, Southern District, J, Cordovez, Chief, Architectural Branch (ECEA) ..3556 .04 y 04 (08). ..0600 ED FIELD OFFICE OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Anthony E Scottin 0er Mgmt Syste Bldg.910, La Boca .0. 4212 C A. gm Chief, Ci8vl4rach ECE ...1. E. Crd4v44 D., Assistant 0h0e0. 7423 Employee Relations Center, Building 37, 4O44t. Employee Relations Center, Building 37, Bo Bldg. 363, Anco (PROM) ..3120 PILOT DIVISION D J McKeon, Chief, Mechanical Branch (ECEM 7895 .F. Pro,, Chief, Grounds Brghth (GSAG) .7466 investigative Unit BE( ) 8 ..3638 MICHAEL N. STEPHENSON, Director (IR) .3109 Carlos A. Williams, Emth and Plcmt. Br. PROE) .3171 Building 910, La B R. J. House,, Chief, S0e54 .& Est. Br. ECEX) .7949 District Grounds Office, Telers island ...43-5253 Dr. Raymond A. George, Special Emphasis Mrs Else de Faro z, Secretary ._ 3109 General Services and Marine Bureas. ..7996 Capt. D. P. Garrido, Chief Pilot (MRECE) .4230 W. .Sh Chief, Met, and Hyd. Br (ECEH) .7716 .T. Hadegree, Chief, Sanitation Branch IGSAS) .3464 Programs Manager .3233 Eds 4l A. A ing, Deputy Director (IRDI) .3186/3341 E&C bureau & Staff Units .3583 R. V. Barnett, Chief, Plot Rotation and Scheduing R. S. FishFbF4gh, Chief, Surveys Branch, Bldg. 9212, District Sanitation Office, Bldg. 5116, Mt. Hope ..46-7279 44g44rg Kincaid, EE 4 44esti g tor .7415 Labor Relations Specialists. ..3186/3341 Special Placement ..3868 Unf (MRCR) .4235 P0 r4 Migue[ (ECEV) .3163 Dr. M. M. Boreha, Entomology Unit Bldg. 6534 (GSAE) .7984 NOTE: IF YOU RECEIVE A COLLECT CALL DIRECT FROM A U.S. OR OVERSEAS OPERATOR, POLICY REQUIRES THAT YOU HAVE THE OPERATOR REDIRECT THE CALL THROUGH THE COMMISSION OPERATOR AT (507) 52-2151. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESSES-PANAMA: BALBOA, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA UNITED STATES: APO MIAMI 34011-5000 CABLE: PANCANALCOPANAMA TELEX: 3034 PCCAMRM PG FACSIMILE: (507)52-2122 Compiled by the Records Management Branch.
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