Panama Canal Organizational Directories

Material Information

Panama Canal Organizational Directories
Panama Canal Commission
Panzer, Pat
16 x 22 inches


federal government publication ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Panama -- Panama Canal Zone


This set of organizational directories covers the years from 1975-1998 and lists names and phone numbers of various employees in administrative departments.
General Note:
52 pages
General Note:
This gift was made in memory of Bob Panzer.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not protected by copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.

Aggregation Information

Panama and the Canal
University of Florida
Documents of the Panama Canal
Panama Canal Museum Inventory


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AL February 1982





Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights, Republic of Panama

D. P. McAULIFFE, Administrator (AD)......................................
Mrs. Ella C. Gerchow, Secretary ....................................
FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA) .......................
Mrs. Maria Luisa L. Charles, Secretary ...............................

Edward M. Chism, Staff Assistant, Room 227 (ADSA) ..........................

Rooms 205-207, Administration Building
JOSEPH J. WOOD, Director (AE)...........................................
Mrs. Eileen S. Boyd, Secretary .....................................

James E. Ferrara, Deputy Director/Chief, Policy and Staff Coordination ............
Mrs. Dorothy F. Cogswell, Secretary .................................

Mary K. Vidaurri, Assistant Director, Policy and Board Coordination...............

Clarence C. Payne, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator/
Assistant Director, Staff Coordination (AA).................................
Mrs. Ytsel M. Schroeder, Secretary ..................................

Suite 312, Penn. Bldg., 425 13th St. NW.
Washington, D.C. 20004
MICHAEL RHODE, Jr., Secretary, Panama Canal Commission (WO)........ 202-628-6411 Asst. to the Secretary ................... 202-628-6411

OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Rooms 230-233, Administration Building
R. P. LAVERTY, Director/U.S. Representative to Coordinating Committee (EP)................. 3588
Mrs. Thelma L. Conover, Secretary ................3588
Gary P. Dunsmoor, Deputy Director ................. 3561
William S. Hinkle, Asst. to Director .................. 3571

Room 326
Donald G. Schmidt, Chief, Program Development Div. (EPPD) ................................ 7961
Enrique Mbrquez, Capital Program Coord.............. 3340
Mrs. Gladys Dominguez, Admin. Officer.............. 3108
David C. Baerg, Environ./Energy Control Officer ........7830 Richard A. Wainio, Economist ...................... 3370

Room 206
Charles A. McArthur, Chief, Treaty Affairs Div. (EPTA) .... 7666 John B. ,Morton, Treaty Affairs Specialist.............. 7666
Robert H. Emerick, Treaty Affairs Specialist............ 7666

Room 266
George H. Urban, Chief, Management Div. (EPMD) ...... 3586 /Richard B Horne Chief, Industrial Engineering Br ........ 3463 Carlos L Linares, Chief, Management Analysis Br.......7742

Room 303
Guillermo Van Hoorde, Jr., Chief, Canal Improvements Div. (EPCI) ................................. 7897
Gustavo De La Guardia, Senior Industrial Engineer ......7508

Room 338, Administration Building
DWIGHT A. McKABNEY, General Counsel (GC) ......... 7511 Mrs. Patricia Salterio, Secretary .................. 7511
John L. Haines, Deputy Gen. Counsel ...............7511
Asst. Gen. Counsel.............................. 7511
Attorneys...................................... 7511
District Court Building, Ancon
Room 331
Attorneys................. ............... 7480/7494

Room 267, Administration Building
WILLIAM R. BELL, Industrial Relations Officer (IR)...... 3109 Mrs. Elsa de Ramlrez, Secretary .................. 3109
Employee Relations Center, Balboa
Bruce A. Leinback, Deputy Industrial Relations Officer (IRDI)............................... 3186/3341
Edsel A. Wong, Chief, Adverse Actions (IRAA) .......... 3224

Room 110, Administration Building
BRUCE A. QUINN, Director (EO) .......... ...... 3101
Ms. Alcira Aradz, Secretary...... ................ 3101

Employee Relations Center, Balboa
Mrs. Tilcia McTaggart, Deputy Director/Chief, Investigative Unit (EOIU)...................... 3638
Dr. Ana Mora Wakeland, Fed. Women's Program Mgr ... 3233 Raymond A. George, Hispanic Employment
Program Manager ........................... 7415

3169 3100 3103


3519 3519

7601 7601


3305 3305

K. E. Goldsberry, Chief, Room 254 (AM) ............. 7757
Mrs. Eleanor L. Gale, Budget Officer (AMXB)......... 3178
T. C. Duty, Asst Division Chief/Chief, Staff and Admin.
Support Branch, Room 254 (AMSA) ....... ...... 7995
Real Estate/Land Licensing, Room 251............. 7995
Official Translator, Room 14-A (AMST)...... ...... 3488
Employee and Cargo Documentation Section
Employee Services Building, Diablo (AMSE) ....... 3238 Cleveland C. Soper, Chief, Graphic Branch (AMGF)...... 3217 Pandora G. Aleman, Chief, Records Management
Branch, Room. 14-B (AMRM) ................. 7767
Current Records Section (AMRS) ...............3118
Agency Records Center, 42-D, Diablo (AMRC) ........3575 Classified Documents Library, Room 112..........3595 Agency Microfilm Unit, Room 145-P ............... 3313
Mail Section, Room 143 ........................ 7681
Official Telex Service ......................... 7429
Postal Assistance Unit,
Bldg. 446 Albrook AFS .............. 86-4651/4653
Atlantic Mail and Postal Assistance Unit,
Bldg. 8040, Margarita ............... 46-7208/7209
Frank R. Turman, Chief, Transportation Branch,
Employee Svcs. Bldg., Diablo )AMTR).............3325

Judge John Baker, Bldg. 803, Balboa (AEMB) ......... 3451
Lawrence W. Lawson, Constable/Clerk of Court..... 3552
Miss Georgina Chen, Clerk, Room 211, Adm. Bldg.,
Cristobal (AEMC) ..................... . 46-7417
Room 33, District Court Building Ancon
Edward M. Chism, Chief (AEPR) ................... 3182

OFFICE O' PUBLIC AFFAIRS Room 103, Administration Building
ANEL E. BELIZ, Director (PA) ..................... 3165
Mrs. Diane M. Morris, Secretary .................. 3165
Willie K. Friar, Deputy Director/Chief of
Public Information ........................ 3165
Vicki M. Boatwright, Press Officer ................. 3202
Janet Len-Rios, Spillway Editor..:.................. 3202
Mrs. Flor D. de Aguilar, Admin. Services Officer ........ 3521

Employee Relations Center, Balboa
G. G. BOUCHE, Ombudsman (OM) ................. 7474
Mrs. E. Patricia Benny, Secretary .................7474
Dr. Lilia Sibauste, Associate Ombudsman.............7563
Atlantic Area Offices (1st and 3d Thurs. of each month)
Mornings ............................... 43-5447
Afternoons.............................. 46-7374
Administrators Information Center ................ 3412
Gilbert Sollas, RAC Liaison Officer .............43-5430
Mrs. Muriel D. Mizrachi, Secretary..............43-5430

RICHARD L. CAHILL, Executive Director (PB) ......... 3292 #Robert Rupp;, Personnel Mgt. Spec................. 3292
Mrs. C. E. Home, Personnel Assistant ..............3292
Elvira I. Arias, Manager (PBCE) .................7682
Margie A. Alvarez, Staff Assistant ................. 7682
Cecilia Marciacq, Examining and Certification........ 3584
Sylvester N. Williams, Records/Federal Job
Information Center........................... 3584
Nory L. Sapp, Testing .......................... 3584

Rooms 235-240, Administration Building

WALTER D. BJORSETH, Chief Financial Officer (FM)..... 3194 Mrs. Emperatriz Lavecchia, Secretary .............. 7906
Richard 0. Burgoon, Dep. Chief Financial Officer....... 3580 Duane A. Rigby, Asst. Chief Financial Officer........... 7906
Mrs. Jolie A. Seeley, Admin. Officer (FMXA) ........... 7636

Building 6529, Corozal

William J. Joyce, Chief (FMSS) ................... 3650
Staff ........ ............................... 3501
Building 38, Balboa

Donald M. Luke, Chief Accountant (FMAC)............ 7823
Jos6 E. Corc6, Assistant Chief Accountant............. 3405
Mrs. Barbara H. Selvey," Reports and Analysis Staff (FMAD) .............................. 7919
John F. Hemn, Jr., Gen. Led. & Proc. Br. (FMAD) ........ 3170
Robert L. Dossett, Plant Accounting Branch (FMAD) ..... 3256 James W. Dunn, Agents Accts. Br., 365 Ancon (FMAA)... 3453 Donald L. Altemus, Payroll Branch, 365 Ancon (FMAP)... 3164 ,Mrs. Shirley H. Barca, Claims Br., 6529 Corozal (FMAK).. 3505 Mrs. Dorothy A. Meissner, Typing Unit ............... 7712
Rooms 102106, Administration Building
Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) .................. 3137
Robert J. Boatwright, Budget Branch ................ 3334
Chief, Rates and Analysis Branch/
Cost Control Officer .......................... 3287
Tolls and Special Studies ........................ 7434
Building 6530, Corozal

James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FMGA) ........... 3142
Peter A. Liehr, Assistant General Auditor.............. 7776
Staff ....................................... 7801
Building 287, Ancon

Robert Q. Won, Treasurer (FMTR)................... 3388
Carlos A. Payne, Assistant Treasurer ................. 3167
Ms. Sofia Yhap, Treasury Branch,
Atlantic, Building 8153, Margarita (FMTA)...... 46-7399
Room 145, Administration Building

C. J. Goodwin, Jr., Chief, Management Information
Systems (FMIS) ....... ...................... 3460
Room 146, Administration Building
Raymond W. Engle, Chief (FMDP)................... 3550
James A. Brewer, Assistant Chief................... 3220

COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION Room 146, Administration Building
Edgar R. McArthur, Chief (FMCO)................... 7468
Willie J. Brannon, Jr., Central Computer Operations
Branch ........ ........................... 3424
Albert G. Mootoo, Data Entry and Controls Branch,
Room 16 ..................... ............. 3162

Room 243, Administration Building
RONALD L. SEELEY, Director (PR) ................. 3277
Myra N. Perscky, Secretary...................... 3277
William D. Young, Deputy Director.................. 3351
Julian P. Rodriguez, Personnel Policies Staff (PRST) ..... 3466 Marcia L Barcelli, Budget Officer, Room 247 (PRXB) .... 3558 Camille L. Rhyne, Admin. Svcs. Assistant (PRXA) ....... 3544 Personnel Security Section, Room 112 (PRXS) ......... 7900
Building 0602, Balboa Heights

Ricardo R. Varela, Associate Director (PRHR).......... 7583
George A. Mercier, Employee and Management
Development Branch (PRHM) ............. 7872/3538
Language Training............................. 7589
Judith A. Baerg, Training Evaluations Branch (PRHE) .... 7549
Upward Mobility/Special Placement ............... 7561

Building 2A-3, Balboa
William R. Dunning, Jr., Industrial Training
Branch (PRHI) ....... ....................... 3310
Apprentice School ....... ...................... 3152

Building 366, Ancon
John Y. Wagner, Chief (PROP) .................... 3335
Receptionist and General Information .............. 7595
Carlos A. Williams, Employment and Placement Branch
(PROE)..................... .............. 3171
Edilma M. Rodriguez, Gen. Svcs. and E&C Bureaus ... 7996 Heliana F. Varela, Marine Bureau & Staff Units ...... 3583 David J. Niedzialek, Position Classification Br. (PROW)..... 3336
John M. McTaggart, Gen. Svcs. and E&C Bureaus ..... 3176 Mario J. Candanedo, Marine Bureau and Staff Units... 3176 Fdlix A. Filds-Remotti, Personnel Records and Admin.
Branch (PROR) ............................ 3311
Janet P. Stanford, Personnel Actions............... 3279
Gerald A. Small, Personnel Files .................. 3376
Alcira J. Sinclair, Employee Induction/Job Letters..... 3522 Diva Z. M6ndez, Service Tracing, Bldg. 449-X, Ancon ,. 7432

Building 5553, Diablo Heights
Walter C. Bottin, Employee Services Branch (PROS) ..... 7831
Retirement Processing and Counseling ........ .3160/3229 Ellen H. M. Chandler, Insurance ................. 7831
Amelia C. Machado, Disability Relief .............. 7828
Yolanda Canfield, Incentive Awards............... 7965

Building 1105, Cristobal
Atlantic Personnel Office (PROA) .................
Receptionist and General Information ...........
Augusta N. Le6n, Local Employment...........
Jean C. Mathurin, Position Classification.........
Ethel C. Yearwood, Retirement ................

46-7439 46-7329 46-7218
46-7482 46-7217

OFFICE OF HEALTH AND SAFETY Rooms 274-280, Administration Building
COL. IGNACIO HERNANDEZ F., Director (HL).......... 3274
Mrs. Livia D. Strider, Secretary................... 3274
J. R. Givens, Assistant Director/Admin .............. 3114
John T. Bowman, Asst. to Director.................. 3406

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
Dr. Ernst K. W. Kredel, Chief (HLOH)................ 7968
Dr. Richard A. Cheville, Asst. Chief/ Occup. Health Officer (Pacific) ................ 3842
Dr. Henry De La Garza, Occup. Health Officer (Atlantic) ........................ 43-5237
Industrial Hygienists ............................. 7713
Physical Exam. Center, Pacific ..................7108
Physical Exam. Center, Atlantic.................. 46-5680

Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa

J. R. Maravilla, Chief (HLSF) ..................... 3289
Frank Guite, Assistant Chief....................... 7883
Mrs. Irma V. Pasco, Safety Specialist ............... 7883

Dr. Paul H. Dowell, Chief (HLVT), Bldg. 5116,
Mount Hope ... ....................46-7301
Dr. Robert D. Wallace, Veterinarian, Bldg. 428,
Ancon .................................... 3479

Rooms 308-311, Administration Building
CAPT. GEORGE T. HULL, USN; Director (MR) .......... 7917
Mrs. Doris Burns, Secretary ..................... 7917
Capt. R. A. Dickins, USN (Ret.), Deputy Director ... 3308/3361 William 0. Cofer, Asst. to Director ................... 7562
Douglas C. Schmidt, Staff Assistant ................. 7809
Mrs. Beverly B. Wood, Admin. Off. (MRXA) ............ 7529
Mrs. E. S. Coleman, Budget Officer (MRXB)...... ..... 7529
James R. Freeman, Staff Engineer................... 7529
Rolando Linares, Jr., Safety Officer, Southern District . 52-8217 Mrs. Roberta F. Egolf, Safety Officer, No. District .... 43-5486

BOARD OF LOCAL INSPECTORS Employee Services Building, Diablo

Capt. Edmund P. Gabriel, Chairman (MRBL) .......... 3403
Leonor G. Motta, Executive and Legal Assistant ........ 7512

Building 6, Pedro Miguel

"Lawrence Barca, Jr., Chief (MRLC) .................. 3509
C. A. Alvarado, Chief, Eng. and Ping. Sec. (MRLE) ........ 3509
Miss Betsy I. Aquin, Budget Officer.................. 3509
Mrs. Silvia M. Glasscock, Admin. Svcs. Off. ............ 3509
Hernin Acevedo, Plant Engineer .................... 3509
T. J. Hannigan, Overhaul Engineer.................. 3509

Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks

V Higgins, Supt (MRLP) ..... .................. 52-8215
G. A. McArthur, Asst. Supt ...................... 52-8214
Ms. Lourdes A. Boseman, Admin. Sves. Asst......... 52-8213

Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks

D. F. Bullinger, Supt. (MRLA) ................... 43-8700
R. Alvarez, Asst. Supt ......................... 43-8703
Mrs. Lina Boza, Admin. Svcs. Asst. ............... 43-8704

Building 28, Balboa

papt. W. C. Calkins, Chief (MRNV) ................ 7976
Capt. B. S. Little, USCG, Asst. Chief ................. 7976
Mrs. Sandra S. Reyes, Administrative Officer ........ 3190 Mrs. June A. Stevenson, Supervisory Budget Analyst .. 7856 Capt. R. D. Valentine, Pilot Training Coord., Bldg. 910,
La Boca (MRNP) ............................ 3632
Capt. Theodore Bailey, Towboat Training Officer, Bldg. 2A,
Balboa .................................... 3112

R. E. Angermuller, Director, Admeasurement (MRNA) ... 7413
J. L. Ransom, Chief Admeasurer ................. 7947
Supervisory Admeasurer, Bldg. 1105,
Cristobal ......................... 46-7293/7492
J. R. Mahoney, Chief, Ship Data Bank Control Center
(MRND)................-................... 7525
Bruce G. Sanders III, Senior Transit Operations Officer
MTC Center ............................... 7786
Marine Traffic Control General Information .......... 3611
A. S. Smith, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling
Unit (MRNR) ................................ 3327

Senior Canal Port Captain, MTC Center, Bldg. 910,
La Boca (MRNB) ........................... 3185
Vessel Inspection and Emergency Response Team .... 3185 Senior Canal Port Captain, Bldg. 1105, Cristobal
(MRNC) ................................ 46-7637
Vessel Inspection and Emergency Response Team . 46-7639

Senior Support Operations Officer, Bldg. 28, Balboa
(MRNS) .................................. 7519
Assistant Support Operations Officer .............. 7519
Support Operations, Southern District
Capt. A. R. Briem, Vessel Manager, Towboat/Launch
Operations, Bldg. 43, Balboa.................. 3141
E. C. Vollmert, Port Engineer, Bldg. 31, Balboa....... 7625
A. V. Simonsson, Chief, Linehandling Operations,
Bldg. 43-A, Balboa........ ................... 3572
Support Operations, Northern District Capt. N. P. Dixon, Vessel Manager, Towboat/Launch
Operations, Cristobal Boathouse ............ 46-7474
C. Cockburn, Acting Port Engineer, Bldg. 5082,
Mount Hope ........................... 46-7611
Linehandling Operations, Gatun................ 43-5348

Room 318, Administration Building

COL. J. J. PLUNKETT, USA (Ret.), Director (EC)........ 7684
Miss J. Arosemena, Secretary .................... 7684
"Atlantic Area Office, Gatun Community Center (ECAA). 43-5650
Mrs. Muriel D. Mizrachi, Secretary ............. 43-5447
M. Bierman, Deputy Director..................... 3527
R. E. O'Connor, Asst to the Dir. for
Administration (ECXA) ....................... 3375
U.S. Army Element ............................. 7863
Asst. to Dir. for Prog. and Budget (ECXB) ............ 3485
Mrs. Clarita T. Smith, Employee Relations Specialist..... 3375 R. M. Brunson, Safety Off., Room 307 (ECXS).......... 7575


R. J. Hauser, Chief (ECCN) ....................... 7927
Administrative Officer ........................... 7927
Southern District.............. .............. 3517

Northern District ............................

Building 33, Gamboa

A. E. Diaz, Chief (ECDR) ......................
Asst. Chief ......... .........................
H. V. Archibold, Admin. Officer .................
D. Broce, Chief., Engr. Plans and Prog. Sec.........
J. R. Rodriguez, Chief, Operations Branch.........
L. M. Hall, Chief, Support Branch ...............
R. T. Hayes, Chief, Repair Branch...............


56-6681 56-6681 56-6681 56-6681 56-6681 56-6691 56-6612

Building 66A, Balboa

N. H. Visquez, Chief (ECLE) ....................... 3421
Mrs. J. G. Holder, Admin. Officer.... ................ 3421
G. E. McFadden, Chief, Elec. Work Br. (ECLW) ......... 3421
R. Van Hoorde, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP) ............. 3421
C. H. Harrill, Chief, Comm. Br. (ECLC) ........ ...... 3204

Room 343, Administration Building

F. A. Lee, Chief (ECEG) ........................... 7585
L. G. Archuleta, Asst Chief ........................ 3180
Mrs. G. F. Underhill, Admin. Officer ................. 7982
Chief, Architectural Br. (ECEA) .................... 3556
M. Quintero, Chief, Civil Br. (ECEC) ................. 3619
J. T. Alemin, Electrical Br. (ECEE)................... 3419
D. J. McKeon, Chief, Mech. Br. (ECEM) ............... 7895
C. A. Kiamco, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX).......... 7949
W. B. Shaw, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECEH) ..........7716
R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Br., Bldg. 12, Pedro
Miguel (ECEV) .............................. 3163

Building 5082, Mount Hope

E. M. Kennedy, Chief, (ECIN) ..................
F. Foster III, Asst. Chief ........................
D. S. Miller, Chief, Admin. Branch...............
P. H. Zimmermann, Chief, Prod./Plan. Br..........
R. Chen, Chief, Engineering Branch .............
F. R. Alberga, Admin. Officer...................
Mrs. J. M. Eckel, Budget Officer ................
K. H. Willis, Gen. Foreman, Salvage Depot ..

46-7392 46-7392
46-7234 46-7256 46-7606
46-7472 46-7210 43-5289

Building 8, Balboa

Chief (ECME) ................................... 3498
Miss-Y-Djaz. Admin. Officer- ...................3498
F. Martinez, Chief, Pac. Maint. Br. (ECMP) ............ 3498
H. A. Tooke, Chief, Water and Lab. Br. (ECMW)......... 3266
R. Toledano, Chief, Ref. and Air-Cond. Br. (ECMR) ...... 3513
R. C. Jones, Chief, At. Maint. Branch (ECMA) ....... 46-7351
H..AErhart, Project Engineer...................... 3498
R. S. Zornes, Safety-Spcialist.................... 3498

General Services Building, Balboa

F. A. COTTON, Director (GS) ...................... 3445
Mrs. B. McDonald, Secretary ................... 3445
R. D. Morgan, Deputy Director/Contracting Officer ..... 7723 J. P. Corrigan, Director, Logistic Services ............. 3383
M. P. Gordon, Director, Support Services ............. 3422
G. E. McEIroy, Admin. Officer (GSXA) ............... 7723
L. R. Reyes, Budget Officer (GSXB) ..................7418
C. M. Monaghan, Safety Officer ..................... 7970
CANAL PROTECTION DIVISION General Services Building, Balboa

Charles M. Morris, Chief (GSCP) .................. 3694
B. C. Poland, Asst. Chief .......................... 3695
William Roger, Physical Security Specialist............3695
Edward R. Aanstoos, Shipping Security Officer ......... 3166 Thomas P. Strider, Emergency Preparedness Officer..... 7502 Roger J. Rios, Inspector.......................... 3696
Training Instructor.............................. 3696
Clark L Brandenburg, Safety Specialist ............. 3166
W. S. Robison, Pacific Area Commander ............. 3669
W. C. Crews, Atlantic Area Commander............ 43-5296

Building 635, Balboa Heights

R. J. Saarinen Chief (GSCS)...................... 3577
J. R. Haner, Assistant Chief ....................... 3577
Mrs. A. Rodriguez-V., Admin. Svcs. Asst............... 7921
Mrs. A. E. Burns, Budget Officer .................3288
J. L. DesLondes, Supt., Housing Mgmt. Br. (GSCH)-...... 3133
Miss Lyda Lobo, Housing Manager, So. District....... 3436 E. A. Letendre, Housing Manager, No. District..... 46-7248 R. McNatt, Supt., Buildings Mgmt, Br. (GSCB)...........3133
J. A. Zambrano, Buildings Mgr., So. District.........3685
P. A. Snyder, Buildings Mgr., No. District ........ 46-7605
C. H. Raybourn, Chief, Recreation Svcs. Branch, Employee Services Building, Diablo (GSCR)........ 7967 Mrs. Beverly Williams, Chief, Library Services Branch, Bldg. 0610, Ancon (GSCL).................... 7884
Information Desk .............................. 7761

General Services Building, Balboa

R. M. Guilliams, Chief (GSFI) ..................... 3138
K. L. Manthorne, Admin. Officer ................... 3138
B. Quiros, Asst. Chief, Southern District ............. 3286
H. Wallace Teal, Asst. Chief, Northern District ........43-7282

E. B. Hickman, Chief (GSMT) ..................... 3563
W. W. Nowotny, Assistant Chief .................... 3420
Ms. Kristin Risberg, Administrative Officer ............ 7731
Miss B. Ordas, Budget Analyst .................... 7731
R. R. Berm6dez, Supt, Southern Dist................ 7990
L. M. Metheny, Supt., Northern Dist............... 46-7246
H. L. Clark, License Examiner ..................... 7822
Short Trip Service...................... 3429/46-7358
General Services Building, Balboa
William F. Kessler, Chief (GSPL) ................... 7708
Lt. J. H. Wheeler, Acting Police Inspector .............3206
Mrs. M. P. Frensley, Budget Analyst ................ 3151
Maj. F. E. Flud, Commander, Balboa District ...........3324
Maj. E. V. Amason, Commander, Cristobal District .... 46-7341 Liaison Section (Pacific) ...................... 52-3126
Liaison Section (Atlantic)...................... 46-7334
Building 911, La Boca
H. W. Dempsey, Jr., Chief (GSPO) ................. 3237
J. J. Reid, General Foreman ....................... 7579
Mrs. T. L. Pefia, Requisitions ....................... 7579
W. S. Sweeney, Chief (GSAN) ......................7605
Pedro Arenas, Management Analyst ................ 3641
M. Barboza, Budget Analyst ...................... 3641
T. W. Carteret, Safety Specialist ................... 7455
Administrative Services Assistant .................. 3635
E. Cordovez D., Chief, Grounds Management Br. (GSAG).. 7466 L Perez B., Supervisor, Grounds Management, S.D ..... 3319 R. May, Supervisor, Grounds Management, N.D ......46-7373 Chief, Sanitation Management Branch (GSAS) .......... 3464 D. Laracuente, Supv., Sanitation Management, S.D ..... 3464 J. Corrigan, Supv., Sanitation Management, N.D...... 46-7466 Dr. M. M. Boreham, Entomology Unit ............. 46-5658
Building 28, Third Floor, Balboa
M. . Klipper, Chief (GSST) ...................... 3130
M. K. Baker, Asst. to Chief ........................ 7978
G. M Anderson, Admin/Budget Off ...............7475
. P. Lavecchia, Chief, Inventory Mgt. Br. (GSSI) ....... 3596
E. L. Reinhardt, Chief, Purch. and Cont. Br. (GSSP) ..... 3216 D. E. White, Chief, Warehousing Branch, Bldg. 5 (GSSW) . 7785 R. Koyner, Mgr., Excess Disposal Br., Bldg. 42 (GSSE) ... 7683 R. L. Jemmot, Storekeeper, Cristobal .............. 46-7456
M. A. Pezzotti, Mgr., Furn. and Equip. Pool...........7882
4400 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, La. 70146
Joseph C. Quintas, Chief (GSLS) ........... 504-948-5299
Mrs. Joan Bensel, Procurement Agent........ 504-948-1156
Nick J. Tacko Jr., Marine Cargo Specialist..... 504-948-1160

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At February 1982 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Building 5553, Diablo Heights Senior Canal Prt Captain, MTC Center, Bldg. 910, GENERAL SERVICES BUREAU Rop7ms 235-240, Administration Building Walter C. Blotin, Employee Services Branch (PROS) 7831 La Boc (MRNO) ...3185 Genera Services Building, Balboa LWALTER D. BJORSETH, Chief Fnanal Officer (M).3. 3194 Retirement Prossng and Counseing .3.2.2.(.3. 03160/3229 Vesse Inspection and Emergency Response Team .3185 F. A. COTTON, Director (GS) .3445 *Empi LavecchiPN, Secretary .7906 Ellen H. M. Chandler, Insurance ..7831 Senior Can Port Captain, Bldg. 1105, Cristobal Mrs B McDanald, Secretary .3445 PANArdCANAL COM M ISSION io 0. BgOOn, D B eonCp. Chief Financal Officer. 3580 Amia C. Machado, Disabity Reief ..7828 seINsC .dEm. rg.y.R.sp.ns.m 46(763) R. D. M p roo r. 3 Vesel nspctin nd merenc Repose eam, 4-7 M. 0. Mmlaga, Deputy 01 DietrCntracting Offloo.7723 Duane A. Rigby, Asst. Chief Financial Officer. 7906 Yland Canfield, Incentive Awards .7965 .p Co gn, Director, Logistic Services .3383 CA Mrs. Jelia A. Seeley, Admin. Officer (FMXA) .7636 Building 1105, Cristobal Senior Support Operations Officer, Bldg. 28, Balboa M. P Gordon, Director, Support Services .3422 (MRNS) ....7519 G. E. McElroy, Admin. Offic r (GSXA) .7723 SYATZ TS D E TI2 ON Atlanti Persosnd Offce (PRP 070n 0 ...46-7430 Assistant Support Operations Officer. 7519 L R Reyes Budget Office (GSXB) ...7418 O R G A N IZ A T IOu N D I R E C T O Ri Y Buidin 6520, Coa Rtoisti and General Infomatin .46-7320 Support Operos, Southern Dstric C. M Moogram, Safety lOffier. .7070 Willie. J. Jay., Chief (FMSS) ...3650 Augusta N. Leon, Local Employment .46-7218 Capt. A. R. Brim, Vessel Manager, Towboat/Lounch CANAL PROTECTION DIVISION OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Sta ......3501 lea" C Mah'" Pos'to"C'ass'cat'on. 46-7482 Operations, Bdg 43, Blbo ...3141 S-cbes Buid, Balbo Room 220, Administration Building Balboa Heights Republic of Panama CCO TI Ethl C. ood, Retirement .46-7217 E. C. V1mrt, Port Engineer, Bldg. 31, Balboa. 7625 Buiddg A 38B Balo A3 7. SB. Co. Pssnd ChAsf, Chir.l .,. .3604 D. P. MCAULIFFE, Administrator (AD) .3169 DO OFFICE OF HEALTH AND SAFETY Bldg. 438, Ba'bo '''''''. ..3570 B C. Polam 4ca ie r p s. 3695 319 D .I ll obCheAcu iat(PMAC) .7823 Willia 84o07, Physical Secu4717 Spec4iat. 3600 Mrs. Ella C. Gerchow, Secretary ..3100 Josu E. Corc Assistant Chief Accountant ..3405 Ro s 274 280, Ademnstratio, Building Support Operations, Northern District Edward R. A 07st4os, Shipping Security Officer ..3166 FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA) .3103 Mrs. Barbara H. Selvey, Reports and Analysis COL IGNACIO HERNANDEZ F. DIrect, (H). 274 Capt N. P. Dixon, Vessel Manager, Towboat/Launch Thomas P. Strider, Emergency Preparedness Officer. 7502 M rs. M aria Luisa L. Charles, Secretary .....7914 Staff (FMAD) ..7919 Mrs. Livia D. Strider, Secretary .-. .3274 Opration, Cristobal Boathouse .46-7474 Roger J. Rios, Inspector .3696 John F. Herb, Jr., Gom. Led. & Pro .Br. (FMAD) ..3170 J. R. Givens, Assistant Director/Admin. .3114 C Cockburn, Acting Port Engineer, Bldg. 5082 Training Instructor,. ...3696 Edward M. Chism, Staff Assistant, Room 227 (ADSA) .7870 Robert L Dlssed, Plant Accounting Branch (FMAD) .3256 John T Bowman, Asst to Director. 3406 Mount Hope .46-7611 Clark L Brandenburg, Safety Specialist .3166 James W. Dunn, Agents Adts Br, 365 Anon (FMAA) .3453 Linehandling Operations, Gatu. .43-534A W. S. Robison, Pacific Area Commander .3669 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATIONDonald L. Al0mus, Payroll Branch, 365 Anson (FMAP)R .3164 OCCUPATIONAL 8007.H CIVIrIOs Romes 205-207, Adminstrat37 n Building Mrs. Shirley H. Baco, Claims Br., 6529 Corozal (FMAK) .3505 Second Fve,, Building 721, Bab W s cear Comande .459 JOSEPH J. WOOD, Director (A E). .3.g.7. 3519 Mrs. Dorothy A. M pissner, Typing Unit .7712 Dr. Ernst K. W. Krdel, Chief (HL0H). 7968 ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION O 6MMUNITY SERVICES DIV0ON Mrs. Eileen S. Boyd, Secretary .3519 FINANCIAL PLANNING DIVISION Dr. Richard A. Chville, Asst. Chief/ BUREAU Rooms 102-106 ,3Aodistration Building Occup Health Officer (Pacific) ..3842 Ro7 318, Administration Building R. .oSaarie, Chief (GSCS). ...3577 James E. Ferrara, Deputy Director/Chief, Policy and Staff Coordination .7601 Dr. Henry he Le Garza, Occu .Health 1. R. Honer, Assistant Chief .3577 Mrs. Dorothy F. Cogswell, Secretary ..7601 Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) ...3137 Officer (Atlantic) ...435237 COL J.3. PLUNKETT, USA (Rt) Dctor (RI .7604 M.AAdmin. Svs. A63t. .7921 Robert J. Boatwright, Budget Branch .3334 Mary K. Vidaurri, Assistant Director, Policy and Board Coordination .3305 CsRat 841r0 an3 A07i0 6,477. ....stral Exy.)ent ...7713 Miss J.0,00404, Secretary .7604 J. 0 7 6s47d7, 6 O4i3 g Mg.G H .328 folio 47 Softl SdOr. ..76347 Physical Exoam Conter, 87471,7 ...4560 MnMol0MoghS7t.718 'taicAeOfceGm C mutyenrEAA. 435447 M LyDo 100,60(0447, S om osn gt D ot. .3436 Clarence C. Payne, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator/ Tells and Special Studies .7434 Physical Exam. Center Atlantic ..46-5680 Mrs. Muriel 0, Mi Secretary .43-5447 Miss Lyda Lobo, Housing Manager, So. District. ..3436 Assistant Director, Staff Coordination (AA) .3. 3305 GENERAL AUDIT DIVISION 00607 Bi erman, Deputy Director .3527 E. A. 1tndr, Housing Manager, No. District. 46-7248 Mrs. Ytsel M. Schroeder, Secretary .3305 Building 6530, cral S oAFET DIVIB IN 721, 0.(0nor, st. to the Dir. fo. (610. ..R. A Sut, Buldns Mg,, SO ,7 James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FMGA) .3142 J. R. Marvilla, Chief (HLSF) ...3289 U.S. Army Element ...7863 P. A. Snyder, Buildings Mgr, No. District .467605 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Peter A. Iohr, Assistant General Auditor .7776 Frank G 1i7e, Assistant Chief. 7883 Assd. to Dir. for Frog. and Budget (66) .3485 C. H. Raybourn, Chief, Recreation Svs. Branch, Suite 312, Penn. Bldg., 425 1310 St. a Administration Buildin Staff .3. 7801 Mrs. Irma V. Pasco, Safety Specialist .883 Mrs. Clarita T. Smith, Employee Relations Specialist ..3375 Employee Services Building, Diablo (GSCR). 7967 K. E. Goildsbery, Chief, Room 254 (AM) .7757 TREASURER'S OFFICE06010 R. M. Brs77 Safety Off, R.m 307 ECX). 7575 Mrs. aBrly Williams, Chief, Library Services Branch, Washngto, .C 22220 Mrs. Eleanor L Gole, Budget Officer Al .3170 Building 287, AnERiR 0 0 Bldg. 0610, A7 (GSC) ..7884 MICHAEL RHODE, Jr., Secretary, T. C. Duty, Asst. Ivs o C/ l, Sto11 ond Admin 0r. Fool H. Oooolilot (6167) Bldg 5116, nrMrmTAHf 0s Adm7761 Panama Canal Commission (WO) .202-628-6411 Support Branch, Room 254 (A0A) .7995 DbS P. H, Trwelr, CFMTR.6 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT BRANCH M. 7 0 .8 0 7 H3 0 Asst. to the Secretary ..202-628-6411 Real Estate/Land Licensing, Room 251. 7995 C r .P Aso Treasurer T ..3167 Mount Hope ..46-7301n DiVi ON Official Translator, Room 14-A (MST). 3408 Ms So YapeA Treasur4 77047 Dr. Robert D. Wallace, Veterinarian, Bldg. 428, GB47,006 )7rvnges 29Xd(3b, 04(004 Emplye,,,and Cargo Documentation Section Atlantic, Bmitding 8153, Margarita (FMTA) .46-7399 A cn. .................3 7 .J a sr he E C ) ............7 2 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Employ olrvi4es Buding, Diablo (AMSE) 6.33238 Administrative Officer ..7927 R. M. GuimioN, Chief (GSFI) .3138 Roms 230-233, Administration Building Cleveland C. Soper, Chief, Graphic Branch (AMGF) .3217 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Southern District .3517 K. L Manth re, Admin. Officer ......3138 Pandora G. Aleman, Chief, Records Management R000 145, Administration Building MARINENorthern District ..46-7321 B. Quirs, Asst. Chief, Southern District ..3286 R. P. MAVERTY, Direor/U.S. Representative 0,4070 8R 14-B (0084).7787 47o0s 328-311, Administration Building t Coordinating Comittee (EP). 3588 C rent R ord 14-B AMR ) 3. .C ,r H. Wallace real, Asst. Chief, Northern District .43-722 0 C.8(01000 Soorotory. 350 c4,00 r8003 Section (0085). .3110 C. JUoodwin,.Jr., Chiof, ManagementlI7077007700 Gar P. Don Cor, Derpty .irecto. 3560 Agency Records Center, 42-D, Dialo (AM6) .3575 System (S) ...360 CAPT. GE00G07 .sHUrS 0rN707707. (M) .7. 1 DREDGING DIVISION MOTOR TRANSPORTATION DIVISION llm S. Hin(e, Asst. to Director .3571 Cssified Documents Library, Roo 112 3505 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION Capt. R. A. Dickins USN (Ret), Deputy Director ..8/3361 Building 33, Gmb.0 Building 0625A, Anc n RooA 326 0 7Microftilo ont, 04 145-P .3313 Rom 146, Adnistation Building Wllam 0. Cofer, Asst. to Director ..7562 A. E. Bir, (ECR) ....6-6681 .B. Hiok 1 ( ) ...3563 Room 326 ~~~~Mail Section, 8404 143 .76815668 E.BHikaCef(ST.33 Donald G. Schmidt, Chief, Program Development Official Telex Service ...7429 Raymond W. Engle, Chief FMDP)7. 3555 Douglas C. Schmidt Staff Assistant ...7809 Asst. Chief ...566681 W. W. Nibral y, Assitat Chief ..3420 Di .(EPPD) .....7961 Postal Assistance Unit, James A Brwer, Assistant Chief ...3220 Mrs Beverly B Wood, Admin Off ( X .7529 H. V. Archib 8ld, Admin. Officer ..56-6681 Ms. Kristin Riserg, Administrative Officer .7731 Enrique 0Arquez, ptl Prog r oord. 3340 Bldg. 446 Abro k AFS .86-4651/4653 Mrs E, S. Coleman, Budget Officer (MRXB) .7529 D Brce, Ci., Engr. Plans and Frog. Se. .56-6681 Miss B. Ord., Budget Analyst ...7731 Mrs. Gldys 00477400, Admm. lfoe. 3100 Atlato Mo) 47d P0s04) Assstn 0n0, COPUR OPERATIONS DIISION 047076 Frommng, 3040 Eogor. ..7520 1.8. 60370707, 1h.f0, Op.r.t.oos B6,n0h0. .6-661 6. R. 60,44307 377 Southrn 0(41. .U ...700 .B ,Bldg. 8040, Margarita .46-720 7209 Room 146, Administration Building Rolando Linares, Jr, Safety Officer, Southern District .52-8217 L. M. Hll, Chief, Support Branch .56-6691 1 .M. Mothey, Supt, Northern Dist. 46-7246 Richard A Waro, oEcaorci ...3370 FrankVR. Tu7ra,Chief, TransportationBranc 647(070Emp 5y0 0c 0,( (0078) Al .3325 legar R. McArthur, Chief (FMCO) .7468 Mrs. Roberta F. Egol Safety Officr, No. District ..43-5486 R. T Hayes, Chief, Repair Branch .56-6612 H. L Clark, License Exa0mer ...7822 C7(700 2 Willie J. Brannon, Jr, Central Computer Operations BOARD OF LOCAL INSPECTORS Short Trip Servic .342946-7358 Chris M. MArth lot, T reat y Affairs i v. (EPTA) .7666 MAGISTRATES' COURTS 6, ......3424 Ep Soyo 3eics Building, Diablo ELECTRICAL DIVISION POLICE DIVISION 3ob6 B. Moroo o0, Treaty Affairs Specaist .7666 0Albert G Mootoo Data Entry and Controls Branch, Building 66A Balboa General Serices Building, Balboa Robort H. 640,7, r ety Affors l,. 7662 Capr. Mn E.eGutive, C n (MBl ) ..2 04 .3 Bldg 803, Khsof C f (1 3 Room 266 MisGorgolsoo, 6004 11 Ado B3g 1007071 G otto, Ex v nd begt 80707477. 3512 N. H. VClqoz, Cm (66) ...3421 Lt. J. H. Wheeler, Acting Poice Inspector ..3206 George H. Urban, Chief, Management Div. (EPMDl .3586 Cristobal (AEMC) ..46-7417 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION lES D1VIS10N GE.3.Holder,, 034,0. 001r0,. .'' 3421 0,s.8 P. Fr.s.ey, 643700 A04. ..3131 8ichr0,3 660r0e, 1hief, Industrial Engneering 0t. 3463 0FIC OF 87303300, 10,NITRAO 600K VoVSIO 6Mrs.I. 42 M, .F 47 1003, 84ge An oos Ott.3324 PROBATION MMD PAROLE UNIT 40078 E.,,t~to Mc~t~ otd~ 6Pdddent(8 o 603, 1hief, Poo.orkSt 67(611 ). .3421 Moj, 6 6. 8440, o onder Batcoh 0istrict 467. 3241 Crlos L BiHare, Chief, Management ArlsSr.74 RoomR3BADistrict Court Building Anceen Room 243, Administration Building Building 6, Pedro Miguel R. Vn Horde, Chief, Paywer Br. ECLP) ..3421 Ma.E V. Amason Commander, Crstoba Distric. 46 741 R 33 Ed M. C AEPR ...312 RONALD I. SEELEY, Director PR) .3277 Lawrence Bar, Jr., Chief (MRLC) .3509 C. H. Harrll, Chief, Comm. Br. (ECLC) .3204 Lia Section (Pacific) .52-3126 Gulerm Van Edci Jr, Chism, Chnal (AE R). ....._ Myra N. Prscky, Secretary .3277 C. A. Alvrdo, Chief, Eg. and Png S. (MRLE). 3509 Liaison Section (Atlantic). 46-7334 GOinlmo. 440 000740, 27. 10,e0, 14007 -mpr.m.nts William D. Young, Deputy Director. 3351 Miss Betsy Admin, Budget Office .3509 ENGINEERING DIVISION Gustavo Do L Guardia Senior Industrial EnOi OFFICE Ft PUBLIC AFFAIRS Julian P. Rodriguez, Personnel Policies Staff (PRST) .3466 Mrs. Silvia M. Glasscock, Admin. Svs. Off. .3509 Re40 343, Administration Building BRINNG OFFICE Room 103, Administration Building Marcia L B0rdoi, Budget Officer, Room 247 (PRXB) .3558 Hernsn Acevedo, Plant Engineer .9. 35091 ANEL E. BELZ, Director (PA) .3165 Camlle L Rhyne, Admin. Sv0s. Assistant (PRXA) .3544 T 1 Hannigan, Overhaul Engineer. 3509 .Ar. LhChief CEG) -. ---.---.-.-. ..3385 H. W. Dempsey, Jr. Chief (GSPO) .33 OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL M M. Morris, Secretary .3165 Personnel Security Section, Room 112 (PRXS) .7900 Pacific Br40ch, Pedro Miguel Locks Mrs. G. F. Underhll, Admin00 ficer ..7982 1rs0a Rpd, G 7 3 0 ....3 70 Roo. 338, Administration Building Wliis K. Friar, Deputy Director/Chief 0 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT STAFF Chief, Architectural Br. (ECEA) .3556 Puli Information. .3165 V. Higgins, Supt (MRILP). ..3281 SANITATION AND GROUNDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION D rIGHT. a A E, ere ar ..Vicki A. Boat0right, Press Officer .7511. Bu2(di2g 002 04(0oa 607480 0 Qoto ChG.f Ait, M r. (A. ,t ..AND 319 GR 3N CORNaI 351 Vo 0.rii Satuornt Secrtar 0.0. .3202 G. A. 0c4307, Ast ISupt. 328214 John L. Haines, Deputy Gen. Counsel .75o1 Janet Len-Rhos, Spllway Editor .3202 Ricardo R. Varela, Associate Director (PRHR) .7583 Ms. Lourdes A. Boen, Admin. S7s. As. 32-8213 17. Alol Eectrical 6 61.) ..3418.(.AN) 6331, 3419 Asst. Ga. Counsel ..7511 Mrs. Flor D. de Aguilar, Admin. Services Officer ..3521 GD. J. McKe, Chief, Mach. Br. (ECEM) .7895 0. .-oeooy, 10 (ISBN) -. .7605 Attorneys .o ..oo .o. ..7511 0. 3 o 0 0 Gorge A Mercio, EmployooAtlantic Branch, Gatn Locks C. A Kiam, 0, Chief, Specif & Est. Br. (ECE) ..7949 Pedro Arens, Management Analyst .3641 Development Branch (PRHM) .7872/3538 0. 8. Shoo, 1000,0M14. 6dH. 0. (6166) .3716 8 Barboog, Bodgof 070(770 ....3641 District Court Building, Ancon OFFICE OF OMBUDSMAN Language Training. 7589 D. F. Bollinger, Supt. (MRLA) .43-8700 R. Sho Chief, anrveys B BEdg .2 77dr M. W. Carturet ay st .3641 Room 31 RS. Foshboogh. lhiet, Survey Sr, 03dg. 12, Pedro T, 0, Carteret, Safety Spcals I. .30455 RooEmployee Relations Center, aboa Judith A. Barg, Training Evaluations Branch (PRHE) .7549 R. Al az Asst. Supt. .43-8703 Miguel (E ..EV). 3163 Administrative Services Assistant .3635 Attorneys 1 7. ..7480/7494 G. G. BOUCHE, Ombudsman (O .7474 Upward Mobility/Special Placement .4.1. 7561 Mrs. Lin Bo 30, Admin Svcs. Asst. .43-8704 'E. Cordvez D., Chief, Grounds Management r. (GSAG). 74866 0,06E PartieBobby, Secretary ...7474 7Fto.~~~to,~t3Aogto73 ,,, 31 0r.Mrs(E. riboogO., Benny, t y .04.43 .0. 7363 Buitding 2A-3, 8a70 NAVIGATION DIVISION INDUSTRIAL DIVISION 6. My, Supervisor, Grounds Management, N.D .4.6. 7373 OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Atlantic Area Offices (st and 3d Thurs. of each month) Building 28, Badba Building 5082, Mount Hope 80007267 Administration Budin~g M077774 .43-5447 Wiam R. Dunning, Jr., Industrial Training Chief, Sanitation Management Branch GSAS). .3464 Afternoons ....46-7374 Branch (PRHI) .3313 Capt. W .C. Calkins, Chief ( RNV .7976 E. M. Kennedy, Chief, (ECIN) .46-7392 D. Lora ente, S Pv, Sanitation Management, S0D ..3464 WILLIAM R. BELL, Industrial Relations Officer (IR). 3109 Administratio's Information Center .3412 Apprentic School .3152 Capt. B. S. Little, USCG, Asst. Chief .7976 F. Foster II, Asst. Chief. .46-7392 J. Corrigan, Supv., Sanitation Management, N. .46-7466 Mrs, Elsa de Rmrz, Secretary .3109 RESIDENTS MDVISORY COMMITTEE LIAISON ,ON Mrs. Sandra S. Reyes, Administrative Officer. .3190 D. S. Miller, Chief, Admin. Branch. .46-7234 Dr. M. M. B 0Ent00lgy Un t .46-5658 Employee Reltonso bentb, 0B0alGbboaCthComutyCebte, PERSONNEL OPERATIONS DIVISION B E.y. A. i epuy (n Relations r lo. Gilbert Solls BAC Li Off. 43-5430 Building 366, Ancn Mrs. June A. Stevenson, Supervisory Budget Analyst .7856 P. H Zimmerman, Chief, Prod./Pla. B. 467256 STOREHOUSE DIVISION Br 0 A. ....36 p d r R 318i 3 Mrs,. Muriel 0 Mizrah, Secretary ..435430 0apt R. D Valentine, Pilot Training Coo. Bldg. 910, 6 Chen, Chief, Engineering Branch .-46-7606 Building 28, Third Fl00, Balboa id .o n. ..3 24 John Y. Wagner, Chief (PROP) .3335 Boca (MRNP) .3632 F. R. Alberg Admin. Officer B N 46-7472 .S. lipp, 1 (0 ). ...3130 Receptionist and General Information .7595 Capt Theodore Bailey, T rowboat Training Officer, Bldg 2A, Mrs, .M. Eckel, Budget Officer ...46-7210 M. .kerAs t Chef ...778 PANAMA AREA PERSONNEL BOARD Carlos A. Williams, Employment and Placement Branch Boa .3112 K H Willis, Gen. Foreman, Salvage Depot .435289 G. M. Anderson, Admo,./BudgtOf. 07. .7475 OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Building 6331, Cco,,,o(E (6). ...3131 R70 110, Administrateo Sending RICHARD L CAHLL, Executive Director p ) .3292 Ed ima M. Rodriguez, Gen, Svcs. and EcBureaus. 7996 .L ARasm, Ciec Admeasure ..74 A E E. Leinr, Chief, Purh dCt Br (GSS) .3296 Robert ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 64,7esonlMt0pc.0.L.Rno, 1hie0 Admartrar ., ...3 903 MINTENMNCE DIVISION 01 60 Re 331rd, Chief P477, old Cont. 07. (GSP) ,.3216 BRUCE A. QUINN, Directo, (E) .3101 606007 Ropp, P0rs0770) Mg Spoc.3292 Heliane F. Varel Marine Bureau & Staff Units 3583 Supervisory Admeasrer, Bldg. 1105 Building 8, Balboa 0. E. Whie, Chef, Warehousing Branch, Bldg. 5 (GSSW) .7785 Ms. Alcira Aroaz, Secretary .3100 Mrs 0 6 Horne, P0rs700(8 As1ta1. 3202 Dood I NiedziooV, Postio1 ClasIfti B. (PROW). 3336 sob ..0. 43-7283/4402 0 K y0,0, 10,., Exc0ss Ds oo, Bldg 42(SSE) .7783 CENTRAL EXAMINING OFFICE John M. MsTaggart, Gen. Svcs. and E&C Bureaus .3176 J.r. Ma y Chef Ship ....467203Cr 49r Chief ECME) .3408 R LKomn er, Cr Exces ispo al ,. .ldo. 42 (SSE) .7603 ED FIELD OFFICE Building 363, Ancon Mario J. Cndned, Marine Bureau and Staff Units. .3176 R M .7025 Miss V Diz, Admin, Officer .3400 M .PztoMgkr., .d iop. Pl.7.0. .&7482 Employee Relations Cer, Balboa EFi x Mogo (PlE) ...7682 3,0A. Flis-RoiPo, P0 Records and Admin. F. Mar Chief, P, Maint. B. (ECMP) .3498 Mrs. Tirria MTaggart, Deputy Director/Chief, E orrgiAAvr, taff rsEtant A .oBranch (PROR) 0 .3311 Bruce G. Sanders 111, Senior Transit Operations Officer H A. Took, Chief, Water and Lab r (6ECMW). 3266 LOGISTICAL SUPPORT DIVISION lanestigotive Unit (E0(U). 3638 Cecilia Marcioaq, Examining and Certification .Janet P. Stanford, Personnel Actions .3279 MTC Center .7786 R. Tolodano, Cher, Ref. and Air-Cond .ECMR) .3513 4400 Dauphine Street, New Cmeos, 0. 70146 0r. Ana Moro Wakeland, Fed. Women's Program Mgr, .3233 Sylvester N. Williams, Records/Fodera Job Gerald A. Small, Personnl Fles ..3376 Marine Traffic Control General Information .3611 R. C. Jones, Chief, At. Maint Branch (ECMA) .46-7351 Joseph C. Quintas, Chief (GSLS) .504-948-5299 Raymod A. George, Hispanic Employment Information Center ...3584 Acir J. Sinclair, Employee Induction/Job Letters. 3522 A. S. Smith, Chief, Plot Rotation and Scheding H. A. Erhart, Project Engineer .3498 Mrs. Joan Bospol, Procurement Agent. 504-948-1156 Program Manager .7415 Nory I. Sapp, Testing ..3584 Diva Z. M nde, Service Tracing, Bldg. 449-, Ancon .7432 Unit (MRNR) ......3327 R. S. Zorns, Safety Specialist ..3498 Nick J. Tocko Jr, Marine Cargo Specaist. .504-948-1160

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