Panama Canal Organizational Directories

Material Information

Panama Canal Organizational Directories
Panama Canal Commission
Panzer, Pat
16 x 22 inches


Subjects / Keywords:
federal government publication
Spatial Coverage:
Panama -- Panama Canal Zone


This set of organizational directories covers the years from 1975-1998 and lists names and phone numbers of various employees in administrative departments.
General Note:
52 pages
General Note:
This gift was made in memory of Bob Panzer.

Record Information

Source Institution:
University of Florida
Holding Location:
Panama Canal Museum Collection at the University of Florida
Rights Management:
This item is a work of the U.S. federal government and not protected by copyright pursuant to 17 U.S.C. §105.

Aggregation Information

Panama and the Canal
University of Florida
Documents of the Panama Canal
Panama Canal Museum Inventory


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a AL June 1981



OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Room 220, Administration Building, Balboa Heights

D. P. McAULIFFE, Administrator (AD)...................................... 3169
Mrs. Ella C. Gerchow, Secretary ..................................... 3100

FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA) ....................... 3103
Mrs. Maria Luisa L. Charles, Secretary ............................... 7914

WILLIAM L. DE LA MATER, Director of Protocol/Aide to the Administrator/
Residents' Advisory Program Staff Officer, Room 227, (ADPA) .................. 7870
Mrs. Barbara Scott, Protocol Assistant............................. 3536
Gilbert Sollas, Assistant RAPSO-Atlantic Area, Building 206, Gatun ............ 43-5430

Rooms 205-207, Administration Building

JOSEPH J. WOOD, Director (AE)...........................................
Mrs. Eileen S. Boyd, Secretary .....................................

JAMES E. FERRARA, Deputy Director/Chief, Policy and Staff Coordination ..........
Mrs. Dorothy F. Cogswell, Secretary ..................................

CLARENCE C. PAYNE, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator/
Assistant Director, Staff Coordination (AA)............ ..............

MARY K. VIDAURRI, Assistant Director, Policy and Board Coordination ............
Mrs. Ytsel M. Schroeder, Secretary ..................................

Suite 312, Penn. Bldg., 425 13th St. N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
MICHAEL RHODE, Jr., Secretary, Panama Canal Commission (WO) ........ 202 628-6411 Mrs. Hazel M. Murdock, Asst. to the Secretary . 202-628-6411
Room 305, Administration Building
G. G. BOUCHE, Ombudsman (OM) ..................7474
Mrs. E. Patricia Benny, Secretary ................. 7474
Dr. Lilia Sibauste, Associate Ombudsman .............7563
Atlantic Area Offices (1st and 3rd Thurs. of each month)
Mornings ............................... 43-5447
Afternoons .............................. 46-7374
Administrator's Information Center ............... 3412
Rooms 230-233, Administration Building
R. P. LAVERTY, Director/U.S. Representative
to Coordinating Committee (EP)................3588
Mrs. Thelma L. Conover, Secretary.................. 3588
Gary P. Dunsmoor, Deputy Director .................. 3561
William S. Hinkle, Asst. to Director ................. 3571
Rooms 324-332
Donald G. Schmidt, Chief, Program Development
Div. (EPPD) ................................. 7961
Enrique Mdrquez, Capital Program Coord.............. 3340
Mrs. Gladys Dominguez, Admin. Officer............... 3108
David C. Baerg, Environ./Energy Control Officer ........ 7830 Richard A. Wainio, Economist ..................... 3370
Room 208
Charles A. McArthur, Chief, Treaty Affairs Div. (EPTA) .... 7666 John B. Morton, Treaty Affairs Specialist .............. 7666
Robert H. Emerick, Treaty Affairs Specialist............ 7666
District Court Building, Ancon
Room 35
George H. Urban, Chief, Management Div. (EPMD) ...... 3586 Richard B. Home, Chief, Industrial Engineering Br........ 3463 Carlos L. Linares, Chief, Management Analysis Br........ 7742 Building 6531, Corozal
Guillermo Van Hoorde, Jr., Chief, Canal Improvements
Div. (EPCI) ................................. 7897
Gustavo De La Guardia, Senior Industrial Engineer ...... 7508 Staff..................... ....... ............. 7508
Room 338, Administration Building
DWIGHT A. McKABNEY, General Counsel (GC) .........7511
Mrs. Patricia Salterio, Secretary ................. 7511
John L. Haines, Deputy Gen. Counsel ............... 7511
Asst. Gen. Counsel.............................. 7511
Attorneys..................................... 7511
District Court Building, Ancon
Room 331
Attorneys.... .......................7480/7494
Room 204, Administration Building
PAUL A. SIMONEAU, Industrial Relations Officer (IR) ... 3109
Mrs. Elsa Ramirez, Secretary.................... 31f09
William R. Bell, Deputy Industrial Relations Officer ....... 3109 Edsel A. Wong, Chief, Adverse Actions, Room 11,
Bldg. 0610, Ancon (Former Civil Affairs Bldg.)...... 3224
OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Room 103, Administration Building
WILLIE K. FRIAR, Acting Director of Public
Affairs (PA) ................................ 3165
Mrs. Diane M. Morris, Secretary .................. 3165
Vicki M. Boatwright, Acting Deputy Director/
Chief of Public Information .................3202
Janet Len-Rios, Acting Spillway Editor................ 3202
Mrs. Flor D. de Aguilar, Admin. Services Officer ........ 3521

3519 3519 7601 7601

3305 3305 3305

Administration Building
K. E. Goldsberry, Chief, Room 254 (AM) ............. 7757
Mrs. Eleanor L. Gale, Budget Officer (AMXB)........... 3178
T. C. Duty, Asst. Division Chief/Chief, Staff and Admin.
Support Branch, Room 254 (AMSA) ............. 7995
Official Translator, Rm. 14-A (AMST) ................. 3488
Chief, Employee and Cargo Documentation Section
Bldg. 5140, Diablo (AMSE) .. ................. 3238
Cleveland C. Soper, Chief, Graphic Branch (AMGF) ...... 3217 Pandora G. Aleman, Chief, Records Management
Branch, Room. 14-B (AMRM) .................... 7767
Current Records Section (AMRS).................... 3118
Agency Records Center, 42-D, Diablo (AMRC) ......... 3575 Supervisor, Mail Section, Rm.143................... 7681
Official Telex Service ........................... 7429
Atlantic Mail and Postal Assistance Unit,
Bldg. 8040, Margarita .................. 46-7208/7209
Frank R. Turman, Chief, Transportation Branch,
Bldg. 5140, Diablo (AMTR) .................3325

Judge John Baker, Balboa; Bldg. 803, La Boca Road,
Balboa (AEMB) ............................. 3451
Sandra. S. Reyes, Clerk of the Court ................. 3552
Judge Ray J. McQuary, Cristobal; Room 211,
Admin. Bldg., Cristobal (AEMC) ............. 46-7414
Miss Georgina Chen, Clerk...................... 46-7417

PROBATION AND PAROLE UNIT Room 33, District Court Building, Ancon
Edward M. Chism, Chief (AEPR) .................... 3182

Room 110, Administration Building
BRUCE A. QUINN, Director (EO) ................... 3101
Ms. Alcira Aradz, Secretary ..................... 3101

Building 0610, Ancon
(Former Civil Affairs Building)
Mrs. Tilcia McTaggart, Deputy Director/Chief,
Investigative Unit ........................... 3638
Dr. Ana Mora Wakeland, Fed. Women's Program Mgr ... 3233 Raymond A. George, Hispanic Employment
Program Manager .............. ............ 7415

Building 6531, Corozal
RICHARD L. CAHILL, Executive Director (PB) .........
Robert Rupp, Personnel Mgt. Spec................
Mrs. C. E. Horne, Personnel Assistant ....... .......

Elvira I. Arias, Manager (PBCE) ...................
Internal Operations ............. ..........
Federal Job Information Center....................

3292 3292 3292

7682 3397 3584

Rooms 235-240, Administration Building
WALTER D. BJORSETH, Chief Financial Officer (FM)..... 3194
Mrs. Emperatriz Lavecchia, Secretary ..............7906
Richard 0. Burgoon, Dep. Chief Financial Officer ....... 3580 Duane A. Rigby, Asst. Chief Financial Officer........... 7906
Mrs. Jolie A. Seeley, Admin. Officer (FMXA) ...........7636

Building 6529, Corozal
William J. Joyce, Chief (FMSS)....................3650
Staff .................. .................... 3501

Building 38, Balboa
Donald M. Luke, Chief Accountant (FMAC) ............ 7823
Josd E. Corc6, Assistant Chief Accountant ............. 3405
Mrs. Barbara H. Selvey, Reports and Analysis
Staff (FMAD) .............................. 7919
John F. Hemn, Jr., Gen. Led. & Proc. Br. (FMAD) ........ 3170
Robert L. Dossett, Plant Accounting Branch (FMAD)..... 3256 James W. Dunn, Agents Accts. Br., 365 Ancon (FMAA) ... 3453 Donald L. Altemus, Payroll Branch, 365 Ancon (FMAP)... 3164 Mrs. Shirley H. Barca, Claims Br., 6529 Corozal (FMAK).. 3505 Mrs. Dorothy A. Meissner, Typing Unit ............... 7712
Mrs. Carolyn L. Twohy, Microfilm Unit .............. 3313
E. J. Lucas, Actg. Officer, New Orleans....... 504-947-0889

Rooms 102-106, Administration Building
Myron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) ................. 3137
Robert J. Boatwright, Budget Branch ............... 3334
Rolland C. Burdge, Rates and Analysis Branch/
Cost Control Officer ............................ 3287
Michael K. Baker, Tolls and Special Studies.......... 7434

Building 6530, Corozal
James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FMGA) ............ 3142
Peter A. Liehr, Assistant General Auditor.............. 7776
Staff ...................................... 7801

Building 287, Ancon
Robert Q. Won, Treasurer (FMTR).................. 3388
Carlos A. Payne, Assistant Treasurer ................ 3167
Ms. Sofia Yhap, Treasury Branch,
Atlantic, Building 7031, Mount Hope (FMTA) ... 46-7399

Room 145, Administration Building C. J, Goodwin, Jr., Chief, Management Information
Systems (FM IS) ............... .............


Room 146, Administration Building
Raymond W. Engle, Chief (FMDP) ................... 3550
James A. Brewer, Assistant Chief .................... 3220

COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION Room 146, Administration Building
Edgar R. McArthur, Chief (FMCO)................... 7468
Willie J. Brannon, Jr., Central Computer Operations
Albert G. Mootoo, Data Entry and Controls Branch,
Room 16..................................3162

Room 243, Administration Building
RONALI) L. SEELEY, Director (PR) .................. 3277
Myra N. Perscky, Secretary...................... 3277
William D. Young, Deputy Director................... 3351
Julian P. Rodriguez, Personnel Policies
Staff (PRST) ................................ 3466
Marcia L. Barcelli, Budget Officer, Room 247 (PRXB) .... 3558 Camille L. Rhyne, Admin. Svcs. Assistant (PRXA) ....... 3544

Building 0602, Corozo Street
Ricardo R. Varela, Associate Director (PRHR)......... 7583 George A. Mercier, Employee and Management
Development Branch (PRHM) .................. 7872
Carlos Garcia de Paredes, Language Training ........ 7589 Judith A. Baerg, Training Evaluations Branch (PRHE) .... 7549
Building 5051 X, Diablo
William R. Dunning, Jr., Industrial Training
Branch (PRHI)............................... 3310
Edilberto Yee, Asst. Chief ...................... 3353
Apprentice School (Bldg. 2A-3, Balboa)............. 3214

Building 366, Ancon
John Y. Wagner, Chief (PROP) ..................... 3335
Receptionist and General Information ............. 7595
Carlos A. Williams, Employment and Placement Br.
(PRO E) .................................. 3171
Heliana F. Varela, Local Employment .............. 3583
Edilma Rodriguez, Gen. Svcs. and E&C Bureaus.... 7501 Franklin 0. Botello, Marine Bureau and Staff Units ..... 7996
David A. Hope, U.S. Recruitment, Bldg. 363, Ancon ...... 3254 David J. Niedzialek, Position Classification Br. (PROW)..... 3336
John M. McTaggart, Gen. Svcs. and E&C Bureaus..... 3176 Mario J. Candanedo, Marine Bureau and Staff Units... 3176 Robert T. Russell, Pay Analysis .................. 7971
Flix A. Fil6s-Remotti, Personnel Records and Admin.
Branch (PROR) ............................... 3311
Margarita D. Krapfl, Employee Induction/Job Letters ... 3522 Janet P. Stanford, Personnel Actions ............... 3279
Gerald A. Small, Personnel Files .................. 3376
Diva Z. Mkndez, Service Tracing, Bldg. 449-X,
Ancon .................................... 7432

Building 5553, Diablo Heights
W. A. Sullivan, Employee Services Branch (PROS) ...... 7831
Retirement Processing......................... 3160
Retirement Counselors:
Samuel A. Henriquez.................. 3160/3229
Juan Guerrero........................... 3229
Ellen H. M. Chandler, Insurance .................. 7831
Amelia C. Machado, Disability Relief ............... 7828
Yolanda Canfield, Incentive Awards................ 7965

Building 1105, Cristobal
Atlantic Personnel Office (PROA) .................
Receptionist and General Information ..........
Augusta N. Len, Local Employment ............
Jean C. Mathurin, Position Classification........
Ethel C. Yearwood, Retirement.............

46-7439 46-7329 46-7218 46-7482 46-7217

Rooms 274-280, Administration Building
COL. IGNACIO HERNANDEZ F., Director (HL).......... 3274
Mrs. Livia D. Strider, Secretary .................. 3274
J. R. Givens, Assistant Director/Admin............... 3114
John T. Bowman, Asst. to Director ...................3406
Virginia Lee, Admin. Asst .......................... 7721
Room 276, Administration Building
Willard S. Sweeney, Chief (HLSN) .................. 7605
D. Laracuente, Southern Area ...................... 3464
J. Corrigan, Northern Area ..................46-7466
Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
Dr. Ernst K. W. Kredel, Chief (HLOH)................ 7968
Dr. Richard A. Cheville, Asst. Chief/ Occup. Health Ofcr. (Pacific) .................. 3842
Dr. Henry De La Garza, Occup. Health Ofcr. (Atlantic) ........................... 43-5237
Industrial Hygienists ............................ 7713
Physical Exam. Center, Pacific ..................... 7108
Physical Exam. Center, Atlantic................46-2680
Second Floor, Building 721, Balboa
J. R. Maravilla, Chief (HLSF) ...................... 3289
Frank Guite, Assistant Chief ........................ 7883
Mrs. Irma V. Pasco, Safety Specialist ............... 7883
Dr. Paul H. Dowell, Chief (HLVT), Bldg. 5116,
Mt. Hope ....... ....................... 46-7301
Or. Robert D. Wallace, Veterinarian, Bldg. 428,
Ancon .................. ................. 3479

Rooms 308-311 Administration Building
CAPTAIN JOHN D. THURBER, USN, Director (MR)...... 7917
Mrs. Doris Burns, Secretary .................... 7917
Capt. R. A. Dickins, USN (Ret.), Deputy Director ........ 3308
William 0. Cofer, Asst. to Director .................. 7562
Douglas C. Schmidt, Staff Assistant ...............7809
Mrs. Beverly B. Wood, Admin. Off. (MRXA).............7529
Mrs. E. S. Coleman, Budget Officer (MRXB) ........... 7529
James R. Freeman, Staff Engineer.................. 7529
W. G. Cleveland, Safety Officer, So. Dist............ 52-8217
Mrs. Roberta F. Egolf, Safety Officer, No. Dist. ...... 43-5486

Capt. Edmund P. Gabriel, Chairman (MRBL) .......... 3403
Asst. Chairman .... .......................7512
Southern District
Second Floor, Building 28, Balboa
Capt. J. J. Bonanno, Acting Chief (MRCS) ............7976
Capt. R. L. McAuslin, Acting Asst. Chief....... ...... 7976
Capt. Bruce S. Little, USCG, Liaison ................. 3144
Canal Port Captains...........:.............. 3185
Gilbert T. Gonsalves, Floating Equipment Inspector,
Balboa .................................... 7943
Ms. Arden L. Cooke, Admin. Officer ...............3190
Mrs. June A. Stevenson, Supervisory Budget Analyst .... 7856 Billing information ............................... 3184
Capt. Allen R. Briem, Manager, Towboat Operations ..... 3141 Eugene C. Vollmert, Port Engineer F................7625
James A. Fraser, Jr., Vessel Support Gen. Foreman ...... 3572
Northern District
Second Floor, Building 1105, Cristobal
Capt. R. L. Currie, Senior Canal Port Capt. (MRCN) ... 46-7637 Canal Port Captains.......................... 46-7639
John W. Davis, Floating Equipment Inspector,
Cristobal ............................... 46-7611
Ms. Cecilia Lee, Clerical Assistant ................ 46-7243
Capt. Norman Dixon, Manager, Towboat Operations . 46-7474 Canute Cockburn, Actg. Port Engineer .............46-7611
Ralph 0. Harris, Vessel Support Gen. Foreman ......46-7486 William J. Gilbert, Asst. Gen. Foreman,
Linehandling Opns. (Gatun) ................. 43-5348
First Floor, Building 28, Balboa
R. E. Angermuller, Director (MRPA) ................ 7413
J. L. Ransom, Chief Admeasurer, Balboa.............. 7947
Supervisory Admeasurer, Bldg. 1105, Cristobal. 46-7293/7492
Capt. William C. Calkins, Acting Chief (MRTO) ........ 3503 Bruce G. Sanders, Acting Deputy Chief .............. 7786
Operations Officer .............................. 3631
Richard J. Wilde, Acting Admin./Budget Officer ........3678 Capt. William E. Hopkins, Acting Pilot
Training Coordinator ... ..................3632
Pilot Liaison Unit, Second Floor,
Administration Bldg., Cristobal.......... 46-7418/7419
Ashby S. Smith, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling
Unit (MRPR) .... ......................3327
G. W. Coffey, Acting Chief, Marine Traffic Control
(MRTC) ................................... 3645
Marine Traffic Control General Information ............ 3611
James C. Foster, Special Asst. for Pilot Contract
Administration ....... ....................... 3621
MTCS Analysts.. .......................... 3680
MTCS Maintenance ............................. 3661
James R. Mahoney, Chief, Ship Data Bank,
Second Floor, Building 28, Balboa (MRSD) ........ 7525

Building 6, Pedro Miguel
Lawrence Barca, Jr., Chief (MRLC) ................. 3509
C. A. Alvarado, Chief, Eng. and Ping. Sec. (MRLE) ........3509
Miss Betsy I. Aquin, Budget Officer .................. 3509
Mrs. Silvia M. Glasscock, Admin. Svcs. Off ............ 3509
Hernin Acevedo, Plant Engineer ................... 3509
T. J. Hannigan, Overhaul Engineer.................. 3509

Pacific Branch, Pedro Miguel Locks
V. Higgins, Supt. (MRLP) ......................
G. A. McArthur, Asst. Supt ......................
Lourdes A. Boseman, Admin. Svcs. Asst ...........
Atlantic Branch, Gatun Locks
D. F. Bullinger, Supt. (MRLA) ..................
Jorge L. Quijano, Acting Asst. Supt...............
Mrs. Lina Boza, Admin. Svcs. Asst ...............

52-8214 52-8213

43-8700 43-8703

Room 318, Administration Building
Col J. J. PLUNKETT, Director (EC) ................. 7684
Miss J. Arosemena, Secretary .................... 7684
Atlantic Area Office, Gatun Community Center (ECAA) 43-5650
Mrs. Muriel D. Mizrachi, Secy ................ 43-5447
M. Bierman, Deputy Director...................... 3527
R. E. O'Connor, Asst. to the Dir. for
Administration (ECXA) ........................ 3375
Col. T. A. Rhen, Asst. to Dir./Exec. Off. U.S. Army
Element/Contracting Officer ................... 7863
N. C. Farnsworth, Asst to Dir. for Prog. and Budgets
(ECXB) .................................... 3485
Mrs. Clarita T. Smith, Employee Relations
Specialist ...... ......................3375
R. M. Brunson, Safety Off., Rm. 307 (ECXS)........... 7575
Building 29X, Balboa
R. J. Hauser, Chief (ECCN) ........................ 7927
Mrs. Barbara Alves, Admin. Officer ................. 7927
Southern District............................... 3517
Northern District ... ..................... 43-7321
Building 33, Gamboa
P. L. Whitlock, Chief (ECDR) .................. 56-6681
A. E. Diaz, Asst. Chief ......................... 56-6681
H. V. Archibold, Admin. Officer ................. 56-6681
R. Bringas, Budget Off./Control Br................ 56-6681
D. Broce, Chief, Engr. Plans and Prog. Sec......... 56-6681
J. R. Rodriguez, Chief, Operations Branch .......... 56-6681
L. M. Hall, Chief, Support Branch ................ 56-6691
Chief, Repair Branch......................... 56-6612
Building 66A, Balboa
N. H. Visquez, Chief (ECLE) ....................... 3421
Mrs. J. G. Holder, Admin. Officer .................... 3421
G. E. McFadden, Chief, Elec. Work Br. (ECLW) ......... 3421
R. Van Hoorde, Chief, Power Br. (ECLP) ............. 3421
C. H. Harrill, Chief, Comm. Br. (ECLC) ............... 3204
Room 343, Administration Building
R. D. Donaldson, Chief (ECEG) ..................... 7585
L G. Archuleta, Asst. Chief ....................... 3180
Mrs. G. F. Love, Admin. Officer .................... 7982
D. W. Date, Chief, Architectural Br. (ECEA) ............3556
Chief, Str.-Geotech. Br. (ECES) ..................... 3278
M. Quintero, Chief, Civil Br. (ECEC) ................. 3619
J. T. Alem n, Electrical Br. (ECEE) .................. 3419
D. J. McKeon, Chief, Mech. Br. (ECEM)...............7895
C. A. Kiamco, Chief, Specif. & Est. Br. (ECEX) ......... 7949
Chief, Projects Br. (ECEP) ........................ 3180
W. B. Shaw, Chief, Met. and Hyd. Br. (ECEH) .......... 7716
R. S. Fishbough, Chief, Surveys Br., Bldg. 12, Pedro
Miguel (ECEV) .............................. 3163
Building 5082, Mt. Hope
E. M. Kennedy, Chief, (ECIN) .................. 46-7392
F. Foster, Ill, Asst. Chief...* . ................. 46-7392
D. S. Miller, Chief, Admin. Br .................... 46-7234
P. H. Zimmermann, Chief, Prod./Plan. Br........... 46-7256
Ricardo Chen, Chief, Eng. Br.................... 46-7606
F. R. Alberga, Admin. Officer .................... 46-7472
Mrs. J. M. Eckel, Budget Officer ................. 46-7210
J. T. Robson, Production Controller............... 46-7382
K. H. Willis, Gen. Foreman, Salvage Depot ......... 43-5289
Building 8, Balboa

F. A. Lee, Chief (ECME) .......................... 3498
Miss V. Diaz, Admin. Officer ..... .................. 3498
F. Martinez, Chief, Pac. Maint. Br. (ECMP) ............ 3498
H. A. Tooke, Chief, Water and Lab. Br. (ECMW)-....... 3266
R. Toledano, Chief, Ref. and Air Cond. Br. (ECMR) ...... 3513 W. H. M. Brunner, Chief, Atlantic Maint. Branch
(ECMA) .... .......................46-7351
R. C. Jones, Chief, Planning, Budget and Engineering
Section .................................. 7611
H. A. Erhart, Project Engineer ..................... 3498
R. S. Zornes, Safety Specialist..................... 3498

Room 205, Building 729, Balboa
F. A. COTTON, Director (GS) ...... ................. 3445
(U.S. Representative, Ports and Railroad
Mrs. B. McDonald, Secretary ................... 3445
R. D. Morgan, Deputy Director/Contracting Officer ...... 7723 J. M. Ruoff, Assistant Director ...................... 7723
J. P. Corrigan, Director, Supply and
Logistics (GSSL) ............................. 3383
M. P. Gordon, Director, Protection and
Support (GSPS) ............................. 3422
G. E. McElroy, Admin. Officer (GSXA) ............... 7723
A. C. Payne, Budget Officer (GSXB) .................. 7418
C. M. Monaghan, Safety Officer.................... 7970

Room 127
Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP) ..................... 3694
B. C. Poland, Asst. Chief ......................... 3695
Louis R. Reyes, Security Program Officer ............. 3696
Roger J. Rios, Inspector.......................... 3696
Mrs. Naomi Figueroa, Budget Analyst ............... 3696
Paul M. Darcy, Training Instructor.................. 3696
Winfield S. Robison, Pacific Area Commander.......... 3669
William C. Crews, Atlantic Area Commander ........ 43-5296

Room 102
Ronald M. Guilliams, Chief (GSFI) .................. 3138
K. L Manthorne, Admin. Officer .................... 3138
J. D. Deitz, Asst. Chief, Southern District..............3286
H. Wallace Teal, Asst. Chief, Northern District ........ 43-7282
Room 141
William F. Kessler, Chief (GSPL) .................. 7708
Capt. V. E. Voyles, Police inspector ................. 3206
Lt. R. F. Brayton, Police Inspector ................... 3206
Mrs. M. P. Frensley, Budget Anayst................3151
Maj. F. E. Flud, Commander, Balboa District, Bal.
Police Station .............................. 3324
Maj. E. V. Amason, Commander, Cristobal District,
Crist. Police Station .. .................. 46-7341
Liaison Section (Pacific) ....................... 52-3126
Liaison Section (Atlantic) .. ................... 46-7334

Room 201, Building 0610, Ancon
Mrs. Beverly C. Williams, Librarian.-Curator (GSLM) .... 7884 Mrs. Naomi A. Wolf, Chief, Resources and Services ..... 3502 Miss Mania Nita, Reference Librarian ................ 3502
Mrs. Nan S. Chong, Panama Collection Librarian .......3154 Information Desk ................................ 7761
Room 112 Administration Building, Balboa Heights
Ernest W. Oliver, Chief (GSIS) .................... 7900
William Roger, Deputy Chief ...................... 7629
Building 5140, Diablo
C. H. Raybourn, Chief, (GSRS) ..................... 7967
Mrs. K. E. Melanson, Admin. Asst................... 7967
Building 11-Y, Roosevelt Ave., Balboa
Thos. P. Strider, Chief (GSEP) .................... 7502

Building 635, Balboa Heights
R. J. Saarinen, Chief (GSCS)...................... 3577
J. R. Haner, Assistant Chief ........................ 3577
P. A. Arenas, Management Analyst .................. 3133
Mrs. A. Rodriguez-V., Admin. Svcs. Asst ..............7921
Mrs. A. E. Burns, Budget Officer .................... 3288
T. W. Carteret, Safety Specialist ................... 7455
J. L. DesLondes, Supt., Housing Mgmt. Br. (GSCH) ...... 3133
Miss Lyda Lobo, Housing Manager, So. District......... 3436 E. A. Letendre, Housing Manager, No. District...... 46-7248 R. McNatt, Supt., Buildings Mgmt. Br. (GSCB)......... 3133
J. A. Zambrano, Buildings Mgr., So. District .......... 3685
P. A. Snyder, Buildings Mgr., No. District ......... 46-7605
E. Cordovez D., Supt., Grounds Mgmt. Br.(GSCG)-.......3133
L. Pkrez B., Supervisor, Grounds, So. District ..........3319
R. G. May, Supervisor, Grounds, No. District........ 46-7373

Third Floor, Building 28, Balboa
M. S. Klipper, Chief (GSST) ....................... 3130
E. Ho, Asst. to Chief ............................ 7978
G. M. Anderson, Admin./Budget Off................. 7475
G. P. Lavecchia, Chief, Inventory Mgt. Br. (GSSI) ....... 3596
E. L. Reinhardt, Chief, Purchasing and Contracts
Branch (GSSP).............................. 3216
D. E. White, Chief, Warehousing Branch,
Bldg. 5, Balboa (GSSW) ....................... 7785
S. L. Catlett, Chief, Excess Disposal Branch, Bldg. 42,
Diablo Road (GSSE) .......................... 7683
R. L. Jemmot, Actg. Storekeeper, No. Dist.......... 46-7456
M. A. Pezzotti, Mgr., Furn. and Equip. Pool............ 7882

Building 0625A, Gaillard Highway, Ancon
Ernest B. Hickman, Chief (GSMT)...................3563
W. W. Nowotny, Assistant Chief.....................3420
Mrs. K. P. Risberg, Administrative Officer ............. 7731
Miss Benita Ordas, Budget Analyst .................. 7731
R. R. Bermidez, Supt., Southern Dist................. 7990
R. G. Laatz, Supt., Northern Dist ................ 46-7246
H. L. Clark, License Examiner ...................... 7822
Short Trip Service ....................... 3429/46-7358
Building 911, La Boca
H. W. Dempsey, Jr., Chief (GSPO) .................. 3237
James J. Reid, General Foreman .................... 7579
Mrs. Teonilda L. Peila, Requisitions................. 7579

Rooms 200-205, Administration Building, Cristobal
James T. Bird, Acting Chief (GSWT) .............. 46-7281
W. B. Huff, Asst. Chief......................... 46-7204
Accounting Section .......................... 46-7291
SS Cristobal in Port.......................... 46-7430
Ship's Office ................................ 46-7630
Cargo Section .............................. 46-7441
Passenger Information, Transportation Br., Admin.
Svcs. Div., Bldg. 5140, Diablo .................. 3325
4400 Dauphine St., New Orleans, La. 70146
Joseph C. Quintas, General Agent .......... 504-947-4417
4400 Dauphine St., New Orleans, La. 70146

R. L. Austin, Chief (GSPR) ...............


Full Text


ALne 191 OFFICE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Bulding 5553, Dablo Heights LOCKS DIVISION CANAL PROTECTION DIVISION R~ooms 230-240, A dinitra I~On BIdWg W A Sallvn Employee Series Branch (PROS) .7831 Idng 6 Pdo Mg R 127 WALTER D. BJORSETH, Chief Financial Officer (FM) 4 R r t o ......3160 Lawrence Bare., J., Chief (MRLCI .3509 Charles Morris, Chief (GSCP) .3694 SuMs. Emra trizn Lavechia, Secretary .....ff906 Re pee tCunselrs .A. Alvaradd, Chaet, Eng. and Plrg. Se. (MRLE) .3509 B. C Poland, Asst Chief ...3695 PANAMA CA AL COMMISSION WRhad o. Buopon, Dep. Chief Financal Officer R. .O. Soml A. Herqez. ....311/3229 Miss Betsy C Amin, Budget officer ...3.E. 3509OAR. 6 A R, Ass Chl R t l Oa.0906 .G o ...22 Mrs Svia M. Glasscock, Admin. Svcs Off .3509 Roger J. Rims Is P tor. ..3696 Mrs.7CR0L~ Woi A.0 See Adm0in.0 or(FMA) .0636 ElooR A.M ChanLer, Inuae. LAO31 HeranAALdA POatEngner .03000 Mrs Naomi Figera, Bodget Anlt. 0. .606 Cmo C. MLadO, Dosiy P ...7020 T J Hannigan, Overhaul Engineer ...3509 Pa M. Darcy, Training Is rtor. 3 YA .Winfeld S. RCisd, Pacific Area commander .R.E.0.0. 3669 SYSTEMS DIVISION Taola Bradah, Pedro Migueo Locks Vla C. Crw, AAadnt79 Ary COm ".005206 YGId. J 20 6Jz3ce, C000 Ches V. Higgins, Sipd MRLP) ..2-215 Wllamt 0. Joyc, Lhief RFMSS) ...3 0600 A0101 R o o fi0 e (PROA) .06 30 1 0 McAh As t52-E2LA PINE DIVISION OFFICE3501 ROFptoTt d GE AD N A) N0encal EformetA .46-7A29 A sAs0. 528213 Room 102 ..AM tr P Lstioo Cse ttirmn .070 Atlantic Branch, Gatn Locks Ronald M. Guilliams, Chief (GSFI) .3130 OFFICE OF TH E ADM INISTRATOR ACCOUNTING DIVISION Ete C. Yearood n Rtirement.60217 0. F. BIin, Sp. .43-8700 J D Loth Adm no oOo Lor .306 Building 38, Balboa Jorgo 00010n VA Spt. .0 703 H Wnger CaptA Al Ctief, Aorther Di ..322 Lm 220, A dmintratIo Butdtng, Balboa HeIghtL Donald I. Luke, Chief Accontant AFMAC). ..20 60CE 20 HEA0H AN RAFET Mrs. ,dmn ...74 PWllaeral, CiCef, Distic Jose E. Coro, Assistant Chief Accountant .305 Rom 2 2 A Bui dng Roo 341 D. P. MCAULIFFE, Administrator (AD) ...3169 A r. Arbara H. Soloy, R.por 0nd Ana.ys.s CDL IGNACID HERNANDE FP Eto (HI). 0. 3200 Mrs. Ella C. Gerchow, Secretary 3.0 .tf .FA .......3169 M 2.80i .Stie, Seretarytu .ob ..'24EGNE:NaN OSRCIN il .KslrCif(SL ....4. 728 .......................John Stffe rG n Ld rc r (FMAD) ...79179 JO. R.Givens, H Ast NDiEZtrA m n ..D .ir. 1 4B RE UC p.V E o ls oi sector .HL .3.2,.4. .3 0 Moo. E.) C. .A V Seoto ....31003~ O .L) ...0010 oh AT, Iowom 0040, oto otooy.00 ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION Willi.t .Oaslao, Cho)f )SL) ..OL FERNANDO MANFREDO, Jr., Deputy Administrator (DA) .....................3103 Robots To n AWA) 3 L. 320 r10g Plant A 0010 sst .tor. .34,n6n dM P (F MAFoyo Tsy o. nd S too ..3 loo eeJr V en Soot &oo ron Br. 6 o ( A ) .3470 J.ot R. 0000ns Assistant 0021orAd in R.o38Aoootto ~l~g0 oo y 030 ~yt .30 Mrs. Maria Luisa L. Charles, Secretary ...........00.d00) .t. o 3ANITATION DIVISION Cot a.t. PLVNETT, Drootor (EC). .Vl FE mOm000nsr 00boo 5110 Col. Mo. y H B C m BP0010 Ston, .c ....3324 WILLIAM L. DE LA MATER, Director of Protocol/Aide to the Administrator/ Mro y A .V m Clos ro, 602 0 U ooo .A.). 3005 D RSoo 276, AdttaoJJ BPUKldTg too Io Aof .tomiy C ..0604 Maj. E. V. Aoin, Comomander, Costob District,o Resdetsd AvotroP' gamSAffdvicrRomo27y( yDLwtyMirceomni,. 32270lrd.See(yADPAHLN).787.o00 76OOVLo .002 MrosM000rilD.Mzch,Sey. C .COO 43-5650 Crioo Ice totion.6034 Mos. Barbara Scott, Protocol Assistant. ..3536 C 1. .10, A.OV .ofio .No .ot'o'oror. 040 L S LorTyuent ping Uni f ..3.464 A BirMano Dpoty Dioreotr. .376 0e S Ationtc). ....06-334 br las, Assistant RAPSO-Atlantic Area, Buiding 206, Gatun .43-43 INANCIAL PLANNING DIVISION OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH DIVISION A d nao ss (ECO 2 ir. Scr. 3305 LI.RARYNSE-M Roo, 22 06,Adrnabo BildngSecand Fluor, Building 721, BIlo Col. T. A. Rhen, Asst. to Dir./Exec. Off, U.S. Army OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATION Roo 2-16, Ernst K. W. Krdel, Chief (HLH. 7968 Elment/Contracting Officer ...7863 Room 201, Building 0610, A 207,Adm gMyron A. Schroeder, Chief (FMFP) ..3137 Dr. Richard A. Ch vlle, Asst Chief/ N. C. Farnsworth, Asst. to Dr. fr Prog. and Budgets Mr. Beverly C. Williams, Librarian Curator (GSLM) .7884 Rooms 2052 7 d t to Ild g Robert J Boatwright, Budget Branch .3334 Occur He h Of, (Paific) .3842 M ECX). .3485 M s Naomi A. Wolf Chief, Resources and Services .3502 JOSEPH J. WOOD, Director (AE) .........................................35D1t9 Roll(ad C. Budge, Rates and Analysis Branch/ Dr. Henry Ie La Ga s, Occup. Health M Co 0 st Smith, Employee Relations 3375 Miss Mania Nita, Reference Librarian 3502 C 00 Cootrol Ofct.o. ..00 20'' (0-0 ..053 A A 00.0tt ..330.t0.0Oto.o 0000 .00 M rs. Eileen S. Boyd, Secretary ......................................3519 michaloto fc spca'td nd ficr (Atlmntj ....43 I l RM e 's Sa tyOff, Rm 307 (EN ) ....7575 Mrs. Nan S. Chong, Panama Collection Librarian .3154 Moo.E .ydSe t y ...9 h A. Bo r, 0 0 n0 Specltu s 0 .07 4 I ygi ..0 3 Information Desk .7761 JAMES E. FF00080, Deputy Drector/Chief, PoCy and Stof Coordtnotton .7601 Physl Ex1m.00 r, P ifi .01. 7108 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT BRANCH GENERA AE. FERRARA, Deysuty Execorm.ef Pontir, Atnnd .o4 268 B.ld 2.X B.o .N UTRA .EUR .FFICE, a C' : Mrs. Dorothy F. Cogswell, Secretary .................................7GENERA AUDIO DIVISION P112.01 I n Cooooo ..4260 Build Adntrgton Bo29d1ng 61 NUb HSUghYs Otoldoog 6502 Choool 000000 DIVISION R.0J. Haoser, ChoN) ECCA)_. 009270 om12Amnsrto BidnBloegt CLARENCE C. PAYNE, Administrative Assistant to the Administrator/ James A. Mathis, General Auditor (FMGA) .3142 Lo8d Soonldg 721, 6. Ms Arboo Av, Ado o r ..020 Er7 m. Oioer, Chief (GS ..TO Assistant Director, Staff Coordination (AA) ...................3305 Peter A L'oho, Assistant General Auditor. 6 J. R. MaravllaChif H1 ) .....orthern District .....351 o pty C. ...62 Staff ......701 Frank Gootd, As sat Chief. 7883 otr t ....321 RECREATION SERVICES DIVISION MARY K. VIDAURRI, Assistant Director, Policy and Board Coordination ..3305 Mrs. o ra V. Pas Safety Specialist ..7883 DREDGING DIVISION Blding 5140, Diablo Mrs. Ytsel M. Schroeder, SeCretary .............3305 TREASURER'S OFFICE VETERINARY DIVISION Building 33, Gumboa C. H. Rayboor, Chief, (GSRS) .7967 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Building 287, AncDr. P l H Dowell, Chief (HLVT), Bldg 5116 P. L Whitlock, Chief (ECDR) .56-6681 Mrs. K E Melao Admin. Ast. 7967 Mt.Vopo ._ .46-7011 0, E 00,0 A Chif.ot .056-6601 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Spite 312, Penn. Bldg. 425 13th St N W Admnistration Building Robert Q. Won, Treasurer SFMTR). 3388 Dr. Robert D Wallace VeterinarianV 0 V B 4 H Diz s Ch d i .0 6 EER G C Y Ro EoAve, loaN Voashngtn, o.C 20004 K. E. Goldserry, Chief, Room 254 (AM). 0 Ct A. y Asitt Ta r .3167 A ....3000 A 00n Bdgt ) /Coo. r ..566681 Iloo OX) 310 Ms fs YaOOO Troaur 00000001 D BAoAO CRie, Eogo. P0ans ond Ping Sot. 056-6681 000. P. Stoodgo. 0,ie1 (BSER).__. .00502 MICHAEL RHODE, Jr, S1retay, Mrs. Eleanor L Gale, Budget Officer (AMXB).o. 000 Bip 7031, Mount Hope (FMTA) .6-7399 MARINE BUREAU D A ro ooio, Ch, Operations Bran h .s P6-66.1 Panama Cnal Commtson (WO) .202-628-6411 T. C Duty, AS t Division Chief/Chief, Staff and Adm. Rooms 308311 Admniustrati Building L M Hall Chief Supp ort Branch -. 0 6 1 Mrs. Hazel M Murdock, Asst, to the Secretary .202-628-6411 Support Branch Room 254 (AMSA) .7995 Br-612 COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OFFICE OF OMBUDSMAN Offical Translator Rm 14-A (AMST) .3488 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS CAPTAIN JOHN D. THURBER, Use, Director (MR).0. 7917 Ch po, repair 066610 ..SE E iVIs O C oFoRom 145, Administrato, Building M sDorisBr Secretary ...0. .7917 ELECTRICAL. DIVISION 305, Administratp Building Chief, Employee and Cargo Documentation Section 0)t0 A 0ki USN Ret. 0 Dep 0y Director ...3308 Building 66A, Boaboo R. J. Searnes, Chief (GSCS) .300 G. G. BOUCHE Ombudsman (OM) ....7474 Bldg. 5140, Diablo AMSE) ...3238 C. J. Goodwin, Jr., Chief, Management Information w liam 0 Cao er, Asst. to Director ...7562 J R H Ner, Assistant Chief ....3 Mrs. E. Patricia Benny, Secretary ...7474 Cleveland C. Soper, Chief, Graphic Branch (AMGF) .3217 Systems (FMIS) .3460 Dog s C. Schomdl, Staff Assisant .7809 N. H. Visqo Chief (ECLE) .3421 P A. Aon, Management Analyt .3133 So Lob 00 0s,00 0s,000 ombods 000 063 Mrs Beverly B Wood, Admin. Off (MARXA) .7529 Mrs. J G Holder, Admin. Officer ..3421 Mrs A. Rodriguez,Admin. Svs. Ast .00 .7921 Lil a Sithnste, Assciate Ornadmou'r .7563 Ao E S, Coloono 0u3001 Lfic00 (ARAB). 00.720 1, E. Mc~oaden Cho) Ele ohrk) Bo (ECIVI .0. 401 Mos A E. Brll 000001 Oficr1) .0,. 31200 Atlantic Ara Offices (1st and 3rd Thurs. of each month) Pandora G. Aleman, Chief, Records Management DATA PROCESSING SYSTEMS DIVISION Jm e sT Co toll o roooo .0020 A E. 60d0, ChRo Ermo B (EC) .3021 0rs. A. CE. Bor, B OIE ...7455 Moin .s .40044.oo.000.4.M.64305447 BranchA Room. 14 B 4AMRM) ....V 7767 m m St E7529 R. Van Ho rd Chief, Power r. ECLP) .3421 T 0 W C ee, Safety Sp aist .... Aferoos 6-37 '' '' '' -'Rou. 146, Administration Building W. G, Cleveland, Safety Officer, So. Dist. 52-817 C. H. Harrill, Chief, Comm. Br. (ECLC) ....3204 J. L DesLmndes Sept, Housing Mgmt. Br. (GSCH) ..3133 Ad ein.t .tor' Ifo m ...ti. C46 ..3412 Current Records Section (AMRS). 311 Mrs Roberts F Eoil, Safety Office, No Dist .435486 Miss Lyd0 Lobo, Housing Maag ro So District .3436 000000 Reordso Cotrr, 42-0, ho AMRCO .0 357 Jy d A .ngb. stot CIM ). ...300 ENGINEERING DIVISION E. A. L tndr, Housing Manage, No. Diti t .467248 OFFICE OF EXECUTIVE PLANNING Supervisor, Mal Section, Rm.143 .0.A. 601 Ao toot ...ILLS00000 OP LOCAL INSPECTORO 600m 343, AdtatOn BldogtSptBIdigs Mgmt Br (GSCBA .B.l.t.S.0.o.0.o. 3133 Rooms 230-233, Administration Building Offical Telex Service ..000 7429COMPU Buldng 0140g Mgr., J. 0. D. Co aECE) ...0 Distict .3685 R. P. LAVERTY, D Irector/Us. Representative Atlantic Mail and Postal Assistance Unit, COMPUTER OPERATIONS DIVISION Capt. Edmund P. Gabriel, Chairman (MRBL) .3403 L G Arch let Asst Chief .0.0 0 Snydro 0,30t. gr., NA .DSrlCo .460610 to Coordinating Committee (EP). .3588 Bldg.8040, M6 rga t2 .46 7208/7o Bdg As Ch .0 7512 rsG F looo 0000 0fi, ....0082 7vB 00 t. Gonds Mg B.o C) Mrs Th L Cooep, Sertory ...08 Frank R. Turman, Chief, Transportation Branch, Edgar R. McArthur, Chief (FMCO) ..7468 CANAL SUPPORT DIVISION Chie G Ahiteou Bo (E. E). R. G. May, Supervisor, Grounds o No. soct. 46-7373 Wil am S. Hinkle, Asst. to Director ..3001 Bldg. 5140, Diablo (AM R) .3325 .C t Co pt p to S the District M. in Chief, C l B (ECEC) .3619 B 0ra ..Er .d .s. ,. ...3024 Secood Tor, Bobdng 28, Ba0. J. T. A0m00, Electrical Br (ECEE). 3419 60001T324A332 ACbeUt Root 010 016 Capt. JrAnM ..D. J. McoyKedtnf Chief, Meh. Br. (ECEM) ...7895 STOREHOUSE DIVISION Donald G. Schmidt, Chief, Program Development MAGISTMATES' COU-S Rar, 1 -. ...3162.Copy.3.1 M. 010001C6o Capt. R. J0 2.1A.n, Acting Asse ACoM ..TT. .7976 CI IN Capt. A L 8 00(0,0 lotig 000 ChioN). 00. _. 776 C, A. itio o Chbof 00010). & hot, Bo, (ECEB) -0000. 94 Thiod Tluor Buildng 26 Bodboo Dio EPPD) .7961 Judge John Baker, Balboa; Bldg, 803, L Boca Road, Capt. Bruce S. Little, USCG, Liison .3144 Chief, Projects Br. (ECEP) .3180 M Enrique Marquez, Capital Program Coord.l. 3340 B Canal Port Captains ..:. 3185 W. B. Show, Chief, Met. and Hyd. r ECEH) .7716 Mo Iboot Soo ooo0,0Iht -310 ---31 Balbo Tot Co'oo ....100. V45 B S. laooh Chif, MoO ey 00 H ldg 00 EeH d 01 N S. Kbl g,,t Ciol .IS. 0) .3100. 97 Mrs. Cl Dominguez, Admin. Officer. 783180n Cle of t Court .C.V. 3552 OFFICE OF PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION Gilbert T Gonsalves, Floating Equipment I to, A hogh, Ch f S yo B g. 10, Pdo E 6, A sto Ch o .747 Dvd C. Baerg, Environ./Enrgy Control Officer .u. s83 .eyes,' -'-.-.-.ho.B. ....0 7943 Miguel (ECEV) -3163 G. 8 Anders., Adm 00000 -0 0 hor A Waio, E1mis ..3370 Judge Ray J. McQ.y, Cristobal Room 211, 000 243, AddnLCtooke BAdldng Ms. Ard. C. .Adoto __ .3190 1 P. LDV IE a chi, Chief, Puvchasry Mg. Br (100). 30 Room 208 Admin Bldg., Cristobal (EMC) .467414 RONALD L SEELEY, Dir tor (PR) .3277 Mrs. June A .Stevesn, So perso r 3 0get A .785 6 INDUSn IA DIVISION E 1 Ranch 0 rd Co. Plrhhsg 00 nd0 Cooto1I MGeorgio Chun, Clork-. 467417 Myra N. Pesky, Secretary 00B00 nr .3104 B37don 060 Boh (SP). 3216 Charles A. McArthur, Chief, Treaty Affairs Div. (EPTA) .7666 V to R-S-I-O-A -3301 B ing Cp b ioR 0 ...314 D. E White Chief Warehousin0 Branch SMoonr t W iam D ug, Deputy Dire ,to .t. Allen R. Brim, Manager, Towbat Operations .3141 E M Kennedy, Chief, ECIN) ..4603 2 o RRo rbHeErrt k H.,. T.reatyP B TAffND PRaEirs Saf .4. 76g66CF eertPo e u or G n F Fuseril As Ch ief .d ........46B-----------7 9 S. L Cdied, Cif, Excess Disp sal Branc B dg.42 RPotHhto0000 ~ 00ot 06 ROATION END PAROLE AHOY Stoff (TA0). .3066 booes 0. Fraser Jro 60se S)upport 10n Fooemn. 3502 0 s Mol bo, Chief, Admino 00--.46-0234 Diaoho Rood (1E Oh)---.7600 District Couroouiding, Ancon Roo 33, ODtrct Court Building Arm. M CMaia Barl,Admget OfficeA ooto 2 (PRXB) ....3Nr0700 00,10 P H Zmmrm, Cho Food Plo ro .06-206 A. LmotGSE p .os ...46746 GRroH. obnCifM ngmen 35 v (EPMDla ..IV .d i .~a .sitn .358 Ed.d.ism,544e NArEP ).,3Ch2icfn Froo, Buiding .R.rdAb.he46C-r2r6. R L. r ---4 7 M A. Pzz cti, Mg rF ke.epnrEquN.oPDis.t ...6. 74756 0000ge H. Urban: Chiol ManagemotooDiSo (EPMS(.3006 Edwarod M. Chisoo, ChifAER f .(OCT0 .31028S 2 600Btodg12. 000)Rhod Alo Ao m BO. ..0. 6-066 80P7472 g To 0 ~opTo00 Richard B. Horn Chief, Industrial Engineering r. .0. 3463 Capt, R 1 Currie Senior Canal Port Capt (MARCN) ..467637 .J M. Budget Officer o -467210 Carlos I Linares, Chief, Management Analysis Br. 7742 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT STEEP Cl Toot Copto .060630 J. .Robson, Production Controller 46-7382 MOTOR TRANSPORTATION DIVISION Building 6531, Cooz Beading 0602, Cor Street John W. Davis, Floating Equipment inspector, K .H. W is, Gen. Foreman, Salvage Depot .-. 43-5289 Boldog 0625A, G lood Highway, Anc0 Guillermo Van Hoode, Jr., Chief, Canal Improvements Ricardo R. Vare a, Associate Director (PRHR). 7583 Cri bl e C.r. Ass.s. .r 4672E1 Ernest B. Hickman, Chief GSMT). 3563 Dog. (EPC-) ......o OFFICE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY G g 8 0 Empso. 0d Moogmn Co om C x ol A an ot .46-72440 MAINENA ,CE DIVISION W. W No oty, Asssta Chief ..3420 Gostoo Solo Gord Soooor 101dstto Cngn rRoom 110, Administration Building Deve opment Branch (PRHM) .0. 802 CopO 00, b0 r S t g org Eng Ineer 46-7000 Mrs. K. P Rsberg, Admii0stive Officer .7731 Slota. 7508 Colo1s Garcia de Paredes, Language Training ..7 -' ----F A Lee, Chief (ECME) 3498 Mss Bimit brds Budget Analyst .Co. .7731 ...BRUCE A. QUINN, Diretoo (EO) .3101 1 i0 A. BE g, Training Evaluations Branch PRHE) ..7549 Rolph I Hoib Vl .s Support G Foreman .467486 Pi .D A A ...340 t o 0 ... OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL Ms. Alhir Ara Secretary .3101 VoiaJ obbo oi ol t o Moso. Gen) FroMar heAdm 00c .B ..3498 R. .Bem z, Supt, o then Dist .T. 46-72 Buildng 502516 200 1000000 000c n Ipro (10000) .14305340 P Motooo CAif op To t,0 Bor BCCMT). .3000 A. I. Louis Sp0, N0000000 Dsot. 0607246 Room 338, Adomtnstratton Building H A. Tooke, Chief, Water and LabD.r. ( ECMW). .3266 H L Clark License Examiner .Oo. 7822 DWIGHT A. McKABNEY General Counsel (GC) V7511 Witoio .Dunning, Jr., A 0 d stoil Training ADMEASUREMENT R. Toledno Chief, Rot and Air Cod Br. (ECMR) .3513 Sh aort Trip Service .3429/467358 M s P r r r .E FIELD OFFICE Branch (PRHI ..3310 Fst Floor Buldng 28, 6 0 W H. M. Brunner, Chief, Atlantic M nt. Branch PRINTING OFFICE J Mh P atiias DSplt S eay Ge .u s .7511 Bulig0 1 ,A c nEdilbeirto Yee, Asst. Chief ..3353 .E.A g r leDrctr( R ). ........74 3 EC ) ..............46-7351 B idn 1 aB c 1000 1. Ho 00r 070 ooCo o 01 Beordg 0610 Ano, 0 dhb o ~o ..3 0 Aoootoo Cmo~ .MP). ..0410.OCC. .031 PRINTING 91PIaOE Ass Ge. Coosel. .7511 (Form r Civil Affairs Building) Apprentice S hoo (Bdg 2A-3, Balo ). 321 J. L Ransom, Chief Ade surr, Balboa .7947 on C ,P g, dg dE g 0ttoney .0. 7511 Mr.vsOy 00m00urNr hlg 1100, Croob0 467200/0002 SDepuon .o. .07611 H.8. oy. r., CA G0) T) .3230 Supers.sor T Bldgggr, 1ep05y Crirtobl.4/Ch93/ H. A. Erhart, Project Engineer ..3498 Jbm s J. Rid Gen.ral F rm an ..0.0. 7 7, District Court Building, Ancn Investigative Unit ..3638 PERSONNEL OPERATIONS DIVISION TRANSIT OPERATIONS DIVISION R o-es, Safety Specaist ...3498 Mrs. Teonida Pe A, Requisitions ..7579 R0. 331 r. Ana More Wakeland, Fed. Women's Program Mgr .3233 Biding 366, A0rn Building 910, MTC CRte, La Attorneys ...7480/7494 Raymond A. George, Hispanic Employment John Y. Wagner, Chief (PROP) .ol ..3335 Capt. William C. Calkins, Acting Chief (MRTO) .3503 WATER TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OFFICE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Prograo Manager ..7415 Receptionist and General Information ..7595 Bruce G. Sanders, Acting Deputy Chief .7786 GENERAL SERVICES BUREAU Rooms 200-205 Ad0An0strat10n Bulding, Cristobal Room 204, Ad0,,tation Building Carlos A. Williams, Employment and Placement Br. Operations Office .....1. 3631 (PRLE) .3171 Richard J Wlde, Acting Admin /Budget Officer .3678 Room 205, Building 729, Balboa James T. Bird, Acting Chief (GSWT) .46-7281 PAUL A. SIMONEAU, Industrial Relations Officer (IR) .3109 HeloIn4 F. Varel2, Local Employment .3583 Capt. W0I0iam E. Hapkins, Acting Pilot W. B.HHuf, Asst Chief .46-7204 Mr Elsa Ramirez, Secretary .3109 PANAMA AREA PERSONNEL BOARD Edilma Rodriguez, Gen. Sots and E&C Bureaus .7501 Training Coordinator .3632 F. A. COTTON, Director (GS). ..3445 Accou i000g Section .Oh-. 46-7291 W oR Bell, Deputy ndstro Ratiens Officer ..3109 Buldog 6531, Carezs) Frankin 0 Bain, Marin Burea and Staff Units ..d.o. .7996 Plot Liasn Ubid, Second Fla.r, (U.S. Representative, Ports and Railroad SCr tob in Prt ..4667430 Edpsi A. W0g, Chief, Adverse Actions, Room 11, Govod A Hope U.S. ReA itt Bldg. 363, Ancen .3254 Administration Bldg, Cristobal. 46-7418/7419 Committee) p Offic ....4607630 Bldg, 0610, Anc n (Former Cvl Affairs Bldg.) C A .3224 RICHARD L CAHILL, Executive Director 000 .3292 David J. Nedzilek, Position Classification Br (PRIW). 3336 Ashby S. Smith, Chief, Pilot Rotation and Scheduling Mrs B. McDonald, Secretary ....3445 Cargo Se060 0 ...467441 Robeot Rupp, Teroone Moo .0 pec. 00.3202 ,2 hoEb,, 810000000n boTolra0nCspoortat16oon(AE. .300 A ogotOooy00100COSirg 0. --02 P000 ootooo ooootgo h d OFFICE OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS ho Po nneTooo 0000pe ....3202 M G Sv .and E&C Baus)O.R. .l Unit .316 ...3327 R. D. Morgan, Deputy Director/Contracting Officer .7723 P s ivfrldg, 5 r40 spDalo r. Room 103 A dminitrationBuildinMrs. C. E. Horne, Personnel Assisaff t ........3292 Maria J. CU ndenrde Marine Bureau and Staff Units ..3176 G. W. Coffey, Acting Chief, Marine T raffic Control J. M. R uoff, Assistant Director ..............7 2 vs i. lg 1 ibo. 3 2 Room 103,Adr, sh Buding oRobert T. Rossol Pay Analysis ...7971 (MRTC) ..360 1. P. Corrigan, Director Supply and SHORE STAFF, NEW ORLEANS WILLIE K. FRIAR, Acting Director of Public Felix A. Fl 0s Remot, Personnel Records and Admin Marine Traffic Control General ormatio .3611 Logosto (1001) .3303 4422 2 pho S Noo Orleo 10 70146 AMlo a (A) ..3165 CENTRAL EXAMINING OFFICE Br00h (PROR) .3311 Jam s C Fster, Specal Asst. for Plot Contract. s. Moaoo Mo rrs, Secretary .3165 Building 363, Ancon Margarita D. ripnd, Employee Induction/Job Letters 3522 Administrato .3621 M oo Director, Protection and Joseph C. Quinta, General Agent .504 -9474417 Vicki M Boatwright, Acting Deputy Director/ Janet P, Stanford, Personnel Actions .3279 MTCS Analysts. .3680 Support (GSPS) .3422 PROCUREMENT DIVISION ChO Public Information .3202 Eloira 1. Arias, Manager (PBCE) ...7682 Gerald A. Small, Personnel Files .3376 MTCS Maintenance ...3661 G E McElroy, Admin Officer (GSXA) ..7 23 Ja et Le Ri Acting Spllway Editor. 3202 Internal Operations ...3397 S T B g am R. Mahoney, Chief, Ship Data Bank A. C Payne, Budget Office, (GSX ) .7144 00 o 7 146 Mrs Fo r D. de Aguilar, Admin Services Officer ..3521 Federal Job Information Centso. .3584 Anon .7432 Second Fine,, B0 ilding 28, Babou MRSD) .7525 C. M Monaghan, Safety officer. ..7970 R. L Austin, Chief 0GSPR) .504-948 5299

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