Panama Canal Organizational Directories

Material Information

Panama Canal Organizational Directories
Panama Canal Commission
Panzer, Pat
16 x 22 inches


federal government publication ( marcgt )
Spatial Coverage:
Panama -- Panama Canal Zone


This set of organizational directories covers the years from 1975-1998 and lists names and phone numbers of various employees in administrative departments.
General Note:
52 pages
General Note:
This gift was made in memory of Bob Panzer.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not protected by copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.

Aggregation Information

Panama and the Canal
University of Florida
Documents of the Panama Canal
Panama Canal Museum Inventory


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NALOctober 1981




OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights, Republic of Panama

D. P. McAULIFFE, Administrator (AD)...............................
Mrs. Ella C. Gerchow, Secretary .......................................

FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA) ........................
Mrs. Maria Luisa L. Charles, Secretary ............. ...........

3169 3100

3103 7914

William L. De La Mater, Director of Protocol/Aide to the Administrator/
Residents' Advisory Program Staff Officer, Room 227, (ADPA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7870
Mrs. Barbara Scott, Protocol Assistant................. ........... 3536
Gilbert Sollas, Assistant RAPSO-Atlantic Area, Building 206, Gatun ............ 43-5430

Rooms 205-207, Administration Building
JOSEPH J. WOOD, Director (AE)................................ ...........
Mrs. Eileen S. Boyd, Secretary ........................................

James E. Ferrara, Deputy Director/Chief, Policy and Staff Coordination .............
Mrs. Dorothy F. Cogswell, Secretary ......................... ..........

Clarence C. Payne, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator/
Assistant Director, Staff Coordination (AA) ............... ...................

Mary K. Vidaurri, Assistant Director, Policy and Board Coordination ................
Mrs. Ytsel M. Schroeder, Secretary ............................

Suite 312, Penn. Bldg., 425 13th St. NW.
Washington, D.C. 20004
MICHAEL RHODE, Jr., Secretary,
Panama Canal Commission (WO) ........ 202-628-6411 Mrs. Hazel M. Murdock, Asst. to the Secretary . 202-628-6411

OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Rooms 230-233, Administration Building
R. P. LAVERTY, Director/U.S. Representative
to Coordinating Committee (EP)................ 3588
Mrs. Thelma L. Conover, Secretary .................. 3588
Gary P. Dunsmoor, Deputy Director................. 3561
William S. Hinkle, Asst. to Director ................. 3571
Rooms 324-332
Donald G. Schmidt, Chief, Program Development
Div. (EPPD) ................................ 7961
Enrique Mirquez, Capital Program Coord.............. 3340
Mrs. Gladys Dominguez, Admin. Officer...............3108
David C. Baerg, Environ./Energy Control Officer ........ 7830 Richard A. Wainio, Economist .................. 3370
Room 206
Charles A. McArthur, Chief, Treaty Affairs Div. (EPTA) ... 7666 John B. Mor&n Treaty Affairs Specialist..............7666
Robert H. Emerick, Treaty Affairs Specialist............ 7666
Room 266
George H. Urban, Chief, Management Div. (EPMD) ...... 3586 Richard B. Horne, Chief, Industrial Engineering Br........ 3463 Carlos L. Linares, Chief, Management Analysis Br........ 7742 Room 305
Guillermo Van Hoorde, Jr., Chief, Canal Improvements
Div. (EPCI) ................................. 7897
Gustavo De La Guardia, Senior Industrial Engineer ......7508 Staff.................... ..................... 7508

Room 338, Administration Building
DWIGHT A. McKABNEY, General Counsel (GC) ......... 7511
Mrs. Patricia Salterio, Secretary .................. 7511
John L. Haines, Deputy Gen. Counsel ............... 7511
Asst. Gen. Counsel............................... 7511
Attorneys..................................... 7511
District Court Building, Ancon
Room 331
Attorneys..................... ............ 7480/7494

Room 267, Administration Building
PAUL A. SIMONEAU, Industrial Relations Officer (IR) ... 3109
Mrs. Elsa Ramirez, Secretary ................. 3109
Employee Relations Center, Balboa
William R. Bell, Deputy Industrial Relations Officer
(IRDI).................................... 3186
Edsel A. Wong, Chief, Adverse Actions (IRAA) ......... 3224

Room 110, Administration Building
BRUCE A. QUINN, Director (EO) ................... 3101
Ms. Alcira Aralz, Secretary ..................... 3101

Employee Relations Center, Balboa
Mrs. Tilcia McTaggart, Deputy Director/Chief,
Investigative Unit (EOIU)...................... 3638
Dr. Ana Mora Wakeland, Fed. Women's Program Mgr ... 3233 Raymond A. George, Hispanic Employment
Program Manager .......................... 7415

3519 3519 7601 7601

3305 3305 3305

K. E. Goldsberry, Chief, Room 254 (AM) ............. 7757
Mrs. Eleanor L. Gale, Budget Officer (AMXB)......... 3178
T. C. Duty, Asst. Division Chief/Chief, Staff and Admin.
Support Branch, Room 254 (AMSA) ............. 7995
Official Translator, Room 14-A (AMST).............. 3488
Chief, Employee and Cargo Documentation Section,
Employee Svcs. Bldg., Diablo (AMSE) ............ 3238
Cleveland C. Soper, Chief, Graphic Branch (AMGF)...... 3217 Pandora G. Aleman, Chief, Records Management Branch, Room. 14-B (AMRM) ................. 7767
Current Records Section (AMRS)................. 3118
Agency Records Center, 42-D, Diablo (AMRC) ........3575 Agency Microfilm Unit, Room 145-P ...............3313
Supervisor, Mail Section, Room 143 ...............7681
Official Telex Service ... ...................7429
Postal Assistance Unit,
Bldg. 446 Albrook AFS .............. 86-4651/4653
Atlantic Mail and Postal Assistance Unit,
Bldg. 8040, Margarita ............... 46-7208/7209
Frank R. Turman, Chief, Transportation Branch,
Employee Svcs. Bldg., Diablo (AMTR) ............3325

Judge John Baker, Balboa; Bldg. 803, La Boca Road,
Balboa (AEMB) ............................. 3451
Sandra. S. Reyes, Clerk of the Court............... 3552
Judge Ray J. McQuary, Cristobal; Room 211,
Admin. Bldg., Cristobal (AEMC) .............. 46-7414
Miss Georgina Chen, Clerk.................... 46-7417

Room 33, District Court Building, Ancon
Edward M. Chism, Chief (AEPR) .................... 3182

OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Room 103, Administration Building
WILLIE K. FRIAR, Acting Director (PA)........ ..... 3165
Mrs. Diane M. Morris, Secretary .................. 3165
Vicki M. Boatwright, Acting Deputy Director/
Chief of Public Information ................... 3202
Janet Len-Rios, Spillway Editor ..................... 3202
Mrs. Flor D. De Aguilar, Admin. Services Officer ........ 3521

Employee Relations Center, Balboa
G. G. BOUCHE, Ombudsman (OM) .................. 7474
Mrs. E. Patricia Benny, Secretary ................. (744)
Dr. Lilia Sibauste, Associate Ombudsman ............ 7
Atlantic Area Offices (1st and 3d Thurs. of each month)
Mornings ............................... 43-5447
Afternoons .............................. 46-7374
Administrator's Information Center .......... ... . 3412

RICHARD L. CAHILL, Executive Director (PB) ......... 3292
Robert R upp, ersonnel Mgt. Spec................. 3292
Mrs. C. E. Horne, Personnel Assistant .............. 3292

Elvira I. Arias, Manager (PBCE) .................... 7682
Margie A. Alvarez, Staff Assistant ................. 7682
Cecilia Marciacq, Examining and Certification........ 3584
Sylvester N. Williams, Records/Federal Job
Information Center.......................... 3584
Nory L. Sapp, Testing .......................... 3584

Rooms 235-240, Administration Building
WALTER D. BJORSETH, Chief Financial Officer (FM)..... 3194 Mrs. Emperatriz Laveccha, Secretary ..............7906
Richard 0. Burgoon, Dep. Chief Financial Officer ....... 3580 Duane A. Rigby, Asst. Chief Financial Officer........... 7906
Mrs. Jolie A. Seeley, Admin. Officer (FMXA) ........... 7636

Building 6529, Corozal
William J. Joyce, Chief (FMSS) ................... 3650
Staff ....................................... 3501

Building 38, Balboa
Donald M. Luke; Chief Accountant (FMAC)............ 7823
Jos6 E. Corc6, Assistant Chief Accountant............. 3405
Mrs. Barbara H. Selvey, Reports and Analysis
Staff (FMAD).. .......... . ...............7919
John F. Hern, Jr., Gen. Led. & Proc. Br. (FMAD)........ 3170
Robert L. Dossett, Plant Accounting Branch (FMAD) ..... 3256 James W. Dunn, Agents Accts. Br., 365 Ancon (FMAA) .. -3453 Donald L. Altemus, Payroll Branch, 365 Ancon (FMAP)... 3164 Mrs. Shirley H. Barca, Claims Br., 6529 Corozal (FMAK).. 3505 Mrs. Dorothy A. Meissner, Typing Unit ............... 7712

Rooms 102106, Administration Building
Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) .................. 3137Robert J. Boatwright, Budget Branch ................ 3334
Chief, Rates and Analysis Branch/ Cost Control Officer .......................... 3287
Michael K. Baker, Tols and Special Studies...........7434

Building 6530, Coro2al
James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FMGA) ............ 3142
Peter A. Liehr, Assistant General Auditor .............. 7776
Staff ....................................... 7801

Building 287, Ancon
Robert Q. Won, Treasurer (FMTR) ................3388
Carlos A. Payne, Assistant Treasurer ................. 3167
Ms. Sofia Yhap, Treasury Branch,
Atlantic, Building 8153, Margarita (FMTA)...... 46-7399

Room 145, Administration Building
C. J. Goodwin, Jr., Chief, Management Information
Systems (FMIS) ............... ............. 3460

Room 146, Administration Building
Raymond W. Engle, Chief (FMDP).................. 3550
James A. Brewer, Assistant Chief.................... 3220

COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION Room 146, Administration Building
Edgar R. McArthur, Chief (FMCO)................7468
Willie J. Brannon, Jr., Central Computer Operations
Branch ................................... 3424
Albert G. Mootoo, Data Entry and Controls Branch,
Room 16 .............. ................... 3162

Room 243, Administration Building

RONALD L. SEELEY, Director (PR) ................. 3277
Myra N. Perscky, Secretary..................... 3277
William D. Young, Deputy Director.................. 3351
Julian P. Rodriguez, Personnel Policies Staff (PRST) ..... 3466 Marcia L. Barcelli, Budget Officer, Room 247 (PRXB) .... 3558 Camille L. Rhyne, Admin. Svcs. Assistant (PRXA) ....... 3544

Building 0602, Balboa Heights

Ricardo R. Varela, Associate Director (PRHR).......... 7583
George A. Mercier, Employee and Management
Development Branch (PRHM) ............. 7872/3538
Language Training... .....................7589
Judith A. Baerg, Training Evaluations Branch (PRHE) .... 7549
Upward Mobility/Special Placement .............. 7561

Building 5051-X, Diablo

William R. Dunning, Jr., Industrial Training
Branch (PRHI)....... ....................... 3310
Apprentice School (Bldg. 2A-3, Balboa)...... ..... 3152


John Y. Wagner, Chief (PROP) .... : ............... 3335
Receptionist and General Information ............. 7595
Carlos A. Williams, Employment and Placement Branch
(PROE)........................ ............. 3171
Heliana F. Varela, Local Employment .... 3583/7501/7996 David A. Hope, U.S. Recruitment, Bldg. 363, Ancon ...... 3254 David J. Niedzialek, Position Classification Br. (PROW)..... 3336
John M. McTaggart, Gen. Svcs. and E&C Bureaus..... 3176 Mario J. Candanedo, Marine Bureau and Staff Units ... 3176 F61ix A. Fil6s-Remotti, Personnel Records and Admin.
Branch (PROR) ............................ 3311
Janet P. Stanford, Personnel Actions.............. 3279
Gerald A. Small, Personnel Files .................. 3376
Alcira J. Sinclair, Employee Induction/Job Letters..... 3522

Building 5553, Diablo Heights
W. A. Sullivan, Employee Services Branch (PROS) ...... 7831
Retirement Processing and Counselors ........ 3160/3229 Ellen H. M. Chandler, Insurance .................. 7831
Amelia C. Machado, Disability Relief ............... 7828
Yolanda Canfield, Incentive Awards................ 7965

Building 1105, Cristobal
Atlantic Personnel Office (PROA) ................
Receptionist and General Information ..........
Augusta N. Ledn, Local Employment ............
Jean C. Mathurin, Position Classification .........

46-7439 46-7329 46-7218 46-7482

OFFICE OF HEALTH AND SAFETY Rooms 274-280, Administration Building
COL. IGNACIO HERNANDEZ F., Director (HL).......... 3274
Mrs. Livia D. Strider, Secretary...................3274
J. R. Givens, Assistant Director/Admin..............3114
John T. Bowman, Asst. to Director................... 3406
Virginia Lee, Admin. Asst....... ................... 7721

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
Dr. Ernst K. W. Kredel, Chief (HLOH)................ 7968
Dr. Richard A. Cheville, Asst. Chief/
Occup. Health Officer (Pacific) ................. 3842
Dr. Henry De La Garza, Occup. Health
Officer (Atlantic) ......................... 43-5237
Industrial Hygienists ..... ..................7713
Physical Exam. Center, Pacific-.....................7108
Physical Exam. Center, Atlantic.................. 46-5680

Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
J. R. Maravilla, Chief (HLSF) ..................... 3289
Frank Guite, Assistant Chief ........................ 7883
Mrs. Irma V. Pasco, Safety Specialist ................7883

Dr. Paul H. Dowell, Chief (HLVT), Bldg. 5116,
Mount Hope ... .....................46-7301
Dr. Robert D. Wallace, Veterinarian, Bldg. 428,
Ancon ....................... .......... 3479

Rooms 308-311 Administration Building

CAPT. GEORGE T. HULL, USN, Director (MR) ..........7917
Mrs. Doris Burns, Secretary ..................... 7917
Capt. R. A. Dickins, USN (Ret), Deputy Director ... 3308/3361 William 0. Cofer, Asst. to Director ................... 7562
Douglas C. Schmidt, Staff Assistant ................. 3809
Mrs. Beverly B. Wood, Admin. Off. (MRXA) ............ 7529
Mrs. E. S. Coleman, Budget Officer (MRXB)............ 7529
James R. Freeman, Staff Engineer................... 7529
Safety Officer, Southern District ................ 52-8217
Mrs .Roberta F. Egolf, Safety Officer, No. Dist........ 43-5486

BOARD OF LOCAL INSPECTORS Employee Services Building, Diablo
Capt. Edmund P. Gabriel, Chairman (MRBL) ..........3403
Asst. Chairman ....... .......................... 7512

Building 6, Pedro Miguel
Laiwrence Barca, Jr., Chief (MRLC) ................. 3509
C. A. Alvarado, Chief, Eng. and Ping. Sec. (MRLE) ........ 3509
Miss Betsy 1. Aquin, Budget Officer.................. 3509
Mrs. Silvia M. Glasscock, Admin. Svcs. Off-.............3509
Hernn Acevedo, Plant Engineers.................3509
T. J. Hannigan, Overhaul Engineer.................. 3509

Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks

V. Higgins, Supt. (MRLP).......................
G. A. McArthur, Asst. Supt. .....................
Ms. Lourdes A. Boseman, Admin. Svcs. Asst.........

Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks
D. F. Bullinger, Supt. (MRLA) ..................
R. Alvarez, Asst. Supt ..........................
Mrs. Lina Boza, Admin, Svcs. Asst ................

52-8215 52-8214 52-8213

43-8700 43-8703 43-8704

Building 28, Second Floor, Balboa

Capt. W. C. Calkins. Chief (MRNV) ................. 7976
Capt. B. S. Little, USCG, Deputy Chief/Assistant to Marine
Director (Marine Safety) ..................... 7976
Ms. Arden L. Cooke, Admin. Officer.................. 3190
James C. Foster, General Engineer, Fiscal Unit ......... 3184 Mrs. June A. Stevenson, Supervisory Budget Analyst .... 7856 Deputy for Transit Operations, MTC Center,
Bldg. 910, La Boca (MRNT) .................... 3503
Bruce G. Sanders L, Assistant ..................... 7786
Marine Traffic Control General Information............ 3611
A. S. Smith, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling Unit
(MRNR) .................................. 3327
Capt. R. D. Valentine, Pilot Training Coordinator (MRNP) . 3632 Pilot Liaison Office, Bldg. 1105, Cristobal ..... 46-7418/7419 R. E. Angermuller, Deputy for Admeasurement, Bldg. 28,
First Floor, Balboa (MRNA) .................... 7413
J. L. Ransom, Assistant .......................... 7947
Supervisory Admeasurer, Bldg. 1105,
Cristobal ......................... 46-7293/7492
J. R. Mahoney, Chief, Ship Data Bank, Control Center
(MRND) .................... ............. 7525
Deputy for Support Operations Bldg. 28, Second Floor,
Balboa (MRNS) ............................. 7519
Assistant for Support Operations.................... 7519

Southern District (MRNB)

Senior Canal Port Captain, MTC Center, Bldg. 910,
La Boca ................................... 3185
Vessel Inspection and Emergency Response Team,
MTC Center, Bldg. 910, La Boca ................ 3185
Capt. Allen R. Briem, Manager, Towboat/Launch
Operations, Bldg. 43-A, Balboa ................ 3141
Eugene C. Vollmert, Port Engineer, Bldg. 31, Balboa..... 7625 A. V. Simonsson, Chief, Linehandling Operations,
Bldg. 43-A ................... .............. 3572

Northern District (MRNC)

Senior Canal Port Captain, Bldg. 1105, Cristobal..... Vessel Inspection and Emergency Response Team,
Bldg. 1105 ..... .................
Capt. Norman P. Dixon, Manager, Towboat/Launch
Operations, Cristobal Boathouse ............
Port Engineer, Bldg. 5082, Mount Hope ..........
Chief, Linehandling Operations, Gatun............

46-7637 46-7639 46-7474 46-7611 43-5348

Room 318, Administration Building

COL, J. J. PLUNKETT, Director (EC) ................ 7684
Miss J. Arosemena, Secretary ................... 7684
Atlantic Area Office, Gatun Community Center (ECAA). 43-5650 M. Bierman, Deputy Director ...................... 3527
R. E. O'Connor, Asst. to the Dir. for
Administration (ECXA)........................ 3375
Asst. to Dir./U.S. Army Element-....................7863
N. C. Farnsworth, Ass. to Dir. for Prog. and Budget
(ECXB)................................... 3485
Mrs. Clarita T. Smith, Employee Relations Specialist ..... 3375


R. J. Hauser, Chief (ECCN)........................ 7927
Mrs. Barbara Alves, Admin. Officer .................. 7927

Northern District ............................

Building 33, Gamboa

P. L. Whitlock, Chief (ECDR) ..................
A. E. Diaz, Asst. Chief ........................
H. V. Archibold, Admin. Officer .................
J. R. Rodriguez, Chief, Operations Branch........ L. M. Hall, Chief, Support Branch ...............
Chief, Repair Branch .........................

Building 66A, Balboa


56-6681 56-6681 56-6681 56-6681 56-6691 56-6612

N. H. Visquez, Chief (ECLE) .................
Mrs. J. G. Holder, Admin. Officer.... ...........
G. E. McFadden, Chief, Elec. Work Br. (ECLW) .........
R. Van Hoorde, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP) .............
C. H. Harrill, Chief, Comm. Br. (ECLC) ...............

Room 343, Administration Building

R. D. Donaldson, Chief (ECEG)... .............
L. G. Archuleta, Asst. Chief .... ..............
Mrs. G. F. Love, Admin. Officer ...............
D. W. Date, Chief, Architectural Br. (ECEA) ............
M. Quintero, Chief, Civil Br. (ECEC) .............
1. T. Alemin, Electrical Br. (ECEE)..............
D. J. McKeon, Chief, Mech. Br. (ECEM)...............
C. A. Kiamco, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX)..........
W. B. Shaw, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECEH) ..........
R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Br., Bldg. 12, Pedro
Miguel (ECEV) ...................... .

Building 5082, Mount Hope

E. M. Kennedy, Chief, (ECIN) ...................
F. Foster III, Asst. Chief .......................
P. H. Zimmermann, Chief, Prod./Plan. Br..........
F. R. Alberga, Admin. Officer...................
K. H. Willis, Gen. Foreman, Salvage Depot ..

46-7392 46-7392 46-7256 46-7472 43-5289

Building 8, Balboa
F. k. Lee, Chief (ECME) .......................... 3498
Miss V. Diaz, Admin. Officer ...................... 3498
F. Martinez, Chief, Pac. Maint. Br. (ECMP) ............ 3498
H. A. Tooke, Chief, Water and Lab. Br. (ECMW).........3266
R. Toledano, Chief, Ref. and Air-Cond. Br. (ECMR) ...... 3513
R. C. Jones, Chief, Atlantic Maintenance Branch
(ECMA) ................... ............. 46-7351

General Services Building, Balboa

F. A. COTTON, Director (GS) ...................... 3445
Mrs. B. McDonald, Secretary ................... 3445
R. . Morgan, Deputy Director/Contracting Officer ..... 7723 J. P. Corrigan, Director, Logistic Services ............. 3383
M. P. Gordon, Director, Support Services ............ 3422
G. E. McElroy, Admin. Officer (GSXA) ............... 7723
A. C. Payne, Budget Officer (GSXB)................. 7418
C. M. Monaghan, Safety Officer.................... 7970

CANAL PROTECTION DIVISION General Services Building, Balboa
Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP) ...................... 3694
B. C. Poland, Asst. Chief .... .................. 3695
William Roger, Physical Security Specialist............ 3696
Thos. P. Strider, Emergency Preparedness Officer,
Bldg.-il-Y (GSCE) ........................... 7502
R. J. Rios, Inspector............................. 3696
P. M. Darcy, Training Instructor.................... 3696
W. S. Robison, Pacific Area Commander ............. 3669
W. C. Crews, Atlantic Area Commander ........... 43-5296

Building 635, Balboa Heights

R. J. Saarinen, Chief (GSCS)....................... 3577
J. R. Haner, Assistant Chief ........................ 3577
Mrs. A. Rodriguez-V., Admin. Svcs. Asst .............. 7921
Mrs. A. E. Burns, Budget Officer .................3288
J. L. DesLondes, Supt., Housing Mgmt. Br. (GSCH) ...... 3133
Miss Lyda Lobo, Housing Manager, So. District......... 3436 E. A. Letendre, Housing Manager, No. District....... 46-7248
R. McNatt, Supt., Buildings Mgmt. Br. (GSCB).......... 3133
J. A. Zambrano, Buildings Mgr., So. District ........... 3133
P. A. Snyder, Buildings Mgr., No. District .......... 46-7605
C. H. Raybourn, Chief, Recreation Svcs. Branch,
Employee Services Building, Diable (GSCR)........ 7967 Mrs. Beverly Williams, Chief, Library Services Branch,
Bldg. 0610 Ancon (GSCL) ..................... 7884
Information Desk............................ 7761

General Services Building, Balboa

R. M. Guilliams, Chief (GSFI) ...................... 3138
K. L. Manthorne, Admin. Officer ................... 3138,
B. Quiros, Asst. Chief, Southern District ............. 328ii
H. Wallace Teal, Asst. Chief, Northern District........ 43-72

Room 112, Administration Building, Balboa Heights

Ernest W. Oliver, Chief (GSIS) ..................7900

E. B. Hickman, Chief (GSMT) ..................... 3563
W. W. Nowotny, Assistant Chief .................... 3420
Ms. Kristin Risberg, Administrative Officer ............ 7731
Miss B. Ordas, Budget Analyst ..................... 7731
R. R. Bermidez, Supt., Southern Dist.............. 7990
Supt, Northern Dist ......................... 46-7246
H. L. Clark, License Examiner ..................... 7822
Short Trip Service...................... 3429/46-7358

General Services Building, Balboa
W. F. Kessler, Chief (GSPL) ....................... 7708
Capt. V. E. Voyles, Police Inspector.................. 3206
Lt. R. F. Brayton, Police Inspector................... 3206
Mrs. M. P. Frensley, Budget Analyst ................. 3151
Maj. F. E. Flud, Commander, Balboa District ........... 3324
Liaison Section (Pacific) .......................... 3126
Maj. E. V. Amason, Commander, Cristobal District.... 46-7341 Liaison Section (Atlantic)....................... 46-7334

Building 911, La Boca
H. W. Dempsey, Jr., Chief (GSPO) ................. 3237
James J. Reid, General Foreman .................... 7579
Mrs. Teonilda L. Pela, Requisitions................. 7579

Building 6531, Corozal
W. S. Sweeney, Chief (GSAN) ...................... 7605
Assistant Chief .................................. 7466
Pedro Arenas, Management Analyst.................3319
T. W. Carteret, Safety Specialist ................... 7455
Administrative Services Assistant ................... 3635
E. Cordovez D., Chief, Grounds Management Br. (GSAG).. 3319 L Perez B., Supv., Grounds Management, S.D.......... 7908
R. May, Supv., Grounds Management, N.D.......... 46-7373
Chief, Sanitation Management Branch (GSAS).......... 3319 D. Laracuente, Supv., Sanitation Management, S.D ..... 3464 J. Corrigan, Supv., Sanitation Management, N.D...... 46-7466

Building 28, Third Floor, Balboa
M. S. Klipper, Chief (GSST) ....................... 3130
E. Ho, Asst. to Chief ............................. 7978
G. M. Anderson, Admin./Budget Off ................. 7475
G. P. LavecchiaChief, Inventory Mgt. Br. (GSSI)-....... 3596
E L Reinhardt, Chief, Purch. and Cont. Br. (GSSP) ..... 3216 D. E. White, Chief, Warehousing Branch, Bldg. 5 (GSSW) . 7785 R. Koyner, Mgr., Excess Disposal Unit, Bldg. 42 (GSSE) .. 7683 R. L. Jemmot, Actg. Storekeeper, No. Dist. ......... 46-7456
M. A. Pezzotti, Mgr., Furn. and Equip. Pool............ 7882

4400 Dauphine Street, New Orleans, La. 70146

Chief (GSLS) ..........................
Mrs. Joan Bensel, Procurement Agent........ N. J. Tacko Jr., Marine Cargo Specialist ......

504-947-4417 504-948-5299 504-947-4417

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AL October 1981 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT building 5553, Diablo Heights Southern District (MR0) CANAL PROTECTION DIVISION RedOns 235 240, Adinstrateen Building W. A Sullivan, Employee Services Branch (PROS) ...783 Seni Canal Part Captain, MTC Center, Bldg. 910, G-1 Services Bnuldigt, Balboa WALTER D. EJORSETH, Chief Financial Officer (0FM) .3194 Retirement Processing and Counsen is .3160/3229 La B 3n8PChCrOs Mrri Ctin(RCg)ODD a PANAMA CANAL COM M ISSION RicMafdmp r.rhieiacray ..una .M Cdler sabli y R .i .7 Vesse inspecting and Ernergeny Respse ream B. C Poland, Asst. ChOf ..3695 35F. 0 Yo Camild, Incentive Awards. 0. 7965 M C t e O Rogem oPhysical c t Specaist .3696 Duane A Rgby, 0s, Chi) Fieota Ofic .~ 7906 d Co)od tooFn .70 5 Conr BdE. 900 Lg Boca. .30805 ~ gtFgPyoISoy 030 Mrs. Jae A. Seeley, Admin. Officer (FMXA) .7636 Capt. Allen R. BrBm, Manager, Towboat/launch Thrs. R. Strider, Emergency Prpdardness Officer, CAn Buiding 1105, Crit0a Operations, Bldg. 43 A, Balboa .3141 Bldg. 11Y (GC) ..7502 SYSTEMS DIVISION Atlantic Personnel Ofice (PROA) ....0. 46-7439 Eugene C. Vollmt, Prt Engineer, Bldg 31, Bubro .7625 R J. Ros, Inspect. .3696 Bulng 6529,Ct. l Rceptnitand Grlo nllfomton .06.-7320 3696 ,an og p0nO~yOoigotnt .lg O R G A NdIZA T IO N D IR EC T O R Y Ili2, CAuggst and GL al oorme(tF .S.S. .2 .4-79 A V. Same .s Chief, Linehanding Operations, P. M. Darcy, Traning Instructor .3 is.ia J. Joyce, Chief(FMSS) ...3650 Jeagus a hanrr Position Clasfication ...67 8 Bldg. 43-A .3572 W. S.Rebason, Pacific Area Commander ..3669 OFFCE F T E A MIN STR TORStaff ..3501 Nrhn tt(M C)W. C. Crews, Atlantic Area Commander ...43-5296 OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR _________________ Notern~gIstcMRNC) Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights, Republic of Panama ACCOUNTING DIVISION Seniona, Prt Captain, Bldg. 1105, Cristobal. 467637 COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION Building 38, BlboO Vssme Inspe hao n add Emergency Response Team, Building 635, Oolba Heights D. P. MCAULIFFE, Administrator (AD). ......................................3169 Donald M. Lake, Chief Acontant (FMAC). 7823 O Bldg 1105 .467639 .J. r C (. ..77 Mrs. Ella C. Gerchow, Secretary ...................................3100 Jos E. Chase, Assistant Chief Accountant ..34052 8B Capt. Norman P. Dixon, Manager TowboatLaunch J. R HanAs Chieft. ...3577 Mrs Barbgra HF Sgelvy, Reports and Aalyss COL A IGNACIO HERNANDEZ F., Director (HE). 27 Dpgrtons Crob doa Ah10s.06-7074 AR tt Chttf .g .g 3502 FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA). ....3103 taff (FMAD) ...7919 Mrs. Livia D. Strider, Secretary ..3274 Prt Enneer Bld 5082 Mount Hope ..46-76 ...........John F. Harr, Jr., Gen. Led. & Pro,. Br. FMAD) .3170 J. R. Givens, Assistant Di t /Admin. ...3 14 -11'' ' Mrs. A. E. Burns, Budget Officer. ...3288 Mrs Maria Lutoa L. Chatloo, Secrotary .....F .00 It So Co & .~ 0.1.000 .100.2. .log A .to .,, It Ad A .00 P.t .~Ao BO 000 .ot .Ag001 .t B91 A4 Cotog, Bodgotn OttootsCach. ..0288. 4 54 Robert L DAss, 1 Plan Accounting Branch (FMAD). 3256 John T. Bowman, Ast. to Director. ..30 J. L Deloondes,Sept., Housing Mgt. r.(SCH). 3133 James W Duon, Agents Acts. 0r, 365 Ancon (FMAA) .3453 Vrg0 E0, Admn. Ast ...7721 W iam L. De La Mater, Drector of Protocol/ Aide to the Administrator/ Donald L Altmos, Payroll Branch, 365 Ardtn oFMAP). 3164 Miss Ly00 Lobo, Housing Manager, So. District. .3436 Residents' Advisory Program Staff Officer, Room 227, (ADPA) ...7870 Mrs. Shrley H. Bara, Clams 0r, 6529 Corozal (FMAK) .350 o A HEA E .Letendr, Housing Manager, No. District. 46-7248 Mrs. Barbara Scott, Protocol Assistant ..3536 Doty A M t.772 Second Fodr Bdan 721, Balboa ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION .N Soot, Buildngs Mg. B,. (GCB). 3133 Gilbert Sollas, Assistant RAPSO-Aflantic Area, Building 206, Gatun F L. 435430LANNIN S Dr. Ernst K. W. Kredeil, Chief H. ..7968 BUREAU J A. Zambiorano Budings Mgr, So. District ..3133 0r, Richard A. Cheadle, Asst Chief/ Room 318, Administration Goulding P A. Snyder, Bldings MgA, No Distrnt .46-7605 Rood 102 106, Adnnistration Odidin ccup. Health office pifi) ..3842 C. H. Raybourn, Chief, Recreation Svcs Branch, OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) ...3137 Dr. He'ry Do L GaA, occu. Health COL J. J. PLUNKETT, Director EC) ..7684 Employee Services Building, Diablo /GSCR). 7967 7 o Rot Botg Bdgt B .333 Atlti) ..435237 Miss J. Arosmen, Secretary .7684 Mrs. Beverly Williams, Chief, Library Services Branch, 3D//PHee,20 207 WOOD Dtroc/o (AD ........Roet Jotwrt. Buodgett Bnh. 3304 ad 0 oilogois t ....7703 Att0,0DtoSto oooyCoo,(01. 4560 Bd.00Bto(001. 70 JOSEP H J. W OOD, Director (A E). ...........................................35,9 Chief, Rates and Analysis Birsuch/ ,ly$ il~a Cre ~ f Atlantic Area Office, Gatun Community Center (ECAA) .43-5650 Bldg. D61D Ancon GSCL) .7884 IAst cdool Dfttcet ....320 PBfil tO, ExAO 100,n P t .71000nomto e ..76 Mrs. Eleen 0 Boyd, ocroaary ..........35/9 ito oro Tt r Spocal Studied 7430.F7 y E am. n1e, Alati. 46528 N. E Oorom,0 Dk. .o .....770 James E. Ferrara, Deputy Director/Chief, Polcy and Staff Coordination .............7601 GENERAL 0 T IIVISION SAodd A d n 720 osta (ECXA) t ..3375 FIRE DIVISION Mrs. Dorothy F. Cogs well, Secretary ..................................7601 Bi,ng 6530, Coroal J. R. Maravll0, Chat HLSF 3289 0, C FtoorUt At to .Prog. .0 B. .Gs d ..n(o) B. .o.O ..o-g-g-) -o-to-(N.0.(Fa3)s2rthoAst.oto 0r.toorPrOg.otd.Budg3 Clarence C. Payne, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator/ James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FMGA) .3142 Frankt GCa/, Assistant Chiefo. 70B3 E000/ ..3485 R. M. G illiam, Chief (G0i0 ...3138 Assistant Director, Staff Coordination (AA) .............................3305 eer A. dir Assistant General Auditor. 7770 M V7 Pas, Safetypo lto Spe ..3370 .L Mto Adn 0o ...3138 70 VETERINARY DIVISION B. Qtiro, Ast. Chief, Southern District .32 Mary K. Vidaurri, Assistant Director, Policy and Board Coordination ................3305 EDr Pau H Dowell, Chief HLV) Bldg 5116 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT BRANCH H. Wallace real, Ast. Chief, Northern District .43-2 Mrs. Ytsel M. Schroedor, Secretary ...3 TREASURER'S OFFICE -Muloet H p .46 7301 tu03ding 29X Balboa Oo,/dngn 287 ,on 0r. Robet0 Oo Waooe Votornaring, B/do. 020, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Auldn 28,AnD,4oetD7alae9eeiaiaBd.48 R. J. Hauser, Chief (ECCN) .............7927 INDUSTRIAL SECURITY OFFICE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Administration Building Robor A War, Tresurer 0 F0ER) .n. .3308 Aon. ..30 .Mrs. Barbara Alve, Admin Officer .7927 Room I12 Administration Building, Balo Heights Suit31, ne,t Bd. 42000 00hStNW Conlos A. Payoe, Assitoot Treasureno. .3007 M gb~ 00 d ~ot .70 on02 d~~to~o0,00.Alo og Do/tK 32 Pnn. 010g. 425 03th N. E. GoldsbErry, Chief, Room 254 (AM) ..777 M Sot Yop Treasury Branch, Northern District ..46-7321 Ernest W. Oliver, Chief (GSIS ...7900 Washington, D.C. 20004 Mrs. Eleanor L Gale, Budget Officer (A000 .70 Atlantic Building 8153, Maogara FMTA) .467399 REDIN DIVION MICHAEL RHODE, Jr,., Secretary T. C. Duty, Ast. Division Chief/Chief, Staff 0nd 0dm A MOTOR TRANSTATION DIVISION P m 0 Cmission (Wo) .202-628-6411 Support Branch, Room 254 AMSA) .7995 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS Building 0625A A, Mrs Hazel M. Murdock, Asst. to the Secretary 202-628-6411 Official Translator, Room 14-A (A ..3488 Room 145, Administration Building ,,o 308t311 Administration Bnding P. L Witlo Chief ECDR) .56-668, Chief, Employee and Cargo Documentation Section' C. J. Goodwin, Jr., Chief, Management Information CAPT. GEORGE T. HULL, USN, Direct, (MR) 00 7917 A. E. Da, Asst. Chief -..56-66 E. B. Hickman, Chief (GSMT) .056 Employee Svcs Bldg., Diablo (AMSE) .3230 Systems FM S) .....3460 Mrs. Doris Burns, Secretary ..7917 H V t Archib Old, Admn. Office ..566681 W. W. NMw tny, Assistant Chief ..3420 OFFICE OF EBECUTIsE LANNING Cleveland C. Soper, Chief, Graphic Branch /AMG) .0207 Capt. R. A. Dckns, USN (Ret), Deputy Director .3308/3361 J R. Rodoies, Chief, Operations Branch ......566681 Ms. Kristin Isbrg, Administrative O officer ..7731 S0230233 nto Bold/ng Pandora G. aed, Chief, Records Management Wllam 0. Cofer, At. to Director .7562 H C S t B .Miss B. ordas, Budget Analyst .7731 R. P. LAVERTY, Director/U S, Representative Branch, Rmn. 14-0 (AMRM) .7767 DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION Douglas C. Schmidt, Staff Assistant ...3809 R. R. Berm Supt. Southern Dist 7990 to Coordinating Comm ee (EP) ...3588 Current Records Secto (AMRS) ./. 3118 Roon 146, Administration Building Mrs. Beverly B Wood, Admin. Off. (MRXA) .7529 Chief, Repair Branch .566612 Boord Cetr S2D Coioblo 000000 .1,R17. 02 Sog Otottot Dst. ..046-7246 8 s Thelma L Conover, Secretary .358 Ro d Cootor 42-D Diobo (AMRC) 1B7 o Mrs. E. S. Coleman, Budget Officer M XB .7529 E.ECTRICL DIVISION HT l i s t ...4 722 ry.GDgreomDur, Dputy 0it3,f50 E 1 ..2 EaEmoCA W.VEngleH L Clark, .ns. Em5r .....7S22 L on 0 t. 3 James A. Brewer, Assistant Chief. ..... .l.o.t. 3220 Safety Officer, Southern District .52-8217 Building 66A, Balboa Short Trip Service ...3429/46-735 soooto,,talooO, non 14 33 ..7081G1oot 0EoS goy MDt 05M Rooms 324-332 Offcia Tolex Service 4s.rog.y.,.s. .70 ,,435486 Donald G Schmidt, Chief, Program Development Postal Assistance Unit, COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION N. H. Vsq, Chief ECLE). 3421 POLICE DIVISION Div0 (EPPD) .761 Bid. 446 Albrook AFS .864651/4653 Rom 146, Adinstnatin Bding BOARD OF LOCAL INSPECTORS Mrs. 1. G. Holder, Admin. Officer .3421 GnOL S IVISoIo N Enrique Marnuez, Capital Program Coord,. 3340 Atlantic Mail and Postal Assistance Unit, Edgar R. McArthur, Chief 0FMCO) ..7468 Employee S o n i ild g, Diablo G. E. McFadden, Chief, Ele A. Work Br. /EC ) .3.0.o. 3421 Mrs. Gladys Dominguez, Admin. Officer ...3 8 Bldg. 8040, Margarita. ..46-7208/7209 Willis J. Brannon, Jr, Central Computer O nations Capt. Edmund P. Gabriel, Chairman (MRBL) .4. .R Van Horde, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP) ....3421 W. F. Kessler, Chief (GSPL) ...7708 Do dC. Ba o, Env on /E ergy Control Officer ..73 Frank R 0 Turman, Chief, Transportation Branch, Branch. o ..3 Aono.o.00 .3F23 Cat. F.t. Coyols, Cote .s.e.r /03.1). ....7708 Roo m. .307 Employee Svcs. Bldg, Diablo (AMT R) .3325 -Abert G. Moooo, Data Entry and Carls Branch, Lt. R. F, Brayton, Polce Inspector. 3206 Rooo 20p Room 6 ..3162 LOCKS DIVISION ENGINEERING DIVISION Mrs, M. P. Frno sly, Budget Analyst .3151 Charles A. McArthur, Chief, Treaty Affairs Div. (EPTA) .7666 MAGISTRATES' COURTS uildn 6, Pedr Miguel _343, Admnsraton Bulding Ma. .E. Flud, Commander, Balboa District .._._._._. 3324 John B. Morton, Traty Affairs Specialist ....7666 Robert H, Emerick, Trsty Affairs Specaist. .7666 Judge John Baker, Balboa Bldg. 803, La Boca Road, Lawrence Br a, Jr., Chief /Ml C) ...3509 R. D. Donaldson, Chief (E0EG) .7585 Liaison Section (Pacific) .3126 Room 266 Balboa (AEMB) .3451 C A Aloi do Chief, Eng ad Pug. So MRLE). 3509 L G Archuleta, Asst. Chief ..3180 Maj. E. V. Amason, Commander, Cristobal District. 467341 George H. Urban, Chief, Management Div EPMD) .3586 Sandra. S. Reyes, Clerk of the Court. 3552 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Miss Bet y 1 Aquin Budget Officer .3509 Mrs. G. 0. Love, Admin. Officer .7982 Liaison Section (Atlantic) .467334 Richard B. Horne, Chief, Industral Enginering Ar. 3463 Judge Ray J. McQuary, Cristobal; Room 211 R0. 243, AdmiitSatn Bu/dig HArn A do i/ass c0k Admin. Svcs. Off3000 0 W 00, Chf. t30 Calo Ln reChe, a agm ntAnlsi r. .77 2 Admin. Bldg., Cristobal (AEMC) ....-4.N.D L SE LE ieD.r(P ).W ..ate ..hi377 TeJfHng nAvrrchEgiir. .te. .tur3alM Q ite ,Che, iv r r (CE ) ......61 P355G6FFC Corloo 1, Linrs Clotf, Managemnt00 AnalssO.7702 Aei cvdo, Ao sooo 10 .000bno 00 Poant Engne tt. ..3._ 5009 8,ss leonato Cheoo Cler.V ..onn N ONALD U. SEELEY, Director P)P ...3277 71 HanntigOverhalo Engier ..o ..35000 B. Dtto, Chief, Coti Jrt /1000). .3010 PRINTING OFtICE 000a 35 Bong N Poscky, Secretary .3277 J T. Aleo Electrical Or (ECEE). 3419 Bonding La Boca Guillermo Van Hoorde, Jr., Chief Canal Improvements PROBATION AND PAROLE UNIT William D. Young, Deputy Director.31 Pacific branch, Pdro Miguel Lc0ks J M 08e5 Mh 0r (10/.7005 H. W. DmsY, Jr, ht (GS) ...3007 0iv /1701/ ........003 3351no C ott 00/Id/o a,,ef onetegoP.Br.tgoo Po 00 Fobto.lot./757) 306.V.oo.Woot/007/pse010, 0 0ChCiteSoolGSt0,./100/ .000-on.I.d.tPongo750 GutaoDeL Guria S nirIn utra niRoom 33, Dastict Cruet Building, An-o Julian P. Rodriguez, Personnel Policies Staff (BEST) .3466 V. Hggins, Supt. (MRLP). ......52-8215 C.B A. Kam, Chief, M e f &n Esd r. (ECE) .....7746 James J Reid, General Foreman .7579 St ....7508 Edward M. C sm, Chief ABER) .3182 Marcia L Barc lli, Budget Officer, Room 247 PRXB) .3558 G A McArthur, Asst. Said. .52-8214 0. Sho CF h i, Mo t. 0 Hod. Br. (ECEH 0 ..7706 Mrs. Tnida L Pas, Requisitionsg. 7579 Camille L. Rhyne, Admin. Svcs. Assistant /PRXA .3544 Ms Lourdes A. Baseman, Admin. Svcs. Asst .528213 0 .F g, Clt So s Ar. B 02, Podro Miguel ECEV) .3163 SANITATION AND GROUNDS MANAGEMENT DIVISION OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT STAFF Atlanto Banh, Gaon 100ks INDUSTRIAL DIVISION Botrding 6530 Cotoool RooA 338, G4nra Sonst( B .d.g Room 103, Admis,,oraton Roeldg Building 0602, Balboa Heights D. F. Bllinger, Sopt (MRLA) .43-8700 Building 5082, Mount Honn 0.0. Soney,00,ef (000). ....7605 DWtGHT A. MIliEY Goenaoune G0 ) ./100/ ..751 W .Seny he SN .7 8, Potreoo Softtto Soorotary. 7501 WILLIE K. FRIAR, Acting Directo, (PB).3165 0. Alvarez, Aold Sort.S ...043-0703 Johgrs Pati o C Moo i.n A Mort, Secretary ...330 Ricardo R. Vrs, Associate Director (PRHR). 7583 Mr l o Adm S Ass .3-870 E. M. Kennedy, Chief, (ECIN) .06-7302 d hAefs M.n.gem.Any ...74 Asst. Gen. Co slo. 7511 Vicki M. Boatwright, Acting Deputy Director/ George A. M rc Employee and Managg tt F. Faster 0, As t. Chief .467392 P A MA yt. .33 Attorneys ..7511 ,Ci of Public Information .3202 D vlop men Branch PRHM .7872/3538 NAVIGATION DIVISION P H. Zimmermann, Chief, Prod /Pla .Br. 46-7256 T W Carteret, Safety Specialist ...7455 District Court Reading, Ancoy 1 l-Ro Spllway Editr ..3202 Language Training ...7589 Building 28 Second F/00, Balboa F R. Alberga, Admin. Officer ..46-7472 Adm istrative Services Assistant .3635 Roo 331 Mrs. For0 D.e Agolar, Admin Services Officer .3521 Judith A. Barg, Training Evaluations Branch (PRHE) .7549 K. H Willis Gen. Foreman, Salvage Depot .435289 E. Cordovez D., Chief, Grounds Management Br. (GSAG). 3319 Attorneys. 7480/7494 Upward Mobilty/Specal Placement ..7561 Capt. W. C. Calkins, Chief (MRNV) .7976 L Perez B., Sup., Grounds Management, S.D. 7908 OFFICE OF OMBUDSMAN Capt. B. S. Ittle, USCG, Deputy Chief/Assistant to Marine MAINTENANCE DIVISION R May, Bup. Grounds Management, N.D. 467373 Employee Relatoons Center, Balboa Building 5051-X Diablo Director (Marine Safety) .......7976 Building 8, Balboa Chief, Sanitation Management Branch (SAS). ..3319 OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS G. G. BOUCHE, Ombudsman (OM ..7474 Ms. Arden L Cooke, Admin. Officer.o.y. .7. 3190 F A Lee Chief ,ECME 349. J. Carrot, S pv SM anean Management, D. 346 Room 267, Admini0i0 Building Mrs E. Patri Benny, Scretary .04Wiam R. Dunning, Jr, Industral Training James C. Foster, General Engineer, Fiscal Unit .3184 FiA 000,101(1080/ ....J Cor SVpoi Sotoo MOfgct N.D. 06 PAUL A. SIMONEAU, Industral Relations Officer /R) .3109 Dr. Lii Sia Associat Ombudsman .7563' Branch PRH ..3310 Mrs. June A Stevenson, Supervisory Budget Analyst .7856 s ., M. .3 Mrs. Els Ramirez, Secretary, .0. 3109 Atlantic Area Offices ( 0st and od Th ors, of each month) Apprentice School (Bldg 2 3, 0 6 / .3152 po So g I.n.0703oF, M0 rtn Chief, Pas Mait. Bb ECMP) 3.S.I Enon Rolo Ce,, 00/oo Mornings ..43-5447 Deputy R Tansit Operations, MTC CereH STOREHOUSE DISION Elly. AftDrnt Roos ......r 46-74 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS DIVISION Bldg. 910, la Boca (MRNT). 3503 R Tondo, Chief, Ref and Air Cond r O /EM) ..3513 Building 28, third Floo, Balboa WiltIo R ll. Dopoty S In t 00101000 055i05 Administrator's Information Center .3412 Bruce G. Sdnders 111, Assistant .7786 IRb). .1. ...... .3 186 Building 366, A con R. C. J es, Chief, Atlantic Maintenance Branch M. S. Kipper, Chief ( ST) ...3130 Edser A. Waing, Ch ef, Adverse Actions (IRAA .3224 Marine traffic Control General Information ..3611 (ECMA) ..46-7351 E He Asst to Chief. .......--. ...7978 PANAMA AREA PERSONNEL BOARD John Y. Wagner, Chief (PROP) .3335 A. S. Smith, Chief, Plot Rotation and Scheduling Unit Building 6531, Crdoal Recoptonstt and G a o rsto n .7595 (MRNR) ....3327 G M. Anderson, Adm n./Budget Off ....O. 7475 OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY RICHARD L CAHILL, Executive Director (P) ..32 Carlos A. Wiams, Employment and Placement Branch Capt. R D. Valentine, Plot Training Coordinator ( / .3632 .echia, Chief Inventory MotBr. SS .3596 RooRe 11R Adminisptpon Boduanlg Robt R P ..M ..' PROE) ..3171 Plot Liaison Office, Bldg 1105, Cristobal .0. 467418/7419 p D 0. W Clt W oun 00 Ct O BRUCE A. QUINN, Director (E0) ..3101 Mrs. C. E. Horne, Personnel Assistant .3292 Heiong F Vare, Local Employment .3583/7501/7996 R. E. Angermrn Deputy for Admesurement, Bldg 28,GENEAL SERVICES N 0 C W so Unt, 0 5 (GS) .7 Ms. Alcor Araoz, Secretary .3101 David A Hope, US Recruitment .363, Ancon .3254 First Floor, Balboa (MRNA) ..7413 l o b idng bo y M D po t B g 2 763 CENTRAL EXAMINING OFFICE David J Niedi Putoo Classification Br (PRW). 3336 J L Ransom, Assistant .7947 F. A. COTTON to ...3 Actg Storekeeper No Dist. .467456 ED FIED OFFIE F. A COTTO, Diretor BJ ..344 BA Pdazott, Mgr,, nd andEquip Pool. .78 ED FlEUD OFFICE Building 363, AncOn JhnM .McTg Gen. Svs. ad E&C Bureaus .3176 Supervisory Admeasurr, Bldg. 1105, Mrs. B. McDonald, Secretary .3445 Employee Relations Center, Balboa Elvirs 1. Ars, Manage PBCE) ...7682 Mario J. Candaoedo, Marine Bureau And Staff Unit ..3176 Cristobal .46-7293/7492 R. D. Morgan, Deputy Director/Contractg Officer .0.1 .7723 Mrs. Tldea MTagg.t, Deputy Dircto,/Chi, Mrgue A. A/varz, Staff Assistant ..7682 Felix A. F 00-R00mtt, Persuade Records and Admin. 1 R. Mahoney, Chief, Ship Data Bank, Contl Carter J. P. Carrigan, Director, Logistic Services .3383 LOGISTICAL SUPPORT DIVISION Investigative Unit ( 1 U ...3638 Cecilia Marcia c, Examining and Certification .3584 Branch (PROR) .3311 MRND) ..7525 -M. P. Gord n, Director, Support Services .30 0 4400 0d0 in Street, N B o es, La. 70146 Dr. An Mora Wakeland, Fed. Women's Program Mgr. .3233 Sylvester N. W iams, R cords/Fedral Job Janet P. Stanford, Personnel Actions ..3279 Deputy for Support Operations Bldg 28, Second Floor, G. E. McElroy, Admin. Officer (G s .7723 Chief 0GSLS) .504 0947 4417 Raymond A Gedge, Hispanic Employment Information Center. .3584 Gerald A. Small, Passonael Files .3376 Barlbo (RNS) ..7519 A 0. Payn Budget Officer (G XB) .7418 Ms. Joan Bnse0 Procurement Agent. 504-948-5299 Program Manager .7415 Nory I Sapp, Testing .3584 Along J. Soo r, Employee IoductIonJob ates ..3522 Assistant for Support Operations .y. 7519 C. M. Monaghan, Safety Officer .7970 N J. Tacki Jr, Marine Cargo Specialist ..504-947-4417

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